Batu ba bañata ba itutile niti hamulaho wa ku zwa mwa sibaka mo ba pepezwi. Many people have learned the truth after moving away from the place of their birth. Many have learned the truth after their birth. (b) Paulusi n'a itumbile cwañi "kabakala Mulimu "? (b) How was it that Paul boasted "for God "? (b) How did Paul show himself "on account of God "? Ku itumelela mafosisa ku tokwa ku ba ni buikokobezo, mi busepahali bu ka lu tusa ku amuhela nyazo ka nako kaufela ye lu eza mafosisa. To admit a mistake takes humility, and honesty will help us to accept the blame whenever we make a mistake. It takes humility to admit mistakes, and loyalty will help us to accept reproof whenever we make mistakes. Ka mo ku bonahalela fela, Zerubabele, mubusisi wa Jerusalema, ni muprisita yo mutuna Joshua * ne b'a ngile muhato mi ka bundume ba susueza batu kaufela ku "utwa linzwi la [Muñ'a Bupilo] Mulimu wa bona, ka manzwi a mupolofita Hagai, mwa n'a lumezwi ki [Muñ'a Bupilo] Mulimu wa bona; mi sicaba sa saba [Muñ'a Bupilo]. " Evidently, Zerubbabel, the governor of Jerusalem, and high priest Joshua * responded and valiantly encouraged all the people "to listen to the voice of Jehovah their God, and to the words of Haggai the prophet, as Jehovah their God had sent him; and the people began to fear because of Jehovah. " Evidently, Zerubbabel, governor of Jerusalem, and High Priest Joshua * took action and courageously urged all to "keep listening to the voice of Jehovah their God by the words of Haggai the prophet, just as Jehovah their God had sent him, and the people began to fear Jehovah. " Ka ku ba batu ba ba si ka petahala, lu kona ku kenelwa ki muliko wa ku eza "misebezi ya nama. " Being imperfect, we may be tempted to engage in "the works of the flesh. " As imperfect humans, we may be tempted to engage in "the works of the flesh. " 16, 17. 16, 17. 16, 17. Paulusi naa konile ku eza cwalo kakuli naa lata ku zamaiswa ki "litaba ze pilisa. " Paul succeeded because he allowed himself to be guided by "healthful words. " Paul was able to do so because he was willing to be guided by "the healthful words. " Seo si ni lemusize ka m'o balikani ba silifasi ba bezi ba ba s'a tokwahali. " It has made me realize how unnecessary worldly friends are. " This has warned me how unnecessary worldly friends are. " Ku itiisa mwa manyando ni ku tula miliko ne ku tusize Paulusi kuli a tundamene ku sepahala ku Jehova. Enduring persecution and overcoming trials strengthened Paul's determination to stay faithful to Jehovah. Endurance under tribulation and resisting temptation helped Paul to remain faithful to Jehovah. Ki kabakalañi Jehova ha si ka tanyela kale muinelo wa linto wa Satani? Why has Jehovah not yet removed Satan's system of things? Why has Jehovah not yet destroyed Satan's system of things? Keleke ya Katolika wa Roma kwa nalulelule ni yona ya eza cwalo. The Roman Catholic Church eventually followed suit. The Roman Catholic Church eventually did likewise. Saule ha naa tuzi Maamaleke mwa ndwa, naa isize hahulu pilu kwa litakazo za hae ku fita ku utwa Jehova. When he defeated the Amalekites in battle, he put his own desires ahead of obedience to Jehovah. When Saul defeated the Amalekites in battle, he focused on his own desires rather than on Jehovah. Ki mañi ya n'a ka ba ni mayemo a ' zwile mubano ka ku fitisisa mwa ku bonisa liseli la Jehova, mi Simioni n'a mu zibahalize cwañi? Who would be most prominent in reflecting Jehovah's light, and how did Simeon identify him? Who would have been the most outstanding figure in reflecting Jehovah's light, and how did Simeon make him known? Nihakulicwalo, Jesu na sa ba hanyaukelangi kamba ku ba shubula; mi hape na sa bonisi kuli na sa ba lati kamba kuli ne ba sa koni ku peta za naa ba luta. Still, Jesus did not berate or humiliate them, nor did he make them feel unloved or incapable of carrying out what he was teaching them to do. However, Jesus did not speak abusively or despise them; neither did he show that he neither loved them nor that they could fully carry out what he taught them. Kacwalo, sina Nuwe, lu zamaya ni Mulimu. Hence, like Noah, we walk with God. Like Noah, therefore, we walk with God. Ba ba ka shemaeta ndwa ye ki "malena ba lifasi kamukana, " ili bona baeteleli ba lifasi. The aggressors in this conflict are "the kings of the entire inhabited earth, " the world's leaders. Those who oppose this war are "the kings of the entire inhabited earth, " the world's leaders. Mu bate mu mane, ha mu na ku li fumana. Search though you may, you cannot find them. Look for him, and you will not find them. Hanikutelanga kwa ndu, hanibangi ni nako ya kunahana hahulu za butata bonikopana ni bona. When I get home, I don't have time to focus on myself. When I go home, I don't have time to think seriously about the problem. Mutu ya tundamezi nto ye ñwi u isa pilu ya hae kaufela kwa nto yeo mi ha yaululwi kamba ku zwafa ha nze a i ndongwama. A dedicated person is one who is totally focused on an objective and is not easily distracted or discouraged from pursuing that objective. A person who insist on something focuses his heart on this matter and is not discouraged or discouraged while pursuing it. Nesi nto yebunolo kueza cwalo, kono Jehova naanitusize. It was not easy, but Jehovah gave me the strength. It was not easy, but Jehovah helped me. Batu ba bañata mwa lifasi kaufela se ba ikutwile ku yubekwa ki Mulimu ha ba li mwa butokwi. Countless people throughout the world have felt abandoned by God during times of need. Many people around the world have felt abandoned by God when they are in need. Linzwi la Sigerike teñi fa le li tolokilwe ku tokwa "tuso " hape li talusa" nto ye sa tusi se siñwi, ye mukungulu, ye si na siselo, ya mbango, ye si na m'ata, ye si na niti. " The Greek word here translated "futile " also means" idle, empty, fruitless, useless, powerless, lacking truth. " The Greek word here translated "in vain " also means" in vain, in vain, in vain, in vain, without power and truth. " Taba yeo i lumelelana ni manzwi a Pitrosi a ' li: "[Jehova] h'a lati ba bañwi ha ba ka timela, kono u lata kuli kaufela ba kene mwa ku baka. " - 2 Pitrosi 3: 9. This harmonizes with Peter's words: "[Jehovah] does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " - 2 Peter 3: 9. This is in line with Peter's words: "[Jehovah] does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " - 2 Peter 3: 9. Lubonisa kuli lunani tumelo ku Jehova haluswalela babañwi. We show our faith in Jehovah when we forgive others. We show faith in Jehovah when we forgive others. Kono ka lilimo ze 20 n'a nz'a mbindana ni ku komiwa ki milyani ye kola ni bucwala mi n'a na ni muzamao o maswe. But for 20 years he battled drug and alcohol addiction and led an immoral life. But for 20 years he was working hard and yielding to drugs and alcohol and was immoral. Kacwalo bana kaufela - nihaiba ba se ba hulile - ba swanela ku tokomela kuli likezo za bona li ka ama cwañi bondat'a bona kamba bom'a bona. Therefore, all children - even older ones - do well to consider the effect that their actions will have on their father and mother. So all children - even adults - should be careful that their actions will affect their father or mother. Tukufalelo ki mafulofulo a bonisa mutu yo muñwi ha nze a eza nto ye ñwi. Manzwi a kwa timana yeo a lu tusa ku kolwa kuli Jehova u bata luli kuli batu ba puluswe. Jehovah's example of zeal clearly indicates that our God - given work as Kingdom proclaimers deserves our wholehearted support, our enthusiasm, our zeal. The zeal shown by one person in action helps us to be confident that Jehovah truly wants salvation for mankind. 15, 16. (a) Ki kwa ku itikanelela kufi ko kunde ni ku fita k'o kutwisiso ye nca ya Maroma kauhanyo 13 ne i isize? 15, 16. (a) What better balance did the new understanding of Romans chapter 13 lead to? 15, 16. (a) To what better balance did the new understanding of Romans chapter 13 take? Ni Fumana Lubasi Lwa Mazoho a Mabeli Finding a Supportive Family Finding a Handless Family Bibele i talusa kuli "ku saba [Muñ'a] Bupilo ki ku toya bumaswe. " The Bible explains that "the fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad. " The Bible explains that "the fear of Jehovah means the hating of bad. " Lipaki ba sa zwelapili ku bata lindao ze nca ha ba nze ba itatela ku lifa mali a mañata ni ku zwelapili ku ituta za buyahi. The search for new property goes on as the Witnesses show themselves willing to take on the financial responsibility as well as to develop the necessary building skills. The Witnesses continue to look for new solutions as they are willing to make more money and to continue learning about construction projects. Walisamu Davida n'a opezi ka ku swanela kuli: "U ni sefe Mulimu, mi u zibe pilu ya ka; u ni like, mi u zibe mihupulo ya ka. Appropriately, the psalmist David sang: "Search through me, O God, and know my heart. The psalmist David appropriately sang: "Make me know, O God, and know my heart. Ka ku ya ka hatiso ye ñwi, "sikuba, si lata ku iponahalisa kuli si talifile, mi si mbwasauka ze si hupula kuli ki butali, kono bakeñisa kuli ha si na butali, ze si bulela li ba butoto. " According to one reference work, "the fool, anxious to appear wise, blurts out what he thinks is wisdom but in the process turns it to folly. " According to one reference work, "it is a desire to make himself wise, and it does not brag over what they think is wise, but because they do not have the wisdom to speak, they are foolish. " Lipaki za Jehova ba mwa miteñi ye ba ba supalezi mwa sebelezo ya Mulimu ba kana ba ziyezwa ki butuku ni mifokolo ya mwa busupali. Present - day Witnesses of Jehovah who have grown old in God's service may suffer the pains and limitations of advanced age. Jehovah's modern - day Witnesses who have pointed out in God's service may be affected by the pain and limitations of old age. Ka ku ya ka Bibele, Jehova ki lona libizo la Mulimu. In the Bible, Jehovah is the personal name of God. According to the Bible, Jehovah is God's name. Ki kabakalañi ha ku kona ku ba taata ku ziba ba ba bulela mwa Pina ya Lipina? Why is it a challenge to identify the speakers in the drama? Why might it be difficult to identify those speaking in the Song of Solomon? N'a s'a bile ya ituta ka silimo si li siñwi, mi se ni fumani butata ku mu tusa ku taha kwa mikopano. " She has been studying for a year, and I have had trouble getting her to come to meetings. " She had been studying for one year, and I have found it difficult to help her come to meetings. " Ka nako yeo, Jehova naatuhelelanga batu kunyala libali ni kuba ni liendi, kono hasamulaho naafile maata Jesu Kreste kuli atuse batu kulatelela sikuka sa linyalo sa kwa makalelo sene sitomilwe mwa simu ya Edeni, sona sa kunyala feela musali alimuñwi. - Genese 2: 24; Mateu 19: 3 - 9. Jehovah tolerated polygamy and concubinage for a time, but he later authorized Jesus Christ to restore marriage to the original standard of monogamy set in Eden. - Genesis 2: 24; Matthew 19: 3 - 9. At that time, Jehovah allowed the people to get baptized and fathered themselves, but later he gave Jesus Christ authority to help people follow the original marriage principle set out in the garden of Eden - that of marrying only one woman. - Genesis 2: 24; Matthew 19: 3 - 9. □ "Buineelo bwa bumulimu " ki nto mañi? □ What is "godly devotion "? □ What is "godly devotion "? Ade, * munna ya pila mwa Niger, n'a ituta Bibele ni yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova ya li mukutazi wa ka nako ye tezi. Ade, * a man living in Niger, was studying the Bible with a full - time preacher of Jehovah's Witnesses. Among Jehovah's Witnesses, * a man living in have been studying the Bible with one of Jehovah's Witnesses who is a full - time evangelizer. Eluda n'a kana a buhisana ni mutu ya cwalo kuli: " Niha mu bulela kuli mu ikutwa ku silafala, Jehova u ikutwa cwañi ka za mina? An elder might reason with such a person by saying: " Though you say that you feel unclean, how does Jehovah feel about you? An elder might reason with such a person: " Even if you say you feel unclean, how does Jehovah feel about you? N'a fumile luli! He was rich indeed! He was rich indeed! Have Faith Like That of Abraham! But we know that only Jehovah's Kingdom can solve mankind's problems and injustices wherever they do. Kono lwaziba kuli ki Mubuso wa Jehova feela okona kufelisa matata abatu ni kusaluka kaufela kokuliteñi. Yet, Christians recognize that only God's Kingdom can solve mankind's problems and guarantee true justice. So I stayed. Kacwalo naa ina. So I stayed. As a result, he maintained his good relationship with Jehovah and Eli. Kabakaleo, n'a bukelelize silikani sa hae se sinde ni Jehova ni Eli. As a result, she preserved a fine relationship with Jehovah and with Eli. How should needed funds be found? Mali a ' tokwahala a swanela ku fumanwa cwañi? How is the necessary money to be found? How do they respond to God's glory? Ha ba bona kanya ya Mulimu ba eza cwañi? How do they respond to their view of God's glory? Entering Full - Time Service Ni Kalisa Sebelezo ya Nako Kaufela Taking Up Full - Time Service Their long - standing rule has finally ended. - Judges 7: 19 - 25; 8: 10 - 12, 28. Kwa nalule - lule puso ya bona ya ka nako ye telele ye situhu ki kale i fela. - Baatuli 7: 19 - 25; 8: 10 - 12, 28. The long and murderous occupation has finally come to an end. - Judges 7: 19 - 25; 8: 10 - 12, 28. Get a copy of this book to one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Mu kupe kopi ya buka yeo ku yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova. Ask any of Jehovah's Witnesses for a copy. The visit of members of the Governing Body, such as Brother Knorr, Franz, and Henschel, touched my heart. Ku pota kwa lilama za Sitopa Se Si Etelela ba ba cwale ka Muzwale Knorr, Franz, ni Henschel ne ku ni susuelize hahulu. Visits by members of the Governing Body, such as Brothers Knorr, Franz, and Henschel, were immensely encouraging. Above all, though, we must continue to please Jehovah God in everything we do and show that we appreciate his wonderful gift of marriage. Kono sa butokwa ni ku fita, lu swanela ku zwelapili ku tabisa Jehova Mulimu mwa lika kaufela ze lu eza ni ku bonisa kuli lwa itebuha mpo ye nde ya linyalo ya lu file. This is the lesson we learn from how Jesus displayed mildness and love for Peter. Yeo ki yona tuto ye lu ituta ku Jesu ka mwa naa boniselize bunolo ni lilato ku Pitrosi. That is certainly a lesson evident in Jesus ' mild - tempered action toward Peter. I often get so tired that I find it difficult to get up in bed. Hañata na katalanga hahulu kuli mane ku ni belanga taata ku zuha fa mumbeta. I often feel too exhausted to get out of bed. Who were these millions who served Jehovah? Bolule - lule ba ne ba sebeleza Jehova bao ki bomañi? Who were these thousands who were ministering to Jehovah? Rather, he boasted that death would not lead him to Sheol, the grave, as it did to the northern kingdom of Israel. Ka ku fapahana, na itumba kuli lifu ha li na ku mu isa mwa Sheol, lona libita, sina mo ne li ezelize kwa mubuso wa kwa mutulo wa Isilaele. In ancient times, unfaithful Jerusalem received many warnings through God's true prophets, but she did not believe them. Let us consider three examples of servants of Jehovah who suffered injustice in Bible times. Halunyakisiseñi mitala yemilaalu ya batanga ba Jehova bane basika ezwa hande mwa miteñi ya Bibele. Let us reflect on three examples of injustice that occurred among Jehovah's people in Bible times. He is now a heavenly King, ready and able to use God - given power in a far greater way than he used when he was a human. Se li Mulena wa kwa lihalimu cwale, ya itukiselize ni ya kona ku itusisa m'ata a komokisa a filwe ki Mulimu ka nzila ye tuna hahulu ku fita ka mwa n'a itusiselize ona ha n'a li mutu wa fa lifasi - mubu. He now rules as heavenly King, ready and able to use his God - given miraculous powers in a far grander way than he did when on earth as a human. Isaiah also foretold that sickness and death would end. Hape Isaya n'a polofitile kuli makulanu ni lifu li ka fela. Isaiah also foretold the end of sickness and death. For the answer to that question, see the following articles. Kuli mufumane kalabo kwa puzo yeo, mubale litaba zeñwi zelatelela. Read on to find out. He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the wagons he burns in the fire. " Ki Yena ya yemisize lindwa mane ni kwa mafelelezo a lifasi; u lobile buta, u pumile lilumo fahali, u cisize makoloi ka mulilo. " He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the wagons he burns in the fire. " Witnesses from Russia and Germany are happy to be part of an international brotherhood Lipaki ba kwa Russia ni Germany ba tabile ku ba kalulo ya sizwale sa mwahal'a macaba Russian and German Witnesses rejoice to be part of an international brotherhood Some Witnesses called it Aaron because it was what it spoke in their area. Lipaki babañwi nebabizanga mushini wo kuli Aruni kakuli mushini wo ki ona one ubulelanga mwa sibaka sa bona. Some Witnesses called it Aaron because the machine spoke instead of them. I am happy now, and I appreciate our marriage as well as our goals in life. " Ninani tabo ka nako ya cwale, mi naitebuha linyalo laluna hamoho cwalo ni likonkwani zeluitomezi mwa bupilo. " I now feel happy and content with our marriage and our goals in life. " When they left after the convention, all of us wept. Ha ne ba fundukile hamulaho wa mukopano, kaufel'a luna ne lu cipitile miyoko. When they left at the end of the assembly, we all had tears in our eyes. Why did Jesus not do that? Ki kabakalañi Jesu ha na si ka eza cwalo? Why did he not do so? Some may even die from physical sickness. - Revelation 16: 14, 16. Ba bañwi mane mwendi ba ka bulaiwa ki matuku tenyene. - Sinulo 16: 14, 16. Some may even die by literal pestilence. - Revelation 16: 14, 16. It has two eyes, and each eye has about 30,000 wings or ears. I na ni meeto a mabeli, mi liito ni liito li na ni malensi kamba tuboniso to tu bato eza 30,000. Each eye has some 30,000 individual lenses. On the contrary, because of his loving - kindness and not choosing to be difficult - thus showing mildness - Jehovah provided a means by which sinful humans can draw close to him to gain his approval. Kono, kabakala sishemo sa hae ni ku sa keta ku ba ya t'ata - ili ku bonisa cwalo bunolo - Jehova a fa nzila yeo ka yona batu ba ba li mwa sibi ba kona ku sutelela ku yena kuli a ba katelwe. Rather, out of his graciousness and his willingness not to be exacting or demanding - expressions of mildness - Jehovah provided the means through which sinful mankind can come to him and gain his favor. ; Andthirth, S. ; Freimuth, S. ; Freimuth, S. We are well - aware of Satan's crafty acts. Lwa izibela hande makilikicani a maswe a Satani. We are not ignorant of Satan's schemes. He tried to solve problems in his own way, rather than sincerely seeking divine guidance. Na likile ku tatulula butata ka nzila ya hae, mwa sibaka sa ku bata ketelelo ya bumulimu ka buniti. He attempted to solve the problem his way, rather than earnestly seeking divine guidance. In 1995, I married a film carpenter. Ka silimo sa 1995, nanyalana ni mupangi wa mafilimu. In 1995, I married a movie producer. Give an example to show the danger of looking at pornography. Mu fe mutala o bonisa bumaswe bwa ku talima maswaniso a mapunu. Give an example to illustrate the danger of looking at pornography. I was stricken with a disease called cyvirus from the blood he had been given. Na yambukezwi ki butuku bo bu bizwa cytomegalovirus ku zwelela mwa mali a n'a filwe. He got a cytomegalovirus infection from blood given him. We believe that Jehovah must hear our prayer. Lulumela kuli Jehova ulukela kuba yanaautwile tapelo yaluna. We feel that Jehovah must have heard our prayer. We are strengthened and moved with confidence that God's love is strong. Lu tiiswa ni ku susumezwa ka buikolwiso bwa kuli lilato la Mulimu ki le li tiile. We are strengthened and sustained by the assurance of God's unbreakable love. We also made sacrifices. Hape ne lu itombozi lika ze ñwi. And we gave up other things as well. Do my children sense my love for Jehovah? ' Kana bana baka balemuha kuli nalata Jehova luli? ' Can my children clearly see that I really love Jehovah? ' Joseph was a faithful servant of Jehovah, and at times he was not treated properly by others, but he was deeply hurt by his own brothers. Josefa neli mutangaa Jehova yasepahala, mi ka linako zeñwi naasika eziwa hande ki batu babañwi. Kono taba yene muutwisize hahulu butuku kikuli nako yeñwi naasika ezwa hande ki bahulwani bahae tota. Joseph, a faithful servant of Jehovah, experienced injustice, not only at the hands of outsiders but also, more painfully, at the hands of his fleshly brothers. After listening carefully when she explained how she felt, I then helped her to learn that she was depressed and lonely because her close friend had moved far away. " - Matthew 18: 21, 22. Ha se ni teelelize Nicole ka tokomelo ha na talusa mwa n'a ikutwela, kihona cwale ni mu tusa ku ziba kuli Gabrielle na zwafile mi na ikutwa bulutu kabakala kuli mulikan'a hae yo mutuna na tutela kwa sibaka sa kwahule. " - Mateu 18: 21, 22. After I carefully listened to Nicole as she expressed her feelings, I helped her to feel Gabrielle's sadness and frustration because her best friend was moving so far away. " - Matthew 18: 21, 22. JESUS gathered his disciples into the Christian congregation, which continued in the first century. JESU n'a kopanyize hamoho balutiwa ba hae mwa puteho ya Sikreste, ye ne zwezipili mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili. JESUS organized his disciples into the Christian congregation, which flourished in the first century. In the eighth century B.C.E., Isaiah told Jehovah regarding Israel's gross sin: "You are our Father, Jehovah; we are clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hands.... Mwa lilimo za mwanda wa bu 8 B.C.E., Isaya n'a bulelezi Jehova sibi se situna sa Isilaele, a li: "Ki Wena ndat'a luna, Wena [Jehova, NW]; luna lu lizupa, mi Wena u mubupi wa luna; mi kaufel'a luna lu musebezi wa mazoho a hao.... In the eighth century B.C.E., Isaiah spoke to Jehovah of the gross sinfulness of Israel, saying: "O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hand.... Therefore, we do well to ask ourselves, " Whom do I want to help and guide? ' Kacwalo, luswanela kuipuza kuli: " Ki mañi yenibata kuli anituse ni kunietelela? ' So we do well to ask ourselves, " Where am I looking for help and direction? ' After humbly serving his apostles by washing their feet, Jesus said: "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " Hamulaho wa ku sebeleza baapositola ba hae ka buikokobezo ka ku tapisa mahutu a bona, Jesu n'a bulezi kuli: "Ni mi ezelize mutala, kuli mu eze mo ni mi ezelize. " After humbly serving his apostles by washing their feet, Jesus said: "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " Now I can see him walking! Cwale naakona kuiponela muuna yo inze azamaya! Now Timothy could see the man walking for the first time! The nurse told Saúl that he was the best patient he had ever had in the hospital. Sikwata sa manasi ne si bulelezi Saúl kuli ki yena mukuli yo munde ka ku fitisisa ye ba kile ba ba ni yena mwa sipatela seo. The team of nurses told Saúl that he was the best patient they had ever had in that ward. □ What reasons do we have to rejoice through our Grand Creator? □ Ki mabaka mañi e lu na ni ona a ku taba ka Mubupi wa luna ya Makaza? □ What reasons do we have to rejoice in our Grand Creator? In addition to serving as messengers and strengthening worshipers of Jehovah, there is another role that the angels play. Kwand'a ku sebeza sina linumwana ni ku tiisa balapeli ba Jehova, ku na ni musebezi o muñwi wa petanga mangeloi. In addition to serving as messengers and strengthening aids to Jehovah's worshippers, angels serve another purpose. They refrain from " lording it over the flock. ' Ba tokolomoha ku " busa mutapi ka taata. ' They are careful not " to lord it over those who are God's inheritance. ' * * * Who have been given the command to preach? Ki bo mañi ba ba filwe taelo ya ku kutaza? Who receive the commission to preach? A key work was ahead of those who returned from exile - rebuilding God's temple and Jerusalem and its walls. Musebezi o mutuna ne u li fapil'a bona bao ba ne ba kutile mwa butanga - ku yaha sinca tempele ya Mulimu ni Jerusalema ni mamota o yona. A great work lay ahead of these returned exiles - the rebuilding of God's temple and of Jerusalem with its walls. They will be resurrected into God's new world. Ba ka zusiwa mwa lifasi le linca la Mulimu. In God's new world, they will be resurrected. Early in the first century C.E., the Roman Empire included areas in Britain and Gul (now France) to Egypt, and its inhabitants enjoyed much peace. Kwa makalelo a linako za baapositola, Mubuso wa Roma neukopanyeleza libaka za mwa Britain ni Gaul (yeseli France cwale) kuisa cwalo kwa Egypt, mi batu bane bapila mwa libaka zeo nebaikola kozo yetuna. Early in the first century C.E., the Roman Empire stretched from Britain and Gaul (now France) to Egypt, and the region enjoyed unprecedented stability and prosperity. And will the dead live again? Mi kana ba ba shwile ba ka pila hape? And is there hope beyond the grave? But there is a book that reveals much about God, and it is the Bible. Kono ku na ni buka ye patulula litaba ze ñata hahulu ka za Mulimu, mi buka yeo ki Bibele. But there is another book that reveals far more about him - the Bible. These articles will help you to answer these questions: Are Bible prophecies merely the work of clever humans? Litaba zeo li ka mi tusa ku fumana likalabo kwa lipuzo ze: Kana bupolofita bwa mwa Bibele ki litaba feela ze nee ñozwi ki batu ba ba butali? The articles will help you to answer these questions: Are Bible prophecies merely the work of clever humans? Many first - century Jews had this hope. Majuda ba bañata ba mwa linako za baapositola ne ba sa na ni sepo yeo. That hope prevailed among many first - century Jews. In fact, one reason he wrote his letter to the Philippians was to express appreciation for their kindness and material support. Ka buniti fela, libaka le liñwi la n'a ñolezi liñolo la hae ku ba mwa Filipi ne li ku tahisa buitumelo kwa neku la sishemo sa bona ni tuso ya kwa mubili. In fact, one reason that he wrote his letter to the Philippians was to express gratitude for their kindness and material help. " Soundness of mind " includes thinking and weighing things carefully. " Kutwisiso " i kopanyeleza ku nahana ni ku nyakisisa hande lika. " Soundness of mind " involves being able to think and reason sensibly. As we observe these events, we may wonder what happened to the crowd. Ha lu nze lu iponela likezahalo zeo, lu kana lwa ipuza kuli ku ezaheziñi kwa nyangela. As we witness these developments, we may wonder what has happened to society. What about the wealth of a rich person? Ku cwañi mufumi ha fuma ni ku fita. Suppose a wealthy person obtains even greater wealth. You are also amazed at the tremendous power that everyone has. Hape mwa komoka m'ata a matuna ao mutu kaufela a na ni ona. You also marvel at the vigorous energy everyone has. Saul of Tarsus learned from the famous teacher of the Law and was already exalted before the Jews. Saule wa kwa Tarese n'a itutile ku zwelela ku muluti ya n'a bubana wa Mulao Gamaliele mi na s'a kalisize ku ba ya pahami fapil'a Majuda. Saul of Tarsus studied under the renowned Law teacher Gamaliel and was beginning to distinguish himself in the eyes of the Jews. What did you learn? " Ne u itutileñi? " What lesson did you learn from that? " Does this expression make you feel secure or secure? Kana pulelo yeo imitahiseza kuikutwa kusilelezwa kamba kuikutwa kuba mwa kakwaci? Does that phrase make you feel trapped, or does it make you feel secure? VEABA VEADARA VEADAR Would You Welcome a Visit? Kana ne mu ka tabela ku potelwa? Would You Welcome a Visit? 16, 17. 16, 17. 16, 17. As we learn Jehovah's righteous principles and strive to apply them - praying for help to overcome our weaknesses - Jehovah will accept our worship on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice. Ha lu nze lu ituta likuka za Jehova ze lukile ni ku lika ka t'ata ku li mamela - ili ku lapela ka ku kupa tuso ya ku tula mifokolo ya luna - Jehova u ka amuhela bulapeli bwa luna fa mutomo wa sitabelo sa Jesu. On that basis, as we learn Jehovah's righteous standards and do our utmost to observe them - praying for help to overcome our weaknesses - Jehovah accepts our worship. Proper View of Good and Bad Mubonelo O Lukile wa Bunde ni Bumaswe A Proper View of Right and Wrong It strengthens us to render acceptable service to Jehovah, the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present. " - Jas. Kwa lu tiisa luli ku eza sebelezo ye amuhelwa ki Jehova, Mufani wa "mpo ye nde kaufela, ni mpo ye petehile kaufela. " - Jak. It can strengthen us to render acceptable service to Jehovah, the Provider of "every good gift and every perfect present. " - Jas. The Role of Love and Loyalty Ze Tokwahala Mwa Musebezi wa Buyahi ki Lilato ni Busepahali Building Projects Require Love, Loyalty, and Faithfulness How has Jehovah shown jealousy for his worship since 1919? Jehova u bonisize cwañi ku fufabela bulapeli bwa hae haisali ku zwiwa ka 1919? How has Jehovah shown jealousy for his worship since 1919? A wrong action is thus caused when wrong desire is cultivated rather than rejected. Kacwalo kezo ye maswe i tahiswa muta takazo ye maswe i huliswa mwa sibaka sa ku haniwa. Thus an evil deed is born when an evil desire is nurtured rather than rejected. Having gained accurate knowledge of Jehovah God and his purposes and of Jesus Christ and his role in these purposes, we individually decide that we will serve God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ha se lu bile ni zibo ye nepahezi ka za Jehova Mulimu ni milelo ya hae ni ka za Jesu Kreste ni kalulo y'a peta mwa milelo yeo, lwa ikatulela ka butu kuli lu ka sebeleza Mulimu ka pilu, kutwisiso, moya, ni m'ata a luna kaufela. After we gained accurate knowledge of Jehovah God and his purposes and of Jesus Christ and his role in those purposes, we made the personal decision to serve God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ancient Jerusalem and modern - day Christendom have turned their backs on Jehovah and cleansed themselves of false worship. Jerusalema wa kwaikale hamohocwalo ni Krestendomu wa mwa lizazi la cwale ba kwenuhezi Jehova ni ku isilafaza ili bona ka bulapeli bwa buhata. Both ancient Jerusalem and modern - day Christendom rebelled against Jehovah and polluted themselves with false worship. Consider seven questions that are often asked about prayer, and let us discuss the Bible's answers together. Mu nyakisise lipuzo ze 7 ze buziwanga hañata ka za tapelo, mi ha lu nyakisiseñi hamoho likalabo za Bibele. Consider seven commonly asked questions about prayer; then join us in examining the answers provided in the Bible. Is it to go up to the river? Kana ki ku ya kwa munanga wa nuka? Visiting the beach? The discreet virgins refused to give the foolish virgins oil, but they told them to go and buy their own food. Basizana ba ba butali ne ba hanile ku fa basizana ba likuba mafula, kono ne ba ba bulelezi kuli ba ye ba yo itekela a bona. The discreet virgins refused to give up their oil for the sake of the foolish, telling them to go instead to the sellers of oil. 10: 25 - In what way did the earth "become weighed down " in the days of Israel? 10: 25 - Lifasi ne li kile la "kauhanywa " cwañi mwa linako za Pelegi? 10: 25 - How was the earth "divided " in the days of Peleg? What were anointed Christians encouraged to do at Hebrews 13: 13 - 14? Ki sifi seo Bakreste ba ba tozizwe ne ba susuelizwe ku si eza kwa Maheberu 13: 13 - 14? At Hebrews 13: 12 - 14, what were anointed Christians urged to do? " WAS IT DESIGNED? " " NE NI BULELEZI BO MA " What a blessing it is to have God - fearing parents who set an example for us to be zealous and humble! Ki mbuyoti kwa butuna ku ba ni bashemi be ne ba saba Mulimu be ne ba lu tomezi mutala wa ku ba ni tukufalelo ni buikokobezo! What a blessing it was to have God - fearing parents who set a fine example for us in zeal and humility! No. Batili. No. God will demonstrate his justice and love when he destroys this wicked system of things. - Ps. 92: 7; Prov. Mulimu u ka bonisa ku luka kwa katulo ya hae ni lilato la hae ha ka sinya lifasi le li maswe le. - Samu 92: 7; Liprov. God's action against this wicked world will perfectly reflect both his justice and his love. - Ps. 92: 7; Prov. The first man, Adam, was created perfect, and it was possible for him to live forever in the Paradise garden of Eden, where God had appointed him. Mutu wa pili yena Adama, na bupilwe ka ku petahala, mi ne ku konahala kuli a pile ku ya ku ile mwa simu ya Edeni ye ne li Paradaisi fa lifasi, ili mwa na beilwe ki Mulimu. The first man, Adam, was created perfect, and he had the potential of living forever in Eden, the earthly Paradise garden in which God placed him. Storrs wrote: "If my belief on the soul is correct, then many passages in Scripture that did not understand what many people believe about the immortality of the soul would be clear and happy. " Storrs a ñola kuli: "Haiba tumelo ya ka fa taba ya moyo i nepahezi, u zibe likalulo ze ñata za mwa Mañolo ze ne li sa utwisisehi ze talusa taba ye ba lumela batu ba bañata ya ku sa shwa kwa moyo li ka fita fa ku utwahala hande mi li ka tabisa. " " If the view I take of this subject be correct, " wrote Storrs, "then many portions of Scripture, which have been obscure on the common theory, become clear, beautiful and full of meaning and force. " Jesus assured John that it was fitting for him to be baptized. Jesu naa kolwisize Joani kuli ne li swanelo kuli A kolobezwe. Jesus assured John that it was fitting for Him to be baptized. The first of these two articles will discuss Jesus ' parable of the vine and of the sower, and we will consider what we can learn from these illustrations about our preaching activity. Mwa taba yapili kwa litaba zepeli ze, lukanyakisisa nguli yanaafile Jesu ya kota ya veine ni ya mucali, mi hape lukanyakisisa zelukona kuituta kwa linguli zeo ka za musebezi waluna wa kukutaza. The first of these two articles considers Jesus ' parables of the vine and of the sower and explains what they teach us about our preaching work. What information is presented in Micah chapters 3 through 5? Ku talusizwe litaba mañi mwa Mika likauhanyo 3 ku isa 5? What messages are set out in Micah chapters 3 through 5? How can we avoid letting our minds be quickly shaken? Lu kona ku ezañi kuli lu si ke lwa tuhelela minahano ya luna ku lyanganiswa ka bubebe? What can we do to avoid thus being quickly shaken from our reason? When Your Child Falses, 11 / 14 Mwanaa Mina ha Bulela Buhata, 11 / 14 When Your Child Lies, 11 / 14 Perhaps you have heard similar expressions. Mwendi ni mina mu kile mwa utwa lipulelo ze cwalo. Have you perhaps heard similar comments? Avoiding God's Hand Ku Swalelela Lizoho la Mulimu la Bulyo Keeping Fast Hold of God's Right Hand In time, we realized how strong our bodies were. Hasamulaho wa nako, lwa lemuha kuli mibili ya luna ne se i tiile kwa matuku. After a while, we found that our immune systems were strengthened. 9, 10. 9, 10. 9, 10. Some of such ears came from family background. Miutwa ye miñwi ye cwalo ne i simuluhanga mwa lubasi. One common source of such thorns was family problems. The second article will discuss three ways in which people act against one another according to what they see with their eyes. Taba yabubeli ikanyakisisa lika zetaalu zetahisanga kuli batu baatule babañwi ka kuya ka sebabona ka meeto abona. The second article examines three areas in which people often judge others by what appears to the eyes. ● In 1919, a man named H. ● Ka silimo sa 1919, muuna ya bizwa H. ● In 1919, H. Why? Kabakalañi? Why? Jesus added that God will do this for us and will even do more for us than he does. Jesu n'a ekelize kuli Mulimu u ka lu ezeza cwalo mi mane u ka lu ezeza ze ñata ku fita z'a ezeza zeo. Jesus added that God will do as much and more for us than he does for them. Hence, when we consider Jesus ' life, we learn what Jehovah God is like. Kacwalo, ha lu nyakisisa bupilo bwa Jesu, lu ituta mw'a inezi Jehova Mulimu. Therefore, when we study the life of Jesus, we are getting a clear picture of what Jehovah God is like. As we have seen in this article, Bible principles will help us to develop good habits at a place of worship. Sina moluitutezi mwa taba ye, likuka za mwa Bibele lika lutusa kubani mikwa yeminde haluli kwa sibaka sa kulapelela Mulimu. Therefore, it cannot rightly be said to belong to any individual or congregation, whatever its legal title may indicate. The psalmist's prayer to God was answered in behalf of him: "Let your light and your truth guide me. Let them direct me to your holy mountain, in your house. " - Psalm 43: 3. Tapelo ya walisamu ku Mulimu ne i alabilwe kwa neku la Moisés: "U ni lumele liseli la hao, ni niti ya hao; li ni zamaise; li zibe ku ni tiseza fa lilundu la hao le li kenile, mwa Ndu ya hao. " - Samu 43: 3. May these themselves lead me. May they bring me to your holy mountain and to your grand tabernacle. " - Psalm 43: 3. You might say: " Do the churches that are divided into 10 follow the Scriptures closely in this regard? Mu kana mwa li: " Kana likeleke ze lifisanga nto i liñwi ku ze lishumi li latelela luli Mañolo mwa taba yeo? You may wonder: " Are churches that enforce tithing correctly applying Scripture? Sadly, many people simply believe what they want to believe, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Ka bumai, batu ba bañata ba lumela fela se ba bata ku lumela, mane ni ha ba talimani ni bupaki bo bu eshula. Sadly, many people believe what they want to believe, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. However, it would be wise to remember local customs when deciding how to give a witness. Nihakulicwalo, neikaba hande ku hupula mikwa ya mwa silalanda ha mu singanyeka ka mwa ku fela bupaki. Of course, it would be wise to take into account local customs when considering methods of witnessing. How did one family benefit from not " making the most of the world '? Lubasi lo luñwi ne lu fumani cwañi mbuyoti kabakala ku sa " itusisa hahulu za lifasi '? How did one family benefit from " not using the world to the full '? 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. It will also protect, for it will remove differences. Hape ka sileleza, kakuli ka zwisa lifapahano. It is protective too, for it wards off strife. Near that time, an exhausted lady from one side of the country strives to walk no matter where she is tired. Bukaufi ni kona, musali - muhulu ya katezi ya zwelela kwahule kwa lineku le liñwi la naha, u lika ka t'ata ku zamaya ku si na taba ni kw'a katezi. Not far from her, an exhausted old lady who has traveled from the other end of the country struggles to keep her tired feet going. What did they do? Ne ba ezizeñi? What would they do? Many today likewise ignore the wealth of this world and use their time, energy, and resources to obey Jehovah's commands. Ba bañata kacenu ka ku swana ha ba isi pilu kwa sifumu sa lifasi le mi ba itusisa nako, m'ata ni liluwo la bona kuli ba utwe litaelo za Jehova. In a similar way, many today turn their backs on secular opportunities in this world and expend their time, energy, and resources in obeying Jehovah's commands. Persian Gulf Persian Gulf Persian Gulf What would they learn? Ne ba ka itutañi? What could they learn? So these kings could be called anointed or anointed. Kacwalo malena bao ne ba kona ku bizwa kuli ki ba ba tozizwe kamba bomesiya. These kings could thus be called anointed ones, or messiahs. Hence, all who feel that Jehovah's day is late are encouraged to follow Peter's counsel to wait patiently for Jehovah's appointed time. Kacwalo, bote ba ba ikutwa kuli lizazi la Jehova la liyeha ba susuezwa ku latelela kelezo ya Pitrosi ya ku libelela ka pilu - telele nako ya tomile Jehova. Hence, any who feel that the day of Jehovah is delaying are encouraged to heed Peter's counsel to wait patiently upon Jehovah's appointed time. All the bodies of the human body are found in "the circle of the earth. " Tungwalingwali kaufela to tu eza mubili wa mutu twa fumaneha mwa "liluli la lifasi. " All the elements of which the human body is composed are to be found in the "dust from the ground. " It will not prevail! Ha i na ku kona! No! What a joy it is when our evangelizing work helps lovers of truth and righteousness to be praising Jehovah! Kwa nyakalalisa hakalo musebezi wa luna wa ku bulela evangeli ha u tusa ba ba lata niti ni ku luka ku ba balumbeki ba Jehova! How rewarding it is when our evangelizing work helps lovers of truth and righteousness to become praisers of Jehovah! How did they react? Ne ba ezize cwañi? His reaction? Are You " Based on and Stand Firm on the Basis '? Kana mu " Tomile ni ku Tiya fa Mutomo '? Are You "Rooted and Established on the Foundation "? Why did Abraham need to be long - suffering? Ki kabakalañi Abrahama hanaatokwa kuba ni pilu - telele? Why did Abraham need to show patience? 10: 11 - 14. 10: 11 - 14. 10: 11 - 14. He kept saying: "If I touch his outer garment only, I would get well. " N'a nz'a li: "Kabe ni ka swala fa kubo ya hae fela, kabe na fola. " She kept saying: "If I touch just his outer garments I shall get well. " associate freely with others who are in subjection to him. Mu swalisane ni ba bañwi ba ba ipeile ka kutwano kwatas'a hae. Associate with others who are harmoniously subject to him. In patriarchal times and in pre - Christian times, marriage and childbearing were considered necessary for happiness. Mwa linako za litoho za mabasi ni mwa linako za pili Bukreste bu si ka taha kale, linyalo ni ku pepa bana ne l'i ngiwa ku ba ze tokwahala kwa tabo. In the patriarchal and pre - Christian periods, marriage and childbearing were considered indispensable for happiness. Let us therefore consider two things that each driver can do to prevent harm. Kacwalo, ha lu nyakisiseñi lika ze peli za kona ku eza mumatisi wa mota kaufela kuli a tibele likozi. Thus, it is good to consider two things that any driver can do to avoid accidents. HAVE you ever found yourself in such a situation? KANA mu kile mwa ipumana mwa muinelo o cwalo? DOES the above scenario seem familiar? Why can the words of Hebrews 5: 12 be of little concern to a Christian? Ki kabakalañi manzwi a ' kwa Maheberu 5: 12 h'a kona ku bilaeza hanyinyani Mukreste? Why might the words of Hebrews 5: 12 naturally cause a Christian to feel some measure of concern? As God's fellow workers, we are deeply interested in the fulfillment of his will. Ka ku ba ba ba zamaya ni Mulimu, lu na ni cisehelo ye tuna mwa talelezo ya tato ya hae. As those walking with God, we are keenly interested in accomplishing his will. Luke tells us how the angels in heaven, the lame shepherds, God's devoted servants, and Mary themselves responded to this remarkable event. Luka u lu bulelela ka m'o mangeloi a mwa lihalimu, balisana ba ba kwat'asi, batanga ba Mulimu ba ba ipeile, ni Maria yena ka sibili ne b'a ngezi muhato kwa kezahalo yeo ye lemuseha. Luke tells us how heavenly angels, humble shepherds, devout servants of God, and Mary herself reacted to this noteworthy event. PAGE 3 LIKEPE 3 PAGE 3 Family members who spoke with Awake! Batu ba mwa mabasi anaabuisani ni ba magazini ya Mu Zuhe! The family members interviewed by Awake! This involves handling the title of the chapter, the heads of information, and any pictures used to explain information. Seo si ama ku talima toho ya taba ya kauhanyo, litohonyana za litaba, ni maswaniso afi kamba afi a ' itusisizwe mwa ku fa taluso ya litaba. That means looking over the chapter title, subheadings, and any pictures used to illustrate the material. I arrived at the convention just a month before the convention to help prepare a large stadium for the district convention. Ne ni zo fita kwa sibaka sa mukopano inze ku sa siyezi kweli kuli mukopano u kalise ilikuli ni tuse mwa musebezi wa ku lukisa libapalelo le lituna la mbola mo ne ku ka ezezwa mukopano wa sikiliti. I arrived a month early to help prepare the large soccer stadium for the convention. They showed a number of ways that missionary service can help a person to praise Jehovah. Ne ba bonisize linzila li sikai zeo bulumiwa bu kona ku tusa mutu ku lumbeka Jehova. They highlighted the numerous opportunities that missionary life offers to bring praise and honor to Jehovah. And this illustrates the difference between general and accurate knowledge. Mi seo si fa mutala ka za fapahano ye mwahal'a zibo ya fahalimu fela ni zibo ye nepahezi fa taba. And that illustrates the difference between general and accurate knowledge of a subject. The Devil especially attacks the anointed remnant who will rule with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom. Diabulosi sihulu u lwanisa bomasiyaleti ba ba tozizwe ba ba ka busa hamoho ni Kreste mwa Mubuso wa hae wa kwa lihalimu. The Devil particularly targets the remnant of anointed ones who will eventually rule with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom. 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. For example, when Satan tempted him, Jesus repeatedly replied: "It is written. " Ka mutala, Satani ha naa mu likile, Jesu naa mu alabile ka ku kuta - kutela ku bulela manzwi a li: "Ku ñozwi kuli. " For instance, when Satan tempted him, Jesus repeatedly answered with the phrase: "It is written. " When we take our new circumstances into account, we will maintain our joy in God's service. - Prov. Muta lu beya mwa munahano miinelo ya luna ye minca, lu ka zwelapili ku ba ni tabo mwa sebelezo ya Mulimu. - Liprov. When we take into consideration our new circumstances, we will be helped to preserve our satisfaction and joy in God's service. - Prov. Moreover, he set a fine example in living a good life and a positive attitude. Mi kwandaa zeo, na ba tomezi mutala o munde hahulu wa ku pila bupilo bo bunde ni ku ba ni moya o munde. More than that, he left a practical example of a balanced life and a balanced attitude. Jehovah's Witnesses will be pleased to study the Bible with you so that you can join those who say: "Let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " Lipaki za Jehova ba ka tabela ku ituta ni mina Bibele ilikuli mu kone ku swalisana ni bao ba ba bulela kuli: "Lu kambamele fa lilundu la Jehova, kwa Ndu ya Mulimu wa Jakobo; u ka lu luta linzila za hae, lu zamaye mwa makululu a hae. " Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to study the Bible with you so that you can join those who say: "Let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT KADI YA BIBELE 6 ABELE 5: 1. 5: 1. 5: 1. All three images: Courtesy of the Anglo - Australian said to be a picture of David, by courtesy of the Anglo - Australian people Maswaniso a malalu kaufela: Ka tumelezo ya ba Anglo - Australian Observatory, siswaniso si swanisizwe ki David Malin All three images: Courtesy of Anglo - Australian Observatory, photograph by David Malin He knew that his heavenly Father had kept him in mind the lifesaving work on earth. N'a ziba kuli Ndat'ahe wa kwa lihalimu n'a mu bulukezi musebezi wa ku punyusa bupilo fa lifasi - mubu. He knew that his heavenly Father had a lifesaving work for him to do on earth. So Jesus clearly explained what he was saying; he said to them: "Lazarus has died. " Kacwalo Jesu a talusa hande za na bulela; a li ku bona: "Lazaro u shwile. " So Jesus clarified the matter: "Lazarus has died. " As the Source of life, he will be the Father of all those who will be resurrected. Ka kuba yena Simbule sa bupilo, ukaba Ndatahe batu kaufela babaka zusiwa kwa bafu. As the Source of life, he becomes the Father of everyone who is resurrected. Reaching the Heart of a Child, 5 / 15 Ku Fita kwa Pilu ya Mwanana, 5 / 1 " How I Do Love Your Law! " If we do so, we will be like the psalmist who humbly prayed to Jehovah: "Teach me to do your will. " Haiba lu eza cwalo, lu ka ba sina walisamu ya naa lapezi ka buikokobezo ku Jehova kuli: "U ni lute ku eza tato ya hao. " [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 5] In effect, we will then be praying to Jehovah like the psalmist who made this humble request: "Teach me to do your will. " Abel is eager to know the answer to this question: Will humans be reconciled to God? Abele u bata hahulu ku ziba kalabo kwa puzo ye, ye li: Kana batu ba ka swalisana hape ni Mulimu? Would the breach between man and God ever be healed? Abel wanted nothing more than that. The city of 41 mountains surrounded an area in the Pacific Ocean. Valparaiso ki tolopo ya malundu a 41 a potolohile siko se siñwi se si kwa Liwate la Pacific. The city is composed of 41 hills surrounding a bay overlooking the Pacific Ocean. But then he was told to replace his master and lead the wayward sons of Israel often, leading them into the Promised Land. Kono cwale n'a bulelelwa kuli a yole muñ'a hae ni ku etelela bana ba Isilaele be ne ba li ba muñañatoho hañata, kuli a ba ise mwa Naha ya Sepiso. Now he was told to step into his master's place and lead the often difficult sons of Israel into the Promised Land. The Scriptures do not say that God is or God's power is justice or that he is wise. Mañolo h'a buleli kuli Mulimu ki m'ata kamba Mulimu ki katulo ye lukile kamba kuli Mulimu ki butali. The Scriptures do not say that God is power or that God is justice or even that God is wisdom. Sin is a product of unclean desires. Sibi si tahiswanga ki litakazo ze masila. Sin has its beginning in improper desire. " There Is Drawn Close to You Forever " " Ku la Bulyo la Hao ku Inzi ze Tabisa, ku ya ku Ile " What blessings come to those who enter missionary service? Ba ba kena mwa sebelezo ya bulumiwa ba kona ku fumana limbuyoti mañi? What blessings may come to those who enter missionary service? Jehovah has over eight million Witnesses talking to people about him throughout the world. Jehova u na ni Lipaki ba ba bato fitelela 8 milioni ba ba sweli ku bulelela batu ka za hae mwa lifasi kaufela. But the Sovereign Ruler of the universe does not depend on this world's media. Can you bind up the stars together and guide them in their ways? ' Kana w'a kona ku tama hamoho litopa za linaleli ni ku li etelela mwa linzila za zona? ' Can you bind together the constellations and guide them in their courses? ' How can we show that we are yielding to Christ's headship? Lu kona ku bonisa cwañi kuli lu ba ba bunolo kwa butoho bwa Kreste? How can we show that we are yielding to Christ's headship? But every member of Jehovah's worldwide family is required to work hard to preserve this unity. Kono mutu ni mutu ya li wa lubasi lwa mwa lifasi kamukana lwa Jehova u tokwiwa ku sebeza ka t'ata kuli a bukeleze buñwi b'o. But each individual belonging to the global family of Jehovah's worshipers is called upon to work hard to maintain this unity. But "God loved the world [of mankind] so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Kono "Mulimu u latile lifasi [la mufuta wa mutu] hahulu, mane u li file Mwan'a hae wa libanda, kuli mutu ufi kamba ufi ya lumela ku yena a si ke a shwa, kono a be ni bupilo bo bu sa feli. " But "God loved the world [of mankind] so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Michael wanted to learn more and accepted a Bible study. Bo Michael nebabata kuituta zeñata mi balumela kuituta Bibele. Michael wanted to learn more and accepted a Bible study. Such students believe that the key to success is having a well - paying job and the financial security it brings. Baituti ba ba cwalo ba lumela kuli nto ye kona ku ba tusa hahulu ku kondisa, ki ku ba ni musebezi wo ocolisa pene ni sifumu se si tiswa ki musebezi wo. Such students believe that the key to success is a high - paying job and the riches that such a job produces. Let us consider how silence can be a sign of respect, evidence of wisdom and discernment, and how it can help us to meditate. Ha lu nyakisiseñi mo ku kuza ku kona ku bela sisupo sa likute, bupaki bwa butali ni kutwisiso, ni mo ku kona ku lu tuseza ku yeya. Let us take a closer look at silence as a mark of respect, as evidence of discretion and discernment, and as an aid to meditation. The contrast between the effects of these and the wicked ones of the earth is indicated at Psalm 37: 9 - 11: "The wicked will be cut off, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. Fapahano ya ze zwa mwateñi ku bao ni ku ba ba maswe ba mwa lifasi i bonisizwe kwa Samu 37: 9 - 11, ye li: "Ba ba maswe ba ka yundiswa; kono ba ba sepile [Jehova, NW] ki bona ba ba ka luwa naha. The results to these and to the wicked of the world are contrasted at Psalm 37: 9 - 11: "Evildoers themselves will be cut off, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. Upon realizing her interest, the Witness began to study the Bible with her. A mano lemuha kuli Neil na tabela, Paki yo a kalisa ku ituta Bibele ni yena. Discerning Neil's interest, the Witness started a Bible study with him. What trials did Job experience when he was rich and poor? Jobo naaipumani mwa miinelo mañi yenelikile busepahali bwahae hanaafumile ni hanaali mubotana? What contrasting challenges did Job experience? Let us " pay constant attention to ourselves and to our teaching. ' Haike lu " tokomele mizamao ya luna ni tuto ya luna. ' May we " pay constant attention to ourselves and to our teaching. ' The Great Teacher, Jehovah, makes it possible for us to be ministers. Muluti yo Mutuna yena Jehova ki yena ya lu konisa ku ba likombwa. The Great Educator, Jehovah, qualifies us for the ministry. In times of distress, we can take comfort in knowing that Jehovah still cares for us and wants to help us. Ha lu li mwa miinelo ye taata, kwa lu omba - ombanga ku ziba kuli Jehova u sa lu babalela mi u bata ku lu tusa. No matter what problem we may face, we can find comfort in knowing that Jehovah cares for us and wants to help us. Many Rwandans have, in a sense, misled the church. Ba kwa Rwanda ba bañata ka mubonelo o muñwi se ba shunguzi keleke. Many Rwandans have in a sense written off the church. All living will be slaves of the only true God! Ba ba pila kaufela ba k'a ba batanga ba Mulimu wa niti a nosi! All who live will be servants of the only true God! All his " purposes ' are perfect. " Milelo ' ya hae kaufela y'a petahalanga. His "counsels " - all the things he purposes - come true. People have tried a wide variety of ways to deal with the present world's problems. Batu ba likile linzila ze shutana - shutana kuli ba felise miinelo ye taata ya mwa lifasi ye lu talimana ni yona ka nako ya cwale. Various road maps have been drawn up to deal with the "planetary emergency " we now face. This is the best career anyone could ever do for mankind. W'o ki wona musebezi o munde ka ku fitisisa o ne ba ka kona ku ezeza batu. That would be the very best that they could do for people. The Gilead instructors realized that I had a problem. Baluti ba Sikolo sa Giliadi ne ba lemuhile kuli ku na ni nto ye ne ni kataza. (b) Why can you relate to Moses ' feelings? (b) Ki kabakalañi ha mu kona ku ikutwa mwa naa ikutwezi Mushe? (b) In what respect may you be able to relate to the challenge that Moses faced? Are these words of a cruel God or of a God who loves humans and wants them to make good decisions? Kana manzwi ao, ki manzwi a Mulimu ya situhu kamba ki a Mulimu ya lata batu ni ya bata kuli ba eze liketo ze nde? God's spirit can make people conscious of their spiritual need. Moya wa Mulimu w'a kona ku bisa batu ku ba ni linyolwa la kwa moya. God's spirit can awaken people to their spiritual need. It will be like that tree that its roots have been destroyed so that they will never sprout. Ikaba sina kota yeo mibisi ya yona i sinyizwe kuli mane ha i sa na ku mela ni kamuta. It will be like a tree the roots of which have been destroyed so that it can never grow again. Of course, it is impossible to talk to all whom we meet on a busy street. Ki niti kuli ha ku konahali ku ambola ni batu kaufela be lu katana mwa likululu le li patehile. Of course, no one is expected to speak to everyone passing by on a crowded sidewalk. " A Time to Speak and a Time to Speak " " Nako ya ku Kuza, ni Nako ya ku Bulela " " A Time to Keep Quiet and a Time to Speak " Days may pass without talking with your mate. Mazazi a kana a fita ku si na ku ambolisana ni sinyalana ni mina. Days may pass with no communication with your mate. Some Believe, Others Not Ba Bañwi ba Lumela, ba Bañwi ba Hana Varied Reactions If you were asked, you might even admit that this is so, perhaps recalling the words at 1 John 1: 8: "If we say we are not sinful, we are deceiving ourselves with false reasoning, and the truth is not with us. " Ha ne mu ka buziwa, mane ne mu ka itumelela kuli ku cwalo, mwendi inze mu hupula manzwi a ' kwa 1 Joani 1: 8, a ' li: "Ha lu bulela kuli ha lu na sibi, lwa ipuma, mi niti ha i yo ku luna. " If asked, you would even admit it, perhaps recalling the words found at 1 John 1: 8: "If we make the statement: " We have no sin, ' we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us. " After mentioning discreet and foolish virgins, he related the parable of the talents. Ha s'a felize ku bulela za basizana ba ba butali ni ba likuba, a kandeka nguli ya litalenta. After telling of the wise and the foolish virgins, he related the illustration of the talents. How, then, can we keep strengthening our hope and seeing it clearly? Kacwalo lu kona ku zwelapili cwañi ku tiisa sepo ya luna ni ku i bona hande? So how can we keep our hope bright and in sharp focus? Proper View of mistakes, No. Mubonelo Oswanela ka za Mafosisa, No. Proper View of Mistakes, No. At those meetings, I saw people with whom I had studied the Bible. Kwa mikopano yeo, ne ni iponelanga batu be ne ni itutanga ni bona Bibele. At those joyful events, I got to see those with whom I had studied the Bible. Young ones in the congregation do well to ask and accept counsel from experienced ones in the congregation. Ba banca mwa puteho ba ka eza hande ku kupa ni ku amuhela kelezo ku ba ba na ni yeloseli mwa puteho. Younger members of the congregation do well to look for and welcome counsel from more experienced ones. But Paul adds his counsel by saying: "If possible, as far as it depends upon you. " Kono Paulusi u ekeza kwa kelezo ya hae ka ku bulela kuli: "Ha ku konahala, mi haili ka mina. " The apostle qualifies his counsel, however, saying: "If possible, as far as it depends upon you. " A Worldwide Teaching program Tukiso ya mwa Lifasi Kamukana ya ku Luta Worldwide Teaching Program " If he doesn't help us by giving us advice, he will be of little benefit to the organization. " Haiba u sa lu tusi ka ku lu fa kelezo, ha u na ku tusa hahulu kopano. " The church compared the traditions and religious practices of the pre - Christian Romans to those of the pre - Christian Romans, " says historian Willa. Caziba wa litaba za kwaikale, Will Durant, u li: "Keleke ne i kopisize lizo ni mikwa ye miñwi ya bulapeli kwa Maroma ba [mahedeni] be ne ba li teñi pili Bukreste bu si ka taha kale. " " The Church took over some religious customs and forms common in pre - Christian [pagan] Rome, " says historian Will Durant. Erasmus ' work included his works as well as his Latin translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, which was different from the Vulgate. Musebezi wa Erasmus neukopanyeleza litaba zeñwi zanaañozi hamohocwalo ni Bibele yahae ya Mañolo A Sigerike A Sikreste yanaatolokile mwa Silatini, ili yeneishutana ni Bibele ya Vulgate. Erasmus ' work included annotations as well as his own translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures into Latin, which differed from the Vulgate. Instead of being anxious about the future, you can have the joy that will come from the good things that will come upon you after the end of the system of things. Mwa sibaka sakuikalelwa zekaezahala kwapili, mwakona kuba ni tabo yekatiswa ki lika zende zekabateñi hamulaho wa kufela kwa lifasi. But rather than dreading the future, you can be happy about the outcome. In some lands his influence is almost gone. Mwa linaha ze ñwi kukuezo ya hae i bat'o ba ye siyo. In some lands her influence is virtually nil. Brothers from the branch office immediately brought money and other basic necessities for Witnesses who had fled from their areas, who had gathered in Kingdom Halls throughout the country. Mizwale ba ne ba zwa kwa ofisi ya mutai kapili - pili ba tisa masheleñi ni lika ze ñwi ze ne tokwahala hahulu kwa Lipaki ba ne ba balehile mwa libaka za bona, ili ba ne ba kubukani mwa Mandu A Mubuso mwa naha kaufela. Brothers from the branch office quickly began delivering funds and emergency supplies to displaced Witnesses gathered at Kingdom Halls around the country. What truth about Jehovah comforts and strengthens us? Ki manzwi afi a niti ka za Jehova a lu omba - omba ni ku lu tiisa? What fundamental truth about Jehovah is a source of comfort and strength for us? Almost every part of the world has even part of the Bible in their native tongue. Ibat'o ba batu kaufela fa lifasi ba na ni nihaiba fela kalulo ye ñwi ya Bibele mwa puo ya habo bona. Over 90 percent of the human family have access to at least part of it in their own language. When we arrived, our Christian brothers in the local congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Hotin, as well as some of our relatives, were waiting for us. Ha lu yo fita, mizwale ba luna ba Sikreste ba mwa liputeho za fa sibaka za Lipaki za Jehova mwa Homburg, hamohocwalo ni ba bañwi bahabo luna, ne ba nze ba lu libelezi. When we arrived, our Christian brothers from the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Homburg, as well as some of our relatives, were there to receive us. In 1967 civil war broke out in Nigeria. Ka 1967, ndwa ya mukowa ya tumbuka mwa Nigeria. In 1967, the Nigerian civil war broke out. We do not always think about them. Ha lu li nahanangi hahulu kamita. We rarely give them a second thought. " Standing up ' may include sitting down and listening to them when they related their past accomplishments. " Ku yema ' ku kana kwa kopanyeleza ku ina ni ku ba teeleza ha ba kandeka ze ne ba petile kwamulaho. " Rising up ' may include sitting down and listening to them relate what they accomplished years ago. 14 You Can Choose a better Future or Not! 14 Mwakona Kuiketela Kutopila Bupilo Bobunde Kwapili Kamba Kutokwa! 14 Your Future, Your Choice! Why do we expect to be treated unjustly when we preach the good news, and how should we react when we find ourselves in such a situation? Ki kabakalañi ha lu libelela ku ezwa maswe ha lu kutaza taba ye nde, mi lu swanela ku eza cwañi ha lu ipumana mwa muinelo o cwalo? Why should we expect mistreatment while preaching the good news, and how should we react to it? Sin prevents us from reflecting God's glory just as something can prevent the bow from becoming more specific. Sibi si lu palelwisa ku benyisa kanya ya Mulimu sina feela nto ye ñwi ha i kona ku palelwisa mukunupi wa buta ku nonga hande. Sin causes us to miss the mark, even as an archer can shoot an arrow but miss his target. What Christians Need to Do to Make a success of their marriage, pioneering. Zebatokwa Kueza Bakreste Kuli Bakondise Mwa Linyalo Labona, Aug. Making Christian Marriage a Success, Aug. How do many today view the doctrine of hellfire? Ba bañata kacenu b'a nga cwañi tuto ya lihele la mulilo? How do many today view the hellfire doctrine? What would I do? Nenikaezañi mwa muinelo wo? How could I bear the betrayal? Such giving may include helping others with household chores, caring for children, running the way, giving way, or listening to someone he wants to talk. Ku fana ko ku cwalo ku kana kwa kopanyeleza ku tusa ba bañwi kwa misebezi ya fa lapa, ku babalela banana, ku mata - mata ze ñwi, ku fa nzila, kamba ku teeleza ku mutu y'a bata ku bulela. Such giving may include helping others with housework, taking care of children, running errands, providing transportation, or listening to someone who needs to talk. He wanted his readers to do what was right and to continue serving God with all their heart, without distraction. Naa bata kuli babali ba hae ba eze ze lukile ni kuli ba zwelepili ku sebeleza Mulimu ka lipilu za bona kaufela, ku si na ze ba yaulula. His aim was to motivate his readers to "that which is becoming and that which means constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " ◆ Do not give up hope. - 1 Corinthians 13: 7. ◆ Mu si felelwi ki sepo. - 1 Makorinte 13: 7. ◆ Do not give up hope. - 1 Corinthians 13: 7. The entire nation did not praise Jehovah or his appointed representative, Jesus. Sicaba mutumbi ne si si ka lumbeka Jehova kamba Muyemeli wa hae ya ketilwe, yena Jesu. The nation as a whole did not honor Jehovah or his appointed Representative, Jesus. 7: 1; 1 Tim. 7: 1; 1 Tim. 7: 1; 1 Tim. You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth below or that is in the waters under the earth. U si ke wa ikezeza siswaniso se si betilwe, nihaiba siswaniso sifi kamba sifi sa linto ze kwahalimu mwa lihalimu, nihaiba sa ze mwatasi mwa lifasi, nihaiba sa ze mwa mezi mwatas'a lifasi. You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. Have you entered into God's rest? Kana mu keni mwa pumulo ya Mulimu? Have you personally entered into God's rest? It was noted that these obedient ones were to be seen in contrast with the stubborn "rebs ", and after the destruction of those mentioned above, the sheep would inherit the earthly realm of the Kingdom prepared for them. Ne ku lemuhilwe kuli bona bao ba ba ipeya ku utwa ne ba na ni ku bonwa ka ku fapahana ni "lipuli " ze sinundwe, mi hamulaho wa ku yundiswa kwa bao ba ba bulezwi mwamulaho, lingu ne li k'a ca sanda sa liluko la fa lifasi - mubu la Mubuso o ne u lukiselizwe bona. It was realized that these obedient ones were to be distinguished from the stubborn "goats, " and after the destruction of the latter ones, the sheep would inherit the earthly realm of the Kingdom that had been prepared for them. In many places it takes more time. Mwa libaka ze ñata k'u nga nako ya butelele bo bu ekezehile. In most places it is a substantial length of time. For "God himself made us, and we belong to him. " Kakuli, "[Mulimu] ki yena ya lu bupile; mi lu ba hae. " After all, "it is he [God] that has made us, and not we ourselves. " This situation changed when God's Kingdom was established in 1914. Muinelo wo ne u cincize muta Mubuso wa Mulimu ne u tomilwe ka 1914. That situation changed with the setting up of God's Kingdom in 1914. Jesus Christ said: "Jehovah your God you must worship, and he alone you must render sacred service. " - Luke 4: 8. Jesu Kreste naa ize: "Ki Jehova Mulimu wa hao ye u lukela ku lapela, mi ki yena feela a nosi ye u lukela ku sebeleza. " - Luka 4: 8. Jesus Christ said: "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. " - Luke 4: 8. TO THINK ABOUT: When you reach a paragraph where the description is found, read it as you read footnote.) LITALUSO ZA KWA MAFELELEZO: (Ha mu fita fa paragilafu fo ku inzi litaluso zeo, mu li bale sina mo mu balelanga litaluso za kwatasi.) Jehovah Salvation His People Jehova U Pilisa Batu ba Hae Jehovah Sustains His People Therefore, whatever we do, "let us work at it whole - souled as to Jehovah, and not to men. " - Colossians 3: 23. Kacwalo, se lu eza kaufela, " lu si eze ka pilu, inge lu ezeza Mulena isi batu. ' - Makolose 3: 23. Ki Nto Mañi " Ye Nde ku Fita Matabelo '? Whatever we are doing, then, let us "work at it whole - souled as to Jehovah, and not to men. " - Colossians 3: 23. His parents, Roy and Ruth Moell, grew up in the Bible Students ' family, and my grandmother, Charles Taze Russell, also became Bible Students. Bashemi ba bona bo Roy ni bo Ruth Howell ne ba hulezi mwa lubasi lwa Baituti ba Bibele, mi bo kukwaa bo musalaa ka, ba ne ba li balikani ba Muzwale Charles Taze Russell, ni bona ne ba li Baituti ba Bibele. Her parents, Roy and Ruth Howell, were raised as Bible Students, and her grandparents were also Bible Students and friends of Brother Charles Taze Russell. But then we received a letter from Bethel that told us to continue our ministry in the congregation where we were. Kono zeo ha ne li li cwalo, ne lu amuhezi liñolo le ne li zwa kwa Betele le ne li lu taluseza kuli lu zwelepili ni bukombwa bwa luna mwa puteho ye ne lu li ku yona. In the meantime, though, we received a letter from Bethel that recommended we continue our ministry with the local congregation. When they first received a job as part - time workers, they noticed some errors. Fo ba felwa musebezi lwa pili wa ku fa lituwelo kwa babeleki ba swalelele, ne ba lemuhile mafosisa a mañwi. When he was first assigned to pay the salaries of temporary workers, he noted an abnormality. Of course, regular, balanced food provides health, and it also prepares the body for the next meal. Ka mo ku inezi luli, lico za kamita, ze itikanelezi, ili ze fepa li fa mubili buikangulo hande, mi hape li tisa kuli mubili u lakaze sico sa ka nako ya ku ca ye tatama. In a literal way, regular, balanced, and wholesome meals promote bodily health, and they also incline the body to develop an appetite for the next meal when the time arrives. A misunderstanding of spiritual matters can even be very difficult. Kupalelwa kuutwisisa hande litaba ka za Mulimu mane kwakona kutahisa butata bobutuna hahulu. Misunderstandings about spiritual matters can be even more serious. If I'm just eating food, I may become seriously ill, perhaps even unconscious. Haiba ni icela - cela fela lico, na kona ku kula hahulu, mwendi mane ni ku welela. An imbalance in my diet could lead to hypoglycemia, which could put me in a coma. According to John, Jesus first spoke of everlasting life to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Ka ku ya ka Joani, Jesu pili naa bulezi ka za bupilo bo bu sa feli ku Mufalisi wa libizo la Nekudema. According to John, Jesus first spoke about everlasting life to a Pharisee named Nicodemus. How, though, could he separate people's ideas from the truths the Bible teaches? Kono Cellarius naa ka kona cwañi ku taluhanya mihupulo ya batu kwa litaba za niti ze i luta Bibele? How could Cellarius distinguish mere human ideas from Scriptural truth? Today, all of Jehovah's people meet in thousands of Kingdom Halls to learn about Jehovah and to pray. Kacenu, batu ba Jehova kaufela bakopanelanga mwa Mandu A Mubuso amañata - ñata kuli baitute ka za Jehova ni kumulapela. Today, Jehovah's people meet for education and worship in tens of thousands of Kingdom Halls worldwide. Researchers of the Church of England reported: "The dead are not eternal torments, but it is a life - changing choice of a life - style that really conflicts with God's will that the end is only death. " Babatisisi ba za bulapeli bwa Church of England ne ba bihile kuli: "Lihele haki tukufazo ye sa feli, kono ki keto ya kamita ili ye sa cinci ya mupilelo o lwanisa hahulu tato ya Mulimu ili ka ku tala luli kuli mane mafelelezo fela ki ku timela. " A report by the doctrine commission of the Church of England said: "Hell is not eternal torment, but it is the final and irrevocable choosing of that which is opposed to God so completely and so absolutely that the only end is total non - being. " ▪ "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' ▪ "Ha ku na mutu ya... ka ipulela kuli: Na kula. ▪ "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' The Bible says: "When the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things he was doing, and the sons that cried out in the temple, saying: " Get up to the Son of David! ' Bibele i li: "Baprisita ba bahulu ni bañoli, ha ba bona ze komokisa z'a eza, ni bana ba ba huwa mwa Tempele inze ba li: Hosanna ku Mwan'a Davida! The Bible says: "When the chief priests and the scribes saw the marvelous things [Jesus] did and the boys that were crying out in the temple and saying: " Save, we pray, the Son of David! ' For example, at Malachi 2: 16 we read God's words clearly: "I hate divorce. " Ka mutala, kwa Malaki 2: 16 lu bala za naa bulezi Mulimu ka ku utwahala kuli: "Ni toile telekano. " For instance, at Malachi 2: 16, we read God's clear statement: "I hate divorce. " If a person is to distinguish two long - standing scales, he needs to draw them with more powerful force than he wears them. Kuli mutu a kauhanye limagineti ze peli ze manjani, u tokwa ku li hoha ka maata a matuna hahulu aa fita aa li swalanisize. To pry apart pieces of magnetized metal, one needs a force that is stronger than the attraction holding them together. " I'm not sure what I'm doing with you, " Bo Donald Gordon Donald Gordon And he did not miss even one meeting after that. Mi luli muzwale yo naasika shuta nihaiba mukopano ulimuñwi kuzwa fo. As far as he could recall, he never did. We need to be guided by God's thinking, striving to please him by what we think and do. Lu tokwa ku zamaiswa ki muhupulo wa Mulimu, lu nze lu satalala ku mu tabisa ka ze lu nahana ni ze lu eza. We need to be guided by God's thinking, always striving to please him with our every thought and action. " The shrewd one considers his steps. " - PROV. " Ya na ni ngana u talimisisa mwa hata. " - LIPROV. " The shrewd one considers his steps. " - PROV. The following article will consider ways to show such love in carrying out their needs. Taba ye tatama i ka nyakisisa linzila za mwa ku boniseza ka likezo lilato le li cwalo mwa ku peta ze ba tokwa. The next article will consider some practical ways to show such love in caring for their needs. 1: 1 - 5: 14) 1: 1 - 5: 14) 1: 1 - 5: 14) Why did the Israelites lack faith even though they saw Jehovah's mighty acts and heard his declarations? Ki kabakalañi Maisilaele ha ne ba si na tumelo niha ne ba iponezi likezo ze m'ata za Jehova ni ku ikutwela lizibahazo za hae? Even though they saw Jehovah's mighty deeds and heard his pronouncements, why did the Israelites lack faith? The businessman said that "the shepherd has wonderful questions, " and he asked," Are you a student? " Wa pisinisi y'o a li "Mwanana tuwe u na ni lipuzo ze nde luli, " mi a buza a li," U muituti wa bupasita nji? " " You have such good questions for a young person, " the businessman said, asking, "Are you a theologian? " In fact, the Lord's Evening Meal is often described as the Memorial of Christ's death. Ka mo ku bezi fela, Mulalelo wa Mulena hañata u taluswa sina Kupuzo ya lifu la Kreste. In fact, the Lord's Evening Meal is often referred to as the Memorial of Christ's death. After the Babylonian captivity, many Jews who lived outside Palestine in the Middle East had moved to Alexandria. Hamulaho wa butanga bwa kwa Babilona, Majuda ba bañata be ne ba pila kwande a Palestine mwa linaha ze li mambala ili ze n'e hapilwe, ne ba tutanezi kwa Alexandria. Many Jews who after the Babylonian exile had been living in scattered colonies outside Palestine migrated to Alexandria. Paul did not exalt himself for his privileges before he became a Christian, nor did he say anything about his appearance. Paulusi naasika ipahamisa kabakala misebezi yanaaezize pili asikaba kale Mukreste, mi naasika bulela sesiñwi ka za ponahalo yahae. Paul did not boast over his accomplishments before becoming a Christian; nor did he describe his physical appearance. Despite being among Jews or Gentiles, they were scattered without letup. Ku si na taba ni kuli ki mwahal'a Majuda kamba Balicaba, ne ba yambile ku si na ku tuhela. Whether it was among Jews or Gentiles, they fished without reservation. Hence, Peter urges us to be zealous "in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " Kacwalo, Pitrosi u lu susueza ku tukufalelwa "ku pila ka mizamao ye kenile hahulu, ni ka bulapeli. " Such activity will help us to continue "keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah. " Whatever the reason, a Christian must reject immoral thoughts. Libaka li be lifi kamba lifi, Mukreste u lukela ku hana mihupulo ya za muzamao o maswe. Whatever the reason, a Christian must reject immoral fantasies. How sad Jehovah must have been when he saw the gross disrespect that his people showed for their invisible King! Jehova n'a lukela ku ba ya n'a swabile luli ha n'a iponezi kashwautuna ke ne ba bonisize batu ba hae ku Mulen'a bona ya sa bonwi! How hurt Jehovah must have been as he witnessed the gross disrespect his people showed for their invisible King! Indeed, the gathering of fine fish continued, even though many gathered by Christendom did not lose sight of God. Ka niti, ku kubukanywa kwa litapi ze nde ne ku zwelapili, mane nihaike ba bañata ba ne ba kubukanyiwa ki Krestendomu ne ba sa swanelehi ka mubonelo wa Mulimu. True, the collecting of fine fish was going on, even though most being gathered by Christendom were unsuitable from God's standpoint. Meanwhile, Joseph was prepared to face all that would happen to him because of keeping Jesus in a dignified way and identifying himself as one of Christ's disciples. Kono ka nako ye, Josefa naaitukiselize kutalimana ni zeneka ezahala ku yena kaufela kabakala kubuluka Jesu ka nzila yekutekeha ni kuizibahaza kwa batu sina yomuñwi wa balutiwa ba Kreste. Yet, at this point, he was willing to accept the consequences of giving Jesus a dignified burial and of openly identifying himself as one of Christ's disciples. Many who are part of the "great crowd " have served Jehovah for many years. Batu ba bañata ba ba balelwa kwa "buñata bo butuna " ba sebelelize Jehova ka lilimo ze ñata. Faithful older members of the "great crowd " have served Jehovah for decades. Eric: Yes. Bo Kamwi: Eni. Eric: Yes. As a result of anger and frustration, they ran to the kitchen and opened the bag of a fast and all the dishes in it, which they do almost all the time to get angry. Mi kabakala bunyemi ni kuzwafa, baakufela kwa liapehelo ni kuyo kwalula mukotana wa maswiti ni kuca maswiti kaufela ainzi mwateñi, ili nto yebaezanga ibatoba nako kaufela habanyemile. Angry and frustrated, she storms into the kitchen, pulls out a bag of chocolate candies, and eats them all - just as she seems to do every time she is upset. Unable to pay off, the slave asked that mercy be shown to him, and his master kindly forgave this huge debt of interest. Ka ku palelwa ku lifa, mutanga a kupa kuli mufelañeke u boniswe ku yena, mi mulen'a hae ka musa a swalela ona sikoloti seo se situna sa lidenare ze 60,000,000. Unable to pay, the slave begged for mercy, and his master kindly forgave that huge debt of 60,000,000 denarii. And they are determined to do this fine work. " Mi ba itiisa ku eza musebezi o munde wo. " So they strengthened their hands for the good work. " I have to ask him to tell me what he thinks instead of just waiting for him to tell me who he is. Se ni tokwanga ku mu buza ilikuli a ni taluseze za nahana mwa sibaka sa ku libelelanga feela kuli u ka ni bulelela ka i li yena. I have to ask him what's on his mind rather than expect him to tell me. King Sennacherib of Assyria taunted Jehovah and threatened Hezekiah for destruction. Mulena Senakeribi wa Asiria anyefula Jehova ni kusabisa Ezekiasi kuli akoze. The Assyrian King Sennacherib taunted Jehovah and tried to intimidate Hezekiah into surrendering. When the Messiah came, Jesus ' followers were given a command that they should follow when Jesus said to Peter: "Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " Mesiya ha sa tile, balateleli ba Jesu ne ba filwe taelo ye ba swanela ku latelela ili ya na bulezi Jesu ku Pitrosi, ye li: "Kutisa mukwale wa hao mwa sipusu sa ona; kakuli kaufela ba ba swala mukwale, ba ka bulaiwa ka mukwale. " After the Messiah came, the standard for all disciples of Jesus is found in Christ's words to Peter: "Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " The elders and others like them imitate this example. Baana - bahulu ba ni ba bañwi ba ba swana ni bona ba likanyisa mutala wa Onesiforo. During my nine months in the hospital, I thought seriously about my life. Mwa likweli ze 9 ze ne ni swelwi mwa sipatela, ne ni nahanisisize hahulu ka za bupilo bwa ka. Nine months in the hospital gave me plenty of time to reflect on my life. However, do not give instruction for just an hour a week. Nihakulicwalo, mu si ke mwa fa taelo ka hora i liñwi fela ka viki. Do not limit spiritual instruction to one hour a week, however. How does she cope? Kiñi zetusanga bo Anja kuitiisa mwa muinelo wo? How does Anja cope with her unchangeable circumstances? One morning a congregation of 105 publishers organized a Bible study campaign with everyone they met at home. Zazi le liñwi kakusasa puteho ya bahasanyi b'a 105 ba lukisa mungendenge wa ku fa tuto ya Bibele ku mutu ni mutu ye ne ba katana fa ndu. One morning a congregation with 105 publishers made a special effort to offer a Bible study to each householder they met. They know well that leaving their parents in times of need would be enough to " deny their Christian faith. ' - 1 Timothy 5: 8. Ba ziba hande kuli ku fulalela bashemi ba bona mwa linako za butokwi ne ku ka likana ni " ku latula tumelo ya bona ya Sikreste. ' - 1 Timotea 5: 8. They are well aware that to turn their backs on their parents in a time of need would be equivalent to " disowning the Christian faith. ' - 1 Timothy 5: 8. Though the Bible was completed almost 2,000 years ago, its words still apply. Nihaike kuli Bibele ne i felizwe ku ñolwa ibat'o ba lilimo ze 2,000 kwamulaho k'o, manzwi a yona a sa sebeza. Although the Bible was completed nearly 2,000 years ago, its words are still applicable. Juan, a member of the branch, who was asked to move to Mexico, felt as if she were starting life again. Bo Juan, ba ba li silama sa mutai, ili ba ne ba kupilwe ku tutela kwa Mexico, ne ba ikutwile inge kuli kona ha ne ba kalisa bupilo hape. Juan, another brother who was asked to move to Mexico, says: "It is almost like being born a second time; you must form new bonds. When your spouse speaks, do the same. Bakumina ha ba bulela, ni mina mu ezange sina mwa naa ezelize Jesu. When your mate speaks, follow the same pattern. Second, my mother and father tried everything they could to convince me to stop serving Jehovah. Libaka labubeli, bo ma ni bo ndate nebalikile monebakonela kaufela kunikolwisa kuli nituhele kusebeleza Jehova. Second, Mom and Dad tried even harder to convince me to stop serving Jehovah. The speaker also explained that Jesus ' death was important because it would result in the loss of the first man. Mubuleli hape naa talusize kuli lifu la Jesu ne li la butokwa bakeñisa kuli ne li ka tahisa kuli batu ba fumane lika zeo mutu wa pili naa latehezwi ki zona. The speaker also explained why Jesus ' death was necessary to restore mankind to what the first man had lost. I felt more at peace. Ne ni ikutwa ku ba mwa kozo ye tuna. There was such peace. Joshua was not afraid. Joshua n'a si ka saba. Not Joshua. Justice involves applying Bible principles when we discipline others. Ku laya ka ku luka ku talusa ku itusisa likuka za mwa Bibele ha lu kalimela ba bañwi. Hence, we should use Bible principles as our guide. The apostle Paul described Roman governor Festus in a similar way. - Acts 26: 25. Muapositola Paulusi na talusize Festusi, mubusisi wa Roma ya na busa Judea ka nzila ye swana. - Likezo 26: 25. The apostle Paul addressed Festus, the Roman procurator of Judea, in a similar way. - Acts 26: 25. Evidently, he was helped by one of the following three reasons: (1) He may have been told by Paul, who had become a professor of Gamaliel; (2) he may have asked one of the rulers of the compassionate court such as Nicodemus; (3) he knew the things that are inspired by God. Ku bonahala kuli na konisizwe ki le liñwi la mabaka a malalu a latelela: (1) Mwendi na taluselizwe ki Paulusi, ya na kile a ba muituti wa Gamaliele; (2) mwendi na buzize yo muñwi wa manduna ba Kuta ya na na ni mufelañeke ya cwale ka Nekudema; (3) mwendi na zibile litaba ze ka ku buyelelwa ki Mulimu. There are at least three possibilities: (1) Paul, formerly a student of Gamaliel, informed Luke; (2) Luke consulted a sympathetic member of the Sanhedrin, such as Nicodemus; (3) Luke received this information through divine inspiration. In February 1961, while visiting the branch office in Athens, we were asked if we would like to serve at Bethel. Mwa February 1961, ha ne lu nze lu pota kwa ofisi ya mutai kwa Atene, lwa buziwa haiba ne lu ka tabela ku yo sebeleza fa Betele. In February 1961, while visiting the branch office in Athens, we were asked if we would be willing to serve at Bethel. [ Diagram / Picture on page 28] [ Siswaniso / Siswaniso se si fa likepe 28] [ Diagram / Picture on page 11] Why should Christ's followers comfort others? Ki kabakalañi balateleli ba Kreste ha ba swanela ku omba - omba ba bañwi? Why do Christ's followers need to imitate him in giving comfort? Is your friendship as strong as ever? " Walk With God " Conventions, 3 / 1 Doing so includes maintaining the unity of our worldwide brotherhood and of our congregation as much as we can. Kana silikani samina sikatiya sina mone sitiyezi sapili? Would your relationship ever be as strong as it once was? Why guard against idolatry? Ku eza cwalo, ku kopanyeleza ku bukeleza buñwi bwa mwa kopano ya mizwale ba luna kaufela ni bwa puteho ya luna ka mo lu konela kaufela. That includes doing all we can to maintain the unity of our worldwide brotherhood even among those in our local congregation. " It took me three years, " she says, "but Jehovah continued to bless me for all those years. " Ki kabakalañi ha mu swanela ku itibelela kwa ku lapela milimu ya maswaniso? Why should you guard against idolatry? In some cases, fanatic opposers attack Jehovah's worshipers and put their possessions on fire. Bo Sara babulela kuli: "Nekufitile lilimo zetaalu inze nili mwa muinelo wo, kono Jehova naazwezipili kunitiisa ka lilimo zeo kaufela. " " Three long years passed, but thanks to Jehovah, I was able to endure, " says Sara. This relationship between the 144,000 and all their subjects was foreshadowed by what was done on Atonement Day each year. Ku ze ñwi, balwanisi ba muñañatoho ba lindaulanga balapeli ba Jehova ni ku tumbeka tutu ya bona mulilo. In others, fanatics physically assault Jehovah's worshipers and burn their property. What a blessing it has been to work along with such faithful spiritual men! - Ps. 133: 1. Swalisano yeo ye mwahalaa ba 144,000 ni batu kaufela ba ba ka busiwa ki bona ne i swaniselizwe ki ze ne eziwanga fa Lizazi la Swalelo ya Libi ka silimo ni silimo. This relationship between the 144,000 and the rest of mankind was foreshadowed in the events of the annual Atonement Day. Judeh and I used to travel for about 60 miles [65 km] to attend a convention of black Witnesses in town. Nibile ni mbuyoti yetuna hahulu ya kusebeza ni baana babasepahala babacwalo ili babatiile kwa moya! - Samu 133: 1. What a joy it has been to serve with such faithful spiritual men! - Ps. 133: 1. He reminds the Israelites that Jehovah God alone is worthy of worship and that they should not imitate the nations around them. Judah ni na ne lu cobile linjinga ka likilomita ze 51 kuli lu y'o fumaneha kwa mukopano wa Lipaki ba Bansu mwa Pietersburg. Judah and I cycled 32 miles [51 km] to attend an assembly of African Witnesses in Pietersburg. Not only does it mention the heel of Satan's head but it also refers to the heel of the Seed of God's woman. U hupulisa Maisilaele kuli Jehova Mulimu ki yena a nosi ya swanelwa ku lapelwa ni kuli ha ba lukeli ku likanyisa macaba a n'a ba potolohile. He reminds the Israelites that Jehovah God deserves exclusive devotion and that they must not follow the ways of the surrounding nations. What about us as God's people today? Ha bu buleli fela za ku pyatiwa kwa toho ya Satani, kono hape bu bulela ni za ku lumiwa kwa lisito la Peu ya musal'a Mulimu. It foretells not only the crushing of Satan's head but also, by contrast, the bruising in the heel of the Seed of God's woman. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Ku cwañi luna ka ku ba batu ba Mulimu kacenu? What about us as God's people today? No doubt there will be so much work of education under Kingdom rule that "the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. This would be based on whether you would obey God or disobey him. Ku si na kakanyo ku ka ba ni musebezi o mutuna wa tuto o ka zamaiswa ki Mubuso kuli mane "lifasi li ka tala zibo ya [Muñ'a] Bupilo, sina mezi mw'a kwahelezi liwate. " - Isaya 11: 9. Tukelo ya Bubusi bwa Jehova ya Boniswa No doubt there will be a great educational work under Kingdom supervision so that "the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. However, God has a name. Seo ne si ka itinga ka za haiba ne mu ka ipeya ku utwa Mulimu kamba ku sa mu utwa. That would have depended on whether you obeyed God or you disobeyed him. And they did all of this with remarkable accuracy [and] made it possible for Slavonic to have many words. " Nihakulicwalo, Mulimu unani libizo. However, God has a personal name. (b) In Jesus ' illustration of the prodigal son, what do we learn from the example of a father? Mi ne ba ezize zeo kaufela ka ku nepahala ko ku komokisa [mi] ba tahisa kuli puo ya si - Slavonic i be ni manzwi a mañata. " And they did all this with amazing precision [and] opened the Slavic language to unprecedented lexical richness. " That selfish spirit is also taught to young ones and shows it in many respects even after they are older. (b) Mwa nguli ya Jesu ya mwana ya n'a latehile, lu itutañi kwa mutala wa ndate? (b) What lesson do we learn from the example of the father in Jesus ' illustration of the prodigal son? The Israelites needed to trust Moses and later Joshua, his successor. Moya wa buitati wo u lutiwa ni kwa banana mi ba u bonisa mwa likalulo ze ñata niha se ba hulile. This self - centered spirit is promoted in children and continues in many areas of adult life. I asked him, " Which church is seen here? ' Maisilaele ne ba tokwa ku sepa Mushe mi hamulaho Joshua, ya n'a mu yolile. For the Israelites, this meant showing confidence in Moses and later in his successor, Joshua. " Show Them Greatly " Se ni ba buza kuli: " Ki keleke mañi ye bonahala fa siswaniso fa? ' I asked her what sort of church that was. SONGS TO BE USED: 40, 85 " Mu Ba Bonise Hahulu - Hulu Luli Kutwelo - Butuku " " Give Them More Than Extraordinary Consideration " 19: 13, 14. LIPINA ZE KA OPELWA: 40, 85 SONGS TO BE USED: 40, 85 From Monday to Saturday, the day begins with morning worship. 19: 13, 14. 19: 13, 14. The problems facing these scientists are not the same as those faced by astrologers. Ku kala la Mubulo ku isa la Mukibelo, lizazi fa Betele li kalanga ka milapelo ya kakusasana. From Monday through Saturday, the day at Bethel begins with morning worship. When everyone in the family submits to Christ's leadership, the family is happy. Butata bo bu talimani ni bona ba sayansi bao ha bu fapahani ni bo bu talimani ni baituti ba linaleli. The problems faced by these scientists is not unlike the problem faced by astronomers. It took many years before Abraham and Sarah were childless. Mañi ni mañi mwa lubasi h'a ipeya kwatas'a ketelelo ya Kreste, lubasi lu ba mwa tabo. When everyone in the family submits to Christ's leadership, the result is a happy family. Lot, who lived among the wicked inhabitants of Sodom, "was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law - defying people in loose conduct " and" suffered in his righteous spirit day by day when he saw and heard their wicked deeds. " Ne ku ngile lilimo ze ñata - ñata Abrahama ni Sara inze ba si na nihaiba mwana a li muñwi. If we do so, we will please Jehovah and bless him, just as Joseph did. Lota ya na yahile mwahal'a batu ba ba maswe ba mwa munzi wa Sodoma "n'a swabanga maswe ka mizamao ya buhule ya batu bao ba ba maswe " mi" n'a utwa butuku mwa moya wa hae o lukile, ka zazi ni zazi, ha n'a bonanga mi a utwanga likezo za bona ze maswe. " Lot, who dwelled among the depraved inhabitants of Sodom, "was greatly distressed by the indulgence of the law - defying people in loose conduct, " and" what he saw and heard while dwelling among them from day to day was tormenting his righteous soul by reason of their lawless deeds. " David and Bath - sheba would not escape all the consequences of their sin. Halueza cwalo, lukatabisa Jehova mi uka lufuyaula, sina mone kubezi ku Josefa. Such an approach is sure to bring Jehovah's approval and blessing, just as it did in the case of Joseph. " The Knowledge That They Are Knowledge - It Is Not It " Davida ni Bati - Sheba ne ba si ke ba banda ze maswe kaufela ze n'e ka tiswa ki sibi sa bona. David and Bath - sheba were not to escape all consequences of their sin. Spong, a few years ago, said: "We must... come from thinking that we have the truth and others must take our attitude and conclude that none of us can understand the absolute truth. " " Zibo Ye Ba Li Ki Zibo, Bo Hasi Yona " " Falsely Called " Knowledge ' " To think about: How do you think animals should be treated? Spong, lilimo ze sikai kwamulaho n'a ize: "Lu lukela... ku zwa mwa ku nahana kuli lu na ni niti mi ba bañwi ba lukela k'u nga mubonelo wa luna mi lu ye mwa temuho ya kuli ku luna kaufela ha ku na ya kona ku utwisisa niti ye tezi. " Spong said a few years ago: "We must... move from thinking we have the truth and others must come to our point of view to the realization that ultimate truth is beyond the grasp of all of us. " At that time, they wanted to kill themselves. Zaku nahanisisa: Muikutwa kuli lifolofolo liswanela kueziwa cwañi? To think about: How do you feel animals should be treated? How can this help us when we have been offended or offended? Ka nako yeo, ne ba batile ku ipulaya. At that point, she wanted to end her life. What are you using to do? Nto yeo i kona ku lu tusa cwañi ha lu foselizwe kamba ha lu shemaetwa? How does that help when we are offended or provoked? Why? Mu itusisanga lipangaliko za mina ku ezañi? What is the content? However, when she learned that her wife was studying with the Witnesses, she began to ask questions and was invited to participate in the study. Libaka? Why? In some lands, there are even more opposers. Nihakulicwalo, ha na zibile kuli musal'a hae n'a ituta ni Lipaki, na kalisize ku buzanga lipuzo mi a memiwa ku abana mwa tuto. Nevertheless, when he found out that his wife was studying with the Witnesses, he began to ask questions and was invited to join in the study. Christians too face the pressures of these "critical times hard to deal with, " and it is not surprising that faithful servants of Jehovah sometimes get discouraged. - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Mi mane mwa linaha ze ñwi ku na ni balwanisi ba bañata - ñata. In fact, in some lands vicious opposers of true worship form an overwhelming enemy force. 5: 19, 21. Bakreste ni bona ba tahelwanga ki mapacaca a "linako ze tata " ze, mi ha ku komokisi kuli batanga ba Jehova ba ba sepahala fokuñwi ba zwafanga. - 2 Timotea 3: 1. Christians are not immune to the stresses and strains of these "critical times hard to deal with, " and it is not surprising that faithful servants of Jehovah sometimes become discouraged. - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Having reverential fear of displeasing Jehovah will help us pursue a virtuous course. 5: 19, 21. 5: 19, 21. How do we know that the command to bear thorough witness was not limited to 12 apostles? Ku ba ni sabo ye likute ya ku sa tabisa Jehova ku ka lu tusa ku ndongwama nzila ya bunde. Reverential fear of displeasing Jehovah will help us to pursue a virtuous course. Yes, as the apostle James says: "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights. " - James 1: 17. Lu ziba cwañi kuli taelo ya ku paka Evangeli ne i si ka fiwa fela kwa baapositola ba 12? How do we know that the charge to bear witness was not limited to the 12 apostles? • How does the book of Amos show that God's judgment on destruction is selective? Ki niti sina mwa bulelela muapositola Jakobo: "Mpo ye nde kaufela, ni mpo ye petehile kaufela, i zwa kwahalimu, ku Ndate wa maseli. " - Jakobo 1: 17. Indeed, as the disciple James points out, "every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the celestial lights. " - James 1: 17. In so doing, his sons were not treated and disappointed. - Exodus 22: 22, 23; 2 Kings 4: 1 - 7. • Buka ya Amosi i bonisa cwañi kuli katulo ya Mulimu ya sinyeho ya ketanga? • How does the book of Amos show that the execution of God's judgment is selective? Louis, Missouri, using her car. Ka ku eza cwalo, bana ba hae ne ba si ka ngiwa mi na si ka utwa maswabi. - Exoda 22: 22, 23; 2 Malena 4: 1 - 7. She thus preserved her family and her dignity. - Exodus 22: 22, 23; 2 Kings 4: 1 - 7. May we never speak too much. Louis, kwa Missouri ka ku itusisa mota ya hae. Louis, Missouri. Instead, he kindly corrected them. Haike lu si ke lwa bulela hahulu. May we not abound in words. These verses indicate that God has chosen some of Adam's first offspring to rule with Christ in heaven. Tax Collectors (first century), 3 / 1 Paul wrote: "You are free from sin and have become slaves of God, producing fruit of cleansing, and the end is everlasting life. " Kono naa ba sikuluzi ka musa. Instead, he calmly reasoned with them. This situation taught us to simplify our lives and to appreciate spiritual things rather than material things. Litimana zeo li bonisa kuli Mulimu u ketile ba bañwi kwa bana ba mutu wa pili Adama kuli ba yo busa ni Kreste kwa lihalimu. This passage states that God has chosen some descendants of the first man, Adam, to rule with Christ in the heavens. While Paul was on his third missionary tour, he stood there, talking long into the middle of the night. Paulusi n'a ñozi kuli: "Mu lukuluhile kwa sibi, mi mu fetuhile batanga ba Mulimu, mu beya miselo ya ku keniswa, mi mafelelezo ki bupilo bo bu sa feli. " " Because you were set free from sin but became slaves to God, " wrote Paul, "you are having your fruit in the way of holiness, and the end everlasting life. " LIFE STORY Muinelo wo ne u lu lutile ku nolofaza mupilelo wa luna ni ku itebuha lika za kwa moya ku fita lika za kwa mubili. This situation taught us to be content with a simple life and to value spiritual riches more than material pursuits. To build friendships with others, I try to show them love and zeal. Paulusi ha n'a li mwa musipili wa hae wa bulalu wa bulumiwa, a yema mwateñi, mi a ambola nako ye telele ku isa mane fahali a busihu. When Paul stopped there on his third missionary trip, he prolonged his discourse until midnight. Will we be more concerned with gaining God's favor than with gaining riches? MAKANDE A BUPILO Like Paul, we preach to people because we truly love them. Kuli ni tiise silikani ni ba bañwi, ni likanga ku bonisa lilato ni cisehelo ku bona. " To cement such friendships, I try to show love and interest in others. J. Kana lu ka iyakatwa hahulu ku shemubiwa ki Mulimu ku fita ku ipumanela bufumu? Will we show greater concern for gaining Jehovah's approval than for seeking material security? Eventually the thrilling words of Revelation 21: 4 will be fulfilled in a large way: "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " Ka kuswana ni Paulusi, lukutaza kwa batu kabakala kuli lwabalata luli. Like Paul, we preach to people out of heartfelt concern. In this skeptical generation, many view it as old and inactive, questioning that it is not really holy. MUÑOLI wa litoko ya bizwa J. The poet was J. (b) In his words to Moses, how did Jehovah emphasize His basic quality, but what warning did He add? Kwa nalulelule manzwi a ' nyangumuna a kwa Sinulo 21: 4 a k'a talelezwa ka nzila ye tuna: "U ka takula miyoko kaufela kwa meto a bona; mi lifu ha li sa na ku ba teñi; nihaiba ku tahelwa ki maswabi ni ku lila, ni ku utwa butuku; kakuli za pili li felile. " At last the stirring words of Revelation 21: 4 will be magnificently fulfilled: "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The ban at the Kingdom Hall did not stop us from worshipping Jehovah, but in my heart I wondered, " What is God's will for my family? ' Mwa lusika lo lwa buhononi, ba bañata ba i ' nga sina nto ya kale ni ye sa sebezi, ni ku honona kuli haki ye kenile luli. In this age of skepticism, many consider it out - of - date and irrelevant, doubting that it is truly holy. How were these Nephilim and their fathers able to cause so much wickedness on earth? (b) Mwa manzwi a hae ku Mushe, Jehova n'a koñomekile cwañi kalemeno ka Hae ka ka mutomo, kono ki temuso mañi ya N'a ekelize teñi? (b) In his words to Moses, how did Jehovah stress His primary quality, but what caution did He add? I did not pause to think of them as men, women, and children.... Ku kwaliwa kwa Ndu ya Mubuso ne ku si ka lu tuhelisa ku lapela Jehova, kono mwa pilu ya ka ne ni ipuza kuli, " Tato ya Mulimu kwa lubasi lwa ka ki ifi? ' The closing of the Kingdom Hall did not stop our worship of Jehovah, but the question in my mind was, " What is God's will for my family? ' He threw away a man who was teaching God's Word in prison and told him: "Don't want you to teach this Word of God because you were free to steal from your church! " Likwenyepa zeo ni bondat'a zona ne ba konile cwañi ku tisa bumaswe bo butuna cwalo mwa lifasi? How did the Nephilim and their fathers exert such a powerful evil influence on humans? In some cases, elders allowed sects of worship, fornication, and ridicule to destroy the good reputation of the flock. Ne ni si ka kutumana kuli ni ba nahane kuli ki banna, basali ni banana.... I did not sit down and think in terms of men, women and children.... You have no place in this work, and you need to cover expenses. Atuhelisa mutu yanaa lutanga Linzwi la Mulimu mwa tolongo mi amubulelela kuli: "Hanisa tabela kuli ulutange Linzwi la Mulimu mo, bakeñisa kuli neutamezwi kuuzwa mwa keleke yamina! " He removed the current pastor, telling him: "I don't want you to teach God's Word here again, for you were put in prison because you stole from your church! " • Why should you have a balanced view of money? Ku ze ñwi, maeluda ne ba lumeleza tukwata - kwata twa bulapeli, buozwa, ni ku enya li nze li sinya mayemo a mande a mutapi. In others, the elders had allowed sectarianism, immorality, and lukewarmness to corrupt the flock. (b) What feelings do some of our sisters endure? Hakuna zemulifiwa mwa musebezi wo, mi mane mutokwa kuitifela lisinyehelo zamina. You do not get paid to do this, and you have to pay for your expenses. Think of the taste of eating a good meal, breathing, or seeing a beautiful sunset! • Ki kabakalañi ha mu swanela ku ba ni mubonelo o lukile wa masheleñi? • Why is it important to gain a balanced view of money? His deception is a source of comfort. (b) Likaizeli ba luna ba bañwi ba tiyelanga maikuto mañi? (b) Some of our sisters are coping with what feelings? 20, 21. A mu hupule ka za ku tabusa kwa ku ca sico se sinde, ku buyela moya o munde o kenile, kamba ku bona ku likela kwa lizazi ko ku buheha! Just think of the delight of tasting a fine meal, breathing enjoyably clean air, or viewing a gorgeous sunset! And Brazilian evangelizers hold their meetings in various parts of Britain. Ku shemba - shemba kwa hae kw'a wisa pilu. His calm manner is comforting. Finding time for spiritual activities brings rich benefits 20, 21. 20, 21. And if you want to know why I'm doing things or when I'm not doing certain things, ask me. Mi bakutazi ba ba zwa kwa Brazil ba ezezanga mikopano ya bona mwa libaka ze fitana - fitana za mwa Britain. And evangelists from Brazil now hold crusades in various parts of Britain. How will he accomplish this? Ku fumana mwa mipateho ya luna nako ya ku eza lika za kwa moya ku tisa lituso ze tuna Balancing other activities in our busy life with spiritual pursuits brings rich dividends Even in such activities as education and medicine - so - called tenderly compassionate and concerned about others - some have failed to be honest and have persecuted or even killed those in their care. Mi haiba u bata ku ziba libaka ha ni ezanga lika ze ñwi kamba ha ni sa ezangi lika ze ñwi, u ni buzange. Claire: Anyway, Gail, I'm happy you mentioned this. Natural disasters - Are They From God? Seo u ka si peta cwañi? How will he accomplish this? Jesus Christ? Niheba mwa misebezi ye cwale ka ya lituto ni likalafo - ye twi i eziwa ka ku utwela ba bañwi butuku ni ku iyakatwa za bona - ba bañwi ba palezwi ku sepahala mi ba nyandisize kamba mane ku bulaya ba ba mwa pabalelo ya bona. Even in such professions as education and medicine - supposedly governed by compassion and concern for others - some have betrayed their trust and exploited or even murdered those in their care. We are like buildings that need much strengthening strength to cope with increasing natural conditions. Likozi za ka Taho - Kana Li Tiswa Ki Mulimu? Natural Disasters - Is God Responsible? This helps me to view the preaching work as the Creator does. " ku Jesu Kreste? Jesus Christ? Why should we strive to cooperate with other imperfect Christians? Lu swana sina miyaho ye tokwa ku tiiswa hahulu - hulu kuli i tiyele miinelo ya za ka taho ye sinya ka ku ekezeha. We are like buildings that need more and more fortification against the worsening onslaught of the elements. WHAT IS THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Taba yeo i ni tusa ku nga musebezi wa ku kutaza sina mwa u ngela Mubupi. " This helps me to see the preaching work from the Creator's point of view. " In harmony with this counsel, the work of Jehovah's Witnesses is also done openly. Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku ikataza kuli lu swalisane ni Bakreste ba bañwi ba ba si ka petahala? Why is it vital to work toward being united with other imperfect Christians? IT IS true that many have exercised faith since Abel's time, "faith is not a possession of all people. " KI LIKA MAÑI ZE SI ZA MBANGO? WHAT IS NOT VANITY? And by being unjustly critical of our brother, we would not fulfill the law of love. - Romans 13: 8 - 10. Ku likana ni taluso ya kelezo yeo, musebezi wa Lipaki za Jehova ni ona u ezezwa fa nalela. In the spirit of this counsel, the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses is also conducted openly. When God's rebellious angelic sons married women on earth and produced offspring - the Nephilim - grew to an even greater degree. NIHAIKE kuli batu ba bañata ba bonisize tumelo ku zwa ka nako ya Abele, "tumelo haki ya batu kaufela. " THOUGH it has been in evidence since the days of Abel, "faith is not a possession of all people. " Though he spoke boldly as a publisher proclaiming God's warnings to those living before the flood, "they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away. " Mi ka ku nyaza - nyaza muzwale wa luna ka ku sa luka, ne lu si ke lwa taleleza mulao wa lilato. - Maroma 13: 8 - 10. And by unjustly criticizing our brother, we would not be fulfilling the law of love. - Romans 13: 8 - 10. The couple, João Paulo, in Ascultin, Santa Bana ba Mulimu ba mangeloi a mangulunde ha ne ba nyezi basali fa lifasi ni ku pepa bana - zona likwenyepa - lipulayano za ekezeha ku fita fa sipimo se situna ni ku fita. As disobedient angelic sons of God married women on earth and produced progeny - the Nephilim - violence increased to a level previously unknown. Yes, our power of reason should play an important role in our worship. Nihailikuli n'a bulezi ka ku tokwa sabo sina muhasanyi ya shaela litemuso za Mulimu ku ba ne ba pila mwa linako zeo munda u si ka ba teñi kale, ne "ba si ka lemuha se siñwi, mane munda wa kena, mi wa ba kukisa kaufela. " Though he spoke boldly as a herald proclaiming God's warning to the antediluvians, "they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away. " But David did not stop there. Bo Noemi ni bo João Paulo, mwa Ascurra, ili kwa Santa Catarina What Joshua Had Done Ee, m'ata a luna a ku nahana a swanela ku peta kalulo ya butokwa mwa bulapeli bwa luna. Yes, our mental faculties must play a key role in our worship. But God answered it because Nehemiah was helped by King Artaxerxes to build Jerusalem's walls. Kono Davida n'a si ka feleza f'o. But David went further. Or perhaps when people around you are angry, you would want to speak calmly and with insight. Za N'a Hupuzi Joshua What Joshua Remembered The heavenly King of that Kingdom is the resurrected Jesus. Kono Mulimu na i alabile kakuli Nehemia na tusizwe ki mulena Aritazerisi ku yo yaha mamota a Jerusalema. Yet, God answered it, for Nehemiah was given the king's support to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. (a) What privilege is granted, to all who exercise faith in the ransom? Kamba mwendi muta batu be mu li ni bona ba halifa, ne mu ka bata ku bulela ka ku iketa ni ka butali. Or maybe you want to speak in a calm and reasonable manner when the emotions of others around you are running high. But the greatest privilege we have as baptized Christians is to have a close relationship with the true God, Jehovah. Mulena wa kwa lihalimu wa ona Mubuso w'o ki Jesu y'a zusizwe. The heavenly King of that Kingdom is the resurrected Jesus. On page 255, the 1994 Yearbook stated: "We encourage all those who have done the preaching work for a long time: " Be courageous and do not let your hands drop down, for your activity will be rewarded. ' - 2 Chron. (a) Ki tohonolo mañi ye filwe, ku bao kaufela ba ba bonisa tumelo mwa tiululo? (a) To all who exercise faith in the ransom, what opportunity is given? However, Jehovah knew - as indicated by his fourth and prophetic proclamation: "This is what Jehovah of armies has said, " Even though this is a marvel in the eyes of the remnant of this people in those days, will you say in my eyes? Kono tohonolo ye tuna ka ku fitisisa ye lu na ni yona luna Bakreste ba ba kolobelizwe ki ku ba ni bulikani bo bu tiile ni Mulimu wa niti, Jehova. However, for baptized Christians, the greatest privilege is our being allowed to have a close relationship with the only true God, Jehovah. They had to choose whether to live forever or to die. Buka ya Yearbook ya 1994 neibulezi cwana fa likepe 255 kuli: "Lususueza mizwale ni likaizeli kaufela babaezize musebezi wa kukutaza ka nako yetelele kuli: " Mundumebe mi musike mwalepeleza mazoho amina, kakuli musebezi wamina uka mifumanisa mupuzo. ' - 2 Makol. The 1994 Yearbook states on page 255: "To all who have endured in the work for many years, we exhort: " Be courageous and do not let your hands drop down, because there exists a reward for your activity. ' - 2 Chron. That hope will help us to endure trials. Nihakulicwalo, Jehova n'a ziba - sina seo ha si boniswa ki zibahazo ya hae ya bune ili ya bupolofita, ye li: "Muñ'a Bupilo wa limpi s'a bulela ki se, u li: Taba yeo niha i talimeha ike ki ye komokisa mwa meto a masialeti a sicaba se, mwa mazazi ao; kana mu li, ni mwa meto a ka i ka talimeha ku komokisa? Nevertheless, Jehovah knew - as borne out by his fourth prophetic pronouncement: "This is what Jehovah of armies has said, " Although it should seem too difficult in the eyes of the remaining ones of this people in those days, should it seem too difficult also in my eyes? ' Basically, that is what God requires of us. Ne ba na ni ku iketela ku pila ku ya ku ile kamba ku shwa. Before them was either everlasting life or death. Focusing on our welfare can make us self - centered. Sepo yeo ikalutusa kuitiisa ka nako yelutalimana ni litiko. That sure hope can buoy us up during our trials. So let him leave me, that my anger may blaze against them and I may annihilate them; but you I shall make a great nation out of you. " - Ex. Ka mutomo, seo ki sona s'a tokwa Mulimu ku luna. Basically, that is what God expects of us. Knowing that Jehovah understands things, hears the warmth of the worldwide brotherhood, and puts our eyes on the joy ahead of us under Kingdom rule - all of these will help us not to tire out in faith and in preaching when the end is very limited. Ku iyakatwa hahulu za buiketo bwa luna ku kona ku lu bisa baitati. Being inordinately concerned about our health could lead to our becoming self - centered. Your commandments concern me more than my enemies; for to time indefinite they are to me. Cwale, a ku ni tuhele, kuli buhali bwa ka bu ba tukele, ni ba yundise; haili wena ni ka ku eza sicaba se situna. " - Ex. So now let me be, that my anger may blaze against them and I may exterminate them, and let me make you into a great nation. " - Ex. (a) How will the land's distribution be fulfilled in Paradise? Ku ziba kuli Jehova w'a utwisisa lika, ku utwa mufutumala wa sizwale sa lifasi kamukana, ni ku beya meto a luna fa tabo ye kwapil'a luna mwatas'a puso ya Mubuso - zona zeo kaufela li ka lu tusa ku sa katala mwa ku sebeleza Jehova ka tumelo ni mwa ku kutaza muta mafelelezo ha s'a li fa kaufi hahulu. Knowing that Jehovah understands, feeling the warmth of the worldwide brotherhood, and keeping our eyes on the joys ahead of us under Kingdom rule - all of this will help us not to tire out in serving Jehovah in faith and in preaching when the end is so close at hand. Diane's Questions Answered Milao ya hao i ni talifisize, ni fita lila za ka; kakuli i ku na kamita. Wiser than my enemies your commandment makes me, because to time indefinite it is mine. It was at this critical time that Enoch survived. (a) Ku abela kwa naha ku ka talelezwa cwañi mwa Paradaisi? (a) How will the allotting of the land be fulfilled in Paradise? Although we are busy serving Jehovah, we may be discouraged if people do not respond to the good news we preach to them. Lipuzo za bo Diane Ha Li Alabiwa Diane's Questions Answered After 537 B.C.E., many in neighboring lands were surprised when God's servants were restored to their homeland to restore true worship. Ne li ka yona nako ya bumaswe bo butuna yeo fa n'a pilezi Enoke. It was during that spiritually degenerate time that Enoch appeared on the scene. In fact, when our lives center on our relationship with Jehovah, they are filled with sacred service. Nihaike kuli lu patehile ku sebeleza Jehova, mwendi lwa kona ku zwafa haiba batu ba sa amuheli taba ye nde ye lu kutaza ku bona. Perhaps we are busy in the work of the Lord, but we are discouraged because we do not see results. Mark, who lives in Congo, is a leper. Hamulaho wa 537 B.C.E., ba bañata mwa linaha ze n'e li bukaufi ne ba kakamalile batanga ba Mulimu ha ne ba kutiselizwe habo bona ku y'o kalisa sinca bulapeli bwa niti. After 537 B.C.E., many in the surrounding nations were astonished by the restoration of God's servants to true worship in their homeland. But as a teacher, how did he show this love? Ka buniti fela, bupilo bwa luna ha bu tomile ku za swalisano ya luna ni Jehova, bu tala sebelezo ye kenile. Truly, when our lives revolve around our relationship with Jehovah, they are filled with sacred service. He felt God's protection through Christ, as did a tent protection. Mark, ya pila mwa Congo, u kula mbingwa. Mark, who lives in Congo, suffers from leprosy. In time, however, Milanko became discouraged by the corruption and hypocrisy he saw. Kono ka ku ba muluti, n'a bonisize cwañi lona lilato leo? How, though, did he display that love as a teacher? Furthermore, an increasing number of single - parent families and foreign families are present among us. Na ikutwile ku silelezwa ki Mulimu ka Kreste, sina mwa ikutwela mutu ya silelezwa mwa tende. He felt God's protection through Christ, just as a person in a tent feels protected from the elements. Dr. Juan Dua - a Canadian surgeon who is willing to respect the patient's conscience - immediately helped. Nihakulicwalo, hamulaho wa nako, bo Milanko ba kala ku zwafiswa ki buputeleli ni buipi bo ne ba bona. In time, though, Milanko became disillusioned with the military because of the corruption and hypocrisy he saw. However, most local citizens did not understand this announcement and thought that the radio station was announcing our literature, so they accepted our literature. Fahalimu a seo, palo ye sweli ku ekezeha ya mabasi a mushemi a li muñwi ni mabasi mo ku na ni bana ba ku sili y'a fumaneha mwahal'a luna. Furthermore, an increasing number of single - parent families and stepfamilies are found in our midst. 3: 11; 8: 17. Dokota Juan Duarte - mupazuli wa lipilu wa kwa Madrid ya tabela ku kuteka lizwalo la mukuli - n'a tusize kapili - pili. Juan Duarte - a heart surgeon in Madrid who takes pride in respecting a patient's conscience - immediately offered his services. [ Footnote] Kono buñata bwa bayahi ba sibaka seo ne ba si ka utwisisa zibiso yeo mi ne ba nahana kuli ndu ya moya ne i zibahaza ka za lihatiso za luna, mi kacwalo ba amuhela lihatiso za luna. However, most residents misunderstood the announcement and believed that it was advertising our publications, so they accepted the literature. To be empathetic means to die for others - to think and feel like them, not to forget their limitations. 3: 11; 8: 17. 3: 11; 8: 17. Moses was determined to love Jehovah with his whole heart, soul, and strength. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] The Bible contains many examples showing that Jehovah really helps his people. Ku ba ni kutwelo - butuku ku talusa ku shwela ba bañwi mañeke - ili ku nahana ni ku ikutwa sina bona, lu sa libali mapalelwi a bona. To be empathetic means to feel for others - to identify with their thoughts and feelings, considering their limitations. The expression "if you have done it " refers to acts of loving support for Christ's spirit - begotten brothers, whom Satan's world has acted as though they were weak, even throwing some of them into prison. Mushe naa ikatulezi ku lata Jehova ka pilu ya hae kaufela, ka moyo wa hae kaufela ni ka maata a hae kaufela. Rather, Moses was determined to love Jehovah with all his heart, soul, and strength. In the 1930 ' s something different began to happen. Mwa Bibele kunani mitala yemiñata yebonisa kuli Jehova watusanga luli batu bahae. Do not be afraid. " - Zechariah 8: 14, 15. Pulelo ye li "ha mu ezize " i ama likezo za ku tusa ka lilato banyani ba Kreste ba ba pepilwe ka moya, bao lifasi la Satani li ezize inge kuli ki baluilui, mane ni ku lenga ba bañwi ku bona mwa tolongo. The expression "to the extent that you did it " refers to acts of loving support given to Christ's spirit - begotten brothers, whom Satan's world has treated as strangers, even throwing some of them into prison. This certainly was something that a person should do seriously about, but many who heard Jesus did not. Mwa ma - 1930 nto ye fapahana ya kalisa ku ezahala. In the 1930 ' s the reverse took place. The 15 languages of these are spoken by over 100,000 people each. Mu si ke mwa saba! " - Zakaria 8: 14, 15. Do not be afraid. ' " - Zechariah 8: 14, 15. Moses sent 12 men to spy out the Promised Land. Seo kaniti luli ne li nto yeo mutu a swanela ku eza ka tata ka za yona, kono ba bañata ba ne ba utwile Jesu ne ba si ka eza cwalo. That certainly was worth exerting oneself for vigorously, but most who heard Jesus did not do so. Some may suffer emotional stress because of poor health, the loss of loved ones, or other tragedies. Lipuo ze 15 ku zeo li bulelwa ki batu ba ba fitelela 100,000 ye ñwi ni ye ñwi ya zona. Fifteen of those languages are spoken by more than 100,000 people each. " No longer did the wages for those who had left their job or former employees. Mushe n'a lumile banna ba 12 ku yo twela Naha ya Sepiso. Moses sent 12 men to spy out the Promised Land. However, Jesus tells them: "You will certainly drink my cup,... but sitting down at my right hand or at my left is not mine; I will give it to men prepared by my Father. " Ba bañwi ba kana ba telwa ki mukatala mwa munahano kabakala mapongo, ku shwelwa ki balatiwa, kamba maziyezi a mañwi. Some may experience emotional fatigue as a result of challenging health problems, the loss of loved ones, or other distressing problems. Paul quoted those words and could easily be found at Romans 11: 34 and 1 Corinthians 2: 16. Bo Pierre ba talusa kuli: "Ne ku sa zwanga lituwelo za batu ba ne ba tuhezi musebezi kamba babeleki ba ba shwile kale. " Salaries were being paid to personnel whose contracts had expired or who were deceased, " Pierre explains. The prophet Isaiah described this message with these beautiful words: "How comely upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news, the one publishing peace, the one bringing good news of something better, the one publishing salvation, the one saying to Zion: " Your God has become king! ' " - Isaiah 52: 7. Nihakulicwalo, Jesu wa ba taluseza kuli: "Luli mu ka nwela mwa sinwiso sa ka,... kono haili ku ni ina ku la bulyo, kamba ku la nzohoto, hasi na, ni ka fa mutu; ku ka fiwa ba ba lukiselizwe cwalo ki Ndate. " Nevertheless, Jesus tells them: "You will indeed drink my cup, but this sitting down at my right hand and at my left is not mine to give, but it belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father. " Solomon noted that people of all nations would join him in praising Jehovah in his heartfelt prayer: "If, now, a foreigner who is no part of your people Israel, comes from a distant land because of your name, (for foreigners will hear that your name is great and that your mighty hand will come and that he may come, as in all the peoples of the earth, may know that your name has come and that your name has come, and that you may fear you may do all the earth and fear you may do it. " - 1 Ki. Paulusi naamile kwa manzwi aswana ao mi lwakona kuafumana ka bunolo kwa liñolo la Maroma 11: 34 ni la 1 Makorinte 2: 16. Paul's use of these words can now be found easily at Romans 11: 34 and 1 Corinthians 2: 16. Jehovah's worship should be paramount in our lives. Mupolofita Isaya n'a talusize lushango lo lu shaela ka manzwi a mande a, a li: "Ki a mande cwañi fa malundu, mautu a ya tisa litaba ze nde, ya shaela kozo; ya tisa litaba ze nde, ya shaela za ku pilisa, ya li ku Sione: Mulimu wa hao ki ya busa! " - Isaya 52: 7. The prophet Isaiah gave this beautiful description of the message we publish: "How comely upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news, the one publishing peace, the one bringing good news of something better, the one publishing salvation, the one saying to Zion: " Your God has become king! ' " - Isaiah 52: 7. Oma is a language without many words. Salumoni naa lemuhile kuli batu ba macaba kaufela ne ba ka swalisana ni yena mwa ku lumbeka Jehova. Mwa tapelo ya hae ye ne zwelela kwa pilu, Salumoni naa bulezi kuli: "Hape, muzwahule ye si wa sicaba sa hao sa Isilaele, ya zwa kwa naha ye kwahule, kabakala Libizo la hao, (Kakuli mazwahule kuye - kuye ba ka utwa kuli Libizo la hao ki le lituna, ni kuli lizoho la hao li maata, lona lizoho la hao le li namile;) muzwahule haa ka taha a lapela mwa Ndu ye, U utwe, u li mwa lihalimu, mwa sibaka sa hao, mi u eze mwa kupela kaufela ku Wena, mutu yo nalikatukakule; kuli macaba kamukana a lifasi a zibe Libizo la hao, a ku sabe, sina mo si ku sabela sicaba sa hao sa Isilaele. " - 1 Mal. In a heartfelt prayer, he said: "Also to the foreigner, who is no part of your people Israel and who actually comes from a distant land by reason of your name (for they shall hear of your great name and of your strong hand and of your stretched - out arm), and he actually comes and prays toward this house, may you yourself listen from the heavens, your established place of dwelling, and you must do according to all that for which the foreigner calls to you; in order that all the peoples of the earth may get to know your name so as to fear you the same as your people Israel do. " - 1 Ki. Why is humble cooperation so important? Bulapeli bwa Jehova bu swanela ku ba nto ya pili mwa bupilo bwa luna. Jehovah's worship should be our first concern in life. Jehovah has been the object of ridicule to mankind's race, even giving his Son so that mankind might receive everlasting life. Sinama ki puo ye si na manzwi a mañata. Nama is a language with a limited vocabulary. He explained: "I do not make my soul meet. I am finishing my journey and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God. " Ki kabakalañi swalisano ya ka buikokobezo ha i li ya butokwa hahulu? Why is humble cooperation so important? Scriptural principles have helped people to avoid violence and wickedness and to become better people. Jehova u bile ya sehapala kwa mushobo wa mufuta wa mutu, mane ni ku fa Mwan'a hae ilikuli mufuta wa mutu u amuhele bupilo bo bu sa feli. Jehovah has been loyal to the human race, even providing his Son so that humans may receive everlasting life. " The virgins " of Christ's heavenly bride will have ample reason to rejoice when they see how the marriage of the Lamb brings blessings in the new world. Na talusize kuli: "Bupilo bwa ka ha ni bu babaleli; ni li, ni feleleze musipili wa ka, ni musebezi o ni filwe ki Mulena Jesu, wa ku paka [taba ye nde, NW] ya sishemo sa Mulimu. " He explained: "I do not make my soul of any account as dear to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received of the Lord Jesus, to bear thorough witness to the good news. " Jesus made this clear when he said: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. Likuka ze mwa Mañolo li tusize batu ku ambuka mifilifili ni bumaswe kaufela ni ku ba batu ba bande. The Scriptures and the values they promote have moved people to renounce all kinds of violence and vice and to become better people. It is almost every day that we hear such stories. " Basizana " ba munyaliwa wa kwa lihalimu wa Kreste ba ka ba ni mabaka a mañata a ku ba ni tabo ye tuna ha ba ka bona mo linyalo la Ngunyana li tahiseza limbuyoti mwa lifasi le linca. " The virgin companions " of Christ's heavenly bride will have further cause for rejoicing when they see the marriage become fruitful in the new world. David took seriously God's dealings with His servants and also meditated on the way he himself was treated. Jesu n'a bulezi seo ka ku utwahala hande ha n'a ize: "Mu tokomele kuli lipilu za mina li si ke za sinyiwa ki ku ca maswe, ni ku kolwa bucwala, ni ku bilaela za bupilo; mane lizazi leo li t'o mi tulukela mu si ka itukisa; Kakuli li ka wela ba ba yahile mwa lifasi kaufela sina sikwela. Jesus stated this clearly when he said: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. For it will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth. As a result, from the beginning, there were various forms of Christianity that were relatively small in common. " I bata iba ka zazi ni zazi lu utwa makande a cwalo. Hardly a day goes by without some news of this sort coming our way. 20, 21. (a) In our ministry, how can we imitate Paul's example? Davida na kengeezi lika zeo Mulimu na ezelize batanga ba Hae mi hape na nahanisisize mwa na piliselizwe yena ka sibili. David called to mind God's dealings with His servants and how he himself had experienced deliverance. Take a look at what is used to prepare a meal, if it is shared in something. Kacwalo, ku zwelela kwa makalelo, ne ku na ni mifuta - futa ya Bukreste bo ne bu lumelelana fela fo kunyinyani. " From the start, then, there were numerous varieties of Christianity which had little in common. " Two aged women of the Waldenses burned 20, 21. (a) Mwa bukombwa bwa luna, lu kona cwañi ku likanyisa mutala wa Paulusi? 20, 21. (a) Regarding our ministry, how can we follow Paul's example? For example, in the 20th century, many nations were ruled by corrupt political governments, who forced sincere men to commit cruel acts. Mu tatubange nto ye itusisizwe kwa ku putela sico se mu leka, haiba sico seo si puta - putezwi mwa nto ye ñwi. If the food is prewrapped, inspect the packaging. When does he come? Ku cisiwa kwa basali ba babeli ba basupali ba Mawaldense The burning of two elderly Waldensian women Jesus said: "Keep your eyes fixed on the things that you are hearing. " Ka mutala, mwa lilimo za mwanda wa bu 20, linaha ze ñata ne li busiwa ki milonga ya bupolitiki ye maswe, ye ne hapelelize batu ba bande luli kuli ba eze likezo ze situhu. For example, during the 20th century, many countries came under the power of corrupt political regimes, which forced apparently decent people to commit terrible atrocities. Researchers are trying to imitate this bird's ability to clean up water, trying to produce something similar to that bird's wings, but it is not easy for them to do so. U taha lili? When will he come? • How have Jehovah and Jesus Christ proved to be loving shepherds? Jesu naa bulezi kuli: "Mu ise mamelelo kwa lika ze mu utwa cwale. " " Pay attention to what you are hearing, " said Jesus. Some clergymen have even been given money for their flocks. Babatisisi ba sweli ku lika ku likanyisa buikoneli bwa nyunywani ye bwa ku tapa ka bunolo mwa mezi. Ba lika ku panga nto ye swana ni mafufa a nyunywani ye, kono ku ba bela taata ku eza cwalo. However, researchers acknowledge that further investigation is challenging because "the complexity of penguin plumage would be difficult to replicate in a man - made porous membrane or mesh. " On that day, nothing will be more important than attending this Memorial occasion. • Jehova ni Jesu Kreste ba bonisize cwañi kuli ki balisana ba ba lilato? • How have Jehovah and Jesus Christ proved themselves to be loving Shepherds? A common language: Spanish Ba bañwi ba ba bahulu ba bulapeli se ba fumisizwe mane ki mali a kungushuzwi kwa mitapi ya bona. Some religious leaders have even become wealthy from money collected from their flocks. He was impressed by the Bible - based attitude of Machch. Fa lizazi leo, ha ku na nto ye ka ba ya butokwa hahulu ku fita ku fumaneha kwa kezahalo yeo ya Kupuzo. On that day, nothing could be more important than being present for this Memorial occasion. One widow said, "I have found that the things you do when you are grieving can help you to find comfort. " Puo ye itusiswa hahulu: Sipanishi Official language: Spanish When she arrives home, she says: "I have heard wonderful news. Sylvie n'a tabisizwe ki mubonelo wa Michèle o tomile fa Bibele. Sylvie was impressed by Michèle's Bible - based viewpoint. Obedience to God's wisdom found in proverbs is inspired by his spirit and heeding their discipline brings only good results. Mbelwa yomuñwi naabulezi kuli, "Na nilemuhile kuli lika zaeza mutu ka nako yali mwa maswabi, ki zona zekona kumutusa kuikutwa kuomba - ombiwa. " One widow observed, "I have found it more accurate to say that it is what one does with one's time that helps one to heal. " A person who is inclined to be critical of others focuses only on a minor weakness in his brother's "brothers. " Bo Mairambubu habafita kwa ndu, babulela kuli: "Niutwile litaba zende hahulu. " I heard wonderful things, " said Mairambubu. However, the silent evidence of creation is not enough. Ku utwa butali bwa Mulimu bo bu mwa mashitanguti a ñozwi ka ketelelo ya moya wa hae ni ku mamela kalimelo ya bona ku tisanga fela ze nde. Listening to the godly wisdom contained in the inspired proverbs and accepting its discipline result only in good. In his book Daily Life in Ancient Rome, historian "in those games, sports was allowed to break free from pornography... Mutu ya lata ku nyaza - nyaza ba bañwi u talima fela fa bufokolinyana bo bu mwa "liito " la mwanahabo yena. A person inclined to criticize another individual takes note of a minor defect in his brother's "eye. " We can also be loyal to Jehovah if a brother who has privileges in the congregation does not treat us well. Kono bupaki bo bu fiwa ki pupo ye sa buleli ha bu si ka likana. However, the silent witness of creation is not enough. " For the lie is our refuge and we are concealed in falsehood. " - ISAIAH 28: 15. Mwa buka ya hae ye bizwa Daily Life in Ancient Rome, muituti wa litaba za kwakale ya bizwa Jérôme Carcopino u li: "Mwa lipapali zeo, babapali ne ba lumelezwa ku tubula ku siyala mapunu... In his book Daily Life in Ancient Rome, historian Jérôme Carcopino says: "In these plays the actresses were permitted to undress entirely... God's angel appeared to Gideon, who was chosen to deliver Israel out of distress. Hape lwakona kusepahala ku Jehova haiba muzwale yanani buikalabelo mwa puteho asaluezi hande. We can also be loyal to Jehovah if a brother who is taking the lead treats us unfairly. (b) Despite what do God's people observe his commandments? " Kakuli lishano ki sisabelo sa luna, mi lu ipatile mwatas'a bupumi. ' - ISAYA 28: 15. " We have made a lie our refuge and in falsehood we have concealed ourselves. " - ISAIAH 28: 15. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Lingeloi la Mulimu ne li bonahezi ku Gidioni ya n'a ketilwe ku lamulela Isilaele kwa maswenyeho. God's angel appeared to Gideon, who was appointed to save Israel from oppression. Aristotle also believed that the sun and other celestial bodies are perfect; they cannot change or be unblemished or otherwise. (b) Batu ba Mulimu ba mamela litaelo za hae ku si na taba niñi? (b) Despite what do God's people observe his commandments? Jim was devastated. KADI YA BIBELE 20 NUWE BIBLE CARD 20 NOAH After Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary gave birth to other sons, Jesus ' half brothers. Aristotle hape n'a lumela kuli lizazi ni lika ze ñwi za kwahalimu li petehile; ha li koni ku cinca kamba ku ba ni litiba kamba katowati kafi kamba kafi. Aristotle also held that the sun and other celestial objects were perfect, free of any marks or blemishes and not subject to change. Finally, understanding and obeying the Bible's command to pay taxes will help us to have peace of mind. Bo Jim nebazwafile hahulu. Jim was very disappointed. Obey the Messiah Jesu ha s'a pepilwe, Josefa ni Maria ba pepa bana ba bañwi, bona banyani ba Jesu ku bom'ahe. After Jesus ' birth, Joseph and Mary had other children, Jesus ' half brothers and sisters. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom. " Sa mafelelezo, ku utwisisa ni ku latelela taelo ya mwa Bibele ya ku lifa mitelo ku ka lu tusa ku ba ni kozo ya mwa munahano. Finally, understanding and following the Bible's command to pay taxes will give you peace of mind. 32 Did You Know? Mu Utwe Mesiya Listening to the Messiah This view - often taught to children from an early age - can have a negative effect on them. Kacwalo he mu zibahaze, mu zibahaze, mu zibahaze, Mulena ni mubuso wa hae. " Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom. " They have been declaring the good news of the future for over 100 years. 32 Kana Mwa Ziba? 32 Did You Know? David knew that service at that temple would bring joy and benefit to God's people. Mubonelo wo - o lutiwanga hañata kwa banana ku zwa feela ha ba sa li ba banyinyani - u kona ku tahisa kuli ba si ke ba kondisa mwa bupilo sina mo ne ba hupulela. That notion - which is all too often spoon - fed to children from an early age - will likely lead to disappointment. It is far superior to anything that has ever been seen or seen by humans. Sebazibahalize taba yende ya lika zekaezahala kwapili ka lilimo zefitelela 100 zefelile. They have been sharing a positive message about the future for over one hundred years. When entertainment accomplishes this, it helps. Davida n'a ziba kuli misebezi ye ne ka ezezwanga kwa tempele yeo ne i ka tisa tabo ni ku tusa batu ba Mulimu. David knew that the arrangements in connection with the temple would bring joy and blessings to God's people. PAGE 14 Whom should we not put our trust in? Ki le li fitela kwahule nto ifi kamba ifi ye kile ya bonwa kamba ku yelwaseli ki batu. It goes beyond anything else ever seen or experienced by humans. The inhabitants of those villages may not have cared for them, or they may not have been in the right place. Muta ku itabisa ku peta seo, ku fa tuso. When entertainment accomplishes this, it is beneficial. As the account shows, Jesus did not avoid sinners. LIKEPE 14 Ki bomañi be lu sa swaneli ku isepisa ka bona? PAGE 10 How does God feel about anyone who loves violence? 6: 15, 16 - Is the one mentioned in these verses by Jehovah God or by Jesus Christ? Mwendi ba ne ba yahile mwa minzi yeo ne ba sa i babaleli, kamba mwendi ne i si yo mwa sibaka se si swanela. Perhaps the cities were not well - kept by their pagan inhabitants, or it may be that they were not ideally located. (b) Where may we find hope for better things? Sina mo li boniseza likande le, Jesu naa sa ambukangi baezalibi. As this account clearly shows, Jesus did not shun sinners. 3: 7) Because of our knowledge of God's Word, we zealously preach about the coming great tribulation and the new world. 6: 15, 16 - Kana ya bulelwa mwa litimana ze ki Jehova Mulimu kamba ki Jesu Kreste? 6: 15, 16 - Do these words apply to Jehovah God or to Jesus Christ? He lost his home, but James and his family did not lose their joy. (b) Ki kai ko ne lu kana lwa fumana sepo ya lika ze nde ni ku fita? (b) Where may we find hope of better things? What lies ahead can test our love for Jehovah. 3: 7) Kabakala zibo ye lu na ni yona ya Linzwi la Mulimu, lu kutaza ka cisehelo ka za ñalelwa ye tuna ye taha ni ka za lifasi le linca. Our knowledge of God's Word moves us to declare zealously the coming great tribulation and the new world to follow. But there is also a better reward. Ba latehelwa ki ndu ya bona, kono bo James ni lubasi lwa bona ne ba si ka latehelwa ki tabo ya bona. They lost their house, but they did not lose their joy. One of the worst things that can happen to a surgeon is loss of sight. Ze sa taha kwapili za kona ku beya lilato la luna la ku lata Jehova mwa tiko. What lies ahead may put our love for Jehovah to the test. [ Picture on page 5] " Trust in him at all times, O people. " - PS. She sought guidance to help her younger son cope with the sudden death of another family member. Kono hape ku na ni mupuzo o munde ni ku fita. There is an even better reward. 6, 7. (a) What is meant by the word "flesh " in the Bible? Ye ñwi ya lika ze maswe hahulu ze kona ku ezahalela mupazuli ki ku shwa meto. One of the worst things that can happen to a surgeon is to lose his eyesight. They were far superior to being Bible Students. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 5] [ Picture on page 5] The world's propaganda and lack of appreciation work along with your own imperfect tendencies and make godly obedience a lasting struggle. Musali yo na bata ketelelo ya mwa ku tuseza mwan'a hae yo munyinyani kuli a kone ku tiyela lifu la ka sipundumukela la mutu yo muñwi wa mwa lubasi. The mother was seeking guidance to help her young son cope with the sudden death of a close family member. Jesus patiently suffered great pain because he knew that it was God's will for him to die in that way. 6, 7. (a) Linzwi la "nama " mwa Bibele liitusisizwe kutalusa lika mañi? 6, 7. (a) What are some ways in which the term "flesh " is used in the Bible? Adam died when Enoch was 308 years old. Ne ba fitela kwahule ku ba fela Baituti ba Bibele. They were far more than just Bible students. The whole earth will be a beautiful paradise, and everyone on earth will honor God by showing love to others. Buikungo bwa lifasi ni ku tokwa buitebuho li sebelisana hamoho ni litengamo za ku sa petahala kwa mina mi li ezisa ku ipeya ku utwa kwa bumulimu ku ba ndwa ya kamita. The world's self - interest and ingratitude work along with your own imperfect tendencies and make godly obedience a constant struggle. (See paragraph 15) Ka pilu - telele, Jesu naa utwisizwe butuku bo butuna bakeñisa kuli naa ziba kuli ne li tato ya Mulimu kuli a shwe ka nzila yeo. He patiently submitted to God's will, though this meant suffering agonizing pain. □ Though God may take into account circumstances that limit wrongdoing if we sin, what should we not do? Adama naashwile Enoke inze anani lilimo ze 308. Adam died when Enoch was 308 years old. Some disasters occur because they are in some other place at the wrong time. Lifasi kamukana likaba paradaisi yende hahulu, mi mutu kaufela fa lifasi ukalikanyisa Mulimu ka kubonisa babañwi lilato. The whole earth will be made a paradise of exquisite delight, and everyone on earth will reflect God's love. Should such idolatry be viewed as true worship? (Mubone paragilafu 15) (See paragraph 15) By the same token, the years of human life in ten generations from Adam to Noah were more than 850. □ Nihailikuli Mulimu n'a kana a beya mwa munahano miinelo ye kusufaza foso haiba lu eza sibi, ki sifi se lu sa swaneli ku eza? □ Though God may take extenuating circumstances into consideration if we sin, what should we not do? The Bible also gives us hope for the future. Likozi ze ñwi li tahelanga batu bakeñisa ku fumaneha mwa sibaka se siñwi ka nako ye maswe. People often experience calamity because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. He also says: "To you, the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you do not need to be taught by anyone, but the anointing from him is what teaches you, and it is true, and it is not false. Nihakulicwalo, kana ku lapela maswaniso ko ku cwalo ku swanela k'u ngiwa sina bulapeli bwa niti? However, can such idolatry be regarded as true worship? It was freedom from superstition, freedom from ignorance, and more, faith. Ha li alulwa ka ku likanelela, lilimo za ku pila za batu mwa masika a lishumi ku zwa ku Adama ku isa ku Nuwe ne li fitelela 850. The average life span of the ten generations from Adam to Noah was above 850 years. This was followed by the European Common Era in 1957. Bibele hape iluomba - omba ka kulufa sepo yetabisa ya za kwapili. The Bible also comforts us by means of a thrilling hope for the future. " That is how Jehovah dealt with his wife. " Hape ubulela kuli: "Haili mina, ku toziwa ko ne mu amuhezi ku zwa ku yena, ku siyala cwalo ku mina, mi ha mu tokwi ku lutiwa ki mutu ufi kamba ufi; kono ku toziwa ko ku zwa ku yena ki kona ko ku mi luta lika kaufela, mi ki kwa niti, haki kwa buhata. He also says: "As for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but the anointing from him is teaching you about all things and is true and is no lie. Jesus calls this third group his brothers. Ne li li tukuluho ya ku zwa kwa tumelo ya za mioya, tukuluho ya ku zwa kwa bulapeli bo bu si na zibo, ni ze ñwi hape, ze ñata. It was freedom from superstition, freedom from religious ignorance, and much, much more. He would be resurrected on the third day. - Matthew 16: 21; 28: 5 - 7. Seo ne si latelezwi ki kopano ye bizwa European Common Market ka 1957. This was followed in 1957 by the European Common Market. Let us consider what this sure future will mean for us in the new world of righteousness. Tohru n'a shemaetile cwalo Yoko musal'a hae. Tohru dared his wife, Yoko. Think especially of those in greater need. Jesu u biza sikwata sa bulalu seo kuli ki banyani ba hae. Jesus calls this third group his spiritual brothers. God's Word - A Source of Good News, 8 / 15 Naa ka zusiwa fa lizazi la bulaalu. - Mateu 16: 21; 28: 5 - 7. Resurrected on the third day. - Matthew 16: 21; 28: 5 - 7. A man who sees that he is ready for battle breaks out to show us that he is their leader. Ha lu nyakisiseñi mo bu ka bela bupilo sakata bo bu sa taha bo, mwa lifasi le linca la ku luka. Let us consider just what this real life, the life to come in a righteous new world, will be like. □ Why can it be said that death is an enemy? Mu nahane sihulu ka za ba ba li mwa butokwi bo butuna hahulu ni ku fita. Think especially of those most in need. Clearly, Jesus ' friends were weak. Liselusi Zamina Linani Buikoneli Bwa Kubuluka Litaba Zeñata! 8 / 15 Cells - Living Libraries, 8 / 15 " They seem more concerned about receiving spiritual food than with material help, although they are in desperate need of more things, ' the report concludes. Munna yo muñwi ya bonala kuli u iteekezi ndwa u kunupela mwahalimu ili ku lu bonisa kuli ki yena mueteleli wa bona. One trigger - happy man fires into the air with his rifle to remind us who is in charge. 13: 11. □ Ki kabakalañi ha ku konwa ku bulelwa kuli lifu ki sila? □ Why can it be said that death is an enemy? Jehovah is always aware of what is best, so they have deep respect for his counsel on marrying "only in the Lord. " Kaniti, balikani ba Jesu nee li batu ba ba fokola. Certainly, Jesus ' friends were flawed individuals. With renewed zeal, Asa promoted true worship. " Ba bonahala ku iyakatwa hahulu ka za ku amuhela sico sa kwa moya ku fita tuso ya kwa mubili, nihaike kuli ba mwa butokwi bo butuna bwa lika ze ñata, ' ki mo i feleza piho yeo. " They seem more concerned about receiving spiritual food than material help, although they are in dire need of many things, ' the report concludes. Adding to my distress, he explained that my children wait in heaven for them, that the one who killed them when he died became his slaves. 13: 11. 13: 11. Take your position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or be terrified. Jehova kamita wa ziba ze nde ka ku fitisisa, kacwalo ba kuteka hahulu kelezo ya hae ya za ku nyala kamba ku nyalwa "fela... ku Mulena. " Jehovah always knows best, so they take seriously his counsel to marry "only in the Lord. " Rutherford, who was president of the Watch Tower Society, gave powerful talks with the heading "Expos " and" Religion and Christianity " to expose Satan's seed. Ka tukufalelo ye nca, Asa a hulisa bulapeli bwa niti. With renewed zeal, Asa promoted true worship. Jehovah also foretold that he would perform "a new thing " and that he would deliver his people from slavery in a wonderful way. Ka ku ekeza kwa masitapilu a ka, a talusa kuli bana ba ka ba libelela kwa lihalimu, kuli ya naa ba bulaile ha ka shwa ba be batanga ba hae. Worse, he explained that my sons were now waiting in the spirit world to become servants of their killer when he died. This passage refers to Christian elders who meet to resolve serious problems between Christians, but the principle applies also to our meetings. Mu itukise mi mu ikemele, mu ka bona mw'a piliseza [Jehova, NW] ye mu inzi ni Yena, mina Juda ni Jerusalema; mu si ke mwa saba, mi mu si ke mwa mbemuka. Take your position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. Their desire to please God moves them to reject customs that are contrary to Bible teachings. Rutherford, ili y'o n'a li presidenti wa Watch Tower Society, n'a file lingambolo ze m'ata ze na ni litoho za taba ze li "Exposed " (U Beilwe fa Ngandaleza) ni" Religion and Christianity " (Bulapeli ni Bukreste) ili ku beya fa ngandaleza peu ya Satani. Rutherford, then president of the Watch Tower Society, delivered powerful exposés of Satan's seed in discourses entitled "Exposed " and" Religion and Christianity. " Hearting From Death to Man Jehova hape naa polofitile kuli naa ka eza "nto ye nca " ni kuli naa ka lukulula batu ba hae mwa butanga ka nzila ye komokisa. The first six chapters of the book of Isaiah are largely warnings about the certain calamity that was to come upon Jerusalem and its surrounding cities. Why can you say that Jeremiah was safeguarded by Jehovah and Uriah was not like Uriah, but Jeremiah did not stop serving Jehovah and fled. Taba ye mwa liñolo le, i ama kwa maeluda ba Sikreste ba ba kopana kuli ba tatulule matata a matuna mwahal'a Bakreste, kono sikuka sa teñi si ama hape ni kwa mikopano ya luna. In context, this statement applies to Christian elders who are meeting to handle serious problems between individuals, but in principle, it also applies to our meetings. How Noah came to know Jehovah. Takazo ya bona ya ku tabisa Mulimu i ba susueza ku hana lizo ze sa lumelelani ni lituto za Bibele. Their desire to please God moves them to avoid customs that do not harmonize with the Bible's teachings. All the rebels fled to Malawi. Ku Ipilula ku Zwa kwa Lifu ni ku Ba Mutu Passing From Death to Life It was written by John Mark some 30 years after Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, and it contains many thrilling accounts of what took place during Jesus ' three and a half - year ministry. Kiñi ha u kona ku bulela kuli Jeremia naa silelelizwe ki Jehova mi Uria yena naa si ka silelezwa? - Ki niti kuli Jeremia naa sabile sina mwa naa sabezi Uria, kono Jeremia yena naa si ka tuhela ku sebeleza Jehova ni ku baleha. Why would you say that Jeremiah was protected by Jehovah and Urijah was not? - Well, Jeremiah may have been afraid, as Urijah was, but Jeremiah did not give up serving Jehovah and run away. Stand Firm in the Ministry Zenetusize Nuwe kuziba Jehova. How Noah came to know Jehovah. The rebels included many of Jehovah's Witnesses who had been imprisoned because they refused to support Nazi murderous rule. Bakozi kaufela ba mata ku liba kwa Malawi. All refugees ran back toward Malawi. Several people had already been contacted, and the people of Ha're already receiving literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses, even studying the Bible with the Witnesses. Buka yeo ne i ñozwi ki Joani Mareka lilimo ze bat'o ba ze 30 ku zwa fa lifu ni zuho ya Jesu Kreste, mi i na ni litaba ze ñata ze tabisa ze talusa ze ne ezahezi mwa bukombwa bwa Jesu bwa lilimo ze talu ni licika. Written by John Mark some 30 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is a fast - moving, action - packed account of Jesus ' three - and - a - half - year ministry. Would not the principle of this proverb also apply when contemplating a change of employment, seeking a certain home, buying a car, or looking for a child's license, and so on? Mu Tiye mwa Bukombwa Endure in the Ministry However, kind and firm discipline shows that parents care for their children's needs. Bonalimai ne ba kopanyeleza ba bañata ba Lipaki za Jehova ba ne ba lengilwe mwa tolongo bakeñisa kuli ne ba hanile ku fa kemelo kwa puso ya bubulai ya Si - Nazi. The victims included many of Jehovah's Witnesses who were imprisoned because they refused to support the murderous Nazi regime. The prophecy recorded at Matthew 24: 24 lists events that would mark the end of the world. Batu ba sikai ne se ba kile ba ambotiwa kale, mi batu ba mwa Ha'apai ne se ba amuhezi libuka ze hatisizwe ki Lipaki za Jehova, mane ni ku ituta Bibele ni Lipaki. Some occasional contact had previously been made, and people in Ha'apai had received literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses, even studying the Bible with the Witnesses. Family study should be an opportunity to build up hearts, not just to know more. Kana sikuka sa lishitanguti leo ha si koni ku sebeza hape ha lu singanyeka za ku cinca mubeleko, ku bata ndu ya mufuta o muñwi, ku leka mota, kamba ku bata simunanu sa ku uta, ni cwalo - cwalo? Would not the principle of this proverb also apply when we consider changing employment, choosing a certain type of housing, purchasing a car, acquiring a house pet, and the like? " Then he reasoned: " How many workers in the Father are without bread, and here I am hungry! ' Kono ku fa kalimelo ka sishemo ni ka ku tiya ku bonisa kuli bashemi ba iyakatwa bana ba bona ka lilato. Exercising authority kindly and firmly, however, reflects loving concern. Surely nothing can make us doubt that God will fulfill his promise to restore the earth to its perfect state. MIINELO YETAATA YA MWA LIFASI KAUFELA Bupolofita bobuñozwi kwa liñolo la Mateu 24 bubonisa mukoloko wa likezahalo zenekaba sisupo sakufela kwa lifasi. WORLDWIDE UPHEAVALS A prophecy recorded in Matthew chapter 24 lists events on the earth that would make up a composite sign. To keep going, we need to keep burning. Tuto ya lubasi i swanela ku ba nako ya ku yahisa lipilu, isi fela ya ku ziba lika ze ñata. The family study should be a time not merely to fill heads with knowledge but also to build up hearts. There is also no room for the impression that children have been present only to meet the needs of their parents. " Cwale a kengeyela, a li: Babeleki kwa ku Ndate ki ba bañata hahulu ba ba palelwa ki buhobe, mi na mo, tala ya ni bulaya! " When he came to his senses, he said, " How many hired men of my father are abounding with bread, while I am perishing here from famine! Jesus Christ called holy spirit "a helper. " Kaniti, ha ku na se si kona ku lu kakanyisa kuli Mulimu u ka taleleza sepiso ya hae ya ku kutisa lifasi mwa muinelo o petehile o ne li li ku ona sapili. Is there any reason to doubt that God's promise to restore perfect conditions to the earth will not likewise come true? So the psalmist was saying, " Nothing can prevent the almighty Creator from helping me! ' - Isaiah 40: 26. Kuli ketulu i zwelepili ku bila, lu tokwa ku zwelapili ku koteza mulilo. (Kingdom Interlinear) To keep a kettle of water boiling, we need a steady supply of heat. (a) What did Paul mean when he asked the Corinthians to " open ' hearts? Mi hape ha ku na sibaka sa mubonelo wa kuli banana se ba bezi teñi ki ku taleleza fela butokwi bwa bashemi ba bona. Nor is there room for the view that children exist solely to meet the needs of their parents. Nisan 12 Jesu Kreste n'a bizize moya o kenile sina "mutusi. " Jesus Christ called the holy spirit a "helper. " God can also give his wife and family "power beyond what is normal " to cope with the unexpected burden. Kacwalo sa n'a talusa muñoli wa samu y'o kikuli, " Ha ku na se si kona ku palelwisa Mubupi ya m'ata ote ku ni tusa! ' - Isaya 40: 26. In effect, the psalmist was saying, " Surely there is nothing that can prevent the all - powerful Creator from helping me! ' - Isaiah 40: 26. How have humans had a perfect start? (a) Paulusi n'a talusañi ha n'a kupile ba kwa Korinte kuli ba " atamise ' lipilu? (a) What did Paul mean when he urged the Corinthians to "widen out "? [ Picture on page 7] Nisani 12 Nisan 12 They were fine, and later they showed interest in Mary's religious beliefs. Hape Mulimu wa kona ku fa musali ni lubasi lwa hae " maata a matuna hahulu ' a ku tiyela butata bwa ku ba ni mulwalo o si ka libelelwa. Moreover, God can provide "power beyond what is normal " to help a woman and her family cope with any unplanned pregnancy. We need to find time for personal prayer. Batu ba bile ni makalelo a petehile cwañi? What perfect start did mankind get? First, the Philistines fought in the Valley of Refaw. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 7] [ Picture on page 7] Such obedience is a fine reminder to these heavenly sons of God. Banna bao ne li ba mikwa ye minde, mi mane nako ye ñwi hamulaho ne ba bonisize kuli ne ba tabela lituto za bulapeli bwa bo Mary. The man was quite mannerly, and on a later occasion, he even expressed interest in Mary's religious beliefs. Thus, although this old world was completely destroyed because it was grossly wicked, God "kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people. " Lu tokwa ku fumana nako ya tapelo ya ka butu. We need to make time for private prayer. This means that our love for Jehovah involves both how we feel and how we act. - Read Micah 6: 8. Sapili, Mafilisita ba kala ku lwanela mwa musindi wa Refaimi. First, the Philistines began raiding in the low plain of Rephaim. How Would You Answer? Ku ipeya ku utwa ko ku cwalo ki kupuliso ye nde kwa bana ba Mulimu bao ba kwa lihalimu. Such obedience is a fitting reminder for these heavenly sons of God. The brothers in Thessalonica would not have been happy if they had simply done the preaching and teaching work. Kacwalo, nihaike kuli lifasi la le la kale ne li timelizwe bakeñisa kuli ne li le li maswe ka ku tala, Mulimu n'a "pilisize Nuwe, yena mubuleli wa ku luka, ni ba bañwi ba ba 7, nako y'a tisa Munda o bulaile lifasi la banyefuli. " Thus, although that ancient world was destroyed because it was completely corrupt, God "kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people. " Education may be free, but the student will make use of his life to advance this system of things. Fo kutalusa kuli lilato laluna ku Jehova liama molunahanela ni moluezize lika. - Mubale Mika 6: 8. This means that our love for Jehovah involves the way we think and what we do. - Read Micah 6: 8. Worldwide there are about 50 million refugees, about half of which are children. Ne Mu Ka Alaba Cwañi? How Would You Answer? He lived in Jerusalem. Mizwale ba mwa Tesalonika ne ba si ke ba ba ni tabo kambe kuli ne ba ezeza feela mulao musebezi wa ku kutaza ni ku luta. Can you imagine that your brothers in Thessalonica would have been content to preach and teach in a perfunctory manner, as if it were a mere duty to be performed listlessly? How do we know that Jehovah has preserved his name? Tuto i kana ya fiwa mahala, kono muituti u ka lifa ka ku itusisa bupilo bwa hae kwa ku zwisezapili muinelo wo wa linto. The education may be practically free, but the price that the students pay is a life engrossed in advancing the present system. " There were now three thriving congregations in our town, " says Jan Kongak. Mwa lifasi kaufela ku na ni babalehi ba 50 milioni mi licika la palo yeo ki banana. Around the world, there are now 50 million refugees and displaced persons - half of them children. Jehovah sees what we do with what zeal? Naa pilile mwa Jerusalema. Lived in Jerusalem. What will we consider in the next article? Lu ziba cwañi kuli Jehova u bukelelize libizo la hae? Despite the spread of apostasy, what has Jehovah done about his memorial name? How can children in the congregation be helped to show consideration for older ones? Jan Krzok u li: "Hañihañi ne se ku na ni liputeho ze tiile ze talu mwa tolopo ya luna. " " Soon there were three active congregations in our town, " says Jan Krzok. In July 1995, I realized that if I wanted to please God, I would have to give up my secular job. Jehova u bona ze lu eza ka cisehelo ye cwañi? With what kind of interest does Jehovah observe us? For example, as you walk along an ancient route, you may be walking as did the Christian apostle Paul on his journey to Rome. - Acts 28: 15, 16. Lu ka nyakisisañi mwa taba ye tatama? What will we examine in the next article? In many other lands, Jehovah's Witnesses are making a similar effort to reach many people who have moved to their country. Greatest Man Performs Humble Service, 3 / 1 Does God approve of all religions? Banana mwa puteho ba kona ku tusiwa cwañi ku iyakatwa ba bahulu? How can young ones in the congregation be helped to show an interest in the older ones? Every tree not producing fine fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.... Mwa July ka silimo sa 1995, na lemuha kuli haiba ne ni bata ku tabisa Mulimu, ne ni swanela ku tuhela musebezi wa ka wa bupasita. In July 1995, I realized that there was no recourse but to leave my position as pastor. Such a situation would lead to disappointment and frustration. Ka mutala, ha mu zamaya mwa Nzila ya Apiusi ya kwaikale, i kana ya ba kuli mu zamaya mwa naa fitile muapositola wa Sikreste Paulusi ha naa li mwa musipili wa hae wa ku ya kwa Roma. - Likezo 28: 15, 16. As a case in point, if you walk on the ancient Appian Way, you are walking the same path that the Christian apostle Paul may have traveled on his way to Rome. - Acts 28: 15, 16. YOU would agree if you said that the evil in the world today is motivated by selfishness. Mwa linaha ze ñwi ze ñata, Lipaki za Jehova ba sweli ku eza buikatazo bo bu swana bwa ku fita kwa batu ba bañata ba ba tutela mwa linaha za bona. In many other countries, Jehovah's Witnesses are making similar efforts to reach large immigrant populations. 24: 6 - 14 - What do they represent? Kana Mulimu wa tabela bulapeli kaufela? • "What if I Just Don't Fit In? " Jehovah " knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. ' - 2 Pet. Kota kaufela ye sa beyi miselo ye minde i ka lemiwa, i latelwe mwa mulilo.... Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire.... Although some religions teach about the future, many people believe that this life is the only way they can be sure of it. Muinelo o cwalo ne u ka tisa maswabi ni tompololo. Such a situation would be regrettable and shameful. * - Mark 12: 17; Titus 3: 1, 2. BA BAÑATA ne ba ka lumelelana ni mina ha ne mu ka bulela kuli situhu se si mwa lifasi kacenu si tiswa ki moya wa buitati. MANY would readily agree that selfishness is a key factor in the cruelty in the world today. How did Jesus explain why he spoke with illustrations? 24: 6 - 14 - Mafumi a mwa poto a yemelañi? 24: 6 - 14 - What does the rust of the cooking pot represent? The first is love. Jehova wa "ziba mwa ku piliseza batu ba ba sepahala ku yena ku ba zwisa mwa litiko. " - 2 Pit. He "knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Pet. If you think about the marvelous future you will enjoy in the new world, you will work hard to enjoy it. Nihaike kuli bulapeli bo buñwi bu luta ka za bupilo bwa kwapili, batu ba bañata ba lumela kuli bupilo b'o ki bona fela bo ba kona ku ba ni buniti ka za bona. Though some religions teach about a hereafter, many people believe that this life is really all they can be sure of. Cain, however, ignored God's counsel. * - Mareka 12: 17; Tite 3: 1, 2. * - Mark 12: 17; Titus 3: 1, 2. You will have the joy of knowing that you have pleased Jehovah by doing something difficult for you. Jesu n'a talusize cwañi libaka ha n'a bulela ka linguli? How did Jesus explain why he used illustrations? According to Jehovah's "head, " or way of governing, the gathering of" the things in the heavens " would begin" at the full limit of the appointed times. " Wa pili ki lilato. The first is love. The apostle Paul counseled Christians: "Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you. " Haiba mu nahana ka za bupilo bo bu nde bo mu ka ikola kwapili mwa lifasi le linca, mu ka eza ka taata kuli mu yo ikola bona. That future can be yours if you take a long - range view. " I think I was very angry with my parents when I was disciplined, " one youth recalls. Kono Kaine naasika utwa kelezo yanaa mufile Mulimu. But Cain did not listen to the counsel. When the pioneers ' hours were reduced, I began to spend more time with them. Mu ka ba ni tabo ya ku ziba kuli mu tabisize Jehova ka ku eza nto ye t'ata ku mina. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have pleased Jehovah by doing something that is difficult for you. Have you ever been invited to visit a brother or sister's home? Ka ku ya ka " tamaiso ' ya Jehova, kamba nzila ya zamaisa lika ka yona, musebezi wa ku kubukanya linto "za kwa lihalimu " ne u ka kalisa" linako z'a n'a tomile ha li se li petahalile. " In line with Jehovah's "administration, " or way of managing things, the gathering of" the things in the heavens " was to begin "at the full limit of the appointed times. " (b) How is this indicated regarding Jesus ' disciples? Muapositola Paulusi n'a elelize Bakreste kuli: "Mu si ke mwa eza se siñwi ka kañi, kamba ka buipabazo kwa fela; kono ka buikokobezo mutu ni mutu a hupule kuli ba bañwi ba mu fita. " The apostle Paul counseled Christians: "[Do] nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you. " In the Bible, God tells us his purpose. " Ni hupula kuli ne ni nyemezi hahulu bashemi ba ka ha ne ni kalimezwi, " ki mwa hupulela yo munca yo muñwi. " I remember being so angry with my parents when I was disciplined, " a youth recalls. 5: 9, 10. Lihora za mapaina ha ne li kusufalizwe, na kala ku inanga hahulu ni bona. When the hour requirement for pioneer service was reduced to 70 hours a month, I spent more time with him. If your mate does not accept Christ's invitation, it does not mean that you should separate or end your marriage. Kana mukile mwamemiwa kuli muyo pota kwa ndu ya muzwale kamba kaizeli yomuñwi? Have you had the pleasure of being invited to someone's home? The angel says: "He will become haughty and will bow down above all the gods, and he will curse the god of gods with wonderful reproach.... (b) Se si bonisizwe kamukwaufi ka ku ama kwa balutiwa ba Jesu? (b) How is this illustrated in connection with the disciples of Jesus? How did Jehovah help and protect the Israelites during the battle against the Amalekites? Mwa Bibele Mulimu u lu taluseza mulelo wa hae. In it God expresses his will to us. As told by Edward Bzaly 5: 9, 10. 5: 9, 10. I feel that God has given me the best family life I could not expect. " Haiba mutu yemunyalani ni yena haatabeli kulatelela Kreste, hakutalusi kuli muswanela kukauhana ni mutu yo kamba kufeza linyalo lamina ni yena. Your mate's present unwillingness to follow Christ is not in itself a valid reason for separation or divorce. " Continue... forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " - Colossians 3: 13. Lingeloi li bulela kuli: "U ka ikuhumusa, a inuneke fahalimu a milimu kaufela, mi u ka nyefula Mulimu wa milimu ka linyefulo ze komokisa.... The angel says: "He will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak marvelous things.... In contrast with such a view, the Bible says: "Love is from God. " Jehova naa tusize ni ku sileleza cwañi Maisilaele ha ne ba lwana ni Maamaleke? How did Jehovah help and protect the Israelites when they fought the Amalekites? Would you like to serve at Bethel or to support Kingdom Hall construction projects, whether as a temporary worker or as part - time Bethelites? Taba Yekandekilwe ki bo Edward Bazely As told by Edward Bazely HELP FOR THE FAMILY MARRIAGE Ni ikutwa kuli Mulimu u ni file bupilo bwa lubasi bo bunde hahulu, bo ne ni si ka libelela. " I feel that God has given me a family life better than I could have ever dreamed of. " 10: 11. " Mu zwelepili... ku swalelana ka pilu kaufela mutu ni kwa na ni libaka la ku tongoka yo muñwi. " - Makolose 3: 13. " Continue... forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " - Colossians 3: 13. The process of refusing to take a bus in the 1955 ' s / 1956 ' s / 1956 in the city of Whengogogobery, U.S.A., made it possible for laws against prejudice to break free, laws that did not allow white and black people to sit on the bus station. Ka ku fapahana ni mubonelo o cwalo, Bibele i bulela kuli: "Lilato li zwa ku Mulimu. " Contrary to such a perception, the Bible says: "Love is from God. " We were not well - known in and thus had more freedom to walk. Kana mwatabela kuyo sebeleza fa Betele kamba kutusa mwa musebezi wa kuyaha miyaho ya Mubuso, ibe ka kuba mubeleki wa swalelele, kamba kuyo tusanga mwa misebezi yeezwa fa Betele ka mazazi amañwi mwa sunda? Would you be willing to serve at Bethel or assist in the construction of a theocratic facility, either as a temporary worker or as a commuter? The Mark of the Seas NE BA ITEBUHILE MPO YA LINYALO THEY WERE GRATEFUL FOR THE GIFT OF MARRIAGE Today, some who claim to have faith have become friends with the world. 10: 11. 10: 11. The beginning of the great tribulation brought Jehovah's judgment upon Babylon the Great. Likezo za ku hana ku kwela limbasi mwa lilimo za ma 1955 / 1956 mwa muleneñi wa Montgomery, kwa Alabama, mwa U.S.A., ne li tahisize kuli milao ye ne yemela saluluti i feliswe, ili milao ye ne sa lumelezi makuwa ni batu ba bansu ku ina hamoho fa lipula mwa limbasi. Ultimately, the 1955 / 1956 boycott of city buses in Montgomery, Alabama, U.S.A., led to the overturning of laws for segregated seating in buses. You might answer: "The preceding week I was with you all day long! " Ne lu sa zibahali hahulu mwa Kampala mi kacwalo ne lu na ni tukuluho ye tuna ya ku zamaya. We were not well - known in Kampala and therefore had greater freedom of movement. Of course, no human can read DNA's contents. Nombolo ya Patululwa The Mark Identified God told Jeremiah that Judah's kings, princes, priests, and people would " fight against him. ' Kacenu, ba bañwi ba ba bulela kuli ba na ni tumelo ba ikezize silikani ni lifasi. Today, some who say that they have faith are seeking friendship with the world. To their surprise, the slave "had been watching him with a good sense of humor. " Makalelo a ñalelwa ye tuna a tahisa katulo ya Jehova ku Babilona yo Mutuna. The opening salvo of the great tribulation comes with the execution of Jehovah's judgment on Babylon the Great. [ Picture on page 25] Mwendi mu ka alaba kuli: "Kweli ye felile ne ni inzi ni wena lizazi mutumbi! " " I spent a whole day with you last month! " you might reply. But Jehovah sees every image. Niti ki kuli hakuna mutu yanaaboni kone lipangelwa lika ze mwa DNA. Of course, no human observed the formation of the first DNA molecule. What does that teach us? Mulimu na bulelezi Jeremia kuli malena a Juda, manduna, baprisita ni sicaba ne ba ka mu " lwanisa. ' God told Jeremiah that Judah's kings, princes, priests, and people would "fight against " him. The apostle Peter was sent by Jehovah to preach to Cornelius at his home. (Litimana 15 - 20) Ka ku komoka, mutanga y'o n'a "nz'a mu buha a ikuzelize. " Astounded, the servant "was gazing at her in wonder. " Yet, the angels joyfully minister to anointed ones on earth, never feeling jealous of what these will receive. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 25] [ Picture on page 18] Children can see whether their parents don't agree on a matter, and they will try to take advantage of it in order to break certain rules. " - But, Spain. Kono Jehova yena u bona siswaniso kaufela. Jehovah's view, however, is through a wide - angle lens, which can take in a subject as well as its surroundings. ▪ What does the Bible say? Taba yeo ilulutañi? Can we learn from that example? The Witnesses have maintained a firm stand for Christian neutrality in all conflicts and have fulfilled Jesus ' words: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Muapositola Pitrosi naa lumilwe ki Jehova kuli a yo kutaza Kornele kwa ndu ya hae. Peter then recognized that God is impartial. And how did Jesus ' Father feel when he was put to death on a stake? Niteñi, mangeloi ka tabo a kombwekela ba ba tozizwe fa lifasi - mubu, a s'a utwi muna ni kamuta ka za se ba k'a amuhela bao. Still, the angels happily minister to anointed ones on earth, never jealous of what these will receive. Marriage and New responsibilities Bana ba kona ku lemuha haiba bashemi ba bona ha ba lumelelani fa taba ye ñwi, mi ba ka lika ku itusisa muinelo wo kuli ba keshebise milao ye miñwi. " - Bo Jesús, ba kwa Spain. Children can detect when their parents are not united on an issue, and they will try to take advantage of the situation. " - Jesús, Spain. A soldier stood above a building. ▪ Bibele i bulelañi? ▪ What does the Bible say? Those who work hard to qualify for privileges do well to recognize that "the doing of things for the flock " is one thing they need to do in order to serve as elders. Lipaki se ba bulukile mayemo a tiile a buikambuso bwa Sikreste mwa mikwangalakanyi kamukana mi se ba talelelize manzwi a Jesu a ' li: "Ni mi fa mulao o munca, kikuli mu latane; sina mo ni mi latezi, ni mina mu latane cwalo. The Witnesses have maintained a clear stand of Christian neutrality in all conflicts and have fulfilled Jesus ' words: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Christians by their disobedience can grieve Jehovah's spirit; yet, by their faithfulness, they can bring him joy. Mi Ndatahe Jesu naaikutwile cwañi kubona Mwanaahae inzaakokotelwa fa musumo ni kusiiwa fateñi kuli ashwe hanyinyani - hanyinyani lifu lelibutuku? And how did the Father feel as his Son was nailed to a wooden pole and left there to die a slow, agonizing death? Circumstances That Lead to Growth Linyalo ni Buikalabelo Bo Bunca Marriage and New Responsibilities We may be discouraged by the conduct of a fellow Christian. Ne ku na ni lisole le ne li yemi fahalimw'a muyaho. A sharpshooter was in place on top of the building. My father and Brother did set a good example for me Mizwale ba ba eza ka taata kuli ba fiwe buikalabelo ba swanela ku ziba kuli "ku ezeza mutapi mutala " ki nto ye ñwi ye ba tokwa ku eza kuli ba ketiwe ku ba baana - bahulu. Those reaching out should not forget another requirement for elders, that of "becoming examples to the flock. " Jehovah will see you. " Bakreste ka ku s'a ipeya ku utwa kwa bona ba kona ku swabisa moya wa Jehova; niteñi, ka busepahali bwa bona, ba kona ku mu tiseza tabo. Christians by their disobedience can grieve Jehovah's spirit; by their faithfulness, however, they can bring him joy. Referring to students with high school students who were quite encouraged to study diligently so that they could get a good education, one student admitted: "All of us... cut off from school; we needed to get good grades so that we could attend good schools. Miinelo ye Tahisa Kekezeho Factors That Contribute to Growth " This Jesus who was taken up into your midst will return in the manner you have seen him going to heaven. " - ACTS 1: 11. Lu kana lwa zwafiswa ki muzamao wa Mukreste ka luna. The conduct of a fellow Christian might disappoint us. In some places Christian men have left their families to find accommodations in mines or elsewhere. Bo Ndate ni Muzwale Nichols ne ba ni tomezi mutala o munde My father and Brother Nichols set a fine example for me His disability did not bring him happiness, and he had many problems. Jehova u ka mi bonela. " Jehovah will provide. " He or she will be pleased to discuss these matters with you. Ha naa bulela za bana ba sikolo ba naa kena ni bona kwa sekondari ko bana ba sikolo ba susuezwa hahulu ku ituta ka taata ilikuli ba pase hande ni ku yo kena kwa liyunivesiti ze nde, mwanaa sikolo yo muñwi naa itumelezi kuli: "Kaufelaa luna... ne lu pumile mwa litatubo; kakuli ne lu tokwa ku fumana linepo ze nde ilikuli lu paseze kwa likolo ze nde. Concerning those in her high school honors classes, one student admitted: "All of us... cheated; we needed the grades to get into good schools. The love of Christians is not simply a love of law " Jesu yo ya isizwe kwa lihalimu a li mwahal'a mina, u ka kuta ka mukwa o mu mu boni a ya kwa lihalimu ka ona. " - LIKEZO 1: 11. " This Jesus who was received up from you into the sky will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going into the sky. " - ACTS 1: 11. Some 2,000 years later, Jehovah's people still proclaim the message of God's Kingdom in the marketplace. Mwa libaka ze ñwi banna ba Sikreste ba siile mabasi a bona kuli ba y'o bata mapilelo kwa mikoti kamba ko kuñwi ku sili. In other areas Christian husbands have left their families to earn a living in the mines or elsewhere. The Witnesses are also well dressed and kind to others, regardless of their background. Bulauli bwa hae ne bu si ka mu tahiseza tabo, mi n'a na ni butata bo buñata. Her occult practices brought her no happiness, and she had many personal problems. More important than helping a grieving family, such as helping them with household chores, eating, caring for children, or other funeral arrangements, if they need such help. Mi u ka tabela ku ikambota ni mina litaba zeo. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. The book of Revelation foretold that these spiritual sons of Israel would eventually number 144,000. Lilato la Bakreste haki lilato fela la ku latanela mulao Love among Christians reflects more than just duty [ Picture Credit Line on page 32] Hamulaho wa lilimo ze bat'o ba 2,000 ku zwa fo, batu ba Jehova ba sa shaela lushango lwa Mubuso wa Mulimu mwa misika. Almost 2,000 years later, Jehovah's people still use the marketplace to spread the message of God's Kingdom. Why should we strive to be kind? Lipaki hape ba tinanga hande mi ba na ni sishemo ku ba bañwi, ku si na taba ni ko ba zwa. The Witnesses also dress neatly and are kind to others, regardless of nationality. Only spiritual discernment, produced by a study of God's Word with the help of publications provided through "the faithful and discreet slave, " will help us to pursue the proper way of life. Nto ya butokwa nikufita yemutokwa kueza ki kutusa lubasi lolu mwa maswabi, inge cwalo kubatusa kueza tusebezi twa fa lapa tobasa koni kueza ka nako yeo, totucwale ka kutateha lico, kubabalela banana, kamba kubatusa mwa litukiso zeñwi za fa maswabi, haiba batokwa tuso yecwalo. Best of all, do something for the bereaved family, perhaps performing a chore the grieving one has not been able to care for, such as cooking a meal, caring for the children, or helping with funeral arrangements if that is desired. (a) How should parents view giving special attention to their children? Buka ya Sinulo ne i bulezi cimo kuli bona bana ba Isilaele ba kwa moya bao kwa nalulelule ne ba ka fita fa palo ya 144,000. The book of Revelation foretold that these spiritual sons of Israel would finally number 144,000. " I chose to start my story at Genesis 1: 1 and consider such questions as: Who created the earth and everything in it? [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso fa likepe 32] [ Picture Credit Lines on page 32] The meat was considered to be part of an extreme, the best animal. Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku lika ka t'ata ku ba ni sishemo? Why should we strive to be merciful? This was in order to exhibit his own righteousness, because he did not look at the original sins that occurred in the time of his self - control; and, look! His own righteousness was seen in this present season, that he might be righteous and that someone who has faith in Jesus might bear him righteous. " - Romans 3: 23 - 26. Ki kutwisiso ya kwa moya fela, ye tahisizwe ka tuto ya Linzwi la Mulimu ya ka tuso ya lihatiso ze fiwa ka "mutanga ya sepahala, ya na ni kutwisiso, " ye ka lu tusa ku ndongwama nzila ye swanela ya bupilo. Only spiritual discernment, developed by a study of God's Word with the help of publications provided through "the faithful and discreet slave, " will help us to pursue a proper course in life. (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) (a) Bashemi ba swanela k'u nga cwañi ku fa mamelelo ye ipitezi kwa bana ba bona? (a) How should parents view the providing of specialized attention for their children? To the question: "O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Zhihao u li: "Ne ni ketile ku kalisa likande la ka ka Genese 1: 1 ni ku nyakisisa lipuzo ze cwale ka ze: Ki mañi ya bupile lifasi ni ze mwateñi kaufela? " I decided to start my talk with Genesis chapter 1 and then discuss such questions as: Who made the earth and all the things in it? (2) Have a Bible - trained conscience. Mafula ne a ngiwa ku ba kalulo ya folofolo ye tabusa hahulu, ili ye nde ka ku fitisisa. The fat was considered the richest and best part of an animal. I was touched by what I heard there. U bonahalisize cwalo ku luka kwa hae, niha na si ka talima libi za pili, za mwa nako ya buiswalo bwa hae; Ni li: U bonahalisize ku luka kwa hae mwa nako ya cwale; a bonwe kuli ki Ya lukile, ni kuli mutu ya na ni tumelo ku Jesu, Mulimu u mu beya ya lukile. " - Maroma 3: 23 - 26. God set him forth as an offering for propitiation through faith in his blood. " - Romans 3: 23 - 26. After Jehovah struck Egypt with ten destructive plagues, he did not direct his people to go to the Promised Land, but he led them through the Red Sea, where they could be destroyed and opposed. (Mu bale Likezo 28: 17, 23, 24.) (Read Acts 28: 17, 23, 24.) Like a strong person? Kwa puzo ye li: "[Muñ'a] Bupilo, ki mañi ya ka ina mwa Tabernakele ya hao? To the question: "O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Thus, Solomon not only strengthened his listeners with the most important words of wisdom but also directed the physical building that has never been found in worldly conditions. - 1 Kings 6: 1; 9: 15, 17 - 19. (2) Mu be ni lizwalo le li lutilwe ki Bibele. (2) Cultivate a Bible - trained conscience. How did his father try to solve the problem? Ne ni susuelizwe ki ze ne ni utwile teñi k'o. What I heard there touched my heart. Faith in Bible Prophecy Is Salvation Jehova ha s'a natile Egepita likoto ze lishumi ze sinya, n'a si ka zamaisa batu ba hae nzila ye pumelela ya ku ya kwa Naha ya Sepiso, kono a ba isa kwa Liwate le Lifubelu, ko ne ba kona ku kwaciswa ni ku lwaniswa. After striking Egypt with ten devastating plagues, Jehovah led his people, not on the shortest route toward the Promised Land, but down to the Red Sea, where they could easily be cornered and attacked. The treatment of breast cancer has continued to be very difficult, since doctors need to fight a hard fight against it and at the same time have to avoid damaging the patient's body members or causing him some serious consequences after treatment. Sina mutu ya tiile? As athletic? Reflect on the box "How to Make Your Life easier, " and then take appropriate steps to reach your goal. Kacwalo, Salumoni n'a si ka tiisa fela bateelezi ba hae ka manzwi a ' butokwa hahulu a butali kono hape n'a zamaisize ku yaha kwa kwa mubili ko ku na ni bunde bo butuna hahulu ili b'o ni kamuta bu si ka fumanwa kale mwa miinelo ya silifasi. - 1 Malena 6: 1; 9: 15, 17 - 19. Thus, Solomon not only built up his listeners with priceless words of wisdom but also directed material building of an excellence never attained by the secular world. - 1 Kings 6: 1; 9: 15, 17 - 19. 3 / 15 Bo ndataa bona ne ba likile cwañi ku tatulula butata bo? How did the father try to resolve the issue? And Mark pointed out that John's work fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy. Ku Ba Ni Tumelo mwa Bupolofita bwa Bibele Kwa Pilisa Faith in Bible Prophecy Preserves Life This led me to think seriously about my gambling, and I felt that I should not continue to risk my life. Musebezi wa ku lwanisa butuku bwa kansa ya kwa mazwele u zwezipili ku ba o taata hahulu bakeñisa kuli baalafi ba tokwanga ku lwanisa mukishi wo ka taata mi ka nako ye swana ba tokwanga ku ambuka ku sinya lilama za mubili wa mukuli kamba ku mu tahiseza miinelo ye miñwi ye maswe hasamulaho wa kalafo. The battle against breast cancer has been an ongoing struggle between the need to treat a killer aggressively and the desire to avoid needless disfigurement and painful side effects. WHEN it comes to the use of the word "the Society " in many fields, it is reasonable to ask: Who really is my neighbor? Mulapele hamunyakisisa mbokisi yeli: "Momukona Kunolofaleza Bupilo Bwamina, " mi mukale kuunga mihato yeswanela kuli mukwanise sikonkwani samina. Prayerfully consider the box "How to Simplify Your Life, " and begin taking the steps needed to achieve your goal. Jesus said: "As for the one entering into the door, this one is the shepherd of the sheep. Ku Talimana ka ku Tiya ni Likulutendano la Busepahali, 3 / 1 3 / 15 Blessings or Maledictions - Examples for Us, 6 / 15 (b) In what ways do Christians limit their use of the world? Mi Mareka naa ize musebezi wa Joani no talelelize bupolofita bwa Isaya. And Mark pointed out that the ministry of John fulfilled the prophetic words of Isaiah. I decided to pioneer, but I also prayed to Jehovah every day to help me find joy in the field service. " Taba yeo, ne i tahisize kuli ni kale ku nahana hahulu za papali ye ne ni eza ya ku lakana ka mitututu, mi na bona kuli ha ni swaneli ku zwelapili ku beya bupilo bwa ka mwa lubeta. That had an impact on my racing - I no longer wanted to risk my life. This resulted in the death of over 5,000,000 Israelites. BAKEÑISA kuli linzwi la "antikreste " seliitusisizwe mwa lika zeñata, kwaswanela kubuza puzo yakuli: Antikreste ki mañi? SINCE the term "antichrist " has long been used as a label for everything from monarchs to movies, it is only natural to ask: Who is the antichrist? [ Picture on page 28] Jesu n'a ize: "Haili ya kena ka munyako, ki yena mulisana wa lingu. Jesus states: "He that enters through the door is shepherd of the sheep. Jesus showed his disciples that the world's view of greatness is not Christlike. (b) Bakreste ha ba itusisi hahulu lifasi ka linzila lifi? (b) What are some ways in which vigilant Christians refrain from using the world to the full? Although I appreciated his visits and accepted their magazines, I was too busy to talk about spiritual matters. Naikatulela kueza bupaina, kono hape nenilapelanga ku Jehova ka zazi kuli anituse kutabela sebelezo ya mwa simu. " I decided to pioneer, but I also began to pray daily that Jehovah would make me like field service. " The donor receives an income - tax deduction for the year in which the gift annuity is established. Nto yeo ne i tasize lifu la Maisilaele ba ba fitelela 23,000. That resulted in the death of more than 23,000 Israelites. For he was caught in fear, with all those dwelling with him on account of the great multitude of fish that is scattered among them; so also with James and John, sons of John, Simon's companions. " [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 28] [ Picture on page 28] We are admonished to " pray for one another, ' even though we do not always see evidence that our prayers are answered. Jesu n'a bonisize balutiwa ba hae kuli mo li ngela lifasi butuna haki mona mw'a bu ngela Kreste. Jesus showed his disciples that the standard of worldly greatness is not the standard of Christlike greatness. Furthermore, the Scriptures say that Baruch's brother, Saul's brother, was a high minister in the house of King Zedekiah. - Jeremiah 36: 32; 51: 59. Nihaike kuli ne ni itebuhanga ha ne ba ni potela mi ne ni amuhelanga limagazini za bona, ne ni patehile hahulu mi ne ni si na nako ya ku ikambota litaba za Mulimu. While I appreciated their visits and accepted their magazines, I was very busy and had no time for spiritual matters. Often, religious leaders seem to be more concerned with people's acceptance than with the accuracy of their message. Mu ñolele kwa ofisi ya mutai mwa naha ya habo mina pili mu si ka fanisa kale muyaho wa mina. Contact the branch office in your country before deeding any real estate. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Kakuli n'a swelwi ki luwewe, yena ni ba n'a inzi ni bona kaufela, kabakala libunda le lituna la litapi ze ba yambile. Kwa ba cwalo ni ka Jakobo ni Joani, bana ba Zebedea, balikani ba Simoni. " For at the catch of fish which they took up astonishment overwhelmed him and all those with him, and likewise both James and John, Zebedee's sons, who were sharers with Simon. " How? Lu elezwa kuli lu " lapelelanange, ' nihaike haki nako kaufela lu iponela bupaki bwa kuli litapelo za luna zeo za alabiwanga. We are urged to "pray for one another, " even though we do not always get immediate proof that such prayers are being answered. Happily, during those years we were still ill - confined. Hape Mañolo a bulela kuli Seraya, yena muhabo Baruki, n'a li sikombwa se situna mwa kwandu ya Mulena Zedekia. - Jeremia 36: 32; 51: 59. The Scriptures also mention that Seraiah, his brother, was an important official at the court of King Zedekiah. - Jeremiah 36: 32; 51: 59. Do I draw closer to God by strengthening my relationship with him? ' - Jas. Hañata, baeteleli ba bulapeli ba bonahala ku isa hahulu pilu kwa ku amuhelwa ki batu ku fita ku isa mamelelo kwa ku nepahala kwa lushango lwa bona. Often, religious leaders seem not as concerned with the accuracy of their message as they are with its acceptance by the masses. Stand Firm, 5 / 15 Haiba mu bata ku ziba litaba ze ñwi kamba mu tabela kuli mutu yo muñwi a t'o mi potela fa ndu kuli a mi tuse ku ituta Bibele ku si na tifo, mu ñolele kwa Lipaki za Jehova, Box 33459, Lusaka 10101, kamba kwa keyala ye swanela ye bonisizwe fa likepe 2. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. But I say to you, Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you; that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens. " Ka mukwa ufi? How? They fear that they will not be able to provide for themselves and their children. Nto ye tabisa kikuli, mwa lilimo zeo ne lu sa kula - kulangi feela. Thankfully, we were seldom sick during those years. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it keeps in expectation of the end, and it will not tell a lie. Kana na sutelela ku Mulimu ka ku tiisa bulikani bwa ka ni yena? ' - Jak. Am I drawing close to God by nurturing a personal relationship with him? ' - Jas. Moreover, he created man in his image, thus enabling us to be comforters. Mu Tiye, 5 / 15 Tactfulness, 8 / 1 Jehovah's people avoid self - doubt, but they remain spiritually alert, knowing the political and religious issues associated with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Kono na, na mi bulelela, ni li: Mu late be ili lila ku mina, mu fuyole ba ba mi lwaha, ba ba mi toile mu ba eze hande, mi mu lapelele ba ba mi eza maswe, ba ba mi nyandisa; kuli mu be bana ba Ndat'a mina ya kwa lihalimu. " However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you; that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens. " For many, lying can be a good thing to do if they want something good. • Ba ikalelwanga kuli ha ba na ku kona ku ipabalela ni ku babalela bana ba bona. They worry about being able to support themselves and their children financially. As in the case of the apostles, God's spirit can influence our thinking and help us always to act and speak in harmony with Bible principles. Kakuli pono yeo i sa bulukezwi nako ya yona, kono i ka itahanela kwa maungulo, mi ha i na ku puma. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it will without fail come true. Sadly, my father died when I was only two years old, so I have never had an opportunity to get to know my father. Ku zwa f'o, ki yena ya n'a bupile mutu ka siswaniso sa hae, kacwalo ili ku lu konisa ku ba baomba - ombi. Further, it is he who created man in his image, thus enabling us to be comforters. They "put on the new personality that was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " Batu ba Jehova ba pimanga ku kabangisa, kono ba zwelapili ku tona kwa moya, inze ba ziba litaba za bupolitiki ni za bulapeli ze zamaelela ni talelezo ya bupolofita bwa Bibele. Jehovah's people avoid speculation but remain spiritually alert, fully aware of political and religious developments that fit into the framework of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Regarding the stand taken by Jehovah's Witnesses in the former Soviet Union, including Estonia, refusing to deny their faith, Tosan Paul, a Lutheran theologian and a Bible translator, wrote in his book Kirik sugka (in the village): "There are few who have heard what happened early in the morning - April 1, 1951. Ku ba bañata, ku puma ku kona ku ba nto ye nde ya ku eza haiba ba bata ku fumana nto ye ñwi ye nde. To many, lying may seem a convenient tool to obtain certain advantages. The account of the needy widow teaches us that Jehovah notices and appreciates what we do to him regardless of our age, especially when we face difficult situations. Sina mo ne ku bezi kwa baapositola, moya wa Mulimu u kona ku susumeza mihupulo ya luna ni ku lu tusa kamita ku eza ni ku bulela ka ku latelela likuka za Bibele. As in the case of the apostles, God's spirit can stimulate our mental powers and help us always to act and speak in harmony with Bible principles. " Give to all their dues. " - ROMANS 13: 7. Ka bumai, kona mo ne ku tezi kuli ni latehelwe ki bo ndate inze ni na ni feela lilimo ze peli za buhulu, kacwalo ha ni si ka ba ni kolo ya ku ziba bo ndate. Sadly, that is how I lost my father when I was only about two years old. He must have been encouraged when he heard those words. Ba " apala butu bo bunca bo bu bupilwe ka ku ya ka tato ya Mulimu mwa ku luka kwa niti ni busepahali. ' They " put on the new personality created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. ' Thus, the apostle Paul wrote: "Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but keep getting filled with spirit. " Ka za muhato o ne ba ngile Lipaki za Jehova ba mwa sibaka se ne si busiwa ki ba Soviet Union, ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni Estonia, wa ku hana ku latula tumelo ya bona, Toomas Paul, muluti wa bulapeli bwa Lutheran ni mutoloki wa Bibele, n'a ñozi cwana mwa buka ya hae ye bizwa Kirik keset küla (Keleke mwa Munzi): "Ki ba sikai ba ba utwile ze ne ezahezi kakusasa - sasa la April 1, 1951. Concerning the uncompromising stand that Jehovah's Witnesses took in the former Soviet Union, including those in Estonia, Lutheran theologian and Bible translator Toomas Paul writes in his book Kirik keset küla (The Church in the Middle of the Village): "Very few have heard of what happened in the early hours of April 1, 1951. Wisdom. Godly View of Alcoholic Beverages, 12 / 15 These anointed ones were indeed organized into groups of those who had already become a remnant. Likande la mbelwa ya shebile li lu luta kuli Jehova wa lemuhanga ni ku itebuha lika ze lu mu ezeza ku si na taba ni fo li kuma, sihulu ha lu li mwa miinelo ye taata. Still, we learn from the account of the poor widow that Jehovah notices and treasures each act done for him, especially when done in the face of difficult circumstances. Rather, we pray for Jehovah's loving support during the trials caused by illness. " Mu fe batu kaufela se si ba swanela. " - MAROMA 13: 7. " Render to all their dues. " - ROMANS 13: 7. Do You Recall? Persida u lukela ku ba ya naa susuelizwe ha naa utwile manzwi ao. How heartening that compliment must have been for that faithful sister! Using what we have - time, energy, money - to help others and to promote pure worship pleases Jehovah God. Kacwalo muapositola Paulusi naa ñozi kuli: "Mu si ke mwa kolwa bucwala, fo ku isa kwa buhule; kono mu tale moya. " Thus, the apostle Paul wrote: "Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but keep getting filled with spirit. " One psalmist wrote: "He has revealed his word to Jacob, and he has given to Israel his regulations and judicial decisions. Butali. Wisdom. We feel the pain of disfellowshipping. Ba ba tozizwe bao ka mo ku inezi fela ne ba kopanyizwe kwa likwata za bao ba ne ba se ba bile kale bomasiyaleti. These anointed ones were effectively added to the ranks of the original remnant. They do not know who God is. Ka ku fapahana, lu lapelela kemelo ye lilato ya Jehova mwahal'a litiko ze tiswa ki ku kula. * Rather, we pray for Jehovah's loving support during the trials caused by sickness. Did Jehovah answer Hannah for her devotion to Him? Kana Mwa Hupula? Do You Remember? Look! Ku itusisa ze lu na ni zona - ili nako, m'ata, mali - mwa ku tusa ba bañwi ni ku hulisa bulapeli bo bu kenile ku tabisa Jehova Mulimu. Using our assets - time, strength, finances - to help others and to promote pure worship is very pleasing to Jehovah God. " I wanted to teach people about Jehovah, " she says, "but I never thought that I could serve abroad. Walisamu yo muñwi naa ñozi kuli: "U patululezi Jakobo linzwi la hae, mi u file Isilaele milao ni likatulo za hae. A psalmist wrote: "He is telling his word to Jacob, his regulations and his judicial decisions to Israel. In the book teaching on marriage, one marriage counselor said that many of his mates "are more concerned with what is not getting out of their marriage than with what happens. " Lu ikutwanga bumaswe batu ha ba zwisiwa mwa puteho. It saddens us when individuals have to be disfellowshipped. A NOTE Ha ba zibi nihaiba kuli Mulimu ki mañi. They do not even know who God is. All humans can have negative thoughts. Kana Jehova n'a alabile Anna kabakala buipeyo bwa hae ku Yena? Did Jehovah respond to Anna's godly devotion? The texts at Qumran show that they had far too much Sabbath rules and that they focused on traditional cleanness. Bona! Look! " These Must Come, " 5 / 15 Babulela kuli: "Nenitabela kuluta batu za Jehova, kono nenisa nahanangi kuli nakona kuyo sebeleza kwa naha isili. " I liked teaching people about Jehovah, " she says, "but I never imagined that I could serve abroad. Another source of joy was seeing the great help that people received at my travels. Mwa buka yebizwa Emotional Infidelity, muelezi yomuñwi wa litaba za manyalo naabulezi kuli buñata bwa batu babanyalani bababonananga ni yena "baiyakatwanga hahulu zesaezahali mwa manyalo abona kufita zeezahala. " In the book Emotional Infidelity, one counselor observes that many couples who see him "are much more concerned with what is not happening [in their marriage] than with what is. How can we imitate Elijah's support of a fellow believer? A KU NWA KWA LIKA GLOBAL EPIDEMICS AND ILLNESSES The fact is that the Bible condemns hypocrisy and lawlessness. Batu kaufela ba kona ku ba ni mihupulo ye maswe. All humans are susceptible to wrong thinking. May all of God's enemies perish! Litaba za kwa Qumran li bonisa kuli ne ba na ni milao ye tulile hahulu tikanyo ya Sabata ni kuli ne ba iyakatwa hahulu za bukeni bwa ka sizo. The Qumran writings reveal ultrastrict Sabbath regulations and an almost obsessive preoccupation with ceremonial purity. Jehovah God assures you: "Do not be afraid. I will help you. " " Zeo Li Tamehile ku Taha, " 5 / 1 Spend Time With Your Family, 5 / 15 This deliberate disobedience resulted in their becoming guilty of sin, death, and separation from God. Nto ye ñwi ye ne ni tiselize tabo ki ku bona tuso ye tuna ye ne ba fumani batu kwa lipoto za ka. Another source of joy was the knowledge that my visits really helped people. If so, make an effort to reflect clearly on the way God wants you to live, and this will help you to develop a desire to do his will. Lu kona ku tusa cwañi mulumeli ka luna sina Jehova mwa naa tuselize Elia? How can we imitate our caring God? What a privilege we have to share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work that God has entrusted to his servants! Niti kikuli Bibele i nyaza buipi ni ku sa eza lika ka mulao. In reality, the Bible condemns hypocrisy and lawlessness. Jehovah's Way of Life, 9 / 15 Haike lila kaufela za Mulimu li fele cwalo! In like manner, may all of God's enemies come to their end! Although all in Jehovah's organization enjoy spiritual prosperity, some seem to live in relative peace and security while others suffer from ill - treatment. Jehova Mulimu umisepisa kuli: "Si sabi, ni ka ku tusa. " God is offering his "right hand of righteousness " to you too. But from Paul's inspired words at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, we know that such a trial is only temporary. Ku tula taelo ka bomu k'o ne ku tisize kuli bona ni bana be ne ba ka pepa ba kenelwe ki sibi, lifu, ni ku kauhana ni Mulimu. That willful act of disobedience resulted in sin, death, and alienation from God for them and their future offspring. When asked what hope is there for people in this world, then the answer given everywhere is this: There is no hope at all. Mi haiba ku cwalo, mu eze buikatazo bwa ku nahanisisa hande mupilelo wo Mulimu a bata kuli mu pile ka ona, mi ku eza cwalo ku ka mi tusa ku ba ni takazo ya ku eza tato ya hae. Why not make the effort to see what is involved in the way of life that God wants us to lead and then find delight in doing his will? Under what circumstances can you display God's compassionate personality? Lu na ni tohonolo ye tuna ya ku kutaza za Mubuso ni ku tusa batu ku ba balutiwa. Wo ki ona musebezi o mutuna hahulu wo Mulimu a file kwa batanga ba hae. We are now privileged to share in the greatest work ever entrusted to God's human servants - that of declaring the Kingdom message and making disciples. Many may need to read scriptures again and again to understand them. Ku Fufabela Bulapeli bwa Jehova bo Bu Kenile, 9 / 1 " Love Never Fails " (S. Ladesuyi), 9 / 1 David: Serving Jehovah has benefited us greatly. Nihaike kuli bote mwa kopano ya Jehova ba ikola mbombolelwa ya kwa moya, ba bañwi ba bonahala kuli ba pila mwa kozo ni buiketo bwa makutelakaufi hailif'o ba bañwi ba ipumana mwa manyando a kamba ale. While all in Jehovah's organization enjoy spiritual prosperity, some seem to live in relative peace and tranquillity while others experience afflictions of one sort or another. There is food shortages. Kono ka ku ya ka manzwi a Paulusi a kolwisa ili a tahile ka moya wa Mulimu a kwa 1 Makorinte 10: 13, lwa ziba kuli muliko o cwalo ki wa nakonyana feela. On the basis of Paul's inspired assurance recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, however, we know that the situation giving rise to temptation is only temporary. Her sisters are deeply concerned about her illness. Ha ba buziwa kuli batu mwa lifasi le ba na ni sepo ifi he, kalabo ye fiwa kai ni kai kikuli: Ha ku na sepo ni ye kana. When asked what alternative hope they have for man in this world the official answer is: None at all. Many people were surprised to see how many of the things that were stored up on the Roman streets. Ki mwa miinelo mañi momukona kubonisa kalemeno ka Mulimu ka mukekecima? In what circumstances can you exercise the godly quality of compassion? What is the position of the anointed and of the other sheep today, leading to what questions? Ba bañata ba kana ba tokwa ku kuta - kutela ku bala mañolo kuli ba a utwisise. For many, this may require reading portions more than once. The English word Apocalypse, or Revelation, is the name of the last book of the Bible, written late in the first century C.E. Bo David: Ku sebeleza Jehova ku lu tusize hahulu mwa bupilo bwa luna. David: Having a career in Jehovah's service has made a huge difference in our lives. In recent times, however, she experienced feelings of discouragement and loneliness. Ku natifisa lico. Seasoning. (b) How can we make illustrations used in our publications appropriate for the circumstances of our students? Likaizeli za hae ba bilaezwa hahulu ki ku kula kwa hae. His sisters are very much concerned about him. * Batu babañata bakomoka hahulu hane banze babuha buñata bwa lika zenehapilwe ili zenekubukanyizwe mwa makululu a Roma. The crowds marveled as untold wealth paraded through Rome's streets. Whether they knew it or not, these astrologers risked Jesus ' life. Ki afi mayemo a batoziwa ni a lingu ze ñwi kacenu, ili ku libisa kwa lipuzo mañi? What are the relative positions of the anointed and the other sheep today, leading to what questions? Indeed, they would all remain at their homes and worship there. Linzwi la Sikuwa la Apocalypse, kamba Sinulo ki libizo la buka ya mafelelezo mwa Bibele, ye n'e ñozwi kwa mafelelezo a lilimo za mwanda wa pili C.E. Apocalypse, or Revelation, is the name of the last book in the Bible, written toward the end of the first century C.E. Many congregations met in rented rooms or in private homes for brothers and sisters. Kono cwanoñu fa, Keiko n'a kenezwi ki maikuto a ku zwafa ni buinosi. Not long ago, however, Keiko became overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness and isolation. For I say to them by their fruits you will recognize them. " - Matthew 7: 16 - 18, 20. (b) Lu kona ku bisa cwañi liswanisezo ze itusisizwe mwa lihatiso za luna ku ba ze swanela miinelo ya baituti ba luna? (b) How might we adapt illustrations used in our publications to the circumstances of our students? On the other hand, there was something you felt about, so he asked: "What have you done to train others for privileges in the congregation? " * * The basic rights of possessions were respected. Ibe kuli ne ba ziba kamba ne ba sa zibi, banuhi ba linaleli bao ne ba beile bupilo bwa Jesu mwa lubeta. Whether they knew it or not, the astrologers had put little Jesus in great peril. The key to a happy, happy life is having good friends in the Bethel family. Ka niti, kaufel'a bona ne ba kabe ba itulezi kwa mandu a bona ni ku lapelela teñi. Of course, they could all have stayed at home and prayed. Self - discipline can have a devastating effect on a marriage. Liputeho ze ñata ne li kopanelanga mwa mizuzu ya ku telela kamba mwa mandu a mizwale ni likaizeli. At that time, few congregations had Kingdom Halls, so they met in private homes or rented rooms. Jesus Christ - The Greatest Missionary Kifo ni li: Mu ka ba ziba ka miselo ya bona. " - Mateu 7: 16 - 18, 20. Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men. " - Matthew 7: 16 - 18, 20. However, as you get to know others better, you will begin to understand their way of thinking. Kono hape nekunani nto yeñwi yene mubilaeza ka za bona, kacwalo ababuza kuli: "Mizwale, ki lika mañi zemuezize kuli mulute babañwi kuli bafiwe buikalabelo mwa puteho? " Yet, he also felt concern, so he asked them, "Brothers, what have you done to train others to take on more responsibility in the congregation? " STUDY ARTICLES: "For everything there is an appointed time. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 1. Litukelo ze mutomo za maluwo ne li kutekiwa. Basic property rights were respected. I was always very kind to people. " Se si tusize hahulu kuli ni be ni bupilo bo bunde bwa tabo ki ku ba ni balikani ba bande ba mwa lubasi lwa fa Betele. What has especially contributed to my happy, satisfying life are dear friends in the Bethel family. But what if you see that you do not immediately accomplish what you want to do? Ndimbelela ya kona ku sinya linyalo. Resentment can destroy a marriage. They feel secure if they know the rules that are set up and know that these laws will not change. Jesu Kreste - Mulumiwa Yo Mutuna ku Feleleza Jesus Christ - The Greatest Missionary As King - Designate, what did Jesus accomplish in his earthly ministry? Nihakulicwalo, ha mu nze mu ziba hande ba bañwi, mu ka kalisa ku utwisisa munahanelo wa bona. However, the more you get to know others, the more opportunity you have to start to understand their way of thinking. He was a Pharisee, who "was perfectly instructed according to the law of his forefathers. " TABA YA KUNAHANISISA: "Nto ni nto i na ni nako ya yona. " - Muekelesia 3: 1. TO THINK ABOUT: "There is an appointed [best] time for everything. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 1. Zechariah was privileged to see eight visions. Kamita nebahananga kuboniswa sishemo ki batu. " He repeatedly rejected many acts of human kindness. " Although Christian youths should benefit from their parents ' decisions, they should recognize that there are important decisions that they should make. Kono ku cwañi haiba mu bona kuli ze mu bata ku eza ha li petahali honafo feela? What, though, if your efforts do not bear fruit right away? A treacherous heart can lead to a desire for what is bad, and it can be tempted to do it. No. You need not wonder, for Jehovah God promises his servants: "I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, " Do not be afraid. I myself will help you. ' " - Isaiah 41: 13. Ba ikutwa ku ba mwa silelezo haiba ba ziba milao ye tomilwe ni ku ziba kuli milao yeo ha i na ku cinca. They find security in knowing the rules and knowing that the rules won't change. Jesus compared finding true religion to finding the right way and choosing to walk in it. Ka ku ba Mulena ya Ketilwe, Jesu n'a petileñi mwa bukombwa bwa hae bwa fa lifasi - mubu? What did Jesus accomplish as King - Designate during his earthly ministry? (a) What reward do God's dedicated people today receive for their zeal? Ne li Mufalisi, ya n'a "lutilwe ka mukwa o petehile ku ya ka mulao wa bokuku " a hae. He was a Pharisee, educated "according to the strictness of the ancestral Law. " Who Are in Gehenna? Zakaria naabile ni tohonolo ya kubona lipono ze 8. Zechariah has had eight visions that he alone observed. No, especially if there is no other way to communicate with him in addition to the Internet or other media. Nihaike kuli babanca babali Bakreste baswanela kutusiwa ki bashemi babona kueza likatulo, baswanela kulemuha kuli kunani likatulo zeñwi za butokwa zebaswanela kueza bona bañi. Though Christian youths can and should receive guidance from their parents, youths themselves have important decisions to make. How can we be sure that God will deliver his present - day servants from all oppression? Pilu y'a puma, i kona ku tahisa takazo ya ku lakaza ze maswe ka bunolo, mi i kona ku likiwa ku li eza. The heart is treacherous, can easily acquire a desire for bad things, and can be tempted to do them. In their search, they discussed with several Protestant groups, but the result was confusion and despair. Ha mu swaneli ku kakanya kakuli Jehova Mulimu ki yena ya sepisize batanga ba hae kuli: "Na, [Muñ'a] Bupilo Mulimu wa hao, ni ku sweli kwa lizoho la bulyo, mi ni ku bulelela, ni li: Si sabi, ni ka ku tusa. " - Isaya 41: 13. I myself will help you. ' " - Isaiah 41: 13. Do you pray about such matters to Jehovah? Jesu n'a bapanyize ku fumana bulapeli bwa niti kwa ku fumana nzila ye lukile ni ku keta ku zamaya ku yona. Jesus likened finding true worship to finding the right road and choosing to walk on it. Instead, they would enjoy greater freedom than that of the dedicated nation of natural Israel. (a) Batu ba Mulimu ba ba ineezi kacenu ba filwe mupuzo mañi kabakala tukufalelo ya bona? (a) How have God's devoted people today been rewarded for their zeal? [ 2] (paragraph 18) To learn Bible principles that can help your family, see the article "Singing Problems and Rewards " in The Watchtower of October 15, 2002, issue of The Watchtower. Ki Bomañi Ba Ba mwa Gehena? Who Are in Gehenna? Needs: Single brothers between 23 and 62, full - time servants who want to serve wherever there is a greater need. Batili, sihulu haiba hakuna nzila yeñwi ya kuamuambolisana ka yona ni batu bao kwandaa kuitusisa Intaneti kamba lipangaliko zeñwi za kulumelana ka zona litaba. Yes - especially if you also have an offline relationship with those people. Satan wants us to think that way. Lu kona ku kolwelañi kuli Mulimu u ka lamulela batanga ba hae ba cwale ku ba ba ba limba kaufela? Why can we be sure that God will save his present - day servants from all their oppressors? Jesus will be their "everlasting Father " when he rules with the 144,000 in heaven for a thousand years. Mwa ku batisisa kwa bona, ba buhisana ni mapasita ba likwata li sikai za Protestanti, kono ze ne zwile mwateñi ne li ku lyanganiswa ni ku felelwa ki sepo. Their search led them to discussions with the pastors of several evangelical groups, but the result was further confusion and disillusionment. STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 PAGES 22 - 30 Kana mwa lapelanga ka za litaba ze cwalo ku Jehova? Do you include such matters in your petitions to Jehovah? It is no surprise that the Bible tells us again and again to love, for "God is love. " Kono, ne ba ka ikola tukuluho ye tuna hahulu ku fita ya sicaba se ne si ineezi sa Isilaele wa ka sipepo. On the contrary, they were to enjoy greater freedom than that possessed by the dedicated nation of natural Israel. What can lead to " foolish debates, ' and how can Christian elders set a fine example? [ 2] (paragilafu 18) Kuli muitute likuka za mwa Bibele zekona kutusa lubasi lwamina, mubone taba yeli: "Ku Huliseza Bana mwa Naha I Sili Matata ni Mipuzo " mwa Tora ya ku Libelela ya October 15, 2002 [ 2] (paragraph 18) For a discussion of Bible principles that can help your family, see the article "Raising Children in a Foreign Land - The Challenges and the Rewards " in the October 15, 2002, issue of The Watchtower. How pleased we are that Jehovah desires our friendship! Ze Tokwahala: Mizwale ba makwasha ba lilimo za ku pepwa ze mwahalaa 23 ni 62, ba ba ikanguzi ili ba ba bata ku sebeleza mwa libaka kaufela ze mwa butokwi. Qualifications: Single brothers between 23 and 62 years of age who are in good health and who want to serve wherever there is a greater need. The original - language word translated "a lot of wine " is said to mean" to turn away from gambling " or "to resort to gambling. " Satani u bata kuli lu nahane cwalo. Satan would like to have us think so. However, the discussion was at the table of General Robert G. Jesu u ka ba " Ndat'a bona wa kamita ' ha ka busa hamoho ni ba 144,000 kwa lihalimu ka lilimo ze sikiti. They will have him as their "Eternal Father " during his Thousand Year Reign with his heavenly joint heirs. □ Why is it timely to examine our spiritual progress? TABA YA BUNE NI YA BUKETALIZOHO MAKEPE 22 - 30 STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 PAGES 22 - 30 " Flee From Babylon " Hakukomokisi kuli Bibele ilutaluseza hape ni hape kuli lube ni lilato, kakuli "Mulimu ki lilato. " This emphasis on love is not surprising, since the Bible tells us that "God is love. " One father admits: "Sometimes I think about other things when I'm talking to my children. Ki lika mañi ze kona ku tisa "lipihisano za butoto, " mi baana - bahulu ba Sikreste ba kona ku toma cwañi mutala o munde? After living in what he called "the lions ' of sense, and was baptized, the brother married one of Jehovah's Witnesses who had also been imprisoned and whose father had been persecuted in a concentration camp in the concentration camp in have been held. Lu tabiswa hakalo ki taba ya kuli Jehova u lakaza silikani sa luna! How we rejoice that Jehovah desires our intimacy! For example, ancient rabbis said: "Let us eat and drink and enjoy ourselves. Linzwi la kwa makalelo le li tolokilwe kuli "bupumi " kutwi li talusa" ku puma kwa njuka " kamba "ku shapuka kwa ku caya njuka. " The original word for "trickery " is said to mean" cheating at dice " or "skill in manipulating the dice. " It was hard work. Kono puhisano ye n'e bile fa tafule ya Muzamaisi Robert G. But a discussion at the table of Captain Robert G. He said to Job: "Why are you yet holding fast your integrity? □ Ki kabakalañi ha ku li kwa ka bunako ku tatuba zwelopili ya luna ya kwa moya? □ Why is it timely to check our spiritual advancement? I was nervous and wished that I had been away. " A Mu Sabe mwa Babilona " " Flee Out of the Midst of Babylon " [ Picture on page 15] Ndate yomuñwi uitumelela kuli: "Fokuñwi ninahananga lika lisili ka nako yebaambola ni na bana baka. One father admits: "I sometimes find myself mentally multitasking when my children are speaking. The night is near. Hamulaho wa ku pila ku sa n'a bizize "musima wa litau " wa mwa Auschwitz, ni ku kolobezwa, muzwale y'o a nyala yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova ili y'o ni yena n'a kile a beiwa mwa tolongo mi ili y'o bondat'ahe ne ba nyandisizwe mwa munganda wa tukufazo mwa Dachau. After experiencing the Auschwitz "lions ' den, " as he termed it, and being baptized, this brother married one of Jehovah's Witnesses who herself had been imprisoned and whose father had suffered in the concentration camp at Dachau. May we never rely on our own understanding as did Adam and the rebellious Israelites. Ka mutala, Maepikure ba ikale ne ba bulelanga kuli: "Ha lu ceñi ni ku nwa, lu ikole. " Eat, drink, enjoy yourself. Consider this illustration: Two farmers meet a field and plan to plant vegetables. Musebezi wo ne li o taata. This was a difficult mission. (b) How was the King in Ezekiel's vision active in pure worship? A li ku Jobo: "Kiñi ha u sa tiiseza mwa ku sepahala kwa hao? She cried out to Job: "Are you yet holding fast your integrity? Do I talk to many of my friends about my problems and try to prove myself innocent? Ne ni ikalezwi mi na lakaza kuli kambe ne ni li ku sili. I felt insecure and wished I were somewhere else. At times, you may agree to give your child what he wants, provided you do not do so in order to stop worrying, or if his request is reasonable. - Bible principle: Colossians 3: 21. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 15] [ Picture on page 16] [ Picture on page 5] Busihu bu tuha bu sa. The night is well along. We can try to see people as Jesus did, seeing them that "they are skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Lusike lwaitinga fa kutwisiso yaluna sina mwanaaezelize Adama ni Maisilaele bane bakwenuhezi Mulimu. May we never fall into the trap of choosing to rely on our own understanding, as did Adam and the rebellious Israelites. Many of these timely food comes through publications, such as The Watchtower, and Awake!, and so forth. Ha mu nyakisise swanisezo ye: Balimi ba babeli ba kopanezi simu mi ba lela ku cala miloho. Consider this illustration: Two gardeners jointly own a garden plot and want to grow vegetables. But their joy was short - lived. (b) Mulena wa mwa pono ya Ezekiele n'a sebeza cwañi mwa bulapeli bo bu kenile? (b) In what ways was the chieftain of Ezekiel's vision active in pure worship? Noah's father, Lamech, died. Kana ni bulelelanga balikani ba ka ba bañata ka za butata bwa ka ni ku lika ku iponahalisa kuli na ha ni na mulatu? Do I air my grievances before a wide audience, hoping to get support from several friends? The top of the tribes was in front of Mount Tabor, and one half was in front of Mount Tabor. Ka li nako ze ñwi mwa kona ku lumela ku fa mwanaa mina za bata, ibile feela ha mu ezi cwalo ka mulelo wa kuli a tuhele ku bilaela, kamba haiba kupo ya hae ya utwahala. - Sikuka sa Bibele: Makolose 3: 21. There are times when you can say yes to your child - as long as you are not giving in to mere whining and your child's request is legitimate. - Bible principle: Colossians 3: 21. For simplicity, we refer to the child in the masculine gender. " Do Not Forget Loving - Kindness to Men, " truth. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 5] [ Picture on page 5] The tiny cell - the tiny fraction of all creation - is so small that one drop of water consists of a hundred billion tons of water. Lwa kona ku lika ku bona batu ka mw'a n'a ba bonezi Jesu, ku ba bona kuli "ba katezi, ba hasani, inge lingu ze si na mulisana. " We can try to see people as Jesus saw them, as "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Do You Appreciate Jehovah's Organization? Buñata bwa lico zeo za ka nako ye lukela li tahanga ka lihatiso, ze cwale ka Tora ya ku Libelela, ni Awake!, ni ze ñwi cwalo. Much of this food at the proper time comes in the form of printed publications, such as The Watchtower, the Awake!, and other publications. Because of Jehovah's mildness, what confidence do we have? Kono tabo ye ne ba bile ni yona, ne i li ya ka nakonyana feela. But the dancing did not last long. Michelle: I'm so happy to get to know you, Sophia. Ndatahe Nuwe yena Lameke, a timela. His father, Lamech, died. What do we remember when we dedicate ourselves to God and get baptized? Licika la masika ne li li fapil'a Lilundu la Ebali, mi licika le liñwi ne li li fapil'a Lilundu la Gerizimi. Half the tribes were in front of Mount Ebal, and half were in front of Mount Gerizim. When he became king at 22 years of age, Ammon "did what was bad in God's eyes like Manasseh his father. " " Musike Mwalibala Kubonisa Sishemo Kwa Batu Basili, " Oct. " Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers, " Oct. 4: 1. Kanto ka kanyinyani - nyinyani ka ka bizwa atomu - kona kakalulo ka kanyinyani ka ku fitisisa ili fo ku pangilwe lika zote - ki ka kanyinyani hahulu kuli mane lilotoli li li liñwi la mezi li na ni liatomu ze eza libilioni za libilioni ze mwanda. The tiny atom - the very building block of all things - is so small that a single drop of water contains one hundred billion billion atoms. The Hebrew word translated "resars " indicates that God reminds us of his laws, commandments, and guidance. Kana Mwa Itebuha Kopano ya Jehova? Do You Appreciate Jehovah's Organization? Christians, who strive to be tenderly compassionate, need to distinguish more from reading, movies, and TV programs. Bakeñisa bunolo bwa Jehova, lu na ni sepo mañi? Because of Jehovah's mildness, what prospect do we have? Yes, your teaching involves salvation. Mebelo: Ni tabile hahulu ku zibana ni mina bo Sofia. Michelle: Nice to meet you, Sophia. " Teach the Son " Lubonisañi haluineela ku Mulimu ni kukolobezwa? What are some of the things we accomplish through dedication and baptism? After attending a few meetings, the brothers and I asked others, "Do you want to get baptized? " Ha n'a yolile bulena inz'a li wa lilimo za buhulu ze 22, Amoni "a eza ze maswe fapil'a Mulimu sina Manase, ndat'ahe. " Upon inheriting the throne at the age of 22, Amon "proceeded to do what was bad in Jehovah's eyes, just as Manasseh his father had done. " Thus, this period of time has reached its end, and the restoration of Paradise on earth has drawn near. - Matthew 24: 32 - 35; compare Psalm 90: 10. 4: 1. 4: 1. The word "faithful " includes many aspects of righteousness. Linzwi la Siheberu le li tolokilwe kuli "likelezo " li bonisa kuli Mulimu u lu hupulisa milao, litaelo, ni zamaiso ya hae. The Hebrew word rendered "reminders " indicates that God calls his law, orders, regulations, commandments, and statutes back to our minds. For the first time in my life, I made true friends. Bakreste, ba ba lika ka t'ata ku ba ni mufelañeke o ' bunolo, ba tokwa ku ketahanya hahulu ku za ku bala, maswaniso a zamaya, ni litukiso za fa TV. Christians, who strive to be tenderly compassionate, need to be highly selective in their choice of reading matter, motion pictures, and TV programs. It is said that a person's hard work depends on his efforts to accomplish it. Ee, ku luta kwa mina ku ama puluso. Yes, your teaching involves salvation. Despite Being Based on Good News, 4 / 15 " Luta Mwana " " Train Up a Boy " Unlike Solomon's time, a serious problem today is poverty. At the same time, though, he urged all to "close ranks " with the Governing Body, to draw close together as would soldiers entering the thick of the battle. Though problems arose in some first - century Christian congregations, their general situation was peace, unity, and happiness. Hamulaho wa kufumaneha kwa mikopano isikai, mizwale babuza na ni babañwi kuli, "Kana mwatabela kukolobezwa? " After just a few meetings, the brothers asked me and others, "Do you want to get baptized? " Those in God's Kingdom are Jesus Christ and a group of corulers who will rule with them among mankind's chosen ones Kacwalo, yona kalulo ya nako ye i se i fita fa maungulo a yona, mi ku kutiswa kwa Paradaisi fa lifasi - mubu ku se ku li bukaufi. - Mateu 24: 32 - 35; mu bapanye Lisamu 90: 10. Therefore, this period of time is nearing its end, with the restoration of Paradise on earth close at hand. - Matthew 24: 32 - 35; compare Psalm 90: 10. It is easy to understand this proverb as it really is written. Pulelo ya "ya sepahala " i kopanyeleza likalulo ze ñata za ku luka. The word "capable " sums up many elements of goodness. Why did reading and studying the Bible not benefit the Jewish clergy? Na ba ni balikani ba niti lwa pili mwa bupilo bwa ka. For the first time in my life, I had real friends. What invitation was published in the April disciples of Watch Tower? Ku bulelwanga kuli zaa fumana mutu mwa musebezi wa peta li itingile fa buikatazo bwa eza mwa ku peta musebezi wo. It's been said that what you get out of an endeavor depends largely upon what you put into it. By comparing Jehovah's sovereignty to the highest degree, their power is far superior. Ku Si Na Taba ni ku Bupiwa fa Liluli, Zweleñipili! Helpful Teaching for Our Critical Times, 4 / 15 In this regard Jehovah set a fine example for us to imitate it in our dealings with others. Ka ku sa swana ni mwa linako za Salumoni, butata bo butuna kacenu ki bubotana. Unlike in the time of Solomon, a major problem today is poverty. Most of us have to deal with school problems, financial support, and child rearing. Nihaike butata ne bu zuhile mwa liputeho ze ñwi za Sikreste mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili, muinelo wa zona wa ka nañungelele ne li wa kozo, swalisano, ni tabo. Although problems arose in some first - century Christian congregations, their general state was that of peace, unity, and joy. " The wisdom from above [God] is... peaceable, reasonable,... not partial. " Ba ba mwa Mubuso wa Mulimu ki Jesu Kreste ni sikwata sa batu baa ka busa ni bona ba ba ketilwe mwahalaa batu Jesus Christ and a group of fellow rulers chosen from mankind make up God's Kingdom Recognizing kind, helpful, and responsible Christians, the new disciple learns from their example what it means to obey Christ's command to love God and men, especially fellow believers. Ku bunolo ku utwisisa lishitanguti leo ka mo li ñolezwi luli. It is not difficult to see how that proverb applies in a literal sense. Paul was abandoned by many and felt that he was too long. Ki kabakalañi ku bala ni ku ituta Bibele ha ne ku sa tusi ba bahulu ba bulapeli bwa Sijuda? Why was it to no avail that the Jewish religious leaders read and studied the Bible? But there is another way to show genuine interest in others. Ki memo mañi ye ne i hatisizwe mwa magazini ya Watch Tower ya April 1881? What call went out in the April 1881 issue of this magazine? In time, Emlyn began teaching in many churches, including those in Dublin. Ka ku bapanyiwa kwa m'ata a Jehova a bubusi bo bu pahami ka ku fitisisa, m'ata a bona a fitelwa kwahule - hule. Relative to Jehovah's supreme sovereign authority, theirs is by far a lesser authority. Two hundred years have passed since we heard our baptism talk on the roof of the mother's house, and we have spent 60 years in full - time service. Ka seo Jehova u lu tomezi mutala o munde kuli lu u likanyise mwa ku sebelisana kwa luna ni ba bañwi. Jehovah thereby sets a splendid example for us to imitate in our dealings with others. " The men in the midst took hold of them, and he went on to commission them to carry stones and to use sharp metal and iron equipment, and that is how David dealt with all the cities of the sons of Ammon. " - 1 Chronicles 20: 3. Buñata bwa luna lu na ni ku talimana ni butata bwa kwa sikolo, bwa ku ipilisa, ni ku uta bana. Many of us must cope with the pressures of attending school, making a living, and rearing children. We set spiritual goals. " Butali bo bu zwa kwahalimu [ku Mulimu],... bu na ni kozo, ni musa,... ha bu na sishweka. " " The wisdom from above [from God] is... peaceable, reasonable,... not making partial distinctions. " What, then, should we as God's servants do? Ka ku lemuha Bakreste ba ba sishemo, ba ba tusa, ni ba ba itingwa cwalo, mulutiwa yo munca u ituta kwa mutala wa bona se ku talusa ku mamela taelo ya Kreste ya ku lata Mulimu ni batu, sihulu balumeli ba bañwi. By observing such kind, helpful, and dependable Christians, the new disciple learns by example what it means to obey Christ's command to love God and neighbor, especially fellow believers. The brochure, published by Jehovah's Witnesses in some 300 languages, describes 16 important Bible - based lessons, and provides Scriptural answers to all the questions listed above. Paulusi n'a yubekilwe ki ba bañata mi n'a ikutwa kuli h'a sa na a matelele. Forsaken by many, Paul felt that his end was near. Train your children in the right way Kono ku na ni nzila ye ñwi ye lu kona ku bonisa ka yona kuli lwa isa ba bañwi pilu luli. Genuine interest in others can be manifested in yet another way. □ What counsel do we draw from three points from a letter sent by the first - century governing body? Hamulaho wa nako, Emlyn a kala ku lutanga mwa likeleke ze ñata ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni mwa likeleke za mwa Dublin. As time passed, Emlyn served as a minister in several places, including Dublin. Jesus wanted to comfort and help people. Se ku fitile lilimo ze 62 ku zwa fo ne lu utwezi ngambolo ya kolobezo ya luna inze lu li fa lwanda lwa lapa la bom'a Stackhouse, mi lu tandile lilimo ze 60 mwa sebelezo ya nako ye tezi. Sixty - two years have passed since we heard our baptism talk on the lawn of the Stackhouse residence, and we have spent 60 years in the full - time service. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages. " Batu ba ne ba li mwateñi a ba nga, a zwelapili ku ba fa musebezi wa ku saha macwe ni wa ku itusisa liitusiso ze shengile za sipi ni lilepe; mi ki mona m'o Davida n'a ezelize minzi kaufela ya bana ba Amoni. " - 1 Makolonika 20: 3. " The people that were in it he brought out, and he kept them employed at sawing stones and at sharp instruments of iron and at axes; and that was the way David proceeded to do to all the cities of the sons of Ammon. " - 1 Chronicles 20: 3. Their heart moved them to abandon their position and homosexual acts. Haluitomela likonkwani za kwa moya. Spiritual goals. But now I enjoy life every day and do my best to preserve life. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. Luna ka ku ba batanga ba Mulimu lu swanela ku ezañi he? What, then, is required of us as God's servants? The teacher spoke to the young man, but he denied it. Broshuwa yeo, ye hatisizwe ki Lipaki za Jehova mwa lipuo ze bat'o eza 300, i tolongosha lituto za butokwa ze 16 ze tomile fa Bibele, mi i fa likalabo za ka Mañolo kwa lipuzo kaufela ze kolohanyizwe fahalimu. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses in nearly 300 languages, this brochure discusses 16 basic Bible topics and provides a Scriptural answer to all the questions listed above. What moves people to dedicate themselves to such worthless things? Mulute bana bamina ka mukwa oswanela Teach your children properly Kingdom Proclaimers Report □ Ki kelezo ifi ye lu fumana ku zwelela kwa lisupo ze talu ze ne li li mwa liñolo le ne li lumezwi ki sitopa se si busa sa mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili? □ What counsel do we derive from the three points in the letter sent out by the first - century governing body? They receive the apostle Paul's inspired statement regarding Christ: "This thing, being in God's form, did not view himself equal to God as something worthy of destruction. " Jesu naa batanga ku omba - omba ni ku tusa batu. Jesus sought to refresh others and lighten their load. How does Psalm 100: 1, 2 show that joy must be a feature of our service to God? Trust ye tusa kopano ya bulapeli i kona ku tahisa kuli ba ba ezize tumelelano yeo ba si ke ba telanga mitelo ye miñwi. As the term "charitable planning " implies, these types of donations typically require some planning on the part of the donor. Many people do not believe in it. Pilu yabona yabasusueza kusiya situlo sabona ni kutuhela likezo zabona za kalombe. Her heart moved her to resign from her position and to end her lesbian relationship. (b) Illustrate. Kono ka nako ya cwale, niikola bupilo ka zazi ni zazi mi niezanga monikonela kaufela kubukeleza bupilo. " - Sinulo 21: 4, 5. In the meantime, I cherish each day of life and do what I reasonably can to preserve it. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. He will be raised up "in the heavens " Muluti a ambolisana ni mutangana y'o, kono a itatula. The teacher spoke with the young man, but he denied the charges. Divine Judgment More Than "the Man of lawlessness " Ki sifi se si susuez'anga batu ku ineela kwa lika ze si na tuso ze cwalo? What moves people to dedicate themselves to such futility? Many brothers and sisters are deeply grateful for the Family Worship evening. Piho ya Bashaeli Ba Mubuso Kingdom Proclaimers Report This does not mean, however, that a husband is more important than his wife. Ba amuhela pulelo ye buyelezwi ya muapositola Paulusi ye ama ka za Kreste ye li: "Y'o, ka ku ba mwa sibupeho sa Mulimu, n'a si k'a nga ku likana ni Mulimu ku ba nto ye swanelwa ku kwañashiwa. " They accept the apostle Paul's inspired statement concerning Christ: "Who, being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped. " • How should knowledge that Jehovah "sees what the heart is " affect us? Samu 100: 1, 2 i bonisa cwañi kuli tabo i lukela ku ba muinelo wa sebelezo ya luna ku Mulimu? How does Psalm 100: 1, 2 show that joy must be a feature of our service to God? These were long - standing or hidden in the soil, and inside they were made of stone and stones. Batu ba bañata ha ba lumeli kuli li teñi. Many people do not think so. We do well to remember that Jehovah God sees everything. (b) Mufe mutala. (b) Relate an example. One reference work focused on the victory of the king of Ordon, who won the cities of "Mri, Yari, and Ebla. " u ka zuswa " lihalimu Jerusalem " However, would it not be better to learn to cope successfully with a real cause for discouragement? Katulo ya Mulimu Fahalimw'a "Mutu Wa Sibi " God's Judgment Against "the Man of Lawlessness " In his book De Civiri Dei (The City of God) Augustine of Rome (N. C.E.) said that the church itself is God's Kingdom. Mizwale ni likaizeli ba bañata ba itumezi hahulu kwa tukiso ya ku banga ni Nako ya ku Lapela Sina Lubasi. Many have expressed appreciation for the arrangement of having a Family Worship evening. This gives insight into portions of the Bible that relate to Joppa. Kono taba yeo haitalusi kuli muuna ki wa butokwa hahulu kufita musalaa hae. This arrangement does not make a wife inferior to her husband. Would You Welcome a Visit? • Zibo ya ku ziba kuli Jehova "u talima pilu " i swanela ku lu ama cwañi? • To what does "balsam in Gilead " refer? Then those who refuse to follow God's Word will be destroyed by the King, Jesus Christ. Tusa t'o ne tu cakulwanga ka butelele fa macwe kamba ne tu yepiwanga mwa mubu, mi mwahali ne tu yahiwanga ka litina ni macwe. The baths were rectangular tanks hewed out of rock or dug into the earth and lined with brick or stone. 3: 18. Lu swanela ku hupulanga kuli Jehova Mulimu wa bonanga lika kaufela. We must ever remember that Jehovah God sees all. The present - day Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has provided similar instructions for " Caring for the poor, ' stating:" True religion involves caring for the faithful and righteous ones who may need material assistance. " Taba ye ñwi ne i bonisa za tulo ya mulena Sargon wa Akkad, ya na tuzi mileneñi ya "Mari, Yarmuti, ni Ebla. " One text told of the victory of Sargon, king of Akkad, over "Mari, Yarmuti, and Ebla. " What kind of clothes are referred to at 1 Peter 3: 3 - 5, and how do you feel about this? Nihakulicwalo, kana ne ku si ke kwa ba hande ni ku fita ku ituta ku sebelisana hande ni muinelo sakata o ' tisa ku zwafa? Would it not be far better, though, to learn to manage the root cause of frustration? In harmony with that definition, almost everyone displays godly devotion in life. Mwa buka ya hae ye bizwa De Civitate Dei (Munzi wa Mulimu) Augustine wa kwa Hippo (354 - 430 C.E.) n'a bulezi kuli keleke ka sibili ki yona Mubuso wa Mulimu. In his work De Civitate Dei (The City of God), Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430 C.E.) stated that the church itself is the Kingdom of God. What does the promise in Eden reveal about the serpent and its seed? Seo si fa kutwisiso kwa likalulo za Bibele ze ama fa Jopa. This illuminates some Biblical references to Joppa. ▪ Not talking too much about health problems Kana ne Mu Ka Amuhela ku Potelwa? Would You Welcome a Visit? " Everything is so different from what we believe, " he says. Kihona ba ba hana ku latelela Linzwi la Mulimu ba ka yundiswa ki Mulena, Jesu Kreste. Then, those who refuse to live in harmony with God's Word will be put to death by the King, Jesus Christ. This gave them encouragement and training and even made them more zealous in the ministry. 3: 18. 3: 18. 6 / 15 Sitopa se si Busa sa Lipaki za Jehova sa mwa lizazi la cwale ka ku zamaelela si file litaelo ze swana kwa neku la "Ku Babalela Babotana, " ka ku talusa kuli:" Bulapeli bwa niti bu ama ku babalela ba ba sepahala ni ba ba lukile ba ne ba kana ba tokwa tuso ya kwa mubili. " The modern - day Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has likewise issued precise instructions on "Caring for the Poor, " stating:" True worship involves looking after faithful and loyal ones who may be in need of material assistance. " I was very happy, and I prepared to work with my husband, but to do so, I needed a bicycle, which was very expensive because the times were difficult for me to buy. Ki liapalo za mufuta mañi ze babazwa kwa 1 Pitrosi 3: 3 - 5, mi mu ikutwa cwañi ka za seo? What type of adornment is praised at 1 Peter 3: 3 - 5, and how do you feel about that? As we meditate on these things, our love for Jehovah grows, for he is the Giver of all good things. Ku likana ni taluso yeo, ibat'o ba mañi ni mañi wa bonisanga bulumeli mwa bupilo. By this definition, nearly everyone displays some form of religious devotion in his life. We should note that this lie spoken in the garden of Eden was an attack on the truthfulness of Jehovah himself. Sepiso ya mwa Edeni i patululañi ka za noha ni peu ya yona? What assurance does the Edenic promise give us about the serpent and its offspring? Our Readers Ask... ▪ Ku sa ambolanga hahulu ka za mapongo Talk less about the illness Looking back, I realize that three district conventions especially made me change my life. Babulela kuli: "Lika kaufela nelibonahala kushutana hahulu ni zenenitwaezi. " " Everything was so different from what I was used to. " If I'm wrong - let's say, for example, that I didn't understand a situation - I apologize. Ku kutaza ka mukwa wo ne ku ba susuelize ni ku ba fa tuto mi mane ne ku tahisize kuli ba tukufalelwe hahulu bukombwa. This not only provided encouragement and training but also heightened their zeal for the ministry. When you stand up, he stands up. 6 / 1 6 / 1 Despite their hard work, however, their accomplishments vary. Ne ni tabile hahulu, mi na itukiseza ku yo sebeza ni bo munn'a ka ko ne ba sebeleza. Kono kuli ni eze cwalo, ne ni tokwa njinga, ili nto ye tula hahulu ye ne ni palezwi ku leka kakuli linako ne li ze t'ata ka nako ya ku wa kwa sifumu. Bubbling with excitement, I planned to join my husband in his assignment, but to do so, I needed a bicycle - a luxury I had never been able to afford, as times were hard during the depression. Then we learned that it was hidden by an opposer. Ha lu nze lu nahanisisa lika zeo, lilato la luna ku Jehova la tiya, kakuli ki yena Mufani wa lika ze nde kaufela. As we reflect on such things, we grow in our love for Jehovah, for he is the Giver of all good things. For example, after his wife's death, an elderly brother could not continue to rent a house because he lost the income he had received from his wife. Lu lemuhe kuli mashano ao a n'a bulezwi mwa simu ya Edeni n'e li ku lwanisa buniti bwa yena Jehova ka sibili. We must recognize that those lies told in the garden of Eden were assaults against the truthfulness of Jehovah himself. But we preach only in churches, on television, or on the Internet, or just to tell others how they came to know about Jesus. Ze Ba Buza Babali... Our Readers Ask... And your good example may help your child to accept Jehovah's loving invitation to return to him. - Malachi 3: 6, 7. Ha ni iheta, ni lemuha kuli mikopano ya sikiliti ye milalu sihulu ki yona ye ne i tahisize kuli ni cince bupilo bwa ka. Looking back, I realize that three conventions especially shaped the course of my life. For example, we can praise Jehovah when we meditate on "the mighty acts " and" the splendor of his dignity. " Haiba ki na ya fosize - lu bulele ka mutala kuli ha ni si ka utwisisa muinelo o muñwi - na ikupelanga swalelo. If I am in the wrong - for example, if I have misunderstood a situation - I apologize. A Christian elder who saw the fierce war in the army shows the difference between the war and the pain he experienced because of the thoughtless conduct and speech of fellow Christians. Hamuyema ni yena mutu yo wayema. When you stop, the footsteps behind you also stop. PAGE 25 Kono niha ba sebeza ka t'ata cwalo, ze ba peta za shutana. But even though they work hard, the results differ. He kept thinking about Jehovah's promises, and he remained loyal to him. Hamulaho lwa to lemuha kuli kanti ne si patilwe ki mulwanisi. We later learned that an opposer had hidden them. What suggestions may help us to conduct Bible studies that touch the hearts of truth seekers? Ka mutala, hasamulaho wa lifu la musal'a hae, muzwale yo muñwi wa musupali na palezwi ku zwelapili ku lifela ndu bakeñisa kuli na tuhezi ku fumana penshini ya na amuhelanga musal'a hae. After the wife of one older brother died, he could no longer afford to pay the rent without her pension. PAGE 30 Kono bakutazanga feela mwa likeleke, fa TV, kamba fa Intaneti, kamba ka kubulelela feela babañwi monekutezi kuli baitute za Jesu. But their preaching is limited to sermons at church, on television, or on the Internet, or they may simply tell others how they learned about Jesus. Thus, your home will be a haven of peace and harmony for all your family. - Psalm 133: 1. Mi mutala wa mina o munde u kana wa tusa mwan'a mina ku amuhela memo ye lilato ye zwa ku Jehova ya ku kutela ku yena. - Malaki 3: 6, 7. And your good example may help your child to respond to the loving invitation from Jehovah to return to him. - Malachi 3: 6, 7. But should not the most important needs of a child be given thought? Ka mutala, lwa kona ku lumbeka Jehova ha lu nahanisisa "ze maata za ezize " ni" butuna bwa bulena bwa hae. " For instance, we are moved to praise him when we think of "his works of mightiness " and" the abundance of his greatness. " Cleveland did not realize that God's Word would exert power in his life. Eluda wa Sikreste ya n'a iponezi ndwa ya meto mafubelu mwa busole u bonisa fapahano ye mwahal'a ndwa ni butuku bwa n'a utwile bakeñisa likezo ni lipulelo ze si ka nahanisiswa hande za Bakreste ba bañwi. A Christian elder who formerly saw active combat in the army contrasted that with the pain he suffered because of the thoughtless words and actions of some fellow Christians. He was betrayed by someone who could trust without cause. LIKEPE 25 PAGE 25 Let us consider how we can imitate Jesus and " find refreshment ' for those we meet. - Matthew 11: 29; Galatians 5: 22, 23. Naazwezipili kunahana ka za lisepiso za Jehova, mi naazwezipili kusepahala ku yena. When those tests ended, Joseph qualified for a special assignment. (b) Why should one confess and turn away from his sin? Ki lifi liakalezo ze kana za lu tusa ku zamaisa lituto za Bibele ze susumeza lipilu za ba ba bata niti? What suggestions may help us to conduct Bible studies that touch the hearts of truth seekers? Angela has taught us the importance of treating her according to her religious standards, even though this does not harmonize with the principles of our work.... LIKEPE 30 PAGE 30 However, some of Jehovah's servants remain single because they have not yet found a mate who may have Jehovah's approval and approval. Kacwalo, lapa la mina li ka ba sibaka sa kozo ni swalisano kwa lubasi lwa mina kaufela. - Samu 133: 1. Thus, your home will be a true haven of peace and unity for the entire family. - Ps. 133: 1. With my wife, Tabitha, in the ministry Kono kana kikuli litokwahalo za mwanana ze butokwa ka ku fitisisa ha li swanelwi ku beiwa mwa nahanisiso? But should not the child's own best interests be taken into consideration? 1: 17. Cleveland n'a si ka lemuha kuli Linzwi la Mulimu ne li ka ba ni m'ata mwa bupilo bwa hae. Little did Cleveland realize how much God's Word would exert power in his life. Such a person is humble and does not consider himself superior to others. N'a betekilwe ki mutu ya n'a swanela ku sepa ku si na ñoñoleho. She had been betrayed by someone she should have been able to trust completely. He finds him sleeping. Ha lu alakanyeñi mo lu kona ku likanyiseza Jesu ni ku " fumanisa pumulo ' be lu kopana ni bona. - Mateu 11: 29; Magalata 5: 22, 23. Let us examine how we can imitate Jesus ' example and enable those who come in contact with us to "find refreshment. " - Matthew 11: 29; Galatians 5: 22, 23. That night all four of us slept in a car. (b) Ki kabakalañi mutu h'a swanela ku ipulela ni ku fulalela sibi sa hae? (b) Why confess and leave one's sin? Are we accountable to the almighty Creator for our actions? Angela u lu lutile butokwa bwa ku mu alafa ka ku ya ka lipimo za bulapeli bwa hae, nihaike ku eza cwalo ha ku lumelelani ni likuka za musebezi wa luna.... Angela has taught us the importance of respecting her religion, something quite distinct from our professional ethics.... Rather, he wants us to obey him because we understand his will. Kono batanga ba Jehova ba bañwi ba zwelangapili ku ba makwasha ka libaka la kuli ha ba si ka fumana kale mutu wa ku nyalana ni yena ya kona ku tabelwa ki Jehova ni ye ba kona ku tabela bona. Although most people plan to get married at some point in life, certain servants of Jehovah remain single because they cannot find a mate pleasing to them and to Him. An outstanding example of one who was deeply concerned about his God - given hope was Moses. Ni bo musalaaka, bo Tabitha, inze luli mwa bukombwa With my wife, Tabitha, in the public ministry Accurate knowledge is found in Jehovah's Word, the Bible. 1: 17. 1: 17. But I was determined that I would not turn my back on Jehovah. Mutu ya cwalo wa ikokobeza mi ha nahani kuli ki wa butokwa ku fita ba bañwi. Jesus used a young child to make clear to his apostles that they should be humble and modest. These magazines are particularly needed in our day. U mu fumana u mwa buloko. She finds him asleep. □ Why are Jehovah's servants so happy? Busihu bo, kaufelaa luna babane nelulobezi mwa mota. That night the four of us slept in the car. But what if a Christian wife is asked by her unbelieving husband to accompany her to a wedding at another church? Kana lu ka ikalabela ku Mubupi ya m'ata ote ka ku ya ka likezo za luna? Are we accountable to an all - powerful Creator? Why? Kono u bata kuli lu mu utwe kabakala ku utwisisa tato ya hae. Rather, he desires that we choose to obey him because of our understanding of his will. THAT is the name of Jehovah, and how can we benefit from it? Mutala o ipitezi wa mutu ya na iyakatitwe hahulu sepo ya hae ya na filwe ki Mulimu ki Mushe. An outstanding example of one who remained focused on his God - given hope was Moses. Even though Lefèvre's desire to see the church change did not come true, his efforts did not go unnoticed - he helped ordinary people to get to know God's Word. Zibo ye nepahezi i fumaneha mwa Linzwi la Jehova, yona Bibele. The source of accurate knowledge is Jehovah's Word, the Bible. What did Paul say about this? (a) Who can always help? Kono n'a ikatulela kuli ha ni na ku fulalela Jehova. But I was determined not to pull away from Jehovah. James highlights a key point. Limagazini zeo z'a tokwahala hahulu - hulu mwa mazazi a luna. These magazines are very much needed in our day and age. In the preceding article, we learned that in recent years, the faithful slave has made adjustments in the description of certain Bible accounts, now the faithful slave focuses more on beneficial teachings than on things that might support certain things or prophetic explanations. □ Ki kabakalañi batanga ba Jehova ha ba tabile cwalo? □ Why are Jehovah's servants so joyful? They began to study the Bible with one of the missionaries, and my sister, who lived with them, began to listen. Kono ku cwañi haiba musali wa Sikreste a kupiwa ki munn'a hae ya si Paki ku mu sindeketa kwa sinawenga se si ezezwa kwa keleke ye ñwi? But what if a man who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses asks his Christian wife to accompany him to a church wedding? It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God! " Kabakalañi? Why? Of course, we will never know all about Jehovah. LICAZIBA LIKAKANYA KA MO JUDASI A TALUSEZWA MWA BUKA YA "EVANGELI YA JUDASI " The apostle Paul put it this way: "Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. " - Galatians 6: 4. Nihaike kuli takazo ya Lefèvre ya kubona keleke haieza licinceho neisika talelezwa, zeneezwile mwa buikatazo bwanaaezize halikonwi kulatulwa - naatusize batu - tu feela kuziba Linzwi la Mulimu. Although his desire to see the church reform itself failed to materialize, Lefèvre's legacy is undisputed - he helped the common people to know God's Word. Jesus taught his disciples by giving them timely counsel. Paulusi naasakakanyi ka za taba yeo. 4, 5. (a) Ki mañi yakona kumitusa ka nako kaufela? 4, 5. (a) From whom can you always receive needed assistance? Fear of Jehovah, or deep reverence for him, moves us to render exclusive devotion to him. Jakobo u koñomeka sisupo se situna. James makes a touching point. • Why should we be zealous Kingdom truth keepers? Mwa taba ye felile, ne lu itutile kuli mwa lilimo za cwanoñu fa, mutanga ya sepahala u ezize licinceho mwa mutalusezo wa litaba ze ñwi za mwa Bibele. Mutanga ya sepahala cwale u isa hahulu mamelelo kwa lituto ze tusa, ku fita ku isa mamelelo ye tuna kwa lika ze kona ku yemela lika ze ñwi kamba kwa litaluso za bupolofita. We noted in the preceding article that over recent decades, the faithful slave has gradually come to explain the Scriptures with less emphasis on symbolic prophetic pictures and more on practical application. (a) Why is it not surprising that people do not care about spiritual matters? Ba kalisa ku ituta Bibele ni yo muñwi wa balumiwa, mi munyan'a ka wa musizana ya n'a pila ni bona a kala ku t'o teelezanga kwa tuto yeo. She began to study the Bible with one of the missionaries, and my younger sister who lived with them joined her in her study. A nursing mother cares for her young children. Se si bunolo kikuli kamele i kene mwa lisuba la ndonga, isi kuli muluwi a kene mwa mubuso wa Mulimu! " It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. " That is why their children often don't feel that they really are. " Kaniti, ni kamuta ha lu na ku ziba zote ka za Jehova. Clearly, we will never know all there is to know about Jehovah. I was able to preach freely with other Witnesses, Paul and Bill, as well as the entire congregation. Muapositola Paulusi n'a bulezi taba yeo cwana: "Mutu ni mutu a tatube likezo za hae, kih'a ka ba ni sibaka sa ku itumba ka za hae a nosi, isi ka za yo muñwi. " - Magalata 6: 4. The apostle Paul put it this way: "Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. " - Galatians 6: 4. How can Jehovah teach us to benefit ourselves? Jesu naa lutile balutiwa ba hae ka ku ba fa likelezo ze ne ba tokwa ka nako ye lukela. Jesus trained his disciples by providing personal counsel tailored to their needs. It seems that when you have more things, you feel less secure. " Sabo ya ku saba Jehova, kamba ku mu tompa ko ku tungile, ku lu ezisa ku lapela yena a nosi fela. Fear of Jehovah, or deep reverence for him, makes us worship him alone. 10, 11. • Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku ba bacali ba batuna ba niti ya Mubuso? • Why should we be generous as sowers of Kingdom truth? How can a husband honor his wife? 29 From Our Readers If, for some reason, the yoke is not simple or properly formed, the use of it will not only require a lot of energy on our part but will also result in some disease. (a) Ki kabakalañi ha ku sa komokisi kuli batu ha ba isi pilu za kwa moya? (a) Why is it not surprising that people have become spiritually apathetic? That is true of all, young and old. Muanyisi u babalelanga bana ba hae ba banyinyani. A nursing mother cares for her little ones. At Habakkuk 3: 12, we read: "He is sending forth the earth with rage, and he is raising up the national groups with rage. " Kona libaka bana ba bona hañata ha ba sa ikutwi ku ba batu luli. " That is why their children often have low self - respect. " Finally, I felt that I could fulfill my promise to God. Se ni kona ku kutaza ka ku lukuluha ni Lipaki ba bañwi bo Paul ni bo Bill, hamohocwalo ni puteho mukatumbi. I also now share freely with my fellow Witnesses Paul and Bill and the rest of the congregation in the preaching work. If they were in exile in Babylon, how much more so would those discouraged ones need such comfort! Jehova h'a nz'a lu luta lu kona ku eza cwañi kuli lu tusehe? How can we benefit ourselves as Jehovah teaches us? U.S. Ku bonahala kuli ha u ba ni lika ze ñata, u ikutwa ku sa iketa. " It seems that the more you have, the less secure you feel. " He says, "Every year my daughter, along with me, takes me to another location to relax on the anniversary of our wedding day. 10, 11. 10, 11. Hence, Jesus rightly condemned the Jewish religious leaders for abandoning the basic requirements of the Law, such as justice, love, and mercy. Muuna u kona ku kuteka cwañi musalaa hae? In what way can a husband honor his wife? Jesus ' reply is as obvious as it was when he answered Satan in the wilderness. Haiba, ka libaka le liñwi, coko ha i si ka iketa kamba ha i si ka beiwa hande, ku itusisa yona ha ku na ku tokwa fela m'ata a mañata hahulu - hulu ku luna kono hape ku ka be ku tahisize butuku bo buñwi. If, for some reason, the yoke is in disrepair or is not fitted correctly, using it not only will require more effort on our part but will cause some pain as a result. The brothers kept telling others who lived far away. Ku cwalo kwa batu kaufela, ibe banana kamba ba bahulu. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " " While they went on walking in the midst of [John and Elisha], there was a fiery chariot and fiery horses, and they proceeded to separate them two; and Elijah went up to heaven in a windstorm. " - 2 Kings 2: 11. Kwa Habakuki 3: 12, lu bala kuli: "U pazula lifasi ka buhali, u hatikela macaba ka ku a bifela. " At Habakkuk 3: 12, we read: "With denunciation you went marching through the earth. In anger you went threshing the nations. " When they got up, they would laugh too much. Kwa nalule - lule, na ikutwa kuli ne ni ka kona ku taleleza sepiso ya ka ku Mulimu. At last, I felt that I could fulfill my promise to God. One day, he, who was studying the Bible with me, asked me to read Galatians 5: 22, 23. Ha ne ba ka ba mwa buhapiwa mwa Babilona, batu ba ba zwafile bao ne ba ka tokwa luli ku omba - ombiwa cwalo! Exiled as they would be in Babylon, this comfort and reassurance was just what these despondent ones would need! This study changed your life for the better. U.S. U.S. So the basis is laid for the comparison of an awe - inspiring difference: When it comes to humans - more important, more important - God knows all the details. Ba li, "Silimo ni silimo mwanaa ka Kevin wa ni isanga kwa sibaka se siñwi ku yo ikatulusa fa lizazi la ku hupula sinawenga sa luna. " Every year, " she says, "my son Kevin takes me out for the day. A few who have long been publishers explained how they maintained their joy in the ministry by protecting their minds and hearts so that they can meet the challenge of being indifferent or opposed. Kacwalo, Jesu ka ku swanela n'a nyazize hahulu baeteleli ba bulapeli bwa Sijuda kabakala ku tuhela ze tokwahala ze tuna za Mulao, ze cwale ka katulo ye lukile, lilato, ni makeke. Thus, Jesus rightly condemned the Jewish religious leaders for overlooking the more important requirements of the Law, such as justice, love, and mercy. A selfish spirit does not bring happiness. Kalabo ya Jesu ya kapili - pili ki ye puma taba sina fela mo ne i inezi ha n'a alabile Satani mwa lihalaupa. Jesus ' retort is as decisive as when he answered Satan in the wilderness. How were Christians to live in such a place? Mizwale ba zwelapili ku zibisa ba bañwi ba ne ba pila kwahulenyana. The message was apparently relayed to others living still farther away. During my last year at college, I was too busy to make time for Bible study. " HA BA nze ba zamaya ba ambolisana [Elia ni Elisha], kwa fita koloi ya mulilo ni lipizi za mulilo, za ba kauhanya ba babeli; mi Elia a kambamela kwa lihalimu ka kakundukundu. " - 2 Malena 2: 11. a fiery war chariot and fiery horses, and they proceeded to make a separation between them both; and Elijah went ascending in the windstorm to the heavens. " - 2 Kings 2: 11. God's will will will be done on earth as it is in heaven when the present wicked system of things comes to an end. Ha ne ba zuhanga ne ba fufulelwanga hahulu. Upon awakening, he would be soaking wet with perspiration. Throughout history, angels have helped faithful humans Zazi le liñwi, bo Alejandro, ba ne ba itutanga ni na Bibele, ba ni kupa ku bala liñolo la Magalata 5: 22, 23. One day, my study conductor, Alejandro, asked me to read Galatians 5: 22, 23. What Is Your Comment? Tuto yeo ne i cincize bupilo bwa mina ku bu bisa bo bunde. That study changed your life for the better. Do you think that a worshiper of Jehovah would get involved in drinking such a drinking, perhaps as if he were trying to kill the gods to put them to death? Kacwalo mutomo w'a tomwa kwa neku la bapanyo ya fapahano ye mbwetukisa luli: Ha ku amiwa kwa batu - ba ba li ba butokwa hahulu, ili bo butuna ni ku fita - Mulimu u ziba miinelo kaufela ka butungi. Thus the groundwork is laid for a stunning contrast: When it comes to humans - who are worth far, far more - God knows every detail. □ How can we be protected in "the hour of test "? Ba sikai be se ba bile bahasanyi ka nako ye telele ne ba talusize mo ba bukelelize tabo ya bona mwa bukombwa ka ku sileleza minahano ni lipilu za bona kuli ba kone ku talimana ni likulutendano la ku sa iswa pilu kamba ku hanyezwa. A number of longtime publishers explained how they have maintained their joy in the ministry by fortifying their mind and heart to meet the challenge of apathy or opposition. Was Jesus angry with her? Moya wa buitati hautahisi tabo. Selfishness does not lead to happiness; quite the opposite. Rather than disrupting others, his lips bring peace and security. Bakreste ne ba swanela ku pila cwañi mwa sibaka se si cwalo? How were the Christians there to act in that environment? Not only does Jehovah make humans but he created all nations. Ha ne ni li mwa silimo sa mafelelezo kwa koleji, na pateha hahulu kuli mane ne ni palelwa ku fumana nako ya ku ituta Bibele. In my last year of college, I got so busy that I had little time for what I was learning from the Bible. Some politicians and rulers have failed to eliminate terrorism and terrorism and other evil practices. Tato ya Mulimu i ka ezwa fa lifasi sina mo i ezezwa kwa lihalimu ka nako ye li ka feliswa lifasi le li maswe. Only when that occurs can God's will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven. But whatever a person can do for another is small compared with "the salvation of God. " Kuzwa feela kwamulaho, mangeloi atusize batu babasepahala Angels have a long history of helping faithful people Proverbs 29: 2 says: "When anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh. " Maikuto a Mina ki Afi? What Is Your Comment? What Is "Jehovah "? Kana mu nahana kuli mulapeli wa Jehova n'a ka ikenya mwa ku nwa ko ku cwalo, mwendi inge a pailela balimu kuli ba bulaye Abimeleki? Do you think one loyal to Jehovah would have shared in that drinking, perhaps calling for a divine influence against Abimelech? However, heeding what he learned and attending meetings helped him to overcome his habits. □ Lu kona ku silelezwa cwañi mwa "nako ya muliko "? □ How can we be kept safe during "the hour of test "? By being taught by their anointed brothers, they refrain from false worship in all their kinds and maintain the sanctity of blood. Kana Jesu naa halifezi musali yo? That nation began to be gathered at Pentecost 33 C.E. when God poured out his holy spirit upon the disciples assembled in Jerusalem. Ku fita ku filikanya ba bañwi, milomo ya hae i tisa kozo ni buiketo. Rather than irritating others, his lips promote peace and calmness. It is painful because Adam passed sin on to his offspring. Jehova ha bupangi fela batu kono u bupanga ni macaba mukatumbi. Jehovah molds not only individuals but entire nations. Jehovah may allow us to face trials because he wants us to learn from them. Babuabui ba litaba za naha ni babusi ba bañwi ba palezwi ku felisa likezo za bubembi ni businyi ni likezo ze ñwi ze maswe. Politicians and other leaders seem helpless as they struggle to cope with terrorism and other sources of evil. ◆ Ruth: Ruth 1: 4, 5, 16, 17; 2: 2, 3, 11 - 13; 4: 15. Kono nto ifi kamba ifi yeo mutu a kona ku ezeza yo muñwi ki ye nyinyani - nyinyani ha i bapanyiwa ni "ku pilisa kwa [Mulimu]. " But anything one human can do for another is very limited in comparison with "salvation by [God]. " He would come to be of the same tribe. " Liproverbia 29: 2 i li: "Ha ku busa ya maswe sicaba sa tonga. " Proverbs 29: 2 states: "When anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh. " Will he help us? ' Ki "Jehova " Kamba" Yahweh "? " Jehovah " or "Yahweh "? The Bible also warns us about harmful motives, speech, and actions. - Proverbs 6: 16 - 19. Kono ku mamela za na ituta ni ku yanga kwa mikopano ne ku mu tusize ku tuhela mikwa ya hae. However, applying what he was learning and attending meetings helped Marcos to abandon his former ways. Everlasting life in perfection and happiness will be your reward for maintaining faith and spiritual health in this sick world. Ka ku lutiwa ki mizwale ba bona ba batoziwa, ba ikambusa kwa bulapeli bwa buhata mwa mifuta ya bona kaufela ni ku buluka bukeni bwa mali. Educated by their anointed brothers, they abstain from false worship in all its forms and observe the sanctity of blood. We too need to be alert so that we can identify the dangers of Satan's world. Sicaba seo ne si kalile ku kubukanywa ka la Pentekonta ya 33 C.E. muta Mulimu na sululezi moya wa hae o kenile fahalimw'a balutiwa ba ne ba putehani mwa Jerusalema. It was at Pentecost 33 C.E. when God poured out holy spirit on the disciples assembled in Jerusalem. 2 / 15 Si swana sina butuku kakuli Adama u hozisize bana ba hae sibi. It is like a disease because Adam transmitted sin to his offspring. " This new form of buying and showing gifts during Christmas, they produced plenty of wealth and soon began to make public use of the occasion. " Jehova wa kona ku lu tuhelela ku ba mwa miliko kakuli u bata kuli lu itute se siñwi kwa miliko yeo. Jehovah may hold off from intervening in our trials because he wants us to receive vital training. Will Jehovah perform a remarkable "work " in modern times? ◆ Ruti: Ruti 1: 4, 5, 16, 17; 2: 2, 3, 11 - 13; 4: 15. ◆ Ruth: Ruth 1: 4, 5, 16, 17; 2: 2, 3, 11 - 13; 4: 15. In the past, when I slept, I felt that there was something that wasn't always my choice. N'a ka lakazwa ku ba wa mukowa o ' swana. " Same caste preferred. " " They were filled with [the holy spirit] and started to speak with different tongues. " Kana u ka lu tusa? ' Will he come to our aid? ' SONGS: 106, 118 Bibele hape i lu lemusa za milelo ye maswe, lipulelo, ni likezo ze kona ku lu kenya mwa kozi. - Liproverbia 6: 16 - 19. Besides these, God's Word contains numerous warnings against harmful thoughts, speech, and deeds that could have a detrimental effect on our lives. - Proverbs 6: 16 - 19. The Creator had a purpose for them, and our very existence is in harmony with that purpose. Bupilo bo bu sa feli mwa bupetehi ni tabo bu ka ba mupuzo wa mina wa ku buluka tumelo ni buikangulo bwa kwa moya mwa lifasi le le li kula. Endless life in perfection and happiness will be your reward for maintaining your faith and spiritual health in this sick world. So how is our blood removed from the brain cells? Ni luna lu swanela ku tona ilikuli lu kone ku lemuha likozi ze mwa lifasi la Satani. Similarly, we need to have sharp spiritual vision so that we can perceive the dangers that lurk in Satan's world. • Jephthah? 2 / 1 Romocean), 4 / 1 Why did Jehovah conclude a covenant with Abraham, and who fulfills it? " Ona mukwa o munca wo wa ku leka ni ku fanana limpo ka nako ya Ngilisimusi, wa tahisa sifumu se siñata mi balekisi ni bafundoti ba kala ku patalazanga nako ya mukiti wo. " " The new tradition of Christmas gift giving created an instant retail bonanza, and merchants and advertisers soon began to promote the season. " He also commissioned his disciples to teach, even to the conclusion of the system of things. Kana Jehova u ka eza "musebezi " o komokisa mwa miteñi ye? Is Jehovah going to do an unbelievable "work " in our day? PAGE 12 • SONGS: 62, 84 Nako ya kwamulaho, ha ne ni lobalanga, ne ni ikutwanga kuli ku na ni nto ye ne i siniliketanga ka nako kaufela. In the past, when I slept, I felt that something was constantly pressing down on me. You need to understand his thoughts, which may be out of harmony with Jehovah's standards. " Kamukan'a bona ba tala [moya o kenile], mi ba kala ku bulela lipuo li sili. " " They all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak with different tongues. " In accepting the lie that women really enjoy being yielded, controlled, and deceived, many men abuse their wives in physical and emotional ways. LIPINA: 106, 118 SONGS: 106, 118 The wisdom of the world will not help you to draw close to God. Mubupi naanani mulelo wanaabupezi lika zeo mi kubateñi kwa luna kulumelelana hahulu ni mulelo wo. He had a purpose in making these things, and the reason for our existence is closely linked to his purpose. This man served in ancient Israel and caused 24,000 people to be killed, on the very side of the Promised Land. Kamukwaocwalo, ku taha cwañi kuli mali a luna a kauhanywe kwa liselusi za booko? So, how can our blood be kept separate from our brain cells? But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is opened up to you at the entrance, and its desires are toward you. " • Jefita? • Jephthah? So you need not know why God does certain things. Ki kabakalañi Jehova ha na itamile bulikani ni Abrahama, mi ki mañi ya bu taleleza? Why did Jehovah make a covenant with Abraham, and who play a special role in its fulfillment? Explaining why children are doing well, their mother added: "We always come together, and we try to do things with joy and joy. Hape n'a file balutiwa ba hae musebezi wa ku luta, mane ku fita kwa mafelelezo a muinelo wa linto. He also commissioned his disciples to teach, even until the conclusion of the system of things. Jehovah himself counseled Cain, but Cain did not heed this counsel because he was proud. LIKEPE 12 • LIPINA: 62, 84 PAGE 12 • SONGS: 62, 84 Some who were used to use scrolls could not abandon their traditional practices. Mu tokwa ku utwisisa mihupulo ya hae ili mwendi ye sa lumelelani ni likuka za Jehova. You need to understand what ideas he has that may be out of harmony with Jehovah's thinking. He brought the Witnesses to the Indian man David, who spoke his native language. Ka ku lumela taba ya lishano ya kuli basali ka mo ku inezi b'a ikola ku komiwa, ku zamaiswa, ni ku hanyaukelwa, banna ba bañata ba itusisa maswe basali ba bona ka mikwa ya ka mazoho ni ya ka maikuto. Believing the myth that women actually enjoy being dominated, controlled, or bullied, many men physically and emotionally abuse their wives. By serving God, by attending Christian meetings, and by displaying love and other fruits of God's spirit. - Philippians 1: 9; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Butali bwa lifasi ha bu na ku mi tusa ku sutelela ku Mulimu. The wisdom of the world will not help you to draw close to God. THE apostle Paul was in Jerusalem in 56 C.E. at the end of his third missionary journey. Mano a hae ao n'a sebelize mwa Isilaele wa kwaikale mi n'a tahisize kuli batu ba ba eza 24,000 ba bulaiwe, fa museto luli wa Naha ya Sepiso. That strategy worked in ancient Israel and led to the death of 24,000 on the very portals of the Promised Land. My sister gave me the book Life - How Did It Get Here? Kanti ha u sa ezi hande, sibi si ku lalezi fa munyako, mi litakazo za sona li libile ku wena. " But if you do not turn to doing good, there is sin crouching at the entrance, and for you is its craving. ' " As the sun rises, that person begins to see a few things close to him. Kacwalo, hamuna kutokwa kuziba mabaka Mulimu haezanga lika zeñwi. Be assured that such appreciation will grow in proportion to your efforts to study and meditate on God's communication through his written Word. (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "We are fellow workers for your joy "? Ha n'a talusa libaka bana ha ba eza hande, M'a bona n'a ekelize kuli: "Lu banga hamoho kamita, mi lu likanga ku eza lika ka nyakalalo ni tabo. In explaining why the children are doing well, the mother adds: "We are always together, and we try to make things festive and happy. " During the day, they all went for a walk to Blackpol, a place of rest near the coast. Jehova kasibili naaelelize Kaine, kono Kaine naasika teeleza kwa kelezo yeo bakeñisa kuli naaikuhumusa hahulu. He was counseled by God himself but was too proud to accept the correction. [ Picture on page 18] Batu ba bañwi ba ne ba twaezi ku itusisa miputo ne ba palelwa ku siya mikwa ya bona ya sizo. Conservatives, accustomed to using the scroll, were reluctant to give up well - established conventions and traditions. Similarly, congregation meetings and other Christian conventions have been organized worldwide so that all can receive the pure waters of truth. Gil a tisa kwa Lipaki David munna wa kwa India ya bulela puo ya Telugu. Gil introduced David, a Telugu - speaking Indian, to the Witnesses. The Philistines heard that the Israelites had gathered together, and they saw that it was an opportunity to attack them. Ka ku sebeleza Mulimu, ka ku fumaneha kwa mikopano ya Sikreste, ni ka ku bonisa lilato ni miselo ye miñwi ya moya wa Mulimu. - Mafilipi 1: 9; Maheberu 10: 24, 25. By rendering sacred service to God, by sharing in Christian meetings, and by displaying love and the other fruits of God's spirit. - Philippians 1: 9; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. While on earth, Jesus firmly opposed Satan and the demons. MUAPOSITOLA PAULUSI n'a li mwa Jerusalema ka 56 C.E. kwa mafelelezo a musipili wa hae wa bulumiwa wa bulalu. AT THE end of his third missionary tour in 56 C.E., the apostle Paul was in Jerusalem. (a) Why is there a need for forgiveness in our dealings with our brothers and sisters? Bo kaizelaa ka ne ba ni file buka ye li, Life - How Did It Get Here? My sister gave me a copy of the book Life - How Did It Get Here? Tell us, what happens when our body has been affected? Lizazi ha li nze li pazula, mutu y'o u kalisa ku bona lika ze sikai ze fakaufi ni yena. As the sun begins to rise slowly over the horizon, the hiker is able to distinguish a few features of his surroundings. People would be confined to air - hot and hot air - conditioned rooms where they could be burned and burned. (a) Paulusi naa talusañi ha naa ñozi kuli: "Lu beleka hamoho ni mina kuli mu be ni tabo "? (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "We are fellow workers for your joy "? Remember, Jesus commended spiritually hungry people, or those who "are conscious of their spiritual need. " " Musihali, kaufel'a bona ne ba ya kwa ku yo tambala - tambala kwa Blackpool, sibaka sa ku ishumuseza teñi se si li bukaufi kwa likamba. " In the afternoon, they set out together on a sight - seeing trip to Blackpool, a nearby seaside resort. So when you are corrected, try to learn from what you are told to be wise. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 18] [ Picture on page 18] He asked Hindu theologians to help him find "the way of the truth. " Ka ku swana, mikopano ya puteho ni ye miñwi ye mituna ya Sikreste, se i lukisizwe mwa lifasi kaufela ilikuli bote ba fiwe mezi a ' niti a kenile. Similarly, Christian meetings and conventions have been arranged worldwide so that all can be supplied with the crystal - clear waters of truth. Untold debt can lead to serious problems, such as poor sleep, hard work, conflict between husband and wife, family differences, and even imprisonment. Mafilisita ba utwa kuli Maisilaele ba kopani, mi ba bona kuli ne li kolo ya ku yo ba lwanisa. However, the Philistines learned of this great gathering and saw an opportunity. H. Ha naa li fa lifasi, Jesu na lwanisize ka ku tiya Satani ni badimona. While on earth, Jesus firmly opposed Satan and the demons. Are they not in your book? " (a) Ki kabakalañi ha ku na ni tokwahalo ya ku swalelana mwa ku sebelisana kwa luna ni mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna? (a) Why is there a need to be forgiving in our dealings with our brothers and sisters? For example, the apostle Peter and John healed a man born blind, and Paul resurrected a young man who had died. Ha mu lu taluseze, ki lika mañi ze ezahalanga mubili wa luna ha u bile ni kolofalo? Tell us, what happens when our body is wounded? People began to worship the emperor during the reign of Augustus (from 27 B.C.E. to 14 C.E.). Batu babaholofezi nebamatisezwanga mwa mizuzu monekunani mishini yefitisa moya obata kamba ocisa ili mone bayo pazulelwanga ni kualafelwa. The wounded were prepared and then rushed to the small air - conditioned metal containers that served as operating rooms. And not all who will be resurrected during Christ's Thousand Year Reign will hear. Mu hupule kuli Jesu na babalize batu ba ba lapile kwa moya, kamba ba ba "ikutwa bubotana mwa pilu. " Remember, Jesus spoke well of those who are spiritually hungry, or who are "conscious of their spiritual need. " It is the Kingdom that the Hebrew prophet Daniel spoke of 25 centuries ago when he wrote: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. Kacwalo ha mu kalimelwa, mu like ku ituta se siñwi ku ze mu bulelelwa kuli mu talife. So when you are corrected, why not look for nuggets of wisdom in what is being said? God would make known that Jesus was his Son. Na kupile baluti ba bulapeli bwa Sihindu ku mu tusa ku fumana "nzila ya niti. " He asked Hindu religious teachers to help him find "the way of truth. " The book The Hand Out of the Dynesies - The Collap of the Old Olympor - 1922.) Ku ba ni likoloti ze ñata kwa kona ku tahisa butaata bo butuna luli, bo bu cwale ka ku sa lobala hande, ku beleka hahulu ka taata, likomano mwahalaa muuna ni musalaa hae, lifapahano mwa lubasi, mane nihaiba ku zekisiwa kamba ku lengiwa mwa tolongo. Mounting debts can result in much distress, as well as sleepless nights, overwork, bickering between husband and wife, and even family breakups, not to mention possible lawsuits or imprisonment. And where it is years old, we will surely learn much about the earth and the heavens. H. H. In fact, the Bible says that a merciful person is "a healing of his soul. " Ha ni li, i ñozwi kaufela mwa buka ya hao? " Are they not in your book? " The Bible's answers were wonderful. Ka mutala, muapositola Pitrosi ni muapositola Joani ne ba folisize mutu ya naa pepilwe a li sianga, mi Paulusi naa zusize mucaha ya naa shwile. For example, the apostles Peter and John cured a man lame from birth, and Paul restored a dead man to life. A repentant sinner should be ashamed of any reproach he may have caused to the congregation because of his sin. Batu ne ba kalile ku lapela mubusi mwa puso ya Augusto (ye ne kalile ka 27 B.C.E. ku isa 14 C.E.). The reign of Augustus (27 B.C.E. to 14 C.E.) saw the birth of emperor worship. • "What if I'm a victim of anger? " Mi haki bote ba ba ka zuswa mwahal'a Puso ya Kreste ya Lilimo ze Sikiti ba ba ka utwa. The angel declares that parts of the sea are not healed. It is not surprising, therefore, that when many make major decisions, they seek help from a higher source than humans. Ki ona Mubuso wo mupolofita wa Siheberu Daniele na bulezi ka za ona lilimo ze mianda ye 25 kwamulaho ha n'a ñozi kuli: "Mulimu wa mwa lihalimu u ka tahisa mubuso o si na ku sinyeha ku ya ku ile; mi bulena bwa ona ha bu na ku shimbulukela kwa sicaba si sili. It is the Kingdom spoken of by the Hebrew prophet Daniel over 25 centuries ago when he wrote: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. A paradise earth would be mankind's eternal home. Mulimu naa ka zibahaza kuli Jesu ki Mwanaa hae. As foretold, God declared that Jesus is his Son. Finally, why is cleanliness vital for all of us? Buka ye ñwi (The Fall of the Dynasties - The Collapse of the Old Order 1905 - 1922.) European leaders acted like a "generation of sleepwalkers that stumbled unawares over the ledge of doom during that halcyon summer of 1914, " explains the work The Fall of the Dynasties - The Collapse of the Old Order 1905 - 1922. To strengthen our faith, then, we need to consider these questions: Why do I need the ransom? Mi kaniti ko li ya lilimo, lu ka ituta ze ñata ka za lifasi ni mahalimu. And we will undoubtedly learn much more about the earth and the heavens in the years ahead. " Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you. " Mane Bibele i bulela kuli mutu ya na ni " mukekecima u pilisa moya wa hae hande. ' In fact, the Bible says that a person "of loving - kindness is dealing rewardingly with his own soul. " Nevertheless, our hope is strengthened by reading and studying God's Word together. Likalabo za mwa Bibele ne li nyakalalisa hahulu. The answers in the Bible were very exciting. The 14th century C.E. was a leading theologian and philosopher. Muezalibi ya bakile u swanela ku ikutwa maswabi bakeñisa nyazo ya kana a tiselize puteho kabakala sibi sa hae. A repentant wrongdoer should feel remorse over the reproach his action may have brought upon the congregation. The year 1989 saw the spread and fall of mass destruction, but even in those areas were most large, the brothers were determined not to shrink back. KI KABAKALAÑI HA KU BANGA CWALO? Avoid lack of faith, "the sin that easily entangles us. " Kacwalo, ha ku komokisi kuli ba bañata ha ba ezanga likatulo ze tuna, ba batanga tuso kwa simbule se situna ku fita batu. Not surprisingly, then, when making big decisions, many seek help from sources higher than humans. Paul then told them that they needed to avoid Christians who were "not willing to work. " Lifasi le li li paradaisi ne li ka ba lihae la batu ku ya ku ile. The earthly Paradise would have been mankind's home eternally. They may be divorced or divorced, or they live in single - parent families. Ka ku feleleza, ki kabakalañi bukeni ha bu li bwa butokwa hahulu ku luna kaufela? In conclusion, why is holiness essential for all of us? As Jesus foretold, "they went about in different directions. " Kacwalo, kuli lu tiise tumelo ya luna, lu swanela ku nyakisisa lipuzo ze: Ki kabakalañi ha ni tokwa tiululo? To that end, it would be good to consider these questions: Why do I need the ransom? Why is there so much difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christendom's religious organizations? " Ze baba kaufela, ni ku nyema, ni buhali, ni komano, ni matapa... li zwiswe ku mina. " It can also refer to an active expression of compassion, bringing relief to the disadvantaged. - Deuteronomy 10: 18; Luke 10: 29 - 37. 18, 19. (a) What does the parable of the prodigal son teach you about Jehovah? Nihakulicwalo, sepo ya luna i tiiswanga ki ku bala ni ku ituta Linzwi la Mulimu hamoho. Still, reading and studying God's Word together keeps our hope alive. Without a doubt, Jehovah became "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 3. Cellarius ya naa pepilwe ka 1499, ne li muituti yo mutuna wa litaba za bulapeli ni caziba wa tuto ya mihupulo ya batu. Born in 1499, Cellarius was a diligent student of theology and philosophy. [ Credit Line] Silimo sa 1989 ne si iponezi ku wisiwa ni ku tunyakiswa kwa limbomba ko kutuna hahulu, kono nihaiba mwa likalulo m'o zeo ne li ze tuna hahulu ka ku fitisisa, mizwale ne ba tundamezi kuli ba si ke ba kutela mwamulaho. The year 1989 saw very heavy shelling and bombing, but even where these were the heaviest, the brothers were determined not to slow down. How heartwarming it is that Jehovah deeply values our loyalty! Mu pime ku sa ba ni tumelo, sona "sibi se si lu hanelela fakaufi. " Avoid a lack of faith, "the sin that easily entangles us. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses at Paulusi kihona a ba bulelela kuli ne ba tokwa ku ambuka Bakreste ba ne ba sa "lati ku sebeza. " He then specifically mentioned Christians who did "not want to work. " In vision, an angel appeared to Cornelius, a God - fearing Gentile, and instructed him to send someone to call the apostle Peter. I kana ya ba kuli ba lelekani kamba ku kauhana ni bosinyalana ni bona, kamba ba pila mwa mabasi a mushemi ya li likwasha. They are either divorced or separated from their marriage mates, or they live in single - parent families. Jacob joined an angel to receive Jehovah's blessing. Sina mwa n'a taluselize cimo Jesu, " ba hasana, yo kafa, yo kafa. ' As Jesus had foretold, they "scattered each one to his own house. " King Solomon of ancient Israel warns of this danger: "All the ways of a man are pure in his eyes, but Jehovah is making an estimate of hearts. " - Proverbs 16: 2. Ki kabakalañi ha ku na ni fapahano ye tuna cwalo mwahal'a Lipaki za Jehova ni likopano za bulapeli za Krestendomu? Why is there such a contrast between Jehovah's Witnesses and the religious organizations of Christendom? But those who would leave the Chaldeans would live. 18, 19. (a) Nguli ya mwana wa sisinyi i mi lutañi ka za Jehova? 18, 19. (a) What does the parable of the prodigal son teach you about Jehovah? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Ku si na ku kakanya, ku na Jehova n'a bile "Ndate ya mukekecima, Mulimu wa ze tiisa pilu kaufela. " - 2 Makorinte 1: 3. Without any doubt, Jehovah proved to be "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort " to me. - 2 Corinthians 1: 3. Read the following articles to find answers. [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] [ Credit Line] [ Picture on page 16, 23] Ki taba ye lu tabisa luli kuli Jehova wa itebuha hahulu busepahali bwa luna bo bu cwalo! How grateful we can be that Jehovah highly esteems such devotion! Since the authorities knew that there was no specific law against our Christian activity, they tried to change our activities in order to place it in a name that could lead us to guilt by expressing us as if we were " enemies of government ' with foreign spies. MU BALE LITABA ZE ÑATA FA INTANETI | READ MORE ONLINE | Helping relief organizations received a large sum of donated funds, up to 2.7 billion dollars (U.S.) to help the families of people involved in that destruction. Mwa pono, lingeloi la taha ku Kornele, Mulicaba ya n'a saba Mulimu, mi la mu laela kuli a lume batu ku yo biza muapositola Pitrosi. In a vision, an angel appeared to Cornelius, a God - fearing Gentile, and directed him to send for the apostle Peter. When a family member dies, those who remain in severe distress. Jakobo naa mangani ni lingeloi kuli a fiwe mbuyoti ya Jehova. Jacob grappled with an angel to get Jehovah's blessing. What I mean is that compared with my parents, I am sending messages more than they are. Mulena Salumoni wa Isilaele ya ikale u lemusa za kozi yeo, u li: "Mikwa kaufela ya mutu i kenile mwa meto a hae; kono [Muñ'a] Bupilo ki Yena ya likanyisa lipilu fa sikala. " - Liproverbia 16: 2. Warning of this danger, King Solomon of ancient Israel says: "All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, but Jehovah is making an estimate of spirits. " - Proverbs 16: 2. Because they do not have hands, they are fully aware of those who have limitations. Kono ba ne ba ka yo koza kwa Makalade ne ba ka pila. On the other hand, those going out to the Chaldeans would survive. In the evening, Brother Knorr took it to Brother Rutherford's office. (Mubone mwatasaa LITUTO ZA MWA BIBELE > LIKALABO ZA LIPUZO ZA MWA BIBELE) (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) One reason is that people today are living in what the Bible calls "the conclusion of the system of things. " Mu bale litaba ze latelela kuli mu fumane likalabo. Read these accounts to find the answers. [ Picture on page 12] JUNE 10 - 16, 2013 JUNE 10 - 16, 2013 If Jehovah God blesses the wicked and the wicked, how much more will the righteous bless them! Bakeñisa kuli ba muuso ne ba ziba kuli ne ku si na mulao tota o n'o hanisa misebezi ya luna ya Sikreste, ne ba likile ku cinca misebezi ya luna kuli ba i beye mwa libizo le li kona ku lu fumanisa mulatu ka milao ye ne li teñi ka ku lu bonisa inge kuli lu "lila za muuso " ni litwela ba naha i sili. Since the authorities knew that there was no specific law forbidding our Christian activities, they wanted to redefine our activities to fit existing laws by portraying us as "enemies of the State " and as foreign spies. THE man named Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, lived in Bethany, a village located about three miles [30 km] from Jerusalem. Likopano ze tusanga ba ba mwa butokwi ne li amuhezi linubu ze ñata, ili madola a ' fita fa 2.7 bilioni (K13,500,000,000,000,000) a ku tusa ka ona mabasi a batu be ne ba amilwe mwa sinyeho yeo. Charities were overwhelmed by $2.7 billion in donations to help care for the victims ' families. [ Credit Line] Yo muñwi mwa lubasi ha timela, ba ba siyala ba banga mwa matomola a matuna hahulu. When death separates family members, such great loss can result in deep sorrow. " My friend started to lie about me, and my former associates considered what he said to be true, " says 19 - year - old said. Se ni talusa kikuli, ha ni bapanyiwa kwa bashemi ba ka, ki niti kuli ni luma hahulu tushango ku ba fita. I mean, compared to my parents, sure, I text more than they do. Can you deny that this miracle had not occurred? Bakeñisa kuli hanina mazoho, naautwisisa ka kutala batu babanani mapalelwi amañwi. Having no arms, I can fully empathize with those who have limitations. He chose to write on the subject "The didr Under Naziism. " Mi manzibwana, muzwale Knorr naa isanga mitakulo yeo kwa ofisi ya muzwale Rutherford. Then at noon he would take them to Brother Rutherford's office. For example, when he saw that his fellow Jews were alienated from God, he "was moved with pity for them. " Libaka le liñwi ki la kuli batu kacenu ba pila mwa nako yeo Bibele i biza kuli ki nako ya "ku fela kwa lifasi. " One reason is that mankind is now living during a period of time that the Bible calls "the conclusion of the system of things. " These men " looked down on the authority and spoke abusively of the glorious ones, ' anointed men who had been entrusted with congregation spiritual oversight. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 12] [ Picture on page 12] They destroyed the people of all parts of the land! Haiba Jehova Mulimu a fa batu ba ba si ka luka ni ba ba maswe limbuyoti, u zibe he ba ba lukile bona u ba kapweka zona ka buñata luli! If Jehovah God bestows blessings upon even the unrighteous and the wicked, how much more so upon those who walk in the way of integrity! " He has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever. " - Psalm 104: 5; 119: 90. MUNNA ya bizwa Lazaro ni likaizeli za hae bo Mareta ni Maria, ne ba pila mwa Betania, munzi o fumaneha likilomita ze talu ku zwa kwa Jerusalema. A MAN named Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, live in Bethany, a town located some two miles [3 km] outside Jerusalem. What can result in unloving acts and feelings among Christians? [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] [ Credit Line] These experienced and empathetic men can help to organize marital peace. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Musizana wa lilimo ze 19 ya bizwa Katie, u talusa kuli: "Mulikan'a ka na kalile ku bulelanga buhata ka za ka, mi batu bo ne ni utwana ni bona ne ba nga kuli za na bulela ne li niti. A teenager named Katie recalls: "A friend of mine started telling lies about me, and people who were close to me thought that what she said was true. Yet, they took it upon themselves and made it a study of people, making it interesting for educated people back then and for those who were yet to come. Kana mwa kona ku latula kuli makazo yeo ne i si ka ezahala? Can you deny that it happened? As recorded at 2 Peter 3: 10, the apostle Peter wrote: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered. " Na ketile ku ñola za taba ye li, "The Purple Triangles Under Nazi Rule. " She decided to develop the theme "The Purple Triangles Under Nazi Rule. " For example, if you have lost someone or suffer from chronic illness, you can do nothing but find ways to cope. Ka mutala, ha naa boni kuli Majuda ka yena ne ba kauhanyizwe ku Mulimu, "a ba utwela butuku. " For example, when he observed the poor spiritual condition of fellow Jews, "he felt pity for them. " Researchers have found that people who are attracted to pornography may find it difficult to break free from this habit, just as a person may find it difficult to break free from alcohol abuse or drug abuse. Bona banna bao ne "ba shwaula bulena, mi ba nyefula ba ba kanya, " ili banna ba ba tozizwe ba ne ba filwe okamelo ya kwa moya ya puteho. These men were "disregarding lordship and speaking abusively of glorious ones, " anointed men then entrusted with the spiritual oversight of the congregation. Why did Jehovah at times hide himself from his people, but according to Isaiah 30: 20? Litwaniso zeo ne li mbemukisize batu ba mwa naha kaufela! What a shock those attacks were for the whole country! When you ask Jehovah to help you get to know his ways more fully, Jehovah answered: "I will make this request for you, because I shall make you know you and know you by your name. " " U tiisize mitomo ya lifasi, kuli li si ke la zikinyeha ni hanyinyani. " - Samu 104: 5; 119: 90. " He has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever. " - Psalm 104: 5; 119: 90. Hannah trusted that Jehovah would bring an end to her barren condition or that he would provide another help that would cause her to lose her anxiety. Ki lifi ze kona ku tahisa likezo ni maikuto a si a lilato mwahal'a Bakreste? What can lead to unloving actions and feelings among Christians? Why? Banna ba ba na ni yeloseli ni kutwelo - butuku bao, ba kona ku fa tuso ye nde mwa ku onga - onga kozo ya mwa linyalo. - Isaya 32: 1, 2. Such experienced and empathetic men can be a refreshing aid when marital peace is threatened. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. All of us need to make sure that we welcome new ones at the Kingdom Hall. Niteñi, ne ba u bolosozi ni ku u bisa tuto ya batu, ili ku u ezisa ku ba o tabisa batu ba ne ba itutile ba mwa miteñi yeo ni ba ne ba sa taha. Rather, they polished and transformed it into a philosophical teaching, thus making it more appealing to the cultured classes of their day and beyond. This tasty meal gave them the strength needed to keep on visiting these places. Ka mo ku ñolezwi kwa 2 Pitrosi 3: 10, muapositola Pitrosi n'a ñozi kuli: "Lizazi la Mulena li ka taha sina lisholi; ka lona, lihalimu li ka fela ka musunga, mi lika li ka shengunuka ka buhali bwa mulilo; lifasi li ka celela hamoho ni misebezi ya mwateñi. " As recorded at 2 Peter 3: 10, the apostle Peter wrote: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered. " What is meant by Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 19: 9? Ka mutala, haiba mushwezwi ki mutu yomuñwi kamba mukula butuku bobusa foli, hakuna zemukona kueza kwandaa kubata feela linzila zekamitusa kutiyela muinelo wo. For example, if you have lost a loved one in death or if you face a chronic illness, you may have no choice but to find ways to cope with your pain. For example, the African country of Rwanda has become a productive garden for Roman Catholic missionaries. Babatisisi ba litaba bafumani kuli batu babatabela hahulu kubuha maswaniso a mapunu bakona kufumana hahulu taata kutuhela mukwa wo, sina feela mutu mwakona kufumanela taata kutuhela mukwa wa kunwa hahulu bucwala kamba kuitusisa milyani yekola. Research indicates that individuals who admitted to having an irresistible urge to watch pornography show the same signs of addiction as do alcoholics and drug addicts. Do You Recall? Ki kabakalañi Jehova fokuñwi ha n'a ipatile kwa batu ba hae, kono ka ku ya ka Isaya 30: 20 ki sepiso mañi ya n'a file? Why was Jehovah at times hidden from his people, yet what assurance did he provide according to Isaiah 30: 20? And elders who love God's sheep will act in a kind way. - Acts 20: 28, 29. Hanaakupile Jehova kuli amulumeleze kuziba linzila zahae ka kutala, Jehova naamualabile kuli: "Nikaeza ni taba ye, yeukupile, kakuli nikushemubile mi nakuziba ka libizo lahao. " When he pleaded with Jehovah to allow him to come to know His ways more fully, Jehovah replied: "I will also do this thing that you request, because you have found favor in my eyes and I know you by name. " I felt that I had accomplished something very important in my life. Anna naasepile kuli Jehova naakafelisa muinelo wahae wa kuba mumba kamba kuli naaka mufa tuso yeñwi yeneka tahisa kuli asike abilaezwa ki taba yeo. She trusted that Jehovah would either put an end to her barrenness or fill the lack in some other way. 43: 8 - 12. Kabakalañi? Why? John, whose name is Jehovah, says: "Jehovah is my God, my God, my God, and my name Kaufelaa luna luswanela kubona teñi kuli lwaamuhela batu babanca babataha kwa Ndu ya Mubuso. And all of us can make it a point to welcome those who attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Noah heeded God's warning. Sico se si tabusa seo, ne si ba file maata a naa ba konisize ku zwelapili ku potela libaka zeo. The delicious snack gave them fresh energy to continue their tour. The Israelites did not want to hear the truth, but those men spoke the truth even though they wanted to kill them! Manzwi a Jesu a ñozwi kwa liñolo la Mateu 19: 9 a talusañi? Explain what Jesus said, as recorded at Matthew 19: 9. He then emphasized that until now, the success of all success was a sign from Jehovah, "who led me in the right way so that I might take the son of my master. " Sina ka mutala, naha ya mwa Africa ya Rwanda se i bile simu ye nunile kwa neku la balumiwa ba Roma Katolika. For example, the African land of Rwanda has been a fertile field for Roman Catholic missionaries. They do not display a spirit of distrust toward their brothers. Kana Mwa Hupula? Do You Recall? Notice that the master in the parable knew what each of his servants could accomplish. Mi baana - bahulu ba ba lata lingu za Mulimu ba ka li eza ka musa. - Lik. 20: 28, 29. And elders who love God's sheep will treat them with tenderness. - Acts 20: 28, 29. Harry explained that I still had the responsibility of caring for families and therefore urged me to be patient. Ne ni ikutwile kuli ne ni petile nto ya butokwa hahulu mwa bupilo bwa ka. I felt I had achieved something truly worthwhile. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT 43: 8 - 12. 43: 8 - 12. What Scriptural examples can we consider, which can help us to pray to Jehovah? Bo John Wischuk John Wischuk Dan Nuwe n'a mamezi temuso ya Mulimu. Noah heeded a divine warning. What makes it so fast? Maisilaele ne ba sa lati ku utwa niti, kono baana bao ne ba bulezi niti Maisilaele niha ne ba batile ku ba bulaya! Although the crowd hated to hear it, those two men told the truth and stuck to it - even when threatened with death by stoning! * - 1 Kings 18: 24, 25. (Litimana 33 - 47) Cwale a koñomeka kuli n'a bona kuli ku t'o fita cwale, ku kondisa lika za n'a kondisize kaufela n'e li sisupo se si zwa ku Jehova, "ya ni zamaisize mwa nzila ye lukile, kuli ni ngele mwan'a [muñ'a] ka mwana wa wahabo. " He stressed that he viewed the success he thus far had met with as a sign from Jehovah, "who had led me in the true way to take the daughter of the brother of my master for his son. " 9 - 11. Ha ba bonisangi moya wa ku sa sepa mizwale ba bona. They do not question their brothers ' motives. A careful consideration of this expression in its original language indicates that it was not stated in the manner of instruction. Mu lemuhe kuli mulena ya bulezwi mwa nguli naa ziba za naa kona ku peta yo muñwi ni yo muñwi wa batanga ba hae. Note that the master in the parable recognized that each of his slaves had different potential. He said that he came to earth "to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " Bo Harry ba ni taluseza kuli ne ni sa na ni buikalabelo bwa ku babalela mabasi mi kacwalo ba ni eleza kuli ni be ni pilu - telele. Harry reminded me that I had family responsibilities to care for and advised me to be patient. Naomi, however, had a close friend and a great comfort, her mother - in - law Ruth, who refused to separate from her. SISHEMO KINDNESS What was the spiritual state of Judah when Zephaniah began his prophetic work? Ki ifi mitala ya mwa Mañolo ye lu kona ku alakanya, ye kona ku lu tusa mwa ku lapela ku Jehova? Studying what Scriptural examples might help us when we approach Jehovah in prayer? Manasseh's son Ammon would have learned much from his father's repentance. Dani Dan Why, then, was polygamy permitted in ancient times? Kiñi zetahisa kuli mpasu yeo ibe ni bubebe bobucwalo? What is the secret behind this precision? It was when he began gathering "the things in the heavens, " those who will rule with Christ in heaven. * - 1 Malena 18: 24, 25. * - 1 Kings 18: 24, 25. However, some people in Crete were still holding fast to the teaching of "the lie. " 9 - 11. 9 - 11. Women are often willing to talk about problems before hearing them. Ku nyakisisa hande pulelo yeo mwa puo ya yona ya makalelo ku bonisa kuli ne i si ka bulelwa ka mukwa wa mo i felwanga taelo. A closer look at that phrase in its original language shows that it is not rendered in the imperative mood, or in the form of a command. If we are troubled by some Bible account, we need to remember that because of inherited sin, our sense of justice and righteousness is not perfect. N'a bulezi kuli n'a tile fa lifasi ku t'o "fa bupilo bwa hae, kuli a liulule ba bañata. " He said that he came to earth "to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " God is impartial and impartial in everything he does. Nihakulicwalo, Naomi n'a na ni mulikani ni muomba - ombi yo mutuna, yena Ruti mukwenyan'a hae, ya n'a hanile ku kauhana ni yena. However, Naomi had an outstanding friend and comforter in her daughter - in - law Ruth, who refused to leave her side. Some fail to pray because of guilt. Juda ne i li cwañi kwa moya Zefania ha n'a kalile musebezi wa hae wa ku polofita? What was the spiritual condition of Judah when Zephaniah began his prophetic work? Consider What Kind of Person You Ought You to Be Amoni, mwan'a Manase n'a kabe a itutile ze ñata kwa ku baka kwa ndat'ahe. Manasseh's son Amon could have learned much from his father's repentance. does not go unnoticed by your parents. Kacwalo, ki kabakalañi ku nyala libali ha ne ku lumelezwa kwaikale? Then why was polygamy allowed in ancient times? Their rebellion brought calamity - they were sentenced to eternal death. Ki ha n'a kalile ku kubukanya " linto za kwa lihalimu, ' ili batu ba ba ka busa ni Kreste kwa lihalimu. By then starting to gather "the things in the heavens, " those who will rule with Christ in the heavens. According to Zion's Watch Tower of September 1, truth, men who were needed by men "are modest - so that they do not become haughty..., humble ones not want to boast, but are preachers of Christ - not just to show their knowledge, but to speak his word with simplicity and power. " Kono batu ba bañwi ba kwa Kreta ne ba sa ñañelela tuto ya "mupato. " Yet, some on Crete were still " adhering to the circumcision. ' (b) What will we consider in the next article? Basali hañata batabelanga kuambola za butata pili basika utwa kale mobuka tatululelwa. Women usually prefer to talk out a problem before hearing a solution. Before disagreements arise, brothers need loving assistance. Haiba lu kataziwa ki taba ye ñwi mwa Bibele, lu tokwa ku hupula kuli kabakala sibi se lu hozize, buikoneli bwa luna bwa ku lemuha lika ze ezizwe ka mulao ni ka ku luka ha bu si ka petahala. If we become troubled over a particular Bible account, we need to remember that because of our inherited sin, our sense of what is just and right is imperfect. Rather, it is a time for strong faith that will give us the courage to do God's will. Mulimu ha na sobozi ni ketululo mwa lika kaufela za eza. God is fair and impartial in everything he does. " The Sovereign Lord Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 TIM. Ba bañwi ba palelwanga ku lapela bakeñisa ku ikutwa ku ba ni mulatu. Because of shame, some who have sinned hold back from praying. Samson did all of this with Jehovah's favor and backing. Mu Itekule Kuli Mu Lukela Ku Ba Batu Ba Ba Cwañi Just as the flour of a small loaf of bread that has been associated with produces flour, or whole house, of bread, so the congregation would be unclean in God's eyes if the uncleanness of someone practicing sin would not be removed. Marina Marina 7: 27, 28. Buipanguli bwa bona ne bu tisize likayamana - ne ba atulezwi lifu la kamita. Their waywardness brought disaster - the sentence of eternal death. We cannot fully understand the cost of our heavenly Father's sacrifice and his beloved Son for the ransom. Ka ku ya ka Zion's Watch Tower ya September 1, 1894, be ne ba tokwahala ki banna "ba buishuwo - kuli ba si ke ba ikuhumusa..., ba ba ikokobeza ba ba sa bati ku itundumuna, kono ili ba ba kutaza Kreste - kuli ba si ke ba bonisa fela zibo ya bona, kono ba bulele Linzwi la hae ka ku nolofaza ni ka m'ata. " What was looked for, according to Zion's Watch Tower of September 1, 1894, were men "of meekness - that they might not be puffed up..., of humble mind who seek not to preach themselves, but Christ - not to air their own knowledge, but his Word in its simplicity and power. " And I have a device that allows me to read articles from Braille on my computer. (b) Lu ka tatubisisañi mwa taba ye tatama? (b) What will we examine in the next article? The Bible reveals that we were created with a desire for such things. Ku si ka ba kale ni ku shelana, mizwale ba tokwa tuso ye lilato. Long before strained relations occur, brothers need loving guidance. But since Adam and Eve were unfaithful, the Paradise in Eden would not spread at that time. Kono ki nako ya ku ba ni tumelo ye tiile ili ye ka lu tusa ku ba ni bundume bwa ku eza tato ya Mulimu. Now is not the time to "waver in a lack of faith "; it is the time to become powerful by faith. 12, 13. " Mulena [Jehova] u ziba ba ba li ba hae. " - 2 TIM. " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 TIM. But it is important not to do so. Samisoni n'a ezize zeo kaufela ka ku shemubiwa ni ku yemelwa ki Jehova. Samson did all of this with Jehovah's favor and backing. Because of gross immorality and moral corruption in Sodom and Gomorrah, Jehovah determined to destroy those cities. Sina fela bupi bwa sinkwa bo bunyinyani bo bu umezwi ha bu hulisa limpule, kamba ndunduli kamukana, ya sinkwa, ki cwalo puteho neikaba ye si ka kena mwa meto a Mulimu haiba ku silafaza kwa mutu ya eza sibi ne ku si ke kwa zwisiwa. As a bit of sourdough leavens the whole lump, or batch, of bread, so the congregation would become unclean in God's eyes if the sinful man's corrupting influence was not removed. The consequences of sexual immorality are painful and can result in death. 7: 27, 28. 7: 27, 28. Many thinking people are offended by such a thing. Ha lu koni ku utwisisa hande hahulu buitomboli bwa naa ezize Ndataa luna wa kwa lihalimu ni Mwanaa hae ya latwa kuli tiululo i lifiwe. It is impossible for us to grasp exactly how much the ransom cost our heavenly Father and his beloved Son. What "world " will end, and" this world " will be gone by all people in the world who do not live in harmony with God's will. Mi ninani sipangaliko sesi nikonisanga kubala litaba mwa muñolo wa libofu fa kompyuta yaka. And I have a Braille display, which enables me to read what is on my computer monitor. 19, 20. (a) Why do Christians have no reason to fear or be terrified? Bibele i bonisa kuli ne lu bupilwe ni takazo ya lika ze cwalo. The Bible shows that we were made with an appetite for such things. Unlike them, are we qualified to teach people? Kono bakeñisa kuli bo Adama ni Eva ne ba si ka sepahala, Paradaisi ya mwa Edeni ne i si ke ya yanduluka ka nako yeo. Rather, because of Adam and Eve's unfaithfulness, extension of the Edenic Paradise would not happen then and there. In the 1950 ' s, most of the streets were the only route across the wilderness, and it was very difficult for us to reach people. 12, 13. 12, 13. In some cases it will appear that there are letters that are written "Compare one another. " Kono ki kwa butokwa ku sa eza cwalo. But it is important not to give in. The Creator will soon bring about the equality that humans long for. Bakeñisa bumaswe bo bu tulile tikanyo bwa tobali ni ku silafala kwa muzamao mwa Sodoma ni Gomora, Jehova a atula ku sinya mileneñi yeo. Because of the sexual perversion and moral degradation of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jehovah decided to destroy those cities. The early Christians realized that Jehovah does not hate violence or violence, and Christians today must have the same attitude. - 6 / 15, page 29. Ze zwanga mwa buozwa li butuku mi li kona ku tisa lifu. The aftereffects of moral uncleanness are painful and can be deadly. " Return to me, and show me favor; grant your strength to your servant. " - Psalm 86: 16. Batu ba bañata ba ba nahana ba filikanyiwa ki nto ye cwalo. Most reasonable people recoil at such a thing. Why is there reason to believe that a consideration of 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5 can help us? Ki "lifasi " lifi le li ka fela? " Lifasi " le li ka fela ki batu kaufela mwa lifasi ba ba sa pili ka ku lumelelana ni tato ya Mulimu. " The world " that will pass away is the world of mankind whose lives are out of harmony with God's will. Their wicked works showed that Jesus did not know them. 19, 20. (a) Ki kabakalañi Bakreste ha ba si na libaka la ku saba kamba ku mbemuka? 19, 20. (a) Why do Christians have no reason to be afraid or terrified? How did early Christians view congregation meetings? Ka ku sa swana ni batu bao, kana luna lu ba ba kona ku luta batu? Unlike those men, are we qualified to teach the people? Shirley: "He also took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: " This means my body which is to be given in your behalf. Mwa lilimo za ma 1950, buñata bwa mikwakwa nee li feela tunzila to ne tu pululeza mwa lihalaupa, mi ne ku lu belanga hahulu taata ku yo fita kwa batu. Back in the 1950 ' s, most roads were just trails through the wilderness, and we had a difficult time reaching people. There is no peace. " - Ezekiel 13: 1 - 16; Jeremiah 6: 14, 15; 8: 8 - 12. Mwa litaba ze ñwi ku ka banga ni mañolo a ñozwi kuli "mu bapanye. " In some articles, you may find scriptures marked "compare. " Of course, a servant of God should choose one who is "in union with the Lord, " a dedicated and baptized worshipper. Mubupi u ka tuha a tisa ku likanelela ko ba lakaza hahulu batu. The Creator will soon bring about the equality that humans crave. Yes, without any doubt! Bakreste ba pili ne ba lemuhile kuli Jehova h'a lati mufilifili kamba batu ba mufilifili, mi Bakreste kacenu ni bona ba lukela ku ba ni mubonelo o swana. - 6 / 15, likepe 29. Early Christians took to heart that Jehovah does not love violence or violent ones, and neither should Christians today. - 6 / 15, page 29. We were very close to each other. Kukupa kutiiswa "U sikuluhele ku na, mi u ni shemube, u fe mutangaa hao maata a hao. " - Samu 86: 16. Request for Strength "Turn to me and show me favor. Give your strength to your servant. " - Psalm 86: 16. A book that used the names of those who asked for literature was written. Ki kabakalañi ha ku na ni libaka la ku lumela kuli nyakisiso ya 2 Timotea 3: 1 - 5 y'a kona ku lu tusa? Why is there reason to believe that consideration of 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5 can benefit us? He will bless you and help you to overcome your fears. Misebezi ya bona ye maswe ne i bonisize kuli Jesu n'a s'a ba zibi. Their wicked works proved that Jesus did not know them. Therefore, let us do our utmost to serve God with all our heart and reject all unclean influences. Bakreste ba makalelo ne ba nganga cwañi mikopano ya puteho? How did early Christians view congregation meetings? Why did one of Jesus ' disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray? Bo Sikuka: Ki hande, libulela kuli: "Hape a nga sinkwa, a fitisa buitumelo, a si komauna, mi a ba fa sona, a li: " Sinkwa se, si yemela mubili wa ka, o na ni ku fiwa bakeñisa mina. Shirley: OK. " Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: " This means my body, which is to be given in your behalf. Furthermore, he teaches by means of direct communication, as he did in teaching the prehuman Jesus. mi ha ku na kozo. " - Ezekiele 13: 1 - 16; Jeremia 6: 14, 15; 8: 8 - 12. when there is no peace. " - Ezekiel 13: 1 - 16; Jeremiah 6: 14, 15; 8: 8 - 12. MONN Niti kikuli mutang'a Mulimu u swanela ku keta mutu wa ku nyalana ni yena ya li "ku Mulena, " ili mulapeli ya ineezi ni ku kolobezwa. Plainly, a servant of God should choose as a marriage mate one who is "in the Lord, " a dedicated, baptized fellow worshipper. But as time went by, I became convinced that I was not really sure. Luli, ku si na ku honona ni ko ku kana! Unquestionably! We were thrilled when all three of our daughters began pioneering when they graduated from school. Ne lu lumelelana hande hahulu. We got on well. Would they be able to find employment in the future? Buka mo ne ku ñoliwanga mabizo a ba ba kupile lihatiso. Subscription register. They often enjoy being with others. U ka mi fuyaula ni ku mi tusa ku tula sabo ya mina. You will experience his blessing and help in overcoming your fears. How clear it is that he feels that he can still do certain things! Kacwalo, lu ikataze ku sebeleza Mulimu ka pilu ya luna kaufela ni ku hana lika kaufela ze silafaza. So let us strive to maintain a complete heart toward God and reject all corrupting influences. We would have lacked spiritual discernment if we lacked "the wisdom from above. " Ki kabakalañi yo muñwi wa balutiwa ba Jesu ha n'a kupile Jesu kuli a ba lute ku lapela? Why did one of Jesus ' disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray? Lystra Fahalimu a seo, u luta ka ku ambolisana tota, sina mwa n'a ezelize mwa ku luta Jesu ya n'a si ka ba kale mutu wa fa lifasi - mubu. In addition, he teaches by direct communication, as he did in instructing the prehuman Jesus. This new publication, available in some 80 languages, contains maps in a beautiful color that shows many places of Bible history, especially those of the Promised Land at different times. MONSEN MONSEN They appreciate the example set by 180 foreigners who have come to Bolivia to serve as pioneers, circuit overseers, and serve at the branch office, or missionaries. Kono nako haneinze iya, nafita fakulemuha kuli halulumelelani luli. As time passed, however, I began to realize how different we were. When a loved one dies, we may be deeply disappointed, but faith in promises found in God's Word can help us to cope with such disappointment. Ne lu tabile hahulu bana ba luna kaufela ba balaalu ba basizana ha ne ba kalile bupaina ka nako ye ne ba felize likolo za bona. To our great delight, all three of our daughters began pioneering when they finished school. For example, someone can read the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? More than just talking to them, it includes asking questions and patiently listening to their answers. Yet, the times I have left behind have been in the missionary service at times. Kana ne ba ka kona ku fumana misebezi kwapili? And what about her future job prospects? How did Joshua and Caleb react? - Num. Hañata ba tabela ku ya ni batu ba bañwi. Often, they want to take others with them. For as I... look at the things you worship, I find even the altar upon which it is written: "Look! Ku utwahalanga hande ku ikutwa kuli u sa kona ku eza lika ze ñwi! It's so good to feel that you are still capable of doing something! Blessings Through God's Spirit - Guided King! Ne lu si ke lwa ba ni kutwisiso ya kwa moya kambe ne lu si na "butali bo bu zwa kwahalimu. " We would have no spiritual insight at all were it not for "the wisdom from above. " When Jehovah accepted that sacrifice, Jesus, therefore, bought mankind from bondage to sin and death. Listra Lystra The kidneys and the heart are two aspects of mankind's most awesome power. Hatiso ye nca yeo, ye fumaneha mwa lipuo ze bat'o ba ze 80, i na ni limapa ze mwa mubala o munde ze bonisa libaka ze ñata za mwa linako za litaba za mwa Bibele, sihulu za Naha ya Sepiso ka linako ze fitana - fitana. This new publication, available in about 80 languages, is filled with full - color maps and charts that illustrate different areas of the Biblical world, particularly the Promised Land during various periods. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome states: "It is just a few of the most widely held areas in Rome. Ba itebuha mutala o ba bonisize bazwahule ba 180 ba ba tile mwa Bolivia ku to sebeza sina mapaina, baokameli ba mupotoloho, ni ku to belekela fa mutai, kamba ku to ba balumiwa. They appreciate the example of some 180 foreigners who have come to Bolivia to serve as pioneers, circuit overseers, Bethel volunteers, or missionaries. Although families, social status, wisdom, good health, and so forth may provide security, the Bible shows that we cannot hope for such things or expect our lives to be protected. Mutu ye lu lata h'a shwa, lu kana lwa kenelwa ki maswabi a matuna hahulu, kono tumelo mwa lisepiso ze mwa Linzwi la Mulimu i kona ku lu tusa ku tiyela maswabi ao. When a loved one dies, we may experience nearly overwhelming sorrow, but faith in the promises in God's Word can help us to endure such grief. The Dutch Church there evidently accepted the work of printing the scroll to an elderly pastor, but sadly the pastor died, and Almeida's manuscript was read. Ka mutala, mutu yomuñwi wakona kubala buka ya Bibele I Lutañi Luli? For example, a person may in a relatively short time be able to read and understand the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? " I am telling you new things before they occur. " - ISAIAH 42: 9. Niteñi, linako ze ni shutile haesu ni bile ni zona mwa bulumiwa ka linako ze ñwi. Yet, what I missed back home, I have enjoyed at one time or another in the missionary service. We can choose to remain loyal to Jehovah or to join Satan. Joshua ni Kalebu ne ba ezizeñi ha ne ba li mwa muinelo o taata wo? - Num. In that volatile situation, what did Joshua and Caleb do? - Num. Instead of using his knowledge to produce devices that will destroy fellow humans, he and his wife wanted to help others to love God and love their neighbors. Kakuli ha ni nze... ni talima ze mu lapela, na fumana mane aletare fo ku ñozwi cwana: KU MULIMU YA SA ZIBWI. For instance, while... carefully observing your objects of veneration I also found an altar on which had been inscribed " To an Unknown God. ' Love for God motivates all to do good to others, and this promotes unity in the Christian congregation. Mu Kutule Limbuyoti ka Mulena ya Zamaiswa ki Moya wa Mulimu! Reap Blessings Through God's Spirit - Guided King! When the fish first approach the clown plant, they take several hours to touch the plant for a while and stop. Jehova ha n'a amuhezi sitabelo seo, Jesu, kacwalo, n'a lekile mufuta wa mutu ku zwa mwa butanga bwa sibi ni lifu. When Jehovah accepted that sacrifice, Jesus, in effect, purchased the human race out of slavery to sin and death. Still, we have to wait for Jehovah to bless us, and we face challenges right now. MUNAHANO ni pilu ki ze peli za likalulo ze na ni m'ata a ka taho ze komokisa ka ku fitisisa ze ba na ni zona batu. THE mind and the heart are two of the most wonderful faculties possessed by humans. Despite their imperfect thinking, Jesus knew that his disciples would become full - grown Christians and would become a united congregation. Buka ya Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome ibulela kuli: "Ki libaka lisikai feela mwahalaa libaka zenezamaiswa ki Roma zenetoilwe hahulu inge Judea. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Rome states: "Few territories under Rome's control were marked by such intense dislike, on both sides, as Judaea. The missionaries tried to do this using the English language. Nihaike mabasi, mayemo mwa bupilo, butali, buikangulo bo bunde, ni ze ñwi cwalo li kana za lu fa buiketo, Bibele i bonisa kuli ha lu koni ku isepisa lika ze cwalo kamba ku libelela kuli bupilo bwa luna bu ka silelezwa. Though family connections, social position, intelligence, good health, and so forth may provide a degree of security, the Bible shows that we cannot take such things for granted or expect to lead a "charmed " life. Instead, they yielded to the temptation to eat badly when they were about to make fun of each other. - Num. Ku bonahala kuli Keleke ya Dutch kwa Batavia ne i lumezi musebezi wa ku hatisa muputo wo ku pasita wa musupali kwa Amsterdam, kono ka bumai pasita yo a timela, mi muputo wa Almeida wa iconga. Apparently, the Reformed Church in Batavia forwarded his manuscript to Amsterdam, but the elderly minister to whom it was entrusted died, and Almeida's work disappeared. [ Footnote] " Ni mi zibisa ze nca, ni mi zibisa zona li si ka bonwa kale. " - ISAYA 42: 9. Before they begin to spring up, I cause you people to hear them. " - ISAIAH 42: 9. You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close. " - James 5: 7, 8; ftn. Lwakona kuiketela kuzwelapili kusepahala ku Jehova kamba kuswalisana ni Satani. Either we remain loyal to Jehovah or we place ourselves in Satan's camp. The lyrics of rap - often derived from street recordings and language - seem to be one reason for the love of rap music. Mwa sibaka sa ku itusisa zibo ya hae mwa ku tahisa lipangaliko ze ka timeza batu ba bañwi sina yena, yena hamohocwalo ni musal'a hae ne ba bata ku tusa ba bañwi kuli ba late Mulimu ni ku lata bomuyahwa ni bona. Instead of using his knowledge to produce instruments that would destroy his fellowman, he as well as his wife wanted to help others to love God and to love their neighbor. This knowledge can come only from God's inspired Word, the Bible. Ku lata Mulimu ku susueza bote ku eza ba bañwi hande, mi ku eza cwalo ku tahisa buñwi mwa puteho ya Sikreste. The unity of the Christian congregation is the result of all being moved by love for God to treat others with love. Jesus also corrected people for their view of who God really is. Sekulemuhilwe kuli litapi zeo haliatumela simela sa anemone lwapili, liinganga lihora lisikai inze lito ngunyutanga kwa simela seo ka nakonyana ni kutuhela. It has been observed that when the fish approaches an anemone for the first time, it touches the anemone intermittently for a few hours. How encouraging those words must have been for Joshua! Niteñi, lunani kulibelela kuli Jehova ataleleze zalusepisize, mi lukopana ni miinelo yetaata ka nako ya cwale. But we have to wait, and we might have to suffer hardships in the meantime. This Bible account reminds us that Jehovah God sees and executes judgment upon those who do what is bad at the right time. Kusina taba ni mihupulo yabona yesika petahala, Jesu naaziba kuli balutiwa bahae nebatuha baba Bakreste babahulile kwa moya mi nebakaba puteho yeswalisani. Despite their imperfect thinking, Jesus knew that his followers would soon become mature Christians and form a united congregation. Still, many sincere people still find it difficult to understand the Bible. Balumiwa ne ba likile ku eza cwalo ka ku itusisa muñolelo o n'o itusiswa mwa Sikuwa. The missionaries tried to do so by using the established English orthography. Christian parents too are commanded: "Go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 4. Kono ne ba komilwe ki muliko wa ku lata ku ca maswe ha ne ba olela makwali. - Num. Yet, they gave way to the temptation of yielding to unrestrained greed when gathering the quail. - Num. Do You Recall? [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnotes] Finally, then, only Noah and his family survived Jehovah's judgment. - Matthew 24: 37 - 39. Ni mina mu libelele; mi mu itiise mwa lipilu za mina; kakuli ku [ba teñi, NW] kwa Mulena ku se ku li fakaufi. " - Jakobo 5: 7, 8; litaku li siyamisizwe ki luna. You too exercise patience; make your hearts firm, because the presence of the Lord has drawn close. " - James 5: 7, 8. Therefore, only those who will become kings and priests with Jesus Christ in heaven should drink from "the cup " that represents the new covenant. Maikuto a mwa lipina za ku mbombola - ao hañata ili a zwakanyiwa ka buinuneki kwa matapa ni puo ya mwa makululu - li bonahala ku ba libaka le liñwi la ku latiwa hahulu kwa lipina za ku mbombola. Rap lyrics - often a brash mixture of profanity and street slang - seem to be another reason for the popularity of rap. Another factor that needs to be discussed is violence. Yona zibo yeo lu kona ku i fumana fela mwa Bibele, lona Linzwi la Mulimu le li tahile ka moya o kenile. The only source of that knowledge is God's inspired Word, the Bible. Each year, millions of people are invited to learn lifesaving truths, and many new disciples get baptized. Jesu hape naa hakuluzi batu bakeñisa mubonelo wa bona ka za kuli Mulimu ki mañi luli. He patiently and kindly explained God's words to all. [ Pictures on page 30] Manzwi ao naasusuelize hahulu Joshua! What reassuring encouragement! So for their help, Jehovah waited patiently to allow a few righteous people to make provision for survival. Likande la mwa Bibele le, li lu hupulisa kuli Jehova Mulimu wa bonanga ze ezahala mi wa fanga katulo kwa batu ba ba eza ze maswe ka nako ye swanela. This Bible account reminds us not only that Jehovah God sees what is going on but also that he brings about justice in his due time. [ Picture on page 13] Nihakulicwalo, batu ba bañata ba lipilu ze na ni niti ba sa fumana taata ku utwisisa Bibele. However, the fact remains that many sincere people find this book difficult to comprehend. Thus, the city came to be known as Babel and Babylon later, both of which mean "to be destroyed. " Bashemi ba Sikreste ni bona ba laelwa kuli: "[Bana ba mina] mu ba hulise ka ku ba lemusa, ni ka tuto ya Mulena. " - Maefese 6: 4. Christian parents are similarly told: "Go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 6: 4. If you feel hurt, be patient and humble. Kana Mwa Hupula? Do You Recall? King Solomon of ancient Israel said: "The sleep of a man is good, whether he eats little or much; but the plenty belonging to the rich one is not sleep. " Kacwalo, kwa mafelelezo, ki Nuwe ni lubasi lwa hae fela be ne ba punyuhile katulo ya Jehova. - Mateu 24: 37 - 39. In the end, therefore, only Noah and his family survived the execution of Jehovah's judgment. - Matthew 24: 37 - 39. The answer to all these questions is one. Kacwalohe, ba ba ka ba malena ni baprisita ni Jesu Kreste mwa lihalimu ki bona feela ba ba swanela ku nwela mwa "sinwiso " se si yemela bulikani bo bunca. So, then, only those who will be kings and priests in heaven with Jesus Christ should drink from the "cup " that represents the new covenant. If so, be determined to walk with Jehovah today, tomorrow, even forever! Taba ye ñwi ye tokwa ku ambolwa ki mifilifili. Another subject requiring discussion is violence. Just as oil can make our skin much easier, God's promises can bring comfort to our troubled hearts. Ka silimo ni silimo, batu ba ba eza lule - lule ba memiwanga kuli ba itute lituto za niti ye pilisa, mi balutiwa ba banca ba bañata ba kolobezwanga. Yearly, millions of people receive the invitation to take in life - giving truths, and many thousands of new disciples are baptized. People of the world may get involved in heated arguments and express anger with harsh speech or abusive speech. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 30] In Judah and Jerusalem were filled with worshipers of Baal and of those making sworn oaths, the chief god of the Ammonites. Kacwalo kwa neku la tuso ya bona, Jehova n'a litezi ka pilu - telele ku lumeleza batu ba sikai be ne ba li ba ba lukile ku eza litukiso kwa neku la ku punyuha. So for their sake, Jehovah waited patiently to allow the few righteous individuals to make preparations for salvation. Be assured that you will never regret doing so! [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 13] [ Picture on page 13] Recalling something unusual happened to him, Eliphaz said: "Do not praise anything better than mine. Kacwalo, muleneñi wa fita fa ku bizwa sina Babele ni Babilona hasamulaho, bubeli bwa ona mabizo ao a talusa "Ku Lyangana. " Therefore, the city came to be called Babel, later Babylon, both names meaning "Confusion. " Family and friends can be a source of comfort to us. Haiba mwa utwa butuku kwa pilu, mu be ni pilu - telele ni buikokobezo. Temper your feelings with patience and humility. We should not pass a month before we talk about Jehovah to others. Mulena Salumoni wa Isilaele wa ikale n'a ize: "Ku mutu wa misebezi buloko ki bo bunde, nih'a ca hahulu kamba hanyinyani. Kono ku fuma kwa muluwi ha ku mu fi buloko. " King Solomon of ancient Israel said: "Sweet is the sleep of the one serving, regardless of whether it is little or much that he eats; but the plenty belonging to the rich one is not permitting him to sleep. " (b) How did Abraham set a fine example in maintaining peace with others? Kalabo kwa lipuzo zeo kaufela ki i liñwi. There is one answer to all these questions. I realized that Jehovah had been kind to me and that he had given me the opportunity to learn about him. Haiba ku cwalo, mu ikatulele kuli mu ka zamaya ni Jehova kacenu, kamuso, mane ku ya cwalo ni kamita ni mita! By all means, then, make it your resolve to walk with Jehovah today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter on into eternity! If you fail to have a Family Worship evening because of watching TV or other activities, Satan will conquer them. - Eph. Sina feela oli moikona kunolofaleza litalo laluna, lisepiso za Mulimu zakona kuomba - omba lipilu zaluna zenani lipilaelo. God's promises act like spiritual balm that soothes our anxious heart. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Batu ba lifasi ne ba kana ba ikenya mwa ku kanana ka buhali ni ku bonisa mabifi ka lipulelo ze nyemisa kamba ku nenauna ba ba ba filikanya. People of the world may engage in heated arguments and give vent to anger by making cutting remarks or by shouting abuse at those who irritate them. Similarly, a married man who follows the Bible's counsel will not force his wife to do what she wants to do, telling her to hear everything she says as a husband. Mwa Juda ni Jerusalema ne ku tezi balapeli ba Baale ni be ne ba konka ka Malikomi, yena mulimu yo mutuna wa Maamoni. Judah and Jerusalem were filled with Baal worshipers and those making sworn oaths by the principal Ammonite god, Malcam. 3, 4. Mu ikolwise kuli ha mu na ku inyaza haiba mu eza cwalo! You can be sure that you will never regret it! Centuries earlier, the prophet Moses described the Promised Land as "a land of figs. " Ha n'a hupuzi nto ye sienyi ye ne kile ya ezahala ku yena, Elifazi n'a ize: "Silumba sa fita fapil'a ka; mi bwambo bwa fa mubili wa ka bwa yema. Recalling a supernatural experience he once had, Eliphaz said: "A spirit itself went passing over my face; the hair of my flesh began to bristle. If you are a child, do your habits help to make your family a haven of peace and happiness? Ba lubasi lwa luna ni balikani ba kona ku lu omba - omba. Family members and friends can often give us a degree of comfort. By putting Christ Jesus on his rightful Kingdom throne in 1914 and by promoting the greatest educational campaign in all human history. Ha lu swaneli ku fitisa kweli lu si ka bulela ka za Jehova ku ba bañwi. Why, we should not let a month go by without speaking about Jehovah to others! He, his mother, his brother, and his friend, set out for New York for the first visit to Bethel. (b) Abrahama n'a tomile cwañi mutala o munde wa ku zwelapili ku ba mwa kozo ni ba bañwi? (b) How did Abraham set a fine example in maintaining good relations with others? However, things do not always happen. Na lemuha kuli Jehova u bile ya sishemo ku na ni kuli naa ni file kolo ya ku ituta ka za hae. I realized that Jehovah had been merciful to me and had given me the opportunity to learn his ways. Do You Recall? Haiba mu palelwa ku ba ni Nako ya ku Lapela Sina Lubasi kabakala ku buha TV kamba ku eza misebezi ye miñwi, Satani u ka ba hapa. - Maef. If you give up this valuable Family Worship evening for a night of television viewing or some other mundane activity, Satan will have gained a victory. - Eph. However, we must be careful. [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso fa likepe 2] [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Who will rescue me from this body undergoing this death? " Kamukwaoswana, muuna ya nyezi ya latelela kelezo ya mwa Bibele haa na ku hapeleza musalaa hae ku eza za bata, ili ku taluseza musalaa hae kuli a utwe nto ni nto ya bulela yena ka ku ba muuna. Likewise, a husband who follows Bible counsel will not browbeat his wife, demanding that she be subject to his every whim. One reference work says that the Bible word translated "the secret person of the heart " and that one's heart" is the most important thing in God's eyes, which is the basis for one's relationship with God, and that moves one to do good or bad. " 3, 4. 3, 4. In winter, in 33 C.E., Jesus spoke to two of his disciples on the road to the city near Jerusalem, and they "began to tell " the Scriptures fully. - Luke 24: 13 - 15, 27, 32. Lilimo - limo kwamulaho, mupolofita Mushe n'a talusize Naha ya Sepiso ku ba " naha ya lifeiga. ' Centuries earlier, the prophet Moses described the Promised Land as " a land of figs. ' During his rest, he prayed to God. Haiba mu mwanana, kana mikwa ya mina ya tusa ku bisa lubasi lwa habo mina ku ba lwa kozo ni lo lu tabile? If you are a young person, does your behavior help to make your family peaceful and happy? The apostle Peter wrote his first letter between 62 and 64 C.E. Ka ku beya Kreste Jesu fa lubona lwa Mubuso lo lu mu lukela ka 1914 ni ka ku hulisa mungendenge o mutuna ka ku fitisisa wa tuto ya za kozo mwa litaba kaufela za mufuta wa mutu. By installing Christ Jesus on his rightful Kingdom throne in 1914 and by promoting the greatest educational campaign for peace in the history of mankind. To illustrate the importance of physical and spiritual cleanness, Jesus said: "There is nothing outside of man that can defile one, because it is not better than his heart, but it is passing through his belly and out. " Adryana, bom'ahe, muhulwan'a hae, ni mulikan'a hae, ba funduka ku liba kwa New York ku yo pota lwa pili fa Betele. Accompanied by her mother, her sister, and a friend, Adryana traveled to New York to visit Bethel for the first time. Because they reject, or hate, accurate knowledge of God, they have no basis for gaining the kind of life that Jehovah promises those exercising faith in his Son, who said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3; 1 Timothy 6: 19. Nihakulicwalo, lika kamita ha li ezahalangi cwalo. However, things do not always work out that way. On Friday evening, Nisan 8, Jesus arrived at Bethany, a small village on the east side of the Mount of Olives, about three miles [30 km] from Jerusalem. Kana Mwa Hupula? Do You Remember? The brothers had Bible - based publications and 12 Bibles that they had kept secretly. Nihakulicwalo, lu lukela ku tokomela. However, we have reason for caution. But the boy said: "As for gold, people would not play with me. Ki mañi ya ka ni liulula kwa mubili wo wa lifu? " Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? " I enjoy teaching others what I have learned Buka ye ñwi i bulela kuli linzwi la mwa Bibele le li tolokilwe kuli pilu li talusa "mutu wa mwahali " ni kuli pilu ya mutu" ki yona nto ye butokwa ku Mulimu, ili fo bu tomile bulikani bwa hae ni Mulimu, mi ki yona ye susumezanga mutu ku eza likezo ze nde kamba ze maswe. " According to one reference work, the Biblical term for heart indicates the "innermost part of man " and" is supremely the one centre in man to which God turns, in which the religious life is rooted, which determines moral conduct. " I benefited from what I learned in sports - that if we want to strengthen our body, we need to engage in the most difficult activities. Ka nako ya maliha, ka silimo sa 33 C.E., Jesu naambozi ni balutiwa bahae bababeli hane banze bazamaya mwa nzila yeliba mwa munzi oli bukaufi ni Jerusalema, mi aba "tamululela [kamba kuba" taluseza "] Mañolo ka ku tala ." - Luka 24: 13 - 15, 27, 32. In the spring of 33 C.E., Jesus spoke to two of his disciples while they were walking along the road toward a village near Jerusalem, "fully opening up [" clearly explaining, " footnote] the Scriptures " to them. - Luke 24: 13 - 15, 27, 32. (b) How are Christendom's clergy today in a situation similar to that of Judah's clergy? Hanaanze apumula, alapela ku Mulimu. As he rested, he prayed to his God. In modern times, many of our brothers around the world have been persecuted and imprisoned for serving Jehovah. Muapositola Pitrosi na ñozi liñolo la hae la pili mwahal'a 62 ni 64 C.E. The apostle Peter wrote his first inspired letter some years later, about 62 to 64 C.E. So as we enjoy the warmth of our heavenly Father's love, let us be sound in mind and remember that God's loving - kindness is unexpected. - Compare Luke 17: 10. Kuli a bonise butokwa bwa ku ba ba kenile kwa mubili ni kwa moya, Jesu naa bulezi kuli: "Ha ku na se si zwa kwande ku kena ku mutu se si kona ku silafaza mutu, kakuli ha si fiti mwa pilu ya hae, kono si fita mwa mba ya hae ni ku yo zwela kwande. " Putting matters in the right perspective, Jesus said: "Nothing from outside that enters into a man can defile him, since it enters... into his stomach, and it passes out into the sewer. " He then added: "That which comes out of a man is what defiles him. And think of Proverbs 20: 11, which says: "Even a boy [or," boy, " footnote] is known by his actions, whether his habits are chaste and upright. " Bakeñisa kuli ba hana, kamba ba ikuhumuseza, zibo ye nepahezi ya Mulimu, ha ba na mutomo wa ku fumana ka ona mufuta wa bupilo b'o Jehova a sepisa ba ba bonisa tumelo ku Mwan'a hae, ya n'a ize: "Bupilo bo bu sa feli, kikuli ba ku zibe, Wena, Mulimu a nosi wa niti, ni y'o lumile, yena Jesu Kreste. " - Joani 17: 3; 1 Timotea 6: 19. Because they reject, or willfully spurn, accurate knowledge of God, they have no basis for gaining the kind of life that Jehovah holds out for those who exercise faith in his Son, who said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3; 1 Timothy 6: 19. Many of us are one body, for we are all partaking of one loaf. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 16, 17. La Butanu manzibwana, Nisani 8, Jesu n'a fitile mwa Betania, kanzinyana ka kwa njetumuko ya kwa upa ya Lilundu la Likota za Olive, ibat'o ba likilomita ze talu ku zwa kwa Jerusalema. On Friday evening, Nisan 8, Jesus arrived at Bethany, a small village on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, about two miles [3 km] from Jerusalem. God heard his prayers, so he called him "my friend. " Mizwale ne ba na ni lihatiso ze tomile fa Bibele ni Libibele ze 12 ze ne ba bulukile kwa mukunda. The brothers had a secret supply of Bible literature and also 12 Bibles. Explain to him that he should put each sentence into his reading, and then he should write down difficult words. Kono mushimani abulela kuli: "Kono hanikaketa ya gauda, batu bakatuhela kubapalanga ni na papali ye. " But, " said the boy, "if I take the gold coin, people will stop playing the game with me. If we learn from Abel's faith and want to imitate him, then his example will speak to us as a living person and will be of great benefit to us. Ni ikolanga ku luta ba bañwi ze ni itutile The first complete Greek translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was prepared for the year 1520 B.C.E. by Cr.r., a Greek sect from the Persian that he had taken into account. Ne ni tusizwe ki ze ne ni itutile mwa lipapali - za kuli haiba lu bata ku tiisa mibili ya luna, lu tokwa ku eza lipapali ze taata ka ku fitisisa. However, I drew a lesson from my fitness training - the exercises that are the most difficult are the ones that are the most necessary. How the Elderly Help Fellow Believers (b) Ba bahulu ba Krestendomu kacenu ba mwa muinelo o swana cwañi ni wa ba bahulu ba bulapeli ba Juda? (b) How are Christendom's leaders today in a state similar to that of Judah's religious leaders? Cite exciting experiences that illustrate what the graduates have accomplished. Mwa miteñi ya luna, mizwale ba luna ba bañata mwa lifasi ba nyandisizwe ni ku lengiwa mwa litolongo kabakala ku sebeleza Jehova. For over a century, thousands of our fellow believers throughout the world have been persecuted and imprisoned just because they served Jehovah. But imagine a friend talking to you only when you need something for you! Kacwalo ha lu nze lu ikola mufutumala wa lilato la Ndat'a luna wa kwa lihalimu, haike lu ikete mwa munahano ni ku hupula kuli sishemo sa Mulimu se si lilato ki se si si k'a libelelwa. - Mu bapanye Luka 17: 10. So while we bask in the warmth of our heavenly Father's love, let us be sound in mind and remember that God's loving - kindness is undeserved. - Compare Luke 17: 10. The elders can consider some important matters in the light of the matter. Mi naanahanile ze kwa liñolo la Liproverbia 20: 11, lelibulela kuli: "Nihaiba mwanana [kamba," mushimani, " litaluso ze kwatasi] uzibahala ka likezo zahae, haiba mikwa yahae ki yekenile ni yelukile. " And he thought about Proverbs 20: 11, which says: "Even a child [or," boy, " footnote] is known by his actions, whether his behavior is pure and right. " Jehovah's Witnesses live as " temporary residents in this world, ' but they do not do so in an effort to oppose the government and also treat others in a negative way. Luna ba bañata lu eza mubili u li muñwi, kakuli lu ca kaufela kwa buhobe bu li buñwi. " - 1 Makorinte 10: 16, 17. Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 16, 17. Why should we reflect on the spirit we show? Mulimu na utwile litapelo za hae, kona libaka ha na mu bizize kuli "mulatiwa wa ka. " His approach to God was accepted, for God called Abraham "my friend. " Indeed, those who put forth the effort "to move " to another country to help others have found great joy and joy. Mu mu taluseze kuli a beye lula kwatasaa mubamba ni mubamba wa bala, ni kuli a lale manzwi a taata. Have him use a ruler under each line as he reads, and a highlighter on difficult words. How did Jesus respond? Haiba lu ituta kwa tumelo ya Abele ni ku bata ku mu likanyisa, fohe, mutala wa hae u ka bulela ku luna inge mutu ya pila mi u ka lu tusa hahulu. If we learn from his faith and seek to imitate it, then the record of Abel is speaking to us in a very real and effective way. In fact, it's my life. Toloko ya Sigerike ya pili ye kwanile ya Mañolo a Sigerike a Sikreste ne i lukisizwe mwa silimo sa 1630 ki Maximus Callipolites, mulapeli wa Mugerike wa kwa Callipolis ya n'a itamile bunjilulume. The first Greek translation of the complete Christian Greek Scriptures was prepared in 1630 by Maximus Callipolites, a Greek monk of Callipolis. Likewise today, may your willing spirit move others "to praise Jehovah! " Basupali Mo Ba Susuelelize Balapeli Ba Bañwi Influence on Fellow Worshippers Tatian's writings bear witness to him as a believer, a writer who defended his faith. Mu ba kandekele lika ze nde ze ezahezi ze bonisa ze ba petile ba ba kwazize kwa likolo zeo. Share experiences that show the good fruits that the graduates of these schools have been producing. How Do We Think? Kono mu nahane ku ba ni mulikani ya bulela fela ni mina ha tokwa se siñwi ku mina! But imagine having a friend who only talked to you when he needed something from you! Justice brings "the foundations of the earth " to its end. Baana - bahulu bakona kunyakisisa litaba zeñwi za butokwa ka kuya ka muinelo wa taba. Since each situation is different, there may be other relevant factors that the elders will consider. The dead know nothing at all; they do nothing. Lipaki za Jehova ba pila sina "baenyi mwa lifasi " le, kono ha ba ezi cwalo ka mulelo wa ku lwanisa mulonga mi hape ha ba ngi batu ba bañwi ka nzila ye maswe. When Jehovah's Witnesses conduct themselves as "temporary residents " in the present system, they are not doing so as part of some silent civil protest; neither do they oppose or interfere with others who make their own political or social decisions. How can we encourage Bible students and others to attend our meetings regularly? KANA MWA KONA KU ALABA? Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku nahana ka za moya o lu bonisa? Why do we want to give attention to the spirit we show? How important it is that we use our time wisely to do what is most important than to waste it on unnecessary desires! Kaniti, be ne ba ikatalize ku "silela " kwa naha i sili ku yo tusa ba bañwi ba fumani tabo ni nyakalalo ye tuna. Truly, those who reached out to "step over " to help are reaping great joy and satisfaction. Some people told Naomi, "You are worth more than seven sons. " - Ruth 4: 14, 15. Jesu n'a alabile cwañi? How did Jesus respond? Similarly, a brother who had been put in solitary confinement for many years said: "I realized that even though I was put in prison, I could still have a close relationship with God. " Mane, ki bona bupilo bo ni pila. " Actually, it is my life. But what is it? Ni kacenu, haike moya wamina wa kuitatela ususueze babañwi " kulumbeka Jehova! ' Likewise today, may your volunteer spirit move all those who benefit from it to "praise Jehovah! " They brought me Bible - based literature to strengthen my faith. Litaba za n'a ñozi Tatian li mu paka ku ba mulumeli, muñoli ya n'a yemela tumelo ya hae. Tatian's writings portray him as an apologist, a writer who speaks out in defense of his faith. Good counselors insisted that parents not try hard to correct their children. Lu Nga Cwañi Lihatisezo? How Do We View the Printery? Jesus "was full of undeserved kindness and truth " and" was not found in his mouth. " Ku atula ka silibonda ku tahisa kuli " mitomo ya lifasi ' i nyanganye. Injustices cause "the foundations of the earth " to totter. Because Jehovah's Witnesses preached in that area, the man became a victim of theft. Bafu ha ba na se ba ziba, ha ba ezi se siñwi. The dead are unconscious, inactive. The worldwide brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses shows that a new world is possible Lukona kususueza cwañi baituti baluna ba Bibele ni babañwi kuli bafumanehange kwa mikopano yaluna kamita? How can we encourage our Bible students and others to be at our meetings regularly? Moreover, Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer, " helps all who exercise faith in him. Ki kwa butokwa hakalo kuli lu itusise hande nako ya luna ku eza lika za butokwa ka ku fitisisa ku fita ku i sinyeza kwa litakazo ze sa lu tusi ku ya ku ile! How vital that we use our time wisely for the things of greatest importance rather than squander it on useless pursuits that bring no lasting benefit! At times, appointed shepherds in the Christian congregation see the need not to reveal certain matters. Batu ba bañwi ne ba taluselize Naomi kuli, "Mukwenyanaa hao... [u] na ni tuso ku fita bana ba bashimani ba ba 7. " - Ruti 4: 14, 15. LIKALABO A. But we also want to think that we are better than others. - Romans 10: 12. Ka mukwa o swana, muzwale ya naa kwalezwi mwa sitokisi a nosi ka lilimo - limo naa ize: "Ne ni lemuhile kuli niha ne ni kwalezwi mwa sitokisi, ne ni sa kona ku ba ni bulikani bo bu tiile ni Mulimu. " Likewise, a brother who spent years in solitary confinement said: "I came to realize that the small rectangle of a cell could also be a universe when one enjoys an intimate relationship with God. " The clergy's mixing of clergy to political rulers and even taking part in a vote as politicians is exposing them as modern - day scribes and Pharisees. Kono ki sanda sifi? But what inheritance? Jehovah's people everywhere are determined to stay awake in these critical times and to continue courageously in line with Jehovah's united organization. Mi ne ba ni tisezanga libuka za ku bala ze tomile fa Bibele ka mulelo wa kuli ni tiise tumelo ya ka. They brought me Bible publications to read to keep my faith strong. Prophecy 1: "I shall make a great nation [Abraham]. " - Genesis 12: 2. Baelezi ba bande ne ba tundamena kuli bashemi ba si ke ba sikulula bana ba bona ka t'ata. Well - meaning counselors were insisting that parents refrain from anything more than the mildest correction of their children. David sang: "Happy is the one whose revolt is pardoned, whose sin is covered. Jesu n'a "tezi sishemo ni niti " mi" bupumi ne bu si ka fumanwa mwa mulomo wa hae. " Jesus was "full of undeserved kindness and truth " and" there was no deception in his mouth. " So she asked for some vegetables and water, which she received. Bakeñisa kuli Lipaki za Jehova ne ba kutalize mwa sibaka seo, munna yo a ba tanda busholi. Since Jehovah's Witnesses had been preaching in the area, the man accused them of the theft. An elder will be responsible for what will result if he makes decisions for others, and he will share in the guilt if there are bad consequences of such decisions. Kopano ya Lipaki za Jehova ya mizwale ba ba latana mwa lifasi kamukana i bonisa kuli lifasi le linca la konahala ku ba teñi The international brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses shows that the new world is possible Jesus showed that Jehovah's love is great. Hape Jehova, yena "ya utwa milapelo, " utusanga batu kaufela bababonisa tumelo kuyena. Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer, " also acts on behalf of all who seek him in faith. Who composed this psalm? Fokuñwi, balisana ba ba ketilwe mwa puteho ya Sikreste ba bona kuli ku butokwa ku sa punya litaba ze ñwi. At times, the appointed shepherds in the Christian congregation find it beneficial to keep a certain matter undisclosed. Jeremiah's example is encouraging Kono hape habati kuli lunahane kuli luba butokwa kufita babañwi. - Maroma 10: 12. But he also does not want us to think that we are better than others. - Romans 10: 12. The gambling industry often assumes that a privilege will benefit them or that it will only make life turn out to be self - centered. Muisilingo wa ba bahulu ba bulapeli kwa babusi ba bupolitiki mi mane ni ku ikenya mwa liketisa sina baipapati ba mwa bupolitiki ki nto y'e ba beya fa ngandaleza sina bañoli ni Bafalisi ba mwa lizazi la cwale. The clergy's hobnobbing with politicians and even participating in elections as political candidates show them up as modern - day scribes and Pharisees. Among them were fishermen, women, a government worker, and even an apostle named Thomas, who was flogged after seeing the composite sign of Jesus ' resurrection. Batu ba Jehova kai ni kai ba na ni tundamo ya ku tona mwa linako ze t'ata ze ni ku zwelapili ka bundume ka ku zamaelela ni kopano ya Jehova ye swalisani. Jehovah's people everywhere are determined to stay awake in these critical times and to keep moving ahead courageously with Jehovah's unified organization. In Ethiopia two men who were not well dressed went to a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses. Bupolofita 1: "Ni ka ku eza sicaba se situna [Abrahama]. " - Genese 12: 2. Prophecy 1: "I shall make a great nation out of you [Abraham]. " - Genesis 12: 2. This is true even though we face trials in life, for the inspired psalmist sang: "Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " - Psalm 128: 1. Davida naa opezi kuli: "U filwe mbuyoti mutu ya swalezwi ku fosa kwa hae, ya kwahelezwi libi za hae. David sang: "Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned, whose sin is covered. Jehovah promised that there would be a descendant of David as long as he would rule as king. Kacwalo ba ikupela kuli ba fiwe miloho ni mezi, mi ba fiwa zona. So they requested a diet of vegetables and water, and it was granted to them. He shows this by providing them materially and spiritually and by taking the lead in these critical "last days " of this wicked world leading them to his righteous new world to come. - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5, 13; Matthew 6: 31 - 34; 10: 28 - 31; 2 Peter 3: 13. Eluda u ka ba ni buikalabelo ku se si k'a zwa teñi haiba a ezeza ba bañwi likatulo, mi u ka abana mwa mulatu wa bufosi haiba ku na ni ze maswe ze ka tiswa ki likatulo ze cwalo. An elder would be responsible for the results if he made decisions for others, and he would share blame for any bad outcome. [ Footnote] Jesu na bonisize kuli lilato la Jehova ki le lituna. Jesus showed that Jehovah's love is expansive. These are the first ones to be blessed through Jesus, the primary part of Abraham's seed. Ki mañi ya n'a ñozi yona samu yeo? Who wrote that psalm? Most non - Christian religions also do not encourage proper thinking, but they persist in music, ritual prayers, and various forms of meditation related to demonic things, instead of thinking about things that are proper and upbuilding. Mutala wa Jeremia wa susueza Jeremiah's example is encouraging Today, too, we can be sure that Jehovah cares for foreigners who attend meetings in our congregations. Babapali ba lipapali za ku wina mali hañata ba nahananga kuli tohonolo i ka ba tusa kamba mane i ka tahisa kuli lika ze ikezahalela feela li ba winise. Gamblers often believe that luck will, or at least might, influence the outcome. Paul Brings Benefits to Fellow Believers Mwahal'a bona ne ku na ni mandui, basali, mubeleki wa muso, mane ni muapositola wa mukakanyi Tomasi, ili yo n'a kolisizwe hamulaho wa ku bona sisupo se si sa hononwi sa kuli Jesu na zusizwe kwa bafu. Among them were fishermen, women, a civil servant, and even the doubting apostle Thomas, who was convinced only when he saw the irrefutable proof that Jesus had been raised from the dead. Jehovah's name is holy. Mwa Ethiopia, banna ba babeli be ne ba si ka tina hande ne ba ile kwa mukopano wa Lipaki za Jehova. In Ethiopia, two poorly dressed men came to a meeting for worship conducted by Jehovah's Witnesses. Have you read an article from one of these magazines and felt as if it were written to you personally? Seo si cwalo nihailikuli lu talimana ni litiko mwa bupilo, kakuli walisamu ya n'a buyelezwi n'a opezi kuli: "Mbuyoti i fiwa mutu ya saba Jehova, ya zamaya mwa linzila za hae. " - Samu 128: 1. This is true though we face trials in life, for the inspired psalmist sang: "Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " - Psalm 128: 1. • What can we learn from David's attitude toward Saul? Jehova naa sepisize kuli ne ku ka banga ni mutu wa mwa lusika lwa Davida ka nako kaufela ya naa ka busa sina mulena. The king of Israel should have known better. Jehovah's view of such women and the blessings he gave them shows that, regardless of one's husband or wife, one's main interest is spiritual qualities. U bonisa seo ka ku ba fumanela za kwa mubili ni za kwa moya ni ka ku ba etelela mwa "mazazi a maungulelo " a ' t'ata a lifasi le li maswe le ili ku ba libisa kwa lifasi la hae le linca la ku luka le li taha. - 2 Timotea 3: 1 - 5, 13; Mateu 6: 31 - 34; 10: 28 - 31; 2 Pitrosi 3: 13. He shows it by providing for them materially and spiritually and by guiding them through the difficult "last days " of this evil world toward his incoming righteous new world. - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5, 13; Matthew 6: 31 - 34; 10: 28 - 31; 2 Peter 3: 13. Jesus spoke of four occasions when he was able to arrive before the king. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] " Become doers of the word, and not hearers only, " urged the disciple James. - James 1: 22; 1 Corinthians 16: 13. Ba ki bona ba pili ku fuyaulwa ka Jesu, yena silama sa pili sa peu ya Abrahama. These are the first to be blessed through Jesus, the principal part of the seed of Abraham. They do not bring happy families into God's service. Buñata bwa bulapeli bo bu si bwa Sikreste ni bona ha bu fi susuezo ya ku nahana ko ku swanela, kono bu tiiseza mwa lipina, litapelo za lizo, ni ku yeya kwa mifuta - futa ko ku ama lika za sidimona, mwa sibaka sa ku nahana ka za lika ze swanela ili ze yahisa. Many non - Christian religions likewise discourage reasoning and instead emphasize chants, ritualistic prayers, and various forms of meditation that involve mysticism, rather than logical, constructive thinking. Meditating on what you read is also helpful. Ni kacenu, lukolwe kuli Jehova waisa pilu bazwahule babatahanga kwa mikopano mwa liputeho zaluna. Today, we can be sure that Jehovah is equally concerned about people from a foreign background who attend meetings in our congregations. Show love for kindness by helping others in times of distress Paulusi U Lukiseza Balumeli Lituso Paul Organizes Relief Contributions for the Holy Ones Within days, the Witnesses who lost their homes were rebuilt. Libizo la Jehova li kenile. Jehovah's name is sacred, or holy. They did not know that Jehovah's Witnesses as a group were severely persecuted. Kana mu kile mwa bala taba ku ye ñwi ya limagazini zeo mi mwa ikutwa kuli inge ne i ñolezwi mina ka sibili? Have you ever read an article in one of the above - mentioned journals and felt that it was written for you? Helped to Be and to Be Joyful • Lu kona ku itutañi kwa moya wa na bonisize Davida ku Saule? • What can we learn from David's attitude toward Saul? Nevertheless, we must always strive to follow God's ways. Mubonelo wa Jehova wa basali ba ba cwalo ni limbuyoti za n'a ba file li bonisa kuli, ku si na taba kuli mutu ki munna kamba musali, s'a tabela hahulu Yena ki mikwa ye minde ya kwa moya. Jehovah's attitude toward such women and the blessings he bestowed upon them demonstrate that what pleases him above all else are spiritual qualities, which transcend gender. Why Be Taught by God? Jesu n'a bulezi ka za linako z'e ne za mitonelo fa n'a kona ku fitela mulena. Jesus referred to four different watches during which the master might arrive. This proclamation, carried on in a relatively global sense, will rock the nations - and the end of the judgment soon to come. " Mu be baezi ba Linzwi, isi bautwi fela ba ba ipuma, " ki mwa n'a susuelize mulutiwa Jakobo. - Jakobo 1: 22; 1 Makorinte 16: 13. " Become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning, " urged the disciple James. - James 1: 22; 1 Corinthians 16: 13. [ Footnote] Ha ba tahisi mabasi a ' tabile mwa sebelezo ya Mulimu. They do not produce happy families in God's service. If you want God's approval, you will avoid lying. Ku yeyanga ze mu bala ni kona kwa tusa hahulu. Great benefit also comes from meditating on what you read. There he found genuine interest and love among the Witnesses he met. Mu bonise kuli mwa lata sishemo ka ku tusa ba bañwi ha ba ziyelehile Show that you love kindness by meeting the needs of others As the Fine Shepherd, Jesus has accomplished something that David could not do. Mwa mazazinyana feela Lipaki ba ne ba sinyehezwi ki mandu a bona, ba yahelwa a manca. Within a few days, new houses were built for Witnesses who had lost their homes. They were not to disturb opposers, nor were they to argue with opposers. Ne ba sa zibi kuli Lipaki za Jehova ka sikwata ne ba nyandisizwe maswe. " They were not aware that Jehovah's Witnesses as a group had been viciously persecuted. May you take time to learn more about them. I Lukiselizwe ku Baliwa ni ku Utwisiswa Meant to Be Read and Understood No. Nihakulicwalo, lu lukela ku ikataza kamita ku latelela linzila za Mulimu. Nevertheless, we must continually strive to live in accord with God's ways. Why is God's gift an expression of God's "loving - kindness "? Ki Kabakalañi ha mu Swanela ku Lutiwa ki Mulimu? Why Learn From God? It was the start of modern times for the work of traveling overseers. Ku shaela k'o, ko ku ezwa mwa lifasi kaufela ku nyanganyisa hanyinyani macaba - mi ku twaleta ku tuba kwa katulo ko ku tuha ku taha. This worldwide proclamation is sending a tremor through the nations - a portent of the judgmental shattering soon to come. He looked down on what he had as one of God's servants and realized that Jehovah would hold him at his right hand and lead him. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] Now that his magic had been proved false, he agreed to have a Bible study and eventually became a Witness. Haiba mu bata kuli Mulimu a mi katelwe, mu ka tokolomoha ku puma. If you want God's approval, you will avoid lying. See the brochure Spirits of the Dead - Can They Help You or You? Teñi m'o, a fumana cisehelo ye buniti ni lilato mwahal'a Lipaki ba n'a kopana ni bona. [ Picture on page 18] Ka ku ba Mulisana yo Munde, Jesu u petile nto ye ñwi ya naa sa koni ku eza Davida. As the Fine Shepherd, Jesus accomplishes something that David could never do. How did Jerusalem have another major role after Babylon's exile, but with what change? Ne ba sa swaneli ku filikanya bahanyezi, mi ne ba sa swaneli ku kananisana ni bahanyezi. They were not to irritate opposers, nor were they to argue with opposers. * One wife says: "What started to improve when we stopped arguing about divorce. " Haike mu be ni nako ya ku ituta ze ñata ka za lituto zeo. Why not take the time to learn more about these teachings? " What I used to Think About Just a Choice ' Kutokwa. No. In 139, the English translation of the Bible was published. Ki kabakalañi mpo yalufile Mulimu haibonisa kuli Mulimu unani "sishemo "? Why is God's gift an act of "undeserved kindness "? The Bible comforted Gabriel and put an end to the anxieties in his heart. Ne li ku kaliswa kwa mwa linako za cwale kwa musebezi wa baokameli ba maeto. It was the modern - day inauguration of the work of traveling overseers. 1: 27. Naa kengeyezi lika ze nde za naa na ni zona ka ku ba yo muñwi wa batanga ba Mulimu mi a lemuha kuli Jehova naa ka mu swala kwa lizoho la hae la bulyo ni ku mu zamaisa. He thought about his lot and realized that Jehovah would take hold of his right hand and lead him. His Word assures us: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Bakeñisa kuli cwale mabibo a hae na s'a bonisizwe kuli ki a mbwashula, n'a lumezi ku ba ni tuto ya Bibele mi kwa nalulelule n'a fitile fa ku ba Paki. His magic now exposed as worthless, he consented to a Bible study and eventually became a Witness himself. They had intended to kill us, so we had them killed. " Mu bone broshuwa ya Mioya ya ba ba Shwile - Kana ya Kona ku Mi Tusa Kamba ku Mi Holofaza? Please see the brochures Spirits of the Dead - Can They Help You or Harm You? Love " [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 18] [ Picture on page 18] Why? Jerusalema ne i bile cwañi ni kalulo ye tuna hape hamulaho wa ku hapiwa ki Babilona, kono ili ka ku ba ni cinceho mañi? How did Jerusalem regain a key role after the Babylonian exile, but with what change? Following God's will involves applying his principles. * Musali yo muñwi ya nyezwi u li: "Lika ne li kalile ku ba hande ha ne lu tuhezi ku lelisana za telekano. " * Says one wife: "It wasn't until we stopped considering divorce as an option that things began to improve. " How can we see "God "? " Ze ne ni Nahana Feela ki Keto Iliñwi ' " All I Could See Was One Option ' Of course, a child can learn a language only when he hears it spoken. Ka 1382, nekuhatisizwe Bibele ya Sikuwa yenetilo bizwa Bibele ya Wycliffe. In 1382, the English translation later known as the Wycliffe Bible was produced. Each of us must train his or her conscience to make decisions that are in harmony with God's standards. Bibele ne i omba - ombile Gabriel ni ku felisa lipilaelo ze n'e li mwa pilu ya hae. The Bible comforted Gabriel and soothed his hitherto troubled heart. Cameron: In short, the prophecy contains two fulfillments. 1: 27. 1: 27. Ciarar, who grew up in civil times in Northern Ireland, was disturbed by the doctrine of hellfire. Linzwi la Hae li lu sepisa kuli: "U lwalise [Muñ'a] Bupilo mulwalo wa hao, mi u ka ku tiisa. His Word promises us: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. When we found ourselves in areas where violence broke out, we immediately came out when violence broke out. Ne ba lelile ku lu bulaya, kacwalo lwa li lu y'o ba bulaya. " They planned to kill us, so we set out to kill them, " explains Abraham. In recent years in the United States, many people were so executed in a number of schools, so that Americans asked themselves, Why? Lilato " Love " That spirit has everlasting power. Kabakalañi? Why? When a person dies, his non - human spirit does not continue to exist in some place as a spirit creature. Ku latelela tato ya Mulimu ku ama ku sebelisa likuka za hae. Following God's will involves applying divine principles. He views them as David did, who said of them: "My eyes will look upon the faithful ones of the earth to reside with me, and he that is walking in the way of righteousness will serve me. " Lukona kubona cwañi "Mulimu "? How can we "see God "? The Bible says: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. " Kaniti, mwana wa kona ku ituta puo h'a i utwa fela i bulelwa. Of course, a young child can learn a language just by being exposed to it. (b) How should we view Satan's world? Yomuñwi ni yomuñwi waluna uswanela kuluta lizwalo lahae ilikuli aeze likatulo zelumelelana ni likuka za Mulimu. Each of us needs to train his own conscience to be in harmony with God's standards. In this violent and dangerous world, who is not disturbed by what happens? Bo Mukubesa: Ka bukuswani, bupolofita bo, bu na ni litalelezo ze peli. Cameron: In a nutshell, this prophecy has two fulfillments. He had just arrived at home, and when he thought that no one was there, he wept. Bo Ciarán, be ne ba hulezi mwa linako za mifilifili mwa Northern Ireland, ne ba filikanyizwe ki tuto ya mulilo wa lihele. Ciarán, who grew up against the backdrop of the violence in Northern Ireland, was repulsed by the doctrine of hellfire. Of course, Jehovah is the most glorious Person in the universe, but that does not mean that all humans view him in that way. Ha ne lu ipumani mwa libaka mo ne i kalisize mifilifili, kapili - pili lwa zwa mwateñi mifilifili ha se i felile. When we found ourselves in areas where rioting broke out, we quickly left and returned when things had calmed down. So people are being misled for "everlasting destruction " or for" everlasting life " when divine judgment will be executed upon this wicked world. Mwa lilimo za cwanoñu fa mwa United States batu ba bañata ne ba bulaiwa hahulu mwa likolo li sikai, kuli mane bayahi ba kwa America ne ba ipuzaka kuli, ki kabakalañi? In recent years the United States has been rocked by a number of school massacres, causing Americans to ask, Why? Jesus also said that the Devil was "a manslayer when he began ' and that he " did not stand fast in the truth. ' Moya wo u na ni m'ata a sa feli. It is powerful beyond measure. Anne says: "It was hard for me to take advantage of this medicine, but you healed me. " Mutu h'a shwa, moya wa hae o ' si mutu ha u zwelangipili ku ba teñi mwa sibaka se siñwi sina sibupiwa sa moya. When a person dies, his impersonal spirit does not go on existing in another realm as a spirit creature. If a fellow worshiper of Jehovah is troubled by distress or depression, we will speak with him in a kind way and seek to give him another comfort, as our heavenly Father has comforted us. U ba nga sina mwa n'a ba ngela Davida, ya n'a bulezi ka za bona kuli: "Meto a ka a ka talima ba ba sepahala mwa lifasi, kuli ba yahe ni na; ya zamaya mwa nzila ye lukile, ki yena ya ka ni sebeleza. " In the same way as did David, who said of them: "My eyes are upon the faithful ones of the earth, that they may dwell with me. The one walking in a faultless way, he it is who will minister to me. " Jesus was also a fine teacher because he was concerned about people and listened respectfully to them. Bibele i li: "Makalelo a butali ki ku saba [Muñ'a] Bupilo. " The Bible says: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. " ▪ Jesus Has been 100 Years old - How Does It Affect You? (b) Lu swanela ku nga cwañi lika za mwa lifasi la Satani? (b) How should we view Satan's system of things? 6: 24. Mwa lifasi le mo ku tezi mifilifili ni likozi, ki mañi ya sa zwafiswi ki ze ezahala? In a world where violence and accidents are all too common, who is not affected emotionally by what happens around him? So the words of Deuteronomy 31: 2 in the New World Translation are accurate. Kona ha na sa zo fita fa ndu, mi ha na hupuzi kuli ha ku na ya liteñi fateñi, a sikoka ku lila. He had just arrived home, and when he remembered that no one was there, he began to cry uncontrollably. I could not understand what was happening. Ki niti kuli Jehova ki yena Ya kanya ka ku fitisisa mwa pupo kaufela, kono ha ku talusi kuli batu kaufela ba mu nga cwalo. True, Jehovah is the most glorious Personage in the universe, but that does not mean that he is glorious in the eyes of all humans. So the moon is faithful because it does not stop around the earth. Kacwalo batu ba swelwi ku aluhanyiwa ibe kwa neku la "ku yunda ko ku s'a feli " (NW) kamba kwa neku la" bupilo bo bu sa feli " katulo ya bumulimu ha i k'a tahiswa fahalimu a lifasi le li maswe le. Thus people are being separated either for "everlasting cutting - off " or for" everlasting life " when divine judgment is executed upon this wicked world. We have learned that we have much to do - that of sowing seed. Jesu hape n'a bulezi kuli Diabulosi ne li " mubulai isali kwa makalelo ' ni kuli " h'a ini mwa niti. ' Jesus also said that the Devil was "a manslayer when he began " and that" he did not stand fast in the truth. " There is no need to do so. Anne u li: "Ne ku li taata ku na ku nwa mulyani wo, kono ne u ni folisize. " I heeded the advice found in those scriptures, and it worked. " (Read Romans 15: 7.) Haiba mulapeli wa Jehova sina luna a katazwa ki maswenyeho kamba ku ikutwa maswabi a matuna, lu ka bulela ni yena ka musa ni ku bata ku mu fa ku omba - ombiwa ko kuñwi, sina mw'a lu omba - ombela Ndat'a luna wa kwa lihalimu. If a fellow worshiper of Jehovah is suffering distress or depression, we will speak consolingly and seek to give him some comfort, even as our loving heavenly Father comforts us. If we endeavor to preach the good news faithfully and teach others to observe all the things Jesus commanded, we will find ways to serve God. Jesu hape na li muluti yo munde kakuli n'a iyakatwa batu mi n'a ba teelezanga ka likute. Another reason why Jesus was an effective disciple - maker is that he cared about people and listened to them with respect. What do the wheat and the weeds represent? ▪ Jesu Saa Busize ka Lilimo ze 100 - Taba Yeo I mi Tusa Cwañi? ▪ 100 Years of Kingdom Rule - How Does It Affect You? How can elders imitate Jesus Christ? 6: 24. 6: 24. How does a humble person view the Bible and our publications, and how does this make him trustworthy? Kacwalo manzwi a kwa Deuteronoma 31: 2 mwa Bibele ya New World Translation a nepahalile. Thus, the New World Translation captures the correct meaning of Deuteronomy 31: 2. Young Jehoash's reign was well established until his brother died, and he began to worship idols. Ne ni sa utwisisi ze ne ezahala. I didn't understand what was happening. Upon hearing that, my father was very happy. Kacwalo kweli ya sepahala bakeñisa kuli ha i tuheli ku potoloha lifasi. Hence, the moon's faithfulness can refer to its reliability. In fact, historians have misled the early Christians with the Greek word khiʹli·aʹte (a thousand years). Lu itutile kuli lu na ni musebezi o mutuna o lu swanela ku peta, wona wa ku cala peu. We can clearly see that we have a work to do - sowing. They often promise to love, love, and respect each other, " as long as both of them will live together on earth according to God's marital arrangement. ' This includes caring for both physical and spiritual needs. In fact, it urges us to echo the psalmist's words: "Make public declaration of [God's] glory among all the peoples, among all the peoples his wonderful works. Ha mu tokwi ku ezwa cwalo. You deserve better than that! While all of us are different, and imperfect, God has drawn us to him through Christ. (Mubale Maroma 15: 7.) (Read Romans 15: 7.) If you have spoken to a theologian about the Trinity, you likely realized that. Haiba lu ikataza ku kutaza taba ye nde ka busepahali ni ku luta ba bañwi ku mamela lika kaufela za n'a laezi Jesu, lu ka fumana linzila za ku sebeleza Mulimu ka zona. When we faithfully apply ourselves to preaching the Kingdom good news and teaching others to observe all the things that Jesus commanded, we will find many rewarding avenues of service open to us. The nurse carried the responsibility of raising a child, including caring for him in due time. " Buloto ni mufuka li yemelañi? What do the wheat and the weeds represent? When we teach, we can use illustrations in books, perhaps adapting them to the needs of a Bible student or to use them in our talk. Baana - bahulu ba kona ku likanyisa cwañi Jesu Kreste? How can elders imitate Jesus Christ? How did Robert and his wife react to adulthood? Mutu ya ikokobeza u nga cwañi Bibele ni lihatiso za luna, mi ku eza cwalo ku mu bisa cwañi ya itingwa? What attitude does a humble person have toward the spiritual food we receive, and why does that make him more valuable? And ask yourself, What common attitude do they have? Joasi wa mwanana a busa hande ku fitela bomalum'ahe ba shwa, mi a kalisa ku lapela maswaniso. Young Jehoash ruled as king in a fine manner until the death of his uncle, but then he turned to idol worship. The apostles went out of the Sanhedrin rejoicing, because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of Jesus ' name. " Ha se ba utwa cwalo, bondate ne ba tabile hahulu. Upon hearing this, Father was very happy. And with what result? Mane, baituti ba za kwaikale ba bizisa Bakreste ba kwa makalelo ka pulelo ya Sigerike ya khiʹli·a eʹte (lilimo ze sikiti). Interestingly, historians call the primitive Christians chiliasts, from the Greek words khiʹli·a eʹte (thousand years). Was there really an old Syriac translation? Hañata basepisanga kuli bakalatana, kutabelana, ni kukutekana, ni kuli bakaeza cwalo " ka nako kaufela yeo sibeli sabona bakapila hamoho fa lifasi ka kuya ka tukiso ya Mulimu ya linyalo. ' They usually promise that they will love, cherish, and respect each other and that they will do so "for as long as [they] both shall live together on earth according to God's marital arrangement. " Faithful servants of Jehovah are known and recognized by him. Ka buniti fela, i lu susueza ku bulela manzwi a walisamu a ' li: "Mu bulele kanya ya [Mulimu] mwahal'a macaba, ni ze komokisa za hae mwahal'a mishobo - shobo kaufela. Surely, it moves us to echo the psalmist's words: "Declare among the nations [God's] glory, among all the peoples his wonderful works. (b) How were Jehovah's words about Jezebel fulfilled? Kaufel'a luna niha lu shutana, mi lu si ka petahala, Mulimu u lu hohezi ku yena ka Kreste. Though all of us are different - and imperfect - God has drawn us to himself through Christ. It is hard work. Haiba se mu kile mwa ambola ni muituti wa za bulapeli ka za tuto ya Silaalu, mwendi ne mu lemuhile taba yeo. If you have ever discussed the Trinity doctrine with a seminarian, you have likely noticed that. Do not be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah... is with you. " - 1 PET. Muleli n'a lwala buikalabelo bwa ku hulisa mwana ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni ku mu anyisa mwa nako ye tomilwe. " The nurse assumed responsibility of raising the child as well as suckling it during the stipulated period. " For example, computers, electronic technology, and the Internet make it possible for people to carry their jobs home when they are under ban, transforming home into office. Ha lu luta, lwa kona ku itusisa liswanisezo ze mwa libuka, mwendi ili ku li cinca hanyinyani kuli li lumelelane ni butokwi bwa muituti wa Bibele kamba kuli lu itusise zona mwa ngambolo. We may use published illustrations in our teaching, perhaps adapting them to the needs of a Bible student or adjusting them for use in a talk. New baptized teachers of God's Word who meet Scriptural qualifications can work at being able to qualify for various privileges in the congregation. Bo Robert ni bakubona ne ba ezizeñi ha se ba hulile? Relate an experience about someone who later in life moved to serve where the need is greater. Clearly, an angel informed Daniel of the exact time of Jehovah's appointed Leader. Mi mu ipuze kuli, ki mubonelo ufi o swana o ba na ni ona batu bao? What outstanding characteristic do they have in common? Like his Father, Jesus does not magnify his authority with a sense of urgency. Baapositola ba zwa fa Kuta ba tabile, kakuli ba ezizwe ba ba lukela ku swabiswa kabakala Libizo la Jesu. " These, therefore, went their way from before the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy to be dishonored in behalf of his name. " But Jesus did not desire this because it was not Jehovah's will. Mi ki sifi se ne si zwile mwateñi? And the result? Yet, he said with pity: "The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Mark 14: 34 - 38. Kana ne ku na ni luli toloko ya kale ya mwa puo ya Syriac? Was there really an old Syriac version? [ Credit Line] Batanga ba Jehova ba ba sepahala ba zibwa ni ku lumelelwa ki yena. Jehovah's faithful servants are known and approved by him. If we do not know how to resolve a problem, how can King Jehoshaphat's prayer help us? (b) Manzwi a na bulezi Jehova ka za Jezabele na talelelizwe cwañi? (b) How was Jehovah's word about Jezebel fulfilled? When the Witnesses called at her home, she accepted a Bible study. Ki musebezi o t'ata. It would be hard work. He uses his powerful spirit to help us endure any trial. Usike wasaba kamba kumbemuka, kakuli Jehova... uinzi ni wena. " - 1 MAKOL. Do not be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah... is with you. " - 1 CHRON. What resulted from Paul's courage in Rome? Ka mutala, likompyuta, mishini ya fax, ni Intaneti li konisa batu ku shimba misebezi ya bona kwa ndu ha ba caisa, ili ku fetula ndu ku ba ofisi. For example, computers, fax machines, and the Internet allow people the option of taking their work home at day's end, thus blurring the line between home and office. I was devastated. Baluti ba Linzwi la Mulimu ba ba sa zo kolobezwa ba ba kwanisa ze tokwahala ka ku ya ka Mañolo ba kona ku sebeleza fa ku kona ku fiwa buikalabelo bo bu shutana - shutana mwa puteho. Newly baptized teachers of God's Word who meet Scriptural qualifications can reach out for various responsibilities in the congregation. Another example recorded in the Bible is that of a capable wife named Naomi, who lost two children. Kwa iponahaza hande kuli, lingeloi ne li zibisa Daniele ka za nako tenyene ya ku taha kwa Mueteleli ya ketilwe ki Jehova. Clearly, the angel was informing Daniel of the specific time for the coming of Jehovah's chosen Leader. " You can raise my heart, but you cannot make me change my religion " Ka ku swana ni Ndat'ahe, Jesu h'a bukelezi m'ata a hae a tamaiso ka moya wa muñaña - toho. Like his Father, Jesus does not jealously guard his authority. " People knew that the 70 weeks of years described by Daniel were about to end; no one was surprised to hear John the Baptizer proclaiming that the kingdom of God had drawn near. " Kono Jesu naa si ka lakaza taba yeo kakuli yeo ne si yona tato ya Jehova. However, Jesus never desired such a future because it was not Jehovah's will for him. What question does Psalm 113 answer, and to whom does the command at Psalm 113: 1, 2 especially apply? Niteñi, n'a bulezi ka ku ba utwela butuku kuli: "Pilu yona ya lata, kono nama ya fokola. " - Mareka 14: 34 - 38. Yet, he remarked sympathetically: "The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Mark 14: 34 - 38. And how rewarding it is to have a positive attitude! [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso 16] Because many false prophets have come into the world. " - 1 John 4: 1. Ha lu sa zibi mwa ku tatululela butata bo buñwi, tapelo ya Mulena Josafati i kona ku lu tusa cwañi? When we do not know how to deal with a certain crisis, how can the prayer of King Jehoshaphat prove helpful? Matthew's letter was originally written in Hebrew and was later translated into Greek and was completed in 41 C.E. was the first of the Greek Scriptures from the Hebrew Scriptures. Demonic teaching was first heard in the garden of Eden Over the years, he and I have had the privilege of helping over 300 people to dedicate their lives to Jehovah. Lipaki ha ne ba mu potezi kwa ndu ya hae, a lumela ku ituta Bibele ni bona. When the Witnesses visited his home, he agreed to a Bible study. Noah built an ark and warned the wicked for decades before the Flood and brought an end to that corrupt world system. U itusisa moya wa hae o maata kuli a lu tuse ku itiisa mwa muliko ufi kamba ufi. By means of his powerful holy spirit, he can make us equal to any trial we may face. The ban on the Bible in people's languages has been disastrous, and the results are still available. Bundume bwa Paulusi ne bu tahisizeñi mwa Roma? What resulted in Rome from Paul's boldness? The competition in the game depended heavily on his employer. Na tomoha pilu luli. My life became absolutely dismal. I don't need to prepare a large meal or get enough money. Mutala o muñwi hape o ñozwi mwa Bibele ki wa musali ya sepahala ya bizwa Naomi, ya n'a shwezwi ki bana ba hae ba babeli. Another Bible example involves a faithful woman named Naomi who lived through the death of her two sons. The pure language is God's truth found in his own Word, the Holy Scriptures. " Mwa kona ku pazula pilu ya ka mwa sifuba, kono ha mu koni ku tahisa kuli ni cince bulapeli bwa ka " " You can tear my heart from my body, but you can never make me change my religion " Perhaps tomorrow. Hatiso ya Sifura ye bizwa Manuel Biblique i li: "Batu ne ba ziba kuli lisunda ze 70 za lilimo ze n'e talusizwe ki Daniele ne li li fakaufi ni ku fela; ha ku na ya n'a komokile ku utwa Joani Mukolobezi a shaela kuli mubuso wa Mulimu n'o s'o sutelezi fakaufi. " The French Manuel Biblique states: "People knew that the seventy weeks of years fixed by Daniel were drawing to a close; nobody was surprised to hear John the Baptist announce that the kingdom of God had drawn near. " The psalmist wrote: "Let anger alone and leave rage. Samu 113 i alaba puzo mañi, mi ki ku bomañi k'o taelo ya kwa Samu 113: 1, 2 sihulu i sebeza? Psalm 113 answers what question, and to whom does the command of Psalm 113: 1, 2 especially apply? God's response to Hezekiah served to establish the Messiah's line of descent. Mi kukabonisa kuli kuba ni mubonelo omunde kwatusa luli! And it will confirm the fact that attitude makes a difference! The best things to use to build fine houses, such as wood, stone, and iron, will be abundant, and they will not need to be cut off. Kakuli bapolofita ba buhata ba bañata ba tile mwa lifasi. " - 1 Joani 4: 1. Accordingly, the apostle urged his fellow Christians: "Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world. " - 1 John 4: 1. In Canada a Witness went to a parking area. Liñolo la Mateu ne li ñozwi lwa pili mwa puo ya Siheberu mi hamulaho se li tolokiwa mwa Sigerike mi ne li felizwe ku ñolwa ka 41 C.E. Ki lona la pili kwa Mañolo a Sigerike ku zwa ku a Siheberu. Originally written in Hebrew and later translated into Greek, the Gospel of Matthew was completed about 41 C.E. and serves as a bridge connecting the Hebrew Scriptures to the Christian Greek Scriptures. In that land, such a opportunity is viewed as a charm leading to a better future. Mwa lilimo ze felile, na ni bo Floriano lu bile ni tohonolo ya ku tusa batu ba ba fitelela 300 ku neela bupilo bwa bona ku Jehova. Over the years, Floriano and I have had the privilege of helping more than 300 people to dedicate their lives to Jehovah. Although this was a disturbing experience, it taught me that when I preached on the street, I should walk not just like a pillar. Nuwe n'a yaha aleka ni ku lemusa ba ba maswe ka mashumi - shumi a lilimo pili Munda u si ka fita kale ni ku t'o yundisa muinelo wa lifasi le ne li bolile leo. Noah was building the ark and warning the wicked for decades before the Flood arrived and wiped out that corrupt world system. Moreover, the principles we take the lead are solidly based on the Bible. Ku haniswa kwa Bibele ya mwa lipuo ze ba ziba batu ku tisize butata, mi ze ne zwile mwateñi ni nako ye li sa li teñi. Opposition to Bibles in the vernacular has been devastating, and its effects are still felt. 4: 4; John 5: 22, 23; 15: 10. Ku wina kwa mubapali mwa papali ne ku itingile hahulu ku mutwaelisi wa hae. An athlete's success depends to a large extent on the trainer. 3: 2 - 4, 13. Halutokwi kulukisa sico sesituna kamba kusinyehelwa ki masheleñi amañata. We do not need to make a big meal or spend a lot of money. Those who have come to know Jehovah and serve him are not like those who seem to be believers but who do not remain religious but who claim to worship God while their conduct is not like that. Puo ye kenile ki niti ya Mulimu ye fumanwa mwa Linzwi la hae ka sibili, Mañolo a Kenile. The pure language is the truth of God found in his own Word, the Holy Scriptures. At Hosea 7: 4, people are likened to "a roaring pit, " perhaps because of the hurtful desires that were burning in their hearts. Mwendi kamuso. Maybe tomorrow. A wicked person may say that he cares about animals, but he does not really care about their needs. Walisamu naa ñozi kuli: "Lisela ku fela pilu, u tuhele ku halifa. The psalmist wrote: "Let anger alone and leave rage; do not show yourself heated up only to do evil. " Jesus ' actions emphasized his earlier counsel: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness. " Muhato wa n'a ngile Mulimu ku Ezekiasi n'o petile mulelo tenyene wa ku zwisezapili situhulu mwa n'a ka pepwa Mesiya. Divine intervention in Hezekiah's case served the specific purpose of preserving the lineage leading to the Messiah. They wanted to please Jehovah, and that is why they made the most of their lives. Lika zende hahulu za kuitusisa kwa kuyaha mandu amande zecwale ka likota, macwe, ni lisipi likaba teñi ka buñata, mi halina kutokwa kulekiwa. High - quality materials of wood, stone, and metal will be freely available to build beautiful homes. When King Hezekiah was so sick that it seemed that he would die, he prayed to God and "gave way to tears. " Mwa Canada Paki yo muñwi n'a ile kwa sibaka ko ku lukisezwa limota. In Canada a Witness went to an automobile body shop. [ Picture on page 26] Mwa naha yeo, kolo ye cwalo i ingiwa sina mutano o libisa kwa bupilo bo bunde kwapili. In that country, such an offer is viewed as a way to a secure future. Indeed, our Christian brothers in Ghana make full use of their freedom of worship. Nihaike kuli kezahalo yeo ne li ye nyemisa, ne i ni lutile tuto ya kuli ha ni kutaleza mwa likululu, ni swanela ku zamayanga isi ku yema feela sina musumo. Although the experience was a bit upsetting, it taught me that when doing street witnessing, one should keep moving and not stand like a post. Jan answers: "While we had material possessions, we made sure that we were not overly absorbed in material things. Hape likuka ze lu etelela li tomile ka ku tala fa Bibele. Also, the principles that guide us are firmly based on the Bible. Cultivating Love for What We Learn 4: 4; Joa. 5: 22, 23; 15: 10. 4: 4; John 5: 22, 23; 15: 10. We are thankful for Jehovah's undeserved kindness, living in a small but most precious part of our earth. 3: 2 - 4, 13. 3: 2 - 4, 13. Paul thus wrote to "his beloved son " the following:" Now, in a large house there are vessels not only of gold or silver but also of wood and of clay, some for an honorable purpose, others for an honorable use. Batu base bazibile Jehova ni kumusebeleza habaswani ni batu bababonahala kuba balumeli kono basapili sina balumeli, ili babaipapata kuli balapela Mulimu kono muzamao wabona inze usabonisi cwalo. Those who have come to know and serve Jehovah are not like those who have an appearance of godliness but prove false to its power, who behave as if they worship God but belie that claim by their conduct. These thrilling events are described in Psalm 45. Kwa Hosea 7: 4, batu ba swanisezwa kwa "sitofu " sa muapehi, mwendi kabakala litakazo ze maswe ze ne tuka mwa lipilu za bona. At Hosea 7: 4, the people are likened to "a furnace, " or baker's oven, evidently because evil desires were burning within them. Why Pray to Jehovah? Mutu ya maswe a kana a bulela kuli wa iyakatwa lifolofolo, kono ha iyakatwi luli ze li tokwa. A wicked person may say that he is concerned about animals, but he is not stirred by their needs. In fact, few reject Jehovah soon or deliberately reject him. Likezo za Jesu ne li koñomekile kelezo ya n'a file kwamulaho ye li: "Mu bate pili mubuso wa Mulimu ni Ku Luka kwa Hae. " Jesus ' actions reinforced his advice previously given: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness. " The Witnesses showed me the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, * which contained a chapter that answered my questions. Nebabata kutabisa Jehova, mi ki lona libaka hane baitombozi hahulu mwa bupilo bwabona. They wanted to have Jehovah's approval, and that was worth any sacrifice. Jesus commanded his disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Mulena Ezekiasi ha na kula hahulu kuli mane ne ku bonahala kuli na ka shwa, naa lapezi ku Mulimu ni ku "lila hahulu. " When King Hezekiah was afflicted with sickness and certain death, he prayed to God and "began to weep profusely, " which evidently touched Jehovah. Ours is a spiritual warfare, which we need to be armed with spiritual armor. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 26] [ Picture on page 26] When the word about our plight reached Witnesses in, they came and gave us genuine comfort based on God's Word. Kaniti, mizwale ba luna ba Sikreste mwa Ghana ba itusisa hahulu tukuluho ya bona ya ku lapela. Clearly, our spiritual brothers in Ghana are making the most of their religious freedom. Solomon is one such person. Jan u alaba kuli: "Ka nako ye ne lu na ni sifumu, ne lu boni teñi kuli ha lu yongobeli hahulu mwa sifumu. " During our days of plenty, " Jan answers, "we made sure not to get too attached to material things. Humans Are More Precious Than What We Are Like Ku Hulisa Lilato kwa Litaba Ze Lu Ituta Building Love for Truths We Learn From time to time, I slept in a stable or in a store of tools. Lwa itumela kwa sishemo sa Jehova se si si ka libelelwa, lu pila mwa kalulo ye nyinyani kono ili ye butokwa hahulu ya lifasi - mubu la luna le li nyinyani hahulu. Thanks to Jehovah's undeserved kindness, we exist in the narrow but vital biosphere of this tiny earth. Indeed, much of the time we devote to Jehovah's service depends on our gratitude and our circumstances. Paulusi kacwalo n'a ñolezi "mwan'a [hae] ya latwa " ze tatama:" Cwale, mwa ndu ye tuna lipizana za mwateñi hasi za gauda kamba za silivera fela, kono hape ku na ni za kota ni za lizupa; ze ñwi ki ze beezwi ku kutekiwa, ze ñwi ki ze sa kutekiwi. Paul therefore wrote his "beloved child " the following:" Now in a large house there are vessels not only of gold and silver but also of wood and earthenware, and some for an honorable purpose but others for a purpose lacking honor. Paul, quoted these words, later agreeing with others: " Money cannot really bring happiness. Likezahalo ze tabisa zeo li talusizwe kwa Samu 45. These exciting events are described in the 45th Psalm. Two hours of meeting attendance ended quickly, and I began to worry about what would happen when I arrived home. Ki Kabakalañi ha mu Swanela ku Ineela ku Jehova? Why Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah? " Be kind to one another, tenderly compassionate. " - 1 Peter 3: 8. Mane, ki ba banyinyani ba ba hananga Jehova hañihañi kamba ka bomu. In fact, not many reject Jehovah suddenly and deliberately. Christians, however, view things differently. Lipaki bao se ba ni bonisa buka ya Zibo Ye Isa kwa Bupilo bo Bu Sa Feli, * ye na ni kauhanyo ye ne alabile lipuzo za ka. The Witnesses showed me the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, * which contained entire chapters that addressed my questions. But there is good reason to think that many will have understanding of the word, respond to it, and survive. Jesu n'a laezi balutiwa ba hae kuli: "Mu ye cwale, mu lute macaba kaufela, mu ba kolobeze ka Libizo la Ndate, ni la Mwana, ni la Moya o Kenile; mu ba lute ku mamela ze ni mi laezi kaufela. " Jesus directed his disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Similarly, in 36 C.E., Cornelius and other Gentiles accepted the truth about God. Ya luna ki ndwa ya kwa moya, ili yeo lu tokwa ku ipakanya ka lilwaniso za kwa moya. Ours is a spiritual fight, for which we need to be equipped with spiritual armor. PAGE 12 • SONGS: 7, 24 Linzwi ka za likayamana la luna ha ne li fitile kwa Lipaki ba mwa Pietersburg, ne ba tile ni ku t'o lu fa ku omba - omba ko ku buniti ko ku tomile fa Linzwi la Mulimu. When word of our calamity reached the Witnesses in Pietersburg, they came over and gave us genuine comfort based on God's Word. At a district convention in Nala's Giving in 2003, a peak of 42 attended, and five were baptized. Salumoni ki yo muñwi wa batu bao. This article will help us to examine Solomon from both standpoints. Of course, the primary reason why we serve Jehovah is our love for him. Batu Ki Ba Butokwa Hahulu Ku Fita Ze Luwilwe People More Important Than Possessions The main thing is that these things are passed on to all present, even though many will simply give them to others without eating them. Ka linako ze ñwi, ne ni lobalanga mwa sitebule kamba mwa sibulukelo sa lisebeliso. On occasion, my accommodations were a stable or a toolshed. I often think about the new world and how I will feel about it. Kaniti, buñata bwa nako ye lu neela mwa sebelezo ya Jehova bu itingile fa buitumelo bwa luna ni miinelo ya luna. Of course, the amount of time we devote to Jehovah's service depends on our appreciation and circumstances. Applying Paul's counsel will also help us to seek first God's Kingdom, confident that we will receive what we need. - Matt. Paul Getty, na bulezi manzwi a, hasamulaho ili ku lumelelana ni ba bañwi, kuli: "Mali haa koni luli ku tahisa tabo. Paul Getty, later said in agreement: "Money doesn't necessarily have any connection with happiness. Even in Jesus ' day, non - Israelites who wanted to worship Jehovah could do so if they joined Jehovah's people in worshipping him. - John 12: 20; Acts 1: 8. Lihora ze peli za ku ba mwa mikopano ne li felile ka bubebe, mi se ni kala ku ikalelwa ze ne ka yo ezahala ha ne ni ka yo fita kwa ndu. Two hours at the meeting sped by quickly, and I wondered what would happen when I returned home. Sometimes there are no symptoms to show that someone has a little sugar in blood. " Mu be ni maikuto a li mañwi, mu utwelane butuku. " - 1 Pitrosi 3: 8. " Have unity of mind, fellow feeling. " - 1 Peter 3: 8. They firmly believe that Jehovah God did not create the earth "to be inhabited. " Kono Bakreste ba na ni mubonelo o shutana. The situation of fellow Christians, however, is different, and so is their spirit. Moreover, Paul did not mean that godly women would have no difficulty in giving birth. Kono ku na ni libaka le linde la ku nahana kuli ba bañata ba ka ba ni kutwisiso ya linzwi, ku nga muhato kwa neku la lona, ni ku punyuha. But there is good reason to think that the majority will get the sense of the word, respond to it, and be saved. As a result, many Christian parents have found joy similar to that of a mother in the Netherlands. Ka ku swana, ka 36 C.E., Kornele ni Balicaba ba bañwi ne ba amuhezi niti ka za Mulimu. Similarly, in 36 C.E., Cornelius and other Gentiles accepted God's truth. " Nation will rise against nation, " and there will be food shortages, earthquakes, and pestilences. LIKEPE 12 • LIPINA: 108, 24 PAGE 12 • SONGS: 108, 24 We can imitate him by reaching out to those who are willing to listen, even when they seem unable to accept the truth. Kwa mukopano wa sikiliti mwa Nuku'alofa ka 2003, ne ku fumanehile palo ye tuna ya baputehi ba 407, mi ba ketalizoho ne ba kolobelizwe. At the district convention in Nuku'alofa in 2003, there was a peak attendance of 407, with 5 being baptized. It would be foolish for a small group of people, such as a group of children, to go alone along the path that thought was right. Ki niti kuli libaka le lituna le li tisa kuli lu sebeleze Jehova ki lilato la luna ku yena. Of course, our main reason for serving Jehovah is our love for him. William, an elder for more than 20 years, tells the newly appointed brothers: "Have love for the brothers. Nto ye tuna ki ya kuli lika zeo li fitiswe ku ba ba li teñi kaufela, nihaike kuli ba bañata ba ka li tambeka fela ku ba bañwi ku si na ku ca kwa teñi. The main thing is that the items be made available to all attending, even though most will simply pass them on without partaking. These newly resurrected ones must " rest. ' Hañata ninahananga ka za lifasi lelinca ni mo nikaikutwelanga hanikakona kumata ni kutula - tula. I often think about the new world and what it will be like to run and jump again. On at least one occasion, he surrounded the children with his arms. Hape ku mamela kelezo ya Paulusi ku ka lu tusa ku bata pili Mubuso wa Mulimu inze lu na ni sepo ya kuli lu ka fiwa ze lu tokwa. - Mat. Following Paul's counsel will also help us to put God's Kingdom first, confident that our basic necessities will be supplied. - Matt. Often, these efforts have failed, ending in weeks or months. Nihaiba mwa miteñi ya Jesu, batu ba ne ba si Maisilaele ba ne ba bata ku lapela Jehova ne ba kona ku eza cwalo ha ne ba ka swalisana ni batu ba Jehova mwa ku mu lapela. - Joa. 12: 20; Lik. As was still true in Jesus ' day, any non - Israelite who wished to worship Jehovah would want to associate with His covenant people. - John 12: 20; Acts 8: 27. He was inspired to write: "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we ought to be more merciful than anyone else. Fokuñwi ha ku bangi ni lisupo ze bonisa kuli mutu u na ni swikili ye ekezehile hanyinyani mwa mali. Prediabetes may have no obvious symptoms. Yes, we need to put forth effort to change our view of others. Ba lumela ka ku tiya kuli Jehova Mulimu n'a si ka "bupa fela " lifasi, n'a li bupile" ilikuli li yahiwe. " They firmly believe that Jehovah God did not make the earth "for nothing, " but" to be inhabited. " World War I was the first of many wars that would rob the world of peace. Fahalimw'a seo, Paulusi n'a sa talusi kuli basali ba balumeli ha ba na ku ba ni butata ha ba puluha. In addition, Paul did not mean that safe childbirth is guaranteed to believing women. He told his disciples: "The harvest is great... Kacwalo, bashemi ba bañata ba Sikreste ba bile ni tabo ye swana ni ya me yo muñwi wa kwa Netherlands. As a result, many Christian parents have experienced a joy similar to that of a mother in the Netherlands. asked him about his science and his faith. " Sicaba si ka lwanisa sicaba se siñwi, " mi ku ka ba ni tala, lizikinyeho, ni matuku a yambukela. " Nation will rise against nation, " and there will be food shortages, earthquakes, and pestilences. In June 1951, both of them got baptized, and six months later they began pioneering. Lwakona kumulikanyisa ka kuikataza kutusa batu babatabela kuteeleza, niha babonahala kuli habakoni kuamuhela niti. We can imitate him by eagerly trying to help any who might listen, even if they seem unlikely to respond. Many people I have never felt before. Neikaba butoto kuli sikwata se si nyinyani sa batu, inge cwalo sikwata sa banana, si ikele si nosi mwa nzila ye ne si nahana kuli ki yona ye lukile. It is unimaginable that a few individuals, perhaps a group of young ones, would have gone off on their own, taking a route that they viewed as preferable. 13: 4, 5. Bo William, base babile baana - bahulu ka lilimo zefitelela 20 batalusezanga mizwale babasazo ketiwa kuli: "Mulate mizwale. William, a respected elder for over 20 years, advises newly appointed men: "Love the brothers. 8: 12; 2 Cor. Ba ba sa zo zusiwa bao ba lukela ku " pumula. ' Those newly resurrected ones must "rest. " He has become more cold, selfish; in many places love for neighbor has been replaced by fear of neighbor, which played a role in an event mentioned above. Ka linako ze fitelela hañwi, a ambeka banana ka mazoho a hae. On more than one occasion, he took children into his arms. One couple wrote about their God - given help: "We have served Jehovah together as a married couple and have enjoyed many blessings and have come to know many good people. Hañata, buikatazo b'o se bu palile, ili ku fela mwa liviki kamba likweli. Such efforts have usually failed, fading out within weeks or months. Why, though, was this convention significant? Naasusumelizwe kuñola kuli: "Haiba lu sepile Kreste mwa bupilo bo feela, u zibe lu swanela ku shwisa hahulu makeke ku fita ufi kamba ufi. He wrote under inspiration: "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone. Our circuit, or territory, began from the busy city of Tygg, in West will, and it reached Lake Toba, a large lake in the Judean mountains. Kaniti, lu tokwa ku eza buikatazo kuli lu cince mubonelo wa luna ka za batu ba bañwi. The founder of the television network CNN, Ted Turner, comments about his work with a number of talented individuals from various nations: "Meeting with these people was an incredible experience. Developing Time Ndwa ya Lifasi ya Pili ne li feela ya pili kwa lindwa ze ñata ze ne ka zwisa kozo mwa lifasi. World War I can be viewed as just the beginning of significant wars, as is proved by recent world developments. For example, consider the matter of alcohol. A bulelela balutiwa ba hae kuli: "Lukau ki lo lutuna... He said to his disciples: "The harvest is great... Will scientists ever explain everything about creation? ne ba mu buzize ka za tuto ya hae ya sayansi ni za tumelo ya hae. asked her about her science and her faith. Upon realizing that man could not find his own perfect dwelling place, he had nowhere else to hide himself. Ka June 1951, sibeli sabona bakolobezwa, mi hamulaho wa likweli ze 6, bakalisa kueza bupaina. In June 1951, both were baptized, and six months later, they began pioneering. The slave owed his master a large sum of money, which would have to work 60 million days to pay it to his master. Batu babañata belufumananga banani mubonelo one nibanga ni ona kwamulaho. Many we meet have a background like mine, one shaped by Communism and atheism. Avoid Bad Riches - Love One Another With a Willing Heart 13: 4, 5. 13: 4, 5. Thereafter, they heard about Jesus. 8: 12; 2 Makor. 8: 12; 2 Cor. If he decides to go to the vote, it is up to him. U fetuhile o si na silikani, wa buitati ni ku fita; mwa libaka ze ñata lilato la ku lata muyahwa ni yena li yolilwe ki sabo ya ku saba muyahwa ni yena, ili nto ye ne i petile kalulo ye ñwi mwa kezahalo ya kozi ye bulezwi fahalimu. It has turned colder, more selfish; in many places love of neighbor has been replaced by fear of neighbor, which contributed to the tragic event mentioned above. In these "last days, " the" critical times " described by the apostle Paul are causing distress to mankind. Bosinyalana ba bañwi ne ba ñozi ka za tuso ye ne ba filwe ki Mulimu kuli: "Mwa lilimo ze fitile, lu sebelelize Jehova hamoho sina bosinyalana mi lu ikozi limbuyoti ze ñata mi lu zibile batu ba bañata ba bande. Regarding the support that God had given them, one married couple wrote: "Over the years, we have served Jehovah as husband and wife and have enjoyed many blessings and have come to know many wonderful people. Happy Are the Humble! Kono ki kabakalañi mukopano wo haneuli wabutokwa? But why was this meeting so important? Rather, it fills their hearts with the joy of knowing that Jehovah's Kingdom is ruling in heaven and will soon rule over all the earth. Mupotoloho wa luna, kamba sibaka se ne lu filwe ku sebeleza, ne u kalela kwa tolopo ye patehile hahulu ya Padang, ye ne i li mwa West Sumatra, mi ne u yo fita kwa Lisa la Toba, ili lisa le lituna le li fumaneha mwa malundu a kwa North Sumatra. Our circuit, or assigned area, stretched from the hot, bustling city of Padang, in West Sumatra, to beautiful Lake Toba, a large volcanic lake nestled in the highlands of North Sumatra. Of course, death is nothing more than a powerful God, the Source of life! Ku Hula Ku Nga Nako Growing to Maturity Takes Time We have every reason to trust "the faithful and discreet slave " appointed by Jesus Christ over his earthly belongings. Ka mutala, munyakisise taba ya kunwa bucwala. Consider the use of alcoholic beverages. He told them: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " Kana basayansi bakakona kutalusa lika kaufela ka za pupo muta omuñwi? Will they ever find a complete explanation of the universe? □ In what ways can we meet the challenge of loyalty to God? Ha s'a lemuhile kuli mutu h'a koni ku fumana sibaka sa hae se si petehile, n'a si na ko kuñwi kwa ku biukela. When he realized that mankind was incapable of attaining his Utopia, he had nowhere else to turn. God - given freedom has brought us into a loving brotherhood, but we must do our part to show love. Mutanga yo naa kolotezi mulenaa hae masheleñi a mañata ili a naa ka mu tokwa ku sebeza mazazi a 60 milioni kuli a life mulena hae masheleñi ao. In order to illustrate the reasonableness of this requirement, Jesus used an illustration about a slave who was a debtor. As God's creation, man is bound by Jehovah's physical laws. Mu Ambuke Bufumu bo bu Maswe - Mu Lise ka Pilu ye Lata Shun Dishonest Gain - Shepherd the Flock Eagerly Yes, Jehovah has done all these things "with wisdom. " Hamulaho wafo, bautwa za Jesu. Then they heard of Jesus. Since Joel's name means "Jehovah Is God, " he fittingly represents Jehovah's present - day anointed Witnesses, who serve courageously in proclaiming Jehovah's sovereignty. Haiba a ikatulela ku ya ko ku ezezwa liketisa, ki ku yena. If someone decides to go to the polling booth, that is his decision. Often the four are highlighted by his love, his justice, his wisdom, and his unlimited power. Mwa "mazazi a maungulelo " a," linako ze tata " ze talusizwe ki muapositola Paulusi li sweli ku zieza mufuta wa mutu. In these "last days, " the" critical times hard to deal with " described by the apostle Paul are afflicting mankind. * Hence, Jehovah's Witnesses view the Bible as their guide, a book that shows how to live daily, and their source of hope for the future. - 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. Tabo Hakalo Ki ya ba ba Ishuwa! How Happy the Mild - Tempered! 2 / 15 Kono, i bisa lipilu za bona ku tala tabo ya ku ziba kuli Mubuso wa Jehova wa busa kwa lihalimu mi ona cwale fa u ka busa lifasi - mubu kamukana. Instead, it causes their hearts to overflow with joy at knowing that Jehovah's Kingdom already rules in the heavens and will shortly rule over the entire earth. Simply put, they need to know the proper moral values and live by them. Niti kikuli lifu haki se siñwi ku Mulimu ya m'ata, yena liwelu - welu la bupilo! Surely, death is no match for the all - powerful Source of life! THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Lu na ni mabaka a utwahala a ku sepa "mutanga ya sepahala, ya na ni kutwisiso " ya beilwe ki Jesu Kreste fa bukombwa bwa za luwile fa lifasi. We have sound reasons to be grateful for "the faithful and discreet slave " appointed by Jesus Christ over his belongings on earth. Although their lives depend on the sun, many people ignore it. N'a ba bulelezi kuli: "Liseli la mina a li bonise batu cwalo, kuli ba bone misebezi ya mina ye minde, mi ba lumbe Ndat'a mina ya kwa lihalimu. " " Likewise let your light shine before men, " he told them, "that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " In fact, Jehovah foretold that on his Son's day to "have a wrestling, " young men and women would" meet together in love " to serve Christ. □ Lu kona ku talimana ka ku tiya ni likulutendano la busepahali ku Mulimu ka linzila lifi? □ In what ways can we meet the challenge of loyalty to God? Many years later, when I and I visited Brooklyn Bethel in 1972, a sister who graduated from Gilead School came to us. Tukuluho ya lu file Mulimu i lu tisize mwa swalisano ya sizwale se si lilato, kono lu lukela ku eza kalulo ya luna ili ku bonisa lilato. God - given freedom has brought us into association with a loving brotherhood, but we must do our part to show love. From then on, I no longer tell them anything important. " - Niy. Ka ku ba sibupiwa sa Mulimu, mutu u tamilwe ki milao ya Jehova ya mwa pupo. As a creation of God, man is subject to Jehovah's physical laws. What did this miracle indicate? Ee, Jehova u ezize lika zeo kaufela "ka butali. " Yes, Jehovah has made all such things "in wisdom. " Thus God's rest day will continue until he fulfills his purpose at the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. Bakeñisa kuli libizo la Joele li talusa "Jehova ki Mulimu, " ka ku swanela luli u yemela Lipaki ba ba tozizwe ba Jehova ba mwa linako za cwale, ba ba sebeza ka bundume mwa ku shaela bubusi bwa Jehova. Since Joel's name means "Jehovah Is God, " he fittingly portrays Jehovah's anointed Witnesses of modern times, who serve boldly in proclaiming Jehovah's sovereignty. David wanted Uriah to lie down with his wife so that Uriah could imagine that the child would be his own; but Uriah did not go to his home. Hañata to tune to tu koñomekilwe ki lilato la hae, katulo ya hae ye lukile, butali bwa hae, ni m'ata a hae a si na maciñekelo. Usually the four that are highlighted are his love, his justice, his wisdom, and his almighty power. Regardless of your lifestyle or religious belief, death is something to be experienced. * Kacwalo, Lipaki za Jehova ba nga Bibele sina ketelelo ya bona, buka ye ba bonisa mwa ku pilela ka zazi, ni liweluwelu la bona la sepo kwa neku la nako ya kwapili. - 2 Timotea 3: 16, 17. * Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses take the Bible as their guide, their manual for daily living, and their fountain of hope for the future. - 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. 2 / 1 4 / 15 Therefore, do not allow a social networking site to rob you of all your time. Ka bukuswani, ba swanela ku ziba likuka za muzamao ze swanela ni ku pila ka ku lumelelana ni likuka zeo. In short, they need values - a moral code made up of strongly held beliefs about sex - along with conduct that conforms to those beliefs. P. KADI YA BIBELE 9 JEREMIA BIBLE CARD 9 JEREMIAH ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Nihaike kuli bupilo bwa bona bu itingile fa lizazi, batu ba bañata ba li keshebisa. Although their very lives depend upon the sun, many people take it for granted. What counsel did Paul give to Christians in Rome, and how can we apply it in our relationships with those on the outside? Mane Jehova na polofitile kuli fa lizazi la Mwan'a hae la ku "puma ndwa, " micaha ni likalibe ne ba ka " kopana ba nze ba lata ' ku sebeleza Kreste. Indeed, he foretold that on the day of his Son's "military force, " young men and women would" offer themselves willingly " in Christ's service. • How do anointed ones know that they have received the heavenly calling? Lilimo zeñata hamulaho wa fo, na ni bo Maxine hane lupotela Betele ya kwa Brooklyn ka 1972, kaizeli yomuñwi yanaakwazize sikolo sa Giliadi ataha ku luna. Years later, in 1972, when Maxine and I were visiting Brooklyn Bethel, a sister who had just graduated from Gilead School approached us. They work long hours at work. Ku zwa honafo, ha ni sa ba bulelelanga nto ifi kamba ifi ya butokwa. " - Kenji. Since then, I haven't approached her about anything important. " - Kenji. According to the Scriptures, when did Jesus become the primary part of God's heavenly woman's "seed "? Makazo yeo ne i bonisañi? What did this miracle indicate? Such brotherly love is not limited to emotion. Kacwalo lizazi la Mulimu la pumulo li ka zwelapili ku fitela a peta mulelo wa hae kwa mafelelezo a Lilimo ze Sikiti za Puso ya Kreste. God's rest day will continue until his purpose in connection with it has been fully realized at the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. One tool helps me find out all the information that our translation team has published and how they handled problems when translating. " Davida naa bata kuli Uria a yo lobala ni musalaa hae ilikuli Uria a nahane kuli mwana ya naa ka pepwa ki wa hae. Kono Uria naa si ka ya kwa ndu ya hae. But Uriah would not even enter his home - despite David's efforts to encourage him to do so. Yet, the belief of merely claiming to be dead is as dead as a corpse. Ku si na taba ni mupilelo wa mina kamba tumelo ya bulapeli, lifu ki nto ye na ni ku talimanwa ni yona. Whatever your cultural or religious background, death is a fact that has to be faced. ● "All the sacred secrets and every hidden thing or bad thing, God will speak and judge them. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 14. Haiba mu bata ku ziba litaba ze ñwi kamba mu tabela kuli mutu yo muñwi a t'o mi potela fa ndu kuli a mi tuse ku ituta Bibele ku si na tifo, mu ñolele kwa Lipaki za Jehova, Box 33459, Lusaka 10101, kamba kwa keyala ye swanela ye bonisizwe fa likepe 2. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Carol was ridiculed by her classmates, since her Bible - trained conscience did not allow her to participate in national holidays and festivals. Kabakaleo, mu si ke mwa tuhelela Web site ye itusiswa kwa ku lumelana litaba ku mi sinyeza nako ya mina kaufela. So don't let a social network "bankrupt " you. And each year as you warn about the coming of the Flood, you would find that people are so caught up in the affairs of daily life that "they took no note " - that is," the flood came and swept them all away. " - Matthew 24: 39; Luke 17: 26, 27. P. P. Thousands of families, including children, mothers, and elderly ones - are forced into the wall and set out on a difficult 20 - day journey to Siberia by train. LITABA ZE ÑWI ZE MWAHALI ALSO IN THIS ISSUE We are part of an organization that brings us the pure waters of truth, but we have to do something with us. Ki kelezo mañi yeo Paulusi n'a file kwa Bakreste ba mwa Roma, mi lu kona ku i sebelisa cwañi mwa liswalisano za luna ni ba ba kwande? What counsel did Paul give to Christians in Rome, and how can we apply it in our relations with outsiders? He was no doubt on Jehu's side - and on Jehovah's - in that battle between false and true worship. • Batoziwa ba ziba cwañi kuli ba amuhezi pizo ya lihalimu? • How do the anointed know that they have received the heavenly calling? What are some of these ways? Ba sebezanga nako ye ñata kwa mibeleko ya bona. They work long hours at their separate jobs. Coran said: "I was embarrassed, " but she admitted that she did not read the whole magazine. Ka ku ya ka Mañolo, Jesu n'a bile lili yena wa pili kwa "peu " ya musal'a Mulimu wa kwa lihalimu? According to the Scriptures, when did Jesus become the primary part of the "seed " of God's heavenly" woman "? How did Jehovah encourage Joshua? Lilato la sizwale le li cwalo ha li tahiswi fela ki maikuto. Such brotherly love is not characterized by mere emotion or feeling. The apostle Paul wrote: "When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, to reason as a babe, to reason as a babe; but now that I am a man, I have abandoned youthful habits. " Siitusiso sesiñwi sona silutusanga kubatisisa litaba kaufela zesetolokilwe ki sikwata sa batoloki baluna ni kubona mone batatululezi matata ene bakopani ni ona hane batoloka. " Another tool enables us to research everything that has already been translated by our team and see previous creative solutions to our translation challenges. " Jesus, empowered as King of God's heavenly Kingdom, began gathering at his right hand those who wanted to follow the light. Niteñi, tumelo ya ku ipapata fela ki ye shwile sina situpu. Yet, mere professed faith is as lifeless as a corpse. At that time, during World War II, opposition to our preaching work was great, but we continued to associate with lovers of Bible truth throughout the Middle East. ● "Misebezi kaufela, ni ze patilwe kaufela, kamba ki ze nde kamba ze maswe, Mulimu u ka li bulela ni ku li atula. " - Muekelesia 12: 14. ● "The true God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad. " - Ecclesiastes 12: 14. How do you feel about the elders in your area who are young or who are of different races or whose culture differs from you? Carol na sheununwanga ki baituti ba na banga ni bona mwa kilasi i liñwi, bakeñisa kuli lizwalo la hae le ne li lutilwe ki Bibele ne li sa mu lumelezi ku ikenya mwa mikiti ya pumulo ni mikiti ya naha. Carol faced ridicule from her classmates because her Bible - trained conscience would not allow her to share in holiday celebrations and patriotic ceremonies. If we are criticized or disciplined by someone who controls us, we are wise to be critical of ourselves. Mi silimo ni silimo ha mu nze mu fa temuso ka za ku taha kwa Munda, ne mu ka fumana kuli batu ba yongobezi hahulu mwa litaba za bupilo bwa ka zazi ni zazi kuli mane "ha ba si ka lemuha se siñwi " - f'o kikuli," mane munda wa kena, mi wa ba kukisa kaufela. " - Mateu 24: 39; Luka 17: 26, 27. And year after year as you warned of the coming Deluge, you would have found that the people were so wrapped up in the daily affairs of life that "they took no note " - that is," until the flood came and swept them all away. " - Matthew 24: 39; Luke 17: 26, 27. What a fine demonstration of those who have been changed serving God as individuals! Mabasi a ' eza likiti - kiti, ku kopanyeleza cwalo banana, baima, ni basupali - ba longiwa mwa limota mi ba kala musipili o t'ata wa mazazi a 20, ku ya kwa Siberia ka sitima. Thousands of families - including little children, pregnant women, and the elderly - were loaded into boxcars for a grueling 20 - day - long train trip to Siberia. This was done on the basis of what was stated in the book Millennial Dawn on Volume VI in and in the German magazine Zion's Watch Tower of August Lu mwa kopano ye lu tiseza mezi a kenile a niti, kono lu na ni ku eza se siñwi ni luna. We are associated with an organization that brings the pure waters of truth right to us, but we must do our part. We can learn from the brothers in Thessalonica who helped when they were treated harshly. Ku si na kakanyo n'a li kwa lineku la Jehu - ni la Jehova - mwa ndwa yeo ye ne li mwahal'a bulapeli bwa buhata ni bwa niti. He was unmistakably on Jehu's - and Jehovah's - side in this conflict between false and true worship. In imitation of Christ and "a great cloud of witnesses " who lived before Jesus, true Christians are willing to use God's name. Ki lifi ze ñwi za linzila zeo? What are some of these ways? Her sisters, Martha and Mary, sent messengers to speak to their close friend, Jesus, about Lazarus ' illness. Cornelia n'a bulezi kuli: "Ne ni swabile, " kono a itumelela kuli n'a sa fezangi ku bala magazini kaufela. " I felt a little ashamed of myself, " she says. But she went on to admit that she did not manage to read every magazine article. This is another principle found in this story. Jehova naasusuelize cwañi Joshua? What encouragement did Joshua receive? And you will be able to enjoy it more fully, without regrets or complaining, in the way they complain and complain about those who commit immorality. - Proverbs 7: 22, 23; 1 Corinthians 7: 3. Muapositola Paulusi naa ñozi kuli: "Ha ne ni li mwanana, ne ni bulela sina mwanana, ne ni nahana sina mwanana, ne ni nyakisisa lika sina mwanana; kono cwale ha u bona se ni li muuna, ni tuhezi mikwa ya bwanana. " The apostle Paul wrote: "When I was a babe, I used to speak as a babe, to think as a babe, to reason as a babe; but now that I have become a man, I have done away with the traits of a babe. " A mature Christian continues to search for Bible principles that will help him to know what is right and what is wrong Jesu, y'a filwe m'ata sina Mulena wa Mubuso wa Mulimu wa kwa lihalimu, n'a kalisize ku kubukanya kwa lizoho la hae la bulyo bao ba ne ba bata ku latelela liseli. Jesus, empowered as King of God's heavenly Kingdom, began to gather to his right hand of favor those who wanted to follow the light. No longer will there be any pride in man's greatness. Ka nako yeo, ili nako ya Ndwa ya Lifasi ya bubeli, twaniso kwa musebezi wa luna wa ku kutaza ne li ye tuna, kono ne lu zwelapili ku swalisana ni ba ba lata niti ya Bibele kaufela mwa Middle East. In those days during World War II, opposition to our preaching was great, but we kept in contact with all lovers of Bible truth in the Middle East. Habakkuk 3: 7 - 11 reminds us of what? Muikutwanga cwañi ka za baana - bahulu ba mwa silalanda samina babali banana ku mina kamba ba litalo lisili kamba babanani sizo sesishutana ni samina? How do you feel about the elders in your area who are younger than you or who are from a different race or culture? True, those disciples were imperfect, but their integrity comforted God's Son. Haiba lu nyaziwa kamba ku elezwa ki kapitao kamba ya lu belekisa, ki hande ku shiama fela. When we are criticized or corrected by a supervisor or an employer, it is wise to remain calm. Because they insisted on their hopeless attitude, the whole nation had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Ki poniso kwa bunde ya batu ba ba cincizwe ba ba sebeleza Mulimu ka buñwi! What a beautiful picture this is of changed peoples serving God in unity! Thus, "the existing kings " can be said to be" established by God. " Taba yeo neiezizwe bakeñisa zene talusizwe mwa buka yebizwa Millennial Dawn Volyumu VI ya mwa 1904 ni mwa magazini yene tahisezwa kwa Germany ya Zion's Watch Tower ya August 1906. This course of action was suggested in Volume VI of the Millennial Dawn series (1904) and also in the German edition of Zion's Watch Tower of August 1906. But they learned an important lesson. Lwakona kuituta kwa mizwale ba kwa Tesalonika bane batusani ka nako yene banyandiswa hasituhu. In almost two years after his death, I look back on important years together - many of them in missionary service in other countries and at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. Ka ku likanyisa Kreste ni "lilu le lituna la lipaki " ba ne ba pilile pili Jesu a si ka taha kale, Bakreste ba niti ba tabela ku itusisa libizo la Mulimu. In imitation of both Christ and the great "cloud of witnesses " who preceded him, true Christians proudly use God's name. Cameron: During his ministry on earth, Jesus indicated that the seven times had not yet ended. Likaizeli za hae, bo Mareta ni Maria, ba luma batu ku yo taluseza mulikanaa bona yo mutuna, Jesu, za butuku bwa Lazaro. His sisters, Martha and Mary, dispatched messengers to their close friend Jesus. Of course, you will always be a parent of your children. Mi seo kona sikuka se siñwi se si fumaneha mwa likande le. Here is another principle we can glean from this account. 3: 1. Mi mu ka kona ku ikola yona ka ku tala, ku si na ku inyaza kamba ku bilaela se siñwi, mo ba inyazezanga ni ku bilaela batu ba ba ezanga buhule. - Liproverbia 7: 22, 23; 1 Makorinte 7: 3. And you'll be able to enjoy it fully, without the worries, regrets, and insecurities that are so often the aftermath of premarital sex. - Proverbs 7: 22, 23; 1 Corinthians 7: 3. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " - Isaiah 2: 2, 4. Mukreste yahulile kwa moya uzwelapili kubata likuka za mwa Bibele zekona kumutusa kuziba lika zelukile ni zesika luka A mature Christian keeps looking for Bible principles that can help him to know what is right and what is wrong Furthermore, the Kingdom was the theme of Jesus ' preaching. Ha ku sa na ku ba ni za ku ikuhumuseza bupahamo bwa mutu. All reasons for boasting about one's supposed superiority will be gone. As we have seen, there was also plenty of wine. Habakuki 3: 7 - 11 i lu hupulisañi? Of what are we reminded by Habakkuk 3: 7 - 11? " Because he is useful to me in my work. " - 2 Tim. Ki niti kuli balutiwa bao ne ba si ka petahala, kono busepahali bwa bona ne bu omba - ombile Mwan'a Mulimu. Of course, those disciples were imperfect, but their loyalty was a comfort to the Son of God. Because of his sins, his family suffered hardships. Kabakala kuli ne ba pihelezi mwa mubonelo wa bona wa kutokwa sepo, sicaba kamukana ne si na ni ku yembana mwa lihalaupa ka lilimo ze 40. Because they persisted in their pessimistic attitude, the whole nation had to wander 40 years in the wilderness. Jesus respected his parents, Joseph and Mary, even though they were imperfect. Kacwalo, " malena ba ba li teñi ' ba konwa ku bulelwa kuli ba "tomilwe ki Mulimu. " Thus, "the existing authorities " can be said to" stand placed in their relative positions by God. " God's Kingdom will do away with all our anxieties. Kono ne ba itutile tuto ya butokwa. But he learned an important lesson. Many brothers and sisters shared in the auxiliary pioneer service that month, and how happy you too can be! Mwa lilimo ze bat'o ba ze peli ku zwa f'a timelezi, ni kengezi ka za lilimo za butokwa ha ne lu li hamoho - buñata bwa zona lu li mwa sebelezo ya bulumiwa mwa linaha ze ñwi ni kwa sibaka se situna sa tamaiso ya mwa lifasi kamukana sa Lipaki za Jehova kwa Brooklyn, New York. In the nearly two years since his death, I have thought about our precious years together - many in a foreign missionary assignment as well as at the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. And since then, many people have done so. Bo Mukubesa: Ka nako ya bukombwa bwa hae fa lifasi, Jesu naa bonisize kuli myaha ye 7 ne i si ka fela kale. Cameron: Well, during his earthly ministry, Jesus indicated that the seven times had not yet ended. It involves "the process of getting to know one another, " a knowledge that reflects" the bond of trust among men. " Niti kikuli mukazwelapili kuba bashemi ba bana bamina. Of course, you will always be a parent to your children. It makes us feel superior to what we buy and can make us feel powerful. 3: 1. 3: 1. The psalmist sang: "Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones,... but his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night. " Ka mikwale ya bona ba ka tula mihuma, ka malumo a bona ba ka tula licekesi; sicaba se siñwi ha si sa na ku pumela se siñwi ka lilumo, mi ha ba sa na ku ituta ndwa. " - Isaya 2: 2, 4. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " - Isaiah 2: 2, 4. David himself well knew how tender Jehovah is in this regard. Fahalimu a seo, Mubuso ne i li yona toho ya taba ya ku kutaza kwa Jesu. Further, the Kingdom was the theme of Jesus ' preaching. Salvation "the Day of Jehovah " Sina mo se lu bonezi, hape ne ku na ni veine ye ñata. As has been noted, there was also plenty of wine. Jesus told his followers: "A slave is not greater than his master. " Kakuli u ni tusa hahulu mwa musebezi. " - 2 Tim. " For he is useful to me for ministering. " - 2 Tim. And it seems that the apostle's counsel was accepted. Kabakala libi za hae, lubasi lwa hae ne lu keni mwa butata. As a result of his own sins, he had calamities within his family. In the following article, we will consider each spiritual weapon. Jesu naa kuteka bashemi ba hae, bo Josefa ni Maria, nihaike kuli ne ba si ka petahala. Although he was raised by imperfect parents - Joseph and Mary - Jesus humbly "continued subject to them. " In what way does Jehovah " know the righteous ones '? Mubuso wa Mulimu ukafelisa lipilaelo kaufela zelunani zona. God's Kingdom will root out all harmful anxiety forever. If we become angry, discernment may indicate that we should be silent so as to avoid misunderstandings. Mizwale ni likaizeli ba bañata ne ba ezize bupaina bwa ku tusa mwa kweli yeo. Ni mina mwa kona ku fumana tabo ye tuna! Millions shared in auxiliary pioneer service, and congregations seemed to radiate exceptional excitement and joy. [ Box / Picture on page 6] Mi haisali ku zwiwa f'o, batu ba bañata ba ezize cwalo. And so have many people since then. (b) For how long did Noah walk with God, and what weighty responsibility did he have? Mwa Bibele seo si ama "kezo ya ku ziba ka ku yelaseli, " zibo ye bonisa" swalisano ya ku sepana mwahal'a batu. " In the Bible this involves "the act of knowing through experience, " a knowledge that expresses" a relationship of trust between persons. " What kind of worker was Paul? Ku lu tahisezanga ku ikutwa kuli lu na ni maata fahalimwaa lika ze lu leka mi ku kona ku tahiseza muleki ku ikutwa kuli u na ni maata. " It puts us in charge of transactions and confers a sense of power on the buyer. An opportunity was asked to build a Kingdom Hall for the city headquarters, and it was blessed for the opportunity. Walisamu n'a opezi kuli: "U filwe mbuyoti mutu ya sa zamayi ka kelezo ya ba ba maswe,... kono ki ya tabela mulao wa [Muñ'a] Bupilo; mi wa u nahana musihali ni busihu. " The psalmist sang: "Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones,... but his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night. " How did all these same prophecies come true? Davida yena ka sibili n'a ziba hande ka m'o Jehova a bezi ya musa hahulu mwa taba yeo. David himself was well aware of how reasonable Jehovah is in this regard. Would You Welcome a Visit? Ku Punyuha " Lizazi la Jehova ' Surviving " Jehovah's Day ' And we are truly grateful that Jehovah's rain and dew are refreshing to the vegetation of the earth. Jesu naa bulelezi balateleli ba hae kuli: "Mutanga ha fiti mulenaa hae. Jesus told his followers: "A slave is not greater than his master. By doing so, teach your children two important lessons. Mi ku bonahala kuli kelezo ya muapositola ne i amuhezwi. And the apostle's words evidently met with a favorable response. People claim to believe in God simply follow religious teachings that are not found in the Bible and do all that they want to do in life. - Matthew 15: 7 - 9. Mwa taba ye tatama, lu ka nyakisisa silwaniso ni silwaniso sa kwa moya. In the following article, we will examine each piece of spiritual armor. And if we face hardships, Jehovah will help us when we " follow him fully. ' Jehova u " ziba ba ba na ni niti ' ka nzila ifi? How is it that Jehovah " takes knowledge of the righteous ones '? The Israelites wondered exactly what they had to do, so they asked: "In what way shall we return? " Haiba lu fita fa ku halifa, kutwisiso neikana ya bonisa kuli lu swanela ku kuza ilikuli lu pime mizanda. If we do become angry, discernment may indicate that we should keep quiet so as to avoid a conflagration. 2, 3. [ Mbokisi / Siswaniso se si fa likepe 6] [ Box / Picture on page 6] That evil slave is one of the group described at 2 Peter 3: 3, 4. (b) Nuwe n'a zamaile ni Mulimu ka nako ye kuma kai, mi n'a na ni buikalabelo bo butuna bufi? (b) How long did Noah walk with God, and what heavy responsibilities did he have? The washing of hands was Jewish tradition, not that of the Romans, indicating that man is not guilty of bloodguilt. - Deuteronomy 21: 6, 7. Paulusi ne li mubeleki ya cwañi? What kind of worker was Paul? Will anxiety help you? Kwa kupiwa sibaka sa ku yaha teñi Ndu ya Mubuso ku ba ba zamaisa za muleneñi, mi ka tohonolo sibaka sa fiwa. The need for a meeting place was presented to city hall, and happily, land was granted to build a Kingdom Hall. At a convention held in 1893, these regular preachers were given special opportunities to share in the program. Bona bupolofita bo bu swana b'o kaufela ne bu talelelizwe cwañi? How were all these parallel prophecies fulfilled? Learning a language is a lifelong challenge. Kana ne Mu Ka Amuhela ku Potelwa? Would You Welcome a Visit? In Jesus ' day, for example, a tower in Jerusalem fell upon 18 people and killed them. Mi lu ba ba itebuha luli kuli pula ni puka ze ezizwe ki Jehova li wetulusa limela za lifasi. And we certainly are grateful that as Jehovah's handiwork, rain and dew invigorate the earth's vegetation. Although basic education is vital, we need to take in solid spiritual food, which means deep spiritual food, so that we can make progress in our service to God. Hamueza cwalo, mukaluta bana bamina lituto zepeli za butokwa. That exercise could teach two important lessons. In what ways do we show that we trust in Jehovah? Batu babaipapatanga kuli balumela ku Mulimu balatelelanga feela lituto za bulapeli zesa fumanehi mwa Bibele mi baikezezanga lika zebalata kaufela mwa bupilo. - Mateu 15: 7 - 9. Many who claim to believe in God choose to follow man - made religious teachings and their own brand of morality. - Matthew 15: 7 - 9. Similarly, Jehovah has given us free will. Mi haiba lu talimani ni matata, Jehova u ka lu tusa ha lu mu " latelela ku feleleza. ' If we face great obstacles, we will be blessed as we " follow Jehovah fully. ' The loss of loved ones is another painful experience that can be similar to the thorn in the flesh. Maisilaele ne ba ikomokezi ka za seo luli ne ba na ni ku eza, kacwalo ne ba buzize kuli: "Lu ka kuta mwañi? " The Israelites wondered what specifically they had to do, so they asked: "In what way shall we return? " Even what appears to be their success is temporary, for "there is no wisdom, not even a purpose, that belongs to Jehovah. " - Proverbs 21: 30. 2, 3. 2, 3. If someone is disfellowshipped, what must one do to be reinstated and forgiven? Mutanga ya maswe yo ki yo muñwi wa sikwata sa batu ba ba talusizwe kwa 2 Pitrosi 3: 3, 4. That evil slave is part of a group described at 2 Peter 3: 3, 4. After telling him that they wanted to talk about problems that were common to everyone, such as poor use of drugs and family drugs, he agreed to listen to them. Ku tapa kwa mazoho ne li sizo za Majuda, isi sa Maroma, sa ku bonisa ka sona kuli mutu ha na mulatu wa ku sulula mali. - Deuteronoma 21: 6, 7. Hand washing was a Jewish, not a Roman, way of expressing nonparticipation in bloodshed. - Deuteronomy 21: 6, 7. But that would not be easy for you. Kana ku bilaela ku ka mi tusa se siñwi? Does worrying solve any problems? Despite popular views, children, and adolescents are more influenced by their parents than their peers. Kwa mukopano o mutuna o ne u ezizwe ka silimo sa 1893 kwa Chicago, bakutazi ba kamita bao ne ba filwe kolo ye ipitezi ya ku abana mwa tukiso. Beginning at the 1893 Chicago Convention, the program included special colporteur sessions. On one trip to the tabernacle, Hannah vowed that if she gave birth to a son, she would give him to Jehovah. Ku ituta puo ki mungendenge wa mwa bupilo kaufela. Learning a new tongue is a lifelong pursuit. Is it a good way to play games that offend others? Ka mutala, mwa linako za Jesu, tawala mwa Jerusalema ne i wezi batu b'a 18 ni ku ba bulaya. For instance, in Jesus ' day a tower in Jerusalem fell and killed 18 people. Later, they would accept the Promised Land as an inheritance, with a sure promise of divine help for their enemies. Nihaike kuli ku ziba lituto za matatekelo ki kwa butokwa, lu tokwa ku ca "lico ze tiile, " ili ku talusa lituto ze tibile za mwa Bibele, kuli lu kone ku eza zwelopili ha lu nze lu sebeleza Mulimu. Knowing the fundamental doctrines of Christianity is vital. However, "solid food " is needed to promote spiritual growth toward Christian maturity. As long as we do so, the fire of love will destroy our brotherly unity despite the weakness and lack of feeling that exist in this world. Ki mwa linzila lifi mo lu bonisa kuli lu sepile Jehova? What are some ways that we demonstrate trust in Jehovah? Jehovah kindly allows the sun to shine upon all mankind and his rain upon those who rain Ka nzila ye swana, Jehova u lu file tukuluho ya ku iketela ze lu bata ku eza. Similarly, Jehovah has created us with free will. Of course not! Ku shwelwa ki balatiwa ki muinelo o muñwi o butuku o kona ku swana ni muutwa mwa mubili. The loss of loved ones is yet another bitter situation that can be like a thorn in the flesh. They need to cling to spiritual values based on the Scriptures, and they must keep "the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. Mane ni ze bonahala kuli ki ku kondisa kwa bona ki za swalelele fela, kakuli "ha ku na butali, ha ku na ngana, niheba mulelo, o kona [Jehova, NW]. " - Liproverbia 21: 30. Even their seeming successes are at best temporary, for "there is no wisdom, nor any discernment, nor any counsel in opposition to Jehovah. " - Proverbs 21: 30. In his great prophecy regarding the end of this system of things, Jesus highlighted the vital importance of such fear. Haiba mutu yo muñwi u zwisizwe, ki sika mañi s'a lukela ku eza kuli a kutiswe sinca ni ku swalelwa? If a person has been disfellowshipped, what must he do to be forgiven and reinstated? Just imagine how you feel when you wake up in the morning, find a bright sun, and breathe a new breath! Ha se ba mu bulelezi kuli ne ba bata ku bulela za matata a ' ziyelize mañi ni mañi, a ' cwale ka ku sa itusisa hande milyani ye kola ni mikatazo ya mwa lubasi, a lumela ku ba teeleza. After they told her that they wanted to talk about the problems that everybody faces, such as drug abuse and family troubles, she agreed to listen. Why should we remember Jehovah in our day - to - day life? Kono kueza cwalo, nekusike kwa mibela bunolo. But that would not have been easy. Jesus had just left the house where he had been beaten and stopped at the high wall of the household. Kusina taba kuli kunani mibonelo yeatile hahulu, bana, hamohocwalo ni banana babasa nonoboka, basusuezwanga hahulu ki bashemi babona kufita litaka zabona. Despite common perceptions, children - including teenagers - are more influenced by their parents than by peers. Just as a variety of symptoms can help a doctor learn about a person's condition, the various events described in these prophecies helped me to see that we are living in Bible times as "the last days. " Fa musipili o muñwi o ne ba ile kwa tabernakele, Anna a itama ka luci kuli haiba a pepa mwan'a mushimani, na ka mu fa Jehova. On one of these occasions, Hannah vowed that if she bore a son, she would give him to Jehovah. A person who learns to control his emotions and emotions will easily control his entire body. Kana ku ezanga lishea le li utwisa ba bañwi maswabi ki mukwa o munde wa ku bapala ka ona? Are practical jokes simply harmless fun? When I was nine years old, my mother was visited by a Witness in Hungary, my mother's language, and Mother was moved to listen to the Bible's message. Hasamulaho, ne ba ka amuhela Naha ya Sepiso sina sanda, ba na ni sepiso ye tiile ya tuso ya bumulimu kwa neku la lila za bona. Later, they would receive the Promised Land as an inheritance, with the assurance of divine help against their enemies. Help for All Mankind's Needs Ibile fela lu zwelapili ku eza cwalo, mulilo wa lilato u ka futumaza swalisano ya luna ya sizwale ku si na taba ni ku fokola ni ku sa ba ni maikuto ko ku ba teñi kwa lifasi le. As long as we do, the fire of love will warm our brotherhood no matter how bitterly cold and unfeeling this world becomes. So he destroyed her relationship with her son. Jehova ka musa u lumelela lizazi ku benyeza batu kaufela ni pula ya hae ku ba nelela Jehovah kindly allows the sun to shine and the rain to fall upon all humans In 1994 we had another privilege of having the first publication in Italian. Ha ku konahali! Impossible! How could Jehovah expose the gods of the nations that took pride in his people Israel? Ba tokwa ku kumalela kwa lika ze butokwa za kwa moya ze tomile fa Mañolo, mi ba lukela ku buluka "mutu yo munca ya bupwa ka siswaniso sa Mulimu mwa ku luka, ni mwa ku kena kwa niti. " - Maefese 4: 22 - 24. They need to cling to strong spiritual values based on the Scriptures, and they must keep on "the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24. PAGE 26 • SONGS: 76, 56 Mwa bupolofita bwa hae bo butuna bo bu ama ka za ku fela kwa muinelo wo wa linto, Jesu n'a koñomekile ka za butokwa bo butuna bwa ku saba ko ku cwalo. In his great prophecy regarding the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus emphasized the vital need for such flight. There is much we can learn from comparing these issues. Mu nahane fela mo mu ikutwelanga ha mu zuha kakusasana, mu fumana lizazi la benya, mi mu kala ku buyela moya o munca! Did you ever wake up on a sunny day, breathe in the fresh air, and feel glad to be alive? Those with me on the road to death are now drunkards or no family or in prison - or they die. Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku hupula Jehova mwa bupilo bwa luna bwa ka zazi? Why should we take Jehovah into account in our daily lives? And be assured that your efforts to bring up your children "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah " will receive his approval. - Ephesians 6: 4. Jesu kona ha na sa zo zwa mwa ndu mwa na zekisezwa ni ku to yema fa sibaka se si lumbile sa mwa lapa. Jesus had just come out onto a balcony overlooking the courtyard. Of course, he must be learned. Sina feela lisupo za butuku zeshutana - shutana halikona kutusa dokota kuziba butuku bwaakula mutu, likezahalo zeshutana - shutana zetalusizwe mwa bupolofita bobu mwa mañolo ao, neli nitusize kulemuha kuli lupila mwa linako zeibiza Bibele kuli ki "mazazi a maungulelo. " Just as a combination of symptoms can help a doctor reach the correct diagnosis of a patient's illness, the combination of events mentioned in those prophecies helped me to see that we are living in what the Bible calls "the last days. " No. Mutu ya itutile ku iswala mwa munahano ni maikuto a hae ku ka mu bela bunolo ku zamaisa mubili wa hae kaufela. He who has learned to control his mind and feelings will find it easier to control his whole body. Clearly, Jesus viewed serving others as a precious possession. Ha ne ni li wa lilimo ze 9, bo ma ne ba potezwi ki Paki ya naa bulela puo ya kwa Hungary, ili puo ya bo ma, mi kacwalo bo ma ne ba susuelizwe ku teeleza kwa lushango lwa mwa Bibele. When I was nine years old, Mother was visited by a Witness who spoke Hungarian, my mother's native tongue, which moved her to listen to the Bible's message. [ Picture on page 6] Ku Fa Tuso Ye Ba Tokwa Batu Kaufela Filling an Inherent Need - A Must And he will have subjects from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. " Kacwalo a sinya swalisano ya musizana ni mulikan'a hae wa mushimani. She thus ruined the girl's relationship with the boyfriend. These events will be fulfilled in the outworking of his purpose. Ka 1994, nelubile ni tohonolo yeñwi ya kuba ni hatiso yapili mwa puo ya Sikegizi. In 1994 we reached another milestone when the first of our publications was printed in the Kyrgyz language. 9 Jehova n'a ka tompolola cwañi milimu ya macaba a n'a ikuhumuseza batu ba hae ba Isilaele? How would Jehovah humiliate the gods of nations who had put on great airs against his people? IN THE mid - 62 ' s and 64 C.E., the apostle Peter wrote to "the temporary residents of the earth that are scattered about in Jerusalem, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. " LIKEPE 26 • LIPINA: 76, 56 PAGE 26 • SONGS: 76, 56 Then, when possible, individual Witnesses visit prisons to study the Bible with prisoners and conduct Christian meetings. Ku na ni ze lu ituta mwa ku bapanya litaba zeo. To compare these accounts is instructive. Because he knew that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead. Bao ba ne ba inzi ni na mwa nzila ye isa kwa lifu cwale se ba li matahwa kamba ha ba sa na lubasi kamba ba inzi mwa tolongo - kamba ba tokwahalile. Those who were with me on the road to death are now either alcoholics or no longer have a family or are in prison - or are dead. Like Nehemiah, we need to pray for Jehovah's guidance and strength to carry on our vital preaching work Mi mu ikolwise kuli buikatazo bwa mina bwa ku hulisa bana ba mina "ka ku ba lemusa, ni ka tuto ya Mulena " bu k'a fumana tumelezo ya hae. - Maefese 6: 4. And be assured that your efforts to raise your children "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah " will have his approval. - Ephesians 6: 4. Are all forms of worship heading for one location - like roads along a mountain level? Niti kikuli u na ni ku itutiwa. In fact, they have to be learned. Why? Kutokwa. Hardly. If we understand and respond to Jesus ' illustrations, we can find great joy - now and into an everlasting future. Kaniti luli, Jesu n'a nga kuli ku sebeleza ba bañwi ne li nto ya butokwa. Without a doubt, Jesus took serving others seriously. This love (a·gaʹpe in Greek) is love based on responsibility, principle, and order, but it often involves strong emotions. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 6] [ Picture on page 6] We do not have to go up "in heaven " or go" beyond the sea " to learn what God requires of us. U ka busa, ku kalela kwa liwate le liñwi, ku ya ku le liñwi; ku zwa kwa Nuka, ku ya kwa mafelelezo a lifasi. " And he will have subjects from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. " How do the great crowd benefit from Jesus ' public service? Likezahalo zeo neliama kutalelezwa kwa mulelo wahae. His purpose was involved. The Greek form of the word for "put on the mind " indicates the action to be taken with a sense of urgency. 9 9 1, 2. (a) Why should we not be surprised when anxieties arise? IBATO ba mwahalaa lilimo za 62 ni 64 C.E., muapositola Pitrosi naañolezi "baenyi mwa lifasi babahasani mwa Ponto, Galatia, Kapadosia, Asia, ni Bitinia. " SOMETIME between the years 62 and 64 C.E., the apostle Peter wrote to "the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. " Thus, there is no need for more numbers of foreign Witnesses to continue the preaching work and to organize it effectively. Ku zwa f'o, ha ku konahala, Lipaki ka butu ba potelanga litolongo kuli ba itute Bibele ni batamiwa ni ku zamaisa mikopano ya Sikreste. In addition, where possible, Witnesses personally visit prisons to study the Bible with inmates and to conduct Christian meetings. He says: "The Nazis tried to kill me; the Communists tried to discourage me. Naabile ni sepo yeo bakeñisa kuli naaziba kuli Jesu naazusizwe kwa bafu. It was, in effect, guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus himself. Where did he get the strength to do this great work? Sina Nehemia, lu tokwa ku lapelela ketelelo ni m'ata a Jehova kuli lu zwelepili mwa musebezi wa luna wa butokwa hahulu wa ku kutaza Like Nehemiah, we need to pray for Jehovah's guidance and for strength to continue in our all - important preaching assignment Particularly since 1935, they have continued to gather the great crowd, who find joy in the prospect of surviving the "great tribulation " and enjoying everlasting life on a paradise earth. Kana mifuta kamukana ya bulapeli i liba kwa sibaka si li siñwi - sina mikwakwa ye liba fa njongonjongo ya lilundu? Do all forms of worship lead to the same place - like roads up to a mountain peak? Tom, a member of the Bethel family in Estonia, says: "The book and Bethel are with the sea and also has a beautiful forest with my wife. Libaka? Why? Jesus Christ, the greatest man who ever lived, accepted direction. Haiba lu utwisisa ni k'u nga muhato fa liswanisezo za Jesu, lwa kona ku ba ni tabo ye tuna - cwale ni ku isa mwa nako ya kwapili ye sa feli. If we understand and act on his illustrations, we can be very happy - now and into the endless future. Finally, in 1919, people were given life and a new land. Lilato leo (a·gaʹpe mwa Sigerike) ki lilato le li ama ku ba ni buikalabelo, le li tomile fa sikuka, ni le li swanela, kono hañata li ama maikuto a tiile. That love (a·gaʹpe in Greek) is a moral love that takes into account duty, principle, and propriety, but it often includes strong emotion. 17, 18. Ha lu tokwi ku kambamela "kwa lihalimu " kamba ku ya kwa " buse bwa liwate ' kuli lu itute za tokwa Mulimu ku luna. We do not have to ascend "into the heavens " or journey" to the other side of the sea " in order to learn what God expects of us. God is holy, so he does not put us in situations that could undermine our refusal to do wrong. Buñata bo butuna ba tusiwa cwañi ki sebelezo ya Jesu ku ba bañwi? How does the great crowd benefit from Jesus ' public service? How comforting to know that Jehovah remembers that we are dust! Muinelo wa linzwi la Sigerike le li itusisizwe la "mu apale maikuto " u bonisa muhato o na ni k'u ngiwa ka kutwisiso ya ka putako. The tense of the Greek word rendered "clothe yourselves " denotes action to be taken with a sense of urgency. The literal address of the land is established. 1, 2. (a) Ki kabakalañi halusa swaneli kukomoka haluba ni lipilaelo? 1, 2. (a) Why should we not be surprised when we experience some anxiety? These "gifts in men " are overseers, or elders, appointed by Jehovah and his Son, by means of holy spirit, to shepherd the sheep with tenderness. Kacwalo, ha ku si ka tokwahala lipalo ze ñata za Lipaki ba ku sili mwa ku zwisezapili musebezi wa ku kutaza ni ku u zamaisa hande. Thus, it has not required large numbers of foreign Witnesses to keep the preaching going and to keep it well organized. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. U li: "Ba Nazi ne ba likile ku ni bulaya; ba Komyunizimu ne ba likile ku ni zwafisa. " The Nazis tried to destroy me physically; the Communists tried to break my spirit. Jesus too was not intimidated by his enemies. Naafumani kai maata anaa mutusize kupeta musebezi omutuna wo? What equipped him to care for that weighty assignment? Another benefit is that we will feel that we have accomplished something in life and will know why we are here. Sihulu haisali ku zwiwa ka 1935, se ba zwezipili ku kubukanya buñata bo butuna, ba ba fumana tabo mwa tibelelo ya ku pululeza "ñalelwa ye tuna " ni ku ikola bupilo bwa ku ya ku ile mwa paradaisi ya fa lifasi - mubu. Especially since 1935, they have proceeded to gather a great crowd, who rejoice in the prospect of passing through "the great tribulation " and enjoying everlasting life in a paradise earth. Rather, he spoke to God, praying to him. Tom ya li silama sa lubasi lwa fa Betele mwa Estonia, u li: "Bukaufi ni Betele ku inzi liwate. Mi hape fakaufi ku na ni mushitu o munde ko ni yo tambalanga ni musal'a ka. Tom, a member of the Bethel family in Estonia, says: "Just a block away from Bethel is the sea, and nearby there is a beautiful forest where my wife and I enjoy going for short walks. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, John asked the clergy of various religions about his involvement in war. Jesu Kreste, yena mutu yo mutuna ka ku fitisisa ya kile a pila fa lifasi - mubu, n'a amuhezi ketelelo. Jesus Christ, the greatest man who ever lived, accepted direction. Their bones have been placed in a church in Colin, Germany. Kwa mafelelezo, ka silimo sa 1919, nekuswana feela inge kuli batu nebafilwe bupilo ni naha yenca. Finally, in 1919, it was as if his people were given life and a new land. He has even promised to do so. 17, 18. 17, 18. As a result, interested people may never be found in the house - to - house ministry. Mulimu ki ya kenile, kacwalo h'a lu beyi mwa miinelo ye ne ka fokolisa m'ata a luna a ku hana ku eza bufosi. God is holy, so he does not place us in circumstances that would weaken our resistance to wrongdoing. Abraham's wife Sarah was not silent when she realized the danger of the welfare of her son, Isaac. Ki ko ku omba - omba hakalo ku ziba kuli Jehova w'a hupula kuli lu liluli! How comforting to know that Jehovah remembers that we are dust! Later, when the Jewish authorities asked him questions, Jesus boldly identified himself as Christ and God's Son. Milulwani luli ya naha y'a tomiwa. Detailed boundaries of the land are defined. As a husband, how should you use your God - given responsibilities? Bona batu " ba ba li limpo ' ba ki baokameli, kamba maeluda, ba ba ketilwe ki Jehova ni Mwan'a hae, ka ku itusisa moya o kenile, ilikuli ba lise lingu ka musa. These "gifts in men " are overseers, or elders, appointed by Jehovah and his Son, through holy spirit, to shepherd the sheep with tenderness. Rutherford gave a large talk that encouraged the audience to continue preaching everywhere until false religion was destroyed. ye hatisizwe ki Lipaki za Jehova. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Why do I take refuge in them? " Jesu ni yena n'a si ka sabiswa ki lila za hae. Jesus likewise refused to be intimidated by his enemies. Why did the Bible Students publish a tract entitled The Old Theology? Tuso ye ñwi ki ya kuli lu ka ikutwa kuli ku na ni ze lu petile mwa bupilo mi lu ka ziba ze lu pilela. For one thing, it contributes to a greater sense of accomplishment and purpose in life. He did not preach about the Kingdom with the goal of seeking prominence. Kono naa bulelanga ni Mulimu, mi naa lapelanga ku yena. On the contrary, he talked to God and prayed to him. Although such things as rest and exercise have a good effect on our health, we have greatly improved our physical and spiritual health by accepting Scriptural direction. Ndwa ya kwa Korea ha i tumbuka ka 1950, bo John ba buza ba bahulu ba bulapeli bo bu shutana - shutana ka za ku ikenya kwa bona mwa ndwa. When the Korean War erupted in 1950, he questioned various churchmen about their involvement in war. Mari was situated at the river Euphrates River, where it was located - the trades from the Persian Gulf to Assyria, Mesopotamia, and the Mediterranean Coast. Kuti masapo a bona a bulukilwe mwa keleke ya kwa Cologne, kwa Germany. Their remains are allegedly housed in the cathedral of Cologne, Germany. [ Box on page 28] Mane u sepisize ku eza cwalo. In fact, he has promised to do so. Such upbuilding Bible counsel enables him to have a positive view of life. Ka seo, batu ba ba tabela ba fumanwa ili bao mwendi ne ba kabe ba sa fumanwi ni kamuta mwa bukombwa bwa fa ndu ni ndu. As a result, interested people are being contacted who would likely never have been found in the house - to - house ministry. 6 / 15 Sara musal'a Abrahama n'a si ka kuza fela ha n'a lemuhile lubeta kwa buiketo bwa mwan'a hae, yena Isaka. Abraham's wife Sarah was not silent when she perceived a threat to the well - being of her son, Isaac. As a result of this course, Ananias may have had to look for some time to find the house of Judah. Hamulaho, ba bahulu ba kuta ya Sijuda ha ne ba mu buzaka lipuzo, Jesu naa bulezi ka bundume kuli ki yena Kreste ni kuli ki Mwanaa Mulimu. Although his own life was in danger, he spoke up to protect his disciples. Sometimes the children are seen walking with difficulty without feet or have legs that are seriously injured. Ka ku ba muuna ya nyezi, mu swanela ku itusisa cwañi buikalabelo bo mu filwe ki Mulimu? As husbands, how should you exercise your God - given authority? " The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " Rutherford naa file ngambolo ye tuna ili ye ne susuelize baputehi ku zwelapili ku kutaza kai ni kai ku fitela bulapeli bwa buhata bu sinyiwa. Go forward in the fight until every vestige of Babylon lies desolate. Herald the message far and wide. Some of Paul's listeners were shocked when they heard the news of the resurrection. Ni ba sabelañi? " Why should I? " Be Wise! Ki kabakalañi Baituti ba Bibele ha ne ba hatisize trakiti ye bizwa The Old Theology? What was the objective of the series of tracts called The Old Theology? Counsel Is Needed Naa sa kutazangi za Mubuso ka mulelo wa ku ipatela libubo. He promoted the Kingdom for reasons far beyond his own interests. We have many reasons to do so! Nihaike kuli lika ze cwale ka ku pumula ni ku ezanga lipapali ze twaelisa mubili li lu tusa ku ba ba ba ikanguzi, se si lu tusize hahulu ku eza hande kwa mubili ni kwa moya ki ku amuhela ketelelo ya Mañolo. Although such factors as rest and exercise may contribute to our general well - being, we have especially prospered physically and spiritually because we have accepted Scriptural guidance. How much wine do I drink every week? Munzi wa Mari ne u yahezwi kwa njelelo ya nuka ya Eufrati, mi ne u li fa makopanelo - a - linzila za lipisinisi ze zwa kwa Siko sa Peresia ku ya kwa Asirya, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, ni kwa likamba la liwate la Mediteranea. Built on the banks of the Euphrates, Mari was strategically situated at the crossroads of trade routes linking the Persian Gulf with Assyria, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Mediterranean Coast. In time, David moved the ark of God's covenant with Israel to Jerusalem, where it was kept in the tent. [ Mbokisi fa likepe 28] [ Box on page 23] Discuss the skills you can learn so that you become a diligent person. Susumezo ya Bibele ye tiisa yeo i mu konisa ku ba ni mubonelo o munde ka za bupilo. This stabilizing influence of the Bible enables him to maintain a positive outlook on life. Without a doubt, we are living in "critical times hard to deal with, " as the Bible foretold. Spetsiotis), 6 / 1 6 / 15 How rewarding! Kabakala mo ne i ezelizwe nzila yeo, mwendi Ananiasi n'a na ni ku bata ka nakonyana kuli a fumane ndu ya Juda. In view of its nature, Ananias may have had to search for some time to find the house of Judas. The Bible also teaches that the soul dies. Ka linako ze ñwi banana b'a bonwa ba zamaya ka but'ata ba si na mahutu kamba ba na ni mahutu a ' holofalizwe hahulu. Sometimes children are seen hobbling along with missing or mutilated limbs. For example, do not force your child to read aloud on the pages "My Journal " or other parts of your child's privacy. " Milelo ya mutu ya sebeza ka taata i mu atiseza lika. " " If you plan and work hard, you will have plenty. " His father was threatened by a man who hid only a few months later while traveling on the street together. Ba bañwi ba ne ba teeleza Paulusi ne ba mu sehile ha ne ba utwile taba ya zuho ya bafu. Some in Paul's audience mocked when they heard of a resurrection. This was a serious task that called for caution and self - sacrifice. Mu Be Ba Mafulofulo! Be Enthusiastic! The congregation of anointed Christians was foreshadowed by two unleavened loaves that were poured out before Jehovah at Pentecost and Pentecost. Ku Tokwahala ku Ba ni Likelezo " Confidential Talk " - A Must If we have young children, it may be very difficult to arrive at meetings for some time. Lu na ni mabaka a mañata ha lu swanela ku ezanga cwalo! There are so many reasons to do so! As " messengers ' of Christ, the "other sheep " have a prominent share in the preaching work, in teaching people the truth, and in helping people to develop a personal relationship with Jehovah. Ni nwanga bucwala bo bu kuma kai ka sunda? How much alcohol do I consume each week? To be honest, attaining a goal or gaining something we so desired can bring us happiness, but such joy can be temporary. Ha se ku fitile nako, Davida a tutiseza aleka ya bulikani bwa Mulimu ni Isilaele kwa Jerusalema, ko ne i'lo bulukiwa mwa tende. In time, David had the ark of God's covenant with Israel moved to Jerusalem, where it was housed in a tent. JEHOVAH GOD has shown us love in many ways. Mu ambolisane ka za misebezi ye mu kona ku ituta ilikuli mu be batu ba miswalo. Discuss what tasks you can learn in order to be more capable. Eli, Israel's high priest, realized that Hannah's lips had moved. Ku si na ku kakanya, lu pila mwa "linako ze taata, " sina mo ne i polofitezi Bibele. Undeniably, we are living in "critical times hard to deal with, " as the Bible foretold. So we waited for a long time, thinking that we would receive an answer from the branch, but we did not receive anything. Ki o fa tuso ye tuna hakalo! Of great benefit! 4: 1. Bibele hape i luta kuli moyo wa shwa. The Bible also teaches that the soul is not immortal. To avoid such an attitude, we must strive to resist it. Ka mutala, mu si ke mwa hapeleza mwanaa mina ku bala ka ku tumusa litaba zaa ñozi fa makepe a na ni toho ya taba ye li: "My Journal " kamba ze fa likalulo ze ñwi fa tokwa ku ñola mwanaa mina litaba za ka butu. For example, do not try to force your child to read aloud what he or she has written on the pages entitled "My Journal " or in any of the other interactive portions of the book. A consideration of these areas will help us to display goodness. Bo ndat'ahe Adnan ne ba kunupilwe maswe ki mutu ya n'a ipatile ili likweli li sikai fela hamulaho ha ne ba nze ba zamaya mwa likululu hamoho. Adnan's father was fatally shot by a sniper just months later as they walked down a street together. I worked in headquarters, and my wife shared in the ministry with a congregation near the branch. W'o ne li musebezi o mutuna o ne u tokwa ku maseme ni buitomboli. That was hard work, requiring alertness and self - sacrifice. Think of it! Puteho ya Bakreste ba ba tozizwe ne i swanisezwa ki linkwa ze peli ze ile mumela ze ne zungiswanga fapil'a Jehova fa Pentekonta ni Pentekonta. The congregation of anointed Christians was foreshadowed by the two leavened loaves waved before Jehovah each Pentecost. You may even feel guilty if you fail to do all that you want to do. Haiba lu na ni bana ba banyinyani, ku kona ku ba taata hahulu ku fitanga kwa mikopano ka nako. If we have young children, arriving on time at meetings presents a special challenge. On one occasion, one daughter was disfellowshipped because she engaged in unscriptural conduct. Ka kuba " linumwana ' kamba balumiwa ba Kreste, ba "lingu zeñwi " baeza kalulo yetuna mwa musebezi wa kukutaza, kuluta batu niti, ni kutusa batu kuikezeza silikani ni Jehova. Serving as Christ's envoys, as it were, they are having the biggest share in teaching people spiritual truth and helping them to develop a personal relationship with Jehovah. COVER: San Cristundbal de la Cass, Mexico. Ku bulela feela niti, ku kwanisa sikonkwani kamba ku fumana nto ye ñwi ye ne lu bata hahulu, kwa kona ku lu tahiseza tabo, kono tabo ye cwalo i kona ku ba feela ya nakonyana. To be sure, reaching a goal or obtaining something we have desired can make us happy, but that kind of happiness can be fleeting. When the eagle is at the right time, it becomes more readily available to the next part of the spirit and can last longer in the atmosphere. JEHOVA MULIMU u lu bonisize lilato ka linzila ze ñata hahulu. JEHOVAH GOD has shown his love for us in countless ways. Rather, godly wisdom is in harmony with this counsel: "Let those making use of the world be as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. " Eli, muprisita yo mutuna wa Isilaele, a lemuha kuli milomo ya Anna ne i nyanganya. Eli, the high priest of Israel, observed her lips moving. Do You Recall? Kacwalo, lwalibelela ka nako yetelele ka kunahana kuli lukafiwa kalabo yezwelela kwa mutai, kono mone luyela kwa poso kaufela nelusa fumani sesiñwi. So we waited and waited, hoping for an answer from the Society, but we kept finding the mailbox empty. Or we may feel that our Bible students are not making big progress. 4: 1. 4: 1. " The righteous one is loved by God. " Kuli lu ambuke moya o cwalo, lu swanela ku lika ka taata ku u lwanisa. If we are to avoid this spirit, we must put up a hard fight against selfish tendencies. For example, Zephaniah wrote: "The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. " Ku nyakisisa zona likalulo zeo ku ka lu tusa ku bonisa bunde. Considering these will help us to display goodness. (b) What vow did King Zedekiah fail to keep? Ne ni sebeleza mwa liluko la zamaiso, mi musalaa ka yena naa yanga mwa bukombwa ni puteho ye ne li bukaufi ni mutai. While I did administrative work, Edith served in the ministry in a congregation near the branch. However, such a person also does not harbor resentment when offended. Mu nahane ka za teñi! Think of it! • What are some spiritual provisions that Jehovah has made to strengthen us? Mwendi mane mu kana mwa ikutwa mulatu haiba mu palelwa ku peta lika ze mu bata ku eza kaufela. You may even feel guilty when you cannot accomplish all that you set out to do. He works hard and is busy. Muta o muñwi, mwanake yo muñwi wa musizana n'a zwisizwe mwa puteho kabakala ku ikenya mwa muzamao o lwanisana ni Mañolo. Once one of my daughters was removed from the congregation for unscriptural conduct. These times can help you to see more clearly how your child will react to such situations. LIKEPE LA FAHALIMU: Musika o mwa San Cristóbal de las Casas, ili kwa Mexico. COVER: A street market in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico. During the meetings, he sat next to the meal, listened carefully, and even answered! Muta mbande i lenda fo ku swanela, i ya fa kalulo ye tatama ya moya ka bunolo mi i kona ku ina nako ye telele mwa mbyumbyulu i sa mbindani hahulu. When the eagle attains a certain height, it glides to the next thermal and can stay aloft for hours with a minimal expenditure of energy. The number of people who chose to live together rather than to marry grew to 80 percent [in the United States] between 1980 and 1991. " Kono butali bo bu zwa ku Mulimu bu lumelelana ni kelezo ye: "Ba ba itusisa ka za lifasi le, ba be inge ha ba itusisi ka zona; kakuli mukwa wa lifasi le wa fela. " Godly wisdom, on the other hand, is in line with the advice: "[Let] those making use of the world [be] as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. " " From the first century C.E., Christians always had a well - known place for practicing divine worship. " - "P. Christianity, " by William Cave. Kana Mwa Hupula? Do You Remember? Many publishers in that country have also volunteered to move to other areas to assist in spreading the Kingdom message on this large island. Kamba mwendi lu kana lwa ikutwa kuli baituti ba luna ba Bibele ha ba ezi zwelopili ye tuna. Or it may seem that those with whom we are studying are making little progress. Even so, when we read that Abraham was "very old and satisfied with days, " that does not mean that he did not have the desire to live. " Ya lukile u latwa ki " Mulimu. God's "intimacy is with the upright ones. " So these are "the things in the heavens, " whose number Jehovah knew beforehand needed to be gathered. Sina ka mutala, Zefania n'a ñozi kuli: "Lizazi la [Jehova, NW] le lituna li sutelezi, e, li sutelezi, mane li akufa ka lubilo. " For instance, Zephaniah wrote: "The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. " When making important decisions, we do well to heed the admonition to "be firmly established in the multitude of counselors. " (b) Mulena Zedekia naapalezwi kubuluka buitamo bufi? (b) What oath did King Zedekiah fail to keep? The use of the Tetragrammaton, which can be misled only once, would echo the sound of a child in God's name. Kono mutu ya cwalo hape ha bulukangi sikoto kwa pilu haiba a fosezwa. But neither does it keep score. During that time, however, they continued to pray, asking for Jehovah's help. • Ki lifi litukiso ze ñwi za kwa moya zeo Jehova a lukiselize ku lu tiisa? • What are some spiritual provisions that Jehovah has made to strengthen us? From the Self - Pronou Edition of the Holy Bible, including the King James Version and the Tetragrammaton U beleka ka t'ata mi u patehile. She is vigorous in her strength and activity. Instead of reducing the problem, doing so seems to have added success. " Zona linako zeo li kona ku mi tusa ku lemuha hande ka m'o mwan'a mina a k'a ngela muhato mwa miinelo ye cwalo. These sessions can help you to discern how your child will respond in such situations. Things will not always be done out of our own way, but if we are faithful to theocratic oversight and will be willing to help with future construction projects. Ka nako ya mikopano, bo Kingsley nebainanga bukaufi ni sipika inze bateeleza ka tokomelo, mi mane nebaalabanga! During meetings, Kingsley kept a speaker next to his ear, listening attentively and even commenting! Did Jesus ' disciples understand their commission to do so? Palo ya batu ba ne ba keta ku pila fela hamoho ku fita ku nyalana ne i hulile ku fita fa 80 pesenti [mwa United States] mwahal'a 1980 ni 1991. " The number of couples choosing to live together rather than marry climbed 80 percent [in the United States] between 1980 and 1991. " The context of some of these illustrations adds to our understanding of the present. It was previously explained in this magazine that the seed represents personality qualities that need to grow to maturity, being influenced along the way by environmental factors. This is so because it is often the poor who respond greatly to the good news. " Ku zwa fela kwa makalelo a linako za evangeli, Bakreste kamita ne ba na ni sibaka sa bona se si iketile se si zibwa hande sa ku ezeza teñi bulapeli bwa bumulimu. " - "Primitive Christianity, " ye ñozwi ki William Cave. " From the very infancy of the gospel, the Christians always had their settled and determinate place of divine worship. " - "Primitive Christianity, " by William Cave. In fact, Rahab was " declared righteous by works, ' including an act of concealing the king's messengers. - James 2: 24 - 26. Hape bahasanyi babañata ba mwa naha yeo baitatezi kututela kwa libaka zeñwi kuyo tusa mwa musebezi wa kuhasanya taba ya Mubuso mwa sioli sesituna seo. Also, numerous local publishers have been willing to move so as to help in spreading the Kingdom message throughout this vast island territory. • What do we learn from the patience of the prophets? Nihaikulicwalo, halubala ka za kuli Abrahama naa " hulile hahulu ni kuli naaatezwi ki mazazi, ' nto yeo haitalusi kuli naasina takazo ya kupila. However, when we read that Abraham was "old and satisfied, " this does not mean that he had no desire to live in the future. Many Christians have been moved to express their gratitude to Jehovah. Kacwalo bona bao kona linto "za kwa lihalimu, " ili bao palo ya bona ya n'a zibezi cimo Jehova ne i tokwa ku kubukanyiwa. These, then, are "the things in the heavens, " of whom the total number foreordained by Jehovah needed to be gathered. A New Human Role Ha lu eza likatulo za butokwa, lu ka eza hande ku mamela kelezo ya kuli milelo "i tiya ka ku lelisana kwa ba bañata. " When we make important decisions, it is prudent to heed the advice: "In the multitude of counselors there is accomplishment. " " Know the Way " to Continue, 6 / 15 Ku biza Tetragrammaton ka ku itusisa "Yahweh " ye kona ku pumiwa hañwi fela ha i balwa ne ku ka tula mulumo wa taku ya mwana ya o ye mwa libizo la Mulimu. A two - syllable pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton as "Yahweh " would not allow for the o vowel sound to exist as part of God's name. Many people today are absolutely skeptical about the miracles Jesus performed. Nihakulicwalo, ka nako yene bazwafile yeo, nebazwezipili kulapela, ili kukupa kuli Jehova abatuse. However, during times of discouragement, she persevered in prayer, turning to Jehovah for his help. " Comfort All the mourning Ones " Ku Zwelela mwa Self - Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible, ye kopanyeleza King James version ni Revised version From the Self - Pronouncing Edition of the Holy Bible, containing the King James and the Revised versions The Ibba's Iba Ku fita ku fukuza kwa butata b'o, ku eza cwalo ku bonahala ku ba ko ku bu ekelize. " Instead of reducing the incidence of these problems, this seems to have fueled their growth. " On October 5, 2002, his story rewarded him for the scientific and social competition. Lika fokuñwi ha li na ku eziwa ka mo lu latela, kono haiba lwa sepahala lu ka latelela zamaiso ya kopano mi lu ka itatela ku tusa hape mwa misebezi ya buyahi ya kwapili. When things do not go the way we want them to go - and this will happen - a loyal person will continue to support the theocratic arrangement. Faithfulness will move him to volunteer for future projects. As recorded in the book of Revelation, the apostle John was under inspiration taken into "the Lord's day, " which began in 1914. Kana balutiwa ba Jesu ne ba utwisisa musebezi o ne ba filwe kuli ba eze? Eni! The early followers of Christ definitely understood what was required of them. What Bible example shows the importance of " making Jehovah's righteousness manifest '? Mo li taluselizwe litaba ze ñwi za mwa linguli zeo ku ekeza kwa kutwisiso ya luna ya cwale. Some of the explanations update our understanding. The same thing will happen to all false religion in the world - suddenly, shockingly. Seo si cwalo kakuli hañata ki babotana ba b'a nga nga hahulu muhato kwa taba ye nde. This is so because the poor are often more responsive to the good news. And we must not be preoccupied with "the things of this system of things. " Mane, Rahaba n'a " beilwe ya lukile ka misebezi, ' ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni kezo ya ku patela linumwana za mulena. - Jakobo 2: 24 - 26. In fact, Rahab was "declared righteous by works, " including the act of misdirecting the emissaries of the king. - James 2: 24 - 26. As Jehovah long ago promised, at Isaiah 60: 22, he truly " speeds up its own work in its own time. ' • Lu itutañi kwa pilu - telele ya bapolofita? • What do we learn from the patience of the prophets? What does this indicate? Bakreste ba bañata ba susuelizwe ku bonisa buitumelo bwa bona ku Jehova. Many Christians have felt a debt of gratitude to Jehovah and have been motivated by it. After a few weeks, I was allowed to meet him, and I accompanied the video Jehovah's Witnesses - The Organization Behind the Name. Kalulo ya Butu Bo Bunca Part of the New Personality God used holy spirit to influence the people who wrote the Bible. " Mu Lemuhe Hande Nzila ' Kuli mu Zwelepili, 6 / 15 " Smooth Out Course ' to Make Progress, 6 / 15 Abigail, a teenage teenager when she was 12 years old, says: "I feel that in the universe, no one should be more grateful to Jehovah than he is. Batu ba bañata kacenu ba honona hahulu buniti bwa limakazo za n'a kile a eza Jesu. Many today express serious doubts about the historicity of Jesus ' miracles. For example, when Jesus told his disciples that he had been put to death, Peter told them to feel hurt. " Ku Omba - Omba Ba Ba Lila Kaufela " " Comfort All the Mourning Ones " These examples leave no doubt as to the theory of evolution, a science branch that tries to make by imitating nature. Sikukula sa Linosi The Honeycomb He commended two "good and faithful slaves " in equal measure, although there was a difference between what each one was given and what each one had developed. La 5 October, 2002, taba ya hae yeo ne i mu fumanisize mupuzo kwa kangisano ya naha ya za lipatisiso za sayansi ni za bupilo bwa batu. On October 5, 2002, her essay received a prize in a national competition for research on science and the humanities. At Matthew 23: 13 - 26, on several occasions he repeated this declaration: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! " Sina ka mo ku ñolezwi mwa buka ya Sinulo, muapositola Joani ka ku buyelelwa n'a isizwe mwa "lizazi la Mulena, " le ne li kalisize ka 1914. As recorded in the book of Revelation, the apostle John was carried by inspiration to "the Lord's day, " which began in 1914. Jesus confirmed that this hope would be realized. Ki ufi mutala wa mwa Bibele o bonisa butokwa bwa ku " bonahalisa ku luka kwa Muñ'a Bupilo '? What Bible example illustrates the importance of " telling that Jehovah is upright '? She asked me, "What do you want here? " Ku ka ezahala nto ye swana kwa bulapeli kaufela bwa buhata mwa lifasi. Bu ka fela ka sipundumukela, ka ku mbwetukisa. Just as surely, this world's false religions will come to a sudden, shocking end. Why? Mi ha lu lukeli ku patehiswa ki lika "za lifasi le. " We need not make use of this dying world "to the full. " Baruch was very helpful to Jeremiah, but on one occasion he too lost sight of spiritual things. Sina ka mwa n'a sepiselize Jehova kwa kale - kale k'o, kwa Isaya 60: 22, ka buniti fela u " pakisa musebezi mwa nako ya ona. ' As Jehovah long ago promised, at Isaiah 60: 22, he is surely " speeding up the work in its own time. ' What is the ultimate way in which we can "work what is good "? Seo si bonisa ntomañi? What does this indicate? The apostle Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit... and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Hamulaho wa lisundanyana na lumelezwa ku kopana ni yena, mi na shimba cwalo ni vidio ya Jehovah's Witnesses - The Organization Behind the Name. Some weeks later I was granted a meeting, and I took along a copy of the video Jehovah's Witnesses - The Organization Behind the Name. Jehovah's Witnesses greatly appreciate the encouragement of one another from their brotherly unity. Mulimu n'a itusisize moya o kenile kwa ku susumeza batu be ne ba ñozi Bibele. God used his holy spirit to inspire the men who wrote the Bible. Every time I ran out of money (and this really happened), I did everything I could to promote my unity. Musizana wa mwa lilimo za kunonoboka yabizwa Abigail, yanaakolobelizwe inze anani lilimo ze 12, uli: "Niikutwa kuli mwa pupo kaufela, hakuna yeluswanela kuitumela hahulu ku yena kufita Jehova. A teenager named Abigail, who got baptized at age 12, says: "I feel that Jehovah deserves our thanks more than anyone else in the universe. You can encourage them to develop a grateful spirit toward their teachers. Ka mutala, Jesu hanaabulelezi balutiwa bahae kuli ukabulaiwa, Pitrosi naamubulelezi kuli aikutwele bukutu. For example, when Jesus told his disciples that he would be killed, Peter told Jesus to be kind to himself. How did Adam and Eve manifest a lack of confidence and loyalty, and with what bad result? Mitala yeo i talusa hande ka za tuto ye bizwa biomimetics, ili mutai wa sayansi o lika ku panga lika ka ku likanyisa lika za ka taho. These examples well illustrate what is called biomimetics, the field of science that seeks to mimic designs found in nature. Paul also reminded the Ephesian Christians that when they walked "according to the system of things of this world, " they were spiritually" dead. " N'a babalize " batanga ba bande ili ba ba sepahala ' ba babeli ka ku likanelela, nihaike kuli ne ku na ni shutano ku seo yo muñwi ni yo muñwi n'a filwe ni shutano ye swana ku seo yo muñwi ni yo muñwi n'a tahisize. He commended two " good and faithful slaves ' equally, even though there was a difference in what each one was given and a corresponding difference in what each one produced. The command to love our neighbor is so important that it is called "the king's law. " Kwa Mateu 23: 13 - 26, ka linako ze balwa n'a kuta - kutezi zibahazo ye: "Bumai ki bwa mina bañoli ni bafalisi, mina baipi! " At Matthew 23: 13 - 26, he several times repeated the pronouncement: "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! " As a result, Jehovah added: "This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation. " Jesu naa pakile kuli sepo yeo i ka petahala. Jesus confirmed that this was a valid hope. Do You See "the One Who Is Salvation "? Saanibuza kuli, "Wena muuna yomukuswani ubatañi fa? " He asked me, "What are you in for, Shorty? " Thus, nothing could prevent those Christians from loving Paul and honoring him. Kabakalañi? Why not? For example, we no longer "speak in tongues " or" prophesy. " Baruki n'a tusa hahulu Jeremia, kono muta o muñwi, ni yena n'a tuhezi ku bona hande lika za kwa moya. Baruch was a fine support for Jeremiah, but on one occasion he too lost spiritual focus. He did not tell them how they should feel. Ki ifi nzila ye tuna ka ku fitisisa yeo ka yona lu kona ku "eza hande "? What is one especially significant way to "keep doing good "? 11: 30, 31 - When Jephthah made his vow, did he have the thought of sacrificing someone else? Muapositola Paulusi naa ñozi kuli: "Linzwi la Mulimu la pila mi li na ni maata mi li shengile ku fita mukwale o lozizwe kafa ni kafa mi li punya ku yo fita mane ni kwa makauhanelo a moyo ni moya... mi li kona ku lemuha mihupulo ni milelo ya mwa pilu. " God's message found in the Bible "is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Before learning the truth, some may have been overwhelmed by all kinds of anxiety. Lipaki za Jehova ba itebuha hahulu susuezo ya yo muñwi ku yo muñwi ye zwelela kwa buñwi bwa sizwale sa bona. Jehovah's people greatly appreciate the mutual encouragement that results from their brotherly unity. Marriage mates need to choose the best time to talk, perhaps when they are alone when considering the daily text or when they read the Bible together. Nako kaufela ye ne ni felelwa ki mali (mi seo ne si ezahezi hañata luli), ne ni eza nto kaufela ye ne ni kona ku eza ili ku zwisezapili bunwi bwa ka. Whenever I ran out of funds (and this happened very often), I did anything I could to support my habit. [ Credit Line] Mwa kona ku ba susueza ku ba ni mukwa wa ku itumelanga kwa baluti ba bona. Why not encourage them to make a practice of thanking their teachers? Any who remain on earth's surface from a global war between Jehovah's heavenly armies and the well - prepared armies of wickedness will be removed. Adama ni Eva ne ba bonisize cwañi ku sa ba ni sepo ni busepahali, mi ki lifi ze maswe ze n'e zwile mwateñi? How did Adam and Eve betray a lack of trust and loyalty, and with what disastrous results? In Sri Lanka, Buddhism and Catholics leave their doors and windows behind when someone dies in their homes. Paulusi hape n'a hupulisize Bakreste ba kwa Efese kuli ha ne ba zamaya "ka mukwa wa lifasi le, " ne ba" shwile " kwa moya. Paul also reminded Ephesian Christians that when they walked "according to the system of things of this world, " they were" dead " spiritually. At that time, the Italian government approved Jehovah's Witnesses as an official religion in Italy. Taelo ya kuli lu late batu ba bañwi ki ya butokwa hahulu kuli mane taelo yeo i bizwa "mulao wa mulena. " The command to love our neighbor as ourself is called "the royal law. " He lost wealth, lost his children, and suffered from a violent disease. Mi ki Mulimu ya talelezanga lisepiso za hae kamita. Kona libaka Jehova hape ha naa ekelize ku bulela kuli: "Ki lona libizo la ka la kamita, mi ka lona mu ka ni hupula mwa linako kaufela, ku ya ku ile. " Hence, in verse 15 we read that Jehovah himself said: "This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation. " Then he took the Scriptural counsel to heart by telling his children to buy and bring it back to his teacher. Kana Mwa Bona "Yena ya sa Bonwi "? Do You See "the One Who Is Invisible "? But who are these "many "? Kacwalo, ha ku na se ne si ka palelwisa Bakreste bao ku lata Paulusi ni ku mu kuteka. They had every reason to love and respect him in return. In fact, some people think that money is more important than a marriage vow or a career! Ka mutala, ha lu sa "bulela lipuo " kamba ku" polofita. " For example, we no longer "speak in tongues " or" prophesy. " Knowing this can help us to understand our friends. Na si ka ba bulelela mo ba swanela ku ikutwela. He refrained from trying to tell them how to feel. How does God view such celebrations? 11: 30, 31 - Jefita ha n'a eza buitamo bwa hae, kana n'a na ni muhupulo wa ku eza mutu y'o muñwi sitabelo? 11: 30, 31 - When making his vow, did Jephthah have a human sacrifice in mind? Consider what is happening in many parts of the world where ethnic and religious violence are taking place. Ba bañwi pili ba si ka ituta niti mwendi ne ba bat'o eshulwa ki lipilaelo za mifuta - futa. Some may have been nearly overwhelmed by various anxieties before they learned the truth. But there are many other circuits, and they are complex. Batu ba ba nyalani ba tokwa ku keta nako ye nde ye ba ka ambolisananga, mwendi ha ba li ba nosi ka nako ye ba nyakisisa liñolo la zazi kamba ka nako ye ba bala Bibele hamoho. Also helpful is the right setting, perhaps when the couple are alone considering the day's text or reading the Bible together. How can these expressions be understood, do they conflict? [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] [ Credit Line] What counsel about prayer did Jesus give, and what can we learn from his manner of prayer? Mañiba kaufela afi kamba afi a ka siyala fa lundandala lwa lifasi - mubu ku zwelela fa ndwa ye ambeka lifasi kamukana mwahal'a limpi za lihalimu za Jehova ni limpi ze itukisize za bumaswe a ka zwisiwa. Any and all scars left on the face of the earth from the globe - encircling conflict between Jehovah's heavenly armies and the marshaled forces of evil will be removed. About 18,000,000, he met Jan, a secretary, a book worker, and a surgeon and offered him a job. Many single sisters are happily serving Jehovah as full - time ministers He wrote: "I hated all my hard work under the sun, because this is what I should leave behind for the man who will come to be after me. Mwa Sri Lanka, Mabuddha ni Makatolika ba siyanga minyako ni mahaulo a mandu a bona siyamena ha ku shwa mutu mwa malapa a bona. In Sri Lanka, both Buddhists and Catholics leave their doors and windows wide open when a death occurs in their households. They learned the truth in 1957 and began pioneering in 1958. Hape ka nako yeo, muuso wa Italy wa lumeleza Lipaki za Jehova ku ba bulapeli bo bu lumelelizwe ka mulao mwa Italy. During that time, Jehovah's Witnesses in Italy obtained important legal recognition. No matter what our circumstances, young or old, married or single, let us work hard to fulfill our dedication, as it does our circumstances. N'a latehezwi ki sifumu, n'a shwezwi ki bana ba hae, mi n'a lengilwe ki butuku bo bu buhali. He suffered financial ruin, the loss of his children, and a painful disease. Churches have particularly failed to teach these needs accurately. Kihona a tiiseza kelezo yeo ya ka Mañolo ka ku bulelela bana ba hae ku leka maswati ni ku a kutisa ku bo muluti ba bona. Having the children make compensation by buying candy and presenting it to the teacher reinforced the Scriptural counsel. How will this decision benefit us? Kono ki bomañi bona ba "bañata " bao? But who are the "many "? Is there something that robs you of joy? Mane batu babañwi banahananga kuli masheleñi ki a butokwa hahulu kufita buitamo bwa mwa linyalo kamba kufita bupilo bwabona! For some people, money is more important than their marriage vows or even their life! For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " Ku ziba taba yeo kwa kona ku lu tusa utwisisa balikani ba luna. Recognizing this simple truth can help us to be understanding toward our friends. [ Picture on page 29] Mulimu u nga cwañi mikiti ya mufuta wo? How does God view this kind of festival? Do You Recall? Mu nyakisise ze nee sweli ku ezahala ili ze sa ezahala mwa libaka ze ñata za lifasi mo ku na ni mifilifili ye ama mishobo ni bulapeli. Consider what has been happening in so many parts of the earth where ethnic and religious tensions run high. The words, " not with power but with my spirit, ' reminded me that Jehovah's spirit was indeed the means to advance the Kingdom work. Kono ku na ni mipotoloho ya lika ze ñwi ze ñata, mi i tatezani hahulu. In reality, the natural cycles are many, and they are very complex. 4, 5. Lipulelo ze li kona ku utwisiswa cwañi, kana za lwanisana? How can these statements be harmonized? But life began "in all the places where rivers will take water. " Ki kelezo ifi ya naa file Jesu ka za tapelo, mi lu kona ku itutañi kwa mukwa wa naa lapezi ka ona? Jesus gave what counsel regarding prayer, and what kind of example did he set? 1, 2. Ibat'o ba ka 1550, a kopana ni Jan Seklucjan, ya na li muñoli, mulekisi wa libuka, ni muhatisi mi a mu kenya musebezi. About the year 1550, he engaged the services of a writer, bookseller, and printer named Jan Seklucjan. The Law covenant, along with the priestly command to burn incense, ended when Christ formed a new covenant in 33 C.E. Na ñozi kuli: "Na toya ni misebezi kaufela ye ne ni ikataleza mwatas'a lizazi, kakuli ki yona ye ni swanezi ku siyela mutu ya ka ni yola. He wrote: "I, even I, hated all my hard work at which I was working hard under the sun, that I would leave behind for the man who would come to be after me. [ Picture on page 10] Ne ba itutile niti ka silimo sa 1957 mi ne ba kalisize bupaina ka 1958. He had learned the truth in 1957 and had begun pioneering in 1958. Those words have raised questions in the minds of some, for the Bible says that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer. " Ku si na taba ni miinelo ya luna, ibe kuli lu banana kamba ba bahulu, lu mwa linyalo kamba lu makwasha, lu iketile kamba lwa kula, lu like ka t'ata ku taleleza za buineelo bwa luna, ka mo i lu koniseza miinelo ya luna. Regardless of our circumstances, whether young or old, married or single, healthy or sick, we should strive to live up to our dedication, in accordance with our circumstances. (Some homes do not celebrate a civil wedding ceremony, explaining that such a marriage is not appropriate unless a priest or a clergyman gives a service or identifies these couples as husband and wife.) Likeleke sihulu li palezwi ku luta litokwahalo zeo ka ku nepahala. The churches for the most part have failed to convey these requirements accurately. The arrangement of bulls no doubt quickly increased the number of Israelites. Katulo yeo i ka tusa cwañi? How widespread an effect will the decision of the Court have? Although we refer to sisters, the principles discussed also apply to brothers. Kana ku na ni nto ye ñwi y'e mi palelwisa ku ba ni tabo? Is something robbing you of happiness? Does the Internet Make Us Time or Need It? Kakuli coko ya ka i bubebe, mi mulwalo wa ka ha u na bukiti. " For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " The brothers were very hospitable and cared for us as much as they could, even when they were poor. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 29] Like him, many of Jehovah's Witnesses continue to serve Jehovah God courageously despite formidable obstacles. Kana Mwa Hupula? Do You Recall? Women can show this loyalty by being in subjection to their husbands. Manzwi a li, " Hasi ka m'ata kono ki ka moya wa ka, ' n'a ni hupulisanga kuli moya wa Jehova ne li ona luli o n'o zwisezapili musebezi wa Mubuso. The words, " Not by power but by my spirit, ' reminded me that Jehovah's spirit was the only reason the Kingdom work progressed. And that advice proved helpful. 4, 5. 4, 5. The Levites explained this in their prayer: "Look! We are slaves today, and the land that we gave to our forefathers to keep alive the fruitage of it and its good things. We are servants in it today. Kono lika za kalisa ku pila "mwa mabaka kaufela mo linuka li ka isa mezi. " But life swarms "in every place to which the double - size torrent comes. " In the future, God's Son will continue to humble himself. 1, 2. 1, 2. Rather, it is designed to give you hope. Bulikani bwa Mulao, hamoho ni taelo ya baprisita ya ku cisa insense, ne li felile Kreste ha n'a tomile bulikani bo bunca ka 33 C.E. The Law covenant, including the priestly decree to offer holy incense, ended when Christ inaugurated the new covenant in 33 C.E. [ Credit Line] [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 10] [ Picture on page 10] I was curious about where my father was. Manzwi ao a tahisize lipuzo mwa minahano ya batu ba bañwi, kakuli Bibele i bulela kuli Jehova ki yena ya " utwa milapelo. ' Those words have raised questions in the mind of some, since the Bible says that Jehovah is the "Hearer of Prayer. " Such a heart will help you to give Bible - based counsel. (Likeleke ze ñwi ha li ezangi mukiti wa sinawenga sa linyalo le li zamaiswa ki ba muuso, ka ku talusa kuli linyalo le li cwalo hasi linyalo le li swanela konji kambe muprisita kamba yo muhulu wa bulapeli a fa sebelezo kamba ku zibahaza kuli bosinyalana bao se li bo mutu ni musal'a hae.) (Some churches ignore a legally approved civil marriage ceremony, claiming that it is not really a proper marriage unless a priest or a clergyman performs a ritual or declares the couple man and wife.) Satan knows this, and he uses "false prophets " to try to" mislead " these Christians. Tukiso ya liendi kaniti ne i hulisize kapili palo ya Maisilaele. When I came to realize that doctors couldn't do much good, I was discouraged. Nihaike kuli lu ama kwa likaizeli, likuka ze ka nyakisiswa li ama ni kwa mizwale. Although we here refer to Christian sisters, the principles also apply to brothers. This is not surprising. Kana Intaneti ya lu Sinyeza Nako Kamba ku Tokwa? Saves Time or Takes Time? Luis also prayed for help in finding a religion that will show him how to serve God. Mizwale ni bona ne ba na ni kamuhelo luli mi ne ba lu babalelanga hande ka mo ne ba konela, niha ne ba li babotana. The brothers were also very hospitable and offered us the best they had, although they had very little. If you are a Christian, be absorbed in your religious activities. Sina muzwale Ombeva ni Jennings, Lipaki za Jehova ba bañata ba zwelapili ku sebeleza Jehova Mulimu ka bundume ku si na taba ni mikwalelo ye sabisa. Like Brothers Ombeva and Jennings, many of Jehovah's Witnesses continue fearlessly worshipping Jehovah God despite daunting obstacles. GOD'S people today are a large family of spiritual brothers and sisters, which started with men and women of old. Basali ba kona ku bonisa busepahali bo ka ku ipeya kwatas'a banna ba bona. Wives demonstrate this by their subjection to their husbands. Is there a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? Mi likelezo zeo ne li tusize. And it worked. In his letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul wrote: "We continually remember the work you have done through your faith and your love and endurance for the sake of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of our God and Father. " Malivi ne ba talusize taba yeo mwa tapelo ya bona kuli: "Ki luna ba, kacenu lu batanga; mi naha yo no file bo kuku a luna kuli ba pile ze bewa ki yona, ni ze nde za yona, kacenu lu batanga mwateñi. The Levites continued praying: "Look! Because of the severe punishment that the Romans brought against criminals, there were only a few thieves on the street. Mwanaa Mulimu u ka zwelapili ku ikokobeza kwapili. Humility will continue to characterize the activities of the Son of God. Can a modest person remain loyal to Jehovah when tempted by "the wicked one "? Kono li lukiselizwe ku mi fa sepo. Rather, they are designed to give you hope. Do I rely on my wisdom when faced with problems rather than on Jehovah God? ' [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] [ Credit Line] This new Pharaoh also decreed that the male sons born to the Israelites be killed soon after they were born. Ne ni bata hahulu ku ziba kuli bo ndate ne ba li kai. I desperately wanted to know where my father was. 8, 9. Ku ba ni pilu ye cwalo ku ka mi tusa ku fanga likelezo ze tomile fa Bibele. That will help you to offer heartfelt counsel that is solidly based on the Bible. But then we would need a little more. Satani waziba taba yeo, mi uitusisa "bapolofita ba buhata " kuli alike " kukelusa ' Bakreste bao. Satan knows this, and he uses "false prophets " to try" to mislead " them. • How does true worship unite people? Ha ne ni til'o lemuha kuli kanti baalafi ha ba koni ku tusa hahulu batu, ne ni zwafile. * "As I came to realize how little a doctor can really do to help, I became disillusioned. The two main points that we look at are: Can Bible teachings help us to avoid having weaknesses that Paul corrected, and will we benefit from applying Bible teachings in our lives? Muinelo wo ha u komokisi. This development is not surprising. As foretold in the first century, the inhabitants of those cities could say: " You have filled our city with your teaching. ' Luis n'a lapezi hape kuli a tusiwe mwa ku fumana bulapeli bo bu ka mu bonisa mwa ku sebeleza Mulimu. Luis prayed again for help in finding the religion that would show him how to serve God. During that time, he, who had served with me as a missionary for many years, left Singapore for health reasons. Haiba mu Bakreste, mu tukufalelwe ku eza misebezi ya mina ya bulapeli. If you are a Christian, stay involved in spiritual activities. She thought that Sarah would "see " that her son would come to her senses. BATU ba Mulimu kacenu ki lubasi - tuna lwa mizwale ni likaizeli ba kwa moya, ili lo lu kalile ka baana ni basali ba kwaikale. GOD'S people today are a large family of spiritual brothers and sisters, whose heritage can be traced back to men and women of ancient times. Then explain clearly what is appropriate, and do so at all times. Kana ku na ni taba ye ñwi ya mwa Bibele ye mu sa utwisisi? Do you have a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? What Does It Mean to Worship Jehovah "with Spirit "? 9 / 15 Mwa liñolo la n'a ñolela ba kwa Tesalonika, Muapositola Paulusi n'a ñozi kuli: "Ha lu liseli ku hupula musebezi o mu ezize ka tumelo ni o mu ezize ka lilato ni tundamo ya mina bakeñisa sepo ya mina ku Mulen'a luna Jesu Kreste fapil'a Mulimu Ndat'a luna. " In his letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul wrote: "We bear incessantly in mind your faithful work and your loving labor and your endurance due to your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father. " HELP FOR THE FAMILY MARRIAGE Bakeñisa kuli Maroma ne ba fanga likoto ze tuna kwa likebenga, ne ku na ni feela masholi ba sikai mwa mikwakwa. There were no immigration and customs checks. When a child faces problems or needs to make an important decision, we can ask: " How does Jehovah view this matter? Kana mutu yapetahalile wakona kuzwelapili kusepahala ku Jehova muta alikiwa ki "ya maswe "? For example, was something wrong with the way God created man? For example, in a letter written on papyrus documents, a woman speaks of the need for her papasa in one place so that she can handle matters related to her possessions. " Kana ni itinga fa butali bwa ka ha ni talimana ni matata ku fita ku lapela ku Jehova Mulimu? ' Do I rely on myself when I should prayerfully commit my concerns to Jehovah God? ' 4 / 15 Faro yo munca yo hape naa laezi kuli bana ba bashimani ba ne ba ka pepiwa ki Maisilaele ba bulaiwe ba sa pepwa feela. Pharaoh even decreed that all Hebrew male babies should be put to death at their birth. Clearly, Jesus was not quick to speak to anyone else! 8, 9. 8, 9. Titus began the gathering of the collection in Corinth, but difficulties may have taken place that might have prevented his efforts. Kono cwale neluka tokwa kwakuyo fitela. Next, we needed accommodations. The wrong conduct of those claiming to be Christians brings reproach on "the way of the truth. " • Bulapeli bwa niti bu swalisanisa cwañi batu? • How does true worship unite people? But how can we do that? Lisupo ze peli ze tuna ze lu talima ki ze: Kana lituto za Bibele za kona ku lu tusa ku pima ku ba ni bufokoli b'o Paulusi n'a kolokisize, mi kana lu ka fumana tuso kwa ku sebelisa lituto za Bibele mwa bupilo bwa luna? Our two key interests are: Can Bible teachings help us to avoid suffering from the faults that Paul listed, and will we benefit from applying Bible teachings in our lives? And be thankful. " - COLOSSIANS 3: 15. Sina mo ne ku bulelezwi mwa miteñi ya baapositola, bayahi ba mileneñi yeo ne ba kona ku bulela kuli: " Mu talize muleneñi wa luna ka tuto ya mina. ' As was said in the days of the apostles, the inhabitants of these cities could say, " You have filled our city with your teaching. ' What did Jehovah really want for the Israelites? Ka nako yeo, bo Dave, ba ne ba belekile ni na mwa bulumiwa ka lilimo ze ñata, ba tuta ku zwa mwa Singapore kabakala makulanu. Meanwhile, Dave, who had been my missionary partner for several years, found it necessary to leave Singapore because of ill health. What do the different types of soil represent? Lubala kuli Sara "naalemuhanga " kuli mwanaa hae naakataziwanga. We read that Sarah "kept noticing " a troubling pattern of behavior. I graduated from school at 14 years of age and found work in a shopping store and equipment. Kihona cwale mu ka mu taluseza ka ku utwahala mubonelo wo swanela mi mu ezange cwalo nako ni nako. Then tell your teen, clearly and often. If only we had died in that wilderness, how good it would have been! Ku lapela Jehova "ka Moya " ku talusañi?, 9 / 15 6 / 1 " Many newborn babies would not die if their babies and mothers " provided "not known, simple, and rare medical care, " says a United States report. KU TUSA − MALI A SIYEZI MINUS − BALANCE What example highlights the importance of walking humbly with God? Mwana h'a ba ni butata kamba h'a tokwa ku eza katulo ye butokwa, lwa kona ku mu buza kuli: " Ka m'o nahanela, Jehova u bona cwañi taba ye? When a child has a problem or needs to make an important decision, we could ask him: " How do you think Jehovah views this? As told by Doris Eldred Sina ka mutala, mwa liñolo le li ñozwi fa mapampili a mufuta wa kuma, musali u bulela ka za tokwahalo ya parousia ya hae mwa sibaka se siñwi ilikuli a kone ku talima litaba ze ama liluwo la hae. " For instance, in a papyrus letter a lady speaks of the necessity of her parousia in a place in order to attend to matters relating to her property. " If children do not agree with their parents ' culture, they may refuse to learn their parents ' language, even refusing to practice their own religion. 4 / 15 Wessel Gansfort - Muprotestanti, 3 / 1 Youths - Pursue Goals That Honor God, 5 / 1 Paul told his coworker Timothy: "Jehovah be with you. Kaniti, Jesu naa sa ipumisi ku bulela ku mutu u sili! Surely Jesus was not just pretending to talk to someone else! So I do not expect life to be easy. Tite n'a kalisize musebezi wa ku kubukanya likoleko mwa Korinte, kono ne ku zuhile matata ao mwendi n'a tibezi buikatazo bwa hae. Titus had initiated the collection in Corinth, but problems arose that likely thwarted his efforts. That is why there are millions of God's friends in over 235 lands with the prospect of living forever. Muzamao o fosahezi wa bao ba ba ipapata ku ba Bakreste u tisa nyazo kwa "nzila ya niti. " Wrong conduct by those who claim to be Christians brings reproach on "the way of the truth. " Jesus ' Role in God's Means of Salvation People Kono lu kona cwañi seo? But how do we succeed? Yes, as we shall see in the following article. Mi mu be ni buitumelo. " - MAKOLOSE 3: 15. And show yourselves thankful. " - COLOSSIANS 3: 15. • What is the Ministerial Training School? Ki lifi za n'a bata luli Jehova kwa Maisilaele? What was Jehovah really asking of the Israelites? Does Jehovah know exactly what each of us will do? Mibu ya mifuta - futa yona i yemelañi? What do the different types of soil represent? He comes from a poor and modest family of ten children. Ne ni felize sikolo inze ni na ni lilimo ze 14 mi na fumana musebezi wa bukalaliki mwa sintolo mo ku lekiswa mishini ni lipangaliko - pangaliko. I graduated from school at age 14 and had a clerical job in a hardware store. To show that he is not partial is this: The chariot of his true worshipers, who will live forever, is not just a few of the most prominent. Kabe lu felile ku shwa mwa lihalaupa lani, kaba ki bunde! And why is Jehovah bringing us to this land [Canaan] to fall by the sword? What is that? Piho ya koranta ya UN Chronicle i bonisa kuli "limbututu ze ñata ze sa zo pepwa ne li si ke za shwa kambe limbututu ni bo maa zona " ne ba fumananga likalafo ze" zibahala, ze bunolo, ili ze sa tokwi ku itusisa mialafelo ye ipitezi. " The UN Chronicle reports that "two thirds of newborn deaths could be prevented if all mothers and newborns " obtained medical treatment that is" well - known, feasible and deliverable without complex technology. " A brother in the United States wrote: "My wife and I were already baptized for 30 years when we attended a circuit assembly in 2006. German researchers stated that "more and more women are complaining about the addiction [of] their partners. " Of course, he does not shield his people from all trials and tragedies in life. Ki ufi mutala o koñomeka butokwa bwa ku zamaya ka buikokobezo ni Mulimu? What illustration helps to emphasize the need to be modest in walking with God? We thank Jehovah for all the help we need to keep our relationship with him strong. Taba yekandekilwe ki bo Doris Eldred As told by Doris Eldred If so, you may find comfort in knowing that God does not favor those who feel that they have worldly wisdom. Haiba banana habatabeli sizo sa bashemi babona, bakona kuhana kuituta puo ya bashemi babona, mane nihaiba kuhana kuba mwa bulapeli bwabona. If children do not identify with their parents ' culture, they may resist learning their parents ' language - and their faith. 5: 1 - 3. Paulusi n'a bulelezi mubeleki hamoho ni yena Timotea kuli: "Mulena a be ni moya wa hao. Paul told his coworker Timothy: "The Lord be with the spirit you show. On another occasion after a busy day, even when there was no time to eat food, Jesus willingly taught those who "were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Kacwalo ha ni libeleli bupilo ku ba bunolo. So I don't expect life to be easy. Why, though, do some people have godly fear, while others do not? Kona libaka ha ku na ni balikani ba Mulimu ba bañata - ñata mwa linaha ze fitelela 235 ili ba ba na ni sepo ya ku pila ku ya ku ile. This is how millions in over 235 lands have been helped to enjoy good relations with God and thus have the hope of gaining everlasting life. This, in turn, will set a fine example for him and will maintain a good conscience. - 1 Peter 3: 16. Musebezi wa Jesu mwa Tukiso ya Mulimu ya ku Pilisa Batu But sharing your feelings with someone who trusts you will move you to speak " kind words " when you need them most. Eni kwa konahala, sina mo lu ka bonela mwa taba ye tatama. Yes, as we shall now see. In Latin America, she was delighted to receive help from a Witness who saw her in trouble with her young children and helped her by taking her to the market. • Sikolo sa Tuto ya Bukombwa ki nto mañi? • What is the Ministerial Training School? That's one reason why I don't get along with such friends. " - alive. Kana Jehova wa zibela cimo zeo yo muñwi ni yo muñwi wa luna a ka eza? Does Jehovah know in advance what each of us will do? Later, he served as a teacher for a prominent woman in London and then to move to, Ireland. U zwa mwa lubasi lo lu shebile ili lo lu ishuwa lwa bana b'a lishumi. She comes from a poor and humble family of ten children. What worthless things should Christians avoid viewing? Nto ye bonisa luli kuli ha na sobozi ki ye: Kolo ya ku ba balapeli ba hae ba niti, ba ba ka pila ku ya ku ile, haki ya ba sikai fela ba ba tumile. A truly remarkable evidence of his impartiality is this: The opportunity of becoming his true worshipers, with endless life in view, is not restricted to an elite few. They strive to be good citizens. Ki ifi yona yeo? What is it? Before I began to attend, I was so focused on my priestly work that I never cared for my wife and two children. Muzwale yo muñwi wa kwa United States naa ñozi kuli: "Na ni musalaa ka ne se lu kolobelizwe ka lilimo ze 30 ka nako ye ne lu izo fumaneha kwa mukopano wa mupotoloho mwa silimo sa 2006. A North American brother writes: "When my wife and I attended an assembly in 2006, we had been baptized for 30 years. Yes, like David, Jesus is a conquering king. Ki niti kuli h'a silelezi batu ba hae kwa miliko ni likozi kaufela mwa bupilo. True, he does not shield his people from all of life's trials and tragedies. Why? Lwa itumela ku Jehova kuli u lu fa tuso kaufela ye lu tokwa kuli lu zwelepili ku tiisa bulikani bwa luna ni yena. Thankfully, Jehovah gives us all the help we need to maintain a close relationship with him. What shall I say to them? " Haiba ki cwalo, mwendi mu ka omba - ombiwa ki ku ziba kuli Mulimu ha shemubangi batu ba ba ikutwa kuli ba na ni butali bwa silifasi. If so, you may find comfort in knowing that God does not favor those who consider themselves worldly - wise. And by living righteousness, we will learn that God loves us and will be able to " rejoice in all our days ' - yes, throughout our life. 5: 1 - 3. 5: 1 - 3. THE apostle Paul was in Athens in about 50 C.E. Ka nako ye ñwi hasamulaho wa lizazi la mipateho, mane nihaiba ku tokwa ni nako ya ku ca sico, Jesu na itatezi ku luta batu ba ne ba "katezi, ba hasani, inge lingu ze si na mulisana. " On one occasion after a busy day, without even taking the time to eat a meal, Jesus was willing to teach people who were "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " From then on on, this was the only water baptism that had God's approval. Nihakulicwalo, ki kabakalañi batu ba bañwi ha ba na ni sabo ya bumulimu, hailif'o ba bañwi ha ba na yona? Why is it, though, that some people have godly fear, while others do not? Though apparently no laws were written at that time, the society in which the older men took the lead among the family knew Jehovah's basic laws, and his servants were obliged to obey them. Mi hape ku eza cwalo ku ka mu bisa mutala o munde mi u ka zwelapili ku ba ni lizwalo le linde. - 1 Pitrosi 3: 16. It will also enable him to set a fitting example and maintain a good conscience. - 1 Peter 3: 16. Did you notice that these desires are appealing to the flesh, the mind, and the emotions? Kono ku taluseza mutu yo muñwi ye mu sepile maikuto a mina ku ka tahisa kuli mu bulelelwe " manzwi a musa ' ka nako ye mu a tokwa hahulu. On the other hand, discussing your feelings with someone you trust will open the way for you to receive "kind words " of encouragement when you need them most. Jehovah gathered the Israelites near Mount Sinai, saying to them: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples. " Charo wa kwa Latin America n'a tabezi ha n'a tusizwe ki Paki ya bizwa Gladys ya n'a mu boni inz'a ziyelehile ni bana ba hae ba banyinyani mi a mu tusa ka ku mu isanga kwa musika. Charo from Latin America was impressed when a Witness named Gladys saw that she was having difficulties with her small children and began helping her by taking her to market. Besides, people suffer from sickness, old age, and death. Leo ki le liñwi la mabaka a tahisa kuli ni si ke na utwana hande ni balikani ba ba cwalo. " - Shirley. That's one reason I'm not closer to those friends. " - Shirley. One evening, a brother handed me a box entitled "New York. " Hamulaho, a ba muluti mwa keleke ya musali yo muñwi ya naa tompeha hahulu ya naa pila kwa London mi ku tuha fo, a tutela kwa Belfast, mwa Ireland. Later, he became a chaplain for a countess who lived in London; and still later, he moved to Belfast, Ireland. Some who have sinned may not recall the Scriptural counsel they received from the elders, but they will remember that the elders respected and showed them love. Ki lika mañi ze si na tuso ze ba sa swaneli ku buhanga Bakreste? What worthless things must Christians avoid viewing? Yet, we can confidently say that "the end of all things has drawn close. " Ba lika ka t'ata ku ba bayahi ba bande. They endeavor to be good citizens. Even so, Paul gave them valuable assignments. Ni si ka kalisa kale ku kopana, ne ni isanga hahulu pilu kwa musebezi wa ka wa buprisita kuli mane ne ni sa babalelangi musalaa ka ni bana ba luna ba babeli. Until that point, I had focused so much on my work as a priest that I had neglected my wife and our two children. We also expected children to be serious at meetings. Kaniti, sina Davida, Jesu ki mulena ya ya kwa ku tula. Yes, like David, Jesus is a conquering king. I have always been interested in people of your religion, but after watching the video, I love you more. Kabakalañi? Why? He set out laws that govern the universe and moral laws so that everything was united. na, ni ka liñi ku bona? " What shall I say to them? " The Law reminded the Israelites that they were imperfect. Mi ka ku pila ka ku luka, lu ka utwa kuli Mulimu wa lu lata mi lu ka kona ku " taba mwa mazazi a luna kaufela ' - ee, mwa bupilo bwa luna kaufela. And by pursuing a righteous course, we will sense God's loyal love for us and will be able to "rejoice during all our days " - yes, for the rest of our lives. What they learned is found in the Bible. IBATA iba ka silimo sa 50 C.E., muapositola Paulusi na li mwa Atene. ABOUT the year 50 of our Common Era, the apostle Paul was in Athens. For example, in 36 C.E., Peter preached the good news to Cornelius and his family. Ku zwelela onaf'o ku ya cwalo kwapili, yeo ne li yona fela kolobezo ya mwa mezi ye ne na ni tumelezo ya Mulimu. From that time forward, this was the only water baptism having God's approval. What can we learn from Jesus ' prayer all night long? Nihaike kuli ka mo ku bonahalela ne ku si na milao ye ne i ñozwi ka nako yeo, nyangela ye ne i li mwat'asa tamaiso ya banna - bahulu ba ne ba etelela mabasi ne i ziba milao ye mutomo ya Jehova, mi batanga ba hae ne ba inzi mwa tamo ya ku mamela milao yeo. Although there apparently was no written code at the time, patriarchal society was familiar with Jehovah's basic laws, and his servants were under obligation to observe them. For the man who sends forth is stronger than the one who is sent forth. " Kana mu lemuhile kuli zona litakazo zeo ki ze tabisa nama, lingana, ni maikuto? Did you notice that these desires are those that appeal to the flesh, to the senses, and to the emotions? Many people want to find pleasure because they have become disillusioned with their daily lives. Jehova naa kopanyize Maisilaele bukaufi ni Lilundu la Sinai, mi a li ku bona: "Haiba mu ka utwa Linzwi la ka luli, mwa mamela bulikani bwa ka, mu ka ba buswa bwa ka tota mwahalaa macaba a mañwi kaufela. " Jehovah had them assemble near Mount Sinai, and he said to them: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then you will certainly become my special property out of all other peoples. " Not only did he commit adultery but he also began a careful practice of covering the matter when the woman became pregnant. Kwand'a zeo, batu ba telwanga ki matuku, busupali, ni lifu. What is more, humans are subject to sickness, old age, and death. When should Malachi 3: 1 - 10 have its second fulfillment, and in harmony with what are we invited to do? Zazi le liñwi manzibwana, muzwale yo muñwi a ni tambeka ingilopu fo ku ñozwi kuli "New York. " One evening a brother handed us an envelope with "New York " written on it. On one occasion, the apostle Paul was in an assembly in an upper room in Troas, a city in an area northwestern Turkey. Ba bañwi ba ba kile ba fosa ba kana ba sa hupuli likelezo za ka Mañolo ze ne ba filwe ki maeluda, kono ba ka hupula kuli maeluda ne ba ba kutekile ni ku ba bonisa lilato. In the future, some of these former wrongdoers may not remember all the Scriptural counsel that the elders gave them, but they will certainly remember that the elders respected their dignity and treated them with love. Later, as he grew up, he did not just believe everything he had been taught. Niteñi, lwa kona ku bulela ka buikolwiso kuli "mafelelezo a linto kamukana a fakaufi. " Yet, we can say with confidence that "the end of all things has drawn close. " Remember, many of them suffer from illness, depression, or association with those who do not worship Jehovah. Nihakulicwalo, Paulusi naamufile kueza misebezi ya butokwa. Yet, Paul had assigned him to care for weighty responsibilities. Clearly, Jehovah God has preserved his Holy Word, just as he had promised. Hape ne lu libelela banana ku ikuteka kwa mikopano. We also expected the children to behave well at the meetings. This lack of self - control of the Bible made it difficult to see the difference between Christian teaching and Greek philosophy. Kamita ni bile ya tabela batu ba mwa bulapeli bwa mina, kono ha se ni buhile vidio, se ni mi tabela hahulu ni ku fita. I have always liked the representatives of your religion, but after watching the film, my favorable impression of you is even stronger. * How, though, did Jehovah respond to this rebellion against his established authority? Naatomile milao yezamaisa pupo ni milao ya muzamao ilikuli lika kaufela liswalisane. He made both natural laws and moral laws to ensure that everything functions harmoniously. Jehovah's Witnesses individually endeavor to heed Paul's counsel: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " - Ephesians 4: 31, 32. Mulao neuhupulisize Maisilaele kuli nebasika petahala. The Law reminded the Israelites that they were imperfect. Why are we comforted by the words at 1 Peter 4: 10? Ze ne ba itutile li fumaneha mwa Bibele. What she learned is found in the Bible. Paul answered by writing an inspired letter against some of the attitudes that false teachers were spreading. Ka mutala, ka 36 C.E., Pitrosi naashaezi taba yende ku Kornele ni lubasi lwahae. For example, in 36 C.E., Peter had the privilege of sharing the good news with Cornelius and his household. After Moses brought the nation of Israel out of Egypt, there were those who rebelled against him in the wilderness. Lu kona ku itutañi ku Jesu ha naa lapezi busihu kaufela? What can we learn from Jesus ' example? Therefore, it is good to talk to a spiritually mature mate, a parent, or a friend. Kakuli mutu ya luma yo muñwi u na ni maata ku fita ya lumiwa. " After all, the sender is superior to the one who is sent. " Yes. Batu ba bañata ba bata ku fumana minyaka kakuli ba nyikwisizwe ki bupilo bwa bona bwa ka zazi. Many people, unsatisfied with their daily lives, search for ever greater excitement. (a) What is one of the greatest burdens, and how can it be removed? N'a si k'a buka fela ni yena kono hape n'a kalisize kezo ya ka tokomelo ya ku pata taba musali y'o ha n'a fitile fa ku itwala. He not only committed adultery with her but also launched an elaborate cover - up when she became pregnant. Do not think that your wife will love you no matter how you treat her. Malaki 3: 1 - 10 ne i swanela ku ba ni ku talelezwa kwa yona kwa bubeli l'ili, mi ka ku swalisana ni seo lu memiwa ku eza nto mañi? When was Malachi 3: 1 - 10 to have a second fulfillment, and what are we invited to do in connection with this? He saw that he was shy, and even when he tried to do more in the congregation, he felt that he was not doing anything, even doing things the wrong way. Nako yeñwi, muapositola Paulusi naali mwa mukopano mwa muzuzu wa kwahalimu mwa Troasi, ili muleneñi one ufumaneha mwa sibaka sesili kwa mutulo - wiko wa Turkey. One time, the apostle Paul was at a meeting in an upper room in Troas, in what is now northwest Turkey. Not only is Jesus ' identifying himself as the promised Seed or Messiah; it includes the role he has been assigned to play in God's purpose. Hasamulaho, ha n'a nze a hula, n'a si ka lumela - lumela fela zote za n'a lutilwe. Later, as she grew up, she did not just blindly or passively accept everything she was taught. Clearly, the Scriptures condemn drinking until one is drunk. - 1 Corinthians 5: 11; 6: 9, 10. Ki lika mañi ze ka lu tusa ku utwisisa hande mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna ba ba tokwa ku tusiwa? Mu hupule kuli buñata bwa bona ba nyanda bakeñisa kuli ba kula, ba zwafile kamba ba pila ni batu ba ba sa lapeli Jehova. We will likely be more empathetic if we remember that some of our dear brothers and sisters have been weakened by adverse circumstances - suffering from poor health, living in a divided household, or coping with depression. First, he showed respect for the local culture by asking permission to leave the garden. Kwa iponahalela hande kuli, Jehova Mulimu u bukelelize Linzwi la hae le li Kenile, sina feela mwa naa sepiselize. Clearly, as promised, Jehovah God has preserved his Holy Word. But Jehovah's people will look to him for security. Ona mutalusezo wa Bibele w'o wa ka ku tokwa buiswalo ne u tisize kuli ku be t'ata ku bona fapahano ye mwahal'a tuto ya Sikreste ni mihupulo ya Sigerike. This unrestrained approach to Biblical interpretation blurred the lines between Christian doctrine and Greek philosophy. IS THAT? * Kono Jehova yena n'a ezize cwañi ka za petuhelo yeo ya ku fetuhela tamaiso y'a tomile? * How, though, did Jehovah react to this rebellion against godly authority? To overcome discouragement, what associations must we avoid? Lipaki za Jehova ka buñwi ba ikataza ku utwa kelezo ya Paulusi, ye li: "Ze baba kaufela, ni ku nyema, ni buhali, ni komano, ni matapa, ni lunya kaufela li zwiswe ku mina; mu ezane ka musa, mu utwelane butuku, mu swalelane, sina Mulimu ni Yena h'a mi swalezi ka Kreste. " - Maefese 4: 31, 32. On a personal level, Jehovah's Witnesses strive to observe Paul's counsel: "Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you along with all badness. But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " - Ephesians 4: 31, 32. To illustrate: The Father has an obligation to provide materially for his family. Ki kabakalañi manzwi a kwa 1 Pitrosi 4: 10 ha lu tiisa lipilu? Why are the words of 1 Peter 4: 10 comforting to us? ARE you young? Paulusi n'a alabile ka ku ñola liñolo le li buyelezwi le ne li lwanisa ye miñwi ya mibonelo ye ne ba sweli ku hasanya baluti ba buhata. Paul responded with an inspired letter that countered some of the views that false teachers were spreading. We wholeheartedly agree with the psalmist who said: "How I do love your law! Mushe ha s'a zwisize sicaba sa Isilaele mwa Egepita, ku na ni ba ne ba mu kwenuhezi ha ne ba li mwa lihalaupa. After Moses led the nation of Israel out of Egypt, a rebellion broke out in the wilderness. Why? Kacwalo, ki hande ku taluseza sinyalana ni yena, mushemi, kamba mulikani ya na ni makeke ya hulile kwa moya. Therefore, it is good to confide in a marriage mate, a parent, or a compassionate and spiritually qualified friend. Moses was called "Christ, " or" anointed one, " at Hebrews 11: 24 - 26, since he was appointed as God's prophet and representative. Ba kona. Not necessarily. As shown by the picture, a line of water stones made a small box. (a) Ki ufi o muñwi wa mishimbo ye mituna ka ku fitisisa, mi u kona ku zwisiwa kamukwaufi? (a) What is one of the greatest burdens, and how can it be removed? There is solid evidence that shortly after that time, the heavenly resurrection of anointed Christians began. - 2 Timothy 4: 8; Revelation 14: 13. Mu si ke mwa nahana kuli bo musal'a mina ba ka mi lata ku si na taba ni mo mu ba ezeza. Never take the love of your wife for granted. Do we think that we will be able to live with him in Paradise? Muzwale Ludovic naa lemuhile kuli Julien naa na ni maswabi, mi niha naa lika ku eza ze ñata mwa puteho, Julien naa ikutwa kuli ha ku na za naa eza, mi mane naa ezanga lika ka nzila ye sa swaneli. Regarding Julien, a young man who was rather shy, Ludovic says: "Because Julien at times attempted to assert himself in a somewhat clumsy way, his behavior was not natural. In writing to Timothy and Titus, Paul outlined the qualifications for overseers and ministerial servants. Haki ku zibwa fela kwa Jesu kuli ki yena Peu ye sepisizwe kamba Mesiya; i kopanyeleza kalulo y'a filwe ku peta mwa mulelo wa Mulimu. It is not simply the identification of Jesus as being the promised Seed or Messiah; it includes the role he is assigned to play in God's purpose. This will result in "an interchange of encouragement. " Kwa bonahala hande kuli Mañolo a nyaza ku nwa ku fitela mutu a kolwa. - 1 Makorinte 5: 11; 6: 9, 10. Clearly, drinking to the point of drunkenness is condemned in the Scriptures. - 1 Corinthians 5: 11; 6: 9, 10. " Much of the suffering we suffer is the result of our own desires, our love of entertainment and actions in moderation, our greed, and our motives, " wrote Mettttta. Sapili, naabonisize likute kwa sizo sa naha yanaatutezi ku yona ka kukupa tumelezo ya kububula mwa simu. First, she showed respect for the customs of her new country by asking permission to glean. (b) How was one young person able to give a witness at school? Kono batu ba Jehova, bakabata kusilelezwa ki yena. Figuratively speaking, however, God's people will flee to the refuge that Jehovah provides. Christians need to exercise self - control in regard to food and drink KANA KU HANYEZA KO KWA UTWAHALA? IS THAT OBJECTION VALID? Why, Jesus did not allow anyone to lie in the temple courtyard when he took certain items to some part of the city. Kuli lu tule ku zwafa, lu swanela ku ambuka balikani bafi? To fight discouragement, whose company should we avoid? Soon afterward, however, I decided to return home. Ka ku fa mutala: Ndate u na ni tamo ya ku batela lubasi lwa hae lika za kwa mubili. To illustrate: A father has an obligation to provide for his family materially. The Hebrew word for "the grave, " often translated in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, is not widely known to many. KANA mu mikulwani? ARE you a young person? What events did Jesus foretell in his parables about the firstfruits and the talents? Lwa lumelelana ka pilu kaufela ni walisamu ya n'a bulezi kuli: "Hasi mo ni latela mulao wa hao! We agree wholeheartedly with the psalmist who said: "How I do love your law! " As we grew up and realized our condition, we felt very safe and disappointed. Kabakalañi? Why? For example, in the book What Together wrote about a young man who said that his birth was not a letter. Mushe n'a bizizwe "Kreste, " kamba" ya tozizwe, " kwa Maheberu 11: 24 - 26, kakuli n'a ketilwe sina mupolofita ni muyemeli wa Mulimu. Moses is called "Christ, " or" anointed one, " at Hebrews 11: 24 - 26, because he was chosen as God's prophet and representative. During Ahab's reign, Baal worship spread greatly to the northern kingdom. Sina ka mo si boniseza siswaniso, mundandwe wa macwe a mwa mezi n'a ezize kakwenda ka kaubanyana. As the picture shows, a chain of offshore rocks formed a small cove. That is why the Bible counsels Christians: "Let us not become vain, stirring up competition with one another, stirring up competition with one another. " Ku na ni bupaki bo bu tiile bwa kuli hamulahonyana wa nako yeo, zuho ya kwa lihalimu ya Bakreste ba ba tozizwe ne i kalisize. - 2 Timotea 4: 8; Sinulo 14: 13. There is strong evidence that shortly thereafter, the heavenly resurrection of anointed Christians began. - 2 Timothy 4: 8; Revelation 14: 13. Isaiah 65: 20 assures us: "There will be no longer a child that will live for days or a old man who will not finish his days; for he that dies after a hundred years of age will be said to be a sinner, and a sinner of this century will be cursed. " Kana lu nahana kuli lu ka kona ku pila ni yena ka kozo mwa Paradaisi? Can we see ourselves dwelling with him peacefully in Paradise? Rutherford, who was taking the lead in the preaching work at that time, told those assembled at the Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A.: "Look! Paulusi ha n'a ñolela Timotea ni Tite, n'a kolohanyize lipimo ze swanela ku fitiwa ku zona ki baokameli ni batanga ba bukombwa. In his letters to Timothy and Titus, Paul outlined the standards to be met by overseers and ministerial servants. They wanted to know if those answers were correct. " Zeo li ka tahisa kuli ku be ni ku " kutazana. ' This will result in "an interchange of encouragement. " What do you think? Mehta naa ñozi kuli: "Buñata bwa manyando e lu talimana ni ona a tahiswa ki litakazo za luna beñi, ku lata hahulu ku itabisa ni ku eza lika ka nzila ye tulile tikanyo, mukwañuli wa luna, ni milelo ya luna. " Mehta wrote: "A vast amount of suffering is due to our own lust, to our feverish pleasure - seeking and self - indulgence, to our greed and our ambition. " Jehovah used him to deliver the Law to Israel and to serve as mediator of His covenant with that new nation. (b) Yomunca yomuñwi naakonile cwañi kufa bupaki kwa sikolo? (b) How did one youth use an opportunity to give a witness at school? Prayer helps us to display "the fruitage of the spirit " Bakreste ba tokwa ku bonisa buiswalo kwa neku la lico ni lino Christians need to exercise self - control regarding food and drink Habakkuk evidently wrote his book more than 20 years before Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E. Ee, mane Jesu n'a si ka lumeleza mutu ufi kamba ufi ku puma mwa lapa la tempele ha n'a isa lika ze ñwi kwa kalulo ye ñwi ya muleneñi. Yes, Jesus did not even allow anyone to take a shortcut through the temple courtyard when carrying items to another part of the city. Having friends of all kinds will help us to enjoy life and gain the approval of people. Kono hamulahonyana wa fo, na ikatulela ku kutela kwahae. Shortly thereafter, however, I decided to go back to the bush. After his death, Peter's spiritual brothers and sisters would strengthen their faith by recalling his words. - 2 Peter 1: 12 - 15. Linzwi la Siheberu la "Sheol " leo hañata mwa Bibele ya Silozi li tolokilwe kuli libita kamba sibaka sa ba ba shwile, ha li zibahali hahulu ku ba bañata. " Sheol " is an unfamiliar term to many. Meditate on all the good advice found in God's Word, and heed the admonition: "Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth. " - Eccl. Ki likezahalo mañi za n'a talusize cimo Jesu mwa linguli za hae za lipondo ni litalenta? What events did Jesus foretell in his parables of the minas and the talents? Sometimes during winter, we slept in a nearby bedroom. " Ha ne lu hulile mi lwa lemuha muinelo o ne lu inzi ku ona, lwa ikutwa hahulu kutokwa silelezo ni ku swaba. " When we grew older and realized the situation we were in, we were overcome by a feeling of insecurity and sadness. But how can an individual gain salvation? Ka mutala, mwa buka yebizwa Alone Together, Sherry Turkle naañozi ka za mutangana yanaabulezi kuli ali kupepwa asañolelwi liñolo. For example, in her book Alone Together, Sherry Turkle writes of one young man who says he cannot remember ever receiving a personal letter in his life. Eve was a beautiful, perfect woman. Mwa puso ya Akabe, bulapeli bwa Baale ne bu yambile hahulu mubuso wa kwa mutulo. During Ahab's rule, Baal worship infected the northern kingdom on an unprecedented scale. As always, therefore, these haughty Israelites cry out to Jehovah for help. Ki ka lona libaka leo Bibele ha i eleza Bakreste kuli: "Lu si ke lwa bata ku bubekwa ko ku si na tuso, ka ku ishemaeta ni ku shwelana muna. " The Bible, therefore, urges Christians: "Let us not become egotistical, stirring up competition with one another, envying one another. " I only regret that I was too late to start. " Isaya 65: 20 i lu kolwisa kuli: "Ha ku sa na ku bonwa mwanana ya ka pila mazazinyana fela, kamba mucembele ya si ka feleleza mazazi a hae. Kakuli ya ka shwa h'a sa pilile myaha ye mwanda, u ka bulelwa kuli n'a sa li mwanana; mi muezalibi wa myaha ye mwanda ikaba mutu ya kutilwe. " Isaiah 65: 20 assures us: "No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him. " Reading this book all once was very good. Rutherford ya naa etelela mwa musebezi wa ku kutaza ka nako yeo, naa bulelezi batu ba ne ba putehani fa mukopano wa macaba o no ezelizwe kwa Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A. kuli: "Ha mu bone, Mulena wa busa! Rutherford, who then took the lead in the preaching work, told those assembled at the international convention at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A.: "Behold, the King reigns! Following that advice was a success. Ne ba bata ku ziba haiba likalabo zeo ne li nepahalile. " They wanted to know if their answers were correct. " This psalm refers to a large group, united in praising Jehovah. Mubona cwañi? What do you think? Who is "the man " mentioned at Habakkuk 2: 5, and why will he fail? Jehova n'a itusisize yena mwa ku fitisa Mulao ku Isilaele ni ku ba yena muyemeli wa bulikani bwa Hae ni sicaba se sinca seo. Jehovah used him to give the Law to Israel and to mediate His covenant with the new nation. He said: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life so that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. " Tapelo i lu tusa ku bonisa "muselo wa Moya " Prayer helps us to manifest "the fruitage of the spirit " And the Bible writer Jude warned Christians "to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to believers. " Ku bonahala kuli Habakuki n'a ñozi buka ya hae lilimo ze fitelela hanyinyani ze 20 pili Jerusalema i si ka sinyiwa kale ka 607 B.C.E. Habakkuk evidently wrote his book just over two decades before the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. Does this mean that it is wrong to want a bigger home, a new car, or a better job? Ku ba ni balikani ba mifuta kaufela ku ka lu tusa ku ikola bupilo ni ku tabelwa ki batu. This inclusive, impartial view of friendship can add variety to your life, as well as endear you to others. Similarly, the attitudes and desires of a person's heart may begin to deteriorate while it is not yet so long before the results are very bad or even recognized by others. Hamulaho wa ku shwa kwa hae, mizwale ni likaizeli ba kwa moya ba Pitrosi ne ba ka tiisa tumelo ya bona ka ku hupula manzwi a hae. - 2 Pitrosi 1: 12 - 15. After his departure in death, Peter's spiritual brothers and sisters could bolster their faith by recalling his words. - 2 Peter 1: 12 - 15. It is easy to think, " No problem could have given her my number. ' " - Carlos, * 16. Munahanisisange likelezo kaufela zende zefumaneha mwa Linzwi la Mulimu, mi mulatelele kelezo yeli: "Cwalehe uhupule Mubupi wahao Yomutuna mwa mazazi a bunca bwahao. " - Muek. Think of all the sound counsel you find in God's Word, and take to heart the advice: "Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth. " - Eccl. He commanded the first man and woman: "Keep conquering the earth and subdue it, and have authority over... every living creature that is moving on the earth. " Fokuñwi ka nako ya maliha, ne lu lobalanga mwa musiyo mo ne ku bata hahulu. Sometimes during wintertime, we had to sleep in unheated bedrooms with below - freezing temperatures. Teresa, a mother of two young children, explained why she does not want to work. Kono mutu ka buñwi u kona ku fumana cwani puluso? But how can each individual make his or her survival sure? Also, hold your servant back from presumptuous acts; do not let them dominate me. Eva, ne li musali yo munde, ya petehile. With her feminine qualities, the perfect woman, Eve, was indeed lovable. Because he loved God, Job resolved to be loyal to God no matter what happened, and nothing would change his thinking. Kacwalo, sina kamita, Maisilaele ba ba nyefile bao ba huweleza ku Jehova kuli a ba tuse. So as they had often done before, the demoralized Israelites cried to Jehovah for aid. Names have been changed. Se ni inyaza fela kikuli mane ne ni liyehile ku kalisa. " My only regret is that I did not begin earlier. " How did those common people become skilled teachers? Ku bala buka yeo kaufel'a yona hañwi ne li ko ku nde luli. Reading the book all at once was so nice. " Our spiritual brothers and sisters lovingly helped us, but life was not easy. Ku latelela kelezo yeo ne ku kondisize lika. Following this advice proved successful. To prevent error in understanding this point, the 1991 convention host conducted by Jehovah's Witnesses in some Eastern European lands included the words "Godly Freedom " rather than merely" Freedoms of Freedom. " Samu yeo i talusa za sikwata - tuna, se si swalisani hamoho mwa ku lumbeka Jehova. That psalm describes an immense crowd, all praising Jehovah in unison. THE Spanish government wanted the country to become the Christian State, which is governed by similar laws. Ki mañi "mutu " ya bulezwi kwa Habakuki 2: 5, mi ki kabakalañi ha ka palelwa? Who is the "man " of Habakkuk 2: 5, and why will he meet with no success? In fact, we take pride in you in the congregations of God because of your endurance and faith in tribulations and tribulations. Naa ize: "Kacenu ni biza lihalimu ni lifasi kuli li be lipaki ku mina, li pake kuli: Ni beile fapilaa hao bupilo ni lifu, ni beile mbuyoti ni sikuto. Hakulicwalo, iketele bupilo kuli u pile, wena ni baikulu ba hao. Iketele ku lata Muñaa Bupilo Mulimu wa hao, ku utwa linzwi la hae ni ku mu kumalela. " He said: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. " For example, both the steward and the steward Shaashigaa cared for the wives and concubines of Persian King Ahasuerus, whom I consider to be. - Esther 2: 3, 14. After Buchenwald I Found the Truth (R. Yet, many people ignore this fact. Mi Juda muñoli wa litaba ze ñwi mwa Bibele n'a lemusize Bakreste "ku lwanela tumelo ye kile ya fiwa balumeli hañwi. " And Bible writer Jude exhorted Christians "to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones. " It warms my heart to remember that when I was driving ships, I witnessed to other passengers, and I know that one of them also became a Witness. Kana seo si talusa kuli ku fosahezi ku bata ku ba ni ndu ye tuna, mota ye nca, kamba musebezi o fumanisa mali a mañata ni ku fita? Does this mean that it is wrong to want a bigger house, a newer car, a more profitable job? Moreover, we do not hide Jehovah from others. Ka nzila ye swana, mibonelo ni litakazo za pilu ya mutu ne li kana za kalisa ku sinyeha ku nze ku sa na ni nako pili seo si si ka fita kale fa ku ba ni ze zwa mwateñi ze maswe hahulu kamba nihaiba ku lemuhiwa ki ba bañwi. Similarly, the attitudes and desires of one's heart may begin to deteriorate long before this results in serious consequences or is even noticed by others. But "Jehovah is guiding his feet. " Ku bunolo ku nahana kuli, " Ha ku na butata naa kona ku mu fa nombolo ya ka. ' " - Carlos, * wa lilimo ze 16. It's easy to think, " Why not? ' " - Carlos, * 16. Being discerning is another way to deal with crime. Naalaezi muuna ni musali bapili kuli: "Mutaze lifasi mi mubuse fahalimwaa lona, mi mube ni maata fahalimwaa... libupiwa zepila kaufela zezamaya fa lifasi. " He commissioned the first human couple to "fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection... every living creature that is moving on the earth. " Who is Satan the Devil? Bo Teresa, ba ba na ni bana ba banyinyani ba babeli ne ba bulezi libaka ha ba sa tabeli ku beleka. Teresa, a mother with two young boys, explained why she does not seek secular employment. Many brothers and sisters share in the construction and maintenance of Kingdom Halls. Hape u tibele mutang'a hao kwa libi ze ezwa ka buikuhumuso; Li si ke za ni busa. Also from presumptuous acts hold your servant back; do not let them dominate me. Clearly, Jehovah highly values his human creation, "the work of his hands, " and he does not simply leave it. Bakeñisa kuli n'a lata Mulimu, Jobo n'a ikatulezi ku sepahala ku Mulimu ku si na taba ni ze ne ezahezi, mi ha ku na ze n'e ka cinca muhupulo wa hae wo. Because he loved God, Job was determined to maintain his integrity no matter what happened, and nothing was going to change that. WHAT YOU CAN DO Mabizo a cincizwe. The names have been changed. Why must elders be empathetic listeners? Batu - tu fela bao ne ba bile cwañi baluti ba ba cuukile? How did these ordinary men become such extraordinary teachers? In the Bible, the word "heart " often refers to the inner person. " Mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna ba kwa moya ne ba lu tusa ha lilato, kono bupilo ne bu tatafezi. " We had the loving support of our spiritual brothers and sisters, but life was hard. In all of this, Joseph was quick to do what he had commanded, taking the infant first to Egypt and then bring him back to Israel. Ku tibela mafosisa mwa ku utwisisa sisupo seo, mabaji a mukopano wa 1991 a n'a apezwi ki Lipaki za Jehova mwa linaha ze ñwi za Kalulo ya Yurope ya kwa Upa n'a bile ni manzwi a kuli "Balati ba Tukuluho ya Bumulimu " ka ku fapahana ni ku ba fela kuli" Balati ba Tukuluho. " To guard against any misunderstanding on this point, 1991 convention badges worn by Jehovah's Witnesses in some Eastern European lands bore the wording "Lovers of Godly Freedom " rather than simply" Lovers of Freedom. " For example, the choice to marry or remain single will no doubt have a profound impact on a person's life. MULONGA wa Spain ne u bata kuli naha i be Naha ya Sikreste, ili ye zamaiswa ki milao ye swana. THE Spanish monarchy wanted a Christian State under one set of laws. " Christ Jesus... gave up his soul for us, that he might... cleanse his special people for fine works. " - Ezekiel 2: 13, 14. Mane lu itumba ka mina mwa Likeleke za Mulimu, kabakala tiisezo ni tumelo ya mina, mwa manyando ni ñalelwa. As a result we ourselves take pride in you among the congregations of God because of your endurance and faith in all your persecutions and the tribulations that you are bearing. The most popular ancient pope that includes boxing and wrestling is thought to have been the last of the 16th century B.C.E. Ka mutala, sikombwa Hegai ni sikombwa Shaashigazi ne ba babalela basali ni liendi za Mulena Asuerusi wa Muperesia, ya ngiwa kuli ki yena Xerxes I. - Estere 2: 3, 14. For example, the eunuchs Hegai and Shaashgaz served as guardians of the wives and concubines of Persian King Ahasuerus, who is thought to be Xerxes I. - Esther 2: 3, 14. 10 / 1 Niteñi, batu ba bañata ba keshebisa taba yeo. Still, many take this matter lightly. What did the prophecy at Deuteronomy 18: 18 indicate that "the prophet " coming would do? Kwa ni tabisanga ha ni hupula kuli ha ne ni zamaisanga lisepe, ne ni kutazanga kwa bazamaisi ba lisepe ba bañwi, mi na ziba kuli yo muñwi wa ku bona ni yena na bile Paki. It makes me happy to recall that as a sailor, I always witnessed to other sailors, and I know that one of them also became a Witness. He apparently took pride in his position as the son of Saul, Israel's first king, and he was now the wife of Israel's second king. Hape ha lu pateli ba bañwi za Jehova. And we do not hold back from telling others about Jehovah. [ Picture on page 26] Kono "ki [Muñ'a] Bupilo ya zamaisa mautu. " Once this is done, "Jehovah himself does the directing of his steps. " If you have such questions or feelings, where can you find the answers? Ku ba mutu ya na ni temuho ki nzila ye ñwi ya ku talimana ni bukebenga ka yona. Being alert is another way to cope with crime. 8 Help in Avoiding Problems Satani Diabulosi ki mañi? Who is Satan the Devil? In North Africa and Arabian Peninsula Mizwale ni likaizeli babañata baezanga musebezi wa kuyaha ni wa kubabalela hande Mandu a Mubuso. Many young brothers and sisters share in the work of building and maintaining Kingdom Halls. In October, the appointed times of the nations came to an end. Ku si na ku kakanya, Jehova u katelwa hahulu batu ba bupile, ona " musebezi wa mazoho a hae, ' mi ha ba tuhelangi fela ka bunolo. Obviously, Jehovah feels a personal attachment to his creatures, " the work of his hands, ' and does not easily give up on them. The victim faces another challenge in winter. BUTATA 3: ZE MU SWANELA KU EZA KULI MAÑI NI MAÑI A IKUTWE KU BA KALULO YA LUBASI CHALLENGE 3: HOW TO BRING "OUTSIDERS " IN (b) Why was David concerned about whether Solomon could carry out his assignment? Ki kabakalañi maeluda ha ba lukela ku ba bateelezi ba ba utwela mutu butuku? Why must elders be empathetic listeners? Proper Reason for Faith in God Mwa Bibele, linzwi la "pilu " hañata litalusa mutu wa mwahali. In the Bible, the word "heart " usually refers to a man's inner self. All of this is in harmony with Jesus ' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to observe all the things he has commanded them. " Ku zeo kaufela, Josefa n'a akufile ku eza z'a laelezwi, a isa mbututu pili kwa Egepita mi kihona a mu kutisa kwa Isilaele. In all instances, Joseph immediately acted, taking the young child first to Egypt and then back to Israel. We can link the next three things Paul lists. Ka mutala, keto ya ku kena mwa linyalo kamba ku ina bukwasha, kaniti i ka ama hahulu kamita bupilo bwa mutu. The decision to marry or to remain single, for example, surely has a profound and lasting effect on one's life. That miracle was proof that Jesus was sent by God, so convincing that even Jesus ' enemies did not deny that the miracle had occurred. " Kreste Jesu... naa tobohile bupilo bwa hae bakeñisa luna, kuli a... ikeniseze sicaba sa hae se si ipitezi, se si tukufalezwi misebezi ye minde. " - TITE 2: 13, 14. " Christ Jesus... gave himself for us that he might... cleanse for himself a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works. " - TITUS 2: 13, 14. It is a future "out of Sheol " for people many of whom had been there for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. Papali ye tumile ka ku fitisisa ya kwakale ye kopanyeleza liñindi ni ku mangana kutwi ki ye n'e li ya maungulo kwa Olympic ka 564 B.C.E. The most famous pancratium encounter in antiquity is said to have taken place at the Olympic final in 564 B.C.E. Money and immorality: Acts 15: 28, 29; Proverbs 5: 15 - 23; Jeremiah 5: 7 - 9. Muna, 10 / 15 Tetragrammaton in Septuagint, 6 / 1 What about us? Bupolofita bwa kwa Deuteronoma 18: 18 ne bu bonisize kuli "mupolofita " ya n'a ka taha n'a ka t'o ezañi? The prophecy at Deuteronomy 18: 18 stressed what role for "the prophet " to come? To conduct home Bible studies effectively, we must prepare well for each study. Ku bonahala kuli na ikuhumuseza mayemo a hae a ku ba mwan'a Saule, yena mulena wa pili wa Isilaele, mi cwale na sa li musal'a mulena wa bubeli wa Isilaele. Evidently, she attached too much importance to being the daughter of Israel's first king, Saul, and now the wife of Israel's second king. On October 12, 2001, shortly after their first visit to the missionary home, 11 persons from this group of Anabaptists were baptized again, but now they symbolized their dedication to Jehovah. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 26] [ Picture on page 26] However, when faced with temptation to engage in sexual immorality, some Christians have stopped remembering God and his standards. Haiba munani lipuzo kamba maikuto a cwalo, mukona kufumana kai likalabo? If you have such questions and concerns, where might you go for answers? In what ways? 8 Zekona Kumitusa Kuambuka Lika Zekona Kumitahiseza Matata 8 Help to Avoid Problems Because of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice in the future, Jehovah could forgive David's sins without violating His standards of justice. Likamele, mwa North Africa ni mwa Arabian Peninsula Camels, North Africa and Arabian Peninsula 11, 12. Ka October, linako ze tomilwe za bamacaba za fita fa mafelelezo. In October, the appointed times ended. What Did You Learn? Mazwii a talimananga ni butata bo buñwi ka nako ya maliha. Since moose feed exclusively on plants, how do they survive cold winters? But as you continued to study, you began to discern how matters relate to matters and how they relate to various issues and Jehovah's purpose for mankind and the earth. (b) Ki kabakalañi Davida hanaaikalezwi ka za haiba Salumoni naakakona kueza musebezi wanaafilwe? (b) Why did David express concern about Solomon? What dangers exist that can damage our relationship with God? Libaka Le Li Swanela la ku Lumela ku Mulimu The Right Reason for Believing When a Israelite killed a sheep, for how long? Zeo kaufela li lumelelana ni taelo ya Jesu ya ku " luta macaba kaufela, ku ba luta ku mamela z'a ba laezi kaufela. ' All of this harmonizes with Jesus ' command to " make disciples, teaching them to observe all the things he had commanded. ' During the afternoon, the ship's ship's captain was rolling it down and kept striking one another. Lwa kona ku swalisanisa hamoho lika ze talu ze tatama zeo Paulusi a kolokisa. We can link the next three things Paul lists. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Makazo yeo ne li bupaki bo ne bu bonisa kuli Jesu na lumilwe ki Mulimu, mi ne bu li bo bu kolwisa hahulu kuli mane nihaiba lila za Jesu ne li si ka latula kuli makazo yeo ne i ezahezi. This evidence that Jesus was sent by God was so forceful that Jesus ' religious enemies never denied that it had happened. What blessings will the royal priesthood bring to mankind? Ki ku " zwa ' mwa mabita kwa kwapili kwa batu bao buñata bwa bona ne se ba bile m'o ka lilimo ze mianda - nda kamba mane ze likiti - kiti. It is a future " coming out ' of people who have been in the grave, many for centuries or even for thousands of years. When a Place Was Important Mali ni buitamaeli: Likezo 15: 28, 29; Liproverbia 5: 15 - 23; Jeremia 5: 7 - 9. Blood and promiscuity: Acts 15: 28, 29; Proverbs 5: 15 - 23; Jeremiah 5: 7 - 9. Read God's Word daily, and pray regularly. Luna bo? What about us? Not surprisingly, some pioneers conduct 20 or more Bible studies. Kuli lu zamaise hande lituto za Bibele za fa mandu, lu lukela ku itukiseza hande tuto ni tuto. To conduct effective home Bible studies, we must prepare well for each session. • How do we know that Abraham, Job, and Daniel had faith in the resurrection? Ka la October 12, 2001, ku si ka fita kale silimo ku zwa fo ne ba yezi lwa pili kwa ndu ya balumiwa, batu ba 11 mwahal'a sikwata seo sa ba ne ba banga ma - Anabaptist ba kolobezwa hape, kono ka nako yeo cwale ne ba bonisa buineelo bwa bona ku Jehova. On October 12, 2001, less than a year after that first visit to the missionary home, 11 of these former Anabaptists were baptized again, this time in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Jehovah supported his people and provided them with a way to free them from persecution. Kono Bakreste ba bañwi ha ba tahezwi ki muliko wa ku eza buhule, ba tuhezi ku hupula Mulimu ni likuka za hae. But when tempted with sexual immorality, some Christians have stopped thinking about God and his principles. What blessings do we receive from making healthful teaching our way of life? Mwa linzila mañi? In what ways? Thus, someone might ask, " Why does God not immediately abandon the Devil, the one who has caused mankind so much suffering? ' Bakeñisa sitabelo se si liulula sa Jesu se ne si ka fiwa kwapili, Jehova naa kona ku swalela libi za Davida a sa lobi likuka za Hae za katulo ye lukile. Based on the ransom sacrifice of Jesus that was to be provided in the future, Jehovah could pardon David's transgressions without compromising His own requirements for justice. But should we really be anxious now? 11, 12. 11, 12. I am always invited by my schoolmates to attend festivals and places that are not appropriate for Christian youths. Mu Itutileñi? What Did You Learn? It will be teaching to see how religion and politics were organized in the Messianic Empire - the eastern Roman Empire, the capital of which was the capital of the city ( now known as Jesus). Kono ha ne mu zwezipili ku ituta, mwa kala ku lemuha mo li lumelelanela litaba ni ku iponela hande mo li swalisanela litaba ze fitana - fitana ni mulelo wa Jehova ka za batu ni lifasi - mubu. But as you continued to study, the pieces began to fit together and you could clearly see how various details related to Jehovah's overall purpose for humans and the earth. The Bible does not know what the outcome was, but these two sisters may have accepted Paul's loving counsel. - Phil. Ki likozi mañi ze li teñi ze kona ku sinya bulikani bwa luna ni Mulimu? What dangers threaten our relationship with God? Paul wrote: "People [who are alienated from Jehovah] will say: " Peace and security! ' Muisilaele ha n'a bulaya ngu, n'a lukela ku i lotisa mali ka nako ye kuma kai? When an Israelite killed a sheep, how quickly did he have to drain its blood? " God Is Not for Us, " 6 / 15 Musihali, muzamaisi wa sisepe na nz'a si picaukisa ni ku zwelapili ku tunyakisa musili. During the day, the captain maintained a zigzag course and fired shells continuously. The people of that city may have known Greek, but they were eager to speak their native language. Mi u ka takula miyoko kaufela kwa meeto a bona, mi lifu ha li sa na ku ba teñi, nihaiba ku tahelwa ki maswabi kamba ku lila kamba ku utwa butuku. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Christians have willingly lost their jobs instead of doing something against their Bible - trained conscience. Buprisita bwa silena bu ka tisa limbuyoti ze cwañi kwa batu? What benefits will the royal priesthood bring to mankind? 4 / 15 Sibaka ha ne si li sa Butokwa When Location Was Important Tim: Yes, I hear it often read in our church. Mubalange Linzwi la Mulimu zazi ni zazi, mi mulapelange kamita. Read God's Word each day, and be vigilant with a view to prayers. He appreciates what his servants do with a complete heart, whether large or small. Ha ku komokisi kuli mapaina ba bañwi ba zamaisanga lituto za Bibele ze 20 kamba ku fitelela. It is not unusual for some pioneers to conduct 20 or more Bible studies. Amos likened the wives of Samaria who are lovers of wealth to the caves. • Lu ziba cwañi kuli bo Abrahama, Jobo, ni Daniele ne ba na ni tumelo ya zuho? • How do we know that Abraham, Job, and Daniel had faith in the resurrection? As a result, they share more fully in the preaching work along with the local congregations. Jehova na tusize batu ba hae mi a ba lukiseza nzila ya ku ba lukulula kwa nyandiso. Jehovah acted in behalf of his people and provided a way of bringing them relief from oppression. " But if there is a God who created all things, ' you might ask yourself, " why does he allow suffering? Ki limbuyoti mañi ze lu fumana ka ku eza tuto ye pilisa ku ba nzila ya bupilo bwa luna? What blessings do we reap by making healthful teaching our way of life? Yet, many wives continue to have the interests of their husbands. Kacwalo, mutu u kona ku buza kuli, " Ki kabakalañi Mulimu ha sa yundisi Diabulosi kapili - pili, yena ya tahiselize batu manyando a matuna? ' So one might ask, " Why wouldn't God hurry to get rid of the Devil, the one who is responsible for untold human suffering? ' [ Box / Picture on page 21] Kono kana luli lwaswanela kubilaezwa ki litaba zeo ka nako ye? But, frankly, is there any real need to ponder those issues now? While it is not for use, it kills like any other tobacco. Kamita ni memiwa ki bo ni kena ni bona sikolo ku ya kwa mikiti ni libaka ze sa swaneli ku ba banca ba Sikreste. I am always being invited by my schoolmates to go to parties and places that are improper for Christian youths. Rather than implying victory over Satan, however, the world around us is a sign that we are living in the last days of this wicked system of things. Ku ka ba ko ku luta ku bona ka mo bulapeli ni bupolitiki ne li swalisanezi mwa Mubuso wa ba Byzantium - ili Mubuso wa Maroma wa kwa Bucabela, w'o muleneñi wa ona o mutuna ne li Byzantium (ye s'e bizwa Istanbul). A look at how religion and politics intertwined in the Byzantine Empire - the East Roman Empire, with its capital at Byzantium (now Istanbul) - will prove instructive. Happy "Doers of the Word " Bibele haisika lutaluseza zenezwile mwateñi, kono likaizeli bababeli bao balukela kuba bane baamuhezi kelezo yelilato yenebafilwe ki Paulusi. - Mafil. The Bible does not tell us the outcome, but these sisters may have responded well to the apostle Paul's loving counsel. - Phil. In their heavenly glory these 144,000 rulers are spoken of as "the holy city, New Jerusalem, " Christ's" bride. " Paulusi naa ñozi kuli: "Batu [ba ba ikauhanyize ku Jehova], nako ye ba ka li: Kozo ni buiketo! Paul wrote: "Whenever it is that they [who are alienated from Jehovah] are saying: " Peace and security! ' Just as Christ said, unless anyone is born again with water and holy spirit, he cannot enter into God's Kingdom. " " Mulimu H'a Lu Yemela, Ki Mañi Ya Ka Lu Lwanisa? " 6 / 1 When asked why he had such a positive attitude despite his trials, he replied: "It is faith in Jehovah. Mwendi batu ba mwa muleneñi wo, nebaziba puo ya Sigerike, kono nebatabela hahulu kubulela puo ya bona ya Silikaonia. The people may have understood the Greek language, but they still spoke the local tongue, Lycaonian. There are two major types of diabetes. Bakreste se ba itatezi ku sinyehelwa ki mibeleko ya bona ku fita ku eza nto ye ñwi ye lwanisa lizwalo la bona le li lutilwe hande ki Bibele. Christians have even been willing to lose their jobs rather than do something that violates their Bible - trained conscience. " I WAS I WAS NOT ACIDED " Ku Ba Ni Tabo Niha Mu Utwisizwe Butuku kwa Pilu, 4 / 1 Highlights From John, 4 / 15 What Are Your Answers? Bo Lutangu: Eni, na li utwanga hañata ha li baliwanga mwa keleke ya luna. Tim: Yes, I've heard it a lot, and I often see it quoted on signs and billboards. She was a devout Orthodox worshiper in Albania. U itebuha ze ba mu ezeza batanga ba hae ka pilu kaufela, ibe ze tuna kamba ze nyinyani. He values the sacrifices, great or small, that his servants offer willingly. When I stop talking to someone, I pray silently for Jehovah's help to see him as he does. Amosi n'a swaniselize basali ba kwa Samaria ba ba lata bufumu kwa litole za Bashani. Amos likened the luxury - loving women of Samaria to the cows of Bashan. By disobedience, Adam lost perfect human life, along with their rights and prospects. Kacwalo, ni bona ba abananga hahulu mwa musebezi wa ku kutaza hamoho ni liputeho ze ba li ku zona. Therefore, they fully support the preaching work being carried out by the congregations with which they associate. They do not try to dominate men and do not pressure any brother to commit spiritual or physical fornication. Mu kana mwa ipuza kuli: " Kono haiba ku na ni Mulimu ya lilato ya bupile lika kaufela, ki kabakalañi ha tuhelela manyando? " But if there is a loving God who created all things, ' you may ask, " why would he permit suffering? Since Jehovah is the Originator of marriage, we would expect him to set standards for the marriage bond that would bring happiness to his servants. Niteñi, basali ba bañata ba sa zwelapili ku ba ni litakazo za mamelelo ya banna ba bona. Still, many wives continue to have a craving for their husbands ' attention. While he may not have the material advantages and possessions enjoyed by the rich, he rarely can be robbed by the rich. [ Mbokisi / Siswaniso se si fa likepe 21] [ Box / Picture on page 21] His patience was rewarded. Kwai ye si ya ku yakisa ya bulaya sina kwai ye ñwi kaufela. Smokeless tobacco use is every bit as dangerous as other tobacco use. Indeed, there is indeed a figurative basket of bad figs on earth today. Kono ku fita ku bonisa kuli Satani u tuzi, lika ze ezahala mwa lifasi ki sisupo sa kuli lu pila mwa mazazi a maungulelo a lifasi le li maswe le. Rather than indicating that he has won, however, the conditions on the earth constitute a sign that we are in the last days of this wicked world. He ate of the tree that provided fine food, leaving "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " " Baezi ba Linzwi " Ba Ba Tabile Joyful "Doers of the Word " FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Do You Fear One Religion? Babusi bao ba 144,000 ha ba li mwa kanya ya bona ya kwa lihalimu ba bulelwa kuli ki "munzi o kenile, Jerusalema yo munca, "" munyaliwa " wa Kreste. The 144,000 in their heavenly glory are also spoken of as "the holy city, New Jerusalem, " the" bride " of Christ. Although our imperfections prevent us from doing what we want, God also understands what is best for us. Sina Kreste ha naa bulezi kuli, mutu ha sa pepwi sinca ka mezi ni ka Moya O Kenile, ha koni ku kena mwa Mubuso wa Mulimu. " As Christ himself said, unless one is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God. " Have you ever found room to share your beliefs with others at school? Ha n'a buzizwe libaka ha n'a na ni mubonelo o cwalo wa sepo ku si na taba ni miliko ya hae, n'a alabile kuli: "Ki ku ba ni tumelo ku Jehova. When asked what gave her such an optimistic outlook despite her trials, she replied: "It is having faith in Jehovah. By our preaching and presence, we are warning the wicked. Ku na ni mifuta ye mibeli ye mituna ya butuku bwa swikili. There are two major types of diabetes. [ Pictures on page 22] " NE NI KONILE KU FELISA SABO YA KA " In many places, the faith and endurance of our brothers are being tested by different trials. Ki Lifi Likalabo za Mina? What Are Your Answers? If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ. " Olivera ne li mulapeli ya tiile wa Keleke ya Orthodox mwa Albania. Olivera was a devout member of the Orthodox Church in Albania. Karl was born in Germany. Hanikalisanga kuambola ni mutu, nalapelanga mwa pilu kukupa Jehova kuli anituse kuunga mutu yo sina mwamuungela. When I begin a conversation, I pray silently to Jehovah and ask for his help to see the person as he does. But remember: "He that is trusting in his own heart is stupid. " Ka ku sa utwa, Adama na latehezwi ki bupilo bwa butu bo bu petehile, hamohocwalo ni litukelo ni litibelelo za bona. Through disobedience, Adam lost perfect human life, with all its rights and prospects. I hope this contribution will benefit my brothers and sisters. " Ha ba liki ku busa banna mi ha ba yembululi muzwale ufi kamba ufi ku eza buhule bwa kwa moya kamba bwa kwa mubili. They do not try to exercise authority over men and do not lure any brothers into spiritual or physical fornication. For example, if you are told words that are not careful or heavy, it may be difficult for you to get rid of them. Bakeñisa kuli Jehova ki yena Musimululi wa linyalo, ne lu ka mu libelela ku toma lipimo kwa neku la tamo ya linyalo ili zeo ne li ka tahisa tabo kwa batanga ba hae. Since Jehovah God is the Originator of marriage, we would expect him to set standards for wedlock that would result in the happiness of his servants. Furthermore, Jehovah's people were fed with 12 issues of Our Kingdom Ministry and public talks discussing various Bible topics. Hailif'o a kana a sa bi ni lituso ni maluwo e ba ikola bafumi, ki ka siwela a kona ku nomiwa ki ba kunu. While he may not have the many conveniences and material things that the rich enjoy, he is less likely to become the target of kidnappers. Others were ill and needed medical care. Pilu - telele ya hae ne i tahisize ze nde. His long - suffering was rewarded. The prophecy was not fulfilled in Jerusalem of Zechariah's day. Ee luli, ka buniti fela ku na ni sizuma sa swanisezo sa lifeiga ze maswe fa lifasi - mubu kacenu. Oh, yes, there certainly is a symbolic basket of bad figs in the earth today. As mentioned earlier, people cannot foretell what lies ahead, despite widespread anxiety over a new millennium. N'a cile kwa likota ze ne li fa sico se si nde, ni ku siya "kota ya ku ziba bunde ni bumaswe. " He ate of the trees that were good for food, avoiding "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Yet, like those disciples in 33 C.E., these anointed Christians were to accomplish a vital work. LIPUZO ZE BUZIWANGA HAHULU KA ZA LIPAKI ZA JEHOVA - Kana Mwa Lumeleza Bulapeli bo Buñwi? FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - Are You Tolerant of Other Religions? It takes self - control to be balanced or to do differently. Nihaike kuli kusa petahala kwa luna kwa lupaleliswa kueza lika ze lulakaza, Mulimu hape wautwisisanga lika zende zelubata kueza. Moreover, he understands the good we would like to do, even if our limitations prevent us from carrying out our heartfelt desire. However, Paul's instructions help us to understand better how Christian meetings should be conducted today. Kana s'o kile wa fumana sibaka sa ku taluseza ba bañwi kwa sikolo ka za tumelo ya hao? Have you ever had the opportunity to speak to some of your schoolmates about your faith? If you have been hurt by your mate's words or actions, can you overlook them? Ka ku kutaza kwa luna ni ka ku ba teñi kwa luna, lu sweli ku fa temuso ku ba ba maswe. By our preaching and by our very presence, we are warning the wicked. They became his adopted sons. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 22] [ Pictures on page 22] Like Jesus, we should not be distracted by worthless things but should use our time and energy to preach the good news and to "make disciples of people of all the nations. " - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19. Mwa libaka ze ñata, tumelo ni buitiiso bwa mizwale ba luna li sweli ku likiwa ki miliko ya mufuta u sili. In many places, trials of a different sort test the faith and endurance of our brothers. (The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15, page 37) Faithful religious leaders who promise to care for their flocks, severely persecuted these flocks. Mi ha lu li bana hape lu ka ca sanda; lu ce sanda sa Mulimu, lu si ce ni Kreste. " If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ. " I always asked him to give me his spirit. Karl n'a pepezwi mwa Germany. Karl was born in Germany. We joyfully praise God's name by regularly speaking about Jehovah, and his great qualities move us to praise him. Kono mu hupule se: "Ya isepisa ka pilu ya hae, ki litanya. " But remember: "He that is trusting in his own heart is stupid. " He confidently told them: "Is it from God? Ni sepa kuli nubu ye i ka tusa mizwale ni likaizeli za ka. " I hope this will help my brothers and sisters. " Then I asked my aunt and her daughters to read from some of their books so that I could find out what Jehovah's Witnesses believe. Ka mutala, haiba mu bulelelwa manzwi a si ka nahanisiswa hande kamba a ' bukiti, ku kona ku mi bela t'ata kuli mu zwise fela pilu kwateñi. For example, when you are on the receiving end of thoughtless or unkind words, it can be hard to let them pass. [ Picture on page 11] Fahalimw'a zeo, batu ba Jehova ne ba fepilwe ka misulo ye 12 ya Bukombwa bwa Luna bwa Mubuso ni lingambolo za nyangela za ka viki ni viki ze n'e nyakisisa litaba ze fitana - fitana za Bibele. Furthermore, Jehovah's people were nourished with 12 issues of Our Kingdom Ministry and weekly public talks on a variety of Bible subjects. In 1820, Cyril had directed the first translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures into the complete Greek Scriptures Ba bañwi ne ba kula mi ne ba tokwa likalafo. Others were sick and in need of medical attention. As told by Max Lloyd Bupolofita ne bu si ka talelezwa ku Jerusalema wa mwa lizazi la Zakaria. The prophecy was not fulfilled upon the Jerusalem of Zechariah's day. [ Picture on page 15] Sina mo ne ku bulelezwi kwa makalelo, batu ha ba koni ku polofita ze ka ezahala kwapili ba sa bushi, ku si na taba ni lipilaelo ze atile ka za lilimo ze sikiti ze nca. As mentioned earlier, humans are unable to foretell the future accurately, despite widespread concerns related to a new millennium. Is that a realistic hope? Niteñi, sina balutiwa bani ka 33 C.E., Bakreste ba ba tozizwe bao ne ba na ni ku peta musebezi o mutuna hahulu. Still, like the disciples in 33 C.E., those anointed Christians faced a huge challenge. Solomon then left him to go home. Ku tokwa ku ba ni buiswalo ku sa fiteleza tikanyo kamba ku eza ka ku fapahana. It takes self - control not to go to one extreme or another. And those who were assigned to collect from the people a tenth of their work or did not send these contributions to the temple. Nihakulicwalo, litaelo za Paulusi li lu tusa ku utwisisa hande mo i swanelwa ku zamaisezwa mikopano ya Sikreste kacenu. Even so, Paul's instructions give us insight into how Christian meetings should be conducted today. So, then, what about the symbolic sheep in the local congregation? Haiba mu utwisizwe butuku ki manzwi kamba likezo za bakumina, kana mwa kona ku itibaza zona? If you have been hurt by your spouse's words or actions, can you overlook the matter? 11: 4. Ba ba bana ba hae ba ba añuzwi. They become his adopted children. The Russian Law and the European Law (Convenion for the Protects of Human Rights and Gods) provide freedom of worship and freedom of worship. Sina Jesu, ni luna ha lu swaneli ku yembululwa ki lika ze si na tuso kono lu swanela ku itusisa nako ya luna ni m'ata a luna kwa ku kutaza taba ye nde ni kwa ku " luta macaba kaufela. ' - Mateu 24: 14; 28: 19. Following Jesus ' example, rather than being sidetracked by mundane issues, we use our time and energy to preach the good news and to "make disciples of people of all the nations. " - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19. 2, 3. (a) Why must we resist wrong desires? (The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Volyumu 15, likepe 37) Baeteleli ba bulapeli ba ba sepilwe ili ba ba sepisa ku babalela mitapi ya bona, ba nyandisa mitapi yeo h'a situhu hahulu. (The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15, page 37) Trusted religious leaders who promise to care for their flocks abuse them in the vilest fashion. • What is the root cause of the hatred with which true worshipers are hated? Kamita ne ni mu kupanga kuli a ni fe moya wa hae. I constantly asked him to give me his spirit. At Genesis 11: 26, we read: "Tera... gave birth to Abram and to bears Abram and to men of war. " Ka tabo lu lumbeka libizo la Mulimu ka ku bulela hande ka za Jehova kamita, mi tulemeno twa hae to tu tuna tu lu susueza ku mu lumbeka. We joyfully bless God's name by always speaking well of Jehovah, and his grand qualities move us to praise him. We do well to meditate on the lesson we learn from this article. A ba bulelela ka buikolwiso kuli: "Litaluso, kana a li zwi ku Mulimu? He assured them: "Do not interpretations belong to God? Being in subjection to her husband will make it easier for her to remember that doing so pleases the Lord Jesus Christ. Cwale na kupa boma ba bahulu ni bana ba bona ba basizana kuli ni bale ku ze ñwi za libuka za bona ilikuli ni zibe ze ba lumela Lipaki za Jehova. Then I asked my aunt and her daughters if I could read some of their literature to learn the views of Jehovah's Witnesses. His father, Jacob, has stayed at his place late in the evening and does not know what has happened to his beloved son. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 11] Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Ka 1630, Cyril Lucaris n'a etelezi ku tolokwa kwa pili mwa Sigerike kwa Mañolo a Sigerike a Sikreste a ' kwanile Cyril Lucaris directed the first Greek translation of the complete Christian Greek Scriptures in 1630 The Bible shows who gave Solomon wisdom: "All the people of the earth came to visit Solomon and heard of his wisdom that God had put in his heart. " - 1 Ki. Taba ye kandekilwe ki bo Max Lloyd As told by Max Lloyd This may not seem to be a mystery. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 15] [ Picture on page 17] First, they can learn from this example by teaching their children God's word, as did Samuel's parents. Kana yeo ki sepo y'e nga lika ka mo li inezi luli? Is that a realistic hope? But the messengers went out to meet the prophetess. Salumoni cwale wa mu tuhela kuli a ikele habo yena. Solomon finally lets her go home. The Levites ' priests performed precious service to others in Israel. Mi batu ba ne ba filwe musebezi wa ku nga kwa batu nto i liñwi ku ze lishumi ne ba sa peti musebezi wa bona kamba ne ba sa lumangi linubu zeo kwa tempele. Either they were not collecting the people's tithes or they were not forwarding them to the temple, as they had been assigned to do. Does God foretell the days when events will take place? Kacwalo, kucwañi ka za lingu za swanisezo za mwa puteho ya fa sibaka? So, what about the figurative sheep in the local congregation? In fact, arrangements were made for individual Egyptians to join this group, which was truly acceptable to God. 11: 4. 11: 4. [ Picture on page 29] Mulao wa Russia ni mulao wa Yurope (Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms) u fa tukuluho ya ku lapela ni tukuluho ya ku kopana. The Russian Constitution and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms guarantee freedom of religion and freedom of association. Does this word refer to the wickedness of people, as the religious leaders of today say? 2, 3. (a) Ki kabakalañi haluswanela kuhanyeza litakazo zemaswe? 2, 3. (a) Why is it essential to fight unclean desires? As a result, the people grew in fear of Jehovah and his representative Samuel. - 1 Samuel 12: 11 - 19. • Kiñi se si tisa sitoyo sa fela se ba toilwe ka sona balapeli ba niti? • What is behind unjustified hatred directed at true worshipers? He wrote to Christians living in his day that they would "be adopted as sons " and that God will be with them" as sons. " Kwa Genese 11: 26, lu bala kuli: "Tera... a pepa Abrame ni Nakori ni Harani. " At Genesis 11: 26, we read: "Terah... became father to Abram, Nahor and Haran. " Why did God want to reward his Son's heavenly life? Lu swanela ku nahanisisa tuto ye lu ituta mwa taba ye. We do well to take the lesson to heart. Christian Witnesses With Heavenly City, 7 / 15 Ku ipeya kwatas'a munn'a hae ku ka mu bela bunolo haiba a hupula kuli ku eza cwalo ku tabisa Mulena Jesu Kreste. Being in subjection to her husband will be easier if she remembers that this is pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ. Think of him, * who lives in Mexico. Ndatahe, yena Jakobo u ikinezi fa sibaka sa hae ka nako ya manzibwana mi ha zibi se si ezahezi ku mwanaa hae ya lata hahulu. His father, Jacob, would be settling in for the evening, utterly unaware of what had befallen his favorite son. Some youths may want to have two lists, on another list they write down what benefits they can get when deciding to become a Christian and on the other hand, write down what they can get when they make their decision to become a Christian. Ha mu bone nji mwa kona ku alaba lipuzo ze tatama: Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Moreover, "John was wearing the garment of a camel, and he was bound in a coat of skin. His food was locusts and honey in the field. " Bibele i bonisa Ya naa file Salumoni butali ka ku bulela kuli: "Mwa mafasi kamukana batu ne ba t'o potela Salumoni ku t'o utwa za butali bwa hae, bwa n'a kenyize Mulimu mwa pilu ya hae. " - 1 Mal. The Bible identifies the Source of Solomon's wisdom by stating: "All the people of the earth were seeking the face of Solomon to hear his wisdom that God had put in his heart. " - 1 Ki. So during the evening before his death, he encouraged them to want to work for him. Nto yeo mwendi ha i utwisisehi. That may seem a bit strange. • How can Jesus ' blood save us? Nto ya pili ye ba kona ku ituta kwa mutala wo ki ya kuli ba swanela ku luta bana ba bona linzwi la Mulimu, sina mo ne ba ezelize bashemi ba Samuele. For one thing, they should teach their children God's word, as Samuel's parents surely taught him. They were terrified of why fish were scattered. Kono be ne ba lumilwe bao ne ba ile ku Hulida mupolofita wa musali. The delegation, however, approached Huldah the prophetess. Faith in God and in his word helps us to endure trials and to do his will. Baprisita be ne ba li Malivi ne ba eza sebelezo ya butokwa hahulu ku ba bañwi mwa Isilaele. Levite priests rendered a very valuable public service in Israel. Perhaps you too have noted how bad speech can restore tension at home. Kana Mulimu wa bulelelanga cimo mazazi fo ku ka ezahalela sika? Does God predict dates? Indeed, love is essential for the peace and unity of the universe. Mane ne ku ezizwe litukiso za kuli Maegepita ka buñwi ba swalisane ni sona sikwata seo, se ne si tabelwa luli ki Mulimu. Provisions were even made for individual Egyptians to associate with this group that obviously had divine approval. Why is this declaration of John's Gospel of interest to lovers of the Bible today? [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 29] [ Picture on page 29] That is why we benefit greatly from applying the Bible's counsel on hard work, marriage, children, entertainment, honesty, conduct, and even friendships. Kana linzwi leo li itusiswanga ha ku taluswa bumaswe bwa batu, sina mo ba bulelela baluti ba bulapeli kacenu? Could the term simply be a symbol of the evil traits in humans, as many modern theologians claim? (b) What articles in the magazine especially impressed the driver of horses in Australia? Kabakaleo, batu ba saba hahulu Jehova ni muyemeli wa hae, yena Samuele. - 1 Samuele 12: 11 - 19. Consequently, the people are greatly in fear of Jehovah and of his representative, Samuel. - 1 Samuel 12: 11 - 19. Why did he say twice? Naa ñolezi Bakreste ba ne ba pila mwa miteñi ya hae kuli ba ka " añulwa sina bana ' ni kuli Mulimu u ka pilisana ni bona "sina bana. " He wrote to Christians in his day that they would experience an "adoption as sons " and that God, therefore, could deal with them" as with sons. " Two Vital Changes Ki kabakalañi Mulimu ha naa latile ku fa Mwanaa hae mupuzo wa bupilo bwa kwa lihalimu? Why was God pleased to reward his Son with heavenly life? No doubt, all the apostles regretted what they did on that dark night, and they all encouraged one another. Lipaki ba Sikreste ba Ba Na ni Munzi wa kwa Lihalimu, 7 / 1 Dwellers Together in a Restored "Land, " 7 / 1 As a result, we need to help our children to avoid the influence of schoolmates and to be influenced by such things as radio and television, even by others, and we need to help them to maintain good conduct based on sound principles. Mu nahane ka za Verónica, * ya pila mwa Mexico. Consider Verónica, * who lives in Mexico. But there is no national competition, no racial hatred, no improper jealousy, between the anointed and the other sheep. Mikulwani ba bañwi ba kana ba tabela ku ba ni mikoloko ye mibeli, fa mukoloko o muñwi ba ñola lika ze nde ze ba kona ku fumana ha ba ikatulela ku ba Mukreste mi ku o muñwi ba ñola lika ze ba kona ku yawa ha ba ikatulela ku ba Mukreste. Some youths may want to write down their thoughts, using two columns - one for the costs and the other for the benefits. Of course, being drawn by physical beauty helps to strengthen a marriage. Mi hape, "Joani n'a apezi kubo ya boya bwa kamele, a itamile mwa teka lukanda lwa litalo; lico za hae ne li linziye ni linosi za mwa naheñi. " Moreover, "John had his clothing of camel's hair and a leather girdle around his loins; his food too was insect locusts and wild honey. " 14: 8. Kacwalo, ka nako ya manzibwana pili asika bulaiwa kale, naabasusuelize kuli batiiseze mwa musebezi one bakalisize kueza. So on that last evening, he encouraged them to endure in the work they had started. So Jesus told him: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower. " • Mali a Jesu a kona ku lu pulusa cwañi? • How can the blood of Jesus save our life? The Meaning of Jesus ' Baptism Ba saba hahulu ha ne ba lemuhile libaka litapi ha ne li hasani. With horror, he saw the reason. Sadly, those who did so were bishops and kings who loved Rome very much. Tumelo ku Mulimu ni mwa linzwi la hae i lu tusa ku tiyela litiko ni ku eza tato ya hae. Faith in God and his word helps us to endure affliction and to do his will. This reminds us of the " ungodly men " who had slipped into the first - century congregation and had" ruined the undeserved kindness of God into an excuse for loose conduct. " Mwendi ni mina mulemuhile ka mo kuitusiseza lipulelo zemaswe kukona kutiseza lifapahano fa lapa. Perhaps you too have observed how a few badly timed or ill - chosen words can cause much strife in the home. Why? Ka niti, lilato ki la butokwa hahulu kuli pupo kaufela i pile mwa kozo mi i swalisane. Really, love is essential for the peace and harmony of all creation. They tried to get him into a contest by lying down against him, but Paul simply said: "If you do not reject [the word of God] in your behalf, in order that you did not deserve everlasting life, let us turn to the nations. " - Acts 13: 45, 46. Ki kabakalañi kapampili ka, kakanani litaba za Evangeli ya Joani hakali kabutokwa hahulu kwa batu babalata Bibele kacenu? Why is this fragment of John's Gospel so important to lovers of the Bible today? [ Credit Line] Ki lona libaka ha lu tusiwa hahulu ki ku latelela kelezo ya Bibele mwa litaba ze ama ku sebeza ka taata, manyalo, bana, ku itabisa, busepahali, muzamao, mane ni balikani. No wonder that applying Scriptural counsel on marriage, children, entertainment, association, industriousness, honesty, and morality brings superior results! We never get bad advice from the Bible. Evidently, Jehovah first commanded David to gather the psalms for the worship of the people. (b) Ki litaba lifi za mwa magazini ze ne li tabisize hahulu muzulami wa lipizi mwa Australia? (b) Which magazine articles impressed a jockey in Australia? (b) How does the hope of living on earth depend on Christ and "the revealing of the sons of God "? Ki kabakalañi hanaa kupazuzi habeli? Why two stages? 26: 41. Licinceho Ze Peli za Butokwa Two Important Changes This couple should be confident that if they cannot invite fellow Christians, they will understand and will not be provoked. - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. Ku si na ku kakanya, baapositola kaufela ne ba inyazize kabakala ze ne ba ezize fa busihu bo bu maswe bwani, mi kaufela bona ne ba tiisana. No doubt all the apostles regretted how they had behaved on that dark night, and they brought one another a measure of comfort. Jesus performed miracles of healing. Kabakaleo, lu tokwa ku tusa bana ba luna kuli ba si ke ba kukuezwa maswe ki balikani ba bona be ba kena ni bona sikolo ni ku kukuezwa ki lika ze cwale ka wayalesi ni TV, mane ni batu ba bañwi, mi lu tokwa ku ba tusa ku ba ni mizamao ye minde ye tomile fa likuka ze nde. Because of that, we need to counteract the corrupting influence of schoolmates, the media, and the social environment and help our children develop good morals that are based on wholesome principles. True Worship - What Does It Mean, 9 / 15 Kono ha ku na kangisano ya ka macaba, ha ku na toyano ya ka mushobo, ha ku na lifufa le li sa swaneli, mwahal'a batoziwa ni lingu ze ñwi. But there is no international rivalry, no intertribal hatred, no inappropriate jealousy, between anointed and other sheep. It seems that it is too difficult to buy those missing times. Ki niti kuli ku hohiwa ki bunde bwa ponahalo kwa tusa mwa ku tiisa linyalo. Admittedly, mutual attraction helps to solidify a marriage. Now that we have grandchildren, we fully appreciate the self - sacrificing spirit of our beloved parents. 14: 8. 14: 8. No nation will escape this drinking from the cup of Jehovah's anger. Kacwalo Jesu a mu taluseza kuli: "Ha u lata ku ba ya petehile, u ye, u lekise z'o luwile, u li abele babotana, mi u ka ba ni bufumu kwa lihalimu; hape u tahe, u ni latelele. " So Jesus said: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower. " Do you not feel that people cannot help you? Taluso ya Kolobezo ya Jesu The Meaning of Jesus ' Baptism And how can we be sure that Jehovah is leading his people today? Bumai ki kuli, be ne ba eza cwalo n'e li mabishopu ni malena be ne ba lata hahulu muleneñi wa Roma. Ironically, this was at the hands of bishops and princes favorably disposed toward Rome. Soon, though, Peter began to murmur. Seo si lu hupulisa ka za "batu ba ba si na bulapeli " ba ne ba izwakile mwa puteho ya mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili ili ba ne ba " sinya sishemo sa Mulimu ku si fetula buozwa. ' This calls to mind the "ungodly men " who slipped into the first - century congregation and " turned the undeserved kindness of God into an excuse for loose conduct. ' But about a year later, when John was giving a baptism talk at a district convention, the husband was one of the baptism candidates! Ki kabakalañi? Why? I knew it was wrong. Ne ba likile ku mu kenya mwa komano ka ku mu hanyeza ka bunyefuli, kono Paulusi n'a bulezi fela kuli: "Ha mu hana [Linzwi la Mulimu], mwa ikatula ili mina, kuli ha mu si ka swanelwa ki bupilo bo bu sa feli; a mu bone, lu sikuluhela kwa bamacaba. " - Likezo 13: 45, 46. They tried to embroil him in an argument by blasphemously contradicting him, but Paul simply stated: "Since you are thrusting [the word of God] away from you and do not judge yourselves worthy of everlasting life, look! we turn to the nations. " - Acts 13: 45, 46. When David was appointed king, Jonathan did not become jealous. [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] " Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones. " - ISAIAH 50: 4. Ka mo ku bonahalela, Jehova pili n'a laezi Davida ku kopanya likwata za lisamu za ku itusisa kwa bulapeli bwa sicaba. Evidently, Jehovah first directed David to put together a collection of psalms for use in public worship. Why? (b) Sepo ya ba lingu ze ñwi ya ku pila fa lifasi i itingile cwañi ku Kreste ni kwa "ku patululwa kwa bana ba Mulimu "? (b) How is the realization of the earthly hope related to Christ and to "the revealing of the sons of God "? How beautiful are the prophecies we learn and discuss with others! 26: 41. 26: 41. Yes, sharing new ideas with those already known will improve your understanding of the pure language. Bosinyalana bao ba swanela ku sepa kuli haiba ha ba koni ku mema Bakreste ba bañwi, Bakreste bao ba ka utwisisa mi ha ba na ku halifa. - Muekelesia 7: 9. The couple should be able to trust that if they cannot invite some fellow Christians, these will be understanding and will not be offended. - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. He did not threaten his disciples, so that they could not even express their feelings. Jesu n'a ezize limakazo za ku folisa. Jesus performed healing miracles. Jehovah has entrusted the Kingdom - preaching work to his humble servants, not to proud humans who rely on their abilities. Bulapeli bu Tusañi? 9 / 1 Always Accept Jehovah's Discipline, 11 / 15 In a sense, they are responsible for the false stories against the Gospel writers. Ku bonahala kuli ku t'ata hahulu ku yolisa linako ze siyo zeo. It seems to be very difficult to make up for that lack of time. Revelation 12: 7 - 12 shows that when Christ was enthroned as King in heaven, he first expelled Satan and the demons from heaven, cleansing His government. Ka ku ba kuli cwale se lu na ni baikulu, lwa utwisisa ka ku tala moya wa buitomboli o ne ba na ni bashemi ba luna ba ba lateha. Now that we are grandparents ourselves, we fully appreciate the self - sacrificing spirit of our dear parents. But he did not just contend with the Devil in order to appear more intelligent than another. Ha ku na sicaba se si ka banduka kwa ku nwa cwalo mwa sinwiso sa buhali bwa Jehova. No nation will escape from thus drinking of the cup of Jehovah's rage. Who, then, are among those who are deserving "to receive "? Kana ha mu ikutwangi kuli batu ha ba koni ku mi tusa? Do you not sense, though, that humans are just too limited to help adequately? Other names are used in this article. Mi lu kona ku kolwa cwañi kuli Jehova u zamaisa batu ba hae kacenu? And why can we be sure that Jehovah is leading his people today? No doubt, Jesus was helping his apostles to prepare for the most important work they would do after their death and return to heaven. Kono kapili - pili, Pitrosi akala kutiba. But soon after, Peter started to sink. • How can members of a brother's family help him to serve others in the congregation? Kono ibata i ba silimo si li siñwi ku zwa fo, bo John ha ne ba fa ngambolo ya kolobezo fa mukopano wa sikiliti, muunaa musali yani nee li yo muñwi wa linumwana za kolobezo! About a year later, however, when John was giving the baptism talk at a district convention, that husband was among the baptismal candidates! According to one reference work, in Greek the word "the name " can mean" whateverever man is, position, position, position, power and reputation he possesses. " Ne ni ziba kuli ku maswe. I knew it was bad. Long ago, the Bible foretold that in "the last days " of this ungodly system of things, people would be" lovers of themselves,... having no natural affection. " Davida hanaaketilwe kuli naakaba mulena, Jonatani naasika mushwela muna. He was not jealous when David was appointed heir to the throne. There are many still to be helped to find "the word of faith, " in order to call on Jehovah's name for salvation. " [Jehova, NW] u ni file lilimi le li talifile. " - ISAYA 50: 4. " Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones. " - ISAIAH 50: 4. No matter what we do in Jehovah's service, we cannot, of course, pay back what he does for us. Kabakalañi? Why? To reach our destination, we had to walk far and wide, but what a joy it was for my wife and I to serve the brothers in those isolated areas! Bupolofita bo lu itutanga ni ku ikambota ni ba bañwi ka za bona ki bo bunde luli! And what exciting prophecies we study and share with other people! But this situation would eventually change. Ee, ku kopanya mihupulo ye minca ni yeo ye se zibilwe kale ku kondolokisa ku utwisisa kwa mina puo ye kenile. Yes, associating new thoughts with those already known improves your grasp of the pure language. That covenant makes it possible for anointed ones to rule with Jesus in heaven. N'a sa bembangi balutiwa ba hae, kuli mane ba palelwa nihaiba ku bulela maikuto a bona. He did not intimidate his disciples, so that they were afraid to express themselves. They did not get involved in the affairs of various religions, nor did they practice interfaith. Jehova u file musebezi wa ku shaela Mubuso kwa batanga ba hae ba ba ishuwa, isiñi kwa batu ba ba ikuhumusa ili ba ba itinga fa buikoneli bwa bona. Jehovah has entrusted the Kingdom - preaching work to his humble servants, not to individuals who tend to be proud and to rely on their own abilities. To sell slaves from Africa to America was a big business Ka mukwa o muñwi, ki bona ba ba tahisize matangu e ba tameleza bañoli ba Evangeli. In a sense, they are guilty of the mythmaking of which they falsely accuse the Gospel writers. Then he added: "If you don't want to let me go, I will stay until Jehovah sees that I should be released. " Sinulo 12: 7 - 12 i bonisa kuli muta Kreste n'a beilwe sina Mulena mwa lihalimu, pili n'a lunduzi Satani ni badimona mwa lihalimu, ili ku kenisa sibaka s'a mulonga wa Hae. Revelation 12: 7 - 12 shows that when Christ was made King in heaven, he first hurled Satan and the demons out of heaven, thus cleaning up the location of His government. At first, I felt that Isabel's suggestion was wrong. Kono n'a si ka kangisana fela ni Diabulosi kuli ku bonahale ya n'a talifile ku fita yo muñwi. However, he did not engage the Devil in a mere battle of wits. What effect can full - time service have on young people? Kacwalo, ki bomañi ba ba li mwahal'a ba ba swanelwa "ku amuhela "? Who, then, are among the deserving ones whom we should " receive hospitably '? This shows me that they care about what I say. " Mabizo a sili a itusisizwe mwa taba ye. Substitute names are used in this article. If the wicked do not burn in hell, what punishment will they receive? Ku si na ku kakanya, Jesu naa tusa baapositola ba hae kuli ba itukiseze musebezi wa butokwa hahulu o ne ba ka eza ha saa shwile ni ku kutela kwa lihalimu. He was evidently preparing them for a key role after his death and return to heaven. If so, why not contact Jehovah's Witnesses locally or write to the publishers of this magazine? • Ba lubasi lwa muzwale ba kona ku mu tusa cwañi kuli a sebeleze ba bañwi mwa puteho? • What part does a man's family play in helping him to reach out? Happily, though, the brothers are not involved in these world accounts but are united by focusing on preaching the good news of the Kingdom. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] Hatiso ye ñwi (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words) i bonisa kuli mwa Sigerike linzwi la "libizo " li kona ku talusa" sa li sona mutu kaufela, situlo, tulemeno, mayemo a hae, m'ata ni libubo la hae. " According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, the Greek word translated "name " can refer to" all that a name implies, of authority, character, rank, majesty, power, [and] excellence. " The Bible warns that prayers offered by those who refuse to do God's will are "disgusting " to him. - Proverbs 28: 9. Kale - kale k'o, Bibele ne i bulelezi cimo kuli mwa "mazazi a maungulelo " a muinelo wo wa batu ba ba sa sabi Mulimu, batu ne ba ka ba" baitati,... ba ba si na lilato la taho. " Long ago, the Bible foretold that during "the last days " of this ungodly system, people would be" lovers of themselves,... having no natural affection. " But how comforting it is to know that like Martha, we can say with conviction: " I know that someone I love will be raised up in the resurrection! ' Ku na ni ba bañata ba ba sa na ni ku tusiwa kuli ba fumane "linzwi la tumelo, " ilikuli ba bize libizo la Jehova kwa neku la puluso. There are multitudes who may yet be helped to make "the " word ' of faith " their own, in order to call on Jehovah for salvation. 86 publishers went out in field service, and after two hours of preaching, they found more than 15 Bible studies to be held. Ku si na taba ni se lu eza mwa sebelezo ya Jehova, ka mo ku inezi fela, ha lu koni ku mu lifela z'a lu ezeza. Regardless of what we do in Jehovah's service, of course, we cannot repay him for what he does for us. Today, we see victims of injustice, and at times those who practice such things are powerful individuals who claim to represent God. Kuli luyo fita kwateñi, nelunani kukambama malundu ni kuzamaya musipili omutelele, kono na ni bo musalaaka nelubile ni tabo yetuna kusebeleza mizwale bane bafumaneha kwa libaka za kwahule zeo! There we had to climb mountains and do a lot of walking, but what a joy it was to serve the brothers in remote locations as a married couple! The Bible encourages us to fear God rather than men. Kono muinelo wo ne u ka cinca hamulaho wa nako. That would eventually change. He was well educated in Greek literature, but his father, Leo, encouraged him to exert himself similarly in studying the Scriptures. Tumelelano yeo ki yona ye konahalisa ba ba tozizwe ku busa ni Jesu mwa lihalimu. The 1991 service year report of the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses shows that the number of Kingdom publishers reached a new peak of Jehovah's Witnesses, and a total of 300,9 seek to be baptized during that year. Ne ba s'a keni mwa liswalisano za ba bulapeli bo bu fapahana - fapahana, kamba ku ba ni tumelo ya mazwake. They were not open to ecumenism, or interfaith. When "the Went On " to Mankind Kulekisa batanga babazwa mwa Africa kuya kwa America neli pisinisi yetuna Slave trade between Africa and the Americas was a lucrative business But how does he react to such evil deeds? Mi a ekeza kuli: "Haiba ha mu lati ku ni lukulula, ni ka ina ku fitela Jehova a bona kuli na swanela ku lukululwa. " And she added: "If you do not want to release me, I will stay until Jehovah sees fit to deliver me. " Genuine respect for Jehovah is motivated by heartfelt love. Kwa makalelo, ne ni ikutwile kuli akalezo ya naa ni file Isabel ne li ye fosahezi. At first, I thought the idea was ridiculous. A middle - aged woman invited us into her home, listened, and then gave us a cup of milk and each one. Kuba mwa sebelezo ya nako kaufela kukona kulutañi babanca? What does sharing in full - time service teach a young person? And he said to him: " Let us go with you and see how I was against Jehovah; and he went with him into his chariot. ' " - 2 Kings 10: 15, 16. Ku eza cwalo ku ni bonisanga kuli ba isa pilu ku ze ni bulela. " It shows me that he's interested in what I'm saying. " " Better is it for a man to be put on the yoke before he is a young man, " says the Bible. Haiba ba ba maswe ha ba na ku ca mwa lihele, ki koto mañi ye ba ka fiwa? If not, what punishment will they receive? During our visit, however, they did not work for two days in order to share in congregation activities. Haiba ki cwalo, mwa kona ku ambola ni Lipaki za Jehova ba ba pila mwa silalanda sa mina kamba ku ñolela bahatisi ba magazini ye. If so, you can ask Jehovah's Witnesses locally or write to the publishers of this magazine. Help a divorced person to trust that Jehovah understands his situation. Kono taba yetabisa kikuli mizwale habasika ikenya mwa litaba za lifasi zeo, kono baswalisani ka kuisa pilu kwa musebezi wa kukutaza taba yende ya Mubuso. Thankfully, the brothers have safeguarded their Christian unity by concentrating on preaching the good news of the Kingdom. But Micah died before seeing the fulfillment of all the prophecies he wrote under inspiration from Jehovah. Bibele i lemusa kuli litapelo ze fiwa ki batu ba ba hana ku eza tato ya Mulimu ki ze "masila " ku yena. - Liproverbia 28: 9. The Bible warns that prayers offered by those who refuse to comply with God's will are "detestable " to him. - Proverbs 28: 9. By the time she finished her three - month pioneer ministry in that area, she was conducting several home Bible studies. Kono kwatabisa kuziba kuli ka kuswana ni Mareta, lwakona kubulela ka buikolwiso kuli: " Naziba kuli mutu yenilata ukazuha ka nako ya zuho ya bafu. ' Happily, like Martha, you have good reason to say, " I know that my loved one will rise in the resurrection. ' What happened? - 2 Corinthians 8: 10, 11; 9: 1 - 5. Bahasanyi b'a 86 ne ba ile mwa sebelezo ya mwa simu, mi ha se ba kwanisize lihora ze peli za ku kutaza, ba fumana kuli ne ku tatekilwe lituto za Bibele ze fitelela 15. Eighty - six publishers participated in field service, and after spending two hours in the preaching work, they found that at least 15 new Bible studies had been started. In anger, he rebukes David and throws away the young men without giving them anything. Kacenu, lu bonanga batu ba ba ezanga maswe batu ba bañwi, mi fokuñwi mane ba ba ezanga lika ze cwalo ki batu ba ba maata ba ba ipapata kuli ba yemela Mulimu. Today, we often see terrible injustices done - sometimes even by powerful men who claim to act as God's representatives. The sheep put forth increased effort to prove support for the King's brothers - the remaining anointed ones on earth during this time of the end. Bibele i lu susumeza ku saba Mulimu ku fita batu. The Bible urges us to fear God, not man. They followed me on their way to town and, after examining it, finally left. N'a lutilwe hande libuka za Sigerike, kono Leonides ndat'ahe, a mu susueza ku satalala ka mukwa o swana mwa ku ituta Mañolo. He received a thorough education in Greek literature, but his father, Leonides, compelled him to expend equal effort in studying the Scriptures. Appreciate Your deaf Brothers and sisters! Piho ya silimo sa sebelezo sa 1991 ya musebezi mwa lifasi kamukana wa Lipaki za Jehova i bonisa kuli palo ya bahasanyi ba Mubuso ne i fitile fa palo ye tuna ye nca ya 4,278,820, mi palo hamoho ya batu ba ba eza 300,945 ne ba kolobelizwe mwahal'a silimo seo. The 1991 service - year report of the worldwide activity of Jehovah's Witnesses shows that the number of Kingdom publishers reached a new peak of 4,278,820, and a total of 300,945 persons were baptized during the year. Do you remember how Satan challenged Eve's thinking to doubt about Jehovah? Muta " Mamonyi N'a Timile ' kwa Mufuta wa Mutu When " the Lights Went Out ' for Humankind Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. Kono u ezangañi ha bona batu inze ba eza lika ze maswe cwalo? And what does he do about the wicked acts that he sees? But he did not. And just how practical was that divine help? " Women Who Are Ready to Serve the Master " Ku kuteka Jehova ha buniti ku tiswa ki lilato le li zwelela kwa pilu. Sincere respect for Jehovah springs from heartfelt love for him. The article stated: "In the mid - 1960 ' s and 1990 ' s, the portion of the unborn children and their father's birth was more than double... Musali muhulu cwana wa Mujapani a lu memela mwa ndu ya hae, a teeleza, mi hamulaho a lu yumbula komoki ya mabisi yo muñwi ni yo muñwi. An elderly Japanese woman invited us in, listened, and later served us each a glass of milk. This publication will strengthen your faith in our Creator and deepen your appreciation for his circumstances and ways. A li ku yena: A lu yeñi ni wena, u bone mo ni tukufalelezwi [Jehova, NW]; mi a ya ni yena mwa koloi ya hae. " - 2 Malena 10: 15, 16. Then he said: " Do go along with me and look upon my toleration of no rivalry toward Jehovah. ' And they kept him riding with him in his war chariot. " - 2 Kings 10: 15, 16. Describe the happy times you shared with him in Jehovah's service. Bibele i li: "Se sinde kikuli mutu a bewe kwa coko a sa li mucaha. " The Bible states: "Good it is for an able - bodied man that he should carry the yoke during his youth. " Under the heading, there are scriptures and questions that can be considered on a return visit. Kono ka nako ye ne lu ba potelanga, ne ba sa belekangi ka mazazi a mabeli ilikuli ba abane mwa misebezi ya puteho. Still, during our visits, they took two days off from work to support congregation activities. How may Christians in distress be helped to maintain spiritual balance? Mu tuse mutu ya kauhani mwa linyalo ku kolwa kuli Jehova wa utwisisa muinelo wa hae. Reassure the divorced person that Jehovah understands the situation. In fact, the Bible correctly states that marriage brings "tribulation in the flesh. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 28. Kono Mika naa shwile pili a si ka bona kale ku talelezwa kwa bupolofita kaufela bwa naa ñozi ka ku susumezwa ki Jehova. 1: 6. However, Micah did not witness the fulfillment of all that Jehovah inspired him to prophesy about. Thus, in that verse, "the heavens " refer to space that we can see. Ka nako ye ne ba feza ku eza bupaina bwa bona bwa likweli ze talu mwa sibaka seo, ne ba zamaisa lituto za Bibele za fa mandu ze ñata. By the time they finished their three months of pioneering in the area, they were conducting many home Bible studies. Adam ate from the forbidden tree. Ne ku ezaheziñi? - 2 Makorinte 8: 10, 11; 9: 1 - 5. What had happened? - 2 Corinthians 8: 10, 11; 9: 1 - 5. We read: "God turned aside from them, leaving them to serve the army of the heavens. " Ka mabifi, u lwahaka Davida ni ku leleka mitangana bao a sa ba fi se siñwi. In a fit of rage, he insults David and turns the young men away empty - handed. We also avoid involvement in politics and wars, as Jesus did. - Read John 17: 14. Lingu li eza ka buikatazo bo bu ekezehile ili ku iponahalisa ku fa kemelo kwa banyani ba Mulena - ba ba tozizwe ba ba sa siyezi fa lifasi - mubu mwahal'a yona nako ye ya ku fela kwa lifasi. The sheep go out of their way to show themselves supportive of the King's brothers - the remaining anointed ones on earth at this time of the world's end. Scriptural principles can help us to make wise decisions about medical treatment. Ba ni latelela ku ya kwa garaji mi ha se ba tatubile mwateñi, kwa mafelelezo ba funduka. They followed me out to the garage and after inspecting it, they finally left. [ Picture on page 21] Mu Itebuhe Mizwale ni Likaizeli ba Mina ba ba li Bosusu! Cherish Your Deaf Brothers and Sisters! Since God has entrusted your parents with the responsibility of caring for you, he gives you this counsel: "Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous. " Kana mwa hupula m'o Satani n'a suñezi mwa muhupulo wa Eva ku honona ka za Jehova? Do you remember how Satan infected Eve's mind with doubts about Jehovah? And poor health contributed to the anxiety of the man, since he prevented him from amassing more wealth. Jesu n'a ize: "Bupilo bo bu sa feli, kikuli ba ku zibe, Wena, Mulimu a nosi wa niti, ni y'o lumile, yena Jesu Kreste. " - Joani 17: 3. " This means everlasting life, " Jesus said, "their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. Yet, regarding our prayers, Jehovah has chosen to join himself. Kono naa si ka eza cwalo. Instead, Saul refused to be molded. " I have fought a hard fight against my brother, and I have conquered him. " " Basali ba ba Tundamezi ku Sebeleza Mulena " " Women Who Are Working Hard in the Lord " See Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind II, page 120. Taba yeo ne i ize: "Mwahal'a 1960 ni 1990, kabelo ya banana ba ba sa pili ni bondat'a bona ba ba ba pepa ne i minahani ku fitelela habeli... The article said: "Between 1960 and 1990, the percentage of children living apart from their biological fathers more than doubled... What does it mean to love God? Hatiso yeo i ka matafaza tumelo ya mina ku Mubupi wa luna ni ku hulisa buitebuho bwa mina kwa muinelo ni linzila za hae. It is a publication that will enhance your own faith in our Creator and your appreciation for his personality and ways. And this is also true of Jehovah's choice of those who will share with his Son in the Kingdom government. Mu taluse linako ze tabisa ze mu kile mwa ba ni zona hamoho ni yena mwa sebelezo ya Jehova. Comment on the happy times you may have had together in Jehovah's service. How wrong it would be to misuse Christian freedom! Mwatasaa toho ya taba yeo, ku na ni mañolo ni lipuzo ze kona ku nyakisiswa fa musipili wa makutisezo. The back of each tract provides a question under the heading "To Think About " and scriptures that can be discussed on a return visit. Later, other Witnesses invited him to share a meal with them at their home. Bakreste ba ba mwa maswenyeho ne ba kana ba tusiwa cwañi kuli ba buluke buitikanelelo bwa kwa moya? How may distressed Christians be helped to maintain their spiritual equilibrium? " I feel very lonely, " says the shepherd quoted earlier. Mane Bibele ka ku nepahala i bulela kuli linyalo li tiseza "manyando mwa nama. " - 1 Makorinte 7: 28. Actually, the Bible realistically observes that marriage itself brings " tribulation in the flesh. ' - 1 Corinthians 7: 28. To walk with God, what quality must we avoid? Kacwalo, mwa timana yeo, linzwi la "lihalimu " litalusa mbyumbyulu yelukona kuiponela. In this case, the word "heavens " refers to our atmosphere, the observable sky. Those who are 95 percent or more are constantly left to sing all the songs that will be sung on the following week. Adama naa cile kwa kota ya naa hanisizwe. Adam ate from the tree that was forbidden to him. The astrologers believe that during the birth of man, the stars, the moon, and the planets at that time can reflect that person's personality and life prospects for the future. Lu bala kuli: "Mulimu a ba fulalela, a ba tuhela ku sebeleza mpi ya lihalimu. " We read: "God turned and handed them over to render sacred service to the army of heaven. " (b) At Romans 8: 4 - 13, what did Paul mean when he used the word "flesh "? Hape lu ambuka ku ikenya mwa litaba za naha ni mwa lindwa, sina mwa naa ezelize Jesu. - Mu bale Joani 17: 14. We also avoid involvement in politics and war, as Jesus did. - Read John 17: 14. 4026 B.C.E. Likuka ze mwa Mañolo li kona ku lu tusa ku eza likatulo ze nde ka za likalafo. The principles found in the Scriptures can help us to make wise decisions when it comes to medical treatment. " Every assignment we have received in Jehovah's organization has had its own challenges, " said Jason and Cin, who are assigned to serve in Albania. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 21] [ Picture on page 12, 13] □ Write down the names of people in this article, according to their tribes. Ka ku ba kuli Mulimu u file bashemi ba mina musebezi wa ku mi babalela, u mi fa kelezo ye li: "Bana, mu utwe bashemi ba mina ku Mulena, kakuli ki tukelo. " Since God has appointed your parents to take care of you, he gives you this counsel: "Children, the right thing for you to do is to obey your parents as those whom the Lord has set over you. " Faith Based on Seeing What the Creator Has Done Mi makulanu a ekeza kwa ku ikalelwa kwa mubilaeli y'o, kakuli a mu tibela ku ikubukanyeza sifumu se situna ni ku fita. In turn, poor health adds to the anxiety of the miser, since it hinders him from amassing greater wealth. Surely your wedding day is a special day. Niteñi, ka za litapelo za luna, Jehova u ketile ku ikenya teñi yena ka sibili. Yet, when it comes to our prayers, Jehovah has chosen to involve himself personally. What a blessing it would be for them to have than for Jehovah God himself! Biliha ha pepa mwan'a hae wa bubeli, Nafetali, ili libizo le li talusa "Ndwa ya ka, " Rahele n'a ize:" Ni lwanile ni muhulwan'a ka ndwa ye tata, mane ni mu tuzi. " At the birth of Bilhah's second son, Naphtali, meaning "My Wrestlings, " Rachel said:" With strenuous wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister. I have also come off winner! " • a way to accomplish many things Mu bale buka ya Bupolofita bwa Isaya - Liseli kwa Batu Kamukana II, likepe 320. See Isaiah's Prophecy - Light for All Mankind II, page 320. 19 - 21. Ku lata Mulimu ku talusañi? What does it mean to love God? Ahaz ' successor was good King Hezekiah. Mi seo ki sa niti hape ni ka za nzila yeo Jehova a keta ka yona bao ba ba ka abana ni Mwan'a hae mwa mulonga wa Mubuso. And this holds true also in the way Jehovah selects those who are to be associated with his Son in the Kingdom government. In 1922, the invitation to " advertise, advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his Kingdom ' brought the encouragement needed to give this great commission that should be given. Fo neikaba ku itusisa cwañi ka mafosisa tukuluho ya Sikreste! What a misuse of Christian freedom that would be! Let each of you write down two lists. Hamulaho, Lipaki ba bañwi ba mu mema ku yo ca ni bona lico kwa ndu ya bona. Afterward, a couple of Witnesses invited her to their home for a snack. Jesus Christ brings greater relief to repentant sinners who exercise faith in his sacrificial death. Bo lisa ba ba bulezwi kwa makalelo, ba li: "Ni ikutwanga hahulu bulutu. " " Feelings of loneliness can be extremely difficult, " says Lisa, mentioned earlier. " In the re - creation, " Jesus promises, "and when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. " Kuli lu zamaye ni Mulimu, ki kalemeno mañi ke lu swanela ku ambuka? To walk with God, we must be free of what trait? 10 / 15 Ba ba eza 95 pesenti kamba ku fitelela ba siyalelanga kamita ili ku opela lipina kaufela ze ka opelwa fa mikopano viki ye tatama. At least 95 percent regularly stay behind and sing all the songs to be used in meetings the following week. (b) In what hope do the other sheep look forward to "the revealing of the sons of God "? Babanuha ka kuitusisa linaleli balumela kuli ka nako yapepwa mutu, molibonahalela linaleli, kweli, ni lipulaneti ka nako yeo, zakona kubonisa butu bwa mutu yo ni bupilo bwahae mobukabela kwapili. Astrologers claim that the position of these celestial bodies at the time of one's birth shapes his or her personality and future. The only convincing fact is that the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures wrote the truth about Jesus ' life and death. (b) Kwa Maroma 8: 4 - 13, Paulusi naatalusañi hanaaitusisize linzwi la "nama "? (b) At Romans 8: 4 - 13, in what sense did Paul use "flesh "? Jealousy for Those Who Are God's People 4026 B.C.E. 1 C.E. We live in Brazil. What confidence can we have as we take care of ourselves? Muzwale Jason ni kaizeli Chere, ba ba lumilwe ku yo belekela kwa Albania, ne ba ize: "Musebezi kaufela o lu filwe mwa kopano ya Jehova u bile ni matata a ona. Jason and Chere, assigned to Albania, add: "Every assignment that we have received from Jehovah's organization has had its challenges. Godly wisdom is a gift from Jehovah. □ Mu ñole mabizo a batu ba ba mwa taba ye, ka ku ya ka masika a bona. □ Convert lists of names into family trees. Babylon did not release her captives. Tumelo Ye Tomile Fa ku Bona Za Ezize Mubupi Evidence - Based Faith in the Creator No one can destroy an immortal soul. " Kaniti luli lizazi la sinawenga sa mina ki lizazi le li ipitezi. Yes, your wedding day is a special occasion. But is this enough? Ha ku na mbuyoti ye ne ba ka tabela ku ba ni yona ye fita ku sumekelwa ki yena Jehova Mulimu ka sibili! They could wish for no greater honor than to be ordained by Jehovah God himself! What would be the hope of many who were still being gathered? • ki nzila ya ku peta ka yona lika ze ñata • a way to accomplish more In front of Felix and Felix, Paul spoke of righteousness and self - control 19 - 21. 19 - 21. How was God's purpose for the earth carried out? Ya n'a yolile Akazi ne li Mulena Ezekiasi yo munde. Ahaz's successor was good King Hezekiah. For example, Jesus knew that many people were suffering in life. Mwa 1922, memo ya kuli "mu zibahaze, mu zibahaze, mu zibahaze, Mulena ni Mubuso wa hae " ne i tisize susuezo ye ne i tokwahala mwa ku fa ona musebezi wo mamelelo ye tuna ye ne u swanelwa ku fiwa. The appeal, in 1922, to "advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom " provided needed stimulus to give this work deserved prominence. But if you saw examples of long, straight legs, each example is before the next and all is separated for a long time, you would conclude that these examples are those of a well - informed man. Yo muñwi ni yo muñwi wa ku mina a ñole mikoloko ye mibeli. Each of you make a two - column list. (Read John 4: 36 - 38.) Jesu Kreste u tisa kimululo ye tuna ni ku fita kwa baezalibi ba ba bakile ili ba ba bonisa tumelo mwa lifu la hae la ku ifana sitabelo. Jesus Christ brings great relief to repentant sinners who exercise faith in his sacrificial death. As serious critics of Bible prophecy, they are convinced that this prayer will soon be answered and that soon the Kingdom will take the lead in earth's affairs. " Linto, nako ye li ka ezwa sinca, " Jesu wa sepisa, "mi Mwan'a mutu a ina fa lubona lwa kanya ya hae, mina be mu ni latelezi, mu ka ina ni mina fa mabona a lishumi ka a mabeli, mu atule masika a Isilaele a lishumi ka a mabeli. " " In the re - creation, " Jesus promises, "when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. " When Jesus instituted the Memorial, "he took a loaf and, after giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them [the apostles]. " 10 / 1 10 / 15 Instead of becoming progress in Christian doctrine, the Trinity was proof that Christendom had rebelled against Christ's teachings and has adopted pagan teachings. (b) Ki ka sepo mañi lingu ze ñwi ha ba libelela "ku patululwa kwa bana ba Mulimu "? (b) In what hope do the other sheep await "the revealing of the sons of God "? Joseph and Mary's family continued to grow and besides Jesus had other children, perhaps six. Taba fela ye kolwisa ki ya kuli bañoli ba Mañolo a Sigerike a Sikreste ne ba ñozi niti ka za bupilo ni lifu la Jesu. The only satisfactory explanation would be that the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures recorded the truth about Jesus ' life and death. Many brothers and sisters feel like a sister who wrote: "The Bible is like a bag of rock that has been used for important purposes. Lifufa la Sipulumuki The Butterfly's Wing Those so - called comforters spoke many words, and Job often responded. Ki buikolwiso mañi bo lu kona ku ba ni bona ha lu nze lu ipabalela? While taking reasonable care of our health, of what can we be assured? Jesus ' words are of great help to us today because some of God's people do not give priority to the more important things. Butali bwa silumeli ki mpo ye zwa ku Jehova. Godly wisdom is a gift from Jehovah. Over 700 years later, God inspired Isaiah to write these words: "I, Jehovah, am loving justice. " Babilona neisa lukululangi bahapiwa bayona. Babylon never released its captives. Sacrifices that we should make use of our time and energy for worship, Bible reading, family worship, meeting attendance, and preaching. Ha ku na ya kona ku timeza moyo o sa shwi. " No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul. " I even tried to control my body! Kono kana seo si likani? But is this enough? He followed us there, and there he informed all present officials that if we were to leave the city at the appointed time, we would live. Ki ifi ye neikaba sepo ya ba bañata ba ne ba sa kubukanyiwa? What would be the destiny of the many yet to be gathered? You wonder: " What is a 13 - year - old who is already anxious? Ha n'a li fapil'a Felikisi ni Drusila, Paulusi n'a bulezi ka za ku luka ni buiswalo When before Felix and Drusilla, Paul spoke about righteousness and self - control STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE FAMILY MARRIAGE OF LIFE Mulelo wa Mulimu ka za lifasi ne u lilimanisizwe cwañi? How was the orderly arrangement for the human family to fill the earth interrupted? Although they come out of all nations of the world, they do not get involved in the world's conflicts, even though they are under intense political and religious pressure. Ka mutala, Jesu naaziba kuli batu babañata nebanyanda mwa bupilo. Jesus sensed the pain of others, even those whose exact circumstances he had never experienced. On the other hand, people are preoccupied with their own selfish desires and pursuits. Kono ha ne mu ka bona mitala ya mahutu ye eza mutila o mutelele, o ' otolohile, mutala o muñwi ni o muñwi u li fapil'a w'o tatama mi kaufela i kauhani ka butelele bo bu likanelela, ne mu ka fita fa mafelelezo a kuli mitala yeo ki ya mutu ya ziba hande kwa libile. But if you saw a set of footprints that form a long, straight line, each footprint ahead of the previous one and all evenly spaced, you would conclude that the footprints belong to one who knows exactly where he is going. The Syrians took off Gilead - Israel's region east of the Jordan River - and suffered greatly for God's people there. (Mu bale Joani 4: 36 - 38.) (Read John 4: 36 - 38.) As a result, it is difficult in some European countries to witness from house to house and some who were studying the Bible with us have stopped studying. Ka ku ba banyaki ba batuna ba bupolofita bwa Bibele, ba ikolwisize kuli tapelo yeo honafa i ka alabiwa ni kuli honafa Mubuso u ka kalisa ku zamaisa litaba za lifasi - mubu. Being close observers of Bible prophecy, they are convinced that this prayer will soon be answered and that the Kingdom will shortly take charge of earth's affairs. Time to Seek God Jesu ha n'a tomile Kupuzo, "a nga buhobe, mi a sin'o lumba a bu komauna, a ba fa bona [baapositola]. " When Jesus instituted the Memorial, "he took a loaf, said a blessing, broke it and gave it to [the apostles]. " He did not allow his neighbors to act badly. Mwa sibaka sa ku ba zwelopili ya tuto ya Sikreste, Silalu ne li bupaki bwa kuli Krestendomu u kwenuhezi lituto za Kreste mi u se a ikwamekile lituto za sihedeni. Far from being a development of a Christian teaching, the Trinity was evidence that Christendom had apostatized from the teachings of Christ and had adopted pagan teachings instead. . B.C.E.: Isaiah foretells Babylon's fall Lubasi lwa bo Josefa ni Maria ne lu zwelapili ku ekezeha mi kwandaa Jesu ne ba bile ni bana ba bañwi hape, mwendi ba silezi. Yes, Joseph and Mary had a growing family that eventually included at least six children in addition to Jesus. That will be the final defeat of opposing nations by the rod of iron at Armageddon, or Har - Magedon. Mizwale ni likaizeli babañata baikutwa sina mwanaaikutwezi kaizeli yanaañozi kuli: "Bibele iswana sina sibulukelo mokutezi macwe amañata aitusiswa kwa kupanga lika za butokwa. Many feel like one sister who wrote: "The Bible is a treasure chest brimming over with valuable jewels. When I told others about my problems, I felt very bad, but afterward I felt secure and appreciated by others. " - James 5: 16. Ba batwi ki baomba - ombi bao ne ba bulezi litaba ze ñata, mi hañata Jobo n'a alabanga. There was a series of debates or speeches by those supposed comforters, and Job often responded. Many love to eat, have families, and leave their children an inheritance. Manzwi a Jesu a lu tusa hahulu kacenu kakuli batu ba Mulimu ba bañwi ha ba beyi lika za butokwa hahulu ni ku fita mwa sibaka sa pili. We are seeing the fulfillment of those words as well. To show why it is important to obey God's Word, Jesus once said: "Man must not live on bread alone but on every word coming forth through Jehovah's mouth. " Hamulaho wa lilimo ze fitelela 700, Mulimu n'a susumelize Isaya ku ñola manzwi a, a li: "Na, [Muñ'a] Bupilo, ni lata ku atula ka mulao. " Over seven centuries later, God inspired Isaiah to record these words: "I, Jehovah, am loving justice. " Paul reasoned: to reach the heart. Matabelo e lu swanela ku fa a kopanyeleza ku itusisa nako ni maata a luna kwa ku lapela, ku bala Bibele, ku lapela sina lubasi, ku fumaneha kwa mikopano, ni ku kutaza. Such sacrifices include devoting personal time and energy to prayer, Bible reading, family worship, meeting attendance, and the field ministry. [ Credit Line] Mane ne ni likanga ka taata kuli ni si ke na yambukelwa ki libelenge! I even tried to avoid catching a cold! When he returned to Jerusalem to find out what might have been called apostates, he asked Darius that the Jews had claimed Cyrus ' favor to rebuild Jehovah's temple. Siweleya seo sa lu latelela kwa kuta k'o. Teñi k'o, sa zibisa makwambuyu kaufela be ne ba li teñi kuli ha ne lu ka tunuha munzi w'o ka nako ye tomilwe, ne lu ka pila. The mob, having followed us to the courthouse, announced in front of all the officials there that if we left town by a certain date, we could leave with our skin. May we likewise encourage those among us who have emotional problems. Mwa komoka ni ku ipuza kuli: " Mwanana wa lilimo ze 13 a kale ku ba ni lipilaelo? " At 13? ' you ask yourself in disbelief. And let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in her enter into her. " LIKUKA ZE ÑWI ZE KONA KU MI TUSA KU KONDISA LIKA MWA BUPILO ADDITIONAL PRECEPTS THAT PROMOTE SUCCESS Who besides the liar does not deny that Jesus is the Christ? Nihaike kuli ba zwa mwa macaba kamukana a lifasi, ha ba ikenyi mwa mikwangalakanyi ya lifasi, niha ba kenyiwa mwa sineneketo ye tuna ya za bupolitiki ni ya za bulapeli. Though they are drawn from all the nations of the world, they do not get involved in the world's controversies, even when they are subjected to severe political and religious pressure. There are many evidences that in many parts of the world, economic and social conditions will remain worse. Kono batu ba patehile feela ku peta litakazo za bona za buitati ni misebezi ya bona. Instead, man is occupied with his own selfish desires and activities. [ Footnote] Masiria ne ba amuhile naha Giliadi - sona sibaka sa Isilaele se si kwa upa wa Nuka ya Jordani - mi ne ba utwisize hahulu butuku batu ba Mulimu teñi k'o. The Syrians took territory away from Gilead - a region of Israel east of the Jordan River - and inflicted serious injury on God's people there. The evidence of these unseen realities is so great that faith is equal to them. Kabakaleo, se ku li t'ata mwa linaha ze ñwi za kwa Yurope ku eza bupaki bwa fa ndu ni ndu mi ba bañwi be ne ba ituta Bibele ni luna ba tuhezi ku ituta. This has made house - to - house witnessing difficult in some European countries and has caused some people who were studying the Bible with us to stop their study. □ What may we expect Jehovah to do to answer our prayers? Nako ya ku Bata Mulimu The Time to Seek God He gave them material riches. Naasika tuhelela batu banaapila ni bona kumutahiseza kuli aeze lika zemaswe. He chose not to be influenced by the people around him. How to Make Good Use of Each Day of Life 732 B.C.E.: Isaya u polofita za ku wa kwa Babilona 732 B.C.E.: Isaiah foretells fall of Babylon Just as he fed many through a few in the first century, so Jesus today provides abundant spiritual food through the faithful and discreet slave. Macaba a ' lwanisa a ka tubiwa cwalo lwa mafelelezo ka mulamu wa sipi fa Armagedoni, kamba Har - Magedon. This final crushing of the opposing nations with an iron scepter will take place at Armageddon, or Har - Magedon. That evening, the brother and his wife explained that they felt overwhelmed by life. Ha ne ni taluselize ba bañwi za butata bwa ka, ne ni ikutwile hahulu bumaswe, kono hasamulaho wa ku eza cwalo ne ni ikutwile ku ba ni mwangalwa ni ku ikutwa ku ba ya lumelelwa ki ba bañwi. " - Jakobo 5: 16. Those moments were painful, but they resulted in feelings of peace and approval. " - James 5: 16. A scientist Explains Her Faith Batu bao ha ba na taba ni Mubupi. Ba bañata ba lata feela ku ca nala, ku ba ni mabasi, ni ku siyela bana ba bona sanda. With no regard for their Creator, many devote themselves to making a comfortable living, raising a family, and leaving behind an inheritance. You want the student to serve Jehovah because he loves Him, not simply because he does not want to be destroyed at Armageddon. Kuli abonise libaka kuutwa Linzwi la Mulimu hakuli kwa butokwa, nako yeñwi Jesu naabulezi kuli: "Mutu hana kupila sinkwa feela, kono ukapila ni ka linzwi kaufela lelizwa mwa mulomo wa Jehova. " To show the importance of listening to God's voice, on one occasion Jesus said: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth. " " Faith is a strong, deep conviction in God's undeserved kindness, so much so that a believer can risk his life as a thousand times as a result of it. " -.N. Paulusi n'a file libaka: ku itatafaza lipilu. Paul pointed to the reason: the hardening of their hearts. Furthermore, the Bible does not say about someone who had been taken from the third heaven, and Paul is the one who tells us about it. [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] Truly, it is the fine example of our parents and the training they gave us all the time that helped us to make our decision to enter the full - time ministry. Hasaaile kwa Jerusalema kuyo batisisa taba yene batamilikelizwe Majuda kuli ki bakwenuheli, Tatenai naazibisize Dariusi kuli Majuda babulezi kuli nebalumelelizwe ki Sirusi kuli bayahe sinca tempele ya Jehova. After traveling to Jerusalem to investigate the accusation of rebellion, Tattenai reported to Darius that the Jews claimed to have received authorization from Cyrus to rebuild Jehovah's temple. What a vivid description of the possible effects of an uncontrolled tongue! Haike ni luna ka ku swana lu susueze ba ba mwahal'a luna ba ba na ni but'ata bwa mwa maikuto. May we likewise encourage those among us who are emotionally troubled. They could not even know their children. Mi ba ba li mwa Judea ba kale ku sabela kwa malundu, ba ba li mwa Jerusalema ba zwe mwateñi, mi ba ba li mwa mahae ba si ke ba kena mwa Jerusalema. " Jesus also said: "Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, let those in the midst of her leave, and let those in the countryside not enter into her. " Choose What to Say and How to Speak Ki mañi lihata kwandaa yena ya latula kuli Jesu haki yena Kreste? Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? In the late 19th century, after decades of religious apostasy, pure worship was restored. Ku na ni liponiso ze ñata za kuli mwa likalulo ze ñata za lifasi, miinelo ye sweli ku pongana ya za sifumu ni za nyangela i ka zwelapili ku ba bumaswe ni ku fita. There is every indication that in many parts of the world, the deteriorating economic and social conditions will continue to worsen. The document was not just a Catholic doctrine, but it also contained words that impressed the young man Almeida: "A strange language in the church, even if it is for the purpose of praising God, has nothing to do with the audience who cannot get it. " - 1 Corinthians 14: 9. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnotes] What can we expect will come if we take Job's example of prophets and endurance? Bupaki bwa lika za luli zeo ze sa bonwi ki bo butuna hahulu kuli mane tumelo i likanyezwa ku bona. The evidence of these unseen realities is so strong that faith is equated with it. What helped me to cope? □ Ki sifi se ne lu kana lwa libelela Jehova ku eza mwa ku alaba litapelo za luna? □ What may we expect Jehovah to do in answer to our prayers? Faith in Jesus ' earlier requirements requires knowing him and knowing his Father, Jehovah. A ba alulela bufumu. Then he divided his means of living to them. " [God's] will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Mwa ku Itusiseza Hande Lizazi ni Lizazi Le Lu Pila How to Make Each Day Count They serve the sheep faithfully each week in Christian meetings - not by dishonoring them, but by building them up and strengthening their faith. - Matthew 20: 28; Ephesians 4: 11, 12; Hebrews 13: 20, 21. Sina mwa naa fepezi batu ba bañata ka ku itusisa batu ba sikai mwa linako za baapositola, Jesu ni kacenu hape u fa lico za kwa moya kwa batu ba bañata ka ku itusisa mutanga ya sepahala ya na ni kutwisiso. By means of the faithful and discreet slave, Jesus is following the pattern he set in the first century - feeding many through the hands of a few. Elijah and Elisha were zealous in Jehovah's service. Manzibwana ao, muzwale y'o ni musal'a hae ba talusa kuli ne ba ikutwa ku imezwa ki bupilo. In the course of the evening, the brother and his wife confided that of late they had been feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of life. " Much of the water (70 percent) in the world is used to water. " - Plan B 2.0, by Lester R. Caziba wa Sayansi U Talusa Libaka ha Lumela ku Mulimu A Biotechnologist Explains His Faith At the end of each name, write down the well - known quality of your friend. Mu bata kuli muituti a sebeleze Jehova kakuli wa Mu lata, isi fela kabakala kuli ha lati ku t'o timezwa fa Armagedoni. You want the student to serve Jehovah not merely because he does not want to be destroyed at Armageddon but because he loves him. If you do, you will find that you have enough money to use the household's needs. " Tumelo ki buikolwiso bo bu tiile, ili bo butuna mwa sishemo sa Mulimu. Ki ku kolwa hahulu - hulu kuli mulumeli wa kona ku beya bupilo bwa hae mwa lubeta ha sikiti kabakala yona. " - MARTIN LUTHER, 1522. " Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that the believer would stake his life on it a thousand times. " - MARTIN LUTHER, 1522. David Hape Bibele ha i buleli ka za mutu yo muñwi ya n'a ngezwi kwa lihalimu la bulalu, mi Paulusi ki yena ya lu bulelela za teñi. Moreover, the Bible does not speak of any other person who had such an experience, and Paul is the one who tells us of it. He was a fully created man with physical wisdom and ability, and he should know. Kaniti, ki mutala o munde wa bashemi ba luna ni tuto ye ne ba lu file ka linako kaufela ye n'e lu tusize ku ikatulela ku kena mwa bukombwa bwa nako ye tezi. Definitely, it was our parents ' fine example and their teaching us under all circumstances that helped us to decide to enter the full - time ministry. Perhaps Daniel also had a good routine of studying and meditating on God's wonderful promises. Kaniti litaluso zeo li bonisa hande ze kona ku tiswa ki lilimi le li sa tibelwi! How well that describes the effects of an unruly tongue! They even spoke of removing Moses as their leader and returning to Egypt. Offset printing has replaced the letterpress method, speeding up the production process and improving the quality of artwork. (b) What types of buildings may have been in ancient Corinth? Ne ba sa koni ku ziba nihaiba bana ba bona. She no longer recognized even her own children. He who blesses us is the only true God "who cannot lie. " Mu Kete za ku Bulela ni Mwa ku Li Bulelela Consider What to Say and How to Say It Let us consider a fourth lesson from Hosea's prophecy - how we can reap what is good. Kwa mafelelezo a lilimo za ma - 1800, hamulaho wa lilimo - limo za bukwenuheli bwa bulapeli, bulapeli bo bu kenile ne bu kalisizwe sinca. During the latter part of the 19th century, after a long period when religious apostasy prevailed, pure worship was reestablished. The key talk, "The Glory of Prophecy Build Us Up! " Pampili yeo ne i sa nyazi fela lituto za bulapeli bwa Katolika, kono hape ne i na ni manzwi a n'a tabisize hahulu mutangana Almeida, a li: "Ku bulela puo ye sa zibahali mwa keleke, nihaikaba ka mulelo wa ku lumbeka Mulimu, ha ku tusi nihanyinyani bateelezi ba ba sa koni ku nopa fateñi se siñwi. " - 1 Makorinte 14: 9. In addition to attacks on false religious doctrines, the pamphlet contained a statement that particularly impressed young Almeida: "The use of an unknown language in church, even for the glory of God, is of no benefit to the uncomprehending listener. " - 1 Corinthians 14: 9. What does accurate knowledge of God and Christ mean? Ki sifi se lu kona ku libelela kuli si ka taha haiba lu nga mutala wa bapolofita ni ku itiisa kwa Jobo? What outcome may we confidently expect if we exercise the patience of the prophets and the endurance of Job? John goes on to verses 4, 5: "[Jehovah] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. Kiñi se ne si ni tusize ku tiyela butata bo? What helped me to cope with this terrible tragedy? [ Footnote] Ku ba ni tumelo ku z'a tokwa Jesu pili ku tokwa kuli mutu a mu zibe ni ku ziba Jehova Ndat'ahe. Exercising faith in Jesus requires, first of all, knowledge about him and his Father, Jehovah. Hence, true Christians are urged to avoid any contact with unclean worship. - 1 Corinthians 10: 20, 21; Revelation 18: 4. " [Mulimu u] lata kuli batu kamukana ba piliswe, mi ba fite fa zibo ya ku ziba niti. " - 1 Timotea 2: 3, 4. " [God's] will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Run in such a way that you may attain it. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 24. Ba sebeleza lingu ka ku sepahala ka viki ni viki mwa mikopano ya Sikreste - isiñi ka ku ba shubula, kono ka ku ba yaha ni ku tiisa tumelo ya bona. - Mateu 20: 28; Maefese 4: 11, 12; Maheberu 13: 20, 21. They loyally minister to the sheep week after week in Christian meetings - not tearing them down but, rather, building them up and strengthening their faith. - Matthew 20: 28; Ephesians 4: 11, 12; Hebrews 13: 20, 21. This fear - inspiring horn represented Medo - Persia. Elia ni Elisha ne ba na ni tukufalelo mwa sebelezo ya Jehova. Elijah and Elisha were zealous in Jehovah's service. It is indeed different from Jehovah, "the eternal God " who is invisible to humans. " Buñata bwa mezi a itusiswa (70 pesenti) mwa lifasi a itusiswa kwa ku selaela. " - Plan B 2.0, ye ñozwi ki Lester R. " 70 percent of world water use is devoted to irrigation. " - Plan B 2.0, by Lester R. You may feel as did King David of Bible record. Kwatuko a libizo ni libizo, mu ñole kalemeno kaa zibahala hahulu ka kona mulikanaa mina yo. Next to each name, write the trait that best describes the person. [ Footnote] Ha mu ka eza cwalo mu ka fumana kuli mane mu na ni mali a likani a ku itusisa ku ze tokwahala fa lapa. In turn, you may well find that you actually have more money on hand to meet the needs of your family. They held these festivals regularly. Davida David Will we ever see our loved ones again? N'a li mutu ya bupilwe ka nzila ye tezi ya na ni butali ni buikoneli bwa kwa mubili, mi n'a swanela ku ziba. He was a fully formed man of intelligence and with physical abilities, and he deserved to know. It is vital that we regularly read God's Word, thus becoming better students of God's word. Mwendi hape Daniele n'a na ni mukwa o munde wa ku ituta ni ku yeya lisepiso ze makaza za Mulimu. Evidently, Daniel also had the good habit of studying and pondering deeply the thrilling promises of God. The bad things happening in the world can cause people to think seriously about their future. Mane ne ba bulezi ka za ku zwisa Mushe sina mueteleli wa bona ni ku kutela kwa Egepita. They even talked about replacing Moses as their head and going back to Egypt. Jesus said in prayer to God: "Your word is truth. " - John 17: 17. (b) Ki miyaho ye cwañi ye ne kana i bile mwa Korinte wa kwaikale? (b) What types of literal buildings probably existed in ancient Corinth? For example, you might ask your teenager why he feels that you need to change how much time he or she should arrive at home in certain situations. Ya lu fuyola ki Mulimu a nosi wa niti "ya sa koni ku puma. " Its source is the only true God, "who cannot lie. " All of this helped us to break free from the spirit of the world. Ha lu nyakisiseñi tuto ya bune ye lu ituta mwa bupolofita bwa Hosea - mi tuto yeo ki ya mo lu kona ku kutulela ze nde. Let us consider a fourth lesson from Hosea's prophecy - how we can reap what is good. But who have forgiven us a serious responsibility so that we can pursue our course of life based on truth? Ngambolo ye tuna ye li, "Lipono Ze Kanya Za Bupolofita Za Lu Susueza! " The keynote address, "Glorious Prophetic Visions Spur Us On! " It corrects matters. " Ku ba ni zibo ye nepahezi ya ku ziba Mulimu ni Kreste ku talusañi? What does it mean to have accurate knowledge of God and Christ? 5: 31. Joani u zwelapili mwa litimana 4, ni 5, kuli: "[Jehova] u ka takula miyoko kaufela kwa meto a bona; mi lifu ha li sa na ku ba teñi; nihaiba ku tahelwa ki maswabi ni ku lila, ni ku utwa butuku; kakuli za pili li felile. John continues in Re 21 verses 4, 5: "He [Jehovah] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Mother's Fine Example [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnotes] Does this mean that those who have left the truth will not be allowed to return to the congregation? Kacwalo, Bakreste ba niti ba susuezwa ku sa ba ni swalisano ifi kamba ifi ni bulapeli bwa masila. - 1 Makorinte 10: 20, 21; Sinulo 18: 4. Thus, true Christians are urged to shun any involvement with unclean worship. - 1 Corinthians 10: 20, 21; Revelation 18: 4. bottom photo: Indicating Copernicus ' idea that the sun is the center of the planets Mu mate ka mukwa o ka mi fumanisa ona. " - 1 MAKORINTE 9: 24. Run in such a way that you may attain it. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 24. After Joseph's own body is anointed in Egypt, there is no mention later of this practice. - Genesis 50: 26. Bere yeo ye sabisa ne i yemela mubuso wa Mamede ni Maperesia. The fearsome bear pictured Medo - Persia. Satan's goal is to destroy Jehovah's people. Kwa shutana luli ni Jehova, "Mulimu Ya sa feli " ili ya sa bonwi ki batu. How different it is with Jehovah, "the everlasting God " whom no man has ever seen. A Change of History Instead of Festus Mukana mwa ikutwa sina mwanaa ikutwezi Mulena Davida ya bulezwi mwa Bibele. You might feel similar to King David of the Bible. According to Matthew 26: 52, Jesus said: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] He is "the god of this system of things. " Ne ba ezanga mikiti yeo ka nako kaufela. You can imagine how all of that posed a challenge for the Christians in Rome. Satan is not indifferent to the trap he uses to catch us alive. Kana muta o muñwi lu ka bonana ni balatiwa ba luna hape? Will we ever see our loved ones again? Moreover, its rule is different. Ki kwa butokwa kuli lu balange Linzwi la Mulimu kamita, ili kuli lu be baituti ba bande ba linzwi la Mulimu. It is vital, then, that we be diligent students of God's Word. Why should we meditate on Jehovah's acts of loving - kindness? Lika ze maswe ze ezahala mwa lifasi li kona ku tiseza batu kuli ba nahane hahulu ka za bupilo bwa bona bwa kwapili. World events may motivate people to think seriously about their future. When the man was found in Benjamin's bag, all were told to return to Joseph. Jesu na bulezi mwa tapelo ku Mulimu kuli: "Linzwi la hao ki yona niti. " - Joani 17: 17. Jesus said in prayer to God: "Your word is truth. " - John 17: 17. " They were astounded at his understanding and his answers. " Ka mutala, mwa kona ku kupa mwanaa mina ya mwa lilimo za ku nonoboka ku talusa libaka ha ikutwa kuli mu tokwa ku cinca nako ya swanela ku fitanga fa lapa mwa miinelo ye miñwi. Let your teenager explain, for example, why he feels that his curfew should be adjusted in a particular instance. The preaching work had been completed. Ku eza zeo kaufela ne ku lu tusize ku itukulula kwa moya wa lifasi kuli u si ke wa lu zamaisa. That course helped us to break free of and keep free of the world's spirit. Continue to Trust implicitly in God Kono ki bomañi ba ba lu swalezi buikalabelo bo butuna ilikuli lu kone ku tundamena mwa mupilelo wa luna o tomile fa niti? But where does the ultimate responsibility lie if we are to persevere in our way of life based on the truth? Not all that is listed on this list will require the location of the world around you. I hakulula litaba. " It sets the record straight. " All of this is possible if we incline our heart to discernment. 5: 31. 5: 31. All of us should strive to "speak consolingly " to fellow Christians, do we not? Mutala wa Boma O Munde Mother's Fine Example Prayers That Are Accepting Kana fo ku talusa kuli ba ba zwile mwa niti ha ba na ku lumelezwa ku kutela mwa puteho? Does this mean that those who have left the truth will never be allowed to return to the congregation? Jesus took time to give such consideration to children, even during the last days of his ministry when he was very busy. Siswaniso sa kwatasi: Si bonisa muhupulo wa Copernicus wa kuli lizazi ki lona le li fahal'a lipulaneti Background: Chart depicting Copernicus ' concept of the solar system In 1919 the Christian congregation also existed as a separate "nation. " Situpu sa Josefa ka sibili ha se si tozizwe mwa Egepita, ha ku si ka bulelwa hamulaho ka za mukwa w'o hape. - Genese 50: 26. After Joseph himself was embalmed in Egypt, there is no further Scriptural mention of the practice. - Genesis 50: 26. Others have deliberately threw pornography to the Internet site, not feeling ashamed simply to read about it or to watch it privately in their home or at their office. Mulelo wa Satani ki kuyundisa batu ba Jehova. Satan is intent on devouring Jehovah's people. Yes, you can because God's Word always comes true. Taba Ya Cinca Ha I Fita ku Porsiusi Festusi The Crisis Under Porcius Festus Yet, it seems that David was interested in spiritual matters before being anointed. Ka ku ya ka Mateu 26: 52, Jesu n'a bulezi kuli: "Kaufela ba ba swala mukwale, ba ka bulaiwa ka mukwale. " According to Matthew 26: 52, Jesus stated: "All those who take the sword will perish by the sword. " Each of these brothers decided to marry. Ki "mulimu wa lifasi le. " He is "the god of this system of things. " Then the prophet Jehu asked: "Can you help the wicked, and should you love those who hate Jehovah? " - Read 2 Chronicles 19: 1 - 3. Satani ha na taba ni katwa ka itusisa kwa ku lu swasa. What lessons do we learn from the prayer of the Levites? Hape, puso ya ona ki ye shutana. Also, its rulership is different. 19, 20. Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku yeyanga misebezi ya Jehova ye bonisa sishemo sa hae se si tomile fa lilato? Why should we appreciatively meditate on Jehovah's acts of loving - kindness? As a result, many sent an estimated30 (U.S.) or more money to receive "a report of inheritance " that should have informed them that the inheritance was everywhere and how they would react to it. Komoki yeo haseifumanwi mwa mukotana wa Benjamine, kaufelaa bona batalusezwa kuli bakutele ku Josefa. When it was found in Benjamin's bag, all of them were brought back to Joseph. We now live in Australia, and as much as we can with our health problems, we continued to serve Jehovah in the congregation of manyandoida in New South Wales. " Ne ba tabiswa ki kutwisiso ya hae, ni likalabo " za hae. " All those listening to him were in constant amazement at his understanding and his answers. " The camp officials often used abusive language because of their red cord, which identified Witness prisoners. Musebezi wa ku kutaza ne se u felisizwe luli. Moreover, the brothers faced opposition related to World War I. The Bible says, however, that at that time millions will survive - the great crowd of worshipers of the only true God. Mu Zwelepili ku Sepa Mulimu ka ku Tala Confidently Press On With Complete Trust in God They had strong hope. Haki lika kaufela zebonisizwe fa mukoloko wo zemukatokwa kwa sibaka semupila ku sona mwa lifasi. Not every item listed may be suitable in your case or in your part of the world. Did You Know? Zeo kaufela ki ze konahala haiba lu isa pilu ya luna kwa kutwisiso. All of this is possible if we incline our heart to discernment. We are in a situation similar to that of Ezekiel. Kaufel'a luna lu swanela ku satalala ku " tiisa lipilu ' Bakreste ba bañwi, nji hakucwalo? Should not all of us endeavor to be " strengthening aids ' to fellow Christians? I don't believe it. " Noreenna of the Ireland National Committee declared: "It's because it's the effort to live with [men] and do the work for them. Litapelo ze Amuheleha Acceptable Prayers Evidently, the son of Shelemia who was killed by the Babylonians was one of Judah's princes. Jesu n'a bile ni nako ya ku fa mamelelo ye cwalo kwa banana, mane ni mwahal'a mazazi a mafelelezo a bukombwa bwa hae ha n'a patehile hahulu. Jesus took time to provide little ones with such special attention, even during the busy final days of his ministry. The psalmist did not raise his eyes to every mountain and mountain. Ka 1919 puteho ya Sikreste hape ne i bile teñi sina "sicaba " se si ikemezi. In 1919 the Christian congregation once again existed as a separate "nation. " How, then, did Nabal react when he had the opportunity to do good to someone in need - David, the anointed of Jehovah? - 1 Samuel 16: 13. Ba bañwi bona se ba alungutile maswaniso a mapunu ka bomu fa libaka za fa Intaneti, ba sa ikutwi maswabi kabaka feela la kuli ba kona ku bala ka za ona kamba ku a buha inge ba li kwa mukunda ha ba li mwa ndu kamba kwa ofisi ya bona. Others have deliberately gone to them, feeling less inhibited because they can read or view pornography in secret - at home or at the office. By giving spiritually, we can help people to benefit themselves now and forever. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. Ee, mwa kona kakuli Linzwi la Mulimu la talelezwanga kamita. Yes, you can because God's Word always comes true. Is it difficult for me to finish a week, month, or months? Niteñi, ku bonahala kuli Davida na tabela za Mulimu a si ka toziwa kale. Yet, it would seem that David was already a very spiritually - minded person. Kwabena, who lives in Ghana, explains why she begged God for help: "I lost a well - paying job. " Mañi ni mañi wa mizwale bao a ikatulela ku nyala. One by one, each of the four decided to marry. Why does Satan use discouragement as a weapon? Cwale mupolofita Jehu amubuza kuli: "Kana waswanela kutusa babamaswe, mi kana waswanela kulata babatoile Jehova? " - Mubale 2 Makolonika 19: 1 - 3. At that, the prophet Jehu asked him: "Is it the wicked you should be helping, and is it those who hate Jehovah you should love? " - Read 2 Chronicles 19: 1 - 3. • How has joy been defined? Ki lituto mañi ze lu ituta kwa tapelo ya Malivi? My employer knows that he cannot deceive them. " 19, 20. 19, 20. In this way he could regain his strength and maintain his happy life forever - without limits. - Compare Ecclesiastes 3: 10 - 13. Kacwalo, ba bañata ne ba lumezi mali a fita fa $30 (K143,100.00) kamba mane ku fitelela, ilikuli ba fiwe " piho ya za sanda ' ye n'e swanela ku ba zibisa kuli sanda seo ne si li kai ni mo ne ba ka si ngela. As a result, many mailed in a fee of $30 or more for an " estate report ' that supposedly would explain where the inheritance was located and how it could be claimed. No. Cwale lu yahile mwa Australia, mi ka mo lu konela ni mapongo a luna, lwa zwelapili ku sebeleza Jehova mwa Puteho ya Armidale mwa sibaka sa New South Wales. Now we are settled in Australia, and to the best of our limited abilities, we continue serving Jehovah with the Armidale Congregation in the state of New South Wales. On the other hand, we should remember the second part of that expression, "I am his righteousness. " Manduna ba munganda hañata ne ba bulelanga lipulelo za nyefulo bakeñisa mendulu ya bona ya pulipela, ye ne zibahaza mapantiti ba ba li Lipaki. Camp officials often made sneering remarks at him about his purple triangle, the insignia that identified a prisoner as a Witness. Have you taken time to get to know your child and to know the answer to this question? Bibele i bulela kuli nihakulicwalo, ka nako yeo bolule - lule ba ka punyuha - bona buñata bo butuna bwa balapeli ba Mulimu a nosi wa niti. The Bible says that this time, however, there will be millions of survivors - a great crowd who worship the only true God. Many today ignore or even reject clear evidence of the Creator's works. Ne ba na ni sepo ye tiile. They had a bright hope. When with his apostles on his last night before his sacrificial death, Jesus made another provision for his heavenly Father to comfort them. Kana Mwa Ziba? Did You Know? The Bible repeatedly encourages us to pray to our God, our Creator, whose name is Jehovah. Lu mwa muinelo o swana ni wa Ezekiele. We are in a situation similar to that of Ezekiel. 7, 8. (a) What does it mean to " do what is right '? Na ha ni li lumeli. " Noreen Byrne wa Katengo ka Sicaba ka Basali mwa Ireland n'a zibahalize kuli: "Maikuto ki a kuli, ki kabakalañi ku ikataza ku pila ni [banna] ni ku ba ezeza misebezi. " The feeling is, why bother to live with [men] and wash their socks, " Noreen Byrne of the National Women's Council in Ireland declared. What Parents Say Ku bonahala kuli Jukali, mwan'a Shelemia ya na bulailwe ki Mababilona ne li yo muñwi wa manduna ba Juda. One of Judah's nobles, or princes, who likely met death at Babylonian hands was Jucal, the son of Shelemiah. (See footnote.) Muñoli wa samu yeo n'a si ka inulela meto a hae kwa lilundu ni lilundu kaufela. The psalmist did not raise his eyes to just any mountain. Jehovah was eager to forgive his sons. Kacwalo, Nabali n'a ezize cwañi ha n'a bile ni kolo ya ku eza hande mutu yo muñwi ya n'a li mwa butokwi, ili Davida, mutoziwa wa Jehova? - 1 Samuele 16: 13. So how would Nabal respond when he had an opportunity to show kindness to someone in need - David, the anointed of Jehovah? - 1 Samuel 16: 13. Jehovah has always been King of the universe (See paragraphs 6, 10, 12, 17) Ka ku fana kwa moya, lu kona ku tusa batu kuli ba ipumanele lituso cwale ni ku ya ku ile. - 1 Timotea 4: 8. By giving spiritually, we can help people to benefit themselves both now and throughout eternity. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. How can Bible accounts help us? Kana ku t'ata kuli ni feze sunda, kweli, kamba likweli, ni sa nwi? Do I find it hard to do without alcohol for a week, a month, or several months? Jehovah is "the happy God, " and he wants young people to be happy. Bo Kwabena, babapila kwa Ghana, batalusa libaka hane bakupile Mulimu kuli abatuse, bali: "Nenituhelisizwe musebezi wabuyahi one unifumanisa masheleñi amañata. " Kwabena, in Ghana, tells why he asked for God's help, "I lost my well - paying job in construction. " After serving there for six years, I was assigned to the capital city of Bolivia, in Bolivia, where I spent the next 25 years. Ki kabakalañi Satani ha itusisa ku zwafa sina silwaniso? Why does Satan use discouragement as a weapon? * How long did war in heaven begin, and with what effect? • Tabo i talusizwe cwañi? • How is joy described? At Jeremiah 34: 7, the prophet speaks of "the appointed time when the armies of the king of Babylon were fighting against Jerusalem and all the remaining cities of Judah and all the cities of Lachish and the cities of Jerusalem, and the cities of Lachish and the goats, for it was the one remaining in the fortified cities of Judah. " Babelekisi baka baziba kuli hanikoni kubapuma. " My employers know that I will not lie to them or for them. " - Tom, United States. When the disciples asked about the Kingdom resurrection, what were they told, and what did they do? Ka yona nzila ye n'a kona ku uncafaza m'ata a hae ni ku zusezapili bupilo bwa hae bwa tabo kamita - ku si na maciñekelo. - Mu bapanye Muekelesia 3: 10 - 13. In this way he could renew his strength and keep up his life of happiness indefinitely - endlessly. - Compare Ecclesiastes 3: 10 - 13. Elders serving in judicial assignments should remember that true judges are all matter to Jehovah and Christ Jesus. Batili. No. Instead, they have allowed certain obstacles to cause them to slow down in the race or to stumble in some way. Kono hape lu swanela ku hupula kalulo ya bubeli ya pulelo yeo, ye li, "ni Ku Luka kwa Hae. " The original - language words for "righteousness " can also be translated" justice " or "uprightness. " One reference work relates: "The taxes and rights required of the inhabitants of Judea were also [the free and free works required by the secular authorities]. Kana se m'u ngile nako ya ku ziba mwan'a mina ni ku ziba kalabo ya puzo ye? Have you taken the time to get to know your child and to learn the answer to this question? It is upon this great spiritual temple that Jehovah came for judgment work. - Compare Revelation 11: 1; 15: 8. Buñata kacenu ha ba isi pilu kamba mane ba hana bupaki bo bu bonahala hande ka za misebezi ya Mubupi. Many today ignore or reject such clear evidence of the Creator's activities. Speaking truth to about 40 Bible writers identifies them as men of sincerity and integrity. Ha n'a li ni baapositola ba hae busihu bwa hae bwa mafelelezo a si ka shwa kale ka ku ifana sina sitabelo, Jesu n'a bulezi tukiso ye ñwi ya n'a ezize Ndat'ahe wa kwa lihalimu ya ku ba tiisa ka yona lipilu. While with his apostles on the last evening before his sacrificial death, Jesus spoke about yet another provision that his heavenly Father had made to comfort them. My parents also took me to a building in the city of Edhhven. Bibele i lu susueza ka ku kuta - kutela ku lapela ku Mulimu, Mubupi wa luna, ili y'o libizo la hae ki Jehova. The Bible repeatedly encourages us to pray to God, our Creator, whose name is Jehovah. It contained a picture showing brothers on the streets of Mexico City. 7, 8. (a) " Ku eza ze lukile ' ku talusañi? 7, 8. (a) What does it mean "to exercise justice "? As for his wages, B relationship with him was rewarded with fame and applause. Ze Ba Bulela Bashemi What Parents Say We show that our love is true by heeding the Bible's command: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " (Mu bone litaluso za kwatasi.) (See footnote.) " More and more read what was taught in the Sermon on the Mount [one of Jesus ' teachings found in the Bible]... Jehova naa nyolezwi hahulu ku swalela bana ba hae. Jehovah felt a strong yearning for his children. Women Who Follow Bible Principles Jehova u zwezipili ku ba Mulena wa pupo kaufela (Mu bone maparagilafu 6, 8, 10, 12, ni 17) Jehovah has always exercised his kingship (See paragraphs 6, 8, 10, 12, 17) After 18 months in East Anglia, we were assigned to serve in another circuit in western England, England - Tyne and Northumland. Makande a Bibele a kona ku lu tusa cwañi? What effect can Bible narratives have on us? He arranged for Uriah's men to leave Uriah in a dangerous environment in order to be killed. Jehova ki "Mulimu ya tabile, " mi u bata kuli mikulwani ba be ba ba tabile. Jehovah is "the happy God, " and he wants young ones to be happy. Isaac's parents, Abraham and Sarah, suffered hardships. Hamulaho wa ku sebeleza kwa Santa Cruz ka lilimo ze 6, n'a lumelwa kwa muleneñi o mutuna mwa Bolivia wa La Paz, ko ne ni tandile lilimo ze 25 ze ne latelezi. After serving in Santa Cruz for six years, I was assigned to Bolivia's principal city, La Paz, where I spent the next 25 years. He does not have to wait for me to learn the lesson through bad circumstances. " * Ku zwa fo i kaliseza puso yeo, ne ku fitile nako ye kuma kai kuli ndwa mwa lihalimu i tumbuke, ni ku tahisa kuli Satani a lundulwe? * How soon after that did the war in heaven break out, resulting in Satan's ousting? This life is like a ball rising up and soon falls on a roof again. Kwa Jeremia 34: 7, mupolofita u talusa za "nako ye limpi za mulena wa Babilona ne li lwanisa Jerusalema, ni minzi kamukana ya Juda ye ne sa siyezi, ni minzi ya Lakishi, ni Azeka; kakuli ne li yona ye ne siyezi kwa minzi ya Juda ye mwa makwakwa. " At Jeremiah 34: 7, the prophet describes the time "when the military forces of the king of Babylon were fighting against Jerusalem and against all the cities of Judah that were left remaining, against Lachish and against Azekah; for they, the fortified cities, were the ones that remained over among the cities of Judah. " Because David repented of his wrongdoing, Jehovah was merciful to him. - Read 2 Samuel 12: 13. Balutiwa ha ne ba buzize ka za ku zusiwa kwa Mubuso, ne ba bulelezwiñi, mi ne ba ezizeñi? When the disciples asked about the restoration of the Kingdom, what were they told, and how did they respond? Jehovah told Abraham that his offspring would take possession of the land of Canaan - but they had to wait for four centuries "because the badness of the ground [had] not yet been filled. " Maeluda ba ba sebeza mwa likalulo za buatuli ba lukela ku hupula kuli Baatuli ba niti ba taba kaufela ki Jehova ni Kreste Jesu. Elders acting in a judicial capacity should remember that the real Judges of each case are Jehovah and Christ Jesus. The fourth seal is considered to be a descendant of Shaphan's grandson, although his father, however, is not mentioned. Mwa sibaka sa ku eza cwalo, ba tuhelezi lika ze ñwi ze ba tibela kuli ba palelwe mwa siyano kamba ba nyazahale ka mukwa o muñwi. Instead, they allowed other things to hinder them so that they either fell out of the race or became disqualified in some way. Regarding King David of the tribe of Judah, Jehovah promised: "I shall certainly cause his seed to pass away, and his throne will become steadfast as the heavens. Buka ye ñwi ye talusa litaba za kwaikale i kandeka kuli: "Fahalimu a mitelo ni litukelo ze ne tokwiwa kwa bayahi ba mwa Judea, hape ne ku na ni [misebezi ya mahala ye ne tokwiwa ki ba m'ata a litaba za nyangela]. One history book states: "In addition to the taxes and dues exacted from the inhabitants of Judea, there was also a corvée [unpaid labor exacted by public authorities]. In the Bible, he has revealed why he has permitted wickedness. Ki ku yona tempele yeo ye tuna ya kwa moya kwa na tile Jehova kwa neku la musebezi wa katulo. - Mu bapanye Sinulo 11: 1; 15: 8. It is to this great spiritual temple that Jehovah came for a judgment work. - Compare Revelation 11: 1; 15: 8. Out of his care for the sick, he showed his great compassion and showed that he truly had divine backing. Ku bulela niti kwa bañoli ba Bibele ba ba bat'o ba 40 ku ba bonahaza sina banna ba ba buniti ni busepahali. The candor of the 40 or so Bible writers stamps them as men of honesty and integrity. Two years later, I was invited to attend the ten - month course at Brooklyn Bethel, New York. Hape bashemi ba ka ne ba yanga ni na kwa muyaho mwa muleneñi wa Eindhoven. My parents also used to take me to a small hall in the city of Eindhoven. [ Picture on page 15] Mwa magazini yeo nekunani siswaniso sesibonisa mizwale bane bali mwa makululu a Muleneñi wa Mexico. The article featured a picture of brothers on the streets of Mexico City. • Why should we do all things "with freeness of speech "? Haili ka za litifo za hae, Blondin n'a filwe mupuzo wa ku bub'ana ni ku ony'oka. For his pains, Blondin was rewarded with both fame and fortune. Karen: Many people think of their country as the best. Lukabonisa kuli lilato laluna ki la niti haiba lumamela taelo ya mwa Bibele yeli: "Mutiise babafokola, mube ni pilu - telele kwa batu kaufela. " The genuineness of our love can be tested by the Bible's command to "support the weak, be patient toward all. " I want to study the Bible. " Mueteleli yo muñwi wa Mahindu ya bizwa Mohandas Gandhi na ize: "Mu bale hahulu litaba ze ne lutilwe mwa Ngambolo ya fa Lilundu [ye ñwi ya lituto za Jesu ze mwa Bibele]... Hindu leader Mohandas Gandhi is reported to have said: "By all means drink deep of the fountains that are given to you in the Sermon on the Mount [part of Jesus Christ's teachings found in the Bible]... Some time after his death, it was extended by those who were influenced by pagan teachings and who had turned away from true worship of God as taught by Jesus and the apostles. Basali Ba Ba Latelela Likuka za Bibele Wives Who Live by Bible Principles An outstanding example of Paul's ability to teach publicly is found in Acts chapter 17. Jesus Christ himself taught that true Christianity would temporarily disappear from view. Like Martha, what thrilling event do you look forward to? Hamulaho wa likweli ze 18 mwa East Anglia, lwa lumiwa ku y'o sebeleza mwa mupotoloho o muñwi kwa mutulo - upa wa England, ili kwa Newcastle - upon - Tyne ni Northumberland. After 18 months in East Anglia, we were assigned to serve in a circuit in England's northeast, Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumberland. Because Satan is "the god of this system of things, " in whatever way people love him, he can remove his snare. - 2 Corinthians 4: 4; 1 John 2: 15, 16. A lukisa kuli masole ba habo Uria ba siye Uria mwa sibaka se si lubeta mwa ndwa ilikuli a bulaiwe. He arranged for Uriah's fellow soldiers to leave Uriah in a vulnerable position in the battle so that he would be killed. Why did Paul do so? Bashemi ba Isaka, bo Abrahama ni Sara, ne ba kile ba ipumana mwa butata. Isaac's parents, Abraham and Sarah, once faced a difficult situation. Their work has been truly beneficial, for they have not taken sides in politics or in other ways deviated from the preaching of the good news. Ha tokwi ku libelela kuli ni itute tuto ka ku ba mwa miinelo ye maswe. " I do not have to find that out the hard way - by experience. " Remember that 2 Peter 3: 7 says that there will come "the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " Bupilo b'o bu swana sina mbola ye posezwa mwahalimu mi hañihañi i wela fa fasi hape. This life is like a ball thrown into the air that soon falls into the dust again. * Thus, he did not grow up as a man in tents who is not confined to safety. Bakeñisa kuli Davida naa bakezi bufosi bwa hae, Jehova naa mu shemubile. - Mu bale 2 Samuele 12: 13. David became a recipient of God's mercy. - Read 2 Samuel 12: 13. What a blessing that freedom brought to Jehovah and to those called by his name! Jehova n'a bulelezi Abrahama kuli bana ba hae ne ba ka luwa naha ya Kanana - kono ne ba na ni ku litela ka lilimo ze myanda ye mine "kakuli bumaswe bwa Maamori [ne] bu si ka tala kale. " Jehovah told Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land of Canaan - but not for four hundred years "because the error of the Amorites [had] not yet come to completion. " This city was especially prominent during the fall of the last Macedonian kings, known as the Yesth century B.C.E.), who came off victorious by the Romans. Liswayo la bune li ngiwa kuli ne li la Gedalya, muikuly'a Shafani, nihaike Akikami, yena ndat'ahe h'a si ka bulelwa. The fourth of these seals is considered to have belonged to Gedaliah, grandson of Shaphan, although his father, Ahikam, is not mentioned. Why can we not boast about what has been accomplished? Ka ku ama ku Mulena Davida wa mwa lusika lwa Juda, Jehova n'a sepisize kuli: "Ni ka eza kuli lusika lwa hae lu si ke lwa fela, Lubona lwa hae lu tiye ka mazazi, sina mahalimu. Regarding King David of the tribe of Judah, Jehovah promised: "I shall certainly set up his seed forever and his throne as the days of heaven. Uniteding fully with them - for example, sharing in important activity in the Kingdom Hall. Mwa Bibele, u patuluzi mabaka h'a tuhelezi bumaswe. Through the pages of the Bible, he has revealed his reasons for allowing wickedness. Consider the following three pages. Ka pabalelo ya hae kwa bakuli, na bonisize mufelañeke wa hae o mutuna ni ku bonisa kuli luli n'a na ni kemelo ya bumulimu. By caring for people's ills, he showed his great compassion and manifested that he did have divine backing. When faced with trials, try to picture this unusual event happening then. Hamulaho wa lilimo ze peli, na memiwa ku yo ituta tuto ya Sikolo sa Giliadi ya likweli ze lishumi ili ye ne ezelizwe fa Betele ya mwa Brooklyn, New York. Two years later, I was invited to attend a ten - month Gilead course to be held at Bethel in Brooklyn, New York. Then, during slavery, Jehovah took certain steps, acting in a logical way. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 15] [ Picture on page 15] This law is difficult to keep because our children know that we understand English. • Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku eza linto kaufela lu "sa tongi "? • Why should we do all things "free from murmurings "? [ Blurb on page 30] Inonge: Batu ba bañata ba nahananga kuli naha ya bona ki yona ye nde ka ku fitisisa. Gail: True, I respect our teacher, but I don't salute her. For good reason, it is the son of Boaz, and Jesse was the son of Zeus. - Ruth 4: 17, 20 - 22; 1 Chron. Nibata kuituta Bibele. " I need a Bible study. " Do you look to Jehovah for guidance in every aspect of your life? Ha se ku fitile nako ye telele hamulaho a lifu la hae, ne si yanduluzwi ki bao be ne ba susuelizwe ki lituto za sihedeni ni be ne ba kwenuhile ku zwa kwa bulapeli bwa niti bwa Mulimu sina mo ne bu lutezwi ki Jesu ni baapositola. Long after his death, it was promoted by those who had been influenced by pagan philosophies and who had apostatized from the true worship of God as taught by Jesus and the apostles. He said that the Bible tells them to preach and that Christ commanded his disciples to go out preaching throughout the inhabited earth. Mutala o munde hahulu o bonisa buikoneli bwa Paulusi bwa ku luta fa nyangela u fumaneha mwa Likezo kauhanyo ya 17. An outstanding example of Paul's ability to teach publicly is found in Acts chapter 17. On the other hand, a young man with difficulty may insist on a wrong course, one that will rob him of his joy in the future. Ka kuswana ni Mareta, ki kezahalo mañi yetabisa yemulibelela? Like Martha, what joyful event are you looking forward to? Some older ones who have no children have served for many years in missionary service, in the traveling ministry, and in other full - time activities. Kakuli Satani ki yena "mulimu wa lifasi le, " mwa nto ifi kamba ifi ye ba lata hahulu batu ku kona ku iputela lilaba la hae. - 2 Makorinte 4: 4; 1 Joani 2: 15, 16. Since Satan is "the god of this system of things, " anything that is very popular could possibly hide one of his traps. - 2 Corinthians 4: 4; 1 John 2: 15, 16. Jehovah has indeed provided information for his human creatures. Paulusi n'a ezelizeñi cwalo? Why did Paul do this? [ Picture Credit Line on page 17] Musebezi wa bona u bile o tusa luli, kakuli ha ba si ka ikenya mwa bupolitiki kamba ka linzila ze ñwi ku keluha kwa musebezi wa ku kutaza taba ye nde. Their work has been truly beneficial, since they have not become involved in politics or in other ways strayed from the commission to preach the good news. Are you also known as a zealous Kingdom proclaimer? - 2 Timothy 4: 2. Mu hupule kuli 2 Pitrosi 3: 7 i bulela kuli ku ka taha "lizazi la Katulo ni ku yunda kwa banyefuli. " Recall that 2 Peter 3: 7 says that ahead of us is "the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " Thus, Christians feel that since they earn enough income, they should work hard each day. * Kacwalo, n'a si ka hula sina mutu wa mwa litende ya sa ini sikalalambo. * Thus, he did not grow up as a tent - dwelling nomad but as a city dweller in a place that offered much in the way of luxury. Many today display pride in many ways. Kaniti tukuluho yeo ne i tisize tumbo ku Jehova ni ku ba ba biziswa ka libizo la hae! How that restoration brought praise to Jehovah and to those bearing his name! [ Footnote] Tolopo yeo ne i tumile hahulu sihulu mwa puso ya malena ba mafelelezo ba Masedonia, ba ba bizwa ma - Antigonid (306 - 168 B.C.E.), ba ne ba til'o tulwa ki Maroma. The city reached particular prominence during the reign of the last Macedonian dynasty, the Antigonids (306 - 168 B.C.E.), who were eventually overthrown by Rome. Yes. Ki kabakalañi ha lu s'a koni ku itumba ka za se si petilwe? Why can we not boast of what has been accomplished? What fine example did Jesus set during his earthly ministry? Ka ku swalisana ni bona ka ku tala - sina ka mutala, ka ku abana mwa musebezi wa butokwa mwa Ndu ya Mubuso. By cooperating fully with them - for example, by sharing in necessary work in the Kingdom Hall. So if we compare ourselves with others - whether with their success or privileges - to incite feelings of jealousy or competition, let us be careful! Ha mu nyakisise litaba ze fa makepe a malaalu a latelela. Consider the evidence on the following three pages. Those who are often affected by what the Bible says they have "many minds. " Hamukopana ni miliko, mulike kueza inge bababona nto yesabonahali ye, yesweli kuezahala ka yona nako yeo. When you are suffering during a trial, try to imagine this invisible scene. You always want to praise your two sons even if you do not have the right to praise them. Cwale, mwahal'a butanga, Jehova n'a ngile mihato ye miñwi, ku eza ka nzila ye utwahala. Then, during the exile, Jehovah took further steps, acting in a positive way. He is loyal in all his dealings, and his promises are certain because he cannot lie. Mulao w'o u t'ata ku u buluka kakuli bana ba luna b'a ziba kuli lwa utwa Sikuwa. It is a hard rule to keep, since our boys know we understand English. But then I decided that I wanted to gain the peace of mind promised in the Bible. [ Manzwi a fa likepe 30] [ Blurb on page 30] We ask for a miracle, but we shall not receive a miracle except Jonah's miracle. " Ki lona libaka hakuñozwi kuli Obedi neli mwanaa Boazi, mi Jese neli mwanaa Obedi. - Ruti 4: 17, 20 - 22; 1 Makol. Thus Boaz fathered Obed, whose son was Jesse. - Ruth 4: 17, 20 - 22; 1 Chron. Make sure that truth reaches your children's hearts (See paragraphs 14, 15) Kana mwa talimelanga ku Jehova kuli a mi zamaise mwa bupilo bwa mina kaufela? Do you look to Jehovah in all aspects of your life? Those words have led some to believe that David's mother, who is not mentioned in the Bible, also helped to teach David about God. Naa bulezi kuli Bibele i ba taluseza kuli ba kutaze ni kuli Kreste naa laezi balutiwa ba hae kuli ba ye ba yo kutaza mwa linaha kaufela. That is what the Gospel states and that is what Christ commissioned his disciples to do - " go and preach in all lands. ' " Proverbs 12: 19 says: "The tongue of the righteous ones will last to time indefinite, but the tongue of falsehood is only a short period of time. " Kono yo munca ya na ni toho t'ata a kana a ñañelela nzila ye maswe, ili ye ka mu tokwisa tabo kwapili. On the other hand, a headstrong youth may persist in an unwise course, robbing him of joy later in life. How did this work after Jesus received kingly power? Basupali ba bañwi ba ba si na bana ba sebelize ka lilimo ze ñata mwa sebelezo ya bulumiwa, mwa bukombwa bwa maeto, ni misebezi ye miñwi ya nako ye tezi. Some older ones who do not have children have served for many years in missionary service, the traveling ministry, and other full - time activity. Jehovah invited the prophet Isaiah to be his spokesman, and this shows that God is pleased with faithful ones who are carrying out meaningful assignments so that his purpose will be fulfilled. Jehova kaniti u file litaba kwa libupiwa za hae za batu. Jehovah has indeed been transmitting information to his human creatures. Consider these amazing research: FRANCE FRANCE Regarding another occasion, we read: "Many people were willing to listen to him. " Kana ni mina mu zibahala ka ku ba mushaeli wa Mubuso ya tukufalezwi? - 2 Timotea 4: 2. Are you personally known as a zealous Kingdom proclaimer? - 2 Timothy 4: 2. 16, 17. Kacwalo, Bakreste ba ikutwa kuli bakeñisa kuli ba ka hola lituwelo ze kwanile, ba swanela ku beleka ka taata ka zazi. Thus, Christians give their employer a full day's work for a full day's pay. To fulfill our commission to make disciples, we must diligently learn to teach effectively. Batu babañata kacenu babonisa buikuhumuso mwa linzila zeñata. Today, people manifest pride in a number of destructive ways. This is evident from the Scriptural direction given to elders who handle cases of serious sin in the congregation. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnotes] Jesus healed people in a very different way. Ee. Yes. Paul taught aloud before Governor Festus and King Agrippa Ki mutala mañi o munde wa n'a tomile Jesu ka nako ya bukombwa bwa hae bwa fa lifasi? What fine example did Jesus set during his earthly ministry? (b) What is a key question when it comes to knowing the true religion? Kacwalo haiba ku itikanya ku ba bañwi - ibe ku ze ba kondisize kamba kwa matohonolo a bona - ku susumeza maikuto a muna kamba a kangisano, lu tokomele! So if measuring ourselves against others - their feats or advantages - stimulates feelings akin to envy or competitiveness, beware! To anointed Christians, the apostle Paul said: "The law of the spirit of life in Jesus Christ delivered me from the law of sin and of death. " Batu ba ba ikutwanga cwalo hañata ki be i bulela Bibele kuli ba na ni " minahano ye miñata. ' People who feel that way are often victims of what the Bible calls their own "disquieting thoughts. " Finally, we will consider how we can benefit from "the peace of God " in order to endure, confident that Jehovah will truly help us. Nako kaufela mubata kulumba bana bamina bababeli babashimani nihakusina zende zebaezize zebaswanela kufelwa tumbo. At every opportunity you praise your two boys - even when they have done nothing at all that was praiseworthy. To do so, I need to know "the breadth and length " of Bible truth. Ki ya sepahala mwa likezo za hae kaufela, mi lisepiso za hae ki ze ikolwiswa kakuli h'a koni ku bulela lishano. He is faithful in all his dealings, and his promises are sure because he cannot lie. Even a poor person should not steal. Kono ka nako yeo neniikatulezi kuli nibata kufumana kozo ya mwa munahano yesepisizwe mwa Bibele. But this time I was determined to attain the peace of mind that the Bible promises. With God - given strength, Jesus then expelled the demon, no doubt this strengthened the boy's father's faith. - Mark 9: 14 - 29. Lu kupa makazo, kono ha lu na ku fiwa makazo, konji makazo ya Jonasi. " But no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah. " As we have seen, Jehovah's words guide us in two ways. Mubone teñi kuli niti yafita kwa lipilu za bana bamina (Mubone paragilafu 14 ni 15) Make sure that the truth reaches the hearts of your children (See paragraphs 14, 15) By quoting Deuteronomy 8: 3, Jesus refused to exercise his power selfishly, and he showed that spiritual food is more important than reality. Manzwi ao a tahiselize batu ba bañwi ku lumela kuli mahe Davida, ili ya si ka bulelwa mwa Bibele, ni yena naa tusize mwa ku luta Davida za Mulimu. This has led some to conclude that David's mother, unnamed in the Bible, also had a positive influence on his spirituality. Micah 7: 7 Liproverbia 12: 19 i talusa kuli: "Mulomo o na ni niti u ka tiya ku ya ku ile; kono lilimi la buhata ki la nako ye kuswani fela. " " It is the lip of truth that will be firmly established forever, but the tongue of falsehood will be only as long as a moment, " explains Proverbs 12: 19. Appropriately, it is described at Revelation 17: 5 as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the fornicators and of the disgusting things of the earth. " Seo ne si sebelize cwañi Jesu ha s'a filwe m'ata a bulena? How did this work out after Jesus secured kingly power? For some in western Africa, however, these may be viewed as signs, objects, or messages from the spirit realm. Jehova naamemile mupolofita Isaya kuli abe mubuleli wahae, mi taba yeo ibonisa kuli Mulimu watabelanga batu babasepahala habaeza misebezi yetusa, ilikuli mulelo wahae utalelezwe. Jehovah invited the prophet Isaiah to speak on His behalf, revealing His pleasure in having faithful humans take part in the outworking of His purpose. Those words emphasize an important point. Mu nyakisise lipatisiso ze, ze kakamalisa: Consider some sobering statistics: Jesus spoke those words in his Sermon on the Mount. Ka ku ama fa nako ye ñwi, lu bala kuli: "Batu ba bañata hahulu ne ba tabela ku mu utwa. " Concerning another occasion, we read: "The great crowd was listening to him with pleasure. " If you have a trusted friend, you likely try to learn from him and imitate his fine qualities. 16, 17. 16, 17. Instead of dwelling on negative aspects of your life, work hard to deal with any problem and focus on the positive things you have. - Prov. Kuli lu pete musebezi wo lu filwe wa ku tahisa balutiwa, lu swanela ku tundamena ku ituta ku luta ka bukwala. In order to fulfill our commission to make disciples, we constantly seek to improve our ability to teach. F. Taba yeo i bonahala ka ketelelo ye tomile fa Mañolo ye fiwa kwa maeluda ba ba talimanga litaba ze ama libi ze tuna mwa puteho. This is reflected in the Scriptural guidance given to elders, who sometimes have to handle cases of gross sin in the congregation. Despite that act of disobedience, the Israelites deceived themselves into thinking that they were women on Jehovah's side. Jesu na folisize batu ka linzila ze shutana hahulu ni mo ba foliseza bafolisi ba kacenu. Jesus healed the sick in ways distinctly different from those of modern - day healers. Yes, the burden was heavy, and the yoke that people put on was too heavy for them. Paulusi n'a lutile ka mukwa o kolisa fapil'a Mubusisi Festusi ni Mulena Agripa Paul used persuasion when he was before Governor Festus and King Agrippa We went to the living room, sat down, and took a cup of tea. (b) Puzo ye tuna ki ifi ha ku taha ku za ku ziba bulapeli bwa niti? (b) When identifying the true religion, what is the pivotal question? " Job's Covenant and His Eyes ' Kwa Bakreste ba ba tozizwe, muapositola Paulusi n'a ize: "Mulao wa Moya wa bupilo o li teñi ku Jesu Kreste, u ni liuluzi kwa mulao wa sibi ni wa lifu. " Addressing anointed Christians, the apostle Paul said: "The law of that spirit which gives life in union with Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. " This has proved helpful, for almost 80 percent of the population live in rural or isolated, where only their language can be spoken to others. Mi kwa mafelelezo, lukanyakisisa molukona kutusezwa ki "kozo ya Mulimu " kuli luitiise inze lusepile kuli Jehova uka lutusa luli. Finally, we will consider how "the peace of God " can help us to endure with full confidence in Jehovah. " The Court found that the Witnesses ' right to worship was challenged, since on April 16, 2000, government officials would miss their meeting. " Kuli ni eze cwalo, ni tokwa ku ziba " bupala ni butelele ' bwa niti ya Bibele. For that, it is necessary to know " the breadth and depth ' of Bible truth. The Truth and the Trinity Nihaiba mubotana ha swaneli ku uzwa. Even poverty does not justify theft. He laid the foundation, in which they agreed to explain his meaning. Ka m'ata a n'a filwe ki Mulimu, Jesu cwale a lelekisa sidimona, ku si na ku kakanya seo ne si tiisize tumelo ya ndat'ahe mushimani y'o. - Mareka 9: 14 - 29. By means of God - given power, Jesus then expelled the demon, doubtless strengthening the faith of the boy's father. - Mark 9: 14 - 29. Science has continued for 3,000 years since Jehovah asked Job those questions. Sina mo se lu nyakisiselize, manzwi a Jehova a lu zamaisa ka linzila ze peli. As we have seen, Jehovah's utterances guide us in two related ways. They would appear to the Philistines of refuge. Ka ku bulela manzwi a ' kwa Deuteronoma 8: 3, Jesu a hana ku sebelisa m'ata a hae ka buitati, mi a bonisa kuli lico za kwa moya li butokwa ku fita za luli. Quoting Deuteronomy 8: 3, Jesus refused to make selfish use of his powers and placed spiritual food above physical food. This list can also help us remember the work of elders in our congregation. Mika 7: 7 Micah 7: 7 (b) Give examples to show that the Bible Students were zealous. Ka ku swanela, bu talusizwe kwa Sinulo 17: 5 sina "Babilona yo mutuna, m'ahe mahule ni ze masila za lifasi. " Appropriately, they are described at Revelation 17: 5 as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth. " Consider an example of the Bible's positive influence. Kono kwa batu ba bañwi ba kwa wiko wa Africa, lika zeo li kona ku ngiwa ku ba lisupo, lika ze anunela, kamba mashango a zwa kwa liluko la mioya. But for certain peoples in West Africa, these could be viewed as signs, omens, or messages from the spirit world. As to Jesus, what was done by Jews and by God? Manzwi ao a koñomeka sisupo sa butokwa hahulu. This highlights a very important point. Recall the victory song that the Israelites sang after their deliverance from Egypt. Jesu naabulezi manzwi ao mwa Ngambolo yahae ya fa Lilundu. Jesus spoke those words in his Sermon on the Mount. How do Jehovah's Witnesses view dedication to God, and what is their desire? Haiba mu na ni mulikani ye mu sepile, mwendi mwa likanga ku ituta ku yena ni ku likanyisa mikwa ya hae ye minde. When you come to respect a friend, you likely try to learn from his example and good qualities. One thing that helps me to be happy is having fun. Mwa sibaka sa ku nahana lika ze maswe ze ezahala mwa bupilo bwa mina, mu like ku eza ka taata kuli mu tiyele butata kaufela mi mu nahanange hahulu lika ze nde ze mu na ni zona. - Liprov. Instead of dwelling on negative events, do what is practical to cope with each problem and focus on the positive aspects of your life. - Prov. Jeremiah was right. F. F. Ask God for help. Kusina taba ni kezo yeo yene baezize ya kusautwa Mulimu, Maisilaele nebaipumile ka kunahana kuli nebasali kwa lineku la Jehova. Despite this obvious act of disobedience, the Israelites somehow fooled themselves into thinking that they were still on Jehovah's side. But we will strive to walk with God even when others do not see us. Ee, mutiyo n'o li o bukiti, mi coko ye ne ba kulekisa batu n'e li ye kubaula hahulu. Yes, the load was heavy, and the yoke imposed on the people was harsh. He immediately stopped me and returned to their room to try to understand what they had read. Lwa ya mwa ndandulo, lwa ina, mi lwa puka tii. We went into the lounge, sat down, and had some tea. Rather than considering themselves as great judges who meet together to make sure that punishment is met, elders serving on a judicial committee must see the hearing of the matter as part of their shepherding work. " Tumelelano ya Jobo ni Meto a Hae ' Job's " Covenant With His Eyes ' □ How does Jehovah show reasonableness in the way he exercises authority? Ku eza cwalo ku tusize luli, kakuli ibato ba 80 pesenti ya bayahi ba naha ba 25 milioni ba pila mwa matakanyani kamba mwa litoloponyana, mi batu bao ba kona fela ku itusisa puo ya bona mwa ku ambola ni ba bañwi. This has proved necessary because over 80 percent of the country's 25 million people live in rural areas or small towns, where people depend to a great extent on their mother tongue for daily communication. This translation came to be known as the Greek Scriptures of the Septuagint. " Kuta i fumani kuli tukelo ya Lipaki ya ku lapela ne i lwanisizwe, kakuli la 16 April, 2000, babeleki ba Muuso ne ba kaulelize mukopano wa bona. " " The Court finds that there has been interference with the applicants ' right to freedom of religion in that, on 16 April 2000, the State officials caused their religious assembly to be terminated ahead of time. " Since those early Christians had no way to read years, they did not know the time of Jerusalem's destruction. Niti ni Silalu The Truth and the Trinity Satan accused Job of serving God for selfish benefits, not out of love. N'a tateka mutomo, ili litaba mo ne ba lumelelana za kuli a shashulule ka zona litaluso za hae. He was laying a foundation, a common ground on which to build his arguments. But confession and repentance bring relief and spiritual restoration. - Proverbs 28: 13. Sayansi se i zwezipili ka lilimo ze 3,000 ku zwa f'o Jehova n'a buzelize Jobo lipuzo zani. Science has advanced for 3,000 years since Jehovah posed those questions to Job. [ Picture on page 32] Ne ba ka yo iponahalisa kwa Mafilisita ba fa sisabelo. They would show themselves to the men at the outpost. Ciarar now is not the only person who is disturbed by such church teachings. Mukoloko wo hape ukona kulutusa kuhupula musebezi obaeza baana - bahulu mwa puteho yaluna. This list can also help us to remember the hard work that the elders do in our congregation. On one occasion, a missionary from Africa visited us and told us that people invited him into the house and listened carefully as he preached the good news of God's Kingdom. (b) Mufe mitala yebonisa kuli Baituti ba Bibele nebanani mafulofulo. (b) Give examples illustrating the zeal of the Bible Students. What did Paul mean when he said that he would "not see death "? Mu nyakisise mutala wa m'ata a susueza a Bibele. Consider an example of the Bible's motivating power. 5: 3 - 7. Ka ku ama ku Jesu, ki sifi se ne si ezizwe ki Majuda ni Mulimu? Regarding Jesus, what was done by the Jews and by God? Like King David and Israel's princes and princes, we can show our respect and appreciation for "the house of God " by offering moral and financial support to the Society. Mu hupule pina ya tulo ye ne ba opezi Maisilaele ba mano lukululwa mwa Egepita. In ancient times, the Promised Land was referred to as God's holy abiding place. What example did Samuel set for youths? Lipaki za Jehova b'a nga cwañi buineelo ku Mulimu, mi takazo ya bona ki ifi? How do Jehovah's Witnesses view dedication to God, and what is their wish? Later, however, my wife and my son Ruth followed me. Nto ye ñwi ye ni tusanga ku ba ni tabo ki ku eza lishea. A good sense of humor also works wonders. The Bible clearly states at Daniel 2: 44: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. Jeremia n'a nepile. Jeremiah was right. In this century of satanic disaster, can mankind find a hope for the future? Mu kupe Mulimu kuli a mi tuse. Make it a matter of prayer. Although the region of Tumodu has about 80 island - covered island - covered areas as long as one small part of India, there are only about 16,000 inhabitants in that area. Kono lu ka lika ka t'ata ku zamaya ni Mulimu mane ni ka linako ze lu sa bonwi ki batu ba bañwi. Rather, we endeavor to walk with God even when no fellow human can see us. Although we give people the hope of everlasting life in Paradise, our main objective is to draw them closer to Jehovah ' Honafo ba ni yemisa mi ba kutela mwa musiyo wa bona ku yo lika hape ku utwisisa ze ne ba balile. He made a motion for me to stop and went back into his room to figure out the meaning of the written text for himself. " I grew up in a family where people used to be rude, harsh, and cruel, " relates a Canadian sister named, "and I grew up in a family where people were more inclined to speak abusively of others. " Ku fita ku ikunga sina baatuli ba batuna ili bao ba kopana hamoho ku bona teñi kuli koto ya fiwa, maeluda ba ba sebeza fa katengo ka buatuli ba lukela ku bona ku utwiwa kwa taba sina kalulo ye ñwi ya musebezi wa bona wa bulisana. Rather than considering themselves to be superior judges meeting to administer punishment, elders serving on a judicial committee should view the hearing as another aspect of their shepherding work. Let us briefly review this Bible - based upbuilding and upbuilding program. □ Jehova u bonisa cwañi musa mwa nzila yeo a sebelisa ka yona m'ata a tamaiso? □ How does Jehovah demonstrate reasonableness in the way that he exercises authority? (Compare Genesis 37: 3, 4.) Toloko yeo neitilo bizwa kuli ki Mañolo A Sigerike A Septuagint. This translation became known as the Greek Septuagint. Ask Jehovah to help you to enjoy your ministry and find interested ones. Bakeñisa kuli Bakreste ba kwa makalelo bao ne ba si na nzila ya ku bala ka yona lilimo, ne ba sa zibi nako ya sinyeho ya Jerusalema. Having no chronological signposts, those early Christians did not know when the destruction of Jerusalem would come about. Here are some of the things they have said. Satani n'a tamelelize kuli Jobo n'a sebeleza Mulimu kabakala lituso za buitati, isiñi kabakala lilato. Satan alleged that Job served God for selfish advantage, not out of love. On one occasion, the apostle Peter told Jesus: "Look! We have left all things and followed you. " Kono ku ipulela ni ku baka ku tisa kimululo ni ku kutiswa kwa moya wa tabo. - Liproverbia 28: 13. But confession and repentance bring relief and the restoration of a joyful spirit. - Proverbs 28: 13. And how does his purpose for the earth affect us? [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 32] [ Picture on page 32] What sins are unforgivable? Bo Ciarán hasi bona feela ba ba filikanywa ki lituto ze maswe cwalo za likeleke. Ciarán is not alone in his revulsion for such harsh church teachings. Jesus explained how this relationship strengthened him when he said: "I and the Father are one. " Muta o muñwi mulumiwa ya na zwa kwa Africa na tilo lu potela mi na lu taluselize kuli batu ne ba mu memanga ku kena mwa ndu ni ku mu teeleza ka tokomelo ha na kutaza taba ye nde ya Mubuso wa Mulimu. A missionary visiting from Africa once told us that in her assignment everyone invited her in and listened attentively to the good news of God's Kingdom. Have those who have stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place of wholesome spiritual food? Paulusi naatalusañi hanaabulezi kuli "naangilwe kuli asike abona lifu "? What did Paul mean by that phrase "transferred so as not to see death "? Jehu tactfully " completes Baal service in Israel. ' 5: 3 - 7. 5: 3 - 7. No human government can destroy Satan's influence on the earth. Ka ku swana sina Mulena Davida ni linabi ni manduna ba mwa Isilaele, lu kona ku bonisa likute ni buitebuho bwa luna kwa neku la "Ndu ya Mulimu " ka ku fa kemelo ya mwa muzamao ni ya mali kwa Sosaiti. Like King David and the princes and chiefs of Israel, we can show our esteem and appreciation for the "House of God " by giving moral and financial support to the Society. This pattern of life began in the garden of Eden when our first parents rejected the moral standards set by our Creator. ○ Samuele na tomezi ba banca mutala o cwañi? What example did Samuel provide for young ones? From Pakistan to the United States, no matter how rich some may be, there are those who work hard to find enough food or shelter. Kono hasamulaho, musal'a ka Anni ni mwan'aka Ruth ba ni latelela. In time, however, I was joined by my wife, Anni, and our daughter, Ruth. We know that Jehovah was not pleased with their actions. Bibele i bulela ka ku utwahala kwa Daniele 2: 44 kuli: "Mulimu wa mwa lihalimu u ka tahisa mubuso o si na ku sinyeha ku ya ku ile; mi bulena bwa ona ha bu na ku shimbulukela kwa sicaba si sili. The Bible states emphatically at Daniel 2: 44: "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. [ Picture on page 9] Mwa lilimo za mwanda wo wa bumai bwa busatani, kana mufuta wa mutu wa kona ku fumana sepo ya nako ya kwapili? In this age of satanic woe, can mankind find hope for the future? But are their suggestions accurate? Nihaike kuli sibaka sa Tuamotu si na ni tuoli to tu batoo eza 80 to tu yambile sibaka kaufela ili se si batoo likana kalulo feela ye nyinyani i liñwi ya naha ya India, mwa sibaka seo ku pila feela batu ba ba batoo ba 16,000. Although Tuamotu consists of nearly 80 atolls spread across an area of more than 310,000 square miles (802,900 sq km), it has a population of only some 16,000 inhabitants. Make a resolve. Nihaike lu tahiseza batu sepo ya bupilo bo bu sa feli mwa Paradaisi, mulelo wa luna o mutuna kikuli lu ba suteleze ku Jehova Although we extend to people the hope of everlasting life in Paradise, our main objective is to draw them to Jehovah Joy: When you plan to do what you do and then do it, you feel better. Bo Ivy ba ba pila kwa Canada ba kandeka kuli, "Ne ni hulezi mwa lubasi mo batu ne ba lata hahulu ku bulela ka kashwau, ka buhali, ni ku lata ku shendaka ba bañwi. " Ivy, who lives in Canada, relates: "I grew up in an environment where sarcasm, screaming, and name - calling were the norm. " But I also learned to do other bad things. Ha lu lundululeñi ka bukuswani tukiso ye tomile fa Bibele yeo ili ye yahisa. Let us briefly review the upbuilding Bible - based program. Let us look at the history of the birthday celebrations. (Mu bapanye Genese 37: 3, 4.) (Compare Genesis 37: 3, 4.) They try to cause divisions, knowing that divisions are destructive. Mu kupe Jehova kuli a mi tuse ku ikola bukombwa bwa mina ni ku fumana batu ba ba tabela. With Jehovah's help, seek ways to make your service rewarding and productive. From then on, they tried everything they could to make life easier for us. Ki ze litaba ze ñwi ze ba bulezi. Consider some of their comments. On Nisan 11, 33 C.E., however, Jesus told Israel's leaders that God rejected their nation as His slave. Ka nako ye ñwi, muapositola Pitrosi na bulelezi Jesu kuli: "A ku bone, luna lu tuhezi linto kaufela mi lu ku latelezi. " On one occasion, the apostle Peter told Jesus: "Look! We have left all things and followed you. " □ How can Jesus ' example make us courageous? Mi mulelo wa hae ka za lifasi u lu ama cwañi? And how does his purpose regarding it affect us? B. Ki libi mañi ze sa konwi ku swalelwa? What sins are not forgiven? In effect, you tell your neighbors, " I don't care about you; it's better to be in a different place. ' " Jesu naatalusize moneitiyezi swalisano yeo hanaabulezi kuli: "Na ni Ndate lu ba li bañwi. " Jesus explained how close that relationship was when he said: "I and the Father are one. " However, it is important to consider seriously what we do in this work. Kana ba ba tuhezi ku swalisana ni puteho ya Sikreste ba fumani sibaka se siñwi ko ku na ni lico ze nde za kwa moya? Have those who stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place where there is rich spiritual food? The Bible emphasizes the importance of the father's role in raising and training children. Jehu ka maseme " u feza sebelezo ya Baale mwa Isilaele. ' Jehu skillfully " annihilates Baal worship out of Israel. ' But after they make mistakes, they learn from them and are better able to do what is right. Ha ku na puso ya mutu ye kona ku yundisa susuezo ya Satani fa lifasi. No human rule can rid the world of Satan's influence. How does Jesus ' illustration of the sparrows show that we are precious to Jehovah? Mupilelo w'o ne u kalezi mwa simu ya Edeni bashemi ba luna ba pili ha ne ba fulalezi likuka za mupilelo ze n'e tomilwe ki Mubupi wa luna. This approach to life found its origin in the garden of Eden when our first parents abandoned the standard of behavior laid down by our Creator. The problem of human hearts comes from the sin that the first human couple sinned against God. Ku zwa Bangladesh ku ya kwa United States, ku si na taba kuli ba bañwi ba fumile cwañi, ku na ni bao ba ba mbindana ku bata ze likani za ku ca kamba ku bata malobalo. From Bangladesh to the United States, no matter how well - off some may be, there are those who struggle to have enough to eat or to have a roof over their head. The global fishing that God has in mind will involve more than good than being armed with weapons or having equal military powers. Lwa ziba kuli Jehova naa si ka tabela likezo za bona. How did Jehovah feel about them? He did not bless them. Death has no power over those resurrected in that resurrection. - 1 Corinthians 15: 50 - 53; Revelation 20: 6. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 9] [ Picture on page 9] Solomon said: "A good man leave his children an inheritance. " Kono kana liakalezo za bona li nepahezi? But are their assumptions correct? Yes, the Bible can help us to succeed. Jehovah Fulfills His Promises to Faithful Ones, 4 / 15 Although I can no longer visit countries as I did in the past, I continue to share in the daily work of supporting the Governing Body, serving with the Branch Committee and Service Committee. Mu eze katulo ye tiile. Make a resolve. If we forgive those who have sinned against us, we show appreciation for Jehovah's provision to forgive us through Christ's ransom sacrifice. Tabo: Hamulela za kueza ni kulipeta, mukaikutwa hande. Happiness: When you set and reach goals, you feel a sense of accomplishment. Those words are so reliable that Jehovah speaks as though destruction had already occurred. Kono hape musebezi wa mwa mafamu wo, ne u ni lutile ku eza lika ze ñwi ze maswe. On the other hand, I was exposed to some harmful influences on the farms. It guides us and shows us what is foretold in God's Word, the Bible. Ha lu boneñi litaba za kwamulaho za mikiti ya mazazi a ku pepwa yeo. Let us get the background of those birthday anniversaries. " Whatever your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place to which you are going. " Ba lika ku tahisa likauhano, ka ku ziba kuli likauhano za shandaula. They try to sow discord, knowing that internal divisions are destructive. We do not use our presence there to further worldly business plans or to care for other personal expenses. Ku zwa honafo, banna bao ba lika mo ne ba konela kaufela kuli bupilo bu lu tatafalele. From then on, the men looked for every opportunity to make things difficult for us. Is that the case with the Bible? Kono la Nisani 11, 33 C.E., Jesu n'a taluselize baeteleli ba Isilaele kuli Mulimu n'a hanile sicaba sa bona kuli haki mutang'a Hae. But on Nisan 11 of the year 33 C.E., Jesus told the leaders of Israel that God had rejected their nation from being His servant. In fact, we need to be joyful. □ Mutala wa Jesu u kona ku lu tahiseza cwañi ku ba ni bundume? □ How can Jesus ' example fill us with courage? It is with a heart full of gratitude for him - for all that he has taught us, for what he has done for us, and for what he has yet to do for us - we are not moved to trust completely in his saving power. - Isaiah 12: 2. B. B. And why should we be thankful even if people around us are not grateful? Ha mu eza cwalo ku swana inge kuli mu taluseza batu be mu inzi ni bona kuli, " ha ni na taba ni mina; mane ki hande ku ba kwa sibaka si sili. ' " " That tells people, " I don't care about your company; I'd rather be somewhere else. ' " If they follow the Bible's advice, they will solve many problems and cope with problems that they cannot solve and live happily together. - 1 Cor. Nihakulicwalo, ki kwa butokwa ku nahanisisa ka butu ze lu ezeza luli musebezi wo. Yet, it is beneficial to reflect on our own motives for doing that work. By doing so, you will "draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Bibele i koñomeka hahulu butokwa bwa buikalabelo bwa mushemi wa muuna mwa ku uta ni ku luta banana. The Bible places great emphasis on the importance of a father's role in raising and training children. Give an example of how mature ones continue to bear Kingdom fruitage despite poor bodies. Kono hamulaho wa kueza mafosisa, baitutanga sesiñwi kwa mafasisa ao mi bakalanga kueza hande. But after each misstep, they get up, learn from the experience, and move on. Paul referred to "the people of God " as Christians. Swanisezo ya Jesu ya litaha i bonisa cwañi kuli lu ba butokwa ku Jehova? How does Jesus ' illustration of the sparrows show that we have value in Jehovah's eyes? Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them. " - Psalm 139: 13 - 16; Job 31: 14, 15. But'ata bwa lipilu za batu bu simuluha mwa sibi seo bosinyalana ba pili ne ba ezize ku Mulimu. People's hardheartedness finds its origin in the sin that the first human couple committed against God. For over 125 years, this magazine has shown that God's inspired Word, the Bible, provides reliable enlightenment because it contains "the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation. " - 2 Timothy 3: 15 - 17. KOZO ya lifasi kamukana yeo Mulimu a na ni yona mwa munahano i ka ama nto ye fitelela fela ku yendeka litobolo kamba ku ba ni m'ata a likanelela a lilwaniso za nyukilia. THE world peace that God has in mind will involve far more than a global cease - fire or a nuclear stalemate. As a result, we will be protected and will be able to move forward in winter. Lifu ha li na m'ata fahalimwa ba ba zuha mwa zuho yeo. - 1 Makorinte 15: 50 - 53; Sinulo 20: 6. Death has no hold on those who receive such a resurrection. - 1 Corinthians 15: 50 - 53; Revelation 20: 6. King David said of Jehovah: "You are faithful to the faithful ones. " Salumoni n'a ize: "Mutu yo munde u siyela bana ba hae sanda. " " One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons, " states Solomon. Yet, Ananias found that house, and his visit helped Saul to become the apostle Paul, a zealous proclaimer of the good news. - Acts 9: 12 - 19. Kaniti, Bibele ya kona ku lu tusa ku kondisa mwa bupilo bwa luna. Yes, the Bible can map out for us a sure and successful course in life. What did those in the new nation do as Jehovah's name people? Nihaike kuli ha ni sa kona ku yo potelanga linaha sina mo ne ni ezezanga kwamulaho, ni zwelapili ku peta musebezi o ni ezanga ka zazi ni zazi wa ku tusa Sitopa se si Etelela, ili ku sebeza ni Katengo ka Baswalisanisi ni Katengo ka Sebelezo. Although I am not able to travel around the world as in former years, I am able to keep up my daily work as a helper to the Governing Body, working with the Coordinators ' Committee and the Service Committee. Satan and his world continue to seek ways to slow down or to satisfy our appreciation for the spiritual riches discussed in this article. Haiba luswalela baba lufoselize, lubonisa kuli lwaitebuha tukiso ya Jehova ya kuswalela libi zaluna ka sitabelo sa Kreste sa tiululo. When we forgive those who have offended us, we show that we appreciate the forgiveness of our own sins made possible by Christ's ransom sacrifice. Many of Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy sharing their Bible teachings with others. " Manzwi ao a sepeha luli kuli mane Jehova u bulela inge kuli sinyeho i ezahezi kale. I devastated their streets, so that there was no one passing through. Their cities were laid waste. " What happened in Jerusalem and Judea from 33 C.E. to 66 C.E. is similar to what happened during that period of "the beginning of pangs of distress. " Ki lona le li lu etelela ni ku lu bonisa ze kwapili ze polofitilwe mwa Linzwi la Mulimu, yona Bibele. It gives us guidance and shows us the future as foretold in God's Word, the Bible. For example, when planning for refreshment, we should make sure that we will not miss a circuit overseer's visit, a special assembly assembly day, a circuit or district assembly. " S'O KA fumana kaufela ku eza ka mazoho a hao, u si eze ka mata a hao. Kakuli mwa libita mo u ya, ha ku sa na musebezi, nihaili mulelo, kamba zibo, kamba butali. " " ALL that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place to which you are going. " Although not a parent, you can learn from him how he trained his disciples. Ha lu itusisi ku fumaneha kwa luna teñi k'o kwa neku la ku zwisezapili milelo ya lipisinisi za silifasi kamba kuli lu babalele litifo ze ñwi za ka butu. We do not take advantage of our attendance there to pursue secular business or to take care of personal financial transactions. How Can You Make Peace? 12 Young People Ask Kana w'o ki ona muinelo kwa neku la Bibele? Is this the case with the Bible? God's prophets found joy in their service, and what they said helped receptive hearers. Mane lu swanela ku ba ni tabo. Rather, it makes it exciting, intriguing. A Book That Works in Modern Life Ki ka pilu ye tezi buitebuho ku yena - kwa neku la z'a lu lutile kaufela, z'a lu ezelize, ni z'a sa na ni ku lu ezeza - ha lu nyangumunwa ku sepa ka ku tala ku pulusa kwa hae. - Isaya 12: 2. It is with a heart brimming with appreciation for him - for all that he has taught us, has done for us, and will yet do for us - that we are stimulated to trust implicitly in his salvation. - Isaiah 12: 2. 690 Mi ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku no itumelanga, nihaikaba kuli batu bo lu pila ni bona ha ba na buitumelo? And why should we be appreciative, even if those around us are unthankful? But what matters most to Jesus was not our salvation. Haiba ba latelela likelezo za mwa Bibele, ba ka tatulula butata bo buñata ni ku itiisa ha ba talimana ni butata bo ba sa koni ku tatulula mi ba ka pila hamoho inze ba tabile. - 1 Makor. By applying Bible counsel, they will solve many problems, endure those that remain, and stay happy together. - 1 Cor. History shows that this course did not make people change for the better but contributed to the moral breakdown of society. - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Ka ku eza cwalo, mu ka "[sutelela] ku Mulimu mi u ka sutelela ku mina. " By doing so, you will "draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " That son came to be John the Baptizer, who announced the coming of a prophet greater than long - awaited Moses - Jesus Christ. Mu fe mutala wa m'o ba ba hulile ba zwelelapili ku beya muselo wa Mubuso ku si na taba ni mibili ye fokola. Illustrate how older ones continue producing Kingdom fruitage despite physical limitations. They may not even exist. " Sicaba sa Mulimu " sa naa bulela Paulusi ne li Bakreste. " The people of God " Paul was referring to were Christians. Jesus knew better because Jehovah taught him "to raise up the tired one with a fine word. " Meto a hao a ni boni, ha ne ni li nto ye si ka petahala, mi mwa buka ya hao, lilama za ka kaufela ne li ñozwi ha ne li nze li bupiwa ka zazi ni zazi, nako ye ne ku si na niheba li li liñwi la zona. " - Samu 139: 13 - 16; Jobo 31: 14, 15. Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing, as regards the days when they were formed. " - Ps. 139: 13 - 16; Job 31: 14, 15. So unbaptized publishers can have the joy of talking about their faith to others. Ka lilimo ze fitelela 125, magazini ye i bonisize kuli mwa Bibele, lona Linzwi la Mulimu le li ñozwi ka ketelelo ya moya, ki mona mo lu kona ku fumana liseli le li sepeha bakeñisa kuli i lwezi "Mañolo a kenile, a ' kona ku [mi] talifisa kuli [mu] piliswe. " - 2 Timotea 3: 15 - 17. For more than 125 years, this magazine has championed God's inspired Word, the Bible, as the most dependable source of enlightenment because it contains "sacred writings which have power to make you wise and lead you to salvation. " - 2 Timothy 3: 15 - 17, New English Bible. They wore fine clothes, lived in a beautiful, attractive home, and had a successful business. Kambila ka pilanga hamoho ni tumbila to tuñwi, mi ku eza cwalo ku tisa kuli ka silelezwe mi ku ka tusa ku futumalelwa ka nako ya maliha. The rock badger is designed to prosper in a close - knit community, which provides protection and helps it to keep warm in winter. When provoked, he took him to Shiloh to serve at the tabernacle. - 1 Samuel 1: 20, 24 - 28. Mulena Davida naa bulezi cwana ka za Jehova: "Wa sepahala ku ba ba sepahala. " (Read 2 Samuel 22: 26.) You may wonder, " Is it really possible to improve understanding by teaching? ' Niteñi, Ananiasi na fumani ndu yeo, mi poto ya hae ne i tusize kuli Saule a be muapositola Paulusi, mushaeli ya tukufalezwi wa taba ye nde. - Likezo 9: 12 - 19. Ananias found it, however, and his visit led to Saul's becoming the apostle Paul, a zealous proclaimer of the good news. - Acts 9: 12 - 19. Then householders may talk about us for hours or days, even if they did not allow us to preach to them. Batu ba ne ba li mwa sicaba se sinca ne ba ezizeñi ka ku ba batu ba ne ba bizwa ka libizo la Jehova? In what ways were members of the new nation to act as "a people for [Jehovah's] name, " and to what extent did they do so? The doctor's hospital had two mothers, and the thought was that women were more likely to be in the first among the second. Satani ni lifasi lahae, bazwelapili kubata linzila za kufokolisa kamba kufelisa ka zona buitebuho bolunani bona kwa bufumu bwa kwa moya bolunyakisisize mwa taba ye. Satan and his world are constantly seeking to weaken or destroy our appreciation for the spiritual treasures we have discussed in this article. Knowing that Satan and his agents would strongly oppose the good news, Jesus warned his followers: "People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. " Lipaki za Jehova ba bañata ba tabelanga hahulu ku ambolisana ni ba bañwi lituto za bona za Bibele. " For many Jehovah's Witnesses, sharing their beliefs with others is a favorite activity. " This would include rejecting excessive sexual practices. Ze ne ezahezi mwa Jerusalema ni Judea ku zwa ka silimo sa 33 C.E. ku isa ka 66 C.E., li swana ni ze ne ezahezi mwa nako yeo ya "makalelo a manyando. " These "pangs of distress " correspond to what took place in Jerusalem and Judea from 33 C.E. to 66 C.E. To this day, there is no historical evidence that the book was translated. Ka mutala, ha lu lela za ku ba ni pumulo, lu swanela ku bona teñi kuli ha lu na ku shuta poto ya muokameli wa mupotoloho, mukopano o ipitezi wa lizazi li li liñwi, mukopano wa mupotoloho kamba wa sikiliti. For example, when planning for a vacation, we make sure that we will not miss the circuit overseer's visit, a special assembly day, a circuit assembly, or a district convention. 8: 21. Nihaike kuli nesi mushemi, mwakona kuituta kuyena ka mwa naalutezi balutiwa bahae. Although he was not a father, you can learn from the way he taught and trained his disciples. This will cause Jehovah's day to begin. Mu Kona ku Pilisana Cwañi ka Kozo ni ba Bañwi? 12 Ba Banca ba Buza Kuli 12 The Titanic - "The Most Famous Ship in History " 9 Knowing What Kind of Person You Are Bapolofita ba Mulimu ne ba fumani tabo mwa sebelezo ya bona, mi se ne ba bulezi ne si tusize bautwi ba ba amuhela. God's prophets found joy in their service, and what they said benefited receptive hearers. Today, the faith of Jehovah's people serving him in 235 lands is strengthened when they recall what happened here. Buka Ye Sebeza mwa Mupilelo wa Cwale A Practical Book for Modern Living 2: 10. 690 690 Regarding this verse, one scholar said: "What David meant is that his personal status, reputation, or line of descent would not allow him even to have the privilege of becoming king - in - law. " Kono nto ya butokwa hahulu ku Jesu ne si ya ku piliswa kwa luna. At the same time, we need to understand that our salvation is not Jesus ' primary concern. Christian love will help us to follow that encouragement to discern more important things. Litaba za kwakale li bonisa kuli mupilelo wo ne u si ka tahisa kuli batu ba cince ku ba ba bande kono ne u ekelize kwa ku shandauka kwa mizamao ye minde ya batu. - 2 Timotea 3: 1 - 5. History suggests that it did not change people for the better but contributed to the ongoing moral deterioration of human society. - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. How does Jehovah protect us today? Mwanaa yo naa to ba Joani Mukolobezi, yena ya naa zibahalize ku taha kwa mupolofita yo mutuna ku Mushe ya naa libelezwi ka nako ye telele - yena Jesu Kreste. That son became John the Baptizer, who announced the coming of the long - awaited prophet greater than Moses - Jesus Christ. Christ has done likewise, although there are two major differences between his dealings with him and his dealings with the nation of Israel. Mwendi mane ha i sa li yo. In fact, the stumbling block may not exist any longer. Many today whose custom is to lift wine cups do not remember that they are asking for a blessing from the spirits, but they do not know why they do so. Jesu naaziba hande zakubulela kakuli Jehova naamulutile " mwakualabela yakatezi ka linzwi leliswanela. ' He knew exactly what to say because Jehovah taught him "how to answer the tired one with the right word. " To safeguard our heart, we must avoid such traits as pride, sin, and lack of faith. Kacwalo bahasanyi ba ba si ka kolobezwa ba kona ku ba ni tabo ya ku bulela za tumelo ya bona ku ba bañwi. Unbaptized publishers can thus have the joy of speaking about their faith to others. I had just faced one of the greatest trials of my childhood; I refused military service. - 2 Corinthians 10: 3 - 5. Ne ba apala litino ze cisa pasa, ne ba pila mwa ndu ye buheha ili ye kabisizwe ka bukwala, mi ne ba na ni pisinisi ye ne fumanisa hande. They wore expensive clothes, lived in an attractively decorated home, and had a successful business. For the same reason that the people of Noah's day and Lot ignored Jehovah's warning. Ha n'a kwisizwe, n'a mu isize kwa Shilo kuli a y'o sebeleza kwa tabernakele. - 1 Samuele 1: 20, 24 - 28. When he was weaned, she took him to Shiloh so that he could serve at the tabernacle. - 1 Samuel 1: 20, 24 - 28. 6: 11 - 13 - When High Priest Joshua was wearing a garment, did he become a priestly king? Mu kana mwa ipuza kuli: " Kana kwa konahala luli ku shemuna kutwisiso ka tuto? ' " Is it really possible to make the mind over through education? ' you may ask. The Son Reflected His Father's Love Hamulaho bañi ba mandu mwendi ba ka ikambota za luna ka lihora kamba ka mazazi, ni ko ne ba si ka lu lumeleza ku kutaza ku bona. After we leave, the householders might talk about our call for hours or days, even where no one opened the door to us! Do you think that Jehovah will protect those who choose to separate themselves from others? - Micah 2: 12. Mwa sipatela mwanaabeleka Semmelweis nekunani mawadi amabeli a baima, mi taba yenekomokisa ki kuli basali nebashwanga hahulu mwa wadi yapili kufita mwa wadi yabubeli. The hospital in which Semmelweis worked had two separate maternity clinics, and curiously, the maternal death rate was much higher in the first clinic than it was in the second. What is God's Kingdom? Jesu ka ku ziba kuli Satani ni ba ba mu sebeleza ne ba ka lwanisa hahulu taba ye nde, n'a lemusize balateleli ba hae kuli: "Ba ka mi swalisa batu kuli mu nyandiswe, mi ba mi bulaye; mi mu ka toiwa ki macaba kaufela kabakala Libizo la ka. " Since Jesus knew that Satan and his agents would strenuously resist the good news, He warned his followers: "People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. " Surely we can appreciate all of this! Seo ne si ka kopanyeleza cwalo ni ku hana likezo za tobali ze tulile tikanyo. This would include the rejecting of extreme sex practices. We have considered just a fraction of what it means to " find the very knowledge of God. ' Ku to fita ni la kacenu le, ha ku na bupaki bo bu ñozwi bwa litaba za kwaikale bo bu bonisa kuli buka yeo ne i tolokilwe ki bomañi. So far, no historical record has been discovered to provide the answer. How is it shown that Jehovah really cares about us? 8: 21. 8: 21. So you need to know what your teenager likes, such as music, movies, or sports. nto yeo i ka tahisa kuli lizazi la Jehova li kalise. that development will indicate that Jehovah's day is to begin. We can personally learn another lesson regarding our everyday speech. 9 Kuziba Butu Bwamina Secret 9 Identity About 60 or 61 C.E., when Paul expected to be judged by Emperor Nero in Rome, Jewish leaders said of Christians: "As regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against. " Kacenu le tumelo ya batu ba Jehova ba ba mu sebeleza mwa linaha ze 235 ya tiyanga ha ba hupula ze ne ezahezi fo. Today, that knowledge is indeed faith - strengthening to Jehovah's people, who are rendering sacred service to him in 235 lands. Baptism: "The Lord Christ told his apostles: Go to all the earth, preaching the good news to all creation, among those who will believe. 2: 10. 2: 10. asked Satan. Caziba yo muñwi n'a bulezi ka za timana ye kuli: "Za n'a talusa Davida kikuli mayemo a hae a ka butu, libubo la hae, kamba lusika lwa habo ne li si ke za mu konisa nihaiba hanyinyani ku ba ni tohonolo ya ku ba mukwenyan'a mulena. " Commenting on this verse, one scholar wrote: "David's meaning was, that neither on personal grounds, nor on account of his social standing, nor because of his lineage, could he make the slightest pretension to the honour of becoming the son - in - law of the king. " Jehovah's Witnesses are not perfect, and so were the early Christians. Lilato la Sikreste li ka lu tusa ku latelela susuezo yeo ya kuli lu zibe ku lemuha linto za butokwa ku fita. Christian love will help us to follow this encouragement to make sure of the more important things. Are you in line with the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? Jehova u lu sileleza cwañi kacenu? Why? Now that I am older, I enjoy a wonderful life in which I live, and I know that what is more important is the good direction I received. " Kreste ni yena u ezize cwalo, nihaike kuli ku na ni lishutano ze peli ze tuna ze mwahalaa mo a ezelize yena ni mo ne si ezezanga sicaba sa Isilaele. Christ has done the same, but with two key differences. The Devil has come to earth "with great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " Ba bañata kacenu ba ba na ni sizo sa ku nanulelanga likomoki za veine mwahalimu ha ba hupulangi kuli ba sweli ku kupa mbuyoti kwa balimu, kono hape ha ba zibangi libaka le ba ezezanga cwalo. Many people today who share in toasts may not think that they are requesting response or blessing from some god, but neither can they explain why they lift their wine glasses heavenward. He told them to guard against anything that could make their ministry worse. Kuli lubabalele lipilu zaluna, luswanela kuambuka mikwa yecwale ka buikuhumuso, kueza sibi, ni kutokwa tumelo. To keep our hearts from becoming hard, we must avoid negative traits such as pride, the practice of sin, and a lack of faith. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens. " Kihona ha ne ni sa z'o talimana ni ye ñwi ya litiko ze tuna ka ku fitisisa za mwa bupilo bwa ka bwa bwanana. Ne ni hanile ku kena mwa sebelezo ya busole. - 2 Makorinte 10: 3 - 5. I had just faced one of the toughest tests of my young life - I had refused to be conscripted for military service. - 2 Corinthians 10: 3 - 5. " The men of the East... threw their belongings away and gave him gifts - gold mixed with white, black - fore. " - Matthew 2: 1, 11. Ka libaka le li swana ni le ne ba si ka utwela temuso ya Jehova batu ba mwa miteñi ya Nuwe ni ya Lota. For the same reason that people in the time of Noah and that of Lot ignored Jehovah's warnings. Since we never want to do anything that could lead us to sin that is unforgivable, we need to bear in mind what Paul said about not grieving the spirit. 6: 11 - 13 - Muprisita yo Muhulu Joshua ha n'a apesizwe likuwani, kana n'a bile mulena ya li muprisita? 6: 11 - 13 - Did the crowning of High Priest Joshua make him a king - priest? The Bible calls angels "sons " of God. Mwana Na Likanyisize Lilato la Ndat'ahe The Father's Love Reflected in the Son Peter took hold of him by the hand, raised him up. Then he called the holy ones and the widows and gave him alive again. " Kana mu nahana kuli Jehova u ka sileleza batu ba ba iketela ku ikauhanya ku ba bañwi? - Mika 2: 12. 2: 12. 5: 11 - 14; 6: 1, 2. Mubuso wa Mulimu kiñi? The more you praise Jehovah in these ways, the better you will do, and the happier you will be in your ministry. Kaniti lwa kona ku itebuha zeo kaufela! How grateful we can be for all of this! Clearly, then, Christian subjection to such authorities is relative, not absolute. - Compare Daniel 3: 16 - 18. Lu nyakisisize kalulonyana fela ya se si taluswa ki ku "fumana ku ziba za Mulimu. " We have considered only a small sampling of what it means to "find the very knowledge of God. " On the other hand, he also shows why God's sovereignty is superior to other governments. Ku bonisizwe cwañi kuli Jehova luli u na ni mamelelo kwa neku la luna? How is it shown that Jehovah really cares about us? The Bible Students know that Paul preached in Beroea and where he helped many to become Christians. Kacwalo, muswanela kuziba lika zatabela mwanaa mina yasanonoboka, zecwale ka lipina, mafilimu, kamba lipapali zaalata hahulu. So find out what your teenager likes, such as his favorite music, movies, or sports. " Put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct..., put on the new personality " Lwa kona ka butu ku ituta tuto ye ñwi ka ku ama kwa lipulelo za luna za ka zazi ni zazi. We can personally learn a lesson regarding our daily speech. He taught groups of people, and he trained them in unity. Ibat'o ba ka 60 kamba 61 C.E., Paulusi ha n'a libelela ku atulwa ki Mulena Nero mwa Roma, baeteleli ba Majuda ne ba bulezi ka za Bakreste kuli: "Lwa ziba kuli tuto yeo ye keluhile i lwaniswa kai ni kai. " About 60 or 61 C.E., when Paul was in Rome awaiting trial by Emperor Nero, leading Jews said of Christians: "Truly as regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against. " However, the Witnesses did not give up; they continued preaching. Kolobezo: "Mulena Kreste n'a bulelezi baapositola ba hae kuli: Mu ye mwa lifasi kaufela, mu kutaze Evangeli kwa pupo kamukana, ku ba ba ka lumela. Baptism: "The Lord Christ told his apostles: Go into all the world, preach the Gospel to all creation, to those who would believe. How much time do we spend together? ki mwa n'a buzelize Satani. asked Satan. Is Jesus Christ the Messiah? Ha ku talusi kuli Lipaki za Jehova ba petahalile, mi ni Bakreste ba kwa makalelo ne ba si ka petahala. Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses are not perfect, any more than were their early counterparts. Sometimes it is best to examine ourselves and make honest self - examination. Kana mwa zamaelela ni kalulo ya fa lifasi ya kopano ya Jehova? Are you keeping pace with it? Have you been making spiritual progress? We allow his principles to help us to improve our speech and conduct and to guide us in the decisions we make. Nako ye ha se ni hulile, ni ikola bupilo bo bunde bo ni pila, mi n'a ziba kuli se si tisize cwana sihulu ki ketelelo ye nde ye ne ni filwe. " Now as an adult, I value the stable life that I enjoy, and I know that it is mostly the result of the good guidance I received. " When one of Jehovah's Witnesses gave her a Bible study, she readily accepted it to expose the error of their beliefs. Diabulosi s'a tile fa lifasi "a halifile maswe, ka ku ziba kuli nako ya hae ki ye nyinyani. " The Devil has come down to the vicinity of the earth "having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " They simplified their lives and began pioneering. N'a ba bulelezi ku itibelela kwa nto ifi kamba ifi ye tisa sitataliso ye neikana ya bonahalisa maswe bukombwa bwa bona. Though the sons of Israel did not destroy all the Canaanites among them, survivors could not harm Israel. Mu wabelwe mi mu nyakalale, kakuli mupuzo wa mina ikaba o mutuna kwa lihalimu. " Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens. " (b) Joel raises what important question? " Baana ba kwa Upa... ba putulula bufumu bwa bona niku mu fa limpo - bo gaudainsense ye sweu, ni mira. " - Mateu 2: 1, 11. " Astrologers from the East... opened their treasures and presented him with gifts - gold and frankincense and myrrh. " - Matthew 2: 1, 11. 4, 5. (a) How can we let our light shine apart from our preaching work? Bakeñisa kuli ha lu lati ni hanyinyani ku eza nto ye kona ku lu tahiseza ku eza sibi se si sa swalelwi, lu tokwa ku hupulanga za na bulezi Paulusi ka za ku sa swabisa moya. Since we do not even want to come close to committing unforgivable sin, we need to remember what Paul said about not grieving the spirit. CRI - CNRI / haveALEC Bibele i biza mangeloi "bana " ba Mulimu. The Bible calls the angels God's "sons. " How can we balance our responsibilities with excessive recreation? Pitrosi a mu swala kwa lizoho, a mu yemisa; kih'a biza balumeli ni basali ba limbelwa, a ba fa yena inz'a pila hape. " Giving her his hand, he raised her up, and he called the holy ones and the widows and presented her alive. " Only after the Flood did God give mankind the right to eat the shed meat of that animal "soul, that is, its blood. " 5: 11 - 14; 6: 1, 2. 5: 11 - 14; 6: 1, 2 ▪ To be restored, do I need not be close to my spouse? Ka mo mu ka lumbekela hahulu Jehova ka linzila zeo, ki ka mo hape mu ka ezeza hande, ni ku mi fumanisa tabo mwa bukombwa bwa mina. The more you praise Jehovah in such ways, the more effective you will become, and the more you will enjoy your ministry. Not only does David say that "the embryo " is" imperfect, " but he says that he" does not have an embryo, " revealing accurately that David began to live when he was in his womb, even before he was born. Kacwalo, ka ku utwahala, ku ipeya kwa Bakreste kwatas'a ba m'ata a tamaiso ba ba cwalo ki ko ku na ni maciñekelo, haki kwa ka ku tala. - Mu bapanye Daniele 3: 16 - 18. Logically, therefore, Christian submission to such authorities is relative, not absolute. - Compare Daniel 3: 16 - 18. When he prayed to God concerning his followers, he said: "I have made your name known to them, and I will make it known to them, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 26. Kono hape ibonisa libaka bubusi bwa Mulimu habufita lipuso zeñwi. It shows why his sovereignty is superior to that of others. Our children must also receive proper education at school. Baituti ba Bibele ba ziba kuli Paulusi na kutalize kwa Berea mi kona kwa n'a tuselize batu ba bañata ku ba Bakreste. Beroea is of interest to Bible students as a place where Paul preached and converted many to Christianity. The greatest penalty was to be " taken away, ' or killed. " Mu na ni ku tubula bakeñisa mukwa wa mina wa pili... Ni ku apala mutu yo munca " " You should put away the old personality... and should put on the new personality " HOW do you know that you are loved? Naalutanga likwata za batu, ni kuluta batu kabuñwi. He taught large crowds, as well as individuals. Do you know how God showed loving - kindness to Lot? Nihakulicwalo, Lipaki ne ba si ka zwafa; ba zwelapili ku kutaza. Nevertheless, the Witnesses did not give up; they kept right on preaching. • What does it mean to "go away "? Kuunganga nako yekuma kai kuli luswalelane? How long does it usually take for us to forgive each other? A modern - day conflict between Ireland and the former Yugoslavia shows that the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches are not deeply involved in the affairs of this world. Kana Jesu Kreste ki yena Mesia? Is Jesus Christ that one? Let it happen to you as you wish. " - Matthew 15: 22 - 28. Fokuñwi ki nto ye nde ku no kutumananga ni ku itatuba ha buniti. It is worthwhile to pause at times and examine ourselves honestly. You know that he is angry and may look down on you. Lu lumeleza likuka za hae ku lu tusa ku ba ni mubulelelo ni muzamao o munde ni ku lu etelela mwa liketo ze lu eza. We allow his principles to govern our speech and conduct and to guide us in the decisions we make. Recognizing Jehovah's direction, Eliezer gave Rebekah a gold ring and two gold tablets, reaching a total of $,80,000 in today's money. Yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova ha n'a mu file tuto ya Bibele, a i amuhela hahulu ka mulelo wa ku bonisa mafosisa a litumelo za bona. When one of Jehovah's Witnesses offered her a Bible study, she readily accepted with the intention of disproving their beliefs. What Is Your Comment? Ne ba nolofalize bupilo bwa bona ni ku kala bupaina. They simplified their lives and entered the full - time pioneer ministry. You can do the same. Nihaike bana ba Isilaele ne ba si ka tanyela Makanana kaufela mwahal'a bona, ba ne ba punyuhile ne ba sa koni ku tisa kozi ku Isilaele. Though the sons of Israel failed to drive the Canaanites away from among them completely, the survivors were no real threat to Israel's security. Moreover, Jesus said: "The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " (b) Joele u zusa puzo ifi ya butokwa? (b) What meaningful question does Joel raise? As told by will J. 4, 5. (a) Lukona kubenyisa cwañi liseli laluna kwandaa kueza feela musebezi wa kukutaza? 4, 5. (a) In addition to preaching, how can we let our light shine? This dream is in progress. Kunkel - CNRI / PHOTOTAKE NYC Kunkel - CNRI / PHOTOTAKE NYC Before doing so, Jesus patiently helps to gain God's approval and leads them to "the source of waters of life. " - Rev. Lu kona ku eza cwañi kuli lu petange buikalabelo bo lu na ni bona ni ku itabisanga ka ku sa tula tikanyo? How do we strike a balance between pleasures and responsibilities? How did full - time evangelizers cope? Ki hamulaho fela wa Munda Mulimu ha n'a file mufuta wa mutu tukelo ya ku ca nama ya folofolo yeo ye suluzwi "bupilo [moyo, NW], kikuli mali a yona. " Only after the Flood did God give mankind the right to eat animal flesh that was properly drained of "its soul - its blood. " [ Credit Line] ▪ Kuli ni lukuluhe hande, kana ni tokwa ku sa ba fakaufi ni bakuluna? ▪ To relax fully, do I need to be away from my spouse? I learned much from observing their humble and respectful dealings with the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Davida haa buleli feela kuli "nto ye si ka petahala, " kono u li" HA NE NI LI nto ye si ka petahala, " ili ku patulula hande ka ku nepahala kuli Davida naa kalile ku pila ha naa li mwa mba, mane pili a si ka pepwa kale. David does not simply say "an embryo " but" the embryo of ME, " thus accurately revealing that David's life began when he was conceived, long before his birth. For example, we can make an effort to expand our preaching activity. Ha n'a lapezi ku Mulimu n'a bulezi cwana ka za balateleli ba hae: "Ni ba zibisize Libizo la hao, mi ni ka na ni ba zibisa lona; kuli lilato l'o ni latile li be ku bona, ni na, ni be ku bona. " - Joani 17: 26. Referring to his followers, he said to God in prayer: "I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them. " - John 17: 26. Questions From Readers Bana ba luna hape ba lukela ku fiwa tuto ye swanela ya kwa sikolo. Appropriate education should also be provided for our children. However, as long as the anointed, "the faithful and discreet slave, " they continue to provide spiritual food and direction, able to become sheep, as do those of" a great crowd out of all nations and tribes and peoples. " - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Koto ye tuna ka ku fitisisa ne li ya ku " zwiswa, ' kamba ku bulaiwa. The most serious penalty was " cutting off, ' or execution. Angels, heavens, earth, and animals in it - all of them praise Jehovah. KU BUTOKWA cwañi ku mina ku ziba kuli mwa latiwa? HOW important is it to you to know that you are loved? 11, 12. (a) When we pray for God's will to be done "as in heaven, also upon earth, " what are we asking for? Kana mwa ziba ka m'o Mulimu n'a boniselize lilato le li musa ku Lota? Do you know how God showed loving - kindness to Lot? While we may feel hurt by this murderous act, we do well to note that in times of time Jehovah judged his people by means of his servants. • Ku "yeya " ku talusañi? • What does it mean to "meditate " and to" ponder "? Though the Devil has no hope for the future, you have such a hope! Mikwangalakanyi ya mwa lizazi la cwale ye sweli ku aluhanya Ireland ni naha ye ne li Yugoslavia i bonisa kuli likeleke za Roma Katolika, Orthodox, ni Protesitanti li sa ikenyize ka butuna mwa litaba za lifasi le. The present - day conflicts that are dividing Ireland and the former Yugoslavia show that the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches are still deeply involved in the affairs of this world. How would you feel if you had hurt someone by sending an improper image? Ku ezwe ku wena mo u latela. " - Mateu 15: 22 - 28. Her strong faith and sincerity moved Jesus to say: "O woman, great is your faith; let it happen to you as you wish. " - Matthew 15: 22 - 28. Of course, children have much to learn! Mu ziba kuli u nyemile mi mwendi u shwaula mina. You know that she had been upset and might have you in mind. In this regard, what group of believers reject the false religious lies that come from false stories and Greek doctrine that have plagued many religions? Ka ku lemuha ketelelo ya Jehova, Eliezere a fa Rebeka lisale la gauda ni maseka a mabeli a gauda, a fita fa masheleñi a eza K1,800,000.00 mwa masheleñi a kacenu. Sensing Jehovah's direction, Eliezer gave Rebekah a gold nose ring and two gold bracelets, worth about $1,400 in today's values. And in both cases the results were beneficial. Maikuto a Mina ki Afi? What Is Your Comment? We can use them to praise and help others. Mwakona kueza nto yeswana. You can do the same. Purpose of STUDY ARTICLES Hape, Jesu n'a ize: " Moya wa lata, kono nama ya fokola. ' Moreover, Jesus said: " The spirit is eager, but the flesh is weak. ' HELP FOR THE FAMILY YOUNG PEOPLE Taba Yekandekilwe ki bo Ronald J. As told by Ronald J. Nevertheless, genuine love for God, along with "the last enemy " of hating the Devil, has prevented many of them from doing so. - Psalm 139: 21, 22; Proverbs 27: 11. Televishini i sweli ku zwisezapili yona tolo yeo. Television perpetuates this fantasy. It can reach the brain, but it may not be able to rush toward the backs of the mind. A si ka eza kale cwalo, Jesu ka pilu - telele u tusa bata ku lumelelwa ki Mulimu mi u ba libisa kwa "maweluwelu a mezi a bupilo. " - Sin. Meanwhile, Jesus patiently works with people and leads them to "waters of life. " - Rev. Joseph did not give up; nor did he harbor resentment in his heart to seek revenge. Bakutazi ba ka nako kaufela ne ba tiyezi cwañi butata bo? How could full - time preachers manage during such a crisis? Moreover, he was rewarded with his Father's favor and many wonderful works. [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] [ Credit Line] How Would You Answer? Ne ni itutile lika ze ñata ka ku bona mo ne ba sebelisanela ni mizwale ni likaizeli mwa puteho ka buikokobezo ni ka likute. I learned a lot from observing the humble and respectful way they dealt with the brothers and sisters in the congregation. People of the nations are " walking according to their minds, ' as the apostle Paul said. Ka mutala, lwa kona ku ikataza ku ekeza kwa musebezi wa luna wa ku kutaza. For instance, we might apply ourselves to having an increased share in the preaching work. To whom should we comfort, and why? Lipuzo ze Zwa kwa Babali Questions From Readers A Change After completing the Work Nihakulicwalo, ka nako kaufela yeo batoziwa, ba ba li "mutanga ya sepahala, ya na ni kutwisiso, " ba zwelapili ku fa sico ni ketelelo ya kwa moya, ba ba kona ku ba lingu ba na ni sibaka sa ku eza hande sitopa sa mutanga, sina mo ba ezelize ba " buñata bo butuna ba ba zwa mwa macaba kaufela ni mwa mishobo ni mwa masika. ' - Sinulo 7: 9, 14. However, as long as the anointed, making up "the faithful and discreet slave, " continue to provide spiritual food and direction, prospective sheep have an opportunity to do good to the slave class, just as the " great crowd out of all nations and tribes and peoples ' have done. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. It's easy, but Does It Take Place? Mangeloi, mahalimu, lifasi ni lifolofolo ze ku lona - kaufel'a zona li lumbeka Jehova. The angels, the physical heavens, the earth and its animal creation - they all praise Jehovah. What would be their reward? 11, 12. (a) Ha lu lapela kuli se si latwa ki Mulimu si "ezwe mwa lifasi, mo si ezezwa kwa lihalimu, " lu kupa lika mañi? 11, 12. (a) What are we asking for when we pray for God's will to "take place, as in heaven, also upon earth "? Jehovah tells Zion's inhabitants: "Return to me with all your heart. " Nihaike kuli lu kona ku ikutwa bumaswe ka kezo ya bubulai yeo, lu swanela ku lemuha kuli mwa linako zeo Jehova naa atulanga batu ba bañwi ka ku itusisa batanga ba hae. Though the thought of violence is unpleasant, we should realize that in those days, Jehovah used his servants to carry out his judgments. Being single and continuing to follow the Bible's counsel has helped me to enjoy my life "as a slave to Jehovah without distraction. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 35. Nihaike kuli Diabulosi haana sepo yakwapili, mina munani sepo yeo! Satan faces certain doom, but that is not true of you! Why? Ne u ka ikutwa cwañi ha ne u ka swabisisa yo muñwi ka ku lumela siswaniso se si sa swaneli? How would you feel about yourself if you humiliated someone by forwarding an inappropriate picture? When she was three months old, she began to beat herself and to fall asleep. Kaniti bana ki ze ñata ze ba na ni ku ituta! There is so much for them to learn! Yes, most of us are concerned if we have a problem with remembering too much. Ka ku ama ku seo, ki sikwata sifi sa balumeli se si hana buhata bwa bulapeli bo bu zwelela kwa matangu ni tuto ya Sigerike ye unjami bulapeli bo buñata? As for this, what group of believers reject the religious lies derived from ancient mythology and Greek philosophy that permeate most religions? [ Footnote] Mi mwa miinelo ye mibeli yeo ze ne zwile mwateñi ne li ze tusa. And the outcome in both cases was beneficial. According to this explanation, television with color - colored movies, cell phones, or small computers would be viewed as a miracle just a century ago! Lwakona kuitusisa lika zeo kwa kumulumbeka ni kutusa babañwi. We can use them to glorify him and to benefit others. What tendency should youths avoid, and why? MULELO WA LITABA ZA KU ITUTA PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES * Imagine, then, Peter's surprise when Jesus replied: "I tell you, not, Up to seven times, but, Up to seventy - seven times! " LITABA ZE TUSA MABASI | BA BANCA HELP FOR THE FAMILY | YOUNG PEOPLE We are reminded of this mentioned a hundred years ago in The Divine Plan of the Ages, published by the Watch Tower Society. Nihakulicwalo, lilato le li buniti ku Mulimu, hamohocwalo ni "sitoyo luli sa ku feleleza " sa ku toya Diabulosi, li tibezi buñata bwa bona ku eza cwalo. - Samu 139: 21, 22; Liproverbia 27: 11. Nevertheless, genuine love of God, as well as "complete hatred " for the Devil, has prevented most of them from doing so. - Psalm 139: 21, 22; Proverbs 27: 11. We show that we appreciate God's word when we heed it. Lii leo lakona kuyo fita kwa zwalo, kono lakona kupalelwa kulamatela kwa maneku a zwalo afelile mukita. It might enter the uterus but fail to implant in the less receptive lining. If so, be assured that you can understand why your child seems to change. Josefa naasika zwafa; mi naasika buluka ndimbelela mwa pilu yahae kuli abate kukutiseza misuha. Joseph did not give in to discouragement; nor was he so filled with resentment that he sought revenge. In some areas, it may be necessary to follow certain customs when we greet people before we tell them what we are going on. Mi kuzwa fo, naafilwe mupuzo ka kushemubiwa ki Ndatahe ni kufiwa misebezi yeminde yemiñata. Furthermore, he was rewarded with his Father's approval and many wonderful privileges. JESUS CHRIST came to earth to give, not to receive. Ne Mu Ka Alaba Cwañi? How Would You Answer? Or do you avoid using hurtful words and being willing to make peace? Batu ba macaba ba "zamaya ka mabubo a lingana za bona, " sina muapositola Paulusi mwa na bulelezi. People of the nations "walk in the unprofitableness of their minds, " as the apostle Paul said. Can I find you at home at the same time, the next week? Lu swanela ku omba - omba bomañi, mi ki kabakalañi? To whom should we give comfort, and why? So Alan asks himself, " What do I expect from others? ' Cinceho Hamulaho wa ku Tuhela Musebezi Retirement Brings a Change While in heaven, Jesus witnessed the rebellion of an evil angel, which led to rebellion against God's rule. I Baliwa ka Bunolo, Kono Kana I Nepahazi? In some lands, however, schooling may be paid and may not be paid. Mupuzo wa bona ne u ka ba ufi? What would be their reward? Often, though, they fail. Jehova u taluseza bayahi ba Sione kuli: "A mu kutele ku Na ka pilu ya mina kaufela. " Jehovah counsels the inhabitants of Zion: "Come back to me with all your hearts. " I shall prove to be with you, just as I am with Moses. I shall by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " Ku ba likwasha ni ku zwelapili ku latelela kelezo ya mwa Bibele ku ni tusize ku ikola bupilo bwa ka inze ni " zwelapili ku sebeleza Mulena ku si na se si ni yaulula. ' - 1 Makorinte 7: 35. Remaining single and following Bible counsel have enabled me to live a rich, rewarding life, while maintaining "constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 35. As a young man, Jehovah told the prophet Samuel: "Get up, anoint him, for this is he! " Kabakalañi? Why? Paul asked sincere questions about this. Ha ne ba na ni likweli ze taalu, ne ba kalile ku nyakaulanga ni ku welela. When he was three months old, he started to have seizures that left him unconscious. Within six months, it will be sold; and you will find that your publications will be produced by the same people who regularly publish you, who eat money. " Kaniti, buñata bwa luna lwa bilaelanga haiba lu na ni butata bwa ku libala - libala hahulu.. Yes, many of us complain of a faulty memory. They should not waste their time on pursuing valueless things. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] Why not learn more about how you and your loved ones can contribute to your being among happy worshipers of God who will see his promises fulfilled completely? Ka ku ya ka taluso yeo, TV ya maswaniso a mibala ye tezi, mawaile a mwa limotikala, kamba likompyuta ze nyinyani ne li k'a ngiwa ku ba limakazo lilimo ze mwanda fela kwamulaho! By that definition, a color TV, a cellular phone, or a laptop computer would have been considered miracles just a century ago! This was made clear when the Israelites made very poor sacrifices, without success at the temple. Ki mukwa ufi o ba swanela ku ambuka ba banca, mi ki kabakalañi? What tendency do young people need to resist, and why? If you have lost something in life, follow the Bible's counsel to encourage you to "put your burden on Jehovah. " * Kacwalo, mu nahane ku komoka kwa Pitrosi, Jesu ha n'a alabile kuli: "Ha ni ku buleleli ku swalela ha 7, kono ha 70 ha i taimiswa ka 7 "! * Imagine Peter's surprise, then, when Jesus replied: "I say to you, not, Up to seven times, but, Up to seventy - seven times "! " You can go too, " he continued. Lu hupuliswa ka za seo se ne si bulezwi kwamulaho k'o ka lilimo ze mwanda mwa buka ye bizwa The Divine Plan of the Ages, ye ne hatisizwe ki Watch Tower Society. We are reminded of what was said more than a hundred years ago in the book The Divine Plan of the Ages, published by the Watch Tower Society. Have No Fear - Jehovah Is With You! Lu bonisa kuli lwa itebuha linzwi la Mulimu ha lu li mamela. We prove our gratitude for God's word by observing it. This Gospel was not written by a man who knew Judas well, during the time of Judas... Haiba ku cwalo, mu kolwe kuli mwa kona ku utwisisa libaka mwan'a mina ha bonahala ku cinca. If so, be assured that you are not helpless in your quest to understand this "stranger " in your midst, your teenage son or daughter. You may see that there is a need for attention. Interestingly, Shem - Tob's text of Matthew 24: 22 uses the Hebrew word ʽa·vurʹ, which means "for the sake of, on account of, in order that. " - See preceding article, page 13. 11 / 15 Mwa libaka ze ñwi, lu ka tokwa ku latelela lizo ze ñwi ha lu lumelisa batu pili lu si ka ba taluseza kale ze lu zamaela. In some areas, householders may expect more formalities before we get to the point of our visit. Do we desire to live in a way that pleases God as David did? JESU KRESTE na tile fa lifasi kuli a to fana, isiñi ku to fiwa. JESUS CHRIST came to the earth primarily to give, not to receive. No. Kamba kana mwa ambukanga ku itusisa manzwi a ' holofaza ni ku ba ba ba tabela ku tahisa kozo? Or do you avoid harsh words and keep the door to peace open? What helped Herbert and others to overcome their fears? Kana na kona ku to mi fumana fa lapa ka nako ye swana, sunda ye taha? Will you be home about this time next week? They have come to seize Jesus. Kacwalo Alan uipuza kuli: " Ki lika mañi zenibata kuli babañwi baniezeze? ' So Alan asks himself, " What do I want men to do to me? ' " THE conclusion of the matter is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. Ha n'a li mwa lihalimu, Jesu n'a iponezi ku ipangula kwa lingeloi le li maswe, lona le ne li tahisize kuli batu ba kwenuhele puso ya Mulimu. From heaven, Jesus witnessed the rebellion of a wicked angel who turned the first humans against God's rule. Just as the woman in the illustration uses helpful tools to accomplish her purpose today, we have tools that help us to accomplish what God has provided for those who are weak. Kono mwa linaha ze ñwi, ku kena sikolo mwendi kwa lifiswanga mi mwendi bashemi ha ba na mali a ku lifa. In some lands, though, schooling may not be free and may be a financial burden on parents. 6: 14, 15. Kono, hañata, ba palelwanga. More often, however, they do not. If you were approached by a brother who was offended by what you said or did, would it not be easier for you to apologize and make peace if he did not speak abusively to others? Ni ka ba ni wena, sina mo ni bezi ni Mushe; ha ni na ku ku yaya, kamba ku ku tuhela. " Just as I proved to be with Moses I shall prove to be with you. I shall neither desert you nor leave you entirely. " Since the construction of the Kingdom Hall, however, over 200 attended the first meeting. Davida ha n'a sa li mucaha, Jehova n'a bulelezi mupolofita Samuele kuli: "Yema, u mu toze; kakuli ki yena yo. " While David was only a youth, Jehovah told the prophet Samuel: "Get up, anoint him, for this is he! " A few months earlier, while he was in his hometown of Nazareth, Joseph's life changed after he gave counsel to his son - in - law. Paulusi na buzize lipuzo ze nde ka za taba yeo. In this regard, Paul posed some interesting questions. When Andrew lost his job, he had two children and enough money to eat for only a few months. Mwa likweli fela ze silezi, mushini wo u ka mbwenjuka; mi mu ka fumana kuli lihatiso za mina li ka hatiswanga ki bona batu ba ba swana ba ba mi hatisezanga kamita, ili ba ba celanga fateñi mali. " In six months the whole thing will be a lot of junk; and you will find out that the people to do your printing are those that have always done it, and make it their business. " As a result, 1,900 Israelites died in death at God's hand. - Num. Ba si ke ba sinyeza nako ya bona kwa ku bata lika za mbango. They should not waste their efforts on fruitless pursuits. Be discerning, not just looking at a person's situation. Mu ka eza hande ku ituta ze ñata ka za mo mina ni batu be mu lata mu kona ku ezeza kuli mu be mwahalaa balapeli ba Mulimu ba ba tabile ba ba ka bona lisepiso za hae ha li talelezwa ka ku tala. Why not learn more about how you and your loved ones can be among the happy worshippers who will see God's promise become a glorious reality? Respect was not only the way a person viewed himself but also the attitude of others. Seo ne si bonahezi hande muta Maisilaele ne ba tahisa ka likesha matabelo a fokola hahulu, a si ka konda kwa tempele. This was clearly illustrated when the Israelites were halfheartedly bringing shoddy, defective sacrifices to the temple. But Jesus concluded this part of his discourse, saying: "Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. " Haiba mubilaezwa ki nto yeñwi mwa bupilo, mulatelele kelezo ya mwa Bibele yemisusueza " kunepela mushimbo wamina ku Jehova. ' When you experience any kind of anxiety, the Bible's wise advice is to "throw your burden on Jehovah. " How has this campaign helped local Witnesses and the Kingdom - preaching work? A zwelapili kuli: "Ni wena wa kona ku ya haiba u itifela nzila. " He added: "You can go, too, if you pay your own way. " I entered the teenage years with no real strength. Mu Si Ke mwa Saba - Jehova U Inzi ni Mina! Have No Fear - Jehovah Is With You! One reference work says regarding the Greek word for " endurance ': "It is a spirit that makes one endure with a burning hope, not merely as if it were impossible to do... Evangeli ye, ne i si ka ñolwa ki mutu ya naa ziba hande Judasi, ili ka nako ya naa pila Judasi... It is not a Gospel written in Judas's own time by someone who actually knew him... 10, 11. Mwendi mu bona kuli ku na ni fo ku tokwa ku sebelezwa. Perhaps you see room for improvement. It can help you reach your goal or not or cause you to lose control of your circumstances or to cope with them. 11 / 1 11 / 15 In 740 B.C.E., centuries before Jeremiah's birth, Jehovah allowed the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel to be conquered by Assyria. Kana lwa lakaza ku pila ka nzila ye tabisa Mulimu sina mwa n'a lakalelize Davida? Is our concern the same as that of David - to live our life so as to have God's approval? The older brother found help, but did you benefit from helping that elderly man? Batili. No. He Needed a Willing Spirit in His New Service Ki nto mañi ye ne tusize Herbert ni ba bañwi ku felisa sabo ya bona? What helped Herbert and others to overcome their fear? Such Bible teachings have helped millions of people to love peace, including those who loved violence. Ba til'o swala Jesu. They have come to arrest Jesus. Avoid violence " MI CWALE litaba ze, mafelelezo a zona ki a: Saba Mulimu, mi u mamele milao ya hae. " THE conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. Humility will enable us to be content with our circumstances and to endure. Sina musali wa mwa swanisezo h'a itusisa lisebeliso ze tusa kuli a pete mulelo wa hae, ni kacenu lu na ni lisebeliso z'e lu tusa ku peta z'a lu file Mulimu kuli lu tuse bafokoli. Just as the woman in the illustration uses helpful tools to accomplish her task, so today we have tools that help us to accomplish our God - given responsibility to assist those who are weak. They have no hope in their lives. - Eccl. 6: 14, 15. 6: 14, 15. 8 Ha ne mu ka atumelwa ki muzwale ya na sitatalisizwe ki ze ne mu bulezi kamba nto ye ñwi ye ne mu ezize, kana ne ku si ke kwa mi bela bunolo ku kupa swalelo ni ku eza kozo ni yena haiba muzwale yo na si ka mi bulela maswe ku ba bañwi kwamulaho? If you were approached by a brother who was offended by your speech or conduct, would it not be easier to apologize and make peace if he had previously spoken positively about you to others? How did Jesus set an example in godly subjection? Kono ku zwa fela fo i yahelwa Ndu ya Mubuso, batu ba ba fitelela 200 ne ba fumanehile kwa mukopano wa pili. At the first meeting after the new Kingdom Hall was built, the attendance rose to 200. Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " - Matt. Likwelinyana kwamulaho, Josefa ha naa nzaa li mwa munzi wa habo wa Nazareta, bupilo bwa hae bwa cinca a mano beeleza mwanaa Heli. Months earlier, in his hometown of Nazareth, Joseph's life changed forever after his engagement to the daughter of Heli. Consider the example of Edward and Gwen, a blind couple. Bo Andrew ha ne ba tuhezi musebezi, ne ba na ni bana ba babeli ni mali e ne ba ka kona ku ifepa ka ona ka likweli li sikai feela. When Andrew left that job, he had two children, no income, and enough money to last just a few months. Did you notice what he said? Kabakaleo, Maisilaele ba 14,700 ne ba shwile ka mafu a naa tahisizwe ki Mulimu. - Num. As a result, 14,700 Israelites perished from a divinely sent scourge. - Num. God's People Will Survive! Mu bange ni temuho, ku fita ku talima feela muinelo wa li ku wona mutu. Be observant, not just taking a superficial look at the situation. But since what is stated in Leviticus gives us insight into how Jehovah views various matters, it can affect our worship. Likute ne li sa talusi feela mwa naa ikungela mutu kono hape ne li talusa ni mo ne ba mu ngela batu ba bañwi. Honor was a person's value not only in his own eyes but in the eyes of others as well. They saw no need for anyone or something else to release them. Kono Jesu na unguzi kalulo ye ya ngambolo ya hae, ka ku bulela kuli: "Mu be ba ba petehile, sina Ndat'a mina ya kwa lihalimu h'a li Ya petehile. " Yet, Jesus concluded this part of his discourse by saying: "You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. " On our way to prison, we stopped in the city of Piras. Mungendenge wo u tusize cwañi Lipaki ba mwa sibaka ni musebezi wa ku shaela za Mubuso? What impact has this tremendous effort had on the local Witnesses and on the Kingdom - preaching work? The close relationship between David and Jonathan was well - known. Ne ni keni mwa lilimo za ku nonoboka inze ni si na maata luli. I entered my teenage years very weak. In some cases, though, it will be cut short, not allowed to complete its purpose, so that God's people can "be saved. " - Revelation 18: 8. Hatiso ye ñwi i bulela cwana ka za linzwi la Sigerike le li talusa " buitiiso ': "Ki moya o ezisa mutu ku tiyela lika ka sepo ye tuka, isi fela ka ku eza inge kuli ha ku na mw'a kona ku ezeza... Concerning the Greek noun for "endurance, " one reference work says:" It is the spirit which can bear things, not simply with resignation, but with blazing hope... Humans too were saved. 10, 11. 10, 11. Some decisions affect others. Kukona kumitusa kukwanisa sikonkwani samina kamba kutokwa, kamba kutahisa kuli muzwafiswe hahulu ki miinelo yemuli ku yona kamba kuitiisa ku yona. It can affect whether you attain a goal or give up or whether a tragic event brings out the best in you or the worst. With my mother's support and others, I was able to reach the hours she needed to serve as a regular pioneer. Ka silimo sa 740 B.C.E., ili lilimo - lilimo pili Jeremia a si ka pepwa kale, Jehova naa lumelelize mubuso wa Isilaele wa masika a lishumi ku hapiwa ki Maasirya. In 740 B.C.E., decades before Jeremiah's day, Jehovah permitted the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel to be taken captive by the Assyrians. " Make sure of all things. " Musupali yo naa fumani tuso, kono kana ni mina ne mu tusehile hamulaho wa ku tusa musupali yo? Parents find it difficult to protect their children from such bad influences. Na Tokwa ku Ba ni Moya wa ku Itatela mwa Buino bwa Hae Bo Bunca A Willing Spirit Amid New Surroundings Your situation may differ from that of Bia or Paula. Lituto ze cwalo za mwa Bibele se li tusize batu ba bañata - ñata ku lata kozo, ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni batu ba ne ba lata hahulu mifilifili. Such Bible teachings have helped millions of people - including some with a violent disposition - to become lovers of peace. Consider the example of Salvador Garza. 15, 16. Muambuke mifilifili Shun violence Baptism - Young or Old? Buikokobezo bu ka lu konisa ku kolwa ka miinelo ya luna ni ku itiisa. Humility will enable us to be content with our circumstances and to endure. They can deliver e - mail and comments and offer to others. Ha ba na sepo mwa bupilo bwa bona. - Muek. Life might appear to be a series of dark days. - Eccl. We were zealous and youthful vigor. 8 8 Strong ones weep as though not strong. Jesu n'a tomile cwañi mutala wa ku ipeya kwatas'a Mulimu? How did Jesus set an example of submission to God? " Let Us Not Give Up Our Congregations " Cwale mu zwelepili ku bata pili Mubuso ni ku luka kwa hae, mi linto ze ñwi zeo kamukana mu ka li ekelezwa kwateñi. " - Mat. Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " - Matt. We offer Bible literature in many languages Mu nyakisise mutala wa bo Edward ni Gwen, bosinyalana ba ba li libofu. Consider the example of Edward and Gwen, a married couple who are blind. [ Pictures on page 20, 21] Kana mu lemuhile za naa bulezi? Did you notice what that One said? And another way is by repeating what another has said in our own words, to show that we understand what he has said. Similarly, the word "common " may indicate" a lack of privilege or special status, " "falling below ordinary standards, " or even" second - rate. " 12 / 15 Batu ba Mulimu Ba Ka Punyuha! Salvation Sure for God's People! In lands such as Congo, Madagascar, and Rwanda, the brothers often had to decide whether to buy food for their families or for Bible literature, which was so expensive that the price was equivalent to the wages paid for a working worker, week or month, that resulted in many years. Kono bakeñisa kuli ze bulezwi mwa Livitike li lu fa monyehelo ka za mo Jehova a bonela litaba ze shutana - shutana, i kona ku ama bulapeli bwa luna. Since what is said in Leviticus gives us insight into Jehovah's viewpoint on various matters, however, it can affect our worship. When we attend meetings, we show our brothers that we want to be with them, talk with them, and care about them. Ne ba sa boni tokwahalo ya kuli mutu kamba nto ye ñwi i ba lukulule. They did not feel a need for anyone or anything to set them free. The Home - A Place of Security Mwa musipili wa ku ya tolongo, lwa yo tibelela mwa muleneñi wa Piraeus. On the way to prison, we stopped at Piraeus. This is because he uses the anointed to proclaim the Kingdom message. Silikani se situna se ne si li mwahalaa Davida ni Jonatani sa izibelwa hande. The close bond of friendship between David and Jonathan is well - known. What will Jehovah's Witnesses continue to announce? Nihakulicwalo, ka mukwa o muñwi, i ka fukuzwa, ha i na ku lumelezwa ku feleleza mulelo wa yona, ilikuli batu ba Mulimu ba kone ku "piliswa. " - Sinulo 18: 8. Somehow, though, it will be cut short, will not be allowed to complete its objective, so that God's people can be "saved. " - Revelation 18: 8. José will testify to this. Batu ni bona ne ba punyusizwe. Humans too were saved. Jehovah's words to Israel are recorded at Isaiah 43: 21 and Exodus 19: 5, 6 thus applied to spiritual Israel of God. Likatulo ze ñwi zona li ama batu ba bañwi. Still others affect other people. Jesus clearly promised his disciples: "All that you ask in my name, I will do it. " Ka tuso ya bo ma ni ba bañwi, ne ni konile ku kwanisa lihola za naa tokwa ku kwanisa paina wa kamita. Still, I decided to give Kingdom preaching my best effort. And they had a delightful and happy life as Christian slaves. " Mu like linto kaufela. " " Make sure of all things. " Romans 5: 19 states: "Just as through the disobedience of the one man [Adam] many were constituted sinners, likewise also through the obedience of the one person [Jesus] many will be constituted righteous. " Bashemi kubabelanga taata kubukeleza bana babona kwa lika zemaswe zeo. Parents in particular often struggle to shield their children from such wrongdoing. It says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " Muinelo wamina mwendi washutana ni muinelo wa bo Bianca kamba wa bo Paula. Your situation may be quite different from that of Bianca or of Paula. Jesus does not rule alone. 15, 16. 15, 16. We can see from his Word that he is not a mysterious and mysterious Trinity. Kolobezo - Ki Ya Banana Kamba Ba Bahulu? Baptism - For Children or for Adults? • What should move us to ask God for wisdom? Ba kona ku nga fa Intaneti mapampili a litatubo ni a likalabo ni ku fa kwateñi ba bañwi. They can download term papers and answers for their homework from the Internet and share them with others. Such imaginations are common in recent years, some of which are featured in movies and books that are popular. Ne lu na ni mafulofulo ni m'ata a bunca. We were full of youthful enthusiasm and had a lot of stamina. Or perhaps your Kingdom Hall is being rebuilt. Ba ba tiile ba tuwa sililo sina ba ba si ka tiya. Strong ones weep, as do the weak. In this way, the two sinners began to die. " Lu Si Ke Lwa Tuhela Liputeho za Luna " " Not Forsaking the Gathering of Ourselves Together " Abel was the first to be persecuted Lu abelanga lihatiso ze tomile fa Bibele mwa lipuo ze ñata We are making Bible literature available to people around the earth Love like that shown by Alla identifies Jesus ' true disciples. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 20, 21] [ Pictures on page 20, 21] This work has resulted in the most remarkable organization in modern times, the international Christian organization of over 50,000 nations in over 230 lands of the world. Mi hape nzila ye ñwi ki ka ku kutela ku bulela za bulezi yo muñwi ka manzwi a luna, kuli lu bonise kuli lwa utwisisa z'a bulezi. Another way is to put what the person is saying in our own words, thus showing that we understood what he said. Soon we will be in a situation similar to that in Jerusalem. Bupaki bwa Lilato, Tumelo, ni Buipeyo (lihatisezo la kwa Watchtower Farms), 12 / 1 " Good News for People of All Nations " (booklet), 12 / 1 Imagine that a certain merchant is trying to force you to buy something. Mwa linaha zecwale ka Congo, Madagascar, ni Rwanda, mizwale hañata nebanani kuketa kuleka lico za kufepa mabasi abona kamba kuleka lihatiso zetomile fa Bibele, ili zenetula hahulu kuli mane teko yazona neilikana ni tuwelo yafiwa mutu yabeleka, ka sunda kamba ka kweli, mi taba yeo neiezahezi cwalo ka lilimo zeñata. For years, in such lands as Congo, Madagascar, and Rwanda, brothers often had to choose between having food for their families and having copies of the Bible, which sometimes cost the equivalent of a weekly or a monthly wage. What is the source of "water, " and only after what event could he flow? Halufumaneha kwa mikopano, lubonisa mizwale baluna kuli lubata kuba ni bona, ni kuambola ni bona, ni kuli lwaiyakatwa mobaikutwela. When we go to the meetings, we show our brothers that we want to be with them and talk with them and that we are interested in how they are feeling. Speaking of the approaching great tribulation, he said: "The sign of the Son of man has come down into heaven, and every nation of men will beat himself in pain, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Lapa Ki Sibaka sa Buiketo Home Is the Haven The word "day " as used in Genesis, as used, refers to a period of time. Ku cwalo bakeñisa kuli u itusisa ba ba tozizwe ku shaela lushango lwa Mubuso. This is so because he uses the anointed to proclaim the Kingdom message. When you read the description at Revelation 7: 13 - 17, see if you do not believe that this will be evidence of deliverance and blessing. Ki sifi seo Lipaki za Jehova ba ka zwelapili ku si zibahaza? What will Jehovah's Witnesses continue to declare? 8, 9. (a) What happened after Eliezer arrived at the city of]? José u ka paka ka za buniti bwa seo. José will testify to the truth of that. [ Picture on page 18] Manzwi a Jehova ku Isilaele a ñozwi kwa Isaya 43: 21 ni kwa Exoda 19: 5, 6 kacwalo n'a bile a sebeza ku Isilaele wa Mulimu wa kwa moya. Jehovah's words to Israel recorded at Isaiah 43: 21 and Exodus 19: 5, 6 henceforth applied to the spiritual Israel of God. Daniel studied the Bible with five young men, three of whom were baptized. Jesu na sepisize fo ku sweu balutiwa ba hae kuli: "Mi se mu ka kupa kaufela ka Libizo la ka, ni ka si eza. " Jesus clearly promised his disciples: "If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. " Knowing what the future holds should affect how we live today. Mi ne ba bile ni bupilo bo bu munati ili bo bu tabisa ka ku ba batanga ba Sikreste. And they had a rich and happy life as Christian ministers. In Hebrew the expression "you have become familiar with all my ways " may also have the meaning that" you are fond of all my ways " or " take hold of all my ways. " Maroma 5: 19 i talusa kuli: "Ba bañata sina ha ba beilwe baezalibi ka ku sa utwa kwa mutu a li muñwi [Adama], kamukwaocwalo ka ku utwa kwa mutu a li muñwi [Jesu], ba bañata ba ka beiwa ba ba lukile. " Romans 5: 19 explains: "Just as through the disobedience of the one man [Adam] many were constituted sinners, likewise also through the obedience of the one person [Jesus] many will be constituted righteous. " If any of us are pursuing this course, should we not call down on our weak spiritual state and take immediate steps to correct matters? I li: "Nzila ya ba ba lukile i swana sina liseli la lizazi, le li ya li ekezeha, mane ku y'o fita fa musihali o mutuna. " It says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " Like Jesus, be determined to serve Jehovah joyfully and to obey him throughout your life. - Heb. Jesu ha busi a nosi. Jesus does not rule alone. They Cope With Problems Because of the Good News Lwa kona ku bona mwa Linzwi la hae kuli yena haki Silalu se si li kunutu ili ya s'a konwi ku utwisisiwa. We can see from his Word that he is not a mysterious Trinity who cannot be understood. Building a Strong Spiritual Family • Ki nto mañi ye swanela ku lu susueza ku kupa butali ku Mulimu? • What should motivate us to pray for wisdom? They were "the traits of a babe. " LITABA ze cwalo za ku ikupulela li atile hahulu mwa lilimo za cwanoñu fa, mi ze ñwi za zona za boniswanga mwa mafilimu ni mwa libuka ze tabelwa hahulu ki batu ba bañata. SUCH speculations have flourished in recent years, a resurgence that is due, in part, to popular movies and novels. Many think that money, a better family life, or a better career are necessary for happiness. Kamba mwendi Ndu ya Mubuso yamina isweli yalukiswa sinca. Or is your current Kingdom Hall being renovated? Then, the prophetic song of heavenly angels at Jesus ' birth in Bethlehem of Judea in 2 B.C.E. will be fulfilled: " Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill. " - Luke 2: 13, 14. Ka yona nzila yeo, baezalibi ba babeli bao ne ba kalisize ku shwa. In this way, the sinful couple began to die. In fact, he says that "the bodies we consider to be less honorable, the more respectful they are. " Abele n'a li wa pili ya n'a nyandisizwe Abel was the first to be persecuted Some find that helping others gain accurate knowledge of God leads to their own lives. Lilato le li swana sina le ba bonisize bo Alla li zibahaza balutiwa ba Jesu ba niti. Love like that showed by Alla is an identifying mark of Jesus ' true disciples. Could something similar happen today? Musebezi w'o u tahisize kopano ye lemuseha ka ku fitisisa mwa linako za cwale, ili kopano ya Bakreste mwahal'a macaba ba ba fitelela 6,000,000 mwa linaha za lifasi ze fitelela 230. This activity has resulted in the most significant movement of modern times - an international brotherhood of over 6,000,000 Christians in more than 230 lands of the earth. 6 / 15 Hona cwale - cwale fa, lukaba mwa muinelo oswana ni one ubile teñi mwa Jerusalema. Soon, very soon, each of us will face a similar situation. Naomi has set a fine example in applying the suggestions provided by Jehovah's organization to further our ministry. Mu nge kuli mulekisi yo muñwi u sweli ku mi hapeleza ku leka nto ye ñwi. Imagine that you are confronted by a pushy salesman. The expression " thankful offerings " may at times be rendered" contribution for peace. " Ki sifi simbule sa "mezi, " mi n'a kona ku buba hamulaho fela wa kezahalo ifi? What is the source of the "water, " and only after what event could it flow? " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " Hanaabulela ka za ñalelwa yetuna yetuha ikalisa, naaize: "Sisupo sa Mwanaa mutu sikabonahala mwa lihalimu, mi batu ba mishobo kaufela mwa lifasi bakainata fa lifuba kabakala kuutwa butuku, mi bakabona Mwanaa mutu hataha fa malu a lihalimu ka maata ni ka kanya yetuna. Regarding the great tribulation just ahead of us, he said: "The sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. The resurrected Jesus was blessed with renewed authority in heaven, and Jehovah used him to save millions of people on earth. - Acts 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. Linzwi la "lizazi " ka mo li itusiselizwe kwa liñolo la Genese, li ama kwa nako ye telelenyana. The term "day " as used in Genesis applies to periods of considerable length. In Abshiri, for example, there is a sister who has been a pioneer for 33 years. Ha mu bala tolongosho ye kwa Sinulo 7: 13 - 17, mu bone haiba ha mu lumeli kuli seo si k'a ba bupaki bwa ku lukululwa ni ku fuyaulwa. As you read the description at Revelation 7: 13 - 17, see if you do not agree that this would be proof of being delivered and blessed. Let the account come to life. 8, 9. (a) Ki sifi se ne si ezahalile Eliezere ha sa fitile kwa muleneñi wa Nakori? 8, 9. (a) What happened when Eliezer reached the city of Nahor? The director granted us permission to go, and we brought the literature safely without any trouble. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 18] [ Picture on page 18] Some 500 years ago, German crime expert conducted a study of 500 law students. Bo Daniel ne ba itutanga Bibele ni mitangana ba baketalizoho, mi ba balaalu kwa mitangana bao ne ba kolobelizwe. As part of his ministry, Daniel conducted five Bible studies with young men - three of whom got baptized. Over the years, the Bible has provided counsel on child rearing with love. Ku ziba ze ka ezahala kwapili ku swanela ku ama mo lu pilela kacenu. Knowing what lies ahead should have a profound impact on how we live now. How comforting those words are! Mwa Siheberu pulelo ya kuli "u zibelela linzila za ka kaufela " hape neikana ya ba ni taluso ya kuli" u tabela linzila za ka kaufela " kamba "u ' nga ka butokwa linzila za ka kaufela. " In Hebrew the phrase "you have become familiar even with all my ways " may also carry the meaning" you treasure up all my ways " or "you cherish all my ways. " The anointed are also reminded of something else. Haiba bafi kamba bafi ku luna ba ndongwami nzila yeo, kana ha lu swaneli ku lilela muinelo wa luna wa kwa moya o fokozi ni k'u nga mihato ya ka putako ili ku lukisa lika? If any of us are pursuing such a course, should we not mourn over our weak spiritual state and take immediate steps to correct matters? How could he support himself now? Sina Jesu, mu tukufalelwe ku sebeleza Jehova ka tabo ni ku mu utwa mwa bupilo bwa mina kaufela. - Maheb. Like Jesus, keep focused on the prospects of a lifetime of joyful service and obedience to Jehovah. - Heb. A civil conflict led to civil war. Ba Tiyela Matata Kabakala Taba Ye Nde Overcoming Challenges to Deliver Good News When Paul says good - for - nothing things, he describes thoughts that please and appreciate or motivate love, which differ from those that incite hatred, anger, or violence. Ku Yaha Lubasi Lo Lu Tiile kwa Moya Building a Spiritually Strong Family Some of these are like "fine associations, " and they begin associating with others in the Christian congregation. Ne li li "za bumwana. " They were "the traits of a babe. " But she greatly appreciated congregation meetings and was determined not to miss them. Ba bañata ba nahana kuli masheleñi, bupilo bo bunde bwa lubasi, kamba mubeleko o munde ki lika ze tokwahala kuli mutu a be ni tabo. Many think that money, a satisfying family life, or a successful career is the key to happiness. Making all these changes takes a spirit of self - sacrifice. Cwale, pina ya bupolofita ya mangeloi a lihalimu fa ku pepwa kwa Jesu mwa Betelehema wa Judea ka 2 B.C.E. i ka talelezwa: "Kanya i be ku Mulimu, kwa mahalimu a kwahalimu; kozo i be teñi mwa lifasi; batu ba shemubwe. " - Luka 2: 13, 14. Then, the prophetic song of the heavenly angels at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea in 2 B.C.E. will be fulfilled: "Glory in the heights above to God, and upon earth peace among men of goodwill. " - Luke 2: 13, 14. Of course we are a blessed people. Mane u talusa kuli "lilama za mubili ze lu hupula kuli ha li na likute, ki zona ze lu kuteka ni ku fita. " He even points out that "the parts of the body which we think to be less honorable, these we surround with more abundant honor. " It clearly shows that Jehovah God is a loving Father and that Jesus Christ is his beloved Son, a Son with such deep love for his Father that he was willing to obey him even to death. Ba bañwi ba fumana kuli ku tusa ba bañwi ku ba ni zibo ye nepahezi ka za Mulimu ku kondolosa bupilo bwa bona ka sibili. Others find that helping people to acquire accurate knowledge of God gives meaning to their own life. " Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its ways are peace, " says the Bible. Kana nto ye swana ne i ka kona ku ezahala kacenu? Could the same thing happen today? A metal bottle can be rusted if it is not cut down and not crushed. 6 / 1 6 / 15 It is therefore wise, then, to have confidence in God's Word, the Bible. Naomi u file mutala o munde wa ku sebelisa liakalezo ze filwe ki kopano ya Jehova mwa ku zwisezapili bukombwa bwa luna. Naomi is a fine example of putting into practice suggestions given by Jehovah's organization to improve our ministry. (b) What spirit do true Christians display? Pulelo ya kuli "matabelo a buitumelo " fokuñwi i tolokiwanga kuli" linubu za kozo. " The term "communion offerings " is sometimes translated" peace offerings. " To find the answers, we invite you to read the answers from the Bible in the following two articles. " U sepe [Muñ'a] Bupilo ka pilu ya hao kaufela, mi u si ke wa tiyela fa butali bwa hao; u beye [Muñ'a] Bupilo mwa milelo ya hao kaufela, mi Yena u ka lukisa linzila za hao. " " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " He had to undergo an immediate operation. We must recognize that our heart can lead us astray. Sometimes they have come to marvel at the happy results. Jesu ya naa zusizwe kwa bafu, naa filwe maata a manca mwa lihalimu, mi Jehova naa itusisa yena kwa ku punyusa batu ba bañata - ñata fa lifasi. - Lik. 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. Thus, from his Father's right hand in heaven, Jesus began to see his name take on greater meaning as thousands repented and put faith in him as Jehovah's means of salvation. - Acts 2: 5, 11, 37 - 41. Discernment also helps us to be reasonable. Sina ka mutala, mwa Abashiri, Hokkaido (sioli sa Japan sa kwa mutulo), ku na ni kaizeli ya s'a bile paina ka lilimo ze 33. For example, in Abashiri, Hokkaido (Japan's northernmost island), there is a sister who has been a pioneer for 33 years. Many clergymen and clergymen are fighting family problems, so they feel unable to help others. Mu ikutwe kuli ze mu bala li sweli za ezahala luli. Let the account come to life. Joseph was not alone in this situation. Muzamaisi yo a lu lumeleza ku ya mi lwa fitisa hande lihatiso zeo ku si na butata ni bo bukana. The customs officer waved us through, and we safely made our deliveries. What sin did Jesus mean when he gave the counsel recorded at Matthew 18: 15 - 17? Lilimonyana kwamulaho, caziba yo muñwi wa za bukebenga wa kwa Germany, naa ezize patisiso mo ne ku na ni baituti ba mulao ba 500. A few years ago, in Germany, a professor of criminology conducted an experiment that involved 500 law students. In this case, Asa relied on his own wisdom and bribeed Syrian King Ben - King Ben in an effort to attack him. Ka lilimo - limo, Bibele se i file kelezo ya mwa ku huliseza bana ka lilato. For centuries the Bible has provided counsel on how to rear children with love. Of course, such homes were expensive, but having them helped our children to maintain a balanced view of people who would influence them to do bad things. Manzwi ao aluomba - omba luli! What a comforting thought that is! Are today's Christmas celebrations really Christian? Batoziwa hape ba hupuliswa nto ye ñwi. The anointed are also reminded of something else. In one community, the Witnesses organized a campaign to distribute magazines on the day set up for the public to attend the new Kingdom Hall. N'a ka kona ku ipilisa cwañi cwale? How was he now to care for himself? The apostle Peter may have been in his late 50 ' s when he moved to where the need was greater. Ku itwanisa kwa sicaba ne ku tahisize ndwa ya mukowa. Ethnic rivalry led to civil war. We know that Jehovah is stronger than any opposition, visible or invisible. Paulusi h'a li ku hupulwe linto ze tabisa, u talusa litaba ze tabisa ni ku katelwa kamba ze susumeza lilato, ze shutana ni ze susumeza sitoyo, buhali, kamba mifilifili. When Paul recommends considering lovable things, he refers to matters that are pleasing and agreeable or that inspire love, as opposed to those that arouse hatred, bitterness, or contention. Example: Solomon sought guidance and wisdom to rule over Israel. - 1 Kings 3: 5 - 12. Ba bañwi kwa batu bao ba swana sina "litapi ze nde, " mi ba kalisanga ku swalisana ni ba bañwi mwa puteho ya Sikreste. Some of these symbolic fish are "fine " and are gathered into the Christian congregation. But you also need discernment. Kono ne ba itebuha hahulu mikopano ya puteho mi ne ba ikatulezi ku sa i yawa. But she deeply appreciated the meetings and was determined not to miss them. We can imitate Jehovah in this regard. Ku eza licinceho zeo kaufela ku tokwa moya wa buitomboli. All of this calls for a self - sacrificing spirit. STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 7 - 11 Ka mo ku inezi fela lu batu ba ba fuy'ozwi. We are indeed a blessed people. Just as the presence of "the man of lawlessness " would take time, Jesus ' presence would take some time and would eventually climax with the destruction of that" son of destruction " upon him. - 2 Thessalonians 2: 8. Li bonisa fo ku sweu kuli Jehova Mulimu ki Ndate ya lilato ni kuli Jesu Kreste ki Mwan'a hae ya latiwa, Mwana y'a na ni lilato le lituna ku Ndat'ahe kuli mane n'a itatela ku mu utwa ka ku fita ni fa lifu. It shows clearly that Jehovah God is the loving Father and that Jesus Christ is his beloved Son, a Son who had such love for his Father that he was willing to be obedient to the death. I have come to know those who boast that they have deceived a Christian. Bibele i li: "Linzila za bona ki linzila fo ku iketilwe, mi mikwakwa ya bona kaufela ki ya kozo. " Its ways are ways of pleasantness, " the Bible says, "and all its roadways are peace. They will be happy to show you what has helped them and what has enabled them to make God's heart rejoice. Sibelekiso sa sipi si kona ku ba ni mafumi haiba si sa sebelisiwi ni ku sa shemuniwa. So one man sharpens the face of another. " An iron tool can become rusty if it is not kept in use and sharpened. When true repentance was not available, and their actions did not indicate a change and obedience to Jehovah, then God finally put an end to those who caused wrongdoing. Ki ko ku butali kacwalo he, ku ba ni buikolwiso mwa Linzwi la Mulimu, Bibele. It is wise, then, to have confidence in God's Word, the Bible. What is the spirit of the world, and what is it that causes people to do? (b) Bakreste ba niti ba bonisa moya mañi? (b) Genuine Christians manifest what spirit? But he also counseled them: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in hell. " - Matthew 10: 1, 16 - 22, 28. Kuli mufumane likalabo kwa lipuzo zeo, lumimema kubala likalabo zezwa mwa Bibele mwa litaba zepeli zelatelela. We invite you to read the Bible's answers to those questions in the following two articles. The milk - containing cancer cells N'a na ni ku pazulwa honaf'o. She had to undergo surgery immediately. Why could Jesus show that it did not help some Jews to search the Scriptures? Ka linako ze ñwi se ba fitile fa ku makala ka ze zwa mwateñi ze tabisa. At times they have been surprised at the happy result. One reference work states: "In 1229, Roman Catholic leaders in the city of Tobal prohibited the use of Bibles in their own language to war against two groups that wanted the Bible to be read and read by the people. Hape ku ba ni temuho ku lu tusa ku ba ni kutwisiso. Discernment also helps us to be reasonable. We will especially need to associate with our brothers and sisters, especially as the end of Satan's world draws near. Mapasita ni ba bahulu ba bulapeli ba bañata ba sweli ba lwanisa butata bwa mwa lubasi lwa bona, kacwalo ba ikutwa ku sa kona ku tusa ba bañwi. Many pastors and clergymen are wrestling with their own family crises, thus feeling incapable of assisting others. Above all, ask yourself: " Will this choice please God? Josefa nesi yena feela yanaali mwa muinelo wo. Joseph was not the only one in this predicament. So even before he was born as a human, Jehovah's light focused on Jesus. Ki sibi sesicwañi sanaatalusa Jesu hanaafile kelezo ye kwa Mateu 18: 15 - 17? What type of sin was Jesus speaking of in the counsel outlined at Matthew 18: 15 - 17? After getting married, such individuals find it difficult to avoid this practice in their marriage. Mwa taba ye, Asa aitinga fa butali bwahae ni kuleka kweta Mulena Beni - Hadadi wa Siria kuli alwanise Baasha. In the latter case, Asa relied on his own wisdom and bribed King Ben - hadad of Syria to attack Baasha. Purpose: It shows that 144,000 Christians are to be adopted as God's sons and become part of the "seed " Ki niti kuli mandu a cwalo n'a tula, kono ku ba ni ona ne ku tusize bana ba luna ku sa ba hahulu ni batu be ne ba ka ba kukueza ku ze maswe. True, such accommodations were more expensive, but having them reduced our children's exposure to unwholesome influences. The realities of Kingdom truth produced by God stand in stark contrast with worldly fantasies. Kana mikiti ya Ngilisimusi ya kacenu luli ki ya Sikreste? Are today's Christmas celebrations truly Christian? In fact, only one God has the right to be worshiped. Mwa silalanda se siñwi, Lipaki ne ba lukisize mungendenge wa ku abela limagazini fa lizazi le ne li tomilwe kuli nyangela i pote kwa Ndu ya Mubuso ye nca. In one area, the Witnesses arranged to have a magazine campaign on the same day that they held an open house at their new Kingdom Hall. Do you show respect for younger brothers over the years? Muapositola Pitrosi mwendi naa na ni lilimo ze fitelela 50 ha naa tutezi ko ne ku na ni butokwi bo butuna. The apostle Peter may have been over 50 when he moved to where the need was greater. A person of knowledge has a wealth of knowledge that he knows. Lwa ziba kuli Jehova u m'ata ku fita twaniso ifi kamba ifi, ye bonahala kamba ye sa bonahali. We know that Jehovah is stronger than any opposition, visible or invisible. The fact is, Christ does more than simply "return. " Mutala: Salumoni na kupile ketelelo ni butali kuli a kone ku busa Isilaele. - 1 Malena 3: 5 - 12. Example: Solomon humbly asked for guidance and wisdom in ruling over Israel. - 1 Kings 3: 5 - 12. By means of the worldwide preaching work, he is declaring the good news to all the nations about the government of his Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. Kono hape mu tokwa ku ba ni kutwisiso. At the same time, be reasonable. Macmillan Lwa kona ku likanyisa Jehova cwalo. We can imitate Jehovah in this regard. How should we view whatever privileges we have in God's organization? TABA YA PILI MAKEPE 7 - 11 STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 7 - 11 Did they succeed? Sina ku ba teñi kwa "mutu wa sibi " ha ne ku ka tanda nako, ku ba teñi kwa Jesu ni kona ne ku k'a nga nako ye ñwi mi ne ku ka fita fa kaungu - ungu ka ku sinyiwa kwa" mwan'a sinyeho " y'o wa muikanyisi. - 2 Matesalonika 2: 8. Just as the presence of "the man of lawlessness " would be over a period of time, Jesus ' presence would extend for some time and would climax in the destruction of that lawless" son of destruction. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 8. Abraham did not know the meaning of Jehovah's dealings at that time; neither did his son Isaac and Jacob's son, who were "to be joint heirs with him of the promise. " Se ni zibile batu ba ba itumbanga kuli ba kile ba wisa Mukreste. I've known some who boast that they were able to " break ' a Christian. When Jehovah's spirit is confronted with our own efforts, we can succeed as we make important decisions in life, giving us the courage to follow these decisions. Ba ka tabela ku mi bonisa z'e ba tusize ni z'e ba konisize ku tabisa pilu ya Mulimu. They will be happy to show you what they have found to be practical and attainable in their endeavor to please God. In fact, he was delighted when he was invited to accompany Paul and Silas. Ku baka kwa niti ha ne ku li siyo, mi likezo za bona ne li sa bonisi ku fetuha ni ku utwa Jehova, Mulimu kwa mafelelezo kiha yundisa ba ne ba tisize bufosi. Where there was no true repentance and no actions to indicate that there was a turning around to obey Jehovah, God eventually gave the perpetrators up to destruction. You always listen to them and give us comforting Bible words. Moya wa lifasi ki nto mañi, mi u tahisa kuli batu ba ezeñi? What is the world's spirit, and what does it produce? 8 - 12. Kono hape n'a ba elelize kuli: "Mu si ke mwa saba ba ba bulaya mubili, ba ba tokwa mata a ku bulaya moya; kono mu sabe ya na ni mata a ku bulaelela moya ni mubili mwa lihele. " - Mateu 10: 1, 16 - 22, 28. However, he urged them: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " - Matthew 10: 1, 16 - 22, 28. We can avoid such an attitude if we remember that Jesus "has seven stars in his right hand. " Musinga wa mabisi o na ni liselusi za kansa Ductal carcinoma in situ [ Picture on page 24] Ki kabakalañi Jesu ha n'a kona ku bonisa kuli ne ku si ka tusa se siñwi kwa Majuda ba bañwi ku bata mwa Mañolo? Why could Jesus indicate that it did certain Jews no good to search the Scriptures? TO THINK ABOUT: Why do people who work hard, with good intentions, refuse to destroy the environment? - Jeremiah 10: 23. Buka ye ñwi i bulela kuli: "Ka silimo sa 1229, baeteleli ba Makatolika ba mwa muleneñi wa Toulouse ne ba hanisize batu kuli ba si ke ba itusisa Libibele za mwa lipuo za bona ili ka mulelo wa ku lwanisa likwata ze peli ze ne bata kuli Libibele li hasanyiwe ni ku baliwa ki batu. Says the Enciclopedia Cattolica (Catholic Encyclopedia): "In 1229, the Council of Toulouse prohibited laymen from using them [vernacular Bibles] in view of the fight against the Albigenses and the Waldenses... □ To avoid any weakness on our part, what is needed? Lu ka tokwa hahulu ku swalisana ni mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna sihulu mafelelezo a lifasi la Satani ha nzaa atumela. As we approach the end of this old world, working together unitedly will become ever more important. Many of these images are equipped with little or nods, bees, and bees. Sa butokwa ni ku fita, mu ipuze kuli: " Kana keto ye i ka tabisa Mulimu? Most important, ask: " Will my decision be pleasing to God? She sees him approaching, and she fears what will happen. Kacwalo pili mane a si ka pepwa kale sina mutu, liseli la Jehova ne li talimile ku Jesu. So even before his human birth, the light from Jehovah focused on Jesus. Today, we face the consequences of their unwise course. Batu ba ba cwalo ha se ba keni mwa linyalo, ba fumananga taata ku tokolomoha mukwa wo mwa linyalo la bona. Later, when they marry, they find it difficult to avoid this pattern in their own family. Or perhaps merchants and travelers who were Christians made known the truth in Rome. MULELO: Tumelelano yeo i bonisa kuli Bakreste ba 144,000 ba swanela luli ku añulwa sina bana ba Mulimu ni ku ba kalulo ye ñwi ya "peu " PURPOSE: It provides a legal basis for 144,000 Christians to be adopted as sons of God and to form the secondary part of the "offspring " * Lika ze buniti za Mubuso ze tahiswa ki Mulimu li ba ze fapahanela kwahule ni mihupulo ye si na mutomo ya silifasi. The realities of the Kingdom that are produced by God stand in striking contrast to worldly fantasies. How has Jehovah protected his people in ancient times and in modern times? Ka buniti fela, ki Mulimu a li muñwi fela ya na ni tukelo ya ku lapelwa. Indeed, only one God has the right to be worshiped. (b) What questions will we consider? Kana mwabonisanga likute kwa mizwale babali banana kwa lilimo? Do you show respect for younger brothers? For example, when a young man was 17 years old, he abandoned his grown Christian way of life. Mutu yanani zibo ubanga ni litaba zeñata zaziba. A person who has knowledge takes in information, or facts. A World Without Sin - How? Buniti ki bwa kuli, Kreste u eza ze ñata ku fita "ku kuta " ka bunolo fela. The fact is, Christ does much more than simply "return. " When the ancient Israelites rebelled against God, they "would make him feel hurt. " Ka musebezi wa ku kutaza mwa lifasi kaufela, u sweli ku zibisa macaba kaufela taba ye nde ya za mulonga wa Mubuso wa hae o mwa mazoho a Jesu Kreste. Through a global preaching campaign, he is making known to all nations the good news about his Kingdom government in the hands of Jesus Christ. HELP FOR THE FAMILY PARENTING Macmillan Macmillan But our love for Jehovah moves us to continue. Lu swanela ku bona cwañi matohonolo afi kamba afi ao lu ba ni ona mwa kopano ya Mulimu? How should we view any privileges we have in God's organization? ▪ More crime. - Matthew 24: 12. Kana nebakonile kueza cwalo? The result? That seems unlikely. Abrahama n'a sa zibi taluso ya za n'a eza Jehova ka nako yeo; mi ni mwan'a hae Isaka ni muikulyae Jakobo, be ne ba "ka ca ni yena sanda sa Sepiso " ne ba sa zibi taluso. Abraham did not know the significance of what Jehovah was then doing; neither did his son Isaac nor his grandson Jacob, who became "heirs with him of the very same promise. " Do you believe that truth is dependent on a person or not? Moya wa Jehova ha u kopani ni buikatazo bwa luna beñi, lu ka kona ku kondisa ha lu nze lu eza likatulo ze butokwa mwa bupilo, ili ku lu fa bundume bwa ku latelela zona likatulo zeo. The combination of Jehovah's spirit and our own personal efforts will bring us success as we make important decisions in life, giving us the courage to follow through on those decisions. We need to show personal interest in others. Mane na tabile hahulu ha na memilwe kuli a zamaye hamoho ni Paulusi ni Silasi. Timothy was even happier when he was invited to travel with Paul and Silas. (b) What questions should we answer? Mu ba ba teyanga lizebe kamita mi mu lu fanga manzwi a mwa Bibele a ' lu tiisanga pilu. You are always there to lend a hearing ear and share words from the Bible that lift our spirits. Among the most helpful are two books that handle the Bible's detailed text, Insight on the Scriptures. 8 - 12. 8 - 12. If they do so, who will die hungry? Lwa kona ku pima moya o cwalo haiba lu hupula kuli Jesu u "na ni linaleli ze supile mwa lizoho la hae la bulyo. " To avoid that kind of spirit, we can remember that Jesus is pictured in the Bible as having "in his right hand seven stars. " Satan the Devil and his organization cannot prevent such praise from being praised by Jehovah. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 24] [ Picture on page 10] " Make your hearts wide. " - 2 Cor. ZA KUNAHANISISA: Ki kabakalañi batu bababeleka ka taata, ili babanani milelo yeminde habapalelwa kutuhelisa mukwa wakusinya - sinya lifasi? - Jeremia 10: 23. TO THINK ABOUT: Why are hardworking people with noble goals unable to stop the destruction of our environment? - Jeremiah 10: 23. Even if you need it, you may not be interested in it and also try to buy it. □ Kuli lu pime bufokoli bufi ni bufi ku luna, ki sikamañi se si tokwahala? □ To avoid any weakening by us, what is needed? The breastplate of righteousness. Buñata bwa maswaniso a kubupa ao anani tusuba - suba, akwayukile, mi anani miandala. Most are pitted, weathered, and eroded. This freedom brings happiness, as the following experience from Britain shows. Silumesii u bona Akakulubelwa inze a mu atumela, mi u ikalelwa ka ze ka ezahala. Michael sees Brad approaching, and he dreads what is about to happen. The training we received at Gilead strengthened my relationship with Jehovah. Kacenu lu mwa butata bo bu tahisizwe ki keto ya bona ye maswe. Today we are experiencing the effects of their bad choice. As she grew older, she learned to fear God, and now she serves at a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kamba mwendi balekisi ni bazamai be ne ba li Bakreste ki bona be ne ba zibahalize niti mwa Roma. Or did Christian merchants and travelers spread the truth in Rome? By all means, then, being willing to take two miles away than one sin will bring joy to your life. * * He said: "God takes good people, for God loves the righteous. " Jehova usilelelize cwañi batu bahae mwa linako za kwamulaho ni mwa linako zaluna? How has Jehovah protected his people in the past and in our time? For example, the song entitled "long - suffering, " now entitled" Be Long - Suffering, " and your words have also been changed. (b) Lukanyakisisa lipuzo mañi? (b) What questions will we consider? This system, described in the Bible account of creation, was able to bring the Flood when water was poured out by God's command, or word. Sina ka mutala, mutangana yo muñwi ha n'a li wa lilimo ze 17, n'a tuhezi mupilelo wa Sikreste wa n'a hulile ni ona. For example, at the age of 17, one young man rebelled against his Christian upbringing. It takes time to get to know it and to have the experience of choosing the right person. Lifasi Le Li Si Na Sibi - Kamukwaufi? A World Without Sin - How? And as he carried out that commission, he touched dead bodies. Maisilaele ba kwaikale ha ne ba kwenuhelanga Mulimu, ne ba " mu swabisanga. ' When the Israelites of old rebelled against God, "they would make him feel hurt. " If we stay awake, Jehovah will find us " unblemished and unblemished " at the end of this system of things. LITABA ZE TUSA MABASI | KU HULISA BANA HELP FOR THE FAMILY | PARENTING What kind of feeling does its sounds stir in you? Kono lilato la luna la ku lata Jehova li lu susueza ku zwelapili. But love for Jehovah impels us to persevere. Poverty will be eliminated. ▪ Ku ekezeha hahulu kwa bukebenga. - Mateu 24: 12. Significant increase in crime. - Matthew 24: 12. 7, 8. (a) How can we come to understand Jehovah's mildness? Ha ku bonahali cwalo. Apparently he did not. After this incident, no wicked man had the courage to enter the disciples. Kana mu lumela kuli niti ki ye itingile ku mutu kamba ki ye li siyo? Do you believe that truth is relative or nonexistent? Although the Anglo - American World Power is made of iron and clay, the visions that Jesus gave to John indicate that this kingdom would continue to do something significant in the last days. Lutokwa kuisa pilu babañwi. Ethical values are essential too. When envy and anger arose in Cain's heart, Jehovah God warned him: "Why are you hot with anger and why has your countenance been crushed? (b) Ki lipuzo lifi ze lu lukela ku alaba? (b) What questions must we answer? However, when his wife died, Abraham "came to shame and to weep over Sarah. " - Genesis 23: 2. Libuka ze ñwi ze tusa hahulu ki ze peli ze talima litaba za Bibele ka butungi, ze bizwa Insight on the Scriptures. Another priceless study tool is the two - volume Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures. Is it not encouraging to know that Jehovah will not fail to provide for his servants? - Prov. Ha ba ka eza cwalo, ki mañi ya ka shwa tala? The father? the mother? What would he do? Satani Diabulosi ni kopano ya hae ha ba koni ku tibela ku lumbekwa k'o kwa Jehova. Satan the Devil and his organization cannot prevent this praising of Jehovah. How can we help people of another background? " Mukwalule hahulu lipilu zamina. " - 2 Makor. " Open your hearts wide. " - 2 Cor. But comparing them will help us to understand what he means. Niha neikaba kuli mwa tokwa nto ya lekisa yeo, mwendi ha mu na ku tabela mwa mi hapeleleza kuli mu i leke. Even if you need his product, you are probably put off by his manner. There were also 59 other times when Witnesses, young and old, men and women, were arrested by police because of the preaching work. Sisilelezo sa fa sifuba, ili ku luka. Breastplate of righteousness. Some people may feel bad if they use their device. Tukuluho ye i tahisa tabo, sina ze bonwi ze latelela ili ze zwelela kwa Britain ha li bonisa. This freedom results in happiness, as the following experiences from Britain show. However, Jehovah " hears the cry of complaint for those who suffer, ' and when people pray earnestly to him, he may bring them favor or even help them out of their problems. - Job 34: 28. Lituto zene lufilwe kwa sikolo sa Giliadi nelitiisize silikani saka ni Jehova. The training at Gilead definitely helped me to improve my spirituality. " Yes, " says a young woman named Roziki, "the waters are being drawn into a nearby river to bring them into large waters. Mbututu yo ni yena ha ne a nze a hula, a ituta ku saba Mulimu, mi cwale sa sebeleza fa ofisi ye ñwi ya mutai wa Lipaki za Jehova. As that baby grew up, he too learned to fear Jehovah, and he is presently serving at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Do not be irritating your children, so that they do not become downhearted. " - Colossians 3: 21. Kacwalohe, ku itatela ku lwala mutiyo libima ze peli ku fita sibima si li siñwi ku ka tisa tabo mwa bupilo bwa mina. Yes, a readiness to go two miles instead of just one can truly enrich your life. " Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion! " - 2 PET. N'a ize: " Mulimu u nganga batu ba bande, kakuli Mulimu u lata ba ba lukile. ' " God takes good people away, ' he said, " because God loves the righteous ones. ' The teachings of the Bible made sense. Ka mutala, pina yenenani toho ya taba yeli, "Pilu - Telele, " cwale seinani toho ya taba yeli," Mube ni Pilu - Telele, " mi manzwi ayona ni ona acincizwe. Similarly, the title "Long - Suffering " has been changed to" Exercise Patience, " and the lyrics have been adjusted accordingly. Yet, besides the resurrection hope, there is another reason why we should walk with God. Ona muinelo wo, o talusizwe mwa taba ya Bibele ya pupo, ne u konile ku tisa Munda muta mezi n'a suluhile ka taelo ya Mulimu, kamba ka linzwi. This situation, described in the Bible's creation account, made possible the Deluge when the waters poured down at God's direction, or word. 6: 24; 2 Cor. Ku nganga nako kuli mu izibe ni kuli mu be ni yeloseli ya ku keta mutu ya swanela. It takes time to understand yourself and acquire the experience in life that is needed to choose a suitable mate. In our harvest work, we may at first feel bad because we seem to have no evidence to show what we do in the ministry. Mi ha n'a nz'a peta musebezi wo, n'a swalanga litupu. And in fulfilling this assignment, he came in contact with dead bodies. If we run to him for protection, he will be "a secure height for the afflicted ones, a secure height in times of distress. " - Psalm 9: 9. Haiba lu tona, Jehova u ka lu fumana lu "si na litiba kamba se si nyazahala " kwa mafelelezo a muinelo wa lifasi le. If we stay awake, Jehovah will find us "spotless and unblemished and in peace " at the end of this system of things. This is different from one who seeks to be dishonest. Ki mufuta mañi wa maikuto ao milumo ya yona i zusulusa ku mina? What kind of feelings does the melody arouse in you? He knew Spanish and Japanese, but he could not read or write one of those languages. Bubotana bu ka feliswa. No more poverty. A grieving mother, who said that her son had been abused after the abuse of a working worker who cared for children, said: "The man who used my son... destroyed her and destroyed several other boys in the best - thoughted, the most dangerous way. " 7, 8. (a) Lu kona ku fita cwañi fa ku utwisisa bunolo bwa Jehova? 7, 8. (a) How can we come to appreciate Jehovah's mildness? This world is much larger than the Christian congregation, and Satan himself is more powerful than anyone else. Hamulaho wa yona kezahalo ye, ha ku na mutu wa mano a maswe ya n'a bile ni bundume bwa ku to kena kwa balutiwa. After this incident, no one with bad motives had the courage to join the disciples. Goals that give glory to Jehovah God are goals related to worshiping him and promoting Kingdom interests. Nihaike kuli mubuso wa lifasi wa Britain ni America u pangilwe ka ku zwakanya sipi ni lizupa, lipono zeo Jesu naa file Joani li bonisa kuli mubuso wo ne u ka zwelapili ku eza nto ye ñwi ye tuna mwa mazazi a maungulo. Though the Anglo - American World Power is a mixture of iron and clay, the visions that Jesus gave to John show that this power would continue to play a key role during the last days. So Daniel wore his convention store with joy all day long at school. Muna ni bunyemi ha ne li zuhile mwa pilu ya Kaine, Jehova Mulimu n'a mu lemusize kuli: "Kiñi s'o halifile? mi s'o sosobani pata kiñi? When jealousy and anger rose up in Cain's heart, Jehovah God warned him: "Why are you hot with anger and why has your countenance fallen? They would not be ruled by other nations, even in Jesus ' day when the Romans ruled over many nations. Kono, musalaa hae ha na timezi, Abrahama "a ta kwa maswabi, ku lila Sara. " - Genese 23: 2. Yet, when his beloved wife died, he "came in to bewail Sarah and to weep over her. " - Genesis 23: 2. How can this be true? Kana ha ku susuezi ku ziba kuli Jehova ha na ku palelwa ku fa batanga ba hae ze ba tokwa? - Liprov. Is it not comforting to know that Jehovah's hand is never short? - Prov. Jesus did more than just think about what to say. Ki sifi sa n'a ka eza? What would she do? " You will be there after your friend has finished talking to you, " says 17 - year - old Amy, "but perhaps your friend will not be there after you have finished writing. " Lu kona ku tusa cwañi batu ba simuluho isili? How can we help people from a different background? 1: 14, 15. Kono ku bapanya makande ao ku ka lu tusa ku utwisisa za talusa. By comparing these accounts, however, we can reach an interesting conclusion. Millions of people can answer that question! Mi hape ne ku bile ni linako ze ñwi ze 59 ili zeo Lipaki, ba bahulu ni banana, banna ni basali, ne ba tamilwe ki mapokola kabakala ku kutaza. In addition, there were 59 incidents of police detention of Witnesses - young and old, male and female - who were preaching publicly. I didn't know my mother and had no relationship with my father. Batu babañwi bakana baikutwa bumaswe haiba kuli abaitusisi kapangaliko kabona. They may experience withdrawal symptoms when they are separated from their digital companion. • What knowledge is needed for baptism? Nihakulicwalo, Jehova wa "[utwanga] ku itilelela kwa banyandi, " mi batu ha ba lapela ka taata ku yena wa kona ku ba shemuba kamba mane ku ba yamunwena mwa matata a bona. - Jobo 34: 28. However, Jehovah "hears the outcry of the afflicted ones, " and individuals who earnestly turn to him may receive his favor and even some measure of relief. - Job 34: 28. By means of a progressive revelation of his will, Jehovah also provided a basis for hope for all of Adam's descendants who would exercise faith. Kalibe ya bizwa Riziki u li: "Eni, mezi a hohiwanga mwa nuka ye fakaufi ka mipaipi ku a tisa mwa liuba ze tuna. Is it available? A young woman named Riziki says: "Yes, water is pumped from nearby rivers through pipelines to huge reservoirs. From Oudn enuuw Oo - Ibenn, Francis taken along " Mu si ke mwa halifisa bana ba mina, kuli ba si ke ba fela pilu. " - Makolose 3: 21. " Do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted. " - Colossians 3: 21 Is there a Bible example of someone who served God to the best of his ability without considering past mistakes? " Cwale linto zeo kaufela sina ha li na ni ku fela, ni li, mu lukela ku pila ka mizamao ye kenile hahulu, ni ka bulapeli. " - 2 PIT. " Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion! " - 2 PET. But the iron legs of Nebuchadnezzar's dream image were not limited to the Roman Empire. Lituto za mwa Bibele neliutwahala kuli zatusa luli. The teachings of the Bible sounded practical. As we considered the first two chapters of Micah, do you see how those accounts fit those accounts and what is happening today? Niteñi, kwand'a sepo ya zuho, ku na ni libaka le liñwi hape le li lu susueza ku zamaya ni Mulimu. Yet, something in addition to the resurrection hope motivates us to walk with God. Even so, Paul and his fellow Christians did not show respect for the Law, continuing to preach in areas where Jews did not participate in the Law's affairs. 6: 24; 2 Makor. 6: 24; 2 Cor. Eric: I'm glad to get to know you. Mwa musebezi wa luna wa kutulo, kwa makalelo lu kana lwa ikutwa bumaswe kakuli lu bonahala ku ba ba ba si na bupaki bwa ku bonisa ze lu peta mwa bukombwa. In our harvest work, we may at first have a hard time because we seemingly have nothing to show for our efforts in the ministry. But what about the preceding article found in the Hebrew Scriptures? Haiba lu matela ku yena kuli a lu sileleze, u ka ba "sisabelo sa ba ba nyandile, sisabelo sa mwa linako za butata. " - Samu 9: 9. If we run to him for protection, he will prove to be "a secure height for anyone crushed, a secure height in times of distress. " - Psalm 9: 9. Perhaps you do not have such a friend. Muinelo w'o wa shutana ni wa mutu ya bata ku fuma ka ku sa sepahala. The situation is different with the person who gives in to dishonesty for selfish gain. (c) What questions will we consider? Na ziba si - Spanish ni Singobere, kono na sa koni ku bala kamba ku ñola ye ñwi ya lipuo zeo. She spoke both Spanish and Ngobere, but she could not read or write either language. My brother Ted had previously taught the doctrine of hell. Me ya n'a li mwa maswabi, ya n'a bulezi kuli mwan'a hae n'a ipondile hasamulaho wa ku itusiswa maswe ki mubeleki ya n'a babalela bana, n'a bulezi kuli: "Munna ya n'a itusisize mwan'a ka maswe... n'a mu sinyize ni ku sinya bashimani ba bañwi ba sikai ka nzila ye lelilwe, ye silafezi ka ku fitisisa ye konwa ku nahanwa. " Stated one grieving mother, who said her son committed suicide after being abused by a child - care worker: "The man who abused my son... destroyed him and a number of other boys in the most systematic, perverted way imaginable. " This article also shows why this fact is comforting to God's servants. Lifasi le ki le lituna hahulu ku fita puteho ya Sikreste, mi Satani ka sibili ki ya m'ata hahulu ku fita mutu ufi kamba ufi. This world is far bigger than the Christian congregation, and Satan himself is far more powerful than any human. Is It Really Real? Likonkwani ze kanyisa Jehova Mulimu ki likonkwani ze ama ku mu lapela ni ku zwisezapili Mubuso. Goals that bring glory to Jehovah God are directly connected with our worship of him and with Kingdom interests. * Then, in the 20th century, merchants and merchants were determined to develop any culture that could make them a lot of money. Kacwalo Daniel a tina baji ya hae ya mukopano inze a tabile lizazi kaufela kwa sikolo. So all day at kindergarten, he proudly wore his badge. Having full divine insight, Jesus set his whole life around to do God's will. - Hebrews 10: 7. Ne ba si ke ba busiwa ki macaba a sili, nihaiba mwa linako za Jesu muta Maroma ne ba busa macaba a mañata. When the Messiah appeared, he would likely have found Israel functioning well as an independent nation, not cringing under the Roman whip. More than ever before, God's law now requires all Christians to be "no part of the world. " Taba ye i kona cwañi ku sa ba ya niti? How can this not be true? Then he will consider whether he can handle the task. Jesu n'a sa nuhelelangi fela litaba za ku bulela. Jesus was never at a loss for words. In the book of Psalms, for example, there are many prayers and songs that were offered to Jehovah. Musizana ya bizwa Amy, wa lilimo ze 17, u bulela kuli: "Luwaile lwa mina lu ka ba teñi mulikanaa mina ha sa felize ku ambola ni mina, kono mwendi mulikanaa mina ha na ku ba teñi ha se mu felize ku ñola kashango. " " Your phone will still be there when your friend has finished talking, " says 17 - year - old Amy, "but your friend may not be there when you finish texting. " In the first century, there was a problem among the Christians in Galatia. 1: 14, 15. 1: 14, 15. The fact that water is vital is seen in the way humans have used it in changes made. " Batu ba bañata - ñata ba kona ku alaba puzo yeo kuli eni! Millions of people would answer with a resounding yes! What a marvelous hope! Ne ni sa zibi bo ma ba ba ni pepa mi ne ni sa utwani ni bo ndate. I never knew my real mother, and I didn't have a good relationship with my father. When she began attending congregation meetings, she became even more angry. • Mutu u tokwa ku ba ni zibo mañi kuli a kolobezwe? • What knowledge is needed for one to be baptized? Voluntary donations are helpful in the preaching work, in relief work, and in building Assembly buildings Ka sinulo ye zwelapili ya tato ya hae, Jehova hape n'a file mutomo wa sepo ku bao kaufela ba ne ba simuluha ku Adama ba ne ba ka bonisa tumelo. By progressive revelation of his will, Jehovah also provided a basis for hope for all those of Adam's offspring who would exercise faith. Then he added something further: "Teach them to your sons and your sons. " From Oud en Nieuw Oost - Indiën, Franciscus Valentijn, 1724 From Oud en Nieuw Oost - Indiën, Franciscus Valentijn, 1724 Finally, he is accountable for his life. Kana ku na ni mutala wa mwa Bibele wa mutu ya naa sebelelize Mulimu ka mwa naa konela kaufela a sa nahani mafosisa a kile a eza kwamulaho? Is there a true - life example from whom we can learn to do that? Paul described them as "a great cloud of witnesses " that surrounded them. Kono mautu a sipi a siswaniso sa n'a lolile Nebukadenezare n'a sa swanisezi fela mubuso wa Maroma. In an effort to shatter true Christianity, Rome persecuted Jesus ' disciples. David wholeheartedly supported this building project. Ha ne lu nyakisisa likauhanyo ze peli za pili za Mika, kana mu boni mo li swanela litaba zeo ni ze ezahala kacenu? As we considered the first two chapters of Micah chapters 1, 2, were you struck by how much things are the same today? Can children also share in this teaching program? Nihakulicwalo, Paulusi ni Bakreste babañwi nebasika shwaula Mulao, nebazwezipili kukutaza mwa libaka mone kupila Majuda basaikenyi mwa litaba za Mulao. Yet, Paul and other Christians did not speak disrespectfully of the Law; they were able to witness in many Jewish communities without interference. We can help one another so that we can remain spiritually strong. Bo Kamwi: Ni na ni tabile hahulu ku zibana ni mina. Eric: You too. Of course, when we set goals in Jehovah's service, we will be more zealous and ready to live in the new world. Kono ku cwañi ka za taba ya kwamulaho ni ku fita ye fumaneha mwa Mañolo a Siheberu? But what about the earlier history found in the Hebrew Scriptures? Since God has given us life, we should worship only him. - Read Revelation 4: 11. Mwendi ha mu na mulikani ya cwalo. Likely not. As Jehovah created this earth, His angelic sons were happy watching him. (c) Ki lipuzo mañi zeluka nyakisisa? (c) What questions will we consider? Timothy supported the apostle Paul for about 15 years. Muhulwanaaka Ted sapili naakutazanga tuto ya lihele. My older brother Ted was at first a hellfire preacher. As a result of their ridicule from Cameroon to the point of making fun of him. Taba ye hape i bonisa libaka sisupo sa niti seo ha si li se si omba - omba kwa batanga ba Mulimu. The context also shows why that vital truth is of comfort to God's servants. Is the Governing Body no longer thinking that the great tribulation is near? Kana ki Busholi Luli? Are You Doing God's Will? Diane adds: "The Kingdom hope has even greater meaning for us. " * Mi mwa lilimo za ma - 1900, balekisi ni bafundoti ne ba tukufalezwi ku hulisa sizo sifi ni sifi se ne si kona ku ba tahiseza masheleñi a mañata. * And in the 20th century, salesmen and marketing specialists enthusiastically promoted any custom that could generate hefty profits. For many years, he believed in evolution. Ka ku ba ni kutwisiso ye tezi ya bumulimu, Jesu n'a tomile bupilo bwa hae kamukana fa ku eza tato ya Mulimu. - Maheberu 10: 7. With godly insight, Jesus centered his entire life on the doing of God's will. - Hebrews 10: 7. David praised God with a heart filled with gratitude. Ku fita lili kaufela, mulao wa Mulimu cwale u tokwa Bakreste kaufela ku sa ba "ba lifasi. " As never before, God's law now calls on Christians to be "no part of the world. " How, then, was this an expression of godly devotion? Kihona cwale akanyakisisa kuli abone nji wakona kupeta musebezi wo. He can then make an honest evaluation of his circumstances. Happily, I could encourage the official to be friendly by giving him a host and a party. Ka mutala, mwa buka ya Lisamu, ku na ni litapelo ni lipina ze ñata ze ne fiwa ku Jehova. The Psalms contain a collection of heartfelt prayers and songs to Jehovah. 19, 20. Mwa linako za baapositola ne ku na ni butata mwahala Bakreste ba kwa Galatia. A problem existed among Christians in first - century Galatia. As in Noah's day, Jehovah knows precisely when to deliver his people today. Taba ya kuli mezi ki a butokwa i bonahezi hande ka m'o batu ba itusiselize ona mwa lizwelopili ze ezizwe. " " The record of man's response to that fact constitutes much of the history of civilization. " Proverbs 21: 5 says: "The plans of the diligent surely lead to success. " Ki sepo ye makaza hakalo! What a glorious hope! This depends on what we are taught and how we use that knowledge. Bo Georgina ha ne ba kalile ku fumanehanga kwa mikopano ya puteho, bo Kyriacos ba filikana hahulu ni ku fita. When Georgina started to attend congregation meetings, Kyriacos got even angrier. [ Pictures on page 23] Linubu ze fiwa ka ku lata za tusa mwa musebezi wa ku kutaza, ku tusa ba ba welwa ki likozi, ni ku yaha miyaho ya mikopano Voluntary contributions finance the preaching work, emergency relief, and the construction of meeting places And he often saw firsthand how Jehovah cared for those who loved him. Mi kihona a ekeza ku bulela taba ye ñwi, a li: "U li lute bana ba hao ni bana ba bana ba hao. " He then added a further step: "You must make them known to your sons and to your grandsons. " Jesus told the Jews of his day: "He that hears my word and exercises faith in him that sent me has everlasting life; and he comes, not into judgment, but out of death and entered into life. " Kwa mafelelezo, u ikalabela ka za bupilo bwa hae. In the final analysis, he is responsible for his own life course. Why is "the mind of the nations in darkness "? Paulusi naa bulezi kuli batu bao ne ba swana sina "lilu le lituna la lipaki " le ne li ba beile mwahali. Even if we do good to others, we will not show appreciation. Davida na yemezi musebezi wo wa ku yaha ka pilu ya hae kaufela. David gave the project his wholehearted support. Christianity is considered "one of the spiritual developments men have made. " Kana banana ni bona ba kona ku ba ni kabelo mwa tukiso ya ku luta ye? Can children have a part in this program of instruction as well? Of course, the Jews had known what the Hebrew Scriptures were speaking about the spirit. Lwa kona ku tusana ilikuli lu zwelepili ku tiya kwa moya. What are the benefits? Heartfelt appreciation moves us to do so regularly, perhaps putting something aside each week, as did the early Christians. - 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2. Niti ki kuli, haluitomela likonkwani mwa sebelezo yaluna ku Jehova, lukaba ni tukufalelo yetuna mi lukaitukiseza kutopila mwa lifasi lelinca. The point is this: Setting spiritual goals will increase your enthusiasm for theocratic activities, and this will help you to prepare yourself for life in the new world. As the upper stone rolled over the lower stone, grain was passing through these stones and swept them away. Bakeñisa kuli Mulimu ki yena ya lu file bupilo, lu swanela ku lapela feela yena. - Mu bale Sinulo 4: 11. Since God is the Source of life, we should worship only him. - Read Revelation 4: 11. 23: 2, 5 Jehova ha n'a nz'a bupa lifasi le, bana ba Hae ba mangeloi ne ba mu buha ba nze ba tabile. God's angelic sons looked on and rejoiced as Jehovah created this planet. But her desire to hear my feelings showed me that she was willing to listen. Timotea naa tusize muapositola Paulusi ka lilimo ze bato ba 15. Timothy assisted the apostle Paul for some 15 years. How good it would have been for Jonah if at first he relied on Jehovah's spirit to help him fulfill his role! Kabakala kuli babuhi ne ba shendaula mulahi wa kwa Cameroon kuli mane na batile ku ñala. Because so many spectators hurl insults at a player from Cameroon that he threatens to leave the field. One parent, who has tried to help his children acquire discernment, said: "We have spent a long time discussing just what is needed and what is desired. " Kana Sitopa se si Etelela ha si sa nahana kuli ñalelwa ye tuna i fakaufi? " Has the Governing Body changed its mind about the closeness of the great tribulation? " They named Costa Rica (now rich in material things), thinking that they would find a lot of gold there - but they could not find it. Diane u ekeza kuli: "Sepo ya Mubuso se i na ni taluso ye tuna ni ku fita ku luna. " Diane adds: "The Kingdom hope means even more to us now. " How does "the good news of the Kingdom " reflect God's undeserved kindness? Ka lilimo ze ñata, ne ba lumela mwa tuto ya kuli lika li tahile ka ku ipilaula. For many years he believed in evolution. Health and Happiness - Can They Be Yours? Davida n'a lumbekile Mulimu ka pilu ye tezi buitebuho. David praised God from a heart brimming with appreciation. Once we understand when the judgment of the parable is made, we become better acquainted with those who are goats. Cwale, seo ne si li cwañi poniso ya buineelo bwa bumulimu? Now, how was this a manifestation of godly devotion? 14: 14 - 16. Ka litohonolo, na kona ku susueza likwambuyu y'o ku ba ya silikani ka ku mu fa chungamu ni mambisikiti. Happily, I was able to encourage the officer to be more friendly by offering him some chewing gum and cookies. Instead, he suffered three major disasters in a series of weeks. 19, 20. 19, 20. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Sina mwa miteñi ya Nuwe, Jehova wa ziba nako ye swanela ya ku pilisa batu ba hae kacenu. Just as he did in Noah's day, Jehovah knows the right time to save his people today. We often say that such kind fellow workers have good manners. Liñolo la Liproverbia 21: 5 libulela kuli: "Milelo ya babasebeza ka taata itahisa kuli zabona likonde. " Proverbs 21: 5 says: "The plans of the diligent surely lead to success. " Table of Contents Seo si itingile ku seo lu lutiwa ni ka mo lu itusiseza zibo yeo. That depends on what we are taught and on how we use that knowledge. Not enough! [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 23] [ Pictures on page 23] The blessing we receive when we teach others Bible truth is not merely the advantage that comes from enabling a person to agree with our religious beliefs. Mi hañata - ñata n'a iponezi ka sibili ka m'o Jehova n'a babalelezi ba ne ba mu lata. He repeatedly saw firsthand how Jehovah safeguarded those who loved Him. How does heeding it benefit me? ' Jesu na bulelezi Majuda ba mwa lizazi la hae kuli: "Ya utwa linzwi la ka, mi a lumela ku Ya ni lumile, u na ni bupilo bo bu sa feli; mi h'a ti mwa katulo, kono u zwile mwa lifu, mi u keni mwa bupilo. " Jesus told the Jews of his day: "He that hears my word and believes him that sent me has everlasting life, and he does not come into judgment but has passed over from death to life. " What a blessing that will be to see the whole earth filled with joy, peace, and love! - Isaiah 2: 2 - 4; 2 Peter 3: 13; 1 John 4: 8 - 11. Ki kabakalañi " kutwisiso ya bamacaba ha i fifalile '? Why are the nations "in darkness mentally "? Your heart became haughty with your goodness, and you proceeded to destroy your wisdom because of your appearance. " Batu ba bañwi niha lu ka ba eza hande ha ba na ku bonisa buitumelo. Others may not reciprocate when we show appreciation. 22 For Young People - How to Resist Temptation Bukreste bu ngiwa ku ba "ye ñwi ya lizwelopili za kwa moya ze ba ezize batu. " It has been described as "one of mankind's greatest spiritual advances. " Furthermore, we can learn to be courageous by meditating on the fine examples of God's servants and imitating them. Ka mo ku inezi fela, Majuda ne se ba zibile seo Mañolo a Siheberu n'a si bulela ka za moya. Of course, the Jews already knew what the Hebrew Scriptures said about the spirit. Researchers say that this time, although short, helps keep the brain apart. Buitebuho bo bu zwelela kwa pilu bu lu susueza ku ezanga cwalo kamita, mwendi ku no beyanga se siñwi kwatuko viki ni viki, sina mo ne ba ezeza Bakreste ba kwa makalelo. - 1 Makorinte 16: 1, 2. Heartfelt appreciation motivates us to do this regularly, possibly setting aside something on a weekly basis, as did the early Christians. - 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2. They have been without food, modest clothing, and a young one. Licwe la fahalimu ha ne li nze li pikuluha fahalimw'a licwe la kwatasi, bubeke ne bu fita mwahal'a ona macwe ao ni ku siteha. As the upper stone rotated on the lower stone, kernels of grain were fed between the two and were pulverized. Nineveh. - Jonah 1: 1, 2. 23: 2, 5 23: 2, 5 Indeed, "there is no truth in judgment. " Kono mubuzezo wa hae wa ku bata kuli a utwe maikuto a ka ne u ni bonisize kuli n'a tabela ku teeleza. However, it was the way she asked my opinion that told me that this person was willing to listen. Instead of waiting for people to come to him, he traveled hundreds of miles on foot as he preached the good news to people. Ne ku ka ba ku bile ko kunde hakalo kwa neku la Jonasi kabe ku zwelela kwa makalelo n'a itingile fa moya wa Jehova kuli u mu tuse ku taleleza kalulo ya hae! How much better it would have been for Jonah from the start to have relied on Jehovah's spirit to help him fulfill his assignment! The Bible speaks of "the inhabited earth " in which mankind will be inhabited. Mushemi yo muñwi, y'a likile ku tusa bana ba hae ku ba ni temuho ya lika, n'a bulezi kuli: "Lu ngile nako ye telele lu nze lu buhisana ka za se si tokwahala luli ni se si batiwa fela. " One parent, who has tried to help his children exercise discernment, observed: "We have spent much time discussing what is a need and what is a want. " Elisha did not feel that since he was a prophet at that time, he had to act in a way different from Elijah's. Ne ba si beile libizo la Costa Rica (Likamba le li na ni Sifumu), ka ku nahana kuli ne ba ka fumana gauda ye ñata hahulu kwateñi - kono ne ba palezwi ku i fumana. They called it Costa Rica (Rich Coast), thinking that they would find an abundance of gold - a quest that proved futile. TO THINK ABOUT: Does the ability to cope with difficult situations show that there is a wise Creator? - Psalm 104: 24, 25. " Taba yende ya Mubuso ' ibonisa cwañi sishemo sesituna sa Mulimu? How does the "good news of the Kingdom " highlight God's undeserved kindness? I find great comfort in my faith in God that soon God will bring about righteous conditions on earth and will eliminate all bad things. Buikangulo ni Tabo - Kana za Kona Ku Ba za Mina? Their Refuge - A Lie! Worldwide, Kingdom citizens show their support for God's Kingdom by preaching to people on the street and from house to house. Ha se lu utwisisize kuli ki lili f'o katulo ye bonisizwe mwa nguli yeo i eziwa, lu fita fa ku bonisisa hande ba ba li lipuli. Once we appreciate when it is that the judgment shown in this parable is rendered, we get a clearer view of who the goats are. The situation is similar when we associate with a mild - tempered Christian friend. 14: 14 - 16. 14: 14 - 16. You can understand why, after four hours of fighting, a star named Paulatotune was hidden in a mirror. Kono a kenelwa ki likozi ze tuna ze talu ka ku tatamana. Then tragedy struck three times in quick succession. But as for Paul, he continued in a new area and formed congregations in those cities in small amounts - Philip, Beroea, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Ephesus. Kakuli twaelano ki ifi ya se si lukile ni bukopo? For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? If you stumble, accept help and keep going! Hañata lu bulelanga kuli batusi ba ba sishemo ba ba cwalo ba na ni mikwa ye minde. We usually ascribe good qualities to such compassionate humanitarians. The psalmist's words about sowing and harvesting illustrate how Jehovah cared for and blessed the remnant who returned from exile in ancient Babylon. Ze Mwahali Table of Contents The demons were once Jehovah's angels, but they rebelled against their Creator and thus became Satan's representatives. Fo ha ku si ka likana! That is not enough! Who are in need of encouragement, but why do many people today not encourage others? Mbuyoti ye lu amuhela ha lu luta ba bañwi niti ya Bibele haki ya bunde fela bo bu tahiswa ki ku konisa mutu ku lumelelana ni litumelo za bulapeli bwa luna. The happiness we receive when we teach others Bible truth is not simply the satisfaction of having someone agree with our religious beliefs. People listen to them. ' Ku i mamela ku ni tusa cwañi? ' How will obedience in this matter benefit me? ' David was once counseled that if he avoided bloodguilt in God's eyes, " his soul would be thrown into the bag of life to Jehovah. ' Yeo i ka ba mbuyoti ye tuna luli ku bona lifasi kaufela ha li tala tabo, kozo, ni lilato! - Isaya 2: 2 - 4; 2 Pitrosi 3: 13; 1 Joani 4: 8 - 11. What a blessing it will be to see the entire earth filled with happiness, peace, and love! - Isaiah 2: 2 - 4; 2 Peter 3: 13; 1 John 4: 8 - 11. 3: 8, 43, 44. Pilu ya hao n'e ikuhumusize ka bunde bwa hao, n'o sinyize butali bwa hao kabakala ku benya kwa hao. " Your heart became haughty because of your beauty. The Bible Changes Lives 22 Ku ba Banca - Mo mu Kona ku Tiyela Muliko But what kind of knowledge? Ku zwa fo, lwa kona ku ituta ku ba ni bundume ka ku nahanisisa mitala ye minde ya batanga ba Mulimu ni ku likanyisa mitala yeo. By taking advantage of all these provisions and by meditating on and imitating fine examples of courageous servants of God, we have the assurance that we can face difficulties successfully. As mentioned in the preceding article, many have found answers to questions about world events and the future. Licaziba ba ba ezanga lipatisiso ba bulela kuli nako yeo ye u cisanga mubili, nihaike kuli ki ye kuswani, ya tusanga kuli booko bu si ke bwa sinyeha. Researchers say that this warming period, although brief, plays a role in the brain's survival. (Read Psalm 119: 37; Proverbs 22: 3.) Ba bile ba ba tokwile lico, liapalo ze likani, ni ku lekulwa. They have been in need of food, adequate clothing, and health care. Because of the angel's authority, we can understand John's fear, for one angel killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. Ninive. - Jonasi 1: 1, 2. Nineveh. - Jonah 1: 1, 2. However, we should remember that doubt about Jehovah's justice is like magnifying our principles above his standards. Ka niti, "likatulo li tokwile niti. " Indeed, "justice goes forth crooked. " Among those affected by this tragedy are those in families who die from tobacco and suffer from grief and financial loss. Ku fita ku libelela batu kuli ba tahe ku yena, naa zamaile misipili ye mitelele ka mahutu inge a shaela taba ye nde kwa batu. Rather than expecting people to come to him, he traveled hundreds of miles on foot to share the good news with them. Let us see why we need to make sacrifices so much to please God. Bibele i bulela ka za "lifasi le li taha " mo ku ka yaha batu. The Bible speaks of "the inhabited earth to come. " What if their peers at school or in the community are overly confused about some new type of shoes or other style of dress? Elisha naasika ikutwa kuli bakeñisa kuli neseli yena mupolofita ka nako yeo, naatokwa kueza lika ka nzila yeshutana ni yanaaezanga ka yona Elia. Apparently, Elisha did not feel that since he was now at the helm, he needed to change course right away. After doing so, they will be able to follow the second part of Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7, which is "to teach " God's laws to their children. ZA KUNAHANISISA: Kana maata a kutiyela miinelo yetaata elinani libupiwa zeo abonisa kuli kunani Mubupi yabutali? - Samu 104: 24, 25. TO THINK ABOUT: Does the resilience evident in nature point to a wise Creator? - Psalm 104: 24, 25. This book has reached out to all nations, to people of all races, and to all nations. Niomba - ombiwanga hahulu ki tumelo yeninani yona ku Mulimu ya kuli ona cwale - cwale fa, Mulimu ukatisa miinelo yelukile fa lifasi mi ukafelisa lika kaufela zemaswe. " I am comforted by my belief that God will soon bring complete justice to the earth and will right all wrongs. Did your teachings include studying the Bible? Mwa lifasi kaufela, bayahi ba Mubuso ba bonisa kuli ba yemela Mubuso wa Mulimu ka ku kutaza kwa batu mwa mikwakwa ni fa ndu ni ndu. Citizens of human governments will publicly rally support for a political party, even going from door to door to do so. The vine is also used to describe the peace that God's people will experience during Christ's Millennial Reign. Muinelo ki o swana ha lu swalisana ni mulikani wa Sikreste ya li ya ishuwa. The situation is similar when we associate with a mild - tempered Christian friend. Stephen did not mention God's covenant with Abraham, but at Genesis 12: 1 - 3, this covenant is related to the command to go to Canaan. Mwa kona ku utwisisa libaka mubapali yo muñwi ya bizwa Stratofonte ha n'a itimelezwi mwa siiponi hamulaho wa ku lwana ka lihora z'e ne. You can imagine why a certain contestant named Stratofonte could not recognize himself in a mirror after four hours of boxing. • Self - discipline brings bad consequences for seven years Kono hailii ka za Paulusi, n'a zwezipili mwa kalulo ye nca mi a toma liputeho mwa mileneñi yeo ka bunyinyani i kona ku ba ye ketalizoho - Filipi, Berea, Tesalonika, Korinte, ni Efese. As for Paul, he continued on to new territory and established congregations in at least five cities - Philippi, Beroea, Thessalonica, Corinth, and Ephesus. But the works of the flesh separate us. Haiba mu sitatala, mu amuhele tuso mi mu zwelepili! The Bible says that he was "aglow with threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord. " Manzwi a walisamu y'o a ku cala ni ku kutula a swaniseza mo Jehova n'a babalezi ni ku fuyaulela bomasiyaleti be ne ba kutile ku zwa kwa buhapiwa bwa mwa Babilona wa kwakale. The psalmist's words about sowing and reaping illustrate Jehovah's care for and blessing on the remnant that returned from captivity in ancient Babylon. An elderly woman from the island treated a Witness couple harshly. Badimona ka nako ye ñwi ne ba li mangeloi a Jehova, kono ne ba kwenuhezi Mubupi wa bona mi kacwalo ba ba bayemeli ba Satani. The demons were at one time angels of Jehovah, but they rebelled against their Creator and thus became the cohorts of Satan. His loyal relationship with Jehovah was severely tested. Ki bo mañi babatokwa susuezo, kono ki kabakalañi batu babañata kacenu habasa susuezangi babañwi? Who needs encouragement, but why is it scarce today? A fine example will encourage him. - Luke 6: 40. Batu ba ba teeleza. ' These people are paying attention. ' In harmony with this example, should loving - kindness not move us to cooperate with the Scriptural funeral arrangements requested by a Christian family member? Davida muta o muñwi n'a elelizwe kuli haiba a pima mulatu wa mali mwa meto a Mulimu, " moyo wa hae ne u ka fita fa ku putelwa mwa mukotana wa bupilo ku Jehova. ' David was once advised that if he avoided becoming bloodguilty in God's eyes, his " soul could prove to be wrapped up in the bag of life with Jehovah. ' Returning to God's Kingdom 3: 8, 43, 44. 3: 8, 43, 44. Remembering that the congregation belongs to Jehovah and that Jesus is its Head will help us to do so. Bibele Yacincanga Bupilo Bwa Batu The Bible Changes Lives • How can you help children to become Jesus ' disciples? Kono ki zibo ya mufuta mañi? But what kind of knowledge? Adam and Eve needed to love Jehovah God in order to remain faithful in Eden. Sina mokutaluselizwe mwa taba yefelile, batu babañata bafumani likalabo kwa lipuzo zeama lika zeezahala mwa lifasi kacenu ni zekaezahala kwapili. As mentioned in the preceding article, many have, however, found convincing answers to questions about world conditions and the future. But we need not give up. (Mu bale Samu 119: 37; Liproverbia 22: 3.) (Read Psalm 119: 37; Proverbs 22: 3.) They try to breathe, but instead of the air, they lure up water ashes. Kabakala m'ata a lingeloi, lwa kona ku utwisisa sabo ya Joani, kakuli lingeloi li li liñwi ne li bulaile Maasirya b'a 185,000 mwa busihu bu li buñwi. Because of the power of an angel, we can understand why John was awed, for one angel destroyed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. He made a new covenant with spiritual Israel, Christians whom he put before them a heavenly hope. Kono lu swanela ku hupula kuli ku kakanya ku luka kwa likatulo za Jehova ku swana sina ku pahamisa likuka za luna fahalimwaa likuka za hae. We need to remember, though, that if we question the fairness or rightness of Jehovah's decisions, we are, in effect, starting to put our standard of righteousness above Jehovah's standard. In time, why not make it your goal to comment in your own words? Ba bañwi ba ba amiwa ki butata bo ki ba ba mwa mabasi a batu ba ba bulaiwanga ki ku zuba kwai ili ba ba nyandiswanga ki masitapilu ni ku felelwa ki masheleñi. Included are the surviving family members, who suffer emotional and financial loss, as well as the 600,000 nonsmokers who die each year from breathing secondhand smoke. Consider Jacob's son Joseph. Lukaituta libaka halutokwa kuitombola hahulu kuli lutabise Mulimu. We will learn why having God's approval is worth any sacrifice. What plans might a family head make? Ku cwañi haiba litaka za bona kwa sikolo kamba fa silalanda ba yauluka hahulu ka za mufuta o muñwi o munca wa makatulo kamba mutinelo o muñwi wa za ku ikabisa ka zona? What if their peers at school or in the neighborhood get excited about a new style of shoes or a fashion in jewelry? Jehovah also says: "From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not been done. " Ha se ba ezize cwalo, kihona ba ka kona ku latelela kalulo ya bubeli ya liñolo la Deuteronoma 6: 6, 7, yona ya " ku luta ka tokomelo ' milao ya Mulimu kwa bana bona. Then they are in a position to apply the second part of the scripture - to "inculcate " God's laws in their children. How can we cope? Buka ye i fitile mwa linaha kaufela, kwa batu ba mibala kaufela, ni kwa macaba kaufela. This book has transcended national boundaries, racial divisions, and ethnic barriers. The most important work of "fine works " described in God's Word that Christians should do is the lifesaving work of Kingdom preaching and disciple making. Kana lituto za mina ne li kopanyeleza ku ituta Bibele? Did your training involve Bible study? Some of them even stayed with us for a while to care for my son. Hape kota ya veine i itusisizwe kwa ku talusa kozo ye ba ka ba ni yona batu ba Mulimu mwahal'a Puso ya Kreste ya Lilimo ze Sikiti. The vine is also used in describing the peace God's people will enjoy during Christ's Millennial Reign. just 3 - 9, 2013 Setefani n'a si ka bulela za bulikani bwa Mulimu ni Abrahama, kono kwa Genese 12: 1 - 3, bulikani b'o bu zamaelela ni taelo ya ku ya kwa Kanana. Stephen did not mention God's covenant with Abraham, but at Genesis 12: 1 - 3, that covenant is linked to the command to go to Canaan. IN THE "BIDES " OF THEIR LIFE • Ku pwaca siponi ku tahisa bumai ka lilimo ze 7 • Breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck A husband should take the lead and " pour out his heart ' before God, seeking his guidance and guidance on any problems that he and his wife face. Kono misebezi ya nama ya lu kauhanya. Jesus said that riches are " deceptive, ' and Paul warned that " the love of money has led many astray from the faith. ' - Mark 4: 19; 1 Timothy 6: 10. Bibele i bulela kuli n'a "tukufalezwi ku fumbela ni ku bulaya balutiwa ba Mulena. " The Bible says that he was "breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord. " The new covenant opens the way for all spiritual Israelites to be brought to glory by being resurrected to immortal life in heaven. Musali - muhulu yo muñwi wa mwa sioli n'a amuhezi bo munna ni musal'a hae ba Lipaki ka lutimbo. An elderly local woman gave a Witness couple a cool reception. In Barranilla, Colombia, another Witness witnessed to Antonio, an outstanding representative of the political party. Swalisano ya hae ni Jehova ye sepahala ne i likilwe ka butuna. His trusting relationship with Jehovah was severely tested. In the meantime, I serve as an elder in the Chermie Congregation. Mutala o munde o mu ka bonisa ki ona o ka mu susueza. - Luka 6: 40. Your own good example will be a positive influence. - Luke 6: 40. Because of our increasing numbers and our neutral stand, we were considered to be a dangerous Western spies who engage in "false works " in the name of religion. Ka ku swalisana ni ona mutala w'o, kana sishemo se si lilato ha si swaneli ku lu susueza ku swalisana ni litukiso za kepelo ya mwa Mañolo ze kupiwa ki silama sa lubasi sa Sikreste? In harmony with that example, should not loving - kindness move us to comply with Scripturally acceptable burial arrangements desired by a Christian family member? Europe today only claims to be Christian. Lu Kutela kwa Rabaul Back to Rabaul Jehovah said of them: "I have heard their outcry... Ku hupulanga kuli puteho ki ya Jehova ni kuli Jesu ki yena Toho ya yona ku ka lu tusa ku eza cwalo. Keeping closely in mind that the congregation belongs to Jehovah and that Jesus is its Head will help us to do so. However, the prophet Lamech saw in vision an angel speaking directly to Jehovah. • Mu kona ku tusa cwañi banana kuli ba be balutiwa ba Jesu? • What can you do to help children spiritually? 3, 4. Bo Adama ni Eva ne ba tokwa ku lata Jehova Mulimu kuli ba zwelepili ku sepahala mwa Edeni. Love of Jehovah God is what Adam and Eve needed in order to stay faithful in Eden. The declaration of Jehovah's excellencies has always been a special obligation to God's "holy nation. " Kono ha lu tokwi ku zwafa. But we need not despair. If we compromise our Christian dedication in some way, can we expect to maintain God's blessing? Ba lika ku buyela, kono mwa sibaka sa moya, ba hoha mufuse o ' mezi. They tried to breathe, but instead of air, they inhaled moist ash. The man who said those words was very sad, and it is not surprising. N'a ezize bulikani bo bunca ni Isilaele wa kwa moya, ili Bakreste bao n'a beile fapil'a bona sepo ya kwa lihalimu. He made a new covenant with spiritual Israel, those Christians before whom he set a heavenly hope. Adam and Eve had children after their rebellious course. Hamulaho wa nako, mwa kona ku itomela sikonkwani sa kuli mu alabange ka manzwi a mina. Later, you could have the goal of answering in your own words. Abraham (who was originally called Abram) is mentioned in the Bible for the first time. Mu nahane Josefa, mwan'a Jakobo. Consider Joseph, the son of Jacob. The World of Evil - A Source of It! Toho ya lubasi u kona ku eza milelo ifi? What plans can a family head make? 10 / 15 Jehova hape ki yena ya bulela kuli: "Nto i sa kala feela ku ba teñi ni se ni bulela ko i ka yo felela; ni kale ni bulezi se si ka bonahala kwapili. " Jehovah is also "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. " That is a personal decision. Lu kona ku tiyela cwañi miinelo ye cwalo? When we face such difficulties, how do we cope? He also took the lead in leading his apostles to be self - centered. Musebezi wa butokwa hahulu kwa "misebezi ye minde " ye talusizwe mwa Linzwi la Mulimu ye ba swanela ku eza Bakreste ki musebezi o pilisa batu wa ku kutaza Mubuso ni ku tahisa balutiwa. Foremost among the "fine works " outlined in God's Word for Christians is the lifesaving work of Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making. A Christian may be drawn into such debates and may spend many hours jealous of a rebel who may be expelled from the congregation. Ba bañwi ba ku bona mane ne ba til'o ina ni luna ka nakonyana kuli ba babalele mwan'a ka. Some of them even moved into our home for a while to look after my daughter. • What example did Jesus set in being a good friend? JUNE 3 - 9, 2013 JUNE 3 - 9, 2013 1, 2. KA M'O "BUKRESTE " NE BU BEZI BULAPELI BWA NAHA HOW "CHRISTIANITY " BECAME A STATE RELIGION About three o'clock in the night, the police resurrected my whole family. Munna u swanela k'u nga ketelelo ni ku " sululela pilu ya hae ' fapil'a Mulimu, ku bata ketelelo ni tamaiso ya hae fa but'ata bufi kamba bufi b'o yena ni musal'a hae ba talimani ni bona. The husband should take the lead and " pour out his heart ' before God, seeking his guidance and direction on any problem that he and his wife are facing. Our Father cares for us with love. Jesu n'a ize kuli maluwo a " puma, ' mi Paulusi n'a lemusize kuli " ku lata mali ku kelusize ba bañata tumelo. ' - Mareka 4: 19; 1 Timotea 6: 10. Jesus said that riches have "deceptive power, " and Paul warned that " the love of money has led many away from the faith. ' - Mark 4: 19; 1 Timothy 6: 10. The person may appear kind and holy, and the invitation may seem innocent. Bulikani bo bunca bu tahisa kuli Maisilaele ba kwa moya kaufela ba bizezwe kwa kanya ka ku zusezwa kwa bupilo bwa ku sa shwa kwahalimu. The new covenant provides for all spiritual Israelites to be brought to glory by being resurrected to immortal life in heaven. Those who are "faithful. " Mwa Barranquilla, kwa Colombia, Paki yo muñwi n'a kutalize ku Antonio, ya n'a li muyemeli yo mutuna wa kopano ya bupolitiki. In Barranquilla, Colombia, a Witness spoke to Antonio, a strong supporter of a political movement. Why is alcohol abuse not in harmony with the counsel recorded at 2 Corinthians 7: 1? Ka nako ya cwale, ni sebeza sina eluda mwa puteho ya Chermside. At present, I have the privilege of serving as an elder in the Chermside Congregation. □ What do the original - language words translated "soul " basically mean? Bakeñisa palo ya luna ye ne ekezeha ka bubebe ni buikambuso bwa luna, ne lu ngiwa ku ba kopano ye maswe ya matwela ba linaha za kwa Wiko ba ba eza "misebezi ye sa swalehi " mwa libizo la bulapeli. Because of our rapid growth and our neutral stand, we were branded as a dangerous spy agency of the West, carrying on "dubious activity " under the cloak of religion. In what situation might we need to correct or discipline from someone older than we are? Yurope kacenu i ipala fela ku ba ya Sikreste. Europe is today only nominally Christian. Many Witness families lived in humble houses and trees built on top of water. Jehova n'a bulezi ka za bona kuli: "Ni utwile sililo sa bona... Jehovah said about them: "I have heard their outcry... Remember, the main thing is love, all under all circumstances; and, though you may at the same time not neglect doctrine, take special care to be raised up in the spirit of Jehovah among various members of his body, so that they may become "the inheritance of the holy ones in the light, " and, as God's will is, not as a stumbling block to the wicked day, but as a master over all his inheritance, as his body and his body. " Kono mupolofita Mikaya mwa pono na boni lingeloi le ne li ambola ni Jehova tenyene. However, the prophet Micaiah had a vision in which he saw an angel communicate directly with Jehovah. This is evident from the king's disobedience to God's law and hatred for the prophet Jeremiah and others who served Jehovah. 3, 4. 3, 4. You can find millions today who gladly submit to that rule. Ku zibahaza ku sili ze nde za Jehova kamita se ku bile tamo ye ipitezi ya "mushobo o kenile " wa Mulimu. Declaring abroad Jehovah's excellencies has always been a special obligation of God's "holy nation. " Jehovah and his Son are willing to reward those who exercise faith, as did Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Haiba lu shengoka buineelo bwa luna bwa Sikreste ka nzila ye ñwi, kana lwa kona ku libelela ku zwelapili ku ba ni limbuyoti za Mulimu? If we compromise our Christian dedication in any way, how can we expect God to go on blessing us? We demonstrate our loyalty to him by supporting him and by proving that Jehovah exists; that he is a God of wisdom, of all power and power and love, that he does all things at its appointed time; and that when his appointed time arrives, he will bring an end to all wickedness and make the whole earth a paradise. Munna ya n'a bulezi manzwi ao n'a tomohile hahulu - hulu pilu, mi ha ku komokisi. The man who spoke those words was in great anguish, and no wonder! 13, 14. (a) Why do people who do not believe in God and do not believe that they are sinners cannot deny it? Bo Adama ni Eva ne ba pepile bana hamulaho wa kezo ya bona ya bukwenuheli. It was after their act of disobedience that Adam and Eve brought forth children. In time, the ark was completed. Abrahama (ya n'a bizwa Abrame sapili) u bulelwa lwa pili kwa makalelo luli mwa Bibele. Abraham (originally called Abram) is first mentioned very early in the Bible. During the evenings, Bible discussions continued in the homes. Mutahisi wa Bumaswe Wa Zibahala! The Source of Evil Exposed! If he is truly wrong, his relationship with Jehovah is at stake. 10 / 15 Soans), 12 / 1 Our knowledge of an increasing Jesus gives us points to add to certain events during Christ's lifetime in the world. Yeo ki katulo yebaswanela kueza ka butu. It is a private decision. The instrument God has chosen to use to accomplish this is the Kingdom, and the Redeemer is Jesus Christ. Hape n'a ndumebisize baapositola ba hae kuli ba be batuli. He also emboldened his apostles to become conquerors. Here I am come against you a ruining mountain, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, " and you yourself are bringing to ruin all the earth. I will stretch out my hand against you, and I will answer you upon the rock - mass, and I will make you a burning mountain. ' " Mukreste n'a kana a hohelwa mwa likananisano ze cwalo mi n'a kana a sebelisa lihora ze ñata a li ni munahani wa mukwenuheli ya n'a kana a ba ya zwisizwe mwa puteho. A Christian might be drawn into such debates and may spend many hours with an apostate thinker who may have been disfellowshipped from the congregation. Also, tell the student to think about older ones in the congregation and to think about how his work can help these elderly ones. • Jesu naa tomile mutala mañi wa ku ba mulikani yo munde? • What example did Jesus set in being a good friend? Even animals are souls. 1, 2. 1, 2. The Witness would prepare him for a missionary who spoke German, and Johann immediately began to receive The German Watchtower by mail. Ibat'o ba ka 3 kiloko ya busihu, mapokola ba zusa lubasi lwa ka kaufela. At about three in the morning, the police woke up my whole family. They still obeyed Jesus ' command: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " Ndat'a luna wa lu tokomela ka lilato. Our Father lovingly watches over us. 18: 24. Mutu y'o n'a kana a bonahala ku ba ya sishemo ni ya kenile hande, mi memo yeo neikana ya bonahala ku ba ye si na mulatu. This person might appear kind and clean - cut, and the invitation might seem innocent. Similarly, 1 Thessalonians 5: 15 counsels us: "Look out that no one may take evil for evil to no one, but always seek to do good to one another and to all men. " Baipi ki "ba ba sa sepahali. " Hypocrites are "unfaithful ones. " To emphasize the depth of Christian faith, Paul compared Jesus to Moses, whom the Jews viewed as the greatest prophet among their ancestors. Ki kabakalañi ku nwa maswe ha ku sa zamaeleli ni kelezo ye ñozwi kwa 2 Makorinte 7: 1? Why is alcohol abuse incompatible with the directive stated at 2 Corinthians 7: 1? 11: 1 - 5; 2 Tim. □ Manzwi a mwa lipuo za makalelo a ' tolokilwe "moyo " a talusañi ka mutomo? □ What is the basic meaning of the original - language words translated "soul "? In other words, the more we meditate on something that is bad, the more difficult it is for us to avoid doing it than a woman who is not able to avoid it. Ki mwa muinelo mañi molutokwa kuhakulula kamba kukalimela mutu yomuhulu ku luna? In what circumstance might it be proper for us to give needed counsel or discipline to a person who is older than we are? It does not depend on any political or political party to a political government. Mabasi a mañata a ma - Dayak ne a pila mwa mandu a bucwañi ni likota a yahilwe fa misumo ye umbukile fahalimu a mezi. Most Dayak families lived in stilt houses built with bush materials. In the Bible, God is described as "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " Mu hupule kuli, nto ye tuna ki Lilato, mwa miinelo kaufela; mi, nihaike ka nako ye swana ha mu na ku keshebisa lituto, mu fe tokomelo ye ipitezi mwa ku huliswa kwa Moya wa Mulena mwahal'a lilama ze fitana - fitana za Mubili wa hae, mi kacwalo kuli ba kone ku fita fa " buswa bwa ba ba kenile mwa liseli, ' mi, ka ku ba ya tato ya Bumulimu, mu si ke mwa fita fa ku sitatala mwa lizazi le le li maswe, kono, hamulaho wa ku eza lika kaufela, mu yeme inze mu li mwa muinelo o tezi ku Kreste, Mubili wa hae, Lilama za hae, ba ba Ifana Sitabelo sina yena, Bacalifa hamoho ni Yena. " Remember, that the principal thing is Love, in all; and, while not neglecting doctrines, give special heed to the development of the Lord's Spirit amongst the various members of his Body, that thus they may become " meet for the inheritance of the saints in light, ' and, according to the Divine will, be not suffered to stumble in this evil day, but, having done all, to stand complete in Christ, his Body, his Members, his Joint - Sacrificers, his Joint - Heirs. " In fulfillment of Jehovah's words recorded by Isaiah, Cyrus gave Israel of Israel this command: "Let each one of his people prove to be with him, and let them go up to Jerusalem, in the land of Judah, and build the house of Jehovah the God of Israel; and he is the God of Jerusalem. " Se si paka cwalo kikuli mulena y'o n'a sa lateleli mulao wa Mulimu mi n'a toile mupolofita Jeremia ni ba bañwi be ne ba sebeleza Jehova. This is evident from the king's utter disregard for divine law and his hatred of the prophet Jeremiah and others serving Jehovah. The scripture that clearly shows that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only ransom that is needed for sinful mankind. Mwa kona ku fumana bolule - lule kacenu ba ba ipeya kwatas'a puso yeo ka tabo. You can find millions today who are gladly submitting to such rulership. 2: 37 - 41. Jehova ni Mwanaa hae ba lata ku fa mupuzo ku ba ba bonisa tumelo, sina mo ne ba ezelize ku Mareta, Maria, ni Lazaro. Jehovah and his Son love to reward faith, as they did in the case of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. One Bible scholar described the word translated "a mild temper, " writing:" A modest person is especially self - controlled. Lu bonisa busepahali bwa luna ku yena ka ku mu yemela ni ku fa bupaki bwa kuli Jehova u teñi; kuli ki Mulimu ya butali, wa niti, ya m'ata kaufela, ni ya lilato; kuli ki ya eza lika kaufela ka nako ya zona; ni kuli muta nako ya hae ye tomilwe i fita, u ka tahisa mafelelezo kwa bumaswe kaufela ni ku eza lifasi - mubu kamukana paradaisi. We demonstrate our loyalty to him by coming to his defense and proving that Jehovah does exist; that he is a wise, just, almighty, and loving God; that he has a time for everything; and that when his due time comes, he will bring an end to all evil and make the whole earth a paradise. It is hard to imagine how low we are, even worse, the standards that our 19th - century ancestors would call immoral conduct. " 13, 14. (a) Ki kabakalañi batu ba ba sa lumeli ku Mulimu ni ba ba sa lumeli kuli ki baezalibi ha ba sa koni ku itatula? 13, 14. (a) What is one reason why those who do not believe in God and in sin are inexcusable? The account says: "Jehovah brought the Ammonites and Moab and the mountainous region of Jerusalem against them, who were cut off from Judah, and they went astray. " KENA MWA ALEKA " Nako ha ne inze i ya, aleka ya fezwa ku yahiwa. Decades passed, and the ark gradually assumed its final shape. Why did Jehovah take action to help Adam's offspring, and what did He do for them? Ka swalala, lipuhisano za Bibele ne li zwelangapili mwa mandu. After nightfall, Bible discussions continued in the homes. Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe in the Old Testament? Haiba luli u fosize, bulikani bwa hae ni Jehova bu mwa kaulakañi. If he really has done wrong, his relationship with Jehovah is at risk. Reading such scriptures as Isaiah 35: 5 - 7 and Revelation 21: 3, 4, they show me that soon war, violence, sickness, and death will be brought to an end, and faithful humans will live forever on earth. Zibo ya luna ka za Jesu y'a ekezeha muñoli yo muñwi h'a lu fa lisupo ili ku ekeza kwa litaba za likezahalo ze ñwi za mwa nako ya bupilo bwa Kreste mwa lifasi. Our knowledge of Jesus is broadened when one writer supplies details that supplement other accounts of certain incidents in the earthly life of Christ. He knew what happened to faithful Abel, and like him, Enoch resolved to serve God, come what may. Sisebeliso s'a ketile ku itusisa Mulimu mwa ku peta nto yeo ki ona Mubuso, mi Muliululi ki Jesu Kreste. The agency God chose to accomplish this is the Kingdom, and the Redeemer is Jesus Christ. What can help us to deal with this challenge? Bona, ni t'o ku lwanisa wena lilundu le li sinya, ku bulela [Jehova, NW], wena ya sinya lifasi kaufela; ni ka otololela lizoho la ka fahalimu a hao, ni ku alabanye fa macwe, ni ka ku eza lilundu le li ca mulilo. " Here I am against you, O ruinous mountain, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, " you ruiner of the whole earth; and I will stretch out my hand against you and roll you away from the crags and make you a burnt - out mountain. ' " Never should he take the initiative in sexual immorality or neglect his husband's wishes. Hape mutaluseze muituti kuli anahane basupali baba mwa puteho ni kunahana ka mo musebezi waeza ukona kutuseza basupali bao. Also, ask the learner to think of the elderly ones in the congregation and how carrying out his assignment will benefit them. Job was neither a slanderer nor a man of hurtful motives, nor was he unable to help the needy. Mane ni lifolofolo ki mioyo. Even animals are souls. Listen to what Daniel chapter 2, verse 44, says: "In the days of those kings [human kings in the time of the end] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin.... He will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms. " Paki y'o a mu kakanyeza mulumiwa ya n'a bulela puo ya Sijelemani, mi kapili - pili Johann a kalisa ku amuhelanga Tora ya ku Libelela ya Sijelemani ka poso. She directed him to a German - speaking missionary, and soon Johann was receiving The Watchtower by mail in German. Who is behind world conditions? Ne ba sa utwa hahulu taelo ya Jesu ye li: "Mu lute macaba kaufela. " They still took very seriously Jesus ' command: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " (b) In line with Jesus ' parable, who have lost a great privilege? 18: 24. 18: 24. Most of us did not have to give up "all our things " in order to follow Jesus. Liñolo la 1 Matesalonika 5: 15 ni lona li lu eleza kuli: "Mu bone kuli ku si ke kwa fumanwa ya kutisa bumaswe kwa bumaswe; kono mu bate kamita ku eza bunde, ba bañwi ku ba bañwi, ni kwa batu kaufela. " Similarly, 1 Thessalonians 5: 15 counsels us: "See that no one renders injury for injury to anyone else, but always pursue what is good toward one another and to all others. " Paul was commissioned to spread the good news to the nations so that they too became part of those who are sent to join Christ in the Messianic Kingdom. Kuli a koñomeke butuna bwa tumelo ya Sikreste, Paulusi a bapanya Jesu ku Mushe, ye ne ba nga Majuda kuli ki yena mupolofita yo mutuna ka ku fitisisa mwahal'a bokukululu ba bona. To stress the value of Christian faith, Paul compared Jesus with Moses, whom the Jews viewed as the greatest prophet among their ancestors. What a privilege it is to praise Jehovah, the Creator of all things, and to give him the honor and glory you deserve! - 1 Tim. 11: 1 - 5; 2 Tim. 11: 1 - 5; 2 Tim. While in Ephesus, Paul not only wrote to the brothers in Corinth but also sent Titus to assist them, assigning him to report their response to that letter. Ka mubulelelo omuñwi, haluzwelapili kunahanisisa hahulu nto yeñwi yemaswe, kutaata hahulu kuli luambuke kueza nto yeo sina feela musali yaitwezi hasakoni kuambuka kupuluha. Put simply, when we dwell on a wrong desire, we reach a point where our acting on it becomes as inevitable as a pregnant woman's giving birth. Suffering is common because many people choose to do harm to others. Ha li si ka itinga fa kopano ifi kamba ifi ya mañañazwana kamba ya bukwenuheli kwa mulonga wa mañañazwana. They are not dependent on any political or revolutionary movement. Nothing is more important or better than studying the Bible. Mwa Bibele, Mulimu u taluswa kuli ki "Ndate ya mukekecima, Mulimu wa ze tiisa pilu kaufela. " God is described in the Bible as "the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " Paul recognized the beliefs and background of his listeners. Ka ku taleleza manzwi a Jehova a ñozwi ki Isaya, Sirusi n'a file Isilaele wa muhapiwa taelo ye li: "Ku mina, mutu ni mutu wa sicaba sa hae kaufela, Mulimu wa hae a be ni yena, a funduke, a kambamele kwa Jerusalema, mwa naha ya Juda, a y'o yaha Ndu ya [Muñ'a Bupilo] Mulimu wa Isilaele; ki Yena Mulimu ya mwa Jerusalema. " True to Jehovah's words recorded by Isaiah, Cyrus issued to captive Israel the decree: "Whoever there is among you of all his people, may his God prove to be with him. So let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of Jehovah the God of Israel - he is the true God - which was in Jerusalem. " " Happy Is the Righteous One " Liñolo le li bonisa fo ku sweu kuli sitabelo sa Jesu Kreste ki sona fela se si fa tiululo ye tokwahala kwa neku la mufuta wa mutu o mwa sibi. The epistle clearly shows that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the only one that provides the needed ransom for sinful humankind. I explained that I understood basic Bible teachings and knew that I would be accountable to Jehovah for my conduct. 2: 37 - 41. About three thousand of them sought God's forgiveness and became Christians. - Acts 2: 37 - 41. We told him that we were not in the area but from various parts of the country so that we could assist in this special preaching work, and all of us could take advantage of the way. Caziba yo muñwi wa litaba za mwa Bibele n'a talusize linzwi le li tolokilwe kuli " buishuwo, ' ka ku ñola kuli: "Mutu ya [ishuwa] sihulu - hulu ki mutu ya n'a ni buiswalo hahulu. Explaining the sense of the word translated "mild - tempered, " one Bible scholar wrote:" The supreme characteristic of the man who is [mild of temper] is that he is the man who is under perfect control. We need money! " Ku t'ata ku utwisisa kuli lu sweli ku kutela hahulu kwatasi, mane ki bumai kuli ki ka ku ekezeha, kwa lipimo zeo bokukululu ba luna ba mwa lilimo za mwanda wa bu 19 ne ba ka biza kuli ki muzamao o maswe. " It is not easy to grasp the extent of the, unfortunately accelerating, return to what our nineteenth - century ancestors would have called the standards of barbarism. " The joyful Jewish remnant along with non - Israelite Nethinim and the sons of Solomon's servants returned to Jerusalem. Taba i li: "[Muñ'a] Bupilo kih'a teisa Maamoni, ni Mamoabi, ni ba kwa lilundu la Seiri, ba ba ne ba li ba pumele Juda; mi ba komwa maswe. The record reads: "Jehovah set men in ambush against the sons of Ammon, Moab and the mountainous region of Seir who were coming into Judah, and they went smiting one another. Marriage is far more than just being united in two bodies. Jehova n'a ngeziñi muhato wa ku tusa bana ba Adama, mi N'a ba ezelizeñi? Why did Jehovah take the initiative in behalf of Adam's offspring, and what did He do for them? At the time of the death of a criminal, people may say that justice is unfair, and they can resist it and think that it is not possible for him to die. Kana Lipaki za Jehova ba Lumela Testamente ya Kale? Do Jehovah's Witnesses Accept the Old Testament? Of course, Jesus at times wanted to be alone so that he could meditate on certain matters and pray. Ka ku bala mañolo a cwale ka Isaya 35: 5 - 7 ni Sinulo 21: 3, 4, a ni bonisa kuli cwanoñu fa lindwa, mifilifili, matuku, ni lifu li ka feliswa, mi batu ba ba sepahala ba ka pila ku ya ku ile fa lifasi - mubu. Using such scriptures as Isaiah 35: 5 - 7 and Revelation 21: 3, 4, she showed me that soon war, strife, sickness, and death will be removed, and faithful people will live forever on earth. 21 How Can I Be Like Jephthah's Son? N'a ziba se ne si ezahezi ku Abele wa musepahali, mi sina yena, Enoke n'a ikatulezi ku sebeleza Mulimu, ku be cwañi kamba cwañi. He knew what had happened to righteous Abel, and like him, Enoch was determined to serve God, come what may. There are also rooms for elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers. Ki nto mañi ye kona ku lu tusa ku tula butata bo? What can help us to overcome this tendency? • Why should we honor fellow believers? Ni kamuta a si ke a nga muhato wa mwa bukamutwa kamba ku keshebisa litato la munn'a hae. Never should she act independently or ignore his wishes. Why should those Witnesses have been put to death? Jobo ne si mubuki kamba wa milelo ye maswe, mi n'a si k'a palelwa ku tusa ba ba tokwile. Job was not an adulterer or a schemer, and he had not failed to help the needy. (a) What are some factors that mark Jesus ' presence and the conclusion of this system of things? A mu teeleze ku seo bupolofita bwa Daniele kauhanyo 2, timana ya 44, bu bulela: "Mi mwa mazazi a malena ao [babusi ba butu mwa nako ya mafelelezo], Mulimu wa mwa lihalimu u ka tahisa mubuso o si na ku sinyeha ku ya ku ile;... u ka ketula ni ku feza mibuso kaufela. " Listen to what the prophecy of Daniel chapter 2, verse 44, says: "In the days of those kings [human rulers in the time of the end] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin.... It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms. " Is it really reasonable to admire creation and deny that there is a Creator? Ki mañi mushamiliketi ya tisa kuli miinelo i pongane mwa lifasi? Who is the villain behind the worsening world conditions? The Sermon on the Mount shows that Jews in Jesus ' day knew well that they could "go on carrying the load. " (b) Ka ku lumelelana ni nguli ya Jesu, ki bomañi ba ba latehezwi ki tohonolo ye tuna? (b) In line with Jesus ' parable, who have missed out on a grand opportunity? Is that worth the effort? " Buñata bwa luna ne lu si ka tokwa ku tuhela "za luna " kaufela kuli lu latelele Jesu. Most of us did not have to leave all "our own things " behind so as to follow Jesus. So Jehovah supports us as we "keep working out our own salvation. " Paulusi naafilwe musebezi wa kuhasanya taba yende ku bamacaba kuli ni bona babe kalulo ya batu bababizelizwe kuyo swalisana ni Kreste mwa Mubuso wa Bumesia. Paul had been commissioned to spread the good news to non - Jews so that they too could be included among those called to be associated with Christ in the Messianic Kingdom government. Jesus is "the life. " Ki tohonolo ye tuna ku lumbeka Jehova, yena Mubupi wa lika kaufela, ni ku mu fa likute ni kanya ye mu swanela! - 1 Tim. What a privilege we have to give Jehovah, the Creator of all things, the honor and glory he so richly deserves! - 1 Tim. This central group will survive Armageddon... will be the first to be found in " a new world '..., organized according to God's way of governing, knowing the administration of the organization. " Ha n'a nze a li mwa Efese, Paulusi n'a si ka ñolela fela mizwale mwa Korinte kono hape n'a lumile Tite kuli a y'o ba tusa, ili ku mu fa musebezi wa ku kuta ku t'o biha ka za muhato wa bona kwa liñolo leo. While in Ephesus, not only did Paul write the brothers in Corinth but he also sent Titus to assist them, commissioning him to report back on their response to the letter. What disagreement is there in understanding "a wicked conscience, " and what is the Bible's view? Manyando a atile hahulu kabakala kuli batu ba bañata ba iketelanga ku eza ba bañwi maswe. Suffering abounds because many choose to do bad things to others. Do your parents also study the Bible with you, and do they attend Christian meetings with you? Ha ku na nto ya butokwa kamba ye nde hahulu ku fita ku ituta Bibele. No other pursuit is more important or more rewarding. Immerse yourself in the study of God's Word. A married elder must be "a man blameless and married to one wife, having believing children, not being led astray by violence or immorality. " Paulusi n'a lemuhanga litumelo ni simuluho ya bateelezi ba hae. Paul was attentive to the beliefs and background of his listeners. Suppose you have to undergo surgery because you suffer from a life - threatening illness. " Mutu Ya Na ni Niti, U Na ni Mbuyoti " " Blessings Are for the Righteous One ' If we are dedicated to God, then we may ask ourselves, " How do I view my God - given privileges and responsibilities? Na ba taluseza kuli ne ni utwisisize lituto za Bibele za matatekelo ni kuli ne ni ziba kuli ni ka ikalabela ku Jehova ka za muzamao wa ka. I explained that I did understand basic Bible teachings and that I knew I was responsible to Jehovah for my conduct. This delightful picture shows something remarkable in this war - torn world - peace - people. Lwa mu taluseza kuli ne lu sa pili mwa sibaka m'o kono ne lu zwa kwa libaka ze shutana - shutana za mwa naha ilikuli lu to tusa mwa musebezi o ipitezi w'o wa ku kutaza, mi kaufel'a luna ne lu itifezi nzila. We told him that we were not from the vicinity but had come from several states in the country in order to support this special preaching campaign and that all of us had paid our own way. Elisha served as a prophet for 60 years, and Jehovah empowered him to perform even more miracles. Lu tokwa masheleñi! " " We need income! " Education - Use It to Praise Jehovah Bomasiyaleti ba Sijuda ba ne ba tabile hahulu hamohocwalo ni Manetinimi ba ne ba si Maisilaele ni bana ba batanga ba Salumoni ba kutela kwa Jerusalema. A supremely happy Jewish remnant along with the non - Israelite Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon returned to Jerusalem. Have a Full Share in the Harvest Work, 7 / 15 Linyalo ki nto ye fita hahulu ku kopanyiwa fela hamoho kwa mibili ye mibeli. Marriage is much more than the joining together of two bodies. " How does this egg enter into the egg to reach those eggs? Ka nako yesibulaiwa sikebenga, batu bakona kubulela kuli katulo yeezizwe haisika luka, mi bakona kulwanisa katulo yeo ni kusepa kuli mwendi hasina kubulaiwa. At the prisoner's execution, some may protest the sentence, questioning its justice or perhaps hoping for a last - minute stay of execution. Shortly before we arrived, he had baptized many people in Africa, saying that he was baptizing them. Ki niti kuli ka linako ze ñwi Jesu naa batanga ku ba a nosi ilikuli a nahanisise lika ze ñwi ni ku lapela. It is true that Jesus sometimes wanted to be alone with his thoughts and to pray. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24.) 21 Ne ni Bata ku ba Sina Mwanaa Jefita 26 Bashemi ba Baana ba Kona ku ba Cwañi Bukaufi ni Bana ba Bona ba Bashimani? 22 When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed? - What the Clay Documents Really Show Jesus Christ once asked: "What benefit is it for a man to gain the whole world but to lose his soul? " Hape ku na ni mizuzu mo ku ezezwanga likolo za maeluda, batanga ba bukombwa, ni mapaina. It also has classrooms for holding schools for elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers. 11 - 13. (a) What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? • Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku kuteka balumeli ka luna? • What reasons do we have for honoring our fellow believers? Among them were divisions, and for a time, some brought their little ones and ate them before or during the meeting, often drinking and eating. Lipaki bao ne ba swanela ku bulaelwañi? Why? No one had the freedom to pray as he did or to express feelings contrary to that of the clergy. (a) Ki miinelo mañi ye miñwi ye supa ku ba teñi kwa Jesu ni ku fela kwa muinelo wo wa linto? (a) What are some features of the sign of Jesus ' presence and the conclusion of the system of things? 8, 9. (a) How did Jehovah strengthen the faith of the early Christians? Kana kwa utwahala luli ku tabela pupo ni ku hana kuli ku na ni mubupi? Is it intellectually honest to admire the design without acknowledging the designer? How? Ngambolo ya fa Lilundu i bonisa kuli Majuda ba mwa linako za Jesu ne ba ziba hande kuli ne ba kona " ku hapelezwa ku lwala mutiyo. ' The Sermon on the Mount shows that first - century Jews were familiar with the possibility of being " impressed into service. ' He married Theodore Holien. Kana seo ki se sinde kwateñi nji? " Is that any better? " (Compare also what is said in the box.) Kacwalo Jehova wa lu tusa ha lu nze lu " sebeza za ku piliswa kwa luna. ' Hence, we are not without help as we " keep working out our own salvation. ' Jezreel / Jehoram Jesu ki yena "bupilo. " Jesus is "the life. " Am I encouraged to do hard work, sharing in some forms of the regular ministry if possible? Sona sikwata se si mutomo seo si ka punyuha Armagedoni,... si ka ba sona sa pili ku fumaneha mwa " lifasi le linca '..., si nze si onga - ongilwe ka nzila ya puso ya Mulimu, si nze si ziba tamaiso ya kopano. " This nucleus will go through Armageddon,... the first on the field of action in the " new earth '..., organized theocratically, knowing organization procedures. " (a) What role do "gifts in men " play in the congregations? Ki ku s'a lumelelana kufi ko ku li teñi mwa ku utwisisa "muzamao o maswe, " mi mubonelo wa Bibele ki ufi? What conflict exists in the understanding of "immorality, " and what is the Bible's viewpoint? ON THE morning of April 7, millions will receive their most sacred day in the year - Easter. Kana bashemi ba mina ni bona ba itutanga Bibele ni mina, mi kana ba yanga ni mina kwa mikopano ya Sikreste? Are you too blessed with parents who study the Bible with you and take you to Christian meetings? " I will be happy when I have my own home. " Eluda ya nyezi u lukela ku ba "munna ya sa nyazahali, ya nyezi musali a li muñwi, ya na ni bana ba ba lumela, ba ba sa nyazwi ka mifilifili kamba ka bungulunde. " A married elder must be "free from accusation, a husband of one wife, having believing children that [are] not under a charge of debauchery nor unruly. " We must do all we can to praise Jehovah by our conduct at home, at work, at school, in recreation, or in the ministry. Lu nge kuli mu tokwa ku pazulwa bakeñisa kuli mu kula butuku bo bu kona ku mi bulaya. Suppose you need to have surgery for a life - threatening illness. Appreciating Your Great Privilege Haiba lu ba ba ineezi ku Mulimu, kacwalo ne lu kana lwa ipuza kuli, " N'i nga cwañi matohonolo ni buikalabelo bwa ka ze ni filwe ki Mulimu? If we are dedicated to God, we may therefore ask ourselves, " How do I view my God - given privileges and responsibilities? Ask the patient questions and reason with the doctor. Sona siswaniso sa ka manzwi seo se si tabisa si bonisa nto ye ñwi ye lemuseha mwa lifasi le li shandauzwi ki ndwa le - ili batu ba ba mwa kozo. This delightful word picture portrays something remarkable in this war - torn world - a people at peace. It was a happy time to give thanks. Who Are My True Friends? Perhaps they did not expect to face such a trial in this world. Elisha naabile mupolofita ka lilimo ze 60, mi Jehova naamufile maata a kueza limakazo zeñata kufita mane ni zanaaezize Elia. Later, though, during Elisha's 60 - year - long ministry as a prophet, Jehovah moved him to perform many more miracles than Elijah ever did. What should we imitate in Jesus ' case? Tuto - Mu Itusise Yona mwa ku Lumbeka Jehova Education - Use It to Praise Jehovah Thus, God promises in his Word that "the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Mu Eze Musebezi wa ku Kutula ka mo mu Konela Kaufela, 7 / 15 " Man's Days 120 Years ', 12 / 15 " WE WAS not going to preach by telephone to people living in a village where people have left their jobs. " Muuku wo u kenanga cwañi mwa makapi ku yo fita kwa mai ao? " How does pollen get past the protective husk to the eggs? Yet, they remembered the variety of food in Egypt and complained that manna was not being eaten. Nakonyana lu si ka fita kale, mutu yo na s'a tibisize batu ba bañata mwa mezi mwa Africa, ka ku bulela kuli n'a ba kolobeza. Some time before we arrived, this person had drowned numerous Africans, claiming to be baptizing them. Make sure that your Family Worship evening is truly rewarding, and keep your home safe. (Mubale 2 Makorinte 1: 24.) (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24.) □ Why should we honor Jehovah and Jesus? Jesu Kreste ka nako ye ñwi na buzize kuli: "Ku ka tusañi ku mutu haiba a luwa lifasi kamukana kono a sinyehelwa ki moyo wa hae? " Jesus Christ once asked: "What good will it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his life? " Explain. 11 - 13. (a) Ku talusañi ku utwa tala ya ku luka ni linyolwa la kona? 11 - 13. (a) What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness? How can baptized brothers show courage? Your very presence in the ministry gives a powerful witness to observers How to Build a Second Marriage Mwahal'a bona ne ku na ni likauhano, mi ka nakonyana, ba bañwi ne ba tisanga milalelo ya bona mi ne ba to i canga pili mukopano u si ka kala kamba ha u nze u eziwa, mi hañata ne ba nwanga ni ku ca ku fiteleza. There were divisions among them, and at least for a time, some brought their supper and ate it before or during the meeting, often eating and drinking excessively. She feels very distressed when she thinks of her decision to take her to her. Ha ku na mutu ya n'a na ni tukuluho ya ku lapela ka mwa n'a latela kamba ku fa maikuto a lwanisana ni ao a bahulu ba bulapeli. No one was free to worship as he pleased or to express opinions conflicting with those of the clergy. Evidently, Jewish Christians understood that this text meant that Gentiles who became Christians did not need to be circumcised. 8, 9. (a) Jehova na tiisize cwañi tumelo ya Bakreste ba kwa makalelo? 8, 9. (a) How did Jehovah strengthen the early Christians ' faith? There is "a time to keep quiet and a time to speak. " Ka mukwa ufi? How? • In what ways is Jesus greater than David? Ka silimo sa 1907 ba nyalana ni bo Theodore Holien. In 1907 she married Theodore Holien. To complete their territory, they usually travel long hours by bicycle in a place where heat is more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit (U.S.). (Mu taluse ni ze bulezwi mwa kambokisi.) (Include box.) Although many claim to believe in God and his Word, their decisions do not demonstrate that they are guided by that belief. Akazia / Jorami Ahaziah / Jehoram Without hesitation, King Saul issued a decree that any soldier who would eat food before the war would be humiliated. Kana ni susuezwa ku eza ka t'ata, ili ku abana mwa mifuta ye miñwi ya bukombwa bwa kamita ha ku konahala? Am I moved to exert myself vigorously, sharing in some feature of the full - time ministry when possible? " I am willing to help others. (a) "Batu ba ba li limpo " ba petañi mwa liputeho? (a) In what capacities do the "gifts in men " serve in the congregations? This event should emphasize to us the need to recognize theocratic authority and to cooperate fully with "the faithful and discreet slave "! - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. HA KU ka patalala ka la April 7, bolule - lule ba ka amuhela lizazi la bona le li kenile ka ku fitisisa mwa silimo - Isita. AS DAWN spreads its glow over the horizon on April 7, millions will welcome their most holy day of the year - Easter. " Search for Me, O God, " " Ni ka ba ni tabo ha ni ka ba ni lapa la ka. " " I'll be happy when I have my own home. " His writings have been encouraging and had occurred in almost two decades earlier, including the cases of Israel's Judges. Lu swanela ku eza mo lu konela kaufela kuli lu kanyise Jehova ka muzamao wa luna ibe kuli lu kwa ndu, lu kwa musebezi, lu kwa sikolo, lwa itabisa, kamba lu mwa bukombwa. Whether we are at home, at work, at school, at play, or in the ministry, we make every effort to bring glory to Jehovah through our fine conduct. Evidence of the Law and Psalms Ku Itebuha Tohonolo ya Hao Ye Tuna Appreciating Your Grand Privilege He says: "We realized that our brothers there have little materially; yet they appreciate our Bible literature very much, so we decided that we try to help our needy brothers in other lands. " Mulumeleze mukuli kubuza lipuzo ni kuikambota ni dokota. Allow the patient to ask questions and to speak for himself. Or you might ask a brother to help you clean up or repair a Kingdom Hall. Ne li nako ye tabisa ya ku fa buitumelo. It was a joyful time of thanksgiving. Remember, there is more to do than just knowing what those illustrations mean. Mwendi batu bao nebasika libelela kuli bakatalimana ni muliko ocwalo mwa lifasi le. This is a trial that the survivor may not have expected to face in this system of things. Some 600 years after Job's trials, Jehovah inspired Solomon to write: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " Ki lika mañi ze lu lukela ku likanyisa ku Jesu? What are things we should take to heart from Jesus ' example? □ How does Jude's letter teach us to avoid immorality? Kacwalo Mulimu u sepisa mwa Linzwi la hae kuli "ze bupilwe li ka lukululwa kwa butanga bwa ku bola, kuli li fiwe tukuluho ya kanya ya bana ba Mulimu. " God thus promises in his Word that "the creation itself also will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " That letter was signed by Nathan H. BO Leslie ni Caroline ba mwa Johannesburg, South Africa, ne ba yapananga ku kutaza ka luwaile kwa batu ba mwa munzi o ' notezwi mo ku pila batu ba ba tuhezi misebezi. IN Johannesburg, South Africa, Leslie and Caroline were taking turns in witnessing by telephone to people living in a retirement village that had controlled access. Yes, Jehovah wants people of "every nation and tribe and tongue " to benefit from his word. Niteñi, ne ba hupuzi lico za mifuta - futa za mwa Egepita ni ku bilaela kuli manna ne i sa tabusi. Instead, they remembered the wide variety of food in Egypt and complained that manna was unappetizing. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Mu bone teñi kuli Nako ya ku Lapela Sina Lubasi ya tusa luli, mi mu bise lapa la mina sibaka sa buiketo. Make the Family Worship evening practical, and make your home a safe haven. You can thus see our joy when "all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus '] voice " in the resurrection. □ Lu lukela ku kutekelañi Jehova ni Jesu? □ Why must we honor Jehovah and Jesus? Although he was in Brooklyn, Lloyd was still very interested in the Japanese field, and he always talked about our experiences. Mu taluse. Explain. A humble view of yourself as one of the " fellow workers ' will help you to serve with joy and appreciate the special abilities of other elders. Mizwale babakolobelizwe bakona kubonisa cwañi bundume? How can baptized brothers show themselves courageous? The first book published in England, the United States, was the book of Psalms, which contained God's name. Mwa ku Kondiseza Linyalo la Bubeli Questions From Readers U ikutwa ku ziyeleha hahulu ha nahana za kezo ya bata ku mu kenya ku yona musali yo. It hurt him even to contemplate the deed she wanted him to commit. If not, they can destroy your health and even cause you death. Ku bonahala kuli Bakreste ba Majuda ne ba utwisisize kuli liñolo leo ne li talusa kuli bamacaba ba ne ba bile Bakreste ne ba sa tokwi ku kena mwa mupato. " But wait, ' someone may object, " that text does not say that it was unnecessary for Gentile believers to be circumcised. ' You could then explain that instructions were "written " in his translation, but the language is more difficult than the language in which it is written. Ku na ni "nako ya ku kuza, ni nako ya ku bulela. " There is "a time to keep quiet and a time to speak. " My wife and I before we went to Italy • Jesu ki yo mutuna ku Davida ka linzila lifi? • How is Jesus the Greater David? Next, Samuel Herd, a member of the Governing Body, said: "We all have the privilege of being in Jehovah's house. " Kuli ba feze kalulo ya bona, hañata ba zamayanga ka lihora ze ñata ka linjinga ili mwa sibaka m'o mufutumala u fitelela 40 ° C. To cover their territory, they often travel for many hours on bicycles in temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit [40 ° C]. Though God's spirit came upon his pre - Christian servants, they were not born as his spiritual sons. Nihaike ba bañata ba bulela kuli ba lumela ku Mulimu ni Linzwi la hae, likatulo za bona ha li bonisi kuli li etelelwa ki tumelo yeo. Although many say that they believe in God and his written Word, this does not seem to influence their decisions. Standing firm against apathy, opposition, and persecution can be difficult if it comes from family, relatives, or neighbors. Ka ku sa nahanisisa hande, mulena Saule a toma mulao wa kuli musole kaufela ya na ka ca sico pili ndwa i si ka fela kale a kutiwe. King Saul unwisely imposed a curse on any of his soldiers who ate before the battle had been won. One Witness said: "It was not always easy to leave so many sheeplike people who longed for the truth. " Ni itatelanga ku tusa ba bañwi. " I try to be there for people. Have You Found the Right Religion? Kezahalo ye i swanela ku koñomeka ku luna tokwahalo ya ku lemuha m'ata a teokratiki a tamaiso ni ku swalisana ka ku tala ni "mutanga ya sepahala, ya na ni kutwisiso "! - Mateu 24: 45 - 47. This incident should impress us with the need to recognize theocratic authority and to cooperate fully with "the faithful and discreet slave "! - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. That was when our relationship began. " U Ni Tatubisise Mulimu ' " Search Through Me, O God " ▪ A guilty conscience Litaba z'a kile a ñola za susueza mi ne li ezahalile mwa lilimo ze bato ba 330 kwamulaho, ili ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni litaba za Baatuli ba Isilaele. His action - packed historical accounts cover some 330 years and include the exploits of Israel's Judges. That happened near the village of Jerusalem. Bupaki bwa mwa Mulao ni Lisamu Testimony From the Law and the Psalms According to verse 19, he said: "O Jehovah, I have called upon you. " U li: "Ne lu lemuhile kuli mizwale ba luna teñi k'o ha ba na hande lika za kwa mubili; niteñi ba itebuha hahulu lihatiso za luna ka za Bibele, kacwalo lwa atula kuli lu likange ka mo lu konela ku tusa mizwale ba luna ba ba shebile ba mwa linaha li sili. " " We saw that our brothers there have so little in a material way; yet they appreciate our Bible literature so much, " he says, "so we decided that we wanted to give as much support as we could to our needy brothers in other lands. " (Read John 14: 16, 17.) Kamba mwendi mwa kona ku kupa muzwale kuli a mi tuse ku kenisa kamba ku lukisa Ndu ya Mubuso. Or if you are involved in doing work around the Kingdom Hall, why not invite a young brother to work along with you? True, he was highly respected in that area. Mu hupule kuli ku na ni ze ñwi ze lu tokwa ku eza kwandaa ku ziba feela ze li talusa liswanisezo zeo. May we show that we have listened and really understood the meaning of these Kingdom illustrations. 19, 20. (a) What benefits come from accepting divine discipline? Ibato ba lilimo ze 600 hamulaho wa miliko ya Jobo, Jehova naa susumelize Salumoni ku ñola kuli: "Mwan'aka u talife, mi u tabise pilu ya ka, mi ni ka kona ku alaba ya ni nyaza. " About 600 years after Job's trials, Solomon was inspired to write: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " " We Cannot Speak About Jesus ' ' □ Liñolo la Juda li lu luta cwañi ku pima muzamao o maswe? □ How does Jude's letter teach us to resist immorality? So he may have realized that there was a spirit creature who spoke with Eve through a serpent. Liñolo leo ne li nyatezwi ki muzwale Nathan H. It was signed by Nathan H. " Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. " - Proverbs 16: 18. Kaniti luli Jehova ubata kuli batu ba "macaba kaufela ni mishobo ni lipuo " batusiwe ki linzwi lahae. Clearly, Jehovah wants people of "every nation and tribe and language " to have the opportunity to benefit from his Word. Do not give up hope that your neighbor will return. EGEPITA EGYPT Those who were not yet learning to control their temper were often lonely, frustrated and hard to bear. Kacwalo mwa kona ku bona tabo ye lu ka ba ni yona muta "ba ba li mwa mabita kaufela, ba ka utwa linzwi la [Jesu] " ka nako ya zuho. Then you have an idea of the surpassing joy that will be ours when "all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus '] voice and come out " in the resurrection. After sinning against God, he induced her husband to share with her in eating, but the man's eating was not because he was fully deceived. Niha n'a li kwa Brooklyn, Lloyd n'a sa tabela hahulu simu ya kwa Japan, mi kamita n'a bulelanga za ze ezahezi ze ne lu bile ni zona teñi. Even in Brooklyn, Lloyd's heart was very much in the Japan field, and he was always talking of the experiences that we had had there. Study Edition Ku ipona ka buikokobezo kuli mu ba bañwi ba " babeleki ba ba tusana ' ku ka mi tusa ku sebeza inze mu tabile ni ku itebuha buikoneli bo bu ipitezi bwa maeluda ba bañwi. Humbly viewing yourself as a " fellow worker ' will help you to serve with joy and to appreciate the unique gifts of your fellow elders. [ Pictures on page 7] Buka ya pili ye nee hatisizwe kwa England yona naha ye nee busiwanga ki America nee li buka ya Lisamu ili mo ne ku na ni libizo la Mulimu. Give an example of the use of God's name in a book first published in the year 1640. After all, true worship is based on love for God. Lipuzo Ze Zwa kwa Babali Questions From Readers There they would draw water for the family, perhaps talking to other women who had water. Ha tu sa lwaniswi, tumaikulokuwawa t'o twa kona ku sinyeleza buikangulo bwa mina, mane ni ku mi tiseza lifu. Left untreated, these invading organisms may destroy your health permanently - even kill you. The State chose that divorce should be broken, whereas the Catholic Church firmly opposed divorce and married. Mwakona cwale kumutaluseza kuli litaelo neli "ñozwi " mwa munjeke, kono mwa puo yetaata hahulu kufita puo yeitusiswa kwa kuñola litaelo za mwa buka yebonisa mwakuapehela. You could discuss that the recipe was "written " in the seed but in a language far more complex than the words in a recipe book. If so, you will likely benefit from having a positive outlook. Na ni musalaa ka Fern pili lu si ka ya kale kwa Italy With Fern before we left for Italy How can we show respect for our meetings? Mubuleli ya naa tatami ne li muzwale Samuel Herd ya li mwa Sitopa se si Etelela mi naa bulezi kuli: "Kaufela luna lu na ni tohonolo ya ku ba mwa ndu ya Jehova. " " We all have a place in Jehovah's house, " said the next speaker, Samuel Herd of the Governing Body. The Jews of Jesus ' day expected the Messiah to deliver them from Roman domination and to rule over the restored kingdom of Israel. Nihaike kuli moya wa Mulimu ne u tile fahalimw'a batanga ba hae ba mwa linako pili Bukreste bu si ka ba teñi, ne ba si ka pepiwa sina bana ba hae ba kwa moya. Though God's spirit came upon his servants of pre - Christian times, they were not begotten as his spiritual sons. " I am giving you a new commandment, " he said, "that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. " Ku tiyela ku sa iswa pilu, ku lwaniswa, ni ku nyandiswa ku kona ku ba t'ata haiba ku tahiswa ki ba mwa lubasi, bahabo, kamba bomuyahwa ni bona. Indifference, opposition, and persecution can be harder to endure when they originate with close family members, relatives, or neighbors. " A treacherous heart ' can think of every reason to try to justify sin. - Jeremiah 17: 9; 2 Samuel 11: 25. Paki yo muñwi n'a bulezi kuli: "Ne ku li t'ata kamita ku siya buñata bwa batu ba ba swana sina lingu ba ne ba nyolelwa niti cwalo. One Witness noted: "It was always hard to leave behind so many sheeplike people who were hungering for the truth. Is He Michael the archangel? Kana Se Mu Fumani Bulapeli Bo Bu Nepahezi? " Lord " - How and When? I am confident that soon Jehovah will solve my problems and those who trust in him and keep his commandments. " Kona fo ne ku kaliselize silikani sa luna. It was the first step to our becoming friends. Later, some Witnesses were in a similar situation from Angola. ▪ Ku sisitwa ki lizwalo ▪ A guilty conscience 16: 26. Taba yeo ne i ezahalezi bukaufi ni munzi wa Betefage. This incident took place near the village of Bethphage. The fact that Jesus really existed is convincing. Ka ku ya ka timana 19, n'a bulezi kuli: "Mawe [Jehova, NW], ni biza ku Wena. " According to verse 19, he said: "To you, O Jehovah, I shall call. " What kind of wine should be used during the Lord's Evening Meal? (Mu bale Joani 14: 16, 17.) (Read John 14: 16, 17.) The Scriptures show that Jesus came to earth to teach about God and His purpose to impart everlasting life to obedient mankind. Ki niti kuli naa kutekiwa hahulu mwa sibaka seo. True, he was highly regarded here. So Boaz tells the older men and all the people: "You are witnesses of the fact that I have bought from Naomi all the things that belonged to Naomi, as well as all the things that belonged to Kily and the things that were not. 19, 20. (a) Ki limbuyoti mañi zelukaba ni zona haiba luutwa kalimelo ya Mulimu? 19, 20. (a) What blessings result from accepting God's discipline? They do not forget Paul's encouraging words: "If God is for us, who will be against us? " Ha Lu Koni ku Sa Bulela za Jesu ' " We Cannot Stop Speaking About Jesus ' One young girl, who was studying the Bible at that time, wrote: "I know what is bad, how sad, and what feelings of resentment develop after sex before marriage, and how much do I regret about it. Kacwalo, mwendi naalemuhile kuli kunani sibupiwa sesiñwi sa moya sene sibulezi ni Eva ka kuitusisa noha. So he may have surmised that a spirit creature had spoken with Eve through the serpent. The hidden treasures of his Word can eliminate all doubts and help us to see the light of truth. " Buikuhumuso bu zamaya shandauko kwapili, mi ku izinika ku isa kwa ku wa. " - Liproverbia 16: 18. " Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. " - Proverbs 16: 18. Those words were part of Moses ' final discourse to the nation of Israel. Mu si felelwi ki sepo ya kuli wahenu u ka kuta. Never give up hope that the loved one may return. We were only 24 years old and looked very young. Be ne ba si ka kalisa kale ku ituta ku iswala "hañata ne ba utwanga bulutu, ne ba zwafa kapili ni ku ba ni toho t'ata. The ones who had not begun learning this lesson "were more likely to be lonely, easily frustrated and stubborn. We will also consider some practical suggestions that can help us to maintain self - control. Hamulaho a ku foseza Mulimu, a coweza munn'a hae kuli a abane ni yena mwa ku ca, kono munna ha n'a cile haki ka libaka la kuli n'a pumilwe ka ku tala. After thus coming into transgression against God, she induced her husband to share with her in eating, but his eating was not because he too was thoroughly deceived. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Hatiso Ya Lipaki Study Edition Yet, in forgiving others there are many benefits. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 7] [ Pictures on page 7] Reading - a popular recreation - is now considered a difficult assignment. Kakuli mane, bulapeli bwa niti bu tomile fa lilato la ku lata Mulimu. After all, true worship is based on love for God. Early in the third century C.E., believers had been classed with a body of ordinary people. Teñi ko, ne ba yo kanga mezi a ku itusisa mwa lubasi, mwendi inze ba ambola ni basali ba bañwi ba ba ka mezi. There they would replenish the family's water supply, perhaps talking with other women doing the same. With those words of Satan, teachings of demons began to be heard. Muso wa Naha ne u ketile kuli ku kwalwa kwa telekano ku feliswe, hailif'o Keleke ya Katolika i lwanisa ka ku tiya telekano ni ku kena sinca mwa linyalo. The State proposed the removal of the ban on divorce, whereas the Catholic Church strongly opposes divorce and remarriage. The Bible also reveals that wars, crime, violence, and wickedness will soon end. Haiba ki cwalo, u zibe se si ka mi tusa ki ku ba ni mubonelo o munde wa lika. If so, having the right outlook will be helpful. Jesus went on to relate his story to show the difference between Jehovah's mercy and the severe judgment of the scribes and Pharisees. Lukona kubonisa cwañi kuli lwakuteka mikopano yaluna? How can we manifest proper respect for Christian meetings? By helping patients who are coping with problems caused by the lack of a month's travel, doctors may provide various medicine, such as medicine, health care, and medicine. Majuda ba mwa linako za Jesu ne ba libelela kuli Mesia naa ka to ba lukulula kwa puso ya Siroma ni ku busa mubuso wa Isilaele o kutisizwe sinca. The Jews of Jesus ' day expected the Messiah to liberate them from Roman rule and to reign over a restored kingdom of Israel. Let us consider two of them. " Ni mi fa mulao o munca, " ki mwa n'a bulelezi, "kikuli mu latane; sina mo ni mi latezi, ni mina mu latane cwalo. " " I am giving you a new commandment, " he said, "that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. " It also shows what we can learn from righteous angels. " Pilu ye puma ' i kona ku nahana mabaka kaufela a ku lika ku yemela sibi. - Jeremia 17: 9; 2 Samuele 11: 25. The " treacherous heart ' will use all sorts of reasonings to try to justify sin. - Jeremiah 17: 9; 2 Samuel 11: 25. (b) Over the past few years, how has there been rapidly in this work? Kana ki Yena Mikaele Nduna ya Mangeloi? View as Your Father? Why were humans not saved under King David's rule? Ni na ni sepo ye tiile ya kuli ona cwale - cwale fa, Jehova u ka felisa matata a ka ni a bote ba ba mu sepile ni ku latelela litaelo za hae. " I firmly believe that soon he will solve not only my problems but those of all who trust in his power and do what he commands. " (b) What will we consider in the next article? Hamulaho, kwa taha Lipaki ba bañwi be ne ba li mwa muinelo o swana ku zwa kwa Angola. Later, other Witnesses under the same circumstances arrived from Angola. Even if he did not see the benefits of doing so, for he said that he was convinced that they were faithful and already part of Jehovah's organization because of seeking to do what was right. 16: 26. 16: 26. The modern Philistine will be "like a chief in Judah " Bupaki bo bu bonisa kuli Jesu naa kile a ba teñi luli bwa kolwisa. The evidence that Jesus is a historical person is compelling. No. Ki veine ya mufuta mañi ye swanelwa ku itusiswa mwahal'a Mulalelo wa Mulena? Wine of what sort is appropriate for use during the Lord's Evening Meal? How can just reading recreation be a source of great refreshment to us? Mañolo a bonisa kuli Jesu na tile fa lifasi kuli a to luta za Mulimu ni milelo ya Hae ya ku fa batu ba ba ipeya ku utwa bupilo bo bu sa feli. According to the Scriptures, Jesus came to earth to teach us about God and His purpose to grant everlasting life to obedient mankind. The Bible commands Christians to cleanse themselves "from every defilement of flesh and spirit. " Kacwalo Boazi u bulelela ba bahulu ni sicaba kaufela kuli: "Kacenu ki mina lipaki za kuli ni lekile ku Naomi linto kaufela ze ne li za Elimeleki, ni linto ze ne li za Kilyoni ni za Mahaloni. Then Boaz says to the older men and all the people: "You are witnesses today that I do buy all that belonged to Elimelech and all that belonged to Chilion and Mahlon from the hand of Naomi. Jehovah's People Worldwide Praise Him, 2 / 15 Ha ba libali manzwi a Paulusi a susueza a ' li: "Mulimu h'a lu yemela, ki mañi ya ka lu lwanisa? They do not forget Paul's encouraging words: "If God is for us, who will be against us? (117: 10 - 15) There Jews " carefully search the Scriptures, ' as Jehovah's Witnesses today encourage people to do. musizana yo muñwi, ili ya n'a ituta Bibele ka nako yeo, n'a ñozi kuli: "Na ziba bumaswe, maswabi, ni maikuto a ku ba ni sikoto mwa pilu a taha hamulaho a tobali ye ezwa pili linyalo li si ka fita, mi ni inyaza hahulu ka za teñi. * one young girl, a Bible student at the time, wrote: "I know the bad, guilty, and jealous feelings that arise after premarital sex, and I regret it very much. Man's "Epesing of Evil " Maluwo a patilwe mwa mubu a Linzwi la hae a kona ku felisa mihupulo ya ku honona kaufela ni ku lu tusa ku bona liseli la niti. The hidden treasures of his Word can dispel any doubts and help us see the light of truth. Many Witnesses from outside the sea who know how to build projects recommended that they travel to Zimbabwe and work with local volunteers. Manzwi ao neli amañwi a manzwi anaabulezi Mushe mwa ngambolo yahae ya mafelelezo kwa sicaba sa Isilaele. FOR hundreds of years, Jewish people have used the words of Deuteronomy 6: 4 as part of a special prayer. WHEN you see older ones with long hair in the congregation, do you not remember the account in the Bible book of Daniel? Ne lu na ni feela lilimo ze 24 za buhulu mi ne lu bonahala hahulu bwanana. We were only 24 and looked even younger. [ Picture on page 13] Mi hape lukanyakisisa liakalezo zekona kulutusa kuzwelapili kuba ni buiswalo. And we can review practical suggestions that can help us to strengthen our self - control. Although the faithful ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 lived before Jesus came to earth, they lived in harmony with what Jesus taught when he said: "He that loves his soul will lose them, but he that hates his life in this system of things will have everlasting life. " Society of Pennsylvania 100 Watchtower Drive, You might ask yourself: " Do I have a tendency to isolate myself from others? Niteñi, mwa ku swalela ba bañwi ku na ni lituso ze ñata. Still, the benefits of extending forgiveness are many. ; Pelos, C. Ku bala - ili nto ye ne latiwa hahulu ya ku ikatuluseza teñi - cwale se i ngiwa hañata sina musebezi o t'ata. Reading - once a favorite pastime - is now often viewed as a chore. Out of gratitude for this victory, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Anastasus, offered Clovis a position of honorable sovereignty. Kwa makalelo mwa lilimo za mwanda wa bulalu C.E., balumeli ne se ba beilwe mwa sitopa se si kwatas'i sa batu - tu fela. As early as the third century C.E., ordinary believers had been relegated to the second - class status of laity. And Isaiah did not point to anyone else and say: " This is what you are to send. ' - Isa. Ka manzwi ao a Satani, lituto za badimona za kaliswa ku utwiwa. With those words of Satan, the teachings of demons began to be heard. □ When should God's people "speak " and" keep silent "? Bibele hape i patulula kuli lindwa, bukebenga, mifilifili ni bumaswe li tuha li fela. The Bible also foretells that war, crime, violence, and wickedness will soon end. " When things go wrong, " she says, "we feel as if we are not involved, but we are not as deeply involved. " Jesu n'a zwezipili ku bulela likande la hae kuli a bonise fapano mwahal'a makeke a Jehova ni katulo ye t'ata ye ne ba fanga bañoli ni Bafalisi. Jesus continued his story so that he could contrast Jehovah's mercy with the rigid, judgmental stance common among the scribes and Pharisees. Are the Bible principles just mentioned practical? Ka ku tusa bakuli ba ba talimana ni matata a tahiswa ki ku tuhela ku yanga kwa kweli, madokota ba kona ku ba fa milyani ye shutana - shutana, ye cwale ka lihomoni, milyani ye na ni lika ze ñwi ze u tokwa mubili, ni milyani ye tusa mutu ku sa lembwala. To help their patients cope better through the menopause transition, doctors may prescribe various products, such as hormones, dietary supplements, and antidepressants. In Mexico during the 17th century, Indian towns were often ruled by clergymen. Ha lu nyakisiseñi mitala ya batu ba babeli kwa batu bao. Let us consider two of them. " Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability, " says the Bible. Hape i bonisa ze lu kona ku ituta kwa mangeloi a lukile. It also takes note of what we can learn from the righteous angels. Applying God's counsel in choosing a marriage mate can result in great happiness (b) Mwahal'a lilimo ze sikai ze felile, se ku bile cwañi ni ku pakisa mwa musebezi w'o? (b) During the past few years, how has there been a speeding up of the work? First, Jehovah does not view time as we do. Ki kabakalañi batu ha ne ba sa nyandiswi mwa puso ya Mulena Davida? Why was the reign of King David not oppressive? A few days later, he feels good. (b) Lu ka nyakisisañi mwa taba ye tatama? (b) What questions will the next article discuss? " I am happier now regardless of my past bad way of life. " - GAIT P. Ni kuli n'a sa boni tuso ya ku eza cwalo, kakuli n'a bulezi kuli u kozwi kuli ne ba li basepahali ni kale ili be ne ba li mwa kopano ya Jehova bakeñisa ku bata ku eza ze lukile. Really, he saw no need to do so, for he expressed confidence that they were already faithful men and women who were in Jehovah's organization because they wanted to do what was right. The people were circumcised to show that they were descendants of Abraham, privileged to receive "the sayings of God. " - Romans 3: 1, 2. Mufilisita wa cwale u k'a ba "sina nduna mwa Juda " The modern Philistine will be "like a sheik in Judah " To become one of Jehovah's Witnesses today, therefore, a person must be a real believer who exercises faith and gets baptized. - Compare Acts 8: 26 - 39. Batili. No. But more important than the greater number of newly baptized Kingdom publishers is that this great witness also reflects the sanctification of Jehovah's name and that he is the only true God. Ku balela fela ku itabisa ku kona ku lu katulusa hahulu cwañi? How can leisure reading bring us much pleasure? Even some faithful men and women mentioned in the Bible would ask such questions! Bibele i laela Bakreste ku ikenisa "kwa lika kaufela ze silafaza nama ni moya. " The Bible instructs Christians to cleanse themselves of "every defilement of flesh and spirit. " Another beneficial force that can turn out to be vanity is the world's teaching. Sicaba Sa Jehova Se Si Lukuluzwi Sa Mu Lumbeka Mwa Lifasi Kamukana, 2 / 15 Church Fathers - Advocates of Truth? This (17: 10 - 15) Teñi k'o Majuda " ka tokomelo ba batisisa ' Mañolo, sina Lipaki za Jehova kacenu mo ba susueleza batu kuli ba eze cwalo. (17: 10 - 15) There the Jews " carefully examined ' the Scriptures, as Jehovah's Witnesses encourage people to do today. Our hearts will not be divided. Mutu U "Nwa Bumaswe " A Man "Is Drinking In Unrighteousness " Ancient records of the names of the two princes were found, in harmony with Luke's record. Lipaki ba bañata ba ba zwa kwa buse bwa mawate ba ba ziba za buyahi ne ba ipakanyize kuli ba ye kwa Zimbabwe ni ku yo beleka ni baitateli ba kwateñi. Many Witnesses from overseas who have building skills arranged their affairs to go to Zimbabwe and work along with local volunteers. WHAT do you want to see during Christmas and New Year? HA MU bonanga basupali ba ba na ni milili ye misweu mwa puteho, kana ha mu hupulangi taba ye mwa buka ya Daniele mwa Bibele? WHEN you see elderly ones in the congregation who have white hair, are you reminded of an account in the Bible book of Daniel? And the modern - day remnant of God's anointed sons enjoy a similar standing with God. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 13] [ Picture on page 13] Suppose you were part of the first - century congregation in Corinth. Nihaike kuli ba ba sepahala ba ba pundilwe kwa Maheberu kauhanyo 11 ne ba pilile pili Jesu a si ka taha kale fa lifasi - mubu, ne ba pilile ka ku lumelelana ni za n'a lutile Jesu ha n'a bulezi kuli: "Ya lata bupilo bwa hae, u ka latehelwa ki bona; kono ya toya bupilo bwa hae mwa lifasi le, u ka bu bulukela bupilo bo bu sa feli. " Although the faithful ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 lived before the earthly sojourn of Jesus Christ, they nevertheless lived in harmony with what Jesus taught when he said: "He that is fond of his soul destroys it, but he that hates his soul in this world will safeguard it for everlasting life. " God Knows You Well 5 Mwa kona ku ipuza kuli: " Kana ni na ni mukwa wa ku ikambusanga kwa batu ba bañwi? You might ask yourself: " Do I have a tendency to stay away from others? It has been said that 25 percent of the world's poor are the world's most poor. ; Peloquin, C. ; Peloquin, C. When we become perfect humans, we will enjoy the delightful food on the Paradise earth. Ka ku itumela kwa tulo yeo, mubusi wa Mubuso wa Maroma wa kwa Bucabela, Anastasius, a fa Clovis situlo sa bubusi se si kutekeha. In recognition of this victory, Clovis was granted an honorary consulship by the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, Anastasius. Or if we are alone, we can study these matters during periods of personal study. Mi Isaya na si ka supa mutu u sili ni ku bulela kuli: " Ki yani, u lume yena! ' - Isa. And Isaiah did not point to someone else and say: " There he is! Send him. ' - Isa. Some of them could fall into sin. □ Sicaba sa Mulimu ba swanela "ku bulela " lili, mi ba ka" kuza " lili? □ When are God's people "to speak, " and when are they" to keep quiet "? When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph, Joseph fled outside. U bulela kuli, "Ha lu fundotelwa hahulu lika, lu ikutwanga inge kuli ha lu amiwi, kono imi lu amiwanga hahulu. " " The more we are bombarded by advertising, " he says, "the less we notice, and yet, almost certainly, the more we are affected. " 22: 39. Kana likuka za Bibele ze sa zo bulelwa za sebeza luli? Do the above Bible principles really work? What has Jehovah done regarding wrong human inclinations? Mwa Mexico mwahal'a lilimo za mwanda wa bu 17, litolopo za ma - India hañata ne li busiwa ki bahulu ba bulapeli. In Mexico during the 17th century, Indian towns were often ruled by the clergy. Arthur still enjoys playing music with his friends, yet he is not his main career in life. Yes, to be happy, we need to turn away from those who ridicule or ignore God's laws. God cannot stay in any man - made building. Bibele ibulela kuli: "Ubukeleze butali ni maata a kunahana. The Bible states: "Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability. (b) What will we consider in our next study? Ku sebelisa kelezo ya Mulimu mwa ku keta sinyalana ni yena ku kona ku tahisa tabo ye tuna Applying God's counsel in selecting your mate can result in much happiness I remember my treatment of a 16 - year - old girl who was in a terrible car accident. Sisupo sa pili ki sa kuli Jehova ha ngi nako sina mo lu ingela luna. The first point is that Jehovah does not view time as we do. " The Bible says that God's people should be holy because God is holy, " they say. Hamulaho wa mazazi a sikai, wa ikutwa hande. A few days later, he is significantly better. Our zeal grows because we find great joy when we become effective in the ministry. " Ni na ni tabo cwale ku si na taba ni mupilelo wa ka o maswe wa kwa makalelo. " - BO GARRY P. " Despite My Dark Past, I Am Now Happy. " - GARRY P. Of course, y· truthʹ, like neʹphesh, refers to the whole person. Batu ne ba kenanga mwa mupato ka mulelo wa ku bonisa kuli n'e li Maisilaele ba ne ba simuluha ku Abrahama, ba ne ba na ni tohonolo ya ku fiwa "Manzwi a Mulimu. " - Maroma 3: 1, 2. It was performed to indicate that a person belonged to the Israelite descendants of Abraham, who were privileged to be "entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God. " - Romans 3: 1, 2. Another animal, may it be in the body, that is, the immune system that produces a different type of cell called the ID to remove it from the body. Ku fita fa ku ba yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova kacenu, kacwalo he, mutu u lukela ku ba mulumeli luli ya bonisa tumelo ni ku fita fa ku kolobezwa. - Mu bapanye Likezo 8: 26 - 39. To become one of Jehovah's Witnesses today, therefore, a person must be a believer who truly exercises faith and gets baptized. - Compare Acts 8: 26 - 39. He also noted that a woman who was known as a sinner had repented and that a widow had given everything she had. Kono sa butokwa hahulu ku fita palo ye tuna ya bahasanyi ba Mubuso ba ba sa zo kolobezwa ki taba ya kuli bupaki bo butuna b'o ni bona bu bonisa bukeni bwa libizo la Jehova ni kuli ki yena Mulimu a nosi wa niti. More important, however, than the large number of newly baptized Kingdom publishers is the fact that this great witness contributes to the sanctification of Jehovah's name and to his vindication as the only true God. The woman had just lost her son. Mane nihaiba baana ni basali ba bañwi ba ba sepahala ba ba bulezwi mwa Bibele, ne ba buzanga lipuzo ze cwalo! In fact, even some faithful men and women in Bible times wondered about that! Examples of mud legs everywhere give evidence of the quietness of this one, causing more work to others. Nto ye ñwi ye na ni tuso ye kona ku fetuha nto ya mbango ki tuto ya lifasi. Another example of something useful that can become a valueless thing is secular education. Although his foolish companions had hurt him greatly, when Jehovah asked Job to pray for them, he did just that. Ye Why? Let us consider some details about him and see what we can learn from him. Lipilu za luna ha li na ku aluhana. Our hearts will not be divided. For wives speak in the congregation. " - 1 Corinthians 14: 35. Nekufumanwi litaba zeñozwi za kwaikale zebonisa mabizo a makwambuyu bababeli bao, ili kulumelelana ni litaba zenepahezi zanaañozi Luka. Ancient inscriptions bearing the names of those two officials have been discovered, confirming Luke's accuracy. Thus, the disobedience shown by the angels in Noah's day can be compared to the sin done by the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. MU NYOLELWA ku bonañi ka nako ya Ngilisimusi ni Nyuyele? WHAT are you looking forward to during what many call the holiday season? Happily, the basis for truth that we have to build our faith has never been more deep than it is now. Mi bomasiyaleti ba mwa lizazi la cwale ba bana ba Mulimu ba tozizwe ba ikola mayemo a swana a fuyauzwi ku Mulimu. And the modern - day remnant of these anointed sons of God enjoy the same blessed standing with God. But I asked myself, " What can I talk to who I don't know? ' Ha lu ngeñi kuli ne mu swalisana ni puteho ya mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili ya Korinte. Suppose you were associated with the first - century Corinth congregation. He then made sure that there was a complete organization, here on earth, of the work of announcing his Kingdom among the nations before the end of this system. Mulimu wa mi Ziba Hande 5 God Understands You 5 Avoid arguments, be yielding and encouraging. Kutwi palo ye eza 25 pesenti ya ba ba yahile mwa lifasi kaufela ba botanile ku feleleza. One fourth of the world's population is said to live below the poverty line. What healing program has Jesus directed today? Ha lu ka ba batu ba ba petehile, lu ka ikola hahulu lico ze tabusa za fa lifasi - mubu le li li Paradaisi. In human perfection, we will enjoy to a heightened degree the delicious produce of the Paradise earth. Paul wrote: "If anyone builds on this foundation with gold or with silver or with precious stones or by wood or by tree or by arrangement, each one's work will be made manifest; for the day will be revealed in a fire, and the fire itself will certainly test each one's work. " Kamba haiba lu ina lu nosi lwa kona ku ituta litaba zeo ha lu eza tuto ya ka butu. If we live alone, we can consider such subjects when we do our personal study. This is especially true because the end of this system of things is near, and then survival will depend on obedience. - Zephaniah 2: 3. Ba bañwi ba bona ne ba kona ku wela mwa sibi. It was conceivable that some of them might fall into sin. God's Name in the German Bible, 9 / 15 Musal'a Potifaro ha na likile ku shemba Josefa, Josefa na sabezi kwande. When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph, he literally fled from her. That was the last time Jesus sang praises along with his apostles. 22: 39. 22: 39. This is especially so because they know you well and have long shown that they love you. Ki sifi seo Jehova a ezize ka ku ama ka za litengamo za mufuta wa mutu ze fosahalile? What has Jehovah done respecting the wrong tendencies of mankind? The king who did not have this head was opposed but wanted to be despised. Arthur u sa ikola ku liza lipina kuli a itabise ni balikani ba hae, niteñi haki ona musebezi wa hae o mutuna mwa bupilo. Arthur still enjoys playing the violin to entertain his friends, but his life does not revolve around it. The Dutch Empire also had no interest in these changes, and he ordered that all these Bibles be destroyed. Mulimu ha koni ku ina mwa muyaho ufi kamba ufi o yahilwe ki batu. God cannot be confined in any building made by humans. It says that death is like a king who rules over mankind. (b) Ki sifi se lu ka nyakisisa mwa tuto ya luna ye tatama? (b) What will we consider in our next study? Jesus told his disciples to pray for the sanctification of Jehovah's name and made known to them what that name represents. - Matthew 1: 1; 6: 9; John 17: 6, 25, 26. Ni hupula nako ye ni kile na alafa musizana wa lilimo ze 16 ya naa bile mwa kozi ye maswe - maswe ya fa mukwakwa. I remember treating a 16 - year - old victim of a terrible car accident. Just as we hate such food, we hate bad speech in Jehovah's eyes. Ba li: "Bibele i bulela kuli batu ba Mulimu ba swanela ku ba ba ba kenile kakuli Mulimu ki ya kenile. " " The Bible says that God's people must be holy because God is holy, " she explains. □ This is certainly so if "the praiseworthy things " come from God or from authorities whom he rightly views as precious. - 1 Corinthians 4: 5; 1 Peter 2: 14. Cisehelo ya luna ya hula bakeñisa kuli lu fumana tabo ye tuna ha lu ba ni buanyu mwa bukombwa. Our enthusiasm is enhanced because we find greater joy when we are effective in the ministry. If we fulfill our role, Jehovah promises that he will "be fully qualified for our instruction, " helping us to cultivate modesty and other fine qualities. - 1 Pet. Kaniti, psy·kheʹ, sina neʹphesh, i ama ku mutu mutumbi. Clearly, psy·kheʹ, like neʹphesh, refers to the whole person. Forgive me the hidden transgressions. Purotini yeñwi haikena mwa mubili, maata a mubili alwanisa matuku akona kupanga mufuta omunwi wa selusi yebizwa IgE kuli ibulaye purotini yeo yeengiwa kuli ilubeta kwa mubili. When a particular protein enters the body, the immune system may create a type of antibody known as IgE to neutralize the perceived invader. Jehovah will bless us even more than we can imagine. Hape naa lemuhile kuli musali yo muñwi ya naa zibahala kuli ki muezalibi naa bakile, ni kuli musali yo muñwi wa mbelwa naa file sa naa na ni sona kaufela. Being perfect, he could discern the unspoken indignation of a Pharisee, the sincere repentance of a sinful woman, and the self - sacrificing attitude of a widow. * How sad it is for those who do not wholeheartedly love Jehovah! - Matthew 6: 24; 22: 37. Musali y'o n'a sa zo shwelwa ki mwan'a hae. " Good Is to Forgive and to Love Him " Mitala ya mahutu a ' na ni sileze kai ni kai i fa bupaki ka za busafa bwa y'o, ili ku tahiseza ba bañwi musebezi o ' ekezehile. Muddy footprints everywhere give evidence of that one's carelessness, making extra work for others. Faced With Jeremiah Nihaike kuli balikani ba hae ba matanya ne ba mu utwisize hahulu butuku, Jehova ha na kupile Jobo kuli a ba lapelele, a eza honacwalo. His false comforters hurt him deeply, yet when Jehovah asked Job to pray for them, he did so. Even servants of God feel that way. Ha lu nyakisiseñi litaba ze ñwi ka za hae mi lu bone ze lu kona ku ituta ku yena. Let us now consider his fine example and take it to heart. In these verses, the psalmist wrote: "Jehovah himself will safeguard you, " meaning the future. Kakuli kwa luna basali ha ba bulela mwa Keleke. " - 1 Makorinte 14: 35. He says: "If, then, they want to learn something, let them question their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in a congregation. " - 1 Corinthians 14: 35. Paul wrote: "Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " - 2 Tim. Kamukwaocwalo, ku sa ipeya ku utwa kwa naa bonisize mangeloi a mwa mazazi a Nuwe ku kona ku bapanywa kwa sibi se ne ba ezize batu ba mwa Sodoma ni Gomora. Consequently, the course that disobedient angels in Noah's day took can be compared to the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. And may we likewise study and apply it in the great day of Kingdom preaching! Kwa tabisa kuli, mutomo wa niti ili w'o lu na ni ku toma teñi tumelo ya luna ni kamuta ha u si ka ba o tungile ku fita ka mo u inezi cwale. Happily, the foundation of truth upon which to base that faith has never been deeper. How do principles and laws differ? Kono se ni ipuza kuli: " Ze ni ka ambolela ni mutu ye ni sa zibi kiñi? ' " But I asked myself: " Why speak to someone I do not even know? ' Would it not be better for him to ask God for mercy and forgiveness for not practicing his vow, to avoid sexual immorality? Cwale n'a boni teñi kuli ku na ni kopano ye tezi, fa lifasi - mubu fa, ya musebezi wa ku zibahaza Mubuso wa hae mwahal'a macaba pili mafelelezo a muinelo wo a si ka fita kale. He now saw to the thorough organization, here on earth, of the work of proclaiming his Kingdom internationally before the end of this system comes. Moreover, Jeremiah viewed Jehovah as "like a terrible mighty one, " strengthening him to declare God's word with zeal and courage. - Jeremiah 20: 11. Mu pime likañi, mu be ba ba bunolo ili ba ba susueza. Avoid confrontation, be flexible and positive. Even before Eliezer finished his prayer, it was answered, as the account says: "He saw Rebekah... Ki tukiso ifi ya ku foliswa yeo Jesu a etelezi kacenu? What healing program is Jesus directing today? What did the apostle Paul do as he grew older? Paulusi n'a ñozi kuli: "Yo muñwi h'a ka yaha fa mutomo wo ka gauda, kamba ka silivera, kamba ka macwe a butokwa, kamba ka likota, kamba ka musuhela, kamba ka mwange, musebezi wa mutu ni mutu u ka bonahala. Kakuli la ta lizazi le li ka u bonahalisa, li ka itahisa ka mulilo; mi mulilo u ka lika musebezi wa mutu ni mutu kana u cwañi. " Paul wrote: "Now if anyone builds on the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood materials, hay, stubble, each one's work will become manifest, for the day will show it up, because it will be revealed by means of fire; and the fire itself will prove what sort of work each one's is. " Spanish culture and culture live in Toledo. Nto yeo ki ya niti sihulu ka ku ba kuli mafelelezo a muinelo wa linto wo a fakaufi, mi f'o ku punyuha ku ka itinga fa ku utwa. - Zefania 2: 3. This is especially true in view of the nearness of the end of this system of things when survival will depend on obedience. - Zephaniah 2: 3. We face such challenges as unemployment, serious health problems, persecution, natural disasters, crime, or other problems. Libizo la Mulimu mwa Bibele ya Pili ya Sijelemani, 9 / 1 Highlights From 1 Samuel, 3 / 15 Highlights From 2 Samuel, 5 / 15 Perhaps his background makes him reluctant or embarrassed and makes him look cold, cold. F'o ne li lona lwa mafelelezo Jesu ha n'a opezi milumbeko hamoho ni baapositola ba hae. It was the last time that the man Jesus would do that with his apostles. When will this happen? Seo si cwalo sihulu bakeñisa kuli ba mi ziba hande mi ku si na kuliñi, se ba bonisize ka nako ye telele kuli ba mi lata. That is primarily because they know you so well and have no doubt shown their selfless love for you over many years. Can we always follow Christ even in times of distress? Mulena ya si na toho y'o n'a si ka hanyeza kono n'a bata ku bubekiwa. The vain king did not disagree but wanted the glory. In his letter to King Philip II, Montano said: "The cells we publish here are more numerous than they are printed in Rome each year. " Mubuso wa Dutch ni ona ne u si ka tabela licinceho zeo, mi wa laela kuli Libibele zeo kaufela li sinyiwe. The Dutch government was also dissatisfied, and they ordered the whole edition to be destroyed. The afternoon program began with a talk encouraging the audience to examine themselves, "The View of Christ Is Great. " I bulela kuli lifu li swana sina mulena ya busize batu. It likens death to a king who has ruled mankind. Paul loved what was good and hated what was bad. Jesu n'a bulelezi balutiwa ba hae ku lapelela ku keniswa kwa libizo la Jehova mi n'a zibahalize ku bona seo libizo leo li yemela. - Mateu 1: 1; 6: 9; Joani 17: 6, 25, 26. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for the sanctification of Jehovah's name and made known to them what the name stands for. - Matthew 1: 1; 6: 9; John 17: 6, 25, 26. Since all of us are imperfect and make mistakes, we want others to forgive us when we have offended them. Sina feela ha lu toile lico ze cwalo, lu toile lipulelo ze maswe mwa meeto a Jehova. Just as we are repulsed by such food, we hate speech that Jehovah considers bad. But what do we look to this Source of our faith? □ Linto "ze lukela ku lumbwa " li cwalo luli haiba tumbo yeo i zwa ku Mulimu kamba ku ba tamaiso bao a ' nga ka swanelo ku ba ba butokwa. - 1 Makorinte 4: 5; 1 Pitrosi 2: 14. □ "Praiseworthy " things are truly so if the praise comes from God or from authority duly recognized by him. - 1 Corinthians 4: 5; 1 Peter 2: 14. [ Seven congres] Haiba lupeta kalulo yaluna, Jehova usepisa kuli " ukafeleleza kululuta, ' ili kulutusa kuba ni buishuwo ni tulemeno totuñwi totunde. - 1 Pit. If we do our part, Jehovah promises that he will " finish our training, ' helping us to develop modesty and other godly qualities. - 1 Pet. 52: 7 - 9; 55: 12, 13. U ni swalele lifoso ze patilwe. From concealed sins pronounce me innocent. But chapter 13 shows that all others on earth worship Satan's political system, symbolized by the wild beast. Jehova u ka lu fuyaula hahulu ku fita mo lu kona ku nahanela. There are so many wonderful blessings in store for us that we cannot even imagine them all. We found him waiting for us on the airport. * Ki bumai kwa butuna ku ba ba sa lati Jehova ka pilu kaufela! - Mateu 6: 24; 22: 37. * What a sad ending for those who do not love Jehovah wholeheartedly! - Matthew 6: 24; 22: 37. Yet, Jesus corrected them kindly and commended them for what they did well - showing loyalty by sticking to their Master. " Bunde ki ku mu Swalela, ni ku mu Wisa Pilu " " Kindly Forgive and Comfort Him " A major reason why Jehovah's Witnesses have been united is their dedication to Jehovah God. Be Ne Ba Sebelisana ni Jeremia Jeremiah's Companions □ How were some parts of Joel 2: 28 - 31 and Joel 3: 15 fulfilled in the first century? Nihaiba batanga ba Mulimu ba ikutwanga cwalo. Even some Christians have felt that way. □ What was significant about the year 607 B.C.E.? Mi mwa litimana ze, muñoli wa samu y'o n'a ñozi kuli: " Muñ'a Bupilo u ka ku sileleza, ' ili ku talusa kwapili. But in these verses, the psalmist wrote: "Jehovah himself will guard you. " Some of them walked on their face and threw their hands in the air when they realized that danger was at stake. Paulusi naa ñozi kuli: "Tundamena ku itahisa ku Mulimu unzoo lumelelwa, u li mubeleki ya sa nyazwi, ya aba Linzwi la niti ka mukwa o lukile. " - 2 Tim. " Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, " wrote Paul, "a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. " - 2 Tim. How can reflecting on Jesus ' role affect our response to counsel? Mi haike ni luna ka ku swana lu itute ni ku i sebelisa mwa lizazi le lituna la ku kutaza Mubuso! And may we likewise learn and apply it in this climactic day of Kingdom preaching! The English - speaking people there will not be interested in the truth! ' Likuka ni milao li shutana cwañi? How do principles differ from laws? What a joy that was for our brothers! Kana ne ku si ke kwa ba hande ha n'a ka ikupela ku Mulimu kuli a mu shwele makeke ni ku mu swalela kwa ku sa eza za buitamo bwa hae, kuli a pime mulatu wa ku eza buhule? Would it not be better for him to protect himself from becoming guilty of immorality by not paying his vow and instead throwing himself upon God's mercy and begging for forgiveness? We look forward to the future when we will be perfect and will serve Jehovah forever. Mi hape Jeremia n'a nga Jehova inge "sinata se si sabisa, " n'a mu tiisa kuli a shaele linzwi la Mulimu ka tukufalelo ni ka bundume. - Jeremia 20: 11. Moreover, Jehovah was with Jeremiah "like a terrible mighty one, " strengthening him to proclaim the word of God with zeal and boldness. - Jeremiah 20: 11. Why has Jehovah preserved the Bible for centuries, and how does he expect his people to respond to it? Mane Eliezere pili a si ka feza kale tapelo ya hae, ne i alabilwe, sina taba ha i bonisa: "A bona Rebeka... Even before Eliezer had completed his prayer, it was answered, as the account states: "Here coming out was Rebekah... How the Jerusalem Congregation Helped Those Jews Ki lika mañi za naa ezize muapositola Paulusi ha naa nzaa hula? What did the apostle Paul do later in life? In 2014, Stephanie married Aaron, now serving at the branch office in Ghana. Batu mwa Toledo bapila ka kulatelela mupilelo ni lizo zende za mwa Spain. Toledo captures the historical and cultural flavor of Spain. They were busy feeding and offering water, removing it, and counting days. Lutalimana ni matata acwale ka kutokwa mibeleko, makulanu amatuna, nyandiso, likozi za ka taho, kusinyehelwa ki lika zaluna bakeñisa bukebenga kamba matata amañwi. We deal with unemployment, serious illnesses, persecution, natural disasters, loss of possessions because of crime, or other hardships. In the United States, he suffers from a disease that causes both body parts and brain vessels to fail to function properly. Mwendi simuluho ya hae i mu ezisa ku kata - kata kamba ku swaba mi i tahisa kuli a bonahale ku ba ya si na taba, ya sa lati sango. Perhaps his cultural background makes him hesitant or embarrassed and causes him to act in a casual, seemingly unfriendly manner. This draws your attention in a special way. Seo si ka ezahala l'ili? When will this happen? But in the late 19th century, clay tablets were discovered in the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, now part of Iraq. Kana lwa kona ku latelela Kreste ka nako kaufela niha lu li mwa liziezi? Can we succeed in following the Christ continually, no matter what comes our way? I am not alone. Mwa liñolo la n'a ñolezi Mulena Philip II, Montano n'a ize: "Likopi ze lu hatisa luna kwanu ka kweli ki ze ñata hahulu ku fita ze hatiswa mwa Roma ka silimo. " In a letter to King Philip II, Montano wrote: "More is accomplished here in one month than in Rome in a year. " Would two Christians commit fornication if even one of them courageously quoted the words: "You must not commit adultery "? - Romans 13: 8 - 10; Exodus 20: 14, 15. Tukiso ya manzibwana ne i kalile ka ngambolo ye ne susuelize baputehi ku itekula ye li "Ku Ba ni Mubonelo wa Kreste wa Butuna. " The afternoon program began with a talk that encouraged self - examination, "Cultivating a Christlike View of Greatness. " Most likely, though, a general tendency to change in many lands is that the extent of education needed to earn a higher income now is higher than it was just a few years ago. Paulusi n'a lata se sinde mi n'a toile se si maswe. Paul loved what was good and hated what was bad. Following what Scriptural counsel will protect us when we help someone who has problems in marriage? Bakeñisa kuli kaufela luna ha lu si ka petahala mi lwa fosanga, lu batanga kuli ba bañwi ba lu swalele ha lu ba foselize. Since all of us are imperfect and make mistakes, surely we want people to be patient with us, to be long - suffering when we err in our dealings with them. will be found in this series of articles in this issue. " - Proverbs 3: 6 - 12, 2012 Kono ki lika mañi ze lu talimela ku yena Mutateki wa tumelo ya luna y'o? And what are we looking for in the Chief Agent? Sources of Help [ Seven congregations] [ Seven congregations] Thus we may encourage and encourage one another by emphasizing this precious truth. 52: 7 - 9; 55: 12, 13. 52: 7 - 9; 55: 12, 13. Today, more and more people talk about e - mails than face - to - face. Kono kauhanyo 13 i bonisa kuli haili ba bañwi kaufela fa lifasi - mubu bona ba lapela muinelo wa bupolitiki wa Satani, o swanisezwa ki sibatana. On the other hand, chapter 13 depicts the rest of earth's inhabitants as worshiping Satan's political system, symbolized by a wild beast. " Continue putting up with one another in love. " Se lu fumana bo Ronald ba lu libelezi fa libala la lifulai. Our host is waiting for us at the airport. ▪ Humans are governed by an invisible ruler. Niteñi, Jesu na ba sikuluzi ka musa ni ku ba babaza mwa lika ze ne ba ezize hande - ili ku bonisa busepahali ka ku kumalela ku Mulenaa bona. Nonetheless, Jesus corrected them kindly and even commended them for what they had done well - showing faithfulness in sticking to their Master. This road needs repair so that you can keep yourself safe and avoid harm. Libaka le lituna le li konisize Lipaki za Jehova ku ba ba ba swalisani ki buineelo bwa bona ku Jehova Mulimu. Foremost in contributing to the unity enjoyed by Jehovah's Witnesses is their devotion to Jehovah God. Do Not Give Up! □ Likalulo ze ñwi za Joele 2: 28 - 31 ni Joele 3: 15 ne li talelelizwe cwañi mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili? □ How were aspects of Joel 2: 28 - 31 and Joe 3: 15 fulfilled in the first century? In order to stop the delegates of the convention, they were built of green grassens and other large sites to sleep in it. □ Ki sifi se ne si li sa butokwa ka za silimo sa 607 B.C.E.? □ What was significant about the year 607 B.C.E.? Apparently, Jehovah God was speaking to him and his only - begotten Son when he said: "Man has become like one of us because of the knowledge of good and bad. " Ba bañwi ku bona ne ba zamayanga kwa pata mi ne ba posanga likuwani za bona mwa moya ha ne ba lemuhanga kuli ku na ni kozi. Some of them walked in front and threw their hats into the air when they suspected any danger. * The Catholic religion allows its members to have certain beliefs, and it is not wrong for some so - called Christians, as well as for the common people. Ku nahanisisa za peta Jesu ku kona ku ama cwañi mo lu ngela kelezo ye lu fiwa? Because they do not follow the Bible principles we have considered, God does not hear their prayers. Batu ba ba bulela Sikuwa ba kwateñi ha ba na ku tabela niti! ' English - speaking people there will not be interested in the truth! ' Jesus told his apostles traveling to different cities and villages that they had to preach about the Kingdom, heal the sick, and expel wicked spirits. Taba yeo neitabisize hahulu mizwale baluna! How the brothers rejoiced at that peaceful outcome! Hence, the preaching work is not a business. Lunyolelwa nako ya kwapili halukaba babapetahalile ni haluka sebeleza Jehova kuya kuile. We look forward to the time when we will be perfect and serve Jehovah forever. Within 50 days, Peter courageously stood before the crowd in Jerusalem and proved that Jesus had been raised from the dead. Ki kabakalañi Jehova ha bukelelize Bibele ka lilimo - limo, mi u tokwa kuli batu ba hae ba i eze cwañi? Why has Jehovah preserved the Bible through the ages, and what does he expect his people to do with it? " I lost my temper, " she says in anger, "I had forgotten. " Puteho ya Jerusalema Mo Ne I Tuselize Majuda Bao Jerusalem Congregation and Jews in the Diaspora Through Jesus Christ, Jehovah has provided men with "gifts in men. " Ka 2014, bo Stephanie banyalwa ki bo Aaron, mi ka nako yacwale basebeleza fa ofisi ya mutai kwa Ghana. In 2014, Stephanie married Aaron, and today they serve at the Ghana branch office. My four children - James, Jerry, Nicholas, and Steven - are faithfully serving Jehovah along with their wives and families. Ne ba patehile ku fepa ni ku nwisa lifolofolo mezi, ku zwisa musutelo, ni ku bala mazazi. They were busy feeding and watering the animals, removing waste, and keeping track of time. This role is so important that he is called the Word. - John 1: 1, 2, 14. Bo Delina, babapila kwa United States, bakatazwa ki butuku bobuñwi (dystonia) bobutahisa kuli lilama za mubili wabona hamohocwalo ni misinga ya kwa booko lisike zabeleka hande. Delina, in the United States, suffers from a neuromuscular disorder called dystonia. 3 Jehovah - "My Friend " Seo si hoha mamelelo ya mina mwa nzila ye ipitezi. This arrests your attention in a special way. Be aware of what is behind your mistakes so that you do not repeat them Kono ka 1854, tubyana twa lizupa twa litaba ne tu pumbuzwi mwa matota a ' sinyehile a munzi wa Uri o n'o li mwa Babilona wa kale wo cwale se li kalulo ya Iraq. In the year 1854, however, some small clay cylinders were unearthed in the ruins of the ancient Babylonian city of Ur in present - day Iraq. How did Ezekiel and Isaiah react to visions they had, and how should we feel about them? Ha ni ini ni nosi. Well, I am not alone. These volunteers may be taken to Mount Tabor. Kana Bakreste ba babeli ne ba ka eza buhule haiba mane nihaili a li muñwi fela ku bona ka bundume n'a ka ama manzwi a ' li: "U si ke wa buka "? - Maroma 13: 8 - 10; Exoda 20: 14, 15. Are two Christians likely to succumb to sexual immorality if even one of them courageously quotes the words: "You must not commit adultery "? - Romans 13: 8 - 10; Exodus 20: 14, 15. God's rule, the Messianic Kingdom, is also proof of Jehovah's love for mankind. Ka butuna fela, niteñi, ku bonahala kuli tengamo ya ka nañungelele ya licinceho mwa linaha ze ñata ki ya kuli sipimo sa tuto ya kwa sikolo ye tokwahala kuli mutu a fumane tuelo ye kutekeha cwale se i li ye pahami ku fita mo ne i inezi lilimo ze sikai fela kwamulaho. By and large, however, it seems that the general trend in many lands is that the level of schooling required to earn decent wages is now higher than it was a few years ago. Did They Do Not Give Up? Ki ku latelela kelezo ifi ya mwa Mañolo ko ku ka lu sileleza ha lu tusa mutu ya kopana ni matata mwa linyalo? When helping someone with marital difficulties, following what Scriptural advice will be a safeguard? Shortly thereafter, Joseph had a dream of two great dreams. AUGUST 6 - 12, 2012 AUGUST 6 - 12, 2012 His justice comes from him because that is his personality, and he uses it to provide laws. Limbule za Susuezo Sources of Encouragement On March 8, 2003, the graduation of the 114th class was held at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, New York. Kacwalo ne lu kana lwa kutazana ni ku tiisana lipilu ka ku koñomeka yona niti yeo ya butokwa. So we may encourage and comfort one another by confirming that important truth. The eighth box included funds left after he made a sin offering. Mazazi a, batu babañata baambolisananga hahulu ka kulumelana mashango mwa sibaka sa kuambolisana pata ka pata. Meaningful conversations have been replaced by rapid - fire texts and tweets. Some have suffered severe persecution because of refusing to participate in unscriptural funeral customs. Mu "swalisane hamoho ka lilato. " " Be harmoniously joined together in love. " When a husband and wife are upset, if one of them is so angry, the other will get angry too. ▪ Batu ba zamaiswa ki mubusi ya sa bonahali. ▪ Humans are influenced by a hidden ruler. 12, 13. Mukwakwa wo u tokwa ku lukiswa ilikuli u tiye ni kuli u si ke wa tisa kozi. Restoration is necessary to ensure safety and to preserve the road. Their spirit and encouragement helped my faithful wife, Bellne, to endure her final trial, and even to find time when I needed it most. Mu Si Ke Mwa Nyaza! Stop Judging! Remember, your life does not result from the things you possess. - Luke 12: 16 - 21. Tubulututu twa bucwañi ni bipapela bye bituna bya ku lobala teñi ne li yahilwe ili ku tibeleza linumwana za mukopano. Small grass huts and open - air dormitories were built to house the delegates. Why must we be cautious? Ku bonahala kuli Jehova Mulimu n'a bulela ku yena muñi ni Mwan'a hae wa libanda ha n'a bulezi kuli: "Mutu s'a fetuhile sina yo muñwi wa luna bakeñisa ku ziba bunde ni bumaswe. " Jehovah God was apparently referring to himself and his only - begotten Son when he said: "The man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad. " They criticized his greeting, saying: "He that is in the flesh is weak and his speech contemptible. " * Bulapeli bwa Sishinto bwa lumeleza batu baba mwateñi kuba ni litumelo zeñwi, mi Mabudha, batu babañwi babatwi ki Bakreste, ni batu - tu feela baanga kuli kueza likezo za bulapeli bwa Sishinto habali kwa sibaka seo hakusika fosahala. * Shinto allows its adherents to practice other faiths, and some Buddhists, professed Christians, and others see no conflict in performing the Shinto rituals at this shrine. In fact, many Witnesses who were victims of ethnic violence and genocides that took place at the end of the 20th century protected one another even in situations that might have threatened their own lives. Bakeñisa kuli ha ba latelelangi likuka za Bibele ze lu nyakisisize, Mulimu ha utwangi litapelo za bona. Ignoring the Bible principles that we have discussed, they do not get God's hearing ear. Is it a employer who admits his mistakes, or does he never apologize? Jesu n'a bulelezi baapositola ba hae be ne ba ya kwa mileneñi ni minzi ye fapana - fapana kuli ne ba na ni ku yo kutaza za Mubuso, ku folisa bakuli, ni ku leleka mioya ye maswe. Jesus told the apostles going off to various cities and villages that they were to preach the Kingdom, cure the sick, and expel demons. When asked if he knew God's name, he answered that he knew it and looked into the old Watchtower in his heart. Kacwalo, musebezi wa kukutaza hauswaneli kuba pisinisi. So the preaching work should not be a business. Jehovah's Witnesses continue preaching this message and imitate the methods of Jesus and his disciples. Hamulaho fela wa mazazi a 50, Pitrosi a yema ka bundume fapil'a nyangela mwa Jerusalema ni ku paka kuli Jesu u zuhile kwa bafu. Just 50 days later, Peter boldly stood up before the crowds in Jerusalem to testify to Jesus ' resurrection. Of all those with whom I studied the Bible, no one made fine progress like Doris, and I felt that Doris needed to study with someone who was more experienced than she had. " U bulela ka ku ñuñuna ili ka ku ikutwa mulatu, u li: "Mu ni swalele Ima, ne ni libezi. " " Sorry, Mum. I forgot, " he mumbles guiltily. When rebellion began in Eden, Jehovah gave a promise of better things to come, foretelling that " the seed of the woman would bruise the serpent in the head. ' Jehova u mi file baana ba ba li "limpo " ka Jesu Kreste. The "gifts in men " are what Jehovah through Jesus Christ has provided for you. 2 / 15 Bana baka babane - bo James, Jerry, Nicholas, ni Steven - basebeleza Jehova ka busepahali hamoho ni basali babona ni mabasi abona. Four of my sons - James, Jerry, Nicholas, and Steven - are serving Jehovah faithfully with their wives and families. Reflecting on how such Bible characters as Joseph and David avoided discouragement and difficult circumstances can be of great benefit to us. Yona kalulo yeo ki ya butokwa hahulu kuli mane u bizwa Linzwi. - Joani 1: 1, 2, 14. That role is so important that he is called the Word. - John 1: 1, 2, 14. Because the Bible clearly tells us why people are in their situation, and we are better prepared to face life's challenges. 3 Jehova Naamubizize Kuli " Mulikanaaka ' 3 Jehovah Called Him "My Friend " The grapes were so impressed with the grapes that they named this fertile region "the low plain. " - Numbers 13: 21 - 24. Mulemuhange zetahisanga kuli mueze mafosisa ilikuli musike mwakutelanga mafosisa ao Learn from your errors so that you will be less likely to repeat them TODAY, millions of people are enslaved to false religion, and many choose to remain so. Ezekiele ni Isaya ne ba ikutwile cwañi ka za lipono ze ne ba bile ni zona, mi lu swanela ku ikutwa cwañi ka za lipono zeo? What impact did visions from Jehovah have on Ezekiel and Isaiah, and how should we be affected? " Absalom captured the heart of the sons of Israel. " - 2 Samuel 15: 1 - 6. Baitateli bao bakubukana kwa Lilundu la Tabore. The volunteers gathered at Mount Tabor. For example, your child may have a tendency toward self - discipline. Puso ya Mulimu, ona Mubuso wa Mesia, hape ki bupaki bobubonisa kuli Jehova walata batu. God's government, the Messianic Kingdom, is also proof of Jehovah's love for mankind. However, he stood firm. Kana Ne Ba Sitatalisizwe? Were They Stumbled? Loyalty to Whom? Nakonyana ku zwa fo, Josefa a lola litolo ze peli ze tuna. It was not long before Joseph had two extraordinary dreams. Spiritual discernment helps us to remain faithful to God and to his people. Katulo yahae yelukile isimuluha ku yena muñi kakuli ki mona mobuinezi butu bwahae, mi uitusisanga katulo yeo kufa batu milao. His perfect sense of justice emanates from his own being, and on that basis, he provided written laws for humans. The sheep's legs were often used to produce uncleanness in ancient Bible lands as did goats and camels. La March 8, 2003, mukiti wa ku feza sikolo wa sitopa sa bu - 114 n'o cilwe kwa Sibaka sa Tuto sa Watchtower kwa Patterson, mwa New York. On March 8, 2003, the graduation of the 114th class took place at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, New York. The Sanhedrin announced that the religions of Jehovah's Witnesses fully agree with French laws and that Kingdom Halls should not be held as long as the churches of other religions do not. Mwa kabulukelo ka bu 8 ne ku beiwanga masheleñi a naa siyalanga hamulaho wa ku fa nubu ya sibi. Chest 8 was for money left over from sin offerings. Although they were busy raising five children, our parents took time to stay with us and to help us strengthen our relationship with Jehovah. Ba bañwi ba nyandisizwe maswe kabakala ku hana ku ikenya mwa lizo za malilo ze lwanisana ni Mañolo. Some have been treated abusively because they refused to share in unscriptural funeral customs. Instead, I put my wife's interests ahead of my own. " Munna ni musal'a hae ha ba omana, haiba yo muñwi ku bona a halifa hahulu, ni yo muñwi ni yena u ka halifa hahulu. When there are strong disagreements, it is easy for anger to beget anger. " I learned to accept all the help I received, " she says. 12, 13. 12, 13. However, we do not blame him but respect him for his humility and loyalty. Moya ni susuezo ya bona ne li tusize musalaa ka Charlene ya naa sepahala ku itiisa mwahalaa muliko wa hae wa mafelelezo mi nihaiba na ne ni tusizwe ku fumana nako ye ne ni tokwa hahulu ya ku pumula kwateñi. Their pure motive and positive attitude made this last trial easier for my faithful Charlene and gave me badly needed physical and emotional relief. Although I had no doubts about God, there were things I didn't understand. Mu hupule kuli bupilo bwa mina ha bu ini ku ze mu fumile. - Luka 12: 16 - 21. Remember that your life does not result from what you possess. - Luke 12: 16 - 21. But Satan the Devil is doing all he can to separate God's earthly worshippers from God's love for them. Ki kabakalañi ha lu lukela ku ba ni tokomelo? Why do we have reason to be cautious? Respect should be respected by someone who has a measure of self - respect. Ne ba nyaza muambolelo wa hae, ba li: "Yena h'a li teñi ka mubili, ki mutu ya fokozi, mi ku bulela kwa hae ki nto ye nyazahala. " They criticized his speaking ability, saying: "His presence in person is weak and his speech contemptible. " They may have thought that Baal would bless their plants and livestock and that "Jehovah of armies " would protect them from battle. Mane, buñata bwa Lipaki be ne ba ipumani mwa lipulayano za mwahal'a mikowa ni lipulayano za ku bulaya ba mubala u sili ze n'e ezahezi kwa mafelelezo a lilimo za mwanda wa bu 20, ne ba silelezani mane nihaiba mwa miinelo ye n'e ka be i beile bupilo bwa bona ka sibili mwa lubeta. In fact, many Witnesses who found themselves in the midst of ethnic cleansing and racial genocide during the closing years of the 20th century protected one another even at the risk of their own lives. Perhaps you enjoy using such scriptures as Psalm 37: 10, 11; Daniel 2: 44; John 5: 28, 29; or Revelation 21: 3, 4. Kana ki mubelekisi yaitumelelanga mafosisa ahae, kamba mubelekisi yasakupangi swalelo hafosize? A boss who admits when he is wrong or one who never says he is sorry? Many Christians have found joy in their youth by serving as pioneers. Ha n'a buzizwe ka za haiba wa ziba libizo la Mulimu, n'a alabile kuli wa li ziba mi a comola Tora ya ku Libelela ya kale mwa pokoto ya baki ya hae. When asked if he knew God's name, he said yes and then proceeded to pull out of his jacket an old issue of The Watchtower. Caring for aging parents, as Paul shows, is an expression of godly devotion. Lipaki za Jehova bazwelapili kukutaza taba yeo mi balikanyisa mikutalezo ya Jesu ni balutiwa bahae. Jehovah's Witnesses continue to preach that message and to imitate the preaching methods of Jesus and his disciples. ● What kind of giving does Jehovah enjoy? - 2 Corinthians 9: 7. Kwa batu kaufela ba ne ni itutanga ni bona Bibele, ha ku na mutu ya naa ezize zwelopili hande inge bo Doris, mi ne ni ikutwile kuli bo Doris ne ba tokwa ku ituta ni mutu ya na ni yeloseli ye tuna sihulu ya likana ni bona. " " I had never conducted a regular Bible study and felt that Doris needed a more experienced sister to study with her, perhaps someone her own age. " When our children got older, we considered whether we could serve abroad. " Bukwenuheli ha ne bu kalisize mwa Edeni, Jehova n'a file sepiso ya lika ze nde ni ku fita ze ne li ka taha, ili ku bulela cimo kuli " peu ya musali ne i ka pyata toho ya noha. ' When rebellion broke out in Eden, Jehovah gave a promise of better things to come, foretelling that " the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent. ' Still, it was encouraging to see many pioneers leaving Britain to move to countries such as France to preach despite their limited knowledge of language. NEKU LA BUBELI LA MUNZI SECOND QUARTER If we remain loyal to God during trials, this will bring us lasting happiness. Ku nahanisisa ka za m'o batu ba ba bulezwi mwa Bibele ba ba cwale ka Josefa ni Davida ne ba tulezi ku zwafa ni miinelo ye t'ata, ku kona ku lu tusa hahulu. Meditating on how Bible characters like Joseph and David successfully dealt with disappointments and difficult situations can have a positive effect on us. What things of the Lord do unmarried Christians care better than married people? Kabakala kuli Bibele i lu taluseza hande libaka batu ha ba li mwa muinelo o ba li ku ona, mi lu itukiselize hande ku talimana ni matata a mwa bupilo. Because we find in the Bible a satisfying explanation for the condition in which humanity finds itself, and we are equipped to deal with life's challenges and problems. Two of Jehovah's Witnesses visited my home in 1991, and I asked them why we die. Litwela zeo ne li tabezi hahulu bukima bwa sisansa seo kuli mane za beya sibaka se si na ni mununo seo libizo la "musindi wa Eshikoli. " - Numere 13: 21 - 24. So impressive was the crop that the spies named the fertile area "the torrent valley of Eshcol, " or" Cluster of Grapes. " - Numbers 13: 21 - 24; footnote. At one time, this was limited to anointed Christians. KACENU, bolule - lule ba batu ba mwa butanga kwa bulapeli bwa buhata, mi ba bañata ba keta ku siyala ona cwalo. TODAY, millions of people are in bondage to false religion, and many choose to remain that way. Consider some challenges you might have to overcome, and how you can overcome them. " Abisalomi a hapa lipilu za bana ba Isilaele. " - 2 Samuele 15: 1 - 6. " Absalom kept stealing the hearts of the men of Israel. " - 2 Samuel 15: 1 - 6. Like Jesus ' disciples, we need to do at least three things if we want to understand Jesus ' illustrations. Ka mutala, mwendi mwanaa mina unani mukwa wa kuitumbanga. For example, suppose your son is showing a tendency to brag. Note that Jennifer says that when there is opportunity to prove your faith, "a brief prayer " to Jehovah is available. Nihakulicwalo, s'a tiya. Nonetheless, he mustered up the boldness. It was hot, and soon it was hot. Ku Sepahala ku Mañi? Jehovah's Witnesses also rely on God to fulfill their vital responsibility to preach. Kutwisiso ya kwa moya i lu tusa ku zwelapili lu nze lu sepahala ku Mulimu ni kwa batu ba hae. Spiritual discernment helps us to remain loyal to God and his people. Describing his chosen ones of old, Jehovah said: "Even to one's old age I am the same One; and to one's gray - headedness I myself shall keep bearing up. " Boya bwa lingu nebuitusiswanga hahulu kwa kupanga masila mwa Middle East ya kwaikale sina mone buitusisezwanga bulizi bwa lipuli ni bwa likamele. Sheep's wool was widely used for fabrics in the ancient Middle East as was hair from goats and camels. The number of those who will have received the final mark is 144,000. - Rev. Kuta ye tuna ne i zibahalize kuli bulapeli bwa Lipaki za Jehova bu lumelelana ka ku tala ni milao ya Sifura ni kuli Mandu a Mubuso h'a lukeli ku telelwa inge mo li sa telelelwi likeleke za bulapeli bo buñwi. The high court confirmed that the worship practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses is entirely in harmony with French law and that their Kingdom Halls are entitled to the same fiscal exemptions accorded to other religions. Similarly, the Governing Body was expanded in 1971 and also in 1974. Niha ne ba patehisizwe ki musebezi wa ku hulisa banana baketalizoho, bashemi ba luna ne ba fumananga nako ya ku ina ni luna ni ku lu tusa ku tiisa silikani sa luna ni Jehova. Although they had their hands full with five children, our parents spent time with us and helped us become spiritually strong. Pharaoh was very proud. Kono, ni tokomelanga pili za musalaa ka ku fita za ka. " Instead, I aim to put her needs ahead of my own. " I hope that this was the answer to my prayers. Bo Doreen babulela kuli: "Neniitutile kuamuhela tuso kaufela yene nifiwa. " I learned not to turn anyone's help away, " says Doreen. [ Picture on page 31] Nihakulicwalo, ha lu mu shwauli kono lwa mu kuteka kabakala buikokobezo ni busepahali bwa hae. Even so, his humility and honesty raise our respect for him rather than diminish it. That is a solemn promise rather than simply a promise to do something. Nihaike kuli ne ni sa kakanyi kuli Mulimu u teñi, ne ku na ni litaba ze ne ni sa utwisisi. Although I never questioned God's existence, there were issues that puzzled me. They have also come out of their trials as they are determined to please Jehovah, are strengthened to give a clear witness, and are full of genuine hope. Kono Satani Diabulosi, u sweli ku lika ka mwa konela kaufela kuli a kauhanye balapeli ba Mulimu ba fa lifasi kwa lilato la Mulimu ye ba lapela. 4: 24. Satan the Devil, on the other hand, does everything in his power to separate God's earthly servants from the love of the God whom they worship. No human determines just that some sinful act needs to be removed. Likute liswanela kulemuhiwa ki mutu yaliboniswa. Respect is in the eye of the beholder. However, Jehovah helps us so that we can endure any trial. Mwendi ne ba nga kuli Baale na ka fuyola limela ni limunanu za bona, ni kuli "[Muñ'a] Bupilo wa limpi " na ka ba sileleza mwa ndwa. Perhaps they reasoned that Baal would bless their crops and herds, while "Jehovah of armies " would protect them in battle. Why is Jehovah the ultimate Source of laws? Mwendi mu tabelanga hahulu ku itusisa mañolo a cwale ka Samu 37: 10, 11; Daniele 2: 44; Joani 5: 28, 29; kamba Sinulo 21: 3, 4. Might your favorite be Psalm 37: 10, 11; Daniel 2: 44; John 5: 28, 29; or Revelation 21: 3, 4? How did Daniel react? Bakreste babañata bafumani tabo mwa bunca bwabona ka kusebeza sina mapaina. Many Christians experienced happiness in their youth by serving as pioneers. What arrangement began in 1976? Ku babalela bashemi ba ba supala, sina Paulusi h'a bonisa, ki ku bonisa buipeyo bwa bumulimu. Caring for aging parents is, as Paul notes, an expression of godly devotion. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT ● Jehova u tabela bufani bo bu cwañi? - 2 Makorinte 9: 7. ● What kind of giving pleases Jehovah? - 2 Corinthians 9: 7. And let anyone hearing say: " Come! ' Bana baluna hase bahulile, lwanyakisisa kubona haiba nelukona kuyo sebeleza mwa naha isili. " When they reached adulthood, we considered the possibility of serving abroad. " How were these brothers and sisters influenced? Nihakulicwalo, nekususueza kubona mapaina babañata inze ba zwa mwa Britain kuliba kwa linaha zecwale ka France kuyo kutaza kusina taba ni kuli nebasa zibi hande puo. Commendably, a steady stream of pioneers left Britain for such countries as France, despite having little or no knowledge of the language. SOME who listened to my talk in 1957 made me shy. Ha lu zwelapili ku sepahala ku Mulimu mwahal'a litiko, seo si ka lu tahiseza tabo ye inelela. If we maintain our integrity to God during trials, this will bring us lasting happiness. Satan claims that God's rule is unjust and that Jehovah withholds good from his creatures. Ki lika mañi za Mulena zeo Bakreste ba ba siyo mwa linyalo ba tokomela hande ku fita batu ba ba mwa linyalo? What are the Lord's things to which an unmarried Christian can give attention more freely than people who are married? Yes, he knows that only days have passed before he dies. Lipaki za Jehova ba babeli ne ba ni potezi kwa ndu ya ka ka silimo sa 1991, mi na ba buza libaka ha lu shwanga. A couple of Jehovah's Witnesses called at my home in 1991, and I asked them why we die. He made arrangements to study the Bible with the Witnesses and made rapid progress. Ka nako ye ñwi, seo ne si nyamatalwa fela ki Bakreste ba ba tozizwe. At one time this was handled exclusively by anointed Christians. Although we are imperfect, we still have a close relationship with Jehovah, and we continue to serve him. Munyakisise matata akona kumipalelwisa kupeta zemulelile, ni momukona kutatululela matata ao. Anticipate obstacles, and think of how to overcome them. We Accept Bible Truth Sina balutiwa ba Jesu, ni luna lu tokwa ku eza lika ze taalu haiba lu bata ku utwisisa liswanisezo za naa itusisize Jesu. If we want to understand Jesus ' illustrations, we need to follow the example of his faithful disciples. This also involves three steps. Finally, he threw his hand with his hand to those who were in trouble and brought it to himself so that he could gather the " voluntary offerings. ' " U lemuhe kuli Jennifer u li, ha ku fumaneha sibaka sa ku paka tumelo ya hao, u " lapele ka bukuswani ' ku Jehova. Note that Jennifer recommends " saying a quick prayer ' to Jehovah when an opportunity presents itself to give a witness about your faith. And Paul reminded the Corinthians of some in the past who served Jehovah but failed. Ne ku nze ku cisa hahulu mi hamulaho wa nakonyana kwa cisa maswe. The temperature soared, and soon the heat became almost unbearable. What meaning does this have for us today? Lipaki za Jehova ni bona ba itinga ku Mulimu kuli ba taleleze buikalabelo bwa bona bo bu butokwa bwa ku kutaza. To fulfill their important preaching assignment, Jehovah's Witnesses today also rely on God. We ate adults after they had finished eating. Ka ku talusa baketiwa ba hae ba kwakale, Jehova n'a ize: "Mu ka be mu supale, mane mu tunye limbi, inze li Na ya ka mi lwala. " Addressing his chosen people of ancient times, Jehovah stated: "Even to one's old age I am the same One; and to one's gray - headedness I myself shall keep bearing up. " What does the Bible mean when it says that parents should " teach ' their child God's standards? Palo ya ba ba ka be ba filwe liswayo la mafelelezo ki 144,000. - Sin. Those finally sealed number 144,000. - Rev. Gods "How to Salvation " Ka ku swana, Sitopa se si Busa ne si ekelizwe ka 1971 mi hape ni ka 1974. Comparably, the Governing Body was enlarged in 1971 and again in 1974. 1, 2. (a) What is our primary concern when making decisions? Faro n'a li muikuhumusi luli. There can be no doubt that Pharaoh had a haughty heart. In one of his wise words, Job said: "The fear of Jehovah - that is wisdom, and to turn away from bad is understanding. " - Job 28: 28. Nisepa kuli yeo neli yona kalabo kwa litapelo zaka. I believe that this was the answer to my prayers. Hence, you may feel that Jehovah does not approve of you and that you are beyond his reach. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 31] [ Picture on page 23] He certainly had these wonderful visions in mind when he was inspired to write and sing the beautiful song of Psalm 19: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. Yeo i banga sepiso ya ku itama ku mutu isiñi ya ku sepisa feela ku eza nto ye ñwi. It is a pledge to a person rather than merely a promise to do something. He was surprised and began to cry and say that he wanted to learn. Hape ba zwile mwa litiko za bona ba nze ba ikatulezi ku tabisa Jehova, ba tiisizwe ku fa bupaki bo bu utwahala, mi ba tezi sepo ye buniti. They have also come out of their trials determined to please Jehovah, strengthened to give a bold witness, and filled with genuine hope. Luke 21: 11 adds "bad diseases " to this list. Ha ku na mutu ya atulanga fela kuli kezo ye ñwi ya sibi i tokwa ku zwisiwa. Nobody arbitrarily determines that the practice of a particular sin requires disfellowshipping. Perhaps I ask you, Have you ever felt that way? Nihakulicwalo, Jehova wa lu tusa ilikuli lu kone ku tiyela muliko ufi kamba ufi. Thus, "various trials " are trials that come in many colors, so to speak. Genesis 25: 34 says: "Is not his firstborn. " Ki kabakalañi Jehova h'a li Mutomi yo mutuna ya swanela wa milao? Why is Jehovah the ultimate, rightful Lawgiver? The earth was designed in such a way that we could live in it and enjoy life. Daniele n'a ikutwile cwañi? What was Daniel's reaction? Then the end will come, when Christ restores the kingdom to his God and Father, having destroyed all governments and kingdoms and powers. Ki tukiso mañi ye ne i kalisizwe ka 1976? What arrangement was implemented in 1976? Jehovah will continue to help you as long as you do your best to serve him wholeheartedly. - 1 Chron. MITALA YA BATU BA NE BA SI KA SEPAHALA WARNING EXAMPLES FROM THE PAST Also available at Mi ni yena ya utwa a bulele, a li: Taha! And let anyone hearing say: " Come! ' He did not say that humans must be saved from the generation born in the year of Jesus ' birth or generation born in 29 C.E. Mizwale ni likaizeli bao ne ba kukuelizwe cwañi? What kind of influences did it exert on our brothers and sisters back then? [ Picture Credit Line on page 8] BATU ba sikai ba ne ba teelelize kwa ngambolo ye ne ni file ka silimo sa 1957 ne ba tahisize kuli ni si ke na ba ni boi. ACTUALLY, that small audience for my talk in 1957 did not bother me. And how do we know that Jehovah will survive his organization as the great tribulation approaches? Satani upiha kuli puso ya Mulimu haisika luka ni kuli Jehova utimanga libupiwa zahae lika zende. He contends that God's rulership is corrupt and that Jehovah withholds the best from his creatures. 12 / 15 Ee, wa ziba kuli ku siyezi fela mazazinyana kuli a shwe. Yes, he knows that he has only a few days of human life left. Regarding their being expelled, the Bible says: "Woe for the earth... because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " A eza litukiso za ku ituta Bibele ni Lipaki mi a eza zwelopili ka bubebe. He arranged to study the Bible with the Witnesses and went on to make rapid progress. Why, the number of Kingdom proclaimers throughout the earth rose from those in subjection to 13,000,000 in 1944 to 1,483,430! Nihaike kuli halusika petahala, lusakona kuba ni silikani ni Jehova, mi lusakona kumusebeleza. Even though we are imperfect, we can still have a friendship with Jehovah and serve him. How? Lu Amuhela Niti ya Bibele Bible Truth Enters Our Home For example, he told them to be reasonable, to be peaceable, to put up with such feelings as anger, to settle disputes quickly, and to love their enemies. - Matthew 5: 5, 9, 22, 25, 44. Kwa mafelelezo, a nepela tai ni kataulo ka hae ka kwa lizoho kwa bateelezi bao ba ne ba li mwa siyongili mi a fitisa mukekana wa koleke ilikuli a kubukanye " linubu za ku itatela. ' " At the end, he threw his necktie and his handkerchief to the entranced audience and passed a plate in order to collect " voluntary contributions. ' " He had just condemned greedy scribes who "took away the belongings of widows. " Mi Paulusi n'a hupulisize ba kwa Korinte ka za ba bañwi ba mwa linako za kwamulaho be ne ba sebelelize Jehova nakonyana kono ili be ne ba palezwi. And Paul reminded the Corinthians about some in the past who had served Jehovah for a time but then failed. This report has made the world focus on the condition of Jehovah's Witnesses in Singapore, where their activities and publications have been banned for over 20 years. Seo si na ni taluso mañi ku luna kacenu? What significance does this have for us today? The patriarch Job of old was asked: "Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens, and you will be able to set up its rule on the earth? " Ne lu canga ba bahulu ha se ba felize ku ca. We ate afterward. How did Jesus respond to their reproach? Bibele i talusañi ha i bulela kuli bashemi ba swanela ku "luta " mwanaa bona likuka za Mulimu? The word "inculcate " conveys the idea of teaching through frequent repetition. How does regular participation in the ministry strengthen us spiritually? Milimu Ye "Sa Koni ku Pilisa " Gods Who "Cannot Save " He showed that "the sons of this system of things, " yet he used this illustration to teach us an important lesson. 1, 2. (a) Ki nto mañi ye lu isezanga hahulu pilu ha lu eza liketo? 1, 2. (a) What should be our primary concern in all the decisions that we make? For example, in one country a news report wrongly declared that the Witnesses supported Hitler's rule during World War II. Ku a mañwi a manzwi a hae a butali, Jobo naa ize: "Ku saba [Muñaa] Bupilo ki bona butali; mi ku kauhana ni bumaswe ki yona ngana. " - Jobo 28: 28. In one of his later proverbial utterances, Job declared: "Look! The fear of Jehovah - that is wisdom, and to turn away from bad is understanding. " - Job 28: 28. True Christians were determined "to worship [God] with spirit and truth. " Kacwalo, mu kana mwa ikutwa kuli Jehova h'a mi tabeli ni kuli ha mu konwi ku iswa pilu ki yena. As a result, you might feel that you neither have Jehovah's approval nor merit his attention. During David's reign as king of Israel, Jehovah made two covenants that would benefit all obedient mankind. Kaniti n'a hupuzi lipono ze nde zeo ha n'a susumelizwe ka moya wa Mulimu ku ñola ni ku opela pina ye nde ye kwa Samu 19, ye li: "Mahalimu a bulela kanya ya Mulimu; mi sibaka sa lihalimu si bonahalisa musebezi wa mazoho a hae. No doubt, such vivid impressions sprang to his mind when, inspired by God's holy spirit, he composed and sang the beautiful words of the 19th Psalm: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. Yet, selfishness is one of the greatest obstacles to obeying Christ's laws and " loving Jehovah our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and neighbor as ourselves. ' Nebakomokile hahulu mi bakala kulila ni kubulela kuli nebabata kuituta. They were shocked and started to cry and said that they wanted to study. In 49 C.E., there was a governing body in which the apostles were still on earth and qualified elders. Luka 21: 11 i ekeza teñi "mafu a maswe [" matuku a yambukela, " NW] " kwa mukoloko w'o. Luke 21: 11 adds "pestilences " to that list. And how much better it was to accept the new tract Young People - What Will You Do to Help Witness youths lay the basis for eternal life in Jehovah's organization? Mwendi ni mi buze kuli, kana se mu ikutwile cwalo ku zwelela feela kwa bwanana bwa mina? May I ask, Have you always felt that way? From God's own Word they began to find answers that they had never found before. Genese 25: 34 i li: "Isau n'a shubuzi buhulu bwa hae. " " Esau despised the birthright, " says Genesis 25: 34. The men offering the coin asked Peter: "Is not your teacher giving up a coin? " Lifasi ne li lukisizwe ka nzila ye lu konisa ku pila ku lona ni ku ikola bupilo. Earth is uniquely designed for us not merely to eke out an existence but to enjoy life. Why did God want his people to respect authority in Israel? Mi cwale kihona ku ka taha maungulo, muta Kreste a kutisa mubuso ku Mulimu wa hae yena Ndatahe, ha saa yundisize milonga kaufela ni mibuso kaufela ni maata. Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. To our goodness, we must leave vengeance in Jehovah's hands. Jehova u ka zwelapili ku mi tusa haiba feela mu eza ka mo mu konela kaufela ku mu sebeleza ka pilu kaufela. - 1 Makol. So as long as you maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah, he will never give up on you. - 1 Chron. The members of fertility were created to bring about perfect human life. Hape yafumaneha fa webusaiti ya Also available at But Jesus ' leadership does not stop there. N'a si ka bulela kuli batu ba lukela ku puluswa kwa lusika lo ne lu pepilwe mwa silimo sa n'a pepilwe Jesu kamba lusika lo ne lu pepilwe ka 29 C.E. He did not say that people should get saved from the generation that was born in the same year Jesus was or the generation that was born in 29 C.E. Do you imitate Jehovah by forgiving others, displaying humility? [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso fa likepe 8] [ Picture Credit Line on page 8] [ Picture on page 4] Mi luziba cwañi kuli Jehova ukasileleza kopano yahae, ñalelwa yetuna hainze iatumela? What guarantee do we have that Jehovah will protect his organization as the great tribulation approaches? Otherwise, they will meet the Ancient of blood that will result in death. Lii le li Nunisizwe ki Bwenze Ili le li Kangelisizwe, 12 / 15 The Gift of Singleness, 11 / 15 Bibele i bulela cwana ka za ku lundulwa kwa bona k'o, i li: "Mu na ni bumai mina ba ba yahile mwa lifasi... kakuli Diabulosi u shetumukezi ku mina a halifile maswe, ka ku ziba kuli nako ya hae ki ye nyinyani. " Regarding this eviction, the Bible foretold: "Woe for the earth..., because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " 28 "Make Jehovah's Goodness rejoice " Ee, palo ya bashaeli ba Mubuso lifasi - mubu kamukana ya yuyuluka ku zwa ku ba ba kwatas'a 130,000 ka 1944 ku taha ku ba ba fita fa 1,483,430 ka 1970! Why, the number of Kingdom proclaimers throughout the earth jumped from less than 130,000 in 1944 to 1,483,430 in 1970! These are just a few of tens of thousands of young people who are remembering their Grand Creator earth wide. Kamukwaufi? How? When we have been wronged, we pursue peace by forgiving and remembering it, not harboring resentment. Ka mutala, naababulelezi kuli babe ni musa, bapile ka kozo ni babañwi, bafelise maikuto a cwale ka mabifi, batatulule lifapahano kapili, mi balate lila zabona. - Mateu 5: 5, 9, 22, 25, 44. For example, he told them to be kind, to make peace with others, to get rid of feelings such as anger, to solve disagreements quickly, and to love their enemies. - Matthew 5: 5, 9, 22, 25, 44. How does preparation for meetings help us to understand deep things of God? Kihona ha n'a sa z'o nyaza bañoli ba mukwañuli ba ne ba "feza liluwo la basali ba limbelwa. " He had just condemned the greedy scribes who " devoured the houses of widows. ' In time, I rejected Catholicism. Piho yeo i tahisize kuli lifasi li tome mamelelo fa muinelo wa Lipaki za Jehova mwa Singapore, ili m'o misebezi ni lihatiso za bona li bile ze kwalezwi ka lilimo ze fitelela 20. This report has focused world attention on the situation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Singapore, where their activities and literature have been banned for over 20 years. Under Jesus ' loving leadership, humans will be removed from their present painful condition and brought to perfection in a very appealing manner. Jobo wa ikale n'a buzizwe kuli: "Kikuli u ziba milao ye tama lihalimu? Mi u ka kona ku toma puso ya lona mwa lifasi? " Job of old was asked: "Did you proclaim the rules that govern the heavens, or determine the laws of nature on earth? " * When they arrived, the Israelites complained again because there was no water. Jesu n'a ezizeñi kabakala kashwau ka bona? How did Jesus respond to their insolence? But we can be confident that Jehovah will help us to endure. Ku abana kamita mwa bukombwa ku lu tiisa cwañi kwa moya? How does regular participation in the ministry strengthen us spiritually? Perhaps we have many questions about what life will be like in the new world. Naabonisize kuli "bana ba lifasi le, " ki bona babanani mukwa wo, niteñi naaitusisize swanisezo yeo kuli alulute tuto ya butokwa. He labeled such behavior as that of "the sons of this system of things, " but he used the illustration to drive home a point. Others see a variety of churches and individuals here claiming to be able to treat AIDS, depression, cancer, apostasy, heart disease, and many other diseases. Ka mutala, mwa naha ye ñwi piho ya makande ne i zibahalize ka mafosisa kuli Lipaki ne ba yemezi puso ya Hitler mwahal'a Ndwa ya Lifasi ya Bubeli. For instance, in one country a news report falsely stated that the Witnesses supported Hitler's regime during World War II. When they studied God's Word, meditate on how their lives should be changed, their association with fellow Christians, and their earnest prayers, the fruitage of God's spirit would be produced in their lives. Russian Wood Painting, 9 / 11 Am I known for being a good student of God's Word? Bakreste ba niti ne ba tundamezi ku "lapela [Mulimu] ka Moya ni ka niti. " Genuine Christians continued to "worship [God] with spirit and truth. " There were many churches in the city, and during holidays religious holidays, they were forced to flee to the city. Davida ha naa li mulena wa Isilaele, Jehova naa ezize buitamo bo buñwi bo bubeli bo ne bu ka tusa batu kaufela ba ba mu utwa. During the reign of King David, Jehovah made two more sworn promises for the benefit of all who obey him. In one Central Asian country, the Witnesses met a man working in a government agency. Niteñi, buitati ki bo buñwi bwa lika ze tuna z'e palelwisa ku utwa milao ya Kreste ni ku " lata Mulena Mulimu wa luna, ka pilu kaufela, moya kaufela, ni ka kutwisiso ya luna kaufela ni ku lata bahesu mo lu itatela. ' However, selfishness is one of the greatest obstacles to obeying the law of the Christ and " loving Jehovah our God with our whole heart, soul, and mind and loving our neighbors as ourselves. ' His father wondered why people live and invited religious teachers to his home to answer their questions, but he did not understand the answers. Ka silimo sa 49 C.E., ne ku na ni sitopa se si etelela mo ne ku fumaneha baapositola ba ne ba sa pila fa lifasi ni baana - bahulu ba ne ba kwanisize ze tokwahala. By 49 C.E., the surviving apostles had been joined by certain other qualified elders. Such things need more than our lives and anxieties. Mi ne li tuso ye tuna luli ku amuhela trakiti ye nca ye li Ba Banca - Bupilo bwa Mina Mu Ka Bu Sebelisa Kwañi? Trakiti yeo i lukiselizwe ku tusa ba banca ba ba li Lipaki kuli ba itomele mutomo wa bupilo bwa kwapili bwa kamita mwa kopano ya Jehova. And how beneficial it was to receive the new tract, Youths - What Will You Do With Your Life?, designed to help young Witnesses to lay the foundation for an everlasting future with Jehovah's organization! His real goal of not being at work is to start on his journey or to move his family to the shore. Ku zwelela mwa Linzwi tota la Mulimu ne ba kalisize ku fumana likalabo ze ne ba si ka fumana kwamulaho. From God's own Word, they began to get the answers that they had been missing before. Jesus added: "Take note of the people, because they will deliver you up to the Sanhedrin and scourge you into their synagogues. Banna ba ne ba telisa sheleñi ne ba buzize Pitrosi kuli: "Kikuli Muluti wa mina h'a teli sheleñi? " The men collecting the two drachmas tax had asked Peter: "Does your teacher not pay the two drachmas tax? " They were completely correct. Ki kabakalañi Mulimu hanaabata kuli batu bahae bakuteke baeteleli mwa Isilaele? Why did God want his people to respect the leaders in Israel? Roman Catholic writer Léon Gry wrote: "A great change in Greek philosophy... gradually swept away thoughts of a thousand years. " Kwa bunde bwa luna, lu lukela ku siya silomboti mwa mazoho a Jehova. For our own sakes, we must leave vengeance in the hands of Jehovah. Paul wrote to Timothy that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " Lilama za lupepo ne li ezelizwe ku shimbulula ka zona bupilo bo bu petehile bwa mutu. The reproductive organs were made to pass on perfect human life. In what ways have modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses been powerful proof that Jehovah is the Sovereign Lord? Kono buzamaisi bwa Jesu ha bu feleli f'o. But Jesus ' leadership does not end there. The first team of scholars who translated the "Gospel of Judas " was greatly influenced by what he said. Kana mukalikanyisa Jehova ka kuswalela babañwi, ili kubonisa kuli munani buikokobezo? Will you imitate Jehovah and pass the test of humility? In fact, movies and television programs give evidence that revenge is good and that war is the best way to solve problems. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 4] [ Picture on page 4] Rather, "the disciples were filled with joy and holy spirit. " Hakusicwalo ba ka katana ni Mulifisi wa mali ili nto ye ka tisa lifu. Otherwise they will have a fatal meeting with the Avenger of blood. Consider the situation described at the outset. Mpo ya Bukwasha, 11 / 15 Gift of Singleness, 11 / 15 WHAT YOU CAN DO. 28 " Mu Buhe Bunde Bwa Jehova ' 28 "Gaze Upon the Pleasantness of Jehovah " (b) Throughout history, who have been helped by Jehovah? Bona bao ki kalulonyana fela ya ba banca ba ba eza likiti ze mashumi - shumi ba ba sweli ku hupula Mubupi wa bona mwa lifasi kamukana. They are only a small portion of the tens of thousands of young ones who are remembering their Creator worldwide. When Jehovah looked at Sodom and Gomorrah, he was pleased to consider Abraham's petitions. Ha lu foselizwe, lu tundamena kozo ka ku swalela ni ku libala kwateñi, ili ku sa ba ni ndimbelela. When offended, we pursue peace by forgiving and forgetting, that is, by " not keeping account of the injury. ' According to one newspaper, King Arthur, even though he was severely injured, continued to live after finding this marvelous island known as Ainonon. Ku itukiseza mikopano ku lu tusa cwañi ku utwisisa litaba ze tungile za Mulimu? What role does preparing for meetings play in understanding the deep things of God? Thus, from personal experience, both Saul and Ananias had ample reason to believe in the resurrection. - Acts 9: 4, 5, 10 - 12. Hamulaho wa nako, na hana bulapeli bwa Katolika. Eventually, I rejected Catholicism. One night while he and his wife were sleeping, however, a thief entered the bedroom. Mwatas'a tamaiso ye lilato ya Jesu, batu ba ka zwiswa mwa muinelo wa bona wa cwale o shwisa makeke ni ku biswa ba ba petehile ka mukwa o tabisa hahulu. Under Jesus ' loving direction, mankind will be lifted from its present sorry state to glorious perfection. At different times, Peter said that he knew Jesus. * Habafitile mwa sibaka seo, Maisilaele batongoka hape kabakala kuli nekusina mezi. * The Israelites once again complained about the lack of water. Unable to pay off the payment, he remained in prison for two years, until a friend spoke to the authorities to return a little money. Kono lu na ni sepo ya kuli Jehova u ka lu tusa ku itiisa. We can be confident that Jehovah will help us to endure. The Catholic and his church friends banned our weekly Bible study and expelled us from the village. Mwendi lu na ni lipuzo ze ñata ka za mo bu ka bela bupilo mwa lifasi le linca. Understandably, we may have many questions about life in the new world. Most important, this is the best way to show our love for our King, Jehovah. - Ex. Ba bañwi ba bonanga likeleke ze fapana - fapana ni batu ka buñwi fa litelevishini ha ba ipapata ku kona ku alafa AIDS, maswabi a matuna, kansa, bupulumuki, butuku bwa ku lukuma hahulu kwa pilu, ni matuku a mañwi a mañata. Some see on TV various churches and individuals offering cures for AIDS, depression, cancer, insanity, high blood pressure, and many other ailments. On the streets that are common, they are terrified when they think that they will be injured or opposed by thieves. Ha ne ba ituta Linzwi la Mulimu, ku yeya mo ne li swanela ku cinceza bupilo bwa bona, ku swalisana ni Bakreste ka bona, ni ku lapela ka tukufalelo, muselo wa moya wa Mulimu ne u ka beiwa hahulu mwa bupilo bwa bona. As they studied God's Word, meditated on how it should influence their lives, associated with fellow Christians, and earnestly prayed, the fruitage of God's spirit would be more fully manifest in their lives. 3 / 1 Kana ni zibahala kuli ni muituti yo munde wa Linzwi la Mulimu? Do I have the reputation of being a good student of God's Word? Doing so will be rewarding. - Heb. Ne ku na ni likeleke ze ñata mwa Cuenca, mi mwa mazazi a lipumulo ba bulapeli ne ba caulanga mwa muleneñi. Cuenca was full of churches, and on so - called holy days, religious processions filled the city. (See opening picture.) Mwa naha ye ñwi ya kwa Central Asia, Lipaki ne ba kopani ni munna ya n'a sebezanga mwa liluko la muuso la silelezo ya naha. In one Central Asian country, Witnesses met a retired officer of the former state security agency. Finally, under the control of what they were swept away, they gave up. Bondat'ahe ne ba ipuzanga libaka le ba pilela batu mi ne ba memanga baluti ba za bulapeli kwa ndu ya bona kuli ba yo alaba lipuzo za bona, kono ne ba sa utwisisangi likalabo za baluti bao. His father always had questions about the meaning of life and invited religion teachers to his home; yet, he was never satisfied with their answers. What have people said about world conditions since 1914? Lika zecwalo zelusa tokwi, likona feela kutatafaza bupilo bwaluna ni kuluimeza. Such nonessential things only complicate our life and weigh us down. " Old - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " - PROVERBS 16: 31 Mulelo wahae luli wa kusafumaneha kwa musebezi ki wa kuli akalise ka kuitahanela mwa musipili wahae kamba kuli aise lubasi lwahae kwa likamba. His real reason for not being at work is so that he can get a head start on a trip or so that he can take his family to the beach. Self - discipline often means "to be mild - tempered " as mildness, humility, silence, and even shame. Jesu n'a ekelize kuli: "Mu lemuhe batu; kakuli ba ka mi isa fa Kuta, ba mi nate mwa masinagoge a bona. Jesus added: "Be on your guard against men; for they will deliver you up to local courts, and they will scourge you in their synagogues. How did bad associations affect the Israelites? Ne ba nepile luli. They were correct. Because of his limitations, David made serious mistakes, but he " walked with a upright heart. ' Léon Gry muñoli wa Mukatolika n'a ñozi kuli: "Kukuezo ye tuna ya mihupulo ya Sigerike... hanyinyani - hanyinyani ne i felisize mihupulo ka za lilimo ze sikiti. " Catholic author Léon Gry wrote: "The predominant influence of Greek philosophy... gradually brought about the downfall of Chiliastic ideas. " After a long journey, I arrived at a small village. Paulusi naa ñolezi Timotea kuli "lilato la masheleñi ki mubisi wa ze maswe za mufuta kaufela. " Paul wrote to Timothy that "the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. " The Bible correctly states: "Be in subjection to God, but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - James 4: 7. Ki mwa linzila mañi m'o litaba za Lipaki za Jehova za mwa lizazi la cwale li bile bupaki bo bu tiile bwa kuli Jehova ki Mulena Mubusi ya Pahami? In what ways is the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses a powerful witness that Jehovah is the Sovereign Lord? Hard circumstances can cause even faithful servants of Jehovah to speak or act rashly. Sikwata sa pili sa licaziba se ne si tolokile buka ya "Evangeli ya Judasi " ne ba kukuelizwe hahulu ki litaba za na bulezi Irenaeus. The initial textual reconstruction by the team of scholars was heavily influenced by Irenaeus ' description of the gospel. Or he wants his family (including his wife) to visit relatives on that occasion for a meal or a visit. Mane mafilimu ni litukiso ze ñwi za fa mazimumwangala li bonisanga kuli ku lombota ki nto ye nde ni kuli lindwa ki nzila ye lukile ya ku felisa matata ka yona. In fact, movies and TV programs often portray vengeance as noble and violence as a natural and justifiable solution to problems. A Visit to Those Who Seek Ka ku fapahana, "balutiwa, ne ba tezi tabo ni Moya o kenile. " Rather, "the disciples continued to be filled with joy and holy spirit. " " YOU do not pray to you, but you do not answer me, and I stand before you, and you do not look at me. Mu nyakisise muinelo o talusizwe kwa makalelo a taba ye. Look at the scenario that opened this article. This was a Samaritan. " - Luke 17: 11 - 16. ZE ÑWI HAPE ZE LU KONA KU ITUTA. FOR FURTHER APPLICATION. 24: 3. (b) Ku zwa feela kwakale, ki bomañi ba ba tusizwe ki Jehova? (a) Describe the behavior of people in general. (b) Throughout history, to whom has God shown favor? What do you think? Jehova ha n'a talimile Sodoma ni Gomora, n'a tabela ku nyakisisa likupo za Abrahama. When Jehovah turned his attention to Sodom and Gomorrah, he was willing to consider Abraham's petitions. Do you remember your joy when you dedicated yourself to God and got baptized? Ka ku ya ka litangu le liñwi, Mulena Arthur, mane nihailikuli n'a holofalizwe maswe, n'a zwezipili ku pila hamulaho wa ku fumana sioli se si makalisa seo se si bizwa Avalon. According to one legend, King Arthur, even though mortally wounded, continued living after he found the marvelous island called Avalon. Let us therefore bear in mind the apostle Paul's words to the Corinthians: "I exhort you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among you, but that you may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. " Kacwalo, ku zwelela ku ze bonwi za ka butu, sibeli sa bona Saule ni Ananiasi ne ba na ni libaka le li likani la ku lumela mwa zuho. - Likezo 9: 4, 5, 10 - 12. Thus, from personal experience, both Saul and Ananias had every reason to believe in the resurrection. - Acts 9: 4, 5, 10 - 12. 20: 35. Kono busihu bo buñwi, yena ni musal'a hae inze ba lobezi, lisholi la kena mwa musiyo. One night, however, while he and his wife were sleeping, a thief entered the bedroom. Because we love "the God of truth. " Halaalu ili ka linako zeshutana, Pitrosi naabulezi kuli naasazibi Jesu. Then, three different times, Peter said that he did not know Jesus. So we must keep on waiting for Jehovah's day to come at any time and do all we can to prove ourselves ready. Bakeñisa kuli naa palezwi ku lifa masheleñi a naa tomezwi, a zwelapili ku ina mwa tolongo ka lilimo ze peli, ku fitela mulikanaa hae ha naa ikambotile ni ba mulao kuli ba kutise hanyinyani kwa masheleñi a naa tomezwi. Because he could not pay the fine, he stayed in prison for two years until a friend convinced authorities to reduce the amount. What, then, about the expression "the male and the number " found at Genesis 7: 2? Mukatolika yo ni balikani ba hae ba mwa keleke ba to undunganya tuto ya luna ya Bibele ya ka sunda mi ba lu leleka mwahae. With a group of his church cronies, he broke up our weekly Bible study and drove us out of the village. " Because I really didn't care, " she says. Mi sa butokwa ni ku fita ki kuli, tuto yeo ki yona nzila ye nde ka ku fitisisa ye lu kona ku bonisa ka yona kuli lu lata hahulu Mulenaa luna yena Jehova. - Ex. Above all, we learn how best to show that we really love our heavenly Master, Jehovah. - Ex. After Jesus ' ascension to heaven, godly women were present with the faithful apostles in an upper chamber in Jerusalem. Ha ba li mwa makululu mo ku tezi batu, ba saba maswe ha ba nahana kuli mwendi ba ka holofazwa kamba ku lwaniswa ki masholi. When they must go out into crowded streets, they are struck with terror at the thought of injury or assault by thieves. Third, we must be careful not to judge ancient customs by modern standards. Shangwe mu lu Nge Siswaniso (Mexico), 3 / 15 " Please Take Our Picture " (Mexico), 3 / 15 Can an unbaptized person pray with the hope of being heard? Ku eza cwalo ku ka lu fumanisa mupuzo. - Maheb. Doing so is surely to our ultimate benefit. - Heb. What Have You Learned? (Mubone siswaniso sesi fahalimu.) (See opening picture.) As elders pray with you and pray for you, what can be expected? Kwa nalulelule basilelezi, ka ku tulwa ki ze ne ba posiwa, ne ba tuhezi. At length the defenders, overpowered by the hail of missiles, gave way. What the Bible really says: "The blood of money is the beginning of all sorts of injurious things. " Batu ba buleziñi ka za miinelo ya lifasi ku zwa ka 1914? What do observers have to say regarding world conditions since 1914? The key is to keep on strengthening ourselves by means of God's Word. " Milili ye li pululu, ki mushukwe wa ku kutekiwa, u fumanwa mwa mizamao ye lukile. ' - LIPROVERBIA 16: 31 [ Litaluso za kwatasi] " Gray - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " - PROVERBS 16: 31 11 / 15 Lidikishinari hañata li talusa "ku ishuwa " sina bunolo, buikokobezo, ku kuza, mane ni ku ba ni maswabi. Dictionaries generally define "meek, " or" mild, " as gentle, moderate, submissive, quiet, even timid. 1, 2. Liango zemaswe neliamile cwañi Maisilaele? What effect did bad associations have on the Israelites? (b) What two kinds of trials may our trials be tested? Bakeñisa bufokoli bwa hae, Davida n'a ezize lifoso ze tuna, kono n'a " zamaile ka pilu ye lukile. ' Because of his weaknesses, David committed several serious wrongs, but he nevertheless " walked with integrity of heart. ' In time, things changed. Hamulaho wa ku zamaya ka lihora, na yo fita kwa mulaponyana. After walking for hours, I reached a small stream. [ Map on page 15] Bibele i bulela ka ku nepahala kuli: "Mu ipeye kwatas'a Mulimu; mu hanele Diabulosi, mi u ka saba ku mina. " - Jakobo 4: 7. The Bible fittingly says: "Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - James 4: 7. ▪ Maintain good relations with your former spouse. Miinelo ye t'ata i kona ku tahisa kuli nihaiba batanga ba Jehova ba ba sepahala ba bulele kamba ku eza lika ka ku sa ikupula. Stressful circumstances can cause even loyal servants of Jehovah to speak or act unwisely. They simply needed lodging. Kamba u bata kuli lubasi (ku kopanyeleza ni musal'a hae) ba yo potela bahabo yena fa lizazi leo kuli ba yo ca ni bona kamba ku yo ba potela fela. Or he demands that the family (including his wife) visit his relatives on that day for a meal or simply as a social call. HELP FOR THE FAMILY YOUNG PEOPLE Memo ku Ba Ba Bata An Invitation to Those Seeking As members of the congregation, Christians also came to know one another and to love one another. " NI HUWELEZA ku Wena kono ha u ni alabi, ni yema fapil'a hao, bo wa li ku ni shalima! " I CALL to you, O God, but you never answer; and when I pray, you pay no attention. If you are entrusted with privileges in a congregation that may seem overwhelming, pray to God for wisdom and cultivate a humble spirit. Kanti yo, neli Musamaria. " - Luka 17: 11 - 16. And he fell upon his face at Jesus ' feet, thanking him; furthermore, he was a Samaritan. " - Luke 17: 11 - 16. They will recognize and heed the warning of " the disgusting thing standing in a holy place. ' 24: 3. 24: 3. Those words may have been addressed to Timothy, but they apply to anyone who wants to honor God and have a truly satisfying life. Mubona cwañi? What do you think? Do such people really please God if their hearts do not move them to take in accurate knowledge of him and apply that knowledge by avoiding wrong practices? Kana mwa hupula tabo ye ne mu bile ni yona ha ne mu ineezi ku Mulimu ni ku kolobezwa? Do you recall the joy you experienced when you dedicated yourself to God and were baptized? □ Why is productive communication important? Kacwalo lu hupule manzwi a muapositola Paulusi kwa Makorinte, a ' li: "Na mi lapela banabahesu, ka Libizo la Mulen'a luna, Jesu Kreste, kuli kaufel'a mina mu bulele taba i liñwi, mi likauhano li be siyo ku mina; kono mu kopane hande ka maikuto a li mañwi, ni ka muhupulo u li muñwi. " Therefore, let us bear in mind the apostle Paul's words to the Corinthians: "I exhort you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among you, but that you may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought. " That is when we should speak. - James 5: 13 - 16. 20: 35. " There is... happiness in giving. " - ACTS 20: 35. " There was no voice at all, and there was no one answering; and there was no one listening. " Kakuli lwa lata "Mulimu wa niti. " Because of love. When I was a teenager, I enjoyed sharing the hope found in God's Word with people. Kacwalo, luswanela kuzwelapili kulibelela kuli lizazi la Jehova likataha nako ifi kamba ifi mi luswanela kueza molukonela kaufela kuli luitukiseze lizazi leo. Let us therefore remain alert and fully aware that this system is rapidly nearing its end. Because we respect Christ's authority, we share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Kono cwale ku cwañi ka za pulelo ya kuli "za banna ni ze sihali " ye fumaneha kwa Genese 7: 2? What, though, of the expression "the sire and its mate " immediately after the word" sevens " at Genesis 7: 2? What counsel does the Bible give about self - control? Ubulela kuli: "Kakuli neniibata luli. " " Because I really wanted it, " he explained. I felt that I was a good example for him. Hamulaho Jesu ha s'a kambamezi kwa lihalimu, basali ba bumulimu ne ba li teñi hamoho ni baapositola ba ba sepahala mwa ndu ya kwahalimu mwa Jerusalema. After Jesus ' ascension to heaven, godly women were present with the faithful apostles in the upper room at Jerusalem. * After this, groups of special pioneers were sent out to serve in that field. Sa bul'alu, lu lukela ku tokomela kuli lu si ke lwa atula lizo za kwaikale ka lipimo za mwa linako za cwale. Third, we must be careful not to judge ancient customs by modern standards. He immediately associated with people who offer the only true hope as recorded in God's Word, the Bible. Kana mutu ya si ka kolobezwa wa kona ku lapela ka ku ba ni sepo ya ku utwiwa? Can unbaptized persons pray with the hope of being heard? Throughout the world, beginning in May, they gathered at hundreds of "arts of God's Word " Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ki Sifi Seo Mu Itutile? What Did You Learn? Later, he was baptized, and he is now serving as an elder in the congregation. Maeluda ha ba nze ba lapela ni mina ni ku mi lapelela, ki sifi se si kona ku libelelwa? As the elders pray with you and in your behalf, what can be expected? They felt free, and to some extent they were free. Se i bulela Bibele luli kikuli: "Takazo ya mali ki makalelo a ze maswe kaufela. " What the Bible really says is: "The love of money is the root of all evil. " Unlike the Creator, however, the Devil had a beginning. Nto ya butokwa ye ka lu tusa ki ku zwelapili ku tiiswa ki Linzwi la Mulimu. An important factor that will help us is that we continue to be fortified by the Word of God. Aristotle is considered to be the father of two scientific studies - the theory of life and understanding. Mu Nepele Lipilaelo za Mina Kaufela Fahalimu a Jehova, 11 / 1 Dead See Us? 11 / 15 Divided Church - Can It Survive? In addition to fear - inspiring terror, powerful lightnings help to produce some of the oxygen that comes into the soil and is used by plants as natural food. 1, 2. 1, 2. After helping the family to get what they need, to care for your responsibilities in the congregation, and to do things that are urgent, it may seem that there is no time left for training others in the congregation. (b) Miliko ya luna neikana ya beiwa mwa mifuta ifi ye mibeli? (b) Into what two categories may our trials be divided? Hosea's wife "became pregnant again and gave birth to [the daughter]. " Nako ha ne i nze i ya, lika za cinca. As time went by, things changed. We must be careful not to let our appreciation for what we have become ruined because we set our mind on what we do not have and on our personal problems. [ Mapa ye fa likepe 15] [ Map on page 15] 2: 4. ▪ Mu zwelepili ku swalisana hande ni mutu ye ne mu nyalananga ni yena. Maintain a civil relationship with your former spouse. At times, it is necessary to remove unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation. Ne ba tokwanga fela malobalo. They required only shelter for the night. In fact, Satan has built a worldwide empire of false religion, characterized by nearly endless anger, hatred, and bloodshed. LITABA ZE MWA LIPONO ZE 8 ZA ZAKARIA ZECHARIAH'S EIGHT ALLEGORICAL VISIONS ● Other actions. Ka ku ba lilama za puteho, Bakreste hape ne ba zibani ni ku latana. As members of the congregation, Christians also got to know one another and came to love one another. Job lived up to divine standards that put his own imperfections in mind. Haiba mu fiwa buikalabelo mwa puteho bo bu bonahala ku ba bo butuna, mu lapele ku Mulimu kuli a mi fe butali mi mu be ni moya wa buikokobezo. If you receive service privileges that seem overwhelming, pray for wisdom and display a humble spirit. " You Must Not " Take a stand for Jehovah ' Ba ka na ba lemuha ni ku mamela temuso ya za " bumaswe bo bu inzi mwa Sibaka se si kenile. ' They will be discerning and heed the warning about " the disgusting thing standing in a holy place. ' If you were raised by Christian parents, do you remember how you felt when you became convinced that what you were learning about Jehovah was the truth and decided to live by it? - Rom. Manzwi ao n'a kana a bulelezwi Timotea, kono a sebeza ku mutu kaufela ya bata ku kuteka Mulimu ni ku ba ni bupilo bo bu tabisa luli. Those words may have been addressed to Timothy, but they apply to anyone who wants to honor God and to have a really happy life. 15: 42 - 53; 1 John 3: 2. Kana batu ba ba cwalo b'a tabisa Mulimu luli haiba lipilu za bona li sa ba susumezi ku ba ni zibo ya hae ye nepahezi ni ku sebelisa zibo yeo ka ku ambuka likezo ze maswe? Are such people really pleasing to God if their hearts do not motivate them to take in accurate knowledge of him and to apply that knowledge by turning away from sinful practices? To which king does Psalm 45 really refer? □ Ki kabakalañi ku ambolisana ko ku tahisa se siñwi ha ku li kwa butokwa? □ Why is meaningful communication important? [ Picture on page 12] Many other Witnesses also began to associate with my husband. Yeo ki yona nako ye lu swanela ku bulela. - Jakobo 5: 13 - 16. This is a time when we should speak. - James 5: 13 - 16. Some researchers suggest that Martha may have been the oldest of Lazarus and Mary, since she is said to be the one who welcomed visitors and is often the first. " Ha ku si ka utwahala linzwi, ne ku si na ya alaba; ne ku si na ya ba teeleza. " " There was no voice, and there was no one answering, and there was no paying of attention. " In order to improve the quality of life's cycle, many cultures are followed. Hane nili wa lilimo za kunonoboka, neniikolanga hahulu kutaluseza batu sepo yefumaneha mwa Linzwi la Mulimu. As a teenager, I enjoyed giving people hope from God's Word. Let us therefore keep awake by knowing the times in which we are going. Bakeñisa kuli lwa kuteka m'ata a Kreste, lu abana mwa musebezi wa ku kutaza Mubuso ni ku luta macaba. Because we recognize Christ's authority, we have a part in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. □ What does pure worship involve? Bibele ifa kelezo mañi yeama kuiswala mwa maikuto? What counsel does the Bible give about controlling our emotions? " How I Do Love Your Law! " Ne ni ikutwa kuli ni mu tomezi mutala o munde. I felt that I had set a good example for her. When you read specific counsel, rather than saying, " I know this, ' ask yourself, " Am I doing what it says? ' * Ha se ku ezizwe cwalo, likwata za mapaina ba ba ipitezi ba lumiwanga ku y'o sebeleza mwa simu yeo. * Once this has been done, groups of special pioneers are assigned to cover the territory. The psalmist prophesied in song: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. Kapili - pili Virgil a swalisana ni batu ba ba fa batu sepo i nosi ya niti ka mo i ñolezwi mwa Linzwi la Mulimu, yona Bibele. Virgil was soon united with those who offer people the only true hope as set out in God's Word, the Bible. As the end of his life drew near, he told his fellow Israelites: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed. " - Josh. Mwa lifasi kaufela, ku kala ka kweli ya May, ne ba putehani kwa Mikopano ye mianda - nda ya Lipaki za Jehova ya "Baluti ba Linzwi la Mulimu. " Starting last May, they gathered at hundreds of "Teachers of God's Word " District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world. For everything in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Hasamulaho, nebakolobelizwe, mi kacenu seli baana - bahulu mwa puteho. He was baptized, and today he serves as an elder. Many rulers and members of Christendom choose their religious beliefs more than the truths taught by Jesus. Ne ba ikutwile ku lukuluha, mi ka sipimo se siñwi ne ba lukuluhile. They felt free, and to some degree they were free. The light is shining in darkness, and the darkness has not received it. " Kono ka ku sa swana ni Mubupi, Diabulosi n'a kile a ba ni makalelo. Unlike the Creator, however, the Devil had a beginning. You know how to apply Bible principles in various ways in your life. Aristotle uungiwa kuli ki yena yanaakalisize lituto zepeli za sayansi, ili tuto ya lika zepila ni mutwisisezo wa lika. Aristotle is credited with founding two sciences - biology and logic. When members of that group were asked that question, they gave three reasons. Kwand'a ku sabisa, mamonyi a ' m'ata a tusa ku tahisa mifuta ye miñwi ya moya wa nitrogen o t'o kenanga mwa mubu ni ku itusiswa ki limela ka ku ba mununo wa ka taho. Besides being awesome, lightning actually helps to produce forms of nitrogen that reach the soil, where plants absorb them as natural fertilizer. " They could choose to drink alcohol as much as they would like or drink little, " says one reference work. Hamulaho wa kutusa lubasi kufumana lika zelutokwa, kueza zetokwahala kwa musebezi, kupeta buikalabelo bwamina mwa puteho, ni kueza lika zeñwi zetokwa kupetiwa ka putako, kukona kubonahala kuli hakuna nako yesiyezi ya kuluta mizwale babañwi misebezi ya mwa puteho. After you have taken care of family needs, job requirements, congregation responsibilities, and other urgent matters, there just seems to be no time left to train others in the congregation. You and your mate will need to discuss the matter. Musal'a Hosea "a itwala hape, mi a pepa [mwana] wa musizana. " Hosea's wife "proceeded to become pregnant another time and to give birth to a daughter. " Of Jacob's daughters, only Leah's daughter, whom we know his name. - Genesis 30: 21; 46: 7. Lu lukela ku tokomela ku s'a tuhelela buitumelo bwa luna ka ze lu na ni zona ku sinyeha bakeñisa kuli lu nongisize fela munahano ku ze lu si na zona ni kwa butata bwa luna bwa ka butu. We must be careful not to let our thankfulness for what we have be soured because we are so preoccupied with what we do not have or with our personal problems. From that time on, the Israelites came to know Jehovah better - like Almighty God, Judge, Leader, Savior, Savior, Provider. - Ex. 2: 4. 2: 4. The Bible's Viewpoint Fokuñwi, kwa tokwahalanga ku zwisa mwa puteho lifosi ba ba sa baki. At times, it is necessary to disfellowship unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation. To find out when the Flood broke out, we need to start at an outstanding time. Mane, Satani s'a yahile kopano ya mwa lifasi kamukana ya bulapeli bwa buhata, ye zibahala ka buhali, sitoyo, ni lipulayano ze bat'o ba ze sa feli. Satan has, in fact, built up a world empire of false religion, identified by rage, hatred, and almost endless bloodshed. Do you find joy in being generous? ● Likezo ze ñwi. A trigger. His clever sovereignty and his revolts, his determination to exalt himself, his children, and his family, above all. Jobo n'a kwanisa lipimo za bumulimu ze ne li beya mwa nahanisiso ku s'a petahala kwa hae. Job met divine standards that took his imperfections into account. If we do not associate with them, we will only add weight to the load they carry. OCTOBER 7 - 13, 2013 Mu si ke Mwa " Nyemela Jehova ' Never Become "Enraged Against Jehovah " Wise King Solomon said: "Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection; but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself preserves alive its owners. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 12. Haiba ne mu hulisizwe ki bashemi ba Sikreste, kana mwa hupula mo ne mu ikutwezi mu mano kolwa kuli ze ne mu ituta ka za Jehova ne li yona niti ni ku ikatulela ku pila ka yona? - Maro. If you were raised by Christian parents, do you recall how you felt when you became convinced that what you were learning about Jehovah was the truth and you decided to live in harmony with it? - Rom. Cultivate Hatred With Love 15: 42 - 53; 1 Joa. 3: 2. 15: 42 - 53; 1 John 3: 2. Notice that the root cause of violence - it is a serious weakness to control our temper. Lisamu 45 i supa ku mulena ufi luli? To what king is Psalm 45 really addressed? Yes, Jehovah forgives sinners. Lipaki ba bañwi ba bañata ni bona ba kala ku eza siango ni bo munn'a ka. Many other Witnesses also took a special interest in my husband. Isaiah 33: 24. Babatisisi ba bañwi ba akaleza kuli mwendi Mareta ki yena ya na li yo muhulu ku Lazaro ni Maria, bakeñisa kuli u bulelwa kuli ki yena ya naa amuhelanga baenyi mi hañata ki yena ya taluswanga pili. Some researchers suggest that Martha may have been the oldest of the three, since she seems to have acted as hostess and is mentioned first at times. The father asked his children to remember what happened to Achan, as recorded in Joshua chapter 7. Kuli ku be ni mitano ye minde mwa mupotoloho wa bupilo ku latelelwanga lizo ze ñata. To ensure a smooth transition between all stages of this cycle, numerous customs and rites are performed. My wife and I have had the privilege of serving as full - time ministers for four years at the office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kacwalo he lu zwelepili ku tona ka ku ziba linako ze se lu zamaela ku zona. Let us, then, keep ever alert to where we are in the stream of time. What sealing work is now being done, and to whom is it done? □ Bulapeli bo bu kenile bu ama nto mañi? □ What does clean worship involve? How was the application of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice foreshadowed on the annual Atonement Day in Israel? " Hasi Mo ni Latela Mulao wa Hao! " " How I Do Love Your Law! " A wholesome fear of God also protects us from fear of man. Muta mu bala kelezo ye nongile fa taba, mwa sibaka sa ku ipulelela kuli, " N'a ziba seo, ' mu ipuze kuli, " Kana n'a eza seo i bulela? ' When you read direct counsel, instead of merely saying to yourself, " I know that, ' ask, " Am I doing what it says? ' It is made up of Jehovah, his sovereignty, and the accomplishment of his will. Walisamu na polofitile mwa pina kuli: "Sicaba sa hao si kopana si nze si lata, mwa lizazi la hao la ku puma ndwa, ka ze kenile za mikabo. Prophetically, the psalmist sang: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. The students will no doubt appreciate your love and concern for you. Mafelelezo a bupilo bwa hae ha naa nzaa atumela, naa bulelezi Maisilaele ka yena kuli: "Mwa lipilu za mina kaufela, ni mwa maikuto a mina kamukana, mu ziba kuli kwa linto ze nde kaufela za mi sepisize Muñaa Bupilo Mulimu wa mina, ha ku na niheba i li ñwi ye tokwahezi; kamukana li bonahalile ku mina, ha ku na ye ñwi ya zona ye tokwahezi. " - Josh. Toward the end of his life, he said to his fellow Israelites: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. " - Josh. May we continue to follow Jesus ' direction and zealously share in the preaching and disciple - making work. Kakuli linto kamukana ze kwa lihalimu, ni ze mwa lifasi, ki za hao. Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One also lifting yourself up as head over all. Jehovah heard the prayers of all mankind, extending from the king to the little one of the nation and even the alien resident who worshipped him in sincerity. Babusi ni buñata bwa batu ba mwa Krestendomu ba iketela litumelo za bona za bulapeli ku fita litaba za niti za Mulimu za n'a lutile Jesu. Leaders and people in general in Christendom prefer their own religious creeds over the truths of God that Jesus taught. Notice that Jehovah himself did not counsel Baruch but spoke through Jeremiah, and Baruch may well have known Jeremiah's weaknesses. Liseli la benya mwa lififi; mi lififi ha li si ka li amuhela. " And the light is shining in the darkness, but the darkness has not overpowered it. " I thank you for imitating Christ's example by putting people's life stories in the 2003 calendar. Mwa ziba mwa ku sebeliseza likuka za mwa Bibele mwa linzila ze shutana - shutana mwa bupilo bwa mina. You can skillfully apply Bible principles in life. Why? Ba bañwi mwa sikwata seo ha ne ba buzizwe puzo yeo, ne ba file mabaka a malaalu. When a group of them were asked that question, they gave three main reasons. (b) How can youths cultivate a love for music that has a better influence? Hatiso ye ñwi i li: "Ne ba kona ku iketela ku imbotisa bucwala ka mo ba latela kamba ku nwa fela hanyinyani. " " They could drink as much or as little as they desired, " says one reference work. In 1998, he sold more than two hundred pounds (U.S.) of tobacco and received a letter of evidence showing that he was the Great Teacher. Mina ni sinyalana ni mina mu ka tokwa ku ambola taba yeo. You and your mate may need to talk things over. Her husband and children help to make sure that everything is organized. Kwa bana ba Jakobo ba basizana, ki Dina fela mwan'a Lea, ye lu ziba libizo la hae. - Genese 30: 21; 46: 7. Dinah, another of Leah's children, is the only one of Jacob's daughters whose name we know. - Genesis 30: 21; 46: 7. " THE wilderness of Obadiah. " Ku ze ne ezahezi ku zwa fo, Maisilaele ne ba fitile fa ku ziba hande Jehova - sina Mulimu ya M'ata Ote, Muatuli, Mueteleli, Mupilisi, Ndwalume, ni Mufani. - Ex. In the events that followed and as circumstances required, the Israelites saw Jehovah reveal different facets of his personality - as the Almighty, as a Judge, a Leader, a Deliverer, a Warrior, and a Provider. - Ex. But European scholars soon realized that they needed reliable Bible texts in their original languages - Hebrew and Greek. Ka ku ya ka Bibele The Bible's Viewpoint Imitate Jesus ' example by helping your children to enjoy teaching God's Word. Kuli lu zibe fo n'o bayulezi Munda, lu tokwa ku kala ka nako ye zwile mubano. To determine the time of the Flood, we need to start with a pivotal date. Others should not force you to follow their own ideas, and even the goal is not to tell you what you should do. Kana mwafumana tabo yetahiswa ki moya wa bufani? Are you enjoying the benefits of such giving? Notice that Jesus did not need to fear in times of distress and be convinced that Jehovah cares about us personally. Mubusezo wa hae wa ka sitalifi ni lipangano za n'a eza ni ku loba, n'a li lukiselize ku ipahamisa hahulu, ku zwisezapili bana ba hae, ni ku pahamisa lusika lwa Borgia fahalimw'a bote. His political maneuvers and alliances, made and broken, were designed to maximize his power, advance his children's careers, and raise the Borgia family above all others. Jonathan was not afraid to die. Haiba lu sa swalisani ni bona, lu ka ekeza fela kwa buima bwa mushimbo o ba lwezi. If we fail to cooperate with them, we only add to their load. To Eve, Satan accused Jehovah of lying and said that humans would be like gods if they disobeyed their Creator. Mulena Salumoni ya butali n'a bulezi kuli: "Mwa mukunda wa butali mutu wa silelezwa, sina mwa mukunda wa mali; kono bunde bwa zibo, kikuli butali bu babalela bupilo bwa ya na ni bona. " - Muekelesia 7: 12. " Wisdom is for a protection the same as money is for a protection, " said wise King Solomon, "but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself preserves alive its owners. " - Ecclesiastes 7: 12. We can learn something from the way he built houses in ancient Jerusalem. Mu Yolise Sitoyo ka Lilato Replace Hatred With Love Little did I know that they and their two children were now Jehovah's Witnesses. Mulemuhe kuli zetahisanga luli mifilifili - ki bufokoli bobutuna hahulu bwakupalelwa kuiswala. See the inclination toward violence for what it is - a serious weakness that reflects a lack of self - control. So it was seen that this prophecy applied to a great crowd out of all nations who are now being gathered and whose hopes are earthly. Kaniti, Jehova u swalela baezalibi. True, Jehovah forgives sinners. 1 / 15 Isaya 33: 24. Isaiah 33: 24. Can we be sure, though, that this is not just another crafty motive to prevent people from having something? Mushemi y'o a kupa bana ba hae ku hupula se ne si ezahezi ku Akani, ka mo ku ñolezwi kwa Joshua kauhanyo 7. The father asked the boys to recall what happened to Achan, as recounted in Joshua chapter 7. [ Picture on page 24] Na ni bo Evija lu bile ni tohonolo ya ku sebeza sina likombwa za ka nako kaufela ka lilimo zee ne fa ofisi ya Lipaki za Jehova mwa Riga. For four years, Evija and I had the privilege of serving as full - time ministers at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Riga. But Agrippa was an expert on such things, so when he showed interest in them, he was immediately asked to help with a letter. Ki ufi musebezi wa ku swaya liswayo o sweli ku ezwa cwale, mi u ezwa ki bomañi? What marking work is now being done, and by whom? While such a view might be wrong, we clearly understand why. Ku sebeza kwa sitabelo sa tiululo sa Jesu ne ku swaniselizwe cwañi fa Lizazi la Swalelo ya Libi mwa Isilaele ka silimo ni silimo? How was the application of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice typified on Israel's annual Atonement Day? His older brother, Leah, Jacob's first wife, gives birth to four sons but Rachel is barren. Sabo ye nde ya ku saba Mulimu hape i lu sileleza kwa ku saba batu. Wholesome fear of God also safeguards us against fear of man. Shortly after Jesus ' death, newly baptized Christians applied that counsel. I ezezwa Jehova, bubusi bwa hae, ni ku petiwa kwa tato ya hae. It's about Jehovah, his sovereignty, and his will being accomplished. [ Pictures on page 12] Kusina kukakanya, baituti bakaitebuha hahulu lilato ni mamelelo yemubafa. That unspoken message will be clearly understood and deeply valued by willing learners everywhere. Conquering Prejudice's Pressures Haike lu zweleñipili ku latelela ketelelo ya Jesu ni ku tukufalelwa ku kutaza ni ku luta batu ku ba balutiwa. May we keep on submitting to his headship by zealously obeying his command to preach and make disciples. As a result, Jehovah confused the original language of the rebels and spoke to them different languages. Jehova n'a utwile litapelo za batu kaufela ili ku kalela ku mulena ku isa ku yo munyinyani mwa sicaba mane ni muzwahule ya n'a mu lapela ha buniti. Jehovah was accessible to all - from the king to the least ones in the nation - even to a foreigner who came to him in earnest. Guard Against the Evil to Avoid Mu lemuhe kuli Jehova ka sibili n'a si ka eleza Baruki kono a bulela ka Jeremia, mi Baruki mwendi n'a izibela hande bufokoli bwa Jeremia. Note that Jehovah did not counsel Baruch directly but spoke through Jeremiah, whose imperfections and idiosyncrasies Baruch probably knew quite well. A Gift From God Ni itumela ku mina ka ku likanyisa mutala wa Kreste ka ku beya makande a bupilo bwa batu mwa kalenda ya 2003. Thank you for imitating Christ's example by featuring the life stories appearing in our 2003 calendar. How can we imitate them? Libaka? What happened? A group of 35 Witnesses left to preach in a territory where there are no need for evangelizers, Tia, a region that has never been reached for 27 years. (b) Ba banca ba kona ku tahisa cwañi lilato la ku lata lipina ze na ni susuezo ye nde ni ku fita? (b) How can youths cultivate a taste for more wholesome music? Those priests showed that they were defiling Jehovah's table whenever they brought in the sacrifice of weak animals, saying: "There is no crime. " Ka 1998, n'a lekisize kwai ya buima bo bu fitelela likilo ze 8,000 mi a fiwa liñolo la bupaki le ne li bonisa kuli ne li yena Mulimi wa Kwai Yo Mutuna. In 1998 he sold over 18,000 pounds [8,000 kg] of tobacco and was awarded a certificate that named him the Best Tobacco Farmer. But they rejoice that among them they have succeeded in removing this terrible illness. Munn'a hae ni bana ba tusa kwa ku bona teñi kuli lika kaufela z'a lukiswa hande. Her husband and their children are helping to make sure that everything is in order. How important are Christian meetings? " PONO ya Obadia. " " THE vision of Obadiah. " Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One also lifting yourself up as head over all. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 11. Kono licaziba ba kwa Yurope hañihañi ba lemuha kuli ne ba tokwa litaba ze sepeha za Bibele mwa lipuo za yona za pili - za Siheberu ni Sigerike. But European scholars soon realized that they needed a reliable text of the Bible in its original languages - Hebrew and Greek. Instead of spreading the earth, they decided to build the city called Babel and the tower to make a name for themselves. Mulikanyise mutala wa Jesu ka kutusa bana bamina kuikola kuluta babañwi Linzwi la Mulimu. Imitate Jesus ' example by helping them to enjoy teaching God's Word to others. First, he did research. Ba bañwi ha ba swaneli ku mi hapeleza ku latelela mihupulo ya bona, mi mane mulelo wa taba ye hasi ku mi taluseza ze mu swanela ku eza. Others should not impose their views on you, and it is not the purpose of this article to tell you what to do. In fact, Jesus ' command not to tell a man of that vision until his resurrection indicates that he would be exalted and glorified after his resurrection. Mu lemuhe kuli Jesu n'a nyalanisize ku sa saba mwa nako ya matata ni ku kolwa kuli Jehova wa iyakatwa luna ka butu. Note that Jesus linked not being fearful in the face of adversity with being confident that Jehovah cares for us personally. Jehovah "lets the vessels of wrath " so that he will provide" gifts of mercy " for those who are wheat. Jonatani na si ka saba ku shwa. Jonathan did not shrink from death. With Christian brothers when we are released Ku Eva, Satani n'a tamile Jehova taba ya ku bulela lishano mi n'a bulezi kuli batu ne ba k'a ba sina milimu ha ne ba si ke ba ipeya ku utwa Mubupi wa bona. To Eve, Satan accused Jehovah of lying and said that humans could be like gods if they disobeyed their Creator. We argued with him. Lwa kona ku ituta se siñwi ha lu nyakisisa mwa naa yahelwanga mandu mwa Jerusalema wa kwakale. The spiritual unity that we will need to have among ourselves could be compared to the physical proximity of houses in ancient Jerusalem. As " joint heirs with Christ, ' the 144,000 mild - tempered anointed ones will also inherit the earth with Jesus. Ne ni si ka ziba kuli bona ni bana ba bona ba babeli ne se li Lipaki za Jehova. Unbeknownst to me, my aunt and two of my cousins had become Jehovah's Witnesses. hospitality is another factor that enables a person to be appointed as an elder. Kacwalo ne ku bonwi kuli bupolofita b'o ne bu ama kwa buñata bo butuna bo bu si na palo bo bu zwa mwa macaba kaufela ili ba ba swelwi ku kubukanyiwa cwale mi bao lisepo za bona ki za lifasi mubu. So it was seen that this prophecy referred to the numberless great crowd from all nations who are now being gathered and whose hopes are earthly. Amos was also accused of saying: "In the sword you will die. " LIPUZO ZE ZWA KWA BABALI JESUS CHRIST Coming, 3 / 15 • What do we learn from the account of Lot and his wife? Kono kana lwa kona ku kolwa kuli w'o haki mulelo fela o muñwi wa bupumi wa ku tibela batu ku ba ni nto ye ñwi? But can we be sure that this is not just another crafty scheme designed to deprive people of something? More important, if you patiently try to put Jehovah's Word into your children's hearts, he will bless you. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 24] [ Picture on page 26] Romeus III (left) Kono Agripa n'a li caziba ku ze cwalo, kacwalo ha n'a bonisize kuli n'a li isa pilu, a kupiwa honaf'o kuli a tuse kwa ku ñola liñolo. Agrippa, however, was an expert in such matters, so when he expressed an interest, he was at once asked to help draft the letter. Thus, Jehovah's message of salvation given in the Bible book of Isaiah is very encouraging to us. - Hebrews 4: 12. Nihaike kuli mubonelo o cwalo wa kona ku ba ni ona mbututu u fosahalile, lwa utwisisa hande libaka le li kona ku tahisa kuli a ikutwe cwalo. That view is flawed but completely understandable. My Work Today Muhulwan'a hae ya bizwa Lea, musal'a Jakobo wa pili, u pepa bana ba bashimani ba bane kono Rahele yena ki mumba. Her sister Leah, Jacob's first wife, is blessed with four sons while Rachel remains barren. He also said: "When I go to my office, I tell him what he wants to change instead of what he does not need to change. Hamulahonyana wa lifu la Jesu, Bakreste ba ne ba sa zo kolobezwa ne ba sebelisize kelezo yeo. Soon after Jesus ' death, newly baptized Christians followed that advice. It seemed that things were better for me, but when I was 17, my life changed. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 12] [ Pictures on page 12] How can we prevent family problems from robbing us of the prize? Ku Tula Mikwalelo ya Saluluti Breaking Down the Barriers of Prejudice It was arranged that those who came to the convention would have a meal, but the number of people who wanted more. Kabakaleo Jehova a fapanya puo ya kwa makalelo ya bafetuheli bao mi a ba bulelisa lipuo ze shutana - shutana. So Jehovah confused the original language of those rebels and caused them to speak various tongues. 4: 11. Mu Itibelele kwa Bumaswe bwa ku Tongoka Beware of the Corrosive Influence of Murmuring However, you can find another way to communicate with them. Mpo Ye Zwa ku Mulimu A Gift From Jehovah " Although we are walking in personality, " wrote the apostle Paul, "we do not wage warfare according to the flesh. Lu kona ku ba likanyisa cwañi? And how can all of us benefit by considering the examples of such faithful men of old as Abraham and Moses who despite personal hardships kept their minds fixed on the things above? I was so happy to work with him and helped me to acquire the spiritual wisdom and knowledge that he had acquired over the years. Sikwata sa Lipaki b'a 35 ne si fundukile ku yo kutaza kwa kalulo ya simu ye si na bakutazi ya Tineg, mwa Abra, ili sibaka se si samba si ba si fitiwe ku sona ka lilimo ze 27. A group of 35 Witnesses set out to preach in unassigned territory in Tineg, Abra, a place that had not been reached for 27 years. We pioneered before we had our son and daughter, and we never gave up the desire to pioneer. Baprisita bao ne ba bonisize kuli ne ba silafaza tafule ya Jehova nako kaufela ha ne ba tisanga matabelo a lifolofolo ze fokola, ni ku bulela kuli: "Ha ku na mulatu. " Those priests showed that they despised Jehovah's table each time they presented a defective sacrifice, saying: "It is nothing bad. " But let us keep our senses and put God's interests first in life. Kono ba nyakalala kuli mwahal'a bona ba konile ku felisa yona ncwatuna yeo. Nevertheless, they rejoice that within their own ranks, they have done much to curb this deadly scourge. Also important to making decisions is our inherited conscience. Mikopano ya Sikreste ki ya butokwa cwañi? How important are Christian meetings? When congregation members " clothe themselves with ' of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, patience, and love, they can resolve problems and continue in Jehovah's service unitedly. Mubuso ki wa hao [Muñ'a] Bupilo, kakuli u pahamezi ka bulena lika kaufela. " - 1 Makolonika 29: 11. Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One also lifting yourself up as head over all. " - 1 Chronicles 29: 11. So I began to study the Bible with the Witnesses. Ku fita ku hasana kuli ba taze lifasi, batu bao ba lela ku yaha muleneñi o bizwa Babele ni tawala kuli ba ikezeze libizo. Rather than spreading out to populate the earth, men decide to build a city named Babel and a tower to make a celebrated name for themselves. How should we fulfill our house - to - house witness, and with what result? Pili n'a ezize patisiso. He first made an investigation. Many have found that the quality of their study is to set a goal they can achieve, such as reading the entire Bible. Mane, taelo ya Jesu ya kuli ba si ke ba bulelela mutu za pono yeo ku fitela a zusiwa kwa bafu i bonisa kuli n'a ka pahamiswa ni ku bubekwa ha s'a zuhile kwa bafu. In fact, Jesus ' instruction not to tell the vision to anyone until he had risen from the dead shows that his exaltation and glorification would come after his resurrection. This happened at the end of three and a half years, during which time the Jews were given the opportunity to become part of the new spiritual nation. Jehova u " tuhelela lipiza za buhali ' ilikuli a lukise "lipiza za sishemo, " bona batu ba ba li buloto. He "tolerated... vessels of wrath " to prepare the" vessels of mercy " - the wheat class. The way Jesus dealt with women on earth shows that both Jehovah and Jesus respect women and that they do not like them to see women suffer in many lands today. Ni mizwale ba Sikreste ka nako ye lu lukululwa With Christian brothers upon our release Their example really impressed me. Ne lu kanananga bobusile. We argued all the time. The Bible's View of Peace and Security Ka ku ba ba ba ka " ca sanda ni Kreste, ' batoziwa ba 144,000, ili ba ba ishuwa hape ba ka ca sanda sa lifasi ni Jesu. Other mild - tempered ones will be blessed with everlasting life in the earthly realm of the Kingdom. - Ps. [ Picture on page 20] Ku amuhela baenyi ki nto ye ñwi ye konisa mutu kuli a ketiwe sina eluda. Being hospitable is a qualification for appointment as an elder. We moved to another village, where we lived in a small house. Amosi hape n'a tamelelizwe kuli n'a ize: "Jeroboami u ka shwa ka mukwale. " Amos was also accused of saying: "By the sword Jeroboam will die. " When did Jehovah's patience reach its limit? • Lu itutañi kwa taba ya Lota ni musal'a hae? • What lesson do we learn from the account of Lot and his wife? For humans, however, it is not so easy. Sa butokwa ni ku fita, ha mu lika ka pilu - telele ku kenya Linzwi la Jehova mwa lipilu za bana ba mina, u ka mi fuyaula. Above all, you invite Jehovah's blessing when you patiently strive to inculcate his Word into the heart of your children. The Scriptures do not reveal how Jude knew about Enoch's prophecy. Romanus III (kwa nzohoto) Romanus III (on left) Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said regarding those who obeyed his laws: "I shall give them a place and a name... Kacwalo, lushango lwa Jehova lwa puluso lo lu filwe mwa buka ya Bibele ya Isaya lwa susueza luli ku luna. - Maheberu 4: 12. Therefore, Jehovah's message of salvation provided in the Bible book of Isaiah is of great encouragement to us. - Hebrews 4: 12. ; Reynlds, D. Musebezi wa ka Kacenu My Work Today Ryan, mentioned earlier, says: "In some cases, parents need to know that they are still important in their children's lives. " Hape naaize: "Habatahanga kwa ofisi yaka, bato nibulelelanga lika zebabata kucinca kufita lika zebasa tokwi kucinca. They're in my office to tell me what needs to change, not what needs to stay the same. When he arrived in Rome, Paul called the Jewish elders to preach to them and to know if they knew anything about him. Ne ku bonahala kuli lika ne li ka ba hande kwapili, kono ha ne ni na ni lilimo ze 17, bupilo bwa ka bwa cinca. The future looked bright, but when I was 17, my whole life changed. (See opening picture.) 1 / 1, 1 / 15, 2 / 1, 2 / 15, 3 / 1, 3 / 15, 4 / 1, 4 / 15, 5 / 1, 5 / 15, 6 / 1 Hence, Job's suffering and its solution may have occurred within a few months, perhaps less than a year. Lukona kuezañi kuli matata a mwa lubasi asike alupaleliswa kufumana mupuzo? How can we prevent family difficulties from depriving us of the prize? Moses may have received this special training along with other royal sons. Nekulukisizwe kuli batu bane bataha kwa mukopano bafitele mwa lihotela mi ki mona mone baka celanga ni lico, kono palo ya batu bane batile yaba yetuna hahulu ni kufita. Hotels were to provide rooming and meals for the delegates, but thousands more arrived than were expected. The choices we make show whether we want God to be our Ruler 4: 11. 4: 11. We too should strive to live up to our word. Nihakulicwalo, mwa kona ku bata nzila ye ñwi ya ku ambolisana ni bona. Still, you can take the appropriate initiative to keep in contact with them. " I don't want to talk to my daughter about sex, but she's too busy to talk about her, " she says. Muapositola Paulusi n'a ñozi kuli: "Niha lu zamaya lu li mwa butu, ha lu lwani ka butu. " Though we walk in the flesh, " wrote the apostle Paul, "we do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. This is a city in a beautiful southern part of Israel. Ne ni tabile hahulu ku sebeza ni muzwale yo mi naa ni tusize ku ba ni butali bwa kwa moya ni zibo ya naa fumani ka lilimo - limo ze ñata za naa bile mwa kopano. It was a pleasure to work with him and to benefit from the spiritual wisdom and insight he had gained over the years in the organization. If so, let us consider another question that can help us. Ne lu ezanga bupaina lu si ka ba kale ni mwanaa luna wa mushimani ni wa musizana, mi ne lu si ka tuhela ku ba ni takazo ya ku eza bupaina. We pioneered before we had our son and daughter, and we never lost the desire to pioneer. As one of the laws given to Moses, the law against homosexuality was one of many moral laws given to the nation of Israel. Kono haike lu itikanelele mi lu beye licisehelo za Mulimu mwa sibaka sa pili mwa bupilo. But let us be balanced and put divine interests first in life. Houses of Cassstoteta today Sa butokwa hape kwa ku eza likatulo ki lizwalo la luna la sihozo. Essential to the decision - making process is our inherited faculty of conscience. William and his wife met Julie and Joseph; they both apologized, embraced, and became friends again. Lilama za puteho ha ba " apala ' makeke, musa, buikokobezo, bunolo, pilu - telele, ni lilato, ba kona ku tatulula butata ni ku zwelapili mwa sebelezo ya Jehova ka swalisano. When members of a congregation " clothe themselves ' with compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, long - suffering, and love, they are able to resolve problems and go forward unitedly in Jehovah's service. Some view immorality as fun, or entertainment, and take part in it to enjoy themselves. Kacwalo, na kala ku itutanga Bibele ni Lipaki. So I started studying the Bible with the Witnesses. We must make disciples, baptize, and train them. Lu swanela ku peta cwañi bupaki bwa luna bwa fa ndu ni ndu, mi lu sepa ku ba ni ze zwa mwateñi lifi? How should we carry out our house - to - house witnessing, hopefully with what result? Many believe that images are filled with God's kindness and great power. Ba bañata ba fumani kuli mukwa o ba tusa ku ikola ku ituta, ki ku itomela sikonkwani se ba kona ku peta, inge cwalo ku bala Bibele mukatumbi. Many have found that an aid to being absorbed in personal study is setting a realistic goal, such as reading the entire Bible. (b) Why should you not worry about sharing your beliefs with others? Taba ye, ne i ezahezi kwa mafelelezo a lilimo ze talu ni licika. Halaa nako yeo, Majuda ne ba filwe kolo ya ku ba kalulo ya sicaba se sinca sa kwa moya. This was at the end of the three - and - a - half - year opportunity that was given to the natural Jews to become part of the new spiritual nation. Let us not be surprised, then, when these influences fall into the speech or attitude of our children. Jesu mwa na sebelisanezi ni basali ba fa lifasi - mubu ku bonisa kuli Jehova ni Jesu ba kuteka basali ni kuli ha ba tabeli ni hanyinyani ku bona mo ba nyandisezwa basali mwa linaha ze ñata kacenu. The dealings Jesus had with the women of his day show that Jehovah and Jesus respect women and that they certainly do not approve of the oppressive treatment that is so common in many lands today. Many Witness youths have found it hard to listen and have even won the respect of others. Mutala wa bona ne u ni susumelize luli. Father's example had a profound effect on me. The iron is as precious as gold. Mubonelo wa Bibele ka za Kozo ni Buiketo The Bible's View of Peace and Security In convincing terms, God himself said: "I am Jehovah; I have not changed. " [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 20] [ Picture on page 20] Yes, we have been given the honor of sharing in understanding and declaring the sacred secret of God all of it according to the good news! Lwa tutela mwa munzi o muñwi, mo ne lu pila mwa ndu cwana ye nyinyani. We moved to a village, where we lived in a tiny house. 14, 15. Pilu - telele ya Jehova ne i fitile lili fa maciñekelo? When did Jehovah's long - suffering reach a limit? Suffering does not upset us if we allow it to teach us another lesson. Kono kwa batu, haki taba ye bunolo cwalo. Among humans, though, things are not so simple. To him all nations appear to be "like a drop from a jar and like dust on a scales. " Mañolo h'a patululi kuli Juda n'a zibile cwañi za bupolofita bwa Enoke. How Jude knew of Enoch's prophecy is not revealed in the Scriptures. For example, imagine that you find it difficult to rest at night. Jehova na bulezi cwana ka mupolofita Isaya ka za batu ba ne ba latelezi milao ya hae, kuli: "Ni ka ba fa sibaka, ni libizo... Speaking of certain ones who kept his Law, Jehovah said through his prophet Isaiah: "I will even give to them in my house and within my walls a monument and a name... Crime in a World of Crime ; Reynolds, D. ; Reynolds, D. (b) What will happen if we apply divine teaching in our lives today? Bo Ryan, ba ba bulezwi kwa makalelo a taba ye ba li: "Mwa miinelo ye miñwi, bashemi ba tokwa ku ziba kuli ba sa li ba butokwa mwa bupilo bwa bana ba bona. " " In some cases parents need to know that they are still important in the lives of their children, " says Ryan, quoted at the outset. Does Jehovah prepare a way for them to survive even if they have done so? H'a fitile mwa Roma, Paulusi a biza ba bahulu ba Majuda kuli a to ba kutaza ni ku to ziba haiba ku na ni ze ne ba ziba ka za hae. On arriving in Rome, Paul summoned the principal men of the Jews not only to preach to them but also to see what they knew of him. Soon he dedicated himself to Jehovah and was baptized. (Mubone siswaniso sesi fa likepe 27.) (See opening picture.) First, Peter says: "In the Lord's day one day has looked upon as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. " Kacwalo, manyando a Jobo ni tatululo ya ona mwendi ne li ezahalezi mwa likweli ze sikai, mwendi ze sa kwani silimo. Hence, Job's suffering and its resolution may have occurred within a few months, perhaps less than a year. The good news is that God promises to restore conditions in order to restore obedient humans to perfection. Mushe mwendi n'a lutilwe tuto ye ipitezi yeo hamoho ni bana ba silena ba bañwi. Moses may have received his privileged education along with other royal offspring. How Much Can They Know? Liketo ze lu eza li bonisa haiba lu bata kuli Mulimu a be Mubusi wa luna Our choices reveal whether we want God as our Ruler These leaders used lines to keep the charges of rebellion secret, so that the spirit of independence could grow more and more. Ni luna lu swanela ku lika ka t'ata ku eza ze lu sepisize. We too must endeavor to keep our word. Can You Explain? Bo mahe Alicia, ba ba bizwa bo Inez, ba bulela kuli: "Haki mo ni latela ku buhisana ni mwanaka wa musizana ka za somano, kono u patehile hahulu ku za hae. Inez, Alicia's mother, says: "I would love to sit down and talk with my daughter about sex, but she's so busy with her own life. What challenge does she face, and how might this discourage her? Yeo ki tolopo ye kwa sibaka se sinde sa kwa mboela wa Oaxaca. That is a town in the beautiful southern state of Oaxaca. Similarly, the ability to know the future does not force God to know or plan everything that will happen. Haiba ku cwalo, ha lu nyakisiseñi puzo ye ñwi ye kona ku lu tusa. In either case, consider a different question that may help. I prayed silently to Jehovah for strength. Ka ku ba o muñwi wa milao ye nee filwe ku Mushe, mulao o ne u hanisa kalombe nee li o muñwi wa milao ye miñata ya muzamao ye ne i filwe kwa sicaba sa Isilaele. As part of the Mosaic Law, this prohibition was one of many moral laws given specifically to the nation of Israel. True, Paul's illustration emphasizes what we do for others, not for younger ones. Mamota a Castra Praetoria kacenu ▪ If I insist that things take place just as I would like, what problems might I use? William ni musal'a hae ba kopana ni bo Julie ni Joseph; kaufel'a bona ba inyaza, ba kumbatana, mi ba ba balikani hape. William and his wife met with Julie and Joseph; they all apologized, embraced, and restored their friendship. Bedell and his team copied Bible translators of the King James Version (many likely knew well) and Bedell and his team named God in many verses that they translated. Ba bañwi b'a nga muzamao o maswe kuli ki papali, kamba ku itabisa, mi ba ikenya mwateñi kuli ba itabise. Some view loose conduct as a sport, or a game, and engage in it just for "fun. " He described the Father and the Son as "one flesh, " just as both husband and wife are called" one flesh " - as being united, but they are still two persons. Luswanela kueza balutiwa, kuba kolobeza, ni kubaluta. We must make disciples, baptize them, and teach them. Angels Against God's Angels Ba bañata ba lumela kuli maswaniso a tezi musa wa Mulimu ni m'ata a matuna. Many believe that icons are imbued with divine grace and miraculous powers. What is "the perfect law that belongs to freedom, " and who benefit from it? (b) Ki kabakalañi ha u sa lukeli ku ikalelwa ka za ku taluseza ba bañwi litumelo za hao? (b) Why should you feel confident about sharing your beliefs with others? Why should we understand the need to make decisions? Cwale lu si ke lwa komoka, likukuezo zeo ha li labuka mwa lipulelo kamba mubonelo wa bana ba luna. Should it surprise us if these influences show up in the speech or attitude of our children? (b) How are meek ones "on dry ground "? Mikulwani ba bañata ba ba li Lipaki ba fumani ba ba lata ku teeleza mi mane kabakala ku tiya mwa litumelo za bona, se ba kutekiwa hahulu ki ba bañwi. On the contrary, many Witness youths have found a listening ear and have even commanded greater respect from their peers by standing up for their convictions. How unwise it would be to let such things weigh us down! Kopa iingiwa kuba sipi ya butokwa hahulu sina gauda. Like gold, copper is a metal that is highly valued. 5,6,500 Ka ku kolwisa, Mulimu yena ka sibili naa bulezi kuli: "Na, Muñaa Bupilo ha ni fetuhi. " And reassuringly, God himself said: "I am Jehovah; I have not changed. " I was immediately appointed to serve in the newly formed congregation. Ee, lu filwe likute la ku abana mwa ku utwisisa ni ku zibahaza kunutu ye kenile ya Mulimu kaufel'a yona ka ku ya ka taba ye nde! Yes, we are honored to share in understanding and proclaiming all of the sacred secret of God according to the good news! They "keep on throwing " innocent Christians, using written words or as" arrows " against them. 14, 15. 14, 15. Therefore, let all congregations continue to shine as lamps Jesus keeps in place. Manyando ha koni ku lu filikanya haiba lu a tuhelela kuli a lu lute tuto ye ñwi. Suffering will not make us bitter if we allow it to refine us. However, Jesus was baptized even though he "did not commit a sin. " Ku yena macaba kaufela a bonahala ku ba "sina kalotoli ka ka lota mwa nkwana, mi a balwa sina lilulinyana le li fa sikala. " As seen from his lofty position, entire nations "are like a drop from a bucket, and as the film of dust on the scales they are regarded. " " I fish a little, " she replies. Ka mutala, luungeni kuli mufumana taata kupumula hande busihu. To illustrate: Imagine that you are having difficulty sleeping well. [ Picture on page 5] Bukebenga mwa Lifasi la Misunga Crime in a Chaotic World The truth: After you leave home, you will sometimes have people who upset you, such as your workmates and others who are rude, indifferent, and selfish. (b) Ki sika mañi se si ka ezahala haiba lu sebelisa tuto ya bumulimu mwa bupilo bwa luna kacenu? (b) What will happen if we apply divine teaching in our lives today? A few Christians are doing the work of full - time evangelizers or serving at Bethel homes full - time. Kana Jehova wa lukisanga nzila ya kuli ba banduke niha ba ezize cwalo? Does Jehovah provide a way of escape for them even then? What a privilege he considered his ministry to be! Nakonyana fela a ineela ku Jehova mi a kolobezwa. Soon he dedicated himself to Jehovah and was baptized. In fact, Satan has won the victory to influence the thinking and hearts of people of the world so much that the Bible describes them as "a crooked and twisted generation. " Pili, Pitrosi u li: "Fapil'a Mulena, lizazi li li liñwi li talimeha ku ba inge myaha ye 1,000; mi myaha ye 1,000 i talimeha ku ba inge lizazi li li liñwi. " First, Peter says: "One day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. " Why did this woman approach those two Christians by giving such a witness? Taba ye nde ki ya kuli Mulimu u sepisa ku lukisa sinca miinelo ilikuli a kutiseze batu ba ba ipeya ku utwa kwa bupetehi. The good news is that God has promised to repair the damage - to restore obedient humans to perfection. Later, these scientists were able to collect the copies and took them literally. Ba Kona ku Ziba Lika ka ku Fita fa Sipimo Sifi? How Much Can They Know? It is a place where family unity exists, not a nest full of strife and divisions. Baeteleli bao ne ba itusisanga masipika a beilwe kwa misumo ye potoloha tolongo kuli ba patalaze litaba za bukwenuheli, ilikuli moya wa buipanguli u kone ku hula hahulu ni ku fita. The leaders used loudspeakers that were mounted on poles around the camp to broadcast fiery messages, keeping the spirit of rebellion at a fever pitch. Salvation Into the Millennium Kana Mwa Kona ku Talusa? Can You Explain? This can be done in just a few hours. Ki butata mañi bwa kopana ni bona, mi butata bo bu kona ku mu zwafisa cwañi? What problems does he face? How may these problems be draining him of energy? Rather, he " cares for us ' and " cares for us. ' Ka nzila ye swana, m'ata a ku ziba za kwapili h'a hapelezi Mulimu ku ziba kamba ku tomela cimo lika kaufela ze ka ezahala. Likewise, having the ability to know the future does not compel God to foreknow or foreordain everything. Kindness also involves showing kindness to those in need and trying to help them. Na lapela ku Jehova mwa pilu kuli a ni tiise. Silently, I asked Jehovah to help me stay calm. It is not Christian to ignore the feelings of others, and we do not want to hurt others by what we say and do. Ki niti, swanisezo ya Paulusi i koñomeka musebezi o lu ezeza ba bañwi, isi wa ku icaha. True, Paul's illustration focuses on the work we do in others, not the building up of ourselves. PAGES 4 - 7 ▪ Haiba na ñañelelanga kuli lika li ezwe fela mo ni latela, ki matata mañi e ni kona ku tumbula? If I always insist on doing things my way, what problems might I create? God has entrusted a responsibility to teach children to their parents, not to grandparents or to someone else. Bedell ni sikwata sahae nebalikanyisize batoloki ba Bibele ya King James Version (ili bao mwendi buñata bwabona naabaziba hande) mi Bedell ni sikwata sahae nebabeile libizo la Mulimu mwa litimana zeñata za Bibele yeo yene batolokile. The team followed the lead of the translators of the King James Version (many of whom Bedell would have known personally) and included God's personal name in a number of places in their Bible. Since the preaching work should be done with urgency, we should take it seriously. Naa talusize kuli Ndate ni Mwana ki "ba li bañwi, " sina feela muuna ni musalaa hae ha ba bulelwa kuli ki" nama i liñwi " ili ku talusa kuli ba swalisani, kono ba sa li batu ba babeli. The Father and Son "are one, " he explained, only as a husband and wife are said to be" one flesh " - united, yet still two persons. It is divine truth that set us free. Mangeloi A Fitisanga Mashango a Mulimu Angels Deliver God's Messages Government officials seek to convince people to defend their own laws and support their officials. " Mulao o petehile, ona Mulao wa tukuluho " ki nto mañi, mi ki bo mañi ba ba tusiwa ki ona? What is "the perfect law that belongs to freedom, " and who benefit from it? Our present attitude, dear brothers, should be deeply grateful to God, cultivating appreciation for the beautiful truth that he has given us the privilege of seeing and being recognized, and cultivating zeal in helping to cultivate this truth to others. " Ki kabakalañi haluswanela kuutwisisa kuli mwa bupilo lutokwa kueza likatulo? Why should we accept that making decisions is part of life? The disease had not yet spread in the body. (b) Baezalibi ba inzi cwañi "mwa mabaka mo ku telela "? (b) How are wrongdoers "on slippery ground "? The Spirit and the Preaching Work Ha ku si ka luka ku tuhelela lika zeo ku lu imeza! How unwise to allow these to weigh us down! Give to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name! " 5,600 5,600 • According to James 3: 17, what qualities should we display? Kapili - pili na ketiwa ku yo sebeleza mwa puteho ye n'e sa zo tomiwa. Soon I was appointed to serve in a newly formed congregation. The Christian fellowship and love we developed during the years of war sustained us during the difficult years to come. Ba "kunupa " Bakreste ba ba si na mulatu, ka ku itusisa manzwi a ñozwi kamba a bulezwi ku ba ona" masho " a ku tameleza ka ona. They "shoot " at blameless Christians, using spoken or written words as" arrows " of misrepresentation. While it is painful to lose our job unexpectedly, it gives us an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah God and his people. Kacwalo, haike liputeho kaufela li zwelepili ku benya sina malambi ao Jesu a buluka mwa sibaka sa ona. Let all the congregations therefore keep shining brightly as lampstands that Jesus retains in their place. Rather, he has to realize that he should not criticize Christian women whose conscience permits them to do so. Nihakulicwalo, Jesu n'a kolobelizwe nihailikuli n'a "si ka eza foso. " However, Jesus was baptized although he "committed no sin. " " They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. Ndui u alaba kuli: "Na yambanga hanyinyani. The fisherman responds: "Well, I do a little fishing. That is why the apostle Paul wrote under inspiration: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 5] [ Picture on page 5] Without a marriage friend to share their problems with him, many learn to rely more on Jehovah and seek his guidance in all things. Niti ya taba: Ha se mu siile lapa la bashemi ba mina, ka linako ze ñwi mu ka banga ni batu ba ba ka mi nyemisa, inge cwalo be mu sebeza ni bona ni ba bañwi ba ba na ni kashwau, batu ba ba si na taba ni ba bañwi, ni ba ba na ni buitati. Fact of life: When you leave home, you will at times be surrounded by people who irritate you - workmates and others who are rude, insensitive, and selfish. THE emperor left behind a comfortable life in Ur in harmony with Jehovah's command. Bakreste ba sikai ba eza musebezi wa ku hasanya evangeli ka nako kaufela kamba ku sebeleza fa mahae a Betele ka nako kaufela. A number of Christians serve in the evangelizing work or in Bethel homes full - time. You can also visit the Web site N'a nga bukombwa bwa hae ku ba tohonolo ye tuna hahulu. Instead, he viewed his ministry as an honor of the highest order. He found comfort in knowing that God was helping him. Ka mo ku bezi fela, Satani s'a bile ni tulo mwa ku susueza minahano ni lipilu za batu ba mwa lifasi kuli mane Bibele i ba talusa kuli ki "lusika lo lu si ka luka, lo lu maswe. " In fact, Satan has so successfully influenced the hearts and minds of the people of the world that the Bible describes them as "a crooked and twisted generation. " Creation Reveals the Living God Ki kabakalañi musali y'o ha n'a atumezi Bakreste ba babeli bani ka ku pakamisa cwalo? Why did the woman approach the two Christians with such urgency? " Finally, [the serpent] sent forth as a serpent, yes, as it were. " Hamulaho, ba sayansi bao ne ba konile ku nga litaba ze ne bulukilwe zeo mi ne ba li ngile ka mo ne li inezi luli. The researchers were later able to decode the stored information with 100 percent accuracy. However, music was not always used so high. Ki sibaka m'o swalisano ya lubasi i fumaneha, isiñi siyaleto sa kabanze sa lifapahano ni likauhano. It is a nest where family unity is found, not a scorpion's lair of friction and division. What counts is loyalty. Ku Punyuha Ni Ku Kena mwa Lilimo Ze Sikiti Survival Into the Millennium 7 What Parents Say Ku toza situpu mulyani kacenu ku kona ku ezwa fela mwa lihora li sikai. Today, embalming can be accomplished in a matter of hours. □ What does the ransom make possible? Kono wa lu " babalela ' ni ku lu "tabela. " Rather, he " takes care of them ' and " finds pleasure in them. ' F Jehovah's Witnesses have a strong influence on their relationship with him. Sishemo si ama hape ni ku bonisa musa kwa batu ba ba ziyelehile ni ku lika ku ba tusa. Compassion involves tender regard for people in misery and positive action to help such ones. How vital that we study the Bible, regularly attend Christian meetings, and share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work! Haki mukwa wa Sikreste ku keshebisa maikuto a ba bañwi, mi ha lu lati ni hanyinyani ku utwisa ba bañwi butuku ka ze lu bulela ni ku eza. It is not Christian to disregard what others think, and never would we want our words or actions to have a damaging effect on other people. Isaiah was commissioned to describe " many times ' to people who did not understand and who did not want to know. MAKEPE 4 - 7 PAGES 4 - 7 [ Box / Picture on page 17] Mulimu u file buikalabelo bwa ku luta bana kwa bashemi ba bona, isiñi ku bo kukwaa bona kamba ku mutu u si li. God has assigned this responsibility to the parents, not to grandparents or to anyone else. When Moses called representatives of the nation of Israel, he called "the heads of thousands of Israel. " Bakeñisa kuli musebezi wa kukutaza uswanela kuezwa ka putako, luswanela kuuunga kuba wa butokwa hahulu. Because the preaching work is so urgent, it should be high on our list of priorities. Think, too, of Mary, the mother of the Bible writer Mark. Ki niti ya bumulimu ye lu lukuluzi. It is divine truth that has set us free. If we have a negative attitude, will the people we preach continue to ignore us, do we really look for the good in them? Ba muuso ba batanga ku kolwisa batu kuli ba yemele milao ya bona ni ku yemela makwambuyu ba bona. Governments want to convince the public to support their policies and their officials. Proverbs 14: 2 says: "The one walking in his ways is fearing Jehovah, but the one crooked in his ways is despising him. " Mubonelo wa luna wa cwale, mizwale ba ba lateha, u swanela ku ba wa ku itumela hahulu ku Mulimu, ku hulisa buitebuho kwa neku la Niti ye nde ili yeo A lu file tohonolo ya ku bona ni ku lemuhiwa ka yona, ni ku hulisa tukufalelo mwa ku tusa ku tahisa Niti yeo ku ba bañwi. " Our present attitude, dear brethren, should be one of great gratitude toward God, increasing appreciation of the beautiful Truth which He has granted us the privilege of seeing and being identified with, and increasing zeal in helping to bring that Truth to the knowledge of others. " Asa removed from Judah those who had committed sexual immorality with other men as part of their false worship. Butuku ne bu si ka yamba kale mwa mubili. There was no metastasis. How do they support themselves? Moya ni Musebezi wa ku Kutaza The Spirit and the Preaching Work Those experiences changed their lives. Mu fe [Muñ'a] Bupilo kanya ye lukela Libizo la hae "! Ascribe to Jehovah the glory belonging to his name "! For thousands of years, Jehovah has organized his people so that they can worship him faithfully. • Ka ku ya ka Jakobo 3: 17, ki tulemeno tufi to lu swanela ku bonisa? • In line with James 3: 17, what qualities should we display? Another example of faith is that of Moses. Silikani ni lilato la Sikreste le ne lu hulisize mwa lilimo za ndwa ne li lu tiisize mwahal'a lilimo ze t'ata ze ne sa taha. The bonds of Christian friendship and love that we forged during the war years sustained us in the hard years that lay ahead. After serving God for a few years, he has a strong desire for the things in this world, and he stands up and begins " looking at the things behind. ' Nihaike kuli ku butuku ku luza musebezi ka ku sa libelela, ku lu fa kolo ya ku tiisa silikani sa luna ni Jehova Mulimu ni batu ba hae. Although suddenly losing a job can be traumatic, that is a good time to strengthen our bonds with Jehovah God and his people. This approach is followed today. Kono, u na ni ku lemuha kuli ha swaneli ku nyaza basali ba Sikreste bao mazwalo a bona a ba lumeleza ku eza cwalo. At the same time, she realizes that she should not criticize Christian women whose conscience allows them to make use of such things. Their greatest sin was that of rejecting Jesus as Messiah. " Ka mikwale ya bona ba ka tula mihuma, mi ka malumo a bona ba ka tula licekesi; sicaba se siñwi ha si sa na ku lwanisa se siñwi ka lilumo, mi ha ba sa na ku ituta ndwa. " They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. Calvin in this way displayed a similar oppressive spirit like the Catholic clergy. Ki lona libaka Muapositola Paulusi ha n'a ñozi ka ketelelo ya moya wa Mulimu kuli: " Manzwi kaufela h'a ñozwi kale, a ñozwi ku lu luta, kuli ka ku tiiswa ni ku kutazwa ki Mañolo, lu ine lu na ni sepo. ' No wonder that the apostle Paul was inspired to write: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope "! (a) How can students today imitate Elisha? Ka ku s'a ba ni mulikani wa mwa linyalo wa ku abana ni yena but'ata bwa bona, ba bañata ba ituta ku tiyela ka butuna ku Jehova ni ku bata ketelelo ya hae mwa lika kaufela. Having no marriage mate with whom to share their problems, many learn to lean more heavily on Jehovah and to seek his direction in all things. But Jesus counseled: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you, that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens. " ABRAME n'a siile bupilo bwa mbombolelwa mwa Ure ka ku latelela taelo ya Jehova. ABRAM had left a life of comfort in Ur in obedience to Jehovah's command. Note the powerful illustration that Amos now uses: "Who has not been afraid of him? " Hape mwa kona ku bona litaba ze fa Intaneti ka ku itusisa keyala ya You may also consult the Web site Thus, if you followed the opinion of others on the matter of right and wrong, you may follow Satan's view, and that can lead to disaster. Naa omba - ombilwe ki ku ziba kuli Mulimu naa mu tusa. He found comfort in knowing that he had God's backing. Most people cannot even know the names of their ancestors or explain where they were born and where they were buried. Pupo I Patulula Mulimu Ya Pila Satan promised to give him all the kingdoms of the world if he was "to worship him, " but Jesus would not rebel and back up the Devil's condemnation that humans would not remain faithful to God under test. " Kwa mafelelezo, [bucwala] bwa luma sina noha, Ee, bwa luma sina sibili. ' " In the end [alcohol] bites like a snake and poisons like a viper. " COVER SUBJECT Nihakulicwalo, lipina ne li s'a itusiswi ka mukwa o ' pahami cwalo kamita. Music was not always put to such a lofty use, however. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Sa butokwa ki ku sepahala. The important thing is to prove ourselves faithful. What would I need? ' - 1 Pet. 7 Ze ba Bulela Bashemi 7 What Parents Say The apostle Paul wrote to fellow Christians to tell them that the Law was "a slave leading to Christ. " □ Tiululo i konahalisa nto mañi? □ What does the ransom make possible? Other house - to - house areas and car transportation F 157 / 05; Muratori, based on line art: © 2005 Brown Brothers F 157 / 05; Muratori, based on line art: © 2005 Brown Brothers Abraham's example helps us to see how Jehovah felt by allowing his only - begotten Son to die Ki kwa butokwa hahulu kuli lu itutange Bibele, ku fumaneha kamita kwa mikopano ya Sikreste, ni ku abana mwa musebezi wa ku kutaza Mubuso ni wa ku luta macaba! How vital that we diligently study the Bible, regularly attend Christian meetings, and zealously share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work! It is appropriate to pray for Jehovah's help to overcome sinful tendencies Isaya n'a filwe musebezi wa ku yo talusa " hañata - ñata ' kwa batu ba ne ba sa utwisisi ni ba ne ba sa bati ku ba ni zibo. Isaiah is commissioned to go and speak "again and again " to those who neither understand nor want any knowledge. He is diligent in doing it very well. [ Mbokisi / Siswaniso se si fa likepe 17] [ Box / Picture on page 9] The Bible account says: "He went out to meet the son of Jezebel and to have him sit down with her. " Muta Mushe n'a putile bayemeli ba sicaba sa Isilaele, n'a bizize "litoho za ba ba likiti - kiti ba Isilaele. " When Moses summoned representatives of the nation of Israel, he called on "the heads of the thousands of Israel. " Since it is the only one with accurate prophecy, a advance history, which shows us the reasons for our suffering, of our times, and of our future. Mu hupule hape mutala wa Maria, mahe Mareka muñoli wa Bibele. Consider also the example of Mary, the mother of the Bible writer Mark. 18, 19. (a) Although David was imperfect, what would help him to remain in God's favor? Haiba lu na ni mubonelo o maswe, wa kuli batu be lu kutaza ku bona ba ka zwelapili ku sa lu teeleza, kana f'o luli lwa lemuha bunde ku bona? If we have a negative view - that the people to whom we preach will remain unresponsive - are we really looking for the good in them? Crime and wickedness of all sorts will be no more. Liproverbia 14: 2 i bulela kuli: " Wa mizamao ye lukile u saba Muñ'a Bupilo; kono ya kopamisa linzila za hae wa mu shwaula. ' Proverbs 14: 2 states: "The one walking in his uprightness is fearing Jehovah, but the one crooked in his ways is despising Him. " They make fun of other young men because they love them. Asa a zwisa mwa Juda batu ba "tulombe " ba ne ba ezize somano ni baana ba bañwi sina kalulo ya bulapeli bwa bona bwa buhata. Asa also ousted from the kingdom of Judah "the male temple prostitutes, " who practiced sodomy in the name of religion. How can reflecting on Jesus ' counsel help us to honor the time of others? Ba ipilisa cwañi? How do they support themselves financially? But because we are imperfect, our emotions can cause us to do something wrong. Lipuisano zene babanga ni zona zeo, neli cincize bupilo bwabona. Those conversations changed his life. But that was not true of Jewish exiles who had faith in Jehovah! Ka lilimo ze ñata - ñata, Jehova u onga - ongile batu ba hae ilikuli ba mu lapele ka busepahali. He wants them to maintain good order, and that is vitally important because they have so much important work to do. Concerning them, we read in the Persian Encyclopædia Britannica (1970): "From the 5th century B.C.E. onward, the Jews were closely associated with the Persians and the Greeks, and both nations had strong ideas about what happens after death.... Mutala o muñwi wa tumelo ki wa Mushe. Another example of faith is Moses. They too will bring back to life in Paradise on earth with Jehovah God. - Luke 23: 43; John 5: 21, 28, 29. Muzwale yo ha sa sebelelize Mulimu ka lilimo li sikai, u ba ni takazo ye tuna hahulu ya lika za mwa lifasi le, mi wa yema ni ku kala "ku talima lika ze kwamulaho. " Eventually, after he carries out his ministry for several years, his desire for some things of this world becomes so overwhelming that he turns back and looks at "the things behind. " Why? Muezezo w'o ki ona o latelelwa kacenu. A similar pattern is followed today. How can we benefit from examples of past examples of this quality? Sibi sa bona se situna ka ku fitisisa ne li sa ku hana Jesu sina Mesiya. Its principal sin was the rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. This made it difficult for me to speak in Costa Rica's traditional language. Calvin ka yona nzila ye n'a bonisize moya o swana wa buhateleli sina bahulu ba bulapeli ba Katolika. Calvin thus showed the same intolerance as the Catholic clergy. [ Picture on page 6] (a) Kacenu baituti bakona kulikanyisa cwañi Elisha? (a) How can learners today imitate Elisha? Where would you like to fall? Kono Jesu naa file kelezo ye li: "Mu zwelepili ku lata lila za mina ni ku lapelela ba ba mi nyandisa, kuli mu ipake ku ba bana ba Ndataa mina ya kwa lihalimu. " " However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens. " But this account did not clearly show the opportunity to survive, except in general. Mu lemuhe swanisezo ye m'ata yeo Amosi a itusisa cwale, u li: "Tau i bopile, ya si ka saba ki mañi? " Notice the powerful illustration that Amos next uses: "There is a lion that has roared! Who will not be afraid? " What historical developments suggest that the Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem applied Paul's inspired counsel? Kacwalo, ha ne mu ka latelela maikuto a ba bañwi fa taba ya ku ziba ze nde ni ze maswe, ne mu kana mwa latelela mubonelo wa Satani, mi ku eza cwalo ku kona ku tahisa kozi. Therefore, if you set your standards of right and wrong purely by what is popular, you might be adopting Satan's view of morality, and that would obviously be disastrous. Instead of looking for a way to do his will, they stopped doing sacred work and began to clean their homes. Batu ba bañata ha ba koni nihaiba ku ziba mabizo o bokukululu ba bona kamba ku talusa ko ne ba pepezwi ni ko ba pumbekilwe. Most people cannot even name their great - grandparents or tell where they were born and buried. He also said: "Some give of themselves even to those whom they do not know at all.... Satani a sepisa ku mu fa mibuso kaufela ya lifasi ha n'a ka mu "kubamela, " kono Jesu n'a si ke a ' ba mukwenuheli ni ku fa kemelo kwa nyazo ya Diabulosi ya kuli batu ne ba si ke ba siyala ba sepahala ku Mulimu ha ba li mwatas'a tiko. Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world for one "act of worship, " but Jesus would not apostatize and support the Devil's challenge that humans would not remain faithful to God under test. So Jesus declared: "Go away, Satan! " The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 29. TABA YA FA LIKEPE LA FAHALIMU COVER SUBJECT Thus, during Christ's Thousand Year Reign, people, including those resurrected, will drink from "the water of life. " - Compare Ezekiel 47: 1 - 10; Acts 24: 15. Haiba mu bata ku ziba litaba ze ñwi kamba mu tabela kuli mutu yo muñwi a t'o mi potela fa ndu kuli a mi tuse ku ituta Bibele ku si na tifo, mu ñolele kwa Lipaki za Jehova, Box 33459, Lusaka 10101, kamba kwa keyala ye swanela ye bonisizwe fa likepe 2. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. For example, if a group of people are involved in searching for a lost child, perhaps only one person will find him. Ne ni ka tokwañi? ' - 1 Pit. What would I need? ' - 1 Pet. In 1975, I visited Rome many times in order to explain my views. Muapositola Paulusi n'a ñolezi Bakreste ka yena ku ba taluseza kuli Mulao n'o li "muhulisi [o] isa ku Kreste. " Writing to fellow Christians, the apostle Paul described it as a "tutor leading to Christ. " [ Blurb on page 11] We should pray with "a complete heart, " not just doing [ Box on page 12] Makii amañwi a kwa ndu ni a kwa mota Extra set of house keys and car keys For example, a husband who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses may try to prevent his wife from conducting a Bible study with her children or going with them to congregation meetings. Mutala wa Abrahama u lu tusa ku bona mwa n'a ikutwezi Jehova ka ku lumelela Mwan'a hae wa libanda ku shwa Abraham's example helps us to see what it meant to Jehovah to allow his only - begotten Son to die Booths (to 21) lives both by the anointed and by the anointed Kwa swanela ku lapela kuli Jehova a lu tuse ku tula litakazo za sibi It is proper to pray for Jehovah's help to overcome sinful desires When a person reads the Bible, he can have strong faith in Jehovah's promises. U tukufalelwa ku u eza hande hahulu. He is eager to do his best. Consider the young brother mentioned at the outset of the preceding article. Taba ya mwa Bibele i li: "Jeremia a ya ku Gedalya mwan'a Akikami, kwa Mizipa; a ina ku yena. " The Bible record reads: "Accordingly Jeremiah came to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam at Mizpah and took up dwelling with him. " It Is a Kind of Work That Brings True Happiness Bakeñisa kuli ki yona fela ye na ni bupolofita bo bu nepahezi, taba ya kwaikale ye ñolezwi cimo, ye lu bonisa mabaka a manyando a luna, za linako ze lu li ku zona, ni za linako za kwapili. Because it alone contains accurate prophecy, history written in advance, that shows the reasons for our plight, where we are, and where we are going. Recently, Philip was able to accept an invitation to serve at the Macedonia branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. 18, 19. (a) Nihaike kuli Davida naa si ka petahala, kiñi se ne si ka mu tusa ku zwelapili ku shemubwa ki Mulimu? 18, 19. (a) Although he was imperfect, what helped David remain in God's favor? Ezekiel said: "I saw like a red - colored metal color, which is like a fire. " Bukebenga ni bumaswe bwa mufuta kaufela ha bu sa na ku ba teñi. Every form of crime and injustice will then be a thing of the past. After a brief conversation on the phone, the young woman approached the pioneer in a welcome area and told her that she was interested in reading the Bible. Batamanga mitangana babañwi kabakala kuli babulayanga batu. They put other guys in prison because they kill people. (Read 364 - 5) In 1973, God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Done stated: "The coming of the " great tribulation ' is the time of Jehovah God Almighty to vindicate his universal sovereignty and sanctify his proper name. " Ku hupula kelezo ya naa file Jesu ku kona ku lu tusa cwañi ku kuteka nako ya ba bañwi? Bearing in mind the Golden Rule, how can we show that we respect those to whom we preach? Suddenly, Daniel found himself living with people who did not obey God's commands. Kono bakeñisa kuli halusika petahala, maikuto aluna akona kutahisa kuli lueze nto yesika luka. But because we are imperfect, our feelings can mislead us. According to two experienced individuals in Bible history, what compared to the system of judicial decisions in Israel to that of other nations? Kono ne ku si cwalo kwa bahapiwa ba Majuda ba ne ba na ni tumelo ku Jehova! But not those Jewish captives who had faith in Jehovah! But these extreme views could be removed without rejecting real hope for the Millennium. Ka ku ama ku bona, lu bala mwa Encyclopœdia Britannica (1970) kuli: "Ku zwelela mwa lilimo za mwanda wa bu 5 B.C. ku ya cwalo, Majuda ne ba swalisani hahulu ni Maperesia ni Magerike, mi bubeli bwa ona macaba ao n'a na ni mihupulo ye tiile ka za se si ezahala hamulaho wa lifu.... Concerning them, we read in the Encyclopædia Britannica (1970): "From the 5th century B.C. onward, the Jews were in close contact with the Persians and the Greeks, both of whom had well - developed ideas of the hereafter.... An article in the New Statesman magazine stated: "We have not been able to eliminate poverty or make world peace. Ni Jehova Mulimu, ba ka zuseza batu ba ba shwile kwa bupilo mwa Paradaisi mwa lifasi. - Luka 23: 43; Joani 5: 21, 28, 29. Along with Jehovah God, resurrect the dead to life in Paradise on earth. - Luke 23: 43; John 5: 21, 28, 29. To illustrate the fact that faith is manifested by works, James adds: "Just as the dead body is dead, so faith without works is dead. " - Jas. Kabakalañi? Why? Jehovah Knows the Truth Lukona kutusiwa cwañi ki mitala ya batu bane babonisize kalemeno kao kwamulaho? How can we benefit from the example of those who in the past displayed this quality? What Blessings Will We Find? Seo sa tahisa kuli ni palelwe ku bulelanga ka mubulelelo wa ka sizo wa si - Costa Rica. This has left me unable to communicate in the customary Costa Rican manner. 9 / 15 [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 6] [ Picture on page 6] This strengthened our resolve to be faithful and to remain faithful to Jehovah. Ne mu ka tabela ku wela kai? Which would you rather be? You will find that by drawing close to your Creator, Jehovah God, you will find real meaning in life. Kono yona taba yeo ne i si ka bonisa nzila ka ku tala ya tohonolo ya ku punyuha, konji ka ku luka kwa ka nañungelele. But that message did not definitely show the way to this survival privilege, except by righteousness in general. Hence, Jehovah urges us: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " Ki likezahalo lifi za kwaikale ze akaleza kuli Bakreste ba Maheberu ba mwa Jerusalema ne ba mamezi kelezo ye buyelezwi ya Paulusi? What historical events suggest that Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem heeded Paul's inspired counsel? Rachel finally took her daughter back to the Philippines for about five years. Mwa sibaka sa ku bata nzila ya ku eza ka yona tato ya hae, ba itulela ku eza musebezi o kenile mi ba kalisa ku kabisa mandu a bona. Instead of seeking a way to do his will, they abandoned their sacred assignment and became absorbed in improving their own homes. Hundreds of our brothers and sisters came from Portugal, but the challenge was to find them lodging. Hape na ize: "Ba bañwi ba itombolanga ku tusa nihaiba batu be ba sa zibi ni hanyinyani.... He also said: "Some people sacrificially give of themselves to those who are outside their group and with whom they have absolutely nothing in common.... Eusebius was a historian who in 324 C.E. concluded ten volumes of the book History of the Christian Church. " Ba ba na ni niti ba ka yola sanda sa naha, ni ku yaha mwateñi ku ya ku ile. " - Samu 37: 29. " The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 29. How can we protect ourselves against immoral desires? Kacwalo, mwahal'a Puso ya Kreste ya Lilimo ze Sikiti, batu, ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni bao ba ba ka zusiwa kwa bafu, ba ka nwa mwa "nuka ya mezi a bupilo. " - Mu bapanye Ezekiele 47: 1 - 10; Likezo 24: 15. Thus, throughout Christ's Millennial Rule, humans, including those resurrected from the dead, must drink of the "river of water of life. " - Compare Ezekiel 47: 1 - 10; Acts 24: 15. What has happened? Ka mutala, haiba sikwata sa batu ba kena musebezi wa ku bata mwanana ya latehile, mwendi ki mutu a li muñwi fela ya ka mu fumana. When people organize a search party to locate a lost child, only one member of the group may actually find the youngster. " You have to put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time given to believers. " - Acts 3. Mwa silimo sa 1975, ne ni potezi muleneñi wa Rome hañata - ñata ilikuli ni taluse mibonelo ya ka. In 1975, I visited Rome several times to explain my views. Noah too "kept walking with the true God. " [ Manzwi a fa likepe 11] Lu swanela ku lapela ka " pilu kaufela, ' isi ku ezeza fela mulao [ Mbokisi fa likepe 12] To grasp fully Jesus ' role, consider some of the titles, descriptions, and names applied to him. Neither floods nor earthquakes can prevent a great bond of love that unite Christian brothers who are Jehovah's Witnesses. Ka mutala, muuna yanyezi musali yali Paki ya Jehova ukona kuhanisa musalaa hae kuli asike azamaiseza bana bahae tuto ya Bibele kamba kuyanga ni bona kwa mikopano ya puteho. For example, the husband of a Witness wife might not allow her to conduct a formal Bible study with her minor children or to take them with her to Christian meetings. In this case, habits can be likened to fire. Minganda (Ku ku isa 21 ba pilanga ka ba ba tozizwe ni kwa Jesus offered the value of his blood in behalf of all mankind If so, what will happen to the dead? Mutu ha bala Bibele, wa kona ku ba ni tumelo ye tuna mwa lisepiso za Jehova. Soon thereafter, she and her future husband began studying the Bible, and later they got baptized. " With a Song I Will Give God Glory " Ha mu nyakisise za muzwale wa mukulwani ya bulezwi kwa makalelo a taba ye felile. Consider the young brother referred to at the beginning of the preceding article. 19: 10 - 12. Ki Musebezi wa Mufuta Mañi O Tisa Tabo Sakata What Kind of Work Brings Genuine Satisfaction? Those who have the law of the Christ in their hearts have found something very valuable in this unloving world. Cwanoñu fa, Philip n'a konile ku amuhela memo ya ku y'o sebeleza kwa ofisi ya mutai ya Lipaki za Jehova mwa Macedonia. Recently, Philip was able to accept an invitation to work as a volunteer at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Macedonia. Instead, he deceived himself into believing that he had given all the money, and his wife knew it. Ezekiele naa bulezi kuli: "Na bona inge mubala wa sipi ye fubelu, ye bonahala inge mulilo. " In vision, Ezekiel was also able to get a glimpse of the Rider of the chariot. " God created the earth, not for nothing, but for nothing ' - Isaiah 45: 18. Ha se ba ambolisani ka bukuswani fa luwaile, kalibe y'o a taha ku paina mwa sibaka mo ku amuhelelwa baenyi mi a mu bulelela kuli n'a tabela ku bala Bibele. After a short conversation over the telephone, the woman came out and said that she was interested in reading the Bible. Spiritually - minded people also " pray with every form of prayer and supplication. ' (Makepe 364 - 5) Ka 1973, buka ya God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached ne i bulezi kuli: "Ku taha kwa " ñalelwa ye tuna ' ki nako ya Jehova Mulimu ya M'ata Kaufela ya ku bub'anisa bubusi bwa hae bwa pupo kamukana ni ku kenisa libizo la hae le li swanela. " (Pages 364 - 5) In 1973, God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached said: "The coming " great tribulation ' is the time for Almighty God Jehovah to vindicate his universal sovereignty and to sanctify his worthy name. " Can you too have the courage to help your fellow Christians, as Obadiah did Jehovah's prophets? Ka kusa libelela, Daniele naaipumani inze apila ni batu bane basalateleli litaelo za Mulimu. Suddenly, Daniel lived among people who did not obey God's commands. In this case too, someone who loves Jehovah views the matter as an opportunity to do what will please his heavenly Father, not as his own. Ka ku ya ka batu ba babeli ba ba cuukile mwa litaba za Bibele, ki sika mañi se ne si fapanyize tomahanyo ya likatulo ya mwa Isilaele ku ya macaba a mañwi? According to two Bible scholars, what distinguished Israel's judicial system from that of other nations? He even made a covenant with his eyes so that he would not look at a virgin with passion. Kono mihupulo ye fitelezi yeo ne i kona ku feliswa ku si na ku hana sepo luli ka za Lilimo ze Sikiti. But these extremist views could have been corrected without rejecting the true hope of the Millennium. What threat did Jehoshaphat and Judah face, and what did they do? Taba ya mwa koranta ye bizwa New Statesman ne i ize: "Ha lu si ka kona ku felisa bunjebwe kamba ku tahisa kozo mwa lifasi. An article in the journal New Statesman said: "We have not abolished poverty or constructed world peace. But his poor health cannot be treated. Kuli abonise sisupo sa kuli tumelo iboniswa ka misebezi, Jakobo uekeza kubulela kuli: "Sina mubili o si na moya ha u li o shwile, ni tumelo ha i si na misebezi i shwile. " - Jak. Then to drive home the point that faith must be shown by works, James adds: "Just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. " - Jas. After spending six months alone in the cell, I appreciated that I was also able to discuss Bible topics with fellow believers. Jehova Wa Ziba Niti Jehovah Knows the Truth A Willing Gift That Is Accomplished Ki Ifi Mipuzo Ye Lu Ka Fumana? What Are the Rewards? In God's due time, the other sheep will know that all anointed ones are "in subjection " to Christ's joint heirs. 9 / 1 9 / 1 • ridicule Seo ne si tiisize katulo ya luna ya ku sepahala ni ku zwelapili ku sepahala cwalo ku Jehova. It strengthened our own resolve to be loyal and maintain our integrity to Jehovah. In any case, they know that they will reap the reward of loyalty. Mu ka fumana kuli ka ku sutelela ku Jehova Mulimu, yena Mubupi wa mina, mu ka fumana taluso ya luli ya bupilo. You will discover that by drawing close to your Creator, Jehovah God, you will find real meaning in life. They often told us what was going on in their own countries. Kamukwaocwalo, Jehova u lu susueza kuli: "Mwanaka u talife, mi u tabise pilu ya ka, mi ni ka kona ku alaba ya ni nyaza. " So Jehovah urges us: "Be wise, my son [or daughter], and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " Paul said: "Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. " Bo Rachel kwa nalulelule ba kwela fulai ku kuta kwa Philippines ku yo nga mwanaa bona wa musizana hamulaho wa ku kauhana ni yena ka lilimo ze bato ba ze ketalizoho. Similarly, Christ's presence includes the time when all things take place leading up to the great tribulation - including the great tribulation itself. - 2 Thess. Mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna ba ba myanda - nda ne ba tile ku zwa kwa Portugal, kono butata ne li bwa ku ba fumanela malobalo. Hundreds of our Christian brothers and sisters from Portugal arrived, but the challenge was where to accommodate them. They must bring up their children according to his Word and help them to "love knowledge. " Eusebius n'e li caziba wa ze ezahezi ili y'o ka 324 C.E., n'a felize livolyumu ze 10 za buka ye bizwa History of the Christian Church. Eusebius was an early historian who, in 324 C.E., finished the ten - volume work entitled History of the Christian Church. When we resist the Devil by resisting his temptation, we should be grateful to Jehovah. Lukona kuisileleza cwañi kuli lusike lwakukuezwa ki litakazo za muzamao wa buhule? How can we protect ourselves against the enticement of immoral desires? The local Witnesses were thrilled to see us. Ki sika mañi se si ezahezi? What has happened? (c) What can we do to help those who need encouragement? " Mu na ni ku lwanela tumelo ye kile ya fiwa balumeli hañwi. " - JUDA 3. " Put up a hard fight for the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones. " - JUDE 3. Everyone had fine qualities. Nuwe ni yena "n'a zamaya ni Mulimu. " Noah too "walked with the true God. " Highlights From the Book of Second Chronicles Ibe miunda kamba lizikinyeho ha li koni ku paleliswa lilato le li tuna le li swalisanisa mizwale ba Sikreste b'e li Lipaki za Jehova. Neither floods nor earthquakes are threats to the bond of love that binds the Christian brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Picture on page 10] Mwa muinelo w'o, mikwa i konwa ku swanisezwa kwa mulilo. In this sense, habits could be likened to fire. Jonathan resorted to war and was quick to urge the rulers of the Persian tribe to appoint him as high priest. Haiba kucwalo, ki sikamañi se si ka ezahala ku ba ba shwile? If so, what hope is there for the dead? Even in a family, there are people who "have no natural affection " and" unthankful and disloyal,... without self - control, fierce. " " Ni Ka Lumba Mulimu ka Pina ' " With Song I Shall Laud God ' At times, he suffered. 19: 10 - 12. 19: 10 - 12. (a) Why is it easy for us to love all our brothers and sisters? Batu ba ba na ni mulao wa Kreste mwa lipilu za bona ba ipumanezi nto ya butokwa hahulu mwa lifasi le le li si na lilato. Those who have the law of the Christ in their heart enjoy a priceless possession in this loveless world. [ Pictures on page 26] Kono a puma kuli na file mali kaufela, mi musal'a hae na ziba taba yeo. However, with his wife's full knowledge, he pretended that he had donated the entire proceeds. As foretold by the prophet Isaiah, people of all nations are responding with zeal by saying: "Let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " " Mulimu naasika bupa feela lifasi kusina mulelo, kono naaliezize kuli liyahiwe ' - Isaya 45: 18. " God did not create the earth simply for nothing, but formed it to be inhabited. ' - Isaiah 45: 18. Why? Batu ba ba lata lika za kwa moya hape ba " lapela ka Moya ka nako ni nako, ka litapelo kaufela ni ka likupo. ' Spiritual people also carry on "every form of prayer and supplication. " I am encouraged when I see in the Bible and in our publications articles that help me, even though their writers never speak to me. " Kana ni mina mwa kona ku ba ni bundume bwa ku tusa Bakreste ka mina sina Obadia mwa na tuselize bapolofita ba Jehova? Would you courageously aid persecuted fellow Christians, as Obadiah helped Jehovah's prophets? What support does religion have in the UN? Ni mwa taba ye, ya lata Jehova u nga taba yeo ku ba kolo ya ku eza se si ka tabisa Ndat'ahe wa kwa lihalimu, isiñi ku ikezeza mw'a latela. Here again, the lover of Jehovah sees in this an opportunity, not to do whatever he pleases, but to do what will make his heavenly Father rejoice. Since technology is easily available today, does the fact that the Bible is old - fashioned mean that it cannot help us in our life? Mane naaezize tumelelano ni meeto ahae kuli naasike atalima mwalyanjo ka kumulakaza. He even made a covenant with his eyes not to look immorally at a virgin. Without that knowledge, our faith in Jehovah can be like a house built on sand, which can easily fall. Ki ifi mifumbo ya naa talimani ni yona Josafati ni batu ba Juda, mi ki sika mañi se ne ba ezize? What threat did Jehoshaphat and Judah face, and how did they react? " I am conducting six Bible studies, " she replied with a smile. Kono ku sa konda hande kwa hae ha ku koni ku alafiwa. Of course, his mental disability cannot be improved with medicine. Later, we served in Zimbabwe and then to Zambia. Hamulaho wa ku tanda likweli ze 6 ni nosi mwa sitokisi, ne ni itebuhile kuli ne ni kona hape ku ambolisana litaba za Bibele ni balumeli ba bañwi. After six months of solitary confinement, I appreciated being able to discuss Bible subjects with fellow believers once again. What does it mean that Bible prophets and writers were " led by God's spirit '? Tukiso ya Buitateli Ye Peta Se Siñwi A Volunteer Program That Works Jehovah Reveals the Things That " shortly Take Place " Ka nako ya Mulimu ye swanela, lingu ze ñwi ba ka ziba kuli batoziwa kaufela ba "swailwe " ili ku biswa ba ba swanela ku busa ni Kreste. In God's due time, it will become evident to the other sheep that the anointed have been finally "sealed " and glorified to reign with Christ. Clearly, the real progress of Christians in the first century came in power and under the direction of holy spirit. • sheununwa • ridicule I was consumed with such thoughts. Ku ezahale cwañi kamba cwañi, b'a ziba kuli ba k'a kutula mupuzo wa busepahali. Whatever happens, they know that they will reap the reward of faithfulness. Of course, you may at times be able to adjust your schedule. Hañata ne ba lu kandekelanga ze n'e ezahala mwa linaha za habo bona. Often they shared with us some experiences from their country. Is it not true that holy spirit is the means by which we preach the good news worldwide? Paulusi n'a ize: "Mu si ke mwa libala ku eza ba bañwi hande, ni ku fana; kakuli Mulimu u tabela matabelo a cwalo. " " Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, " exhorted Paul, "for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. " Read Isaiah 40: 29. Ka nzila ye swana, ku ba teñi kwa Kreste ku kopanyeleza nako ye li ezahala lika kaufela ze isa kwa ñalelwa ye tuna ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni yona ñalelwa ye tuna ka sibili. - 2 Mates. In a similar way, Christ's presence includes the events leading up to and including the great tribulation. - 2 Thess. COVER SUBJECT IS THAT PEOPLE ARE NOT ARIDED Ba lukela ku uta bana ba bona ka ku ya ka Linzwi la hae ni ku ba tusa ku ba ba ba "lata zibo. " They should bring up their children according to his Word and help them to become " lovers of knowledge. ' The family now opposed me because I supported the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ha lu hanela Diabulosi ka ku tula muliko wa hae lu swanela ku itumela ku Jehova. When we succeed in opposing the Devil, we should thank Jehovah. The slave has been described as "a legal property by someone or by others and is obligated to be fully submissive. " Lipaki ba kwateñi ne ba tabile hahulu ku lu bona. The Witnesses there were happy to have us. Those who fight against Zion, represented by her earthly children, cannot. (c) Ki sifi se lu kona ku eza mwa ku tusa bao ba ba tokwa susuezo? (c) What can we do to help those who need encouragement? Are What Jehovah Asks of Us? Mañi ni mañi naa na ni tulemeno to tunde. Each had commendable qualities. THE historian and social life - styles H. Ze Zwile Mubano mwa Buka ya Makolonika Ya Bubeli Highlights From the Book of Second Chronicles Some believe that boasting is needed to accomplish things. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 10] [ Picture on page 10] Is Crime From Suffering or Human Heart? Jonatani n'a itusisize ndwa ni mano ku susueza babusi ba mwa lusika lwa Seleukisi kuli ba mu kete ku ba muprisita yo mutuna. Jonathan used warfare and diplomacy to persuade the Seleucids to appoint him as high priest. We wondered how the preaching work would continue. " Nihaiba mwa lubasi, ku banga ni batu "ba ba si na lilato la taho " ni" ba ba si na buitumelo, ba ba hana za Mulimu,... ba ba sa koni ku iswala, ba ba na ni buhali. " Even among family members, people display "no natural affection " and have become" unthankful, disloyal,... without self - control, fierce. " Ezra was well qualified to take the lead in this meeting, since "he inclined his heart to consult the law of Jehovah and to do it and to teach in Israel regulations and justice. " Fokuñwi naa ikutwanga ku nyanda. He knew how he felt at times - miserable. Not only did he send his disciples to preach the good news of God's Kingdom but he too fully shared in this work. (a) Ki kabakalañi ha ku li ko ku bunolo ku luna ku lata mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna kaufela? (a) Why is it natural for us to love the whole association of brothers? The lips of their proud false prophets eventually came to their attention. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 26] [ Pictures on page 26] But opposers claimed that the book is full of lies. Sina ha ne ku bulezwi cimo ki mupolofita Isaya, batu ba mwa macaba kamukana ba sweli k'u nga muhato ka cisehelo ka ku bulela kuli: "Lu kambamele fa lilundu la [Jehova, NW], kwa Ndu ya Mulimu wa Jakobo; u ka lu luta linzila za hae, lu zamaye mwa makululu a hae. " As foretold by the prophet Isaiah, people of all nations are responding by saying: "Let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. " Is it wise to stay in the church regardless of its consequences, no matter what its nature? Kabakalañi? Why? • In what sense is truth a united bond? Na susuezwanga ha ni fumana kuli mwa Bibele ni mwa lihatiso za luna ku na ni litaba ze ni tusa, nihaike kuli bañoli ba zona ba li ku ba ba bonane ni na. " " It's refreshing to see how the Bible and many of our publications contain information that benefits me personally, even though the writers have never met me. " Often, when a newly interested person studies the Require brochure, he begins to study the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, both of which have been published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Bulapeli bu na ni kemelo ifi kwa UN? What representation does religion have at the UN? I even went to a number of churches. Bakeñisa kuli kacenu litaba lifumanwa ka bunolo kabakala lipangaliko zezwezipili, kana taba ya kuli Bibele ki ya kale hahulu italusa kuli haikoni kulutusa mwa bupilo bwaluna? With all the information available in today's high - tech world, is the Bible too old to be relevant? 13: 11. Ha lu si na zibo yeo, tumelo ya luna ku Jehova i kona ku swana sina ndu ye yahilwe fa mushabati, ili ye kona ku wa ka bunolo. Without such reliable knowledge, our faith in Jehovah would be like a house of cards that could topple over with the slightest breeze. Why? Bo Elsebeth ba alaba inze ba menya kuli: "Ni zamaisa lituto za Bibele ze 6. She says, beaming: "I conduct six Bible studies. What can we learn from this? Hamulaho, lwayo belekela kwa Zimbabwe mi kihona luya kwa Zambia. Next, we taught the course in Zimbabwe and then in Zambia. At times when preaching together from house to house, listen carefully to the presentations of your companion. Taba ya kuli bapolofita ni bañoli ba Bibele ne ba " susumelizwe ki moya wa Mulimu ' i talusañi? How were the prophets and Bible writers "borne along by holy spirit "? During the theater, participants introduced the wrong desires of the people in Rome, playing games where they often engaged in immoral and violent acts. Jehova U Patulula Lika ze "Lukela ku Ezahala Hona Cwale - Cwale Fa " Jehovah Reveals What "Must Shortly Take Place " Jesus explained that "the fine seed " represents" the sons of the Kingdom " and that "the goats " are" sons of the wicked one. " Kwa iponelwa hande kuli zwelopili tota ya Bakreste mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili ne i tile ka m'ata ni ka ketelelo ya moya o kenile. Clearly, genuine Christian growth in the first century was closely linked to the power and guidance of the holy spirit. What about you? Ne ni ciwa ki minahano ye cwalo. I really cringed at such thoughts. Jesus said in prayer to God: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. Ki niti kuli ka linako ze ñwi mwa kona ku cinca tomahanyo ya mina. Of course, at times you may have to adjust your schedule. When will the King come to settle accounts of blood? Kana hasi niti kuli moya o kenile ki wona o lu tusa ku kutaza taba ye nde mwa lifasi kaufela? What else could explain how the good news has been preached earth wide? " Although Mother told me what was going to happen, my first month I was not prepared. Mubale Isaya 40: 29. Read Isaiah 40: 29. It is fitting, therefore, that we at times change our attitude. TOHO YA TABA | KANA BATU BAZWELANGAPILI KUPILA COVER SUBJECT | LIFE AFTER DEATH - IS IT POSSIBLE? Moreover, in order to become part of that group and its legal rights, it was originally granted only to some who made contributions to the Society. Ba lubasi cwale ba kalisa ku ni lwanisa kakuli ne ni yemela lituto za Lipaki za Jehova. Family opposition now focused on me as I defended the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. Most Catholic churches adhered to "the Law of Holy State. " Mutanga u talusizwe kuli ki "mutu ya li sipawana se si luwilwe ka mulao ki mutu yo muñwi kamba batu ba bañwi mi u tamehile ku ipeya kwatasi ka ku tala. " A slave has been defined as "a person who is the legal property of another or others and is bound to absolute obedience. " King David knew this. Ba ba lwanisa Sione, ya yemelwa ki bana ba hae ba ba fa lifasi, ha ba koni. Those who fight against Zion, as represented by her children on earth, cannot succeed. The warmth, color, and taste of every touch can inform you that he should be enjoyed. Kana Z'a Bata Jehova ku Luna Li Tulile Tikanyo? St. Helena, 2 / 1 Serve in Foreign Field? That is why we keep praying for God's Kingdom to come. MUITUTI wa litaba ze ezahezi ni za mipilelo ya nyangela H. HISTORIAN and sociologist H. In fact, he wrote two inspired letters, and they became part of the Bible. Ba bañwi ba lumela kuli buitundumuni bw'a tokwahala kwa neku la ku peta lika. Some believe that boasting is necessary to achievement. A Book of True Prophecy Kana Bukebenga Bu Tahiswa Ki Manyando Kamba Ki Pilu Ya Mutu? Criminals by Necessity or Choice? [ Footnote] Ne lu sa zibi kuli musebezi wa ku kutaza ne u ka zwelapili cwañi. " We were wondering how the work would continue. " If you want to win the battle against your mind, you must recognize the danger that lies and protect yourself from them. Ezira n'a fitile hande ku ze konisa za ku zamaisa ona mukopano wo, ka ku ba kuli "n'a isize pilu ya hae kwa ku bata mulao wa [Jehova, NW], ni ku sebeza ka ona, ni ku luta mwa Isilaele milao ni likatulo. " Ezra was well qualified to conduct this meeting, since he "had prepared his heart to consult the law of Jehovah and to do it and to teach in Israel regulation and justice. " What Jehovah said can help us and our loved ones. N'a si ka luma fela balutiwa ba hae ku yo kutaza taba ye nde ya Mubuso wa Mulimu, kono ni yena n'a abani ka ku tala mwa musebezi wo. He did not just send out his disciples to preach the good news of God's Kingdom, but he exerted himself vigorously in that work. " Abraham put faith in the hope, even when there was no hope, and he became the father of many nations. " Milomo ya bapolofita ba bona ba buhata ba ba ikuhumusa kwa nalulelule ne i fitile fa ku kuziswa. The mouths of their presumptuous false prophets were finally silenced. Remember, in any case, what counts is whole - souled service to Jehovah. Kono bahanyezi ba pihelela kuli buka yeo i tezi mashano. However, critics assert that the book is a fraud. Rather, it is part of all the Scriptures that God inspired to be written to teach and encourage. - 2 Timothy 3: 16. Kana ki ko ku butali ku ina mwa keleke ku si na taba ni ze zwa mwateñi, ku si na taba ni muinelo wa yona? Is it wise to stay in a church at all costs, whatever its condition? Where did he come from? • Niti ki tamo ye swalisanisa ka nzila ifi? • How is the truth a binding tie? By 1914, there were some 5,000,000 people active in the preaching work, and the good news had been preached in 68 lands. Hañata, mutu ya sa z'o tabela ya ituta broshuwa ya Seo A Tokwa, h'a feza u kalanga ku ituta buka ya Zibo Ye Isa kwa Bupilo bo Bu Sa Feli. Sibeli sa zona lihatiso zeo li hasanyizwe ki Lipaki za Jehova. Normally, a newly interested person who is studying the Require brochure would move on to the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, both published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Was Jesus really the new covenant? Mi mane ne ni ile ni kwa likeleke li sikai. I even went to a couple of churches. These two followers of Jesus are James and John. 13: 11. 13: 11. They are the best friends we could have on earth! Ki kabakalañi hakubile cwalo? Why has this happened? How did fishing for fine fish benefit from other works performed by Christendom's churches? Lu kona ku itutañi kwa taba yeo? What can we learn from Nehemiah's example? No doubt, though, they were influenced by the first - century Greeks, of whom homosexuality was so prevalent. Ka linako ze ñwi ha mu kutaza hamoho fa ndu ni ndu, mu teeleze ka tokomelo kwa mitahisezo ya y'o mu sebeza hamoho ni yena. On occasions when you witness together from house to house, listen carefully to your companion's presentations. * Fa libapalelo, babapali ne ba zibahazanga kwa babuhi litakazo ze maswe za batu ba mwa Roma, ka ku bapala lipapali ili mo hañata ne ba ezanga likezo za buhule ni za mifilifili. On stage, actors introduced the audience to Rome's taste for salacious entertainment through plays that often featured immorality or violence. Good communication in the family is not easy. Jesu naa talusize kuli "peu ye nde " i yemela" bana ba Mubuso " ni kuli "mufuka " ki" bana ba ya maswe. " Jesus explained that "the fine seed " represents" the sons of the Kingdom " and that "the weeds " are" the sons of the wicked one. " [ Picture on page 28] Mina bo, mwa li balanga? Do you? Names such as Luther, Tyndale, and Calvin are well - known for all Protestant Protestant scholars, which were under way. Jesu mwa tapelo ku Mulimu n'a bulezi kuli: "Bupilo bo bu sa feli, kikuli ba ku zibe, Wena, Mulimu a nosi wa niti, ni y'o lumile, yena Jesu Kreste. " - Joani 17: 3. Jesus said in prayer to God: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. [ Picture on page 4, 5] Those women were courageous because they feared Jehovah more than Pharaoh. Mulena u ka taha lili ku to tatuba litaba za mali? When will the Master come to settle accounts? Good Christians use the power of the tongue to comfort the depressed and the bereaved. Kalibe ya bizwa Kathleen, u bulela kuli: "Nihaike kuli bo ma ne ba ni taluselize ze ne ka ezahala, ha ne ni ile kwa kweli lwa pili ne ni si ka iteekela hande. " Even though my mom prepared me, my first period totally caught me off guard, " says a young woman named Kathleen. " I took several showers a day because I felt dirty all the time. . . . . . Kacwalo, kwa swanela fokuñwi ku luna ku cincanga mubonelo wa luna ka linako ze ñwi. Unlike Jehovah and Jesus, we are imperfect. However, it is possible that Jesus was referring to those resurrected to heaven. Fahalimw'a seo, ka mulao kuli mutu a be kalulo ya sikwata seo ni litukelo za sona za ku eza liketisa, kwa makalelo ne li fiwa fela ku ba bañwi ba ne ba ezize linubu kwa Sosaiti. Furthermore, by law such membership and its voting privileges were originally granted only to certain ones who made contributions to the Society. 24: 13. Buñata bwa libaka za bulapeli bwa Katolika ne li kumalezi kwa "Mulao wa Benedict ya Kenile. " Benedict. " 10: 24, 25. Mulena Davida n'a ziba cwalo. King David recognized this. He put his relationship with Jehovah ahead of all else - even the obligations of his families. Munko, mubala, ni mo u utwahalela ha mu u swala kaufela li kona ku mi zibisa kuli w'a swanela ku ikoliwa. Its aroma, color, and feel all tell you that a mouth - watering experience awaits you. In harmony with this, Jehovah's Witnesses do not hold back when they offer books or teach them the Bible. Ki lona libaka haluzwelapili kulapela kuli Mubuso wa Mulimu utahe. So Christians since the days of the apostles have been praying for it to come. It explains that when God's power became in Adam's body, he "came to be a living soul. " Mane hamulaho, naañozi mañolo amabeli ka kususumezwa ki moya wa Mulimu, mi mañolo ao aba kalulo ya Bibele. In fact, he was later inspired to write two letters that became part of the Bible. Suppose his son wants to do something that requires parental approval. Buka ya Bupolofita bwa Niti A Book of True Prophecy Baruch's ass [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] We urge you to accept the message that Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching. Haiba mubata kutula mwa ndwa yelwanisa munahano wamina, muswanela kulemuha kozi yekona kutahiswa ki litaba za buhata ni kuisileleza kwa lika zeo. If you are going to win the battle for your mind, you must recognize the danger that propaganda poses and protect yourself from it. The box "Why You Should Maintain Your Zeal for the Ministry " gives further reasons why the preaching work is important. Za naa bulezi Jehova za kona ku lu tusa ni ku tusa balatiwa ba luna. What he said through the prophet Jeremiah has implications for your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. If it is necessary to speak, tender feelings of compassion will move the elder to take this person aside and discuss problems that others cannot hear. " Abrahama na lumezi ka sepo, niha ne ku si na sepo; mi a ba cwalo ndat'ahe macaba a mañata. ' " Although beyond hope, yet based on hope he had faith, that he might become the father of many nations. " Young ones, " know Satan's designs! ' Mu hupule kuli, mwa miinelo ifi kamba ifi, sa butokwa ki ku sebeleza Jehova ka moyo kaufela. Remember, the important thing is to serve Jehovah whole - souled, in whatever capacity. 16, 17. (a) What did God's people need? Kono ki kalulo ya Mañolo kaufela a n'a tahisize Mulimu kuli a ñolwe ilikuli a lute ni ku kolisa. - 2 Timotea 3: 16. Rather, they form part of all Scripture that God inspired for teaching and for setting things straight. - 2 Timothy 3: 16. As a result, the love you had is replaced by resentment. N'a simuluhile kai? What was his origin? Of course, a person needs a job that interests him, one that makes him wise. Ha ku t'o fitwanga ka 1914, ne se ku na ni batu ba ba bat'o eza 5,100 ba ne ba sweli musebezi wa ku kutaza, mi taba ye nde ne se i kutalezwa mwa linaha ze 68. By the year 1914, there were about 5,100 who actively participated in the preaching activity, and the good news had reached some 68 lands. John 1: 1: "In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. " Kana komoki luli ya naa sweli Jesu ne li yona tumelelano ye nca? (Italics ours.) Was the actual cup Jesus held the new covenant? During the ten years since 1914, more than ten life - threatening earthquakes killed over three million people. Balateleli ba babeli ba Jesu ba, ki Jakobo ni Joani. These two followers of Jesus are James and John. What contrast did Satan try to make with Jesus, and what two things does his attempt to teach us? Ki bona balikani ba bande ka ku fitisisa be lu kona ku ba ni bona fa lifasi! Who could find better company on earth? Just a few days before his death, Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders: "Did you not read from the Scriptures these words: " The stone that the builders rejected is the one that became chief over the house of Jehovah, and it is a wonderful thing in our eyes '? Ku yamba litapi ze nde ne ku tusizwe cwañi ki misebezi ye miñwi ye ne i ezizwe ki likeleke za Krestendomu? How was fishing for fine fish aided by some work done by the churches of Christendom? Name has been changed Kono fo ku si na ku kakanya, ne ba susuelizwe ki Magerike ba ne ba li teñi pili, ili bao ku bona kalombe ne ka atile luli. No doubt, though, they were influenced by their Greek predecessors, among whom it was widely practiced. For example, David was eager to praise Jehovah's kingship. * * They live by God's standards, especially because they are motivated by love for God and for their neighbors. Ku ambolisana hande mwa lubasi ku t'ata. Maintaining good communication in the family is easier said than done. Those who hold fast to them are known for their trust and strength, streets language, and clothes that are not well - dressed on the body, broken shoes of some sort that have high - sounded upper parts, gold cells, and slus. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 28] [ Picture on page 28] They know all the names of children and all new ones who have moved into the congregation. " Mabizo a cwale ka bo Luther, Tyndale, ni Calvin a zibahala hahulu kwa baituti kaufela ba Petuho ya Maprotestanti, ye ne kalile ka 1517. The names Luther, Tyndale, and Calvin are familiar to all students of the Protestant Reformation, which started in 1517. David is sorry for what he has done to move to the United States, and he makes it clear that he will no longer be distracted by the idea of making money. Basali bao ne ba na ni bundume kakuli ne ba saba hahulu Jehova ku fita Faro. Because they had reverential fear of Jehovah, they courageously refused to practice infanticide. When Satan openly challenged his integrity, Jesus endured. Bakreste ba bande ba itusisanga m'ata a lilimi kuli ba omba - ombe ba ba zwafile ni ba ba shwezwi. Wise Christians use the power of the tongue to comfort the depressed and the bereaved. " My food is to do the will of him that sent me. " - John 4: 34. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Fear increased every day when we learned that our brothers and sisters have been arrested, imprisoned, or imprisoned. Nihakulicwalo, kwa kona ku ba kuli Jesu naa ama kwa batu ba ba ka zusezwa kwa lihalimu. However, it seems possible that Jesus had in mind the heavenly resurrection. What impresses us about the fact that God was pleased by four kings of Judah? 24: 13. 24: 13. Those rebels should have known that it is wrong to resist Moses ' authority. 10: 24, 25. 10: 24, 25. They use the tract How Do You View the Bible? N'a beile silikani sa hae ni Jehova kwapil'a ze ñwi kamukana - niheba litamo za mabasi a hae. He put friendship with Jehovah ahead of everything - even family ties. Especially is this spiritual shipwreck seen in what Bible prophecy calls "the last days " marked by" critical times hard to deal with. " Ka kulumelelana ni taba yeo, Lipaki za Jehova ni bona habalifisangi batu hababafa libuka kamba kubaluta Bibele. In harmony with those principles, Jehovah's Witnesses do not charge for their literature or for Bible instruction. Parents should teach their children Christianity in a balanced, clear manner, so that they may be able to do things for themselves in the future. I talusa kuli muta m'ata a Mulimu ha n'a fitile fa ku ba mwa mubili wa Adama, "a ba moyo o pila. " It says that when God's power energized Adam's body, he "came to be a living soul. " When we talk about our faith at meetings, we contribute greatly to "the upbuilding of the congregation. " Lu nge kuli mwanaa hae wa mushimani u bata ku eza nto ye ñwi ye tokwa tumelezo ya bashemi. Her son is seeking permission to engage in an activity for which parental permission is needed. 22 Was It Designed? 22 The Bible's Viewpoint Bulla ya Baruki Baruch's bulla Every Sunday they rejoice when they share God's goodness with their neighbors and explain how God will answer "all those who call upon him in trueness " and how he will care for" all who love him. " - Psalm 145: 7, 18, 20. Lu mi susueza ku amuhela lushango lo lu sweli ku kutaziwa ki Lipaki za Jehova. We encourage you to respond to the message being preached by Jehovah's Witnesses. Paul similarly said when he wrote: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 31. Mbokisi ye li, "Libaka ha mu Swanela ku Zwelapili ku ba ni Tukufalelo Mwa Bukombwa " i fa mabaka a mañwi musebezi wa ku kutaza ha u li wa butokwa. The accompanying box sets out some of the reasons. Another part of Satan's world is the world empire of false religion that has settled over the centuries, including Christendom and her clergy. Haiba ki ko ku tokwahala ku bulela, maikuto a ' bunolo a mufelañeke a k'a susueza eluda y'o ku isa yena mutu y'o kwatuko ni ku buhisana but'ata ko ba s'a koni ku utwa ba bañwi. If it is necessary to talk at all, tender feelings of compassion will move the elder to take that one aside and discuss the problem out of earshot of others. God's Word assures us that "those who are planted in the house of Jehovah will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness. " Mina ba banca, mu " zibe milelo ya Satani '! Youths, do not be "ignorant of [Satan's] designs "! God's command to "go out from your country and from your relatives " may have been very difficult for Sarah. 16, 17. (a) Batu ba Mulimu nebatokwañi? 16, 17. (a) What did God's people need? Who will judge them? Ka libaka leo, lilato le ne mu na ni lona li yoliwa ki ndimbelela. As a result, the affection you once had has been replaced by resentment. At 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, it is said of the wicked: "Whenever it is that they are saying: " Peace and security! ' Ki niti kuli mutu u tokwa mubeleko wa tabela, ili o mu fumanisa pene ya ngana. Good pay and satisfying work are, of course, desirable. To help the family, I began working and was able to provide treatment - a job that would help me during the difficult time that my wife and I later faced. Joani 1: 1 (NW): "Kwa simuluho ne ku na ni Linzwi, mi Linzwi naa li ni Mulimu, mi Linzwi nee li mulimu. " Peter, James, or John may have told Luke about their miraculous catch of fish. Mwahal'a lilimo ze lishumi ku zwa ka 1914, lizikinyeho ze fitelela lishumi ze omba moyo ne li bulaile batu ba ba fitelela 350,000. In the decade following 1914, no less than ten destructive earthquakes killed over 350,000 people. The apostle Paul counsels husbands: "Continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it. " Ki cincano mañi yeo Satani n'a likile ku eza ni Jesu, mi ku tahisa kwa hae tiko ye ku lu luta lika lifi ze peli? What transaction did Satan try to make with Jesus, and what two things does his making this offer teach us? We always benefit from doing things God's way. Ha ne ku siyezi fela mazazi a sikai kuli a bulaiwe, Jesu na bulelezi baluti ba bulapeli bwa Majuda kuli: "Kikuli ha mu si ka bala mwa Mañolo manzwi a ' li: Licwe le ba hanile bayahi, ki lona le li fetuhile [muñ'a] lilulu; li ezizwe cwalo ki Mulena, mi ki taba ye komokisa mwa meto a luna. A few days before his death, Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders: "Did you never read in the Scriptures, " The stone that the builders rejected is the one that has become the chief cornerstone. From Jehovah this has come to be, and it is marvelous in our eyes '? We do well to imitate Jesus in helping others. Libizo li cincizwe During that time, however, I wrote a second time to the branch office in faith. Ka mutala, Davida naa lakaza hahulu ku lumbeka bulena bwa Jehova. For example, David was eager to extol Jehovah's kingship. Why should we be determined to imitate our merciful God and his Son? Ba pila ka likuka za Mulimu, sihulu ba susuezwa ki lilato la ku lata Mulimu ni bomuyahwa ni bona. They brought their lives into harmony with God's standards, motivated above all by love of God and love of neighbor. While modern archaeological discoveries are fascinating, true Christians "go on walking by faith, not by sight. " Ba ba kumalezi ku zona ba zibwa ka mikobetelo ya bona ya buisepo ni buikungo, puo ya mwa makululu, ni liapalo - malukwe a ' tiile a ' s'a swali hande fa mubili, makatulo a ' s'a ñomelwi ili a mufuta wa makanabasi a ' na ni likalulo z'e yemezi mwahalimu za ku tama teñi likwele, mawenge a gauda, likepesi za babapali ba baseball, ni mangilasi a mansu. Its adherents are identified by their flamboyant gestures, street slang, and garb - baggy jeans, unlaced high - top sneakers, gold chains, baseball caps, and dark glasses. (b) In what way was Barnabas a fine example? Ba ziba mabizo kaufela a banana ni bote ba ba sa zo tutela mwa puteho. " She remembers the names of all the children and of those who have recently moved into the congregation. " What significant events took place about 47 - 48 C.E.? David wa inyaza bakeñisa muhato wa n'a ngile wa ku tutela kwa United States, mi u ikonkile kuli ha sa tuha hape a lyanganiswa ki taba ya ku bata mali. David has had second thoughts about the wisdom of moving to the United States, and he has resolved never again to let money dominate his decisions. 38: 23. Satani ha naa lwanisize ka ku nonga busepahali bwa hae, Jesu naa itiisize. He rejected Satan's direct attacks on his loyalty. So Timothy - perhaps in his 20 ' s - returns with a favorable report that believers in Thessalonica are doing well, Paul writes to the Thessalonians a letter of commendation and encouragement. " Sico sa ka ki ku eza tato ya ya ni lumile. " - Joani 4: 34. " My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me. " - John 4: 34. He used the prophet Moses as His mediator to gather the nation of Israel after its deliverance from Egypt, the first world rule in ancient Bible history. Sabo ne i ekezeha zazi ni zazi ha ne lu utwanga kuli mizwale ni likaizeli ba luna ba tamilwe, ba tunuzwi mwa naha, kamba ba lengilwe mwa litolongo. Each day, things grew more tense as we heard of Christian brothers and sisters being arrested, deported, and sent to prisons or concentration camps. Bearing God's Judgments Ki nto mañi yemitabisize ka za taba ya kuli Mulimu naatabisizwe ki malena babane ba Juda? What impressed you about God's approval of the four kings of Judah? The first part of that talk considered the current success of our worldwide preaching work. Bafetuheli bao ne ba swanela ku ziba kuli ku fosahezi ku lwanisa m'ata a Mushe. The rebels should have known better than to challenge Moses ' authority. When I was serving congregations in 1945, I became familiar with Julia Canakas in the region of Provividce, in The Island. Baitusisa trakiti ya kuli Mu Nga Cwañi Bibele? They use the tract How Do You View the Bible? How his justice assures us! - Proverbs 2: 7, 8. Ku yambalakana kwa moya w'o sihulu ku bonwa mwa nako ye bizwa ki bupolofita bwa Bibele kuli ki "mazazi a maungulelo " ili a zibahala ka" linako ze tata. " The spread of that attitude is particularly observable during what Bible prophecy calls "the last days, " marked by" critical times hard to deal with. " What scriptures comforted a West African woman, and why? Bashemi ba swanela ku luta bana ba bona Bukreste ka nzila ye itikanelezi, ye utwahala, ilikuli kwapili ite ba kone ku ikezeza lika. Parents should provide godly training in a balanced yet positive and reasonable way, preparing their children to stand on their own feet later in life. It may have been a problem for a young man named Paulus to be influenced by the thinking of the people around him, and he may have needed the strength to resist the temptation to return to his activities in Ur. What comes to mind when you hear the name Moses? [ Pictures on page 15] Ha lu bulela za tumelo ya luna kwa mikopano lu tusa hahulu mwa ku "yahisa " puteho. Expressing our faith at meetings greatly contributes to "the upbuilding of the congregation. " Many in the camp fled because of domestic violence. 22 Kaemba ka Lizupa ka ka na ni Litaba ze Lumelelana ni Litaba za Bibele 28 Give Your Children a Good Start in Life Such problems can be avoided if we truly fear God. - 1 Corinthians 6: 18. will list the addresses of all convention locations in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Ireland. Still, we also need to take the lead as students strive to apply Christ's commandments in their daily lives and in the ministry. La Sunda ni la Sunda ba talanga tabo ha ba taluseza batu ba ba yahile ni bona ka za bunde bwa Mulimu ni ku talusa mo Mulimu a ka alabela "kaufela ba ba mu lapela ka ku eza niti " ni mwa ka babalelela" kamukana ba ba mu lata. " - Samu 145: 7, 18, 20. Every Sunday they "bubble over " when they speak to their neighbors about God's goodness and explain how he will satisfy" all those who call upon him in trueness " and will guard "all those loving him. " - Psalm 145: 7, 18, 20. They are like the rich man in Jesus ' parable when asked to judge in a matter involving inheritance. Paulusi n'a bulezi ka ku swana ha n'a ñozi kuli: "Niha mu ca, niha mu nwa, niha mu eza nto ye ñwi, mu eze linto kaufela kuli Mulimu a lumbekwe ka zona. " - 1 Makorinte 10: 31. Paul said as much when he wrote: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 31. Jesus would never fight against what God does. Kalulo ye ñwi ya lifasi la Satani ki muinelo wa lifasi kamukana wa bulapeli bwa buhata w'o s'a yahile mwahal'a lilimo ze myanda - nda, ku kopanyeleza cwalo Krestendomu ni bahulu ba bulapeli ba hae. Part of Satan's world is the earth - wide system of false religion he has built up for centuries, including Christendom and her clergy. I wanted someone who could praise me, praise me when I was doing well. Linzwi la Mulimu li lu kolwisa kuli " ba ba calilwe mwa Ndu ya Muñ'a Bupilo ba ka beya miselo ni mwa bucembele bo butuna bwa bona. ' In what ways can Christians "keep on thriving during gray - headedness "? Some Bible readers, however, wonder if God changed his thinking. Taelo yanaafile Mulimu ya kuli "uzwe mwa naha yahenu ni ku bahabo wena " mwendi neibile yetaata hahulu ku Sara. God's command to "go out from your land and from your relatives " may have been especially challenging for her. And whom has Jehovah's hand been made known? " Ki mañi ya ka ba atula? Who will execute that judgment? Time to Examine the House's Leader Kwa 1 Matesalonika 5: 3, ku bulelwa ka za ba ba maswe kuli: "Batu, nako ye ba ka li: Kozo ni buiketo! At 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, it is said of the wicked: "Whenever it is that they are saying: " Peace and security! ' On the other hand, a person who does more than he needs to do - willingly does so feels the strength to make big decisions in life. Kuli ni tuse lubasi, na kalisa ku sebeza mi hape na kona ku fa kalafo ya ku pikita batu - ili musebezi o ne u ka to ni tusa mwahal'a nako ye t'ata yeo na ni musal'a ka ne lu til'o talimana ni yona lilimo ze 30 hamulaho. To support the family, I took up secular work and also became qualified to give medical massages - a skill that would help me out during a difficult period that my wife and I faced some 30 years later. If parents have different opinions on a matter, they need to talk about it privately so that they can make a personal decision. Bo Pitrosi, Jakobo kamba Joani mwendi ne ba taluselize Luka ka za litapi ze ne ba fumani ka makazo. Perhaps Peter, James, or John told Luke about the miraculous catch of fish. Abraham was told that his seed would become abundant and his descendants would be "like the stars of heaven " and like the grains of sand that are on the coast of the sea. Muapositola Paulusi u eleza baana ba ba nyezi kuli: "Mu late basali ba mina, sina Kreste mwa latezi Keleke mi a itobohile bakeñisa yona. " The apostle Paul exhorts husbands: "Continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it. " Even if the erring one does not listen to us, what can we do? Lwa tusehanga kamita ha lu eza lika ka mw'a latela Mulimu. We always benefit by doing things God's way. What did Jesus do before " opening up the Scriptures ' with his friend? Lu swanela ku likanyisa Jesu ha lu tusa ba bañwi. Jesus ' example teaches us how we should help others. As this example illustrates, fighting events are powerful. Kono ka nako yeo na ñolela lwa bubeli kwa ofisi ya mutai wa Cape Town. In the meantime, however, I wrote to the Cape Town branch office a second time. Since then, anointed Christians have made known the name that the whole world is more than ever before. Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku ikatulela ku likanyisa Mulimu wa luna ya musa ni Mwanaa hae? Why should we be determined to imitate our gracious God and his Son? Average age: 33.7 Hailif'o lika za cwale ze pumbuzwi mwa Jeriko li hoha mamelelo, Bakreste ba niti ba "zamaya ka tumelo, isi ka ku bona. " While current interpretations of archaeological excavations at Jericho are of interest, true Christians " walk by faith, not by sight. ' You may have other questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. (b) Ki ka nzila ifi Barnabasi n'a li mutala o munde? (b) In what way was Barnabas a fine example? We can easily understand that an increase of responsibility placed on the Master's servant, steward, or house manager involved writing and high - paying activities. Pursuing God's Purpose Today, 10 / 1 Yet, Isaac did not ignore Rebekah's feelings. Ki likezahalo mañi ze butokwa ze ne li ezahezi i bata i'ba ka 47 - 48 C.E.? What significant development took place about 47 - 48 C.E.? What an impact our dress and grooming can have on our thinking, our likes, our likes, and our likes! 38: 23. 38: 23. Is the Bible a Bible of God's Fearers (Do the Bible's message from God)? Kacwalo, Timotea - ili yo mwendi na li mwa lilimo za ma - 20 - h'a kuta ni piho ye nde ya kuli balumeli ba kwa Tesalonika ba eza hande, Paulusi u ñolela Matesalonika liñolo la ku ba babaza ni ku ba susueza. So when Timothy - perhaps in his 20 ' s - returns from there with a good report, Paul is moved to write the Thessalonians a letter to commend and encourage them. 2: 24. N'a itusisize mupolofita Mushe sina yena muyema - mwahali wa Hae mwa ku kopanya hamoho sicaba sa Isilaele hamulaho wa ku lukululwa kwa sona ku zwa mwa Egepita, puso ya lifasi ya pili mwa litaba za kwaikale za Bibele. He used the prophet Moses as His mediator in organizing the nation of Israel after its deliverance from Egypt, the first world empire of Bible history. What a dark, cold day Jehovah will be for his earthly enemies! Ku Zibahaza Likatulo za Mulimu Declaring God's Judgments In fact, how could Jesus ' listeners understand the truth about Jehovah without knowing His name and what it means? Kalulo ya pili ya yona ngambolo yeo ne i nyakisisize ku konda kwa cwale kwa musebezi wa luna wa ku kutaza mwa lifasi kamukana. The first part drew attention to the present success of our global preaching work. It helps me repeat my computer and put numbers in my cell. Ha ne ni sebeleza liputeho mwa 1945, na t'o tekelela Julia Charnauskas mwa sibaka sa Providence, mwa Rhode Island. While serving congregations in 1945, I became acquainted with Julia Charnauskas in Providence, Rhode Island. And when Saul tried to kill David, Jonathan was informed of his friend. Katulo ya hae ye lukile ki yona ye lu kolwisa cwalo! - Liproverbia 2: 7, 8. His justice guarantees this! - Proverbs 2: 7, 8. About 17,000 of them were imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps and concentration camps. Ki afi mañolo a n'a omba - ombile musali wa kwa Wiko wa Africa, mi ne li kabakalañi? What texts comforted a woman in West Africa, and why? Later, the same festivals were held throughout Greece. Mwendi mutangana ya bizwa Linusi n'a na ni butata bwa ku kukuezwa ki mihupulo ya batu ye n'e li teñi, mi mwendi Rufusi yena n'a tokwa m'ata a ku tiyela muliko wa ku kutela kwa likezo za n'a ezanga mwa Bujuda. We do not know them all by name, nor do we know what problems confronted them, but imagine some possibilities. Sometimes marriage draws together two people from different backgrounds. [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 15] [ Pictures on page 15] How important, then, is Jesus ' death to you? Buñata bwa batu ba ba pila mwa munganda wo, ne ba balehile bakeñisa mifilifili ya mwa libaka za bona. Many here have fled violent attacks on their hometowns. He understood, " There is a God who cares for us. ' Matata a cwalo a kona ku ambukiwa haiba lu saba Mulimu luli. - 1 Makorinte 6: 18. Such tragic consequences can be avoided by truly fearing God. - 1 Corinthians 6: 18. Concerning God, the psalmist sang: "Go into his gates with thanksgiving and with his courtyards praising him. Give thanks to him, bless his name. Niteñi, lu tokwa hape ku etelela baituti ha ba nze ba satalala ku sebelisa litaelo za Kreste mwa bupilo bwa bona bwa ka zazi ni mwa bukombwa. However, we also need to guide the students as they endeavor to apply Christ's instructions in their daily lives and in the ministry. He may take a different view of our situation. Ba swana sina munna wa mufumi wa litanya ya mwa nguli ya Jesu muta n'a kupilwe ku atula mwa taba ye n'e ama sanda. They are like the unreasonable rich man Jesus mentioned in an illustration when asked to arbitrate in a matter involving an inheritance. For several centuries many who identified themselves as Christians were celebrating Jesus ' death once a year. Jesu naasike alwanisa nihanyinyani lika zaeza Mulimu. Jesus would never counteract God's actions. According to the Bible, what does it mean to "be zealous "? Nenibata mutu yanaaka kona kunibabalela, ni kunilumba hanieza hande. I wanted somebody to look after me and to tell me I was doing well. ▪ Good communication Kono babali ba bañwi ba Bibele ba ipuzanga ka za haiba Mulimu u cincize muhupulo wa hae. Some Bible readers wonder, however, if God has changed his mind. Despite their limited opinion, this law enabled them to judge in a similar manner at all times. Mi lizoho la Mulena li zibisizwe mañi? " After 1931, the term "everlasting pioneer " was replaced by the word" pioneer. " Nako ya ku Tatuba Muzamaisi wa Ndu A Time of Accounting for the House Manager He knew that David wanted to do what was right. Kono mutu ya eza lika ze ñata ku fita za tokwiwa ku eza - ili ya eza cwalo ka ku itatela, u ikutwanga ku ba ni maata a ku ikezeza likatulo ze tuna mwa bupilo. But the person who goes the extra mile - doing more because he chooses to - feels in control of his life. So continue to oppose the Devil, as Jesus did. - Read James 4: 7, 8. Haiba bashemi ba ba ni mibonelo ye shutana fa taba ye ñwi, ba tokwa ku ambolisana ka za teñi kwa mukunda ilikuli ba kone ku eza katulo ka ku lumelelana. If parents disagree about how to handle a situation, it is best that they discuss those differences privately and reach a united decision. Cameron: OK. Abrahama na taluselizwe kuli peu ya hae ne i ka ñatafala mi baikulu ba hae ne ba ka ba "sina linaleli za lihalimu " ni sina lishabati le li fa likamba la liwate. Abraham was told that his seed would multiply and become "like the stars of the heavens " and the grains of sand on the seashore. 2: 17, 18; 4: 16. Sifosi nih'a sa lu utwi, lu kona ku ezañi? Even if an offender does not listen to us, what might we do? Moreover, when we serve God with true love, not only will we do what is right but we will enjoy it! - Ps. 100: 2. Jesu n'a ezizeñi pili a si ka "taluseza Mañolo " Kleopa ni mulikan'a hae? What did Jesus do before "fully opening up the Scriptures " to Cleopas and his companion? So in 1978, after moving to Watchtower Farms in Wallkill, New York, I married a beautiful, warm, and calm man. Sina mutala wo mo u boniseza, likezo za ku caula ni ku pwacaka lika li maata. As that example shows, protest can be a powerful force. When the Good News Is Reached in Beroea Ku zwa fela f'o, Bakreste ba ba tozizwe se ba zibahalize libizo leo lifasi kamukana ku fita l'ili kaufela. Since then, anointed Christians have published that name worldwide as never before. However, God's people have their place. Avareji ya lilimo za buhulu: 33.7 Average age: 33.7 People felt secure because they lived close to one another and were able to help one another and to protect each one of them more easily. Mwendi munani lipuzo zeñwi ka za Lipaki za Jehova. Of course, you may have other questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus said that the second greatest commandment is related to the first: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Lwa kona ku utwisisa ka bunolo kuli kekezeho ya mushimbo wa buikalabelo o inzi fahalimw'a mutanga wa Mulena, sikombwa, kamba muzamaisi wa ndu ne u ama ku ñola ni misebezi ya buñoli ye mituna. We can easily understand that the increased load of responsibility devolving upon the Master's slave, steward, or house manager involved intense writing and editorial activities. (b) Why do true Christians need to attend meetings? Niteñi, Isaka n'a si ka keshebisa maikuto a Rebeka. Still, Isaac did not minimize Rebekah's feelings. As a result, the misled people "took no note " of what was happening, and the Flood swept them all away. Sango sa luna ni ba bañwi si kona ku ama hahulu munahano wa luna, ze lu lata, ni ze lu sa lati! What a powerful effect our associates have on our thoughts, our likes, and our dislikes! When the elders judge a repentant person, will you forgive and continue to love him? Is the Bible a Record of God's Thoughts (Kana litaba zemwa Bibele lizwa ku Mulimu)? Is the Bible a Record of God's Thoughts? He did not abandon me. 2: 24. 2: 24. Jesus did not limit his works of physical healing to those who exercised faith. Kaniti lizazi la Jehova li ka ba lizazi la lififi luli, le li bata kwa lila za hae ba ba fa lifasi - mubu! It will not be day, neither will it be night; and it must occur that at evening time it will become light. " Jesus prayed to his Father "and heard him. " - Hebrews 5: 7 Mi mane, bateelezi ba Jesu ne ba ka kona ku utwisisa cwañi niti ka za Jehova ba si ka ziba libizo la Hae ni se li talusa? After all, how could Jesus ' listeners understand the truth about Jehovah without even knowing His name and what it stands for? I had just returned from my assignment. Show appreciation for Jehovah's undeserved kindness by declaring his truth We were not rich, but we always had the necessities of life. Kakota kao ka nitusanga kutaipa manzwi fa kompyuta yaka ni kunitusa kukenya linombolo mwa foni. This rod allows me to type letters on a keyboard and dial numbers on my cell phone. IT WAS late November 1932 in Mexico City. Mi Saule hanaalikile kubulaya Davida, Jonatani naaiyakatilwe ka za mulikanaa hae. And when Saul was trying to kill David, Jonathan was worried about his friend. Try to focus on what you have instead of on what you have lost. Ba ba bat'o eza 325 ku bona ne ba lengilwe mwa litolongo ni minganda ya tukufazo ya ba Nazi. Some 325 of them had been incarcerated in Nazi concentration camps and prisons. But do you work hard to get to know more brothers and sisters in the congregation? - 2 Cor. 6: 11 - 13. Hasamulaho, mikiti ye swana ya to eziwanga mwa Greece kaufela. Similar festivals came to be celebrated throughout Greece. Do we come ready to participate and do so when we find a place? Fokuñwi linyalo li swalisanisanga hamoho batu ba babeli ba lisimuluho ze shutana. Sometimes marriage unites two people who are from different cultural backgrounds. Read these chapters carefully, prayerfully. Kacwalo, lifu la Jesu ki la butokwa mañi ku mina? So how much does Jesus ' death mean to you? covenant With Abraham Naa utwisisa kuli, " Ku na ni Mulimu ya lu tokomela. ' " There really is a God who cares about us, ' I thought. * Some 20 years earlier, King Solomon composed a poem about a man and a woman who truly loved each other. Walisamu n'a opezi ka za Mulimu kuli: "Mu kene mwa minyako ya hae inze mu itumela, ni mwa malapa a hae inze mu lumbeka; mu itumele ku Yena, mi mu lumbeke Libizo la hae. Regarding God, the psalmist sang: "Come into his gates with thanksgiving, into his courtyards with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name. Of course not! Yena a kana a ' ngela mu sili - sili muinelo wa luna. His view of our situation might be entirely different. [ Picture on page 23] Ka lilimo ze myanda ye sikai ba bañata ba ne ba itibahaza ku ba Bakreste ne ba eza kupuzo ya lifu la Jesu hañwi ka silimo. For several centuries many professed Christians commemorated Jesus ' death once a year. Jesus, 12 / 13 Ka ku ka ya ka Bibele, "ku tukufalelwa " ku talusañi? What is the meaning of "zeal " as used in the Bible? [ Credit Line] ▪ ku ambolanga hande ni ba bañwi effectively communicate with others Gold, silver, copper, iron. Ku si na taba ni kuli ne ba na ni mubonelo wa makutela - kaufi, mulao wo ne u ba konisize ku atulanga ka mukwa o swana ka nako ni nako. Despite their limitations, they were enabled by this law to be consistent in their judgments. GABA Hamulaho wa silimo sa 1931, pulelo ya "mukutazi wa kamita " ne i yolisizwe ka linzwi la" paina. " After 1931, the term "colporteur " was replaced by" pioneer. " Filled with holy spirit, they began to produce a figurative fragrance, " declaring the magnificent things of God. ' Naaziba kuli Davida naabata kueza sesilukile. He knew that David wanted to do what was right. As I read about those brothers in their younger years who were in prisons and concentration camps, my tears filled. Kacwalo, mu zwelepili ku hanela Diabulosi sina mwa na ezelize Jesu. - Mu bale Jakobo 4: 7, 8. Therefore, keep on opposing the Devil, as Jesus did. - Read James 4: 7, 8. (a) What reward should some Christians pursue that God has called them? Bo Mukubesa: Ki hande. Cameron: That's all right. When you set reasonable goals as a child, be successful. 2: 17, 18; 4: 16. 2: 17, 18; 4: 16. The Watch Tower Society's office in Germany wrote: "One incident led to controversy, publishers, and even elders would be responsible for the type of treatment used by a brother. " Mi ku zwa fo, ha lu sebeleza Mulimu ka lilato la niti, ha lu na ku eza feela lika ze lukile kono lu ka ikola ku li eza! - Samu 100: 2. After all, when we serve God out of genuine love, not only will we do the right things but we will enjoy doing them! - Psalm 100: 2. The world around us has been swept away to think that even if we violate God's laws, there is no harm to us. Kacwalo ka 1978, ha se ni tutezi kwa Watchtower Farms kwa Wallkill, mwa New York, na nyalana ni bo Glenn Hyde, munna ya buheha, wa mombela, ya wile pilu. So in 1978, after I had transferred to Watchtower Farms in Wallkill, New York, I married Glenn Hyde, a very handsome, quiet, and gentle person. The owner was supposed to purchase it for a small amount in the 1970 ' s. Taba Ye Nde Ha I Kutazwa mwa Berea The Good News Reaches Beroea When the Roman Empire became more powerful than ever before, gambling was popular. Nihakulicwalo, batu ba Mulimu ba na ni sibaka sa bona. Nevertheless, God's people are not without a "home. " When faced with problems, how do we make decisions? Batu ne ba ikutwanga ku silelezwa bakeñisa kuli ne ba pila bukaufi hahulu ni ba bañwi mi ne ba kona ku tusana ni ku sileleza yo muñwi ni yo muñwi wa ku bona ka bunolo. That enabled the inhabitants to help and protect one another. Christian youths can contribute to the family's welfare by following the counsel at Ephesians 6: 1 - 3: "Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous: " Honor your father and your mother '; which is the first command with a promise: " That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth. ' " Jesu na ize kuli, mulao wa bubeli o mutuna u swalisana ni wa pili, u li: "Lata wahenu mo u itatela. " The second greatest commandment, Jesus said, is linked to the first: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " The Bible accounts of these two books convince Bible students to believe that these books were musical instruments or songs gathered together, which dealt with wars fought by Israel and their enemies. (b) Ki kabakalañi Bakreste ba niti ha ba tokwa ku fumaneha kwa mikopano? (b) Why do true Christians need to attend meetings? What is the primary responsibility of elders to the flock, as Jehovah and Jesus Christ have shown? Mi ka se ne si zwile mwateñi, batu ba ne ba yembuluzwi ne "ba si ka lemuha " se ne si ezahala, mi Munda wa ba kukisa kaufel'a bona. As a result, the distracted people took "no note " of what was going on, and the Flood swept them all away. If we remain steadfast in Jehovah's service despite discouragement, we can help to answer the Devil's false reproof. - Proverbs 27: 11. Baana - bahulu ha ba atula kuli mutu u bakile, kana mu ka mu swalela ni ku zwelapili ku mu lata? Will you forgive and confirm your love for those judged to be repentant? (b) How can we make decisions in a way that reflects our godly fear? Naa si ka ni yubeka. He never failed me. We began to study the Bible with him and with relatives living in a small house. Jesu n'a si ka ciñekiseza misebezi ya hae ya ku folisa batu kwa mubili ku bao fela ba ne ba na ni tumelo. Jesus did not confine his works of physical healing to people with faith. What was foreshadowed by this festival began at Pentecost 33 C.E. by the joyful gathering of spiritual Israelites into the Christian congregation. Jesu naalapezi ku Ndatahe " mi naa muutwile. ' - Maheberu 5: 7 Jesus prayed to his Father, "and he was favorably heard. " - Hebrews 5: 7 God himself has taken away his own drove, and he has given it to me. " Kihona hanenisazo kotoka kwa musebezi wa ka. I had just finished my shift at the hospital. I would like to have home Bible studies again, but being physically weak, I can no longer travel to find them. Ne lu si bafumi, kono kamita ne lu banga ni lika ze ne lu tokwa mwa bupilo. We never had a lot financially, but we always had what we needed. What can you do to help your children improve their knowledge of Bible characters and moral principles? NELI kwa mafelelezo a kweli ya November ka 1932 mwa Muleneñi wa Mexico. IT IS late November 1932 in Mexico City. Jesus warned against negative thinking when he said: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " Mu like ku isa pilu ku ze mu sa na ni zona ku fita ku isa pilu ku ze mu sinyehezwi. Try to focus on what you still have rather than on what you lost. For example, when the latter word is called by raising the word at first and eventually falling away means "sing, " but when the same word is called by inspiration it means" stories " or "a story. " Kono kana mwaikataza hahulu kuli muzibe hande mizwale ni likaizeli babañata mwa puteho? - 2 Makor. 6: 11 - 13. Could you "widen out, " that is, do it to a greater extent and more consistently? - 2 Cor. 6: 11 - 13, ftn. Many of them continued until they became Jehovah's Witnesses. Kana lu ba ba tahanga inze lu itukiselize ku to abana teñi mi ni ku eza cwalo ha lu fumana sibaka? Do we come prepared to take part and then do so as we have opportunity? Moses ' higher education helped him to develop "power in word and deed. " Mu bale zona likauhanyo zeo ka tokomelo, ka ku nahanisisa. Why not read those chapters carefully, thoughtfully? After all, the use of words is only important to prevent misunderstandings. Bulikani ni Abrahama A Covenant With Abraham Shepherds and Sheep Who Work Together * Lilimo ze 20 pili nako yeo i si ka fita kale, Mulena Salumoni naa ñozi toko ye ama muuna ni musali ba ne ba latana luli. It also vividly portrays what that love is like and how it is displayed. Elihu lovingly counseled Job and showed him favor by calling upon him, which was not done by those who claimed to be Job's friends. Kutokwa! By no means! Do my religious activities cause others to see and praise me? [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 23] [ Picture on page 23] As the end of his life drew near, David wrote: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous [with him] left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. " Jesu, 12 / 13 Jesus, 12 / 13 How may we apply Proverbs 3: 6 in our lives, and with what result? [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso] [ Credit Line] They become part of the new nation, "the Israel of God. " Gauda, silivera, kopa, sipi. Gold, silver, copper, iron. On the night of October 5 / 6, 539 B.C.E., something that seemed impossible for Babylon, the capital of the Babylonian Empire. GALILEA GALILEE This is a serious problem, for it is a spiritual death now and a physical death in the future. Ka ku tala moya o kenile, ba kalisa ku tahisa munko o munde wa swanisezo, ku "bulela ze tuna za Mulimu. " Filled with holy spirit, they began to diffuse a figurative fragrance, expounding "the magnificent things of God. " True Christians, however, need not fear. Ha ne ni nze ni bala ka za mizwale bao mwa lilimo za bona za bucaha ne ba li mwa litolongo ni mwa minganda ya tukufazo, miyoko ya ka ne i nze i suluha. Tears rolled down my face as I read the many experiences of brothers who spent their best years in jails and concentration camps. Jehovah has determined to destroy the satanic system of things that has bought mankind from its source. - Jeremiah 17: 5 - 7; 25: 31 - 33. (a) Ki mupuzo mañi o ba swanela ku tundamena Bakreste ba bañwi b'a bizize Mulimu? (a) What prize has God invited some Christians to pursue? Whatever happens to us, what will we continue to do? Hamuitomela likonkwani zende inze musali banana, mukakondisa mwa bupilo. The earlier you make plans by setting good goals, the sooner you will have success. When everyone his turn came, he was responsible for the celebration at his house on "his day. " Ofisi ya Watch Tower Society mwa Germany ne i ñozi kuli: "Taba ye ñwi ne i isize kwa likañi, bahasanyi mi nihaiba maeluda ne ba ikaba ka ku yemela mifuta ya mialafelo ye itusisizwe ki muzwale. " The office of the Watch Tower Society in Germany wrote: "One case led to controversy, publishers and even elders taking sides over types of therapy employed by a brother. " However, the people "began to turn aside from one of their ways and from their way of life. " - Judges 2: 17 - 19. Lika zakuitabisa ka zona za mwa lifasi le, lilelezwi kulupuma kuli lunahane kuli niha luloba milao ya Mulimu hakuna bumaswe bobukona kuzwa mwateñi. The reality of immoral sex is far different from what is portrayed by the entertainment media, which would have us believe that breaking God's laws has no consequences. The Bible explains: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " Muñ'a likwati leo kutwi n'a li lekile ka mali a manyinyani mwa ma - 1970. The owner of the artifact is said to have bought it for a few hundred dollars in the 1970 ' s. ; Bianchi, S. Mubuso wa Maroma ha n'o bile ni m'ata hahulu ku fita haisali, papali ya ku winana mali ne i latiwa hahulu ki batu. Gambling was a favorite pastime among the people when the Roman Empire was at its height. These qualities, which humans have, illustrate the vast difference between humans and all other living creatures on earth. Ha lu na ni butata, lu ezanga cwañi likatulo? When faced with difficulties, how do we make decisions? Hannah often cried because of her unfaithfulness, she continued to ridicule her. Ba banca ba Sikreste ba kona ku ekeza kwa buiketo bwa lubasi ka ku latelela kelezo ya kwa Maefese 6: 1 - 3, ye li: "Bana, mu utwe bashemi ba mina ku Mulena, kakuli ki tukelo. Kuteka ndat'aho ni m'aho (ki ona mulao wa pili o na ni sepiso), Kuli za hao li konde, mi u pile mazazi a matelele mwa lifasi. " Christian youths can contribute to the family's welfare by following the counsel of Ephesians 6: 1 - 3: "Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous: " Honor your father and your mother '; which is the first command with a promise: " That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth. ' " When Saul saw the Philistine camp, "his heart became troubled. " Litaba za Bibele ze ama libuka zeo ze peli li kolwisa baituti ba za Bibele ku lumela kuli libuka zeo neeli maloko kamba lipina ze nee kubukanyizwe hamoho, ili ze ne ama lindwa ze ne ba lwanile Maisilaele ni lila za bona. The Biblical references to those two books lead scholars to conclude that the two were collections of poetry or songs dealing with conflicts between Israel and its foes. He also began translating Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence into Italian. Ki sifi seo si li buikalabelo bo butuna bwa maeluda kwa mutapi, sina ka mo Jehova ni Jesu Kreste ba boniselize mutala? What is the elders ' main responsibility toward the flock, as exemplified by Jehovah and Jesus Christ? (The Bible in the British Museum, published by the British Museum Press) Ha lu zwelapili ku tiya mwa sebelezo ya Jehova ku si na taba ni ku zwafa, lu kona ku tusa mwa ku alaba nyazo ya buhata ya Diabulosi. - Liproverbia 27: 11. By unwaveringly carrying on in Jehovah's service despite discouragement, we can help give an answer to the Devil's slanderous accusation. - Proverbs 27: 11. How did Jehovah show loyalty to his friend Abraham? (b) Lu kona ku eza cwañi likatulo ka nzila ye bonisa sabo ya luna ya bulumeli? (b) How can we make decisions in a way that reflects our godly fear? What did Manoah do when he heard that he would have a child? Lwa kalisa ku ituta Bibele ni yena mane ni bahabo yena ba ne ba pila mwa ndu ye ne li bukaufinyana. A Bible study was started with her and her relatives who lived in a neighboring house. WHAT is the wealth of the ancient Roman building that you will consider to be the most important? Se ne si swaniselizwe ki ona mukiti w'o ne si kalisize fa Pentekonta ya 33 C.E. ka ku kalisa kwa ku kubukanyiwa kwa ka tabo kwa Maisilaele ba kwa moya mwa puteho ya Sikreste. The antitype of this festival started at Pentecost in 33 C.E. with the commencement of the joyful ingathering of spiritual Israelites into the Christian congregation. The truth freed Fernando from the fear of the spirit of the world and of so - called life after death. Mulimu u amuhile ndat'a mina mitapi ya hae, u ni file yona. " God kept taking the herd of your father away and giving it to me. " Water "water below " is the water that already existed on earth. Ne ni ka tabela ku ba ni lituto za Bibele hape, kono ka ku ba ya fokozi kwa mubili, ha ni sa kona ku zamaya kuli ni yo li fumana. I would love to have some Bible studies again, but with my health the way it is, I can no longer go out and find them. * LICO ZE MASWE ZA KWA MOYA LI KONA KU SITANISA PILU YA LUNA YA SWANISEZO INGE LICO ZE MASWE MO LI KONA KU TATAFALEZA MISINGA NI KU SINYA PILU TENYENE A FAULTY SPIRITUAL DIET COULD PARALYZE THE FIGURATIVE HEART THE WAY A POOR DIET CAN HARDEN THE ARTERIES AND DAMAGE THE LITERAL HEART It seems that Jeroboam the second gave much of the northern kingdom for the sake of high positions in battle and backed the captive cities and perhaps for the tribute that had been punished there. - 2 Samuel 8: 6; 2 Kings 14: 23 - 28; 2 Chronicles 8: 3, 4; Amos 6: 2. Jesu n'a elelize za mihupulo ye maswe ha n'a ize: "Mutu nihaiba ufi kamba ufi ya talima musali ka ku mu lakaza, u s'a mu bukile mwa pilu. " Jesus warned against unclean thinking when he said: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " James 4: 8 Ka mutala, linzwi la khaù ha li biziwa ka ku pahamisa linzwi kwa makalelo ni ku wiseza kwa mafelelezo li talusa "laisi, " kono linzwi le li swana leo ha li biziwa ka ku li tibisa li talusa" makande " kamba "litaba. " For example, the word khaù spoken with a tone starting high and then dropping means "rice, " but the same word spoken with a deep tone means" news. " Revelation is a book of prophecy, so we should expect to understand it clearly when what it says. Ba bañata ku bona ba zwelapili ku fitela ba ba Lipaki za Jehova. Many of these progressed and became Witnesses of Jehovah. (See Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand!, pages 126 - 8.) Tuto ye pahami ya naa fumani Mushe yeo, ne i mu tusize ku ba ni "maata mwa manzwi ni mwa likezo za hae. " Little wonder that with this advanced education, Moses became "powerful in his words and deeds. " " The Bible was the first thing I thought, " she says. Kakuli, mane muitusisezo wa manzwi ki wa butokwa fela kwa ku tibela ku sa utwisisana. After all, terminology is of importance only to the extent that it prevents misunderstandings. Because of such a rich spiritual harvest, now is a wonderful time to be a missionary. Balisana ni Lingu Ba Sebeza Hamoho Shepherds and Sheep Work Together How did Jesus ' disciples hear him criticize the Sadducees and the Pharisees? Elihu n'a elelize Jobo ka lilato mi n'a mu bonisize sishemo ka ku mu biza fa libizo, ili nto ye ne ba si ka eza ba ne ba ipala ku ba balikani ba Jobo. He did so with warmth and with an obvious feeling of personal interest as a friend, using Job's name, unlike the others. (b) What have we learned from the experience of Manoah? Kana lika ze ni eza mwa bulapeli li tahisa kuli ba bañwi ba ni bone ni ku ni lumbeka? Am I inclined to focus primarily on aspects of God's service that seem to bring recognition and praise? You can be among those who will enjoy global peace under God's Messianic Kingdom. Mafelelezo a bupilo bwa hae ha na nze a sutelela, Davida na ñozi kuli: "Ni kile na ba mucaha, mi cwale se ni supezi; bo, ha ni si ka bona ya na ni niti [ku beya ni yena] a tuhelwa, a yumbwa, kamba bana ba hae ku pila ka ku ikupela buhobe. " Toward the end of his life, David wrote: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous [including him] left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. " Christians should strive to make peace, in line with the counsel found at Matthew 5: 23, 24. Ne lu kana lwa sebelisa cwañi Liproverbia 3: 6 mwa bupilo bwa luna, mi ki ka ku ba ni ze zwa mwateñi lifi? How may we apply Proverbs 3: 6 in our lives, and with what result? FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Ba ba sicaba se sinca, yena "Isilaele wa Mulimu. " They became a new nation, "the Israel of God. " They welcomed me with two hands. Busihu bwa la October 5 / 6, 539 B.C.E., kwa ezahala nto ye ne bonahala kuli ne i sa konahali ku ezahala mwa Babilona, muleneñi wa Mubuso wa Babilona. According to our modern calendar, on the night of October 5 / 6, 539 B.C.E., the seemingly impossible happened to the city of Babylon, capital of the Babylonian Empire. Therefore, if you would like to quit smoking, it would be wise to seek the help of your family and friends or anyone else who can help you and who is patient. Bo ki butata bobutuna luli, kakuli ki kushwa lifu la kwa moya ka nako ya cwale ni kushwa lifu la kwa mubili ka nako ya kwapili. That is serious - spiritual death now and physical death in the future. True kindness does not ignore abusive speech and actions that violate God's standards. Nihakulicwalo, Bakreste ba niti ha ba swaneli ku saba. Still, true Christians need not be afraid. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Jehova u atuzi ku timeza muinelo wa linto wa busatani o se u hukezi mufuta wa mutu kwa mukundi wa ona. - Jeremia 17: 5 - 7; 25: 31 - 33. It is Jehovah's decision to despoil the satanic system of things that has for so long embraced mankind in its tentacles. - Jeremiah 17: 5 - 7; 25: 31 - 33. And there can be fine progress, for Paul wrote: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow. " Ku si na taba ni muinelo ufi kamba ufi o talimana ni luna, ki sifi seo lu ka zwelapili ku eza? Whatever situation faces us, what will we continue to do? Like the early Christians, we need to pay "more than the usual attention " to the truths found in God's Word. Mañi ni mañi nako ya hae ha i fita, ki yena ya na lukisa mukiti kwa ndu ya hae ka "lizazi la hae, " (NW). As they made the circuit, each son was the host of the banquet held at his house on "his own day. " Did he become angry with God by allowing this terrible thing to happen to him? Nihakulicwalo, batu ne "ba sika tuhela se siñwi sa mikwa ya bona, ni sa mizamao ya bona ye tata. " - Baatuli 2: 17 - 19. The people, however, "did not refrain from their practices and their stubborn behavior. " - Judges 2: 17 - 19. I have hope, and I will help others to have that hope too. " Bibele i talusa kuli: " Sibi si keni mwa lifasi ka mutu a li muñwi mi lifu li tile ka sibi, mi kamukwaocwalo lifu la yamba kwa batu kaufela kakuli kaufelaa bona ba ezize sibi. ' " Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, " explains the Bible, "and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " 5: 2. ; Bianchi, S. ; Bianchi, S. He obeyed all the principles of the law of Moses, fulfilling that Law. Tulemeno to, tobanani tona batu, tubonisa shutano yetuna yemwahalaa batu ni libupiwa zeñwi kaufela zepila fa lifasi. Such attributes put an immeasurable gulf between humans and all other living creatures on earth. (a) How do the psalmist's words assure us that Jehovah is deeply interested in each one of us? Anna hañata naalilanga bakeñisa kuli Penina muhalizo wahae, naazwelapili kumusheununa. Hannah often cried because Peninnah, her rival, relentlessly taunted her. Only the remnant believed and became his followers. Saule ha bona mafulo a Mafilisita, "pilu ya hae ya mbwembweta maswe. " When Saul got to see the camp of the Philistines, "his heart began to tremble very much. " She did what she could. " Rivoire hape n'a kalisize ku toloka magazini ya Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence ku isa mwa si - Italian. Rivoire also began translating Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence into Italian. We invite you to learn more by reading chapter 10 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? (Si zwa mwa The Bible in the British Museum, ye hatisizwe ki British Museum Press) (From The Bible in the British Museum, published by British Museum Press) If I need to counsel others on this matter, am I able to do so freely? Jehova naa bonisize cwañi kuli naa sepahala ku mulikanaa hae, Abrahama? How did Jehovah show loyalty to his friend Abraham? In view of Paul's words found at 1 Corinthians 10: 11, how should we understand the vision of two figs of figs? Manoa naaezizeñi hanaautwile kuli naakaba ni mwana? What did Manoah do when he heard he was going to be a father? Your answers will be reflected in your goals. KI UFI muyaho wa Maroma wa kwaikale o mu ka li kona wa butokwa hahulu? WHICH is the most significant of Roman monuments? How have Jehovah's people used technology? Niti ne i lukuluzi Fernando kwa sabo ya moya wa lifasi ni ze twi ki bupilo bwa hamulaho wa lifu. Truth freed Fernando from his fear of the spirit world and the so - called afterlife. When you get to the start of the book, you will find a letter from the Governing Body, which is addressed to young people. Mezi " a kwatasi ' ki mezi a n'a li teñi ni kale fa lifasi. The waters "beneath " were those already on earth. Because God's people adhere to his standards, they act differently. * * Why will loyalty, faith, and hope help us to stay in Jehovah's way? Ku bonahala kuli Jeroboami wa bubeli n'a onyokisize hahulu mubuso wa kwa mutulo kabakala litulo ze tuna mwa ndwa ni ku kutisa minzi ye n'e hapilwe mi mwendi ni kabakala ñamba ya n'a kotozi teñi. - 2 Samuele 8: 6; 2 Malena 14: 23 - 28; 2 Makolonika 8: 3, 4; Amosi 6: 2. Because of some key conquests and restoration of former territory and the tribute likely collected as a result, Jeroboam II evidently did much to increase the wealth of the northern kingdom. - 2 Samuel 8: 6; 2 Kings 14: 23 - 28; 2 Chronicles 8: 3, 4; Amos 6: 2. The prophecy will then be fulfilled: "They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. Jakobo 4: 8 James 4: 8 David did not personally long to kill such wicked ones. Sinulo ki buka ya bupolofita, kacwalo lu swanela ku libelela ku i utwisisa hande muta ze i bulela li ezahala. Revelation is a prophetic book, so we should expect to understand it most clearly as the events it describes unfold. God created the first human pair to live in such a place. (Mu bone Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand!, makepe 126 - 8.) (See Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand!, pages 126 - 8.) Miguel, on the other hand, trained him and Alma Ruth. U li: "Bibele ne li yona nto ya pili ye ne ni nahanile. She comments: "The Bible was the first thing that came to my mind. People should recognize that we are different when they hear what we say. Bakeñisa kutulo ya kwa moya ye tuna cwalo, ye ki nako ye nde luli ya ku ba mulumiwa. With such a great spiritual harvest, now is a wonderful time to serve as a missionary. Jehovah's Witnesses remember the psalmist's counsel: "Trust in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. " Balutiwa ba Jesu ne ba mu utwile a nyaza cwañi Basaduki ni Bafalisi? Jesus ' disciples heard him make what condemnation of the Sadducees and the Pharisees? Under what circumstances and deeds did Jehovah fulfill his word regarding ancient Israel and Judah? (b) Lu itutileñi ka ku nyakisisa ze ne ezahezi ku Delila? What lessons have we learned from the lives of (a) Absalom and Judas and (b) Delilah? No wonder Jesus "became angry and ashamed because of their hard hearts "! Mwa kona ku ba mwahal'a ba ba ka ikola kozo ya lifasi kaufela mwatas'a Mubuso wa Mulimu wa Bumesiya. You can be among those who will enjoy earth - wide peace under the Messianic Kingdom of God. Why should we rejoice as we remain faithful despite Satan's attacks? Bakreste ba swanela ku lika ku tahisa kozo, ka ku ya ka kelezo ye kwa Mateu 5: 23, 24. Christians should try to make peace, in line with the counsel at Matthew 5: 23, 24. Then, after the battle of Armageddon, the marriage of the Lamb will take place. KU NONOBOKA ADOLESCENCE One Bible scholar noted that the expression "to anger " denotes such things as" to speak to them with wicked words, or to laugh at them, and to turn them away from things they deserve - love, care, protection, and help. " Baniamuhela ka mazoho amabeli. He gave me a warm and hearty welcome. Today, she and her wife, Anna, continue to serve zealously in the Chinese field. Kacwalo, haiba mu bata ku tuhela ku zuba neikaba hande ku kupa tuso kwa lubasi lwa mina ni kwa balikani ba mina kamba ku mutu ufi kamba ufi ya kona ku mi tusa, ili ya na ni pilu - telele. So if you want to conquer the smoking habit, you may be wise to look to your family and friends for help - or to anyone who will be genuinely supportive and patient. I was also deeply touched by the expressions of the local sisters who thanked me for helping them. Musa wa niti ha u keshebisi lipulelo za nyefulo ni likezo ze loba lipimo za Mulimu. True kindness is not blind to evil words and deeds that violate God's standards. A son who did not want to divorce you now is more willing to be with his friends than with you. MU KONA KU ALABA CWAÑI? What glory may we receive from God? Besides parents, who were also involved in teaching the people of Israel, and what is the basic meaning of the Hebrew word translated " law "? Mi k'u kona ku ba ni zwelopili ye nde, kakuli Paulusi n'a ñozi kuli: "Na ni calile, Apolosi u selaezi mezi; kono ya melisize, ki Mulimu. " And there can be a fine cumulative effect, for Paul wrote: "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow. " The true God said: "Truly just as I have figured, so it must occur; and just as I have counseled, that is what will come true. " Sina Bakreste ba kwa makalelo, lu tokwa "ku tokomela hahulu " niti ye mwa Linzwi la Mulimu. Like first - century Christians, we need to "pay more than the usual attention " to the truths of God's Word. From time to time, after leaving literature in Latvia, we continued to Estonia to get some literature and leave it in Latvia. Kana naa nyemezi Mulimu ka ku lumeleza nto ye maswe yeo ku mu ezahalela? Did he become embittered against God for allowing evil to befall him? After completing chapter 6, he avoided being a student, and he and his wife began attending all the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ni na ni sepo, mi ni ka tusa ba bañwi kuli ni bona ba be ni sepo yeo. " I have hope, and I am determined to share it. " However, the words "I will be near him " prepare us for future trials and assure us that God will sustain us when this wicked system of things is destroyed. 5: 2. 5: 2. Throughout the 20th century, his members have killed one another in the cruel wars that have been blessed by the priests and older men. N'a mamezi likuka kaufela za mulao wa Mushe, ili ku taleleza Mulao w'o. He observed all the precepts of the Mosaic Law, thus fulfilling that Law. King David, who felt dependent on God, was determined to be instructed by God and to " walk in his truth. ' (a) Manzwi a walisamu a lu kolwisa cwañi kuli Jehova u iyakatwa hahulu mañi ni mañi wa luna? (a) How do the psalmist's words assure us that Jehovah is deeply concerned about us as individuals? ▪ "You will not see me until you say: " Blessed is he that comes in the name of Jehovah! ' " Ne li fela bomasiyaleti ba ne ba lumezi ni ku ba balateleli ba hae. Only a remnant exercised faith and became his followers. Jehovah also saw Amos ' abilities and abilities in the hearts of many who viewed Amos as an empty and worthless person - as a shepherd and a shepherd in a field. U ezize mw'a konezi kaufela. " She did what she could. " For us to look forward to everlasting life, it depends on cultivating true humility. Lumimema kuli muitute zeñata ka kubala kauhanyo 10 ya buka ya Bibele I Lutañi Luli? We invite you to learn more by reading chapter 10 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? However, human governments lack the desire and ability to teach people to avoid them. Haiba ni tokwa ku eleza ba bañwi ka za taba ye, kana na kona ku eza cwalo ka ku lukuluha? If I need to counsel others on this matter, do I have freeness of speech? (For fully formatted text, see publication) Ka ku beya mwa munahano manzwi a Paulusi a ' fumanwa kwa 1 Makorinte 10: 11, lu swanela ku utwisisa cwañi pono ya lizuma ze peli za lifeiga? In view of Paul's words found at 1 Corinthians 10: 11, how should we understand the vision of the two baskets of figs? 2: 21 - 23 - What did Jehovah mean when he said: "In this land I shall certainly cause justice to be done "? Likalabo za mina li ka bonahala ka likonkwani ze mu itomela. Your answer will influence the goals and priorities that you set for yourself. □ How has Jesus proved to be superior to Noah? Batu ba Jehova baitusisize cwañi lika za bumapangapanga? How have Jehovah's people used technology? Many of them kept what was called the Daily Heavenylya. Ha mu apula kwa makalelo feela a buka yeo mu ka fumana liñolo le li zwa kwa Sitopa se si Etelela le liñolezwi ba banca. Inside the book's front cover is a letter from the Governing Body to young people. Paul then said: "All things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting. " - Hebrews 4: 13. Bakeñisa kuli batu ba Mulimu ba kumalezi likuka za hae, ba ezize lika ka ku shutana ni batu ba bañwi. Because of their firm stand for divinely inspired principles, God's people have acted differently from those who surround them. 13: 7, 17. Ki kabakalañi busepahali, tumelo, ni sepo ha li ka lu tusa ku zwelapili mwa nzila ya Jehova? Why will loyalty, faith, and trust help to keep us walking in Jehovah's way? For example, Jehovah once promised Abraham and Sarah that he would make their descendants a great nation. Fo, bupolofita bu ka talelezwa bo bu li: "Ha ku sa na ya ka holofaza kamba ku sinya fa lilundu la ka le li kenile; kakuli lifasi li ka tala zibo ya [Jehova, NW], sina mezi mw'a kwahelezi liwate. " - Isaya 11: 9. Then, the prophecy will be fulfilled: "They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. So each time we are faced with a decision, we need to look into the Bible to find out how Jehovah thinks about the matter so that we can make a decision like that of his. Davida yena ka butu n'a si ka nyolelwa ku bulaya ba ba maswe ba ba cwalo. David did not personally long to slay such wicked ones. Death has no control over Christians resurrected to heaven. Mulimu n'a bupezi batu ba babeli ba pili kuli ba pile mwa sibaka se si cwalo. God created the first human pair to live in such a place. Harold "the Word of God, " whose name is Jehovah," is Miguel yena a luta Froylán ni Alma Ruth. Then Miguel helped Froylán and Alma Ruth to do the same. Before doing so, however, members of the Russian Ministry of Human Rights (Malry of Mosaic) also ordered a group of scholars to examine our literature. Batu ba swanela ku lemuha kuli lwa shutana ni batu ba bañwi ha ba utwa ze lu bulela. People should be able to discern that we are different when they hear what we say. Even adults tend to enjoy the approval of their peers. Lipaki za Jehova ba hupula kelezo ya walisamu ye li: "U sepe [Jehova, NW] mi u tiyele mwa nzila ya hae, mi u ka kambamiswa, ku y'o luwa naha. " Jehovah's Witnesses remember the psalmist's exhortation: "Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, and he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. " For a discussion of archaeological and Bible history, see chapter 4 of The Bible - God's Word or Man's? Ki mwahal'a miinelo ni likezo mañi m'o Jehova n'a talelelize linzwi la hae ku ama Isilaele ni Juda wa kwaikale? In the face of what attitudes and actions did Jehovah fulfill his word regarding ancient Israel and Judah? Thus, it had never been destroyed. Ha ku komokisi kuli Jesu n'a "halifile ni ku swaba, kabakala lipilu za bona ze tata "! No wonder Jesus was "thoroughly grieved at the insensibility of their hearts "! What language might the apostles have spoken with Jesus? Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku taba ha lu nze lu zwelapili ku sepahala niha lu lwaniswa ki Satani? Why should we rejoice as we remain faithful in the face of Satan's opposition? Despite Peter's serious mistakes, how did Jesus view him? Mi hamulaho wa ndwa ya Armagedoni, linyalo la Ngunyana li ka eziwa. After that war, the marriage of the Lamb can take place. For many years, he would not have known of what was happening in his family, such as when Reuben returned and found that Joseph had already been sold, about Jacob's grief after being deceived that his beloved son, Joseph, died; about his elderly son Isaac, who was still alive, and his beloved brother, Benjamin, who loved him very much. Caziba yo muñwi wa litaba za Bibele na talusize kuli pulelo ya ku "ba halifela " i talusa lika ze cwale ka" ku bulela ku bona ka manzwi a maswe, kamba ku ba titika, ni ku ba tima lika ze ba swanela, ili lilato, pabalelo, silelezo, ni lituso. " One Bible scholar explained that the expression "bitterly angry " involves" giving them either bitter words, or blows, and denying them their affection, care, provision, protection, and assistance. " He has to make true light part of his life. Kacenu, bo Oliver ni bo musalaa bona bo Anna, bazwelapili kusebeza ka tukufalelo mwa sibaka mokubulelwa puo ya Sichaina. Today, Oliver and his wife, Anna, continue to serve zealously in the Chinese - language field. In contrast, God's Word says: "Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts. " Hape ne ni susuelizwe hahulu ki manzwi a buitebuho a likaizeli ba mwa sibaka seo ba ne ba itumelanga ku na bakeñisa ku to ba tusa. I was also touched by the many expressions of gratitude from local sisters who often thanked me for coming to help them. The Bible says: "The foolishness of the stupid ones will perish. " Mwana wa mushimani ya naa sa tabelangi ku kauhana ni mina, ka nako ya cwale sa tabela hahulu ku banga ni balikani ba hae ku fita ku banga ni mina. The boy who once would not leave your side now prefers the company of his peers. Soon the two girls began sharing what they were learning with others. Kwand'a bashemi ne li bomañi hape ba ne ba abana mwa ku luta batu ba mwa Isilaele, mi ki ifi taluso ye mutomo ya linzwi la Siheberu le li tolokilwe sina "mulao "? Who besides parents took part in educating the people of Israel, and what is the basic meaning of the Hebrew word translated "law "? Focusing on Family and Ministry at the same Time Mulimu wa niti n'a bulezi kuli: "Luli, se ni hupuzi si ka bonahala, mi se ni lelile si ka taha. " The true God stated: "Just as I have figured, so it must occur; and just as I have counseled, that is what will come true. " The Bible says: Ka linako ze ñwi, ha se lu siile lihatiso mwa Latvia, ne lu zwelangapili ku ya kwa Estonia ku yo nga lihatiso li sili ni ku to li siya mwa Latvia. At times, after dropping off literature, we traveled on to Estonia to pick up more literature, which we left in Latvia on our return trip. Yes, they are certainly doing so, the most thankful for the increased activities of the faithful slave. Hamulaho wa ku feza kauhanyo 6, a tokolomoha ku ba muswalisanisi wa sikolo, mi yena ni musal'a hae ba kalisa ku fumaneha kwa mikopano kaufela ya Lipaki za Jehova. After completing chapter 6, he resigned as coordinator of the school, and he and his wife began attending all the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Picture on page 12] Kono manzwi a li "ni ka ba fakaufi ni yena mwa butata " a lu bakanyeza miliko ya kwapili mi a lu kolwisa kuli Mulimu u ka lu tiisa muinelo wa linto o maswe wo ha u ka sinyiwa. But the words "I shall be with him in distress " prepare us for future trials and assure us that God will sustain us when this wicked system is destroyed. Instead of thinking that he himself was superior, David recognized that it was Jehovah who delivered him from all his enemies: "Your salvation is the shield that you gave me, and your loving - kindness that makes me great. " Mwahal'a lilimo za mwanda wa bu - 20 kaufela, lilama za hae ba bulayani mwa lindwa ze situhu ze fuyauzwi ki baprisita ni ba bahulu ba hae. Throughout the 20th century, her members have killed one another in vicious wars blessed by her priests and ministers. " This is a great deal of work, " they said. Mulena Davida, ya n'a ikutwile ku ba ya itingile ku Mulimu, n'a tundamezi ku laelelwa ki Mulimu ni ku " zamaya mwa niti ya hae. ' King David, who felt his dependence on God, was determined to be instructed by him and to " walk in his truth. ' Psalm 136 reports that by his loving - kindness, he delivered them (c. 10 - 15), guided, and protected them. ▪ "Ha mu sa na ku ni bona, ku fitela ha mu ka li: Ku lumbwe ya taha ka Libizo la Mulena [Jehova, NW]. " ▪ "You will by no means see me until you say, " Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah's name. ' " (For fully formatted text, see publication) Jehova hape naa boni buikoneli bwa naa na ni bona Amosi. Batu ba bañata ne ba nga kuli Amosi ki mutu ya kuzize ya si na tuso. Amosi naa ezanga misebezi ye ne ba nga batu kuli haki ya butokwa, ne li mulisana mi hape naa sebelezanga mwa masimu. Similarly, we see in the case of the prophet Amos that Jehovah noticed the potential of one of his servants, even though he might have appeared to many to be rather insignificant or unassuming. Just as Jehovah helped his faithful servants of old to conquer their enemies, he can help you overcome any obstacles you may face. Kuli lu be ni tibelelo ya bupilo bo bu sa feli, ku itingile fa ku hulisa buikokobezo bwa niti. That truth raises important questions. When stressing the importance of keeping close in expectation of Jehovah's day, Jesus warned that even some of his followers would neglect the urgency of the times. Nihakulicwalo, lipuso za batu ha li na takazo ni buikoneli bwa ku luta batu ku ambuka mikwa yeo. However, human governments lack both the will and the ability to implement this type of educational program. In fact, at first you need to know that not everyone commits fornication. (Kuli mu bone mo i hatiselizwe luli, mu bone hatiso) (For fully formatted text, see publication) 4, 5. 2: 21 - 23 - Jehova n'a talusañi ha n'a ize: "Ni ka icalela [Jizireele] mwa naha ye, mi ni ka [mu] shemuba "? 2: 21 - 23 - What was foretold by Jehovah's words: "I shall certainly sow [Jezreel] like seed for me in the earth, and I will show mercy to her "? THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT □ Jesu u iponahalize cwañi ku ba ya fita Nuwe? □ How has Jesus proved to be greater than Noah? Another way to strengthen our faith is to consider how those who wrote the Bible displayed courage and loyalty. Buñata bwa bona ne ba buluka tubukanyana to ne tu bizwa Daily Heavenly Manna. Many of them kept small books called Daily Heavenly Manna. That assignment, however, was very difficult for Abijah even though he was willing to watch it. Mi Paulusi kiha n'a ize: "Lika kaufela li inzi fande, mi li atami, mwa meto a hae Yena ye lu na ni ku ikalabela ku Yena. " - Maheberu 4: 13. Paul said: "All things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting. " - Hebrews 4: 13. To whom, then, should we turn? 13: 7, 17. 13: 7, 17. Isaiah describes the dangers of excessive drinking that could damage our relationship with God: "They do not look out for the work of his hands, nor do they see the work of his hands. " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. Ka mutala, Jehova n'a kile a sepisa bo Abrahama ni Sara kuli n'a ka bisa baikulu ba bona sicaba se situna. To illustrate, Jehovah once promised Abraham and Sarah that he would make their descendants a great nation. God's servants look forward to God's day of vengeance as a time when righteous conduct will be vindicated as the proper one and the righteous ones will be delivered from the oppression of the wicked. Kamukwaocwalo, nako kaufela ha lu bata ku eza katulo, lu swanela ku batisisa mwa Bibele kuli lu zibe mwa nahanela Jehova ka za taba yeo, ilikuli lu eze katulo ye swana ni ya naa ka eza kambe ki yena. Thus, it follows that whenever we are faced with a decision, we need to turn to the Bible to see what God's view is. It was not based on his knowing when the land would be given to him. Lifu ha li na maata fahalimwaa Bakreste ba ba zusezwa kwa lihalimu. Death no longer has any power over those who receive a heavenly resurrection. 3: 8. Bo Harold Corkern Harold Corkern This suggests that there may have been a paradise at first, but where? Kono pili a si ka eza kale cwalo, ba likolo la muuso le li talima za liswanelo za sicaba sa Russia (Ministry of Justice) ni bona ne ba laezi sikwata sa licaziba kuli si nyake lihatiso za luna. Unrelated to the Moscow trial, the Justice Ministry of Russia's federal government had already ordered a panel of academics to study our literature. (b) How may we share in Jehovah's work even now? Mane ni ba bahulu ba latanga ku tabelwa ki litaka za bona. In fact, adults want to be accepted by their peers too. Note how much they viewed singing praises to Jehovah. Haiba mu bata ku ziba mo li swalisanela litaba ze pumbuzwi ni likande la mwa Bibele, mu bone kauhanyo 4 ya buka ya The Bible - God's Word or Man's? For a discussion on how archaeology supports the Bible account, see chapter 4 of the book The Bible - God's Word or Man's? Under the influence of Jehovah's spirit, anointed Christians and the other sheep stood firm. Hakulicwalo, haisali ne u si ka sinyiwa kale. As such, it had never before been destroyed. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: Ku kana kwa ba kuli baapositola ne ba bulela puo mañi ni Jesu? The apostles were likely speaking what language with Jesus? José María was not friendly and showed more interest in me than with my family. Ku si na taba kuli Pitrosi naa ezize mafosisa a matuna, Jesu naa mu ngile cwañi? Despite Peter's serious failings, how did Jesus regard him? Although current political steps are to some extent due to the influence of Christendom's churches, they will not bring lasting peace. Ka lilimo ze ñata, naa si ke a ziba se siñwi ka ze ne ezahala mwa lubasi lwa habo yena, ze cwale ka za mwa naa filikanezi Rubeni ha naa kutile ni ku to fumana kuli Josefa ki kale a lekiswa, ka za masitapilu a naa bile ni ona Jakobo hamulaho wa ku pumiwa kuli mwanaa hae ya naa lata hahulu Josefa u shwile; ka za kuku wa hae Isaka ya naa sa supezi ili ya naa sa pila, ni ka za Benjamine yena munyanaa hae ya naa lata, ili ya naa tondile hahulu. For years, he would know nothing of his family - nothing of Reuben's anguish when he returned to find Joseph gone; nothing of Jacob's grief when he was deceived into believing that his beloved Joseph was dead; nothing of his aged grandfather Isaac, who still lived; and nothing of his beloved younger brother, Benjamin, whom he would miss dearly. Each Witness has the responsibility to preach the "good news of the kingdom " to others. U na ni ku eza liseli la niti ku ba kalulo ya bupilo bwa hae. He has to make the light of truth his own. The Philistine's size and energy are an iron garment that he wore. Ka ku fapahana, Linzwi la Mulimu li talusa kuli: "Ya maswe a tuhele nzila ya hae, mi ya si na niti a tuhele mihupulo ya hae. " Rather, God's Word says: "Let the wicked man leave his way, and the harmful man his thoughts. " (Compare Deuteronomy 19: 12; 22: 15 - 18; 25: 7 - 9.) Bibele i li: "Buiketo bwa matanya bu ka ba sinyeza. " The Bible says: "The easygoingness of the stupid is what will destroy them. " (Compare 51: 1 - 71: 24) Hamulahonyana wa fo, basizana bababeli bao bakalisa kutaluseza babañwi litaba zene baituta. Before long, the two girls shared with their classmates what they were learning. In this regard, professor of history wrote: "From the end of World War II, nationalism has increased the number of countries... Ku Tokomela za Lubasi ni Bukombwa ka Nako Ye Swana So I got to give him a witness, and I safely passed the trouble spot. All of this contributes to the spiritual unity that draws them closer together. Bibele ibulela kuli: The Bible says: Of course, as we preach the good news, we will face other challenges. Ee, ka buniti luli ba eza cwalo, ki ba ba itumela ka ku fitisisa kwa neku la misebezi ye ekelizwe ya mutanga ya sepahala. Yes, indeed, they are most grateful for the expanded activities of the faithful slave. " MANY more things can be done with prayer than the world thinks. " Copper (ancient use), 12 / 1 In time, we could follow our desires and do wrong things that we did not intend to do. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 12] [ Picture on page 12] The King Jesus Christ will completely eliminate war, famine, and death on earth Ku fita ku nahana kuli yena ka sibili ne li yo mutuna, Davida n'a lemuhile kuli ki Jehova ya n'a mu lamulezi kwa lila za hae kaufela. N'a bulezi ka za Mulimu kuli: "Ku pilisa kwa hao, ki yona tebe y'o ni file, mi musa wa hao, ki ona o ni ezize yo mutuna. " Instead of thinking that he himself was great, David ascribed deliverance from all his enemies to Jehovah and said of God: "You will give me your shield of salvation, and it is your humility that makes me great. " In these last days, however, all mankind faces "tribulation. " " Wo ki musebezi o mutuna hahulu, " ko na mo ne ba bulelezi. " This is serious business, " they said. What, then, can we learn from his Word, the Bible? Samu 136 i biha kuli ka lilato la hae le li musa, n'a ba pulusize (Litimana 10 - 15), ku ba etelela (Timana 16), ni ku ba sileleza. Psalm 136 relates that in his loving - kindness, he granted them deliverance, guidance, and protection. * (Kuli mu bone mo i hatiselizwe luli, mu bone hatiso) (For fully formatted text, see publication) Jehovah provided the ransom so that obedient mankind would have the opportunity to be freed from sin and death. Sina Jehova mwa n'a tuselize batanga ba hae ba ba sepahala ba kwaikale ku tula lila za bona, wa kona ku mi tusa ku tula mikwalelo kaufela ye mu kana mwa kopana ni yona. Just as Jehovah helped his faithful people of ancient times to conquer their foes, he can help you to gain the victory over any obstacle that you may encounter. He was willing to do so because he had genuine love, and he did not look only at the good. - Genesis 29: 20 - 30. Jesu ha na koñomeka butokwa bwa ku libelela lizazi la Jehova, na lemusize kuli nihaiba ba bañwi ba balateleli ba hae ne ba ka keshebisa bukuswani bwa nako ye siyezi. Emphasizing the importance of keeping in expectation of Jehovah's day, Jesus warned that even some of his followers would lose their sense of urgency. " Teach them [my words], " said Jehovah, "and deal with them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. " - Deuteronomy 11: 19. Mane pili mu swanela ku ziba kuli haki mañi ni mañi ya eza buhule. First of all, not everyone is doing it. If he tells you that he is afraid, understand his feelings instead of simply telling him not to fear him. 4, 5. 4, 5. Instead of complaining about her plight, she was deeply grateful for some of the Scriptural passages mentioned in the talk. MAFELELEZO A TABA. CONCLUSION. People everywhere are conscious that they need God in their lives and that if they know about him, they will be happy. Nto yeñwi yekona kutiisa tumelo yaluna ki kunyakisisanga ka mo batu bane bañozi Bibele nebaboniselize bundume ni busepahali. Another faith - strengthening aspect to consider is the courage and honesty of the men who wrote the Bible. Her family was affected by tragedy and strife. Kono musebezi wo ne li o t'ata hahulu ku Abija nihaike n'a tabelanga ku u buha. They would then pick up the olives and take them to the nearest stone press to make oil. Were pre - Christian faithful ones declared righteous? Kacwalo, ki ku mañi ko lu swanela ku sikuluhela? So, to whom can we turn? At the same time, tears may flow in tears. Isaya u talusa likozi ze zwa mwa ku nwa hahulu bucwala ili ze kona ku sinya bulikani bwa luna ni Mulimu kuli: "Ha ba tokomeli likezo za Muñaa Bupilo, ha ba boni musebezi wa mazoho a hae! " - Isaya 5: 11, 12. Isaiah explains the spiritual consequences of immoderate drinking: "The activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen. " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. Second, the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead prepared to train missionaries who would expand the preaching work in foreign lands. Batanga ba Mulimu ba talimezi kwapili kwa lizazi la Mulimu la silomboti sina nako yeo muzamao o lukile u ka pakiwa ku ba ona o lukela ni yeo ba ba lukile ba ka punyuswa kwa buhateleli bwa ba ba maswe. Servants of God look forward to God's day of vengeance as a time when right conduct will be vindicated and the righteous delivered from the oppression of the wicked. Paul showed this when he said: "Husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies.... Ne i si ka itinga fa ku ziba kwa hae f'o naha yeo ne i ka felwa ku yena. It did not hinge on his knowing when that land would be given to him. Consider what a few youths have said who did not share the truth with their parents. 3: 8. 3: 8. Walking humbly with God helps us to keep our circumstances in proper perspective. Seo si akaleza kuli mwendi ne ku kana ku bile ni paradaisi kwa makalelo, kono kakai? This suggests the possibility of an original paradise, but where? ▪ Jesus Listens to Many by Using Those Who Love Him (b) Ne lu kana lwa abana cwañi mwa musebezi wa Jehova nihaiba cwale? (b) How may we even now share in Jehovah's work? In turn, the heavens would ask God for clouds. Be determined to stay in Jehovah's valley of protection Sometimes these conflicts are only a plague of shock or youth; sometimes they involve destruction of goods, beatings, and even death. - Matthew 24: 9. Mu lemuhe butuna bo ne b'a nga ka bona ku opelela Jehova milumbeko. Notice how seriously they took the singing of praise to Jehovah. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. Ka ku tiiswa ki moya wa Jehova, Bakreste ba ba tozizwe ni ba lingu ze ñwi ne ba yemi hamoho ka ku tiya. Anointed Christians and other sheep, strengthened by Jehovah's spirit, stood firm together. Israel is first mentioned in the Bible as the name given to the patriarch Jacob. SIKUKA SA BIBELE: BIBLE PRINCIPLE: " I was amazed at this, " says Kadman. Bo José María nebali babasilikani mi neba niisa hahulu pilu kufita ni ba lubasi lwaka. He was a warm person who gave me the attention I sorely missed in my own family. Don't go too far. Nihaike kuli mihato ya cwale ya lipuso za mañañazwana ka ku fita fa sipimo se siñwi i tahiswa ki susuezo ya likeleke za Krestendomu, ha i na ku tahisa kozo ye inelela. Even though recent political developments are to some degree due to the influence of Christendom's churches, they will not lead to lasting peace. We responded and then cried. Paki yo muñwi ni yo muñwi u na ni buikalabelo bwa ku kutaza " evangeli ya mubuso ' ku ba bañwi. Each Witness is a minister charged with the responsibility of preaching the "good news of the kingdom " to others. Corsa and his wife had a balanced view of family chores in one day so that they would not get too busy. Nto ye bonisa siyemo ni m'ata a Mufilisita yo ki siapalo sa sipi ya kopa sa na apezi. Indicative of the Philistine's size and strength was his copper coat of mail. 10 LANDS AND PEOPLES (Mu bapanye Deuteronoma 19: 12; 22: 15 - 18; 25: 7 - 9.) (Compare Deuteronomy 19: 12; 22: 15 - 18; 25: 7 - 9.) " Our enemies have turned their backs on themselves. " - now (Samu 51: 1 - 71: 24) (Psalm 51: 1 - 71: 24) The alien resident who resides as an alien with you should become to you like a native of yours; and you must love him as yourself, for you became alien residents in the land of Egypt. " Ka za seo, Arnold Toynbee, caziba wa litaba ze ezahezi, n'a ñozi kuli: "Ku zwa fo i felezi Ndwa ya Lifasi ya II, ku lata naha ya habo mutu se ku tahisize kuli palo ya linaha ze bata ku ipusa i ekezehe... In this regard, historian Arnold Toynbee wrote: "Since the end of World War II nationalism has doubled the number of local sovereign independent states... People would continue to fight and kill one another without end in vision. Zeo kaufela li tusa mwa ku tahisa swalisano ya kwa moya ye ba ezisa ku utwana hahulu. All of this helps to forge a spiritual bond that draws them closer to each other. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. Ki niti kuli ha lu nze lu kutaza taba ye nde, lu ka kopana ni matata a mañwi. True, preaching the good news can be a challenge. God will not allow Satan's rebellion to stop his purpose for mankind. " LIKA ze ñata ni ku fita li konwa ku ezwa ka tapelo ku fita ka mo li hupulela lifasi. " " MORE things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of. " " May God... help all of you to think as Christ Jesus did. " - ROM. Nako ha inze i ya, lwa kona ku latelela litakazo za luna ni ku eza lika ze maswe ze ne lu si ka lela ku eza. Eventually, he succumbed to his desire and did what he knew was wrong. We Can Overcome the World Mulena Jesu Kreste u ka felisa ka ku tala lindwa, lukupwe, ni mafu fa lifasi - mubu The King Jesus Christ will completely rid the earth of war, famine, and death You may wonder why this is so, for the word "a haughty spirit " has bad suggestions. Kono mwa mazazi a mafelelezo a, batu kaufela bakopana ni miinelo " yeziyeza. ' But in these last days, everyone faces trials that are "hard to deal with. " What was the difference between the Bible Students and Christendom? Kacwalo he, lu kona ku itutañi mwa Linzwi la hae, yona Bibele ka za taba yeo? What, then, can we learn from his Word, the Bible, on this subject? How was David shown mercy after he had committed adultery with Bath - sheba? * * [ Blurb on page 17] Jehova naalukisize tiululo ilikuli batu babautwa litaelo zahae babe ni tohonolo yakulukululwa kwa sibi ni lifu. Jehovah provided the ransom so that obedient humans could have the opportunity to be freed from sin and death. " I've never seen you, O Jehovah, and you must love me. " - PS. N'a tabela ku eza cwalo kakuli n'a na ni lilato la luli, mi n'a sa talimi fa bunde fela. - Genese 29: 20 - 30. He was willing to do that because his feelings were based on real love, not merely physical attraction. - Genesis 29: 20 - 30. Leaving the Christian course will not solve your problems. Jehova n'a ize: "[Manzwi a ka] mu a lute bana ba mina; u a eze ngambolo ha u inzi mwa ndu ya hao, niha u zamaya u li mwa nzila, niha u y'o lobala, niha u zuha. " - Deuteronoma 11: 19. Jehovah said: "You must also teach [my commandments] to your sons, so as to speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. " - Deuteronomy 11: 19. Why, do you think, did Adam do so? - It was because Adam still loved Eve more than Jehovah did. Haiba a mi taluseza kuli wa saba, mu utwisise maikuto a hae ku fita ku mu taluseza feela kuli a si ke a saba. If he tells you that he is afraid, acknowledge his feelings rather than simply telling him not to be fearful. [ Picture on page 7] Ku fita ku bilaela ka za butata bwa hae, kaizeli yo a itumela hahulu kabakala litaba ze ñwi za Mañolo ze ne bulezwi mwa ngambolo yeo. Instead of complaining about her problem, she expressed deep appreciation for certain scriptural points made in the talk. By no means! Batu kai ni kai ba lemuhile kuli ba tokwa Mulimu mwa bupilo bwa bona mi ba nga kuli haiba ba ziba za hae ba ka ba ni tabo. People everywhere recognize the need for spirituality in their life and assume that once found, it will bring them happiness. All those who came to Jesus " received them kindly. ' A tahelwa ki kozi ni lifapahano mwa lubasi lwa hae. He suffered tragedy and division within his family. When weaknesses of the Flesh Never End Kana basepahali ba ne ba bile teñi pili Bukreste bu si k'a taha kale ne ba beilwe kuli ba lukile? Were pre - Christian faithful ones declared righteous? 3: 5. Mutu ha lotisa miyoko ni ba bañwi ni bona ba kona ku lotisa miyoko. Tears can also be contagious. His rulership ends, and he may take no pleasure in that change of authority. Sa bubeli ki Sikolo sa Giliadi sa Bibele sa Watchtower se ne si lukiselizwe ku luta balumiwa be ne ba ka hulisa musebezi wa ku kutaza mwa linaha li sili. The other, the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, was for the training of missionaries who would develop the preaching work in foreign lands. Do you reject it? Paulusi n'a bonisize seo ha n'a ize: "Banna ba swanezi ku lata basali ba bona sina mubili wa bona.... Paul showed this when he said: "Husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies.... In fact, all earthly kings will eventually be destroyed by God's Kingdom at the war of Armageddon, and this is evidently what happens to the king of the north. Ha mu nyakisise ze ba bulezi mikulwani ba sikai ba ne ba sa talusezangi bashemi ba bona niti. Consider the comments of a few youths who have had to take a hard look at themselves in this regard. Moreover, prayer can help us. Ku zamaya ka buikokobezo ni Mulimu ku lu tusa ku nga hande miinelo ya luna. Being modest in walking with God helps us to have a realistic view of our circumstances. The ever - increasing conditions on earth are clear evidence that a great change - yes, great salvation - is near at hand! ▪ Jesu U Fepa Batu ba Bañata ka ku Itusisa Batu ba Sikai ▪ Feeding Many Through the Hands of a Few They Searched for the Messiah, 8 / 15 Mi ni ona mahalimu n'a ka kupa Mulimu kuli a a fe malu. In turn, the heavens would petition God to provide rain clouds. How did the first couple drift away from Jehovah's direction, and with what result? Fokuñwi yona mifilifili yeo i ba fela muinelo wa ku kashiwa kamba ku bakulwa lubaka; ka linako ze ñwi i ama ku sinyiwa kwa libyana, ku lindaulwa, mane nihaiba ku bulaiwa. - Mateu 24: 9. Sometimes that violence simply takes the form of pushing or slapping; at other times it involves destruction of property, vicious beatings, and even killings. - Matthew 24: 9. Sadly, they "did not listen. " - 2 Kings 17: 13, 14. Hasi ba lifasi, sina na ha ni si wa lifasi. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. 7, 8. (a) To remain virtuous, what is needed? Isilaele i pundilwe lwa pili mwa Bibele sina libizo la n'a filwe ñulukundi Jakobo. In the Bible, Israel is first mentioned as a name given to the patriarch Jacob. COVER SUBJECT YOU ARE NOT ACIDE Feldman ubulela kuli: "Naakomokisizwe hahulu ki taba yeo. " It was a very surprising result, " says Feldman. Greed and corruption are rampant. U si fitelezi ku eza za ku itabisa ka zona. Do not overdo recreation. How were people of all nations blessed by means of Abraham's Seed in the first century, and how are they blessed today? Se lu alaba cwalo mi hamulaho lwa kwashela. We did, and thunderous applause followed. The fact is, though, that this was just a beginning of work. Bo Corrado ni bakubona nebabile ni mubonelo oitikanelezi wakusaezanga hahulu misebezi yemiñata ya fa lapa mwa lizazi lililiñwi ilikuli basike bakatalanga hahulu. Corrado and his wife have developed a balanced approach to domestic chores, following a moderately relaxed schedule to avoid feeling completely drained of energy at the end of the day. [ Pictures on page 10] 10 LINAHA NI BATU 10 LANDS AND PEOPLES How can we adapt our approach to different people when we share the good news with them? " Lila za luna za ipetuhela ka ku ipulaya. ' - Vespasian In 70 C.E., Roman forces destroyed Jerusalem After more than a year in Dublin, I was devastated. Muzwahule ya yahile ni mina, mu mu nge sina ya pepezwi habo mina, mi u mu late m'o itatela ili wena; kakuli ne mu li mazwahule mwa naha ya Egepita. " The alien resident who resides as an alien with you should become to you like a native of yours; and you must love him as yourself, for you became alien residents in the land of Egypt. " As a carpenter knows, each tool is designed to do a different work. Batu ne ba ka zwelapili ku lwana ni ku bulayana ku si na mafelelezo mwa pono. Men would continue to fight and kill one another with no end in sight. A military campaign under General Titus climaxed the siege of Jerusalem from April to August 70 C.E. Za pili li felile. " - Sinulo 21: 4. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. What is the first request in the model prayer, and why is it appropriate? Mulimu haana kulumeleza bukwenuheli bwa Satani kupalelwisa mulelo wahae ka za batu. He will not allow Satan's rebellion to derail His purpose for mankind. He had to live abroad for more than two years. " Haike Mulimu... amituse kaufelaa mina kunahana sina mwanaanahanela Kreste Jesu. " - MARO. " May [God] grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had. " - ROM. How can you reveal the Father to others? Lwa Kona ku Tula Lifasi We Can Conquer the World HOW true that is of interest to us! Ne mu kana mwa komoka libaka la seo, kakuli linzwi la "lifufa " li na ni liakalezo ze maswe. You may wonder why, since the word "jealousy " has negative connotations. Paul helped the Corinthians to appreciate the correct view of the skills and abilities of different members of the congregation. Ki nto mañi ye nee bonisa fapahano mwahalaa Baituti ba Bibele ni likeleke ze twi ki za Sikreste? What set the Bible Students apart from Christendom? Before he was baptized as a Christian, Paul had "a hard time with the disciples of the Lord. " Davida na bonisizwe cwañi sishemo a mano buka ni Bati - Sheba? What did the mercy shown to David after his sin with Bath - sheba involve? □ What are some factors that help to strengthen a marriage? [ Manzwi a fa likepe 17] [ Blurb on page 17] Paul rebuked Philemon "on account of love. " MU BONISE KULI MWA ITUMELA SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION The above articles show that Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood, including primary components. Ku siya nzila ya Sikreste ha ku na ku tatulula butata bwa mina. Abandoning the Christian course will not solve your problems. Why should we follow Jesus ' steps closely? U nahana kuli ki kabakalañi Adama ha naa ezize cwalo? - Ne li kabakala kuli Adama naa saa lata hahulu Eva ku fita mwa naa latela Jehova. Why, do you think, did he do that? - It was because Adam had come to love Eve more than he loved Jehovah. But there is something else that makes even more difficult for those who are not distracted by Christmas business - alcohol and its consequences. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 7] Because of his zealous evangelizing work, the apostle Paul could say to Christian elders in Ephesus: "I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. " Ku tokwa ni hanyinyani! Of course not! (b) What did Jesus say would happen if we were unfaithful? Batu kaufela ba ne ba taha ku Jesu, naa ba "amuhela ka musa. " All who sincerely sought out Jesus found that he "received them kindly. " What steps must a person take to prevent his heart from becoming like hard soil? Muta Bufokoli bwa Nama Bu Sa Feli When a Fleshly Weakness Persists In the garden of Gethsemane on the night of his death, Jesus repeatedly used "some words " in prayer. - Mark 14: 32 - 39. 3: 5. 3: 5. Matilda, who has been a pioneer for 20 years, says: "I find great joy in knowing that Jehovah blesses our efforts. " Bulena bwa hae bu fita fa ku fela, mi u kona ku sa tabela cinceho yeo ya ku kala ku zamaiswa ki bashemi ba hae. The baby's monarchy has been overthrown, and he may not take well to the new regime. However, Jehovah God will not allow his pure worship to be corrupted. Kana mwa u hana? Do you resist it? But simply expressing a desire is not enough. Ka mo ku inezi mane, malena kaufela ba fa lifasi - mubu kwa nalule - lule ba ka sinyiwa ki Mubuso wa Mulimu fa ndwa ya Armagedoni, mi seo ka mo ku bonahalela fela ki sona se si ezahala ku mulena wa kwa mutulo. In fact, all earthly kings are finally destroyed by God's Kingdom at the battle of Armageddon, and this evidently is what happens to the king of the north. Moreover, it is the selfish tendencies that we have inherited from our parents, as described at Genesis 8: 21: "The inclination of the heart of man is bad " - and selfish - " from his youth up. " Kuzwa fo, kulapelanga kwakona kulutusa. Prayer too can be a big help. ▪ How should Christians view their enemies? - Matthew 5: 43 - 45; Romans 12: 20, 21. Miinelo ye t'ata ye sweli ku ekezeha fa lifasi - mubu ki bupaki bo bu bonisa fo ku sweu - sweu kuli cinceho ye tuna - ee luli, punyuho ye tuna - i fa ngo ni mulomo! The increasingly difficult conditions on earth are striking evidence that a vast change - indeed, a grand deliverance - is near at hand! So what did they do? Ne ba Libelezi Mesia, 8 / 15 " Fruitage of the Spirit " Glorifies God, 4 / 15 Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Bosinyalana ba pili ne ba ikayutuzi cwañi kwa ketelelo ya Jehova, mi ki sifi se ne si zwile mwateñi? How did the first couple cut themselves off from the guidance of Jehovah, and with what result? First, they have "peace with God through Jesus Christ [their Lord]. " Ka bumai, batu bao " ne ba si ka utwa. ' - 2 Malena 17: 13, 14. Regrettably, the people "did not listen. " - 2 Kings 17: 13, 14. What was to happen in the future? 7, 8. (a) Kuli lu siyale lu na ni kalemeno ka bunde, ki sifi se si tokwahala? 7, 8. (a) If we are to remain virtuous, what is necessary? Is that not what many people today have? TOHO YA TABA | MULONGA MO KU SI NA KU SA SEPAHALA COVER SUBJECT | A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION Hezekiah's age begins. Likweta ni buputeleli ki ze atile hahulu. Bribery and corruption are rife. Historian H. Batu ba mwahal'a macaba kaufela ne ba filwe cwañi mbuyoti ka Peu ya Abrahama mwa lilimo za mwanda wa pili, mi ba fiwa cwañi mbuyoti kacenu? How did people from all nations bless themselves through Abraham's Seed in the first century, and how are they blessing themselves today? Those who have already learned the things they are obliged to tell others to come into Jehovah's favor too. - Ezekiel 33: 7 - 9, 14 - 16. Kono taba kikuli ao ne li fela makalelo a musebezi. But it was only an early stage. In his account, he quoted Revelation 21: 4, which says that God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " [ Maswaniso a fa likepe 10] [ Pictures on page 10] But do not give up on works that please your heavenly Father, and do not feel that you are in vain. Lu kona ku cinca - cinca cwañi muatumelelo wa luna kwa batu ba ba shutana - shutana ha lu abana taba ye nde ni bona? How can we adapt our presentation of the good news to the individuals we meet? Whatever the case, it was indeed a false fear. Ha se ni pilile mwa Ravensbrück ka nako ye fitelela silimo, na zwafa maswe. After I had been living in Ravensbrück for over a year, I became very discouraged. Moved by jealousy, Miriam acted with Moses, whom Jehovah had chosen. - Exodus 15: 1, 20, 21. Sina ka mwa zibela mubeti, sisebeliso ni sisebeliso si lukiselizwe ku eza musebezi o fapahana. As a craftsman knows, each tool is designed to do certain work. First, we need a start - a day when "the word that says to rebuild Jerusalem was heard. " Muhato wa mpi mwatas'a Muzamaisi Titus ne u fitile fa kaungu - ungu mwa ku tasezwa kwa Jerusalema ku zwa ka April ku isa August ya 70 C.E. The campaign under General Titus climaxed in a siege of Jerusalem from April to August 70 C.E. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him. " Ki ifi kupo ya pili mwa tapelo ye li mutala, mi ki kabakalañi ha i swanela? What is the opening petition of the model prayer, and why is this appropriate? Note, too, how those returning to the flock can be received. Pétros, wa lilimo ze 20, n'a bile ni ku yo pila ku sili ka lilimo ze fitelela ze peli. Twenty - year - old Pétros had to be away from home for more than two years. Joseph acted quickly. Mu kona ku patulula cwañi Ndate ku ba bañwi? In what ways can you reveal the Father to others? How they must have rejoiced at being taught by God! BATU BA BAÑATA NE BA BEILE BUPILO BWA BONA MWA LUBETA! In stark contrast with the broad road, which provides a false appearance of freedom but certainly puts into slavery, a narrow road, apparently having many restrictions, frees one in every important way. Paulusi n'a tusize ba kwa Korinte ku itebuha mubonelo o nepahezi kwa neku la bunangu ni buikoneli bwa ba ba fitana - fitana mwa puteho. Paul helped the Corinthians to appreciate the correct view of the talents and abilities of various ones in the congregation. Rather, because he was fully aware of how much mankind would fall short of God's glory he was in a more painful way aware of sin's grip on the fallen flesh. Pili asikaba kale Mukreste, Paulusi " naafumbela balutiwa ba Mulena ni kubata hahulu kubabulaya. ' To say that the man had intense emotions is an understatement. A balanced music professional tried to record musical songs with words because listening to the voice of a person singing is a source of great satisfaction. □ Ki ifi ye miñwi ya miinelo ye tusa ku tiisa linyalo? □ What are some factors that help to strengthen a marriage? * Yet, there is no indication that at that time, or since then, Jesus sat down to judge people of all nations as sheep or goats completely. Paulusi na kalimezi Filemoni "kabakala lilato. " Paul exhorted Philemon "on the basis of love. " Jehovah has always shown loving concern for orphans and widows. Litaba ze nyakisisizwe li bonisa kuli Lipaki za Jehova ba hana ku pompelwa mali a ' na ni likalulo za ona kaufela. Ba hana cwalo ni likalulo za mali ze tuna. The above material shows that Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of both whole blood and its primary blood components. For example, in a television interview, youths were invited to express their views on what is called the seven deadly sins. Ki kabakalañi ha lu swanela ku hata mw'a n'a hatile Jesu? Why should we follow Jesus ' steps closely? Whatever the case, faithful Christian parents can be sure that Jehovah understands them, loves them, and will truly help them. - Psalm 145: 14. Kono ku na ni nto ye ñwi hape ye kataza nihaiba ku ba ba sa bilaezwi ki lipisinisi za fa Ngilisimusi - ki bucakolwa ni ze maswe ze bu tisanga. Even those who see nothing wrong with this rank commercialism may be bothered by another disturbing element of the season - alcohol abuse with all its negative consequences. He has to accomplish much work before he comes face - to - face with a cruel death caused by Satan's agents. Kabakala musebezi wa hae wa ku bulela evangeli ka tukufalelo, muapositola Paulusi n'a kona ku bulelela maeluda ba Sikreste ba kwa Efese kuli: "Ha ni si ka mi patela taba, niheba i liñwi, ya ze mi swanela; kono ni mi taluselize zona, ni ku mi luta zona, fande mwa mapatelo, ni ka ku pota mwa ndu ni ndu. " Because of his zealous evangelizing work, the apostle Paul could tell Christian elders from Ephesus: "I did not hold back from telling you any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching you publicly and from house to house. " Indeed, people in that land need to hear the message of peace. - Matthew 24: 14. (b) Ki lika mañi za naa bulezi Jesu ze kona ku ezahala haiba lu sa sepahali? (b) How did Jesus illustrate the consequences of unfaithfulness? How encouraging it is to see that God's servants - young and old - follow that valuable counsel! Mutu u swanela ku nga mihato ifi kuli a tibele pilu ya hae ku ba inge mubu o si ka tunga? What steps should an individual take to prevent his heart condition from becoming like shallow soil? [ Picture on page 32] Mwa simu ya Getsemani fa busihu bwa kuli habusa wa bulaiwa, Jesu naa kuta - kutezi ku itusisa "manzwi a li mañwi " mwa tapelo. - Mare. 14: 32 - 39. In the garden of Gethsemane on the night before he died, Jesus repeatedly used "the same word " in prayer. - Mark 14: 32 - 39. All who satisfy their thirst must continue the invitation. Bo Matilda, base babile mapaina ka lilimo ze 20, batalusa kuli: "Nibanga ni tabo yetuna kuziba kuli Jehova wafuyaulanga buikatazo bwaluna. " Says Matilda, a pioneer for 20 years: "It gives me joy to know that Jehovah rewards our efforts. " When I was appointed as company servant (now called presiding overseer) in 1955, I did not feel qualified for this responsibility. Nihakulicwalo, Jehova Mulimu h'a na ku lumelela bulapeli bwa hae bo bu kenile ku silafazwa. However, Jehovah God will not allow his clean worship to be corrupted. About a year after I started studying the Bible, my parents and I visited my brother, who served as a volunteer at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany. Kono ku bonisa fela takazo ha ku si ka likana. However, showing oneself desirous is not enough. 1, 2. (a) How has human knowledge of the heavens and the earth increased as time goes on? Hape se si ezisa busepahali ku ba t'ata ki litengamo za buitati ze lu hozize kwa bashemi ba luna, sina ka mo ku taluselizwe kwa Genese 8: 21 kuli: "Mihupulo ya mutu ki ye maswe " - ni ya buitati - " ku kala kwa bwanana bwa hae. " Also making loyalty difficult are the selfish tendencies we have inherited from our parents, as mentioned at Genesis 8: 21: "The inclination of the heart of man is bad " - and selfish - " from his youth up. " On one occasion, a violent storm broke out, the capital, of the country, where the religious leaders allowed us to ridicule us. ▪ Bakreste ba swanela ku nga cwañi lila za bona? - Mateu 5: 43 - 45; Maroma 12: 20, 21. ▪ How should Christians treat their enemies? - Matthew 5: 43 - 45; Romans 12: 20, 21. 21 - 23. Kacwalo ne ba ezizeñi? Their solution? These, however, are false and misleading. - Leviticus 19: 31. Mañolo a Siheberu aa mwa hatiso ye, azwa mwa Bibele ye Kenile ya Silozi ya 1951. Kono añozwi ka kulatelela hanyinyani muñolelo omunca. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. However, we can persevere in godly devotion. Ya pili, ba na ni "kozo ku Mulimu ka Jesu Kreste Mulen'a [bona]. " First, they have "peace with God through [their] Lord Jesus Christ. " Hence, when it operates in us, that spirit produces holiness. Ne ku ka ezahalañi kwapili? What did the future hold? All will be resurrected. Kana wo hasi ona mukwa o ba na ni ona batu ba bañata kacenu? Does that not accurately describe many people today? It began to sound that the Catholic Church had hidden these scrolls, deliberately covering the contents of manuscripts that would destroy Christianity. Ezekiasi u kala ku kuma - kuma. Hezekiah falls sick. Jude refers to Enoch, the first recorded prophet who warned of God's adverse judgment against sinners. Muituti wa litaba za kwaikale H. Historian H. These and other questions will be answered in these two articles. Bao ba se ba itutile kale lika ze ba mwa tamo ya ku li taluseza ba bañwi ili kuli ni bona ba tahe mwa sishemo sa Jehova. - Ezekiele 33: 7 - 9, 14 - 16. Those who have already learned these things are under obligation to tell others about them so that they too may come into Jehovah's favor. - Ezekiel 33: 7 - 9, 14 - 16. [ Picture on page 7] Mwa likande la naa ñozi, naa amile kwa liñolo la Sinulo 21: 4, le li bulela kuli Mulimu "u ka takula miyoko kaufela kwa meeto a bona, mi lifu ha li sa na ku ba teñi, nihaiba ku tahelwa ki maswabi kamba ku lila kamba ku utwa butuku. " In her essay, she quoted Revelation 21: 4, which says that God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " When Jesus was 12 years old, he did something that showed his love for his heavenly Father, Jehovah. Kono mu si ke mwa tuhela ku eza misebezi ye tabisa Ndat'a mina wa kwa lihalimu, mi mu si ke mwa ikutwa kuli mu eza za mbango. Meanwhile, do not give up in your efforts to be pleasing to your heavenly Father, and never feel that these are in vain. He is "your adversary, the Devil, " who causes much suffering. Ibe kuli ne a sabilwe cwañi, kaniti ne li sabo ya mbwashula. However widespread it was, it certainly turned out to be unjustified. Significantly, as we read in Job chapter 38, Jehovah God himself spoke in the same way, and he asked Job important questions. Ka ku susumezwa ki muna, Miriame a pihisana ni Mushe, ya n'a ketilwe ki Jehova. - Exoda 15: 1, 20, 21. Moved by selfish jealousy, she stirred up contention against Moses, the one appointed by Jehovah. - Exodus 15: 1, 20, 21. Let us learn something from faithful Job, who made a covenant with his eyes, not to focus on what would put him to the test. Pili, lu tokwa makalelo, ili lizazi muta " taelo ye bulela kuli Jerusalema u zuswe mi u yahiwe ' ne i utwahalile. First, we need our starting point, the date when " the word went forth to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. ' [ Picture Credit Line on page 23] A lu wabelwe, mi lu tabele ku pilisa kwa hae. " This is Jehovah. He imitates hearts in scales. Hape mu lemuhe mo ba ba kutela mwa mutapi ba kona ku amuhelelwa. Note, too, how those who return can expect to be received. 10 / 15 Josefa a nga muhato kapili - pili. Joseph acted quickly. In 29 C.E., however, Jesus came as the Messiah. Ku lukela ku ba kuli ne ba wabezwi hakalo ka ku lutiwa ki Mulimu! How they must have rejoiced to be taught by God! What bad things have happened to many people, and what does each of us want? Ka ku fapahana hahulu ni nzila ye atami, ye fa ponahalo ye puma ya tukuluho kono ka buniti fela ili ye beya mwa butanga, nzila ye kumbani, ye bonahala ku ba ni likaniso ze ñata, i lukulula mutu ka nzila ye ñwi ni ye ñwi ya butokwa. In sharp contrast with the broad road, which gives the illusion of freedom but in reality enslaves, the narrow road, which seems restrictive, sets a person free in every important respect. (b) What might cause a teenager to question Bible truths? Ka ku fapahana, bakeñisa kuli n'a lemuhile ka ku tala sipimo seo mufuta wa mutu u kauhezwi kwa kanya ya Mulimu ka sona n'a lemuhile ka mukwa o ' butuku ni ku fita ku ngongwela kwa sibi fa nama ye mwa sibi. Rather, because he fully realized how far mankind has fallen short of God's glory, he felt all the more painfully sin's grip on the fallen flesh. Instead, we keep recreation in its proper place. Boc'aziba ba lipina ze itikanelezi ne ba lika ku ñola lipina za mwa madrama ze na ni manzwi bakeñisa kuli ku teeleza kwa linzwi la mutu ha li nze li opela ki nto ye kolwisa hahulu. The masters of classical music aspired to write operas because there is so much satisfaction in listening to the human voice lifted up in song. □ What evidence is there that the mighty chorus is courageously singing Kingdom praise? * Niteñi ha ku na se si bonisa kuli ka nako yeo, kamba haisali ku zwiwa ka nako yeo, Jesu n'a inzi kuli a atule batu ba macaba kaufela sina lingu kamba lipuli ka ku feleleza. * Yet nothing indicates that at that time, or for that matter since, Jesus sat to judge people of all the nations finally as sheep or goats. One sister tries to say that the same brother has once been hurt by her feelings; instead, she speaks enthusiastically about a certain point made by the brother. Jehova kamita u se a bonisize mamelelo ye lilato kwa lindiala ni limbelwa. Jehovah has always shown loving concern for orphans and widows. God did not take David away His spirit. Sina ka mutala, fa puhisano ye ñwi ya fa televishini, ba banca ne ba memilwe kuli ba taluse mibonelo ya bona ka za se si bizwa libi ze supile ze bulaisa. For instance, on a television talk show, young people were invited to express their views of the so - called seven deadly sins. • Why did Enoch fearlessly declare God's judgment messages? Ku ezahale cwañi kamba cwañi, bashemi ba Sikreste ba basepahali ba kona ku kolwa kuli Jehova wa ba utwisisa, wa iyakatwa bona ha lilato, mi u ka ba tusa luli. - Samu 145: 14. Whatever may happen, faithful Christian parents can be assured of Jehovah's understanding, his loving concern, and his unfailing support. - Psalm 145: 14. Later, when threatened by Babylonian troops, he turned to Egypt for support and Pharaoh answered, sending an army to help. - Jeremiah 37: 5 - 8; Ezekiel 17: 11 - 15. U na ni ku peta musebezi o mutuna pili a si k'a ipumana kale mwa lifu le li situhu le li tiswa ki bayemeli ba Satani. He has a lot of work to accomplish before suffering a cruel death at the hands of Satan's agents. What will Jesus ' rule accomplish? Kaniti, batu ba mwa naha yeo ba tokwa hahulu ku utwa lushango lwa kozo. - Mateu 24: 14. Yes, there is a dire need for people of this nation to hear the message of peace. - Matthew 24: 14. In fact, a serious examination reveals that the fundamental answer to mankind's desire for health and happiness depends solely on one - government. Kwa susueza luli ku bona kuli batanga ba Mulimu - banana ni ba bahulu - ba latelela kelezo ya butokwa yeo! How encouraging it is to observe that God's servants - young and old alike - are applying that vital counsel! Studying Psalm 139 can do much to strengthen that confidence. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 32] [ Picture on page 32] In those early days, I learned much about the joy of giving. - Matt. Bao kaufela ba ba feza linyolwa la bona ba lukela ku zwisezapili memo. All those quenching their thirst must circulate the invitation. Think daily about all that he has done for you and will do for you, and accept his invitation: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " - Proverbs 27: 11. Ha ne ni ketilwe ku ba mutang'a puteho (ya s'a bizwa muokameli ya zamaisa) mwa 1955, ne ni si ka ikutwa ku ba ya swanela fa buikalabelo b'o. When I was appointed congregation servant (today called presiding overseer) in 1955, I did not feel ready for the responsibility. Two leave visitors without delay. Ibato ba hamulaho wa silimo ku zwa fo ne ni kalezi ku ituta Bibele, na ni bashemi ba ka lwa yo potela muhulwanaa ka wa muuna, ya naa sebeza sina muitateli fa ofisi ya mutai ya Lipaki za Jehova kwa Germany. About a year after I started studying the Bible, my parents and I visited my older brother who was a volunteer at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany. At the end of Carmel, those fats came to Joppa. 1, 2. (a) Zibo ya batu ka za mahalimu ni lifasi i ekezehile cwañi nako ha i nze i ya? 1, 2. (a) How has man's knowledge of the heavens and the earth increased over time? When we use our conscience properly, it can help us to do what is right and to avoid doing what is bad. Muta omuñwi kwaba ni liñungwa lelituna mwa Bangui, ona muleneñi omutuna wa naha yeo, mi ki fona fone batuhelezi kuluseha babahulu ba bulapeli. The mockery stopped when a severe storm hit Bangui, the capital. The apostle Paul also counseled Christians: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 21 - 23. 21 - 23. (a) Why is it reasonable that we may at times become discouraged? Kono zona lika zeo ki za buhata mi za yaulula. - Livitike 19: 31. But these are deceptive and misleading. - Leviticus 19: 31. If so, this article can help you. Kono lwa kona ku tundamena mwa bulapeli. But we can pursue it. The Bible says: "The one committing adultery with his wife is in want of heart, and the one doing it... is bringing his own soul to ruin. " - Proverbs 6: 32, 33. Kacwalo, ha u sebeza ku luna, moya w'o u tahisa bukeni. When operating upon us, that spirit is thus a force for holiness, or cleanness. (a) What role does DNA play? Kaufela bona ba ka zusiwa kwa bafu. Every single one of them will be released from the grip of death. If the authorities order you to move to another location, do so right away! Kwa kala ku utwahala mabulatwi a kuli Keleke ya Katolika ne i pata miputo yeo, ili ku pata ka bomu litaba ze mwa miputo ye ne i ka shandaula Bukreste. Rumors started to spread that the Catholic Church was deliberately hiding information from the scrolls that would be devastating to Christianity. Moses ' wise counsel encouraged Joshua Juda u ama ku Enoke, ya n'a li yena mupolofita wa pili ya ñozwi ya n'a file temuso ka za katulo ye tuna ya Mulimu fahalimw'a baezalibi. Jude refers to Enoch, who was the first recorded prophet to warn about the adverse judgment of God upon evildoers. " They broke a bomb in Nalaki, ' some say in Japan. Lipuzo zeo ni zeñwi likaalabiwa mwa litaba zepeli ze. These questions and others will be addressed in these two articles. Serving as a pioneer will help you to improve your ability to use the Bible in the ministry and make spiritual progress. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 7] [ Picture on page 7] However, the three examples of Christian love shown by Jehovah's Witnesses moved him to change his heart. Jesu ha na na ni lilimo ze 12, na ezize nto ye ñwi ye ne bonisa kuli na lata Ndatahe wa kwa lihalimu, Jehova. When Jesus was only 12, he did something that showed how much he loved his heavenly Father, Jehovah. We live in "critical times hard to deal with, " and wickedness is rampant. Ki "sila sa mina, yena Diabulosi, " ya tahisa manyando a mañata e mu kopana ni ona. " Your adversary, the Devil, " is causing most adversities. Rather, we show true spiritual progress by honoring Jehovah with our thoughts, speech, and conduct. Ka ku lemuseha, ka mo lu balela mwa Jobo kauhanyo 38, Jehova Mulimu ka sibili a bulela ka muhupulo o swana, mi a buza Jobo lipuzo za butokwa. Significantly, as we read in Job chapter 38, Jehovah God himself took up a similar line of thought, as he put meaningful questions to Job. War Brings Many Challenges Lu itute se siñwi ku Jobo ya n'a sepahala, ya n'a ezize tumelelano ni meto a hae, ya ku sa a talimisa ku ze n'e ka mu kenya mwa muliko. Let us learn from faithful Job, who made a covenant - a formal agreement - with his own eyes, not to expose them to what would only tempt him to do wrong. What "work " has been accomplished by enduring adversity? [ Manzwi a bañi ba siswaniso fa likepe 23] [ Picture Credit Line on page 8] Josiah was so moved by what he heard that he zealously promoted pure worship throughout his life. Yena u likanyisa lipilu fa sikala. He is making an estimate of spirits. Or have you been standing on the side? 10 / 1, 11 / 1 The same is true of God's servants today. Nihakulicwalo, ka 29 C.E., Jesu n'a tile ka ku ba Mesiya. However, in 29 C.E., Jesus appeared as the Messiah. The world's hatred, therefore, is a real danger. Ki lika mañi ze maswe ze ezahalezi batu ba bañata, mi ki nto mañi ya bata mañi ni mañi wa luna? What adversities have many experienced, but what is the desire of God's servants? At first, my children were devastated to see their mother suffer from a stroke while riding a bicycle. (b) Ki sika mañi se si kona ku tahisa kuli mwanana ya sa nonoboka a kakanye litaba za mwa Bibele? (b) Why might an adolescent express doubts about true worship? Jehovah's standards are thus more important than local traditions and attitudes. Kono lu beya ku itabisa mwa sibaka sa kona se si swanela. But we keep entertainment in its proper place. A Balanced View of Success □ Ki bupaki mañi bo bu li teñi bwa kuli mpi ya baopeli i sweli ku opela tumbo ya Mubuso ka bundume? □ What evidence is there that a mighty chorus is singing Kingdom praise with courage? Daniel, mentioned earlier, says, "You don't have to be so busy that you lose your family. " Kaizeli yo muñwi u lika ku bulela kuli muzwale ya swana y'o n'a mu tunkile mwa maikuto ka nako ye ñwi; mwa sibaka sa seo, u bulela ka cisehelo ka za sisupo se siñwi s'a bulezi muzwale. One sister is tempted to mention that the same brother once hurt her feelings; instead, she speaks enthusiastically about one of the points that he made. In this regard, you may be willing to read the book of Ruth as well as 1 Samuel 1: 1 - 2: 21 and 1 Samuel 25: 2 - 42. Mulimu n'a si ka amuha Davida moya wa Hae. David did not lose God's spirit. We can be sure that all these five events will occur in the order that Jehovah chooses and in his due time. • Ki kabakalañi Enoke ha na shaezi lushango lwa katulo ya Mulimu a sa sabi? • Why was Enoch fearless in proclaiming God's judgment message? The doctor was sitting in a nearby room. Hasamulaho, ha na beilwe mwa kozi ki limpi za masole za Babilona, na kupile kemelo ku Egepita mi Faro na alabile, ka ku lumela mpi ku yo tusa. - Jeremia 37: 5 - 8; Ezekiele 17: 11 - 15. Later, when menaced by the military forces of Babylon, she appealed to Egypt for support and Pharaoh responded, sending an army to help. - Jeremiah 37: 5 - 8; Ezekiel 17: 11 - 15. That battle was fought after Israel's sin by worshiping Baal of Peor. Puso ya Jesu i ka petañi? What will Jesus ' rulership achieve? Do you not agree that Jesus is the greatest Teacher ever to walk the earth? Ka buniti fela, tatubisiso ye tuna i sinula kuli kalabo ye mutomo kwa takazo ya mufuta wa mutu ya buikangulo ni tabo i itingile fela fa nto i liñwi - ona mulonga. In fact, close inspection reveals that the ultimate answer to mankind's quest for health and happiness does indeed focus on one thing - government. He was not happy that he had been put to death. Ku ituta Samu 139 ku kona ku eza ze ñata mwa ku tiisa buikolwiso b'o. A study of Psalm 139 can do much to strengthen that confidence. This was the first great lie, for despite human freedom of choice, humans were not created with the ability to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. Mwa linako zeo za kwamulaho, neniitutile zeñata ka za tabo yezwa mwa kufana. - Mat. I learned a lot about the happiness of giving in those early days. - Matt. As a woman who valued her precious relationship with God, Martha surely heard that kind reminder. Mu nahane ka zazi ka z'a mi ezelize kaufela ni z'a ka mi ezeza, mi mu amuhele memo ya hae ye li: "Mwan'aka u talife, mi u tabise pilu ya ka, mi ni ka kona ku alaba ya ni nyaza. " - Liproverbia 27: 11. Think daily about all he has done for you and yet will do, and accept his invitation: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " - Proverbs 27: 11. If we learn to trust in God and obey him, we can enjoy intimacy with the Most High. Ba babeli ba siyela baenyi lipula za bona ka bubebe. Two of them quickly vacate their chairs so that the visitors can sit down. □ How does godly fear protect us from fear of man? Ka ku boloka Karmele, mafulaha ao a likota za misidare a to fweka kwa Jopa. Passing Carmel, the cedar - tree rafts landed at Joppa. The old generation and the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures from 1950 C.E. used other Bibles that were available and clearly explained our beliefs. Haiba luitusisa lizwalo laluna hande, likakona kulutusa kueza zende ni kuambuka kueza zemaswe. When we use our conscience in the right way, it can help us to do what is good and to avoid what is bad. When the Witnesses arrived, including Witnesses from other countries, they greeted me with love and hospitality. Hape muapositola Paulusi n'a elelize Bakreste kuli: "Mutu kaufela a ipeye mwatas'a ba ba beilwe fa bulena. Kakuli ha ku na bulena bo bu sa zwi ku Mulimu; kono bo bu li teñi bu tomilwe ki Mulimu. Moreover, the apostle Paul exhorted Christians: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. Because they had "no land and an inheritance " in Israel. - Deut. (a) Ki kabakalañi ha ku li ko ku utwahala kuli fokuñwi lwa kona ku zwafa? (a) Why is it understandable that we may feel discouraged at times? It is equally important that we keep our eyes on the things behind, or think about the things behind, because of the time in which we live. Haiba kucwalo, uzibe taba ye yakona kumitusa. If so, this article can help you. His love for Jehovah was primarily what moved him to do what he had been commanded. Bibele i bulela kuli: "Ya fosa ni musalaa mutu u felezwi ki ngana; ya... eza cwalo wa ipulaya ili yena. " - Liproverbia 6: 32, 33. The Bible warns: "Anyone committing adultery... is lacking good sense; the one who does so brings ruin on himself. " - Proverbs 6: 32, 33. Share in Building the Congregation (a) DNA i peta misebezi mañi? (a) DNA performs what function? Along with other soldiers, these men had entered a small village in and had killed hundreds of people - including women, children, and little ones. Haiba muuso ulaela kuli mututele kwa sibaka sesiñwi sesilukisizwe, mueze cwalo kapili - pili! If authorities order evacuation, leave immediately! Because false religion has failed to teach people the truth about God, whose dominant quality is love, this religion is bloodguilty in God's eyes. - 1 John 4: 8. Likelezo ze nde za Mushe ne li susuelize Joshua Moses ' mature counsel encouraged Joshua We can imitate Paul's reaction to the Beroeans. " Ne ba tunyiselize mbomba ya atomiki mwa Nagasaki, ' ki mo ne ba ka bulelela ba bañwi mwa Japan. " They dropped an atom bomb on Nagasaki, ' some in Japan would say. (Read Colossians 3: 8 - 10.) Ku sebeza sina paina ku ka mi tusa ku ekeza kwa buikoneli bwa mina bwa ku itusisa Bibele mwa bukombwa ni ku eza zwelopili ya kwa moya. Serving as a pioneer will indeed help you to improve your ability to use the Bible in the ministry and to make spiritual advancement. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish. " Kono mitala ye milalu ya lilato la Sikreste ye bonisizwe ki Lipaki za Jehova ne i susuelize Opoku ku cinca pilu ya hae. However, three examples of Christian love displayed by Jehovah's Witnesses caused Opoku to reexamine his attitude. The tools and tools that they can use for help Lu pila mwa "linako ze tata, " mi bumaswe bu atile. We are living in "critical times hard to deal with, " and wickedness abounds. If you are willing to help single parents, you will experience the truth of Psalm 41: 1: "Happy is anyone acting with consideration toward the lowly one. " Kono lu bonisa zwelopili ya kwa moya ya niti ha lu kuteka Jehova ka minahano, mibulelelo, ni mizamao ya luna. Rather, true spiritual advancement is made manifest by our being obedient to Jehovah in thought, speech, and conduct. TRY THIS: If your husband's children repeatedly show you disrespect, why not talk respectfully to your husband and listen carefully as he shares his feelings with you? Ndwa I Tisa Matata a Mañata War Brings More Challenges We will also refuse to be " led astray from the faith ' by greed or love of money. Ki "musebezi " mañi o felelezwa ki ku itiisa mwa butata? What "work " is accomplished by enduring hardship? During it, how will the prophetic words at Matthew 24: 22 be fulfilled? Josiasi n'a susuelizwe hahulu ki litaba za n'a utwile kuli mane n'a zwiselizepili bulapeli bo bu kenile ka tukufalelo mwa bupilo bwa hae kaufela. So touched was Josiah by what he heard that he zealously promoted pure worship throughout his life. What is one of the best ways to imitate Jehovah, and why? Kamba kana mu bile ba ba yemi kulokulikuñwi? Or have you been standing still? 8 Is God merciful? Ki nto ye swana ni kwa batanga ba Mulimu kacenu. If so, why does trying to heal fail to do what is promised? Kacwalo, sitoyo sa lifasi ki lubeta luli. Hence, the world's hatred is a real threat. The earth will be destroyed when Christ arrives so that there will be an eternal heaven and hell where all the former things will be forgotten.... Kwa makalelo, bana ba ka ne ba utwanga butuku ku bona boma bona ba ba kula butuku bwa ku opa mwa lingongo ha ba coba njinga. At first, my children found it difficult to watch their arthritic mother riding a bike. However, having a positive outlook is beneficial. Lipimo za Jehova kacwalo ki za butokwa ku fita lizo ni mibonelo ya fa sibaka. Jehovah's standards thus supersede local customs and views. Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. Mubonelo O Fosahalile Ka Za Ku Kondisa Lika Mwa Bupilo A WARPED VIEW OF SUCCESS Clearly, Job's reputation and wealth did not make him more precious than others. Bo Daniel ba ba bulezwi mwa taba ye ba li, "Ha mu swaneli ku ipatehisa hahulu kuli mane mu yubeke lubasi lwa mina. " Daniel states, "There is much more to life than struggling to care for privileges to the detriment of your own family. " BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Ka za seo, mu kana mwa itakaleza ku bala buka ya Ruti hamohocwalo ni 1 Samuele 1: 1 - 2: 21 ni 1 Samuele 25: 2 - 42. In this regard, you may wish to read the book of Ruth as well as 1 Samuel 1: 1 - 2: 21 and 1 Samuel 25: 2 - 42. (b) Illustrate how love can help brothers to help one another. Lu kolwe kuli likezahalo ze ketalizoho zeo kaufela li ka ezahala ka mutatamanelo w'a keta Jehova ni ka nako y'a tomile yena. We can be sure that all five events will occur in the order that Jehovah determines and exactly when he determines. Those who remain faithful to God will have passed through a trial that Adam and Eve failed to overcome. Dokota Gleissner n'a inzi mwa muzuzu o n'o li mabapa. Dr. Gleissner was in the adjacent cell. What does that mean? Ndwa yeo ne i lwanilwe hamulaho wa sibi se ne ba ezize Maisilaele ka ku lapela Baale - Peori. The battle was fought after Israel had sinned in connection with Baal of Peor. He was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Kana ha mu lumeli kuli Jesu ki yena Muluti yo mutuna ka ku fitisisa ya kile a pila fa lifasi? Would you not agree that Jesus was the greatest Teacher to walk the earth? In fact, when they were in court, they did not consider themselves guilty of gross wrongdoing. Nebasika taba kabakala kuli nebashapakilwe. Obviously, they were not rejoicing over the flogging they had received. What does that mean? Bo ne li bona buhata bwa pili bo butuna, kakuli batu niha ne ba filwe tukuluho ya ku keta ze ne ba bata ku eza, ne ba si ka bupiwa ni buikoneli bwa ku ikatulela se sinde ni se si maswe. That was the first great deception, for even though humans were given the freedom to choose what they would do, they were not created with the ability to determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong. Even worse, we could harm them. Ka ku ba musali ya na nga silikani sa hae ni Mulimu ku ba sa butokwa, kaniti Mareta na utwile kupuliso ye sishemo yeo. As a spiritual woman, she surely took the kindly reminder to heart. They had the power to use humans, horses, ships, and all the other things needed to do so quickly. Haiba lu ituta ku sepa Mulimu ni ku mu utwa, lwa kona ku ikola silikani se situna ni Muambakani - ya - Pahami. If we learn to trust in and obey God, we can enjoy the unbreakable love of the Universal Sovereign. THE world's famous characters and jewelry often show gambling - especially at the workplace - like the entertainment of attractive, wealthy, and unique people. □ Sabo ya bumulimu i lu sileleza cwañi kwa sabo ya ku saba batu? □ How does godly fear protect us against fear of man? In fact, we might say in frustration: "I am sorry that nothing I can give you except to pray for you. " Lusika ba kale ni Bibele ya New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures yenezwile ka silimo sa 1950, neluitusisanga Libibele zeñwi zeneliteñi ka nako yeo mi nelutalusanga hande litumelo zaluna. Long before we started producing the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in 1950, we used available translations and formed our beliefs accordingly. " Speak God's Word With Courage ' Lipaki ha ba fita, ili Lipaki ba mwa sibaka seo ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni Lipaki ba ne ba zwa kwa linaha li sili, ba ni lumelisa ka li lilato ni ku ni amuhela hande. When the Witnesses arrived, including locals as well as foreigners, they warmly shook my hand and made me feel welcome. As a result of that sacrifice, Jehovah mercifully views those who obey him despite their imperfections. Kakuli ne ba "si na naha ni sanda " mwa Isilaele. - Deut. Because they had "no share or inheritance " in Israel. - Deut. To answer that question, you might ask yourself: " What is the greatest problem in human history? Ni luna ki kwa butokwa kuli lu si ke lwa talima kwamulaho, kamba ku nahananga za lika ze lu siile kwamulaho, bakeñisa nako ye lu pila ku yona ye. We too are living at a time when it is vital that we do not look back in a figurative sense. Remember, "he that is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. " - Luke 16: 10. Lilato la hae ku Jehova sihulu ki lona le ne li mu susumelize ku eza za n'a laezwi. What moved him to obey was primarily love for Jehovah. " This great worldwide work is not a single man's work, " said Van wrote. Mu Abane Mwa ku Tiisa Puteho Contribute to the Well - Being of the Congregation Religion has long set moral standards for mankind. Hamoho ni masole ba bañwi, banna bao ne ba keni mwa kanzinyana ka kwa Vietnam mi ba y'o bulaya mianda - nda ya batu - ba ba kopanyeleza basali, banana, ni macembele. They, along with other soldiers, entered a small Vietnamese village and slaughtered hundreds of civilians - including women, children, and elderly men. Humans can show love, but God's Word tells us to guard against wicked love. Bakeñisa kuli bulapeli bwa buhata bu palezwi ku luta batu niti ka za Mulimu ili yo kalemeno ka hae ka katuna ki lilato, bulapeli bo, bu na ni mulatu wa mali mwa meeto a Mulimu. - 1 Joani 4: 8. Because false religion has failed to teach people about the true God, whose very essence is love, those religions are bloodguilty in God's eyes. - 1 John 4: 8. Your son has returned home late, and he has come an hour later than you had planned to return home. Lwa kona ku likanyisa mo ne ba ezelize ba kwa Berea hamulaho wa ku teeleza Paulusi. We can learn from what the Beroeans did after hearing the message. Although his research was not inspired by God, his Gospel was inspired. (Mu bale Makolose 3: 8 - 10.) (Read Colossians 3: 8 - 10, 13.) What else did Jesus do? Mane u beile mwa pilu ya mutu zibo ya linako ze sa feli; kono, nihakulicwalo ha ku na mutu ya zibile ku tungununa misebezi ya ezize Mulimu, ku kala kwa makalelo ku isa kwa mafelelezo. " Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish. " Some seven hundred years ago, a God - fearing man Job realized that Jehovah saw his ways and examined all his works. Milyani ni pyololo yebakona kuitusisa kwa kukupa tuso First - aid kit and a whistle to signal for help To persevere in speaking God's word, however, we need courage. Haiba mu itatela ku tusa bashemi ba ba li makwasha, mu ka iponela buniti bwa manzwi a kwa Samu 41: 1 a li: "U filwe mbuyoti mutu ya tokomela ba ba tokwile. " When you respond to their needs by lending a helping hand, you will experience the truthfulness of what is stated at Psalm 41: 1: "Happy is anyone acting with consideration toward the lowly one. " So we place enough flour on our grain. MU LIKE MUEZEZO WO: Haiba bana ba bo muuna mina ba kuta - kutela ku mi bonisa kashwau, mwa kona ku taluseza bo muunaa mina ka likute mo mu ikutwela mi mu teeleze ka tokomelo ha ba nze ba mi taluseza maikuto a bona. TRY THIS: If your adult stepchildren are persistently rude or disrespectful to you, share your feelings with your mate and listen carefully to his or her thoughts. However, the brothers we meet in our countries are very patient and are deeply interested in us. Hape lu ka hana ku " keluhiswa tumelo ' ki mukwañuli kamba ku lata mali. We will also avoid being "led astray from the faith " by greed or the love of money. Such wisdom and knowledge will move us to do God's will as the basis for our lives. Mwahal'a yona, manzwi a bupolofita a ' kwa Mateu 24: 22 a ka talelezwa cwañi? During it, how will the prophetic words at Matthew 24: 22 be fulfilled? When a person views money as the most important thing in life, what he actually does is that he worships a false god, a treasure, or a treasure. Ki ifi nzila ye ñwi ye nde ka ku fitisisa ye lu kona ku likanyisa ka yona Jehova, mi ki kabakalañi? When working to reflect God's glory, what quality should stand out in us, and why? To his exiled people in Babylon, Jehovah said: "He that is touching you is touching my eye. " 8 Kana Mulimu Unani Mukekecima? 8 Does God Have Empathy? Why can it be said that moral and spiritual cleanness is more important than physical cleanness? Haiba ku cwalo, ki kabakalañi ku lika ku folisa ha ku palelwanga ku eza ze sepisizwe? If so, why do attempts to cure fail to bring the promised results? 11 / 15 Lifasi li ka timezwa Kreste h'a ka taha ilikuli ku be ni lihalimu ni lihele za ku ya ku ile m'o za makalelo kaufela li ka libalwa.... The world will be destroyed at the advent of Christ to give place to an eternal heaven and hell in which history will be forgotten.... To the first judge chosen in Israel, the Bible reports: "As for Moses, he was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground. " Nihakulicwalo, kuba ni mubonelo omunde wa lika kwatusa. Still, there are benefits to adopting a positive outlook. Unlike Boaz, Nabal disobeyed Jehovah. Bo Adama ni Eva nebacile kwa muselo one uhanisizwe. Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. (b) How can godly wisdom benefit us? Kaniti luli, libubo ni bufumu bwa Jobo nelisika tahisa kuli aikutwe kuba wa butokwa hahulu kufita babañwi. he said. Clearly, Job had not allowed his earlier prestige and wealth to warp his view of himself or others. Yet, they still needed to understand God and his purpose for mankind. LIKALABO KWA LIPUZO ZA BIBELE Libizo la Mulimu ki Lifi? In fact, many religious leaders in Christendom " teach by means of self - discipline. ' (b) Mu fe mutala wa m'o lilato li kona ku tuseza mizwale kuli ba tusane. (b) Give an example of how love can help brothers to be mutually supportive. Elihu listened quietly and truly helped Job to see Jehovah's view of matters and wisdom. Ba ba ka zwelapili ku sepahala ku Mulimu ba kabe ba tulile tiko ye ne ba palezwi ku tula bo Adama ni Eva. Those who remain loyal to God will have passed the test that Adam and Eve failed. We may need self - control so as not to offend others by slowing down with those around us rather than by listening to the speaker. Taba yeo italusañi? What does that mean? Soon after that convention, I decided to return to the Christian congregation. Naa li yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova. He was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. For example, Christian elders are kind when they extend mercy to a repentant sinner and seek to help him spiritually. Mane hane bazekiswa mwa kuta, nebasaikutwi kuli baezize mulatu omutuna hahulu. They even laughed off their crime when being tried in court. Yet, Job waited on Jehovah, and the end was rewarded. Manzwi ao a talusañi? What do those words mean? 22, 23. (a) As in Job's case, how might the Devil try to break our integrity to Jehovah God? Mane nto yemaswe ni kufita ki kuli lukatahisa kuli baikuhumuse. Or even worse, we could cause them to become proud. What should you remember when choosing recreation? Ne ba na ni m'ata a ku itusisa batu, lipizi, lisepe, ni lika ze ñwi kaufela ze ne tokwahala kwa ku peta ka bubebe misebezi ya nyangela. They had authority to press into service men, horses, ships, or anything else needed to expedite public business. Sadly, many of the people whom he met were moved to hear him say: "Alejndra and his family have set a good example for me. MAFILIMU a tumile ni ze buhiswa fa tivi, hañata li bonisanga lipapali za ku wina mali - sihulu kwa libaka ko li bapalelwanga - sina papali ye ba ikatulusezanga fateñi batu ba ba buheha, ba ba fumile, ni ba ba ipitezi. POPULAR films and television shows have often portrayed gambling - especially at casinos - as the pastime of the beautiful, wealthy, and sophisticated. However, just as young Ruth of old firmly refused to leave Naomi, Elisha refused to abandon that aged prophet. Mane lu kana lwa bulela ka ku zwafa kuli: "Mu ni swalele kuli hakuna tuso ye ni kona ku mi fa, konji feela ku mi lapelela. " We might even lament, "I'm sorry that all I can do is pray for you. " What is the first reason why Jehovah's Witnesses are zealous? " Mu Bulele Linzwi la Mulimu Ka Bundume ' " Speak the Word of God With Boldness ' You may have heard others say that sooner or later the bereaved will feel better. Kabakala sitabelo seo, Jehova ka sishemo u nga hande batu ba ba mu utwa ku si na taba ni mifokolo ya bona. Through it, Jehovah mercifully grants obedient humans an upright standing despite their imperfections. We should not be surprised that people tell lies about us. Kuli mualabe puzo yeo, muswanela kuipuza kuli: " Ki matata mañi amatuna ebakopana ni ona batu kacenu? To answer, ask yourself: " What are the worst problems facing mankind today? [ Picture on page 26] Mu hupule kuli, "ya sepahala ku ze nyinyani, u ka sepahala ku ze tuna. " - Luka 16: 10. Remember, "the person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. " - Luke 16: 10. Such older ones serve as many of Jehovah's fellow worshippers worldwide. Van Amburgh, na bulezi kuli: "Musebezi wo o mutuna wa lifasi kamukana haki musebezi wa mutu a li muñwi. Van Amburgh, said: "This great worldwide work is not the work of one person. Many believe this idea. Bulapeli ka nako ye telele bu tomezi batu likuka ze ba swanela ku latelela mwa bupilo. Easton says: "" Ethics ' and " morality ' have the same root meaning. Peter used the term "a priest " to describe after Jesus was enthroned as King in the Kingdom. Batu ba kona ku bonisa lilato, kono Linzwi la Mulimu li lu taluseza kuli lu ambuke lilato le li maswe. Humans have the ability to show love, yet God's Word warns us against misguided love. On the other hand, it goes on to say that the Philistines were going down to the mountain that was between the two cities of Israel. Mwanaa mina wa mushini u kutezi hape ku taha ka ku liyeha kwa ndu, u tile hora hamulaho wa nako ye ne mu mu tomezi ku kutanga fa lapa. Your son's curfew is 10: 00 p.m., but last night - once again - he came home after 11: 00. Future Acts of Godly Jealousy Nihaike kuli litaba za naa ezize patisiso ku zona ne li si ka ñolwa ka susuezo ya moya wa Mulimu, Evangeli ya hae yona ne i ñozwi ka susuezo ya ona. While the records Luke consulted were not inspired, his resulting Gospel certainly was. But under such circumstances, more than ever we need spiritual food and warm fellowship that only can be found at such meetings. Kiñi ze ñwi za n'a ezize Jesu? What else did Jesus do? The ruins of these books are from ancient Persia and from behind. Lilimo ze bat'o ba ze 3,600 kwamulaho, Jobo, munna ya n'a saba Mulimu n'a lemuhile kuli Jehova n'a boni mikwa ya hae mi n'a tatubile misebezi ya hae kaufela. Job, a man who feared God, acknowledged some 3,600 years ago that Jehovah saw his ways and counted all his steps. 4: 7. Kono kuli lu tundamene ku bulela linzwi la Mulimu, lu tokwa ku ba ni bundume. Perseverance in speaking the word of God requires boldness. Revelation 1: 1 says: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. Kacwalo lu beya tuemba to tu likani fa bubeke bwa luna. So we add a few slices to our cereal. At our table of literature in witnessing in Brooklyn Kono mizwale be lu fumana mwa linaha mo lu yanga ba na ni hahulu pilu - telele mi b'a lu isanga hahulu pilu. But the brothers whom we meet in our foreign assignments are very patient with us and are deeply interested in our well - being. Early in his discourse, Jesus taught those who listened to him to pray to their heavenly Father for help: "Give us today our bread for this day. " Butali ni buzibi bo bu cwalo li k'a lu susueza ku eza tato ya Mulimu ku ba mutomo wa bupilo bwa luna. Such wisdom and understanding are going to move us to make the doing of God's will the focal point of our lives. It adds that it is even better for a person to "do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need. " - Compare Proverbs 13: 4. Mutu h'a nga ku fumana mali ku ba yona nto ye tuna ka ku fitisisa mwa bupilo, s'a eza luli kikuli u lapela mulimu wa buhata, ili Mamona, kamba Bufumu. When a person makes the gaining of money his chief goal in life, he is, in effect, worshiping a false god - Mammon, or Riches. How has the man of lawlessness been exposed to power for over 70 years? Kwa batu ba hae be ne ba li bahapiwa mwa Babilona, Jehova n'a ize: "Ya mi ngunyuta, u ngunyuta taku ya liito la [ka, NW]. " To his captive people in Babylon, Jehovah declared: "He that is touching you is touching my eyeball. " One might conclude that God chose a difficult course. Ki kabakalañi ha ku konwa ku bulelwa kuli bukeni bwa muzamao ni bwa kwa moya ki bwa butokwa hahulu ku fita bukeni bwa kwa mubili? Why can it be said that moral and spiritual cleanness are even more important than physical cleanness? Since Jehovah has allowed humans to rule themselves for centuries, he must wipe out earth's governments and replace them with his government. 11 / 1 Kreste n'a Toile Bumaswe - Kana Mina mu bu Toile? " Should I Get Baptized? ' God will soon intervene in human affairs. Kwa muatuli wa makalelo ya na ketilwe mwa Isilaele, Bibele i biha kuli: "Haili Mushe ne li mutu ya musa hahulu, ku fita mutu ni mutu ya mwa lifasi. " Of the very first judge appointed in Israel, the Bible states: "The man Moses was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground. " I became involved in immorality when I was only ten years old. Ka ku sa swana ni Boazi, Nabali n'a si ka utwa Jehova. In contrast with Boaz, Nabal failed to listen to Jehovah. God's people today have done likewise. (b) Butali bo bu zwa ku Mulimu bu kona ku lu tusa cwañi? (b) How can godly wisdom benefit us? But if it is from God, you will not break it up. " - Acts 5: 38, 39. Niteñi, ne ba sa tokwa ku utwisisa hande Mulimu ni mulelo wa hae kwa batu. Yet, they needed a clearer understanding of God and his purpose for mankind. In time, such apostates appeared and " spoke twisted things. ' Mane ba bahulu ba bulapeli ba bañata mwa Krestendomu ba "luta batu ka bubeleki. " Indeed, many of the religious leaders in Christendom will "instruct just for a price. " " Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability, " says the Bible book of Proverbs, "and they will prove to be life to your soul and charm to your neck. Elihu n'a teelelize Jobo ka ku kuza mi ka buniti n'a mu tusize ku bona mubonelo wa Jehova wa litaba ili o ' butali ka ku tala. Elihu listened quietly to Job and sincerely helped him see Jehovah's all - wise view of matters. In fact, about 65 Witnesses from Europe, between 17 and 70 years of age, moved to serve where there is a greater need - greater, in West Africa's Benin, Balsa, and Togo. Lu kana lwa tokwa buiswalo kuli lu si ke lwa filikanya ba bañwi ka ku shobota - shobota ni be lu inzi ni bona ku fita ku teeleza ku mubuleli. It may take self - control not to disturb others by whispering to our neighbors rather than giving the speaker our full attention. All three images: © What do we have in common? Hasamulaho feela wa mukopano wo, na ikatulela ku kutela mwa puteho ya Sikreste. Immediately following the convention, I decided to return to the Christian congregation. 14 How the Bible Can Make a Hope for the Future Sina ka mutala, maeluda ba Sikreste ba na ni musa muta ba yandululela muhau ku muezalibi ya bakile ni ku bata ku mu tusa kwa neku la kwa moya. For example, Christian elders are kind when they extend mercy to a repentant wrongdoer and seek to help him spiritually. And so do God's modern - day Witnesses, who have received his spirit because they obey him and say, "Jehovah is our Ruler! " Niteñi, Jobo naa libelezi ku Jehova, mi mafelelezo naa fumani mupuzo. Yet, Job was willing to wait on Jehovah, and this bore good fruit. In 1939 he too became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. 22, 23. (a) Sina mwa taba ya Jobo, Diabulosi n'a kana a lika cwañi ku sinya busepahali bwa luna ku Jehova Mulimu? 22, 23. (a) As in Job's case, how may the Devil go about trying to break our integrity to Jehovah God? Then he said to the people: " Go up to Jerusalem, and let your gods Israel go. ' " Mu swanela ku hupulangañi ha mu keta za ku itabisa ka zona? What factors should you consider with regard to the type of recreation and entertainment you choose? Every Sunday, I went into the forest to read the Bible, but what I read was new and long ago. Fa maswabi, buñata bwa batu be ne ba kopani ni Diojany ne ba susumelizwe ha ne ba mu utwile ha bulela kuli: "Alejandra ni lubasi lwa hae ba ni file mutala o munde. At the funeral, many were deeply touched when they met Diojany and heard her say: "Alejandra and her family have been a wonderful example for me. Only by doing so can we be protected from being swept away by false ideas and teachings like spiritual children. Nihakulicwalo, sina Ruti wa mwanana mwa lilimo za kwamulaho ha n'a hanile ka ku tiya ku kauhana ni Naomi, Elisha ni yena n'a hanile ku tuhela mupolofita wa musupali y'o. However, just as young Ruth centuries earlier had firmly refused to leave Naomi, so Elisha refused to leave the older prophet. But the results were worth the effort. Ki lifi libaka la pili Lipaki za Jehova ha ba na ni cisehelo? What is one reason for the zeal of Jehovah's Witnesses? I felt as did God's ancient servants who said: "We must leave Jehovah and serve other gods far away from us. " - Joshua 24: 16. Mwendi mukile mwautwa batu babañwi hababulela kuli hase kufitile nako, mutu yashwezwi ukaikutwa hande. Perhaps you have heard it said that time is a great healer. You can also find out how your children feel by asking questions. Haluswaneli kukomokiswa ki taba ya kuli batu babulelanga litaba za buhata ka za luna. We should not be surprised that people tell lies about us. Yet, Jehovah knows us better than we know ourselves. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 26] [ Picture on page 26] Will you follow Jeremiah's faithful secretary's example? Basupali ba ba cwalo ba sebeza sina buñata bwa balapeli ba Jehova ba bañwi ba mwa lifasi kaufela. Such older ones are typical of many active worshipers of Jehovah worldwide. But Jehovah guided his people by means of Moses, and he did not punish Moses, but he punished the rebels and their families for their actions. Ba bañata ba lumela muhupulo wo. Many agree with that idea. What is an easy way to resist temptation? Pitrosi n'a itusisize pulelo ya "naleli ya Lilungwe " ka ku talusa Jesu ha s'a beilwe fa bulena mwa Mubuso. Peter used the word "daystar " to refer to Jesus after He received Kingdom power. The mighty Persian ruler of the 5th century B.C.E., Ahasuerus, had another night. Kono haiyemeli fo, izwelapili kubulela kuli Mafilisita nebatibelezi kwa lilundu lene lili mwahalaa mileneñi yemibeli ya Soko ni Azeka. But it gets still more specific, noting that the Philistines camped on a hillside somewhere between two towns, Socoh and Azekah. Full - time ministry is an excellent basis for happy marriage Likezo za mwa Nako ya Kwapili za Lifufa la Bumulimu Future Acts of Divine Jealousy (Read 1 John 2: 15, 16.) Kono mwatas'a miinelo ye cwalo, ku fita l'ili kaufela lu tokwa sico sa kwa moya ni silikani se si mufutumala se si konwa ku fumanwa fela kwa mikopano ye cwalo. But under such circumstances, we have more need than ever for the spiritual food and warm fellowship that can be found only at such gatherings. But we did not have to spend his money because we were able to make further preparations. Matangu a mwa libuka ze ki a kwa Peresia ya kwaikale mane ni ku kuta kwamulaho. The mythological symbolism of this literature goes back to ancient Persia and even beyond. As we continue to study the Scriptures diligently using Bible - based publications, God's spirit guides our thinking and heart, increasing our respect for Jehovah's standards. 4: 7. 4: 7. Should we first instill in our hearts and minds the principles we want to inculcate in our children? " Sinulo 1: 1 i li: "Sinulo ya Jesu Kreste, y'a mu file Mulimu, kuli a bonise batanga ba hae litaba ze swanezi ku taha kapili; u li zibisize ka ku lumela lingeloi la hae ku Joani mutang'a hae. " Revelation 1: 1 states: "A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. And he sent forth his angel and presented it in signs through him to his slave John. " As soon as husband and wife promise marriage, they are considered married. Kwa tafule ya luna ya libuka mwa bupaki kwa Brooklyn At our witnessing table in Brooklyn Moved by God's spirit, he made this important point. Kwa makalelo a ngambolo yahae, Jesu naalutile batu bane bateeleza ku yena kuli balapele ku Ndataa bona ya kwa lihalimu kuli abafe lika zebatokwa, naababulelezi kulapela kuli: "U lu fe kacenu buhobe bwa luna bwa zazi le. " Earlier in his sermon, Jesus taught his audience to petition their heavenly Father for their physical needs, saying that they could pray: "Give us today our bread for this day. " The chairman's committee takes care of urgent matters and other matters that need attention. Liñolo leo li ekeza kuli ki ko kunde ni ku fita kuli mutu "a sebeze ka tata, a eze ze nde ka mazoho a hae, kuli a be ni s'a ka tusa ya tokwile. " - Mu bapanye Liproverbia 13: 4. This scripture adds that it is far better for one to engage in "hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need. " - Compare Proverbs 13: 4. But did God choose Jonah as a prophet because he was rebellious? Ku beiwa fa ngandaleza kwa mutu wa sibi se ku bile cwañi ni m'ata ka lilimo ze fitelela 70? How has the exposing of the man of lawlessness gathered force for more than 70 years? How happy we were when we attended our first meeting, five months later! Mutu n'a kana a ' nga kuli Mulimu n'a ketile nzila ye tatafezi ye sa tokwahali. The route he chose may have seemed needlessly arduous from a human perspective. He thus explained that Jehovah regularly feeds birds. Bakeñisa kuli Jehova u tuhelezi batu ku ipusa ka lilimo - limo, wa swanela ku tanyela milonga ye fa lifasi kaufela ni ku i yolisa ka mulonga wa hae. Now that Jehovah has allowed thousands of years for humans to experiment with rulership independent from him, he is justified in clearing all these forms of rule off the earth and replacing them with his own government. Therefore stand fast, and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery. " - Galatians 5: 1. Mulimu u ka tuha a kena mwa litaba za batu. God will soon intervene in human affairs. Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Nakalisa kuba ni muzamao omaswe hane ninani lilimo ze 10 feela. I started to go wayward when I was only ten years old. Serving in "the Joy of Life " Batu ba Mulimu kacenu ni bona baezize nto yeswana. The same is true of God's people today. What is meant by the expression "Do not become unevenly yoked "? Kono haiba i zwa ku Mulimu, ha mu na ku i feza. " - Likezo 5: 38, 39. When the Jewish Sanhedrin wanted to do away with the apostles, he cautioned that court: "Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.) " - Acts 5: 38, 39. Jesus helped deserving ones to escape from the cruel demon bond. - Mark 5: 2, 8, 12 - 15; 9: 20, 25 - 27. Nako ha ne inze i ya, bakwenuheli ba ba cwalo ne ba bonahezi mi ba "bulela litaba ze kopami. " When he left home, however, his parents realized that Bible truth was not based on him. Buka ye mwa Bibele ya Liproverbia i talusa kuli: "Butali ni buitemuso bu fumanwe ku wena; Ki zona ze ka pilisa moya wa hao, ze ka kabisa mulala wa hao. The Bible book of Proverbs states: "Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability, and they will prove to be life to your soul and charm to your throat. When my wife worked, we all got tired. " Mane ibato ba Lipaki ba 65 ba kwa Europe ili ba ba mwahalaa lilimo ze 17 ni 70, ne ba tutile kuli ba yo sebeleza ko ku na ni butokwi bo butuna, ili mwa linaha za kwa Wiko wa Africa ili Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, ni Togo . In fact, some 65 Witnesses from Europe - between the ages of 17 and 70 - moved as "need greaters, " as they are often described, to the West African countries of Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Togo. During our family Bible study each week, Jairo often looks back and looks at his computer. Maswaniso a malalu kaufela: © Bettmann / CORBIS All three images: © Bettmann / CORBIS H. 14 Moikona Kumituseza Bibele Kuba ni Sepo ya Kwapili 14 The Bible and Your Future On the contrary, Saul "went to persecute them in the cities of the nations. " Mi Lipaki za Mulimu ba mwa lizazi la cwale ni bona ba cwalo, ba ba amuhezi moya wa hae bakeñisa kuli ba mu utwa ni ku bulela kuli, "Jehova ki yena Mubusi wa luna! " So are God's modern - day Witnesses, who have also received his spirit because they obey him and say, "Jehovah is our Ruler! " While Moses, a representative of the old covenant, wrote the Mosaic Law, Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant, never wrote a written code. Ka 1939 ni bona ba ba yo muñwi wa Lipaki za Jehova. In 1939 he too became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In many modern games, where sports can grow up, violence can arise. " Mulena a ikupula cwalo, mi a eza manamani a mabeli a gauda; kih'a bulelela sicaba, a li: Mu ikatalelize kale ku ya kwa Jerusalema; bona milimu ya hao Isilaele, ki ye. " " The king took counsel and made two golden calves and said to the people: " It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here is your God, O Israel. ' " [ Footnote] La Sunda ni la Sunda, ne ni yanga mwa mushitu ku yo bala Bibele, kono litaba ze ne ni bala ne li ze nca ku na mi ne li ezahalile kale - kale koo. On Sundays, I would go into the woods to read the Bible, but what I read seemed so foreign, so far in the past. We never got up early on Saturday mornings and asked if we were going out in the ministry. Ki ka ku eza cwalo fela lu kona ku silelezwa kwa ku sa zukuzeha kai ni kai ka mihupulo ni lituto za buhata inge bana ba kwa moya. Only then will we be safe from being tossed about like spiritual babes by false ideas and teachings. What about those of the "other sheep, " who hope to live forever on earth? Kono ne ku zwile ze nde mwa buikatazo bo. But it was certainly worth the effort. IMAGINE the joy of a young Jew named Andrew when he first listened to the words of Jesus of Nazareth! Ne ni ikutwile sina mo ne ba ikutwezi batanga ba Mulimu ba kwaikale ba ne ba ize: "Taba ya kuli lu fulalele Muñaa Bupilo, lu yo sebeleza milimu isili ibe kwahule ni luna. " - Joshua 24: 16. I felt as did God's servants of old who stated: "It is unthinkable, on our part, to leave Jehovah so as to serve other gods. " - Joshua 24: 16. They are happy to have an opportunity to study the Bible. Hape mwa kona ku ziba mo ba ikutwela bana ba mina ka ku ba buza lipuzo. Tone of voice and body language give clues about how a young one feels. Modern medical science has learned much about the spread of disease and protection. Niteñi, Jehova u lu ziba hande hahulu ku fita mo lu izibela. Nevertheless, Jehovah knows us far better than we know ourselves. How did Jehovah's people show that his name is worthy of him? Kana mu ka latelela mutala o munde wa muñoli yo ya sepahala wa Jeremia? Will you imitate the fine example of this faithful secretary of Jeremiah? Trust in Jehovah also involves trusting in the power of holy spirit. Kono Jehova na etelela batu ba hae ka ku itusisa Mushe, mi na si ka fa Mushe koto, kono na otile bakwenuheli ni mabasi a bona a na yemela likezo za bona. However, Jehovah was using Moses to lead His people, and He punished, not Moses, but the rebels and their families who supported them. Since the Bible's main message is not how bad things will be at the end of this old world. Ki ifi nzila ye bunolo ya ku ambuka miliko ka yona? What is a basic way to avoid temptation? How did Paul view those whom he taught? Mubusi ya m'ata wa Muperesia wa mwa lilimo za mwanda wa bu - 5 B.C.E, Asuerusi, n'a bile ni sona busihu bo buñwi. A powerful Persian ruler in the fifth century B.C.E., Ahasuerus, experienced one of them. THE Bible tells us that "God is love. " Bukombwa bwa ka nako ye tezi ki mutomo o munde hahulu wa linyalo la tabo The full - time ministry is an excellent basis for a happy marriage We can reflect on faithful Ruth. (Mu bale 1 Joani 2: 15, 16.) (Read 1 John 2: 15, 16.) Those familiar letters should have helped them to realize that Jesus was the Messiah. Kono ne lu si ka tokwa ku itusisa masheleñi a hae kakuli ne lu konile ku eza litukiso ze ñwi. We did not need to use his generous offer, however, as we were able to make other arrangements. All the events that took place during those trials became "a witness " and were" useful for the good news, " nothing could stop us from preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Ha lu nze lu zwelapili ku ituta hahulu Mañolo ka buniti ka ku itusisa lihatiso ze tomile fa Bibele, moya wa Mulimu u zamaisa munahano ni pilu ya luna, ili ku ekeza hahulu kwa likute la luna la lipimo za Jehova. As we continue our sincere and diligent study of the Scriptures with the help of Bible - based publications, God's spirit influences our mind and heart, causing our respect for Jehovah's standards to deepen. Read Matthew 6: 31, 32. Esi lu swanela pili ku suña mwa lipilu ni minahano ya luna likuka ze lu bata ku luta bana ba luna? " Shouldn't we first instill in our own heart and mind the values we want to inculcate in our children? " These and similar expressions harmonize with the words of the apostle John: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " - 1 John 5: 19. Munna ni musali ba sa sepisana fela ku nyalana, b'a ngiwa ku ba ba ba beelezani. Once a man and woman promise to marry each other, they are considered engaged. How to Do If You Do Not Give Up Ka ku susuezwa ki moya wa Mulimu, naa talusize sisupo sa butokwa seo. Moved by God's spirit, he drove home this important point. Some have set aside a short morning when there are no more obstacles. Katengo ka Muina - situlo ka tokomela lika za ka putako ni litaba ze ñwi ze tokwa ku talimwa ka sikwashu. The Chairman's Committee cares for emergencies and other urgent matters. The meaning of "the cup of mourning " does not harmonize with the meaning of" the bread of grief. " Kono kana Mulimu n'a ketile Jonasi ku ba mupolofita kakuli ne li wa sinundwe? But did God appoint Jonah as a prophet because he was disobedient? What relationship is there between faith and holy spirit? Nelutabile hahulu zazi lelufumaneha kwa mikopano lwapili, hamulaho wa likweli zeketalizoho! What a happy day it was when we attended our first meeting in five months! Although I lost about three pounds (1 kg) when I was born, the doctor noticed that there was a serious health problem in my body. Kacwalo naatalusize kuli Jehova ufepanga linyunywani kamita. So he explained that Jehovah always feeds the birds. 6: 20 - 25. Mu tiye cwale, mi mu si ke mwa bofwa hape kwa coko ya buzike. " - Magalata 5: 1. Therefore stand fast, and do not let yourselves be confined again in a yoke of slavery. " - Galatians 5: 1. Finally, by maintaining perfect godly devotion throughout his life, Jesus upheld Jehovah's sovereignty and proved the Devil a liar, thus making possible lasting benefits for lovers of righteousness. Jesu n'a ize: "Bupilo bo bu sa feli, kikuli ba ku zibe, Wena, Mulimu a nosi wa niti, ni y'o lumile, yena Jesu Kreste. " " This means everlasting life, " Jesus said, "their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " We need to look at the inner person, to the extent that we can do so as humans on earth, not to the skin color or race. Ku Sebeza mwa "Lioli ze Tabisa " Serving in the "Happy Isles " Who are seen as bad figs today, and what will happen to them? Pulelo ya kuli, "mu si ke mwa lwala coko i liñwi " i talusañi? What is the meaning of the phrase "do not become unevenly yoked "? The fact is, God's word, found in the Bible, for mankind, is powerful. Jesu na tusize batu ba ba swanela kuli ba banduke kwa tamo ye situhu ya badimona. - Mare. 5: 2, 8, 12 - 15; 9: 20, 25 - 27. Jesus helped deserving ones to escape cruel domination by the demons. - Mark 5: 2, 8, 12 - 15; 9: 20, 25 - 27. As Jehovah's servants, however, we well know that it will be a disaster for any of us - whether young or old - to lose our Christian identity. Kono ha n'a zwile fa lapa, bashemi ba hae ba lemuha kuli niti ya Bibele ne i si ka toma mibisi ku yena. But now that he was gone, his parents realized that Bible truth had not been in him. No, prophecy describes people from all nations who enter sacred service in Jehovah's mountain of true worship. Musal'a ka ha na belekanga, kaufela luna ne lu katalanga hahulu. " " It was much more stressful for both of us when my wife was working outside the home. " If the student does not have any knowledge of the Bible, do not study the entire chapter in just one study. Ka nako ye lu itutanga Bibele sina lubasi sunda ni sunda, bo Jairo hañata ba talimanga kwamulaho kihona ba ni talima ni ku talima kwa kompyuta ya bona. During our weekly family Bible study, he often looks back and forth between me and his computer. From the beginning, God's holy name has been sanctified. H. H. He pointed out that his presence would be manifest, though many would not realize: "Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Saule mane "na y'o ba nyandisa mwa minzi ya macaba a sili. " - Lik. Invading one house after another and, dragging out both men and women, he would turn them over to prison. " Imagine, though, that someone older than we are is more inclined to lead us in love as we make these decisions. Hailif'o Mushe, muyemeli wa bulikani bwa kale, n'a ñozi Mulao wa Mushe, Jesu, Muyemeli wa bulikani bo bunca, ni kamuta n'a si ka ñola mulao ni o mukana. While Moses, the mediator of the old covenant, wrote down the Mosaic Law, Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant, never wrote down a single law. And their spiritual paradise grew. Mwa lipapali ze ñata za cwale, m'o babapali ba kona ku ngubana, kw'a kona ku ba ni mifilifili. Many modern contact sports have a potential for violence. They have cultivated many good habits. [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnote] As we examine God's Word, the Bible, we will find sound advice and guidance on how to handle situations that are hopelessly hopeless. Ni kamuta ne lu sa zuhi kakusasana la Mukibelo ni ku buza ka za haiba lwa ya mwa bukombwa. We never woke up on a Saturday morning asking if we were going in the ministry. Discipline has helped "those taught by it " to restore their relationship with God. Ku cwañi he ku ba ba li "lingu ze ñwi, " ba ba na ni sepo ya ku pila ku ya ku ile fa lifasi - mubu? What about the "other sheep, " having the prospect of everlasting life on earth? What caused the Sadducees to reject the resurrection? MU NAHANE tabo ya n'a bile ni yona Mujuda wa mukulwani wa libizo la Andreasi ha n'a teelelize lwa pili kwa manzwi a Jesu wa Nazareta! IMAGINE how excited a young Jew named Andrew must have been when he first listened to the words of Jesus of Nazareth! Does this not suggest that there can be reason to start taking action in behalf of some disfellowshipped ones and who may now repent? Batabelanga kuba ni kolo yakuituta Bibele. They welcome the opportunity to learn what the Bible teaches. 9, 10. (a) What encouragement did Paul give at the end of chapter 10 of Hebrews? Sayansi ya cwale ya za milyani se i zibile ze ñata ka za ku yambukela kwa matuku ni ku a sileleza. Modern medical science has learned much about the spread and prevention of disease. How Others Can Help Ki lika mañi za naa ezelize batu ba hae Jehova ze bonisa kuli libizo la hae la mu swanela? What historic example shows that God lives up to the meaning of his name? But in most of the Scriptures used in this article, he has been made known by his Jewish name Saul. - Acts 13: 9. Ku sepa Jehova hape ku ama ku sepa m'ata a moya o kenile. Trusting in Jehovah also involves trusting in the power of the holy spirit. □ In fulfillment of Hosea 3: 5, when does the anointed remnant come to Jehovah and his goodness, leading to what did this lead? Bakeñisa kuli lushango lo lu tuna lwa Bibele haki lwa ka m'o lika li ka bela bumaswe kwa mafelelezo a lifasi le la kale. Because the Bible's central message is not about how bad things will be at the end of this old world. True, you may feel that you cannot leave the comfortable life that you live. Paulusi n'a nga cwañi batu ba n'a luta? What attitude did Paul have as a disciple maker? A good, close friendship takes time. BIBELE ilubulelela kuli "Mulimu ki lilato. " THE Bible tells us that "God is love. " Happily, home Bible studies conducted by missionaries of Jehovah's Witnesses and later by local Witnesses helped many to find the true God, Jehovah, and dedicate their lives to him. Lwa kona ku nahanisisa za Ruti ya naa sepahala. For instance, we can meditate on the loyalty of Ruth. Make sure that the sanctuary is clean and there is nothing left open. Ona Mañolo ao a ne ba balisisa n'a swanela ku ba tusa ku lemuha kuli Jesu n'a li yena Mesiya. The Scriptures they so carefully searched should have helped them discern that Jesus was the Messiah. We longed to stay in Brazil, and with the help of a lawyer, we could receive an official permit to stay in the country in 1945. Lika kaufela ze ne ezahezi mwa mizeko yeo ne li bile "bupaki " mi ne li" tusize Evangeli ku i zwiseza pili. " Ha ku na nto ifi kamba ifi kamba mutu ufi kamba ufi ya kona ku lu palelwisa ku kutaza taba ye nde ya Mubuso. On November 22, 2010, a five - judge panel of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights rejected Russia's petition requesting that the case be referred to the Court's Grand Chamber. Real political, political, violent, economic problems, all may stir up some of the standards of depression. Mubale Mateu 6: 31, 32. Read Matthew 6: 31, 32. A strong or thorough witness sheds light on something that was not previously recognized, making it clear what seemed to be the case. Lipulelo zeo ni ze ñwi ze swana ni zona za lumelelana ni manzwi a muapositola Joani, a ' li: "Lifasi kamukana li lapalezi mwatas'a ya maswe. " - 1 Joani 5: 19. These statements and others like them are in harmony with the apostle John's words: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " - 1 John 5: 19. " Stand Firm and Stand Firm on the Basis " Mwa ku Ezeza Haiba Mu Sa Isezwi Pilu Coping With Apathy Blessings for Righteous People Ba bañwi ba tomile nakonyana ya kakusasana ha ku si na lihakanyiso ze ñata. Some set aside a brief period in the morning when there may be less distraction. A cup of coffee has greatly affected El Salvador's history. (Matzoth ye na ni lika za mufuta o cwalo ha i koni ku lumelelana ni taluso ya "mahobe a maswabi. ") (Matzoth containing those supplements would hardly match the description "bread of affliction. ") How do such subtle attacks differ from remarkable ones? Ki ifi swalisano ye mwahal'a tumelo ni moya o kenile? What is the relationship between faith and holy spirit? Similarly, we are counseled: "We must pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us, that we may never drift away. " Nihaike kuli ne ni weitile likilo ze batoo ba ze talu ka nako ye ne ni pepilwe, mualafi naa lemuhile kuli ku na ni butata bo butuna hahulu mwa mubili wa ka. Although I weighed a good six pounds [about 3 kg] at birth, the doctor knew that something was seriously wrong with me. The branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses arranges for traveling overseers to visit there regularly. 6: 20 - 25. 6: 20 - 25. • Why can we boast but be humble in a similar way? Mi kwa mafelelezo, ka ku buluka buipeyo bwa bumulimu bo bu petehile mwa bupilo bwa hae kaufela, Jesu n'a yemezi bubusi bwa Jehova ni ku bonahaza Diabulosi ku ba lihata, kacwalo ili ku konahalisa lituso za ku ya ku ile kwa batu ba ba lata ku luka. And finally, by maintaining perfect godly devotion throughout his life, Jesus upheld Jehovah's sovereignty and proved the Devil a liar, thus making eternal benefits possible for lovers of righteousness. By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 34, 35. Lu tokwa ku talima kwa mutu wa mwahali, ku isa fa sipimo seo luna lu kona ku eza cwalo ka ku ba batu ba fa lifasi, mi isiñi kwa mubala wa litalo kamba kwa mushobo wa hae. We need to look at the inner person, to the extent we as humans can, and not at his skin color or ethnic background. Moreover, in lands that refuse to drink alcoholic beverages or that allow only people of certain ages, Christians should obey the laws of the land. - Romans 13: 1. Ki bomañi ba ba bonwi ku ba lifeiga ze maswe kacenu, mi ki sifi se si ka ezahala ku bona? Who are identified as bad figs today, and what will happen to them? At Paul's conversion, Jesus said that Paul would be a chosen vessel to bear His name to the nations. Niti kikuli, linzwi la Mulimu le li mwa Bibele, ili le li ñolezwi batu, li m'ata. Actually, the Bible contains God's powerful word, or message, for mankind. They destroyed Martin's Bible literature, beat him, and drove him out of his home. Niteñi, ka ku ba batanga ba Jehova, lwa ziba hande kuli ikaba bumai ku ufi kamba ufi wa ku luna - ibe mwanana kamba yo muhulu - ku latehelwa ki lika z'e lu zibahaza ku ba Bakreste. However, as dedicated servants of Jehovah, we realize that it would be tragic for any of us - young or old - to lose our Christian identification. Some people feel comfortable in their regular, sports, or other way of doing something that they like. Batili, bupolofita bu talusa batu ba ba zwa mwa macaba kaufela ba ba kena mwa sebelezo ye kenile mwa lilundu la Jehova la bulapeli bwa niti. Rather, the prophecy applies to individuals out of all nations who turn to united sacred service in Jehovah's mountain of true worship. Since Lloyd has the heavenly hope and has an earthly hope, we will one day be separated. Haiba muituti h'a na zibo ni ye kana ka za Bibele, mu si ituti kauhanyo mutumbi mwa muitutelo fela u li muñwi. If a student does not have any knowledge of the Bible, it may take more than one study session to cover a chapter. In addition to gaining God's approval, he also provides what we need. Ku zwa feela kwa makalelo, libizo la Mulimu le li kenile, li sawanilwe. From the beginning of human history, God's sacred name has been smeared with lies. I had just been expelled from my parents ' room to live there. N'a file sisupo ilikuli ku ba teñi kwa hae ku lemuhiwe, nihaike kuli ba bañata ne ba si ke ba lemuha: "Mo ne ku inezi mwa mazazi a Nuwe, ku ka ba cwalo kwa ku taha [ku ba teñi, NW] kwa Mwan'a mutu. He provided a sign so that his presence could be recognized, though most would take no note: "As the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. How did Jehovah use cherubs in the garden of Eden? Kono mu nahane kuli mutu yo muñwi yo muhulu ku luna ni ya butali ku lu fita u bata ku lu etelela ka lilato ha lu nze lu eza likatulo ze. Just think, though, that someone infinitely older and wiser than we are is happy to give us loving guidance in making those decisions! The same sister added: "I remember the day when we started offering magazines on the street in 1940. Mi paradaisi ya bona ya kwa moya ya hula. And their spiritual paradise is growing. After relating examples of pre - Christian witnesses, such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Sarah, said: "They did not get the fulfillment of the promises, but they saw them as far off and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " Ba hulisize mikwa ye miñata ye minde. They have cultivated a number of fine qualities. Moreover, since Jesus was sinless, his death was a sacrifice of great value. Ha lu nyakisisa Bibele, lona Linzwi la Mulimu, lu ka fumana likelezo ze nde ni ketelelo ya mwa ku tatululela miinelo ye lu si na hande sepo ka za yona. If we examine God's Word, the Bible, we will find sound counsel and guidance on how to cope with the uncertainties of life. Choose friends wisely. Kalimelo i tusize "ba ba lutilwe ki yona " kuli ba be hape ni bulikani ni Mulimu. For "those who have been trained by it, " the discipline has helped them to become spiritually restored. When Jehovah brought that freedom in 537 B.C.E., announcement could rightly be made to Zion: "Your God has become king! " Ki sika mañi se ne si tisize kuli Basaduki ka mafosisa ba hane zuho ya bafu? Why did the Sadducees fall into the error of denying the resurrection of the dead? Does caring for our needs mean spending time with a doctor each week with him? Kana seo ha si akalezi kuli ku kona ku ba ni libaka la ku kalisa k'u nga mihato kwa neku la ba bañwi ba ba zwisizwe mi ili bao cwale ne ba kana ba bakile? Does this not suggest that there could be a reason for initiating steps toward some who are disfellowshipped and who may now be repentant? and The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking, and Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? 9, 10. (a) Ki susuezo ifi ya naa file Paulusi kwa mafelelezo a kauhanyo ya 10 ya Maheberu? 9, 10. (a) Toward the end of Hebrews chapter 10, we read what encouragement by Paul? It is wise to praise your child for doing good. Mo ba Kona ku Tuseza ba Bañwi How Others Can Help (Read Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) Kono mwa Mañolo a mañata a itusisizwe mwa taba ye, u bizisizwe ka libizo la hae la Sijuda lona la Saule. - Likezo 13: 9. In most of the Bible verses cited in this article, however, he is referred to by his Jewish name, Saul. - Acts 13: 9. Clearly, we cannot eliminate all causes of anxiety in this system of things. □ Mwa ku talelezwa kwa Hosea 3: 5, ki l'ili muta masiyaleti ya tozizwe a taha ku Jehova ni kwa bunde bwa hae, seo ne si etelezi kwa nto mañi? □ In fulfillment of Hosea 3: 5, when did the anointed remnant come to Jehovah and his goodness, and what did this lead to? Whether elders or not, all Christians should take into account Jesus ' words: "We are good - for - nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done. " Ki niti, mwa kona ku ikutwa kuli ha mu koni ku siya bupilo bwa mbombolelwa bo mu pila. Understandably, the idea of giving up a comfortable lifestyle may seem daunting to you. If possible, pray together. Ku ba ni silikani se sinde, ili se si tiile ku nga nako. A close, warm friendship cannot be cultivated overnight. No human leader can promise that! Ka tabo, lituto za Bibele za mwa mandu ze ne li zamaiswa ki balumiwa ba Lipaki za Jehova mi hamulaho ki Lipaki ba ba li bayahi ba naha ne li tusize ba bañata ku fumana Mulimu wa niti, Jehova, ni ku neela bupilo bwa bona ku yena. Happily, home Bible studies conducted by missionaries of Jehovah's Witnesses and later by native Witnesses helped many to find the true God, Jehovah, and to dedicate their lives to him. Alice continued to study the Bible for many years and even attended some meetings in an English - speaking congregation. Mu bone teñi kuli sibaka si kenile mi ha ku na lika ze inzi nyambwanaleka. Make sure that the site is clean and uncluttered. If God provides such abundant food for birds, he can help his servants to obtain daily food. Ne lu lakaza ku ina mwa Brazil, mi ka tuso ya caziba wa mulao, lwa kona ku fiwa liñolo la tumelezo ya ku inelela mwa naha ka 1945. Our desire was to stay in Brazil, and with the help of a lawyer, we finally obtained a permanent visa in 1945. Especially when persecuted, Jehovah's servants need God - given courage so that they can give a thorough witness. Miinelo ya luli ye situhu ya za bupolitiki, mifilifili, but'ata bwa za mali, kaufela ne li kana za shangumuna lipimo ze ñwi za ku zwafa ko kutuna. Harsh political realities, violence, economic difficulties, all may provoke degrees of despair. Such can be the case if a friend leaves the Christian path. Bupaki bo bu tiile kamba bo bu tezi bu utwahaza ka ku tala nto ye ne i si ka lemuhiwa kwa makalelo, ili ku bonisa mafosisa a se ne si bonahala ku ba sona se si ka ezahala. Positive or concrete evidence makes clear what previously went undiscerned, thereby refuting what only appeared to be the case. At the same time, his wife wanted him to leave. Mu " Tomile ni ku Tiya fa Mutomo '? " What Are We to Eat? " 8 / 1 What Is in a Name? Today, it is well - known that the genetic organs are the key to being like parents to length, face, eyes, color of your hair and countless other things. Limbuyoti za Batu Ba Ba Lukile Blessings for the Righteous A non - Biblical book called Shepherd [the Baptizer] is said to have been written " soon, in our time, in the Roman capital, " by a man named Hers. D. Njimo ya kofi se i amile hahulu litaba za kwamulaho za naha ya El Salvador. Coffee growing greatly influenced the history of El Salvador. Does knowing God's qualities move us to repent and to pray to Jehovah for forgiveness when we err? Mikwa ya nyandiso yeo ye sa lemusehi i shutana cwañi ni mikwa ye lemuseha? How does this differ from the frontal attacks of physical persecution? And the book of Psalms highlights this fact. Ka mukwa o swana, lu elezwa kuli: "Lu swanezi ku tokomela hahulu ze lu utwile, lu ka swana lu yenduka. " In a similar way, we are admonished: "It is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us, that we may never drift away. " These words of Jesus can help us to make our life successful now and give us the hope of a happy future. Ofisi ya mutai ya Lipaki za Jehova i lukisize kuli baokameli ba maeto ba potelange kwateñi kamita. The branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses has arranged for regular visits by traveling overseers. There are about 400 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Honduras. • Ki kabakalañi ha lu kona ku itumba kono inze lu ikokobeza ka nzila ye swana? • Why can we be proud and yet humble? It seems that Peter felt bad every time he recalled his Master's pain on the last day of His life as a human. Batu kaufela bakaziba kuli mu balutiwa baka ka taba ye - haiba mulatana mwahalaa mina. " - Joa. 13: 34, 35. By this all will know that you are my disciples - if you have love among yourselves. " - John 13: 34, 35. Paul understood this aspect of the work. Hape mwa linaha ze hanisa ku nwa bucwala kamba ze lumeleza fela batu ba lilimo ze ñwi cwalo, Bakreste ba swanela ku latelela milao ya naha. - Maroma 13: 1. Moreover, in countries where alcohol consumption is prohibited or is permitted only for those over a certain age, due regard should be given to the laws of the land. - Romans 13: 1. People often get involved in "time of distress " because they drink alcohol at the wrong time. Fa ku sikululwa kwa Paulusi, Jesu n'a bulezi kuli Paulusi n'a ka ba sisebeliso se si ketezwi ku isa libizo la Hae kwa macaba. At the time of Paul's conversion, Jesus said that Paul would serve as a chosen vessel to bear His name to the nations. In addition, a brochure entitled A Not Giving Life - How to Benefit From It was published. Ne ba pazauzi lihatiso za Bibele za bo Martin, ba ba nata, mi ba ba leleka mwa lapa la bona. They destroyed Martin's Bible literature, beat him, and chased him from the family home. This joy is also our stronghold if we stand firm for God - given freedom as dedicated, baptized Witnesses of Jehovah. Batu babañwi baikutwanga hande kueza musebezi wabona wa kamita, lipapali, kamba kueza nto yeñwi yebatabela. Some find satisfaction in a career, a sport, or a hobby. Through "the mighty hand, " Jehovah delivered the Israelites from Egypt. Ka ku ba kuli Lloyd u na ni sepo ya ku yo pila kwa lihalimu mi na ni na ni sepo ya ku pila fa lifasi - mubu, nako ye ñwi lu ka be lu kauhani. Since Lloyd has the heavenly hope and I have the earthly hope, sooner or later we will have to part anyway. They did not need to be " delivered ' from sin. - Ephesians 1: 7. Kwandaa ku lu shemuba, Mulimu hape u lu fa lika kaufela ze lu tokwa. God's blessing is not merely a nod of approval; it is his active share in providing what we really need. So Paul and James raised God as Jehovah of armies during the first century of our Common Era. Kihona hanenisazo lelekiwa mwa muzuzu one nifilwe ki bashemi ba ka kuli nipile mwateñi. I had recently been evicted from the condominium where my parents had allowed me to live. Other verses in the Christian Greek Scriptures show that "the Israel of God " is 144,000 spirit - anointed Christians. Jehova na itusisize cwañi likerubimi mwa simu ya Edeni? How did Jehovah use cherubs in connection with the garden of Eden? McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia states: "We cannot doubt that what was written about the Jewish tribes was destroyed with Jerusalem [in 70 C.E.], and not before Jerusalem was destroyed. " Kaizeli ya swana yo hape naa ize: "Ni hupula lizazi ha ne lu kalile ku fanga batu limagazini mwa makululu ka 1940. The same sister added: "I recall the beginning of the magazine street work in 1940. William wrote: "My heart remains in pain even now, and I am going to die with it. " Paulusi, ha s'a bulezi mitala ya lipaki be ne ba li teñi pili Bukreste bu si ka taha kale, ba ba cwale ka Abele, Enoke, Nuwe, Abrahama, ni Sara, n'a ize: "[Ha] ba si ka amuhela ze ba sepisizwe; kono ba li boni li sa li kwahule, ba li cilanisize; mi ba ipulezi kuli, bona, ki ba ku sili mi ki baenyi fafasi. " After citing the examples of such pre - Christian witnesses as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Sarah, Paul noted: "They did not get the fulfillment of the promises, but they saw them afar off and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " ○ How to preach by telephone, informally, and business areas Ku tuha f'o, bakeñisa kuli Jesu n'a si na sibi, lifu la hae ne li sitabelo sa teko ye tuna. In addition, since Jesus was sinless, his death was a sacrifice of great value. They will pour into your garment a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together, and crushed. Mu kete hande balikani. Choose associates wisely. (b) Why do you think such qualities are important to him? Jehova ha n'a tahisize yona tukuluho yeo ka 537 B.C.E., zibiso ne i konwa ku eziwa ka ku swanela ku Sione kuli: "Mulimu wa hao ki ya busa! " When Jehovah performed this deliverance in 537 B.C.E., the announcement could fittingly be made to Zion: "Your God has become king! " Out of all water Kana ku ipabalela hande ku talusa ku bonananga ni mualafi sunda ni sunda? Does adequate care mean seeing a doctor every week? (a) To what did the apostle Paul compare the disciple - making work? ni ya The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking, ni buka ya Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? and The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking, and the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? However, Sennacherib insisted that Jerusalem, the capital of Judah, go to him. - 2 Kings 18: 9 - 17, 28 - 31. Ki hande kulumba mwanaa mina bakeñisa kueza hande nto yeñwi. Praise based on ability is better. (b) What instrument primarily does Jehovah teach people today? (Mubale Genese 12: 14 - 20.) (Read Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) [ Footnote] Kwa iponelwa hande kuli ha lu koni ku felisa ze tahisa lipilaelo kaufela mwa muinelo wo wa linto. Clearly, we cannot eliminate all sources of anxiety in this system of things. The fact is that human history continues to take place - even more devastating. Ba be maeluda kamba ku tokwa, Bakreste kamukana ba swanela ku inahana ka ku beya mwa muhanano manzwi a Jesu a ' li: "Lu batanga ba ba si na tuso, lu ezize ze ne lu tamehile ku eza. " Whether they are elders or not, all Christians should think of themselves in the light of Jesus ' words: "We are good - for - nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done. " Some youths do not feel comfortable in public and feel free to watch television or play video games. Haiba kwakonahala, mulapele hamoho. If possible, pray together. (b) Whether Lot remembered what, of what should we be confident? Hakuna mueteleli wa batu yakona kusepisa taba yeo! And no human leader can promise that! Achan may initially have intended to follow that direction, but greed ensnared him. Bo Alice ne ba zwezipili ku ituta Bibele ka lilimo ze ñata mi mane ne ba fumanehanga kwa mikopano ye miñwi mwa puteho ye ne itusisa puo ya Sikuwa. The study continued for some years, and Alice attended a few meetings in an English - speaking congregation. To gain God's approval, we strive to strengthen our faith and serve him zealously. Haiba Mulimu u fa linyunywani lico ze ñata cwalo, w'a kona ku tusa batanga ba hae ku fumana sico sa ka zazi. If God has made available such abundant provisions for the birds, surely he is capable of helping his human servants to obtain their daily bread. Then, realizing that what we were saying was similar to André's, the manager cried out: "You are not the spies. Sihulu ha ba nyandiswa, batanga ba Jehova ba tokwa bundume bo bu fiwa ki Mulimu ilikuli ba kone ku fa bupaki bo bu tezi. Especially when persecuted, Jehovah's servants are in need of God - given courage in order to bear thorough witness. The joy of seeing my brothers, children, and all their families serving Jehovah along with my wife and me cannot be compared with anything. Honacwalo kona mo ku kona ku bela haiba mulikan'a mina a keluha mwa nzila ya Sikreste. It is similar when a friend stumbles from the Christian path. " It was fitting for [God] that if he wanted to bring many sons to glory, let him do a perfect work of salvation according to the sufferings that he has suffered. " - HEBREWS 2: 10. Ka nako ye swana, musal'a hae n'a bata kuli a mu leleke. Meanwhile, his wife was about to divorce him. Instead, they chose to rebel against their Creator. Kacenu ku zibahala kuli likalulo za sihozo ki zona ze tisa kuli mu kone ku swana ni bashemi kwa butelele, sifateho, meto, mubala wa milili ya mina ni lika ze ñwi ze ñata - ñata. Today, it is known that characteristics you inherited from your parents and forebears - such as your height, facial features, eye and hair color, and thousands of other traits - were determined by your genes. God's Kingdom will help all who pray for it, who live in harmony with God's will. Mwa pampili ya Muratorian Fragment ku pundilwe buka ye si ka toma fa Bibele, ye bizwa Shepherd [Mulisana], mi ku bulezwi kuli buka yeo ne i ñozwi "hona cwale - cwale fa, mwa linako za luna, ili mwa muleneñi wa Roma " ki munna wa libizo la Hermas. The Fragment mentions a non - Biblical book, the Shepherd, and states that a man named Hermas wrote it "very recently, in our times, in the city of Rome. " Remember, Jehovah helped Moses by giving him holy spirit and his brother Aaron. Kana ku ziba tulemeno twa Mulimu ha ku lu susuezi ku baka ni ku lapela ku Jehova kuli a lu swalele ha lu fosa? With that knowledge of God's qualities in mind, are we not motivated to approach him to express our repentance when we make mistakes? A close look at such material can help you to make sure that what you are able to do and what your guests will do shows that you are applying what you learn. - Romans 12: 2. Mi buka ya Lisamu i koñomeka taba yeo. That has long been so, as the book of Psalms emphasizes. And remember that when you set a good goal, you will be happier when you reach that goal! Manzwi a Jesu a, a kona ku lu tusa ku kondisa bupilo bwa luna cwale ni ku lu fa sepo ya ku pila ka tabo kwapili. These sayings of Jesus can improve our life now and give us the hope of a happy future. Instead of being a blessing, it proved to be, in the words of the apostle Paul, "a blessing. " Mwa Honduras kunani liputeho zebatoba 400 za Lipaki za Jehova. There are some 400 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Honduras. By thinking about the consequences! Ku bonahala kuli Pitrosi na ikutwanga hahulu bumaswe ka nako kaufela ha hupula mwa na ekelelize kwa butuku bwa na utwile Mulenaa hae fa lizazi la mafelelezo la bupilo bwa Hae sina mutu fa lifasi. Peter must have shuddered to think of how he had added to his Master's pain on what turned out to be the last day of His life as a man. 10 / 15 Paulusi n'a utwisisize kalulo yeo ya musebezi w'o. Paul understood this aspect of the commission. Have you and your family done things that show that you have put on the new personality? ZE I BULELA BIBELE Batu hañata ba ikenyize mwa " ziyezi ' bakeñisa ku nwa bucwala ka nako ye sa swaneli. People often "walk right into [trouble] " because they drink at the wrong time. As a young man, David was often outside shepherding his sheep. Mi hape ne ku hatisizwe broshuwa ya A Satisfying Life - How to Attain It (Mwa ku Fumanela Bupilo bo bu Kolwisa). Then the brochure A Satisfying Life - How to Attain It was published. And in prayer do not say over and over again just as the nations do, for [they] wrongly think they will get a hearing for most of what they are saying. Yona tabo yeo hape ki m'ata a luna haiba lu yema ka ku tiya kwa tukuluho ya na lu file Mulimu sina Lipaki ba ba ineezi, ba ba kolobelizwe ba Jehova. This joy is our stronghold too if we are standing fast for God - given freedom as dedicated, baptized Witnesses of Jehovah. I learned how to prepare wood in the forest and repair the roof. Ka "lizoho le li mata, " Jehova n'a lukuluzi Maisilaele mwa Egepita. With "a strong hand, " he rescued the Israelites out of Egypt. The apostle Paul called it "the Lord's evening meal. " Ne li sa tokwi ku " liululwa ' kwa sibi. - Maefese 1: 7. It did not need a "release " from sin. - Ephesians 1: 7. But what is the Lord's work? Kacwalo Paulusi ni Jakobo ba pahamisize Mulimu sina Jehova wa limpi mwahal'a lilimo za mwanda wa pili wa Nako ya Luna ye Zibahala. So Paul and James ranked God as Jehovah of armies during the first century of our Common Era. Because you can survive the end of the world! Litimana ze ñwi mwa Mañolo a Sigerike a Sikreste li bonisa kuli "Isilaele wa Mulimu " ki Bakreste ba ba tozizwe ka moya ba ba eza 144,000. Other passages in the Christian Greek Scriptures establish that "the Israel of God " is made up of 144,000 spirit - anointed Christians. The experience of a woman in Ghana whose name has also proved that God's Word is indeed powerful. Buka ye bizwa Cyclopedia ya McClintock ni Strong i talusa kuli: "Ha lu koni ku kakanya kuli ze ne ñozwi ka za masika a Sijuda ne li sinyizwe hamoho ni Jerusalema [ka 70 C.E.], mi isiñi pili Jerusalema isi ka sinyiwa kale. " McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia states: "There can be little doubt that the registers of the Jewish tribes and families perished at the destruction of Jerusalem [in 70 C.E.], and not before. " ⇩ ⇩ Bo William ne ba ñozi kuli: "Pilu ya ka i sa utwa butuku ni ka nako ye, mi ki butuku bo ni ka shwa ni bona. " William writes, "The pain of that loss is still with me, and I will have it as long as I live. " Further lessons we can learn from David's lack of approval can be found in the May 15, 2005, issue of The Watchtower, pages 16 - 19. ○ Ku ziba lika ze cwale ka mwa ku kutaleza ka luwaile, ka ku tandalelwa, ni mwa libaka za lipisinisi ○ Developing such skills as telephone, informal, and business witnessing To be in subjection to our Creator means to be obedient to him. Baka miselela tikanyo yende mwa siapalo samina, yekatezwi, yenyungilwe, ni yeyuboka. They will pour into your laps a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing. She accepted a home Bible study and made rapid progress. (b) Ki kabakalañi ha mu nahana kuli tulemeno to tu cwalo ki twa butokwa ku yena? (b) Why do you think that such qualities are precious to him? This global school helped traveling overseers, special pioneers, missionaries, and congregation elders to care well for their Scriptural responsibilities. Fa kuma mezi kaufela Total water We longed to continue serving in Portugal. (a) Muapositola Paulusi n'a bapanyize musebezi wa ku tahisa mulutiwa kwañi? (a) To what did the apostle Paul compare the process of making a Christian disciple? Even so, I had to wait for a while. Nihakulicwalo, Senakeribi naa pihelezi kuli munzi wa Jerusalema, wona o ne u li muleneñi wa Juda, u koze ku yena. - 2 Malena 18: 9 - 17, 28 - 31. Even so, Sennacherib insisted that the capital of Judah, Jerusalem, also surrender unconditionally to him. - 2 Kings 18: 9 - 17, 28 - 31. Let the people praise him when they meet together. " (b) Sihulu ki siitusiso sifi seo Jehova a luta batu ka sona kacenu? (b) What is the primary means by which Jehovah instructs humans today? (Compare Acts 15: 30 - 33.) [ Litaluso za kwatasi] [ Footnotes] History has been because I have learned to trust in Jehovah. Taba kikuli ze maswe ze ezahezi kwa batu li zwelapili ku ezahala - mane se li ezahala ka butuna ili ka ku sinya hahulu. The fact is that the bad history of mankind keeps repeating itself - but on an ever larger and more damaging scale. But the prophecies about earthquakes are not the only ones that are being fulfilled. Ba banca ba bañwi ha ba ikutwangi ku lukuluha ha ba li mwahalaa batu mi ba ikutwanga feela ku lukuluha ha ba buha TV kamba ku bapala papali ya fa vidio. Some youths feel awkward around people and find it easier to watch TV or play a video game. To his own master he stands or falls. " - Romans 14: 4. (b) Ku si na taba kuli Lota n'a hupulañi, lu lukela ku kolwa nto mañi? (b) Whatever Lot's reasoning, of what can we be sure? Why is God's name added in six verses in the revision of the New World Translation? Akani kwa makalelo na kana a bile ni mulelo wa ku latelela ketelelo yeo, kono mukwañuli ne u mu swasize. Achan may initially have intended to follow that direction, but greed ensnared him. He enters my room with contempt and takes things away without asking for me. Enter business with unbeliever? 2, 3. Kuli Mulimu a lu katelwe, lu lika ka tata ku tiisa tumelo ya luna ni ku mu sebeleza ka tukufalelo. Desiring to have such, we are eager to improve the quality of our faith and to render sacred service zealously. It's difficult to give attention to each study and to finish all work. " Cwale ha naa lemuhile kuli litaba ze ne lu bulela ne li swana ni za bo André, muzamaisi yo a huwa kuli: "Ha mu matwela. When our testimony agreed with André's, the officer barked: "You are not spies. 18, 19. (a) What counsel is mentioned at Ephesians 4: 1 - 3? Tabo ya ku bona banyani ba ka, bana ba ka, ni mabasi a bona kaufela ba nze ba sebeleza Jehova hamoho ni na ni musal'a ka, ha i koni ku bapanyiwa ni nto ifi kamba ifi. The joy of seeing my siblings, my children, and their families all serving Jehovah along with me and my wife is a blessing beyond compare. * (See footnote.) " Ne ku mu swanela [Mulimu] kuli, h'a n'a latile ku bizeza bana ba bañata kwa kanya, [Muñ'a] musebezi wa ku pilisa a mu eze ya petehile, ka butuku bw'a utwile. " - MAHEBERU 2: 10. " It was fitting for [God], in bringing many sons to glory, to make the Chief Agent of their salvation perfect through sufferings. " - HEBREWS 2: 10. This helps us to understand that unclean practices are neither blind nor old - fashioned. Kono ba keta ku ipangula ku Mubupi wa bona. However, they chose to rebel against their Maker. But Jehovah's Witnesses are realistic. Mubuso wa Mulimu u ka tusa batu kaufela ba ba lapelanga kuli u tahe, ili ba ba pila ka ku lumelelana ni tato ya Mulimu. God's Kingdom will benefit all who sincerely pray for it to come and who bring their lives into harmony with God's will. It means being convinced that Jehovah is a real God - one who wants us to know him and to have a good relationship with him. Mu hupule kuli Jehova naa tusize Mushe ka ku mu fa moya o kenile ni muhulwanaa hae Aruni. Recall that Jehovah helped Moses by providing him with holy spirit and with a partner, his brother, Aaron. Yet, money cannot save our lives. Ku nyakisisa litaba ze cwalo ka ku itahanela ku kona ku tusa kuli ze mu ka eza ni ze ba ka eza be mu memile li bonise kuli mwa sebelisa ze mu ituta. - Maroma 12: 2. Considering such beforehand can help to ensure that what you and your guests do will manifest your faith in action. - Romans 12: 2. For example, out of love, Jehovah "has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he appointed, " Jesus Christ. Mi mu hupule kuli ha mu itomela sikonkwani se situna, mu ka ba ni tabo ye tuna ha mu ka kwanisa sikonkwani seo! And remember, the bigger the goal, the greater your feeling of accomplishment upon reaching it! God's Law stated: "I am Jehovah your God, and you must sanctify yourselves and you must prove yourselves holy, because I am holy. " Ku fita ku ba mbuyoti, ne u fitile fa ku ba, ka manzwi muapositola Paulusi, "sikuto. " Instead of being a blessing, it became, in the words of the apostle Paul, "a curse. " Jennifer tells me that I am now more understanding. Ka ku nahana ka ze zwa mwateñi! By thinking about the consequences! " People today don't live up to the same standards, " said theologian Alan Wof. 10 / 15 " Never Felt Such Love " (Dominican Republic), 3 / 1 These are (1) the pursuit of riches, (2) the drinking of alcohol, (3) the associates we choose to associate with, and (4) our choice of recreation. Kana ku na ni lika ze mu ezize mina ni lubasi lwa mina ze bonisa kuli mu apezi mutu yo munca? Can you point to specific actions showing that you and your family have put on the new personality? You may feel, though, that the birth of God's Son, Jesus, was unique, worthy of consideration. Davida ha na li mutangana, na banga fande hañata inze a lisa lingu za hae. As a youth, David was often outside, shepherding the flocks. He added: "It is the actual number [at Revelation 7: 4] in contrast with the unknown number at Revelation 7: 9. Mi mwa ku lapela mu si ke mwa kuta - kutela manzwi sina bahedeni; kakuli [ka mafosisa] ba hupula kuli ba ka utwiwa ka buñata bwa ze ba bulela. And in praying do not parrot off words like the heathen; for they [erroneously] think they will get themselves listened to by the quantity of what they say. There is plenty of fuel in the body. Neniitutile mwakulwalelela likota mwa mushitu ni kulukisa situwa. I learned how to collect straw in the bush and how to thatch a roof. Consider, too, how the word "kingdom " has been twisted. Muapositola Paulusi n'a u bizize "mulalelo wa Mulena. " The apostle Paul called it "the Lord's evening meal. " What can you write about in a letter to comfort the bereaved? Kono musebezi wa Mulena ki ufi? But what is the work of the Lord? It is a most important work. Kakuli mwakona kupunyuha mafelelezo a lifasi! Because you can survive the end! Various Protestant churches have also apologized. Se ne si ezahezi ku musali wa kwa Ghana wa libizo la Paulina ni sona si bonisa kuli Linzwi la Mulimu luli li m'ata. The power of God's Word is also illustrated in the case of Paulina, a woman in Ghana. These tracts are designed in such a way that we can start Bible studies. 187 ⇩ 187 ⇩ As brothers and sisters, we have many opportunities to show love to one another. Lituto ze ñwi ze lu kona ku ituta ka za sipalo sa n'a ezize Davida a si ka lumelezwa, li mwa Tora ya ku Libelela ya May 15, 2005, makepe 16 - 19. For other lessons related to David's illegal census, see The Watchtower, May 15, 2005, pages 16 - 19. Says 1 John 5: 3: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Ku ipeya kwatas'a Mubupi wa luna ku talusa ku ipeya ku mu utwa. To be in subjection to our Creator means to be obedient to him. We can do this by sharing in Kingdom Hall construction and in relief work but especially by sharing in the Kingdom - preaching work. N'a amuhezi tuto ya Bibele ya fa ndu mi a eza zwelopili ya ka bubebe. He accepted a home Bible study and made rapid progress. Soon as possible, Jehovah's Witnesses began to work. Sikolo seo se ne si ezwa mwa lifasi kaufela ne si tusize baokameli ba maeto, mapaina ba ba ipitezi, balumiwa, ni maeluda ba mwa puteho ku peta hande buikalabelo bwa bona bwa ka Mañolo. This worldwide training program helped circuit overseers, special pioneers, missionaries, and congregation elders to carry out their Scriptural responsibilities more effectively. His travels did not go unnoticed, in court in Asia, the United States, and Europe, so I was unable to spend enough time studying the Bible and associating with fellow believers. Ne lu lakaza ku zwelapili ku sebeleza mwa Portugal. Our desire was to continue serving in Portugal. Furthermore, according to the book The Imer Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, the name Tabor "is made known, not to include the nations of W [the] world in general, but to the land of W [the] mighty ones of the sea. " Nihakulicwalo, neninani kulilimana ka nakonyana. Soon, though, I had to stop for a short time. We are afraid to flee. " Ba mu lumbeke sicaba ha si kopana. " And let them extol him in the congregation of the people. " According to Proverbs 18: 1, "a man isolating himself " is a victim of persecution. (Mu bapanye Likezo 15: 30 - 33.) (Compare Acts 15: 30 - 33.) Although the crowds came to John, John was not this Leader. Ze ezahezi feela kikuli ni itutile ku sepa Jehova. " All that has happened is that I have learned to trust in Jehovah. Did he feel better afterward? Kono bupolofita ka za lizikinyeho haki bona feela bo bu sweli ku talelezwa. Yet, they are only one prophecy that is being fulfilled. He was referring to the environment in which children grow today as worse than ever before. Nih'a tiya kamba a wa, ki taba ya mulen'a hae. ' - Maroma 14: 4. To his own master he stands or falls. ' - Romans 14: 4. We have already heard that. Ki kabakalañi libizo la Mulimu haneliekelizwe mwa litimana ze 6 mwa Bibele ya Sikuwa ya Toloko ya Lifasi le Linca yelukisizwe sinca? Why was God's name added in six places in the revised New World Translation? For some, however, it is "a house full of strife. " U kenanga kwa musiyo wa ka ka kashwau ni ku ikungela lika a si ka ni kupa. He barges into my room and " borrows ' things without asking. In fact, doing what we can to improve our relationship with them can help us to communicate better with them. 2, 3. 2, 3. Rather than " getting tired and give out ' because of trials or opposition that may come upon us, we should make progress to maturity and endure trials. Ku taata ku beela mamelelo kwa tuto ye ñwi ni ye ñwi ni ku feza misebezi kaufela. " It is hard to find a balance and get it all done. " Anyone still obedient was put to death. - Exodus 20: 8 - 11; Numbers 15: 32 - 36. 18, 19. (a) Ki kelezo mañi yebulezwi kwa Maefese 4: 1 - 3? 18, 19. (a) What counsel is mentioned at Ephesians 4: 1 - 3? The sword of the spirit can remove corruption. * (Mubone litaluso zakwatasi.) * (See footnote.) Rather, he confidently told his Father: "Let, not my will, but yours take place. " Seo si lu tusa ku utwisisa kuli likezo ze si ka kena haki ze itahela fela kamba ze si na mutomo wa kale. This helps us to understand that unholy actions are not just spontaneous or without a prior basis. No doubt, the example of these angels greatly strengthened his faith. Kono Lipaki za Jehova b'a nga lika ka mo li inezi. Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses are realistic. A person who led a comfortable life may suddenly lose what he had. " Ku talusa ku kolwa kuli Jehova ki Mulimu ya li teñi luli - ya bata kuli lu mu zibe ni ku ba ni silikani se sinde ni yena. It includes trusting in Jehovah God as a person - a person who wants us to get to know him and to maintain a good relationship with him. We need to have the right attitude. Niteñi, mali ha koni ku sileleza bupilo bwa luna. Yet, money cannot preserve our lives. Reports and encouraging Reports Ka mutala, bakeñisa lilato, Jehova "u tomile lizazi la lelile ku atula lifasi ka ku luka ka muuna yaketile, " yena Jesu Kreste. For example, because of love, Jehovah "has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, " Jesus Christ. However, subjects of God's Kingdom remain loyal to their invisible King without honoring governmental rulers. Mulao wa Mulimu ne u bulezi kuli: "Ki Na Muñ'a Bupilo Mulimu wa mina: Mu ikenise mi mu be ba ba kenile; kakuli Na, ni Ya Kenile. " God's Law stated: "I am Jehovah your God; and you must sanctify yourselves and you must prove yourselves holy, because I am holy. " Having lost their zeal, they do not see the need to "keep on the watch " and choose to pursue themselves willingly rather than put Kingdom interests first in their lives. Bo Jennifer ba ni bulelelanga kuli se ni na ni hahulu kutwisiso. Well, Jennifer tells me I've become more reasonable. After warning against friendship with the world, James wrote: "Do you think that the Scripture simply says: " God loves the spirit which he has put in us with jealous love? ' " Alan Wolfe, caziba wa za bulapeli n'a ize: "Batu kacenu ha ba sa latelela likuka ze swana. " " The day of shared moral standards is gone, " says religion sociologist Alan Wolfe. Do not give up! Linzila zeo ki (1) ku ndongwama sifumu, (2) munwelo wa bucwala, (3) balikani be lu keta ku swalisana ni bona, ni (4) lika ze lu keta ku itabisa ka zona. Ku ndongwama sifumu. Let us examine four: the pursuit of material things, the use of alcoholic beverages, our choice of associates, and what we do for recreation. He is not coming Nihakulicwalo, ne mu kana mwa ikutwa kuli ku pepwa kwa Mwan'a Mulimu, Jesu, ne li nto ye ipitezi, ili ye swanelwa ku hupulwa. However, you may feel that the birth of God's Son, Jesus, was something special, deserving to be remembered. In the meantime, history testifies to the following: A ekeza kuli: "Ki palo ya luli [ye kwa Sinulo 7: 4] ka ku fapahana ni palo ye sa zibahali ye kwa Sinulo 7: 9. He added: "It is a definite number [at 7: 4] in contrast with the indefinite number of 7: 9. (b) How much of Jehovah's creations can we see? Kuba ni mafula amañata mwa mubili. Develop high cholesterol. As long as we live in this old system and are troubled by our own imperfections, we may suffer sickness, old age, loss of loved ones, emotional harm, disappointment when we encounter opposition to God's Word, and many other other factors. Hape mu nyakisise mo i kopamiselizwe taluso ya linzwi la "mubuso. " Consider also the distortion of the meaning of the word "kingdom. " ● Prepare well. Ki lika mañi ze mu kona ku ñola mwa liñolo la ku omba - omba ba ba shwezwi? What might you include in a brief note of condolence? However, everyone should ask himself, " Am I supporting Jehovah's arrangement for true worship? ' Ki musebezi wa butokwa hahulu - hulu. It is a work of paramount importance. It says: "Those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will climb up with wings like eagles. " Likeleke za Protestanti ze fitana - fitana ni zona li fitisize buinyazo. Various Protestant churches have also subjected themselves to self - criticism. Instead, speak with him in a calm and reassuring manner. - Bible principle: 1 Thessalonians 5: 14. Matrakiti a, a lukisizwe ka mukwa o kona ku lu tusa ku kalisa lituto za Bibele. Use the tracts as stepping - stones for starting Bible studies. Well, you have asked this question about the right person. Ka ku ba mizwale ni likaizeli lu na ni linzila ze ñata ze lu kona ku bonisana ka zona lilato. As brothers and sisters, we have many occasions to show tender feelings toward one another. Hence, no matter what trials we may face, we need not fear. Liñolo la 1 Joani 5: 3 li bulela kuli: "Kakuli ku lata Mulimu, kiha lu mamela litaelo za hae; mi litaelo za hae ha li na bukiti. " " This is what the love of God means, " states 1 John 5: 3, "that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " [ Picture on page 23] Lu kona ku eza cwalo ka ku abana mwa musebezi wa ku yaha Mandu a Mubuso ni ka ku tusa ba ba mwa likozi kono sihulu lu kona ku eza cwalo ka ku abana mwa musebezi wa ku kutaza Mubuso. We can do so by participating in Kingdom Hall construction work and disaster relief efforts but primarily by sharing in the Kingdom - preaching work. What heartfelt praise! Kapili - pili ka mo ne ku konahalela, Lipaki za Jehova ba kalisa ku sebeza. As soon as it was possible, Jehovah's Witnesses got to work. Our Prayers Reveal Some Things Misipili ya hae ne i sa kali, ki mwa kuta kwa Asia, United States, ni kwa Yurope, mi kacwalo na palelwa ku fumana nako ye likani ya ku ituta Bibele ni ku swalisana ni balumeli ba bañwi. Constantly traveling between Asia, the United States, and Europe, he did not have enough time to study the Bible and associate with fellow believers. Moreover, we must maintain this love, not allowing it to weaken. Fahalimu a seo, ka ku ya ka buka ya The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, libizo la Kitimi "li yandululwa ku kopanyeleza cwalo ni linaha za kwa W [iko] ka nañungelele, kono si [hulu] linaha za kwa W [iko] ze tiile ku za kwa liwate. " Moreover, according to The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, the name Kittim "is extended to include the W [est] in general, but esp [ecially] the seafaring W [est]. " You will eat. " Lu saba ku koloba. " We are afraid of getting wet. " The Bible describes Abraham as "the father of all those having faith " because he made many sacrifices for obeying Jehovah. Ka ku ya ka Liproverbia 18: 1, "mutu ya sa lati siango ni ba bañwi " u inyandisa fela. According to Proverbs 18: 1, "one isolating himself " may come to harm. • What goal has our study motivated you to have during the coming year? Nihaike nyangela ne i tile ku Joani, Joani ne isi yena Mueteleli yo. Although crowds came to John, he was not that Leader. 9, 10. Kana n'a ikutwile ku iketa hamulaho? Did she feel secure? It causes so much violence and is the cause of much damage. " N'a ama kwa miinelo ye ba hulela ku yona bana kacenu kuli i maswe ku fita kwamulaho. She had in mind that the environment children now grow up in is worse than ever before. Little children are not sure how to deal with their feelings. Se lu utwile kale seo. We've heard that story before. Although he grew up in a Christian family, he acknowledged: "I don't miss meetings and field service. " Kono ku ba bañwi ki "ndu ye tezi... lifapahano. " But with some it is "a house full of... quarreling. " What can help you to stay alert while you are not overly anxious, afraid, and shy when a sudden illness strikes you? Mi mane ku eza ze lu kona kuli lu zwisezepili bulikani bwa luna ni bona ku kona ku lu tusa ku ambolisananga hande ni bona. In fact, doing what we can to improve our relationships with others can improve our communication with them. Psalm 34 contains other important points for Christians to consider. Mwa sibaka sa ku "katala ni ku fela pilu " kabakala miliko ye minyinyani kamba twaniso ye kona ku lu tahela, lu swanela ku eza zwelopili kuli lu fite fa ku ba ba ba hulile ni ku tundamena ku itiisa mwa miliko. Rather than " getting tired and giving out in our souls ' because of minor trials or opposition that we may encounter, we should make progress toward maturity and improve our ability to endure trials. They will be "set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Mutu kaufela ya na sa li mameli na bulaiwa. - Exoda 20: 8 - 11; Numere 15: 32 - 36. The penalty for not observing it was death. - Exodus 20: 8 - 11; Numbers 15: 32 - 36. They look at the area ahead of them. Lilumo la moya la kona ku felisa likweta. The sword of the spirit can conquer corruption. And he was convinced that God was able even to raise up the dead; and he came back to him as through a resurrection. " Kono naa bulelezi Ndatahe ka sepo, a li: "Ku si ke kwa ezwa se si latwa ki na, ku ezwe se si latwa ki Wena. " Yet, with confidence he said to his Father: "Let, not my will, but yours take place. " Feeling discouraged, it may be difficult for some to attend meetings. Ku si na ku kakanya, mutala wa mangeloi ao ne u tiisize hahulu tumelo ya hae. All his life, Abel could see that the cherubs were faithful and obedient servants of Jehovah At once the man of God became angry with him, saying: " You will certainly strike five times, and you will certainly strike your hand against the Syrians and actually strike them down, and three times you will certainly conquer them. ' " Mutu ya naa ipilela hande, u kona ku latehelwa ki za naa na ni zona ka sipundumukela. " " My husband had an affair with a woman who was our daughter's age. How can relying on our own understanding lead to disaster? Lu swanela ku ba ni mubonelo o swanela. On the one hand, we exert ourselves, not holding back in our service. Who gave us a conscience, and why should we be grateful that we have it? Lipiho ni Lipuisano ze Susueza Encouraging Reports and Heartwarming Interviews Listen to what your children say about meetings and about the brothers and sisters in the congregation. Nihakulicwalo, babusiwa ba Mubuso wa Mulimu ba zwelapili ku sepahala ku Mulen'a bona ya sa bonwi ba sa shwauli babusi ba milonga. Nevertheless, subjects of God's Kingdom remain loyal to their invisible King without disrespecting human authorities. If you show love for God, you can be assured that he understands your feelings as a parent and will help you to cope with any anxiety and temptations you may face. Ka ku latehelwa ki tukufalelo ya bona, ha ba boni butokwa bwa ku " libelela ' mi ba iketela ku ipatela za bona beñi ka buitati ku fita ku eza pili za Mubuso mwa bupilo bwa bona. Losing their sense of urgency, they see no need to "keep on the watch, " and they choose to pursue selfish goals instead of putting Kingdom interests first. I was encouraged to remain unmarried, like many brothers who had the heavy responsibility of oversight at that time. Jakobo ha s'a lemusize ka za ku lata za lifasi, n'a ñozi kuli: "Kana mu tumana kuli Liñolo li bulela fela, ha li li: Mulimu u lata moya o a beile ku luna, ka lilato le li na ni lifufa? " After warning against friendship with the world, James wrote: "Does it seem to you that the scripture says to no purpose: " It is with a tendency to envy that the spirit which has taken up residence within us keeps longing '? " Mu si tuheli ku bata - bata! Keep on searching! Hauna kutaha Never Ka nako ya cwale, ze ezahezi li paka litaba ze latelela: History now confirms the following: (b) Ki ze ñata cwañi za lika z'a bupile Jehova ze lu kona ku bona? (b) How much of Jehovah's creation can we see? Ibile fela lu sa pila mwa muinelo wa kale wo mi lu katazwa ki ku sa petahala kwa luna, lu kana lu tahelwa ki mapongo, busupali, ku shwelwa ki batu be lu lata, ku holofazwa mwa maikuto, ku swabiswa ha lu kopana ni batu ba ba lwanisa Linzwi la Mulimu le lu ikataza ku kutaza, ni lika ze ñwi ze ñata. As long as we are living in this old system and are plagued by our own imperfection, we are affected by such things as poor health, old age, the loss of loved ones, hurt feelings, disappointment in the face of apathy toward our efforts to preach God's Word, and much more. ● Mu buzwisange hande lico za mina. ● Cook thoroughly. Nihakulicwalo, mañi ni mañi uswanela kuipuza kuli, " Kana nayemela kakutala tukiso ya Jehova ya bulapeli bwaniti? ' As individuals, however, we do well to ask ourselves, " Am I giving full support to Jehovah's arrangement for pure worship? ' Speak God's Word With Boldness, 11 / 15 Ibulela kuli: "Ba ba sepa Muñaa Bupilo ba fiwa mata a manca; ba pahama inze ba fufa sina mbande. " They will soar on wings like eagles. " Kono mu ambole ni yena ka ku wa pilu ili ka mukwa o omba - omba. - Sikuka sa Bibele: 1 Matesalonika 5: 14. Instead, speak in a calm and consoling manner. - Bible principle: 1 Thessalonians 5: 14. Ki hande kuli mu buzize puzo ye ku mutu ya swanela. It's good that you are going straight to the source. Kamukwaocwalo, ku si na taba ni miliko ye lu kana lwa talimana ni yona, ha lu swaneli ku saba. So let us "not suffer shock or be terrified " regardless of our trials. [ Siswaniso se si fa likepe 23] [ Picture on page 23] Yeo ki tumbo ye buniti luli! What a heartfelt expression of praise! Litapelo za Luna li Patulula Lika ze Ñwi Our Prayers Say Even More Fahalimu a seo, lu lukela ku zwisezapili lilato leo, ku sa li lumeleza ku fokola. Further, we must make this love last, never letting it grow cold. U ka ca. " It's hot. " Bibele i bulela kuli Abrahama ki "ndatahe ba ba lumela kaufela " kakuli naa itombozi lika ze ñata bakeñisa ku utwa Jehova. In conjunction with all the sacrifices that Abraham was willing to make for true worship, he was fittingly called "the father of all those having faith. " • Tuto ya luna i mi susuelize ku ba ni sikonkwani mañi mwahal'a silimo se si taha? • Our study has stimulated you to have what goal during the coming year? 9, 10. 9, 10. Bu tisa mifilifili ye miñata hahulu mi ki muinelo o tisa businyi bo butuna. " It unleashes tremendous violence and is a very destructive force. " Banana ba banyinyani ha ba zibi hande mwa ku talimanela ni maikuto a bona. Small children have limited experience in handling their emotions. Nihaike kuli naahulezi mwa lubasi lwa Sikreste, naaitumelezi kuli: "Haniikolangi mikopano ni sebelezo ya mwa simu. " Although he grew up in a Christian family, he admitted, "I found the meetings and field service boring. " Ki lika mañi zekona kumitusa kuitukiseza inze kusanani nako kuli musike mwaba ni lipilaelo zetuna, sabo, ni maswabi, hamutahelwa ki makulanu a ka sipundumukela? Amid intense anxiety, fear, and grief, what can help you to prepare for the road ahead? Mwa Samu 34 ku na ni lisupo ze ñwi za butokwa ze ba tokwa ku nyakisisa Bakreste. Psalm 34 has many other points of interest to Christians. Ba ka " lukululwa kwa butanga bwa ku bola, kuli ba fiwe tukuluho ya kanya ya bana ba Mulimu. ' They "will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " Ba talima kalulo ye fapil'a bona. They look at the scene ahead of them. A kolwa kuli Mulimu u kona mane ku zusa ba ba shwile; mi mwana a kutisezwa ku yena, inge ki ka ku zuha kwa bafu. " But he reckoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead; and from there he did receive him also in an illustrative way. " Bakeñisa ku ikutwa ku zwafa, ku kona ku ba taata kwa batu ba bañwi ku fumaneha kwa mikopano. When besieged by conflicting emotions, some find it hard to get to the meetings. Munna wa Mulimu a mu halifela, a li: Kab'o kunupile haketa - lizoho, nihaili haketa - lizoho ka munepelo u li muñwi, kabo n'o ka koma Masiria, mane wa ba feza; kanti cwale u ka ba tula halalu fela. " And the man of the true God grew indignant at him; hence he said: " It was meant to strike five or six times! In that case you would certainly be striking down Syria to the finishing point, but now it is three times that you will strike down Syria. ' " Kuitinga fa kutwisiso yaluna kukona kulukenya cwañi mwa butata? How can leaning on our own understanding become a snare? Ki mañi yanaalufile lizwalo, mi ki kabakalañi haluswanela kuitebuha kuli lunani lona? Who gave us our conscience, and why can we be thankful that we have it? Mu teelezange ku ze ba bulela bana ba mina ka za mikopano ni ka za mizwale ni likaizeli mwa puteho. Listen closely to the way your children speak about the meetings and the members of the congregation. Haiba mu bonisa lilato la ku lata Mulimu, mwa kona ku kolwiswa kuli wa utwisisa maikuto a mina ka ku ba mushemi mi u ka mi tusa ku tiyela lipilaelo ni litiko ze kana za mi tahela. If you manifest love for God, you can be assured that he understands your feelings as a parent and will help you to cope with the anxieties and trials that may come your way. Ne ni susuelizwe ku sa nyala, inge mizwale ba bañata be ne ba na ni buikalabelo bo butuna bwa okamelo ka nako yeo. I was encouraged to remain unmarried, as were most of the brothers in responsible positions of oversight at that time.