Nahangona vola maherin'ny 140 000 dolara Amerikana tao amin'ny fanangonam-bola Welcome Home ireo mpanohana an'i Manning, ary niara-nametraka raki-tsary nomerika manasongadina ireo mpanakanto toa an'i Michael Stipe, Tom Morello sy Talib Kweli mba hanohanana azy. Supporters of Manning have raised over US$140,000 in a Welcome Home fund, and put together a digital album featuring the artists Michael Stipe, Tom Morello and Talib Kweli to support her. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. In the Welcome Home fund, Manning's supporters raised more than 140 million US dollars, and co-located digital photo albums featuring artists such as Michael Stipe, Tom Morello and Talib Kweli to support him. Tamin'ny 25 May 2014, nanao fifidianana filoham-pirenena nialoha ny fotoana i Okraina. On May 25, 2014 Ukraine held snap elections for president. On May 25, 2014, Ukraine held early presidential elections. Keniana iray bilaogera, Kenya-post, mitatitra hoe: A Kenyan blogger, Kenya-post, reports: Kenyan blogger, Kenya-post, reports: Nandray anjara noho ny finoana ara-politikan'izy ireo ve ny Damas, sa ve noho ny vola azo indrindra indrindra? Do the Damas participate because of their political beliefs, or mostly for financial gain? Did Damascus participate because of their political beliefs, or was it because of the best money? "Miezaka mampitahotra ny manampahefana Alzeriana mba hanakanana ireo tanora tsy hitaky ny zony sy tsy hanao fihetsiketsehana milamina ao amin'ny firenena. "Algerian authorities are trying to instill fear so as to prevent young Algerians from demanding their rights and protesting peacefully in the country. "The Algerian authorities are trying to intimidate young people from demanding their rights and protesting peacefully in the country. Maro no milaza fa ireo mpanao sariitatra na ireo mpanao gazety dia tsy tokony hitanila, fa tsy maintsy ho tsy miandany. Many say that cartoonists or journalists should not be biased, but must be neutral. Many argue that cartoonists or journalists should not be seen, but must be neutral. Nizara lahatsary manandratra ny faritra tao amin'ny Youtbe ny Google Maps. Google Maps have shared an engaging video of the region in YouTube. Google Maps shared a video promoting the region on Youtbe. Fa ny tena nanaitra dia ity: But the kicker was this: But what surprised most is this: "Courtesy of Suasnavas" Courtesy of Suasnavas "City of Suasnavas" Izany no nanosika ny Ekta Parishad sy fikambanana hafa efa mihoatra ny 2000 nanao ny Jan Satyagraha, diabe ho an'ny rariny indray ny oktobra 2012, izay nahavory vahoaka olona mihoatra ny 50 000 dieny andro voalohany. This led Ekta Parishad and more than 2,000 other organizations to organize in October 2012 the Jan Satyagraha, or "The March for Justice," again from Gwalior to Delhi, which was attended by 50,000 people on its first day. This prompted Ekta Parishad and more than 2,000 other organizations to hold Jan Satyagraha, another march for justice in October 2012, where he gathered more than 50,000 people on their first day. Hiakatra fitsarana izy amin'ny Alatsinainy. He will appear in court on Monday. He will be on trial on Monday. Mitanisa loharanom-baovao tsy voalaza anarana avy amin'ny Minisiteran'ny Fitsarana Saodiana, nitatitra ny gazety mpivoaka isan'andro mpanohana ny governemanta amin'ny teny arabo Al Riyadh fa hotoriana izay rehetra manakiana ny fitsarana Saodiana sy ny didy avoakany. Quoting an unnamed source from the Saudi Ministry of Justice, pro-government Arabic daily Al Riyadh reported that anyone who criticised the Saudi judiciary and its sentences would be sued. Quoting an anonymous source from the Saudi Ministry of Justice, the Arabic-language pro-government daily Al Riyadh reported that anyone who criticized Saudi justice and his sentence would be prosecuted. Miara-mipetraka amin'ny rainy sy ireo mpiray tampò aminy enina i Ghina ankehitriny ao amin'ny trano nifindran'izy ireo izay tsy mba misy na dia zavatra bitika indrindra ilaina amin'ny andavan'andro akory aza. Now Ghina lives with her father and six siblings in their displaced house that lacks the minimum necessities of life. Ghina now lives with her father and six siblings in their home that doesn't even have any of the smallest daily needs. Tsy ny mpankafy zavakanto rehetra no nankasitraka ireo lohatenim-baovao tamin'ny haino aman-jery maro izay nifantoka tamin'ny heloka bevava vitan'i Milsom: Not all art lovers appreciated the many media headlines that focused on Milsom's criminal record: Not all art fans appreciated the headlines in many media that focused on Milsom's crimes: Mampiahiahy ilay fitotonganana tsy miaton'ny fanajàna ny fahalalahan'ny media eo amin'ny firenena, ary vao mainka niharatsy ny toejavatra noho ny ady an-trano. The steady decline in the respect for media freedom in the country is disturbing, and the situation has worsened as a result of the civil war. The constant decline in respect for media freedom in the country is worrying, and the situation has become worse due to the civil war. Araka ny fahazoako azy, ny fahamarinana ofisialin'ity tantara manontolo ity dia miankina amin'ny hoe ho tratra sa tsia ireo olona ireo. As I understand it, the official take on this whole story will depend on whether or not these persons are caught. As far as I know, the official truth of this whole story depends on whether these people will be caught or not. Tanteraka amin'ny ampahany ny zavatra nilainy taorian'ny tsy fahombiazan'ny fifampiresahana momba ny fiaraha-mitantana, ary niantsoan'ny Filoha Erdogan tamin'ny 25 Aogositra ny hisian'ny fifidianana mialoha ny fotoana izay hatao ny 1 Novambra. They have had one part of their wish granted after talks on a coalition failed miserably and President Erdoğan called a snap election for November 1 on August 25. What he needed was partly fulfilled after the failure of talks about the coalition, and President Erdogan called for early elections on November 1. Nahoana izy ireo no tany? Why were they there? Why were they there? Mpikatroka manamory tuk tuk (fiara kodiaran-telo mahazatra) mba hamonjy ny Sarivongan'ny Dragona ao Battambang izay anaovan'izy ireo fandaharam-potoana hiresahana ny olan'ny zon'olombelona. Activists ride a tuk tuk (traditional three-wheeled vehicle) to reach Battambang's Dragon Statue where they held a program discussing human rights issues. Activist simory tuk tuk (a regular three-story bicycle) to join Battsang's Cyclical Museum where they plan to discuss human rights issues. Manomboka hita ho resy ny mpandraharahan'ny fifandraisandavitra. Our telcos are beginning to sound like sore losers. The telecommunications operators are starting to lose. Tamin'ny taona 2011, nandefa ny NigeriaSat-X i Nizeria, zanabolana voalohany natokana sy namboarin'ny Afrikanina, hiditra amin'ny orbita. In 2011, Nigeria launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite to be designed and built by Africans, into orbit. - Africa Facts Zone (@AfricaFactsZone) December 2, 2014 In 2011, Nigeria launched NigeriaSat-X, the first satellite dedicated and developed by Africans, into record. Amin'ny tontolo toy izany, fampisehoana tanjaka ny tohiny. In such a world, forwarding what happened is a show of strength. In such a world, the next is a powerful show of strength. Na izany aza, araka ny lazain'i Abdullaev, ny fanomezana endrika ilay tolotra "dia hiova" arakaraky ny fanampian'io endriny toa Facebook io hisarika mpampiasa maro. However, according to Abdullaev, the service's design "will be changed" as soon as its Facebook look helps attract more users. However, as Abdullaev says, the design of the service "will change" depending on the help of this form of Facebook to attract more users. Io dika sangisangy io dia somary niainga tamin'ny endrika maizimaizin'ny tononkira tena izy nosoratan'i Risto Vrtev, nivoaka tamin'ny taona 1993 ho hira iray tao anatin'ny raki-kira "Arhangel 2." The parody refers somewhat mildly to the grim atmosphere of the original lyrics by Risto Vrtev, published in 1993 as a song of the album "Arhangel 2." This meme came from the dark face of the original lyrics written by Risto Vrtev, published in 1993 as a song in the album "Arhangel 2." Tsy mahamenatra ve izany hoe firenena vitsy monja no mba mahatsiaro ny Andron'i Afrika? Is it not a shame that to this day, few African countries recognise Africa Day? Isn't it shameful that only a few countries remember Africa Day? Na dia ny olombelona aza tsy dia misy vidiny loatra. Even human beings do not carry much value. Even humans have little value. Cote d'Ivoire: Mandia ny Ora Farany ny Fitondrana Gbagbo ao Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan in the Waning Hours of Gbagbo's Regime · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Côte d'Ivoire Unrest 2011. Côte d'Ivoire: Abidjan's Gbagbo regime Checks Last Time · Global Voices Bitsika: TOHIZO NY LALANTSIKA RY MPIVAROTRA RANOMBOASARY!!!! #ManohanaAnaoAhoRyMpivarotraRanomboasary Tweet: LET'S GO ORANGE JUICE VENDORS!!!! #ISupportYouOrangeJuiceVendor Tweet: THANK FOR THE CLILLER CLILLY!!!! #supportYouHingOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOgar Ohatra, navoakan'ireo manampahefana ny anarana sy ny torohay manokan'ireo mpampiasa haino aman-jery mafana fo. For instance, state officials have publicised the names and personal information of active social-media users. For example, authorities published the names and personal information of media activists. Araka ny Antontan'isa Manerantany momba ny Aterineto tamin'ny 31 Desambra 2011 dia misy mpisera aterineto 716.400 any Malawi. According to Internet World Stats, as of 31 December, 2011 there were 716,400 Internet users in Malawi. According to the World Internet Statistics on December 31, 2011, Malawi has 716,400 Internet users. Mora ho an'ny zanaky ny manampahefana ao amin'ny governemanta sy ny antoko ny mahazo fanabeazana tsara, mahita asa tsara ary misondrotra ao Shina, raha mila mitolona mafy kosa ny zana-bahoaka vao afa-mandia any amin'ny tanandehibe miaina trano lafo dia lafo. manana lonilony ny mpijery sasantsasany raha mahita ao amin'ny tantara tsangana fa ireo miady amin'ny elanelana azon'ireo efa mahazo tombondahiny no soritsoritana ho voakolikoly. The children of government and party officials have an easier time getting a good education, finding good jobs and getting promoted in China, while young people from humble families have to struggle to gain a foothold in large cities with expensive homes. Some viewers have been frustrated to see that in show, those challenging these inequities of privilege are depicted as the corrupt. It's easy for government and party officials to get a good education, find a good job and grow up in China, while people need to fight hard to get to the city living in expensive housing. Some viewers are angry when they see in the drama that those who fight the gap between those who have received it are considered corrupt. Nandritra ireo fanadihadiana natao, nitàna ny laharana fahatelo i Campos, izay niady ho an'ny Antoko Sosialista Breziliana (PSB). Campos placed third in the polls, running for the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB). During the investigations, Campos, who fought for the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), was in third place. Nobodoin'ny mpianatra sy ny mpiasa ny Tranobe Fandraharahana ny tobim-pianaran'ny Anjermanontolon'i (UC) Irvine tamin'ny 24 Febroary. The UC Irvine Campus Administration Building was occupied by students and workers on February 24. The University of Irvine (UC) campus was occupied by students and workers on February 24. Izao ve no "Fahalalahana, ny fiandrianam-pirenena ary ny fahaleovantenan'" i Libanona vaovao!!?? Is the "Freedom, sovereignty and independence" new Lebanon !!?? Is this the "Freedom, sovereignty and independence' of Lebanon!!?? Fiara miaraka amin'ny saina Facebook, Maosko 2012. Car with Facebook flag, Moscow 2012. Car with Facebook flag, Moscow 2012. Nanome fanazavana fanampiny i Kah Walla fa izy sy ny fikambanany dia tsy niantso an'i Paul Biya, Filohan'ny Kamerona nanomboka ny taona 1982, hametra-pialàna; fa mikasa kosa ny hampandroso ny "fanovana ny rafitra" ao amin'ny firenena: Kah Walla further explains that she and her organisation are not calling for Paul Biya, President of Cameroon since 1982, to step down; but that they wish to foster a "systemic change" in the country: Kah Walla provides further explanation that he and his organization have not called Paul Biya, President of Cameroon since 1982, to step down; instead, they intend to advance the country's "organization" of the system: Tamin'ny fotoana nanoratana, olona 1.101 no efa nanome 21.365 euro tao anatin'ny enina ora namelomana ny fanentanana. "Hope this second one will reach its target!" At the time of writing, 1,101 people have already given 21.365 euros in six hours of the campaign. Naneho hadisoam-panantenana tamin'ny valin'ilay fitsapankevi-bahoaka ny mpanorina ny ProtonMail, Andy Yen, tao aminà tafatafa niaraka tamin'ny TechCrunch, saingy nanamafy izy fa "tsy hisy vokany amin'ny ProtonMail" ilay lalàna, noho ny antony hoe ny orinasa dia tsy manangona na mitahiry ireo fanalahidin'ny imailak'ireo mpampiasa (izay tsy maintsy ananana mba ahafahana mamaha sy mamaky ny votoatin'ilay hafatra imailaka) na ireo loharanom-baovao manokana azo amantarana ny tsirairay. ProtonMail founder Andy Yen expressed disappointment about the referendum results in an interview with TechCrunch, but he asserted that the law would have "no impact on ProtonMail," due to the fact that the company does not collect or store users' email encryption keys (which are imperative to decrypting and reading the content of an email message) or personally identifiable information. ProtonMail's founder Andy Yen expressed disappointment in the results of the referendum in an interview with TechCrunch, but confirmed that the law "will not affect ProtonMail," for the reason that the company does not collect or store the keys of user email (which has to be able to resolve and read the content of the email) or personal sources. Mandre izany ve ianareo ry Japan/Holandy? Did you hear that, Japan/Netherlands? Do you hear this Japan/Hineland? Eto am-pamarànana, ny The Angry Arab News Service ivelan'i Libanona dia namaly ny kabarin'ingahy Bush androany: Finally, The Angry Arab News Service out of Lebanon reacts to Bush's speech earlier today: On the way out, The Angry Arab News Service outside Lebanon responded to Bush's speech today: Teo ho eo amin'ny 11.500 eo ny isan'ny mpifidy voasoratra anarana tany amin'ny biraom-pifidianana 28 nisy tany amin'ny faritr'i Paris, saingy araka ny nolazain'ny France24 dia maro tamin'izy ireo no tsy nisokatra tamin'ny alahady ka niteraka hatezerana tamin'ny mpifidy. About 11,500 voters were registered to vote in one of the 28 polling stations in the Paris region, but according to France24, several of them failed to open on Sunday sparking anger among voters. There were about 11,500 registered voters in 28 polling stations in the Paris region, but according to France24 many of them were not open on Sunday and sparked outrage among voters. ANIO! 4hariva #TodosALasCalles tsy izahay no solonao tena ry @ManceraMiguelMX TODAY! 4pm #TodosALasCalles You don't represent us @ManceraMiguelMX ANIO! 4hariva #TodosALasCalles You don't represent us @ManceraMiguelMX HL avy ao Heréd (HUN) dia in-telo nandefa (HUN, eto, eto ary eto), nanampy sary momba ny tondra-drano sy ny asa fiarovana amin'ny tondra-drano. HL from Heréd (HUN) posted three times (HUN, here, here and here), adding photos on the flood and the flood protection works. HL from Hered (HUN) posted three times (HUN, here, here and here), adding photos of floods and flood relief work. Maro ireo fantsom-pahitalavitra amin'ny teny Bangla no nivoaka. Many Bangla language channels emerged. Many Bangla-language television channels have been broadcast. Manontany aho, iza no resahiny? I wonder, who he was talking about?!)))) I ask, who is he talking about? Ho an' ireo mpamakin'ny OnCuba, ilay gazetiboky hany nahazo ilay 'scoop' tamin'ilay tafatafa, tena zavatra manana ny lanjany ny hoe " ireo Kiobàna mpilalao baseball ho afaka hiditra amin'ireny ligy goavana ireny, ary ny hoe mba hahatanteraka ny nofinofiny i Contreras hilalao ho an'i Kiobà amin'ireny Ligy tsotsotra sy Manerantany ireny." For the readers of OnCuba, the magazine that got the scoop on the interview, it is important that "the Cuban baseball players can get involved in the major leagues, and that Contreras' dream of playing for Cuba in the World and Classic Leagues may come true." For the readers of OnCuba, the only magazine that won the 'scoop' in the interview, it is important that "the Cuban baseball players will be able to access these giants, and in order to achieve their dream of playing for Cuba with these simple and global Leagues." Tonga tao amin'ny tanàna fahiny ao Olympia ny afo, toerana nahaterahan'ny Lalao Olaimpika sy misy ny Mozea Olaimpika, izay mampiantrano ireo angona vakoka fahagola (arkeolojika) lehibe indrindra ao Gresy. Today the fires reached the ancient city of Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympics and home of the Olympia Museum, which houses one of Greece's greatest archaeological collections. The fire arrived in the ancient city of Olympia, the site of the Olympics and the Olympic Museum, which is home to Greece's largest archaeological collection. Famaritana: "Hazakaza-tsoavaly tao amin'ny Kianja Ueno, an'i Hashimoto, Chikanobu, 1838-1912 ."Sary triptika Japoney mampiseho mpitaingina soavaly eo an-damosin'ny soavaly mihazakazaka amin'ny làlana mihodidina ny farihy iray. Description: "Horse race in Ueno Park, by Hashimoto, Chikanobu, 1838-1912 ."Japanese triptych print showing jockeys on horseback racing around a track surrounding a lake. Description: "A horse's horse in Ueno Square, Oboto, Chikanobu, 1838-1912." Japanese triptic image shows horses in the back of a horse running around a lake. Kasain'ny parlemanta ao Oganda hosoloina ireo mpanoratra gazety mpitati-baovaon'ny antenimieram-pirenena mihoatra ny 5 taona #Uganda Parliament wants reporters who've been covering parliament for more than 5 years replaced. - Grace Natabaalo (@Natabaalo) March 11, 2015 Uganda's parliament plans to replace journalists for more than 5 years Efa entanin'ny fanahy ta mifaninana daholo ny mpiray vodirindrina miandry izay ho afaka hanainga voalohany ny sainam-pirenen'ny ekipa tohanany mialoha ny hafa. Every neighbourhood is rife with competitive spirit about who is able to hoist the team flag before others. The spirit forces all the neighbors to compete waiting for the first time to raise the flag of the team they support ahead of others. Taorian'ny nirotsahany tao amin'ny tafika, nanampy azy hameno ny antontan-taratasy ny tafika. After she enlisted, the military helped her fill out the paperwork. After he joined the army, the army helped him complete the document. Ny volana janoary 2015, nitaky fangatahana mikasika ny karama sy ireo tombontsoany indray ireo mpiasan'ny CAL. In January 2015, CAL's workers protested again for their salary and bonus. In January 2015, CAL workers again applied for their salaries and benefits. Naneho ny fanohanany tanteraka izany tetikasa izany ny Filohan'ireo faritra mizakantena anankiroa ireo ary nanambara fa vonona hanao izay tratrany mba handrombaka ny tontona Euro Vegas. The presidents of both of these autonomous communities have put their full support behind this project and have claimed to be ready to do anything to win the EuroVegas 'jackpot'. The President of both of these autonomous regions expressed his full support for the project and announced that he was willing to do what he could to win the Euro expression. Nitombo tany ambanivohitr'i Valparaíso, Shily, fony mbola zaza i Pabla dia nampianarin'ny renibeny mikasika ny tany sy ireo fitsaboany natoraly. Growing up in the countryside of Valparaíso, Chile, Pabla was taught by her grandmother from a young age about the earth and its natural remedies. A growing in rural Valparaíso, Chile, when Pabla was a child, her grandmother taught her about the earth and her natural health. Tany am-piandohan'ity herinandro ity, nanamafy ny manampahefana Shinoa fa poizina sodiôma-na sianora 700 taonina no notehirizina tao amin'ny trano fanatobiana entana izay nitrangan'ny fipoahana tamin'ny 12 Aogositra. Earlier this week, Chinese authorities confirmed that 700 tons of highly poisonous sodium cyanide were stored in the warehouse when the explosions took place on August 12. Earlier this week, Chinese authorities confirmed that 700 tons of soirium are being stored in a store where the blast took place on August 12. Ao amin'ny Audioboo, ny lehiben'ny BBC ao Afovoany Atsinanana Paul Danahar, izay any , no mizara rakipeo: henoy ny "poabasim-pankalazana ny fampitsaharan'ady ao #Gaza' re ao amin'ny Audioboo Photograph shared by @ChrisMcGreal on Twitter Soon, the sound of celebratory gunfire filled the air in Gaza. On Audioboo, BBC Middle East Bureau Chief Paul Danahar, who is in Gaza, shares a sound track: listen to "#Gaza ceasefire celebratory gunfire ' on Audioboo On Audioboo, BBC Middle East chief Paul Danahar, who is in , shares a podcast: Listen to "the peace talks in #Gaza' heard on Audioboo Ny kiak"ireo Tonisiana, manohitra ny kolikoly sy ny tsy fisian'asa nandritra ireo roa herinandro lasa, dia mihamalalaka kokoa ao amin'ny Aterineto. The cries of Tunisians, protesting against corruption and joblessness for the past two weeks, is gathering momentum on the World Wide Web. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. The crackdown on corruption and unemployment over the past two weeks has been more intense on the Internet. Tao anatin'ny fotoana izay naha 0.02% monja ny elanelan'isam-bato teo amin'ireo mpanakanto roa Taorian'ny fifampidinihan'ireo mpitantana, noheverinay fa mety ho rariny kokoaraha omena fotoana fanampiny kely ireo mpankafy. At the time that the poll, the margin between between the two artists was .02%. After a staff discussion, we only thought it would be fair to give the fans a little bit more time. At a time when there was only 0.02% of the votes between the two artists after the management interviewed us, we thought that it would be fair to give fans a little more time. Georgia: Nampiasain'ireo Mpilatsaka Ho Fidiana Ho Filoham-pirenena Ny Haino Aman-jerim-bahoaka Any Amin'ny Faritra Misintaka Georgia: Social Media Used by Presidential Election Candidate in Breakaway Region · Global Voices Georgia: Citizens Use Public Media for President · Global Voices Na dia izany aza, mbola nanohy nanorisory tamin'ilay vehivavy hatrany izy rehefa nahazo ilay sazy mihantona. However he continued to stalk her after was suspended out. However, he continued to embarrass the woman after receiving the suspended sentence. mnog: mnog: mnog: Voalaza fa niantraika tamin'ny fifandraisan'izy ireo tamin'ireo namany, ny mpifanolo-bodirindrina ary ny fianakaviany izany, namela ratra ara-tsaina. This reportedly affected their relationships with their friends, neighbors and family, leaving psychological wounds. It has reportedly affected their relationship with friends, neighbors and family, leaving a mental wound. We are calling on the Government to reverse the final scheduled $224 million cut to the aid budget so that Australia does not become the least generous we've ever been with the lowest aid budget ever. ........Miantso ny governemanta izahay mba hanemotra ny fanapahana mikasika ny fanomezana farany, 224 tapitrisa Dolara, vola fanampiana tapaka, mba tsy ho i Aostralia no tena lasa fara-hidiny indrindra amin'ny fanampiana ara-bola marefo azony mbola tsy fahitanay hatrizay. We are calling on the Government to reverse the final scheduled $224 million cut to the aid budget so that Australia does not become the least generous we've ever been with the lowest aid budget ever. We are making it through the Government to reverse the fact that we are calling on the government to delay the final donation, 224 million dollars, money cuts, so that Australia doesn't become the most vulnerable to its fragile financial aid ever seen. Mandà ireo tolotra mikasika ny fanampiana ara-bola avy amin'ny zanany vavy i Galina, manitrikitrika fa aleony izy no manome ny zafikeliny madinika. Galina refuses offers of financial help from her daughter, insisting that she provide for her young grandchildren instead. Galina rejects her daughter's financial aid services, arguing that she prefers to give her little grandson. Mpampiasa ny LJ, bogomolov (Aleksandr Bogomolov, Rosiana iray mpanao gazety) no mizara ity tantara mahakasika ny nofinofy iray lasa tena izy ity (Ros): LJ user bogomolov (Aleksandr Bogomolov, a Russian journalist) shares this story about a dream come true (RUS): LJ user bogomolov (Aleksandr Bogomolov, a Russian journalist) shares this story about a real dream (Ros): Hatreto, mpisera Facebook maherin'ny 18.000 no nanao "tiako" ny pejy Facebook Save KPK. As of this writing, more than 18,000 Facebook users have 'liked' the Facebook page of the Save KPK. So far, more than 18,000 Facebook users have made "likes" on Save KPK Facebook page. Saripika nozarain'i @RawyaRageh ao amin'ny Twitter Photograph shared by @RawyaRageh on Twitter Photograph shared by @RawyaRageh on Twitter Ny andry fahefatra izay tsy maintsy horaharahianareo ry Alicia, sy Keshorn, dia ny Andriamanitra Tokana sady Iray. The fourth pillar that you Alicia, and you Keshorn, must pay attention to is the one and only Lord God All Mighty. The fourth pillar that you must pay attention to Alicia, and Keshorn, the only God and One. Ankoatra'izany, ilay kaomity dia nanohana fanitsiana iray izay manome fahafahana zo ny fitsaràna hanitatra ny fotoana hitànana ireo voafonja tsy mbola voaheloka ho mandritra ny fotoana tsy voafetra Moreover, the committee supported an amendment to give courts the right to extend detention periods for uncharged prisoners infinitely. Moreover, the committee has supported a amendment that allows courts the right to extend the opportunity to hold prisoners who have not been sentenced to indefinite detention. Toy ny mbola miverina mankaty amiko. It keeps coming back to me. It's like coming back to me. Tamin'ny faran'ny Desambra 2014, niandry hahafantatra i Maosko raha mety ho alefa any am-ponja ihany i Navalny, ny mpanohitra sy ny fanjakana samy nihazakazaka naneho hevitra tamin'ilay vaovao avokoa. In late December 2014, as Moscow waited to learn if Navalny would be sent to prison, the opposition and the state raced to position themselves for the news. At the end of December 2014, Moscow was waiting to know if Navalny, the opposition and both states would be sent to prison and rushed to comment on the news. Navoaka voalohany tao amin'ny Medium ito lahatsoratra ito. A version of this article was originally published at Medium. This post was originally published onwill. Vao tamin'ny herinandro teo i Plushev, namoaka firaisana tsikombakomba iray mitovy amin'izany nataon'ny hetsika Anti-Maidan (izay hananan'i Ilias "Dick Riot" Merkuri fifandraisana), nahitana mpikatroka avy amin'ny vondrona miseho ho mpianatry ny oniversite tao amin'ny toerana ahatsiarovana ireo niharam-boina tamin'ny fanapoahana baomban'ny metro tao Saint-Petersburg . Just last week, Plushev outed a similar stunt by the Anti-Maidan movement (to which Ilias "Dick Riot" Merkuri has ties), where activists from the group posed as university students at a memorial for the victims of the St. Petersburg subway bombing. Just last week, Plushev published a similar conspiracy by the Anti-Maidan movement (where Ilias "Dick Riot" Merkuri is connected), where activists from the group appear to be university students at a memorial site for victims of a metro bombing in Saint-Petersburg . Tsy natory tany an-trano intsony aho sy ny fianakaviako. My family and I stopped sleeping at home. I and my family stopped sleeping at home. Nangataka tamin'ny mpamokatra iray izy ireo mba hanamboatra "Karavana Majika" manokana ho an'ny ankizy. They ask one manufacturer to fabricate a special "Magic Caravan" for the kids activities. They asked a producer to build a special "Transic Way" for children. Indreto fanehoan-kevitra sasany avy amin'ireo mpamaky ny Below are some of the comments from's readers. Here are some reactions from readers. Amin'ny fanantenana hisarihana ny fifantohana iraisam-pirenena bebe kokoa amin'izay mitranga ao Wukan, niantso hanaovana hetsi-panoherana teo anoloan'ny biraon'ny solontenan'ny manampahefana Shinoa ao amin'ny faritr'i Hong Kong manana fitantanana manokana - dia ny Biraom-Pifandraisan'ny Governemanta Foibe Shinoa - hanoherana ny famoretana, ny Hong Kong Miara-dia ho Fanohanana ny Hetsiky ny Tia Tanindrazana Demokratika ao Shina: With the hope of drawing more international attention to what happened in Wukan, the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China has called for a protest outside China's representative authority in the special administrative region of Hong Kong - the Liaison Office of the Chinese Central Government - against the violent crackdown: With the hope of drawing more international attention to what is happening in Wukan, Hong Kong called for a protest in front of a Chinese government representative's office in the special administrative region of Hong Kong - the Central Chinese Government's Liaison Office - against repression, Hong Kong coalition in support of the Democratic Democratic Movement in China: Misy olom-bitsy avy amin'ny tarik'i Rajavi manodidina anao ary mihevitra ianao fa misy ny zavatra mandeha tsara ka mivarotra ny tenanao sy ny firenenao ambonin'izany ianao. A few people from the Rajavi gang are around you and you think something is going on and you are selling yourself and your country based on this. There are few people from the Rajavi team around you and you think there's something going well and you're selling yourself and your country above. Mety handravarava tahaka ireo radàkam-pary tany Aostralia ihany koa ireto radàka aziatika tafiditra tamin'ny alalan'ny sambo mpitondra fiatibe (kaontenera) indostirialy toy ny mpandeha an-tsokosoko teto Madagasikara ireto, araka an'i James Reardon, mpandinika ny biby ao amin'ny Departemantam-pitehirizan'i New Zealand sady mpiara-manoratra ny tatitra. The Asian toads, which scientists believe snuck into Madagascar as stowaways in industrial shipping containers, could turn out to be just as destructive as the cane toads have been in Australia, according to James Reardon, a zoologist with New Zealand's Department of Conservation and co-author of the report. These Asian bee - eaters, such as those in Australia, may also be as devastating as those in Australia by means of an indossal ship as drivers in Madagascar, according to James Reardon, a zoologist at New Zealand's conservation department and co-locator of the report. Saingy ny hoe fisiana nandritra izay fotoana ela izay tsy midika fa niha-mafy orina izy na hoe nahatsangana fotodrafitrasa iray tsara. But having existed all this time doesn't mean it's consolidated or built up a good infrastructure. But the fact that it has existed for a long time doesn't mean that it has grown stronger or that it has built a good infrastructure. Nofafana ireo lahatsoratra milaza ny zava-misy, izay nalaza tao amin'ny aterineto. These factual posts, which went viral, have since been deleted. Posts about the events, which have gone viral, have been deleted. Ao amin'ny vohikala Veterans Today, manamboninahitra taloha iray tao amin'ny Mpiambina ny morontsirak'i Amerika, Tom Barnes, dia miteny fa mamoromporona hevitra hambolena fifandroritana tsisy fotony "isika mifanandrina amin-dry zareo" ilay fantsom-baovao: At the Veterans Today website, a retired officer of the United States Coast Guard, Tom Barnes, says the news channel is playing up the stereotype to create "us versus them" tensions: On the website Veterans Today, a former U.S. Coast Guard officer, Tom Barnes, says the news channel has suggested an idea to cultivate "us against them": Nifindra any an-tanànan'I Tamura ao amin'ny prefektioran'I Fukushima ny anabavy kelinao sy ny fianakaviany. Your youngest sister and her family have evacuated to Tamura City in Fukushima prefecture. Your little sister and family moved to the town of Tamura in Fukushima Prefecture. Tezitra mafy aho," hoy Jeb Jai Wah tomponandrikitra ao amin'ny tranonkalan'ny Sanook Sport. I'm so angry," said Jeb Jai Wah on Sanook Sport web board. I'm angry," says Jeb Jai Wah, who blogs at Sanook Sports website. Tsy niditra nanaraka ny torohevitry ny governemanta ny amin'ny hividianana sy hampiasàna ireo khadas antsoina hoe dhaka vita tànana ao Nepal ihany koa ry zareo: They are also not buying into the government's suggestion of using khadas made of Nepali fabric called dhaka: They also failed to comply with the government's advice to buy and use khadas, a handmade baka in Nepal: Taorian'ny nanafahana azy dia niezaka ny hanara-baovao momba ny fitsarana an'i Carromero an-tserasera i Sánchez. After being released, Sánchez reported that she was attempting to follow news of the Carromero trial online. After his release Sánchez tried to report on Carromero's trial online. Tsarovy! #15yearsNOTenough Remember! #15yearsNOTenough Remember! #15yearsNOTenough Mbola velona lavitra noho ny fahavelony More Alive Than the Living · Global Voices Living More Than Wet Tena mahasorena izany! What an inconvenience! How frustrating! Moa ve mpanao heloka bevava ny mararin'ny Ebola amin'izao fotoana izao ? Are Ebola patients now criminals? Are Ebola patients criminals today? Karazan'ireo orkide na zavatra tsy mampino ve izy ity?!" Is that some kind of orchid or something incredible?!" Is it the kind of flowers or something incredible?!" Feno fiampangana ho manao fampijaliana ihany koa ny politikan'ny governemanta miady amin'ny fampihorohoroana. The government's counter-terror policies have also been tainted with accusations of torture. The government's anti-terrorism policy is also full of accusations of torture. Ny fomba fijerin'ny fiarahamonina no olana," hoy i Abdollahi. The problem is society's views," Abdollahi told the Campaign. The society's view is the problem," Abdorahi says. Tsy ho faty mandrakizay ny tantaran'ity fonja tambabe Shiliana ity tamin'ny alalan'ny fitantarana ny tantaram-piainany nivoaka tamin'ny taona 1987 nitondra ny lohateny hoe Dawson, Isla 10. The latter immortalized the story of the Chilean concentration camp in his memoir entitled Dawson, Isla 10 published in 1987. The story of this Chilean collective prison will never die by covering its 1987 life story titled Dawson, Isla 10. Ireto misy ampahany sasany tamin'ilay taratasy mampihady hevitra: Here are some parts of the controversial letter: Here are some of the controversial letter: Mampiato ny Servisin'ny Kaonsiliny any Etazonia i Kiobà Cuba Suspends Consular Services in the United States · Global Voices Cuba Suspends Its Conditions in the United States · Global Voices Famintinana Conclusions Orléans Efitra hipoka firaisankinan'ny mpanao gazety hoan'ireo mpanao gazety roa nalaina an-keriny tao Syria Packed room full of journalistic solidarity for 2 Spanish journalists kidnapped in Syria. #FreeJavier_Ricardo - Tom Burridge (@TomBurridgebbc) December 10, 2013 A solidarity press room for two journalists kidnapped in Syria Ossetia atsimo: Misy ady any Eoropa hoy ny filohan'i Estonia South Ossetia: Estonian president on war in Europe · Global Voices South Ossetia: European War Says Estonia's President · Global Voices mijery fahitalavitra aho i am watching tv I watch TV Maro amin'ny mpitazana no manamafy fa sarotra ny hanosika ilay fitsipaham-pitokisana handeha lavidavitra kokoa noho ny hamafin'ny fitondràna ao anaty Kaongresy, rantsana manana ny fahefana hanenjika araka ny lalàna ny manampahefana iray ao amin'ny governemanta amin'ny resaka fitsipaham-pitokisana. Many observers are asserting that pushing the impeachment case forward is difficult because of a solid administration majority in Congress, the branch with the power to formally charge a government official for impeachment. Many observers point out that it is difficult to push the refusal to go further than the power of the government in Congress, a branch with authority to prosecute a government official on the issue of trust. Amin'ny teny Japoney sy Anglisy avokoa ireo lahatsary sy tranonkala, ary ahitana fanazavana momba ny tantaran'i Japana sy ny angovo nokleary ary ny rohy rehetra mba ahitana ireo sokajin'olona 4 amin'ny fizaran-tantara: Fararano ao amin'ny Toko 1, mpilalao surf Konno, mpiasa sosialy Kasahara izay miezaka ny hahafantatra ny fiantraikan'ny taratra radioaktifa eo amin'ny fiarahamonina, anisan'izany ny fiainan'ny zanany lahy tsy azo sy ny fitambarana mpanakanto miezaka ny manadihady ny fiantraikan'ny voina ahitana ny hoavy mampanahy tanteraka. Videos and the website are in both Japanese and English, and include information such as a timeline outlining the history of Japan with Nuclear Energy and links to meet the four characters from the series: Autumn from episode 1, surfer Konno, humanitarian worker Kasahara trying to understand the effects of radiation on the community, including the life of his unborn child and an artist collective who are exploring the impacts of the disaster with risky endeavours. Videos and websites are all in Japanese and English, and contain information about Japan's history and nuclear energy and all links to the four categories of the episode: A full-scale character surf Konno, a social worker Kasahara who is trying to understand how radiation affects society, including the lives of his son, and a group of artists trying to analyze the impact of the disaster on the future. Olona iray nahazo medaly olaimpika, Feyisa Lelisa, izay nanao sesitany ny tenany taorian'ny nanaovany hetsika nanoherana ny governemanta Etiopiana nandritry ny Lalao Olaimpika tao Rio no nangataka an'i Adahanom hihataka amin'ilay hazakazaka no sady hiala tsiny amin'ny vahoakan'i Etiopia noho ny anjara andraikiny tamin'ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona sy nanarontsaronany ny fiparitahan'ny valanaretina kolerà tamin'ny naha-minisitry ny fahasalamana azy. An Olympic medalist, Feyisa Lelisa, who was exiled after he defiantly protested against the Ethiopian government at the Rio Olympics asked Adahanom to drop out of the race and apologize to the people of Ethiopia for his role in human rights abuses and covering up cholera outbreaks as Ethiopia's minister of health. A Olympic medalist, Feyisa Lelisa, who was exiled after protesting against the Ethiopian government during the Rio Olympics, asked Agénom to step aside from the race and apologize to the people of Ethiopia for his role in human rights violations and for the spread of cholera as minister of health. Manontany Ny Indiana: Tena Heloka Tokoa Ve Ny Fitsidihana Ny Habaka Torrent? Indians Ask: Is Visiting a Torrent Site Really A Crime? · Global Voices Indians Ask: Is Visiting the Torrent Website Really a Crime? · Global Voices Ny mpiblaogy Anglisy vavy Ruth izay monina any Antsiranana dia manazava ao amin'ny blaogy Vazaha Gasy ny fomba fanamboaran'ny Malagasy lakana araky ny traikefan'i Jean, rain-janany sady mpanjono: Ruth explains how people build wooden boats in Madagascar: "Jean finished building his latest boat 2 weeks ago. It's a traditional wooden boat built using methods passed down from older fishermen in his district..." English blogger Ruth, who lives in Anasmanana, explains how Malagasy people are building boats according to the experience of Jean, their father and fishermen: -Nahoana aho no nilaza fa tsy ara-dalàna io? -Why did I say it was illegal!? - Why did I say this is illegal? Ireo fako-na labiera ambifotsy mihanaka manaraka ny lalana falehan'ny olona ao Madrid, tsy misy n'inon'inona intsony. Empty, crumpled cans of beer litter the ground of a trendy neighborhood in Madrid. White beer waste spread along the streets of Madrid, nothing more. Ny sasany nilaza hoe fihaonambe tsy nisy nilàna azy, noforonina tanaty hamehana ho an'ny tanjona ara-pifidianana, ary dia tsinjo tokoa ankehitriny fa tsy manalavitra ny marina ry zareo. Some called it a pointless conference, arranged at the last minute as if for electioneering motives. In retrospect, it seems that they weren't far from the truth. Some said that it was an unnecessary assembly, created in a state of emergency for election purpose, and now it seems they are not far from the truth. Somary gaga aho tamin'ny voalohany, nahita ny toetry ny rindrina, saingy misy dikany kokoa izy tahaka izao toy izay feno fanaamboamboarana. I was initially a little surprised at the condition of the walls, but of course it makes far more sense to see it like this than artificially spruced up. At first I was quite surprised, I saw the status of the wall, but it had more meaning like this as it was full of debris. Mpifindra-monina: Ambony Lavitra Noho Ny Isa Immigrants: Much More Than an Abstract Number · Global Voices Migrants: More Than Number · Global Voices Ny sainam-pirenena Grenadiana sy Shinoa, hofahofain'ny rivotra eo ambonin'ny toerana misy ny Kianjam-pirenena The Grenadian and Chinese flags, billowing in the wind above the National Stadium construction site Grenadian and Chinese flags will be washed up by the wind on the site of the National Stadium. Ireo mponina anaty aterineto manerana izao tontolo izao dia mankalaza ny fitsingerenan'ny taona voalohan'ny revolisiona Arabo, izay vokatry ny fandoroana tena nataon'ilay mpivarotra voankazo sy legioma Mohammed Bouazizi tao Sidi Bouzid, Tonizia. Netizens around the world today commemorate the first anniversary of the Arab revolution, sparked by the self-immolation of fruit and vegetable vendor Mohammed Bouazizi in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. Netizens around the world are celebrating the first anniversary of the Arab revolution, which was the result of the self-described burning of fruits and vegetables by fruit sales owner Mohammed also in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. Saripikan'i Nicson Olivier. Photo by Nicson Olivier. Photo by Nicson Butler. Fa amin'i Sophia, ny sektarisma dia rakotra nampiasaina fotsiny ihany mba hamoretana sy hampihorohoroana ireo feo tony sy liam-pivoarana any Afovoany Atsinanana: As for Sophia, sectarianism is just a cover up used to subdue and terrorize moderate and progressive voices in the Middle East: But with Sophia, the sect is simply being used to crack down on moderate and progressive voices in the Middle East: Manana lalàna mifanaraka tsara amin'izany isika, afaka ampiasaina amin'ny fitaterana tsy mitombina sy ireo zavatra hafa tsy mety rehetra azo eritreretina, rehefa ny varavaran'ny fampahalalam-baovao amin'ny Aterineto no resaka. We have adequate laws in place to deal with malicious reporting and any other misdeeds imaginable when it comes to online news portals. We have a proper law, we can use false reporting and anything else wrong, when it comes to the door of online media. Ankoatra izany, rakotry ny Active X sy ny dokambarotra ny olona. Moreover, that one is plastered with Active X and so many commercials. In addition, people are covered by Active X and advertising. Tian'ireo mpanatrika izy ity, hoy izy. Audiences have loved it, he says. The audience loved it, he said. Manangona kiraro tonta betsaka izay tratra. Collect as many old shoes. It collects lots of old shoes that are caught. (Mpanao gazety any ambanivohitra sy solotena any an-tanin'ady, mitovy ve?) ilay lahatsoratra, niantso "olona itokisana" ilay mpitatitra satria ho an'ny olona sasany ny fitateram-baovao avy any ambanivohitra dia mitovy amin'ny fandehanana manao iraka manokana any Bagdad: (Journalist in the suburbs and war correspondent - same combat?), the reporter called on a "fixer," because for some people, reporting from the suburbs is like being a special envoy to Bagdad: (A rural journalist and representative of the war zone, is the article similar?) The reporter called "a trusted person" because for some people the coverage from the countryside is similar to a special visit to Baghdad: Hita ho fitaovana ara-politika entina hampitahorana ny fitariham-behivavy ary koa fanitsakitsahana goavana ny zon'olombelona izany fihetsika izany. These acts manifest as both a political tool to intimidate women's leadership but also as a grave human rights abuse. This act is seen as a political tool to threaten women's influence and as a serious violation of human rights. Ampatsiahivin'i Kouamé L.-PH. Arnaud KOUAKOU avy amin'ny tranonkalan'ny ilay zava-nisy: Kouamé L. - PH. Arnaud KOUAKOU from lays out the facts: Kouamé L.-PH. Arnaud KOUKAU described the incident from's website: Na dia teo aza ireo vaovao isan-karazany, ny fahatsapana ankapobeny dia hoe toy ny vatapaty mitsingevana izy io . Whereas information is diverse and varies, the overall impression is that of a floating coffin. Despite all the news, the general feeling is that it is like a floating box. Misarika ny Saina Manoloana Ny Manjò Ireo Ankizy sy Tovovavy Miasa Ao Myanmar Ny Mpanakanto Artist Draws Attention to the Plight of Child Laborers and Young Women in Myanmar · Global Voices Artists Draw Attention to the plight of Myanmar's Children and Girls · Global Voices Izany no antony hivarotan'ireo mpangalatra rajako an-tsokosoko ireo ny gidro mbola tanora fa rehefa mitombo itony biby itony - ka mahatratra ny haben'ny lehilahy lehibe nefa matanjaka impolo mihoatra ny mpanao ady totohondry amin'ny sokajy mavesatra - ary izay no antony tsy ahafahan'ny tompony mifehy intsony azy ireny intsony. It is the reason why chimp traffickers sell the apes when they are still young but as they grow - to become almost the size of an adult male human, but with the strength of 10 heavyweight boxers - the owners are unable to control them. That's why these fishing thieves sell young monkeys but when these animals grow up - they reach the size of older men who are stronger than a dozen boxers in a heavy class - and that's why their owners can no longer control them anymore. Ny lahatsoratra voalohany nosoratan'i Michelle Fong ary navoaka tamin'ny fiteny Shinoa ny 16 Jolay 2014. The article was originally written by Michelle Fong and published in Chinese on 16 of July 2014. Michelle Fong's first post was published in Chinese on July 16, 2014. Andao hojerena ny sasantsasany amin'ireo sariitatra malaza indrindra sy ny lohahevitra ara-tsosialy ifanakalozan-kevitra ao amin'ny media sosialy amin'izao fotoana izao. Take a look at some of the most popular cartoons and social issues that are being widely discussed on social media. Let's look at some of the most popular cartoons and social topics currently discussed on social media. Nandrahona "hivadika Silamo daholo" ny mponina ao Šopić, tanàna kely ao ivelan'i Belgrade ihany raha tsy navaozin'ny paroasy tamin'ny Oktobra 2015 ny fiangonana Ortodoksa ravan'izy ireo. Residents of Šopić, a village just outside of Belgrade, threatened to "collectively convert to Islam" if their damaged Orthodox church wasn't reconstructed by the parish in October 2015. Residents of Šopić, a small town outside Belgrade, threatened "to convert Islam" until their break-up of the Orthodox Church in October 2015. Hatreto aloha tamin'ity herinandro ity, tsy mbola nanampy kaonty Twitter tao anatin'ny lisitra maintin'ny RuNet ny Roskomnadzor, na nambara ho nandefa tatitra fanakatonana tany amin'ny Twitter. So far this week, Roskomnadzor has yet to add any Twitter accounts to its RuNet blacklist, nor has it reported any takedown orders sent to Twitter. So far this week Roskomnadzor has not added Twitter accounts to the RuNet blacklist, nor has Roskomnadzor been reported to have sent a shutdown report to Twitter. Raha nahazo laka isantaona tao amin'ny faritanin'i Cordoba ny Diaben'ny Kasikety, tamin'ny 2015 nisy hetsika nitovitovy tamin'izany koa nitranga tany amin'ireo tanàna hafa, toa an'i La Plata, Rosario, Mendoza ary ny tanànan'i Buenos Aires, nahatonga ity diabe ity ho ny iray isan'izay goavana sy tsara karakara indrindra tany Arzantina. While the March of the Cap has taken place every year in the province of Cordoba, in 2015 similar protests also took place in other cities, such as La Plata, Rosario, Mendoza and the city of Buenos Aires, making this march one of the largest and most well-organized in Argentina. While the March of the Caps took place every year in Cordoba province, in 2015 similar protests took place in other cities, such as La Plata, Fortaleza, Mendoza and the city of Buenos Aires, making the march one of the largest and most organized in Argentina. Efa tsy misy rahateo ny tena fifidianana, ka inona moa no hamenoana fako ny lalampanorenana? Anyway, there are no real elections, so why fill the constitution with trash? There are already no real elections, so why fill the constitution with garbage? @Razarumi: Mampiasa proxy aho hidirana amin'ny @youtube sy ireo vohikala hafa voasakana - ary dia mandeha tsara izany. @Razarumi: Am using a proxy to access @youtube and other banned sites - its working well. @Razarumi: I use proxy to access @youtube and other blocked websites - and it works very well. Mba tongava saina amin'ny faha-samihafana! #OyunaGelmeTürkiyem Be aware of the difference! #OyunaGelmeTürkiyem Be aware of the difference! #OyunaGelmeTürkiyem Nilaza avy eo ny fitsaràna fa tsy nisy torohay ho an'ny tombontsoam-pirenena ireo tantara navoaka fa nanana eritreritra "ny hanaparitaka tsahotsaho fotsiny, izay manitsakitsaka mafy ny voninahitra sy ny lazan'ny olona iray." The court then stated that the published stories did not contain information of public interest but had intention "to spread rumors, which seriously violated someone's honor and reputation." The court then said that the stories that were published had no information for national interest but had the intention of "just spreading rumors, which violates the dignity and reputation of someone." Aoka Izay Ny Fampiasàna Ny Fitomboana Ho Fialan-tsiny Handotoana, Hoy Ireo Afrikana Mafana Fo Stop Using Growth as an Excuse to Pollute, African Activists Say · Global Voices Let's Use Prosperity to Defect, African Activists Say · Global Voices Ilaina ho fanairana ny olona ny kolontsaina, ary izany fanairana izany no avy eo hamorona sy hanome votoaty ho an'ny kolontsaina. Culture is essential for the awareness of a people, and it is that awareness which in turn creates and provides content for culture. Culture is needed to raise awareness, and that alarm will then create and provide content for culture. Ny andro manaraka, notontosaina tao Karachi, Islamabad ary tanandehibe hafa manerana ny firenena ny fiareta-tory fandrehetana labozia, izay azo jerena amin'ny alalan'ireto sary ireto. The following day, vigils were held in Karachi, Islamabad and other major cities throughout the country, which can be seen in these pictures. The following day, vigils were held in Karachi, Islamabad and other cities across the country, which can be seen through these photos. Nanohitra ny fanamboarana tranobe nampiadihevitra izy izay efa nampitandreman'ny mpiaro ny tontolo iainana fa hiteraka fahavoazana goavana eny amin'ny tora-pasiky ny vahoaka ny fananganana izany. He was protesting a disputed luxury development that environmentalists warn will cause serious damage to public beaches. He has protested against the construction of a controversial building which environmentalists have warned that construction will cause serious damage to the public beach. Zaraina ao amin'ny media sosialy ny sasany amin'ireny fandevenana ireny, izay ampisehoan'ireo mpandray anjara ny fanombohany ary indraindray ny fombafomba manontolo. Some of these funerals are shared on social media, where participants show the beginning and sometimes the entirety of the procession. Some of these funerals are shared on social media, where participants show their beginnings and sometimes entire rituals. IIay Zazavavy Miozolomana Sy Ilay Nanao Vy Very Ny Ainy Any Volgograd A Muslim Schoolgirl and the Volgograd Suicide Bombing · Global Voices Two Muslim Girls and the One Who Losed His Life in Volgograd · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. "Nihevitra aho fa zava-dehibe ny manome vaovao amin'ny alàlan'ny fitaovana iray izay mahazatra ny tsirairay. "I thought it was important to provide information via a medium that was familiar to everyone. "I thought it was important to provide information through a tool that everyone is familiar with. Niakatra avokoa ny haavon'ny rano tamin'ny làlana rehetra misy ny renirano Adagum, fa tsy tany amin'ny reniranon'i Neberdzhay irery akory, izay nametrahana ilay siniben-drano. Water level was up in all the tributaries of the Adagum River, not just in the Neberdzhay River, on which the Reservoir is located. The water level was high in all the streets of Adagum river, not just in the Neberdzhay river, where the reservoir was built. 'Mankanesa aty Hongria, efa miasa any Londra izahay!' 'Come to Hungary, we are already working in London!' 'Come to Hungary, we're already working in London!' Hatreo dia nohalefahany ny fameperana ny fandaharana sasany ao amin'ny TV izany saingy mbola araha-maso fatratra kosa ireo haino aman-jery fihainom-bahoaka. It has since then eased restrictions on some TV programs but mainstream media remain strictly regulated. It has since been reduced by restrictions on certain TV shows but mainstream media are still heavily monitored. Ho anareo rehetra nahatoky sy mahafinaritra ao Fiji ary mitoraka bilaogy any ivelany, hotahian'Andriamanitra anie ianareo noho ny ezaka ataonareo ho an'ny firenena. To the brave and wonderful people inside Fiji who are blogging away, may God bless you for your efforts in the curent climate within the country. To all of you faithful and beautiful Fiji and blogging abroad, may God bless you for your efforts to the country. SAFIDY 3 OPTION 3 AUGUST 3 Tsy mitsahatra ny misedra fandrahonana isan-karazany avy kosa ireo mpanao gazety - na dia efa manomboka azo antoka kokoa aza ny firenena nandritra ny folo taona izay (raha tsy hilaza ny Caucase du Nord). Journalists there continue to face harassment from a variety of sources - even though the country has become much safer for them in the last decade (with the notable exception of the North Caucasus). Journalists, on the other hand, continue to face various threats - even though the country has begun to be safer for the past decade (if it doesn't mention North Korea). Ny fe-potoana farany fandefasana fangatahana dia amin'ny Alarobia 27 mey 2015 amin'ny 9 ora alina, ora Kolombiana. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 21:00 Colombian time. The deadline for applying is Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at 9 p.m. Colombian time. @olfatg: Ka inona indray no manaraka? @olfatg: what's next ? @olfatg: So what's next? Fantatra amin'ny fandefasana horonantsari-mihetsika vetaveta ao afovoan-tanàna izany trano sinema izany. This cinema is known for running pornographic films in the heart of city. The cinema is known for broadcasting pornography in the center of the city. Ny toetr'andro (anatin'izany ny fizotry ny rivotra) dia vao miha nampitombo ny olana teo amin'ny entona ny volana Jona 2013 raha oharina tamin'ireo doro ala nisy taloha. Weather conditions (including wind patterns) exacerbated the haze problem in June 2013 compared with previous fire incidents. The weather (including the wind) only increased gas problems in June 2013 compared to past forest fires. "Renin'ny fahaiza-mamorona ny filàna, hoy izy ireo," lehilahy iray monina ao amin'ny tanàna tranain'ireo Homs no nilaza izany tamin'ny Syria Untold. "They say necessity is the mother of invention," a man living in the old city of Homs said to Syria Untold. "The need is a mother of creativity, they say," a man who lives in the old city of Homs told Syria Untold. Tamin'ny fotoana namoahana ity lahatsoratra ity, efa nifarana ireo fepetra hamehana ara-tontolo iainana, azo antoka fa ho tafiditra anatin'ny fandaharanasa maharitry ny fanjakana ilay lohahevitra, araka ny notsipihan'i Kenny Valenzuela mpampiasa Twitter azy: Although by the time this post was published, the environmental emergency was over, it is certain that the subject will have to be included on the public agenda in a permanent way, as Twitter user Kenny Valenzuela pointed out: At the time of this post's publication, environmental emergency measures have already ended, and the topic will certainly be part of a state-run program, as Twitter user Kenny Valenzuela pointed out: Mitovy hevitra i Saras: Sara agrees: Saras agreed: Voatery nandao ny firenena izy tamin'ny taona 1978, tany Kenya aloha, avy eo tany Alemaina, ary farany tany Etazonia izay nahazoany fialokalofana kanefa maty izy taty aoriana tamin'ny taona 1981. He was forced to leave the country in 1978, first to Kenya, then to Germany, then finally to the USA where he was granted asylum but died later in 1981. He was forced to leave the country in 1978, first in Kenya, then Germany, and finally in the United States where he received asylum but later died in 1981. Niaiky ihany ny minisitry ny atitany Espaniola, Jorge Fernandez Díaz fa nampiasa fitaova-pamoretana ny mpitandro ny filaminana, na dia nilaza aza izy fa nampiasaina "ho fomba fanakanana" fotsiny izany, mba hisorohana ireo mpifindra-monina tsy hiampita ny sisintany. The Spanish Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz finally acknowledged the use of riot gear by the security forces, although he claimed that it was used "only as a deterrent" to prevent the migrants from crossing the border. The Spanish interior minister, Jorge Díaz Díaz, admitted that security forces used tools to crack down, although he said it was only used "as a way to block" to prevent migrants from crossing the border. Ny fotoana farany nifidianana Mpitarika Faratampony dia tamin'ny fotoana nahafatesan'ny mpanorina sady Mpitarika ny Repoblika Islamika Faratampony voalohany, ny Ayatollah Khomeini. The last time a Supreme Leader was elected was upon the death of the founder and first Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khomeini. The last time the Supreme Leader was elected was at the time of the death of the founder and Leader of the first Supreme Islamic Republic, Ayatollah himself. Nefa misy ny Radio MBS manohana ny fitondrana efa nampiely ny feony manerana ny firenena nandritra ny 5 taona tsy nahazo fampitandremana akory (mg): Andry Rajoelina (or Andry TGV) had a TV Station named VIVA and still have a radio station with the same name. But there is Radio MBS that has been spreading its voice across the country for 5 years without any warning (mg): Ejipta: Mitohy ny fety ho an'ny fahalafahana (Lahatsary) Egypt: Freedom Party Continues (Videos) · Global Voices Egypt: Freedom Festival Continues · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011. Efa ela no nijaly tamin'ny tsy fahampian'ny fanadiovana vokatry ny fahantrana i Haiti nefa mbola niharatsy hatrany ireo fepetra momba ny fanadiovana tan-drenivohitra sy ireo toerana hafa manodidina taorian' ilay horohorontany tamin'ny taona lasa izay nanery ireo olona an'arivony hanangana fialofana vonjimaika eny amin'ny kianja, na toeram-pilalaovam-baolina na aminà faritra fivezivezen'ny olona eny rehetra eny. Haiti has long suffered from improper sanitation because of its poverty but sanitation conditions in the capital and other urban areas became much worse after last year's earthquake forced thousands of people to set up makeshift shelters in public plazas, soccer fields and other open areas. Haiti has long suffered from a lack of sanitation due to poverty, but urban sanitation measures and other areas surrounding the earthquake that forced thousands of people to build temporary shelters in the stadiums, as well as in public areas. Voamariky ry zareo ihany koa fa tsy manana ny fitaovana fototra hanaovana fandidiana ara-pahasalamana tsotra indrindra ny HJRA In addition, it was noted that the HJRA had an acute shortage of basic materials for surgical procedures. They also noticed that HJRA doesn't have the basic equipment for a simple medical operation. Atahorana hanome vahana ny fanolanana sy handrisika ny fampanambadiana ny ankizy izany. There are fears it will legitimise statutory rape and encourage the practice of child marriage. It threatens to promote rape and encourage child marriage. Nitatitra ny kômision'ny fahamarinana ao Goatemalà fa ny ankamaroan'ny tanàna Maya ao Zacualpa, any amin'ireo vohitra avo any avaratra, dia nitranganà famonoana foko tanatin'ireo taona 1980. Guatemala's truth commission reported that the mostly Mayan town of Zacualpa, in the northern highlands, was the scene of genocide in the 1980s. Guatemala's Truth Commission reports that the majority of the Maya city of Zacualpa, located in high-level villages in the north, was the scene of ethnic killings in the 1980s. Porto Rico: miady tanim-panjakana Puerto Rico: The Battle Over Public Lands · Global Voices Puerto Rico: Fighting state land · Global Voices Ny herinandron'ny 19 Febroary 2007 dia hanao fitetezana an-tsary ny ao amin'ilay faitra isika, hiato ao Qatar, Bahrain, Tonizia ary Libanona, raha tsy hitanisa afa-tsy ireo. This week we will take a pictorial tour of the region, making stops in Qatar, Bahrain, Tunisia and Lebanon, to name a few. The week of February 19, 2007, we will take a tour of the heat, suspending in Qatar, Bahrain, Tunisia and Lebanon, to name a few. Ilay mpanao didy jadona irery ihany no diso tamin'ny nahafatesany. The only one at fault for his death is the dictatorship. Only the dictator was guilty of his death. Peep iray avy ao amin'ny Ranomasina Anatiny, akaikin'i Onomichi. A Peep of the Inland Sea, near Onomichi. A Peep from the interior Sea near Onomichi. Haingana tamin'ny fanatevenana laharana an'ilay hetsika ireo mpitoraka blaogy: Bloggers were quick to lend their voices to the campaign: Bloggers were quick to join the event: Tena raitra, mitondra fiovàna, endriky ny fivoarana: fiarahana malalaka sy mitovy lenta kokoa ao anivon'ny fianakaviana; izay afaka adika hoe firindràna sy fitiavana bebe kokoa, izany no Fehezan-dalàn'ny Fianakaviana. Cutting-edge, revolutionary, symbol of progress: more just, democratic and equitable relationships within the family; which could translate into more than harmony and love, this is what the Family Code has been. It's very high, positive, developmental: free and more equal relationships within the family; which can be translated into more harmony and love, that's the Family Code. Satria dia tsy nisalasala mihitsy ireo manamboninahitry ny polisy nidaroka azy ireo rehefa iny ry zareo nifamory tao amin'ny Bar House (Avy amin'ny mpandika: Toerana natao ho an'ny Barreau), manoloana ny Lapan'ny Fitsarana ao Tunis. Indeed, police officers did not hesitate to violently beat them when they were gathering in the Bar House located in front of the Courthouse of Tunis. Because police officers did not hesitate to beat them when they gathered at Bar House, in front of Tunis's Court of Justice. Resahana matetika izao i Park Chang-shin, pretra avy ao amin'ny diosezin'i Jeonju sady mpikambana ao amin'ny Fikambanan'ny Pretra Katolika ho an'ny Fahamarinana izay nitsikera tsy nihambahamba ny filoha tamin'ny tranga mahamenatra tamin'ny fampielezan-kevitra, noho ny fanehoan-kevitra nataony momba an'i Korea Avaratra. Park Chang-shin, a priest from the Diocese of Jeonju and a member of the Catholic Priests' Association for Justice who has been outspoken in his criticism of the president over the electioneering scandal, is under fire for his comments involving North Korea. Park Chang-shin, a priest from Jeonju's mosque and a member of the Association of Catholic Priests for Justice who openly criticized the president in a shameful case of campaigning for his comments on North Korea. Tsy eo am-pamadihana azy ireo i Nalvany. But Navalny isn't about to turn on them . Nalvany is not about to betray them. Nezahan'ny minisitra ihany koa ny nametraka hoe ireo vondrona mpandàla ny zo sivily dia misy fifamatorana amin'ny Khmer Rouge, rehefa niteny izy tao anatin'ilay lahatsary hoe "Tsy maintsy sorohantsika ny fiverenana fanindroan'ny fitondràna mpanao vonomoka eto Kambodza." The defense minister also tried to imply that groups espousing civil rights are linked to the Khmer Rouge when he said in the video that "We have to prevent the second return of the genocidal regime in Cambodia." The minister also tried to state that civil rights groups are related to the Khmer Rouge, when he said in the video "We must prevent the return of Cambodia's genocide regime." Ho takalon'izany kosa dia hanorina seranana mitentina 2,4 miliara shillings eo amin'ny nosy Lamu i Qatar. In exchange for the land, Qatar would fund construction of a new Sh2.4 billion port on Lamu island. In exchange, Qatar will build 2.4 billion shillings on Lamu Island. Noho izany, ao amin'ny faritra manana mpiteny Maya maro be toy izany, tsy miresaka momba ny fitenin'ny vitsy an'isa isika , fa kosa fiteny iray natao an-jorom-bala. Therefore, in an area with such a high number of Mayan speakers, we are not talking about a minority language but a marginalised one. So, in a region with so many Maya speakers, we are not talking about minority languages, but about a marginalized language. "Hitohy ireo ady ary hatrany hatrany ny fanarahana an-jambany, mandra-panaitran'ny natiora antsika handamina sy hanao ny sivilizasiônantsika ho azo iainana." "The wars will continue and therefore the fanaticism, until nature calls us to order and makes our civilisation viable." "The wars will continue and the practice will continue, until nature allows us to organize and make our civil society a reality." - Manohana an'i Putin ve ianao? - Are you for Putin? - Do you support Putin? Dia ho ankasitrahan'ny olona izany." The population will appreciate it." It will be appreciated by people." ᅠ ᅠ Pohnpei / Kosrae Nilaza ny mpikatroka mpiaro biby antsoina hoe Sagarika Rajakarunanayake fa faly izy raha mampiasa tuk tuk ankehitriny ny lalao, fa tsy elefanta, noho ny fomba fikarakarana azy ireo "mampihoronkoditra" tsy maintsy iaretany, rehefa ampiasaina amin'ny lanonana tahaka itony. Animal rights activist Sagarika Rajakarunanayake says she is glad that the game now uses tuk tuks, instead of elephants, given the typically "cruel treatment" they must endure, when used in such events. A animal rights activist named exampleika Rajakarunanaake says she is happy if the game is now using tuk tuk, instead of elephants, because of the way they are treated "sading" they must endure, when used in such events. Mitàna ny tsikera momba ny Fanjakana Iranianina sy miaro ihany koa ny maha-izy azy manokana. - Arash Kamangir (@Kamangir) 6 Oktobra 2013 Maintains criticism of the Iranian state and defends own identity at the same time. - Arash Kamangir (@Kamangir) October 6, 2013 He holds criticism of the Iranian state and defends his own identity. - Arash Kamangir (@Kamangir) October 6, 2013 Ny ankamaroan'ny mpaneho hevitra moa tsy resy lahatra mihitsy amin'ny fomba fidirana (ao amin'ny vondrona): The majority of comments were very pessimistic as to the outcome of the integration process: Most commentators were not convinced by how to get involved (in the group): Ny namako vehivavy Laura avy ao Rôma: " Evviva la Tunisia. " My friend Laura from Rome: "Evviva la Tunisie!" (Hurray for Tunisia!). My friend Laura from Rome, "Evviva la Tunisia. " Fandehanan-drà anaty sy fahasemporana no anisan'ny nahafaty ireo tra-doza maro tamin'iny, ary teo amin'ny faritry ny tohotra ny ankamaroany. The cause of death for many of the victims was internal bleeding or suffocation, almost all of them in the stairwells. Several victims were killed in internal bleeding and hypotheticals, and most of them were in the affected areas. Indraindray tsikaritra ao anatin'ny hetsika hafa izay mifantoka bebe kokoa amin'ny fanirian'ny quinceañera (ohatra ny fandehanana manerana izao tontolo izao) ity fankalazana ity raha sady mbola mitohy ihany koa izany fankalazana nentim-paharazana izany amin'izao fotoana izao any Amerika Latinina sy any amin'ireo vondrom-piarahamonina Latino any Amerika Avaratra. While this traditional celebration is still practiced nowadays in Latin America and Latino communities in North America, it is sometimes observed by other events that focus more on the quinceañera's wishes (e.g. world travelling). The celebrations are sometimes seen in other events that focus more on the wishes of the quiceañera (for example travel around the world) while these traditional celebrations continue today both in Latin America and in the Latino communities of North America. Ilay mpanao gazety, Laura Dowrich-Phillips, nandefa karazan-javatra maro mahatsikaiky tao amn'ny Aterineto, mikasika ilay #TheGreatSwim (Ilay Lomano Goavana), izay tonga hatramin'ny filazana hoe manantena izy fa hanana GoPro i Duke, ka hatramin'ny fametrahany fanontaniana ny tenany raha toa izy ka manana olona mitovy aminy hirotsaka eo amin'ny toerany. Journalist Laura Dowrich-Phillips posted a series of hilarious one-liners about #TheGreatSwim that ranged from saying she hoped Duke had a GoPro to wondering whether he had a stunt double. Journalist Laura Dowrich-Phillips posted a lot of funny things online about the #TheGreatSwim, which went so far as to say he hopes he will have GoPro, to ask himself if he has a similar person to join him. Tsy nanary ny 'fahefana moraly' mba hanatanterahany ny asany ny CJ noho izay fifidianana tsy vao governemanta iray no very ny fahefana moraly na ny ara-drariny amin'ny hetra satria manasonia fanangonan-tsonia ho an'ny fitsipaham-pitokisana ny governemanta ny ampahany amin'ny firenena. The CJ has not lost the 'moral authority' to perform its functions because of the vote any more than a government loses the moral authority or legitimacy to tax because a portion of the country sign a petition of no confidence in the government. The CJ has not lost its 'low power' to carry out its work due to a non-government election that has lost its easy power or legitimacy in the tax since parts of the country sign a petition to deny the government. Tamin'ny volana Aprily, nitatitra momba ny raharahan'i Maleki tato ny Global Voices sy ny Global Voices Advocacy. In April, Global Voices and Global Voices Advocacy reported on Maleki's case here. In April, Global Voices and Global Voices Advocacy reported on Maleki's case here. Tsikaritra fa maro no tsy resy lahatra. Apparently, many were not convinced. It seems that many are not convinced. Rehefa tratra izy ireo (mena volo), dia mamaly amin'ny filazana fa notapahana izy ireo, mahantra izy ary tia ny mahantra, ary "tsy mandainga, mangalatra, na mamitaka izy," ka noho izany, ny tena mpamitaka dia ireo "Mafian'ny fahefana." When they are caught (red-headed), he responds by saying that they are being ripped-off, that he is poor and loves the poor, that "he does not lie, steal or cheat," and that the real cheaters are the "mafia of power." When caught, they respond by saying that they have been cut off, that they love the poor, and that they "do not lie, steal, or deceive," and therefore, the real deception is those who are "the victims of power." Raha voarakitra izany, hanokatra raharaham-pitsarana manokana izahay." It is documented, we will open a legal case." - Ankaralı Jan (@06JAnk) November 1, 2015 If recorded, we'll open a special court case." Vugar Huseynzade, 21 taona, mpitantana vaovao ny ekipa FC Baku Azerbaijan. 21-year-old Vugar Huseynzade, new manager for Azerbaijan's FC Baku's A team. Vugar Huseynzade, 21. Nanazava izy tao amin'ny Facebook: On Facebook, he explains: He explained on Facebook: Poa toa izay dia nisy hetsika Facebook noforonina tamin'ny 29 Novambra 2012 mba hivoriana tao amin'ny Reid Avenue manoloana ny Fianarana Zavakanto, Anjerimanontolon'i Colombo hanoherana ny fikapàna hazo. Soon a Facebook event was created on November 29, 2012 to gather in the Reid Avenue in front of the Arts Faculty, University of Colombo to protest the cutting of trees. Like this, a Facebook event was created on November 29, 2012 to gather at Reid Avenue in front of the Art Study, the University of Colombo to protest against logging. Polisy Kroaty ambadiky ny fefy, ny bekotro mpanao fihetsiketsehana amin'ny ilany. Croatian police on one side of the fence, veterans-protesters on the other. Croatian police behind the fence, protesters on the other side. Nisy vondrona Facebook noforinana, antsoina hoe Tsoahy ny fanakànana ny Facebook any Bangladesh. A Facebook group named Withdraw the ban on Facebook in Bangladesh has been created. A Facebook group, called Focus on Facebook's blocking in Bangladesh, has been formed. Hita tsara ao Afrika i Ejipta, saingy ny ampahany betsaka amin'ilay firenena no any Azia. Egypt sits mostly in Africa, but parts of the country stretch into Asia. Egypt is well - known in Africa, but most parts of the country is located in Asia. Ora vitsy nialoha ny nipoahan'ny korontana, ny Fikambanana'ireo Bodista Tanora dia nampitandrina ny mponina momba ny fisianà tetika handranitana herisetra any aminà tanàna samihafa: A few hours before the riots broke out, the Young Buddhists Association warned people about a plan to provoke violence in different cities: A few hours before the riots broke out, the Young Buddhist Association warned citizens about a plan to incite violence in different cities: Nisy mpitsabo (izay) nitanjozotra nanerana ny làlana niala avy any Kuala Lumpur sy Kuantan ary dia mametraka ny fahazoan-dàlany hitsabo amin'ny toerana saropady. There are medical doctors (who) traveled all the way from Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan putting their medical license at stake. There were doctors (which) moving through the streets of Kuala Lumpur and Kuantan and putting their medical permission in critical places. Na inona na inona, efa noafahana madiodio in-telo izy ary mbola mitolona mba hahazo fanafahana madiodio faninefany. After all she has been acquitted three times and still fighting for a fourth acquittal. Whatever, he has been acquitted three times and continues to struggle for his release. Mandoa hofantrano amin'ny fonja ry zareo; mifidy ny hianatra haka diplaoma amin'ny anjerimanontolo any an-tanàn-dehibe raha tsy te-hiasa, mahazo fanampiana ry zareo amin'izany; indraindray ry zareo mahazo fivoahana mandeha maka rivotra an-kalamanjana na manjono, saingy eo ambany fanarahamaso. They pay rent to the prison; they choose to study for a university degree in town instead of working, they get a subsidy for it; they sometimes take supervised camping and fishing trips. They buy prison rentes; choose to graduate from a university in urban areas if they don't want to work, they get help; sometimes they get an air break or catch it, but they are under surveillance. Ny fikambanana BOSCO amin'izao fotoana izao dia miara-miasa amin'ny Inveneo, Horizon3000, War Child Holland, ny fiangonana any Gulu ary ny UNICEF. BOSCO currently works in partnership with Inveneo, Horizont3000, War Child Holland, the Gulu Archdiocese and UNICEF. The BOSCO community is currently working with Inveneo, Horizon3000, War Child Holland, the congregation in Gulu and UNICEF. Araka ny tatitra nataon'ny famoaham-baovaom-paritra iray, 70 amin'ireo sarimihetsika 200 mpandeha amin'ny fotoana be mpanaraka amin'ireo fampahalalam-baovao lehibe tamin'ny taona 2012 no niresaka adin'i Shina sy Japana. According to a local news report, 70 of the 200 primetime dramas on major TV networks in 2012 were about the Sino-Japanese War. According to a regional news outlet, 70 of the 200 passengers of major media outlets in 2012 were talking about the war between China and Japan. Ny Palo, Fonenan'ny mpianatra ao Leyte ao amin'ny oniversiten'i Filipina potiky ny tafiotra. The Palo, Leyte campus of the University of the Philippines was damaged by the storm. The Palo, a student's residence in Leyte at the University of the Philippines destroyed by the storm. Voaràra tamin'ny taona 2012 ny atin'omby noho ny fahafatesana olona dimy tratran'ny fanapoizinana ara-tsakafo E. coli tamin'ny fihinanana henan'omby manta ratsy karakara, izay nitarika ny fiakaran'ny lazan'ny atin-kisoa, izay voaràra ihany koa tamin'ny taona 2015. Beef liver was banned in 2012, following the deaths of five people who contracted E. coli food poisoning from eating improperly prepared raw beef, which led to a rise in the popularity of pork liver before it, too, was banned in 2015. The cow's liver was banned in 2012 due to the death of five people affected by E. coli's eating raw meat, which led to an increase in the popularity of pigs, which was also banned in 2015. Brezila: Mpanao Gazety Sady Bilaogera Novonoina Tao São Luís, Maranhão Brazil: Journalist and Blogger Executed in São Luís, Maranhão · Global Voices Brazil: Journalist and Blogger Killed in São Jehovah's Witnesses, Maranhão · Global Voices Raha ny momba ny ray aman-dreniko izao, lehibe sy nianatra avy amin'ny fiainany teto an-tany tamin'ny alalan'ny fiteny Anglisy izy ireo, ary taty aoriana, noho ny filàna, voatery namindra ny ampahan'izany lova izany tamin'ireo tranany, fa kosa tamin'ny fiteny hafa. In the case of my mother and father, they grew up and learned from their position in the world through the English language, and later, out of necessity, they were forced to leave part of that legacy to their children, but in another language. As for my parents now, they grew up learning and learning from his life on earth through English, and later, because of the need, they were forced to transfer part of that legacy to their victims, but in other languages. Nandritra ny efapolo taona farany, namorona tetezana manokana nampifanakaiky ny olona ao amin'io firenena io ny mozika rock. Over the last four decades, rock music had formed a peculiar bridge bringing the people of these countries closer together. Over the last four decades, rock music has created a special bridge that brings people together in the country. Tsy mitsahatry ny mahazo soso-kevitra ilay mpanakanto an-tsary mba hanohizany amin'ny fandravahana an-tsary sy handika fehezanteny hafa maro. The illustrator regularly receives suggestions to continue illustrating and translating more phrases. The artist is constantly suggested to continue by drawing and translating several more phrases. Vao avy nahazo ny diplaoma avy amin'ny sekoly fianarana lalàna ao Lima aho. I had just graduated from law school in Lima. I just graduated from Lima's law school. Nirotsaka an-tsehatra ireo fihetsiketsehana sy ireo fitokonana tamim-pirahalahiana amin'ny Safana, Hussam Dahna, Ali Zain, Assem Hamsho sy ireo Siriana rehetra voatàna hatramin'ny niandohan'ny famoretana nifono herisetra nataon'ny ny fitondrana manoloana ireo endri-panoherana rehetra. Demonstrations and sit-ins have taken place in solidarity with Safana, Hussam Dahna, Ali Zain, Assem Hamsho and all Syrians imprisoned since the beginning of the regime's brutal crackdown against all forms of opposition. Protests and friendly sit-in strikes, Hussam Dahna, Ali Zain, Assem Hamsho and all Syrians detained since the beginning of the brutal crackdown by the regime on all forms of protests. Ny ray aman-dreniny nandray làlana hafa, ary ny azy ireo kosa làlana hafa. The parents go one way, and the children go another. Her parents took a different route, and theirs is another way. Nogadrain'ny filoha Yameen ny filoha lefitra Ahmed Adeeb tamin'ny Oktobra 24 noho izy ahiahiana ho tafiditra tamin' ny fipoahana rehefa niampanga azy ho "namadika tanindrazana." President Yameen detained Vice President Ahmed Adeeb on October 24 on suspicion of links to blast after accusing him of "high treason." President Yameen detained Vice President Ahmed Adeeb on October 24 for suspected involvement in the blast after accusing him of "patriotic." Sary tseliky ny hetsik'ireo sisa velona tamin'i Haiyan sy ireo mpomba azy tany Tacloban City. A snapshot of the protest of Haiyan survivors and supporters in Tacloban City. Pictures of Haiyan survivors and their supporters in Tacloban City. Aostralia no firenena voalohany indrindra nanambara ny fandroahany ny diplaomaty Siriana iray. Australia was the first country to announce the expulsion of a Syrian diplomat. Australia was the first country to announce its departure of a Syrian diplomats. Hitan'ny mpiandry ny tanàna i Isabella raha tahaka ny natsipy avy any ambaravarakelin'ny efitranony. The caretaker found Isabella after she apparently fell out of her room window. Isabella was seen by city rangers as she was thrown out of her room. Arabia Saodita: Nosamborina Ilay Mpanoratra Nanohana Ireo Vehivavy Mpitondra Fiara Saudi Arabia Arrests Writer for Supporting Women Drivers · Global Voices Saudi Arabia: Writer Arrested in Support of Women Carers · Global Voices Fantatra fa iray amin'ireo tanàna reharehan'i Aostralia ny tanànanareo, firenena fantatra amin'ny fandeferana sy ny fanajana ny Zon'Olombelona; miantso anao izahay mba handray fepetra sy hanohana ny fikambanana LGBT ao Libanona. Knowing that your city is one of the proud cities of Australia, a country known for its tolerance and respect for Human Rights; we call upon you to act publicly and show support to the LGBTQ community in Lebanon. Your city is known as one of Australia's proud cities, known for its tolerance and respect for Human Rights; we call upon you to take action and support the LGBT community in Lebanon. Misy sariny voaloko eo amin'ny vatolampy ary antsoina hoe señor de Qoyllur Riti, fehezanteny amin'ny fiteny Quechua izay midika hoe "Tompon'ny Orampanala Manjopiaka." An image of him painted on a rock is known as the señor de Qoyllur Riti, a phrase in Quechua that means "Lord of the Bright Snow." There are pictures painted on the rock and called señor de Qoyllur Riti, a Quechua-language phrase meaning "Lord of Snow." Taorian'ny nizaràna ny sarin'ilay tovovavy taminà tranonkala iray malaza, lasa nifantohan'ny fijerin'ny maro tampoka i Sabina ao amin'ny tambajotra any Azia. After the image of the young girl shared on a popular website, Sabina suddenly become the focus of public attention on the Asia network. After sharing photos of the girl with a popular website, Sabina has suddenly become the focus of many's views on the Asian network. Ary mitondra ny traikefany sy ny fomba fiasany ara-demaokratika ao amin'ny tontolon'ny aterineto ny hetsika ankehitriny . Now the movement is bringing its experience and methods of working democratically into cyberspace. And the current movement brings its own experience and democratic approach to the online world. Nifidy izay hiram-pitiavana ankafiziny amin'ny gadona soca ny vitsivitsy taminay, arahana andàlana vitsy manazava ny antony iheveranay azy ho mifandraika indrindra amin'ny V-Day (fanafohezana ny Valentine's Day). A few of us have chosen our favourite soca love songs, along with a few lines as to why we think they're appropriate for V-Day... A few of us chose their favorite songs of soca music, followed by a few directions explaining why they thought they were most related to V-Day. San Pablo Apóstol, fitsofan-drano ka nanavatsava an'i Santo Domingo tamin'ny zoma 12 Avrily ka nizorany hankany ami lapam-panjakana, izay nitakian'ireo tanora tratran'ny fanesorana ny anarany ao amin'ny rejisitra fanambarana avy amin'ny filoha Danilo Medina, izay filoha voalohany ao amin'io firenena io nilaza nandritra ny fampielezan-kevitra nialoha ny nifidianana azy fa hataony lahara-pahamehana ao amin'ny programan'asany ny olan'ireo Dominikana manana fiaviana Haisiana. parish priest of the San Pablo Apóstol Cathedral, from which they left towards Santo Domingo and on Friday, April 12, to the National Palace, where the affected youth requested a statement from President Danilo Medina, as the first president of the nation who expressed in the campaign prior to his election that the problem of Dominicans of Haitian ancestry would be on his agenda. San Pablo Apóstol, a water source that crossed Santo Domingo on Friday, April 12 and went to the presidential palace, where the young people affected by the removal of his name from the registry of statements from the country's first president of the country said in a campaign before he was elected that he would put the problems of Haitians of Haitian origin ahead of his program. Misy mpitandro filaminana efatra miaro io toerana io andro sy alina, ary mpiambina roa avy aminà orinasa tsy miankina izay karamain'ny Ministeran'ny Kolontsaina, ary dia manao ezaka lehibe ry zareo hanaraha-maso ilay tany manontolo mirefy 45 hektara. There are now four policemen who protect the place day and night, as well as two watchmen from a private firm who have been hired by the Ministry of Culture, and they all make a big effort to oversee the whole 45 hectares of land. There are four police officers protecting the site day and night, and two security guards from private companies that are paid by the Ministry of Culture, and they are making great efforts to monitor the whole country of 45 hectares. Hatramin'ny taona 2006, nanafatra sy namatsy vary avy any ivelany foana ny fanjakana. tamin'ny taon-dasa, nisy mihitsy ny disadisa nahakasika ny fahazoana izany vary izany (jereo Global Voices' tamin'ny 2009 mikasika ny "Disadisan'ny vary"). Since 2006, the government has been importing and subsidizing rice. In previous years, there have been scandals related to these rice contracts (see Global Voices' 2009 coverage of "The Ricegate scandal"). Since 2006, the government has been importing and feeding rice from abroad. Last year, there has been a lot of controversy over getting that rice (see Global Voices' 2009 issue on the "Ging List"). Tao Filipina, an'arivony maro ireo mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo tany amin'ireo foibe momba ny vonjy aina sy famonosana fanampiana. In the Philippines, thousands volunteered in relief and repacking centers. In the Philippines, there were thousands of volunteers at relief centers and relief centers. Ity lahatsary iray manaraka ity dia amin'ny teny Hindi izay miampy dikasoratra mivantana amin'ny teny Anglisy. The following video is in Hindi with English subtitles. The following video is in Hindi with English subtitles. Karazana hafatra toy inona no alefantsika ho an'ireo mpifanolo-bodirindrina amintsika? What kind of message are we sending to our neighbors? What kind of message do we send to our neighbors? Rakotry ny vovobony mampievina, mampi-tsotsorika lelo, mampangidihidy maso ary maha-voan'ny sery noho ny tsy fahazakàna az,y ny rivotry ny lohataona manerana ny tangoronosy japoney. Floating in the springtime air is a cloud of pollen grains that induce sneezing, sniffling, and itchy eyes and noses in hay fever sufferers all over the Japanese archipelago. The summer winds across the Japanese Ocean are covered with pollen, hyacinent, tearing eyes and making them bear the fruit of the cold. Tsy vitan'ny manafika ireo izay miaraka amin'ireo tovolahy sy tovovavy manana finoana hafa ireo 'fondamentalista," fa ho entiny eny amin'ny tobin'ny polisy ihany koa izy ireo. Fundamentalists not only attack boys and girls mixing with the boys and girls of another religion but also take them to the police station. The radicalists are not only attacking those who are accompanied by other religious men and girls, but will also take them to police stations. "Manao ahoana? "Hello? "How? Tokony hahay hamaly tsara fotsiny ny mpanao politika raha mahita fa tsy araka ny zavatra nolazainy ny zavatra avoaka sy lazain'ny mpampita vaovao; tokony hahay hahazaka tsikera avy amin'ny mpanohitra izy ireo. Politicians should be able to answer with reason if they think someone has distorted what they say; they should be able to cope with opposition. Politicians should just be able to respond when they see that what is published and what the media says is not what they say; they should be able to handle criticism from the opposition. Nandritra ny fankalazana ny fahatsiarovana ny faha-20 taonan'ny namonoan'ny sasany an'i Thomas Sankara, filoha amperin'asa fahizay, izay notanterahina nanomboka tamin'ny 11 Oktobra ka hatramin'ny faha-17 Oktobra 2007, dia notapahina ny tambanjotran'i Borkina Fasô mba hampanginana ny feon'ireo izay nankalaza izany fahatsiarovana izany. That's why from October 11th to the 17th, during the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Thomas Sankara, Burkina Faso's internet connection was cut in order to prevent those commemorating the assassination from making their voices heard. During the 20th anniversary of President Thomas Sankara's murder, which took place from October 11 to 17th October 2007, Burkina Faso's network was shut down to silence voices of those who celebrated the commemoration. Voahosoka i Irrawaddy, tranok'alan'ny gazety lehibe sady mahaleo tena. The website of the critical and independent paper The Irrawaddy was hacked. Irrawaddy, a large and independent newspaper, was opened up. Voavonjy soa aman-tsara tamin'ny fanambadiana noterena teo amin'ny faha-14 taonany ilay mpiangaly rap Afgàna Sonita Alizadeh tamin'ny fanoratana ny hira "Brides for Sale (Vady Amidy)." Afghan rapper Sonita Alizadeh narrowly escaped a forced marriage at 14 by writing the song "Brides for Sale." Sunni Afghan rapper Ali felt safe with marriage forced at the age of 14 by writing the song "Brides for Sale." Vaovao mampitroatra izany satria anatin'ny fotoana hararian'ny vahoaka Iraniana noho ny vokatry ny krizy ara-toekarena lalina nateraky ny sazy iraisam-pirenena mihatra amin'Iran. This is provocative news at a time when Iranian citizens are suffering the effects of a deep financial crisis spurred on by international sanctions against Iran. This is shocking news because it is at a time when Iranian people are shocked by the effects of the deep economic crisis caused by international sanctions against Iran. Ny olona eran'izao tontolo izao dia mampiasa ny fanerena ara-toe-karena mba hanoherana fanapahan-kevitra politika amin'ny alalan'ny fiantsoana fanaovana ankivy ny vokatra avy amin'ny firenena voafaritra mazava. People around the world are using economic pressure in protest against political decisions by calling for boycotting products from certain countries. People around the world are using economic pressure to protest political decisions by calling for a boycott of products from specific countries. Raha vao avy nitsidika an'i India ny Praiministra Julia Gillard , mba hifanaraka mikasika ny fanondranana Oraniôma, na ny Mpanara-maso-Jeneralin'i India aza nampitandrina amin'ny Indostria nokleary "tena mampidi-doza, tsy voalamina" tsy misy fanaraha-maso. Just as Prime-Minister Julia Gillard visited India recently to talk up a uranium export deal, India's own Auditor-General has warned of a "dangerously unsafe, disorganised" nuclear industry with "ineffective" oversight. Once Prime Minister Julia Gillard visited India, he would agree on the sale of Oranium, or even India's Superviserate, warning against the "very dangerous, unregistered" nuclear industry without monitoring. Nanomboka nanàla ireo mpanao fanoherana ny mpitandro filaminana, saingy ny tomponandraikitry ny kaompania kosa nanaiky hamela azy ireo hilaza izay tiany hambara nandritry ny dimy minitra, tamin'ny nilazàny fa hajainy ny zon'izy ireo hànana fahalalàhana maneho hevitra. Security guards started to remove the protestors, but a company official agreed to let them have their say for five minutes, saying that he respected their right to freedom of opinion. Police started avoiding protesters, but company officials agreed to allow them to speak up for five minutes, saying they respect their right to freedom of expression. Sary avy aminà mpaka sary tsy nitonona anarana, ary nampiasaina miaraka amin'ny fanomezan-dàlany. Image by anonymous photographer, used with permission. Image by an anonymous photographer, used with permission. Ilay Dia lavitr'ezaka ho an'ny fanabeazam-bahoaka dia nanomboka tao Puerto Mont ny Alakamisy 30 septambra ary ny tanjona hitodiana dia i Santiago, renivohitr'i Chile (Chili). The walk for public education began in Puerto Mont, Thursday September 30th. The goal is to arrive in Santiago, the capitol of Chile. The long march for public education began in Puerto Mont on Thursday, September 30, and the goal was Santiago, Chile's capital (Chili). Hita eo foana ny fizarazarana eo amin'ireo mpianatra zokiny sy zandriny ao amin'ny sekolim-panjakana Nizeriana. The disparity between junior and senior students is rife in Nigerian public schools. The divide between senior and younger students in Nigerian state schools is always seen. Ny fikitikitihan'i Mugabe ireo tombotsoan'ny fotsy hoditra no fototry ny fitsikerana azy Mugabe criticized because he endangered White interests · Global Voices Mugabe's challenge to white interests is the basis for his criticism Taorian'ny fanonganana azy, nilaza i Badaranayake fa matahotra ny amin'ny ainy sy ny vadiny ary ireo zanany lahy izy. After her impeachment Bandaranayake claimed that she fears for her life and those of her husband and son. After he was ousted, Badavoyake said he was afraid of his life, his wife, and his sons. Nampahatsiarovina tsy hanely hafa-pankahalana ao amin'ny tambajotran-tsosialy ny mpiserasera. Netizens are reminded not to spread hate messages on social networking sites. Netizens were reminded not to spread hate speech on social networks. Izay indrindra, mitatitra ny Al Arabiya fa misy 'fivoriambe iray nataon'ireo Houthi mpitarika milisy tao anaty lapam-panjakana'. Indeed, Al Arabiya reports that "a meeting of the leaders of Houthi militias inside the presidential palace" was taking place. Indeed, Al Arabiya reports that there is a 'a rally' by Houthi militia leaders in the presidential palace. Ity dia lahatsoratra iray nosoratana ho an'ny Siria tsy Voalaza - SyriaUntold avy amin'i Jood Mahbani, mpanao gazety mipetraka ao Homs no sady sivily mpikatroka, ary nadikan'i Yaaser Azzayyaat. This story was written for Syria Untold by Jood Mahbani, a Homs-based journalist and civil activist, and translated by Yaaser Azzayyaat. This is an article written for Syria unreported - SyriaUntold by Jood Mahbani, a Homs-based journalist and civil activist, and translated by Yaaser Azzayaat. I Tajikistan sy Kyrgyzstan, ireo firenena hita any amin'ny fiatombohan'ny rano, no firenena roa anisan'ny mahantra ara-toekarena indrindra ao amin'ny faritra, dia mety afaka jerena ho famenon'ny fahantràna ara-materialy noho ny zinan'ny natiora eo amin'ny tontolo iainany. The fact that Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, the upstream countries, have the two weakest economies in the region might be seen as nature's way of offsetting material poverty with ecological abundance. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, the countries that are located at the water level, are two of the region's poorest economic nations, and can be seen as a mix of economic poverty due to nature's resources in its environment. Nandritry ny roa andro, andianà bilaogera sy mpikirakira Youtube 36 avy aty Afrika, niaraka tamin'ireo mpisehatra erantany nofantenana avy amin'ny tontolo dizitaly Afrikàna, no nampiseho ny talentany sy ny fahaizamanaon'izy ireo mba hampahafantarana ny vahoaka Afrikàna sy izao tontolo izao momba ireo votoatin'ny dizitaly afrikàna, ny mety ho asa azo atao avy aminy, ny fiarahamiasa sy ny lalàm-barotra azon'io tontolo io atolotra azy ireo. The blogger, who is from Douala, Cameroon, wrote on her website that the two-day festival attracted 36 of the "best" bloggers and vloggers from around Africa as well as other digital figures. They gave presentations on African digital content and the economic opportunities to be found on the African web. She continued: For two days, a group of 36 bloggers and YouTube users from Africa, along with international actors selected from the African digital world, showed their talents and skills to inform the African people and the rest of the world about digital content, potential jobs, cooperation and trade opportunities that this world can offer them. Vao omaly aho no niahiahy amin'ny fiarovana ny tahirin'ny drafi-panjakana Sovietika. Just yesterday I was worried about the safety of Soviet state planning archives. Just yesterday I was worried about the security of the Soviet State plan. TP: Betsaka ny làlana ahafahana manangona vola ho anà asa soa, fa mampiasa manokana ny media sosialy ny 40 Days Over 40 Smiles mba hanangonana vola. TP: There are many ways to raise funds for charity, but 40 Days Over 40 Smiles mainly uses social media to raise funds. TP: There are many ways to raise funds for charity, but 40 Days Over 40 Spots is using social media specifically to raise money. Niomana ny hanao ny fihetsiketsehany manoloana ny Parlemanta ry zareo Maraokana ny mitataovovonana, mba hisarihana ny saina amin'ny zava-manjo ny vehivavy toa an'i Amina izay terena hanambady ireo nanolana azy, ary dia afaka amin'ny fanenjehana /sazy araka izany koa. Moroccans are planning to take their protest to the Parliament at noon tomorrow, in order to draw attention to the plight of women like Amina who are forced to marry their rapists, who also get to escape punishment. Moroccans planned to protest in front of Parliament at noon, to draw attention to the plight of women like Amina who are forced to marry those who raped her, and thus free from persecution. Tatitry ny Ligy Gineana Mpiaro ny Zon'Olombelona mikasika ny Zon'Olombelona. Guinean Human Rights League Report on Human Rights. The Guinean League for Human Rights report. Namindra vonjimaika ny biraony ho ao Yogyakarta ny Filoha Indoneziana Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mba hanaramaso ny hetsika fanampiana. The Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has temporarily moved his office to Yogyakarta to supervise relief operations. Indonesian President discovered that he had temporarily transferred his office to Yogyakarta to monitor the relief operations. Izao no hitan'i Merielaura raha niteny momba ny fanamelohana an'i Karim Wade, ilay zanaky ny Filoha Senegaly, noho ny kolikoly: In reference to the conviction of the son of Senegalese president, Karim Wade, for corruption, Marielaura observed: Speaking about the charges against Karim Wade, President Senegal's son, Merielura, for corruption: Hetsika ao Damas, Syria (31/05/11). sary Flickr syriana2011 (CC BY 2.0). Protest in Damascus, Syria (31/05/11). Image by Flickr user syriana2011 (CC BY 2.0). Protest in Damascus, Syria (31/05/11). Photo on Flickr by Syrian2011 (CC BY 2.0). Tany Athena i Odysseas no nisioka an-tserasera vantany vao nanomboka ny fihetsiketsehana, In Athens, Odysseas tweeted soon after the rally had started, Odysas tweeted in Athens as soon as the protests started, Herinandro lasa izay, namoaka sary ny gazety " The Columbus Dispatch " ao Chicago: mampiseho an'Iran ho toy ny lavaka feno kadradraka. About a week ago, a Chicago newspaper, The Colombus Dispatch, published a cartoon that depicts Iran as a sewer with cockroaches crawling out of it. A week ago, Chicago-based newspaper The Columbus Dispatch published a photo: portraying Iran as a hole full of candy. Fara faha-keliny nandritra ny iray volana izaho sy Nina Ansary no nanandrana nandamina antso an-telefaona iray tamin'ireo hasin'ora vitsivitsy samy hafa. Nina Ansary and I had been trying, in vain, to schedule a phone call over a few different time zones for at least a month. It was at least a month ago that Nina Ansary and I tried to organize a phone call with a few hours of different values. Araka ny tatitra tao amin'ny BBC, ity volana ity no "Ramadan nahafatesana olona be indrindra, nahitana olona mihoatra ny 670 maty." According to a report on the BBC, this month was the "deadliest Ramadan in years, with more than 670 people killed." According to a BBC report, this month was "the deadliest Ramadan killed, with more than 670 people killed." Mampiseho ny fanahy sy fototry ny fiainan'i India ary ny vahoakany (fa tsy ny mpitondra azy). It captures the spirit and essence of India and its people (not the elite). It shows the spirit and roots of India's life and its people (not its leaders). Marina fa misy ihany ny maningana saingy raha mitaha amin'ny hetsika goavana tamin'ny taona lasa, somary moana ihany ireo Pakistane mponin'ny aterineto. Of course there are exceptions but compared to last year's immense response, Pakistani netizens are relatively mute. It is true that there is an exception but compared to last year's massive event, Pakistani netizens are quite deaf. @mahmood: Fiara an-jatony eny an-dalana ho any an-tokontanim-pasana. @mahmood: 100s of cars by road to grave yard. @mahmood: Hundreds of vehicles on the road to the cemetery. Ity fanindrahindràna tafahoatra ny fahaterahana ity. All this birthday adulation. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. @Aushpaz Eritrereto raha hoe notanterahana tao anaty fandrindrana maty paika ny famonoana ireo voalohany nokendrena tao #Pakistan, mety tsy ho nisaona ny tao #gilgit akory isika androany! @Aushpaz Imagine if the first target killing incident in #Pakistan was dealt with judiciously, we would not have been mourning #gilgit today! @Aushpaz Imagine if the murder of the first targets in #Pakistan was carried out in a system, today we would not be mourning #gilgit! Nanomboka tamin'izany fotoana izany, nandeha ho azy ny zava-drehetra, tahaka ny mpinamana efa ela be izahay. From that moment on, everything flowed naturally, as if we were old friends. Since then, everything has gone for itself, like long-time friends. Tamin'ny Novambra 2008, ohatra, efa nifandona tao amin'ny Fiangonana Fasan'i Jesoa tao Jerusalem ny moanina Armeniana sy Grika. In November 2008, for example, Armenian and Greek Monks clashed at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In November 2008, for example, Armenian and Greek monks had been involved in the Church of Jesus in Jerusalem. Ny 30 Oktobra no notanana i Abd El Fattah, taorian'ny fandavany ny hohadihadian'ny Mpitsara mpanao famotorana Miaramila, mba hanoherany ny maha-ara-dalàna azy io. Abd El Fattah was detained on October 30, after refusing to be interrogated by the Military Prosecution, in protest against its legitimacy. Abd El Fattah was detained on October 30, after refusing to be interrogated by the Military Prosecutor to protest his legitimacy. Tanibe manandanja i Afrika, ary ny ampahan'ny asa amin'io dinika io dia hatokana hahafantarana misimisy kokoa an'i Etiopia sy hijerena ireo sehatra vaovao azo iarahana miasa. Notsipihan-Rtoa Kenia Serrano fa i Fidel Castro, mpitarika Kiobàna, no tena mpisava làlana tamin'ny firahalahiana teo amin'i Kiobà sy ireo firenena afrikàna, hatramin'ireo taona voalohany nisian'ny Revolisiona, ary nampiany hoe: Nampahatsiahiviny fa ny fandefasana, 49 taona lasa izay, ny borigady voalohany ara-pitsaboana ho any Alzeria, tamin'ny 1963, no nanamarika ny fanombohan'ny fiarahana miasa iraisampirenena niaraka tamin'ireo firenena hafa. Cuba operates more than 1,100 "friendship associations," but it has especially close ties to Africa, Serrano stressed, telling the conference that Castro was a major supporter of solidarity and friendship between Cuba and African countries from the first days of the revolution, when the first Cuban medical team arrived in Algeria in 1963. Africa is an important continent, and part of the work in this forum is dedicated to getting to know Ethiopia better and to look at the new partnerships. Ms. Kenia Serrano pointed out that Fidel Castro, the Cuban leader, was the main pioneer to the brotherhood between Cuba and African countries, since the first years of the Revolution, and added: He reminded that the release 49 years ago, his first medical college to Algeria, in 1963, marked the beginning of international cooperation with other countries. Ny alok'izy roa: lahinjiro roa. Their shadows: two wicks. The shadow of both: two lamps. "Ity dia lahatsary tsotra fotsiny nataoko sy Malek niaraka tamin'ny ray aman-drenin'i Abdulmonem Jamaluddin. "This is a simple video I and Malek made with the parents of the detainee Abdulmonem Jamaluddin. "This is a simple video I and Malek made with Abdulmonem Jamaluddin's parents. Ary (na dia tsy mazava aza izay voalaza ao amin'ny famelan-keloka) mbola miatrika didy fanasaziana 10 taona an-tranomaizina i @NABEELRAJAB noho ny sary tsy tao Yemen nalefany sioka tsy nahy And (tho the terms of the pardon arent clear) @NABEELRAJAB still faces a 10yr sentence for accidentally tweeting a pic that wasn't of Yemen - John Horne (@JohnHorneUK) July 13, 2015 @NABEELRAJAB (though it's unclear what's said in pardon) is still facing a 10-year prison sentence for an image he didn't tweet in Yemen. Raha mba mahare izao ianao, maheno ny fofony, mandre ny hovitrovitra avy aminy, manandran-tsiran'ny horohoro. If only you could hear this, smell this, feel the vibrations, taste the terror. If you're hearing this, hear its smell, hear its smell, smell of horror. Rosia: Akatony ny Tiribonaly iraisam-pirenena raharaha Yogosilavia taloha Russia: Call to Shut Down ICTY · Global Voices Russia: Former Global Tiry of Yogosilavia · Global Voices Raha voatafika ny Indiana manana pasipaoro Amerikana, manan-jo hiahiahy amin'ny heloka maka tahaka mitovy amin'izany mihatra amin'ireo olom-pireneny manokana ao Etazonia ny governemanta Indiana 2/n If Indians with American passports are attacked, Indian govt has right to worry about copycat crimes affecting its own citizens in US 2/n - Ashok Malik (@MalikAshok) March 6, 2017 If Indians with US passports are attacked, the Indian government has the right to suspect similar crimes against its own citizens in the United States 2/n Saingy tsy nolazaina mihitsy fa mankasitraka ny mpiasa ny mpampiasa. But it was never said that employers appreciate employees. But it hasn't been said that employers are grateful for the workers. avy any Kisangani, Boyomais mitaraina ny amin'ny zavatra mampalahelo iainana any amin'ny toeram-pitsaboana ao amin'ny fireneny, tafiditra amin'izany ny teny baiko fantatry ny rehetra hoe: "tsy misy vola, tsy misy fitsaboana." From Kisangani, Boyomais laments the 'disastrous' conditions in his country's health clinics, where "the order of the day well known to all is: no money, no care." From Kisangani, Boymais complains about the sad situation in her country's hospitals, including the most widely known saying: "There is no money, no medical treatment." Ny isa 3, 6 ary 9 ampifanampiana no manome ny isa 18, izay anarana nentina andian-jiolahy taloha, ary io isa 18 io dia ny isan'ireo lohans (mpanara-dia) an'i Shaolin. The numbers 3, 6 and 9 add up to 18, which was the name of an older gang; the number signified the 18 lohans (principal disciples) of Shaolin The number 3, 6 and 9 added to the number 18. Miahy fatratra amin'ny endrika ahitana azy ny mpanjaka. The King is very much concerned about his image. The king cares deeply about his appearance. Ankehitriny kosa, mahafinaritra tokoa ny mahita ny fomba fijerin'ireo Ejyptiana sasany an'i Tonizia, ao koa ny sasany izay niova hevitra vao haingana, ary nanjary nitondra aingam-panahy vaovao ny fitsidihana ireo firenena (Tonizia sy Ejypta). @btnafas7oria: Vao avy nahafantatra ankehitriny fa ny sainam-pirenena Toniziana ihany no any tokana ao an-tranony ... feno hafaliam-po. @kameldinho81: Tsy mba nitia an'i Tonizia mihitsy aho taloha, ankehitriny kosa anefa Tonizia sy Ejypta mifampitantana. @gogaegypt: Oh Tonizia, hanao izay vitako aho mba hitsidika anao miaraka amin'ireo zanako vavy mandritra ny Eid. It is interesting to see how some Egyptians see Tunisia now, how some others used to have a different opinion earlier, and how visiting each others country has became an inspiring experience. @btnafas7oria: Just realized now that the only flag in my home is the Tunisian one ... with all pride. @kameldinho81: I used to not like Tunisia, but now Tunisia and Egypt are both hand in hand. @gogaegypt: Oh Tunisia, I am doing my best to visit you with my daughters during Eid. Now it's a great pleasure to see how some Egyptians view Tunisia, some of whom have recently changed their mind, and have become a new inspiration to visit countries (Egypt and Egypt). @btnafas7oria: Just now I've learned that only the Tunisian flag is in their own home ... @kameldinho81: I never loved Tunisia before, now Tunisia and Egypt. @gogaegypt: Oh, I'm going to do what I can to visit you with my daughters during Eid. Saingy eto, tsy ny tantaran'ny asa ho very fotsiny no reko fa hatramin'ny an'ireo vondrom-piarahamonina. But here I hear stories of not just jobs being lost but also communities. But here, I've heard not only about work lost but also about communities. Tezitra tamin'ny fahitalavim-panjakana ilay mpahay toekarena mahaleotena Kelisifu-jin: Independent economist Kelisifu-jin was angry at the state broadcaster: Independent economist Kelisfu-jin was outraged by state television: Sary avy amin'ny mpisera amin'ny Flickr Andrea Hale. Photo from Flickr user Andrea Hale. Image by Flickr user Andrea Hale. Notes by Noon: Happy Anniversary SupportYemen! Notes by Noon: Happy Anniversary SupportYemen! Notes by Noon: Happy Annive Image SupportYemen! Tsy mandry ny saiko satria maro ireo bibilava no maty tato anatin'ny herinandro vitsivitsy tany amin'ny faritra samihafa eto amin'ny firenena, anisan'izany ny ao Rajshahi. I am concerned that in recent weeks snakes are being killed in different parts of the country, including Rajshahi. I don't mind because many snakes have died in recent weeks in different parts of the country, including Rajshahi. Ara-poko dia manakaiky ireo Teratany Amerikàna ny ankamaroan'ireo olona ireo, ahitàna ireo foko maro samihafa ary ireo fomba fiteny maro karazana. A large number of these people are ethnically close to the Native Americans, consisting of many differing tribes with a wide variety of dialects. The majority of these people are close to Native Americans, including different ethnic groups and different languages. Raha nesorin'ny orinasa ilay dokambarotra, navoakan'ireo mpisera Youtube sasany indray izany. While the advert was withdrawn by the company it has been reposted by other YouTube users. While the company removed the ad, it was republished by some YouTube users. Mankasitraka amin'ny fanohananao, ary maniry ny taona 2017 ho feno fifaliana sy fiadanana ho anao! Thank you for your support, and wishing you a 2017 filled with joy and peace! Thank you for your support, and want 2017 to be full of joy and peace! Nanambara tao amin'ny twitter ny fiadidiana ny filoha frantsay (@Elysée) fa manaiky handray anjara amin'ny fanafihana hotanterahan'ny miaramila any Côte d'Ivoire i Lafrantsa ny 10 aprily: The French presidential office (@Elysée) announced via Twitter that France had accepted to take part in a new military intervention in Côte d'Ivoire on April 10, 2011: The French president's administration (@Elysée) announced on twitter that France will take part in a military attack in Côte d'Ivoire on April 10: Tsy ireo mpamorona miasa amin'ny tranonkala ihany no nihetsika be. Not only web authors were active. Not only web-based creators have been active. Tamin'ny voalohany Avrily 2016, anefa, dia mbola ireo tsanganana matotra efa teo ihany no misongadina teo amin'ny pejy fandraisan'ny Global Voices, ary nobedesin'ny Tale Mpanatanteraka Georgia Popplewell ankitsirano mihitsy ny mpandray anjara Allen Smithee. On April 1 2016, however, the Global Voices front page was its usual serious old self, and Managing Director Georgia Popplewell placed the blame squarely on contributor Allen Smithee. On April 1, 2016, however, some of the more serious posts were featured on Global Voices' main page, and Global Voices' Executive Director Tbilisi Smithee was openly approached by contributor Allen Smithee. Aza misalasala manopi-maso ny Pejy natokana hitaterana ny toe-draharaha any Pakistana . Please view our Pakistan Emergency 2007 Special Coverage Page here. Don't hesitate to check out Pakistan's special coverage page. "Tohina" ny Sekretera Jeneralin'ny Firenena Mikambana, fa tsy fantatra kosa anefa na atao ho fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona iny, na ho finiavan'i Assad handika tsotra izao ny tsipika nataon'ny firenena matanjaka erantany. The UN Secretary General was "shocked," though it's unclear whether it was at the crime against humanity or at Assad's audacity to cross a world power's line. The Secretary General of the United Nations, however, is not known whether it is a violation of human rights, or whether Assad will simply try to break the line of world powers. @nashwanasreldin: Horaketina eo amin'ny tsangambato fahatsiarovana ny anaran'izy ireo any ivelan'ny tranobe ary misy tranom-bakoka kely hasiana izay fananany voavonjy. #aljazeera Lasa tao anatin'ny segondra vitsy. @nashwanasreldin: Their names are etched on a memorial outside the building &a small museum houses their rescued belongings. #aljazeera Gone in seconds. @nashwanasreldin: Their names will be recorded on a memorial outside the building and a small museum will be built for what they have to save. #al ny has gone into a few seconds. Tetikasa: EducAya! Project: EducAya! Project: EducAya! Namoaka basy ihany koa ilay tovolahy iray nàmany, ary natohony an'ilay olona efa naratra, sady nivoaka ny fiara izy roalahy. His companion, a younger man, also pulls out a gun and keeps it trained on the injured man, as the two exit the carriage. A friend of mine also fired a gun and hit the injured person, and both of them got out of the car. Imbetsaka mandeha any ivelany i Rayman mba hitady vaovao. Rayman traveled abroad several times to report. Rayman goes abroad several times to find information. Nanoratra (teny rosiana) toe-draharaha tsy tokony hisy dikany any amin'ny faritra hafa ivelan'i Osetia avaratra, firenena mizaka tena ao anatin'ny firaisamben'i Rosia, ary nizaka ny herisetra maro isan-karazany ny mponina ao aminy hatramin'ny nianjeran'i Firaisana sôvietika, ny mpampiasa ny LJ liza-valieva - na ny mpanao gazety Osetiana tavaratra Liza Valieva - anisan'ny herisetra nanjo azy ireo ny raharaha fakana takalon'aina tao amin'ny sekoly iray tao Beslan tamin'ny volana septambra 2004: LJ user liza-valieva - North Ossetian journalist Liza Valieva - writes (RUS) about an incident that could have prompted a lighthearted reaction had it not occurred in North Ossetia, an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation, whose people have seen much violence since the collapse of the Soviet Union, including the Sept. 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis: LJ user liza-valieva - or northern Ukrainian journalist Leiza Valieva - wrote (Russian) a situation that should not have been meaningful in other parts of Northern Osetia, a country that has been a part of Russia's unity, and whose residents have suffered various forms of violence since the fall of the Soviet Union in September 2004: Saripika avy amin'ny Facebook Image from Facebook Photo from Facebook Misy ireo solontena avy amin'ny Prensa Comunitaria Km. Correspondents from Prensa Comunitaria Km. There's a delegation of a representative from the maybe Km'stherapia Comunitaria. Saingy toa tsy hita izy. Apparently he missed both. But he seems missing. Tamin'ny 2010 no nisy horohorontany goavana indrindra namely an'i Chili, filoham-pirenena nandray ny asany, ny filoha any Argentine teo aloha nodimandry tampoka, ny loka Nobel momba ny literatiora nomena ilay terantany avy any Peru Mario Vargas Llosa, ary ny Global Voices nanao ny fihaonana an-tampony tany Santiago, Chili. In 2010 a major earthquake hit Chile, several new heads of state took office, former Argentinean president Nestor Kirchner unexpectedly passed away, the Nobel Prize in Literature was given to Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, and Global Voices held its Summit in Santiago, Chile. In 2010, the largest earthquake hit Chile, the country's leading president, former Argentina president, the Nobel Prize for Literature from Peru Mario Vargas, and Global Voices at the summit in Santiago, Chile. Taorian'ny firoboroboana ara-toekarena nandritra ny folo taona tsy tapaka, nanozongozona ity firenena manana mponina 18 tapitrisa ity ny filatsahan'ny vidin-tsolika eran-tany ary niteraka fihetseham-po te hanohitra izay nitohy tamin'ny fikasan'ny governemanta hanitatra ny fampanofana tany amin'ireo vahiny . After over a decade of continuous economic growth the crash in global oil has rocked the country of 18 million, fuelling a protest mood that peaked around government plans to extend land leases for foreigners. After a decade-long economic growth, global oil prices have overwhelmed 18 million people and sparked feelings against what continued in the government's attempt to extend the rent to foreigners. Mandritra izany, amin'ny fitorahana bilaogy ao amin'ny tranonkalam-baovao Carta Maior , nampahatsiahy tamin'ny mpamaky i Emiliano Jose fa tsy fitsangatsanganana fakàna aina akory ny dingan'ny fametrahana demokrasia ao Brezila: Meanwhile, blogging at alternative news site Carta Maior , Emiliano Jose reminded readers that Brazil's process of democratisation is by no means a simple journey: Meanwhile, blogging at the news site Carta Maior , Emiliano Jose reminded readers that Brazil's democratic process is not even a comfortable journey: Nefa ho an-dRatoa Eyakuze dia toa nanao sikidy ilay mpampanoa Lehiben'ny fampanoavana taloha mba hialany amin'ny olana: But for Ms. Eyakuze it seemed that the former Attorney General had resorted to the dark arts to get himself out of trouble: But for Ms. Eyakuze, the former Attorney General seems to have concorded to avoid the problem: Tsy tanteraka ireo valinteny vitsivitsy mba azoko. A couple of replies I did receive never materialized into anything positive. The few responses I've received didn't come true. Ary i Kamerona izay nahazo ny fon'ny mpitia baolina manerana izao tontolo izao taloha, dia mahita ny zavabitany ambony kianja mirazotra amin'ny fomba fikarakarana ny mpanoratra sady mpanoratra gazety Enoh Meyomesse tafahitsoka ambany dia ambany, satria mbola navela ho ao am-ponja na dia mihemo-dava aza ny fitsarana azy. And Cameroon, which in previous World Cups has captured the hearts of soccer fans around the world, has found its on-field performance paralleled by its abysmal treatment of journalists and writer Enoh Meyomesse, who remains in prison after repeated postponements to his trial. And Cameroon, who once won the hearts of football fans around the world, sees its record in the field in the care of writer and journalist Enoh Mehoomesse, as he remains in prison even though his trial is inconsistent. Tapaka antenantenany hatrany ny fifampiraharahana. Negotiations have broken down repeatedly. The negotiations have been cut off. dia Mpihira/mpamoron-kira indie izay namoaka EP iray monja. is an indie singer/songwriter who just launched an EP. A singer/songwriter indie who published just one EE. Manana pejy Facebook antsoina hoe Fikambanana Kapiteny Mbaye Diagne - Nekkinu Jàmm ary efao andalam-pananganana tranonkala amin'ny fiteny maro izahay; manomana hetsika miaraka amin'ny mpanao gazety izahay. We have a Facebook page named Association of Captain Mbaye Diagne - Nekkinu Jàmm and we are currently setting up a multilingual website; we are organising activities with the press. We have a Facebook page called the Mbaye Diagne - Nekkinu Jàmm and we are already building a website in many languages; we are organizing events with journalists. Tamin'izaho nampiseho azy ireo teo amin'ny fàfana (écran) tamin'ilay fakantsary ireo sary nalaiko, dia toa nikorontana ny sain'izy ireo. When I showed the children the photo I took of them on the camera display screen, they looked very confused. When I showed them on the camera (écran), they seemed confused. Fitantarana am-Bilaogy Mivantana Ny Fifidianam-Paritra sy Monisipaly Any Rosia #RussiaVotes Live Blog: Russia's Regional and Local Elections · Global Voices A Live Story of Russia's Elections for Memory and Elections · Global Voices Ilay vavolombelona iray monja dia nilaza fa mitonon-tena ho mpikambana ao amin'i Zetas, vondrona fanta-daza amin'ny herisetra sy ny fandraisana zava-mahadomelina ao Meksika ireo mpamono olona. The only witness who has come forward has testified that the killers identified themselves as members of the Zetas, the most notoriously violent drug group in Mexico. The same witness claimed that the killers identified themselves as members of Zetas, a well-known group of violence and drug trafficking in Mexico. Mifototra amin'ny fampitana Pokémon sarimiaina sy lalao video maherisetra isankarazany ny Pokémon Go izay lasa nalaza voalohany tamin'ny faramparan'ny taona 1990, tsy maintsy mahita, misambotra ary miady amin'ny zavaboary noforonin'ny eritreritra antsoina hoe Pokémon ilay olona milalao, izay fantatra ihany koa amin'ny anarana hoe 'Monster Balls' (baolina bibidia) ao Japana. Pokémon Go is based on the Pokémon multimedia juggernaut of anime and video games that first became popular in the late 1990s, where human players must find, capture and battle with fictional creatures called Pokémon, known as 'Monster Balls' in Japan. Based on the broadcasting and playing of a variety of graphics and violent video games that first became popular in the late 1990s, the character, also known as 'Monster Balls' in Japan, had to see, arrest, and fight the creation created by the thought-making idea. #2014Hitondra zava-baovao eo amin'ny tontolon'ny politika noho ny #AAP !! #2014WillBring something new in politics history because of #AAP !! - Bathroom singer (@pradeeptamilan) January 2, 2014 #2014 To bring new things to the political world thanks to #AAP!! Nisy tamin'ireo mpandeha no nitaraina fa zara raha nahazo fanampiana avy amin'ireo mpiasan'ny zotram-piaramanidina taorian'ny loza. Some passengers have complained that they received little assistance from airline personnel after the accident. Some passengers complained that they received little help from airline employees after the accident. Hitan'ilay bilaogera ho "hafahafa' ny nampisehoana ny nampisehoana ilay voromby mpiady anaty trano (kianja mitafy) raha amin'ny alalan'ny fisidinana no fampisehoana azy amin'ny ankapobeny. The blogger found it "weird' that the aircraft was being unveiled at an indoor sports stadium as airplanes are usually shown in flight. The blogger found it "inconvenient' to show the plane in the house, when it was generally shown by a flyer. Ny ankamaroan'ny trano fonenana dia mividy gropy elektrozena avokoa, nanjary toy ny orinasa goavana i Gaza. Most of the buildings have purchased a generator, Gaza has become like one giant factory. Most of the homes buy electric beads, Gaza becomes a giant company. Tsy haiko hoe ahoana no naneken'ireo mpifanolo-bodirindrina ao Florence hisian'ny karazana fonja tsy manaja ny maha-olona tahaka izany ao anivony ao. I didn't understand how the neighbors in the town of Florence had accepted such an inhumane prison amongst then. I don't know how any of Florence's neighbors have accepted such humane prisons. Sarinà mpanolana sy mpamono olona. The image of a rapist and a murderer. Image of rapists and criminals. Amerika: Tsiaro an'aterineto mpifindra monina 72 tratran'ny famonoana faobe Americas: Virtual Memorial for 72 Victims of Migrant Mass-Killing · Global Voices America: 72 Internet Migrants Attacked · Global Voices Tsy ilain'ny Afrikana ny rendrarendra. Africans are not needy for luxury. It doesn't matter to Africans. Nitondra ny fijery tamin'ireo loza ary "antony tsy mahamety" ny hanorenana tetikasa lehibe sahala amin'izany manamorona ny renirano ireo mpanao maritrano maro teo an-toerana sy tany ivelany. Various local and international architects have drawn attention to the dangers and "impossible conditions" of building such a large-scale project on the riverbank. Many architects on the ground and abroad have taken a look at the dangers and are "inconsistent" to build such a great project along the river. Nanomboka tamin'ny fanonganam-panjakana tamin'ny Aprily, manoratra ny Ligy hoe: Starting with April's coup d'etat, the League writes: Since the April coup, the League writes: Mpitandro ny filaminana sady mpiblaogy any Bermuda i Allan Palmer, nambarany fa "nahantona" amin'ny maha-Polisy azy izy noho ny lahatsoratra izay napariany teo amin'ny blaoginy: Bermudan Police Officer and blogger Allan Palmer reports that he is officially "on suspension" following a blog post that he wrote. Allan Palmer is a police officer and blogger in Bermuda, who says he was "crewed" as a police officer because of a post he published on his blog: Aiza ny ambin'ireo mpiambina am-perinasa? Where are the rest of guards on duty? Where are the rest of the ongoing guards? Tapitra? Finally? End? Mitatitra ireo mafana fo eo amin'ny sehatry ny virtoaly: Virtual activism reports: Online activists report: Ilay mpanoratra lahatsoratra manokana anaty gazety Mona El Tahawy dia manao fanamby hoe: Egyptian columnist Mona El Tahawy challenges: Newspaper columnist Mona El Tahawy challenges: Ao amin'ny twitter, ireo tsy mpanohitra sasany dia mamelabelatra ny hadalan'i Shina. On Twitter, some dissidents are elaborating on the absurdity of China. On Twitter, some non-protesters describe China's stupidness. - Norteño liquor manome tanjaka 220V - Norteño liquor with 220V energy drink - Minhño liquor offering220V energy Mpanao Gazety sy Bilaogera Mifandrafy Hevitra Momba ny Fampihorohoroana Rosiana Blogger and Commando Argue Russian Terrorism · Global Voices Journalists and Bloggers React to Russian Terrorism · Global Voices Azo vianavinaina fa efa manana ny lisitra eo an-tanany koa izy (ravehivavy). She probably has her checklist. He also has a list on his hands. Maminavina ny hiverina any Togo izy rehefa vita ny fianarany, na dia betsaka amin'ny endri-piainana Breziliana aza no ankafiziny: ny olona, ny fifaliana, ireo kolontsaina maroloko ary ny tontolo manodidina mahafinaritra. He plans to return to Togo after he finishes his studies, though he loves many aspects of Brazilian life: the people, the happiness, the diverse culture, and the beautiful landscapes. He plans to return to Togo after finishing his studies, even though he enjoys a lot of Brazilian forms of life: people, joy, colorful cultures and beautiful surroundings. Rehefa tao amin'ny aterineto nandritra ny 17 andro monja ny tranonkala, nahazo didy voalohany hahazo lamandy R $ 1000 (300 dolara Amerikana tamin'ny Jona 2017) isaky ny andro mahavelona ny tranonkala ny fianakaviana Frías, tompon'ny Folha de São Paulo. After the site had been online for only 17 days, the Frias family, owner of the Folha de São Paulo, obtained a preliminary injunction levying a fine of R$ 1000 (USD 300 as of June 2017) for each day that the website remained live. When the website was on the Internet for just 17 days, it was first ordered to receive a fine of R$1,000 (US$300 in June 2017) every day of the site's life, the owner of the country's the country's country of turn-in-the-São Paulo. Manomboka ny mozika tamin'izay fotoana izay. At that moment, the music starts. At that time, music began. Mba hahitana hoe tahaka ny ahoana fifamoivoizana ao Saigon dia tsidiho ny lahatsariny fohy ao amin'ny lahatsorany. To see what the driving conditions are like in Saigon, check out the short video on his post. To find out what traffic is like inreparation, check out his short video in his post. (Fanamarihana: Lahatsoratra nivoaka tamin'ny Febroary 2007) Nilaza ny heviny ilay MPITSARA NY FIFANINANANTSIKA, sady tamin'ny fomba kanto tokoa. OUR CONTEST JUDGE has spoken, and very beautifully too. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. Tanora nifindra tao al katiba! Youth moved 2 al katiba! Young people moved to al katiba! Avoty ilay tovovavy dia hangataka amin'ny mpitondra isika hanavotra ilay tovovavy. Lets save the lady and we will petition the authorities to save the lady. Ask the girl and we will ask the ruler to save the girl. Ny Talata tolakandro ary dia nisy ny ny fifanarahan'ny UMP. This Tuesday afternoon the UMP therefore held a convention (FR). On Tuesday afternoon there was a UMP deal. Holazaina fa mpikambana ao amina vondrona ara-poko iray ianao. You will be labeled a member of a certain group or ethnicity. You will be a member of a ethnic group. Mitohy ny teritery saingy tsy hanakana anay izany. The pressure continues but they won't stop us. The pressure continues but it won't stop us. Nihevitra avokoa isika rehetra fa maty i Khamis! #Libya We all thought Khamis was dead! #Libya We all thought he was dead! #Libya Raha izany no nataontsika, dia midika izany fa nahatratra ny tanjony ny mpampihorohoro, ary nandresy ry zareo. If we were to do that, it would mean that the terrorists would be successful in their goals, and that they have won. If so, this means that terrorists have achieved their goals, and they have won. Tamin'ny farany, voampanga ho nanao "fiarovan-tena ara-dalàna be loatra" i Deng, nefa afa-niala tamin'ny sazy heloka be vava noho ny sàtany ara-tsaina. Eventually, Deng was convicted of "excessive self-defense" but exempt from criminal punishment due to her psychological status. In the end, Deng was accused of "posing too much legal protection," but was released from a criminal offense for his intellectual background. Nampitolagaga ny faritra rakotry ny fihetsiketsehana; nahambango an'i Rosia avy any andrefana ka hatrany atsinanana izy ireo, nisedra toetr'andro sy vahoaka be. The geographic sweep of the demonstrations is impressive; they spanned Russia's western and eastern corners, crosscutting climates and demographics. The protest's covered areas were impressive; they took over Russia from the west to the east, weather and mass. Voasakana, Nalàna Sakana Ary Voasakana Indray ny YouTube Tany Pakistana YouTube Blocked, Unblocked and Blocked Again in Pakistan · Global Voices YouTube was blocked, blocked and blocked again in Pakistan · Global Voices Azo heverina ho làlana iray mahomby amin'ny fanazàrana ny atidoha ny fampiasana nepo, satria mitazona azy mba hihodina tsara ary mety foana ho an'ny salan-taona rehetra. Using the nepo could be considered an excellent way of exercising the brain, as it keeps it active and flexible at any age. The use of nepo can be considered a successful way of getting the brain used, as it holds it in the right direction and is always possible for all ages. Izany no mahatonga ireny mpanakanto miara-miasa amin'ny mpanao didy jadona ireny ataon'ny mpanohana azy tsinontsinona. That's why those artists who are working with dictators are trashed by their supporters. That's why these artists work with dictators by their supporters. Tsy ho ela dia hivelatra any Toamasina izay tanana faharoa lehibe indrindra any Madagasikara, ny FOKO. FOKO is soon expanding to Madagascar's second biggest town, Tamatave. Soon, FOK will develop in the second largest city in Madagascar. Carlos Jumbo nanafotra ny Twitter-ny tamin'ny diezy mifanaraka amin'izany: Carlos Jumbo flooded his own Twitter feed with related hashtags: Carlos Jumbo echoed his Twitter feed with the relevant hashtag: Makà mpanampy an-trano ary hihatsara ny fiainana." Get a housemaid and all your affairs will improve." Take a maid and live a better life." Fa ny marina dia mbola misy fizarazaràna (lehibe) amin'ireo vehivavy, ny zazavavy, hatramin'ireo ankizivavy any ambanivohitra, any amin'ireo tanàna kely sy tanàna lehibe, eny fa hatramin'ny tanàn-dehibe aza, izay tsy mbola manana izany fahasahiana izany. But truth is that there remains a (humongous) faction of women, young girls, and even younger girls in villages, in small towns, in bigger towns, and in even bigger cities, who have yet to muster up such courage. In fact, there is still a division between women, girls, and rural girls, in villages and cities, and even cities, which have not yet had this courage. Heveriko fa ny ankamaroan'ny vahoaka dia te-hahita ireo zanany handova firenena tsara kokoa nóho izay iainantsika amin'izao fotoana. I think most people want their children to inherit a better country than we live in now. I think most people want to see their children inherit a better country where we live today. Big shock by the entrance of far-right ELAM into the Cypriot Parliament. Big shock by the entrance of far-right ELAM into the Cypriot Parliament. Big shock by the influence of free-right ELAM Itto the Cypriot Parliament. Hoy i Rekha: Rekha says: Rekha says: Ilay sora-baventy mivaky hoe: "Ataovy tahaka ny hoe mihazakazaka mitondra ny vaovao fanagadrana an'i Gruevski ianao" Telo lahy no nifampitana tamin'ilay mpikatroka, nisintona ary nandrovitra ilay sora-baventy, nanosika azy ary namely azy teo amin'ny tavany. The sign read: "Run as if you're carrying the news of Gruevski's imprisonment." Three men confronted the activist, stole and ripped his sign, shoved him and hit him in the face. The banner reads: "Do as if you were running for the news of Gruevski's detention" Three men were with the activist, pulled and removed the banner, pushed him and hit him in his face. Tamin'ny Talata 24 janoary 2012 tao amin'ny kianja Franceville tamin'ny andro voalohan'ny fifanintsanana tao amin'ny sokajy D. This, the first match in Group D, took place on Tuesday 24 January in the Stade de Franceville, Gabon. On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at Franceville Square on the first day of the tournament in the D category. Ny Fox News, voatsikera matetika noho ny fitsaratsaràna ataony momba ireo olana mifandraika amin'ny fifindra-monina sy ny pôlitikan'ny fikombonana , dia voalaza fa nanao antso avo ho an'ny "fitiliana ireo Silamo" ao amin'ny tafika. Fox News, often criticized for its bias on issues related to immigration and conservative politics, is reportedly calling for the "screening of Muslims" in the army. Fox News, often criticized for its prejudice on immigration-related issues and the closed-up policy , has reportedly made a call for "Islamic reform" in the army. Miaina any ambanin'ny tany izy ireo amin'ny ankapobeny ary mahalana ny fisokafan'izy ireo imasom-bahoaka. They are generally underground and their opening up in public is uncommon. They generally live underground and they rarely open up in public. Efa nisy ihany koa ny trangan-javatra tahaka izao, tamin'ny janoary 2013, fa hanomboka " hitantana " ny hopitaly Collado Villalba ny Capio, izay tsy hisokatra mandritra ny fotoana maharitra hatramin'ny herintaona. It also happens that, as of January 2013, Capio will begin "managing" the hospital in Collado Villalba , which will not be open until some time within the next year. A similar incident occurred in January 2013, but Capio, which will not be open for long periods of time until one year, will begin to "manage" Collado Villalba hospital. Tamin'ny graffitin'i Black Hand nalaza tamin'ny media sosialy, namoaka ny sary amin'ny rindrina ahitana ra mandriaka ambonin'ny voambolana "Gaza" tamin'ny 2012 ny Iraniana. In the most recent Black Hand graffiti to trend on social media, Iranians posted images of the artist's wall depiction of blood pouring over the word "Gaza" from 2012. In the famous Black Hand graffiti on social media, Iranians posted photos of walls with bloody blood over the word "Gaza" in 2012. Io varavarako io And as you go, please close the door It's my hole Andraikitray ny mitazona io tsindry io, ho an'ny fahasalamantsika rehetra. It's our job to maintain that pressure, for all our sakes. It is our responsibility to maintain this pressure for all our health. Taorian'ny nandrombahana fandresena tamin'i Bielorosia, tafakatra ho amin'ny fihodinana manaraka ny tarika vehivavy Japoney After notching a victory against Belarus, Japan's women's team advances to the next round After winning a victory against Belarus, the Japanese women's band rose to the next round Tamin'ny andro fahadimin'ny fihetsiketsehana, tsy ny tanàna sasany tao Makedonia ihany no nitsangana, fa nanomboka niala tamin'ny fiforetana koa ireo tanora ao Skopje. On day 5 of the protests, not only did other cities in Macedonia rise to the occasion, but the young people of Skopje started to escape the apathy, slowly but surely. On the fifth day of the protests, not only did some cities in Macedonia stand up, but young people in Skopje also began to break free. Notaterin'ny media miaraka amin'ny fanjakana fa nanapitra ny ainy ireo mpiasan'ny governemanta ireo noho ny hamafin'ny asa na rarintsaina. State-affiliated media have reported that these government officials who have ended their lives have done so because of work pressure or depression. The state-owned media reported that these government employees were risking their lives due to hard work. Alkhawaja manampy hoe: Alkhawaja adds: Alkhawaja adds: Tsy azo ekena sy tsy azo tohanana ny fandoavam-bola azy ireo tamin'izay nataony ary mandòa vola ho amin'ny famotsorana ireo mpikambana ao aminy. Paying them for what they do and paying for the release of their members is amoral and unsustainable. Their payment for what they did was unacceptable and unregisterable and paid for the release of their members. Eny, satria raha te hadio sy hivelona am-pahamendrehana, dia tsy mivelona amin'ny moraly, fa amin'ny karazan'olona.... Because if you want to stay clean and make a decent living, you don't live by morals, but by cash... Yes, because if you want to be clean and live with dignity, you don't live with easyness, but with people of all sorts.... Samy mahafantatra ny tsirairay fa nentin'ireo an-katerena tao amin'ny valan-javaboahary ireo . Everyone knows that took to the park by force. Everyone knows they are being taken by the authorities at the park. Ahoana no hanaovana hetsika ao anaty firaisankina. How to act in solidarity. How to act in solidarity. Anonymous International, izay lazaina matetika ho Shaltai Boltai ("Humpty Dumpty"), no namoaka andiana mailaka maromaro tao anatin'ny roa taona mikasika ny sivana amin'ny media, ny adin'i Kremlin amin'ny Rosiana mpanohitra ary ny ady ao Okraina. Anonymous International, often referred to as Shaltai Boltai ("Humpty Dumpty"), has released several troves of emails over the past two years, often concerning media censorship, the Kremlin's battle with the Russian opposition, and the conflict in Ukraine. Anonymous International, often referred to as Shalttai Boltai ("Humpty Dumpty"), has published a series of emails about media censorship, the Kremlin's war against the Russian opposition and the war in Ukraine. Maherin'ny 64.000 ny olona nankalaza ny Inti Raymi, Fetiben'ny Masoandro, tao amin'ny zaridaina arkeolojikan'i Saksayhuaman, tokony ho 15 km miala ny tanànan'i Cusco. More than 64,000 people celebrated Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun, at Saksayhuaman archaeological park, about 15 minutes from the city of Cusco. More than 64,000 people celebrated Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun, in the Saksayhuaman park, about 15 kilometers away from the city. Azonao jerena ao amin'ny Tahirin-tsarin'i Akira ao amin'ny Facebook ireo sary hafa maro. You can find more photos in Akira's Facebook photo album. More photos can be found on Akira's Facebook album. Avy eo, nisy ny fanambarana fa ho tapaka ny tambajotra hatramin'ny 11 atoandro. Later, it was announced that the service will be suspended until 11 a.m. Then there were announcements that the network will be shut down until 11 p.m. "Izany ny fomba iray natao mba tsy hanekena anay." "This is one way of making us invisible." "That's a way of not accepting us." Manoratra, manamarina ny zava-misy, ary mamoaka ireo vaovao maharesy lahatra sy lehibe indrindra avy amin'ireo loharanom-baovao antserasera ao amin'ny faritra. Write, fact-check, and edit the most compelling and important stories from online sources in their region. Writing, fact-checking, and publishing the most convincing and important information from online sources in the region. Saingy ny isa tokoa ve no nitombo sa ny toe-javatra no mihamivandravandra amin'ny mahaheloka azy? But, have the numbers actually increased or is it the case that there is greater awareness of such crimes? But is the number really increasing or the situation becomes more apparent as a crime? @zuola namoaka ny sarin'i Wu'er Kaxi nalaina tamin'ny filazana jiolahy tadiavina vita printy tamin'ny gazety lehibe 24 taona lasa izay. @zuola uploaded the photo of Wu'er Kaxi from the wanted criminal notice printed in major newspapers 24 years ago. @zuola published Wu'er Kaxi's photo taken from a press release that was printed 24 years ago. Ny andinin-tsoratra mozika ampiasain'ny mpanoratra amin'ny lahatsoratr'izy ireo dia milaza betsaka momba ny mpamaky kendren'izy ireo. What music references a writer makes within their text says a lot about who their intended audience is. The music text used by the author in their posts tells a lot about their target readers. Mpampiasa Facebook iray, Gideon Charles, nanondro ny fandavan'ny mpanohitra tsy hifidy ilay volavolan-dalàna ho toy ny andrana mahery vaika amin'ny fanakorontanana, manombatombana ny mpanohitra ho tsy tia ny fampanarahana ny FACTA "satria mety hampiharihary ny halatra madinika, ny fanodinkodinana ny volan'ny mpandoa hetra," nataon'ny governemanta fahiny sy ny UNC mpanohitra amin'izao fotoana. One Facebook user, Gideon Charles, called the opposition's refusal to vote for the bill a desperate attempt at destabilisation, speculating that the opposition does not want FACTA compliance "because it would divulge the pilfering, the embezzling of taxpayers' money by the former, now Opposition UNC government." One Facebook user, Gideon Charles, pointed to the opposition's refusal to vote on the bill as a strong attempt to disrupt the law, accusing the opposition of not wanting to improve the FACTA "because it would reveal the small thefts, the misappropriation of taxpayers," by the former government and the current UNC opposition. Hita teny an-dalamben'ny Brezily isan'andro ny fihetsiketsehana manohitra ny fandraisana ny Mondialy. Demonstrations against the World Cup took over Brazil's streets regularly throughout the year. Protests against the World Cup took place every day in the streets of Brazil. 3 Manaova ankanjo lava 3 Wear long coat 3 Have a Long Shirt Mampiseho ny sasany amin'ireo asany ny lahatsary etsy ambony. The above video shows some of this work. The video above shows some of their activities. Manaraka ity raharaha ity ihany koa ny Amnesty International Turkey ary nametraka ity afisy ity: Amnesty International Turkey office also follows this case and shared this poster: Amnesty International Turkey also follows the case and posted this poster: Androany, mitady fomba ahafahan'ny olona manampy amin'ny fanamaivanana ny fahorian'ireo ankizy izahay. Today, we look at ways in which individuals could help alleviate some of their suffering. Today, we are looking for ways that people can help alleviate the suffering of children. Ahoana no tokony hankalazantsika ity fotoana ity? How should we celebrate this event? How should we celebrate this occasion? Raha ny fijery azy, raha efa nahazo fampitandremana tany aloha tany izany ry zareo dia azo roahina hody any aminy rehefa tsy manàja ny jiromena (feu tricolore - jiro mandamina ny fifamoivoizana). Apparently, now they can be deported if they jump a red light and have previous traffic violations Apparently, if they had received a warning in the past, they could be taken home if they didn't pay attention to the red light. Na izany aza, nisy ny pikantsary iray avotra ihany ary navoakan'ny Tanora Manohitra ny Fanorenam-Boanjo. However, a screenshot was saved and published by Youth Against Settlement. However, there was only a screenshot and it was published by Youth Against Buildings. An'aliny ireo mpianatra ao amin'ny Sekolim-panjakana Miaramila (APS) manerana an'i Pakistan, rafi-pampianarana mivelatra mampianatra ireo ankizy Pakistaney hazoto amin'ny fikarakarana sy amin'ny fiasana mafy. There are tens of thousands of students at Army Public School (APS) campuses across Pakistan, a progressive school system that educates children of servicemen and hard-working Pakistanis. Tens of thousands of students at Military School (APS) across Pakistan, an open education system that educates Pakistani children to be active in caring for and working hard. Natao ny alina io, fa tsy vao mangiran-dratsy!!! It was made at night, not early in the morning!!! It was night, not dawn!!! Ny sasany amin'ny vangin'elefanta tsy ara-dalàna ihany koa mandeha any amin'ny tsena antsinjarany ao anatiny, izay misy mpanjifa maro ho an'ireo vokatra lafo vidy ho an'ireo mpizahatany any amin'ny tanibe. Some smuggled ivory also finds its way to the domestic retail market, where there is high demand for luxury items by mainland tourists. Some of the illegal ivory may also go to the local market, where there are a lot of customers for expensive tourist products in the mainland. Nahemotra ho amin'ny volana Desambra ny tena dinika itambarambe momba ity resaka ity. Full discussions of the issue have been delayed until December. The main forum on this issue was postponed to December. Mofomamy kely izay tsy ho adinonao mihitsy .. A Cupcake that you can't forget.. A little sweet that you will never forget.. Sayat Shulembayev, 28 taona , mpanao gazety ao amin'ilay vohikalam-baovao sy horonantsary "Stan" dia novonoina tamin'ny fomba mahatsiravina tany Almaty. Sayat Shulembayev, 28, journalist of the news video-portal "Stan" was brutally murdered in Almaty. Sayat Shulembayev, a 28-year-old journalist at the news website "Stan" was brutally killed in Almaty. Ary avy eo omena famindram-po ny voageja tahaka ny hoe meloka izy . Then the oppressed is pardoned as if he/she was guilty And then he will be shown mercy to those who are locked up as if they are guilty. Ilay mpikambana avy amin'ny Parlemantera mpanohitra, Vesna Bendevska, nandray anjara tamin'ity manaraka ity: Opposition Member of Parliament Vesna Bendevska contributed with the following: Opposition MP Vesna Bendev participated in the following: Misy "meme" iray teraka ao amin'ny Twitter: olona miresaka ny fomba hilalaovana samirery ireo takelaka misy kilalao natao ho an'olona mihoatra ny iray: A nascent meme on Twitter is people taking a solitary approach to playing board games meant for more than one player: A meme was born on Twitter: someone talking about how to play with the pages of toys for more than one person: Hatrany ka hatramin'ity anio ity, tsy misy nenina From then on to this day there's no regrets From now on, without regret Sary natolotry ny Wikicommons / Aiden mpampiasa Wikipedia. Photo courtesy Wikicommons / Wikipedia user Aiden. Image courtesy Wikicommons / Wikipedia user Aiden. Azo jerena ao amin'ny tranonkala mivantana Moobol ny tatitra telo tahaka izany, voalohany tamin'ny 7 Jolay tao an-tanànan'i Guang'an, manamorona ny Renirano Qujiang ao amin'ny faritany Sichuan, izay mitohy mandifotra ny tanàna ny tondra-drano: Three such reports can be found today on the Moobol live broadcast website, first one dated July 7 from the Guang'an city length of the Qujiang River in Sichuan province, where floods continue to keep the local villages submerged: Three such reports can be found on the live website Moobol, first on July 7 in the town of Guang'an, along the Qujiang River in Sichuan province, where flooding continues to plague the city: Mendrika hijoro eo amin'ny laharana voalohany ny tanora amin'izao fotoana izao." Today, a younger generation deserves to move to the frontline." The youth now deserve to stand in the first place." Nandahatra karaza-nofy ratsy maromaro mety ateraky ny fandraràna ny fanalan-jaza ireo mpanohitra ny volavolan-dalàna vaovao momba raha lany ny lalàna, tahaka ny fanerena ny vehivavy voaolana hiteraka ny zaza notorontoronina avy amin'izany, na fiahiahian'ny polisy hieritreritra heloka bevava ny renim-pianakaviana iray afa-jaza tsy nahy, fa hoe mety natao fanahy iniana ny fahafahan-jaza. Opponents of the new proposed abortion ban list several nightmare scenarios that would result, if the law is passed, such as forcing women who are raped to give birth to children, and even throwing criminal suspicion on mothers who miscarry naturally, raising police concerns that the miscarriage may have been deliberate. Opponents of the new legislation on whether to pass the law, such as forcing women to give birth to children who have been taught by them, have organized several nightmares that could result in the ban on abortion, or the police suspect that a mother who has been given an innocent abortion might have been intentional. Iandrasàna ny fankatoavan'ny governemanta, avy eo dia mila manangona sonia 10.000 ry zareo mba hahafahana manolotra ilay volavolam-panitsiana eny amin'ny Parlemanta. Pending the government's approval, they would then need to gather 10,000 signatures required to propose amendments within the Parliament. The government's approval is expected, then they need to collect 10,000 signatures so that they can present the amendment to the Parliament. Velona ilay zazakely. The baby was alive. The baby is alive. @SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: nalain'izy ireo ny fitaovam-piadiana matanjaka ary nanomboka nozeran'ny miaramila baomba ny toerana fanatobiana fitaovam-piadiana, amin'izay mantsy tsy afaka ampiasain'ny mpampihorohoro @Dima_Khatib: Gaddafi: Tsy yankee tahaka an'i Bush sy Clinton i Obama#libya #feb17 #obama @SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: They took over dangerous arms so the military started bombarding the weapons depots so the terrorists don't take them over @Dima_Khatib: Gaddafi: Obama is not a yankee and adventurer like Bush & Clinton #libya #feb17 #obama @SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: They took the weapons and started bombing the weapons station, so that the terrorists can't use @Dima_SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: Obama isn't yankee like Bush and Clinton #libya #feb17 #obama 4) @marvisirmed 4) @marvisirmed - Rana Waleed (@_RanaWaleed) June 10, 2016 (4) @marvisirmed Sary avy amin'Andriamatoa _L_in_Iran. Photo by Mr_L_in_Iran. Photo by _L_in_Iran. Ny tantaran'ireo Amerikàna Latina ihany no asehon-dry zareo miavaka, amin'ny fitondrana endrika manana kalitao ambony amin'ny asa fanaovana gazety ao amin'ny onjampeo, izay ahazoany mpihaino hatramin'ny 60.000 manerana izao tontolo izao isaky ny fandaharana . They feature uniquely Latin American stories bringing the aesthetic of high-quality long-form journalism to radio, reaching as many as 60,000 listeners worldwide per episode. They only show the stories of Latin Americans, bringing high quality journalism to the radio, where as many as 60,000 listeners from around the world each show. Tenifototra hafa ampiasain'ny olona ny #UNAssadAlly na hoe Mpiaradia amin'i Assad ny Firenena Mikambana, mba hanakianana ny Firenena Mikambana amin'ny tsy fahampian'ny hetsika mavitrika ataony manoloana ireo zavadoza manjo ny maha-olombelona ao Siria. Other hashtags people used were #UNAssadAlly or the United Nations is Assad ally, to criticize the UN's lack of response in the face of the horrific humanitarian situation in Syria. Another popular hashtag used by people is #UNAssadAlly, in order to criticize the UN for its lack of active action towards the humanitarian atrocities in Syria. Inona no karazam-baovao matihanina sy avo fandalina tsy hita amin'ny bolongana ankapobe fa hita ao amin'ny " The Russia Monitor " irery ihany ? Of the things that require more technical or professional expertise to understand, what could readers learn from a blog like The Russia Monitor that they don't already know from more typical blogs? What kind of professional and high-level analysis of the overall blog is available only on The Russia Monitor? Mitsingevana fotsiny ianao ao ! You just float! You just float there! Maharitra mandrakizay ny filoha! The president is eternal! The president is forever! Mozambika: Fanampim-baovao mikasika ny fakana an-keriny olo-maro Mozambique: More on the strange mass kidnapping · Global Voices Mozambique: Information on kidnappings · Global Voices Tsy azon'ny RuNet Echo ny volana 8 hafa ao anatin'ny taona sy ny fomba famonoana ao anatiny. RuNet Echo was not able to locate the other 8 months of the year and their accompanying methods of execution. RuNet Echo doesn't understand the other 8 months of the year and its killing system. Aza avela hisy fanampian'ny fanjakana eto amin'ity firenena ity. Let nothing in this country be subsidized. Don't let any state help be provided in this country. Mazava loatra fa tsy asa mora izay satria ao anatin'ny fomba fifehezana sy fitarihan-dalana ara-pananahana ny vehivavy io fomba io. Of course, this was no easy task as the practice falls into the realm of women's sexuality. Of course this is not an easy task because this practice is part of women's sexual discipline and guidance. Indro i Hala, izay tsy mbola nandia akory ny faha-herintaona niainany, nefa dia mitondra ny fihetseham-po lovain'ny Palestiniana tsirairay voasesitany. This is Hala, who has not yet completed her first year of life, but she carries the inherited feelings of every Palestinian exile. Here's Hala, who has never experienced her year-old experience, but brings together the feelings that every Palestinian has received. Marina tokoa, tsy mahay mamorona angaha ianao? Rightttttt can't you even be creative? Really, aren't you creative? Miavo-tena any amin'ny daaras (sekoly koranika) ny talibés, matetika ao amin'ny fialofana tsizarizary, tsy vita, tsy misy jiro sy misy rano, nefa dia toerana ifanontofan'ny ankizy mihoatra ny tokony ho zakan'ilay trano atoriana amin'ny tany na ambony tsihy, ary mifampitakisikisina ao. The talib survive in the daaras (Quran schools) - often unfinished, makeshift shelters, without water or electricity, where children, deprived of hygiene and basic care, crowd together to sleep, usually on the floor or sometimes on mats, each child pressed up against the next. The talibés take themselves to the daaras, often in slums, with no electricity and no water, but are places where children are more likely to be stuck than the building on the ground or above, and are stuck there. Tselatra kely monja dia tonga tamin'izao firehetan'io afom-panadiovana io. It only takes a spark to get this fire of cleanliness going. A bit of light came upon the fire of the fire. Vakio ireo blaogin'ireo mpianatry ny NKU raha te-hahafantatra bebe kokoa momba ny Banky Grameen any Bangladesh ianao. Read the NKU student blogs to learn more about the Grameen Bank and Bangladesh. Read NKU students' blogs to learn more about Bangladesh's Central Bank. Sary avy tamin'ny Mpitatitra vaovao#34145. Photo by Reporter#34145. Photo by Reporters#34145. Nahazo Ny Fon'ny Vahoaka Ny Famonoan'Ilay Tantsaha Menavazana Ny Mpiasan'ny Fandravana Trano Anankiroa Killing of Two Demolition Officials by Chinese Veteran Farmer Wins Public Sympathy · Global Voices Death of Two Building Workers Wins People's Heart · Global Voices Na dia nanazava ny zava-nitranga tamin'ireo trondro maty aza , tsy namaly ny ahiahiam-bahoaka ny fanazavana. Though explained what happened to the dead fish, the clarification did not address people's doubts. Although explaining what happened to dead fish, the explanation did not respond to public concern. Ny làlana fototra mahalala iza ianareo manohitra tsy olana amin-dreo zany, saingy ny fotoana nanaovany ilay surf no tsy nety. Basic rule know who you are up against.cant blem them,only bad timing to surf The main street where you are against your brother, but when he did the surf, it was wrong. Saingy raha sokajiana fa zava-dehibe kokoa noho ny fiarovana ny ain'ny iray amin'ireo ololm-pireneny ny lazany sy ny faneken'ny sasany azy, manjary zava-dehibe kokoa noho izany ny andraikiny mikasika ity heloka bevava ity. But when its popularity and its acceptance by some is considered more important than protecting the life of one of its citizens, then its responsibility regarding this crime becomes much more significant. But considering that his popularity and acceptance are more important than protecting one of his own citizens, his responsibility for this crime has become more important than that. Manahy izy fa ny mety ny filàn'ny indostria ao Kamerona no atao vaindon-draharaha amin'ny famatsiana izay herinaratra azo. She is concerned that the electricity produced will mainly prioritize the needs of Cameroon's industries: He worries that the need for the industry in Cameroon is responsible for providing electricity. Miezaha haka sary an-tsaina hentitra amin'ny fanasàna sady misy isan-jato kely hahazoana miditra raha toa ry zareo manome ah lil kakadang amin-dry zareo mpitandro ny filaminana noana. Try to imagine strictly by invitation and there's a small percentage gaining entry when they pass ah lil kakadang for them hungry officers. Try to take a firm look at the invitation and a small percentage of them will be able to enter if they give them a lil kakadang to hungry security forces. "Tsapan'i Don Quijote fa nilainy ny niaro ny tenany nanoloana ireo goavana. "Don Quijote felt he needed to defend himself from giants. "Do Quijote says he needed to defend himself against the giants. Maneho tsy fankasitrahana ny fandavan'i Frantsa tsy hamela ireo mpitsoa-ponenana hiditra ao amin'ny fireneny i Amélie Jacques, bilaogera frantsay efa niaina tao Paris sy ny tanàna itatra manodidina azy, avy eo tany Roma, dia tany Ouagadougou ary ankehitriny ao Soweto miaraka amin'i Anthony sy ny zanany. A few weeks ago, French President François Hollande announced the "Calais Jungle" refugee camp would be dismantled, leaving thousands of destitute refugees, including unaccompanied minors, in northern France with nowhere to go. Although many have since been able to submit an asylum claim, it still remains that for months on end these refugees from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea relied on the help of small-scale NGOs and the public, with no assistance from the French government. Amélie Jacques, a famous French blogger who grew up in Paris and Rome, has lived in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso and now resides in Soweto, South Africa. Amélie Jacques, a French blogger who has been living in Paris and a neighboring city, then in Rome, is not grateful for France's refusal to allow refugees to enter the country, then in the city of Rome, and is now in Granada and Soweto with Anthony and his children. Tsy niaiky tamin'ny fomba ofisialy izany famonoana izany ny governemanta Iraniana na dia teo aza ny fanerena avy amin'ny fikambanana miaro ny zon'olombelona tahaka ny HRW Mpanara-maso ny Zon'Olombelona. In spite of pressure from human rights organizations like Human Rights Watch the Iranian government has never officially acknowledged the executions. Despite pressure from human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, the Iranian government has not officially acknowledged the killing. Mihoatra noho ny zava-drehetra, fantatray fa fahavalo voalohan'ny olom-pireneny mpanaja lalàna ny firenena izay manasazy amin'ny tsy rariny. More than anything, we have learned that a nation which is rampant with injustice is the foremost enemy of its law abiding citizens. More than anything, we know that a country that punishs injustice is the first enemy of its law enforcement citizens. Ry tomponandraikitra, Dear Officer, Dear officials, Zhukov: nanosika ny firoboroboan'ny fanatanjahantena tao Rosia ny Lalao Olaimpika tao Sochi. Zhukov: the Sochi Olympics stimulated the development of sports in Russia. Zhukov: Sochi Olympics have pushed for an increase in sports in Russia. Nandeha nijery ny #FetibeNebuta. I went and saw the #NebutaFestival. Watching #Nebuta. Andramantsika ny manohintohina amin'ny alàlan'ny firesahana zava-tsy misy dikany mikasika ny habetsahan'ny kaloria ilaina mba hahafahana miatrika fitokonana tsy hihinan-kanina. We try to undermine by quibbling about how many calories are necessary to qualify for a hunger strike. We would like to hurt by talking about stupid things about the amount of kaloria needed to face hunger strike. Mbolamanamarika izany hoe tahaka ny ahoana tokoa moa ny halalin'ny toe-javatra mampalahelo mihatra amin'ny fiainana andavanandro any Zimbaboe." This is further indication of just how desperate things are in Zimbabwe." It still notes how deep the sad reality of everyday life in Zimbabwe is." Toetra sy endrika telo no ahafantarana ity ambasadera vaovao, manana diplaoma momba ny siansa politika ity: tompon'andraikitra ambony ao amin'ny orinasa mpamokatra fahitalavitra HBO izy, mpiaro mafanà fo ireo biby - ary mpikambana ao amin'ny HSUS, fikambanana manameloka ny halozàna atao amin'ny biby-, ary pelaka tsy miafina izy. The new ambassador, who holds a degree in Political Science, has three traits that stand out: he is a top executive of the television production company HBO, a strong defender of animals - a member of the HSUS organization, dedicated to the condemnation of animal cruelty - and is openly gay. This new model is known in three ways, with a degree in political science: it is responsible for the HBO TV industry, animal welfare advocates - and it is a member of HSUS, an organization that accuses animal trafficking, and it is an open gay. Isaky ny fiafaran'ny ora fianarana, dia mahazo ny valim-panontanian'ireo fanontanianao "mivantana" ianao; afaka mifanakalo hevitra mikasika ireo tranga saropady, ohatra, areti-mifindra noho ny firaisana ara-nofo, fivoahan'ny tsirin'aina aloha loatra, sy zavatra maro hafa ihany koa Manome fanazavana misongadina sy ilaina amin'ny tanjon'ny fampianarana ara-pananahana izany. At the end of each session, get the answers to your questions "live"; be able to discuss sensitive issues, i.e., sexually transmitted disease, premature ejaculation, and more The presentations give insights and needed information with the sole purpose of sex education. At the end of each school session, you get the answer to your "live-up" questions; you can discuss sensitive situations, for example, sexually transmitted diseases, pre-examinations, and many other things also provide valuable and useful information on the purpose of sex education. Azo antoka fa, ny fitsinjarana ofisialy ny andraikitra dia mijanona ho toy ny tamin'ny fifaninanana rehetra teo aloha, saingy mety hisy hanatombo kely. Sure, the official cast of characters remains virtually identical to past contests, save a few additions. Surely, the official distribution of responsibility remains the same in all previous competitions, but it could be a small increase. Ary nazava tsara tamin'ireo firenena rehetra io hafatra io, afa-tsy Etazonia sy ireo zanabolany. And this message was clear to all countries, except the US and its satellites. And this message is very clear to all countries, except for the United States and its interests. Nandà haingana ny antson'ny Greens " ho amin'ny fiovàna " ny minisitry ny fahasalamana Federaly, Sussan Ley. The Federal health minister, Sussan Ley, swiftly rejected the Greens' calls for change." Federal health minister Sussan Ley quickly rejected Greens' call for "change." Ny volana Jiona, Bilal A. Nikyar, mpanoratra miasa ho an'ny tenany avy any Afghanistana, nanoratra mikasika ny fomba nampiasaàn'i Pakistana ireo Afghana mpitsoa-ponenana ho toy ny "karatra" tanatin'ireo fifandraisana miaraka amin'ilay mpifanila vodirindrina amin'ny mahantra indrindra: Bilal A. Nikyar, a freelance writer from Afghanistan wrote in June about how Pakistan has used the Afghan refugees as a "card" in relations with its poorer neighbour: In June, Bilal A. Nikyar, a freelance writer from Afghanistan, wrote about how Pakistan has used Afghan refugees as a "target" in relations with the poorest neighbor: Ny vahoaka mahantra avy any amin'ny vohitr'i Varniţa sy ireo tanàna hafa, adinon'ireo manampahefana ao Chişinău. These poor people from Varniţa and other villages, forgotten by the authorities from Chişinău. The poor people from the village of Varnibuta and other cities, forgotten by Chişin conditional authorities. Aza mahidy, ary mitonia ary avelao hitony ihany koa ny vadinao. Stop being stingy, and relax and let your wife relax as well. Don't lock, lie down, and let your spouse rest too. Tamin'ity taona ity, nifarana tamin'ny fitokonana tsy hihinan-kanina izay nahavaka ny saina, ireo tranga tao amin'ny tontolon'ny bilaogy Karaiba. This year, events in the Caribbean blogosphere were curiously bookended by hunger strikes. This year, events in the Caribbean blogosphere ended with a hunger strike that broke the mind. Mohammad Taghi Karoubi no farany indrindra, zanakalahin'i Mehdi Karoubi mpitarika ny Hetsika Maitso, iray amin'ireo kandidà reformista tamin'ny fifidianana filoham-pirenena 2009. The latest is Mohammad Taghi Karoubi, the son of Mehdi Karoubi, one of the reformist presidential candidates for the 2009 elections and leaders of the Green Movement. Mohammad Taghi Hessel is the latest, son of Green Movement leader Mehdi Hessel, one of the reformist candidates in the 2009 presidential election. Tany Etazonia, nankalaza ny faha 53 taonany ny 4 Aogositra 2014 teo i Barack Obama. In the United States, Barack Obama celebrated his 53rd birthday yesterday. In the United States, Barack Obama celebrated his 53th birthday on August 4, 2014. Raha ny voalazan'ny OMB, dia isan'ny mahatonga ireo "disques durs" ho eo ambanin'ny fanaraha-mason'ny OMB ny fisian'ireo fangaron-javatra 'magnetics' ao anatiny, araka ny lalànan'ny Optical Media tamin'ny 2003 . According to the OMB, the presence of magnetic components in hard disks makes them fall under the control of the OMB based on the Optical Media Act of 2003. According to the OMB, the existence of the "magics," according to Optical Media law of 2003, is one of the reasons why the hard disks are under OMB's control. Mahazo mitsikera any amin'ny tontolo tsy afaka idiran'ny daholobe ireo mpanabe. Academics are only allowed to be critical in spaces that are inaccessible to the public. Teachers can be criticized in a world where public access is not possible. Nilaza tamiko ry zareo fa manahy ny amin'ireo eksitremista ry zareo, na ireo henjam-pihetsika hody an-tanindrazana. They told me they are likely concerned about the extremists, or those hardliners back home. They told me that they are worried about conservatives, or extremists who will return home. Ao anatin'ity lahatsoratra fanangonana ity, miizarazara ny hevitr'ireo bilaogera Pôrtôrikàna momba ny resaka maha-vehivavy, ny zo ara-pananahana ary ny mariazy pelaka. Puerto Rican bloggers grapple with questions of feminism, reproductive rights, and gay marriage in this round up of posts. In this collection post, Puerto Rican bloggers have divided opinions on gender, sexual rights and gay marriage. Na lahy izy ireo na vavy, tsy mendrika fiantrana. Whether they are male or female, they don't deserve any sympathy. They are both men and women, they do not deserve mercy. Koa satria ireo fanambaràna an-tsoratra dia natao hisarihana ny latsabato, marobe ny olana sarotra tsy tafiditra na tsy natrehana tamin'ny fomba mendrika. As manifestos are designed to attract votes some difficult issues may not be included or dealt with adequately. As the announcements were intended to attract the votes, there were many difficulties that were not able to get involved or to be treated properly. Mihevitra ve ny Fahefana Miaramila fa miady amin'izao tontolo izao i Ejipta? Does SCAF think Egypt is at war with the world? Does the Military Authority think Egypt is fighting against the world? Nilaza i Jandali fa tsy nanana vinavina hanao hiram-pirenena vaovao izy tamin'ny namoronany ity "Hira fanevan'ny Syriana, vahoaka afaka" saingy voninahitra ho azy kosa anefa raha hanapa-kevitra amin'izany ny Syriana. Jandali said he did not write "Syria Anthem of the Free" with the intention of it being the new national anthem, but would be honored if the Syrian people chose it to be so. Jandali says he had no plans to sing a new national anthem by creating this "Free Syrian anthem," but it is a honor to him if Syrians decide to do so. Ato amin'ity ampahany ho an'ny GV Face ity, ny andianà Global Voices Hangout (Ambohipihaonan'ny Global Voices), resahan'i Joey Ayoub, bilaogera Libaney sady mpandray anjara ato amin'ny Global Voices, Lova Rakotomalala, mpamoaka lahatsoratray amin'ny teny Frantsay monina ao Parisy ary Laura Vidal, mpitantana ny vondrom-piarahamonina Amerika Latina ary monina ao Parisy, ny momba ny foko niaviana, ny politikan'ny fahafatesana ary ny fanehoankevitra tsy mifandanja amin'ireo zavadoza mitranga manerana ny tany. In this episode of GV Face, the Global Voices Hangout series, Joey Ayoub, a Lebanese blogger and Global Voices contributor, Lova Rakotomalala, our Paris-based French language editor and Laura Vidal, our Paris-based Latin America community manager talk about race, the politics of death and the unequal reactions to tragedies around the world. In this episode of GV Face, our Paris-based French-language editor and Laura ourselves, the Latin American community manager based in Paris, the ethnic issues, the politics of death and the negative reaction to the world's tragedies. Ho an'ireo fiarahamonim-pirenena Rosiana, fahapotehana tanteraka ny anaran'io. For Russian civil society this spells disaster. For Russian civil society, this name has been completely destroyed. 3. 3. 3. Sary avy amina mpitoraka bolongany Eugen Luchianiuc, nahazoana alalana. Photo by blogger Eugen Luchianiuc,, used with permission. Photo by blogger Eugen Lucianiuc, used with permission. Rehefa nanontanianay momba ilay tambajotra dia nanam-potoana nilazana anarana iray izy, izany Safi Kamal izany izay, araka ny filazany, io no debaben'ny tambajotra. The reporter tried to contact him at the number provided, but said that Kamal immediately hung up as soon as there was mention of victims. When we asked him about the network, he had a time to say a name, that is Safi strike which, according to him, is what the network is talking about. Na dia tsy maintsy mizaka ny tolotra ratsy ataon'ireo mpitondra taxi aza ny mponin'i Hong Kong: isaky ny faran'ny herinandro dia afenin'izy ireo ny milina fandrefasan-dia vita dia maka mpandeha ireo mpitondra taxi ao amin'ny Distrika Foibe. But even Hong Kongers have to bear the poor service of the taxi drivers: every weekend, taxi drivers in Central District would cover their meters and pick passengers. Even though Hong Kong residents have to pay for the bad services of taxi drivers: every weekend they close the finished travel machine, taxi drivers in the Central District take passengers. Arzantina: Lahatsary Fanadihadiana Momba Ireo Vazimba Teratany ao Buenos Aires Argentina: Documentary on Indigenous People in Buenos Aires · Global Voices Argentina: A Video of Indigenouss in Buenos Aires · Global Voices Taorian'ny tondra-drano nandravarava izay namely an'i Serbia tamin'ny volana Mey 2014, niharan'ny fanafihana ara-teknika ireo habaka ao amin'ny faritra maromaro izay namoaka ireo vaovao nitsikera ny ezaka fanavotana nataon'ny governemanta. In the wake of devastating floods that hit Serbia in May 2014, several local websites that published materials that criticized the government's relief efforts suffered technical attacks. Following the devastating floods that hit Serbia in May 2014, several regions of the region have been subjected to technical attacks that have published information criticizing the government's rescue efforts. Nisokatra tamin'ny taona 1970 ilay toerana teo amoron-dranomasina, nalaza teo amin'ireo olom-pirenena Sovietika, izay nino fa tsara ho an'ny "rheumatoid arthritis," paralizia, fiakaran'ny tosi-drà ary ireo karazana aretina maro ilay fasika tsy dia fahita loatra, any Ureki. The beachside sanatorium opened in the 1970s and was popular with Soviet citizens who believed Ureki's unusual sand was good for rheumatoid arthritis, paralysis, high blood pressure and various ailments. The beach site opened in 1970, popular among Soviet citizens, who believed that rare sand was good for "rheumatoid anthritis," paralizia, high blood pressure and various types of diseases in Urki. Naneho hevitra momba izay vokatra nentin'ny fitokonana araka ny fahitàny azy i Percy Meza (@alexiankernel) mpianatra momba ny fifandraisana, hoe: Communications student Percy Meza (@alexiankernel) commented on what the result of the strikes is to him: Communication student Percy Meza (@alexiankernel) commented on the outcome of the strike as he sees it: Misy fomba fijery ao Japana, araka ny ambaran'ilay fitsampankevitra, hoe tsy olo-marina sy tena miasa mafy toy ny Japoney ny Amerikana, na dia mandany adim-pamantaranandro maro aza ny Amerikana miohatra amin'ireo Japoney mitovy laharana aminy, araka ny filazan'ny OCDE. There is the perception in Japan, according to the survey, that Americans are not honest or as hardworking as Japanese, even though Americans officially clock more hours than their Japanese counterparts according to the OECD. There is a point of view in Japan, according to the poll, that Americans are not as honest and working as Japanese, although Americans are spending more than their Japanese share, according to OCDE. Loharano: Facebook Source: Facebook Source: Facebook Voapetraka ary tonga androany i Seacom, ilay tambajotra ambany ranomasina noresahintsika fotoana vitsivitsy lasa izay Manova zavatra betsaka ilay fanapahan-kevitra ho an'ireo firenena izay hampiasa azy manomboka izao, anisan'izany Kenia, Oganda, Mozambika, Afrika Atsimo ary Tanzania. ...Fotoana mahafinaritra izao ho an'i Afrika, afaka manome toky an'i Kenia aho izay hatreto dia niankin-doha tamin'ireo zanabolana tamin'ny filàna aterineto. Seacom the undersea cable we wrote about a while back is complete and has been commissioned, today. The initiative is revolutionary for the fact that the countries which will make use of it for now, which include Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, South Africa and Uganda. ...It is a beautiful moment for Africa, I can vouch for Kenya who until now depended on satellites for their internet needs. Seacom, the underground network that we have discussed some time ago, has been set up and arrived today that changes much to countries that will now use it, including Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, South Africa and Tanzania. ... It's a wonderful moment for Africa, I can assure Kenya that so far I have turned to satellites for the need of the internet. Tianay ho aterina amin'ny 8 ora maraina ary alaina amin'ny 3 ora hariva ny zanakay We would drop our son off at 8 AM and pick him up at 3 PM. We want our children to be held at 8am and taken 3pm Nahemotra ho amin'ny 29 Jona ny fitsarana, izay tokony nanomboka amin'ity herinandro ity. The trial, expected to begin this week, was postponed to June 29th. The trial was postponed to June 29, which should have started this week. Nanatrika ny fandevenana an'i Mohammad Reza Lotfi, mpiangaly mozika, ry zareo. The photo was shot at the funeral of musician Mohammad Reza Lotfi. They attended the funeral of musician Mohammad Reza Lotfi. Marcy Newman ao amin'nybody on the line dia manome amin'ny antsipirihany ny tontolo androny tao amin'ny Faritra Andrefana, avoitrany ao ny fotoana nandrenesany ny vaovao: That shock, coupled with anger at the biased media coverage of the events, is palpable in the blog posts from today. Marcy Newman ofbody on theline details her day in the West Bank, describing the moment she heard the news: (@Buhenona) @rmartinelli Tsy fahampiana toy inona re izany ! (@Buhenona) @rmartinelli what a lack of everything! (@Burenna) @rmartinelli What a lack! Nitatitra ny NDTV fa voasambotra ny sasany amin'ireoSainiks Shiv nandray anjara tamin'ny fanafihana. NDTV reports that some of the Shiv Sainiks who were involved in the attack were arrested. NDTV reported that some Sainiks Shiv who participated in the attack were arrested. Milanja eo amin'ny 100-£ 300 (45-140 kg) eo ireo baomba barika tamin'ny voalohany ary narehitra amin'ny fampiasana tsipoapoaka. These early barrel bomb weights are around 100-300lbs (45-140 kg) and are ignited using fuse wicks. The first barrel bombs were up to 100-200 hectares (45-140 kg) and were tied to the use of noise. Manontany tena i Kakaluigi raha toa ny filohan'i Kongo, Joseph Kabila, ka manaraka ireo tombontsoan'ny vahoakan'i Bukavu na ireo an'ny fanjakàna roandey. Kakaluigi wonders whose interests President Joseph Kabila really has in mind: those of Bukavu's people or those of the Rwandan government. Kakaluigi wonders if the President of Congo, Joseph Jesus, is following the interests of the people of Bukavu or those of the Congolese state. Hoy ny Fitsarana hoe voaporofon'ireo piesy fanamarinana avy amin'ny governemanta ireo fa tena niditra tamin'ny fanapariahana hafatra fankahalàna marina tokoa ireo haino aman-jery telo ireo. The Court said that the pieces of evidence provided by the government proved that the 3 media institutions were actually engaged in preaching hate messages. The Court said that these government checks proved that the three media outlets actually engaged in spreading hate messages. Misy fiofanana, atolotry ny Vondrona 2000 Neerlandey, niresaka momba ny fisamborana onjam-peo sy sary eo amin'ny sehatra nasionaly, ampiarahana amin'ny LBS (Tolotra Famantarana ny misy ny tena) - rindram-pandrindrana solosaina ahafahana mampiditra ny toerana sy ny ora ao amin'ny rafitra iray nampiasaina. Another training, given by the firm Group 2000 Netherlands, looked at the how interception of data works at a national level, combined with LBS (location-based service) - a computer programming service that allows for inclusion of place and time in a system as it is used. A training, offered by the 2000 Netherlands Group, talked about the arrest of radio and images on the national stage, along with LBS - a computer transfer system that allows access to location and time in a system that has been used. Fantaro tsara fa efa sarona ny teti-dratsy ataonareo amin'ny Fahefana Miaramila. Kindly be informed that your plots against SCAF are exposed. Know that your conspiracy against the Military Authority has already been exposed. Tato anatin'ny roapolo taona izao, Trinite no toerana lehibe ho an'ny zavakanto maoderina ao Karaiba, izay mifaninana amin'ireo ivontoerana malaza kokoa any Kiobà sy Jamaika, na dia tsy mitovy aza ny fifantohan'ny iraisampirenena. For two decades now, Trinidad has been a major site for contemporary art in the Caribbean, rivalling the better known art centres of Cuba and Jamaica, though not enjoying the same amount of international attention. In the past two decades, Trinidad has been a major place for modern Caribbean art, which competes with more prominent centers in Cuba and Jamaica, even though international attention is different. @Joyce_Karam: Tsy isalasalana fa ity no andro ratsy indrindra tao #Libanona hatramin'ny niandohan'ny ady tamin'ny 14 Febroary 2005 sy 2006. @Joyce_Karam: Undoubtedly this is the worse day in #Lebanon since 14 Feb 2005 and 2006 war. @Joyce_Karam: This is undoubtedly the worst day in #Lebanon since the start of the war on February 14, 2005 and 2006. Asehon'ilay horonan-tsary amin'ny mpijery moa ny mody lazainy hoe 'Ny biby miaina ao an-trano', izay tsy iza fa ireo Sinoa miisa ampolo tapitrisany izay mpikirakira ny aterineto. The piece presents to the audience the so-called "home-living animals', who are in fact China's tens of millions of netizens. The video shows viewers saying 'The animals that live at home', which is the millions of Chinese who are Internet users. Izany no zavatra hita sy fahazaran'ny mponina any an-toerana na aiza na aiza manerana ilay tanàn-dehibe ambanivohitra. These were the scenes and habits of local people you could see everywhere along these village towns. This is the experience and routine of locals everywhere across the rural city. ...mihevitra ireo mpitsikera io soso-kevitra io fa tsy vahaolana ny fanovana ny fandaharam-pianarana. ...critics of the proposal do not think that a curriculum overhaul is the answer. ...the critics of the proposal believe that changing the curriculum is not a solution. Nandefa sioka tamin'i Shaikh Nasser izy hoe: He sends a tweet to Shaikh Nasser saying: He tweeted Shaikh Nasser: Ohatra, iray amin'ireo solombavambahaka no nitanisa an'i Sergey Zhelezniak tao amin'ny, taty aoriana kely nolazain'ny masoivohom-baovao Interfax fa na tena nanatona azy tokoa aza ny mpanangom-baovaon'ny Lifenews nangataka fanehoan-kevitra momba ilay lahatsoratra, tsy manana fotoana izy hamakiana "tantara foronina." mpampiasa Twitter, cìdia nanamafy ilay tantara: For example, one of the deputies quoted in the piece, Sergey Zhelezniak, later told the Interfax news agency that although he was indeed contacted by a Lifenews reporter asking for comment on the article, he has no time to read "fiction." Twitter user @gorod095 confirmed the story: For example, one of the MPs quoted Sergey Zhelezniak on, later told Interfax news agency that although Lifenews reporter was very close to him asking for comments about the article, he doesn't have time to read "fiction stories." Twitter user riedia confirmed the story: Maro amin'izy ireny no mpanao gazety sy olon'ny oniversite avy any ivelany. Many of them included foreign journalists and academics. Many of them are foreign journalists and universitymen. Teo anelanelan'ny taona 1720 sy 1870, maherin'ny 100 ireo trano fitotoam-boa tao amin'ny fivondronan'i Lancaster izay mikarakara ireo kiran'ny hazondrongony. Between 1720 and 1870 there were more than 100 mills in Lancaster county that processed hemp fiber. Between 1720 and 1870, more than 100 doves in Lancaster's community are taking care of Hijry's songs. Andao ary. Well off you go. Let's go. Samy hita ao anatin'ireo #TaratasiniPanama daholo koa izy rehetra They all figure on #PanamaPapers too. #BMKJ - Samar (@Samar_Anarya) 7 de mayo de 2016 They're all part of #TatasiniPanama Haingana be no niparitahan'ilay vaovao tao amin'ny aterineto, nitarika fanamarihana, ahitàna hatraminà fanamarihana faran'izay tsy mankasitraka indrindra sy ompa manambany avy amin'ireo mpiondana aterineto, milaza ny rikorikon-dry zareo amin'ny rafitra ara-politika, sy manivaiva ilay fialantsinin'ny minisitra. News spread quickly on the web reacting to the remarks, including extremely negative comments and derogatory insults from netizens, expressing their disdain for the political system, and mocking the minister's excuse. The news spread quickly online, leading to comments, including the most unpopular and insulting remarks from netizens, expressing their contempt for the political system, and insulting the minister's insult. Nisotro ronono tamin'ny Novambra 2013 i Tendulkar, andrarezin'ny cricket taorian'ny 24 taona niasany. Learn from him. - Sir Ravindra Jadeja (@SirJadeja) July 2, 2014 Cricket legend Tendulkar retired after a 24-year career in November 2013. Tendulkar, cricket commander after 24 years of work, retired in November 2013. Gustavo Trejos, rain'ilay tovolahy maty nisy namono nitaky " fahalalahana bebe kokoa mba ahafahan'ny tanora haneho ny haikantony." Gustavo Trejos, the father of the murdered young man, asked for "more freedom so that young people can express their art. Gustavo Trejos, the father of the young man who was murdered, demanded "more freedom so that young people can express their art." Vao haingana, nisy ny antso marobe hiara-hiresaka lohahevitra manokana sy famoahana lahatsoratra tantara noforonina. Recently there was a wave of memes and literature serieses by the bloggers. Recently, there was a lot of calls to join together to discuss specific topics and publish novels. @mazzahi: Vao avy niarina teo ampandriana aho ary reraka be hamonjy ny toeram-pidiovana maraina. @mazzahi: I just woke up from bed too exhausted to have my morning shower. @mazzahi: I just got up in bed and was very tired to go to the breakfast. Noho izany dia tonga saina aho fa tombontsoa lehibe entina hanovàna ny zava-misy izany. So I realized that this is a great opportunity to change the situation. So I realized it was a great privilege to change the situation. Torkia: Fahanginana Manoloana Ny Fitokonana Tsy Hihinan-kanina Ataon'ireo Gadra Politika Kiorda Turkey: Silent Treatment of Hunger Strike met with Anger by Kurds · Global Voices Turkey: Silence Over Kurdish Political Prisoners' Hunger Strike · Global Voices Tamin'ny alalan'io firotsahana io, nankahery Turkmen mpianatra marobe ireo mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo ireo mba hitady vatsim-pianarana hianarana any ivelany, izay manolotra azy ireo varavarankely tsy fahita firy amin'ny tontolo ivelan'ny fireneny. Through this engagement, the volunteers encouraged many Turkmen students to apply for scholarships to study abroad, thus offering them a rare window to the outside world. Through this initiative, these volunteers are encouraging a large number of Turkmen students to seek scholarships to study abroad, which offer them a rare window into the outside world of their country. Rehefa nanome torohevitra i Lau Ming-Wai, zanakalahin'ny mpanakarem-be iray ao an-toerana, hoe raha toa ny tanora amin'ny taonany mandany volakely amin'ny resaka sarimihetsika sy fivahinianana any Japana, mety ho afaka hividy efitrano iray ihany ry zareo, tsy sarotra ny mahazo an-tsaina ny antony nanarian'ireo mpisera ety anaty aterineto ny toroheviny. When Lau Ming-Wai, the son of a local tycoon, advised that if young people his age spend less money on movies and travel to Japan, they would be able to buy an apartment, is not hard to imagine why netizens trashed his advice. When Lau Ming-Wai, son of a local rich man, suggested that if young people in his age spend little money on movies and travel in Japan, they would be able to buy one room, it would not be hard to understand why netizens left their advice. Tao amin'ny tranonkalan'ny Feon'i Burundi, mitafatafa amin'i Aimé Magera, mpiantsehatra malaza eo amin'ny fiainana ara-politika Borondey ny mpitati-baovao Ngabire Elyse amin'izay vahaolana mety amin'ny krizy ao Burundi: "Pierre, we say no to three-term president." Image compilation illustrating the crisis in Burundi in 2015 On the Burundian website Les Voix, reporter Ngabire Elyse had a discussion with renowned Burundian political actor Aimé Magera about possible solutions to Burundi's crisis: On the Voice of Burundi website, reporter Ngabeire Elyse interviewed Aimé Magera, a well-known Burundian political actor, about possible solutions to Burundi's crisis: Na dia eo aza ny adihevitra goavana mikasika ny fanamboarana ny Sarivongan'ny Firaisankina, mbola maro ireo manohana ny tetibola vaovaon'i Modi ary mahatsiaro fa izy no fanovana ilaina hamindra an'i India ho firenena mandroso. Despite the widespread controversy over the construction of the Statue of Unity, there are still many who support Modi's new budget and feel that he is a necessary change in order to transform India into a developed country. Despite the massive debate over the construction of the Solidarity Museum, many still support Modi's new budget and feel that he is the change needed to move India into a developed country. Nanaitra ireo mpanaraka azy ny naman'i Lu, @youyuping, ny 20 Jona: Lu's friend @youyuping alerted followers on June 20: Lu's friend @youyuping surprised his followers on June 20: Ny vohitra nisy azy - Holzweiler - no tazana ery aorian'ilay sehatra miezinezina. His village - the village of Holzweiler - was a backdrop to the solemn scene. Her village - Holzweiler - was seen behind the scene. Aleo lazaintsika fotsiny hoe, raha tsy manao izany ry zareo dia hiatrika ady am-pilaminana. Let's just say, if they don't they will be confronted by peaceful, warrior action. Just let's say, if they don't, they will face peaceful conflicts. Nizara sarin' olona tao amin'ny fandrianan'ny hopitaly tsaboina noho ny ratra teo amin'ny ranjo izy: He shares a photograph of a man in a hospital bed being treated for what appears to be a wound in the leg: He shared pictures of people in the hospital bed being treated for injuries on my legs: ireo fahefan'ny filoham-pirenena fantatsika sy tsy fantatsika #manorata_amin_ny_mpanjakavavy Presidential powers we know and don't know #WriteTheQueen - Owner of Drogo (@kramTT) June 2, 2016 The powers of the president we know and don't know #manorata_in_the Queen Ny akaiky indrindra manakaiky an'io sy novakiako dia ny "Ritos de Passagem' (Ritam-pandalovana) asan'ilay poety vavy Paula Tavares. The closest to this that I've read was the work of the poet Paula Tavares 'Ritos de Passagem' (Rites of Passage). The nearest thing I read and read is "Ritos de Passagem' (Rintaining) of the work of the female poet will do. Singapaoro: Tanàna Sa Firenena? (Fanamarihana: lahatsoratra nivoaka tamin'ny Aogositra 2009) Singapore: Is it a city or country? · Global Voices Singapore: City or Country? · Global Voices Ronny avy ao Tel Aviv any Israely dia manoratra hoe: Ronny from Tel Aviv in Israel writes: Ronny from Tel Aviv in Israel writes: Mety efa nandre ny anarana hoe Pablo Herreros ianao, izay bilaogera , volana vitsy lasa izay, nahomby nandresy lahatra ireo mpamoaka dokambarotra (annonceurs) amin'ny fandaharana amin'ny fahitalavitra izy mba hanaisotra ny dokambarotr'izy ireo mandra-piova ny mpamokatra dokambarotra amin'ny fahitalavitra amin'ny fanajana ny fitsipi-pifehezana (etika) mifehy ny asan'izy ireo. You may have heard of Pablo Herreros, the blogger who a few months got sponsors of a television show to pull their advertising until TV executives committed to more ethical behavior. You may have heard the name Pablo Jesuss, who was a blogger a few months ago, trying to convince advertising producers on TV to remove their ads until their work was changed. Na nahazo vokatra tsara aza izahay tamin'ny taona vitsivitsy lasa teo, dia mbola eo ampanombohana ity tolona ity. Even though we have had good results in the past few years, we are still in the nascent stages of this struggle. Although we have had good results in the past few years, this struggle is still ongoing. Tamin'ny 23 May, efa ho olona 2000 no nitangorona tao afovoan-tanànan'i Sofia, renivohitr'i Bolgaria, mitaky fanavaozana ara-pitsarana. On May 23, almost 2,000 people gathered in the center of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, demanding judicial reforms. On May 23, almost 2,000 people gathered in downtown Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, demanding judicial reforms. Omeo ny volanareo, raha tsy tianareo ny ho voadaroka, raha tianareo ny hoentina tahaka ny olombelona; omeo ny volanareo, raha toa te-hihinana sakafo mendrika. tsy ela akory izay, hoy i Trufanova hoe: "Misy ampahany goavana tena anjakàn'ny kolikoly ao anatin'ny rafitry ny fonja ao." Give up your money, if you don't want to be beaten up, if you want to be treated like a human being; give up you money, if you want to eat decent food. There is a huge corrupt component of the prison system," Trufanova said recently. Give your money, if you don't want to be beaten, if you want to be treated like a human being; give your money, if you want to eat a decent meal. Trufanova recently said, "There is a huge part of corruption in the prison system." Amin'ny mahateny teratany anisan'ny be mpampiasa azy indrindra ao Etazonia azy, dia iresahan'ny mponina ao North Carolina sy Oklahoma ny teny Cherokee, ary miasa ihany koa any amin'ny fanjakana hafa manerana ny firenena. As one of the most actively used native languages in the United States, the Cherokee language is spoken by populations in North Carolina and Oklahoma, as well as other states across the country. As one of the most popular indigenous peoples in the United States, the people of North Carolina and 2015 spoke to Cherokee, as well as working in other states across the country. Navotsotr'i Bahrain ny Mpikatroka Ny Zon'Olombelona Iray Handefasana Iray Hafa Any Am-ponja Indray Bahrain Releases Human Rights Activist Nabeel Rajab, Only to Send Another Activist Back to Jail · Global Voices Bahrain Frees Another Human Rights Activist in Prison · Global Voices Ao afovoan'i Conakry, ny Toby Boiro, toby fonenan'ireo tafi-pirenena dia ivon'ny Goulag guineana (Goulag = toerana fanaovana asa an-terivozona). Located in the center of Conakry, the Camp Boiro National Guard Barracks was the epicenter of the Guinean Gulag. In the center of the city, the Boiro Camp, a base of national forces, is the center of Goulag guineana (Goulag = a labor camp). Nilaza taminy aho rehefa afaka telo-polo minitra fa tena zava-dehibe ilay fanazavana ho an'ny ho aviny sy ho ahy, noho izany tsy maintsy tokony hifantoka tsara izy. After half an hour, I told her that it was a very important class for her future and that, for me, she needed to give it her full attention. After three decades I told her that the information is very important for her future and for me, so she should pay attention. Maro ireo mpanao lalàna sy mpanao politika ary mpikatroka mafàna fo mpiaro ny zon'olombelona no niezaka nitsidika an'i Karroubi tao amin'ny Foibe fitsaboana sy fikarohana momba ny làlan-drà sy ny fo ao Rajaei,Teheràna, nandritra ny nitsaboany tena tamin'ny faran'ny Jolay. Several legislators as well as political and civil rights activists tried to visit Karroubi at the Rajaei Cardiovascular, Medical & Research Center in Tehran while he was receiving treatment in late July. Many lawmakers, politicians, and human rights activists tried to visit Karroubi at the Institute of Medical and Heart Research in Rajaei, Tajikistan, during her medical treatment at the end of July. Misy ireo olona mitovy amiko no tsy mandeha any Japana ary tena miasa mafy sy manangona vola, saingy tsy mbola vitanay foana ny mividy tany na trano. There are people like me who don't go to Japan and do work hard and save money, but we still cannot afford a property. There are people like me who don't go to Japan and work very hard and save money, but we can't afford to buy land or homes. Niteraka hetsika hampitsaharana ny rafitra "fanarenana amin'ny alalan'ny asa" tao amin'ny fampahalalam-baovao sosialy ao Shina ny tranga nahazo an'i Ren. Ren's case triggered a campaign to end the "re-education through labour" system on Chinese social media. Ren's case has sparked a campaign to end China's "serving" system on social media. Nahazo loka iraisampirenena lehibe maro izy noho ny asa-sorany. He won many prestigious international awards for his writing. He won several international awards for his writing. Mijery ireo lahatsarin'ny tao Sapphire aho ary mieritreritra ireo vehivavin'ny tanandehibe pakistaney - eny fa na ireo heverina ho "manana tombondahiny" aza - voaendaka, voatositosika ary voasisika ho any amin'ny toeranasy toe-javatra mahalasa adala - tsy noho ny safidy fa noho ny tefibika. I look at the Sapphire video and think about those urban Pakistani women - even the ones that seem "privileged" - who have been stripped of their own agency, pushed and shoved into maddening spaces and circumstances - not by choice, but by design. I look at the videos of the Sapphire and think of the women of Pakistan's capital - even the so-called "rich" - being removed, pushed and pushed to places where they are crazy - not because of choice but because of choice. Juan Navidad nanontany hoe: Juan Navidad asked: Juan Navidad asked: Na dia teo aza ny antso faobe mba hifantohana tanteraka amin'ny fiarovana eny an-tsekoly, manizingizina ireo sekoly tsy miankina sasany fa efa nandray fepetra sahaza mba hiarovana ny mpianatra ao amin'izy ireo. Despite widespread calls for a greater focus on school security, some city private schools insist they have already taken appropriate action to protect their students. Despite massive calls to focus on school safety, some private schools insist they have taken appropriate measures to protect their students. Hampisy fahapotehana zavatra maro amin'ny tontolo iainana io fanapahan-kevitra hanorina toby miaramila Amerikana ao Henoko io. The decision to construct a US military base on Henoko will cause a lot of environmental destruction. The decision to build a U.S. military base in London has caused much damage to the environment. Niakatra fitsarana tao Dar Es Salaam, ao Tanzania izy efatra ireo ny 6 Novambra 2015 teo. The four appeared before a Magistrate's court in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on November 6, 2015. The four were on trial in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on November 6, 2015. "Tsia mila Kapitalisma" , "Fanoherana Izao" , "Miala ny IMF" ary " Marina ny an'i Marx" no isan'ny sora-baventy nolanjalanjain'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana. "No to Capitalism," "Resistance Now," "IMF Leave" and "Marx was Right" were among the slogans raised by protesters. "No to Capitalism" , "It's Opposition" , "Down with IMF" and "Marx's" were among the banners held by protesters. Tsy ilaina ny korontana amin'ny anaran'ny demokrasia sandoka. No need for anarchy in the name of fake democracy. There is no need for trouble in the name of fake democracy. Ny mpanohitra no nametraka fanontaniana voalohany momba ny zom-pirenen'i Abhisit satria mihevitra ny hitondra ny praiminisitra eny amin'ny Fitsarana ady heloka be vava iraisam-pirenena izy ireo noho ny famonoan'olona faobe nataony. It was the opposition who first questioned the citizenship of Abhisit because they intend to bring the Prime Minister to the International Criminal Court for allegedly committing crimes against humanity. The opposition first asked questions about Abhisit's nationality as they intend to bring the prime minister to the International Criminal Court for his mass murder. @hagger55 Lesona anaty aterineto; fomba fanao amin'ny visioconférence mba hanonerana ny taona efa natomboka @anarshy @Sanders225 #sosUniv #civ2010 mba handehanana haingana. @hager55: online teaching; video conferencing to catch up on years that have already begun @anarshy @Sanders225 #sosUniv #civ2010 for speed @hagger55 Online lessons; practice of visioconférence to pay the start of the year @anarshy @Sanders225 #sosUniv #civ2010 to go quickly. Maninona raha mba miray saina isika mitaky fandraisana andraikitra sy mangarahara eo amin'ny fitantanan-draharaha bebe kokoa avy amin'ny mpitondra antsika? Why don't we hear chants demanding greater accountability from leaders? Why don't we call for more accountability and transparency in our administration? Daty: Alarobia 14 Mey 2014 Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 (Mihivingivina ny lohako mahatsiaro izany) Ho voaantso ho ao anatin'io sehatra io ireo zanako lahy amin'ny taona ho avy. (Shake my head as I recall. My boys are due for enlistment next year. My son will be called to this stage next year. Fred Hu (mpitantana ankapobeny teo aloha ny Goldman Sachs Asia - Pacific): Tsy hisy mihitsy ny fifaninanana madio raha mbola mijoro ny orinasam-panjakana; 3. Fred Hu (former Goldman Sachs Asia - Pacific general manager): Fair competition could never exist as long as state-owned enterprises are there; 3. Fred Hu (former general manager of Goldmanthe Asia - Pacific): There will be no fair competition as long as the state-owned industry stands; 3. Sary avy amin'ny @govph. Image from @govph. Image from @govph. Ireo niseho tato amin'ny lahatsary: Featured in the video were: Those shown in the video: Ireo rehetra afaka manampy, iangaviana handefa hafatra, manazava ny karazana fampiantranoana azonao omena ireo Japoney tratry ny voina voajanahary - efitra iray, trano iray, toerena fisindàna, trano fandraisam-bahiny sns... All those who can help, please post a message, explaining what kind of shelter you would be ready to offer to Japanese people affected by the disaster - a room, a house, an apartment, a resort, a hotel, etc. Anyone who can help, please send a message, explain what kind of housing you can give to Japanese victims of natural disasters - a room, a house, a hotel, a hotel etc... Sary avy amin'i Hong Wong Photo from Hong Wong. Image from Hong Wong Toa tsy misy vahaolana ireo ratra sasany na dia amin'ny demaokrasia aza. It seems that even in democracy some wounds will not be solved. There seems to be no solution to some injuries even in democracy. Tsy azo ekena tanteraka ilay fandaharana ary tokony hotapahana. The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. The program is completely unacceptable and should be cut off. @DianOnno Sahala amin'ny hoe manampy amin'ny famonjena ireo biby tra-boina amin'ny tondradrano ao Jakarta ny Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN). @DianOnno Looks like Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) is helping animals that are affected by Jakarta flood. @DianOnno Looks like Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) helps rescue the flood victims in Jakarta. Talohan'izay, tamin'ny taona 1972, nanambara izany ho Ivontoerana Ara-kolontsaina ny filoha Salvador Allende, ary tamin'ny taona 1973, taorian'ny fanonganam-panjakana, dia lasa foiben'ny fitantanan-draharaha Pinochet izany. Before that, in 1972, the president Salvador Allende declared it a Cultural Centre, and in 1973, after the coup, it became the base for the Pinochet administration. Earlier, in 1972, President Salvador Allende declared it Cultural Institute, and in 1973, after the coup, it became the center of Pinochet's administration. Hiroaki Sato, mpanakanton-dahatsary izay niasa nandritra ny taona maro tao amin'ny komitin'ny mpitsara ao amin'ny Fetiben'ny Lahatsary ao Tokyo, fetiben'ny lahatsarin'olon-tsotra lehibe indrindra manerantany teo aloha, no nanentana ny adihevitra. The discussion was moderated by Hiroaki Sato, a video artist who has worked for many years on the judge's committee of the Tokyo Video Festival, formerly the world's largest citizen video festival. Hiroaki Sato, a video artist who has worked for years at a judge's committee at the Tokyo Video Festival, the world's largest citizen video festival, has sparked the debate. Araka izany, na eo aza ny famoahana sarin'ny "Filoha Sata nitarika fivorian'ny kabinetra" omaly, mbola apetrak'i #Zambia ihany ny fanontaniana #aizanyfiloha? So it seems despite publication of pics of "Pres Sata chairing a cabinet meeting" yesterday #Zambia is still asking #whereisthepresident? - Laura Miti (@LauraMiti) July 15, 2014 So despite publishing photos of "President Sata leading cabinet meetings" yesterday, #Zambia is still asking the question #is there a president? Ruchika Tulshyan, bilaogera ao amin'ny gazetiboky Forbes, nitsipaka ny lohateny tao amin'ny "Times," "Tsy Rototra Manoloana Ny Tranga Fanolanana Araka Ny Asehoan'ity Lahatsary Ity Ve Ny Indiana?": Ruchika Tulshyan, a blogger for Forbes Magazine, took issue with Time's headline, "Are Indians As Nonchalant About Rape as This Video Suggests?": Ruchika Tulshyan, a blogger in the newsmaga magazine, denied the title of "Times," "The Indians Aren't Circumcisive to Rape," as shown by this video: Miainga avy amin'ny sehatra teknikan'ny lahjatsary sy ny fakàna sary izy ireny: drafitra raikitra, drafitry ny ampahan-tsary tsirairay, tsy fisian'ny fanambàrana... Miteraka resabe ireny, fampieritreretana, sary ary hevitra. The restrictions are derived from the technical field of video and photography - a static shot, a sequence shot, no editing. They come from the technical areas of photography and photography: a fixed plan, a plan of each video, a lack of context... they create controversy, reflections, images and ideas. sinneyxx: Andriamanitra o!! sinneyxx: OMG!! sinneyxx: Oh God!! Ny RPF no tafika niady hanajanona izany vono-olona izany. The RPF is the army that fought to stop these killings. The RPF was the army that fought to stop the massacre. @NawafAlthani: Fifidianana malalaka, fanohanana ny fahalalahana manerantany, toekarena matanjaka.. @NawafAlthani: Free elections , support of freedoms around the world a strong economy .. @NawafAlthani: Free elections, support for world freedom, strong economy.. Nohon'ny fanampian'i Astakhov, afaka ny fonja i Patakhonov ary nahazo sazy mihantona fotsiny. With Astakhov's help, Patakhonov escaped prison and was let off with a mere suspended sentence. With Astakhov's help, Patakhonov was released from prison and received a suspended sentence. Tsy rariny tsotra izao ny milaza fa sakafo ho an'ny mahantra ny qurutob . It is simply not right to say that qurutob is a food of the poor. It is simply unfair to say that qurutob is food for the poor. Te-hiteny amin'ny foko manontolo amin'i @Ghonim fotsiny aho hoe: misaotra. @edouardhervouet: I just sincerely want to tell @Ghonim: thanks. I just want to tell my heart to @ would just like to say: thank you. Fa ankoatra izay, manana ny heviny manokana koa izy amin'ny fiteny andavanandro any amin'ny ankamaroan'ny firenena ao Amerika Atsimo: "No dejarse pisar el poncho" (Aza hitsakitsahina ny poncho../ Tsy manaiky hatao tsinontsinona na hitsakitsahana). Poncho can also have a different meaning in some South American countries, for example, in this usual usual phrase: No dejarse pisar el poncho (Don't let yourself step on the poncho), which means that you shouldn't let yourself be humiliated or intimidated. On the other hand, she has her own thoughts in the everyday language of most South American countries: "No dejarse pisar el pocho" (Don't bother pocho../Don't refuse to be ignored or violated). Any isika mihaona. I'll see you there. There we meet. Fon'ny hetsika fanoherana ny 2 x 1 ho an'ireo vonomoka, tao amin'ny Kianja Plaza de Mayo ao Buenos Aires. Main act of the protest against the 2×1 for genocide accused ruling in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires. Heart of protest against 2 x 1 for the massacre at the Plaza de Mayo Stadium in Buenos Aires. Herintaona izay no nampidirana am-ponja ilay bilaogera Ejipsiana Alaa Abdel Fattah, olomangan'ny revolisiona Ejipsiana, noho ny fikatrohana nataony. It's been a year since the imprisonment of Egyptian blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah, an icon of the Egyptian revolution, for his activism. This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011. A year ago, Egyptian blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah, an icon of the Egyptian revolution, was jailed for his activism. 'Martinka' nataon-tanana avy ao Makedonia. Hand-made 'martinka' from Macedonia. 'Martinka' handmade from Macedonia. Hobodoinay ny fetiben'ny henan'alika sy ny fihinanana izany. We boycott the dog meat festival and the eating of dog. We will boycott dog meat festival and eat it. #SecSchoolInNigeria rehefa tratra nangala-tahaka tamin'ny fanadianana ihany nony farany io Filohan'ny Ankizivavy ratsy fanahy io. #SecSchoolInNigeria when that wicked Head Girl finally gets caught cheating in an exam. - Chisomaga (@SirKatchaz) August 6, 2015 #SecSchoolInNigeria when the President of the evil Girl finally got caught by the examination. Mandràra ny fanimbana endrika ny fampahafantarana nomerika izay mety hampigadra hatramin'ny dimy taona any am-ponja, ny fomba manala baraka "fikambanana na olona" tahaka izao. The vague provision, which carries penalties of up to five years in prison, outlaws altering digital information in such a way that would defame "any organization or any person." Digital information, which can be jailed for up to five years in prison, prohibits the destruction of faces such as such as "a community or a person." Mandefa sary i Josue Banegas: Josue Banegas shares a photo: Josue Banegas posts photos: Nanamafy ilay mpikaroka Libaney sady toniandahatsoratry ny vaovao Al Akhbar teo aloha Lara Bitar fa i Beirota no ho voalohany amin'ny tanàndehibe Mediteraneana tsy misy morontsiraka raha tsy misy na inona na inona atao, sy ny hoe ahoana no mety ho fiantraikan'izany eo amin'ireo tena mahantra: Lebanese researcher and ex-editor of Al-Akhbar English Lara Bitar emphasized that if nothing is done, Beirut would be the first Mediterranean city without a coastline and how this can affect the very poor: Lebanese researcher and former editor of Al Akhbar news Lara Bitar confirmed that Beirut will be the first Mediterranean city without any coastal borders, and how it could affect the poorest: Ny Centrelink no sampan-draharaham-panjakana tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fandoavam-bola amin'ny fanampiana ara-tsosialy sy tolotra hafa marobe momba ny maha-olombelona. Centrelink is the government agency responsible for welfare payments and many other human services. The Centrelink is the government agency responsible for paying funds for many other humanitarian aid and services. Misy lafiny iray lehibe mampiavaka ity fanomezambatsy faharoa ity tamin'ny natao voalohany. This second round of funding differs from the first in one important aspect. At the beginning of this second presentation, there was an important feature. Mety hisy ireo sasantsasany hahomby amin'ny fangataham-bady, saingy vitsy izany. Some may succeed in proposing marriage, but few do. Some may be successful in getting married, but it's rare. Io antso io dia mifotora amin'ny "vía rápida" (làlana-haingana), araka izay iantsoan'ny kaongresy azy, tsy mamela ny mpikambana hahay hijery tsara ilay vina. This appeal is founded on the fact that the "vía rápida" (fast-track), as it is called by Congress, does not allow members to have a good enough look at the plan. This call is based on "vía ápida," as the congressers call it, not allowing members to take a good look at the vision. Avoakany ao amin'ny blaoginy avokoa ireo hosodoko nataony ireo sady arahany poezia. The paintings are posted on his blog with accompanying poems. She posts all her paintings on her blog and follows poetry. Tsy ahitana na dia valan'aretina iray aza isika koa maninona no Gambia? We don't have single virus their so why Gambia ? We don't even see a disease so why The Gambia? Sary: Sabrina Aman Reevy. Photo by Sabrina Aman Reevy. Credit: Sabrina Aman Reevy. Tsy tany aho, fa hitako ilay reny iray namantatra ny endrik'ireo faty tao amin'ny tranompaty, nitady ny zanany lahy tao anatin'ireo vatana may sy voatifitra. I wasn't there, but I saw a mother examining the faces of dead people at a morgue, looking for her son among the burnt and shot bodies. I wasn't there, but I saw a mother discovering the faces of dead bodies in the funeral, looking for her son in the burned and shot body. Angamba marina izany, hoy aho mihevitra am-pahatahorana. Maybe it was true, I think nervously. Maybe that's true, I think with fear. Dingana mankamin'ny tsara ny fanànana fijoroana vavolombelona Yemenita anatinà fivorian'ny kaongresy, voalohany azon'ny daholobe natrehana, mikasika ireo drôna miafin'i Obama sy ny fandaharan'asany amin'ny famonoana efa kinendry mialoha, na izany aza dia betsaka ireo Yemenita sy Amerikana diso fanantenana tamin'ny ankapoben'ilay fotoam-pihainoana Having a Yemeni testify at the first-ever public congressional hearing on Obama's secret drone and targeted killing program was a positive step, yet many Yemenis and Americans were disappointed from the overall hearing. This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. Naveriko ny valinteny miaraka amin'ny fahatokisan'ny olona nino ny fahamendrehan'ny fanapahan-keviny: Tsy hamono olona aho! I repeated the answer with the confidence of someone who believed in the morality of her decision: I will not kill! I repeated the answer with the confidence of people who believed in the dignity of their decision: I won't kill! Amin'ny fahafantarana izany, dia tsy hitanay mihitsy ny antony mampiziriziry azy ireo amin'ny fampiasana ny anaran'i 'Allah' amin'ny gazetiny mpiseho isan-kerinandro. From such finding, we find no reason why the respondent is so adamant to use the name "Allah" in their weekly publication. Knowing this, we never see why they are firm in using the name of 'Allah' in their weekly newspapers. Manomboka amin'ny fiantrana ao an-dakilasy ka hatramin'ny Nowruz (Taom-Baovao Iraniana) ao amin'ny White House, ity lahatsoratra ity dia miresaka momba ny sasany amin'ireo zavatra izay zaraina amin'ny tranonkalam-pifandraisana amin'izao fotoana izao momba an'i Iràna sy ny zavakanto sy kolontsaina Persiàna From charity in the classroom to Nowruz (Iranian New Year) in the White House, this post looks at some of the things being shared online at the moment about Iran and Persian culture. From sympathy in class to Nowruz (Iranian News Year) at White House, this article discusses some of the things that are currently shared on social networking sites about Iran and Persian art and culture. Tsy tao an-drenivohitr'i Koety Frankom (Ar) nandritra izany fotoana izany , fa tany amin'ny faritra 'Chalets', toeram-pialantsasatra malaza iray. Frankom (Ar) meanwhile wasn't in the capital Kuwait, in the chalets area, a popular resort. Not in Kuwait's capital Frankom (Ar) at the time, but in the 'Chalets' area, a popular resort. Tsy mahatalanjona ny olon-tsotra fotsiny ilay biby mahafinaritra fa hatramin'ireo olo-malaza ambony. The magnificent animals not only fascinate ordinary people, but high-profile celebrities as well. The beautiful animal is not just a surprise to ordinary people but also prominent figures. @badar76: Miverina miasa; tsy fantatro hoe hatraiza no ahafahako manampy saingy eo am-pijerena ny lohahevitra momba ny #Pakistan#AdSense niseho vao haingana! #AdSensePK @badar76: #Pakistan#Bloggers - azafady tohizo miaraka amin'ny devoaranay manokana - amarinina ny maha ara-dalàna ny #AdSense T&C, tahirin'antso, sns. #AdSensePK @badar76: Back to work; not sure how much I'd be able to help but looking into recent #Pakistan#AdSense issue! #AdSensePK @badar76: #Pakistan#Bloggers - plz continue w/ ur own homework - review compliance to #AdSense T&C, file appeals, etc. #AdSensePK @badar76: Back to work; I don't know how much I can help but watching the #Pakistan#AdSense trending topic recently! #AdSensePK @badar76: #Pakistan# ny go on with our own homework - test the legitimacy of #AdSense T&C, phone data, etc. #AdSensePK Manana mponina 9 tapitrisa i Bolivia; ny iray tapitrisa dia ankizy miasa, ny sasany nanomboka niasa tamin'ny faha fito taonany. Bolivia has 9 million inhabitants; one million are child workers, some who started working as early as seven. Bolivia has 9 million inhabitants; one million are working children, some start working at the age of seven. Nanamarika ny vohikala: و تقسم الجمهورية لانتخابات مجلس الشعب إلى ٨٣ دائرة تخصص للانتخاب بالنظام الفردي ينتخب عن كل دائرة منها عضوان يكون احدهما على الأقل من العمال والفلاحين و ٤٦ دائرة أخرى تخصص للانتخاب بنظام القوائم. The site notes: و تقسم الجمهورية لانتخابات مجلس الشعب إلى ٨٣ دائرة تخصص للانتخاب بالنظام الفردي ينتخب عن كل دائرة منها عضوان يكون احدهما على الأقل من العمال والفلاحين و ٤٦ دائرة أخرى تخصص للانتخاب بنظام القوائم. The website notes: و تقجد الجمهورية لانتخابات مجلس اعس إلى بدائة تشص للانتخاب بالردي ينتخب عن كل دائة منها عضة يكون بحتما على الأقل من العمال والفلاحين و بدائة أخرى تواانتخاب بس القوائم. Isan'ny misongadina indrindra amin'izany ny pejy instagram tena tsy nampoizina an'ny filoha Tsetsena, Ramzan Kadyrov, sy ny Twitter-n'ny Filoha Azeri, Ilham Aliyev, anjonoana an'i Armenia.. Among the most notable are Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov's wildly unpredictable Instagram page and Azeri President Ilham Aliyev's Armenia-baiting Twitter handle. One of the most significant features was the page of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov's most surprise, as well as the Twitter pages of the president's Twitter feed on Armenia. This post is part of our special coverage Myanmar Protests 2011. Mandritra izany, tsy mbola nitsahatra ny orana fa mbola manampy ny fahorian'ireo olona an'arivony. Meanwhile, the rain isn't stopping, adding to the misery of thousands of people. Meanwhile, the rain has not stopped but adds to the suffering of thousands of people. Malama vava loatra izy saingy izay mangina hono volamena clothe myself; He is too quiet but those who keep silent about gold Ejipta: Sazy EFA-TAONA Am-ponja Ho Anà Bilaogera Egypt: FOUR Years Prison Sentence for Blogger · Global Voices Egypt: Blogger Prison Sentence · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011. Mizara amintsika ny fomba fijery vaovao momba ny sariitatra sy ny fihetsiky ny vahoaka Iraniana i View from Iran, bilaogera monina any Iran: View from Iran, an Iran based blogger, shares with us a fresh view about cartoons and Iranian people's reaction: View from Iran, a blogger based in Iran, shares with us a new perspective on the cartoons and reactions of the Iranian people: Isaky ny maraina dia tairin'ny feom-by mikasoka amin'ny lalana ny vahoaka. Each morning people are awoken by the sounds of metal against the asphalt sidewalks. Every morning, the people are being hit by the sound of the metals on the street. Izany hoe mamerina mampiditra an'Atoa. Duvalier izy - ary miaraka aminy, ny fitsipika ivelan'ny lalàna nitantanany sy ny rainy, François Duvalier. In short, he is rehabilitating Mr. Duvalier - and along with him, the extrajudicial code he and his father, François Duvalier, governed by. In other words, he introduces Mr. Duvalier - and with him, the rules outside his rule and his father, François Duvalier. Avy aminà resaka fihanihana an-tongotra ka hatrany am-ponja mandritra ny roa taona, sahala amin'ny ratsy lavitra hono ny vintan-dratsy izany an. From hiking to jail for two years, it seems like even worse than bad luck. From walking to jail for two years, bad luck seems to be much worse. Ny mpiblaogy Alex dia mamelabelatra mikasika ny tosiky ny Amerikana hamerina indray ny fampitaovana an'i Afrika ara-miaramila: Alex analyzes the push by the US to re-militarize Africa: "Now in the age of a supposed 'war on terror' the US is propogating the re-militarization on Africa. Back in January I wrote about the birth of the African Command and past US/ CIA ventures in Africa." Alex writes about how the U.S. is trying to restore military equipment to Africa: "It's very important to see how much Africa is doing. Aza mamotsotra/kivy! Hajao ireo izay nifidy nandritra ny alina manontolo. Don't give up! respect those who voted all night long. Don't give up! Respect those who voted all night. Na i Morsi na ny Mpirahalahy Miozolomana Muhamed Badie dia mety hovonoina ho faty, mety hisy fiovana ny didim-pitsaran'izy ireo. Neither Morsi or Muslim Brotherhood Muhamed Badie is likely to be executed in the end , their sentences will be commuted. #MorsiTrial #Egypt - fustat (@fustat) May 16, 2015 Both Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood Muhamed Badie could be executed, their sentences could change. Afrika Atsimo: Mirongatra avy any amin'ny toeran'ny fahadisoana South Africa: Eruptions from the fault lines · Global Voices South Africa: Moving up from the wrong place · Global Voices Mino ny The 8th Circle fa tokony hijanona hifamatotra foana amin'ireo Tatsinanana mpifanolo-bodirindrina aminy ny EU ary ny Fiaraha-miasan'ny samy Tatsinanana, vivavinan'ny Poloney sy Soisa, dia mety ho dingana iray ho amin'izany zotra izany. The 8th Circle believes that the EU should "stay engaged with its Eastern Neighborhood" and that the Polish-Swedish Eastern Partnership project might be "a good small step in that direction." The 8th Circle believes that the EU should remain connected with its Eastern neighbors and that Eastern cooperation, Polish and Swiss girls, could be a step forward. Noho izany, ry namana mpiara-miasa isany, ataovy vonona an-tànana ny tahirin-kevitsika, ny fitànana an-tsoratra sy ireo katalaogy, mba hanampy amin'ny fanarahan-dia ny fitaovana, raha sanatria ka manjavona ilay izy. So, dear colleagues, let's have our archives, inventories and catalogues ready, to help trace the material, should it disappear. So, dear colleagues, make sure that our archives, literature and katalaogy are available, to help keep up with the equipment, if it fails. Ny tambajotra mifampidimpiditra dia mety hanana na tsia 'gateway' iray (na tetezana) izay iray ihany amin'ireo teboka ifanenàna ao aminy, izay mifandray ihany koa amin'ny tambajotra nahazatra hatrizay. A mesh network may or may not have a "gateway" which is just one of its nodes which is also connected to a traditional network. The network may have or may not have a 'gateway' (or bridge) which is just one of its points, which is also connected to traditional networks. Korea Atsimo: Naato ny fitakiana ny mombamomba izay hiserasera South Korea: Personal Information Requirement Halted For the Moment · Global Voices South Korea: Calls for online information Suspended · Global Voices Mila fahaiza-manao sy fahaizana ny governemanta hoy ny sekreteran'ny fiarovana, kandidan'ny fitantanana Gilbert Teodoro Defense Secretary and administration candidate Gilbert Teodoro insists that intelligence and competence are needed in government The government needs skills and skills according to Defense Secretary Gilbert Teadoro's executive candidate. Ampio rano sy sira mba hatsiro. Add water and salt to taste. Help water and salt to taste. Tena nofy ratsy izao;- ( It must be a bad dream;- ( This is a nightmare;- ( Fanamboarana ny Ford BMW voahelingelin'ny #ChennaiRains Ford BMW Production disrupted by #ChennaiRains - Offstumped Report (@offstumped) December 3, 2015 The creation of Ford BMW by #RainRains Matetika mitatitra ny karama isan'ora ambany indrindra sy ny vola miditra an-tokantrano isan-taona kely indrindra ao amin'ny prefektioran'i Japana, sy ahitana ny taha ambony indrindra amin'ny tsy fananan'asan'ny tanora ny prefektiora. The prefecture regularly reports the lowest hourly wages and annual household income of any prefecture in Japan, with some of the highest youth unemployment rates. prefectures often report the minimum wage per hour and the smallest annual income in Japan's prefecture, with the highest rate of youth unemployment. Mampiasa teknika antsoina hoe "TNR" Trap, Neuter and Release, na Misambotra, Mamositra sy Mamotsotra i Januzzi. Januzzi practices a technique called "TNR," or Trap, Neuter and Release. Januzzi uses techniques called "TNR" Trap, Neuter and Release, or Arrests, Reservation and Devience. Thailandey Mpanao gazety nogadraina noho ny "fanakorontanana ny fandriampahalemana sy ny filaminana" tao amin'ny media sosialy Thai journalist detained for "disturbing peace and order" on social media Thai journalist jailed for "disrupting peace and order" on social media Tafiditra ao anatin'ireo fepetra ireo ny fampiasana vondro-kery mamantatra izay olona mety hivadika ho maherisetra na hankany Syria. These measures included the employment of task forces to identify people who might turn to violence or travel to Syria. These measures include the use of groups to identify individuals who might turn violent or go to Syria. Sary an'i E. Avila. Photo by E. Avila. Photo by E. wasn't. Nandika lahatsoratra avy amin'ny Southern Weekend milaza ny fahombiazan'izy ireo noho ny fahazoambaovao amin'ny alalan'ny aterineto i ESWN. ESWN translated an article from Southern Weekend explaining their success in getting news from the internet. ESWN translated an article from Southern Weekend about their success due to access to information online. Nesorin'ny Governemanta Ao Honduras Mba Hanatsaràny Ny Endriny Ve ireo Mitokona Tsy Mihinan-Kanina? Did the Honduras Government Remove Protesters on Hunger Strike to Save Face? · Global Voices Has Honduras's Government Removed Hunger Strikes? · Global Voices Fanampin'izany, mba hahatakarana ny famonoana azy dia ny 17 Septambra, andro nisian'ilay fanonganana, no tokony hamoahana ny vokatry ny - autopsie- fitsirihana ny vatana mangatsiakan'i Sankara. Furthermore, the autopsy results expected to shed light on Sankara's assassination were supposed to be published on September 17, the day of the coup. The autopsy took 30 years to (almost) come to fruition because the authorities had never allowed an independent committee access to the body. The autopsy results are still held secret as of today. Moreover, in order to understand his execution, on September 17, the day of the coup, the results of the attack should be announced - the body of Sankara should be tested. Tao anatin'ny minitra vitsivitsy, efa nanana ny fanohanany sahady, ireo andianà namana vaovaon'i Stepan, tamin'ny fanehoana tamin'i Ksenzov fa tsy mahavita mandresy lahatra ihany koa ny Avatar-ny ao amin'ny Vkontakte. Within minutes, Stepan's new army of friends already had his back, pointing out to Ksenzov that his Vkontakte avatar also fails to impress. In recent minutes, Stepan's new group of friends had already had their support, showing Ksenzov that his Avatar also failed to convince her on Vkontakte. Miantso izay rehetra manana havana, namana, mpiray tanindrazana izay efa nahazo fandrahonana izahay mba hametraka ao sy hilaza ny vaovao farany y mombamomba ireo izay nanjavona na voasambotra, mba ahafahanay mikaroka loharanom-baovao hafa, hanamarina, sy hametraka rohy an-tserasera natokana mba hanafahana azy ireny. We're calling on those whose friends, relatives, colleagues, or compatriots, have been threatened to help create and update the profiles of those missing or under arrest, so we can seek additional sources, verify, and link to online campaigns dedicated to freeing them. We call upon all those who have relatives, friends, compatriots who have been threatened to post and share the latest information about those who have disappeared or been arrested, so that we can find other sources of information, verify, and install online links dedicated to their release. Feno hafatra fideràna sy fanohanana ireo fanehoankevitra nanao tohivakana nanaraka ilay lahatsoratra; tena miandry fatratra ny fiverenan'ilay fandaharana ireo mpankafy, na dia tsy nanamarika aza i Alleyne hoe amin'ny sehatra inona io no mety ho azo jerena. The post's comments thread was filled with messages of admiration and support; fans were clearly looking forward to the return of the show, although Alleyne did not specify on which platform it would be available for viewing. The reactions to the post were filled with messages of praise and support; fans were very much waiting for the show's return, although Alleyne didn't note on what level it might look like. Nadikan'ilay mpisovoka avokoa ny ango-tahiry rehetra hitany tao amin'ny lohamilina ary navoakany tamin'ny endrika torrent. The hacker (s) captured all the data they could find on the server and leaked it as a torrent. The user translated all the data he found on the server and uploaded it to a trrent form. Ary nanao io sary eo ambony io ny iray tamin'ny mpianatra. And one student drew the above drawing. And one of the students made this picture above. Io fanehoankevitra avy aminy io dia narahan'ireo fanehoankevitra marobe avy amin'ireo namany ao amin'ny Facebook. Many of Sanches's Facebook friends commented on his post. This comment was followed by many comments from friends on Facebook. Mba handrakofana ireo hetsika ampiasàna ireo fitaovana amin'ny alàlan'ny aterineto, dia nanokatra tranonkala, Tu Bicentenario (Your Bicentennial) ny fikambanana mpitoraka blaogy iray, izay nanakambanan'izy ireo tolotra maromaro amin'ny aterineto samihafa hanamboarana fandrakofana mivantana, amin'ny teny fototra #bicentenarioarg . To cover the festivities using online tools, a group of bloggers created the site Tu Bicentenario (Your Bicentennial), where they combine different web services to create real-time coverage, with the hashtag #bicentenarioarg . To cover the activities using online tools, a group of bloggers launched a website, Tu Bicentenario (Your Bicentennial), where they joined several different online services to create live coverage, under the hashtag #bicentenarioarg . Tokony ho fantatrao fa izao ny fomba famitahan'ny fitondrana teo aloha tamin'ny andron'i Mubarak, avelao ireo ONG ireo hiasa tsy misy fahazoan-dalana mba hahafahana manakatona ireo fikambanana mihoatra n tsipika mena. You must know that this was the trick of the old Mubarak's regime , to let those NGOs to work without any licensing in order to close those organizations whenever they are crossed the red line . You should know that this is how Mubarak's former regime betrayed the NGOs, allowing them to work without permission in order to close more than a red line of organizations. Ruwayda Mustafa, mpanoratra Britanika-Kiorda no sady feminista, nanambara ny hanaovana fihetsiketsehana ao Londres: Ruwayda Mustafa, a British-Kurdish writer and feminist, announced a protest in London: Ruwayda Mustafa, a British- Godd writer and feminist, announced a demonstration in London: Kanefa very hevitra tanteraka isika rehefa tonga ny fotoana hamaritana ny refin'ireo mahantra, na ireo mahantrahantra ihany, ireo antonontonony. But when the time comes to draw the line at who is poor, or rather, poor enough, we falter. But we are totally confused when the middle class comes to determine the difference between the poor and the poor. Fiainana ara-kolontsaina iray izy io, nofonosina ao anaty taokanto iray mahafinaritra sy voasaina tsara." It is a cultural experience packaged into a beautiful and thoughtful piece of digital art." It's a cultural experience, wrapped in a beautiful and well thought - trained art." "Tamin'ny 2013, lasa mpialokaloka mandositra ady tao Ejipta i Thair," hoy i Sara Bergamaschi, namana akaikin'i Orfahli. "In 2013, Thair became a refugee from the war in Egypt," says Sara Bergamaschi, a close friend of Orfahli. "In 2013, Thair became a refugee fleeing war in Egypt," said Sara Bergamaschi, a close friend of Orfahli. Mila miaro ny fiarahamonim-pirenena isika ka hihetsika hiaro ny tsirairay, anisan'izany ny tenantsika. We have to defend civil society with action so as to protect everybody, including ourselves. We need to protect civil society and act to protect everyone, including ourselves. Nangataka fanazavàna momba ny fampiasàna fitaovana fandinganana sàkana ny governemanta, ary namoaka fandrahonana ny hanaraha-maso ireny hetsika ireny. The government then questioned the use of the circumvention tools and issued an empty threat to monitor these activities. The government asked for information on the use of circumvention tools, and issued threats to monitor these events. Ny tsy fisian'ny vola, ny tsy fahampian'ny fotodrafitrasa nomerika sa noho ny tsy fahampiam-baovao tsotr'izao fotsiny? Lack of financial means, unreliable internet infrastructure, or simply a lack of information? The lack of money, the lack of digital infrastructure or simply due to lack of open information? Mamosaka ny heviny i Megakhuimyak eo amin'ny fahazoana (na tsy fahazoan'ny) antoko politika mpanohitra amin'ny gazety be mpanaraka: Megakhuimyak comments on access (or, rather, absence of access) of the political opposition to the mass media: Megakhuimyak comments on (or not) the opposition political party in mainstream media: Sary avy amin'i Sam Edwards / Santiago Times, Photo by Sam Edwards/ The Santiago Times - The Santiago Times (@SantiagoTimes) October 17, 2013 Photo by Sam Edwards / Santiago Times, Tamin'ny Novambra 2015, depiote Rosiana roa tao amin'ny Duma avy amin'ny Antoko Komonista no nanolotra volavolam-panitsiana tao amin'ny Lalàm-Panitsakitsahana Ara-panjakana, izay handrara "ireo endrika fifandraisana ara-nofo imasom-bahoaka" toy ny fifampitantanana na fifanorohana - Fanaovan-dalàna sahisahy indrindra amin'ny famelezana ny fahapelahana ao Rosia hatramin'izao. In November 2015, two Russian Duma deputies from the Communist Party proposed an amendment to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which would place a ban on "public expression of non-traditional sexual relationships" such as holding hands or kissing - the most overt legislative attack on homosexuality in Russia to date. In November 2015, two Russian Duma MPs from the Communist Party proposed amendments to the State Security Act, which would ban "public sexual relations" such as governance or conflict - Russia's most courageous anti-gay law so far. Nanapa-kevitra ny handao ny fotoam-pitsarana ny Reformista mpiaro ny zon'olombelona. Reformist human rights activists decided to leave the session. Human rights advocates decided to leave the trial. Mamoaka fanavaozana mivantana mikasika ity loza voajanahary ity ny The Guardian. The Guardian is posting live updates on the disaster. The Guardian publishes live updates on the disaster. Lehilahy antitra iray mampiseho fotoam-pifaliana ary mankafy ao amin'ny toerana iray fambolem-bary ao Jitpur Fedi, Kathmandu. An elderly man has a jovial moment and relishes at a paddy plantation at Jitpur Fedi, Kathmandu. An old man shows joy and enjoys at a rice mill in Jitpur Fedi, Kathmandu. Namoaka ny fanehoankevitra ofisialy avy aminy ny VMRO-DPMNE iny hariva iny, nilaza tao anaty hafatra an-gazety fa "tsy azo ekena" ny sary tahaka izany. VMRO-DPMNE issued a formal reaction that evening, saying in a press release that such imagery was "unacceptable." VMRO-DPMNE published its official comment that evening, saying in a press message that such images are "not acceptable." Nanasongadina ny sangan'asan'ity mpanoratra ity amin'izao fotoana izao ihany koa ny Wall Street Journal, niantso azy ho " feo mpitsikera ny mpitarika ny fireneny ary feo malaza manohitra ny fitsabahan'i Rosia any Okraina." Wall Street Journal also highlighted the writer's more current work, calling her "a vocal critic of her country's leader and a prominent voice against Russia's involvement in Ukraine." Wall Street Journal also highlighted the author's work today, calling him "a critical voice of his country's leader and a popular voice against Russia's intervention in Ukraine." Mpanoratra gazety Shaheryar Mirza monina ao Karachi nisioka hoe: Karachi-based journalist Shaheryar Mirza tweeted: Karachi-based journalist Sharyar Mirza tweeted: Niverina i Jesoa ?? tpt na dia hiverina aza Jesosy dia tsy ho ao Kamerona... izany mihitsy ! That Jesus is back ?? lol even if Jesus gonna come back it can't be in Cameroon...Nopeeee!**** - IG:adamiby (@adam_ib_rahim) April 17, 2014 Jesus is back?? tpt even if Jesus will come back to Cameroon...that's it! Sarin'i Siam Sawrar Jamil. Image by Siam Sawrar Jamil. Photo by surfacer Sawrar Jamil. Araka ny tatitry RuNet Echo tamin'ny volana Oktobra, efa manery sahady ny orinasa Rosiana sasany hanaraka ny fepetra vaovao ny lalàna lany tamin'ny volana Jona: Yandex, lohamilina fikarohana Rosiana sady tranonkala mpanangom-baovao izao dia efa noterena hanova ny mombamomba azy sy ny politikan'ny fizarany vaovao ary ny fifanarahany miaraka amin'ireo orinasa 7000 mpampita vaovao mpiara-miasa aminy. As RuNet Echo reported in October, the June law is already forcing some Russian companies to adopt new compliance measures: Yandex, a Russian search engine and news aggregator has been forced to change its information sharing policy and agreements with its 7,000 partner media companies. According to RuNet Echo's October report, the legislation passed in June has already forced some Russian companies to comply with new regulations: Yandex, a Russian search server and news site has now been forced to change their personal information and information policy and their contract with 7,000 media partners. Mety handeha ny olona. People would go. People might go. Tsy anontaniana azy ireo izay ilain'izy ireo sy izay azo atao ho azy ireo. They are not really asking them, what are your needs, and what could we do for you. They are not asked what they need and what can be done for them. Ny filoha am-perinasa, Ali Bongo Ondimba dia zanaky ny mpanao didy jadona teo aloha Omar Bongo, izay filoham-pirenena nanomboka ny 1967 mandra-pahafatiny tamin'ny taona 2009. The incumbent, Ali Bongo Ondimba, is the son of former despot Omar Bongo, who was the country's president from 1967 until his death in 2009. The incumbent president, Ali himself Ondimba, is the son of former dictator Omar himself, who has been president since 1967 until his death in 2009. 30 taona taty aoriana, mandany ny ankamaroan'ny fahalebiazany ho an'ny zon'ny LGBT sy ny tolona ho amin'ny fitovian-jo amin'ny fanambadiana i Chi. In the following 30 years, Chi spends most of his adult life in LGBT rights and fights for marriage equality. 30 years later, Chi spends most of his happiness on LGBT rights and the fight for equal marriage rights. Ity lahatsoratr'i Andrea Dipp, avy ao amin'ny Agência Pública (izay mpiara-miasa amin'ny Global Voices), ity dia navoaka ho tahaka ny lahatsoratra fanadihadiana momba ireo "travestis" (sarimbavy) avy ao Fortaleza, ary nanana ny lohateny hoe "VOU BOMBAR PARA COBRAR MAIS NA COPA" ("HANABONTSIN-TENA AHO HAHAZOAM-BOLA MANDRITRA NY MONDIALY") tamin'izany ary anisan'ny dosie manokana #CopaPública miresaka momba ny mondialy 2014. This post, written by Andrea Dipp, was originally published as a report entitled "I'm Going to Pump Up So I Can Charge More During the Cup" and is part of investigative journalism agency Pública's special #CopaPública coverage of the 2014 World Cup. This post by Andrea Dipp, from Agência Pública (a partner of Global Voices), was published as part of a documentary on the transvests (a transvestite), and is part of the special #CopaPública coverage of the 2014 World Cup. Nidaroka ny afovoan-tanànan"i Bangkok ny fipoahana baomba roa tao anatin'ny roa andro misesy, izay rnamoizana ain'olona 20 sy naharatràna anjatony. Two bomb blasts have rocked central Bangkok in the past two days, killing 20 people and injuring hundreds. Two bomb explosions struck downtown Bangkok within two consecutive days, leaving 20 dead and hundreds injured. Mpikatroka antserasera maro no mampiasa ity sary ity ho toy ny sary famantarana ao amin'ny Facebook. Many online activists used this photo as their Facebook profile photo. Many online activists have used this image as a logo on Facebook. Voalohany indrindra, tsy ampy ny mpikarakara. First of all, it's undermanned. First of all, the organizers are not enough. Novain'i Kevin Rothrock. Edited by Kevin Rothrock. Edited by Kevin Rothrock. Nanamaizina ny antsipiriany maro tamin'ny raharaha ny fandraràna tanteraka ny fampitam-baovao mikasika ny fanadihadiana nataon'ny fitsarana tao an-toerana taoriana kelin'ny fipoahan'ny vaovao nanafintohina ,ary namela ny fampitam-baovao ao an-toerana ahafantatra zavatra kely monja. A blanket ban on media coverage of the investigation decreed by a local court soon after news of the scandal broke has obscured many of the important details in the case, leaving local media feeding off scraps. A complete ban on media coverage of the local court's investigation after shocking news broke out has made many details about the case and left local media with little knowledge. Saingy ny fanjakana, zara raha mandray andraikitra manohitra ireo hery ireo. But the government rarely takes action against those forces. But the state does not take any action against these forces. Tan Kai Swee nanatri-maso ny fanohanana tampotampoka ireo mpanao diabe avy amin'ireo olo-tsotra Maleziana: Tan Kai Swee witnessed the spontaneous support given by ordinary Malaysians to the marchers: Tan Kai Swee witnessed the sudden support of Malaysians from ordinary Malaysians: Nefa mbola voasivantsivana ihany ny fanapariahana ny vaovao. Still news is spread selectively. But the spread of the news is still under attack. @todolho: Ho hitantsika hoe iza no iza rehefa tonga ny fotoana ifidianana ny PEC 37. @todolho: We will see who is who in the PEC 37 voting session. @todolho: We'll find out who will be when the PEC 37. vote comes. Mandritra izany, tahaka ny zara raha nahavita niroso isika tamin'ny fanotofana ny taha avo ben'ny kolikoly. Meanwhile, we appear to have made little progress in putting a lid on high-level corruption. Meanwhile, we seem to have made little progress in training the high level of corruption. Manontany ny Libyan Youth Movement (Hetsiky ny Tanora Libiana) hoe: The Libyan Youth Movement asks: The Libyan Youth Movement asks: Islamic Relief-izay miharihary ihany koa fa fikambanana islamika mpanao asa soa, sady mizaka ny satan'ny 501 (c) (3) tsy mitady tombombarotra-dia miasa hanampy ny Syriana mpitsoaponenana any Libanona, mizara sakafo, fitafiana, ary fanafody. Islamic Relief-also obviously an Islamic charity, and a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit-is working to provide assistance to Syrian refugees in Lebanon, distributing food, clothing, and medicine. Islamic Account - which is also clearly an Islamic charity organization, with the status of 501 (c) (3) non-profits working to help Syrian refugees in Lebanon, sharing food, clothing, and medicine. Henatra ho azy ny anaran'ny toeram-pitaizana The name of the home is a shame in itself The caller's name is a shame. Araka ny tatitra avy amin'i Prachatai, nanambara ny naman'i Somyot izay migadra ao amin'ny fonja ao Thailandy, fonja nitazomana an'i Somyot nandritra ny 20 volana mahery, fa nanantena i Somyot fa hampihatra ny marina ny Fitsarana ary hitsara ara-drariny.' Prachatai reportsthat Somyot's friend inside the Thai prison, where Somyot has been detained for more than 20 months, revealed that Somyot was hoping the Court would uphold 'justice' and 'do the right thing.' According to Prachatai's report, his friend, who has spent more than 20 months in detention in Thailand's prisons, announced that he hoped that the court would exercise justice and fair judgment.' Misy antony ve tsy ahafahana mamadika ilay hira amin'ny teninao? Is there any reason the song cannot be directly translated into your language? Is there any reason to change the song with your words? Mila fanovana avy amin'izany ny Fitsipika faha-23 momba ny lalàna ho an'ireo mpiasan'ny fitsarana ao amin'ny Toko 30 amin'ny Lalàna Zambiana. This would entail amending Rule 23 of The Legal Practitioners Act Chapter 30 0f The Laws of Zambia. The 23rd law code for judicial staff in Article 30 of the Zambian Law requires changes. Raha ny vokatry ny fitsapa-kevi-bahoaka moa no tarafina dia misongadina fa maro an'isa ny manohana azy: 74% n'ny nandrotsa-bato no nanaiky, izay nahitana taham-pandraisana anjara 52.91% . The final results of the referendum are overwhelmingly in its favor: 74% of voters approved, with a participation rate of 52.91% . Given the results of the referendum, it stands out that the majority of those who support it: 74% of the votes agreed, with 52.91% turnout. Bibikely tena manimba ny fambolena. These insects are damaging the crops. Planting is particularly harmful. Ambonin'izany, any India, talohan'ny nandehanan'i Modi nanatontonsa ny fahamaizany hanorina toeram-pivoahana, nivaona ny fanentanana nametahana sarin'andriamanitra tamin'ny rindrina: nanomboka nivalandrano teny amin'ny tarehin'ireo andriamanitra ny olona. Moreover, in India, before Modi went on his toilet-building spree, the gods on walls campaign unravelled: people simply began urinating on the faces of the deities. Moreover, in India, before Modi left to close his promise to build a toilet, the campaign against a statue of a god on a wall was far from over: people began to pour water into the faces of the gods. (Vakio eto ny nosoratan'ny mpanoratra ato amin'ny Global Voices Jae-Yeon momba ny adihevitra mafana momba ny tsy fitongilanan'ny aterineto ao Korea Atsimo.) (Read more on South Korea's net neutrality controversy by Global Voices author Jae-Yeon here.) (Read Global Voices author Jae-Yeon here about the heated debate on net neutrality in South Korea.) Ny faharoa dia ny fametrahana ny fitoriana eo anivon'ny Filan-kevitry ny Asan-gazety noho ny famoahana imasom-bahoaka ny mombamomba azy ireo na dia ilay tsy ampy taona fotsiny aza. Second, file a complaint with the Press Council against making public the identity of at least the minor. The second is the implementation of a complaint within the Press Council for public publication of even the minor. Alefan'ilay olona any amin'izay tiany hitsikilovana avy eo ilay dosie. The person then sent the files to people they wanted to spy on. The householder then sends the document where he wants to spy. dkagis: RT @monasosh Tsy fantatro nahoana isika no manana polisy eo amin'ny toerana voalohany. Toa miresaka fikarakarana ny tsirairay isika, mandamina ny fifamoivoizana, manadio lalana #Jan25 dkagis: RT @monasosh I don't know why did we have police in the 1st place.We seem to be taking good care of each other,organizing traffic,cleaning streets #Jan25 dkagis: RT @monasosh I don't know why we have police in front of each other.We seem to talk about caring for everyone, planning traffic, cleaning roads #Jan25 Efa efatra andro i Mulla no tsy hita. Mulla has been missing for four days. Mulla has been missing for four days. Ny ho lasa mahay mandefitra izao no fanamby goavana ho an'ireo Kolombiàna maro ankehitriny. The biggest challenge for many Colombians today is going to be tolerance. The biggest challenge for many Mexicans today is to become tolerant. Azonao jerena eto moa ny ahafahanao mifandray amin'ny fikambanana raha te-hanampy ny sekoly ianao. Information about how to contact this organization to help this school can be found here. You can see how you can contact the organization if you want to help the school here. Tsy mila fanampiana avy amin'olona intsony aho rehefa mandeha eny rehetra eny. I no more take help from people to move around. I no longer need help from people when I walk everywhere. Ny olona ao an-toerana no tokony mandrindra ilay habaka, mety hisy vokany amin'ny fanampiana ahy hanaraka ny lamaody ao an-toerana izany, ary manamaivana ny tokony ho maha mpizahatany ahy. The site would be curated by locals, and would therefore have the side effect of helping me fit in with local fashion, thus minimizing the chance I'd be labeled a tourist. Local people should manage the site, it could have an impact on helping me follow local fashion, and alleviate my tourist status. Sarotra ny hamehy ny àty lalina maha-izy azy ny mpikatroka iray toa an'i Kamangar ho anaty fideràna fohy. It is difficult to capture the essence of an activist like Kamangar in a brief eulogy. One activist like Kamangar is hard to measure his deep identity in a short praise. Fa mety handràra ihany koa ireo mpamaky tsy handefa fanehoankevitra tsy misy anarana . But it also could prohibit readers from posting comments anonymously. But it could also prevent readers from posting anonymous comments. Mpankafy ny Ekipa Ivoriana avy amin'i @Ceschod Fans of Ivory Coast by @Ceschod Fans of the Ivorian Team by @Ceschod Manontany tena i Pradeep Kumar Singh hoe nankaiza ny etika amin'izao fahatapahan'ny Aterineto izao: Pradeep Kumar Singh asks how ethical is the Internet outage: Pradeep Kumar Singh wonders where is ethics in this internet blackout: Tamin'ny taona 2015, naharay fangatahana efa mitontaly 18.456 ilay Birao, manome fitomboana 7 isan-jato izany raha oharina amin'ny taona 2014. In 2015, the Office received a total of 18,456 inquiries, representing an increase of 7 percent compared with 2014. In 2015, the Bureau received a total of 18.456 requests, making 7 percent increase compared to 2014. Amin'ireo tranga rehetra, te-hampiseho azy ireo aho, na dia kely fotsiny aza, ny zava-nisy tamin'izaho nipetraka tany Syria. In all cases, I wanted to show them a little bit of what being in Syria was really like. In all cases, I want to show them, even a little, what happened when I lived in Syria. Toy ny vitsika ny olombelona, ary io no fotoana tsy ahitàna fahasamihafàna eo amin'ny hoe kilasy voalohany sy ny kilasy antonony (moramora kokoa), tsy maintsy miara-miatrika loza iray iraisany ny mpandeha rehetra. Human beings are like ants, and it was during that moment that we see no difference between first class and economy, passengers all have to face the cruelty together. Human beings are like an ant, and this is the moment when there is no difference between the first class and the middle class, all passengers have to face a common tragedy. Ankoatra io, antenaiko mba hiresaka ry zareo (miaraka amin'i Obama) mikasika ny toerana ara-jeografika misy an'i Myanmar sy ny tatitra momba ny fivangongoan'ny mponina ao Bangladesh, miaraka amin'ny Kaomisiona Momba ny Zon'Olombelona aty Myanmar. Furthermore, I wish they could discuss (with Obama) about the geographical situation of Myanmar and the reported overpopulation of Bangladesh together with Myanmar Human Rights Commission. In addition to this, I hope they (with Obama) talk about Myanmar's geographic status and reports about the population growth of Bangladesh, along with Myanmar's Human Rights Commission. Tsy maintsy miatrika fitsarana i Duarte noho ny famonoana ireo mpanao gazety nandritra ny fotoam-pitondrany namelezana ny #FalalahanaMiteny Duarte should face justice for the attacks on journalists committed during his rule. They're attacks on #LibertadDeExpresión Duarte has to face trial for killing journalists during his time in office against #MessJourism Tigra Royal Bengal, Valan-javaboary Chitwan . Royal Bengal Tiger, Chitwan National Park. Royal Bengal Park. Inona ny manaraka? What's next? - Salil Tripathi (@saliltripathi) December 13, 2015 What's next? Mino ireo ray aman-dreny fa tarihin'ireo hery avy any ivelany daholo ny hetsi-panoherana rehetra. The parents believed that all protests are driven by foreign forces. Parents believe that all protests are led by foreign forces. Ary amin'ny foko marina, mangataka an'Andriamanitra aho mba hamela ahy, ary manambatra ny tanako manoloana anareo aho sy mitalaho ny famelànareo ahy ihany koa. And with a true heart I ask that God forgive me and I put my hands together before you and beg you to forgive me too. And with my right heart, I ask God to forgive me, and I join my hand before you and beg for your forgiveness. Aiza no fahamarinana amin'izany? Where is the justice in that? Where is the truth? mitambatra ny renirano sy ny ranomasina any amin'ny faritr'i La Condesa. the sea and the rivers now united in the La Condesa zone. In the area of La Condesa, rivers and sea are united. Mbola nitotaly 53 ny setriny taorian'ny fihovitry ny tany voarakitra talohan'ny mitataovovonan'ny alahady, hoy ny sampan-draharahan'ny mpamantatra ny toetrandro misahana ny fihovitrovitry ny tany sy ny tsunami. A total of 53 aftershocks had been recorded by midday Sunday, the Meteorological Agency's earthquake and tsunami division said. A total of 53 responses came after an earthquake recorded before Sunday, according to the Department of Meteorology and tsunamis. Ny tetikasa no nahafahana mahazo ny fampahafantarana ny momba ny famindram-po rehetra nomena tao Espaina nanomboka tamin'ny taona 1996, amin'ny alalan'ny fampiharana tranonkala no ahazoana fanazavana mivantana avy amin'ny Boletín Oficial del Estado (Gazetim-Panjakana Ofisialy). The project has made it possible to consult all pardons awarded in Spain since 1996, via a web application that obtains the information directly from Boletín Oficial del Estado (Official State Gazette). The project has been able to get information about all the pardons that have been granted in Spain since 1996 through web applications is directly explained by Boletín Oficial del Estado (Ofisiaal State Day). " Cellou Dalein Diallo- Praiminisitra taloha ary mpitarika ny fanoherana ao Ginea " avy amin'i Alpha Boubacar Bah - Asany manokana. "Cellou Dalein Diallo - Former Prime Minister and Guinean opposition leader" by Alpha Boubacar Bah - Personal work. Former Prime Minister and opposition leader in Guinea "Cellou Dalein" by Alpha Boubacar Bah - His Own Work. Singana vatom-pifidianana ahitana ny anaran'ny kandidà. Example of a ballot with the names of the candidates. A ballot box with the candidate's name. Lavitry ny laharana voalohany i Espaina eo amin'ny laharan'ny fahasambarana nataon'ny UC3M.. tsy mihomehy akory aza izahay,, mibaribary fa tsy fitaratra amin'izany intsony izahay ankehitriny - Beatriz Bonmatí (@b_bonmati) 23 Septambra 2013 Spain is far from the top ranking of happiness per the UC3M.. we're not even laughing ,,clearly we are things aren't for that now - Beatriz Bonmatí (@b_bonmati) September 23, 2013 Spain is far from the first place in the GUC3M's happiness line.. We don't laugh, obviously we are no longer a mirror of that now - the Bonmatí (@b_bonmati) September 23, 2013 Japàna: Ilay Kiririokan'ny Ao Afovoany Atsinanana Japan: The Whistle of the Middle East · Global Voices Japan: The Middle East's Capital · Global Voices Tena misokatra be i Mirziyoyev, namana, ary feno finiavana tsara ka dia tsy misy afa-tsy haravoana no entin'izany ho anay! Mirziyoyev is so open, friendly, and well-wishing that it can only bring us delight! Mirziyoyev, a friend, is so open, and it's so good that it's only good for us! Miangavy "faharetana" amin'ny vahoaka izay efa mitady fanampiana ireo manam-pahefana Authorities have asked for "patience" from the population that finds itself waiting for help. Please "perance" to the people who are already seeking help from the authorities Mitohy ny tomanin'i Far: And Far cry continues: Far's frustration continues: Mila vonona ny hanome betsaka ny hery sy fotoana ho an'ireo dingana famoronana vaovao ry zareo, izay matetika ahatsapàn'izy ireo tsy fananana hery. They need to be ready to invest so much energy and time into creative processes that they will often feel completely powerless. They need to give more energy and time to creative processes, which often make them feel helpless. Ao anatin'ny Rindrin'Afo Lehibe, ny tena mampihomehy . Within the Great Fire Wall, the most ridiculous . In the Great Wall, it's funny. Hussain Radhi, bahraini mpiaro zon'olombelona, dia voampanga ho nibitsika marobe " namporisika ny fankahalàna ny fanjakana, nandrahona ny filaminam-bahoaka ary nanaparitaka vaovao tsy marina" sy noho ny famerenana bitsika natao handraiketana ireo hetsi-panoherana tany amin'ireo tanàna kelin'i Bahraini sy ny fanafoanan'ny mpitandro filaminana azy ireny. Bahraini human rights defender Hussain Radhi was charged with "inciting hatred against the regime, threatening civil peace and publishing false news" for several tweets and retweets intended to document protests in Bahraini villages and their suppression by police. Hussain Radhi, a human rights activist, has been accused of tweeting several tweets "enraging hatred towards the state, threatening public order and spreading false information" and of retweeting tweets aimed at documenting protests in Bahraini villages and the destruction of them by security forces. Somary nanindrona ihany ny tontolon'ny bilaogy Jamaikana, hatramin'ny namoahan'ny Chicago Tribune lahatsoratra iray tamin'ny 08 Janoary 2013 izay mampitaha ny toe-bolan'i Jamaika sy Gresy, firenena izay heverin'ny sasany fa ny marefo indrindra ara-toe-karena eto amin'izao tontolo izao. The Jamaican blogosphere has been a bit prickly ever since the Chicago Tribune, in an editorial on January 8, 2013, compared Jamaica's financial condition to that of Greece, considered by some to be the most precariously perched country in the global economy. The Jamaican blogosphere has been quite sensitive, since the Chicago Tribune published an article on January 8, 2013 comparing Jamaica and Greece's economy, which some consider to be the most economically vulnerable in the world. Mba hisian'ny fifidianana mangarahara sy hanaraha-maso tsara ny fampanantenana avy amin'ny governemanta, nampiasa teknolojia vaovao ihany koa ny vondrona mpanara-maso ao an-toerana. To ensure electoral transparency and to check the government's pledges for themselves, local election monitoring groups, too, have been using new technology. To ensure transparent elections and to monitor government promises, a group of local observers also used new technologies. Mitety ny firenena miaraka amin'i Manigat ny Barikad Crew mba hanampy azy hisarika ny tanora Haisiana izay maro amin'ny fifidianana. Barikad Crew is touring the country with Manigat to help her woo younger Haitians who make up the majority of the electorate. Barikad Crew tours the country with Mangat to help him attract young Haitians who are many in the election. Sary tany amin'ny governemanta HK nandalo HKFP. Image from HK government via HKFP. Image from HK government viaThey've been passing · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. Pikantsary tamin'ny May 2015 avy amin'i Jing Daily Screen capture in May 2015 via Jing Daily Screenshot from May 2015 by Jing Daily Politisianina nanasa mpakasary handrakitra azy hividy fiara. Politician Invites TV Cameras to Film Him Buying a Russian Car. Politicalians invited a photographer to buy a car. Tsy nisotro rano na nihanana na inona na inona aho nandritra ny andro sy ny alina. I haven't drunk water or eaten anything for a day and night. During the day and night, I did not drink anything or drink anything. Saingy mendrika ho an'ity olona 21 taona ity ve ny asa? But is this 21-year-old up to the task? But is the job worthy of this 21-year-old? Eoropa Tratran'ny Krizy: E-Boky Voalohany Navoakan'i Global Voices Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Europe in Crisis. Europe Under Crisis: Global Voices' First E-Boky · Global Voices Ho faly aho," hoy i Kinde tamin'ny mpanao gazety avy tamin'ny vohikala ofisialin'ny Lalao Olaimpika. I will be happy," Kinde said to a reporter from the official Olympics website. I'll be happy," Kande told journalists from the official Olympic website. Sary nalaina tao amin'ny pejy Facebookn'i Pixel Offensive Photo from the Facebook page of Pixel Offensive Photo taken from the Facebook page of "%sive Offensive Na dia niatrika mpanohitra masiaka teo amin'ireo mpiray tanindrazana aza i Adahanom, dia tsy nampihontsina azy izany, manome fandresena fampielezan-kevitra ho an'ny fampahalalam-baovao-panjakana Etiopiana. Although Adahanom had faced ferocious opposition from his fellow citizens, he has largely made it through unscathed, giving a propaganda victory for Ethiopian state media. Although Agrenom faced fierce opposition among fellow citizens, it didn't bother him, giving the Ethiopian state media a campaign victory. Tsikera: Dmitry Zelenin, governoran'ny faritr'i Tver tamin'ny taona 2010, namoaka bitsika iray misy sary avy amin'ny fisakafoanana hariva tao Kremlin. Comment: "Dmitry Zelenin, governor of Tver region in 2010, published a tweet with a photo from a dinner at the Kremlin. Comment: Dmitry Zelenin, governor of Tver region in 2010, posted a tweet with photos from a dinner in the Kremlin. TATITRA MAMPIVARAHONTSANA: Niharan'ny fanafihana mpampihorohoro ny Radio Popular ao Yacuiba. SERIOUS REPORT: Radio Popular of Yacuiba has suffered a terrorist attack. THAT: Radio Popular in Yacuiba has been a victim of terrorist attacks. Ireny Ivontoerana ireny no mampanakaiky kokoa ny mpianatra vahiny hianatra teny Shinoa, saingy, tsy maintsy misoroka adihevitra mety hanohintohina, tahaka ireo mpisintaka, Tibet, fihetsiketsehana demaokratika teo Tiananmen ary ny Falun Gong, sekta ara-pivavahana iray tsy ara-dalàna any Shina, ny resaka atao. These institutes facilitate many foreign college students to study Chinese; however, the classes must avoid discussion of sensitive topics, such as dissidents, Tibet, the Tiananmen democratic protest, and the Falun Gong, a religious sect outlawed in China. These institutions make foreign students more likely to learn Chinese, but, the talks must prevent harmful debates, such as separatists, Tibet, democratic protests in Tiananmen and Falun Gong, an illegal religious sect in China. Avy eo manohy i Hazem: قبلت جبينه ودعوت ربي أن يجمعنا رمضان في خيرِ وسعادة واستقرار . Hazem then continues: ولم يكمل جدي المشوار , حتى ادمعت عيناي ألم من هذا الواقع الجبار , حصار ودمار والاهل والجيران كلُ في وادِ محتار . قبلت جبينه ودعوت ربي أن يجمعنا رمضان في خيرِ وسعادة واستقرار . Hazem then continues: دت جبينه ودعوت ربي أن يجمعنا رمضان في خيره وسعادة واستقرار . Mety Hahitanao Loza Itony Tetiandro Itony Ao Thailandy Sy Myanmar These Calendars Can Get You Into Trouble in Thailand and Myanmar · Global Voices In Thailand and Myanmar, You Can Find Disasters With It · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Myanmar Protests 2011. Henatra toy inona ho an'ny zanakolombelona izany hoe olona betsaka lasa tsy heverina ho olona tao anatin'ny fotoana tokana tsy nahafahany nanoatra izany. How shameful for humanity that so many people became nonhuman in that single helpless moment. It's a shame for humanity that a lot of people are not considered people at the same time they can't afford it. Nibitsika i Mohammed Al Qadi, Yemeni mpanao gazety: Yemeni journalist Mohammed Al Qadi tweeted: Yemeni journalist Mohammed Al Qadi tweeted: Mpanao gazety teo aloha, izay manana traikefa mihoatra ny am-polo taona eo amin'ny fitaterana sy famokarana haino aman-jery, efa nampiodina sehatra fampahalalam-baovao maro i Sue , ary ankehitriny dia miasa hanohana ny fianakaviamben'ny mpirotsaka an-sitrapo midadasika indrindra ao anaty aterineto. Formerly a journalist, with more than a decade of experience reporting and producing radio and television, Sue has run large newsrooms, and now works to support the largest volunteer community on the internet. A former journalist, who has over a decade experience in reporting and producing media, Sue has already moved a lot of media outlets, and is now working to support the largest online volunteer community. Ao amin'ny, Nanoratra i frk (POL), mpampiasa: On, user frk wrote (POL): On, user frk (POL) wrote: Ilay tenin'i Tekebayevs no taterin'ny masoivohom-baovao ao an-toerana,, no manaraka eto). Tekebayev's comments below, are reported by local news agency Tekebayevs is quoted below by local news agency Anisan'ireo mpiasa mandray karama farany ambany indrindra ao amin'ny faritra Azia-Pasifika ireo mpiasa mpanao akanjo ao Myanmar. Myanmar garment workers are among the lowest paid laborers in the Asia-Pacific region. Myanmar's garment workers are among the most paid workers in the Asia-Leste region. Mahery fo izy no sady mahay mandray fanapahan-kevitra. He is so brave and decisive. He's a hero and a good decision. Afaka manao izay tiany hatao ry zareo fa hiverina foana izahay. They can do all they want but we'll always go back. They can do whatever they want, but we will always return. Taona maro lasa izay, hatramin'ny taona 60, dia i Miraflores, Barranco sy Chorrillos ary koa ireo torapasika lavitra kokoa any Ancón no torapasika nanara-damaody. Many years ago, up until the Sixties, the fashionable beaches were those of Miraflores, Barranco and Chorrillos as well as the more distant beaches of Ancón. Years ago, until 60 C.E., the beaches of Ancón, Barranco and Chorrillos, were beached. Tsy misy sisintanim-pirenena ny maha-olombelona sy ny fanantenana Humanity and hope do not have national borders. Human dignity and hope are without national borders Sary avy amin'ny tsanganana blaogin'i Mei Guoyun. Image from Mei Guoyun's blog post. Photo from Mei Guoyun's blog. Nanaiky i Win Kaung, Lehiben'ny polisy ao Myanmar,nandritry ny tafatafany tamin'ny gazetiboky Irrawaddy fa nilaina ny fibahanana ny Facebook mba hanakanana ny fifankahalàna ara-poko: Myanmar Chief Police Officer Win Kaung admitted in an interview with the Irrawaddy Magazine that blocking Facebook was necessary to stop online racial attacks: Win Kaung, Myanmar's chief of police, admitted in an interview with Irrawaddy magazine that blocking Facebook was necessary to prevent ethnic hatred: Ny lanja ara-bolan'io fanomezana 500 000 € io dia mampiseho ny fanohizantsika ny fandraisantsika andraikitra amin'izay lafiny izay, mba hiadiana amin'io areti-mandoza izay mamely ny fiarahamonintsika aty Angolà sy manerantany amin'ny ankapobeny io, amin'ny endriny sarotra ankehitriny. The monetary value of this donation of €500,000 will show itself as continuing to move us in a united way, to combat this evil that affects society in Angola, and the world in general, in a difficult way nowadays. The financial value of this 500,000 million donations shows how we continue to take action in this regard, in order to combat the plague that has plagued our communities in Angola and around the world, in the face of today's difficult circumstances. Nanomboka tamin'ny 1990 tany ny fetiben'ny hena alika mba ho fomba hisarihana ireo mpizahatany hankalaza ny fihavian'ny lohataona. The dog meat festival started in 1990s as a tourist attraction to celebrate the arrival of summer. The dog meat festival began in 1990 as a way to attract tourists to the spring season. Any Bolgaria, fanintelony nisesy izao no nikarakarana fifaninanana "Tia ny Tany ny Wiki," ny 1 hatramin'ny 30 Jona. In Bulgaria the "Wiki Loves Earth" competition was organized for the third time in a row, from June 1 to 30. In Bulgaria, for the third time, the Wiki competition was organized on June 1-30. Shadi Hamid ni-tweet ampahany fohifohy tamin'ny kabarin'i Assad ho an'ireo izay tsy naheno izany: Shadi Hamid tweets a short version of Assad's speech for those who missed it: Shadi Hamid tweeted a short part of Assad's speech to those who didn't hear it: Indrisy, tsy zavatra vaovao akory ny faharatsian'ny fomba fitondra atao an'ireo mpifindra monina manao asa an-trano ao Hong Kong. Unfortunately, the mistreatment of migrant domestic helpers in Hong Kong is nothing new. Unfortunately, poor treatment of migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong is not new. Hoy izy tamin'ny Hong Kong Free Press: He told Hong Kong Free Press: He told Hong Kong Free Press: Navoaka tamin'ity volana ity ny tatitra isan-taona fanaon'ny "Fahalalahan'ny Aterineto" ao amin'ny Tranon'ny Fahalalahana, mampiseho sary mampiahiahy misy ny fitotonganan'ny fahalalahan'ny aterineto ao amin'ny faritra miteny Rosiana manerana izao tontolo izao. Freedom House's annual "Freedom on the Net" report, released this month, paints a worrying picture of declining internet freedom in Russian-speaking parts of the world. The annual report of "Internet Freedom" at Freedom House was released this month, showing suspicious images of Internet freedom in Russian-speaking regions around the world. @NadaDhaif: Mpitondra tenin'ny Governemanta nilaza fa tsy misy ny ambonin'ny lalàna fa tafiditra ao na ny fianakavian'ny mpanjaka aza. @NadaDhaif: Gov spokesperson said that nobody is above the law including members of the royal family. @NadaDhaif: Government spokesman says there are no top laws but even royal families. Taorian'ny fanehoan-kevitra nipoapoaka mikasika ilay afisy tao amin'ny toeram-ponenan'ny mpianatra, niparitaka toy ny vanja mipoaka tany amin'ireo anjerimanontolo manerana ny firenena ilay izy. Following the explosive reaction on campus to the poster, it has spread like wildfire to universities across the country. After widespread reactions to the poster on campus, it spread like a bomb into universities across the country. Amin'ity GV Face iray ity izahay dia hiresaka momba ireo fikambanana sy ireo olona miasa eny an-kianja ao Gresy miaraka amin'i Asteris Masouras, izay vao nandany ny herinandro tao Lesvos miaraka amin'ny mpitsoaponenana tonga avy any an-dranomasina, Marietta Le hiresaka amintsika amin'ny asa vita tao Budapest, Hongria, izay nahitana mpitsoaponenana an'arivony tsy afa-nihetsika tao amin'ny garan'i Keleti, ary i Anne Hemeda sy i Katrin Zinoun izay hiresaka amintsika ireo asa eo ampanatanterahana hanampiana ny mpitsoaponenana an'hetsiny hanori-ponenana ao Alemaina amin'ity taona ity. In this episode of GV Face, we'll be talking about the organizations and people working on the ground in Greece with Asteris Masouras, who just spent a week at Lesvos with refugees who arrived by sea, Marietta Le will be telling us about the work being done in Budapest, Hungary, where thousands of refugees are stranded at the Keleti train station, and Anne Hemeda and Katrin Zinoun will tell us about the work being done to help resettle hundreds of thousands of refugees in Germany this year. In this edition of GV Face we will talk about organizations and people working on the ground in Greece with Asteris Masouras, who recently spent the week in Lesvos with refugees arriving from the sea, Marietta Le to talk to us about the work done in Budapest, Hungary, where thousands of refugees have been stranded at Keleti Station, and Anne Hemeda and Katrin Zinoun will talk to us about the work that is being done to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees living in Germany this year. Afaka jerena eto ambany ny lahatsary momba ny dian-dry zareo: Video of their journey can be seen below: Video of their journey can be viewed below: Entaninay ireo olom-pirenena rehetra ao Hong Kong mba hitsangana sy hiteny. We urge all Hong Kong citizens to stand up and speak out. We invite all Hong Kong citizens to stand up and speak. Tao anelanelan'ny savorovoro ao amin'ny ICAC, maherin'ny 100 ireo mpiasan'ny Radio Television Hong Kong, nilahatra teo ivelan'ny tranobe famoaham-baovao, nandritra ny fety fanomezam-pankasitrahana ny mpitantana, ny 18 Jolay, mba hanohitra ny fanemorana ny fampiakarana sokajy ilay mpanampy ny tale ankehitriny, Kirindi Chan Man-kuen. Amid the turmoil at the ICAC, more than 100 Radio Television Hong Kong employees rallied outside the broadcaster's building during the staff awards ceremony on July 18 to protest against the delayed promotion of acting assistant director Kirindi Chan Man-kuen. Between the ICAC's turmoil, more than 100 members of Radio Television Hong Kong marched outside the media building, during an awarding ceremony on July 18, to protest against the delay of the promotional increase of current director-in-chief Kiriddi Chan Man-kuen. Masedoana: Raha tsy nisy ny aterineto Macedonia: If There Was No Internet · Global Voices Macedonia: Without the Internet · Global Voices Hepactive dia manome fampahafantarana sy tohana eny anivon'ny aterineto sady efa manomboka koa ankehitriny ny Vondrona Ifanohanana ety amin'ny tontolo ivelan'ny aterineto. Hepactive provides information and support online and is now starting offline Mutual Support Groups. Hepacative provides information and support online and is now taking place in an offline environment. Nikorontana ny sain'ilay bilaogera any am-pielezana "Jumbie's Watch" noho ireo vaovao voambara: Diaspora blogger Jumbie's Watch was disturbed by the revelations: Diaspora blogger "Jumbie's Watch" was confused by news reports: Hisy fiantraikany amin'ny ho avin'ny firenena ny fiarovana ny vovo-dronono. Milk powder security will affect the future of the country. Protecting milk powder will affect the country's future. Rehefa nandingana ny tanàna itatry ny havoanan'i Rhotia ny bus, nihamafy teo am-pidinana mankany amin'ny ampahan-dalana fantatra hoe "Kwa-Karani', hitan'ny nanatri-maso ilay fiara nitsimbadimbadika ary nitontona teo ankadilalan'ny reniranon'i Marera, tao Karatu, araka ny nolazain'ny Daily News. When the bus went past the Rhotia Hill Township, speeding downhill to the road section known as "Kwa-Karani', eyewitnesses saw the vehicle being catapulted into the air and nose dive into the gorge adjacent to River Marera, in Karatu, according to the Daily News. When the bus passed through the city on the hill of Rhotia, it intensified on its way to a section known as "Kwa-Kharani', witnesses saw the bus crashing and falling on the banks of the Marera river, in Karatu, according to Daily News. Nampitaina tao amin'ny YouTube. Image: YouTube. Posted on YouTube. Avy amin'ny alalan'ny Global Voices, afaka manamafy ny tatira sy ny fomba fijeriny ny olona izay tsy misy mpiraharaha indraindray. Through Global Voices, many people who are sometimes overlooked are able to have their views and reports amplified. Through Global Voices, people who are sometimes ignored can confirm their coverage and views. Feno olona notarihana hankeny amin'ireny toerana ireny ny lalana Gloucester manontolo. na dia ratsy tokoa aza ny andro ar tsy niasa ny fanamafisam-peo dia niandry am-paharetana tsy nisy fimenomenonana ny olona. The whole Gloucester Road was filled up with people who were heading towards those areas. Even though the weather was really bad and the sound system was not functioning, people were waiting patiently without any complaints. The whole Gloucester street was filled with people who were guided to these places. Ary, eny, ao ireo politika rehetra. And, yes, there are all the politics. And yes, there are all the policies. Nisioka izy vantany vao vita ny fifidianana: He tweeted just after the election: He tweeted soon after the election: Fanafihan'ny tafika Israeliana an'i Gaza fanintelony tao anatin'ny enin-taona io. This was Israel's third military operation in Gaza in the last six years. This is Israel's third military attack on Gaza in six years. Anisan'ny làlana ahafahana mifandray amin'ny hafa izany. It's a kind of way to communicate with others. This is one of the ways to communicate with others. Hoy izy manoratra: He writes: الحرية للشيخ يوسف الأحمد.. آن لملف الاعتقال والسجون أن يغلق للأبد ونضعه كشعب وحكومة خلف ظهورنا ونمضي.. He writes: Nisisika mihitsy izy tamin'ny filazàny fa nifanandrify fotsiny tamin'ny fitsidihan'ny Papa ny fanofanana nampanaovin'ny masoivohony. She insisted that the training given by her agency merely coincided with the visit of the pope. He insisted that his agency's training was just similar to the pope's visit. @weskandar: Raha kandidàn'ny marimaritra iraisana i Al-Shater dia #Ikhwan ny an'ny SCAF. @weskandar: If Al-Shater is the consensus candidate then the #SCAF is the #Ikhwan. @weskandar: If Al-Shater is a candidate for consensus, SCAF's #Ikhwan. Tokony nandinika manokana ny momba ireo vehivavy mpikambana aloha ny CII. The CII should have independently thinking women members to start with. The CII should first consider women members. Na dia mbola tena mankahala ny fiarahan'olona mitovy sy miahotra ny hiresaka momba ireo olana momba ny "transsexuel" sy ny LGBT aza i Malezia, ny zavatra hita dia misy ireo olona ireo ary tokony homena zo sahaza sy mitovy Although Malaysia may still be considerably homophobic and reluctant to address the transgender and LGBT issues, the fact remain that such people exist and should be accorded proper and equal rights Although Malaysia still hates homosexuality and is reluctant to talk about issues related to "transsexuel" and LGBT, the fact is that these people exist and that they should be granted adequate and equal rights. Niditra media sosialy ny olona maneran-tany mba haneho hevitra amin'ny fiampangana. People worldwide have taken to social media to comment on the charges. People around the world took to social media to comment on the charges. Mariho ihany koa ny tsy fisian'ny tsonga avy amin'ny sivily. Note also lack of quotes from civilians. - Catherine Young (@battymamzelle) July 8, 2016 Also note the absence of quotes from civilians. Mpikatroka enina, izay mpikambana ao amin'ny Foibe Khartoum ho an'ny Fampiofanana sy Fampandrosoana ny Maha-olombelona (TRACKS) avokoa no voampanga noho ny fanohintohinana ny rafi-dalàm-panorenana, fananganana ady amin'ny Fanjakana, fitsikilovana, ary fampihorohoroana. Six activists, all of whom are affiliated with Khartoum Center for Training and Human Development (TRACKS), have been charged with undermining the constitutional system, waging war against the State, espionage, and terrorism. Six activists, who are members of the Khartoum Center for Training and Human Development (TRACKS), have been charged with violating the constitutional system, building war on the state, spying, and terrorism. Nandresy ny famoahana tamin'io. The publication won the case. The release won. Tsy tianay hiova izany." We do not want to change that. " We don't want it to change." Ny mpampiasa aterineto sasany dia nilaza fotsiny hoe Hu na nandrehatra labozia virtoaly fa tsy nanondro azy tamin'ny anarany. Some web users simply quote Hu or light virtual candles without mentioning him by name. Some netizens simply said Hu or just held a virtual candle instead of pointing him to his name. Mpitsabo efatra no namoy ny ainy ary 14 naratra. Four health professionals have been killed and 14 injured. Four doctors were killed and 14 injured. Tsena, vondrom-piarahamonina, fianakaviana ary fikambanana maitso miatrika ny olan'ny sakafo voalanjalanja sy ny fampiasana ny loharanon-karena voajanahary. Ecological markets, communities, families and organizations take initiative on the issue of adequate food and the conscious use of natural resources. Market, community, family and green organizations face the challenges of balanced food and the use of natural resources. Miteraka fanontaniana eny amin'ireo Kirgyz sasantsasany mpaneho hevitra io, indrindra indrindra miaraka amin'ny Aicholpon Dadaeva, izay nanolotra hevitra mikasika ireo asa tena tokony hataon'ilay fandaharana lasibatra tsara. That raised questions with some Kyrgyz commenters, particularly with Aicholpon Dadaeva, who suggested other jobs would serve the purpose of the show better: This raises questions among some Kirgyz commentators, especially with Aicholpon Dadaeva, who offered ideas about the work the program should do. Efa nanapoaka baomba maro ity vondrona ity tamin'ny fiandohan'ity taona ity, talohan'ny fihaonana an-tampony iraisam-pirenena momba ny toekarena izay natao tany Ejipta. The group was responsible for several bombings earlier this year ahead of an international economic summit that Egypt was hosting. The group has bombed several bombs earlier this year, before the international summit on the economy that took place in Egypt. Tsy nahitana fangatahana an-tsoratra tsy maintsy atao, na fakàn-kevitra tsy maintsy atao sy mitanila, na fotoam-piandrasana 3 andro tsy maintsy atao, na koa sakana ara-panjakana sy dingana hafa izay mety nandika ny zon'ny vehivavy hiteraka na nanohintohina ny fahasalamana sy ny fiainan'ny vehivavy. This Law did not include a mandatory written request, a mandatory and biased consultation, a mandatory 3-day waiting period, or any other administrative and procedural barriers that would have violated women's reproductive rights or would have jeopardized women's health and life. There wasn't a mandatory written request, a mandatory and fair decision, or a period of three days in which to take place, as well as a state barrier and other steps that could violate women's right to give birth to health and to women's lives. Nanohy niteny izy, indrindra fa mikasika ny "fahalalàhana, firahalahiana ary ny fitovian-jo," voahodidin'ireo mpiaro azy manokana, fa tamina fotoana tsy voafaritra dia nisy roalahy goavam-be niara-niantsampy nanao amboletra ireo mpiaro an'i Limonov ary namely ny iray tamin'izy ireo teo amin'ny tetezan'orony. He continued talking, most likely about "freedom, fraternity and equality," surrounded by his personal guards, but at some point two huge plainclothes guys pushed over simultaneously on Limonov's bodyguards and hit one of them right into his nose. He went on to say, especially about "freedom, brotherhood and equality," surrounded by his own defense, that at a time when there was no need to help Limonov's supporters grow and hit one of them on his church bridge. Saripikan'ny mpisera Flickr Ricardo Cabrera Letelier (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Photo on Flickr by user Ricardo Cabrera Letelier (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Photo by Flickr user Ricardo Cabrera Letelier (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Ny tanjon'ny diabe dia ny hampavitrika ny fiainana amin'ny revolisiona manaraka ao Yemen. The aim of the march was to invigorate life into Yemen's ongoing revolution. The purpose of the march is to make life more active in Yemen's next revolution. Mpino maro no nilaza fa famantarana avy amin'Andriamanitra ireo zava-nitranga ireo, tsy tiany hofafana ilay sary. Devout witnesses mumbled that those were signs from God, that He didn't want the image to be deleted. Many think that these events are God's signs, they don't want to delete the image. @toussaintalain Asehoy izao i Mangou eo amin'ny LMPTV anao , hampangina anay izany ! #civ2010 The website ConnectionIvoirienne set off the speculation on Twitter on March 14: @toussaintamay Show Mangou on LMPTV , it will silence us! #civ2010 Marihan'ireo mpanoratra rindrambaiko ao an-toerana nanatrika ny GovCamp fa tsy dia azo iasàna araka ny tokony ho izy ireo angondrakitra ao amin'ny, araka izany dia tsy misy azo ampiasaina na hananganan-javatra. Local developers at GovCamp mention that most data available at is not really usable, hence not possible to use or create anything. Local software authors who attended GovCamp noted that data on isn't properly available, so there's nothing to be used or created. Tamin'ny faran'ny volana Aprily 2017, nitatitra momba ny tetkasan'ny Roskomnadzor mikendry hanakana ny fidirana amin'ny fitaovana ahafahan'ny mpiserasera mitsidika tranonkala voasakana ny Vedomosti. At the end of April 2017, Vedomosti reported on a Roskomnadzor project aimed at blocking access to tools that allow users to visit blocked websites. At the end of April 2017, WordPress reported on Roskomnadzor's attempt to block access to tools that allow users to visit blocked websites. Melohiko mihitsy ny fihetsiko na dia tsaroako tsara aza fa tsy nanontany ny momba ny tsy fironana sy ny tsy fitongilanan'ny fifidianana mihitsy aza aho. I condemn this shameful behavior even though I recall the fact t that I have never questioned the neutrality and impartiality of the elections. I remember my reaction even though I remember that I didn't even ask about the neutrality and neutrality of the elections. Ilay trano manan-tantaran'i Jinnah ao Ziarat, Balochistan, izay niarahany niaina farany tamin'ilay anabaviny Fatima Jinnah, ny taona 1948, taona iray taorian'ny nitondrany an'i Pakistan teo amin'ny fahaleovantena, dia lasa lavenona sisa ny 15 Jona 2013 taorian'ny fidarohana baomba nihatra tamin'ilay trano hazo. Jinnah's historic home in Ziarat, Balochistan, where he spent the last days of his life with his sister Fatima Jinnah in 1948 a year after he led Pakistan to independence, was reduced to ashes on June 15, 2013 after bombs ignited the wooden building. The historic house in Ziarat, Balochistan, where she lived last time with her sisterso-in- 1948, a year after bringing Pakistan to independence, was reduced to ashes on June 15, 2013 after the bombing on the tree's house. @BASEMAAMER: Taorian'ny nahavitan'ny fetin'i Kim Kardashian, mariky ny fanaovam-betaveta, dia mbola miraikitra eny an-dàlan'i Riffa amin'ny andro antoandro be nanahary, hitan'ny rehetra foana ireo sariny. @BASEMAAMER: After completing the party of the symbol of pornography Kim Kardashian, her photographs are still hanging on the streets of Riffa in broad daylight for all to see. @BASEMAAMER: After Kim Kardashian's holiday, a symbol of pornography, is still stuck on Riffa street in broad daytime, photos are still visible to everyone. Nanapaka hevitra i Petyovka "ny hifehy ny bilaogera," satria "soratanareo rehetra ao anaty aterineto daholo izao karazana zavatra rehetra izao"! Petyovka has decided to "regulate bloggers," because "you all write all kinds of things in your Internets"! Petyovka decided "to control bloggers," because "you all write everything online"! Sary: Beijing Tsinghua Foiben'ny Oniversite CIDEG Center Photo: Beijing Tsinghua University CIDEG Center Source: Beijing Tsinghua University Center CIDEG Center Nefa na mitondra maromaro kokoa aza tsy ho ampy. Still, do bring more, it won't go unneeded. But even if it takes more. Fitsarana Makedoniana Mandà Ny Fandravàna Didy Nangatahan'ny Mpikatroka Ira Voaheloka Noho Ny Fanalàna Baràka Mpanolotra Amin'ny TV Mpomba Ny Fitondràna Macedonian Court Rejects Appeal by Activist Sentenced for Defaming Pro-Government TV Host · Global Voices Macedonian Court Say No to Ira Activist's Penalty Sentenced for Delaying Pro-S from TV · Global Voices Alain Mabanckou , kongoley mpanoratra no sady bilaogera monina ao Kalifornia ary efa nahazo loka maro tamin'ny literatiora, manoratra hoe: Alain Mabanckou, a California-based Congolese award winning author and blogger writes: Alain Mabanckou , a Congolese writer and blogger based in California who has won several literary awards, writes: Zavatra iray no tsy azo iadian-kevitra. One thing is certain. One thing cannot be discussed. Tany aloha dia niteny zavatra tsy nisy hafa tamin'izany ny lefitry ny lehiben'ny Fitsaràna mpandrava didy. The deputy head of the cassation court Ahmed Ali Abdulrahman said the exact same thing before. In the past, the deputy Chief Justice has said something similar. Senator Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (22 febroary 1932 - 25 aogositra 2009), mpikambana faharoa zokiny indrindra ao amin'ny loholona amerikana, dia matin'ny homamiadana ny talata lasa teo. Ted Kennedy Official Photo - from public domain via Wikipedia Senator Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (February 22, 1932 - August 25, 2009), the second most senior member of the US Senate, died of cancer last Tuesday. Senator Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (February 22, 1932 - August 25, 2009), the second oldest member of the U.S. Senate, died of cancer last Tuesday. Ny jeografiany misaraka amin'ny India Tanibe Its Geographically separate from mainland India The difference between mainland India and India Natsangan'ny Reporters Without Borders tamin'ny 2008, ny tanjona amin'izany dia ny hanapariahana ny hevitra momba ny Aterineto tsy misy fetra sy malalaka ho an'ny rehetra. Launched by Reporters Without Borders in 2008, the initiative is intended to promote the idea of Internet without restrictions and accessible to everyone. Launched in 2008 by Reporters Without Borders, the goal is to spread the idea of the Internet without limit and free to all. 10:45 AM: Mandatsa-bato ao amin'ny Biraom-pifidianana ao amin'ny Sekolim-panabeazana fototra ao Kabarak ny Filoha teo aloha Daniel Arap 10:45 AM: Former President Daniel Arap Moi Casts his vote at Kabarak Primary Polling Station 10:45 AM: Former President Daniel Arap casts his vote at the Election Office at the main school of Lambaak Ilaina aloha ny manatsara ny endrika ankapoben'ny Afrikana. It would need the global image of Africans to improve first. It is necessary to improve the overall image of Africans. Anatin'ny traikefa ananako nandritra ny 13 taona niainako, raha misy lehilahy te-haka vady anao, tsy maintsy mandroso ny resaka aminao izy na miresaka aminao momba ny andron'ny fanambadiana. In my 13-year life experience, if a man wants to marry you, he must propose marriage to you or talk with you about the wedding day. In my 13 years of experience, if a man wants to marry you, he must go on to talk to you or talk to you about the day of marriage. Misy ny zavatra kely tsy tiako etsy sy eroa nefa tsy ataoko mahatezitra. A few things here and there that I disagree with but nothing to throw a hissy fit over. There are some things I don't like here and there but I don't make them angry. Nitarika hetsi-panoherana lehibe sy herisetra famoretana avy amin'ny governemanta ny drafitra, ary niafara tamin'ny fanambarana ny hamehana tamin'ny Oktobra 2016, ary mbola manankery amin'izao fotoana izao. The plan led to wide-scale protests and a violent government crackdown, ultimately resulting in a state of emergency declared in October 2016 and still effective today. The plan led to massive protests and repression from the government, and ended with an announcement of a state of emergency in October 2016, and is still valid. Tian-dry zareo halaina am-bavany izy hahazoana vaovao momba ireo mpitarika ny hetsipanoherana ny governemantan'i Nicolás Maduro. They wanted to interrogate him to find information about the leaders of the protests against Nicolás Maduro's government. They wanted him to be interrogated for information about the leaders of the protests against Nicolás Maduro's government. Tao amin'i Mirana (nahazoana alalana) Via Mirana (with permission) By Masaka (used with permission) Tamin'izany fotoana izany, tonga tamin'ny fetra tafahoatra izany. At that time it reached aberrant proportions. At that time, it came to an extreme degree. Natomboko tamin'ny tanànan'i Buenos Aires izany (tanàna fonenako) miaraka amin'ny hevitra ny hanitatra azy. I started with the city of Buenos Aires (the city where I live) with the idea of expanding it. I started with the city of Buenos Aires (my hometown) with the idea of expanding it. Tsy tena nanafintohina loatra, fa naharikoriko tanteraka fotsiny. It was one not so much of outrage, but rather downright disgust. It's not really shocking, it's just a joke. Afaka miaina mahaleotena aho. I can live by myself. I can live independent. Nampiasaina noho ny Lisansa Creative Commons Used under a Creative Commons License Used under Creative Commons license Nalefa voalohany nampahafantarina tao amin'ny Ivontoerana Koltoraly Heydar Aliyev ao Baku io, ary ny Vadin'ny Filoha Mehriban Aliyeva - izay filohan'ny Fondation Heydar Aliyev ihany koa - no anisan'ireo mpikambana ao amin'ny fianakavian'ny mpitondra tonga nijery ilay fandefasana voalohany. It premiered at the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Baku and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva - also the head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation - was among the ruling family members who came to watch the premiere. It was first broadcast at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, and President Mehriban Aliyeva's wife - who is also president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation - was part of the ruling family who came to watch the first launch. Nahatonga ireo mponina ho diso fanantenana tanteraka amin'ny kilasy politika rehetra ireo fanadihadiana "lava jato" taminà saritsarinà kolikoly mitentina an-davitrisany dolara nahatafiditra ny Petrobras, ilay orinasanà solika tantanan'ny fanjakana, sy ireo orinasa lehibe maro misahana fanorenana. The "lava jato" investigations into a bribery scheme worth billions of dollars involving the state-run oil company Petrobras and several large construction companies has left the population with a profound disillusionment with the entire political class. The surveys of hundreds of thousands of dollars of corruption involving Petrobras, the state-run oil company, and several major construction companies have left citizens very disappointed with all political classes. Ny 'fitsipika 44 avy amin'ny ankizivavy' dia mety manondro ny Fizarana 44 henjana ao amin'ny Lalàm-panorenana Vonjimaika, izay nanome fahefana tanteraka ho an'ny lehiben'ny tafika hanapa-kevitra momba ny olana goavan'ny firenena . The "44 rules by girl' can be referring to the draconian Section 44 of the Interim Constitution which gave the army chief absolute powers to decide on important national issues. The '44 rules from girls' could refer to Section 44 of the Constitution, which gave the army chief absolute powers to decide the country's major problems. Nipetraka ny fanontaniana raha ankatòavin'ireo fifanarahana iraisam-pirenena ny fampiasana ranon-tsakay na tsia. The question has been raised whether or not this spray is approved by international conventions. The question was whether or not the use of water is approved by international conventions. Nohazavaina tato amin'ny maneho hevitra amin'ny tranokala (talk back website ny fandehan'izany: The concept is explained on the talk back website: The move was explained on a comment on the website (talk return website): Oleg Brega, ilay mpanao gazety voadaroka, dia nanaitra ny sain'ny maro hoe aoka tsy atao ho zavatra tokana iantefan'io resaka io ny fizarazaran'ny foko, izay, araka ny heviny, dia raharaha henjana ihany koa amin'ny fanitsakitsahana ny Zon'olombelona. Oleg Brega, the attacked journalist, drew attention to the fact that the inter-ethnic divide should not be the sole focus of this case, which is, according to him, also a severe case of basic human rights violations. Journalist Oleg Brega drew attention to the fact that ethnic divides, which, in his opinion, are also a serious case of human rights violations, should not be the only thing to do. Misy "Rindrin'ny Fahatsaram-Panahy" ao Lahore akaikin'ny zaridaina Jam e Sheeren, Tsena Firdous. The wall of kindness in #Lahore is located near Jam e Shereen Park, Firdous Market. There is a "wall of Kindness" in Lahore near Jam e Sheeren Park, Firdous Market. Ny 26 Septambra ho avy izao, dia hampihatra ny zon'izy ireo hifidy amin'ny fifidianana faha telopolo nandritra ireo iraika ambinifolo taona nitondran'ny Filoha Hugo Chávez izao ny vahoaka. This coming September 26, Venezuelans will exercise their right to vote for the thirteenth time during the eleven years of the government of President Hugo Chávez. On September 26, people will exercise their right to vote in the thirtyth election during President Hugo Chávez's twelve years in power. Feno miaramila ny trano mandrapahatongan'ny fiposahan'ny masoandro. My room was filled with soldiers until dawn. The house was full of soldiers until dawn. Niteraka fahafatesana miaramila Israeliana 13 ihany koa io. It also resulted in the death of 13 Israeli soldiers. It also resulted in 13 Israeli soldiers' deaths. Fony aho nanomboka tamin'ny 2006, dia zara raha nisy ireo mpitoraka blaogy nanoratra momba an'i Maroka amin'ny teny Anglisy. When I started in 2006, there were just a handful of bloggers writing about Morocco in English. When I started in 2006, bloggers rarely wrote about Morocco in English. Sary tao amin'ny Flickr avy amin'ny Commonwealth, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Image from Flickr by The Commonwealth, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Image from Flickr by Commonwealth, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 "Feno fanahiana" ny hoavin'i Japana (不安, fuan)! The future of Japan is 'full of worry' (不安, fuan)! Japan's future is "disquieting"! Tafaverina ao Maraoka ve ireo mpifindra-monina sasany tafiditra tao amin'ny sisintanin'i Espaina, na dia eo aza ny tsy maha-ara-dalàna izany? Were some of the immigrants who did manage to reach Spanish territory returned to Morocco, in spite of the illegality of such an action? Are some migrants entering Spain's borders back to Morocco, despite the illegality? Ny hamafin'ilay fipoahana dia nidika fa tsy nahavimbina afa-tsy vitsivitsy niampy ny fitafiana teny an-kodiny ny maro tamin'ireo mponina: The severity of the eruption meant that most residents escaped with little more than the clothes on their backs: The toughness of the explosion meant that many residents had only a few more clothes on their backs: Ny fanevan'ny mpianatra 43 nanjavona mihantona ao amin'ny sekoly Normal de Ayotzinapa. Banner of the 43 missing students hung in the school Normal de Ayotzinapa. The flag of 43 missing students at Normal de Ayotzinapa school. Vao tsy ela akory izay no nisy fandrahonana voarain'ireo fianakavian'ilay mpanao gazetin'i BBC. In the past few days there have been threats against the families of BBC reporters. Recently, BBC's family members received threats. tafaverina ato an-trano aho*, faly be fa tafody#egypt just landed in om el donya*, great to be home #egypt I'm back home*, happy to be back #egypt Nametraka ny firotsahany hofidiana tamin'ny fotoana farany i Andry Rajoelina, ary dia voasakana tsy hahazo hifaninana ihany koa. Andry Rajoelina had deposited his candidacy at the last minute, and was therefore barred from running as well. Andry Rajoelina has been running his candidacy at the end of the day, and has also been barred from running. Mitohy ny famaizana ny fihetsiketsehana ao Daraa ary tsy mitsaha-mitombo ireo olona maty sy maratra, misy ny sary nalaina tao amin'ny YouTube an'ireo olo-tsotra mpaka-sary ao an-tanàna, YouTube izay tranokala vao noesorina vao haingana ny fanivanana azy tao Syria. Syria: Citizen Videos Show Horror in Daraa · Global Voices The crackdown on protests in Daraa continues and more and more people are killed and injured, with photos taken from YouTube of citizen photographers in the city, YouTube, which has recently been blocked in Syria. Manantena izahay fa manampy amin'ny fampielezana ny tsiky sy mandrisika ny fanatsarana ny hoavy eo amin'ireo firenena telo ireo ity lahatsary ity. We hope that this video helps to spread smiles and encourages ever bettering futures for these three countries. We hope this video helps spread the smile and encourage better future conditions among the three countries. Marzieh Afkham no notendrena ho toy ny vehivavy mpitondra teny voalohany tao amin'ny Ministeran'ny Raharaha Ivelany, Elham Aminzadeh notendrena ho filoha lefiry ny raharaham-pitsaràna, ary ilay filoha lefitra tany aloha, Masoumeh Ektebar, notendrena ho filohan'ny Fikambanana Miaro ny Tontolo Iainana ao Iràna Marzieh Afkham was appointed as Iran's first Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Elham Aminzadeh was appointed as vice president of legal affairs, and former vice president Masoumeh Ektebar was appointed to serve as the head of Iran's Environmental Protection Organization. Marzieh Afkham was appointed as the first female spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Elham Aminzadeh to be appointed president of justice, and former vice president Masoumeh Ektebar, appointed head of Iran's Environment Association Natomboka ny 10 Aogositra 2013 ny pejy Facebook Humans of Maldives ary arahan'olona maherin'ny 2.300. The Humans of Maldives Facebook page was launched on August 10, 2013 and is followed by more than 2,300 people. The Humans of Maldives Facebook page was launched on August 10, 2013 and was followed by more than 2,300 people. Nahasarika kokoa ny saina izy io, miohatra amin'ilay tenifototra #terrorisme (fampihorohoroana) izay maneho fa mitodika kokoa amin'ny fiaraha-mijoro ny fifantohan'ireo olompirenena ao Parisy. It received much more attention than the #terrorisme (terrorism) hashtag, an indication of the desire to stand together. It has attracted more attention than the hashtag #tReligious (terrorism) which shows that citizens' attention in Paris is more focused on unity. Nikaragoà: Nivelatra noho ny fiaraha-miasa ny tontolom-bolongana Nicaragua: The Growing Blogosphere Through Collaboration · Global Voices Nicaragua: The blogosphere developed as a result of collaboration · Global Voices Tokony ho fantatry ny roa tonta fa ny fampakarana sara na haban-dalana ataon'ny andaniny dia mety hiteraka setriny avy amin'ny ankilany hoe "hampiakariko ihany koa ny haban-dalako!." Both sides should have known that any toll/fee increase from one side would elicit a reactionary "I'll raise my toll too!" response from the other. Both sides should know that the increase in fares or tolls by each other could result from the other's response, "I will also increase my taxes!." Ity lahatsary punk noforonin'ny vondrona EL Banda ity no fitaovana nomerika iray nampiasaina mba hanetsehana ny olona amin'ny 'Hetsi-panoherana Mainty'. One digital tool deployed to mobilize people around the upcoming 'Black Protest' activities is this punk video created by the group EL Banda. This punk video created by the EL Banda group is a digital tool used to draw people to the 'Black Protest'. Taloha dia azon'ny biby fiompiny nivalamparana avokoa na ny sakafom-biby na ny rano. In the past, rangeland for their grazing animals had been plentiful, and food and water were readily collected from their surroundings. In the past, both animal and water could be eaten by their livestock. Taorian'ny fampisehoany ny karapanondrony avy any Taiwan dia mbola nolavina indray i Yu-Ling Tsai. After showing her Taiwanese ID, Yu-Ling Tsai was rejected again. After showing his ID from Taiwan, Yu-Ling wasn't yet denied. Tonga tany Italie tamin'ny taona 1983 izy ary ankehitriny dia teratany Italiana. She arrived in Italy in 1983 and is now an Italian citizen. He arrived in Italy in 1983 and is now an Italian citizen. nkehitriny efa toy ny hoe tapitra izao ny ratsy indrindra ary miadana saingy azo antoka ny fihenan'ny ranomasina any amin'ny faritra maro ao amin'ny firenena, miverina ao Bangkok ny fahatsapàna ny fiainana andavanandro. Now that the worst seems to be over and the tide are slowly, but steady receding in many parts of the country, a sense of normalcy returns to Bangkok. It seems that the worst is over and it's slow but the decline in the sea in many parts of the country is certain, the feeling of daily life is back in Bangkok. Nibitsika Will Picard tamin'ny fangalany ohatra tamin'ny lahatenin'i Hadi: Also in reference to Hadi's speech Will Picard tweeted: Will Picard tweeted in an example of Hadi's speech: Tena mampalahelo, saingy rehefa lavitra ireo zava-misy mahatsiravina mikasika ny fanandevozana isika sy satria tsy mba nitahiry an'io fahatsiarovana io tao anaty Tantarantsika, dia tena tsy mahagaga mihitsy." It's a pity really, but when one is so far removed from the actual horrors of slavery and not nurtured in your history then it's not surprising at all." It's very sad, but when we're away from the horrible conditions of slavery and because we haven't preserved this memory in our history, it's very surprising." Miaraka amin'io famerenana nandinika ny porofo amin'ny fiampangana azy io, mbola misy ny fanantenana eo amin'ireo mpitolona ho an'ny zon'olombelona ao Maoritania, hoe horavàn'ny Fitsarana Avo, izay nangatahan'ny fiarovana azy, ny fanamelohana ho faty ary hanonona sazy fanamelohana mandefitra kokoa. Following this re-examination of the accusations against him, human rights campaigners in Mauritania remain hopeful that the Supreme Court will dismiss the death sentence and announce a more lenient sentence. With this review of evidence on the charges, there is still hope that human rights activists in Mauritania will be released by the Supreme Court, which has been demanded by his defense, the death penalty, and the mention of a more tolerant sentence. Tamin'ny fanambarana ho an'ny Global Voices i Ljatife Sikovska, avy ao amin'ny Foibem-pampianarana Roma Ambrela, no nanazava ny maha zava-doza ny toe-javatra iainan'ny vondrona tsy manan-kialofana: Ljatife Sikovska, from the Roma Education Center Ambrela, explained the gravity the situation with the homeless group in a statement for Global Voices: In a statement to Global Voices, Ljatife Sikovsky, of the Roma Ambrela Education Center, explained the tragedy of the homeless group: Tapaho daholo ireo, fa aza anaovana karatra firarian-tsoa ho an'ny Noely. Cut them all down, but lets not make Christmas cards out of em. Cut them all down, but don't make Christmas cards. Vao avy nahavitra indrindra ny fihodinana tamin'io fifidianana roa, Parlemantera sy Monisipaly, nataony i Bahrain, izay nahitàna parlemanta islamista tohanan'ny governemantan'ny maro an'isa. Bahrain has just completed round two of its Parliamentary and Municipal Council elections, which saw a majority government-backed Islamist Parliament in place. This post is part of our special coverage Bahrain Elections 2011. Bahrain, which has seen an Islamist parliament backed by the majority's government, recently won the run-up to the two elections. Taorian'ny fahombiazan'ny fiodinana voalohany izay nifantoka indrindra momba ny resaka islamista, ny amin'ny fomba fahitana azy ireo ao anatin'ny fiaraha-monina Ejysiana sy ny vinavinan'izy ireo ny aorian'ny revolisiona Ejypsiana, notontosaina tao afovoan-tanàna fanaovana teatra ao Rawabet ny fiodinana faharoa, naverina tao indray ny adihevitra mikasika ny fihavian'ny revolisiona Ejipsiana. After a successful first round that focused primarily on addressing the issue of Islamists, how they were perceived in Egyptian society and how they envision post-revolution Egypt, the second round, held in the downtown theater of Rawabet, went back in time to discuss the roots of the Egyptian revolution. This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011. Following the success of the first round of understanding focused on Islamist issues, how they are seen in the Egyptian society and their plans for the aftermath of the Egyptian revolution, the second round was held in the center of the main theater city of Rawabet, the debate on the origin of the Egyptian revolution was restored. "Miaraka amin'ny fanovana misy androany ao amin'ny Minisiteran'ny Atitany nataon'ny antoko eo amin'ny fitondrana, dia mikasa ny hametraka sy hanamafy orina ny toerany alohan'ny fifidianana ao anatin'ny minisitera izy ireo, ary mieritreritra ny hitazona izany hatrany. "With today's changes in the Interior Ministry by the ruling party, they intend to establish and strengthen their positions before the elections within the ministry itself, which they have no intention of giving up. "With today's change in the Ministry of Interior by the ruling party, they plan to establish and strengthen their position before elections inside the ministry, and always intend to keep it. Ankoatra izay, ny fampiharana ity lalàna ity dia mitatra hatrany ivelan'ny valan'ny rafi-pitsaràna iadidian'ny Manampahefana Palestiniàna ary manome fahafahana hanenjika ireo Palestiniana monina any ivelany raha toa izy ireny nanao "heloha an-tserasera" araka ny famaritana ao anatin'ilay lalàna. Furthermore, the enforcement of this law extends to outside of the judicial borders of the Palestinian Authority territories and allows for the prosecution of Palestinians living abroad in case they have committed a "cybercrime" as per the definition of the law. Moreover, the application of this law extends beyond the court grounds of the Palestinian Authority and allows Palestinians living abroad to be prosecuted if they have committed "online crimes" as defined in the law. Natao tsinontsinona ny feon'ireo niharam-boina Victims' voices neglected The voices of the victims have been ignored. Mamaritra tahaka izao ny famaritana iombonana momba ny fanakatonana ny aterineto, novolavolain'ireo manam-pahaizana momba ny politikan'ny aterineto sy narindran'ny ONG Access Now misahana ny zo nomerika: A crowd-sourced definition of Internet shutdowns, developed by Internet policy experts and coordinated by digital rights NGO Access Now, defines them as follows: The collective definition of Internet shutdowns, developed by Internet policy experts and organized by digital rights NGO Access Now, describes: Notezaina tao amina fiarahamonina iray tao amin'ny kaominin'i La Gloria izy, tao amin'ny departemantan'i Cesar. He was raised in a community in the municipality of La Gloria, in the department of Cesar. He was raised in a community in the municipality of La Gloria, in the department of Cesar. Voafidy ho Filoha ianao tamin'ny 1996, ary voafidy indray ianao tamin'ny 2001, 2006 ary 2011.... You were elected as President in 1996, and you were re-elected in 2001, 2006 and 2011...." You were elected president in 1996 and re-elected in 2001, 2006 and 2011. Marary 31.099 no niatrika fandidiana ka tao anatin'izany ny momba ny vanin-taolana, ny fandidiana fanovàna endrika, ny maso sy orona, sofina sy tenda. 31,099 patients underwent surgeries including orthopedics, plastic surgery, eye and ear, nose and throat. A total of 31.099 patients were diagnosed with surgery including joint surgery, cosmetic surgery, eyes and noses, ears and necks. Natao ho azo jerena amin'ny aterineto maimaim-poana ny fanadihadiana "Humano" ho fanamarihana ny Fetiben'ny Masoandro, na ny Inti Raimy, fankalazana ny taombaovao Inca. To mark the Sun Festival, or Inti Raymi, which celebrates the Inca new year, the documentary "Humano" has been made available online free of charge. The "Humano" documentary is available online for free to mark the Sun Festival, or its Father, Inti New Year celebrations. Nisy fifanolanana nitranga nanaraka izay ary dia tany am-ponja indray i Fodeil, nampangaina ho "naniratsira manampahefana teo ampanatanterahana ny andraikitr'izy ireo." An altercation follows and Fodeil ends up again in prison, accused of "insulting officers during the exercise of their function." A further conflict occurred and Fodeil was in prison again, accused of "insulting an official in carrying out their duties." Tsy manana antota-taratasy hanapahana ny hazo na ny mpanapaka hazo na ny polisy (iraka mampanao ny asa, fahazoan-dalana na didim-pitondrana). Neither the police nor the loggers had any documents (work orders, permission or resolution) for the cutting of the trees. Neither the driver nor the police have a document to cut down the tree. Ny fanehoan-kevitra nataony dia nivoaka taorian'ny namoahana ny tatitra tamin'ny desambra momba ny CIA, izay nahitana fa mampiasa ny fampijaliana amin'ny alalan'ny ankoatra ny teknikam-pampijaliana hafa, rehefa "mandalina kokoa ny famotorana." His comments come soon after December's report on the CIA, which said the American security services used water boarding, among other torture techniques, as part of their "advanced interrogation." His comments came after the December report on the CIA was published, which found to be using torture in addition to other torture techniques, when "the investigation is more inconsistent." Aparajita Mishra, ao amin'ny Being Indian, nanontany koa hoe: Aparajita Mishra, at Being Indian, also had questions: Aparajita Mishra, at Being Indian, also asked: Nanome ahy faniriana hiverina any Soeda ve ireo antso nataoko ? Did my phone calls make me want to visit Sweden again? Did my calls give me the desire to return to Sweden? Fitsarana an-tendrony mafy tsy ho faty izany: somary manana fiainana ara-pananahana malalaka kokoa ny Frantsay. It's an enduring stereotype that just won't die: French people are quite libertine when it comes to their sex lives. It's a severe prejudice against death: the French have a relatively broader sexual life. Izany hoe olona 35 isan'andro izany. Miaraka amin'i Syria That's 35 people every day. #withSyria - AmnestyInternational (@amnesty) March 15, 2016 That means 35 people a day. With Syria Iran: Sary andavanandron'ny zavakanto sy ny tantara Persiana Iran: Daily Photos of Art and Persian History · Global Voices Iran: Daily Photos of Persian Art and History · Global Voices Izay zavatra mahakasikasika ny fibodoan-toeran'ny antoko iray izay nitondra nankany amin'ny kolikoly sy ny tsy refesim-mandidy dia tsy azo kitikitihana. Anything affecting one-party dominance that has led to corruption and totalization seems untouchable. What concerns the occupation of a party that has led to corruption and authoritarianness is inevitable. Izy io dia vola omen'ny mpampakatra ilay tovovavy ampakariny, izay toy ny endrika fankasitrahana sy fanajana ny fitsipika sy ny zava-misy ary ny rafi-piarahamonina. This is the amount of money given by the groom to the bride which is a form of appreciation and respect for the norms of reality and social strata. It is the money given by the groom of his little girl, which is a form of appreciation and respect for the rules and facts and the society system. Antenaina fa amin'ny faha-15 Janoary 2015, ny fitsarana ao Moskoa no hamoaka ny didy sy hanasazy an'i Navalny sy ny rahalahiny, izay mijoro noho ny fiampangana ho nanao fanambakana orinasa frantsay filokolokoan-tarehy. On January 15, 2015, a Moscow court is expected to announce the verdict and sentencing for Navalny and his brother, who stand accused of defrauding a French cosmetics company. Hopefully, on January 15, 2015, a Moscow court will issue the verdict and punish Navalny and his brother, who stand on charges of insulting a French cosmetic company. Taorian'ny herisetra tao Rawalpindi, Muhammad Shahbaz Zahid (@shahbazzahid), mpamokatra fandaharana ho an'ny fahitalavitra, sady nanakiana ireo fitafy voarara, no nibitsika hoe: After the Rawalpindi violence, TV producer Muhammad Shahbaz Zahid (@shahbazzahid), while criticizing banned outfits, tweeted: Following the violence in Rawalpindi, TV producer Muhammad Godd Zahid (@shahbazzahid), who criticized the banned clothes, tweeted: Samy Arabo isika roa tonta. We are both Arabs. Both of us are Arabs. Tsy maintsy hanontany ny rehetra raha tontosa noho ny tsy fahaizana sa noho ny firaisana tsikombakomban'ny manampahefana ny famangian'i Tavares. One has to question if Tavares' visit proceeded without incident due to the authorities' incompetence or their connivance. Everyone will have to ask if the visit of turn out to be done by incompetentness or by the authorities' conspiracy. Saripika: Prefeiktioran'i Altamira, nahazoana alalana. Photo: Prefecture of Altamira, use with permission. Photo: The Prefeikté of country, used with permission. Te hiaina amim-piadanana izahay, ary tsy maintsy manondro ireo izay te-hametraka sakana eo amin'ny lalan'ny fandriampahalemana We want to live in peace and we have to point out those who want to put obstacles in the path of peace We want to live in peace, and we must point to those who want to put obstacles on the road to peace Fa nahoana no amin'izao? But why now? Why now? Rehefa mahita ilay endriny "mampitahotra" tampoka ireo nikasa haka azy ho vady dia nitsoaka tsy nisy fanazavana. Upon the unpleasant sight of her suddenly 'monstrous' face, all candidates would run away with no intention to come back. When those who wanted him to marry suddenly came to see his "surpassing" face, they ran away without any explanation. Ao anatin'ireo mpanoratra tena ankafiziko koa i Muhammad Al Maghut. Muhammad Al Maghut is also among my favorite authors. Muhammad Al Maghut is also among my favorite writers. Matetika dia ampiasaina ny fanasamantsamahana ho toy ny politika hitsinjarazaràna sy ifanarahana, ary marobe ny Yemenita no tsy mety hiroboka ao anatin'izay fandrika izay na hijery ny firenen-dry zareo, izay efa misamantsamaka eo amin'ny sehatry ny politika, ho viravirain'ny tanjona tahaka izany na hiditra amin'ny famporisihana hiady. Sectarianism has often been used as a policy to divide and concur and many Yemenis do not want to fall into that trap nor see their country, which is already divided on the political level, be prey to such aims or be part of any proxy war. Consistency is often used as a policy of division and harmony, and many Yemenis refuse to fall into that trap or look at their country, which is already at the center of politics, for such goals or for the encouragement to fight. Alaa Isam nisioka hoe: Alaa Isam tweeted: Alaa Isam tweeted: Nambaran'ilay ekipa mpiondrana ny antony tao amin'ny Pejy Facebook-n'ny My Stealthy Freedom. The crew communicated their reasons on the My Stealthy Freedom Facebook Page. The export team announced why on My Stealthy Freedom Facebook page. Nanambara andro telo ho fisaonan'ny firenena i Ahmet Davutoglu Praiminisitra Tiorka, taorian'ireo fipoahana tamin'ny 10 Oktobra. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has announced three days of mourning following the October 10 blasts. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced three days of national mourning following the October 10 bombing. Efa ho adala mihitsy aza. Paranoid even. It would even be foolish. Ary nisy olona avy amin'ny antoko heverina ho nivezivezy tamin'ny toerana maro izay niharihary fa tsy onenany nefa nisisihany ifidianana ny olona avy ao amin'ny antoko - tsy marihana intsony ny fitarainana hosoka hafa manerana ny firenena. And people from the party seem to have been turning up in places where they clearly don't live and insisting on voting - not to mention the many other claims of fraud around the country. And someone from the party is supposed to be traveling in many places where it seems that he doesn't live but he insists that people from the party will vote - no longer notice other fake complaints across the country. Samy mihira momba ny mari-panondroana sy kolontsaina ary fiteny Tibetana izy reo ireo. Both sing about Tibetan identity, culture and language. They both sing about Tibetan identity, culture, and language. Ho an'lay Fivoariam-be Iraisam-pirenena momba ny VIH izay atao ao amin'ny efitra malalaka "Millenium," ny teboka lehibe indrindra amin'ny fandaharana dia ny "Fampiatoana ny fihanaky ny VIH SIDA sy ny fifanambadian'olo-mitovy no vahaolana..." tanjona hafa amin'io fivoriana io ny handresena lahatra ny governemanta Etiopiana hanao lalàna manohana io fomba fanao faran'izay tsy manjary io izay mitondra any amin'ny fitontonganan'ny fianakaviana sy ny firenena. For the World HIV conference which will be held at millennium hall, the main point of the agenda is "To stop the spread of HIV AIDS and homosexuality as a solution" ... another objective of this meeting is to influence the Ethiopia government to make a supportive law to accept this extremely bad practice which leads to corrupt families and the country. For the World HIV Summit held in the "Millenium" open room, the main point of the program is "Stoping the spread of HIV and homosexuality is the solution..." Another goal of this meeting is to persuade the Ethiopian government to act in support of this extreme practice that leads to a decline in families and countries. Tsy sarotra ho an'ilay rivodoza Irma sy ireo tafio-drivotra tropikaly miampy ny rano mikoriana ny hilalao ireo lavenona tsy voatototra, AGREMAX sy fakonà arintany, izay ho loza mananontanona ny fahasalamàn'ireo vondrom-piarahamonina maro dia maro. The uncovered ashes, AGREMAX and coal waste are at the mercy of Irma's hurricane and tropical storm winds and running waters, representing a profound health risk to communities far and wide. It's not difficult for Hurricane Irma and other tropical storms to play with non-heated ash, AGREMAX and coal waste, which would endanger the health of many communities. Copyright Eduardo Leal. Copyright Eduardo Leal. Copyright Eduardo Leal. Fa mbola mampalahelo kokoa ny mahita fa ny ankabeazan'ny Filipiana dia tsy mihevitra ny fanambadiany ho misy lanjany sy ara-dalàna raha tsy nandalo fiangonana. It is even more sad that most Filipinos do not consider themselves validly married unless married in church. But it's even more sad to see that most Filipinos don't consider their marriage to be important and normal without going to church. Be loatra ny fampanantenana poak'aty nataon'ireo mamba noana naniry fotsiny ny hahazo toerana hihinànana. Too many empty promises, made by rogues who wanted above all to position themselves in the feed manger. There was a lot of promise from hungry goads who just wanted to have a place to own. dia marina fa hafa noho izay orana efa niainako tany an-kafa ny orana eto Maraoka, zavatra iray mampahatsiahy ahy fa akaiky kely ny ranomasina. Tsy misy dikany izay fanànanao elo na akanjo tsy lena eny aminao, ho kotsa foana ianao. Matetika dia sahala amin'ny zavona mitambolona, saingy farany teo nivadika ho toy ny rivotra mitambolona be, tsy dia miombon-kevitra loatra amin'ny filazan-dry zalahy Maraokana aho manao hoe mangatsiaka ny andro satria avy ny orana (mbola 60 degre eto izao), misy hamandoana tsy azo ialàna, satria amin'ny ankapobeny dia mibanaka azon-drivotra ny trano maraokana, miaraka amina faitra malalaka rakotra taila sady tsy misy fomba fanivanana na fitaovana fanafanàna, hisosoka eo foana ny hamandoana ary ny hany zavatra azonao atao dia mividy elo iray hafa sy manandrana mibonoka tsara ao anaty bodofotsy ary misotro dite mafana araka izay azo atao. and it's true that rain in morocco is different from the rain i've experienced elsewhere, something i usually equate with the close proximity of the ocean. it doesn't matter if you have an umbrella and a rain coat on, you're still going to get soaked. usually it's like a swirling sideways mist, but lately it's turned into more of a swirling sideways monsoon. while i don't buy into the popular moroccan idea that it's cold just because it's raining (it's still 60 degrees here), there is an inescapable dampness. because moroccan houses are generally very open air with mostly tiled surfaces and don't have insulation or heating systems, the dampness seeps in until the only thing you can do is buy another umbrella and try to stay curled up under a blanket with mint tea as much as possible. It's true that rain in Morocco is different from what I have experienced in other parts of the world, something that reminds me that the sea is near. It doesn't matter what you have umbrellas or clothes you don't have, you're always going to have, you'll always be sick. It's usually like a dark haze, but last time it's like a huge wind, I don't agree with the fact that Moroccan people say it's cold because it's raining (in 60 degrees here), there's something that's almost impossible, because the Moroccan house is windy, and there's no sense that there's no sense of censorship, and you're always something else that you're going to do it're going to eat. Vao tamin'ny harivan'ny 11 May, nitatitra ireo Ogande sasantsasany mpampiasa aterineto fa tsy afaka niditra tamin'ireo tranonkala media sosialy toy ny Facebook sy Twitter ry zareo. As of the evening of May 11, some Ugandan users were reporting that they couldn't access social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Just on the evening of May 11, some Ugandan netizens reported that they were unable to access social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Ny sioka dia milaza manondro ireo fako Kanadiana izay betsaka dia betsaka navela hiditra amin'ny seranantsambon'i Philippines. The tweet refers to the Canadian trash issue where large amounts of trash from Canada were allowed entry in Philippine ports. The tweet refers to Canadian waste that has been allowed to enter the Philippine port. Niara-niravoravo nohon'ny fahafahan-dRtoa Ingrid Betancourt ny faritry Amerika iray manontolo Americas: Region Celebrates Rescue of Betancourt and Other Hostages · Global Voices The whole American region is enjoying the freedom of Ms. Ingrid Betancourt Fitontongan'ny Vola Zeorziana Aseho Amin'ny Sary Novàna Tamin'ny Photoshop: Miala Avy Amin'ny 50 Cent Ary Tonga Amin'ny Hoe 'Fanavotana Ny Miaramila Lari' The Fall of the Georgian Currency in Photoshopped Images: From 50 Cent to 'Saving Private Lari' · Global Voices Georgian Money Cease Showed in Photo Edited Photos: From 50 Cent to 'Save Lari Military' · Global Voices Ny fanambaniana ny asany amin'ny hiantsoana izany ho "mamoafady" na koa "mahamenatra" ary tsy am-pahamendrehana dia tsy mitombona ka lasa manambany ny lanjan'ny asany. Degrading his work by calling it "porn" or "obscene" with indelicate lust is illogical and fails to properly value his work. The humiliation of his work by calling it "defaming" or "defaming" and innocuously not growing enough to undermine the value of his work. Nanambara ireo mpikatroka fa ny minisiteran'ny Atitany no tena fahavalo, izay tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona any am-ponja ary manindry ny mpitsara mba hitondra azy ireo eny amin'ny fitsarana. The activists said that their real opponent is the Interior Minister, who is responsible for all human rights violations in prisons and challenged the judge to bring him to court. Activists claim that the main enemy is the Interior Ministry, which is responsible for human rights violations in prison and urges judges to take them to court. Farany, naka sary avy ao amin'ny toerana iray any an-tendrombohitra izy, sary izay mampiseho ny zava-kanto ao amin'ny lakavy izay efa nisy hatramin'ny taona 5,000 ~ 10,000 talohan'i Kristy. Finally, he was also taken by a local to a mountain where he photographed an ancient cave art that dates back to 5,000 ~ 10,000BC. Finally, he took photos from a mountainside, an image that shows the art of the park that has been in existence since the year 5,000000 B.C.E. Nisy hafa niharan-doza ihany koa noho ilay herisetra, na teo aza ny hoe tsy anisan'ireo mpianatra mpikatroka mafàna fo ry zareo. Others were also victims of the violence, despite the fact that they were not a part of the activist students. Others were also affected by the violence, despite the fact that they were not part of student activists. Henjana ny manabe zaza iray, ary mety hanaraka hatramin'ny aiko raha mbola hitaiza iray hafa. It's tough to raise one child, and having another could cost my life. Raising a child is hard, and raising another child can lead to my life. An'arivony maro ireo bitsika, marobe ireo taratasy misokatra ary fanentanana iray tsy an-kiato ety anaty aterineto no mampijaly saina aman'eritreritra an'i Tedros Adahanom, ilay kandidà avy ao Etiopia ho Tale Jeneralin'ny Fikambanana Iraisampirenena misahana ny Fahasalamana (OMS), satria amin'ny 23 May 2017 ho avy io no miomana ny hifidy ireo firenena mpikambana ao. CC BY 2.0 Thousands of Tweets, several open letters and a relentless online campaign have dogged Ethiopia's candidate for the World Health Organization Director-General position, Tedros Adahanom, as member states prepare to vote on May 23, 2017. Thousands of tweets, many open letters and an ongoing online campaign have taken the mind of the Ethiopia's candidate as Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), as on May 23, 2017, it is preparing to vote for member countries. Georgia: misongadina ny tontolom-bolongana Georgia: The Blogosphere emerges · Global Voices Georgia: The blogosphere stands out · Global Voices Araka ny hevitr'i alexhitrov, Toruk Makto no misolo tena an'i Vladimir Zhirinovsky, lehiben'ny Antoko Liberaly Demokraty; Bob Spaonjy kosa Sergey Mironov, lehiben'ny antoko Just Russia (rosia ihany); ary Vladimir Putin, #5, no mety ilay Soavaly mipalitao. According to alexhitrov, Toruk Makto represents Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party; Sponge Bob is Sergey Mironov, the leader of the Just Russia party; and Vladimir Putin, #5, has to be the proverbial Horse in the Coat. According to alehitrov, Toruk Makto represents Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Democratic Democratic Party; Bob Spasarov, the leader of the Just Russia (only Russia); and Vladimir Putin, #5, is the right horse. Ny fitantanana ny IRIB mivantana dia toerana ambony indrindra notendren'ny fahefana ambony ao amin'ny firenena, ny Mpitarika Farantampony Ayatollah Khamenei. The IRIB's director is a position directly appointed by the country's highest power, the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. The direct management of IRIB is the highest position appointed by the country's highest power, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. OK daholo ny REHETRA amin'izao fotoana izao Tatitra avy ami'ny MIA (sampam-pilazam-baovaom-panjakana ao Makedonia) nanome vaovao amin'ny antsipiriany: All OK now. A report by MIA (a Macedonian state news agency) provided more details: OK nearly two hundred people are currently reporting from MIA (the state-owned news agency of Macedonia) providing detailed information: Izao hatrany no fitenin'ny reniko, lava noho ny tady ny fotoana. As my mother always says, time is longer than twine. This is my mother's language, the time is longer than a rope. Fiaretan-tory (na fandrehetan-dabozia) eo amin'ny kianjan'ny fahaleovantena, Kuala Lumpur, ho an'ireo mpandeha tsy hita ao amin'ny Malaysia Airlines. Vigil for missing Malaysia Airlines passengers at the Independence Square in Kuala Lumpur. A vigil at the Independence Square, Kuala Lumpur, for the missing passengers of Malaysia Airlines. Ilay mpifidy mpamadika Oakeshott dia nampihato ny hetahetam-keriny... noho ny HERIN'NY VAHOAKA Unfaithful Elector Oakeshott has lust for power curbed... by PEOPLE POWER The traitor Oakeshott voted against the desire for kidnapping... it's just because it's the THANK. Ohatra, lehiben'ny mpanohitra Boris Nemtsov (izay niaraka tamin'ilay manam-pahaizana momba ny tantara Vladimir Kara-Murza navitrika tamin'ny fanaovana "lobbying"" mikasika ny fampiharana ny lalàna Magnitsky) nibilaogy hoe: For example, opposition leader Boris Nemtsov (who along with historian Vladimir Kara-Murza actively lobbied for Magnitsky Act passage) blogged: For example, opposition leader Boris Nemtsov (who was with history expert Vladimir Kara-Murza actively wearing "lobbying" about the enforcement of Magnitsky law) blogs: Tsy mifanaraka amin'ny krizy @StarAlliance (1/2) This is not in line with @staralliance crisis (1/2) - Star Alliance (@staralliance) September 9, 2013 Not in line with the crisis @StarAlliance (1/2) Ary ny vahaolana, isika, isika milaza fa be dia be ny kandidà, betsaka satria miisa 41 ny kandidà, ka aleo ny Malagasy no tompon'andraikitra, aleo omena fitokisana, fa ry zareo ihany no hanao ny safidiny. And the solution might be, considering the plethora of candidacies (41) to trust the Malagasy citizens, let them take charge of their destiny and they will make the right choice for themselves. And the solution, we are, we say there are so many candidates, because there are 41 candidates, so let Malagasys be responsible, let's trust, but they will make their own choices. Fanomezam-boninahitry ny fiarahamonina ao Yishun Community tribute at Yishun Community tribute in Yishun Nalefa mivantana tao amin'ny Facebook Live koa ny zava-nitranga (valan-dresaka ho an'ny mlpanao gazety). The event was also streamed on Facebook Live. The incident was also live-streamed on Facebook Live (a press conference). Nandray ny andraikiny manontolo tamin'ny fanapahan-kevitra ny lapan'ny tanàna, ary nilaza fa "noraisina tao anatin'ny fankatoavan'ireo magazay ao afovoan-tanàna izany fanapahan-kevitra izany." City hall is taking full responsibility for the decision, arguing that "the decision was taken with the approval of the local stores downtown." The city hall took full responsibility for the decision, saying, "This decision was taken into consideration by stores in the center of the city." Vakodrazana Malay momba ny vehivavy iray izay teraka voaozona ho mainty hoditra kanefa nohasoavina tamin'ny hatsaram-peo ny Anganon'i Dayang Senandong. The Legend of Dayang Senandong is a Malay folklore about a lady who was born cursed with black skin but blessed with a beautiful voice. It's a Malay tradition of a woman who has been anointed as black but was blessed with an audio account of Dayang Senandong's story. Hanandratra tabataba kely fotsiny ianareo dia avy eo hiparitaka - hanova zavatra ve izany? You'll make some noise and disperse - will it change anything? You'll raise a bit of noise and then spread - will it change anything? Taorian'ny fandresen'i Donald Trump, nisy ny tombantombanana marobe tao Rosia sy Etazonia raha ho lasa namana na fahavalon'i Kremlin ny komandy lehiben'i Amerika vaovao. In the wake of Donald Trump's presidential victory, there's been wide speculation in both Russia and the United States about whether America's new commander in chief will be a friend or foe to the Kremlin. Following Donald Trump's victory, there has been a lot of speculations in Russia and the United States whether the new head of America would become a friend or an enemy of the Kremlin. Fanararaotra hoan'ny Malaiziana tsotra - ny rakyat - izany mba hanomezana azy herim-po hanofinofy, na inona na inona vokany. It is an opportunity for normal Malaysians - the rakyat - to finally have the courage to express themselves, regardless of the consequences. It is an opportunity for ordinary Malaysians - the rakyat - to give him the courage to take pride, whatever the result. Manila nandritra ny fanombohan'ny 1900s Manila in the early 1900s Manila during the beginning of the 1900s Mofareg Alshuya, avy any Arabia Saodita, milaza ilay didim-pitsarana ho henjana loatra. Mofareg Alshuya, from Saudi Arabia, says the verdict was too strict. Mofareg Alshuya, from Saudi Arabia, calls the verdict too harsh. Te hanao antso avy amn'ny fo ihany koa izahay ho an'ny sokajy ara-politikan'i Inde mba hijery ireo tsy mety rehetra niseho tamin'ny lasa ary hanao fanitsiana amin'izany . We also want to make a heartiest appeal to the political class of India to look into all the wrongs committed in the past and make corrections. We also want to call out from the heart for India's political class to look at all the bad things that have happened in the past and make adjustments in this regard. Samy mitonona ho tompon'ity fari-dranomasina manan-karena solintany ao amin'ny faritry Célèbes ity avokoa ny roa tonta, faritra tafiditra ao amin'ny firenen'i Malaisie ao Sabah. Both country claim ownership over the oil rich sea block situated in Celebes Sea which borders with Malaysian state Sabah. Both have claimed to belong to this oily region of the Celèbes region, a region that is part of the country of Malawi in Sabah. Reko ny teny hoe "fikambanana," "tifitra" sy ny anaran'ny mpitifitra. I heard the words "club," "shooting" and the shooter's name. I heard the word "a community," "fire" and the name of the shooter. Nanome sosokevitra i "Pastor Wa" (@Pastor_Wa): "Pastor Wa" (@Pastor_Wa) advised: "Pastor Wa" (@Pastor_Wa) suggested: I Jamaluddin izao dia nanoratra tantara kely iray tao amin'ny bilaoginy nampitondrainy ny lohanteny hoe May ilay fonenan'i Jinnah tao Ziarat: Misy sombin'i Pakistan maty anio: Jamaluddin wrote on his blog in a piece called Jinnah's burnt Ziarat residency: A piece of Pakistan died today: Jamaluddin wrote a little story on his blog where he gave up the title of the name May the residence in Ziarat: There is a piece of Pakistan that died today: Mamadika ny toerana manan-tantara tahaka ny pagoda Mahamuni izay afaka misarika mpizahatany maro ho toerana ratsy tarehy noho ny fidorohan'ny ankizy lakaoly izy ity. It makes a historical place like Mahamuni Pagoda that can attract many tourists ugly with hundreds of children sniffing glue. It transforms historical sites like pagoda Mahamuni which can attract a lot of tourists to look ugly because of the children's hunting of glue. Mpanao Politika Shiliana, María Antonieta Saa, naneho ny tahony momba ny zava-nitranga tamin'ny fotoana lasa: Chilean Politician, María Antonieta Saa expressed her horror at events of the past: Chilean politician María Antonieta Saa expressed her fears about what happened last year: Novakiako ny hevitry ny mpamaky tamin'ny vohikala vitsivitsy fa tena zendana tamin'ny fifanalaviran'ny andraikitra nomena aho; ratovovavy no iandronan'ny rihitra rehetra, nefa tsy nisy niteny mihitsy na iray aza ny tamin'ilay niaraka taminy. I went through some readers' comments on a few sites and I was so struck by the inequality in apportioning blame; the woman was taking all the flak, lots of it, while there was heavy silence about her partner. I read a reader's opinion on a few websites that I was really surprised by the balance of responsibility; all the details were made by a young girl, but no one told her at all. Nanomboka nijery ny fomba hafa mitovy amin'izany i Rosia rehefa nihetsika voalohany tamin'ny fametrahana ny lalàna fanakanana ny Tor i Belarosia tamin'ny taona 2015. When Belarus first moved to pass legislation blocking Tor in 2015, Russia began to eye similar options. Russia began to look at other similar ways when Belarus first moved towards the implementation of Tor's blocking law in 2015. Tadidio ihany fa tsy Kumamoto fotsiny . Just remember that it's not just Kumamoto . Remember, it's not just Kumamoto. Tsy afaka mamorona sy mamokatra zavakanto am-pilaminana isika. We cannot create and produce arts on order. We cannot create and produce peaceful art. Heverinay fa azo atao ny mamaly hoe: koa satria efa te-hamafy ny voan'ny fahatezerana sy ny fifampihantsiana ity fitondrana tsy ara-dalàna ity mba hampaharitra kokoa ny didy jadony. We think we have an answer: it's because the Illegal regime wants to sow the seeds of anger and distrust in order to prolong their dictatorial rule. We think it's possible to reply: also because this illegal regime wants to sow the seeds of anger and rage to make its dictatorship longer. Eo amin'ireo mpanao hetsika, manam-pahaizana, mpiasa, mpandinika sy blaogera, navoaka tamin'ny tranonkala ny fifanakalozan-kevitra, navoaka an-dahatsoratra, tamin'ny tweet, sy ireo media isan-karazany. Between activists, academics, workers, thinkers and bloggers, the discussions filled webpages, posts, tweets and other media. Among the protesters, experts, workers, analysts and bloggers, discussions were published on the site, published in tweets, and various media. Efa nisy ihany fotoana vitsy dia vitsy nahafahan'ny governemantan'i Hong Kong, ny Shinoa tao an-toerana, ary ny vondro-piarahamonina vitsy an'isa nifanatri-tava tao an-tanàna. There have been few opportunities for the Hong Kong government, the local Chinese, and ethnic minorities to communicate face-to-face in the city. The Hong Kong government, the local Chinese, and the city's marginalized minority communities have had very few opportunities. "Tsy maintsy mampianatra sy manabe ny ankizintsika isika," hoy izy, "Amin'ny alalan'ny fianarana ihany, no ahafahantsika mitolona." "We have to educate our kids," she says, "Only by learning, we can fight." "We must teach and raise our children," she says, "through education we can fight." Ny 15 Aogositra, nitsidika an'i Beit Hanoun, sisintany avaratra atsinanana mampisaraka an'i Gaza amin'i Israely niaraka tamin'i Dan Cohen, Palestiniana mpanao gazety monina any i Max Blumenthal Jiosy Amerikana mpanao gazety, mpanoratra sady mpitoraka bilaogy. Jewish-American journalist, author and blogger Max Blumenthal visited Gaza's Beit Hanoun on the north-eastern border with Israel on August 15. He was accompanied by Palestine-based journalist Dan Cohen. On August 15, American journalist and blogger Max Blumenthal visited Beit Hanoun, Israel's northeastern border with Dan Cohen, a Palestinian journalist based there. Misy ihany koa ny lahatsary azonao jerena amin'ny alalan'ny fampiasana tenifototra #RamadanMassacre ary hita ato. More videos tagged under the hash tag #RamadanMassacre can also be found here. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. There are also videos you can see using the hashtag #Ramadan ny and can be found here. Horoampeo sy horonantsary izay nalaina nandritra ny famonoana ho faty ara-pitsarana notanterahina tany Japàna 53 taona lasa izay no nalefan'nyradio Nippon Cultural Broadcasting tamin'ny 6 May sy ny fandaharana Super Morning show-n'ny fahitalavitra Asahi tamin'ny 29 Aprily, no namoha ny fota-mandrin'ny Famonoana ho faty ara-pitsarana any Japàna eo anivon'ireo mpiblaogy. An audio tape recorded 53 years ago of a death penalty execution in Japan, aired by Nippon Cultural Broadcasting on May 6th and and by Asahi television's Super Morning show on April 29th, has triggered conversations among bloggers about the country's death penalty system. This post is part of our special coverage Japan Protests 2011. On May 6 and the TV show Super Morning show of Asahi on April 29, the death penalty in Japan was raised. Tao anaty tafatafa ho an'i BBC, niteny i Babinets hoe: In an interview with BBC, Babinets said: In an interview with BBC, Babinets said: Sary avy amin'i Xinhua. Photo from Xinhua. Photo by Xinhua. Efrain Huaman Carrion no anarako ary mpamono afo an-tsitrapo avy ao Però aho. My name is Efrain Huaman Carrion and I am a volunteer firefighter in Peru. My name is Efrrain Huaman Carrion and I am a volunteer firefighter from Peru. Noho ny fankatoavan'Andriamanitra, novàn'i Moizy ho bibilava koa ny tehiny, ka nitelina ireo bibilavan'ireo ombiasy. Ary nitsaoka azy (Moizy) izy ireo, ka nanaiky ny faminaniany, raiki-tahotra noho ilay fahagagàna. With God's approval, Moses turned his rod into a serpent, forcing the sorcerers to kneel before him and accept his prophecies, stunned by the miracle observed. Thanks to God's obedience, Mony also turned his rod into a serpent, and the snakes of the goads would swallow up, and they would throw him (Moy) away, and accept his prophecy, and be afraid of it. Ary koa, taratry ny tsy fahombiazan'ny fanentanana izay nahitana ireo andianà doka politika avo lenta sy ny fitsidihana vondrom-piarahamonina nisongadinann'ireo mpiasam-panjakana ambony nanomboka tamin'ny Aprily lasa teo. It also reflects the failure of a campaign that has included a series of high profile political advertisements and community visits featuring top government officials since late April. Also, it reflects the failure of the campaign to include a series of high-level political ads and community visits highlighted by high-ranking officials since last April. Ireo pejin'ny kahie Rawson. Pages of the Rawson notebook. The Rawson Library pages. Raha "nasiana marika" ho avy any Montenegro ity dika miavaka ity, misy kosa karazany azo jerena momba ireo firenena hafa. While this particular version is "branded" as coming from Montenegro, variations can be found about many other countries. While this particular version has "registered" from Montenegro, there are a variety of other countries that can be seen. Olona iray mpampiasa Twitter no nanoratra hoe: One Twitter user wrote: One Twitter user wrote: Nambara ny fanombohan'ny iray volan'ny ady atao amin'ny fakàna an-keriny ny ho vadiana ao Kyrgyzstan, izay, araka ny nambaran'ny mpanelanelan'ny repoblika, dia vinavinaina ho 15.000 hatramin'ny 16.000 eo no isan'ireo ankizivavy nisy naka an-keriny hatramin'izao... ireo manampahefana Kyrgyz dia hikarakara fihaonambe miaraka amin'ireo mponina mba hanazava amin'izy ireny fa tsy ara-dalàna ny fanambadiana natao an-terisetra, ary koa hifanakalo resaka amin'ny polisy mikasika ny zava-misy. A month campaign to fight bride kidnapping has been announced in Kyrgyzstan, where, according to the ombudsman of the republic, the number of kidnapped girls is now estimated at 15,000-16,000... the Kyrgyz authorities will organize meetings with locals to explain them that marriage by abduction is illegal, and also discuss the situation with the police. The beginning of a month of fighting kidnappings in Kyrgyzstan, which, according to the republic's opposition, is estimated to be 15,000 to 16,000 girls have been kidnapped so far... Kyrgyz authorities will hold a conference with residents to explain to them that forced marriages are illegal, as well as to talk to police about the situation. Kolombia: Mpilalao golf lasa reharehan'ankizy Colombia: Local Golf Star Becomes Role Model for Kids · Global Voices Colombia: A golf player Becomes Children's Pride · Global Voices Antsoina hoe "Diaben'ny Fahanginana" ny hetsika, manamarika ny iray volana nahafatesan'i Nisman, fahatsiarovana ny andraikiny teo amin'ny vahoaka sy misarika ny saina ho ao amin'ny biraon'ny Fampanoavana. The event, called the "March of Silence," marks the passage of one month since Nisman's death, commemorating his public service and calling attention to the Attorney General's office. The event is called "The March of Silence," marking the month when Neisman died, remembering his role in the public and drawing attention to the Attorney General's office. Manaraka izany, Muntajib, avy any Abu Dhabi, nilaza zavatra hafa: Meanwhile, Muntajib, from Abu Dhabi, has other concerns: Then, Muntajib, from Abu Dhabi, said something else: Notoherin'ireo vahoakan'i Okinawa sy ny governorany, Takeshi Onaga, mafy ny drafitra efa elan'ny Amerikana hanamboatra toby miaramila vaovao any amin'ny faritra iray lavitra an'i Japana. Long-held American plans to build a new military base in a remote part of Japan are being fiercely resisted by the people of Okinawa and their governor Takeshi Onaga. The people of Okinawa and his governor Takeshi wasn't against a long-time US plan to build a new military base in a remote part of Japan. Natao izany fampitandremana izany mba haneren'ireo gadra hafa hanery an'i Mohammad Sadegh Honarvar Shojayi. Such warnings are made to provoke other prisoners to raise pressure on Mohammad Sadegh Honarvar Shojayi. This warning was made to force other prisoners to force Mohammad Sadegh Honarvar Shojayi. Tsy isarihana an'ireo mpandihiny hirona amin'ny ara-nofo na ny fitiavany hibodo ny toeran'ny iray na ny iray rehefa mandihy akory ny queer tango. The queer tango does not presuppose the sexual orientation of its dancers nor their taste for occupying one role or another when dancing. The queer tango isn't drawn to their sexual orientations or their desire to occupy one or the other's place while dancing. Mila averina any Kenya amin'ny fotoana araka izay haingana indrindra io elefanta io! That elephant need to be returned to Kenya at the earnest time possible! This elephant needs to be returned to Kenya as soon as possible! Midika fandresena ho an'ireo mpanenjika azy ny fametrahana fialàna nataon'ny Papa. The resignation of the Pope is a triumph for his enemies. The pope's resignation means victory for his critics. Mampiaina mivantana ny famahanana blaogy momba ny hetsika ihany koa i Miranda ary ho hita ao amin'ny tranonkala Bloguivianos mandritra ny tontolo andro ny fanavaozam-baovao . Miranda is also live blogging the event and updates will appear on the Bloguivianos site throughout the day. He also makes blogging about the event live and updates will be available throughout the day on Bloguivianos website. "Hanibaael," mpitoraka blaogy sady mpanao gazety, dia namoaka filazàna ofisialy iray amin'ny anaran'ny vondron'ireo Libaney mpitoraka blaogy manohana an'i Khodor: Blogger and journalist "Hanibaael," published an official announcement on behalf of the Lebanese Bloggers Group supporting Khodor: Blogger and journalist Hanibaael published an official statement on behalf of a group of Lebanese bloggers supporting Khodor: Nametraka fanontaniana vitsivitsy taminy ny Global Voices. Global Voices put some questions to him. Global Voices asked her some questions. Tahaka ny hoe lalaovina any Brezila koa io lalao io. I've heard that this game is also played in Brazil. It seems like this game is also played in Brazil. Nanamarika ny mpaka sary Rustem Adagamov fa voasazy nandoa onitra noho ny fandikan-dalàm-pifamoivoizana ho an'ny mpandeha an-tongotra, ny andro mialoha io indrindra ny mpikatroka sady filohan'ny federasionan'ny Tompon'ny Fiara Rosiana Vadim Korovin: The photographer Rustem Adagamov noted that activist and head of the Federation of Russian Car Owners, Vadim Korovin, had been fined for a pedestrian traffic violation just the day before: Photographer Rustem Adagamov noted that the day before, activists and head of Russia's owner-in-law Vadim Korovin were fined for traffic violations: Eny sa tsia? Yea or nay? Yes or not? Ho fanampin'ny maha-mahatsiravina azy, adaladala ilay fanehoankeviny, tsy mitombina ary tena tsy misy ifandraisany mihitsy amin'ny zavamisy iainana. In addition to being horribly misogynistic, her comment is foolish, absurd, and completely disconnected from reality. In addition to being horrible, his comments are stupid, absurd and completely out of touch with the reality. Jean Claude Duvalier, ny manodidina azy & ary ireo mpisolovava azy dia samy mandao ny Hotely Karibe izao. Jean Claude Duvalier, his staff & his lawyers r leaving the Karibe Hotel now. Jean across him & his lawyers are now leaving the Karbe Hotel. Nilaza ny polisy fa nisy ny marika fifampitolomana, izay mahatonga ny ahiahy fa nisy namono izy. Police say there were signs of a struggle, leading to suspicions that she was murdered. The police said there were signs of fighting, which raised concerns that he was murdered. Raha mikasika ny kaonty Twitter miresaka ny lamaody sy ny fomba fiaina, manome antsika fahafahana mizara ireo rohy amin'ny hafa ny Twitter. Regarding fashion and lifestyle Twitter accounts, Twitter accommodates us in term of easiness of sharing links with others. Regarding the fashion and lifestyle Twitter accounts, Twitter provides us with opportunities to share links with others. Sary avy amin'ny Sina Weibo. Image from Sina Weibo. Image from Sina Weibo. Noho ny fahombiazana goavan'ny Yu'E Bao, nirotsaka an-tsehatra ihany koa ny orinasaShinoa hafa. With the huge success of Yu'E Bao, other Chinese companies have entered the scene. Thanks to Yu'E Bao's huge success, other civic companies have also intervened. Milaza ny HUL fa tena zava-misy no lazainy, marina, ary voamarin'ny laboratoara ifanarahan'ny orinasa tsy miankina rehetra. HUL terms its claim to be factual, accurate and substantiated based on laboratory tests done through globally accepted protocols in independent third party laboratories. The HUL says it speaks of reality, truth, and has been observed by all private companies. Fito herinandro taorian'ny nanjavonany, mbola tsy hita ilay mpanao gazety Borondey Burundian journalist still missing seven weeks after disappearance Seven weeks after her disappearance, Burundin journalist has not been found. Nandefa hafatra i Juliamanda Garza (@juliagarza) ho an'ireo gazety frantsay: Juliamanda Garza (@juliagarza) sends a message to French newspapers: Julia Lalo Garza (@juliagarza) sent a message to French newspapers: Karazan-dapa sady Efitra lehiben'ny trano fisakafoanana Karaweik. The folklore palace and restaurant Karaweik Hall. The Karaweik restaurant's main restaurant is a dish. Hoy izy, ho azy angamba mety tsy ho ratsy, fa ahoana ny ho an'ny zanany lahy? He said, for him maybe it wasn't so bad, but what about his son? He may have asked him, perhaps not bad, but what about his son? Kanefa, ora vitsy taorian'izay, nanazava ny tompon'ilay trano fisakafoanana hoe ny fisisihan'ilay vehivavy hanao ny "going Dutch" no niteraka ny fifamelezana. However, a few hours later, the restaurant owner clarified that the fight was triggered by the woman's insistence on going Dutch. However, a few hours later, the owner of the restaurant explained that the attack was caused by the woman's insist on wearing "going Dutch." Cristina Kirchner avy ao Argentina sy Lugo. Cristina Kirchner of Argentina and Lugo. Cristina Kirchner from Argentina and Lugo. Raha jerena ny momba an'i Libanona, ny gazety eto an-toerana Al Akhbar, izay mpiara-miombon'antoka tamin'ny Wikileaks hatramin'ny nisian'ny telegrama diplaomatikan'i Etazonia niporitsaka tamin'ny 2010, dia nitatitra ny sasantsasany tamin'ireo niteraka fahatafintohinana tao an-toerana. With regard to Lebanon, local newspaper Al Akhbar, which has been a partner of WikiLeaks since the United States diplomatic cables leak in 2010, has been reporting on some of the local scandals. In light of Lebanon, local newspaper Al Akhbar, which has partnered with Wikileaks since the United States' leaked diplomatic cables in 2010, has reported some of the causes of domestic outrage. Mba hahalavorary ireo fanovàna vaovao ireo, tsy maintsy miatrika ireto olana manaraka ireto ny governemanta: In order for the reforms to work, the government must address the following issues: To achieve these new reforms, the government must address the following issues: Ireo hetsika tao amin'ny nosy Activities on the island Movements on the island Mety ho an'ny olona tsy afaka mandeha mankany am-piangonana izy ity, na koa hoe tsy misy fiangonana eo amin'ny firenena izay vitsy ny Kristianina ao aminy. Atolotray azy ireo ny làlana hahafahan'izy ireo mandray anjara, sy miomana ara-panahy ihany koa amin'ny fiavian'i Jesoa amin'ny Andron'ny Krismasy. It will be appropriate for the people who don't have a chance to go to church, or if there are no churches in countries where Christians are a minority We are providing them with the avenue by which they can still participate and spiritually prepare themselves for the coming of Jesus on Christmas day It may be for people who cannot go to church, or if there is no church in the country where there are few Christians, we encourage them to participate, and also prepare spiritually for Jesus ' coming on Christmas Day. Ilay mpitsoa-ponenana teo aloha Ilhan Omar no lasa mpanao lalàna Somali-Amerikana voalohany ao Etazonia. Former refugee Ilhan Omar has been named the first Somali-American legislator for the United States. Former refugee Ilhan Omar has become the first Somali-American lawmakers in the United States. Novonoiny haingana ny Bitsika nataony, saingy nisy nahazo talohan'izay ny dikasarin'ilay fanamarihana manafintohina: He quickly removed his Tweet, but not before someone took a screenshot of the offending remarks: He quickly killed his tweet, but a screenshot of the shocking remark was taken earlier: Lazain'ny andininy faha-38 fa manan-jo malalaka amin'ny fiheverana, ny fisainana ary ny fivavahana ny tsirairay, ao anatin'izany ny fahalalahana hiova antokom-pivavahana na finoana, ary koa, amin'ny maha-singa fototry ny tanjona sy ny torolàlana ankapoben'ny Politikam-panjakana voalaza ao amin'ny toko faha-II-n'ny lalàm-panorenana. Section 38 provides that every person shall be entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to change his religion or beliefs, also, as part of the fundamental objectives and directive principles of state Policy contained in chapter II of the constitution. Article 38 states that individuals have the right to freedom of thought, thought, and religion, including the freedom to convert to religion or religion, as well as, as a key factor in the goals and general guidelines of state policies mentioned in chapter II of the Constitution. Tanaty lahatsoratra iray tam-bilaogy nitondra ny lohateny hoe "Fitsarana an'i Nessma: Soa Fa Tsy Mahafaty Ny Henatra" , ilay bilaogera sady mafàna fo, Lina Ben Mhenni, dia nitondra fanamarihana momba ny fizotry ny fitsarana: In a blog post entitled "Nessma Trial: Luckily the Ridiculous Doesn't Kill" , blogger and activist Lina Ben Mhenni commented on the trial proceedings: In a blog post titled "Register of Nessma: But Shame Is Not Death" , blogger and activist Lina Ben Mhenni commented on the court's proceedings: Tsy nisy ny fanohanana tsara, fa fifandirana tsy mitsakatra eo amin'ny vondron'olona tsy mety miray hevitra, sy daroka henjana azony (noho ny tsy fanoavany ny baikon'ny sendikà) ary tsy misy tontolo tsara hanaovana ny fanazarana. There was no adequate support for him, instead perpetual fights between cliques, and he was brutally beaten (for not obeying the union's order) and their was not a conducive environment for practice. There was no good support, but a peaceful conflict between a group of people who refused to agree, and a severe beating (for failing to obey the union orders) and no better environment for training. Tafaverina amin'ny toerany ny filohan'ny fitsarana tampony ao Pakistana, Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudry, fepetra namaly ny tanjona voalohan'ny fihetsiketsehana nataon'ireo mpitsara sy ireo mpisolo vava ary ny Diabe. The Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry has been reinstated which has fulfilled the primary objective of the ongoing judiciary movement and the Long March. Pakistan's supreme court chief Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudry is back in office, a measure that has responded to the main purpose of protests by judges, lawyers, and marches. Rindrin'ny Tendrombohitra Kenya avy amin'i Radu vatcu CC license-BY-3.0 Mount Kenya wall by Radu vatcu (CC BY-3.0) Wall of Mount Kenya by Radu vatcu CC license-BY-3.0 Neny tohanan'ny vahoaka... Mom who is depended by public... Mother supported by the people... Nampitandrina ny Sendikàn'ny mpiasa Espaniola fa raha tsy ampiarahana amin'ny fepetran'ny fampandrosoana ny drafitra, dia tsy hisy vokatra tsara ho azo. Spanish labor unions have given warning that if this plan does not tally with the growth measures, its effect could be limited. The Spanish Labor Union warned that unless the plan is associated with development measures, there will be no good results. Taloha, niara-niasa tamin'i Igor Brumel, mpanao lalàna ao an-toerana ao amin'ny faritr'i Moskoa sy mpikambana ao amin'ny antoko politika Rosiana Manan-Drariny ireo mpikatroka ao amin'ny SERB. In the past, SERB activists have worked with Igor Brumel, a local lawmaker in the Moscow region and a member of the political party A Just Russia. In the past, SERB activists have worked with Igor Brumel, a local lawyer in the Moscow region and a member of the Russian political party. Vitsy dia vitsy no mampiasa Linux. Very few people use Linux. Few people use Linux. Santionan- Tweets: Mendrika fitsarana ara-drariny araka ny fenitra iraisampirenena ny @Zone9ers #FreeZone9Bloggers Avotsory - Avoahy ny @Zone9ers satria tsy heloka ny mibilaogy! #FreeZone9Bloggers "Mibilaogy izahay satria mikarakara" #FreeZone9Bloggers Fanitsakitsahana ny Sata Afrikana misahana ny Zon'olombelona sy ny vahoaka ny fisamborana blaogera ao #Ethiopia #FreeZone9Bloggers Sample Tweets: @Zone9ers deserve a fair trial under international standards #FreeZone9Bloggers Free the @Zone9ers... because blogging is not a crime! #FreeZone9Bloggers "We blog because we care" #FreeZone9Bloggers Blogger arrests in #Ethiopia are a violation of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights #FreeZone9Bloggers A sample of tweets: @Zone9ers deserve a fair trial under international standards Free - Save @Zone9ers because blogging isn't a crime! "We are blogging because we are organizing" #Free/QlzRuG Reharehan'ny firenena io lehilahy io ! This man is simply the pride of the nation! This man is proud of the country! Noho izany atsaharo. So stop. So stop. Telopolo taona aty aoriana, io didim-pitsaràna manan-tantara nampivoitra ny Fifanarahana mahakasika ny famonoan'olona sy ny fampiharana ny heloka atao amin'ny olona io dia antoka ho an'ny olona tsirairay, satria io no mpisava làlana ho an'ireo fifandirana mbola misy amin'izao fotoana manerana ny tany. After thirty years, this landmark verdict materializing the spirit of the Genocide Convention and the enforcement of crimes against humanity is an insurance for each and every human being, as it sets a precedent for current conflicts around the world. Thirty years later, this historic court ruling that highlighted the Convention on Crime and the implementation of crimes against individuals is a guarantee to everyone, as it is a pioneer for the ongoing conflicts around the world. Tondra-drano any Guagua, avaratr'i Manila. Flood in Guagua, north of Manila. Flood in Guagua, northern Manila. Fairy. Fairy. Fairy. Indrindra fa ny famonoana soratra dia natao fotsiny ho an'ireo izay afaka "mandoa" vola amin'ny fikarakarana. For annulment can be acquired by those who are capable to "pay" the process. Indeed, the killing is only for those who can afford money for treatment. Nanontany mpikatroky ny zon'olombelona Arshad Mahmood hoe inona moa izany no heverin'ny fitantanan'ny oniversite ho "fifaneraserana tsy mety": Human rights activist Arshad Mahmood asked what the university administration considers to be "inappropriate interactions": Human rights activist Arshad Mahmood asked what the university administration considers to be "immoral relations": Kambodza: Sarintany Mampiseho Ireo Faritra Tratran'ny Fahatapahan'ny Herinaratra Blackout Mapping in Cambodia · Global Voices Cambodia: Map Shows Victims of Power Outage · Global Voices fiara mitety tanàna (Sary: @avylavitra) On buses commuting around towns Cars going around town (Photo: @raTV) Nitombo be ny isan'ny olona nisoratra anarana hifidy amin'ny maha-foko Hôngroà teo anelanelan'ireo fifidianana roa farany tao Kroasia. The number of people who registered to vote as ethnic Hungarians dramatically increased between Croatia's last two elections. Between the last two elections in Croatia, there has been a growing number of people who have registered to vote as Hungarian ethnics. Manana andraikitra hifehy tena sy hifehy ny tanany sy ny filahiany ny lehilahy. Men have a responsibility to exercise self-control and keep their hands and penises under manners. Men have a responsibility to exercise self - control and control over their hands and bodies. Niisa 45 ireo teratany Taiwanese nosamborina noho ny filazàna azy ireo ho nanao hosoka tamin'ny fifandraisan-davitra tao Kenya nandritry ny fivahinianany tao ny 2014, noroahana hiverina tany Shina tamin'ny herinandron'ny 4 Aprily izay ireo. A total of 45 Taiwanese nationals who were arrested allegedly for committing telecommunications fraud during their visits in Kenya in 2014 were deported to China last week. A total of 45 Taiwanese nationals were arrested for alleged telecommunications fraud in Kenya during their visit to Kenya in 2014, they were deported back to China last week. Mampita izay fihetseham-pon'ny vondron'olona manohitra izay i Ram Govindasamy, mpandamina fiarahamonina: Ram Govindasamy, a community organizer, echoes the sentiment of the opposition block: Ram Govinda, a community activist, echoed the sentiments of the opposing group: Nentin'ny polisy tany amin'ny hopitaly ireo olona roa "noahiahiana" ireo. These two "suspects" were escorted to the hospital by the police. Police took the two "suspected" people to the hospital. Mitady Hetsika Arahan'Asa Ny Yemenita: TEDxSanaa 2013 Yemenis Looking for Action: TEDxSanaa 2013 · Global Voices Yemenis Search for Work-inflicted Movements: TEDx, 2013 · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Yemen Protests 2011. Niova hevitra i Rosia, nangataka tamin'ny Twitter amin'ny hametrahana ny rakitahirin'ny Rosiana ho ao an-toerana ihany Russia Changes Its Mind, Asks Twitter to Store Russian User Data Locally · Global Voices Russia changed its mind, asking Twitter to set up Russian data locally. Ity ny hafatr'i Nima: Here is Nima's message: Nima's message is: Noho ny fijery feno eritreritra sy malomalok'i Jake, Solomon Adufah ary Carlos Cortes. Thanks to the pensive, and morose looking Jake, Solomon Adufah and Carlos Cortes. Thanks to the spirit of Jake, Solomon Adufah and Carlos Cortes. Megakhuimyak misaintsaina ny hoavin'ireo sangany ara-politika, amin'ny fanoritsoritana ireo fironana ao amin'ny fanabeazana azy ireo: Megakhuimyak thinks over the future of the local political elite by tracing the trends in the their education: Megakhuimyak reflects on the future of political elites, describing the trends in their education: Tamin'ity taona ity ny hackathon rezionaly nomanin'ny Ciudadano Inteligente (Olompirenena Maranitra) Foundation dia nentina tany amin'ny firenena Amerikana Latinina 8: Arzentina, Bolivia, Brezila, Chile, Costa Rica, Meksika, Però ary Orogoay. This year, the regional hackathon organised by the Ciudadano Inteligente (Intelligent Citizen) Foundation is being carried out in 8 Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. This year, the Caribbean come to the country of Latin American 8: Arzentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Koa satria moa miparitaka izaitsizy ny vavahadin-tserasera mahaleo tena sy ny fampitan'olo-tsotra vaovao, mamisavisa toy izao i Gopal Krishnan: As independent news portals and citizen media contents proliferate in the country, Gopal Krishnan predicted: As independent web portal and citizen media spread, Gopal nyn reflects: Doctor Nabeel Tammam mibitsika hoe: Doctor Nabeel Tammam tweets: Dr. across the globe. Image posted by @Afraaaaaaaa (@a_s Ndao Hifidy ny Zava-Mahatalanjona Natoraly Fito Tsara Indrindra Eto Afrika Voting for the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa · Global Voices Let's Vote for Africa's Seven Best Events · Global Voices Arahabaina ny Andriamanjaka faha-5 Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck sy ny Mpanjakavavy Jetsum Pema! Congratulation HM the 5th King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and the Queen Jetsum Pema! Congratulations Gigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsum Pema! Hitsidika firenena irery mandritra ny herintaona ilay mpanao gazety amin'ny alàlan'ny Lahatsary Maggie Padlewska, hitety firenena iray isan-kerinandro ary mitontaly 52 ireo firenena hotsidihany amin'izany. Video journalist Maggie Padlewska will travel alone for one year, visiting a country each week for a total of 52 countries. Video journalist Maggie Padlewska will visit the country alone for a year, visiting a country every week with a total of 52 countries to visit. Mitazona io ny vahoakan'i Hong Kong ary jereo tsara raha tsy omena solonanarana CCP ihany koa ireo sasany aorian'ny Septambra . Hong Kong people keep it up and make sure that all the rest are surnamed CCP after the September . Hong Kong people hold it and check out if some are not given a CCP banner after September either. Milaza izao ny fanambaràna ao amin'ny vohikalan'ny KWP: A statement on the KWP website states: The statement on KWP's website says: Manam-pahaizana mafana fo amin'ny SIDA i Wan Yanhai, izay nitsoaka tany Etazonia ny volana May 2010 noho ny tahotra ny fanenjehana ara-politika, no nanamarika fa: Experienced AIDS activist Wan Yanhai, who fled to the U.S. on May 2010 out of fear of political prosecution, pointed out: AIDS activist Wan Yanhai, who fled to the United States in May 2010 for fear of political persecution, noted: @mohdalishaer: ô ry ISF, mety afaka hanararaotra ny ampahan'ny vahoaka ianao fa tsy afaka hanao izany amin'ny vahoaka iray manontolo mihitsy. ny tenimiafiko:nonofurbusiness (tsyraharahanao) #protectprivacy @mohdalishaer: hey ISF u may be able to outsmart part of the people but definitely not a whole population. my passwd:nonofurbusiness #protectprivacy @mohdalishaer: O ISF, you may be able to take advantage of the part of the population but you can't do it to the whole people. my words: mofurbusiness (you don't care) #protecpvocy Nihiaka teny filamatra ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana ary nitondra saina mifandray amin'ireo milisy Silamo Somaliana al-shabaab. Demonstrators shouted slogans and donned flags associated with contraversial Somali Islamist al-shabaab militia. Protesters chanted slogans and drew attention to Somali Islamic militants al-shabaab. Farany, sambokely iray efa rota no nivoaka avy any anaty rano mainty be tany - ary niondrana izy ireo. Finally, a small, rickety boat emerges in the black water - and they embark. Finally, a busy boat came out of the black water - and they ran. Vola alefa any! Send them money! Money to send! Andeha hiaraka amiko, omeko biriyani (vary nendasina miaraka amin'ny hena) ianareo." Come with me, I will give you biriyani (fried rice with meat)." Let's go with me, I give you biriyani." Pikantsarin'ny pejy Twitter efa tsy misy intsony "Vondrom-pikarohana momba ny Tsingerintaona ao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Tokyo." Screencap of now-defunct "University of Tokyo Birthday Research Group" Twitter page. A screenshot of the already empty Twitter page "Tombror Research Group at Tokyo University." Tsy tamin'ny basy ihany, fa nisy tamin'ny vatan-kazo. There were not only weapons, there were sticks of wood too. Not only with firearms, but with trees. Nampitroatra ireo mpamaky azy UAE Community Blog tamin'ny famoahana sombin-dahatsoratra iray. The UAE Community Blog linked to the story and published excerpts from it, generating criticism from readers. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. The UAE Community Blog has angered its readers by publishing a piece of posts. Niato avokoa ny zava-drehetra tany Arzantina nandritra ny lalao iray tamin'ny fiadiana ny Amboara Erantany. In Argentina, everything comes to a halt during a World Cup match. Everything was suspended in Argentina during a World Cup match. Vao mainka fotsiny nanosika ny olona hanao diabe sy HITAKY ny rariny ho an'ity firenena ity ireny fihetsika ireny These actions have simply motivated people to march and DEMAND justice for this country These actions have only moved people to march and to believe justice for this country. Miasa manasaraka fasika sy vato i Shilu . Shilu works separating sand and stone. Shilu works between sand and rock. Nanamarika ihany koa ny mpaka sary Masahiro Ariga fa hosoka ny sary. Photographer Masahiro Ariga also noticed that the image was fake. Photographer Masahiro Ariga also noted that the photo was fake. Ho fankaherezan-tenantsika eo amin'ny Masada , tsindrio ny 4. For fortifying ourselves on the Masada , press 4. To strengthen ourselves on Masada, press 4. Mitantana ireo mpanoratra mpilatsaka an-tsitrapo. Manage volunteer writers. Taking care of volunteer writers. Farany, taorian'ny fihodinana fanendrena sy fifidianana, dia notononina ny anaran'ireo mpandresy tamin'ny Indibloggies 2006 ka i Sameer Lal (monina ao Kanada) no nahazo ny maripankasitrahan'ny Indic Blog (Hindi) Tsara Indrindra raha i Sunil Deepak (monina ao Italia) sy i Priyaranjan Jha (monina ao New Delhi) kosa no mpifaninana manaraka azy!! Finally after the busy rounds of nominations & voting, the winners of Indibloggies 2006 were announced with Canada based Sameer Lal grabbing up the Best Indic Blog (Hindi) award while Italy based Sunil Deepak & New Delhi based Priyaranjan Jha came runners up!! Finally, after a round of nominations and elections, the winners of Indbloggies 2006 were named and Sameer Lal (in Canada) won the Best Indic Blog (Hindi) award while Sunil Deepak (in Italy) and Priyaranjan Jha (a New Delhi resident) are the next candidates!! Maro amin'izy ireo no olona tsy an'asa, mahantra, tsy nahalala tsara ary voakarama. Most of them are unemployed, deprived, ill-informed and manipulated. Many of them are unemployed, poor, ignorant and paid. Tsy misy mahamenatra na inona na inona asa atao. There is no shame in any kind of work. There is no shame in anything. Nisarika ny eritreritry ny vahoakaJaponey ireo fipoahana mampitolagaga mifangaro amin'ny fitomboana hita maso, haingana be ao amin'ilay nosy. The spectacular eruptions combined with the visible, rapid growth of the island has captured the imagination of the Japanese public. The impressive eruptions mixed with visible growth on the island have caught the attention of the Japanese people. Hetsika tena tonga soa teo amin'ny IBA ity, ny tiako ambara dia nahoana ireo vitsy ao anatin'ireo adala be zotom-po sy fatra-paniry laza loatra no mandrahona ny fandriampahaleman'ny firenentsika amin'ny alalan'ny fandefasana fanambarana diso hiarovana ny tombontsoan'izy ireo manokana. Leo ity hadalana ity izahay ary misaotra ny lalàna aho nametraka azy ireo teo amin'ny toerana sahaza azy ireo. This is a very welcome move by IBA I mean why should a few over zealous and overly ambitious idiots threaten the peace of our nation by airing some biased statements all for the sake of their personal gain.We are tired of this lunacy and I thank the law for putting them in their rightful place. This is a very welcome action to the IBA, I mean why a few of the brave and ambitious idiots are threatening our country's security by posting false statements to protect their own interests. We are fed up with this fool and thanking the law for putting them in their proper place. Io no iray amin'ireo fanontaniana ao amin'ny sehatra ifanakalozan-dresaka amin'ilay Queer Pakistan (@QueerPK), na Pakistana Hafahafa, tranonkala nisokatra vao tsy ela mikendry ny hitondra fanohanana ho an'ny vondrom-piarahamonin'ireo LGBT ao Pakistana, sy hanomboka fifanakalozan-dresaka mikasika ilay lohahevitra izay norasina ho zava-pady tao anatin'ilay fiarahamonina hoe heloka ara-pinoana sy raràn'ny lalàna ny fifanambadian'olona mitovy fananahana. This is one of the questions on the forum of the newly launched Queer Pakistan (@QueerPK) website that aims to provide support to Pakistan's LGBT communities, and start a discussion about topics that are otherwise taboo in a society in which homosexuality is religiously and legally condemned. This is one of the questions on the forum Queer Pakistan (@QueerPK), a recently launched website aimed at bringing support to the LGBT community in Pakistan, and starting a discussion on the topic that has been considered a taboo in the society as religious and legal crimes against homosexuality. "Naorin'ny fianakaviana Adda io fiangonana io," hoy Carmen Weinstein, filohan'ny Fikambanan'ny Jiosy any Ejipta (JCC). "This temple was built by the Adda family," says Carmen Weinstein, president of the Egyptian Jewish Community Council (JCC). "The church was taken away by the Adda family," says Carmen Weinstein, president of the Jewish Union of Egypt (JCC). Fikasana Hampihorohoro? An Attempt to Intimidate? A terrorist attempt? Hijoro isika ry Khrouchtchevki! Khrushchevki will survive us all! We will stand up Khrushchevki! Mampiantrano ny Fiadiana ny tompondaka erantany FIFA U-20 ny tananan'i Medellin, ary ny Football Association (FA) dia nandefa ny lahatsary fiarahabana nataon'ny tanàna ho ao amin'ny English Sub 20 tanaty lahatsoratra iray mitondra ny lohateny hoe 'Firariana tonga soa kidaladalan'ny Kolombiana." The city of Medellin is hosting the FIFA U-20 World Cup, and the Football Association (FA) posted a video of the welcome the city gave to the English Sub 20 in a post titled 'A crazy Colombian welcome'. The city of Copenhagen is hosting the FIFA U-20 World Cup, and the Football Association (FA) posted the city's welcome video on English Sub 20 in an article titled "The Goodness of Colombians." Zimbaboe: Ireo fiovana izay andrandrain'ireo Zimbaboeana fatratra Zimbabwe: What Zimbabweans want · Global Voices Zimbabwe: Changes for Zimbabweans · Global Voices Copyright Demotix (25/4/2015) Copyright Demotix (25/4/2015) Copyright Demotix (25/4/2015) No Longer at Ease dia miresaka momba izay lazainy ho "Disney World-n'ny fanandevozana": No Longer at Ease discusses "Disney World for Slavery": An early contender for the most bizarre news story of the year is that of American expats Ron and Carla Bluntschli who are, at this very moment, trying to raise enough money to create Memory Village - the first ever 'Slavery Theme Park'. No Longer at Ease talks about what he says is "Disney World of slavery": "Top Tomb": Potehan'ny mpitondra ny maha-olona ny vahoaka. "Top Tomb": Power destroys people's humanity. "Top Tomb": People are being humanised by the regime. Nefa kely dia kely ny fisalasalana amin'izany fanohanan'ny Rwanda araka ny fanazavan'ny tetikasa Usamala: Yet, there is little uncertainty about the Rwandan support as the Usamala project report explains: But there is little doubt about Rwanda's support as the Usamala project explains: Ny sasany amin'ireo asan'i Bardzimashvili, "Ilay Tany Tsy Nampanantenaina - Ny Dia Lavitr'ezak'ireo Meskhetians Hody," dia naseho tao Tbilisi, notohanan'ny Foibe Eraopeana Misahana ny Olan'Ireo Vitsy An'isa (ECMI), ary mampanaraka io lahatsoratra io amin'ny fanomezan-dàlana avy aminy. Some of Bardzimashvili's work, "The Unpromised Land - the Meskhetians' Long Journey Home," was exhibited in Tbilisi, sponsored by the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), and accompanies this post with kind permission. Some of Bardzim's works were presented in Tbilisi, supported by the European Center for Minorities (ECMI), and published this article with permission. Saingy ao Yemen dia manandrana koa ry zareo hanilika ny fitondràna." #ArabicEgo But in Yemen they we also trying to get rid of regime." #ArabicEgo But in Yemen they are also trying to overthrow the regime." #ArabicEgo Vao nifidy ny hanangana sendika ny mpanao gazety tamin'ny fivoriana fananganana azy tao Moskoa journalists have just voted to create a trade union at the founding meeting in Moscow Journalist just voted to form a union at his Moscow founding meeting Na izany aza, miaraka tamin'ny fitahian'i Allah ny fanantenantsika tsy nety lefy, nahavita nanohitra ireo orana sy tafiotra rehetra natrehantsika isika noho ny fandavantena sy ny fanetren-tenantsika. However, with Allah's blessings of staunch faith, commitment and dedication we have been able to weather all storms and tempests that come our way. However, with Allah's blessing on our endless hope, we have managed to resist all the rain and storms we face because of our dedication and humility. Maro no niampanga azy ho mamoaka lahatsoratra mampiroborobo fankahalana vahiny. Many accused it of publishing articles that promote xenophobia. Many accused him of publishing articles promoting xenophobia. Ny Martsa 2014, tantara iray tao amin'ny Times momba ny fahalalàn'ireo Pakistane manampahefana ny fivezivezena sy toerana nisy ilay mpitarika ny Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, no tratry ny sivana, ary dia saiky navela ho fotsy tanteraka ny pejy voalohany tamin'izay. In March 2014, a Times story on Pakistani authorities' possible knowledge of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts was censored, and the front page was left almost entirely blank. In March 2014, a story in the Times about Pakistani authorities' understanding of the travel and location of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was censored, and the first page was almost left white. Mihoatra noho ny fijerena ity sombin-dahatsoratra ity ny fitadiavana izay hamahana izany, satria eo ambany loza mitatao hatrany ny etikan'ny asa fanaovan-gazety, ary tsy ao amin'ny sehatry aterineto ihany izany. To ask how we can fix this is beyond the scope of this piece, as journalistic ethics are forever under threat, and not only in the online space. The search for a solution goes beyond looking at this piece, as the ethics of journalism is always under threat, and it is not just on the Internet. Rariny ve izany, na dia ara-dalàna aza ? Even if it was legal, is it ethical? Is this fair, even legal? Amin'ny maha-olompirenena - fa tsy amin'ny maha-andrimpanjakana, toy ny @EquipoPazGob (@TeamPeaceGov) - tsara indrindra raha tenifototra tsy manafintohina no iarahana mivondrona. As citizens - and not as institutions, such as @EquipoPazGob (@TeamPeaceGov) - it is best to come together under inoffensive hashtags. As citizens - not as head of state, like @EquipoPazGob (@TeamPeaceGov) - it's best to get together without a offensive hashtag. Nanome baiko ireo mpandraharahan'ny fifaindraisan-davitra ny Sampan-draharahan'ny Tolo-pifandraisandavitra Elektronika sy ny Paositra mba hanakatona ny safidy hampiasa fampiharana Viber, WhatsApp sy ny toy izany, izay nampiasaina androany nanaovana fifandraisana tsy notadiavina tamin'ny mpiserasera. The Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services ordered all telecommunication operators to turn off the option to use the applications Viber, WhatsApp and the like, which were used today for unwanted communication with the users. The Electronic Telecommunications Service and Postal Service has ordered telecommunications operators to block the choice to use Viber, WhatsApp and so on applications, which were used today for unappreciative communication with users. Mahatsiaro omem-boninahitra aho raha eritreretin'ireo mitovy asa amiko ho nahavita asa tsara. I felt honored that my peers thought I was doing a good job. I feel honored if my colleagues think I've done a good job. Tatitra mampivarahontsana Horrific reporting Terrible Report Suddenly free: Aza milaza amiko fa maranin-tsaina, mahavita zavatra, mahery ranona na i anona. Suddenly free: Don't tell me so and so is clever, capable or strong. Suddenly free: Don't tell me that you are smart, capable, strong or strong. @Tantawist: Maro ireo Ejypsiana no mialona an'i Ghonim,Esraa & 6 Aprily ny amin'ny fanendrena azy ireo hahazo ny Loka Nobel Fandriampahalemana... mahamenatra tokoa #Fail #Egypt @Tantawist: Many egyptian activists are jealous from Ghonim,Esraa & 6 April for being nominated for Nobel peace prize...what a shame #Fail #Egypt @Tantawist: Many Egyptians are jealous of Ghonim,Esraa & April 6 for their nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize... What a shame #Fail #Egypt Manafintohina. Disgusting. It's shocking. Tsy mino izy ireo fa misy dikany ny sisintanim-pirenena na ny anaram-pirenena! They don't believe national borders or names mean anything! - AFRICA IS A COUNTRY (@AfricasaCountry) April 3, 2015 They don't believe that national borders or national names are meaningful! Ary nisy ny fotoana nahatsapako ity fangorahana hafahafa ity ho azy ireo rehefa nahita azy ireo nandritra ny fotoana naharitra aho. And there was a moment I had this strange feeling of empathy towards them after seeing them for so long. And there was a moment when I felt this strange compassion for them when I saw them for a long time. Na izany na tsy izany, nanapa-kevitra ny komitin'ny mpitsabo ahitana ireo manam-pahaizana manokana momba ny fikarakarana biby fa tsy azo atao ny mitondra azy ho any Kanada noho ny toe-pahasalamany. Regardless, a medical board of animal-care specialists determined that it wasn't possible to transport him to Canada, due to his condition. However, the medical committee of animal welfare experts decided that it was impossible to take her to Canada due to her condition. Miarahaba ny ezaky ny Filoha Hajaina sady kandidàn'ny antoko APRC amin (kafaliana ny Gambiana taorian'ny fitetezan-tany naharitra herinandro tany ambanivohitr'i Gambia ao anatin'izao fanentanana filoham-pirenena 2016 izao. Gambians hail the efforts of His Excellency The President and APRC Party candidate with a rapturous welcome after a week long tour of rural Gambia as part of the ongoing 2016 Presidential campaign. Congratulations to the efforts of Vice President and party candidate APRC (the Gambians are happy after a week of travel in rural Gambia as part of the 2016 presidential campaign. Na izany aza, ireo sazy mahazo ireo mpandika lalàna dia mafy tsy zaka ho an'ny fantsom-pirenana Okraniana tsirairay. However, the sanctions for breaking the new law are hardly unbearable for any of the Ukrainian national channels. However, the sanctions against lawbreakers are strong enough for every Ukrainian national channel. #Mubarak nitondra an'i #Egypt hatramin'ny 1981. #Mubarak has ruled #Egypt since 1981. #Mubarak has ruled #Egypt since 1981. Anisan'ny nanao sonia ny fifanarahana tao Berne i Turkmenistan, izay miaro ny fizakamanana amin'ny dingana sasany. Turkmenistan is a signatory to the Berne convention , which protects copyright to some degree. Turkmenistan was a signatory to the Bern agreement, which protects property in some steps. Tafiditra ho anisan'ny anton'ny fitakian-dry zareo ny fananganana Among the demands of the protesters was the formation of an independent judiciary capable of bringing corrupt officials and the killers of the "Revolution Martyrs" to justice. Buildings are part of their demands iran:twitter sy facebook notsaraina Iran: Twitter and Facebook in Trial · Global Voices Iran:twitter and Facebook Trial · Global Voices Fa izany izany mpanohitra ny fampihenana ny fanampiana omena ny vavan'ny tsy miasa izany? Who are those opponents to lowering of the benefits for useless mouths? But this opposition to the reduction of aid to the mouth of the unemployed? Tamin'ny volana Janoary, nitarika fifampitifirana nandritra ny adiny iray teo amin'ireo mpiambina sisintany ny fifandresen-dahatra hanamboarana lalana Kyrgyz ka olona fito farafahakeliny no naratra tamin'izany. In January, arguments over the construction of a Kyrgyz road led to an hour-long shootout between border guards that left at least seven injured. In January, a campaign to build Kyrgyz roads led to an hour-long shooting between border guards and at least seven people were injured. Nanomboka ny toeram-pamboleny izy raha niverina nody mba hamboly vokatra tandrefana tahaka ny Swiss chard sy ny Tuscan Kale (legioma tena sarotra hita ao Etiopia). He started a farm back home to grow western crops like Swiss chard and Tuscan kale (vegetables that are extremely hard to find in Ethiopia). He started his farm when he returned home to grow western products such as Swis chard and Tuscan Kale (the most difficult sort of tea found in Ethiopia). An'arivony ireo olona avy amin'ny saranga rehetra no nizotra ho amin'ny hetsi-panoherana mampiasa jiron-dabozia sy mitondra fanilo. Thousands of people from all walks of life are joining in protests using candle lights and are carrying torches. Thousands of people from all walks of life marched to protest using electricity and torching. Eny ary, tsy azoko ilay izy. Well, I don't get it. Well, I don't understand it. Manaraka izany, raha nandona ny fon'ny sasany ilay sata dia tena mialatsiny indrindra aho ny amin'izany. Moreover, if that status hurt others feeling I am truly sorry for that. Then, when the status hit the hearts of some, I'm really sorry for it. Sary avy amin'i Thief12/Carlo Giovanetti tao amin'ny Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Thief12/Carlo Giovanetti via Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Thief12/Carlo Givanetti via Wikimedia Commons. Ny 9 Jona 2017, nandany tsy nisy nitsipaka ny fanaovan-dalàna handraràna io fomba fanao io ny tao amin'ny parelemantan'ny firenena, nanova ho 18 ny taona hahafahana mandeha manambady. On June 9, 2017, the country's parliament unanimously passed legislation to outlaw the practice, changing the legal marriage age to 18. On June 9, 2017, the country's parliament passed a law that would ban this practice, turning into 18 years of age in order to get married. Lago Azul, faritra atsimo. Lago Azu, southern area of the city. Lago Azul, southern S. Emhammad ALghazi, solontena diplomatika fahiny ho an'i Front Plisario, no namporisika ireo mponina ao Sahara Andrefana mba hitambatra hanohitra ny Maraokana, nilaza fa: Former official diplomat of the Polisario Front, Emhammad ALghazi, encouraged Western Sahara inhabitants to unify against the Moroccans, saying: Emhammad ALghazi, a former diplomatic representative for Front Plisario, urged residents of Western Sahara to gather against Moroccans, saying: Miezaka ny ho izay loharano (n-kevitra) izay izahay. We are trying to be that resource. We try to be that source. Nitranga tsy tapaka isa-potoana tao Oromia ny fihetsiketsehana nanomboka tamin'ny Novambra 2015, mitaky fizakan-tena bebe kokoa, fahalalahana sy fanajana ny foko Oromo, izay efa niaina fanilikilihana mitohy sy fanenjehana nandritra ny 25 taona farany. Demonstrations have taken place with regular frequency in Oromia since November 2015, with protesters demanding greater self-rule, freedom and respect for the ethnic identity of the Oromo people, who have experienced systematic marginalization and persecution over the last quarter century. The protests have taken place on a regular basis in Oromia since November 2015, demanding greater autonomy, freedom and respect for ethnic Oromos, who have experienced systematic discrimination and persecution over the last 25 years. Fampandehanana haingana ny dragona R&D fandaharanasantsika Accelerating our dragon R&D program via @wordpressdotcom - Rachael McDiarmid (@RJMcDiarmid) January 8, 2014 A quick journey to our R&D dragon program Ny vola betsaka indrindra dia avy tamin'ny governemantan'i Geraldo Alckmin, izay nandoa 4,5 tapitrisa tamin'ny dokambarotry ny governemanta tao amin'ireo gazetibokiny mpamoaka vaovao. The biggest sum came from Geraldo Alckmin's government, who paid 4.5 million in government advertising in his publisher's magazines. The largest money came from the government of Geraldo Alckmin, which paid 4.5 million government advertising in its newspapers. Mifandray amin'ity tsy fisian'ny solika ity ihany koa noho ny famatsiana mitsitaitaika nateraky ny tsy fahampian'ny tahirim-bola vahiny teo amin'ny firenena. ka dia voatery milahatra solika indray ny vahoaka amin'izao fotoana noho ny tsy fahampian'ny fanafarana.. Also linked to this is the shortage of fuel due to erratic supplies resulting into low forex reserves in the country. As such people have been queuing for fuel now and again as supplies are erratic. It is also linked to the fuel shortage due to the country's lack of foreign funds, and now people are forced to wait again for fuel due to the lack of imports. Ao amin'ny Twitter, manome ny lisitr'ireo famantarana ireo ilay Syriana @NMSyria. On Twitter, Syrian @NMSyria lists those signs. On Twitter, Syrian @NMSyria lists these signs. Sary nahazoan-dalana avy amin'i Daisy Patton. Image used with permission from Daisy Patton. Photo courtesy of Wael Patton. Hatreto, nahangona sonia maherin'ny 3.000 isa io. So far it gathered more than 3,000 signatures. So far, it has gathered more than 3,000 signatures. Teraka 100 taona katroka izay ilay namorona ny hira Kiobana malaza indrindra "Guantanamera" nosoratan'i Joseíto Fernández, ary nanoratra ny hira nandritra ny faha-20 ny taonany, hoy ny nosoratan'i VivirLatino. Cuba's most recognized song "Guantanamera" was written by Joseíto Fernández, who was born 100 years ago and who wrote the song when he was 20 years old, writes VivirLatino. The founder of the most famous Cuban song "Guantanamera" by Joseíto Fernández was born 100 years ago, and wrote the song for 20 years, writes VivirLatino. Amiko manokana, faly tokoa aho hoe mitovy isa ny solombavambahoakan'ny HDP (na hoe +1 taorian'ny adihevtra) sy ny an'ny MHP nasionalista. On a personal note, I'm so happy that HDP has the same number of MPs (or maybe +1 after some objections) as the nationalist MHP. For me personally, I am very happy that HDP MPs (or +1 after the debate) and MHP nationalists are equal. Ny tànako iray manoratra azy ity, ny iray hafa mitazona kaopy misy kafe Lareño. I write this with a cup of Café Lareño on one hand. One of my hands writes this, another holds a cup of Lareño coffee. Miandry aho hoe ato anatin'ny 5-10 taona monja, dia ho ao anatin'ny lohalaharan'ireo manampahefana ao Kazakhstan ry zareo nahazo diplaoma tany Harvard sy ireo anjerimanontolo Tandrefana hafa, izay ny hiafaràny dia tsy maintsy hisy fiantraikany aoriana kely ao. I expect that in 5-10 years only Harvard and other Western universities' graduates will be in the top league of the officials in Kazakhstan, which eventually will have its effect later on. I'm hoping that in just 5-10 years, Harvard graduates and other Western universities will be on the heads of Kazakhstan's authorities, whose demands will have a later impact. @Firas_Atraqchi: Hoy i Mubarak hoe hiandry ny fandehanan'ireo mpanohitra izy ... avy any Sharm ve? #jan25 #cairo @Firas_Atraqchi: Mubarak is saying he will wait the protesters out ... from Sharm? #jan25 #cairo @Firas_Atraqchi: Mubarak says he'll wait for protesters to walk...from Sharm? #jan25 #cairo Misaotra anareo 'mimonomonona' zavatra miabo tahàka izany, tohizo ny tolona. Thank you for being positive buzzers, keep up the fight. Thank you for such positive things, continue the fight. Napetraky ny Google ny Tolotra ho Fitadiavana Olona amin'ny fiteny Hindo sy Anglisy tao aminy mba hanomezana vaovao momba ireo olona tsy hita tany amin'ireo faritra tratry ny tondradrano. Google has set up its Google Person Finder service both in Hindi and English to offer information on missing people in the flood effected areas. Google has set up its Hindu and English-language Research Service to provide information about missing people in flood-hit areas. Talata-n'ny #Fanomezana Androany - Manomeza Ho An'ny Global Voices Global Voices Today is #GivingTuesday, a day dedicated to global generosity of all kinds. Tuesday's #Prophet Today - Give It to Global Voices · Global Voices Sary avy amin'ny mpisera Flickr OEA-OAS (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Image on Flickr by user OEA-OAS (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Image by Flickr user OEA-OAS (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Tsy noraharahian'ireo fampahalalam-baovao mahazatra isan-karazany ny fihetsiketsehana. The protests were ignored by various mainstream media outlets. The protest was ignored by various mainstream media. Any Amerika Latina sy any Espaina (ao anatin'izany i Katalàna), Carpa no anaran'ny tranolay fitondra milasy any ambanivohitra, "carpa" ihany koa no iantsoana ny tranolay lehibe fanaovana fampisehoana (cirque). In South America and in Spain, including in Catalan, which is spoken in Catalonia (the above tweet is in Catalan), a carpa is a tent; even a big circus tent is called a carpa. In Latin America and Spain (including Catalan), Carpa is the name of the rural camp, "carpa" also called the main concert tent (cirque). Mbola mitady izay zava-mahatsikaiky ihany i Jamaica Salt ao anatina tranga matotra toy izao: Jamaica Salt manages to find the humour in an otherwise serious situation: Jamaica Salt is still looking for fun in such a serious situation: Momba ireo nifidy an'i Lasso, dia hoy i Arévalo Gross: Regarding those who voted for Lasso, Arévalo Gross said: Regarding those who voted for Lasso, Arévalo Gross says: Io dia faritra niantefan'ny fanafihana Israelianina maro vao haingana teo, izay nanery an'i Mutasharrid hitsoaka ny tranony, ka lasa tsy manan-kialofana: It is an area that has been subject to many Israeli attacks in recent days, which have forced Mutasharrid to evacuate his home, becoming truly homeless: أصبحنا نازحين As soon as we left our home in Khuza'a This is a region where several Israeli attacks have recently forced Mutasharrid to flee his home, leaving him homeless: dvanpelt...dia vao mainka midina ambany i Thailand amin'ny filaharan'ny firenena nahita fahalalàna... #freejiew dvanpelt...and Thailand sinks even further down the ranks of civilized nations... #freejiew dvanpett... Thailand is going down below in a country of knowledge... #freejiew Isaorana ny tsirairay izay nandray anjara tamin'ity anio ity (26 Jolay 2016)! Thanks to everyone who played a part today! Thanks to everyone who participated in this day (June 26, 2016)! House News nivoaka indray ho Stand News, nanome aingam-panahy pejy Facebook maro dia maro manala azy amin'ny anarana. House News has relaunched as Stand News, inspiring a flood of Facebook pages poking fun at the name. House News republished as Stand News, inspired many Facebook pages to remove it by name. Nisy bilaogy koa noforonina hamatsiana fanampim-baovao momba ny fisamborana azy. A blog was also set-up to provide updates about her arrest. A blog was also created to provide updates about his arrest. Taorian'ilay fihetsiketsehana, mpandray anjara telo no notafihana sy nodarohan'olon-tsy fantatra. After the demonstration, three participants were attacked and beaten by unknown assailants. Following the demonstration, three participants were attacked and beaten by strangers. India: Hatezerana tamin'ny fianjerana fiaramanidia tany Mangalore India: Outrage At Mangalore Plane Crash India: Anger at Mangolore car crash · Global Voices Tokony hialako ve ny faritra sasany ?' " Should I avoid a certain area?'" Should I leave some areas?'" Manantena aho fa ho may any amin'ny afobe hijalijaly ela be ianao, amin'ny fanindrahindranao ny fifankatiavan'ny lahy samy lahy sy vavy samy vavy! I hope you burn in hell a long time in agony for propagandizing the homosexuals! I hope that you will be burned in hell for a long time, while you love homosexuality! Taterin'ny bilaogy Chai Kadai fa i Debendra Swain, mpikambana ao amin'ny vondrom-piarahaminona IndiaUnheard izay tsy tia POSCO no nanao ny sasany amin'ireny lahatsary ireny: Chai Kadai blog reported that some of the videos were filmed by Debendra Swain, an IndiaUnheard community correspondent who is also an anti-POSCO activist: Chai Kadai blog reports that Debendra Swain, a member of the IndiaUnheard community who does not like POSCO, made some of these videos: Taorian'izany no nanjavonany ka na nisy aza ny fanambarana ofisialy fa nisy naka an-keriny izy nandritra ny fotoana nitazonana azy vonjimaika, dia efa niely ny ahahy fa novonoina izy. After that he disappeared and despite the official version given at the time that he was kidnapped while in custody, it was widely suspected that he had been killed. He later disappeared and although there were official statements that he was kidnapped during his pre-trial detention, it was widespread that he was executed. Izaho sy ny vadiko ao anatin'ny fandrehetan-dabozia ho amin'ny fandriampahalemana ao benjasiri #respectmyvote #nofacism My wife and I with big crowd candle lighting for peace at benjasiri #respectmyvote #nofacism #2febwevote - Maxim Silentfoot (@silentfoot) January 16, 2014 My wife and I in a state of peace in Binjasiri #respermyvote #nofacism Mihetseha ! Take action! Protest! Handray anjara amin'ny Tsenan-kevitra Manerantany Anoherana ny Heloka Bevavan'ny Fandripahana ny mpanoratra ity lahatsoratra ity amin'ny Global Voices , izay hampivondrona mpandray anjara mihoatra ny 500 avy amin'ny lafy valon'ny tany ahitana olona fanta-daza ara-politika, ara-pivavahana na hafa, mpanao gazety ary tonian-gazety. This Global Voices author will be participating in the Against the Crime of the Genocide Global Forum, which is bringing together more than 500 participants from all over the world, including political, religious and public figures, journalists and editors. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. The author of this article will take part in the Global Voices Summit against the Crime Crime, which will bring together more than 500 participants from all over the world with well-known political, religious or otherwise well-known figures, journalists and journalists. 4. 4. 4. GV: Iray amin'ireo tanàna mifangaro indrindra ary be fandeferana eto Etazonia i San Francisco, ahoana no ahafahantsika manampy hitondra izany kolotsaina izany hitety an'i Etazonia? GV: San Francisco is one of the most diverse and tolerant cities in the US, how can we help transport that culture across the US? GV: San Francisco is one of the most divided and tolerant cities in the United States, how can we help bring this culture to the US? Afaka manome kely antsipirihany amin'izany ve ianao? Can you elaborate on that a bit? Can you give some details? Frantsa, izay nolazaina taty an-toerana fa nanohana ny fanonganana, dia nanitsy ny heviny ary nilaza fa Marc Ravalomanana ihany no filoha ara-dalàna araka ny lalàm-panorenana Malagasy. France which was accused by some as having, if not engineered the coup, then at the very least of supporting it, has been doing some amends of its own, saying now that it still considered Ravalomanana as Madagascar's President according to the constitution. France, which was said to have supported the coup, corrected his position and said that Marc Ravalomanana was the only legitimate president in Madagascar. Raha tiantsina ny hantona ny maha-azo antoka ny henan'alika dia tokony ho arahana maso ny toerana fiompiana izany. If we are to guarantee the food security of dog meat, the breeding farms should be regulated. If dog meat is to be suspended, it should be monitored. ' heverina fa tsy ho melodian'ny "fipetrahany teo nandritra ny taona maro ny ' Doo Doo , Doo Doo ', ka tsapany fa tokony havoaka amin'izay' 'Assuming 'Doo Doo, Doo Doo' isn't a track he's been "sitting on for years but finally felt right to release"' - Molly McGee (@mollymcgee92) 12 July 2016 'It seems 'Doo Doo, Doo Doo' won't be 'on his seat for years' so he feels he should be released' Amin'ny fotony, misy ireo milalao ny fihetsehampon'ireo vahoaka. Basically, some are playing with people's feelings. On the basis of this, there are those who play with people's feelings. Sary navoakan'i Kevin Rothrock. Indray andro, hono, nanana fikambanana kelin'ireo mpitoraka bilaogy nanokan-tena ho amin-javatra iray i Rosia. Image edited by Kevin Rothrock.Once upon a time, Russia had a small and dedicated corps of bloggers. Image edited by Kevin Rothrock.One day Russia had a small community of dedicated bloggers. Ivan Kolpakov, mpanolotra vaovao fahiny tao amin'ny kosa, vao nahavaky ilay tafatafa, tonga dia namafy kiana mivaivay tao amin'ny Facebook, ary naka ho ohatra ilay tantara "Game of Thrones" (fiadiana satro-boninahitra vy) indraindray: Ivan Kolpakov, a former reporter for, spewed vitriol on Facebook about having read the interview, and even snuck in a Game of Thrones reference: Ivan Kolpakov, a former news anchor for, just read the interview, spread strong criticism on Facebook, and at times took the story "Game of Thrones" as an example: Nolazainy fa mety ho diso ilay valiny. He said the report could be wrong. He said that the answer could be false. Mihevitra i Hussain Manawer fa ratsy vintana izy noho ny fanakanana azy matetika. Hussain Manawer thinks he is jinxed he gets stopped so often. Hussain Manawer thinks he's bad luck because he's often blocked. Hanomboka hiaina ao anaty filaminana miaraka amin'ny zafikeliny ve ireo zokiolona 2 tapitrisa ...? Will the 2 million elderly start living in quiet peace around their grandchildren...? Will 2 million elderly people start living in peace with their grandchildren...? Fanomezam-boninahitra maro no niraraka avy ao amin'ny Facebook, Twitter, tao amin'ireo bilaogy maro ary toy ny fanamarihana tao amin'ny Youtube, avy ao Kambodza, Filipina, Aostralia, Indonezia, Japana ary Portiogaly. Tributes are flowing in from Facebook, Twitter, on blogs and as comments on YouTube, from Cambodia, Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Japan and Portugal. Several tributes poured out from Facebook, Twitter, on several blogs and such comments on YouTube, from Cambodia, the Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Japan and Portugal. Tamin'ny 11:15 atoandro ora ao Moskoa, nesorina ny tsanganana kanefa mbola mitoetra ihany ny "cache." By 11:15am Moscow time, however, the post had been removed, but the cache remains. At 11:15 p.m. Moscow time, the post was removed but the "cache" still remains. Fa maninona raha hatsangana eo akaikin'ny ala? #Jo #Ajloun Why not build next to the forest? #Jo #Ajloun Why not build next to the forest? #Jo #Ajloun Kanefa, maro amin'ireo mpitoraka blaogy no tsy miombon-kevitra amin'io fanambarana io, milaza fa misy antony hafa ao ambadik'ilay fanakatonana. However, many bloggers disagree with this statement, stating there are other reasons behind its closure. However, many bloggers disagree with this statement, saying there is another reason behind the shutdown. Tao aorian'ny fiafaran'ny fampielezan-kevitr'ireo mpifaninana ho fidiana ho filoha, dia natao ny alahady 1 Jolay 2012 lasa teo ny fifidianana, ka izay tafavoaka mpandresy avy eo no ho Filohan'ny Firaisan'ny Fanjakan'i Meksika manaraka eo. Following the end of the presidential candidates' campaigns, election day was held last Sunday 1 July 2012, from which the next President of the United Mexican States would emerge victorious. Following the end of the presidential campaign, the elections were held last Sunday, July 1, 2012, and the next President of the Union of State of Mexico will be the next. Ny ady ao Kongo ankehitriny dia miha-mahazo ireo faritra arovana misy ireo babakoto any amin'ireo tendrombohitr'i Virunga, izay eo ambany fifehezan'ny mpihoko. The Congo war is spreading into the protected Gorilla sector in the Virunga mountains, which is now under the control of the rebels. The conflict in Congo is now taking over the protected areas of the babakoto in the mountains of Virunga, which are under the control of the rebels. Tamin'ny 28 Avrily, nihinjaky ny hafaliana izy rehefa nametraka fanasaziana ny Filoha Tale Jeneralin'ny Rosneft, Igor Sechin, mpiara-dia amin'i Putin, izay nampangain'i Durov ho nandroaka azy tao amin'i Vkontakte i Durov. efa nivezivezy nihoatra ny herintaona ny tsahotsaho momba ny herin'i Sechin amin'ny tambajotra sosialy lehibe indrindra ao Rosia, hatramin'ny nividianan'ny United Capital Partners izay an'i Ilya Sherbovich ny 48 isanjaton'ny renivolan'ny orinasa hatramin'ny tapaky ny volana avrily. On April 28, he gloated after the United States levied sanctions against Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin, a Putin ally, whom Durov has blamed for ousting him from Vkontakte. Rumors of Sechin's influence over Russia's largest social network have circulated for over a year, ever since Ilya Sherbovich's United Capital Partners bought 48 percent of the company in mid-April 2013. On April 28, he was thrilled when Putin's co-founder, Igor Sechin, handed down sanctions against Rosneft's CEO Igor Sechin, who Durov accused of expeling him from Vkontakte, over a year ago about Sechin's power over Russia's largest social network, since the United Capital Partners bought 48 percent of the company's capital since mid-April. Mba haharatsy ny toe-javatra, nakatona ny BaganNet, mpamatsy tolotra aterineto voalohany ao Myanmar noho ny antony voalaza fa "fanamboarana" ary tapaka avokoa na araha-maso ny ankamaroan'ireo tolotra fifandraisandavitra. To make the matter worse, BaganNet, Myanmar main ISP has been shut down by so-called "maintenance reasons" and most of the telecommunication services have been cut off or tapped. To make matters worse, BaganNet, Myanmar's first Internet service provider, was shut down for alleged "organization" and most telecommunications services were blocked or monitored. Taorian'ny fandresena mavesatra 2-0 tamin'i Nizeria sy ilay faharesena manome risi-po 1-3 tamin'i Etazonia izay andrarezin'ny lalao. This followed a strong 2-0 victory over Nigeria and an encouraging 1-3 loss to the USA, who are the tournament favorites. After a 2-0 victory over Nigeria and the 1-3-time defeat against the United States that the game is playing. "maninona raha ny fitombenana no akatona fa tsy ny sisintany' (Hvad med at lukke røven i stedet for at lukke grænserne) indray no anarana vondrona Facebook hafa - manohitra ny tolo-kevitra - izay manana mpikambana 6,263 izay mbola eo ampitomboan'isa. "What about shutting your ass instead of shutting the borders' (Hvad med at lukke røven i stedet for at lukke grænserne) is the name of another Facebook group - one against the proposal - which has 6,263 members and counting. "Why don't you want to close the border' (Hvad light at everykke røven iedet for at least another Facebook group) is the name of another Facebook group - against the proposal - with 6,263 members still growing. Misy foana ny ohatra azo raisina eo amin'ny asa fanaovana gazety, ary efa nanome tahirin-kevitra maro mikasika izany aho ao amin'ny faran'ny bokiko. There's no shortage of examples in the press, and I documented a number of them at the end of my book. There are always examples in journalism, and at the end of my book I have already provided several data on it. Tena mendrika. That's deserving. It's very good. Tsy misy zavatra manafintohina ao anatin'ny @SochiProblems, tsy misy zava-doza amin'izay zavatra tsy vita hatramin'ny farany, ary misy olona adala. There is nothing offensive in @SochiProblems, nothing horrible in that some some things aren't finished, and there are some screw-ups. There is nothing offensive in @SachiProblems, nothing bad about what never has been done, and there are stupid people. Tao amin'ny Twitter, Nasser AlQatami nanamarika hoe: On Twitter, Nasser AlQatami notes: On Twitter, Nasser AlQatami notes: Tsy faly tamin'ilay tafatafa ireo Israeliana ao amin'ny Twitter, tafatafa izay natao teo ambany fiahian'ireo mpikatroka mavitriky ny Hamas sy ny sampam-pitsikilovana Ejiptiana. Israelis on Twitter were furious about the interview, which was conducted in the presence of Hamas operatives and Egyptian intelligence. Israelis on Twitter were not happy with the interview, which was conducted under the care of Hamas activists and Egyptian intelligence agencies. Maro ireo sary mbola azo jerena eto. More photos can be found here. More photos can be found here. Raha toa ka mihazakazaka mametraka ny taratasy filatsahan-kofidiana ho Solombavam-bahoaka Kamerone ireo mpifaninana sasany ary miezaka mandresy lahatra ireo mpifidy amin'ny fampanantenana mahazatra amin'ny fifidianana ny ho mpanolotsaina monisipaly, dia manandrana mividy izany amin'ny vola sy ny fanomezana toy ny labiera sy voanjo ny sasany. While some candidates running for seats in Cameroon's National Assembly and municipal council are doing their best sway voters with sweeping but vague promises typical of elections, others are trying to buy it with money and gifts, such as beer and pistachios. While some candidates run for the Cameroonian People's Assembly and try to convince voters of the usual promises of municipal councils, some try to buy them with money and gifts such as beer and peanuts. @monaeltahawy: hjetsi-panoherana 4 no indray arahanay: topazo maso ireo tenifototra! #Algeria #Bahrain ary koa #Feb14 #Yemen #Iran ary koa #25Bahman @monaeltahawy: We're following 4 uprisings at once: keep an eye on hashtags! #Algeria #Bahrain also #Feb14 #Yemen #Iran also #25Bahman @ArabTyrantManual: We'll follow 4 protests again: take a look at the hashtags! #Algeria #Bahrain and also #Feb14 #Yemen #Iran and also #25Bahman Manana sampana dimy manerana ny firenena ny ivon-toerana ary ankizy sahirana maherin'ny 750 no mianatra ao. The institute has five branches all over the country with more than 750 underprivileged children studying at its schools. The center has five branches across the country and more than 750 children are studying there. Nandritra ny fotoana izay naha-olo-malaza lehibe azy tamin'ny hetsika fanoherana, nampatahotra ireo liberaly mpiady ho an'ny fahafahana tamin'ny fomba fijeriny tia tanindrazana i Navalny, ary nandiso fanantenana ireo nasionalista tia tanindrazana tamin'ny fijeriny amin'ny maha olona afaka azy izy. Throughout his time as the biggest star of the protest movement, Navalny has worried liberals with his nationalist views, and disappointed nationalists with his liberal views. During his time as an important figure in the protest movement, Navalny was afraid of liberal freedom fighters in his patriotic views, and disappointed nationalists with his vision of being a free person. Nahavita fianarana tao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Addis Ababa i Assefa. Assefa graduated from Addis Ababa University. Assefa graduated from Addis Ababa University. Ny loko volombatolalaka indray no manamarika rivotra maloto sy ny fantsona mpitondra entona fandrehitra izay haorina tsy ho ela. The gray stripe symbolizes Vladivostok's filthy air and the gas pipes which soon will be built. The gray color marks the polluted air and the gas pipeline that will soon be built. Doughodushab nanao antso avo ho an'ireo Iraniana mba hiaro ny farihy Urmia sy i Azerbaijan. Doughodushab calls on Iranians to defend Urmia Lake and Azerbaijan. Doughodushab has been calling for Iranians to protect the lake and Azerbaijan. Nandihy niaraka tamin'ireo Pariziana izay Venezoeliana, Kiobàna, Maraokana ary Syriana aho tamin'io alina io. That night I danced with Parisians who were Venezuelans, Cubans, Moroccans and Syrians. That night I danced with Parisians who were Venezuelans, Cubans, Moroccans and Syrians. Mandray anjara amin'ny tetikasam-paritra momba ny Hacks/Hackers ihany koa i Sandra Crucianelli amin'ny alalan'ny famoronana fampiharana vaovao ahafahana manangona sy manara-maso ny angona. Crucianelli also works with the local chapter of Hacks/Hackers to create new apps for collecting and displaying data. Sandra Crucianelli also participates in the regional HDs/Hackers project by creating new applications to collect and monitor data. Mahafehy tsara ireo fiteny roa izahay, ezahanay ny hanome araka izay tena izy ny endrika tena izin'i Syria. Being perfectly bilingual, we try to give the most faithful image of Syria. We are mastering both languages, we try to give the real face of Syria. Na izany aza dia nanambara ny Filohan'ny Holafitry ny Mpisolovava Fijiana, Dorsami Naidu, fa noho izy ireo heverina ho manam-pifandraisana amin'i Raw Fiji News, bolongan'olona tsy fantatra anarana ary henjana dia henjana amin'ny fitsikerana ny fitondra-miaramila tarihin'i Frank Bainimarama no antony nisamborana azy ireo. However, Dorsami Naidu, President of Fiji Law Society claimed the men were detained in alleged connection to Raw Fiji News, an anonymous blog that is highly critical of the regime of military ruler Frank Bainimarama. However, the President of Fiji's Attorney General Dorsami Naidu announced that they were arrested because they were supposed to have contact with Raw Fiji News, an anonymous blog that was extremely critical of Frank Bainimarama's military rule. Tamin'ny 18 Jolay, nivadika ho loza ny fitsangatsanganana tamin'ny fahavaratra raha tratran'ny oram-baratra ny vondron'ankizy sy mpampianatra nitaingina sambo tao amin'ny lasim-pahavaratra ao amin'ny faritra Karelia ao Rosia. Image by Kevin Rothrock.On June 18, a summer excursion turned tragic when a storm overtook a group of children and instructors out for a boat ride at a summer camp in Russia's Karelia region. On July 18, the summer journey turned into a disaster when a group of children and teachers on a boat in Russia's Karelia region was hit by heavy rains. Miteny i Cojocari fa misy vahaolana roa ho an'i Transnistria - ny iray dia tsotra sady haingana, ary ny iray hafa kosa dia sarotra sady lava: Cojocari suggests there are two solutions for Transnistria - one is simple and rapid, and the other one tough and protracted: Cojocari says there are two solutions for the country - one is simple and quick, while the other is complex and long: Sarotra ny fiainana - fidiram-bola kely sy hetra mavesatra. Life is difficult - low incomes and heavy taxes. Life is hard - low income and heavy taxes. Mpikatroka ara-politika ihany koa ity poeta sady mpihira ity izay niandany tamin'ny antoko ankavia, sarangan'ny mpiasa. The poet and singer was also a political activist that sided with the left-wing working class. This poet and singer is also a political activist who sided with the left-wing, working class. LOharanom-baovao malaza ao Iran ny BBC Persian, saingy tsy afa-miasa ao amin'ny firenena iraniana. BBC Persian is a popular news source in Iran, however it cannot operate inside the country. BBC Persian is a popular news outlet in Iran, but cannot work in Iranian countries. Tsy vitan'ny hoe nampandray anjara ny vondrom-piarahamonina tamin'ny fanasongadinana ny talenta sy ny kolontsaina ao an-toerana ihany ny "WeBeat," fa nanome tosika ny fandraharahana tao amin'ny faritra ihany koa izany. Not only did "We Beat" involve the community in highlighting local talent and culture, it also gave a boost to the area's businesses. WeBeat not only involved the community in highlighting local talent and culture, but it also encouraged business in the region. @ElFenomenoCruz: Arahaba ry Pôrtô Rikô, New York, sy ny ambiny rehetra manerana an'izao tontolo izao. @ElFenomenoCruz: Good morning Puerto Rico, New York, and the rest of the world. @ElVémenoCruz: Good morning Puerto Rico, New York, and all the rest of the world. Ny tena ratsy dia manaiky ity fanapahan-kevitra mandeha ila ity ny fitondrana ankehitriny ary tsy mety hiaro ny tombontsoan'ny besinimaro. Worse, even the current administration sanctions this one-sided step and seems to refuse in protecting the interests of the larger population. What is worse is that the current administration is accepting this decision and refusing to protect the interests of the public. Vadin'ny filoham-pirenena Zambiana teo aloha, namoy ny ainy teo amin'ny faha-84 taonany i Betty Kaunda. Zambia's former First Lady, the late Betty Kaunda, dies at 84. Zambia's Ex-President's First Lady, Bety also lost her life at the age of84. Raha ny marina, matetika no misy fikarakaràna seho ho fankalazàna ny lanjan'ireo 'void decks'. In fact, exhibitions are often organized to celebrate the value of void decks. In fact, there is often a show to celebrate the importance of the hard disks. Noho izany amin'ny manaraka ianao rehefa mividy zavatra izay tsy tena ilainao, dia manontania tena aloha hoe: tena mila izany ve aho? So the next time you buy something that is outside your necessity, ask yourself: do I need it? So next time you buy something that you don't really need, ask yourself: Do I really need it? Maro amin'ny mpanoratra malaza sy mpanoratra gazety ao Myanmar no naneho ny ahiahiny amin'ny fanomezana sazy mpavesatra ny mpanoratra gazety. Many prominent writers and journalists in Myanmar have expressed concern about the harsh punishment given to the journalists. Many well-known writers and journalists in Myanmar have expressed concern over the heavy punishment of journalists. Manoratra ho an'ny bilaogy itambaram-be Nawaat, ambaran'i Henda Chennaoui fa mitaky ny hanaovana "ny hetsika revolisionera ho toe-draharaha ara-drariny" ilay fanentanana. Writing for the collective blog Nawaat, Henda Chennaoui says the campaign is claiming "the situational legitimacy of the revolutionary act." Writing for the collective blog Nawaat, Henda Chennaoui says the campaign calls for "the revolutionary movement to be a fair situation." Nampahafantatra momba izany fihoara-pefy izany sy ny vaovao momba ny foibem-pampianarana ahitana fihetsiketsehana, ary koa izay hetsika manaraka ataon'ny mpianatra i Chile Movilizado. Chile Movilizado is responsible for reporting these abuses along with occupied or striking campuses and future actions of the movement. Chile Movilizado informs about this abuse and the news of a protest-based educational center, as well as the next student movement. Io laharana voalohany io no atolotra ireo "tranobe manana fahamendrehana valisoa, izay mendrika ny ezaka rehetra tokony atao mba hiarovana azy raha azo atao." The grade one ranking is assigned to "buildings of outstanding merit, which every effort should be made to preserve if possible." This first issue is presented to "the award-winning buildings, which deserve all the effort needed to protect them if possible." Ilay fikambanana - 'Pervyi Raz' (Ny fotoana voalohany) - dia mampirisika ireo tanora mpifidy mba hivoaka ka handeha hifidy. The organization - 'Pervyi Raz' (The First Time) - is encouraging the young electorate to get out and vote. The organization - 'Pervyi Raz' (the first time) - encourages young voters to go out and vote. Toy izao ny dikanteny amin'ny teny Kyrgyz: "Ry vehivavy, ATO amin'ity trano ity ny toerana ." The translation from Kyrgyz reads: "Woman, your place is in THIS house." The Kyrgyz translation reads: "Women, we have heard the place from this house." Apetrakao amin'ny varavarankelin'ny fiara ny lohanao mba hahazo ny tsioka malefakin'ny milina fampangatsiahana hampisinda ny hatezeranao noho ny fiandràsana ela sy ny daniky ny masoandro. You rest your head on the car window so that the air conditioner's cold breeze cools you from the anger of waiting and the sun's fury. Put your head on the window of the car to get the hyacinth of the cooling machine to ease your anger over long-term heat and the sun's heat. Nahatonga ny olona hiresaka ao amin'ny media sosialy ny fifantohan'ny fampitam-baovao, kanefa ny marina dia tsy zava-baovao ao India ny fametrahana ny amanin'omby vavy ho vokatra, na Gomutra. The flurry of media attention had people talking on social media, but the truth is that cow urine, or Gomutra, as a product is nothing new in India. Media attention has caused people to speak up on social media, but the fact that the cow's milk is a product, or Gomutra, is not something new in India. Tsy Hitabataba izahay saingy ho re, amin'ny 9 ka hatramin'ny 10 alina We won't Shout but we will be Heard @SharmaKadambini: #IndiasDaughters 9pm to 10pm" - sonia singh (@soniandtv) March 8, 2015 We will not shout, but we will hear, from 9 to 10 p.m. Efa alim-be ny 3 Desambra, Lilia Shibanova, mpitarika ilay fikambanana dia nosamborina tao amin'ny seranam-piaramanidin'i Sheremetyevo ao Mosko. Late at night on December 3, Lilia Shibanova, head of the association was detained at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. Late at night on December 3, Lilia Shibova, leader of organization was arrested at Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow. Rondon, ilay Venezoelana mpanao gazety, milaza hoe ny famonoan'ny governemanta ny asan'i Suprani no tena mampivalaketraka. Rondon, the Venezuelan journalist, says what's really depressing is the government's suppression of Suprani worked. This post is part of our special coverage Venezuela Protests 2011. Venezuelan journalist Rondon says that the government's murder of the work in the country is the most controversial thing. Sary avy amin'ilay mpampiasa Flickr Yersinia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). Avy any Paris, ilay mpanao gazety, Ammar Abd Rabbo, no nanamarika hoe: Image by Flickr user Yersinia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).From Paris, journalist Ammar Abd Rabbo commented: Photo by Flickr user Yersinia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0). From Paris, journalist Ammar Abd Rabbo noted: Tsy voalohany amin'ny fidiran'ny polisy amin'ny teknolojia vaovao izy ity. This is not the police's first foray into new technology. This is not the first time that police have access to new technologies. Niditra an-tsehatra teo amin'ny firenena i Frantsa taorian'ny nandrahahonan'ireo mpitolona Silamo hanao diabe tao Bamako ny Desambra 2012, nantsoina tamin'izany hoe Hetsika Serval. France intervened in the country after Islamist militants threatened to march on Bamako in December 2012 in what was then called Operation Serval. France entered the country after Muslim militants tried to march in the country in December 2012 under the so-called Serval Movement. "Ity no fotoana handraisana fepetra...hanomana hetsika fitadiavam-bola aho entina anakaramana vola be ny mpitondra fivavahana iray avy amin'ny finoana hafa raha toa ka afaka mandresy lahatra an'I Lohana ianao mba hidirany ao anatin'ny finoana misy anao ankoatran'ny finoana Jiosy. "It is time to act... I am kicking off a fundraiser to pay any cleric from any other religion a significant amount of money if you can convince Lohan to join your religion instead of Judaism. "This is the time to take action... I'll organize a campaign to pay a huge amount of money to a cleric from other religions if you can convince topna to enter your religion except Jewish faith. Ao amin'ny lahatsariny, novokisany miaraka amin'ny fitantarana indray ny horonantsary fohy mitondra ny lohateny hoe "Zaodahy nahatratra ny Anabaviny miaraka amin'ny Filahiana Kilalao Ngezabe ary avy eo Nanampy Azy" ny mpijery ny Facebook-ny In his video, he regaled his Facebook audience with a retelling of a PornHub short film titled "Step Brother Catches His Sister With a Big Dildo and Then Screws Her." In his video, he re-tabled a short film titled "A Young Man's Right With the Ngezabe Team and then helped him" on his Facebook audience. Angamba ny vadin'ny filoha Iliyev, Mehriban Aliyeva, no nahazo ny seza azo antoka indrindra ao amin'ny parlemanta, izay tafaverina teo amin'ny toerany tamin'ny vato 96,7% . Perhaps the safest seat in the house went to President Iliyev's glamour-obsessed wife First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva, who ended up returning to office with 96.7% of votes. Perhaps President Iliyev's wife, Mehriban Aliyeva, won the most secure seat in parliament, which returned to office with 96.7% of the vote. Vote4Africa vondrona iray mpisolovava no namehy ny tranga ao amin'ity bitsika eto ambany ity: Vote4Africa an advocacy group summarized the case in the tweet below: Vote4Africa summed up the case in the tweet below: Sary nalaina tao amin'ny ary nahazoan-dalana. Photo taken from and used with permission. Photo taken from and used with permission. Samy manana ny andraikiny manokana ny tsirairay ao anaty sambo ary mila miaraka miasa ry zareo. Everyone on the boat has their own responsibility and they need to work together. Everyone has their own responsibilities on board and they need to work together. Ramatoa Monsef, teraka tany Afghan, mpitsoa-ponenana, no Minisitra vaovaon'ny Andrimpanjakana Demokrâtika ao Kanadà, ao amin'ny kabinetran'ny Praminisitra Justin Trudueau ahitàna tanora sy karazan'olona maro. Monsef, an Afghan-born refugee, is Canada's new Minister of Democratic Institutions in Prime Minister Justin Trudueau's young and diverse cabinet. Ms Monsef, who was born in Afghan refugee Afghan, is Canada's new Minister of State Democracy, at Prime Minister Justin Trudueau's cabinet of young and diverse people. Loka Eropeana Ho An'ny Fanampiana Ireo Voakasiky Ny Krizin'ny Fanaovana Antoka any Espaina European Award for Helping Victims of the Spanish Mortgage Crisis · Global Voices European Prize for Helping Spain's Crisis of Security · Global Voices Mitobaka ny Graffiti mandritra ny fotoanan'ny fiovana politika sy sosialy ary lasa endrikanà herim-bahoaka hanohitra ny herin'ny manam-pahefana. Graffiti explodes in periods of political and social changes and becomes itself a form of public power to resist authoritarian power. Graffiti is active during times of political and social change and has become a form of mass force against the power of authorities. Anasilao kely izany dia ataovy ao anaty pita, dia hahazo shawarma ianao - hena nentin-paharazana eny an'arabe any amin'ny Faritra Afovoany Atsinanana. Shave some off into a pita, and you've got shawarma - the quintessential Middle Eastern street meat. Think about it and put it in a hospital, and you'll get a shawarma - a traditional meat on the street in the Middle East. Taorian'ny tsindry hazolena natao ny vahoaka tahaka izany dia niteny ny Ministeran'ny Fampianarana fa boky iray monja no notsoahin-dry zareo mandritra ny fotoana maharitra, fa mbola dinihana kosa ny amin'ireo ambiny. After such public pressure, the Department of Education said they had only permanently eliminated one book, but were still evaluating the rest. Following the pressure on such people, the Ministry of Education said they had only one book for a long time, but were still looking into the rest. Ireo mpizaha tany hahafantatra ny mikasika ny raharaha amin'ny alàlan'ny aterineto dia tsy te-hitsidika ihany koa ny firenentsika. Foreign tourists who will learn about case on the Internet will also not want to visit our country. Tourists who know about the case online don't want to visit our country either. Raha misy rivo-doza lehibe mamely indray, tsy manana toerana malakaka hametrahana ireo tra-boina ao an-tanàna izahay. If a big typhoon hits again, we have no other big evacuation center in the city. If a major storm strikes again, we don't have a comfortable place to put up with the city's victims. Raha mahazo ny zo sivily, sosialy sy ara-toe-karena ireo Palestiniana, nefa tsy omena ny zom-pirenana Libaney, dia miantoka ny filàn'izy ireo ny hiverina any amin'ny taniny izany, mitsipaka ireo firarian-tsoan'i Etazonia-Isiraeliana ho an'ny Palestiniana ny hampidirana azy ireo amin'ny tontolo Arabo - ary hamela ny mombamomba azy ireo amin'ny fomba rehetra - ary hamela ireo Palestiniana hampivoatra ireo satany raha monina mipetraka any ivelan'ny tanindrazany izy . If the Palestinians are mandated civil, social and economic rights without being given Lebanese citizenship then it will work towards safeguarding the necessity of returning home, refuting US-Israeli wishes for the Palestinians to integrate into other parts of the Arab world - thus leaving behind their identities in some for or fashion - and allowing Palestinians to improve their status while living outside of their homeland. While Palestinians enjoy civil, social and economic rights, without being granted Lebanese citizenship, it ensures their need to return to their homeland, refusing to be introduced to the Palestinian world by the United States-Palestinian goods - and leaving their identity in any way - and allowing Palestinians to develop their status if they live outside of their homeland. "Hatrany Holandy ka hatrany Kiordistàna" dia manana ilay lahatsoratra mitantara ny nandaozan'ny Praiminisitra Tiorka, Recep Tayyip Erdogan ilay valan-dresaka vao haingana ho an'ny mpanao gazety rehefa reny fa manatrika ao ireo mpitati-baovaon'ny Kurdish Roj TV any Danemarka. Koa satria tsy mbola hita izay tsaho sy marina amin'ity tantara ity, dia teraka ny vazivazy manakorontan-tsaina momba ny Piraiminisitra. From Holland to Kurdistan has a post about a recent press-conference where Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, left the conference upon hearing that reporters from Denmark-based Kurdish Roj TV were present, while the rumor and the truth of this story is still left to be found, it has spawned a series of paranoia jokes about the Prime Minister. "The Netherlands to Kurdistan" has an article about Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's escape from the recent press conference when he heard that Kurdish Dang TV reporters are present in Denmark. As there is still no rumors or truth in this story, a disturbing joke about the KMT has been born. Izaho ve? Me? Am I? Manantena izahay fa hanao ny tsara indrindra ihany koa ny ao amin'ny Zoo ao Taipei, izay hiandraikitra ny fikarakarana azy ireo. We hope the staff at the Taipei Zoo, who will take care of them next, will also do their best to care for them. We hope that the Zoo in Taipei will do their best, which will take care of them. Toa an'i Orlando Zapata sy Juan Soto, dia feno ny ràny ny tanan'ny fitondrana jadon'i Castro. Like Orlando Zapata and Juan Soto, his blood is on the hands of the Castro dictatorship. Like Orlando Zapata and Juan Soto, the hands of Castro's dictatorship are covered with blood. Toy ny kabary atolotry ny Praiminisitra ho an'ny vahoaka rosiana ilay hira. The song is composed as an address by the prime minister to the Russian people. The song is like a speech given by the Prime Minister to the Russian people. Nisokatra io. "fahaverezana" navadika ho "tsy fahampiana" ao amin'ny fandikàna teny. It was open. "loss" switched to "shortage" in the translation quotes. It opened. The translation has been turned into "a failure." Nisy ireo toa nitia izany: Some seemed to love it: Some seem to like it: Na dia izany aza, nanazava i Mario Duran, bilaogera monina ao El Alto, fa mbola manan-tsafidy ny mpanohana an'i Morales raha manohitra azy tsy mahazo mirotsaka hofidiana ny fanapahan-kevitry ny Fitsarana: However, as Mario Duran, a blogger based in El Alto, explained , Morales' supporters still have an alternative if the court rules against allowing him to run again: However, Mario Duran, a blogger based in El Alto, explained that Morales' supporters still have a choice if the court's decision is against him from running: Efa ho herintaona lasa izay no nifarana ilay Kaonferansa, ary dia mbola miandry hatrany ny vokany avy amin'ny NDC hotanteraka ireo vahoaka ao Yemen. The Conference ended almost a year ago, and the people of Yemen are still waiting for the outcomes of the NDC to be realized. The rally ended nearly a year ago, and Yemen's people are still waiting for the NDC results to come true. Tantara mampalahelo Read and weep A sad story Tena simba tanteraka ity planeta ity. This planet is in really bad shape. This planet is completely damaged. Akom-baovao Tao Amin'ny Tontolon'ny Bilaogy Toniziana Echoes from the Tunisian Blogosphere · Global Voices Updates in the Tunisian blogosphere · Global Voices Manomboka ny fanisana ary miampita amin'ny isa azo marihina isika, 100 andro tokoa manko sisa. The countdown is on and we are about to cross the psychological number of 100 days left to go. The counting begins and we cross the point by 100 days. Voalohany indrindra, mampiasa izany sehatra izany izahay ato amin'ny fandaminana mba hampiely vaovao sy fanambarana ara-politika. Firstly, we at the organization are making use of these platforms to spread information, news and political statements. First of all, we use this platform in the organization to spread information and political statements. Pikantsary. Screenshot. Screenshot. Ny teboka nampitsimbadika ny raharaha dia rehefa injay voalaza fa nanome 3 tapitrisa dolara amerikana tolo-botsotra maimaim-poana ny governemanta ho an'ny Black Stars talohan'ny lalao nifanandrinany tamin'i Portiogaly ho fiadiana ny Amboara Erantany, lalao izay nahalavo azy ireo. The tipping point was when the government allegedly delivered 3 million US dollars appearance fee in cash to the Ghana Black Stars ahead of their World Cup match against Portugal, a match that was lost. The turning point was when the government reportedly gave US$3 million for free to Black Stars before the match against Portugal as the World Cup, which they became. Lazain'i Mubalama fa mampihemotra ireo mpifindra monina vaovao izay nanana fanantenana avobe hahita fiainambaovao ao Amerika ny tolona atrehana mba hahitàna fialofana sy hitazonana ny trano mandritry ny fotoana maharitra. Mubalama says the struggle to find and maintain basic shelter in the US discourages new refugees who had high hopes for their new life in America. Mubalama says the struggle to find shelter and maintain the house for a long time is a relief for new immigrants who had high hopes of finding a new life in America. Nampian'ny fanambaràna ofisialy moa fa hampiditra ny pasipaoro biometrika "lasa aloha" ry zareo. The official statement adds that Lebanon would soon adopt an "advanced" biometric passport. The official statement added that they would introduce the "delayed" Burmese passport. Nanoro hevitra ireo mpiseran'ny media sosialy i Etoile Oye, mpahay toe-karena: Etoile Oye, an economist, advised social media users: The economist Atoile Oye advised social media users: Samy hafa izany. This is different. That's different. Izay rehetra tian-dry zareo omana dia azony atao amin'ny alalan'ny Firenena Mikambana raha tsy azo itokisana ny manampahefana Birmana. Whatever they wish to supply can go through the UN if Burmese authorities are not reliable. Everything they want to prepare can be done through the United Nations if Burmese authorities are not trusted. Santionany amin'ny pejy isam-bolana amin'ny Fanisanandro "Pretra + Saka." A sampling of the monthly pages in the "Priest + Cat" calendar. A sample of the monthly page of the "Priest + Cat" calendar. Izay koa no fahitàn'i Courtnie azy. Courtnie sees it the same way. That was the case with Courtnie. Ny resaka nandritra ny fifidianana amin' izao fotoana izao izao dia misokatra eo amin'ny , izay lehibe indrindra any Zeorzia, toerana izay nahitana olona naneho ampahan-dahatsoratra avy amin'ny Lalam-panorenana Zeorziana maneho hoe andalana aiza no nohitsahin'ny polisy. The topic, along with a poll, was opened on , the largest in Georgia, where one user posted excerpts from Georgian Constitution illustrating which articles had been violated by the police. The current election talk is open to the , which is the largest in Georgia, where people have shown part of an article from the Georgian Constitution showing where the police lined. Nisy tranga maromaro hafa hita avy eo tamin'ny manodidina ny faritanin'i Zhejiang, Anhui ary Jiangsu, ka niteraka siosion-dresaka fa mety ho fatin-kisoa manakaiky ny 15000 hita tao amin'ny reniranon'i Shanghai tamin'ny volana lasa no nampiparitaka ny aretina. More cases were soon diagnosed in the neighbouring Zhejiang, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces, sparking speculation that nearly 15,000 dead pigs found in a Shanghai river last month might have contributed to the outbreak. The Chinese government has so far rebuffed any correlation. A number of other incidents have been discovered in the vicinity of the provinces of Thebes and Jiangsu, resulting in speculations that nearly 15,000 dead pigs could be found in Shanghai's river last month. Tsy ela anefa dia nenjehan'ny fitondrana izy ireo, izay niafara tamin'ny fanapotehana ny Studio vaovaon'izy ireo. "studio tao amin'ny toby ary novatsian'ny Firenena Mikambana vola izy io, izay nantsoinay hoe Sawt Al Shaab (Ny feon'ny Vahoaka)," hoy i Yasser Jamous, mpikambana iray ao amin'ny tarika, tamin'ny Syria Untold. They soon became persecuted by the regime, which ended up destroying their brand new studio. "It was a UN-funded studio in the camp, we used to call it Sawt Al Shaab (The Voice of the People)," Yasser Jamous, one of the band members, said to Syria Untold. Before long, however, they were prosecuted by the government, which ended up in the destruction of their new version. "It was held in the camp and was funded by the United Nations, which we called the Sawt Al Shaab (The Voice of the People)," said a member of the group, in Syria Untold. Nikaroka aho ary nahatsikaritra fa tsy misy ny lisitry ny bolongana Nikaragoana, nefa manana ny azy kosa ireo firenena manodidina. I searched and found that there was not a Nicaraguan blog directory, even though our neighboring countries had their own. I researched and noticed that there is no list of blog blogs in Nicaragua, but neighboring countries have their own. Sary nalain'i Sapo Noticias Timor Leste (sehatra ho an'ny daholobe). Photo by Sapo Noticias Timor Leste (public domain). Photo by Sapo Noticias Timor-Leste (public domain). RT @streetrover: Midi #Madagascar: l'ambassade @USMadagascar félicite la décision de Marc Ravalomanana (naotin'ny mpamoaka: Tsy voamarina ity fampahalalam-baovao ity ary tsy nipoitra tao amin'ny rohy navoaka) hery hery #Madagascar Primature bloquer les pistes d'aerodromes locaux avec des futs remplis d'eau RT @streetrover: Midi #Madagascar: l'ambassade @USMadagascar félicite la décision de Marc Ravalomanana (ed's note: This information is not verified and did not appear in the posted link) hery hery #Madagascar Primature bloquer les pistes d'aerodromes locaux avec des futs remplis d'eau RT @streetrover: Midi # likely: l'ambassade @US likely sincelicite la déciation de Marc Ravalomanana (the publisher's note: this media has not been confirmed and hasn't appeared in the link) the force # likely Primature bloquer les pistes d'aerodromes locaux avec des futs remplis d'eau "Lasa aiza ny niafaran'ny ambim-bola ho an'ny fitateram-bahoaka? "Where will the subsidy for public transport end up? "What's the end of the public transportation fund? Singapore: Kolikoly Manafintohina Singapore: Corruption Scandal in Least Corrupt Nation · Global Voices Singapore: Disgusting Corruption · Global Voices Nametraka teritery teo amin'ny fifandraisan'ny firenena roa tonta, indrindra eo amin'i Hongria sy ireo mpiray vodi-rindrina aminy roa ao atsimo, sy teo amin'i Serbia sy Kroasia ary Slovenia ny fihetsika mifanipaka eo amin'ireo governemanta ireo. The divergent responses by these governments has put pressure on bilateral relations, in particular between Hungary and its two southern neighbors, but also between Serbia and Croatia and Slovenia. The contrast between these governments has put pressure on relations between both countries, especially Hungary and its two allies in the south, as well as Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. Efa nivoaka 8 volana lasa izay ny didim-pitsarana saingy ny fanentanana samihafa hamotsorana ny helok'izy ireo no nampiverina indray ity raharaha ity hanaitra ny fifantohan'ny olona. The ruling came out 8 months ago but an increased online campaign for clemency for the farmers put the story back into public awareness. The verdict was issued 8 months ago but various campaigns for their sins have renewed the case to raise public attention. Nanintsana ny fahamaroan'ny olona nanao fihetsiketsehana hiarovana ny tontolo iainana hatramin'izay izany isan'ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana izany. The number of protesters has broken the record of all previous mobilization on environmental issues. This number of protesters has destroyed the number of people who have been protesting for the environment ever since. Tsy mahagaga raha manana ahiahy ny mponina any Hong Kong. No wonder the people of Hong Kong have doubts. It is not surprising that Hong Kong people have concerns. - Fikambanana avy amin'nyfiaraha-monim-pirenena miorina any Soudan ve ianao? - Are you a Sudan based civil society organization? - Are you a Sudan-based civil society organization? Tamin'ny taona 1986, nanatontosa valan-dresaka ho an'ny mpanao gazety teo anoloan'ny McDonald ao Taipei i Chi, 28 taona tamin'izany, lasa lehilahy pelaka voalohany niseho vahoaka tao Taiwan izy. In 1986, the 28-year-old Chi hosted a press conference in front of a McDonald's in Taipei, becoming the first openly gay man in Taiwan. In 1986, Chi, 28, was holding a press conference in front of McDonald's in Taipei, becoming Taiwan's first gay man. Ao anatin'ity hafatra ity dia ambarany fa na ny fandraisana anjara amin'ny fifaninanana hatsaram-bika aza dia afaka manampy hiadiana amin'ny fanamelohana ireo mitondra VIH: In this post she talks about how participating in a beauty contest can help fight the stigma around HIV: In this post he says even participation in the beauty contest can help fight the condemnation of HIV patients: Tokony tamin'ny telo taona lasa izy no nanao izao. She should have done that three years ago. He did this about three years ago. Raha toa misy vondron'olona tena marefo ao anaty fiarahamonina Breziliana, dia ny vehivavy izay, indrindra indrindra vehivavy mainty hoditra. If there is a group of people within Brazilian society who are the most vulnerable, it's women, especially black women. If there is a group of most vulnerable people in Brazilian society, it is women who, in particular, are black women. Raha iverenana ny tamin'ny volanajanoary tamin'ity taona ity, nanambara tao amin'ny Twitter ny Masoivohon'i Etazonia tao Beijing fa ny haavo PM2.5 dia efa "ambonin'ny fetra," izany hoe mihoatra ny 500. Back in January of this year, the US Embassy in Beijing announced on Twitter that the PM2.5 level was "beyond index," which means a reading above 500. Back in June this year, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing announced on Twitter that PM2.5's level is already "the basis of limits," meaning more than 500. Izao no nosoratan'i Realist Diva (@Da4RealDiva) any Bulawayo: Realist Diva (@Da4RealDiva) in Bulawayo wrote: Realist Diva (@Da4RealDiva) wrote in Bulawayo: Fanehoan-kevitra misimisy: More reactions: More reactions: - Tokony hofoanan'ny governemanta ny vokatr'ireo fakàna hevitra tany aloha. - The government should nullify the results of previous consultations. - The government should cancel the results of previous hearings. Misy ny manolo-kevitra ny hampidiran'ny fanjakana ao amin'ny fandaharam-pianarana ny fampianarana ara-pivavahana; tahaka ny hevitry ny depiote Serigne Mansour Sy Djamil izay manombana fa an'ny fanjakana, izay ampangainy nisintaka tamin'ny sekoly koranika hahantra mba ho fampiroboroboana ny fanabeazana repoblikana . Some commentators have suggested that the government might introduce religious instruction into the general school curriculum. Serigne Mansour Sy Djamil , a member of parliament and a religious leader, has argued that the government is responsible for the Medina fire. He has accused the government of abandoning Quran schools, leaving them to face poverty so that it can fund its republican education agenda. Some suggested that the state include religious education in the curriculum; just as MP Serigne Mansour and Djamil believe that the state belongs to the state, which they have banned from poor schools in order to promote republican education. Tamin'ny 28 Jona, natomboka tamin'ny OccupyGhana tao amin'ny Facebook ilay hetsika, ary ny 1 Jolay dia mpanjohy efa maherin'ny 3.000 no azony hanohana ilay hetsi-panoherana. The movement was launched on Facebook as OccupyGhana on June 28, and by July 1 it had over 3,000 followers in support of the protest. On June 28, the event started with OccupyGana on Facebook, and on July 1, it received more than 3,000 followers in support of the protest. Sahirana mihintsy aho mitady izay fomba hataoko mikasika io toe-javatra io. I've been struggling with what to do about this situation. I'm busy looking for ways to deal with this situation. "Eny an-dalambe hatrany ny sofiko." "My ear is always out on the streets." "My ears are always on the streets." Misy dikan-teny amin'ny fiteny Anglisy ihany koa nataon'i Kareem James Abu-Zeid. An English-language translation is also available by Kareem James Abu-Zeid. There is also an English translation by Kareem James Abu-Zeid. Lasa singa iray fanalahidin'ireo hetsika nanerana ny firenena tamin'ny 2009 nanoherana ny hosoka tamin'ny fifidianana sy ny kakay amin'izay mipetraka eo amin'ny fitondràna ny fikatrohana an-tserasera. Online activism became a key component of nationwide protests in 2009 against electoral fraud and deep rooted grievances against the ruling establishment. Online activism has become a key element of protests across the country in 2009 against election fraud and influence over those in power. Saingy marina ve ny voalazan'i Altynbekova fa vita hatreo ny vanim-potoanan'i Borat? But is Altynbekova right about Borat's time being up? But is Altynbekova right to say that the Borat era is over? Vao haingana ny minisitry ny fizahantany, ny varotra ary ny indostria no nanome fahazoan-dalana hanorina tranobe misy rihana 60 eo amin'ny faritry ny tranom-bakoka ho fiasan'ny ministera. The Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry recently sanctioned the construction of a 60-storey building for the ministry offices on the site that currently houses the museum. Recently, the minister of tourism, trade, and industry granted permission to build a 60-storey building on the site of the museum for the ministry to operate. Ny gazety El País nanondro an'i Herrera ho lakilen'ny fandresen'i Meksika: Newspaper El País identified Herrera as the key factor in Mexico's victory: newspaper El País referred to Herrera as the key to Mexico's victory: Manampy trotraka ny El Niño El Niño adding intensity Add to El Niño · Global Voices Ny sasantsasany amin'ireo fitsaràna ny hafa A portrait of prejudice Some of the trials of others Topi-maso Arabo: Aorian'ny Facebook, Miala any ny Hatebook Arabeyes: After Facebook, Comes Hatebook · Global Voices Arab Eye: After Facebook, Hatebook Is Out · Global Voices Nohaniko haingana ilay sakafo dia natory aho. I ate very fast and slept. I quickly ate the food and slept. Mandà ny hihira ho an'ny vehivavy irery i Mahsa Vahdat. Mahsa Vahdat refuses to perform for women only. Mahsa Vahdat refuses to sing only for women. Kanefa raha toa ka tsy lasa fako izy ireo? But what if they didn't become trash? But if they aren't garbage? Pikantsary avy amin'ny saiitatra iray mampiseho lalao LEGO tamin'ny 1986 novokarina tao Hongria. A screen shot from a 1986 LEGO sports cartoon produced in Hungary. Screenshot from a bridge showing LEGO match in 1986 produced in Hungary. Ny fampianarana any amin'ny Oniversite maharitra efa-taona ao Etazonia dia mitentina anelanelan'ny $40.000 isan-taona any amin'ny farany ambany (hoan'ny mpianatra mankany ami'ny oniversitem-bahoaka ao amin'ny fanjakana misy azy) ka hatrany amin'ny $125.000 mihoatra ho an'ny mpianatra mankany amin'ny oniversite tsy miankina - ary dia resaka saram-pianarana fotsiny aza izany. A four-year university education in the US costs between $40,000 per year on the low end (for a student attending a public university in his or her home state) to more than $125,000 for students attending private universities - and that's only tuition fees. Education at a four-year-old university in the United States costs between $4,000 per year to the minimum (for students to go to public universities in their state) to $125,000 for students to private universities - and it's just about tuition. Nilaza ihany koa ireo olona voakasiky ny fandroahana fa tsy ilay didim-panjakana mampiato ny fandroahana no vahaolana fa lalàna ahitana ireo teboka telo izay nasongadin'ny PAH. The affected person added that the solution is not a moratorium but rather a law that contains the three points that PAH has emphasized. The people affected by the eviction also said that the solution is not the state order that suspends evictions, but a law with three points that have been highlighted by the protesters. Natao hitily ny "loharanom-baovao tsy ara-dalàna sy manohintohina" ireo ekipan'ny pôlisin'ny Aterineto ireo, misoroka ireo teny sy fihetsika ratsy, mandefa tatitra momba ny tranga miseho, ary miambina amin'ireo mpanao heloka amin'ny aterineto. The Internet police teams are meant to detect "illegal and harmful information," prevent improper words and deeds, publish case reports, and guard against cyber criminals. These online police teams are meant to cover "illegal and harmful information", avoid negative words and actions, report incidents, and keep watch over criminals online. Ny filoha Shinoa Xi Jinping nandray ny filohan'i Zimbabwe nandritra ny fitsidihana tamin'ny aogositra 2014. Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomed Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe during a visit in August 2014. Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomes Zimbabwe's president during a visit to August 2014. Nifarana izany nofy ratsy izany rehefa navotsotra izy ireo taorian'ny nandoavan'ny ray aman-drenin'izy ireo onitra na dia nantsoin'ilay mpanadihady ho "tsy fifankazahoan-dresaka" aza ilay zava-nitranga. Their nightmare came to an end when they were released after their parents bailed them out even though the investigator called what happened a "misunderstanding." This nightmare ended when they were released after their parents paid compensation even though the investigators called the incident "not an exchange." Noho ny ady nivaivay sy ireo zera baomba goavana, i Manila no renivohitra faharoa tena rava indrindra tamin'ireo Mpiaradia (nanaraka an'i Varsovia, Polonina) nandritra ny Ady Lehibe II. Because of the fierce fighting and heavy bombings, Manila became the second most devastated Allied capital (next to Warsaw, Poland) during World War II. As a result of the brutal war and heavy bombings, Manila was the second most devastated capital of the United States (with Varsovia, Poland) during World War II. Ahoana ny hevitrao amin'izany? What are your thoughts on this? What do you think? Tsapanay ny horohoron-tany tao Gangtok, Sikkim nandritra ny fotoana maharitra. We felt the earthquake in Gangtok, Sikkim, for a long time. We felt the earthquake in Gangtoto, Sikkim for a long time. Natao tamin'ny 2008 ny fanomezana ho an'ny tsy miankina ny Algérie Télécom (AT),- ilay goavan'ny tolotra aterineto sy ny telefaona an-tariby sy finday - tamin'ny fotoana izay nialàn'ny Lacom, ilay mpandraharaha faharoa tsy ho eo amin'ny tsena indrindra, taorian'ireo taona telo niasàny, tamin'ny nitanisàny ireo sàkana faneriterena tsy ahafahana mifaninana amin'ny Algerie Telecom, ka namela ny AT hanao ampihimamba virtoaly ny tolotra aterineto manerana an'i Alzeria. The privatisation of Algérie Télécom (AT),- the main operator of Internet services and fixed and mobile telephone services,- was called off in 2008, at the same time as second operator, Lacom, exited the market after three years of operations, citing regulatory barriers that made it impossible to compete with Algerie Telecom, leaving AT with a virtual monopoly over Algeria's internet services. The private donation to Algérie Télécom (AT), the Internet service giant and mobile phone - was made in 2008 - at a time when Lacom, the second most prominent businessman in the market, left behind three years of business, citing restrictions on competing with Algerie Telecom, allowing the AT for virtual Internet companies across Algeria. Niampanga ny volavolan-dalànan'i Villanueva ny AlterMidya, tambajotran'ireo vondrona media tsy miankina, nolazain'izy ireo fa "fikasana tsy tompon'andraikitra, tsy ilaina sy mampidi-doza hametrahana endrika sivana amin'ny fahalalaham-pitenenana sy ny fahalalahan'ny asa fanaovan-gazety izany." AlterMidya, a network of independent media groups, denounced Villanueva's bill as "irresponsible, unnecessary and dangerous attempt to impose a form of censorship on free expression and press freedom." AlterMidya, a network of independent media groups, accused the bill of doing so, saying it was "unregistered, unnecessary and dangerous to create a form of censorship for freedom of expression and freedom of the press." Nahoana no tsy tia loko mamirapiratra ny Shinoa ? Why don't the Chinese like amber? Why don't Chinese like bright colors? Iza no tohananao, ary araka ny eritreritrao iza no tena mpandresy amin'io ady io? Who were you rooting for, and who do you think the real winner of this battle is? Who are you supporting, and to whom do you think the real winner of this war will be? Japan Subculture Research Japan Subculture Research Japan Subculture Research Miray hina aminy isika. We stand in solidarity. We are in union with him. Arabe mankany Coyhaique, Jorge Espinoza C. (@espinozacuellar): Road to Coyhaique, Jorge Espinoza C. (@espinozacuellar): Road to Coyhaique, Jorge Espinoza C. (@espinozacuellar): Araka ny filazan'ny tatitra, in-efatra nangataka fanampiana tamin'ny polisy ilay niharam-boina talohan'ny namonoana azy. According to the report, the victim had asked police for help four times before she was killed. According to reports, the victim asked the police four times before she was killed. Ny Kaomisiona Keniana Mahaleotena Momba ny Fifidianana Sy Ny Vakim-paritra - Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) - miaraka amin'ny Mpandrakitra ireo antoko Politika dia namoaka ny lisitr'ireo mpikambana anaty antoko politika, isaky ny antoko politika tsirairay avy, tao amin'ny tranonkalan'ny IEBC, feno pejy iray izay azon'ireo Keniana anaovana fangatahana ny angon-drakitra momba ireo mpikambana voasoratra isaky ny antoko politika tsirairay. The Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) in collaboration with the Registrar of Political parties published lists of party members registered in each political party on the IEBC website complete with a page where Kenyans could query the database of registered members for each political party. The Kenyan Independent Electoral and Regional Reading Commission (IEBC) has published a list of political parties, each political party, on the IEBC website, full of pages where Kenyans can request data about registered members of any political party. Nanamarika i Elector Ecuador, mpampiasa Twitter, fa ny andron'ny fifidianana dia "nahindrahindra" tao amin'ny Twitter ny tenifototra iray entina hamaritana ny PAIS ALLIANCE, raha atao amin'ny teny hafa dia nandoa vola ilay antoko mba hisongadina tsara tao amin'ilay tranonkala. Twitter user Elector Ecuador noted that on election day a hashtag related to PAIS Alliance had been "promoted" on Twitter, in other words that the party paid for more visibility on the site. Twitter user Elector Ecuador noted that on the day of the election, a hashtag to describe PAIS ALIALNCE, in other words, paid for the party to be featured on the website. Nitatitra ny Al Jazeera ao Tiorkia, ny Talata alina, tsy ela taorian'ny nanalàna ilay fibahanana ny Twitter, fa misy didim-pitsaràna Tiorka hafa indray mikendry ny Google. Al Jazeera Turkey reported Tuesday night, not long after the Twitter ban was lifted, that there was another Turkish court order aimed at Google. Al Jazeera in Turkey reported on Tuesday night shortly after the blocking of Twitter, but another Turkish court order targeted Google. Fifangaroam-piainana Voajanahary mahavariana ilaina fantarina Stunning flora and fauna to discover An amazing mix of life that needs to be identified Miandrandra ny sanda mora kokoa sy manara-penitra ary hafainganam-pandeha malaky ireo mpitoraka blaogy. Bloggers are looking forward to faster speeds and cheaper and more reliable access. Bloggers are looking for cheaper and reasonable prices and speed speeds. Tsy Ho An'ny Toeram-pisakafoanana Fotsiny Intsony ny Maodelin'ny Sakafo Plastika Ao Japana In Japan, Plastic Food Models Aren't Just for Restaurants Anymore · Global Voices Japan's Pistic Food Crisis Is Not Just a Food Site · Global Voices Taorian'ilay didim-pitsarana, ilay Ejiptiana bilaogera Mahmoud Salem, na Sandmonkey, nibitsika hoe: Following the verdict, Egyptian blogger Mahmoud Salem, or Sandmonkey, tweets: Following the verdict, Egyptian blogger Mahmoud Salem, tweeted: Vovoka, tabataba, tany mihotsaka, fanamboaran-dalana, rano maloto, ary fanimbàna ny fiainana anaty ala, ireo karazam-borona miavaka ahafantarana ny faritra - ao anatin'izany ireo 16 izay mihorohoro - dia mety ho very. Dust, noise, erosion, road construction, water pollution, and blasting all affect wildlife, and the region's notable diversity of bird species - including 16 that are threatened - could plummet. Dust, noise, soil, road construction, water pollution, and destruction of forest life, the unique species of birds that identify the area - including the 16 who fear - can be lost. Sary famantarana iray ho fahatsiarovana ny zava-nitranga ny Alahady tao Hama, nampiasain'ireo mpampiasa Twitter An avatar in remembrance of Sunday's events in Hama, used by Twitter users A sign to commemorate Sunday's events in Hama, used by Twitter users. Nandamoaka ny andrana nataon'i Berdymukhamedov tamin'ny 2007 hanesorana ireo sahafa be fandraisana zanabolana noho ny kiaka avy amin'izao tontolo izao. Berdymukhamedov's attempt in 2007 to dismantle satellite dishes failed due to an international outcry. Berdymukhamedov's 2007 experiment to remove large satellite fields due to global outcry. Nitory teny tao amin'ny YouTube ny eveka Katolika tao Filipina. Catholic bishops in the Philippines have been preaching on YouTube. Catholic bishops in the Philippines have been preaching on YouTube. Nandrava ny fiheveran-diso rehetra mikasika ny ankizivavy sy ny fanatanjahan-tena i Tajamul, tena nahomby tamin'ny fanatanjahantena ifanandrinana izy izay mitaky fahakingana, fanazarantena henjana, ary herim-batana be dia be. Tajamul has broken every stereotype about girls and sports, excelling at a contact sport that requires skill, hard training, and a lot of physical strength. Tajamul has destroyed all negative views about girls and sports, and he has been very successful in sports that calls for balance, intense training, and a lot of physical strength. "Lehiben'ny Mpandoto Resaka Antserasera'? 'Troll-in-Chief'? 'A giant of online trolls'? Ny mpanohana an'i Chávez, fantatra amin'ny hoe Chavistas, etsy ankilany ary ny etsy andaniny kosa ny mpanohitra dia ahitana tsy ny saranga antonony sy ambony fotsiny tahaka ny teo aloha, fa ahitana ny olo-tsotra rehetra mahatsapa fa mila fiovana ny firenena. The supporters of Chávez, known as Chavistas, in one side and on the other the opposition composed not only by the middle class and the elite as before, but also by common people that feels that the country needs a change. Chávez's supporters, known as greatistas, on the other hand and on the other hand the opposition include not only middle and upper classes, but all ordinary people who feel the country needs change. Zeorzia: Mpanao gazety voaroaka fa niteny fankahalana tao @ Facebook Georgia: Journalists Dismissed Because of Facebook Hate Speech · Global Voices Georgia: Journalist fired for speaking hate on Facebook · Global Voices Hanamarihana ny fialam-boly, dia andeha isika hijery ny fironana farany sy ny fanavaozana nitranga avy amin'ny fianakaviamben'ny boky fampihomehezana any Brezila amin'izao fotoana izao. To mark the holiday, let's take a look at latest trends and innovations arising from the comic book community in Brazil. To celebrate entertainment, let's look at Brazil's latest trends and updates from today's comic book community. Fanampiana ireo Yemenita mpanao hetsi-panoherana, naratra, mandram-piandry ny fiara mamonjy voina, nandritra ny fifandonana taorian'ny hetsika am-pilaminana tao Sanaa renivohitra. Wounded Yemeni demonstrators are helped to a waiting ambulance during clashes following a peaceful demonstration in the capital. Helping Yemeni protesters, injured, while waiting for ambulances, during clashes following peaceful protests in the capital Sanaa. Namana manan-danja izy ireo, izay afaka manampy amin'ny fanitarana ny fomba fitantanan'ny fitondràna ny sekta ho fanoherana ireo fitroaram-bahoaka. They are valuable allies who endorse the sectarian narrative of the regime against social uprising. They are important friends who can help expand the way the regime manages the sect in protest of popular unrest. Nanomboka tamin'ny volana Martsa 2013 no nanaovan'ny mpitantana ao an-toerana io kinasa io ary nanomboka tamin'izay no nanangona'ireo mpandray anjara ireo vaovao ilaina momba ny tontolo iainana manodidina an'i Seferihisar. Seferihisar's local government initiated the project March 2013 and since then participants have gathered crucial information about the nature surrounding Seferihisar. The project was launched by the local administration in March 2013 and since then, participants have collected information about the environment surrounding Seferihisar. Tsy mason-tsivana na tondrozotra no ilain'i Yemen, fa ny fahavonan'ny iraisam-pirenena mirotsaka hamaha tokoa ny krizy maro manelohelo manohintohina ny filaminana sy ny fiainana milamina. What Yemen needs is not a checklist or a roadmap, but real international engagement based on the very real crises impeding progress toward stability and security. Yemen needs not a set or description, but the international failure to deal with the many crisiss that threaten peace and security. Ity tsangambato vita amin'ny vatosokay ity dia efa teo ambany fifehezan'ny Byzantines, Grika, Ayyubids, Ottomans, ary ireo hafa, ary ireo nambabo azy ireo dia samy namela marika teo amin'ny maritranony sy ny manodidina azy avokoa. The limestone monument had fallen under the control of Byzantines, Greeks, Ayyubids, Ottomans, and others, and each of its various conquerors left their own mark on it architecturally. This archaeological monument has already been under the control of Byzantines, Greeks, Ayyubids, Ottomans, and others, and each has left a mark on its architecture and its surroundings. Nakatona tsy nisy fampilazàna ny "House News," vohikala mpilaza vaovao iray malaza mpiaro ny demôkrasia any Hong Kong nalaina tahaka avy amin'ny Huffington Post, ny 26 jolay. The House News, a popular pro-democracy news site in Hong Kong modeled after the Huffington Post, was shut down without warning on July 26. House News, a popular pro-democracy news site in Hong Kong, was shut down without a notice on July 26 following a follow-up by thethesis Post. This post is part of our special coverage Hong Kong Protests 2011. Tsaroan'i Winter ny tantara notantarainà namana iray taminy momba ny mety ho fanombohan'ny fanenon'ny valala antoandro benanahary rehefa hanakona ny masoandro ny volana mandritra ny fanakòna-masoandro. Winter remembered a story a friend told him about how crickets can start to chirp in the middle of the day as the moon covers the sun during an eclipse. Winter remembers the story of a friend who told her about how it would start when the moon covered the sun during the eclipse. Natsangana ny Sarintany An-tserasera hanaraha-maso ny fizotry ny tondra-drano sy hampilaza ny olona izay mety ho fiitatry ny voina. Online maps have been created to monitor the floods and inform the public on the extent of the flooding disaster. An online map was created to monitor the flood process and inform people who could be affected by the disaster. Maneho ny taratry ny fironana tsy mitsaha-mitombo amin'ny fifandraisana misy eo amin'ireo firenena roa ireo izany, izay mitranga amin'ny samy olona tsirairay. It reflects a growing trend of interactions between these two countries happening on an individual level. This reflects the growing trend of relations between the two countries, which happens to individuals. Toerana iray efa tsy vaovao intsony amin'ny tantara ratsy any anaty trano fitsaràna i Rosia. Russia is a place that's no stranger to courtroom outrage. Russia is no longer a new place in court scandal. Isan-kerinandro ianareo no handrosoana mpikambana iray avy ato amin'ny fikambananay amin'ny alalan'ny kaonty Instagram @globalvoicesonline. Every week, you are being introduced to a unique member of our community through our @globalvoicesonline Instagram account. Every week you will reach a member of our community via @globalvoicesonline's Instagram account. Tonga tao amin'ny morontsiraka Mactan ihany koa ny solitany. Oil spill also reached Mactan beaches. Oil also reached Mactan beach. Ejipta: Kianjan'ny fahafahana, andron'ny fahafahana Egypt: Liberation Square on Liberation Day · Global Voices Egypt: Freedom Square, Day of Freedom · Global Voices Vondrona mpahay teknolojia izy io ary nampiasa fatratra ny tambajotram-piarahamonina hisintonana ny olona, indrindra fa ny tanora. It is a tech-savvy group that has been making wide use of social media to engage the people, especially youth. It is a technology group that has been actively using social networks to attract people, especially young people. Tsy nanan-tsiny, nampihomehy sady nahalatsaka. So innocent, funny yet poignant. They were innocent, funny and bitter. Tsy hiala eto ny olona raha tsy miala i Mubarak. #tahrir The people wont leave here till mubarak does. #tahrir People will not leave if Mubarak doesn't leave. #ArabTyrantManual "Niraradraraka nanodidina anay ny baomba androany. "Shells have been going off all around us today. "Today's bomb broke around us. Saripika: Emil Jovanovic/Ohrid SOS, nahazoana alalana. Photo: Emil Jovanovic/Ohrid SOS, used with permission. Photo by Emil Jovanovic/Ohrid SOS, used with permission. Bangladesh ambany toerana angamba no firenena marefo indrindra amin'ny fiantraikan'ny fiovan'ny toetrandro. Low-lying Bangladesh is perhaps the most vulnerable nation to the impacts of climate change. Bangladesh may be the most vulnerable country to climate change impact. Noho izany dia amporisihina hanambady ry zareo rehefa vita ny fianarany. So after their studies they are pressured to marry. So when they finished school, they are encouraged to get married. Somary mahagaga fa hatrizay dia miara-miasa amin'ny lehilahy foana ny vehivavy tao Ejipta hatramin'ny andro nanjakan'ireo Farao tany amin'ny faritra amoron'ny Nil !! Strangely women have been always working with men in Egypt since the days of the Pharaohs in the fields on the banks of the Nile!! It is quite surprising that women in Egypt have always been working with men since the days of Pharaohs in the coastal region of the Nile !! Etsy andanin'izany, nisy ihany koa ny hafatra ho an'i Chisinau na koa tena fiantsiana ady mihitsy amin'ny fiodinana faharoa amin'ny fifidianana ao an-drenivohitra ary koa mikasika ny fitsidihana tsy amin'ny fomba ofisialy ao amin'ny izay noheverina hatao any Moskoa amin'ny 21 Jona. Therefore, it was a message to Chisinau or even a provocation ahead of the second round of the elections in the capital and ahead of the informal consultations in the scheduled to take place in Moscow on June 21. On the other hand, there was also a message for Chisinau or even a real war over the second round of elections in the capital as well as about an unofficial visit to what was supposed to be held in Moscow on June 21. Kambôja: nanokatra ny fitsarana manokana ny Khmer Rouge i Duch Cambodia: Reactions as Duch opens Khmer Rouge Tribunal · Global Voices Cambodia: Duch opens his own Khmer Rouge trial · Global Voices " Na dia tsapantsika aza ny hetaheta handray fiadiana na hiantso fidirana an-tsehatry ny tafika, dia lavinay io fepetra io. Last month the Local Coordination Committees of Syria (AR), one of the protest's leading networks and now member of the Syrian National Council stated "while we understand the desire to take up arms or to call for military intervention, we reject this position. "Even if we feel the desire to take up arms or call for military intervention, we reject this measure. Tamin'ity indray mitoraka ity, mpampianatra manana ny maha-izy azy, mpitarika am-panahy, mpandihy ary mpanakanto ao amin'ny Sololá i Lisandro Guarcax no niharany . This time, the victim was a respected rural teacher, spiritual guide, dancer and artist from Sololá: Lisandro Guarcax. This time, Lisandro Guarcax was a prominent teacher, a spiritual leader, a dancers and an artist at Sololá. Mizara ny heviny momba an'i Gaza i Rime Allaf Rime Allaf shares her thoughts on Gaza Rime Allaf shares his thoughts on Gaza "Tahaka ny alternatera amin'ny fiara." "It's like the alternator from a car." "As a car driver." Antenaina fa hampitombo ny famokarana angovo ao Kamerona ny fanamboarana ny toha-drano, amin'ny haben'ny izay vinavinaina ho 7.250 miliara metatra toratelo amin'ny fitahirizan-drano ka hanenika velarana 610 km2. The dam is expected to the increase energy production of Cameroon with a planned capacity of 7.250 billion cubic meters for a reservoir that will cover 610 km2. It is hoped that the construction of the dam will increase the production of energy in Cameroon, by the size of what is estimated to be 7.250 billion feet [7.50 m] of water from the water level to a height of 610 km2. Ankizy Koreana mianatra ao amin'ny "hagwon (fanampim-pianarana)." Young Korean children studying at a "hagwon." Korean children studying at "hagwon." Satria ambany ny fetran'ny "bande passante." Because this bandwidth's capacity is low. Because the "bande pasante" is low. Tamin'ny 1948, anisan'ireo Palestiniana 70.000 voatery niala tao Ramleh, ilay vohitra manodidina an'i Lydda, sy ireo vohitra manodidina rehetra, ny raibeko sy ny fianakaviany. In 1948, my grandfather and his family were among the 70,000 Palestinians who were forced to leave Ramleh, the neighboring town of Lydda, and the surrounding villages. In 1948, my grandfather and his family were among the 70,000 Palestinians who were forced to leave Ramleh, the village around Lydda, and all the neighboring villages. Notafihan'ny Sampam-piarovana sy Fitsikilovan'ny Firenena (NISS) indroa ny biraon'izy ireo, tamin'ny Martsa 2015 sy Febroary 2016, ary nataon'ny polisy famotorana imbetsaka ny mpiasan'ny vondrona ary nogiazana ny antontan-taratasy sy ny fitaovana elektronikan'izy ireo. Their offices were raided twice by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), in March 2015 and February 2016, with police repeatedly interrogating the group's staff and confiscating their documents and electronic devices. Their offices were attacked twice by the National Security and Intelligence Service (NISS) in March 2015 and the group's employees were interrogated several times and confiscated their electronic devices. Mitoetra ao anatin'ny tantara ny valin'izany, izay tsy ho afaka averintsika soratana indray izao. The answer to this lies in history, which we cannot re-write now. The answer lies in history, where we cannot write again. Nanambara ity praiminisitra Monja Roindefo ity fa hatramin'izao dia izy no mitantana ny firenena. He declared then that his camp was now in control of the country. The Prime Minister Manja Roindefo has announced that he is still in charge of the country. Fa maninona no tsy atao amin'ny programa miady amin'ny TB/VIH ny fahamehana tahaka izany? Why cant such urgency be brought to anti-TB/HIV program? #tickingTimeBomb - Trouble-phile Indian (@shakti_garg) October 26, 2014 Why not use TB/VIH's anti-sposing program? Nilaza Ny Arsevekan'i Sypra Fa "Afa-po' Tamin'ny Fandresen'ny Antoko Ankavanana Tamin'ny Fifidianana The Archbishop of Cyprus Says He's 'Satisfied' With a Far-Right Party's Election Success · Global Voices Sypra's Bishop Says 'Satissy' of the Right Party's Election Victory · Global Voices Ny fihetsika nataon'ny manampahefana Yogoslavy dia notarafina avy amin'ny fihavaozana nataon'i Atatürk tany Torkia, izay hita vatana ao amin'ny Lalàna Mifandraika Amin'ny Fitafiana Voarara nolaniana tamin'ny 1934. The Yugoslav authorities' actions mirrored Atatürk's Reforms in Turkey, which were epitomised by the Law Relating to Prohibited Garments passed in 1934. The move by the Thai authorities came from Atatürk's reform in Turkey, which is seen as a body in Turkey's Anti-Hindus Law, which was passed in 1934. Ny tolotra aseho vahoaka dia azo apetraka ao amin'ny wiki amin'ny fotoana rehetra sady azo hatsaraina mandrakariva araka izay itiavana azy, fa tsy maintsy vita alohan'ny 30 novambra ho avy izao izany (tsy haiko izaho mpandika ho teny Malagasy koa moa hoe ora inona no iafarany). Public applications can be posted on the wiki at any time and can be reworked as often as the applicant sees fit, but all applications must be finalized by the November 30 deadline. The public domain is available at any time and can be improved as always, but it must be done before November 30 (I don't know what time it will take). Nambara ny ampitso maraina manodidina ny tamin'ny 7ora ny valim-pifidianana farany. The final results were announced at around 7 am the next morning. The final results were announced the next morning at around 7am. Nanaraka fiofanana momba ny tao-trano, tsy nitandro hasasarana ihany koa i Parveen niasa nanangona rakitra mikasika ireo tany eny amin'ireo ambanitanàna tsy mitsaha-mitombo ao Karachi, mba hiarovana azy amin'ny mafia mpangala-tany, izay efa an-taonany maro no naharaisany fandrahonana ho faty. A trained architect, Parveen also worked tirelessly to document land in the ever growing slum and in Karachi, to protect it from the city's notorious land mafia, who she had been receiving death threats from for years. Following a real estate training course, Parveen also worked hard to collect data about lands in Karachi's growing rural villages to protect her from land-grabbers, which she has been under threat for years. Homem-boninahitra ny anarany Her news in honor Honoring His Name Ranabavy Reshma - niverina avy any anatin'ilay lavaka lalina ianao. Sister Reshma - you have come back from the dead hole. Sister Reshma - you're back from the deep pit. Matetika izy ireo no matoky loatra, manana fahazakàna ambony dia ambony, ary ireo lasibatra nahita fianarana ambony kokoa- dia te-hiavaka hanana samirery, na anatin'ny vondron'olona iray manokana. They tend to be excessively trusting, have a high risk tolerance, and - especially the more educated victims - have a need to feel exclusive, or part of a special group. They are often too confident, high-ranking, and higher education victims - or in a particular group. Ny blogoma (anarana hafa iantsoana ny tontolon'ny fitoraham-blaogy Maraokana) sy ireo Maraokana maro mampiasa Twitter dia nandray tamin'ny fomba hafa ny kabary tany Kaira. The blogoma (acronym for Moroccan blogosphere) and many Moroccan Twitter users reacted differently to the Cairo speech. The blogoma (the name of the Moroccan blogosphere) and many Moroccans who use Twitter received the speech in Cairo differently. Ny sampana iray filazambaovaon'ny Tencent dia nanamarika taorian'ny nisamborana azy fa ny tatitra tsy azo hozongozonina nataon'i Zhang taloha dia nampifohafoha volo ireo manampahefana maro tao an-toerana. The news arm of Tencent, one of China's best-known online portals, noted after his arrest that Zhang's tenacious reporting had in the past ruffled the feathers of a number of local officials. This post is part of our special coverage Europe in Crisis. A news agency at the time of his arrest noted that Zhang's long-standing past reporting made many local officials wake up. Fito taona taorian'ny nanangana azy, izay namoahana lahatsoratra teo amin'ny an'arivony sy fanehoan-kevitra maherin'ny iray tapitrisa, nanjary nankany amin'ny sehatra midadasika amin'ny asa fanoratan-gazety ity bilaogy manokana ity ankehitriny. Seven years after its inception, with nearly a thousand articles published and over one million comments, this personal blog is now drifting towards the broader space of journalism. Seven years after its creation, which has published around a thousand articles and more than a million comments, this particular blog has now gone to a wider level of journalism. Misy fanontaniana 34 ananana 3 herinandro iresahana azy. There are 34 questions with 3 weeks to go. There are 34 question - and - answer questions. Amin'ny maha-"Chief of Staff" azy, hoy ny soratr'i Sokoloff, dia niandraikitra amin'ny fikarakarana hananihana an'i Eoropa i Lobov, indrindra fa amin'ny fampiasana fiara mifono vy maro. In his position as Chief of Staff, wrote Sokoloff, Lobov was in charge of devising strategies for invasion of Europe, especially ones using large numbers of tanks. As a "Chief of Staff," Sokolff wrote, Lobov was responsible for organizing Europe, especially by using several tanks. Mbola tsy matoky izany anefa ny mpiserasera maro. Many netizens, however, remain skeptical. Many netizens, however, are still skeptical. Tamin'ny taratasy miavaka manokana nomena ny media tao an-toerana, ny biraon'ny Roskomnadzor ao Kamchatka no nampitandrina fa hotoriany ho "ekstremista" any amin'ny fitsarana izay rehetra mamoaka ireny vontoaty ireny. In a special letter to the local media, Kamchatka's Roskomnadzor office warned that it would prosecute anyone who published such content as an "extremist." In a special letter given to local media, Roskomnadzor's Kamchatka office warned that it would sue anyone who posted these content in court. Raha lohalaharana ity firenena ity amin'ny fampandrosoana, maro no mihevitra fa raha mihamatanjaka ny lafiny ekonomia dia tsy misy lanjany kosa ny olona. As the country moves ahead in its development, many feel that while the economy is getting strong, people's lives remain worthless. While this country is at the top of development, many think that if the economy gets stronger, people don't matter. Liwei Zhong nitatitra ny toe-piainan'ny "loutres" ao amin'ny lahatsary Facebook: Liwei Zhong reported on the otters' condition with a video on Facebook: Liwei Zhong reported on the situation of lotres in a Facebook video: Fahasalamana: Health: Health: Nomena fanairana hitandrina tsara avokoa ny mpiasan'ny fiarovana rehetra ao Ankara raha nampitandrina amin'ny hisian'ny fipoahana misesisesy ny fitsikilovana, hoy ny tatitry ny fampitam-baovao amin'izao fotoana izao All security personnel put on high alert in #Ankara as intelligence warns of new wave of blasts, media now reports - TurkJourno (@TurkJourno) February 17, 2016 All of Ankara's security personnel were given sound alert when intelligence warned of a series of explosions, the media reports are now reporting. Tahaka izany ihany, nisy ny fanehoana fanohanana ho an'i Espaina sy ny firaisankinan'ny fanjakana amin'ny fotoanan'ny krizy. Similarly, there were displays of support for Spain and the unity of the kingdom in times of crisis. Similarly, there were expressions of support for Spain and state solidarity in times of crisis. Fampiasàna nahazoana alalàna Used with permission Used with permission Miady koa izy ho an'ny fanafoanana ny heloka ataon'ny mpiavy antsokosoko ary maniry ny hanalalahana ny tsenan'ny asa ho an'ireo vahiny. She was also fighting for repealing the crime of illegal immigration and wants to make the job market more accessible to foreigners. He is also fighting for an end to illegal crime and he wants to remove the job market for foreigners. Azo vakina ho toy ireny toro-làlana amin'ny fiainana ambanivohitra ireny ilay izy. It can be read as a rural sociology textbook. It can be read as a guide to rural life. Fotoana izao hamaranana ilay faribolana vetavetan'ireo mpanjaka vaovaon'ny zava-mahadomelina izay mipoitra sy hatao saribakoly ombieniy ombieny. It's time to end the vicious cycle of new drug lords emerging and being scapegoated over and again. It's time to end the pornographic circle of the new drug lords that appear and serve as a bulleniy ombienony. Tsy manangana firenena sady tsy hahatonga amin'ny fahamarina-toerana ny fandatsahan-drà. The language of blood does not build nations and does not achieve stability. The bloodshed does not build a nation and does not result in stability. Toy ny ataon'ny The Jewish Daily Forward. As does The Jewish Daily Forward: Like The Jewish Daily Forward. "Tsy maintsy mikarakara tsara ireo vehivavy ato amin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina izahay satria izy ireo no dity mampitambatra ny fianakaviana manontolo," hoy i Cisne. "We have to take care of women in the community because they're the glue that keeps that whole family together," Cisne says. "We have to take good care of women in the community because they are the sweets that unite the whole family," Cisne says. Nanambara ny fikarohana vao haingana fa mananika tsimoramora ihany koa ny fivarotan-tenan'ny ankizy. A recent study revealed rampant child prostitution. Recent research has revealed that child prostitution is also slowing down. Tahaka an'i Sergei Sardyko monina ao Yalta, nanoratra tamin'ny Facebook taorian'ny fahafatesan'i Strekalin: As Yalta-based activist Sergei Sardyko wrote on Facebook following Strekalin's passing, Like Sergei Sardyko, who lives in Yalta, wrote on Facebook after Strekalin's death: Tia miasa ao an-trano ve ianao? Do you enjoy working from home? Do you like to work at home? Olona enina no fantatra fa namoy ny ainy, ary niely manerana ny aterineto ireo sary mampihoro-koditra ahitana ny fatin'ireo olona voalaza fa nanafika. Six people were reported killed, and gruesome images of bodies of accused assailants circulated on the internet. Six people have been reported dead, and graphic images of dead people being attacked have been circulated across the Internet. Ho fanampin'ny fahatezerana vokatry ny fahantrana- dia mandeha ny resaka fa vokatry ny "dikin'ireo miaramila misatro-manga avy any Nepal" no nahatonga ny aretina." Adding insult to injury - or, in this case, anger to anguish - have been reports claiming that the epidemic was caused by "excrement from Nepalese peacekeepers." In addition to the anger caused by poverty - the issue is that the disease is due to "the influence of military officers from Nepal." Somary masiatsiaka ny hanitra atao aminy ary marikivy ny tsirony, saingy mbola iray amin'ireo sakafo ankafizin'ny mponina ao Terai hatrany izy io, indrindra fa ireo indizena toy ny Tharus, Danuwars, Musahars sy ny hafa. The aroma is pungent and the taste bitter, but still it is one of the delicacies eaten by the Terai dwellers especially indigenous peoples like the Tharus, Danuwars, Musahars and others. It's a little sweetened and delicious, but it's still one of Terai's favorite dishes, especially indigenous peoples like Tharus, Danuwars, Musahars and others. ary dia nanampy i Fouad Alfarhan: Ireo izay nandrakitra ny blaoginy sy ny mombamomba azy tao anatin'ny lisitry ny Minisitry ny Fampahalalam-baovao araka izay noteneniny, dia tokony hitatitra ny fotoana fandroany any amin'ny Minisiteran'ny Rano ihany koa and Fouad Alfarhan adds: من يسجل مدونته ومعلوماته عند وزارة الإعلام اختياريا كما قالوا هو مثل من يبلغ وزارة المياه بجدول أوقات استحمامه #Haza3 Those who optionally register their blogs and information with the Ministry of Information as they say, should also report their shower times to the Ministry of Water And Fouad Alfarhan adds: Those who recorded his blog and personal information on the Ministry of Information's list as he said, should also report on his visit to the Ministry of Water Mihoatra ny iray tapitrisa ny olona ao Singapaora no nivory tany amin'ny ivontoeram-piarahamonina 18 ao amin'ny firenena tamin'ny herinandro lasa teo hanome voninahitra ny Praiminisitry ny Firenena Voalohany indrindra Lee Kuan Yew, izay nodimandry tamin'ny 23 Marsa 2015. More than a million people in Singapore flocked to 18 community centers in the past week to give tribute to the country's first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who died on March 23, 2015. More than one million people in Singapore gathered last week at 18 community centers in the country to pay tribute to the First Nation's Prime Minister Lee Kuanthera, who died on March 23, 2015. Dhaif, izay voaheloka higadra 15 taona, dia niampanga ny fianakaviana Bahrainita manjaka Nourah Al-Khalifa, tao anatin'ny fanadihadiana natao taminy farany, fa nampijaly azy ary niantso azy hoe " kisoa Shia." Dhaif, who has been sentenced to 15 years, has accused a member of the Bahraini ruling family Nourah Al-Khalifa, in her recent interviews, of torturing her and calling her "a Shia pig." Dhaif, who has been sentenced to 15 years in prison, accused the ruling Bahraini family Nourah Al-Salt, in his latest investigation, of torture and calling him "Shia pigs." Antony iray dia mety tsy malaza noho ny vavahadin'ny fahatsiarovana (memo gate) ny famonoana ny vondrona vitsy an'isa eo amin'ny haino aman-jery . One reason could be that minority killings in media are not as popular as Memo gate. One reason is that the killing of a minority group in the media may not be popular because of the gates of memory. Nahoana Ny Soratra Arabo No Tsy Afaka Manafoana Ny Fivalanandrano An-Kalamanjana Ao Dhaka Why Arabic Script on the Walls Might Not Stop Public Urination in Dhaka · Global Voices Why The Arabic Scriptures Can't End Dhaka's Waterfly · Global Voices Ny hafaliana nahazo kiraro entina mandeha an-tongotra, nandritra ny fizarana tao amin'ny distrikan'i Zhemgang, iray amin'ireo faritra tena mahantra indrindra any Bhutan. The joy of getting a pair of shoes to walk in during distribution in Zhemgang district, one of the poorest regions in Bhutan. The joy of getting foot shoes during the distribution in Zhemgang district, one of Bhutan's poorest regions. Tsy mbola fantatra mazava ny fe-potoana nametrahana azy io. It is not clear how long this has been in place. The deadline for it is not clear yet. Na dia any ambany rangolahy aza i Duvallier, dia mbola ao sorena ireo mpampiasa Twitter sasany noho ny fahabetsahan'ireo olona fantadaza nandritr any andro maizin'ny fitondrana jadona mbola miriaria: Though Duvalier is now in the ground, some Twitter users are still distressed that so many of the figures from the dark days of his dictatorship are still around: Even under Duvallier's rule, some Twitter users are still frustrated by the rise of influential people in the dark days of dictatorship: Tsy mbola nisy toy ity fifidianana ity: voalohany eo amin'ny tantara izany hoe tanora avokoa ny ankamaroan'ny mpifidy. This election will be special: for the first time in history the majority of voters will be young. This election has never been the first time in history that most voters are young. Nanomboka nitokona tsy nety nihanan-kanina i Dala mba hitakiana ny fahazoany ireo fitaovany manokana izay eo ampelatanan'ireo manampahefana. Dala spent a little more than three months under house arrest before a court ordered him back to jail earlier this month. Dala started a hunger strike to demand access to his own equipment that is in the hands of authorities. Hoy i FatCuriosita mitondra fanamarihana: Still unhappy? FatCuriosaka comments: Ampahany amin'ny hetsika "doxing" (famoahana ny mombamomba ilay olona any an-takonana) ny fananganana vondrona tao amin'ny Vkontakte, izay heverina hametraka rohy ao amin'ny lahatahiry nozaraina misy ny dika mitovy ny pejy media sosialin'ireo vehivavy ny mpandray anjara. Part of the doxing campaign included a community created on Vkontakte, where participants were supposed to upload links to shared files containing copies of women's social media pages. The creation of a group on Vkontakte is part of the "doxing" movement, which is supposed to link to the data shared with copies of the social media pages of women. Na dia nilaza aza ny FIFA fa misy tapakila ho an'ireo lalao rehetra, ireo olona izay nilahatra hatramin'ny fito ora maraina teo amin'ny fivarotana tapakila, efa tonga tany amin'ny 1400 raha araka ny fanisana, dia nilazana raha tsy tamin'ny roa ora tolak'andro fa tapakila sokajy 1 ihany sisa no misy ho an'ireo lalao sasany After being told by FIFA that there were tickets for all games, people who had been queuing from 0700 finally got to the counter at around 1400 to be told that only Category 1 tickets were available for some games Although FIFA says there is a ticket for all the games, the people who line up until 7 a.m. at the ticket store, nearly 1400 according to the count, were told that not at 2 p.m. time but only 1-class tickets for some games. Ny filam-baniny any an-tsekoly dia olana iraisam-pirenena ary tsy mora ny fahitana vahaolana tena izy amin'io. Bullying at school is an international problem and finding the right answer is not easy. Her school harassment is an international problem and it's not easy to find real solutions. Ankoatry ny finoana ara-pivavahana misy anay, dia nampianarina anay tamin'ny fahatanoranay fa rehefa manao fahadisoana ny olona iray dia voavela heloka raha mibebeka izy. Regardless of what our denomination is, we are taught at a young age that when people make mistakes, all is forgiven if we repent. In addition to our religious beliefs, we were taught in our youth that when a person makes mistakes, he is forgiven if he gets into trouble. Loza mitatao ho an'ny fisian'ireo karazan-javaboahary maherin'ny zato tsy fahita firy sy an-dalam-pahataperana, manohintohina tanteraka ny firindran'ny zavaboahary ao amin'ilay farihy ela indrindra any Eoropa ilay fikasàna vaovao ny hanorina ivon-toerana fanaovana korisa ambony ranomandry, sy làlana ihany koa, ao amin'ny Valan-javaboahary Nasiônaly Galichica an'i Makedonia. A new plan to build a ski center, as well as a road, in Macedonia's Galichica National Park threatens the existence of more than a hundred rare and endemic species, jeopardizing the ecosystem of Europe's oldest lake. A new attempt to build a snow resort, as well as a street, in Macedonia's Galichica Park is a serious threat to the presence of more than a hundred species of wildlife in the world's longest lake. Lasa saina izy: السؤال الذي نطرحة هنا لماذا كل هذا الهجوم وهل جائرة تقدر قيمتها بأقل من أربعين الف دولار أمريكي, وهل تحول محامية مصرية يستحق كل هذا الصخب والضجيج؟؟ Mampanontany tena izao fanafihana sesilany izao. She wonders: The question is: Why all the attacks? He's in mind: السؤال هذا نطحة هنا لماذاوي الهجوم وهل جائة تقدر قيمة بأقل من أربعين الف دولار أمريكي, وهل هذاول محامية theية يستحق amid يستحق whenever والضجيج؟ Eo amin'ny 25 taona lasa izay, sakafo avo lenta sy lafo vidy tokoa izany mividy hamburger sy kiendiendy izany, mifono anaty taratasy malamalama, misy "M" miloko lokom-bolamena. About 25 years ago, the chance to buy a burger and fries wrapped in translucent paper, decorated with a golden "M," was a luxurious treat in Moscow. About 25 years ago, it was a very expensive and high-cost food to buy hamburger and kendendendy, covered in paper, with a gold-colored "M." Miatrika sazy an-tranomaizina hatramin'ny folo taona avy ireo mpirahalahy Warner tamin'ny fanovàny ny famindràm-bola mba hialàna amin'ny tsy maintsy hanaovana tatitra momba ny fandehan'ny vola. The Warner brothers each face as many as ten years in prison for altering financial transactions in a manner intended to evade currency-reporting requirements. The Warner brothers face up to ten years in prison by changing the money transfer to avoid reporting on the money process. Lehilahy efatra no voasambotra sy nohadihadiana taty aoriana. Four men were soon arrested and tried. Four men were later arrested and interrogated. Voalaza fa ambony dia ambony 80 na 90 isanjato ny tsy fananan'asa ao amin'ny firenena. It is estimated that unemployment in the country may be as high as 80 or 90 percent. In the country, unemployment is said to be more than 80 or 90 percent higher. Tsy mbola nahita tondra-drano tahak'ity aho hatrizay nipetrahako teto amin'ity toerana ity nandritra ny 6 taona. I had never seen flooding of that magnitude in my whole 6 years of living in this place. I have never seen such flooding before in this place for 6 years. Chili: Tolo-kevitra avy amin'ny mpizahantany Chile: Suggestions from Tourists · Global Voices Chile: tourist suggestions · Global Voices Mpianatra ny literatiora Arabo tao amin'ny Anjerimanontolon'i Damaskaosy izy, saingy nanetsika ilay lafy iray mpandàla revolisiona tao anatin'i Ali ny fahitàna ny ho fahombiazan'ny revolisiona. A student of Arabic literature at Damascus University, the prospect of a successful revolution mobilized Ali's revolutionary side. He was a student of Arab literature at the University of Damascus, but saw the success of the revolution moved the revolutionary side of Ali. Namono liona 9 izy ireo omaly. Yesterday they killed 9 lions. Yesterday they killed 9 lions. Tampoka teo naheno kotro-baratra - dia mbola nisy hafa koa. Suddenly a loud roar of thunder - one, then another. Suddenly, I heard a storm - and there was another one. Araka ireo tatitry ny masoivohom-baovaom-panjakana ao Iran, heverina hiditra hanan-kery avy hatrany ilay fanapahankevitry ny fitsaràna taorian'ny nanambaràna azy tamin'ny 7 Janoary. According to reports by Iran's official state news agency, the judiciary's decision was meant to enter force immediately after it was announced on January 7. According to reports by Iran's state news agency, the court's decision is expected to take effect immediately after it was announced on January 7. Ny firahalahian'ireo devoly ao amin'ity tanàna kelin'ny fanjanahantany ity no zokiny indrindra ao amin'ny kaontinanta Amerikana ary angamba ilay tsara homana indrindra ihany koa. There are other expressions of this particular festivity named according to the location, such as the Devils of Naiguatá and the Devils of Chuao. The Devil's solidarity in this small colonial city is the oldest in the American continent and perhaps the best to eat. Nahatonga ny fampielezana vaovao sy ny fikarakarana hetsi-panoherana ho sarotra kokoa ho an'ny olona ny tsy fisian'ny tambajotra sosialy an-tserasera an-tery, miaraka amin'ny tsy fahazoana mivoaka amin'ny alina efa mahazatra. The forced absence of online social networks, alongside the usual curfews, has made it more difficult for people to spread information and organize protests. The lack of online social networks has made it more difficult for people to spread information and organize protests, with regular curfews. Mazàna no tsy ampy ny oksizena any anaty efitrano fifonjàna any, indrindra indrindra fa eo anelanelan'ny amin'ny 10:00 maraina hatramin'ny 3:00 tolakandro. There's almost an extreme absence of oxygen inside the cells, especially between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. It is usually not enough oxygen in the cells, especially between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Ny minisitry ny fitsaràna, Aminata Touré, tao anaty fanambarana ho an'ny daholobe taorian'io fanapahankevitry ny mpitsara hanome fahafahana vonjimaika an'i Cheikh Béthio Thioune io, dia nanipika fa hisy ny fepetra fanarahamaso ara-pitsarana hiara-dàlana amin'io fanapahana io. Ao anatin'io filazàna io, nilaza ilay minisitra fa malalaka i Cheikh Béthio Thioune, saingy voarara tsy mahazo mivoaka ny faritra raha tsy mahazo alàlana avy amin'ny mpitsara mpanao famotorana. The decision to release Thioune sparked outrage among some Senegalese who feared the move signaled that the government under President Macky Sall wasn't committed to prosecuting previously untouchable figures, people such as Thioune who maintained a large amount of influence in Senegal's political arena. The Minister of Justice, Aminata Touré, in a public statement following the judge's decision to release Céthio Thioune temporarily, pointed out that there will be judicial measures to join the ruling. In this statement, the minister said that Céthio Thioune was free to leave the area without permission from the investigative judge. Antenaiko fa hifarana hatreo ny tantara ratsy. I hope the unfortunate matter will end here. I hope the scandal is over. Ho an'ny governemanta sy ireo masoivohon'ny fiambenana ny hany tombony tokana azo amin'io. The single benefit is to the government and security agencies. The only benefit of this is for the government and security agencies. Raha ataon-dry zareo ho ara-dalàna ny marijuana, 90% amin'ny polisy, mpitsara ary mpisolovava no ho very asa. If they do decriminalize marijuana 90% of police, magistrates, lawyers will be out of a job. If they consider marijuana legal, 90% of police, judges and lawyers will lose their jobs. Tena maharary ny mieritreritra izay mety ho nolazain'izy ireny tamiko, "Nahoana izahay no nilaozanao?'" It's painful to think they might say to me, "Why did you abandon us?'" It is very painful to think about what they would say to me, "Why did you leave us?'" Sary avy amin'ny Photo from Photo from Masaka be ity dokambarotry ny Shiseido ity! This Shiseido commercial is awesome! Shiseido's ad is very low! Lehibe tao anatin'ny fahirano ireo zafikeliny. His grandkids grew up under siege. His grandchildren grew up under siege. Tohanan'ny governemanta Roande, ny mpihoko M23 no mifehy ny tanànan'i Goma ao amin'ny faritr'i Kivu, akaikin'ny sisintany Roande. Backed by the Rwandan government, the M23 rebels seized control of the city of Goma in the Kivu region, near the Rwandan border. Supported by the Rwanda government, M23 rebels control the city of Goma in Kivu region, near the Rwanda border. Nanomboka nikaroka ireo hetsi-bahoaka sy ireo trangan-javatra i Lu tamin'ny 2011 ary nanomboka nizara mavitrika ireo vaovao tamin'ny alàlan'ny media sosialy tamin'ny 2013, namolavola izay lasa ho nifandanja tamin'ny rafitra fanivanan'i Shina ny ao anaty aterineto. Lu began researching mass demonstrations and incidents in 2011 and began actively distributing the news through social media in 2013, developing what became a counterweight to China's online censorship regime. Lu started his research of public events and events in 2011 and started to actively share information through social media in 2013, creating what has become a barrier to China's online censorship system. @khalidalkhalifa: Hiteny afaka fotoana fohy ao amin'ny TV Saodiana ny Mpanjakan'i Arabia Saodita, Abdalla.. @khalidalkhalifa: HM King Abdalla of Saudi Arabia will be speaking shortly on Saudi TV .. @Khaledalkhalifa: Saudi King Abdalla will be speaking soon on Saudi TV. Kulich Kulich Kulich @Bixenjo (Sikander Bizenjo): Tifitra sy fipoahana ao amin'ny tobin-tafika an-habakabaka ao Karachi; fipoahana eo amin'ny roapolo eo no re avy ao. @Bixenjo (Sikander Bizenjo): Firing and blasts on naval base in Karachi; around 20 blasts have been heard around. @Bixenjo (Sikander Bizenjo): Bombings and explosions at Karachi air stations; a total of twenty explosions are heard. Ny Zoma (25 Feb) dia nambara tamin'ny fomba ofisialy ho 'Andro iray Fisaonana' an'ireo maritiora rehetra lavo nandritra ny Hetsi-panoherana tamin'ny Andron'ny Hatezerana ho an'i Bahrain, izay nanomboka tamin'ny 14 Febroary 2011. Friday (Feb 25) was officially announced as a 'Day of Mourning' for all the martyrs who have fallen since Bahrain's Day of Wrath protests, which started on February 14th 2011. Friday (25 Feb) was officially declared 'One Day of mourning' for all martyrs who fell during Bahrain's Day of Anger protests, which began on February 14, 2011. Amin'izao fotoana anavaozan-dry zareo izao, anohanany ara-bola ilay toeram-pianarana... izao ny fitondrana miaramila vao toa mba mankatoa ny lanjan'ilay toeram-pampianarana rehefa injay ka ny vavan'ny hafa no miloatra. Now that they are renovating, treasuring the institution... it seems Myanmar military junta only appreciates the value of institutions only when others say so. Now that they are updated, they support the campus financially... now the junta seems to recognize the importance of the institution when it comes to the mouth of others. Ilay hira sy lahatsary Sarotra be ny miteny Espaniola dia nahazo mpijery efa ho 1,5 tapitrisa tanaty 6 andro: goavana be ny akony, na tsy noheverina akozy aza, ka nahatonga ireo mpirahalahy sady mpiangaly mozika, Juan Andres sy Nicolás Ospina, ho tonga hatramin'ny fanokafana tranonkala iray vaovao ho famaliana ny hetaheta sy ny fangatahana ireo hira hafa sy ny tonon'izy ireny. The song and video Speaking Spanish is Hard has received close to 1.5 million views in six days: the response was so great, although unexpected, that brothers and musicians Juan Andres and Nicolás Ospina had to come up with a new website in response to interest and requests of other songs and lyrics. The song and video that is hard to speak Spanish has nearly 1.5 million views in 6 days: a big deal of reaction, even though it's not expected, has led to brothers and musicians Juan Andres and Nicolás Ospina's opening up a new website to respond to their aspirations and ask for their songs and lyrics. Amin'izao fotoana, azontsika ampiana amin'izany lisitra izany ny tantara an-tsary manandratra ny vehivavy, ny pelaka, ary ny tantara an-tsary mitantara ny mpanoratra (autobiographique), sns. Today, we can add to this list female and feminist comics, gay comics, autobiographical comics, etc. Today, we can add a list of cartoons that promote women, gays, and comics that tell the author (autobiographique), etc. Sary mampitolagaga tamin'ny fihetsiketsehana androany. Spectacular photo of today's protest. An amazing picture of today's protest. "Nolazain'ilay bandy ahy fa avy any Valencia izy (tanàna iray any avaratr'i Venezoela) noho ny tsy fahampian'ny fandriampahalemana sy ny tsy fanànany asa ihany koa." "The boy told me that he came from Valencia (a city in the north of Venezuela) because of the lack of security and also because he was unemployed." "The guy told me he was from Valencia (a city in northern Venezuela) because of a lack of security and unemployment." Nibitsika momba ireo mpandresy avy any aminy i Data (@DataUY), any Orogoay: In Uruguay, Data (@DataUY) also tweeted its winners: Data (@DataUY), in Uruguay, tweeted about her winners: Antenaina, araka ny nosoratany, fa higadona any Nouakchott amin'ny tapaky ny volana marsa, raha tsy mialoha izany, ny Diabe. The march, he writes, is expected to reach Nouakchott by the middle of March, if not earlier. Activists at the beginning of the 470km march. It is hoped, as he wrote, that the march will take place on March mid-March, if not earlier. Palestiina: Fahatsiarovana ny يوم الأرض , Andron'ny Tany Palestine: Commemorating Land Day · Global Voices Palestine: Remembering the Day of Earth's · Global Voices Hatramin'izao, Tajik eo amin'ny 100 eo no efa nampodiana niala an'i Yemen tamin'ny sidina farafahakeliny telo samihafa. To date, about 100 Tajiks have been evacuated from Yemen on at least three separate flights. So far, about 100 Tajiks have been deported from Yemen by at least three different flights. Ny lohateny, " Ny lehilahy Vladimir Putin no tena ahatahorana"ao amin'ny blaogin'i Wall Street Journal dia maminavina fa ny mpitoraka blaogy no sady mpiady amin'ny kolikoly Alexei Navalny dia hanana traika amin'ny fifidianana filoham-pirenena In a post entitled, "The Man Vladimir Putin Fears Most," Wall Street Journal Blog predicts that blogger and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny will have an impact on the presidential election: The title, "The man Vladimir Putin is the most afraid" on Wall Street Journal's blog estimates that blogger and anti-corruption activist Navalny will be in the presidential election. Tsy liana amin'ny famahana ny raharaha? Not interested in solving the case? Not interested in solving the situation? Ahoana ny fihetsik'ireo Indiana bilaogera mikasika ity lahatsary Google misy an'i Gandhi ity? How did Indian bloggers react to this Google video clip of Gandhi? How did Indian bloggers react to the Google video of Gandhi? Tafiditra ao anatin'ny resaka ihany koa ny tolona maro, ny fahasarotana maro ary ny fahakiviana atrehin'ny tanora shinoa ankehitriny. They also included discussions about the struggles, difficulties, and bitterness that Chinese youth face today. It also includes many struggles, difficulties and frustrations faced by young Chinese today. Ity tatitra avy amin'ny Tambajotran'ny Mpanao Gazety any Haiti ity dia nanome hevitra mazava kokoa momba ny akon'ireo heloka ireo teo amin'ny vahoaka Haitiana: This report from Haiti Press Network, gave a clearer idea of the impact that those crimes have had on the Haitian people: This report from the Haitian Journalist Network gives more clear insight into the impact of these crimes on the Haitian people: Nisy ny fananganana elo mainty izay nataon'ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana, araka ny sioka nataon'ilay mpanao gazety Sagarika Ghose: An installation comprising black umbrellas was made by protesters, as tweeted by journalist Sagarika Ghose: There was the creation of a black umbrella that was made by the protesters, as journalist theika Ghose tweeted: Nahazo fitantarana avy amin'ireo sehatra fampitam-baovao malaza manerana an'i Amerika Latinina sy Espaina ny fandresena avy amin'ny fiaraha-mientana ankavia Manda Midadasika (Frente Amplio) misy azy manoloana amin'ny mpifaninana aminy. The win for his leftist coalition Broad Front (Frente Amplio) earned coverage from the most prestigious media outlets throughout Latin America and Spain, underlining the important victory he had over his rival. The victory from its left-wing Front Amplio (Frente Ampilio) coalition against its opponents has received coverage from mainstream media outlets across Latin America and Spain. Ilay blaogera Nepali nanana ny lazany Lex Limbu ihany koa dia nanoratra ny momba azy ao amin'ny bilaoginy, izay vakian'ny Nepaley manerana ny glaoby. Famed Nepali blogger Lex Limbu also has written about her on his blog, which is widely read by Nepalese across the globe. Popular Nepali blogger Lex Limbu also wrote about him on his blog, where Nepalis across the globe read about him. Araka ny nosoratan'i Sabahat Ashraf mazava tsara hoe "'qutub' izy, tendro - amin'ny fitenin'ny tambajotra, hub (fihaonana), mpampifandray, ary tena kitro ifaharan'ny fiarahamonim-pirenena ao Pakistan. As Sabahat Ashraf eloquently writes, she was a "'qutub', a pole-in networking parlance, a hub, a connector. very critical to civil society in Pakistan. As Sabahat Ashraf writes clearly that he is "'qutub', - in the language of the network, Hub (the meeting), and is the most powerful civil society in Pakistan. Tao amin'ny Instagram izy nampahatsiahy: On Instagram, he recalled: On Instagram, he recalls: Napetraka tamin'ireo tanàna maro nidonan'ilay rivomahery ny fepetra tsy fahafaha-mivezivezy amin'ny alina mba hitandroana ny filaminana sy ny fanarahan-dalàna, indrindra mba hanakànana ny asa fandrobàna mihanaka be. A curfew was imposed in many typhoon-hit villages to maintain peace and order, specifically to prevent widespread looting. The curfew was imposed on several cities affected by the storm to maintain order and order, especially to stop widespread looting activities. Saribakolin'ny mpanao politika izay tsy mitady afa-tsy ny tombotsoany ve ireo olona mpanao fihetsiketsehana ireo? Are Haitians who've taken to the streets being used, like puppets, by powerful politicians for their own ends? Are these protesters a photo of politicians who only want their own interests? Manantena aho fa hahita ny olana amin'ny maso mahitsy ny rehetra ka tsy hanakiana ny foko iray manontolo. I hope everyone can see the problem in the right way and do not overgeneralize it by blaming the whole ethnic group. I hope everyone will see the problem with the right eye and not criticize my whole heart. Mpisera amayasa ao amin'ny Matome Naver, mpanorina ny randram-baovao, no namehy ny fiantraikan'ny fandravahana an-tsary amin'ny boky fianarana: Matome Naver user amayasa, the creator of the thread, succinctly sums up the impact of these textbook illustrations: User anaasa at Matome Naver, founder of the news source, summed up the impact of the illustration on the textbook: Mangataka ny vahoaka tsy hanao resaka manidintsidina ny tafika: The army asks people not to speculate: The army asked the public not to speak up: 'Diso tsotra izao' 'Plain wrong' 'Just a joke' Ny tokony ataontsika dia ny mendrika hoan'izay nandao antsika. What we need is to be worthy of the one we lost. What we should do is deserve those who have left us. Maneho ny asan-dRtoa Temple-Thurston sy ny vondrom-piarahamonina nandray soa avy amin'izany ity lahatsary manaraka ity: There are many other inspiring projects and videos you can view on KarmaTube. The following video shows the work of Ms. Temple-T themselves and the community that benefited from it: Saingy herinandro taty aoriana, dia nandidy ny fandraràna ny lahatsarim-panadihadian'i Tan Pin Pin. But a week later, the MDA ordered the banning of Tan Pin Pin's documentary. But a week later, Tan Pin Pin's documentary was ordered to be banned. Ity misy fanadihadiana fohy ao amin'ny YouTube nakarin'ny Abstract Films, izay manaraka mpivoy posiposy telo samihafa manerana ny araben'i Dhaka no sady miresaka ny fiainan-dry zareo ary ireo fanamby sedraina amin'ny asany. Here is a short documentary on YouTube uploaded by Abstract Films, which follows three different rickshaw drivers through the streets of Dhaka as they talk about their lives and the challenges of the profession. Here's a short YouTube documentary uploaded by Abstact Films, which follows three different rickshaws across Dhaka's streets while discussing their lives and challenges to their work. Nanoro hevitra koa izy fa mahomby kokoa ny fampiasana haivarotra sy ny paikadim-barotra amin'ny fampiasana fiteny mahafinaritra hisian'ny fifampiresahana tsara amin'ny mpanjifa. She also advised that marketing and sale strategy will be more highly effective through the use of sweet language to better interact with clients. He also suggested that the use of marketing and marketing methods to use beautiful language for good communication with consumers is more effective. @YekbunAlp: Vahinin'ny fianakaviana iray ny depiote Özdal Ücer tao Cizre raha nanafika ny trano sy nisambotra ny fianakaviana ny polisy. @YekbunAlp: MP Özdal Ücer was a guest of a family in Cizre when police attacked the house and arrested the family. @YekbunAlp: A family member held Özdal nyccer in Cizre when police attacked the house and arrested the family. Ho vitan'ny filoha hadi ve ny handresy an'i Saleh amin'ny GPC? #Yemen Will president hadi be able to take over Saleh in GPC? #Yemen Will Saudi president win Saleh with GPC? #Yemen Israely: Voro-pirenena Vaovao, Tsara Ihomezana (Fanamarihana: lahatsoratra efa nivoaka tamin'ny volana Jiona 2008 ity adika eto ity) Israel: New National Bird Good for a Laugh · Global Voices Israel: New National Park, Good to laugh · Global Voices Manahy izy ireo ary natoka-monina. They are anxious and isolated. They are worried and isolated. Niresaka momba ny lohahevitra samihafa izy ireo, nanomboka tamin'ny fahazazana tany Canada ka hatrany amin'ny famahanana bilaogy ao Israely. They chatted on a range of topics, from growing up in Canada to blogging in Israel. They talked about different topics, from childhoods in Canada to blogging in Israel. Tsy misy dikany ary feno hambo ireo fihetsiny..... indrindra ho anà mpanakanto namana! His actions are tasteless and arrogant..... especially as a fellow artist! His actions are stupid and full of pride..... especially for a friend artist! Nilaza ny fitoriana fa naka tahaka ny marika sy ny firafin-tsary ny gazety ary nampiasa izany ara-barotra ry Bocchini mirahalahy . The suit claimed that the Bocchini brothers had copied the brand and graphic layout of the newspaper and were exploiting them commercially. The complaint stated that the newspaper had copied symbols and drawings and that Bocchini brothers used them commercially. Mandritra izany, tsy nipetra-potsiny ny vohikalam-baovao mpanebaka Wired868, miampanga an'i Duke ho "manisy hanihany mampalasa adala amin'ilay tantara ratsy mampieritreritra." Meanwhile, the satirical news website Wired868 had a field day, accusing Duke of "add a touch of brain-numbing farce to a sobering scandal." At the same time, the satirical news site Wired wasn't set aside, accusing Duke of "a stupid joke about the disturbing scandal." Nodimandry teo amin'ny faha 43 taonany i Manto ny 18 Janoary 1955. Manto died on 18th January 1955 at the age of 43. Manto died at 43 years of age on January 18, 1955. Rehefa tsy manana sakafo homena ny zanakao ianao, raha tsy manam-bola ianao handefasana azy ireo any an-tsekoly, raha tsy misy manampy anao satria vadin'ny "mpamilin'ny mpampihorohoro" ianao, rehefa henjehina ianao satria mahantra sy kivy . When you have no food to feed your children, when you have no money to send them to school, when no one helps you because you are the wife of a "driver of terrorists," when you are prosecuted for being poor and you lose belief. When you don't have food to give your children, if you don't have money to send them to school, if no one helps you because you are the wife of "terrorist priests," when you are persecuted because you are poor and depressed. Noravàna tamin'ny taona lasa ny sampandraharaha Okrainiana miandraikitra ny sivana, ny Vaomieram-Pirenena Manampahaizana ho Fiarovana ny Fitondrantenam-Bahoaka, fa mbola velona ny lova navelany, ho toy ny angon-drakitry ny "votoaty mazava" izay tsy misy na olona iray ao amin'ny governemanta aza mahafantatra ny tokony hatao aminy. The Ukrainian censorship body, National Expert Commission for Protection of Public Morality, dissolved last year, but its legacy lives on as a database of "explicit content" that no one in the government seems to know what to do with. The Ukrainian censorship service, the National Commission for People's Moral Protection, was destroyed last year, but its legacy is still alive, as a collection of data on "the clear content" that no one in the government knows what to do with it. Manome vahaolana samihafa hanovana hetsika hanampiana sy hananaingàna ny fahatsapan-tena mikasika io resaka io , i Cultural Survival ary koa hevitra mikasika ny fomba hihetsehana amin'ny alalan'ny hetsika anaty aterineto. Cultural Survival also offers different ways to take action to help and raise awareness about the topic, as well as ideas on how to act through online activism. Cultural Survival offers different solutions to change activities to help and raise awareness about the issue, as well as ideas about how to react through online events. Hafahafa ny fanontanian-dry zareo. Their questions were weird. Their question is strange. Fitsidihana Ireo Bilaogy Libiana (Fanamarihana: lahatsoratra nivoaka tamin'ny Febroary 2007) Touring Libyan Blogs · Global Voices Libyan Blogs Visit · Global Voices Tamin'ny volana Novambra 2015, nandritra ny fotoana niasany amin'ny maha minisitra lefitry ny vola, nahavita nampihena ny totalin'ny trosa tamin'ny Eurobond teo aloha ho 270 tapirisa euro i Kire Naumov raha 500 tapitrisa euros izany teo aloha (tsy misy ny firotsahan'i Naumov an-tsehatra, napetraka teo amin'ny toerana ny mpikambana tao amin'ny mpanohitra noho ny fifanarahana Przino, fifanarahana izay narahin'ny Vondrona Eoropeana sy Etazonia maso tamin'ny taona 2015 mba hanatsaharana ny krizy ara-politika tany Makedonia sy hiantohana fifidianana ara-drariny. In November 2015 during his time in office as deputy minister of finance, Kire Naumov managed to lower the amount of debt incurred by a previous Eurobond from over 500 to 270 million euros (without the int. Naumov, a member of the opposition, was placed in the post because of the Przino Agreement, a deal that was overseen by the European Union and the United States in 2015 to end political crisis in Macedonia and ensure fair elections. In November 2015, at a time when he served as deputy minister of finance, Kire Naumov managed to reduce the amount of debt to the former Eurobond from 500 million euros (with Naumov's candidacy, members of the opposition were placed in place due to the Przino deal, which was followed by the European Union and the United States in 2015 to end the political crisis in Macedonia and ensure fair elections. Inona izany no ataon'ilay sary tamin'ny 2015 ho lasa sary fandrakofana tantara hafa efa ho herintaona aty aoriana? What was the 2015 picture doing as a cover picture for some other story almost a year after, then? What does the 2015 photo do to become another cover picture almost a year later? Hita tamin'ireo tsara indrindra izay nisongadina tamin'ireo tanàna 1200 nandray anjara avy taminà firenena 220 i La Havane. Among the favorites, out of more than 1,200 candidates from 220 countries, was Havana. Havana is seen among the best of the 1200 cities that participated in 220 countries. - Sorohy ny fanomezana torohay amin'ny antsipirihany momba ireo toerana nisy famonoantena, na tanteraka ilay izy na andrana fotsiny - Avoid providing detailed information about the site of a completed or attempted suicide - Avoid providing detailed information about places where suicides took place, whether it was done or tested Voatanisa tao avokoa ireo Sinoa telo mpanamboatra finday avo lenta, Xiaomi, Huawei sy Lenovo. The three biggest Chinese smartphone manufacturers, Xiaomi, Huawei and Lenovo were all listed. Three Chinese smartphone operators, Xiaomi, Huawei and Lenono were listed there. Sômalia: Famonjena an'i Sômalia Somalia: Saving Somalia · Global Voices Siumlia: Saving Siumlia · Global Voices Namoaka lahatsary iray ny Minisiteran'ny Fiarovam-pirenena Kazakhstan mampiseho hoe tahaka ny ahoana ny fiovan'ny vehivavy mpiady ao amin'ny faritra Azia Afovoany tao anatin'ny 550 taona farany, hanaovana topimaso kely momba ny Fetin'ny Fandresena ankalazaina manerana ny Firaisana Sovietika teo aloha ho avy izao izany sy ho amin'ny ezaka hisarihana miaramila vaovao bebe kokoa ho an'ny tafika, . Seemingly in a nod to the upcoming Victory Day holiday celebrated throughout the former Soviet Union and amid efforts to attract more recruits into the army, Kazakhstan's defence ministry has released a video showing how the Central Asian country's women warriors have changed over the last 550 years. Kazakhstan's Ministry of Defense has released a video showing how women fighters in the Central Asian region have changed over the past five decades, to take a look at the Victory Day celebrated across the former Soviet Union and in an effort to attract more soldiers to the army. Indreto ny sasantsasany amin'ireo sary avy aminy: Tao Cairo, an'aliny ireo mpitandro filaminana tsinjo teny an-dalambe efa hatry ny vao maraina miaraka amin'ny fanamiana mainty mampahalàza an-dry zareo. Here are some of her photographs: In Cairo, tens of thousands of the security forces were seen in the streets since the early morning in their famous black uniform. Here are some of his photos: In Cairo, tens of thousands of police officers have been seen in the streets since early morning with black uniforms praising them. Araka ny nosoratan'i Ekaterina Vinokurova, mpanao gazety ao amin'ny tranonkalam-baovao ao Yekaterinburg, tao amin'ny Facebook androany, "Tokony manan-jo hiasa amin'ny asa rehetra ny vadina pretra, ary ny fanaratsiana azy amin'izany ... dia heveriko fa fahadisoana goavana ... As Ekaterina Vinokurova, a journalist for Yekaterinburg news website, wrote on Facebook today, "The wife of a priest should have the right to work in any profession, and to stigmatize her for this... I think is a big flaw... As journalist-in-chief of the news site Yekaterinburg wrote today on Facebook, "The wife of a priest should have the right to work, and to make fun of her... I think it's a serious mistake... Nandritra izany, ny Toniziana amin'ny ankapobeny, indrindra ireo mpikatroka sy ny mpamaha bolongana no tena nahalala fa mbola lavitra ny lalana amin'ny tolona atao amin'ny fahalalahana haneho hevitra sy ny demokrasia. Meanwhile, Tunisians in general, and more specifically activists, and bloggers, are quite aware that the battle for freedom of speech, and democracy is far from over. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. Meanwhile, Tunisians in general, especially activists and bloggers, learned that the struggle for freedom of expression and democracy is still far from over. Manana pejy ao amin'ny Facebook sy ny VKontakte ihany koa ny sehatra hanatrarana izay mety ho mpiserasera hafa vaovao sy hampalaza ny hevitra fananganana fikambanana malalaka hoan'ny rehetra. The platform also has pages on Facebook and VKontakte to reach out to more potential users and to popularize the idea of a free-for-all space for community organizing. The platform also has a Facebook page and VKontakte to increase potential new users and promote the idea of creating a free association for all. Farany, ao amin'ny fantsona YouTube Latino monina ao Etazonia antsoina hoe Flama i Joanna Hausman no manome lisitra amin'ny teny anglisy fomba fankalazana krismasy "hafahafa" any amin'ny firenena Amerikana Latina maro, ary mampiseho ny karazam-pimaroana maroloko sy ny fomba fitadiavam-bolan'ny fankalazana manerana ny faritra: Finally, on the US-based Latino YouTube channel Flama, Joanna Hausman lists in English nine "weird" Christmas celebrations in many Latin American countries, and shows the colorful diversity and peculiarity of the celebration around the region: Finally, on the US-based YouTube channel Latino Flama, Joanna Hausman lists a list of English-language Christmas celebrations in many Latin American countries, showing different colors and ways to make ends meet across the region: nefa... raha mbola tsy eo ianao but that ... if you're not yet there But... if you're not yet there Ny Alatsinainy maraina, fiarabe roa feno miaramila no nijanona tao Mukungu ary nidina nandeha an-tongotra nankany Rikambasi ireo miaramila. We have a GDP of $800 per person with a real growth rate of -4.9% in 2015 along with unemployment that is sure to grow. On Monday morning, two trucks full of soldiers stopped in Mukungu and soldiers came down to Rikambasi. Ankehitriny fanotaniana iray monja: hevitra avy aiza ny hampiditra moske ao amin'ny lisitry ny Saimbôly Rosianina? And now a simple question: whose idea was it to include a mosque in the list of Russian symbols? Now just one question: where does it come from to include a mosque on the Russian Union's list? Araka ny fomba Japoney, raha hita ny porofo fa nisy ny fihaonana tsy ara-dalàna, izay voa tamin'ny raharaha, eto dia ny vadin'i Kawatani, dia mananjò hitaky fanonerana (慰謝料, isharyo) avy amin'i Becky tondroina ho furin aite (不倫 相手), nahatonga ny raharaha. According to Japanese custom, if proof can be found that illicit meetings took place, the aggrieved party, in this case Kawatani's wife, has the right seek damages (慰謝料, isharyo) from Becky as a furin aite (不倫 相手), an instigator of the affair. According to Japanese tradition, given evidence that there was an illegal meeting, which was the victim of the case, Kawatani's wife, is here, she has the right to demand compensation. Ary ho an'ireo nandrisika azy hilaza zavatra tsy misy fotony tahàka izany, mieritrereta ihany koa ianareo. Also, those who ordered him to say such silly things, think too. And for those who encouraged him to say something similar, you are also proud. Amin'ny 15 Martsa hoavy izao, lahatsary fahatsiarovana avy amin'ny manerantany ho havoaka, ao amin'ny Twitter amin'ny alalan'ny tenifototra #UniteForSyria. On March 15, a global celebrity video will be launched, alongside the hash tag #UniteForSyria on Twitter. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. Raha toa ka mety tsy ho fatiditra ao anatin'io lalàna io ireny tolo-kevitra ireny, dia nanome toky ilay governora fa hampakatra izany amin'ny ambonimbony kokoa. In the event that these proposals are not incorporated in this law, the governor has promised he will appeal. If these proposals would not be included in this law, the governor promised to appeal to them. Poetika i Anand Madhvani: Anand Madhvani was poetic: Anand Madhvani was: Na dia manaiky aza ny mpitsara fa "olona manana fotokevitra sy manam-pikirizana" ny Heathrow 13 ary nanitsakitsaka ny fepetran'ny famoahan-tsetroka napetraky ny Vondrona Eoropeana ny Heathrow, dia hitany ho "mihoam-pefy tafahoatra" ry zareo ary nampitandrina fa mety higadra avy hatrany ry zareo raha vao miverina any amin'ny fitsarana. Even though the judge recognised that the Heathrow 13 were "principled and passionate people" and that Heathrow is in breach of European Union emission regulations, she found them guilty of "aggravated trespass" and warned them to expect immediate jail sentences when they return to court. Although the judge agrees that Heathrow 13 is "a person with a principle and firmness" and that Heathrow violated the European Union's airing conditions, he sees them as "overtracing" and warned that they could be sentenced immediately once they return to court. Ity lahatsoratra ity dia isan'ny fandrakofanay manokana ny #Bodoy ny Tontolo. This post is part of our special coverage #Occupy Worldwide. This post is part of our special coverage #Occupy Worldwide. Ny sasany nankalaza ilay fanambaràna, toa an'i Vanesa Casanova (@vanecasan): Some celebrate the announcement, like Vanesa Casanova (@vanecasan): Some celebrated the announcement, like Vanesa Casanova (@vanecsan): Mendrika ny ho faty amin'ny fahafatesana mampalahelo ity toerana ity. This place deserves to die a painful death. This place deserves to die in sad death. Misy antony ara-drariny matoa misy ny fihetsiketseham-panoherana, azoko izany. There are legitimate reasons to protest, I get it. There are legitimate reasons why there are protests, I understand. # ICyahMakeThisShitUp (HitakoFaIanareoNoMamoronaItyZavaMalotoIty) # ICyahMakeThisShitUp #ICyahMakeThisShitUp Ambarany fa manome be lavitra noho ny asa atao maimaim-poana ireo mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo; manampy amin'ny fanelezana ny feo mikasika ny ezaka ataon'ny fikambanana izy ireny ary tena maniry ny ho isan'ny singam-pahombiazan'ny fikambanana aza. She says volunteers provide more than free labor; they help spread the word of the organization's efforts and they genuinely want to be part of the organization's successes. He says volunteers give more than free work; they help spread the word about the organization's efforts and they really want to be a part of the organization. Nitombo ny lazan'ny Halloween tany Japana tao anatin'ny taona maromaro. Halloween has been growing in popularity in Japan over previous years. Halloween's popularity in Japan has increased over the past several years. Ndeha hojerena vetivety izay hita ao amin'ny Corruption Perceptions Index mamoaka isan-taona ny Transparency International, izay milaza fa misy fifandraisana ny kolikoly, ny fifandirana sy ireo firenena andalam-pandrosoana tahaka an'i Tchad, Soudan, Nigeria ary Angola. Even a perfunctory glance of Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index in any year shows a strong correlation between corruption, conflict and oil rich developing nations such as Chad, Sudan, Nigeria and Angola. Certainly bilateral trade, whether obtaining a share of oil production or other goods and services, will be on the agenda. Let's take a quick look at what appears to be a annual edition of Transparency International, which says there is a connection between corruption, conflict and developing countries like Chad, Sudan, Nigeria and Angola. Nilaza ny heviny mikasika ny fanagadrana an'i Diaa koa i Zeinobia: Zeinobia also comments on Diaa's ongoing detention: Zeinobia also commented on Diaa's imprisonment: Amin'ny takariva, mirehitra ny Fanjakana Indiana ao Mizoram, raha toa kosa ka ao Rihkhawdar any Myanmar, tsirim-pahazavana kely toy angamenavava ihany no manazava ny alin'izy ireo amin'ny maizina. Awash in twilight, India's Mizoram State is lit up, while in Myanmar's Rihkhawdar, only a small glimmer of light gathers like fireflies starting their night in the darkness. In the evening, the Indian State of Mizran is burning, while in Rihkhawdar in Myanmar, it only explains their night in darkness. Bethlehema mazavan'ny jiro ho amin'ny noely, siokan'i @MaathMusleh, izay nizara ity sary ity tamin'ny Twitter Bethlehem streets lighting up for Christmas, tweets @MaathMusleh, who shares this image on Twitter Lightlight clear for Christmas, tweet by @MaathMusleh, who shared this photograph on Twitter Hita tao amin'ny boky fianarana japoney. Found in a Japanese textbook. The Japanese textbook has been found. Zeynep Tufekci dia mpampianatra mpanampy ao amin'ny Oniversite an'i Carolina Chapel Hill Avaratra ary miara-miasa amin'ny Berkman Center for Internet and Society na ivon-toerana Berkman amin'ny resaka aterineto sy fiarahamonina ao Harvard. Zeynep Tufekci is an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard. Zeynep Tufekci is a assistant professor at Carolina Chapel Hill North and works with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Raisiko ity andiana revolisiona vao haingana tany amin'ny tany Arabo ity, antsoina hoe Lohataona Arabo, ho dingana iray hafa amin'ny soso-kevitra Afovoany Atsinana Vaovao nitsinkafona nandritra ny fitondràn'i Bush. I take this recent wave of revolution in Arab lands, labelled as the Arab Spring, as another phase of the New Middle East proposal floated during Bush regime. I took this recent series of revolutions in the Arab world, called the Arab Spring, as another step in a new Middle East proposal that was floating during Bush's regime. Nangirifiry sy nahasorena izany. There were painful and depressing. It was painful and painful. Natao tatitra koa ny olo-malaza hafa fa hoe anisan'ny miandrandra fiovam-pinoana koa I Leonardo DiCaprio, izay mitia ankizivavy tsara bika Israeliana antsoina hoe Bar Rafaeli. Other famous celebrities who are reportedly contemplating conversion include Leonardo DiCaprio, whose girlfriend is Israeli supermodel Bar Rafaeli. Other well-known figures have also been reported as one of the hopes for a change in religion, who likes a good Israeli girl named Bar Rafaeli. Miarahaba an'i Yohana isika noho ny fandraisany anjara sy ny fireharehany amin'ny maha avy ao Timor Atsinanana azy. We commend Yohan for his commitment and his pride in Timor-Leste. We congratulate Yohan for his contribution and pride as East Timor's. Amin'ny filaza hafa dia mitombo ny risika nefa ny tamby mitontongana....hatreto. In other words, the risks are rising while the rewards are falling... for now. In other words the risk is increasing but the price is slowing down....hareto. *** *** *** Tsy nampisy fiovàna mazava tamin'ny politika momba io raharaha io ny tolokevitry ny CII izay tsy voatery narahana, fa kosa nahazo tsikera be dia be tokoa. The CII's non-binding advice didn't influence any actual policy change in this instance, but it received considerable criticism. The CII's proposal, which did not have to be followed, did not make clear changes in politics on the matter, but received a lot of criticism. Azonao jerena eto ny dikany voalohany ary vakiana eto ireo lahatsoratra hafa an'i Mónica Baró " The full-length original version of "La Habana que se habita" can be read in Spanish here. Read more articles by Mónica Baró here. You can see the first meaning here and read other posts of Mónica Baró here." Toy ny hijab izy io, fitondran'ny vehivavy silamo any amin'ny faritra hafa, indrindra fa ry zareo avy any Afovoany Atsinanana. This is similar to the hijab, worn by Muslim women elsewhere, especially the Middle East. It is like a hijab, led by Muslim women in other parts of the world, especially from the Middle East. Tsy tratran'ny toeran-dratsy sy fotoana ratsy ihany i Pınar Selek. Pınar Selek was not only at the wrong place at the wrong time. Pınarwill not only get caught up in bad conditions and bad times. Antoka ara-tsakafo food security Food security Nolaniana fotsiny ity lalàna ity satria tsy manana fitsarana mahaleotena i Rosia. This law was only adopted because Russia does not have an independent judiciary. This law is just a violation because Russia does not have an independent court. Tolotra maimaimpoana avy amin'i Geoff Whalan, mpampiasa Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Courtesy Flickr user Geoff Whalan (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Free service by Flickr user Geoff Whalan (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Maro tamin'ireo boky sariitatra nataon'i Zunar ihany koa no nogiazan'ny manampahefana noho ny filazana fa mandrahona ny filaminam-pirenena . Many of Zunar's cartoon books have also been confiscated by authorities for allegedly threatening national security. Several of the cartoons made by himself were also confiscated by the authorities for allegedly threatening national security. Atleta 10 Avy Aminà Firenena Efatra Handray Anjara Amin'ny Lalao Olimpika Ambany Faneva Tokana: Mpitsoa-ponenana 10 Athletes From Four Countries Will Compete at the Olympics Under One Banner: Refugee · Global Voices 10 Summits From Four countries to Part of the Only World Cup: Refugees · Global Voices @edryfaizal: rehefa nandeha tamin'ny arakely misy trano fipetrahan'olona. @edryfaizal: When walk through that small alley with flat. @edryfaizal: While walking in a small room with people's homes. Ny fialàn'i Bashar Al Assad, ny fijanonan'ny daroka baomba any Aleppo ary ny hifaranan'ny fakàna am-bavany mandreraka no firariako. My wishes were for Bashar Al Assad to leave, for the bombing of Aleppo to stop and for the exhausting interrogations to end. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. Bashar Al Assad's resignation, the stop of the bombing in Aleppo and the end of a desperate interrogation. Mpanao fihetsiketsehana iray mitazona sarontava "anonymous" nandritra ny fihaonamben'ny mpanohitra. A protester holds up an "anonymous" mask during an opposition coalition rally. A protester holds a "onyous" mask during the opposition rally. "Tena hevitra tsara izany," hoy i Grama. "It's a good point," says Grama. "It's a great idea," Grama says. Tonga tao amiko avy amin'ny olona eny an-dalana eny ny hevitry ny fanentanana... ny ilaintsika dia zavatra iray izay tian'ny Amerikana Tavaratra ataony mari-piavahana... Nifoha aho indray andro ary niteny hoe: fehy mavo! satria izany no dikan'ny fanehoana azy any Etazonia. The idea for the campaign came to me from the people in the street...what we needed was something which North American could identify with...One day I woke up and said: the yellow ribbon! because of what it represents in the United States. The idea of the campaign came to me from the people on the street... what we need is something that North Americans want to do to be different...I woke up one day and said: yellow is yellow! because that's what it means to be in the United States. 1) Mamaly amin'ny lahatsary ao amin'ny Hub 1) Respond with video on the Hub 1) Responding to the Hub video "Isika no mahantra indrindra. "We are the poorest. "We are the poorest. Alzeria: Tsy Dia Mirongatra Loatra Ny Fihetsiketsehana Manohitra Amerikana Mitaha Amin'ireo Firenena Arabo Hafa Algeria: Calls for Anti-US Protests Fall on Deaf Ears · Global Voices Algeria: Anti-American Protests Aren't Getting More · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Algeria Protests 2011. XD). XD). XD). Nahoana ny fiainako no dia fadiranovana? Why is my life so miserable? Why is my life so sad? I Al-Omeisy, namerina ny tenin'ny mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo iray nilaza hoe "nanala tànana tao amin'ilay potipotin-javatra izy ireo - tànana naratra mafy tapaka. Al-Omeisy quoted a volunteer saying that they "pulled a hand sticking out from rubble - a severed arm. Al-Rayy repeated the words of a volunteer who said "they took their hands out of the debris - severely injured hands. Ahiana mbola hitoetra maharitra ny zavona be raha hitohy foana ny rivotra mitondra ireo setroka avy any Sumatra ho any Singapore. Hazy conditions are expected to persist as the prevailing winds will continue to bring smoke haze from Sumatra to Singapore. The haze is expected to remain longer if the winds that take the haze from Sumatra to Singapore continue. efa an-taonany maro no tsy nahitan'izy ireo izao fomba ampiasain'ireo manam-pahefana any Côte d'Ivoire izao . they had not seen such methods used by the authorities in Côte d'Ivoire for many years. For years, they have not seen the methods used by authorities in Côte d'Ivoire. Tamin'ny faha-18 ny volana, raha niverina tao an-trano I Antonia Rodriguez, dia mbola nahita ny fihetsika tsy maotina ataon'ireo andian'olona amin'ny fianakaviany. On the 18th, when Antonia Rodriguez came back to the house, there were still mobs screaming obscenities at her family. On 18th of the month, upon returning to the house, the group's lack of modesty continued to see how their families are treated. Ilazao ny @KingSalman fa be loatra izany 5 taona izany - tsy maintsy afahany i Raif ankehitriny! Tell @KingSalman that's 5 years too many - he must #FreeRaif now! - Amnesty Gulf (@amnestygulf) June 17, 2017 Tell @KingSalman there are too many 5 years - he has to release Raif now! Nilaza ireo mpitsikera an'i Trump fa anisan'ny tompon'andraikitra tamin'ny fitomboan'ny vondrona mpankahala mikendry ny Amerikana Latina, Miozolomana, Amerikana Afrikanina, sy ny fiarahamonina LGBT ny kabarin'i Trump. Trump's critics say his rhetoric is partly responsible for energizing hate groups who then target Latin Americans, Muslims, African Americans, and the LGBT community. Trump critics say Trump's speech is responsible for the rise of hate groups targeting Latin Americans, Muslims, African Americans, and LGBT communities. Izao izany, tsy sakafo iny raha toa ka mbola tsy voamarikareo. Well it's not food in case you haven't noticed Now it's not food if you haven't noticed it yet. Maro dia maro tokoa ny lahatsary YouTube amin'ny teny Japoney no manazava ny fanaovana dibera miainga amin'ny tsy misy. There are a variety of Japanese-language YouTube videos that explain how to make butter from scratch. There are so many YouTube videos in Japanese that explain how to make butter from nothing. Ny tombontsoa azo amin'ny vazim-bolom-boanio dia ny fahafahany manolo toerana tanteraka ny vazy, ny koveta ary ny takelaka plastika vita avy amin'ny akora nosintonina tamin'ny solika. The benefits of coir pots are that they can replace petroleum-based plastic nursery pots, flats and trays. The benefits of the bee - eater's hair are that it is able to fully replace the wasts, sponges and plastic tablets extracted from the oil. i Che nihaona tamin'i Mousavi Che meets Mousavi Che met Mousavi Tany am-piandohan'ity taona ity, nanohana ny soso-kevitra Keniana mba hanosika ny fialana amin'ny fitsarana ireo mpikambana ao amin'ny Vondrona Afrikana . Early this year, members of the African Union backed a Kenyan proposal to push for withdrawal from the court. Earlier this year, members of the African Union supported the Kenyan proposal to push for the end of the trial. Efa ho andro vitsivitsy izao, nesoriko tao anatiko io hirifiry io, izay tsy vitako ny miatrika azy. For a few days now, I have been suppressing this pain inside me, which I cannot deal with. For a few days now, I have removed this pain from me, which I cannot cope with. Sary: Facebook Photo: Facebook Photo: Facebook Ny nokasaina, dia ilay efa neritreretinareo, hoe "rain'ny ady amin'ny..." tsy ampy mihitsy ny fifonako." The intention, as you may imagine, was "the father of the fight against..." I can't apologize enough. The plan was that you thought, "the father of war on..." my apology was not enough." Tsy ratsy ny Oliravin'ny Tako-kenatra kely; ny ratsy dia ny fomba fametrahana azy. Little Miss Thong isn't wrong, what's wrong is the setting it takes place in. Little Miss Talls are not bad; bad is how to put them down. 4. 4. 4. Milaza ireo olona any amin'ireo faritra sasany ao Kolombia hoe: nahoana ary ry zareo no tsy mangataka famelàna tsotra fotsiny? People in certain parts of Colombia say: why don't they just request forgiveness? People in some parts of Colombia say: Why don't they just ask for forgiveness? Andro Nahafatesana Olona Maro ao Gaza fa Voadaroka Ny Sekoly Velomin'ny Firenena Mikambana Iray Natao Hialokalofana Shelling of a School Where Gazans Had Taken Shelter Kills Women, Children and UN Staff · Global Voices Day of Death in Gaza, a United Nations High School for Refugees Is Attacked · Global Voices Ary rehefa nahita ny bilaoginy aho, avy eo ny tranonkalany, naha lasa eritreritra ahy izy. And when I discovered her blog, and later her website, she blew my mind away. And when I saw his blog, then his website, he made me think. Google Transparency Report, fitaovana iray manome fampahafantarana ny fivezivezin'ny vaovao ao anatin'ny tolotra Google manerantany, indray manondro ny fitotongana tanteraka ny fampiasana ny tolotra ao aminy tao Syria nanomboka tamin'ny 13:36 GMT tamin'ny Alakamisy. Google Transparency Report, a tool that provides information about traffic to Google services from around the world, indicates a collapse in the use of all of its services in Syria, starting at 13:36 GMT on Thursday. Google Transparency Report, a tool that informs the flow of information on Google's global service, points to a complete decline in its use in Syria since 13:36 million on Thursday. Araka ny finoany, afa-mandrehitra ho fahazavan'ny Tibetana nandoro tena ihany koa isika ary hivavaka ho an'i Tibet. Following their belief, we shall also light for the Tibetans who have self-immolated and pray for Tibet. According to his belief, we can also light the light of Tibetans who set themselves on fire and pray for Tibet. Namela hafatra efatra izy. He left behind four notes. He left four messages. - Hampanan-karena ny fandraisana andraikitra avy amin'ireo bilaogera manoloana ny mpamakiny niandry azy ireo am-bolana maro mba hanoratra lahatsoratra vaovao, ary indraindray mety ho niala an-daharana sy nitsahatra tsy nanaraka ny bilaoginy. - Enrich the bloggers responsibility towards their readers who wait for them for months to write new posts, and might sometimes give up and stop following their blogs. - To enrich bloggers' commitment to their readers waiting for months to write new posts, and sometimes to give up and stop following their blogs. Osman Mohammedsiraj dia milaza fa ny adihevitra dia tokony hirona amin'ny hoe ahoana no hiarovana ireo Etiopiana amin'ny "fihanahan'ilay valan'aretina": Osman Mohammedsiraj says that the debate should be on how to protect Ethiopians from "the spread of the epidemic": The debate should be focused on how to protect Ethiopians from "the spread of the disease": SARY: John Lubbock PHOTO: John Lubbock PHOTO: John Lubbock Misasa tanana ry zareo rehefa nifandray tanana taminay" They wash their hands after they shake hands with us" - Josh Wood (@woodenbeirut) September 29, 2013 They wash hands when they're in touch with us." Vao haingana, namoaka tao amin'ny media sosialy ny hevitra hikarakarana fitokonam-pirenena mifototra amin'ny hetsi-panoherana nitranga tany Islandy tamin'ny taona 1975 ny mpilalao sarimihetsika poloney malaza Krystyna Janda. Recently, famous Polish actress Krystyna Janda posted on social media the idea of organizing a national strike based on the one in Iceland, which took place in 1975. Recently, popular Polish actor Krystyna Janda posted on social media the idea of organizing national peace based on protests that took place in Iceland in 1975. Andro maha-somadodoka ho azy ireo io... It is a busy day for them... It is a day of pride for them... Tamin'ny manodidina ny 10 ora tamin'ny Alahady alina tao Pakistan no nanomboka tao amin'ny media sosialy ny resaka momba ny vaovao tafaporitsaka manaraka izay ho goavana sy mahaliana. It was around 10 pm on a Sunday night in Pakistan when talk began on social media of an upcoming leak that would be massive and newsworthy. This post is part of our special coverage Pakistan Protests 2011. Around 10 p.m. on Sunday night in Pakistan, news of the leaked news started on social media about what would be bigger and interesting. Sary an'ny mpanoratra ary nahazoana alàlana ny famoahana azy. Image by author and published with permission. Photo by the author and published with permission. Nanoratra izay hitany tamin'ny zava-niseho tamin'ilay fifandonana i Naomi Collett Ritz: Naomi Collett Ritz wrote what she saw at the scene of the clash: Naomi Collett Ritz wrote what she saw in the clashes: Nitantara ny antony nanosika azy tamin'izany i Al Saedi, ka nilaza hoe: Al Saedi described his motivation, saying: Al Saedi described his motives, saying: "Satria noho ny lalana misy, dia miatrika fanakanana sy fampitahorana fampodiana ny vadina olom-pirenena Amerikana raha sanatria maty ny vadiny mandritra ny fotoana fetran'ny karatra maitso (la carte verte). "Because of a flaw in the law, legal spouses of American citizens face automatic denial and threat of deportation when their spouses die during lengthy bureaucratic green card processing. "Because according to existing roads, the wife of a US citizen faces obstacles and threats of deportation if her husband dies during the term of the green card. Eo anatrehan'izany, i Nazly Hussein dia mitatitra mikasika an'i Abd El Fattah feno fahavononana teo ampivoahana ny fitsarana: Meanwhile, Nazly Hussein reports about a defiant Abd El Fattah emerging out of court: In the face of this, Nazly Hussein reports about Abd El Fattah with determination at the court: Toy ny tavy iray voatsentsina izahay miaraka amin'ireo jiolahy avy amin'ny vondrona mitam-piadiana milaza azy ho mpikatsaka fahaleovantena sy mpiaro vahoaka ireo. It's as though we are trapped in a vacuum with these thieves, these armed gangs, posing as supporters of independence and defenders of the people. We are like a fat with criminals from armed groups calling them independence and protecting people. Natombok'i Dennis Maxwell tao amin'ny fandraisam-peo ny fanazavana fa ny rahalahiny -tahaka ireo Meksikana an-hetsiny- dia nanao hetsi-panoherana ny governemanta ho setrin'ny fakàna an-keriny faobe ireo mpianatra 43 sy ny herisetra mianjady amin'izy ireo. Dennis Maxwell begins the podcast explaining that his brother - just like hundreds of thousands of Mexicans - demonstrated against the government in response to the mass kidnapping of the 43 students and the savage and arbitrary violence of their case. Dennis Maxwell started on the podcast explaining that his brother - like hundreds of thousands of Mexicans - protested against the government in response to the mass kidnapping of 43 students and violence against them. Koety: Manohy Fikomiana Ny Vondrom-piarahamonin'ireo Tsy Manana Zom-pirenena Kuwait: Stateless Community Continues Protesting · Global Voices Kuwait: Community Without National Rights Continues · Global Voices Mahafinaritra izahay Kanadiana. Canadians are nice. We Canadians are beautiful. "Nefa," hoy izy, "raha manana fisainana mendrika ianao, mikolokolo izany ny natiora." anatin'ny andro vitsivits, naharay hafatra izy fa nomena fankasitrahana Rs.1.00.000 ($2.000) avy amin'ny Hindi Sahitya Sansthan noho ny fandraisany anjara tanatin'ny literatiora Hindi . "But," he says, "if you have a noble thought, nature takes care of it." Within a few days, he got a message that he was unexpectedly being awarded Rs.1,00,000 ($2,000) by the Hindi Sahitya Sansthan for his contribution to Hindi literature . "But," she says, "if you have a good mind, nature is taking care of it." In a few days, she received a message expressing appreciation for Rs.1 million ($2,000) from Hindi Sahitya Sansthan for her contribution to Hindi literature. Raha tsy maintsy miasa ivelan'ny aterineto izy ireo, inona no mety fiantraikan'izany eo amin'ny hetsika anaty aterineto fanaony? If they were to start working in the offline world, how would this affect their online activities? If they have to work offline, how might this affect their online activities? "Mety hihemotra ny fanadinana, mety hihena ny naotiko na koa ato anatin'ny 1 volana dia mety ho sempotry ny fanenjehana ny tsy vita aho. "It is possible that my graduation will be postponed, that my grades will drop or that in a month from today I will not breathe under the pressure of catching up the missed lessons. "The exams can be postponed, my homework can be reduced or within 1 month I will be threatened by the persecution of the impossible. Izahay rehetra dia mino fa nanandrana ny fitaovam-piadiany vaovao taminay fotsiny ihany i Israely. We all believe that Israel is only testing their new weapons on us. We all believe that Israel has only tried its new weapons against us. Sary tao amin'ny Twitter-ny. Photo taken from Blanco's public Twitter profile. Image from his Twitter account. "Tsy nitsahatra na indray mandeha akory aza ny hiaka nanomboka tamin'ny 10:30 samy nivantana manohitra ny fitondrana miaramila sy Tantawi daholo. "The chants haven't stopped once since 10:30 all against military rule and Tantawi . "The cry has not stopped once since 10:30 both directly against the junta and Tantawi. Toy ny fotoana fanararaotra nefa very maina no fijeriko ny KenyaFeb28 . I see KenyaFeb28 as a missed opportunity. I look at KenyaFeb28 as an opportunity but in vain. Lehilahy vaventy 40 taona izy. He's 40 years old and stocky. He was 40 years old. @parrillimarcelo Toy ny mpitarika politika tsy misy ho kianina, tsy afaka manome afa-tsy izay tratrany i Benedicto XVI dia miala izy. @parrillimarcelo As a flawless political leader, Benedicto XVI can't give more and he's leaving. @parrillimarcelo as a political leader without criticism, Benedicto XVI can only give up and leave. hamoaka lahatsoratra to surf the Web Print Annotation Na dia mirona mankany amin'ny faharesen'ny Antoko Sosio-Demokraty (PSD),antoko eo amin'ny fitondrana aza ny vaovao amin'ny haino aman-jery ao an-toerana sy any ivelany, tamin'ny fifidianana tao an-toerana, ny marina dia ny ankamaroan'ny antoko politika no resy. Despite most of the national and international media focusing on the defeat of the incumbent government party, the Social Democrats Party (PSD), in the Portuguese local elections, the truth is that the big losers are actually all of the political parties. Although local and foreign media outlets tend to lose the ruling Sosio-Demokraty Party (PSD), in local elections, the truth is that the majority of political parties have lost. Raha mijery ny firenena avy any ambony ianao, ny renirano, ny lakandrano, ary ireo hetsika miseho an-drano dia tena fahitana miavaka. If you look at the country from above, the rivers, canals, and water-based activities are quite a sight. If you look at the country from above, the river, the canal, and the movements that appear in the water, you are a remarkable sight. "Mihasarotra izany," hoy i Al Khlifa. "It's going to be difficult," says Al Khlifa. "It's hard," Al Khlifa says. Mampalahelo. Regrettable. Sad. Ejipta: Jamban'ny finoan'olo-malaza? Egypt: Obssessed with Celebrities' Religion · Global Voices Egypt: The blindness of popular faith? · Global Voices Mitatitra i Wazwaz fa voatana nandritry ny 4 ora mahery izy, narahana fanadihadiana nataon'ny mpiasan'ny fiarovana Israeliana izay niampanga ny fianakaviany ho manao asa fampihorohoana mifototra amin'ny fiaviana ara-pirenena sy ara-poko. Wazwaz reports that she was detained for more than four hours, followed by an interrogation by Israeli security personnel who accused her family of terrorist activity based on national and ethnic origin. Wazwaz reports that he has been detained for more than 4 hours, followed by an investigation by an Israeli security worker who accused his family of engaging in racial and racial activities. Nanohina ny maro ny vaovao. The news came as a shocker to many. The news touched many. Misy hetsika firaisankina ihany koa omanin'ireo mpikatroka ao Alemaina . Activists in Germany are also preparing solidarity actions. There is also solidarity action organized by activists in Germany. Na dia efa tany am-ponja nandritra ny roa taona aza izy ireo, tsy mahazo mangataka onitra i Wolde Degu. Despite their two years behind bars, Yonatan and Bahiru aren't entitled to any form of compensation. Although they have been in prison for two years, Wolde Degu is not allowed to apply for compensation. Nanaiky izy ireo ary nanafoana ilay famoriambahoaka, nilaza tamin'olona maro araka izay tratrany. They agreed and cancelled the rally, informing as many people as possible. They agreed and cancelled the rally, telling as many people as they could. Nanoratra tamin'izay bilaogy izay aho: I wrote in that blog: I wrote in that blog: Mba hamehezana izany amin'ny zava-dehibe mikasika izany, lahatsoratra sasany nosoratako ankehitriny no anisan'ny famakafakana ataon'ny mpianatra ao amin'ny Stanford sy MIT, nanangana, namatsy vola, ary nanohana ny PehliMadad aho- fandraisana andraikitra momba ny asa soa, Nikarakara sy nanohana ny TEDxMargalla aho - konferansa TEDx tokana niseho tao Islamabad hatramin'izao ary mbola mitohy ny dia... To sum it up with the least of it, some of my posts are now part of student dissertations from Stanford and MIT, I founded, funded, sponsored PehliMadad - a charity iniative, I curated and sponsored TEDxMargalla - the only TEDx conference to have held in Islamabad so far and the journey goes on... To make sense of this in importance, I've now written some articles as part of a study conducted by students at the country's evil and I've created, funded, and supported PehliMadad - a charity initiative I've been preparing for and supporting TEDxMargalla - the only conference that has been taking place in Islamabad so far and the journey continues... Hety no fangon'ity antoko Toniziana ity satria te "hamora (manao hasoavana) ny fiarovana , ny fitsarana ary ny fitantanana" izy ireo. Scissors is the logo of the Tunisian party because they want to "circumsize the security , the judiciary and the administration." Heat is the logo of this Tunisian party because they want to "forge security, justice and governance." Tokony ho maimai-poana ny fitsaboana ao Ogandà. Medical care is supposed to be free in Uganda. Health care should be free in Uganda. Niverina ny fihaonambe dimy taona taorian'ny fiaingany voalohany tamin'ny 2011. The conference returns five years after its first iteration in 2011. The conference returned five years after its first start in 2011. Errrmmm, tsy te-hisaraka amiko ny bankiko?" Errrmmm, my bank won't break up with me? Errrmmm, my bank doesn't want to be with me?" Ny Nofinofy Shinoa dia tsy ny fampiasana ny teôrian'ny fisainana toy ny zaza, fa ny hanomezana ny olom-pirenena fitaovana hiainany. The Chinese dream is not to use the theory to fool around, but to give citizens a means of survival. The Chinese Dream is not the use of the theory as a child, but to give citizens the means to live. Malahelo ny ray amandreniko aho; ny zandriko lahy sy vavy" hoy ilay 19 taona Zeeshant, izay milalao ao amin'ny ekipam-pirenena hongroà amin'ny cricket tsy dia fantatra, tao amin'ny fanentanan'ny UNHCR. I miss my parents, my little sister and brother" a 19-year-old Zeeshant, who plays for the little-known Hungarian national cricket team, told the UNHCR's campaign. I miss my parents; my brothers and sisters," says 19-year-old Zeeshant, who plays for the rare Hungarian national cricket team at the UNHCR campaign. Tafakatry ny Istiqlol ho 3-0 avy amin'ny daka penalty. i Dilshod Vasiyev no namono ny baolina Istiqlol makes it 3-0 from the penalty spot. Scorer is Dilshod Vasiyev - Peter Leonard (@Peter__Leonard) May 3, 2017 Istiqlol's 3-0 win from penalty. Dilshod Vasiyev killed the ball Ary nisy koa ireo honohono fisian'ireo olona hafa, fantatra amin'ireo anarany fotsiny, izay mbola tokony hohadihadiana. As well as there being allusions to other individuals, known only by their last names, who have yet to be investigated. And there were also rumors of other people, known only by their names, who were yet to be questioned. Na dia natao manjavozavo aza ny sary dia misy ny sasany milaza fa mbola azo nofantarina ao amin'ny lahatsary ihany ireo lehilahy hita ao ary nilaza ny heviny ny vondrona mpiaro ny zon'ny vitsy an'isa fa mety mampidi-doza ireo azo sary ny lahatsary mivoaka amin'ny firenena, tahaka an'i Zeorzia, izay maro dia maro an'isa ny ôrtôdôksa. Despite the blurring, some say, the men in the videos can still be identified and minority rights groups argue in a highly orthodox country like Georgia, the videos could put those filmed at risk. Although the photos are made vague, some argue that the men found there are still available in the video and minority rights groups have argued that videos published in the country, such as Georgia, where Orthodoxs are a large number. Lavitra ny làlana ho amin'ny hoavy. It's a long road for the future. The road to the future is far away. Tanatina krizy mangina ireo ONG iraisam-pirenena misahana ny lamin'asa ara-pahasalamana efa ho 5 taona izao, indrindra indrindra taorian'ny Septambra 2007. The international non government organizations implementing health programs has been in a silent crisis for almost a half decade, particularly after September 2007. International health programs have been in a silent crisis for nearly 5 years, especially after September 2007. Sekoly miozolmana no ianaran'i Abu Leil eto ary mitondra sarondoha afatotra eny an-doha izy. Abu Leil went to an Islamic school here and wears a loose headscarf. Abu Leil is studying Muslim schools here and he is carrying a string on his head. Nahazo ny lazany, tsy ao Shili ihany, fa hatrany Arzantina sy Meksika, ankoatra ireo firenena hafa ao Amerika Latina, ity tarika ity izay noforonina manodidina an'i Andrés Feddersen (tale ara-barotra), Loretto Araya (tale ara-javakanto sy mpandray anjara fototra ao anatin'ireo tantara mahatsikaiky tena malaza) ary Sebastián Lavados (mpanatontosa ny resaka haino aman-jery). Young Latin Americans are discovering the Internet's potential to broadcast their artistic expressions - and comedy is no exception. Such is the case of Laf Producciones, a marketing company run by a team of creative Chileans. The team, which is composed of Andrés Feddersen (business director), Loretto Araya (creative director and leading actress in the comedy sketches) and Sebastian Lavados (audiovisual producer), has become famous not only in Chile, but also in other Latin American countries like Argentina and Mexico. This group has gained popularity not only in Chile, but also in Argentina and Mexico, among other Latin American countries, which have been created around Andrés Feddersen (seller), Loretto Araya (art and main characters in the most popular comic stories). Leyla Aliyeva, zanaka vavin'ny filoha Ilham Aliyev, no lehiben'ny mpanatontosa ilay horonantsary, izay nolazaina ho nitentina 20 tapitrisa dolara ny nanaovana azy. Leyla Aliyeva, daughter of president Ilham Aliyev, was the executive producer of the film, which cost a reported $20 million to make. The film's director, Leyla Aliyeva, was the director of the film, whose production was reported to cost US$20 million. (Samy tsy misy marina.) (Neither is true.) - GregorydJohnsen (@gregorydjohnsen) January 23, 2015 (And there's no truth.) Fitantarana lohahevitra maro isan-karazany no efa voadikanay (ho amin'ny teny Italiana) ary hitanay fa tsara ny nandraisan'ireo izay nilaza ny heviny an-tserasera izay vitanay. We've translated stories on a wide range of topics, and have so far received very positive feedback in online commentary. We've translated various stories (for Italian) and found that it's good that those who voice their opinions online have responded to what we've done. TEBOKA. PERIOD. TEACH. Manomboka ny 1 Jolay 2012, ny mpamily fiara misy maotera rehetra ao Frantsa dia tsy maintsy mandalo 'éthylotest' daholo araka ny didim-panjakana nivoaka tao amin'ny Gazetim-panjakana tamin'ny Alakamisy 01 Martsa 2012. Update - December 2012: The mandatory holding of breathalyzers in cars has been postponed several times, due to shortages of the devices and doubts about the efficiency of those put on the market. Starting July 1, 2012, based on an official edict published by the Journal Officiel on Thursday March 1, every vehicle driver in France will need to carry a breathalyzer. Starting on July 1, 2012, all the motor drivers in France must pass through a prethylotest according to a decree issued by the State Press on Thursday, March 1, 2012. Notazonin'ny polisin'i Beiging ihany koa ny mpanao gazety Shinoa Liu Hu tamin'ny volana aogositra noho ny famoronana sy fampielezana tsaho an-tserasera. Liu Hu, a Chinese journalist, was also detained by Beijing police in August for fabrication and dissemination of rumors online. Chinese journalist Liu Hu was also detained by Beijing police in August for creating and spreading rumors online. "Manaja ny kolontsaina rehetra ny vahoaka Iraniana na dia eo aza ny hetraketraky ny Tandrefana manoloana ilay tetikasa nokleary Iraniana." Iranian people respect all cultures despite the western hostility with Iranian nuclear program. "The Iranian people are proud of all cultures despite the West's horror towards Iran's nuclear project." Tamin'ny nahitako azy, manana olana be izy rehefa miaina ka tsy maintsy nasianay fantsona tao am-bavany ary nametrahana milina hanampiana hitazonana ny ainy. When I saw him, he was breathing with great difficulty so we had to put a breathing tube into his mouth and put him on life support. When I saw him, he had a lot of problems living and we had to place a pipe in his interrogation and install a machine to help keep his life alive. Heloka bevava mahatafiditra am-ponja sy handoavana onitra hatramin'ny 545.000 dôlara amerikana ny fampiasana VPN hanivahana amin'ny famefena napetraky ny governemanta sy ny firotsahana amin'ny raharaha tsy navelan'ny lalànan'ny seraseran'ny firenena ho azo atao. The use of VPNs to bypass government restrictions and engage in activities not allowed under the country's cybercrime law, is a crime punishable by imprisonment and up to $545,000. The use of VPNs against government censorship and involvement in cases not allowed by the country's communications law is a crime of imprisonment and fines of up to 545,000 US dollars. Notazonin'ny polisy ao Fiji ny mpisolovava telo ao an-toerana ary noraofiny ihany koa ny solosaina findain'izy ireo, satria heverina fa manana fifandraisana amina bolongana manohitra ny governemanta izy ireo. Police in Fiji detained three local lawyers and seized their laptops, supposedly because of a possible connection to a popular anti-government blog. Fiji police detained three local lawyers and confiscated their laptops, considering they had links to anti-government blogs. Androany (26 Aout 2011), nanala ny fitaintainan'ny Danoa ihany ny Praiminisitra Danoa Lars Løkke Rasmussen nony farany, tamin'ny fiantsoana fifidianana parlemantera: ny andro lehibe dia afaka telo herinandro, ny 15 Septambra. Today the Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has finally let the Danes out of suspense by calling the parliamentary elections: the big day is already in three weeks, on September 15. Today (26 August 2011), Mexican Prime Minister Løkke Rasmussen finally lifted the anxiety of the Caribbean by calling for parliamentary elections: the big day is three weeks away, on September 15. Tena nalahelo aho namaky ny vaovao mikasika an'i @RedRazan hoe enjehana noho ny "heloka bevava.." tsy olona mpanao heloka bevava i Razan. I am very sad to read the news about @RedRazan being charged with "crimes.." Razan is not a criminal. I am so sad to read the news about @RedRazan being prosecuted for "criminality." Razan is not a criminal. Nanao fanambarana tamin'ny fomba ofisialy ny momba ny fisian'ny "fototry ny zo fototra" izay tahaka ny ambonin'ny lalampanorenana ny minisitry ny atitany, voalaza amin'ny fomba ofisialy ankehitriny ny fanafoanana ny dina sosialy. Ever since the German Minister of the Interior postulated "Super Fundamental Rights" applicable beyond the constitution, the dissolution of the articles of association has been official. The Ministry of Interior has made an official statement about the existence of "the fundamental rights factor" which seems to be above the constitution, now the canceling of social conventions has been officially declared. Nanandratra ny feony tamin'ny governemanta Iraniana ilay mpitoraka bilaogy nandritra ireo roa taona lasa, ary fanintelony izao izy no voasambotra. The blogger has raised his voice against the Iranian government for the last two years, and this was the third time he was arrested. The blogger has been raising his voice to the Iranian government over the past two years, and he has been arrested for the third time. Raha nandeha trolleybus avy ao ho any aho androany. I was on a trolleybus going from to today. When I went to a bus from there today. Tsara koa ny manamarika fa nisy fiantraikany teo amin'ny mpitoraka blaogy ny fanoratana zavatra nandritry ny fotoanan'ny krizy noho ny havizanana azony eo amin'ny fikasàny hitatitra vaovao matetika. It must also be noted that writing during the height of the crisis took a toll on many bloggers who may have fatigued from the toll of trying to inform frequently. It is also worth noting that writing something during times of crisis has affected bloggers because of the stress they have had in their attempts to report regularly. Ohatra ny hoe nalaina avy tamin'ny horonantsarin'i Steven Speilberg, hitako ity zazalahy ity nanosika ilay kilalao namboariny tamin'ny hazo kely lavalava sy kodiarana metaly anankiroa nalaina teo amin'ireo sisa sy korontam-bato izay tranon'ny mpifanolo-bodirindrina taloha. As if pulled from a Steven Speilberg movie scene, I saw this boy pushing his hand made toy designed from a simple stick and two metal wheels through the rubble and carnage that was once his neighbors home. As if taken from Steven Speilberg's video, I saw this boy pushing the game he had made with a small wooden tree and two metal tires taken from the remains and rubble that were once a neighbor's house. Palestina: Matory Ary Fohazin'ny Fipoahana Ny Ao Gaza Palestine: Gazans Sleep and Wake Up to the Sound of Explosions · Global Voices Palestine: Gaza Flames and Flys · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Gaza Protests 2011. Tsy manao fampiraharahana aminà Orinasa Arabo mpamokatra mihitsy izy ireo na kely na lehibe izany. They do not contract with any big or smaller Arab music records company. They don't talk to any of the Arab companies that produce it. "Amin'izao manana làlana isika, herinaratra ary laharana telefaona," hoy i Köçek. "Now we have roads, electricity and phone lines," Köçek said. "Now we have roads, electricity and phone numbers," Köçek says. Lavitry ny vazivazy, tsy misy tokony hihomehezana ho an'ireo Ejiptiana. manamarika i Pakinam Amer hoe: Jokes aside, it was no laughing matter for Egyptians. Pakinam Amer notes: Far from humor, nothing should laugh for Egyptians. Pakinam Amer notes: Tsy misy fidiram-bola hatramin'izao, mahazo tapakila anjara sakafo sy fanampiana ho an'ny vahoaka vatsian'ny fanjakana California ara-bola ny fianakaviana. With no income for now, the family receives food stamps and other California state-funded public assistance. There is no income so far, families receive food and relief tickets for people funded by the California state. Misy ireo ohatra am-bava mikasika ny fomba azon'ireo mpampiasa aterineto anampiana amin'ny famahàna olana sarotra. There are vocal examples of how Internet users can help solve complicated problems. There are oral examples of how Internet users can help solve difficult problems. Kanefa nahita ilay printsy rehefa nanapa-kevitra ny hanambady azy fa fitsapana fotsiny ihany ilay fihodirana mainty mba hanaporofoana ny fahatsoram-pony. But after deciding to marry her, the prince soon discovers that the dark complexion was simply a test to prove his sincerity. But the prince came to see when he decided to marry him, that the black man was just a test to prove his sincerity. Amirhadi avy ao Tehran nanoratra momba ity sary ity tao amin'ny bilaoginy: Amirhadi from Tehran writes about this photo in his blog: Amirhadi from Tehran wrote about this photograph on his blog: Ny tsy fisian'ny finiavana demaokratika sy ny fangaraharàna ara-piarahamonina dia mahatonga ny fitaterana momba io olana io ho fanamby iray ho an'ireo mpikatroka mafana fo ao anatiny sy ivelan'i Iràna. The lack of democratic will and societal transparency have made reporting on this issue a challenge for activists inside and outside of Iran. The lack of democratic will and social transparency makes reporting on this issue a challenge for activists inside and outside Iran. Betsaka no tonga aty Amerika miaraka amin'ny finoana lalim-paka fa hahatanteraka ny fampanantenana asehon'i Amerika hita vatana; voaozona tsy maintsy hahatanteraka ity nofinofy ity ka ny fanantenana no mba fitaovana enti-miady. Most arrived in America with the determination to fulfil the promise that America embodies; destined to realize this dream armed with little more than hope on their side. Many came to America with deep faith that America's promise of a physical body will be fulfilled; this dream is a curse that must be fulfilled and hope is the means to fight. Tiany ery ny mahita irto vokatra mitovy loko, na dia lafobe tsy ho voavidiny vola aza ny ankamaroany. He likes to see how uniform all the produce looks, even though most of it is too expensive for him to afford. She likes to see the same color products, although most of them are expensive. Nahangona mpijery 74 919 izany ary fankasitrahana in-1064. It has garnered 74,919 views with 1064 approvals. It gathered 74,919 views and was courtesy 1064 times. Mpamadika daholo izy rehetra ireo!." They are all traitors!" They are all traitors!." Betsaka ireo teny hafa tsy azo sary an-tsaina akory fa avy amin'ny teny quechua ankoatr'ireo teny avy any Però iantsoana ireo biby sy ireo vokatra avy amin'ny fambolena ary nampidirina amin'ny teny castillan saingy nasiana fanovàna kely toy ny hoe: llama, guanaco na vicuña (lama, guanaco ou vigogne) raha tsy hilaza afa-tsy ireo 'camelidé' (karazana rameva) any Amerika atsimo, na ny papa, quinua, palta na lúcuma, raha te-hiteny ireo vokatry ny fambolena avy any Però. A large amount of words for animals and agricultural products in Peru were incorporated with slight modifications into Spanish from Quechua, such as llama, guanaco, vicuna (just to name South American camelid species), potato (papa), quinoa, avocado (palta) and lucuma. But there are many more words that you might not realize came from Quechua. Many other words can't even imagine that from Quechua beyond the languages of Peru to name animals and agricultural products and to be added to thecastillan language but have some changes such as: llama, guaanco or vicuña (lam, guaco ou vicugne) to name only the "cameligé' (a type of camels) in South America, or the pope, quinua, palta or lúcuma, if he wants to name the crops of agriculture from Peru. Ny taona 2012, nametraka fitoriana mombanà heloka melohan'ny lalàna anà fanalam-baràka ny vondrona jeneraly Angolane, nitory an'i Marques de Morais, tany Portogaly noho ilay boky. In 2012, a group of Angolan generals filed a criminal defamation complaint against Marques de Morais in Portugal over the book. In 2012, a group of Angolan generals filed a criminal complaint against the book in Portugal on the subject of defamation. The Gene Pool no anaran'ny blaoginy ary mila ho isan'andro izy no mametraka ny heviny amin'ny horonan-tsary. Precisely what I and others have been saying all along. (...) he has steadfastly done what he has said he would do: set his own personal understandings aside and take a centrist stance "for the good of the whole Church." This is not news, folks! But it is indeed sad. Her blog is The Gene Pool and she comments on the video almost every day. Koa satria tokotokony ho 75 isan-jato ny tahan'ny fandraisana anjara fandrotsaham-bato any Taiwan, ny fihetsehan'ny 30 isan-jaton'ny mpifidy hanao ankivy ny referandaoma no ho ambonin'ny marimaritra iraisan'ny maro an'isan'ny mpifidy. Since the voting rate in Taiwan is about 75 percent, the mobilization of 30 percent of voters to boycott the referendum will override a consensus reached by a majority of the voters. As Taiwan's voter turnout is about 75 percent, the move by 30 percent of voters to boycott the referendum is above the consensus of many voters. Tsy maintsy lazaiko fa ny dadatoako dia manana aretina amin'ny taovam-pisefoana taorian'ny fanendahana . I should say that my uncle suffers from a lung insufficiency after during a robbery. I have to say that my uncle suffers from respiratory disease after he is diagnosed. Manazava ny fizotrany nandritra ny antsafa nifanaovana tamin'ny Global Voices i Anita Kirkovska, mpikambana iray ao amin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina We Talk IT: Anita Kirkovska, a member of the We Talk IT community, explained the process in an interview for Global Voices: Anita Kirkkska, a member of the We Talk IT community, explains her process in an interview with Global Voices: @hayaalshatti manontany hoe: @hayaalshatti asks: @hayaalshetti asks: Momba ny Hamas, dia manamarika i Sam Halaby: On Hamas, Sam Halaby notes: On Hamas, Sam Halaby notes: Nanamafy i Bola Ahmed Tinubu, lehilahy mpanao politika sy mpikambana lehibe ao amin'ny antoko mpanohitra Nizeriana, fa: Bola Ahmed Tinubu, a politician and prominent member of Nigeria's opposition, asserted that: Bola Ahmed Tinubu, a politician and major member of the Nigerian opposition party, argued: Nahita sy namaky ny antontan-taratasiko manokana rehetra izy ary nahafantatra hoe iza ireo namako. They have seen and read all my private documents and know who are my friends. He saw and read all my personal documents and knew who my friends were. 7. 7. 7. Raha tokony hoe nametra-pialàna, dia naleon'i Erdogan nanome toky fa hiady amin'ireo mpifanandrina ara-politika nolazainy fa manodinkodina ny fanadihadiana. Rather than resign, Erdogan promised to fight the political opponents he claimed were puppeteering the investigation. Instead of resigning, Erdogan promised to fight against his political opponents that the investigation was misleading. Nilaza izy fa hitondra tombotsoa ho an'i Oganda ny fifanekena momba ny solitany. He said that the oil agreements are to benefit Uganda. He said the oil deal would benefit Uganda. Sary an'i Awadeshkumar Sidhpuri. Image by Awadeshkumar Sidhpuri. Photo by Awadeshkumar Sidhpuri. Raha izany, toa tsy dia olana ao Frantsa ny fanitsakitsaham-bady. Apparently, being unfaithful is not that big a deal in France. If so, adultery does not seem to be a problem in France. I Finda io, marary iray ahiana ho voan'ny Ebola, mivavaka ho an'ireo fianakaviany marary mialohan'ny andefasana azy ireo any amin'ny toerana fitsaboana ny Ebola any amin'ny Mpitsabo tsy Voafetran'ny Sisin-tany. This is Finda, a suspected Ebola patient praying over her sick family members before being admitted to the Doctors Without Borders Ebola treatment center. Finda, a patient suspected of Ebola, prays for her sick family before they are sent to the hospital for Ebola treatment to Doctors Without Borders. Ary any atsimo, milaza hatsika mamanàla sy havandra ny vinavina momba ny toetrandro ato anatin'ny andro vitsy any Arequipa. And in the south, in Arequipa, forecasts of ice storms and hailstorms were announced for the upcoming days. And in the south, climate forecasts in the past few days in Arequipa say we're ripping and hailing. Ny fikambanana tsy miankina amin'ny fanjakana Azafady no mitatitra ny doro-trano goavana tany Amparihy, Taolagñaro izay namotika trano miisa 164. Izany doro-trano izany no fanindroany goavana tao anatin'ny roatokom-bolana monja any amin'ny faritra Anosy. The second serious fire in the region within the last 3 weeks burned down 164 homes in the the fokontany of Amparihy in Fort Dauphin, Azafady reports. The massive fire in Amparhy, inlagñaro that destroyed 164 homes, is the second largest fire in just three weeks in the Anosy region. Amin'ny lafiny sasany, maneho ny zava-drehetra alahelovana ny hira. But in some ways the songs represented everything that was missing. In some ways, the song represents everything. Tsy azonao ovàna ny zava-nisy eo amin'ny olona. You cannot twist facts people. You can't change the situation between people. Henjana ilay fanapoahana baomba, saingy tsy dia mahatsiravina manao ahoana loatra ka hanaovana tabataba be toa izao, ary hamerimberenana zavatra iray tsy ankijanona. - Marco Torres Saldías (@mtorressaldias) 9 Septambra, 2014 The bombing was serious, but not enough for such a fuss, repeating the same thing over and over. The bombing is strong, but it's not so terrible to make such noise, and it's going to make one thing worse. - Marco Torres Saldías (@mtorressaldias) September 9, 2014 Manondro ny lasa izany rehetra izany. These all allude to the past. All of this refers to the past. Nampiseho tampoka ny sainan'ny Repoblikan'I Shina (tsy Repoblika Entim-bahoaka an'i Shina izany) i Liu You-chen, mpilalao E-spaoro Taywaney teo ampandraisana ny medaily varahin'ny Lalaon'ny Aterineto manerantany notontosaina tany Seattle USA nandritra ny fotoam-panolorana medaily. Liu You-chen, a Taiwanese E-sport player, suddenly displayed a Republic of China flag while he accepted a bronze medal at the award ceremony of World Cyber Games (WCG) 2007, which took place in Seattle USA. Liu You-chen, an E-sparo Taywaney player, suddenly showed the flag of the Republic of China (not People's Republic of China) as he won the world's Olympic medals held in Seattle USA during the medal ceremony. Mbola mijaly aho indraindray. I still suffer sometimes. At times, I still suffer. Nikarakara fifaninanana hamelomana indray ny fanjonoana nentim-paharazana ambanivohitra ny governemanta ao Hong Kong, Tai O. Avahan'i Diumanpark fa ny filazana hoe "hamelomana indray" dia fanarotsaronana ny "commercialisation" (fampiroboroboana ny varotra), izay, mety hamotika ny kolontsaina sy ny fomba amam-panao mampiavaka ny ao an-toerana ihany. The Hong Kong government has organized a competition for revitalizing a traditional fishing village, Tai O. Diumanpark pointed out that the word "revitalizing" is a cover up of "commercialization," which, eventually would destroy the local culture and character. The Hong Kong government has organized a competition to restore traditional rural fishing, Tai O. Diuman request that the so-called "reconciliation" is only an attempt to break the local culture and traditions. Raha toa ka manasa tànana amin'ilay fetibe ny governemantan'i Yulin, ireo mpankafy ny henan'alika sy ny mponina any Yulin kosa dia mamaly bontana ary milaza fa tsy manan-jo handrara ny olona tsy hihinana henan'alika ireo mpikatroka mpiaro ny zon'ny biby. While the Yulin government is washing their hand off the festival, dog meat lovers and Yulin residents are fighting back saying that animal right activists have no right to stop people from eating dog meat. While Yulin's government wash hands at the festival, dog meat lovers and residents of Yulin respond and claim that animal rights activists have no right to ban people from eating dog meat. Mbola tsy mitsangana ny pejin'ny Olombelon'i La Réunion, saingy toerana tsara iaingana kosa ny sary zarain'ny Pejy Facebook Ile de La Réunion Tourisme (IRT). A Humans of La Réunion page also hasn't been created yet, but a good starting place is the photos shared by Ile de La Réunion Tourisme (IRT) Facebook page. The Humans of Havana page is still not standing, but the image shared by the Facebook page Ile de Havana Tourisme (IRT) is a good place. Satria ilay fetiben'ny hena alika ao Yulin miteraka fijaliana mafy hoan'ireo biby, manohintohina ny fahasalaman'ny olombelona, manimba ny lazan'i Shina erak'izao tontlo izao, ary misy idiran'ny fitodrantena tsy mendrika miparitaka be, hatramin'ny fanitsakitsahana ireo lalàna ao Shina momba ny sakafo azo antoka, dia fotoana izao ho an'ny governemanta Shinoa mba handraisana fepetra matotra hampitsaharana tanteraka ity hetsika ity. With the dog meat festival in Yulin causing such severe animal suffering, risking human health, damaging China's global reputation, and involving widespread illegal behaviour, as well as breaching China's own food safety laws, it is time for the Chinese Government to take firm action to end this event for good. As Yulin's dog meat festival causes serious suffering for animals, endangers human health, destroys China's reputation throughout the world, and involves widespread guilt, as well as violating China's food safety laws, it is now time for the Chinese government to take serious steps to stop this move. Tamin'ny herintaona i Brunei no firenena voalohany ao Azia Atsinanana nametraka ny Sharia, na ny lalàna Islamika, eo amin'ny sehatra nasionaly. Last year, Brunei became the first nation in East Asia to implement Sharia, or Islamic law, at a national level. Brunei was the first East Asian country to set up Sharia, or Islamic law, on the national level last year. Na dia teo aza ireo Palestiniana maherin'ny 2000 niharam-boina tamin'ny fanafihan'i Israely farany tao Gaza, mbola mahita hevitra hankalazana ny Eid Al-Adha Islamika ihany ny olom-pirenena, izay manomboka androany (4 oktobra) manerana ny tontolo Miozolomana. With over 2,000 Palestinian deaths in the latest Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip, citizens still find reasons to commemorate the Islamic Eid Al-Adha, which begins across the Muslim world today. Despite more than 2,000 Palestinians being victims of Israel's latest offensive in Gaza, citizens still find ways to celebrate Islamic Eid Al-Adha, which begins today in the Muslim world. Howard M. Friedman, mpampianatra lalàna fanta-daza ao amin'ny Anjerimanontolon'i Toledo, dia milaza ao amin'ny blaoginy ReligionClause: Howard M. Friedman, Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Toledo, says in his blog ReligionClause: Eddie M. Friedman, a well-known professor of law at the University of Toledo, says on his blog ReligionClause: Tamin'ny fotoana tsy milamina eo amin'ny fifandraisan'i Shina sy i Japana no nahatongavan'ny tolo-tanana avy amin'i Japana, satria mbola mifanditra momba ireo nosy ao atsinanan'ny ranomasin'i Shina izy ireo. Japan's offer to help comes at a shaky time for relations between China and Japan as the two countries continue to spar over islands in the East China sea. Japan's offer comes at a time when China and Japan's relations are not peaceful, as they are still debating the islands on the east coast of China. Raha teny an-dàlana hiverina ho any Thimphu renivohitra ny Mpanjaka mivady, rakotra olona, na antitra na tanora, nivoaka nitandahatra mba hiarahaba ny Mpanjakalahy sy ny Mpanjakavavy vaovao ny lalambe migodana tao Thimphu. As the Royal Couple made their way back to the Capital Thimphu, the highway and the streets of Thimphu were lined with young and old out to greet the King and his new Queen. While the King and his wife were on their way back to the capital Thimphu, full of people, young and old alike, the highway of Thimphu came out in line to congratulate the king and his new queen. Saripika roa maneho làlana iray ihany ao Beijing, ny iray nopihana tamin'ny andro mazava, misy masoandro ary ilay iray hafa nalaina tamin'ny andro iray feno setroka. Two photos of the same street in Beijing, one taken on a clear, sunny day and the other on a smoggy day. Two photos showing the same road in Beijing, one taken in the light, the sun and the other taken on a day of smoke. Nandatsa-bato Ny Afghan Na Dia Teo Aza Ny Korontana Nataon'ny Taliban Afghans Survive Severed Fingers to Cast Second Round Votes · Global Voices Afghans Voted Despite Taliban Riots · Global Voices Notsongain'ny fampahalalam-baovao vahiny tahaka ny IBN Live India ity tantara ity. This story was picked up by overseas media such as India's IBN Live. The story was quoted by foreign media as IBN Live India. Notantarain'i Jacqueline Charles solontenan'ny Miami Herald tao amin'ny kaontiny Twitter fa niaraka marobe nidina an-dàlambe tamin'ireo Haitiana izay tsy tsara fifandraisana aminy ireo mpikambana amin'ny Iraky ny Firenena Mikambana handamina an'i Haiti: Miami Herald correspondent Jacqueline Charles reported via her Twitter feed that members of the UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), with whom Haitians have a conflicted relationship, were out in their numbers on the streets: On his Twitter account, Miami Herald representative wasn't sure that members of the United Nations Embassy would take to the streets with Haitians who didn't get along well with him to organize Haiti: Toy izao ny fomba fiasan'ny Ping: This is how the Ping works: This is how Ping works: Nandritra izany fotoana izany dia nanambady razazavavy nandritra ny taompolo 1960, nihalehibe tao amin'ny toerana be fampiatranoana ireo Palestiniana an'arivony tao Yarmouk izy. By time she married in the 1960s, Yarmouk had grown into a busy neighborhood housing thousands of Palestinian refugees. Meanwhile, married to a girl during the 1960s, she grew up in a large shelter for thousands of Palestinians in Yarmouk. Mila fotoana ny fakàna ny fahatokisan'ireo Shipibo. It takes time to build trust with the Shipibo. It takes time to get the trust of Shipibo. Tajiks - vondro-mponina faharoa indrindra ao amin'ny firenena aorian'ny Pashtuns - no matetika afangaro amin'i Iran sy ny Tajikistan Sovietika taloha noho ny rohy amin'ny fitenin'izy ireo sy kolontsain'izy ireo . Tajiks - the country's second most populous group after Pashtuns - are often tarred with the same brush due to their linguistic and cultural links with both Iran and ex-Soviet Tajikistan. Tajiks - the country's second largest community after Pashtuns - are often confused with Iran and ex-Soviet Tajikistan because of links to their language and culture. Manoratra ihany koa ny ao amin'ny Daily Mail fa manao famangiana fanampiny any amin'ny sinagoga ao Londres I Lohan sy Ronson mba ahafahan'I Lohan mianatra misimisy kokoa mikasika ny dingana mandroso mankany amin'ny fiovam-pinoana. The Daily Mail also writes that Lohan and Ronson made additional visits to the synagogue while in London in order for Lohan to learn more about the conversion process. Daily Mail also writes that Lohan and Ronson are making additional visits to London's so that Head can learn more about the progressive process of change. Hoy ny sora-baventy mivaky hoe "Fahafahana sy rariny ho an'i Can Thị Thêu." Signs say "Freedom and justice for Cấn Thị Thêu." The banner reads "Freedom and justice for Can Thhart Thêu." Haiti, U.S.A.: Fahatsiarovana an'i Môpera Jean-Juste Haiti, U.S.A.: Remembering Fr. Jean-Juste · Global Voices Haiti, U.S.A.: Remembering Jean-Juste · Global Voices Meksika: Notsongaina handray anjara amin'ny mozika Orkestra YouTube ny mpitendry anankiroa. Mexico: Two Musicians Selected for YouTube Symphony Orchestra · Global Voices Mexico: Two musicians are invited to participate in YouTube Orkestra. @bassem_sabry: Vao izao mihitsy: nandresy tamin'ny vato 99.9% i Hosni Mubarak. @bassem_sabry: Breaking: Hosni Mubarak wins by 99.9% of the votes. @bassem_sabry: Just this: Hosni Mubarak won 99.9% of the votes. Nosamborina izy ireo tamin'ny volana lasa, ary tsy mbola manana mpisolovava. They were arrested last month, and have had no legal representation. Last month, they were arrested, and they still don't have lawyers. Ny blaogy Libertad dia mamoavoafy mikasika ny fampiharana ny lalàna Kyrgyza momba ny famonoana an'i Alisher Saipov, mpanao gazety fatra-pitsikera, izay maty voatifitra tany Osh any Kyrgyzstana. Libertad comments on the report of Kyrgyz law enforcement bodies on the assasination of Alisher Saipov, a highly critical Uzbek journalist, who was shot to death in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Libertad writes about the Kyrgyz law enforcement of critical journalist Alisher Saipov, who was shot dead in Osh in Kyrgyzstan. Mampiasa media sosialy ihany koa ny Foibe Fianarana Lalàna sy Sosialy hampielezana ny fanentanana amin'ny ady ho amin'ny fahamarinana, fahatsiarovana ary ny rariny. The Center for Legal and Social Studies also uses social media to spread awareness of the fight for truth, memory and justice. The Center for Law and Social Studies also uses social media to spread awareness campaigns for justice, memory and justice. Nipoitra ihany. It has finally dawned. Finally it appeared. Kisary ao Manchester (UK) "Amanizan'ireo mpanankarena sy matanjaka isika, dia lazain'ny mpampahalala vaovao ihany fa hoe avy ny orana." Drawn in Manchester, UK. "The rich and powerful piss on us and the media tells us it's raining." "We are loved by the rich and powerful, the media says it's raining." انا الصراحة لو كانت جات لي دعوة لمقابلة اوباما - ومحدش يزعل مني - كنت ها ارحب جدا على الاقل الحق قبل ما اوباما يمسك ويوسخ الدنيا وتبتدي الناس تنتقده ببساطة لاني ها اقابل رمز تاريخي للتغيير في امريكا ورمز لرئيس دولة منتخب ديمقراطيا بجد والناس بتحبه وعندها امل فيه وده نموذج نتمنى نشوفه في كل دول العالم بداية بمصر وممكن كمان اتجرا واقول ان انتخاب اوباما من اهم الاشياء منذ حركة الحقوق المدنية للسود ورموزها زي مارتن لوثر كينج ومالكوم اكس انا الصراحة لو كانت جات لي دعوة لمقابلة اوباما - ومحدش يزعل مني - كنت ها ارحب جدا على الاقل الحق قبل ما اوباما يمسك ويوسخ الدنيا وتبتدي الناس تنتقده ببساطة لاني ها اقابل رمز تاريخي للتغيير في امريكا ورمز لرئيس دولة منتخب ديمقراطيا بجد والناس بتحبه وعندها امل فيه وده نموذج نتمنى نشوفه في كل دول العالم بداية بمصر وممكن كمان اتجرا واقول ان انتخاب اوباما من اهم الاشياء منذ حركة الحقوق المدنية للسود ورموزها زي مارتن لوثر كينج ومالكوم اكس انا هذاة دت جات لي دعوة لمقحبة اوباما - ومحدش عال مني - كنت ها ارحق على الاق دت ما اوباما يمسك ويوسخ الدنيا ويتدي الناس تنتقده ببحة لاني فى رمز تاري للتغيير في امريكا ورمزرئيسيس بسة منتخب بقسسسسسس بسسسس بسهه بنه بنهههه بسحححححسة لاني منني منني بدحزحز تارحزي للتغييريير في امتغية في امسكاكاكاا ورسسسسسسزرئئئئئيسة من من من من مختخبتده من مختختختختختخرسسه من من خره من ختختسس من مخبتتتتتتتتتتسسسسسة Ireo no bilaogy nirotsaka nifaninana nandrombaka ny loka bilaogy BAKE. These are the blogs that will be in the running to win a BAKE blog award. These are the competing blogs that won the BAKE Blog Awards. Tsy vitako ny hanafoana azy io satria efa nanomboka tamin'izany marovady izany ireo razambentsika (..) NewsduKamer refers to the fact that the north of the country is particularly affected by a cholera outbreak which has already caused the death of 500 Cameroonians so far. I can't remove it because our ancestors (.) have started so many couples.) Norafetin'i Vít Jedlička, nampiasaina noho ny lisansa Creative Commons. Design by Vít Jedlička, used under Creative Commons license. By Vít Jedlička, used under a Creative Commons license. Saripikan'i John Manderson, Nahazoana alalana. Photo by John Manderson, Used with permission. Photo by John Manderson, used with permission. Izany indrindra no mahatonga ireo olona marobe malahelo mahita ny fomba somary manesoeso nandritra ny Herinandron'ny trano famakiam-boky , satria mety hikatona ity trano famakiam-bokin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina ity mandrapà, noho ny tsy fahampian'ny vola hanamboarana ny tafo. That is why many were saddened to discover, ironically in the middle of Library week , that this community library would be closed until further notice because it lacked sufficient funds to repair its roof. That's why many people are sad to see how the library Week was more satirical, because this community library would be closed until now, due to lack of money to build the roof. 3.Milaza ny fomba fijeriny momba ny fanadiovana kabone amin'ny minisitra Kazakh ireo vehivavy Kyrgyz ao Moskoa. Kyrgyz women who clean toilets in Moscow give the Kazakh minister a piece of their mind in a video clip. 3. Kyrgyz women in Moscow express their views on cleaning kabone with Kazakh ministers. Soritan'i João ny endri-javatra nanosika azy hanomboka hanao kisary ny tantaran'i Lisbona: João describes the scenario that inspired him to start mapping the stories of Lisbon: João described the situation that moved him to start making icons in Lisbona's story: Tsy nampijanona ny fankalazana ny Grito de Lares (ny Tomanin'i Lares) tamin'ny 23 Septambra, andro manamarika ny hetsika mpitady fahaleovantenan'i Pôrtô Rikô tamin'ny taonjato faha-19 izay nanomboka ny fikomiana manohitra ny governemanta Espaniola tao amin'ny tanàna tendrombohitr'i Lares tamin'ny taona 1868 ihany koa izany. It also did not stop the commemoration of the Grito de Lares (The Cry of Lares) on September 23, which marks the day when the independence movement of the 19th century in Puerto Rico launched a rebellion against the Spanish government in the mountainous town of Lares in 1868. It didn't stop celebrating the Grito de Lares on September 23, the same day that marks Puerto Rico's independence movement in the 19th century that also began a rebellion against the Spanish government in the mountainous city of Lares in 1st of the year. Ary manantena hitrandraka ny firoboroboan'ny tsenan'ny toeram-pisakafoanana Tandrefana izay nirongatra nandritra ny folo taona lasa i Tamrat . And Tamrat hopes to tap into a blossoming market of high-end Western restaurants that's sprung up there over the past decade. And Tamrat hopes to explore the growth of the Western restaurant market which has erupted over the past decade. Tonga tao an-tampon'ny Mandalay ny mpaka sarin'ny Irrawady, Zaw Zaw vao maraimbe tamin'ny 12 Janoary 2016 mba hiandry ny fiposahan'ny masoandro. The Irrawaddy's photographer Zaw Zaw got to the top of Mandalay Hill early on January 12, 2016, to await the rising sun. Irrawady photographer Zaw Zaw arrived at the top of Mandalay early today, January 12, 2016 to wait for the dawn. Sary avy amin'i Anwar Hossain Joy. Image by Anwar Hossain Joy. Photo by Anwar the Joy. Tsenambarotra Ali, tsenambarotra ao Filipina nomena ny anaran'ilay goavana Muhammad Ali ho fanomezam-boninahitra azy taorian'ny Thrilla ao Manila. Ali Mall, the Philippines' first shopping mall, was built near the venue of "Thrilla in Manila' in 1976. Ali Market, a Philippine shopping mall named after giant Muhammad Ali in honor of him after Thrilla in Manila. Niafara tamin'ny fahakiviany izany. The man ended up having a nervous breakdown. It ended with depression. Espíritu Bautista. Espíritu Bautista. Espíritu Bautista. Eo ny hoe maro ireo te-hahafantatra ny dikan'ny teny Filipiana sasany amin'ny Jejemon. Well, many are curious to learn the Jejemon equivalent of certain words in Filipino. There are many who want to know what some Filipino words mean for Jejemon. Ho valin-kafatra, nandefa izao taratasy manaraka izao tany amin'ireo mpamatsy Aterineto ny Roskomnadzor, mangataka ny hanesorana ny adiresy IP-n'ny Inspektera ao anatin'ny lisitra maintin'izy ireo. In response, Roskomnadzor sent the following letter to providers asking that the Inspector's IP addresses be removed from their blacklists. In response, Roskomnadzor sent the following letter to Internet providers asking for the removal of Inspekter's IP address from their blacklist. Ny Connaught Road no isan'ny arabe tototra indrindra ao Hong Kong. Connaught Road is a most congested road in Hong Kong island. Connught Road is one of Hong Kong's most flooded streets. Lasa tranompaty vonjimaika ny Lisea ho an'ny Ankizivavy tao Soma, izay nahafaly ahy ny nandalo tao tamin'izaho mbola mpianatra. Soma Girls' High School, which I had been so keen to attend when I was a high school student, had become a temporary morgue. A school for girls in Soma became a temporary hospital, where I was happy to pass through when I was a student. Tsidiho ireo elefanta miaina mirenireny any firenena misy izany - ny fizahantany no manome vahana ny toekarena, maome ny asa ilaina, mampihemotra ny fihazana sy ny fihoaram-pahefana, ary ahafahanao mahita ny hakanto, ny fahaizana ary ny fihetsehampon'ireo goavana mahafinaritra ireo. Visit elephants in countries where they live in the wild - tourism benefits the economy, provides needed jobs, deters poachers and abuse, and gives you the opportunity to experience the beauty, intelligence, and emotional capacity of these magnificent giants. Visit some of the elephants living in the country where it is available - tourism promotes the economy, explains the necessary activities, promotes hunting and abuse, and enables you to see the beauty, skills and emotions of these great giants. Bilaogera iray mampiasa ny anarana Roswell no namaly haingana tao amin'ny Australian Independent Media Network - Tambajotranà Media Aostraiana Mahaleotena: A blogger using the name Roswell responded quickly on the Australian Independent Media Network: A blogger using the name Roswell quickly responded to the Australian Independent Media Network: Anisan'ireo manohana ny hetsika ohatra ny Hetsika Shahbag (Shahbag Movement) sy ny Kianjan'i Projonmo (Projonmo Square) ary anisan'ireo manohitra kosa ny Feon'ny Nasionalista (Voice of Nationalist) sy ny Bamboo Castle. Those for the protests include Shahbag Movement and Projonmo Square and those against are Voice of Nationalist and Bamboo Castle. Among those who support the event are the Shahbag Movement (Shahbag Movement) and Projonmo Square (Projonmo Square) and those who are part of the opposition to Nationalist Voices (Voice of Nationalist) and Baboo Castle. Fikatonan'ny Google Reader: Toetra Ratsin'ny Google? Close of Google Reader: Google's Dark Side? · Global Voices Google Block: Google's Secret? · Global Voices sainam-pirenen'i Portugal sy Frantsa ao amin'ny wikimédia commons- Domaine Public Noraisin'ny Lusojornal avy eo ity antso ity, gazetin'ny Vondrom-piarahamonin'ireo miteny portioge ao Frantsa sy Belzika. National flags of Portugal and and of France (Wikimedia Commons- public domain) The appeal was later taken up by Lusojornal , a newspaper for the Portuguese communities in France and Belgium. This call was subsequently received by Lusojornal, a newspaper of the Portuguese-speaking Community in France and Belgium. Ho antsika sy izay rehetra mitolona ! #mananjohanomeAho For us and all those who are fighting! #ihavetherighttodonate To us and all those who fight! #mananjoAho Indrindra moa rehefa nampangain'ny maro ho miara-dalana amin'i ISIS i Torkia, manampahefana tandrefana iray no niteny tamin'ny Al Monitor, fa izany dia noho ny fifanandrinana mandeha amin'izao fotoana eo amin'i Ankara sy ny Kiorda ao Torkia. Indeed, Turkey is widely accused of siding with ISIS, an anonymous Western official told Al Monitor, due to the ongoing conflict between Ankara and Turkey's own Kurds. Indeed, when many accused Turkey of being with ISIS, a Western official told Al Monitor, it was due to the ongoing conflict between Ankara and Kurds in Turkey. Ireo olompirenena faly, mbola anaty hery sy tanjaka no miatrika manorina ny tanjaky ny tany! Happy, fresh-faced citizens build up the power of the land! Happy citizens, still in power and strength are facing the construction of earth's power! Ghanà: Fampahalalàna An'i Agnes Chigabatia - Mpanao Politika Vehivavy Ghaneana Ghana: Meet Agnes Chigabatia - Ghanaian Female Politician · Global Voices Ghana: Understanding Agnes Chigabatia - Ghanaian Women's Politicians · Global Voices Arash Ashouri, mpitoraka bilaogy mpaka sary iraniana monina any Iran, manoratra ao amin'ny bilaoginy, Kosoof, mikasika ny anankiray amin'ireto mpitokona tsy mihinan-kanina: Arash Ashouri, a leading Iranian photo blogger based in Iran, writes in his blog, Kosoof, about one of hunger strikers: Arash Ashouri, an Iranian photoblogger based in Iran, writes on his blog, Kosof, about one of the hunger strikers: SARY: Sehatra ho an'ny daholobe ao amin'ny Pixabay PHOTO: Public Domain from Pixabay PHOTO: Public domain on Pixabay Handefa ny sombin'ireo faty avy ao amin'ireo fasana tambabe hita tao anaty hantsana sy ny reniranon'i Cocula any amin'ny Oniversiten'i Innsbruck ao Aotrishy mba hanaovana fizahana ny biraon'ny lehiben'ny fampanoavana meksikana. The Mexican general attorney's office will send a different set of remains from a mass grave discovered in a ravine and the Cocula river to the University of Innsbruck in Austria for identification. Send a sample of dead bodies from the mass graves found in the valley and the Cocula river at Innsbruck University in Austria to study the Mexican Attorney General's office. Aty Shily, tsy misy fifandonana satria tsy misy olona manakana ny sasany tsy hody any an-tranony izany, na manara-maso izay alehany sy ny fotoana fivezivezeny, na manjanaka ny taniny, na maka an-keriny ny zanany. In Chile, there isn't conflict because no one prevents the other from returning to their homes, or controls where and when they can travel, or colonizes their lands, or kidnaps their children. In Chile, there is no conflict as no one prevents some from returning home, watching where they go and when they go, raising their land, or kidnapping their children. Izany rehetra izany ho anao, ry Ejypta! #EgyElex #PresidentialElections All for you, Egypt! #EgyElex #PresidentialElections All for you, Egypt! #EgyElex #PresidentialElections Ny Alakamisy 1 Jona, Dmitry Khomak, mpanorina ny Lurkmore, ilay "Wikipedia mpanadrohadro," dia nibitsika sarinà taratasy avy tamin'ny Roskomnadzor ho an'ireo ISPs, nangataka ny hanesorana ao anatin'ny lisitra mainty ireo adiresy IP an'ny VKontakte sy Yandex. On Thursday, Dmitry Khomak, the founder of Lurkmore, a "satirical Wikipedia," tweeted an image of a letter from Roskomnadzor to ISPs requesting that IP addresses belonging to VKontakte and Yandex be removed from provider blacklists. On Thursday, June 1, Dmitry Khomak, the founder of WordPressia, tweeted a photo of Roskomnadzor's letter to ISPs, calling for VKontakte and Yandex IP addresses to be removed from the blacklist. Tetikasan-kira avy amin'ny Saikinosin'i Yucatán ao atsimon'i Meksika ny Jam Gorila. Nanokana ny sangan'izy ireo farany indrindra ho an'ny "43 avy amin'ny #Ayotzinapa" (ireo lehilahy mpianatra 43 tsy hita tao Iguala, Meksika , rehefa nandeha hamonjy fihetsiketsehana tao amin'ny fihaonambe ara-politika ary nifanehatra tamin'ny polisy tamin'ny 26 Septambra 2014). Jam Gorila, a musical project from the Yucatán peninsula in the south of Mexico, is dedicating their latest work to "the 43 from #Ayotzinapa" (the 43 male students who went missing in Iguala, Mexico, after travelling to hold a protest at a political conference and then being intercepted by police on September 26, 2014). Jam Gorila is a musical project from the Yucatán Peninsula in southern Mexico, dedicated their latest work to the "43 of #Ayotzinapa" (the 43 missing male students in Iguala, Mexico, when they went to protest at a political rally and met with police on September 26, 2014. Na dia olan'ny lalànam-panjakàna sy ny Eorôpena aza io, avy aty Barselona, hanao izay betsaka indrindra vitantsika isika mba handray anjara amin'ny tambajotranà tanàna fialokalofan'ireo mpitsoa-ponenana. Even if this is an issue of state and European jurisdiction, from Barcelona we will do as much as we can to participate in a network of refuge-cities. Although it's a problem between state and European law, from Barsenona, we will do our best to participate in a network of refugee cities. Nandritra ny fotoana nitazonana azy, dia nandà hatrany ny famotsorana an'i Ampon amin'ny alalan'ny fandoavana onitra ny Fitsarana Ambony. Nanazava ny maha zava-dehibe an'io tranga io ho toy ny fanankorontana ny fandriam-pahalemana ary mety hatrany amin'ny zotram-piaramanidiny. While in custody, the Court of Appeals repeatedly denied Ampon bail, citing the severity of the case as a threat to national security and possibility of his flight. During his detention, the High Court has repeatedly denied Ampon's release on bail, explaining the importance of this incident as a threat to security and even his airport. Izay no fiampangàna tiako natao. That is the denouncement I wanted to make. That's the charge I wanted to make. Naorin'ny Rosiana izany ny ankamaroan'ireo tranobe ao Dushanbe, manan-daja amin'ny lafiny fandraharahana sy koltoraly, nampiasa fifangaroana endrika Eoropeana mahazatra sy endrika 'nasionaly' kokoa, na tatsinanana. Most of Dushanbe's buildings of administrative and cultural significance are thus Russian-built, employing a blend of classic European style mixed with more 'national', or oriental flourishes. The majority of Dushanbe's buildings have been built by Russians, both business and cultural, using a mix of traditional European faces and a more 'national' form. Cattaneo namoaka ihany koa ny dika mitovy ny fahazon-dalana ofisialy ny fanaovana ny fandaharana any RDC: Cattaneo also published a copy of the official authorisation to shoot the programme from the DRC: Cattaneo also published a copy of the officiality of the broadcast in the Congo: Indonezia: Nanome baiko ny Minisitra ny hamindrana ny sarivongan'i Bouddha ao Indonezia Indonesia: Ministry Orders Removal of Buddha Statue · Global Voices Indonesia: The Minister ordered the transfer of the monument to Indonesia · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Indonesia Revolution 2011. Mivoaka ao Eoropa sy eto Madagasikara hatramin'ny volana jona ho avy izao ilay lahatsarim-panadihadiana. The documentary is showing in Europe and in Madagascar through June. The documentary has been released in Europe and Madagascar since June. @yslaise: Misaotra anareo ry Bouazizi, Khaled Said ary ry tanoran'i Tonizia sy Ejipta, nanome ahy tantara hampianariko an-janako lahy mikasika ny fanaovana sorona ny tena, ny firaisankina ary ny fahafahana @yslaise: Thank you Bouazizi, Khaled Said and the youth of Tunisia and Egypt, for giving me stories to teach my son about sacrifice, unity and freedom @yslaise: Thank you, country, Khaled Said and young Tunisia and Egypt, for giving me stories to teach my son about sacrifice, solidarity and freedom Notazonin'ny iray tamin'ireo lehilahy tamin'ny tendany sady miankin-drindrina izy, ary nitalaho hoe, "Miangavy, avelao aho. One of his men holds her by the throat against a wall, as she pleads, "Please leave me alone. He was held by one of the men with his neck and a mural, and begged, "Please, let me. Mpandalina marobe no nanondro ny fizarazaràna lalina ara-poko sy sosialy ary ara-toekarena izay nitambesatra tamin'i Etazonia efa nanomboka tany amin'ny nananganana azy ho repoblika, 238 taona lasa izay. Several analysts have pointed at the deep socio-economic and racial disparities that have afflicted the US ever since its founding as a republic 238 years ago. Many activists have pointed to deep ethnic, social and economic divides that have intensified with the United States since its creation as republic 238 years ago. Ireo fanafihana, nohelohin'ny UNESCO, dia niteraka hatezerana teo amin'ireo Libiana. The attacks, denounced by UNESCO, sparked the anger of Libyans. The attacks, condemned by UNESCO, have sparked outrage among Libyans. Oadray, tsotra fotsiny ! Oh, but it's simple! Oh, it's simply! Anatin'ny faritanin'i La Mar, ao amin'ny faritr'i Ayacucho ny distrikan'i Chungui. Chungui, the district, is part of the La Mar province in the Ayacucho region. The district of Chsaui is part of the province of La Mar. Ny tena marina, ny antony - tsy itiavan'ireo lehilahy miresaka momba ny fanambadiana amin'ny vehivavy - dia tsy sanatria manohitra ny fanambadiana izy ireo, fa kosa manahy ny tsy hanana harena hahafahana mampiadana ireo vehivavy. Actually, the reason - men do not want to talk about marriage with women - is not because they oppose marriage, but they are worried whether they have the wealth to give women happiness. In fact, the reason is that men don't want to talk about marriage to women - they don't happen against marriage, but they worry about having enough to make women comfortable. Niezaka niverina tany Filipina izy, saingy tsy an'asa ankehitriny ary mijanona ao amin'ny trano lay fatoriana mba hikarakara ny vadiny izay naratra mafy nandritra ny fihotsahan'ny tany ny lamosiny: He managed to come back to the Philippines, but is now jobless as he stays in the bunkhouse to take care of his wife, who suffered a bad back injury during the landslide: She tried to return to the Philippines, but is now unemployed and remains in the tent to care for her husband who was seriously injured during the landslides: Arakaraka ny zava-mitranga, raisina ho fahalalam-pomba ny fanehoana fahalianana amin'ny olona resahanao amin'ny alàlan'ny fametrahana fanontaniana momba azy manokana. Depending on the situation, it's considered polite to express interest in whoever you're talking to by asking personal questions. Based on what happens, expressing interest in people you talk about by asking questions about them is considered a good way. Raha ny mahazatra dia tsy mampiasa fitaovana fandikan-teny ireo Filipiana mpampiasa aterineto satria ny ankamaroan'izy ireo dia mahay teny Anglisy. Normally, Filipino internet users do not use web translation tools since majority are familiar with the English language. Filipino netizens usually don't use translation tools because most of them speak English. Sary iray no alefan'i Dardour eto ahitàna ny heveriko fa karazana memy na fàtana (lafaoro), ampiasaina hahandroana ilay mofo Toniziana nentidrazana. Dardour posts a picture here of what I presume is a kiln of some sort, used for baking traditional Tunisian bread. Dardour posts a photo here of what I think is a sort of memomy or a measles, used to prepare the traditional Tunisian bread. Notairin'ny ekipanay avy any amin'ny tobim-pikarohana izahay fa dibo-drano ny any Samburu! Today we woke up to reports from our guys at the research centre that Samburu is under water! Our team told us from the search camp that Samburu was flooded! Arashiyama, any amin'ny sisiny andrefan'i Kyoto, no heverina fa iray amin'ireo toerana tsy tokony holalovana fotsiny ao Japàna raha resaka ravina rehefa fararano. The hills above Arashiyama provide both a spectacular view of the fall foliage as well as Kyoto to the east. Arashiyama, located on the western coast of Kyoto, is considered to be one of Japan's most unspoiled leaves when it comes to autumn. 7,5kg kosa ny lanjan'ny kitapon'ilay mpianatra kilasy fahadimy ao amin'ny sekolim-panjakana hoan'ny tovovavy ao Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. The bag of a class five student from a government girls' school at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar weighed 7.5kg. 7.5kg, however, is the weight of the schoolbag of a fifth grader at a public school for girls in Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. Tamin'ny Zoma heriny lasa teo, namoaka ny "September" ny vondrona mpikatroka sy manam-pahaizana avy ao Okraina, Rosia, Belarosia, Kazakhstan, ary Azerbaijan, tranonkala iray izay antenain'izy ireo ho sehatra famoahan-kevitra eo amin'ny samy antoko elatra havia manerana ny Firaisana Sovietika teo aloha. On Friday, a group of activists and academics from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan launched "September," a website they hope will be a platform for leftist discourse across the former Soviet Union. Last Friday, a group of activists and experts from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan launched "Septmber," a website that they hope is a platform for both leftist parties across the former Soviet Union. Ho hita eo raha hanampy hamadika ny fitontonganana miandalan'ny kuş dili izany rehetra izany. Whether any of it will help reverse kuş dili's slow decline remains to be seen. It remains to be seen if all this will help turn the slow decline of the kuş dili. Mpanao sary modely (maketista) i Nget, ary mpanoratra lahatsoratra ara-panatanjahatena taminà gazety malaza iray tao Gambia, The Daily News. A layout designer, Nget was also the sports editor of the once popular newspaper in the Gambia, The Daily News. Nget is a model designer, and a sports editor at a popular newspaper in The Gambia, The Daily News. Faharetan'ny fiarovana ny zon'ny mpamorona ho an'ny resaka saripika Duration of copyright protection of photographs Duration of copyright protection for photography Baidu, mili-pikarohana amin'ny alalan'ny aterineto sy mpitahiry votoaty lehibe indrindra ao Shina, nandefa ny foibe ara-bolan'ny Baidu tamin'ny 28 Oktobra ary nahatratra ny iray miliara yuan ambony indrindra ekena (164,3 tapitrisa dolara amerikanamillion US dollars) araka ny lalàna Shinoa tao anatin'ny dimy ora tao anatin'ny indray andro. Baidu, the biggest Internet search engine and online content hosting company in China, launched its Baidu finance center on October 28 and hit the maximum allowed one billion yuan (164.3 million US dollars) according to Chinese Law in less than five hours on the first day. Baidu, China's largest Internet search engine and online content company, launched the state-owned state-owned state-owned _BAR_ China's financial center on October 28 and reached one of the world's world's most acceptable yuan (US$4.3 million) according to Chinese law within five hours in one day. Nahita i Leung fa lasa nisy varomaizina niforona mihitsy tao amin'ireo toby maron'ny mpitsoaponenana: Leung found that a type of black market appeared to appear at many refugee camps: Leung found out that there has been an increase in the number of refugee camps: Nofintinin'ilay mpikatroka Libaney-Armeniana Yeghia Tashjian tao amin'ny Global Voices ny fanambarana, navoaka tamin'ny teny Armeniana sy Arabo: The statement, published in Armenian and Arabic, was summarized for Global Voices by Lebanese-Armenian activist Yeghia Tashjian: Lebanese-American activist Yeghia Tashjian summed up the statement on Global Voices, published in Armenian and Arabic: Tahaka ny mihazakazaka te-hahazo medaily avokoa ny rehetra eto Chancelor androany hariva Everybody on Chancellor like they going for gold this evening #sweetTandT #worldchampions #dohdragdeflag 🇹🇹 - Tillahwillah (@tillahwillah) August 13, 2017 It seems everyone in Chancelor is running for medals tonight Sary marobe no niparika tao amin'ny media sosialy ahitana ny zava-nitranga ao anatiny sy ivelan'ny minisitera: Several pictures have been circulating on social media from the scenes inside and outside the ministry: Several photos have been circulated on social media showing what happened inside and outside the ministry: Tamin'ny herinandro lasa, naneho hevitra momba ny fitsidihana ofisialy nataon'ny filoha Frantsay Nicolas Sarkozy ny tontolon'ny bilaogy Toniziana. The Tunisian blogosphere was buzzing last week with responses to Nicholas Sarkozy's official visit. Last week, the Tunisian blogosphere reacted to French President Nicolas Sarkozy's official visit. Ny bilaogy Off Stumped koa naneho ny ahiahiny tahaka izany momba ny tsy firaharahian'ny fitondrana. Off Stumped voices similar concerns about government inaction and apathy. The blog Off Stuped also expressed similar concern about the government's indifference. Fanehoan-kevitr'olona tsy nitonona anarana navoakan'ny Letscorp, blaogy iray mampifandray ny votoaty eo amin'i Tanibe sy ireo faritra shinoa ampitan-dranomasina: In an anonymous commentary published by Letscorp, a blog that bridges contents between mainland and overseas Chinese regions: Anonymous comments published by Letscorp, a blog that links content between mainland China and overseas: Taorian'ny fahatezerana tao amin'ny media sosialy, nandefa fanitsiana ny Guardian sy ny Huffington Post. Following the angry reactions on social media, the Guardian and the Huffington Post have posted corrections. Following the outrage on social media, the Guardian and the Huffington Post sent corrections. "Aza Mitsara olona amin'ny FOMBA FANORANY... *hahahaha" Well, many are curious to learn the Jejemon equivalent of certain words in Filipino "Don't Judge a Person by its TYPO... *ajejejeje" "Don't judge people for THE Well... *hahahahaha, many is to bring the Jejemon equivalent of certains in Filipino "Is this not another play of words? is this not another design to flatter Nigerians?" wrote My pen and my paper. "Is this not another play of words? is this not another design to flatter Nigerians?" wrote My pen and my paper. "This isn't another set of tweets? is this not another decision to stop the Nigerians?" wrote My pen and my paper. Mampalahelo araka ny itarafana azy, mety tsy hiainga ny tetikasa, ka amin'ny maha-mpikarakara anao, tsy maintsy manana zavatra atolotra avy any amin'ny tanan'akanjonao any. 'hackathoner mpiambina' raha tianao. Sad as it seems, a project may not always take off, so you, as an organiser, must have something up your sleeve. A 'guardian hackathoner' if you like. Sad as it turns out, the project may not leave, so as an organizer, you must have something to offer from your clothes. 'hackathoner guard' if you want. Nifarana ny fifidianana izay ho filoham-pirenena frantsay saingy ny nifidianan'ny filoha teo aloha, Nicolas Sarkozy, hanao ny resaka fifindra-monina ho ivon'ny fampielezan-keviny kosa dia mitohy resahana hatrany ety anivon'ny tranonkala. The French presidential election may be over, but the fact that outgoing president Nicolas Sarkozy chose immigration as a core theme of his campaign is still the subject of much debate on the Web. The French presidential election ended but former president Nicolas Sarkozy's vote for immigration as the center of his campaign continues to be discussed on the website. Manakoako Maneran-tany Ny Fanoheran'ny Amerindiana Ny Fantson-Drano Lehibe Ao Standing Rock Native American Pipeline Resistance at Standing Rock Resonates Around the Globe · Global Voices Amerindians Protest to Standing Rock's Great Floods Around the World · Global Voices Tsy nampoizina ny firehidrehitry ny hazakazaka hofidiana ho filoha tamin'ny fisongadinan'i Marina Silva, mpisolo toerana an'i kandikà Eduardo Campos hisolotena ny Antoko Sosialista Breziliana taorian'ny fahafatesana nihatra tampoka tamin'ilay kandidà nosoloiny tamin'ny lozam-piaramanidina tamlin'ny volana aogositra. The presidential race was unexpectedly reshuffled by the emergence of Marina Silva, who took the place of candidate Eduardo Campos for the Brazilian Socialist Party after his startling death in a plane crash in August. This post is part of our special coverage Brazil Elections 2011. The presidential race in the summer of Marina Silva, the successor of the union, Eduardo Campos, to represent the Brazilian Socialist Party came as a surprise following the sudden death of his candidate in an air crash in August. Famoriam-bahoaka gaovana iray nomanina hatao tamin'ny 4 ora tolakandro, saingy tamin'ny 2 tolakandro teo ho eo dia efa feno tanteraka ny kianja Seoul A main demonstration was scheduled to take place around 4 p.m., but Seoul Plaza was already packed with protesters from around 2 p.m. A mass rally scheduled for 4 p.m., but at about 2 p.m. Seoul Square was fully filled. @baderdine1: Maoritania: firenena izay manana ny tobim-pitrandrahana volamena faharoa lehibe indrindra eran-tany. @baderdine1: Mauritania: a country that has the second biggest gold mine in the world. @baderdine1: Mauritania: A country with the second largest gold mine in the world. Nanambara ihany koa ny Fikambanana mpanao asa-soa Palestiniana miaraka ao Pakistana (PLF), izay nitsangana tamin'ny volana Mey 2008, fa ho "andron'ny Firaisankina miaraka amin'i Gaza" ny Zoma. The Palestinian Foundation of Pakistan (PLF), launched in May 2008, has also declared Friday as "Gaza Solidarity Day. The Palestinian Foundation of Pakistan (PLF), which was established in May 2008, also announced that Friday will be a "Day of Solidarity with Gaza." Mihevitra i Ernesto Alvarado fa tanora loatra ny 23 taona ho an'ity dingana ity ary mety hanenina amin'ny hevitra noraisiny ireo vehivavy. Ernesto Alvarado believes that 23 years old is too young for such a procedure and women could subsequently regret the decision. Ernesto Alvarado thinks 23 years are too young for this process and women may regret their opinions. Na ireo mpampiasa media sôlsialy koa aza dia ataon'ny manampahefana lasibatra. Even social media users are targeted by authorities. Even social media users are targeted by authorities. Andriamanitra amin'ny fiteny Arabo ny hoe Allah. Allah is the Arabic word for God. Allah is God in Arabic. Mety fambara ratsy ho an'ny zo nomerika ao Iran ny fanapahan-kevitra: Mitatitra mivantana any amin'i Khamenei ny Filan-kevitra tarihan'ny Filoha Rouhani. The decision may bode poorly for digital rights in Iran: the Council, while chaired by President Rouhani, reports directly to Khamenei. The decision could be a bad sign for Iran's digital rights: President Rouhani's Council of Council is directly reporting to Khamenei. Aty amin'i Andes izahay. We are in the Andes. We are in the Andes. Nitatitra ny toe-pahasalaman'i AlFadhli ny mafàna fo iray: Another activist reported AlFadhli's health condition: One activist reported on AlFadhli's health: Ny filazam-baovao mahazatra dia nitatitra fa miaina olana eo amin'ny resaka fampiantranoana ireo mpialokaloka noho ny fanomanana toerana hanaovana fifidianana sy ny tahirin-drano madio fisotro sy ny sakafo zara raha misy. The mainstream media reported that refugees are experiencing logistics problem due to the preparation of the local election and limited stock of clean water and food reserve. The mainstream media has reported that refugees are experiencing serious housing problems as they prepare for elections and clean drinking water reserves and low food. Géraldine, izay miasa aminà hopitaly iray, no mitantara ny fomba niainany ireo fanafihana ireo, ny tahony sy ny zavatra nataony. Géraldine, a hospital worker, recounts her personal experience during the attacks, as well as her fears and her reaction. Géraldine, who works in a hospital, describes her experience with these attacks, her fears and her actions. Ary toy izao, taty aoriana kely: And this, somewhat later: And later this is: Andro Iraisam-pirenena ho an'ny Vehivavy ny 8 Martsa, izay ao Japana dia fantatra tsara amin'ny Andron'ny mimoza (ミモザの日, ilazàna ilay voninkazo mimoza, fa tsy ilay toaka mifangaro ranom-boasary). March 8 is International Women's Day, which in Japan is better known as Mimosa Day (ミモザの日, in reference to the mimosa flower, not the champagne cocktail). March 8 is International Women's Day, which is well-known in Japan for the Mimoza Day. Fanampin'izany, tokony hanana fahalalana teknika ny olona sy fampiasana fitaovana amin'ny fanaovan-gazety an-tserasera. Moreover, a person must have technical skills and use tools of the online journalism. In addition, people should have technical knowledge and use tools in online journalism. Soritan'ny fitantanana ao amin'ny polisin'ny renivohitra fa tsy fikambanana na fiarahamonina sivily ny polisy, ka noho izany dia tokony ao anaty tambajotra mikatona ihany no ifampitam-baovao, dia izay tena voaaro sy mampilamin-tsaina. The capital's police directorate pointed out that the police force is not a civil society organization, and so its employees should exchange information within a closed network, one that is duly protected and secured. The management of the capital's police has confirmed that police are not civil organizations or communities, so it should only be reported on blocked networks, which are truly safe and secure. Nahita azy rehetra aho izao! Ive seen it all now! I saw them all now! Amin'ny fandokoana ny aingam-panahy avy ao amin'ny heverina ho firenena (Eoropeana) Tavaratra anjakan'ny rariny indrindra sy ambinin-karena ary efa avo lenta amin'ny fandraisana anjara demokratika, dia lasa maro ny Ekosey no lasa mandray anjara fanentanana hatrany amin'ny fototra. Drawing inspiration from what are considered to be the fairer and more prosperous Nordic countries with high levels of democratic participation, many in Scotland became involved in the campaign at the grassroots level. By painting inspiration from what is considered the most just and prosperous North European country and a high level of democratic participation, many Egyptians have become part of a grassroots campaign. Tian-dry zareo hahatsapa tena ho tompon'ny toerana ny olona monina ao amin'ilay faritra ka hilaza ny tantarany manokana momba ny fiarahamonin'izy ireo. Instead, they want to give a sense of ownership to people who live in the region to tell their own histories about their communities. They want people living in the area to feel owned and tell their own stories about their communities. Nadika ho amin'ny fiteny Aymara ny "Ilay Printsy Kely." The Little Prince was translated into Aymara. "The Little Prince" has been translated into Aymara. Ary fanagejana no lahatra satria ho aiza moa Not equality, but priority. And oppression was convinced that where to go Demokrasia ankosotra ao anatina fampiharana ny mifanohitra amin'ny demokrasia tanteraka. Its a veneer of democracy on a totally undemocratic process. It's a democracy that is growing in practice against democracy. Tsy mety ho an'ireo Zebra no hitatitra any amin'ireo Liona mikasika ny herisetra nataon'ireo Liona tamin'ireo Zebra, ary hiandrandra hoe tena ho henoina sy tohanana tokoa! Its not possible for the Zebras to report to the Lions about the brutal behaviour of Lions on the Zebras and expect to be positively assisted! It would be wrong for the Zebras to report to the Lions about the violence committed against the Zebra and expect to be heard and supported! An'arivony no nidina an-dalamben'i Gdansk, Vroklavia sy Krakovia. Thousands went on the streets of Gdansk, Wroclaw and Krakow. Thousands took to the streets of Gdansk, Vrovika and Krakovia. Nanondro toe-javatra iray izay mety hanekena io volavolan-dalàna io, na tsy misy ny sonian'ny filoha aza, ilay LGBT mpikatroka mafana fo, Pepe Julian Onziema: LGBT activist Pepe Julian Onziema pointed out a situation in which the bill can be passed without the president's signature: LGBT activist Pepe Julian Onziema pointed to a situation in which the bill could be approved, even without the president's signature: Tena zava-dehibe hoy izy:"Amin'ny maha-fiarahamonina iray manontolo, dia ilaintsika ny manao asa tsara kokoa ho fanohanana ireo niharam-boina. Most importantly, she said, "As an entire society, we need to do a better job of supporting victims. It is important that she says: "As a whole society, we need to do better work to support the victims. Ankoatr'ireo maro hafa dia nandefa ny horonantsary ahitana ny ministra avy any Columbus, OH, izay niantso mba hifankahazo sy hanana faharetana na ny Silamo na ny Kristiana i Jaraad, Jaraad, among others, circulated the video of a minister from Columbus, OH, who called for understanding and patience from both Muslims and Christians. Among others, Jaraad posted a video of prime minister from Columbus, OH, who called for a balance and patience between Muslims and Christians, Manao fampitahana amin'ny lalao Olaimpikan'ny Ririnina sy ilay Koreana tatsimo mpikorisa amin'ny skate nifaninana ho an'i Rosia izay nahazo medaly volamena maro be ny mpampiasa Twitter iray hafa: Another Twitter user made a reference to the Winter Olympics and the South Korean speed skater who won several gold medals competing for Russia: Another Twitter user draws comparisons between the Winter Olympics and South Korean snowboarder competing for Russia that won a lot of gold medals: Raha ny fiofanana sy ny ezaka mafy efa nataon'ireo atletantsika... ary avy eo izy ireo halefa tahaka an'io ny fijery azy any amin'ny Lalao Olaimpika ?" Our athletes and all the training and hard work they've done... and then they are sent to the Olympics looking like this?" With training and hard work already done by our athletes...and then they will be sent like this to the Olympics?" Nilaza i Beijing fa nampanakarena an'i Xinjiang izany ary ataony mitovy tantana ny foko rehetra, saingy omen'ny vondrona mpandala ny zon'olombelona Uighur tsiny ny manampahefana ho manampim-bava ny fahalalaham-pivavahana sy nampihatra ny fanavakavahana. Beijing says it has brought prosperity to Xinjiang and treated all ethnicities as equals, but Uighur rights groups fault authorities for stifling religious freedom and imposing discrimination. Beijing says it's rich Xinjiang and it's holding all ethnic groups together, but human rights group Uighur blames authorities for restricting freedom of religion and practiceing discrimination. Nilaza ny tati-baovao fa nisy ny fitarainana momba ny voalaza fa tsy fanarahan-dalàna tao amin'ny fifidianana vao haingana toy ny tsy fitovizan'ny lisitry ny mpifidy, ny tsy fahampian'ny fanohanana ho an'ny mpiasan'ny biraom-pifidianana, ary ny tsy fahatomombanan'ny fanisam-bato. News reports mentioned complaints of alleged irregularities in the recent election such as discrepancies in voter rolls, inadequate support for polling staff, and inefficient counting of results. Reports indicate that there have been complaints about alleged irregularities in recent elections such as the absence of voter lists, lack of support for polling staff, and poor counting. Raha noheverina ho firesaka malaza i Budanov eo imason'ny nasionalista Rosiana nandritra ny taompolo farany, dia iadian-kevitra any amin'ny ankolafy ideolojika rehetra sy ao amin'ny tontolom-bolongana Rosiana kosa ny fahafatesany. While Budanov's case has been a cause célèbre for Russian nationalists throughout the past decade, his murder is currently being discussed in every ideological corner of the Russian blogosphere. While Budanov is considered popular in the eyes of Russian nationalists over the last decade, his death is being discussed in all sides of the Russian blogosphere. Bankirompitra tsirairay ny orinasa teto an-toerana noho ny tsy fahafahany mandoa vola miavosa noho ny fampiasana ny tambajotra. Local companies, after not being able to afford the huge amount of fee for using networks, went bankrupt one by one. The local company is a personal bank for not being able to pay large amounts of money due to the use of the network. Fandresena miezinezina ho an'ireo mponina ao Goatemala ary tohin'ny zavatra ninoako ho taona miavaka mahafinaritra-miampy ny fandrosoan'ny zon'olombelona eto amin'ny faritra. A tremendous victory for the people of Guatemala and a continuation of what I believe has been a pretty remarkable year-plus of human rights advancement in the region. This post is part of our special coverage Guatemala Revolution 2011. A victory for Guatemalans and a follow-up of what I believed to be a wonderful year - adding to the development of human rights in the region. Ankoatra izay, traikefa iray nanampy ny Indiana hieriteritra safidy hafa ara-tsosialy sy toekarena ho an'ny fiarahamonina miantehitra amin'ny jono sy ny fivarotana trondro koa ny Canoada. The canoada also helps indigenous groups think of socio-economic alternatives to communities that depend on the commercialization of fish. Furthermore, Canoada is also a experience that has helped Indians to meet other social and economic options for communities that rely on fishing and selling fish. @marujatarre manoratra hoe: @marujatarre writes: @marujatarre writes: Tsy ijerena ny fomba miiba nandraisan'ny firenena ilay fandraràna ny media sosialy mandritra ny fifidianana, fa nibitsika fanohanana ilay fandraràna ny sasany amin'ny mpanao gazety toa an'i Jojo Bruce-Quansah (@BruceJojo) tamin'ny filazàna hoe: Regardless of how the nation reacted negatively to the ban of social media during the election period, some journalists such as Jojo Bruce-Quansah (@BruceJojo) tweeted in support of the ban saying: Regardless of the country's negative reaction to the ban on social media during the elections, some journalists, such as Jojo likewise-Quansah (@BruceJojo), tweeted in support of the ban saying: Tsy azo nihodivirana ny fampitahana azy ny zanany vavy rehefa niakatra teo an-tsehatra i Maria Rita niaraka taminà feo tsy nifanalavitra loatra. Comparisons between her and her daughter were inevitable when Maria Rita arrived on the scene with a similar sound. Her daughter couldn't stop comparing her when Maria Rita went to the stage with a loud voice. Olona goavana nefa mpanetry tena izy, tena rangahy ary tsara fahy. He was a great yet humble man, a real gentleman and a kind soul. He's a great but humble, real man and nice guy. "Amin'ireo hira rehetra, misy ny fifanakalozana. "In all the songs, the exchange is taking place. "In all the songs, there is exchange. Hainareo ihany ny fitsapankevitra eny anaty aterineto. You know the online polls. You know the polls online. Tsy manome fiarovana mazava ireo mpanao gazety sy ireo mpitoraka bilaogy ny lalànan'ny fanaovana gazety ankehitriny ao Libanona (nosoratana ny taona 1962). Lebanon's current press law (written in 1962) offers no explicit protections for journalists or bloggers. Lebanon's current press law (registered in 1962) does not provide clear protection for journalists and bloggers. Efa mahazatra ny fangalaran-dasantsy ao India ary fitoriana marobe mahakasika izany no mbola tsy voavaha, nanampy nampivandravandra ity olana ity ny lahatsary malaza tao amin'ny pejy Facebook-na bilaogera iray. In India, where fraud at gas pumps is commonplace and many complaints remain unresolved, a blogger's viral Facebook video has helped shed light on the problem. Oil theft is common in India and many complaints about it are still not resolved, a popular video on one of the bloggers' Facebook pages has helped highlight this issue. Solontavan'i Zloy_Odessit ao amin'ny LiveJournal. Zloy_Odessit's LiveJournal avatar. Zloy_Odessit's LiveJournal post. Egypta: Gamal Mubarak ... Fa nahoana no tsy izy? Egypt: Gamal Mubarak ... Why Not? · Global Voices Egypt: Gamal Mubarak ... Why wasn't he? · Global Voices Ny hany valiny mety ho azoko atolotra amin'io dia hoe mpikambana ihany ao anatin'ilay vondrom-piarahamonina tsy ara-dalàna ireo mpitifitra kalaza ireo, izay mikendry ny hanomezan-tsiny ny governemanta tamin'ny famonoana. The only possible answer I can come up with is that the snipers were actually members of the illegal community who wanted the government to be blamed for the killings. The only response I could give to this is that the shooters are members of the illegal community, which aims to blame the government for the murder. Eh, tadidinao ve ny fanatanjahantena ady totohondrin'ny lanja mavesatra? Hey remember that sport heavyweight boxing? Hey, do you remember the sport of heavy weights? Ph Sima Ghnaim, izay Amerikana tavaratra na dia tsy manana pasipaoro palestiniana aza, nanoratra mikasika ny fomba fandraisana toy izany: Ph Sima Ghnaim, who is also North American although not a Palestinian passport holder, writes of similar treatment: Ph Sima Ghnaim, who is North American without a Palestinian passport, wrote about this approach: Ariel taorian'izany no nanoratra: Ariel later wrote: In a post he wrote: Ny omalin'io, navelan'ny mpitandro filaminana Hongroà tao amin'ny gara tany Budapest hiditra tampoka tao anaty fiarandalamby ho any amin'ny sisintany Aotrisiana ireo mpitsoa-ponenana. The evening before, the Hungarian police at Budapest's train station suddenly allowed refugees to enter trains leaving towards the Austrian border. The previous day, Hungarian security forces suddenly allowed refugees to enter the train to the Austrian border. Libya: Sakano Ny Vonomoka Ataon'i Gaddafi Libya: Stop Gaddafi's Massacre · Global Voices Libya: Block Gaddafi's Protest · Global Voices Izany no mahatonga ny harena ateraky ny fanana-mifàka tsy ho avy amin'ny tsena malalaka. That's why the wealth generated by property development is not from the free market. That's why the wealth of property is not coming from the free market. "Te-hanangana endrika tsara hoan'ny tanànako aho, satria tsy nisy olona nanangona ireo tantara manokana," hoy i Salinas. "I want to create a positive image of my town, because no one was collecting these personal stories," Salinas says. "I wanted to build a good image for my city, because no one gathered personal stories," Salinas says. Inona moa ankehitriny no sisa miandry ilay mpikiky Yemenita hitolo-batana ho any amin'ny paositry ny polisy akaiky indrindra. Now what is left for the Yemeni rodent to surrender himself to the nearest police station. Now what is left is waiting for the Yemeni policeman to surrender himself to the nearest police station. Tamin'ny fiverenan-dramatoa Benazir Bhutto, praiminisitra teo aloha, avy any an-sesitany valo taona sy tapany, dia filaharam-bahoaka manohana azy anarivony maro sy mpanao vivery ny ainy roa nanapoaka ny baombany no nitsena azy. On her return from an eight year self imposed exile, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was welcomed to Karachi with a procession of thousands of her supporters, and two successful suicide bombers. On the return of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, from his eight-and-a-a-half-year-old home, he was met by a crowd of thousands of supporters and two suicide bombers who bombed his bomb. Tokony *nohazavaina* tao amin'ny lahatsoratr'i Abiru izany. This should have been *clarified* in Abiru's article. *it should have been explained in Abiru's post. Bingu wa Mutharika tany amin'ny Mozea Metropolitan any New York. Bingu wa Mutharika at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Bingu wa Mutharika at the BarCamp Museum in New York City. "Misy mihevita fa mandray ny andraikiny manontolo amin'ny fanairana nataony tsy nokasaina ny vehivavy manintona," hoy i Cooper nanoratra tao amin'ny lahatsoratra bilaoginy. "Presumably, an attractive woman must take full responsibility for provoking unwanted attention," Cooper wrote in her blog post. "Some think that attractive women take full responsibility for their alarm without planning," Cooper wrote in his blog post. Taorian'ny alina iray toa tsy hitsahatra dia nihatery hatrany ny elanelan'ny isa, ary nitombo ireo fitarainana fisianà tsy fahatomombanana tamin'ny fifidianana. By the end of a long night that margin had narrowed significantly, and complaints of violations in the vote were rife. After a night that seemed to be going on, the gap in number was growing, and complaints of irregularities in the elections grew. Ny zavatra iray tena misongadina ao amin'ny bilaogy dia ny fandikan'ny bilaogera ny sasantsasany amin'ny tononkira amin'ny teny shinoa ho amin'ny teny anglisy. One of the most important features of the blog is that the blogger translates some of the Chinese lyrics into English. One of the highlights of the blog is that bloggers translate some of the lyrics in Chinese into English. Manao Diabe Manohitra Ny Herisetra I Meksika Mexico Marches against Violence · Global Voices Mexico Marchs Against Violence · Global Voices Fanontaniana feno fankahalana sy tsy fitiavana vahiny no natrehin'ilay Syriana mpitsoa-ponenana iray mikarakara ny fandosirany mankany Eoropa raha natao antsafa mivantana tamin'ny alalan'ny Twitter izy. A Syrian refugee who is planning his flight to Europe was asked hateful and xenophobic questions while being interviewed live on Twitter. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. A Syrian refugee who was preparing for his escape to Europe when he was interviewed live on Twitter faced a question of hate and non-foreignity. Fa taorian'ny Brexit, sy ity zavatra ankehitriny ity, takatry ny saina ihany fa ratsy kokoa noho ny nieritreretana azy izao tontolo izao. But after Brexit, and now this, there's the sinking realisation that the world is a shittier place that we thought. But after therefore, and what's happening now, it's understandable that the world is worse than we thought it was. Nefa, tao amin'ny tranonkala Birmanin'ny Radio Free Asia, ny mpilalao sarimihetsika Min Maw Kun niteny fa tsy misy hevitra ambadika mihitsy io sary io, ary nifona tamin'ny fihetsiny izy. However, on Radio Free Asia Burmese website, the actor Min Maw Kun said that he had no other reason for taking those photos, and that he had expressed his apology for his behaviour. However, on Radio Free Asia's Birman website, actor Min Maw Kun said that the photo had no background, and he apologized for his actions. Banning History, ohatra, manaiky izay lahatsary ahitana olona mamaky teny, mihira na mampiseho ny sombin'ireo boky noraofina an-keriny. Banning History, for example, is accepting videos where people appear reading, singing or illustrating pieces of the censored books. Banning History, for example, agrees with any video of people reading, singing or showing some of the books kidnapped. Araka ny hevitr'ilay mpampiasa Youtube izay nanisy lohateny kely ny lahatsary, io hira io "dia efa noeritreretina havoakan'ny Toshiba EMI ny 06 Aogositra 1988, kanefa nofoanana tampoka izany." 06 Aogositra no fahatsiarovana ny fanjerana, tao an-tanànan'i Hiroshima, ny baomba atomika voalohany. According to the Youtube user who subtitled the video, the song "was scheduled to be released by Toshiba EMI on 6th August 1988, but the release was suddenly canceled." August 6th marks the anniversary of the dropping, on the city of Hiroshima, of the first atomic bomb. According to the YouTube user who gave the video a short title, this song "was supposed to be released by Toshiba EMI on August 06, but it was suddenly cancelled." "Ny antony iray amin'ny lahatsary dia olona tsy ho hitanao mandrakizay mivantana na hihaonanao manokana izay mipoitra ao amin'ny YouTube," hoy ny filazany, "fa izaho kosa no tokana azonao ihaonana mivantana sy iresahana tahaka izao." "One of the reasons (for the video) is that everyone who appears on YouTube is that you never get to meet them," he said, "and I am the only one that you can see in person and meet me." "One reason for the video is that you won't see people directly or personally who appear on YouTube," he says, "but I'm the only person you can meet in person and talk like this." Fitaizana Education Raising Eto, afaka mahita ireo tranga/fitaovana tratran'ny sivana hatramin'ny taona 1940 ianao! Here, you will be able to look up material that was censored since the 1940's ! Here, you can see the cases of censorship since 1940! Mampiseho ny vokatry ny tahotra eo amin'ny fiainan'ny olom-pirenena andavan'andro ny horonantsary manaraka izay nalefan'ny luchitosnachitos, mpikambana ao amin'ny fiaraha-monina. This next video, sent in by luchitosnachitos, a member of the community, shows the effects of fear on the lives of regular citizens. The following video posted by luchitosnachitos, a member of society, shows the impact of fear on everyday citizens' lives. Manana teboka 71.525 misolo tena ny mpisera Twitter namoaka vontoaty momba an'i Ejipta sy i Tonizia ity kisary ity, ahitana tampony 190.814 - endrik'ireo nampita vontoaty. The graph has 71,525 nodes representing the different Twitter users posting content about Egypt and Tunisia, with 190,814 edges - configurations of who retweeted whose content. This icon has 71.525 points representing Twitter users who published content about Egypt and Tunisia, with a peak of 1,90,814 - the face of those who posted content. Nahazoana alalana. Used with permission. Used with permission. Tsy misy antoka hoe hadikan'ireo mandray azy (na ny tsirairay io na vondron'olona) ho araka ny tena izy ny torohay noeritreretin'ilay mpampiasa Twitter. There is no guarantee that the audience (either individually or in a group) will interpret the information exactly as the Twitter user intended. There is no guarantee that the Twitter user's information will be translated into fact by those who accept it (any person or group). Raha todihana ireo didim-pitsarana efa nivoaka teto amintsika hatramin'izay dia tsy tokony hahagaga raha tonga daholo izao fepetra sarotra ampiharina rehetra izao (scanners, fakantsary, alika, filazana amin'ny mponina, fiaraha-miasa iraisam-pirenena), saingy manara-dalàna indrindra. Considering the background of our jurisprudent, we should not be surprised that all countermeasures he has come up with are not practical (scanners, cameras, dogs, instructing the population, international cooperation), but exclusively legalistic. Given the verdicts that have been issued against us since then, it should not surprise us that all these difficult measures (scanners, cameras, dogs, claims to the population, international cooperation) come true, but are most legal. Fankasitrahana eram-po no atolotra azy ireo !) Many thanks!) They are given emotional thanks!) Rehefa mahandry ianao, dia hisotro divay toy izao When ah hold on, ah go wine like dat When you are old enough, drink wine like this Manantena ireo mpikarakara ny Tweetback fa vao santatra ambavarano iny araka ny nosoratan'i Salem tao amin'ny bilaoginy, "Mbola ho avy ny manetsaben'ny fandraisana antanana raha notohananao ny santatra ambavarano, izay noho ny anton-javatra maro sy maha-zavabaovao azy, dia miandry fatratra ny fanohananao." The Tweetback organizers believe that this is only an initial step, and as Salem wrote in his blog, "More of these initiatives will only happen if you show support for this very first one, which by virtue of the timing, and novelty, is in desperate need for your sponsorship." The organizers of Tweetback hope that this was just the beginning of the event, as Salem wrote on his blog, "it's still going to be a big deal of initiative if you support the start-up, which is for many reasons and information, and you are looking forward to your support." Alzeria, Hassa Bouras, mpiaro ny zon'olombelona sady mpampita vaovao, notazonina sy nohelohina higadra herintaona #Algeria - HRD & journalist Hassan Bouras detained and sentenced to one year imprisonment - Front Line Defenders (@FrontLineHRD) November 29, 2016 Algeria, human rights advocate and journalist Hassa Bouras, detained and sentenced to one year in prison Miangavy, ampio raha afaka ianao, toy ny vola, na dia kely aza, afaka hitondra fanamaivanana goavana ho an'ilay vondrom-piarahamonina. Please help if you can, as any amount, however small, could bring great relief to the community. Please help if you can, like money, bring great relief to the community. Nilaza i Kbaab: Kbaab says: Kbaab said: Voatifitra im-betsaka i Kirill tamin'ny faritra samy hafa - tahaka ny hoe niaro tena izy. Kirill's palms are shot through in several places - most likely, he tried to cover himself. He was beaten several times in different areas - as if he were defending himself. Mponin'i Sinaï Mandao Ny Tranony Mandritry Ny Zera Baomba Ataon'ny Tafika Ejiptiana Hamotehana Ny "Mpampihorohoro" Sinai Residents Pushed Out of Their Homes, as Egyptian Forces Fight "Terrorism" · Global Voices The People of Sinai Leave Their Home During Egyptian Army Bombs to Stop "Propheters" · Global Voices Tsy nisy na iray aza nanangana ny tanàny. Not one person raised his or her hands. No one has built his city. Kanefa efa azonareo sary an-tsaina ve fa izany pachyderm bevohoka izany, izay niteraka vao volana vitsivitsy tatỳ aoriana, dia nofahanana fanafody fampitoniana sy nampidirina tao anaty fiarabe ary nentina tany amin'ny toeram-ponenana vaovao lavitra ny nisy azy teo aloha? But, have you ever imagined this pregnant pachyderm, who was going to give birth just few months later, had been sedated with drugs and loaded in the truck and transported into new habitat so far from the previous location? But can you imagine that the pregnant pachyderm, which caused the birth of a few months later, was released and put into a truck and taken to a new place far away from where it was used? Ireo kandidà hafa kosa dia i Abed Bwanika, Benon Biraaro, Venansius Baryamureeba, Joseph Mabirizi, ary ny hany vehivavy nirotsaka ho filoham-pirenena dia i Maureen Kyalya. Other candidates are Abed Bwanika, Benon Biraaro, Venansius Baryamureeba, Joseph Mabirizi, and the only woman running for president, Maureen Kyalya. The other candidates are Abed Bwanika, Benon Biraaro, Venansius Baryamureeba, Joseph Mabirizi, and the only woman to run for the presidency is discovered. Tanaty vaovao iray azo antoka fa hahafaly ny Bodista sy ireo mpandinika zavamaniry maneran-tany, karazan-kazo iray ao afovoan'i Nepal nofaritana ho kazarany vaovao ny Ziziphus budhensis, izay ny voa avy aminy no ampiasain'ny Bodista hanaovana vakam-pivavahana. In news guaranteed to delight Buddhists and botanists around the world, a special kind of tree from central Nepal, the seeds of which are used to make a type of Buddhist prayer beads, has been described as a new species: Ziziphus budhensis. In a reliable news that Buddhists and environmentalists around the world will be happy, Ziziphus budhensis is a type of tree in central Nepal described as their new share, where Buddhists use their seeds for religious purposes. Marina koa io raha ho an'ity nosy bitika kelinay Zamaika ity sy ireo nosy Karibeana sasantsasany manodidina anay. This is also so true of our tiny island Jamaica and many of our neighboring Caribbean islands. It is also true for our small island Zagila and some Caribbean islands around us. Manefa sazy 15 taona i Hossein Ronaghi Malki. Hossein Ronaghi Malki is serving a 15-year sentence. Hossein Ronaghi Malki is serving a 15-year sentence. Tsy tafiditry ny olona manana fahasembanana ny tranoben'ny orinasam-panjakana Mpaninjara Herinaratra ao Herceg Novi. The building of public company for Electricity Distribution in Herceg Novi is not accessible for people with disabilities The building of the state-owned power plant in Herceg Novi is not affected by people with disabilities. Ho an'ny olona rehetra ao Pakistana, izay miady amin'ny fampihorohoroana isan'andro, ho anareo ity To everyone in Pakistan, who fights against terrorism every single day, this, is for you For everyone in Pakistan who is fighting terrorism every day, this is for you Araka ny safidin'ny olona: Ny bilaogy 2012 tsara indrnidra dia ny Common Sense Hate, izay lazaina fa revolisionera (ara-tsosialy, politika) indrindra no mampitokelaka indrindra; Angela Dissected no ambara ho bilaogera "sexy" indrindra; Bookbox - bilaogin-kolontsaina tsara indrindra; Skopje Casual - bilaogin-damaody sy zavatra maoderina hafa tsara indrindra, ary bilaogin-tsary tsara indrindra ihany koa; NBA Macedonia - tsara indrindra amin'ny fibilaogevana fanatanjahantena; This is Not a Social Media Blog - bilaogy tsara indrindra amin'ny teknolojiam-pifandraisana sy doka an'aterineto. According to the popular vote: The best blog for 2012 is Common Sense Hate, which was also declared the most revolutionary (socially/politically engaged) and the funniest; Angela Dissected was declared the sexiest blogger; Bookbox - the best culture blog; Skopje Casual - the best blog on fashion and other modern things, and also the best photo-blog; NBA Macedonia - the best in sports blogging; This is Not a Social Media Blog - the best IT/Internet marketing blog. According to people's choice: The Best Blog 2012 is Common Sense Hate, which is said to be the best revolutionary (social, political); Angela Disected is described as the best "sex" blogger; Bookbox - the best cultural blog; Skopje Casual - the best fashion blog and other modern things, as well as the best photoblog; NBA Macedonia - the best way to develop a sport; This is Not a Social Media Blog - the best digital and marketing blog. Nalefa an-tserasera ny ezaka atao amin'ny fisamborana ilay jeneraly kintana iray Jovito Palparan taorian'ny fivoahan'ny didy fisamborana ity olona voarohirohy ho mpanitsakitsaka ny zon'olombelona ao Filipina ity. The efforts to catch Major General Jovito Palparan have gone online after an arrest warrant was finally issued against the alleged human rights violator in the Philippines. Efforts to arrest a star named Jovito Palparan were made online after the arrest of the person accused of human rights abuses in the Philippines was issued. Hoy izy nanampy: She adds: He adds: Tratra ny fetra. The limit has been reached. The limit was reached. Eo ankavia: martiora Ghiath Matar; eo ankavanana: Yahia Shurbaji nogadraina. On the left: martyr Ghiath Matar; on the right: detained Yahia Shurbaji. Left: Ghiath Matar martyr; right: Yahia Shurbaji jailed. Fahavoazana ho an'ny olona. At the expense of the people. A victory for people. Niteraka ireo zanany valo tao an-trano i Blandón ary tsy mbola nankany amin'ny hopitaly mihitsy teo aloha. Blandón had her eight children at home and had never been to a hospital before. Blandón gave birth to eight children at home and never went to the hospital before. Na izany aza, nanampy betsaka nanakana ny tontolon'ny fampiasam-bola avy any ivelany ny sazy Amerikana mitohy ao Iran noho ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona, ny fampihorohoroana, ary ny fandaharan'asa balafomanga. Nevertheless, ongoing US sanctions against Iran over human rights abuses, terrorism, and a ballistic missile program have significantly helped discourage Iran's foreign-investment climate. However, the U.S. sanctions continued in Iran because of human rights violations, terrorism, and rocket programs have contributed much to prevent the foreign investment environment. Fifandonana tany Bangkok: tatitra an-tsary, horonantsary ary Twitter Bangkok clashes: Pictures, Videos and Twitter reports · Global Voices Bangkok Conflict: Photos, Videos and Twitter · Global Voices @Traficologo: Mpankasitrak'i Panama: aza mividy ny vokatra avy amin'ny mpamokatra labiera Barú sy @cerveza_panama. @Traficologo: Panama fans: don't buy products from Barú brewery and @cerveza_panama. @Tfiracologo: Panama Editor: Don't buy products from Barú and @cerveza_panama. Ilay Sodane @simsimt, manao resaka ambadika momba ny fanambaran'i Erekat fa hoe ny hany zavatra tokana tsy hainy idirana dia ny Sionista, dia mino fa efa voaisa ny andron'i Erekat amin'ny maha-mpanao politika azy: Sudanese @simsimt, alluding to Erekat's assertion that the only thing he cannot be made into is a Zionist, believes Erekat's days as a politician are numbered: Sudanese @simsimt, commenting on Erekat's statement that the only thing he doesn't know to do is the Sionist, believes Erekat's days are numbered as a politician: Tsy irery ny mpankasitraka ny Melbourne Victory antsoina hoe Michael tamin'ny fanondroana ny tsy naharototra loatra ny fampitam-baovao, ny fankasitrahan'ny olona ary ny zava-bitan'ny Matilda raha ampitahaina amin'ny 'tsy fahombiazana' kokoa azon'ny ekipa lehilahy @Socceroos. Melbourne Victory fan Michael was not alone in raising the relatively low media profile, public recognition and earnings of the Matildas compared with the less successful men's team @Socceroos. Melbourne Victory's fans are not alone in pointing out the lack of media coverage, public approval and Matilda's achievements compared to the more "incompetent' that the male team has received. Sarina " " fitaovam-piarovana " iray nalefan'ny @ CrimeWatchKZN A photo of "security feature" posted by @CrimeWatchKZN. Image of a "security tool" posted by @ CrimeWatchKZN Mila miantso ny fianakaviany izy ireo mba hangataka fanampiana avy amin'ny ambasadiny/konsiliny. They need to contact family of seek assistance from their embassy/consulate. They need to call on their families to ask for help from their gun. Vehivavy Iraniana an'arivony no nampiasa ny vintany nampiasa aterineto sy nizara ny sarin'izy ireo tsy misaron-doha ho toy ny fihetsika fihantsiana rehefa noterena hisaron-doha na hanakon-tava nandritra ny folo taona rehefa noterena am-polotaona maro mba hisalobon-doha fa raha tsy izay dia samborina. They are full of love and life." Forced for decades to wear headscarves or face arrest, thousands of Iranian women are now taking a chance on the internet and sharing photos of themselves unveiled and in public as an act of defiance. Thousands of Iranian women used their freedom to use the Internet and share their faceless photos as a provocative gesture when they were forced to wear a head covering or wear a face for ten years after being forced to wear a head covering instead. Raha ny marina, tsotra kely ny antony, tahaka ny volony manompy volom-batolalaka, tsy manao sarintsariny mihitsy izy, tena tamin'ny fony tanteraka. In fact, the reason is very simple, just like her silver hair, she was not faking it, she was very sincere. In fact, the reason is simple, like her hair sleaking, she doesn't make any drawings, she was totally in her heart. Hikarakarana ny fivoaran'ilay faritra maoderina fiaraha-miasa sy fanomezana tolotra any Qianhai, nikasa ny hanome politika tsaratsara kokoa ny tanàna, tahaka ny tsy fakàna hetra, tolotr'asa ary fari-piainana tsara kokoa, mba hisarihana ireo vahiny. To prepare for the development of the future modern service cooperation zone in Qianhai, the city has been planning to provide a more favorable policy, such as tax exemptions, work opportunities and better living environment, to attract foreigners. To organize the development of the modern partner and service-sharing area in Qianhai, the city plans to provide better policies, such as tax failure, better employment and better living conditions, in order to attract foreigners. Mpaka tahaka an'i Vladimir Konstantinov ao amin'ny Twitter. Vladimir Konstantinov's Twitter impersonator. On Twitter, a follow-uper of Vladimir Konstantinov. Nametraka tsikera ao amin'ny tranonkalam-baovao sy ny gazety amin'ny aterineto ihany koa ny sasany amin'ireo mpiserasera, tsy amin'ny Twitter ihany. Internet users also left comments on news and online newspaper websites, not only on Twitter. Some netizens also left comments on news websites and online newspapers, not just on Twitter. Misy resaka mandeha amin'ny vohikalam-blaogy Tibetana fa hoe mifandray amin'ny fisamborana an'ilay mpanoratra Tibetana Tashi (solonanarana, Therang) izao fanakatonana izao. There is some speculation on Tibetan blog sites that these closures are related to the arrest of Tibetan writer Tashi (pen name, Therang). There is a discussion on Tibetan blogs that the shutdown is related to the arrest of Tibetan writer Tashi (name, Therang). Arun koa manome ny heviny momba ny fitsidihan'ny filoha ao India. Arun offers his set of cue cards for the President on visit to India. Arun also comments on the president's visit to India. Moa afaka ampiarahana amin'ny vondron-drohy iray ve ny anaran-dahy sy ny anaram-bavy? Can the names of male and female bloggers exist together on a blogroll? Can the name and title be associated with a group of links? Nanambola izahay ary afaka nividy izay tianay. We had money and we could buy a car, we could buy anything we wanted. We had money and could buy what we wanted. olona nifampitantana teny amin'ny moron-dranomasin'i Arica. Human chain at Arica beach. People gather at the beach of Arica. Firenena vao haingana manerantany (#193) & firenena faha 54 ao Afrika, The #LoveFromSudan mamelombelona. The world's newest country (#193) & Africa's 54th state, The #LoveFromSudan tweets are inspiring. A country recently (#193) & 54th country of Africa, The #LoveFromSudan refreshing. Ampahany amin'izany tetikasa izany i Renata. Renata was part of their initiative. Renata is part of that project. Sary ao amin'ny Wikimedia commons, sary anaty valambahoaka. Image on Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0) Image via Wikimedia commons, public domain photo. Nandritra izany fotoana izany, Greenbox nanambara fa hamoaka izay marik'isa miseho amin'ny alalan'ny bolongana ny mpikambana ao aminy isa-maraina ary nanao izany nandritra ny folo andro farany. In the meantime, Greenbox declared that their members will provide the data from the display via their blog, and have been doing that every morning for the past ten days. Meanwhile, Greenbox announced that its members would publish their blog numbers every morning and did so for the last ten days. - Feno fanajàna ireo olona tena mahafinaritra indrindra. - The most adorable people are respectful. - With respect to the most beautiful people. Manararaotra aho misaotra ireo mponin'i Sakolabada sy Kéniéba amin'ny fampaherezana ataon'izy ireo. I do my best to thank the populations of Sakolabada and Kéniéba for their encouragement. I take advantage of the opportunity to thank the residents of Sakolabada and Kéniéba for their encouragement. Tsy hoe mifarana akory ny fomba nianarantsika hifandray sy hitrandraka ny maha-isika antsika rehefa injay miova ny jeografia sy ny toe-javatra. How we learn to relate to and explore ourselves doesn't end when our geography or circumstances change. It's not that the way we've learned to communicate and explore ourselves doesn't end when geography and circumstances change. Maherin'ny 100 ankehitriny ny isan'ireo namoy ny ainy. The total number of casualties is now more than 100. The death toll is now more than 100. Nametraka olana amin'ny fotokevitr'ilay fandaharan'ny NTV ihany koa i Nikitinsky, izay milaza fa loza ho an'ny fahaleovantenan'ny media ny fahazoana fampindramambola avy any amin'ireo mpampiasa vola avy any ivelany. Nikitinsky also took issue with the basic premise of NTV's show, which implied that receiving loans from foreign investors poses dangers to media independence. Nikitinsky also addressed the concept of the NTV program, which says getting loans from foreign investors is a danger to media independence. Mandeha any amin'ny vehivavy ny safidiko. My vote goes to the women. My choice goes to women. Taoriana kely dia naboridana i Khobragade ary nalefa nokarohana hatramin'izay lavaka tamin'ny vatany sy ny fakana ny ADN-ny, ary notanana antranomaizina miaraka amin'ireo mpidoroka zava-mahadomelina sy ireo mpivarotena talohan'ny namoahana azy rehefa nandoa onitra mitentina 250.000 dolara Amerikana. Khobragade was later put through strip and cavity searches and DNA swabbing, and detained with drug addicts and sex workers before she was released on bail for 250,000 US dollars. He was later naked and sent to search for a hole in his body and his DNA, and was detained along with drug traffickers and sex workers before he was released on bail of 100,000 US dollars. Azo an-tsaina tsara fa marobe ireo niharan'ny herisetra nataom-bady no matahotra hitondra raharaha eny amin'ny polisy noho ny tahotra sao mety vao mainka hihamafy ny fampijaliana. Many victims of violent spouses are understandably afraid to pursue police action for fear of sustaining more mistreatment. It is understandable that many victims of domestic violence are afraid to take action against the police for fear of further torture. Nanomboka ny 20 ka hatramin'ny 22 mey, tsy nisy tafavoaka velona tamin'ny ady an-trano ny mponina ao an-tanàna ambanivohitra. The civilian conflict, which lasted from May 20 to 22, left no residents of the village alive. From May 20 to 22, residents of the village have not survived the civil war. Mampiseho ireo tetikasa mpandray anjara amin'ny TEDx tao amin'ny renivohitra ao Antananarivo ny lahatsary eto ambany: The following video presents the projects taking part in the TEDx event in the country's capital, Antananarivo. The video below shows evental projects in the capital city of Antananarivo: "Ny olon-dehetra milaza fa tsy tokony hiasa ny ankizy, kanefa tsy mijery ny toerana ara-ekonomikan'io firenena io izy ireo. "Everyone says that kids shouldn't work, but they are not taking into account the economic reality in this country. "The guy says that children shouldn't work, but they don't care about the country's economic situation. Ao anaty tontolo iray izay mitohy hatrany mihodina manodidina ny vola, izay manome vahana ny isam-batan'lona, ny famarotana hevitra, ny famarotana izay rehetra azo amidy mihitsy raha ny marina, no misy olona mipongatra, tsy hoe vitsivitsy fa an'arivony, izay manolotra tolo-kevitra vaovao, mizara, mandrindra, mamorona ary misaina, miaraka amin'ny tanjona tokana hotratrarina, dia ny fahasambaran'ny daholobe alohan'ny hasambarana isam-batan'olona. In a world that revolves around the drive for money, which promotes individuality, the selling of ideas, the selling of nearly anything, people are turning up, and not just a few people but thousands that believe in proposing, sharing, organizing, and developing ideas with a singular objective: putting the common good above the benefit of the self. In a world that continues to move around the money, which favors individuals, selling ideas, selling anything that can actually be sold, some people appear, not a few but thousands of people, who offer new suggestions, sharing, creating and thinking, with one goal, happiness before each individual can enjoy happiness. @al3ini: Tsy mila #drones ... @al3ini: No #drones ... @al3ini: No #drones ... Tamin'ny valan-dresaka ho an'ny rehetra mitondra izany lohateny izany ihany, niverina tamin'ireo taona ampolony maro nataony tamin'ny lohasahan'ny reniranon'i Eofrata tany amin'ireo toerana tahaka an'i El Qitar, Tell Ahmar, Jebel Khalid ary i Tell Qumlug ny Professor Andrew Jamieson, mpampianatra ambony amin'ny resaka arkeôlôjian'i Afovoany Atsinanana ao amin'ny Sekoly Ara-Tantara sy Filôzôfika. In a public lecture with the same title, Professor Andrew Jamieson, senior lecturer in Near Eastern Archaeology in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, reflected on his decades of work in the Euphrates River valley at sites such as El Qitar, Tell Ahmar, Jebel Khalid and Tell Qumlug. In a public conference with the same title, Professor Andrew Jamieson, a professor of technology at the Middle East Cultural and Cultural School, returned from his decades in the Euphrates valley to places like El Qitar, Tell Ahmar, Jebel Khalid and Tell Qumlug. Saingy kosa, taorian'ny horohorontany tany Ya'an tamin'ity indray mitoraka ity, tsy nisy hita mihintsy ilay fomban'ny vahoaka Hong Kong manao filaharana hanolotra fanampiana, na dia ny vinavinan'ny governemanta mikasika ny 100 tapitrisa dolara HK ho vonjy taitra amin'ny loza voajanahary aza dia niteraka adihevitra. However, after the Ya'an earthquake this time, the scene of Hong Kong people queuing for donation is nowhere to be seen, even the government's proposal of HK$100 million disaster relief has caused controversy. But, after the Ya'an earthquake this time, the Hong Kong people's way of marching to offer aid has never been seen, even the government's estimates of HK$100 million as a disaster emergency have sparked controversy. Olomanga mbola velona sy fanondroana iraisantsika rehetra notadiavina. A living icon and sense of common identity among all of us indeed. All of us are still alive and looking for common signs. Tsy lavitra teo ihany, mpitndro ny filaminana roa no nanositosika tanoravavy iray, tsy ampy taona ihany koa, izay nivazavaza tamin'izy ireo. On the same block, a pair of officers cornered and hit a young girl, also a minor, who had booed them. Around the same time, two security guards beat up a young woman, also a minor, who was shouting at them. Tamin'ny fotoana nanoratana ity lahatsoratra ity, ora vitsy lasa izay no nijanonan'ilay rivodoza Irma tao amin'ny tangoronosy Puerto Rico. At the time this article was written, Hurricane Irma was hours away from making its pit stop in the archipelago of Puerto Rico. At the time of writing this post, Hurricane Irma stayed in Puerto Rico's coast a few hours ago. Vakio ny tantara farany nosoratanay momba ireo fanorenana ho an'ny Fiadiana ny Tompon-daka Eran-tany 2014 any Brezila: Read some of our latest stories on the 2014 World Cup construction in Brazil: Read our latest story about the 2014 World Cup constructions in Brazil: Mitsikera ny fahadiovan'ny fitondran-tena sy ny heviny ara-politika, toy ny fiarovan'i Lee ny fahalalaham-pitenenana sy ny fanohanany ireo tanora liberaly Shinoa tahaka an'i Han Han ny lahatsoratra nosoratan'i Zhou Xiaoping, ilay milaza tena ho mpamakafaka ny harinkarena faobe. The piece, written by Zhou Xiaoping, a self-claimed macroeconomics analyst, criticizes Lee's moral integrity and political views, including Lee's advocacy of freedom of speech online and support for Chinese young liberals such as Han Han. An article written by Zhou Xiaoping, who claims to be an analyst of mass freedom, criticizes the moral and political integrity of society, such as Lee's defense of freedom of expression and support for Chinese liberals like Han Han. Ny mpiblaogy Nora Younis dia mampiharihary amintsika izay zava-mitranga rehefa mivadika ho " mpanadihady ara-pinoana " ireo mpiasa birao, nadika avy amin'ny teny arabo ity lahantsoratra ity. Egyptian blogger Nora Younis shows us what happens when bureaucracy mixes with religious profiling, in this post I am translating from Arabic. Nora Younis tells us what happens when office workers turn into "religious analysts," translated from Arabic. Amin'ny taonany, nanjary miha-tia teknolojia kokoa izy. With age, he has become more tech savvy. In his age, he has become more tech-like. Avy eo, tamin'ny 2011, nandritry ny hetsika "diabe ho an'ny asa," tany afovoan-tanàna aho naka sary an'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana. Then in 2011 during the "walk to work" protests, I was downtown taking pictures of the protesters. Then, in 2011, during the "beail journey," I was in the center of the city taking photos of protesters. Farany, nahazo alàlana tamin'ny Air France ihany ny ekipa handà ny asa mankany Iràna noho ny fitakiana hitafy hijab. Ultimately, the Air France crew did receive permission to turn down assignments to Iran because of the hijab requirement. Finally, the team finally obtained permission from Air France to refuse work to Iran because of demands to wear hijabs. Fotoana fohy taorian'ny nanandratana azy, nivoady ny hivavaka ho amin'ny fandriampahalemana sy ny firaisam-pon'ny vahoaka Bolgara ilay Patriarka Neofit. Minutes after he was officially enthroned, Patriarch Neofit vowed to pray for peace and unity of the Bulgarian people. Shortly after his release, Patrika Neefit vowed to pray for peace and the solidarity of the Bulgarian people. Nahoana no sary amin'ny fiainana andavanandro, tranga efa mahazatra no alainao sary ? Why do you like to take photos of daily life, of ordinary moments? Why are you taking photos of everyday life? A: Eny, indrindra fa avy amin'ireo olona mandalo sedra mafy eo amin'ny fiainany amin'izao fotoana. Dr. M: Yes, especially those current in passing through challenges in life. A: Yes, especially from people who are facing severe hardships in their lives today. Somary tezitra kely aho raha nanapa-kevitra ny handrava ilay fonja Pudu manan-tantara ny fanjakàna ho toerana iray izay hisian'ireo hotely sy trano tsara tarehy vaovao. I'm a bit upset when the government decided to tear down the historical Pudu Prison (so that the land can be developed) into a place that houses those new swanky hotels, apartments. I was somewhat angry when the government decided to destroy the historic Pudu prison as a place where new hotels and buildings will be found. Tsy nampiraika ny olona loatra ilay volavolan-dalàna, ary tsy fantatra amin'izao fotoana izao izay nanaovana azy. The bill did not meet with much enthusiasm, and its fate is currently unknown. The bill didn't bother anyone, and it isn't known what it was done now. Mandeha izahay !" We're leaving!" We are going!" Avy any Iowa, ilay mpanoratra Pan-afrikanista, Siyanda Mohutsiwa, manana izao fijery izao: From Iowa, Pan-Africanist writer Siyanda Mohutsiwa reflected: From Iowa, writer Pan-African, Siyanda Mohutsawa, has this view: Na zana-bolana na planeta; mila andro sy fotoana hamantarana hoe inona. @Paul_Salanitri: @warne888 either satellites or planets; need date,time to determine which. Any satellite or planet; it takes days and time to find out what. Mandritra izany fotoana izany ny candombe dia fihetsiketsehana ara-kolontsaina manana fiaviana afrikanina izay: Meanwhile, candombe is a cultural manifestation of African origin that: Meanwhile, the candombe is a cultural movement with African roots: " Tsy vitako ny mandika izany " hoy i Salwaa. "I couldn't translate that," Salwa says. " I can't translate it, " says Salwaa. Araka ny hevitry ny maro amin'ireo mpampiasa aterineto dia tsy misy dikany ny hanokànana andro iray ho anà maro an'isa ara-tsosialy izay tsy nizaka akory zavatra tsy rariny. According to several netizens, it makes no sense to dedicate a day to a social majority group that has never suffered any prejudice. According to many netizens, it is nothing to make a day for a social majority that has not suffered any injustice. Ao amin'ny Twitter, ireo mpisera amin'ny aterineto dia afaka mitatitra ireo fandikàn-dalàna sy mandefa ireo lahatsoratra fanavaozam-baovao mampiasa ireto tenifototra ireto: #bgizbori2013, #izbori2013, sy #izbori (izbori midika hoe "fifidianana' amin'ny fiteny Bolgara) On Twitter, netizens can report violations and post updates using these hashtags: #bgizbori2013, #izbori2013, and #izbori (izbori means 'elections' in Bulgarian). On Twitter, netizens can report violations and post updates using the hashtags: #bgizbori2013, #izbori2013, and #izbori (izbori meaning "election' in Bulgarian) Araka ny nambaran'ilay masoivoho, ilay fanazàrana dia nikendrena hanomezana traikefa hanampy azy ireo hahita asa na fivelomana. According to the agency, the training aimed to equip the participants with the skills that will help them find jobs or livelihood. According to the agency, the practice aims to provide experience to help them find work or earn a living. Herintaona lasa izao, nandritra ny firohotana nankalazana ny faha-5 taona nahafatesan'i Rafic Hariri. One year ago, at a rally on the 5th anniversary of Rafiq Hariri's death in Lebanon. A year ago, in a protest to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the death of Since then, he has been living in the United States. Nisy sary namboarimboarina iray navoakan'ny gazetiboky amerikana Time eo amin'ny foniny ahitana an'i Xi mitazona elo ao anivon'ny etona mandatsa-dranomaso navoakan'ny 100most, gazetiboky ara-kolontsaina iray ao amin'ny Facebook, indray ka nahazo tiako mihoatra ny 10.000 ary nisy 800 nizara azy indray koa. A photoshopped image of American magazine Time's cover showing Xi holding an umbrella in tear gas was reposted by 100most, a popular cultural magazine on Facebook, and attracted more than 10,000 likes and 800 shares. A photo of Xi holding an umbrella in the tear gas released by 100most, a cultural magazine on Facebook, has received more than 10,000 likes and 800 shares. Mpaneho hevitra iray, ketudan, kosa nihevitra fa mety hidiran-doza amin'ny fidirana amin'ny fombam-pivavahana ny bilaogera. Commenter ketudan considered the possibility that the blogger may be in danger of joining a cult. One commenter, ketudan, thought that bloggers could risk access to religion. Armenia: Kolontsaim-panoherana Armenia: Cultural Protest · Global Voices Armenia: Protesters · Global Voices Nahatonga ny mponina teratany Han hitaraina amin'ny fironana politika atao amin'ny vondrom-poko ao Shina ihany koa ny zava-nitranga. The incident also triggered Han nationality's complaints about preferential policies towards ethic groups in China. The incident has also caused the Hanan indigenous population to complain about the political orientation of ethnic groups in China. Nisy kosa ireo mpankafy baolina kitra nilaza fa rariny ny fitakiana sy ny fihetsik'ireo mpilalao. @ ankiecool ao Zimbabwe nanoratra hoe: Equally passionate were those who felt that the players' demands and actions were justified. @ankiecool in Zimbabwe wrote: Some football fans claimed that the demands and actions of the players were fair. @ ankiecool in Zimbabwe wrote: Tsenan'omby isam-bolana ao Ambalavao, Madagasikara (2006) hoy looking4poetry hita Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) This post is part of our International Relations & Security coverage. A monthly zebu market in Ambalavao, Madagascar (2006) by looking4poetry on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) A monthly cow market in Ambalavao, Madagascar (2006) by mooning4popaka on Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Anisan'ireo i Camilo Andrés García (@hyperconectado), ny mpanakanto Kôlômbiana mpivoy mozika Rock Juanes (@juanes), i Nicolás Samper (@udsnoexisten), i Sebastian Yepes (@sebastianyepes), ary Karem Díaz Robles (@karemvip). These popular users include Camilo Andrés García (@hyperconectado), Colombian rocker, Juanes (@juanes), Nicolás Samper (@udsnoexisten), Sebastian Yepes (@sebastianyepes), and Karem Díaz Robles (@karemvip). Among them were Céto Andrés García (@hyperconectado), Colombian musician Rock Juanes (@juanes), Nicolás Samper (@udsnoexisten), Sebastian Yepes (@sebastiayepes), and Karem Díaz Robles (@karavip). "Jereo! "Look! " Look! Mitaky ny fananganana ny kaomity tsy miankina ny mpanohitra mba hanadihady ireo fifidianana ny Antenimieram-pirenena ny 28 jolay: The opposition is calling for the establishment of an independent committee to probe the July 28 National Assembly elections: The opposition is calling for the establishment of an independent committee to investigate the July 28 National Assembly elections: Anatina fifanakalozan-kevitra iray mitondra lohateny hoe "Milamina i Libia, mandainga ireo mpampahalala vaovao manerantany,"dia manoratra i Yamamoto: In a discussion thread titled "Libya is peaceful, world media are spreading lies," Yamamoto writes: In a discussion titled "Libya is peaceful, media outlets around the world lie," Yamamoto writes: FANOHERANA no niheveranay azy; tsy misy fiheverana zavatra ratsy, milaza ny fahafatesan'ireo fahefana ireo izany, saingy ny fanantenana dia mbola asehon'ireo tsipika fotsy telo izay mariky ny zon'ny tsirairay sy fahaizany mitaky sy mamorona ny zony. Ours is a proposal for RESISTANCE; it is not pessimistic, it discusses the death of these powers, but hope is still present in the three white stripes that symbolize the individual's rights and their capacity to reclaim and create their rights. We thought of him; there was nothing wrong with the death of these powers, but hope is still shown by the three white lines that represent the rights of individuals and their ability to claim and create their rights. Manao teny vary amin'anana daholo ny maro amin'ny olona saingy amin'ny dingana samihafa, hoy ilay mpahay momba ny teny, Loubna Dimachki. Many people here codeswitch to varying degrees, says linguist Loubna Dimachki. Most people speak rice at different levels, says linguist Lobna Dimachki. Tamin'ity herinandro ity, voafidy ho ao amin'ny parlemantan'i Canada, mpikambana voalohany indrindra avy amin'ny taranaka Somali ity mpahay lalàna mananjanaka roa ity. This week, the lawyer and father of two was elected to Canada's parliament, the first-ever member ever of Somali descent. This week, this lawyer with two children was elected to Canada's parliament, the first member of Somali descent. Nakatona nandritra ny andro maromaro ny tolotra Aterineto sy finday tany amin'ny faritra avaratry ny fanjakana Indiana ao Haryana sy Punjab noho ny didim-pitsarana mikasika ny raharaha heloka bevava itoriana ny mpitarika Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh , mpitarika sekta goavana malaza nahabe resaka Dera Sacha Sauda . Internet and mobile services were shut down for several days in the northern Indian states of Haryana and Punjab over a court ruling in the criminal case against guru Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the controversial leader of the hugely popular Dera Sacha Sauda sect. Internet and mobile services have been shut down for several days in the northern regions of the Indian state of charge of a criminal decision against the leader Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, a prominent nationalist leader of Dera Sacha Saudia. Nampiseho ny fahatezerany ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana sasany noho ny vono olona teo amin'ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana nataon'ireo polisy manohitra ny fikomiana, ka nandoro ny magazay lehibe sy ny toerana iray tao amin'ny minisiteran'ny asa. Other protesters have shown their anger against the killings between protesters by riot police by torching a hypermarket and a branch of the Ministry of Labour. Some protesters expressed anger at the murder of protesters by anti-protest police, setting fire to supermarkets and to a place in the Labor Ministry. Nisy kisoa hafa ve aroso ny olona teny amin'ny latabatra nisy ny sakafony? Had other dead pigs been served at people's dinner tables? Did other pigs serve at the table of their food? Etsy andaniny, nilaza ny tafika fa efa fahazarana ny manao fanazarantena amin'ny zava-manjavozavo. On the other hand, the Army said that it was a routine exercise to test fog preparedness. On the other hand, the army says it is common to train in darkness. Mety ho zavatra iray hahaliana ny handalina ny amin'ity fifandraisana aminà feo tokana ity. There might be a good opportunity to study the linguistics of this single sound communication. It may be one interesting thing to learn more about this connection with one voice. Tsy mahita fepetra avy amin'ny governemanta na fanoherana avy amin'ny antoko politika hafa. Cant see any actions for govt or amy protests from other political parties. I don't see any government measures or opposition from other political parties. Afrika: Eritreritra Fahavaratra (Hevitra Avy Amin'ny Renim-pianakaviana) Africa: Summer Reflections (Thoughts from Mothers) · Global Voices Africa: Reflections on Family Life · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Africa Revolution 2011. Nampanantsoin'ny polisy tao an-toerana mihitsy aza i Semenov hanontaniana. Local police even called Semenov in for questioning. Semenov was even questioned by local police. Ankizy roa, sivy sy 11 taona, avy ao Beni Suef no notànana ary hiatrika fitsarana noho ny fandrovitana boky Kor'any! Two children, aged nine and 11 years, from Beni Suef are detained and will be transferred to court accused of tearing up the Quran! Two children, nine and 11 years old, from Beni Suef were detained and facing trial for publishing Kor'any books! Manana volombava izy rehetra amin'ny fotoana rehetra, tsy hoe satria fanirian'izy ireo izany fa noho izy ireo miandry ny fifantenana. They all have beards all the time, not because they want it but because they're waiting for casting. They all have beards at any moment, not because they want it but because they are waiting for the selection. Trangan-javatra iray mety hitranga no avoakan'ireo mpanoratra, tranga izay mety "hanangolen'ny" Tandrefana an'i Rosia noho ilay lazaina fa fiankinandohany ara-teknolojika. The authors lay out a scenario in which the West could "paralyze" Russia due to its alleged technological dependency. The authors publish one possible incident, a case that the West could "spoiled" Russia because of its so-called technological addiction. Amin'ny 2022, te-hampitombo ho avo roa heny ny isan'ny tigra ny governemantan'i Nepal sy ireo fikambanana mpiaro ny tontolo iainana toy ny World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) sy ny National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC). The Government of Nepal along with conservation organisations like World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) wants to double the tiger numbers by 2022. By 2022, Nepal's government and environmental organizations like the World Wide Fund for Nature and National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) want to double the number of tigers. Fanoherana erantany: Manomboka ao Aostralia ka hatrany Zeorzia International Protest: From Australia to Georgia Global Protests: From Australia to Georgia · Global Voices Nahazoan-dalana avy aminy ny famoahana ny sariny. Image used with her permission. Photo published with his permission. Marobe ireo mponina no miankina amin'ny fambolena ny fivelomany. A large number of population are dependent on agriculture. Many residents depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Mitaky fitsaràna noho ny famonoan'ny polisy indoneziana ireo tanora sivily tamin'ny iray volana ny mpikatroka mafàna fo sy mpisolovava ny fahaleovantena ao Papoazia Andrefana. West Papua activists and independence advocates are demanding justice for the killing of young civilians by the Indonesian police last month. Activists and independence advocates in West Papua are calling for justice for the murder of young civilians by Indonesian police last month. Noho izany, ho avy hanatontosa ity indray izahay amin'ny herintaona. So, we will most certainly be doing it again next year. So, we are coming to do this again next year. Tao amin'ny Twitter, Mahmood nanoratra hoe: On Twitter, Mahmood writes: On Twitter, Mahmood wrote: Sary an'ilay mpampiasa Flickr firesika. Photo by Flickr user firesika. Image by Flickr user firesika. "Zavatra faran'izay mampidi-doza iny . "It was extremely dangerous . "It's a very dangerous thing. Nametaka ity sary ity ny Firenena Mikambana ny 1 Desambra, Andro Iraisam-pirenena Hiadiana amin'ny SIDA ao amin'ny bilaogy kiritikan-dry zareo amin'ny teny Shinoa. . The United Nations put this poster up on December 1, World's AIDS day on its Chinese micro-blog. The United Nations posted this photo on December 1, the International Day Against AIDS on their Chinese-language micro-blogs. Ary tsy lavitra tao aoriana i Tarun, izay naneho ny heviny momba ilay resaka. And Tarun was not far behind in expressing his own views on the topic. And Tarun was not far behind, who commented on the issue. Zavatra iray azo raisina ny hoe rehefa mifanohitra amin'ny tena zavamisy ny fomba fahitàn'ny firenena iray ny tenany - amin'ny tranga Danemark izay bitika tsy noeritreretina hahavita zavatra, tsara fanahy mijery ny maha-olombelona ary tsy mahavita mampijaly - lasa toy ny jamba tanteraka ireo politisiana manoloana ny mety ho vokatry ny asan-dry zareo amin'ireny olona tsy noheverina hahatafiita zavatra ireny. One possibility is that when a country's self-perception - in Denmark's case that of being a tiny, humanitarian good-guy underdog incapable of inflicting harm - conflicts with reality, politicians tend to be particularly blinded by how their actions might look to outsiders. It's one thing to think that when a country sees itself inconsistent with reality - in a Denmark that is not supposed to do something, kind to look at human beings and can't hurt - politicians become totally blind to the possible consequences of their work on people who are not supposed to be involved. "Tsy azoko mihitsy hoe ahoana aho no tafakatra tampoka teo ery antampony ery sy nahazo domberina miabo betsaka tahaka izao. "I can't understand how I've suddenly flown to the top and earned so much positive feedback. "I don't understand how I suddenly reached the top and received so many positive responses. Tokony hisokatra hoan'ny olona mandeha an-tongotra ao Singapore ny tetezan'i Johor mba hifanindran-dalana amin'ireo mitondra fiara sy mandòa vola. The Johor Causeway should be opened up for people to walk into Singapore as an alternative to driving and paying. - Sini Laken! (@Twt_Larkin) August 4, 2014 Johor bridge should be opened to people on foot in Singapore to get along with those who drive and pay money. Vaka tanteraka ilay bilaogy Karibeàna Code Red, miompana amin'ny fiarovana ny fitovian-jon'ny vehivavy amin'ny lehilahy, izay matetika manao antso avo noho ny fisian'ny tsy rariny mifandray amin'ny maha-lahy na maha-vavy ao amin'ilay faritra, manoloana amin'ireo fanararaotana tsy maintsy zakain'ireo vehivavy avy any India Andrefana, milaza fa toa ekena noho 'ny lafiny kolontsaina ny ankamaroan'ireo fankahalàna vehivavy ireo. The Caribbean-focused feminist blog Code Red, which regularly calls out gender-related injustices in the region, is appalled at the abuses West Indian women must bear, suggesting that much of the misogyny appears to be culturally accepted. The Karbeian Code Red blog, which focuses on protecting women's equality against men, is very popular, often calling for gender-related injustice in the region, in the face of the abuses women from West India have to endure, arguing that most of these hatreds seem to be accepted because of culture. Fotoana fohy dia ho tsara ny tany The land will be good soon A Long Time for the Earth Tanteraka ny nofinofin'ny Kiorda izay niharan'ny fanavakavaham-bolokoditra naharitra ela nandritra ny fitondrana Baasista tao Siria sy ny nanirany ny hanana fanjakana mahaleontena - saingy nivadika vetivety ho ratsy kokoa ny famoretana noho ny tamin'ny andron'i Assad. What should have been a dream come true for Kurds - who have long been discriminated against in Baathist Syria and aspired to have an independent state - quickly devolved into an even more oppressive replica of their lives in Assad's Syria. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. The dreams of Kurds who have long been victims of racism during Syria's Baasista regime and have claimed to have an independent state have come true - but the repression has quickly turned into worse than Assad's time. @narrabyee: Niteraka ady tao atsimo ny antoko Islah tamin'ny fisisihana hanatontosa fihetsiketsehana tamin'ny 21 Feb, nesorin'ireo mpikambana tsy handray anjara amin'ny fihaonambem-pirenena ireo avy any atsimo rehetra, Dr Saleh Basura @narrabyee: Islah ignited a war n south by insisting on holding the rally of Feb 21, all southerners froze thier membership in dialogue, Dr Saleh Basura @narrabyee: Islah party caused war in the south by insisting on holding protests on February 21, members of the south removed all parties from participating in the National Dialogue, Dr Saleh Basura Nahoana no tsy averin-dry zareo aseho ny medaly volamena sy ny zavabita tsara indrindra erantany vitan'i Yip Pin Xiu ? Why are they not showing re-runs of Yip Pin Xiu's Gold medal & World record race? - Kristel Castles (@AquaBread) September 10, 2016 Why don't they repeat Yip Pin Xiu's gold medals and world record? Nanoratra haingana ity lahatsoratra izay hizarany ny fihetseham-pony ity i Sovachana Pou, mpampianatra mpilatsaka an-tsitra-po sady mpitoraka bilaogy ary nanatrika ny fotoam-pitsarana: Sovachana Pou, a volunteer teacher and blogger who attended the trial session, immediately wrote a post sharing his feelings: Sovachana Pou, a volunteer teacher and blogger, quickly wrote this post where she shared her feelings and attended the trial: Ankehitriny, mora mahazo ny teny vaotika ireo Vaody mahatsiaro ny fiteny hatry ny fahazazany, saingy misalasala rehefa miteny vaotika mafy. Today, the Vods who remember the language from their childhoods can easily understand it, but they hesitate to speak Votic aloud. Today, Voddy remembering the language of their childhood is easy to understand, but when it comes to speaking hard, they hesitate. Mifofotra manohy ny asany i Hamid, ho fanomezam-boninahitra an'i Molhem sy ireo maritiora rehetra namoy ny ainy hisian'ny Syria mendrika kokoa. Hamid is committed to continuing his work, in order to honor Molhem and all the martyrs who lost their lives for a better Syria. Hamid continues his work, in honor of Molhem and all the martyrs who died for a better Syria. Olona mazoto mankalaza ny Salsa tonga hiara-paly amin'ny konseritra fahatsiarovana ny Androm-pirenena ho an'ny Salsa. Devotees of Salsa gathered together to enjoy the commerative concert for the National Salsa Day. An active person celebrates Salsa coming together to celebrate National Day of Salsa. Ho an'ny mpamorona azy, mpanatontosa sady mpamokatra sarimihetsika, Mark Johson, tany New York no tonga taminy ny hevitra: According to its creator, filmmaker and producer Mark Johnson, the idea occurred to him in New York: For its founder, filmmaker Mark Johson, in New York, came up with the idea: Tsy tokony hijery fotsiny ny trangan-javatra tahaka izao isika satria raha mamela ny fanovana ny marina ara-tantara sy ny fahatsiarovana ny Famonoana Tambabe ny fiarahamonina, dia tahaka ny hoe nanokatra indray ny vavahadin'i Auschwitz hidirana amin'ny heloka bevava vaovao atao amin'ny zanak'olombelona isika. We must not stay indifferent to such phenomena because if our society allows the distortion of the historical truth and memory of the Holocaust, it would have been as if we reopened the gate of Auschwitz to new crimes against humanity. We shouldn't just look at such cases because if we allow the change of historical truth and the memory of the massacre of society, it seems that we have reopened the city's gates into new crimes against humanity. Teraka tamin' ny 1951, hafa amin'ireo mpanohitra tamin'ny taonjato faha-21-n'i Shina i Ren Zhiqiang. Born in 1951, Ren Zhiqiang is different from most dissenters in 21st century China. Born in 1951, Ren Zhiqiang is one of China's 21st century opponents. Notanisainy tao ny anaran'ireo olona tao ambadik'ilay raharaha nahatafiditra an'i Zimbaboe tamin'ilay Ady Faharoa Tao Congo: He names the people who were behind Zimbabwe involvement in the Second Congo War: He listed the names of the people behind the Zimbabwe case of the Second Congo War: Efa norahonan'ny ISIS noho ny famoahana ny heloka bevava nataony ho hitan'izao tontolo izao sy ny famoahana ny fijoroan'ny vahoakan'i Raqqa manoloana ny fanjakazakany ihany koa ity vondrona izay nijoro tamin'ny Avrily 2014 ity. The group, founded in April 2014, has been threatened by ISIS for exposing their crimes and brutality to the rest of the world and for showcasing the resistance of the people of Raqqa to its rule. The group, which was set up in April 2014, has also been threatened by ISIS for publishing its crimes to the world and for the release of the people of Libya's resistance to its rule. @Cmdr_Hadfield: Tel Aviv, misy Tel Avivim 400.000 mahery, any amin'ny ilany Mediteraneana amin'ny sisintany Israely. @Cmdr_Hadfield: Tel Aviv, with over 400 thousand Tel Avivim on Israel's Mediterranean coast. @Cmdr_Hadfield: Tel Aviv, there are over 400,000 Tel Avivim, on the Mediterranean side of the Israeli border. Hita amin'ny mari-pandrefesana Tor ihany koa ny fisongadinan'ny fitomboan'isan'ireo Iraniana mampiasa tetezamaro Tor hatramin'ny nanakatonana vonjimaika ny Tor. Tor metrics show a significant increase in the number of Iranians using Tor bridges since the temporary block on native Tor. Tor's index also includes an increase in the number of Iranians using Tor handles since Tor's temporary closure. Amin'ny lafiny iray hafa, Dalia Ziada, mafana fo iray mpiaro ny zon'olombelona izay nametraka ny fanantenany ihany amin'ny fitsidihan'i Obama, dia namarana ny hafany "Young Egyptian Activists and the Obama effect!" amin'ny filazana hoe: On the other hand, Dalia Ziada, a human rights activist who has retained some of her hope towards Obama's visit, concluded her "Young Egyptian Activists and the Obama effect!" post saying: On the other hand, Dalia Ziada, a human rights activist who left her hope for Obama's visit, concluded her post "Young Egyptian Actists and the Obama effect!" saying: Nanapa-kevitra ny hivoaka isan'andro sy haka sary ireo olon-tsy fantatra eny an-dàlam-ben'i New York ny lehilahy iray antsoina hoe Brandon Stanton. A man by the name of Brandon Stanton decides to go out everyday and photograph strangers on the streets of New York. A man namedwillon decided to go out every day and take photos of strangers in the streets of New York. Ny Fandosiran'i Qurghonteppa, Midika Fanoneran-keloka Shawshank Ho an-dry Zareo Tajik The Qurghonteppa Escape, Aka the Shawshank Redemption with a Tajik Twist · Global Voices Qurghonteppa's escape, The Dream of Shawshank Amnesty for Tajik Citizens · Global Voices Saingy misy ihany koa ny tsindry hafa mifaninana eo amin'ny manodidina. But there are competing pressures on the neighborhood. But there are also other ongoing pressure around the neighborhood. Mbola misy ve ny zavatra toy ny hevitra iraisana? Is there still something like a common idea? Is there something like a common idea? Nanomboka tamin'ny 16 Mey, tsy nisy voasakana ireo tranonkala voasazy ireo. As of May 16, none of the sanctioned websites have been blocked. Since May 16, none of these websites have been blocked. Eo anelanelan'ny roa amin'ireo faritra afovoany indrindra an'i Rio io vohitra io: Ipanema sy Copacabana. The hill is located between two of Rio's most sought-after neighborhoods: Ipanema and Copacabana. This village is between two of Rio's central regions: Ipanema and Copacabana. Ao amin'ny bilaoginy "Diarin'i Pakistane iray miasa loha, Alexressed" , manoratra i Ale Natiq hoe: On his blog Alexressed Diary of a concerned Pakistani, Ale Natiq writes: In his blog "A Pakistani flag, Alexresed" , Ale Natiq writes: Manomboka hatreo isika mahita fahavakisana politika. misy mpiantsehatra mitsikera governemanta, mananjò hiteny izay inoany ireo fantsona fahitalavitra- terena ry zareo handao ny tele rehefa hita ho "mpanohana Koreana Tavaratra, komonista kavia' We have started seeing a political division from that point on. Actors criticizing the government, TV broadcasters rightfully saying what they believe in- they were all forced to leave the TV after being vindicated as "pro-North Korean, leftist commies' From now on we see political divides. There are actors critical of the government, TV channels have the right to say what they believe - they are forced to leave the TV when they are seen as "a North Korean fan, a communist kavia' Nilaza tamin'ny tranonkala AIN.UA ny sampandraharaha misahana ny fifandraisana amin'ny gazety ao amin'ny fiarandalamby ambanin'ny tany ao Kiev fa tsy nanome alàlana ny fametrahana ireo sarin'i Moriarty ry zareo ary efa manao fanadihadiana momba ilay raharaha. The press-service of the Kyiv subway system told the AIN.UA website that they didn't sanction the placement of the Moriarty photos and that they're investigating the matter. The press service at Kiev's subway station AIN.UA told the website that they did not allow the installation of photos of #AIN.UA and are investigating the case. Any amin'ny faritra ambanivohitr'i Afganistàna, mitovy amin'ny lehilahy miasa mavitrika any ivelan'ny trano ny vehivavy, mazàna no tsy mirakotra voaly eny an-tany fambolena, fa tsy tahàka ireo vehivavy mitovy aminy any amin'ireo faritàny izay matanjaka kokoa ny resaka ara-pivavahana sy ny fanjakan-dehilahy. In rural Afghanistan women are equally active in working outside of the house as men are, often toiling unveiled in the field as opposed to their counterparts in provincial towns where the religious establishment and patriarchy are more powerful. In rural Afghanistan, women are similar to men who are active outside the house, often not covered in the fields, but like similar women in their loved ones who are stronger in religion and patriarchy. Toa tsy dia inoana hanaiky io volavolan-dalàna manohitra ny Fifankatiavan'Olon-droa Mitovy io ny Filoha. Nanohitra izany i @AmamaMbabazi sy ny hafa rehetra. - Alan Kasujja - BBC (@kasujja) 20 Desambra 2013 It is highly unlikely that the President will assent to the anti Homosexuality bill. @AmamaMbabazi et al have voiced opposition to it. - Alan Kasujja - BBC (@kasujja) December 20, 2013 The President doesn't seem to agree with this anti-gay bill. @Amama Mbabazi and others protested. - Alan Kasujja - BBC (@kasujja) December 20, 2013 Ny zavatra mety ho vaovao dia ny fifanekena ifanaovana amin'ny vahoaka Kiobàna, miaraka aminà asa mivaingana manohana ny fangatahan'ny olom-pirenena. What would be new would be a real commitment to the Cuban people, with concrete actions supporting citizens' demands. What could be new is the agreement with the Cuban people, with concrete actions supporting citizen demands. Mpitady Fialokalofana Tonga Avy Any An-dranomasina: Fandraràna Tsy Hahazo Fahazoandàlana Mandrakizay No Vinavinain'ny Governemanta Aostraliana Australian Government Plans Lifetime Visa Ban for Asylum Seekers Arriving by Boat · Global Voices Australia's Government Consistents Ban on Everlasting Licenses · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Australia Protests 2011. Izany no zavatra atahorako indrindra aorian'izao fifidianana izao. That is my worst fear after this election. This is what I fear most after this election. Ankarikary be izao izy no nangataka tamin'ireo fiara rehetra nandalo tetsy sy teroa. In broad daylight he was asking the cars passing here and there. Now he asks for all the cars that pass by here and there. Nandeha tamin'ny vintana tsotra izao no nidiran'i Mehmood tamin'ny biraonay ao Quetta. Mehmood walked into our Quetta bureau by pure chance. He just went through our Quetta office with luck. Rehefa tsy afaka ny handoa ny trosany ireo mpianatra, ny ray aman-dreniny no tsy maintsy miandraikitra izany - raha afaka manao izany izy ireo. When the students cannot afford to pay for their debts, their parents have to take them on - if they can afford to. When students can't pay their debt, their parents have to take care of it - if they can. "Mahomby amin'ny ady atao amin'Isiraely ny Hezbollah fa mandamoka kosa amin'ny tolona ifanandrinany amin'ny mpifaninana aminy ao an-tanindrazany. "Hizbullah is effective in fighting Israel and ineffective in fighting its domestic rivals. "It will succeed in fighting Israel but in fighting against its opponents in their homeland. Eritrereto, ohatrinona ny vidin'ny 1mo amin'izay fotoana izay. Just think what 1MB was costing. Enough is enough. Think of the value of 1mo at that time. Na dia nisy aza ny famindrana toerana, nifandamina ny mpikatroka maro avy amin'ny toerana samihafa nanofa fiara fitaterana sy nanatrika ny fotoa-pitsarana. Despite the move, many activists from several locations organized buses and attended the trial. Despite the displacement, activists from different locations organized buses and attended the trial. Ny 12 Septambra izy io no nakarina tao amin'ny YouTube. It was uploaded to YouTube on September 12. It was uploaded on YouTube on September 12. Nahazo fanerena avy amin'i Kremlin ny Netflix hatramin'ny nanombohany niasa tao Rosia tamin'ny volana Janoary 2016. Netflix has come under pressure from the Kremlin since it began operations in Russia in January 2016. Netflix has been under pressure from the Kremlin since it started operating in Russia in January 2016. Atahorako ny mihaona aminy ary lasa mihorohoro aho. I am afraid to meet her and become terrified. I'm afraid to meet him and I'm scared. "Indraindray aho tsy ao tsara rehefa miakatra lampihazo, kanefa rehefa miventy tononkira aho, mihira, mikasika olona, dia sitrana." "I sometimes go on stage with burdens, but when I get that first note, I sing, I touch someone, and I get healed." "I sometimes don't feel good when I go up to the stage, but when I sing songs, sing, talk about someone, I am healed." Fomba tsara ahafahana mahazo ireo tanora sy olon-dehibe ny fahazoana mahita ireo lahatsary mahafinaritra sy mora azo ireo, ary tsara tokoa ny valin-kafatra. Accessing fun and interactive videos is an ideal way to reach young and old alike, and the response has been favorable. It's a good way to get young and adults to see these beautiful and easy to understand, and the response is very positive. Miahiahy amin'ny fahafahan'ny firenena miatrika hanoherana ny mety ho fahatongavan'ny Ebola eto Madagasikara i Léa Ratsiazo avy eto Antananarivo raha mijery ny zava-nitranga vao haingana tao amin'ny hopitaly iray eto an-drenivohitra: Ilaym, an Antananarivo-based blogger for the DailyMg, explains why Malagasy people are specifically vulnerable to an Ebola outbreak. He lists a few reasons: Some Malagasy people hunt and eat bats and lemurs; and the practice of famadihana, a tradition that consists of exhuming the deceased from their tombs. Léa Ratsiazo in Antananarivo questioned in a column for newspaper the Madagascar Tribune the country's real ability to counteract the potential arrival of Ebola in Madagascar, in the light of a recent event in a hospital in the capital: Léa Ratsazo from Antananarivo is concerned about the country's ability to deal with the possibility of Ebola in Madagascar while watching recent events at a hospital in the capital: Birao mpanolotsaina ankatoavin'ny governemanta ny ASAS. ASAS is an advisory council recognized by the government. ASAS is a government-registeral board. Raha te-hiasa amina anarana hafa ny Vondrona dia hila manoratra anarana isan'ambaratonga any amin'ny kaominina, Faritany, sy any amin'ireo Filan-kevitry ny firenena/fari-piadidiana ho an'ny Fandriampahalemana & Fandrosoana, ary ny Minisiteran'ny atitany, mifanaraka amin'ireo lalànan'ny famoronana fikambanana. If the Group wants to operate under a separate name, it will need to register step-by-step at the Township, Province, and State/Division Peace & Development Councils, and the Ministry of Home Affairs, in accordance with the laws of forming an organization. If the Union wants to work with another name, it will need to register with the municipality, the province, and the National Council for Peace & Development, as well as the Ministry of Interior, in accordance with the laws of the organization. Sarin'ny Fiangonana Katolika (Angletera sy Pays de Galles) eo amin'ny Flickr, fahazoan-dalana CC by-nc-sa/2.0 Photo Catholic Church (England and Wales) on Flickr, licence CC by-nc-sa/2.0 Photo of the Catholic Church on Flickr under CC by-nc-sa/2.0 Namoron-kira sy namoaka izany tao anatin'ny horonan-dahatsary ireo andia-mpitsoa-ponenana monina ao São Paulo mba hisaotra an'i Brezila noho ny fanokafam-baravarana natao azy ireo - sy hisarihana ny sain'ireo mponina ao an-toerana ny olan'ny mpitsoa-ponenana. A group of refugees who live in São Paulo have composed a song and produced an accompanying music video to thank Brazil for opening its doors to them - and also to raise locals' awareness of refugee issues. The São Paulo-based refugees have composed and uploaded them in videos to thank Brazil for opening their doors - and to draw local residents' attention to the refugee crisis. Nahazoany loka iraisampirenena maro izany ezaka nataony izany, fa nahatonga azy nisy olana teo amin'ireo manampahefana tao Angolà, firenena nihaviany ihany koa. His efforts have awarded him with multiple international prizes, but have also gotten him in trouble with authorities in his home country of Angola. His effort has won several international awards, but has also caused him problems with authorities in Angola, the country where he grew up. Raha ny marina, ny fantsona ihany no nanambara tamin'ny fomba ofisialy ny fanapahan-kevitra tao amin'ny pejy Facebook-ny. In fact, the decision was officially announced by the channel itself on its Facebook page. In fact, only the channel officially announced the decision on its Facebook page. Mety tsy ho ny tsara indrindra i Lucia nefa, azo antoka fa tsy ny RATSY INDRINDRA ihany koa. Lucia may not be the best but, it's certainly not the WORST. Lucia may not be the best but, surely, not also the KMTT. Menkir Tamrath maka ireo sakay ao amin'ny tanimboliny ho atao fangaron-tsakay. Menkir Tamrath picks peppers at his farm for his spice blends. Menkir Tamrath takes the peppers from his garden as a mixture of fish. Nanazava ny fandehan-javatra i Cummings: Cummings explained how it all turned out: Cummings explained the situation: Tokony ho 30 tapitrisa eo ho eo ny mpiteny Yorùbá manerana izao tontolo izao. There are about 30 million speakers of Yorùbá worldwide. There are about 30 million speakers around the world. "Andriamanitra tsy niteny hoe tsy afaka mamily fiarakodia aho" hoy ny vakin'ity famantàrana ity izay nalefa tao amin'ny kaontin'ny "We The Woman N7nu" "God did not say I can't drive," reads this sign posted on the We The Woman N7nu flickr account "God didn't say I couldn't drive" reads this caption that was posted on the "We The Woman N7nu" account. Fomba iray ahafahana mitaky sehatra sy handavana ireo sàkana izay mametra ny fahazoantsika torohay. It is an opportunity to reclaim space and deny hurdles that limit our access to information. A way to call for a platform and reject obstacles that limit our access to information. Lahatsary: Sarintany Fitadidiana Fotoana Maneho Ireo Hetsika sy Fitroarana Amin'ny Ankapobeny Video: Time Lapse Mapping the Global Protests and Uprisings · Global Voices Video: Timeline Map Shows Protests and Protests in general · Global Voices Amin'izao, raha jerena avy amin'ny fakantsarin'ny drôna, tsy zavatra tsy fantatra ao amin'ny faritra talaky maso no hitan'ny mpikirakira drôna amin'ny efijeriny fa endrika ankizy lasibatra tsy manan-tsiny. Now, when viewed by a drone camera, what an operator sees on his screen is not an anonymous dot on the landscape, but an innocent child victim's face. Now, given the drone's camera, the drone operators see no unknown objects in the region they see as the face of innocent children being targeted. Saingy fantany voalohany fa tsara kokoa ny mahafantatra ny tsena alohan'ny hamoronana vokatra. But he knows first-hand that it's best to understand the market before you design a product. But he first knew it was better to know the market before creating products. Any am-paosin'ny vahiny ny volanay Our money in foreigners' pockets Our money is in the pockets of foreigners Fanolorana boky maro tany Havana (Sarin'i Fernando Medina) Massive book giveaway in Havana (Photo Fernando Medina) Several books in Havana (Photo by Fernando Medina) Rehefa miditra eo amin'ny fifampiraharahana ny vehivavy iray, dia eo aho no miteny azy halefa any amin-dry zareo ny tarehimarika afaka iray na roa andro. Often, a woman will enter the salary negotiation phase and I'll tell them a number will be sent to them in a couple days. When a woman gets into negotiations, I tell her to send them a figure in one or two days. Asehon'i Azarmehr hoe tahaka ny ahoana fomba fanirian'ny tale iray hanatontosa sarimihetsika momba ny tantara Iraniana nefa tsy afaka nahazo fanohanana avy amin'ireo mpampiasa vola ao an-toerana. Azarmehr describes how a director wanted to make a movie about Iranian history but wasn't able to get any support from local investors. Azarmehr shows how a director wants to make a film about Iranian history without getting support from local investors. Atsaharo ity zavatra tsy misy dikany ity! Stop this nonsense! - Duncan Wa Muvenda (@TheeVintage) April 3, 2017 Stop this stupid thing! Tratry Ny Tazo Bieber i Brunei Bieber Fever Hits Brunei · Global Voices Brunei Instincts · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Brunei Protests 2011. Izaho, niaraka tamina mpianatra sasany avy ao amin'ireo Anjerimanontolo Pakistaney dia nanangana Azm-e-Nau - Avelao izahay hanarina an'i Pakistana, mba handraisan'ireo tanora amin'ireo hetsika sosialy. I, along with some students of Pakistani universities had founded Azm-e-Nau - Let Us Rebuild Pakistan, to involve the youth in social welfare activities. I, along with some students from Pakistan's universities, have created Azm-e-Nau - Let us rebuild Pakistan, so that young people take part in social movements. Inona no hataon'ireo tsy an'asa mandritra ny andro? What will unemployed do all the day? What will the unemployed do during the day? @Sandmonkey: Izaho no mety voalohany hanambara izao, aza milaza fa namono ireo Kristianina ny tafika. @Sandmonkey: I should be the first to say it, don't say the army killed Christians. @Sandmonkey: I would be the first to declare this, don't say that the army killed Christians. Sary: F. Stojanovski, CC-BY. Photo: F. Stojanovski, CC-BY. Photo: F. Hessel, CC-BY. Amin'ny volana Oktobra amin'ity taona ity, Mpiadin'ny Toetr'andro 30 ao Pasifika avy amin'ny nosy 12 samihafa no hoavy ao amin'ny morontsiraka Aostraliana hijoro mhanohitra ny indostrian'ny saribao sy ny etona. In October this year, 30 Pacific Climate Warriors from 12 different islands will arrive on Australian shores to stand up to the coal and gas industry. In October this year, 30 Pacific Climate Warriors from 12 different islands will come to the Australian coast to stand against the coal and gas industry. Nanolo-kevitra moa izy fa tena tsara rindra tokoa ilay izy ka maro ireo nandray hevitra diso nametraka ny "fampisehoana" ho toy ny tena izy. He suggested that it was so well orchestrated that many simply misinterpreted the "performance" for reality. He suggested that it was so well organized that many took the wrong idea to make the "communist" a reality. @KhadijaMAli: Raha misy ny zavatra tokony hakantsika lesona avy amin'ny voina izay miteraka adi-hevitra momba ny alikaola dia tsy afaka ny handositra amin'ny olantsika intsony isika @KhadijaMAli: If there was anything we should learn from the incidents which raise concern regarding alcohol is that we cannot continue to run away from our problems @KhadijaMali: If there is something we should learn from the tragedy that causes debate about alcohol, we can no longer escape from our problems Andro vitsivitsy taty aorian'ny fifampitifirana dia nitatitra ny filazam-baovao fa tsy Noordin ilay mpiady maty fa i Ibrohim, izay mpiasa taloha tao amin'ny J.W Marriott sady mpankasitraka an'i Noordin ary nanampy tamin'ny fampidirana ireo dinamita tao amin'ity trano fandraisam-bahiny kintana dimy ity. A few days after the shootout, the media reported that the last-standing slain militant was not Noordin, it was Ibrohim, the former J.W Marriott who's also Noordin's sympathizer and the person who help smuggled explosive materials inside the five-star hotel. A few days after the shooting, the media reported that the dead fighter was not Noordin but Ibrohim, who was a former J.W Marrinott employee and a fan of Noordin and helped introduce the contracts into this five-star hotel. Naka seza lehibe izahay mba ahafahana mijery tsara. We snagged some great seats so we have a great view. We took a large seat so that we could look at it carefully. Velombelomin'ity tanora mpahay politika ity ny fàka niaviany, amin'ny alalan'ny fifandraisany amin'ny fianakaviana sy ny namany. The young political scientist maintains his roots by remaining in contact with his family and friends. The young politician expresses his origin through his contact with family and friends. Aza milefitra amin'ny tsi-fileferana! #saynotohate #indonesiasavesgaga Don't tolerate intolerance! #saynotohate #indonesiasavesgaga Don't tolerate intolerance! #saynothaite #indonesasaves surprising Ohrid - Ilay toerana tokony haleha. Ohrid - the place to be. Ohrid - The place to go. Nadika tanaty Excel isanandro ireny-nadika tànana ny avy amin'ireo lahatsoratra ny toerana nitrangàny, ary ny sary dia nofinidy avy amin'izay taham-pitateram-baovao tsara indrindra, satria tena sarotra ny mitatitra izay tena isan'olona marina manatrika ireny fihaonambe ireny, eo ihany koa ny mety ho fanovana ataon'ireo antokon'olona tafiditra amin'ny resaka. All of that was copied into Excel by day-the locations were mined from the articles manually, and the icons were the chosen by the best average of reporting, as reporting the actual count of people at any gathering is both intrinsically difficult, regardless of skew involved parties tend to apply. The posts have been translated into Excel daily, and the photos are dreamed from the best coverage rate, as it is very difficult to report on the exact number of people who attend these conferences, as well as the possible changes made by groups involved in the conversation. Ny mpianatry ny SAITM sy ny olon-tsotra no tena lasibatra tao anatin'ireny ady izay nibahana ny vahoaka sy ny haino aman-jery sosialy ireny. Amidst these battles that have dominated the mainstream and social media spaces, the main victim has been the students of SAITM and ordinary people. School students and ordinary citizens have been the main target of these wars that have blocked the public and social media. Nampitandrina ny amin'ny voka-dratsin'ny solitany izy: He warned of oil curse: He warned against the oil spill: Mivaky toy izao ny pejy About Us (Momba Anay) ao amin'ny September: September's About Us page reads: The page About Us reads in September: Tamin'ny lahatsoratra momba ny fanambadian'ity atleta ity tao amin'ny, Faridun Bobokalon nanoratra hoe: Underneath a report about the athlete's marriage on, Faridun Bobokalon wrote: In an article about the athlete's marriage on, Faridun Bobolon wrote: Ireo fianakaviana sasany nafindra noho ny tondradrano nateraky ny fiakaran'ny reniranon'i Limpopo any amin'ny distrikan'i Chókwè dia nitaraina noho ny fandrobàna ataon'ireo ratsy fomba. Some families displaced by the floods caused by the rising Limpopo river in the Chókwè district complained of pillaging by persons acting in bad faith. Some families displaced by floods caused by the rise of the Limpopo River in Chókwè district have complained about the looting of the bad practices. Carlo Rubbia, ilay nahazo ny loka Nobel tamin'ny Fizika, dia nanolo-kevitra ny hananganana komity ad hoc ho amin'ny fanarenana indray. Carlo Rubbia , winner of a Nobel prize for physics, suggests creating an ad hoc committee for the reconstruction. Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Prize winner of Fizika, proposed the creation of aad hoc committee for reconstruction. Ahoana No Hanivahana Amin'ny Fanarahamaso Ataon'ny Governemanta Ejipsiana Amin'ny Aterineto How to Bypass the Egyptian Government's Internet Surveillance Program · Global Voices How the Egyptian Government Controls Online · Global Voices Koa satria mihamora kokoa ny manara-driandrano amin'izay atolotry ny algôritima, dia mila fifantohana sy ezaka avy amintsika rehetra ny manoha-riana amin'ireny fironana ireny. Given that it's becoming easier to simply go with the algorithmic flow, fighting against these trends is going to require intention and effort from all of us. As it becomes easier to keep track of what algetics offer, we all need our attention and effort to keep up with these trends. Mihoatra ny 150 ireo mpandeha tao anatiny tamin'ny fotoana nianjerany, tsy nisy na iray aza avotra. Over 150 passengers were on board at the time of the crash, none of them survived. At the time of his fall, more than 150 passengers were on board, no one was saved. Fa ahoana kosa ny amin'ireo manana mari-pahaizana manankery fa faikany ny fanabeazana? ihany koa ve ny rafi-panabeazana tsy mahavokatra tsara? How about those with valid certificates but a fake education? Will the education system that provides low quality also be charged? But what about those who have valid degrees that education is fake? Ny volana lasa teo, ny governemanta Amerikana dia nampihantona ireo visas (taratasy fahazoan-dàlana) ary nanitsoka ireo kaonty Amerkàna an'ireo Venezoelana mpiasam-panjakàna ambony miisa fito izay nampangaina ho nanitsakitsaka ny zon'olombelona nandritra ny fihetsiketsehana tamin'ny Febroary 2014. Last month, the American government suspended visas and froze the US accounts seven senior Venezuelan government officials accused of human rights violations during the protests of February 2014. Last month, the U.S. government suspended visas and blocked US accounts belonging to seven high-ranking Venezuelan officials who were accused of human rights violations during the February 2014 protests. #OurNASS (Our National Assembly) dia hetsika iray an'ny vondron'ny fiarahamonim-pirenena Nizeriana Enough is Enough (Ampy tena ampy) sy Nizeriana mpisera anaty aterineto vitsivitsy. #OurNASS (Our National Assembly) was an initiative of Nigerian civil society group Enough is Enough and some Nigerian netizens. #OurNASS (Our National Assembly) is a movement of Nigerian civil society groups Enough is Enough and some Nigerian netizens. Lasa adala izao tontolo izao . The world has gone mad. The world is going crazy. Nilaza kosa ny sasany fa nahazo hafatra fandrahonana tamin'ny aterineto. Others said they received ominous messages online. Some said they received threatening messages online. Araka ny tarehimariky ny Firenena Mikambana, an'aliny isaky ny mandeha no voaisa. Fandosirana faobe izay sarotra vinavinaina, indrindra fa firenena tsy dia fantatra loatra ihany koa i Eritrea. According to the UN's statistics, the number of Eritreans having fled the country is in the hundreds of thousands but is difficult to evaluate as the country is not well known. According to the United Nations symbol, tens of thousands of thousands are counted each time. A mass escape that is difficult to imagine, especially in a country that is not well known. Orinasa Mpanao Labiera Manaisotra Ny Fangiazam-pananan'ny Federasiona Panameana Momba Ny Baolina Kitra Brewery Lifts Seizure of Panamanian Football Federation · Global Voices Panama's Football Federation Is Removed From Extremination · Global Voices Bilaogera Afgàna Tezitra Tamin'ny Andian-tantara Tamin'ny Fahitalavitra Iraniana Afghan bloggers irritated by Iranian TV series · Global Voices Afghan Blogger Angered Over Iranian TV series · Global Voices Mamoaka mozika manakoako mafy ireo sambo mamakivaky ny renirano afovoan'ny ala. The steamboats blast loud beat music as they cruise through the rivers deep in the forest. The ships that pass through the river in the middle of the forest produce loud music. Nadikan'i Lilah Khoja ho amin'ny teny Anglisy ity tantara ity. This story was translated by Lilah Khoja. Lilah Khoja translated this story into English. Ny iray ao Beijing, ny iray ao Shanghai; Ny iray ho amin'ny fandraharahàna, ny iray hiala sasatra; Ny iray vao sambany no teto Shina, ny iray hafa efa fivahinianany fanindroany ary mba mahatakatra kely ny teny Shinoa ihany; Ny iray nampiroborobo ny fandraharahàny teto Shina tamin'ny hafainganam-pandeha tsy hay faritana, ny iray hafa efa nahazo ny fon'ireo mpampiasa ny habaka aterineto eran-tany saingy tsy mbola azo idirana foana aty Shina. One in Beijing, the other in Shanghai; One for business, the other is for vacation; One is the first time in China, the other is at his second trip and even understands a bit of Chinese; One is growing its business amazingly fast in China, the other has almost conquered the entire cyber world but is still not available in China. One in Beijing, one in Shanghai; the other for business; one for the first time; the other for the first time in China, the other for a second time and for a moment to understand Chinese; the other for promoting its business in China at an incredible speed, the other for the heart of Internet users around the world but not always accessible to China. Fanambarana ny zon'ny teratany: Mitoka-monina i Etazonia ankehitriny fa nanasonia i Kanadà USA Now Alone, as Canada Votes to Adopt Indigenous Declaration · Global Voices Declaration of indigenous rights: The United States is now isolated that Canada has signed "Oakland Tànanan'ny Nofy" Nofinofy amin'ny alalan'ny Zavakanto sy Kolontsaina Graffiti ao Oakland. "Oakland City Of Dreams" Oakland Graffiti Art Dream. "Oakland City of Nofy" Dreams through Graffiti Art and Culture in country. Jason Ng from Kenengba dia manandrana manatavy resaka amin'ny fanehoana ireo rehetra endriky ny Sivana ataon'ny sinoa amin'ny Aterineto. Jason Ng from Kenengba tries to enrich the discussion by outlining various aspects of Chinese Internet censorship. Jason Ng from Kenengba tries to get fatter about showing all forms of Chinese Internet censorship. Amin'ireo torapasika marobe manerana ny morontsiraka mankany atsimon'ny renivohitra, dia ilay toerana antsoina hoe "Asia" no tena tian'ny ankamaroan'ireo mpanankarena mponin'i Lima ary amin'ny teny anglisy no matetika hanononan'ireo mpandany ny fahavarany any an'io anarana io. Among the great many beaches along the coast to the south of the capital, the favorite of wealthy Limeans is called "Asia," and is often pronounced in English by those who spend their summers there. Of the many beaches across the coast to the south of the capital, the place called "Asia" is what most of Lima's wealthy residents love most and in English they often describe their loss to that name. Ary amin'ny farany, ny fitodiam-piaramanidina vaovao izay hanana toerana manokana natao handraisana filoham-pirenena koa dia tokony hatolotra amin'ny taona 2012. Ultimately, the new airport, which will also be endowed with a presidential wing, should be completed in 2012. And in the end, a new airport that will also have a special position to hold a president should be offered in 2012. Nanerana ny Golfa dia nisy ny ahiahy momba ilay drafitra ho fitambarana.. Across the Gulf concern has been expressed regarding the plans for a union. Throughout the Gulf there were concerns about the plan as a coalition. Ny revolisionan'i Yemen no tsy iadian-kevitra fa lava indrindra raha samy Lohataona Arabo, kanefa koa dia tsy mitovy hevitra mihitsy ry zareo Yemenita mikasika ny andro nanombohan'izany. Yemen's revolution is undoubtedly the longest in the Arab Spring, yet Yemenis disagree on which day it started. Yemen's revolution is undoubtedly the longest Arab Spring, but Yemenis also disagree on the day it started. Na anatin'ny horonantsarin'ny Bollywood aza, noraisina ho hetsi-panovàna ny fifanorohana, na dia mihamiova aza ny fironana ankehitriny. Even in Bollywood cinema, kissing scenes have been treated as revolutionary, although the trend is changing. Even in the Bollywood video, the kiss is seen as a revolution, despite the current trend. Miaraka amin'ireo teknolojian'ny fifandraisana izay ananantsika ankehitriny dia lasa toy ny tanàna kely izao tontolo izao. With all the communication technology we have right now the world is becoming like a small village . With the technology of communication that we now have, the world has become a small city. Omeko ihany koa ireo rohy mankany amin'ireo lahatsoratra hafa momba an'i Abdulmonem " hoy izy manoratra I also link to other posts and articles about Abdulmonem," he writes. Who is Abdulmonem Jamaluddin? * قضى ثلاث سنوات متنقلا ما بين سجون طره و أبي زعبل و الوادي الجديد بدون توجيه تهم أو محاكمة ثم أفرج عنه * تم اعتقاله للمرة الثانية عام 1993 I also provide links to other articles about Abdulmonem," he writes. Rehefa mivenjivenjy manerana ny tanàna, indrindra any amin'ireo kianja sy toerana filalaovana, mazàna ianao no mahita "haikanto" hafahafa. When walking around town, especially in parks and playgrounds, you often see strange 'objets d'art'. When it moves around the city, especially in stadiums and stadiums, you often see a strange "kisss." Tsy ho vaha olana ny fanipazana ny fatin'olona any an-drenirano. It won't solve the problem by throwing the dead bodies in to the river. There won't be a solution to throwing dead bodies into the river. Toy ny manaraka azy foana ny fahafatesana. Death always seems to follow her. Death is like following him all the time. Hatrizay, raha oharina amin'ireo firenena G7 hafa, vehivavy vitsy tao Japana no nandray anjara tamin'ny asa mafy. Traditionally, when compared to other G7 countries, few women in Japan have participated in the labour force. Since then, compared to other G7 countries, few women in Japan have been involved in hard work. Nandritra izany, namerimberina hatrany ny teny filamatra tahaka ny hoe "Fahafatesana hoan'ireo mpamadika" sy ny hoe "Ry Zareo any, izahay ety" ny hetsika nasionalista vaovao tamin'ny hetsika nankalazaina tao amin'ny Meanwhile, a neo-nationalist movement has repeated again and again slogans such as "Death to the traitors" and "Them over there, us right here" Meanwhile, new nationalist movements at the event celebrated are repeatedly slogans like "Death to traitors" and "We are here, we are here." Iangaviana ianao hanaraka ny pejy Facebookn'ny Bramsh News Media sy ny teny ifankafantarana #VBMPLongMarch ao amin'ny Twitter raha te hanara-baovao farany momba ny diabe. Please follow the Facebook page of Bramsh News Media and the #VBMPLongMarch hashtag in Twitter for the latest updates on the march. Please follow the Facebook page of Bramsh News Media and the hashtag #VBMPLongMarch on Twitter for updates on the march. @PrinceofRazors: Manana endrika, anarana ary tantara ny maty. "@PrinceofRazors: The dead have faces, names, histories. @PrinceofRazors: The dead have faces, names and stories. Ankehitriny, tokony hanomboka ity fanandramana ity amin'ny fampahafantarana ny tenanay izahay, saingy somary miova kely no anaovako azy noho ny zava-nitranga ora vitsivitsy lasa izay. Now we're supposed to launch this experiment with an introductory self-portrait, but I'm doing it a bit differently because of what happened a few hours ago. Now we should start this experiment by making ourselves known, but I've taken it a little more because of what happened a few hours ago. Nandritra ny andron'ny fifidianana aza, namoaka eritreritra sendra nandalo momba ny fepetra isan-karazany mety nisy fiantraikany eo amin'ny valim-pifidianana ny Blogworld: On election day itself, Blogworld posted some musings about different factors that would likely have an impact on the outcome: In fact, during the election day, Blogworld posted a quick reflection on various factors that could affect the outcome of the elections: Vao haingana teo ny UNESCO no nanendry ity Filaharambe ity ho Vakoka Ara-kolontsaina Tsy Tsapain-tanana. Recently, UNESCO named this parade Intangible Cultural Heritage. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. UNESCO recently appointed this Summit as a Cultural Cultural Heritage. Ny Alatsinainy16 jona lasa teo, ny Sekreteram-panjakana Amerikana Condoleezza Rice dia nivahiny tampoka ora dimy tao Libanona. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an unannounced, five-hour visit to Lebanon on Monday, June 16. On Monday, June 16, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice suddenly spent five hours in Lebanon. Global: Teny Grika mankany amin'ny teny Anglisy, teny Sinoa mankany amin'ny teny Rosiana, ary teny Espaniola mankany amin'ny teny Masedoniana Global: Greek to English, Chinese to Russian, and Spanish to Macedonian · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Languages and the Internet. Global: Greek to English, Chinese to Russian, and Spanish to Macedonian · Global Voices Nampivoitra indray ny maha-zava-dehibe ny tetibola ho an'ny ankizy tamin'ny kabariny momba ny tetibola ny Minisitry ny Tetibola ao Bangladesh, Abul Maal Abdul Muhith: Bangladesh's Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith re-emphasised the need for a children's budget in his budget speech: Bangladesh's Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith highlighted the importance of the budget for children in his budget speech: "Saingy," hoy izy manampy, "zava-dehibe ny anamarihana fa ny fanondroana faritra iray ho Ramsar dia dingana iray fotsiny ihany. "But," he adds, "it is important to note that the Ramsar designation is just a step. "But," he adds, "it's important to note that identifying a region as Ramsar is just one step. Ity ny fomba fijerin'ny manampahaizana iray, taterin'ny Duarte 101: An expert's opinion published by Duarte 101: Here's the view of one scholar, reported by Duarte 101: Melohin'ny Vazimba breziliana ho mpamadika noho ny tsy nakana ny hevitr'izy ireo amin'ny zavatra mahakasika azy ireo ny governemanta sy ny FUNAI (Fundação Nacional do Índio) - Ivotoeram-pirenena mpanohana ny vazimba) - ary ireo Fikambanana tsy miankina amin'ny fanjakana (ONG). Since early in January this year, members of different indigenous Brazilian nations have been camping out in front of the Ministry of Justice in Brasília D.F. The indigenous communities accuse the government and FUNAI (Fundação Nacional do Índio) - the national protection agency for the indigenous peoples in Brazil - as well as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's), of betrayal for not consulting indigenous leaders in matters concerned to them. Brazilians have accused the government and FUNAI (Fundação Nacional do nyndio) of being traitors for not having their opinions taken into account - and non-governmental organizations (ONG). Manamarika ny faha-folo-taona namonoan'ny governemantan'i Ozbekistana ireo olo-tsotra an-jatony izay nivorivory tao amin'ny kianja tao amin'ny tanàna iray avy amin'ny toa hetsika tampoka ho fihantsiana ny fitondrana maherisetra sy mpanao kolikoly ny 13 Mey. May 13 marks ten years since the government of Uzbekistan massacred hundreds of civilians that had gathered in a square in a provincial town in what appeared a spontaneous act of defiance against a brutal and corrupt regime. May 13 marks the 10th anniversary of Uzbekistan's government killing hundreds of civilians who gathered in a park in a city from a sudden move to challenge the brutal and corrupt regime. Mifoha maraina ny vehivavy, mandro, ary mivavaka amin'i Mahadev, iray amin'ny andriamanitra lehibe telon'ny Hindoisma, ny folakandro, isan'andro mandritra ny volana. Women wake up early in the morning, take a bath, and worship Mahadev, one of the three major deities of Hinduism, in the afternoon, each day of the month. Women get up early in the morning, take a bath, and pray to Mahadev, one of the three great gods of Hinduism, in the afternoon, every day of the month. Miteny ianao. You Speak. You speak. Ny Tanàna Tranainy ao Aleppo, ny ao Bosra, ny ao Damaskaosy, ny ao Avaratr'i Syria, Crac des Chevaliers sy ny Faritr'i Palmyra ao Qal'at Salah El-Din. They are the Ancient City of Aleppo, Ancient City of Bosra, Ancient City of Damascus, Ancient Villages of Northern Syria, Crac des Chevaliers and Qal'at Salah El-Din Site of Palmyra. The Old City of Aleppo, the Bosra, in Damascus, in Northern Syria, Crac des Chevaliers and Palmyra region in Qal'atthose El-Din. Angamba, hiakatra be izay tsy izy ny haavon'ny kolikoly ato anatin'ny volana vitsivitsy. Perahps, the level of corruption is going to spike in the nearest months. Perhaps, the level of corruption will rise in recent months. Izy no ilay andriambavin'i Los Zafiros, Joaquín Sabina, Fito Páez, Carlos Varela, Gerardo Alfonso, Habana Abierta, Los Van Van, Manolito Simonet. It has been the muse of Los Zafiros, Joaquín Sabina, Fito Páez, Carlos Varela, Gerardo Alfonso, Habana Abierta, Los Van Van, and Manolito Simonet. He's the captain of Los Zafiros, influence of the Los Zafiros, damage, 7 Páez, Carlos Varela, Gerardo Alfonso, Habana Abierta, Los Van Van, Manolito Simonet. Avy hatrany dia miantso an-telefaona ilay manampahefan'ny mpitandro filaminana raha toa kosa ny reniny manontany azy hoe "miantso mikasika ny zanako lahy ve ianao? The officer makes an immediate phone call while the mother tells him "are you calling about my son? The police officer immediately calls the phone while his mother asks him "Are you calling on my son? Ilay antontan-taratasy dia fanambaràna nataon'ny fitondram-panjakana mody sarontsaronana ho toy ny fanambaràna momba ny zon'olombelona. The document is a declaration of government powers disguised as a declaration of human rights. The document was made by the government as a statement on human rights. Anisan'izany ny Israeliana 57, Amerikana roa, teratany frantsay, Belza roa sy "tsy fanta-piaviana" roa. Among them were 57 Israelis, two Americans, one French national, two Belgians and two "unknown." These include 57 Israelis, two Americans, French nationals, two Albanians and two "unknown" people. Mihevitra ve ianao fa ny tantaran'i Robertson dia nahasarika saina marobe sa nanana lanjany midadasika kokoa izy io rehefa ny fomba fahitàna an'i Amerika eto amin'izao tontolo izao no resahana? Do you think the Robertson story got way too much attention or does it have broader significance when it comes to how the U.S. is perceived around the world? Do you think Robertson's story drew more attention or more important when it comes to how America appears in the world? Tao amin'ny lahatsoratra navoakany, miaiky i Miller fa nisy ihany ny ezaka vita amin'ny ady amin'ny hômôfôbia ao amin'ny firenena, saingy maro ireo ezaka tokony mbola atao: In his post, Miller acknowledges that certain strides have been made in combating the country's homophobia, but much remains to be done: In his post, Miller admits that there has been an effort to fight homosexuality in the country, but many more efforts are yet to be done: Ity dia iray amin'ireo raharaha izay ilàna ny fomba fijery mitdika amin'ny miralenta. This is one of those cases where gender-sensitive approach is needed. This is one of the issues where gender perspective is needed. Azafady koa aparitaho amin'ireo olona rehetra fantatrareo fa mipetraka amin'ity faritra ity ny vaovao. Please also spread the news to anyone else you know who lives in this area. Please also share the news with everyone you know is living in this area. Nataon'i dadatoa Abu Majid Karaman nivanàka na teo amin'ny teniny na teo amin'ny tanjany aho. Uncle Abu Majid Karaman shocked me with both his words and his strength. In his words and in his strength, uncle Abu Majid Karaman made me laugh. Nisioka ny filohan'ny Fivoriamben'ny Firenena Mikambana Vuk Jeremić: The UN GA President Vuk Jeremić tweets: United Nations General Assembly president Vuk Mikemić tweeted: Ny kaonty dia tantanin'i Peter Harmsen, mpanoratra ny boky 'Shanghai 1937' sy 'Nanjing 1937'. The account is managed by Peter Harmsen, author of the books 'Shanghai 1937' and 'Nanjing 1937'. The accounts are run by Peter Harmsen, author of the books 'Shanghai 1937' and 'Najing 1937'. Fakana Sary Avy amin'ny "Drone" Mampiseho Ny Hakanton'ny Talaky Maso Kambojiana Drone Footage Shows Beautiful Cambodian Landscape · Global Voices Photos from the "City" Show Cambodia's Eyes · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Cambodia Revolution 2011. mpitsoa-ponenana momba ireo mpitsidika Libaney eo amin'ny toby: "Tsy misotro kafe na dite ry zareo. Syrian refugee on Lebanese visitors to gathering: "They don't drink coffee or tea. Lebanese visitors to the camp are refugees: "They don't drink coffee or tea. Araka izany, dia zava-misy sy voajanahary iainantsika ny fifandirana. Conflict , therefore, is a normal and natural part of our lives. Thus, the conflict is a fact that we live in. Nefa ity sarimhetsika ity dia minia mangina ihany koa amin'ny fangirifirian'ireo Bellah izay mizaka ny fanandevozana ataon'ireo touareg tohanan'i Maoritania. But the film is mum on the suffering of the Bellah people enslaved by the Mauritania-backed Tuaregs. But this video is also silent about the suffering of the Bellah who suffer slavery by Mauritania-backed tuaregs. Mpisera Twitter monina ao India, Vikram Singh (@cynicalvs) nanoratra hoe: India-based Twitter user Vikram Singh (@cynicalvs) wrote: India-based Twitter user Vikram Singh (@cynicalvs) wrote: Ny heloky ny Cyber , fa tsy blog, no tokony araha-maso araka ny hevitr'i Sassy Lawyer: Cyber crimes, not blogs, should be monitored according to Sassy Lawyer: The cyber crime, not blogs, should be monitored according to Sassy Lawyer: Tamin'ny voalohandohan'ny volana May, nilaza ny Zensho Holdings fa namorona kaomity iraisan'ny telo tonta hanatsara ireo fepetranny asa. Earlier in May, Zensho Holdings announced it was creating a third-party committee to improve working conditions. Earlier in May, Zensho Holdings said they formed a committee of the three to improve their working conditions. Takian'ny Filoha ny hampahazava ny nahafaty ilay mpikatroka trans Diana Sacayán/Nangovitra aho, nieritreritra aho fa i Nisman no noresahiny The President requested to clear up trans activist Diana Sacayán's death/I got a fright, I thought she was talking about Nisman The President demanded that the veteran activist Diana Sacayán/I be killed, I thought he was referring to Nisman. Nanao fitokonana faobe tsy hihinan-kanina ny gadra politika Palestiniana mihoatra ny 1500 ao amin'ny fonja Israeliana , mifady sakafo sy zava-pisotro mandritra ny 30 andro misesy noho ny tolona fikirizana manohitra fihoaram-pahefana. Over 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons have been on mass hunger strike, abstaining from food and drinks, for 30 consecutive days in a persistent struggle against abusive treatment. More than 1,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons have been on hunger strike, avoiding food and drinks for 30 days in a row due to the persistent struggle against abuse of power. Demotix (26/3/2011)) Pakistan: Demotix (26/3/2011)) Pakistan Demotix (26/3/2011) Pakistan: Nipoitra tanatinà taratasy mitondra ny lohateny hoe "Hihovitra hatrany ifotony anie ny tany" io fanambarana io: The announcement appeared in a document entitled "May the earth shake to its core": The statement appeared in a letter titled "May the earth be on the ground": Tsy afa-miandry intsony fandrao lazaina ho mpamadika faratampon'ny tolona ho amin'ny fahafahana. (Erich Kästner) Ny teny filamatra tsara indrindra! "Don't wait until they call the right to freedom treason" (Erich Kästner) Can't wait for the best slogan to be declared a high traitor of the struggle for freedom. (Erich Kästner) Ny ray aman-dreniben'i Rana, teraka tao amin'ny tanànan'i Arali , faritra Adigeni ao Zeorzia, dia nakisaka tany Uzbekistan. Rana's grandparents, natives of the Arali village in Georgia's Adigeni region, were deported to Uzbekistan. Rana's parents, who were born in the town of Arali , Georgia's Adigani region, were taken to Uzbekistan. Namafisin'i Tomomi Yamaguchi izany fihetseham-po izany, izay nitoraka bitsika milaza fa toa "vahotra ny Guardian amin'izay olana tiany horakofana: ny tsy fahampian'ny firaisana ara-nofo, na ny fanambadiana, na ny fitontonganan'ny taham-pahaterahana." This sentiment was echoed by Tomomi Yamaguchi, who tweeted that the Guardian "seems to be confused which issue they intended to cover: lack of sex, or marriage, or decline in birthrate." This sentiment was echoed by Tomom izao, who tweeted that "the Guardian seemed to be inconvenient about what they wanted to cover up: the lack of sex, marriage, or the decline in the number of births." Alaivo sary an-tsaina hoe mandany telo taona an-tranomaizina noho ny sary nampidirinao tao amin'ny kaontinao ianao. Imagine when you spend three years in prison for a photograph you uploaded on your account. Imagine spending three years in prison for a photo you uploaded to your account. Nofaritany ho "mitanila" ihany koa ireo fitsarana natao: She also described the trials as "iniquitous": He also described the trials as "inconsistent": Na izany aza, tokony ho noresahana tao amin'ny fiflan-kevi-pilaminan'ny Firenena Mikambana ity tranga ity, mba hampisy lanjany ara-drariny kokoa ity fahaleovantena ity, rehefa tsy ho ara-dalàna ihany, arahana drafitra tohanan'ny maro an'isa, na eo aza ny vato tsy azo ivalozana. However, the question should have been brought before the UN Security Council, as the legitimacy, if not the legality, of the independence would have increased with a resolution supported by a large majority, despite the veto (s). However, this case should have been discussed in the UN peace agreement, in order to make this independence more legitimate, if it is not only legal, followed by a majority-backed plan, despite the inevitable votes. Mbola misy tranonkala roa miresaka baolina kitra tavela ao amin'ny aterineto Ozbek - sy - saingy raha te-ho ela velona izy ireo, dia tsy maintsy manao izay hifehezany ireo mpankafy tsy faly. Two other large footballing sites remain on Uzbek Internet - and - but if they are to survive, they will have to ensure that unhappy fans are kept at arm's length. There are still two football websites left on the Uzbek Internet - - but if they want to live longer, they must control the unhappy fans. Karazany misy endrika telozoron'ny fitiavana izay miteraka tantara an-tsehatra marobe ny tantaran'i Yumi, Lucy sy Ken. Apparently Yumi, Lucy and Ken form a love triangle that results in plenty of drama. Yumi's story, Lucy and Ken are different forms of love that produce a lot of dramas. Nohodidin'ny polisy sy ny sampan'ny mpitandro ny filaminana (Satpol PP) ny manodidina ny fiangonana, Notapahiny ny fotoam-pivavahana tao am-piangonana, ary nakatony ara-panjakana noho ny baikon'ny (fitantanana ny) tanàna ny fiangonana. The police and Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) surrounded the church, disbanded a church meeting, then sealed the building by the city's order. Police and security services (Satpol PP) surrounded the neighborhood of the church, closed the church services, and closed the church with orders from the city. Hangina aho, hangina amin'ny fimonomononako anaty aho. So, I'll stay silent, I'll keep quiet with my inner thoughts. I will remain silent, I will remain silent in my murmuring. Akanjo enti-mianjaika mandritra ny Porima:Mba ho fahafinaretana ho an'ny rehetra ny mianjaika (na dia mety hisy fanoheranaadinidinika aza izany) - Purim Costumes: Dress Up Can Be Fun for Everyone (Even the Mildly Resistant) - Porima t-shirt: To be fun for everyone to dance (even if it's going to be a controversial protest) - Maromaro izao ireo gazety mandinika ny hoe ahoana ny fiantraikan'ny fihetsik'i Major Hasan amin'ireo Silamo miasa amin'ny tafika Amerikana, sy ireo Silamo monina manodidina an'i Fort Hood. A number of newspapers are now examining how Major Hasan's actions will affect Muslims serving the in US army, and Muslim residents around Fort Hood. Several newspapers are now studying how Major Hasan's actions affect Muslims working in the US army, and Muslims living around Fort Hood. Manana ny pejy Facebook-ny manokana ny HM4HB tahaka ny Eats on Feets izay manana ny laharany ao amin'ny Firenena Aostraliana ao Tasmania sy Andrefany Aostralia. HM4HB has its own global Facebook page as does Eats on Feets which has chapters in the Australian States of Tasmania and Western Australia. HM4HB has its own Facebook page such as Eats on Feets which has a number in Australia's Australian and Western states. Matetika lasibatr'ireo fampielezan-kevitra fanaratsiana "mpamadika sy mpampihorohoro" ao amin'ny media sosialy i Qadeer sy Majeed, ary nosakanana tsy hamonjy ny fihaonambe momba ny zon'olombelona tany Etazonia izy ireo vao haingana. Qadeer and Majeed are frequent targets of "traitor and terrorist" smear campaigns on social media, and both were recently barred from traveling to a human rights conference in the US. Qadeer and Majeed have often been targeted for "deversive and terrorist" propaganda on social media, and recently they were prevented from attending a human rights conference in the United States. Miara-mientana Ny Governemanta, Ny Mpanohitra Sy Ny Vahoaka Ao Malayzia Mba Hitaky Ny Rariny Amin'ny Fianjeran'ny MH17 Malaysia's Government, Opposition and People Unite to Demand Justice For MH17 Crash · Global Voices Malaysia's Government, Opposition and People Solidarity to Justice at MH17 crash · Global Voices GV: Ahoana no hitsarànareo ny fifandraisan'ireo mpikirakira aterineto amin'ny Revolisiona Siriana? GV: How do you judge of the netizens interaction with the Syrian Revolution? GV: How can you keep Internet users in touch with the Syrian Revolution? BBC Bangla mitatitra fa ny governemanta dia vonona ny hifampiresaka amin'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana raha toa kosa mbola mitohy amin'ny andro faharoany ny fitokonana androany. BBC Bangla reports that the government is ready for talks with the protesters as the strikes continued for the second day today. BBC Bangla reports that the government is ready to speak with protesters while today's strike continues on its second day. Sary nataon'ny mpanakanto Venezoeliana Leonardo González, nahazoana alàlana . Image made by Venezuelan graphic artist Leonardo González, used with permission. Photo by Venezuelan artist Leonardo González, used with permission. Tahàka ny olona mitovy lenta, takiana'ireo Jiosy Israeliana ny fankatoavana ireo Jiosy 1 tapitrisa izay noroahana nohon'ny fametrahana ny Fanjakana Israeliana tamin'ny tany Arabo, Jiosy izay, toy ireo Palestiniana tamin'ny taona 1948, voatery nandao ny fananany sy ny volany tao an-trano ary ny sandan'ireny dia nalain'ny fanjakana taty aoriana mba ho tombontsoa lehibe ara-toekarena. As a counterpart, Israeli Jews demand recognition for the 1 million Jews who were expelled from Arab lands as a result of the establishment of the State of Israel, who, like the 1948 Palestinians, were forced to leave their property and assets at home and whose value was then absorbed by their subsequent states for significant economic gain. Like the same people, Israeli Jews are demanding recognition of 1 million Jews who were expelled from the Arab world because of the establishment of the Israeli State, who, like Palestinians in 1948, had to leave their property and money at home and their value were later taken by the state for a significant economic benefit. Nanontany azy aho raha toa anaram-bosotra mendrika an'i Ramírez ny Mama Afrika. I ask him if Mama Africa is a fitting nickname for Ramírez. I asked him if Mama Africa was a title worthy of the name. Rehefa nitsofoka tamin'ilay resaka ny tabataba be nataon'ireo filazam-baovao tao Rosia, dia toa lasa ho sarotra be indray ny nanamarina ilay fitarainana. When Russian media jumped on the issue with much hullabaloo, those claims turned out to be quite difficult to verify. When the noise of Russia's media entered the conversation, it became more difficult to verify the complaint. Androany, mitranga indray ny zavatra toy izany any amin'ny sisintanin'i Okraina. Today, the same thing is happening on Ukraine's borders. Today, something similar is happening again at Ukraine's border. Kilalaon-teny amin'ny teny hoe "folha" (midika hoe taratasy na gazety amin'ny teny Portiogey) sy "falha" (midika hoe tsy fahombiazana) ny lohateny. The title is a wordplay with the word "folha" (which means paper in Portuguese) and "falha" (failure). The title is a play on words like "folha" (which means paper or newspaper in Portuguese) and "falha" (which means failure). @yemen_updates nibitsik hoe: @yemen_updates tweeted: @yemen_updates tweeted: Sary an'i JUSO Schweiz tao amin'ny Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Photo by JUSO Schweiz via Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Photo by JUSO Schweiz on Flickr (CC BY 2.0) Tsy mila mampiasa ny sarin'ny pollisy ao Honduras. No need to use Honduras police's. No need to use images of police in Honduras. Ao amin'ny faritra kely ao amin'ny valan-javaboahary, ahafahan'ny fianakaviana mifamihana ny toerana eo anelanelan'ny fefy vy, saingy mailo hatrany ny Mpiambina Sisintany ao amin'ny lafiny Etazonia ka tsy maintsy mijoro metatra vitsivitsy miala ny fefy ny mpitsidika, voaràra tanteraka tahaka izany ihany koa ny fifandraisana ara-batana. In a small area of the park, the space between the metal bars would allow for families to hug, but the Border Patrol on the U.S. side is always vigilant and visitors must stand a few feet away from the fence, as any kind of physical contact is strictly prohibited. In a small part of the park, families can move between the fences, but the U.S. Border Guard is always careful and visitors must stand a few meters away from the fence, as physical relations are strictly prohibited. Maro amin'ny mpanara-baovao anefa no te-hiteny fa ny kely indrindra no ataon'ny andiany 2015 amin'ity lalao ity amin'ny fanatrarana ireo tanjona ireo. Most observers, however, would say that the 2015 edition of the Games did little to achieve the last of these objectives. Many observers, however, want to say that the 2015 edition of this game is at least what it takes to achieve these goals. Mbola misy ihany ireo mpitarika vondrona toy ireo mpamadika George Athor, sy Abdel Bagi Ayi izay manaratsy foana ny solontena sy ny rafitry ny governemanta. There are still groups leaders like renegade George Athor, Abdel Bagi Ayi who still cry foul about government representation and structures. There are still group leaders such as traitors George Athor, and Abdel Bagi Ayi who always insult representatives and the government system. Nanorisory ireo mpanao gazety, izay nidina tany Viena, ny tsy fisianà hetsika sy ireo fahatarana. The inaction and delays have frustrated journalists who have descended upon Vienna. The lack of action and delays shocked journalists, who came down to Vienna. Ireo mpianatra any amin'ny oniversite isan-karazany ao avaratra andrefan'i Shina indray dia noterena hiaritra hijery sarimihetsika propagandy maharitra ora telo, ka tafiditra amin'izany ny fanandratana ilay Filôzôfy Confucius, hoy ny tatitry ny fampitam-baovao tao an-toerana. Students at a different university in northwestern China were forced to endure three hours of propaganda films, including one glorifying philosopher Confucius, as local media reported. Students at various universities in northeastern China have been forced to go through three-hour propaganda movies, including the promotion of the Mapuche Council, local media reports. Ity vazivazy manaraka avy any Montenegro ity dia manondro ny fomba fanao miely patrana amin'ny tsy fanesorana ny mpifidy maty tsy ho ao anaty lisitry ny mpifidy: The following joke from Montenegro refers to widespread practice of not erasing deceased voters from the Voter's Registry: The following joke from Montenegro refers to the widespread practice of not removing dead voters from the voters' list: Mpampiasa Facebook iray, Gift Tako Linyada Mbewe, nanisy hanihany tamin'ny fahatapahan-jiro, mametraka ny ZESCO ho fototry ny hanihany. One Facebook user, Gift Tako Linyada Mbewe, added a humorous twist to the load-shedding, making ZESCO into the butt of the joke. One Facebook user, Gift Tako Linyada Mbewe, made fun of the blackout, leaving ZESCO as a source of humor. Abdoulaye Wade, Filohan'i Senegal. Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal. Foremost among Senegal's presidents, do you know who they are? Tao amin'ny Twitter sy Facebook, mampiasa ny tenifototra #culpadoporfotografar (meloka tamin'ny fakàna sary) ireo mpampiasa, mba hanehoany ny fanohanany an'i Silva ary mba hanoherana ny fanapahankevitr'ilay mpitsaran'i São Paulo. On Twitter and Facebook, users are using the hashtag #culpadoporfotografar (guilty of photographing) to show support for Silva and to protest against the São Paulo judge's decision. On Twitter and Facebook, users are using the hashtag #culpadoporfotografar to express their support for Silva and protest against the decision of São Paulo's judge. Nitondra lasitra vaovao iray eo amin'ny tsena aho ho famenony. I was bringing a completely new model into the market. I brought a new model to the market as a complement. Izaho no niteny taminy handrakitra an-tsary an'izao." I told him to shoot this." I told him to film this." Ousman Darboe JC, mpisera Facebook Gambiana nangataka tamin'ireo mpitarika ny Vaomieran'ny Tanora sy ny vondrona tanora mpikatroka ao amin'ny firenena mba hitsangana manoloana ny fisamborana sy ny fanagadrana: Ousman JC Darboe, a Gambian Facebook user, appealed to the country's Youth Council leaders and youth group activists to rise against the arrest and detention: Ousman Darboe JC, a Gambian Facebook user, asked the leaders of the Youth Council and a group of young activists in the country to stand up to arrests and detentions: Fisavana alohan'ny hidirana ao amin'ny trano fisainana? Pat-downs before entering the booth? A test before entering a building of thought? Tsy mbola nisy toy izao. That's unprecedented. Never before. Tsy miaina ao anatin'ny krizy mivantana. We're not living through this crisis directly. They don't live in direct crisis. Arahi-maso, enjehina ary rahonana ianareo izao. You are being watched, persecuted and threatened. You are under surveillance, persecuted and threatened. Video 'Happy' Anisan'ny Nivoaka Farany Indrindra Avy Any Sikkim, An-Tampon'i Himalaya Ao India One of the Latest 'Happy' Tribute Videos Comes From Sikkim, High in India's Himalayas · Global Voices Video 'Happy' From Sikkim, India's Capital · Global Voices Ny fitondran-tenan'ilay Pastora sy ireo mpikambana ao amin'ny fiangonany dia tsy vitan'ny hoe tsy Kristiana fotsiny fa sady sain-jaza maroroka no hadalana miaro tsinjaka. The behaviour of the pastor and his church members is not only unchristian but also immature and foolhardy. The conduct of the pastor and his church members is not only Christian but also childish and stupid. Tsy niresaka ny hanova ny politika Kiobàna momba ny teknolojia na ny fotodrafitrasa ny filoha Kiobàna. The Cuban president didn't discuss changing Cuban tech policy or infrastructure. The Cuban president did not talk about changing Cuban technology or infrastructure policy. Ireo zavatra roa momba ny tetikasa #MividianaPenina mialohan'ny hatoriako . Couple of things before I go to bed on #BuyPens project. The two things about the #BuyPens project before my neck. Sarotra ny tsy hiresaka momba an'i Yingluck Shinawatra sy Thaksin Shinawatra ao anatin'ny vaovao tao anatin'izay andro vitsivitsy izay. It's hard to escape Yingluck Shinawatra and Thaksin Shinawatra in the news these days. It's hard not to talk about Yingluck Shinawatra and Thaksin Shinawatra in the news these days. Tsy dia fantatro loatra izay fiarahabana sahaza an'izao andron'ny aterineto miroborobo izao, ka ny lazaiko dia tratry ny Andron'ny Bilaogy Manerantany ho an'ireo bilaogera namana sy mpamaky ny GV! I don't quite know what the appropriate salutation would be for this auspicious cyber day, so I'll just go with a very happy World Blog Day to all fellow bloggers and readers of GV! I don't know how good it is to welcome this growing Internet day, so I say I've been on the World Blog Day for fellow bloggers and readers of GV! Raha nandiso tsipelina teo amin'ny fanoratana kosa ny Al-Jazeera: While Al-Jazeera messed up the spelling: While Al-, on the other hand, describes the spelling in writing: Ahoana ny fiantraikan'io "fampakarana ny taha-mpamokarana" io amin'ny ankizintsika? How will this "increase productivity" affect your child? How does this "investance of production" affect our children? Dr Alqedra niteny fa 79 ny Palestiniana maty androany (1 Aogositra) ary 350 ny naratra.. Dr Alqedra says 79 Palestinians were killed on July 31 and 350 injured. Dr Alqedra says that 79 Palestinians died today (1 August) and 350 were injured. Nanangana fialofana maherin'ny 2.500 tamin'ireo toerana natao avo toerana ny firenena, izay nampiasaina ho sady sekoly no ivontoeran'ny fiarahamonina rehefa tsara ny toetrandro. The country has built more than 2,500 cyclone shelters on elevated platforms, which serve the dual role of schools or community centers during normal weather. The country has built more than 2,500 high-level shelters, which are used as both schools and community centers when the weather is favorable. Maryam Al Khawaja miaraka amin'ny mpisolo-vavany Mohammed Al Jishi taorian'ny famotsorana azy tany am-ponja.. Maryam Al Khawaja with her lawyer Mohammed Al Jishi after her release from prison in Bahrain last night. Maryam Al Khawaja with her lawyer Mohammed Al Jishi after her release from prison. Pikantsary namboarina tamin'ny lahatsary misy ireo olona mifanjevo mandritra ny fiantsenana Zoma tao Pakistan. Treated screen grab of Friday's widely-shared shopping brawl video in Pakistan. A screenshot of a video of people in confusion over Friday's Pakistan. Nahavoa indray Twitter tany Korea Atsimo tamin'ny tatitra toetr'andro mivantana mandritra ny rivo-doza mahery nandrava ny peninsule Koreana androany. Twitter has scored again in South Korea with a live weather report during a typhoon that pounded Korean Peninsula today. This post is part of our special coverage South Korea Protests 2011. Twitter in South Korea was re-tweeted by live weather reports during a storm that destroyed Korean peninsule today. Manazava ny zava-misy ny Dokotera Bahrainita Jalal Almosawi nisioka hoe: Explaining the situation, Bahraini MD Jalal Almosawi tweeted: Bahraini doctor floor Almosawi tweeted: Olana iray hafa ho an'ireo vehivavy Tiorka ny tsy fahafahan'izy ireo manana fizakan-tena ara-bola, satria 27% monja amin'ireo hery mpamokatra ao Tiorkia no vehivavy, araka ny tatitry ny TUIK (Ivon-toerana Tiorka misahana ny Antontanisa). Another problem for Turkish women is that they can not get their economical independence, since only 27% of work force in Turkey are women, according to TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute). Another problem for Turkish women is their inability to have financial independence, as only 27% of Turkish executive forces are women, according to TUIK (the Turkish Institute of Statistics). " Ny nahatonga ny safidy ampiasana ity fitaovana ity ho an'i Angola manokana dia noho ny fahavitsian'ny vaovao mikasika an'i Angola sady ankavitsiana tokoa no mba ahitana ireny vaovao avy any ireny. "The option to use this tool only for Angola is the fact that there is little information about Angola and we rarely have the access to them. "The choice to use this tool especially for Angola is due to the lack of information about Angola and how rare it is to find these information from there. Vao nahazo vaovao mampanahy sy manafintohina aho fa voaheloka ho faty i Bassel. I've just gotten disturbing and shocking news that Bassel has been sentenced to death. I just got some disturbing and shocking news that Bassel was sentenced to death. Fa tsy hoe mitady asa aho! Not because I'm looking for work! But I'm not looking for work! Maty, maty, maty ny olona tsara. The good person is dead dead dead. Good people die, die, die. Nafahana izy ireo ny alin'iny andro iny. They were released later that day. They were released that night. Tamin'ny Zoma 8 jiona 2011, nandatsa-bato tamin'ny fitsapakevi-bahoaka ny vahoaka Maraokana tamin'ny volavolan-dalampanorenana naroson'ny Mpanjaka Mohammed VI. This post is part of our special coverage Morocco Protests 2011. On Friday 1 July, 2011, Morocco voted in a referendum on a draft Constitution proposed by King Mohammed VI. On Friday, June 8, 2011, Moroccan people voted in a referendum on a draft constitution proposed by King Mohammed VI. Iran: Mitokona tsy mihinan-kanina ireo gadra politika Iran: Political prisoners on hunger strike · Global Voices Iran: Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike · Global Voices Asaina ihany koa ny mpanatrika handray anjara amin'izay mety ho "tati-baovao" tsy mahazatra amin'izao vaninandro izao: manome fampahafantarana ny futureplaces tsy misy saripika, tsy misy lahatsary ary tsy misy rakipeo. Participants are also invited to contribute to what might sound like unusual "coverage" in present days: documenting futureplaces with no photography, no video, and no sound. The audience is also invited to take part in what may be the unusual "news" of the day: providing information about the Fututics without any photographs, no video and no audio. Hovahan'ny governemanta ve ny fanaraha-maso raha tsy fety fanjifana na fitadiavam-bola ny Krismasy? Will the government loosen control if Christmas was not a consumption holiday? Will the government change monitoring if Christmas isn't a waste or commercial holiday? Foko teratany Santals eo amin'ny 500 000 eo no efa tsy manan-tany intsony satria lasan'olona tsikelikely izany nandritra ny taona maro. Almost 500000 indigenous Santals have virtually no assets after losing everything over the years. About 500,000 Santals indigenous people have lost their land since it has been slowly lost by people over the years. Tamin'ny Jona dia nisy Peaceful Mission-2012, Iraka Fampandriantany-2012 , niarahan'ireo Firenena dimy ao anatin'ny fikambanan'i Shanghai (Rosia, Shina, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, ary Tajikistan) tao Tajikistan. In June there was Peaceful Mission-2012 , held by five Shanghai Group countries (Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) in Tajikistan. In June there was Peaceful Mission-2012, Iraq-2012 , common among the five countries of the Shanghai community (Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) in Tajikistan. 'Manao izay sitraky ny fony ireo matanjaka' 'The strong do what they will' 'The strong do their best' Vondrona mpifindra monina Amerikana Afovoany 78 handeha ao El Chaparral, fidiran'ny mpandeha an-tongotra avy ao Meksika hihazo ny Vavahadin'ny Seranan-tsambo San Ysidro mba hangataka fialokalofana faobe. A group of 78 Central American migrants made their way to El Chaparral, the pedestrian entrance from Mexico into the San Ysidro Port of Entry to request asylum en masse. A group of 78 Central American migrants will go to El Chaparral, an entrance from Mexico to San Ysidro Port Port Port to demand mass asylum. Tsy ela akory izay, nifantohan'ireo hetsipanoherana ilay fanorenana fotodrafitrasa vaovao iray ao aminà toerana manana tontolo iainana saropady. Recently, protests have focused on the construction of a new facility in an ecologically sensitive area. The protests recently focused on the construction of a new infrastructure in a sensitive environment. @congjee: Tranga iray voizinà pretra Katolika iray ny fampijaliana sy ny fahafatesan'i Park Jong-chul. @congjee: Park Jong-chul's torture and death is also a case disclosed by a Catholic priest. @congjee: The torture and death of Park Jong-chul is one case for a Catholic priest. Izany nony injay ny tontolon'ny blaogy nanomboka nimenomenona momba ny olana aterak'ireo tranonkala vetaveta mbola azo idirana nefa ireo tranonkalan-tambajotra sosialy kosa mbola mitohy voasakana. This is when the blogosphere started buzzing with the issue of porn websites being accessible while social networking websites remained blocked. That's when the blogosphere started to joke about the problems of pornographic websites that are still accessible while social networking sites continue to be blocked. Raha ny fandehany, naorina mihitsy tamin'io endrika io ny trano fanaovana teatira ao afovoan-tananan'i Kyev. As it turns out, the theater building, positioned in the heart of old Kyiv, was supposed to be built in this style. As it turns out, the theater in downtown Kyev has been built in this form. Eo ankavanana, Ny Mpanjakavavy mpitondra-tena Fabiola. Right, widow Queen Fabiola. Right, Queen Fabiola. Ary raha miroso ka bevohoka ny ankizivavy 14 taona, samy tonga miaraka ireo ray aman-dreny roa, ary hanome fanohanana azy, averin'izy ireo any an-tsekoly ry zareo. And if a girl at the age of 14 took a chance and she got pregnant, the two sets of parents will come together, and they will give support, they will send them back to school. And while the 14-year-old girl is pregnant, both parents come together, and give her support, they return them to school. Nilaza taminay i Marina Ilyina fa vondrona nikatona hatrany ny Vaoty, niaina akaikin'ny sisintanin'i Rosia ary niaina tao anaty vondrom-piarahamonina bitibitika ihany. Marina Ilyina tells us that Vods have always been a fairly closed-off group, living near Russia's border and in relatively small communities. Marina Ilyina told us that Vods were a group that had been shut down, lived near Russia's borders, and lived in a bitic society itself. Nandritra ny alina tsy fanadino 28 Janoary 2011, dia nisy fiara nanosihosy mpanao fihetsiketsehana teo akaikin'ny Ambasady Amerikana tao Kairo. On the unforgettable night of January 28, 2011, a car ran over protesters near the US Embassy in Cairo. During the night of integrity on January 28, 2011, a car was vandalized by protesters near the US Embassy in Cairo. Mandà ny sosokevitra sy ny fanoratana rehetra izay ahitana ny hafatra manavakavaka ara-pivavahana na fandrisihana fankahalana, na fanararaotana amin'ny fahalalahana ara-pivavahana, ara-poto-pampianarana na ara-pinoana izahay. We refuse any suggestion or writings including a sectarian concept or an incitement to hatred, an abuse of the freedom of religion, doctrine or belief. We reject all suggestions and writings that include racist messages or encourage hate, or abuse of religious, educational or religious freedom. Talohan'ny fandevenana ofisialy notontosaina tamin'ny 24 jolay 2013, namoaka lahatsary fohy maneho ny fiaraha-miory tao amin'ny Youtube ny mpiara-mianatra tamin'ireo niharam-boina: Before the official funeral was held on July 24, 2013, the victims' classmates posted a short video expressing their condolences on YouTube (English subtitles not available): Before the official funeral on July 24, 2013, classmates of the victims released a short video expressing their condolences on YouTube: Raha tsy avy eto Singapore ianao, dia matokia ahy fa tsy mirehitra akory ity firenena ity. If you aren't from Singapore, I would like to assure you that this country isn't on fire. If you're not from Singapore, I'm sure this country isn't burning. Mampalahelo ny mahita ireo #Miozolomana milamina hampitahorina toy ny jiolahy. #EtioMiozolomana #FihetsiketsehanaEid #Etiopia #Mampalahelo It is very sad to see peaceful #Muslims to be threatened like a criminal. #EthioMuslims #Eiddemonstration #Ethiopia #Sad - Mahlet (@faantish) August 8, 2013 It's sad to see the peaceful #Muslim being beaten up like a criminal. #EtiioM Islaman #Eid Movement #Ethiopia #Sads Niainga avy eny an-tetezan'i Mingalar (lalana faha-73) ny matso ary mamakivaky ny lalana faha-26, mandalo ny trano kelikelya manatrika ny MCDC (Vaomieran'ny fampandrosoana ny tanànan'i Mandalay) Lapan'ny tanàna, mandrapahatongan'ny fiolahana akaikin'ny Hotel Sedona. The (parade) will begin from Mingalar Bridge (73rd St.) and will be walking along the 26th St., passing the pavilion built in front of MCDC (Mandalay City Development Council) City Hall, until the corner near Sedona Hotel. The parade came from the city of Mingalar (73th street) and passed through the 26th street, passing through a small house that attends the MCDC (MCDC Development Center) the city hall, until the wall near the Hotel Sendona. Tao anatin'ny roa andro, dia nandefa hafatra47,000 ireo mpampiasa sokajy Vip! For two days, Vip users sent 47,000 messages! Within two days, Vip class users sent 47,000 messages! Mandritra izany fotoana izany, namoaka ity fanambarana manaraka ity ny minisitry ny raharaham-bahiny ao Kiobà: Meanwhile, the minister of foreign affairs of Cuba released the following statement: Meanwhile, Cuba's foreign minister issued the following statement: Ny tanànan'ilay mpisera Facebook Amanullah bin Mahmud's dia i Sirajganj, lavitra be miala an'i Dhaka. Facebook user Amanullah bin Mahmud's home town is Sirajganj, far away from Dhaka. The village of Facebook user Amanullah bina's is Sirajganj, far away from Dhaka. Dominika sy USA: Politika sy Olona Dominica, U.S.A.: Politics & People · Global Voices Brazil and USA: Politics and People · Global Voices Ny mpampiasa (@Buhenona) dia nino fa ilay bitsika dia mampiroborobo ny tsy fijoroana ho tompon'andraikitra: User Joanna (@Buhenona) believed the tweet promoted irresponsibility: User (@Bunnyna) believed that the tweet promotes accountability: Miantehitra foana amin'ny fanapahankevitry ny vahoakantsika isika. Our focus is always the self-determination of our own people. We always rely on the decisions of our people. Sa mampitombo fotsiny ny isan'ireo afa-baràka? Or merely increase the number of the humiliated? Or is the number of defamations only increasing? Yangon dia tanàna lehibe ao Myanmar. Yangon is major city in Myanmar. Yangon is a major city in Myanmar. Midi-droa i Aostralia - amin'ny maha-firenena mpampiatrano azy sy amin'ny maha-mpitana ny laharana faharoa azy hatramin'ny 2011. Australia has dual entry - as host country and as the runner-up from 2011. Australia is twice - as a host country and as the second host since 2011. Nanameloka ny fidiran'ny politika tamin'ny sarimihetsika novokariny i Kamal Haasan tamin'ny filazana fa tsy olana amin'ny Silamo misaina na voataiza tsara io tantara io. Kamal Haasan condemned the politics around this film saying that no rational, educated Muslim would have a problem with the film. Fouad Hasan condemned the political involvement of his film saying that this story is not a matter of thought-Islamic Islam or a good idea. Eny tena izany tokoa... Indeed it was... Indeed... Fiaramanidina an-dàlana ny ho any Singapore ary avy ao Surabaya, renivohitry ny faritra Java Atsinanana izy ity fony tsy nanana fifandraisana intsony tamin'ireo mpandrindra ny sidina, tamin'ny 28 Desambra. The plane was en route to Singapore from Surabaya, the capital of the country's East Java Province, when it lost contact with air traffic controllers December 28. The plane is on its way to Singapore and it comes from Surabaya, the capital of the East Java region, when it lost contact with flight attendants on December 28. Ho an'ny maro, ny fiakaran'i Moreno ho eo amin'ny fitondrana dia fitohizan'ny fandaharanasa tsy misy hafa amin'izay tetikady politika sy ara-toekarena hita ao Venezoela amin'izao fotoana izao, izay ivon'ireo adihevitra mafonja nateraky ny olana ara-politika sy toekarena tao aminy. For many, the rise of Moreno to power is a continuation of agendas similar to the political and economic strategies seen in Venezuela, which has been at the centre of intense debate due to its political and economic crisis. For many, Moreno's rise to power continues to be the same as Venezuela's current political and economic strategies, which are at the center of intense debates caused by its political and economic crisis. Tamin'ny 6 Septambra, namoaka didy famphatoana vonjimaika ny mpitsara, saingy afaka ora fohy, nankatoavin'ny fahefana mpanatanteraka tamin'ny alalan'ny didim-panjakana tsy nandalo adihevitra tao amin'ny antenimiera ny volavolan-dalàna, ary manan-kery avy hatrany izany. On 6 September, a judge ordained its preventive suspension , but hours later, the Executive approved the model by decree without parliamentary debate, and it was put into effect immediately. On September 6, the judge issued an interim order, but within a few hours, the bill was approved by the executive authority through a failed parliamentary decree, which came into force immediately. Mampiseho an'i Prayut manamafy ny fankatoavan'ny governemanta ireo fitsipiky ny zon'olombelona sy ny fahalalahana miteny ilay sariitatra, na dia eo aza ny lisitra lava be misy ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona ataon'ny manam-pahefana The cartoon features Prayut affirming the government's adherence to principles of human rights and free speech, despite the long list of abuses committed by the authorities. The cartoon shows the government's approval of human rights and freedom of speech, despite a long list of human rights violations by authorities Araka ny lahatsoratra iray tao amin'ny, i Petros Konstantinou, mpirotsaka hofidiana amin'ny fididiana ny tanàna ary manohitra ny kapitalista dia nitatitra koa fa nahita mpiasan'ny ambasady Iraniana nanàndrana nandrànitra ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana sady naka sary . According to an article on, Petros Konstantinou, an anti-capitalist mayoral candidate also reported seeing Iranian embassy employees trying to harass the protesters and take pictures . According to an article on, Petrosandou, the city's candidate for surgery and anti-Hindus, also reported that the protesters had seen Iranian embassy employees take action against the protesters and take photos . Hiarahana amin'ireo mpanoratra sy mpandika teny avy ao amin'ny fiarahamonina GV ihany koa ny Fihaonana. The Meetup will also bring together some of the authors and translators from the GV community. The Meetup will also include authors and translators from GV community. Hita mizara ny fitaovany amin'ny any ivelany ny Fair Play Alliance, fantatra fa mbola mifandray foana amin'ireo tseky mpikatroka i , saingy toa voafetra ny fifanakalozana torohay eo amin'ireo ekipa ireo. We see Fair Play Alliance sharing their tools abroad, we hear about staying in touch with Czech campaigners but the information flow between those teams seems to be limited. The Fair Play Alliance is seen sharing its equipment abroad, where is still in contact with activists, but the information exchange between these teams seems limited. Nanazava tamin'ny Global Voices ny rahalahiny Ali fa nahazo vatsim-pianarana iray hafa avy amin'ny Minisiteran'ny Fanabeazana i Mustafa, saingy momba ny injeniera mekanika izany, lavitry ny taranja fitsaboana nokasainy atao. His brother Ali explained to Global Voices that Mustafa was offered another scholarship by the Ministry of Education, except it was in mechanical engineering, far from general medicine. His brother Ali explained to Global Voices that Mustafa received another scholarship from the Ministry of Education, but it's about electronic engineers, far from his medical course. Ankizy tamin'izany fotoana izany ilay bilaogera Nikaragoàna, Homero, saingy manana ny fahatsiarovana ireo takaitra navelany, izay nosokajiany tamin'ny lahatsoratra vao haingana tao amin'ny bilaoginy Ventana de Homero (Varavarankelin'i Homero). Nicaraguan blogger Homero was a young child at the time, but he holds memories of the aftermath, which he describes in a recent post in his blog Ventana de Homero (Homero's Window). Nicaragua's blogger, Homero, was a child at the time, but had memories of his loss, which he described in a recent post on his blog Vpana de Homero (Hurro's House). Ny nantenaina tamin'ny bilaogy bitika ho fomba hampiroboroboana ny sosialy no nohalefahana. The expectation for microblogging as a way to promote social progress has been weakened. The expectations of micro-blogs as a way to promote social development have been increased. Rehefa avy eo koa anefa, dia tsy afaka intsony ilay toetra ka na dia ny havana koa aza, dia lasa anaovana "havako-raha-misy-patsa." News2dago narrates how a close friendship with an old friend from school slowly vanished because that friend left for France: After that, however, the character is no longer free and even relatives are going to be "suspected." Na izany aza, ny mifanohitra tanteraka amin'izay no notaterin' ireo mpampiasa twitter hafa: @HebaFarooq: Nanome fanafody maimaim-poana ho anay Tahrir ny Farmasia Saif . However, the exact opposite was reported by other users: @HebaFarooq: Saif Pharmacy gave us medications for free to Tahrir. However, the opposite is reported by other Twitter users: @HebaFarooq: Farmasi Saif has provided us with free medicine Tahrir . @Bo5alood_12: Voalohany aloha dia nataony manara-dalàna ny alikaola, avy eo nilaza ry zareo hoe afaka mividy #PorkinQatar (kisoa ao Qatar) ianareo ankehitriny, ary amin'ny farany ho raisin'izy ireo ho toy ny asa raikitra ny fivarotan-tena !!!! @khalifa_MK: Cheerleaders next:D #porkinQatar No matter how outlandish... @Bo5alood_12: First they made alcohol legal ,then they say now you can buy #PorkinQatar ,next they will take prostitution as a real job!!!! @Bo5alood_12: First he made alcohol legal, then they said you can now buy #Porkin into Qatar, and finally they take prostitution as a permanent job !!!! Ao anatin'ny fampisehoana avokoa ny rehetra Everybody is part of the show Everyone in the show Ireo mpandika lahatsoratra ato aminay indray no manampy amin'ny famadihana ireny tantara ireny ho aminà tenimpirenena 35 mahery. Our translators render these stories into more than 35 languages. Our translators are helping to turn these stories into more than 35 languages. Kanefa ny taona 2015, maherin'ny 80% izany, ary manodidina ny 40 isan-jato no no mety ho tafiditra amin'ireo taona voalohany any amin'ireo anjerimanontolo. But in 2015, the percent was more than 80 percent, and about 40 percent became undergraduates at universities. But in 2015, it was more than 80%, and about 40 percent could be included in the first years of universities. @tunisien:saika hanao sir-in am-pilaminana ireo Toniziana tezitra kanjo notsenain'ny polisy tamin'ny herisetra. #Kasbah3 @tunisien:Unhappy Tunisians are trying to start a peaceful sit-in and the police welcomes them with violence. #Kasbah3 @tunisien: Tunisians who are angry with police brutality are going to wear a ham in peace. #Kasbah3 Dah ao amin'ny blaogin'ny UGTG dia manoratra manokana ho an'ireo tanora ao Goadelopy, manainga azy ireo hanokatra ny masony: Dah in UGTG blog writes specifically to young people in Guadeloupe, asking them to open their eyes: Dah at UGTG blog writes specifically to young people in Goadelopy, urging them to open their eyes: Nadika eo ambany faneken'ny mpanoratra ity lahatsoratra manaraka ity: The following post was originally published on December 26th, 2010 and translated with the author's consent: The following post was translated below the author's consent: Farany, hoy izy nanampy: Finally, he adds: Finally, he adds: Hatreto, eso no nataon'ny ankamaroan'ireo Rosiana ety anaty serasera an'ilay lalàna, manaiky azy io amin'ny hanihany sady mamporisika ireo mpanoratra azy ihany. So far, Russians online have mostly ridiculed the law, embracing it sarcastically and admonishing its authors. So far, most Russians online have made fun of the law, accepting it with humor and encouraging its authors. "Mbola tolona ataonay foana io, raha tinay ny hohenoina amin'ny maha-vehivavy anay," hoy izy. "We still have that battle of wanting to be heard as women," she says. "It's still our struggle, if we want to be heard as women," she says. Mamely ny nosin'i Pôrtô Rikô ny rivodoza Maria amin'izao fotoana izao amin'ny tafiodrivotra malefaka kokoa Sokajy faha 4 . Hurricane Maria is currently battering the island of Puerto Rico as a slightly less intense Category 4 storm. Typhoon Maria is currently attacking the island of Puerto Rico with a gentleer 4th storm. Na dia teo aza ny hetsika goavana nataon'ireo mpianatra marobe amin'ny fanoherana ny fanaovana ampihimamba ny fampahalalam-baovao taorian'ny fividianana natao farany indrindra tany Taiwan, tsy noraharahian'ny governemanta ny ahiahy sy ny fitakian'izy ireo. Despite mass students' protest against media monopoly following the latest acquisition in Taiwan, the government ignored their concerns and demands. Despite massive protests by many students against media monopoly after Taiwan's latest purchase, the government ignored their concerns and demands. Amin'izay fotoana izay, tsy ho mora sarihana ho any amin'ny fihetsehampo fankahalàna Japoney ny hatezerana. By that time, rage will not be so easily channelled towards anti-Japanese sentiment. At the same time, anger won't be easy to draw to the anti-Japanese sentiment. Handrisika bebe kokoa ireo mpamokatra menaka voanio ny habetsahan'ny olona mangataka menaka voanio misoroka zavo-tsetroka (tsy nanaovana tavy). Palm oil producers will be more motivated if more people demand haze-free palm oil. The amount of people asking for palm oil (not fat) will encourage palm oil producers even more. Noho ny fitantarana nampifanditra nataony mikasika ny politika ivelan'ny Rosiana nandritra ny krizin'i Krimea no antony lehibe nandraisany izany fanapahan-kevitra izany. He said that the decision was driven mainly by his negative coverage of Russian foreign policy during the Crimean crisis. The main reason for his decision was his controversial coverage of Russian foreign policy during the Crimea crisis. Miainga amin'ny fanangànana tanambokovoko amin'ny alina hanoratana ny hoe 'enga anie hirodana ny ISIS' eny amin'ny rindrina, ady iray tsy misy fitaovam-piadiana ny fanoheran'izy ireo, izay resy tamin'ny ady nifanoherana tamin'ilay vondrona mpampihorohoro ny taona 2014. From raising a cross at night to writing 'may ISIS fall' on the wall, their resistance is an unarmed one, having lost the fight against the terror group in 2014. From the night-to-night graffiti to write 'May ISIS fall' on walls, their opposition is a war without weapons, which was defeated in the fight against the terrorist group in 2014. Mexico: Natël t'an Mexico: Natël t'an Mexico: Natël t'an · Global Voices Eto ambany ny zava-niainan'ny ho reny tao amina trano fiterahana nozarainy tamin'ny Facebook: Below is the experience of a new mother in the maternity ward shared in Facebook: Below is a mother's experience in a nursing home shared on Facebook: Manganohano ny masoko mijery ny Filoha Voafidy Mr. @Horacio_Cartes manao fianianana!! Seeing our President Elect Mr. @Horacio_Cartes being sworn in filled my eyes with tears!! My eyes are filled with tears at President-elect Mr. @Horacio_Cartes sworn in!! Tsy Manadino Mihitsy Ny Aterineto: Araho Ny Resadresaka Eran-tany Momba Ny 'Zo Hohadinoina' An'ny Vondrona Eorôpeana The Internet Never Forgets: Join a Global Conversation on the EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' · Global Voices Never Forget the Internet: Follow EU's 'Right to Forget' Global Conversation · Global Voices Mbola miandry (nohavaozina etsy ambany) ny antsipirihany bebe kokoa, kanefa ao an-toerana i Noel Hidalgo, bilaogeran-dahatsary ary manome fanavaozam-baovao amin'ny alàlan'ny Twitter. Still waiting (updating below) for more details, but vlogger Noel Hidalgo is at the scene and giving updates via Twitter. More details are expected (see below), but Noel Hidalgo, a video blogger, is present and provides updates via Twitter. Valiny: Olom-pirenena nizeriana iza no toa an'i #Madiba - Jason Kayode (@KayodeJason) 6 Desambra 2013 RamblersINC, a blogger and literati, summed up Mandiba's legacy thus: Answer: Which Sudanese citizen is like #Madiba - Jason Kayode (@KayodeJason) December 6, 2013 Tsy misy onjam-pifandraisana. No signal. There is no communication wave. "Hainao fa hiteraka koa ny zanakao vavy ary Andriamanitra anie hiaro ireo zanany vavy tsy hiafara amin'ny toerana misy ahy izao." hoy i Kamila mantsy ny olontiany Kairat ao anatin'ilay sarimihetsika Kazakh Tokal. "You know that your daughter will also have children and God grant they will not end up in the position I am in." Kamila lays into lover Kairat in the Kazakh film Tokal. "You know your daughter will also give birth to a child and may God protect her daughters from being where I am." Kamila says her boyfriend Kairat in Kazakh Tokal movie. Antsoina hoe Zhit' Zdorovo ("Fiainana Ara-pahasalamana") ny fandaharana izay manasongadina an'i Elena Malysheva, mpitsabo/mpampianatra/dokotera/profesora mampianatra ireo mpijery ny fomba fiaina ara-pahasalamana sy maharitra kokoa. The show is called Zhit' Zdorovo ("Healthy Living") and it stars Elena Malysheva, a therapist/teacher/doctor/professor who educates viewers about how live a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle. The program, which features Elena Malysheva, a doctor/singer/profesque who teaches viewers how to live better and longer. Sary nozarain'i @Feb14Media tao amin'ny Twitter Photograph shared by @Feb14Media on Twitter Photo shared by @Feb14Media on Twitter Ny mpanoratra ilay bilaogy diq mitonona ho Tandrefana, mpiara-mifonja miandry ny fitsaràna azy ao amin'ilay fonja malaza. The blog's author claims to be a western inmate awaiting trial at the notorious prison. The author of the so-called Western blog diq, a fellow prisoner awaiting trial at the notorious prison. Nahoana no adiny roa ihany ao anatin'ny alina no fotoana avelany hiandrasam-paty? Why did they allow only two hours in the middle of the night for the wake? Why does it take only two hours in the night to allow him to wait? Izany dia fampanofana nentina ho amin'ny lafiny politika vaovao sy mampidi-doza. It is rentierism brought to a new and dangerous political dimension. It is a new and dangerous policy reform. Amin'ny fandraisana anjara amin'ny lalao takariva sy fanatrehana lanonana sy rindrankira - ka ao anatin'izany ny tontosain'ny tarika Revolverheld - dia tsy vitan'ny mandalina ny fahaizana teny alemana ihany ry zareo fa mahazo namana maro vaovao ihany koa. By taking part in games nights and attending parties and concerts - including one by the band Revolverheld - they're not only deepening their knowledge of the German language, but also making new friends. By participating in the evening games and attending parties and concerts - including the collective Revolverheld - they are not only studying German language but also getting new friends. Ny fiandohan'ity taona ity, notorahana mandra-pahafatiny ny olona iray nanova fananahana ho vehivavy tany akaikin'ny tanànan'i Pinar del Rio any andrefana, araka ireo tatitry ny media Kiobàna. Earlier this year, a trans woman was stoned to death near the western city of Pinar del Rio, according to Cuban media reports. Earlier this year, a transgender person was sentenced to death near the city of Pinar del Rio in the west, according to Cuban media. Ny tsy famaliana ny fangatahana fanesorana ataon'ny mpiserasera dia mety hitarika fitoriana any amin'ny fitsarana ary raha mahita ny fitsarana fa nandà fangatahana ara-dalàna ny milim-pikarohana dia mety hitarika fandoavana onitra izany. Failing to respond to a user's takedown request can lead to court proceedings and, if the court finds that a search engine refused a legitimate request, to fines. Not responding to user removal requests can lead to lawsuits and if the court finds that search engines have refused legal requests, it could lead to fines. Ny bilaogy Tiguend dia mamoaka fijoroana vavolombelona iray avy amin'ny iray tamin'ireo mpampianatra niharan'ilay famindràn-toerana, mitondra ny lohateny hoe "Noho io no antony dia mendrika ahy ny sazy" ka ao anatin'izay no itenenany ny tsy rariny momba izay fanapahan-kevitra izay: Tiguend blog posts a testimony of one the teachers effected by the transfers, entitled "This is why I deserve the sanction" where he speaks of the injustice of that decision: Tigund blog publishes a testimony from one of the teachers affected by the transfer, titled "This is why I deserve the punishment" in which she speaks about the injustice of the decision: Nisy fiantraikany tamin'ny fanafarana entana ny fitotongan'ny Franc, vola Borondi, manampy izany ny fihenan'ny famokarana sy ny vola miditra ka miantraika amin'ny maro amin'ny tsy fahampian-tsakafo sy ny fiakaram-bidiny. The depreciation of the Franc, Burundi's currency, has affected imports, adding to lower production and incomes and hitting many with lower food availability and affordability. The failure of the Francs has affected imports, development funds, add to the decline in production and income which affects many of its food shortages and inflation. Tamin'ny Oktobra 2016, nobahanana tao Etiopia ny Facebook, tafiditra tao anatin'ilay fepetran'ny tany misahotaka navoakan'ny governemanta. In October 2016, Facebook was blocked in Ethiopia as part of the government's state of emergency. In October 2016, Facebook was blocked in Ethiopia as part of a state of emergency issued by the government. Fahiny sy ankehitriny. Then and now. In Bible times and today. Ny tiako tenenina dia hoe, mbola manana filoha voafidy ihany izahay. I mean we still have a president who was elected. I mean, we still have an elected president. Araka ny tatitra, nosavain'ny polisy ny tranony ao Sitra ary nosamborina izy avy eo, nalain'ny polisy ny findainy sy ny solosainy nandritra izany fotoana izany. According to reports, police raided his Sitra home and arrested him, confiscating his telephone and computer in the process. According to reports, police searched his home in Spotra and then arrested him, his phone and computer were confiscated by police during that time. Tsarovana Ao Ejypta Ny Fahazato Taonan'ny Fandripahana ny Armeniana Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemorated in Egypt · Global Voices Egypt Remembers the 100th anniversary of the Armenian massacre · Global Voices Pikantsary CXQ. Screenshots. CXQ screenshot. Na izany aza, noho ny fampanantenana hisian'ny fiaraha-monina anjakan'ny rariny kokoa, lalampanorenana voasoratra (Tsy manana izany ny Fitondram-Panjaka Mitambatra UK), fanesorana ny fitaovam-piadiana nokleary ary ny fijoroana manohana ny fifindra-monina dia mahazo fanohanana matanjaka avy amin'ny Antoko Maitso Ekosey, ny Antoko Sosialista, ary tarihan'ny Antoko Nasionaly Ekosey izay mitana ny maro an'isa ao amin'ny Parlemanta Ekosey amin'izao fotoana. However, with promises of a fairer, more equal society, a written constitution (the UK doesn't have one), nuclear disarmament, and a pro-immigration stance, the 'Yes' Campaign has had strong support from the Scottish Green Party, the Socialist Party, and spearheaded by the Scottish National Party, which currently holds the majority in Scottish Parliament. However, given the promise of a more just society, written constitution (the UK doesn't have it), nuclear weapons have been lifted and pro-immigrant resistance has gained strong support from the Ekosey Green Party, the Socialist Party, and is currently led by Ekosey National Party, which holds the majority of the Eoose Parliament. Raha miresaka momba ny olana sy ny fepetra isorohana izany ny rehetra, manao sosokevitra kosa i Ankita Mahajan: While everyone is talking about the problem and the preventive measure, Ankita Mahajan ponders about a solution: While everyone talks about issues and measures to prevent them, Ankika Mahajan suggests: Nihevitra ny sasany tamin'ireo mpisera Twitter fa solontena ara-bakitenin'ny "Wahabbisma" tohanan'ny fanjakana i al-Sunani. Some Twitter users thought that al-Sunani is a merely a literal representation of the state-supported Wahabbism. Some Twitter users thought that al-Sunani was the official representative of state-backed "Wahabbism." Ny iray dia mahakivy sy mizarazara, ny iray hafa kosa dia mazava tsara sady mampisy fanantenana. One is pessimistic and divided, the other clear and optimistic. One is frustrating and divided, the other clear and positive. Olona tokotokony ho 40 monja no nandray anjara tamin'ny diabem-pireharehana tamin'ny 24 jolay 2013, saingy nisy olona tokotokony ho 2000 no nivorivory amin'ny lalana andalovan'ny parady, Eo ho eo amin'ny 500 no mavitribitrika sy vonona ny hampitsahatra ny hetsika, araka ny voalazan'ny ao amin'ny Sampan-draharahan'ny Polisy ao Montenegro . Only about 40 people were part of the parade itself on July 24, 2013, but of about 2,000 people gathered along the parade route, some 500 actively and physically attempted to stop the event, according to Montenegro's Police Department . Only about 40 people participated in the pride march on July 24, 2013, but about 2,000 people gathered along the route of the parady, about 500 active and ready to stop the protest, according to the Montenegro Police Service. Nampianatra ahy ny tao fa tsy mila avo na be feo aho raha te-hahazo mpihaino, fa mamorona fitiavana sy fifandraisana am-po izay mety ho tsapan'ny olona sy azony. It taught me that you don't have to be hyper or loud to win an audience, instead create love and affection that people can feel and understand. It taught me that I don't need to be high or vocal in order to get a listener, but I create love and emotional relationships that people may feel and get. Noraketinay an-tsary ny ezaky ny polisy hikaroka hoe iza no mpanao fhetsiketsehana na tsy izy. We were filming the police try to identify who was and who was not a demonstrator. We have captured the police's efforts to find out who are protesters or not. Tranolay, ny olona mitsakotsako qat, mihorakoraka hoe "mialà Ali." #yemen. Tents, people chewing qat, shouting "Ali out." #yemen. House, people chanting qat, chanting " learn Ali." #yemen. Tamin'ny faran'ny dianay, 30 km eo ho eo alohan'i Eilat, nijanona tampoka ilay tafiotram-pasika, nazava ny lanitra ary niverina ny masoandro. At the end of our trip, some 30 km before Eilat, the sand storm stopped abruptly, the sky became clear and the sun was back on the sky. At the end of our trip, about 30 kilometers ahead of Eilat, the storm suddenly stopped, the sky was clear and the sun came back. Ny fanontaniana izao dia mbola hotontosaina ve ny fifidianana amin'ny volana ambony io? The question is whether elections will be held next month. The question is will elections be held next month? 6 taona izao no nandaozako ity firenena ity fa isaky ny tonga aty aho dia manontany tena foana amin'ny fanohizan'ny politika sy ny tontolon'ny media ny fandranitana miharo hadalàna fanaon'ny Elatra Ankavanana. Its been 6 years since I left this country but I wonder every time I come here how the political and media space continues to get hijacked upon by the right wing nutters. I've been leaving this country for 6 years now but every time I come here I always wonder about how politics and the media have continued to provoke the ugliness of the Supreme Court. Ary dia niova ny lalam-panorenana ka lasa ilay filoha no mpitantana ny valan-javaboahary hany sisa nisy. Then the constitution was changed so that the president is the guardian of only the current reserves. And then the constitution changed and the president became the only manager of the park. Ireo Tantaran'ny Fiainanay (Kenya, 2014) Stories of Our Lives (Kenya, 2014) The Stories of Our Lives (Kenya, 2014) Famoahana Tamil mivoaka isa-potoana Dravida Nadu. Tamil periodical Dravida Nadu. Tamil edition of Dravida Nadu daily. Anwar Ibrahim sy ny zanany vavy Nurul Hana Anwar ao amin'ny fonom-boky "Dada Malalako" Sary: Nurul Hana Anwar Anwar Ibrahim and daughter Nurul Hana Anwar on the cover of "My Dear Papa." Credit: Courtesy of Nurul Hana Anwar Anwar Ibrahim and his daughter Nurul Hana Anwar at the book "My Dear Papada" Credit: Nurul Hana Anwar Nefa mandritra izany fotoana izany, miteraka fikorontanana tanteraka ny fitrandrahana izay misy fiantraikany ratsy eo amin'ny tontolo iainana sy ny fomba fiveloman'ny olona isam-paritra. At the same time mining is a highly disruptive activity with considerable negative impacts on the environment and the livelihoods of local communities. But at the same time, mining, which has a negative impact on the environment and how people live in the region, leads to chaos. Sary mihetsiketsika be, ratsy kalitao no tao amin'ny CNC3 TV tamin'ny fandefasana mivantana ilay hetsika mozika soca, ka nahatonga resabe tamin'ny fampiasana ny tenifototra #IsmChubble (fifangaroana avy tamin'ny fampiarahana ny anaran'ilay hetsika ara-mozika sy ny pejy iray fialamboly malaza, Wa Chubble Is Dis?). A choppy, low definition live stream of the soca music event aired on CNC3 TV, and was discussed using the trending hashtag #IsmChubble (a hybrid formed by melding the names of the music event and the popular entertainment page, Wa Chubble Is Dis?). A powerful, low-quality image on CNC3 TV by live-streaming the soca music event, has caused a stir using the hashtag #IsmChubble (a mix between the cultural movement's name and a popular entertainment page, Wa Chubble Is Dis?). Raha faniriako ny hiditra tamin'ny fiarahana tamin'i Emadi, minoa ahy fa nitàna toerana ambony tao amin'ny Press TV aho fa tsy ho mpiasa tsotra tsy misy fifanekena tahaka izao; vehivavy iray tsy manana antoka; vehivavy iray mandalo ny sedran'ny 'tsy misy atoraka' . Mety nahangona harena be aho ary tsy hanana ahiahy amin'ny hoaviko mihintsy, na ho an'ny zanakolahy. If I wanted to engage in a relationship with Mr. Emadi rest assured I would have reached higher echelons of Press TV rather than working there as a simple woman without a contract; a woman without insurance; a woman running the risk of being made redundant..I would have accumulated a lot of wealth and I simply would not be worrying about my future either, nor that of my son. If I want to get involved with Emadi, believe me that I was a senior member of Press TV instead of a simple employee without such a contract; a woman without a guarantee; a woman passing through the challenges of being "less" .I would have raised a lot of wealth and I would have no security in my future, or for my son. Nampanantena fenitra "Trano Fonenana Mahafapo" ny governemantan'ny New Labour tantanan'i Tony Blair, izay nangataka ireo manampahefana eo an-toerana mba ho hentitra hoe hahatratra ny fenitra ambany indrindra takiana ny trano rehetra natao ho an'ny daholobe hatramin'ny taona 2010. Tony Blair's New Labour government pledged a "Decent Homes" standard, which required local authorities to make sure all their social housing met minimum levels by 2010. The Tony Blair-run New Labour government has promised a "Satissive Home" standard, which requires local authorities to make sure that all public buildings have reached the minimum requirement since 2010. Mety mieritreritra ianareo hoe nanadino fiavahana iray lehibe ireo mpilaza vaovao ao amin'ny Izvestia: ny angon-drakitra inona marina moa no tena tokony hotahirizina ao amin'ny tany Rosiana. Maybe you're thinking the journalists at Izvestia left out an important nuance: just exactly whose data needs to be stored on Russian soil. You might think that the newscasts onwill have forgotten a big deal: the accurate data that should be stored on Russian soil should be preserved. Tamin'ny 2003, nomena fahafahana narahana fepetra i Monteiro. In 2003, Monteiro was granted parole. In 2003, Monteiro was granted access to conditions. 4- Io dia lalao iray ka ny fitondràna miezaka ny mamorona ny fisian'ny fanoherana avy ao anatiny, hanomezana safidy ny vahoaka hisafidy ny ratsy sy ny faran'izay ratsy amin'ny hoavy. 4- It is a game where the regime tries to create a sense of internal opposition, to give people the choice between bad and worse in the future. 4- This is a game that the regime is trying to create its own resistance, giving people the option to choose what is bad and what is worse in the future. Tonga ilay mpitsara antsoina hoe Issa al-Matrudi ary nilaza tamiko fa: "Manana fotoam-pitsarana ianao androany." al-Saed: "Tsy namaritra fandaharam-potoana ianao tamin'ny fotoam-pitsarana teo aloha ary tonga isan-kerinandro ny mpisolovavako mba hanontany anao mikasika ny fotoam-pitsarana manaraka, saingy tsy namaritra daty ianao, ary amin'izao fotoana izao ianao te-hanatanteraka fotoam-pitsarana miafina! Judge Issa al-Matrudi came and told me: "You have a session today." al-Saed: "You did not specify a timing in the previous session and my lawyer comes every week to ask you about the next session, but you did not specify any, and now you want to hold a secret session! Judge Issa al-Matrudi came and told me: "You have a trial today." al-Saed: "You didn't set a session in previous trials and my lawyer came weekly to ask you about the next session, but you didn't set a date, and now you want to hold a secret trial! @Sanasiino: Famonoan'olona miadana sady mampijaly ny tsy fanomezana azy ireo herinaratra amin'ny fepetra tahaka izao. @Sanasiino: Depriving people of electricity in such conditions is a slow and painful approach to murder. @Sanasiino: It's a slow crime and it's painful not to give them electricity in such conditions. Goatemala: Fifandirana momba ny filoha voafidy Guatemala: Controversial General Elected President · Global Voices Guatemala: Debate on President-elect · Global Voices Anatin'ity fihodinana ity, antenaina mba handray ny anjarany any amin'ireo toerana telo fandatsam-bato ireo mpifidy, roa ho an'ireo seza amin'ny anaran'ny tenany ary fanintelony kosa ho an'ny antoko. In this round, constituents are expected to cast three ballots, two for individual candidates and a third for a party. In this round, voters are expected to take part in three voting points, two for seats on behalf of themselves and third for the party. Mandehana mody dieny mbola afaka manao izany. Go home while you still can. Go home while you can. Tanora Amerikana mpampianatra sy mpitoraka bilaogy manana anton-draharaha i Sarah Standish. Sarah Standish: A blogger with a mission Sarah Standish is a young American teacher and blogger with a mission. Sarah Standish is a young American teacher and blogger. "Ao anatin'ny tontolo niomerika misy antsika, tena tsy vita ny handre feon'ny olona." "In this digital world we're living in, you're not able to hear people's voices." "In our digital world, it is impossible to hear people's voices." @MaliZomg: Te ho TEZITRA mafy aho mikasika ilay #londonriots saingy raha ny tena marina, dia ny fahasalaman'ny fianakaviako sy ireo rehetra tsy manantsiny no tena zava-dehibe amiko. @MaliZomg: I want to be all RAAAGE about #londonriots but frankly, all I care about is the safety of my family & the innocents. @MaliZomg: I want to be very concerned about the #londonionionots but actually, my family's health and all my innocents is what matters to me. Mbola mijanona ho resaka mampifandritra hatramizao anefa ny tsy fitovian'ny fanadinana ho an'ny faritany tsirairay avy. But inequality between each region's examination remains a contentious issue. The difference between exams for each province, however, remains a hot topic to this day. Ny Zoma teo (Fahamendrehana) dia faly sahirana i #Saleh .Io zoma io (Fiaingana), faly nandany vola izy. #Yemen#yf @alguneid: Last Friday (Dignity) #Saleh was happy trigger.This Friday (Departure),he is happy spender. #Yemen #yf Friday #Saleh was happy.This Friday, he spent money. #Yemen#yf Nandritra ny taona maro, nisongadina tamin'ny lohatenin-gazety ny vono olona ara-pomba amam-panao, indrindra tao Gabon. For several years now, ritual killings have regularly featured in the front-page news, notably in Gabon. For years, the traditional murder has been featured in newspaper headlines, especially in Gabon. Tetikasa niarahana nametraka tamin'ny Progetto 7LUNE, vondrona iray misy ireo mpirotsaka antsitrapo izay mikendry hizara ny kolontsaina iraisan'ny Espaniola sy Amerikàna manaraka ny vanimpotoana, manerana an'i Italia avy amin'ny alalan'ireo karatra postaly dizitaly maimaim-poana, ireo vakiteny, tononkalo ary hetsika ara-kolontsaina. The project was put together by Progetto 7LUNE, a group of volunteers who aim to share contemporary Hispanic-American culture throughout Italy through free digital postcards, readings, poems and cultural events. The project has been launched together with Progetto 7LUNE, a group of volunteers who aim to share common Spanish-American culture with the rest of Italy through free digital postcards, readings, poetry and cultural activities. Taty aoriana, nitatitra vaovao mikasika ny tranonkala mikasika ny fahatsapan-tenan'ny mpividy any Auchan izy , ary mizara ny sary azo avy amin'ny fahitalavitra misy ny pejy izay nahazoana tsikera maro avy amin'ny "mpiaro ny honahona" , izay noesorina taty aoriana kely . Later, he reported about the conscious consumer site of Auchan, shared a screenshot of the page, which got comments from the "marsh defenders" that were later deleted. Later, he reported on the website about the plight of buyers in Auchan, and shared a TV photo of the page that attracted much criticism from the "register of the tunnel" , which was later removed. Iray amin'ireo antoko, Alliance for Development and Democracy (Fikambanana ho an'ny Fampandrosoana sy ny Demokrasia) (ADD), nanazava ny antony namoronany azy: One of the parties, Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD), explains why it was formed: One of the parties, Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD), explained why he created it: " Aza tsaraina amin'ny fahombiazako aho; tsarao amin'ny isan'ny fotoana nianjerako sy nitsanganako aho." "Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."- Nelson Mandela #RIPNelsonMandela - Kate Gonzales∞♥ (@ReeeyPJr) December 6, 2013 "Don't judge me by my success; judge me by the number of times I fell and I stood up." Hatramin'ny nijoroan'ny MLNS tamin'ny 2014, fantatr'i Sharma fa, ambony noho ny zavatra hafa, ilain'ireo olona tratran'ny fanafihana tamin'ny asidra ny fanampiana azy ireo hahazo fitsaboana. Since founding MLNS in 2014, Sharma has learned that, more than anything else, acid attack survivors need help getting quality medical treatment. Since MLNS was established in 2014, Sharma knows that, above all, people affected by acid attacks need help to get treatment. Manerana ny tanibe, eo ambany horohoro mandrakariva ireo mpanentana sy mpiaro tontolo iainana. Environmental campaigners and advocates are under constant threat all over the continent. Throughout the continent, environmentalists and activists are always under threat. Mihoatra 123% amin'ny PIB (harinkarena anatiny) ny trosam-panjakana. As for its public debt, it's now 123% higher than its GDP. The public debt goes more than 12% of the GDP. Tsy mino ny finamànana eo aminà lahiantitra iray sy tovovavy iray aho. I do not believe in a friendship between an elderly man and a young girl. I don't believe in dancing between an old man and a girl. Telo karazana ny fomba fankalazana nentim-paharazana ny Fihinanankena Orogoaiana: fampisehoana tantara tsangana sy hira, dihy sy ny manodidina azy, diabe sy matso, tahaka ny llamadas. The traditional ways of celebration of the Uruguayan Carnival are three: theater-musical representations, dances and entourages, marches and parades, such as the llamadas. There are three different forms of traditional celebration of the Hindu cake: theaters and songs, dances and surroundings, marches and parades, like lamadas. Afaka hanana fifidianana ao anatin'io tontolo io ve isika? Can we have elections in this environment? Can we have elections in this world? Rehefa nandeha ny fitifirana, dia ireo fiara mifono vy no naka ny toerana ary nisidina nanodidina ilay toerana ny angidimby. As the shooting took place, armored bulldozers were on site and helicopters circled over the scene. As the shootings passed, tanks took the place and helicopters flew around the site. Oa, tsy manana dibera amidy intsony ry zareo. Wow, they really have no butter for sale. Oa, they don't have any butter to sell anymore. Na dia teo aza ny zavatra nihatra dia mbola nikiry tamin'ny tokony hametrahana ny fahamendrehan'olombelona, ny herin'ny tantaran'olona miatrika herisetra faratampony ary ny fikendrena ara-jeografia politika i Marcell sy ny mpiara-dia aminy. Against the odds she and her peers continue to insist on the need for human dignity, and on the power of stories about individual lives in the face of extreme violence and geopolitical manipulation. Despite what happened he insisted on putting human dignity, the power of people's history in the face of extreme violence and political aims. Izany no mahatonga azy mandrisika ireo mpilalao ady totohondry mba hamita ny fianaran'izy ireo. That is why he is encouraging boxers to complete their schooling. That's why he encourages boxers to finish their studies. Zavatra iray ihany no mampalahelo ahy. I only feel sorry about one thing. I miss only one thing. Araka ny Mehr News, noraisin'ny Kaomity Mpanaramaso ny Asa Fanaovana Gazety ho "mifanohitra amin'ny fahadiovam-pitondrantena eny imasom-bahoaka, voafaritry ny artikla 6,andalana faha-6 amin'ny Lalànan'ny Asa Fanaovana Gazety" ny votoaty tao anatin'ny gazetiboky Zanan-e Emrooz. According to Mehr News, the Press Oversight Committee considered content in Zanan-e Emrooz magazine "against public chastity, based on Article 6, Item 2 of the Press Law." According to Mehr News, the content in Zanan-e Emrooz magazine was described in Article 6 of the Press Law as "the opposite of public morals." Mahalaza ny zava-drehetra. #tsymisyfanantenana Says it all. #hopeless - Diana McCaulay (@dmccaulay) August 24, 2014 Tell everything. #no hope Araka ny hevitr'i Likhachev, maro amin'ny Rosiana mpisera aterineto no diso fandray ny valintenin'i Medvedev ho fihaikana ny . According to Likhachev, many Russian Internet users wrongly interpreted Medvedev's response as a challenge to Roscomnadzor. According to Likhachev, many Russian Internet users dismissed Medvedev's response as a challenge to . Ataoko fa zava-dehibe hoan'ny firenena iray ny tsy manadino ny kolontsainy sy ny foto-piaviany, toy ny hoe reharehako ny maha-Italiana ahy, ka ianareo koa ry namana, tokony ho reharehanareo ny maha-Kazaka anareo. I think it's important for a country not to forget its culture and its roots, as I feel proud to be Italian so you guys should be proud to be Kazakh. I think it's important for a country not to forget its culture and roots as if it's my pride to be proud of me, so you guys, you should be proud of yourself. Araka ny voalazan'ny tranonkalany, hatramin'ny niorenany tamin'ny 2007: "efa nampiantrano hetsika an-jatony ny T2F, miainga amin'ny famakiana tononkalo sy fandefasana sarimihetsika hatramin'ny adihevitra mafana momba ireo olana goavana. According to their website, since it was founded in 2007: "T2F has hosted hundreds of events, ranging from poetry readings and film screenings, to vibrant debates on critical issues. According to his website, since he was founded in 2007: "T2F has hosted hundreds of events, ranging from reading poetry and film screenings to a heated debate on major issues. Tsy nanafina ny hatezerany i m.m.: m.m. is clearly angry: m.m. didn't hide his anger: Hitantsika ankehitriny ny voka-dratsin'izany eo amin'ny toekarena manara-dalàna sy ny tsy manara-dalàna: Now we are starting to see the effects in the formal and informal economy: We now see how this affects the legal and illegal economy: Nanelanelana ny fifanarahana izay mitentina manodidina ny 140 tapitrisa dolara Amerikana nalaina tamin'ny volam-bahoaka ny zanaky ny filoha teo aloha, Mussumbuluku Guebuza, Tale Jeneralin'ny orinasa tsy miankina Msumbiji Investment Limited, izay orinasan'ny fianakavian'i Guebuza , naloha tamin'ny komisiona ny valo-polo isan-jaton'ireo vola. The private company Msumbiji Investment Limited, the company of the Guebuza family where the son of former president, Mussumbuluku Guebuza, is the CEO, mediated the deal which cost around 140 million US dollars to public funds, eighty percent of which was paid in commissions. The son of former President Mussumuluku Guebuza, the CEO of the private company Musmbiji Investment) , which is the company of Guebuza's family, was in line with a contract that cost around 140 million US dollars from public funds. Sary tao amin'ny tranonkalan'ny Prachatai. Photo from Prachatai website. Image from Prachatai's website. Ekipan'ny Pinarra Aku: Rosemary Plummer (ankavia), Pinangkarl (afovoany), ary i Kathy Burns (ankavanana). Pinarra Aku team: Rosemary Plummer (left), Pinangkarl (center), and Kathy Burns (right). Pinarra Aku team: Rosemary Plummer (left), Pinangkarl ( work), and Kathy Burns (right). Namana akaiky izy ho an'ny maro ato amin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina Global Voices, nandray anjara tamin'ny fihaonambe 2009 natokanay ho an'ny Lohataona Arabo. He was a close friend of many in the Global Voices community and participated in our 2009 Arab Bloggers Meeting. He is a close friend to many of the Global Voices community, participating in our 2009 Summit for the Arab Spring. Tafiditra ao avokoa ny lahatsoratra momba ireo mpiblaogy Birmana any amin'ny gazety malaza ary manaraka ihany koa ny haino aman-jerin'ny olompirenena manohana ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana. For international news of this nature Global Voices should be your first click, not just for news but for further links and translations. It also includes articles about Burmese bloggers in mainstream newspapers and citizen media in support of the protesters. Sary misy fahazoandàlana Creative Commons avy tamin'i Rach151. Creative Commons image by Rach151. Photo under Creative Commons by Rach151. Manam-potoana ijerena ny Fiadiana ny Amboara Manerantany ve ianao amin'ny fahitalavitra? Have you had a hard time watching the World Cup on TV? Do you have time to watch the World Cup on TV? "Tahaka ny elo ny sendikà," hoy izy tamin'ireo mpiasa. "A union is like an umbrella," she tells the workers. "The union is like an umbrella," he told workers. Tamin'ity Sabotsy ity, teo amin'ny Place du Treize Mai, teo anatrehan'ny olona an'aliny no nilazan'i Andry Rajoelina fa izy no mpitondra vaovaon'i Madagasikara. This Saturday, on the Place du Treize Mai, in front of tens of thousands of supporters, Andry Rajoelina has proclaimed himself the new leader of Madagascar. This Saturday, at Place du Treize Mai, Andry Rajoelina announced to tens of thousands of people that he was Madagascar's new leader. Misomdrotra isaky ny minitra ny renirano Jhelum izao ao amin'ny tondranon'i Trimu noho ny rano avy any Inda #Tondra-dranoaoPakistana River Jhelum now rising every min at Trimu barrage with water coming fr India #PakistanFloods - Andrew North (@NorthAndrew) September 8, 2014 Jhelum river is now ripping every minute in Trimu river due to water from India #Pakistan Manakana fihetsiketsehana milamina ny polisy eo Kampala. Police don't recognise your freedom of movement: Police in Kampala blocking peaceful demonstrators. Police in Kampala are preventing peaceful protests. Sary nalain'ny mpampiasa Flikr Japanexperterna tany Yawata, Kyoto tamin'ny 1 Aprily 2014 CC BY-SA 2.0 Photo taken in Yawata, Kyoto on April 1, 2014 by Flickr user Japanexperterna. CC BY-SA 2.0 Photo taken April 1, 2014 by Flikr Japanexperterna user in Yawata, Kyoto CC BY-SA 2.0 1602) avy amin'i Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio. 1602) by Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio. 1602) by Michelangelo Merisi Cavaggio. Volana vitsy lasa izay, no nitady mpanohana (orinasa mpanomana mariazy any Monterrey) izy haka sary sy hamboatra ny lahatsary ahitana azy eo amin'ny trano hevany eo afovoan-tanànany, izay nisy azy herintaona izay. It was a few months ago, when he looked for a sponsor (a wedding company in Monterrey) to record and edit his video of his stand in the heart of the city, where he has been for a year. A few months ago, he'd been looking for supporters (a wedding run-up company in the city) to take photos and make a video of him at his home in the center of his city, where he was a year ago. Mila miara-mihetsika isika. We need to get our act together. We need to act together. Ireo mpitsabo mpanao fikarohana Isiraeliana miro ny Zon'olombelona, ohatra, dia nanambara fa "Mpifindra monina an-jatony no mbola voatazona ao Sinai" ary iharan'ny "fanararaotana ara-batana, fampijaliana, fanolanana ary fahafatesana mihitsy aza, izany rehetra izany no atao mba ahazoana dolara an-tapitrisany maro ho takalon'ny fanavotana azy ireo." The Israeli Physicians for Human Rights, for example, reports that "Hundreds of refugees are still being held captive in the Sinai" and "experience physical abuse, torture, systematic rape and even death, all with the objective to obtain tens of thousands of dollars in ransom money in exchange for their release." Israeli researchers defending Human Rights, for example, have declared that "a hundred migrants are still detained in Sinai" and are subjected to "the physical abuse, torture, rape and even death, all of which are done to earn millions of dollars in exchange for their rescue." Tsy nanazava ny antony nanjavonany izy ireo: ny manampahefana sa ny djinn! They did not explain what made them disappear: security forces or the dijnns! They didn't explain why they disappeared: authorities or djinn! @rizwanrkhan: ny #TEDxKarachi androany dia nahatonga ahy hahatsapa fa tsy mampaninona izay mitranga ankehitriny na izay sakatsakana mibahana eo amin'ny lalantsika fa azo atao ny manana fiavahana #Pakistan @rizwanrkhan: #TEDxKarachi today made me feel no matter what is happening whatever hurdles stand in our way we matter and can make a difference #Pakistan @rizwanrkhan: The #TEDxKarachi today made me feel that what's going on right now or what's going on in our path is possible #Pakistan Fa ny mikôty no misy. Instead, there is courtship. But there's cucumber. Tao anatin'ny fitsidihana dia zazavavy kely iray 7 taona antsoina hoe Daisy, no nametraka fanontaniana tamin-dRamatoa Obama, ary azon'ny haino aman-jery an-tsary mihetsika izany. The girl has prompted Peruvian bloggers to talk about her and about some immigration issues facing their community in the United States. In the visit, a 7-year-old girl named Dasy asked Mr. Obama questions, and it was captured by the media. A Step at a Time no mandray ho azy ny resadresaka nifanaovana tamin'ny mpikambana ao amin'ny Akademia Rosiana RFE/RL milaza ny fanirian'ny fireneny hanakatonana ny fitsarana iraisam-pirenena misahana ny raharaha Yogosilavia taloha (ICTY na TPIY) taorian'ny nisamborana ny mpitarika Serba Bosiniaka Radovan Karadzic. A Step at a Time accounts for an RFE/RL-interview with a Russian academic, commenting on the country's wish to close the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) after the arrest of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic. Step at a Time is automatically quoted in an interview with members of the Russian Academy of Academy RFE/RL expressing his country's desire to shut down a previous international court on Yogosilavia (ICTY or TPIY) after Serbian leader Bosiniaka Radovan Karadzic was arrested. Angôla: Ny zo hifidy Angola: The right of voting · Global Voices Angola: The Right to Vote · Global Voices Basel Hamadeh manamafy: Basel Hamadeh confirms: Basel Hamadeh confirms: Ny Fahafatesan'i Socrates, nataon'i Jacques-Louis David. The Death of Socrates, by Jacques-Louis David. The death of Harukis, by Jacques-Andal David. Gaga sady tezitra ireo Bangladeshi mpampiasa aterineto noho izao zava-mitranga rehetra izao. The Bangladeshi netizens are astonished and outraged by all these drama. Bangladeshi netizens are surprised and outraged by all this happening. Ilay ranamana nitondra ny "Twerk!" ho eo anatrehan'ny polisy dia tsy iza fa Vitaly Milonov, ilay tompon-kevitra sy lehiben'ny fandrafetana ny fandraràna ny "fampielezan-kevitry ny pelaka" ao Rosia. The man who brought "Twerk!" skin cream to the attention of the police is Vitaly Milonov, the instigator and chief architect of Russia's ban on "gay propaganda." The man who brought "Twerk!" to the police is Vitaly himself, the director and head of the draft of a ban on "gay propaganda" in Russia. Tsy mba mpiresaka politika mihitsy i Georgiy Sedelnikov, 30 taona teraka tao Sevastopol. Georgiy Sedelnikov, a 30-year-old native of Sevastopol, wasn't always a particularly politically-oriented blogger. Georgy Sedelnikov, a 30-year-old born in Sevastopol, was never a political debate. Top 10 Amin'ireo Fakàn-tahana ny 'Gangnam Style' Top 10 Global 'Gangnam Style' Parodies · Global Voices Top 10 of the 'Gangnam Style' Removes · Global Voices Toy ny fety iray fankalazàna no nampiasàn-dry zareo ny fifadiany sakafo, isantaona, herintaona, roa, telo tafakatra hatramin'ny dimy ambin'ny folo. Like an anniversary celebration, they used to show her fast, year after year, one, two, three up to fifteen. They used their fast every year, one year, two, three to twelve. Fantany izay ataony, araky ny fomba fijeriny manokana ary tsy misy tsy hainy. He knows what he's doing, has his own point of view and nothing gets past him. He knows what he's doing, from his own point of view and he doesn't know anything. Notohizany tamin'ny fanasana hanao fihetsiketsehana am-pilaminana (ES) izany. He continues with a invitation to a peaceful demonstration (ES). He continued by inviting peaceful demonstrations (ES). Tamim-pifaliana sy tamim-pilaminana tanteraka anefa no nizoran'ny fankalazana. However, the celebrations were peaceful and joyful. The celebration, however, started with great joy and peace. Ny fijeriko androany - nahafinaritra ny nitafa tamin'ilay Nepali mpanakanto, Milan Rai, momba ny tetikasany White Butterfly My view today- had a great time interviewing Nepali artist Milan Rai about his White Butterfly project @HarvardSAI - Meghan Smith (@meghansmith55) April 12, 2016 My view today - talking to Nepali artist Milan Rai about his White Butterfly project is great. Ny andiany fahatelo amin'ny Canoada dia nitranga teo anelanelan'ny faha-3 sy faha-9 Septambra, izany hoe taorian'ny fanidiana ny vavaranon'i Xingu. The third Canoada excursion, which took place between September 3 and 9, was the first after the Belo Monte's gates were closed. The third edition of Canoada took place between September 3-9th, which was after the closure of the river in the city's mouth. Vahoaka mipetraka ao Quetta miaraka amin'ireo nofo mangatsiakan'ny havany. People sitting in Quetta with the cadaver of their loved ones. People living in Quetta with dead loved ones. Mandritra ny volana Ramadany mbola mipoaka ny tafondro izay manondro fa vita ny fifadian-kanina ary mahazo ny sakafony ny olona. ao amin'ny sariitatra, navoaka tao amin'ny pejy Basma Souria (Lavotondro Syriana), ahitana an'i Bashar midaoka baomba ny tanàndehibe Syriana During the month of Ramadan cannons are fired to indicate to people the time to break their fast and have their meal. In this caricature, posted on Basma Souria Page (Syrian Fingerprint), Bashar is seen bombing Syrian towns and cities This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. During the month of Ramadan the cannons that indicate that fasting is over and people get their food. In the cartoon, published on Basma Souria (The Syrian Forest), Syrian city is being bombed by Bashar. Maro amin'ireo mpanohitra no manahy fa hampitahotra ireo Kantone sy ireo kolotsaina eny an-toerana mifandraika aminy izany fiovàna izany. Many opponents worry that the move would threaten Cantonese and related local cultures. Many protesters fear that this change will threaten their local culture and culture. Filipina: Maniry Ny Hisian'ny Lalàna Ho Fitantanana Ny Bilaogy Ny Filohan'ny Loholona Philippines: Senate President Wants Law to Regulate Blogs · Global Voices Philippines: Senator's President Wants to Legalize Blog Management Law · Global Voices Nilaza ihany koa ny bilaogy fa ny hoe "noana ny mpiasan'ny Haftapeh" no iray amin'ireo teny fanevan'ny mpiasa tsy nandray karama. The blog adds that one of the upaid workers' slogan was "Haftapeh workers are hungry." The blog also says that one of the slogans of those who didn't receive paid workers was that "the staff of Haftapeh had been treated." Iray amin'ireo tsara vintana i Memory Banda Memory Banda is one of the lucky ones. Memory Banda is one of those lucky Saingy amin'ny fanombohana, te ho eo anilan'ny fofombadiny fotsiny izy. But to start, he just wants to be with his fiancée. But in the beginning, she just wanted to be next to her husband. Ny fivavahana dia safidin'ny tena manokana. Religion is a matter of personal choice. Religion is a personal choice. Noho ny fivakisan'i Yogoslavia, tsy nisy intsony ny tarika Azra. With the breakup of Yugoslavia, Azra ceased to exist. Thanks to Yugoslavia's break, the Azra team was no longer there. Ahitana mpifidy 48 tapitrisa amin'ireo mponina eo amin'ny 65 tapitrisa eo ho eo. There are 48 million eligible voters out of the population of about 65 million. There are about 48 million voters among the population of about 65 million. Afghanistana: Fanafihana kamikazy ny masoivoho Indiana Afghanistan: Suicide Attack on Indian Embassy · Global Voices Afghanistan: Attack on Indian Embassy · Global Voices Sary: Qurrat-ul -in Haider (@mojesma) Source: Qurrat-ul -in Haider (@mojesma) Photo: Qurrat-ul -in Haider (@mojesma) Tsy misy ilàna ny hanehoana hevitra amin'io... There's no need to comment this... There is no need to comment on this... Mety tsy haharitra ela izany - mety ho ora maromaro, na mety ho andro maromaro - fa amin'zao fotoana aloha, dia mibaribary ny didy jadona ataon'i Castro. It may not last long - perhaps hours, maybe days - but for the moment, the Castro dictatorship is exposed. This may not last long - it may take several hours, or perhaps several days - but at a time, Castro's dictatorship is evident. Mpihira sy mpanoratra hira i Erick Manana ary nisy ny fotoana nanoritsoritana azy ho "Bob Dylan an'i Madagasikara." Erick Manana is a singer and a songwriter described once as the "Bob Dylan of Madagascar." Erick Manana is a singer and writer and there is a time when he is described as "BobGod of Madagascar." Afghan mpialokaloka manao fihetsiektsehana tsy misy herisetra, mitaky ny hamelana azy ireo ho ao Makedonia. Afghan refugees protest nonviolently, demanding to be let in Macedonia. Afghan refugees protesting without violence, demanding that they be allowed to go to Macedonia. Raha ny marina, fotoana tsy fahita firy ny faha-90 taona nahaterahan'ny sahobakaka, indrindra, angamba tena tsy fahita firy toy ny rahona miendrika sahobakaka heverina ho hita alohan'ilay andro manokana: After all, the 90th birthday of the toad is a rare moment, indeed, maybe even as rare as a toad-shaped cloud supposedly spotted ahead of the special day: In fact, the 90th birthday of the toad is a rare time, especially, perhaps very rare, as it is thought to have been seen before the special day: Nalahelo aho, nalahelo azy sy ireo olo-malaza efa maty tahaka azy koa mamndritra ny fotoana hangalantsika ny feo sy ny sary sy ny pitsoptsony rehetra mety ho nahafaty azy izay tampoka tokoa. I felt upset for him and for all those who die in public in front of us as we register all the details of their passing, which comes as a surprise to us. I was sad, I missed him and other dead celebrities like him looking forward to the moment when we will take away all their voices and images and messages that could have killed him suddenly. Nanontaniana raha manana taratasy avy amin'ny mpiandraiki-draharaha izy ireo, hawana! Asked if they hv Clerk's clearance, hawana! Asked if they have a letter from the administration, hawana! @ba7ari: nahisatry ny fitondrana ny aterineto mba hanakànana ny olona tsy handefa izay zava-mitranga eto #Bahrain #Feb14 #HRW #EU @ba7ari: Regime had slows down the Internet in a way to stop ppl to send what is happening in #Bahrain #Feb14 #HRW #EU @ba7ari: The regime has blocked the internet to stop people from posting what's happening in #Bahrain #Feb14 #Egypt #EU Nataon'ny mpikarakara latsaka 100 heny amin'ny vola tokony ho azon'ny mpihazakazaka teratany tonga eo amin'ny faritra fahatongavana ny vola azon'ny atleta Keniana, izay niteraka resabe sy fanakianana avy any amin'ny mponina sasany any Pays-Bas, tany amin'ny media sy ireo miady amin'ny fitoviana. Organisers of the marathon are offering Kenyan runners 100 times less prize money than what is up for grabs by Dutch nationals who cross the line first, a move that has been subject to vitriolic attacks from sections of the Dutch public, media and equal rights activists. The organizers made Kenya's athletes less than 100 times as much money as the indigenous runners in the coming region, causing controversy and criticism from some people in the Netherlands, in the media and those fighting equality. Nampiasa ny Google Autocomplete (tolo-kevitra mivoaka ho azy amin'ny karoka) ireo andianà dokambarotra avy amin'ny Vehivavin'ny Firenena Mikambana (ONU) izay nambara tamin'ny faran'ny volana oktobra mba hijerena ireo fihetsika tsy mampandroso sasany mihanaka eny amin'ny vehivavy. A series of ads by UN Women, revealed in late October, used the Google Autocomplete feature to uncover widespread negative attitudes toward women. A series of ads from the United Nations Women (ONU) that were announced at the end of October have been using Google Autocomplete to look at some of the negative attitudes that spread among women. Vao haingana, nitatitra ny fandrakofam-baovao nataon'ny The Guardian fa hoe "nampiantso ny masoivohon'i Ekoatera ao Stockholm i Soeda, nilazany fa zavatra "tsy azo ekena" ny fanomezana fialokalofana politika ho an'i Assange. The Guardian's live coverage recently reported that "Sweden has summoned Ecuador's ambassador to Stockholm, calling the granting of asylum to Assange 'unacceptable.'" Recently, The Guardian's news report reported that Sweden had called Ecuador's embassy in Stockholm, saying that providing political asylum was something "not acceptable." Safadi, izay efa tany am-ponja nandritry ny efatra taona latsaka kely, dia fantatra tsara ihany koa amin'ny maha-mpamokatra rindrambaiko misokatra azy. Safadi, who has been in prison for almost four years, is also a well-known open-source software developer. Safadi, who has been in prison for nearly four years, is also well-known as an open source of software. Novokarin'ny V Bangkok Co ny lahatsary mozika "Tiew Thai Mee Hay" ("Ny Dia Manala Voly Ho Any Thailandy") izay mampiseho an'i Thotsakan, ilay mpanjaka demony avy amin'ny tantaram-pirenena poetika fahiny antsoina hoe Ramakien, izay dikanteny Thailandey amin'ny tononkalo Indiana fahiny Ramayana izany. Produced by the V Bangkok Co, the "Tiew Thai Mee Hay" ("Fun to Travel in Thailand") music video featured Thotsakan, a demon king from the ancient national epic the Ramakien, which is the Thai version of the ancient Indian poem the Ramayana. V Bangkok Co has released the music video "Tiew Thai Mee Hay" ("The Vocation to Thailand") which shows Thotsan, the former colonial king of Ramakien, which is a Thai translation of ancient Indian poetry. Ny sangan'asa nahazo loka tamin'ny sokajy sary dia avy amin'ilay mpakasary Ronny Santo, sarina lehilahy Haitiana mandro tampoka ao amin'ny faritry ny Missão Paz (Misionan'ny Fandriampahalemana), fikambanan'ny fiangonana katolika ao São Paulo, tamin'ny volana Mey 2015. The work awarded in the photography category was an image captured by photographer Ronny Santos of a Haitian man taking an improvised bath on the premises of Missão Paz (Peace Mission), an organization of the Catholic church in São Paulo, in May 2015. The award-winning photo category work is by photographer Ronny Santo, photo of a Haitian man in the area of Missão Paz (Peace Commission), a Catholic church organization in São Paulo, in May 2015. Hoan'ireo izay andeha hanangana ny taonjato faha21, no ilazantsika, miaraka amin'ny fo feno fitiavana: NY FANANGANANA DIA NY FAHARETANA. To those who are going to create the 21st century, we say, with all our affection: TO CREATE IS TO RESIST. For those who are going to build the 21st century, we say, with a heart full of love: THE WAYS. Tsy fisian'ny fifanakalozan-kevitra A lack of dialogue No dialogue Ireny fepetra ireny dia vokatry ny fitadiavan'ny polisy hahazo sitraka amin'ny governemantan'i Hong Kong sy Beijing, hoy izy. These measures against peaceful protesters are the result of the police wanting to please the governments of Hong Kong and Beijing, he said. These measures are the result of police seeking the approval of the Hong Kong and Beijing governments, he said. Petadrindrina Hitan'ny daholobe navoakan'i Darren Trinity Cheewah: Raha mbola miresaka salopety ianareo dia lasa aho lol." Public status update by Darren Trinity Cheewah:If you still talking rompers, I'm over-all LOL." Public poster posted by wasn't the only one mentioned in this post. Public poster posted by a public poster posted by a user namedwith Cheewah: If you are talking about the ivory, I am lol." Ireo mpampianatra feng shui ireo taloha dia olona tsotra indrindra ary mitondra fitafy nentim-paharazana. Feng Shui masters used to dress in traditional costume and looked serious. These ex-feng suri teachers were the simplest people and wearing traditional clothes. Dia tokony hiraharaha an'izany koa ve isika ?Hisy fifidianana ho avy anie ry ireto e . Should we even care? There's an election coming up for heaven's sake. Should we pay attention to this too? Let's see these elections come. Vao haingana, nohazavain'ireo mpikambana sy ireo indizena mpitarika vitsivitsy ao amin'ilay vondrom-piarahamonina tamin'ny Global voices ny andraikitra fototry ny teknolojian'ny torohay sy ny serasera amin'ny fametrahana firaisankina iraisam-pirenena. Members of their community and other indigenous leaders recently shared with Global Voices how communications technologies such as the internet have played a crucial role in building international solidarity for their demands. Recently, members and some indigenous leaders of the community explained to Global Voices the central role of information technology and communication in establishing international solidarity. Efa voatifitra teo anoloan'ny foiben'ny FIIS mihitsy izy, saingy velon'aina soa aman-tsara ihany noho ny fanampian'ny rahavaviny. She was even shot at in front of the ISIS headquarters, an episode that she managed to survive with the help of her sister. She was shot in front of the IFIS headquarters, but survived with her sister's help. Tao afovoan'ny fampisehoana no namborahany ny adiny tamin-dreniny momba ny fampiarahana taminà lehilahy mainty hoditra iray, bandy Frantsay iray avy any Martinika izay nivadika ho Silamo. At the heart of the show is her long-standing battle with her mother about dating a black man, a French guy from Martinique who converted to Islam. In the middle of the show, she revealed her fight with her mother about the encounter with a black man, a French guy from France who had turned to Islam. Azo antoka fa nanampy ny vahoaka Yemenita amin'ny fiheverany momba ny ivelan'ny fireneny izao. It's sure to have contributed to Yemeni people's spiralling opinion of the outside world. This certainly helped the Yemeni people to think about their country abroad. Nekeko ny fametraha-pialàn'ireo mpiasam-panjakana roa, ka anatin'izany ny an'ny mpiandraikitra ny ady amin'ny rongony izay nahombiazana tokoa tamin'ny ady amin'ny rongony saingy nanadino ny momba ny fiarovana ahy. @Laura_Ch: I've accepted the resignation of two government officials, including the Anti-drugs Commissioner, who fought drugs bravely but neglected my security. I accepted the resignation of two civil servants, including those of the drug lords who have been successful in the war on drugs but forgot about my safety. Ao amin'ny Aterineto, sintonin'ireo mpanao gazety ny fijery ho any amin'ireo tenifototra maromaro izay hita ho toy ny asa fampahafantarana ataon'ireo tambajotranà "bot" (mandeha ho azy) maro. On the Internet, journalists drew attention to a handful of hashtags that appeared to be the promotional work of several bot networks. On the Internet, journalists draw attention to several hashtags that appear to be the work of several bot networks. Afaka mampiasa ny kaody avokoa ny tsirairay ary mampifanaraka izany. Anyone can grab the code and adapt it. Everyone can use the code and adapt it. Raha izaho no tompon'andraikitra any Azia Afovoany dia foanako ny fahazoan-dàlana malalaka iarahana amin'i Rosia. If I were in charge of Central Asia I'd cancel the visa-free regime with Russia. If I'm responsible in Central Asia, I'll ban the free license with Russia. Na dia miantso hanao fihetsiketsehana milamina sy tsy hampiasa herisetra aza ny mpikambana maro ao amin'ny antoko mpanohitra sy ny hetsika Mouvement du 23 juin (M23), dia ahoana tokoa ny fihoaram-pefy rehefa jerena izay mitranga amin'ny aterineto. Although several members of the opposition movement, the Movement June 23 (M23), have called for peaceful and non-violent demonstrations, the excesses clearly give cause for grave concern, according to the conversation online. Protesters as posted by @AnonymousAG on Twitter Although many members of the opposition and the Mouvement du 23 juin (M23) movement are calling for peaceful and non-violent demonstrations, how does abuse occur with regard to what happens online? Roa andro taorian'ny namoahan'ny Global Voices published ity tantara ity dia namoaka fanambarana Serba misahana ny fiarovana ny 25 Febroary 2011 mandà ny fisian'izany miaramila Serba tafiditra amin'ity raharaha ity izany. Two days after Global Voices published this story, the Serbian Ministry of Defence issued a statement on 25 February, 2011, denying Serbian military involvement to the Libyan civil unrest. Two days after Global Voices published this story, it released a Serbian defense statement on February 25, 2011, denying that Serbian soldiers were involved in the case. Miverina an-dalambe ireo Ejiptiana taorian'ny nilazan'ny fitsarana iray fa afaka madiodio tamin'ny resaka famonoana mpanao hetsi-panoherana ny fitondràny nandritra ilay revolisiôna tamin'ny 25 Janoary ilay filoha Ejiptiana teo aloha, Hosni Moubarak. Egyptians are back to the streets after a court acquitted former president Hosni Mubarak of killing protestors during the January 25 revolution against his regime. Egyptians are back in the streets after a court ruled that Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak was acquitted of killing protesters during the January 25 revolution. Ny roa tamin'izy ireny (avy any Italia sy Espaina) dia nizara tantara izay iraisan'ny rehetra any amin'ireo firenena Eoropeana Tatsimo: ny fanomezana ho an'ny tsy miankina ny fitantanana ny sehatra fitsaboana, fandroahana faobe, fampihenana ny fiahiana ara-tsosialy, fampidinana karama. Two of them (from Italy and Spain) shared stories that are common to all of the Southern European countries: healthcare privatization, massive layoffs, cuts in welfare, salary decreases: Two of them (from Italy and Spain) shared stories that are common in South European countries: giving private management of the medical sector, mass evictions, social security reductions, pay cuts. Tsy misy lalàna miaro, afaka miankina fotsiny amin'ny fiarovan'ny fikambanana; 6. No legal protection, can only rely on organization's protection; 6. No law is protected, can only depend on the organization's protection; 6. Raha jerena ny fihetsiky ny Okrainianina tamin'ny lalànan'ny taona 2014, dia heverina ho lavitra dia lavitry ny hahafaly ireo mpiserasera aterineto ity tolo-dalàna hametrahana ny rejisitry ny haba-tranonkala voarara ity. Given Ukrainians' reaction to the 2014 laws, the newly proposed banned websites registry is unlikely to get an enthusiastic response from Internet users. Given the Ukrainian attitude towards the 2014 law, the proposal for the registry of banned websites is thought to be far from pleasing Internet users. Ireo dia eritreritra vitsivitsy ihany avy amin'ny mpifanandrina ara-politika andaniny sy ankilany taorian'ilay fifidianana ho filoham-pirenena nafotaka sy nifanjevoana indrindra tato anatin'ny taona vitsivitsy. These are only a few of the thoughts from opposing political sides after the most intense and contested presidential election in years. These are just a few thoughts from both political opponents after the disputed and most confusing presidential elections in recent years. Ny ketoky ny jaly Which is tearing me apart. The Reliance of the jaly Saingy misy fanehoan-kevitra tsara vitsy mpankasitraka ao anelanelanin'izany, ary koa misy ireo fanehoan-kevitra mankasitraka vitsivitsy be mpitia (be mpanao "like"). But interspersed within those are a few good comments, and then there are the few good comments with lots of likes. But at the same time there are few positive comments, as well as some very popular comments. Tsy Maimaimpoana Ny Aterineto Rosiana. The Russian Internet Is Not Free. Russian Internet is free. Sary avy amin'ny Manaw Htun, Fizakàmanana @Demotix (6/12/2014) Photo by Manaw Htun, Copyright @Demotix (6/12/2014) Photo by Manaw Htun, Copyright @Demotix (6/12/2014) Slovakia: Mamelona Adihevitra Ilay Fihaonambe "Mitady Fiainana Mendrika sy Azo Antoka" Slovakia: "For Decent and Safe Life" Rally Stirs Controversy · Global Voices Slovakia: "Searching for a Better and Safe Life" Debate · Global Voices Zainab Al Khawaja miaraka amin'ny zananilahy vao 15 volana, Abdul-Hadi, voasambotra tao Bahrain androany 14 Martsa. Zainab Al Khawaja with her 15-month-old son Abdul-Hadi were arrested in Bahrain on March 14. Nadine Al Khawaja with her 15-month-old son, Abdul-Hadi, was arrested in Bahrain today. Ny tanjon'ny famindra-toerana moa dia ny ahafahan'ny tokatandroka mahazo toerana mora hananany taranaka indrindra mba hisintonana ny karazany ho tafala amin'ny faratampon'ny faharinganana. The transfer was aimed at providing the rhinos with the most favourable breeding conditions in an attempt to pull the species back from the verge of extinction. The goal of the move is to allow the toads to reach the most vulnerable place for generations to get their species removed from the peak of hunger. Nizara ity vaovao ity avy hatrany ho porofo miharihary ireo bilaogera mpanohana ny Kremlin sy sampam-baovao Rosiana, ary nilaza fa tsy iadian-kevitra intsony izay nolavin'ny ankamaroan'ireo Tandrefana fa teti-dratsy. A number of pro-Kremlin bloggers and Russian news outlets immediately shared this news as a smoking gun, claiming that what most in the West had dismissed as a conspiracy was now indisputable. Pro-Kremlin bloggers and Russian news agencies immediately shared this news as evidence, saying that what most people in the West have denied is a conspiracy. Nahoana ny orinasa sasany no mandany volabe an-taonina ho fankalazana ny ora irain'ny tany.. mankalaza izany isaky ny ora hafa isika.. #Pakistan Y r certain corporations spending tons of money to celebrate earth hour.. we have it every other hour.. #Pakistan Why some companies spend billions of dollars celebrating earth hour.. we celebrate every other hour.. #Pakistan Nolavin'ny Vokovoko Mena Shinoa ihany koa ny fanampiana ara-bola avy any ivelany. The China Red Cross has released the contact for the acceptance of overseas financial aid. The Chinese Red Cross also denied foreign funding. Raha tena manaraka ny ati-fanahin'izay voalaza ao avokoa ny olona rehetra , dia tena ho lasa paradisa izao tontolo izao ! tena manome voninahitra sy miarahaba an'ilay lehilahy mahafinaritra 'Manto' aho. If the mankind seriously follows his writing spirit, the world really will become a heaven! True homage and salute to a nice person 'Manto'. If everyone really follows what it says, the world will be transformed into a paradise! I really honor and congratulate the beautiful man 'Manto'. Mba hamenoana izany, nanolo-kevitra hiainga avy amin'ny teoria sy ny tsikera ka mandeha mankany amin'ny asa sy fampiharana. To bridge this gap, the collective proposes to move from theory and critique to action and practice. To do this, he suggested leaving the theory and criticism and going to work and practice. An-taratasy dia azo atao izany raha heverina, saingy tsy misy manana izany traikefa izany, noho izany mino aho fa ny famindràna ity hazo ity no fara androny. Theoretically, it is possible, but no one has that experience, thus I believe that the removal of the oak would be its end. On paper it can be done, but no one has this experience, so I believe that this will end up moving this tree away. 6. 6. 6. Navitrika tamin'ny fanaratsiana ny vitsy an'isa miozolomana ao amin'ny Facebook i Wirathu sy ny mpanohana azy. Wirathu and his supporters actively vilify the country's Muslim minority on Facebook. Wirathu and his supporters have been active in insulting the Muslim minority on Facebook. Hitan'izao Tontolo Izao Ihany Ireo Hatsaran'ny Fizahantany Ao Azia Afovoany Ihany Nony Farany The Rest of the World Is Finally Noticing the Touristic Charms of Central Asia · Global Voices The World Finally Sees Central Asian Tourism Cultures · Global Voices Manolotra antsika lahatsary telo nalaina tao amin'ny hetsika "Human Rights for Women; Human Rights for All" (Zon'olombelona Ho An'ny Vehivavy; Zon'olombelona Ho An'ny Rehetra) ny Witness' The HUB Beta, izay nahitana vehivavy maherifo miisa 3 miaro ny zon'ireo vehivavy hafa ary miresaka momba ny Fanentanana Iraisam-pirenena ho An'ny Vehivavy Mpiaro Ny Zon'olombelona . Witness' The HUB Beta brings us three videos recorded at the "Human Rights for Women; Human Rights for All" event, where 3 strong women who defend other women's rights speak about the International Campaign on Women Human Rights Defenders. Witness' The HUB Beta presents us with three videos taken at the Human Rights for Women; Human Rights for All, which included 3 women defending women's rights and talking about the International Campaign for Women's Rights. Mandika lalàna ny kaontiko twitter & facebook, onitra dimy arivo points na sazy an-tranomaizina 5 taona farafahakeliny ary 7 taona farafahabetsany na izy roa My twitter & facebook are Illegal,the fine of five thousand currency points or imprisonment of a min. of 5 years & a maxi of 7 years or both - Dr. Frank Mugisha (@frankmugisha) February 24, 2014 My Twitter & facebook account violates the law, fined at least five thousand points or sentenced to 5 years in prison and 7 years in prison or both. Izay nanomboka tamin'ny fipoahana tampoka noho ny fahadisoam-panantenana tao amin'ny faritra Sidi Bouzid izay noadinoina sy natao an-kilabao no nivadika fikomiam-bahoaka ho fanadiovana ny firenena, sy hanonganana ny fitondran'i Zeine el Abidine Ben Ali naharitra nandritra ny 23 taona, ary nanova ny faritra iray manontolo rehefa naka tahaka ny hafanam-pon'ny revolisiona ny tany an-kafa. What started as a spontaneous act of despair in the forgotten and marginalised region of Sidi Bouzid, turned into a popular uprising that would sweep the country, topple the 23-year rule of Zeine el Abidine Ben Ali, and change the face of the entire region as one Arab country after the other picked up the revolution fervour. This post is part of our special coverage Libya Uprising 2011. What started with a sudden explosion of disappointment in Sidi Bouzid region which has been forgotten and marginalized has turned into a popular movement to clean up the country, to overthrow the 23-year rule of Zeine el Abidine Ben Ali, and to change the whole region when elsewhere imitates the revolution's activism. Voalohany teo amin'ny fiainako no nahatsapako fa hoe mety hiafara amin'ny fahafatesana ny fitiavana lalina. For the first time in my life, I learned how a twisted sense of love can end in death. For the first time in my life, I felt that deep love can result in death. Tongava dia jereo ny fandehan'ireo fifidianana ary mianara aminay. Come and see how elections are done and learn from us. Come and see how the elections are going and learn from us. Ny volana Mey lasa teo, nandray fanapahan-kevitra manome vahana io hevitra naroso io ny Lapam-pitsaran'ny Vondrona Eorôpena, nandidy fa afaka mangataka amin'ireo fitaovana fikarohana mba hanala ireo loharanom-baovao momba azy "efa lany andro" na "tsy mifanaraka" ao anatin'ny voka-pikarohana ireo rehetra ao anatin'ny Vondrona Eorôpeana. Last May, the EU Court of Justice decided in favor of this proposition, ruling that anyone within the EU may ask search engines to remove "outdated" or "irrelevant" information about them from search results. Last May, the European Court of Justice made the decision to promote this proposal, ordering that all members of the European Union could request search engines to remove information about themselves "out of date" or "inconsistent" from search results. tsy tokony hiasa should not work Not to work Na eo aza ny ezaky ny Wikipedia hialàna ny sivana Rosiana, toa miezaka ny hibahana ilay tranonkala ny ao Kremlin. Despite Wikipedia's attempts to circumvent Russian censorship, the Kremlin seems intent on blocking the website. Despite Wikipedia's efforts to avoid Russian censorship, the Kremlin seems to be trying to block the website. Sary navoaka ambany fahazoandàlana Creative Commons, avy tamin'i Fernando Pereira/Anefo. Photo released under Creative Commons by Fernando Pereira/Anefo. Photo released under Creative Commons by Fernando wasn't without permission. Tanaty hatezeran'ny maro, i Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, mpanorina ilay vondrona mpitolona voarara "Lashkar e Taiba (LeT) " sady lehiben'ny "Jaamat ud Dawa (JuD) " dia nanolotra antontam-panampiana tsy hita noanoa ho fanampiana noho ny maha-olona ho an'i Etazonia mba hiatrehana ireo fahavoazana. Amidst the furor, Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the founder of banned militant organization Lashkar e Taiba (LeT) and head of Jaamat ud Dawa (JuD) offered a considerable amount of humanitarian aid to the US to bear losses. For many, the founder of the banned militant group "Lashkar e Taiba" (LeT) and head of the "Jaamatud Dawa (JuD)" (JuD) offered an missing humanitarian fund to help the United States cope with the damage. Lamin namoy ireo havan-tiany nandritry ny dia avy any Libia: Lamin lost his loved ones during the journey from Libya: This post is part of our special coverage Libya Uprising 2011. Ny mpanoratra ny lahatsoratra niandohana no naka ny sary rehetra nampiasaina tato. All photos were taken by the author. The author of the original post took all the photos used here. Tokony handroso miandalana sy milamina eny isika. We should move ahead painstakingly. We need to progress slowly and be at peace. Israely/Palestina: Fanehoan-kevitra momba ny Antontan-taratasin'i Palestina Israel/Palestine: Reacting to the Palestine Papers · Global Voices Israel/Palestine: Reactions to Palestine Library · Global Voices Nihaona tamin-dry zareo aho. Niresaka taminy. I met them, I spoke to them. I met them. I spoke to them. Hafahafa, hafahafa... Tsy manelingelina na iza na iza ny fitsabahan'ny frantsay ao Mali kanefa niteraka tafiotram-panoherana ny hetsika tahaka izany nataon'ny Amerikana... Tombony ny tsy maha-hery lehibe eran-tany azy. This is odd... The french intervention in Mali does not bother anyone whereas similar actions by the USA would have raised a storm of protests.. There are perks to not being the world's top super power. It's strange, strange... French intervention in Mali doesn't bother anyone but such an American move has sparked a wave of's fun that it's not a big force in the world. Efa im-betsaka aho no nandeha tany Tada-ji sy ireo tempoly maro hafa ao Obama nandritry ny folo taona teo aloha laniko tany ambaniviohitra Japoney. I had driven to Tada-ji and other temples in Obama many times before over the previous ten years I had spent living in this rural part of Japan. I have traveled several times in Tada-ji and many other temples in Obama over the past decade in the Japanese countryside. Mbola tsy mazava ny anton'ilay fibahanana. The reason for the block remains unclear. The reason for the blocking remains unclear. Nisy antso natao tao amin'ny Avaaz, ny 13 Oktobra, miantso ny filohan'i Tajikistan firenena Sovietika teo aloha sy ny ben'ny tanànan'i Dushanbe renivohitra, mba hanova ilay fanapahankevitra hanimba ireo tranoben'ny fandraharahàna sy kolontsaina ao anivon'ilay tanàna, mba hahazoana toerana malalaka ho an'ireo trano vaovao manaka-danitra. An appeal created on Avaaz October 13 is calling on ex-Soviet Tajikistan's president and the mayor of the capital city Dushanbe to reverse a decision to destroy administrative and cultural buildings in the heart of the city in order to free up space for new skyscrapers. On October 13, a call was made for former Soviet state Tajikistan's president and the mayor of the capital Dushanbe to change the decision to destroy the city's cultural and business buildings in order to gain space for new buildings in the sky. Raha haka tahaka an'i Method Man, "Toy ny nahita aho, io ny marina, adinoy ny zavatra hafa rehetra, izany no tiako atao amin'ny fiainako." To paraphrase Method Man, "I was, like, this is the truth, forget everything else, this is what I'd like to do with my life." To imitate Method Man, "As I saw, this is the truth, forget everything else, that's what I want to do with my life." "Nahery vaika ny fanjanahana mandrapaharesy lahatra anay ny hifidy ny ho andevon'ny ratra kanefa misy fahafahana tanteraka!" "This siege will endure until we are truly persuaded into choosing a harmless slavery but in total freedom!" "The occupation was strong enough to convince us to choose to be a slave to wounds but there is absolute freedom!" Isika vao misondrotra. We are still ascending. We're just getting up. Amin'ny fanoratana lahatsoratra momba izany dia ny hamehezana ny hatezerako ho amin'ny zavatra tsara no ao anatin'ny lohako, amin'ny fanelezana ny zava-misy mba hananan'ny olona maro ny torohayilainy handraisany fanapahan-kevitra ho amin'ny tombontsoany. By writing articles about this, I intend to channel my outrage in a positive way, spreading the facts so that more people have the necessary information to make decisions in their best interest. Writing about this, I'm concerned about reducing anger for the good, spreading the facts so that many people can get their information to make decisions for their own benefit. Na dia izany aza, ijoroanay ho vavolombelona ny zava-mitranga mifanohitra amin'ny voalàzan'ny lalàna aty Ozbekistana. However, we witness de facto contradicting de jure in Uzbekistan. However, we stand as witnesses of what is happening contrary to the rule of law in Uzbekistan. SARIPIKA: Miandry Fanampiana Fatratra Ny Sisam-patin'ny Rivodoza Mahery Vaika Ao Filipina PHOTOS: Philippine Typhoon Survivors Desperate For Food, Water and Aid · Global Voices PHOTOS: Philippine Typhoon Survivors Are Waiting for Help · Global Voices Vitan'ny vavoniko ny mihitatra ka mameno ny toerana banga rehetra ao amin'ny tenako. My stomach is able to expand and fill up all the spaces within my body. My stomach can move forward and fill every empty space in me. Izany tranga izany no antony ofisialy nahatonga ny fanalàna an'i Serdyukov izay nosoloina an'i Shoigu, mbola maro anefa ireo antony mety mahatonga izany, satria latsa-paka tanteraka ao anatin'ny kolikoly ny miaramila ao Rosia, na dia teo aza ny fanentanana manohitra ny kolikoly natao nandritra ny taona maro. The ongoing case served as the official reason for replacing Serdyukov with Shoigu, though other theories abound, as Russia's military is deeply mired in corruption, despite years of anti-graft campaigns. This is the official reason why Serdyukov, who has been replaced by Shoigu, was officially dismissed, but there are still several possible reasons why, since Russia's military has fallen into corruption, despite years of anti-corruption campaigns. Oman: Ny Fahavoazana Taorian'ny Rivodoza Phet Oman: The Aftermath of Cyclone Phet · Global Voices Oman: After Phet Storm · Global Voices Fahatahorana ny kaominisma, fahatahorana ny fahalalahana, fahatahorana ny LGBT, fahatahorana ny Shinoa sy ireo hery avy any ivelany: toetoetran'ireo manana fahatsapàna ho ambany. Fear of communism, fear of liberalism, fear of LGBT, fear of Chinese and foreign powers: personalities of those with inferiority complexes. Indignity, fear of freedom, fear of LGBT, fear of Chinese and foreign forces: property of those with low feelings. Amin'ny fomba ahoana? Government is expected to monitor the activities of these OTTs? How? How? Mialoha ny naha #Feriani an'i #Hajlaoui, misy olona afaka handefa ny nosoratany ve? Before #Hajlaoui becomes a #Feriani can some 1 post his article? Before #Hajlaoui became #Ferani, can anyone send his writing? Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga, ilay mpitari-dalana siantifika Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga, the Scientific Pioneer Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga, the scientific guide Mpivoy fatratra ny tolotra maimaim-poana rafikajy sy fitaovana hoan'ny fampianarana, fatra-panohana ny fotodrafitrasan'ny Global Voices koa izy izay heveriny fa fitaovana hamerina hery vao anivon'ireo haino aman-jery Italiana (izay fatra-piandany loatra matetika). Actively involved in promoting Open Education Resources, she also enthusiastically supports the Global Voices initiative in Italy as a tool to revitalize the (often too biased) local media system. She is also very active in the free research system and tools that support Global Voices' infrastructure which she thinks is a tool to restore new strength in Italian media (which is often extremely high). Ahatafidiran'ny politika loatra ny fifandraisana lahy sy vavy ao Afganistana, saingy toa hita fa nahafa-po an'ireo mpandala ny nentin-drazana roa tonta izay milaza ny vehivavy ho mpitondra ny voninahim-pianakaviana, sy miaro ny fitovian-jo eo amin'ny lahy sy ny vavy ny fanafihan'i Rezagul an'ireo taliban, ary mahita ny zavatra nataon'i Rezagul ho fandavana mamaivay ny fihevitra nentim-pahazarana fa malemy noho ny lehilahy ny vehivavy. Gender relations are highly politicised in Afghanistan, but Rezagul's assault on the Taliban appears to have pleased both conservatives that conceive of women mainly as bearers of family honour, and advocates of gender equality, who see her actions as a powerful disproof of the traditional notion that women are weaker than men. Afghanistan's gender relationship is too political, but Rezagul's attacks on Talibans seem to be satisfied with both conservatives who call women family heads, and protect gender equality, and see Rezagul's actions as a denial of traditional ideas that women are weak than men. Tsy nananah filoha voafidy i Madagasikara hatramin'ny lohataonan'ny 2009, rehefa noteren'ny miaramilan'ny firenena hiala teo amin'ny fitondrana ny filoha voafidy Marc Ravalomanana taorian'ny fifandonana nisy teo amin'ny manampahefan sy ny mpanohitra sy nanao fihetsiketsehana. Madagascar has not had an elected president since the spring of 2009, when elected President Marc Ravalomanana was forced to resign his power by the country's military following violent clashes between authorities and anti-government protesters. Madagascar had no elected president since the spring of 2009, when the country's military forced President-elect Marc Ravalomanana out of power following clashes between authorities and the opposition and protests. Manana fitiavana ny fikarakaràna ny fahasalaman'ireo teratany izy, ary niasa tany amin'ireo vondrom-piarahamonina teratany misintaka alavitra an'ireo tany APY nanomboka ny taona 2006 ka hatramin'ny taona 2009. She has a passion for indigenous health and worked in the remote aboriginal communities of the APY Lands from 2006 to 2009. He has a passion for the welfare of indigenous peoples, and has worked in the remote communities of APY from 2006 to 2009. Sary nalain'i Rahul Kumar. Image by Rahul Kumar. Photo by Rahul Kumar. Mbola mahazo fampilazana ao amin'ny media sosialin'ny TV Rain hatrany i Anna, na dia efa niala tamin'ireo resaka rehetra mandeha ao amin'ny Telegram aza. Anna is still receiving notifications about the social media routine of TV Rain, despite having logged out of all active sessions of Telegram. Anna continues to receive information on TV Rain's social media, even though she has already left all the conversations on Telegram. Mampihazakazaka hivarina an-kady izany Chile tsy misy fahatsiarovana, tsy misy fanabeazana mahaolom-pirenena, tsy misy filozofia, tsy misy ny tantara izany A #Chile without memory, without civic education, without philosophy, without history, is destined for a most emphatic disaster Chile with no memory, no civic education, no philosophy, no history Lehilahy ny ankamaroan'ireo injeniera ao amin'ny sampan-draharahan'ny governemanta, fa vehivavy kosa ireo vahoaka manohana ny fanorenana trano fivoahana. Most engineers in government departments are men, while women are the demographic that predominantly support the building of toilets. The government department's engineers are mostly men, but the people who support the construction of toilets are women. Matetika izy nandre vaovao nikasika ahy foana. She also often heard news about me. He often heard news about me. Namafisin'ny Sankei Shimbun, iray amin'ireo gazety lehibe mpiseho isan'andro, tao amina bitsika iray fa vitsy hatreto ireo anarana Japone voasoratra izay aseho eran'izao tontolo izao ao amin'ireo Taratasin'i Panama: Sankei Shimbun, one of Japan's leading national dailies, emphasized in a tweet the relatively low number of Japanese names included so far among those exposed worldwide in the Panama Papers: In a tweet that has so far been published around the world in the Panama Papers, one of the major major daily newspapers reported that there has been very little Japanese names written on the Panama Papers: Ireo niharam-boina, ny fianakaviany ary ireo mpanohana dia nametaka anarana ny Filohan'i Filipina, Benigno Simeon Aquino III hoe "waray pulos" na tsy mahavita azy noho ny zara fa fandraisana andraikitra nolazaina ho nataon'ny fitantànany tamin'ny fiandraiketana ny vonjy voina, ny fanamboarana ary ny ezaka fanarenana. Victims, their families, and supporters labeled Philippine President Benigno Simeon Aquino III "waray pulos" or incompetent for his administration's alleged poor performance in handling the disaster relief, rehabilitation, and recovery efforts. The victims, their families and supporters have named Philippine President Benigno Simeon Aquino III "waray pulos" or have failed due to the lack of action he has been supposed to take in disaster, construction and reconstruction efforts. Tamin'ny Avrily 2013, mbola vao 1000 fotsiny ny tiako azon'ny gazety, saingy talohan'ny Jolay 2014 izy no nankalaza ny fahazoana tiako 1 tapitrisa. In April 2013, the page only had 1,000 likes, but by July 2014 it was celebrating 1 million. In April 2013, the newspaper received only 1,000 likes, but before July 2014 it celebrated my 1 million likes. Rindrin'ny Vahoaka - Maputo. The People's Wall - Maputo. People's Wall - Maputo. Tsapako eny amin'izay rehetra jereko ny fandrosoana, ary izany dia avy eo amin'ny seranam-piaramanidina mankany amin'ny tranon'ny nenitoako fotsiny. I could feel progress everywhere I looked, and this was just on the way from the airport to my aunt's house. I feel the progress wherever I see it, and then it's from the airport to my aunt's house. Andao henoina indray ny fitarainan-dry zareo!! Lets hear them complain , again!! Let's hear their complaints again!! Mpitarika manana herim-panahy ao Azia-Pasifika ihany koa i Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew is also an influential leader in the Asia-Pacific. Lee Kuan ny is also a courageous leader in Southeast Asia. Nahafantatra aho fa tsy ho ela intsony ny ady raha niditra ny trano avy namita ny anjara fiambenany ny zanako vavy ny alarobia, ary niteny tamiko fa nahazo baiko handeha any amin'ny faritra atsimo raha vantany vao manomboka ny fanafihana, mba hitandro ny filaminana amin'ny faritra manodidina satria efa ampoizina sahady fa hamaly bontana ny Hamas. I got an inkling that the operation was impending when my daughter came home from her police shift on Thursday and said she had been briefed about mobilizing in the South when the army attack began in order to keep calm in the communities where retaliation from Hamas was likely. I knew that the war would soon be over as my daughter entered home on Wednesday, and told me that Hamas had been ordered to go to the south as soon as the attack began, in order to preserve order in surrounding areas as Hamas was expected to respond. Mampihoron-koditra ny zava-nitranga taorian'izay: What happened next is chilling: What happened next was horrible: Mieritreritra ny mpisera Facebook NayPaing Micheal fa tokony handray ny fanasaziana sasantsasany noho ny fihetsika mahery nataony tamin'ny Miozolomana ny Ma-Ba-Tha: Facebook user NayPaing Micheal thinks that Ma-Ba-Tha should receive some punishment for its violent behavior towards Muslims: Facebook user NayPaing Micheal thinks that Ma-Ba-Tha should receive some punishment for his aggressive attitude towards Muslims: Tsy misy olona mahafantatra hoe ahoana no nanapariahana ny andia miaramila, fa ny fikambanana miaro ny zon'olombelona mbamin'ny governemanta avy amin'ny firenena hafa dia nandrisika an'i Barhain mba hitony. No one knows how the troops will be deployed, but human rights organizations and numerous foreign governments have urged Bahrain to exercise restraint. No one knows how the military joined, but human rights organizations and governments from other countries have urged Bahrain to stay calm. Tao anatin'ny 40 taona nihirana, nandrakitra hira nahita fahombiazana maro dia maro i Papa Wemba. Throughout his 40-year career, Papa Wemba recorded many popular hits. In 40 years of singing, Papa Wemba has recorded many successful songs. Tsy mba niezaka hisehoseho izy fa niasa toy ny mpiasam-panjakan'ny governemanta. She never tried to hog the limelight and act as if she was a government official. She didn't try to show up but worked as a government official. Tsy tokony hampiasaina hanafotsiana na "hanasàna imasom-bahoaka" ny governemanta io. It should not be used to white-wash or "open-wash" government. This should not be used to silence or "publicize" the government. Maka zinga misy vary fotsiny ianao ary manome izany ho an'ireo tsy manana. You simply pick up a bowl of rice and hand it to someone in need. You just pick a rice bag and give it to those who don't have it. Raha mitontongana ny vidin-trano, azontsika ny rariny ara-tsosialy. #WIN (#NANDRESY) #j14 If the cost of apartments goes down, we'll get social justice. #WIN #j14 If the property prices are low, we have social justice. #WIN (#NARERESY) #j14 Ilay lahatsoratra dia manondro ireo herisetra tany aloha natosiky ny fifankahalàna ara-poko tamin'ny 1967 sy iray hafa tamin'ny 1998 izay ny governemanta no nanosika azy mba hanodinana ny saina tsy hifantoka amin'ny politika. The article referred to the previous race-based communal violence in 1967 and another in 1998 instigated by the government to divert political attention. The article refers to previous violence motivated by ethnic hatred in 1967 and another in 1998 by the government that pushed him to turn his attention away from politics. Tonga ao Venezoela ny Indiana mba hianatra, ary mampita ny hafatra indray izy ireo avy eo. Indians come from Venezuela to study, and they carry the message back. Indians are coming to Venezuela to study, and then they send the message again. Nanjary zava-dehibe toy ny fandraisam-pitenenana amin'ny famoriam-bahoaka ny fandraisana anjaran'ireo mpifidy ao amin'ny sehatra nomerika. Engaging voters in digital spaces became as important as speaking at a public rally. The participation of voters on digital platforms has become as important as speaking at the rally. 18/04/2016, 08/00 - Satria nikapoka ny morontsiraky Ekoatora ny alin'ny Sabotsy 16 Aprily ny iray amin'ireo horohorotany namono olona be indrindra tato anatin'ireo folo taona lasa, nanenika ny media sosialy ireo sary, lahatsary ary tatitra an-tsoratra. Updated 08:00 18/04/2016: As one of the deadliest earthquakes in decades hit the coast of Ecuador on Saturday night, images, videos and written reports have flooded social media. 18/04/2016, 08/00 - As one of the most deadly earthquakes in the past decade hit Ecuador's coast on Saturday night, April 16, photos, videos, and written reports flooded social media. Nahatonga ny WikiLeaks hahazo mpanohana maro dia maro izany fironana amin'ny famoahana ho hitam-bahoaka izany fihoaram-pahefana, kolikoly ary tsy fisian'ny mangarahara izany. This penchant for exposing abuse of power, corruption and lack of transparency has earned WikiLeaks many supporters. This trend of publicization of abuse of power, corruption, and lack of transparency has led to a lot of support for WikiLeaks. Raisina ho mpanjakan'ny voakazo ny durian ary ho an'ny sasany izy odi-fitia!! Durian is considered king of fruits and to some an aphrodisiac!! It's considered king of fruit and it's for some!! Nivoaka tampoka ny jeep zareo niaraka tamin'izay fitaovany efa voaomany hanaovana hetsika hanoherana ny hetsikay. nisy 60 hafa tonga nanampy isa an-dry zareo. They came out of the jeep with the spontaneously-made counter-protest props. they were joined by around 60 more. They suddenly came out with their tools to protest against our movement. 60 more came to help them. Nanamarika tamim-panesoana ilay mpanao gazety tanora, manan-talenta ary mpitsikera antsoina hoe Sayf Safar fa minia tsy mahita ireo olana rehetra ireo ao amin'ny firenena mahantra indrindra ao Azia Afovoany ireo mpiray tanindrazana aminy, fa manome voninahitra ireo manam-pahefana fotsiny mba hanana "fiainana ara-dalàna sy milamina ary hoavy mamirapiratra." The young, talented and critical journalist Sayf Safar notes sarcastically that his countrymen refuse to see all these problems in the poorest country in Central Asia, and instead praise authorities for having "a normal peaceful life and bright future." Young, talented, and critical Sayf Safar commented sarcastically that his fellow citizens deliberately ignore all these issues in the poorest Central Asian country, only paying tribute to the authorities for having "a normal and peaceful life and a bright future." Bilaogera sy mpikatroka, Nessa Guedes Blogger and activist, Nessa Guedes Blogger and Activist Nessa Guedes Nanoratra mikasika ny maha-zava-dehibe ny firotsahan'i Etazonia an-tsehatra any Mali tao anatin'ny lahatsoratra nivoaka tao amin'ny NY Times i Oumou Sall Seck, ben'ny tanànan'i Goundam, ao avaratr'i Mali. Oumou Sall Seck, mayor of Goundam, in northern Mali wrote about the need for the United States to intervene in Mali in an op/ed for the NY Times. Oumou Sall Sick, mayor of Goundam, in northern Mali, wrote about the importance of US intervention in Mali in an article published in NY Times. Feno hafanana ny foko mi-tweet azy ity. Extra warmth in my heart tweeting this. My heart is full of heat tweeting this. Ary raha lehilahy ny fahantràna, dia ho novonoiko izy, na dia eo aza ny fitiavako ny fahamatoran'ny lehilahy, ary raha matotoa ny hadalàna, dia ho novonoiko koa izy na dia tsy afaka vonoina aza ny matotoa. And if poverty were a man, I would have killed him, despite my appreciation for manhood and if extravagance were a ghost, I would have killed it too, even though ghosts cannot be killed. And if the poor were a man, I would have killed him, despite my love for the man's maturity, and if the foolishness were weak, I would have killed him even if he couldn't kill him. Brunei Times manome fanazavana hafa Brunei Times provided more details Brunei Times offers another explanation Ao amin'ny, Tokhir Muzhik manontany amin'eso hoe: On, Tokhir Muzhik asks ironically: On, Tokhir Muzhik asks sarcastically: Asehon'ny Mpaka Sary Anao izany hoe Ahoana ny Mandeha Fiarandalamby Ao Singapaora Feno dia Feno izany Photographer Shows How it Feels to Ride in Singapore's Crowded Trains · Global Voices Photographers Show You How They Go to Full Singapore · Global Voices Bilaogera Myanmar vitsivitsy no niresaka momba ny dokambarotra miaraka amin'ny hafatra miafina izay nivoaka tao amin'ny gazety Myanmar Times, tamin'ny Alatsinainy 23 Jolay 2007. A few of Myanmar bloggers are talking about an advertisement with a hidden message that was published on Myanmar Times, 23 July 2007, Monday issue. A few Myanmar bloggers talked about advertising with a hidden message published in the Myanmar Times newspaper on Monday, July 23, 2007. Amin'ny volana desambra isika mihaona e! We'll see you in December! We meet in December! Bahrain: nandihindihy ho'aho i George W Bahrain: George W. Does a Dance · Global Voices Bahrain: George W dances for me · Global Voices Mazava ho azy fa te-ho tafody soa aman-tsara any amin'ny fireneny izy ireo ahafahany manomboka mamoaka ny sariny dieny mbola tsy miharatsy ny zava-miseho. Needless to say, they're ready to come safely home and start importing their pictures before things get worse." Of course, they want to return home safely so that they can start posting photos of themselves before things get worse. Tsy azonao terena hanao na inona na inona ny olona. You cannot force people to do anything. You cannot force people to do anything. @Galaxy717: Miantso ho amin'ny fanafahana ilay vehivavy nogadraina izahay satria niantso ho amin'ny fahafahana sy ny zon'olombelona izy .. @Galaxy717: We call for the freedom of a woman who lost it because she called for freedom and rights .. @Galaxy717: We call for the release of the imprisoned woman because she called for freedom and human rights .. Avy amin'ny endrika fampahoriana andevo nandritra ny taonjato faha 17, faha 18, ary faha 19, mikisaka aminà endri-panoherana feno famoronana ny fiankohofana amin'ny tany ankehitriny, izay mirotsaka amin'ny fibahanana ireo toerana malalaka sy fanoherana ny fiheverana fototra manjakazaka nentin'ny lamina ara-tsosialy momba io toerana io. From a form of slave oppression in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, planking has now evolved into a creative form of protest that involves occupying public space and contesting this space's original representation by the dominant social order. From the form of oppression of slaves during the 17th century to 19th century, the worship of the earth now moves to creative forms of resistance, which engages in the blocking of space and opposition to the fundamental values that social order has brought to this place. Ho kamboty? We will be orphaned? As orphans? "Fahadiovana Very": Tsy nisy zava-nampiahiahy hita? "Virginity Lost": Nothing suspicious found? "Indignity": There's nothing wrong with it? Ny tahotry ny olona tamin'ny fitsoahana ireo polisy. Terror as people flee the Police. People's fear of leaving the police. Avy amin'ny (fampiasàna nahazoana alàlana). Via (used with permission) From (used with permission). Tao amin'ny fanaovana bilaogy bitika shinoa malaza iray ny mpiserasera antsoina hoe "Bolin" no nanoratra tamin'ny tarehy ratsy manao hoe: On popular Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo, one netizen "Bolin" wrote sarcastically: On popular Chinese microblogging site, user "Bolin" wrote with a negative face: Nisy fanangona-tsonia iray ao amin'ny, izay mbola misokatra hatramin'izao, niezaka nanangona sonia hatramin'ny 100.000 tao anatin'ny 10 ora mitaky ny fialan'ny governemanta espaniola. An online petition at, which is still running, managed to receive 100,000 signatures in 10 hours asking for the resignation of the Spanish government. A petition on, which is still open, attempted to gather up to 100,000 signatures within 10 hours demanding the resignation of the Spanish government. Fa te-hampitandrina azy ireo fotsiny mba ho mailomailo any amin'ny toerana sasantsasany ary amin'ny fotoana rehetra. I simply wanted to warn them to be careful at certain places and certain times. Just want to take care of them in some places and at all times. Ahitana mpikambana iray alina ankehitriny ny pejy Facebook-n'ny hetsika. The movement's Facebook community page has now crossed ten thousand members. The event's Facebook page now has tens of thousands of members. Tsia, mbola hisy fotoana ho an'izany rehefa avy eo. No, there will be time for all that later. No, there will be more time for it later. Vehivavy Iray Avotra Rehefa Tafahitsoka 17 Andro Tany Ambaninà Orinasa Rava Tao Bangladesh Woman Rescued from Bangladesh Factory Rubble After 17 Days · Global Voices A Woman Saved After 17 Days of Attack in Bangladesh's Blaming Company · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Bangladesh Protests 2011. Sarin'i Thomas Meyer - fizakàmananaDemotix (03/04/2013) Photo by Thomas Meyer copyright Demotix (03/04/2013) Photo by Thomas Meyer - CopyrightDemotix (03/04/2013) Sary avy amin'ilay mpisera flickr watashiwani, nahazoan-dalana. Image by flickr user watashiwani, used with permission. Photo by flickr user watashiwani, used with permission. Niezaka nanakatona ny herinandro izay namoizan'ain'olona efatra ny filohan'i Panama, Ricardo Martinelli omaly. The President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, yesterday tried to put a close to a chaotic week which left four people dead. This post is part of our special coverage Panama Protests 2011. Panama's president Ricardo Martinelli was trying to shut down the week when four people killed yesterday. Veloma mandrakizay ry Madiba Tsy Foy. #Mandela Farewell, dear Madiba. #Mandela Greetings forever, Madiba No Foy. #Mandela Mpivarotra finday ao Lusaka, Zambia. Mobile phone shop in Lusaka, Zambia. Mobile vendors in Lusaka, Zambia. Raha misafidy hihinana hena izy ireo, sady tsy iharan'ny fandrahonana no tsy iharan'ny fanevatevana. If they choose to eat the meat, they are neither bullied nor looked down upon. If they choose to eat meat, they are safe from threats and abusive speech. Sary famantarana ny "SOS Journaliste-en-Danger" ao Togo Banner of the 'SOS Journalistes en Danger' Association in Togo The logo of "SOS Journalist-en-Danger" in Togo Nolazain'izy ireo ihany koa fa azo tsiniana amin'ny ampahany amin'izany fitàran'ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona ao Barhain izany ny tsy fisian'ny hetsika iraisampirenena: They also argued the world's lack of action is partly to blame for the widening human rights abuses in Bahrain: They also said that the lack of international action could be avoided in part as a result of human rights violations in Bahrain: Fa tsy dia naresaka loatra tao amin'ny aterineto ny momba ny fandriam-pahalemana satria nasain'i Ji nihataka daholo ny manodidina azy mialohan'ny nanapoahany ilay baomba. But concerns over public safety did not gain much momentum online because Ji signaled others at the airport to stay away before setting off the bomb. But peace wasn't much online because Ji invited everyone around him to stay away before he dropped the bomb. Olom-pirenena tsotra aho, ary hanohy hihaino ireo feo avy amin'ny olon-tsotra raha vao manomboka ny asako ao amin'ny governemantan'i Taipei. I am an ordinary citizen, and I will continue to listen to the voices of the common people upon starting to serve in the Taipei City government. I am a citizen, and I will continue to listen to voices from ordinary people as soon as my work in Taipei government begins. Takatra nohelohina ho dokotra manao asam-pitsikilovana sy nosamborina tao Ejipta no niafara ho sakafo tao amin'ny ankohonana ejipsiana iray. A stork accused of being a duck and framed for espionage and arrested in Egypt has ended up as a meal for an Egyptian family. It was found guilty of spying and arrests in Egypt that ended up being food for a Egyptian family. Fa ny tompondakan'ny mpiasam-panjakana rehetra manerana an'i Rosia kosa dia i Yuri Trutnev, izay mahazo ny ambony indrindra eo amin'ny 114 tapitrisa robla (3,7 tapitrisa dolara amerikana) sy vola vahiny (ary tsy vola vahiny kely an). The champion of all Russia's civil servants is Yuri Trutnev, who has earned a record-breaking 114 million rubles (3.7 million U.S. dollars) and change (and, in his case, there is more than a little change). But the champions of all state officials across Russia are Yuri Trutnev, who has the highest number of rubles (3.7 million US dollars) and foreign currency (and not a small foreign currency). Mpanentana Fandaharana Miresaka Heloka Bevava, Voaroaka;Mety Ho Mariky Ny Olana Bebe Kokoa Ao Trinidad sy Tobago Ve? Could an Ousted Crime Show Host Be a Symptom of a Bigger Problem in Trinidad & Tobago? · Global Voices Advocates for Crime, Resigned; Could Trinidad and Tobago Be Marked by More Issues? · Global Voices Hisy fifamoriana lehibe karakaraina ho amin'ny 29 Aogositra, nataon'ireo vondrona isankarazany mba hitakiana ny kaonty avy amin'ny governemanta. A bigger rally is being organized for August 29 by various groups to demand accountability from the government. A massive rally will take place on August 29, organized by various groups to demand government accounts. Tsy misy tsilo ny sarintanin'i Korea atsimo noho ny lalàna mivoaka (na angamba kamo loatra ny Google hanangana iray?). A Vector map is unavailable in South Korea because of legal issues (or perhaps because Google is too lazy to make one?). There is no thorn in South Korea's map because of the legislation (or maybe Google is too lazy to create one?). 2012: 2012: 2012: Manana fahazarana ratsy misava ny pasipaoroko isaky ny dimy minitra aho rehefa mandeha. I have an OCD habit of checking my passport every five minutes when I'm travelling. As I walk, I have a bad habit of reaching my passport every five minutes. Ary mba tsy hisy olona afaka hilaza amiko hoe tsy ampy fireharehana ny amin'ny firenena aho, aleo atombontsika amin'ny zavatra iray mazava izany: Tiako ny sakafo Peroviana. And so that no one accuses me of not having enough national pride, let's start by getting one thing clear: I love Peruvian food. And no one can tell me that I don't have enough pride for the country, let's focus it on something clear: I love Peruvian food. Nandefasako firariantsoa tamin'ny fomba mihaja noho ny fitsingerenan'ny andro nahaterahany izy, firarian-tsoa izay tsy ampy nampita ny haben'ny hafaliako noho ny fahafahany. I sent him birthday greetings in a formal manner which did not quite convey how happy I was that he was free. I sent her birthday wishes that were not enough to convey my joy because of her freedom. Nankatò ny #MatrimonioIgualitarioUY i Orogoay. Uruguay approves #MatrimonioIgualitarioUY. Uruguay has approved #MatrimonioIgualitarioUY. " Tsy nieritreritra aho hoe niandry " tantara an-k (h) ira-na jiolahy " mahazatra ny lahatsary Rosiana fa araka ny fanaovantsika azy ny vahoaka. "I don't think that the people were dying to see our version of many Russian "bandit soap operas." "I didn't think the Russian video was waiting for "a criminal story" but as we do it. Farafahakeliny dia efa mba mihaino ireo vahoaka manara-maso akaiky ry zareo. At least they listen to a vigilant citizenry. At least they will listen to the people who are keeping close watch. "Tsy afaka ny hiala eto an-tànako ianao. noho izany inona no tianao hifampiraharahàna amiko?' "You cannot escape from my hand, so what do you want to negotiate with me?' "You can't leave my hands. So what do you want to negotiate with me?' Voalohany: miahiahy ny amin'ny fisian'ny toaka ny governemanta Islamika. First, Islamic Government is really concerned with availability of alcohol. First: the Islamic government is worried about alcohol. 500 na 1000 foana. 500 or 1000. It's 500 or 1,000. Ambonin'izany rehetra izany, vao haingana, fony ry zareo nifototra tamin'ny fampiakarana ny fampiasana ny Google+ tamin'ny fomba rehetra. Above all recently, when they have been based on increasing the use of Google+ at any price. Above all, recently, when they were based on increased use of Google+ in any way. Vao haingana, fantatsika fa fara-fahakeliny olona 10.000 no maty nanomboka tamin'ny taona 2015, ahitana olona 60% eo ho eo maty novonoin'ny mpiaradia tarihan'ny Saodiana. Recently, we learned that at least 10,000 people have been killed since 2015, with approximately 60% killed by the Saudi-led coalition. Recently, we know that at least 10,000 people have been killed since 2015, with nearly 60% people killed by Saudi-led allies. Sary notsongaina avy tamin'ny Pictures cited from Image courtesy Nanambara i Rohit Vats fa tsy misy idiran'ny fivavahana ilay herisetra: Rohit Vats argued the violence had nothing to do with religion: Rohit Vats stated that the violence had nothing to do with religion: Nandao an'i Siria aho tsy hoe haka ny volan'i Eoropa na ny tombontsoa arabolany. I fled Syria not to have Europe's money or financial benefits. I left Syria not to take European money or financial benefits. Ahitana olona maromaro niditra tsy ara-dalàna tao amin'ny taniny ny firenen'i Dadatoa Samy ankehitriny. At present, Uncle Sam may find on his land a number of people who entered the country fraudulently. My uncle's country is now home to a number of people who have illegally entered the country. Na izany aza, ny fanamby ankehitriny dia ny hanaovana ny fanatanjahantena ho singa iray manosika ny fampandrosoana ny toekarena any amin'ireo firenena tsy mbola mandroso loatra mba hisitrahan'ireo vahoaka rehetra any amin'ireny firenena ireny azy io mandritra ny fotoana maharitra. Nevertheless, the challenge today is to transform sports into an economic development factor in less developed countries so that it may benefit all citizens over the long-term. However, the challenge now is to make sports a part of the development of the economy in less developed countries so that all people in these countries enjoy it for a long time. Tsikaritry ny fanadihadiana ihany koa ny lazan'ny tolotra Q&A, indrindra indrindra fa ny tolotra Yahoo! an'i Chiebukuro (知恵袋) natomboka ny 2004, izay nahitana fisondrotana misongadina tokoa tato anatin'ny taona vitsivitsy. The survey also found that popularity of Q&A services, particularly Yahoo!'s Chiebukuro (知恵袋) service started in 2004, have skyrocketed in recent years. The investigation also noticed the popularity of Q&A's service, in particular the Yahoo service! by Chiebukuro (sanc) launched in 2004, which has seen significant growth in recent years. Raha te-ho mpiandraikitra sekoly ianao, tsara raha mihomehy amin'ireo karazana fampihomehezana rehetra ataon'ny mpiandraikitra lehibe ao amin'ny sekolinao ianao: If you want to be a school prefect, then you better laugh at all manner of jokes from your school principal: If you want to be a school overseer, you would do well to laugh at all kinds of jokes made by your school principal: Natao ny fepetra ho fisorohana izay mety ho fanitsakitsahana hitamaso ny maoraly sy ny fomban-drazana ary ny hijerena ny lafiny fiarovana. @CommsBH: The procedures comes in order to prevent any breaching of observable moral values and traditions as well as for security considerations. The measure is to prevent any moral and traditional violations and to look at the security side. @taalz: Google Adsense nilaza hoe "Tsy azo ekena ny voaraikitra ao amin'ny tranokala" ? @taalz: Google Adsense say "Unacceptable site content" to ? @taalz: Google Adsense says "It's unacceptable to save on the site" Nisaotra an'i DiCaprio i Behna Azimi tamin'ny fihainoana "ny tarainanay": Behna Azimi thanked DiCaprio for hearing "our scream": Behna Azimi thanked him for listening to "our outcry": Aseho ao amin'ilay sarimihetsika, nadika an-tsoratra amin'ny teny anglisy, ny harena ananan'ny Achuar amin'ny fiainany andavanandro sy ny fepetra noraisin'izy ireo hiarovana ny taniny amin'ireo orinasa goavana mpitrandraka solitany. In the movie, subtitled in English, the Achuar show the richness of their daily life and also the steps they are taking to protect their ancestral lands from Oil Companies. The film shows Achuar's wealth in daily life and the measures they have taken to protect their lands from large oil companies. Pikantsary avy amin'ny lahatsary ao amin'ny YouTube Screenshot from YouTube Video Screenshot from YouTube video Ny tena nampihomehy anefa, herinandro latsaka kely taorian'izay, ny parlemantera mpanampy an'i Aitmatova dia naka an-keriny Mpilaza vaovao an-tsary iray, izay olon-tiany taloha ihany, nalainy mba ho vadiany. Ironically though, less than a week later, Aitmatova's parliamentary assistant kidnapped a TV journalist, whom he had dated in the past, in order to marry her. What's funny, however, was that nearly a week later, the deputy deputy parliament took over a new photoshop, which was his former boyfriend, he picked up for his choice. Na izany aza, araky ny hevitr'i Chan Nim, dia ankinina amin'ny fahatsapan-tenan'ny tsirairay ny fampiasana araka izay mety ny teknolojia . However, as suggested by Chan Nim, the issue is left to the conscience of the people on the proper use of technologies. However, according to Chan Nim, the use of technology is a matter of personal awareness. Tsy tsaroan'i Julio Andrade ny "Jereo ikala brunette , zavatra kanto, toy inona ny fampandihizany fitombenana," fikomiana ara-tsaina re izany #selallevanfacil Julio Andrade doesn't remember "Look at the brunette, such good thing, how she moves her backside," what an intellectual revolution #selallevanfacil He doesn't remember "Look at brunette, art, how much fun it is," a psychological uprising #selallevanfacil Nanoratra i "Nuli Caishi Wangdao 1997″ "Nuli Caishi Wangdao 1997″ wrote: "Nuli Caishi Wangdao 1997′′ wrote: Nasehon'ny fanadihadiana navoaka ny taona 2014, fa namono elefanta Afrikana 100.000 isa ireo mpihaza biby tsy ara-dalàna, tao anatin'ny telo taona monja (tao anelanelan'ny 2011 sy 2014). A study published in 2014 indicated that ivory-seeking poachers have killed 100,000 African elephants in just three years (between 2011 and 2014). A 2014 survey revealed that the illegal hunter killed 100,000 African elephants in just three years (from 2011 to 2014). Egypta: Momban'ny tantaran'ilay totozy manidina Egypt: The Story of the Flying Mouse · Global Voices Egypt: The Story of the flyer · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011. Niditra ny faritra tantanan'ny ISIS ireo olona, avy any amin'ny firenena 86 farafahakeliny - izay nisy fitomboana manakaiky ny 300 isan-jato tamin'ireo fampidirana mpikambana vaovao avy any Rosia sy Azia Afovoany. People have reached ISIS-controlled territory from at least 86 countries - with a near 300 per cent increase in new recruits from Russia and Central Asia. People entered ISIS-run areas, from at least 86 countries - where there was an increase of nearly 300 percent of new members from Russia and Central Asia. Notanana am-ponja izy ary nesorina taminy ny pasipaorony. She has been held under house arrest and had her passport taken away. He was detained and his passport removed from him. OJ no nanomboka ny fotoana; avy any Nuwara Eliya izy ary nanoka-tena hi-rap amin'ny tenin-dreniny, fifandraisana miseho ao amin'ny teniny sy ny fitiavany mandritra ny fotoana nihirany. OJ begins the set; hailing from Nuwara Eliya, he is dedicated to rap in his mother tongue, a connection that shows in his words and the passion in his performance. The session started with OJ; he came from Nuwara Eliya and dedicated himself torap his mother's language, the relationship between her language and her love during her singing. Amin'ny fomba malefaka, manontany ireo izay mamaky ny blaoginy i Saleh: "Angatra ve ny solosainanao?" In a lighthearted manner, Saleh asks those reading his blog: "Is your computer a zombie?" In a mild manner, Saleh asks those who read his blog: "Is your computer partial?" Ny sariitatra androany- Pravit sa Prayut cartoon of the day - Pravit vs Prayut @PravitR @suranand @Reaproy @SZarifi @G_Garachon - stephff cartoonist (@stephffart) August 3, 2017 This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. Today's cartoon- Ny tetikasa antsoina hoe "Empowering Cloghers (Mampahery ireo Cloghers) " no nahavita vao haingana ny dingana voalohany rehefa nahazo vatsy avy amin'ny Rising Voices tamin'ny taona 2014. The project called "Empowering Cloghers" recently wrapped up its first phase after receiving a Rising Voices microgrant in 2014. A project called "Emppowering Cloghers" recently completed its first step after receiving a Rising Voices grant in 2014. Mihevitra ny sasany hoe fanamarihana kisendrasendra ihany ny an'ity zaza, fa maro kosa no nitazona ny heviny fa fitaratry ny tena zava-misy eo amin'ny fiaraha-monina izany. Some think that it is just a random comment by a child, but many hold the view that it is a reflection of the society's reality. Some believe that the child is just a random remark, but many have maintained their opinion that it reflects the reality of society. Mpiady avy any ivelany ao amin'ny vondrona ISIS (Daesh) taorian'ireo fivavahana Eid Al Adha tao #Aleppo. ISIS (Daesh) group foreign fighters after Eid Al Adha prayers in #Aleppo. Foreign fighters in ISIS group (Daesh) after Eid Al Adha prayers in #Bahrain. Tsy azo hodian-tsy hita ny mety ho tsikombakomba eo amin'ny Vodafone sy ny foto-drafitrasa fanaharamaso ny fifandraisandavitra efa misy ao Iran, indrindra fa noho ny Vodafone tsy dia manana laza tsara ao amin'ity faritra ity. The potential for complicity between Vodafone and Iran's existing telecommunication surveillance infrastructure is hard to ignore, especially given Vodafone's less-than-perfect record in this area. There is no doubt that Iran's existing telecommunications infrastructure and its existing telecommunications infrastructure could have been conspiracyd, especially due to the lack of a good reputation in this region. Tendrombohitra eo akaikin'ny Pico da Neblina. A mountain in the proximity of Pico da Neblina. Mountain near Pico da Neblina. Tamin'ny 5 Septambra dia namoy ny ainy teo an-tanan'olon-tsy fantatra ilay mpanao gazety Albert Graves Chakussanga izay tsy nisalasala akory nitifitra azy tao ivelan'ny trano fonenany, tany an-tanànan'i Viana ao Luanda. On the 5th of September, journalist Albert Graves Chakussanga lost his life at the hands of strangers who in cold blood shot him down inside his house, in the neighbourhood of Viana in Luanda. On September 5, journalist Albert Graves Chakussanga died in the hands of an unknown person who didn't hesitate to shoot him outside his home, in the city of Viana in Luanda. Na nisy aza ireo fikasàna maro hanao fihantsiana avy tamin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana miisa dimy ambiny folo, nifarana tamim-pilaminana ilay hetsika fitakiana ny rariny ho an'i Martin Neshkovski, izay raha tokony natao nanoloana ny Governemanta dia natao teo anoloan'ny Antenimiera. Although there were several attempts for provocation by fifteen protesters, protest for justice for Martin Neshkovski, which instead of in front of the Government was held in front of the Assembly, ended peacefully. Although there were many attempts to provoke from the twelve protesters, the campaign for justice for Martin Neshkski, which instead of being held in front of the government, ended peacefully in front of the Parliament. Akaikin'ny sisintanin'i Proa sy Brezila ilay faritra ary tena ain-dehibe ho an'ny fahasalaman'ny Amazôna. The area is close to the borders of Peru and Brazil and is essential for the health of the Amazon. The area is close to the border between Proa and Brazil and is vital for the health of the Amazon. Nahazo dera avy amin'ny mpisera aterineto maro ny endrik'ilay foloara, kanefa maro ihany koa no nametra-panontaniana raha mety tokoa ny mividy hijab iray izay mitentina 190 dolara Brunei (136 dolara amerikana). The scarf's design was praised by many netizens, but some questioned the appropriateness of buying a hijab that costs 190 Brunei dollars (136 US dollars). The figure has received praise from many Internet users, but many have also questioned whether buying a hijab that cost Brunei $190 (US $136). Ampiasao toy ny fitaovana hilazana tantara tsara kokoa ny teknolojia. Use the technology as a tool to tell better stories. Use technology as a tool to tell a better story. #PanamaPapers Milaza Ny Tantara Mahazatra Momba Ireo Sangany Ara-politika Ao Pakistan #PanamaPapers Tell a Familiar Tale of Rich Political Elites in Pakistan · Global Voices #PananaPapers Tells the Common History of Pakistan's Political Images · Global Voices Isaorana ianao nihaino Thanks for listening Thank you for listening Ho an'ny maro amin'ireo vanim-potoana ao Japana taorian'ny ady, shotengai no ty ny fo nampiaina ny faritra an-tanan-dehibe tany amin'ny manodididina an'i Japana. This video provides a glimpse of a Japanese shotengai, or traditional shopping area in Sonoda, Amagasaki, just east of Kobe. For much of Japan's postwar period, shotengai served as the heart of urban neighbourhood life in Japan. For many of Japan's post-war times, shotengai was the heart of the urban area in the middle of Japan. "Miely hatrany eny amin'ny toeran-kafa izy ireny tao ho ao." "They're spreading to ever more places, these days." "They're spreading elsewhere these days." Maninona no tsy afa-manaja ireo foto-pinoana hafa izy ireo?!! Why cant they respect other religion as well kan?!! Why can't they respect other religions?!! Nivadika ho dòna ny tsy finoana nandritra ny dimy ambinifolo minitra nitomboan'ny isan'ny maty ho 5 raha toa ka roa teo aloha, raha nitranga tampoka koa ny zava-misy tamin'izany fanafihana izany. Disbelief turned into shock as over the fifteen minutes the number rose from two to five, and the magnitude of what had happened started sinking in. The five-minute increase in the death toll from two to five while the events of the attack occurred suddenly. Araka izany dia tsy misy toerana na koa efitrefitra manokana ho an'ny tsirairay amin'ireo fiteny ireo. So there is no special side or special compartment for each of these languages. So there is no place or special mention for each of these languages. Nanomboka nalaza ao amin'ny Twitter ny anaran'ny tantara mitohy amin'ny endri-tsoratra Sirilika, "Шерлок," ary mihamaro ny Rosiana no tsy miala eo amin'ny Fantsona laharana voalohany ao Rosia. The series' name in cyrillic, "Шерлок," began trending on twitter as more and more Russians tuned in to watch it on Russia's Channel 1. The name of the Cyrillic-language series, " nymsco-Thuvil," has become popular on Twitter, and more and more Russians will remain on Russia's top channel. Ny tanin'ny fahalalàna, tanin'ny fandriampahalemana - Tarai, Pahad, Himal The land of knowledge, land of peace - Tarai, Pahad, Himal The land of knowledge, land of peace - Tarai, Pahad, Himal Nanomboka nampiasa ny FS (Friendster) aho tamin'izaho tany amin'ny kolejy nanodidina ny 2002 teo ho eo. I started using FS (Friendster) when I was in college, circa 2002. When I was in college around 2002, I started using FS (Friendster). Na izany aza anefa, ny antony nahatonga ity tantara ity ho nahasarika ny saina dia ny fametrahana ity fampandrosoana vaovao ity ho "tanàna maty," satria efa ho ny 12.355 hektaran'ilay tany no tsy misy na inona na inona. However, the reason this story received so much attention is the fact that the new development has been portrayed as a "Ghost Town," as almost all 12,355 acres of the property are seemingly vacant. However, the reason for this story's appeal was the establishment of this new development as "the dead city," as nearly 12.35 hectares of the land were empty. Arahabain'ny Rising Voices Ny Tetikasam-Piarovana Teny Indizeny Dimy Vaovao Rising Voices Welcomes Five New Indigenous Language Digital Activism Grantees · Global Voices Rising Voices Welcomes Five New Indigenous Language Protection Project · Global Voices Ity ny famolavolana vaovao. Here is the new design. Here's the new design. Fantatry ry zareo tsara fa miaraka amin'ny olana misy ao amin'ny firenena amin'izao fotoana izao dia mbola tsy vonona i Okraina. They understand that Ukraine is not in the best shape right now with its own crisis. They know well that with the country's current problems, Ukraine is still not ready. Kanefa, tatitra iray avy amin'ny AFP, no mihevitra fa ny AQMI raha ny tena marina no mandrindra sy mamatsy ireo fikambanana telo ambiny; ity ahiahy ity dia nohamafisin'ny filazana ho fahatongavan'i Mokhtar Belmokhtar ao Mali, mpikambana iray mpanorina ny Vondrona Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (SGPC), izay niteraka ny AQMI. However, a report by AFP, suggests that it is actually AQIM that coordinates and funds the three other organisations; this suspicion is reinforced by the alleged presence in Mali of Mokhtar Belmokhtar, a founding member of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (SGPC), which became the AQIM. However, an AFP report thinks that AQIM actually manages and supports the remaining three organizations; this concern is confirmed by the alleged arrival of Mokhtar Belmokhtar in Mali, a founding member of the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (SGPC), which led to AQIM. Ka hoy izy ireo, ry Hasik a, aza mananihany anay eo, ahoana no fomba hanapoahanao an'iny? They say to him, Hasik, quit bullshitting us, how are you going to detonate it? So they said, Hasik, don't make fun of us, how can you get it? Nitantara ity tranga ity tamin'ny reniko aho: niteny tamiko izy hiteny Gikuyu ampahibemaso. I recount this incident to my mother: she tells me to start speaking Gikuyu loudly in public. I told my mother this case: She told me to publicly say Gikuyu. izany no tianareo hita amiko is how you want to see me That's what you want to see from me Izy no sekretera jeneralin'ny Federasion'ny Firaisankinan'ny mpiasa mpanamboatra akanjo. She's the general secretary of the Garment Workers Solidarity Federation. He is the secretary general of the Labor Federation of garment workers. Toa faly mandrisika ireo Rosiana milaza ny tenany ho tia tanindrazana toa an'i Olshansky i Trump, raha tsaraina amin'ny farany indrindra tamin'ny fanehoankeviny momba an'i Krimea. Trump seems happy to encourage self-proclaimed Russian patriots like Olshansky, judging by his most recent comment on Crimea. Trump seems to be pleased to encourage Russians who call themselves patriots, while at the end of his comments on Crimea. Atsaharo ny fiheverana olona ho lasa mpamono olona, satria tsy izany izy ireo. Stop treating people as potential murderers, because they are not. Stop calling people criminals, because they are not. Mandeha matetika eny amin'ireo kianja filalaovam-baolina kitra ireo vehivavy ho toy ny mpanatrika ihany, mampahery ireo lehilahy milalao. Women often go to football fields with the role solely as spectator, cheering on men who are playing. Women often go to football stadiums as attendees, encouraging men to play. Nifarana tamin'ny Alarobia ny fifampiraharahana momba ny nokleary teo amin'i Iran sy ireo firenena enina matanjaka indrindra tao Geneva, taorian'ny fifampiresahana goavana naharitra roa andro. Nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers in Geneva ended on Wednesday, after two days of intensive dialogue. The nuclear deal between Iran and the six most powerful countries in Geneva ended on Wednesday, after a two-day massive dialogue. Hmm Lozam-piarakodia 2 tao anatin'ny volana vitsivitsy nisesy, ilay faharoa tena nampalahelo. Hmm 2 car accidents a few months apart, the 2nd one tragic. Hmm 2 car accidents in a few months, the second is very sad. Fa manana ny anjara toerany ihany koa ny mpanao gazety. Journalists also weighed in. But journalists are also playing a role. Ao anatin'io lahatsary maharitra folo minitra io, dia niresaka mikasika ny fitorahana blaogy sy ny Silamo i El-Maskati, ary fiteny anglisy sy Arabo no nifandimbindimby tao. In the ten-minute video, El-Maskati discusses blogging and Islam, switching back and forth between English and Arabic. In this ten-minute video, El-Maskati talks about blogging and Islam, and has been in English and Arabic. Izao ataoko izao dia avy amin'ny fahadalan'ny fanapahan-kevitry ny governemanta mandefa taratasy fisamborana ahy nefa mandrara ahy tsy hiverina. What I'm doing today is a result of the Chinese government's absurd act of ordering my arrest, while at the same time refusing to allow me to return. What I do is from the fact that the government's decision to send me a arrest warrant but banned me from returning. "Avotra soa aman-tsara isika rehetra. "We are all safe. "We are all safe. Valy Bontana: Tolo-kevitry ny AFRINIC fa Hovidian-Dafo ny Fanakatonana Aterineto Fighting Fire With Fire: African Regional Body Proposes High Costs for Internet Shutdowns · Global Voices Valy Banana: AFRINIC's proposal that Internet shutdowns will be set on fire · Global Voices Nitodika tamin'ireo olona sasany manodidina azy izy ary niteny hoe, "izy no nanasa ahy." He turns back to some of his entourage and says, "she's the one who invited me." He turned to some people around him and said, "He invited me." Fa ohatrinona ny vidin'ny tranon'ireo mpiasa ambony manohana an'i Ouattara izay norobahina sy nopotehina nanontany i C.K. But C.K. wonders how relevant the looted and vandalized houses of these pro-Ouattara officers really are But how much is the cost of the homes of high-ranking workers who have been beaten and destroyed? C.K. asked. Voalohany aloha, fanambaràna tsotra iny nilaza fa Fanjakana Silamo i Gambia, tsy mieritreritra akory ny ao anatin'ny lalàna an-tampontsika (ny lalàmpanorenana). First it was just a simple statement declaring The Gambia an Islamic State, ignoring the stipulations within our sovereign law (the Constitution). First, it was a simple statement saying that The Gambia is an Islamic State, without even considering our Supreme Law (the constitution). Tsy niraviravy tanana ireo Hongroà manohitra io fomba fijerin'ny governemanta amin'ny elatra havanana io. Hungarians who oppose the government's right-wing views haven't stood idly by. Hungarians did not break their hands against the right-wing government's views. Niteraka fikorontanana be ny BBC tamin'ity herinandro ity noho ny tantara iray milaza fa nampiasain'ireo mpihoko nividianana fitaovam-piadiana ireo dollar an-tapitrisany maro nalefa hanampiana ireo fianakaviana tratran'ny hanoanana tany Etiopia tamin'ny taona 1980. The BBC sparked a storm this week with a story claiming millions of dollars sent to help starving people in Ethiopia's 1980s famine were used to buy arms by rebels. This week the BBC caused a lot of confusion over a story that says the rebels used the millions of dollars sent to help families who were hungry in Ethiopia in the 1980s. Murdoch Nipao-tsatroka An'i Singapore Ho Modely Nefa Mandà Izany Ireo Mponin'ny Aterineto Ao An-toerana Murdoch Hails Singapore Model But Local Netizens Disagree · Global Voices Singapore Became a Model But Local Netizens Say No · Global Voices يعني لو المعارضه تدفع لهم مثل ما يدفع النظام الفاسد لكان الكل مع المعارضه بس النظام ساقط لا محاله يعني لو المعارضه تدفع لهم مثل ما يدفع النظام الفاسد لكان الكل مع المعارضه بس النظام ساقط لا محاله يعني دو المعارضه تدفع لهم Ny tanjon'ny Kuntur dia ny hanambatra ny tahirin-kevitra ahitana ny karazam-borona rehetra hita eto Kolombia. The goal of Kuntur is to compile a database with all the birds species there are in Colombia. Kuntur's goal is to bring together the document of all kinds of birds found in Colombia. Ity dia mazava ho azy fa vaovao tsara ho an'ireo Nizeriana ary maro amintsika no mety ho faly amin'ny fiverenany. This is of course good news for Nigerians and most of us would be happy to have her back. This is of course good news for Nigerians and many of us may be happy about their return. Nahazo loka "visa" ny namako akaiky indrindra tao amin'ny sekoly fanabeazana fototra ka nanjavona tampotampoka, nahatonga ahy ho be fanontaniana izay tsy nisy nahasahy namaly, satria de eso no se habla. My best friend in elementary school won the visa lottery and disappeared all of a sudden, leaving me with lots of questions no one dared to answer, because de eso no se habla. My best friend at primary school was awarded a visa and suddenly disappeared, leaving me with a lot of questions that he couldn't answer, because he was sarcastic. Nanapa-kevitra hanomboka ny ado ny fasista avy ao Kremlin, ka tsy mila mandoro boky intsony amin'ny fanokafana. Kremlin-fascists decided to start a fire, so they don't have to burn the books in the open. The Kremlin's communists decided to start the do, and no longer need to burn books at the opening. Toa mbola ny kely indrindra amin'ny fampijaliana isan'andro sy mahazatra ataon'ny mpifehy ao amin'ny minisiteran'ny Atitany izany. This seems to be the minimum amount of daily and systematic monstrous torture the Ministry of Interior administers It seems to be the smallest of daily and routine torture by the Interior Ministry's officers. Aiza ilay fikambanan-jiolahy tsy misy ilàna azy miantso ny tenany ho UA ? Mampalahelo fa eto an-drenivohitry ny mpanao didijadona no misy azy. Where is that useless club of criminals calling itself AU ?sadly its based in the capital of that despot. Where is the useless criminal group that calls itself AU? Sadly it is located in the capital of the dictator. Io no vao mainka mahasarotra ny olana eo amin'ny fifandirana ara-poko, satria manana tombotsoa amin'ny fitazonana ny toe-draharaha tsy hiroso ireo mitazona ny fahefàna. This makes the problem of ethnic conflict even more intractable, as those who wield power have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. This makes the problem of ethnic conflict even more difficult, as those who maintain power benefit from keeping the situation from moving forward. Tena adala ireo ary izany fahadalany izany no mahafaly sy maha-be fanantenana anay. They are really stupid and this stupidity makes us happy and hopeful. These are idiots and that stupidness makes us happy and optimistic. Tany amin'ny 4 Desambra, fony mbola nihaza ny hany sisa tavela tamin'ireo mpikatroka mafàna fo ireo mpitandro filaminana Chechen tao Grozny, naminavina tao amin'ny Facebook i Elena Milashina, mpanao gazetin'ny Novaya Gazeta, fa mety ho ratsy ho an'ny olontsotra ny dingana faharoa amin'ny ady atao amin'ny asa fampihorohoroana - valifatin'ny manampahefana. Back on December 4, when Chechen security services in Grozny were still fighting the last of the militants, Novaya Gazeta journalist Elena Milashina surmised on Facebook that the second stage of the counter-terrorist operation - the authorities' retaliation - would be worse for civilians. On December 4, when Chechen police continued to hunt the rest of the activists in Grozny, Novaya Gazeta's journalist Elena Milashina estimated on Facebook that the second stage of the fight against terrorism - by the authorities - would be bad for ordinary people. Atsy ankilany i Tozi manazava fa: On the other hand, Tozi argues: On the other hand Tozi explains: Nirotsaka ho fidiana ao amin'ilay birao ilay vehivavy mitaky ny fitovian-tsaranga - kanefa tsy nitaky ny hanovàna ny anarany ara-panjakana. The transgender woman ran for office having applied for - but without having secured - a legal name change. The woman who called for class equality ran for the office - but didn't want to change her official name. Kanefa, ny tolona miainga ankehitriny ao Djibouti mba hisian'ny demaokrasia dia mifamatotra akaiky amin'ny fifandraisana ananan'ny firenena amin'ireo firenena hafa mifanolo-bodirindrina aminy, ary hatramin'ny teokareny vao misonga aza. Yet, the ongoing struggle for more democracy in Djibouti is intricately linked to the country's relations with its larger neighbors as well as its up-and-coming economy. However, the ongoing struggle in Djibouti for democracy is closely linked to the country's relationship with other neighboring countries, and even its economy. Nandray fanamarihana amin'izany mihitsy moa y mpikambana iray avy amin'ny ekipa diplaomatikan'i Etazonia Marie Harf tao amin'ny sioka iray nandritra ny fifandresendahatra: One member of the U.S. diplomatic team Marie Harf even took note of it in a tweet: In a tweet during the argument, a member of the US diplomatic team Marie Harf commented: Ho ela velona mandrakizay anie Siam ! Long live Siam forever! Long live the rest of the world! Ilainareo ny mamaky antsakany sy andavany izay voasoratra momba io pôlitika io. Voasoratra fa hoe ampianarina amin'ny ambaratongam-pianarana rehetra ny swahili ary voasoratra IHANY koa fa ampiasaina amin'ny ambaratonga rehetra ny Anglisy (izay midika fa hatrany amin'ny fanabeazana fototra). You need to read carefully what the policy says: it says Swahili will be used at all levels and ALSO says English will be used at all levels (that means including primary level). You need to read exactly what is written about this policy. It is written that Swahili is taught in all levels of learning and that English (which means to be in primary education) is used at all levels. Pampulha Ensemble sy Brasília - tetikasany roa goavana - mbola mitoetra, na izany aza, tahaka ny maritrano tsy tontan'ny ela rehetra an'ny lehiben'ny mpanao maritrano. The Pampulha Ensemble and Brasília - two of his biggest projects - would live on, however, much like the timeless architecture of his chief architect. Pampulha Ensemble and Brasília - two major projects - remain, however, like an ancient architecture of the architect's leader. Mandeha mivantana amin'ny fahitalavitra izany toe-javatra izany. The action is unfolding live on television. This is live on TV. Ezypta: Alaivo sary an-tsaina ny mety ho vitan'ny Ezypsiana 20 000 000 Imagine what 20 million Egyptians could do · Global Voices Egypt: Imagine what 20 million Egyptians can do · Global Voices Mpitsoaponenana miakatra ho ao anaty fiarandalamby ao Gevgelija, Makedonia, 23 Feb 2016. Refugees boarding a train in Gevgelija, Macedonia, Feb 23, 2016. Refugees going up to the train in Gevgelija, Macedonia, February 23, 2016. Nandray fepetra mivaingana izy tamin'ny fampandehanana ny minisiterany ary miara-miasa amin'ny lehiben'ny etamazaoron'ny tafika amin'ny fisamborana ireo olo-malazan'ny kolikoly, tamin'ny nandroahana mpiasampanjakana ambony maromaro misahana ny Fiarovana, ary nanome baiko ireo mpitandro ny filaminana tsy hanao herisetra amin'ny olom-pirenena. He took practical steps and he was responsible in managing the affairs of his ministry and coordinated with the Chief of Army Staff to arrest some of the symbols of corruption, dismissing a number of the security services' high officials, and ordering the security forces not to assault citizens. He has taken concrete measures in carrying out his ministry and has partnered with the army's chief of staff in arresting corrupt figures, removing several high-ranking security officials, and ordering security forces not to resort to violence against citizens. Tao amin'ny bilaoginy Igualdad Dignidad (Fahamendrehana Fitovian-jo) Gladys Lopreto nitsikera ny fihetseham-pon'ireo Episkopate Arzantiniana mikasika ny olana momba ny fanalan-jaza. Others, like Gladys Lopreto in the blog Igualdad Dignidad (Dignity Equality), criticized the reactions of the Argentinian Episcopate on issues like abortion. On his blog Igualda Dignidad (Individence of Rights) Gladys Lopreto criticized the reactions of Argentinians to the issue of abortion. Survivors: "The invincibility of human determination to struggle and survive against all odds" na "Ny faharisihan'ny olombelona hiezaka sy hanavotra ny ainy manoloana ny sàkana rehetra" dia boky avy ao amin'ny Galleria di Porta Pepice of the photographs nataon'i GMB Akash. Survivors: "The invincibility of human determination to struggle and survive against all odds" is a book by Galleria di Porta Pepice of the photographs by GMB Akash. Survors: "The invincicity of men to struggle and survive against all odds" is a book from Galleria di Porta Pepice of the photograph by GMB Akash. Nampandre ny Minisitry ny Raharaham-bahiny Danoà Martin Lidegaard ilay Bahrainita malaza mpikatroka zon'olombelona Nabeel Rajab: Prominent Bahraini human rights activist Nabeel Rajab alerted Danish Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard: Bahraini prominent human rights activist Nabeel Rajab informs Danish Foreign Minister Martin Lidegaard: Lehilahy na zazalahy avokoa no voakasiky ny ankamaroan'ireo tranga ireo, ary i Shahzadi no heverina fa vehivavy mpanao gazety nanjavona voalohany indrindra. Most of these cases involve men or boys, and Shahzadi is considered the first such instance of a female journalist being disappeared. The majority of these cases involve men and boys, most of whom are considered the first missing female journalist. Miaraka amin'ny fahatsiarovana ireny taona maro ireny mbola mbola raiki-tampisaka amin'ny ampahany betsaka amin'ny vahoakan'ilay firenena, toa tsy mahataitra loatra ny fisian'ny antony ara-politika mazava tsara manosika io tetikasa famporisihana amin'ny fampiasana fiteny roa any an-tsekoly io. With the memory of those years still alive throughout a large portion of the country's population, the fact that the initiative for bilingual schools has clear political motivations does not come as a surprise. With memories of these years still deeply rooted in the majority of the country's population, it seems that there are no clear political reasons behind this project of encouraging the use of two languages in schools. Nanatontosa lahatsary fanadihadiana momba ny fiainan'ny olona miady amin'ny taratra radioaktifa taorian'ny horohorontany tao Japana ilay mpanao gazety Lisa Katayama sy ilay mpanatontosa sarimihetsika Jason Wishnow. This post is part of our special coverage Japan Earthquake 2011 and Refugees. Journalist Lisa Katayama and filmmaker Jason Wishnow are documenting the lives of people dealing with radiation in a post-earthquake Japan. Journalist Lisa Katayama and filmmaker Jason Wishnow made a documentary on the lives of people fighting radiation after the earthquake in Japan. Azonao afenina any ambadika ny olana lehibe - izay mila ezaka be ny hamahàna azy Azonao atao ny mandidy ny fandaharam-potoanan'ny olona sy izay hoeritreretiny sy hiadiany hevitra Azonao atao ny mamaha ny olana noforoninao amin'izay fomba mahatsara endrika anao Raha mamorona olana ianao, ka mahala azy avy amin'ny adihevitra avy eo, dia tahaka ny hoe nanome zavatra, nefa ny tena marina dia tsy nisy na inona na inona niova sady mahazo fotoana hanaovana zavatra hafa izay mavesa-danja lavitra aminao. you can put the large problems - which require larger effort to solve - in the background you can dictate the public agenda and what others will think and argue about you can solve the problems you create in a manner that suits you if you create a problem, and then withdraw from the issue, it looks like you have given something, while in fact you just maintain the status quo and buy time to do something else, which is far more important to you. You can hide the big problem behind - which requires a lot of effort to regulate people's agendas and what they think and decide how you can solve the problems you have created in a way that makes you look good if you create a problem, and then get away from the debate, it seems like you have given something, but in reality nothing has changed and you get time to do something that is more important to you. 22 fara-fahakeliny ny olona maty tamin'ny 2009 taorian'ny fipoahana baomba mahatsiravina tany amin'ny toerana fametrahana ny fitaovam-piadiana tany amin'ny toby miaramila any Mbagala any Dar es Salaam. At least 22 people died in 2009 following massive explosions at an ammunition depot at Mbagala army base in Dar es Salaam. At least 22 people died in 2009 after a terrible bomb blast at a military base in Mbagala in Dar es Salaam. Tsy naherisetra ny polisy, ary tsy nisy olona nosamborina. Police were not aggressive and no one got arrested. The police were not violent, and no one was arrested. Ao amin'ny firenena tahaka an'i Malezia izay ahitantsika ny fitambaran'ny firazanana, ny kolontsaina ary ny olona maro dia tsy mitombina, tena diso tanteraka ary tena manimba ny maha-sarobidy ny olona tsirairay izay voakasik'ity fihodirana ity ny filazana fa ratsy tarehy ilay mainty kokoa izay mampitovy ity lahatsary ity amin'ny kabary fankahalana. In a country like Malaysia, where we have so many races, cultures and people coming together, to say that the darker ones are ugly is so out of touch, so wrong and so damaging to the self-esteem of every single person out there who is on the more-tan part of the spectrum, that this video verges on the fringes of hate-speech. In a country like Malaysia where we see the ethnic, cultural and public diversity, it's far from logical, completely wrong and seriously harming the value of every person who has been affected by the discrimination that the blacker person who makes this video look like a hate speech is ugly. Taona mahatalanjona ny taona 2011 ho an'ny fampahalalam-baovao an-tserasera. 2011 has been an extraordinary year for online content. 2011 is an amazing year for online media. Korea Atsimo sy Avaratra Anatin'ny 'Tany Miady' South and North Korea in 'State of War' · Global Voices South and North Korea in 'The Land of War' · Global Voices Nanana politikanà varavarana misokatra ho an'ireo nitady fialokalofana i Brezila - nomena taratasy fanamarinam-ponenana izy ireo, fahazoandàlana hiasa ary antontan-taratasy vonjimaika fahazoana mivezivezy raha tapitra ny fepotoan'ny fialokalofany. Brazil has had an open-door policy for asylum seekers - they are provided with residency, work permits and temporary travel documents while their refugee request is pending. Brazil had an open door policy for asylum seekers - they were given residence papers, work licenses and temporary travel documents when their refugee period was over. Sir (tongologasy), izay maneho ny fitsaboana Sir (garlic), which symbolizes medicine Sir (ongogasy), which represents medicine Nilaza i Khorramabadi fa tokony hakatona tanteraka ny tambajotra sosialy rehetra "mifandray ... amin'ny fanjakana fahavalo sy ny sampam-pitsikilovan'ny vahiny." Khorramabadi argued that all social networks " hostile states and foreign intelligence services" should be completely blocked. Khorramabadi said all social networks should be completely blocked "to connect... to enemy states and foreign intelligence agencies." Ny blaogy Politique au Senegal dia manazava ny krizy izay misy ny sehatry ny fampianarana any Senegaly ankehitriny: Blog Politique au Senegal describes (Fr) Senegal's education system in a state of crisis: "It's difficult to say that the Pdef and the 40% of the national budget allocated to education haven't served any purpose: multiple strikes, the lowering of education standards, botched programs, phony grades...illicit practices have more and more become the common currency." Politique au Senegal explains the crisis that is currently taking place in Senegal: Ao amin'ny bolongana Nacer en Honduras , no anoratan'i Ardegas "Hiverina hitondra ve i Zelaya? In the blog Nacer en Honduras , Ardegas writes "Will Zelaya be reinstated? In the blog Nacer en Honduras , Ardegas writes "Will Zelaya return to power? 11:05, Ny 4 Desambra - LiveJournal dia lasa tsy azo nidirana vonjimaika ho an'ireo mpampiasa monina ao Rosia. 11:05, December 4 - LiveJournal became temporarily inaccessible for Russia-based users. 11:05, December 4 - LiveJournal has become inaccessible for users living in Russia. Raha ny zava-misy, azo lazaina fa ity karazana blaogy iray ity dia tsy manao afa-tsy ny mamerina (manao dika mitovy) ny hevitra feno fironana toy izay aelin'ireo gazety mpomba sasantsasany. Indeed, it might even be argued that such blogs do little more than duplicate the same kind of polarized views voiced by a myriad of politically partisan newspapers. In fact, it can be said that this kind of blog only uses a (translating) version of opinion rather than being published by some pro-government newspapers. Namorona teny fototra vaovao izy ireo ao amin'ny Twitter izay maneso ny fanambaràn'ny lahatsoratry ny The New York Times - #GeneSharpTaughtMe. @3arabawy: Faly foana aho nandritra ny androm-piainako teo ambanin'i Mubarak, nefa tampotampoka dia (#genesharpnampianatraahy) #genesharptaughtme tsy maintsy manohitra aho. @SohaBayoumi: Manomboka ny tsy fankatoavana sivily ny vahoaka tsy nilàna akory famakiana izay torolanana momba mikasika ny tsy fankatoavana sivily any. #GeneSharpTaughtMe @Zjen1: #GeneSharpTaughtMe ny fomba fambolena sy ny fihinanana sakamalao ary ny fandefasana fofon'aina any amin'ny tavan'ireo fahavalo mba hahatorana azy ireo. @M_Alhalaby: #GeneSharpTaughtMe fa mampihena ny fiatraikan'ny entona mandatsa-dranomaso ny fanasana maso amin'ny Pepsi. @CVirus: #GeneSharpTaughtMe ny fomba hialàna bala. @moneloky: #GeneSharpTaughtMe ny fomba hanoherana mba hanohanana ny lalàna izay mandràra ny fihetsiketsehana @prof_mostafa: #GeneSharpTaughtMe ny fomba hananganana vondrona ao amin'ny Facebook @deetaha: #GeneSharpTaughtMe fa ireo tambajotra sosialy ihany no hany fomba ahafahana mifandray, na ohatra aza ka tsy mandeha ny Aterineto. @alaa: #GeneSharpTaughtMe ny fomba hitoraham-bato ireo jiolahim-boto, fioarovana ny tenako ao ambadik'ireo fiara mirehitra, miala ny fipoahan'ny baomba namboarina tamin'ny solika @mohamedhani: Zatra nihevitra foana aho fa matin'ny fanitikitihana i Khaled Said & ireo niharan'ny fampijaliana nefa diso aho hoy #GeneSharpTaughtMe. @deetaha: #GeneSharpTaughtMe mikasika ny fiainana, ny tontolo sy ny zava-drehetra. They started a new hashtag on Twitter that mocks the claims of The New York Times article - #GeneSharpTaughtMe. @3arabawy: I was happy all my life under Mubarak, but suddenly #genesharptaughtme I must rebel. @SohaBayoumi: People do start civil disobedience without having to have read a book theorizing about civil disobedience. #GeneSharpTaughtMe @Zjen1: #GeneSharpTaughtMe how to grow and eat garlic and breath in my enemies faces so they will faint. @M_Alhalaby: #GeneSharpTaughtMe that washing eyes with Pepsi lessens the effects of tear gas. @CVirus: #GeneSharpTaughtMe how to dodge bullets. @moneloky: #GeneSharpTaughtMe How to protest in support of the law that bans protesting @prof_mostafa: #GeneSharpTaughtMe how to make a Facebook group @deetaha: #GeneSharpTaughtMe that social networks is the only method to communicate, even when the Internet is down. @alaa: #GeneSharpTaughtMe how to throw rocks at thugs, baricade myself behind burned out car hulks, dodge petrol bombs @mohamedhani: I used to believe that Khaled Said & torture victims died of tickling but #GeneSharpTaughtMe that I was wrong. @deetaha: #GeneSharpTaughtMe about life, the universe and everything. On Twitter, they have created a new hashtag that mocks the statement of The New York Times - #GeneSharpTughMe. @3O: I'm always happy for my life under Mubarak, but suddenly (#genesharpnamotme) I have to protest. @SohaBayoumi: I'm starting a civil disobedience not to read anything about civil disobedience or civil disobedience here. #GeneSharpTentMe @Zjen1: I'm going to protest #genesharpughme and I'm going to protest. @SohaBayoumoumi: I'm going to see how the people don't want to go through #DeCity in #DeCity, #DeCityCityCourdoCityCityCityCityCity: This is a #Couring #CityCouring #CityCityCityCityCityCoursCourtre: #CityCityCourt #CityCouraration: #Couraration: #City #CityCityCity Fizakàmanana Demotix (28/10/2014) Copyright Demotix (28/10/2014) Copyright Demotix (28/10/2014) Raha aminao, karazan'olona manao ahoana no mamaky anao, ary inona no antony ? GV: And what sense do you get about who is reading you, and how are they reading your blog? If you are, what kind of people are reading you, and why? Toa tsy misy miraharaha. It seems nobody cares. No one seems to care. Tao anatin'ny lahatsoratra teo aloha, nitrandraka ny sasantsasany tamin'ireo tantara sy hetsika nataon'ireo fianakavian'ny olona nanjavona tao Amerika Latina izahay. In the previous post we explored some of the stories and activity of families of missing people in Latin America. In the preceding post, we've covered some of the stories and activities of families of missing people in Latin America. Amin'izay heviny izay ny qurutob, dia nijanona amin'ny 'maha-havana mahatra' azy, na nisy fikarohana momba ny bitsika mifandraika amin'ny qurutob aza mampiseho vahiny maro ao Dushanbe miha-mahafantatra ilay sakafo. In this sense qurutob, has remained its 'poor relation', despite a search of qurutob-related tweets showing Dushanbe expats are increasingly aware of the dish. In this sense, qurutob has remained 'inhuman', even though there has been research on tweets related to qurutob showing many foreigners in Dushanbe getting to know the food. Kinendrin'ny governemanta ihany koa ireo mpamaham-bolongana tahaka an'i Hussein Ghrer sy Razan Ghazzawi, iray amin'ireo mpamaha bolongana fanta-daza no sady mpandray anjara taloha tato amin'ny Global Voices Online. The government has also targeted bloggers like Hussein Ghrer and Razan Ghazzawi, one of the most prominent Syrian bloggers and a former Global Voices Online contributor. The government has also criticized bloggers such as Hussein Ghrer and Razan Ghazzawi, one of Global Voices Online's most well-known bloggers and former contributor. Nefa, mbola manely izany siosio-dresaka izany ihany ny tontolo, milaza an'i Poutine ho voarohirohy amin'ny resaka kolikoly. But in the end, everyone wants to do the stories that repeat various rumors about Putin's involvement in corruption - some of which may be true, though we don't know for certain. However, the world continues to spread such speculation, calling Putin involved in corruption. "Mora kokoa ny mahita olona meloka. "It's easier to find someone guilty. "It's easier to find someone guilty. Satria ny zavatra be voninahitra indrindra ananan'ny olona iray dia ny fiainana. Because the most glorious thing one has is life. Because the most glorious thing a person has is life. Notsongaina ho nolazain'i Ismail Beşikçi tao amin'ny tafatafa nifanaovana tamin'i Rudaw izao manaraka izao: Ismail Beşikçi in an interview with Rudaw is quoted to have said the following: In an interview with Rudaw, Ismail Beşikçi was quoted as saying: Na izany aza, nanaiky ny valim-pifidianana ihany tamin'ny farany ny vaomiera misahana ny fifidianana ary nanamafy fa tsy marina ny fanambaran' i Al Maliki. However, the electoral commission finally ratified the results and confirmed that Al Maliki claims are found to be not true. However, the election commission finally agreed with the results and confirmed that Al Maliki's statement was not true. Ny famàran'i Gezi The Gezi gauge Gezi's fall Nanamarika i Jemila Abdulai, iray amin'ireo vehivavy bilaogera mpitarika ao Ghana fa ilaina ny mampiroborobo ny entana vita avy ao Ghana amin'ny alàlan'ny media sosialy: Jemila Abdulai, one Ghana's leading women bloggers, underscored the need to promote products made in Ghana using social media: Jemila Abdulai, one of Ghana's leading female bloggers, noted the need to promote products made from Ghana through social media: Raha misaona sy miditra amin'ny fampielezan-kevitra i Venezuela, maro ny manontany momba ny hoavin'ny fifandraisana ara-politika any Amerika Latinina, renim-paritra ananan'i Chávez lazam-pitarihana matanjaka. As Venezuela mourns and a new election campaign commences, many are asking questions about the future of political relations in Latin America, a region where Chávez is credited with strong leadership. While Venezuela is mourning and running the campaign, many are questioning the future of political relations in Latin America, Chávez's strong travel records. Syria: Nosamborina tao Damas Ilay Mpikatroka Rima Dali Noho Ny Fanentanany Hampitsahatra Ny Famonoana Olona Syria: Activist Rima Dali Arrested in Damascus for Calling for End to Killing · Global Voices UPDATE: 10 April: Friends have confirmed that Rima Dali was released at 2 pm on Tuesday. Syria: Activist Rima Dala Arrested in Damascus for Campaign to End Murder · Global Voices Tamin'ny tapaky ny volana avrily 2015, olona 800 no maty tamin'ny faharendrehan'ny sambo, mampivoitra ny fitomboan'isa mahavalalanina amin'ireo mpitsoaponenana sy mpifindramonina maty na nanjavona an-dranomasina. shipwreck on record, highlighting a staggering increase in refugees and migrants dying or missing at sea. In mid-April 2015, 800 people died at sea level, highlighting the rising number of refugees and migrants who died or disappeared at sea. Mino aho fa antso an-tarobia feno lainga fotsiny izany, tsy mino izany aho na dia iray sekondra monja aza. I believe that this is just fake phone call , I do not believe it for one second. I think it's just a fake phone call, I don't believe it just one second. Ankahalainy mihoatra noho ny Jiosy ireo no tena marina. In fact, they hate and despise us even more than their hate towards the Jews. The truth is, these are more than any Jews. Mazava fa tsy moramora ho an'ny minisitry ny angovo vaovao ny fikarohana vahaolana momba ireo olan'ny Jirama sy ny delestazy any Madagasikara amin'ny ankapobeny. It is clear that finding a solution to the problems of Jirama and load-shedding in Madagascar in general will not be an easy task for the new Energy Minister. It is clear that it is not easy for the new energy minister to find solutions to the issues of Jirama and delestashy in Madagascar in general. Maneho ny heviny amin'ny alalan'ny fihetsika ireto mpanao fitakiana ireto (picture via The petitioners made their point with their action (picture via These petitioners are expressing themselves through action (photos via @KareemLailah: ny #ChristmasMassacre dia famonoana feno habibiana izay mitranga any #Syria amin'izao fotoana izao raha ianao kosa manomana ireo fanomezana ho amin'ny Krismasy. @KareemLailah: #ChristmasMassacre is a massacre happens in #Syria now while you are preparing Christmas gifts. @KareemLailah: #ChristmasMassacre is a brutal massacre that is happening in #Syria right now while you're preparing Christmas gifts. Miaraka amin'ilay lahatsoratra fohy ny sarin'i Anna Politkovskaya: Anna Politkovskaya's photo accompanies the note: With the short post, AnnaJesus's photo: Ny fanaborahan'i Bradley Manning maimai-poana ny marina no milaza fa tsy mpamadika izy/na hoe manao izay hampalaza azy/sns. The fact that Bradley Manning leaked the truth for free pretty much says that he is not a traitor/attention whore/etc. - #TheEnemy (@Rugure89) August 24, 2013 This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. Bradley Manning's free flow of truth says he is not a traitor/or he makes it famous/sns. Ity mihitsy no fampihatra mampalahelo indrindra mbola tsy fahita. This must be the saddest app ever. #Lebanon #LatestBombing - Erik Neu (@ErikNeu) February 3, 2014 This is indeed the most tragic app yet. Mino ilay Saodiana mpitoraka bilaogy Ahmed Al Omran fa mihoatra noho ny fifampijerijerena ity raharaha ity: Saudi blogger Ahmed Al Omran believes that there's more to the case than meets the eye: Saudi blogger Ahmed Al earth believes that more than just looking at the case: @RshRsho: Faly fa Bahraini ! #ManamaRenivohitrynyKolotsainaArabo2012 @RshRsho: Proud to be Bahraini ! #ManamaCapitalofArabCulture2012 @RshRsho: Happy to be Bahraini! #CentralCours2012 Tsy tao amin'ny kianjan'ny fiovana ny tifitra nataon'ny miaramila, fa teo amin'ny toerana manonodina ... #Sanaa #Yemen #yf lavidavitra, mba hampitandrina fotsiny, tsy nisy zava-nitranga. @Nefermaat: shots by the army are not at Change Sq, but at the periphery of the protest area... #Sanaa #Yemen #yf so far, just warning, nothing happened Military shooting was not in the square of change, but in the air... #Yemen #yf distance, just to warn, nothing happened. Nifoha ahyìo ny maraina ary niteny irery hoe: "vita hatreto izany rehetra izany, nofy ihany iny." I wake up in the morning and say to myself: "it's all over, it was just a dream." I woke up in the morning and said to myself: "All of this has been done so far, it's just a dream." S., izay vehivavy ihany koa, manameloka ireo fianakavian'ny lasibatra: "Raha fianakaviana tsara ilay fianakaviana, dia hihalehibe anatin'ny fahamendrehana ny ankizy." S., also a woman, condemns the families of the victims: "If the family is a good family, then children also will be raised as good people." S., who is also a woman, blames the families of the victims: "If the family is a good family, then children will grow up with dignity." Andro vitsy lasa izay, raha nitatitra ireo fihenjanana tany Kingston Andrefana ny Observer dia nilaza ity tatitra raitra fialana olana, na fiarovan-tena ity: 'Manombatombana ny Mpitandro filaminana fa hatramin'ny fandefasana an'i Christopher Coke any ivelany, dia voataritarika anatina fiadiam-pahefana mihoso-drà ireo ireo olon-tsotra nilaza fa manana fifandraisana amina fianakaviana malaza izay nitonon-tena ho mpitarika ny vondrom-piarahamonina hatramin'ny taon-jato faha-19 ka hatramin'ny 2010, sy ireo hafa milaza ho fianakavian'ilay mponina fanta-daza iray efa nodimandry, izay nitonon-tena ho "Don', ary voalaza fa mpitarika ny vondrom-piarahamonina tamin'ny taona 1980, hoy ny fanambaran'ny mpitandro filaminana ny Alatsinainy. A few days ago, reporting on tensions in West Kingston the Observer carried this masterpiece of evasive, or is it defensive, reporting: 'Police intelligence suggests that since the arrest and subsequent extradition of Christopher Coke, individuals said to be related to a prominent family that claimed to rule the community from the nineties to 2010, and others claiming to be relatives of a late well-known resident, who claimed to be a "Don', and was said to be the leader of the community in the1980s have become involved in a deadly battle for control, a police statement Monday said. A few days ago, while the Observer reported on the tensions in West Kingston, this hypocrite report said: 'The Police estimates that since Christopher Coke was sent abroad, citizens have been led in a bloody manner by claiming to have ties to a prominent family that has declared themselves community leaders since the 19th century and 2010, as well as others who claim to be the family of a deceased resident, who claimed to be "Don', and the leader of the community in the 1980s, said Monday police. Efa nihoatra ny efatra herinandro izao ilay Iraniana mpiaro ny zon'olombelona, mpisolovava ary efa nahazo ny Loka Sakharov antsoina hoe Nasrin Sotoudeh no nitokona tsy nihinan-kanina ho setrin'ny faneriterena atao amin'ny fianakaviany sy ny tsy firaharahian'ny manampahefana Iraniana ny gadra politika. Iranian human rights activist, lawyer and Sakharov Prize winner Nasrin Sotoudeh has been on hunger strike for more than four weeks in reaction to the restrictions imposed on her family and the mistreatment of political prisoners by the Iranian authorities. This post is part of our special coverage Iran Protests 2011. Iranian human rights advocate, lawyer and winner of the Sakharov Prize, Nasrin Soteh, has been on hunger strike for more than four weeks now in response to the pressure on his family and the neglect of political prisoners by Iranian authorities. Nanontaniana mikasika ny fahantrana sy ny fanarian'ireo manampahefana ireo tanàna toa an'i El Remolino, niverina tamin'ny resaka maha-izy ny olona ara-pananahana i Herrero: Asked about poverty and how the authorities have abandoned towns like El Remolino, Herrero came back to sexual identity: Asked about poverty and the loss of cities like El Remolino, Henan has returned to sex identity: Ny valim-pifidianana filoham-pirenena natao ny alahady 14 aprily 2013 dia nahitana taratra sahady ny fanombohan'ny fihemoran'ny foto-kevitra Chavez. The results of the presidential election held on Sunday April 14, 2013 made it clear that Chavismo is starting to wear down. The results of the presidential election held on Sunday, April 14, 2013 have already reflected the beginning of the end of the Chavez ideology. Farafaharatsiny aloha mba tia voatabia aho ankehitriny. At least I like tomatoes now. At least now I'm attracted to tomatoes. Bilaogera Saodiana Msaaid al-Rushiad naneho hevitra hoe: Saudi blogger Msaaid al-Rushiad commented: Saudi blogger Msaaid al-Rushiad commented: Na dia manohatra ny fanjakàna sy ny fikambanana mandràva zavatra mba hanorenana toeram-pivarotana mijoalajoala aza aho nefa ahitàna magazay isaky ny kion-dàlana eny ary mbola tsy manan-kialofana ny vahoaka, dia tsy handrehitra jiro aho hanehoana ny fahadisoam-panantenako satria tsy neken'ny fanjakàna ho anisan'ny lovan'ny firenena ny fonja Pudu. while i am against the state and corporations demolishing anything to build a freaking mall when there are malls on every corner of the city in spite the fact that people are still homeless, i dont think i would want to light a candle in disappointment because the state didnt declare pudu jail as a national heritage. Although I compare the state and the organization to build a shopping mall but there are shops every street and the people are still homeless, I will not light a light to express my disappointment because the state does not recognize Pudu prison as part of the country's heritage. Nandritra Ilay Famoretana Feno Rà Nandriaka, Nampiasa Bala Tena Izy Ny Polisy Hoy ireo Gambiana Mpanao Hetsipanoherana Gambian Protesters Allege Police Used Live Ammunition During Bloody Crackdown · Global Voices During the Massive Rà crackdown, Police Use Self-Defense, According to Gambian Protesters · Global Voices Poizina mahery ny Formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is highly toxic. Formaldehyde is a powerful joke. Sary nozarain'ny @noussa_tunisie tao amin'ny Twitter Photograph shared by @noussa_tunisie on Twitter Photo shared by @nooussa_tunisie on Twitter Mashup of some of the artists who performed and #ViradaOcupação based on material disclosed by the Facebook profile of Não Fechem Minha Escola (Don't Close My School). Mashup of some of the artists who performed and #ViradaOcupação based on material disclosed by the Facebook profile of Não Fechem Minha Escola (Don't Close My School). Mashup of the Artists who domined and #ViradaOcupação based on starol disclosed by the Facebook profile of Não Fechem Minha Escola (Don't Classe My School). Bangladesh: Bangladesh: Bangladesh: Tamin'izany fotoana izany anefa, nisy ihany koa ireo nanao fitokonana fanoherana taminà tanàna lehibe hafa, nanohitra ny hevitra miaro ny toeran'ireo mipetraka ao an-toerana. At the time, however, there were also counter protests in major cities against the prospect to protect local residents' spots. At the time, however, there were also those who went on strike in other major cities, protesting against the idea of defending the status of those living there. Sary: Ankizivavy 1 koidiarana 2 /FB Credit: 1 Girl 2 Wheels/FB Photo by 1 girl, 2 /FB Ka nidina teny an-toerana nitrangan'ny loza ireo manampahaizana manokana avy ao amin'ny foibe, araka ny tatitra tao amin'ny bilaogin'i Abreu, lahatsoratra nivoaka tamin'ny 22 Oktobra: So specialists from the institution moved to the place where the facts were, as Abreu reports from his blog, in the post published on October 22: As reported on Abreu's blog, an article published on October 22, experts from the center took to the scene: Niala an-daharana ny kandidan'ny antoko mpanohitra lehibe. Key opposition parties withdrew candidates from the race. The main opposition candidate has resigned. Sarintany fitadiavana arisiva velona araka ny toerana na fiteny. Searching Living Archive map according to location or language. Map of search for survivors based on location or language. Nahoana #EthiopiaSwedes Why? #EthiopiaSwedes Why #EthiopiaSwedes Sary an'i Victoria Okeye. Photo by Victoria Okeye. Photo by Victoria Okeye. Ao Kirghizistan sy Kazakhstan, mpifanolo-bodirindrina amin'i Rosia, nanakana tranonkala an-jatony ny governemanta tao anatin'ny taona vitsy satria heveriny fa mampiely hevitra mahery fihetsika. In Kyrgyzstan and Russia's neighbour Kazakhstan, the government has blocked hundreds of websites it views as propagating extremism in recent years. In Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Russia's neighbor, the government has blocked hundreds of websites in recent years because it believes it is spreading extremist ideas. Ity seho ity dia anatin'ny fampirantiam-bahoaka nokarakarain'ny vondrona mpikatroka nanao fanaitairana momba ny herisetra ao amin'ny ankohonana ao Armenia. The display was part of a public exhibition organized by a group of activists to raise awareness about family violence in Armenia. This show is part of a public campaign organized by activist groups about domestic violence in Armenia. Mahalala zavatra ny maro amin'izy ireo. All of them know everything. Many of them know things. Milazalaza momba ny olana niteraka ny fihetsiketsehana Alzeriana ny mpitoraka blaogy Alzeriana Hchichathat, ary ampitaha ny toe-draharaha any Tonizia sy any Alzeria, firenena izay natosika hipoaka anaty, araka ny lazainy: Algerian vlogger Hchicha speaks about the malaise that prompted the Algerian riots and draws parallels between the situation in Tunisia and Algeria, a country that, he says, has been pushed to the brink of implosion: Algerian blogger Hchichathat describes the issue of the Algerian protests, and compares the situation to Tunisia and Algeria, a country that has been pushed into the air, as he says: Zara raha misy, na tsy misy mihitsy ny resaka Baseball eto amin'ny Global Voices mpampangatsiaka rano virtoaly ahitana firenena marobe. Baseball is rarely, if ever, a topic of conversation around Global Voices' multi-national virtual water cooler. There is little, if anything, about Baseball on Global Voices, where there are a lot of countries. Ny 21 Novambra 2013, nanambara ny Kabinetran'ny minisitra fa na iza na iza namoaka sary na ampahan-dahatsary dia hosamborina satria tsy manaja ny lalàna mifehy ireo Ain-dehibem-pirenena. Cabinet ministers on 21 November, 2013 said anyone who published images or footage of the estate would face arrest because they would be breaching the National Key Points Act. On November 21, 2013, the Ministry of Ministers announced that anyone who posted photos or video footage would be arrested because they did not comply with the laws governing the National Importants. Tsy mangarahara izany . This is not fare It's not transparent. Tsy maintsy mandalo amin'ny ambany gorodona ary mifikitra tsara. You had to go underground and wait. We must walk through the floor and stand firm. Vitsy an'isa moa ny mpanatrika avy amin'ny vazimba teratany noho ny sady tsy fanasana azy ireo no tsy famelana azy ireo hiditra ny foiben'ny toera-pombafomba. Indigenous attendees were in minority as they were neither invited nor allowed inside the main area. A minority of indigenous people are not invited nor allowed to enter the centres. Raha amin'ny maha-olona dia azony natao ny nikepoka ilay vola, niala tamin'ny asany, ary dia tonga iray amin'ireny mpanefoefo ireny. Naturally he could have kept the money, resigned from his job, and become one of these millionaires. As a human being, he could have dropped the money, resigned from his job, and become one of them. Maneso indrindra ny iray amin'ireo mponina maro izay mifindra monina manerana an'i Eoropa nanomboka tany ho any amin'ny taonjato fahadimy tany ny tantara an-tsary mampihomehy Dikan: Ireo Slavy voalohany izay manana ny kolontsaina sy foto-tarazo fototra tamin'ny fananganana ireo Vahoaka Slavy ankehitriny ka nanome ny ankamaroan'ny mponina ao Eoropa afovoany sy Atsinanana . The Dikan comics in particular pokes fun at one of the many populations to migrate throughout Europe starting around the fifth century: the Early Slavs, whose culture and genes have been fundamental in forming the contemporary Slavic peoples, who in turn comprise the majority of today's inhabitants of Central and Eastern Europe. The comic comic book Dikan mocks one of the many people who have been displaced across Europe since the fifth century: The first bronzes that have a basic culture and background in the creation of the current Belgian Peoples and has given most of the population of Central and Eastern Europe. Milaza ireo mpitsikera fa vokatry ny kolikoly mieli-patrana eo amin'ny fitsarana izany. Critics say this is a consequence of the judiciary's widespread corruption. Critics say it is the result of widespread corruption in court. Niteraka fahatezerana sy alahelo lehibe teo amin'ireo Iraniana marobe ny lahatsary, nisy ny pejy Facebook noforonina mba hanairana ny manam-pahefana Iraniana hanasazy ireo mpihaza. The film created a wave of rage and sadness among many Iranians, and a Facebook page was created calling on Iranian authorities to punish the hunters. The video has sparked outrage and sadness among many Iranians, with a Facebook page created to call on Iranian authorities to punish the hunters. Sary avy tamin'ny Stand News. Photo from the Stand News. Photo from Stand News. Tao amin'ny andraikitra mahatalen'ny teatira azy, dia nanatontosa sy nandrafitra indray ny Viet Rock, tonony sy feonkira nosoratan'i Megan Terry i Victor Jara, ka nampifantoka azy hitodika kokoa amin'ny fomba fijery manohana ny Vietnamiana. In his role as theatre director, Victor Jara adapted and directed Viet Rock, a musical written by Megan Terry, refocussing the piece with a more pro-Vietnamese stance. In his role as the theater's director, Victor Jara made and recreated the Viet Rock, a song and song written by Megan Terry, and focused on his views on the Vietnamese side. Tsy dia tena tsara ny fifandraisanay. Our relations are not particularly positive. Our relationship wasn't as good as possible. Tany am-piandohan'ity herinandro ity, nanome baiko ny Minisitry ny Fahasalamana ny Praiminisitra Kamla Persad-Bissessar mba hitsidika an'i Kublalsingh sy hamela azy hampiasa ny fiara mpamonjy voina. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar instructed the country's Minister of Health to visit Kublalsingh and to offer him the use of an ambulance. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Kamla Persian-Bisssar ordered the Ministry of Health to visit Kublalsingh and allow him to use the ambulance. Iran: Bilaogera momba ny Tontolo Iainana Torian'ny Manampahefana Eny Amin'ny Fitsaràna Iran: Environmental Blogger Sued by Authorities · Global Voices Iran: Environmental Bloggers Called on Justice by Authorities · Global Voices Hetsika misokatra malalaka, maimaim-poana, tsy misy fandaharam-potoana manokana na mpandaha-teny notendrena ny BarCamp, ary amin'ny ankapobeny dia ao afovoan-tanàna no karakaraina, tahaka ny BarCamp tao Rangoun, ny BarCamp tao Bangkok, ary ny Barcamp tao Chiang Mai. BarCamp, an open, free, and no fixed schedule or speakers designed, is generally organized in various towns like BarCamp Yangon, BarCamp Bangkok, Barcamp Chiang Mai. It is an open, free movement, without a specific schedule or a speaker, that is generally organized in the center of the city, such as the BarCamp in Rangun, Bangkok's BarCamp, and the Chiang Mai. Marobe ny antony: ara-politika, ara-toekarena, ara-tsosialy, sns. The reasons are numerous: political, economic, social, etc. There are many reasons: political, economic, social, etc. Ny mahatonga ny blaogiko ho ny vahiny no maro mamaky azy, dia noho ny antony roa. The fact that my blog has more foreign readers, I think it is due to two specific situations. What makes my blog a foreigner is that many read it for two reasons. Sary avy amin'i Pedro Ferreira fizakà-manana Demotix (14/11/2012) Photo by Pedro Ferreira copyright Demotix (14/11/2012) Photo by Pedro Henan copyright Demotix (14/11/2012) Na dia manodidina ny fepetram-pitsitsiana aza ny ho fiovana ao amin'ny vata fandatsaha-bato, tokony hanohy amin'ny fanerena ireo singa tsy tafiditry ny fifidianana demokratika tahaka ny Banky Foibe Eoropeana na ny Tahirim-bola Iraisam-pirenena (FMI) ny olom-pirenena. Even it the changes in the ballot boxes turn around the austerity measures, citizens should still put pressure on the activity of entities not subject to democratic elections such as the European Central Bank or the International Monetary Fund. Although the change in the ballot box is surrounding austerity measures, citizens should continue to press on elements that don't match democratic elections like the European Central Bank or the International Fund (FMI). Ao amin'ny Global Voices, azonao eritreretina hoe isanandro no Blog Action Day, satria mizara vaovao mandrakariva mikasika ny hetsika ety anaty aterineto sy ireo olona feno fahasahiana any rehetra any izahay. On Global Voices, you'd think it was Blog Action Day every day, since we're always sharing new information about online movements and brave people everywhere. At Global Voices, you can imagine that Blog Action Day is daily, because we always share information about online activities and brave people everywhere. "Tsoriko ampahatsorana, betsaka lavitra noho izay ilaiko sy ny fianakaviako ny 15GB (nolazain'ilay loharanoko ao anatin'ny Batelco fa eo amin'ny 6GB amin'ny onjan-koriana eo ihany no salan'ny fandaniako tato anatin'ny 3 volana lasa) ary mihevitra ny tenako ho isan'ireo salantsalany amin'ny mpampiasa aterineto aho.. "Frankly speaking, 15GB is way more than what I and my family require (my sources at Batelco tell me that I have been averaging 6GB of Bandwidth throughout the past 3 months) and I count myself a medium internet user, as in.. "I want to be honest, 15GBs are more than what I need and my family (the source in Batelco says I've been eating only about 6GB of the wave in the last 3 months) and I think I'm an average number of Internet users. Azo jerena eny amin'ny trano famakiam-boky sy fivarotam-boky manerana an'i Bahrain, firenena izay mandrara habaka an-jatony manohitra ny governemanta ihany koa ny bokiny. His books can also still be found in libraries and bookshops around Bahrain in a country which bans hundreds of websites which oppose the government. His book can also be found in libraries and libraries across Bahrain, where hundreds of anti-government websites are banned. Navadik'i Tse ho vovonana hiarovana ny fiovàna sy " trano pirinty ho an'ny revolisiona Shinoa " ilay gazety. Tse turned the paper into a platform for advocating reform and a "printing house for the Chinese revolution." Tse has turned the newspaper into a platform to defend change and "a printing house for the Chinese revolution." Tsy ho farany amin'ireo tratry ny fampijaliana ao Bahrain i Hasan Alshaikh, indrindra raha mbola manohy mandokandoka ny "fanovàna" ataon'ny governemanta Bahraini ireo tandrefana mpiara-dia aminy. Hasan Alshaikh will not be the last victim of torture in Bahrain, especially not as long as western allies continue to praise the "reforms" made by the Bahraini government. Hasan Alshaikh will not be the last of the victims of torture in Bahrain, especially as his western allies continue to praise the Bahraini government's "change." Misy ve ny fifampiresahana an-tserasera? moa ve mamaky na mihaino ny hafa isika sa dia vondron'olona iray ihany no miteny irery ka manakana ny tena famondronan-kevitra? Is there online dialogue? Do we listen or read one another or are there only group monologues that prevents a real gathering of ideas? Is there an online conversation? Do we read or listen to others or is there a group of people speaking alone that prevents the actual exchange of ideas? Amin'ny tena heviny, ny vondrom-piarahamonina iray dia izay manome sehatra ny fifampiresahana, ny marimaritra iraisana ary ny fiarahana miasa. A community in a real sense is one that engages in discussion, consensus and collaboration. In its opinion, a community provides a platform for dialogue, consensus and collaboration. Indrisy anefa ... tohina aho tamin'ny fomba fahitako izany ... izany ve ry zalahy ny zavatra nianaranareo tany amin'ny sekoly tsy miankina ... !! ... Unfortunately... I'm so upset from my I see... is that what you guys learned from the Private schools... !! Unfortunately... I was shocked by the way I saw it... are you guys what you've learned at private schools...!! Voalaza matetika amin'ny lohatenim-baovao ny vehivavy amin'ity faritra ity, saingy tsy any amin'ny antony tian'ny hafa hamakiana ny vaovao izany. Women in this region often make the headlines, but not for the reasons that one would like to read in the news. Women in this region are often mentioned in headlines, but this is not about why others want to read the news. Ary efa manohy ny diantsika ihany isika eto amin'ny Tandrok'i Afrika mba hikarohana riandrano sy iandrandràna lanitra efa niandrasana orana hatry ny ela, ny fitarainanay dia ny hoe tsy ho adino ireo teny nataon'i Ban Ki-Moon, Sekretera Jeneralin'ny Firenena Mikambana: And while we in the Horn of Africa continue our journey in search of a stream of water and look to the skies for long awaited rains, our plea is that the words of the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon will never be forgotten: And we're still going on our journey to search for falls and a long wait for rain, our complaint is that Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations, will not forget the words made by Ban Ki-Moon: Ny hafa indray nanontany raha anisan'ny tetikady vaovao avy amin'ny mpisolovavan' i Fujimori William Paco Castillo izany. Some questioned whether it might be part of a new strategy on the part of Fujimori's new lawyer , William Paco Castillo. Others questioned whether it was part of a new strategy by Fujimori lawyer William Paco Castillo. Ny andro hametrahana ny aterineto, diso adiresy tany amin'ny trano hafa tao an-tanàna ilay teknisiana. On installation day, the technician turns up at the wrong apartment across town. On the day of setting up the Internet, the conference was misusing addresses in other houses in the city. Mochakerim, midika ho "mankasitraka" amin'ny teny Persiana, moa dia lasa fehezanteny fandrabirabiana, filazana tsy ankiteniteny amin'ny lazan'i Rouhani, izay nikiry hitoetra hatrany, na dia banga aza ny fanovana nentiny ao amin'ny isan-tokatrano hatramin'ny nitondrany ny firenena. Mochakerim, meaning "thankful" in Persian, soon became a phrase uttered sarcastically, a tacit reference to Rouhani's popularity, which has managed to persist, despite the relative lack of domestic change he has brought to the country. Mocha courageous, meaning "greeting" in Persian, has become a phrase of irony, a lack of emphasis on Rouhani's reputation, which he has continued to remain, even though the changes he made at home have been missing since he ruled the country. The Power of Pig Poo (Ny Herin'ny Tain-Kisoa): maodely roa amin'ny fanodinana biogaz mora vidy natomboka tao Saint Lucia tany Soufriere, Dennery, Laborie, VFort sy Micoud. The Power of Pig Poo: Two models of low-cost biogas digesters have been piloted in Saint Lucia in Soufriere, Dennery, Laborie, VFort and Micoud. The Power of Pig Poo (The Power of Tainesa): Two models of cheap business operations started in Saint Lucia in Soufrie, Dennery, Laborie, VFort and Micoud. Tsy mametraka ny tahiry hitsinjovany ny fiainany any amin'ny banky ny Amerikana, fa any anatin'ireo fiahiana ara-ketra sosialy, drafitra 401K, ary kaontin'ny isam-batan'olona ho fitsinjovana ny fisotroan-drononony. American people don't put their life savings in the bank, but into social security taxes, 401K plans, and individual retirement accounts. Americans don't place their savings on banks, but on social tax benefits, 401K plans, and individual accounts for their pensions. Izao no nolazain'i Nazrana Yousufzai, mpiserasera amin'ny Twitter Pashtun tamin'ny nanehoany hevitra momba ilay didy: Commenting on the judgement another Pashtun Twitter user Nazrana Yousufzai said: Commenting on the ruling, Twitter user Nazrana Yousufzai said: Raha momba ny mpamaky, ny ankamaroan'izy ireo dia avy amin'ny tanàna misy aterineto, ary ny ankabeazany dia mipetraka eto Antananarivo. Regarding the readers, they mostly come from towns where there is Internet access, and the majority lives in Antananarivo. In terms of readers, most of them come from an online city, and most of them live in Antananarivo. "Nahafantatra zavatra betsaka momba ny tontolo amin'ny ankapobeny aho - ohatra, hoe afaka miova ny zavatra rehetra, amin'ny fotoana rehetra. "I've learned a lot about the world in general - for instance, that everything can change at any moment. "I know a lot about the world in general - for example, everything can change at any moment. Nolazain'ny tafika fa nilaina ilay fanonganam-panjakana mba hamerenana ny fahamarinan-toerana sy hampitsaharana ireo fifandonana henjana eny an'arabe ifanaovan'ireo hery politika isankarazany. The army claimed the coup was necessary to restore stability and end the intense street clashes between various political forces. The army said that the coup was necessary to restore stability and stop violent street clashes between political forces. 21 Oktobra 2013. October 21, 2013. October 21, 2013. Tratra ny Tsingerin-taona ry Wayback! Happy Birthday Wayback! It's the Year, Wayback! · Global Voices Ary tamin'ny alalan'ny hatsikana ihany koa no nanaovan'ny mpiserasera amin'ny firenena roa tonta izany, izay maneho ny hantsana misy eo amin'ny politisina sasantsasany sy ny olompirenena. Internet users from both countries have viewed the situation with even more humour, sowing the rift that exists between certain politicians and the public. And netizens in both countries also made fun of it, showing the gap between certain politicians and citizens. Ny tantara, ny saranga, ny politika, ny fivavahana ary ny literatiora dia maneho ny sary isankarazan'io firenena io, izay mahatezitra mandrakariva ny olona noho ny fiezahana hanatsotsotra ny zava-misy. History, class, politics, religion and literature draw so many different pictures of this country, that one is always shocked by attempts to oversimplify the reality. History, class, politics, religion and literature represent a wide range of images of this country, where people are always angry over trying to understand the situation. Elfinesh Dermeji, vehivavy tantsaha Etiopiana iray izay nanatrika ny Atrikasa momba ny Maha lahy na Maha-vavy sy ny Asa Fambolena mitodika mankamin'ny Tsenam-bokatra natao tany Addis Abeba tamin'ny fiandohan'ity taona ity, dia manambara ao anatinà lahatsoratra iray ao amin'ny New Agriculturist (Tantsaha Vaovao) fa tsy mora hatrany akory ny mampandray andraikitra ireo vehivavy amin'ny resaka fambolena: Elfinesh Dermeji, an Ethiopian female farmer who attended the Workshop on Gender and Market-Oriented Agriculture in Addis Ababa earlier this year, says in a post on the New Agriculturist that it is not always easy to get women involved in agriculture: Elfinesh Dermeji, an Ethiopian farmer who attended the Women's Gender and Agriculture Conference in Addis Ababa earlier this year, states in an article in New Agriculturist (New Zealand) that it is not always easy to engage women in agriculture: I Profesora Show-Ling Jang dia nanazava ny mety hahalasa iny fifanarahana iny ho varavarana misokatra ho amin'ny fifindra-monina: Professor Show-Ling Jang explained how the agreement will serve as a migration channel: Professor Show-Ling Jang explained the possibility of the deal being open to immigration: Indro sariitatra manohana ny hetsika amin'ny Facebook: Tsy mankatò ny "famonoana ho faty" avokoa ny "Mankafy (J'aime) rehetra": Here is a cartoon supporting the Facebook campaign: "Each 'like' is a 'no' to execution": Here's a cartoon in support of the Facebook event: "All 'J'ame' does not obey the death penalty": Isika rehetra no mizara ny fijaliany noho ny fitaritarihana azy tamin'ny tany, isika rehetra no hitrerona hamoaka n y hatezerantsika saingy, indrisy tena indrisy fa tsy misy na iray aza aminTSIKA afaka hanavotra ny aiNY. All of we share her plight to be dragged in the floor, all of we roar as a relief for our anger but, sadly and badly none of US can save HER life. All of us are sharing their pain for spreading them to the ground, all of us are talking out to express our anger but, unfortunately, none of us can save ANYY. Fa arakaraka ny ihemorana no tsy hahombiazana intsony. The longer it's delayed, the less likely it is to succeed. But the more likely it is, the less successful it will be. "Tsy Mahandry Hatramin'ny Lohataona Aho": Rahoviana no hahatandro ain'olona araka ny tokony ho izy? "I Can't Wait Til Spring": When will be able to treasure human life as it is? "I Don't wait until Spring": When will I really die? Loharano. Source. Source. Nanameloka ilay kabary ihany koa ny Minisiteran'ny Raharaham-bahiny Kolombiana sy ny Fampitam-baovao Panameana. The Colombian Foreign Ministry and the Panamanian press also condemned the speech. The Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Panamanian Media also condemned the speech. Izay mety hitranga rehetra. Anything. What might happen. Nanoratra taratasy milaza ny tahony ny amin'ny ainy Izy She had written a letter about how she feared for her life He wrote a letter expressing his fear of his life Tsy azo ihodivirana ireo tsikera antserasera ara-javakanto. There were the inevitable online art critics. The artistic comments are inevitable. Tsy miombon-kevitra amin'izany mihitsy aho. I completely disagree. I don't agree. Vondrona mpianatra maneho ny ahiahin'izy ireo tamin'ny tafika Thailandey. Student groups expressing their concerns to the Thai army. A group of students expressing their concerns to the Thai army. Nanontany tena ny sasany raha toa ka mba hitondra zavatra mivaingana tokoa ity asa fandrafokana lamba ity na ho lefy miandàlana amin'ny hafanam-pony ny Kaomisionam-pifidianana. Some wondered if the cover-up would serve any practical purpose or whether the Election Commission went slightly overboard in their enthusiasm. Some wondered if the election commission would really bring about something concrete or slow down on its activism. Mpikatroka efatra, anisan'izany ilay mpikatroka tony fihetsika malaza manerantany Razan Zaitouneh, avy ao amin'ny Ivotoeran-tahirim-pandikan-dalàna ao Syria no nalain'ireo lehilahy misaron-tava an-keriny tao amin'ny biraon'ny Douma, faritra manodidina an'i Damaskosy, renivohitra syriana, araka ny tatitra avy amin'ny Activist News Association (Fikambanam-Baovaon'ny Mpikatroka). Four activists, among them internationally acclaimed non-violent activist Razan Zaitouneh, from Syria's Violations Documentation Center (VDC) were kidnapped by unidentified masked gunmen from the center's Douma office on the outskirts of Damascus, the Syrian capital, reported Activist News Association. Four activists, including the world's leading moderate activist Razan Zaitouneh, from Syria's criminal center, were kidnapped by men wearing masks at the Duma office, a neighborhood around Damascus, the Syrian capital, according to a report by the Activist Association. Hanangana isika trano ho an'ny fahalalahana, hoforonintsika ireo fitaovana tena mampitolagaga, hangonintska ny olona dia avy eo HO ENY AMIN'NY PLANETA MARS ISIKA. We're going to build a home for freedom, we're going to create such awesome tools, we're going to win everyone over and then WE'RE GOING TO MARS. We'll build a home for freedom, we'll open up the amazing tools, we'll gather people and then WE'll THAT RESENT. Dans le podcast d'aujourd'hui, nous nous entretenons avec: ..........Ao anatin'ny rakipeo anio, itafànay i: Hector Aristizabal, Filohan'ny ImaginAction theater group. In today's podcast we speak with: Hector Aristizabal, Director of the ImaginAction theater group. Dans le podcast d'aujourd'hui, nous nous entretenons avec: ...In today's podcast we read: Hector Aristizabal, President of the ImaginAction group. Niteraka resa-be tamin'ny twitter halina ny fampitahàna ny tranonkala bilaogy madinika iray izay azon'ny mpampiasa andefasana tsikera hatramin'ny litera 140 miohatra amin'ny tambajotra sosialy Facebook. A discussion is raging on Twitter tonight, comparing the micro-blogging site where users can post messages in 140 characters to social networking site Facebook. This post is part of our special coverage on Refugees. The comparison to a micro-blogging site that users can post comments as far as 140 characters compared to the social networking site Facebook has sparked a lot of discussion last night. Tsy mamelo-panantenana ihany koa ny fandrenesana momba ny tetibolan'ny mondialy 2018. The budget news for the 2018 World Cup is not promising, either. It is also hopeless to hear about 2018 World Cup budget. Ity lahatsary eto ambany ity dia mampisongadina ny fijery sy ny tanjon'ny fifaninanana iraisam-pirenena, izay eo amin'ny faha-8 taonany ankehitriny. The video below highlights the vision behind this respected and global blog competition, now in its 8th year. The video below features views and goals of the international competition, which is now at the age of 8. Nilaza ny governemanta fa nanome foibe fialofana miisa 33 izy ireo , kanefa olona miisa 18.000 ihany no afaka mialoka ao . The government said it has provided 33 evacuation centers, but these could only shelter 18,000 persons. The government said they provided 33 shelters, but only 18,000 people were allowed to shelter there. Ity ambany ity ny dikantenin'ilay lahatsoratra fototra, niaraka tamin'ny fanehoan-kevitra vitsivitsy notsongaina tao amin'ny sehatra ho an'ny mpamaky: Below is a translation of the original post, together with a few selected comments in the readers' section: Below is a translation of the original post, along with some comments from the platform for readers: Tsy any Eoropa foana ireo Somalianina mpitsoaponenana no mandeha, kanefa misy zava-doza ihany koa any amin'ny dian'izy ireo mankany aminà toeran-kafa. Somali refugees don't always head to Europe, but there's danger in their journeys in other directions too. Somali refugees aren't always in Europe, but there are dangers in their journeys to other places. Nahoana io no mbola ao? Why is it even out there? Why is it still there? Ahoana ny nahatongavan'ny roa tonga tany amin'ny famaranana How both teams got into the finals How two came to the final Nentin'ny rano avokoa ny tranolainay! All our tents have been washed away! The water took all our tents! Misaritaka ireo mpomba ny fihokoana tany atsinanan'i Okraina, taorian'ny nandosiran'ireo mpihoko niala ny toeram-pamaharany tao Slovyansk tamin'ny herinandro lasa. Russian supporters of the insurgency in eastern Ukraine are panicking after rebels fled from their stronghold in Slovyansk last week. Extremismists in eastern Ukraine were confused, after rebels fled from their homes in Slovyansk last week. Izany no antony mahatonga azy hitsipaka ny fandaharan'asa Eoropeana. This is why it rejected the European plan. That's why she rejects the European program. Na angamba ankehitriny ianao no lasa iray amin'ireo manampahaizana manokana momba an'i Afrika hitanay miedinedina manodidina anay noho ny "fahaizanao tsara ireo kolontsaina hafa" azonao nandritra ny fotoana fohy nipetrahanao tao amin'ilay "tany"? Or perhaps now you get to be one of the Africa specialists we see popping up all around us due to your "good understanding of other cultures" gained during your brief stint in the "motherland"? Or maybe you've become one of the African experts we've seen around us because you've been "well acquainted with other cultures" you've got for a short time living in the "land"? Nolanianay tamin'ny fiezahana nitàna ny saina hifantoka tsara sy hitoetra anaty fitaintainana ny alina manontolo. The whole night was spent trying to hold on to our minds and what remained of our nerves. We spent the whole night trying to keep our minds focused and stay in trouble. Te-hanavotra ny lazan-janany any am-pianarana, niangavy ny olona ny renin'i Stepan mba hitsidika ny pejy Vkontakte-ny ary mba hametraka 'Tiana' amin'ireo hafany. Wanting to rescue her son's reputation at school, Stepan's mom asked people to visit his Vkontakte page and like his posts. To save his son's reputation in school, Stepan's mother asked people to visit her Vkontakte page and put 'like' in her posts. Manondro ny teny hoe "atodin'ny bibilava" ny "bibilava," izay fomba fiteny mahazatra amin'ny teny Grika midika fiakaran'ny fasisma na Nazisma. "Serpent" refers to the phrase "the serpent's egg," which is a common expression in Greek meaning the rise of fascism or Nazism. The term "barilava" refers to the term "a snake's end," which is a common Greek term meaning a rise in nationalism or Nazism. Raha tsy izay kosa dia manàna tahotra sy mailoa amin'ny fandehan'ny fandraharahana hitranga ao Ejipta raha Atoa Morsi no mandresy amin'ity hazakazaka ity. Others do have reservations and fears about the state of affairs that Egypt will go through should Mr Morsi wins this race. If not, take fear and caution from Egypt's business process if Mr Morsi wins this race. Zatovovavy manao fihetsiketseha-panoherana samirery manohitra ny FIFA eo anoloan'ny kianjaben'i Maracana tamin'ny 22 jona 2014 rehefa vita ny lalao nifanandrinan'i Belzika tamin'i Rosia tao amin'ny vondrona nisy an-dry zareo, na dia teo aza ny hamaroan'ny mpitandro ny filaminanna voatendry hanakana karazam-pihetsiketsehana tahaka itony izay manohitra ny mondialy 2014. A young woman stages a lone protest against FIFA in front of the Maracana stadium after Belgium played Russia in their group stage match on June 22, 2014, despite a large security cordon designed to block such demonstrations against the 2014 World Cup. Young women protesting alone against FIFA in front of Maracana stadium on June 22, 2014 after the Belgium match against Russia was over in their group, despite the high number of security forces assigned to prevent such protests that are against the 2014 World Cup. Noho ny fifandraisana amin'ny fitondrana sy fikambanana any ivelany amin'ny firesahana momba ny "raharaha anatin'i Bahrain" no iampangana azy. The charges against him are related to contacting regimes and organizations abroad to discuss Bahrain's "internal affairs." The charges against him are related to the government and other organizations abroad by discussing "the internal situation of Bahrain." Toherin'ny any ivelany, ampangaina ho manao fanitsakitsahana faobe ny zon'olombelona, voabahan'ireo sazy iraisampirenena, no sady tsy mamim-bahoaka. Challenged from within, accused of massive human rights violations, burdened with international sanctions, the legitimacy of Burundi's leadership is in doubt. Persecuted by the outside, he is accused of mass human rights violations, condemned by international sanctions, and inconsistent with the public. Facebook izany. It's Facebook. It's Facebook. Tsy mampino hoe ny Governemanta any Tehran ve dia hamela ny fizotran'ireo dingana rehetra ireo tao anatin'ny faritry ny taniny raha tsy nino izy fa hoe hatramin'ny fahafatesany i Hakim dia nanaraka politika izay ahazoan'i Irana tombony. It is inconceivable that the authorities in Tehran would have allowed these processes to go on within their own borders had they not felt that right until his death Hakim was pursuing a policy that was in Iran's best interests. It's incredible whether the Tehran government will allow these steps to take place within its territory if it doesn't believe Hakim's death has been following a policy that will benefit Iran. Any Mali, ny valisoa dia narotsaka tamin'ireo "Aigles du Mali" araka ny ambaran'ny bilaogy, tany ampiandohan'ny volana Janoary: also comments on the bonuses paid to the Mali national team, the 'Eagles of Mali' at the beginning of January: In Mali, the reward was handed over to the "Aicles du Mali" according to the blog, earlier in January: Angamba tsy ny fomba fijeriny ara-pôlitika ara-tontolo iainana loatra no anton'izany fandraràna tampoka izany anefa tsara koa ny manamarika fa isan'ny tsindrian'ny governemanta ankehitriny ho isan'ireo fototra ijoroan'ny fampandrosoana maharitra ny fiarovana ny tontolo iainana. Jogany at The Purple Corner explains what the Tany Meva Foundation is about: Tany Meva seeks to increase sustainable use of the environment, to educate and empower communities and to save the threatened forests. (Their) mission is to sensitize and manage the financial resources so as to: Perhaps this sudden ban is not necessarily due to his environmental political views, but it is also worth noting that environmental protection is part of the current government's focus on sustainable development. Taorian'ny taona efatra nipetrahako tany Iràna dia fehiny roa no tiako ho lazaina. After living in Iran for four years, I came to two conclusions. After four years in Iran, I want to say two points. Nijery manokana ny ezak'izy ireo ny bilaogera iray, Emma Lewis, ary te-hanao ny Andro iraisam-pirenena isaky ny Oktobra ho an'ny ankizy vavy kely mba ho fitaovam-pitsambikinana hanomezan-danja bebe kokoa ireo zatovo vavy iharan'ny herisetra, izay ny ankabeazany no tsy nomena vintana hahazo fanabeazana, izay mety hanome azy ireo làlan-kivoahana amin'izany. One blogger, Emma Lewis, is paying attention to their effort and wants to use October's UN International Day of the Girl Child as a springboard to further empower these abused young women, many of whom are not given educational opportunities, which could provide them with a way out. One blogger, Emma Lewis, took a personal look at their efforts and wanted to make the International Day of October for young women as a means of jumping to further weight the young women who are victims of violence, most of whom are not given the chance to receive education, which would give them access to it. Ankoatra izay, nilaza izy: He aslo said: Moreover, he said: Nurul Izzah: Eny. Nurul Izzah: Yes. Nurul Izzah: Yes. Manoratra ny New Straits Times: The New Straits Times writes: The New Statits Times writes: Ny ankamaroan'ny zaza kamboty moa dia alain'ny fianakaviana akaiky ihany. Most orphaned babies are taken in by close family members. Most orphans are taken by close families. Sy Sye koa manampy torohay fanampiny momba io lalao io: Sy Sye provides some further information about the game: Sye adds more information about the game: Anatinà lahatsoratra matomatotra kokoa, nibitsika i Caren Kalafatich (@CarenKalafatich) hoe: On a more serious note, Caren Kalafatich (@CarenKalafatich) tweeted: In a more serious post, Caren Kalafatich (@CarenKalafatich) tweeted: @tomfinn__: notafihan'olona mitondra poleta, antsy ary basilava ireo mpianatra; maherin'ny 20 no naratra #Sanaa #Yemen #yf @tomfinn__: students were attacked by men carrying pistols, knives and guns, over 20 injured #Sanaa #Yemen #yf @tomfinn_: Students are being attacked by men carrying strings, knives and cannons; more than 20 were injured #Sanaa #Yemen #yf Mba mifohaza rey olona a! You must wake up! Can you wake up to someone? Ny fanentanana nataony no niteraka hetsi-panoherana momba ny fanitsiana ny hukou any Shina. Her campaign has trigged protests on hukou reform in China. His campaign sparked protests about the hukou reform in China. Ka ho ampiasaiko izany itoindrana ny feon'ny vahoaka amin'ny alalan'ny zavakanto sy hanosika mankany amin'ny fanitsiana manontolo hanatsarana an'i Malayzia. So I will use it as a tool to convey people's voice through art and to push for total reform for a better Malaysia. So I'll use it to bring people's voices through art and push for a complete reform to improve Malaysia. Io andro io ihany koa, Ingahy Nazarbayev no nnanakiana mafy ny governemanta sy ny fitantanana "mitavozavozan"ny Banky Nasionalyamin'ny fikirakiràna lalàna iray izay "tena zava-dehibe tokoa ara-tsosialy." On the same day, Nazarbayev blasted the government and the National Bank's "clumsy" handling of the "socially important" bill. The same day, Mr. Nazarbayev strongly criticized the government and the management of the National Bank of Laws that "is very important on social matters." Fa fotsiny satria aho teraka tao anatinà vanim-potoana sosialy sy toekarena tahaka izao. It was just that I was born in such socio-economic circumstances. Just because I was born in such a social and economic context. Saba Vasefi koa dia naka sary ity hetsika ity ao amin'ny Feminist School. Saba Vasefi also captured this movement in action on Feminist School. Saba Vassefi also took photos of the event at the Feminist School. Mampahafantatra lahatsoratra Wikipedia mitondra ny lohateny hoe "Zombie Computer (Solosaina Angatra) " amin'ireo mpamaky namany Arabo izy. He introduces a Wikipedia article titled "Zombie Computer" to his fellow Arabic readers. She introduces a Wikipedia post titled "Zombie Computer" to her Arab readers. Tsara orina ny tomboka (initiatives) fanaraha-maso ny fifidianana ao Senegal sy Burundi. Election monitoring initiatives, in Senegal, Burundi, are well-established. The (initatives) electoral monitoring in Senegal and Burundi is well established. Nanolotra ireo hevitra samihafa ireo Kyrgyz hafa mpampiasa Facebook, toa an'i Jyldyz Djambolotovna: Other Kyrgyz Facebook users offered up different positions, such as Jyldyz Djambolotovna: Other Kyrgyz Facebook users, like Jyldyz Djamolotona, offered different opinions: Heveriko fa raharaha tokony horaisin'ny Fitsarana araka ny Lalam-panorenana ao Strasbourgh io, ary ireo andrim-panjakana vitsivitsy misahana zon'olmbelona sy zo sivily. I think this is a matter for the Constitutional Court, Strasbourgh and a few other institutions for human and civil rights. I think it is a matter that the Constitutional Court of Strasbourgh should take, and a few institutions in charge of human rights and civil rights. 3. الزوج ليس رومانسي؟! ولا يعرف كلمات الحب والغزل 3. الزوج ليس رومانسي؟! ولا يعرف كلمات الحب والغزل: ( 3. الزوج ليس رومانسي؟! وده كلمات الحب والغزل Sary noforonin'i Kevin Rothrock, nampiasa ny "Halloween's Lost Camera 06″ avy amin'i Andy Pixel, 31 Oktobra 2009, CC 2.0. This image was created by Kevin Rothrock, using "Halloween's Lost Camera 06″ by Andy Pixel, 31 October 2009, CC 2.0. Image created by Kevin Rothrock, used by "Halloween's Lost Camera 06′′ by Andy Butler, October 31, 2009, CC 2.0. I Jasim dadatoako ao Khan Younis koa dia tany ivelan'ny trano. My uncle Jasim in Khan Younis was also outside. My uncle Jasim of Khan Younis was also outside the house. Roa alina ny isan'ny olona nanao barazy tamin'ny lalana fihodinana an'i Nantes tamin'ny janoary ho fanoherana ity tetikasa ity. Twenty-thousand people blockaded the ring road around Nantes in January in a protest against the project. The number of people who blocked Nantes' route in January in protest of this project was two nights. Nosoratan'i Paula Gonzalo tamin'ny teny espaniola ity tantara ity ary nivoaka voalohany tao amin'ny Periodismo Ciudadano, haba-tranonkala miompana amin'ny fanoratan'olo-tsotra gazety. This story was written in Spanish by Paula Gonzalo and originally published on Periodismo Ciudadano, a website dedicated to citizen journalism. This story was written by Paula himself in Spanish and originally published on a website dedicated to citizen journalism. Fa mandrahona ny hanova zavatra maro, hahatonga ilay tanàna safatsiroa ho lasa korotam-by sisa, ilay Drafitra Ankapoben'ny tanàna, miaraka amin'ny drafitra fandravàna ireo toerana manamarika ny tanàna efa ela nipetrahana teo, ary ireo mpitondra ny firenena matimaty amin'ireo endrika trano goavana mitovy amin'ny any Dubai. But the city's General Plan threatens to consign much that makes the city unique to the scrapheap, with demolition plans for key city landmarks drawn up long ago and the national elite obsessed by huge Dubai-like architecture. But the city's General Plan is threatening to change a lot of things, making the city extremely hot-cost, with plans to destroy the city's long-registered sites, and the country's leaders ripping into major buildings like Dubai. Segondra vitsy taorian'izay dia mbola nisy tifitra roa fanampiny avy amin'ireo mpitily niantefa teny amin'ny vatany, nahafaty azy teo noho eo. A few seconds after that, there are two additional shootings from snipers into his body, killing him instantly. A few seconds later, two more shootings were fired on his body, killing him instantly. Fiarovan-tena azo hamarinina tsara ny nataon'i Fan Mugen. Fan Mugen's is typically justified defense. Fan Mugen's action was a valid defense. Tamin'ny volana lasa, nampahatsiahivin'ireo mpikarakara ny fanitsiana vao haingana ny lalàna mandrara ny fandraisana anjaran'ny vahiny amin'ny hetsika ara-politika toy ny Pink Dot. Last month, the police reminded the organizers about the recent amendment in the law banning the participation of foreigners in political events like the Pink Dot. Last month, the organizers of the recent amendment reminded the law that prohibits foreign participation in political activities like Pink Dot. Tamin'ny 6:20, iray tamin'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana, vadin'i al-Roushodi, nandefa bitsika hoe: At 6.20pm, one of the protesters, al-Roushodi's wife, tweeted: On 6:20, one of the protesters, al-Roshodi's wife, tweeted: Tamin'ny 8:36 maraina no nisioka ny rahalahiny Medad: At 8.36am, his brother Medad tweeted: At 8:36 a.m., his brother Medad tweeted: Izahay dia miahiahy manokana momba ny fitombon'ny isan'ireo ankizy tsy misy mpanaraka sy vehivavy mihazakazaka miampita, izay miatrika fanerena hiditra ao anatinà andian-jiolahy mpanao heloka bevava, herisetra ara-nofo sy noho ny maha-vehivavy azy ary famonoana," hoy ny mpitondra tenin'ny UNHCR, Adrian Edwards. We are particularly concerned about the rising numbers of unaccompanied children and women on the run who face forced recruitment into criminal gangs, sexual- and gender-based violence and murder," said UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards. We are particularly concerned about the growing number of children without followers and women running through, who face pressure to enter a gang of criminals, sexual violence and gender violence and murder," said the UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards. Pikantsary avy amin'ny kaonty Instagram @unfairandlovely_ (tsyaradrarinyarytsaratarehy) Screenshot from the Instagram account @unfairandlovely_ Screenshot from the Instagram account @unfaidandlovely_ Sioka: Mangataka ny "Rariny ho an'ny Rehetra" mba handray fepetra hisian'ny fanavaozana ara-pitsarana ny filoha. They urged President Radev, who is regarded by many as the symbol of unity in the country, to support their demands for judicial reforms. Tweet: "Justice for All" Demands that the president take initiative for judicial reform. Tweet: The president demands "Justice for All" to take action for judicial reform. 15. 15. 15. Sary: Emma Biermann Photo credit: Emma Biermann Credit: Emma Biermann Tsy misy filazana mialoha na filazana fohy tahaka izany?? Without any prior notice or with such a short notice?? No such prior notice or brief statement?? Mazava ho azy, fa mila fanatsarana goavana ny Manila Zoo. Obviously, Manila Zoo needs a lot of improvement. Of course, the Manila Zoo needs significant improvement. Tao anatin'ny Alina Latino natao tao amin'ilay toerana fandihizana izy ity no nitranga. This occurred on Latino Night in the nightclub Pulse. It happened in the Latino Night at the club. Na dia talohan'ny "sioka malazan'ny @moriteppei tamin'ny volana lasa aza, mpisera iray hafa nahatsikaritra ny fampidirana ny Famicom tao anatin'ny boky fianarana fototra tamin'ny Aprily, tamin'ny fiandohan'ny taom-pianarana tao Japana. Even before @moriteppei's popular Tweet last month, other Twitter users were noticing Famicom's addition to elementary school textbooks in April, at the start of the school year in Japan. Even before @moriteppei's popular tweet last month, another user noticed Famicom's introduction into a primary school textbook in April, at the beginning of Japan's school year. *Ity lahatsoratra ity dia fizarana fahatelo: Afaka mamaky ny lahatsoratra fizarana voalohany sy ny faharoa ianao eto. (Part III) · Global Voices *This post is the third part of a series: You can read the first post here and the second here. * This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. You can read the first and second posts here. Hatramin'ny nahazoan'ny ISIS ny toerana dia nopotehin-dry zareo ny tsangambato sy tempoly maro dia maro tao aminy. Since capturing the city in 2015, ISIS has blown up a great number of its temples and other monuments. Since ISIS took over the site, they have destroyed its many statues and temples. Tsy vitan'ny hoe fahadalana izany fa manatratra ny tsy fananan'ny governemanta fahalalana sy fiaraha-mizaka izay manjò ireo mpiasa mitdy ravin'ahitra any amin'izay rehetra misy azy avy any, ohatrinona marina no vola azony, maninona ry zareo no miala ny firenena aloha sy ireo zavamanahirana atrehiny rehefa any ivelan'ny firenena. Not only is it crazy, but it betrays the government's total lack of knowledge and empathy on the plight of OFWs everywhere, how much they usually earn, why they flee the country in the first place and the challenges they face abroad. It's not only stupid but it's going to meet the government's lack of knowledge and tolerance that the workers are facing wherever they come from, how much money they actually earn, why they leave the country first and the challenges they face when they are outside the country. Ambangovangony tamin'ireo fifanakalozan-kevitra: Here are glimpses of those conversations. He summed up the discussions: Nampiasaina hiarovana an'i Mariupol ny tongotrefatra, ampiasaina mahazatra hanaovana andry famatoran-tsambo, ary hita manodidina ny tanàna voaravaka marika Okraniana. Tetrapods, normally used to build piers, have been used in Mariupol's defense, and today are found around the city decorated with Ukrainian folk symbols. The fourth leg was used to protect Mariupol, used to build a cannon, and was found around a Ukrainian-marked city. Fony nijoro tao ivelan'ny tranoko izy ireo, dia tsy natahotra mihitsy aho. When they were standing outside my apartment, I was not afraid. When they stood outside my house, I never felt afraid. Tena mpanoratra mahagaga i #AustinClarke, ary nanoratra mihitsy ity boky torolàlana ity ho an'ireo taranaka vaovao taorian'ny #Brexit ao Royaume-uni #AustinClarke was an amazing writer, & even penned this guidebook for a whole new post-#Brexit generation in the UK - Matthew Holmes (@semimatte) June 26, 2016 #AustinClarke is an amazing writer, and even wrote this guide to new generations after #Br ny in UK-uni Kanefa ny tena zava-dehobe amiko dia ny fahafantarana fa misy fanazavana ny zava-nisy tamin'ireny fotoana ireny. But what is most important to me is a clear explanation of the history of that time. But what really happened to me is knowing that there was an explanation of the situation at those times. Voasazy enim-bolana an-tranomaizina sy onitra LE 500 pounds (92 USD), taoriana fitoriana nataon'olona iray sy ny rahalahin'ity farany izay manampahefana, noho ny fanimbàna "cables" internet! has been sentenced 6 months in jail and LE 500 pounds (92 USD) as a judiciary bail, as a lawsuit was filed against him by a citizen and his police officer brother on charges of damaging an internet cable! The official was sentenced to six months in prison and a fine of LE 500 pounds (92 USD), after one person and the brother of the latter, for destroying the Internet! Kilo: Eny, tsy isalasalàna fa mety hampiasa ny karazam-pitaovam-piadiana rehetra izy, tafiditra anatin'izany ny fitaovam-piadiana simika, satria izy tsy manaja aina sy zon'olombelona izany. Kilo: Yes, there is no doubt that he would use all kinds of weapons, including chemical weapons, because he does not respect the lives and rights of human beings. Kilo: Yes, he will undoubtedly use all kinds of weapons, including chemical weapons, because he does not respect life and human rights. @KremlinRussia, tsy vitanao ve ny tsy nandiso izany ? @KremlinRussia, can't make it without mistakes? @KremlinRussia, can't you make it wrong? Raha ny marina, izay tian'i Singapore no ataony: mamela ny vahiny hanao ny asa izay tsy tiantsika hoe isika no hanao azy. He is, after all, doing what Singapore likes to do: getting foreigners to do work that we don't want to do ourselves. In fact, what Singapore wants is what it does: it allows foreigners to do work we don't want to do it. Azoko ankehitriny ny tianareo ho lazaina ." #ArabTyrantManual "I understand you now." #ArabTyrantManual Now I understand what you want to say." #ArabTyrantManual Vola hamatsiana anadahy iray ihany no teo ampelatanany tamin'io fotoana io. Tima only had money to sponsor one brother at a time. At that time, he had only one brother in his hand. Nikasa ny hanao adihevitra sy fifidianana tamin'ilay tolo-kevitra ny parlemanta, ary nanaiky ny fanendrena ny Praiminisitra Emil Dimitriev, na dia tamin'ny fombafomba ihany aza izany. The parliament scheduled a debate and a vote on the proposal, and Prime Minister Emil Dimitriev welcomed the appointment, even though it was more symbolic than anything. The parliament planned to hold a debate and vote on the proposal, and it accepted the appointment of Prime Minister Emil Dimitiev, even if it was a ritual. GV: Inona no lahatsoratra tena malaza indrindra na olana nadikan'ny Global Voices ho teny Hongroà? GV: What was the most popular post or issue that Global Voices translated into Hungarian? GV: What is the most popular article or issue that Global Voices has translated into Hungarian? @ammaryasir: 5 no naratra ka vahiny ny iray, toa teratany sinoa. @ammaryasir: 5 injured includes one foreigner, probably a Chinese. @ammaryasir: 5 injured and one is foreigners, it seems Chinese. Sy ny zo hiaro ny finoantsika? And the right to defend our beliefs? What about the right to defend our faith? Feno fako eny rehetra eny ary misy mozika Lingala mandeha any ambadimbadika any. There was rubbish everywhere and Lingala music playing in the background. There's a lot of garbage everywhere and a Lingala music is going there. "Ny iraka tontosaiko dia ny hanampy hanamora ny fifampiresahana eo amin'ny fanjakana sy ny fiarahamonina, izay misy ahy." "My mission is to help facilitate a dialogue between the state and society, to which I belong." "My mission is to help facilitate dialogue between the state and society, where I am." "Ankehitriny, miankina amintsika ihany ny mitaky amin'ireo mpitory filazantsara mba hitsaharan'izy ireo amin'ny fitondrana fankahalana fanampiny hoan'ny firenentsika ," hoy izy nanoratra. ..." raha ohatra iray ny fitsipahana ny hômôfôbia ao Etazonia, na ho ela na ho haingana, hitsahatra hividy izay amidin'ny fankahalàna isika." "Now it's just up to us to demand that evangelicals stop bringing their surplus of hate to our countries," he writes. ..."if rejection of homophobia in the U.S. is any example, sooner or later, we'll stop buying what the hateful are selling." "Now, it's up to us to ask the evangelists to stop bringing further hatred to our country," he wrote. ..."if it's an example to reject homosexuality in the United States, sooner or later, we'll stop buying hate products." Espana no firenena tokana ao anatin'ny Vondrona Eoropeana manana mponina mihoatra ny 1 tapitrisa izay tsy misy lalàna mangarahara ao aminy (afa-tsy ny lafin'ny tontolo iainana). Spain is the only country in the European Union with a population of over 1 million that does not have a transparency law (except regarding environmental material). Spain is the only country in the European Union with more than 1 million inhabitants without transparency laws. Tafavoaka velona tamin'io i Gaza. Gaza is going to survive this. Gaza survived. "Mahatsiaro mahazo aina tsara aho momba ny zotra izoranay ," hoy sharma. "amiko ho lasa tena fitaovana hentitra hanovàna ny fiainana sy ny ho avin'ireo olona voatafika tamin'ny asidra ny fisian'ny ivontoerana sahala amin'io." "I think the existence of such a center is going to be extremely instrumental towards changing the lives and future of acid attack survivors." "I feel comfortable about our journey," says shirma. "I think such centers have become a real tool for changing the lives and future of people who have been attacked with acid." * taratasy nomen'ny sampandraharaham-paritra avy amin'ny vaomieram-pirenena mikasika ny fitondran-tena, manamarina fa tsy misy fanompana na fahavetavetana ao anatin'ny karoka izay atao (tsy ekena aloha ny dosie eo amin'ny toerana nisoratanao anarana, noho ny asa fanamboarana izay atao ao); * a decision of the regional department of the National Commission on the Issues of Morality, certifying that your search does not contain curses and pornography (documents are temporarily not accepted at the place of your registration, due to repairs); * a letter provided by the regional body of the country's moral commission confirms that there is no harm or shame in the search that is carried out (the record is not allowed at the place where you registered, thanks to the construction work that is being done); Ilay mpiara-mianatra amiko, Beatriz Arcinas Cañedo, dia hanokatra ny kafeteriàn'ny Kolejim-piofanana ho mpampianatra (DEC) ao MSU-IIT amin'ny 8 maraina rahampitso mba handrindra ilay programa fizaran-tsakafo. My batchmate, Beatriz Arcinas Cañedo, will open the College of Education (CED) cafeteria in MSU-IIT as of 8am tomorrow to lead the feeding program. My fellow student, Jesus Arcinas Cañedo, will open MSU-IIT's College of Teachers at MSU-IIT at 8 a.m. tomorrow to manage the food program. Maro ireo horonantsary nalaina izay mampiseho ny fanafihana lozabe sy feno habibiana nataon'ny polisy tamin'ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana tsy mitondra fitaovam-piadiana." There are several video footages which clearly show the barbaric and inhuman manner that some police officers carried out attacks against unarmed protesters." Several videos show the brutal and brutal attack by police on non-armed protesters." Ayesha Mehmood no mpitondra teny ofisialin'ny Thalassemia Pakistan - fikambanana iray izay manentana mampahafantatra momba ny aretina manaranaka vokatry ny fikorontanan'ny asan'ny rà. Ayesha Mehmood is the official spokesperson for Thalassemia Pakistan - an organisation that raises awareness about the inherited blood disorder. The official spokesperson for Thalassemia Pakistan - an organization that promotes awareness about the disease caused by the stroke of blood. V: "Fanodinana ho vaovao na varahina, na vy na taratasy, izay rehetra azo ampiasaina indray." A: "Recycling, including copper, iron and paper, anything reusable." A: "It's about being new or copper, iron or paper, anything that can be used again." "1958 - 2008? an'i Tashi Dhondup tao amin'ny HPeaks ao amin'ny Vimeo. "1958 - 2008″ by Tashi Dhondup from HPeaks on Vimeo. "1958 - 2008? by Tashi Dhondup from HPeaks on Vimeo. Mandamina Hatrany Ifotony Amin'ny Atrika Atao Amin'Ireo Olan'ny Toekareny i Pôrtô Rikô Puerto Rico Organizes From the Bottom Up in the Face of Economic Crisis · Global Voices Puerto Rico Always Prepares for Its Economic Crisis · Global Voices Nahazo ny fanajan'izao tontolo izao izy ireo tamin'ny tsy fanekena hilefitra amin'ny fomba fisainany manoloana ny fandrahonana. By refusing to compromise their principles in the face of intimidation, they have earned the respect of the world. They won the world's respect for refusing to compromise their thinking on threats. Ny datin'ny konsily tao Nisea dia tamin'ny 325 ary ny konsily voalohany tao Constantinople dia notanterahina tamin'ny 381. (...) The first Council of Nicea was in 325, and the first Council of Constantinople took place in 381. (...) The date of his meeting in Nisea was 325 and his first meeting was carried out on 381. (...) Nofintinin'ireo manampahefana tamin'ny hoe ireo fikambanana mpikirakira zavamahadomelina no namono ireo tanora sy nandoro ny fatiny, saingy tsy mino izany filazana ofisialy izany ny fianakavian'ireo niharan-doza. Authorities concluded that a cartel killed the young people and incinerated their bodies, but parents of the victims don't believe the official account. Authorities have concluded that drug organizations have killed the youth and burned their bodies, but the families of the victims do not believe this official claim. Misy ny mahita ny fandravahana eto ambony ho manafintohina satria ilay 'mitingitingina' dia azo heverina ho donendrina kokoa. Some find the above illustration offensive as the 'squatting' posture could be regarded as somehow more primitive. Some see the illustration above as offensive because the 'mitinging' can be considered more critical. Bilaogera syriana Anas Maarawi nitsikera ny sazy Amerikana tao amin'ny bilaoginy: Syrian blogger and developer Anas Maarawi criticized the US sanctions on his blog: Syrian blogger Anas Maarawi criticized the US sanctions on her blog: Fanafenana vola ho an'ny fampielezankevitra ve? Hiding campaign funds? Is the campaign money embezzling? Nanambara tao amin'ny Youtube i Julio Borges, Mpandrindra Nasionaly ny antoko politika Primero Justicia fa nosoniavin'ny antoko ny fifandraisana rehetra ary fanitsakitsahana ny fahalalaham-pitenenana ny fanagadrana azy ireo, ka tsy anisan'ny fitarihana heloka bevava mihitsy izany. Julio Borges, the National Coordinator of the political party Primero Justicia declared on YouTube that every communication is signed by the party and that the detentions constitute a violation of freedom of speech and that it doesn't constitute incitement to crime in any way. Julio Borges, the National Director of the political party Primero Justicia, announced on YouTube that all communications have been signed by the party and their detention is a violation of free speech, which is not part of a criminal process. Amin'ny fanaovana izany, antenain'ireo blaogera ny hisarika ny sain'ireo Amerikana Latina tanora na antitra. In doing so, the bloggers hope to capture the attention of both young and old Latin Americans. By doing so, bloggers hope to draw attention to young and old Latin Americans. Samir Feriani sy ny fanagadrana azy Whistleblower Samir Feriani and his imprisonment Samir Feriani and his imprisonment Nipoitra matetika tamin'ny fampahalalam-baovao manerantany ity kaominina Belza iray ity hatramin'ny fanafihana tao Parisy tamin'ny 13 Novambra, ary tsy vao voalohany ny anarana Molenbeek no nipoitra noho ny fisian'ireo fanafihana isan-karazany ataon'ny milisy jihadista manodidina an'i Eoropa. The Belgian district has appeared repeatedly in media around the world since the November 13 attacks on Paris, and it's not the first time the name Molenbeek has surfaced in connection with various attacks perpetrated by militant jihadists around Europe. It has been the first time that Molenbeek has emerged in the international media since the November 13 Paris attacks, and it is not the first time that the name Molenbeek has emerged as a result of various attacks by radical militias around Europe. Araka ny lalàna izay nankatoavina ny 10 desambra 2013, afaka mitazona ireo mpihavy tsy ara-dalàna tsy misy fitsarana na fisavana ny taratasiny mandritra ny herintaona ireo tompon'andraikitra isiraeliana. Fanampin'io lalàna io, nilaza ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana fa mandà tsy hijery ireo fangatahana nataon'izy ireo mba hahazo ny satan'ny mpialokaloka sy ny fihazonana an-jatony tamin'izy ireo ny tompon'andraikitra isiraeliana. Aside from the new law, approved on December 10, 2013, protesters denounced the refusal of Israeli authorities to consider their applications for refugee status as well as the detention of hundreds of them. According to the law that was approved on December 10, 2013, Israeli officials could keep illegal petitioners without trial or check their letter for a year. In addition to this law, protesters said they refused to pay attention to their demands to gain hundreds of refugees' status and detentions. Ahmed Shafik, praiminisitra Egyptiana izay notendren'ny filoha teo aloha Hosni Mubarak, dia noterana hametra-pialàna androany taorian'ny nisehoany tamin'ny fandaharana iray ao amin'ny fahitalavitra ny Alarobia alina lasa teo (2 martsa). Ahmed Shafik, the Egyptian prime minister who was appointed by former president Hosni Mubarak, was forced to resign today after his appearance in a TV show late Wednesday night (March 2). The Egyptian prime minister who was appointed by former president Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down today after he appeared on a TV show last Wednesday night (2 March). Nilaza ihany koa izy ao amin'ny bokiny fa nanome toky ny mpilalao ny tale ara-barotry ny Santos fa hijanona ny ady an-trano Nizeriana noho ny lalao fampirantiana ataon-dry zareo ary tsy ho olana ho an'ny manampahefana izany. He also said in his book that the Santos' business manager assured the players that the Nigerian civil war would be stopped for their exhibition match and it wouldn't be a problem for the authorities. He also said in his book that Santos's business director assured the players that the Nigerian civil war would end due to their exhibition games and that it would not be a problem for authorities. Taty aoriana dia nalaina am-bavany izy ary nampangaina ho "nihantsy fankahalàna sy herisetra" tamin'ny alàlan'ireo lahatsoratra nalefany na naveriny nalefa tety anaty aterineto, narahan'ny fitanisàn'ireo manampahefana ny toko faha-282 amin'ny lalàna Rosiana momba ny heloka bevava. She was later questioned and charged with "inciting hatred and violence" by means of her online posts and reposts, with officials citing Article 282 of the Russian criminal code. He was later interrogated and charged with "promoting hatred and violence" through posts he posted online, followed by a mention of chapter 282 of the Russian criminal law. 8.000.000 tamin'ny aprily 2013 ary 12.800.000 tamin'ny 2014 no isan'ny mpanjifan'ny Orange Mali, rantsan'ny France Telecom (Fifandraisan-davitra Frantsay), orinasa goavana erantany mikirakira ny antso amin'ny finday, izay mandrakotra firenena maro amin'ny fanolorana ho azy ireo ny fifandraisana amin'ny alàlan'ny aterineto azo ekena na tena tsara mihitsy amin'ny vidiny tena tena voalanjalanja . Orange Mali had 8 million subscribers in April 2013 and 12.8 million in 2014. It is a subsidiary of France Telecom, a global mobile telecommunications giant which provides several countries with an acceptable, or even good, Internet connection at very reasonable prices. U.S.A. 8K. April 2013 and 1280,000 in 2014 are the customers of Orange Mali, a branch of France Telecom (The French Telecommunications), a global mobile phone giant, which covers many countries by offering them Internet access that is acceptable or even good at the most balanced price. D. Vola no lakile hahazoana fahefana: D. Money is the key to gaining power The key to gaining power is money: Tafatafa niarahana tamin'i Rebecca MacKinnon mikasika ny bokiny "Consent of the Networked" Talking With Rebecca MacKinnon About "Consent Of The Networked' The first video was subtitled in english by Anuj Kumar Interview with Rebecca MacKinnon about his book "Consent of the Networked" Mifangaro ao anatiko ao ny fahatsapana manoloana ny finaonaonan'ny mpifaninana, fa manaiky kosa ny hevitra fonosiny amin'ny ankapobeny: Izany hoe manan-jo ny hahatsapa ho afa-po amin'ny tenany ny mpandray anjara sy amin'ny ahitana azy, ary tsy miankina amin'ny toe-draharaha izany. I have mixed feelings about the cattle call of beauty pageants, but do agree with the general idea behind this one: that the participants have a right to feel proud about themselves and their appearance, regardless of circumstance. The feeling of the candidate's vote is mixed within me, but the general idea is that the participants have the right to feel content with themselves and with what they see, and that doesn't depend on the situation. Araka ny tarehimarika farany, tafakatra eo amin'ny 25000 eo ny isan'ireo mpialokaloka avy ao amin'ny faritra tsy azo hijanona (5-7 km). According to the latest figures, the number of refugees from the 5-7 km exclusion zone has reached approx. 25,000. According to the latest figures, the number of refugees from areas that cannot stop (5-7 km) has reached 25,000. Iray amin'ireo vokatr'izany ihany koa ilay fahasarotan'ny fodiana an-trano. One of the side effects is the unparalleled difficulty to get home. One of the consequences is also the difficulty of leaving home. Ao amin'ny Sina Weibo, mitovy amin'ny Twitter, maro ireo mpisera amin'ny Aterineto manangam-peo manohitra ny fitsaboana amin'ny fiankinandoha amin'ny Aterineto, ao amin'ny sehatra fanehoana hevitra, miaraka amin'ireo sasany miresaka ny fitsaboana amin'ny "électrochoc" ataon'i Yang Yongxin: On Twitter-like Sina Weibo, many netizens are speaking out against the Internet addiction treatment on the comment section of a news thread, with some referring to the electroshock treatments performed by Yang Yongxin: On Twitter-like Sina Weibo, many netizens are speaking out against the treatment of Internet addiction, on the comment platform, with some discussing Yang Yongxin's treatment of "électrochoc": Nahay izy ireo noho ireo sary amin'ny endrika biby, sy noho ireo zavatra mahagaga mampianatra leson'ny fiainana, mamelona indray sy mamorona tantara. Nampahafantatra anay ireo faritanin'ny razambe izy ireo ary nirehareha ny fifandraisana tamin'ny ray aman-drenibe, dadatoa sy ny mpiara-monina. They learned of mythical images that took the form of animals, learned of supernatural beings that gave hidden lessons, recreated and imagined history, transported us to ancestral places, and promoted communication between grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles and neighbours. They've been smart because of animal-style images, and because of the amazing things that teach life, regenerate and create stories. They have introduced us to ancestral provinces and have been proud of contacts with parents, uncles and neighbors. Hatramin'ny nanangan'i Brandon Stanton ny pejin'ny Humans of New York "Olombelon'i New York" (HONY) malaza dia malaza tamin'ny Novambra 2010 ity, dia pejy an-jatony manerana izao tontolo izao ihany koa no nitsangana taorian'izany. Ever since Brandon Stanton's hugely popular Humans of New York (HONY) page launched in November 2010, hundreds of pages from around the world have followed suit. Since the popular Humans of New York (HONY) page in November 2010, hundreds of pages around the world have also been set up. Lehilahy manao lobaka Nirvana: Fifandirana? Man with Nirvana shirt: Conflict? Man wearing Nirvana: Naked? Nomena an'i Obama ny loka Nobel fandriampahalemana? Obama was given the Nobel Prize for Peace? Nobel Peace Prize given to Obama? Androany aho, ambonin'ny zavatra rehetra, dia mahatsiaro fa isanandro isika dia lasa firenena manirery bebe kokoa hatrany; fa isanandro dia lasa toa tsy vahiny amintsika i Kolombia. I today, above all, celebrate that each day we are becoming more and more a single country; that each day Columbia appears less alien to us. Today, above all, I remember that every day we become more lonely country; but every day Colombia is no stranger to us. Mandritra izany fotoana izany, nijery ny olan'ny zavo-tsetroka ho famahanana bilaogy mampieritreritra i Howsy . Meanwhile, Howsy looks to haze problem as a blogging muse. Meanwhile, Howsy looked at the haze problem as a thought-fashioning blog. Mpisera Twitter iray hafa, Diyala Alkhair, nampifandray ny tsy fanjifana ho adidy ara-pivavahana: Another Twitter user, Diyala Alkhair, tied boycott with religious duty: Another Twitter user, Diyala Alkhair, linked not to consumption as a religious duty: Manodidina ny vahoaka Palestiniana 10 000 avy ao avaratr'i Gaza no nafindra niala ny fonenany taorian'ny efatr'andro nisian'ny orambe mivatravatra. Around 10,000 Palestinians in northern Gaza were displaced from their homes after four days of torrential rain. Around 10,000 Palestinian people from northern Gaza were evacuated from their homes after four days of heavy rains. Hitsidika An'i Pero, Arzantina ary Shily Ny Hazakazaka Dakar 2013 2013 Dakar Rally Will Visit Peru, Argentina, and Chile · Global Voices The 2013 Dakar Festival Will Visit Peru, Argentina and Chile · Global Voices Tamin'ny kisendrasendra no nahenoako tamin'ny vata fandefasampeo momba ny vondrona "Fahafatesana ho an'ny vehivavy." Coincidentally, I have heard on the radio about the "Death to women" group. It was by chance that I heard from the podcast about the group's "Death to Women" group. North Korea Economy Watch kosa manambara ny fisokafan'ny vohikalan'ny Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (rohin'ny vohikala). North Korea Economy Watch announces the launch of the website of the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (website link). North Korea Economy Watch announced the launch of the website of the University of Science and Technology. Angamba izao no fotoana voalohany nandefasana io sarimihetsika io ao amin'ny taniben'ny Shina. This should be the first time the film is on show in mainland China. Perhaps this is the first time that the movie was aired in mainland China. Fa inona no tena nandrasanareo hataony kosa? @PicoTyko: @ganzeer, tsy mbola mafàna fo eo amin'ny sehatry ny aterineto mihitsy i @gsquare86. What did you expect her to do? @PicoTyko: @ganzeer, @gsquare86 was never just an online activist. What are you waiting for? @PicoTyko: @ganzeer, @gsquare86 has never been an online activist. "Heveriko, satria avy any Thailand aho," hoy izy. "tao Thailandy no misy ny Sriracha voalohany, ilay tanàndehibe antonontonony," hoy izy nanazava, "Fa ny izay ananantsika dia tena tsy mitovy amin'ny tena saosy Sriracha, tahaka ny tsy masiaka ilay izy kanefa afaka ataonao amin'ny sakafo rehetra ." "I guess, "cause I'm from Thailand," he says. "Sriracha is originally based in Thailand, the small city," he explains, "But the we have is very different from actual Sriracha sauce, like it's not that spicy but you can put it on everything." "I think, because I'm from Thailand," he said. "The first lead is from Thailand, the middle city," he explained, "But what we have is really different from what we're wearing, it's not harsh but you can do it with all the food." Tsy mahatonga anao hanana sata ara-dalàna maharitra anefa izany, na dia ekena fa mbola miandry aza, tsy ho voafafa kosa ireo taona taloha tsy ara-dalàna niainanao tao amin'ny firenena. This doesn't allow you to have a temporary legal status, although is approved for deferred action, the previous illegal years that you lived in the country won't be forgotten. This doesn't make you a permanent legal status, however, even if you're still waiting, you won't lose the illegal years you've experienced in the country. Nataon'ny toe-karena ho tsy dia fahita intsony ny ankabeazan'ny entana ary ny saram-pandefasan-javatra dia tsy mitsahatra ny misondrotra. The economy has made many items scarce and the shipping fee has gone up as well. The economy has made most of the goods less unusual and the costs of the launch continue to rise. Ireo Espaniôla, izay mitana laharana faha-efatra erantany raha resaka fandefasana hafatra amin'ny alàlan'ny sehatra WhatsApp, dia mifandray amin'ny alàlan'ny karazam-pitaovana manana salanisa 2.9 eo ho eo, iray amin'ny taha ambony indrindra eran'izao tontoolo izao. Spaniards, who rank fourth in the world when it comes to use of messaging platform WhatsApp, are connected to an average of 2.9 devices, one of the highest rates worldwide. Spanishs, who hold the fourth place in the world when it comes to messaging through WhatsApp platforms, are connected with some 2,9 types of tools, one of the highest in the world. Noho ny vidiny sy noho izy mora azo, sakafo iombonana fidian'ny mpianatra sy ny olona izy noho ny fahefa-mividiny. Because of their price and their easy accessibility, they are a common food choice for students and people on a budget. Because of the price and because it is easy to get, it is a common meal for students and people to eat because of its ability to buy. Iza no tokony hotazonina ho tompon'andraikitra?? Who should be held accountable?? Who should be held accountable?? Afa-manontany ianao na mamoaka hevitra saingy tsy hamaly anao mihitsy ny mpanao politika." You can even send a question or express an opinion, but the officials will never answer you. You can ask or comment but politicians will never answer you." Nampiseho fitrohana 38.000 ny fanisana vao haingana tamin'ny fivoahana farany. A recent count showed 38,000 downloads for the last issue. A recent count of the final exit showed 38,000 views. Voalaza fa Belza maherin'ny 400 no nanatevin-daharana ny Daesh, fantatra amin'ny anarana ISIS ihany koa. It is estimated that more than 400 Belgians have joined Daesh, also known as ISIS. It has been estimated that more than 400 Belgians have joined the campaign, also known as ISIS. Misy sambo Sinoa iray mpitatitra arintany mandraraka ny solika avy aminy ao amin'ny Harambato 'Corail' lehibe izay ahafantarana an'i Aostralia: A Chinese coal ship is spilling its oil onto Australia's icon Great Barrier Reef: A Chinese coal ship pours out its oil from the big 'Corail' rock that is known to Australia: Tsy ity no tranon'ny mpivaro-tena voalohany nakatona sy mpivaro-tena ao aminy voaroaka ao amin'ny firenena maro an'isa Miozolomana, izay tsy mitsaha-mitombo ny kaonservatisma (fandalana ny nentim-paharazana). It's not the first brothel to be shut down and its workers evicted in the Muslim-majority country, where conservatism is on the rise. This isn't the home of the first sex worker to be closed and his sex workers expelled from Muslim-majority countries, where catervism continues to grow. Nanomboka nanao hetsika ara-psykôlôjika tamin'i Iran tao amin'ny Twitter i Arabia Saodita amin'ny tenirohy #Iran_Supports_Terrorism_France, (Iran manohana ny fampihorohoroana ao Frantsa), miezaka manome tsiny an'i Iran noho ny fanafihana tao Nice miaraka amin'ny tohan-kevitra mahatsikaiky. Saudi Arabia, has commenced a psychological operation against Iran on Twitter with the hashtag #Iran_Supports_Terrorism_France, trying to blame the Nice attacks on Iran with ridiculous arguments. Saudi Arabia has started a psychological campaign against Iran on Twitter under the hashtag #Iran_Supports_Tengism_France (Iran supports terrorism in France), trying to blame Iran for the Nice attack with funny arguments. Tamin'ity indray mitoraka ity kosa dia isa-minitra no misy tatitra amin'ny alalan'ny tambajotra sosialy ary hitanay ny fomba famalin'ny manampahefana, na ho amin'ny tsaratsara kokoa na ho amin'ny ratsatsy kokoa. This time the flood is being covered minute-by-minute via social media and we can see how authorities have responded, for better or for worse. This time, every minute there are reports via social networks and we see how the authorities, whether for better or better. Aza mitsikilo, avelao izahay hisidina Don't spy, let us fly Don't spy, let us fly Tsy vita fotsiny hoe mpandrevirevy ianao, feno faharanitan-tsaina. You cannot be merely sentimental, devoid of intellect. It's not just that you're a thinker, full of stress. "Nandritra ny nandraketako ilay fanadihadiana, tafiditra tao amin'ny efitrano irain'ny hopitalim-panjakana misahana ny fahamaizana aho," hoy Sharma. "While I was shooting the documentary, I found myself in a government hospital burn ward," says Sharma. "I've been documenting the investigation, I've entered the state hospital's fire room," Sharma says. Sehatra ho an'ny daholobe From Public domain. From Public domain. Sary avy amin'ny pejy Facebook-n'ilay bilaogera Kristen Han ao Singapaoro. Photo from the Facebook page of Singapore-based blogger Kirsten Han. Photo from Facebook page of blogger Kristen Han in Singapore. Ankilan'izay koa anefa, io lalàna io ihany dia manome alàlana ireo ivon-toerana hihoa-pefy, ka hitampi-maso amin'ny fanaovana zinona ireo mponina carioca sy ny tontolo iainana." This law requires minimum levels of waste water treatment before it is released into bodies of water, so that there are no risks to human health or the environment, but it allows such defiance by these institutions and colludes with the neglect of the people of Rio and the environment. On the other hand, the same law allows institutions to break free, and to monitor the activities of carioca residents and the environment." Abdul Mohammad She'rani miaraka amin'ny mpianany efatra . Abdul Mohammad She'rani with his four students. Abdul Mohammad She'rani with his four students. Tsy hanadala ny sainao amin'ireo sary ireo aho, kanefa manantena aho fa hanosika anao izany mba handinika miaraka amiko momba ny fahorian'ireo olona ireo. I will not bludgeon your head with these photos, but I hope they will jost your awareness a little and help you reflect with me about the plight of these people. I won't make your mind over these images, but I hope it will move you to think with me about the sufferings of these people. Nataony ho tsy mifanaraka amin'ireo mpijery Indiana ihany koa ilay ampahany roa amin'ny horonantsary nisy ny orok'i James Bond, ka nahatonga tsikera be tao amin'ny media sosialy. It also labelled two James Bond kissing scenes unsuitable for an Indian audience which led to huge criticism on social media. He also made the two parts of James Bond's film uncomplicated with Indian viewers, drawing much criticism on social media. Vao haingana dia nirongatra ny fihetsiketsehana.nisian'ny fifandonana teo amin'ny mpanao hetsi-panoheranam ny polisy ary ireo jiolahimboto nitranga tao amin'ny Faritra Ara-Toekarena sy ny Anjerimanontolo ao Bahrain. Recently demonstrations have escalated, with clashes between protesters, police and thugs occurring at the Bahrain Financial Harbour and University of Bahrain. Protests have recently erupted. The clashes between police protesters and thugs took place in Bahrain's Economic Zone and University. Miatrika ny fotoana iray isan'izay misitery indrindra ho azy amin'izao vanim-potoana ankehitriny izao ny Yemenita. Yemenis are witnessing one of the most mysterious times in the contemporary history. Yemenis face one of the most mysterious moments for them in today's era. Nivadika korontana sy fandrobana teo amin'ireo tanora ao an-tanàn'i Londres sy ao an-tanàna hafa ao Royaume Uni ny fahatezerana noho ny famonoana nataon'ny polisy taminà rangahy iray 29 taona tao Tottenham, avaratr'i Londres tamin'ny 4 aogositra 2011. Anger over the police killing of a 29-year old man in Tottenham, north London on August 4, 2011 fueled by racial tension, has spiralled into rioting and looting by youth across London and other cities in the United Kingdom. Anger over police murder of a 29-year-old man in Tottenham, north London, on August 4, 2011, has turned into riots and looting among young people in the city of London and other cities of the United Kingdom. Kanefa, na any amin'ny tany tandrefana "malalaka' sy "afaka manao izay tiany' aza, misy ihany ireo famerana ny zavatra azo teneninao sy avoakanao. However, even in the "free' and "liberal' west there are limitations as to what you can say and publish. However, even in the "free' and "free' Western countries, there are restrictions on what you can say and publish. "Horobain-dry zareo ny zavatra rehetra," hoy izy alohan'ny hiakarana tao anatin'ilay fiarabe hitondra ireo andiany fahadimy amin'ireo handeha sesitany any amin'ny tanànan'i Jarablus. "They will not leave anything unlooted," she added, before stepping into one of buses that would take the fifth batch of exiles to the city of Jarablus. "They will defend everything," he said before he was moved into the truck to bring the fifth edition of those who were exiled to Jarablus city. Misy klioba fanaovana ski miisa dimy ankehitriny ao Bamiyan, izay manana mpikambana maherin'ny 200. There are presently five local ski clubs in Bamyan with over 200 members in total. There are now five ski clubs in Bamiyan, which has more than 200 members. Nampianatra efa ho 10 taona tany amin'ny faritr'i Trarza aho ary nandritra ireo taona ireo dia tsy mbola nahazo velively isa latsaky ny 17 aho mandritra ny fanombanana ahy. I have been teaching for 10 years in Trarza region and never during those years have I got less then 17 points on my evaluation. I have been teaching for nearly 10 years in Trarza region and during those years I have never received less than 17 points during my examination. Filozofian'i Luiz Antonio: "Maty ny biby rehefa hohanintsika. Luiz Antonio's philosophy: "When we eat animals they die. " When we eat animals, they die. Maro ny Yemenita no velom-panontaniana mikasika ny fandrakofam-baovao ataon'ilay masoivoho, nefa rehefa nahita ity zavatra nivoaka tsy ela ity vao nahalala ny antony. Many Yemenis have been puzzled by the agency's reports but with the recent discovery it was understood why. Many Yemenis are questioning the agency's coverage, but only after finding out why. 'Fantatsika....fa tsy ho izy no hiantso ny tifitra.' 'We won't be him calling the shots' 'We will...but it will not be him who will call the shooting.' Tafika Masina Mandritry ny Alina ny: Zoma 20 May 2011! The All Nite Evangelistic Crusade is on: Friday May 20, 2011! Holy Army at Night: Friday, May 20, 2011! Niresaka momba ny "famadihana ho lalao ny zava-drehetra izy hamahana olana sy hanatsaran-javatra (gamification) " ary nanasongadina hevitra ahafaha-manangana zava-baovao handrisihana ny olona tsy hanipy fako eny an-dalana. She talked about "gamification" and highlighted creative ideas to encourage people not to throw their litter on the ground. He talked about "to be a game of everything to solve problems and improve matters" and highlighted creative ideas to encourage people not to throw garbage on the street. Na dia toa hita fa afaka mijanona ao amin'ny kianjan'ny Fahaleovan-tena tsy iharan'ny herisetran'ny manampahefana aza ny mpifankatia ankehitriny, ho hita eo raha mahazo fahalalahana mitovy izy ireo na tsia ao amin'ny faritra natokana ho an'ny daholobe tahaka ny Zaridaina Vihara Maha Devi. While it appears that couples can now stay at Independence Square without being harassed by authorities, it is yet to be seen whether or not they will be granted equal freedom in other public areas like Vihara Maha Devi Park. Although it seems that couples can now stay in the Square of Self-Defense without being harassed by authorities, it remains to be seen whether they have the same freedom in public areas such as Vihara Maha Devi Park. Nanome baiko ny fisamborana an'i Musallam Albarak ny biraon'ny fampanoavana noho ny fitoriana nataon'ny lehiben'ny Filan-kevitra Faratampon'ny Mpitsara azy The public prosecution office orders the arrest of Musallam Albarak in the complaint filed against him by the head of the Supreme Judicial Council The prosecutor's office ordered the arrest of Musallam Albarak on charges filed by the head of the Supreme Council of Justice Drima, of The Sudanese Thinker indray dia nanoratra lahatsoratra mitondra ny lohateny hoe "Khartoum, a City of Sharp Contrasts" (Khartoum, ilay tananan'ny tsy fitoviana miavaka) mikasika ny fidorohana alikaola sy zava-mahadomelina, fiainam-biby mitranga ao ambadiky ny varavara-mihidin'ity renivohitr'i Sudan. Drima, of The Sudanese Thinker authored a revealing article entitled "Khartoum, a City of Sharp Contrasts" about the alcohol and drug-fueled, wild parties that happen behind closed doors in the capital of Sudan. Drima, of The Sudanese Thinker wrote an article entitled "Khartoum, a City of Sharp Contrasts" (Khartoum, the city of inequality) about alcohol and drugs abuse, an animal life happening behind the doors of Sudan's capital. Nanoratra tamin'ny imailaka ho an'ny Global Voices i Enoch Nyariki, tonian-dahatsoratra mpitarika ilay tetikasa fa efa namoaka tantara miisa 61.000 hatreto ny tranonkala. The project's lead editor Enoch Nyariki told Global Voices in an email conversation that the site has so far published 61,000 stories. Enoch Nyariki, editor-in-chief of the project, wrote in an email to Global Voices that the website has published 61,000 stories so far. Simba noho ny fiara voasesika baomba ihany koa ny Foibe Tranainin'ny Polisy. The Old Police Headquarters were also damaged by a car bomb. Police Station is also damaged by bombs. Nahenan'ny Fahefana Palestiniana, sampana miankina amin'ny ampahany amin'ny governemanta sady miankin-doha amin'ny fanampiana avy any ivelany ary mitantana ny Morondrano Andrefana bodoin'ny Israeliana, amin'ny 30 ka hatramin'ny 70 isanjato ny karaman'ireo mpiasany ao Gaza noho ny voalaza fa olana ara-bola vokatry ny fihenan'ny fanampiana avy any ivelany. The PA, a donor-dependent semi-governmental body that governs the Israeli-occupied West Bank, have slashed the salaries of its employees in Gaza by 30 to 70 percent under the pretext of a financial crisis caused by shrinking foreign aid. The Palestinian Authority, a section of the government and dependent on foreign aid and running the Israeli-led West Bank, reduced the salaries of its employees in Gaza from 30 to 70 percent due to alleged financial problems caused by low foreign aid. Koa tsy mahagaga rehefa amin'ny Ramzan - rehefa mifehy tena amin'ny fihinanana, fisotroana ary ny firaisam-batana manomboka amin'ny fiposahan'ny masoandro ka hatramin'ny filentehan'ny masoandro- no miova ny kolontsain-tsakafo ao amin'ny firenena. So it is no surprise that in Ramzan - when Muslims refrain from food, drink, and sex from sunrise to sunset - the culture around food in the country transforms. So it's no surprise that at the same time, the country's food culture changes when it comes to eating, drinking, and sex from dawn to sunset - when it comes to eating, drinking, and sex. Misioka i Hevallo, mpanohana ny Kiorda fa miantso ny "hanaovana indray ny fifampiresahana tany Oslo" ny mpioko Kiorda. Hevallo, a pro-Kurdish activist tweeted that the Kurdish rebels are calling for "Oslo talks to restart." Hevallo, a supporter of the Kurds, tweets that Kurdish rebels are calling for a "reconciliation of the dialogue in ourselves." Tsy misy mahalala izay misy azy ireo ankehitriny ary tsy misy mahafantatra na mbola velona izy ireo na efa maty. No body knows where they are or if they are alive at all. No one knows where they are now and nobody knows whether they are alive or dead. Mitongilana. Inconsistent. Disgusting. Ny kapila navoakan'izy ireo farany dia ny Raasük Arabic, raha adika tsotra avy amin'ny teny Arabo dia ny hoe "naseho tamin'ny alàlan'ny dihy mirindra" na ny sarinteny hoe "nahodinkodina." Their recent album is Raasük Arabic for literally "being choreographed" or figuratively for "being manipulated." Their latest album is Raasük Arabic, easily translated from Arabic as "showed through organized dance." Mpisera LJ panfilosoff namaly hoe: LJ user panfilosoff replied: LJ user panfilosoff responded: Feno setroka ao amin'ilay toerana ary feon'ny anjombon'ny fiaran'ny polisy sy ny fiara mpitondra marary ao afovoan-tanàna Smoke bellowing from the scene and sounds of police sirens and ambulances in the downtown The place is covered with smoke and the sound of police cars and ambulances in the center of the city. Oman:Ramadany hafa kely Oman: Ramadan Unusual · Global Voices Oman: Another Little Ramad · Global Voices I Al Rayash koa dia mamolavola ny fanapaha-kevitra hanatsaharana izany ary milaza hoe: ويعود السبب الرئيسي للقرار الأخير هو أن إبنتي الصغيرة وإبنتة خالها توقعو موتي اذا استمريت في التدخين !!! وعليه جاء هذا القرار ولكن ليس بسبب الخوف من الموت بل لأن إبنتي بدأت تشاهدني وأنا ادخن !!! حيث إنني وطوال فترة تدخيني لم اتجرأ ....إحتراماً وليس خوفاً من أن أدخن أمام ابي أو أمي ولم إدخن داخل بيتي ، قررت أن أترك التدخين خوفاً من إنتقال هذه العادة الى الجيل القادم من سلالتي Al Rayash also elaborates on his decision to stub it out by saying: ويعود السبب الرئيسي للقرار الأخير هو أن إبنتي الصغيرة وإبنتة خالها توقعو موتي اذا استمريت في التدخين !!! وعليه جاء هذا القرار ولكن ليس بسبب الخوف من الموت بل لأن إبنتي بدأت تشاهدني وأنا ادخن !!! حيث إنني وطوال فترة تدخيني لم اتجرأ ....إحتراماً وليس خوفاً من أن أدخن أمام ابي أو أمي ولم إدخن داخل بيتي ، قررت أن أترك التدخين خوفاً من إنتقال هذه العادة الى الجيل القادم من سلالتي Al Rayash also drafts the decision to end it and says: ويعد السبب الائيسي للقرار الأخير هذا أن إبنة وإبنتة خالها توقعا استمريت في التدخين خدخين!!! وعليه جاء القرار ولكن ليس ببببقبكل من الموت لأن إبنة بدأت تشاهدة ادخن ادخن خن خثي خنا خث خنا خث و أدتتتتتت تختختختختخات من أختختخات من أختجات .. Raha afaka ianareo dia mba vahao izany olana izany! - salamat po!! maxenemagalona: GRABE. If you can, pls do something about it! - salamat po!! maxenemagalona: GRABE. If you can, solve this problem! - healthy po!! maxenemagalona: GRABE. Nanomboka teo, indroa ny fanjakana no nanamarika fa mbola tsy nanitsakitsaka ny lalàna velona Danoà ny fahitalavitra. Since then, the board has twice determined that the broadcasts did not violate any Danish rules. Since then, the state has noted twice that the channel has not violated Danish law. Na izany aza, tsy mbola fantatra raha hanakatona ny fidirana amin'ireo habaka ireo manerana ny firenena Rosiana ny Roskomnadzor na ao Tatarstan fotsiny . It remains unclear if Roskomnadzor will block these websites across Russia or only in Tatarstan. However, it is not known whether Roskomnadzor will block access to these websites across the Russian country or only in Russia. Nandritra izany fotoana izany, mpankafy Eurovision an'aliny no tafavory tao Kiev, mba hifaly amin'io teny faneva izay nampiditra hôpitaly ny mpikatroka mafana fo iray ao amin'ny Gender Z io. Meanwhile, in Kyiv, tens of thousands of Eurovision fans have gathered to revel in the very same motto that sent one of Gender Z's activists to the hospital. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Eurovision fans gathered in Kiev to enjoy this slogan that involved a Gender Z activist. Ary taorian'i Sékou Touré? From Sékou Touré to Today And after Sékou Touré? Ao amina fanamarihana miandany amin'ny lafiny tsara kosa, i nidalkhoury1 avy any Amman, Jordania, dia manombana mpifaninana iray: On a more positive note, nidalkhoury1 from Amman, Jordan, appraises a contestant: On a positive note, Nidalkhoury1 from Amman, Jordan, estimates a candidate: Feran'ny lalàm-panorenan'ny Repoblikan'i Kongô (antsoina ihany koa hoe Congo-Brazzaville) ho 70 ny taona ahafahana mirotsaka hofidiana any indroa ny fe-potoana fiasàna ho an'ny filoha. The constitution of the Republic of Congo (also known as Congo-Brazzaville) limits the number of presidential terms to two, and sets the maximum age to stand for office at 70. The term for the president is restricted to 70 years by the Constitution of the Republic of Congo (also known as Congo-UsTA). Tsy voalohany izao i Asifi no nankasitrahana noho ny asany. This is not the first time Asifi has been recognized for her work. This is not the first time Asifi has been praised for his work. Araka an'i Yordanov sy ny mpanao gazetin'ny Radio Darik antsoina hoe Prolet Velkova, dia nanana anjara toerana manokana teo amin'ny sehatry ny fampitam-baovao tanelanelan'ny taona 2011 sy 2014 ity Banky ity. According to Yordanov and Darik Radio journalist Prolet Velkova, the bank had a significant influence on the media sector between 2011 and 2014. According to Yordanov and Radio Darik journalist Prolet Velkova, this bank played a special role in the media scene between 2011 and 2014. Ity no farany amin'ireo andiana fihetsiketsehana nanozongozona an'i Maraoka tato anatin'ny taona vitsivitsy. This is the latest in a series of protests that have rocked Morocco in the past few years. This is the latest in a series of protests that have plagued Morocco in recent years. Monina ao amin'ny tanàna kelin'ny Chittagong Hill Tracts ny iraikambinifolo amin'izy ireo, raha toa kosa ka miely manerana ny firenena ny hafa. In Bangladesh there are more than 45 indigenous tribes (adibashis) of which 11 reside in the Chittagong hill tracts. The rest are scattered in other parts of the country. Four of them live in the small city of LGBTQ Hill Tracts, while others are scattered across the country. Ary tohizany amin'ny fanononana ireo hasarotan'ny fihazonana vatana tomady ho an'ny vehivavy any Saodia Arabia ny resaka: And she goes on to mention the difficulties in maintaining fitness for women in Saudi Arabia: And he continues by quoting the details of keeping a healthy body for women in Saudi Arabia: Ny fifidianana izay ho filoham-pirenena any Timor Atsinanana dia nomanina ho amin'ny 17 Martsa 2012, ary ny vanim-potoana fampielezan-kevitra ho an'ny fifidianana dia heverina hanomboka amin'ny herinandro ambony, ny 29 Febroary. The presidential elections in East Timor are scheduled for March 17, 2012, and the electoral campaign period is expected to start next week, on February 29. East Timor's presidential election is scheduled for March 17, 2012, and the election campaign season is expected to begin next week on February 29. Ny fanantenan'ireo olona nanatontosa io lahatsary io dia ny hanakivy ny olona tsy hanohana an'i Navalny amin'ny alalan'ny fampitomboana diso tafahoatra ny fomba fijeriny nasionalista sy hampahatsiahy ny mpijery momba ilay tanoralahy nanainga ny nasionalisma hampalaza ny tenany. The people behind the video are apparently hoping to discourage support for Navalny by exaggerating his nationalist views and reminding the public about a younger man who leveraged nationalism to make a name for himself. The hope of the people who made this video is to discourage people from supporting Navalny by extremely growing his nationalist views and remind viewers of the young man who urged nationalism to make a name for himself. Voalohany indrindra, raha tsy manova ny fomba fampianarantsika isika mba handrisika ny asa famoronana, sy saina mandalina sy mikaroka, ny fanafoana fanadinana dia na ho kely na tsy hitondra fiovana velively amin'ny hatsaràn'ny fanabeazana ho an'ireo mpianatsika. Firstly, without first changing our teaching systems to encourage creativity, critical thinking and innovation, removing examinations will make little or no difference to the quality of education for our students. First of all, if we don't change our teaching methods to encourage creativity, study and research, taking exams will either be small or never make any difference in education for our students. Saingy tsy mbola nisy zavatra toy ilay natrehan'i Dhaka renivohitra tamin'ny Talata lasa teo - orana nahatratra 42 milimetatra tao anatin'ny ora iray sy sasany monja. But nothing like what the Bangladesh capital Dhaka faced last Tuesday - 42 millimetres of rain in just one and a half hours. But nothing like what capital Dhaka witnessed last Tuesday - 42 hours of rain in just one and a half hours. Filazana ofisialy iray avy amin'ny Kaomisionan'ny Fifidianana sy ny Fanarahamaso no nilaza fa ilay mpihazakazaka avy amin'ny mpanohitra no nitarika tamin'ny isam-bato 779; nihoatra kelin'ny 50% amin'ny olona afaka fidiana no nifidy. An official statement from the Elections and Boundaries Commission noted that the opposition's candidate led the government's by 779 votes; just over 50% of the eligible population voted. An official report from the Electoral and Control Commission said that opposition candidate led with 779 votes; less than 50% of the voters voted. Asa mila fandavantena ny asan'ny infirmiera fa tsy asa izay tian'ny Singaporiana hatao. Nursing is a unglam vocation and not a career that Singaporeans want to go into. Infimpire's work is a work of sacrifice rather than a profession that Singaporeans want to do. Afaka maimaim-poana amin'ny sazy eny fa na dia amin'ny fifaninanana amin'ny fifidianana aza ireo mpanao politika mpanao kolikoly. While in Tanzania corrupt politicians get off scot free and even compete in elections The corrupt politicians are free of charge even in the election contest. Ary ny fahaizan'i Thaksin mitantana na ny afera na ny politika no nahafahany nanangana rafi-pandaminanna eo amin'ny fiainany amin'izao. And it was Thaksin's management skills both in business and politics that allowed him to build an organisation with a life of its own. And Thaksin's ability to run both business and politics allowed him to build a system of organization in his life. Tsy fantatra hoe firy ny Vaoty (ary aniasan'izany ireo Vaoty madiorano) nametraka ny tenany ho "Rosiana," na tsy tafiditra tao anaty fanisana fotsiny izao. It's unknown how many Vods (including pure-blooded Vods) listed themselves as "Russians," or missed the census altogether. It's not known how many Vods (and what they're working with) have called themselves "Russian," or they haven't just been included in the census. Nilaza ihany koa izy fa manomboka amin'ny fibedesana, fampitandremana hatramin'ny fanaisorana ny fahazoan-dalana amin'ny asa ny fanasaziana. He added that punishment varied from a reprimand to a warning, to the withdrawal of their license. He also said that punishments range from bridging, a warning since the work license was lifted. Arzantìna: Efa nandresy sahady angaha ilay Ramatoa ? Argentina: Did She Win Already? · Global Voices Argentina: Was she already winning? · Global Voices Ny ahiahin'ireo mponin'ny aterineto Netizens' doubts Netizens' concern Midira amin'ny 25 Febroary 2010 hahitana sy hahenoana an'i Lawrence Lessig rehefa niresaka momba ireo lohahevitra ireo ao amin'ny tranonkala Open Video Alliance izy, na jereo ny fandefasana ny lahatsary any amin'ny tanàndehibe misy anao. Tune in on February 25th 6:00pm US Eastern time (GMT -5) to watch and listen to Lawrence Lessig as he discusses these topics at the Open Video Alliance website or check out for screenings in your city. Visit Lawrence Lessig on February 25, 2010 when he talks about these topics on the Open Video Alliance website, or see whether the video is posted in your city. Mikasika ny anton'ny tsy fahombiazan'ny fifampiresahana tao Kairo, miampanga ny Hamas ho mpampihorohoro i Israely raha toa kosa niampanga an'i Israely ho tsy nitàna ny teny nomeny ny Hamas. As to the reason for the failure of the Cairo talks, Israel accuses Hamas of terrorism while Hamas accused Israel of failing to uphold its own promised commitments. Regarding the reason for the failure of Cairo's talks, Israel accuses Hamas of terrorism while accusing Israel of failing to keep its promise to Hamas. Mpikambana avy amin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina voahilika ireo mpandray anjara miaraka aminy: mpiambina amin'ny alina (The Adventure of Married Couples na Ny zavatra sedrain'ireo mpivady); Kiorda Mpanao trafikana etona fandrehitra (Broken Border na Sisintany Vaky); Mpanakanto graffiti (Writing on the City na Manoratra ao an-tanàna); miaramila efa misotro ronono namoy ny nofinofiny sy ny tranony noho ny horohoron-tany (Anti-Earthquake Conex na Tambajotra miady amin'ny horohorontany). His protagonists have often been members of excluded communities: night watchmen (The Adventure of Married Couples); Kurdish gas smugglers (Broken Border); graffiti artists (Writing on the City); retired army men who have lost their dreams and homes in an earthquake (Anti-Earthquake Conex). Their participants are members of the displaced communities: night guards (The Advenence of Married Couples); Kurdish Gas Miners (Broken Border or Border Border); graffiti artists (Writing on the City or writing in the city); retired soldiers who lost their dreams and homes due to the earthquake (Anti-Earthquake Conex). Rikuzentakata sy Kamaishi, izy roa ireo izay nasongadina tao anatin'ny faminaniany momba ny loza tao Tohoku tamin'ny 2011 dia efa voalaza talohan'ny 2005. Rikuzentakata and Kamaishi, both of which were featured in her 2011 Tohoku disaster predicition, had already been mentioned before 2005. Rikuzentakata and Kamaishi, both of which were featured in their 2011 Tohoku prophecies, have been mentioned before 2005. @KarnaSakya eny andian-drahona mammatus ireo, hita fanindroany hatramin'ny nisian'ilay #horohoron-tany tao #Kathmandu narahan'ireo tafiotram-bovoka, fifanojoan-javatra ve? @KarnaSakya yes they are mammatus clouds, has been spotted twice since #earthquake from #Kathmandu following the dust storms, coincidence? - Prabhakar Shrestha (@prabshr) April 19, 2016 @KarnaSakaa in a series of molamamatus clouds, seen second since #Kathmandu earthquake followed by dust storm, is it a coincidence? Niditra tao amin'ny Twitter tamin'ny fampiasana diezy #AfricanYouthDRR ireo tanora sasany avy ao Afrika Atsimon'i Sahara mba hanasongadinana ny tokony hampidirana ny tanora hiresaka ny lohahevitra momba ny fampihenana ny risiky ny loza (DRR). Some young people from Sub-Saharan Africa took to Twitter using the hashtag #AfricanYouthDRR to emphasis the need to include youth in DRR related issues. Some young people from Sub-Saharan Africa took to Twitter using the hashtag #AfricanYouthDRR to highlight the need to include young people to discuss the topic of reducing disaster growth (DRR). Niavaka ny fanehoan-kevitra azoko hatramin'iny. The feedback I got from there was outstanding. The comments I've received so far have been remarkable. Taorian'ny taona 2004, tao Mañalich, tany amin'ny guarapera (kiôska fanaovana zava-pisotro) ihany no namiazana fary (Sary: Julio Batista) After 2004, in Mañalich, the only place that processes sugar cane are "guaraperas": small places where the sugar cane is squeezed to make juice. Photo by Julio Batista, used with permission. After 2004, it was only in Mañalich, in the guarapera (photo: Julio Baptist) Na dia tsy hoe "vahiny" loatra aza no tena teny famaritana mety ho an'ny mpitoraka bilaogy, i dorinem izay teraka tany Ukraine ary nandany 16 taona tany talohan'ny nifindrany tao Isiraely izay nahitany trano vaovao indray tamin'ny taona 1993. Although "a foreigner" may not be the most accurate description of a blogger dorinem who was born in Ukraine and spent there 16 years before moving to Israel where she found a new home in 1993. Although the best definition for bloggers is not so "foreign," dorinem, who was born in Ukraine and spent 16 years before he moved to Israel where he found a new home in 1993. Ny filohan'ny firenena nanangana ady amin'ny firenena roa (tsy lazaiko ny any Pakistan) ve no nahazo ny loka Nobel fandriampahalemana? @waelabbas: Nahazo ny loka Nobel tamin'ny fanampiana ny mpanao didy jadona i Obama @Ssirgany: Nifarana tamin'ny 1 febroary ny faran'ny fifantenana ny olona hahazo ny loka Nobel, izany hoe 10 andro monja taorian'ny nandraisany ny asany. The president of a country waging two preemptive wars in two countries (I'll ignore Pakistan) wins the Nobel Peace Prize? @waelabbas: Obama wins Nobel prize for aiding Dictators @Ssirgany: Nobel Prize nomination deadline was Feb 1, just 10 days after Obama took office. Has the country's president set up a war against two countries (I don't say Pakistan) won the Nobel Peace Prize? @waelabbas: Obama won a Nobel prize in aid of dictators @Ssirgany: the end of the vote for people to win the Nobel Prize, which is only 10 days after he took office. Na dia tsy maro loatra aza ny bolongana tahaka itony dia azonay atao ihany ny milaza ny bolongan'i Gogi Gvakharia, Niko Nergadze ary ny mpanao gazety hafa ao amin'ny Radio Liberty. While there are not so many blogs of this kind, we can also mentions blogs by Gogi Gvakharia, Niko Nergadze and other journalists from Radio Liberty. Although there are not many blogs like this, we can only mention the blogs of Gogi Gvavarina, Niko Nergadze and other Radio Liberty journalists. Misy fandrindràna arahana ny fanovàna ara-politika ary ny fahafahan'i Nepal mizaka ny dingan'ny hetsika ara-politika manohitra ny fiovàna mahery vaika. There is an order within the political change and the resilience of Nepal's political processes acts against fundamental transformations. There is a mechanism for political change and Nepal's ability to handle the process of political action against violent change. Raha nanomboka nitambotsitra ny lari tamin'ny Zoma, nandefa sarin'ilay vola taratasy 1 lari, saingy nasiam-panovàna, ireo mpampiasa ny media sosialy, nosoloina tamin'ny endrik'i Nodar Khaduri, Minisitry ny Fitantanam-bola ny sarin'ilay Zeorziana mpanao hosodoko Niko Pirosmani. As the lari began its descent on Friday, users of social media posted a doctored-image of the now obsolete 1 lari note, replacing the image of Georgian painter Niko Pirosmani with the face of Finance Minister, Nodar Khaduri. When the lari began to pour in on Friday, social media users posted photos of the 1 lari note, but changed, the picture of Georgian painter Niko Pirosmani was replaced with the image of Nodar Khaduri, the Minister of Finance. Afaka Atao Fonenana Ve Ao? Can This Be Home? Can There Be a Home? Vao haingana no nitenenan'i Brad Adams, talen'ny Human Rights Watch faritra Azia hoe: Brad Adams, the Asia director at Human Rights Watch recently said: Brad Adams, Asia director of Human Rights Watch, recently said: Samy tsy nisy nametraka fitoriana an'i Ghanem na i Bouteflika, na ireo mpanolo-tsainy. Neither Bouteflika nor his advisers filed the suit against Ghanem. neither Bouteflika nor his councils filed a complaint against Ghanem. Sary avy amin'ny bahrain14feb bilad. Photograph by bahrain14feb bilad. Photo by bahrain14 zaad. Nasongadin'i LosAngels Angel fa ny Sampan-draharaham-Panjakana misahana ny Radio, ny sarimihetsika ary ny fahitalavitra (SARF) no tompon'andraikitra mivantana mitantana ny fandaharan'ny CCTV 6, izany no mahatonga ilay hetsika hanana fiantraikany ara-politika: LosAngels Angel pointed out that the State Administration of Radio Film and Television (SARF) is directly responsible for the management of CCTV 6's program, that's why the gesture has political implications: LosAngels Angel pointed out that the State Service for Radio, Film and TV (SARF) is directly responsible for managing CCTV 6. This is why the movement has a political impact: Nizotra tany amin'ny birao fandatsaham-bato ny Tiorka mpifidy androany amin'ny fifidianana parlemantera faharoa tamin'ity taona 2015 ity. Turkish voters are going to the polls today in the second parliamentary election of 2015. Turkish voters went to the polls today in the second parliamentary election in 2015. Mananosarotra ny fandrindrana ny ady amin'ny Boko Haram izany fitokana-monina izany, ka mahatonga ireo vondrona mpioko mitam-piadiana handroso malalaka hatrany. This isolation makes it more difficult to coordinate efforts to combat Boko Haram, exposing it to assaults by the rebels. This isolation makes it difficult to manage the fight against Boko Haram, making armed rebel groups able to move forward. Raha a-nofinofy dia ambonin'ny zavatra rehetra ny rafi-pitsarana, Ideally, the court system has to be above everything, To say that the justice system is above everything, Taorian'ilay horohorontany, kiana mivaivay no nahazo ireo masoivohom-pifandraisana sy filazam-baovaom-bahoaka izay voatondro ho nanamaivana ilay raharaha fanodikodinam-bola mba hamatsiana fanentanana hampakarana ny moralin'ny mponina izay nampiasàna olo-malaza tao amin'ny fahitalavitra . After the earthquake, fierce criticism was also directed at the mainstream media and public relations agencies which allegedly devoured parts of the reconstruction budget to run morale-boosting public service announcements using celebrities on television. Following the earthquake, public communications and information agencies were met with strong criticism, which was supposed to ease the money-funding case in order to fund a campaign to raise awareness among citizens who were using celebrities on television. Mpianatra iray mitàna soratra anaty fàfana eo anoloan'ny afisy iray. A student holding a sign in front of the posters. A student holds a sign in front of a poster. Heverinareo ve fa mbola hisy dikany inona ny fitiavan'ny vahoaka anareo aorian'io fanapahankevitra io? Do you think that people's love for you will mean anything after this decision? Do you think that following this decision your people will have what meaning? Namoaka pikantsary tamin'ny ampahan'ny lahatsoratra iray nosoratan'ny haino aman-jery Amerikana CNN momba ny fifidianana tao Ghana izy izay nilaza fa sokajiana ho mijaly ny tsy fahampian-tsakafo ny firenena. Gary had published a screenshot of part of an article written by American broadcaster CNN about Ghana's election in which the country was characterized as suffering food shortages. He published a screenshot of an article written by American media CNN about Ghana's election that said the country is considered to suffer from malnutrition. Pizza no sakafo tena ankafiziko ary ny firenena mampalaza azy: Italy no ekipa notohanako tamin'ny Fiadiana tompondaka erantany. Pizza is my favorite and its country Italy is my World Cup team that I support. The food that I like most and the country where I'm serving: Italy was the team I've spent in the World Cup. Tamin'ity herinandro ity, nanao fitsidihana tao Thailandy izy ka nikabary tao amin'ny "Forum Ekonomika Manerantany " tao Bangkok. This week she travelled to Thailand where she delivered a speech at the World Economic Forum in Bangkok. This week, he made a visit to Thailand and spoke at the "World Bank" in Bangkok. El Ganzouri dia nanao famoriana mpanao gazety fotsiny, nanamafy fa ny miaramila dia tsy hanafika ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana am-pilaminana mihitsy. El Ganzouri just gave a press conference, stressing that the army would not attack peaceful protesters. El Ganzouri only held a press conference, claiming that the military would not attack peaceful protesters. Manararaotra izany ireo mpanao trafika mba hitadiavany tombony ka mikarakara mafy ny fandefasana ireo ronono vovony eny ampitan'ny sisintany amin'ny alalan'ny "mpandeha matihanina" mba hivarotra izany indray. Smugglers are taking advantage of this profit-making opportunity and actively organize "professional travelers" to hand-carry milk powder across the border for reselling. Miners take advantage of this to make profit and make sure they send their milk to the other side of the border by "using professionals" to re-sell it. Io no ohatra iray hafa mikasika ny fomba nampiasàna ny iPhone sy ny sarintany Google. This is another example how iPhone and google maps have been used for social causes. This is yet another example of how to use the iPhone and Google map. LAHATSARY: Fitroarana am-binaingitr'i Brezila voarakitra an-dahatsary mahaleotena mitondra ny lohateny hoe 'Fandrobana' ['Com Vandalismo'] VIDEO: Brazil's Vinegar Revolt Captured in Independent Film 'Vandalism' · Global Voices PHOTOS: Brazil's cartoon protest recorded in an independent video titled 'Fandana' [Com Vandalismo'] Ny mpanao gazety Sergei Parkhomenko namoaka am-bilaogy indray , ao amin'ny Ekho Moskvy, ny lahatsoratra efa nivoaka tao amin'ny LiveJournal tamin'ny 2007, izay efa nanoratany tamin'ny tsingerintaona fahadimy ny Nord-Ost, ka nitarainany ny tsy nanaovan'ny governemanta famotorana mitarika ho amin'ny fanasaziana izay tompon'andraikitra nandritra iny krizin'ny fakana takalon'aina iny. Journalist Sergei Parkhomenko reposted to his blog on Ekho Moskvy a LiveJournal entry from 2007, which he wrote on Nord-Ost's fifth anniversary, complaining that nothing about the government's mishandling of the hostage crisis has been investigated or led to any punishments. Journalist Sergei Parkhomenko re-located a blog post that was published on LiveJournal in 2007, which he wrote on the fifth anniversary of the Nord-Ost, complaining about the government's failure to investigate who was responsible for the hostage crisis. Raha miady hevitra mikasika ny vaovaon'ny toby fitrandrahana volamena ao Kumtor - izay fampiasam-bola vahiny goavana indrindra ao amin'ny firenena - ny solombavambahoaka ao Kirghizistan dia misy kosa ny fihetsiketsehana manohitra ny zava-misy mafana ao amin'ny faritra Isyk-Kul izay toera-pitrandrahana mampiady hevitra ireo solombavambahoaka. While Kyrgyzstan's parliament debates a new ownership structure of the Kumtor gold mine - the largest foreign investment in the country - protests in the Issyk-Kul province where the mine operates ensure the legislature's discussion take place against a fiery background. While discussing the news of Kumtor's gold mine - the country's largest foreign investment - Kyrgyzstan's MPs are protesting against the hot reality of the Iyk-Kul region where MPs are controversial mines. Bilaogera iray ao amin'ny Concern US blogs, Amanda McClelland, no mitatitra momba ny fandaharanasa iray hampiasàna ny someso mba hanapariahana vola maika ho an'ireo vehivavy marefo indrindra any amin'ireo vohitra 160 ao amin'ny firenena. One blogger for Concern US blogs, Amanda McClelland, reports about a program using text messages to distribute emergency cash to the most vulnerable women in 160 villages in the country. A blogger at Concern US blogs,will McClellland, reports about a program using a faso to spread emergency funds to the most vulnerable women in the 160 villages of the country. "Ity rakitra sarobidin'ny vaovao ity," hoy ny nosoratan'ny La Nación, "eo ampela-tanan'ireo tena mendrika hihazona azy, no mety hahafahana hanaisotra ny voalin'ireo hetsika tsy ara-dalàna rehetra, ho an'ny tombontsoan'ny be sy ny maro. "This treasure trove of information," wrote La Nación, "in more capable hands would probably have permitted the lifting of the veil of these illegal operations, to the great benefit to the public. "This collection of information," writes La Nación, "in the hands of those who deserve it, may be able to remove the seeds of all illegal activities for the benefit of many. Nanindry mafy I Mosko ny amin'ny haha-mpitaky fizakan-tena mpitari-dalana an'i Kosovo ho an'ireo firenena kely maro mitangorona amin'ireo fanjakana manana ny fiandrianany. Moscow's insisted that Kosovo would establish a "separatist precedent" for spinning statelets from sovereign nations. Moscow has been stressing Kosovo's leadership as a leader for several small countries that have met with power states. Fa tsy tia mikarokaroka izany ianao?, hoy aho nanontany. But aren't you curious?, I asked. But you don't like to explore it?, I asked. Ny mozikany no nampazotozoto ireo miaramila manamboninahitra maro tao anatin'ny ady akata nitondra ny filoha ankehitriny, Yoweri Museveni Kaguta teo amin'ny fitondrana. His music motivated many army officers in the bush war that brought current President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to power. His music has captured many military officers in the guerrilla war that led to the current president of the country's president, Andro vitsivitsy taty aoriana, nanoratra tao amin'ny Twitter izy fa nandefa ireo sisa tsy maty 33 mba hiala-sasatra maimaimpoana any amin'ny Ranomasina Mainty ny ben'ny tanànan'i Moskoa. A few days later, he wrote on Twitter suggesting that the mayor of Moscow send the 33 survivors to the Black Sea for an all-expenses-paid vacation. A few days later, he wrote on Twitter that Moscow's mayor sent 33 survivors to leave the Black Sea for free. Tanzania, Oganda, Zambia sy Malezia. Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Malaysia. Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Malaysia. Voatsindry hazo lena hatramin'izay ireo Baha'i vitsy an'isa, ary hita ho toa miharatsy izany toe-javatra izany. The Bahá'í minority in Iran has long been under pressure, and it seems the situation has become worse. Baha'a minorities have always been under pressure, and the situation seems to be getting worse. An-jatony ireo olona nosamborina tao Bahrain hatramin'ny niandohan'ny fihetsiketseha-pitakiana fanovana politika sy toekarena tamin'ny 14 febroary 2011. Thousands of people have been arrested since protests calling for political and economic reforms started in Bahrain on February 14, 2011. Hundreds of people have been arrested in Bahrain since the beginning of protests calling for political and economic reforms on February 14, 2011. Espaina: Mitohy ny Fifandonana manoloana ny Mpianatra aoValencia Spain: Crackdown Against Students Continues in Valencia Spain: Student clashes Continue in Dakarencia · Global Voices @Juarawee RT @JonahFisher: Olona an'arivony no niandry ny fahatongavan'i #ASSK tao amin'ny fidirana ao Bangkok. @sdmireland: Standing ovation for #ASSK at #WEF and I am sure lumps in throats... @Juarawee RT @JonahFisher: Thousands of people were waiting for #ASSK to arrive at Bangkok entrance. Nihintsana ihany koa ny habetsahan'ny olona nisoratra anarana hifidy, raha tombanana fa mahatratra hatramin'ny 97 isan-jaton'ny olona tokony hifidy no efa voasoratra anarana. There have also been a record number of people registering to vote, with estimates suggesting as much as 97 percent of those eligible to vote have registered. The number of registered voters has also been reduced, given that up to 97 percent of the people who should vote have already been registered. Toy izao fotsiny. Just like this. Just like. Surprising ny fahitana ireo mpifindra monina te-hody any aminy, fa tsy afaka manao izany. It is surprising when you find out how many would like to go home and cannot. Surprising sees migrants who want to return to her, but can't do it. Nitatitra indray mandeha ny lahatsoratra nosoratana Moanina Tibetana iray mikasika ny raharaha tamin'ny 14 marsa lasa teo i Woser. Woser reposted an article by a Tibetan monk on the March 14 incident. Woser once reported on a Tibetan article about the incident on March 14. Ary isan-taona, lalaovina hatrany ny fifanilihana: ireo antoko sy mpanao pôlitika dia mifanilika hatrany ho tsy nisy fiomanana momba izany ary tonga hatrany amin'ny fifampiampangana ho nanao fanahy niniana ny fandorana.Raha izany, ahoana kosa no fihevitr'ireo mpitoraka blaogy ? And every year, the blame game is played; starting with parties and politicians blaming each other for not being prepared, to blaming each other for intentionally starting the flames. So, what do the bloggers have to say about this? And every year, the debate is being played: parties and politicians always turn out to be unpredicted and as far as to accuse the fire of deliberate acts. If so, how do bloggers think? @dnahinga: Heveriko fa mba tokony hitarin-dry zareo ihany koa ny ora fivohan'ireo trano fisotroana.#KenyaKwanza Tsy te-hanandrana indray ireny filaharam-be ireny izahay #KenyaDecides @dnahinga: I think they should extend the time for opening bars also.#KenyaKwanza We don't want to tempt those still queing#KenyaDecides @dnahinga: I think they should also increase the hours of bars. #KenyaKwanza We don't want to try again these rallies #KenyaDeces An'arivony maro ireo nifamory tamin'ny 19 Janoary 2014 hitaky ny rariny ho an'i Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, Indoneziana mpiasa an-trano izay voalaza fa nampijalian'ny mpampiasa azy. Thousands rallied on January 19, 2014 demanding justice for Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, an Indonesian maid who was allegedly tortured by her employer. Thousands gathered on January 19, 2014 to demand justice for Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, an Indonesian domestic worker who was allegedly abused by her employer. Afaka manenona harato goavana tahaka izao ve ny governemanta? Can the govt weave such a huge net? #BiarlahBlog - CIJ Malaysia (@CIJ_Malaysia) April 21, 2016 Can the government ring such a huge net? Tamin'ny Sabotsy nisy vondrona manampahaizana amin'ny Teknolojia nanao fihaonambe ho fanoherana ny governemanta ary nitondràna sorabaventy amin'ny fomba sy fitenin'ireo "mpiondana." On Saturday a group of IT specialists held a anti government rally raising "geeky" signs and slogans. On Saturday, a group of IT experts held a rally to protest against the government and carried banners and slogans from the "opportunists." Ankoatran'ny fofona, mety hankarary, hiteraka menamena, fangirifiriana, ary aretin-kibo mitaky fitsaboana amin'ny fanafody koa ny Skunk . Despite the smell, the Skunk can cause pain, redness, irritation and abdominal pain requiring medical treatment. In addition to the smell, the Skunk could be harmful, causing red blood, pain, and dyslexia that requires medicine. Maro ny fomba hamahan'ny olona ny fampiasan-tsainy amin'ny fiainany andavanandro, amin'ny fisotroan-toaka, manao Yoga, mandeha tongotra, na mandeha lanonana. People deal with stress in their daily lives in different ways by drinking alcohol, doing Yoga, taking a walk or partying. There are many ways in which people can solve their daily use of thinking, drinking, doing Yoga, walking, or going to parties. Ny hafatra dia milaza fa tsy maintsy matanjaka (manatanja-tena) izay miady ho amin'ny fahalalaham-pitenenana. The message is that those who fight for the freedom of words in this country must be stronger. The message states that those who fight for freedom of expression must be strong. "Natory tany amin'ny efitrano iray ambanin'ny tany avokoa izahay rehetra, ary efa vonona avokoa ny kitapo babena - misy vola, eny na dia ireo pasipaoronay aza." "We all slept in one room in the basement, and our backpacks were ready - they had money, our passports even." "We all slept in an underground room, and all the bags were ready - with money, even our passports." Tena inoako tanteraka fa ny fahafehezana ireo "vola" enina ireo dia hanova anao, tsy hoe fotsiny ho lasa olona iray feno sy tanteraka, fa koa hitondra anao ho amin'ny zana-tohatra iray hanekenao ny maha-marefo anao, ary hamindra anao hiala amin'ny fiainan'ny zara fa mivelona ho amin'ny fiainana iray ankafizina. I firmly believe that mastering these six currencies will not only transport you to a fulsome way of being, it will also get you to a place where you can willfully embrace your vulnerability, and let it transport you from a state of merely existing and searching to a state of passionate living. I strongly believe that keeping six "funds" will change you, not only to become a full and perfect person, but also to bring you to a level where you recognize that you are weak, and move you away from the life of the little one living in a life that you enjoy. Tamin'ny volana Aogositra, nilaza i Yang Yiyong, Talem-panjakan'ny Fampandrosoana sy ny vaomieran'ny ivotoeram-pikarohana ny fanitsiana ny Haifihariankarena faobe (macro-économique) ho amin'ny fampivoarana Sosialy, nandritra ny Dinika fa tontosa 62% ny asa mampahatanora ny sivilizasiona nifototra tamin'ny Fanaraha-maso ny fomba famohazam-pirenena sy ny tondrom-panombanana (indicateurs d'évaluation) tao Shina. In August, Yang Yiyong, Director of the State Development and Reform Commission's Macroeconomic Research Institute for Social Development, said at a forum that China has acheived 62% of the task of rejuvenating the civilization based on the Great National Revival Process Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators. In August, Yang Yiyong, head of state development and the Institute for Research on National Development and Research, said that during the dictatorship, 62% of the youth's work based on the monitoring of national hunting and assessments in China was completed. Nanomboka ny 29 aprily ny vanim- potoana ho an'ny lalao cricket iraisampirenena tany Karaiba, izay nahitana an'i Zimbaboe nifanandrina tamin'i Antilles Andrefana any Antigua. The Caribbean's international cricket season kicks off on April 29, with Zimbabwe facing off against the West Indies in Antigua. The season for the international cricket game in the Caribbean began on April 29, with Zimbabwe fighting against the West Indies in Loreto. Manomboka amin'ny firesahana amin'ny alalan'ny antso, avy eo mandalo amin'ny firesahana manokana sy ara-teknika. We start with phone interviews, and move into a personal and technical interview. Starting with phone calls, then through private and technical conversations. Hisy diabe hatao n y 24 Martsa ho fanoherana ny nafahaty an'i Kimani Gray. A mass march will be held on March 24 in protest of Kimani Gray's death. A march will take place on March 24 in protest against Kimani Gray's death. Mizàra sary sahala saingy tamin'ny taona 2006 koa izy. He also gives pictures of the same situation in 2006. He used to draw the same picture but also in 2006. Eny, nahavitra naka sary ny iray tamin'ireo traktera izy , izay nisy sainam-pirenena kely Rosiana nihantona. Indeed, she managed to snap a photograph of one of the tractors' cockpits, from which hung a miniature United Russia flag. Yes, he dared to photograph one of them, where a small Russian flag was hanging. Fandavana Tsy Hitondra Fanjakana Intsony: Taorian'i Pays-bàs Sy Belzika, Ho i Espaina Ve Ny Manaraka? Royal Abdications: Netherlands, Belgium, Will Spain be Next? · Global Voices Banning State: After Netherlands and Belgium, Will Spain Be Next? · Global Voices Mpitsidika iray tamin'izany fotoana izany no nandre matetika ny fitarainan'ny mponina ao an-toerana momba ny "fahalasanan" ny tanora sy ny vehivavy. A visitor to Bulgaria at that time would often hear the locals complaining about how all the youth and women were 'gone.' One visitor at the time heard frequent complaints from local residents about youth and women's "reconciliation." Tao anatin'ilay tatitra, nandefa ihany koa ny NTV bitsika roa avy amin'ny kaontin'i Lokotkova taloha kely monjan'ilay fisehoan-javatra. In the report, NTV also reproduced two tweets from Lokotkova's account dated just before the incident. In the report, NTV also posted two tweets from Lokotkova's account just before the incident. Taorian'ny fampiakaran'ny mpisolovavany ny raharaha tany amin'ny fitsarana ambony, nanapa-kevitra ny manampahefam-pitsarana fa hotsaraina indray eo anatrehan'ny vondrona mpitsara vaovao ny raharahany, izay nanome sazy fanamelohana ho faty an'i Fayadh tamin'ny volana Novambra 2015, noho ny fiampangana azy ho mampiroborobo ny tsy finoana an'Andriamanitra tamin'ny andian-tononkalony tamin'ny 2008, Instructions Within. After his attorneys appealed, judicial authorities decided to re-try his case before a new panel of judges, who sentenced Fayadh to death in November 2015, on charges of promoting atheism in his 2008 poetry collection, Instructions Within. Following his lawyer's appeal against the case, the court officials decided to re-trial his case before a new group of judges, who sentenced Fayadh to death in November 2015, on charges of promoting atheistism in his 2008 series Instructions Within. Vyskub niteny tamin'ny tranonkala fa nahazo hevitra hanao ilay tetikasa izy raha nijery saripikan'ireo vatosanga nihofaka mampahatsiahy azy endrika tabilaon'antontanisa. Vyskub told the website that he first got the idea for the project when looking at photographs of peeling plaster that reminded him of a statistical chart. Vyskub told the website that he had the idea to do the project while looking at photos of the stunts reminding him of the figure. Nanomboka tamin'izay no nanomezana marika ny Faribolana K ho an'ny Family Mart hoy ilay mpianatra , "Izao no fotoana andehanana any amin'ny Faribolana K hanangonana bibikely!" The student said that since Circle K locations are due to be handed over to the Family Mart brand, "Now is the time to go to Circle K to collect bugs!" The student says, "It's time to go to King up insects!" Asongadin'ny Lahatsarinà Vehivavy Somalianina Ampijaliana Ny Loza Atrehin'ireo Mpitsoaponenana Ho Any Eoropa Filmed Beating of Somali Woman Highlights the Dangers That Europe-Bound Refugees Face · Global Voices A Video of Somali Women Tortured by Refugees' Disasters to Europe · Global Voices Misy ny fanentanana amin'ny Facebook mitaky amin'i Rouhani hampitsahatra ny fanivanana ny Facebook, ary misy vondrona bilaogera sy mpikatroka an-tserasera nanoratra taratasy tamin'ny filoha voafidy hampakarany ambony kokoa ny halakin'ny aterineto. A Facebook campaign asked Rouhani to end the filtering of Facebook, and a group of bloggers and cyber activists wrote a letter to the President-elect asking him to increase Internet speeds. There is a Facebook campaign asking Rouhani to stop filtering Facebook, and a group of bloggers and online activists have written a letter to the president-elect to increase the speed of the Internet. Na miaraka amin'ny onjam-piovàna politika ao Myanmar aza, toa tahàka ny hoe tsy ho votsotra daholo ireo gadra noho ny politika mandra-pandrain'ny governemanta vaovao ny asany amin'ny 2017. Even with the changing political tide in Myanmar, it is unlikely that all political prisoners will be released until the new government takes office in 2016. Even with a wave of political reforms in Myanmar, it seems like political prisoners will not be released until the new government completes its work in 2017. "Tena tsotra sady marina ny alahelonay, tena miara-miory amin'ireo fianakaviana niharam-pahoriana izahay," hoy ny talen'ny sekoly, Raïssa Karimova, tamin'ny mpitoraka bilaogy sy ilay mpanao gazety Vyssotsky. "Our pain is very sincere, we express our deepest condolences to the bereaved families," the School's Director Raisa Karimova told blogger and journalist Vysotsky. "Our grief is very simple and true, we really feel sympathy for the families affected," school director Raïsssa Karimova told blogger and journalist Vysotsky. Fanajana ho an'ny "Iharan'ny tsy rariny" any Marseille. Homage of the Indignants in Marseille. A tribute to the "Indignity Victims" inregence. Nahasedra ny fotoana i Sammy raha ny fijeriko manokana. Sammy stood the test of time as far as I am concerned. From my own point of view, it was time to find out. Tondraky ny rano ihany koa ny iray amin'ireo seranam-piaramanidina ao amin'ny nosy: One of the island's airports was also flooded: One of the island's airports was also flooded: Nizara ny fampitam-baovao avy amin'ny Vonjeo ny Elefanta izay rava ny tobim-pikarohany i Paula Kahumbu ao amin'ny Bolongana Baraza: Paula Kahumbu shares on the Baraza blog a communication from the Save the Elephants whose research base was destroyed: Paula Kahumbu of Baraza blog shared the media from Save Elephants that destroyed her camp: Ho ampiasaina amin'ny tanjony voalohany ihany ve ny vaovao? Will the information be used solely for its original purpose? Will the news be used only for its initial purpose? Vaovao farany: na dia tsy ampy enim-bolana aza no niverenany any an-tanindrazana dia Rtoa Lalao Ravalomanana, vadin'andriamatoa Marc Ravalomanana, filohampirenena teo aloha no kandidà notendren'ny antoko politika TIM: Update: Lalao Ravalomanana, spouse of former president Ravalomanana was selected to represent his political party TIM. Update: Although it took him less than six months to return home, Ravalomanana, former president Marc Ravalomanana's wife, was appointed by political party TIM: Sary nozaraina tao amin'nypejy Facebook ofisialin'ny Dakar. Photo shared onDakar's official Facebook page. Photo shared on Dakar's official Facebook page. Misaotra ireo nitantana ny firenena amin'ny fanomezana itony aterineto mitadredretra fandeha sy ny fanivanana zavatra itony. We thank those running the country for providing these hellish internet speeds and filtering stuff. Thank you to those who have ruled the country by giving these slow internet and censorship. Ho famaliana ny fitarainana sy ny lonilonim-bahoaka, dia nampiditra indray ny drafitr'asa maharitra dimy taona antsoina hoe Programam-panaraha-maso ny Fandotoan-dRivotra, izay nolazaina tamin'ny fiandohan'ny volana septambra teo, ny fitondrana Shinoa hanaraha-maso ny kalitaon'ny rivotra. To address public grievances and frustrations, the Chinese authorities reintroduced its three- to five-year plan to monitor air quality under the Air Pollution Control Program, which has been unveiled earlier in September. In response to complaints and public outcry, the Chinese government re-conditioned a five-year project called the Air Control Program, which was announced earlier in September to monitor air quality. Amin'izao fotoana hanoratako izao dia miantso ny mponina hiaro ny HJRA ny Radio Fahazavana" Now at the time I am typing this post, Fahazavana radio is calling people to go to Andrefan'Ambohijanahary to protect HJRA hospital" Now that I write, Radio Light calls on people to defend HJRA" Ireo fandresena toy ilay taratasim-panabeazana ifampitàna, vokatry ny fiantraikan'ireo fikambanana fiarahamonina sivily, dia iray amin'ireo fanatsaràna farany ny fiainan'ireo olona toa an'i Selena, ilay ankizivavy izay nanohina ny fonay ny fijoroany vavolombelona feno fahasahiana sy tsy fivadihana mampiaiky volana. Victories like the education memo - the result of advocacy by civil society organizations - are good news for people like Selena, a transgender girl who recently made headlines after sharing her story. The victories, as a result of the impact of civil society organizations, are one of the latest improvements of lives for people like Selena, the girl who has touched our hearts for her courageous testimony of loyalty for months. Ny departemanta dia napetraka ho eo ambany fiahian'ny Ministeran'ny Atitany, ary miandraikitra ny fanasokajiana ny olom-pirenena ao Amoron'i Jordàna hiavaka amin'ny olom-pirenena Jordaniana. The Department was established under the Ministry of Interior and tasked with categorising West Bank citizens as separate from Jordanian citizens. The department is placed under the care of the Ministry of Interior, and is responsible for the integrity of citizens in the West Bank to stand out as Jordanian citizens. Image of J. Tadeo. Image of J. Tadeo. Image of J. Tadeo. Na dia efa mandeha aza ny fanapenam-bava, dia mbola tsy hita ao amin'ny Rejisitra Tokan'ny tranonkala tampenam-bava ireo pejin-tranonkala ireo, rejisitra tantanin'ny Roskomnadzor. Although the blocking has already started, the webpages do not yet appear in the Unified Registry of blocked websites administered by Roskomnadzor. Although the censorship is already working, these sites, run by Roskomnadzor, are still not available on the website's Websites website. Tamin'ny resaka nataony ho an'ireo mpanao gazety tany amin'ny toeram-ponenany, Nasheed dia nilaza fa noterenà olon'ny tafika vitsivitsy izy hametra-pialàna satria mihoko manohitra ny fitondrany ny herin'ny polisy eo amin'ny firenena. Speaking to journalists at his residence, Nasheed said he was forced to resign by some military personnel as the country's police force mutinied against his rule. In his conversation with journalists at his residence, he said he was forced by a few army men to step down because the country's police forces are fighting against his rule. Manana fanazavàna fohifohy ny momba ilay lahatsary: has a brief explanation of the video: has a brief explanation of the video: Mazava ny hafatra: hatsahatra ny fanondranana mba ho mafy orina ny fianakaviana. The message is very clear: stop the deportations so families remain intact. The message is clear: To strengthen the family's stability, exports will stop. TSY VAO HITA I AMERIKA FA NOTAFIHANA SY NOROBAINA IZY AMERICA WASN'T DISCOVERED IT WAS INVADED AND PILLAGED THE WAYS OF THE WAYS OF THE WAYS Kurdistance... [Fijoroana Kiorda] Kurdistance... · Global Voices Kurdistance... Manamarika ny tsingerintaona faharoa nisian'ireoandianà hetsika maro feno herisetra, ny 26 Septambra 2016, izay nisiana vondronà mpianatra avy amin'ny Kolejin'ireo Mpiofana ho Mpampianatra any Ambanivohitra Raúl Isidro Burgos - miaraka amin'ireo foibeny any Ayotzinapa, any Mekiska andrefana, fanjakan'ny Guerrero - nogiazan'ny polisy teo an-toerana ary avy eo nomeny an-tànana ny vondrona mitam-piadiana fantatra hoe ny Guerreros Unidos, na "Mpiady Miray" (kilalaon-teny, satria midika hoe "mpiady" amin'ny teny Espaniola ny hoe guerreros). September 26, 2016 marks the two-year anniversary of a series of violent acts in which a group of students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers' College - with its headquarters in Ayotzinapa, in the western Mexican state of Guerrero - were deprived of their freedom by local police and later handed over to an armed group identified as the Guerreros Unidos, or "United Guerreros" (a play on words, as guerreros also means "warriors" in Spanish). It marks the second anniversary of a series of violent demonstrations, which took place on September 26, 2016, in which a group of students from the College of Teachers of the School of Teachings in the Central state of the state of Ayotzinapa - along with their headquarters in Ayotzinapa, West Mekiska, state of Guerrero - were detained by local police and then handed over to an armed group known as the Guerreros Unidos, or "Intolerants" (a play, as guerreros means "corderos" in Spanish). 327.783,79 (0,2%) 327,783.79 (0.2%) 327,783,79 (0.2%) Tsy ela akory izay, nifantoka tamin'i Tonizia sy Ejipta izany adihevitra izany, izay ny tranonkala toy ny Facebook sy Twitter no tena nitàna toerana lehibe tamin'ny fandrindràna ny hetsika. More recently, that debate has focused on Tunisia and Egypt, where sites like Facebook and Twitter were prominent in the organizing of protests. Recently, the debate focused on Tunisia and Egypt, where websites like Facebook and Twitter played a key role in managing the movement. Maherin'ny 60 000 ireo namoy ny ainy, ary maherin'ny tapitrisa ireo nifindra toerana tamin'ny alalan'ny bemidina maro tao amin'ireo faritra izay tompon'andraikitra tamin'ny korontana rehetra izao, saingy mbola tsy matoky isika hoe aiza moa no isika hoe aiza tokoa ny fototry ny ratsy, adintsika ve izy ity sa tsia sa ahoana no hiatrehana izany. More than 60,000 have lost their lives, and more than million displaced through operations in areas which we hold responsible for all the mayhem, but we are still not sure where the root of the evil lie actually there, is it our war or not or how to deal with it. More than 60,000 people have been killed, and more than a million have moved through several operations in areas that have been responsible for all the unrest, but we still have no confidence in where we really are from, whether it is our struggle or not to deal with it. Hatramin'ny anio, efa nihoatra ny 8.000 no isan'ny namoy aina tao Syria. To date, the death toll in Syria surpasses 8,000. Since today, there have been more than 8,000 deaths in Syria. Fantatr'izy ireo fa tsy ilaozan-tsikera ny governemanta, fa tsy midika ho fahaizana mitovy ny mahazokiolona, ary tsy ho voavaha mandritra ny androm-piainan'izy ireo ny olana ara-piarahamonina sasantsasany. They learn that the government shouldn't be immune to criticism, that seniority doesn't always equal competence, and some societal problems will not be handled in their lifetimes. They know that the government is free from discrimination, that it does not mean equal skills, and that some social problems cannot be resolved throughout their lives. Omar Qatifaan, 14 taona ary mpikatroka mafàna fo amin'ny resaka media, dia maty ny 21 May 2013 raha nanangom-baovao momba ny fifandonana teo amin'ny tafika Siriana sy ireo mpihoko avy amin'ny Tafika Malalaka "Free Army" tany amin'ny faritra atsimon'i Daraa al-Ballad any Syria, akaikin'ny sisintany iraisany amin'i Jordania. Omar Qatifaan, a 14-year-old media activist, was killed 21 May, 2013 while covering clashes between the Syrian Army and the rebel Free Army in the southern Daraa al-Ballad area of Syria near the border with Jordan. Omaraan, 14, and media activist, died on May 21, 2013 while covering clashes between the Syrian army and rebels from the Free Army in Syria's southern Daraa al-Ballad, near its border with Jordan. Ankizikely iray 8 taona no maty. An 8-year-old died. A 8 - year - old girl died. Naharay hafatra maherisetra sy fandrahonana tao amin'ny Facebook sy tamin'ny alalan'ny mailaka aho. I received abusive messages and threats on Facebook and via email. I received violent messages and threats via Facebook and email. Ny fifidianana no dingana lehibe voalohany hialana amin'ny 'tetezamihitatra' nanomboka tamin'ny 2009 rehefa nanongana an'i Marc Ravalomanana, mpanakarembe lasa filoha, tamin'ny alalan'ny fanonganam-panjakana ara-miaramila i Andry Rajoelina, DJ radio lasa ben'ny tanàna. The election is the first major step out of the never-ending "transition' that began in 2009 when Andry Rajoelina, a radio DJ turned mayor, toppled Marc Ravalomanana, a dairy magnate turned president, in a military coup d'état. The election has been the first major step to avoid 'exaggeration' since 2009 when Andry Rajoelina, a local radio station turned mayor, ousted Marc Ravalomanana, the richman who became president, through a military coup. Rehefa mitendry azy ho amin'ny olona mpankafy jazz aho, dia lazain-dry zareo, "Oay, karazana hira pop izy izany.' When I play it for the jazz people, they say, "Well, this is kind of pop.' When I play it to the jazz fans, they say, "Yes, it's kind of pop music.' Nampiasain'ireo mpiasa tapak'andro sy ireo mpikatroka mafàna fo ny tenifototra #すき家ストライキ (#fitokonana ao amin'ny Sukiya) amin'ity "andron'ny hena" ity, mba hanaovana hetsika hanoherana ny Sukiya. Part-time workers and labor activists used the hashtag #すき家ストライキ (#stirkeonSukiya) on this "day of meat" to take action against Sukiya. Using part-time workers and activists to protest against Sukiya, the hashtag # Endrika iray hafa isehoan'ny fifandraisan'ny Etiopia sy ireo masoivoho mpanao fanampiana no nisongadina tao anatina lahatsoratra iray nosoratana mpitoraka blaogy iray mipetraka any Addis-Abeba, Owen Barder. Another aspect of Ethiopia's relationship with the aid industry came under the spotlight in an article highlighted by Addis Ababa-based blogger Owen Barder. Another aspect of Ethiopia's relationship with aid agencies emerged in an article written by Addis Ababa-based blogger Owen Barder. Mpirotsaka asa an-tsitrapo roa avy ao amin'ny Vokovoko Mena gineana no nodarohina raha tonga tao an-tanàna izy ireo mba handamina ny fandevenana araka ny tokony ho izy ary voaaro ny mpikambana iray ao main'ny vondrom-piarahamonina. Two volunteers from the Guinea Red Cross were beaten when they reached a village with the purpose to organise a dignified and secure burial for a community member. Two volunteers from the Guinean Red Cross were arrested when they arrived in the city to organize the funerals properly and a member of the community's main members were protected. Ho fanazavana ny toe-draharaha, ny habaka mpanesoeso El Chigüire Bipolar dia namoaka ny tantran'ilay "Donto nizara rasy tsy izy ary nanamafy fa maro ny olona vendrana." In light of the situation, the satirical site El Chigüire Bipolar posted the story of an "Imbecil who shares a fake photo and confirms that there are a lot of ignorant people out there." In light of the situation, satirical website El Chigüire Bipolar posted the piece of the "Donto distribute undefects and confirm that there are many stupid people." Afaka miteny na manoratra ny vahoaka People can talk or write ." People can speak or write Ao amin'ny Cargas and descargas Edwin Vázquez dia niantso ireo mpitoraka blaogy sy olon-tsotra mba hampiasa Twitter sy Facebook hampitàna vaovao amin'ny andron'ilay fitokonana. In Cargas and descargas Edwin Vázquez has covened bloggers and citizens to use Twitter and Facebook to circulate information the day of the national strike. On Cargas and descargas wasn't the only ones who called on bloggers and individuals to use Twitter and Facebook to report on the day of the strike. Tokony hihatsara i Lena . Lena must get better. Lena should be better. Manazava ny ifandraisan'ny baolina kitra sy ny fitiavan-tanindrazana izy ary milaza ireo "tsy fifanohizana" nasehon'ireo antsoina hoe " Ireo tia tanindrazana amin'ny fiadiana ny Tompon-dakan'ny amboara eran-tany ": He explains the link between football and patriotism pointing out several "incoherences" presented by those he calls "the World Cup Patriots": He explains the link between football and patriotism and refers to the "disparities" shown by so-called "The patriots of the World Cup": Fitiavana biby ve izany? Is it a love for animals? Is that animal love? Noho izany, niezaka ny hamily eo amin'ny ankavian'ilay kamiao ny tenako ary ny tanjoko dia ny hahatratra ny efitra familiana. So I managed to get on the left of the truck and my goal was to reach the cabin. So I tried to drive him to the left side of the truck and my goal was to reach the wheel. Reny ny feony niantso azy, ka nentiny namonjy toeram-pitsaboana teny an-toerana. He heard her voice calling him, and took her to a field hospital. She heard her voice calling her, and took her to a local hospital. Halahatra anaty tahirin'isa arak'izany ireo mpanjifa namaly. The subscribers will then be listed in a database. Advocate customers are thus trapped in statistics. Ny voalohany nandrenesako ny teny hoe tokol dia fony nisy namako niresaka momba izay fiara tiany hovidiana. I first came across the term tokol when my friend was discussing what car she wanted to buy. The first time I heard the word Tokol was when a friend of mine talked about a car he wanted to buy. Nilaza ny fampilazana avy tamin'ny polisy fa ahafahana mamantatra ny toerana sy manaraka ireo loharano ary làlana fanapariahan'ny mpampihorohoro hafatra ilay fampiasa, ary hatramin'ny hetsika "fivavahana tsy ara-dalàna" sy "loharanom-baovao mampidi-doza," tafiditra amin'izany ireo lahatsary, sary, ebooks ary antonta-taratasy. The notification from police said the application would locate and track the sources and distribution paths of terrorists, along with "illegal religious" activity and "harmful information," including videos, images, ebooks and documents. The police's warning said the app would allow users to locate and follow sources and routed by terrorists, as well as the "illegal content" and "illegal information sources," including videos, photos, ebooks and documents. Ho setrin'ny vaovao, nanoratra i Mahina mpisera Facebook: In reaction to the news, Facebook user Mahina wrote: In response to the news, Facebook user Mapina wrote: Azo antoka izay. Surely. That is certain. Nanafana ny resaka teo amin'ny mediam-bahoaka sinoa sy ny tontolon'ny bilaogy manadihady ny antony lalina ao ambadik'ity lazany ity ny fahazotoana nanoloana ny fanadinana. Enthusiasm towards the exam has also triggered heated discussion in Chinese social media and blogospheres where netizens explore the deeper reason behind its popularity. The rush in front of the exams has made the conversation between Chinese social media and the blogosphere examine the deep reasons behind this popularity. Kanefa, tomponandraikitra iray ao amin'ny fitantànana no niteny tamin'ny masoivohom-baovao AFP hoe "Ny vahoakan'i Gambia ihany no notoloranay fiarahabana fa tsy Jammeh." However, an administration official told new agency AFP, "We congratulated only the people of The Gambia, and not Jammeh." However, an administration official told AFP news agency "We only congratulate the people of The Gambia and not Jammeh." Mampiseho ireo kaonty mizara ny lahatsoratra ho toy ny "vona (noeuds) " boribory ny sary (eto ambany) avy amin'izany. The resulting graph (below) shows the accounts sharing the article as circular 'nodes.' The image (below) shows the accounts sharing the article as "noeds." @MehrTarar: #Mehzar ao amin'ny sampan-draharaha fameloman'aina. @MehrTarar: #Mehzar in ICU. @MehrTar: #Mehzar at life care agency. Mijoro eto isika rehetra mba hifanohanana sy handray anjara anatin'ireo fihetsiketsehana izay manohana ny zon'ny vehivavy. We are all here to support each other and take a stand for the movements that support women's rights. We all stand here to raise awareness and participate in demonstrations that support women's rights. Antony lehibe mahatonga ny sotasota ara-nofo atao amin'ny tovovavy sy ny vehivavy ny fangerena an-kalamanjana. Open defecation is a major reason for harassment among adolescent girls and women. Public harassment is a major factor in sexual harassment against girls and women. Tsy misy mila anao ny olona, afa-tsy ireo biby toa anao ihany. Nobody needs you, except freaks like you. People don't need you except for animals like you. Fahadalana be izany. Stupidity to the nth order. It's very foolish. Ohatrinona no tokony ho vidin'ny famantaranandron'ny Praiminisitra Mykola Azarov raha toa avadika ho ovy io vidiny io? How much would 's watch cost How much should the Prime Minister's watch be worth if this price is turned into potatoes? Navelany tany aoriana tany ny vadiny. She had left her husband behind. She left her husband behind. Mety hoe te-hanery ireo Fikambanana tsy miankina fotsiny ny biraon'ny mpampanoa lalàna Voronezh mba hanamarinan'izy ireo fa tena mandeha amin'ny làlana sy ny tanjona napetrany tokoa izy ireo! Perhaps the Voronezh prosecutor's office simply wants to get local NGOs to review how well they are addressing their mission statements! The Public Prosecutor's Office may just want to pressure NGOs to confirm that they actually walk in their ways and goals! Fanentanana iray hafa antsoina hoe Dark is Beautifull - Manja ny Mainty (jereo ny lahatsoratry ny Global Voices) tamin'ny 2013, nanosika nanohitra ny hevitra hoe ratsy na ambany ny hoditra mainty. Another campaign called Dark is Beautiful (see Global Voices report) in 2013 pushed back against the idea that dark skin is somehow uglier or inferior. Another campaign called Dark is Beauti hiaraka - Black people (see Global Voices article) in 2013 has pushed against the idea that black skins are bad or inferior. Misy biby sy olona izay tsy misy akory ary tantaram-piainana mahavariana maro koa," hoy i Gonzalo manamarika. There are animals and beings that don't exist and also many adventures," Gonzalo notes. There are animals and people that don't exist and a lot of fascinating stories of life," says Nanome hevitra ny hanasiana fanadihadiana ny resaka fahamendrehana i Joseph Chan, filoha fahiny tao amin'ny Sekolin'ny Lalàna tao amin'ny Anjerimanontolo tao Hong Kong, mba hiantohana fa tsy misy ahiana ny fomba fisainana sy ny fitondrantenan'ireo kandidà. Joseph Chan, former head of the School of Law at Hong Kong University, suggested an integrity check mechanism to ensure the candidates' character and conduct are intact. Joseph Chan, former head of the School of Law at Hong Kong University, suggested an investigation into the issue of dignity, to ensure that the candidates' attitudes and behavior are safe. Tena nampihorinkoditra ahy ity tantara ity. This story sent a frozen chill to my spine and blood. This story really surprised me. Ao anaty ranomandry ny Oniversiten'ny fitsaboana ao Douchanbé. -12 androany maraina Dushanbe Medical University in the snow. -12 this morning - Robin Ord-Smith (@RobinOrdSmith) February 3, 2014 The University of Medicine in Dourachanbé is in snow. -12 this morning "Iharan'ny herisetra, faneriterena, fandrahonana, ary fitànana am-ponja vonjimaika sy fanamelohana tsy marina noho ny fiaraha-mientan'izy ireo am-pilaminana hiaro ny zony ireo mponina ao amin'ilay faritra voakasik'ilay tetikasa " hoy i Maina Kiai, mpitondra teny manokan'ny Firenena Mikambana momba ny fahalalahana manao fivoriana amim-pilaminana. "People in the project-affected area have reportedly been subjected to violence, harassment and intimidation, as well as arbitrary detentions and false charges, as a result of their activities to assemble peacefully and collectively defend their human rights," said the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and association, Maina Kiai. "The residents of the project's affected areas are victims of violence, pressure, threats, and temporary detention and false condemnation for their peaceful solidarity for their rights," said Manina Kiai, a UN special spokesman for freedom of assembly. Sary avy amin'ny Forum ASEAN Peoples Photo from ASEAN Peoples' Forum Photo from the event's event. Manasokajy ny ISIS sy ny Al-Qaïda ho zava-doza goavana indrindra hoan'i Islamo ny mpitondra fivavahana ambony indrindra ao Arabia Saodita, saingy misy ireo mpanao politika ao Arabia Saodita sy ato amin'ny Helodrano no manasokajy ny fibodoan'ny ISIS an'i Mosul ho revolisionim-bahoaka The highest cleric in Saudi describes ISIS and Al Qaeda as the greatest danger facing Islam, but there are politicians in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf who consider ISIS's occupation of Mosul a popular revolution Saudi Arabia's highest cleric describes ISIS and Al-Qaïda as the biggest threat to Islam, but some politicians in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf describe the ISIS' occupation of Mosul as a popular revolution. Novaina ho: "Na samy lahy na samy vavy na tsia ireo roa tonta hifanambady, mitovy ihany ny fepetra sy ny fiantraikany amin'ny fanambadiana. " To: "Whether the parties to get married are from the same sex or not, marriage will meet the same requierements and effects." It was changed to: "The two couples are both men and women, the same conditions and the consequences of marriage. " Ny fiofoana tanteraka The Metamorphosis The Complete End Nilaza tamin'ny Mpanao Gazety Miombona i Hassoun Abu Faisal, avy amin'ny Ivotoeran'ny Haino aman-jerin'i Aleppo fa maty niaraka tamin'ny rahalahiny i Barakat, mpiadin'ny tafika sirianina malalaka, tao amina fanamboarana karipetra tsy lavitra ny hopitaly. Aleppo Media Center's Hassoun Abu Faisal told the Associated Press that Barakat died with his brother, a Free Syrian Army fighter, in a carpet factory near the hospital. Hassun Abu Faisal, from Aleppo's Media Center, told the same Journalist that Guat, an Iranian military fighter, died with his brother in a carpet near the hospital. Raha maniry hanana fikambanana hiady ny zon-tsika isika , amin'ny resaka etika, ny zon'ny mpanoratra sy ny vola miditra, tiako koa ny manolo-kevitra mba hanana Fiaraha-miasa ny Bilaogera, izay ahafahan'ny tsirairay mizara ny heviny, ny fahaizany, ary izay mety ho vola raisina. If we really want an organization to fight for our right, in terms of ethics, copy right issues and income, I would rather suggest having a Bloggers Cooperative, where one get to share ideas, skills, and income opportunities. If we want to have an organization to fight our rights, on ethical issues, on the rights of authors and incomes, I would also like bloggers to suggest partnerships, which allow everyone to share their opinions, skills, and funds. Ny hafa indray nosamborina noho ny fifandraisany tamin'ireo mpikatroka any ampielezana tamin'ny alàlan'ny hafatra Facebook. Others have been arrested for communicating with diaspora-based activists through Facebook messages. Others were arrested for their contact with diaspora activists via Facebook posts. @Giles_iPresume: Ny fandrakofana eran-tany an'ilay faneken'i Singapore ny andro iray fialan-tsasatra ho an'ireo mpiasa an-trano dia mahamenatra, nefa aza miteny izany any anatin'ireo pejy natokana ho an'ny mpamaky ny Straits Times @Giles_iPresume: The global coverage of Singapore legislating one day off for maids is embarrassing, but don't tell that to the Straits Times letters page @Giles_iPresume: Global coverage of Singapore's recognition of a day's holiday for domestic workers is shameful, but don't mention it on pages dedicated to the Stris Times readers Raha ben'ny tanàna iray aza afaka mahazo karatra roa, hoy i Brian Nandala, tokony ho afaka mahazo misimisy kokoa ihany koa izy, izay olon-tsotra iray: If a mayor can get two ID cards, said Brian Nandala, he, an ordinary person, should be able to get more too: If a mayor can get two cards, Brian Nandala says, he should also be able to get more, a citizen: Tao amin'ny sombin-dahatsoratra iray ho an'ny Huffington Post, niresaka momba ilay votoaty tafavoaka ny mpampianatra ambony Tiorka Zeynep Tufekci: In a piece for Huffington Post, Turkish scholar Zeynep Tufekci criticized the leak: In a piece for the Huffington Post, Turkish academic Zeynep Tufekci talked about the release of the content: Blaogera Serba Filip Mladenović nanoratra: Serbian blogger Filip Mladenović wrote in his post: Serbian blogger Filip Mladenović wrote: Nipoitra tao amin'ny media sosialy ny lahatsary roa mampiseho fitsoahana am-ponja tamin'ny Zoma 24/07 tolakandro tany amin'ny Seranantsambon'i Espana, Trinite. Two videos of Friday afternoon's jailbreak in Port of Spain, Trinidad have surfaced on social media. Two videos showing imprisonment on Friday 24/07 p.m. at Port of Spain, Trinidad appeared on social media. @iKabirBedi (KABIR BEDI): Na tia azy, na mankahala azy, dia ho andro manan-tantara ao Mumbai ny fandevenana an'i Balasaheb, tanàna nomeny anarana, ary sambany mba voafehy. @iKabirBedi (KABIR BEDI): Love him or hate him, Balasaheb 's funeral will be a truly historic day in Mumbai, city he renamed, and once controlled. @iKabirBedi (KABIR BEDI): Love it or hate it, the funeral of Balasaheb, the city he named, will be a historic day in Mumbai, and it will be the first time under control. Foibe Fitsaboana misy ao amin'ny faritra mitaha amin'ireo fisian'ireo tranga voalaza (tao amin'ny @aiddata, 01/07/2014) Treatment centers available in the region versus reported cases (via @aiddata, 01/07/2014) A regional medical center compared to cases reported (via @aiddata, 1/07/2014) Kanefa, tsy vonona ny hanaiky ny valin'io ny olona sasany. However, some people are not willing to accept the result. However, some people are not willing to accept the answer. Raha nanoratra tao amin'ny pejiny Facebook, nampatsiahy ny vahoaka i Schooling fa "tsy midika fanjakazakàna sy herisetra ny tanjaka." Writing on his Facebook page, Schooling reminded the public that "strength does not mean dominance and aggression." Writing on his Facebook page, Schooling reminded the public that "power does not mean occupation and violence." Mahatsiaro ho voatery mijanona ao amin'ny hotely Trump DC ireo delegasiôna avy any ivelany, avy tamin'ny @OConnellPostbiz @marycjordan Foreign delegations feel pressure to stay at Trump DC hotel, by @OConnellPostbiz @marycjordan - Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) November 19, 2016 Foreign delegations feel forced to stay at Trump DC hotel via @OConnellPostbiz @maryc West Bank Tranga hafa iray ny an' i Victoire Ingabire ao amin'ny antoko FDU-Inkingi Party izay tsy nahazo alalana ny hisoratra anarana amin'ny fifidianana Filoham-pirenena. Another case is Victoire Ingabire's FDU-Inkingi Party party which was not allowed to register for the Presidential election. Another case is Victoire Ingabire of the FDU-Inkingi Party who was not allowed to register in the presidential election. Sary: Mídia Ninja CC BY-SA 2.0 Photo: Mídia Ninja CC BY-SA 2.0 Photo: Mídia Nija CC BY-SA 2.0 Tsy misy zava-baovao eto. There's nothing new here. There's nothing new here. DiaNuke/Aam Janata namoaka sary sasantsasany avy any Kudankulam mampiseho vehivavy mitokona tsy mihinan-kanina sy ireo tambanivohitra miaina anaty tahotra tsy mana-pahataperana. DiaNuke/Aam Janata has posted some pictures from Kudankulam which depicts women on hunger strike and villagers living under constant fear. DiaNuke/Aamthose posted some photos from Kudankulam showing women on hunger strike and villagers living in constant fear. Nefa iza no afaka manameloka ireo ezaky ny olombelona amin'ny fanatsaràna ny toe-piainana? But who can blame human efforts to make quality of life better? But who can blame human efforts for improving conditions? Mianiana ny Filoha Vaovaon'i Paragoay Paraguay's New President is Sworn in · Global Voices Paraguay's New President Resigns · Global Voices Nitohy nandritry ny tapa-bolana ny fitokonan-dry zareo tsy hihinan-kanina talohan'ny nihetsehan'ny polisy tamin'ny 7 Jolay 2015, ary nanaparitaka ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana teo ivelan'ny Casa Presidencial, tranon'ny Filohan'i Honduras ao Tegucigalpa. Their hunger strike continued for two weeks before police moved in on July 7, 2015, and dispersed the demonstrators outside Casa Presidencial, the Honduran President's home in Tegucigalpa. Their hunger strike continued for two weeks before police demonstration on July 7, 2015, and dispersed protesters outside Casa Presidencial, the home of Honduras's President in Tegucigalpa. CC BY-NC CC BY-NC CC BY-NC Pikantsarin'ny mpanjifan'ny Bittorent. Screenshot of a Bittorent client. Screenshot of Bittorent customers. Manontany i Davao Travel raha efa niomana amin'ny mety hisian'ny safo-drano hafa ny tanàna: Davao Travel asks if the city is prepared for another flooding: Davao Travel asks if the city is prepared for another flood: - لاء - لاء - لاء Hoy izy namarana: She concluded: She concludes: Ny iray hafa dia fahefana ara-moraly izay fototr'io fampiasana ilay fahefana io ary mifototra amin'ny fitokian'ny olom-pirenena The other is the moral authority that underlies the exercise of that power and which rests on the trust and confidence of the citizens. When its acts and omissions were first subjected to legitimate inquiries, the JLSC was utterly dismissive. Another is moral power that is at the root of this exercise of power and is based on citizen trust. Navoitran'i Asiajin ny fanarahamaso nataon'i laboratoara mpanaramaso ao Nifty izay nahatsikaritra fa spam na mpandotorano fotsiny ny 40%n'ny bolongana Japoney. Asiajin pointed to Nifty Laboratory survey which found out 40% Japanese Blogs are spam. Asiajin has highlighted Nifty's monitoring of the Japanese blogs by a Nifty observer who found out that 40% of the blogs are just a waste or a waste of water. Amin'ity lahatsary manaraka ity kosa, niresadresaka tamin'i Margot Benacerraf, mpanatontosa ny lahatsary ny ekipa: In the following video the team interviews film director Margot Benacerraf: In the following video, however, the team spoke with Margot Benacerraf, the director of the video: Noho ny fitombon'ny trangan-javatra sy voina ary ny faharavana hita maso nateraky ny fitrandrahana harena an-kibon'ny tany manerana ny firenena, dia maro ny nanomana fihetsiketseham-panoherana tao amin'ny firenena tao anatin'izay taona vitsivitsy izay. Because of the rising incidents of mining disasters and the visible destructive impact of mining across the country, protests have also been organized in recent years. Given the growing number of incidents and disasters caused by mining across the country, many have organized protests in the country in recent years. Sary Joi Ito (CC-BY-2.0) Photo by Joi Ito (CC-BY-2.0) Photo by Joi Ito (CC-BY-2.0) Hisy fanomanana fandevenana lehibe ato anatin'ny andro vitsivitsy araka ireo tatitra. There are reports that a bigger funeral is being readied in the next few days. A big funeral will take place within a few days according to reports. Amiko, ny fiarahamonina iraisam-pirenena efa nanao izay azony natao amin'ny lafiny fampiharana ny fanerena amin'ny fitondrana Siriana. I think the international community exhausted everything in terms of applying pressure on the Syrian regime. To me, the international community has done what it can in terms of exercising pressure on the Syrian regime. Nosamborina indray izy tamin'ny Desambra 2010 tamin'ny fiampangana ho "manao propagandy miady amin'ny fanjakana," ary navotsotra roa volana taty aoriana rehefa nandoa onitra saram-pamotsorana 15.000 dolara amerikana. He was again arrested in December 2010 on charges of "propaganda against the state," and was released two months later on bail of about $15,000. He was arrested again in December 2010 on charges of "pro-government propaganda," and released two months later on on bail of US $1,000. F.M.: Vitsy ny gazety-boky na gazety-boky an-tserasera ho an'ny vehivavy eto Maraoka no afa-mirehareha fa manana mpamaky boky lehilahy maro tahaka anay. Few magazines or webzines for women in Morocco can claim to have as many male readers as us. F.M.: Few online magazines or magazines for women in Morocco can claim to have more male readers like us. Nahazo vato betsaka dia betsaka avy tamin'ireo faritra ambany tanàna mahantran'i São Paulo i Doria, na dia hoe tsy anisan'ny avy amin'ireo sokajy ambany ao amin'ny firenena aza izy. Doria received an overwhelming amount of votes in São Paulo's poorest suburbs, despite hardly being a member of the country's lower classes himself. Doria won a lot of votes from the slums of São Paulo, though she is not part of the lower class of the country. Iray amin'ireo sary 10 voalohany ao amin'ny Tokyo Camera Club. One of Tokyo Camera Club's top 10 images. One of the top 10 photos from Tokyo Camera Club. Relief and Reconciliation dia mpanao asasoa izay mamelona Foibem-Pandriampahalemana ao Libanona avaratra "hanampiana ny olona amin'ny finoana rehetra ... hialana amin'ny herisetra ary hitadiavana hoavy tsaratsara kokoa." Relief and Reconciliation is a charity that runs a Peace Centre in northern Lebanon aiming to "help people of all faiths ... to exit violence and to find a better future." Mauricio and Reconciliation are humanitarians who provide North Lebanon's Peace Center "to help people with all faiths... to avoid violence and to look for a better future." Ampahan'olona (amin'ny mponina) mahazo tombotsoa manokana ny "Chevaliers" sy olona ambony. Knights and higher were a privileged part of the population (of the people). "Chevaliers" and high-ranking people are part of (of the population) of personal interest. Nasokitra sarivongana voatovo Jabanyana izahay androany Today we made a Jabanyan pumpkin carving. Today we've painted a statue of Jabanyana · Global Voices Ireto ambany ireto ny sasany tamin'ireo saripika manasongadina ny asa nirotsahan'ny Big Brother Mouse nanerana an'i Laos: Below are some of the photos featuring the activities conducted by Big Brother Mouse across Laos: Below are some of the photos highlighting the work of Big Brother Mouse across Laos: Hahatsiarovana ny #G20Brisbane ny tsy nahavitan'i Abbott nandresy lahatra ny firenena hafa mba tsy hieritreritra ny #fiovàn'nytoetr'andro #faharesena #auspol #G20Brisbane will be remembered for Abbott's crushing failure to convince the rest of the world to ignore #climatechange #fail #auspol - citizen grafiti (@grafiti) November 16, 2014 Remembering #G20Brisbane's failure to convince other countries not to think about #androday change #endure # Hitanao izany eny an-dalana rehetra eny, amin'ny hirahira ao amin'ny radio, ny fahasahiranan'ny olona mijery ny lisitra sy mampiditra izany amin'ny dokam-barotra ao amin'ny fahitalavitra. You can see it in all corners of the street, the music on the radio, the busy people checking their list and including TV commercials. You see it all along the way, with music on the radio, how difficult it is for people to look at the list and include it in TV ads. Sary nalaina tamin'ny fakantsarin'ny CNN, ahitana an'i Bale voatositosika. A screen capture of CNN's video of Bale being turned away. Image taken from CNN's camera, of Bale being hacked. Mba jereo ny hira avy any amin'ny toerana hafa ary dia hahita fahaiza-manao maro & fahaiza-mamorona ianao. Look at songs from other places and you'll find a lot of creativity & imagination. Look at songs from other places and you'll find a lot of skills & creativity. Androany, antontan-taratasy sarobidy manodidina ny 70.000 no avoakan'ny Wikileaks amin'ny andiany voalohany amin'ilay tahiry." Today WikiLeaks is releasing around 70,000 documents from the trove as the first tranche. Today, Wikileaks releases around 70,000 valuable documents in the first edition of the archive." Mahasorena an'i Alim Atenbek ny fanamiana nanaovan'ny ekipa avy ao Kazakhstana: Alim Atenbek is upset with the uniform of the Kazakhstani team: The uniform used by the team from Kazakhstan upset Alim Atenbek: Mitehaka mandritra ny andro aho... I clapped my hands all day... I'm celebrating all day... Ny Toe-karena The Economy The Economics Amin'izao androntsika izao, ampanginin'ireo kintana tanora toa an-dry Ali Mourad sy Wawa ny feon-gitara ary ampiakariny ho amin'ny gadona ankafizin'ny tanora kokoa ny feon-javamaneno. These days, young stars like Ali Mourad and Wawa dial back the fancy guitar work and crank up the tempo for a more youth-oriented sound. In our time, the young stars such as Ali Mourad and Wawa are mocking the sound of rain and bringing the sound to a younger generation's favorite. Filoha Obama nihaona tamin'ny filoha Medvedev nandritra ny Forum Fandraharahana tamin'ny 6 Jolay 2009, Sary avy amin'ny Trano Fotsy, sary misokatra ho an'ny rehetra. President Obama meets President Medvedev at the Business Forum on July 6, 2009, White House photograph, public domain. President Obama met President Medvedev during a conference on July 6, 2009, photo from the White House, open to all. Ny lalàna koa dia mety hampitsahatra ny fanampiana Amerikana rehetra ho fahazoana fitaovam-piadiana sy hanohintohina ny dolara anjatony tapitrisa izay atokana amin'izao fotoana izao homena an'i Honduras ao anatin'ilay Fifanarahana Telozoro Avaratra hoan'ny Drafitry ny Firoboroboana. The law would also cease all US aid for arms acquisitions and jeopardize the hundreds of millions of dollars now earmarked for Honduras in the Northern Triangle's Alliance for Prosperity Plan. The law would also stop all US aid for the possession of weapons and undermine the hundreds of millions of dollars currently devoted to Honduras as part of the Northern Federation for the Development Plan. Sady amin'izay, tsy misy fepetra noraisina sahala amin'izany ho an'ireo mpandeha fiara, ohatra, izay ampiasain'ireo mpanao ratsy ihany koa mba hangalarana na hakàna olona an-keriny. Similar actions, moreover, have not been taken against passengers in cars, for example, which criminals also use to commit robberies and kidnappings. After all, no similar measures are taken for drivers, for example, who are also used by criminals to steal or steal someone. Brian Ashcraft, mpamorona ilay bilaogy filalaovana sy fialàna voly, dia nanoratra lahatsoratra mamahavaha ny sasany amin'ireo tsikera anatin'ilay lahatsoratra. Brian Ashcraft, the Osaka-based editor of the gaming and entertainment blog, wrote a post dismantling some of the article's arguments. Brian Ashcraft, founder of the blog, wrote an article explaining some of the comments in the post. Voasoratra ato amin'ity tatitry ny gazety mpiseho isan'andro Prothom Alo ity ny andro iray nisiana herisetra ara-politika: One day of political violence is described in this Daily Prothom Alo report: The day of political violence was written in this report by the daily Prothom Alo: Voatsikera noho ny fanitsakitsahany ny zon'ny mpisera amin'ny fahalalahan'ny fanehoankevitra, ny fiainana manokana sy ny tsy filazana anarana, ary noho ny fametrahany fepetra hentitra amin'ireo orinasa miasa eto amin'ny firenena ilay lalàna. The legislation has drawn criticism for its infringement on users' rights to freedom of expression, privacy and anonymity, and for placing stringent requirements on businesses operating in the country. The law has been criticized for its violation of user rights to freedom of expression, privacy and anonymity, and for taking firm measures against companies operating in the country. Tamin'ny fomba ahatsiarovana an'i Andy Dufresnes raha nitsoaka ny fonja tao amin'ny tantara "The Shawshank Redemption," dia voalaza fa nandady tanaty tonelina nolavahina tamina tavoahangy sy vakina vilany ireto gadra ireto talohan'ny nahafaty ny iray sy nahatrarana ny efatra hafa an-kilometatra vitsy monja miala an'Antananarivo renivohitra. In a manner reminiscent of Andy Dufresnes' flight from prison in "The Shawshank Redemption," the prisoners reportedly crept out of a long tunnel dug with bottles and saucepans before one was killed and four others intercepted a few kilometers away from Antananarivo, the capital city. Remembering Andy Dufresnes's escape from prison in the story "The Shawshank Redemption," the prisoners reportedly spent a night in a tunnel with bottles and pots before one died and a few kilometers away from the capital city. Tsy ela akory izay, nandany volavolan-dalàna iray momba ny "fandrindràna ny fampiasàna sy fitrandrahana ny tambajotranà media sosialy" ireo solombavambahoaka enimpolo mpikambana ao amin'ny antenimiera." Sixty Egyptian members of parliament recently approved a draft law on "the regulations of using and exploiting social media networks." In recent times, six dozen members of parliament passed a bill on the "reorganization of the use and exploitation of social media networks." Mpamahana bolongana marobe izay nisongadina tao amin'ny Global Voices no anisan'ny nahazo izany loka BoBs izany vao taty aoriana Many bloggers who were highlighted on Global Voices have later been distinguished by a BoBs award. Several bloggers who were featured on Global Voices were recently awarded the BoBs award. Tsy afaka hilaza izahay hoe tompon'andraikitra tamin'ny fahombiazana rehetra, satria nahazo fanohanana maro tsy araky ny noeritreretinay akory izahay. We can't claim responsibility for all the success, we got so much support that we did not expect. We cannot say that we are responsible for all the success, because we have received more support than we thought. Araka ny voalazan'ny vondrona, fantatra fa fanehoan-kevitra tafahoatra sy fiteny manala-baraka manohitra ny Filoha sy ny Andrimpanjakana no nataon'ireo olona izay niharan'ny fakàna ny kaontiny Twitter . According to the group, the opinions expressed by the people whose accounts were hacked could be seen as abuses of freedom of speech and defamatory speech against the President and the State's institutions. According to the group, people who have been subjected to Twitter accounts were known to be extreme comments and insulting speech against the President and the state. Nanatontosa fisamborana mahavariana tamin'ireo voarohirohy voampanga ny governemanta, izay nitarika fiampangana olona 17 tamin'ny volana Oktobra 2014. The government staged spectacular arrests of some of the accused suspects, leading to conviction of 17 people by October 2014. The government held an impressive arrest of the accused, which led to the charges of 17 people in October 2014. Nanamafy ireo mafana fo ara-politika fa tsy fifandonana ara-pinoana mihitsy ity olana sedrain'ny firenena ity fa olana goavana izay nateraky ny Birao misahana ny Fifindra-monina any Myanmar. Political activists emphasized that this transnational issue is not simply a religious conflict but a huge problem caused by the Immigration Bureau of Myanmar. Political activists have confirmed that the country's crisis is not a religious conflict, but a serious issue that has resulted from Myanmar's immigration office. 2) Olo-pirenen'i Qidong: Manohitra ny fanapaha-kevitra manjavozavo 2) Qidong Citizens: Against Opaque decisions 2) Qidong Citizens: Protesting vague decisions Luiz Bento avy ao amin'ny Science blogs dia nanasongadina ny antony nanekena ilay lalàna tamin'ny fomba 'teny midina' toy izany: Luiz Bento from Science blogs highlighted why the report was approved in this vertical manner: couldn't help but understand why the law was approved in such a way: Tsy afaka miaina mifanalavitra i David sy Goliath ary efa ela loatra no teo ambonin'io fifandrafesana io ny milina ideôlôjika no niorina. David cannot live without Goliath and the ideological apparatus has relied for too long on this enmity. David and Goliath couldn't live far from each other and had been on the same line for too long. Ankehitriny rehefa mijery mivantana an-tserasera aho dia fantatro ankehitriny fa misy ny mahay mitantara sy manazava tsara fa tsy mirediredy fotsiny. Now by watching online streaming I know there are quality anchors who explain about the sport instead of talking nonsense. Now that I'm watching live online, I know now that there's someone who can tell a story and explain well and not just laugh. Raha te-hahita eritreritra mahatonga saina sy daozy mahery kokoa dia araho ny kaonty Twitter efa voasoratra etsy ambony. For more doses on the inner thoughts of capitalism, check out the Twitter account noted above. To find more disturbing thoughts and thoughts, follow the above mentioned Twitter account. Ary inona ny tany hay tsy misy tafiotram-pasika? And what's a desert without a good sandstorm? And what is the desert without a storm? Tao amin'ny haino aman-jery mahazatra, izay fehezin'ny antokon'ny fitondrana amin'ny ankapobeny, lasibatry ny fandrakofam-baovao mamely azy hatrany ny SPO. In the mainstream media, largely controlled by the ruling parties, the SPO has been the target of relentlessly negative coverage. In mainstream media, which is generally controlled by the ruling party, SPO has always been the target of media coverage against it. Ny antony nanetsika an'i John sy i Jonathan dia ny valiny azon-dry zareo, ary kisendrasendra mifankahita amin'olona vaovao sy mandre ny tantaran'izy ireo azo aseho amin'izao tontolo izao ao amin'ny pejiny. John and Jonathan are motivated by the response they've received, and by the chance to meet new people and hear stories that they can show the world through their page. John and Jonathan's motivation is their response, and it's a coincidence to meet new people and hear their stories from the world on their pages. Tsy fikasana hanadio ny NEMO na tompon'andraikitra hafa amin'ny fanairana ny vahoaka akory izany. This not an attempt to absolve NEMO or any other agency responsible for alerting the public. This is not an attempt to clean the NEMO or any other responsibility for public awareness. Araka ny fampanantenana avy aminy izay nolazainy iray andro mialoha ny fe-potoana farany, nanambara izy fa olona fito voarohirohy no efa voasambotra . According to his promise just one day before the deadline he announced the arrest of seven suspects . According to his promises, which he said a day before the deadline, he announced that seven suspects had already been arrested. Ao anatin'izany, maro ireo bitsika isan-karazany nanolo-kevitra ny mpanao gazety mba tsy hanalavitra ny olon-tsotra fa hihevitra azy ireo hatrany ao an-tsainy. In this sense, various tweets advised journalists not to distance themselves from citizens and keep them in mind. In the meantime, many tweets have suggested journalists not to distance themselves from ordinary people but to keep them in mind. Tsy ny #NewPalmyra irery no ezaka fiarovana harembakoka hoan'i Syria. #NewPalmyra isn't the only preservation effort for Syria. #NewPalmyra is not the only conservation effort for Syria. Efa ho 57 ora izao ny fifanandrinana. The battle has been going on for 57 hours. The fight has been nearly 57 hours. Tsy miova mihitsy ny fampiasam-bola fa na harena an-kibon'ny tany, na ny hazo, na ny tany sy ny rano hambolena. Investments are invariably for the resources then - so it could be minerals, it could be timber, it could be soil and water to grow crops. The investment has never changed but either mining, wood, land and water to grow. Tsy manana akory izahay na dia hevitra aza mikasika ireo olana misy any amin'ireo firenena maro eran'izao tontolo izao, ary tsy manana hevitra mihintsy, afa-tsy i Palestina. We don't even have stances towards issues that take place in many of the world's states, neither do we know much about them, with the exception of Palestine. We don't even have any idea about issues in many countries around the world, and we don't have any ideas, except Palestine. Falu aho eto, tiako ny zavatra ataoko ary tiako ny rivotra iainana. I'm happy here, I love what I do and I like the atmosphere. I am Falu here, I love what I do and I love the air. Talohan'ny naha-sehatra fanehoan'ny olona hevitra ny Aterineto sy ny media sosialy, dia ny onjampeo FM tsy mahataka-davitra, na an'ny vondrom-piarahamonina, no hany fomba fampitàna vaovao azon'ireo izay naniry hizaha olana tahaka ny zava-manjo ireo mpialokaloka, tamin'ny alàlan'ny onjampeo any amin'ireo tanàna tranainy tahaka an'i Kyoto Before the Internet and social media became a space for popular expression, low-power FM, or community radio was the only medium available to those who wanted to get an issue like the plight of refugees on the airwaves in a traditional city like Kyoto. Before people's opinions on the Internet and social media were made public, the only way to spread information for those who wanted to address refugee issues through radio in old cities such as Kyoto Mangataka fanampiana ara-bola ny The Starbucks Lover The Starbucks Lover asks for donations: The Starbucks Lover demands financial assistance Dr Indri Pickle no anarany, ary hazavainy amin'ny mpijery ny fomba fanaovany manga alòna izay ankafizin'ny olona any amin'ny firenena any Azia Atsimo. Her name is Dr. Indri Pickle, and she explains to viewers that she will show them how to make mango pickles, which are very popular in South Asian countries. His name is Dr Indri Pickle, who explains to the audience how he makes blue where people in South Asian countries enjoy it. Amin'ny maha olon'ny haino aman-jery ahy, mino aho fa ny etika maha-matihanina dia miaraka amin'ny mpanao gazety hatrany, izay tsy maintsy manana ny lanjany mifantoka amin'ny fanajana ny maha-olona amin'ny fampitam-baovao fa tsy amin'ny fanakiviana na oviana na oviana. As a media person, I believe that professional ethics are always in play with the journalist, who must have his or her values focused on the humanization of information and never on demoralization. As a media person, I believe that social ethics is always with journalists, who must focus on respecting human dignity in the media instead of giving up at any time. Qatari Aho, ary Te Hanana Fahafahana Hanapa-kevitra Amin'izay Tiako Hovadiana I'm Qatari, and I Want to Be Able to Decide For Myself Who I Marry · Global Voices I'm a Qatari, and I Want to Have Freedom to Think About What I Want to Return · Global Voices Sary nalain'i Shoonit Khoshen. Photo taken by Shoonit Khoshen. Photo taken by Shoonnit Khoshen. Ireo olo-malaza, politisiana mpanohitra, ary olompirenena tsotra ao Afrika Atsimo dia samy tsy niraharaha ilay fialantsininy, nilaza fa tokony ho ny fametrahany fialàna no natolony. South Africa's prominent figures, opposition politicians, and ordinary citizens have slammed the apology, saying he should have offered his resignation. Popular figures, opposition politicians, and ordinary citizens of South Africa have ignored his apology, saying he should have offered his resignation. Kastoria: Ragkoutsaria Kastoria: Ragkoutsaria Kastoria: Ragkoutsaria Eto, omena amin'ny karazan-dahatenin'i Hero Alom ireo lesona momba ny fianarana ny kaody, izay mitondra karazanà "Bengali an-dalambe" anatinà tontolo manaraka rafitra kokoa. Here, the lessons in learning the code are delivered in Hero Alom's speech style, which brings a kind of "street Bengali" to an otherwise formal setting. Here, lessons about learning the code are given in the form of Hero Alom's speech, which brings in a kind of "Bengali on the street" in a more systemal world. @InO_MoXo: Ny fitokonana tany Iquitos dia nihen-danja ho lasa hoe politisiana nampiasa ilay zava-nitranga ho amin'ny tombontsoany ary ireo mpizaha tany naka sary niaraka tamin'ny vatam-paty sarintsariny handevenana ny lalàna. @InO_MoXo: The strike in #Iquitos was reduced to politicians using the situation to their advantage and tourists taking pictures with the symbolic coffin of the law @InO_MoXo: The strike in Iquitos has deferred to the fact that politicians used the incident for their own benefit and tourists took photos with their graves covering the law. Ary nanontany tena aho, nahoana no mahavita mampahory olombelona ny olona iray ? And I wondered, how is it possible someone could do so much damage to another human being? And I wondered, why can anyone torture humanity? Ny volana Jona, olona 19 no nifamory teo amin'ny Kianjan'ny Fahalalahana, teo ambany sorabaventy hoe "Tsia ho an'ny Fandrobàna," entiny hanondroana ny filazàna fisiana kolikoly ao amin'ny orinasam-panjakana Rosiana misahana ny herinaratra, ny Inter RAO, izay mamokatra ny herinaratr'i Armenia, sy ao amin'ireo toerana ambony ao amin'ny governemantan'ny firenena. On June 19 people gathered at Freedom Square under the banner "No to Plunder," a reference to alleged corruption in the Russian state-owned energy holding Inter RAO that produces Armenia's electricity and top levels of the country's government. In June, 19 people gathered at Freedom Park under the banner "No to Censorship," referring to the alleged corruption in the Russian state power company Inter RAO, which produces Armenia's power, and in key positions in the country's government. Tena niteraka resaka nanahirana mihitsy ny fandrenesana tao ho ao ny fitontongan'ny toe-tsain'ny moanina, hatramin'ny niantohan'ny Lalampanorenana ny Bodisma ho fivavaham-panjakana ary ny fahitana fa saika Bodista daholo ny ankamaroan'ny Kambojiana.. Since Buddhism is a state religion guaranteed by the Constitution and the fact that nearly all Cambodians are Buddhists, the recent reported decline of monk morality in the country is a cause of concern. It has caused a lot of controversy in recent times to hear about the decline in monks' attitudes, as well as the constitutionalization of Buddhism and the fact that almost all Cambodians are Buddhists. Mpandefa bitsika hafa no milaza hoe: Another tweep says: Another tweep says: Mampiseho ireo lalao madritra ny fiadiana ny amboara eran-tany mba hisarihana ireo mpividy ireo trano fisotroan-toaka, ireo trano fivarotan-tsakafo sy ireo trano fisotroana dite dia . Bars, restaurants and tea shops are showing World Cup matches to attract customers. Food shops and teahouses show World Cup matches to attract customers. Manoratra i Naeem: Naeem writes: Naeem writes: Nanazava io tranga io ny Africa Confidential tanatinà lahatsoratra momba ny fifidianana ao Môzambika, izay na dia saika tanatin'ny filaminana tanteraka aza dia voalotonà tranga mifono herisetra sy ezaka hanodinkodinana ireo vatom-pifidianana. Africa Confidential highlighted the case in a piece about Mozambique elections, which although mostly peaceful were marred by a handful of violent incidents and attempts to manipulate the vote. Africa Confidential explained the incident in a post about the elections in Mozambique, which, despite being in a very peaceful state, was polluted with violent incidents and attempts to mislead the votes. Mohammed Abdelfattah nanampy hoe: Mohammed Abdelfattah adds: Mohammed Abdelfattah adds: Ny Filohan'ny Fikambanan'ny Tantsaha ao Puerto Rico, Ramón González, dia nikaikitra mafy an'ilay tetikasa, nanambara tamin'ny mpampahalala vaovao hoe: "Inona no hitranga raha toa ka manelingelina sy mampiasa loha ity tranga ity. The Puerto Rico Farmers Association President Ramón González blasted the project, stating to the press: "What is happening in this case is troubling. The President of the Union of Agriculture of Puerto Rico, Ramón González, has been struggling with the project, telling the media: "What would happen if this incident is disturbing and disturbing. Shina: Vinaingitra simika China: Chemical Vinegar · Global Voices China: A chemical material · Global Voices Ary farany fa tsy kely indrindra, namarana toy izao ny mpamaky iray hafa, izay nanome anarana ny tenany ho Porsche Owner: And last but not least, another reader, who signed his name as Porsche Owner, concludes: And last but not least, another reader, who named himself Porsche Owner, concluded: Misy tsirony kokoa izay noho ilay hoe mifaninana amin'olon-kafa izay mety manana fitadidiana matanjaka ohatra. It makes a lot more sense than competing with someone who is blessed with photographic memory for instance. It's more delicious than competing with someone else who may have strong memory for example. Tsy vao izao ny polisy no mampiasa basim-borona. The use of shotgun shells by police is not new. This is not the first time that the police use birds' guns. Tao amin'ny media sosialy, nampiasaina ny tenirohy Arabo milaza 'ny 'fandripahana karama' sy ny "nandroba antsika i Abbas" izay manondro ny lehiben'ny Fahefana Palestiniana, Mahmoud Abbas. On social media, the Arabic hashtag for 'massacre of salaries' was used as well as "Abbas robbed us," referring to the president of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas. On social media, the Arabic hashtag that refers to "the slaughter of salaries' and "the Abbas" which refers to the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, was used. Nampiasa anaran-tsehatra manintona ireo tranonkala:,, ary nanana mpanjohy an-hetsiny ny pejy Facebook-n'izy ireo miaraka amin'izany. The websites used catchy domain names:,, and their accompanying Facebook pages had hundreds of thousands of followers. Websites used attractive domain names:,, and their Facebook page has hundreds of thousands of followers together. Nosafidin'ny Fikambanana mpiaro ny zon'ny Ankizy tamin'ny taona 2011 (Kids Right Foundation) mba hifaninana tamin'ilay Loka Iraisam-pirenena momba ny Fandriampahaleman'ny Ankizy ihany koa i Malala Yousufzai. Malala Yousufzai was also nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by advocacy group Kids Rights Foundation in 2011. Malala Yousufzai was also selected by the Children's Rights Association in 2011 (Kids Right Foundation) to compete for the International Children's Peace Prize. 28 taona izy tamin'izany, reny tokantena niteraka telo. She was 28, a single mother of three. She was 28 years old, a single mother of three. Tapaka ny fahanginana nony nanomboka nanindry ny rindrina tamin'ny fela-tanany ny lehilahy iray 40 taona, fa tsy ny totohondriny, toy ny fanaonay rehefa hiresaka. The silence is interrupted when a 40-year-old man starts pressing his palms against the wall. He does it smoothly, with his palms and not his fists, as we do to communicate. The silence was broken when a 40-year-old man began to put emphasis on the wall with his hands, rather than on his fists, as we used to talking. Tahaka antsika efa vonona ny hiditra ao amin'ny taona 2008, dia hankalaza ny fahaenimbolana voalohany nisiany ny Rising Voices. As we all get ready to enter 2008, Rising Voices celebrates its first six months of existence. Like us ready to enter 2008, Rising Voices will celebrate its first month. Te-mba ho kintana iray ao amin'ny Youtube aho." I want to be a Youtube star." I want to be a star on YouTube." Izao alina izao no alina farany amin'ny tantara iray ratsy indrindra izay tsy tantara, fa zava-doza. Tonight is the last night of a most terrible story that is not a story, but a tragedy. tonight is the last night of a worst story, not a story, but a tragedy. Ny tatitra avy amin'ny Ministeran'ny Atitany ao amin'ny DNR mikasika ny hetsika stratejika, ny heloka bevava ao anatin'ny daroka baomba Operational reports of the DNR Interior Ministry, crime in the midst of shelling The DNR Ministry of Interior report on strategic action, crimes in the bombing Raha ohatra ka ny tanora izay ho lasa mpanao fanatanjahantena amin'ny hoavy (hisolo tena an'i Japàna amin'ny Lalao Olaimpika 2020) no tiana haseho, nahoana no tsy nisy zazalahy nanao fanamian'ny sekoly naseho teo ? If they wanted to showcase the youth who are going to be the future athletes (representing Japan in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics) why didn't they show any boys dressed in a high school uniforrm? For example, if the youth who will become future athletes (to represent Japan in the 2020 Olympics) were to show up, why didn't a boy wear a school uniform? Fa ny tena zava-misy dia tsy jereny kosa hoe fiarovan-tena no ataon'i Israel ho setrin'ny fihantsiana nataon'ny Hamas ho fiarovany ny olom-pirenena . That fact that Israel is acting in legitimate defense in reaction to a provocation by Hamas in order to protect the lives of citizens is not being considered. But the reality is that Israel does nothing to protect itself in response to Hamas' challenge to protect its citizens. Misolo toerana ny polisy ny tafika Ejiptiana! #Egypt #Mubarak Egyptian Army takes over from the Police Forces! #Egypt #Mubarak Egyptian army replaces police! #Egypt #Mubarak Gadra atao antontany ao anaty baravy? Prisoners stacked one on top of the other in a cage? A prisoner in a bar? Tamin'ny 10 Aprily 2013, nankatòavin'ireo mpanao lalàna marobe tao amin'ny Kongresy ny lalàna, izay mamaritra ny fanambadiana ho "firaisana maharitra eo amin'ny olon-droa mitovy na tsy mitovy fananahana," vato 71 amin'ny 92 no nankasitraka izany. Lawmakers in Congress passed the bill, which defines marriage as "the permanent union between two people of the same or opposite sex," by a wide margin on April 10, 2013, with 71 of 92 votes in favor. On April 10, 2013, several lawmakers in Congress approved the law, which describes marriage as "a permanent union between same-sex couples," with 71 out of 92 votes in favor. Notanana ao Meksika ny Lehiben'ny rongony Meksikana, Servando Gomez, antsoina hoe "La Tuta." Mexican drug lord, Servando Gomez, alias "La Tuta," has been detained in Mexico. Mexican Drug Chief Servando Gomez, called "La Tuta," has been detained in Mexico. Niparitaka tany Espana sy Frantsa tsikelikely avy eo ny sehatra momba ny teny an'ny Global Voices ary amin'izao fotoana izao efa ahitàna fiteny miisa telopolo. Global Voices linguistic domain eventually expanded to Spanish and French and today includes thirty languages. Global Voices' language platform gradually spread to Spain and France and now has thirty languages. Fa azo natao kosa anefa ny niantso izany ho " fahatapatapahan'ny fifandraisana ," araka ny niantsoan'ny Financial Times azy. Rather it can be called as "disrupted connection," as Financial Times called. However, as the Financial Times called it, it could be called "the break of relations. " Ary tsy mampionona ahy ny fitomboan'ny vola miditra amin'i Maoritania avy amin'ny varahina sy volamena. And Mauritania's taking of greater revenues of copper and gold does not console me. And I am not comforted by the increasing income of Mauritania from copper and gold. Nanameloka ny fandikan-dalàna ihany koa ny fikambanana iraisam-pirenena. The International Community also denounced the violations. The international community also condemned the violations. Niresaka betsaka momba ireo manamboninahitra miaramila nandresy ny dragona ianao, saingy lasa dragona avokoa izy ireo taty aoriana. Atambayev's remarks came almost five years after his inauguration in 2011, when conservative lawmaker Tursunbai Bakir uulu - also famous for strange-speak - called him out on one of his earliest known references to dragons: You were talking a lot about knights who defeated dragons, but later they all became dragons. You talked a lot about the military officers who defeated the dragon, but later they all became dragons. Tamin'ity 2016 ity, alatsinainy ny 15 Aogositra, ary niaraka tamin'ny andro fety vaovao, ny Fetin'ny Tendrombohitra na ny Mountain Day , tamin'ny Alakamisy 11 Aogositra, afaka nanao faran'ny herinandro dimy andro ny olona manerana ny firenena. In 2016, August 15 occurred on a Monday, and combined with a new holiday, Mountain Day, on Thursday, August 11, people across the country were able to take a five-day weekend. This year, Monday, August 15, and with a new day, Mount Day or Mountain Day , on Thursday, August 11, people across the country were able to do their last five days. Vanim-potoana samihafa ary olana mitovy ihany ny an'ny Ekipa Kameroney. Different Era and same old problems for the #cameroon Team . The Cameroonian Team is a different era and the same issue. Saripikan'i Bakhriddin Isamutdinov Photo by Bakhriddin Isamutdinov Photo by Bakhriddin Isamutdinov Nahita ilay hafatra anaty aterineto etsy ambony i Yang Hengjun, mpitondra fanehoankevitra malaza amin'izao fotoana izao no sady manampahefana fahiny tao amin'ny governemanta Shinoa, nifindra monina any Aostralia, ary nanakiana hoe mandrisika ny fanenjehana ireo tsy mitovy hevitra amin'ny tena io: Yang Hengjun, a prominent current affairs commentator and a former Chinese government official who has migrated to Australia, saw the above message online and criticized it as encouraging a witch hunt: Yang Hengjun, a well-known commentator and former Chinese government official who moved to Australia, found the above online message and criticized that it encourages persecution of dissenters: PORTO ALEGRE _BAR_ olona 15 nanohitra no voasambotra ary mpaka sary iray voan'ny baomba mankarenina nalefan'ny mpitandro filaminana . PORTO ALEGRE _BAR_ 15 people are arrested for protesting and a photographer is hit by a police-thrown stun grenade. PORTO ALEGRE _BAR_ 15 opposition people were arrested and a photographer was bombed by security forces. Nanolo-kevitra ny vondrom-piarahamonina Tharu ihany koa ny hanambady olona hafa foko raha monina any amin'ny faritra anjakany ijerena ny mety mbola ielezany na tsia. Doctors have also advised the Tharu community to go for inter-caste marriages in the areas where the disease is prevalent to check the further spread. The Tharu community also suggested that we marry people of other ethnic groups if they live in areas where they can see whether they are still active. Ny tiako ambara dia mangeja mafy ny tendanay ny tady. What I want to say is that the noose has been tightened around our necks. I mean the ropes harden our necks. Adinoy Ny Rano Mangitsy, Ny Fanambin'ny Teny Indizena Atao Solony Forget Ice Water, Take the Indigenous Language Challenge Instead · Global Voices Forget Water, The Challenge of Indigenous Language · Global Voices @ZajeelBird: Mitsikilo ireo olona ny #Mobily - izany indrindra no tokony hanasaziana azy ireo sy ireo izay nanome baiko, anisan'izany ny Minisitry ny Atitany. @ZajeelBird: #Mobily Spies on the People - for that they should be punished and those who ordered them should be punished too, namely the Interior Ministry. @ZajeelBird: #Mobily is spying on people - that's exactly why they and those who ordered, including the Interior Ministry. Inona no karazana tantara soratanao? "And what kind of novels did you write? What kind of stories do you write? Tri, fanafohezana ny Tricolor (lokotelo), no anarana omen'ny mpanohana ny ekipany noho ny loko telo soratra isaloran'izy ireo izay mitovy amin'ny lokon'ny sainam-pireneny. Tri, short for Tricolor, is the name fans gave to their team because of their three-colored uniforms they use which resemble the country's national flag. Tri, the acronym of Tricolor (three colors), is the name given to his team's supporters because of the three letters they wear that look like the color of their national flag. Belarosiana an'arivony no namoaka sary tao amin'ny Instagram, Facebook ary Twitter sy nampiasa ny tenirohy # раздеватьсяиработать (#miboridanasymiasa). Thousands of Belarusians have been posting pictures on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter using the hashtag #раздеватьсяиработать (#getnakedandwork). Thousands of rickshaws published photos on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #раааааааааааааааааааааааатааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа. Maro ny zazavavy any amin'ny faritra ambanivohitra no tsy avela mianatra. Many girls in rural areas were not allowed to study. Many girls in rural areas are not allowed to study. Be fanantenana ihany koa i Mohamed Soliman: Mohamed Soliman was also optimistic: Mohamed Soliman was also optimistic: Miaro ny sisintanintsika hoan'ny rariny, fiarovana ary ny filaminantsika ireo miaramila Iraniana the Iranian soldiers are defending our borders for, our Justice, security and peace #FreeIranianSoldiers - MohammadRezaAref (@MohamadRezaAref) February 9, 2014 Iranian soldiers defend our borders for justice, protection and security Zavatra iray mahazatra ao Rosia ny olan'ny fahataràn'ny fandoavana karama. The problem of wage arrears is a familiar one in Russia. One common issue in Russia is the low pay rate problem. Ny tanjona nekeny dia izao manaraka izao: Its avowed aim is the following: The goal he agreed with was the following: Ary miaraka amin'izany, ny fanafihana amin'ny DDoS sy ny hosoka. And with it, DDoS attacks and falsifications. And at the same time, the attacks onts and frauds. Sary avy amin'ny World Resources Institute Image from World Resources Institute Photo from World Resources Institute Mikasika ny tsy fahampian'ny vaovao ireo fitarainana tao amin'ny Twitter, tany am-boalohany: At first, the complaints on Twitter were about lack of news: The complaints on Twitter were initially about the lack of information: Sioka omaly momba ny fandraràn'ny RTM ny Despacito, tena mampalahelo raha milalao ireo lalao ara-politika ireo i Amanah. Re: tweets yesterday about RTM's ban on Despacito, very sad that Amanah playing these political games. Yesterday about RTM ban on Despacito, it's very sad that Amanah plays these political games. Pakistan: Fitantarana mivantana an-tsiokantsera ny fahafatesan'i Osama bin Laden tany Abbottabad Pakistan: Live-Tweeting Osama Bin Laden's Death from Abbottabad · Global Voices Pakistan: Live-tweeting of Osama bin Laden's Death in Abbottabad · Global Voices Nanana antony vitsivitsy aho nahazoako toky fa hanana efitrano malaladalaka kokoa ny fianakaviako raha sanatria aho voagadra. I had some ground to believe that my family would have more room space at home if I were ever jailed. I had some reasons to be assured that my family would have more room if I was imprisoned. Tsotra kely izany. It's that simple. It's simple. Hiakan'ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana "vonoy ny pelaka" rehefa nivadika ho nihanahery setra ny Fireharehana mahapelaka voalohany - Mihail Efremov (@EfreiMihail) 25 jolay 2013 Protesters chant "kill the gays" as #Montenegro 's first Gay Pride turns violent - Mihail Efremov (@EfreiMihail) July 25, 2013 This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. Protesters will react to "gay murder" when the first gay pride has turned violent - Mihail Efremov (@EfreiMihail) July 25, 2013 Thomas Bach, filohan'ny IOC, sy Lydia Nsekera, filohan'ny Kaomisiona " Women in Sport," dia samy naneho ny fahafahampòny tamin'ny fitomboan'ny fifandanjan'ny isan'ny lahy sy vavy amin'ireo Lalao Olaimpikan'ny Tanora 2018 hatao any Buenos Aires, izy hahitàna ny fandraisana anjara be indrindran'ireo vehivavy teo amin'ny tantaran'ny lalao. Thomas Bach, president of the IOC, and Lydia Nsekera, chair of the Women in Sport Commission, have expressed their satisfaction with the increased gender balance of the 2018 Youth Olympic Games set to take place in Buenos Aires, which will see the most participation from women in the history of the games. Thomas Bach, president of the IOC, and Lydia Nsekera, president of the Women in Sports Commission, expressed their satisfaction with the increase in gender rates in the 2018 Olympic Games in Buenos Aires, to see how most women have contributed to the game's history. Mpihira Afrikanina Tatsimo nahazo ny loka Grammy sy mpikatroka ny zon'olombelona i Miriam Makeba. Miriam Makeba was a Grammy Award-winning South African singer and civil rights activist. Miriam Makeba is a South African singer and human rights activist. Nanatontosa fihetsiketsehana mitohy lazain'izy ireo ho "fanentanam-pihatsiana" mihaika ny fandresen'i Museveni ny mpikambana ao amin'ny fenoherana sy ireo mpikatroka hafa. Opposition members and other activists have been challenging Museveni's victory with a series of protests they've dubbed the "defiance campaign." Members of the opposition and other activists held a continuous protest that they described as a "prostitation campaign" that challenges Museveni's victory. Tsy tena manana kolontsaina marolafy i Slovakia amin'io resaka iray io. Slovakia is not really multicultural in this sense. Slovakia has no cultural diversity in this matter. Niezaka namaha ity olana ity ny klioban'ny "re tao," namorona sehatra iray mahaleotena amin'ny fomba feno tanteraka sy tsy mitonona anarana amin'ny fandefasana hafatra ho an'ny vondrona eo an-toerana ao amin'ny Vkontakte (tsy mila fisoratana anarana fanampiny). has tried to solve this issue, creating an independent platform for a completely integrated and anonymous way of sending messages to local groups on Vkontakte (with no additional registration required). The club of "re there" tried to solve this problem, creating a complete and anonymous platform to send a message to a local group on Vkontakte (no more registration). Ho setrin'izany, nametraka fanontaniana ny mpamaky Ahamushozi Kanungu: In response, reader Ahamushozi Kanungu posed a question: In response, reader Ahamushozi Kanungu asked: Aostralia:Tsy Vahaolana Ho An'ireo 'Boat People' (Mpiondrana an-tsambokely) i Malezia Australia: Malaysia No Solution to 'Boat People' Politics · Global Voices Australia: Malaysia Is Not the Solution for 'Boat People' · Global Voices Sary avy amin'ny Prachatai, mpiara-miombon'antoka ara-botoaty amin'ny Global Voices Image from Prachatai, a content partner of Global Voices Photo from Prachatai, content partner of Global Voices Alohan'ny diany ho any Washington DC hamonjy ny Vovonana momba ny Indostria Nokleary amin'ny faran'ny volana, sy ny teritery avy any ivelany manoloana ny famerana tsy mitsaha-mikatona kokoa amin'ny zon'olombelona, nanapa-kevitra hamoy ny sasany amin'ireo fananany amin'ny famelana ny helok'ireo gadra politika lehibe 14 i Aliyev. Rashadat Akhundov, Mahammad Azizov ary Rashad Hasanov mpikatroka ao amin'ny N!DA, Siraj Karimli sy Omar Mammadov bilaogera, Akif Muradverdiyev manampahefana teo alohan'ny fitondrana; Nemat Penahli filohan'ny antoko Mahafirenena Nasionaly; Yadigar Sadigov mpikatroky ny antoko Musavat, Parviz Hashimli, Hilal Mammadov ary Tofig Yagublu mpanao gazety, Taleh Khasmammadov sy Anar Mammadli mpiaro ny zon'olombelona: . Ahead of his trip to Washington D.C. for the Nuclear Industry Summit at the end of the month, and with pressure from abroad mounting over the country's increasing restrictions on human rights, Aliyev decided to relinquish some of his possessions in a pardon of 14 key political prisoners: N!DA activists Rashadat Akhundov, Mahammad Azizov and Rashad Hasanov; bloggers Siraj Karimli and Omar Mammadov; former government official Akif Muradverdiyev; chairman of the National Statehood party Nemat Penahli; Musavat party activist Yadigar Sadigov; journalists Parviz Hashimli, Hilal Mammadov, and Tofig Yagublu; human rights defenders Taleh Khasmammadov and Anar Mammadli. Before traveling to Washington DC for the Nuclear Trade Forum at the end of the month, and outside pressure on the ever-ending restrictions on human rights, Aliyev decided to lose some of his belongings by pardoning 14 major political prisoners. Loharanon'ny sary: vohikalan'ny Reclaim Naija. Image source: Reclaim Naina website. Image source: Reclaim Naija website. Hoy ilay lahatsary 90 segondra: The 90-second video says the following: The 90-second video says: Mitovy hevitra amin'i Lowrie-Chin izy amin'ilay hoe ao amin'ny mponina ao aminy no misy ny loharanonkarena lehibe indrindra ao amin'ny nosy, saingy nanolo-kevitra fa mbola voatazona tsy hahatratra ny heriny manontolo ny Jamaikana noho ny "toe-tsaim-panandevozana," ankoatra ny hitany fa "vaindohan-draharaha amin'ny fampivoarana ny toe-tsaina iraisan'ny fiaraha-monina." She agreed with Lowrie-Chin that some of the island's greatest resources lie in its people, but suggested that Jamaicans are still held back from reaching their full potential, thanks to "psychological slavery," adding that she saw "a dire need for an evolution of the collective mentality." He agrees with Lowrie-Chin for the fact that the island's largest wealth source lies in its population, but suggests that Jamaicans are still being held out of full control because of "slaveism," in addition to seeing themselves as "a factor in improving society's moral development." Faly aho fa tsy an'asa izy ankehitriny, tokony ho tsy manan-kialofana ihany koa izy. I'm pleased she is now unemployed, she needs to be homeless as well. I'm glad he's now unemployed, he should also be homeless. Sary: Sinchen Lin / Flickr / CC 2.0 Photo: Sinchen Lin / Flickr / CC 2.0 Photo: Sinchen Lin / Flickr / CC 2.0 Ny marina, na "ady amin'ny tigra" io na or "misambo-dalitra," nisy kajikajy sy avo lenta ny ady amin'ny kolikoly. In fact, whether it is "fighting the tigers" or "catching the flies," the anti-corruption work has been highly selective and calculative. In fact, it's either "war with tigers" or "defaming," there has been a lot of speculation and high level in the fight against corruption. Niterka adihevitra mamaivay teo amin'ny tontolom-bilaogy iraniana ity hetsika ity, ka hita avokoa na fiderana, fanamelohana ary fiampangana. The action sparked a hot debate within the Iranian blogosphere, with ideas ranging from praise to condemnation and denouncements. This event has been a hot topic in the Iranian blogosphere, where praise, condemnation and accusations have been found. Nilomano tanteraka tao anatin'ny fako izahay - taorian'ny nanakatonan'ireo mponina tao amin'ny tanànan'i Naameh ny fanariam-pakony, izay nampiasain'ireo faritr'i Beirouth sy Mont Libanona - izany hoe efa ho ny antsasaky ny fitambaran'ireo olona ao amin'ny firenena manontolo. After residents of Naameh city shut down their landfill, which served the areas of Beirut and Mount Lebanon - roughly half of the population of the entire country - we've been drowning in waste. We were all swimming into the trash - after residents of the city of Naameh closed their garbage dumps, which were used by parts of Beirouth and Mont Lebanon - almost half the total population of the entire country. Tsikaritray ny fitomboana avo telo heny teo amin'ny fisoratana anarana avy ao Korea Atsimo tao anatin'ny roa herinandro farany. We've noticed a three-fold increase in signups from South Korea in the last two weeks. He saw a threefold increase in registration registration from South Korea in the past two weeks. Hetsika Malalaka sy tsy "Ofisialy" "Unofficial" and Free Events Free movement and not "Ofialism" Nampanontany ahy ny tena dikan'izany fahafahana izany ho ahy ary inona ny soatoaviko sy ny finoako. It has made me question what that freedom really means to me and what my values and beliefs are. I wondered what this freedom really means for me and what my mother and my faith were. Samy nizara ny traikefany amin'ny fampiroboroboana ny teny amin'ny alalan'ny sehatra haino aman-jery isan-karazany izy roa tonta. Both shared their experiences promoting the language through a variety of multimedia platforms. Both shared their experiences promoting the language through different media platforms. Tokony raràna amin'ny fihetsiketsehana demokratika ny fampiasana ity rano mampidi-doza ity. This harmful liquid should be banned during any democratic protest. The use of this dangerous water should be banned from democratic demonstrations. Tamin'ny fanambarana nataon'izy ireo tamin'ny mpisolovavany, fitakiana roa no nasongadin'izy ireo: ny zo hampiasa ny tenindrazany Kiorda eny amin'ny sehatra rehetra, anisan'izany ny fitsarana ary koa ny fanafoanana ireo sakana tsy ahafahan'ny lehiben'ny Kiorda Abdullah Ocalan mifampiraharaha amin'ny fanjakana Tiorka momba ny resaka filaminana. In the statement they made via lawyers they highlighted two demands: the right to use their Kurdish mother tongue in the public sphere, including court and the removal of obstacles preventing imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan from negotiating in peace talks with the Turkish state. In their statement to their lawyers, they highlighted two demands: the right to use the Kurdish language in all areas, including the trial and the removal of obstacles that Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan could not negotiate with the Turkish state of security. Nahoana no tsy tia cabine telefaonina ny Britanika ? Why did the British oppose new public telephone booths? Why don't the British like cell phones? Pavel Mohitul Alam nanavao ny satany tao amin'ny Facebook avy ao Shahbagh: Pavel Mohitul Alam updates his Facebook status from Shahbagh: Pavel Mohitul Alam updated his Facebook status from Shahbagh: Nahitana esoeso bebe kokoa ny tsaho momba ny valisoa 1000 Tajik somonis (113 dolara eo ho eo) ho an'izay olona mahita ny boloky: A rumoured reward of 1,000 Tajik somonis (around $113) for anyone that found the parrot saw further sarcasm: There was even more irony about the 1000 Tajik somonis (about $13) award for people to see the parrot: Nilaza ihany koa ny filoha ny tokony mbola hahamailo ny firenena hatrany, na dia efa maty aza i Noordin fa mbola mbola tsy voasambotra akory ireo vondrona isn-karazany naoriny , ka mbola ilaina ny hifampitantanan'izao tontolo izao amin'ny famongorana ny fakan'ny extremisma sy ny fampihorohoroana. The president also said that the country should remain vigilant, because despite of Noordin's death the terrorist cells he created are still eluding capture , therefore the world needs to join hands in combating the roots of extremism and terrorism. The president also said that he should still be alert to the country, even though Noordin has already died and that the various groups he has established have not yet been arrested, so there is still a need for the world to unite in suppressing the roots of extremism and terrorism. Mpiblaogy Kyrgyza sy Ozbekà no indray hiara-manatanteraka hetsika tselatra ho fahatsiarovana izany famonoana izany any Bishkek, Kyrgyzstana: Kyrgyz and Uzbek bloggers will make a flash-mob to commemorate the murdered journalist in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz and Uzbek bloggers will hold a flash mob to commemorate the murder in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: Fabien mieritreritra fa any amin'ny fototra no ijerena ny olana: Fabien, also living the Paris area, thinks that it is necessary to first deal with the problem at its source: Fabien thinks that the problem is at the root: Ny 4 Aprily, nandray ny làlana 20 km nankany an-tanàna ireo mpanangona vaovao mba hialàna amin'ilay fanakanana ny arabe ary hitafa amin'ny raibe sy renibe ary mpiray sekoly amin'ilay niharam-boina. On 4 April, reporters took the village route for 20 kilometers to avoid the road block and interview the victim's grandparents and classmates. On April 4, reporters took the road 20 kilometers to the city to avoid blocking the street and were shown to grandparents and classmates of the victim. Avy amin'ny ankizy Gilly xxx #PutOutYourBats #RIPPhillipHughes #RIPPhillipHughes From the Gilly kids xxx #PutOutYourBats #RIPPhillipHughes - Adam Gilchrist (@gilly381) November 27, 2014 From the children of Gilly xxx #PutOutYourBats #RIPPhillipHughes #RIPPhillipHughes Tianao ny handre, ny hikasika, ny hahita na ny hahazo ny fofompofon'ny avy any an-tanindrazanao. You want to take everything that you want to see, touch, smell and hear from your country. You want to hear, touch, see or get the excitement from your homeland. Tena tsara ny boky tonta! Used books are awesome! How good the ancient books were! Ireny lohateny vaventy ireny dia samy milaza zavatra mitovy maha-sanganehana ny olon-drehetra avokoa: ny halatra tariby sy vy manerana ny tanàna renivohitr'i Santo Domingo sy ireo tanàn-dehibe hafa manerana ny firenena. All of these headlines are related to the same topic that left many people perplexed: the theft of cables and metal around the capital city of Santo Domingo and other cities around the country. These headlines all say the same thing about everyone: the theft of wires and irons throughout the capital city of Santo Domingo and other major cities across the country. Na dia nahita marimaritra iraisana aza ny lehiben'ny fambolena sy ny governemanta, ny disadisa momba ny fananan-tany indray no olana nentin'ny fihetsiketsehana. While the government recently came to an agreement with the farm leaders, the protests have brought the issue of land rights disputes back to the forefront. Although the head of agriculture and the government had reached a consensus, the issue of the protests was once again the land dispute. Mitovy amin'izay, tokony havoakan'ireo masoivohon'ny governemanta haingana araka izay azony atao ny dingana arahany amin'ny fangatahana angon-drakitra, ary hanome toky izy fa noho ny resaka fandinihana mifanaraka amin'ny lalàna ihany no hamoahana ireny fangatahana ireny. Similarly, government agencies should reveal their data-requesting procedures as soon as possible, and make sure those requests are issued only with proper judicial reviews. Similarly, government agencies should release the process as soon as possible with data requests, and ensure that these requests will only be issued through legal analysis. Manana loholona sivy sy depiote iray ao amin'ny Antenimeram-Pirenena ao amin'ny Parlemanta Federaly ny Greens . The Greens have nine senators and one member of the House of Representatives in the Federal Parliament. Greens have nine senators and a member of the National Assembly of the Federal Parliament. Mandritra izany fotoana izany dia nanao fanoherana ny fitondrana Alemana nilaza fa tsy tokony atao sorona noho ny raharaha politika anatiny ny fisokafan'ny sisintany ary nantsoin'i Soeda ho fahatafintohinana io. Meanwhile the German government has protested that the open border should not be sacrificed for domestic political reasons and Sweden has called it a scandal. Meanwhile, the German government has protested that the opening of the border should not be sacrificed for domestic politics and Sweden calls it offensive. Misy ny sasantsasany milaza fa afa-mitoraka vato iray na roa ihany koa izy ireo rehefa ilaina izany. Some say they can also throw a rock or two when needed. Some say they can also throw one or two votes when necessary. Nampanantena "seza ery anoloan" ny TV ireo fanasàna ireo. The invites promised "front-row" TV seats. The invitations promised to "see in front of" TV. Hajia: Sary jespel ao amin'ny Flickr licence CC Attribution NC-ND 2.0 Generic Image Vignette: Photo jespel sur Flickr licence CC Attribution NC-ND 2.0 Generic Thumbnail: jespel photo from Flickr license CC Attribution NC-ND 2.0 Generic Ao amin'ny boky dia tsy manana anarana ny olona resahina ao fa ny anaran'ny tanàna niaviany dia hoe Maeng. In the book, the protagonist is nameless, and the name of the village she came from was Maeng. In the book people don't have a name but the name of their hometown, Maeng. Ny tafiotra, heverina ho zavatra voajanahary, ankehitriny no heverina ho ny ratsy indrindra amin'ny fahatetehany sy ny hamafisany nateraky ny fikatsahana izay hahabetsaka ny vokatra, ny tevy ala, ny fanimbàna ny tany ary ny firosoan'ny tany hay ao Azia Afovoany sy ny ampahan'ny ao Shina. The storms, thought to have once be a natural phenomenon, are now considered to be worsening in frequency and intensity as a result of overgrazing, deforestation, soil degradation and desertification in Central Asia and parts of China. The storm, considered a natural phenomenon, is now considered to be the worst in its temperature and impact caused by the demand for more crops, forests, destruction of land and land development in Central Asia and part of China. Tao anatin'izay herinandro lasa izay, notafihan'ireo mpikomy ny tanànan'i Ndélé sy i Bria ary nandrahona ny fitondran'ny filohan'ny Repoblikan'i Afrika Afovoany François Bozizé izy ireo. These last few weeks, with attacks on the the cities of Ndélé and Bria, rebels have been threatening the regime of Central African Republic President François Bozizé. Over the past week, the rebels have attacked the cities of Ndélé and Bria and threatened the administration of the president of Central African Republic François Bozizé. Nobahanan'ireo mpanome tolotra aterineto ao amin'ny Repoblika Islamika tsy hidirana ny WeChat hoy ireo tatitra any amin'ireo tranonkalam-baovao sy bilaogy marobe . Internet service providers in the Islamic Republic have blocked access to WeChat say reports on several news sites and blogs . Reports on several news websites and blogs were blocked by Internet service providers in the Islamic Republic. Lalaina sy hajaina ny fahaiza-mitarika ao #Jo . Leadership in #Jo is loved n respected. #Jo leadership is alive and respected. Tsy miresaka fanampenambava izahay, tsia, fa miresaka ny ho endriky ny voka-pitadiavana rehefa ho lalàna izy io (volavolan-dalàna aloha hatreto). We're not talking about censorship, no, but about what the search results landscape will look like with this law (draft bill for now). We don't talk about censorship, no, but we talk about the nature of search results when it becomes law (the bill is for now). Dudi Rosenthal nihanihany tao amin'ny Twitter mikasika ny safidy sy ny fitsingidingidin'ny lazan'i Barak: Dudi Rosenthal joked on Twitter about Barak's dwindling popularity and options: Dudi Rosenthal joked on Twitter about Barak's choice and reputation: Tamin'ny fotoana nanoratana, roampolo ny olona voalaza fa naratra ary roa ny olona maty tamin'ilay fipoahana. As of this writing, 20 people were reported injured and two were killed in the bombing. At the time of writing, twenty people were reported injured and two people were killed in the explosion. Anaty fifandonam-pijery manaitra, nizara ity fomba fijery ity i Capitol Hill Cubans: In striking contrast, Capitol Hill Cubans shared this perspective: In an eye-in-cheek contrast, Moses Hill Cubans shared this view: Sambany izahay nanao kitonotono sakafo harivan'ny Krismasy. We're bbq'ing Christmas dinner for the first time (ever). For the first time, we made Christmas Eve dinners. Aza manafintohina ireo mitafy hamama, ianareo mpanavakavaka ara-pivavahana ! Do not offend those who wear turban, you sectarians! Don't offend those wearing haram, you religious racists! Mihevitra aho fa rariny ny an'ny repoblika islamika momba ny faha-samihafan'ny kolontsaina satria efa nanolana tsy amin-kenatra ny vahoakany ity fitondrana ity nandritra ny taona maro... efa nahare ve ianao fa tra-tehaka ny iray tamin'ireo solontenan'ny fitondrana islamika noho ny asa ratsy vitany? I think the islamic republic is right about cultural difference because this regime has raped its own people for many years without shame... have you heard that one of the Islamic regime's representatives was caught for his dirty activities? I think that the Islamic Republic is right about the diversity of culture because this regime has raped its people for years... have you heard that one of its representatives of the Islamic regime has been vilified for his bad deeds? CC 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. CC 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. CC 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Nitady ilay fitehirizam-boky nomerika izahay ary nahita ireo sarin'i Kambodza tsy fahita firy tanatin'ireo taona 1920 sy 1930. We searched the digital library and found rare images of Cambodia in the 1920s and 1930s. We searched for the digital library and found rare photos of Cambodia in the 1920s and 1930s. Ny hafa indray mahita ilay fangatahana hanatsaharana ny fitokonana tsy hihinan-kanina ho toy ny zavatra tsara, saingy zavatra iray no azo antoka, mizarazara be ny hevitry ny vondrom-piarahamonina anaty aterineto ny ny fanehoan-kevitra mikasika ny vaovao misy ankehitriny. Others looked at the call for an end to hunger strikes positively, but one thing is for sure, the online community is in mixed thoughts and reactions to the current news. Others see the request to end the hunger strike as a good thing, but one thing is certain, online community opinion is divided over current news. CC BY-NC 2.0 CC BY-NC 2.0 CC BY-NC 2.0 Tsy mendrika ny ho velona ny vahoaka tsy tia ahy" #Libya The people who don't love me don't deserve to live" #Libya People who don't love me don't deserve to live" #Libya Manararaotra ny vaovao ratsy mba hamoronana tsaho sy hanakorontanana vahoaka ho fanomezana endrika korontana ho an'ny firenena. They also make use of news incidents to create rumors and confuse people in order to paint a chaotic image of the country. The bad news takes advantage of the opportunity to create rumors and disrupt people as a form of unrest for the country. Azo antoka, tena henjana mihitsy ny fandraràna mandritry ny 6 volana, fa mazava koa nefa fa tsy matihanina mihitsy ireo gazety ireo . Sure, the 6 month ban looks draconian, but it's clear these papers were, at best, unprofessional. Sure, the ban for 6 months is very severe, but it's also clear that these newspapers are not professional. Na dia mialoha ny fahitana ny trozona voalohany aza dia eritreritra roa no mieloelo ao amiko. Even before seeing the first whale, two thoughts haunted me. Even before seeing the first whale, I have two thoughts. Hira nindramin'i Eva Ayllón efa tamin'ny taona 1999. Eva Ayllón's interpretation dates back to 1999. A song by Eva Ayllón that dates back to 1999. Inona ny atahorantsika amin'ny fibolisaran'ny fanjifana rehefa mihintsana ny vidin'ny finday sy ny solika? Why should we worry about consumption slumps since the phone bills and oil prices would fall? What are we afraid of the increase in consumption when mobile and oil prices are dropped? Kirizy Any Sabah Taorian'ny Olana Saro-bahàna Tany Malezia Niaraka Tamin'ireo Filipiana Mitam-piadiana Crisis in Sabah After Malaysia's Standoff with Armed Filipinos · Global Voices She's a Bird in Sabah After Malaysia's Sorrow Crisis With Armed Filipinos · Global Voices Mazava tsara ny lalàna manohitra ny fanandratana ny fankahalana sy ny herisetra any amin'ny toerana sahala amin'i YouTube sy Facebook. There are very clear rules against the promotion of hatred and violence in places like YouTube and Facebook. The law is clear against promoting hatred and violence in places like YouTube and Facebook. Ireo mpianatra mpandalina ny tantara taloha, mino fa ireo honahona, voafefin'ireo harefo, itangoronan'ireo trondro marobe ary feno vorona, no faritry ny Sahan'i Edena lazain'ny baiboly. Some students of ancient history believe the marshes, lined with reeds, teeming with fish and filled with birds, are the site of the biblical Garden of Eden. Students of ancient history believe that the area of the garden of Eden mentioned in the Bible is the tunnel, which has been covered by cannons, buried by many fish, and filled with birds. Ny pejy Facebook Onjan'atidoha (Nyanhlain) no manasongadina ny sanganasan'ny sasantsasany amin'ireo mpahay sariitatra ireo. The Facebook page Brainwave (Nyanhlain) is featuring the works of some of these cartoonists. The Facebook page Onjan'ataka (Nyanhy) highlights the work of some of these cartoonists. Global Voices (GV): Inona avy izao ny asa efa vitanareo mikasika ny herisetra an-tokantrano ao Armenia hatramin'izao? Global Voices (GV): What kind of work has your organization done in the scope of domestic violence in Armenia thus far? Global Voices (GV): What have you done about domestic violence in Armenia so far? Ireo Fitsabahana Ara-tafika Ataon'ny Frantsay Ao Afrika Gabon to Mali: History of French Military Interventions in Africa · Global Voices French Military Service in Africa · Global Voices Ny fanentanana dia natsangana hanoherana ny volavolan-dalàna mety ho nampiato ny fandanian'ny governemanta amin'ny servisy sosialy ao an-tanàna. The campaign formed in opposition to proposed legislation that would freeze government spending on social services in the city. The campaign was created against a bill that would have stopped government spending on social services in the city. Nandresy lahatra an'i Blandón mba hanao fitilana pap izy. She insisted Blandón get a pap smear. He convinced Blandón to wear pap. Nandà ny fisian'io vaovao io ny Masoivohon'i Myanmar ao Malezia, ka nahatezitra mafy ireo Birmana mpisera ety anaty aterneto. Myanmar's Embassy in Malaysia initially dismissed the news which angered many Burmese netizens. The Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia denied the news, which angered Burmese netizens. Misy fanambaràna iray ahitàna teboka enina ao amin'ny tranonkalan'ilay fanentanana, hanazavana ny tanjony: On the campaign's website, a call to sign a six-point declaration explains its goals: A statement with six points on the campaign's website explains its goal: Hamaky bebe kokoa: Read More: Read more: Mpanao gazety ny rahavaviko. My sister is a journalist. My sister is a journalist. Hafahafa ihany ny tolon-kevitr'izy ireo hanome rihana roa amin'ilay trano vaovao hatsangana satria tsy eritreretiny ny fahateren'ny trano, ny tontolo iainanan'ny vakoka sy ny mety ho fahasimbany haingana ao anatin'ny fotoana fohy. Their proposal to provide two floors in the new office block is a complete travesty as it makes no provision for the loss of space, the environmental needs of the collection and accelerated disintegration of the whole collection. Their struggle to provide two floors of the new building is strange because they don't think of the pressure on buildings, the environment of heritage and how it can quickly be damaged in a short time. Ampiasaina sahala amin'ny fitaovana mahomby hanaparitahana tahotra amin'ireo feo te-hiampànga ny tsy rariny eo amin'ity firenena ity ilay lalànan'ny Aterineto. The cyber law is used as an effective tool to spread fear against voices who want to unmask injustices in this country. The Internet law is used as an effective tool to spread fear over voices that want to silence injustice in this country. Ny fanahy Meksikana The Mexican Soul The Mexican Spirit Fara-tazamaso tamin'ny 9.10 hariva: 50 metatra sisa Visibility at 9.10pm: Only 50 metres At 9:10 p.m., an eye: 50 meters left Nopotehin'izy ireo ny tempoly Hindou. They destroyed Hindu temples. They destroyed the Hindu temple. tsy voalaza no data not specified Nyetflix Sy Ny Dill: Nosoniavin'i Potinina ny Lalàna Mifehy ny Tolotra Fandefasana Sarimihetsika Vahiny An-tserasera Mivantana Nyetflix and Dill: Putin Signs Law Regulating Foreign Online Streaming Services · Global Voices Nyetflix and Dill: Putin Signs Foreign Film Service Law Live · Global Voices Ny fanapahankevitr'i Paortigaly no namorona ny "Timor Gap" ao amin'ny fari-dranomasina Aostraliana-Indoneziana. Portugal's decision created the "Timor Gap" in the Australian-Indonesian sea boundary. Portugal's decision was created by "Timor Gap" in Australian-American waters. (Tsiaritra kely:Tsy misy ifandraisany amin'ny 'vinegret' Rosiana ny:' saosy vinegrety '.) (Fun fact: vinaigrette has almost nothing in common with Russian vinegret.) (A little bit: Russian vinegret doesn't have anything to do with: ' vicumber sauce'.) Nanoratra i Atsushi Matsumoto, mpanao gazety, tao anatin'ny pejy natokana ho azy ao amin'ny, sehatra iray hanehoana ireo boky elektronika vidiana: Journalist Atsushi Matsumoto wrote in his column on, a platform of commercial e-books: Journalist Atsushi Matsumoto wrote on his personal page on, a platform to show electronic books for sale: Nanoratra tao amin'ny bilaogin'ny i Kowshik Ahmed,bilaogera: Blogger Kowshik Ahmed wrote on's blog: Blogger Kowshik Ahmed wrote on's blog: Janoary: Olona an'aliny no nameno ny fihaonan-dàlan'i Bangkok satria nanamafy ny andrana hanongana ny governemantan'i Yingluck Shinawatra tamin'izany fotoana ireo vondron'ny mpanohitra. January: Tens of thousands filled the major intersections of Bangkok as opposition groups intensified their bid to topple the government of then Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. January: Tens of thousands of people filled Bangkok crossings as opposition groups confirmed attempts to overthrow Yingluck Shinawatra's government at the time. Ary koa, izay marary dia sakanana am-pitenenana tsy hanatontosa ny Haj. Rather, those who are ill are morally obliged to not perform Haj. Also, those who are sick are prevented from doing Haj. Na eo aza ny fieboeboan'ireo mpitondra ao UAE ny amin'ny fari-piainana ambonin'ireo olom-pirenena, "hatreto aloha... hita ho tsy migoka ireo hafaliana, fiainana tsara ary fandriampahalemana atolotry ny Emirates ireo mpikatroka mafana fo sy ireo mpitsikera ny governemanta," hoy ny nosoratan'i Afef Abrougui avy ato amin'ny Global Voices. Despite boasts by UAE leaders of the high living standards of citizens, "for the time being...activists and government critics do not seem to enjoy the happiness, well-being and safety the Emirates offer," writes Global Voices' Afef Abrougui. Despite the praise of the UAE authorities for living above the citizens' level of living, "at least...It seems that activists and government critics don't enjoy the joy, well-being and peace that the Emires offer," wrote Global Voices' Crisis Abrougui. Hay! fitaovam-piadiana vaovao vao hita e ? Wow! Newly found weapon eh? What a new weapon? Ireo Moines tao amin'ny Pagoda Volafotsy tao Phnom Penh. Monks at the Silver Pagoda in Phnom Penh. Moines at Phnom Penh's White Cross. Tamin'ity, lalana marobe no nobahanan'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana (maherin'ny 6 kilometatra), ary nandritra ny tontolo andro, naverina ny sary famantarana voalohany - mipetraka isaky ny misy fiolanana, bahanana ary manokana minitra vitsy fahanginana ho fahatsiarovana. This time, a lot more streets were covered with the steps of the protesters (over 6 kilometers), and throughout the day, the initial symbol was kept - sitting down on every intersection, blocking it and paying respects with a minute of silence. This post is part of our special coverage on Refugees. This post is part of our special coverage on Refugees. This post is part of our special coverage on Refugees. This post is part of our special coverage on Refugees. Dara 1390 nilaza hoe: Dara 1390 says: Dara 1390 says: Satria araka ny voalazan'ny mpitondra teny, "mety mbola handinika indray ny didim-pitsarana ny manampahefana mahefa." According to a spokesman "this is subject to review by a competent authority." Because according to the spokesperson, "the relevant authorities may review the verdict again." Handeha ho aiza isika? Where are we going?! Where are we going? Hevero i Afrika, hoy i Gemenne, izay mifamatotra akaiky amin'ny toekarena ara-pambolena izay tratran'ny fikorontanana ara-toetrandro ny ankamaroan'ny mponina. Consider Africa, says Gemenne, where a significant portion of the population remains tied to the agricultural economy that's been disrupted by a shifting climate. Think of Africa, Gemenne says, which is closely linked to the agricultural economy that has hit most of the population with climate chaos. Mirefy 12 amin'ny 15 metatra ary misidina eny amin'ny haavo 176 metatra (14 metatra avo kokoa noho ny an'i Azerbaijan), nihofahofa teny akaikin'ilay tanim-bovoka filalaovako frisbee indroa isan-kerinandro ilay saina, sady notanisaina ny tononkalo fitiavan-tanindrazana ary nohiraina ny hiram-pirenena. Measuring 12 by 15 meters and flying at a height of 176 meters (14 meters higher than that of Azerbaijan), the flag has hoisted next to the dirt field where I play ultimate frisbee twice a week while patriotic poetry was recited and the national anthem was sung. A total of 12 meters from 15 meters and flying at a height of 176 meters (14 meters taller than Azerbaijan's), the flag gathered near my double frisbee field twice a week, citing patriotic poetry and singing the national anthem. Sary namboarin'i Tetyana Lokot. Images mixed by Tetyana Lokot. Images mixed by Tetyana Lokot. Tsy navela hiditra tao amin'ny fireneny ary nosamborina tao amin'ny seranam-piaramanidina ity Tale mpiara-mitantana ny Ivotoeran'ny Zon'Olombelona Eto Amin'ny Helodrano ity tamin'ny 30 Aogositra 2014 . The co-director of the Gulf Center For Human Rights was denied entry to her country and arrested at the airport on August 30, 2014. This co-chair of the Gulf Center for Human Rights was denied entry into the country and arrested at the airport on August 30, 2014. Ny fitondrana moa milaza fa tsy mponina ara-dalàna izy ireo - ary tsy ara-dalàna ihany koa ny fihetsiketsehany. The government says they are illegal residents - and that their demonstrations are illegal too. The government says they are not legal residents - and their protests are also illegal. Ny lahatsoratra moa dia nosoratan'olona iray nitondra ny solon'anarana hoe "Dr. Sate Phwar" tao amin'ny bilaogy Feon'i Myanmar . The post was written by someone who used the pseudonym "Dr. Sate Phwar" in the blog Voice of Myanmar . The post was written by someone named "Dr. Sate Phwar" on the Voice of Myanmar blog. Manoloana ny fanalana azy tsy ho olom-pirenena intsony dia azo heverina fa hahazo baiko hakatona ihany koa ny fahitalavitrany sy ny gazetiny. With his nationality revoked, it is expected that the channel and newspaper will be ordered to be shutdown as well. In the face of losing citizenship, it is possible that his television and newspaper will also receive an order to shut down. - Mipetraka any Soudan ve ianao? - Do you live in Sudan? - Do you live in Sudan? Tao amin'io lahatsoratra i Navalny no nandresy lahatra fa ny fankatoavan'i Moskoa ny fitsapa-kevi-bahoaka Krimeana handao an'i Okraina ary hiaraka amin'i Rosia dia mety hiteraka latsabato fisintahan'i Tsetsenia amin'i Rosia - fanahiana hafahafa noho ny fahafantarana ny fanohanan'i Navalny taloha ny fanesorana an'i Tsetsenia ihany koa. In that text, Navalny argued that Moscow's endorsement of the Crimean referendum to leave Ukraine for Russia risked a similar secessionist vote in Chechnya - a strange concern, given Navalny's past support for jettisoning Chechnya altogether. In this post, Navalny argued that Moscow's approval of the Crimean referendum to leave Ukraine and join Russia could lead to Russia's escape from Russia - a strange concern over Navalny's former support for the removal of Chechnya as well. Nanambara ny governemanta Kambojiana fa handrotsaka 5 tapitrisa riels na 1250 $ isaky ny fianakavian'ireo may ary 1 tapitrisa riels isaky ny naratra The Cambodian government has said it would compensate 5 million rielsm or USD1250 to the families of each of the dead and 1 million riels each to those injured The Cambodian government has announced that it will cost 5 million rials or $150 per member of the burned family and 1 million rels per injured. Vantany vao taorian'ny fitsidihany tsy nahomby nataony, nisy ny fanangonan-tsona tao amin'ny mitaky ny fametraham-pialàn'i Astakhov. Almost immediately after his botched visit, a petition appeared on demanding Astakhov's resignation. Just after his failed visit, a petition called for Astakhov's resignation. Ah manantena avo roa fotsiny doh miakàra tsiaa: ' (#D_Taliban Ah just hope doubles doh go up nah:' (#D_Taliban Posted by Iza-Trini on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Ah just expect two times to get up: ' (#D_, Izany no nahafahan'ny IPL nanohy ny fifaninanana; ary tamin'ny farany dia nanome alàlana ny IPL koa na dia ny polisy aza. This allowed LPI to continue with the competition; and even the police finally gave permission for the LPI games. That's why the IPL was able to continue the competition; and in the end even the police allowed the IPL. 'Manomboka ny dia mankaty Afrika' 'Flight to Africa begins' 'It's beginning with a trip to Africa' Saingy afaka mampiseho ny zava-niainan'i Guimarães fa mihena ny fenitry ny fahalalahan-gazety ao Brezila. But the experience of Guimarães may indicate that Brazil's standards of press freedom are decreasing. But Guimarães' experience can show that the standards of press freedom in Brazil are down. Milaza ireo toe-javatra nanosika azy ho lasa mpamily fiarakaretsaka i Dr. Cai: Dr. Cai mentions the circumstances which forced him to become a taxi driver: Dr. Cai describes the circumstances that motivated him to become a taxi driver: Hitako izany fiovana izany. I have seen that transformation. I saw this change. Nihazakazaka nitomany no sady nitrotro izay ankizy azo avotana izahay. We were running crying holding any child could be saved. We ran into tears while holding children we could save. Vintana FACTA ! FATCA chance! FACTA Rock! Nangataka tamin'ny manam-pahefana Espaniola ilay kapitenin-tsambo mba hanamorona ny sisintany saingy nolavina ny fanatonan'ilay sambo mpitondra solika ny morona noho ny tahotra sao dia handoto ny seranan-tsambo ilay solika nitete. The ship's captain asked Spanish authorities for permission to dock, but was prohibited from bringing the tanker closer to shore for fear that the leak would pollute the port. The captain asked Spanish authorities to cross the border but the oil station was denied access to the coast due to fears that the oil spill would destroy the port. Matetika no lasa kinendrin'ireo fanafihan'ny tafika mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo ireo olo-malaza izay maneho ny heviny ao amin'ny Weibo, sehatra lehibe indrindra any Shina mitovy amin'i Twitter. Celebrities who express their opinion on Weibo, China's largest Twitter-like platform, often become targets of the volunteer army's attacks. Popular figures who voice their opinions on Weibo, China's largest platform similar to Twitter, have often become the target of volunteer attacks by the army. Toeran-Kafa manerantany: Aostralia, Norvezy, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Emirà Arabo Mitambatra, Iran. Elsewhere in the world: Australia, Norway, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Iran. World places: Australia, Norway, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Iran. Ny 24 Jolay, namoaka fanontaniana niverina matetika momba ny lalàna ny sampan-draharaha Japoney misahana ny raharahan-kolontsaina, saingy sarotra ny hilaza fa hitondra famariparitana mahatafiditra ny zavatra rehetra sy hahatakaran'ny olona ny momba ny fizaka-manana ny antsipirihan'ny zava-boalaza ao. On July 24, the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs published frequently asked questions about the law, but it is unlikely that these details will bring an all-inclusive definition and understanding towards copyright issues. On July 24, Japan's cultural affairs agency issued a number of repeated questions regarding the law, but it was difficult to say that the details of the content would provide an explanation of everything and that people could understand about copyright. Mandritra izany, ireo mponina avy ao Falmouth, Massachusetts dia efa nanomboka sahady niresaka momba ny fiantraikan'ny tabataba aterak'ireo tiorbina amin'ny fahasalamany, nitondra tamin'ny fampiatoana vonjimaika an'ilay tetikasa. Meanwhile, residents from Falmouth, Massachusetts have begun speaking out about how noisy turbines have affected their health, leading to the temporary shutdown of that project. Meanwhile, residents of Falmouth, Massachusetts have already started talking about the impact of the noise on their health, leading to the temporary suspension of the project. Olona manodidina ny 30 000 eo ho eo no tratran'ny trafikan'olombelona (voaondrana) ho any Sinai, Ejipta, nandritra ny dimy taona farany. Eritrean refugees protest in front of the US embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel (25 Nov 2011) demanding protection of human rights on way to Israel via Sinai desert, Egypt. Photo by: Oren Ziv/ (used with permission) About 30,000 people have been trafficked to Sinai, Egypt, over the last five years. Over the past five years, about 30,000 people have been affected by human trafficking to Sinai, Egypt. Ny Fangatahana famindrampo dia midika fa miaiky ny heloka vitany i Schibbye sy Persson tamin'ny fanohanan'izy ireo ny fampihorohoroana, fiampangana izay nolavin'izy ireo nandritra ny fitsarana azy ireo. A plea for clemency would mean Schibbye and Persson recognize their guilt in supporting terrorism, a charge they denied during the trial. The request for mercy means that Schibbye and Persson admit their crimes by supporting terrorism, a charge they rejected during their trial. Ny sekreteram-panjakana Etazonia John Kerry nihaona tamin'ny Minisitry ny Raharaham-bahiny Kiobàna Bruno Rodríguez tao Havana, Kioba, tamin'ny 14 aogositra 2015, ao anatin'ny diany hanokatra indray ny Masoivohon'i Etazonia tao Kioba. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez in Havana, Cuba, on August 14, 2015, as part of his trip to re-open the U.S. Embassy in Cuba. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Cuba's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nadine Rodríguez in Havana, Cuba, on August 14, 2015, as part of his trip to open up the US Embassy in Cuba. Herinandro roa latsaka taty aoriana, mbola nisy korontana hafa indray nitranga. Less than two weeks later, further clashes broke out. Less than two weeks later, yet another riot happened. Tamin'ny 28 May 2017, nizara sary misy vondrona miaramila mivavaka tao amin'ny pejiny Facebook malaza ilay mpitan-tsoratra lefitry ny Biraon'ny Raharaham-pifandraisan'ny Filoham-pirenena, Mocha Uson. On May 28, 2017, Assistant Secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office Mocha Uson shared a photo on her popular Facebook page about a group of praying soldiers. On May 28, 2017, Deputy Secretary of the Office of President Mocha Uson shared a photo of a group of soldiers praying on his popular Facebook page. Avy amin'i jamesjustin CC License. By jamesjustin CC License. By jamesjustin CC License. TV Pink, ny fahatsiarovan-tenam-pirenena Serba TV Pink, Serbian national consciousness TV Pink, Serbian national awareness Raha misy olona manohitra an-dry zareo, dia vonoin-dry zareo tahaka ny natao tamin'i . If someone opposed them, they would slaughter him the way did. If anyone is against them, they kill them as they did for . Fifidianana Toniziana (Sary avy amin'ny Solombavahoaka Eoropena, notontosain'ny CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Tunisian vote (Image by European Parliament, reproduced under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Tunisian Elections (Photo by the European People's Party, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Inona no hataonao rehefa tafaverina an-tanindrazana? What will you do when you return home? What will you do when you return home? Mila mampiseho kara-panondro ve ireo mpiserasera media sosialy Shinoa vao afaka mamoaka votoaty? Will China make social mediaites show ID at the door? Does Chinese social media users need to display a ID to publish content? Efa vonona amin'ny fiteny maro sahady ity sombiny ity ka anisan'izany ny amin'ny teny rosiana. The trailer is already available in several dubbed languages, including Russian. This piece is already available in many languages including Russian. Mpaneho hevitra iray tao amin'ilay vohikala Asia Plus izay nanoratra tamin'ny solon'anarana hoe "тима" no nananihany hoe: A commentator on the Asia Plus news website writing under the nickname "тима" joked: A commenter on the Asia Plus website who wrote under the name "тиа" joked: Nanontany mpivarotra iray tao Hoima ireo mpikaroka, izay nilaza fa katsaka efa ho 500 taonina sy tsaramaso no novidiany tamin'ireo mpialokaloka tamin'ny taona lasa, izay heverina ho ny 60% n'ny tahiriny. The researchers spoke to a trader in Hoima who said he bought around 500 tons of maize and beans from the refugee farmers last year - some 60 percent of his stock. The researchers asked a salesman in Hoima, who said he bought nearly 500 tons of corn and beans from refugees last year, which is believed to have been 60% of his collection. GV: Misaotra anao namaly ireo fanontanianay ary mirary fahombiazana amin'ireo tetikasanao. GV: Thank you for answering our questions and good luck with your projects. GV: Thank you for answering our questions and wish you success in your projects. Natomboka tamin'ny fahatsiarovana mahatsikaiky mikasika an'i Ai Aoyama io lahatsoratra io, mpanjakazaka ara-nofo iray lasa mpanolotsaina ara-nofo, ary mamakivaky ilay trangan-javatra tsy fahita miparitaka eraky ny firenena antsoina hoe "aretin'ny mananotena" eny anivon'ny tanoran'i Japana. The article begins with an anecdote about Ai Aoyama, a dominatrix turned sex counselor, and explores the allegedly widespread phenomenon of "celibacy syndrome" among Japan's young people. This post started with a humorous memory of Ai Aoyama, a sex king who has become a sexual adviser, and runs through the country's rare phenomenon known as "selfish disease" among young people in Japan. - Tsia, tsy hody izy. - No, he won't come home. - No, he won't come home. Nitranga indray izany tamin'ity indray mandeha ity, rehefa niseho tao Chalkida ny Filoha Papoulias, raha tokony ho tany Piraeus, seranana lehibe ao amin'ny firenena, no nalehany araka ny fomba fanao. It happened again this time, when President Papoulias appeared at Chalkida, despite the tradition of going to Piraeus, the country's major port. This time it happened again, when President Papoulias appeared in Chakida rather than in Piraeus, the country's main port, according to tradition. Ny olon'ny herinandro: Nifantina sy namoaka tantaram-behivavy isan-kerinandro ireo mpandrindra. Person of the week: the administrators selected and publicized a different woman's story every week. The week's characters: the regulators selected and published women's stories every week. Tamina taratasy iray, niteny i Marinho Pinto fa ny dom-berin'ilay fanambaràny "dia nanafintohina fotsiny ny maro satria marina izy ireny" ary mbola nanamafy izy fa natao ho an'ireo Mpivarotena breziliana iharan'ny famarotana vehivavy ao Portiogaly ny fanehoankeviny. In a written response, Marinho Pinto said the repercussion of his statement "was only shocking because it is the truth" and he claims his comment was addressed to the Brazilian prostitutes who are victims of female trafficking in Portugal. In one letter, Marinho Pinto said that the big deal of his statement "is only offensive to many because they are true" and insisted that his comments are directed to Brazilian prostitutes who are victims of women's trafficking in Portugal. Niteny i Melkumova fa tsy nanaiky hanaisotra ireo fitakiana ireo , na izany aza, ny ao Kremlin. Melkumova says the Kremlin did not agree to remove these requirements, however. Melkumova says the Kremlin has refused to remove these demands, however. Niditra ny efitrano aho, nangina tao, ary nandinika ilay vao tonga ireo hafa efa tao anaty efitrano. I enter the cell; there's silence as the other occupants check out the newcomer. I entered the room, kept quiet, and looked at the new arrival of others in the room. Tamin'ny Alahady, 26 Aprily 2009, nisambotra olona iray ahiana ho mpanondrana rajako antsokosoko ny Mpiambina ny Valan-javaboary ICCN , tantanan'ny Lehiben'ny Valan-javaboary Virunga izay Tale Jeneralin'ny WildlifeDirect teo aloha, Emmanuel de Merode, ary nanavotra zanaka rajako avy any amin'ny lemaka atsinanana . On Sunday, 26 April 2009, ICCN Rangers, led by the Virunga National Park Director - a former WildlifeDirect CEO - Emmanuel de Merode arrested a suspected gorilla trafficker and recovered a concealed baby eastern lowland gorilla. On Sunday, April 26, 2009, the ICCN National Park Guard, led by the leader of the Virunga National Park, former director of WildlifeDrect, Emmanuel de Merede, arrested a person suspected of trafficking of monkeys and rescued a baby gorilla from the eastern plains. Raha nifoha maraina handeha hamonjy ny toeram-piasana ny vahoaka rehetra manerana an'i Bahrain androany (Alakamisy faha 17 Febroary, 2011) dia taitra raha naheno vaovao mikasika ny fanafihana nataon'ny mpitandron'ny filaminana tamin'ny andro vao mangiran-dratsy an'ireo mpanohitra ny governemanta izay nilasy tao Fihodinan'i Lulu renivohitr'i Manama. People across Bahrain woke up to go to work today (Thursday 17 February, 2011) to the news of a dawn police raid on anti-government protestors camped out at Lulu Roundabout in capital Manama. When people around Bahrain woke up early today to go to work (in February 17, 2011, 2011,) the news of the attack by security forces on the early morning of the anti-government protesters that were stationed in Lulu, the capital of Manama. Feno hafaliana ny tontolom-bilaogy Iraniana rehefa voatatitra fa namarana ny fitokonana tsy hihinan-kanina ilay mpisolovava sady migadra noho ny fanehoan-kevitra Nasrin Sotoudeh 49 andro taty aoriana. The Iranian blogosphere is filled with joy as lawyer and prisoner of conscience Nasrin Sotoudeh has reportedly ended her hunger strike after 49 days. This post is part of our special coverage Iran Protests 2011. The Iranian blogosphere was thrilled when it was reported that the lawyer ended his hunger strike and was jailed for his comments. Amin'izao fotoana izao dia afa-manao fanadihadiana tahaka ny ataon'ny polisy ny ao amin'ny fampanoavana, fepetra noraisin' ny fitondrana jadona miaramila tao Brezila hanoherana ny kolontsain-kolikoly amin'ny alalan'ny ambaratonga vaovaon'ny fandraisana andraikitra. Currently, the prosecutors' office can lead investigations just like police can, a measure enacted after Brazil's military dictatorship to counter the country's culture of corruption with another level of accountability. The prosecution now has the opportunity to investigate the police's actions, a measure that Brazil's military dictatorship has taken against the culture of corruption through a new level of accountability. Adidintsika indray amin'ny izao fotoana izao ny mitaky ny sehatra ara-politika izay efa navelantsika noho ny fanodinkodinan-tsaina nataon'ny antoko politika antitra sy ireo mpanompo azy izay nandray tombontsoa avy amin'ny satan'ny fanjanahantany sy ny tsy fitoviana. In this moment it is our obligation to reclaim the political space we have yielded thanks to the perverse manipulation of the old political parties and the servants who benefit from the colonial status and inequalities. Now it is our duty to demand the political scene that we have already left out because of the deception of old political parties and their slaves who have benefited from colonial status and inequality. Bitika izany raha oharina amin'ny haben'ny olako eto an-toerana. My wishes were narrow, the size of my local concerns. It's a small thing compared to the size of my local skin. Raha mijanona tsy malaza amin'ny salan-taona rehetra ao Japana ny DPJ, amin'ny lafiny hafa, raha jerena lavidavitra dia nahavita nahatratra ny fon'ireo sokajy tanora kosa i Minshu-kun. While the DPJ remains unpopular with just about every demographic in Japan, to a certain extent Minshu-kun has managed to appeal to a younger demographic. While the DPJ remains unpopular in all ages of Japan, on the other hand, on the other hand, the youth-kun has managed to reach the hearts of the younger categories. @africathinker: Homelohina ho faty i Jalila Khamis atsy ho atsy raha tsy manao zavatra isika. Ny helony ...ny fahasahiany manohitra ny governemanta Sodaney.#Jalila8volana #Nouba @africathinker: Jalila Khamis,will be executed very soon unless we do something.Her crime ...speaking out against the Sudanese government.#Jalila8months #Nuba @africathinker: been sentenced to death soon if we don't do something. his crime ...his courage against the Sudanese government.# ny8month #Nouba Tsy miasa ara-dalàna ho famantarana ireo mpampiasa azy ny rafitra laharana fiahiana ara-tsosialy amin'izao fotoana, fa lasa fitavana iray aza izay ahafahan'ireo mpanao heloka bevava araraotina mora foana. The current social security number system no longer works effectively in identifying users, but instead has became a tool that can easily be abused by criminals. The current social security system does not work legally as a symbol of its users, but has become a tool where criminals can easily be abused. @9it nanampy: @9it added: @9it adds: Chan Sovannara koa dia manoratra mikasika ilay tondradrano mahatsiravina Chan Sovannara also writes about the flooding disaster: Chan Svannara also writes about the terrible floods Faharoa, miaraka amin'ity karazanà fitsaràna ity - ny fitsarana izay manameloka aloha , vao mitady avy eo - matahotra isika rehetra. Second, with this type of justice- the justice that condemns first and tries later- we are all threatened. Secondly, with this kind of trial - the courts that condemn first , before we search - we are all afraid. Tao anaty andiana lahatsary mahaontsa iray, namaritra ny herisetra sy ireo fikasana hanomezana henatra sy hampanginana azy sy ireo niharam-boina hafa, miaraka amin'ireo karazana fandrahonana herisetra bebe kokoa, ny sarimbavy antsoina hoe Julie. In a series of heartbreaking videos, a trans woman named Julie describes the assault and the attempts to shame and silence her and the other victims with subsequent threats of further violence. In a series of painful videos, gay Julie described violence and attempts to shame and silence her and other victims, along with more threats of violence. Nandefa lahatsarina foko iray i Pedazos de la Isla ho an'ny vehivavy Kiobana, manazava hoe: Pedazos de la Isla uploaded a video tribute to Cuban women, explaining: Pedazos de la Isla posted a video of a ethnic group for Cuban women, explaining: Talohan'ny nitazonana azy, nandefa bitsika i Pravit ny ilàna ny hiarovana ny fahalalahana ao amin'ny firenena: Before his detention, Pravit tweeted the need to defend freedom in the country: Before being detained, the country's freedom was tweeted: Ny marina, miatrika ny olana henjana indrindra momba ny hatavezana an'ny Amerika Latina ny firenena, araka ny voalazan'ny Forbes. In fact, the country faces the most serious obesity crisis of Latin America, according to Forbes. In fact, the country is facing the toughest issue of Latin America's economicism, according toThey. Na inona na inona antony, toa hita ho hentitra kokoa noho ny tany aloha i Jammeh hoe ho an'ny tombotsoan'ireo Gambiana rehetra ireo hetsika nataony sy ireo fepetra napetrany. Whatever the motivation is, Jammeh seems more determined than ever before that his actions and policies are in the interest of all Gambians. Whatever the reason, Jammeh seems to be more firm than before that his actions and regulations are for the interests of all Gambians. Lahatsarin'ny YouTube. YouTube video. YouTube video. Guan Qingyou naneho ny heviny tamin'ny fampitahany ny SARS sy ny gripam-borona H7N9: Guan Qingyou commented on the parallels between SARS and H7N9 avian influenza: Gun Qingyou commented on his coverage of SARS and the H7N9 bird flu: Moa ve izao tontolo izao mahatsiaro ny zava-nitranga nahatsiravina indrindra natao tany Eoropa hatramin'ny taona 1945? Did the world care to remember what had happened in the worst atrocity to be committed in Europe since 1945? Does the world remember the worst incident that has taken place in Europe since 1945? Tsy Ara-dalàna Ny Fambolena Rongony An-Tavy Ao Meksika, Saingy Manoka-Baravarana Ho Amin'izany Ny Didin'ny Fitsarana Tampony Pot Isn't Legal Yet in Mexico, But a Landmark Supreme Court Decision Has Opened the Door · Global Voices Mexico's Mining Plant Is Unlawful, but The Supreme Court's Office Is Open to It · Global Voices Noho ny atrikasa fampitàna tantara amin'ny taokanto natao ho an'ny maso dia vitan'ny vondron'ankizy mpitsoa-ponenana ao Myanmnar (Birmania) ankehitriny ny mitantara ny zavatra niainany tamin'ny fandosirana ny tranony ravan'ny ady. Thanks to visual-storytelling workshops, a group of child refugees from Myanmar (Burma) is now able to narrate the experience of fleeing their war-torn home. Thanks to a visually-fashioned film workshop, the refugee group in Myanmnar (Birmania) has now managed to tell their story of fleeing their houses destroyed by the war. Nitsahatra tsy nanome vaovao an-tserasera intsony nanomboka hatramin'ny fiandohan'ny taona 2012 ny rafi-pandrefesana ny fahadiovan'ny rivotra tao an-drenivohitra Makedonianina. The system for measuring air pollution in the capital of Macedonia stopped providing online data at the beginning of 2012. The air pollution system in Macedonia's capital has stopped providing information online since the beginning of 2012. Nanjary lohahevitra niasa be tao amin'ny Twitter ny Chau Suiza (veloma ry Soisa) sy #TeAmoArgentina (tiako ianao ry Arzantina). Chau Suiza (farewell Switzerland) and #TeAmoArgentina (I love you Argentina) became trending topics on Twitter. Chau Suiza (life in Switzerland) and #TeAmoArgentina (I love you Argentina) became a trending topic on Twitter. Hanohy hitondra ny firenena mandritra ny dimy taona manaraka indray i Mugabe, 89 taona sy efa teo amin'ny fitondrana nandritra ny 33 taona. Mugabe, who is 89 years old and has been in power for 33 years, will continue to rule the country for the next five years. Mugabe, 89, and has been in power for 33 years, will continue to rule the country for the next five years. Manana ny voninahiny mamiratra ny nofinofy tsirairay avy Each dream has its shining glory Every dream has its glorious glory Nahita ny lahatsoratra navoakany tao amin'ny FB ireo Kambojiana, ary nahalala mazava tsara ny zava-nitranga. Cambodians've seen what he posted on FB, & clearly know what happened. Cambodians saw his post on FB, and knew exactly what was happening. Voampanga ho nandroba ny tahirim-bola nasionaly i Marcos nandritra ny fotoana nitondrany. Marcos was accused of plundering the national treasury during his time in office. Marcos was accused of stealing national funds during his time in office. Nanoratra ny bilaogera fa efa nitokona ny mpiasan'ny Haft Tapeh teo aloha ary tsy mitana ny fampanantenana nomeny ny governemanta isaky ny manome toky azy ireo. The blogger writes that Haft Tapeh workers have striked before and each time the government gave them promises but never kept them. The blogger writes that Haft Tapeh workers have been on strike before and that the government doesn't keep promises every time they are assured. Raha efa nanomboka lefilefy ny "sangy ratsy momba ny toeram-pivoahana" sy ny tenifototra #SochiProblems, dia miala any indray ny fomba iray hafa enti-maneso ny fomba fandraisan'i Rosia ny Lalaon'ny Andro Ririnina: fanoharana ny Lalao Olaimpika sy ilay asa kanto, taharon-javatra telo, ny "Hunger Games" (Lalaon'ny Hanoanana). As "toilet-gate" jokes and the hashtag #SochiProblems grow stale, another way to poke fun at Russia's hosting of the Winter Games has emerged: comparisons between the Olympics and the wildly popular Hunger Games franchise. As the "bad laughs about toilets" and the hashtag #SochiProblems began to wear, another way to mock Russia's handling of the Winter Games is to compare the Olympic Games and the arts, three piece of art, the Hunger Games. Manome toky ny vahoaka izahay fa tsapanay ny vaovao momba ny firaisankina sy ny fanohanan'izy ireo anay na dia eo aza ny fanokana-monina sy ny fahirano, ary mino tanteraka ny fandresena tsy azo ihodivirana izahay na dia miatrika fandrahonana aza ny tolona. We assure the masses of our people that the news of their solidarity and support reach us despite the isolation and siege, and we firmly believe in the inevitability of victory no matter how fierce the battle gets. We assure the public that we feel the news of solidarity and support that they support us despite the isolation and siege, and we have absolute faith in the inevitable victory despite the threat of struggle. Arabia Saodita: Fahazoan-dalana hitoraka blaogy! Saudi Arabia: Licence to Blog! · Global Voices Saudi Arabia: Blogging License! · Global Voices Araka ny mpikarakara, ny tetikasa dia namboarina amin'ny "misaina ankapobeny sy miasa ao an-toerana": According to organizers, the project is built on "thinking globally and acting locally": According to the organizers, the project is made up of "the general and working locally": Nalefan'i PakVotes ho an'ny fampielezankevitry ny iVote ity sary avy amin'ny @SoofiaSays ity This picture was sent to PakVotes for iVote campaign by @SoofiaSays PakVotes posted this photo from @SoofiaSys for theVote campaign Nanao fanambarana toy izao i Carlos Iturgaiz, solombavambahoaka eoropeana: Spanish MEP Carlos Iturgaiz declared: European MP Carlos Iturgaiz made this statement: Toy ny tamin'ny Seacom, fotoana lehibe ho an'ny fiavaozana ara-teknolojika Afrikana sy ny fandrosoana izy ity. This as with Seacom is a great moment for African technological innovation and development. As with Seacom, this is a great moment for African technological reform and development. Olana maro samihafa no ifotoran'ny fahasamihafan'ny eveka teo aloha sy ny filoham-pirenena, ohatra amin'izany ny fanambadian'ny samy pelaka: The former bishop and the head of state have had their differences on many issues, for example gay marriage: Different issues vary between former bishops and presidents, such as same-sex marriage: Qoyllur Riti na Quyllurit'i dia fety ara-panahy sy ara-pivavahana atao isan-taona efa ho an-jato taona maro izay eo amin'ny kisilasilan'ny tendrombohitr'i Andes Ausangate, faritanin'i Quispicanchi, departemantan'i Peroviana ao Cusco. Qoyllur Riti or Quyllurit'i is a spiritual and religious festival that has been held annually for hundreds of years on the slopes of the Andean Ausangate mountain, in the Quispicanchi province in the Peruvian department of Cusco. Qoyllur Riti or Quyllurit'i is a yearly spiritual and religious festival that is located on the mountains of the Andes Ausangate mountains, Quispicanchi province, Peruvian department of Granada. Ny mpitoraka blaogy avy any Guyana dia nanao "meme" amin'ny hoe "Tsy Krisimasy ny Krisimasy rehefa tsy misy ..." Ho an'ny Signifyin' Guyana, izay nanomboka an'ilay "meme," dia hoe "ny nofon-kenan-kisoa nataon'i dadanay" sy "filalaovana lalao iraisana miaraka amin'ny fianakaviako rehefa avy nihinana sy ny sisa." Guyanese bloggers do a meme on "Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without..." For Signifyin' Guyana, who started the meme, it's "my dad's ham" and "playing board games with my folks after we've all had a few and then some more." Guyana's blogger made a meme by saying "The Christmas is not Christmas when there is no..." For Guyana's Sigfa, which started the meme, is "the meat of my father" and "a play with my family after eating and so on." Fitaintainana no nameno ny tanànan'i Samar antsoina hoe Calbayog noho ny fahavitsian'ny fitaovana ilaina; ahitana fikoropahana mividy zavatra eny amin'ny mpivarotra maro Anxiety looms over Samar's Calbayog City as supplies are getting scarce; panic buying seen in most groceries @solartvnews #YolandaPH - Rex Remitio (@Rexremitio) November 12, 2013 The city of Samar, called Calbayog, has been filled with cannons due to limited equipment; there is a high cost of buying goods in a number of stores Izahay, ao amin'ny Fikambanana Ti-Ratana Penchala dia te-hanome tànana ireo mpiasan'ny MCRS (Malaisie Croix-Rouge) izay mikarataka fanampiana ho an'ireo tra-boinan'ny tondradrano ao Kedah, toy ny lamba firakotra, fitafiana, rano fisotro, fanafody Panadol, taratasy famaohana, savony, vary, tantely, trondro am-bifotsy, ronono mandry, dantifrisy, sorgho, sns... We at Ti-Ratana Penchala Community would like to assist MCRS (Malaysia Red Cross Society) who is looking for help in kind for flood victims in Kedah such as blankets,sarongs, mineral water,panadol,sanitary pads,soap,rice, bee hoon, can sardine, baked beans,condense milk,tooth paste, milo, coffee etc.... We, at Ti-Ratana Penchala Foundation, want to hand over to MCRS (Malaisie Croix-Rouge) workers who are seeking relief for the flood victims in Kedah, such as blankets, clothes, drinking water, Panadol medicine, soap, rice, honey, snowfish, milk, dantifris, sorgho, etc. Tena somary henatra ho an'ny governemanta Afrikana ihany mandeha aminà hetsika tahaka izany. Its quite a shame for an African government to go for such a move. It's very shameful for the African government to go to such an event. Tena tampoka be taminy ilay izy. She was clearly taken by surprise. What a surprise it was to him! Ny IIEC dia namoy Mpiasa Mpiara-mitantana tany Marakwet Andrefana. IIEC loses a Presiding Officer in Marakwet West. The IIEC lost a coalition worker in the West Marakwet. "Ity toe-draharaha ity dia ohatra anankiray mampiseho an-karihary ny tsy fahamarinan'ny Amerikana sy ny fanaovany fanararaotam-pahefana, noravahana tamin'ny fanamelohana azy mandra-pahafatiny amin'ny heloka nolazaina fa nataony kanefa tsy nataony akory." "Her case is one of America's most egregious examples of horrific abuse and injustice, climaxed by her virtual life sentence for an alleged crime she never committed." "This situation is an example of American injustice and abuse of power, separated from his sentence until his alleged crimes were committed without doing them." Ankehitriny dia afaka i Guangcheng ary niresaka tamin'izao tontolo izao momba ilay fisamborana tsy ara-dalàna nataon'ny governemanta tao an-toerana any amin'ny "comté" an'i Linyi, faritani'i Shandong Now Guangcheng is free and has spoken out to the world on the illegal prosecution committed by local government in Linyi county, Shandong province. He was now free and spoke to the world about the illegal arrest by the local government in Linyi's "comté," Shandong province. Raha toa ny sasany voatazon'ilay tondradrano, ny hafa indray nisisika tamin'ny hoe tsy orana kely toy ireny no hanakana an-dry zareo tsy hampiasa ny zony hifidy: While some found themselves stranded because of the floods, others were adamant that a little rain was not going to stop them from exercising their franchise: While some were detained by the floods, others insisted that such a bit of rain would prevent them from exercising their right to vote: Sary: Dipti Desai. Image by Dipti Desai. Credit: Dipti Desai. Raha nidina ny voromby izahay, toa tsapa toy ny tsy misy fitsipika mahazatra mihatra. When we step off the plane it can feel like the normal standards do not apply. When we came down from the plane, we felt as if there were no normal rules. Ny sasany tia mirakotra voaly ary ny hafa tsy mankasitraka. Some like to wear the veil and others do not. Some like to wear a veil and others don't like it. Fiampitàna ao amin'ny Zaridaina Shakuji, Seibu Ikebukuro Line, Tokyo. Shakuji Park Crossing, Seibu Ikebukuro Line, Tokyo. Entering Shakuji Park, Seibu Ikebukuro Line, Tokyo. Raha haneho fanohanana momba ny raharaha Bassel, soniavo ity fanangonan-tsonia antserasera ity; izay natomboky ny namana sady mpanao fanentanana Mohamed Najem, mitaky ny famotsorana azy avy hatrany. To expression support for Bassel's case, sign this online petition, initiated by friend and campaigner Mohamed Najem, calling for his immediate release. To show support for Bassel's case, sign this online petition; which was launched by friend and campaigner Mohamed Najem, calling for his immediate release. Ireto ambany ireto dia ny tatitry ny vaovao ao an-toerana mikasika ny fifamaliana tao anaty fiarandàlamby ny 15 janoary 2011. Below is a local news report on the subway train dispute on January 15, 2012. Below is a local news report on the conflict in a train on January 15, 2011. Ny toerana tànany, whistleblower, na mpandefa fanairana amin'ny teny frantsay, dia asehon'ny maha-mpandrindra ireo angona azy mba ho, hoy ny fijoroana vavolombelona nataony ihany, fanetsehana adihevitra nasionaly mikasika ny anjara andraikitry ny tafika amerikana sy ny politika ivelany any Etazonia. His role as whistleblower (or, as the french say, "alert-launcher") is characterized by his aim - he again testified - to trigger national debate on the role of the US military and on US foreign policy. His position, which is a French-language alerter, is presented as an organizer of his data to be, according to his own testimony, discussing the role of the U.S. military and foreign policy in the United States. Samy manana ny kaontiny amin'ny media sosialy avy ny sampana tafika tsirairay, izay misy ireo sainam-pirenena jaky manjelatra sy ireo teny faneva fanentanana eny amin'ireo pejin'ny mombamomba azy. Each division of the group has its own social media account marked with scarlet national flags and propaganda slogans on its profile pages. Each branch has its own social media account, where the country's flag is bright and campaign slogans on its profile pages. Araka ny hazavain'Ivan, ny fianakaviamben'ireo mpivoy dia isan'ny iray mihetsiketsika tokoa. As Ivan explains, the online cycling community is a vibrant one. Asvan explains, the families of the rowers are one of the most active. Tao amin'ny Twitter izany vaovao izany dia niteraka fitobatobahana fahatohinana sy fanohanana ho an'ilay mpakasary maty. The news sparked an outpouring of emotion and support on Twitter for the slain cameraman. On Twitter, the news sparked outrage and support for the dead photographer. Niketrona aho tamin'ny voalohany, saingy mpankasitraka mandra-maty aho amin'izao fotoana izao. I was a skeptic, but now I'm a die-hard fan. At first, I was confused, but I am now a lover of life. (Naoty: *Ny trozona manao "loham-boatavo" dia mitondra koa ny anarana hoe Peponocephala electra na dauphin electra. ** misy fijerin'ny vavolombelona hafa nampidirina tao anatin'ity tafatafa ity) (Note: *Melon-headed whales are also known as Peponocephala electra or electra dolphin. ** accounts from other witnesses are also integrated in the interview) (Naoty: *The whale that wears a "bove" also bears the name Peponocephala cletra or dauphin Classra. ** there are other witnesses' views included in this interview) Lojika manao ahoana ary izany no hiheverana kandidà fa ho lany izy. By what logic do the candidates believe they will be elected? How logical and that's what it's to think he'll be elected. Tahaka izay efa nofisintsika hatramin'izay, hampiara-dalana ny olona ny mozika ary hanome herijika ho an'ny fandriampahalemana eto amin'izao tontolo izao Just like we always dreamed, music will bring people together and give us a chance at world peace. As we've always dreamed of, music will keep people safe and give peace opportunities in the world. Mampiantrano ity fisotroana kafe ity eo amin'ny manodidina saika isan-kerinandro izy nandritra ny efa-taona. He's been hosting these cafés around the region almost every week for the past four years. She has hosted this cafe in almost every week for four years. Ho fahatsiarovana an'i Sabeen- ilay tsara tarehy, adala, ilay lalintsaina nanova ny foto-kevitry ny fifanakalozan-kevitra misokatra Here's in remembrance of @sabeen - the beautiful, the crazy, the genius who transformed the concept of open dialogue. - Saad Hamid (@SaadGH) April 24, 2015 To remember the beautiful, stupid person who changed the topic of open dialogue. Tokony hanova paika indray ny governemanta ao an-toerana izay zatra "mandrara," "manafina," ary "manery" mba hifandraisana amin'ireo mpanao fitakiana "Amin'ny fanakànana ny olona tsy ho any Beijing" ka hatramin'ny famafàna ny atao hoe "fampahafantarana ratsy. Those local governments who are accustomed to the "blocking," "cover," "pressure" approach to deal with petitioners just needs to change the strategy from "stopping them from going to Beijing" to erasing the so-called "negative information." The local government, which is familiar with "fashion," "smuggle," and "condition" to communicate with the petitioners "On preventing people from going to Beijing" and "revealing bad information." Nanomboka tamin'ny Alakamisy 16 Desambra, andro niantson'i Alassane Ouattara ny mpiara-dia aminy handeha amin'ny fananganana ny televiziona nasionaly RTI, dia trangan-javatra toy ny ady sivily no niseho tany Côte d'Ivoire. Since Thursday December 16th, the day Alassane Ouattara called for his partisans to march onto the national television RTI building, scenes of civil war have taken place in Côte d'Ivoire. This post is part of our special coverage Côte d'Ivoire Protests 2011. Since Thursday, December 16, the day the country of Côte d'Ivoire has called its allies on the construction of national television station RTI, something such as civil war took place in Côte d'Ivoire. Vao tamin'ny herinandro lasa, nitombo ireo hetsi-panoheram-bahoaka tao Okraina taorian'ny fanapahan-kevitry ny filoha Viktor Ianoukovitch ny tsy hanao sonia ny Fifanarahana amin'ny Fikambanan'ny Firaisambe Eoropeana sy i Okraina. Over the past week, massive protests unfolded in Ukraine following President Viktor Yanukovych's decision not to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Just last week, popular protests in Ukraine grew after President Viktor Ianoukovitch decided not to sign a deal with the Association of European Unions and Ukraine. Efa fantatra fa hahasarika olona maro kokoa noho ny rindrakira ho amin'ny fandriampahalemana notontosaina omalin'iny ny lanonana koa nahoana no tsy notazonina hiandraiketana io alina io hiantohana hatramin'ny faratampony ny filaminana ireo fepetra napetraka omalin'iny? Why was the police presence set up the day before, which guaranted maximum security for the Peace Concert not maintained for the New Year's eve event, an event likely to attract many more people? It is known that the event will attract more people than the peace concert that took place the day before the ceremony was held so why the conditions imposed earlier will not be held in charge of this night to ensure security? Olona adala ihany no mety hilaza fa voadaroky ny polisy i Mmembe. Only a fool would say that Mmembe was beaten by the police. Only fools would say that Mmembe was beaten by police. Romualdo Hostos kosa nanatontosa horonantsary mikasika ny voka-dratsin'ny orana tao amin'ny faritra, herinandro lasa izay: Also, Romualdo Hostos filmed the effect of rain on the zone weeks ago: Romualdo Hostos made a video about the impact of rain on the region last week: Mandritra izany, mampiseho ny toerana fadiranovana iainan'ireo mpiasa ao amin'ny firenena ny fitakiana fisondrata- karama farany ambany. Meanwhile, the demand to raise the minimum wage highlights the poor conditions of workers in the country. Meanwhile, the demand for a minimum wage shows the poor conditions of the country's workers. Omar R. Quraishi no tonian-dahatsoratra ao amin'ny Express Tribune: Omar R. Quraishi is the editor of The Express Tribune: Omar R. Quraishi is editor-in-chief of Express Tribune: Te-hanontany antsika aho raha toa ireny hena akoho sy omby ireny ka tany an-kafa no novidiany fa nokarakarain'ilay orinasa fotsiny avy eo? . I want to ask if this chicken and beef was bought elsewhere and then reprocessed at the company? I would like to ask us if they were chicken and cattle and they bought it somewhere else but were organized by the company? . "Ahoana no fomba hahasitranan'ny firenena potipotiky ny ady sivily?," hoy i Tomoko Perez (@Tomoshiga) any New York nanontany: "How does a country torn from civil war recover?," Tomoko Perez (@Tomoshiga) in New York asked: "How can a country be destroyed by civil war?," Tomoshiga (@Tomoshiga) in New York asked: Ary ilay Maoritaniana mafàna fo, Nasser Weddady dia mamintina hoe: And Mauritanian activist Nasser Weddady concludes: And Mauritanian activist Nasser turned out to be: Taorian'ity fandresena mahafinatra azon'i Aostralia ity dia maro no mino fa halaza kokoa eo amin'ny olona ny baolina fandaka indrindra eo amin'ireo tanora mbola kely. After this great win by Australia many believe soccer will become more popular especially among young kids from down under. After Australia's dramatic victory, many believe that the most popular football among young people is more popular. Lafarinina, vary, varimbazaha, ary izay vokatra fototra rehetra hita hatry ny fahagola tany an-dakozian'ny Siriana tsirairay tany no nosakanana tsy ho an'ireo mponina an'aliny ao amin'ireo faritra natao fahirano. Flour, rice, wheat, and all basic products traditionally present in every Syrian kitchen, were blocked for hundreds of thousands of residents in the besieged areas. Sean, rice, wheat, and all the main products of each Syrian kitchen have been blocked for tens of thousands of residents in the besieged areas. Kanefa, ny pejy Facebook-n'ilay orinasa izay misahana ny asa fanaterana dia efa nanambara ny tsy hitohizan'ny fanaterana intsony: However, the Facebook page of the enterprise which runs the delievery service has since announced the discontinuation of the deliveries: However, the company's Facebook page, which is in charge of the work, has already announced that it will not continue to operate: Nandefa sary maromaro ny Tropicaltoxic, nanome fanavaozam-baovao momba ny toeran'ny zavakanto manerana an'i Shily i Sergio Lay (ES) ary nampiseho ny fampirantiany farany tao Shily i Victor Castillo (ES) (mipetraka any Barcelone izy). Tropicaltoxic posts about illustrations, Sergio Lay (ES) gives updates of the art scene throughout Chile and Victor Castillo (ES) shows his last exposition in Chile (he lives in Barcelona). Tropicaltoxic posted several photos, Sergio Lay (ES) gave updates on the status of art throughout Chile and Victor Castillo (ES) showed his latest interest in Chile (he lives in Barcelona). Misy ny fijerena ny lafiny ara-politika sy ara-tetikady. There are political and strategic considerations. There are political and ideological aspects. Fantatra fa tokony omena "onitra" ireo mponina, anisan'izany ny onitra noho ny fahaverezan-tany sy ny fametrahana azy ireo amin'ny trano vaovao. Residents are supposed to be offered a "rehabilitation" package, including compensation for land lost and resettlement to a new home. It is known that residents should be given "condition," including compensation for land loss and the establishment of them in new homes. Taorian'ilay hetsika, nisy vondrona mafana fo nanohy nisolo vava, tahaka ny mpitoraka bilaogy Mario R. Durán avy ao amin'ny Palabras Libres , izay nihaona tamin'ny Filohan'ny Fitsarana Ambony ao Bolivia, Ramatoa Gabriela Montaño. After the event, a group of activist continued to advocate, like blogger Mario R. Durán from Palabras Libres , who met with Bolivia's upper Chamber President, Ms. Gabriela Montaño. Following the event, a group of activists continued to speak out, such as blogger Mario R. Durán from Palabrasthes , who met with Bolivia's Chief Justice, Gabriela Montaño. Sary nahazoana alàlana. Image used with permission. Photo used with permission. Enimbolana voalohan'ny Rising Voices The First Six Months of Rising Voices · Global Voices Rising Voices' first six months HAFATRA MAIKA HOAN'IREO OLONA TE HANAMPY AN'I ARTURO ILAY ORSAN'NY TENDRONTANY ARY MANA-KEVI-BAOVAO MIKASIKA NY FAMINDRANA AZY URGENT MESSAGE TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO HELP ARTURO THE POLAR BEAR AND HAVE NEW IDEAS FOR MOVING HIM THE WAYS OF THE WAYS OF RISCOODS AND THE THINGS OF THE THINGS OF THE THINGS Nilaza ny vondrona mpandala ny zon'olombelona, Feo Hoan'ireo Olona Baloch Nanjavona (VbPC) fa vatana mangatsiaka tsy latsaky ny 373 no hita nanomboka tamin'ny taon-dasa. Recently, the human rights group Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) claimed that as many as 373 bodies of missing people were recovered, since last year. Human rights group, Voice for Baloch Missing People (VbPC), has said that less than 373 bodies have been found since last year. Angon-tsary avy amin'ny Pixabay. Stock photo from Pixabay. Image sourced from Pixabay. Hitan'i Brad Hunstable ho nanelingelina tokoa ny fanafihana. Brad Hunstable also finds the attack very disturbing. Brad Hunstable found the attack very disturbing. Raha niparitaka be io vaovao io, dia notsoahana tao amin'ny vohikalan'ny departemantan'ny polisy ilay taratasy manaporofo ny fividianana entana. As the news spread, the purchase order page was removed from the police department website. While this information went viral, the document proving the purchase was removed from the police department's website. Nipaka teo amin'ny mandatehezan'ny polisy teo anoloan'ny tranobem-panjakana sy ireo karazan-tsangambato tranainy, tena vakoka arkeolojika napetraka teo amin'ny 2007, ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana. In front of government buildings protesters were met by a police cordon and a cordon of ancient statues- real archeological artifacts - set there in 2007. The protesters took to the police station in front of the government building and the old types of fossils, a real heritage that was established in 2007. Ny fanitsakitsahana voamarina androany dia niseho tapabolana monja taorian'ny nidiran'ireo lalàna hanan-kery. Today's confirmed breach comes just two weeks after the laws officially came into effect. Today's confirmed violations took place just two weeks after the laws came into effect. Fantatrareo, tsy dia lavitra amin'ny fomba fijerin'ny Tandrefana tamin'ny taon-jato 50 isika - amin'ny tsara, ny ratsy sy ny mahatsiravina! " You know, we are not so far from the Western point of view of the 50s - with the good, the bad and the ugly!" You know, we are not so far from the Western view of the 50th century - with good, bad and bad!." Avy eo isika mamatotra azy amin'ny mpitarika mpandala ny zon'olombelona iray izay nanandrateny fa valinteny ara-drariny ny valy bontana ankerisetra. Then we tie him to a civil rights leader who advocated violent retaliation as a justified response. Then we join him with a human rights leader who said that violent response is a legitimate answer. Na izany na tsy izany dia tsy misy fihatsarany ny toe-draharaha ary mbola mitohy hatrany ny fisamborana ireo mpitoraka bilaogy. However, the situation stays the same and the crackdown on bloggers continues. However, there is no improvement in the situation and the arrest of bloggers continues. Akaiky dia akaiky an'i Netanyahu i Adelson ka mahavita manome 50 tapitrisa dolara isan-taona ny gazety iray mivoaka maimaim-poana isan'andro, Israel Hayom, izay mamely izay rehetra fahavalon'i Netanyahu ao amin'ny fireneny na avy amin'ny ankavanana izany na avy amin'ny ankavia. Adelson is so close to Netanyahu that he pumps 50 million dollars a year into a free news daily, Israel Hayom, that attacks Netanyahu's domestic enemies on both the left and the right. Adelson is so close to Netanyahu that free daily Israel Hayom, which attacks all of Netanyahu's enemies in his country from both the right and the left, can contribute 50 million dollars a year. Tsy mora ny mahazo olona mpihaino mitia ny hira malefaka any Zeorzia. It's not easy finding an appreciative audience for the blues in Georgia. It is not easy to find someone who is interested in singing softly in Georgia. Ny fitomboan' isan'ny Roma ao Eoropa no mahatonga ny ankizy mahatsiaro ho mitondra takaitra sy ahilikiliky ny olona mitovy amin'izy ireo, ka mahatonga azy ireo hanafina ny fiaviany sy mahatsiaro menatra amin'ny lovany. Growing up Roma in Europe can make children feel stigmatized and rejected by their peers, causing them to hide their origins and feel ashamed of their heritage. The increasing number of Roma in Europe makes children feel vulnerable and vulnerable to people like them, making them hide their race and feel ashamed of their heritage. Nizara lahatsary roa avy amin'ireo toby i Martínez . Martínez shared two videos of the camps. Martínez shared two videos from the camps. Sary nafangaro. Remix image. Image mixed. Olona iraikambinifolo niara-nihinana suhoor tao amin'ny iray amin'ny tranon-dry zareo. Eleven people were having sahoor in one of their homes. Fourteen people gathered together for suhoor in one of their homes. Ilay natokana ho an'i Kiev ihany, no hany rarivato ho an'ny tanàna malaza tsy misy voninkazo, eo ivelan'i Kremlin ao amin'ny Zaridaina Alexander. The only hero-city slab outside the Kremlin in Alexander Gardens without flowers is Kiev's. The only structure for Kiev is a famous city with no flowers outside the Kremlin in Alexander Park. Samy maniry ny hitovy aminy isika, ary tsy misy fialonana na fankahalana izany satria izy dia olona tsara fanahy sady mendrika. We all wished we could be like him, but without any jealousy or resentment because he was so damn sweet and deserving. All of us want to be like him, and there is no jealousy or hatred because he is a kind and worthy man. Tsy nisy na dia fampandrenesana kely akory aza nahafahana nandray fepetra mialoha. There was not a single warning about what was coming in order to take precautions. No announcements were able to take action in advance. Ny antony izany dia satria tamin'ny fotoana nahaterahan'ny ray aman-drenin'izy ireo tany amin'ny taona 1800 any, mbola tsy nisy firenena manana lalàna na lalàmpanorenana fantatra amin'ny anarana hoe Zambia. This is because by the time that the parents of these people were born in the 1800s, there was no legal or constitutional entity known as Zambia. This is because at the time their parents were born in the 1800s, no country has a law or constitution known as Zambia. Ny filoha Amerikana Barack Obama miara-mizotra amin'ny zanany vavy Malia, ary Michelle sy Sasha Obama ao aoriany nandritra ny fitsidihana ny Cape Coast Castle any Ghana, sarin'i ao amin'ny FlickR (CC license-NC-BY) U.S. President Obama walks with Malia, Michelle and Sasha following, during their visit to Cape Coast Castle, Ghana via on FlickR (CC license-NC-BY) US President Barack Obama walking with his daughter Malia, and Michelle and Sasha Obama behind him during a visit to the Cape Coast Castle in Ghana, photo by on FlickR (CC license-NC-BY) Ny bilaogiko dia misy tantara mampihomehy maneho ny tsy fitiavana vahiny hita taratra amin'ny kolontsaina fahiny sy mifandrirondrirotry ny Rosiana: My blog included a joke which provides insight into how xenophobia fits into the ancient and complex Russian culture: My blog is a funny piece of anti-foreignism reflected in Russian culture and culture: Raha nanao fahadisoana tamin'ny fitateram-baovao i Oki dia tokony ny lalànan'ny fanaovan-gazety no ampiharina aminy... Fametrahana ho heloka bevava ny asan'ny mpanao gazety ny fanaovana fitoriana eny amin'ny fitsarana. If Oki made an error in reporting, it should be dealt with under the Press Law...The lawsuit is an act of criminalization of the work of journalists. If Oki made a mistake in reporting it should be applied to the press is a crime for journalists to file lawsuits in court. Nahita toerana iray hivelomana sy hiroboroboana ireo graffitis vaovao tamin'ny fahatsiarovana natao tamin'ity taona ity. New graffitis have found a place to live and blossom for this year's anniversary. New graffitis found a place to live and grow in memory this year. Ny septambra 2010, nanjary lasa mpitondra teny nasionalin'ny tambajotra Primo Marzo izy. Nampiroborobo ireo zon'ny mpiavy sy ireo zo maha-olombelona izy tamin'izany. What is more, in September 2010, she became national spokesperson for the March First movement where she promoted human rights, including those for migrants. In September 2010, he became the national spokesperson for the website Primo Marzo, where he promoted the rights of immigrants and human rights. Ao amin'ny tranon'ny Lucky Coiffure no manomboka ny tantara, izay iarahan'ireo nàmana sy mpanjifa mijery baolina ifananandrinan'i Alemàna sy Frantsa. The nightmare begins as friends and customers at the barbershop are watching an international football match between France and Germany on TV. The story begins at Lucky Coiffure's home, where friends and customers watch German and French balls together. Momba ireo tatitra nataon'ny Global Voices tamin'ny raharaha Atena Farghadani izay saika efa voadika amin'ny fiteny malagasy avokoa indray: Hiakatra Fitsarana Noho Ny Sariitatra Nataony Momba Ny Fanabeazana Aizana Ao Iran i Atena Farghadani Nahemotra Ny Famoahana ny Didim-pitsarana An'ilay Mpanakanto Iraniana Any Am-ponja, Atena Farghadani Atena Faraghdani, Nosazian'i Iràna Hifonja 12 Taona sy Tapany Noho Ny Resaka Sariitatra Nosamborina ny Mpisolovavan'ilay Iraniana Mpanao Sariitatra Atena Faraghdani fa nifandray tanana taminy Atena Farghdani, Artista Sady Mpikatroka Mafàna Fo Voafonja, Manohitra Amin'ny Alàlan'ny Fitokonana Tsy Misakafo Ny Fampijaliana Azy Nahena 18 Volana ny Sazy 12 Taona an'Ilay Iraniana Mpanao Sariitatra Atena Farghadani For past coverage on Global Voices of Atena Farghadani's case: Atena Farghadani Goes on Trial Tomorrow in Iran for Her Cartoon About Access to Contraception Verdict Delayed in Detained Iranian Artist Atena Farghadani's Trial Iran Sentences Atena Faraghdani to 12.5 Years for Cartoons Jailed Cartoonist Atena Faraghdani's Lawyer is Arrested for Shaking Her Hand Jailed Activist and Artist Atena Farghdani Protests Mistreatment With Hunger Strike Iranian Cartoonist Atena Farghadani's Prison Sentence Reduced From 12 Years to 18 Months Regarding Global Voices' reports on the Athens case which has almost been translated into Malagasy: Iran Sentences to Iranian Cartoonist Atena Faraghdani, an Artist and Activist, Faces the Trial of Iranian Artist in Prison, Atenaa Faraghdani, Sentenced by Iranian Cartoonist Atena Faraghdani to 12 Years in Prison and Two Years in Prison for Cartoons · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Iran Protests 2011. Ny tena zava-dehibe dia afaka mivavaka amin'ny Toby rehetra lalovan'ny Hazofijaliana izy ireo sady mihaino ny Pasyon, fomba Filipiana mitanisa ny fahafatesana, ny fijaliana ary ny fitsanganan-ko velon'i Jesoa Kristy. More importantly, they can pray in all Stations of the Cross and listen to Pasyon, a Filipino tradition of reciting the death, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The most important thing is that they can pray to all the Centers of Culture and listen to Pasyon, a Filipino way of citing death, suffering, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nanambara i Maas fa natsangana ny vondrokery manokana ahitana ny Facebook, ny Ministeran'ny Fitsarana, orinasam-pamatsiana Aterineto ary ny tambajotra sosialy hafa, ny hamantarana ireo votoaty feno fankahalana sy ny fanesorana izany haingana ao amin'ny sehatra no tanjona. Maas announced a task force including Facebook, the Ministry of Justice, Internet service providers and other social networks that will aim to identify hateful content and remove it more quickly from the platform. Maas claims that special forces including Facebook, the Ministry of Justice, Internet companies and other social networks have been created, aiming to identify hate content and remove it quickly from the platform. Miandy ny didy vita an-tsoratra. Awaiting written notification. A written order is closed. Ny faritra indostrialy ao Ventanas, Chile. Ventanas industrial area, Chile. The industrial area of Vninas, Chile. Nihevitra ireo mpiserasera sasany fa avy amin'i Xi ihany ilay vato manohitra. Some Web users speculated that the vote of dissent came from Xi himself. Some netizens thought that the vote of protest came from Xi himself. Amin'ny tranonkala Angole Maka Angola, ilay Angole mpanao gazety Rafael Marques de Morais dia manamarika fa , On Angolan website Maka Angola, Angolan journalist Rafael Marques de Morais points out that , On the Angolan website Maka Angola, Angolan journalist Rafaelwith de Morais notes that , Ao ny fandraisana andraikitra misy ilàna azy ihany fa ao kosa no tsy mitombina mihitsy. Everything from the most serious to the most ridiculous measures are being passed. It's just a useful initiative but it's not right at all. Iskhak Pirmatov Iskhak Pirmatov Iskhak Noho ny fidangan'ny vidin-tsolika, maro ireo firenena avy any Azia Atsimo-Atsinanana no nanamafy ny ezaka ho fitrandràhana loharanon'angovo hafa ho fanolo. Due to skyrocketing oil prices, many Southeast Asian countries are intensifying efforts to tap alternative sources of energy. Given the increase in fuel prices, many Southeast Asian countries have intensified efforts to develop alternative energy resources. Voalohany, ity ilay lahatsary: First, here's the video: First, here is the video: Manitsakitsaka tsy amin-kenatra ny fehezan-dalàna famaizana amin'ny andinin-dalànany mikasika ny "hosoka," "fakana harem-bahoaka," sns Karimov. Karimov shamelessly violates the criminal code under articles such as "fraud," "appropriation of state property" etc. The penal code of its article on "fraud," "mass of public wealth," etc. Karimov violates the penal code. Midika ity fitsipika ity fa ampiasaina toy ny ampinga ny vavahadin-tserasera ka azon'izy ireo hiafenana. This regulation means to use portals as a shield that they can hide behind them. This rule means that the portal is used as a shield and that they can hide. Etsy andaniny, ny vondron'ny Shiita maro an'isa mankahàla an'i Etazonia ary manana fijery mirona kokoa amin'ny fisakaizana amin'i Siria sy Iràna. On the other, the predominantly Shiite camp is hostile to the United States and has friendlier views of Syria and Iran. On the other hand, the majority of Shia groups who hate the United States and have a more sensitive view of friendship with Syria and Iran. Mark Namamanya (@mnamanya), mpanao gazety ara-panatanjahatena, nahita hoe: Mark Namamanya (@mnamanya), a sports journalist, observed: Mark Namamanya (@manannya), a sports journalist, found: ne prend pas trop ton temps ne prend pas trop ton temps ne Prend pas trop con temps Fandàvana ofisialy, fahatezeran'ny vahoaka Official denial, public anger Official release, people's anger Tamin'ny 19 Janoary, nanaparitaka an-kery ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana izay manohitra ny fanitsiana indray ny lalam-pifidianana ka mampijanona an'i Joseph Kabila eo amin'ny fitondrana, ny polisy kongoley ao Kinshasa. On January 19, Congolese police in Kinshasa violently dispersed protesters opposed to the revision of the electoral law that would allow Joseph Kabila to remain in power. On January 19, the Congolese police in Kinshasa violently dispersed protesters who were opposed to the electoral reform that took place in the country's power. Raha ny hevitro, maro amin'ireo tahotra ireo no noforonin'ny tena. In my opinion, many of these fears are self-made. In my opinion, many of these fears were created by themselves. Antoko mpankahala Bangladeshi ny BJP. BJP is an anti-Bangladeshi party. This post is part of our special coverage Bangladesh Protests 2011. Fitaovam-pihinanana Volamena ho an'ny Mpanamory F1: Gold Cutlery for F1 Drivers: Gold Plants for F1: Tsy ny fiakaran'ny sara aloan'ny isan'olona amin'ny banky ihany no vokatry fanafoanana ny saram-pifanakalozana aloan'ny mpivarotra amin'ny alalan'ny kara-bola (carte bancaire) ho an'ny banky, satria tsy maintsy mba mitady hamerenana ny vola votsotra noho ny fanafoanana io saram-pifanakalozana io ny banky, fa mihamatevina kokoa ihany koa ny tombombarotra azon'ny mpivarotra, satria tsy manana eritreritra loatra ny hampidina vidin-javatra ny mpivarotra rehefa mihena ny masonkarena. Capping interchange fees, bank charges paid by retailers when they make a card payment, would not only increase personal bank charges , as the banks would want to recuperate the money lost by this cap, but the retailers profit margin will also increase, as they rarely lower their prices just because their costs have decreased. It is not only the increase in the cost of bank accounts, but also an increase in the profits paid by traders through bank credit card, as the bank has to seek to repay the money due to the bank's cuts, while the market's profits are being reduced, since merchants don't have much thought of lower prices when the economy is down. Feno fankasitrahana aho satria miahiahy momba izany ny olona, saingy tsy haiko ny tsy ho saro-piaro. I am grateful people are concerned, but I can't help feel a bit jealous. I am grateful that people are worried about it, but I don't know how hard it will be. Indrindra fa ny choeur... Especially the Chorus... Especially mechoeur... Nanomboka nibilaogy tamin'ny 2007, efa manodidina ny 5000 isan'andro ankehitriny ny mpitsidika ny bilaoginy. Having started blogging in 2007, his blog now has about 5,000 visits each day. Since blogging in 2007, there are now around 5,000 visitors to his blog. Maro amintsika no tsy naharay karama nandritra ny volana Janoary, 'ndeha hanontaniana azy ireo hoe nahoana! Many of us didn't receive pay during January, let's ask them why! Many of us have not received any salary during January, let's ask them why! Raha misy ny mitsikera io fanehoan-kevitra io, maro ihany koa ny naneho fanohanana an'i Kenji Tamura. While some users criticized this comment, many have shown support to Kenji Tamura as well. While some criticized this comment, many also expressed support for Kenji Tamura. MOI_Bahrain: razana 13 no hita tao amin'ilay tranobe misy rihana telo taorian'ny nahafehezana ny afo MOI_Bahrain:13 bodies were found at the three-storey building after controlling the fire MOI_Bahrain: 13 dead bodies were found in the three-storey building after the fire broke out Hatreo dia naka ny media sosialy ireo mpikatroka mafàna fo mba hanalàna baraka ny filoha Jammeh sy ilay gazety mpomba ny fitondràna, miaraka amin'ireo sasantsasany miampanga an'i Jammeh ho manandrana mividy "laza tsy misy vidiny." Activists have since taken to social media to ridicule President Jammeh and the pro-government newspaper, with some accusing Jammeh of trying to buy "cheap popularity." Activists have since taken to social media to mock President Jammeh and the pro-government newspaper, along with some who accuse Jammeh of trying to buy "incompetent statements." #1986pictures Ny rahavaviko @barnta sy izaho, tany Kingston, Ontario, Kanadà. #1986pictures My sister @barnta and I, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. #1986Photos My sister @barnta and me, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Nokianin'ireo Indoneziana mpankafy baolina kitra i Halid noho ny kolikoly misovoka ao anatin'ny PSSI ka niteraka, ankoatry ny zavatra hafa, tsy fahalavorarian'ny fikarakarana ny baolina kitra eo amin'ny firenena, ny faharatran'ireo mpanohana mandritry ny lalao noho ny fitandroana filaminana tsizarizary, ary ny lalao voavidim-bola noho ireo mpitsara manao kolikoly. Indonesian football fans blamed Halid for the rampant corruption in the PSSI body which caused, among others, lack of improvement of football facilities in the country, fans' injuries during football matches due to weak security, and rigged matches caused by corrupt referees. Indonesian football fans criticized Halid for corruption in the SPSSI and produced, among other things, the country's poor football care, the injuries of supporters during the game of poor security, and the game of money over corrupt judges. @sayeeeeh: Nakatonay ny Gmail sy Google, nampiakarintsika ny tahan'ny dolara, miahiahy aho fa vao maika hasarotintsika ny fiainana ao Etazonia noho izao fanapahan-kevitra izao. @sayeeeeh: We blocked Gmail and Google, we brought up the rate for the dollar, I doubt we can make life harder for the USA with these actions. @sayeeeeh: We shut down evil and Google, we increased the dollar rate, I suspect we will make life harder in the U.S. because of this decision. Nanao antso tao amin'ny aterineto ilay mpanao politika mpanohitra, Alexey Navalny mba hiantso ny Rosiana hisioka any amin'ireo mpikambana ao amin'ny Parlemanta Britanika, mandrisika azy ireo hanohana ny EDM 275. Opposition politician Alexey Navalny published an online appeal calling on Russians to tweet at British Parliament members, urging them to support EDM 275. Opposition politician Alexey Navalny called on the Internet to call on Russians to tweet to members of the British Parliament, encouraging them to support EDM 275. Mbola mitohy isan'andro ny fahafatesan'ny Syriana. Syrians continue to die daily. The death of Syrians continues every day. Manana fialan-tsiny tsara ny filohan'i Oganda, Museveni mba hirotsaka hofidiana indray amin'ny taona 2021 ary hanitatra ny fitondrany hatramin'ny 40 taona, noho i Anne Maria Nakabirwa, filohan'ny antoko Hetsi-pijoroam-pirenena ao amin'ny distrikan'i Kyankwanzi. Uganda's President Museveni now has a perfect excuse to run for office come 2021 and extend his rule to 40 years, thanks to Anne Maria Nakabirwa, the Kyankwanzi district National Resistance Movement party chairperson. Uganda's president Museveni has a good excuse to run again in 2021 and extend his rule to 40 years, thanks to Anne Maria Nakabirwa, head of the National Protest Party of Kyankwanzi district. Tafintohina amin'ny fepetra famelezana ny sendikà tao Wisconsin ireo vahoaka hatrany amorontsiraka atsinanana sy ny amorontsiraka avaratra mankany atsimo-atsinanana ka miomana hiaro ny asany . From the West Coast to the East Coast to the Southwest, people are outraged regarding the recent anti-union measures in Wisconsin and are organizing to protect their states from similar fates. People from the eastern coasts and the north coast to the southeast are concerned about the measure of attack on the labor union in Wisconsin and are preparing to defend its activities. Ao amin'ny lisitra voalohany no nisy ilay Japoney mpanao hatsikana Yasumura Akarui (安村あかるい), izay tsy vitan'ny mampiseho ny endri-tsoratra kanji 安 ihany amin'ny anarany, fa nanjary sary namboarina hampihomehezana malaza anivon'ny olona ihany koa nandritra ny taona 2015 ny fehezanteny manaitra "Aza manahy, mitafy aho" (安心 し て く だ さ い, 穿 い て ま す よ, anshin shite kudasai, haitemasu yo).. At the top of the list was Japanese comedian Yasumura Akarui (安村あかるい), whose name not only features 安, the kanji character of the year, but whose catchphrase "Don't worry, I'm wearing " (安心してください,穿いてますよ, anshin shite kudasai, haitemasu yo) became a pop-culture meme in 2015. On the first list is Japanese comedian Yasumura Akurui, whose name not only shows the Kanji character, but also became a popular meme in the 2015 list "Don't worry, I'm wearing." Ilay hevitra tsotra sy mahagaga..miaina tsara kokoa ny olona an-tapitrisany ao Bangladesh. An amazingly simple idea..making lives better for millions in Bangladesh. The simple and surprising idea.. Millions of people in Bangladesh live better. Fatima Tardelli, izay mibilaogy amin'ny Bule Voador , nandresy lahatra fa mifototra amin'ny mpilatro fotsy (hoditra mazava, manga maso, tso-bolo) ny modelin'ny fahatsarana Breziliana, famantarana mazava nefa mampidi-doza tsy raharahian'ny fiaraha-monina, satria misy ny fijerena ambaratongam-pirazanana ao Brezila. Fatima Tardelli, who blogs with Bule Voador , argues that Brazil's models of beauty are based exclusively on white patterns (i.e. fair skin, blue-eyes, straight hair) a clear sign dangerously ignored by society, that there is a hierarchical perception of race in Brazil. Fatima Tardelli, who blogs at Bule Orador , argues that the model of Brazilian beauty is based on white (a clear, blue, honest, honest) model of beauty, a clear but dangerous sign that is ignored by society, as there is a racial perspective in Brazil. @dipayand: Fironan'ny revolisiona Arabo. @dipayand: Trends of Arab revolution. @dipayand: Arab revolution cover. Fa indrindra indrindra, miaraha aminay hanao ny taona 2011 ho tsy hay hohadinoina sy hahafinaritra tahaka ny 2010! And most of all, please join us in making 2011 as memorable and exciting as 2010! But above all, join us in making 2011 an unforgettable and fun year like 2010! Amin'izao fotoana izao, mbola iray amin'ireo feo mahery miantso ny fanjakana mba hanafoana ny fandraràna mitondra fiara ihany ilay mpikatroka mafana fo 38 taona. Today, the 38-year-old activist is still one of the loudest voices calling for the kingdom to drop the driving ban. Currently, 38-year-old activist is still one of the loud voices calling on the state to end the driving ban. Mahazo fampianarana maimai-poana ny fikapohana mitovy amin'ireny ve ry zareo any am-ponja? Do they get a free course in Comparative Whipping while in prison? Do they receive free education in prisons for the same type of pepper spray? Tsy mahagaga raha nampiseho ny fakan-kevitra nataon'ny Wings University fa mihoatra ny antsasaky ny olona nohadihadiana no tsy afaka manohy fianarana noho ny tsy fahampian'ny loharanom-bola. Unsurprisingly, Wings University's survey showed that more than half of the respondents were unable to attend college due to insufficient financial resources. It is not surprising that Wings University's conclusion shows that more than half of the people interviewed cannot continue to study due to lack of resources. "Fa fanajana ny lalànan'ny aterineto ao Rosia. "It's just about compliance with Russian Internet regulations. "The respect of Russia's Internet law. "Ny fanolorana taova, na dia hisy takalony aza, dia mety hahatsaratsara ny fiainan'ny andaniny sy ny ankilany izay samy tsy mahita làlan-kivoahana amin'ny olan'ny fahasalamana na ny fahantrana. "Organ donation, even if it involves valuable consideration, may make life better for both parties who find no way out of problems of health or poverty. "Education, even if it will be in exchange, can improve the lives of both parties who cannot find a way out of both health and poverty. Fiharoharoan'ny demokrasia sy fahalalàhana izay mamono tena. It is a mixture of democracy and freedom that is about to die. It is a combination of democracy and freedom that commits suicide. Nitaky ny karamany izy, ary ilay rangahy izay hita tezitra tamin'io fitakiana io, no mety nanosika azy noho ny hatezerany. She was asking for her salary and the man, refusing, apparently pushed her out of anger. He asked for his salary, and the man who appeared angry at this request may have been moved by his anger. India: Tsy Ny Ara-Pahasalamana Ihany No Voakasiky Ny Tsy Fisian'ny Trano Fivoahana The Consequences of India's Lack of Toilets Go Beyond Hygiene · Global Voices India: It's Not Only Health · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage India Protests 2011. Arwa Damon ao amin'ny CNN, izay nandrakotra ny hetsi-panoherana tany Bahrain, nandefa sarin'ity Diabe ity mivantana kanefa dia nahazo hafatra avy any amin'ny Manampahefana mikasika ny Raharahan'ny Fampahalalana any Bahrain mba hanapaka izany fandrakofana mivantana izany. CNN's Arwa Damon, who has been covering Bahrain's protests, was broadcasting images from the march live but received word from Bahrain's Information Affairs Authority to cut the live broadcast. CNN's Arwa Damon, who covered protests in Bahrain, posted a photo of this march live but received a message from Bahrain's Information Affairs Authority to stop this live coverage. Nanapa-kevitra hanakatona ny ampahan'ny habaky ny RosKomSvoboda, fikambanana Rosiana miaro ny fahalalahan'ny aterineto sy ny zon'olombelona ny Fitsarana Rosiana, satria nolazainy fa "mpanafina anarana" - fitaovana ahafahan'ny mpiserasera miditra amin'ny votoaty sy habaka mety ho voaràra ao Rosia izany habaka izany. A Russian court has ruled to block part of the website of RosKomSvoboda, a Russian Internet freedom and human rights organization, on the grounds that the page in question is an anonymizer - a tool that allows users to access content and websites that might be banned in Russia. The Russian court decided to block part of RosKomSvoboda's website, a Russian Internet freedom and human rights organization, because it described it as a "register" - a tool that allows users to access content and websites that could be banned in Russia. Manana iray mampihomehy lavitra kokoa i Israely. Israel has one far more comical. Israel has one more funny one. Ahoana no fomba hiasan'ny fikambanana tsy miankina amin'ny fanjakana miaraka mpihetsiketsika eny an-toerana mba hiadiany amin'ny fomba mailaka kokoa amin'ny fanampenam-bava? How can NGOs most effectively work with on-the-ground free speech activists to combat censorship? How do non-governmental organizations work together with local activists to respond more quickly to censorship? Noho ny familiana fiara! Because of driving! Because of driving! Yolanda no mitantana ny "Zaridainan'ny Lolo," hotelin'ambanivohitra iray ao Tijuana, ary izy no manazava fa henjana ny fanavakavahana any amin'ireny ivontoerana fandraisana ireny. In contrast, trans people in Mexico City, which is considered to be one of Latin America's capitals of diversity, don't enjoy any security. The "Avian Plant" is run by Yolanda, where a rural village in the country is buried, and he explains that discrimination in these housing centers is severe. "Raha tsy manana birao solontena ofisialy ao Iran ny , ho alaina any amin'ny magazay avokoa ny finday rehetra vokarin'ity orinasa ity," hoy i Abbas Nakhaei, filohan'ny Hery Manokana Miady Amin'ny Fampidirana Antsokosoko, tamin'ny antsafa nifanaovana tamin'ny Sampam-baovao mahery fiteny Tasnim tamin'ny 17 Jolay 2016. "If does not register an official representative office in Iran, all phones produced by this company will be confiscated from stores," said Abbas Nakhaei, the head of Iran's Anti-Smuggling Task Force, in an interview with the hardline Tasnim News Agency on July 17, 2016. "If the company doesn't have an official office in Iran, all its mobile phones will be taken to stores," Abbas Nakhaei, head of Iran's Special Anti-Smoking Forces, said in an interview with the Tasni-speaking News Agency on July 17, 2016. Misy ireo mpaneho hevitra nandatsa ny fihetsiky ny mpiasa: Some commentators scolded employee behavior: Some commenters mocked the workers' behavior: Cathal Foster (PT) no manoratra momba izany: Cathal Foster (PT) writes about it: Cathal Foster (PT) writes about it: Tamin'ny 2006, Monteiro dia nanao dingana iray lavidavitra kokoa nankany aloha ka nanangana ny Incubadora de Empreendimentos para Egressos (IEE) (Incubator of Small Businesses for Ex-Detainees) Toeram-pikotrehana Fandraharahana Madinika Ho an'ireo Avy Nifonja, izay nahazendana tokoa. In 2006, Monteiro went one step further and created the impressive Incubadora de Empreendimentos para Egressos (IEE) (Incubator of Small Businesses for Ex-Detainees). In 2006, Monteiro took a step further and founded the Incubadora de Emmedientos para Egressos (IEE) (Incubatar of Small Businesses for Ex-Detainees), which was amazing. Tsy ho lazainay ny mombamomba azy mba ho fiarovana ny fiainany manokana We will refrain from revealing her identity in order to guarantee her privacy We won't tell him about him to protect his privacy @Andrew_920626 Akaiky ny ivon-toerana mpaninjara zavatra maneran-tany i Hong Kong. @Andrew_920626 Hong Kong is close to the center of the worldwide supply chain. @Andrew_920626 Hong Kong is near the world's commercial center. Ny anjomara fanairana avy amin'ny media sosialy mikasika ilay pejy dia nitondra ireo izay manohitra izany hanangana vondrona iray ao amin'ny Facebook antsoina hoe Anti-Campus Divas for Rich Men The social media buzz about the page has led those opposing it to create a Facebook group called Anti-Campus Divas for Rich Men. Social media alarm over the page has led those who oppose it to create a Facebook group called Anti-Campus Divas for Rich Men. Mpifindra monina anatiny ny ankamaroan'ireo mpiasa izay mody any an-tranony hitsabo tena rehefa tsy zakany ny olana mahazo azy ara-pahasalamana. Most of the workers are internal migrants who return to their homes for treatment when their health problems become unbearable. Most of the workers who return home to treat themselves when they cannot cope with their health problems are domestic migrants. Sary avy amin'ny GroundViews Photo from GroundViews Photo from GroundViews Ny sasany dia nampifandray ny vaovao sy ny fotoana nivoahany tamin'ny mety ho fipoahan-draharaha politika lehibe indrindra nandritra ny volana vitsy lasa teo: ny fionganan'ilay mpanao politika avo fisidina Bo Xilai. Some have logically related the news story and its timing to what may be the greatest political scandal in the last months: the fall of high-flying politician Bo Xilai. Some linked the news and when it came out as one of the biggest political eruptions in the last few months: the fall of high-ranking politician Bo Xilai. 5- Nanambara fahalatsahan'ny ny firenena an-katerena manomboka amin'ny 24 Novambra 2007 ny filoha Emile Lahoud (hatramin'ny 11:59 hariva tamin'ny 23 Novambra 2007) 5- The president (till 11:59pm on November 23, 2007) Emile Lahoud declares a state of emergency starting 24 November 2007 5- President Emile Lahoud (as of 11:59pm on November 23, 2007) has declared a state of emergency in the country since November 24, 2007. Roandà: Fahatongavan'ny orinasa mpikirakira vola avy any Dobay Dubai Real Estate Company Invests in Rwanda · Global Voices Rwanda: Circumstantiation from Dubai · Global Voices Mifanohitra amin'izany, tsy maintsy mijery ny fomba fanao tahaka izany isika, araka izay maha-izy azy: heloka bevava " Instead, we should see such practices for what they are: criminal acts. On the contrary, we must look at such practices, as it is: a crime." Taona efatra aty aoriana, anaovan'ny sasany antso ho fitsipaham-pitokisana izy noho ny fahitàn-dry zareo fisianà kolikoly ara-drafitra sy resaka "voaibe" ara-politika. Four years later, some are calling for his impeachment for what they see as systemic corruption and patronage politics. Four years later, some call him a call for trust because they see a systemic corruption and a political "register." Izao no nosoratan'i Albert Mackoty amin'ny fanehoankeviny momba ilay sary mahavaky fon'ilay mety ho mararin'ny Ebola mivavaka ho an'ny fianakaviany marary eo ivelan'ny foiben'ny toeram-pitsaboana: Commenting on a heart-breaking photograph of a likely Ebola patient praying over her sick family members outside a treatment center, Albert Mackoty wrote: Albert Mackoty wrote in his comment about the painful picture of a Ebola patient praying for his family outside the hospital's headquarters: Nokaikerin'ny viriosin'ny teatra ireto vehivavy fito ireto sy ny zanany, ka nanapa-kevitra hanohy ny famokarana sy hiaka-tsehatra mitetitety an'i Goatemala. These seven women and their children were bitten by the theater bug, so they decided to continue with the production and perform across the length and breadth of Guatemala. These seven women and their children were influenced by the theater's space, and decided to continue producing and singing from around Guatemala. Tafandositra Tamin'ny Fampanambadiana Ankizy ao Malawi i Memory Banda, fa Tsy Afa-Bela kosa ny Rahavaviny Fony 11 Taona Memory Banda Escaped Child Marriage in Malawi, but Her 11-Year-Old Sister Wasn't so Lucky · Global Voices Memory Banda flees Malawi's Child Marriage, but Her 11-Year-old Sister Is Not Left · Global Voices Tsy izany anefa, adino ny momba azy ary efa maherin'ny dimampolo taona no nefainy tao. Instead, he was forgotten about and spent more than five decades there. Instead, he is forgotten and has been there for more than half a century. Ny ainay no tadiavinay' tamin'ny 15 Septambra. We want our lives' protests on September 15. We wanted our lives' September 15. Brunei: Matavy loatra Brunei: Putting on Weight · Global Voices Brunei: Too Many · Global Voices Inona no zavatra tena tiantsika harovana ao anatin'ny taranaka mifandimby? What is it that we would like to protect generations after generations? What do we really want to protect in generations? Bokin'i Sheryl Sandberg, "Lean In" Sheryl Sandberg's book "Lean In" Sheryl Wells book, "Lean In" Panama: Nitodika Tamin'ny Vahoaka ny Filoha Martinelli Rehefa Nofoanana ny Lalàna 72 President Martinelli Addresses Panama After Repealing Law 72 · Global Voices Panama: President Martinelli Turns to the People After Law 72 Was Removed · Global Voices Ao anatin'ny lalànan'ny fifidianana ho filoham-pirenena, izay mitovy amin'ny fifidianana antenimiera sy fifidianam-paritany, dia tsy mahazo alalana ny hiala ny kandidà efa nankatoavina, na inona na inona antony. In the presidential election law, similar to legislative election and provincial election laws, a confirmed candidate isn't allowed to resign, whatever reason he might have. In the presidential election law, which is similar to the parliamentary and regional elections, it is not allowed to leave the already approved candidate, regardless of the reasons. Nisy fiantraikany goavana teo amin'ny toekaren'i Gaza ny fanafihana, potika avokoa ny ankamaroan'ny fotodrafitrasan'olo-tsotra: trano maherin'ny 18.000 no rava, sekoly maherin'ny 100, tobim-pahasalamana 50 ary hopitaly 17 no simba ary 20 rava. The attack has had a noticeable effect on Gaza's economy, with hardly any civilian infrastructure left untouched: over 18,000 homes destroyed, as well as over 100 schools, 50 health-care centers and 17 hospitals damaged or 20 destroyed. The attacks have had a huge impact on Gaza's economy, the majority of civilian infrastructure has been destroyed: more than 18,000 homes have been destroyed, more than 100 schools, 50 health centers and 17 hospitals have been damaged and 20 have been destroyed. Androany hariva, nisioka sombim-pisedrana hafa atrehin'ny mpitsoa-ponenana sasany any Libanona i Wood: Earlier tonight, Wood tweets another snippet of the ordeal some refugees face in Lebanon: Today evening, Wood tweeted another sample of the trials some refugees face in Lebanon: Mazava loatra fa tsy ny rehetra no vonona hitazona ny mpioko ho tompon'andraikitra. Naturally, not everyone is ready to hold the rebels responsible. Of course, not everyone is ready to hold rebels accountable. Zava-dehibe hafa navoaka ny Alarobia tamin'ny pejy ivelany dia hoe ny bulldozers, indrindra indrindra fa ny Caterpillar, dia ampiasaina amina'ny ankapobeny mba handravana ny trano palestiniana. Another important fact left out in Wednesday's coverage is that bulldozers, specifically Caterpillar, are in some cases used to demolish Palestinian homes. Another important thing that was posted on Wednesday on the outside page is that theass, especially the Caterpillar, are generally used to destroy Palestinian homes. Niteraka ny fihetsiketsehana goavana indrindra tsy mbola fahita hatrizay tao Kambodza tato anatin'ny ampolotaona farany ny fitoonan'ny mpiasan'ny fanenoman-damba sy ny famoriam-bahoaka nataon'ny mpanohitra. The strike of garment workers and the opposition rally produced the biggest ever street demonstration in Cambodia in recent decades. The gathering of garment workers and opposition rallies has caused the largest protests in Cambodia in the last decade. Ireto ny zavatra efatra nolazainy: 1. His four points were: 1. He said the following four things: 1. Ohatra azo antoka amin'ny "fangaro mety" amin'ny fijerin'ny Andeana an'izao tontolo izao ity fankalazana ity, miaraka amin'ny fomba Fivavahana Katolika nampidirin'ny Espaniola. This celebration is a reliable example of the "convenient mixture" of the Andean world view, with elements from Catholicism introduced by the Spaniards. This celebration is a reliable example of the "consistent mixed" view of the world, with the Catholic tradition introduced by the Spanish. Ampangain'ny manampahefana ihany koa izy ho mandraoka tany amin'ny fomba tsy ara-dalàna avy amin'ny distrika ambanivohitra maro sy mibaiko ireo mpanankarena mpanara-dia azy hanorina trano lehibe eo amboniny. He is also accused by authorities of illegally grabbing land in several rural districts and ordering his rich followers to build him big houses there. The authorities also accused him of illegal evictions from several rural districts and ordering his wealthy followers to build a large house on top of him. Manodidina ny 15 000 no tsy manan-kialofana fa manjary mitsoam-ponenana vokatry ny daroka tafondro sy tifitra ataon-dry zareo Israeliana. Over 15,000 have been made homeless, internal refugees from Israel's house-bombings, shelling, and shooting. Around 15,000 are homeless but are now living in exile as a result of Israeli cannons and shootings. Mpanao gazety Biju Govind nilaza ny fihetsiky ny governemanta: Journalist Biju Govind talks about the government's attitude: Journalist Biju Govind described the government's reaction: Tamin'ity taona ity, voaasa ihany koa ny masoivohon'i Israely any Etazonia , i Ron Dermer . This year Israel's ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer is also invited. This year, Israel's ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, was also invited. Namokatra sarimiaina maromaro manasongadina ny fepetra ratsy iainan'ny ankamaroan'ny ankizy sy ny tovovavy ao amin'ny fireneny ilay mpanakanto ao Myanmar, Nyan Kyal Say . Myanmar artist Nyan Kyal Say has produced several video animations that highlight the poor conditions experienced by many children and young women in his country. Myanmar artist Nyan Kyal Say has produced several animations highlighting the poor conditions of most children and girls in his country. Tao anatin'io fampahalalam-baovao io ihany, niampanga ireo mpiasa mpilatsaka an-tsitrapo ny mety hisian'ny fanafihan'ny Al Qaeda ny 1-2-3-4: In the same media outlet, 1-2-3-4 blamed the volunteers for potential Al Qaeda attacks in the future: In the same news outlet, volunteers accused the possibility of an attack by Al Qaeda on 1-3-4: Ankoatra ny horohorontany sy tsunami mahery vaika niainan'ity faritra ity, niharan'ny loza nokleary ratsy indrindra nateraky ny loza tao Japan ihany koa izy ireo. Besides experiencing the powerful earthquake and devastating tsunami, Fukushima Prefecture also witnessed Japan's worst nuclear accident as a result of the disaster. In addition to the powerful earthquake and tsunamis that this region has experienced, they have also been hit by Japan's worst nuclear disaster. Mbola sarotra ny miditra aminà torohay iray natao ho an'ny daholobe sy amin'ny fiteniny. For many, it remains very difficult to access information in lay terms in their language. It is still difficult to access information made public and in their own language. Ry Haitiana rahalahy, na dia efa voalevina aza ny fatin'i Duvallier, tsarovy ny ohabolana Haitiana manao hoe:"Tsy ny fandevenana mirindra no toky ahazoana ny lanitra" Haitian brethren, as the dictator Duvalier is laid to rest, remember the Haitian proverb: "A beautiful funeral does not guarantee heaven" - French Havana (@FrenchieGlobal) October 11, 2014 Haitian brothers, even though Duvallier's body is being buried, remember the Haitian proverb: "It's not a logical funeral that's sure to get the sky." Ary ny tetikasa fividianam-bary dia efa naroso tamin'ireo mpifidy nandritra ny fifidianana solombavambahoaka tamin'ny taona 2011 ary nazava tamin'izany ny fifidianany mba hanohanana io politika io. And the rice buying scheme was put to the electorate in the 2011 general election and they clearly voted to back this policy. And the rice trade project was presented to voters during the 2011 general elections and its election was clear to support this policy. Afaka manome voninahitra farany azy ny vahoaka amin'ny alalan'ny fitsidihana ny Lapan'ny Mpanjaka mandritra ny telo volana manaraka. The public can pay their last respects by visiting the Royal Palace in the next three months. People can pay their last respects by visiting the Royal Palace for the next three months. Araraoty ny fahabangàna navelan'ireo mpanohitra Seize the vacuum left by the dissenters Take advantage of the contrast left behind by opposers Indreto ny sasantsasany amin'ny sary ao anatin'ny rakitsary mifaninana, miantso ny hiantohana ny fitomboan'ny ankizy ao anatin'ny tontolo tsy misy herisetra. Here are some images from the contest gallery, calling out to ensure that all children get to grow up in a violence-free environment. Here are some of the videos from the contest, calling for the safety of children's growth in a world free of violence. Nisongadina tao anatin'ny andro vitsivitsy tamin'ny alalan'ny valan-tserasera ny tantara mampahonenan'ny "Zazavavin'i Tabuk." Through social networks the controversial story of the 'Girl of Tabuk' has in the past few days emerged. The tragic story of the Tabuk Revolution has emerged over the past few days through social media. Nanoratra momba ny loza ihany koa ny Fox Sports tao amin'ny tranonkalany, nampahatsiahy fa "fahafatesana faharoa ity tao anatin'izay taona vitsy izay noho ny herisetra amin'ny lalao baolina kitra ao Ekoatera, namoy ny ainy ohatra i Carlos Cedeñono, 12 taona tamin'ny taona 2007 satria tratran'ny afomanga." Fox Sports also wrote about it on their webpage, recalling that "this is the second death in recent years from football violence in Ecuador, the previous one being Carlos Cedeño, a 12 year old boy who died after being hit by a flare in 2007." Fox Sports also wrote about the accident on its website, recalling that "This is the second time in recent years due to violence in Ecuador's football, Carlos Cedeñono, 12, died in 2007 because of the fireworks." Rano: Oviana indray ny rakikira manaraka? Rano: When is the next album? Water: When will the next album be released? Loharano: Pejy Facebook UNHCR. Source: UNHCR Facebook Page Source: UNHCR Facebook page. Notaterin'izy ireo fa nahatratra 180.014 ny Tartares avy ao Crimea nampidirina tanàty fiaran-dalàmby miisa 67 ka ny 63 misy olona hafindra toerana miisa 173.287 dia efa an-dàlana ho any amin'ny toerana vaovao natao ho azy ireo (Bugai, doc. They reported loading a total of 180,014 Crimean Tatars into 67 train echelons of which 63 with 173,287 deportees were already on their way to their new destinations (Bugai, doc. They reported that Tartares from Crimea had reached 181,144 and 63 people were displaced 173,287 were on their way to their new destination (Bugai, doc. Niantso an'i Vietnam hamotsotra ireo rehetra nosamborin'ny mpitandro ny filaminana i Rupert Abbott, tale lefitry ny "Amnesty International" any Azia sy Pasifika: Rupert Abbott, Amnesty International's Deputy Asia-Pacific Director, called on Vietnam to release all those who were detained by the police: The deputy director of Amnesty International in Asia and the Pacific called on Vietnam to release all those arrested by security forces: Koa satria nitranga nandritry ny fotoam-piasàn'ny governemanta teo aloha ny raharaha, araka ny tatitra samihafa voaray, dia nangataka ihany koa aho ny hanaovana fanadihadiana momba izay loharano niavian'ilay fandraketana an-tsary, hatramin'ny mety ho antony nanosika ny fahataràn'ny famoahana azy iny sy izay rehetra mombamomba ilay niharan'ny daroka. Since the incident took place during the previous government's mandate, according to various versions, I have also requested an inquiry to ascertain the origin of the recording, as well as the possible motives for its delayed disclosure and the whereabouts of the victim. As the case happened during the previous government term, according to various reports, I also asked for an investigation into the source of the video, as well as the possible motivation for the delay of publishing it and all the identity of the victim. Amiko manokana, mihevitra aho fa lalàna "tsy ilaina" io. Personally, I think it's one of the "unnecessary" rule implemented. In my opinion, I think it's a "un needed" law. Na dia tsy notagena aza (nasiana anaram-pamantarana) ireo rakitsary dia tratra eny antenantenam-pandefasana azy. Even if they don't tag the clips, the uploading would be intercepted in the middle of the data transmission. Although the albums aren't (named), they are caught in the middle of the show. Nampanahy ireo mpanao hetsipanoherana ihany koa ny fiakaran'ny fitiavan-tanindrazana Hindu ao India, ary indrindra miaraka amin'ny tsy fananana asa avo be, fisian'ny miaramila be loatra amin'ny toerany natao ho an'ny vahoaka, ary fanitsakitsahana matetika ny zon'olombelona ataon'ireo mpitandro filaminana indiana ao amin'ny fireneny. Protesters were also concerned with rising Hindu nationalism in India, and particularly with high unemployment, excessive militarisation of their public spaces, and repeated human rights violations by Indian security forces in their state. The rise of Hindu patriotism in India has also inspired protesters, and especially with high unemployment, high military presence in public positions, and a frequent violation of human rights committed by Indian security forces in their country. Ohatra, fony nisy tovovavy roa mpianatra maty noho ny lozam-piarandalamby tany Dehiwela tamin'ny taona lasa, enina tamin'ireo gazety fito amin'ny fiteny Sinhala no niteny momba ny endrika ivelan'izy ireo rehefa nanao tatitra momba ilay tranga. For example, when two female students died as a result of a train accident in Dehiwela last year, six out of seven Sinhala newspapers referred to their physical appearance when reporting the incident. For example, when two female students died in a train accident in Dehiwela last year, six out of seven newspapers in the language of Tashkent spoke about their appearance while reporting on the incident. Vonjeo ireo gadra ao amin'ny fonja Hama. Save the prisoners of Hama prison. Save the detainees from Hama prison. Ny hafa indray milaza fa fotoana anararaotan'i Polonina hamahana ny olan'ny fomba fitantanam-pirenena izao famoahana vaovao amin'ny fomba ofisialy izao. Others say the formal revelation might be an opportunity for Poland to resolve some of its current governance issues. Others argue that the official publication is an opportunity for Poland to address the issue of governance. Ny famadihana tao amin'ny faritra Shaitat ao amin'ny distrikan'i Alkhair , sarin'ireo sasany karohina (1) The treason in Shaitat area of Alkhair district photograph of some of the wanted (1) The conversion in the Shaitat area of Alkhair district, photo of some searching (1) Mahatsiaro ho tezitra isika raha rentsika ny fanararaotana azy ireny ary dia mitady lalàna ho fiarovana azy ireny isika. We feel outraged when we hear of their abuse and call for laws to protect them. We feel angry when we hear the abuse of them and we seek laws to protect them. ho an'ny ankizy rehetra izay mitady for all the children who are seeking for all the children who want Eny ary, te hanontany aho, mila governemanta hihaza ireo jiolahy amin'izany fomba izany any aminareo ve ianao? Well, I'd like to ask, would you like a government to hunt down criminals in this way among you? Well, I want to ask, do you need a government to beat the criminals in this way? Sary: Marc Campos. Credit: Marc Campos. Credit: Marc Campos. Tsy mila vatana miseho any amin'ny dobo filomanosana Dandenong Oasis No naked flesh at the Dandenong Oasis pool No body at Dandenong Oasis swimming pool Sary avy amin'ny mpisera Flickr: Abdallah. Photo from Flickr user Abdallah. Image by Flickr user: Plano. Tsy misy mampivandravandra azy ankoatra ny amin'ny fotoanan'ny krizy: nandritra ny fanafihana tany Bombay, mila ho isa-minitra ny mpampiasa ny Twiter no mamatsy vaovao, ary ankehitriny, satria mitohy ny fandarohana avy eny an-habakabaka Isiraelianina an'ny Gaza dia lasa lavitra ny fandraisana anjara amin'ny ady hevitra ao amin'ny tontolon'ny Twitter. Never has that been more apparent than in times of crisis: During the Mumbai attacks, Twitter users provided up-to-the-minute coverage, and today, as Israeli airstrikes continue to hit Gaza, the Twittersphere is deep in discussion. There is nothing more obvious than in times of crisis: during the Mumbai attacks, Twitter users provided information almost every minute, and now, as Israeli airstrikes on Gaza continue to take part in the debate in the world of Twitter. Firenena tsy manana morontsiraka ao Afrika Andrefana i Nizera, izay any amin'ny laharana ambany indrindra foana amin'ny Tondron'ny Fampandrosoana ny Maha Olona omen'ny Firenena Mikambana. Niger is a landlocked country in Western Africa that is consistently one of the lowest-ranked in the United Nations' Human Development Index. Niger is a country with no coastal borders in West Africa, which is always at the lowest level in the United Nations Human Development Index. Saleh dia niantso ny hery ara-politika rehetra hifampidinika. Saleh has invited all political forces to talk. Saleh has called on all political forces to protest. @JenkoSchmidt: Nahoana no avelan'ity firenena ity hiaina ao aminy ireo miantsy ady amin'ny andro Noely #lakemba #fatwa #christmas @JenkoSchmidt: Why does this country let the sort of people live here who declare war on Christmas Day? #lakemba #fatwa #christmas @JenkoSchmidt: Why does this country let those who are fighting for Christmas #lakemba #fatwa #christmas Fahotana lehibe ao amin'ny Islamo izany famonoana olona tsy manantsiny izany, na iza na iza manao izany dia tsy hankany amin'ny 'Jannah' na oviana na oviana araka ny nomarihan'ny 'Korany Masina' Killing any innocent people is a big sin in Islam, if anyone do this he will never go to 'Jannah' its clearly mentioned in 'Holy Quran'. The killing of innocent people is a serious crime in Islam, whoever does it will never go to the 'Jannah' as noted by 'The Holy Word'. Fodé-Moussa Keita no mitatitra ao amin'ny Addax ny fikasan'ny orinasa mpikirakira vola avy any Dobay ny hampiasa vola mitetina 230 tapitrisa Dôlara anivon'ny orinasan'ny fizahantany sy serasera any Roandà: Dubai World, Dubai's real estate investment holding company, announced plans to invest $230 million in the Rwandan tourism industry , writes Addax. Fodé-Moussa Keita reports on Addax how Dubai's investment company plans to invest 230 million Dôra in a tourism and communication industry in Rwanda: "Eo amin'ny resaka tontolo iainana, raha mitandrina dia mitandrina tokoa i Ouganda amin'ny fikajiana akora voajanahary hafa tahaka ny rano, ny tany ary ny fiainan-javaboary DIA (tsy misy tompo ankoatra ny lalàm-boajanahary) dia fantatra amin'ny maha-tsy mifaditrovana sy mpandrava tontolo iainana azy kosa ny orinasan-tsolika." "Environmentally, while prospecting for oil, Uganda has to take great care in protecting its other great natural resources: water, land and wildlife. The oil industry has been known to be one of the most merciless and damaging to the environment." "In terms of the environment, while Uganda is careful to store other natural resources such as water, land, and wildlife (no part of the law) oil companies are known for being cruel and environmental." Amin'ny andro faha-11 izahay no manao fety fanomezana anarana ny zanak'omby, tahaka ny ataontsika amin'ny olombelona. On the 11th day, we held a ceremony to name the baby, just like we would for a human. On the 11th day, we are celebrating a cow's name, just as we do to humans. betabug nitatitra ny fomba fijeriny manokana mikasika ny afo, tao amin'ny tranony ao Athena. betabug reports his own first hand observations on the fires, from his house in Athens. Betawab reported his own view of the fire at his home in Athens. Io fitsaharan'ny ady io dia nisy nandika 90 minitra taty aoriana tao an- tanàn-dehiben'i Rafah, izay nahafatesana Palestiniana am-polony ny fanipazana baomba tao ary nandratràna olona an-jatony. The ceasefire was violated after 90 minutes in the town Rafah where shelling killed dozens of Palestinians and injured hundreds more. That end of the war was translated 90 minutes later in the city of Rafah, where dozens of Palestinians were killed in the bombing and injured hundreds of people. Tsy misy zavatra nobataina fotsiny avy ao amin'ny Meduza, na dia fantatro aza ny antony nitateranao ilay olana. Nothing was simply lifted from Meduza, though I understand why you raised the concern. I don't know why you reported the matter, but I just don't have anything to do with it. Tsy tokony ho faty i Alexander Mora Venancio, takianay ny rariny Alexander Mora Venancio shouldn't have died, we demand justice Alexander Mora Venancio should not die, we demand justice Ny olom-pirenena namantsika? Our fellow citizens? Our fellow citizens? Namoaka hafatra izay nolazainy fa avy amin'ireo mpitoraka blaogy maro i Deemohsen. Daeemohsen published a post which he claims was written by a group of bloggers. Deemohsen posted a message he said came from several bloggers. Loharano: pejy Facebook "Meals Under Siege" Source: Meals Under Siege Facebook page Source: "Meals Under Siege" Facebook page Mpanoratra sady bilaogera Monika Rashid tsy mbola niventsoventso teny filamatra aminà fihetsiketsehana raha tsy tamin'ny fihetsiketsehana tao Shahbag. Writer and Blogger Monika Rashid had never shouted a protest slogan until the Shahbag protests. Writer and blogger Monika Rashid has not yet raised slogans in a protest unless it was at a protest in Shahbag. Amin'ny 1 Janoary 2016 isika dia hahita ny Taombaovao. On January 1, 2016, we will see in the New Year. On January 1, 2016, we will see New Year. Afaka mandeha aminà trano fisakafoana aho ary tsy hahamarika velively hoe ny latabatra misy ahy no hany misy olona mainty ao anatin'io toerana io. I can be at a restaurant and never once notice that my table has the only number of black people in the establishment. I can go to a restaurant and never notice that my table is the only black person in that place. Efa nisy sahady feo nandeha fa misy orinasa lehibe iray efa miresadresaka amin'ny BAKE fa hanohana azy amin'ny Fampirantiana voalohany Ataon'ny Bilaogera. There was already some rumors that a large corporation is in negotiations with BAKE for the sponsorship of the first Bloggers Expo. There have already been voices that a major company has spoken with BAKE to support him in the first blogger round. Nalefa tao amin'ny pejy Facebook "We Are Against Pinkdot in Singapore," ny fitarainana momba ilay seho nisy oroka nifanaovan'ny samy lehilahy, pejy manondro ilay fankalazàna isantaona ny "Teboka Mavokely" fanaon'ny LGBT ao amin'ny firenena. The complaint against the same-sex kiss scene was posted on the Facebook page "We Are Against Pinkdot in Singapore," which refers to the country's annual "Pink Dot" LGBT celebration. The complaint about the man-in-law show was posted on the Facebook page "We Are Against Pinkdot in Singapore," which refers to the annual celebration of the country's LGBT "Preole Commission." Noho ny krizy mitohin'ny mpitsoa-ponenana ao amin'ny faritra, ny fanontaniana hoe ho an'iza, indrindra, no ampiharina ilay fanapahan-kevitra, no mendrika hojerena bebe kokoa. In light of the ongoing refugee crisis in the region, the question of to whom, precisely, the ruling will apply, may merit greater attention. With the crisis of refugees in the region, the question of who, in particular, is being applied to the decision, deserves more attention. Tsy iray na roa....tena marobe Not one or two ... a lot of people Not one or two.... Too many Jereo anie ity seho mahavariana iarahan'ireo mpifonja marobe mitafy akanjo tohitenany mivolom-boasary sy miara-mitsinjaka ity e! Watch this amazing scene of numerous inmates in orange jumpsuits galloping in unison. Look at this amazing scene in which many inmates wear orange and naked clothes! Araka ny fijerin'i Gandonou, tsy mba hahaliana mihitsy ny eritreritr'i Zossou: According to Gandonou, the intentions of Zossou are far from uninteresting: In Gandou's view, Zossou's thoughts will never be interesting: Ny olona lavitry ny fianakaviany sy ny namany - lavitry ny tanindrazany sy ny fomba amam-panaony - dia mahatsapa fa misy zavatra tsy ampy. People living far from family and friends - far from their homeland, and far from its traditions - can feel that something is incomplete. People who are away from their families and friends - away from their homelands and traditions - feel that something is missing. Manasongadina ny fandinihan'i Acosta ny fonja ihany koa ilay bilaogy: The blog also features Acosta's prison reflections: The blog also highlights the reflections of the prison on the prison: Niteraka fifandonana marobe tao amin'ny faritra Zhejiang izany hetsika izany. The campaign has resulted in many confrontations in Zhejiang province. The move has caused a lot of clashes in the country's Thebean region. This post is part of our special coverage Syria Protests 2011. 3. 3. 3. Ireo zava-nitranga rehetra, nitranga tamin'ny fianarana mamiko, ny olona nanan-danja tamiko, ary mihevitra aho fa manan-jo hilaza aminao ny fahoriako. All that happened, happened in my dear school, with the people I love, and I think I have the right to tell you about my pain. All the events, happening to my beloved studies, the people that mattered to me, and I think I have the right to tell you my pain. Sary: @Zulfi25 Source: @Zulfi25 Source: @Zulfi25 Mazava ho azy, mety tsy hanaiky ny hanaraka izany ireo mpiasan'ny banky Soisa- saingy azo atao izany rehefa miaraka aminà tsindry ara-diplomatika sy iraisam-pirenena. Of course Swiss bankers may not be willing to comply- but with some diplomatic and international pressure, it is very much possible. Of course, Swiss bankers may not agree to follow suit - but this can be done with diplomatic and international pressure. Iray amin'ireo hafatra farany napetrany nandritra ny fampiofanana natrehin'ny daholobe tao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Indonezia, vao tamin'ny Alakamisy farany teo: afaka ho nasionalista ianao ARY menara amin'ny firenenao. One of his last messages from the widely attended public lecture in the University of Indonesia, just last Thursday: you can be a nationalist AND be ashamed of your country. One of his last posts during public training at the University of Indonesia, just last Thursday: You can be a nationalist AND red in your country. @AJEnglish: Mandoro tranom-panjakana ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana: olona iray no maty raha mbola mitohy hatrany ny hetsi-panoherana any atsimon'i tanànan'i Daraa ... @AJEnglish: Syria protesters torch buildings: One person killed as demonstrations in the southern city of Daraa continue for... @AJEnglish: Protesters set fire to public buildings: one person killed while protests continue in the southern city of Daraa... Iriana ho tonga soa ihany koa ny fanomezan'ny tsingerintaona, koa raha tianao ny hanohana ny asanay, dia hevero ihany raha azo atao azafady indrindra ny manao fitia tsy mba hetra, na mividy Karatra firariantsoa Krismasy (!) novolavolain'ny namanay ao amin'ny Paper Chase Press (mankaty aminay avokoa ny 100%-n'ny tombombarotra). Birthday presents are welcome too, so if you'd like to support our work, please consider a donation, or purchase some of the NSA-themed Christmas cards (!) designed by our friends at Paper Chase Press (100% of the proceeds go to us). The birthday gift is also expected to be good, so if you want to support our work, consider whether it is possible to be honest, or buy a Christmas card (!) designed by our friend at the Paper Chase Press (all 100% of the benefits are to us). Heavy Metal Heavy Metal Heavy Metal Rah Azadi dia milaza fa toy ny tanàna voabodo i Ardabil ary dia hita eny rehetra eny ireo mpitandro filaminana. Rah Azadi says Ardabil is like an occupied city and that security forces are omnipresent. Rah Azadi says Ardabil looks like an occupied city and security forces are everywhere. Araka ny filazan'ny tati-baovao, voampanga ho nivondrona miafina tao anatin'ny fikambanana bilaogera "Zone 9″ ihany koa ireo bilaogera sy mpanoratra gazety, fiampangana hafahafa, noho ny maha-fata-bahoaka ny bilaogy Zone9 sy ireo hetsika ataon'ny vondrona. According to news reports, the bloggers and journalists were also accused of organizing themselves clandestinely as the Zone9 blogging collective, a puzzling charge, given the public nature of the Zone9 blog and activities undertaken by the group. According to news reports, bloggers and journalists were also accused of having a secret gathering within the group's "9th" blog community, a strange charge, on the part of Zone9 blogs and group activities. Raha nankafy ny Leviathan nahazo ny Oscar (2013) ianao ary te-hahalala bebe kokoa an'i Rosia Sovietika, aza adino ny The Scoundrel (Yaramaz amin'ny teny Azerbaijana), tantara hatsikana miady amin'ny kolikoly tamin'ny andron'ny fitondrana sovietika tany Azerbaijan. If you enjoyed the Oscar-nominee Leviathan (2013) and would like more insight into Soviet Russia, don't miss The Scoundrel (Yaramaz in Azerbaijani), a comedy tackling the corruption of the late Soviet bureaucracy in Azerbaijan. If you like the Oscar Oscar (2013) and want to know more about Soviet Russia, don't forget The Scoundrel (Yaramaz in Azerbaijani), an anti-corruption comic from the Soviet era in Azerbaijan. Raha vao tonga ny mpampiasa vola tsy miankina, mitsangana ny fefy, tonga ny mpiambina, atao ny asa, tsy misy mangalatra na inona na inona. herintaona sy tapany aty aoriana . " Once a private investor comes in, you get a fence, you get security, things are getting done, nobody's stealing nothing. A year and a half later ." Once the private investors arrive, the fence stands, the guards come, work is done, nobody steals anything. A year and a half later." Tsy azoko: Nahoana izy io no tsy mampatahotra ny fiaraha-monina demokratika? I don't understand: why doesn't this worry a democratic society? I don't understand: Why isn't it a threat to democratic society? Niafara tamin'ny dinidinika tao amin'ny Oniversiten'ny Teatira sy ny Sinema ny fihetsiketsehana, izay narakitra tamin'ity lahatsary manaraka ity. The march ended with a forum at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, where the following video was recorded. The demonstration ended with an interview at the University of theaters and Sinema, which was recorded in the following video. Sarin'IÁdria de Souza/Pref.Olinda Photo by Ádria de Souza/Pref.Olinda Photo by32dria de Serra/Pref.Olinda Fa tsotra ny antony tsy mahaliana ahy hiresaka amin'olona tahaka an'i Bush - tsy tahaka an'i Nelson Mandela na i Gandhi na ny Mera Teresa izy - handry am-piadanana anie ny Mera. Simply why would I be interested in meeting a person like Bush - he is not a Nelson Mandela or a Gandhi or a Mother Teresa -may she rest in peace. But it's simple why I'm not interested in talking to people like Bush - unlike Nelson Mandela and Mera Teresa - may the Mera rest in peace. Nanomboka niaraka tamin'ny Debtocracy sy ny Catastroika io hetsika io, lahatsary fanadihadiana roa navoaka tanaty aterineto, ambany lisansa Creative Commons, notohanana tamin'ny alalan'ny fangatahana tohana ara-bola, novokarn'ireo mpanao gazety Aris Hadjistefanou sy Katerina Kitidi, izay niezaka ny hanao sarisary ny fiovàna ara-tantaran'ny kapitalisma ho lasa "otrikaretina"-n'ny trosa mihinana manafika ireo fiaraha-monina sy firenena ankehitriny. The trend started with "Debtocracy" and "Catastroika," two web-published, Creative Commons-licensed, crowdfunded documentaries by journalists Aris Hadjistefanou and Katerina Kitidi, which attempted to chart the historical mutation of capitalism into the voracious debt "virus" attacking societies and countries today. The event started with Debtocracy and Catastroika, two documentarys released online under Creative Commons licenses supported by request for funding, produced by journalists Amis Hadjistezaou and Katrina Kitidi, who tried to depict the historic change of nationalism into a debt that eats to attack communities and countries today. @Pata_Leo: Ary izao koa, mody tezitra ny fampahalalam-baovao miresaka momba ny "fahalalahan'ny asa fanaovan-gazety" sy ny "fahalalahana haneho hevitra." @Pata_Leo: And then, the media feigns indignation talking about "freedom of the press" and "freedom of expression." @Pata_Leo: Also, the media is angry about "freedom of the press" and "freedom of expression." Miala tsiny aho raha nahita iny fampisehoana ny tsy fahaizana mahatsiravina iny ianao - sy ireo fanandramana miverimberina tsy mahomby amin'ny fikasana hanokatra ny varavaran' ilay fiara fitateram-bahoaka, ary isao, impiry ilay polisy no nandatsaka ny famakiny raha izy niezaka ny hamaky ny fitaratry ny fiara eo aloha iny. I am sorry you had to watch the appalling display of incompetence - the repeated futile attempts to open a bus door, and count how many times the policemen dropped the ax while trying to break through the windshield. I'm sorry that you've seen this showing the horribleness - as well as the repeated failed attempts to open the bus's doors, and how many times the police threw out their traffic while trying to break the car's front view. Saingy nosakanan'ny polisy rehefa noheverina ho manohintohina ny filaminana ny fandehandehanana amin'ny bisikileta. But the biking activity on February 14 was blocked by the police since it was seen as a threat to peace and order. But police stopped riding bikes when it was supposed to be a threat to security. Na dia heloka bevava mety ahazoana sazy fito taona an-tranomaizina aza ao Kyrgyzstan ny fangalàna an-keriny ny vehivavy ho alaina ho vady, dia mijanona ho fomba fanao hita manerana ity firenena ity izany. Although bride kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan is a criminal offence punishable by up to seven years in prison, the practice remains a common occurrence throughout the country. Although kidnapping of women for marriage is a crime that can result in seven years in prison in Kyrgyzstan, it remains a practice across the country. Afaka manao ny resaka rehetra isika, kanefa fantatrao izay miteny mafy indrindra. #OVOV #ManapakevitraGhana We can do all the talking but you know what speaks loudest. #OVOV #GhanaDecides - j _BAR_ #GhanaDecides (@readJerome) 30 de noviembre de 2016 We can do anything, but you know what's loudest. #OVOV #Nanapamenta Maninona ny olona roa na telo mita-piadiana no manao izay tiany atao amin'ny folo ora maraina nefa anarivony ny miantsoroka ny fandriampahalemana ao an-tanànan'i Garissa? How can two or three gunmen do such act with impunity at 10.Am when Garissa has thousands of security personell? Why do two or three armed persons do whatever they want at 10:00 a.m. while thousands are calling for peace in Garissa city? Manitrikitrika ny maha-zavadehibe ny maha-iray tsy mivaky izy: She stressed the importance of unity: He emphasized the importance of unity: Avy any Però ity karazanà fitafiana, izay ampiasain'ny mpanakanto sasany mba hanomezana endrika vahiny ity, mazava ho azy izany fa teny quecha no fiandohan'io teny io. Some artists like to wear this Peruvian fashion garment, whose name comes from Quechua, as an exotic touch. This kind of clothing comes from Peru, which some artists use to give a foreign face, of course this is the beginning of the term in quecha. "Hatramin'ny taona lasa, efa somary nivaha ihany ny olan'ny sarampianarana ary tsy angatahana amin'ireo sekoly intsony ny hitakiany sarampianarana amin'ireo Afgàna mpianatra," hoy i Abdollahi. "Since last year, the tuition issue has been somewhat resolved and schools are no longer required to demand tuition from Afghan students," said Abdollahi. "Since last year, tuition costs have been quite complex and schools are no longer required to demand tuition from Afghan students," Abdolahi said. Tena manohina ny foko tanteraka izany. It really makes me sad. This deeply touched my heart. Mananihany i Amira Salah-Ahmed: Amira Salah-Ahmed jokes: wears a joke: I Simón Bolívar no heverina ho mpitari-tolona fanta-daza indrindra tany Venezoelà, Kolombia, Ekoadaoro, ary Bolivia, dia i José de San Martín no heverina ho mpitari-tolona ara-tantara lehibe indrindra tany Chile sy Arzantina. While Simón Bolívar is seen as the historic leading figure par excellence in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia, it's José de San Martín who's considered the most important historic leading figure in Chile and Argentina. Simón wasn't considered the most popular leader in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia, José de San Martín is considered the greatest historical leader in Chile and Argentina. Iray amin'ireo bokiny malaza indrindra (ary tena tiako manokana) ny Kachale Kaftarbaz, na "Baldy, ilay Mpiandry Voromahailala" (nambara am-bava indray ao anatin'ny rakitsary etsy ambony). One of his best-known books (and my own personal favorite) is Kachale Kaftarbaz, or "Baldy the Pigeon Keeper" (retold orally in the video below). The Kachale Kaftarbaz is one of his most famous (and favorite) books, or "Baldy, the Volompala Shepherd" (represented in the above video). Tsy miasa ho antsika sy ny olom-pirenentsika io (Shanique Myrie) - Dreamz31 (@Dreamz31) June 10, 2014 It not working out for us and our citizen (Shanique Myrie) - Dreamz31 (@Dreamz31) June 10, 2014 It doesn't work for us and our citizens (Shanique Myrie) - Dreamz31 (@Dreamz31) June 10, 2014 Mila mampahafantatra ny olana aloha isika voalohany indrindra noho izany ary avy eo dia mandrisika ireo tompona trano fisakafoanana mba hivadika hampiasa ny menaka voanio maharitra. Therefore we need to first raise awareness of the issue and then encourage restaurant owners to switch to sustainable palm oil. We need to inform the problem first and then encourage restaurant owners to turn to sustainable palm oil. 1. 1. 1. Nahoana no nataony tia mifamono be toy izao ny olona maintihoditra Why he gave black people such a strong self-destructive streak Why did God do so with so much hatred? Manome tononkalo ho ahy io fiteny io. It is this language that gives me poetry. This language gives me poetry. Manomboka amin'ny $1,000 ka hatramin'ny $5,000 ny vatsy omen'ny Rising Voices outreach (izay mendrika ao amin'ny "fifaninanana" amin'ity indray mitoraka ity. Rising Voices outreach grants will range from $1,000 to $5,000. Rising Voices withoutraach (which is worth running this time) is estimated to be between $15,000 and $5,000. Betsaka tamin'ireo fampitam-baovao no nitatitra ny mea culpa. The mea culpa was widely covered in the Japanese media. Many media outlets reported mea culpa. "Nanosika anay izy," milaza ny rivotra eto i Mutai. "It was at our back," Mutai said matter of factly about the wind. "He pushed us," Mutai says the air here. Japana: Momba ny Solon'Anarana Malaza An-tserasera Japan: The Case of an Exposed Online Pseudonym · Global Voices Japan: On Popular Online Names · Global Voices Rehefa mitranga ny sivana, dia tonga amin'ny fikarohanan fitaovana handinganana azy ny olona. When censorship happens, people come up with ways to circumvent blocks. When censorship happens, people come to search for tools to avoid. Nanontany mikasika ny loharanom-bola hividianana izany kamiao izany i Sopheap Chak avy ao amin'ny Foibe Kambojiana hoan'ny Zon'Olombelona ary nitsikera ny polisy ho miezaka manohintohina ny fahalalaham-pitenenana: Sopheap Chak of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights asked about the budget source of the proposed purchase and criticized the police for trying to undermine free speech: Sophep Chak of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights asked about the source of money to buy this truck and criticized the police for trying to undermine free speech: Ny foto-kevitra Bicicloteca dia teraka avy amin'io filàna io mihitsy sady nahazo ny fanohanan'ny mponin'i São Paulo, ny haino aman-jery ary ireo mpandraharaha. The Bicicloteca initiative has emerged from this very need and has gained support from São Paulo residents, media and businesses. The Bicicloteca concept was born with this need and was supported by the people of São Paulo, the media, and the entrepreneurs. Toa hita fa ny fipoiran'ny teorian'ny teti-dratsy tampoka momba ny MH17 sy ny porofo tsy azo lavina amin'ny fahadisoan'i Okraina dia toa valintenin'i Kremlin amin'ireo andian-dahatsoratra mikasika ny fianjeran'ny MH17 navoakan'ny habaka mpanadihady ifarimbonana bellingcat tamin'ny fiandohan'ity volana ity. It seems most likely that the sudden resurfacing of the MH17 conspiracy theories and 'incontrovertible proof' of Ukraine's fault might be Kremlin's reaction to a series of stories on the MH17 crash by crowdsourcing investigative website bellingcat, released earlier this month. It seems that the sudden rise of the MH17 conspiracy theory and the inevitable evidence of Ukraine's error seem to be the Kremlin's response to a series of posts about MH17 crash published by the collective investigative website belingcat earlier this month. Maneho an-karihary ihany koa izy hoe hatraiza no takona ireo vaovao lehibe raha oharina amin'ny trangan-javatra hafa toy ny hoe "iza no manana fahefana amin'ny fitantanana ireo Vavahadin'ny Faritra Maitso" sy ny " "Fanafihana isareliana amin'ny sambo mitondra ireo fanampiana amin'ny maha-olombelona ho an'i Gaza": He also pointed out how such important news was shadowed by other incidents such as "Who has control on the Green Zone Checkpoints" and "the Israeli raid on the Gaza aid boat": He also points out how far the news has been covered in comparison to other cases such as "who has the power to manage the Green Zone Ports" and "Evertated attacks on ships bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza": I Nidhi Eaowsriwong, i Janjira Sombatpoonsiri, i Prajak Kongkirati no mpampianatry ny Oniversite nalain'ny manampahefana. The academics who were taken by authorities are Nidhi Eaowsriwong, Janjira Sombatpoonsiri, Prajak Kongkirati Nidhi Eaowsriwong, Janjira Sombatpoonsiri, Prajak Kongkikiti is the university professor taken by authorities. - Te-hahita olona mifampitolona sy miady eny an-dalambe aho. - I would see people fighting and beating each other on the street. - I want to see people fighting and fighting in the streets. * mpitsidika 1651 * 1651 unique visitors * 1651 visitors Tsy misy jiro, vitsy ny dokotera, ary tsy misy gazy. No lights, little medicine, no gas. There is no electricity, few doctors, and no gas. Nampiasa entona mandatsa-dranomaso ireo mpitandro filaminana nentina nanaparitahana ireo vahoaka tezitra teo amin'ny toerana nanoloana ilay hotely. Police used tear gas to disperse the angry crowd from the area in front of the hotel. Police used tear gas to disperse angry crowds in front of the hotel. Gadra politika teo ho eo amin'ny 10.000 ka hatramin'ny 12.000 teo no nandalo tao Rawson ny 1975 ka hatramin'ny 1984. An estimated 10,000 to 12,000 political prisoners passed through Rawson from 1975 to 1984. About 10,000 to 12,000 political prisoners passed through Rawson from 1975 to 1984. Ny tolotra fiarandalamby ambanin'ny tany, izay isan'ny midadasika be indrindra eran-tany, dia naato nanomboka ny harivan'ny 28 Oktobra ary vinavinaina ho tonga hatramin'ny efatra na dimy andro any ho any ny famerenana azy hiasa feno indray, raha ny fiarabe fitateram-bahoaka kosa no hany rafi-pitaterana niverina tsikelikely amin'ny asany mahazatra. Its subway service, one of the most extensive in the world, has been suspended since the evening of October 28 and it is presumed to take approximately four to five more days to restore its function fully, while buses are the only transit system that is gradually getting back to regular service. The subway service, which is one of the largest in the world, was suspended from the evening of October 28 and it is estimated that it will take up to four or five days to complete operations, while buses are the only means of transportation to return to normal activities. Ilay fampirantiana, nomena ny anarana "Astro: The Morning Star" (Astro: ilay Kintan'ny maraina), dia nanana ny lanjany tsy noho ny fanolorany mpanakanto vaovao eo amin'ny sehatry ny haikanto ao an-toerana ihany, fa nampitolagaga ihany koa ny nahafahan'ilay mpanakanto nanana ny fampirantiany manokana. The exhibit, dubbed "Astro: The Morning Star," was significant not only because it introduced a new artist to the local art scene, but also because the fact that this particular artist was able to have an exhibition at all is amazing. The exhibition, named "Astro: The Morning Star" (Astro: the morning star), was important not only because it introduced new artists to the local art scene, but also to learn how the artist was able to have her own passion. Amin'ny endrika Sovietika ny rehetra, ary ao amin'ny fidirana, tsy mahita na inona na inona afa tsy toerana eo am-panamboarana sy mpivaro-tena ireo mpanambady vao mampalahelo! Everything is in Soviet style, and at the entrance the poor couples can see nothing but ongoing construction and prostitutes! Everyone is in Soviet form, and at the entrance, the brides find nothing but a place in construction and prostitution! Ilay akàmako avy ao amin'ny "Echo" nangataka ny mba hitondra fanafody fanatete anaty sofina, dia navela, saingy toy ny hoe zavatra maningana e. My colleague from Echo asked to carry on ear drops, and she was allowed, but as an exception. My report from "Echo" asking for a medicine in ears, was left, but it seemed to be something special. Mitohy miraraka ny kiana: ohatra, ity an'i Maka Angola ity, tranonkala iray mpanakiana ny fitondràna: The criticism kept coming: for example, this post by Maka Angola, a website critical of the regime: The criticism continues: for example, this is Maka Angola, a website critical of the regime: Nanohina be anay ny fanomezana ity trano tsara ity honenanay! We are so touched to have been given this fabulous apartment to live in! What a shock it was to be given this fine home! Tonizia: Ny finoan'i Obama Tunisia: Obama's Religion · Global Voices Tunisia: Obama's Faith · Global Voices Maharitra ny fanevan'i Allah . The banner of Allah endures. Allah's flag is permanent. Raha vao navotsotra izy, nanazava i Kaptagaev fa norahonanan'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana hodorana izy ary "horasarasaina tahaka ny ondry." Once freed, Kaptagaev clarified that the protesters had only threatened to burn him and "cut him into pieces like mutton." As soon as he was released, Kaptagaev explained that protesters threatened him with burning and that he was "a sheep-like act." Jereo izay andraikitra madinika mahaliana anao ary ataovy ny adidinao hoan'i India. Find little tasks that interest you and do your bit for India." Look at your small responsibilities and do your duty for India. Nivelively ny rarivato natao ho làlana ireo togole mpanao gazety tamin'ny Sabotsy 06 Aogositra mba hanoherana ny fandrahonana ho faty mahazo ny sasany amin'ny naman'izy ireo. On August 6, 2011, journalists in the West African country of Togo rallied in the streets of capital Lomé to protest against the threats that their colleagues received recently. On Saturday, August 6th, togole journalists attacked the highway to protest the death threats against some of their friends. Ny anarana Fuleco™ tokoa manko dia avy amin'ny fanambàrana ny voambolana breziliana futebol sy ecologia; izy no famantarana hita maso eo amin'ny mondialin'ny FIFA™ fa azo ampiarahana ny football sy ny ekolojia sy fandrisihana ny olona hitondra tena ho tompon'andraikitra manoloana ny planetantsika. The name Fuleco™ is a fusion of the words futebol and ecologia. This seamlessly represents the way in which the FIFA World Cup can combine the two to encourage people to behave in an environmentally friendly way. The name FulecoTM comes from the translation of the Brazilian word futebol and ecologia; it is the visible sign of FIFATM that football and philosophy can unite and encourage people to act as responsible for our planet. Mbola tsy nanamarina izany vaovao izany anefa ny manampahefana Iraniana na ny fikambanana miaro ny zon'olombelona. This news has not yet been confirmed by Iranian authorities or human rights organizations. Iranian authorities or human rights organizations have not confirmed the news yet. Nanana fihetseham-po mifangaro ny vahoaka Panameana. The Panamanian population has had mixed reactions. Panamanians had mixed feelings. Eritrereto hoe raha ianao no nanambady io olona io tamin'izany. Think if you married that person. shudders. Imagine if you had married that person at that time. Mbola notazonin'ny governemanta Amerikana nandritra ny folo taona mahery ny iftars mba hankalazana ny Ramadany, miaraka aminà hetsika ampiantranoin'ny Trano Fotsy sy ireo rantsana hafa ao amin'ny governemanta. The US government has been holding iftars to celebrate Ramadan for over a decade, with events hosted by the White House and other government agencies. Iftars have been held for more than ten years by the U.S. government to celebrate Ramadan, along with events organized by the White House and other branches of the government. Myanmar: Barcamp Yangon 2011 Myanmar: Barcamp Yangon 2011 · Global Voices Myanmar: Tacloban Yangon 2011 · Global Voices Tato anatin'ny dimy andro dia niaina herisetra mivaivay indray ny firenena, ary fihamafisan'ny resak'ireo Ivoariana mponin'ny aterineto . The last five days have seen the country experience further violence and increased radicalisation of Ivorian netizens' speeches. In the past five days, the country has experienced renewed violence, and a wave of discussions among Ivorian netizens. Na i Temer izy tenany aza toa ho voaràra tsy hahazo mifaninana amin'ny fifidianana, satria efa voampanga ho nanitsakitsaka ny lalàna mifehy ny fifidianana izy tamin'ny 2014. nitarika ireo mpanakiana hanipika fa ho an'ireo mpifidy amin'ny hoavy dia tsy olona tomponandraikitra izy, satria izy no manosika ny betsaka amin'ireo politikam-panjakana tsy lanin'ny vavonin'ny vahoaka. Temer himself will likely be prohibited from running in the elections, as he was convicted of violating electoral laws in 2014, leading critics to point out that he is now virtually unaccountable to future voters, as he pushes largely unpopular state policies. Even Temer himself seems to be banned from running for elections, as he was charged with violating election laws in 2014, leading critics to point out that for voters in the future he is not responsible, as he is pushing a large number of public policies that people don't consume. Sary: Cristiano Betta. Photo by Cristiano Betta. Photo by ao Beta. Arakaraky ny jeografia ny karama farany ambany ao Meksika. In Mexico, the working minimum wage varies geographically. The minimum wage in Mexico is more complex. Avy amin'ny aingam-panahy tamin'ny nananganan'i Tim Berners-Lee ny Fikambanana Mpanao Asa-Soa World Wide Web sy ny fiarahanay miombon'antoka amin'ny hetsika manerantany "Web We Want" ataonay maimaim-poana, misokatra sy manerantany, fankalazana goavana mikasika ny fanovana noentin'ny aterineto teo amin'ny fiainantsika ny Fetibe Web We Want. Inspired by Tim Berners-Lee's World Wide Web Foundation and working in partnership with our "Web We Want' global campaign for a free, open and universal Web, the Web We Want Festival is an extensive celebration of how the Internet has changed our lives. The Web We Want Festival is inspired by Tim Berners-Lee's creation of the World Wide Web Foundation and her collaboration with our free, open and global movement. Nisy iray nanafokafoka momba ny rivotra maloto: One played mockery on the pollution: Another joked about the polluted air: Milaza fa misy fitaovam-piadiana ao amin'ny toerana nanaovana ny horonantsary. Portends that weapons are at film site. It says there are weapons at the scene of the film. Ny tale am-perinasan'ny Advancing Human Rights, David Keyes, dia nanontany ampahibemaso ny minisitra Iraniana misahana ny raharaham-bahiny, Javad Zarif, hoe rahoviana i Majid Tavakoli no havoaka ary namaly izy fa tsy mbola naheno izany anarana izany mihitsy. Advancing Human Rights executive director David Keyes, publicly asked the Iranian foreign minister, Javad Zarif, when Majid Tavakoli would be freed and he replied that he had never heard of him. The executive director of Advancing Human Rights David Keyes publicly asked Iran's foreign minister Javad Zarif when she would be released and answered that she had never heard that name. Tiako ary tsy tiako ny hetsika #NotInMyName. I do & don't like the #NotInMyName campaign. I love and don't like the #NotInMyName campaign. Kelk, mpitoraka bilaogy Iraniana iray hafa, dia miteny amim-panesoana, fa toa hoe voampanga ho nanohitra ny fitondrana ireny liona ireny ka novonoina ho faty. Kelk, another Iranian blogger, with irony says, that it seems these lions were accused of hostility against the regime and were executed. Kelk, another Iranian blogger, says sarcastically, that lions seem to be accused of opposing the regime and were executed. Ankoatr'izany, tena mametraka ahiahy lehibe mihitsy ny fifanjevoana noho ny korontana anatin'ny antoko any Atsimo sy ny fanoheran'ny tafika any amin'ny faritra manana solika. Instead, a messy mix of intraparty struggles in the South and local armed resistance in oil-bearing regions pose serious threats. Moreover, the confusion over the chaos within the party in the South and the military's opposition to the oil-rich region has raised serious concerns. Isaky ny mitady hanaraka ahy ianao Every attempt to follow me Every time you try to follow me Doo Doo Doo Doo , izay! " #CamerontheMusical Doo doo doo doo, right!"#CamerontheMusical - Samuel French UK (@SamuelFrenchLtd) 11 July 2016 Doo Doo Doo Doo , that's! " #CamerontheMusical Nitatitra ny mpampiasa amin'ny endri-tsoratra Sirilika ao amin'ny LJ toa an'i - diana-ledi, taki-net, markgrigorian sy ny hafa tsy tambo isaina - fa tsy tsy mety mivoaka ny lahatsoratra rehefa mametraka ny anaram-bositra cyxymu ry zareo. Cyrillic LJ users - diana-ledi, taki-net, markgrigorian and many others - reported (RUS) not being able to publish posts and comments containing cyxymu's nickname. LJ users like - ana-ledi, taki-net, markgrigorian and countless others - reported that the article could not be published when they put the name cyxymu. For iTalal , ny fahitàny ny endrik'i Mubarak nandritry ny lahateniny, dia efa ampy azy hanombohany ny tontolo androny. For iTalal , seeing Mubarak's face as he makes his speech, was enough to make his day. For Talal , his view of Mubarak's face during his speech, he was enough to start his day. Nahazo loka tamin'ny sokajy Fanaovan-tsarimihetsika (Sinematografia) tsara indrindra tamin'ny sangan' asany an-tsarimihetsika "The Revenant," izay notontosain'i Alejandro González Iñárritu i Emmanuel "Chivo" Lubezki. Emmanuel "Chivo" Lubezki was awarded in the category of Best Cinematography for his work in film "The Revenant," which was directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Emmanuel "Chivo" Lubezki" was awarded the best film category for his film work "The Revenant," by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Nosoniavin'ny Filoha Jakaya Kikwete ho lalàna izy io ny volana May 2015. President Jakaya Kikwete signed it into law in May 2015. President Jakaya Kikwete signed it into law in May 2015. @yassayari: #Libya: namoaka fatwa ireo #Cleric handraràna ny fanarahana ny fantsona fahitalavitra toy ny #AlJazeera. #feb17 @yassayari: #Libya: #Cleric issues fatwa against watching TV channels like #AlJazeera. #feb17 @yassayari: #Libya: #Clerics issued a need to ban TV channels like #Al ny. #feb17 Rehefa mba te-hatory aho nony alina, tsy avelan-dry zareo hiala sasatra aho fa anaovany kotaba amin'ny fampiasàna fitaovana isan-karazany, hatramin'ny fanakarapohana matetitetika ny varavarana. When I wanted to sleep during nights, they would not let me rest by making noises using different devices, including by constantly banging on the door. When I want to go to sleep at night, they don't let me rest but they're using various tools, as well as keeping the door open several times. Toa ara-drariny tokoa izany fiheverana izany, satria anisan'ny fifanekena Ara-pilaminana nataon'i Isiraely-Ejipta ny fandefasana tafika ao Sinai. This idea would not be far-fetched, as sending Egyptian forces into Sinai is part of the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty anyway. This view seems reasonable, since sending forces to Sinai is part of Israel-Egypt's peaceful agreement. Fa ankoatr'izay, fotoana vitsy tamin'ny taona 2009-2010, maro ireo mpitondra fahazavana amin'ny aterineto Rosiana, ireo mpanao gazety sy mpanao politika no nandefa ireo bitsika nataony voalohany . By the way, quite a few Russian Internet luminaries, journalists and politicians posted their first tweets some time in 2009-2010. On the other hand, a few moments in 2009-2010, many Russian Internet watchdogs, journalists and politicians, tweeted their first tweets. Taoriana ny vaovao naparitaky ny mpiara miasa aminy sy ilay mpisolo vava Wapona Kita tao amin'ny pejiny Facebook, voatery nanaraka ny vaovao farany avoakany ao amin'ny Facebook-ny ny fampahalalam-baovao lehibe mba hampita ny vaovao ihany koa amin'ireo mpamakiny, ny mpihaino sy ny mpijeriny. After his colleague and lawyer Wapona Kita broke the news on his Facebook page, the mainstream media had to follow his Facebook updates to keep their readers, listeners and viewers informed. After news spread by colleagues and lawyer Wapona Kita on her Facebook page, major media outlets have also been forced to follow her latest updates on her Facebook page to share information with her readers, listeners and viewers. Manoratra i Cibotaru: Cibotaru writes: Cibotaru writes: Malahelo izahay amin'ny maha-fikambanana sy amin'ny maha-Haitiana anay.. We are saddened as an organization and as Haitians. We are sad for being a community and as an Iranian. Ny fonjan'Insein no malaza indrindra ao Myanmar itazonana ny gadra politika be mpanohana. Insein prison is most notorious for being the detention center of Myanmar's most prominent political prisoners. Insein prison is the most popular in Myanmar to hold supportive political prisoners. Hey, ry rahalahy hajaina, inona ny hafahafa amin'izany? Hey, gentlemen, what is strange about it? Hey, dear brothers, what's strange about that? Inty misy fikarakarana sakafo tsotra vita amin'ny holatra 'cèpes' manta avy aminà sefo malaza: Here is a simple recipe for raw porcini from a famous chef: Here's how to prepare a simple dish made of raw cèpes from a well-known chief: Tsy dia manelingelina anay intsony ny fanairana rehetra sy ny balafomanga. The whole thing of alarms and missiles doesn't bother us anymore. All alerts and missiles don't bother us anymore. Kanefa afaka naka sary ihany aho satria nilaza hoe mpianatra momba ny taon-trano ary liana amin'ny endrik'ilay trano. But I managed to snap some shots while claiming that I am studying architecture and interested in the building style. But I was able to take photos because I said that I was a home student and that I was interested in the face of the house. Gowers no nanondro: Gowers points out: Gowers pointed out: Noho ny maha fihariana ara-barotra iray azy, mandray fanohanana ary mandray dokambarotra handoavam-bola avy amin'ny mpamokatra fankatsary maro ny Tokyo Camera Club. As a for-profit business, Tokyo Camera Club receives sponsorships and paid advertising from many camera makers. As a businessman, Tokyo Camera Club receives support and receives advertising from several video producers. Nisambotra olona 6 noho ny fanambaran'i Khobragade ny mpitandro filaminana. Based on Khobragade's statement, police arrested 6 men. The police arrested 6 people for their statements. Vonona ho amin'izany ve isika? Are we prepared for them? Are we ready for that? Araka ny tatitra navoakan'ny Komity Mpiaro ny Mpanao gazety, Etiopia no manaraka an'i Eritrea amin'ny fanagadrana mpanao gazety be indrindra. According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, Ethiopia trails only Eritrea among Africa's worst jailers of journalists. According to a report published by the Committee to Protect Journalists, Ethiopia follows Eritrea in jail for the highest number of journalists. Sary: Sanjib Chaudhary Image: Sanjib Chaudhary Credit: Sanjib Araka ny fanadihadiana, misy ifandraisany amin'ny vondrona fantatra amin'ny anarana hoe "Los Ardillos," tarihin'ny havan'ny filohan'ny Kongresy, solontenan'ny Antokon'ny Revolisiona Demokratika Bernardo Ortega Jiménez ny fanafihana. According to investigations, the attacks are related to the group known as "Los Ardillos," led by relatives of the chairman of Congress, Party of the Democratic Revolution representative Bernardo Ortega Jiménez. According to the survey, the attack is related to a group known as "Los Ardillos," led by relatives of the head of Congress, representatives of the Democratic Revolutionary Party Bernardo 2015. Mandray andraikitra. Responsible. Take responsibility. Omar Mashjari mamoahafantatra antsika hoe: Omar Mashjari informs us: Omar Mashjari is a drunk person who knows us: Mandritra izany fotoana izany, dia nolazain'i Pixel Offensive fa raha miaraka amin'ny vahoaka miady amin'ny fanodinkodinam-bola marina ny filoha dia tokony hihetsika amin'ireto zavatra ireto: Meanwhile, Pixel Offensive said that if the President is truly on the people's side against pork barrel it should manifest on the following: At the same time, Professor Offensive said that if the president is with the people who are fighting against the correct misappropriation of money, he should react to these things: Narovan'i Cathay ny fametrahana ilay dokambarotra talohan'ny nanaovan'ny ASAS ny fangatahana hanala ilay teny filamatra. Cathay defended the placing of the ad before ASAS made its recommendation to remove the tagline. Cathay defended the promotion of the ad before ASAS made the petition to remove the slogan. Eny, tsy fantatra intsony ny antony ambadiky ny toe-javatra tahaka itony, indrindra rehefa nanakaiky noely tahaka itony. Indeed, any politics behind the incident were lost on most others, especially coming as it did at Christmas. Yes, the reasons behind such incidents are no longer known, especially when it comes to spreading like this. Jereonareo ny teorian'ny rahona EQ ao amin'ny Check out the EQ cloud theory at See EQ cloud theory at Misy aza olona ao amin'ny Sampandraharaham-Piarovana Federaly (izay tompoon'andraikitra amin'ny fiarovana an'i Vladimir Putin sy ireo tompon'andraiki-panjakana hafa) nanao fanitsiana tao amin'ny Wikipedia resaka momba ny chupacabra (biby anganonganoina ho monina ao Amerika ao), manampy torohay amin'ny fahitana bitro maromaro misy namono amin'ny fomba tsy mazava tao amin'ny zanabohitra rosiana iray tamin'ny Septambra 2015. Someone in the Federal Protective Service (which is responsible for protecting Vladimir Putin and other high-ranking officials) even edited the Wikipedia entry on the chupacabra (a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas), adding information about the discovery of several mysteriously killed rabbits in a Russian village in September 2015. Some people even belong to the Federal Security Service (which is responsible for protecting Vladimir Putin and other state officials) made a Wikipedia edit on chupacabra (a wild animal living in the United States), adding information about a number of rabbits who were brutally killed in a Russian village in September 2015. Niara-nitabataba nidera ny ekipa cricket tao amin'ny kaonty Twitter an'izy ireo ihany koa ny filoha Ghani sy ny tale mpanatanteraka Abdullah: Both President Ghani and CEO Abdullah also serenaded the cricket team on their Twitter accounts: President Ghani and executive director Abdullah joined in praising the cricket team on their Twitter account: Na tariho tsotra fotsiny ireo tapaka sy namana hitsidika ny vohikala ary hanampy anay amin'ny fizaràna sy fanehoan-kevitra amin'ny lahatsoratra. Or simply guide your friends and families to our site and help us out by sharing and commenting on our content. Or just guide friends and family to visit the site and help us share and comment on the post. Ny tetikasa dia niarahana niasa tamin'ny sampana jeografian'ny Oniversiten'i Abdou Moumouni ao Niamey, ny mpianany, ny Open Street Map ary ny Rising Voices. This project is being run collectively by the geography department of the Abdou Moumouni University in Niamey, its students, Open Street Map, and Rising Voices. The project has been working with the Cultural Department of the University ofreference Moumouni in Niamey, its students, Open Street Map and Rising Voices. Ny taona 1993, nosazian'ny Fitsaràna Antampony tao Chili hifonja 526 taona izy, noho ny fakàna an-keriny miisa 75, famonoana olona telo, fikambanana tsy ara-dàlana roa mpanao heloka bevava ary fakàna an-keriny madinidinika. In 1993, he was condemned by the Supreme Court of Chile to 526 years in jail for 75 kidnappings, three murders, two illegal association felonies and a minor abduction. In 1993, Chile's Supreme Court sentenced him to 526 years in prison for 75 kidnappings, three murders, two illegal criminal organizations and small kidnappings. Hanohana azy ireo aho. I'll root for them. I will support them. Kurds mitazona teny faneva sy saina manohitra ny filoha Tiorka any Roma, Italia. Kurds hold banners and flags against the President of Turkey in Rome, Italy. Kurds holds slogans and flags against the Turkish president in Rome, Italy. (Nosamborin'ny polisy ny telo nandray anjara tamin'io hetsika io.) (Police arrested three participants in this act.) (The police arrested three participants of this event.) Mampiasa "language" hafahafa tsy misy mahafantatra ve aho ka hampianatra izany amin'ny olona? Am I using a strange language that nobody knows and will I have to teach it to people? Do I use a strange "language" to teach people about it? Raha niverina tao Grozny i Suleymanov, dia nahita fomba fiaina samihafa tanteraka izay tsy mitovy tamin'ny fahazarany tao Moskoa. When he returned to Grozny, Suleymanov discovered a very different pace that offered little of the diversity to which he'd grown accustomed in Moscow. When Suleymanov returned to Grozny, he found a completely different way of life that was different from his habit in Moscow. @sharifkouddous: Andianà miaramila mihaodihaody ao an-kianja. @sharifkouddous: Groups of soldiers roaming square. @sharifkouddous: A group of soldiers going back to the square. Isaky ny tenifototra 8 (ireo fanafohezan-teny roa miaraka) nozaraina mba hanaitra ny saina amin'ilay raharaha, hanampy ara-bola koa ho an'ny andro iray an'ilay fiarabe mpitatitra sakafo vaovao ny Electrox ! 🚛💨 . For every 8 hashtags (both abv) shared to raise awareness for the cause, Electrox will help fund the Fresh Food Truck for a day too! 🚛💨 . In each of the 8 hashtags shared to raise awareness about the case, Electrox will also add financial aid to the new food truck's day! Na ao Eoropa aza izy, dia misy singa ao anatiny momba azy manokana nobahanany mihitsy, izay nila fantatra tamin'ny alalan'ireo fikarohana atao amin'ny aterineto: fisalasalàna momba ny resa-pananahany, ny fanambadiany aloha loatra taminà lehilahy izay tsy dia ahoany akory, ary ny fiezahany hampifanaraka ny finoany amin'ireo tsy fahatomombanan'ny olombelona. Even in Europe she had blocked off parts of herself which yearned to be known through Internet searches: uncertainty about her sexuality, her marriage at a young age to a man she barely cared for, and trying to reconcile her religion with human shortcomings. Even in Europe, he has blocked some of his own pieces, which he needs to know through online research: doubts about his sex, early marriage with a man he doesn't care about, and his attempt to adapt his beliefs to human misunderstandings. Mivelatra mihoatra ny safidy hiteraka na tsia , anefa, ny zo fanalan-jaza. The right to abortion extends, however, beyond the choice of whether to give birth. The right to abortion is extending beyond the choice to give birth or not, however. Ary ankehitriny, any amin'ny sasan'ireo manodidina an'i Zacualpa, saika efa ho am-pahadimin'ny olon-dehibe mponina any an-toerana no nifindra any avaratra, mikatsaka fiainana tsara kokoa. And now, in some of Zacualpa's outskirts, almost a fifth of the adult population has migrated north, in search of a better life. And now, in the fields of Zacualpa neighborhood, almost five times as many local adults have moved to the north, seeking a better life. Ny Lalàna Mikasika ny Heloka Be vava ao anaty Solo Saina natao tamin'ny 2007 dia mitana ireo olona ivelany ho tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fandikana ny lalàna ataon'ireo mpampiasa Aterineto. The 2007 Computer-Related Crime Act has made it possible for third parties to be liable for Internet violation committed by Internet users. The criminal code in the Flags Act of 2007 holds foreign people responsible for violating Internet users' laws. Manohy manaraka ny antsoina hoe làlan'i Balkan avy any Torkia ho any Hongria mba hitady fiainana tsara kokoa any Eoropa Andrefana, ireo mpitsoa-ponenana nandositra ny ady sy fanenjehana tany Siria, Iràka, Afghanistana sy tany an-toeran-kafa, ary ny governemanta Eoropeana sasany manohy mandray azy ireo amin'ny fankahalàna. Refugees fleeing conflict and persecution in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere continue to follow the so-called Balkan Route from Turkey to Hungary in search of better life in Western Europe, and some European governments continue to greet them with hostility. Refugees fleeing war and persecution in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places continue to follow the so-called Balkans route from Turkey to Hungary to seek a better life in Western Europe, and some European governments continue to take them to hate. Lasa ny tafon'ilay kianja vao naorina vao haingana. Its newly built-gymnasium lost its roof. The roof of the recently built stadium was gone. Ny fisamborana vao haingana indrindra dia mikasika ny filazana fa fanitsakitsahana ny lalàna izay nahavoarohirohy tonian-dahatsoratra sy mpanesoeso izay naneso ny ezaka fandriampahalemana nataon'ny tafika. The most recent arrest related to an alleged violation of the law involved an editor and a satirist who mocked the military's peace efforts. The most recent arrest was related to the claim that it was a violation of the law that involved editors and trolls who mocked the military's peace efforts. Namehy i Sally Sami: Sally Sami concludes: Sally Sami concluded: Pasitera kristianina ny rainy ary nandray ireo tsy manan-kialofana ireo ray aman-dreniny . His father was a Christian priest and his parents took in the homeless. His father was a Christian pastor and his parents welcomed the homeless. Mahatsiaro ho manana tombondahiny manokana ry zareo amin'izany." They feel very special." They feel special." Hijabs sy Baolina kitra? Hijabs and Football? What's the nature of the football world? Netizen Report: Miaraka Amin'ny Fanakatonana Ny Aterineton'i Gabon, Miatrika Fanambin'ny Fihodidinana Sivana Indray Ireo Mpikatroka Netizen Report: With Gabon's Internet Shutdown, Activists Confront Challenges of Circumventing Censorship · Global Voices Netizen Report: With Gabon's Internet shutdown, Activists Face New Censorship Challenge · Global Voices Amin'io fotoana io ihany, ireo manampahefana Thai dia mila mamela malalaka ireo fihetsiketsehana manohitra ny governemanta ka voaaro tsara sy tsy hampitontongana izany ho any amin'ny fifandonana mahery setra At the same time, the Thai authorities need to allow antigovernment demonstrations that are secure and don't degenerate into violent confrontations. At the same time, Thai authorities must freely leave anti-government protests safe and safe for violent clashes. Fung Ka Keung (ankavanana) sy ny sary famantarana 4 Jiona. Fung Ka Keung (right) and the June 4 profile picture frame. Fung Ka Keung (right) and June 4 logo. Olona maro hafa no voasambotra noho ny fanehoany fihetseham-po heverina ho fihetsika manameloka ny fanonganam-panjakana tahaka ny fitondrana taratasy fotsy madio. More people were arrested for expressing sentiments considered as a disapproval of the coup like carrying a blank paper. Many others were arrested for expressing feelings deemed to condemn coups such as bringing clean white paper. Sahirantsaina eo anatrehan'ny hafaliana sy ny tahotra izy (fr): She is torn between satisfaction and fear (fr): People in Ilafitsignana are now deprived of their farmland... He is concerned about the joy and fear (fr): "Marobe ireo mpianatra nandray anjara tamin'ny famoronana ireny fampianarana ireny," hoy ny Dr. Badikana. "Many students have contributed by creating these tutorials," says Dr. Badikana. "Many students participated in creating these teachings," says Dr. Batikana. Saingy raha lehilahy mpitandro ny filaminana Jordaniana na Palestiniana, aleo anaovanay azy." But if they are Jordanian or Palestinian security men, then we will step on them." But if a Jordanian or Palestinian police man, let's do it." Loharanon-tsary: tranonkalan'ny ICASA 2011. Image source: ICASA 2011 site. Photo source: CALSA 2011 website. Sariitatr'ilay lehiben'ny polisy teo aloha, Cho Hyun-oh. Caricature of ex-police chief, Cho Hyun-oh. Former police chief Cho Hyun-oh's speech. "Gonim-pasika, sakana, miaramila mitam-piadiana hatreny an-tampon-doha, bàla, baomba, toeram-pisavàna miala amin'ny distrika iray ho any amin'ny iray hafa..." "Sandbags, barricades, soldiers armed to their teeth, bullets, bombs, checkpoints cutting out one district from the other..." "A beach floor, a barrier, armed soldiers to the head, bullets, bombs, checkpoints from one district to another..." Ny Jolay 2015, ireo antontan-kevitra niporitsaka avy amin'ilay orinasa Hacking Team mpanao rindrambaiko fanarahana maso ao Italia no nampiseho fa tamin'ny 2012 ny Conseil Superieur De La Defense Nationale, masoivohom-panjakana Maraokana no nividy rindrambaiko tamin'ny Hacking Team. In July 2015, leaks from the files of Italy-based surveillance software company Hacking Team showed that the Conseil Superieur De La Defense Nationale, a Moroccan government agency, purchased Hacking Team software in 2012. In July 2015, leaked documents from Italy's monitoring software firm Hacking Team showed that in 2012 the Conseil Superieur De La Defense Nationale, a Moroccan state agency purchased software from Hacking Team. Fanamarihan'ny mpamoaka lahatsoratra: Amin'ny maha-mpandray anjara azy ao amin'ny Ensia Mentor Program no nanoratan'i Stephanie Dloniak ity lahatsoratra ity. Editor's note: Stephanie Dloniak produced this article as a participant in the Ensia Mentor Program. Editor's note: This post was written by Stephanie Dloniak as a contributor to Ensia Mentor Program. @SummerNasser @AhlamS Ireharehàko ianareo ry zalahy! @SummerNasser @AhlamS Proud of you guys! @SummerNasser @AhlamS I am proud of you guys! Mohammed Al-Abdulaziz nisioka momba ny fianakaviany nosamborina: Ny rahalahiko, ny vadiko sy ny zanako telo.. Mohammed Al-Abdulaziz tweeted about his family members who were arrested: @_MHD_S: @EbtihalMubarak أخي وزوجته وأولاده الثلاثة .. ولا أعرف أحد غيرهم وبالتأكيد هناك آخرين My brother, his wife and his three children.. Mohammed Al-Abdulaziz tweeted about his family arrested: My brother, my husband and three children.. Alina mialohan'ny hankalazan'ireo namany ny fifaranan'ny taom-pianarana tao amin'ny Sekoly Britanika tao Sanaa io. It was the night before her fellow students at the Sanaa British School were to celebrate the end of the academic term. It was night before his friends celebrated the end of the school year at the British School in Sanaa. Tamin'ny Alatsinainy, ny lapan'ny fitsarana Rosiana iray heverina fa hamoaka ny didy no nanova tampoka teo ny datin'ny 15 Janoary ho Talata 30 Desambra, amin'ny 9 maraina oran'i Moskoa. On Monday, a Russian court that was supposed to hand down the verdict unexpectedly changed the date from January 15 to Tuesday, December 30, 9am Moscow time. On Monday, a Russian court building believed to have issued the verdict suddenly changed the date of January 15 to December 30, at 9am Moscow time. Manaitra ny tsy firaharahàna misy eo anivon'ny iraisam-pirenena. There has been striking indifference at an international level. The international intolerance is alarming. Ho taona maro anefa no hitatazana ny vokatr'izany. Paying the price for that, however, will take many years. However, the results will be viewed for years. Ny bolongan'i Michael Turton no miresaka ny fiantraikany amin'ny sehatra politika ny fihenan-danjan'ny tapakilam-pifampivarotam-petra-bola any Taiwan. Michael Turton blogs about the political implication of collapsing stock market in Taiwan. Michael Turton's blog discusses the political impact of the less expensive exchange tickets in Taiwan. Mitaky ny Fialàn'i Sisi Ny Fihetsiketsehana Ao Ejipta Noho Ny "Famarotana" Nosy Amin'i Arabia Saodita Thousands Protest in Egypt Calling Upon Sisi to Step Down for "Selling" Islands to Saudi Arabia · Global Voices Egypt's Protests Demand Sisi's Resignment for "Selling' Islands to Saudi Arabia · Global Voices Zava-dehibe toy izany koa, satria ny sekoly manerana ny firenena dia samy tokony ho eo ambony fitsipika iray mitovy, dia tokony handeha an-tsekoly ao amin'ny faritra misy azy ny ankizy. Just as importantly, because schools across the country were supposed to be of the same high standard, children would attend schools in their catchment area. It is also important that, since schools across the country should be on the same line, children should go to school in their area. Antony ara-toekarena no ilazako azy ity ankoatry ny maha antony ara-politika azy ankehitriny. It is more of economic reason I would say than political one actually. I'm talking about it for economic reasons apart from its current political motives. Toerana fialofan'ireo biby maro izy io, ao anatin'izany ireo vorona mifindrafindra toerana, ary iray amin'ireo toerana maitso vitsy sisa tavela ao an-tanàna ihany koa. It is a shelter to many animals, including migrating birds, and also one of the few green spaces left in the city. It is home to many animals, including moving birds, as well as one of the few green spots left in the city. Nahoana ny mpitondra mahefa no tsy mba mijery ny fiainanay fa manome ny taninay amin'ny Orinasa mpitrandraka volamena Cyanide, ny mpanadio vovo-tany tsy fahita firy Lynas ary ilay tena mpandoto tontolo iainana dia ny orinasa Shimikan-tsolika Pengerang? How can the ruling elites pay no regard to our lives and open our land to Cyanide gold mining, Lynas rare earths refinery and the highly polluted Pengerang Petrochemical plant? Why don't the authorities pay attention to our lives but give our land to the Cyanide gold industry, to the rare Lynas earth cleaning and to the biggest environmental threater is the Psalmian oil company. Manomboka amin'ny alatsinainy izahay no manangona azy amin'ny fiarabe, miangavy ny ametrahana ny antsipirihan'ny entana alefa miaraka amin'ny sariny raha mety. Starting from Monday we start collecting it with the vans, please sen the addresses for us to collect it. From Monday we collect it from a truck, please add the details of the goods sent with their photos if possible. Afaka milaza isika fa tsy nahita ny lalany ny fampahalalam-baovao. We could say that the news media has not found its way. We can say that the media has not found its way. Ka mba ohatrinona moa ny vola omena an'i Indonezia hiarovana ny alan-dry zareo na ohatrinona marina no niafara any am-paosin'ireo tomponandraikitra ambony Indoneziana? So how much money was given to Indonesia to keep their forest or really how much ended up in the pocket of the Indonesian officials? So how much money is given to Indonesia to protect their forests or how much actually ends up in the pockets of Indonesian top officials? Nanohana izany fanentanana izany ny mpiserasera marobe avy amin'ny tontolo Arabo. A large number of Twitter users joined the campaign. Many netizens from across the Arab world supported the campaign. Tsy nahasahy nipoitra i Martelly tamin'ilay adihevitra faharoa tokony natao omaly, taorian'ny nandrahonany mpanao gazety roa izay nanontany momba ireo trosa tsy voaloany tany Miami nandritra ilay andiany voaloha natao ny 9 Martsa 2011. Martelly failed to show up at what was supposed to be a second debate yesterday, after having threatened two members of the press who had asked about his unpaid Miami debts at the first one held March 9, 2011. Putin did not dare to appear in yesterday's second debate after he threatened two journalists who questioned the debt he had not paid in Miami during the previous edition of March 9, 2011. Ny 8 Jona, nambaran'ny Filoham-pirenen'i Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, ny fahatapahan'ireo fifandraisana ara-diplomatika amin'i Taiwan sy ny fiandohan'ireo fifandraisana ireo ihany miaraka amin'i Shina . On June 8, Costa Rican president Oscar Arias announced the diplomatic relations with Taiwan have been broken, and ties have been established with China. On June 8, Costa Rica's President Oscar himself announced the diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the beginning of these relationships with China. Tokony hampiseho izy ireo fa, tokony handefa ny sarin'ireo trano tsy nianjera ny fampahalalam-baovao mahazatra fa tsy hitady izay hanaitairana. They should show that, traditional media should broadcast photos of buildings that did not fall, instead of looking for sensationalism. They should show that mainstream media should post photos of buildings without falling instead of looking for excitement. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Misy tranomboky iray ao Grenada izay miala amin'ny mahazatra. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 There's a library in Grenada that's quite out of the ordinary. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 There is a library in Granada that is out of practice. Tsy mino velively ireo tarehimarika avy amin'ny Biraom-pirenena misahana ny antontanisa aho, sandoka ireo. I never believe the figures by the National Bureau of Statistics, they are fake. I don't believe the figures from the National Bureau of Statistics, these are fakes. Namoaka ity tatitra ity ny Daily Mail vao haingana, izay ahitana sary sy lahatsary nalaina tao amin'ny media sosialy mikasika ny fandravana ireo toerana masina sy moskea Shiita taloha 10 farafahakeliny tao amin'ny sisintany fehezin'ny ISIS. The Daily Mail recently published this report, with photographs and videos sourced from social media, on the destruction of at least 10 ancient shrines and Shia mosques in territories under ISIS control. The Daily Mail recently published this report, which included photos and videos taken on social media about the destruction of at least 10 old Shia sites and mosques at the ISIS-controlled border. Tsy hitan'ireo mpitondra any Tajikistana izay lafiny mahafinaritra ny "Halloween." Tajik government officials fail to see the fun side of Halloween. Tajikistan's leaders don't see "Halloween" as a beautiful side. Hosamborin-dry zareo daholo ny olona rehetra aty Tajikistan amin'ny 2015 In 2015, in Tajikistan, they will block and shut down all people They will arrest everyone in Tajikistan in 2015 Nalain'ny governemanta ho valinteniny ny kiana, kanefa mbola ny ezak'ireo vahoaka ihany no malaza. The government has taken criticism for its response, but citizen-led efforts remain popular. The government took the criticism as a response, but the public's efforts are still popular. Tena fatratra ! Nisy niteny fa tokony nasiana karatra firariantsoa hnamarihana an'io. So great!Someone said there should be greeting cards for this. So much! Some said that they should have a good card to pay for it. Zotra tokana ihany ny fifandraisana, manolotra vahaolana tsara, na dia somary jadona aza, amin'ny olana lavarenin'ny mpanakorontana, ny rindrambaiko 'bots', ary indrindra ireo olona adala mamerina mizara sy misera fanalàna baràka amin'ny aterineto. "Channels" are strictly one-way, offering an elegant, if slightly tyrannical, solution to the epic problem of trolls, bots, and generally stupid people bent on sharing feedback and trading insults online. The communication is unique, it offers a good solution, even if it's rather authoritarian, with the long-term problems of trouble, bots software, and especially stupid people who return to share and use the Internet. Lasa Nifanandrina ny Football sy ny Labiera ao Panama Football and Beer Come Face to Face in Panama · Global Voices Football and Circumstantiates in Panama · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Panama Revolution 2011. Mizara malalaka ireo traikefany isan'andro isan'andro i Samira eo amin'ny blaoginy izay vao noforoniny tsy ela akory, Marocanication . Samira openly shares her day-to-day experiences on her newly created blog, Marocanication . Samira freely shares her daily experiences on her newly created blog, Marocication. Sary: Manofahofa tanana amin'ny olom-pirenena ny Praiminisitra Borisov raha hiditra ny biraon'ny filoha. Photo: Prime Minister Borisov waving to citizens while entering the president's office. Photo: Prime Minister attacks citizens to enter the president's office. Nitondra ny fanambiny ilay Toniziana Sami ben Gharbia: And Tunisian Sami ben Gharbia offered his two cents: This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. Tunisian Sami be Araka ny tatitra avy amin'ny mpisolovavan'ny gadra, tetika iray hafa ny fampiharihariana sakafo manoloana ireo mpitokona tsy mihinan-kanina mba hanerena azy ireo, na ny tsy fanomezana ny fanampiana ara-pitsaboana maika raha tsy mamarana ny fitokonana izy ireo. Another tactic, as reported by the prisoners' lawyers, is to expose the hunger strikers to food to put pressure on them or to withhold urgently needed medical help until they end their strike. According to a report by a prisoner's lawyer, it is another attempt to expose food to hunger strikeers to force them, or not to provide emergency medical aid if they don't end the strike. Tamin'izany fotoana izany, tena taraiky be sy ratsy fanahy ny governemanta Kiobàna amin'ny resaka fitiavan'ny samy mitovy fananahana." In those days the Cuban government was very backward and cruel about homosexuality." At the time, the Cuban government was very late and bad in terms of homosexuality." Vokatry ny ezaka tamin'ny alàlan'ny baiko nomen'ny Fitsarana Avo mba hanamarinana ny mikasika ireo mpiasan'ny PIA 16.000 no nahitàna ireo filazam-pahaizana hosoka ireo. The fake degrees were discovered as part of a Supreme Court-ordered effort to verify the credentials of about 16,000 employees of PIA. These fake degrees were found as a result of efforts by the Supreme Court to verify the identity of the 16,000 PIA employees. * "Tsy ho mpitazam-potsiny aho fa hihetsika ka hanova ny sehatra." * "I pledge to not be a mute bystander. To intervene. To change the scene." * "I will not be blind but I will act and change the scene." Ilay ankizivavikely miandrandra mijery ity Superman Maraokana miantrana manoloana ny parlemanta ity dia tahaka ny manontany tena raha afaka manidina ilay zalahy io. The little girl looking up at this Moroccan Superman pausing in front of the parliament seems to be wondering if he can fly. The little girl looking forward to watching this warm Moroccan Superman in front of the parliament seems to wonder if the guy can fly. Rehefa avy teo, nanao iray ho an'i Amerika Avaratra aho. Then I made one of North America. Later, I made one for North America. Tsy fampahatsiahivana saro-takarina koa ny hoe tsy haka lavitra amin'ny fampiasàna herisetra goavana ity governemanta ity, raha ilainy, mba hijanonana eo amin'ny fitondràna. It is a rather unsubtle reminder that this government is not beyond resorting to serious violence, if necessary, to hold on to power. It is also not a vague reminder that this government will not take a long distance from the use of mass violence if it needs to, in order to stay in power. Kardashian, ny lazan'i Bahrain maneran-tany amin'ny fampiasàna baomba mandatsa-dranomaso diso tafahoatra sy ny "milkshake" dia niteraka hehy madinika tamin'ny tenifototra #TearGasMilkShake. Kardashian, Bahrain's international reputation for the excessive use of tear-gas and milkshake generated a few chuckles on the hashtag #TearGasMilkShake. This post is part of our special coverage Bahrain Protests 2011. Bahrain's global reputation for using excessive tear gas and carkshake has generated little laughs under the hashtag #TearGasMilkShake. Tamin'ny fitodihany tamin'ireo mpiasan'ny fampahalalam-baovao, nolazain'ilay minisitra fa ny fandraràna ny fandrakofana mivantana ireo hetsika ataon'ny FDC dia ho ampiharin'ny Kaomisionan'ny Fifandraisandavitra ao Ogandà miaraka amin'ny polisy, ary izay trano mpandefa vaovao eletronika rehetra mandrakotra ilay fanentanan'ny mpanohitra dia mety hosintonina aminy ny fahazoandàlany hiasa. Addressing members of the press, the minister said the ban on the live coverage of FDC's activities will be implemented by the Uganda Communications Commission as well as the police, and that any electronic media houses covering the opposition's campaign will lose their broadcast licences. Speaking to media workers, the minister said that the ban on live coverage of the FDC activities would be enforced by Uganda's Telecommunications Commission with police, and that any electronic media houses covering the opposition campaign could be removed from their work licenses. Mpitoraka bilaogy avy any Gharbia any Delta i Diaa Eddin Gad. Diaa Eddin Gad is an Egyptian blogger from Gharbia in Delta. Diaa Eddin Gad is a blogger from the Delta. Satria rotiky ny revolisiona tamin'ny 2011 i Libya, nandao ny firenena handeha ho any Etazonia i Haifa El-Zahawi. As Libya was torn apart by a revolution in 2011, Haifa El-Zahawi left the country for the United States. As Libya was ousted by the 2011 revolution, Haifa El-Zahawi left the country for the United States. Polonina: Ny "Open Government Data Camp 2011″ Sy Ny Ho Avin'ny "Open Data" Poland: Open Government Data Camp 2011 and the Future of Open Data · Global Voices Poland: Open Government Data Camp 2011 and Open Data Future · Global Voices Manome izao toro-hevitra izao hoan'ireo mpiray tanindrazana aminy i Proud Libyan: Proud Libyan offers the following advice to his countrymen and women: Proud Libyan gives this advice to his fellow citizens: Kaominista izy, manohitra ny fahalalahana ara-pinoana sady tena mandà an'Andriamanitra. It is communist, it is against religious freedom and it is essentially God denying. He's a Communist, he's against religious freedom and he's really against God. Izy koa dia iray amin'ireo atidoha nikotrika ny sehatra Many Eyes (maso maro), fijerena ny mombamomba ny daholobe, andrana iray misokatra, fijerena ny mombamomba ny daholobe sy fandalinana. She is also one of the great minds behind public visualization platform Many Eyes, an experiment in open, public data visualization and analysis. He is also one of the brains behind Many Eyes, public information, an open experiment, public information and analysis. Aostraliana aho nefa sahala amin'ny hoe vahiny ny tenako ato amin'ity fireneko ity ": I am Australian and I feel like a foreigner in my own country": I am Australian but I feel as though I am a foreigner in my country": Nialoha ny faran'ny volana Aogositra 2014 efa nandefa raharaha miisa 485 tany amin'ny fitsarana ny sampan-draharahan'ny Minisiteran'ny Atitany misahana ny fiadiana amin'ny extremisma, ka 594 ny olona voatonona hiaro (tena) amin'ireo raharaha ireo. By the end of August 2014 the Interior Ministry's counter-extremism division had already sent 485 cases to the courts, with 594 persons named as defendants in those cases. Before the end of August 2014, the Ministry of Interior's anti-democracy department sent 485 cases to the court, with 594 people mentioned to defend (real) the case. Izany no vokatry ny kolikoly. This is as a result of corruption. This is the result of corruption. Talohan'ny hovitrovitra vao haingana, efa niahiahy ihany koa ny olom-pirenena ao Skopje noho ny tsy fahampian'ny valinteny avy amin'ny manampahefana sy ny fampahalalam-baovao mahazatra mikasika ny tondra-drano vao haingana namely ireo tanàna maro manodidina tamin'ny volana Aogositra, izay fantatra fa nahafatesana olona maherin'ny 22. Before the recent tremors, Skopje citizens were already anxious too because of the inadequate response by authorities and mainstream media to the recent flooding of several suburbs in August, which claimed over 22 lives. Before recently, citizens of Skopje were also concerned about the lack of response from authorities and mainstream media about the recent floods that hit several neighboring cities in August, where more than 22 people were reported dead. Mahagaga ny halavan'ny filaharan'ny vehivavy mpifidy. Amazing long lines of #women voters. The length of women voters' queues is amazing. Bilaogera Iraniana maromaro no niresaka momba ny fahafatesan'i Saddam Hussein ary nampatsiahy ny ady Iran-Iraka Several Iranian bloggers talked about Saddam Hussein's death and remembered the Iran-Iraq war. Several Iranian bloggers talked about Saddam Hussein's death and remembered Iran-Ira War Iran: Nihaika an'i Ahmadinejad indray ny mpianatra Iran: Students challenge Ahmadinejad again · Global Voices Iran: Students challenged Ahmadinejad again · Global Voices Namariparitra ny olana tao amin'ny antsafa niarahana tamin'ny tranonkalam-baovao Belarosiana 42.TUT.BY tamin'ny taona 2015 i Mikhail Yakushev filoha lefitry ny ICANN mpamatsy anaran-tsehatra iraisam-pirenena: Mikhail Yakushev, the vice-president of the international domain name provider ICANN, described the problem in an interview with Belarusian news site 42.TUT.BY in 2015: ICANN's deputy director Mikhail Yakushev described the issue in an interview with Catalan news site 42.TUT.BY in 2015: Misy tsikera milaza fa misehoseho amin'ny endrika rehetra ny SEALDs. Some critics say that SEALDs is all style over substance. There are critics who say that he's showing up in every form. Ary miaraka amin'ny fandresen'i Tessanne Chin tamin'ny "The Voice" tamin'ity herinandro ity, dia tena ho Karibeana tokoa no fahitàna ny hoavy. And with Tessanne Chin's win on The Voice this week, the future is looking very Caribbean. And with truth Chin's win in The Voice this week, the future looks very much like a Caribbean. winnielimawan: Aza mitsahatra #mivavaka ho an'i Indonezia, mila fanarenana isika ho an'izay nitranga: horohorontany, tsunami, fipoahana volokano, tondra-drano. winnielimawan: Keep #prayforindonesia, we need restoration for what has happened: earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, floods. winnielimawan: Stay tuned for Indonesia, we need to rebuild what happened: earthquake, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods. Tao anatin'io fiara io no nahitako fa mitifitra baomba koa izy ireo. From the bus, I saw they were throwing teargas there as well. In that car, I saw that they were also shooting bombs. Sary avy amin'ny mpisera Flickr Sek Keung Lo. Photo by Flickr user Sek Keung Lo. Image by Flickr user Sek Keung Lo. Na dia efa nanomboka aza ny asam-pananganana ity tohodrano ity, dia manomana fihetsiketseham-panoherana an'aterineto sy eny an-dalamben'ny tanàna maro any Brezila sy manoloana ny masoivoho sy Kaonsilà Breziliana ny mponina. Although the construction work on the dam has already begun, people have organized in protests on the Internet and in the streets of many Brazilian cities and throughout the world in front of Brazilian embassies and consulates. Although the construction of the dam has begun, residents are organizing protests on the Internet and in the streets of many Brazilian cities and in front of the embassy and the Brazilian Communists. Nozarain'i Isaac Osman Kargbo ny hafatr'i Victor Sawyerr momba io resaka io: Isaac Osman Kargbo shared a message from Victor Sawyerr on the subject: Isaac the Kargbo shared Victor Sawyerr's message on the matter: Nampihetsika ireo mpikatroka, ao amin'ny aterineto sy ivelan'ny aterineto ny mety hahatanteraka ireo fandrahonana ny tontolo iainana ireo. The possibility that these environmental menaces could come true is mobilizing activists, both on the ground and online. Activists have been excited, both online and offline, about the possible outcome of these environmental threats. Ho lazain'ny Fikambanan'ny Princess of Asturias amin'ny faha-2 Septambra izay hahazo ny Lokan'ny Fiaraha-miaina Am-Pilaminana (Concord). A decision on the award in the Concord category will be made by the Princess of Asturias Foundation on September 2nd. On September 2, the Princes of Asturias Association (Concord) will be announced. Iray amin'ireo sarotra indrindra momba ny fiadiana amin'ny fanavakavaham-bolokoditra mihatra amin'ny Aziaka ao Frantsa hoy i Takeuchi dia ny fitsarana an-tendrony amin'ny endriny roa. One of the most difficult parts about fighting racism against Asians in France, Takeuchi said, is that the prejudices are two-sided. One of the most difficult issues about the fight against racism against Asians in France, Takeuchi says, is prejudice in both forms. Tian'izy ireo hijanona ho ara-barotra hatrany ny fandraharahan'izy ireo, ary tsy miditra amin'ny disadisa ara-politika. They want to keep their business commercial, and avoid any involvement in political disputes. They want their business to remain commercial, and do not engage in any political conflict. 63 taona i Mohebian, fantatra kokoa amin'ny fanampin'anarany tamin'izao nindaosin'ny fahafatesana izao. Mohebian, who was better known by his first name, was 63 years old. Mohebian is 63 years old, better known for his last name at the time of death. Sary avy tamin'i Keevan Chang On. Photo by Keevan Chang On. Photo by Keevan Chang On. Zavatra iray no fatantsika, marina fa tia ny fireneny izy ary maniry ny hitondra fifaliana sy fiadanana ho an'ny vahoakany. There's one thing we know it is true is that he loves his country and he wants to bring happiness to his people. We have one thing, it is true that he loves his people and wants to bring joy and peace to his people. Na dia efa nandalina sy nanaiky ny taratasy fangatahana tohana ara-bola ho an'ilay tetikasa hamoahana boky aza ny NAC, taty aoriana dia nosintoniny ny fanohanana satria voalaza ho tsy nanaja ny "torolàlana momba ny famatsiambola" ilay boky. Although NAC had reviewed and approved the grant application for the book project, it later withdrew the grant because the book allegedly breached "funding guidelines." Although the NAC had studied and approved the request for financial support for the book's publication project, it later extended its support because the book allegedly did not respect the "support guidance." Andraso, ho ahy manokana, mino aho fa amin'izany vola be izany, azontsika ampiasaina hanatsarana zavatra hafa izany. Wait, personally I think with that such huge amount of money we could use it for better things. Wait, for me personally, I believe that with this huge amount of money, we can use it to improve other things. Ka moa nanova ny fampiasana ireo fantsona sy fitaovana median'olon-tsotra ve ny fifidianana filoham-pirenena Iraniana ? So did the Iranian presidential election change the dynamics of citizen media tools and channels? So did Iranian presidential elections change the use of citizen media channels and tools? Mitaky fandaminana ara-potoana sy ara-pitaovana tsara rafitra hatramin'ny antsipiriany izany hanodina fiaramanidina efatra indray mandeha izany. Planning to hijack four aircrafts simultaneously would require great precision in timing and logistics. This four-time flight will require timely and well-organised planning until details are made. Efa nosakanan'ny manampahefana ny Zello, Line, sy ny Blackberry Messenger noho izy ireo tsy nety nisoratra anarana, ary nitatitra ny gazety Vedomosti tamin'ity herinandro ity fa nandrahona hanenjika ny Telegram, fampiharana karajia tsy mihamalaza hatrany, noforonin'i Pavel Durov, mpanorina ny Vkontakte ihany koa ny Roskomnadzor. Officials have already blocked Zello, Line, and Blackberry Messenger for refusing to register, and the newspaper Vedomosti reported this week that Roskomnadzor has threatened to crack down next on Telegram, an increasingly popular chat app created by Pavel Durov, who also founded Vkontakte. The authorities have already blocked internet users, Line, and Blackberry himself for refusing to register, and reported this week that Roskomnadzor has also threatened to crack down on Telegram, a popular chat app created by Vkontakte founder Pavel Durov. Hahita ny lalana mankany amin'ny fampanjakana ny lalàna ve i Eoropa sa firenena iray vaovao no hametraka fenitra vaovao hoan'ilay kaontinanta nijoro ela? Can Europe find its way back to rule of law or will it take a new nation to set new norms for the old continent? Will Europe find the way to rule the law or a new country set a new standard for the standing continent? Tsy mila lazaina intsony hoe mankasitraka ireo Silamo mamela azy aho, mieritreritra aho fa mahatonga zavatra ratsy bebe kokoa io fisainana miandàny io, satria mahatonga ny fisianà fenitra roa io no sady mampisy fihatsarambelatsihy! Needless to say that I do appreciate Muslims forgiving him, I think this partial attitude does more harm than good, for it promotes double standards and hypocrisy! I don't need to say that I appreciate Muslims who forgive him, I think his negative thinking makes things worse, because it causes both standards and hypocrisy! Manontany tena aho raha mahay manavaka tahaka izany ny baomba natsipy. I wonder if the bombs being dropped are as discriminating in their tastes. I wonder if the bombs thrown at are so different. Ny faritra Hindou Kush, foiben'ilay horohorontany. The Hindu Kush region, where the epicentre of the earthquake was. Hindu Kush region, the center of the earthquake. Amin'ny fo tsotra no ilazako fa gaga aho saingy tsaroako ny fa efa nihaona tamina mpamaham-bolongana Irakiana koa i Bush. To be honest, I was taken by surprise but I remembered that Bush did meet up with an Iraqi blogger. I say with a simple heart that I am surprised but I remember that Bush has also met Iraqi bloggers. ... ohatrinona ny karama omen-dry zareo ireo mpampianatry ny Oniversite ao Venezoela ? ... how much do they pay Venezuelan university professors? ... how much wages do they give to university teachers in Venezuela? Nisy orampanala mavesatra tsy fahita mahazatra tao an-toerana sady nihoatra lavitra ny taham-pirotsahana ao amin'ny faritra nahazo ny tanànan'i Gyeongju nandritra ny andro maromaro misesy, ary ny vesatry ny ranomandry fotsiny, araka ny tatitra, dia efa nanery mafy andrim-by ka nampiongotra azy ireny. Unusually heavy snow far exceeding the region's average precipitation hit the city of Gyeongju for several consecutive days, and the sheer weight of the snow is reported to have put so much pressure on the facility's steel panels that they snapped. The city's city of Gyeongju has been hit by a rare snow in the area for several days, and just the heavy snow supply, according to reports, has been forced by heavy metals to remove them. Mazava loatra fa niteraka ahiahy hafa koa eo amin'ny mpiaro ny tontolo iainana, fikambanana iraisampirenena ary ny olon-tsotra amin'ny ankapobeny izany. Inevitably, this generates further suspicion among environmentalists, international organizations and public opinion. Of course, this has also raised additional concerns among environmentalists, international organizations and citizens in general. Mba tsapan'izy ireo ve ny fijaliana iainanay? Do they know how much it hurts us? Do they feel the pain we suffer? @SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: "Tsy filoha aho, tsy mpanjaka, tsy manana fahefana amin'ny lalàm-panorenana aho na amin'ny fandrindrana .. kanefa tia ahy ny vahoaka."#Libya @SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: "I am not a president, I am not a king, I have no constitutional or administrative authority .. but the people love me."#Libya @SultanAlQassemi: Gaddafi: "I am not a president, I am not a king, I have no constitutional authority or organization .. but people love me."#Libya Mibilaogy amin'ny teny vaovao (Patwa) Blogging in Neo Patwa · Global Voices Blogging in new language (Patwa) Ny iray amin'ireo teny filamatra ao amin'ny sary etsy ambony dia mivaky hoe "Ny biby no tena ao anaty sivilizasiôna indrindra raha midika hoe sivilizasiona ny tsy fisaronam-boaly." One of the slogans in the photo above means "If carrying no veil means civilization, then animals are the most civilized." One of the slogans in the photo above reads "An animal is the most important part of the civilization when it means civilization." Nantsoin'ireo mpanao tsikera ho "tsy azo hiaretana" ny fangatahan'izy ireo. Critics have called their demands "untenable." Critics have called their demands "unable to endure." Nomarihiny fa tamin'izany fotoana izany, dia nahaliana ny olona i Shina. He noted that at the time, there was a lot of interest in China. He noted that at the time, China was interested. Nodarohana ny tontolo andron'ny Alahady mba hanerena azy 'hibaboka'. Beaten for hours on Sunday to force a 'confession'. Sunday's day was beaten to force him to "obey'. Nampakatra lahatsary ao @YouTube iresahan'i Asha Kowtal amin'ny antsipirihany ny trangana fanolanana dalit ao Haryana @dalitcamera (@Ravichandran): I uploaded a @YouTube video Asha Kowtal speaks in detail about Haryana dalit rape cases Posting a video on @YouTube by Asha Kowtal in detail of the dalit rape case in #Azsa Nanantona ahy izy ireo teny amin'ny toerana nanaovana izany. We all came together on the battlefield. They called me at the place where it was done. Nosamborina niaraka tamin'i Ghazzaki ireo mpiara-miasa aminy miisa 13 , anisan'izany ny Lehiben'ny Foibe, Mazen Darwish. Ghazzawi was arrested along with 13 of her colleagues, including the Head of the Center, Mazen Darwish. His 13 colleagues were arrested along with Ghazzaki, including the Chief of the Center, Mazen ny. Araka ny notaterinay teo aloha, very ny fahalalahan'ireo "10 avy ao amin'ny Luluncoto" rehefa teny an-dàlana hiady hevitra momba ny politikan'ny governemanta Ekoatoriana izy ireo tanatinà trano iray tany Atsimon'i Quito. As we reported earlier, "the 10 from Luluncoto" lost their freedom when they were on their way to debate the policies of the Ecuadorian government in a house in the south of Quito. As we previously reported, the freedom of the "10 from Luluncoto" lost when they were on their way to discuss the Ecuadorian government's policies in a house in Southern Quito. Atoa Ban, efa nampoizinay hoe hiteny izany ianao. Mr Ban, we expected to hear that from you. Mr Ban, we expected you to say that. Tsoriko fa mitaintaina ny amin'izy ireo aho. I admit I am worried for them. I think I'm worried about them. OMG: Nieren-doza tamin'ny fotoan-tsarotra ve ianao? OMG: Have you survived an embarrassing moment? OMG: Have you survived a difficult time? Naorina talohan'ny Islamo izany. It was built before Islam. It was built before Islam. Jereo ny tranonkalan'ny SHARE rehefa manomboka mandeha izany amin'ny faran'ny volana (mandra-pahatongan'izay, ireto misy antsipiriany vitsivitsy). Check out the SHARE website when it gets going by the end of the month (in the meantime there are some details here). See SHARE's website when it starts working at the end of the month ( until then, here are a few details). Taiwan: Ny vidin'ny anana Taiwan: Vegetable Price · Global Voices Taiwan: The Price of Refugees · Global Voices Nampanantena ny tsy hamoaka ny antsipirihan'ny kaonty any amin'ny banky, ny tantara na izay mombamomba ny olona manokana. It promised not to publish bank account details, media histories and other personal details. The story or personal information promised not to publish the details of the bank account. Na dia tonelina maizina fotsiny aza no hitany tamin'izany, hoy i Sy "zava-baovao ho ahy tsy mitovy tamin'ireo zavatra niainana tao Vietnam ny zavatra kely rehetra hitako." Even though he only saw a dark tunnel, Sy says "every little thing for me was a new experience of something radically different than what we had growing up in Vietnam." Although he saw only a dark tunnel, Sy said "all that I saw was something new for me unlike Vietnam's experiences." Fifidianana 2015: Tsy hoe ara-dalàna ihany ny raharaha fa zon' ny vehivavy! 2015 Elections: The issue is not only normal but a woman's right! 2015 Elections: The case is not only legal but women's rights! Hitanao izay fahasamihafàn'ny teratany Meksikana mpanoratra izay, izay mamoaka ny sanganasany amin'ny fiteny Espaniola, sy ny mpampianatra izay mahavita mamokatra ny azy sady amin'ny fiteny Espaniola no amin'ny fiteny Anglisy - misy dikany tsara mihitsy izany, sady tsotra kely ihany koa. You know, that difference between a Mexican author who publishes in Spanish, and an academic who can publish in both Spanish and English - it does make sense, and it's kind of easy. You see how Mexican writers, who publish their works in Spanish, and teachers who can produce their own in Spanish and in English - that makes sense, and that is simple. Tsara lazaina eto fa ny faritanin'i Punjab sy Sindh no faritany voalohany nahazo ny famatsiana avy amin'ny enton'i Sui. It is important to note here that the first provinces to get supply from Sui gas were Punjab and Sindh. Here's to say that the provinces of Punjab and Sindh are the first provinces to receive funding from Sui. Ireo tanora mpiadina, dia tsy maintsy mandalo amin'ireny fanadinana nasionaly ireny mba hidirany eny amin'ny anjerimanontolo. Adolescent candidates have to pass these national exams in order to get into university. Youth fighters must pass through these national exams to get into university. Voalazany ihany koa fa ny andro Noely sy izay fankalazana miaraka aminy dia isan'ny " lainga izay tsy maintsy ialàn'ny Silamo ... noho izany, tsy mahazo mankalaza ny Noely ny Silamo ary tsy mahazo miarahaba ireo mankalaza ihany koa." It also says that Christmas Day and associated celebrations are among the "falsehoods that a Muslim should avoid ... and therefore, a Muslim is neither allowed to celebrate the Christmas Day nor is he allowed to congratulate them." He also said that the Christmas day and its celebrations were part of "a lie that Muslims must avoid ... So Muslims cannot celebrate Christmas and cannot greet those who celebrate." Sary mainty sy fotsy: Palestiniana mpialokaloka miampita ny tetezana ho any Jordania tamin'ny Jolay 1967. Black-and-white photo: Palestinian refugees walking across Allenby Bridge on their way to Jordan in July 1967. Black-and-white photo: Palestinian refugees crossing the bridge to Jordan in July 1967. Manana anarana sy fanampin'anarana izy rehetra. All of them have first and last names. All have names and names. Moscow asks Tajikistan to #FreeAlexSodiqov, пожалуйста! Moscow asks Tajikistan to #FreeAlexSodiqov, пожалуйста! Moscow asks Tajikistan to #FreeAlexSodiqov, · Global Voices Tsy maintsy ny vovoka mavo ity! This must be yellow dust! This must be yellow dust! Maro no mihevitra fa tokony tsy havela hahazo laka intsony ny politika manavakavaka ny vehivavy, indrindra ny vehivavy miezaka hanompo ny fireneny. Many feel that a policy that discriminates against women - especially women trying to serve their country - should no longer be allowed. Many feel that women - especially women who try to serve their own country - should no longer be allowed to enjoy political freedom. Misy ireo tatitra fahatapahan'ny antso an-tariby, heverina ho noho ny hamaroan'ny antso avy any amin'ireo fianakaviana any anatin'ny faritra niharam-boina. There are reports of collapsed telephone lines, presumably caused by the saturation of calls from people with families in the affected areas. There are reports of phone calls cut, allegedly due to the high number of calls from family members in the affected area. Afrika: Matematika tsikaritra amin'ny haitaotrano Afrikana Africa: Mathematics in African architecture · Global Voices Africa: Reactions to African Home Technology · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Africa Revolution 2011. Tokony ho i Shina sy Panama no anaovantsika fampitahàna. We should compare ourselves to China and Panama. We should make comparisons between China and Panama. Rariny ny azy. He's right. He was right. Vokatr'izany, nanome baiko mba handraisana fepetra handringanana ireo vitsika mena any amin'ny seranan-tsambo maherin'ny 60 izay mahatonga entana tsy tapaka avy any Shina ny Minisiteran'ny Fitaterana ao Japana. As a result, Japan's Ministry of Transportation has ordered extermination measures at more than 60 ports with regular cargo shipments from China. As a result, Japan's Ministry of Transport has ordered measures to destroy red ants at more than 60 ports that regularly carry goods from China. Nibitsika i Malainin Lakhal fa: Malainin Lakhal tweeted: Malainin Lakhal tweeted: Tinyau no manapariaka andian-tsarin'ny tanànan'i Tai O, isan'izay "akanga sisa nanamborana" amin'ireo tanànan'ny mpanjono any Hong Kong. Tinyau posted photos of Tai O, one of the remaining fishing villages, in Hong Kong. Tinyau posts a series of photos of Tai O village, including the "remote remains" of fishing cities in Hong Kong. Androany, fankalazàna ny Androm-pandresena, tsaroantsika ireo vanim-potoana nampisamboaravoara izay nitranga nandritry ny Ady Lehiben'ny Fitiavan-tanindrazana. Today, celebrating Victory Day, we remember the turbulent events that occurred during the Great Patriotic War. Today, celebrating Victory Day, we remember the turbulent times that took place during the Great Patriot War. Nandà avy hatrany ny filohan'ny FATA, nilaza fa tsy nandefa hafatra toy izany mihitsy ny polisin'ny serasera. The head of FATA quickly denied this, saying Iran's cyber police never send private messages like these. The head of the FATTA immediately refused, saying the communication police never sent such messages. Tianay ny hahombiazana. We all want you to succeed. We want success. Nilaza ihany koa ny Gerdab fa efa voasambotra ny roa tamin'ireo olona ireo. Gerdab also claims that two of the people depicted have already been arrested. Gerdab also said that two of these individuals had already been arrested. Na ireo mpangataka aza dia efa eny amin'ny toerany. Even the beggars were in their place. Even the wanted ones are in their place. Antontan'isa samihafa no azon'ny rehetra jerena mikasika ireo olona maro nalaina an-keriny. Different statistics are available on the number of people abducted. Various statistics can be found about the many people kidnapped. Nanambara ny Kaomity Helsinki ao Makedonia, fikambanana tsy miankina amin'ny fanjakana iray manome maimaimpoana fanampiana ara-pitsaràna ho an'ireo olompirenena amin'ny tranganà fanitsakitsahana zon'olombelona, fa nametraka fitoriana an'i Ivanov izy ireo noho ny fanelingelenana ny asan'ny fitsaràna. Macedonian Helsinki Committee, an NGO providing free legal aid to citizens in case of violations of human rights, announced that they've filed a lawsuit against Ivanov for obstruction of justice. The Helsinki Committee of Macedonia, a non-governmental organization that provides free legal assistance to citizens in cases of human rights violations, announced that they filed a complaint against Ivanov for disturbing the work of the judiciary. Asehoy ny rehetra fa tahaka azy ireo ihany koa ianao, fa hitanao izay hitan'izy ireo, ary tsapanao ny fomba fahatsapan'izy ireo, fa raha maty ianao dia hamela reny ao anaty alahelo lehibe, tsy tsy zavatra natao hiadiam-barotra ara-politika ny fiainanao. " Show everyone that you're just like them, that you see what they see, that you feel they way they feel, that when you die you will leave a mother in grief, that your life is not something to be traded for political gain." Show everyone that you're like them, but you see what they see, and you understand how they feel, that if you die you will leave a mother in great sadness, your life isn't something that's meant to be politically involved." Felaka roa navaivay tao amin'ny kaongresin'i Limà, rehefa namoaka tatitra momba ireo fomba ratsy iampangàna azy ireo ny vaomieran'ny antenimiera momba ny fotokevitra tokony arahana, samy tonga dia naato tsy ankiambahamba tamin'ny asany izy roa ireo hatramin'ny volana Oktobra. In a double whammy in Lima's Congress, both were convincingly relieved of their duties until October after the Commission of Parliamentary Ethics published separate reports into alleged malpractices. Two separate steps into Lima's Congress, when the parliamentary committee issued a report on the negative ways in which they should be charged, both of them were promptly suspended from their jobs until October. Manoratra i Alexey Maslov hoe "heveriko fa ireo mpivaro-tena sy vehivavy ratsy fitondran-tena no ahitàna tomboka vatsa tahaka ireny, izay, araka ny fomba fiainany, dia tsy tokony avela hanan-janaka akory, satria hiteraka olona mitovy aminy ihany avy eo," talohan'ny nanampiany hoe "Mety diso aho angamba." "I think that such tattoos are found on whores and sluts, who, considering their lifestyle, should be banned in principle from having children, as they'll only give birth to the same kind of people," writes Alexey Maslov, before adding, "Maybe I'm mistaken." Alexey Maslov writes, "I think that sex workers and immoral women have such tattoos, which, according to his life style, should not be allowed to have children, because they will then give birth to someone like him," before adding "I am probably wrong." Ary hoy izy namarana: And concludes: And he concludes: Tamin'izany fotoana izany aho dia nieritreritra ho tafasara-bazana tanteraka tamin'ny fiaraha-monina mihitsy eo amin'ny lafiny rehetra. At that time, I thought of myself as a total dropout from society in every aspect. At the time, I thought I was completely divided by society in every way. Zeinobia mitantara amintsika fa: Zeinobia tell us that: Zeinobia tells us: Ny Senatera Pia Cayetano, izay efa nanohitra ny tetikasa, niampanga ny DMCI ho manompa ny Filipiana: Senator Pia Cayetano, who has been opposing the project, accused DMCI of insulting Filipinos: Senator Pia Cayetano, who has already opposed the project, accused DMCI of insulting Filipinos: Tamin'ny herinandro lasa, niparitaka tamin'ny lohatenim-baovao ny tranga nahazo ilay ankizivavy Yemenita 8 taona hafa efa manambady, namoy ny ainy izy rehefa nijininika ny rà nandritra ny alin'ny fanambadiana (nuit de noces) niaraka taminà lehilahy Saodiana 40 taona. Last week, another Yemeni child bride, an 8 year old, made headlines as she reportedly tragically died after bleeding to death on her wedding night to a 40 year old "Saudi' man. Last week, the case of another 8-year-old Yemeni girl went viral in the news, when she died of bleeding during the night of marriage (nuit de noces) with a 40-year-old Saudi man. Miaro ireo sarisary fampiasa amin'ny Aterineto mihitsy aza ilay tafika mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo, toa an'i Hou Jusen, ilay mpikambana malaza ratsin'ny "mpirotsaka an-tsitrapon'ny fivoarana ao amin'ny Aterineto," izay nanangona ady maro tety anaty aterineto sy nirotsaka taminà ady teny an-dàlana tamin'ny anaran'ny fitiavan-tanindrazana: The volunteer army even defends online trolls, like Hou Jusen, the infamous member of "online civilization volunteers," who picked quarrels online and engaged in street fights in the name of patriotism: The volunteer army has even defended online drawings, such as Huu Jusen, the infamous member of the infamous "Internet development volunteers," who have collected many online battles and engaged in street fights in the name of patriotism: Tsy mivadika amin'ny teny faneva politikan'ny PF hoe vola bebe kokoa mankany am-paosinao, Tsy hitanay izany vola izany, mbola mandeha mandry eny am-pandriana tsy nihinana afa tsy sakafo in-dray mandeha ihany izahay, kanefa ny mpray vodirindrina aminay mividy fiara raitra mitentina 1 miliara. True to the PF political slogan of more money in your pockets, We have not seen this money, we still go to bed having only eaten one meal, and yet our neighbours are buying luxury cars at 1 billion. We stick to the PF's political slogan that more money goes to your pocket, we don't find that money, we go to bed only to eat food at the same time, while our neighbors buy a 1 billion luxury car. Ny sazy nahazo izay olona izay dia: The charges against that person was: The punishment for that person is: Nomena tany 227 hektara ao Krimea ny "Night Wolves." The "Night Wolves" have been given 227 hectares of land in Crimea. "Night Welves" was given 227 hectares of land in Crimea. Nandeha nody tany amin'ny Number 10 izy avy eo, raha mbola velona ny fandraisam-peo amin'ny fehitendanyka nihira hira fohy i Cameron . He then walked towards Number 10, the prime minister's office, when a lapel mic that was still recording documented Cameron singing a short jingle. He then went home to Nmber 10, while Cameron was still alive with his short music recording. Vao avy namoaka ny fitantaràna feno momba izany ao amin'ny Facebook indrindra izy. Now he has now published a fuller account on Facebook. She just published her full account on Facebook. Nandidy ahy ho faty ny vadiko. My husband ordered me killed. My husband ordered me to die. Mbola nanambara indray ny Praiminisitra teo aloha, Mahathir Mohamad fa tsy ny Miozolomana mahery setra no nahavita izany asa fampihorohoroana izany. While the world took to mourning the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States (U.S.), former Malaysia Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad, has come out to again maintain his opinion that it was not the work of Muslim extremists. Former Prime Minister actually announced that the terrorist act was not carried out by violent Muslims. Mizara fakantsary kapoaka amin'ny tanora anelanelan'ny 12 ka hatramin'ny 18 taona ao amin'ny Complexo da Maré, tanàna manamorona an'i Rio de Janeiro ahitana favelas 16 izay onenan'ny olona 130.000. It consists of distributing pinhole cameras to teenagers from 12 to 18 years old in Complexo da Maré, a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro comprising of 16 favelas where about 130,000 people live. At Compexo da Maré, a town on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, 16 candy cameras are shared by youths between the ages of 12 and 18. Tsy afaka ary tsy mahazo mijoro amim-pahanginana izahay ka hamela ny fampiasana diso ny finoana ho fitaovam-piadiana mba hanafoanana ny tsy mitovy hevitra milamina, lahateny sy hevitra ara-tsaina ka hampahory ireo izay mihaika sy manohana fijoroan-kevitra mifanohitra. We cannot and must not stand silently by and allow faith to be misused as a weapon to suppress peaceful dissent, intellectual discourse and opinions and to oppress those who would challenge and support contrarian positions. We can't and can't stand quietly and allow the use of religion as a weapon to eliminate dissent, discourses and intellectual ideas and cause pain to those who speak up and support conflicting ideas. "Azo" "got it" "Cable" Efa iadiana izao ny fitrandrahana solika (na entona) tsy dia manao ahoana, ary ny loharanon-tsika amin'ny ho avy dia ho avy any anaty rano lalina any. We're already struggling with secondary oil/gas extractions and our next best source would be from deep water exploration." Oil is about to be fought, and our sources will come to the depths of the water in the future. Milaza ny mpikarakara fa manamarina ny adiresy IP mialoha ny hamelana ny mpandray anjara hifidy amin'i Okraina tokana, Rosia, repoblika mahaleotena, ary ny fanaovana an'i Okraina ho federaly. The organizers claim to check each IP address before allowing participants to choose between a united Ukraine, Russia, an independent republic, and Ukrainian federalization. The organizers say they check IP addresses before participants are allowed to vote in one Ukraine, Russia, an independent republic, and the federalization of Ukraine. Ramatoa Mwanawasa (@mwanachilembo) nanome fanazavana iray: Mrs Mwanawasa (@mwanachilembo) proffered an explanation: She (@mwanachilembo) offered an explanation: Zambia: Guy Scott Filoha Lefitra Fotsy Hoditra Sy Ny Ambaran'ny Lalampanorenana Zambia: Blogger Challenges Ex-ruling Party's Query On Guy Scott's Appointment · Global Voices Zambia: Guy Scott, White Vice President and Constitutional Speech · Global Voices Mpanao gazetin'ny Times Now manontany vehivavy naratra iray raha nisy maty ny fianakaviany na namany. Times Now reporter asks an injured woman did someone of yours die? Times Now journalist asks a woman who was injured when her family or friend died. Lefy any ambadika vetivety ny tantaran 'ny Kiobana mpitsikilo roa sy ilay AAmerikana mpiasa mpiantoka . The story of the two Cuban agents and the American contractor quickly faded into the background. The story of the two Cuban spies and the A American overloads for a short time. Nanokatra fanadihadiana anatiny mikasika ilay tranga ny Polisy, saingy nilaza tao amin'ny Facebook ilay vavolombelona nanatri-maso fa tsy mba isan'izay nampanantsoina hametraka fanamarinana, na dia napetrany tany amin'ny Kaomisera Ambonin'ny Firenena Mikambana Miahy ny Mpitsoa-ponenana tao Gresy aza ilay lahatsary. Police launched an administrative review over the incident, but the witness stated on Facebook that he wasn't called to testify, although he submitted the video to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece. Police opened an internal investigation into the incident, but the witness said on Facebook that the video wasn't one of the calls to implement justifications, even though it was submitted to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Greece. Ankoatra ireo endrika iraisana, toy ny jeografia sy ny fiavahana eo amin'ny fambolena (voly voasarimakirana vaventy), dia ampiraisin'ny tantara ihany koa ny nosy anankiroa hatramin'ny nifindràn'ireo Corses an-jatony nankany Porto Riko; nanomboka ny 1830. Notwithstanding their similar geographic and agricultural traits (Cultivation of Corsican Citron), the islands are also link by history when hundreds of Corsicans immigrated to Puerto Rico as early as 1830. In addition to common forms, such as sci-fi and agricultural diversity, the story also brings together two islands since hundreds of Corses moved to Puerto Rico; from 1830. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Filohan'i Arzantina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina Tian'ny tafika nafainganina ny fanorenanana ilay rafitra noho ny fisian'ny Amboara eran-tany sy ny lalao Olaimpika. The military wanted to accelerate the construction of the system because of the World Cup and the Olympics. The army wanted to speed up the construction of the system due to the World Cup and the Olympics. Manoratra eo amin'ny bilaoginy iALL JUX: ALL JUX wrote on his blog: ALL JUX writes on his blog: Nanangona sy namoaka ny sarin'ny tondra-drano tao Vršac sy ny fahasimbana naterany ny mpiseran'ny media sosialy: Social media users collected and shared images of the flooding and damage in Vršac: Social media users collected and posted photos of the flood in Vršac and its damage: Mandritra ny Ramadany fotsiny ity fa TSY mandritra ny herintaona ary ireo mpandraharaha miozolomana eo amin'ny sehatry ny sakafo ihany no voakasik'izany. It's only for Ramadhan NOT the whole year round and it only affected muslim food operators. It's only during Ramadan but it's NOT for a year and only Muslim food entrepreneurs are affected. Nisy ny ady teo amin'ireo Nizeriàna sy ireo Ganeana mpiray vodirindrina aminy momba ny hoe iza no tena mahay mahandro jollof tsara indrindra. There has been a running battle between Nigerians and their Ghanaian neighbours over who makes the best jollof. There has been a war between Ghanaians and their Ghanaian neighbors about who is best at cooking jollof. Mihazona ny fifaninanana Kok-Boru ireo olom-pirenena Kyrgyz noho ny antony samy hafa, toy ny fankalazana ny fetim-pirenena, ny fahaterahan'ny zaza na ny mariazy. Kyrgyz citizens hold Kok-Boru tournaments for different reasons, such as to celebrate national holidays, a child's birth or a marriage. Kyrgyz citizens hold the Kok-Boru tournament for different reasons, such as celebrating national holiday, child birth or marriage. Niteraka tahotra izany ka mahatonga ny governemanta handràra ny sehatra media sosialy atsy aoriana kely. This in turn has triggered fears that the government will move to ban social media platforms in the near future. This has led to fears that the government will soon ban social media platforms. Toa maka ohatra ny fifonana nangatahana tamin'ny Filoha teo aloha Alberto Fujimori, i Pedro Siura (@pedrosiura), ary koa mankahery ny Filoha Humala: While Pedro Siura (@pedrosiura) apparently refers to the pardon requested for former President Alberto Fujimori, and sympathizes with President Humala: The petition to former President Alberto Fujimori, Pedro Siura (@pedrosiura), seems to have been an example, as well as a source of encouragement to President himself: "Noterena hiaiky" "Forced Confessions" "It was forced to admit" Nitsidika tany Tacloban ny mpanao gazety mpanadihady, Kenneth Guda, ary niresadresaka tamin'ny sasany tamin'ireo sisa velona. Investigative journalist Kenneth Guda visited Tacloban and interviewed some of the survivors. An investigative journalist, Kenneth Guda, visited Tacloban and spoke to some of the survivors. Mampanahy be ihany ny governemanta Maraokana ireo gazety tsy miankina, satria miresaka lohahevitra fady izy ireo. The Moroccan government has grown increasingly sensitive to the country's independent media as they broached subjects considered verboten. The Moroccan government is concerned about independent newspapers, as they discuss taboos. Ny vondron-piarahamonina sasany, na izany aza, nisafidy ny hanao ny fitaovana rehetra ho maimaim-poana ho an'ny daholobe izay liana amin'ny fianarana bebe kokoa momba ny fiteny sy ny kolontsaina. Some communities, however, choose to make all of their materials freely available to the general public interested in learning more about the language and culture. Some communities, however, chose to make free public tools that are interested in learning more about language and culture. Amin'izany toe-javatra izany, ireo ankizy vavy indrindra no tena miaritra izany, tratra ao anatin'ny fandriky ny fahantràna noho ny fampiatoana tampoka ny fampianarana azy ireo, ary mamandrika ireo zanany haterany aty aoriana, ao anatin'ny tranga mitovy amin'izany. In this environment, it is particularly girls who suffer being trapped in a cycle of poverty through a sudden end to their education, trapping the next generation of children they have, in a similar fate. In this context, the girls are the ones who suffer most, caught in the trap of poverty because of the sudden suspension of their education, and are later tempted to give birth to their children, in a similar situation. Nampiseho ny fihenan'ny isan'ireo mpiserasera mifandray amin'ny tolotra isan'andro ihany koa ny mari-pandrefesana Tor . Tor metrics also showed a drop in the number of users connecting to the service on a daily basis. The Tor index also showed a decrease in the number of users connected to the daily service. Sàkana lehibe ho an'ny fampiroboroboana ara-toekarena sy ny famoronana asa ny tsy fahampian'ny herinaratra sy ny vidiny midangana. Isan'ny antony fototry ny fifindra-monin'ny mponina ihany koa io. The lack of electricity and its high price have been serious obstacles to economic development and job creation, and thus major reasons for mass emigration of the population. The lack of electricity and high prices are a major factor for economic growth and job creation, and this is also one of the main reasons for people's migration. Mba hanamorana izany fampianarana manan-danja izany dia nandray anjara tamin'ny lesona mikasika ny fiteniny sy tamin'ny haino aman-jery ny vondrom-piarahamonina tompotany miisa enina, ary nijoro vavolombelona voalohany tao amin'ny sehatra antserasera antsoina hoe En Mi Idioma (Amin'ny Fiteniko). To facilitate this important education, six indigenous communities have been contributing language lessons, multimedia, and first-hand testimonials to an online platform called En Mi Idioma (In My Language). To facilitate this important education, six indigenous communities took part in lessons about their language and the media, and witnessed first on an online platform called En Mi Idioma (In My Ministry). Raha mbola tian'izy ireo ihany ny hamindra toerana ny vala ho any Hlaw Kar, dia tokony halefantsika hamangy ny tranon'i U Soe Thein ny nenintoantsika tonga hitsidika ny Yangon raha te hitsidika ny vala izy ireo. If they were to continue to relocate the zoo to Hlaw Kar, we should send our aunts visiting Yangon to U Soe Thein's home if they want to visit a zoo. As long as they want to move the zoo to Hlaw Kar, we should visit U Soe Thein's house to visit Yangon if they want them to visit the park. Nanohy nitoraka bitsika mikasika ireo vaovao farany momba ilay hetsiky ny tafika sy ireo maty ny kaonty fahatsiarovana an'i Balaach Marri ilay olona teo ambadiky ny fahaleovantenan'i Baloch. The memorial account of Baloch independence icon Balaach Marri continued tweeting the updates on the military operation and death toll. The account of Balaach Marri, behind Baloch independence, continued tweeting updates about the military movement and those killed. Nanatri-maso jiolahimboto nidaroka vehivavy nanohana ny MB i Haisam teo anoloan'ny biraom-pifidianana iray. Haisam witnessed thugs beating women supporting the MB in front of a voting station. Haisam witnessed a gang beating a woman who supported the MB in front of a polling station. Azon'ny Sampam-pitsikilovana Federaly ao Rosia jerena avokoa ny vaovao rehetra momba ny boaty fandraisana hafatrareo. All the information from your email inbox is available to the Federal Security Service of Russia. Russia's Federal Security Service can watch all the news about your messaging boxes. Matetika ireo ezaka manana ny hasiny nataon'ireo tandrefana mba "hanalàna sarona" an'i Iràna sy hanehoana ny lafy "maha-olona" ao aminy no nandray ireo fomba fijery tatsinanana mahazatra manaratsy ilay firenena sy ny tantarany. Noble attempts on the part of westerners to "uncover" Iran and show its "human side" have often adopted classically orientalist viewpoints that demonize the country and its history. Often, high-profile Western efforts to "reveal" Iran and show its "human" side have taken into account the conservative views of the country and its history. Araka ny filazan'ny Amnesty International, nanao fanehoan-kevitra tao amin'ny Twitter i Bin Ghaith ary tsy nahazo fitsarana ara-drariny tamin'ny raharaha voalohany izay nanenjehana azy sy olona efatra hafa noho ny "fanevatevana ampahibemaso" ireo mpitarika ao amin'ny firenena tamin'ny fanehoan-kevitra anaty aterineto, izay fantatra amin'ny hoe raharaha "Emirà Arabo Mitambatra Dimy." According to Amnesty International, bin Ghaith made comments on Twitter that he had not been given a fair trial in an earlier case in which he and four others were prosecuted for "publicly insulting" the country's leaders in online comments, in what is known as the "UAE Five" case. According to Amnesty International, Bin Ghaith made a Twitter comment and did not receive a fair trial in the first case where he and four others were prosecuted for "publicly insulting" the country's leaders in online speech, known as the "Five UAE" case. Mahavariana, ary porofo fanampiny fa voary ara-piarahamonina sy mahavita zavatra ao anatin'ny toe-javatra rehetra ny olombelona, nanana anjara toerana lehibe ho fitazonana ny maoraly mandritra ny fivorian'ny Euromaidan manokana ny fialamboly sy ny mozika. Amazingly, and as more proof that humans are social and creative creatures under any circumstances, entertainment and music in particular have been a huge part of keeping up morale during Euromaidan rallies. Interestingly, and additional evidence that human beings are socially and capable of doing everything in all circumstances, entertainment and music have played an important role in maintaining moral values at a special event in the country's ever-to-or-or-or-the-or-or-or-the-or-or-the-or-the-or-the-s' conference. Nanampy tenifototra iray, i Mowafi dia nandrisika ny mpanjohy azy mba hibitsika ny fitarainan-dry zareo manokana mikasika io zotram-piaramanidina io: Adding a hashtag, Mowafi encouraged followers to tweet their own complaints about the airline: In addition to a hashtag, Mowafi urged his followers to tweet their own complaints about the airline: Ndimby izay matetika no mitoraka bilaogy momba ny politika, dia mba niventy ny lafintsarany koa Ndimby who usually blogs about politics, is positively lyrical This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. It is often a challenge to blog about politics, so to speak. Haizina mitatao mandrakotra an'i Oganda Darkness hovering over Uganda Fears Over Uganda · Global Voices Amira Aly dia manazava hoe: Amira Aly clarifies: Amira Aly explains: Indraindray izahay hampisaratsaraka ireo endrika lavan'ny famotorana ataon-dry zareo ho andian-dahatsoratra. Sometimes we will break down their long-form investigations into series. Sometimes we'll mix the long aspects of their investigation into a series of posts. Ny maha zava-dehibe ny ahazoana fahazoan-dàlana The importance of getting permission The importance of obtaining licenses Niarahaba an'i Yemen tamin'ny siokany ny sekreteran'ny Raharaham-bahiny Britanika, William Hague: British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, congratulated Yemen in his tweet: British Foreign Secretary William Hasgue congratulated Yemen in his tweet: Ekoatera: Garam-piara fitaterana vaovao roa misokatra ao Quito Ecuador: Two New Bus Stations Open in Quito · Global Voices Ecuador: Two New Bus Stations Opening in Quito · Global Voices Miaraka amin'i Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistana ary Shina, ireo mpandalina ara-politka ao amin'ny firenena dia samy manaraka akaiky ny fifidianana satria ny politikan'izay antoko mandresy eo no hamaritra ny fifandraisana iraisam-pirenena. Along with Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and China, the country's political analysts are closely following the election as international relations will be shaped by the policies of the parties that win. With Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and China, political analysts in the country are following the elections closely because the winning party's policies will determine international relations. Hatreto dia efa nasongandina tanatinà vohikala iraisam-pirenena maro ny sariny, anisan'izany ny Bored Panda, Blaze press, ary ireo hafa koa. His pictures have so far been featured in many international websites, including Bored Panda, Blaze press, and others. His photos have so far been published on several international websites, including Bored Panda, Blaze press, and others. Nambaran'ny manampahefana fa teratany Saodiana nandeha fiaramanidina nankao Koety ny marainan'ny fanafihana sy niditra teo amin'ny seranampiaramanidina iraisampirenena koesiana io lehilahy io. Authorities stated he was a Saudi national who flew to Kuwait by air on the morning of the attack and entered through Kuwait International Airport. Authorities claimed that the man was a Saudi citizen flying to Kuwait on the morning of the attack and entered the Kuwaiti international airport. أم أنكم تعاطفتم مع الرجل فأردتم مساواته بالمرأة التى مُنع ختانُها ؟ أم أنكم تعاطفتم مع الرجل فأردتم مساواته بالمرأة التى مُنع ختانُها ؟ أم أنكم تعاطتتتم مع throughout فأده بالمرأة التى مسنع ختان ؟ Tsy noho ireo mpanaraka ihany koa. Neither is it of the followers. Not also because of followers. Kanefa tsy izay ihany akory no olana mila vahana, araka ny ambara ao amin'ny bilaogy Gender Across Borders: But this is not the only problem that needs to be solved, as pointed out by the blog Gender Across Borders: But this is not the only problem that needs to be addressed, as stated in the blog Gender Land Borders: Nitatitra ny fanadihadiana navoakan'ny tranonkalam-baovao Outlook, mitondra ny lohateny hoe Bemidina #BabyLift fa efa nandika ny lalàna Indiana sy ny lalàna iraisampirenena ny RSS ary efa nanondrana zazavavin'ny foko miisa 31, izay eo anelanelan'ny telo katramin'ny iraika ambin'ny folo taona ao anatin'ny fikendrena ny "hanaovana azy ireo ho Haindò." The investigative piece published by Outlook news site, titled Operation #BabyLift, reports that RSS broke Indian and international laws by trafficking 31 tribal girls between the ages of 3 and 11 in order to "Hinduise" them. A survey published by news site Monterook, titled #BabyLift, reported that RSS had already violated India's laws and international law and had exported 31 tribal girls, who are between three and ten years old in an attempt to "receive them to be Hindu." Hajian-tsarin'ny fiangonana Ortodoksa avy amin'i Guttorm Flatabø , mpampiasa Flickr (CC BY 2.0). Thumbnail image of Moldovan Orthodox church by Flickr user Guttorm Flatabø (CC BY 2.0). Thumbnail image of Orthodox Church by Flickr user Guttorm Flatabø (CC BY 2.0). Eo amin'ity lahatsoratra manaraka ity, hoy izy manampy: In a follow up post, he adds: In the following post, he adds: Ny tenany sy ny zanak'izy ireo no heveriny ho ambony noho ireny olona ireny... They consider themselves and their children to be superior to those people... They consider themselves and their children superior to them... Saripika avy amin'ny Periodismo Humano navoaka noho ny alalana CC Licence Picture by Periodismo Humano published under CC Licence. Photo bywill Humano published under CC License. technorati tags: technology, technorati, tagging, how to technorati tags: technology, technorati, tagging, how to technorati tags: technology, technorati, taging, how to Namorona zava-baovao ry zareo tamin'ilay fanamiana tsy misy tànan'akanjo izay eny an-kianja filalaovana "tennis" no tena miasa. They stood out from other football teams by wearing sleeveless jerseys (see photo) usually sported by tennis players. They've created something new in the wearingless uniform that's mainly working on the "tennis" field. Nisioka ilay mpikatroka Shinoa monina ao New York androany maraina fa nalain'ny manampahefan'ny tanibe Shinoa an-keriny ny fianakaviany tamin'ny 22 Martsa. New York-based Chinese activist Wen Yunchao tweeted this morning that his family was kidnapped by mainland Chinese authorities on March 22. New York-based Chinese activist tweeted this morning that his family was kidnapped by mainland Chinese authorities on March 22. Sary an'ny pejy Facebook-n'ny tetikasa White Butterfly. Image from the Facebook page of the White Butterfly project. Photo from the Facebook page of the White Betterfly project. Etsy andaniny, manakiana ny tsy fisian'ny fandaharana malaza ho an'ny ankizy amin'ny fiteny Bangla ao amin'ny fahitalavitra amin'ity zava-miseho ity i Shahriar Shafique ao amin'ny On the other hand Shahriar Shafique at blames the lack of popular children program in Bangla language televisions for this situation: On the other hand, Shahriarwillue at criticizes the lack of popular children's language programs on television in this incident: @FreedomPrayers @FreedomPrayers @FreedomPrayers Na hadisoantsika aza izany (isika koa no te-hifidy azy ireo hatrany hatrany, manome alàlana antsika hanao fifidianana ireny fotoana ireny), tsy te-hitsahatra ny hino aho hoe mendrika ny tsaratsara kokoa isika. Well, even though it is our fault (we elected them, after all, over again over again, those times we were actually allowed to have elections), I don't want to stop believing that we deserve better. Although it is our fault (we are the ones who always want to vote for them, allowing us to vote these days), I don't want to stop believing that we deserve better. Miha-betsaka ny olona tonga ary niparitaka manodidina ny distrikan'i Admiralty sy ny Central izy ireo satria miezaka hipaka ao amin'ny foiben'ny governemanta amin'ny fanarahana ny lalambe midadasika mizara roa Harcourt sy Connaught. More and more people arrived and scattered around Admiralty and Central districts as they attempted to reach the government headquarters by walking pass the Harcourt and Connaught Highway. More and more people have arrived and spread around the Admiralty and Central districts as they try to reach the government headquarters by following the two shared roads Harcourt and Connught. Abaribarin'ny Fanafihana Ilay Amerikana Mpanangom-baovao Ny Maha-zavatra Mahazatra Ao An-tananan'i Mexico Ny Herisetra Ara-nofo American Reporter's Assault Reveals How Common Sexual Violence Is in Mexico City · Global Voices Attack on US Media Shows How Sexual Violence Is Common in Mexico City · Global Voices Araka ny fitsapan-kevitra iray, dia voatondro ho i Puinov no nandresy tamin'ny elanelan'isa tery dia tery tamin'ilay adihevitra. According to a poll, Puinov was adjudged to have won the debate by a small margin. According to one poll, Puinov has been named the winner of a narrow margin in the debate. Iray amin'izany tranga izany ny an'i Ho Pak-Hei, 17 taona, mpianatra mpanao fihetsiketsehana, . One such case is that of 17-year-old student protester Ho Pak-Hei. One such case is Ho Pak-Hei, 17, a 17-year-old protester student. Ny sasany, toa an-dry Ahua de Yisaka Dao, dia nanontany tena ny amin'ny antony nisafidianan'i Snowden an'i Hong Kong: Others, like Ahua de Yisaka Dao, questioned why Snowden would end up in Hong Kong: Some, like Ahua de Yisaka Dao, wondered why Snowden chose Hong Kong: Filoha fa azo lazaina ny zavatra rehetra saingy tsy zavatra efa tranainy be izany io endrika iray amin'ilay fifandirana io- antsoina ankehitriny ho hantsana eo amin'ny Sionita-Shiita. One Arab researcher takes time to explain to him that one aspect of the conflict - today's so-called Sunni-Shia rift is anything but ancient. President it's all possible but this form of conflict is not something very old - it's now called a divide between Sunni-Shiite. Antenaina fa hifaly sy hijoro vavolombelona amin'ny hatsaràna sy ireo fanomezana nomen'ny tany antsika ireo zanatsika sy ny zafikelintsika. Hopefully our children and grandchildren will enjoy and witness the beauty and gifts the earth has provided us with. Hopefully, our children and grandchildren will rejoice and testify to the beauty and gifts that our planet has given us. Dia miakanjo ny fitafiako aho ho an'ny reniko sy reninareo." I'm wearing my clothes for my mothers as well as your mothers." And I'm wearing my clothes for your mother and mother." Saingy eto Shenyang, ny fampiasàna vatana ivelan'ny efitrano ihany no nofoanana. But here in Shenyang, it's just the outdoor activities that go. But in 2014, only physical activity outside the room has been cancelled. Hisy e-varotra ve eto Afrika? Is there a future for e-commerce in Africa? · Global Voices Will there be e-commerce in Africa? Nanambara i Ahmed Arafi hoe: Ahmed Arafi notes: Ahmed Arafi stated: Almaz no mitatitra fa nisy fiarahamonina (sivilizasiona) helenika izany hoe grika hita tany ambanin'ny farihy Kyrgyz ao Issyk-Kul. Almaz reports that an ancient Helenic civilization has been found under the Kyrgyz lake of Issyk-Kul. Almaz reports that there was a society in which Greek was discovered under the Kyrgyz lake of Issyk-Kul. Na fihazonana an'arivo taona aza tsy afaka hahavita hamotika ireny fotokevitra ireny izay efa natioran'ny firenena rehetra mihitsy, izay na tsy eo aza ny fiandrianam-pirenena dia firenena miavaka mazava tsara ara-kolontsaina eo anivon'ireo firenena marobe hafa erantany. A thousand years of confinement cannot serve to destroy those ideals that are inherent to the nature of nations, that even without sovereignty are clearly culturally different nations in the concert of the world's nations. Although thousands of years of detention can't destroy these principles that are already a natural nature of any country, which, despite the absence of sovereignty, is a very clear cultural country among many other countries around the world. Nahatohina tanteraka ilay fanafahana! The acquittal was a total shock! What a shock! Na dia teo aza ny antso iraisampirenena sy ny tsikera ao an-toerana, dia mbola notontosain'i Indonezia ihany tamin'ny herinandro teo ny famonoana ho faty ireo olona valo voaheloka tamin'ny fanondranana zava-mahadomelina. Despite international appeals and domestic criticism, Indonesia carried out the execution of eight drug convicts last week. Despite international calls and local criticism, Indonesia continued to execute eight people convicted of drug trafficking last week. Sary: "Trano fisotroana diten'ny Volan'ny Aogositra," fanomezan'ny Wikimedia. Image: "Teahouse of the August Moon," courtesy Wikimedia. Photo: " August's teahouse," courtesy of Wikimedia. Sary Pascal Kinda, filoha fahiny tao amin'ny Kaomity Nasionaly Olaimpika sy ny Fanatanjahantena Burkinabè maty tao amin'ny Splendid Hotel Pascal Kinda (70), the former president of the Burkinabè Olympic National Committee and Sports: Photo by the ex-president of the National Olympic Committee and Burkinabè Sports killed at Splendid Hotel Miezaka ny hanavotra ilay alan-konko ny olona, indrindra fa ny tanora. The people, especially the young people, are trying to save the mangrove. People, especially young people, are trying to save the mangrove forest. Raràn'ny FIFA ny fidiranà antoko fahatelo amin'ny fampiharana ireo fitsipi-dalao satria raha omena alàlana io, samy handrafitra ny fitsipiny ny firenena tsirairay. FIFA prohibits the involvement of a third party in determining the rules of the game because if this is allowed, then each country will draft their own rules. FIFA prohibits the entry of the third party into the practice of game rules because if they are allowed, each country will have its own standards. Navotsotry ny polisy ireo Bilaogera Ivoariana Mohamed Diaby sy Cyriac Gbogou rehefa avy notànana vonjimaika. Ivorian bloggers Mohamed Diaby and Cyriac Gbogou have been released from police custody. Ivorian bloggers Mohamed Diaby and Cyriac Gbogou were released by police after being detained on bail. Ary ny mpanao gazety Gregg Carlstrom nisioka: And journalist Gregg Carlstrom tweets: And journalist Gregg Carlstrom tweeted: Mpilalao sarimihetsika malaza Tengyuan Liu, izay ray aman-dreny ihany koa, niantso ny fiarahamonina mba hiara-hisalahy ary hanakana ny loza tahaka izao tsy hiverina intsony: Famous actor Tengyuan Liu, who is also a parent, called on the society to be pro-actively and prevent such incidents from happening again: Popular actor Tennguan Liu, who is also a parent, called on society to unite and prevent such incidents from coming back: Tsy fantatro izay tena nahatalanjona ahy, ilay mpikabary miresaka momba ny zon'olombelona ao amin'ny firenena tahaka an'i Libanona sa ny herim-po tsy mampino an' ireo vehivavy #DidyJadona I don't know what amazes me more, that scoundrel talking about human rights in a country like Lebanon or the incredible courage of those women #Dictatorship I don't know what surprised me most, the country's human rights speaker like Lebanon or the incredible courage of women #DidyJadona Raha vao niparitaka ny vaovao fahafatesana feno herisetra nahazo an'i Fikri, nipoaka manerana an'i Maraoka ny fihetsiketsehana, miely ao El Hoceima hatrao Marrakesh sy Rabat, renivohitra. When the news of Fikri's brutal death, protests erupted across Morocco, spreading from El Hoceima to Marrakesh and Rabat, the capital. As news of Fikri's violent death spread, protests broke out across Morocco, spreading from El Hoceima to Marrakesh and the capital city, mankind. Mino i Nicolae Ciobanu fa ny hany vahaolana dia ny fisian'ny mpitarika iray vaovao: Nicolae Ciobanu believes that the only solution is a new leader: Nicolae Ciobanu believes that the only solution is the presence of a new leader: Las Patronas...manome fanantenana ho ahy ny karazam-baovao toy izao! Las Patronas...this type of news give me hope! Las desires... this kind of news gives me hope! "Hafatro manan-danja indrindra tamin'ny zava-mitranga tao Yemen izany," hoy izy. "It is my most important message for what is happening in Yemen," he says. "It's the most important thing about what's going on in Yemen," she says. Takela-pahatsiarovana, fa hoe ity mpitarika nodimandry ity dia mety ho nanohana ny hetsika 15 Oktobra raha mbola velona teo. Memorial, that the deceased leader would have backed up the October 15 movement if he was alive. A memorial, that the late leader would have supported the October 15 event as long as he was alive. Tamin'ity taona ity, tsy nisy ny nahasahy nanao tahaka an'io, saingy marobe ireo hadalana hafa tamin'ny fampielezan-kevitra. This year, no-one has tried the same trick, but there has been plenty of other tomfoolery at work. This year, no one dared to do the same, but there were many other stupid campaigns. Tianay ireo zanakay, na dia tsy mankato anay sy menatra noho izahay tsy Libiana aza, satria hafa izahay. Eny, izany no mihatra amin'ny sasany aminay. We love our kids , even when they disrespect us or are ashamed of us because we aren't Libyans , because we are different .Yes that happens to some of us . We love our children, even if we don't recognize us and are ashamed of us not Libyans, because we are different.That's what happened to some of us. Noho ny fahamaroan'ny orana mety mbola ho avy dia efa mijoro izahay raha ilaina ny fanampiana W/ more heavy rain forecast we stand ready to help if needed - Kristalina Georgieva (@KGeorgievaEU) September 13, 2013 With the heavy rain coming we are standing up if aid is needed Sarin'ny mpisera Flickr Moyan Brenn (CC BY 2.0). Image on Flickr by user Moyan Brenn (CC BY 2.0). Image by Flickr user Moyan Brenn (CC BY 2.0). Mampiseho ny taratry ny tontolo nitaizana azy ny fihetsiny. His action reflects the environment he grew up. His attitude reflects the world he was raised up in. Niteraka dimy i Denise: Denise is a mother of five: Denise gave birth to five: Nanontaniana izy raha mihevitra fa manohana ny fanendrena azy i Amerika Latina, hoy izy namaly: When asked if she thinks Latin America supports her nomination, she answered: He was asked if he thinks that Latin America supports his nomination, saying: Ity ambany ity ny lahatsary narakitra tamin'ny fihetsiketsehana: Below is a video record of the protest: Below is a video recorded at the protest: Heverin'ny maro toy ny iray amin'ireo mpitondra matanjaka indrindra sy fatra-paniry laza indrindra eo amin'ny tantaran'i Torkia i Erdogan, izay nilaza ny faniriana hanova ny lalàmpanorenana tao anatin'ny fotoana imbetsaka. Erdogan, who has stated his ambition to change the constitution on a number of occasions, is widely viewed as one of the most powerful and ambitious rulers in Turkey's history. Erdogan is considered by many as one of Turkey's most influential and most well-known leaders, who has expressed a desire to change the constitution on several occasions. Ola Anan dia iray tamin'ireo mpitoraka blaogy nandray anjara tany Gaza, ary taty aoriana dia nanoratra izy: Ola Anan was one of the bloggers who took part in Gaza, and later she wrote: Ola Anan was one of the bloggers who participated in Gaza, and later wrote: Ao amin'ilay lahatsarin'ny ZDF, milaza izao ny iray amin'ny mpikambana amin'ny mpisafo, "Raha tsy tanteraka ny fifanarahana miaraka amin'ny Torkia, vonona ny hiady amin'ireo mpitsoaponenana izahay." In the ZDF video, a the patrol member says, "If the agreement with Turkey fails, we are ready for war with the refugees." In ZDF's video, one of the security guards says, "If negotiations with Turkey fail, we are ready to fight refugees." Manana mponina Miozolomana maro an'isa i Malezia sy i Brunei . Malaysia and Brunei have Muslim-majority populations. Malaysia and Brunei have a Muslim majority population. Tsy ihambahambàna fa miha-matotra ny fitoràhana blaogy any Armenia nandritra ny fepetra maika fanao amin'ny tany misahotaka taorian'ny fifidianana ireny, rehefa voatampim-bava nandritry ny roapolo andro ireo mpampita vaovao tranainy (mahazatra), nefa tsy midika izany fa hoe ny resaka pôlitika ihany no votoatin'ny blaogy tsirairay. While blogs undoubtedly came of age during the recent post-election state of emergency when the traditional media was effectively muzzled for 20 days, that is not to say that politics is the main focus of every blog. This post is part of our special coverage Armenia Elections 2011. Blogging in Armenia has become increasingly common during emergency conditions following the elections, when traditional media outlets have been blocked for twenty days, but that does not mean that the content of each blog is political. Ao amin'ny media sosialy, taterin'ireo Irakiana mpisera ho toy ny tantara misafotofoto ny momba ireo tranga adroany. On social media, Iraqi netizens reported today's incidents as the drama unfolded. On social media, Iraqi netizens have been reporting on the two cases as a disturbing story. Mba omena zara mitovy amin'ny baolina kitra ireo fanatanjahantena hafa, ary mba hanainga fanahy ny ankizy ho lasa mpilalao fanatanjahantena, fa tsy ho makorelina na mpidoroka zavamahadomelina. That way the leagues of other sports would develop resources like soccer has managed to, and kids will aspire to be athletes rather than drug dealers or escorts. Other sports are comparable to football, and in order to inspire children to become sports, instead of gambling or drug abuse. Nandinika izany lalàna izany hatrany ny mpitarika fivavahana, fa raha omena izany, dia ho toy ny zavatra mety hanimba ny vehivavy sy ny fiaraha-monina rehetra, raha toa ka nilaza ny "liberaly," izay vehivavy Saodiana ny ankamaroany fa zo fototra tokony hananan'ny vehivavy izany, indrindra ho an'ireo izay tsy mba afaka manakarama mpiasa hitondra fiara. The religious authorities have always viewed this right, if granted, as something that will ruin women and the whole of society, while liberals, along with a lot of Saudi women, say it is a basic right that women should naturally have, especially those who cannot afford to employ a driver. Religious leaders have always considered this law, but if given it, it would be a threat to all women and society, while the liberals, most of whom are Saudi women, said it was a fundamental right for women to have women, especially those who cannot afford to drive workers. Miresaka fiarovana isika. We're talking about security. We talk about safety. Ny faharoa, rehefa nitsefotra ny resaka trano fonenana, hitan'ireo banky fa tafahitsoka anaty fampiasam-bola tamin'ny asa fanorenan-trano tsy misy manjifa sy any anatinà findramam-bola toa tsy ho voaverina akory ny ampahany betsaka amin'ny renivolan-dry zareo amin'izao fotoana, ireo fianakaviana izay nanao ny trano onenany ihany ho antoky ny vola nindraminy ary lasa eny an-dalambe ankehitriny rehefa nalain'ny banky ireny trano fonenana ireny. The second, is that when the property bubble burst, the banks found themselves with a large proportion of their capital invested in constructions which are now practically unsellable and with a considerable number of loans which are unlikely to be paid back, families who used their own flat as a guarantee for their mortgage and who now find themselves in the street when the bank seizes these properties. The second, when it comes to housing, banks found out that most of their current capitals, the families who built their own homes to trust their money and are now on the streets after the banks took over them, were stranded. Manamafy izahay fa ny vato misakana ny fipongaran'ny demaokrasia tena izy dia rehefa ny zon'ny manankarena no eken'ny manampahefana ka tsy raharahiana ny an'ny Kambojiana tsotra. We assert that what hinders the emergence of true democracy is when authorities only recognize the human rights of the wealthy at the expense of ordinary Cambodians. We confirm that the ban on the rise of real democracy is when authorities recognize the rights of rich people and ignore ordinary Cambodians. - Raha toa ianao mpampiasa ireny teny fampiasa any amin'ny fivavahana ireny, tahaka ny teny hoe fahotana, asa tsara, ny fahasoavan'Andriamanitra, ny fahatezeran'Andriamanitra, ny Shari'a (lalàna silamo), dia tena olona be didoha , baribara, nandra, ary tsy sivilize. izany no porofo fa mbola miaina ny tamin'ny andron'ny salaka ihany ianao ! - If you were among those who use religious terminology, such as sins, good deeds, the mercy of God, the wrath of God, Islamic Shari'a (Islamic law), then you are someone who is an extremist, barbaric, backward and uncivilised. It is proof that you still live in the era of camels! - If you are a user of those religious terms, such as the word sin, good work, God's anger, Shari'a (Islamic law), then you are a very great person , baribara, taste, and not a vilize. This is proof that you are still living in the days of the darkness! Raj Nutrimix nofenoina otrikaina sy mineraly milanja telopolo taonina no mamelona isanandro zaza 6.000 latsaky ny telo taona sy vehivavy bevohoka manodidina ny 3.000 na mampinono, noho ny fisian'ilay fandaharanasa fiahiana ara-tsosialy napetraky ny governemantan'ny fanjakan'i Rajasthan. Thirty metric tons of Raj Nutrimix enriched with vitamins and minerals feeds 6,000 children under the age of three and nearly 3,000 pregnant or lactating women on a daily basis, thanks to Rajasthan State Government's social welfare program. Raj Nutrimix, filled with thirty tons of oil and minerals, feed 6,000 children every day under the age of three and about 3,000 pregnant women or breasts, given the existence of a social welfare program established by the government of the state of 2014. Fomban-drazan-dry zareo Shinoa ny mandeha manatona mivantana ny Amperora any Beijing hitondra ny fitarainany raha toa ka tsy raharahian'ny governemanta ao an-toerana ny fitakian'izy ireo. The Chinese have the tradition of going to Beijing to petition the emperor directly to address grievances when they fail to be heard by the local government. It is customary for Chinese people to go directly to Beijing to bring their complaints if their demands are ignored by the local government. Tsy naharitra ela ilay nofinofin'ny fahaleovantena, ary vetivety dia nopotehan'ny Shah-n'i Iràna ilay Repoblika, ny taona 1947, ary nahantona ilay mpitarika Kiorda, Qazi Muhammad, noho ny fihantsiana nataony. The dream of independence did not last long, and the Republic was soon destroyed by the Shah of Iran in 1947, and the Kurdish leader, Qazi Muhammad, hanged for his defiance. The independence dream was short-term, and the Shah of Iran quickly destroyed the Republic in 1947 and suspended Kurdish leader Qazi Muhammad for his provocation. Maro ireo Timorey no tonga tany amin'ny Fanjakana Britanika nanomboka tamin'ny nahazoan'ny firenena fahafahana tamin'ny Aogositra 1999 . Many Timorese have been coming to the UK since the country became a free nation in August 1999 . Many Albanians have reached the UK since the country's release in August 1999. "Tsy afaka mandidy isika hoe tsy maintsy hain'ny raiamandreny ny miresaka an-kalalahana momba ny firaisana ara-nofo. "We can't assume parents know how to discuss sex openly. "We can't order that our parents have to talk freely about sex. Scrabble vita tamin'ny boatin'afokasoka #thingsiloveaboutSouthSudan Scrabble set made of matchboxes #thingsiloveaboutSouthSudan - Stephanie Nolen (@snolen) January 12, 2014 The 64 tribes. #ThingsILoveAboutSouthSudan - Waging Peace. (@modernemeid) January 18, 2014 Scrabble made from a candy box #thingsiloveabout ny Tsy mbola afaka aminìny fanandevozana ny firenena iray izay indro ralehilahy fa lasa maka vady somary fotsy kokoa mba hahatonga ny fianakaviana ho fotsy. A country where men still marry lighter to white up the family line is not over slavery. A country that is now here is not free from slavery but is taking a more white wife to make the family white. Araka ny nambaran'ny tatitra navoakan'ny mpiantsoroka ny zon'ny ankizy isan-taona tamin'ny 2014, dia raharahan-kerisetra an-tokatrano mihatra amin'ny ankizy folo monja no nanaovan'ny polisy ao an-toerana famotopotorana. According to the Armenian children's rights commissioner's annual report in 2014, local police investigated only 10 cases of domestic violence against children. According to a report published annually by children's rights activists in 2014, local police only investigated domestic violence against ten children. Olona maherin'ny iray tapitrisa no efa nijery ny lahatsary Youtube misy azy nandritra ny valandresaka nataony tamin'ny 11 Martsa, angamba noho ny endriny ivelany somary tanora (33 taona izy ankehitriny) miampy ny biraony izay hita fa matotra tokoa. A video from her March 11 press conference accepting the position has over a million views on YouTube, perhaps because of her incongruously youthful appearance (she is actually 33) combined with the seriousness of her office. More than a million people have watched his YouTube video during his March 11 conference, perhaps because of his relatively young appearance (he is now 33 years old) and his office, which turned out to be very serious. Nanjary endrika hita maso amin'ny tsy fahazoan'ny vahoaka aina io, noho ny ataon'ireo solontenan'izy ireo ara-politika. It became the physical symbol of the people's unease with their political representatives. It has become a visible form of public ignorance, thanks to their political representatives. Ma. Ma. Ma. Satria ireo namoy ny ainy dia vahiny monina ao Qatar avokoa, nalaky tamin'ny fitondrana ny fanohanany ry zareo Qataris. While those who died were all foreign residents of Qatar, Qataris have been quick to offer their support. As the victims are all foreigners living in Qatar, Qataris are quick to bring their support. "Tsy io irery no olana momba ireo mpitsoa-ponenana," hoy Nasim. "This problem isn't only about refugees," Nasim said. "It's not the only problem with refugees," Nasim says. Tsaratsara kokoa, i Don Prince dia nandroso ala-olana iray mety ho an'ny andaniny sy ny ankilany izay afaka sady hanohizana ny asa no hamerenana koa ny fampianarana: More pragmatically, Don Prince suggests a compromise solution allowing the works to continue and teaching to resume: Better yet, Don Prince has proposed a possible solution to both sides who can and will continue to work and teach: Nameno ireo fifanakalozan-kevitra amin'ny Aterineto, bilaogy ary ireo tambajotranà media sosialy mitovy amin'ireo mpaneho hevitra mandray vola izay miasa ho an'ny governemanta any rehetra any, ireo fanehoan-kevitra mpomba ny governemanta. Pro-government comments flooded online forums, blogs and social media networks similar to the paid online commentators working for the government elsewhere. Pro-government comments flooded online discussions, blogs and social media networks similar to paid commentators working for the government elsewhere. Loharanontsary SHAAM NEWS NETWORK _BAR_ SNN Nahazoana alalana Photo Source SHAAM NEWS NETWORK _BAR_ SNN Used with Permission Photo source SHAAM NEWS NETWORK _BAR_ SNN used with permission Androany maraina (Alatsinainy 8 septambra 2008), navoakan'ny tranonkala mpampahalàla vaovao Hespress fa nosamborina tany an-trano fonenany tao Agadir ilay mpitoraka blaogy Mohammed Erraji.Lahatsoratra iray momba ny Hespress nosoratan'i Mohammed Erraji no toa niaingan'ny fisamborana, nefa samy tsy nisy nanamarina, na ilay fisamborana, na ny fifandraisana misy amin'ilay lahatsoratra sy ity fisamborana ity, ivelan'ny tontolon'ny blaogy. This morning, it was reported by the electronic news site Hespress that blogger Mohammed Raji was arrested in his home in Agadir. This morning, the news site Hespress reported that blogger Mohammed Erraji was arrested at his home in Agadir. An article on Hespress by Mohammed Erraji seemed to have begun his arrest, but neither confirmed nor confirmed the arrest, nor the link between the article and this arrest, outside the blogosphere. Tsy mino aho fa manana diary miafina i Big Vs, raha ny marina dia ireo mpiserasera no nampiakatra azy teo amin'ny sorony. I don't believe Big Vs have any hidden agenda; in fact, it's the users who have raised them up on their shoulders. I don't think Big Vs has a secret diary, in fact it was posted by netizens on his shoulder. 1.Tsy mazava ny horonantsary sady ratsy kalitao. 1.The video is not clear with low quality. 1. The film is not clear and low quality. Indreto tora-po na hevitra avy amin'ireo Saodiana diso fanantenana: يا ترى هل يحتفل الآن بعودته من كان لديه أب أو أخ أو قريب مسجون من غير تهمة ولا محاكمة ؟! ، #saudimataleb الفرح جيد ، ولكن العدل مطلوب أيضا Tsara ny fankalazana, kanefa ilaina koa ny fahamarinana. Below are some reactions from disappointed Saudi citizens: يا ترى هل يحتفل الآن بعودته من كان لديه أب أو أخ أو قريب مسجون من غير تهمة ولا محاكمة ؟! ، #saudimataleb الفرح جيد ، ولكن العدل مطلوب أيضا Celebration is good, but fairness is required too. Here are some of the reactions and reactions from disappointed Saudis:يا ترى يحتفل الآن بعودته من كان لديه أخ هذا قريب مسجون من) تهمة محاكمة ؟! ، #saudimataleb الفحيد ، ولكن الطلب هذاضا The celebration is good, but the truth is also needed. Araka ny voalazan'ny lahatsoratra tao amin'ny gazety Koreana tatsimo Hankook , notsikerain'ny konservatera Koreana-Atsimo ihany ny fanapaha-kevitry ny fitsarana noho ny tsy fanomezany fanazavana ampy tsara mikasika ny boky lazaina fa manakorontana sy noho ny tsy firaharahiany ny tombontsoa very sy ny voka-dratsin'izany eo amin'ny lazan'ny mpanoratra sy ny mpanonta ny boky. According to one news article by South Korea's Hankook Newspaper, the court's recent decision was criticized even by moderate conservatives in South Korea for failing to provide enough explanation of on what grounds the books were labeled as troublesome, and ignoring potential profit losses and personal damage of reputations. According to an article in South Korean newspaper Hankook , the Korean parliament has criticized the court's decision for failing to provide adequate information about the so-called disturbing books and for ignoring the lost benefits and its impact on the reputation of writers and publishers. Iverenana ny ao Manila, nandratra olona 50 ilay fanaparitahana tamin-kerisetra, ary 10 raha kely indrindra ireo olona nalefa notsaboina tao amin'ny hopitaly tsy lavitra teo noho ny ratra mafy nanjo azy. Back in Manila, the violent dispersal left 50 people injured, with at least 10 being treated in nearby hospitals for serious wounds. Back in Manila, the violent spread injured 50 people, and at least 10 people were sent to hospital nearby for their serious injuries. Na dia izany aza, nitombo ny ahiahy mikasika izay mety hanjò azy raha nisafidy hanalava ny fe-potoana hanaovana fanadihadiana azy ny manampahefana Tajik tamin'ny 19 Aogositra, nilaza ny bilaogera Tajik iray fa tokony hanao tolona mba hanafoanan'ny governemantan'i Tajik tanteraka ny fiampangana azy. Nevertheless, anxiety over his fate grew when Tajik authorities exercised the option to extend their criminal investigation on August 19, with one Tajik blogger suggesting a struggle within the Tajik government might be holding his case up. However, concerns about what would happen to him when Tajik authorities chose to extend his investigation deadline on August 19, a Tajik blogger said he should fight for the Tajik government to eliminate the charges completely. Tamin'ity taona ity, nanomboka ny 18 Jolay ny fametrapetrahana sy fananganana, miaraka amin'ny fanapahana ireo làlana sy fametrahana ny rafitry ny familiana làlana. This year, installation and setup started on July 18 with the cordoning off of roads and the installation of traffic-detour plans. This year, the implementation and construction began on July 18, with the cutting down of roads and the implementation of the road system. Tsy tokony ataontsika kilalao ny fotoana manandanja izay namaritra sy nanome sariohatra ny fitiavan-tanindrazana Filipino. We should not make fun out of an important event that has come to define and symbolize Filipino patriotism. We shouldn't make fun of an important moment that described and praised Filipino patriotism. Zato taona lasa izay, firenena Erôpeana azo isaina amin'ny ratsan-tànana monja no nanjanaka kôntinanta manontolo ary nandrafitra koa ny fahaleovan-tenan'izy ireny na nanambatra tao anaty firenena iray, tao ambany ziogana fitenin'ny mpanjanaka iombonana, foko maro samihafa. Hundreds of years ago, a handful of European countries colonized whole continents and organized once independent or loosely related peoples into nation-states, under a common colonial language. A hundred years ago, only a handful of European countries were a whole continent and they also developed their independence or were united in a country, under the yoke of a common colony, multi-ethnic. Toy ny zava-drehetra ao amin'ny firenena, misy ny fahazarana manipy zava-tsarobidy eny am-baravarankely raha mamafa ny zava-drehetra izay naha izy azy ny tanandehibe na ny tokony ho izy aminy ireo rafitra be rentirenty fotsiny. As with everything in the country, things of value are routinely tossed out the window while shallow gaudy structures erase anything that the city was or could have been. As in everything in the country, there is the habit of throwing something into the window when it removes everything that is what it was like to be a city or what it should be. Mpanohitra ny Fifaneken'ny Tia Tanindrazana momba ny Fahamarinana sy ny Filaminana (CPJP) no nanangana ny antokon'i Séléka tamin'ny volana Aogositra, izay fantatra fa tompon'andraikitra tamin'ireo fanafihana marobe tao avaratr'i Bangui nanomboka tamin'ny volana Septambra, ary koa ny Fifaneken'ny Tia Tanindrazana ho fanavotana ny wa kodro (CPSK) an'ny "jeneraly" Dhaffane Mohamed Moussa. The Séléka coalition was created in August by a dissident wing of the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace, the instigator of several attacks north of Bangui since September, and the Patriotic Convention for the salvation wa Kodro of "general" Dhaffane Mohamed Moussa. Opposition to the Patriotic Commission for Justice and Security (PAP) established Séléka's party in August, which has been known to be responsible for several attacks in northern the country since September, as well as the Patriotic Union for the rescue of "jenerical" Dhaffane Mohamed Moussa's wa kodro (CPSK). Tamin'ny taona 2016, nitaraina ho voaroaka tao amin'ny akademia miaramila noho ny fitondrana tsimoka VIH ny zatovolahy iray. In 2016, a young man reported being expelled from the Military Academy for being HIV positive. In 2016, a young man complained that he had been expelled from the military post because of the HIV virus. Tamin'ny Talata, nanambara ilay mpanao gazety Alexander Plushev fa fara fahakeliny, nisy mpianatra iray tamin'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana manenjika an'i Navalny - lehilahy iray atao hoe Dmitry Molchanov - no mpianatra ao amin'ny Akademian'ny Filoham-pirenena Rosiana misahana ny Toekarem-pirenena sy Fitantanam-bahoaka raha ny marina, ary mianatra asa ao amin'ny Sampan-draharahan'ny Hetra Anatiny. On Tuesday, journalist Alexander Plushev revealed that at least one of the Navalny protesters - a man named Dmitry Molchanov - is actually a student at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, studying to work in the Internal Tax Service. On Tuesday, journalist Alexander Plushev announced that at least one student of the protests against Navalny - a man named Dmitry Molchanov - was actually a student of the Russian National Academy of Economics and Public Security and was studying work at the Internal Tax Service. Ny androtr'io ihany dia nitatitra koa ny NKVD fa nanetsika lehilahy Tartares avy ao Crimea misa 11.000 hanao asa an-terivozona, nampàkatra ny isan'ireo Tartares nalàna avy ao Crimea ho 191.014 (Ibid.). On the same day the NKVD also reported mobilizing 11,000 Crimean Tatar men for forced labor, bringing the total number of Crimean Tatars removed from Crimea to 191,014 (Ibid.). On the same day, NKVD also reported that there were 11000 Tartas men from Crimea who were pushing for forced labor, raising the number of Tatars who had been removed from Crimea to 191,014 (Ibid). Namoaka fanambarana an-gazety ny mpitarika ny hetsika manao hoe, "DFanambarana ho amin'ny Diabe Fijoroana ho amin'ny Fahamendrehana, Ho Fiarovana ny Tany sy ny Zaratany" izay hanaovan-dry zareo ny fangatahana sy ny fampahatsiahivana ny fahoriana niaretan'ny Vazimba Teratany sy ny Tantsaha any Goatemalà hatry ny ela dia ela: The movement leaders have issued a press statement, "Declaration of the March for Resistance and Dignity, in Defense of the Earth and Territory" in which they have made the following demands- reiterations of longstanding grievances of the Indigenous and campesinos in Guatemala: The movement's leader issued a press release saying, "DF is announcing the March for Dignity, Protection of Land and Land" in which they will make demands and reminders of the suffering suffered by indigenous peoples and farmers in Guatemala for a long time: Izany indrindra no tena notadiaviny. It was just what she needed. That was exactly what he wanted. Amin'izao fotoana izao, ny anjara asa mazavan'ny Harinkarena Faobe amin'ity sehatra ity dia 19.1 isanjato. Currently, the net contribution to GDP in this sector is 19.1 percent. Currently, the clear role of the GDP in this sector is 19.1 percent. Milaza ny Lakota fa tany masina nalaina tamin'izy ireo izy ity The Lakota say this is sacred land that was stolen from them. © Simon Maghakyan 2010 The Lakota says it was a sacred land taken from them Hita ao amin'ny Vimeo Available on Vimeo. Available on Vimeo Mandrara ireo filmantsika ny Pakistaney, lasibatra ny artistantsika: loza, manaiky aho. Pakistanis ban our films, target our artistes: terrible, I agree. Pakistanis ban our movies, our artists are targeted: disaster, I agree. Lanonana lehibe indrindra eto ambonin'ny tany, manintona mpizahatany an-tapitrisa mandritra ny andron-danonana ny Fetibe (carnaval) any Brezila. The biggest party on the planet, carnival in Brazil attracts millions of tourists during its days of revelry. Brazil's Carnival is the largest event in the world, attracting millions of tourists during the festival. Maro ireo manontany tena raha toa ianao nahalala io vondrona mpanao gadona rock io, izay iray amin'ireo manandanja lehibe indrindra tany Amerika Latina, nandritra ny fotoana nisinisy ihany. Many are wondering if you had known of this rock band, one of the most important in Latin America, for a while. Many wonder if you knew this rock band, which was one of Latin America's most important during the same period. Niakatra ny isan'ireo mpianatra tsy te-hanohy intsony ny fianaran'izy ireo. The number of students who no longer want to continue their education has increased. The number of students who didn't want to continue their studies has increased. Hafatra tamin'ny sioka, lohahevitra & fanohanana nitondra fampaherezana ho ahy isaky ny mamaky izany! Tweets, topics & support msgs brought a lump to my throat several times while I was reading! Messages, topics & support given me every time I read them! Ary nanampy i @egyrevolution12: And @egyrevolution12 adds: And @egyretic12 adds: Sary avy amin'ny pejy Faceboo-n'i Berna Ellorin Image from the Facebook page of Berna Ellorin Photo from the Facebook page of Berna Ellorin Noho ny fanakanana tanteraka ny ony sy ny fihenan'ny fikorianan'i Xingu, tonga goavana be ny fiantraikany. With the permanent damming of the Xingu and the reduction of its flow, damage to local communities' fishing got only worse. Due to the total blocking of the river and the decline in the river flow, the impact has come to a great extent. #Vaovao farany an-taroby avy ao amin'ny antenimiera #Sanaa solombavahoaka marobe, nitomany, ao anatin'izany ny PM. #Breaking by phone from inside parliament #Sanaa many MPs, cried, includin PM. #Registeral news from # in many MPs, crying, including PM. Bitsik'i Karaiba Ho An'i Tessanne Chin The Caribbean Tweets for NBC's The Voice Contestant Tessanne Chin · Global Voices Caribbean happen to China Chin · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. Midika izany fa fihoaram-pefy amin'ny fampiharan-dalàna Okrainiana ny VKontakte sy ny Odnoklassniki, ny sehatra rosiana roa malaza indrindra ao Okraina. This means that VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, the two Russian platforms most popular in Ukraine, will be off limits for Ukrainian law enforcement. This means that VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, Ukraine's two most popular Russian platforms, are abuse of Ukrainian law enforcement. Raha mianihany mikasika ny fifandraisan'I Obama amin'ny Islam ilay Jordaniana Naseem Tarawnah: While Jordanian Naseem Tarawnah jokes about Obama's Islamic links: While Jordanian below is concerned about Obama's relationship with Islam: Mandeha miala an'ireo sekoly ambaratonga voalohany sy faharoa amin'ny ambaratonga fototra ireo mpampianatra - indrindra ireo avy any amin'ny olona tena teratany - mba hitady asa any amin'ireo fitrandrahana volamena sy diamondra, raha toa ireo sasany (indrindra ireo Kreôla, na ireo tsy teratany) mitady asa toy ny mpitondra fiarakaretsaka na mivarotra ny vokatra Tupperware (boaty plastika), hot dogs (mofo voasesika sosisy) sy empanadas (mofo voasesika hena), na lasantsy. Instructors - mainly those from an indigenous background - are walking away from grade schools and junior high schools to take jobs in gold and diamond mines, while others (namely the Creoles, or non-indigenous peoples) find other work as taxi drivers or vendors selling Tupperware, hot dogs, empanadas, or gasoline. Teachers - especially natives - are going out of primary and secondary schools to find work in gold and diamond mines, while some (especially Bulgarians, or non-nationals) seek jobs such as taxi drivers or sell Tupperware products, tot dogs and empandas (meat bread) or fuel. Ary ny fanakatonana ny seranam-piaramanidina taorian'ny loza nahazo ny Turkish Airlines no nahatonga ny olona hampiasa indray izany fomba izany eo amin'ny dia iraisampirenena . And the closure of the airport after the Turkish Airlines fiasco left people reliant on the same method for international travel. And the closure of the airport after the Turkish Airlines disaster has caused people to re-use this practice in international travel. Amin'izay dia tena niaina marina tokoa ny zava-misy ry zareo ary angamba mba tena hanao zavatra ho enti-manampy. Then they will get the real experience and will maybe actually do something to help So they really lived the situation and maybe do something to help. Ary efa manakaiky moa ny fotoana farany, mampiasa ny tenifahatra #nimeregister ny keniana ao amin'ny Twitter handrisihana ny hafa hifidy sy hizara ny fampahafantarana ny fisoratana anarana, zava-niainana ary ny sary. As the deadline approaches, Kenyans on Twitter are using the #nimeregister hashtag to encourage each other to vote and share voter registration information, experiences and photos. And the last time is approaching, Ghanaians on Twitter are using the hashtag #nimeregister to encourage others to vote and share information about registration, experiences and photos. Toa manome soso-kevitra ny fikarohana ankehitriny momba an'i Tajikistan fa izay marina hita amin'ny raharaha manokana dia hita ihany koa any amin'ny ankapobeny. Our ongoing research on Tajikistan suggests that what is true in this particular case is also found in general. Today's research on Tajikistan seems to suggest that what is true in particular is also available in general. Fikambanana Iraisampirenena maro izay ahitana ny Reporters Sans Frontières no mandrisika ny manampahefana Iraniana hanazava ny toe-javatra marina nitranga tamin'ny fahafatesan'ilay bilaogera sy miantso ny fiarahamonina iraisampirenena tsy hamela ny tsy fanasaziana ny heloka bevava. Several international organizations including Reporters Without Borders urged the Iranian authorities to clarify the exact circumstances of the blogger's death and called on the international community not to allow the crime to go unpunished. Several international organizations including Reporters Without Borders urge Iranian authorities to explain the actual circumstances of the blogger's death and call on the international community not to allow impunity for crime. Ahitàna "godmen" (sadhus) sy ankizy "Bahurupi" natao ho Shiva ao anatin'ireo olona hita ao amin'ilay lahatsary. Among the characters that feature as extras in the video are a godmen (sadhus) and a Bahurupi child depicting Lord Shiva. The video includes "godmen" (sahhurupi) and "Bahurupi" children as Shivas. Milaza ny zavatra niainany tany am-ponja ny gadra politika iray, fampijaliana sy fanolanana tao amin'ny fonja iraniana anankiray tamin'ny taona 1980. A former political prisoner recounts the experience of being imprisoned, tortured and raped in an Iranian prison in the 1980s. A political prisoner tells his experience in prison, torture and rape in an Iranian prison in the 1980s. Ohatra, nilaza i Dragi Zmijanac, filohan'ny Megjashi, ONG miaro ny zon'ny ankizy fa ny fanapahan-kevitra hanome famotsoran-keloka ireo mpametaveta ankizy sy ny mpanolana dia samy "manafintohina sy fahadalàna." For instance, Dragi Zmijanac, the president of Megjashi, an NGO defending children's rights, stated that the decision to allow pardon for pedophiles and rapists is both "scandalous and absurd." For example, Dragi Zmijanac, head of Megjashi, a child's rights NGO, said the decision to pardon child rapists and rapists was both "blasphemous and criminal." Dila izay ny faha 2 septambra. Sept 2 far. It will take place on September 2. Te hanoro hevitra fotsiny aho hoe tokony handinika momba ny famoahana ireo sangan'asany amin'ny aterineto ireo mpanoratra raha tsy manambola handoavana ny fanontàna boky. I would like to recommend that writers now start thinking about publishing their works online if they don't have money to pay for the printing cost. I just want to suggest that writers should consider the publication of their works online if they don't have money to pay for publishing books. " avy tany amin'ny Garden Street ve ireo akanjoko, ahoana no ahafahan'izy ireo mampiasa hoditra biby tena izy?" " my clothes come from Garden Street , how can they use real animal fur?" "Are my clothes from Garden Street, how can they use real fur?" Mandritra izay fotoana izay, nanao fanentanana niantsoany ny Toniziana ny vaomiera tsy miankina misahana ny fifidianana ao amin'ny firenena mba hisoratan'izy ireo anarana alohan'ny 22 Jolay, raha toa maniry ny hifidy izy ireo. In the meantime, the country's independent electoral commission (ISIE) launched a campaign urging Tunisians to register before July 22, if they wish to cast their votes. Meanwhile, the country's independent election commission has launched a campaign calling on Tunisians to register before July 22, if they want to vote. Ny sasany manantena ireo endrika rariny hafa, ho fampaherezan-tena, tamin'ny alalan'ny ohabolana haitiana efa ela manao hoe: Some hope for other forms of justice, though, seeking reassurance in an old Haitian proverb: Some are hoping for another form of justice, to encourage themselves, through an old Hindu proverb: Eo an-davarangan'ny lapan'ny tanàna, misy olona marobe miaraka amin'ny solosaina fitondra mandehandeha. People in chemical protection clothing are going down to the houses affected by the disaster. On the balcony of the community center there are many people with laptops in their hands. In the middle of the city hall, there are many people with laptops. Ao anatin'izao hadalàna manodidina ny fitsidihana androany izao, nosakanan'ireo mpitandro ny filaminana tsy hitondra harona ny mponina tao amin'ny kianja Tahrir ao an-toerana ary nitombo be dia be ny toera-pisavana tao ao an-tanàna nandritra ny alina ka nahatonga ny fitohanana nanerana ny arabe. In the climate of the madness which surrounded today's visit, local people in Tahrir Square were being stopped from carrying bags by officers from the Central Security Forces and the number of checkpoints in the city exploded overnight until roads were gridlocked. In the midst of today's darkness around the visit, security forces prevented residents from carrying baskets in Tahrir Square and the city's checkpoints continued to grow throughout the night and causing traffic across the streets. Maro ireo mponina any Hong Kong no manontany tena. Many Hong Kongers are wondering. Follow our in-depth coverage: Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution Many Hong Kong residents are wondering. Nilaza i Navalny fa nandainga momba ny vola lany tamin'ny tetikasan'ny Olaimpikan'i Sochi i Putin, raha nilaza izy fa nitentina 214 miliara robla izany (na manodidina ny 6,5 miliara dollars). Navalny alleges that has Putin lied about the cost of the Sochi Olympic projects, when he claimed that it had cost 214 billion rubles (or roughly 6.5 billion dollars). Navalny said Putin was lying about the cost of the Sochi Olympic project, when he said it cost 214 billion rubles (or about 6.5 billion dollars). Ka nahatonga ny sioka milaza fa noho ny asa fanamboaran-dalana no mahatonga ny fitohanan'ny fiara manodidina an'i Manama @moi_bahrain: Mitohana ny fiara ao amin'ny Làlana Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman sy King Faisal mankany Muharraq noho ny asa fanamboaran-dalana eo akaikin'ny jirom-pifamoivozana eo amin'ny Hotely Regency hatrany amin'ny jirom-pifamoivozana eo amin'ny Hotely Sheraton, amboarinay ny làlana mba hanatsarana ny fifamoivozana. Instead, it let out a tweet saying that the traffic jams around Manama are due to planned road work in the area: @moi_bahrain: Traffic congestion on Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman and King Faisal Roads leading to Muharraq because of planned roadwork near the traffic light by the Regency Hotel up until the traffic light of the Sheraton Hotel, we are working to ease traffic. So a tweet saying that the traffic jams around Manama @moi_bahrain are due to road construction: Cars are being blocked on Shaikh Bin Salman and King Faisal Road to Muharraq due to street construction work near Regency Hotel lights to traffic lights on Sheraton Airport, building roads to improve traffic. Nahazo fandresena miezinezina ny mpanohitra, nandresy ny antoko tohanan'ny miaramila. The opposition secured a landslide victory against the military-backed party. The opposition won a huge victory, beating the military-backed party. Tsy mbola tafiala ny Filoha Okraniana Petro Poroshenko., raha oharina amin'ireo fihaonana tsy dia manaitra an'i Poroshenko, lasa nanipaka ireo hanihany momba ny fitokana-monina mitombo hatrany an'i Kiev ireo fandaharam-potoanan'i Poutine miaraka amin'ireo olo-malaza satria efa hifarana ny fotoanan'ny volantatelin'ny fiarahan'i Okraina taorian'ny Maidan amin'ny Tandrefana. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko didn't get off the hook, either. Putin's star-studded schedule, when compared to Poroshenko's relatively less impressive meetings, was fodder for jokes about Kyiv's growing isolation, as the honeymoon phase of Ukraine's post-Maidan relationship with the West comes to a close. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has not yet been attacked, in comparison to the relatively unscathed meeting of Poroshenko, Putin's agendas with celebrities have been making fun of jokes about the growing isolation of Kiev as Ukraine's budget period is nearing its end after the city's fall with the West. This post is part of our special coverage Ukraine Revolution 2011. Sekoly mihoatra ny 800 no nakatona manerana ny firenena. More than 8,000 schools across Nepal are closed. More than 800 schools have been closed across the country. Nitsikera ny loza miatra amin'ireo fonenany ireo mpampiasa Twitter, tahaka an'i Marisol Montúfar (@hereismarisol), izay nanoratra: Twitter users have commented on the cruel situation their homeland is experiencing, like Marisol Montúfar (@hereismarisol), who wrote: Twitter users, like Marisol Montúfar (@hereismirisol), criticized the danger of their homes, writing: Raha hihaino hira nentim-paharazana Kyrgyz maro kokoa, loharanom-baovao tena tsara amin'ny teny anglisy momba izany ny bilaogin'i Dennis Keen KeenonKyrgyzstan. For more on traditional Kyrgyz music, Dennis Keen's blog KeenonKyrgyzstan is an excellent English language resource. To listen to more traditional Kyrgyz songs, Dennis Keen KeenonKyrgyzstan's blog is an excellent source of English-language information. Mehmood no tsara indrindra tamin'i Pakistana. Mehmood was the best of Pakistan. the best of Pakistan. Zavatra hafa mihitsy kosa no manosika ilay bilaogera Tojikzaminazy hanohana ny filoha ankehitriny. Blogger Tojikzamin has a very different motivation for supporting the incumbent president. It is another thing that motivates Turkish blogger to support the current president. Ilay mpitoraka bilaogy voalohany, Salam Pax, izay nanomboka ny tontolon'ny bilaogy tany Irak no mijery ny 6 taona lasa tamin'ny fotoana nanombohan'ny ady. Pioneering blogger, Salam Pax, who started the Iraq blogging phenomenon looks back six years to the beginning of the war. The first blogger, Salam Pax, who started the Iraqi blogosphere is watching 6 years ago at the time of the war. Tsara bika kosa ilay iray eo ankavia an. The man on the left is particularly photogenic. The other on the left is beautiful. Ity misy horonantsary tao Tripoli nampidirin'ny Ali Tweel, izay mampiseho ireo olona miandry mofo dipaina ao amin'ny lalana Jraba ao Tripoli. Here is a video from Tripoli uploaded by Ali Tweel, that shows people waiting for bread in Tripoli's Jraba Street. Here's a video from Tripoli uploaded by Ali Tweel, which shows people waiting for bread on Jraba street in Tripoli. Nahazo loka "Tony Awards" 2, tamin'ny The Wiz ny taona 1974. Lehilahy mainty hoditra voalohany nahavita izany: tokony nahazo 2 tamin'ireo 4 ny "Timbuktu' tamin'ny taona manaraka, fa tsy hanome izany mihitsy izy ireo satria tao roa mifanaraka io. Winner of 2 Tony Awards for 1974's The Wiz- first black man to do so: should have won 2 again 4 the following year's "Timbuktu' but they never would give such as he 2 years straight. In 1974, "Timbuktu' was awarded "Tony Awards 2, in The Wiz, the first black man to achieve it: last year's "Timmbuktu' should have won 2 out of 4, but they wouldn't give it at all because it was in both. Ny Maréchal dia i maréchal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, ilay mpitondra tsy voafidim-bahoaka mifehy an'i Ejipta nanomboka tamin'ny nionganan'ny filoha teo aloha Hosni Mubarak tamin'ny 11 Febroary 2011. The Marshal is Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the de facto military ruler of Egypt since the ousting of former president Hosni Mubarak on February 11, 2011. The Maréchal is maréchal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the non-elected ruler who has ruled Egypt since the fall of former president Hosni Mubarak on February 11, 2011. Naneso ilay teny filamatry ny masoivohom-panjakana milaza hoe "Miaraka amin'ny Khovar ve ianao? Yoqub mocked the state agency's motto "Are you with Khovar? State agency slogan says "Are you with Khovar? Araka ny vohikalam-baovao tsy miankina, Maka Angola, izay natsangan'ny mpanao gazety mpiaro zon'olombelona Rafael Marques, noraketina ny Aprily 2016 ilay lahatsary. According to independent news site Maka Angola, which was founded by human rights journalist Rafael Marques, the video was filmed in April 2016. According to independent news site Maka Angola, which was created by human rights journalist Rafael earth, the video was recorded in April 2016. Nanameloka ilay herisetra ireo Iraniana manampahefana, no sady koa niantso ilay sariitatra tao amin'ilay gazetiboky ho fanafintohinana ho an'ny Silamo. Iranian officials have condemned the violence, while also calling the magazine's cartoons offensive to Muslims. Iranian authorities condemned the violence, and also called the magazine's cartoon a scandal against Muslims. Tsy misy toerana mety amin'ireo olona mampiasa seza misy kodiarana. Nowhere accommodates people who use a wheelchair. There is no suitable place for those who use wheelchairs. Na dia Eo Aza Ny Mpitarika Vaovao, Mbola Marefo ny Hoavin'i Shina Even Under New Leadership, China Looks Bleakly to the Next Decade · Global Voices Despite New Leader, China's Future Is Still Inconvenient · Global Voices Fahanginan'i Ejypta Manoloana Ny Todra-drano Ao Sinai Egypt Silent on Sinai Flooding · Global Voices Egypt's Silence in the Sinai Flood · Global Voices Ny tokony ho izy, raha nisy zavatra, tokony hoe noarahabaina noho ny zavatra tsy nofidiany tsy hatao i Pohamba fa tsy tamin'ny zavatra nataony. Indeed, if anything, Pohamba should be acclaimed for what he chose not to do, not for what he did. To be fair, if something happened, Pohamba should have been greeted for what he did not choose to do but for what he did not do. Araka ny tatitra navoakan'ny Daily Star, niventy teny filamatra toy ny hoe "Handresy ny fahamarinana" sy ny "Tadidinay" izy ireo. As the Daily Star reported, they were shouting slogans such as "Truth will triumph" and "We remember." According to a report published by the Daily Star, they chanted slogans such as "To win the truth" and "We Remember." TSY dia nahagaga ahy loatra. More dangerously, I was NOT surprised. I WAS not so surprised. Ireo vahoaka manao fihetsiketsehana koa dia efa mari-pamantarana sy valinkafatra hentitra momba izay tsy tiantsika hiverina hitranga indray The people protesting are also a firm and symbolic response to what we do not want to happen ever again. People protesting are also signs and firm responses to what we don't want to happen again. Mark Keith Muhumuza mieritreritra fa tahaka ny Afrikana Tatsimo kokoa ilay hira fa tsy Ogandey loatra: Mark Keith Muhumuza thinks the song sounds more South African than Ugandan: Mark Keith Muhumuza thinks the song looks more like South Africans than Ugandans: Jereo ny ohatra telo eto ambany. Take a look at three examples below. Consider three examples. (Sahaka amin'ny hoe misy tantara fahagola, izay tsy fantatro ny fiandohàny, miteny hoe mihena ny mety hahafaty ary mihena ny daroka baomba rehefa tonga ny mangiran-dratsy. (There seems to be a myth, the origin of which I don't know, that says the probability of dying diminishes and bombardment decreases with first light. (Aside from the fact that there is an ancient history, which I don't know how to start, I say the risk of death is reduced and the bombing decreases when dawn comes. Tsy misy olona tena mahafantatra tsara ny fatran'ny entona misy ao Tanzania, na dia mametraka izany ho 51 arivo lavitrisa metatra kioba (TCF) aza ireo vinavina natao. No one knows for sure how much gas there is in Tanzania, though estimates put the amount at around 51 trillion cubic feet (TCF). No one knows exactly how much gas is available in Tanzania, although the estimates put it 51 billion meters (TCF). Saingy araka ny asehon'ny lahatsary novokarin'ny vondrona mpamorona Photosafari.KZ miorina ao Kazakhstan, dia mbola betsaka noho izany ny zavatra azo atao ao amin'ny faritra indrindra raha mpankafy kodiaran-droa ianao. But as a video produced by a Kazakhstan-based creative collective creative Photosafari.KZ shows, there is much more to the region than that, particularly if you are on two wheels. But as the video produced by Kazakhstan-based creative group Photosafari.KZ shows, more can be done in the region especially if you are a couple of fans. Tao amin'ny taratasy nalefany avy any am-ponja, nanoratra izy hoe: In a letter sent from prison, he wrote: In his letter from prison, he wrote: "Ao Gaza, ao amin'ny sisintanin'i Rafah no iafaran'ny nofinofinay rehetra." "In Gaza, all our dreams end at the Rafah Border." "In Gaza, all our dreams end on the Gaza border." Tamin'ny 2011, niteraka tsy hafaliana tety anaty aterineto ny fifandonan'ny fiarandalamby roa haingam-pandeha. In 2011, a collision between two high-speed trains triggered outrage online. In 2011, the two high-end train clashes sparked discontent online. Manameloka ny governemanta ho mpamadika palitao i Conniff: vao tamin'ny herintaona teo, manamafy i Conniff fa "nanao sonia fangatahana tamin'ny UNESCO ny mba hanondroana toerana iray ho Faritry ny Biosfera Voaaro ireo mpiasam-panjakana ireo ihany," kanefa mety "mampitsiriritra loatra ny fampiasàna vola 1,5 lavitrisa $ hany ka sarotra ny hitodi-doha azy." Conniff accuses the government of doing an about-face: just last year, Conniff contends, "the same government officials were petitioning UNESCO to designate a Global Biosphere Reserve," but perhaps "the lure of a $1.5 billion investment" was too tempting to ignore. Conniff accuses the government of being a traitor: just last year, Conniff claims that "the same officials signed a UNESCO petition to refer to a site that is protected by the Biosferal," but "it can be too much to use 1.5 billion dollars so it's hard to turn back." Ankoatra ny zavatra hafa, izany no mahatonga an'i Okraina antsoina fa "firenena malalaka" eo amin'ny laharana iraisam-pirenena, raha "tsy malalaka" kosa ny . This, among other things, is why Ukraine is labeled as a "free country" in international rankings, while our is "not free." Among other things, this is why Ukraine is called an international "free country," while "unfree" . Tamin'ny Alatsinainy no nambara ny famotsorana azy ireo, ary mety nokendrena hifanindry amin'ny fahatongavan'i Condoleezza Rice any Israely. The release was announced last Monday, and was likely timed according to Condoleezza Rice's arrival in Israel. Their release was announced on Monday, and may have been intended to match Condoleezza Rice's coming to Israel. Ankehitriny miverina ny pins mba hanehoana ny tsy fivadihana. Now the pins have returned to show loyalty. Now the pins are back to show loyalty. Tsy mety hilaza amiko izy ireo. They wouldn't tell me. They won't tell me. "Asa maloto izany." "It's a dirty job. "It's dirty work." Sergei Belyakov, Minisitra Lefitra (fahiny) Misahana Ny Fampandrosoana Tao Rosia. Sergei Belyakov, Russia's (now former) Deputy Minister of Economic Development. Sergei Belyakov, Deputy Minister for Development in Russia. Manamarika amin'ny fiverenana amin'ny tokony ho izy izany fanambaràna mavesatra izany, taorian'ny famotsorana ireo gadra politika 14 nialoha ny fitsidihan'ny Filoha Ilham Aliyev tany Washington DC hanatrika ny Fihaonana an-tampony momba ny Nokleary sy Fiarovana. Such heavy handed probes into the activities of independent journalists marks a return to normalcy following the release of 14 political prisoners ahead of President Ilham Aliyev's visit to Washington DC to attend the Nuclear and Security Summit. This heavy statement marks a return to normality, after the release of 14 political prisoners prior to the visit of Presidentproced to Washington DC to attend the Summit on Nuclear and Security. E.G.: Miasa amin'ilay lahatsary manaraka momba ny fiainana anaty ala mikitrok'ireo KAWSAK SACHA; ary hanazava amin'ny fiarahamonina amin'ny alalan'ny lahatsary any an'ala misy olona mitovy amin'izy ireo (olona ara-panahy) izay mpiandry/mpiahy ny Ala mikitroka, ary mifandray tsy tapaka amintsika amin'ny alàlan'ireo shamans ry zareo. E.G.: Working on the next video KAWSAK SACHA living jungles; and to explain to society by means of the video in the jungle there exist beings similar to ourselves (spiritual beings) who are the keepers of the Jungle, and that they are continuously communicating with us through the shamans. E.G.: Working in the next video about the forest life of the KAWSAK SACHA; and explaining to the community through a video in the forest where people like them (spiritual people) are spiritual shepherds who care about the forest, and they regularly communicate with us through the shamans. Nalaza haingana tao amin'ny Facebook sy ny witter ny sary graffiti sahisahy mandravaka ny rindrina sy ny tranon'i Teheran. Images of daring graffiti adorning the walls and buildings of Tehran have gone viral on Facebook and Twitter. A bold graffiti depicting Tehran's walls and houses quickly went viral on Facebook and witter. Mpanome vaovao ao Kotar-Yurt any amin'ny distrikan'i Achkhoi-Martan no namariparitra ilay hetsika tao amin'ny tranonkala Kavkaz Uzel: An informant in Kotar-Yurt in the Achkhoi-Martan District described the campaign to the website Kavkaz Uzel: Kotar-Yurt reporter in the Achkhoi-Martian district described the event on the website Kavkaz Uzel: Marina fa nihena kely ny fifindran-toerana nandritra ireo taona farany vitsivitsy, saingy tsy foana kosa akory. It is true that the migration has sharply declined in recent years but it has not stopped. It is true that migration has been slow down over the past few years, but isn't empty. Luciana Rocchietti, sekreteran'ny fifandraisana ao amin'ny H.I.J.O.S. - faritra Córdoba, nilaza tamin'ny Global Voices momba ny fanamby sy ny zavatra azon'ny media sosialy tanterahina amin'ny hetsiky ny zon'olombelona: Luciana Rocchietti, communications secretary for H.I.J.O.S. - Córdoba region, told Global Voices about the challenges and possibilities social media offers human rights movements: Luciana Rocchietti, H.I.J.O.S.'s communications secretary, told Global Voices about the challenges and opportunities that social media can play in the human rights movement: Sary: Wikipédia (licence Creative Commons) Photo from Wikipedia (Creative Commons) Photo: Wikipédia (licence Creative Commons) Sary: Prudence Nyamishana Photo Credit: Prudence Nyamishana Credit: Prudence Nyamishana Fa ity no fanamby: Mbola misy mihoatra ny 17.000 ny mpiady any, any an-tendrombohitra sy anaty ala mikitroka. But here's the challenge: There are still more than 17,000 fighters out there, in the mountains and jungles. But this is the challenge: there are still more than 1,000 fighters there, in the mountains and in the jungle. RT @imothanaYemen Drone amerikana roa nidaroka an'i Yemen androany. RT @imothanaYemen 2 US drone strikes in Yemen today. RT @ leave two U.S.-American attacks on Yemen today. Nandray anjara tamin'ity lahatsoratra ity i Yarisa Colón Yarisa Colón contributed to this article. Yarisa Colón contributed to this post Miatrika ny hetsika fisintahana fahadimy hatramin'ny taona 1947 i Balochistan, faritany lehibe indrindra sy vitsy mponina ary mahantra indrindra ao Pakistan. Balochistan, Pakistan's largest, least populated and poorest province is witnessing its fifth separatist movement since 1947. Balochistan, Pakistan's largest, poorest and poorest province, has been facing its fifth separatist movement since 1947. Nandritra ny fotoana nanambarana ny androm-bavaka dia nilaza ny biraon'ny seraseram-bahoaka ao amin'ny Lapam-panjakana hoe: Announcing the day of prayer, the Presidential Palace public relations office stated: During the day of prayer, the public relations office of the State House said: Nampihena ny fitehirizana izany fanambarana izany." This post is the first of a series originally published by the author on Medium. This statement has reduced storage." Ny fivarotam-boky ao Fukui, Japana. A used bookstore in Fukui, Japan. The bookshop in Fukui, Japan. Lehilahy manana fahasembanana mampalahelo iray izay nanapa-kevitra ny hitady vola amin'ny alàlan'ny fametrahana fanjaitra maro araka izay tratra eo amin'ny lohany ilay lehilahy feno kavina. The pierced guy is a poor handicapped who once decided to make good money putting as much needles in his head as possible. A man with a poor disability who decided to make money by putting as many needles as possible on his head. Ny "fitaovana" tokana eo am-pelatananay, amin'ny ankamaroany, dia ny elo izay hoentinay matetika ao anaty poketrakanay amin'ny toetr'andro mivadibadika hatrany. The only "weapons" we have, at most, are the umbrellas we always carry in our bags for the unpredictable weather. The only "intellectual" in our hands, in most cases, is the umbrella that we will carry regularly in our solar bags. TSARA dia TSARA ilay izy! It was GORGEOUS! WHAT a delight it proved to be! Ny herinandro manaraka izay antsoina hoe Heritage Week (ny herinandrom-bakoka), no be hetsika indrindra ao amin'ny fanisanandro ara-kolontsaina Jamaikana. The subsequent week, Heritage Week, is the busiest on the Jamaican cultural calendar. The following week, called Heritage Week, is the largest event in the Jamaican cultural calendar. Nilaza i Yekaterina Kovrigina fa aleony pretra no hita amin'ny mariky ny taona ho avy, gidro - vetivety dia lafo ny fanisanandro ahitana ireo biby ireo ao Rosia, ary efa niely eny amin'ny kiôska fivarotan-gazety izany fanisanandro ahitana gidro izany. Yekaterina Kovrigina said she'd take the priests any day over the symbols of the upcoming year, monkeys - such animal calendars usually sell very well in Russia, and the monkey ones have already taken over the printed press kiosks. Yekaterina Kovrigina says she prefers to be a priest at the next year's mark, a gorilla - the calendar of animals in Russia is very expensive, and this calendar of monkeys has spread to the media. Ity farany dia miaraka tsara mihitsy amin'ny kaymak mafana eraky ny sotrokely . The latter go wonderfully well with a dollop of kaymak when hot. The latter is well accompanied by hot cymak in a cup of tea. Ny ekipan-tserasera, niasa niaraka tamin'ny Vondrona El Churo, notohanan'ny Rising Voices amin'ny alalan'ny fandraisana an-tanana Amazonian'ny Rising Voices, no vao nikarakara andian'atrikasa nanofana ny tanora amin'ny fampiasana ny lahatsary nomerika ahafahan-dry zareo milaza ny tantaran-dry zareo sy mandranitra ny fanondroana ara-kolontsain-dry zareo. The communications team, in collaboration with El Churo Collective, supported by Rising Voices through the Rising Voices Amazon initiative, recently organized a series of workshops that trained young people in the use of digital video so they could tell their own stories and shape their cultural identity. The online team, working with the El Churo Group, supported by Rising Voices through Rising Voices' Amazon initiative, recently organized a series of workshops to train young people using digital videos that allow them to tell their stories and promote their cultural identity. Miantso ny Firenena Mikambana sy ny fikambanana hafa mpiaro ny zon'olombelona, fikambanan'ny haino aman-jery, mpanao gazety sy izay olona voakasika amin'ny fampiroboroboana ny fahalalahan'ny asa fanaovan-gazety sy ny fahalalahana maneho hevitra ary ny zon'ny fampitam-baovao i Jobe mba hanampy azy. Jobe has also appealed to UN and other human right bodies, media organisations, journalists and individuals concerned with promoting press freedom, freedom of expression and media rights to come to his aid. Jobe calls on the United Nations and other human rights organizations, media organizations, journalists and individuals involved in promoting press freedom, freedom of expression and media rights to help him. Sary: Hassan Turi (@spin_ghar) Source: Hassan Turi (@spin_ghar) Credit: Hassan Turi (@spin_ghar) Fiantraikany: Fanakatsoana ny fientanentananao Impact: Curb your enthusiasm Duration: Maintaining your excitement · Global Voices Lahatsary mbola avy amin'ny dokambarotra tafaporitsaka ihany izay manasongadina ny herisetra an-tokantrano Video still from leaked ad making light of domestic violence Still from leaked ads that highlight domestic violence Rehefa nivoaka tamin'ny faran'ny Novambra ny lahatsary fampahafantarana ny andiany fahafito amin'ny "Star Wars," dia roboka tamin'ny fibitabitahana iraisampirenena nateraky ny fiverenan'ireo "chevaliers" du Jedi sy ny Stormtroopers koa ireo Rosiana mpampiasa aterineto. When the teaser trailer for the seventh installment in "Star Wars" dropped in late November, Russian Internet users joined the international frenzy about the return of Jedi knights and Stormtroopers. When the promotional video for the seventh edition of the "Star Wars" was released in late November, Russian Internet users were also involved in international success caused by the return of the du Jedi and Stormtroopers. Manontany tena matetika ireo Zambiana maro, ny amin'ny fahaizana miasa sy ny tsy fombàn'ny polisim-pirenena na amin'iza na amin'iza, ary matetika mampahatsiahy azy ireo fa tsy hery izy ireo fa sampandraharaha. Many Zambians routinely question the professionalism and neutrality of the country's police, and often remind them that they are not a force but a service. Many Zambians often wonder about the ability to work and the insensitivity of the national police, and often remind them that they are not a force but a service. Etsy andanin'izany, efa nanambara ireo jiolahin-tsambo fa ho arefotr'izy ireo ny sambo raha toa ka tsy mivaly hatramin'ny asabotsy ny fitakian'izy ireo. On the other hand, the pirates already announced that they will blow the ship if their demands are not met by Saturday. On the other hand, the ships had already announced that they would close the boat if their demands were not met until Saturday. Lazan'ny fihenjanana ateraky ny "Barefoot Gen" Popularity of "Barefoot Gen" surges State of tension caused by "Barefoot Gen" Ny zanany vavy, Bahia al-Roushodi, ny iray tamin'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana, nahazo sazy mihantona efatra volana an-tranomaizina taorian'izay hetsika farany natao izay. One of the protesters was his daughter, Bahia al-Roushodi, who was given a suspended four-month prison sentence after that earlier sit-in. One of the protesters was his daughter, Salvador al-Roshodi, who was sentenced to four months in prison after the latest action. Draža Mihailović dia nanao heloka tamin'ny ady... Draža Mihailović was a war criminal... Draža Mihailović committed war crimes... Afa-manaraka ny fandefasana mivantana eto ianao. You can watch the live stream here. You can follow livestream here. Nahatsapa ny olona tamin'ny ankapobeny fa lasa lavitra loatra ny fikasan'ny vavahadin-tserasera iray hanangona ny mombamomba ny tsirairay tsy tiany hiely. As one Korean portal giant's attempt to gather private information was thwarted, a public notion has formed that we have let things go too far. People generally felt that a portal's attempts to collect personal information they didn't want to spread went too far. Manampahaizana mikasika ny fitsaboana ny homamiadana ao Silver Spring izy, tanàna iray ao amin'ny fanjakan'i Maryland, ao Amerika. He's an oncologist in Silver Spring, a city in the US state of Maryland. He's an expert in cancer treatment in Silver Spring, a city in the state of Granada, U.S.A. - Mpamadika ianao. - You're a traitor. - You're a traitor. Manameloka Ny Praiminisitra Ho Mihatsaravelatsihy Tamin'ny 'Eritreriny Sy Ny Vavaka'  Nataony Ho An'i Orlando Ny Fiarahamonina LGBTQ  Ao India India's LGBTQ Community Accuses Prime Minister of Hypocrisy Over His 'Thoughts and Prayers' for Orlando · Global Voices India's LGBTQ Community accuses Prime Minister of hypocritically 'Evert and Prayers' for Orlando · Global Voices Ny tena antso fototra dia ny fanaikàna ny vahoaka hirotsaka an-dalambe tao Khartoum nalefa tao amin'ny Facebook. The main call asking people to take to the streets of Khartoum was made on Facebook. The main call for people to take to the streets of Khartoum was posted on Facebook. Nivelona tamin'ny jono foana ny olona aty amin'ny faritray. "Our people have always lived off the fish in this region. People in our area always lived on fishing. Indro fijoroana vavolombelona hafa nataona iraniana iray antsoina hoe Farad, izay nilaza fa nosamborina sy nampijaliana tao amin'ny fonjan'i Evin satria nandalo teny akaikin'ny toerana nisy fihetsiketsehana. Here is another testimony from an Iranian citizen arrested and tortured at Evin prison simply for having been near the site where a demonstration took place. Here is another testimony made by an Iranian named Farad, who says he was arrested and tortured in the Evin prison as he passed by near the protest site. Litera 4 amin'ny laharana finday ny teny fanalahidy izay afaka alefan'ny olona hafatra an-tsoratra. A shortcode is a 4-letter phone number that people can text messages to. The password is 4 in a mobile number where people can send text messages. Nianatra haka ny bachelor fampitam-baovao amin'ny daholobe avy ao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Zambia izy ary nahazo ny diplaoman'ny master avy amin'ny Oniversiten'i Winchester tao UK izay nifindrany noho ny antony ara-politika izy tamin'ny 2008. He studied for a bachelor's of mass communication from the University of Zambia and later obtained a master's degree in 2008 from University of Winchester in the United Kingdom where he relocated for political reasons. He studied the bachelor mass media from the University of Zambia and received a master's degree at the University of Winchester in the UK where he moved for political reasons in 2008. @_kiradee: @_kiradee: @_kiddee: Tsy manankery intsony ankehitriny ireo fifanekena momba ny filaminana nosoniavina tamin'ny taona 2007 noho ireo fanafihana vaovao izay niteraka hetsi-bahoaka goavana. This fresh wave of attacks, which has caused significant civilian displacement, has effectively annulled the peace agreements signed in 2007. The peace agreements signed in 2007 are now out of effect due to new attacks that led to massive mass protests. Marina moa ry zalahy....' Seriously guys ... They are right...' Mamakia maromaro kokoa ao amin'ny pejy manokana mitantara ny Fandrotsaham-baton'i Rosia. Read more on our special coverage page Russia Votes. Read more on Russia's Special Coverage page. Izany no mety teten-drano hampitobaka ny siny na hampipoaka ny sarom-bilàny manosika ny olona rehetra hidina an-dalambe, hanehoany ny hasosorany. It's these limitations that drive the anger we're now seeing nationwide. That's why it might be watering the jars or tearing down its hardness to push everyone to take to the streets, expressing their anger. Delfín Quishpe. Delfín Quishpe. Delfín Quishpe. Fito taona taorian'ny nanaovana ny Moudawana, na ny Lalànan'ny Fianakaviana, dia maro no mahatsapa fa tsy misy fanatsarana loatra ny toerana misy ny vehivavy eo anivon'ny fiaraha-monina. Seven years after the implementation of the Moudawana, or Family Code, many see little improvement in women's social status. Seven years after Moudawana, or Family Law, many feel that there is no much improvement in the status of women in society. Mba Jereo Azafady Ary Raiso Ny Andraikitrao Amin'ny Tokony Ovàna eo amin'ny Fiarahamonina, Lahatsary Hamongorana Ny Fampanambadiana Ankizy & Dôty any Nepal Please Watch & Make Your Commitment Social Norms Change Video to End Child Marriage & Dowry in Nepal: via @YouTube - Raj Kumar Mahato (@rkmahato5) October 13, 2014 Please See and Take Your Role in Social Change, Video to End Child Marriage & Death in Nepal · Global Voices Tsotra ny vahaolana: tsenambarotra atokana ho an'ny vehivavy fotsiny ary hamaha ny olana eo amin'ny roa tonta izany, satria tanora ireo tovolahy ary tsy misy lalàna manakana azy ireo na manakana ny vehivavy tsy hikarakara tarehy The solution is simple: 100 per cent women only malls and this ends the problem for both sides, because the young men are adolescents and there is no law to stop them and the women wear make up The solution is simple: it's just a dance for women and it's a solution to the problem between the two, because the young men are young and there's no law that prevents them or prevents women from caring for their faces Manjombona ny ho avin'ireto feso ireto. These dolphins face a bleak future. These dolphins are afraid of the future. Fa kosa, raha hitarina lavidavitra ny resaka, toa tsy mahafantatra zavatra betsaka mikasika an'i Ryan ireo vahoaka miteny Espaniola. Nevertheless, broadly speaking, the Hispanic population does not appear to know much about Ryan . But, on the surface, Spanish-speaking people don't seem to know much about Ryan. Ankoatra izay, dia fantatra ihany koa amin'ny fahafahany mahavariana manangona ireo loton'ny tontolo iainana ny holatra araka ny fanazavana ato amin'ity lahatsary miteny Frantsay ity: Furthermore, mushrooms are known for their surprising capacity to concentrate environmental pollution, explained in this French-language video: In addition, mushrooms are also known for their amazing ability to collect pollution from the environment, as explained in this French-speaking video: Araka ny filazan'ny Foiben'ny Helodrano misahana ny zon'olombelona, naka an-keriny an'i Al-Naimi tany an-tranony ny ISIS tamin'ny herinandro lasa taorian'ny nilazany ny vondrona ho "olon-dia." According to the Gulf Center for Human Rights, ISIS kidnapped Al-Naimi last week from her home after she described the group as 'barbaric'. According to the Gulf Center for Human Rights, ISIS kidnapped Al-Naimi at his home last week after he called the group "a person." Tsy misy mpizara solika manaiky vola taratasy Rs 500 sy Rs 1000 any Delhi sy Noida No petrol pump accepting Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency notes in Delhi and Noida @dpradhanbjp - Sanjay Bragta (@SanjayBragta) November 8, 2016 No oil server accepts Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes in Delhi and Noida Fipoahana mafy& tifitra totoafo ataon'ny mpiaro habakabaka izao any amin'ny faritra andrefan'i #Sana. Big booms & intensive air defence selling and fire now in western parts of #Sanaa. Strong explosion & airstrikes now on the west side of #Sana. Ohatra, hofantenin'ny NCPO ny loholona 194. For example, 194 senators will be selected by the NCPO. For example, 194 Senators are selected by the country's council. Maro ireo mpanohana namoaka ny sary mampihetsi-po tamin'ny fihaonan'i Zelalem sy ny sipany: Numerous supporters posted photos of an emotional reunion between Zelalem and his girlfriend: Many supporters posted their moving photos of Zelalem's meeting with his girlfriend: Noho ny hamafin'ny daroka, tsy nahavita nahafehy ny tsinaiko aho. Due to the severity of the beating, I was unable to control my bowels . Due to the intensity of the beating, I couldn't control my condition. Na teo aza anefa ny fihenàna manerantany, notaterin'ireo mpivarotra fa tafakatra 1,350 isanjato ny famarotana ny papirosy - sigara Rosina moravidy, tsy misy fanatatavànana, izay nanana laza manokana tao amin'ny Firaisana Sovietika. Despite the overall decline, however, vendors reported a 1,350 percent rise in the sale of papirosy - a cheap, filterless Russian cigarette that was especially popular in the Soviet Union. Despite global warming, however, vendors reported that the sale of postcards increased by 1.350 percent - Rosina easy to buy, without any censorship, which had a special popularity in the Soviet Union. Mety hidika ho adisaina ho an'i Massimov, mpanompo nahatoky ela, mpitantana malala-tsaina sy manan-tsaina izany, fa angamba tsy hanana ny tambajotram-panohanana lalim-paka ilaina entina hiadiana amin'ny fanafihana atao amin'ny sezany ilay iray izay toy ny foko vitsy an'isa* This could mean trouble for the long-serving Massimov, an urbane and intelligent administrator by all accounts, but one who as an ethnic minority* may lack the deep-rooted support networks required to fend off a sustained attack on his position. This could mean a debate for Massim, a long-time faithful servant, a liberal and intelligent manager, that perhaps the one who is like a minority ethnic group* will not have a strong network of support needed to combat attacks on his seat. Isika rehetra dia afaka ny hanampy ny olona rehetra handrava ny sakatsakana (na ara-tekinika na zavatra hafa ihany koa) izay mety hamihemotra azy ireo tsy handray anjara amin'ity serasera isan'andro mivoatra ity. We can all play a part helping people overcome barriers (technical or otherwise) that stop them from taking part in this everyday online media revolution. We will all be able to help all people break the cycle (or anything else) which could discourage them from participating in this progressive daily communication. Tahaka ny any amin'ny firenena maro hafa, ianjadian'ny fanararaotana ataon'ny vondrona ara-tsosialy sy ny polisy ny olona "travesti" sy ny hafa ao amin'ny vondrom-piarahamonina LGBT ao Venezoela. As in many other countries, transgender people and the rest of the LGBT community in Venezuela are subject to abuse by social and police groups. As in many other countries, "travesti" and others in Venezuela's LGBT community have suffered abuse by social groups and police. Ireo tafa dimampolo nakarina ao amin'ny tranonkala "Japanese on the Move" dia manome tantaram-pijery manokana momba ny dikan'ny hoe fifangarana kolontsaina ao anatinà tontolo iray miaina ny fanontoloana. The fifty interviews uploaded to the Japanese on the Move site provide deeply personal stories about what it means to cross cultures in a globalized world. The 50 interviewees posted on the Japanese on the Move website provide personal insights on the meaning of culturalism in a world where diversity is a reality. Rehefa nifanety tao dia nanapa-kevitra hivoaka izahay, ary avy eo sehatry ny olana manohitra amin'ny demaokrasia - nihidy ny vavahady ary tsy navelan'izy ireo nivoaka ny kianja izahay. Milling around we decided to get out, and eventually ran into a problem that contradicts democracy - the gates had been closed and they did not let us out of the park. When we arrived there we decided to leave, and then a platform for anti-democracy issues - the gates were closed and they did not allow us to leave the square. Norasarasain'ny The Temasek Review ireo fialan'olon-kendry tao anaty tohakevitr'i Shanmugam' The Temasek Review dissects the loopholes of Shanmugam's arguments The Temasek Review has documented the resignations in Shanmugam's comments Lisette Arévalo Gross sy Sol Borja, mpandalina avy amin'ny media Ekoatoriana GkillCity, no namaritra ny fomba fipetrak'ireo mpifaninana ao anatin'ny tontolo politika feno fifandirana ao Ekoatora, ary koa ny tahotra ananan'ireo Ekoatoriana marobe momba ny fahalalahana maneho hevitra sy ny fiarovana ny demaokrasia. Lisette Arévalo Gross and Sol Borja, analysts from Ecuadorean media outlet GkillCity, described how the candidates fit into the context of Ecuador's confrontational political landscape, and also the fear that many Ecuadorians have regarding freedom of expression and preserving democracy. Lisette Arévalo Gross and Sol Borja, analysts from Ecuadorian media GkillCity, described the candidates' position in Ecuador's controversial political landscape, as well as the fear that many Ecuadorians have about freedom of expression and democracy. Nandray izany fanapaha-kevitra izany ny vondron'ny mpanohitra taorian'ny roa herinandro nisian'ny gidragidra andalambe teo amin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana sy ny milisin'ny mpirahalahy Miozolomana mpanohana ny filoha Morsi. This comes after two weeks of street battles between protestors and Muslim Brotherhood militias and supporters, who support Morsi. The opposition group took this decision after two weeks of street clashes between protesters and Muslim Brotherhood supporters of President Morsi. Tamin'ny volana Martsa 2013 lasa teo, nanatontosa fanentanana antsoina hoe (Homem De Verdade Não Bate Em Mulher) "Ny tena lehilahy Tsy midaroka vehivavy " ny banky iraisam-pirenena, miaraka amin'ny Ivotoerana Maria da Penha Fernandes, anatin'izany ny hetsika sy ny fikambanam-behivavy miaro ny zon'ny vehivavy. The World Bank with the participation of the Maria da Penha Fernandes Institute among other Brazilian women's right movements and societies launched a campaign in March 2013 called "Real men don't beat women" (Homem De Verdade Não Bate Em Mulher). Last March 2013, the international bank launched a campaign called "The Real Man Who Does Not Violence Women," with the Maria da Penha Fernandes Center, including protests and women's rights organizations. Ho an'ireo izay tsy nahare moa moa dia nisy voina nitranga tany Meknes, izay niasako nandritra ny herintaona. For those who haven't heard, the mosque disaster occurred in Meknes, where I worked for a year. For those who didn't hear of it, a tragedy happened in Meknes, where I worked for a year. Ny anankiray hafa tianay indray dia ny rakitsary nopihana tany amin'ny seranam-piaramanidin'i Singapore Changi . The other one we like is the album shot at Singapore Changi Airport. Another thing we wanted was a video taken at Singapore Changi airport. Ireo rohy mankany amin'ireo Alfabeta Links to the Alphabets Link to Alfabeta Nahazoan-dalana avy amin'ny ny sary Photo used with permission from Photo used with permission from Hetsika milay! Nice move! What a big move! Etsy andaniny kosa, i Ruben Dario dia mihevitra ireo mpampita vaovao ho mitaiza loatra fifandraisana mitongilana any amin'ny 'tombontsoan'ny ao ambony'. However, Ruben Dario Buitrón thinks that far too often the media has too close of a relationship with powerful interests . On the other hand, Ruben Dario considers the media to be overemphasizing in 'the upper class'. Fantatro fa indray andro any dia mbola handany alina manontolo eny amoron-tsiraka eny aho, ary ary hiandry ny maraina mangiran-dratsy manomboka hiposaka. I know that some day I will spend a whole night on the coast, and I will wait until dawn begins to appear. I know that one day I will spend the whole night on the beach, and wait until dawn begins to rise. Misaotra an'i Twitter, fantatro fa fitsingerenan'ny andro nahaterahan'ny filohantsika @KremlinRussia androany ! Thanks to Twitter, I know that our President, @KremlinRussia has a birthday today! Thanks to Twitter, I know today is the birthday of our president @KremlinRussia! Fara-faharatsiny - ary izany no fampiononana ny adala - tsy noheveriko fa vendrana tahaka ireo liam-pandrosoana eto amin'ny fireneko ianao. Ireo liam-pandrosoana izay atahorako fa tsy hanaiky mihitsy ny hifanaraka amin'ny filoha voafidy, izay mpikambana amin'ny hery faran'ny havanana, hanafoana ny Fiarahamiasa Iraisan'i Pasifika manontolo sy ireo fifanarahana hafa efa nolaviny hatry ny ela. At the very least - and this is a fool's consolation - I don't think you are as bad as the progressives of my own country, whom I fear are never going to come to terms with the fact that the president-elect, who's practically a member of the extreme right, will annul the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other treaties they have long refused to recognize. At least that's the comfort of the stupid - I don't think you're as stupid as the progressives in my country. the progressives who I fear will never agree with the elected president, who is a member of the far-right forces, to cancel the whole Pacific Cooperation and other long-standing agreements. Amin'ny teny hafa, nirian'i Wiley ny hahita ny tenany ho ao anatin'ireny sarinà mahefy fo goavana ireny. In other words, Wiley wanted to see himself in those grand heroic portraits. In other words, Wiley wanted to see himself in these huge images of courage. Ny fikambananan'ny mpamahana bolongana ao Kenya (Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE): The Bloggers Association of Kenya is: The Association of Bloggers of Kenya (BAKE): Pampulha, Fiandohan'i Brasília Pampulha, the Start of Brasília Pampulha, the beginning of Brasília Ankoatra ny sazy an-tranomaizina, mbola hotazomina aminà trano ambenana ihany koa izy telo dahy. Aside from serving a prison term, the three will also face house arrest. In addition to prison sentences, the three men will also be held under house arrest. Minitra vitsy taty aoriana, hitako tao amin'ny habaky ny Gazeta do Povo ity sary ity. Minutes later, I see this image on Gazeta do Povo's website. A few minutes later, I found this photo on the Gazeta do Povo website. Ora iray indray hidirana amin'ny dingana manaraka ve? #Yemen #Fandriampahalemana One more hour to go for the new phase? #Yemen #Peace - Mohammed Al-Asaadi (@alasaadim) April 21, 2015 Is it an hour into the next stage? #Yemen #Peace Talohan'ny horohorontany, ny herisetra atao amin'ny vehivavy dia efa nametraka olana, nefa taorian'izany dia vao maika mihanaka ny olana, na dia minia manamaivana izany aza ireo andrim-panjakana any an-toerana: tsy misy jiro any amin'ireo toby rehefa alina ary mazàna dia mitambatra fitoerana fandroana ny lahy sy ny vavy, izay miteraka tahotra sy mampitombo ny fahatsapan'izy ireo ny tsy fandriam-pahalemana. Even before the earthquake, violence against women was already a problem, but after the earthquake it just blew up, despite local institutions trying to minimize it: in most camps at night there is no electricity and often there are only shared bathrooms for both men and women, thus creating a dangerous situation and heightening the feeling of frustration and insecurity. Before the earthquake, violence against women has already raised problems, but after that the problem has become more widespread, even though local institutions have deliberately ignored it: there is no electricity at night and most times there is a male and female baths, resulting in fear and increased their feeling of insecurity. Le Cat Stevens de l'Afghanistan .....Ny Cat Stevens an'i Afganistana Afghanistan's Cat Stevens Sun leaf also writes about a popular Afghan singer who is, according to the blogger, Afghanistan's Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam).The blogger writes about this singer: you know the lyrics or not, the tune itself should be able to take you to the lands far away. Le Cat Stevens de l'Azistan .... Afghanistan's Cat Stevens Koa raha voatendry hanana ny anjara toerana roa lehibe indrindra eo amin'ny fiarovam-pirenena amin'ny fitondrana Trump i Gingrich sy i Bolton, dia hanana ny herim-panintonana indray ve ny fanandratana feno an'i Rajavi? With Gingrich and Bolton likely to be appointed to two of the highest national security positions in the Trump administration, will Rajavi's totalitarian cult gain influence? So if Gingrich and Bolton were to play two major role in the national security of the Trump regime, would Rajavi's full praise have renewed influence? Sary: Sampana Mpanao gazetin'i Kremlin Niverina indray ny savorovoro ara-miaramila any Krimea, izay anaovan'ireo tomponandraiki-panjakana federaly Rosiana fiampangana henjana ny governemanta Okrainiana, nilazàna fa niditra an-tsokosoko ny sisintany ireo olon'ny fitsikilovana avy any Okrainiana mba hikarakara andiana fanafihana fampihorohoroana any amin'ny tany bodoin'ny Rosiana. Photo: Kremlin Press ServiceMilitary confusion has returned to Crimea, where Russian federal officials are making serious allegations against the Ukrainian government, claiming that Ukrainian intelligence agents infiltrated the border in an attempt to stage a series of terrorist attacks on Russian-occupied soil. Photo: Kremlin's Press Service restores military unrest in Crimea, where Russian federal officials make serious accusations against the Ukrainian government, claiming that Ukrainian intelligence agents have illegally entered the border to organize a series of terrorist attacks on Russian territory. Mitaky famotopotorana feno sy fanazavana feno avy amin'i Ejipta amin'izao fahafatesan'olompireneny 12 izao ny Minisitry ny Raharaham-bahiny Meksikana Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Affairs demands full investigation,explanation from Egypt into deaths of 12 citizens - Bel Trew - بل ترو (@Beltrew) September 14, 2015 The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands a complete investigation and full explanation from Egypt of the death of 12 citizens. Tena nomena loko Amerikana tanteraka izy ity ... This is completely Americanized ... It was completely given American colour... Afrika Atsimo: Hevitra tsara ve ny e-varotra ? South Africa: Is online business a good idea? · Global Voices South Africa: Is e- is a good idea? · Global Voices Saingy efa azon'ny mampiasa twitter ny vaovao ary efa nanadihady, naka lahatsoratra nadika avy @ teny grika tao @ sampan'ny vondrom-baovao iray tsy miankina Indymedia Athens ry zareo. But it was picked up by Twitter users and investigated after - an offshoot of the Indymedia Athens group - provided a translation of the article in Greek. But the news has already been picked up by twitter users and they have been investigating, taking a translation from the Greek version of branch of the independent news group Indymedia Athens. Fa na eo kosa aza ireny fiantraikany ratsy ireny, misy ihany koa ny fahafahan'i Frantsa miray bebe kokoa. But these negative consequences notwithstanding, there is also potential for a more united France. But despite these negative consequences, there is also an opportunity for France to be more united. Tsy fantatro. I don't know. I don't know. Ato ny tohiny... Read more... The next is here... Efa maherin'ny 17.000 sahady ny fanangon-tsonia nitakiana ny rariny momba ny raharaha famonoana an'i Peranginangin. A petition calling for justice in the Peranginangin murder case has already accumulated more than 17,000 signatures. The petition demanding justice for Peranginangin's murder has already been petitioned more than 1,000 times. Baomba mandatsa-dranomaso no eny amin'ny manodidina. ... Tear gas everywhere. ... tear gas around. ... Inona no hiraharahiana ny fivahinianana masina (Hajj) any amin'ny firenena izay tsy mampihatra afa-tsy ny fanasaziana tahaka ny biby? Why bother going for a pilgrimage (Hajj) to a country that can only execute beast-like punishments? What is the concern of the sacred travel (Hajj) in a country that only applies punishment like animals? Nolazaina hoe: "Nihantsy ady tamin'i Amerika ny ISIS sy Iran." This WAS said: "ISIS and Iran have declared war on America." It was said: "ISIS and Iran have declared war on America." Nanoratra ny tantara tamin'ny teny anglisy i Ahmed ka afaka mahazo izany ny Tandrefana. Ahmed wrote the story in English so that westerners could understand. Ahmed wrote the story in English and the West can understand it. (17 Febroary) (February 17) (February 17) Sary nozaraina tao amin'ny pejy facebook ofisialin'i Ezequiel Lavezzi Image posted on Ezequiel Lavezzi's official page on Facebook Photo shared on the official Facebook page of Ezequiel Lavezzi Toy ny tany miady isanandro no iainan'i Eritrea miaraka amin'ireo firenena roa hany mpifanolo-bodirindrina aminy, Etiopia sy Djibouti. Eritrea is in a permanent state of war with its only two neighbours by land, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Eritrea lives on a daily basis with its only two neighboring countries, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Ireo mpirotsaka an-tsitrapo feno fandavan-tena sy liana no mampiodina ny Chayn anatin'izany asa tapakandro izany. Chayn is solely run by dedicate and passionate volunteers who work on this part-time. Chayn is run by dedicated and interested volunteers in these regular activities. Sary avy amin'i @mzhangx mpampiasa Instagram Photo by Instagram user @mzhangx Photo by Instagram user @mzhangx Tetsy ankilan'izay, trakta maro no nozaraina ho fiantsoana ny olona hanatsahatra ny fisamborana tsy manara-dalàna. In addition, many flyers were distributed that call for an end to arbitrary detainment. On the other hand, several posters have been distributed calling for people to stop illegal arrests. Cherise d'Abadie, izay monina any Etazonia ankehitriny, nilaza tao amin'ny adihevitra fa: Cherise d'Abadie, who now lives in the United States, said of the debate: Cherise d'Abaddie, who now lives in the US, said in the debate: Tao anatin'ny lahatsariny, nilaza lahatsoratra vao haingana nalefan'ny Vondrona Manampahaizana avy amin'ny taranja maro izay nandà ny fanazavana ofisialy momba ny zava-nitranga io alina io izy ary nitady ny fanohanan'ny vahoaka mba tsy hohadinoina ireo olon-kafa an'arivony nanjavona. In his video, he referenced the recent publication authored by the Interdisciplinary Group of Experts that refuted the Mexican government's official version of the night's events, and sought public support so that thousands of others who have disappeared would not be forgotten. In his video, he said a recent post by the Group of Experts from many fields who denied the official explanation of what happened that night and sought public support so that thousands of others who disappeared would not be forgotten. Ilay tenifototra #sendong sy #prayformindanao dia nameno ny vohikala ary nampiakarin'ny olona anaty aterineto haingana mba hanaovanao antso ho amin'ny fanohanana Hashtags #sendong and #prayformindanao dominated the web and were maximized by netizens to call for support The hashtags #sendong and #prayforminda you have flooded the web and people are quick to call for support Tanora lehibe miisa 135.000 no niala tany Italia hatry ny taona 2010, saingy tsy voarain'ireo antontanisa ofisialy tao amin'ny fanisàny ireo tsy nanao taratasy mazava tsara ny amin'ny fiovam-ponenany. 135,000 young adults have officially left Italy since 2010 but official statistics do not take into account those who do not formally change their residence. 135,000 young adults have left Italy since 2010, but official statistics have not received from their list of those who did not make a written document about their change. Misy ihany koa ny fandravana goavana tao amin'ny seranan-tsambo atsimo ao an-tanànan'i Aden, izay nanaovan'ny Houthi ny valifatin'izy ireo niaraka tamin'ny tafika manohana ny filohan'i Yemen teo aloha, Ali Abdullah Saleh. There is also massive destruction in the southern port city Aden, where the Houthis have been pushing their response, along with forces loyal to Yemen's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh. There is also a massive destruction in the southern port city of Aden, where the Houthis have joined forces in supporting Yemen's former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. Heverina hampahafantarina amin'ity volana oktobra 2009 ity moa io lisitry ny bolongana io, ao anatin'ny New Media Forum Geogiana amin'ny herinandro ambony. The presentation of the blog catalogue is scheduled to take place in October 2009, within the framework of next week's Georgian New Media Forum. The list of blogs is scheduled to be published this October 2009 on the New Media Forum Gelogiana next week. Afaka hita amin'ny fitsanganana eo amina tetezana iray mampifandray ny firenena roa noho ny resaka ara-barotra ny fahasamihafana eo amin'ireo firenena roa. Stark differences between the two countries can be seen while standing on a bridge that links the two countries for trade. The difference between the two countries can be seen in a bridge that connects the two countries for commercial purposes. Tsy teny vaovao monja ihany ny Konkatsu Konkatsu fa trangam-piarahamonina nipoitra tsikelikely ka nahatonga ny Japone "hanome anarana' sy hanaiky azy, ary koa haneho azy anatina tantara an-tsary mitohy sy fandaharana amin'ny fahitalavitra . Konkatsu is not merely a new word, it is a social phenomenon that has emerged lately to the point that Japanese have felt the need to 'name' and recognize it, also representing it in many TV series and shows . Konkatsu Konkatsu is not just a new word but an emerging social phenomenon that has led Japanese to "name" and accept it, as well as show it in a series of series and TV shows. Ny adim-piainana, indraindray tola, matetika mahomby. The fight, sometimes defeat, often success. The struggle for life, sometimes tola, often achieves success. Fianakaviana sy mpianatra an-jatony hafa kosa ao anatin'ny ratra ara-batana sy saina Hundreds of other students and families have been left with open wounds on their bodies and minds. Hundreds of families and other students are suffering from physical and mental wounds. Tahaka ity ny sary amin'ny ankapobeny: ireo tompony sy ny mpanjifa ny zavatra rehetra misy eto amin'ny firenena dia vondron'olona iray izay milaza ny tenany ho tmpon'ny fahefana sy mandidy amin'ny fiainana, ary satria ry zareo tsy afaka mifampitory izy samy izy noho ny haratsian'ny tolotra sy ny zavatra ilaina, dia voatery mihafy mampiasa mangina izay azo raisina eo ry zareo. The general picture looks like this: the owners and consumers of all that exists in the country is a group of people who call themselves the power and the masters of life, and since they cannot file complaints against each other for low-quality goods and services, they are forced to quietly make use of whatever's available. The images in general are as follows: the owners and customers of everything in the country are a group of people who call themselves the victims of power and command in life, and because they cannot sleep each other due to poor services and needs, they are forced to resort to a silent use of what is available. Manaraka ny dian'ireo teo alohany Banda tahaka an-dry Kamuzu sy Bingu. Banda is following the path of her predecessors like Kamuzu and Bingu. Following the footsteps of those ahead Banda like Kamuzu and Bingu. 3 ora lasa izay tanaty tranonkala about 3 hours ago via web 3 hours ago on the web Nahenoana feo tifitifitra sy famonoana ary fanimban-javatra mahatsiravina tao. There were terrible sounds of shooting and killing and destruction. It has heard loud voices and murders and horrors there. Tsy misy zava-doza mitranga izany eo. Nothing bad is happening. There's nothing bad about it. -Nahoana ianao no eto? - Why are you here? -Why are you here? Na izany aza, ny fanontaniana mipetraka dia ny hoe iza no tompon'andraikitra? However, the question remains on who is responsible. However, the question is who is responsible? Mandehana miverina mianatra. Go back to study. Go back to school. Avelao ireo mpisera amin'ny haino aman-jery sosialy no haneho ny fahatsapàny ny momba ireo mpanakanto tamin'ity taona ity, nanana olana tamin'ny fiarahana teny an-tsehatra ny sasany tamin'izy ireo. Leave it to social media users to express their impressions about this year's performers, some of whom had difficulty keeping it together on stage. Let social media users express their feelings about the artists this year, some of them had difficulty getting together. Ary mitantara ny zavamisy ho tahaka izao i WhateverInGaza: And WhateverInGaza describes the situation as follows: And WhateverInGaza describes the situation as follows: Manana governemanta roa ankehitriny ny Afganistana: Ny Repoblika Silamo ao Afganistana ary ny "Emirat" Silamo ao Afganistana..... mariky ny lasa. Now Afghanistan has two governments: the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan..... a sign of the past. Afghanistan now has two governments: Afghanistan's Islamic Republic and Afghanistan's Muslim "Emitat.".... a symbol of the past. Fiaviana Origin Marriages Toerana malaza hijerena masoandro mody ny helo-dranon'i Manila. Manila Bay is a famous destination to view the sunset. Manila Bay is a popular place to watch sunset. Raha any marina, hitera-doza mitatao ho an'ireo olona monina manamorona ny renirano miaraka amin'ny aretina mety hamono. In fact, it will endanger the people who are living along the river bank with deadly diseases. In fact, it poses a threat to people living along the river with potentially deadly diseases. Nampiasaina hanaovana lohateny an-gazety sy any amin'ny fampitam-baovao sosialy ho tahaka ny hetsi-bahoaka ny anaran'i Alexey Navalny. Alexey Navalny's name used to occupy Russian news headlines and social media like it was a movement. Alexey Navalny's name has been used to make headlines in newspapers and on social media as a popular movement. Te-hanandrana zava-baovao aho, ary mikaroka lohahevitra vaovao hotantaraina, sy feo vaovao hohainoina." I want to try new things, and I am always looking for new stories, new voices to represent." I want to try new things, and find new topics to talk about, and a new voice to listen to." Sary tao amin'ny pejy manohana azy ao amin'ny Facebook. Photo from Facebook support page. Photo from Facebook support page. Raha niainga tany ambava adin'ny hisian'ny fahalalaham-pitenenana, nandalo ny tantaran'ny fiteny andavanandro, kolontsaina ary ny fiainana andavanandron'ny vahiny amin'ny bolongana, dia hitady kosa ny hizara ny tsara avy aminay ho henon'ny besinimaro kokoa. From the frontlines of online battles of freedom of expression to everyday stories about language, culture, and daily life in foreign blogs, we look forward to sharing our best with a broader audience. While the story of the language, culture, and everyday lives of foreigners on blogs came from the front lines of the struggle for freedom of expression, it was about to share our goods with the public. "Mba mila rano aho," hoy aho, tamin-tsento lalina. "I want some water," I say, with a burdened sigh. "I need water," I said, deeply. Nisoratra anarana i Monteiro ary nalaky nahay; tsy ela dia izy indray no nasaina mba hampianatra. Monteiro enrolled and learned fast; he was soon invited to teach as well. Monteiro signed up and was quick to learn; soon she was invited to teach. Ny Komity Miaro Ny Zon'Olombelona ao anatin'ny governemanta Kambodziana, izay namokatra ilay lahatsary, dia niaiky ilay hadisoana teknika, saingy nisisika tamin'ny filazàna fa bitika tsy misy dikany izany ary tsy niniana natao. The government's Cambodian Human Rights Committee, which produced the video, acknowledged the technical error but insisted that it was only minor and unintentional. The Cambodian government's Human Rights Committee, which produced the video, acknowledged the technical error, but insisted that it was trivial and not intentional. Ankasitrahana indrindra izay ho fanehoan-kevitra amin'ireo sary. Comments on the photographs are highly appreciated. The comments on the photos are especially appreciated. Nandefa lahatsary izay nojeren'ny olona maherin'ny 8.000 ny TeamWakeEmUP, vondronà mpaka lahatsary: TeamWakeEmUP, a group of videographers, posted a video that received more than 8,000 views: Team of photographers TeamWakeEmUP posted a video where more than 8,000 people watched: Tokony hamaly izay nolazainy tamin'ny firenena ny NEMO, tsy lazaina intsony ny tsy fahombiazana/sy ny tsy fanarahana ny torolalana sy ny tsy fisian'ny fandrindrana ny valin'ny nataon'ny firenena manoloana ny voina. NEMO must answer for what they told the nation, not to mention the chaotic/non-response to guiding and coordinating the nation's response to the disaster. NEMO should respond to what he said to the nation, not to mention the failure/and to follow guidelines and the lack of management of the country's response to the disaster. Izy io dia manasongadina ny fijoroana vavolombelona nataona mpanao gazety Haitiana iray sy ilay mpaka sary Liliane Pierre-Paul , izay mitanisa ireo olona fanta-daza hita maty taorian'ny loza. It features a testimony by Haitian journalist and photographer Liliane Pierre-Paul , who draws a list of well-known people who were officially found dead after the disaster. It features the testimony of a Haitian journalist and photographer Liliane Pierre-Paul, who quotes prominent figures who were found dead after the accident. @Ausamah_Alabsi: Fanazavana: ny "Filaminam-pirenena" tsy mitovy amin'ny"Lalàna Miaramila," Fitotonganana izany, ny lalàmpanorenana dia maneho ny mampiavaka azy ireo. @Ausamah_Alabsi: Clarification: "State of National Safety" is NOT "Martial Law," its a degree lower, the constitution differentiates between them @Ausamah_Alabsi: Light: The "National Security" is different from "The Military Law," It's a fall, the constitution represents their nature. Mbola miasa ny toerana ho an'ny teatra sady vao navaozina vao haingana, saingy tsy miafina amin'ny rehetra fa tena mety ho ady sarotra ny fanangonam-bola ho an'ny kanto eto Trinte sy Tobago. The theatre space is in operation and has been recently renovated, but it is no secret that fundraising for the arts in Trinidad and Tobago can be an uphill battle. The theater's place is still working and is being built recently, but it's not open to everyone that raising money for art in Trinte and Tobago can be a very difficult fight. Ao amin'ny tranonkalan-dry zareo, avoitran'ny Voxe ny fahitàna tsy azo lavina momba ny demaokrasia sy ny vahaolana aroson-dry zareo: On their website, the project puts forward a clear statement about democracy and the solution that they propose: On their website, Voxe highlights the inevitable view of democracy and their solution: Izay no nomarihin'ilay mpanoratra bilaogy Odieux Connard ao amin'ny lahatsorany, "ilay fehin-tendan'ady." This is what the author of the blog "Odieux Connard" points out in his post, "the scarf of war": That's what blogger Odieux Connard noted in his post, "the string of war." Fivoriambe Global Voices 2008 Announcing the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008 · Global Voices Global Voices 2008 Summit ..Mamelà ahy, ry Omar, tsy afa-manoatra aho manoloana ny fahoriana, ..Forgive me, Umar, I am powerless in this adversity, ..Forgive me, Omar, I can't help with the pain, Sary avy amin'i Sk. Image by Sk. Image by Sk. Nandà ny PP, tamin'ny filazana fa ireo antonan-taratasy tao anatin'ny dimy taona lasa ihany no azo anerena azy ireo. The PP refused, claiming that they were only obligated turn in documents from the last five years. The PP has refused, saying they can only be forced against documents in the past five years. @nasry: Taorian'ireo fanehoan-kevitra tsy misy fotony, namaky lahatsoratra avy amin'ny Arabo momba ny tafio-drivotra Sandy aho, mino aho fa toerana tsara indrindra ho antsika ny boky maintin'ny tantara .. ary tsy noho ny fankahalana izany, fa noho ny tsy fahalalahana. @nasry: After all those stupid comments I have read from Arabs about hurricane Sandy, I think that the black books of history is the best place for us .. and it isn't because of the hatred, but because of the ignorance @nasry: After all the empty comments, I read an Arab article about Hurricane Sandy, I believe the black book of history is the best place for us .. and it's not because of hate, but because of not freedom. Zavatra mampanahy hasandratry ny manam-pahaizana maro ny fandotoana ateraky ny fako, izay mandrisika an'i Myanmar hanangana modely maharitra kokoa ho an'ny fampandrosoana .Nanao fanangonana fako ilay nahazo ny loka Nobel sady Minisitra ambony San Suu Kyi Aung ho fanentanana manerana ny firenena tamin'ny faran'ny 2015 hampisehoana fa laharam-pahamehana ny miresaka ny olana. Garbage pollution is a concern raised by many experts, who urge Myanmar to embrace a more sustainable model of development. Even Nobel Laureate and top government minister Aung San Suu Kyi led a nationwide garbage collection campaign at the end of 2015 to demonstrate the urgency of addressing the problem. The waste pollution, which encourages Myanmar to build a longer-term model for development, is a worrying concern for many experts. Nobel Prize winner and high-ranking Minister San Suu Kyi Aung made a collection of trash to raise awareness throughout the country at the end of 2015 to show the importance of addressing the issue. Tsy miandry fahagagana hateraky ny fihaonan'ireo firenena Afrikana miisa 53 sy ny firenena Eorôpeana 7 any Lisbôna, ny mpiblaogy David Dinis arak'izay tateriny ao amin'ny blaogy O Insubmisso: "Africa needs not only better leaders, human rights, respect for others. It needs a freer Europe, to be more respected by the West and... globalization." David Dinis talks about the summit that will gather the 7-nation European Union and the 53-member African Union this Saturday in Lisbon at O Insubmisso . As David Dinis writes on O Insubmisso blog, he doesn't expect to be surprised by the meeting between 53 African countries and 7 European countries in Lithuania: Nibitsika ny filohan'ny Komity Mpandrindra ny Lalao Olaimpika Rosiana, i Dmitry Chernyshenko, fa ny fampianarana ny olona ny momba ireo olona "fahatsiahy" toa an'i Karapetyan no ivon'ny fifandimbiasan'ny fitondrana ilay afo. Dmitry Chernyshenko, the president of Russia's Olympic Organizing Committee, tweeted that educating people about "legendary" individuals like Karapetyan is the whole point of the torch relay. Dmitry Chernyshenko, the head of Russia's Olympic Committee, tweeted that teaching people about people like Karapetyan was the center of the regime's expansion of the fire. Nefa, ny hevitra hoe ny fanavaozana dia hitondra fiovàna goavana amin'ireo politika efa misy dia tsy iraisan'ny maro. However, not all are in the consensus that this move will lead to greater changes on the existing policies. However, the idea that reform will bring significant changes to existing policies is not shared by many. Nolazaina ho nanoratra izao manaraka izao izy tao anatin'ny trano fidiovan'ilay toerana fivarotana, araka ny tatitra iray an'ny tranonkalam-baovao Prachatai: He allegedly wrote the following inside the mall's toilet, according to a report by Prachatai, an alternative news website: He was reportedly writing the following inside the store's store store, according to a report from the news website Prachatai: Nanao antso ho an'ireo Keniana mpiray tanindrazana aminy izy ireo mba tsy handrotsaka vato hifidy indray ireo mpikambana ao amin'ny parlemanta mandritra ireo fifidianana solombavambahoaka hatao ato ho ato, voalahatra ho ny 4 Martsa. They called upon their fellow Kenyans to refrain from reelecting these MPs in the upcoming general elections, set for March 4. They have called upon their Kenyan fellow citizens not to vote again for members of parliament during the upcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled for March 4. Oscar Romero, zana-drahalahin'i Sigfredo Chávez no olona iray milaza fa mahalala tsara ny tena tantara. One person who claims to know the real story is Oscar Romero, Sigfredo Chávez's nephew. Oscar Romero, Sigfredo Chávez's nephew, is the one who claims to know the real story. Saiful Islam, mpikambana fahiny tao amin'ny Parlemanta no anisany tao anaty lisitr'ireo olona tsy hita. Former Member of Parliament Saiful Islam is on the missing persons list. Saiful Islam, a former member of Parliament was among the missing people. St. Kitts & Nevis: Eo Am-Panoherana ny Praiminisitra St. Kitts & Nevis: Protesting the Prime Minister · Global Voices St. Kitts & Nevis: Prime Minister in Protest · Global Voices Saingy raha heverinao fa tsy dia mahakasika loatra ny zava-mahatsikaiky anao ny herisetra kely monja, mba jereo mihitsy io! But if you don't mind a little violence with your humor, definitely check it out. But if you think that a little violence doesn't really affect your sense of humor, please look at it! Leo Tang, mpikatroka mafàna fo momba ny asa, no nanasongadina ny tsy fahatomombanan'ny lalàna ao an-toerana amin'ny fiarovana ireo mpifindra monina mpila ravinahitra manao asa an-trano: Labour activist Leo Tang highlighted the failure of local laws to protect migrant domestic helpers: Labor activist Leo Tang pointed out the failure of local law to protect migrant domestic workers: Tena henjana lavitra noho ny maha-hasidoana maneho ny tsy fitovian'ny lahy sy ny vavy azy no fahitan'ny Code Red ny fanamarihan'i Martelly: Code Red's assessment of Martelly's remark was far more severe than it being a sexist gaffe: Code Red sees TTIP's remarks as far more severe than genderism: Ny fahazoana vaovao betsaka dia midika ho fahaizana mametraka tsara ireo mpanangom-baovao any an-toerana sy fahaizana mipaingotra antso amin'ny finday. More intelligence means being able to better place informers on the ground and use cell phone interceptions. Getting a lot of information means being good at setting up local reporters and mobile phone calls. Raha ilaozana manenjika sy manasazy ireo lazaina fa manitsakitsaka ny lalàna, na amin'ny alalan'ny fanovana lalàna tsy misy fanentanana mazava na amin'ny fampiasana lalàna maizimaina mba hamelezana ireo fampahalalam-baovao, ireo governemanta - ary indrindra ireo eny amin'ny faritra izay efa manana olana amin'ny aterineto- dia tokony hiaiky fa tsy azo ovaina ihany ny famoaham-baovao amin'ny aterineto, fa angamba koa ny tena zava-dehibe dia ahazoana tombony amin'ny fampiroboroboana sy fiarovana ny demokrasia, ny zo fototry ny olombelona sy ny fitantanana mahomby. instead of clamping down on the alleged offenders by either sneaking in laws without much public awareness or using some obscure legislation to target such media, these governments - and indeed those in the rest of the region which have also previously registered discomfort with the Internet - must recognise that the online publishing phenomenon is not only irreversible but, perhaps more importantly, beneficial to the promotion and protection of democracy, fundamental human rights and good governance. Instead of persecuting and punishing those who allegedly violate the law, whether by changing a law without a clear campaign or using a law that seeks to target media, governments - and especially those in areas that already have problems with the Internet - should admit that online news outlets can't be changed, but perhaps the most important thing is to benefit from promoting and protecting democracy, fundamental human rights and effective governance. Voa ny sekoly iray teo amin'ny manodidina: A nearby school was hit: A school in the neighborhood was hit: Fa ny tena marina, haitraitra avy amin'i Aaraji izany. This is in fact pure fantasy on the part of Aaraji. In fact, it's a pleasure from Aaraji. Ny fampiasàna ireo sary mananihany 'mpanefy hevitra' na tohanan'ny governemanta mba handemena ny asan'ireo mpikatroka mafàna fo dia manaporofo fa misy fomba hafa atao haneriterena ny fahalalahana maneho hevitra ao amin'ny firenena. The use of 'opinion-shapers' or government-sponsored trolls to undermine the work of activists prove that there are other ways of restricting free expression in the country. Using 'propagans' or government-backed memes to weaken activists' work prove that there is another way to promote freedom of expression in the country. Nandray ny mari-pankasitrahana tamin'ny anarany ny mpanao gazety Iona Craig sy Jeremy Scahill, ilay mpanao gazety mpanadihady sady mpanoratra ny "Drone Wars." Journalist Iona Craig and investigative journalist and author of "Drone Wars" Jeremy Scahill received the award on his behalf. Journalist Iona Craig and Jeremy Scahill, the investigative journalist and author of the Wars, received awards under their names. Tamin'ny fitsarana azy, fantatra fa nilaza ny mpitsara fa ara-dalàna na ny fangatahana na ny fandraisana anjara amin'izany hetsika fampiofanana izany ka tokony ho afaka madiodio i Wolde ny Degu. In his ruling, the judge reportedly said that applying to or participating in such training exercises was not illegal and so Yonatan and Bahiru should be acquitted. In his trial, it turned out that the judge said that Degu was legal, request, or participate in this training campaign and that Wolde should be acquitted. Taorian'ny adihevitra naharitra 19 ora, nankatòavin'ny Parlemanta tamin'ny voalohan'ny volana Novambra ny lalàna. After a 19-hour debate, parliament approved the bill on November 1. After 19 hours of debate, the law was approved by Parliament at the beginning of November. Loharano: Kilab Multimedia / Facebook Source: Kilab Multimedia / Facebook Source: Kilab Multimedia / Facebook Toy ireo tempoly bodista rehetra ao Japàna, somary zara raha mazava ny ao anatiny ary manentoento ny fofona emboka manitra. Like every other Buddhist temple in Japan, the interior was dim and smelled of incense. Like all Buddhist temples in Japan, its inside is relatively clear and smells the smell of incense. Tamin'ny 2010, Trajanoski niantso an'i Nedelkovski hoe "mpisoloky mpanararaotra ny media," tamin'ny fanakianana ny fironan'ilay mpanolotra amin'ny fahitalavitra ho manindrahindra ny resaka foko sy fanavakavahana ara-pinoana, ny sotasota ara-nofo, ny fankahalàna ireo mitovy nefa mifanambady, tao anatin'ny fandaharany sy tety anaty aterineto, izay nanafangaroany ny fampielezankevitra politika ao an-toerana amin'ny teorian'ny tsikombakomba, ny fitondràna fiara tsy mataho-dàlana, ary ireo lahatsary tranainy ao amin'ny Youtube momba ireo zavamiafina tsy mbola voavaha, toy ireo zavamanidina tsy fanta-piaviana. In 2010, Trajanoski called Nedelkovski a "media charlatan," criticizing the TV show host's tendency to praise ethnic and religious discrimination, sexual harassment, and homophobia on his show and online, where he mixes local political propaganda with conspiracy theories, off-road driving, and old YouTube videos about unsolved mysteries, like UFOs. In 2010, Trajanoski called Nedelkovski a "media opportunist," criticizing the TV presenter's tendency to promote ethnic and religious discrimination, sexual harassment, hate of gays, in his show and online, where he confused the local political propaganda with conspiracy theories, driving, and old YouTube videos about the unregistered secrets, such as the unknown. Notarihin'ireo mpanao gazety maromaro, namaly ilay fibahanana taminà fiaraha-mientana ao amin'ny Aterineto ireo Rosiana mpampiasa Aterineto, izay niaraka nanao hetsika tsealatra naka lahatsary ny tenany eo am-pijerena lahatsary vetaveta ary mitantara ny zavatra hitany. Led by a group of journalists, Russian Internet users have responded to the bans with an online flashmob, where people film themselves watching pornographic videos and narrating what they see. In response to several journalists, Russian Internet users have responded to the blocking with online solidarity, who together have taken videos of themselves watching pornographic videos and documenting what they saw. Mbola manohy fandikan-dalàna fanaony isan'andro mangalatra lahatsoratra avy amin'ny bolongana ihany ny gazety El Shorouk na dia eo aza ny fanoheran'ny mpamaham-bolongana. El Shorouk Newspaper continues with its daily crime of stealing from blogs despite the objections of bloggers. Despite bloggers' opposition, the newspaper El Shorouk continues to steal blog posts on a daily basis. Sodàna: Lazao anay izay hevitrareo amin'i Darfur Sudan: Tell Us Your Darfur Plan! · Global Voices Sudan: Tell us what you think of Darfur · Global Voices Ao Libanona, mpiasa an-trano iray isan-kerinandro eo ho eo no maty amin'ny fomba mampiahiahy tsy mazava (mazàna lazaina ho "famonoan-tena"). In Lebanon, approximately one domestic worker a week dies under murky circumstances (often described as "suicide"). In Lebanon, about one domestic worker died every week in a very suspicious way (a so-called suicide). Io vehivavy resahana io dia i Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (NOI), Minisitry ny Fitantanam-bola vaovao sy Minisitra Misahana ny Toe-karena. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (NOI), the woman in question, is Nigeria's new Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister for the Economy. The woman in question is Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (NOI), new Finance Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs. Manipika ny filàna fisoloan-tena bebe kokoa eo anivon'ireo sampana ambony indrindra amin'ny vondrona iraisam-pirenena izany. This points to the need of greater representation within the top tiers of the international community. This highlights the need for greater representation among the highest branches of the international community. Simba ny endriky ny firenena ary ampoizina ny isian'ny fiantraikany goavana ara-toekarena avy amin'izany ampamoaka izany. The country's image has been damaged and significant economic repercussions are expected as a result of these revelations. The country's image is damaged and the economic impact of these revelations is expected. Amin'ny fiteny vaovaon'ny fitondrana Venezoeliana mpanao didy jadona, natsangana ny Minihap (minisitry ny hasambarana) Manaraka: Minitrue (ho an'ny fahamarinana); Miniluv (ho an'ny fitiavana) In the newspeak of Venezuela's totalitarian regime Minihap (ministry of happiness) has been created. Next: Minitrue (of truth); Miniluv (of love) In the new language of the Venezuelan dictatorship, the next Minister of Culture was created: Minitrue (for truth); Miniluv (for love) Tamin'ny Desambra 2015, nanafoana fanampiana maherin'ny 10 tapitrisa euros ho an'i Gambia ny Vondrona Eoropeana, noho ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona ho anisan'ny fa antony. In December 2015, the European Union cancelled over 10 million euros in aid to The Gambia, citing human rights violations. In December 2015, the European Union cancelled more than 10 million euros of aid to the Gambia, due to human rights violations as part of the cause. Nitaraina tao amin'ny Biraon'ny Mpanao Fanadihadiana tsy miankina ny sasantsasany tamin'ny fianakavian'ireo voafonja mikasika ireo toepiainana mahonena ao amin'ny fonjan'i Dry Dock, saingy tsy nisy fiovàna. A number of families of detainees in the Dry Dock prison complained to the Ombudsman Office about the poor conditions, but nothing changed. Some of the prisoners' families complained at the Independent Bureau of Investigation about the poor conditions in Dry Dock prison, but there was no change. Fa ity lehilahy ity dia efa tena MPANDAINGA mihitsy, na izy koa no efa tena ratsy fanahy mihitsy. This man is in COMPLETE denial, or is pure evil. But this man is a very bad man, or he is a wicked one. Teo akaikin'ny fidirana, nisy olona hafa mipetraka am-pahanginana eo amin'ny kidoro. Closer to the entrance, there were other people sitting silently squatting on mattresses. Near the entrance, another person is sitting quietly on the wall. Io fanavaozana ny Toko faha-37 ao amin'ny Lalàm-panorenana io, izay milaza fa voafetra ho roa ihany ny fe-potoam-pitondran'ny filoha, dia toherin'ny ampahany maro amin'ny kilasy pôlitika sy ny mpifidy. The two-term limit was approved in 2005 and cannot be applied retroactively, so Compaoré was allowed to run for office despite his nearly two decades of rule at the time. This reform of Article 37 of the Constitution, which states that the president's term is limited to only two, is opposed by parts of political class and voters. Tena vao haingana i Liaoning no niatrika ihany koa ilay antsoina hoe "airpocalypse" avy amin'ny fahalotoan'ny rivotra. More recently, Liaoning has also confronted what's being called an "airpocalypse" of polluted air. Lioning has also recently faced the so-called "airpocalypse" from air pollution. Maldiva Maldives Maldives Notononina ho mpandresy ao amin'ny toeram-pivoriana RePublica ao Berlin ny Talk Morocco, saripikan'i Sami be Gharbia Talk Morocco is announced the winner at RePublica conference in Berlin, photo by Sami be Gharbia Talk Morocco has been described as a winner at Berlin's RePublica conference, photo by Sami betsit. 4. 4. 4. Nanangana orinasa tao amin'ny lalana Chittoor ao Kochi, antsoina hoe Team Solar Renewable Energy Solutions i Nair sy Radhakrishnan. Nair and Radhakrishnan were running a firm called Team Solar Renewable Energy Solutions at Chittoor road in Kochi. Nair and Radhakrishnan have set up a company on Chittoor street, called Team Solar Renewable Energy Solutions. Nokitihan'ireo natolotra ny lohahevitra toy ny fanànana asa, ny politika momba ny fianakaviana ary ny fifandraisana amin'ny fiangonana, ary niteraka fifanakalozan-dresaka maro. The postulates touched upon such topics as employment, family politics and relations with church, and caused many discussions. The proposed topics, including employment, family policy and church relations, have been discussed by those who have been offered, and have sparked a lot of discussion. "Miaraka amin'ny fanampian'ny tranonkala," hoy izy, "azontsika ankehitriny atao ny mivarotra mora foana ireo vokatra hosoka, hala tàhaka, ary vokatra mampidi-doza. "With the help of the Web," he says, "it's possible today to sell fakes, counterfeits, and dangerous goods ever so quietly. "With the help of the site," he says, "We can now easily sell fake products, copy, and dangerous products. Tatitra hoe notapahan'Israely ny fifandraisana amin'ny antso rehetra/aterineto Report that Israel has cut off all phone/internet communications Reports that Israel has shut down all calls/Internet Mitohy mampikatso ny fihodinan'ireo orinasa maro ao an-toerana ny fahatapahan'ny famatsiana ireo entana ilaina andavandro, ary niakatra be ny vidin-javatra. satria lasa zara raha misy ny asa ary lafobe ny saram-pitaterana. Interrupted supplies of essential goods continue to keep several local factories out of service, and commodity prices have skyrocketed, as labor grows more scarce and transport costs more expensive. The cuts in supply of basic goods continue to slow down the flow of local companies, and prices are on the rise. As jobs become scarce and transportation costs are expensive. Tsy ratsy an. That doesn't sound too shabby to me. Not bad. Taorian'ilay bitsika, mpitondra teny iray avy amin'ny JuD no nampakatra ireto valinteny manaraka ireto: Following the tweet, a spokesperson for JuD posted the following replies: Following the tweet, a JuD spokesman posted the following responses: Ny buñuelo dia sakafo tena Kolombiana izay mahanoana na maheno ny anarany fotsiny aza. The buñuelo is a typical Colombian snack that can elicit hunger pangs with the mere mention of the word. The buñuelo is a very Colombian dish that can even hear its name. Fa angamba tsaratsara kokoa raha any an-tranonareo ianareo no manao izany fa tsy imasom-bahoaka. But perhaps it would more appropriate if you can do this within your homes rather than in public. But maybe it would be better if you were at home and not in public. Mpanakanto goavana tokoa lery." He's that great of an artist." He's a great artist." Taorian'ny firesahana ny tena zava-misy ao an-toerana, dia manoro hevitra izy: After discussing the reality in the country, she advises: After discussing the local reality, he suggests: Mieritreritra i D. M. Habib fa tsy dia mandray andraikitra loatra ny governemanta: D. M. Habib opines that the government is not doing enough: D. M. Habib thinks the government is less responsible: Tsy tokony hisaonana izy, tsy tokony homem-boninahitra. He should not be mourned, should not be honoured. He should not mourn, he should not be honored. @NadiaE: Nisy vondrom-behivavy marobe tsy milahatra manoloana ny sekoly. @NadiaE: There was an endless non-line of women infront of school. @NadiaE: There were many women's groups not line up in front of the school. Mino aho fa vitsy dia vitsy ireo olona ao Kambodza no liana amin'ny fanoratana tantara, kanefa maro kosa ireo mpanao gazety noho ny mpanoratra tantara foronina sy mpanoratra tantara indray miseho. I think that very few people in Cambodia are interested in writing novels but there are more journalists than novel or story writers. I think there are very few people in Cambodia who are interested in writing stories, but many journalists are thanks to novels and novels once again. Misioka i Zena: Zena tweets: Zena tweets: RuNet Echo: Ant Andrefana, fantatray ny momba ny toby famaizana Sovietika noho ny haisoratra tamin'izany fotoana izany. RuNet Echo: In the West, we know about Soviet prison camps thanks to literature of the time. RuNet Echo: Ant West, we know about the Soviet dictatorship camp because of literature at the time. Tsy mikasika ny lasa io fifidianana io fa miompana amin'ny ho avy. This election is not about the past, it is about the future. This election is not about the past but about the future. Ifarimbonana ny Fahalalana Maneho Hevitra ao Honduras Free Expression Just Went Interactive in Honduras It Creates Freedom of Expression in Honduras · Global Voices Izay no fototra iaingàko. That is my foundation. That's my root. Mety tena afaka mianatra tenim-bahiny sady mijanona tsy mahalala n'inoninona akory momba ny vakoka manodidina izany fiteny izany ve ? Is it possible to learn a language while remain clueless in its culture? Can we really learn a foreign language and remain ignorant of the heritage surrounding this language? Shina: Noana ny mpiserasera, tsy misy resa-bary intsony! China: Netizens starving, no more rice talk! · Global Voices China: Netizens are hungry, there is no more rice! · Global Voices Ary aza adino ny milaza fa mahantra sy ambany ny fahaizanareo raha oharina amin'ny vehivavy tahaka ahy satria ireo fomba ratsy no nianteheranareo And don't forget to add that your skills are poor and inferior to a woman like me that you had to rely on those dirty tricks. And don't forget to say that your skills are poor and low compared to women like me because your bad ways are yours. Averina indray fa, araka ny IFE, dia vaovao ôfisialy io saingy vonjimaika, ary amin'izao fotoana hanoratanay izao, tsy mbola nisy mpifaninana nambara ôfisialy sy ara-dalàna ho mpandresy. It should be reiterated that, according the the IFE, this information is official but preliminary, and at the time of writing this post, none of the presidential candidates have yet been formally and legally declared as the winner. Again, according to IFE, this is official but temporary news, and at the moment of writing, no official and legal candidate has ever been declared the winner. (...) Na dia tsy voafaritra mazava ao amin'ny Fanambarana ny Zon'olombelona aza, dia afaka vakiana ao anelanelan' ireo andinin-dalàna ireo, ary tena zava-dehibe satria lakile hanomezana antoka ireo zo marobe hafa ao anaty lalàna hafa. (...) although not explicit in the rights of Declaration , can be read between its lines, and is characterized of great importance because it is the key to guarantee several other rights present in other laws (...) Although not clearly defined in the Declaration of Human Rights, these articles can be read between, and most importantly because they are key to guaranteeing more rights in other laws. Saripikan'ny mpisera Flickr RyuFilms. Photo by Flickr user RyuFilms. Photo by Flickr user RyuFilms. Nahavita nahatratra azy ireo tao Taman Melewar ihany koa tamin'ny alina. Managed to catch them at Taman Melewar too last nite. It also managed to reach them at Taman Molewar at night. Instagram: Russidit Instagram: Russidit Instagram: Russidit · Global Voices Nahazoana alalana. Used with permission. Used with permission. Misaotra anareo ry namako ao amin'ny bilaogy kiritika tamin'ny fanohananareo ahy. Thank you all my micro-blogging friends for support. Thank you friends of my micro-blog for your support. Raha nanolotra fomba fijery hafa kosa i Pritish Nandy, poeta sady mpanao gazety: While poet and journalist Pritish Nandy offered a nuanced perspective: While British Nandy, a poet and journalist, offered a different perspective: Voalaza ihany koa fa nisambotra ireo ankizy mpirenireny an-dalambe nandritra ny fandalovan'i Papa ny polisy. There are also reports that law enforcement officers detained several street children during the Pope's public procession. The police also reportedly arrested street children during Pope's visit. Inona no hakàn'ny olona iray BNF$20,000 sady izay tsy misy olona manaraka azy ? Why would anyone withdraw BNF $20,000 and not have someone to accompany them? What does one BNF$20,000 get and no one follows it? Vakio ihany koa ny lahatsorany Ahoana ny Nivoahan'ny Fanafihana Tsenambarotra tao Nairobi Tamin'ny Tambajotra Sosialy . Also read his post How the Nairobi Mall Attack Unfolded on Social Media. Also read his post How Nairobi's Market Attack Has Ended on Social Networks. "Tonga eto hihaona mandritra ny andro telo ny olona. "The people come here for three days. "People are here to meet here for three days. Raha an-dàlana ireo ezaka famonjena, nangataka tolo-tànana fanampiana avy amin'ireo olompireneny ny governemanta, ary nanomboka nanaiky fiantrana avy amin'ireo firenena mifanila vodirindrina aminy ihany koa. While relief efforts are underway, the government asked for donations from citizens, and also started accepting charity from neighbouring countries. As relief efforts are underway, the government has asked for help from its citizens, and has also begun to accept sympathy from neighboring countries. Ny fitaovana antserasera Global Forest Watch-Fires (GFW-Fires) dia mampiasa "tahiry ara-potoana azo amin'ny zanabolana avy amin'ny rafitra Fanarahamaso Afo an'ny NASA, sary zanabolana avo lenta, sarintany antsipirahany mandrakotra ny tany sy fanomezan-dalana ireo tany famokarana be velarana hamokarana mena-boanio sy ditin-kazo, ijerena ny toetry ny andro sy ny kalitaon'ny rivotra mba hanarahana ny mety ho fisian'afo. The Global Forest Watch-Fires (GFW-Fires) online tool uses "real-time satellite data from NASA's Active Fires system, high resolution satellite imagery, detailed maps of land cover and concessions for key commodities such as palm oil and wood pulp, weather conditions and air quality data to track fire activity." The online tool Global Forest Watch-Fires (GFW-Fires) uses "time-time satellite data from NASA fire control systems, high-level satellite images, detailed maps covering the earth and allowing large-scale production of palm oil and wood production, looking at climate conditions and air quality to track the possibility of fire. Ny fampiadiana ny Maleziana amin'ny fampiasana ny fihaviana na antokom-pinoana dia efa diso aoriana loatra satria efa " nifoha" izao ny ankamaroan'ny Malays. Confusing Malaysians by using race and religion issues is too late now because the majority Malays have "awakened." The attack on Malaysians using religion or origin is too late because the majority of Malays are now " awake." Pakistana irery... sa ireo olom-panjakana koa? Pakistan alone... or the State authorities? Pakistan alone... or the public? Manontany aho hoe nahoana no mipongatra izany ankehitriny. i Singapore efa nanao tsilian-tsofina fa hanadaboka ilay fifanarahana voalohany momba ny rano amin'ny 2011. I question why this is being brought up now. Singapore has said that they would let the 1st water agreement lapse in 2011. I wonder why it's going to happen now. Singapore has been saying it will close the first water deal in 2011. Mieritreritra ilay ondry hoe, "Alefaso any Syria aho fa ry zareo any no mila ahy bebe kokoa." The sheep says, "Send me to Syria they need me more there." The sheep think, "I'm sending them to Syria, where they need me more." Tonga eto Shinagawa izahay ary eto no faran'ny zotra. We're in Shinagawa and it's the end of the line. We've arrived in Chinagawa and here's the end of the journey. Teo aloha, nokarakarain'i Brezila tao Porto Alegre ilay andiany voalohany tamin'ny WSFM ny taona 2005, tanàna izay nampiantrano ihany koa ny andiany voalohany tamin'ilay Vovonambe Sosialy Iraisampirenana momba ny Fifindrà-monina lehibe fanao isan-taona ny taona 2001. Previously, Brazil had set the stage for the first edition of the WSFM in 2005, in Porto Alegre, a city that had also hosted the first edition of the annual, larger World Social Forum in 2001. In the past, Brazil has organized the first edition of the WSFM in 2005, which also hosted the first edition of the annual Global Social Forum on mass immigration in 2001. Manoratra ao amin'ny Facebook i Sethi Mushtaq: On Facebook Sethi Mushtaq writes: Sethi Mushtaq writes on Facebook: Tsy tokony hisy fetra io raha anatinà fanatontosana an-tsehatra iray. In an ideal scenario, this should carry no limits. This should not be limited in an event. Niditra tao amin'ny Dopplr aza izy mba ahafahan'ny namany manerantany manara-dia azy (an-tserasera daholo izany). He even signed up with Dopplr so his friends around the world could follow him. He even joined Doppr so that friends around the world can follow him (all of this is online). Tsy afaka hanaiky ny herisetra manohitra ny fampielezan-kevitra izahay. We cannot accept acts of violence against the campaign. We will not be able to accept the violence against the campaign. Androany, manondro ireo tatitra fa madio izay tsy izy ny Afovoan'i Kairo, noho ireo malala-tanana izay nirotsaka tamin'izany. Today, reports indicate that central Cairo is cleaner than ever, thanks to loads of volunteers who chipped in. Today, reports indicate that the Central Cairo is clean that is not, thanks to the generous who have joined in. Avy amin'ny China Dialogue, fijerena izay tohin'ny fihaonambe momba ny fiovaovan'ny toetrandro tany Bali, ary ananantsika ny fanehoankevitra vao haingana avy any Afrika Atsimo momba ny tsy fahampian'ny herinaratra sy ny fifaninanana fiarakodia tsy manimba ny tontolo ianana. From China Dialogue, a look at what is next after the Bali climate change conference, and from South Africa, we have reactions to the recent power shortages and an eco-car competition. From China Dialogue, we look at the aftermath of the climate change conference in Bali, and we have a recent reaction from South Africa on the lack of electricity and car competition that doesn't destroy the environment. Tiako ho fantatrao fa notanan'ny manam-pahefana Libyana mandritra ny 43 andro aho ary napetraka tamina tranomaizina mitokana. I would like to let you know that I have been arrested by the Libyan security forces for 43 days and placed in solitary imprisonment. I want you to know that I was detained by Libyan authorities for 43 days and put in solitary confinement. A: Ny fitambaran'ny fandraisana anjara aloha amin'izao dia eo amin'ny mpandika teny 100 no mihoatra eo, ary mbola mitombo. A: The actively contributing community counts more than 100 translators and growing. A: The total participation currently involves about 100 translators, and is still growing. Tagel, Tair ary Liron Haim, ireo telo mirahavavy mpanangana ny tarika A-WA. Tagel, Tair and Liron Haim, the three sisters that make up A-WA. Tagel, Tair and Liron Haim, the three founders of the group A-WA. Mpanao gazety maro, mpitoraka bilaogy, mpaka sary, ary mpikatroka mafana fo nomerika no nosamborina ary nampidirina am-ponja tamin'ny ezak'izy ireo hitondra fahazavana momba ny fanitsakitsahana ny zon'olombelona ary ny fanindraindran'izy ireo ny fiarovana azy ireny. Numerous journalists, bloggers, photographers, and digital activists have been arrested and jailed for their efforts to shed light on human rights violations and promote their protection. Several journalists, bloggers, photographers, and digital activists have been arrested and jailed for their efforts to shed light on human rights violations and their security. Sary: Wikipedia Commons Photo: Wikipedia Commons Photo: Wikipedia Commons Andron'i Ada Lovelace: Mihetsika Ireo Vehivavy Fitaratra Ada Lovelace Day: Inspirational Women in Action · Global Voices Ada Lovelace Day: Women Protest · Global Voices Matetika ny ONG no mitaraina amin'ity fitarazohana ity, nefa i Krčméry mitaraina fa ireo afaka manao kolikoly ihany no mahavita haingana, ary ny kolikoly dia tena fahavalo ngeza be. NGOs are often blamed for being slow, but Krčméry claims that only those that can bribe are fast, and that corruption is the biggest enemy. NGOs often complain about this crisis, but Krčméry complains that only those who can get corrupt can do so quickly, and corruption is a huge enemy. Nihahaingana avy eo ny resaka, raha nisioka ny gazetiboly an-tserasera britanika Consented: The conversation soon accelerated, with British online magazine Consented tweeting: As British online magazine Consented tweeted: Nitaky ny mpanao gazety Juliana Dal Piva nandritra ny fotoam-pivorian'ny Vaomiera fa mba hipongaran'ny marina, dia mbola mila manohy ny tolona hahazoana fampafantarana avy amin'ny hery mitam-piadiana ireo rehetra miasa ho amin'ny famoahana ny marina, tahaka ny mpanangom-baovao, ny vaomiera ary eny fa na dia ny biraon'ny fampanoavana aza. Journalist Juliana Dal Piva claimed during one of the commission's sessions that all those working to unearth the truth - reporters, the commission and even the public prosecutor's office still have to struggle to obtain information from the armed forces. During the course of the Commission's session, journalist Juliana Dal Piva demanded that anyone working for the release of truth, the commission, and even the prosecutor's office continue to fight for information from the armed forces. Leon Dulce, manam-pahaizana momba ny tontolo iainana, nanazava ny antony mahatonga ireo mponina manohitra ny politikan'ny "No Build Zone (Faritra Tsy Hanorenana) ": Leon Dulce, an environmentalist, explained why residents are against the "No Build Zone' policy: Leon Dulce, an environmental expert, explained why residents are protesting against the No Build Zone's policy: Ghana: Ady hevitra, fientanana ary fanantenana amin'ny fitsidihan'i Obama Ghana: Speculation, excitement and hopes over Obama's visit · Global Voices Ghana: Debates, motivations and hopes for Obama's visit · Global Voices "Ny fanamarinana nolazain'izy ireo dia hoe mety hamerina ny heloka aho na handositra ny firenena," hoy i Eftimov tamin'ny Global Voices. "Their justification was that I would repeat the crime or flee the country," Eftimov told Global Voices. "The justification they say is that I might repeat the crime or flee the country," Eftimov told Global Voices. Nanjary nitombo tao anatin'ny volana vitsivitsy lasa ny fanafihana amin'ny Zelyonka ary lasa loko tsy ofisialy ho an'ny fampielezan-kevi-pifidianana filoham -pirenena 2018 an'i Navalny sy ny mpanohitra anti-Potinina marobe ny loko maitso mamiratra. Zelyonka attacks have become so frequent in recent months that bright green has become the unofficial color of Navalny's 2018 presidential campaign and the broader anti-Putin opposition. The Zelyonka attack has grown over the past few months and green color has become an unofficial color for Navalny's presidential campaign - Navalny's 2018 presidential campaign and many anti-Pottin opposition. Entona mandatsa-dranomaso, fitaovana fitsikilovana, fampangotrangotrahana, politika ivelan'i Etazonia. Tear gas, spy software, kettling, US foreign policy. tear gas, surveillance equipment, pepper spray, U.S. foreign policy. Nisy lahatsary tsy matihanina nivoaka tao amin'ny Youtube tamin'ny Septembra 2010 ahitana ny lazaina fa fihoara-pahefana mitranga ao amin'ny Tafika Armenian izay niteraka lohateny lehibe ivelan'ny firenena. In September 2010, an amateur video that was posted on YouTube alleging abuse in the Armenian army made headlines in and outside the country. An unusual video appeared on YouTube on September 2010 showing alleged abuse of power in the Armenian Army which has created headlines outside the country. Izany ho idealy antenaiko hiainana sy hotontosaina. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. This will be my hope of living and being done. Okraina: Lahatsary Fohy Vokarin'ny Tanora Ho An'ny Fitovian'ny Lahy sy ny Vavy Ukraine: Short Films by Youth for Gender Equality · Global Voices Ukraine: Young People's Video of Gender Marriage · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Ukraine Revolution 2011. Isika, amin'ny maha-vahoaka Ejiptiana, dia tena ravo tokoa manafina ny lohantsika any anaty fasika ka minia tsy mahalala ny olana mianjady amintsika. We, as an Egyptian people, are perfectly happy to bury our heads in the sand and ignore our problems. We, as the Egyptian people, hide our heads in the sand and deliberately ignore our problems. Ireo adihevitra misokatra mikasika ny fampianarana nomerika ny lohahevitra nandritra ny fotoam-pivoriana sy ny fampahafantarana, ao ny fomba vaovao amin'ny fampiasana finday, ny fampandrosoana ny valan-tserasera, ny cyber-sécurité, ny tetikasa crowdsoursing (fifarimbonan'ny rehetra), ny startups, ary ny antontan'isa amin'ny Aterineto, sns. The open discussion, sessions and presentations covered such topics as digital education, new mobile applications, development of citizen media, cyber security, crowdsoursing projects, startups, Internet analytics, etc. Open discussions about digital education during conferences and promotions, new ways to use mobile phones, development of social networks, cyber-sécurité, crowdsing projects, startups, and Internet statistics, etc. Sary hafa avy amin'ity faritra ity nozarain'ilay mpitsoa-ponenana Vietnamiena teo aloha Lam-Khanh Nguyen tao amin'ny Facebook. Other photos from this era are being shared on Facebook by former Vietnamese refugee Lam-Khanh Nguyen. Another image from this region was shared by former Vietnamese refugee Lam-Khanhthere on Facebook. Manaraha hatrany ny vaovao!! #thaiflood Via Matichon Keep monitor!!#thaiflood Via Matichon Stay tuned!! #thaiflood Via Matichon Naharitra fotoana ela ny nieritreretako fa toy izany no fanaovan'ny zokiolona veloma. For a long time, I thought that was how elderly people said good bye. It took me a long time to think that this is how the elderly say good - bye. Mampiasa ny tenifototra #PutinPeacemaker ihany koa ny RIA Novosti, izay tsy dia niseho matetika tao amin'ireo "bitsika tsara indrindra" nangonin'ny TweetDeck, na teo aza ireo ezaky hita mazava fa nampiasàna tambajotranà fitaovana mandeha ho azy. Notably, RIA Novosti also uses the hashtag #PutinPeacemaker, which didn't appear much in the "top tweets" recorded by TweetDeck, despite the efforts of an apparent bot network. RIAa is also using the hashtag #PutinPeacemaker, which didn't appear frequently in the "best tweets" collected by TweetDeck, despite its apparent efforts to use running devices. VK: Naninona ianao no nibilaogy? VK: Why did you start blogging? VK: Why did you blog? Nandritra ity fizaràna ity dia nangatahana ihany koa ireo mpifankatia hanamarina ny maha-mpivady azy ireo sy hampiseho ny taratasy fanamarinana ny maha-mpivady azy ireo ho an'ilay mpanolotra fandaharana Maya khan. During this episode couples were also asked to prove they were married to one another and produce their marriage certificates for the host Maya Khan. During this episode, couples were also asked to justify their marriage and show their marriage certificate to host Maya khan. Ny fehinkevitr'ireo mpianatro, ireo vondrona roa izay vehivavy no ankamaroan'ny ao anatiny, dia hoe tsy tokony ho izany no izy, ary ezahan-dry zareo ny hampiseho an'io any anaty fanentanana toy ny #PodríasSerTú , ka tanjona ao anatiny ny hampiseho fa fanitsakitsahana ny fanaovana sotasota; ary ny #nonosgustanlospiropos (fameperana ampiharina) izay ao anatiny dia takiana ireo lehilahy mba tsy hilaza izay eritreriny momba ny vehivavy tsy manana fifandraisana aminy na kely aza.. The conclusion of my students, both groups are composed mostly by women, is that it should not be this way, and they try to demonstrate this in campaigns like #PodríasSerTú , in which the goal is to show that harassment is a violation; and #nonosgustanlospiropos (restrictions apply) in which men are asked to refrain from expressing their opinions about woman with which they have no relations of any kind. My students' conclusion, the two groups that are mostly women, is that they shouldn't be, and that they try to show it in campaigns like #PodríasSerTú , with the goal of showing that harassment is a violation; and #losgustanlospiropos (a practical application) that the men are required not to express their thoughts about women who don't have any contact with them. Tolotra sary: Photo Credit: Image service: Fandresen'ny fomba fijery mankahala vahiny ary manavakavaka ataon'ireo governemanta Eoropeana Tatsinanan io, na tsy vitan'izy ireo aza ny nanatratra izay zavatra rehetra nokasainy. ...Nosafidian'ny Fiombonambe Eoropeana ny hamadika an'i Gresy ho lasa toby iray fangiazana lehibe indrindra sy hiaro dingana iray fanao izay ahafahana mamerina any Tiorkia ireo tsy manana zo ho ekena. It is a triumph of the xenophobic and racist positions of Eastern European governments, even though they haven't managed to achieve everything they wanted. ...The EU has opted to convert Greece into an immense internment camp and enact a process by which those who do not have the right to be accepted will be turned back to Turkey. This is a victory of anti-foreign and racist views by the Eastern European governments, even though they fail to achieve everything they want. ...The European Union chose to turn Greece into one of the largest concentration camps and preserve a process that would allow them to return to Turkey without the right to accept. Misaotra ny Tompo, manana trano aho ary tsara karama. Thanks to God, I have a house and my salary is good. Thank you Lord, I have a house and I am well paid. Maro tamin'ireo manampahefana ao amin'ny antoko, na ny ray aman-dreniny, no mpikambana ambony tao nandritra ny fitondrana komonista . Many of the officials in this party, or their parents, are former members of Macedonia's ruling elite during Communist times. Many party officials, or their parents, were top members of the communist regime. Nampiseho ny famirapiratany araka izay iheverany azy manokana i Yuberjén nanoloana ny mpifanandrina taminy, tamin'izay efa vitany hatrizay nanombohany niomana ho amin'io ady io, izany hoe tsy be teny fa mikotrana mafy. While the other was showing off, Yuberjén was minding his business, focusing on what he's been doing since he started to prepare for these combats, not speaking much and doing a lot. Yuberjén has demonstrated his beauty in front of his opponents, in what he has been able to prepare for this war, that is, to be quiet and loud. Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi Ny antony dia noho ny fanantenako fa tokony ary tsy maintsy tokana i Malawi ary entina tahaka ny firenena tokana - miaraka amin'ny fivakisana tokana - Malawi. This is because I totally believe that Malawi can and should be one and Malawi can be treated as one country - with only one fragment - Malawi. The reason is that I hope Malawi should be unique and treated like a single country - with one divorce - Malawi. Ny andraikiny dia ny mampiditra fifamoivoizana mankany amin'ny lasibatra iray manokana, fa tsy manao sivana ny fifamoivoizana. It's role is to inject traffic to a specific target, not to censor traffic. Their responsibility is to introduce traffic to a particular target, not to censor traffic. Nivadika ho fifandonana tamin'ny mpitandro filaminana ny diabe iray am-pilaminana nataon'ny fiaraha-mientana "Ndeha hovonjena i Togo" tamin'ny 12 Jona teo. A peaceful march by the 'Save Togo' collective on June 12, 2012, degenerated into a stand off with security forces. A peaceful march by the "Save Togo" coalition on June 12 turned into a confrontation with police. Na raha tsia, dia mety hisy ve olona iray monja nanao ity "fanairana tsy mitombina" ity mba hanodinana ny sain'ny be sy ny maro? Or if not, is it possible that someone just started this "fake craze" to divert the attention of many? Or if not, would there be just one person making this "inconvenient shock" to draw attention to the public? " Tsy avelako ho lasan'olona intsony ianao ry fitiavako. "My love I will not lose you again. " I don't let you die anymore, I love you. Tena azo raisina ho voninahitra sy fandresen'ny Arabo, ny Yemenita, ny mafàna fo, ny mpikatsaka ny fahalalahana izany, saingy fandresena indrindra indrindra ho an'ireo Yemenita Revolisionera sy ny Revolisiona tam-pilaminana tao Yemen. It is certainly a victory and honor for Arabs, for Yemen, for women, for activists, for freedom fighters but mostly it is a victory for Yemeni revolutionaries and Yemen's peaceful revolution. It can be interpreted as an honor and victory by Arabs, Yemenis, activists, freedom seekers, but especially as a victory for Yemeni Revolutionarys and peaceful revolutions in Yemen. Mpitsoa-ponenana eo amin'ny 2500 sy 3000 no tombanana fa miditra ao Makedonia sy Serbia isan'andro. Between 2,500 and 3,000 refugees are estimated to be entering Macedonia and Serbia every day. About 2,500 and 3,000 refugees are estimated to enter Macedonia and Serbia daily. Mora ny miteny hoe " fibodoana tany ara-panjanahantany amin'ny endriny vaovao," dia farànana ny resaka - nefa tsy manampy ny fahafantarantska an'izao tontolo izao izany- mametraka teritery amin'ny fandraisan'andraikitra izany satria tena vita tokoa ny fifanakalozan-desaka. It's easy to say "neocolonial land grab" and end the discussion - but that doesn't help our understanding of the world - rather it restricts engagement because the discussion is effectively over. It's easy to say "the colonial occupation of a new form of land," it's a ban - but it doesn't help us understand the world - it puts pressure on accountability as the dialogue is really over. Nibitsika i Pyasi: Pyasi tweeted: thosesi tweeted: Notsindrian'ilay tatitra fa ny fihinanana hena alika dia tsy kolontsaina nentindrazan'ny Shinoa ary nofaritany ho fihemorana ilay fetibe: That report stressed that the consumption of dog meat is not mainstream Chinese culture and characterized the festival as a step backwards: The report pointed out that eating dog meat is not a traditional Chinese culture and described the festival as a backward: Nanome valin-teny tamina tweet iray hafa izy taorian'izay. He posted an answer in a later tweet. He later gave another tweet. Noho ny fitotonganan'ny vola Poloney sy Hongroà ary i Czech tamin'ny fiandohan'ny taona 2009, sy ny nahafahana nanao fampitahana mora foana sahady ny vidin-javatra eny amin'ny magazay Aotrishiana sy Slovaky, izany fotoana izany no vanim-potoana namirapiratra tamin'ny fiantsenan'i Slovaky tany ivelany. Because of the temporary fall of the Polish as well as of the Hungarian and the Czech currencies in early 2009, and the already easily comparable prices between Austrian and Slovak shops, that period was the golden era of the Slovak shopping abroad. With Polish, Hungarian, and Czech currency falling in early 2009, as well as the easy way to draw comparisons between prices in Austrian and Slovak stores, it was the moment when Slovaks were shopping abroad. Tsy ampy ny teny hilazana ny toerana misy azy ao am-pon'ireo Kyrgyz tsirairay. We haven't enough words to describe the place which he took in the heart of every Kyrgyz. Words are not enough to tell where they are in the hearts of each Kyrgyz. Hatreto ny mpianatra dia nibodo sekoly 23 manerana ny fanjakana ary nisy sarintanim-pifarimbonana napetraka hanaraha-maso ny hetsika. So far, students have occupied 23 schools across the state and a collaborative map has been set up to monitor the movement. So far, students have occupied 23 schools across the state and an interactive map has been set up to monitor the movement. Tokony ho vovonana mahaleotena ny aterineto, na izany aza, tsy hoe mamporisika ny mpijirika fotsny na ny mpanao hosoka ho afa-maina amin'ny fampiasana anaran'olon-kafa amin'ny tambajotra sosialy na fitaovana ary hatramin'ny wifi ihany ny andininy 114A, fa ny olona tsy manan-tsiny no ho voampanga mandra-pahafantatra ny marina. Internet should be an independent platform, however, with Section 114A not only did the law encourage hackers or identity theft to get away by posting to another person account be it on social networks or through devices and even Wifi, the person who is innocent will be guilty only until proven innocent. The Internet should be an independent platform, however, not so much as encouraging the hackers or fakers to be able to survive using other people's names on social networks or tools and as far as the case is concerned, but innocent people will be charged until they know the truth. Nandeha tany rehetra tany nijery ny fomba fanao ve ? Did they go anywhere and learned anything of use? Did he go everywhere to see the tradition? Raha miaina eto Singapore ianao dia mety mahafantattra ny toetrandro hafa diavin'ny firenena amin'izao fotoana izao, Nanomboka tamin'ny setroka mampatahora andro vitsivitsy lasa izay ka hatramin'ity havandra tsy nampoizina ity (na orandranomandry, tahaka ny ranomandry vaventy tsotra izao) tamin'ity folakandro ity... Fa tena mampatahotra ilay havandra. ...if you are living in Singapore, you probably know the totally weird weather condition the country's in now. From the hazardous haze a few days ago to the unexpected hail (or just raining ice cubes, like literally actual ice cubes) earlier this afternoon... But the hail is kinda horrible. If you live in Singapore you might be able to get to know the rest of the country's weather today, from the smoke of smoke a few days ago to this unexpected hail (or just snowy, just like snow) this afternoon... But the hail is scary. Mety ho voavela ny tsirairay avy amin'izy ireo raha nandray ny andraikiny farafaharatsiny eo anatrehan'ireo izay manatrika eto, sy ny fianakavian'ireo olona maherin'ny efatra izay notifirin'ireo polisy mpandrava korontana teo amin'ny Fihodinana androany maraina, tsy ny governemanta ihany no very fitokisana avy amin'ny vahoaka, fa ny fianakavian'ny mpanjaka ihany koa ihany koa. One would be forgiven for assuming that at least to those present there, and the families of the four more killed by riot-police shotguns at the roundabout this morning, not only the government has lost its credibility, but also the royal family. Each one of them could be forgiven if he took his responsibility at least in front of those who attend, as well as the families of the more than four people who were shot down by riot police this morning by riot police, not only the government has lost public trust, but also the royal family. Tamin'ny lalao fahatelo mivantana, tsy nahavita nandresy tamin'ny fanatanjahantena lehibe indrindra manerantany i Bolivia ary namela ity firenena bitika ity hilaza hoe "angamba amin'ny taona 2010″. For the third straight tourney, Bolivia has failed to qualify for the world's most important sporting event and have left this tiny nation saying, "maybe in 2010." In the third live game, Bolivia failed to win the world's largest sport and allowed the tiny country to say "at least 2010′′. Crisis Camp Italia: Mampiasa Web 2.0 Hiatrehina Ny Vonjy Taitra Crisis Camp Italy: Using Web 2.0 to Manage Emergencies · Global Voices Crisis Camp Italy: Using Web 2.0 to Fear Emergencys · Global Voices Mangataka ireo mpanohana ny Hemp History Week mba hanasonia sy handefa karatra pôstaly mampirisika ny Filoha Obama sy ny Minisitry ny Fitsarana, Holder, mba hanova ny pôlitika federaly, ary mikasa ny hikarakara eo amin'ny hetsika 200 eo manerana ny firenena ireo mpanohana ireo hatreto. Hemp History Week is asking supporters to sign and send postcards urging President Obama and Attorney General Holder to change federal policy, and supporters are so far planing to host nearly 200 local events nationwide. Supporters of Hemp History Week are asking supporters to sign and send text cards urging President Obama and Justice Minister Holder to change federal policy, and supporters are now planning to organize around 200 events across the country. Izayn ve anefa dia tokony hanitra antsika ? But is this really cause for alarm? Whon, though, should be refreshing to us? Ny fisintonana ireo vola taratasy avo sanda dia tena ratsy ho an'ireo orinasa mpandray vola mivantana toy ny mpivarotra firavaka volamena sy trano ary mbola ho hita eo izay ho fiantraikan'izany eo amin'ny toekarena. The withdrawal of the high denomination notes is very bad for cash-driven industries like luxury, jewelry and real estate, and it remains to be seen what the impact on the economy will be. The transfer of high-cost paper money is very bad for live-funding companies such as gold jewelry and houses and it remains to be seen how it will affect the economy. Kaonty iray natokana ho an'ireo mpiaro ny zon'olombelona ao Koety no nandefa ity lahatsary manaraka ity izay nitafatafàna tamin'i AlFadhli: An account dedicated to human rights in Kuwait posted the following video in which AlFadhli was interviewed: A account dedicated to human rights defenders in Kuwait posted the following video interviewing AlFadhli: Nihoatra ny 100 ny olona tonga tamin'ilay kaonferansa, ary anjatony hafa nijery azy io tamin'ny aterineto, hita tamin'ny fandefasana mivantana tamin'ny aterineto, nataon'ny, tolotra matihanina amin'ny fandefasana lahatsary ao an-toerana. Over 100 people came to the conference, and hundreds more watched it online, tuning in to the live stream online, provided by, a professional local video streaming service. More than 100 people came to the conference, and hundreds more watched it online, on' online livestreaming service Nahazo sazy efatra taona an-tranomazina avy tamin'ny fitsaràna izy ny 8 Martsa 2014, ary nahena ho roa taona io noho ny fampakàrana didy. He was sentenced to four years in prison on March 8, 2014, by the court, though his sentence was reduced to two years following an appeal. He was sentenced to four years in prison from court on March 8, 2014, and it was reduced to two years for appeal. Tao Jamaika, hanina miaraka amin'ny fromazy ilay mofomamy, fifangaroana izay lasa nifàka lalina tamin'ny kolontsain'ilay nosy. In Jamaica, you eat the bun with cheese, a combination that has become ingrained in island culture. In Jamaica, the cake is eaten with spices, a mix that has become deeply rooted in the island's culture. Araka ny nambaran'ny mpanoratra gazety Martin Chulov, dia nosakanana ny Facebook hampitsaharana ny mpikamban'ny Fitondrana Islamika ao Iràka sy Siria, izay miady ao Iràka amin'izao fotoana izao, "tsy handamina sy hanetsika" ny olona. According to journalist Martin Chulov, Facebook was blocked in Iraq to stop members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, currently fighting in Iraq, "to organise and mobilise." According to journalist Martin Chulov, Facebook has been blocked from stopping members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which is currently fighting in Iraq, people will "not organize and punish." Etsy ankilany, betsaka ireo moanina tsara fitondran-tena no mahatakatra ny anjara toeran'ny teknolojia eo amin'ny fampivelarana ny fampianaram-pinoana.Raha efa mahazatra ankehitriny ny mahita ireo bilaogy ataon'ireo tanora izay miresaka momba ny tontolo ara-piaraha-monina, ara-teknolojia, na adihevitra manokana, misy koa amin'izao fotoana, ireo bilaogy miompana amin'ny lohahevitra fanaon'ny Bodisma toy ny Bodhikaram, Saloeurm, Khmerbuddhism. On the other hand, there are many well-behaved monks who understand the role of technology in promoting religious teachings. While it is now common to see many blogs initiated by young people who discuss social, technological or personal issues, there are now Buddhism-themed blogs such as Bodhikaram, Saloeurm, Khmerbuddhism. On the other hand, many moral monks understand the role of technology in the development of religious education. If it is not uncommon to see young people blogging about society, technology, or personal debate, there are currently blogs on topics of Buddhism such as Bodhikaram, Saloeurm, Khmerbuddhism. Arabia Saodita: Afaka mijanona amin'ny hotely irery ny vehivavy Saudi Arabia: Women Allowed to Stay at Hotels · Global Voices Saudi Arabia: Women Can stay in hotels alone · Global Voices John Kantan, niharan'ny herisetran'ny polisy. John Kantan, a victim of police brutality. John Kantan, a victim of police brutality. Tamin'ny fanehoana hevitra momba ny fanemorana ny Lalànan'ny Fiarahamonim-pirenena, izay novolavolaina tamin'ny taona 2007 ary noheverina fa hiantoka ny fahalalalahana hanangana fikambanana mahaleotena, nisioka toy izao ny mpamakafaka Fayed al-Olaiwi: Commenting on the postponement of the Civil Society Act, which was drafted in 2007 and was supposed to guarantee the freedom to establish independent assemblies, columnist Fayed al-Olaiwi tweeted: Commenting on the delay of the Civil Society Act, which was established in 2007 and was supposed to guarantee freedom of association, analyst Fayed al-Olaiwi tweeted: Mbola any am-ponja i Kouhyar. Kouhyar is still in the regime's jail. Kohhyar remains in prison. Ilay lalalala no nahatonga an'i Onyango ho afa-mirehareha amin'ny vakoka Kenyana sy Afrikana ao aminy: The ululating made Onyango proud of his Kenyan and African heritage: The ideal made Onyango proud of its Kenyan and African heritage: Taorian'ny fahitana mampalahelo an'i Alan Kurdî, ankizilahy mpitsoa-ponenana hita faty teny amoron-dranomasina, nikarakara fanentanana fanangonana entana hoan'ireo mpitsoa-ponenana an'arivony voatazona ao Hongria amin'izao fotoana ny olona ao Lisbonina. Following the tragic discovery of Alan Kurdi, the refugee boy found dead on a beach, people in Lisbon have organized a campaign to collect goods for the thousands of refugees now held in Hungary. After the sad sight of Alan Kurdî, a young refugee who was found dead on the beach, people in Hungary are organizing a relief campaign for the thousands of refugees currently detained in Hungary. Sary avy aminà mpianatra iray, nozaraina tsy nitononana anarana tety anaty aterineto. Photo by a student, anonymously distributed online. Image by a student, widely shared online. Amin-keso ny fanehoankevitry ny sasany: Some reacted with sarcasm: Others commented sarcastically: Sary nampindramin'ny pejy Facebook Rangoon Revealed. Photo courtesy Rangoon Revealed Facebook page. Photo courtesy the Facebook page of Rangoon wouldn't be able to help. Ny vinanton'i Vidal, Esteban Farfán Romero izay mpanao gazety, dia niezaka foana nanome tatitra momba ny toe-pahasalaman'ireto mpanao gazety sy ny fivoaran'ny raharaha. Vidal's son-in-law, journalist Esteban Farfán Romero, has been actively reporting on the journalists' health and on the developments of the case. The wife's daughter-in-law, the journalist-in-law, actually tried to provide a report on the health of journalists and the development of the case. Toeram-pivoahana vonjimaika no natsangana ary tsy ampy na tsy azo ampiasaina mihitsy ireo toeram-pivoahan'ny sekoly. Ny fiarovana ireo faran'izay marefo, indrindra fa ny vehivavy sy ny ankizy no tena isan'ny olana fototra. Temporary latrines have not yet been installed and school latrines are insufficient and non-functional Protection of most vulnerable particularly women and children also seems to be one of the major issues. The school's construction centers have been set up on temporary toilets and are not available or available at all. Defending the most vulnerable, especially women and children, is one of the main problems. Fa nilaza ny mpitaiza taty aoriana tao amin'ny gazety iray tao an-toerana fa tsy nifidy ny antokon'ny filoha izy nandritra ny fifidianana roa farany. But the nanny told a local paper afterwards that she, too, voted against Dilma's party in the past two elections. But the tutor later announced in a local newspaper that he had not voted for the president's party during the last two elections. Nisy sary vaovaon'ny artista an-dalambe Iraniana Black Hand nivoaka androany tao amin'ny pejy Facebook-n'ilay artista mifandraika amin'izany. A new image by Iranian street artist Black Hand has surfaced tody on the artist's associated Facebook page. A new Iranian street artist Black Hand photo posted today on the related artist's Facebook page. Taorian'ny rangotra sy kaikitra nahazo ny mpanao hazakazaka madinika iray, nataon'andianà alika mpirenireny ny 14 Desambra tao aminà vala iray vaovao tao Punggol Singapour, ny "Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority" (AVA) manampahefana miadidy ny resaka fambolena sakafo & fikarakarana ny biby dia nampitombo ny ezaka ataony mba hanangonana ireo alika mpirenireny manodidina ny faritra. After a jogger was scratched and bitten by a pack of stray dogs on December 14, 2011, at a new park in Punggol in Singapore, the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) has stepped up efforts to round up the stray dogs around the area. This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. After a small racer was hit by a group of wild dogs on December 14 in a new park in Punggol Singapore, "Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority" (AVA) officers in charge of cooking & caring for animals increased their efforts to collect wild dogs around the area. Misaona Noho Ny Fahafatesan'ilay Senatera Alonso Lujambio Ny Meksikana Mexicans Mourn the Death of Senator Alonso Lujambio · Global Voices Mexicans mourning the Death of Senator Lujambio · Global Voices tsy zava-mahatahotra ny Plutonium Plutonium isn't such a scary thing Plutonium is not a scary thing Raha navotsotra ny dimy tamin'izy ireo, mbola any am-ponja kosa ny telo, anisan'izany ny talen'ny TRACKS Khalafalla Al Afif Mukhtar sy ny mpampiofana Midhat Afif al-Deen Hamdan, sy Mustafa Adama, talen'ny Alzarqaa, Fikambanana ho Fampandrosoana ny tontolo Ambanivohitra, izay tao amin'ny biraon'ny TRACKS tamin'ny fotoana nisamboarana azy ireo. While five of them have since been released, three remain in prison, including TRACKS director Khalafalla al Afif Mukhtar and trainer Midhat Afif al-Deen Hamdan, and Mustafa Adam, the director of Alzarqaa Organisation for Rural Development, who was at TRACKS' office at the time of the most recent raid. While five of them were released, three of them are still in prison, including the director of TRACKS Khalafalla Al Afif Mukhtar and coach Midhat Afif al-Deen Hamdan, and Mustafa Adama, director of Alzarqaa, Community Development Organization, who was at the TRACKS office when they were arrested. Araka ny tatitra dia maro ny Pakistane no mahatsiaro ho voakasika ihany koa amin'ny tranga mahazo an'i Aasia Bibi (vehivavy pakistane kristiana iray voaheloka ho faty fa hoe naniratsira finoana) sahala amin'ny fanahian'izy ireo momba ny fitazonana an'i Aafia Siddiqui (voaheloka hifonja 86 taona any Etazonia). Reportedly several Pakistanis find themselves equally concerned over the case of Aasia Bibi (a Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy) the same way as they are distressed over the detention of Aafia Siddiqui (imprisoned for 86 years in USA jail). According to reports, many Pakistanis also feel concerned about the case of Aasia Bibi (a Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy) as they worry about the detention of a 86-year-old prisoner in the United States. Nihaniakatra ny tahan'ny fampidirana amponja ny vehivavy tao Thailandy. Throughout Thailand, rates of female imprisonment are on the rise. There has been an increase in women's imprisonment rates in Thailand. Handeha hiditsika ireo fianakaviako aho ary hiverina hody an-tranoko any Damaskosy ao Syria amin'ny 2012 taorian'izay taona maro nialokalofana izay. I'll visit my family and get back to my home in Damascus in Syria2012 after long years of exile. I'm going to lock up my family and come back to my home in Damascus in Syria in 2012 after many years of exile. Ny Club Med mitady hanao azy ho tsena faharoa Club Med Eyes China Club Med seeks to make it the second market Ny sasany amin'ireo olona maneranan ny tany izay tanisain'i Danielle dia sady mpanoratra ihany koa ao amin'ny Global Voices, sy masoivohon'ny Tetikasa Eleven Eleven, noho izany dia nantsoiko i Salman Latif ao Pakistana sy Lalatiana Rahariniaina avy any Madagasikara mba hizara ny fanantenan-dry zareo amin'io andro io. Some of the people of Earth that Danielle mentions are also Global Voices authors, and ambassadors for the Eleven Eleven project, so I asked Salman Latif in Pakistan and Lalatiana Rahariniaina from Madagascar to share their hopes for the day. Some of the people from all over the world as well as Global Voices authors, and Eleven Eleven Project ambassadors, so I called on Salman Latif in Pakistan and Lalatiana Raharinia from Madagascar to share their hopes on the day. Rehefa navoakan'ireo haino aman-jery Okrainiana sasany ny tantara, nanatona an'ity mpanakanto ity ireo mpamoaka boky miaraka amin'ny soso-kevitra hanonta ny boky, ary mbola eo am-piasana hamita ny antsipirian'ny tetikasa izy ireo. After some of the Ukrainian media picked up the story, the artist was approached by publishers with proposals to print the book, and is still working on finalizing the details of the project. When the story was published by some Ukrainian media outlets, publishers approached the artist with suggestions to print the book, and they are still working to complete the details of the project. Sary avy amin'ny pejy Facebook-n'ny Antokon'ny Katro-Bahoaka Photo from the Facebook page of People's Action Party Photo from Facebook page of People's Congress Saingy raha tsy misy ambara betsaka momba ny mpamono azy, milaza betsaka momba ny fomba fitondran' i Brezila ny mponiny teratany ny fahafatesan'i Vitor. But if there's not much to say about his killer yet, Vitor's death speaks volumes about how Brazil treats its native peoples. But without much to say about his killer, Vitor's death tells a lot about Brazil's treatment of its indigenous population. Noborahany fa nisy fotoana nampiranty ny asa taokanto vitany tany amin'ireny 'galeries' ireny izy, nefa izao ety an'arabe satria safidiny ny hiditra ao anatin'ilay dingana manontolo sy hivarotra izy tenany ihany ny asa nataony. He confessed that he exposes his art works in galleries at times, but is on the streets because he prefers to get involved with the whole process and sell his own work. He pointed out that at one point he had exposed his art in the 'galeries', but on the streets because he chose to enter the whole process and sell his work himself. Sary nalain'i Antony Loveless, nampiasaina niaraka tamin'ny alalana avy aminy. Image by Antony Loveless, used with permission. Photo by Antony Loveless, used with permission. An'i Sheikh Ali Abd Rabo Al-Awadhi ilay fiara mpanaraka mariazy, mpikambana iray ao amin'ny antoko Islah sady mpikambana ao amin'ny Fihaonambem-pirenen'i Yemen, izay toy ny eso ny fandraisany anjara ao anatin'ny vaomiera momba ny olan'ny any atsimo. The wedding convoy belonged to Sheikh Ali Abd Rabo Al-Awadhi, a member in Yemen's Islah party and a member of the National Dialogue, which is ironically participating in the southern issue working group. The wedding car belongs to Sheikh Ali Abd Rabo Al-Awadhi, a member of the Islah party and member of Yemen's National Dialogue, who made fun of his participation in the Southern Crisis Commission. Taorian'ny taona maro nitsontsorika dia faritra natao ivarotana izy ankehitriny. After years of decline, now it's a commercial zone. After so many years he's now a colonial area. Hayat Al Yamani dia nandefa bitsika hoe ny mpiara -miasa aminy avy ao Al Jazeera Mubashar dia voasambotra koa . Hayat Al Yamani tweets that her colleagues from Al Jazeera Mubashar have been arrested too. Hayat Al Yamani tweeted that her colleagues from Al Jazeera Mubashar were also arrested. Tamin'io andro io, ny taona 1870, ny andian-tafika Italiana no nahavita nanambatra ny firenena ho iray rehefa nandresy ny Fanjakàna Papaly teoambany fitantanan'i Papa Pius IX. It was on this day in 1870 that Italian troops completed the nation's unification by defeating the Papal States under Pope Pius IX. On that day, in the 1920s, Italian troops managed to unite the country as one when Pope Pius IX defeated the Popely under Pope Pius. Manao akanjo volomparasy ny vehivavy asiana fehikobo fotsy, ary manao fehitenda volomparasy kosa ny lehilahy. Women wear purple dresses with a white rope as belt, while men wear purple ties. A woman wears a purple shirt with a white velvet, while a man wears a purple skirt. Fa nitatitra sy nilaza tamin'ny haino aman-jery elatra havia Sol ny iray tamin'ireo mpianany tamin'ny 23 martsa fa noteren'ny mpampianatra izy hijery vetavetam-biby. But one of his students reportedly told the left-leaning media outlet SoL March 23 that he had been forced by the teacher to watch animal porn. But one of his students reported and told left-wing media Sol on March 23 that his teacher forced him to look at animal pornography. Fihetsiketsehana sy fisamborana Protest and arrests Protests and arrests Vao avy nanampy ekeko tamin'ny lahatsoratra aho dia nanjavona ilay izy. I just added a like to a post and it vanished. Just helped me with the article, and it disappeared. 8. 8. 8. Nitsangana niaraka tamin'ny rahavaviny i Laila Rashad, 35 taona, nanohitra ny reniny sy ny renibeny, izay nanizingizina ny hamoràna ny zana-drahavaviny. Laila Rashad, 35, stood up with her sister against their mother and grandmother, who insisted on circumcising her niece. Laila Rashad, 35, stood up with her sister against her mother and grandmother, who insisted on the release of her step-in-law. Na any amin'ny tontolo Tandrefana aza dia tsy fahita firy zany. Even in the western world that is rare. Even in the Western world, they have a rare experience. Herinandro taty aoriana dia nahazo hafatra am-peo aho. A week later I got a voice message. A week later I got a voice message. Tena miasa mafy tokoa ny ray aman-drenin'izy ireo mba hahamora ny fiainan'ny zanany, fa maninona ny mitsara azy? Their parents work so hard to make their kids' lives easy, why judge them? Their parents work very hard to improve their children's lives, but why not judge them? Nandaniako fotoana maro ny fianarana ireny zavatra ireny, nampiana-tena, ary tsy nisy fiatoana. I have spent a lot of time studying each one of these things, on my own, and there are no breaks. I spent a lot of time studying these things, helping myself, and without a break. Ampahany amin'ny tatitray manokana momba ny Teny sy Aterineto ity lahatsoratra ity. This post is part of our special coverage on Languages and the Internet. This post is part of our special coverage Languages and the Internet. Sary: "Tribes of the World" avy amin'ny Flickr. Photo by "Tribes of the World" via Flickr. Photo: "Trebes of the World" from Flickr. Miaina toetrandro ririnina mangatsiaka, maina sy misy masoandro i Tokyo sy ireo tanàna hafa ao amin'ny faritr'i Pasifika, raha ny morontsiraky ny ranomasin'i Japana kosa miaina ao anaty ranomandry sy haizina hatramin'ny faran'ny volana Martsa. Tokyo and the other cities of the Pacific Coast typically enjoy cool, dry, sunny winters, while the Japan Sea coastline is snowy and dark until late March. Tokyo and other cities in the Pacific region live cold, dry and solar weather, while Japan's coasts live in snow and darkness until the end of March. Nilaza i Parashumti fa mbola lava ny lalana hodiavin'i Kosovo saingy mizotra amin'ny lalana mahitsy izy raha ny fanorisorenana an-dalambe no resahana. Parashumti says Kosovo still has a long way to go but it's moving in the right direction when it comes to street harassment. Parashumti says Kosovo's road is still long but he is on the right track when it comes to street harassment. Mba hanovàna izany, namorona "fitantavanana" isan-karazany azo isafidianana ahafahana manova ny endrik'ireo lasibatry ny herisetra ara-nofo ka iresahany manoloana ny fakantsary momba ny zavatra mafy natrehan'izy ireo ary tsy mila mitonona anarana ilay mpanao gazety milaza tena fa mpilaza tantara ao amin'ny Snapchat antsoina hoe Yusuf Omar. To try to change this, journalist and self-titled Snapchat-storyteller Yusuf Omar provides his subjects with a wide variety of 'filter' options that disguise their face so they can speak on-camera about their tumultuous journeys anonymously. To change this, a journalist who claims to be a freelance reporter, Yusuf Omar, has created various alternative "rights" that can change the face of victims of sexual violence and talk to the camera about what they are facing and don't need to name. tamin'ny 20:11 - Minisitry ny raharaham-bahiny Isiraeliana: "tsy misy fototra ahafaha-manamarina fa navotsotra ireo isiraeliana. update 20:11 - Israeli foreign minister: "there is no basis to the claims that Israelis were release from Chabad home. update 20:11 - Israeli foreign minister: "There is no basis to confirm that the Muslims are released. Maro amin'izy ireo no lasa mandeha any amin'ireo sekoly tsy ara-dalàna na tantanan'ny vondrom-piarahamonina, ka lasa miaina ao anatin'ny tahotra lava ny ho samborina na hisotasotàna. Many of them resort to going to informal or community-run schools, where they live in constant fear of being arrested or harassed. Many of them have gone to illegal schools or community-run schools, and they live in constant fear of being arrested or raped. Xi Jinping no filohan'i CILG ary ireo Zokiolona mpitari-tolona avy tamin'ny Governemanta no mpikambana ao anatiny; ny Biraon'ny Fitantanan-draharahany dia mitoetra ao anatin'ny SIIO ihany. The CILG is chaired by Xi Jinping and includes as members senior leaders from across the government; its administrative office is housed within the SIIO. Xi Jinping is CILG's president and its members are government elders; his administration's office is only part of SIIO. Mba firy amin'ireo Slovaky mpanjifa moa no mijery izay firenena niavian'ny vokatra ? How many Slovak customers are looking at the country of origin? How many Slovak customers see the country where the product comes from? Manameloka an'i Frantsa noho ny fandavany ny zo fananganan-jaza hoan'ireo mpiaraka mitovy fananahana ny Fitsarana Erôpeana momba ny zon'olombelona European Court of Human Rights Condemns France on Homosexual Adoption · Global Voices The European Court of Human Rights condemns France for refusing to recognize adoption rights for same-sex partners. Misaotra #Igor Thanks #Igor Thank you #Igor Rosia: Toby miaramila rosiana any Venezoalà? Russia: Military Bases in Venezuela? · Global Voices Russia: Russian Military Camp in Venezuela? · Global Voices Kenefa, ho an'ny olona maro ao Japana, farafahakeliny ny Herinandro Volamena dia midika herinandro iray hialàna lavitra ny asa aman-draharaha. However, for many people in Japan, Golden Week means at least a week away from work. So, for many people in Japan, Golden Week means at least one week away from work. Tao amin'ny bilaogin'i Mukto Mona, Odong Chakma nampiseho ny fomba nanovàna ny afisy lehibe misy ny sarin'ny olona teratany tao amin'ny seranam-piaramanidina iraisam-pirenena ao Dhaka (Hajrat Shahjalal). Odong Chakma in a post in Mukto Mona blog depicts how a poster on indigenous people in the Dhaka (Hajrat Shahjalal) International Airport has been altered. On Mukto Mona's blog, Odong Chakma shows how a poster with photos of indigenous people at Dhaka International Airport (Hajrat Shahjalal). Azo jerena sy trohana eto ireo lahatsary rehetra sy ny lahatsoratra PDF-n'ny torolàlam-pampianarana avy amin'ilay tetikasa. All the videos from the project and a PDF version of the Study Guide can be viewed and downloaded here. All videos and PDF articles of the project's educational code can be viewed and downloaded here. Mino i Kumekucha fa azontsika atao ny mahita hoe iza no tompon'andraikitra, amin'ny fametrahana ireto faontaniana manaraka ireto amin'ny tenantsika: Kumekucha believes that we can figure out who was responsible by asking ourselves the following questions: Kumekucha believes we can see who is responsible, by asking ourselves the following questions: Rehefa niverina tamin'ny fahatoniany izy, nitady ireo tomponà trano fivarotana teo amin'ny manodidina i Andrea mba hanontany azy ireo raha toa ka azo sary tamin'ny kamerà fanarahan'izy ireo maso ny fanafihana nanjo azy. After regaining her composure, Andrea sought out store owners in the surrounding area to ask if they had captured images of the assault on their security cameras. When he returned to his late teens, Andrea sought neighboring shop owners to ask if the attack on him was captured on their cameras. Na misy iray aza mpikambana iray ao anatin'ilay tambajotra mifampidimpiditra ka manana fidirana amin'ny aterineto, dia afaka ifampizaràn'ny rehetra iny. Thus if one member of a mesh has an internet connection, it can be shared by the whole mesh. Even if one member of the network is connected and has access to the Internet, it can be shared by everyone. Niteny izy fa hanomboka avy hatrany ny fampiharana. Hesaid implementaion will begin immediately. He said that the app would start immediately. Na izany aza, tato anatin'ny roa andro lasa, ny olona dia nanomboka nizara lahatsary iray mampiseho manampahefan'ny polisy iray mitifitra ary olona iray midera azy nahavita nikendry tsara ny mason'ny iray tamin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana. However, in the past two days people have started to share a video showing a police officer shooting and someone congratulating him for targeting one of the protester's eyes successfully. However, over the past two days, people have started sharing a video showing a police officer shooting and someone praising him to be able to target one of the protesters' eyes. Zava-mahazatra ny firesahana mikasika ny fetibe fanao any amin'ireo firenena hafa any Amerika Latina , tahaka ny firesahana ny politika, ny salsa ary ny rumba, kanefa any Arzantina, efa taona maro lasa izao dia sokajiana ho efa tantara taloha ny fanaovana fetibe karnavaly. Talking about carnival in other Latin American countries is as ordinary as discussing politics, salsa and rumba, but in Argentina for many years carnival belonged to the past. It's common to talk about festivals in other Latin American countries, such as talking about politics, ivory and rumba, but in Argentina many years ago the festival was considered an old story. Vao niposaka ny andro faharoa tamin'ilay Diabe, ny fahitalavitra tsy miankina GEO TV dia nitsahatra tsy nandeha intsony tamina tanana Pakistane maro nefa ny famoretana nataon'ny mpitandro filaminana tamin'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana dia nitohy hatrany. Earlier on the second day of the Long March GEO TV, a Private TV channel was blocked in many cities of Pakistan as crackdown on protesters continued. Early on the second day of the march, independent channel GEO TV stopped working in several Pakistani cities but police crackdown on protesters continued. Anatin'ity fanadihadiana ity, hahafantatra bebe kokoa momba an'i Izumi isika, ny fahombiazany amin'ny fitarihany ny fakàna mpikambana vaovao sy ny fanangànana ny ekipa misahana ny Teny Japoney, ny dingany manaraka, sy ireo eritreritra mikasika ny manodidina ny Aterineto any Japana. In this interview, we learn about Izumi, her success in leading recruitment and team building at Lingua Japanese, its next steps, and thoughts on the Internet landscape in Japan. In this interview, we will learn more about Izumi, his success in taking new members and building the Japanese language team, his next step, and thoughts about the Internet in Japan. Nofoanan'ny governemanta ihany koa ny lisansan'i Moha Nokor FM 93.5, izay mampiely ny votoatin'i RFA sy ny VOA, ary nofoanana toy izany ihany koa ny programan'ny mpanohitra amin'ny onjam-peo. The license of Moha Nokor FM 93.5, which broadcasts both RFA and VOA content, as well as opposition party programs, was also revoked by the government. The government also repealed Moha Nokor FM 93.5's license, which spreads RFA's content and MAN, as well as cancelled opposition radio programs. Misy takelaka lehibe mihantona ambony ao amin'ny lalana ao amin'ny faran'ny tetezana. At the bottom of the bridge, there is a large sign that hangs over the road. At the end of the bridge, a large sign hangs above the road. Amin'izany sioka izany, hoy izy: "Tonga hanitsy ny finoan'i Abrahama ny mpaminanintsika, ary ankehitriny, tonga ny fotoana ilàntsika olona hanitsy ny finoan'i Mohammed." In that tweet he said: "Our Prophet has come to rectify the faith of Abraham, and now is a time when we need someone to rectify the faith of Mohammed." In this tweet, he said: "Our prophets came to correct Abraham's faith, and now it is time for us to expect someone to correct Mohammed's faith." Tsaroaka ilay oha-pitenenana manao hoe: " Tsy misy ny lalana ry mpandeha an-tongotra, fa Forony ny lalana eny am-pandehanana" dia teraka teo ny Nicaragua Y Su Blog? I remember the saying, "Pedestrian, there is no road, one makes a road by walking, " and Nicaragua Y Su Blog was born. The quote reads: "There is no street, walkers, but for the road to go" and Nicaragua Y Su Blog is born here? Olona 82 no namoy ny ainy nandritra ny daroka baomba namely faritra iray be mponina indrindra ahitana foko Miozolomana Shiita Hazara, tao an-tanàna Atsimo-Andrefan'i Quetta, tamin'ny 10 Janoary 2013. On 10 January, 2013 in Pakistan's southwestern city of Quetta, 82 people lost their lives in back-to-back bombings that hit an area populated primarily by ethnic Hazara Shia Muslims. 82 people were killed during a bombing that hit one of the most populated Muslim ethnic Hazaras in the southwestern city of Quetta on January 10, 2013. Mandritra izany fotoana izany dia mihalany haingana ny "visa"-ny satria nieritreritra izy fa tsy hiharatsy ny toe-draharaha, saingy niharatsy izany. Meanwhile, Orfalhi's student visa was running out fast and just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, they did. Meanwhile, his visa is growing rapidly as he thought the situation would not get worse, but it got worse. Mahazo laka any Le Caire amin'izao fotoana izao ny tahotra sy ny tebiteby noho ny fahasahian'ireo mpiady, etsy andanin'izany, atahoran'ireo mpikatroka mafàna fo ny hametrahan'ny fanjakana fepetra ho an'ny tany misahotaka sy fameperana misimisy kokoa ny fahalalahana noho ilay fanafihana. Fear and anticipation are now taking over the scene in Cairo as the attack showed how deep the reach of militants is, while activists fear the attack will inspire a severe crackdown from the government that is expected to impose emergency measures and further restrictions on freedoms. Fear and anxiety over the courage of the fighters is now taking root in Cairo, while activists fear that the state will put more emergency conditions on land and more restrictions on freedom than on the attack. @JonathanRashad: Betsaka ny bala tena izy ampiasaina hanesorana antay izao aty amin'ny araben'i Mohamed Mahmoud. @JonathanRashad: Intensive live ammo being used against us now in Mohamed Mahmoud street. @JonathanRashad: Many live bullets are being used to remove this from Mohamed Mahmoud's streets. Sary avy amin'ny pejy Facebook-n'ny Hair for Hope Photo from Facebook page of Hair for Hope Photo from Facebook page of Harir for Hope Teratany ao Arzantina Maneho Fandàvana ny Tsimatimanota Sitrahan'ireo Heloka Bevava Nandritry ny Fitondrana Jadona Argentines Rally Against Ruling That Could Shorten Prison Sentences of Dictatorship-Era Criminals · Global Voices Argentina's Indigenouss Show the Sins of Crime During the dictatorship · Global Voices Manaiky i Vladimir Artyukh, mpamoaka lahatsoratra ao amin'ny September sady mpianatra doktorà ao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Eoropa Afovoany ao Budapest, izay nilaza fa tiany ny tetikasa hifanamby amin'ny rafitra sasany izay napetraky ny tandrefana ao amin'ny tontolon'ny Firaisana Sovietika teo aloha. Vladimir Artyukh, an editor at September and a PhD student at the Central European University in Budapest, concurs, saying that he wants the project to challenge certain frameworks that the West has imposed on the the post-Soviet space. Vladimir Artyukh, editor of September and a Dominican student at the University of Central Europe in Budapest, agrees, saying he likes the project to challenge certain systems that the West has established in the former Soviet Union. Hotontosaina amin'ny Alahady manomboka amin'ny 3ora hatramin'ny 7ora hariva GMT ny fanentanana, mandritra ny ora tena isian'ireo mpitsidika Twitter. The campaign will take place on Sunday from 3pm to 7pm GMT, during Twitter's most trafficked time of day. The campaign will take place on Sunday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. during real hours of Twitter visits. Tatitra iray taty aoriana no niteny fa dimy hatreto no aina nafoy voaisan'ny manampahefana. A later report said that officials have since verified five fatalities. A report later said that five deaths have been lost so far by authorities. @jakangboo: #Bersih tsy resaka BN na PR; malay vs tsy-malay. @jakangboo: #Bersih is not about BN vs PR; malay vs non-malay. @jakangboo: #Bersih not about BN or PR; slow vs no less. Ho setrin'izany dia naàton'i Iràna vonjimaika ny fanaovana fivahiniana masina rehetra eo amin'i Iràna sy Arabia Saodita, raha toa ka nivory teo ivelan'ny Masoivoho Saodiana any Teheran ireo mpanao fihetsikatsehana nitaky ny hamonoana ny mpiasan'ny seranam-piaramanidina ho mariky ny fanoherana. In reaction, Iran temporarily halted all pilgrimages between Iran and Saudi Arabia, while protesters gathered outside the Saudi Embassy in Tehran demanding the executions of the airport staff in protest. In response, Iran temporarily suspended all religious visits between Iran and Saudi Arabia, while protesters gathered outside the Saudi Embassy in Tehran calling for the killing of airport workers as a sign of protest. Ireto ny sasany amin'ireo saripika ankafizinay manokana, izay mampiseho ny endriky ny arabe isanandro ao Myanmar. Here are some more of our favorite photos that depict everyday street scenes in Myanmar. Here are some of our favorite photos, which reflect the daily image of Myanmar's streets. Naneho ny ahiahiny izy tao anatin'ireo andiana antsafa vao haingana niarahany tamin'ny gazety Indiana isankarazany, anisan'izany ny sy ny NewsLaundry momba ny toetry ny fahalalahana miteny ao India. She had expressed concerns in a series of recent interviews with various Indian publications including and NewsLaundry about the state of free speech in India. He expressed concern in a recent series of interviews with various Indian newspapers including and NewsLaundry about India's state of free speech. #Tanora mpanao fihetsiketsehana milamina notafihana tao #Sanaa: baomba mandatsa-dranomaso, daroka, bala, fiara,sns...governemanta "vaovao," fiarovana "vaovao," mitovy ny vokany #!Yemen @Nefermaat: Peaceful #Youth protesters attacked in #Sanaa: tear gas, beating up, shots, cars, etc... "new" govt, "new" security, same results! #Yemen: ( #Egypt's peaceful protesters attacked in #Sanaa: tear gas, bullets, bullets, cars... new government, "new" protection, the same result!Yemen MTDSRIP MTDSRIP MTDSRIP Sesili milaza hoe: Sesili says: Sesili says: Mampididoza kokoa ireo zavapisotro be fatran-tsiramamy raha mitaha amin'ireo ranomboasary eny amoron-dàlana... Sugary drinks are more dangerous than street orange juice... The sugary drinks are more dangerous than orange juices along the road... Malaza ho firenena manana fitaovam-piadiana be indrindra manerantany i Yemen (aorian'ny Etazonia), kanefa nanaitra izao tontolo izao ny Yemenita tamin'ny diabe milamina nataon'izy ireo. Yemen is known to be the second most armed nation in the world (after the U.S), yet Yemenis impressed the world with their peaceful marches. Yemen is known as the world's most armed country (after the United States), but Yemenis have struck the world with their peaceful march. "Tsy any an-tranoko intsony aho. "I am no longer in my house. "I am not in my house anymore. Amin'ny ankapobeny, takian'ny mpitandro filaminana hanafoana ilay vondrona ny mpitantana azy. In most cases, the police have asked the group's administrator to dissolve the group. In general, police are calling for the group to be removed. Nanazava ny fitoriana nataon'ilay vondrom-piarahamonina i Diana López Zuleta tao amin'ny gazety Las 2 Orillas, safidy azo raisina ety anaty tranonkala: In alternative online newspaper Las 2 Orillas, Diana López Zuleta explained the community's complaint in further detail: Diana López Zuleta in Las 2 Orillas newspaper explained the community's lawsuit: Koa satria izy tsy mpikambana tao amin'ny antoko colorado, dia voatery novaina ny lalàna mifehy ilay antoko izay manery azy ho mpikambana farafaha-ratsiny mandritra ny 10 taona mialohan'ny hidirany ho mpilatsaka ho fidiana, ka nafohezina ho herintaona izany. Nevertheless, by not being colorado, he had to force the modification of the very statutes of the party that obliged him to have been a member for at least 10 years before being able to enter into pre-candidacy, managing to lower it to just one year. Since he is not a member of the colorado party, the party's ruling law, which forces him to be a member of the party for 10 years before running for office, has been changed to one year. Amin'izay dia mba mora kokoa ny fanaovana ny kopian'ireo zaza vao teraka, sady araraotina fa maimaim-poana. In this way it will be easier to register children at birth, taking advantage of the fact that it is free. In this way it is easier to make copies of newborns, and abuse for free. Hoy i Yammin avy any Londres: User Yammin from London says: Yammin from London says: Voatery nampiasa ny loharam-baovao rehetra teo am-pelantanany ireo mpanoratra ny tahirin-kevitra avy amin'ny fikambanana Soros miresaka ny Sehatry ny landihazo ao Ouzbékistan: fitobaky ny vola sy fizarana loharanon-karena, izay niara-niasa tamina mpiasam-panjakana teo aloha tamin'ny fanatontosana ny tatitra mba hamantarana fotsiny ny anaran'ny talen'ny Selkhozfond, Shukrullo Umurov. The authors of the Soros working paper Uzbekistan's Cotton Sector: Financial Flows and Distribution of Resources, who cooperated with a former government official in producing the report, had to make full use of their sources just to learn the full name of Selkhozfond director Shukrullo Umurov. The authors of the document from the organization Soros about Uzbekistan's cotton field were forced to use all the news headlines in their hands: the money and distribution of resources, which had partnered with a former official in carrying out the report just to identify the director of Selkhozfond Shukullo Umurov. Iangaviana mba haely ny vaovao ary tongava ao ara-potoana mba hahatsiarovantsika ireo anabavintsika sy hitenenantsika hoe 'tsy hisy intsony izany'. rahampitso sabotsy 17 Martsa @ 5:05 hariva.. Please spread the news and be there on time so that we can remember our sister and say 'never again'. tomorrow Saturday March 17 @ 5:05pm. Please spread the news and get there on time so we can remember our sisters and say 'there will be no more'. tomorrow, March 17 @ 5:05pm.. Sary hita Image from Image courtesy of famoahana tsy nilaina indrindra tamin'ny Tantaran'i Zambia ZWD....Sata torana tao Nalolo, Fisher lasa governoran'ny , Tsy hivarotra vola Euro i Zambia noho ny tsy fahaiza-mitantana... ary mbola misy maro hafa tsy misy dikany. Anontanio fotsiny aho dia omako hafa ianao. most useless online publication in the History of Zambia ZWD....Sata has collapsed in Nalolo, Fisher to become Governor, Zambia will not sell the Euro-Bond because of poor governance record......and many more uselessness. jst ask me i will tell u more. This post is part of our special coverage Zambia Protests 2011. An unnecessary publication from the History of Zambia ZWD....Salolo collapsed in Nalolo, the governor of the , Zambia won't sell Euro for bad governance...and there are many others that don't matter. just ask me and I'm my god. Taorian'ny fanemorana voalohany ny fanadihadiana, Abd El Fattah nisioka hoe: After an initial delay, Abd El Fattah tweets: After first delaying the investigation, Abd El Fattah tweeted: Io filoha voafidy io dia tsy maintsy mahafantatra fa na teo aza ny fampielezan-kevitra sy fampanantenana tamin'ny fotoam-pifidianana, ny toeranà maha filoha dia mila olona mpitarika mampiray sy manana hevitra . The elected President must realize that notwithstanding the electioneering and promises made in the heat of the moment, the Presidency is a position that must chiefly unify and inspire. The elected president must know that despite election campaigns and promises, the position of president needs a united and united leader. Zavatra toy ny mpandray feo (mikrôfôna), fanitaram-peo (megafôna), vokatra simika, plastika, ary tsy azo atao intsony ny manipy ireo poti-tsakafo sy fako ao anaty renirano, ary tokony hanana fanangonam-pako manokana ny sambo. Items such as microphones, megaphones, chemical products, plastics, and discarded foodstuff would not be allowed to be dumped into the river, and boats would be required to have proper waste disposal systems on board. It's something like a sounder, a accent, a chemical product, plastic, and no longer possible to throw food and trash into the river, and the boat should have a personal garbage collection. Maraoka: "Gaza Avokoa Izahay" Morocco: "We Are All Gaza" · Global Voices Morocco: "We're Gaza" · Global Voices Manana bilaogy manokana hizarana izay zava-mitranga ny vondrona. The group maintains a blog to communicate its happenings. The group has a personal blog to share what is happening. Tsy mino aho hoe tsy misy fomba ahafahana misambotra ireo mpihaza an-tsokosoko. I can't believe there aren't any ways to stop these poachers. I don't think there's no way to catch the hunters. Maraoka sy ny fahafahan'ny bolongana Morocco: The Freedom to Blog · Global Voices Morocco and the Freedom of Blogs · Global Voices Marobe ireo mpikambana sy mpomba ny UDP no nandrasana tamin'izany. UDP supporters and sympathisers are expected to turn out in large numbers. Many members and UDP supporters were expected. Maka vidim-panavotana ireo mpanao trafika amin'ny fanaovana lahatsary fampijaliana ireo mpitsoaponenana sy mpifindra monina hazonin'izy ireo. Smugglers make ransom money by releasing torture videos of the refugees and migrants they hold. Their refugees and migrants are receiving a ransom in order to rescue the traffickers by making videos that torture them. Maherin'ny 50 ireo mpizahatany no mihitsoka ao Machu Picchu More than 50 Chilean tourists were stranded in Machu Picchu. More than 50 tourists are stuck in Machu Picchu Avy eo niverina nahazo ny fahaleovantenany i Burma, ary nandritra ny vanim-potoanan'ny Ligin'ny Fahalalaham-Bahoaka Manohitra ny Fasista, nisy ihany koa fahafahana maneho hevitra. Burma then regained its independence, and in the time of Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League, there was also freedom of expression. Burma then returned to independence, and during the People's Liberation League era, there was also freedom of expression. Amin'ny 2:33 maraina izao. Kojo Akoto Boateng expressed his optimism about Ghana: It's 2:33 a.m. Hadalana tsotra izao fotsiny io!!! This is just plain stupid!!! It's just stupid!!! Miampanga ny mpanao politika ho mandray kolikoly avy amin'ireo orinasa vahiny ireo ny mpitoraka bilaogy Abdallah Weld Jeilany: Blogger Abdallah Weld Jeilany accused some politicians of receiving bribes from these foreign companies: Blogger Butal Weld Jeilany accuses politicians of receiving bribes from foreign companies: Tao Baba Amr ao Homs i Javier nandritra ny fanafihan'ny fitondrana tamin'ny volana Febroary 2012. Javier was in Baba Amr, Homs, during the regime's last offensive in February 2012. Javier was in Baba Amr in Homs during a regime attack in February 2012. "Ho kuribotchi aho" "I'll be kuribotchi." "I'm going to be kuribotchi" Sary avy amin'i Maulana Mamutuk, nahazoana alàlana. Photo by Maulana Mamutuk, used with permission. Photo by Maulana Mamutuk, used with permission. Ny hamehana handafo azy ireny sy hahazo vola haingana dia midika fa nomena olona tsy manana anton'asa azo antoka ny vola, izay hisedra fahasahiranana amin'ny amerenana ny vola mandritra ny fotoana maharitra noferan'ny fitrosàna - 20 na 30 taona, na mihoatra izany aza. The urgency to sell them and to make fast money meant that loans were given to people with unstable jobs who would find it hard to meet the payments throughout the long periods covered by the mortgages - 20 or 30 years, or even more. The state of emergency to spend them and make money quickly means that money has been given to people without a safe job, who have difficulty returning the money for a long period of time - 20 or 30 years, or more. Artista maro valalanina amin'ilay hetsika no nandray penina tsy satry haka an-tsary ny hetsika ao Shahbag amin'ny alalan'ny sariitatra. Several artists captivated by the movement have put pen to paper to capture the Shahbag protests in cartoon. Several artists from the movement have been taking pens that don't want to capture Shahbag's protest through cartoons. Afisin'ny Dr. Mukwege miresaka ny fiadiana amin'ny herisetra ara-nofo ao amin'ny RDC Dr. Mukwege poster on fighting sexual violence in DR of Congo Dr. Mukwege's poster on the fight against sexual violence in the DRC Open home - Antso ho an'izay liana, "Mikatona ny Owni, dia hosokafana izany" #OWNIoupas Open home - Calling all amateurs, "Owni shuts down, thus we open it" #OWNIoupas Open Home - A call to those interested, "Owni is closed, it's stolen" #OWNIoupas Roa no nirotsaka hofidiana ho filoham-pirenana ary namaly ny fanontaniana 20 napetrakin'ny olon-tsotra izay mampiasa ny rohin'ampahan-tsary toy ny Youtube mba hanapariahana ny hetahetany sy ny olany. Two candidates running for President answers 20 questions raised by citizens who use Youtube-like video clips to express their wishes and problems. Two candidates were running for president and responding to 20 questions raised by ordinary people who use video links such as YouTube to spread their aspirations and problems. Mankasitraka ireo firenena rehetra nanampy an'i Malayzia tamin'ny fikarohana ny MH370 ny praiminisitra Najib Razak: Prime Minister Najib Razak is grateful to all countries which are helping Malaysia in the search for MH370: Prime Minister Najib Razak is grateful to all the countries that helped Malaysia in the search for MH370: Taorian'izany dia Pôlisy nirongo fitaovana fanoherana fikomiana miisa 30 no indray nanao rodobe teo. After that, 30 additional riot police reached there. After that, a group of 30 counter-protesters formed a sit-in. Loharano: FEMEN Source: FEMEN Source: FEMEN Mampiditra antsika amin'ilay fotokevitra i Claudia (ES): Claudia (ES) introduces us to the concept: Claudia (ES) introduces us to the concept: Nanontany i Stefanie Ship: Stefanie Ship asked: Stepfaie Ship asked: Natsangana ilay vondrona mba hametraka ny hoe "boky mahatonga ny fampianarana mamaky teny sy manoratra ho zava-mahafinaritra!" The group was established to provide "books that make literacy fun!" The group was created to make "a book that makes reading and writing fun!" Ao anatin'ireo sehatra maro tsy mitsahatra mitombo ety amin'ny Aterineto mikaroka ny literatioran'i Amerika Latina, mitàna ny anjara toerany manokana ny bilaogy Literatiora Venezoelana an'i Katie Brown. Inside the growing number of online spaces exploring literature from Latin America, Katie Brown's blog Venezuelan Literature has a presence all of its own. Among the increasingly growing online platforms searching for Latin America's literature, the Venezuelan literary blog Katie Brown plays a special role. Azonao atao ny misoratra anarana ao amin'ny Tranonkalan'ny Fihaonambe (Summit web site), izay misy ihany koa amin'ny teny Espaniola. You can register via the Summit web site, which is also available in Spanish. You can sign up for the Summit website (Summit web site), which also exists in Spanish. Ny sasany dia mahita fa fanamaivanana ny henatra ateraky ny tsy fitoviana, ny herisetra ary ny fivarotana zava-mahadomelina ilay valisoa "Tanànan'ny taona." Some see the "City of the Year" award as a relief to mitigate the stigma of inequality, violence, and drug trafficking. Some see the "city of the Year" reward as a relief to the shame of inequality, violence, and drug trafficking. Mety ho am-podiana I Dahianna Heard manana ny zom-pirenena Venezoela izay mipetra ao Florida, na dia hoe efa nangataka ny taratasy makasika ny fahazoan-dalana manorim-ponenana aza izy sy rangahy vadiny ary efa niandry ny fahavitan'izany taratasy izany. Dahianna Heard, a citizen of Venezuela who lives in Florida, now could be deported even though she and her husband had applied for her residency permit and were awaiting completion of the paperwork. Daianna Heard, a Venezuelan citizen who lives in Florida, may be returning home, although she and her husband have already asked for a residence permit and are waiting for that letter to be completed. Mpaka Sary Amin'ny Tranonkalam-baovao Voasambotra Teo Am-pandefasana Ny Fihetsiketsehana Tao Venezoela News Website Cameraman Arrested While Broadcasting Protests in Venezuela · Global Voices Online Photographer Arrested in Venezuela's Protests · Global Voices Atom Araullo nitatitra fa niverina tamin'ny ampahany ny fifandraisan-davitra tao Tacloban: Atom Araullo reports that communication signals have been partially restored in Tacloban: Atom Araullo reported that telecommunications was back in Tacloban: Nadikan'izy ireo ho amin'ny fiteny Anglisy sy Frantsay ny votoatiny mba haparitaka amin'izao tontolo izao. They also produced content in English and French to share with the world. They translated their content into English and French to spread to the world. Nahazo ny fankasitrahan'ny mpamaky marobe tao Koety izy tamin'ny fomba nanehoany ny fomba fisainan'i Koesiana. Al-Saleh won the admiration of a lot of readers in Kuwait for the way he portrayed the Kuwaiti mentality. He got the approval of many readers in Kuwait for how he expressed Kuwait's thinking. Ny zavatra rehetra soratana eto nandritra ny firohotana dia satria noho izy nitranga tany Maghreb ihany (ary satria koa toa. . . hafahafa izany). What was written here during the uprising happened only because it happened in the Maghreb (and because it seemed . . . strange). Everything that's written here during the rally is because it's because it's happening (and it's also because it's strange). Araka ny tatitry ny gazety mpivoaka isan'andro Panorama, nahazo 4,251 tapitrisa dolara Amerikana avy amin'ny fiarahamiasa Venezoelianina i Nikaragoà teo anelanelan'ny taona 2008 sy ny enim-bolana voalohan'ny taona 2015, izay fampindramam-bola manokana hanafarana solika ny ankamaroany, araka ny fanamarihan'ny Banky Foibe Nikaragoianina. According to daily newspaper Panorama, Nicaragua received 4.251 million US dollars from Venezuelan cooperation between 2008 and the first semester of 2015, the majority of which are preferential loans for oil imports, as noted by the Nicaraguan Central Bank. According to the daily Panranoma, Nicaragua received US$4.251 million from Venezuelan cooperation between 2008 and the first six months of 2015, which was a special loan to export oil, as noted by the Nicaragua Central Bank. Mila miady amin'ireo hevitra voizin'ny finoana hafa ny fiangonana ao Moldavia hanaporofoany fa izy no mendrika, akaiky indrindra ny vahoaka, manana pretra manam-pahaizana, nahita fianarana kokoa sy lavitry ny kolikoly, sns., ary tsy amin'ny fanaovana tsindry be fahatany amin'ny fanjakana Moldavy, izay tokony hitoetra ho tsy miandany amin'ny resaka finoana. The church of Moldova has to combat the ideas promoted by other religions by demonstrating that it is better, closer to the citizens, has smarter, more educated and less corrupted priests, etc., and not through hysterical pressures on the Moldovan state, which has to be neutral in religious affairs. Moldova's churches need to fight other religious beliefs to prove that they deserve the most, closer to the people, having qualified priests, educated and far away from corruption, etc., and not to put pressure on the Moldova state, which should remain neutral. Fandraisana an'i Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy tao amin'ny TEDxKarachi 2011. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy hosting TEDxKarachi 2011. Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy's welcome at TEDxKarachi 2011. (Fanamarihana: lahatsoratra teny anglisy nivoaka tamin'ny marsa 2006) Photo: This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011. Tato anatin'ny 24 ora farany tao amin'ny Twitter, nitombo be ny fahalinan'ireo Rosiana mpampiasa Twitter amin'izay mitranga ao Okraina raha mitaha amin'ny Lalao Olaimpika. Indeed, in the last 24 hours on Twitter, Russian users' interest in Ukraine has surpassed their attention on the Olympics. In the last 24 hours on Twitter, Russian Twitter users' interest in what is happening in Ukraine is growing compared to the Olympics. @seldeeb: Nikoropaka noho ireto andian'olona ny teo amin'ny manodidina ka nanakatona ny toeram-barotra fa mahery setra loatra ry zalahy#EndSh. mba nisy fivarotana iray nampialoka ihany tamin'ny farany @seldeeb: The people in the area were freaked out by mob &some shut their shops because of how violent this looked #EndSh.finally 1shop gave shelter @seldeeb: The crowd around and closed shops that guys are too violent #EndSh. there was a store that eventually took refuge Indreto sary sasany: Here are some photos: Here are some photos: Tamin'ny volana lasa teo, tanatin'ny iray tamin'ireo fifidianana demokratika lehibe voarakitra hatrizay, nifidy an'i Modi, ilay lehiben'ny minisitra taloha teo ambany fanjakan'i Gujarat, ho praiminisitr'izy ireo vaovao ary ny antokony Bharatiya Janata (BJP) ho antoko eo amin'ny fitondrana, ny Indiana. Last month, in one of the largest democratic elections ever recorded, India elected Modi, the former chief minister of the Gujarat state, as their new prime minister and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as their ruling party. Last month, in one of the largest democratic elections ever documented, Indians voted for Modi, the former chief minister of minister under the state of Yugoslavia, as their new prime minister and his ruling political party Brian Whitaker, mibilaogy ao amin'ny Al-bab, nilaza momba ireo manampahefana Saodiana fa: According to Brian Whitaker, who blogs at Al-bab, the Saudi authorities: Brian Whitaker, who blogs at Al-bab, says about Saudi authorities: Niteraka fivatravatranà fanamarihana tany amin'nyireo haino aman-jery mahazatra sy ny tambajotra sosialy ilay vaovao. The news provoked a torrent of comments in the mainstream media as well as social networks. The news sparked a reaction on mainstream media and social networks. Zon'ny mpamorina Demotix (24/1/2015) Copyright Demotix (24/1/2015) Copyright Demotix (24/1/2015) Israely: Finoana ny ho fiaraha-miaina - resadresaka tamin'n'ilay mafana fo Ibn Ezra Israel: A Belief In Coexistence - Interview With Activist Ibn Ezra · Global Voices Israel: Faith to live together - An interview with activist Ibn Ezra · Global Voices Mila mandray an-tanana ny firenentsika sy hampandroso azy ho any amin'ny firenena mahaleotena sy mari-pototra isika. We need to take the ownership of our country and lead it to becoming an independent and stable nation. We need to take our country and advance it to an independent and accurate country. Tsy misy ny fantsona ofisialy handaminana ny raharaha, izay nahatonga ny fianakavian'i Lee tsy niditra tamin'ny fantsona ofisialy ary nankany Beijing hitady fomba hafa hifandraisana... raha tsy manana paikady mahomby sy manohy mandray an-tanana ny raharaha amin'ny fomban'ny any anaty birao ny governemanta Taiwaney dia tsy ny fahafahana hiaro an'i Lee Ming-cheh ihany no votsotry ny DPP fa tsy hatoky ny fahafahan'ny governemanta mandamina ny fifandraisana manerana ny andilan-dranomasina intsony ihany koa ny vahoaka. There is no official channel to settle the incident, which is why Lee's family has to give up on official channels and travel to Beijing to find another means to communicate... if the Taiwanese government does not have an effective strategy and continues to handle the case in a bureaucratic manner the DPP will not only miss the opportunity to save Lee Ming-cheh - people will lose confidence in the government's ability to handle cross-strait relations. There is no official channel to settle the matter, which has left Lee's family off from entering the official channel and went to Beijing to find ways to communicate...if the Taiwanese government has no effective strategy and continues to take matters into office, then the DPP will not only need to protect Lee Ming-cheh but will not only trust the government's ability to organize communications across the sea. Teo amin'ny 30 teo ireo alika voasambotra. Almost 30 dogs have been caught. About 30 dogs were arrested. Nisy zavatra manindry mandry ianao, nefa tsy sahy akory ianao nanome anarana izany. You had an intuition, but you did not even dare to name it. You had something to lie down, but you did not have the courage to give that name. Orwellian Orstralia Orwellian Orstralia Orwellian Orstralia Miasa ihany koa izy ireo. They worked too. They are also working. Ity lahatsoratra ity dia ampahany amin'ny lahatsoratray manokana mikasika ilay pejin'ny Fitroarana Vinaigitra ao Brezila. This post is part of our special coverage page Brazil's Vinegar Revolt. This post is part of our special coverage Brazil Revolution 2011. Fa mieritreritra aho hoe tena zava-dehibe ny mampianatra ny olona ny fomba handraisana ireo vaovao. But I think it's important to teach people how to consume news. But I think it's important to teach people how to receive news. Araka ny voka-pifidianana navoakan'ny Foiben'ny Komitim-pifidianana (CEC), afapo ny Azerbaijan Vaovao, nahazo seza 71, raha azon'ireo antsoina fa antoko mahaleotena - lazain'ny antoko mpanohitra ivelan'ny Antenimiera fa "mpanohitra sandoka" ny seza ambiny. According to the results announced by the Central Election Committee (CEC), New Azerbaijan did old Azerbaijan proud, securing 71 seats, while so-called independent parties and candidates - described by opposition parties outside the parliament as "fake opposition" - took the remaining seats. According to the results released by the Central Election Commission (CEC), the New Azerbaijan won 71 seats, while the so-called independent party - declared by opposition parties outside the Parliament that the rest of the seats were "false enemies." Kolombia: manavotra takalon'aina 4 nalain'ny FARC an-keriny tamin'ny 1998 ny Tafika Colombia: Armed Forces Rescue 4 Hostages Kidnapped by FARC in 1998 · Global Voices Colombia: Army Saves 4 hostages kidnapped by FARC in 1998 · Global Voices Fa raha ny marina dia roatra feno poizina ireo mitsingevana eny ambonin'ilay farihy faran'izay voaloto ao amin'ny tanàna fahatelo midadasika indrindra ao India. What's floating on top of some of the polluted lakes of India's third largest city is actually toxic froth. But in fact, floating on the most polluted lake in India's third largest city is toxic. Mandritra izany fotoana izany, ny karama farany ambany ao Meksika dia $ 73,04 pesos isaky ny andro fiasàna - vola heverina fa tokony mahampy amin'ny filàna ara-tsakafo rehetra ilain'ny olona iray sy ny fianakaviany. Meanwhile, the minimum wage in Mexico is $73.04 pesos per workday - an amount that's supposed to meet all the nutritional needs of a person and their family. Meanwhile, Mexico's minimum wage is $ 73.04 pesos per day - money that is supposed to meet all the needs of one person and his family. Feno fanehoana alahelo, fiaraha-miory sy fahatezerana tao amin'ny Twitter taorian'ny vaovao momba ity fanapahan-doha natao tamin'ireo takalon'aina 21 ity. Twitter has been flooded with expressions of sadness, sympathy, and anger after the news of the beheading of the 21 hostages spread. Twitter was flooded with condolences, condolences and anger after news of this decision on 21 hostages. Vatsian'ny ACS vola ny asa fanorenana ny Castor, izay i Florentino Pérez no filohany, sady filohan'ny ekipan'i Real Madrid F.C . Asongadin'i Trapichaire ireo fiangàrana ataon'i Pérez mba hanaporofony ireo fandaniana ataony: The construction of Castor is paid for by the ACS company, whose president is Florentino Pérez, also president of the soccer club Real Madrid C.F. Trapichaire underscores the double standard that Pérez shows at the time of approving certain expenses: The ACS funds the construction of Castor, whose president is Florentino Pérez, and head of Real Madrid F.C. Trapichaire's team, to prove his expenses: Nilaza tao amin'ny NetPress ireo vavolombelona fa nodarohan'ny polisy iray mandra-pialan'ny ainy ao amin'ny vondrona "Alpha" ity tovolahy ity. Witnesses who spoke to NetPress and A1, say that the young man was beaten to death by a member of the police special forces "Alpha." Witnesses told NetPress that the young man was beaten to death by a police officer in the "Alpha" group. Mahavelona tsara ny tenany ara-dalàna. She makes a decent living. He makes his body normal. Nanamafy tamin'ny Global Voices ny Masoivoho fa "i Etazonia dia isoloan'ny attaché-n'ny Raharaham-bahiny , Katherine Dueholm, tena ao Timor Atsinanana raha mbola eo am-piandrasana fanendrena ambasadera amin'izao fotoana izao." An Embassy source confirmed to Global Voices that "the United States of America are represented in East Timor by the foreign affairs attaché, Katherine Dueholm, while we await the final appointment of an ambassador." The Embassy confirmed to Global Voices that "the United States is being replaced by the foreign hotel, Crisis Dueholm, who is actually in East Timor while awaiting an appointment." Nanao fihetsiketsehana koa ireo mponina ivelan'ny fireneny, araka ny Infobae, izay namoaka sary nalefan'ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana: Also, Argentinians living overseas expressed their opinion, as Infobae informed. The site also published images sent by the protesters: Residents outside the country also protested, according to Infobae, who posted photos posted by protesters: Ny fiforonan'ny 'sarangan'ny tena mpanankarena' The creation of a 'super-rich class' The creation of a 'very rich icon' Fa ny zavatra niainako no miteny amiko hoe hiavaka mivoaka amin'ny mahazatra ny tamin'ity indray mitoraka ity. But my experience tells me that this time will be the exception, not the rule. But my experience tells me this time will be special. Ahestan, islamista iray sady mpitoraka bilaogy mavitrika, mihevitra fa izay mitranga any Iran dia tsy hafa fa korontana tsotra fa tsy zavatra tahaka ny revolisiona tany Tonizia na Ejipta akory. Ahestan, another active Islamist blogger, considers what is happening in Iran as mere turbulence and nothing like the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Ahestan, an Islamist blogger and blogger who thinks what is happening in Iran is nothing more than a simple riot than a revolution in Tunisia or Egypt. Saingy ho an'ny tia fahatsiarovana tahaka ahy, misy ny safidy hisintonana antsera ny mombamomba ny mpisera (tulad nung mga testi na ipinagmakaawa mo pa!) na mamindra azy ho amina tolotra (servisy) hafa. But for the nostalgia freak like me, there is an option to download user data (tulad nung mga testi na ipinagmakaawa mo pa!:)) or export them to other services. But for those who like me, there is a choice to download user data (tulad nung aga testi or ipignamawa mo pa!) or move it to another service. Sarimiaina Efatra Mandala Ny Fifandeferana Ara-pivavahana Sy Ny Fiarovana Ny Ankizy Mpitsoa-ponenana ao Myanmar Four Animated Videos That Advocate Religious Tolerance and Protection of Child Refugees in Myanmar · Global Voices Four Defending Religious tolerance and Protecting Myanmar's Refugee Children · Global Voices Miaraka foana izahay isan'andro, mifankahafantatra ny tsirairay ary mifanampy toy ny mpianakavy. We are together everyday, getting to know one another and helping one another like a family. We are always together every day, everyone knows each other and helps each other as a family. Ny faritra mizakatenan'i Rojava, araka ny fisiany amin'izao fotoana izao, no iray amin'ireo vitsy manelatrelatra - na tena mamirapiratra - mipongatra avy amin'ny voinan'ny revolisiona Syriana. The autonomous region of Rojava, as it exists today, is one of few bright spots - albeit a very bright one - to emerge from the tragedy of the Syrian revolution. The region of Rojava, as it is now available, is one of the few that are spreading light - or very bright - from the tragedy of the Syrian revolution. Izany no mahatsara an'ny Facebook sy Vkontakte, hoy ianao. That's all well and good with Facebook and Vkontakte, you say. That's good for Facebook and Vkontakte, you say. "Tena tsara!" "It's awesome!" "It's very good!" Nosokajian'ny mpanao lalàna ao amin'ny Repoblika Islamika ho fandikan-dalàna ihany koa ny fandrisihana ny olona hanao "fandanindaniam-poana" . Islamic Republic lawmakers also consider content that encourages "squandering" (as in wasteful expenditure) against the law. The country's lawmakers in the Islamic Republic have also made it illegal to encourage people to engage in "free" activities. RIVOTRA MADIO TAHAKA ITY! THE CLEAN AIR LIKE THIS! THE WAYS OF THIS! Nandia fotoana WTF (vakio toy ny hoe teny ratsin-jatovo io) tena henjana androany, niaraka tamin'ny Bench sy ny SM nanao doka fampiroboroboana ny #kolontsainafanolanana. Having serious WTF moments today what with Bench and SM promoting #rapeculture. It took a lot of time for WTF (read it as a bad word) today, with Bench and SM promoting #culturalism. Mampianatra maimai-poana ny tanora kongole aho mba hizarako ny fitiavako mitoraka blaogy, sy hahazoan'izy ireo ny fandehan'ny fitorahana blaogy sy ny fampitam-baovao amin'izao. To share this passion, I've trained young Congolese on a volunteer basis to allow them to understand how blogs and new media work. I teach young Congoleses free to share my passion for blogging, and to understand how blogs and media are going on now. Firenena iray izay mampiseho ny fomba hanatsarana kokoa ny toe-javatra toy izany i Norvezy - nanome ohatra tamin'ny fampiasana ny fiara mandeha amin'ny herinaratra eny amin'ny arabe izy, amin'ny alalan'ny fandrisihana toy ny fanafoanana ny hetra sy ny fanomezana fiantsonana maimaim-poana ho an'ny fiara mandeha amin'ny herinaratra. Norway is one country that shows how such situations can be improved - it has set an example in the use of electric cars on roads, by offering incentives such as removing taxes and offering free parking for electric vehicles. Norway is a country that shows how to improve the situation better - it provides an example of how to use the electric vehicle on the street, by encouraging such things as tax cuts and free gas service. Raha vao hita fa mazava fa tsy porofo mivangana araka ny hiheverana azy ity sarin'ny zanabolana ity, nanapa-kevitra hivazivazy momba izany ny RuNet, nizara teorian'ny teti-dratsy tafahoatra sy nitsikera ny fahaizana Photoshop na iza na iza ambadik'ilay sary. As soon as it became clear that this satellite image was not the smoking gun it was billed as, the RuNet decided to have some fun with the photo, sharing outrageous conspiracy theories and critiquing the Photoshop skills of whoever was behind the image. Once it became clear that this satellite image isn't evidence as clearly as it seems, the RuNet decided to joke about it, sharing an extreme conspiracy theory and criticizing the intelligence of anyone behind the image. Fa tena zavatra mahagaga ny fahatsapanao fisaorana avy any am-po, efa ho am-polony, ao anatin'ny hariva iray." It's an amazing feeling to be thanked sincerely dozens of times in an evening." But it's amazing how you feel thanks from the heart, almost a dozen, in one evening." Miasa ao amin'ny fitrandrahana arintany ny vadiny. Her husband works at the coal pit. Her husband works in coal mines. Mpanao fanadihadiana ara-politika manampahaizana manokana momba ny tantaran'ny tafika ejipsiana Tewfik Aclimondos manome fijery fanampiny: Egyptian political analyst specializing in Egyptian army history Tewfik Aclimondos provides an additional insight: Political analyst on the story of the Egyptian army Tewfik Aclimondos provides additional insight: Taorian'ny tsy naneken'i Ahamdinejad ny fangatahana hitazonana ny Minisitry ny Fitsikilovana eo amin'ny toerany, mila manamafy ny fahefany ny Filoha ambonin'ny Repoblika Silamo, Khamenei. After Ahamdinejad resisted the demand to keep the Minister of Intelligence in his post, the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader, Khamenei, needs to assert his authority. After Ahamdinejad refused to accept the request to hold the Ministry of Intelligence in office, the president of the Islamic Republic, Khamenei, needs to strengthen his power. Fikarakarana ara-toetsaina naharitra volana vitsy ihany no nahafahana namerina azy ho toy ny teo aloha tamin'ny 2013, rehefa nanapa-kevitra ny hifaninana tamin'ny fiadiana ny amboara erantany teo amin'ny judo izy - ka nandreseny teo amin'ny sokajy misy azy. Only with a few months of psychological treatment she decided to get back on her feet in 2013, when she decided to compete in the judo world championship - which she won in her category. Read more of our special coverage: Joy, Disappointment and Injustice at the Rio Olympics It was only a few months of psychological attention that she was able to bring back as before in 2013, when she decided to compete for the World Cup in judo - and win in her category. Mitohy ny tolona manerana ny faritra ho an'ny andro faha-14 manerana an'i Ejipta miantso an'i Hosni Mubarak hiala tsy ho mpitondra intsony. Widespread protests are continuing for the 14th day across Egypt calling on Hosni Mubarak to step down as president. Protests continue across the region for 14th day across Egypt calling for Hosni Mubarak to leave power. Tsy dia maro ny olona sahy manangana mari-pamantarana tokana ho an'ny Tontolo Arabo, ho an'ny tanora Arabo - mari-pamantarana iray sady tsy mamofona Tandrefana no tsy nentin-drazana. There aren't many people trying to create a unique identity for the Arab World, for the Arab youth - an identity that is neither Westernized or traditional. Not many people dare to build a single symbol for the Arab World, for Arab youth - a symbol that is neither Western nor conservative. Sary nalaina tao amin'ny Ho an'ireo izay mipetraka any amin'ny firenena somary miavaka amin'ny rehetra, dia maro ireo zavatra azo raisina ho tena misy tokoa. Photo from those living in a particular country, many things can sometimes be taken for granted. Photo taken from those who live in a relatively different country, there are many things that can be considered real. Tsy olan'ny fitondrana na ny silamo izany fa olana eo amin'ny fisainana... This is not an issue of the government or Islam, this is a moral issue... It's not a problem of the regime or Islam, it's a problem of thought... Tsy dia misy loatra. Not at all. Not much. Handrotsa-bato amin'ny fifidianana parlemantera sy ny anivon'ny vondrom-bahoaka ihany koa ny Ogandey amin'io andro io. Ugandans will also vote in parliamentary and local elections on the same day. Ugandans will also vote on parliamentary and public elections on that day. Mandehana amin'itsy mavo itsy, manidina matetika eny amin'io zavatra io izy. Go to that yellow , they fly to the object more often. Go to yellow tats, they fly frequently in this object. Jereo ny sarimihetsik'i Eyad Aljarod, ilay Siriana mpamokatra sarimihetsika, ny ankizin'i Saraqeb, Silamo sy Kristiana, mankalaza Krismasy sy mifampizara ny nofinofin-dry zareo: Watch as Syrian filmmaker Eyad Aljarod films Saraqeb's children, Muslims and Christians, celebrate Christmas and share their dreams: Check out Syrian filmmaker Eyad Aljarod's birthday of Saraqeb, Muslim and Christian, celebrating Christmas and sharing their dreams: Sady koa, 25 isan-jato amin'ny tokantrano Slovaky no niaina kolikoly tamin'ny resa-pitsaboana, izay midika fa mazàna dia be lavitra ny vola miditra amin'ireo mpitsabo mitàha amin'ny vola tokony horaisiny amin'ny karama ofisialy. Also, 25 percent of the Slovak households have had experience with medical corruption, which means that the doctors' actual income is often bigger than their official income. Also, 25 percent of Slovak households have experienced medical corruption, which means doctors often earn far more than they should pay for official salaries. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Niaraka tamin'ny namako aho tany ary nitokelaka izahay, ary avy eo nitsoka ny rivotra ka latsaka ny saron-dohako. I was there with friends and we were laughing, and then the wind blew and my headscarf fell off. I was there with my friends and we were laughing, and then the wind came and fell on my head. Nanazava ny fanapahan-keviny ho toy izao izy ireo: They explained their decision as such: They explained their decision as follows: Tonga eo amin'ny fiafarany ny fifandrohitana fahefana teto Madagasikara hatramin'ny volana janoary no mankaty. The power struggle that has plagued Madagascar since January may have come to an end. The balance of power in Madagascar has reached its end since January. Sahala amin'ny fampiadiana omby sy fampiadiana akoho, fomba iray fampijaliana biby hafa ihany koa ny charrería. As bullfight and cockfight, charrería is another way on animal abuse. Yes, charrería is a tradition and a custom. As with the slaughter of cattle and chicken weapons, charrería is also a way to torture other animals. Ary misy olana koa ao amin'ny Douma, izay manaiky ireo lalàna ireo ka manery ny olona hisara-panambadiana. And there's a problem in the Duma, which adopts these laws that force people to divorce. And there is also a problem in the Duma, which recognizes these laws and forces people to divorce. Any Mozambika, ny BRAVO! dia mampiroborobo ny fanaovan'ny mponina kopia nahaterahana ao Nampula, manana mponina miisa 4,2 tapitrisa, ary faritra be mponina indrindra ao amin'io firenena io , ary manofana ny mpiasa ao amin'ny distrika. In Mozambique, BRAVO! is promoting the registration of the population in the province of Nampula, which, with its 4.2 million inhabitants, is the most populated in the country, and is training staff in the district. In Mozambique, the BHRI! promotes the registration of the people of Nampula, which has 4.2 million inhabitants, and is the country's most populated region, and is training the district staff. Nolazainy ahy fa ireo mpanampy ny mpitsabo, sy dokotera hafa, samy niditra an-tsehatra daholo nitazonana ahy tao an-trano. She told me that the nurses, other doctors, everyone got in the way to keep me in. He told me that the nurses, and other doctors, all took the initiative to keep me at home. Ny fandresen'i Yukio Hatoyama- mpitarika ny DPJ dia noraisina ho toy ny fiandohana vanimpotoana vaovao amin'ny politika Japoney. The victory of Yukio Hatoyama-led DPJ has been perceived as the beginning of a new era of Japanese politics. Yukio Hatoyama - the leader of the DPJ is considered a new beginning in Japanese politics. Toy ny salama tsara ny fahitàna an'i Koblyakov ary nilaza izy fa voakarakara tsara. Koblyakov appeared to be in good health and said he was treated well. Koblyakov looked healthy and said he was well cared for. Renim-pianakaviana iray, ny zanany vavy, sy ny zafikeliny lahy, 5 taona na mihoatra. Mother, her daughter, and grandson, aged 5 or so. A mother, her daughter, and her grandson, 5 years old or older. 250 andro izay no lasa hatramin'ny nanjavonan'ireo mpianatra Ayotzinapa any Meksika. 250 days have passed since the disappearance of the Ayotzinapa students in México. It has been 250 days since the disappearance of Ayotzinapa students in Mexico. Tao anatin'izany, nampiasa ny "Game of Thrones" (Kilalaon'ny Satroboninahitra) izy, ary namaritra ilay mpihira antitra ho "5000 taona," nilaza tamin'ny hanihany hoe efa tokony ho faty izy. Among other things, he uses Game of Thrones references and describes the octogenarian singer as being "5000 years old," playfully suggesting that she should die. In the meantime, he used the "Game of Thrones," and described the old singer as "5,000 years old," saying with a joke that he should die. Alefa amin'ny teny Anglisy any amin'ny @HassanRouhani sy @Khamenei_ir ny sioka. Tweets in English should be sent to @HassanRouhani and @Khamenei_ir. Tweets are sent in English via @HassanRouhani and @Khamenei_ir. Teo amin'ny sioka naverina nozaraina "retweets" sy ny "ekeko (j'aime),"ny sioka malaza indrindra amin'ireo etsy ambony dia ilay mampahatsiahy ny fanambaran'i Trump fa "mafy loha sy marani-tsaina noho i Clinton sy Obama ny Filoha Syriana Bashar al-Assad." In terms of retweets and "likes," the most popular of the tweets above was the one recalling Trump's declaration that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is "just much tougher and much smarter than and Obama." In a re-tweet shared by "retweets" and "I accept," the most popular tweet from above is Trump's statement that "the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is stronger and smarter than Clinton and Obama." Nefa marary ny foko . But my heart is aching. But my heart is sick. Mampihena ny fitaintainana ny raha oharina amin'ny fandraharahana amin'ny firenena tokana monja (Shina) izay mety tsy mitombina tsara ny politika. The diversity lowers their risk compared to doing business only in one country (China) where policies can be unstable. It reduces stress when compared to business in just one country (China) where politics can be very wrong. Ny teboka vita tamin'izany fotoana, (Febroary 2012) eny fa na dia eo aza ny fidiram-bola ambony vokatry ny fiodin'ny toekarena manerantany mandeha tsara, mivandravandra ho an'ny fitondrana ny nampiditra fatiantoka tahaka izao. The point being made at the time, (February 2012), was that even with such high revenue as a result of the world's super charged economy back then, it was egregious for government to be running such huge deficits. The dots at the time (Feb 2012) despite the high income caused by global economic growth, it is evident that the government has made such losses. @nicoladiaz: RT @abusamra23 #jan25 #egypt Namana niverina ao tahrir, zamalek, milamina ny rehetra, marobe ny toerana fisavana olona ...Miarahaba ireo namana be herim-po @nicoladiaz: RT @abusamra23 #jan25 #egypt Friends walking back from tahrir direction zamalek, all peacefull, just too many ppl checkpoints...Salut to all our brave guys @nicoladiaz: RT @abusamra23 #jan25 #egypt Friend back to tahrir, zamalek, everyone is peaceful, there are lots of checkpoints...:) Tao India, fanangonantsonia iray nanohitra ny orinasa Emami mpamokatra kojakoja fikarakaràna endrika no niantso azy ireo mba hanàla ny dokambarotra iray manokana misy fanavakavahana, natao ho an'ilay menaka fanosotra Fair and Handsome. In India, a petition against Indian cosmetics company Emami called on them to withdraw a particularly discriminatory advert for Fair and Handsome cream. In India, a protest against the cosmeticry company Emami called on them to remove a particular racist commercial for the Fair and Handsome oil. Tsy mitsahatra ny mihomehy aho. I can't stop laughing. I'm always laughing. Mpianatra manao tantara an-tsehatra noheverina ho manala baraka ny Tafika Burma/Salai Thant Zin/The Irrawaddy Students perform a drama deemed to be defamatory by the Burma Army / Salai Thant Zin / The Irrawaddy Students performing dramas that were deemed offensive to Burma/Salai Thant Zin/The Irrawaddy sary namboarina hita amin'ny aterineto mampitaha an'i Chou amin'ny takalon'ainan'ny ISIS. Internet meme comparing Chou to an ISIS hostage. An online meme comparing Chou to ISIS hostage. Noraisiny naoty ny anarako, ny laharan'ny lisansa, ny adiresiko ary ny laharan'ny telefoniko. He took down my name, license number, address and phone number. He took note of my name, my license number, my talk, and my phone number. Miresaka momba ity olana ity i Mizzima: Mizzima weighs on this matter: Mizzima talks about this issue: Manoratra bilaogy ho an'ny vavahadin-tseraseran'ny vondrona media Financial Nigeria International, i Martins Hile no nanadihady ny vokatry ny Brexit teo amin'i Nizeria, ilay manana toekarena faharoa goavana indrindra iasàn'i Grande-Bretagne ao Afrika, manaraka an'i Afrika Atsimo: Blogging at the web portal of media group Financial Nigeria International, Martins Hile looked at the impact of Brexit on Nigeria, Britain's second largest trading economy in Africa after South Africa: Writing for the media portal Financial Nigeria International, Martins Hile analyzes the effects of 2015 on Nigeria, Britain's second largest economy in Africa, following South Africa: Ankoatra izay, efa malaza fa ampolony ireo voaheloka no vonona ny hiverina any Dili, fa amin'izao andro izao manko dia maitso kokoa ny ahitra ao Timor-Leste noho ny any Indonezia. Furthermore, it is well known that dozens of other indictees are poised to return to Dili, as these days the grass is greener in Timor-Leste than it is in Indonesia. Moreover, dozens of convicts are known to be willing to return to Dili, but today the grass in Timor-Leste is greener than Indonesia. Hahitàna hetsika any amin'ny faritra sy diabe hankany Bogotá, renivohitr'i Kolombia ilay fitokonana. The strike will include regional protests and a march towards Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. The strike will include protests in the region and marches to Bogotá, Colombia's capital. AS: Ho ahy tsy misy maha samihafa ny modely manintona sy ny sisa tsy matin'ny dotra. AS: For me there's no difference between a glamorous model and a burn survivor. AS: For me there is no difference between the attractive role model and the burn survivors. - Tsy misy razana any amin'ny hopitaly. - None of the bodies come to the hospital. - No dead bodies in hospitals. Tsy fantatra na vao haingana io na efa taloha. You don't know if it is recent or old. It's not known whether it's recently or before. "Tànana vy mifaingoka" Sary tsy misy tompony hita tanaty aterineto. "Hook-hands." Anonymous image found online. Anonymous image found online. Borkina Fasô: Jiolahy mpanakan-dàlambe Burkina Faso: Highway banditry · Global Voices Burkina Faso: Street Protesters · Global Voices Hitan'io tatitra io fa olona 44 raha kely indrindra no maty nisy namono nadritra io fotoana io, 30 tamin'izany no lasibatry ny famonoana, raha 400 mahery ireo olona naratra, tsy tafidita ao anatin'io ny ratra nateraky ny asa. It found that at least 44 people have been killed during this time, 30 of which were targeted killings, while more than 400 people were injured, not including work-related injuries. The report found that at least 44 people were killed during this time, 30 of which were victims of the massacre, while more than 400 people were injured, not injured in the act. Rehefa mazava ny fikasan'ny antokon'ny fitondrana ary tonga tao amin'ny Parlemanta ny fanangonan-tsonia "Feo ho an'ny Fiainana," dia feno lahatsoratra avy amin'ireo vehivavy tezitra tamin'ny tolo-kevitra ny vondrona ka vonona indray izy ireo hanao diabe miaraka amin'ny tarigetra hoe "Ny vatako, safidiko" After the plans of the ruling party became clear and the "Voice for Life" petition landed in the Parliament, the groups have been flooded by posts of women outraged at the proposal and ready to march into the streets again chanting "My body, my choice." When the ruling party's intentions were clear and the petition "Four for Life" came to Parliament, the group was filled with posts from angry women in the proposal and they were ready to march again with the slogan "My body, I choose." - 3 mpandrafitra. - 3 masons. - 3 carpenters. Saripikan'i Joey Ayoub. Photo Taken by Joey Ayoub. Photo by Joey Ayoub. Farany, afaka ihany ny #FreeZone9Bloggers. Finally #FreeZone9Bloggers is free. Finally, the #FreeRegister9 have been released. Mila antoka amin'ny fahafatesana voajanahary izahay We want the guarantee of natural deaths We need a guarantee of natural death Tamin'ny 2000 no nivoaka ny tranonkalan'ny The Irrawaddy ary voasakana avy hatrany tao Myanmar ka tsy mety takatra avy ao amin'ny firenena ny votoatiny tao anatin'ny 11 taona izao. In 2000, The Irrawaddy website was launched and was promptly blocked in Myanmar remaining inaccessible in the country for the next 11 years. The Irrawaddy website was published in 2000 and was immediately blocked in Myanmar and its content could not be understood from the country within 11 years. Saingy tamin'ilay izaho efa miankanjo, tsy nahita na inona na inona izy. Fantany fotsiny. The way I was dressed, he couldn't have seen anything, but he knew what was going on. But when I was dressed, he didn't see anything. he just knew. Matetika mazava amin'ny lafiny ara-politika sy toekarena amin'ny voambolan'ny "rafitra roa" manondro ny rafitra sosialista sy kapitalista ny foto-kevi-dalàmpanorenana "Firenena Iray, Rafitra roa" izay mamaritra ny fifandraisana misy eo amin'i Shina sy Hong Kong. The constitutional principle "One Country, Two Systems" that defines the relationship between China and Hong Kong is often understood in a political-economic sense and the term "two systems" refers to the pair's respective socialist and capitalist systems. The concept of "One Country, Two Systems" that defines the relationship between China and Hong Kong is often clear on both political and economic aspects of the "two systems" that refer to the socialist system. Rehefa nodidiana higadra mandra-pahafaty i Quader Mollah (nihevitra ny olona fa hovonoina ho faty izy), maro ny naneho ny fahatezerany tao amin'ny Facebook, Twitter ary ny bilaogy samihafa. When Quader Mollah was sentenced to life imprisonment (peoples' anticipation was death penalty), many expressed their outrage on Facebook, Twitter and blogs. After being sentenced to life imprisonment (people thought he was executed), many expressed their anger on Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Tsy manadino ny tombontsoany amin'ny fampiasana ny karaoty sy ny kibay mihitsy ny Tandrefana. The carrot and stick approach of the West never loses sight of the former's interests. The West never forgets the benefits of using the balls and sticks. Ahitana fizarana telo ny lahatsary fanadihadiana. Ny fizarana voalohany dia milaza ny fomba amam-panao amin'ny fikolokoloana volo mandritra ny fahazazan'ny vehivavy mainty hoditra. Ny fizarana faharoa kosa dia mampiseho ny fomba fihetsik'ireo tovovavy manoloana ireo safidy samihafa azo atao mandritra ny fahatanorana. The three-part documentary begins with an overview of the techniques used to work with the tight, frizzy curls of young black girls and proceeds to show how a number of woman have presented their hair in the face of options available to them during their youth and adolescence. The documentary is made up of three sections. The first episode refers to the custom of wearing hair during black women's childhood, while the second part shows how girls react to various choices that can be made during their youth. Abdulaziz Sugule, ny filohan'ny "Somali American Money Service Association" (Fikambanana Fandefasam-bola Somaliana Amerikana), dia mangataka ireo orinasa kely mpandefa vola tantanan'ny Somaliana - ireo izay niara-niasa hatrizay tamin'ny Merchant sy ireo banky hafa - mba hiara-hiasa amin'ireo banky any Minnesota. Abdulaziz Sugule, the head of the Somali American Money Service Association, is now urging small Somali-run money transfer companies - ones that had typically worked with Merchant and other banks - to partner with local banks in Minnesota. Abdulaziz Sugule, the president of the American Crisis Service Association, asks Somali-run micro-finance companies - those who have always worked with Mervhand and other banks - to work with the banks of the state of the city. Tao Viseu, olona 7 fotsiny no namonjy ny hetsika. In Viseu only 7 people joined. In Viseu, only 7 people joined the event. Niditra dingana vaovao tamin'ny fampielezan-keviny antsoina hoe i On Sudan i Sudan Sham Elections 2010: Sudan Sham Elections 2010 has launched a new phase of its campaign called i On Sudan: Sudan Sham Elections 2010 entered a new stage of his campaign called On Sudan: Iray amin'izany ny karipetra, izay naseho hatramin'izay ireo vahiny ho famantarana ny fahaizana mandray olona, atao eo ambany ny tongotra ho mari-panajàna, na ahantona amin'ny rindirna ho mariky ny fivoarana. One of them is carpets, usually presented to guests as a sign of hospitality, laid under the feet as a sign of respect, or hung on the wall as a sign of prosperity. One of them is the carpet, which has long been presented as a symbol of hospitality to foreigners, that is to be made on foot as a symbol of beauty, or that is attached to rindirs as a symbol of progress. Manana mpanohana mahavariana ihany koa ny "1917: Tantara Malalaka": ny milina fikarohana goavana Yandex, Sberbank, ny Tretyakov Gallery, ny gazety Kommersant, ny Mozea Ara-tantara Rosiana, Ny Tahirim-panjakan'ny Federasiona Rosiana ary ny Tahirim-panjakana Rosiana ho an'ny Literatiora sy ny Zava-kanto - raha hitanisa ny vitsivitsy. "1917: Free History" also has some impressive sponsors: the Internet search giant Yandex, Sberbank, the Tretyakov Gallery, the newspaper Kommersant, the Russian State Historical Museum, the State Archive of the Russian Federation, and the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art - just to name a few. "1917: Free History": the giant search engine Yandex, Sberbank, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Historical Museum, the Russian Federation's Fund and the Russian State Institute for Literature and Art - to name a few. @elzubeir: @elzubeir: @elzubeir: Ny fitakiana ofisialy voalohany ataonay aminao dia ny hanomezanao ny tahirim-bolanao ho an'ireo niharan-doza tamin'ny horohorontany. Our first official request is for you to donate your pocket money to the quake victims. Our official demand is that you give your money to those affected by the earthquake. Ary rehefa nanatri-maso ny hery nampiasaina handravana ny fiokoana izy dia nifidy ny hijoro miaraka amin'ny revolisina - ara-politika sy ara-kira. And after witnessing the force used to put down the revolt, he sided with the revolution - politically and musically. And when he witnessed the power used to destroy nationalism, he chose to stand with the revolution - political and musical. Nisy avy hatrany ny fihetsiketsehana nokarakaraina izay nahazo olona teo amin'ny 10.000 teo. A protest was immediately organized which was attended by an estimated 10,000 people. There were immediate demonstrations that took around 10,000 people. Tamin'ny fahombiazany naha-voafidy azy indray, tsy nitandro hasasarana ny filoha Iraniana Hassan Rouhani hiarovana ny fidirana amin'ny sehatr'ireo haino aman-jery sosialy ao Iràna. In his successful bid for re-election, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani touted his efforts to protect access to social media platforms in Iran. In his re-election, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani did not hesitate to protect access to Iran's social media platforms. Manaraka ny fitsipika fanivanana ho an'ny mpitsara, ho an'ny mpampanoa lalàna, ny manam-pahaizana manokana amin'ny fanisana vola, ny mpiaro ny vahoaka, ary ny masoivoho nasionaly any Goatemala ny Guatemala Visible izay manaparitaka fanazavana mikasika ny fandehany izay efa nentina tao ambadiky ny rindrin'ny tsiambaratelo. Guatemala Visible tracks the selection processes for judges, the General Prosecutor, the Accountant General, the Public Defender and the national Ombudsman in Guatemala, shedding light on process that has previously been conducted behind a wall of secrecy. Guatemala Visible follows the censorship rules for judges, public prosecutors, public security experts, and Guatemala's national embassy that spread information about the state of affairs that have already been brought behind the wall of secrets. Ny fiareta-tory arahin-dabozia, izay nomanin'ny vondrona fantatra amin'ny anarana hoe Buddhists Questioning Bodu Bala Sena (Bodista mandà ny Bodu Bala Sena) no fihetsiketsehana voalohany ho fanoherana ny zavatra kianin'ny maro ho kabarim-pankahalàna ataon'ny BBS amin'ireo vondron'olona vitsy an'isa ao amin'ny firenena. The candlelight vigil, organized by a group known as Buddhists Questioning Bodu Bala Sena was the first public protest organized to decry what many view as a protracted campaign of hate speech by the BBS against minority groups in the country. The peaceful vigil, organized by a group known as Buddhists Questioning Bodu Bala Sina (Bodista against Bodu Bala Sina), was the first protest against what many criticized as the hate speech by the BBS against the country's minority. Heba Farouk Mahfouz manazava hoe: @HebaFarooq: Tanaty faritra an'olon-tsotra no nisy ny trano fivarotam-bokin'i Rajab Hameedo, tsy tany anaty arabe mihitsy, ary na dia nanana taratasy fanomezan-dàlana nandritra ny 34 taona aza dia nopotehan'ny Ministeran'ny Atitany ihany ilay izy. Heba Farouk Mahfouz explains: @HebaFarooq: Rajab Hameedo's kiosk was on a private lane, and not on the street, and despite holding a permit for the past 34 years, it was destroyed by the Ministry of Interior Heba Farouk Mahfouz explains: @HebaFarooq: Rajab Hameedo's library was located in a private area, never on the street, and even though it had a 34-year permit, the Ministry of Interior broke it down. Mora kokoa ny sarimihetsika fohy, ary tsy voatery hitady fanohanana ara-bola avy any amin'ny firenena mpanankarena ny mpanatontosa. A short film costs less, and the director does not need to seek financial support from the financiers of richer nations. The short films are much easier, and the producers don't have to seek financial support from rich countries. Praiminisitra Najib Razak nandefa ny teny fampiononany hoan'ireo niharam-boina sy ny fianakavian'izy ireo: Prime Minister Najib Razak extended his sympathies to the victims and their families: Prime Minister Najib Razak sent his condolences to the victims and their families: Nanazava i Aqeel fa ny hampiteraka adi-hevitra momba ny asan'ny ankizy no tanjony ary manohana ara-bola sy mampianatra ireo tovolahy hita amin'ny sary izy. Aqeel has maintained that she wanted the shoot to spark debate on child labor, and she is supporting and educating the young boy featured in the photos. Aqeel explains that her goal is to raise discussion about child labor and that she supports money and teaches the boys in the photo. Ka mahandro vary indray mahamasaka izy miaraka amina voaloboka mamy eo amboniny, ary ampiarahana amin'ny trondro na akoho lavangi, ary zavatra hafa izay tsy haiko tsara ny anarany. So they cook a bunch of rice with sweet raisins on it and serve fish and chicken lavangi, and some other stuff that I'm not sure the name of. So he cooks rice with a sweet vine on it, and with a fish or a songi chicken, and something else I don't know exactly what his name is. Nandefasan'ny Tambajotran-tsosialy malaza indrindra ao Rosia hafatra manokana avy amin'ny governemanta ny mpiserasera miisa 20.000 Russia's Most Popular Social Network Just Sent 20,000 Users a Private Message From the Government · Global Voices 20,000 users have been blocked by Russia's most popular social networks for personal messages from the government. Nomen'i Ji Zhongxing sehatra ny raharaha mikasika ny lalàna eto amintsika , saingy tsy nomen'ny fitsarana rariny izy. Ji Zhongxing has given opportunities to our legal system, but our court does not give him any opportunity. Ji Zhongxing gave our legal case a platform , but the court did not give him justice. Lasibatra tamin'ity fihetsiketsehana voalohany ity ihany koa ireo Vehivavy Afaka ao Darayya, izay niafara tamin'ny fitifiran'ny tao amin'ny fitondrana azy ireo. Darayya's Free Women were also targeted in this first protest, which ended with the regime opening fire against them. Free Women in Darayya were also targeted in this first protest, which resulted in their regime shooting. Ny 11 Septambra 2011, no nampiato ny asan'io trano fisotroana "Heaven" io ny Vondrona Mpanara-maso ny fanarahan-dalàna tao Meksiko (InveaDF) izay mbola niasa ihany taorian'izay (mivoha aorian'ny ora fiasàna) dia nahitàna olona tsy latsaky ny 30 tao anatiny, tao anatin'izany ireo zaza tsy ampy taona. On September 11, 2011 the Institute of Administrative Verification of Mexico City (InveaDF) suspended the activities at bar Heaven, which operated as an after-hours bar, when at least 30 persons were found inside, among them some minors. On September 11, 2011, Mexico's Law Control Group (InveaDF) which was still working (begining after working hours) suspended the work of the Heaven bar and included less than 30 people, including minors. Ny marina, tsy nisy ny fanehoan-kevitra tsy miandany na mpanohana tao amin'ny fanehoan-kevitra zato voalohany na mihoatra. In fact, there wasn't a neutral or supportive comment in the first hundred or so. In fact, there were no negative or supportive comments in the first hundred or more comments. Tao Bogota tamin'ny 4:40 hariva #ParoCamionero , MITOMBO NY FITOKONANA. @atccomunicacion @JorgeERojasG @ACCnoti In Bogota at 4:40 pm #ParoCamionero , THE STRIKE IS GROWING. @atccomunicacion @JorgeERojasG @ACCnoti @atccomunicacion @JorgeEAbuasG @ACCnoti AJG Mampifandray ny lalao amin'ny Andron'ireo Maritiora i Niwamanya Eto'o Samuel: Niwamanya Eto'o Samuel connects the match to Martyrs Day: Niwamanya Here'o Samuel links the match to Martyrs' Day: Tsy kitoatoa noho izany raha nahomby indrindra tany amin'ny boaty (efitra fijerena sarimihetsika) ilay sarimihetsika "The Noble Family" rehefa navoaka tamin'ny 2013. It's by no means trivial that the film "The Noble Family" was a record-breaking success at the box office when it was released in 2013. So when the film "The Noble Family" was released in 2013. Efa nanamarina ny lisitry ny mpifidy ve ianao? Have you checked voter list? Have you checked the voters' list? Voalohany Amin'ny Mpisera Anaty Aterineto Ao Rosia Hiatrika Fitsaràna Russia's #1 Netizen Heads to Trial · Global Voices Russia's First Netizens to Face Trial · Global Voices Ny vokatr'izany dia fikorontanana tanteraka eo amin'ny lohgahevitra sy ny teny filamatra: "Tsy anana, tsy handoa" ny any Espaina, "Fako ny Troika" ny any Portiogaly, hafatra mazava hanoherana ny ady ny avy any Istambul, hetsi-panoherana eo anoloan'ny fihaonana isan-taona ataon'ny FMI/Banky Mondialy any Tokyo, ny lohahevitra itambaran'ny hetsika #GlobalNoise rehetra dia ny manao lasibatra ireo tsongoin'olom-bolo ara-politika sy ara-toekarena izay tazonina ho tompon'andraikitra amin'ny famotehana ny fiarahamonintsika sy ny planeta, mampiakoako ny onjam-pihetsiketseham-panoherana ny famehezan-kibo any Eoropa sy manerana ny tany. The result is a turbulent cacophony of issues and slogans: "Don't owe, won't pay" in Spain, "Fuck the Troika" in Portugal, a clear message against war from Istanbul, a protest in front of the annual IMF/Worldbank meeting in Tokyo, One common theme running through all the #GlobalNoise events is the targeting of political and financial elites who are held responsible for destroying our communities and the planet, resonating the ongoing wave of anti-austerity protests in Europe and around the world. The result is a total confusion between the flag and the slogan: "No to, not to pay" in Spain, "The Troikas" in Portugal, a clear message against war from Istanbul, a protest in front of the World Cup/Binning Conference in Tokyo, the theme of the #GlobalNoise movement is to target the political and economic elites that are being held responsible for the destruction of our society and the planet, causing a wave of protests in all parts of Europe. Fanosehana miverina sy fisafoana milisy tsy nahazo alàlana eny amin'ny sisintany Pushback and unauthorized border patrols Returning and patroling an illegal militia on the border Nosivanin'ireo Manampahefana Kazakh Ireo Lahatsary Ahitana Ankizy Any Amin'ireo Toby Fanazarantenan'ny ISIS Kazakh Authorities Censor Videos of Children in ISIS Training Camps · Global Voices Kazakh Authorities Detain Children's Videos from ISIS Training Stations · Global Voices Ao amin'ny fanjakan'i Mato Grosso do Sul, ohatra, olona indizeny 300 farafahakeliny no namoy ny ainy tamin'ny adi-tany taloha vao tsy ela akory izay. In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, for example, at least 300 indigenous individuals have been killed in land disputes in the recent past. In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, for example, at least 300 indigenous people have been killed in recent land conflicts. Nanontany azy aho momba ny zazakely. I asked her about the kids. I asked him about a baby. Ankoatra izay, dia nanome toromarika ireo sampan-draharaham-panjakana ny filoha hanaisotra ny fahazoan-dalan'ireo orinasam-panaovana menaka voanio nandrava ala tao amin'ny faritra. In addition, he instructed government agencies to revoke the permits of the palm oil companies which had destroyed the forest in the area. Furthermore, the president instructed state agencies to remove the licenses of palm oil companies that destroyed forests in the region. @CaireneGirl: mangataka ny sasany amin'ireo ao #tahrir ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana mba hikisaka hankany amin'ny antenimieram-bahoaka sy hanampy azy ireo. #jan25 #Egypt #freedom #democracy @CaireneGirl: Protesters are calling for some of those in #tahrir to move to people's assembly and help them. #jan25 #Egypt #freedom #democracy @CarezaGirl: Protesters are asking some of those in # likely to move to the People's Assembly and help them. #jan25 #Egypt #freedom #democracy Koa satria sekoly ambanivohitra no resahana, dia tsy mahagaga ny fandrenesana ny momba ny tokantrano ianjadian'ny fahantrana, ny fimamoana ary ny herisetra an-tokantrano. As this was a rural school, it came as no surprise to hear about households affected by poverty, and sometimes alcoholism and domestic violence. Since it's a rural school, it's no surprise to hear about homes that are plagued by poverty, drunkenness and domestic violence. Fa tsy maheno fomba azo antoka azo atao safidy But I don't hear credible alternatives - Matthew Hopcraft (@Matt_Hopcraft) November 23, 2016 Don't hear a reliable way to make a choice Dika mitovin'ilay lohateny mampiady hevitra ao amin'ny Utusan Malaysia izay niely fatratra tao amin'ny aterineto A copy of the controversial headline of Utusan Malaysia which was widely shared on the internet A screenshot of the controversial Utusan Malaysia headline that has been widely circulated online. Tokony hotsaroany fa tsy ao amin'ny antoko mpanohitra instony izy ka tokony hitandro mandrakariva ny tombotsoan'ny firenena aloha vao ny politikany miaraka amin'ny PF . He needs to remember that he is not in opposition anymore and he must bear national interests first and PF politics second. We should remember that he is not in the opposition party and should keep the country's interests first before his policies with PF . Tanteraka ihany koa ny fahazoana media malalaka, noho ireo ezaka tsy ankiato nataon'ireo teo an-toerana, fa tsy avy amin'ny governemanta tsy nanao inona na inona mihitsy akory. Having a free media has been achieved, too, by strenuous local efforts, certainly not thanks to a benign government. Access to free media has also been achieved, thanks to constant efforts by locals, not by a government that has never done anything. Mampihomehy moa fa ilay filakevi-pilaminan'ny Firenena Mikambana nanohana ny tsy azo isamborana ilay filoha teo aloha sady iray amin'ny kandidà fifidianana filoham-pirenena tao Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh no manamba ampahibemaso ny fanohanany ny Filoha Abdu Rabuh Mansour Hadi sy ny "Tetezamita milamina" ao Yemen . Ironically the same United Nations Security Council which supported former president Ali Abdullah Saleh immunity and the one candidate presidential election in Yemen, were publicly displaying their support for President Abdu Rabuh Mansour Hadi and the "peaceful transition" in Yemen. Ironically, the United Nations Security Council that supported Yemen's former president and one of Yemen's presidential candidates, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has publicly endorsed his support for President Zine Rabuh Mansour Hadi and Yemen's "peaceful Alliance." Zimbabwe: Tenifototra #263Chat Hiadian-kevitra Momba Ny Olana Misy Ankehitriny Zimbabwe: Hashtag #263Chat to Crowdsource Opinions on Pressing Issues · Global Voices Zimbabwe: #263Chat poster to discuss Today's Crisis · Global Voices Saudi Essam Al Zamil manampy (Ar): "Ny fampiasàna jiolahimboto, mitondra antsy, mba hanafika ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana, dia porofo mazava fa ireo nandroba sy nandrava fananan'olona tamin'ny Zoma dia tsy hafa fa ireo mpanara-dia ny mpitondra." Saudi Essam Al Zamil adds (Ar): "Using thugs, armed with knives, to attack the protesters, is evidence that those who looted and destroyed property on Friday are the same regime followers." Saudi Essam Al Zamil adds (Ar): "The use of thugs, with knives, to attack protesters, is a clear proof that those who stole and destroyed people's property on Friday are not the rest of the regime." Eny, hisy indray ny fitsapa-kevi-bahoaka, governemanta vaovao, ka ... Well, there will be polls again, a new government, so, well... Yes, there will be another referendum, a new government, so... Tsy afa-manakana anay ianao. #syria #homs You can't stop us. #syria #homs You can't stop us. #syria #homs Panama, ny tetezan'izao tontolo izao sy fon'ny tontolo rehetra hita maso. Panama, the bridge of the world and the heart of the universe. Panama, the bridge of the world and the heart of all the visible world. Al-Qahtani mibitsika hoe: Al-Qahtani tweets: Al-Qahtani tweets: Efa nitia aho nefa resy, fa mbola raiki-pitia indray taty aoriana, ary ho mandrakizay. I've loved and failed, yet I'm in love again, forever. I have loved but lost, but I still fall in love again, and forever. Sary: Pamalakaya-Pilipinas. Photo credits: Pamalakaya-Pilipinas. Photo: Pamalakaya-Pilipinas. Ny antony nahatonga ny fitokonana dia ny fanapahan-kevitry ny fitantanana ny zotram-piaramanidina ao Shina hanova samirery ny toerana hanaovan'ireo mpikarakara mpandeha sy ireo mpanamory fisoratana anarana, tsy nisy fifampiresahana niaraka tamin'izy ireo. What triggered the strike was the unilateral decision of CAL's management to reset flight attendants' report-for-duty location without discussing with the flight attendants first. The reason for the strike was the decision of China's airline management to change the location of the passengers and registered passengers without any talks with them. Nanamarika aho fa maro ny bitsika milaza fa hanoratra anarana hifidy. I've noticed numerous tweets saying they will cast votes. I noticed that many tweets say they will register to vote. Na dia tsy nalaza loatra aza izy talohan'ny nahafatesany, dia nanjary resabe avy hatrany tany Myanmar ny fiainany taorian'ny namonoana azy Although he was not well-known before his death, his life instantly became a trending topic in Myanmar after his execution. Although he wasn't well known before his death, his life quickly became a hot topic in Myanmar after his murder. Fitohanan'ny fiara ao andrenivohitra Antananarivo, sary tao amin'ny Madagascar-aventures. Urban traffic in Antananarivo via Madagascar-aventures. A car stop in the capital Antananarivo, photo from Madagascar-avenions. @stpstp919 nanoratra tweet iray nizara fa amin'ny fomba ahoana no hahafahan'ireo fianankaviana maro amin'ireo firenena telo aziatika hitazona ny fahefany eo amin'ny fitondrana ho an'ny taranaka fara-mandimby. @stpstp919 mentioned a tweet sharing how several families in three Asian countries keep their grips on power for generations. @stpstp919 wrote a tweet sharing how many families of three Asian countries can maintain their power in power for the next generation. Sary: Eny, savovona fakon'akora fitrandrahana ity. Image: Yes, this is a tailing heap. Photo: Yes, it's a mine dump. Na amin'ny teny hafa, fomba iray ijerena ambony ambany ny fahasamihafàna. Or in other words, a way of looking down on differences. Or in other words, diversity is a way to look down on the bottom. Hatramin'izany fotoana izany, niezaka ny nametraka hetsika isam-paritra mifantoka amin'ny mahaolompirenena, fanabeazana ary ny fahantrana ireo mpikatroka avy amin'ny fiarahamonina. Since then, activists from the community have been establishing different grassroots movements that focus on issues of citizenship, education, and poverty. Since then, community activists have tried to set up regional initiatives focusing on citizenship, education and poverty. Miha-tandindonin-doza ny filoha Boizizé. But the threat is becoming more defined for President Boizizé. President Boizizé is in danger. Vinavinaina ho teo anelanelan'ny 20 ka hatramin'ny 50 ny vehivavy nanohitra ny fandraràna ny fahazoana mitondra fiara ka nandray ny familiana. Estimates show that between 20 to 50 women challenged the ban on driving and got behind the wheels. It is estimated that between 20 and 50 women protested the ban on driving and took the lead. Mangina ny tanàna; lahiantitra vitsivitsy monja no teny an-dalambe. The village itself is quiet; just a few old men sitting around the streets. The city was silent; only a few old men were on the streets. Miarahaba an'ireo mpankafy mofodipaina! Good morning, bread lovers! Greetings to fans of bread! #ضد_رهاب_المثلية "أصل ده حرام" .. يعني إنت بتتحشر في أكتر علاقتين خاصين بالإنسان (علاقته مع ربنا) و (علاقته مع حد في السرير).. #ضد_رهاب_المثلية "أصل ده حرام" .. يعني إنت بتتحشر في أكتر علاقتين خاصين بالإنسان (علاقته مع ربنا) و (علاقته مع حد في السرير).. #ضد_رهاب_الحية "أصل به حرام" .. يعني إنت بتحشر في أبر علاقتين خاصين بالإنسان (علاقه مع ربنا) و (علاقته مع حد في السرير). 30 Jona 2014. 30 June 2014. June 30, 2014. Tao anatin'ny taratasy ihany, nilaza ny Fikambanana Haitiana fa tsy nisy na dia gazety iray na dia fahitalavitra iray aza niresaka ny fahatezeran'ny fiarahamonina. In the same document, the Haitian Organization claims that not a single newspaper or television station gave any attention to the outrage from the community. In the same letter, the Haitian Association said there wasn't even a single newspaper about the anger of society. Izany tokoa ve? *Izany* no antony nahatonga ny fandraràna ny @internetarchive?? Really? *This* is the reason behind the bumbling banning of the @internetarchive?? - Rohin Dharmakumar (@r0h1n) August 9, 2017 Is it? * This* why the ban on @internetarchive?? Na dia izany aza, mbola zava-dehibe kokoa noho ny hetsika amin'ny tambajotra sosialy izany fihaonana izany. However, these gatherings are much more than networking social events. However, this meeting is even more important than any social media event. Pikantsary hafa nalaina tao amin'ny lahatsary. Another screenshot taken from the video. Another screenshot taken from the video. Na tamin'ny fandaharana mozika momba ny hiran'ny filaminana mandritra ny 15 minitra alefan'izy ireo aza. Even in their music programs a whole 15 minutes of peace songs. Even in their 15-minute music program. Guzman Loera dia voampanga aminà raharaha heloka bevava nasiam-panomanana, heloka bevava manohintohina ny fahasalamàm-bahoaka ary vono olona marobe. Guzman Loera is accused of organized crime, crimes against public health and several murders. Guzman Loera has been charged with organized criminal cases, crimes against public health and several murders. Nihevitra aho fa ny volombavan'i Hitler nanaovan'i Keisuke Kuwata dia mihoatra noho ny fanomezam-boninahitra an'i Cha Kato . I though Keisuke Kuwata's Hitler moustache was more of an homage to Cha Kato's shtick. I thought Keisuke Kuwata's beard was more than a tribute to Cha Kato. Tanatin'ny fivoaran-draharaha, naaton'ny governemanta vonjimaika ny fandraisan'ilay toeram-pitsaboana olona vaovao hotaizana. Hitan'i ho hafahafa raha ny fanankatonana ihany no hany sazy nomena ny toeram-pitaizana: In a recent development, the government has suspended the nursing home from accepting new patients. finds it odd that suspension was the only punishment given to the nursing home: In the context of the developments, the government temporarily suspended the treatment of new patients by the hospital. found it strange that the only punishment given to the hospital was to move around: Ananan'izy ireo ihany koa ireo sary mampitanàka ahitàna ny mandan'ireo mpiady masina tao Siria. They also have an impressive collection of all the amazing crusader castles in Syria. They also have photos that show the walls of the holy fighters in Syria. Manamarika ny faha-10 taonan'ny vono olona am-pitoniana tao Fybeca de la Alborada androany. Today marks 10 years since the cold-blooded massacre in the Fybeca de la Alborada . Today marks the 10th anniversary of the massacre in Fybeca de la Alborada. Na izany aza, ny zava-mitranga ankehitriny dia hita mazava tsara ny fihoarany amin'ny tokony ho fiovàna ara-dalàna. However, what is taking place now is clearly beyond the margins of the normal variation. However, what is happening today is clearly clear about its abuse of the legal change. Manome toky i José Antonio Ferrer, talen'ny Capea, hoe avaozina tsy mitsahatra ny zavatra ao amin'ilay tranonkala ary rehefa misy olona hita dia esorin-dry zareo tsy ho ao amin'ilay pejy intsony. José Antonio Ferrer, Capea Director, ensures that the website is constantly updated and when someone is found, they are removed from it. Cape City's director, José Antonio himself, assures that the site's contents are constantly updated and that when someone is found they will remove from the page. Fampiresahana ny sary niarahana tamin'i Matt Alt sy Matthew Penney. Interpretation of image assisted by Matt Alt and Matthew Penney. An interview with Matt Alt and Matthew Penney. Ireo rehetra mpampiasa twitter dia afaka mahita izay sintonin'ilay tranonkala ho azy ireo, mifanaraka amin'ny anarana mpampiasa naiditra. Users can see what the site picks for them based on the user name they enter. All twitter users can see how the website draws them, in accordance with the user's name. Ohatra iray amin'izany izao ny fanandramana vao haingana hamotika ny Camp Armen, toerana izay tena manan-danja tokoa ho an'ireo Armeniana, toerana izay nitoeran'ireo ankizy mahantran'i Anatolia - sy i Hrant Dink ary ny vadiny Rakel - fony izy ireo voatery nifindra tany Istanbul tao antenantenan'ny taona 1960 sy 1980. One example of this was the recent attempt to demolish Camp Armen, a powerfully meaningful spot for Armenians, where the impoverished children of Anatolia - including Hrant Dink and his wife Rakel - stayed when they were forced to move to Istanbul between the 1960s and 1980s. One example is the recent attempt to destroy Camp Armen, where it is important for Armenians, where the poor children of Afghanistan - Hrant Dink and his wife Rakel - were living when they were forced to move to Istanbul in the mid-80s and 1980s. @MashiRafael: Lalao Baolina Kitra sy ny fahafatesan'ilay mpanohana an'i Barcelona, George Murillo. @MashiRafael: Football and the death of Barcelona fan George Murillo. @MashiRafael: Football and Barcelona supporter George Murillo's death. ny laharana MAC , na ny adiresy Mac no famantarana tokana nomena ireo mpampiasa tambajotra na ireo karatra interface-n'ny tambajotra (NICs) matetika avy amin'ny mpanamboatra azy . MAC number, or Mac address is a unique identifier assigned to network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) usually by the manufacturer. MAC number, or Mac address, is the only signal that was given to network users or network cards (NICs) often by their creators. Momba an'i Koweït eo an-dàlam-panarenana ny takaitran'ny tafiotra mahery tamin'iny herinandro lasa iny, ny mpitoraka blaogy G, ao amin'ny blaogin'i G, dia naneho sary roa momba ny fahavoazana tavela. With Kuwait still recovering from last week's storm, blogger G, over at G's blog, posts a couple of pictures of the damage left behind. In the case of Koweït, the blogger G, on G's blog, posted two photos of the damage left last week. Nitondra ny zavamanenony izy, amponga - valiha lava taho - sy kely hafa koa. He has brought his instrument, a tanbur - a long-necked lute - and little else. He carried his musical instruments, long - stringed drums, and other little ones. Tokony ho 30 isanjato amin'ny sakafo vokatra manerana izao tontolo izao no tsy misy mihinana mihitsy satria potika mandritra ny fotoam-pahavokarana na mandritra ny fitaterana azy, na arian'ny mpivarotra sy ny mpanjifa. More than 30 percent of food produced around the world is never eaten because it is spoiled after harvest and during transportation, or thrown away by shops and consumers. About 30 percent of the world's food products are not eaten because they are destroyed during the harvest season or during transportation, or abandoned by merchants and customers. Araka ireo sisa tsy maty , ilay orinasa any ambany rihana ary ireo olona monina ao no nipetraka tao ambony . According to survivors, the factory was located on the ground floor and the residents lived on the floor above in the apartment quarters. According to survivors, the factory is below floors and the people who live there are sitting on it. Nanilika ny andraikitrao fotsiny ianao toy ny fanaon'ireo politisiana kapotsaka. You just shifted your responsibility like other shrewd politicians. You've lost your responsibility just like the Cameroonian politicians do. Rehefa tafahaona amin'ny olona manozona an'i Ghana noho ireo mpanao politikanay tsy tompon'andraikitra, mandratra fo izany. When you meet anyone cursing Gh for our irresponsible politicians sake, it breaks heart. #233moments - Kweku Ananse ~ (@AnanseMansoh) August 20, 2015 When we meet people who are insulting Ghana for our irresponsible politicians, it hurts. Mety hivarotako (ary ho lafo kokoa) ireo "asatanana" avy any Hongria Lehiibe ihany koa izy ireo (toy ny sarintany amin'ny habe A0 amin'ny vidiny €50 dia mety ho ny nahalafosana be indrindra). I would sell them also (and pretty expensively) "artifacts" of Greater Hungary (such map in A0 format for €50 would be a bestseller). They could also sell (and be more expensive) the "citys" from Hungary (such as the map of A0 for R.50 is probably the most expensive). @SultanAlfifi: Judge Hamad al-Omar: Voaràra ny manongana ireo mpitondra manao jadona.: Bashar dia mpitondra mpanao jadona. @SultanAlfifi: Judge Hamad al-Omar: It is forbidden to overthrow oppressive rulers.: Bashar is an oppressive rulers. @SultanAlfifi: Judge Hamad al-Omar: It is forbidden to overthrow dictators.: Bashar is a dictator. @MRSandell: "Nandeha tongotra ireo mpakafy an i 'Sweet Micky' mba hitazana ny mpihira tiany" @MRSandell: "'Sweet Micky' supporters stand to catch a glimpse of their man" @MRSandell: "Sweet Micky's fans walked to show up their favorite singer" Fantatro fa nilaza ireo manam-pahaizana sasany malaza amin'ny resa-pitiavana fa - tsy tokony ny vehivavy no hanao ny dingana voalohany, raha tsy izany dia ho tsy misy vidiny izy ireo, ary voahozona hilaozan'ireo lehilahy. I know that some famous affection experts have been claiming - women should not take initiative, otherwise women will become worthless, and doomed to be abandoned by men. I know that some well-known romantic scholars said - women shouldn't take the first step, otherwise they will be worthless, and the men will leave. Toa tsy manakorontana ireo tomponandraikitry ny governemanta, na ilay nitondra ela ny F1 Bernie Ecclestone, akory ireo tsy fitovian'ny laharampahamehan'ny fandaniana ireo, io farany izay nilaza fa manana eritreritra madio "100 isan-jato" ny ekipany, mikasika ny zon'olombelona ao Azerbaijan, ny hariva nialohan'ny fanokafana ilay hetsika, ny 18 Jona. These skewed public spending priorities did not seem to bother government officials, or long-reigning F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone, who claimed his group had a "100 percent" clear conscience regarding human rights in Azerbaijan on the eve of the event's opening June 18. The differences in spending priorities don't seem to bother government officials, or the long-term F1 Bernie Ecclestone, whose team has a clean conscience "100 percent" about human rights in Azerbaijan, on the evening before the event was launched on June 18. DidimpitsaranaLaPerla: vono olona, fampijaliana, fanolanana nataon'ny manampahefam-panjakana. #fampihorohoroampanjakana #LaPerlaSentence: murders, torture and rapes committed by public officials. #ItWasStateTerrorism JusticeLaPerla: murder, torture, rape by state officials. # State terrorism GV: Ahoana no nahitanao ireo vehivavy hafa ho an'ilay kalandrie? GV: How did you find the other women for the calendar? GV: How did you find other women for the calendar? Sasmen nanoratra tononkalo mampihetsi-po ho an'ny reniny amin'ny Fetin'ny Reny, izay ankalazaina ny 21 martsa any Libanona. Sasmen writes a touching poem to his mother on Mothers' Day, which occurs on March 21st in Lebanon. Sasmen wrote a moving poem to her mother on Mother's Day, which is celebrated on March 21 in Lebanon. Vao maraina androany, tao amin'ny fandaharan'ny onjam-peo iray ao an-toerana, nilaza izao izy: On a local radio show earlier today, he stated: Earlier today, on a local radio program, he said: Nambaran'ny Minisitry ny Fitantanam-bola, P. Chidambaram ihany koa ny Fonds Nirbhaya 10 lavitrisa ropia (181 tapitrisa dolara amerikana) ho fiarovana ny vehivavy. The Finance Minister P. Chidambaram also announced a 10 billion rupee (181 million US dollar) Nirbhaya Fund for the safety of women. The Minister of Finance, P. Chirabaram, also announced the Feds Nirbhaya 10 billion rubles (18.1 million US dollars) in defense of women. @Mahamali05: Oooay. sambany nampiasa ny teny hoe 'Shaheed' hitenenany an'i Laden ilay mpanao gazety Javed Ch. mananihany ahy ve nareo izany Journalist Javed Ch just used the word 'Shaheed' for Laden. you have got to be kidding me @Mahamali05: Oooay. for the first time, journalist Javed Ch. have used the word 'Shaheed' to refer to Laden. have you made fun of me? Mpianatra nandritra ny filaharambe tamin'ny 11 avrily 2013 tao Santiago, Chile. Students in the march of April 11, 2013 in Santiago, Chile. Students at a rally on April 11, 2013 in Santiago, Chile. "Nifamory tampotampoka tao amin'ny Twitter izahay ary niady hevitra momba ny zava-nitranga (tamin'ny ronono) nandritra ny andro maromaro. "We gathered spontaneously on Twitter and have been discussing what has been happening (with milk) for days. "We suddenly gathered on Twitter and discussed what happened (in milk) for several days. Mandritra ny volana marsa, tianay aseho fa fadirovana ny olom-pirenena, tsy mba nisy governemanta hatramin'izao nanampy tamin'ny fanatsarana ny fari-piainan'izy ireo. Throughout the month of March, we want to show that citizens live worse , that no government so far has contributed to the improvement of their quality of life. During March, we want to show that citizens are being remembered, there has been no government so far helped improve their living standards. Singapaoro. Singapore. Singapore. Ary harovako ny zon'ireo tsikera ireo mbola hiteny ihany izay lazain'izy ireo. And I will defend the rights of those critics to continue saying what they're saying. And I will defend the rights of these critics to say what they say. Nandeha ny fotana, saingy mbola mitoetra foana ho ny teo ihany ny toe-tsaina mirefarefan'ny firenena. Time has moved on, but the weak country's mentality is the same. The atmosphere went, but the country's critical spirit still remains the same. Tahaka izany ny nataon'ny mpifaninanan'ny CPDM ho fidiana ho Ben'ny tanànan'ny boriborintany faha-4 ao Yaoundé , izay te-hanohy ny asa efa natombony nandritra ny fotoam-piasany teo aloha. This is notably the case for the CPDM candidate running for Mayor of Yaoundé 4th , who wants to continue the work she began during her previous term. This is how CPDM's candidate for the city mayor of the 4th district of Yaoundé, who wanted to continue his career during his previous term, did. #AfghanElections: Vokatra savaranonando. hamarinina ny 1/4 amin'ny vato noho ny fiampangana marobe momba ny fisian'ny hosoka. #AfghanElections: Preliminary Results. 1/4th of votes to be audited due massive fraud accusation. - Fereshta Kazemi (@FereshtaKazemi) July 7, 2014 # haveElections: preliminary results. 1/4 of the votes justified due to multiple allegations of fraud. Nilaza ny mpitandro filaminana tamin'ny fotoana nivoahan'ity lahatsoratra ity fa mpanafika iray nitam-piadiana ihany no ahiahiana ho nanao ilay herisetra, izay nahafatesana olona iray farafahakeliny sy namela maratra maherin'ny ampolony, na nilaza aza ireo tatitra tany am-piandohana fa marobe ireo mpanafika. Police said August 25 at least 12 were killed in the attack - seven students, three policemen and two security guards - which was perpetrated by at least two gunmen. The day before, police had confirmed only one death and attributed the attack to a lone shooter. Unknown numbers are hospitalised following an attack that took place in the evening. At the time of this post's publication, police claimed that only one armed attacker was suspected of the violence, which left at least one person dead and left more than a dozen injured, despite initial reports that several attackers were attacked. @kalamkata Tondraka ny lalambe mahitsy mamakivaky ny tanàna. @kalamkata Inner city highway's right lane is submerged. @kalamkata The straight road along the city is flooded. Ilay maoske, izay efa manana ny pejiny Facebook manokana ankehitriny, dia naorin'ireo Miozolmana tonga tao tamin'ny 1990 tany ho any. The mosque, which now has its own Facebook page, was built by Muslim citizens who arrived in the 1990s. The mosque, which now has its own Facebook page, was built by Muslims who arrived there in the 1990s. Manome ohatra ry zareo, manome tsela-kevitra sy aingam-panahy ho an'ny mpitari-dalana sy mpitsinjo ny ho avy (visionnaires) amin'ny sehatra rehetra amin'ny alalan'ny fomba fitarihana hiserasera sy ho lohalaharana eo amin'ny fiaraha-monin-tserasera. They provide example, insight and inspiration for leaders and visionaries from all fields by demonstrating how to navigate and lead the connected society. They offer examples of ideas and inspirations for future leaders and observers in all areas of the world through means of leading online and social media. Linda Annan (LA): Azonao lazalazaina anay fohifohy ve ny mikasika anao? Linda Annan (LA): Can you briefly tell us about yourself? Linda Annan (LA): Can you tell us a little about yourself? Mpiasan'ny fahasalamana: Morris Zolu, Kaifouba Kamara, sy Joseph Walatee miaraka amin'ny sarin'izy ireo. Health workers Morris Zolu, Kaifouba Kamara, and Joseph Walatee wearing their portraits. Health workers: Morris Zolu, Kaifouba Kamara, and Joseph Walatee with their photos. Eny anatin'ny fiarahamonin'ireo ambany fidiram-bola, tetikady hafa indray no natao, toy ny fampindramam-bola madinika nampivadiana tamin'ny fanofanana momba ny fitoviana lenta sy ny finiavana miainga avy amin'ny fiarahamonina, izay mandray an-tànana ny tsy fitoviana ara-pananahana sy ny fahaizana amin'ny fifampiresahana sy ny fifandraisana, no manome toky. In low-income settings, other primary prevention strategies, such as microfinance combined with gender equality training and community-based initiatives that address gender inequality and communication and relationship skills, hold promise. In the communities of low incomes, other strategies have been made, such as microfinances associated with the training of gender equality and social will, which take hold of gender inequality and communication and communication skills, promise. Nisioka ny mpanao gazety Bel Trew: Journalist Bel Trew tweets: Journalist Bel Trew tweeted: Tany Valencia sy tany Euskad aho no nipetraka tany Espaina, kanefa efa 22 taona aho izao no aty Bruxelles. In Spain, I have lived in Valencia and Euskadi, however, I've been in Brussels for 22 years now. I lived in Valencia and Euskad, but I have been living in Brussels for 22 years now. Raharaha vao haingana ohatra ny mikasika ilay mpikaroka ambony izay nolazain'ny manamboninahitra iray misotro ronono fa nanevateva mpanjaka iray efa maty. A recent issue involved a scholar who was reported by a retired army officer to have insulted a dead king. A recent case is that of a high - ranking researcher who was accused by a retired officer of insulting a dead king. "action" Alansar: 10,000 Riyal Alansar share: 10,000 Riyal Alansar's "action": 100,000 Riyal Ireo mpasa Haitiana taterina ho any amin'ny Repoblika Dominikana. Haitian workers are transported to the Dominican Republic. Haitians from all over the world are going to Dominican Republic. Na voamarina na tsia ny fifandraisana (tsarovy ireo andiam-baovao navoaka teto tanelanelan'ny 5 sy 8 Aogositra, mikasika ny fomba niezahan'i Reyna sy ireo "mpiara-miasa aminy" nandà ny fakàna an-keriny ilay lehilahy antitra mpiompy Joaquín Ponce de León), toa nandefa fambara ny Filoha Peña Nieto fa tsy ho tafavoaka mora foana ireo izay tsy mankatò ny baiko amin'ny fanenjehana ireo jiolahy. Whether or not the ties are proven (remember the four installments published here between August 5 and 8, regarding the way Reyna and his tried to deny kidnapping the elderly rancher Joaquín Ponce de León), President Peña Nieto seems to have sent a signal that whoever disobeys the orders to take on the criminals will not rest easy. Whether or not the communication is confirmed (the series of news published here between August 5 and 8, about how Reyna and her "fellow workers" have tried to deny the kidnapping of the elderly male farmers, President Peña Nieto apparently issued a signal that those who do not obey orders against criminals will not be easily released. Mpikambana ao amin'ny ACPRA sady ralahan'i al-Saed, Abdullah al-Saed nisioka hoe: ACPRA member and al-Saed's brother Abdullah al-Saed tweeted: ACPRA member and quoted by al-Saed Abdullah al-Saed tweeted: Nataony ho ren-tany aman-danitra ao amin'ny Twitter ny heviny tamin'ny fitsikerana ny Lalam-pifidianam-panjakana. Criticizing the Public Offices Election Act, he continues to voice his opinion on Twitter. On Twitter, he made his position heard by criticizing the State Election Act. Saingy ity mpanoratra ity dia mihevitra fa izany no izy ary manana ny heviny mikasika io olana io. But this writer seems to think so and has a perspective on the issue. But this author thinks it's and has his opinion on this issue. Ho fahatsiarovana an'i: María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, 15-16 Oktobra 2014 ao Reynosa. In memory of: María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, 15-16 October 2014 in Reynosa. In memory of: María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio, October 15, 2014 in Reynosa. Tonga dia be be ny nanao photoshop azy ireny ary nampakatra azy an-tserasera ho meme an'aterineto. These were quickly photoshopped and uploaded online as Internet memes. It was quick to describe them and post them online. Ireo mpamboly mikasa hampiditra ny kaféany ho ao anatin'ny Tsena Mangarahara," dia mila manaporofo fa mandeha any an-tsekoly ny ankizy ao aminy fa tsy manangona kafé. Farmers who wish for their coffee to be part of Fair Trade, need to guarantee the children in the farms are not picking coffee but instead going to school. The farmers who want to include their mark into the Transparency Market need to prove that their children are going to school instead of collecting a coffee. @RawyaRageh: #Shafiq: Tsy misy izao zavatra izao raha tsy tao anatin'ny fitondrana teo aloha aho, raha milaza izany izahay, dia Ejipta manontolo no izay. @RawyaRageh: #Shafiq: No such thing as I'm affiliated to the old regime, if we say so, then the whole of #Egypt is. @RawyaRageh: #Shafiq: There is nothing if I wasn't in the former regime, if we say that, it's all Egypt. Nanoratra lahatsoratra miaro ny tanora mpanao hetsi-panoherana amin'ireo milaza azy ireo ho tsy tia tanindrazana ilay Koetiana mpitoraka bilaogy Mohammed Alhujailan: Ireo izay nanenjika ireo mpanohitra dia tokony nanohana azy ireo tamin'ny teny na fihetsika ho solon'izay. Kuwaiti blogger Mohammed Alhujailan wrote a post defending the protesting youth from those who described them as unpatriotic: Those who are attacking the protesters should have supported them with a word or a stance instead. Kuwaiti blogger Mohammed Alhujailan wrote a post defending young protesters who say they are unpatriotic: Those who have persecuted the protesters should have supported them with words or actions instead. Lasa nahatonga famoretana ara-politika tao anatiny ny fahalalahana teo ambany fahefan'i Medvedev, ary nampiova ny fomba fijerin'ny maro ny sarintanin'izao tontolo izao ihany koa ny fahavononana vaovaon'i Maosko hanohana ara-tafika any ivelan'ny sisintaniny. The relative thaw under Medvedev gave way to a political crackdown at home, and Moscow's new willingness to sustain military interventions beyond its borders has changed the way many look at the world map. Medvedev's freedom has led to political repression inside, and Moscow's new willingness to support the military outside its borders has also changed the view of many around the world. Dawn, iray amin'ireo tranonkala Pakistane isan'ny malaza indrindra, dia nibitsika ihany koa nanainga ny vahoaka hanome rà. 042-35909393 - Jibran Nasir (@MJibranNasir) March 27, 2016 Dawn, one of Pakistan's most popular websites, also tweeted urging people to donate blood. MadanMohan Tarun mitatitra hoe: MadanMohan Tarun reports: MadanMohan Tarun reports: Mahaiza mandanjalanja rehefa hifidy amin'ny Oktobra ry zalahy! Vote wisely in October fellas! - PATO♠️ (@PatNanyaro) April 2, 2015 Be reasonable when the guys vote in October! Ankoatry ny zavatra vitsivitsy maningana, dia afaka mifandrfay amin'ny governemanta Kiobàna ny orinasa vahiny rehefa manaiky ny handrotsaka ny 51 isanjaton'ny fanànany ao amin'ilay nosy mba ho an'ny governemanta Kiobàna.Vokatr'izay, ny dikany dia hoe mbola an'ny governemanta Kiobàna daholo ny ankamaroan'ireo fandraharahàna vahiny. With a few exceptions, foreign companies can enter contracts with the Cuban government only if they are willing to transfer 51 percent ownership of their holdings on the island to the Cuban government itself. In effect, this means that all foreign businesses are still majority owned by the Cuban government. Apart from a few isolated factors, foreign companies can compete with the Cuban government when they agree to spend 51 percent of their resources on the island for the Cuban government.The idea is that most foreign businesses are still owned by the Cuban government. Tovolahy manao hetsi-panoherana teo ivelan'ny fonja misy an'i Navalny tamin'ny 10 Aprily 2017. Young men protest outside Navalny's jail on April 10, 2017. A young man protesting outside Navalny's prison on April 10, 2017. Fety Fivoahana Exit Festival Flavouring Festival Araka ny tatitry ny Kaonsily Britanika "The Next Generation' na ny "Ny Taranaka Manaraka' dia tsy hitsaha-hitombo io isan-jato io hatramin'ny taona 2045, ao aorian'izay ny isan-jaton'ireo olon-dehibe dia hihoatra ny an'ireo tanora. According to British Council's "The Next Generation' report, this percentage will continue to rise until 2045, after which the percentage of adults will overtake that of youth. According to the British police's report "The Next Generation', this percentage will not grow until 2045, and the percentage of adults will then be more than young people. John Weiss dia mpanohana ny firosoan'ny McDonald. John Weiss has been a supporter of the McDonald's going ahead. John Weiss is a supporter of McDonald's progress. Amazigh Forever mandefa bitsika hoe: Amazigh Forever tweets: Amazigh Forever tweets: Raha nanandranany hivoaka aho, nateren'izy ireo ara-bakiteny tamin'ny varavarana ny tànako, mangana daholo ny tànako manontolo. When I tried to go past, they literally pinched my arm with the door, my whole arm is in bruises. When she tried to get out, they literally forced my hands on the door, my whole hand was covered. Ny lahatsoratra, sary ary ny fandraisam-peo rehetra dia novokarin'i Amalini De Sayrah ho an'ny GroundViews avokoa. All text, photos and audio were produced by Amalini De Sayrah for GroundViews. All the posts, photos and recordings were produced by Amalini De Sayrah for GroundViews. Azonao an-tsaina ve raha mitranga any ankafa eto an-tany izany? Can you imagine this happening anywhere else in the world? Can you imagine if this happens elsewhere in the world? Maro amintsika no mandalo eo amin'ilay lakana kely efa ravarava, dia ilay Hummingbird II malaza ao Quay Atsimo kanefa tsy mahavinavina ny dia goavana nandehanana an-tsambo nataon'ny mpanamboatra azy sy ny kapiteny. Many of us pass the decaying hull of a small yacht, the legendary Hummingbird II on South Quay without appreciating the awe-inspiring voyage of circumnavigation it took at the hands of its builder and captain. Many of us pass through the destroyed small boat, the famous Hummmingbird II in South Quay, but the huge journey by its carpenter and captain is beyond repair. Nisy fiakarany izany isa izany raha jerena ny valin'ny fitsapan-kevitranataon'ny Dentsu tamin'ny 2012, raha ny 1 amin'ny 19 tamin'ny namaly no nanondro tena ho LGBT. This number is an increase from the results of a 2012 Dentsu survey, when 1 in 19 respondents identified as LGBT. The figure was raised according to Dentsu's 2012 poll results, while 1 out of 19 respondents identified themselves as LGBT. "Ka...," nosoratan'i Ethan hoe, "isika izao no tompon'ny" "So...," wrote Ethan, "we're now the proud owners of" "Ka...," Ethan wrote, "We now own" Ao anatin'izany fibontsinan'ny hatezeram-bahoaka nampilefitra ny AKP tamin'ny fitakian'ny mpanohitra mba hananganana vaomiera momba ny fanararaotana ankizy izany, na dia azon'ny antokon'ny fitondrana aza ny toerana 9 amin'ireo 15 ao amin'ny vaomiera. Tuncay Ozkan, an opposition MP from CHP, tweeted shortly after the rejection of the motion of censure: "The motion of censure against the Family Minister regarding the rape scandal in Karaman has been overturned. AKP members are forming a queue to celebrate." In the midst of such public outrage, AKP was tolerated by the opposition's demand to form a commission on child abuse, though the ruling party won 9 of the 15 seats of the council. Ary i Anthony Permal, monina ao Dubai, Emira Arabo Mitambatra, dia mamaly hoe: And Anthony Permal, who lives in Dubai, UAE, responds: And Anthony Permal, who lives in Dubai, UAE, responds: Mazava loatra, fa faly aho hoe tsy nahitana soritr'aretina. Of course I am very pleased that there is no infection. Of course, I am happy that there were no symptoms. Nandritra ny fampielezan-kevitra, nipoaka ny herisetra ary tsy maintsy nanaovana filazana tany misahotaka voafetra mihitsy... In the course of the campaign, violence broke out and limited states of emergency had to be declared... During the campaign, violence broke out and a state of emergency had to be declared... Matetika no atsifor'ireo hery fiarovanaany amin'ny trano sy tokotany ilay rano, izay mahasarotra tokoa ny hialàna amin'ilay fofona mifikitra be. Security forces often spray the liquid at homes and yards, making it very difficult to get rid of the persistent smell. The water is often exposed by the protective forces that keep it from houses and courtyards, which are very difficult to avoid. Ny adihevitry ny olom-pirenena momba izay lohahevitra izay ihany, izay nampifamaly an'i Yuri Puinov (miteny manohitra ilay volavolan-dalàna) sy Beks Okenov (miteny manohana azy io) dia niteraka fifanakalozan-dresaka mivaivay tao amin'ny Twitter ary nampiasàna ny tenifototra #kloopdebates. The citizen debate on the same topic, which pitted Yuri Puinov (arguing against the decree) against Beks Okenov (arguing for) has triggered an intense discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #kloopdebates. Citizens' debate on the same topic, which has challenged Yuri Puinov (speaking against the bill) and Beks Okenov (speaking for it), has sparked a heated discussion on Twitter using the hashtag #kloopdebates. Fanampin'izany, avoaka araka ny anaran'ny tanàna na fanjakana nahitana azy ireo ny anaran'ny fanafody, satria tsy azo atao ny mandefa azy ireo amin'ny alalan'ny tolotra mailaka manokana na amin'ny alalan'ny fomba fanaterana hafa. Furthermore, the names of the medicines are published in accordance with the city or state in which they are found, since shipping them through private mail service or via other delivery methods is not possible. In addition, the name of the medicine is published according to the name of the city or state where they are found, because it is not allowed to be sent through personal email services or through alternative means. Nihevitra ny handeha hampianatra any, kanjo lasa mpiasa an-tranon'ny fianakaviana iray. She thought she was going there to be a teacher but instead she was a domestic servant to a family. He thought he was going to teach there, but he became a housemaid of a family. Hampitombo ny fanarahamason'ny vahoaka ny governemanta Myanmar izay toa tsy vonona hihaino ireo tsy fahafaham-po miha-mitombo manoloana ireo tetikasam-pandrosoana andalana marobe manerana ny firenena.ny fifandonana nahafatesan'olona teo amin'ny polisy sy ny mpanao fihetsiketsehana tao Mogyopyin, The deadly clash between police and protesters in Mogyopyin will intensify public scrutiny of the Myanmar government, which seems unwilling to address growing dissatisfaction with a number of development projects underway across the country. Myanmar's government will increase public surveillance which seems to be not willing to listen to growing discontent over several developing projects across the country. deadly clashes between police and protesters in Mogyoyin, Tsy mbola misy mangirana ny ho fitsaharan'ny firongatr'ireny 'fakàna an-keriny ny vehivavy hovadiana' ireny - izay notsipihan'ireo mpikaroka fa tsy idiran'ny resaka fomban-drazana fa heloka bevava amin'ny endriny maoderina fotsiny, raiki-tampisaka ao anatin'ny toedraharaha sosialy sy toekarena manokan'io firenena ao Azia Afovoany io. The boom in 'bride kidnapping', which researchers have emphasised is not a time-honoured tradition but rather a modern crime rooted in the Central Asian country's specific socioeconomic circumstances, shows few signs of abating. The end of these 'registering women' - which researchers have pointed out is nothing more than a modern crime in the particular social and economic situation of the Central Asian country. Mety mampanontany tena ny fomba nanatontosana ny fankalazana saingy hita fa renivohitra miavaka tokoa izy. The style of the celebrations may be questionable but this is a truly remarkable capital. The way the celebration was held may raise questions but it turned out to be a remarkable capital. Ary herintaonan'ny herimpo anoherana ny ratsy lehibe, saingy efa nivoady ny tsy hitsahatra ny vahoaka Syriana mandra-pirodan'ny fitondrana, mandra-pahazoana ny fahafahana sy ny fahamendrehana. And one year of a brave stance against great evil, but the Syrian people have vowed to never stop until the fall of the regime, until they gain freedom and dignity. And a year of courage against evil, but the Syrian people have vowed to stop until the fall of the regime, until freedom and dignity prevail. Nijanona ho vaovao voalohany tao Rosia sy ireo media maneran-tany, nandritra iny faran'ny herinandro lasa iny, ny vaovaon'ilay fianjeran'ny fiaramanidina Rosiana mpitatitra mpandeha tany an-tany efitr'i Sinai ao Ejipta ny 31 Oktobra. The news of a a Russian passenger plane crash in the Egyptian Sinai desert on October 31 has remained one of the top news stories in Russian and global media during the past weekend. The news of the October 31 crash of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt's Sinai desert remained the first news in Russia and media around the world. Mahatsapa fahafaha-manao vaovao izy, izay mety ho entin'ny governemanta amin'ny rafitra parlemantera lany andro: She sniffs some fresh potential that minority government may bring to a stale parliamentary system: He feels new opportunities, which the government may bring to the old parliamentary system: Na izany aza anefa dia vao valo volana lasa izay no mba nanapakevitra ny handray fepetra ny Sabesp: ny fihenam-bidy ho an'ireo mpanjifa izay mitsitsy rano no paikady fototra hiadiana amin'ny faharitràn'ilay siniben-drano voalohany efa ho ritra. Sabesp, however, only decided to take measures about eight months ago: a discount to users who saved water was its main strategy to combat the imminent collapse of its main reservoir. However, it was only eight months ago that Sabesp decided to take action: the price hike for consumers who power water is the main strategy to combat the drying of the first reservoir. Aoka tsy ho adino, satria manana tompomenakely na olona mpandamina ny hananany asa izy, isan'izany ny fametrahana azy any amin'ny toerana isankarazany any, tsy maintsy mandoa, raha kely indrindra, BD25 (66 USD) ho an'io olona io izy. Don't forget, since he has a landlord or agent who arranged his employment, including job placement in different places, he has to pay for the agent fee at least BD25 (66 USD). Let's not forget, because he has a master or a person who wants to have a job, including putting it in different places, he must pay at least, at least BD25 (66 USD) for that person. Hongria: Mpanao Politika Namono Vady, Alika Jamba No Meloka Blaming the Blind Dog: Hungarian Politician's Domestic Violence Case · Global Voices Hungary: Politicians Killed · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Hungary Protests 2011. Herinandro maromaro teo izay, tsy hay hoe nahoana fa tsy afaka niditra tamin'ny kaontiny Facebook ireo Vietinamiana mafana fo malaza. In recent weeks, well-known Vietnamese activists have found themselves suddenly unable to log in to their Facebook accounts. A few weeks ago, it was unclear why prominent Vietnamese activists were unable to access their Facebook accounts. Vokatr'izany, ny tanjon'ny tetikasa dia ny hanentana ny olona sy hiresahany ny olana mampidi-doza eny an-araben'i Tbilisi. Consequently, the project aims to create more public awareness and debate about dangerous problems on the streets of Tbilisi. As a result, the project aims to raise awareness and address dangerous problems in the streets of Tbilisi. Tantara marina izany ary ilay olona notànana tsy ara-drariny mihitsy no tompon'ilay fiara Ford resahana ao amin'ny lahatsoratra. This is a true story and the Ford referred to in the text actually belonged to the character being unfairly detained. This is a true story and the Ford car in the article is owned by the person who has been unjustly detained. Ny fidirana ao amin'ny tranon'ilay mpamboly no hany sisa tavela. Only the entrance remains to the farmer's house - Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) August 15, 2014 Only entry into the farmer's house was left. Nanohitra ny valim-pifidianana ny hetsika ho amin'ny demokrasia, nanambara fa misy ny tsy fahatomombanana amin'ny ankapobeny. The democracy movement contested the results, denouncing widespread irregularities. The movement for democracy has protested the results, claiming that there is a general lack of balance. Maro koa no nanampy fa famitàhana ny manome tsiny ny vary ho miteraka diabeta, tamin'ny fampahatsiahivana ny HPB fa ireo Singaporeana sy ny ankamaroan'ireo Aziatika dia efa an'arivo taona maro no nihinana vary. Many also added that it's misleading to blame rice for causing diabetes, reminding the HPB that Singaporeans and majority of Asians have been eating rice for thousands of years. Many also added that it is an insult to blame rice for diabetes, reminding HPB that Singaporeans and most Asians have eaten rice for thousands of years. Araka ny mahazatra dia roa na telo andro ny fotoana ianaran'ny mpianatra ho mpampianatra miaraka amin'ny lohahevitra midadasika. Master-apprentice courses are typically two or three-day events with a wide range of topics. As usual, students learn to be teachers for two or three days with a wide range of topics. Nandrakitra teny sy andian-teny i Kanazawa, mpandalina ny teny, mba hamorona rakibolana mety hanampy hampita ny teny Ainu ho any amin'ny taonjato faha-21. Kanazawa, a linguist, documented words and phrases to create the dictionary that would help transmit the Ainu language into the 21st Century. Language analyst Kanazawa recorded words and phrases to create a dictionary that would help convey the language to the 21st century. Brezila: Ny fantsom-baovao no nampihemotra ny famotsoran'ny farc ny takalon'aina Brazil: How the media reported the rescue the Farc hostages · Global Voices Brazil: News channels eased the release of the hostage · Global Voices This post is part of our special coverage Brazil Revolution 2011. Ny Fanjakazakan-Dehilahy Sy Ny Fomba Fijery Tranainy Diso No Mahatonga Ny Lasibatry Ny Fanolanana Hangina Machismo and Old Prejudices Keep Mexican Rape Victims Silent · Global Voices Circumbing and Ancient Views That Make Rape Targeted · Global Voices Miaraka amin'ity bitsika ity dia te-hiteny amin'ny fomba ofisialy amin'i Hugh Laurie aho hoe ndeha mahazo any ry ilay f*lahy ity, miaraka amin'ny fomba fahitàny ny vokatra avy aty amintsika sy ny vinavinany hanao ankivy azy ireny. With this tweet I want to officially tell Hugh Laurie to go f*ck himself, together with his opinions of our goods and his plans to boycott them With this tweet, I want to officially tell Hugh wasn't able to get this boy, with his view on our products and plans to boycott them. Iray amin'ireo nanoratra ilay tolodalàna i Aleksey Kazakov, izay nilaza fa miainga avy amin'ny didim-pitsaràna ihany no tokony hahavoatery ireo fitaovana fikarohana hamafa rohy, nefa koa mety ho afaka mamafa azy ireny amin'ny nahim-pony mifanaraka amin'ny fangatahan'ny mpampiasa iray ao aminy izy. One of the bill's authors, Aleksey Kazakov, said search engines would only be obligated to delete links based on a court order, but would also have the option of taking them down voluntarily in accordance with a user's request. One of the authors of the bill was Aleksey Kazakov, who said search engines should be forced from a court order to delete links, but he could also delete them with his emotions in accordance with a user's request. Ny tolakandro, trano fandraisam-bahiny maro sy tranokely fivarotan-tsakafo enina no nodoran'izy ireo. In the afternoon, they burned more guest houses and six food stalls. In the afternoon, they burned many hotels and six restaurants. Ny lalàna Sharia, izay ampiasaina betsaka any amin'ireo Silamo maro an'isa any avaratra, dia voakiana mafy ho mikendry tsy an-drariny ny vehivavy. Sharia law, which is mostly practiced in the Muslim-majority north, has been heavily criticised as unfairly targeting women. The Sharia law, which is widely used among the Muslim majority in the north, has been strongly criticized for targeting women. Dia ahoana raha i Omar Suleiman sy ilay lehilahy ao andamosin'i Omar Suleiman no mifamadika toerana? What if Omar Suleiman and the man behind Omar Suleiman switched position? What if Omar Suleiman and the man behind Omar Suleiman were in the background? Tsy azon'i Pablo, izay 33 taona ankehitriny, atao ny mamela handalo fotsiny ny fotoana ahafahany miresaka ny zavatra nataony tany Kôlômbia fony izy tena efa antomotry ny handeha: Pablo, who is 33-years-old now, cannot pass up the occasion to talk about what was happening in Colombia when he was about to leave: Pablo, who is now 33 years old, doesn't understand how much time he can talk about what he did in Colombia when he was already on his way: Eto, entiny mitety ny tsenan'i Korea Atsimo isika, izay mampahatsiahy azy ireo tsenan'i Korea Avaratra. Here she gives us a tour of a market in South Korea, which reminds her of the markets in the North. Here we go through the South Korean market, which reminds them of North Korea's markets. Sary avy amin'i Rohit Rajib. Image by Rohit Rajib. Photo by Rohit Rajib. Raha isan'ireo mihevitra ianao fa maro loatra ireo fifamoivoizana any Akra , ny mpiblaogy Emannuel Bensah dia manolotra ny heviny: If you think there is too much traffic in Accra, Emannuel Bensah has an idea: "Let's use the bicycle!" If you think there are too many traffic in Akra , Emannuel Bensah offers his opinion: Tsy toy ireo biby fiompy hafa, tsy misy fitsirihana ny maha-azo antoka ireo hena alika ao Shina amin'izao fotoana izao, mahatonga ny fihinanana hena alika ho tena loza mitatao ho an'ny fahasalaman'ny daholobe. Unlike other livestock, currently there is no inspection of the safety of dog meat in China, making the consumption of dog meat a potential threat to public health. Unlike other livestock, there is no test of the safety of dog meat in China today, making eating dog meat a serious public health threat. Ity andian-tanora ity, izay anatina vondrom-piarahamonina ambanivohitra any Honduras ihany koa, dia mampiasa ny Hip Hop mba hihirana momba ny lanjan'ny fanasàna tànana anatin'ity lahatsary ity, izay alefa amin'ny fahitalavitra any an-toerana. This group of young people in a rural community in Honduras also use Hip Hop to sing about the importance of handwashing in this video aired on local television. This group of young people, who are also part of a rural community in Honduras, are using Hip to sing about the importance of handwashing in this video, which is broadcast on local television. Ary manipy hevitra ireo Okraniana tsy hifamitaka ihany koa aho. And I strongly advise the Ukrainians to also not fool themselves. And I also suggest Ukrainians not to deceive one another. Mandeha ny tsaho fa ao ambadik'izany ny masoivoho Autentika. Rumour is that interactive agency Autentika is behind this. Rumors are circulating that the Autentic Embassy is behind it. Izy ireo no nahatonga io, tokony hiatrika an'io izy ireo," hoy i Zuma. They caused it, they must address it," Zuma said. They are the ones who caused it, they should deal with it," Zuma says. Nomarihin'ilay mpanoratra ihany koa fa ireo mpamboly madinika no nosamborin'ireo manam-pahefana fa tsy ireo tomponà tany fambolena goavana: The writer also observed that authorities have been arresting small farmers and not plantation owners: The author also noted that authorities arrested small farmers instead of the owners of large agricultural lands: Ny fanafoanana ireo fepetra takian'ny NEP¹ ao amin'ireo seha-pihariana madinika 27 dia fanombohana iray goavana. The removal of NEP¹ requirements for 27 service sub-sectors represents a great start. The removal of NEE1's requirements on 27 small business platforms is an important start. Ezypta: Antso ho fahatsiarovana an'i Saddam Hussein Egypt: Call for Commemorating Saddam Hussein · Global Voices Egypt: Calls to Remember Saddam Hussein · Global Voices Maro tamin'ireo mpampiasa aterneto no niahiahy be ihany ny amin'ny hahatanteraka io rafitra fitakiana anaty aterneto io, ary misy mihitsy ireo matahotra fa mety hampiasain'ny governemanta ho amin'ny fanaraha-maso ireo mpitaraina io vohikala io. Most netizens doubted that the online petition system would work, and some worried it could turn into a more convenient way for local government to track and control petitioners. Many netizens were concerned about the implementation of this online petition system, and others were even afraid that the website could be used by the government for monitoring extremist content. Nahatohina izao tontolo izao ny vaovao. The news shocks the whole world. The news shocked the world. Hita ho nientanentana tamin'ilay soso-kevitra #Lobbytweet i Yannick Dillinger: Yannick Dillinger appears to be excited about the #Lobbytweet initiative: Yannick Dinger seemed excited about the proposal #Lobbytweet: Namariparitra ny toe-javatra iainan'ny fianakaviana tao anatin'izany izy: In it, he described the families' situation: He described the family's situation: Ary nanomboka ny hazalambo. And the chase began. And the hunt started. Ho fanomezam-boninahitra an'i Phillip Hughes In tribute to Phillip Hughes #putyourbatsout #408 - Melbourne Renegades (@RenegadesBBL) November 28, 2014 In honor of Phillip Hughes · Global Voices Mba hanampiana azy ireny hanohy ny fianarany na dia eny an-toerana aza, nasian'ireo mpandrafitra seza sy latabatra teny, ary mpampianatra nanolo-tena an-tsitrapo no manome ny fampianarana eo amin'ilay faritra malalaka natao ho solon'ny efitrano fianarana. To help them continue learning while on site, carpenters set up tables and chairs and volunteer teachers give classes in the study hall area. To help them continue their studies even on the ground, the construction of chairs and tables, and volunteer teachers provide education in the open area instead of classrooms. Misy vondrona iray, izay vehivavy no tena hita ao anatiny, miandraikitra ny fandraisana ny volon'ny vigogne sady mamoritra izany amin'ny fomba iray manokana, toy ny ambonin'akanjo ampirimina raha hivahiny lavitra. A group, formed mainly by women, is in charge of receiving the fleece and folding it with a special technique, as if it were a shirt that gets packed for traveling. There is a group of women in particular, who are in charge of taking the hair of the vicuña and restricting it in a particular way, such as on a t-shirt to travel to a distant place. Meday alimo nandritra ny Lalao Olaimpika 1984, tompondaka erantany amin'ny taranja pentathlon maoderina tamin'ny 1987, Joël Bouzou no mpanorina sy filohan'ny Peace and Sport, fikambanana miaro ny fandriampahalemana amin'ny alalan'ny fanatanjahantena, niorina tamin'ny 2007. Te-handrafitra fandriampahalemana maharitra manerana ny tany ity tetikasa ity. Joël Bouzou , a bronze medalist at the 1984 Olympic Games and modern pentathlon World Champion in 1987 from France, is the founder and president of Peace and Sport, a global initiative created in 2007 whose objective is building sustainable peace through sport. Meday bronze at the 1984 Olympic Games, World Pentathlon champion in 1987, Joël Bouzou is the founder and chairman of Peace and Sports, a sports-based organization based in 2007. The project wants to build lasting peace around the world. Fiaraha-misaona ireo namoy aina mba ho toy ny Doha tokana ihany (#OneCommunityDoha) Mourning the dead as #OneCommunityDoha Together mourning those who died to be the only Doha (#OneCommunityDoha) Mamely ilay fanjakana mahantra ny fihotsahan'ny tany rehefa tonga ny orana. Landslides plague the impoverished state when the rains come. When it rained, landslides hit the poor state. "Raha mahita ity fampitandremana ity ianao, tsy voatery midika izany fa voajirika ny kaontinao," araka ny fanazavan'i Eric Grosse, filoha lefitry ny injenieran'ny fiarovana ao amin'ny Google. "If you see this warning it does not necessarily mean that your account has been hijacked," explained Eric Grosse, Google's vice president of security engineering. "If you see this warning, it doesn't necessarily mean that your account has been hacked," explains Eric Grosse, the vice president of Google's security engineer. Mpiavy avy ao India i Chirag (@sutarcv), saingy monina ao Holandy ankehitriny izay nahavitany ny masters momba ny Fampahalalam-baovao tao amin'ny Oniversiten'i Rotterdam. Chirag (@sutarcv) is originally from India but now lives in the Netherlands where he completed his Masters in Media Studies in Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Chirag (@sutarcv) is a native of India, but is now based in the Netherlands where he has completed a media master at the University of Mauritius. Talohan'ny naha-lasibatra an'i Lazerov ho manao "Russophobia (fankahalana an'i Rosia" na "tetidratsy pro-Okrainiana," anefa, dia niteraka tsikera ny fanapahan-kevitra nametraka azy ho mpifaninan'i Rosia azy tamin'ny Eurovision noho ny fanamarihana nataony tamin'ny taona 2014 izay manohitra ihany ny fiandrianan'ny Rosiana amin'i Krimea. Before Lazarev was the victim of "Russophobia" or any "pro-Ukrainian plot," however, the decision to make him Russia's Eurovision contestant faced criticism because of remarks he made in 2014 questioning Russian sovereignty over Crimea. Before Lazerov became a "Russophobia" or "anti-Ukrainian conspiracy," however, his decision to appoint him as Russia's candidate in Eurovision sparked criticism for his 2014 remarks against Russians' sovereignty over Crimea. Mpanakanto avokoa isika amin'ny endrika iray na iray hafa. We are all artists in some form or another. We are artists in one form or another. Tonga tany amin'ny foiben'ny Departemantan'ny mpiasa sy ny asa ao amin'ny firenena ity raharaha mpiasan'ny NXP ity. The case of the NXP workers has already reached the central office of the country's Department of Labor and Employment. The NXP case has reached the headquarters of the country's Labor and Labor Department. @politrash tena normal mihitsy izany. @politrash this is perfectly normal. @poltraash It's really normal. Heverin'ny Ejipsianina maro ho mpanohitra ny revolisiona i Omar Suleiman, na iray amin'ny "sisa niangana" mpanohana ny fitondrana teo aloha. Omar Suleiman is considered by many Egyptians to be part of the counter-revolution, one of the "remnants," or unreformed loyalists of the former regime. Many Egyptians consider Omar Suleiman to be anti-revolution, or one of the former pro-government "alternants." Mandeha amin'ny lalan'ny maha-tsy miankina amin'ny fanjakana azy ihany koa ny sehatra lahatsary mivantana an'ny Baidu izay efa nahazo fampiasam-bola avy amin'ny Providence Equity Partners LLC ary nikasa hiditra ao amin'ny lisitry ny Tsenan'ny petrabola ao Shina amin'ny 2017. Baidu's video streaming platform which had received capital investment from Providence Equity Partners LLC is also going through privatization and has planned to be listed in China's A-stock market in 2017.'s live video platform is also making its way into the private domain of the state, which has already received investment from the community Partners LLC and is planning to access China's stock market list in 2017. Ka raha izany dia inona no azo hamaritana tsara kokoa ny fahalanian'i Etiopia ho mpikambana ao amin'ny Filankevitry ny Firenena Mikambana Momba ny Zon'Olombelona miohatra amin'iry ohabolana notanisaiko ery ambony! So what could better describe Ethiopia's election to United Nations Human Rights Council other than the proverb I cited above! So why better describe Ethiopia's election as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council than the proverb I mentioned above! Ny tanàna no mamatsy amin'ny kojakoja ara-panatanjahantena sy ny sakafo . The city provided sports facilities and lunch . The city provides food and sports supplies. Tahaka ireny horonan-tsary fanadihadiana izay maharitra 7 minitra mahery eo, mitondra ny lohateny hoe "Tontolon'ny biby: Ny biby miaina an-trano" ka nahasarika olona an-hetsiny sahady izany tao anatin'ny andro vitsy monja. The 7-minute piece, 'Animal World: the Home-living Animal' is styled as an animal-planet type of documentary and has attracted hundreds of thousands of views in a matter of a few days. Like the films that lasted more than seven minutes, titled "Man's Nature: Home Animals" has attracted hundreds of thousands of people in just a few days. Teny an-dàlantsara no nandaninay ny alinay voalohany. We spent the first night in the hallway. We spent our first night in the street. Na ianao manaiky ny lalànan'ny andianà ondry , na bahananay tsotra izao. Either you recognize the jurisdiction of a flock of sheep , or we'll block you. Or you agree with the rules of a flock of sheep, or we simply block them. Ahoana raha hisasa amin'ny ranomasina ny firenena manontolo, Krismasy ny andro kanefa tsy fantatrao izay fandehan-javatrao eto St Lucia. So what if the whole country washes out to sea, it's Christmas and u dun know how tings run in St Lucia. What if the whole country is working on the sea, it's Christmas and you don't know what's going on in St. Lucia. Mety tsy hahakitika toerana maro ao #Odisha ilay rivodoza #Hudhud noho izy mitodi-doha ho any Vizag. sary 3D an'ny Insat nalaina tamin'ny 9 ora sy sasany alina Cyclone #Hudhud will probably spare most parts of #Odisha as it heads towards Vizag.Insat 3D image taken at 9.30 pm. - అంతర్వాణి #SHL #ahf (@Antharvani) October 10, 2014 Typhoon #Hudhud may not reach more places in #Odisha because he heads to Vizag. 3D photo taken at 9pm - · Global Voices 12 taona izy; miady amin'ny fahafatesana. #PrayforMehzar She is 12; she is fighting for her life. #PrayforMehzar He's 12 years old; fighting death. #PrayforMehzar @vaidehisachin: Nakarina ho Ropia 8,500 ny taha miohatra ny Ropia 1,000 raha vavy no aterak'i Aishwarya ary Ropia 1,200 miohatra ny Ropia 1,000 kosa raha lahy no aterany. @vaidehisachin: The rate was set at Rs 8,500 against Rs 1,000 if Aishwarya gives birth to a girl and Rs 1,200 against Rs 1,000 if she gives birth to a boy. @vaidehisachin: The rate of Ropia 1,000 is increased to 8,500 while Hessel gives birth to 1200 women and he makes up over 1,000 Ropias if he is a male. 'Shonenko' (2006) 'Shonenko' (2006) 'Shonenko' (2006) Nanao fampirantiana tao amin'ny New Museum of Contemporary Art de New York (Mozea Vaovaon'ny Zavakanton'ny Vaninandro Maoderina), tamin'ny Biennale de Sharjah tany amin'ny Emira Arabo mitambatra sy tao amin'ny Centre Pompidou ao Paris, ankoatr'ireo maro hafa. He has exhibited at a number of venues including the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, the Biennale of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates and the Pompidou Centre in Paris. In the United Arab Emirates as well as in Paris's Pomporodou Centre, among others, the exhibition was held at the New Museum of Contempomanana Art de New York. Ny zavatra notapahana tao Kieva tamin'izao dia ny hoe iza no handoany sarany ho an'i Okraina - ireo Rosiana misotro ronono sa ireo Alemàna misotro ronono What's being decided in Kiev right now is who will pay for Ukraine - Russian pensioners or German pensioners. What has now been cut off in Kiev is who will pay for Ukraine - Russian pensioners or German pensioners Sary nalain'i Au Kalun. Photo taken by Au Kalun. Photo taken by Au Kalun. Namoaka sarin'ireny afisy lehibe ireny izy, sary lafika amin'ny fàfana ary nampiseho sary izay azon'ny rehetra ampiasaina hanehoana firaisankina amin'ireo mpanao hetsi-panoherana any Ejipta. It has posted images of posters, wallpapers, and display pictures that can be used to show solidarity with the protesters in Egypt. He has published photos of these posters, screen captures and shows pictures of what everyone can use to show solidarity with protesters in Egypt. Fa aza mionona amin'io fanolorana io fotsiny, mila hoe ianao mihitsy no mamaky ity lahatsoratra ity. But don't take my word for it, you've really got to read this one for yourself! But just don't stick to this proposal, you have to read this article yourself. Ny Bolongana Gyöngyöspata Solidarity dia nizara ny dikan-dahatsoratra voasoratra ao amin'ny vaovao notaterin'ny (HUN). Gyöngyöspata Solidarity blog shared a translation of the news report . The blog Gyöngyöspatauity shared a translation written in the news report by (HUN). "Nolazaina tamiko foana mandra-pahalehibe fa "manja aho raha samy vazimba" na hoe tsara vintana aho fa tsy nanahaka ny Vazimba," hoy izy. "I always got told growing up that I was 'pretty for an Aboriginal' or I was lucky I didn't look Aboriginal," she says. "I was told until I grew up that "I'm good if I'm indigenous" or that I'm lucky not like indigenous people," she says. Tsy afa-miresaka momba ny soatoavina manerantany isika fa afa-miresaka momba ny faharatsian'ny teniko fe lehibe. We don't have to speak about universal value, we can speak about the evil of authoritarianism. We can't talk about universal values but we can talk about the badness of my great language. Tokony hiala ny Oba, hoy ny bitsik'i Foghi Batarhe: The Oba should go, tweeted Foghi Batarhe: The Oba should leave, Foghi Batarhe tweeted: Ireo zavatra hafa tiako ihany koa dia ireo finiavana nataon'ny vondrom-piarahamonina hitady vahaolana ho an'ny hafainganam-pandeha, izay lasa an'ireo tanàna kely sy tanàna mihitsy ny fotodrafitrasan'ny Aterinetony. The other applications I really liked were the community broadband initiatives, where villages and towns take ownership of their Internet infrastructure. The other thing I want is the initiative of the community to find solutions to speeds, where its internet infrastructure goes to villages and villages. Miovaova ny hevitra ao amin'ny Twitter: On Twitter, opinions vary: On Twitter, opinions vary: Governemanta mikorontana A disorganized government A troubled government Ary mety ho toy izany koa ny Jordaniana. And most probably the Jordanians as well. And it may be the same with Jordanians. Raha miezaka manakana ny olona avy amin'ny firenena sasany tsy hiditra ao Etazonia ny didim-panjakan'i Trump, nitondra fiara tao San Francisco i Ehsani-Nia, nanampy mpivady lehibe Iraniana voafonja tao amin'ny seranam-piaramanidina. When Trump's executive order tried blocking people from certain countries from entering the US, Ehsani-Nia drove to San Francisco, and helped an elderly Iranian couple detained at the airport. While Trump's decree attempts to prevent people from entering the United States, a couple from driving in San Francisco is helping a big Iranian couple who are imprisoned at the airport. Andian-tovolahy Zeorziana namakivaky ny sisin-tany Nagorno-Karabakh - faritra mampiady eo anelanelan'i Armenia sy Azerbaijan hatramin'ny naharava ny Firaisana Sovietika- mikatsaka hividy zava-mahadomelina, saingy voasambotry ny manam-pahefana tao an-toerana nony farany. Looking to buy drugs, a group of young Georgian men cross the border into Nagorno-Karabakh - the region between Armenia and Azerbaijan contested since the fall of the Soviet Union - but end up being detained by local authorities. A group of young Georgians have crossed the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan since the collapse of the Soviet Union - seeking drugs, but were finally arrested by local authorities. Ho fanampin'izay, manazava io pejy io: The profile, in addition, explains: In addition, the page explains: Mitambatra ho vondrona iray manokana anivon'ireo mpifindra monina avy any Amerika Latina ao Espaina ireo Meksikana. Focusing on a specific group of Latin American immigrants in Spain, are Mexicans. Mexicans are divided into a special group of immigrants from Latin America in Spain. Tsy natao ho an'ny ankizilahy ihany Not only for boys Not just for boys Tonga avo telo heny ny fanondranana entan'i Madagasikara nandritra ny taona telo voalohany tamin'ilay fandaharan'asa, ary ny sehatry ny fanenoman-damba, izay manome ny 60 amin'ny fanondranana ataon'ny Malagasy, dia namorona asa mivantana 50.000 sy tsy mivantana eo amin'ny 100.000 eo ho eo. Madagascar's exports tripled in the first three years of the program, and the textile sector, which made up 60 percent of Malagasy exports, accounted directly for 50,000 jobs and indirectly at least 100,000 more. Madagascar's export of goods came three times during the first three years of the program, and the garment sector, which provides 60 out of Malagasy exports, created about 50,000 and some 100,000 direct operations. Tena ny mifanohitra tanteraka amin'izany ny eG8. The eG8 is the complete opposite. The exact opposite is eG8. Manao ahoana ny fijerinao ny hoavin'ny asanao? How do you see the rest of your career? How do you view the future of your work? Nanazava ny Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation fa nofidian-dry zareo ity kanji ity hanehoana "tranga miavaka" tratra tamin'io taona io (soratana hoe 金字塔), toy ny medaly volamena ho an'i Japana (金メダル) tany amin'ny Olaimpika Londona 2012, Loka Nobel iray azon'i Dr. Yamanaka, ilay tranobe manaka-danitra vaovao 'Skytree' ao Tokyo, ary ny tako-masoandro (金環日食) hita nanerana an'i Japana. The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation explained they chose this kanji to symbolize "milestones" (written 金字塔) achieved this year, such as gold medals for Japan (金メダル) at the 2012 London Olympics, a Nobel prize win by Dr. Yamanaka, the newly opened Skytree in Tokyo, and a solar eclipse (金環日食) observed across Japan. The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation explained that they chose to display "a remarkable event" caught in that year (registered as ny not to mention), such as the gold medal for Japan in London 2012 at the London Olympics, a Nobel Prize won by Dr. Yamanaka, the Tokyo's new "Skytree," and the solar eclipse found all over Japan. Ankehitriny, izaho no anankiray amin'ireo niasa ho an'ny Global Voicies ela indrindra, ivereno ny tamin'ny desambra 2004: Actually, I was one of the first contributors to Global Voices, way back in December 2004: Now I'm one of the most experienced Global Voicies, back in December 2004: Manana tombotsoa iraisana ny maro amin'izy ireo. Many with common interests. Many of them have common interests. Sary navoakan'i Thomas Huston tamin'ny alalan'ny GNU Free Documentation License. Photo released by Thomas Huston under GNU Free Documentation License. Photo published by Thomas Huston via GNU Free Docation License. Amin'ny ny maha-tanàna lehibe indrindra azy any Amerika Atsimo, anaty toerana iray izay mifamatotra betsaka amin'ny fifindrà-monina ny tantarany, hampiantrano ny andiany fahafito amin'ilay Vovonambe Sosialy Iraisampirenana momba ny Fifindrà-monina (WSFM, na FSMM amin'ny fanafohezana Portiogey) i São Paulo, ny taona 2016. As the largest city in South America, in a place where history is intimately linked with migration, São Paulo will host the seventh edition of the World Social Forum on Migrations (WSFM, or FSMM in its Portuguese acronym) in 2016. As South America's largest city, São Paulo will host the seventh edition of the World Social Forum on Immigration (WSFM, or FSMM for its Portuguese initials) in 2016. Nitaraina ny mpanao tsikera fa miantoka ny fahombiazan'ny governemanta ankehitriny amin'ny fifidianana ny famatsiam-bola amin'ny alàlan'ny fampiroboroboana ny fahatokisan'ireo vondron'olona mpifidy. Critics complain that subsidies ensure the current government's electoral success by promoting the loyalty of key voting blocks. Critics complained that funding by promoting the trust of the voters is guaranteeing the current government's success in the elections. Nampanantena ny mbola hanao fisavana orinasa 900 hafa ny sampandraharaha mandra-pahatongan'ny faran'ny taona 2016, ka ao anatin'izany ny tambajotra rosiana lehibe indrindra, VKontakte. The agency promises to inspect 900 more companies before the end of 2016, including Russia's largest social network, VKontakte. The agency has promised further search for another 900 companies until the end of 2016, including Russia's largest network, VKontakte. Ankoatra izany, dia manaiky aho fa efa nifandray tamin'ireo diplaomaty vahiny. Moreover, I admit to having been in contact with foreign diplomats. Moreover, I agree that I have had contact with foreign diplomats. Miditra amin'ny fahabanga-toeran'ny filoham-pirenena efa fantatra mialoha i Libanona taorian'ny tsy fahombiazan'ny Parlemanta tamin'ny fifidianana filoha vaovao tao anatin'ny fe-potoana voalazan'ny lalàmpanorenana saingy tsy vao voalohany ny tao Baabda (lapam-panjakana Libaney) no banga. Lebanon entered a predictable and predicted presidential vacuum following Parliament's failure to elect a new president within the constitutional time frame but this isn't the first time Baabda (Lebanese presidential palace) finds itself empty. Lebanon entered a pre-presidental position after the Parliament failed to elect a new president in the constitution's mandate but it wasn't the first time that Baabda (Lebanon's government) was missing. aza mitaraina mikasika ny diabe fitakian'ny mpianatra. don't complain about student protests. Don't complain about the student march. Ao amin'ny Conspiracy Brother dia hoy izy: In Conspiracy Brother he wrote: On Conspiracy Brother, he says: Tsy natao hitadiavana tombombarotra izy ka nanjary tsy nahaliana, nandreraka, nahasorena izany ny nanao azy saingy ho fanehoanam-pankasitrahana ny namana Orogoaiana manerantany dia notohizanay ny famelomana azy. It is not-for-profit, it becomes tedious, it tires, it frustrates, but we continue because of the thanks from a fellow Uruguayan throughout the world. He wasn't meant to make profit and became unsatisfying, tired, or boring but to show appreciation to fellow Ghanaians around the world we continued to feed him. Tamin'ny Alatsinainy, nampanantsoin'ny mpampanoa lalànan'ny fanjakana Rosiana ilay bilaogera sady mpanohitra malaza Anton mba hosaziana roa taona any amin'ny toby fanasaziana manokana noho ny famoahana "fanambarana mahery fihetsika" an-tserasera. On Monday, a Russian state prosecutor called for prominent blogger and oppositionist Anton Nossik to be sentenced to two years in a penal colony for publishing "extremist statements" online. On Monday, Russia's state prosecutor summoned blogger and opposition figure Anton to be sentenced to two years in a special penal colony for publishing "extremist content" online. Voasazy higadra mandra-pahafatiny izy. He is sentenced to life imprisonment. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. Nohazavain'i Fadi Arouri miaraka amin'ny sary ny filazam-pandroahana: Fadi Arouri explains with a photo of the eviction notice: Fadi Arouri explains the shooting with photos: Hosodoko amin'ny rindrina ahitàna an'i Asmahan, ilay Syriana-Ejyptiana mpihira malaza, mpilalao sarimihetsika ankafizin'ny vahoaka. Mural of Asmahan, the popular Syrian-Egyptian singer, actress and popular icon. A mural painted on the wall of Asmahan, the famous Syrian-Egyptian singer, popular actress. Indro ny filma fohy nataon'i Rogge ho an'ny fianakaviany hitantarany ny fiainany tamin'izy tao Kobe tamin'ny 1958. Here is a short home film Rogge made for his family to describe what life was like for him living in Kobe in 1958. Here is Rogge's short film for his family to tell him about his life while he was in Kobe in 1958. Ilaozy ny ao Kalifornia ho any New York. Leave California for New York. Save California to New York. Kilo: Eny, misy olona ao anatin'ny rafitra izay afaka hitàna toerana ao anatin'ny hoavin'i Syria... ny sasany amin'ireo ao anatin'ny fitondràna amin'izao fotoana, indrindra fa ireo izay niala an-daharana tamin'ny fitondrana sy ny fianakaviana Assad mba hiara-dia amin'ny vahoaka. Kilo: Yes, there are people in the system who can play a role in the future of Syria...some of those who are now in power, especially those who are defecting from power and Assad's family to join the people. Kilo: Yes, there are people in the system who can play a role in Syria's future...some of those currently in power, especially those who have left the regime and the Assad family to join the people. Nandray fiaramanidina ho any Kurgan ny saingy nigadona tao Tadjikistan o_O XD. Our was flying to Kurgan but fund himself in Tajikistan o_O XD. The plane flew to Kurgan but landed in Tajikistan o_O XD. Mpitsara teo aloha Sujata Manohar ao amin'ny Fitsarana Tampony ao India nanazava nandritra ny seminera fa tsy misy lalàna mahomby ao India mba hiadiana amin'ny herisetra ara-nofo ao amin'ny toeram-piasana, ary mivelatra loatra ny torolalan' ny Fitsarana Tampony ka azo adika amin'ny fomba maro. Former justice Sujata Manohar of the Supreme Court of India explained in a seminar that there are no effective laws in India to address sexual harassment at the workplace, and that the Supreme Court guidelines are very broad hence they get interpreted in many ways. Former Judge Sujata continues at India's Supreme Court during a seminar explaining that there is no effective law in India to combat sexual harassment at the workplace, and that the Supreme Court's guidelines are so broad that they can be interpreted in many ways. Tamin'ny 23 Janoary 2015, nitafa farany tamin'ny Parlemantan'ny fireneny ny filoha Tajik Emomali Rahmon alohan'ny fifidianana izay efa vita fandaharam-potoana hotontosaina amin'ny Martsa 2015. On January 23, 2015, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon addressed his country's parliament for the last time before elections in the country scheduled for March 2015. On January 23, 2015, Tajik President Emomali Rahmon last spoke to the country's parliament ahead of elections that are scheduled to take place in March 2015. Efa nahavita nandrava antenimiera isika ary naverina tamin'ny vahoaka ny fahefana. We already had a house dissolution and the power had been returned to the people. We have been able to destroy parliament and the power has been restored to the people. tsy misy fiandohana na fiafarana without a start or finish No beginning or end Natambatra ireo fihetseham-po avy amin'ny media sosialy mba hilazaàna ny kely indrindra: Reactions from social media have been mixed to say the least: Reactions from social media were mixed to tell the least: Farany, Marco A. Nuñez Yuren (@Marco_NY23) dia mampiseho ny tsy hafaliam-pony mikasika ny nifidianana an'i Ryan, satria, araka ny lazain'i Nuñez, ny làlan-tokana hakàna ny vaton'ireo miteny Espaniola dia ny fisafidianana an'i Florida Senator Marco Rubio, izay naroso ihany koa ho toy ny iray amin'ireo mpirotsaka ho filoha lefitra: Finally, Marco A. Nuñez Yuren (@Marco_NY23) shows his dissatisfaction about the Ryan choice, since, according to Nuñez, the only way to have won the Hispanic vote was to choose Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who was also put forth as one of the candidates for the vice-presidency: Finally, Marco A. Nuñez Yuren (@Marco_NY23) expresses his discontent about Ryan's election, because, according to Nuñez, the only way to get the votes of Spanish speakers was to elect Florida Sinator Marco Rubio, who was also presented as one of the candidates for the vice president: Maika hoan'i Tonizia ny fananana lalam-panorenana vaovao arak'izay haingana (efa roa taona izay no nijalian'ny firenena tsy nanana lalam-panorenana) ary fametrahana datim-pifidianana. It is urgent for Tunisia to have a new constitution as soon as possible (the country already suffered from almost two years without a constitution) and to set an election date. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. This post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011. Sary avy amin'ny fantsona YouTube ofisialy Shiseido (pikantsary). Image from Shiseido official YouTube channel (screenshot). Image from the official YouTube channel Shiseido. Nozaraina tao amin'ny Twitter ihany koa ireo sary sy lahatsarin'ny hetsi-panoherana: Images and videos of the protests were also being shared on Twitter: Photos and videos of the protest were also shared on Twitter: Io elanelana izay tsy misy afa-tsy isan-jato roa io sy ny fitarainana samihafa marobe mikasika ny tsy ara-dalàna (eo amin'ny tranga 3.200) nandritra ny asa no nitarika ny Governoram-panjakàn'i Miranda, Henrique Capriles Radonsky, tsy hanaiky ny vokatra raha tsy misy fitsirihana sy famerenana ny fanisam-bato atao tànana. This small difference of just two percentage units and the huge number of diverse complaints about irregularities (about 3.200 incidents) along the way led the Governor of the state of Miranda, Henrique Capriles Radonsky, to not recognize the results until an audit as well as a manual vote recount are carried out. This gap, which has only two percent and numerous complaints about illegal (in 3200 cases) during the work, led the state governor of the state of the state of the country, actually won't accept the results unless there is a counting and re-exerctation of the counting. Mandrakotra ny fotoana teo anelanelan'ny May 2013 sy ny Oktobra 2015 ireo pejy 8.000 mahery. With more than 8,000 pages, the leaks cover the period between May 2013 and October 2015. More than 8,000 pages cover the period between May 2013 and October 2015. Ary novalian'i Rasha Abdulla: To which Rasha Abdulla responded: And Rasha Abdulla replied: Folo Taona Taorian'ny Fandripahana Olona Tao Andijan, Mitaky Fahafahana Ny Ozbeka Iray Ten Years on from Andijan Massacre, an Uzbek Pleads for Freedom · Global Voices Ten Years After the Death of Andijan, a Uzbek Demands Freedom · Global Voices Sary avy amin'ny, fampiasàna nahazoana alàlana. Photo from, used with permission. Photo from, used with permission. Izy sy ny mpiara-dia taminy no naha toy izao antsika. He and his generation have shaped what we are today. He and his allies are what we are like. Ireo mponina ao amin'ny faritr'i Loreto Peroviana, indrindra fa ireo avy ao Iquitos, dia nankalaza ilay fanambaràna. Citizens of the Peruvian region of Loreto, especially those from Iquitos, celebrated the announcement. The residents of the Peruvian region, especially those from Iquitos, celebrated the announcement. Ho fankalazàna ny tsingerintaona voalohan'ilay fakàna an-keriny faobe tao Iguala, ny fanaovana graffiti ny sarin'ny filoha Meksikàna Enrique Peña Nieto no asa voalohany nataon'i Droncita, itakiana ny fametrahany fialàna. On the first anniversary of the Iguala mass kidnapping, Droncita's first act was to graffiti a portrait of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, demanding his resignation. In celebration of the first anniversary of the mass kidnapping in Iguala, the graffiti of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto was Droncta's first job, demanding his resignation. Ilay bilaogy dia nantsoina hoe Claro que NO! , tsilalaonteny Espanola ilazana ny hoe 'Mazava ho azy fa tsia', ary nilazalaza ny haratsian'ny tolotra sy ny haratsian'ny fandraisana an-tànana ireo mpanjifany ataon'ireo mpiasan'ny CLARO. The blog is called Claro que NO! , a play on words in Spanish meaning 'of course not,' and describes the bad service and worse treatment of customers by CLARO employees. The blog is called Claro que NO! , a phrase that says 'Of course not', and describes the bad service and poor treatment of its customers by CLARO workers. Toetra tsara toy inona no tadiavinao amin'ireo ray amandreny? What characteristics of good parents do you look for? What positive qualities do you look for toward your parents? Notanana noho ny "fihetsika jiolahim-boto" izy telo lahy avy eo ary nosaziana dimy andro an-tranomaizina. The three young men were then convicted of "hooliganism" and sentenced to five days behind bars. The three men were then detained for "paganism" and sentenced to five days in prison. Nakatona ho an'ny daholobe ilay kianja tamin'ny Janoary rehefa lasa toerana fototra ho an'ny fihetsiketsehana fanoherana ny governemanta. The park was closed to the public in January when it became the main site of protest actions against the government. The park was closed to the public in January after it became a key site for anti-government protests. Tena eo akaikinao. Next to you. It's just right next to you. Amin'izao fotoana anoratana izao, maherin'ny 6.000 no maty saingy mety mbola ho avo izany taha-pahafatesana izany satria mbola manohy manadio ireo faharavana any anatin'ireo vohitra maro ireo mpanao asa famonjena. As of this writing, more than 6,000 have died but the fatalities could be higher as relief workers continue to clean the debris in many villages. At the time of writing, more than 6,000 people have died but the death rate may still be high as rescue workers continue to clear up the damage in many villages. Jono amin'ny harato Net fishing Lemons in the Weeds Veloma ry solosaina finday, handeha haka an'ireo voromailala faniraka efa nofaniko ho amin'ity andro manjombona ity #Feb14 #Bahrain Bye bye laptop, off to grab those carrier pigeons I have been training for this dark day #Feb14 #Bahrain Congratulations laptops, go take the doves but I've trained them for this dark day #Feb14 #Bahrain Tsy tiana ho re ireo teny tsy mamitaka. Faithful words are unpleasant to hear . We do not want to hear words that are not misleading. Nilaza ny vondrona Fitia Voaozona fa te-hanohitra ny kolontsain'ny "fitiavana kapitalista" izy ireo amin'ny alalan'ny fanimbana "fampiarahan'ny mahafinaritry ny mpifankatia. The Damn Love group claimed that they wanted to resist the culture of 'love capitalism' by ruining the 'romantic atmosphere'. The Dirty Love Group says they want to challenge the culture of "gay love" by destroying "gay love relationships." Raha manan-janaka mila proteina isan'andro ianao, azonao rasina ny akoho ho solony . If you have children, who need to have proteins in their daily intake, then you can consider chicken as an alternative. If you have children who need to be kept every day, you can keep the chicken instead. Ny valinkafatr'ireo mpampiasa Twitter mikasika ny hetsiky ny #OurNASS dia mazava ho azy fa miovaova be. The reaction of Twitter users about the #OurNASS protests naturally varied. Twitter users' response to the #OurNASS campaign is obviously changing. Toa nahatsiaro niroboka lalina tanatina bilaogy tsy dia misy aingam-panahy aho raha nikaroka lahatsoratra tsara hatao, noho izany dia tsara ny nahalalako fa misy vohikala iray natokana hahatonga ny tontolon'ny bilaogy ho mora takatry ny vahoaka sy manampy azy ireo hahita ny zavatra tsara hovakiana. I felt like I was wading hip-deep through a lot of uninspired blog writing to find the good pieces, so it was great to learn that there was a site dedicated to making the blogosphere digestible to the public and helping them find what deserves to be read. I felt I was deeply involved in a less inspiring blog looking for a good article, so it was good to know that there is a website dedicated to making the blogosphere easy for the public to understand and help them find the good things to read. Petadrindrina Facebook miloko miresaka "salopety" (salopette) vao navoakan'i Darren Trinity Cheewah, artista Trinidadiana. A colourful, romper-related Facebook status update by Trinidadian artist Darren Trinity Cheewah. A colorful Facebook page about "salopette" (salopette) recently published by Argentinian artist the Trinity Cheewah. Misy fitaovana hafa izay ahafahan'ny jamba miaina ny traikefan'ny fanakòna-masoandro, toy ny sarintany azo tsapain-tànana sy ny boky, saingy heverina ho toy ny tranga hita maso ireny. Other tools exist to allow blind people to experience the eclipse, including tactile maps and books, but it's still understood largely as visual phenomena. There are other tools that allow blind people to experience the experience of eclipses, such as physical maps and books, but these are considered to be physical cases. Nandritra ny valan-dresaka hoan'ny mpanao gazety tamin'ny Talata, nanipika ny maha-zavadehibe ny fanohanana an'i Syria ny mpitondra tenin'ny Minisiteran'ny Raharaham-bahiny Marzieh Afkham, ary hijery akaiky ny ahiahian'i Iran mahakasika izany toe-draharaha izany. In a press conference on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham stressed the importance of supporting Syria, and pledging Iran's deep concern for the situation. At a press conference on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Marzieh Afkham stressed the importance of supporting Syria, and took a closer look at Iran's concern about the situation. Mety ho marina izany kanefa na izany aza, mety ho gaga ianao rehefa miditra ao amin'ny toeram-pivarotana fanafody nentim-paharazana ," hoy ny The View . Maybe right - however, when you go into a traditional medicine shop, you can be surprised," notes The View. This may be true however, you might be surprised when you enter a traditional medicine store," The View says. Mihodidina anay ireo polisy manampahefana sy ny fiaranà polisy. mbola mitsiky foana i Makarevich. Special ops police and police vans encircle us. Makarevich is smiling. Police and police cars surrounded us. Makarevich is still smiling. Nefa na izany aza, dia mbola mampijaly ny any amin'ny faritra ihany, mandroba tsy misy indra-fo izay tanàna lalovany ireo mpikomy taloha. Nevertheless, the ex-rebels continue to act ruthlessly in the region, looting and pillaging any town they pass through with impunity. However, the region continues to suffer, and the rebels in the past have been cremating unsatisfyed, which is the city where they are going through. Eny fa na dia ain'ny mpitolon'ny ISIS iray mampijaly ny hafa ho faty aza? Even the life of an ISIS militant who tortures others to death? Even the life of an ISIS fighter who tortures others to death? "Milisim-bahoaka ihany izahay ka!" Sarin'olon-tsy fantatra hita an-tserasera. "We are just a people's militia" Anonymous image found online. "We are just a crowd and!" Anonymous image found online. Libanona: Ny Sektarisma Sy Ireo Vondrona Mikatsaka Ny Fandriampahalemana Lebanon: Sectarianism and Peace Groups · Global Voices Lebanon: Sektarism and Organizations for Peace · Global Voices Sarinà lehlahy iray mikapa ondry eo alohan'ny fiaran'ilay minisitra no anombohan'ilay lahatsary, izay fomba fanao nentindrazana rehefa fotoam-piravoravoana. The video begins with a man slaughtering a sheep in front of the minister's car, which is traditionally done in times of celebration. The video starts with a picture of a man carrying a sheep in front of the minister's car, which is a traditional occasion of rejoicing. Ilay hira, mitondra lohateny hoe "Motion de Soutien" (fanehoana fanohanana), dia nantokany ho an'ny vahoaka Kameroney no sady valinkafatra iray tsy dia tsara pasoka loatra momba ireo "motions of support" avy amin'ireo mpanaradia ny antoko eo amin'ny fitondrana ao Kamerona, mangataka an'i Biya ,ilay lahiantitra efa 83 taona, hikatsaka fe-potoam-pitondrana iray vaovao hafa indray amin'ny 2018. The song, titled "Motion de Soutien" (Motion of Support), is dedicated to the Cameroonian people and is a not-so-subtle response to the recent flurry of "motions of support" from militants of Cameroon's ruling party asking the 83-year-old Biya to seek another presidential mandate in 2018. The song, titled "Motion de Soutien," dedicated itself to the Cameroonian people as well as a less well-registered response to the pro-supports of Cameroon's ruling party supporters, calling for Biya, the 83-year-old old man, to seek another term in 2018. Misy fanoherana midika zavatra tamin'ity tsy fananana porofo hita tamin'ity fanafihan'Isiraely ny vondron-tsambo. There have been significant reactions to the perceived lack of justification for Israeli aggression towards the flotilla. There is opposition to this lack of evidence in Israel's attack on ships. Tsy misy intsony ny afomanga amin'ny 6am, ny fandehandehanana bisikileta, kamiao mitondra tanora mitsinjantsinjaka. No more 6am fireworks, revving bikes, trucks of excited teens. There are no more fireworks in 6am, bikes, trucks carrying young people on the ground. Ity sarimihetsika faharoa ity dia natao ho fanandramana ny fitsarana ny zava-nitranga nanomboka tamin'ny famonoana. This second film was commissioned as an attempt to judge what had happened since the massacre. This second film is meant to test the trial of what has happened since the murder. Nanoratra lahatsoratra mahatsikaiky i Anthony ElGossain, bilaogera ao amin'ny "NOW Lebanon," nomeny lohateny hoe "Ry Mpiray Tanindrazana Malala: Firariantsoa Avy Amin'ny Kabinetra Vaovao Eto Libanona," ka tao anatin'izany no nanoratany taratasy iray tsy tena izy avy amin'ireo politisiana. NOW Lebanon blogger Anthony ElGossain wrote a satirical piece entitled "Dear Citizen: Best Wishes from Lebanon's New Cabinet" in which he writes a fictional letter written by politicians. Anthony ElGossain, a blogger at "NOW Lebanon," wrote a humorous post entitled "My Dear Friend: Welcome from Lebanon's New Cabinet," in which he wrote a fake letter from politicians. Ankoatra izany, voka-pifidianana diso no navoakan'ny lahatsoratra. In addition, the story even got the final results wrong. Moreover, the article published false results. Tao anatin'ny andro vitsy, nifampitifitra tao amin'ny sisintany ireo firenena roa mpifanolo-bodirindrina ireo, ka sivily 17 no namoy ny ainy ary an'arivony ireo nandositra ny faritra. Over the past few days, the two neighbors have exchanged gunfire at the border, killing 17 civilians and causing thousands more to flee the area. In recent days, two neighboring countries were shooting at the border, leaving 17 civilians dead and thousands fleeing the area. Kiobà: Naneho Hevitra Momba Ny Fahafatesanà Mpitokona Tsy Hihinan-kanina Ireo Mpitoraka Bilaogy Cuba: Bloggers React to Death of Hunger Striker · Global Voices Cuba: Bloggers React to the Death of Hunger Strikers · Global Voices Ny sasany amin'ireny karatra paostaly ireny no manasongadina an'i Vietam tamin'ny vanimpotoana nifehzan'ny Frantsay mpanjanaka azy tany ampiandohan'ny taona 1900. Some of these postcards featured Vietnam during the French colonial rule in the early 1900s. Some of these postcards feature Vietam during the French colonial period of the early 1900s. Niditra lalina ihany koa amin'ny petrakevitra ara-javakanton'i Deleuze ihany koa i Uçkan, petrakevitra nampiarahany tamin'ny fitomboan'ny fankamamiany taty aoriana ny resaka kolontsaintserasera. Uçkan was well versed in Deleuzian art theory, which he combined with his later growing interest in cybercultural issues. Uçkan has also been deeply involved in Deleuze's artistic theory, which has contributed to his later growing interest in online culture. nivadika zavatra hafa ny #M7Challenge. #M7Challenge has taken up another twist... - Ayella (@AyellaBryanLama) July 13, 2016 #M7Challenge has become something different. Palestina: Fifaninanana "Lahatsoratra Bilaogy Palestiniana100″ Palestine: Launch of "100 Palestinian Blog Posts" Competition · Global Voices Palestine: "100 Palestinian Blogs" Award · Global Voices Ao amin'ny Green Oasis, Ba7rani87 manoratra hoe: حرِّكوا السنتُكـم ايجاباً كما تُحركوها دوماً نحو السلب، تستحق هذه الصفحة ان نفتحها ونتوقف عندها وهلةً من الزمان، رُبما تكون عِبرَةً يتمناها المستقبل له . بعيداً عن رأي بعض المؤمنين الا ان رأياً ثابتـاً جاء هذا العام، عوضاً عن كل عام 3 آراء ليتقلص هذا العام الى رأيان، ثم ان هذان الرأيان هُمـا مفاصِل الأمـة تقريباً . At Green Oasis, Ba7rani87 writes: اعترفوا يا أمة الخير بالذي حدث، بل اثنوا عليه ثناءً كما كنتم تفعلونـه عكسـه سنوياً كالامتهان والطعن فيهم، اعترفوا بالحق واشكروا الله ثم اشكروهم على هذا الموقف . حرِّكوا السنتُكـم ايجاباً كما تُحركوها دوماً نحو السلب، تستحق هذه الصفحة ان نفتحها ونتوقف عندها وهلةً من الزمان، رُبما تكون عِبرَةً يتمناها المستقبل له . بعيداً عن رأي بعض المؤمنين الا ان رأياً ثابتـاً جاء هذا العام، عوضاً عن كل عام 3 آراء ليتقلص هذا العام الى رأيان، ثم ان هذان الرأيان هُمـا مفاصِل الأمـة تقريباً . On Green Oasis, Ba7rani87 writes: حرtheكوا السنت 8 Desambra: endrika ahafantarana ny fanitsakitsahana tsy ahoan-tsy ahoana ny zon'olombelona fanaon'ny mpitandro filaminana ao Papoazia, any amin'ny farany atsinanan'ny vondron-nosy ao Indonezia. The December 8 shootings are emblematic of the routine human rights abuses that security forces carry out with impunity in Papua, in the extreme eastern of the Indonesian archipelago. December 8: A symbol of the human rights violations committed by the Papuan police at the eastern end of Indonesia's islands. Hitahy anao anie ny Tompo. God be with you. May Jehovah bless you. Tsy nanontany antsika izy ireo raha nanova lalàna miisa dimy tamin'ny lohataona lasa teo, 'ndeha hanontaniantsika azy ireo izao! They didn't ask us when they decided to change five laws last summer, let us ask them now! They didn't ask us if they changed five laws last spring, let's ask them now! Voafandrika ao anatin'ny ranomodin'ny famoronana fahavalo sy tahotra ry zareo ary nandà tsy nety hihavana . They are trapped in this vicious circle of creating of enemy and fear as they refuse to reconcile . They were trapped in the waters of the creation of enemies and fear and refused to make peace. Manohitra ny "extremisme" sy ny "fanatisme" no vahaolana. The solution is in opposing extremism and fanaticism. The solution is against extremism and extremism. Ny zazavavy iharan'ny fampanambadiana aloha loatra dia miaritra oalana ara-pahasalamàna ary iharan'ny herisetra an-tokantrano. The girls subject to an early marriage suffer from health concerns and are subject to domestic violence. Girls who are victims of early marriage suffer from sexual abuse and are victims of domestic violence. Miarahaba, mpiasan'ny Firenena Mikambana misahana ny zon'olombelona aho taloha ka nirahina hitandro ny fandriampahalemana ary efa niasa tany Rwanda ihany koa, firenena izay nahaliana ahy tokoa hatramin'ny nisian'ny fandripaham-bahoaka tamin'ny 1994. Hello, I am an ex-United Nations Human Rights Officer who served during, among others, the peace-keeping missions and also worked in Rwanda, a country which I have been really interested in since the 1994 genocide. Hi, I was once a UN human rights worker who was sent to defend peace and also worked in Rwanda, a country that has been very interesting to me since the 1994 genocide. Pradip Upreti, eo afovoany, manangona talantalana ao amin'ny Erie, magazay Pennsylvania, UK Supermarket. Pradip Upreti, center, stocks shelves in his Erie, Pennsylvania store, UK Supermarket. Pradip Upreti, in the middle, collects a creole in the Marathon, Pennsylvania store, UK Supermarket. Annie Payep avy any Kamerona, Ameyaw avy any Ghana, Alexandre Lette sy NK Thiat avy ao Senegaly no manentana ny atrikasa momba ny " Politika manao ahona mba hahazoana votoaty tsara kalitao ? " Whilst Annie Payep from Cameroon, Ameyaw from Ghana, and Alexandre Lette and NK Thiat from Senegal led a workshop on "Ensuring quality content." Annie Payep from Cameroon, Ameyaw from Ghana, Alexander Lett and NK Thiat from Senegal are promoting a workshop on "politicalism in order to get quality content?" Afaka mijery sarin'ny tsena mitsingevan'ny goavy maromaro kokoa ianao ato. You can find more pictures of this floating guava market here. You can see more photos of the market's floating markets here. Elias Munshya, Zambiana bilaogera sady mpisolovava monina ao Canada, nisioka hoe: Elias Munshya, a Zambian blogger and lawyer based in Canada, tweeted: #MuviTV isn't an independent TV spreading unbiased news. Elias Munshya, a Zambian blogger and lawyer based in Canada, tweeted: Tsy maintsy nitarika fahatezerana teo amin'ireo milisin'ny "DNR" anefa izany. Inevitably, this drew the ire of the "DNR" militants. This, however, had to lead to anger among "DNR" militias. Minisitra Lefitry ny Hasambarana Faratampon'ny blah blah blah blah blah (a.k.a. fitantanan-draharaha katsetsitra) Vice Ministry for the supreme happiness of the blah blah blah blah blah (a.k.a. Parasite bureaucracy) Deputy minister of blah blah blah blah blah (a.k.a. administration) Nandrisika ny fikambanana iraisam-pirenena ihany koa izy mba hihetsika satria mitondra fahavoazana manoloana ny tolona ny fahanginana: She also urged the global community to act as being silent is harmful to the cause: He also urged the international community to act as silence brings harm to the cause: Tompon'andraikitra amin'ny vono olona, izay atahorana ataon'ny fitondrana ao amin'ny fonja ny fiarahamonina iraisam-pirenena sy ny fikambanana mpiaro ny zon'olombelona. We hold the international community and human rights organizations responsible for the massacre, which is expected to be committed in the prison by the regime. International communities and human rights organizations are responsible for the killings, which are threatened by the prison authorities. Nahitana mpandray anjara avy amin'ny mpianatry ny lisea ao Winneba, ny sendikà ao an-toerana misahana ny olona sembana ara-batana ao Winneba sy ireo olona hafa manana kilema, mpianatra eny amin'ny Sekoly Ambony manofana mpanabe, Winneba, ary ny ONG tahaka ny Plan Ghana ary ny olon-drehetra amin'ny ankapobeny ny fitokanana azy miaraka tamin'ny lohahevitra hoe Fandrisihana ny Fandraisana Anjaran'ny Tanora Mahara-Baovao mandritra ny fifidianana taona 2012. The launch which was under the theme Encouraging Informed Youth Participation in the 2012 Elections saw participants from Senior High Schools within Winneba, the local union for the physically challenged in Winneba as well as other physically challenged people, students from University of Education, Winneba, NGOs such as Plan Ghana and the general public. The inauguration included participants from high school students in Winneba, the local sex union in Winneba, and others with disabilities, students at the High School of Teachers, Winneba, and NGOs such as Plan Ghana and the general public in general with the theme Strengthening Youth Access to Information during the 2012 elections. Mitondra karazan-doko maro ny volan'ny mihitsan-dravina Oktobra sy Novambra rehefa miendaka eny amin'ny ravin-kazo ny loko maitso. The autumn months of October and November bring on quite a spectrum of colors as the leaves on the trees lose their green. The moon for the fall of October and November brings many colors when greens take off the leaves. Mihoatra noho ny horonantsary izay mampiseho ny harenan-dranomasin'i Loham-Borona ny "Vatoharan'i Valen." "Valen's Reef" is more than just a film showcasing the marine treasures of Bird's Head. " Valen's Son" is more than a film that shows the sea's richness. Tonga ny fotoana tokony hametrahana foibe fanarahana ara-tsaina. It is time to set up psychological centres. The time has come to set up a psychological follow-up center. Sary nampindramin'i Tom Chladek Photo courtesy Tom Chladek Photo courtesy of Tom Chladek Tsy sahinay kosa ny nanontany azy hoe ahoana indray ary no handaniany ny vola azony. We did not dare ask him what he spends his money on. Instead, we did not dare to ask him how and how he spent the money. Tamin'izany fotoana izany dia nandefa tatitra tany amin'ny mpamatsy vola azy tany New York ilay orinasa - ny 25,4 amin'ny anjarany dia nifampiraharahana tamin'ny tsenam-bola tao New York - nampitandrina mialoha ny mety hisy haintany amin'ny Aprily 2014 ary mety hisy fiantraikany amin'ny fitantanam-bolany izany. At that time, the company had sent a report to its investors in New York - it has 25.4 percent of its shares negotiated at the New York Stock Exchange - warning that a drought predicted for April 2014 might impact its finances. At the time, the company sent a report to its donors in New York - 254 of which had been in negotiations with the New York financial market - warning of a drought in April 2014 that could affect its finance. Nandritra izany, Mpanao matoan-dahatsoratra Ejyptiana Mona El Tahawi nahita ny famonoana an'i Ben Laden tahaka ny fanarenana ny hadisoana izay efa tamin'ny 31 taona lasa. Meanwhile, Egyptian columnist Mona El Tahawi sees the killing of Bin Laden as a mistake which took 31 years to rectify. Meanwhile, Egyptian columnist Mona El Tahawi saw Bin Laden's murder as a recovery of an error that has been taking place 31 years ago. Na izany aza, maro no milaza fa tsy afaka (ary tsy hanao) fifandraisana amin'ny teny "Anglisy mahazatra" ny ankamaroan'ny Jamaikana - izay midika fa ny Patoà no teny voalohany ho an'ny maro amin'ny olom-pireneny, ary somary lavidavitra faharoa avy eo ny teny Anglisy. Yet, many argue that most Jamaicans cannot (and do not!) communicate in "standard English" - which would mean that Patois is the de facto first language for many of its citizens, with English coming in a fairly distant second. However, many argue that the majority of Jamaicans cannot (and won't) communicate with the word "The mainstream police" - which means that Patoà is the first language for many of its citizens, and then English is a second language. Tamin'ireo tranga roa ireo, feno fanamelohana ny fihetsik'ireo reny ny sehatra fiadiana hevitra, fizarana fanehoankevitra amin'ny tranonkalam-baovao, sy ny media sosialy: In both cases, forums, comment sections on news websites, and social media were filled with condemnation of the mothers' actions: In both cases, the forum was filled with condemnations of mothers' behavior, sharing comments on news websites, and social media: Niainga tao amin'ny Place de la République ka namonjy ny Ministeran'ny Raharaham-Bahiny Frantsay ireo mpanao fihetsiketsehana, nandalo ny 51 rue de l'Université, izay misy tranobe mitentina 140 tapitrisa Euro an'ingahy Ali Bongo Ondimba (filoha Gabone amin'izao fotoana). Protesters left from Place de la République and headed to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, via 51 rue de l'Université, where Ali Bongo Ondimba (current official Gabonese president) owns a 140 million Euro mansion. From Place de la the Republic to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, protesters passed 51 rue de l'Obeé, which has 140 million euros worth of building by Aliwho Ondimba (now Gabone President). Mitaky izahay ny hanovana ny fanapaha-kevitra ary mba toeram-pambolena eto an-toerana no asolo hofidiana, amin'ny fampiasana ny fepetran'ny faharetana sy ny rariny ara-tsosialy. We demand that the decision be changed and that in its place a local farm is chosen, using the criteria of sustainability and social justice. We demand that the decision change and that local farms be replaced, using the conditions of patience and social justice. Ity ahitra ity izao dia mitsiry eny rehetra eny ao Bhutan ary atao sakafon-kisoa. This weed grows wild in Bhutan and they feed it to pigs. This grass now grows everywhere in Bhutan and is served as a food for pigs. Ity ny lahatsary misy tonony teny anglisy ity: Here is the video with English subtitles: Here is a video with English lyrics: " Manan-jo hànana fotodrafitrasa tahaka izany koa izy ireo. "They also have the right to this infrastructure. "They also have the right to have similar infrastructure. Tamin'ity taona ity, marobe no nandà ny fanapahan-kevitry ny governemanta hanemotra ny taona handehanana misotro ronono izay 60 ho lasa 65 taona mba hanentsenana ilay fahabangana ara-bola. This year, many opposed the government's decision to postpone the retirement age from 60 to 65 in order to fill the financial gap. This year, many rejected the government's decision to delay retirement age from 60 to 65 to meet the financial gap. Tendrombohitra Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Orinasa 75 eo ho eo no miasa ao amin'ny sehatra fitrandrahana any Kambojia, ao anatin'izany ireo mpandraharaha iraisam-pirenena malaza toa an-dry Chevron sy BHP Billiton. So far over 75 companies are working in Cambodia's extractive sectors, including some internationally known operators such as Chevron and BHP Billiton. About 75 companies work in Cambodia's mining sector, including well-known international entrepreneurs such as Chevron and BHP Billiton. Ny Blog Action Day dia hetsika fanao isan-taona izay iarahan'ireo mpitoraka bilaogy eran-tany manoratra mikasika olana iray ao anatin'ny andro iray. Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. Blog Action Day is an annual event in which bloggers around the world write about one issue within a day. Matetika nahazo ny tranonkala reformista, tahaka ireo manana fifandraisana amin'ny Hetsika Maitso sy ny mpitarika azy, ny sivana. Targets of filtering have often been reformist websites, such as those associated with the Green Movement and its leaders. Censorship has often received reformist websites, such as those related to the Green Movement and its leaders. Anatin'ilay taratasy, milaza izy ireo fa mitàna ireo manam-pahefana ho tompon'andraikitra amin'ny fahasalamany ara-batana. In the letter, they say they hold the authorities responsible his physical well-being. In the letter, they say the authorities are responsible for their physical health. Mahita Ny Dian-tànan'i Shina Amin'ireo Korontana Rehetra Ao Amin'ny Sampampahefàna Miady amin'ny Kolikolin'i Hong Kong Ireo Mpitsikera Critics See China's Fingerprints All Over the Turmoil at Hong Kong's Anti-Corruption Authority · Global Voices Advocates See China's Hands on All Hong Kong's Conflicts · Global Voices Tsy milaza na inona na inona momba ny fizakàmanana izany. That's to say nothing about the copyright implications. This does not say anything about copyright. Izany no mahatonga ny Tamil Nadu ho iray amin'ireo firenena lohalaharana amin'ny lozam-pifamoivoizana mifandraika amin'ny fisotroana zava-pisotro misy alikaola. It made Tamil Nadu one of the top states in the country for alcohol-related road accidents. That's why Tamil Nadu is one of the leading countries in traffic accidents related to alcohol consumption. Nalain-dratovovavy tamim-pitandremana fatratra io, naka lamba famaohana izy hikosehany ilay vy boriborikely hamirapiratra. The young lady picked it up very carefully, whipped out a piece of tissue and polished the little disc to a shine. It was a young girl who was very careful, taking a piece of clothes for her to wear the light iron. Mba hanintonana ny fifantohan'izao tontolo izao hitodika any amin'ny fihetsiketsehana, dia nandika izao hafatra manaraka izao amin'ny teny 31 samihafa ao amin'ny mombamomba azy ao amin'ny Facebook ny mpikatroka mpianatra Yeh Jiunn Tyn: To draw the world's attention to the protest, student activist Yeh Jiunn Tyng translated the following message into 31 different languages on his Facebook profile: To draw global attention to the protests, student activist Yeh Jiunn Tyn translated the following message in 31 different languages on his Facebook profile: Sary amin'ny rindrina any Rafah, ny Lemak'i Gaza ao anatin'ny foto-kevitra fiverenana an-tanindrazana ho an " ireo Palestiniana nitsoa-ponenana. Mural in Rafah, Gaza Strip on theme of Palestinian refugees returning to their homes. A mural in Rafah, the Gaza Strip in the concept of returning home to "Palestinian Palestinians." Na izany aza, lahatsoratra iray vao haingana tao amin'ny Daily Star no mamoitra fa ny fandikàna lalàna no làlana misy eny amin'ireo lalambe migodàna. However, a recent article in the Daily Star reveals that breaking rules is the rule of the highways. However, a recent Daily Star article argues that breaking the law is the way on the highways. Androany, miatrika ny fiampangana azy ho niditra tsy nahazo alàlana tao amin'ilay firenena izy ary toy izay ihany koa i Arafat izay voampanga ho nanampy azy hanatanteraka izany, na dia ora sivy taorian-dravehivavy aza izy vao niampita ny sisintany. Today, she faces charges for entering the country illegally and so does Arafat, who is charged with assisting her do so, although he crossed the border nine hours after her. Today, she faces charges of entering the country without permission and so is Arafat who is accused of helping her to do so, even though she goes through the border nine hours after her husband. Vaviantitra iray manahy ny amin'ny haha-olona tsy manan-kialofana ny reniny. The old lady is worried that her mother will become homeless. Her mother is an elderly woman worried about being homeless. Iza no efa naiditra hopitaly tamin'ireo sisa velona? Who has been hospitalized among the survivors? Who has been hospitalized to the survivors? Vao haingana, raha toa ka nandetika ny sambon'ny Sinoa ny Rosiana ary milaza I Filipina fa manjaka ao amin'ireo nosy ao amin'ny ranomasina atsimo, dia mivoy hatrany ny fampahatsahivana ny lalan'I Mao mikasika ny tanam-by vahiny ireo vahoaka. Recently, as Russia sank a Chinese ship and Philippine claims sovereignty over islands at south sea, people grow more reminiscent of Mao's iron-hand foreign policies. Recently, while the Russians were giving over to Chinese ships and the Philippines says that people are ruling on the islands of the southern sea, the roads of Mao on foreign palms are still on the rise. Ny talata 5 septambra, nifidy ny hampiato ny asany ireo solombavambahoaka mandra-pahatongan'ny tatitra feno momba ny famonoan'olona avy any amin'ny Minisitry ny Raharaha Anatiny sy ny manampahefana misahana ny filaminana anatiny Niseho ity toro-làlana ity noho ny fihotsahan'ny tany tao atsinanan'i Oganda sy ny tondradrano tany amin'ny faritra Avaratra mba hisarihana ny sain'ny Parlemanta. On Tuesday, September 5, parliamentarians voted to suspend activities until the Minister of Internal Affairs and internal security officials come up with a comprehensive report on the murders. This directive comes on the heels of landslides in Eastern Uganda and floods in the North competing for attention from the Parliament. On Tuesday, September 5, MPs voted to stop their jobs until the full report of the killings from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal security officials appeared as a result of landslides in eastern Uganda and floods in the northern region to draw the attention of Parliament. Japàna: Ilay Andro Tsy iantsenàna Japan: Buy Nothing Day · Global Voices Japan: The Day of No Sex · Global Voices Ela Stapley, mpandika lahatsoratry ny Global Voices, dia nanamarika ny fandrakofan'i Paulina ny firehetan'ny fonja tao Chile: "Tiako ity lahatsoratra ity noho izy miresaka indrindra ny olona izay inian'ny fiarahamonina hadinoina. Ela Stapley, a translator for Global Voices, mentioned Paulina's coverage of a prison fire in Chile: "I liked this post by her mainly because it dealt with people that society prefers to forget. Elo Stapley, Global Voices translator, noted Paulina's coverage of Chile's prison fire: "I love this post because she talks mainly about people whose society has forgotten. Manana sisintany mirefy 3715 km miaraka amin'i India i Bangladesh. Bangladesh has a 3,715 km long land border with India along its three sides. Bangladesh has 3715 km border with India. Nanohy nandihy, nihira sy nanao rap foana i Al-Jaf na izany aza. Al-Jaf kept dancing, singing and rapping anyway. Al-Jaf continued dancing, singing and rap, however. Manohy ny famoretana falalaham-pitenenana ao amin'ny Morondrano Andrefana ny Manampahefana Palestiniana (PA), nisambotra ilay mpikatroky ny zon'olombelona Palestiniana malaza Issa Amro izy ireo tamin'ity indray mitoraka ity noho ny fanakianana fisamborana ny mpanao gazety iray tao amin'ny lahatsoratra Facebook iray. The Palestinian Authority (PA) is continuing its crackdown on free speech in the West Bank, this time arresting prominent Palestinian human rights activist Issa Amro for criticizing a journalist's arrest in a Facebook post. The Palestinian Authority continues its crackdown on freedom of expression in the West Bank, this time arresting prominent Palestinian human rights activist Issa Amro for criticizing the arrest of a journalist in a Facebook post. Ireto ny sasantsasany amin'ireo torohevitra ho an'ireo dilaomatin'ny UN manaraka eo izay mihevitra ny hanadrana & hamaha ny olan'ny Yemenita: aty Yemen, ny Herisetra no mamelona Here are some tips for the next UN diplomat who wants to try & fix things for Yemenis: In Yemen, Violence Pays. - Haykal Bafana (@BaFana3) February 6, 2015 Here are some tips for the next UN bodies that intend to solve & solve Yemen's problems: In Yemen, violence sustains Seho fahatelo: Ramatoa: Aleo hifampisasahana ny lany. Scenario three: Woman: Let's go Dutch. Third show: Woman: Let's talk about the costs. Araka an'i Nikitinsky, tena nampidi-doza ny fanaovana gazety Rosiana aza ny fihenan'ny fampindramambola ary ny fitomboan'ny famatsiambola mivantana avy amin'ireo fikambanana tantanan'ny governemanta: According to Nikitinsky, the decline of loans and the rise of direct funding from government-controlled institutions has been disastrous for Russian journalism: According to Nikitinsky, the decline in loans has even put Russia's press at risk and increased direct funding from government-run organizations: Ity ny zava-niseho tamin'io fotoan-dehibe io izay nahazendana ny tany Filipina, Hong Kong ary izao tontolo izao. Here is the timeline of events which stunned the Philippines, Hong Kong, and the world. This is what took place at this crucial moment in the Philippines, Hong Kong and the rest of the world. Nilaza ny sasany fa miangatra sady tsy manana traikefa ny mpitsara rehefa manome ireo salan'isa ny mpifaninana. Some say that the juries are biased and inexperienced when giving marks to the contestants. Some say that the judge is unfair and inexperienced when the candidate gives the majority. Namorona ekipan'olom-pirenena mpanao fanadihadiana izy ary nitaky ny hamoahan'ny polisin'ny lalamby ny horonantsary tamin'ny fakantsary fanaraha-maso ao amin'ilay fiantsonana mba ho hitam-bahoaka. He formed a citizen investigation team and demanded that railway police release station surveillance camera footage to the public. He created an investigative team and demanded that railway police release the video from the station's surveillance camera to be public. Neken'ny governemanta fa vahaolana "farany, tsy azo ivalozana" amin'ireo olana no entin'ilay fifanarahana raha mbola eken'ny fitondrana japoney koa ny handray an-tànana maharitra sy matotra izany amin'ny manaraka. The government concurred that this Agreement represents a "final, irreversible" settlement of the issues, as long as the Japanese government is committed to the due diligence in the future. The government acknowledged that the deal is a "last, impossible" solution to the problems as long as the Japanese government agrees to take full and serious action in the future. Matetika ny media frantsay no mampibaribary ny tsy fanajàna ireo fanomezan-toky sy ny fifanarahana vaovao nomena ny Francafrique. The French media regularly expose the broken promises and the new lease on life given to Francafrique. French media often reveal a lack of respect for the promises and new agreements made by the Francafique. Nividy fiara ho amin'ny fanolora-tena bebe kokoa aza izy. He even bought a van for the endeavor. He even bought a car for more dedication. Manohy mitaky amin'ny manam-pahefana, indrindra ny Minisiteran'ny Asa sy ny Politika ara-tsosialy ary ny Tanànan'i Skopje ny Fikambanan'ny Firaisamonim-pirenena fa tokony hanome trano ho an'ireo olona tsy manan-kialofana izy ireo alohan'ny hahatongavan'ny volan'ny hatsiaka izay mety hanampy trotraka ny fari-piainan'izy ireo efa ratsy. Civil society organizations continue to demand that authorities, primarily the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the City of Skopje, provide shelter for the homeless before the cold months add exposure to their already rudimentary living conditions. The National Unity Association continues to ask authorities, especially the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the City of Skopje, that they should provide housing for homeless people before the cold money comes and may help make their living conditions worse. Hazalambo tsy nisy farany nataon'ny governemanta matanjaka tsy afaka nahitàna na heloka iray aza tamin'ny #FreeZone9Bloggers satria ho fanombohana azy dia tsy nanan-tsiny izy ireo. An endless witch-hunt by a powerful gov't couldn't find a single crime in #FreeZone9Bloggers because they were innocent to begin with. This post is part of our special coverage #Occupy Worldwide Ny sampan-draharaha ao amin'ny governemanta no mpanaotao foana mandany vola tsy misy fanaraha-maso tahaka izany. Government agencies are the wrongdoers that spend money without monitoring the use. Government agencies always spend money without such oversight. Nilaza kosa anefa ny mpanabe, fa ahitana fandrosoana amin'ny tolona ho fiarovana ny zon'olombelona sy ny taona maro nanandratan'ireo hetsika sosialy isan-karazany feo ilay fandaharam-pianarana. Educators, however, say the new curriculum represents progress in the struggle for human rights, as well as years of advocacy work by various social movements. The teacher says, however, that the program includes progress in the fight for human rights and the years that various social movements have played a role in the development of the program. Fotoana izao ho an'ny Parlemanta hanaovana #fitsipaham-pitokisana an'i #Zuma It's now time for Parliament to #impeachzuma - Russel Brueton (@RusselBrueton) April 1, 2016 It's time for Parliament to #No to trust #Zuma Nilaza ahy ireo fianakaviako mba hijanona amin'ny fikatrohako aho ary nilaza ihany koa izy ireo fa tsy hiala amiko raha misy zavatra mihatra amin'izy ireo. "My family has told me to stop and they say they will not forgive me if something happens to them. My family told me to stay in my activism and they also said they would not leave me if something happened to them. Nametraka fitarainana tao amin'ny Boriborintany fahasivy ihany koa ireo polisy ireo. Police officers have also filed a report in the Ninth Precinct. The police also filed a complaint in the ninth Border. Sarintany Wikipedia faritry ny sisintany eo anelanelan'i Maraoka sy Espaina - Wikipedia Map of the border zone between Morocco and Spain - Wikipedia Wikipedia map of border between Morocco and Spain - Wikipedia Tsy filohako ny filoha hosoka. Fraud president is not my president. The fake president is not my president. "manenjika ireo namana izay raha tsy amin'io dia sahirana mandritry ny taona tsy afaka hijanona sy hitafa, na fanoratana, fanaovana fanazarantena, na zavatra maro samihafa nahemotro satria aho sahirana." "catching up with friends who are otherwise too busy in the course of the year to stop and chat, or writing, exercising, or any number of things I put off because I'm too busy." "The friends I'm going to go through are too busy for a year when I can't stay and sleep, write, exercise, or different things because I'm busy." Tsy mbola mazava ny antsipirihany momba ilay fanafihana. Details about how the attack took place are unclear. The details of the attack remain unclear. Ao Bamako, ampiasaina ho fitaterana entana izy. In Bamako, they are used to transport baggage. It's used to transport goods in the country. Miatrika loza mitataon'ny mety ho fahafonganan'ny ala amin'ny ankapobeny, tonga amin'ny haavo izay hisian'ny fiantraikan'izany amin'ny tontolo iainan'ny tany manontolo mihitsy i Rosia amin'izao fotoana izao, araka ny filazan'i Vitishko. According to Vitishko, Russia now faced the threat of deforestation on a massive scale, to the degree that the entire planet's environment will be affected. Russia is currently facing a threat to deforestation in general, reaching a level where it will affect the entire planet's environment, according to Vitishko.