Kansi, Rutu wavova vo: "Kundodokela yàsisa ko, yovo vwen'o kulanda... o nkangu aku i nkangu ame; o Nzambi aku i Nzambi ame. " Your people will be my people, and your God my God. " Ruth meant that. But Ruth says: "Do not beg me or turn back... your people, and your God is my God. " Matondo mu Kuma kia Wete wa Yave Grateful for Jehovah's Goodness Grateful for Jehovah's Good " Bemonanga mpe e nsukilu kavana o Yave, ovo o Yave nkwa walakazi wingi, ye nkenda. ' They "have seen the outcome Jehovah gave, that Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful. " - James 5: 11. " They also behold the hair that Jehovah has given you, that Jehovah is very tender in affection and merciful. " 12: 8 - 10. 12: 8 - 10. 12: 8 - 10. (2 Tusansu 34: 31) Yosia mwan'a ntekelo a Kizekeya kakala. Josiah was Hezekiah's great - grandson. Hezekiah's grandson Hezekiah was. Ezak'e ntangwa vakalanga ye mpangi wasekolanga muna nding'a sinsu. Sometimes interpreters were available and sometimes not. At times, there were brothers in sign language. ․ ․ ․ ․ . . . . . • Aleke akweyi balenda sololwela lusadisu mu kota mu salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa? • Where can young ones find help to reach out for spiritual goals? • Where can young people find help to enter the full - time ministry? Sonia wavova vo: "Asadi a lupitalu bavanga mawonso balenda, kansi akete bakala. Sonia relates: "The hospital staff did their best, but they were few in number. " The hospital was doing everything they could, but there were few. Wantu besadilanga mvovo wau nkumbu miayingi vava bemokenanga. Some people punctuate daily conversations with the expression. People often use this expression when they talk. Kuna kwalanda, vava nkutakani ya Kikristu yasikidiswa, tutanganga mu kuma kia "lubangamu luampasi " lwabwila e nkutakani muna Yerusaleme. Later, after Christianity had been established, we read of "great persecution " against the congregation in Jerusalem. Later, when the Christian congregation was formed, we read about "the tribulation " that arose in Jerusalem. O Yesu i "ntu a to, kina vo, i dibundu. " - Efeso 4: 12; Kolosai 1: 18; 1 Korinto 12: 12, 13, 27. Jesus, of course, is "the head of the body, the congregation. " - Ephesians 4: 12; Colossians 1: 18; 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 13, 27. Jesus is "the head of the body, the congregation. " - Ephesians 4: 12; Colossians 1: 18; 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 13, 27. Una katombokele ko kun'ezulu, Yesu wavovesa alongoki andi vo: "Oyeno nutambula nkuma, vava kekunuyiz'o mwand'avelela; oyeno mpe nukala mbangi zame muna Yerusaleme, yo muna Yuda ye Samaria yawonso, yo kuna nsuk'a nza. " Before ascending to heaven, Jesus told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus told his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you, and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " Muna sambu kiantete, ke tulombanga kaka luludiku lwa Yave ko yo mwand'avelela, kansi tukubikanga mpe e ngindu ye ntima mieto mu wá mana melongwa. The opening prayer not only requests Jehovah's guidance and holy spirit but also prepares our minds and hearts to receive the information that will be considered. In the first prayer, we pray not only for Jehovah's guidance and holy spirit but also for preparing our minds and hearts to hear what is being heard. Kasikil'owu, antumwa batantananga kana "nani muna yau osundidi onene. " Bateka tantana kala mu kuma kia diambu diadi. For example, the apostles argued about "which one of them was considered to be the greatest, " as they had done before. For example, the apostles argued about "the greatest among them, " and they used to argue about it. E sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu ibongelo muna Nsekola ya Nz'ampa ya Nkand'a Nzambi (Matai - Lusengomono). Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Epaferodito mpe mosi mun'akundi a Paulu ona wabakama mpasi za lufwa. Another one of Paul's friends, Epaphroditus, got sick and nearly died. Epaphroditus was also one of Paul's friends who suffered death. Kuna kwa Paulu, malunzi mayingi makala, ke " lunzi ' dimosi kaka ko. For Paul, there was more than just one " pillar. ' To Paul, there were many pillars that were sacred pillars, not just one "a pillar. " (Afu. Certainly not! They cried out to him. " O lufuluku lwa Yesu lwatokanesanga Akristu akaka kuna Korinto ankulu, akaka ke bakwikilanga muna lufuluku lwandi ko. Some Christians in ancient Corinth were confused about the matter, and others did not believe in the literal resurrection at all. Jesus ' resurrection tested some Christians in ancient Corinth, some who did not believe in his resurrection. Vava Aneyisaele bavaika muna kinkole kuna Babele, akaka muna yau nding'a Ki - aramiti bavovanga muna zingu kiau kia lumbu ke lumbu. By the time the Israelites were freed from Babylon, some of them spoke Aramaic in their daily lives. When the Israelites returned from exile in Babylon, some of them spoke Aramaic in their daily language. Dialudi vo, avo tusidi salu kia Kintinu va fulu kiantete muna zingu kieto, Yave olungisa nsilu andi wa lungisa nsatu zeto za nitu. - Mat. Indeed, when we put Kingdom interests first in our life, Jehovah lives up to his assurance that we will not go without material necessities. - Matt. Of course, if we put Kingdom interests first in our lives, Jehovah will keep his promise to care for our material needs. - Matt. Nze Paulu, tuvavanga e nkuma muna Nkand'a Nzambi Draw strength from the Scriptures, as Paul did Like Paul, we seek strength from the Bible Nki i ziku? What is integrity? What is integrity? Ekani dia Nzambi i fokola mpasi z'esumu kumosi ye kinunu yo lufwa. God's purpose is to undo the effects of sin, including the ravages of old age and death. God's purpose is to undo the effects of sin and old age and death. Yakala dimosi wa mwisi Austrália yo nkaz'andi ana basadila mu fikolo kuna Zâmbia basoneka vo: "Ediadi dialudi kikilu. One couple from Australia who were temporarily serving in Zambia wrote: "The stories are true. A husband from Australia and his wife, who served for a short time in Zambia, wrote: "This is true. (Tala fwaniswa va ntandu.) (See opening image.) (See opening picture.) Antônio wavova vo: "Omono kizolanga tanga ko. " " I have never been one to sit down and read a book, " says Tony. " I don't want to read, " she says. Kansi Solomo nleke kakala ye " kazaya mambu mayingi ko. ' But Solomon was "young and inexperienced. " But Solomon was young and "did not know many things. " E Ziami mu kunlada kina. And the Grave was closely following him. The New Year's English Version. Nkia zingu tufwete yindulanga? On what must we keep our eyes focused? What kind of life should we imagine? Ve, kansi, wansanisina mu mpila kayikamena nkutakani a Yave muna ntangwa yayina. On the contrary, he spoke well of her loyal support of Jehovah's congregation at that time. No, but he commended him in the way he served as Jehovah's congregation at that time. Yesu nkumbu miayingi kasadilanga e nona. Jesus often used illustrations. Jesus often used illustrations. E kani diandi i sadisa wantu ayingi mu longoka o Nkand'a Nzambi. Estienne did not come up with the idea of dividing the Bible text into verses. His goal is to help many to study the Bible. O kalunga ovaikisi mafwa mena mo, o lufwa ye Ziami yivaikisi mafwa mena mo, konso muntu ofundisilu mun'owu wa mavangu mandi. " And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. " He threw the dead ones away from them, and death will pour out the dead, each one judged them according to his works. " Muna vana nkanikinu wau kw'akala, Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Akala, nuzolang'akazi eno, waun'o Kristu wazola dibundu, yo kuyekwela dio;... wauna mpe, akala bafwete zol'akazi au, nze to ya yau kibeni. Applying this principle to husbands, the Bible says: "Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it... In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. In giving this admonition to husbands, the Bible says: "Husbands, continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it,... husbands should be loving their wives as their own bodies. Tusinga vovela e fu kia luzindalalu mu longi diankaka muna kunku kiaki kivovelanga e fu ya "mbongo a mwanda. " We will discuss the quality of patience in a future article in this series on "the fruitage of the spirit. " We will discuss the need to be patient in another article about "the fruitage of the spirit. " Elongi diakaka tulenda longoka muna lusansu lwalu i diadi: Nze Nekemiya, akuluntu ye selo ya salu bafwete songanga mbandu ambote ya yikamanga salu kia Yave. Another lesson is this: Like Nehemiah, appointed men today take the lead in supporting theocratic arrangements. Another lesson we can learn from this is that like Nehemiah, elders, and ministerial servants need to set a good example in supporting Jehovah's work. Saulu aweyi kakadilanga y'awana ke bakala mu nsambila a Kiyuda ko? How did Saul treat those outside of Judaism? How did Saul treat non - Jewish religious people? Nze mpangi ndioyo, mase mayingi bemonanga vo diambote o mwan'au kateka vingila yavana kekituka se mbuta i bosi kevubwa kimana kalembi vanga vilwa wampwena. Like that sister, some parents feel that it is better for their child to wait to get baptized until he is old enough to avoid making foolish mistakes. Like that brother, many parents have found that it is good for their child to wait until he is older and then get baptized so that he does not make serious mistakes. Nani wasweka yo va fulu kiaki? Who hid them there? Who hid it? Anunu balenda mpe kala se mbandu ambote kwa mpangi za mwanda. Older ones can also be a good influence on fellow believers. Elderly ones can also be an excellent example for fellow believers. Wantu ayingi beyambulanga vo nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi miabafila vava belongokanga Nkand'a Nzambi yo bakula e ngangu ye unsongi wa Nzambi. Many people have been moved to live by Bible standards as they studied the Scriptures and came to appreciate God's wisdom and righteousness. Many people let Bible principles guide them when they study the Bible and understand God's wisdom and justice. (b) Muna lembi tá esakuba, kwa nani tufwete sianga sungididi? (b) To avoid stumbling, on what do we need to be focused? (b) To avoid stumbling, to whom should we focus our attention? 10: 17, 18 - Ekuma Yesu katumbila o muntu wanyikila vo "Nlongi Ambote "? 10: 17, 18 - Why did Jesus correct a certain man for calling Him "Good Teacher "? 10: 17, 18 - Why did Jesus condemn a man who called him "the Good Teacher "? Mvovo miansuka mia sono kiaki misonganga mfunu wa luludiku lwa Petelo. The seriousness of Peter's counsel is seen in the final words of that verse. The last part of that verse emphasizes the importance of Peter's counsel. [ Babu / Mafoto zina muna lukaya lwa 24] [ Box / Picture on page 24] [ Box / Pictures on page 24] O zola kulembi suka kwasadisa mpangi zeto kuna Malaui mu zizidila e mpasi Nkia Mvutu Ovana? Unfailing love enabled our brothers and sisters in Malawi to endure trials How will love help our brothers in Malawi to endure trials? Adieyi Akaka Bevovanga mu Kuma kia Armangedo? Armageddon - What Do Some Say It Is? What Do Others Say About Armageddon? Mpangi ankento olenda vava vakuba mu kulula nkanikinu a Nzambi wa " sompela kaka muna Mfumu. ' A sister might attempt to rationalize forming a romantic link that ignores God's directive to marry "only in the Lord. " A sister may try to justify God's command to marry "only in the Lord. " E mvovo ye mavangu mau masonama muna Nkand'a Nzambi ka lusansu lwankatu lwasonekwa mu kutuyangidika ko. Of course, their words and deeds are not included in the Bible as mere stories for our enjoyment. Their words and deeds recorded in the Bible were not accurate. How Reliable Are the Gospels? For example, wicked Queen Jezebel killed Naboth so that his wife, Ahab, took the vineyard of Naboth. Kasikil'owu, Izebele wa ntinu ambi ankento wavondesa Nabote kimana nkaz'andi Akabi kabaka e mpatu a vinyu ya Nabote. For example, wicked Queen Jezebel had Naboth executed so that her husband, Ahab, could take Naboth's vineyard. Again, Amos describes how the waters of rain and the water come from. (Amose 5: 6, 8) Vioka diaka kolo, Amose wayika una uvangamenanga maza ma mvula ye kuna metukanga. Amos later repeated this wonderful fact about the water cycle and its direction. How can young ones work with older ones? Aweyi aleke balenda sadila entwadi ye ambuta? How should younger ones work along with older ones? 10: 16. 10: 16. Today, a remnant of anointed Christians and millions of Jesus ' "other sheep " are united in declaring Bible truth as servants of Jehovah. - John 10: 16. COVER IMAGE: FWANISWA KIA FUKWA: COVER IMAGE: How can I cope with the loss of a loved one? Aweyi ndenda zizidila e ntantu za lufwa lwa nzolw'ame? How is it possible to cope with the loss of a loved one? How can we find out what is appropriate for Christians? Aweyi tulenda zayila e nsaka zifwanukini kwa Akristu? How can we be sure that a certain form of recreation is acceptable for a Christian? So let us know what our Christian brothers and sisters are suffering and imitate Jehovah our God by being a source of comfort to others. Muna kuma kiaki, yambula twazayanga e mpasi za mpangi zeto Akristu yo tanginina Yave wa Nzambi eto muna kalanga s'etuku dia lufiaulwisu kw'akaka. Therefore, let us be sensitive to the suffering of fellow Christians and imitate our God, Jehovah, by being a source of comfort to others. However, Jehovah cared for them, including his family, and continued in the translation work for many years. Kansi, Yave wanlunga - lunga kumosi y'esi nzo andi yo kwamanana muna salu kia sekola mu mvu miayingi. But Jehovah cared for him and his family, and he remained in the translation work for many years. One dictionary defines "righteousness, " such as" praise, honor, or approval. " Disionario dimosi disasilanga o "zitu " nze" kembelwa, vuwa o mfunu yovo yangalelwa. " According to one dictionary definition, "dignity " is" the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed. " " The Power of the Most High " " Nkum'a Mpungu " " Power of the Most High " On one occasion, Jesus fed about 5,000 men. Lumbu kimosi, o Yesu wadikila tezo kia 5.000 m'akala. On one occasion, Jesus miraculously fed a crowd of about 5,000 men. In research about creation, scientists have found valuable information in the past. Muna lufimpu lwau mu kuma kia nsema, akwa ngangu basolola mambu mamfunu muna tandu yavioka. Down through the ages, talented scientists have indeed made surprising breakthroughs in their search for answers to puzzling questions about nature. Christians know that obeying the Bible command to marry "only in the Lord " is the course of loyalty to Jehovah. (Ngana 13: 12) Akristu bazeye wo vo lemvokela nkanikinu wa Nkand'a Nzambi, wa sompela kaka "muna Mfumu " i diambu dia songa kwikizi kwa Yave. Christians recognize, though, that heeding the Biblical injunction to marry "only in the Lord " is a matter of loyalty to Jehovah. He can forgive sins on the basis of the ransom. 31: 34) Olenda loloka masumu muna nzila lukulu. As followers of the Greater Solomon, how can we benefit from divine wisdom? Wau vo tu alandi a Solomo Anene, aweyi tulenda bakila e nluta mitukanga muna ngangu za Nzambi? How can we, as followers of the Greater Solomon, benefit from godly wisdom? It is 1 John 3: 19, 20. I sono kia 1 Yoane 3: 19, 20. It was 1 John 3: 19, 20, which says: " God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. ' Jehovah gives everlasting life to those who seek glory. ' Yave ovananga moyo a mvu ya mvu kw'awana bevavanga nkembo. ' Should we not, then, continue "seeking the glory that is from the only God "? By all means! I will protect you. " Ikutanina. ' I will protect you. ' Instead, he accepted it, repented, and stopped doing what was bad. Kansi, watambulwila kio, waviluka o ntima, yo yambula mavangu mandi mambi. Yet, he accepted it, repented, and abandoned his wrong course. If the priests did not do so, Jehovah would never be pleased with their work. - Exodus 30: 7, 8; 2 Chronicles 13: 11. Kele vo anganga ke bavangidi wo ko, o Yave kalendi yangalela salu kiau ko. - Luvaiku 30: 7, 8; 2 Tusansu 13: 11. If the priests did not render such respectful homage, Jehovah would not be pleased with their ministry. - Exodus 30: 7, 8; 2 Chronicles 13: 11. Then God opened the waters of the Red Sea and opened the road on the sea, and the walls were about 15 feet m) tall. I bosi, Nzambi wabula maza ma Mbu Ambwaki yo ziula e nzila muna mbu. E yaka ya maza yakala yo lambuka kwa meta 15 kuna ndambu zau zole. Then God split the Red Sea, opening a corridor of seabed with walls of water perhaps as much as 50 feet [15 m] high on each side. ON August 24, 2005, the members of the Bethel family in the United States and the United States heard an announcement about the positive news. KINA kiatatu kia 24 kia Agositu, 2005, muna mene, ampangi za Betele kuna Estados Unidos ye Canada bawa luzayisu lumosi lwa kiese. ON Wednesday morning, August 24, 2005, the United States and Canada Bethel families, connected by video, heard an exciting announcement. Then I heard that some who offered our literature had become Jehovah's Witnesses. I bosi, yawá vo akaka muna awana yakayila nkanda mieto, bakituka se Mbangi za Yave. Later I learned that some who took Bible literature from me became Witnesses. Peter also wrote to anointed Christians that if they keep their integrity and faithfulness, "they will be brought into the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. " Petelo wasonekena mpe Akristu akuswa vo, avo basidi sungididi kia sikidisa nsumw'au ye kwikizi, " i mpambwilwa bevambwilwa kikilu e nkota muna kintinu kia mvu ya mvu kia Mfumu eto wa Mvuluzi Yesu Kristu. ' In the same vein, Peter wrote to anointed Christians that if they make their calling sure by their faithfulness, "there will be richly supplied to [them] the entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. " ▪ Listen carefully, try to find out what he thinks. ▪ Toma tamb'o matu, vava zaya e ngindu zandi. ▪ Listen carefully, seeking to understand the householder's views. " Do not give in to the Devil. " - EPHESIANS 4: 27. " Kuvani nzila ko kwa Nkadi Ampemba. ' - EFESO 4: 27. " Do not give the Devil a chance. " - EPHESIANS 4: 27, Byington. Imagine Timothy listening to Paul and Barnabas as they encouraged Christians to endure their trials in the future. Yindula Timoteo vava kawanga Paulu yo Banaba ekolo bakasakesanga Akristu vo avo bazindalele muna mpasi zazina bevua nsendo kuna sentu. Imagine young Timothy listening, wide - eyed, as Paul and Barnabas taught those Christians that their glorious hope for the future was well worth the present cost. Otherwise, we could begin to focus on our work, especially if we value our work. Maintaining Friendships in a Loveless World, 10 / 15 Because we cannot praise Jehovah if we are not alive. Avo ke wau ko, tulenda yantika sia sungididi kiasaka muna salu yeto, musungula kele vo tutoma yangalelanga e salu tusalanga. Otherwise, we might easily become distracted - or even divided in our affections - especially if we enjoy our secular work. Why do you want to continue to learn Bible accounts? He proved this at the time he protected the Israelite firstborn "when he plagued the Egyptians. " Noah's contemporaries did not see the need for protection in their own lives. Kadi, ke tulendi kembelela Yave ko kele vo ke tuna moyo ko. Without life, we cannot praise Jehovah. Since his reign is not visible to mankind, Jesus gave a sign that would help his disciples to see his presence in the Kingdom and "the conclusion of the system of things. " Ekuma ozolele kwamanena longoka lusansu lwa wantu beyikwanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi? Why are you determined to benefit from warning examples found in God's Word? What Is the Place of the Father? O nkangu a lumbu ya Noa bayivana muna mambu ma zingu kia yau kibeni, ke bamonanga mfunu wa taninwa mu vonza ko eki kiafinamanga. The people of Noah's day went about their daily life in their usual way and saw no need for protection from impending calamity. They may have changed their way of life if someone is convinced of the Bible. Wau vo e ngyal'andi ke yimoneka kwa wantu ko, o Yesu wayika e sinsu kilenda sadisa alongoki andi mu zaya e nkal'andi muna Kintinu ye "mbaninu a tandu. " Since his enthronement would be invisible to humans, Jesus gave a sign that would enable his followers to recognize his "presence " as well as" the conclusion of the system of things. " Love motivates us to show courage even when we are persecuted. Ayeyi i Mbebe ya Se? What Is a Father's Role? However, those who do not listen to God " cry out to him for help from the pain of heart and being weighed down with anxieties. ' - Isa. Nanga balenda kwau soba mpila zingu kiau kele vo muntu ubazayisi e ziku kia Nkand'a Nzambi. Perhaps some would change their lifestyle if they were given sound Scriptural reasons to do so. But they can succeed. (Nkunga 27: 14) O zola kukutufilanga mu songa unkabu kana nkutu vava tubangikwanga. Unselfish love motivates us to show courage even when we are persecuted. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Kansi, awana balembi wilanga Nzambi " bekaza muna mpasi za ntima, yo wodiana muna ntelekw'a mioyo. ' - Yes. However, those who fail to listen to God "will make outcries because of the pain of heart and... will howl because of the sheer breakdown of spirit. " - Isa. When the time came for divorce, Paul and his companions were forced to return, for the elders of the city did not want to leave them. - Acts 20: 36 - 21: 1. Kansi, balenda kwau sunda e fu kiaki. But this struggle can be won. Those scholars said that Judas was a soldier who understood Jesus better and healed him on a torture stake. VWANGA WANTU MFUNU SHOW PERSONAL INTEREST Jehovah's Witnesses wanted to be with them to understand the meaning of Jesus ' death. Vava e ntangwa ya vambana yafwana, Paulu ye akw'andi mu ngolo bakatukila, kadi akuluntu a mbanza ke bazola kubayambula ko. - Mavangu 20: 36 - 21: 1. Indeed, when the time came to part, Paul and his traveling companions had to " tear themselves away, ' so reluctant were the local elders to let them go. - Acts 20: 36 - 21: 1. 14: 17. Akwa ngangu awaya bavova vo, Yuda wakala ekesa dia muntu ona watoma bakulanga Yesu yo kumvevola vana nti ampasi. According to such claims, Judas was actually a hero, the apostle who best understood Jesus, delivering him for execution at Jesus ' request. " There will never pass away. " - Psalm 9: 18. Mbangi za Yave babòkele mu kala yau vamosi mu zaya e nsasa lufwa lwa Yesu. Jehovah's Witnesses warmly invite you to meet with them to examine the significance of Jesus ' death. What does it mean? 14: 17. 14: 17. We are still true friends. " Akondami ke bevilakanwa ko yakwele mvu. ' - Nkunga 9: 18. " The poor will not always be forgotten. " - Psalm 9: 18. In time, Lefèvre stopped studying human philosophy, using his power, and his ability to translate the Bible. Nkia nsasa una? What does that expression involve? Give an example. Yamu wau tu akundi akieleka. To this day, we are close friends. Parents have the opportunity to please their heavenly Father, Jehovah God, as Samuel did. Kuna kwalanda, Lefèvre wayambula longoka e ndongota za wantu, wasadila e ngolo ye ngangu zandi muna sekola Nkand'a Nzambi. Therefore, Lefèvre turned away from studying philosophy and devoted all his energy to translating the Bible. In a similar way, Jehovah is pleased when we dedicate our lives to him. - Exodus 34: 14. Yika e nona. Give an example. (a) What problem did one brother face? Mase bavwidi elau dia yangidika Yave wa Nzambi wa S'au ezulu, nze una kavanga Samuele. And parents always have the opportunity to make their own Father, Jehovah God, proud - as did Samuel. Jehovah uses the new covenant to accomplish all of this. Diau dimosi, Yave oyangalalanga kikilu vava tuyekolanga e zingu kieto kwa yandi. - Luvaiku 34: 14. In a similar way, Jehovah is delighted when we willingly dedicate our lives to him. - Exodus 34: 14. How do Christian elders manifest a yielding spirit when handling problems? (a) Nkia diambu kawanana diau mpangi mosi? (a) What happened to one brother? We have every reason to be sure that Jehovah can find us, as he found in David and Job. Yave osadilanga ekangu diampa mu vanga mawonso mama. By means of the new covenant, Jehovah has made all of this possible. Why should we hate sin, and what will we avoid if we commit a sin? Akuluntu Akristu aweyi besongelanga unleka vava besingikanga e diambu? In what way can Christian overseers be yielding when meeting together? If we imitate Jesus ' unselfish love, our thinking will become like his and put the needs of others ahead of our own. Tuna ye kuma kiasikila mu kala ye vuvu vo, Yave lenda kutusolola ye ziku nze una kasolola muna Davidi ye Yobi. On the contrary, we have good reason to trust, as did David and Job, that Jehovah will find us maintaining integrity, imperfect though we may be. The other blessings we will have are everlasting life. Ekuma tufwete mengena esumu? Nkia mambu tuvenga avo tumengen'esumu? Why must we hate sin, and what will this move us to do? Do You Not Know Where I Was? Raj), 12 / 1 As we strive to put on "the new personality, " we help others to come to know Jehovah's provision for salvation. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24; Colossians 3: 9, 9; 1 Timothy 4: 16. Avo tutanginina e nzol'amvevo a Yesu, e ngindu zeto zikala nze zandi yo sia e nsatu za wantu ankaka va fulu kiantete. When we imitate Jesus ' self - sacrificing love, our thoughts and feelings will become more like his, and we will put the needs of others ahead of our own. There is no doubt that his Son loved him along with his Father. E nsambu zankaka tuvua i moyo a mvu ya mvu. Another blessing is that we can live forever in happiness. Why did Joseph want to give Mary a divorce because she had been dating? Wau vo ke Yizayakene ko una Yayikilwanga? Jehovah's "Beaming Eyes " Examine All, 10 / 15 9, 10. (a) What opportunities did the Israelites have to volunteer? Tusadiswa kwa mpangi zeto z'Akristu ekolo tusianga ngolo za vwata " uwuntu wampa ' yo kuyivana ye ntima wawonso mu sadisa akaka kimana bazaya e nkubik'a Yave ya luvuluzu. - Efeso 4: 22 - 24; Kolosai 3: 9, 10; 1 Timoteo 4: 16. We will have the support of fellow believers as we strive to manifest "the new personality " and put forth wholehearted efforts to help others learn of Jehovah's provision for salvation. - Ephesians 4: 22 - 24; Colossians 3: 9, 10; 1 Timothy 4: 16. 43: 10; 2 Cor. Kalukatikisu ko vo Mwan'andi wayangalelang'o kala vamosi yo S'andi. Not surprisingly, his Son, Jesus, found great joy in being with his Father. My mother said: "When I was born, the year 1933, Hitler began ruling as a Catholic, and Father called me a holy year. Ekuma Yosefe kazola vanina Maria nkand'a luvambanu lwa longo wau vo kinzitikila kaka bakala? Why did Joseph contemplate giving Mary a certificate of divorce when the two were only engaged? You may have some publications that you like to have with your friends. 9, 10. (a) Nkia malau bakala mau Aneyisaele mu kuyivana kuna mvevo? 9, 10. (a) What were some opportunities the Israelites had to volunteer? God's Kingdom will eliminate wickedness. 43: 10; 2 Kor. 43: 10; 2 Cor. Imagine how David felt when he sang to Jehovah: "You are the greatness of miracles, O God! Ngudi ame wavovanga ye tusevo vo, e mvu wa 1933, mvu wa sumbula: Hitler wayantika yala, o Papa (mfumu a dibundu dia Katolika) wayikila wo vo Mvu Wavauka. I mvu wau mpe yawutuka. With quite a touch of humor, Mother used to say that 1933 was a year of catastrophes: Hitler came into power, the pope declared it a Holy Year, and I was born. However, this translation of the New World Translation is a translation of God's name in ancient manuscripts. Nulenda baka e nkanda nuzolele yo natina akundi eno. You may take literature for yourselves and your acquaintances. Similarly, if we start to complain about those whom Jehovah uses to take the lead in his organization, this shows that we are united in Jehovah's eyes. - Heb. (Nkunga 46: 8, 9) Kintinu kia Nzambi kifokola umpumbulu. God's Kingdom will end crime. Since it is the way to reach matters, it is vital for us to take in knowledge of Jehovah and strengthen our faith in him. - Josh. Yindula dina kamona Davidi vava kayimbidila Yave vo: "Kadi ongeye u nene ovanga masivi: Onge kaka u Nzambi. Imagine how David felt when he sang to Jehovah: "You are great and are doing wondrous things; you are God, you alone. Why do we need to be balanced in our service to God? (Nkunga 119: 97) Kansi, edi diswaswanesanga e Nsekola ya Nz'ampa i dia sia vo e nsekola yayi yavutula e nkumbu a Nzambi muna fulu yakala muna sono yankulu. But what makes the New World Translation truly special is that it puts God's name in the places where it was originally found. When I arrived at the Kingdom Hall, the public talk was finished and I heard only Watchtower Study. (Nta. 17: 10) Diau adimosi mpe, avo tuyantikidi yidimina awana Yave kesadilanga mu vit'o ntu muna nkubik'andi ova ntoto, ediadi disonga vo Yave tuyidiminanga. - Ayib. Similarly, if we were to start grumbling and murmuring about those whom Jehovah is using to direct the earthly part of his organization, we could by inference be complaining about Jehovah. - Heb. I also had no relationship with my mother. 8: 3, 4; 19: 1, 2; 104: 24; Roma 1: 20) Wau vo i nzila ilwakisang'o mambu muna ngindu, o meso mfunu mena muna vwa zayi wa Yave yo siamisa lukwikilu lweto muna yandi. - Yos. And as a highly important channel of communication to the mind, sight plays a major role in our acquiring knowledge of Jehovah and building faith in him. - Josh. But Shebna became proud, and he wanted others to tell him that he was the most important Person. Ekuma tufwete zayilang'e tezo muna salu kia Nzambi? Why do we need to be balanced in doing God's work? (Read John 4: 35, 36.) Vava yaluaka kuna Seka dia Kintinu, e longi dia nkangu ku mfoko diakala. Muna kuma kiaki, Longi di'Eyingidilu kaka yawá. When I walked into the Kingdom Hall, the public talk was ending, so I stayed for the Watchtower Study. Although we wait patiently for these good things, our worship of Jehovah is the most important thing to us. Kiakalanga mpe ye ngwizani ambote ko ye ngudi ame. Also, my relationship with my mother was strained; hence, I began to rebuild good relations with her and also with my brother. The Gospels show that Jesus had brothers and sisters. (Yesaya 22: 15) Kansi Sebena wakituka nkwa lulendo, wazola vo akaka bambadikila vo yandi wasunda o mfunu. But Shebna became proud and wanted to make others think that he was important. Paul wanted his brothers and sisters to be known by him. (Tanga Yoane 4: 35, 36.) (Read John 4: 35, 36.) You could look at them by using jw.org or by using the jw.org website, which is the title. Kana una vo tuvingilanga mambu mama mambote, o sambila Yave i diambu diluta kutuvana e kiese. Although we look forward to all these good things, worshipping Jehovah will bring us the most joy. That relationship also led them to accept their traditions in the fields, and many Baal gods worshipped Baal. Nsangu Zambote basoneka antumwa zisonganga vo Yesu wakala ye mpangi zamakala ye zamakento. That Jesus had siblings is clearly indicated in the Gospels. 1, 2. Paulu wazolanga vo kazolwa kwa mpangi zandi z'akala ye z'akento. Paul wanted the genuine love of all his brothers and sisters. May that also happen to those taking the lead among God's people today, yes, yes, to all Christians who serve him faithfully. Olenda yo tala muna sadila código yovo ziula e nzil'eto jw.org, niema vana fulu kia vavulwila, ibosi soneka o ntu a diambu. You can find it by going to jw.org, clicking the Search button, and entering the title. For many years, scientists have sought to improve the quality of a person's appearance by getting to see its appearance, using modern technology. E kikundi kiaki kiabafila mpe mu tambulwila lusansu lwau muna mambu ma mpatu. Anekenani nzambi zayingi za Bale basambilanga. Associating with the local people also lured the Israelites into accepting their beliefs linked to agriculture. Jehovah proved to be the Supreme One. 1, 2. 1, 2. (a) In Jesus ' illustration, who represented "the field, "" the vine, " and "the vine "? 9: 20) Yambula ediadi diavangama mpe kw'awana bevitang'o ntu vana vena nkangu a Nzambi o unu, elo, kw'Akristu awonso bekunsadilanga ye kwikizi kiawonso. May that be true of all who take the lead among God's people today, in fact, of all Christians who serve him loyally. When she works at home, I praise her. Mu mvu miayingi, akwa ngangu bevavanga nungununa umbangu wa zaya e fu ya muntu muna tala kwankatu e mpw'andi. Beyikilanga umbangu wau vo fisiognomonia. Over the centuries, researchers have tried to come up with a scientific approach to the possibility of discovering a person's character by his physical appearance. (b) How do Christian parents offer themselves willingly to provide materially for their children? Yave wasonga vo yandi i Mpungu - ngolo. Jehovah was - and is - the Almighty. Moreover, the Bible describes a specific year in Kingdom power in 1914 when "the appointed times of the nations " began. - Luke 21: 24; Dan. (a) Muna kingana kia Yesu, nani wasunzulanga "mvati, "" nsing'a vinyu " ye "tayi "? (a) In Jesus ' illustration, who are represented by "the cultivator, "" the vine, " and "the branches "? Note the words found at 1 John 1: "This is the time of my children, just as I have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now the antichrist has appeared, and we know that this is the time of the end. Vava kesalanga e salu ya nzo, ikunsanisinanga. When he succeeds, I commend him. The Scriptures show that it is important to read the Bible with the right motive when it compares it to a mirror. (b) Aweyi mase m'Akristu bekuyivaninanga kuna mvevo mu lungisa e nsatu za nitu za wan'au? (b) How are many Christian parents showing a self - sacrificing spirit? When they meditate on the design of the brain and body, many believe that there is a Creator who created us. Vana ntandu, Nkand'a Nzambi utoma songanga mvu wasikididi wayantika yala Kintinu ki'ezulu, i sia vo muna mvu a 1914 vava " e tandu ya zula yalunga. ' - Luka 21: 24; Dan. Moreover, Bible prophecy pointed to the exact time - 1914 - when "the appointed times of the nations [would be] fulfilled " and Kingdom rule would begin in heaven. - Luke 21: 24; Dan. A person may feel that he can succeed himself. Tala e mvovo mina muna 1 Yoane: " E wan'ame, eyayi i ntangw'a mbaninu, wauna nwawá vo antikristu okwiza, kana nkutu owau antikristu ayingi bamonekene kala, muna yau i tuzayidi wo vo eyayi i ntangw'a mbaninu. Note these words in the first letter bearing his name: "Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared, from which fact we know that it is the last hour. But as the apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians in the congregation, they "took their conduct to imitate their faith. " E sono yisonganga o mfunu wa tanga Nkand'a Nzambi y'ekani diasikila vava utezanesanga wo ye pelo. The Scriptures highlight the importance of reading for the right reason by comparing the Bible to a mirror: "If anyone is a hearer of the word, and not a doer, this one is like a man looking at his natural face in a mirror. Why? Vava bebadikanga e mpila ya sivi yavangilwa o tomfo ye nitu, ayingi bekwikilanga vo vena yo Mvangi a ngangu ndiona watuvanga. After considering the remarkable design of our brain and the rest of our body, many have concluded that a wise Creator is behind it all. When she was 14 years old, she says: "The pioneer service gave me the meaning of my life. Muntu oyindulanga vo olenda kio sunda yandi kibeni. You think you can beat it by yourself. They were happy to sing songs. Kansi, nze una kasoneka Paulu wa ntumwa kwa Akristu esi Ayibere mu kuma kia akwikizi a nkutakani vo " babadik'e nkal'au, batanginina lukwikilu luau. ' Rather, it is in the spirit of what the apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians concerning faithful congregation elders: "As you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith. " His example taught me to learn to work hard and to do things that would be useful for others. " Ekuma? Why? Isaac had good reason for trusting that slave. Una kalungisa mvu 14 muna salu kia kimviti a nzila, Loli wavova vo: "E salu kia kimviti a nzila kiavana nsasa muna zingu kiame. " Pioneering gives my life direction, " explains Loli after 14 years of such service. This hope is recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the Christian Greek Scriptures, and it continues to strengthen Jehovah's faithful servants until now. - Rev. Bakalanga ye kiese kia yimbila nkunga. the fish? E mbandu andi yandonga o mfunu walongoka salu ya moko yo vanga lekwa ina ilenda sadilwa kwa akaka. " From his example, I've learned the value of working with your hands, building things that will have practical use for other people. " (Psalm 1: 1 - 19: 14) Isaki kuma kiasikila kakala kiau mu bund'e vuvu kwa ntaudi ndioyo. Isaac had good reason for trusting this man. Why are they born? E vuvu kiaki kitoma yikwanga mu Sono ya Kiyibere ye mu Sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu, kiakinu kumika selo yakwikizi ya Yave yamu unu. - Lus. This hope is solidly based on both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures, and it continues to strengthen faithful servants of Jehovah to this day. - Rev. " I have never found a suitable mate in the congregation, and I am afraid of being old. " ekonde? the dragnet? 10, 11. (Yezekele 1: 1 - 19: 14) (Ezekiel 1: 1 - 19: 14) 3: 16 - What does it mean to " throw my teeth upon a workers "? Ekuma yasibilwa? Why was it cursed? " A man hurt me. " " Yamu wau kiasolwele ko ona ndenda kazala yandi muna nkutakani, wonga ngina wau wa nuna kondwa kwa yakala. " " I cannot find a mate within the congregation, and I am afraid of growing old alone. " How did the twelve heads of the ten - tribe kingdom respond, and what did the Levites do each day at the Festival of Booths? 10, 11. 10, 11. While I was young, I liked watching pictures in our publications and carefully examined them so that they could reach my heart. 3: 16 - Ayeyi i nsas'a mvovo "otolwele meno mame muna yinsadi - nsadi "? 3: 16 - What is suggested by the expression: "With gravel he makes my teeth get broken "? Look for direction from your parents. " Muntu wankendeleka. " " Someone hurt my feelings. " How did the Watchtower Study in English reveal God's will and purpose? E ntu mia makanda kumi ye zole adieyi bavanga? Adieyi Anelevi bavanganga lumbu ke lumbu muna Nkinzi a Nzo za Sudi? What did the Israelite family heads do, and what did they discover was a noteworthy feature of this Festival of Booths? Paul trained Timothy and encouraged him to train others. Ekolo yakala nleke, yazolanga tala fwaniswa muna nkanda mieto misasilanga Nkand'a Nzambi yo toma yo fimpa kimana tusansu twatu twakota muna ntim'ame. As a child, I loved to look at the beautiful pictures in our Bible publications, comparing the characters and examining every detail in order to impress the stories on my mind. Consider what the Bible teaches: Vava luludiku lwa mase maku. Seek your parents ' advice. When and how did Jesus preach to "those spirits in prison "? Elongi di'Eyingidilu dia 1928 mu Kingelezo, aweyi dia kiesesela luzolo y'ekani dia Nzambi? What clearer understanding of God's will and purpose was presented in a 1928 issue of The Watch Tower? He is very happy when his family helps him to fulfill his assignment. Paulu walonga Timoteo yo kunkasakesa mu longa mpe akaka. Paul trained Timothy and encouraged him to train others. Just as food moves us, we need to avoid using the words that Jehovah views as wicked. Tala mana Nkand'a Nzambi ulonganga: Think about what the Bible teaches: To avoid long discussions about religion, the time came for him to leave home. FROM OUR COVER 12: 12; 13: 21; 14: 24 - 31; 16: 4; Neh. Who can see everything we do? ▪ How Jehovah Draws Close to Us Nkia ntangwa ye aweyi o Yesu kasila umbangi kwa " mianda miami muna pelezo? ' When and how did Jesus preach to these "spirits in prison "? On the other hand, "many brothers gave them literature in their chariots with great joy. " Kiese kiayingi kemonanga vava esi nzo andi bekunsadisanga mu lungisa kiyekwa kiandi. Meditating on such qualities can help each of us to "keep making progress " in this regard. - 1 Thess. Nze una tutininanga madia mawola, tufwete venganga sadila mvovo mina kebadikilanga o Yave vo miambi. Just as we are repulsed by such food, we hate speech that Jehovah considers bad. God's Love for His People Muna venga moko yandá ilenda twasa ntantani mu diambu ditadidi mabundu, basikidisa e ntangwa bafwete katuka kuna nzo andi. And to avoid long conversations that would usually lead to arguments about religion, they set a time limit for the calls. Hence, "remembering " can mean" to do something. " 12: 12; 13: 21; 14: 24 - 31; 16: 4; Nek. 12: 12; 13: 21; 14: 24 - 31; 16: 4; Neh. A CONVERSATION WITH A NUST ▪ Aweyi Yave Kekutufinamenanga? ▪ How Jehovah Draws Close to Us (a) Why are God's servants destroyed? Kuna diak'e sambu, "mpangi zayingi banatanga nkanda muna makalu mau ye kiese kiawonso. " He left the organization soon afterward. " Now I realized that if I respected my mother's viewpoint and her faith, things would not be possible. O badika e fu yayi, dilenda sadisa konso muntu mu yeto mu " nungunuka ' tatidila e fu yayi. - 1 Tes. Considering these qualities may help each of us to be more determined to go on pursuing them "more fully. " - 1 Thess. Although Satan spoke of Job, in his own words he indicated that all humans serve God for his blessing. Nzambi Wasonga Zola kwa Nkangu Andi Akolami God's Love for His Wayward People Instead of envying David, "the life of Jonathan died and the life of David, " he promised that he would remain loyal to him. I kuma vo, o "yindula, " dilenda songa vo," vang'e diambu. " Thus, "to remember " can mean" to act. " How can following Jehovah's organization help us to prepare for life in the new world? MOKO KIA MAMBU MA NZAMBI A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR 12, 13. (a) Ekuma selo ya Nzambi bebangikilwanga? (a) Why are God's people being attacked? What did Jehovah prophesy through Jeremiah? Owau yabakwidi vo kele vo yazitisanga ngindu yo lukwikilu lwa ngudi ame, e mambu ke madi lwaka mu tezo kiaki ko. Now I realize that if I had been more respectful of Mom's feelings and beliefs, things might have been calmer. What can we do to find such help? (Yobi 1: 10, 11) Kana una vo Satana Yobi kavovela, muna mvovo miandi wasonga vo wantu awonso besadilanga Nzambi mu kuma kia nsambu kekubavananga. Though Satan's words were about Job, the implication was that all humans have selfish motives for serving God. In other words, it was difficult for people in Abraham's day to see the number of seed. Vana fulu kia mwena Davidi kimpala, "o moyo a Yonatane ubakanini yo moyo a Davidi, " yo sia nsilu vo okwamanana songa kwikizi muna yandi. Rather, Jonathan's "soul became bound up with the soul of David " as he pledged his loyalty to him. For example, when we learn about Jehovah's law, we do well to ask ourselves: " Why is this important law? O lemvokela luludiku lwa nkubik'a Yave aweyi dilenda kutusadisila mu kala twakubama mu zingila muna nz'ampa? How will learning to obey the direction from Jehovah's organization help us to prepare for life in the new world? 4: 9, 10. 12, 13. 12, 13. 1, 2. Adieyi Yave kasakula muna Yeremiya? What did Jehovah foretell through Jeremiah concerning a new covenant? It is not always easy to control our emotions. Adieyi tufwete vanga mu baka lusadisu lwalu? How can we avail ourselves of that help? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: 13: 16; 22: 17) Muna mvovo miakaka, muna lumbu ya Abarayama diampasi diakala kwa wantu mu zaya lutangu lwa mbongo yayi. In other words, in Abraham's time it was impossible for humans to know how many would make up this seed. We heard of Job's endurance, by Jehovah's help, and we are eager to imitate Job's example. Kasikil'owu, vava tulongokanga konso nsiku a Yave, tufwete kiyuvula: " Ekuma nsiku wau winina wamfunu? For example, when we learn about a certain requirement of Jehovah, we might ask: " Why is this command or principle wise? If you love God and the truth, it does not mean that God has changed. 4: 9, 10. 4: 9, 10. Would you like to know what Bible prophecy says about our day? 1, 2. 1, 2. Of course, Jehovah can know what will happen in the future if you want to. Ke ntangwa zawonso ko dikalanga diasazu mu lunga - lunga e ngindu zeto. It is not always easy to control our emotions. Jesus did not want people to pray to him in God's name. MAKAKA MENA MUN'EYINGIDILU DIADI: ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: They said that Jehovah gave them power. (Yesaya 65: 17; Lusengomono 21: 4) Twawa lo o luzindalalu lwa Yobi, muna lusadisu lwa Yave, tukala y'etima dia tanginina mbandu a Yobi. We have heard of the endurance of Job, and we are determined, with Jehovah's help, to imitate Job's example. Where do I earn money to support myself? Avo zola kwaku muna Nzambi ye muna ludi kwavola, ka disongele ko vo Nzambi wasoba. If you do not feel the same love for God and the truth that you once felt, this is not because anything has changed on his part. Why is it important to ask Jehovah to examine us? Nga ozolele zaya dina ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga mu kuma kia lumbu yeto? Would you like to know what Bible prophecies have to say about our day? Rather, it is the beginning of our new personality. Dialudi vo Yave olenda zaya mana mevangama kuna sentu avo ozolele. Fourth, Jehovah does not choose to know everything that will happen to us ahead of time. Do you view their efforts as an expression of Christ's love in you? Yesu kazola songa ko vo wantu bafwete sambanga kwa yandi muna nkumbu a Nzambi. Jesus did not intend that prayer should be diverted from God to him. I was appointed as a special pioneer, and I was assigned to a town some 450 miles [100 km] south of the city of the city. Edi bavovanga vo Yave wabavananga nkuma. They said Jehovah gives them the strength. People who will be saved will be free from the influence of Satan and the demons. Akweyi ibakilanga nzimbu mu kuyilunga - lunga? How do I support myself? It is written about the great crowd of true worshippers that "they work day and night in the sanctuary of Jehovah. " Ekuma dinina mfunu dia lomba kwa Yave katufimpa? Why is it profitable to plead with Jehovah to examine us? I decided to go, and I learned to cut my hair and to cover my hair. Kansi, lwalu i lubantiku lwa uwuntu weto wampa. However, our new personality is still in its early stage. How did Hezekiah encourage the army and the people of Judah? Nga obadikilanga ngolo bevanganga nze sinsu kia zola kwa Kristu muna ngeye? Do you view their efforts as an expression of Christ's interest in you personally? Jesus could heal the man who did not stop him. Yatumbikwa se mviti a nzila espesiale yo filwa muna mbanza Narrandera yakala tezo kia 220 ma kilometa kuna sude a mbanza Cowra. Upon receiving a special pioneer assignment, I moved to Narrandera - a town 137 miles (220 km) southwest of Cowra. A modest person knows that he needs to pray to God. Wantu ana bevuluzwa bevevoka emvimba muna umpukumuni wa Satana ye nkwiya. Redeemed mankind will then experience a completely new freedom - freedom from the influence of Satan and the demons. He found several scriptures that highlight the difference between Jesus and his Father. Diasonama mu kuma kia ndong'ayingi y'asambidi aludi vo " besalanga fuku yo mwini muna nzo avauka a Yave. ' The great crowd of true worshippers is spoken of as " rendering sacred service day and night in Jehovah's temple. ' If we remember our dedication to Jehovah every day, we will be better prepared to avoid worthless things. - Prov. Yabak'e nzengo za kwenda, yalongoka e salu kia zenga nsuki yo ziula e nzo ya zengela nsuki muna kuyilunga - lunga. Later, I joined an indigenous - language congregation that had recently been formed. I was so happy that I was not with them. Aweyi Kizekeya kakasakesela mfumu za makesa yo nkangu a Yuda? How did Hezekiah encourage the military chiefs and the people of Judah? The holy spirit does not perform such miracles today. Yesu olenda kwandi wuka muntu ndiona lembi kunsimba. Under the Mosaic Law, lepers were unclean, and Jesus could certainly have healed the man without physical contact. Moreover, Jehovah is pleased when his servants do what is right. - Proverbs 27: 11. O nkwa lusakalalu ozeye wo vo kafwete kalanga ye fu kia samba kwa Nzambi. A modest person knows that he needs to pray constantly. The unfaithful Jews were ready to prepare, to clean their heart, and to clean their heart. Wasolola sono yayingi ya Bibila isonganga nswaswani ina vana vena Yesu yo S'andi. He found many scriptures pointing to differences between Jesus and His Father. Do You Recall? Avo tusungamena nsilu twasia vava twakiyekola kwa Yave e lumbu yawonso, tukala twakubama mu venga mambu makondwa mfunu. - Nga. If we keep our dedication vow to Jehovah in mind day by day, we will be firmly determined to turn away from what is worthless. - Prov. Faith in Jesus as the Messiah opened the way for his early disciples to rule with him in God's heavenly Kingdom. Kiese kiayingi yamona wau vo kiakala yau kumosi ko. Needless to say, I was very glad that I had not been with them that night. The second question asked the baptized man: Do you know that your baptism will make you one of Jehovah's Witnesses? O mwand'avelela ke uvanganga diaka masivi mama ko o unu. The holy spirit is not currently bringing about such miracles. Jehovah can use his holy spirit in various ways as he created the earth. Help Children Meet Challenges, 1 / 15 Have you ever wondered, though, the only way to enjoy life, to work, to get married, to raise children, and to have children? (1 Tusansu 16: 27) Vana ntandu, Yave kiese kemonanga vava selo yandi bevanganga oma mambote. - Ngana 27: 11. In addition, the good things that Jehovah's servants do make him rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. In 1919, Jesus appointed some of his anointed brothers as his faithful and discreet slave Ayuda aminkondwa kwikizi bafwana kubika, zezesa yo velelesa ntima miau. Unfaithful Jews needed to prepare, soften, and cleanse the soil of their hearts. Soon Christ will destroy Satan's wicked system of things, and he will deliver God's people. Nga Osungamene? Do You Recall? What can happen if we start to focus on our own desires? O kwikila vo Yesu i Masia diaziula e nzila kw'alongoki andi a tandu kiantete mu yala kumosi yo yandi muna Kintinu ki'ezulu kia Nzambi. Accepting Jesus as the Messiah opened up for his early disciples the possibility of ruling with him in God's heavenly Kingdom. The scope of the preaching work is the scope of the good news being preached worldwide and to people of all nations. E kiuvu kiezole kiyuvulwanga kwa ndiona ovubwa i kiaki: Ng'ozeye wo vo o luvubu lwaku lukitwidi se Mbangi a Yave? The second question asks the candidate, first of all, if he understands that his baptism serves to identify him as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Is it important to choose those with whom we meet? Yave olenda sadila mwand'andi avelela mu mpila zayingi nze vava kasema e nza. Jehovah may use his holy spirit on a grand scale, as in the creation of the universe. Our God - Given Work Nga wakiyuvula kala, e zingu i sakana kaka, sala, sompa, sansa wana yo nuna? Have you ever wondered if there is more to life than just playing, working, marrying, raising a family, and growing old? Brother Jaracz may also have hidden literature so that the brothers could have spiritual food if the authorities offered them everything they had. " Siwa kiyekwa kia nzo andi ': Muna mvu wa 1919, Yesu wasola akaka muna mpangi zandi zakuswa mu kala se ntaudi andi akwikizi yo lulungalalu " Appointed over his domestics ": In 1919, Jesus selected capable anointed brothers to be his faithful and discreet slave (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) Ke kolo ko, o Kristu ofwasa nza ya Satana ya umpumbulu, yo vuluza nkangu a Nzambi. Soon, Christ will destroy Satan's entire wicked system of things and deliver God's people. It is called "the day of the wind. " Adieyi dilenda bwa avo tuyantikidi sia sungididi muna zolela ya yeto kibeni? What could happen if we focus our life on personal interests? Allowing alcohol to control our emotions and prevent us from making wise decisions. O sayana kwa salu kia umbangi i tezo kina e nsangu zambote zisamunwinwanga mu nza yawonso ye kwa wantu a zula yawonso. The scope of the preaching work refers to the widespread preaching of the good news around the world to all the nations. " Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. Nga diamfunu mu sola awana tusakana yau? Does it matter whom we exercise with? On more than one occasion, the brothers telephoned me to see if I needed help. Salu Twavewa kwa Nzambi God - Given Responsibilities How does Jehovah view human governments? Mpangi Vardja nanga wasweka mpe nkanda kimana ampangi bakala ye madia ma mwanda kele vo mapolisi ma KGB bakutumwini lekwa yau yawonso. Brother Vardja likely hid the literature to make sure that a supply of spiritual food was on hand for fellow believers in case everything else was taken away by the KGB. He showed his Father's personality. (Tanga Yesaya 37: 15 - 20.) (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) In that way, Jesus will feel compassion for those who suffer and understand his responsibility to free them from trials. Kiyikilwanga vo " lumbu kia tembwa. ' It is a figurative "day of storm. " In each case, differences between someone who has faults can become like "a roaring lion. " O yambula vo malavu matubunduna, dilenda vunzanesa ngindu zeto yo lembi baka nzengo zambote. Allowing ourselves to become enslaved to a lot of wine can affect our ability to reason things out properly and to make wise decisions. All of us can live forever in Paradise on earth. " " O nwole usuvidi mosi kadi betambula nsendo ambote a mfuntu au. " Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. So let us focus on this prophecy. - 2 Pet. Nkumbu miayingi ampangi bekumbokelanga muna telefone mu zaya kana nkia lusadisu mvwidi o mfunu. My fellow worshippers often call me to see what else they can do to help. Have you not seen that anger and violence have increased in the world? Aweyi Yave kebadikilanga tuyalu twa nza? What does Jehovah think about human governments? But if we promise, we must do all we can to fulfill it. - 3 / 15, page 32. Wasonga kiwuntu ki'eS'andi. He perfectly reflected his Father's personality. He sees the spiritual condition of each member of the Christian congregation or the congregation. Muna mpila yayi, Yesu osinga fwila awana bemonanga mpasi e nkenda yo bakula e mbebe andi ya kubavevola muna mpasi. He could sympathize with those who suffer and could better appreciate his role in coming to their rescue. Jonah entered the city of Nineveh and began preaching in a clear way: "In your days, Nineveh will certainly be blessed. " E ntantani vana kati kwandi ye ndiona umvenge mpilakanu zilenda wokela yo kituka nze "mbindi za nzo angolo. " Contentions between him and the transgressor can easily become as much of a barrier as "the bar of a dwelling tower. " Christian parents today do the same. Yeto awonso tulenda zinga yakwele mvu muna Paradiso ova ntoto. " " All of us could live forever in Paradise on earth. " I am made firm in the faith, and I have grown up all day long. " Muna kuma kiaki, yambula twasia sungididi muna ungunza wau. - 2 Pet. It is to our benefit, then, to pay close attention to this prophecy. - 2 Pet. Although they are not part of the new covenant, they benefit from that covenant. Nga kumonanga ko vo e fu kia funga makasi mayingi ye umpumbulu mu wokela kina mu nza yawonso? Do you sense that there is a spirit of anger and violence among people today, not just in one location but globally? But at the end of the day, you see that the well - being is dry. Kansi avo tusidi nsilu, tufwete vanga mawonso tulenda muna wo lungisa. - 15 / 3, lukaya lwa 32. But if we make a promise or a commitment, we should do all we can to keep it. - 3 / 15, page 32. Have you ever been offended or mistreated by someone? Omonanga nkal'a kimwanda ya konso buka ki'Akristu yovo nkutakani. He closely observes the spiritual condition of each group of Christians, or congregation. I also had time for personal study. Yona wakota muna mbanz'a Nineve yo yantika samuna e nsangu katumwa mu mpila yakiá, oku vo: "Lumbu makumay'aka, e Nineve ibangulwa. " Jonah enters Nineveh and proceeds to proclaim a straightforward message: "Only forty days more, and Nineveh will be overthrown. " The Jews part of every oath they made, and they did so to show people that what they said was true. Mase m'Akristu o unu diau adimosi bevanganga. Christian family heads today follow a similar pattern. Those Bible Students were called "the Way. " I nsikidiswa masikidiswa mabundu muna lukwikilu, yo wokelanga lumbu yawonso. ' Therefore, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day. " On the other hand, the lamb and its image were cut down. Kanele vo ke bena mun'ekangu diampa ko, bebakanga nluta mun'ekangu diadi. While not participants in the new covenant, these are beneficiaries of it. 3: 7, 8. Kansi vava olwaka, omwene vo e sima kiayuma. How disappointed you are! " Your brother will rise. " (Yeremiya 17: 9) Nga wafungiswa kala makasi yovo vangwa e mbi kwa mpangi? Have you ever been offended by a brother or sister? Since God is the Source of life, we must worship only him. - Read Revelation 4: 11. Yavaulanga mpe ntangwa ya kala y'elongi dia mono kibeni. Despite constant pain, I witness to the nursing staff, patients, and visitors. He, a tax collector in Jericho, became rich because of the money he had made to others. - Luke 19: 2, 8. Ayuda badianga ndofi muna konso diambu bavovanga. Bavanganga wo mu songa kwa wantu vo mana bavovanga maludi. They did this to make what they said more believable, but Jesus condemned this useless practice twice. 14: 13. Alongoki awaya bayikilwanga vo mu "Nzila " bakala. Those early disciples belonged to "The Way. " Then he encouraged Christians to "make themselves clean, " or to separate themselves from" valueless things. " Vaka ki'ememe ye kimboko (Dan. kapu kia 8) Four beasts out of the sea How can we identify a physical person? 3: 7, 8. 3: 7, 8. To explain this, Paul said: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " " O mpangi aku fuluka kefuluka. ' " Your brother will rise. " [ Chart / Pictures on page 27] Wau vo Nzambi i Tuku dia moyo, yandi kaka tufwete sambila. - Tanga Lusengomono 4: 11. Since God is the Source of life, we should worship only him. - Read Revelation 4: 11. " Having a good career is the key to happiness. " Zakai wa mfumu a avakulwisi a mpaku kuna Yeriko, wakituka mvuama mu kuma kia nzimbu kalombanga kw'akaka. - Luka 19: 2, 8. Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector in Jericho, became rich because he made people pay a lot. - Luke 19: 2, 8. (b) What message did Enoch preach, and how did he show that he loved people? 14: 13. 14: 13. Today, there are many Kingdom Halls that represent the words of the songs that we sing. I bosi, wakasakesa Akristu kimana " bayikianzisa ' yovo bayivambula ye sadilwa " yakondwa zitu. ' He then admonished Christians to " keep clear of, ' or separate themselves from, the utensils that are used for a purpose "lacking honor. " 15: 29 - What does it mean to be "baptized into the dead "? Aweyi tulenda zayila o nkwa kinitu? How can we identify a physical person? The Bible says: "We all stumble. " Muna toma sasila diambu diadi, Paulu wavova vo: "Muna muntu mosi i mwakotel'esumu muna nza, o lufwa mpe mun'esumu; i ngyandangiana luayandangian'o lufwa muna wantu awonso, wau yawonso basumuka. " Paul outlined the matter, starting with this point: "Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned. " The apostle Paul wrote: "You fathers,... bring them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " [ Ndandani za Mambu / Mafoto zina muna lukaya lwa 27] [ Chart / Pictures on page 27 - 29] How should we view "the secret place of the Most High " and" the shadow " of Jehovah during these critical times? " O kala ye salu kiambote i nsabi muna kala ye kiese. " " A good career will make you happy. " YOU do not know that marriage is one of many precious gifts from God. (b) Nkia nsangu kateleka o Kanoke? Nga zazolakana kwa wantu? (b) What prophetic message did Enoch preach, and what response did he surely meet up with? At the meetings, we pray to him, sing to him, and speak about his name. (Ezera 3: 11; tanga Nkunga 147: 1.) O unu, Maseka mayingi ma Kintinu mena ye tela zisonganga e mvovo mia nkunga tuyimbila. Many are afraid to sing with a loud voice because they think that they will be too loud or that they do not have a good voice. However, God listens to the prayers of Christ's true followers, as indicated by Jesus ' words. 15: 29 - O " vubilwa muna mafwa ' aweyi disongele? 15: 29 - What does it mean to be "baptized for the purpose of being dead ones "? Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 11 Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: " Yeto awonso tutang'esakuba. ' The Bible says: "We all stumble many times. " But he wrote his mistake. - Jonah 1: 1 - 3; 4: 1 - 3. Paulu wa ntumwa wasoneka vo: " Amase,... nubatongonona [wan'eno] muna ndonga yo lusansu lua Yave. ' The apostle Paul wrote: "You, fathers,... go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " The Bible does not say that Abraham thought that Isaac would be resurrected immediately, in the next week, or in the next week. Aweyi tufwete badikilanga "eswekameno dia Mpungu " ye" kini " kia Yave mu lumbu yayi yampasi? How should we view Jehovah's "secret place " and" shadow " during these dangerous times? For example, do you show respect for them by not asking them for permission or by doing some other things? KA LUKATIKISU ko vo longo i lumosi muna tukau twamfunu kavana o Nzambi kwa wantu. (Nga. MARRIAGE is unquestionably one of God's most precious gifts to mankind. By exercising faith in "one act of righteousness, " anointed Christians and the great crowd of" other sheep " can be forgiven. Vava tukalanga muna tukutakanu, tusambanga kwa yandi, kunyimbidila yo vovela e nkumbu andi. At our meetings, we pray to him, sing to him, and speak about him, and this makes Jehovah happy Why do we say that not all false worshippers will be killed by the destruction of Babylon the Great? Kansi, Nzambi owang'e sambu y'alandi akieleka a Kristu, nze una usonganga e mvovo mia Yesu. On the other hand, God would respond to the prayers of Christ's true followers, as shown by Jesus ' further statement on this subject. One of them asked him: "Do you know the name of God? " Elongi dia 1, 2 LUKAYA LWA 3 - 11 Study Articles 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 11 He says: "The verse of Revelation 21: 3, 4 is what I like. " Kansi, wasoneka vilwa wandi. - Yona 1: 1 - 3; 4: 1 - 3. Instead, he recorded them. - Jonah 1: 1 - 3; 4: 1 - 3. Sam, who lives on construction projects with his wife Ruth, moved to several countries and Africa to help build a construction project. Nkand'a Nzambi ke uvovanga ko vo Abarayama wayindula vo Isaki ofuluka vana vau, mu ola zilanda yovo mu lumbu kilanda ngatu mu lumingu lulanda. However, the Bible does not say that Abraham thought that Isaac would come back to life right away, perhaps in a few hours, a day, or even a week. They had the hope of everlasting life because they kept their lives alive. Kasikil'owu, nga dia luzitu mu kubakatula mafoto lembi kubalomba o nswa yovo vanga wo kuna kinsalukisa nanga ekolo bedianga yovo vanga mambu mankaka? For example, would it show good manners to take candid photos of such ones - without permission - while they are eating and engaging in other activities? When the apostles Peter and the other apostles knew this, they became angry. Muna kwikila "mun'evangu dimosi dia ndungidi, " Akristu akuswa ye ndong'ayingi ya" mameme makaka " balenda "lungiswa. " Paul also says: "A man is declared righteous by faith apart from works of law. " Love is also motivated by subjects of the Kingdom to endure in the most important work they are able to do. Ekuma tuvovele vo ke asambidi awonso ko aluvunu befwa muna lufwasu lwa Babele Anene? Why do we say that the destruction of Babylon the Great does not mean the death of all its members? I was impressed when I learned that I was only 20 years old. Mosi muna yau wanyuvula vo: "Nga ozeye e nkumbu a Nzambi? " One of them asked her, "Do you know God's name? " What other challenges have many couples had? Wavova vo: "E sono kia Lusengomono 21: 3, 4 i kiau itoma yangalelanga. " " My favorite scripture, " she says, "is Revelation 21: 3, 4. " They can become addicted to the Internet. Sam una vo engenheiro mu salu kia tunga yo Ruth wa nkaz'andi, bekwendanga mu nsi zayingi zamputu ye za África mu sala e salu kia tunga. Sam is an engineer skilled in heating, ventilation, and air - conditioning. Jesus warned them that God would destroy Jerusalem. Bakala ye vuvu kia vua moyo a mvu ya mvu wau vo bavelelesa zingu kiau. Because they were living a clean life, they could look forward to everlasting life. • How do we obey Jehovah's reminders? Vava Petelo ye ntumwa zakaka bazaya wo, bafunga makasi. When Peter and the other apostles heard of it, they became indignant. We are careful not to buy anything we enjoy or anything that we buy in this world, even if we have enough money to buy it. O zola kufilanga mpe awana beyalwa kwa Kintinu mu zizila ye kwikizi kiawonso muna salu kisundidi o mfunu kina besalanga. This love also moves subjects of the Kingdom to persevere loyally in their main work. Of course, a situation that is lacking in many families today is to teach children good manners. Yasivika kikilu vava yazaya vo kimbuta kia mvu 20 kaka bakala. I was surprised to learn that they were only in their early 20 ' s. One family studied the Bible with them was very difficult in one village where we lived. Nkia mpasi zankaka benuananga zau akazi ayingi? What other tribulation may married people have? We too need to trust in Jehovah, for only he can deliver us from the great tribulation that mankind had ever experienced during human history. Balenda kituka s'abundu a Internete. The Internet can even become addictive. To remain clean, we must be quick to avoid doing what is bad. Yesu wabalukisa vo Nzambi osinga fwasa Yerusaleme. Jesus had told them about the destruction to come upon the unfaithful Jewish nation. In 1914, war began in Europe and in just a few years ago. • Aweyi tusadisilwanga kwa nkanikinu mia Yave? • In what ways are we helped by Jehovah's reminders? This means that every week we get baptized. Tukuyikeba yo lembi sumba konso lekwa tuyangalele yovo konso lekwa ivayikiswanga mu nza yayi, kana nkutu vo tuna ye nzimbu za sumbila yo. We learn to control ourselves and not to buy everything we desire or everything that the world offers, even if we can afford it. Yes. Dialudi vo, e diambu dikondwanga muna nzo zayingi o unu i longa wana e fu yambote. Emphasis on moral instruction is lacking in many homes today. I was so happy that I wanted to serve Jehovah and have a wonderful hope for the future that night, so I didn't believe that 160 miles away from home. Esi nzo mosi twalongokanga yau Nkand'a Nzambi zingu kiampasi bakala kiau kuna vata dimosi diakala vala ye mbanza tuzingilanga. One family we studied with lives in humble circumstances in a village several miles away. Regarding not fully understood in the Scriptures, Aquila and Priscilla "took their backs on account of Paul's life. " Yeto mpe tufwete siang'e vuvu muna Yave, kadi yandi kaka olenda kutuvuluza vava e nza yayi ikota muna mpasi zayingi zina ke zakedi ko muna lusansu lwa wantu. We too must fully trust in Jehovah, for he alone will be our salvation when the present system undergoes the greatest tribulation of all human history. Why should we trust in Jehovah's reminders, and how will we benefit from doing so? Muna kala aveledi, tufwete venga edi diambi vana vau. Being chaste, we need to reject evil things immediately. By his words and actions, he set an example for us to imitate. Muna mvu wa 1914, vita yayantika kuna Europa ye ke vavioka kolo ko yasayana mu nza yawonso. Because of the war, there were terrible famines. (Read Revelation 7: 9, 13, 14.) Ediadi disongele vo konso lumingu wantu 5.300 bevubwanga. That is about 5,300 baptized each week. Why? Elo. Indeed it is. The Bible describes specific steps that can help us to determine when Armageddon will begin. Kiese kiayingi yakala kiau mu kuma kia nzengo yabaka za sadila Yave yo kala ye vuvu kiasikila kia kusentu. Muna kuma kiaki, muna fuku wa lumbu kiakina, kiakwikila ko vo nkangalu wa 160 ma kilometa yakangala muna lungungu. I was so excited about my decision to serve Jehovah and now to have a solid hope for the future that when evening came, I hardly realized I had pedaled 100 miles (160 km) that day! Jesus, who would be the Head of "the congregation of God, " showed that his apostles and others would have positions of responsibility in the congregation. Muna kuma kialembi zayiswa muna Nkand'a Nzambi, Akwila ye Peresekila " batambika malaka mau muna diambu dia moyo a Paulu. ' Under circumstances not disclosed in the Bible, Aquila and Priscilla " risked their necks for Paul's soul. ' Second, a Christian may understand something about the sign, but because it is not necessary in his area, he may ignore it. Ekuma tufwete bundil'e vuvu muna nkanikinu mia Yave? Nkia nluta tuvwa muna vanga wo? Why should we trust Jehovah's reminders, and how do we benefit from doing so? Millions of young Witnesses of Jehovah can tell you that certain forms of recreation can bring joy as they do according to "the will of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 5: 17 - 19. Muna mvovo ye mavangu mandi, watusisila e mbandu ina tulenda tanginina. Both by his words and by his actions, he set a pattern for us to imitate. Of course, the way parents view study is very important. (Tanga Lusengomono 7: 9, 13, 14.) (Read Revelation 7: 9, 13, 14.) I felt that I was worthless and discouraged. 31: 1 - 8) Ekuma? Why? Perhaps you have other questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. Nkand'a Nzambi uyikanga mambu masikididi malenda kutusadisa mu zaya e ntangwa e vita ya Armangedo iyantika. Many of the events it identifies are already being fulfilled. When we ask Jehovah to help us endure, he promises us to "make the way out. " O Yesu ona okala se Ntu a "dibundu dia Nzambi " wasonga vo e ntumwa zandi y'akaka ana kalonga bekala ye kiyekwa muna nkutakani. The One who would be the Head of that "congregation of God " indicated that his apostles and others who had learned from him would have specific responsibilities toward the rest. At the end, many questions were asked, but he could not answer. Diazole, o Nkristu olenda bakula diambu dimosi diayikwa muna sinsu, kansi wau vo ke divangamanga mu zunga kiandi ko, olenda dio veza. Second, a Christian might recognize particulars of the sign but because of his immediate surroundings not feel directly affected. By all means, then, let us take full advantage of our time so that we can use our time to serve God "in time and seasons. " Ulolo wa mazunda m'aleke bena vo Mbangi za Yave, balenda kuvovesa vo vena ye mpila zayingi za nsaka zilenda twasa e kiese ekolo zivangilwanga mun'owu wa "luzolo lwa Yave. " - Efeso 5: 17 - 19. Many thousands of happy young Witnesses will tell you that there are many healthy ways of having fun while staying within the bounds of "the will of Jehovah. " - Ephesians 5: 17 - 19. Jesus indicated that such thinking would be unwise. Kansi, e mpila ina mase bebadikilanga o longoka mfunu kikilu ina. Of course, the way parents view study is crucial. The early Christians respected Jehovah's name. Yabanzanga vo kina mfunu ko yo kendalala kwayingi. I felt inferior and developed a complex. 6: 7. Nanga yuvu yankaka una yau mu kuma kia Mbangi za Yave. Of course, you may have other questions about Jehovah's Witnesses. Table of Contents Vava tulombanga kwa Yave vo katusadisa mu zindalala, okutusianga nsilu vo " oteta e nzila. ' When we ask Jehovah to help us endure, he promises to "make the way out. " Both trees would become "one tree " in Ezekiel's hand. - Ezekiel 37: 15 - 17. Kuna mfoko, yuvu yayingi banyuvula kansi, kalenda yo vanina mvutu ko. At the conclusion, many questions were raised, but the students involved could not defend their faith. • What kind of giver does Jehovah appreciate? Muna kuma kiaki, yambula twatoma sadilanga e ntangwa kimana twasadila emvimba Nzambi a "kolo ye nsungi. " By all means, then, let us buy out the opportune time to serve the God of "times and seasons " faithfully. Some people pray sincerely, but others pray only to reach their goals. Yesu wasonga vo e ngindu zazi za uzowa. Jesus showed that such thinking is unreasonable. Jesus ' parable of the sheep and the goats teaches us that those who hope to live forever on earth should help his anointed brothers to preach and support them. Akristu a tandu kiantete bazitisanga nkumbu a Yave. The early Christians honored Jehovah, so he, in turn, blessed their efforts in the preaching work. The Bible says: "You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives. " 6: 7. 6: 7. How did Jesus teach us that we must not practice violence? 3 / 15 " Keep Free From Murmurings, ' 7 / 15 A person who adheres to Bible principles about sexual relations: Oma Mena mo Table of Contents Natural disasters and violence are getting worse. E nti miau miole miadi kituka "se nti mosi " vana koko kwa Yezekele. - Yezekele 37: 15 - 17. The two sticks were to become "just one stick " in Ezekiel's hand. - Ezekiel 37: 15 - 17. This happened to David. • O Yave nkia mpila mvani keyangalelanga? • What kind of giver does Jehovah love? Jehovah created us with a brain that can help us not to focus on other matters. Wantu ankaka besambanga ye nsi a ntima yawonso, kansi akaka besambanga kaka muna lungisa makani mau. Some people's prayers are heartfelt; others ' prayers are almost devoid of any personal touch. Peter tried to convince Jesus to be careful. E kingana kia Yesu kia mameme ye nkombo kikutulonganga vo awana bena ye vuvu kia zingila ova ntoto yakwele mvu, bafwete sadisanga mpangi zandi zakuswa muna salu kia samuna e nsangu zambote yo kubayikama. Jesus ' parable of the sheep and the goats teaches us that those who hope to live forever on earth must help his anointed brothers with the preaching work and be loyal to them. Unlike Mark, Luke did not mention sandals. Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Yeno akento, nusakalel'akazi eno; kimana, ovo vena y'ana balembele lemvokel'e diambu, babakilwa muna nkal'akazi au, ke mu diambu ko. " The Bible says: "You wives, be in subjection to your husbands, so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives. " My heart touched me so much that I thanked Jehovah for the happy times I had spent together. Aweyi Yesu katulongela vo ke tufwete vanga mambu mansoki ko? And how did Jesus teach us that we should never use violence? Does this statement refer to only one God? (Yesaya 48: 17) O muntu olemvokelanga e nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi mu kuma kia vukana ovwa: A person who lives by the Bible's guidelines on sex gains: This meant that he had a close relationship with Jehovah. Sumbula ye mambu mansoki mu wokela kaka mena. From ecological disasters to global terrorism, mankind's problems seem to be raging out of control. So when a person gets baptized in a bad way, he may ask for another step to get baptized again. Ediadi diavangama kwa Davidi. This proved true of David. Consider the example of children who are sick and the way they view them as "a pattern " and those who move to another country. Yave watuvanga yo tomfo tulenda kutusadisa mu lembi sia sungididi mu mambu makaka. Jehovah designed us with the remarkable ability to shut out unwanted noise. If you are reasonable, you can reduce problems in your marriage. - Philippians 4: 5. Petelo wavava vo Yesu kayikenga. Peter recommended a comfortable course. A Christian who is discerning makes decisions that will strengthen his relationship with God. Nswaswani ye Maku, Luka kayika nsampatu ko. Unlike Mark, Luke made no mention of sandals. But Jehovah blesses those who trust in him. " O ntim'ame uvuvamanga kikilu yo kumfila mu tondanga Yave mu kuma kia ntangwa za kiese twaviokesa vamosi. I felt a sense of relief and thereafter started to thank Jehovah regularly for such happy memories. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS (Etuku 6: 6; 14: 22; 18: 25) Nga mvovo miami Nzambi mosi kaka miyikanga? Do these differing descriptions refer to the same God? It takes effort and determination. Ediadi, diasonganga vo wakala ye ngwizani ambote yo Yave. Clearly, he had developed a close relationship with Jehovah. My husband says that if everyone was like you, there will be no war. " Muna kuma kiaki, muntu wavubwa ekolo kayivananga mun'evangu diambi, olenda lomba vo kavubwa diaka. Therefore, a person baptized while such a serious impediment existed may appropriately consider the necessity of rebaptism. Like the other fruit in the harvest, few survived the destruction of Jerusalem and Judea. Tala yingyana - ngyana yivezwanga mu kuma kia uvanguki wau ye mpila ivezelwanga e "fu " y'awana beyalukanga yo kwenda mu nsi za kinzenza. Think of the child who is taunted because of some physical characteristic. Or the immigrant who is ridiculed for certain "foreign " customs. 8 Avo okedi ye tezo, olenda kulula e ntantani muna longo lwaku. - Filipi 4: 5. If you are reasonable, you will have fewer problems in your marriage. - Philippians 4: 5. Why is study and meditation essential if we are to cultivate the fruitage of the holy spirit? O Nkristu una vo nkwa umbakuzi obakanga nzengo zina zikumika e ngwizani andi yo Nzambi. A discerning Christian makes decisions that will strengthen his relationship with God. According to 1 John 2: 15 - 17, what questions should we ask ourselves? Kansi Yave osambulanga awana bekumbundanga e vuvu. " " But Jehovah blesses those who lean on him. " Ed Jones and Jean foretold events that would happen during the 20th century. ADIEYI NKAND'A NZAMBI UVOVANGA? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS Using the word "you " that Jesus referred to not only his belongings on earth. Ngolo divavanga yo kala y'ekani diasikila. It takes discipline and certainty of purpose. In both conversations, Jehovah commended Job for his integrity. O nkaz'ame ovovanga vo kele vo wantu awonso bakala nze ngeye, ova nza ke vadi kala diaka vita ko. " My husband says that if there were more men like you, there never would have been a war. " How should we view apostates? Nze una e bundu yakaka isalanga muna nti ovo nsâlu umene, akete kaka basala yo moyo vava Yerusaleme ye Yuda yafwaswa. Just as some fruit is left on a tree or a vine after the harvest, only a few would survive the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah. Many years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostle Paul wrote: "When [Jesus] offered up a sacrifice on the basis of the forgiveness of sins, he is seated at God's right hand; until his enemies are placed on his feet. " 8 8 16: 12 - 14. O longoka yo badika Diambu dia Nzambi mfunu kwina muna yima mbongo a mwand'avelela. Ekuma? Why are study and meditation so important if you want to cultivate the fruitage of the holy spirit? " Will the Judge of all the earth not do what is right? " Mun'owu wa sono kia 1 Yoane 2: 15 - 17, nkia yuvu tufwete kiyuvula? With 1 John 2: 15 - 17 in mind, what should we ask ourselves? (a) According to what we have considered, what kind of person was Jesus? Edgar Cayce yo Jeane Dixon basakula mambu madi vangama muna tandu kia 20. Edgar Cayce and Jeane Dixon both made some accurate predictions about 20th - century events. He was the brother who was conducting our meetings. Muna sadila mvovo "yawonso, " Yesu kayika kaka salanganu yandi ko ina ova ntoto. Jesus did not qualify the word "all, " as if to limit his belongings to earthly things. Although Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign, he shows compassion and respect for humans. Muna moko yau yole, Yave wasanisina Yobi mu kuma kia kwikizi kiandi. In both cases, God praised Job for his integrity. For example, think of the wisdom that I used to have. - Read Proverbs 30: 24, 25. Aweyi tufwete badikilanga abendomoki? How should we treat apostates? Clearly, Satan the Devil is "the ruler of this world " and" the god of this system of things. " Vioka mvu miayingi vava Yesu katomboka kun'ezulu, Paulu wa ntumwa wasoneka vo: "Vo i yandi [Yesu], una kamana kelela kiamakulu e kimenga kimosi, muna diambu dia masumu, ovwende kuna koko kwalunene kwa Nzambi; kuna i kevingila, yavan'atantu andi besiwa se nsikinw'a tambi yandi. " Some years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostle Paul wrote: "This man [Jesus] offered one sacrifice for sins perpetually and sat down at the right hand of God, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet. " Moreover, the faithful and discreet slave arranged for the Family Worship evening. 16: 12 - 14. 16: 12 - 14. Samuel left a vision in which he told Saul that the Philistine family would win the battle, that is, Saul and his sons would die in battle. " O Mfundisi a nza yawonso, nga kevang'owu wansongi ko e? " " Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right? " How can you use illustrations to teach your children? (a) Mun'owu wa mana tulongokele, nkia mpil'a muntu kakala o Yesu? (a) From what we have learned, how would you describe Jesus? 5: 4; Rev. Mpangi ndioyu yandi wafilanga tukutakanu tweto. This brother took the lead in our meetings. Jehovah loves Jesus so much that twice he called Jesus from heaven "my Son. " - Mark 1: 11; 9: 7. Kana una vo Yave yandi i mfumu a nsema wawonso, osonganga ngemba yo luzitu kwa wantu. Despite Jehovah's high position, he treats humans with kindness and respect. After I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers for two months, I was assigned to another territory. Kasikil'owu, yindula e ngangu zina ye nonia yovo nsumi. - Tanga Ngana 30: 24, 25. For example, consider the instinctive wisdom of the ant. - Read Proverbs 30: 24, 25. Like Jesus, many today are encouraged to see how God answered their prayers in making wise decisions. Kalukatikisu ko vo Satana wa Nkandi Ampemba i " nyadi a nza yayi ' ye "nzambi a tandu kiaki. " Without question, Satan the Devil is properly called "the ruler of the world " and" the god of this system of things. " So we need to draw close to Jehovah regularly. - James 4: 8. Vana ntandu, o ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu wavanga e nkubika mu kuma kia Fuku wa Nsambila ya Esi Nzo. In addition, the faithful and discreet slave class has made arrangements for a Family Worship evening. All my belongings are lost! " Samuele wavaika muna mona - meso wavovesa Saulu vo esi Felesetia besunda e vita, vo i Saulu ye wan'andi mu vita befwila. This "Samuel " told Saul that the Philistines would prevail and that Saul and his sons would die in battle. Because most people have heard the good news for the first time when we preached from house to house, which is used for centuries. Aweyi olenda sadila e nona mu longa wan'aku? How can you use illustrations to teach your children? What is involved in special pioneer service? 5: 4; Lus. 5: 4; Rev. We work together. " Yave otoma zolanga Yesu, mu kuma kiaki, nkumbu miole kayikila Yesu tuka kun'ezulu vo "Mwan'ame anzolwa. " - Maku 1: 11; 9: 7. Jehovah loved Jesus so dearly that he twice spoke from heaven, directly referring to Jesus as "my Son, the beloved. " - Mark 1: 11; 9: 7. 1: 5 - 7. Vava yakota e Sikola ya Nkand'a Nzambi mu Kuma kia Mpangi z'Akala Ampumpa mu ngonde zole, yafilwa ku zunga kiankaka. After I attended the two - month Bible School for Single Brothers, I received a new assignment where I have started four studies. Paul wrote: "As long as we are in the day of day, let us not keep our senses, our breastplate of faith and love, for it is the helmet of salvation. " Nze Yesu, wantu ayingi o unu bekasakeswanga vava bemonanga una Nzambi kavanina e mvutu za sambu yau muna baka nzengo zambote. Like Jesus, many today have been reassured when they have seen how God has responded to their requests for help in making wise decisions. Jehovah will not allow his servants as a group to be completely removed from the earth. - 5 / 15, page 22. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete finama Yave muna sambu ntangwa zawonso. - Yakobo 4: 8. By all means, then, draw ever closer to Jehovah in prayer. - James 4: 8. The new book of the Catholic Church also teaches: "Our world... will perish. " E lekwa yame yawonso ivididi! " I have lost everything! " Family Worship Kadi wantu ayingi bewanga e nsangu zambote muna nkumbu antete vava tusianga umbangi mu nzo ye nzo, ina vo, i mpila isadilwanga tuka kolo. Many people are still contacted first via this time - tested method of preaching. We also arranged for our friends to come to our home and to play games. Adieyi divavwanga muna salu kia kimviti a nzila a espesiale? 1: 18. What does serving as a special pioneer involve? False teachings, false teachings, philosophies, and so on. Tusalanga salu yeto kumosi. " We enjoy doing things together. " That will soon happen. 1: 5 - 7. 1: 5 - 7. (Read Luke 21: 20 - 22.) Paulu kuma kiasikila kakala kiau mu soneka vo: "Vo i yeto, wau tuna vo twa ntangw'a mwini, mbula twalembi kolwa, twavwata nkikw'a tulu a lukwikilu yo zola; vo i mpu a vita, i vuvu kia luvuluku. " For good reason, Paul wrote: "As for us who belong to the day, let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. " If we want our prayers to be heard, we need to know the God of the Bible and his will. Yave ke yambula ko vo selo yandi nze buka bafukiswa emvimba ova ntoto. - 15 / 5 lukaya lwa 22. He will not permit his servants as a group to be removed from the earth. - 5 / 15, page 22. He always remembers what he knew as a disciple and what he needed to make clear when he learned to him. E nkand'ampa wa katekisimu ya Katolika i mau mpe ulonganga: "E nza eto... vila ivila. " A recent Catholic catechism also takes up this idea: "Our world... is destined to disappear. " It is a white, white, white, white, white, white, and white. Tu Esi Nzo Mosi Members of One Family What customs should Christians avoid, and how can they gain the strength to do so? Twabokelanga mpe akundi eto beza dila kuna nzo eto yo kwenda sakana. We also invited local friends to join us for meals and excursions. " We love our country and want to give money or gifts to our relatives, " says Eduardo. Malongi maluvunu, fu kia banzikisa mambu, ndongota za wantu ye makaka mpe. The burden of false teachings, superstitions, and human philosophies, to mention just a few. On October 2, 1999, at the annual meeting, Brother Pierce was appointed as a member of the Governing Body. Ke kolo ko, ediadi dilungana. The time for this to happen is very near. " They will receive the good reward of their hard work. (Tanga Luka 21: 20 - 22.) (Read Luke 21: 20 - 22.) But in 2006, he used his vacation to serve as a pioneer in the same year. Avo tuzolele vo e sambu yeto yawakana, tufwete zaya Nzambi ona oyikwanga mu Nkand'a Nzambi yo luzolo lwandi. So, for our prayers to be heard, we need to get to know the God of the Bible and learn what his will is. A Spirit - Given Self - Sacrifice (Ngana 15: 28; 1 Korinto 2: 1, 2) Osungamenanga mana kazeye kala o nlongoki ye dina kafwete kiesesa vava kelongoka yandi. He considers how much the student already knows and what points should be emphasized during the study. On April 3, after sundown, millions of people around the world will be present at the Memorial or elsewhere. Evusu diampembe dikalanga. In its natural state, wool often has a warm white color. What kind of reminders does Jehovah give us in the Bible? Nkia fu ya kisi nsi bafwete venga Akristu? Aweyi balenda vwila nkuma wa vanga wo? What are some customs that a Christian has to avoid, and how can he find the strength to do so? As a result, I did not abandon her. Eduardo wavova vo: "Ekiaki fu kia nsi eto ye tuzolanga vana e nzimbu yovo tukau kwa yitu yeto. " It is part of our culture, and we enjoy giving, " explains Eduardo, but he adds: "There is a limit. * What you learn will help you to do things that will make Jehovah God's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Kina kia 2 kia ngonde ya Okutoba ya mvu wa 1999, muna lukutakanu luvangamanga konso mvu, bavana luzayisu vo mpangi Pierce wasolwa se mosi muna Buka kia Selo Yambuta. On October 2, 1999, at the annual meeting, it was announced that he had been appointed as a member of the Governing Body. David obediently threw his brothers into the Valley of Valley. " Kadi betambula nsendo ambote a mfuntu au. " Because they have a good reward for their hard work. Those who obey him enjoy peace and happiness. Kansi muna mvu wa 2006, wasadila lumbu yandi ya vundu mu sala se mviti a nzila kuna Níger mu mvu mosi. She worked as a bus driver in France; however, in 2006 she took a year's leave to pioneer in Niger. If parents continue to learn about Jehovah and the Bible, how will this help them to train their children? Dumbelele Kiavanina Kuna Mvevo A Little Girl With a Big Heart The Bible Changes Lives Kina kia 3 kia Abidi kuna nim'a ndimuk'a ntangwa, mazunda ye mazunda ma wantu mu nz'amvimba bekala muna nkinzi a Luyindulu muna Maseka ma Kintinu yovo mu fulu yankaka. After sunset on Friday, April 3, 2015, millions of people around the world will attend the Memorial at Kingdom Halls and other locations. It is true that farmers can grow in many fields and take them into more places than ever before. Nkia mpil'a mabika kekutuvananga Yave muna Nkand'a Nzambi? What sort of reminders does Jehovah provide in the Scriptures? " For example, parents who have been raised by loving parents who have more authority, helping their children, and show them what they should do - and what they cannot do with their children's abilities, " says the book For example of other children, child rearing, and other children who have no confidence in school. Muna kuma kiaki kiatina ko. So I stayed. To adjust his thinking, Jesus perfectly imitated Jehovah's example. * Mana olongoka mekusadisa mu vanga mambu meyangidika ntim'a Yave wa Nzambi. - Ngana 27: 11. * What you learn will help you to act in a way that makes Jehovah God's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Ask your children to read and encourage them to ask questions. - 7 / 15, page 26. Kuna nlemvo wawonso Davidi wanatina mpangi zandi madia kuna Ndimb'a Ela. Obediently David, laden with supplies for his brothers, headed to the Valley of Elah. People are filled with violence, so every organization without violence. Awana bekunlemvokelanga mu luvuvamu ye kiese bena. Rather, those who obey him feel free and joyful. What kind of love is displayed by those who are not God's friends? Avo mase bakwamanene longoka oma ma Yave ye Nkand'a Nzambi, aweyi dikubasadisila mu longa wan'au? When parents continue to learn about Jehovah and the Bible, how does this help them to teach their children? " The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures " was baptized by the Christian brother. Nkand'a Nzambi Zingu kia Wantu Usobanga The Bible Changes Lives We see how his holy spirit helps us to fulfill our commission to preach. Dialudi vo avati a nsengo balenda kuna mbongo yayingi yo nata yo mu fulu yayingi ke mu tandu yavioka ko. True, farmers can produce and transport more food than ever before in history. How? Nkanda Parents uvovanga vo: "Lufimpu lumosi... lusonganga vo wana basanswa kwa mase manzodi ana bekadilanga ye wisa kiau una ufwene, besadisanga wan'au yo kubasonga dina bafwete vanga ye dina ke bafwete vanga ko - bekalanga ye ngangu muna sikola, ngwizani ambote y'akaka, bebundwanga e vuvu, basundidi e kiese ke mu wana ko besanswanga kwa mase ma mbadi yovo bena ye fu kia lutula wana. " Parents magazine noted: "Studies... have found that children brought up by loving but authoritative parents - those who are supportive of their children yet maintain firm limits - excel academically, develop better social skills, feel good about themselves, and are happier overall than kids whose parents are either too lenient or excessively harsh. " The students ' school would need to learn and do secular work at home. Muna tambulwila soba e ngindu zandi, Yesu watanginina mbandu a Yave. By being willing to change his mind when appropriate, Jesus imitated Jehovah. The first resurrection would happen when Christ's presence began. Lombanga wana batangila yo kubakasakesa mu yuvulanga yuvu. - 15 / 7, lukaya lwa 26. Have your children read to you, and urge them to ask questions. - 7 / 15, page 26. Would he have avoided such a mistake? Wau vo wantu bazala yo umpumbulu, konso nkubika bevanga ka ilendi konda umpumbulu ko. So stated the chief auditor of Nicaragua when explaining why he felt that government corruption was impossible to eliminate. • Is it spiritually - minded people? - "IF YOU Are " in October 1997, page 6) Nkia mpil'a zola besonganga awana bena vo ke akundi a Nzambi ko? What misdirected kind of love do we see in people who are not God's friends? What words of Jesus show that "the deep things of God " would gradually be revealed? " Tradução do Novo Mundo das Escrituras Gregas Cristãs " yasunzulwa kwa mpangi N. The "New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures " released in 1950, by N. As history shows, the merchants who sold things at the temple were not well - equipped and well - fed. Tumonanga una o mwand'andi avelela ukutusadisilanga mu lungisa e salu twavewa kia samuna e nsangu zambote. We see how his holy spirit helps to equip us to carry out our commission to preach the good news. One way is to ask yourself such questions as: " Am I able to explain deep Bible truths to others? Mu nkia mpila? In what way? " I Am With You, " 9 / 15 O wan'a sikola muna sunda e kizame bafwete longoka yo vanga salu kia sikola kia vangila kuna nzo. Naturally, students need to study and do their homework to pass the exams. Jesus did the same for the apostle Peter, at times, that Peter might not be trusted. O lufuluku lwantete lwadi vangama vava kiyantika e ngiz'a Kristu. The first resurrection would occur sometime after Christ's presence began. As a result, at the beginning of my marriage, I was able to tell you everything. Nga wafwana venga e mbi yayi? Could he have avoided them? In some lands where many people have a computer, it is easy to look at pornography. • Nga i muntu a kimwanda? - "Para ser feliz " (15 kia Oktoba 1997, lukaya lwa 6) • Am I a spiritual person? - "Steps Toward Happiness " (October 15, 1997, page 6) Jesus did not encourage his disciples to do things that were wrong to look after themselves. Nkia mvovo mia Yesu misonganga vo "oma masina ma Nzambi " malembe - malembe mesengomonwa? What words of Jesus indicated that "the deep things of God " would be revealed progressively? How did some Jews and proselytes in the first century become reconciled to God? Lusansu lusonganga vo akiti ana batekelanga muna tempelo ke bakadilanga mu mpila yambote ko ye asumbi kadi bakudikilanga e ntalu muna lekwa. History shows that merchants in the temple treated their customers unfairly by charging very high prices. You are right here on earth. Imosi muna mpila, i kiyuvula e yuvu nze: " Nga yafwana sasila malongi masina ma Nkand'a Nzambi kw'akaka? One way is to ask yourself such questions as: " Can I explain basic Bible teachings to others? • What effect can suffering have on those who rule the earth and its inhabitants? ZINGU YE NKALA Y'AKRISTU 1 / 1 " How I Do Love Your Law! " The Valley of Hinnom was located in ancient Jerusalem. Yesu i diau mpe kavanga kwa Petelo wa ntumwa. Ezak'e ntangwa, Petelo wamonekanga vo kafwana bundwa vuvu ko. As illustrated by Julien's experience, we may have to look beyond a person's weak spots to discern his fine qualities and skills that could be developed further. No human has ever suffered the problems of this world, even Jehovah's people. Muna kuma kiaki, kuna lubantiku lwa longo lwame, yakala se ntumini muna mambu mawonso. So at first, I ruled my family as if I were a monarch. " Today, we can encourage elders and traveling overseers who work hard to care for God's people. Muna nsi zayingi zina vo wantu ayingi bena ye komputador muna nzo, dia sazu mu tala mavangu ma zumba. In many lands where computers are common household items, obscene images are only a few clicks of a mouse away. It could be that they used their privilege to prophesy in behalf of fellow believers in Caesarea. Yesu katá kingana kiaki ko mu fila alongoki andi mu vanga mambu malembi songa mu vava kuyilunga - lunga. Jesus did not tell this story because he wanted his disciples to act in an unrighteous way in order to survive. We quickly returned to the train station and went to the capital city of the Philippines. Adieyi bavanga Ayuda akaka ye minkwikila mia kiyuda muna tandu kiantete mu kala ye ngwizani ambote yo Nzambi? What did many first - century Jews and proselytes do in order to have a relationship with God? " We mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God with a great fight. " - 1 THESS. Olungidi kwaku, va ntoto yakala. You are right if you say it was on earth. We know much about Satan and his methods. • E mpasi nkia nluta zilenda twasa kw'awana beyala e nza ye kwa nkangu uzingila vo? • Suffering may bring what benefits to earth's future rulers and inhabitants? At Psalm 78: 38, we read: "He is merciful, and he does not hide what is bad, and he does not despise his anger and not despise all his rage. " E Ndimb'a Inomi kumbazi a yaka ya Yerusaleme yankulu wakala. The Valley of Hinnom hugged the outskirts of ancient Jerusalem. Our obedience and loyalty when we are alone shows that we have "a complete heart " toward Jehovah, a pure heart, and remain in righteousness. Ke vena muntu ko olembi mon'e mpasi za nza yayi, kana nkutu nkangu a Yave. No one is immune to the pressures of this system of things - not even Jehovah's people. Perhaps family problems have problems, such as discouragement, depression, or illness. (Yosua 7: 1 - 9) O unu, tulenda kasakesa akuluntu ye akengi a zunga ana bekuyivananga mu lunga - lunga nkangu a Nzambi. Today, we can encourage elders and circuit overseers, who work hard to care for God's people. How does Jehovah strengthen us to endure in our service? Dilenda kala vo basadila elau diau dia sakula muna wete dia mpangi zau Akristu kuna Kaisaria. Might they have used their gift of prophesying for the benefit of fellow Christians in Caesarea? The government officials had come and prepared all the books of the guests, and they wrote in our publications that "the right to enter the Land. " Vana vau twavutuka muna kumbi dia maza yo kwenda kuna Manila, mbanza kimfumu kia nsi a Filipinas. We were soon back on the ship and headed for Manila, the capital of the Philippines. At first, an earthquake struck the earth. " Twakabukila muna Nzambi eto twanusamunwin'e nsangu zambote za Nzambi muna ndwan'ayingi. " - 1 TES. " We mustered up boldness by means of our God to speak to you the good news of God with a great deal of struggling. " - 1 THESS. It changes people's view of success. Mayingi tuzeye mu kuma kia Satana ye ndekwa kesadilanga. We know a lot about Satan and his methods. The Bible describes what happened in 29 C.E. when Jesus was baptized: "The holy spirit was poured out upon you... Muna Nkunga 78: 38 tutanganga vo: " Oyandi, nkwa nkenda, obukika bi, kefwantekesa ko; Mpilula zingi kavilwidi makasi mandi, yo lembi yangumuna nsita zandi zawonso. ' Psalm 78: 38 says: "He was merciful; he would forgive their error and not bring them to ruin. He often held back his anger instead of stirring up all his wrath. " How Would You Answer? They actually made room for it. Note what Paul said about Jehovah's son: "He saved us from the blood of this son, that is, we may receive forgiveness of sins according to the riches of [Jehovah's] undeserved kindness. " O lemvo ye kwikizi tusonganga vava tukalanga va fulu kia yeto mosi usonganga vo tuna yo "ntim'asikila " vana vena Yave, ntim'avelela yo sikila muna oma mansongi. Indeed, our being faithful and obedient when we are alone is a good indication that we have "a complete heart " toward Jehovah, one that is pure in motive and that is firm for what is right. May each of us continue to strive to be the kind of person Jehovah wants us to be. Nanga mpasi za zingu kia esi nzo benwananga zau, lukendalalu yovo mayela. They may be struggling to cope with family troubles, discouragement, or ill health. Elders can imitate Jesus ' example by being kind. - Galatians 6: 1. O Yave aweyi kekutukumikinanga mu zindalala muna salu kieto? How does Jehovah strengthen us to endure in our ministry? What must a person do to benefit from Jehovah's blessing? E mfumu za luyalu zitambulanga nzenza, balwaka mu fimpa yo kubika nkanda mia nzenza zawonso. I bosi basoneka muna nkanda mieto vo "Baveno nswa wa kota mu Nsi. " Immigration officers came aboard to clear formalities for the passengers, and our passports were stamped "Permitted to Land. " When people say something without thinking, it does not mean that they do not look at themselves, but the mind of the flesh moves them to say it. Entete, vabwa nzakam'a ntoto yangolo. First, there was a powerful earthquake. This helped me to rely on myself again. Zisobanga e ngindu za wantu mu mpila balenda badikila e zingu kiasikila. It has warped the world's view of success. Do you feel calm because you know that his eyes are looking for your good? Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga dina diabwa muna mvu wa 29 wa Tandu Kieto, vava Yesu kavubwa. Uvovanga vo: "O mwand'avelela unkulumukini,... e ndinga itukidi kun'ezulu vo, ongeye Mwan'ame anzolwa; omu ngeye i nyangalelanga. " The Bible record tells what happened when Jesus was baptized in 29 C.E.: "The holy spirit... came down upon him, and a voice came out of heaven: " You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you. ' " Rather than reaching out for yourself to become rich, he began to appreciate spiritual things. Nkia Mvutu Ovana? How Would You Answer? But God's people have found joy in spiritual matters. Tala dina Paulu kavova mu kuma kia mwan'a Yave: "Watukûla muna menga ma mwana ndioyo, i sia vo, twavevolwa, twalolokwa masumu mun'owu wa umvuama wa nsambu zandi [Yave]. " Notice what Paul said about Jehovah's beloved Son: "By means of him we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his [Jehovah's] undeserved kindness. " Such conversations should be a source of comfort to the faith of a brother who does not ignore or shame. Yambula konso muntu mu yeto kakwamanana sia ngolo za kala mpil'a muntu ina Yave kazolele vo kakala. May each of us be determined to be the kind of person Jehovah wants us to be. So they are doing the same. Akuluntu balenda tanginina mbandu a Yesu muna ludikanga akaka kuna ngemba zawonso. - Ngalatia 6: 1. Elders can imitate Jesus ' example by counseling others in a gentle way. - Galatians 6: 1. I should tell them that there is no truth. ' O muntu adieyi kafwete vanga muna vwa nsambu za Yave? On what does Jehovah's blessing depend, meaning what to us? 11: 3; Eph. Vava wantu bevovanga e diambu lembi teka yindula, ke disonganga ko vo ke bayindwidi ko, kansi ngindu za nitu zibafididi mu vova dio. Thus, the apostle Paul reminds us of the need to guard our thinking. Then Paul stood before Governor Zerubbabel. Ediadi diansadisa mu kuyibunda diaka e vuvu. That helped me regain my confidence, and now I am again serving as an elder. " Thus, the book of Revelation describes the harlot as "Babylon the Great, " who is" drunk with blood of the holy ones and of the blood of Jesus. " Nga ntim'aku wavuvama wau ozeye vo meso mandi mekutalanga muna wete diaku? Do you feel safe and secure in knowing that his eyes are upon you for your good? The third reason why we preach is that we warn others about Jehovah's day that is near. Vana fulu kia kala diaka y'etima dia kituka mvwama, wayantika yangalela mambu ma mwanda. His material goals were replaced by spiritual interests. 4, 5. (a) What tendency should we avoid, and why? Kansi, o nkangu a Nzambi besololanga e kiese muna mambu ma mwanda. God's people find refreshment in spiritual things. He will rule as king until he has put an end to all enemies under his feet. E moko yayi yifwete fiaulwisa lukwikilu lw'ampangi ke veza ko yovo mwesa akaka e nsoni. Such discussions can be profitable interchanges of encouragement without anyone having to feel uncomfortable or inadequate. WHAT comes to mind when you hear that expression "flee "? Ozevo, e missionário i wau mpe besadilanga e salu kiau. So it is only natural for the missionaries to do their work the same way - conduct Bible studies out - of - doors under a shady tree. However, the Bible teaches that the dead who are in God's memory will be resurrected. Mfwete kubavovesa vo ke dia ludi ko. ' I will prove these people wrong. ' After the morning, I spent time with the brothers and sisters and playing with them. 11: 3; Ef. 11: 3; Eph. Indeed, integrity is in harmony with righteousness. I bosi, Paulu watelama vana ndose a Feleka wa nyadi. Paul later appeared before Governor Felix. What are the benefits of being married? Muna kuma kiaki, nkand'a Lusengomono uyikilanga nkembi ankento vo "Babele Anene " ona" wakolwa yo menga m'aveledi, yo menga ma mbangi za Yesu. " Interestingly, the Bible book of Revelation mentions a symbolic harlot - "Babylon the Great " - who is" drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. " The most important thing is that parents do not listen to them or feel that they do not care about them. E kuma kiatatu tusamunuinanga e nsangu zambote i mu lukisa akaka mu kuma kia lumbu kia Yave eki kifinamanga. A third reason why we preach is that we want to warn others about Jehovah's coming day. THEIR FAITH IN THEIR FAITH 4, 5. (a) Nkia fu tufwete venga? Ekuma? 4, 5. (a) What wrong tendency do we need to avoid? [ Picture on page 12] Yala keyala kaka, yavana kevwa vindakes'atantu awonso kunansi a malu mandi. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. Many older ones also display this quality. NKIA diambu osungamenanga vava owanga mvovo wau, "tina "? WHAT do you think of when you hear the word "flee "? " Who is my neighbor? " Kansi, o Nkand'a Nzambi ulonganga vo amafwa ana bena muna nyindu a Nzambi befulwa. However, the Bible teaches that the dead who are in God's memory will be resurrected. For example, some publishers were shy, but they did not know what to say. Vava kunku kia mene kiafokoka, yaviokesa e ntangwa kumosi y'ampangi yo sakana ye yingyana - ngyana. After the sessions, I joined some others and played tag with the children. You might discuss this in the first day of the month or every week. Kieleka, e ziku ngwizani kina ye unsongi. That quality is important, but it is only a part of integrity. Consider the example of a Christian couple in Asia. O lembi sompa mu nzaki, nkia nluta ditwasanga? What are some benefits of not rushing into marriage? One act of obedience can be viewed as worthless. E diambu diluta tokanisang'o wana i yindula vo amase ke bekubazolanga ko ngatu kubavwa mfunu. Few things are more exasperating for children than the impression that a parent does not love or value them. Others lose their faith because they ignore warnings, have self - confidence, or become self - centered, and if we are to lose the prize of everlasting life. - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. LUTANGU LW'ATELEKI VANA VENA NKANGU KUNA HAITI RATIO OF PUBLISHERS TO POPULATION IN HAITI This did not immediately happen when he returned to heaven after his resurrection. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 12] [ Picture on page 12] That upset me very much. Ndonga muna ambuta mpe besonganga e fu kiaki. Many adults act similarly. I was baptized on November 5, 1988, at the age of 20. " Nani i nkw'ame? " " Who really is my neighbor? " In the previous article, he repeated the parable of the ten virgins. Kasikil'owu, ateleki ankaka akwa nsoni bakala. Kana una vo bazolanga sila umbangi, ke bazayanga ko dina bevova. For example, some publishers were shy, and even though they really wanted to preach, they did not know what to say. Jesus wanted them to focus on his works and teachings. Nulenda mokena diambu diadi mu lumbu kiantete kia konso ngonde yovo sola lumbu kimosi konso lumingu. You could have the conversation on the first day of each month or each week on a set day. How grateful we appreciate these lessons and how happy we can be to teach others! Badika e nona kia Nkristu mosi yo nkaz'andi kuna Ásia. Take, for example, a Christian couple in Asia. • How do we benefit from "Return evil for evil to no one "? Evangu dimosi dia lemvo dilenda badikilwa nze diakondwa mfunu. A single act of obedience may seem insignificant - a minor matter. Where does this friendship lead to you? Akaka befwasanga lukwikilu lwau mu kuma kia veza tulukisu, kuyibunda vuvu kiasaka yovo vukumukina mambu ma nza yayi. Avo ediadi ditubwididi, tulenda vidisa o nsendo wa vwa moyo a mvu ya mvu. - 1 Yoa. 2: 15 - 17. Carelessness, overconfidence, and distractions have been the undoing of some, and such things could affect our hope of attaining the prize of life. - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. What did Jehovah do to help humans? Ediadi ke diavangama vana vau ko, vava kavutuka kuna zulu kunima lufuluku lwandi. It was not when he returned to heaven after his death. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Ediadi, makasi kikilu dikumfungisanga. This naturally provokes his righteous displeasure. If you hear him, you will be happy again. Yavubwa kina kia 5 kia ngonde ya Novemba ya mvu wa 1988 vava yalungisa mvu 20. On November 5, 1988, at the age of 20, I was baptized by immersion in a special bathtub. He loves others, cares for them, and wants to be a good friend. E longi diaviokele diasasidi e kingana kia ndumba kumi. The previous article in this magazine explains who the virgins are. God's servants go to other countries and help people with different circumstances. Yesu wazola vo basia sungididi muna mavangu ye malongi mandi. He wanted them to focus on what he did and what he taught. 2: 8 - What "the elements of the world " did Paul warn people? Kieleka, tuyangalelanga longoka malongi mama ye tuna ye kiese kia longa mo kw'akaka! We enjoy learning about these truths and are happy to teach them to others! She died when she bore birth to her brother Benjamin. • Nkia nluta tubaka mu lembi "vutula muntu mbi muna mbi "? What reasons does the Bible give us to respect the faithful slave? E kikundi kiaki akweyi kikunufila? Where could such a relationship lead? What happened when Jesus arrived? Adieyi kavanga o Yave muna sadisa wantu? What provision did Jehovah make to help mankind? Would their free will lead them to reject Jehovah's way of ruling? (Fili. (Phil. In fact, it was estimated that we had won the European Court of Human Rights since 2000. Kele vo uwidi, okala ye kiese kia kutambula diaka. If he enjoys listening to you, he may be pleased to have you come back. The weeds are sown in another field and are determined to destroy the seed in the field. Otoma zolanga akaka, kubavua o mfunu yo kala nkundi ambote. He has deep affection for others, he really cares for them, and he is a loyal friend. This will help us to cultivate good qualities and to gain everlasting life. E selo yalembama ya Nzambi bekwendanga muna nsi zakaka yo sadisa wantu bena ye mpila zingu yaswaswana ye yau. Humble servants of God have moved to new territories and have helped people with different cultures and standards of living. Let him display his fine conduct by his humility. " - JAS. 2: 8 - Paulu nkia "mazuku ma nza " kalukisila o wantu? 2: 8 - What are "the elementary things of the world " against which Paul warned? Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Wafwa vava kawuta Benyamini wa mpangi andi. His mother died while giving birth to his younger brother, Benjamin. What a delight that was! Nkand'a Nzambi nkia kuma keyikanga kifwete kutufila mu zitisa ntaudi akwikizi? What Scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class? We are happy to tell others what we know about that person. Adieyi diabwa vava Yesu kalwaka? What will happen when Jesus arrives? When we saw that we had money, we sold many things. (Yeremiya 10: 23) Nga o nswa wa kuyisolela bakala wau wafwana kubafila mu bembola luyalu lwa Yave? Did their free will give them the right to reject Jehovah's rulership? What does it mean to be jealous? Twasundidi kala tezo kia 268 dia mfundu mu nza yawonso, 24 muna mfundu miami twasunda mio kuna Mbazi a Nkanu italanga oma ma zitu wa wantu kuna Europa tuka muna mvu wa 2000. We have won at least 268 high - court cases around the world, 24 of which were won in the European Court of Human Rights since the year 2000. Those are concerned about how to see others. Mbongo ambi yakunwanga mu mpatu a muntu ankaka ye kani dia fwasa e mbongo muna mpatu. Weeds had been sown in another person's field, and as a result, the crop was ruined. If we focus on material things, we may find it difficult to remain neutral and remain neutral. Dikutusadisa mu yima fu yambote yo vwa moyo wa mvu ya mvu. Moreover, it leads to everlasting life in the future. They will not understand the difference between right and wrong, nor will they protect anyone from "the sheep without a shepherd. " Mbula kasongela muna nkal'andi ambote o mavangu mandi muna lembama kwa ngangu. " - YAK. Let him show out of his fine conduct his works with a mildness that belongs to wisdom. " - JAS. I have come to know Jehovah, and I can honestly say: "The blessing of Jehovah - that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it. " - Proverbs 10: 22. Kusundwa kwa bi ko, sunda kak'o bi muna wete. " Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " What moves Christians to help people from other lands? Ekwe kiese yakala kiau! Imagine how excited I was! There are many reasons why we should be content with our brothers and sisters. Tukalanga ye kiese kia zayisa kw'akaka mana tuzeye mu kuma kia muntu ndioyo. Usually, we are eager to share with others what we know about that person. " He continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - HEB. Vava twamona vo nzimbu ziwokele, twayantika teka lekwa yayingi. Swelling profits encouraged us to expand our business. 11: 6. ○ O kala nkwa kimpala aweyi disongele? Do you have such determination? Consider what happens when fleshly thoughts grow. Amvwama, betokanenanga e mpila balenda monekena kw'akaka. (The New Testament in Modern English, by J. B. As they try to explain what they believe, help them to deepen their thinking skills and abilities. Avo tusidi mavua vana fulu kiantete, dilenda kala diampasi mu sikila ye kwikizi yo lembi kuyisia mu mambu ma tuyalu. When money and the things we own are very important to us, we may find it hard to stay neutral. Your congregation has received a letter from the apostle Paul. Ke bezaya swaswanesa mbi ye mbote ko, ke bekala yo muntu okubatanina ko. Bekala nze "mameme makondwa e mvungudi. " (1 Nti. They become vulnerable and stray morally - just as the "sheep that have no shepherd " scatter. 13, 14. Tuka yazayila Yave, ndenda vova ye ziku kiawonso vo: "O lusambulu lua Yave luvwamisanga: Ketensekanga ko mpasi ko. " - Ngana 10: 22. Since getting to know Jehovah, I can truthfully say: "The blessing of Jehovah - that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it. " - Proverbs 10: 22. For without providing materially for the family is the same as "the man who has disowned Jehovah himself. " - 1 Tim. 5: 8. Adieyi difilanga Akristu mu sadisa wantu ana batuka mu nsi zankaka? What makes Christians want to help immigrants? Elisha saw Elijah fall. Vena ye kuma yayingi tufwete yangalela kumosi ye mpangi zeto. There are many reasons for us to be joyful and to rejoice together. What we learn from music can do in our heart is a gift from God. " Wazindalala wau kamonanga Ndion'olembi moneka. ' - AYIB. " He continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - HEB. HISTORY: 47 - fellow believers 11: 6. 11: 6. These qualities are part of the new personality. Badika dina dibwanga vava ngindu za kinitu ziwokelanga. Consider what occurs when fleshly thinking prevails. Elisha listened carefully to what his teacher said and continued to learn. Ekolo bevavanga sasila e ziku kia mana bekwikilanga, ubasadisa mu wokesa umbakuzi wau ye ndekwa. As they try to explain the basis for their beliefs, help them to develop reasonableness and tact. The angel tells shepherds that they can find a child lying in a manger. E nkutakani eno itambwidi nkanda utukidi kwa Paulu wa ntumwa. Your congregation has just received a letter from the apostle Paul. Read from the Bible how he does this. 13, 14. 13, 14. He explained: "The tongue is a fire. " Kadi, o lembi lungisa nsatu za nitu za esi nzo, diau adimosi kwandi yo muntu " ovakwidi Yave o nkalu. ' - 1 Tim. 5: 8. After all, not providing materially for one's household is tantamount to having "disowned Jehovah "! - 1 Tim. 5: 8, ftn. " I am five days old, " she says, "but I wanted to work ten days to support myself for the next year. Elesa wamona vava Eleya kabongwa. * That was Jehovah's answer to Elisha's request. Use "the Sword of the Spirit " Mana mevovwanga muna miziki malenda vanga diambu muna ntima mieto. Miziki i lukau lwatuka kwa Nzambi. Music and its accompanying lyrics can strongly influence our emotions and, therefore, our figurative heart. That is what the Bible tells us to do. LUSANSU: MU BUKA KIA DEATH - METAL YAKALA HISTORY: DEATH - METAL BAND MEMBER On one occasion, when Herod spoke to the people, he cried out: "I am not a god. " Eyayi fu ya kiwuntu kiampa. These qualities are part of the new personality. Jehovah knows what is best for you. Elesa wasianga e sungididi muna mawonso kavovanga o nlongi andi yo kwamanana longoka. Elisha listened very carefully to everything his teacher said and kept learning from him. 16, 17. (a) Why is it important to respect those to whom we preach with enemies? O mbasi ovovese avungudi vo balenda solola kimwana - mwana kilekeso muna dikilwa lukufi ye mbanza. The shepherds can find this infant lying in a manger in a nearby town. Prayer is an important part of true worship, so we should always pray to Jehovah. Tanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi wazay'e mpila kevangilanga wo. Consider how this is shown in the Bible. 11 / 1 Wasasila vo: "O lubini mpe i tiya. " He explains: "The tongue is also a fire. " Charles's good conduct and Kathy (right) moved Miguel (right) to change his thinking Saphira wavova vo: "Kiatanu, i lumbu kiansuka yasalanga, kansi yazola vo yasala diaka lumbu kumi muna lenda e nzimbu za kuyilunga - lungila mu mvu ulanda. Saphira relates: "It was a Friday, my last day on the job, but I still needed another ten days of work to earn enough for the coming year. Elihu did not try to add to Job's negative speech. Toma Sadila "Nsosolo a Mwanda " Skillfully Wield "the Sword of the Spirit " Later, the Bible writer added what is said in verse 20 to us: "In the world there is no righteous man who does good and does not sin. " I diau tuwondelelwanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi vo twavanga. Actually, this is what God's Word urges us to do. That is his promise. Lumbu kimosi, vava Erodi kavovanga o nkangu wakaza vo: "Nding'a nzambi, ke ya muntu ko. " When Herod was giving a public address on one occasion, they cried out: "A god's voice, and not a man's! " For example, the Bible encourages us to "be forgiving one another freely " and to resolve disagreements quickly. Yave ozeye edi diambote kwa ngeye. Jehovah knows what is best for you. People saw his beauty when he came down from "the cave of rock " and brought him to the tents of Solomon. - Song of Solomon 1: 6; 2: 10 - 15; 6: 11. 16, 17. (a) Ekuma dinina mfunu dia zitisa awana tusamunwinanga nsangu zambote kumosi y'atantu? 16, 17. (a) Why is it important to have respect not only for those to whom we preach but also for opposers? One of these verses is called the northern kingdom, which is discussed in the preceding article, as it were, in 1430 C.E. E sambu diambu diamfunu muna nsambila aludi. Ikuma vo, tufwete sambanga kwa Yave ntangwa zawonso. Prayer is an important part of true worship, and we ought to pray to Jehovah regularly. That verse comforted me and strengthened me every day. " Mpila Tulenda Kadila Y'akaka, Oktoba - Desemba Walk in Jehovah's Ways, 2 / 15 Let me explain what weaknesses and strength have in my life. E fu yambote yasonga Santiago yo Lourdes (va ntandu) yafila Miguel (ku koko kwalunene) mu soba e ngindu zandi How does Hebrews 5: 7, 11 - 14 help us to have a positive view of studying God's Word? Eleyu kazola kudikila Yobi mpasi ko muna vova oma malembi songa. He did not want to add to Job's suffering by thoughtless words. How did he feel about this? I bosi, o nsoneki a Nkand'a Nzambi wakudikila dina diasonama muna tini kia 20 mu kutusonga e kuma tufwete vengela fu kiaki: "Kadi ova nza ke vena muntu ansongi ko, on'ovanga wete yo lembi sumuka. " Why should you cause desolation to yourself? " The inspired Bible writer then goes on, as noted in verse 20, to give us a reason for avoiding such an attitude: "For there is no man righteous in the earth that keeps doing good and does not sin. " In fact, from the beginning, Jehovah and his servants have given responsibilities to others. Wau i nsilu andi. That is his promise! Instead of being quick to think that a brother is not interested in being an elder, are you patient and willing to leave matters in the hands of Jesus, the head of the congregation? Kasikil'owu, Nkand'a Nzambi ukutukasakesanga vo twakwamanana "loloka muntu yo nkw'andi kuna mvevo " yo singika e ntantani vana vau. For example, the Bible encourages us to continue "forgiving one another freely " and to be quick to settle any disagreements. They do not want everyone to do the same as the Bible does not tell us what to do. O wantu bamona o wete wandi vava kakulumukanga kuna "mpatu za nkandi " yo kuntwasa kuna saba kia Solomo. - Nkung'a Nkunga 1: 6; 2: 10 - 15; 6: 11. Concerning Samaria's origin, 1 Kings 16: 23, 24 states: "In the thirty - first year of Asa the king of Judah [947 B.C.E.], Omri became king over Israel... Let us follow his example. Kimosi muna sono yayi kiyikilwanga vo Codex Cusanus 220, muna y'elongi kavova e Cusa muna mvu wa 1430. One of them is the Codex Cusanus 220 in which Cusa's sermon of 1430 can be found. Young ones, do not allow yourself to be deceived by "the birdcatcher. " E sono kiaki kiamfiaulwisanga yo kunkumika lumbu yawonso. " This was always a source of strength and great comfort to me. " Perhaps you are a young person who works hard all day, but in most cases, you may have to care only for yourself. Yambula yasasila dina lutovoko yo nkuma divanganga muna zingu kiame. Let me explain how strength and weakness have shaped my life. So Jesus told others the best way to worship Jehovah. E sono kia Ayibere 5: 7, 11 - 14 aweyi kikutusadisilanga mu kala yo nyindu asikila mu kuma kia longoka Diambu dia Nzambi? In view of Hebrews 5: 7, 11 - 14, how should we approach our study of God's Word? For Christ did not please himself.... Aweyi kamonanga mu kuma kia diambu diadi? How did he feel about this conflict within himself? When Reuben committed adultery, he lost the privilege of being given to the firstborn son, which was offered to Joseph. Kieleka, tuka kuna lubantiku, Yave kumosi ye selo yandi bevananga kiyekwa kw'akaka. Yes, from the beginning, delegating has been a characteristic of Jehovah's organization. Jesus changed his thinking and expelled the demons from his son. - Matthew 15: 21 - 28. Vana fulu kia kala ye nzaki za yindula vo mpangi kafwanukinu diaka kala nkuluntu ko, nga osonga luzindalalu yo yambula mambu vana moko ma Yesu wa ntu a nkutakani? Rather than quickly thinking that the brother should not be an elder, will you patiently wait on Jesus, the head of the congregation? Yes Ke bevavanga ko vo awonso bavanga nze una beyindulanga muna mambu mena vo o Nkand'a Nzambi ke uvovanga ko dina kafwete vanga o muntu. They do not expect that all others will think exactly as they do about aspects of life on which the Bible does not give specific direction. Table of Contents 18: 5, 6) Yambula twalanda mbandu andi. May it be similar in our case. 14, 15. Aleke, ke nuyambula ko vo "mbaki a nuni " kanuvukumuna. Young people, do not let "the birdcatcher " lure and trap you! Elijah told Ahab that Jehovah would end and make rain. Nanga u nleke ona osalanga lumbu kiamvimba, kansi kuna ye kiyekwa kiayingi ko, nanga kuyilunga - lunga kaka. Perhaps you are a young adult. You have a full - time secular job but have few responsibilities except to care for yourself. [ Credit Line] Muna kuma kiaki, Yesu wazayisa akaka e mpila yambote ya sambila Yave. Thus, Jesus could confidently point the way to true worship. Instead of being blessed with fleshly Israel in 33 C.E., Jehovah blessed spiritual Israel, the Christian congregation, "a nation producing fruit " of the Messianic Kingdom. - Matthew 21: 43. Kadi o Kristu kayiyangidika ko.... For even the Christ did not please himself... However, human governments divide people because they say that their country is better than others. Vava Rubeni katá e zumba, wavidisa malau mavewanga kwa mwan'antete. Malau mama mavewa kwa Yosefe. When Reuben committed immorality, he lost his rights as firstborn, and these rights were passed to Joseph. 4, 5. Yesu wasoba e ngindu zandi yo vaikisa o nkuya muna mwan'andi. - Matai 15: 21 - 28. Jesus changed his mind and removed the demon from her daughter. - Matthew 15: 21 - 28. Perhaps you are afraid of man, a desire for prominence, or a lot of pride, or perhaps you want to do whatever you want. Ingeta Yes After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they arrived in "the great and fear - inspiring land, out of the cloud of fire and of no dry ground. " Oma Mena mo Table of Contents Christ's rule will do good things. 14, 15. 14, 15. 7: 1; Rev. Eleya wavovesa Akabi vo Yave ofokola e kala yo nokesa e mvula. Then, Elijah told Ahab that Jehovah would end the drought and send a downpour of rain. This was God's tabernacle, or synagogue, at Shiloh. [ Avwe a Foto] [ Credit Line] She then abandoned her job as a palm tree. [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] As this verse shows, spending time with a child is the most important thing. Vana fulu kia sambula Isaele ya nitu muna mvu a 33 wa tandu kia Kristu, Yave wasambula Isaele a mwanda, e nkutakani ya Akristu, " zula kiyimanga mbongo ' a Kintinu kia Masia. - Matai 21: 43. In 33 C.E., Jehovah's favor had been transferred from earthly Israel to spiritual Israel, the Christian congregation, " a nation producing the fruits ' of the Messianic Kingdom. - Matthew 21: 43. Since no one knows this name better than Jesus, he wrote to his faithful brothers in heaven so that they could have a close relationship with him. Kansi, ayadi a nza bevambulanga wantu kadi bevovanga vo e nsi au isundidi nsi zankaka. But human governments have divided people by claiming that their nation is the best. In front of the corner there was a large supply of cooking. 4, 5. 4, 5. To this day, he does not know his parents, and he has no hope of knowing them. Dilenda kala vo wonga wa wantu una wau, etima dia kala y'etunda yovo mavwa mayingi. Nanga fu kia lulendo una kiau yovo kia vanga konso dina ozolele. Maybe you detected a fear of man, a longing for prominence or luxury, or even an inclination toward stubbornness or independence. Verse 8 says: "A steward should show honor to one another. " Vava Aneyisaele basauka Mbu Ambwaki, balwaka muna nsi a "makanga mampwena yo umbubu, muna mwakala nioka zatiya ye nkutu, yo ntoto ayuma wakondwa maza. " After crossing the Red Sea, the Israelites wandered in a land described as a "vast and terrible wilderness infested with poisonous snakes and scorpions, a thirsty, waterless land. " But Thomas and Mary kept their ministry strong and strengthened their faith in Jehovah God. 146: 3) O luyalu lwa Kristu mambu mambote luvanga. But what a fine spirit will mark Christ's rule! When Brother Almost died, he fled to persecution and his six young sons. 7: 1; Lus. 7: 1; Rev. You can use your fellow believers to comfort you. - 6 / 15, pages 30 - 31. E fulu kiokio i saba kia Nzambi yovo sambilu diakala kuna Silo. That was at God's tabernacle, or place of worship, in the city of Shiloh. Josephus wrote that more than 9 million Jews died and that they were taken to exile. I bosi, Victoire wayambula e salu kia kela mafuta ma ngazi. In time, Victoire left the palm - oil processing plant. Baruch obeyed Jehovah's counsel. (Ngana 25: 11) Nze una usonganga e sono kiaki, vaula e ntangwa mu mokena yo mwana i diambu disundidi o mfunu. As this scripture makes clear, timing is often the key. What, then, did God see? Wau vo ke vena muntu akaka ko otomene zaya e nkumbu yayi nze Yesu, wasoneka yo muna mpangi zandi za kwikizi kun'ezulu kimana bakala ye ngwizani ambote yo yandi. While no one else gets to know that name in the way that Jesus does, Jesus writes it on his faithful brothers in the heavenly realm, bringing them into a close relationship with him. Rather, they treasure the wonderful opportunity they have to walk with God. Vana konko vakala ye ziku dianene dia lambila. As we take our seats in front of the class, the children observe us with great curiosity. A new brother lost his job. Yamu wau, kazeye mase mandi ko, ye kena nkutu ye vuvu kia kubazaya ko. He still does not know the identity of his biological father and mother and probably never will. The prosecutor was in the north of Moscow and set up another complaint against our brothers. E tini kia 8 kivovanga vo: " Aselo mpe diau adimosi bafwete kala akwa zitu. ' Note that verse 8 specifically states: "Ministerial servants should likewise be serious. " (See the box "Should You Help and Answer? ") Kansi Thomas yo Mary bazindalala muna salu kiau, bakumika lukwikilu lwau muna Yave wa Nzambi. Yet he and Mary persevered, drawing strength from their faith in Jehovah God. How can Moses ' example of humility help us? Vava mpangi Alganesh kafwilwa yakala, watina lubangamu kuna Eritréia yo wan'andi sambanu bakala vo aleke. A Christian sister related that her family had to flee the persecution in Eritrea. (Read Jude 4.) Olenda sadila mpangi zaku Akristu mu kufiaulwisa. - 15 / 6, lukaya lwa 30 - 31. He may provide comfort through fellow Christians. - 6 / 15, pages 30 - 31. We will also see why millions who hope to live forever on earth should be interested in knowing the value of the Memorial of Christ's death. Josefo wasoneka vo vioka zunda dia mazunda ma Ayuda bafwa ye 97.000 banatwa kuna kinkole. Josephus reports that over a million Jews died, and 97,000 were taken captive. They no longer look at me in the right way, but they don't see me. (Yeremiya 45: 4, 5) Baruki walemvokela longi dia Yave. Baruch listened to Jehovah. But David did not build Jehovah's temple. Ozevo, Nzambi adieyi kamona? What, then, did God see? For a detailed discussion of this family, see Awake! Kansi, beyangalelanga elau diambote bavwidi dia kangala yo Nzambi. Rather, they enjoy the wonderful privilege of walking with God. (Read Proverbs 11: 24, 25.) Mpangi mosi wampavila e salu. One person helped me find a job. Yes, the world is "a good gift " from our heavenly Father. O mfundisi ambuta kuna zunga kia node ya Moscou watonda yo vaikisa mfundu wakaka mu kuma kia mpangi zeto. The prosecutor of the Northern Administrative Circuit of Moscow agreed and filed a civil complaint. This helps me to see that I have done something very important in Jehovah's service. " (Tala babu, "Yantika e Moko yo Tusevo. ") (See the box "Start With a Warm Smile. ") To imperfect humans, it is impossible for us to "draw close to Jehovah. " E mbandu a Mose ya lulembamu aweyi ilenda kutusadisila? How can following Moses ' example of humility affect our being known by Jehovah? In singleness, a brother may be able to spend more time in the ministry. (Tanga Yuda 4.) (Read Jude 4.) This god built a massive tower in Ur. Tuzaya mpe e kuma mazunda ye mazunda ma wantu ana bena ye vuvu kia zingila ova ntoto yakwele mvu bafwete kadila y'etima dia zaya o mfunu a Luyindulu lwa Lufwa lwa Kristu. We will also learn why millions whose hope is to live forever on earth should be intensely interested in what the Memorial symbolizes. Some feel that there is no God to judge them. Ke betalananga diaka mu mpil'ambote ko, se ntalana za malengo kaka. From a distance, they watch each other with furtive glances or lock their eyes in cold, hateful stares. Jehovah exhorts: "Get your God to your God, and keep loving - kindness and righteousness. " - Hosea 12: 6. (Tini kia 2) Kansi Davidi ke yandi ko otungila Yave tempelo. But David will not be the one to build the house. Similarly, the writer of Psalm 119 said: "How I do love your law! Muna zaya mayingi mu kuma kia kanda diadi dia nsumi, tala muna Despertai! For more information on the leaf - cutting ant, see the Awake! When I was young, I went to our home, even though I knew him. (Tanga Ngana 11: 24, 25.) (Read Proverbs 11: 24, 25.) (a) What makes meetings a source of encouragement? Elo, e nza i "lukau luambote " katuvana o S'eto ezulu. Yes, our planet is a "good gift " from our heavenly Father. 11: 24 - 29; 12: 1; Rev. Ediadi dikunsadisanga mu mona vo diambu diamfunu ivanganga muna salu kia Yave. " This has helped me to see that I have something of value to offer in Jehovah's service. " This gives them confidence that this book is from God. Kuna kwa wantu asumuka dilenda moneka vo " kikundi yo Yave ' ke dilendakana ko. " Intimacy with Jehovah. " Why, the very idea seems beyond comprehension for imperfect humans! Use the account at Proverbs 5: 3 - 14, to help your child to understand the consequences of adultery. Muna kimpumpa, o mpangi nanga okuyivananga kwayingi muna salu kia umbangi. But as a husband, he finds that he must use some of that time and energy to care for his wife and thus gain her approval. Give an example. E nzambi yayi yatungilwa nzo yandá muna mbanz'a Ure. Rather, Sarah worshipped the true God, Jehovah. Moreover, the apostle John saw a vision of "a great crowd, which no man was standing before the throne,... standing before the Lamb,... and they cried out with a loud voice: " Salvation by our God, the One seated on the throne and the Lamb. ' " Akaka beyindulanga vo ka vena Nzambi ko osinga kubafundisa. (Nku. Some people imagine that there is no God who will call them to account. Of what can we be sure? (Osea 11: 12) Yave wabawondelela vo: "Viluka kwaku oku kwa Nzambi aku; simbinina walakazi yo unsongi. " - Osea 12: 6. Jehovah therefore gave them this counsel: "To your God you should return, keeping loving - kindness and justice. " - Hosea 12: 6. Indicating date of issue in which article appears BIBLE 40: 8) Diau adimosi mpe, nsoneki a Nkunga 119 wavova vo: "Kuna kwa nzola nzolele nsiku aku! Likewise, the writer of Psalm 119 said: "How I do love your law! 14, 15. Vava yakala nleke, yatinanga vava nzenza zayizanga ku nzo eto, kana nkutu vo ibazeye. In fact, when I was young, I used to hide when guests came to our home, even if I knew them. What goals can young ones set for baptism? (a) Nki kikitulanga lukutakanu se lwa lukasakeso? (a) Upbuilding meetings are the result of what? So if we want to make a vow, we do well to consider whether we will be able to do so. - Read Ecclesiastes 5: 2. 11: 24 - 29; 12: 1; Lus. 11: 24 - 29; 12: 1; Rev. Yes, Jesus ' resurrection can give you life. Ediadi dikubakwikidisanga vo nkanda wau kwa Nzambi watuka. This convinces them that the Bible is from God. What a contrast to our family life! Sadila lusansu tutanganga muna Ngana 5: 3 - 14, mu sadisa mwan'aku kabakula mfwilu mia zumba. Use the account at Proverbs 5: 3 - 14 to help your teen understand the harmful consequences of fornication. Now the entertainment industry has become more widely available than ever, and there is no longer a lot of money. Yika e nona. Give examples. Noah and Jacob have been married for many years, but Jehovah still remembers their loyalty. Vana ntandu, Yoane wa ntumwa wamona muna mona - meso "ndong'ayingi, ina ilembi tangakana kwa muntu,... itelamene vana ndose a kunda, yo vana ndose a Mwan'ememe,... bakazidi muna nding'angolo, oku vo, Luvuluzu kwa Nzambi eto, oyu ovwende ova kunda, y'oku kwa Mwan'ememe. " In addition, the apostle John saw in vision "a great crowd, which no man was able to number,... standing before the throne and before the Lamb,... saying: " Salvation we owe to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb. ' " The words of Isaiah prove true: "My servants will shout joyfully because of the good condition of the heart. " - Isa. Nkia ziku tuna kiau? Why can we be so sure of this? How sad that must have been for her parents! Isonganga e ntalu in'elongi Indicating date of issue in which article appears BIBLE See Numbers 14: 34; Ezekiel 4: 6. 14, 15. 14, 15. What should we do? Nkia makani balenda kuyisila aleke ana bavubwa? What long - term goals can baptized youths set for themselves? Jehovah says: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. " 6: 2, 3) Muna kuma kiaki, avo nsilu tuzolele sia, diambote twateka badika mu zaya kana vo tusinga wo lungisa. - Tanga Kimpovi 5: 2. Of course, it is far better to think carefully before making promises that we are unable to fulfill. - Read Ecclesiastes 5: 2. Why People Do Bad Things Elo, o lufuluku lwa Yesu lulenda kuvana moyo. Yes, the resurrection of Jesus means life! 12, 13. Ekwe nswaswani ye zingu kiakiese twakala kiau kuna nzo eto! How different from my happy family life back home! Applying the suggestions found in this scripture and other Bible verses will strengthen a marriage and help parents to raise their children properly and to enjoy a happy family life. Owau e nkubika za nsaka zitomene wokela ke mu mvu miavioka ko, ke zifutilwanga diaka nzimbu zayingi ko. Entertainment is more available now than ever before, and it is less expensive than ever before. However, in many languages, the Watchtower magazine has been published hundreds of months, and there is a difference between English and English. Noa yo Yakobo bayifwila kala se vioka mvu miayingi, kansi Yave wakinu sungamena kwikizi kiau. Noah and Job had already been dead for hundreds of years, but Jehovah still remembered their faithfulness. So we should use our gifts to praise Jehovah and to help others. E mvovo tutanganga muna Yesaya mialudi kikilu: "E ntaudi zame beyimbila muna wete wa ntima. " - Yes. How true the words of Isaiah: "My servants will shout joyfully because of the good condition of the heart. " - Isa. [ Box / Pictures on page 19] Ediadi diakendeleka kikilu mase mandi. He also showed that he did not value sacred things when he married two pagan women, something that made his parents very sad. Both mates need to love each other so much that they can give their life about their mate when necessary. Tala Ntalu 14: 34; Yezekele 4: 6. See Numbers 14: 34; Ezekiel 4: 6. Today, there are about seven million Kingdom proclaimers throughout the earth. Adieyi tufwete vanga? How should we react? With the appendix entitled "Who Is Michael the archangel? " Yave ovovanga vo: "Una disundidi ezulu e nza, i una isundidi fu yame e fu yeno, ye ngindu zame e ngindu zeno. " (Yes. Jehovah says: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. " She said that she was looking for her. Ekuma Wantu Bevangilanga Why Do People Do Bad Things? Their strong faith, their love, and the kind of love they really care for me, strengthens my faith. " 12, 13. 12, 13. David was convinced that God cared for him, so he said: "O Jehovah, you have searched through me and come to know me. " O sadila mana mayikilu muna sono kiaki ye mu sono yakaka ya Nkand'a Nzambi, disiamisa longo yo sadisa amase muna sansa wana una ufwene yo kala ye zingu kia nzo kia kiese. Applying what is stated there and elsewhere in the Scriptures certainly strengthens the marriage bond, helps parents to bring up children properly, and contributes to a happy family life. 14, 15. Kana una vo i wau, muna ndinga zayingi, Eyingidilu ngonde zayingi zaviokanga muna vaika, nswaswani ye dina dia Kingelezo. Even so, in most languages The Watchtower came out a few months after the English one. We have the responsibility to reflect God's glory. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete sadilanga tukau tweto mu kembelela Yave yo sadisa akaka. Therefore, we should use our gifts to honor Jehovah and to help others. (Read Romans 8: 5.) [ Babu / Mafoto zina muna lukaya lwa 19] [ Box / Pictures on page 19] 3, 4. Yakala yo nkento bafwete toma zolananga yamu tezo kia vana moyo au mu kuma kia nkaz'andi avo divuilu o mfunu. A Christian husband and wife should love each other so much that they are willing to die for each other. One day, I thought that a good friend gave me drugs, drug, and divorce because I wanted to be older. O unu kiaki, tezo kia mazunda nsambwadi za mazunda m'ateleki a Kintinu besamunang'e nsangu zambote mu nza yawonso. Today, almost seven million Kingdom publishers are preaching the good news worldwide. Even though we have sinned seriously, it is comforting to know how Moses described Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and abundant loving - kindness, pardoning error and transgression and transgression and sin. " Kumosi ye nkudika ina yo ntu a diambu vo "Nani i Mikaele wa Mbasi Ambuta? " as well as the related appendix article "Who Is Michael the Archangel? " • What can help those who have strayed from God's flock because of some teaching? Umvovese vo, eseka bevelelesanga mu kuma kiandi. She told him that they were cleaning the hall to make it nice for him. Are you a single person? O lukwikilu lwau lwasikila kumosi yo zola ye mpila betokanenanga wete diame, dikumikanga kikilu lukwikilu lwame. " Their strong faith, their love, and their concern have been very faith - strengthening. " Soon after I began in the circuit work, I realized that the training he gave me was very important. Davidi wakala ye ziku vo Nzambi wamvwanga o mfunu i kuma kavovela vo: "E Yave, nge wansete yo kunzaya. " Confident of God's interest in him, David says: "O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me. " Moreover, like well - trained soldiers, young ones "put on the complete suit of armor from God " that helps them to win war. - Read Ephesians 6: 10 - 12. 14, 15. 14, 15. Why is kindness important in marriage? Tuvwidi elau ye mbebe ya mwesa o nkembo a Nzambi wa Mpungu - ngolo. It is our responsibility and our privilege to mirror the glory of the Most High God! Robert, who suffers from severe disease, says: "I don't want to be considered sick. (Tanga Roma 8: 5.) (Read Romans 8: 5.) Peter told fellow believers: "All of you be like - minded, showing fellow feeling, having brotherly affection, tenderly compassionate, humble in mind, not paying back injury for injury or reviling for reviling. " 3, 4. 3, 4. Some say that because Jesus was not a Levite, he would not be allowed to walk on the roof of the holy temple. Lumbu kimosi, muntu mosi ona yabanzanga vo nkundi ambote wampana e fomo angolo, yanua yo kadi yazola badikilwa vo i mbuta. One day a man, who seemed friendly, approached me. He offered me drugs, which I took because I wanted to appear grown - up. But he also knew that God's Kingdom would end all these problems forever. Kana nkutu vo esumu diampwena twavanga, dia lufiaulwisu dia zaya una Mose kayikila Yave vo "Nzambi a nkenda ye nsambu, nkwa ntim'evundu, o mwingi muna walakazi ye ziku; olundilanga mazund'o walakazi, oyambulwilanga bi y'ekuzuka y'esumu. " Regardless of our circumstances, it is comforting to bear in mind that Jehovah is as he described himself to Moses - "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth, preserving loving - kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin. " Apply Jesus ' counsel: "Let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No. " • Adieyi dilenda sadisa ona wavengomoka mun'ekambi dia Nzambi mu kuma kia lembi bakula maka malongi? • What reasoning might help someone who left God's flock because of a personal view regarding a teaching? Moreover, we should confess our sins to Jehovah and seek help from the elders in the congregation. - Proverbs 28: 13; James 5: 13 - 16. Nga u nleke ampumpa? Are you young and still unmarried? How do they express their appreciation? Ke kolo ko vava yayantika e salu kia kinkengi a zunga, yabakula vo e longi kampana diamfunu kikilu. Soon after I started in the circuit work, I realized how much I needed that counsel. What was the Babylonian captivity? Vana ntandu, nze masoladi matoma longwa, aleke " bevuatanga e nwaninwa yawonso ya Nzambi ' eyi ikubasadisanga mu sunda e mvita. - Tanga Efeso 6: 10 - 12. Also, like well - trained soldiers, they "put on the complete suit of armor from God " so that they will be prepared for battle. - Read Ephesians 6: 10 - 12. Paul encouraged the Hebrew Christians to live in harmony with God's purpose. Songa walakazi, ekuma dinina o mfunu muna longo? In what ways is compassion required in marriage? God did not want them to think that in their own strength they would fight the Midianites. Roberta una ye kimbevo kia ndunza za visi wavova vo: "Kizolanga ko vo yabadikilwanga nze mbevo. Roberta, who has a rare genetic bone disease, says: "Treat me like a normal person. At first, only a few people could understand the truth about mankind's hope, but now many Bible Students receive and study The Watchtower. Petelo wavovesa minkwikizi akw'andi vo: "Yeno awonso nukala yo ntima mosi, akwa ngyambani muna mpasi yo wete, ye nzolani a ungudi, yo walakazi, yo lusakalalu lua ntima: ke nuvutula mbi muna mbi ko, ngatu malevo muna malevo; deke nwasambula kaka. " Peter urged his fellow believers: "All of you be like - minded, showing fellow feeling, having brotherly affection, tenderly compassionate, humble in mind, not paying back injury for injury or reviling for reviling, but, to the contrary, bestowing a blessing. " 1: 8. Akaka bevovanga vo wau vo Yesu kakala Nlevi ko, kadi yambulwa ko vo katelama vana nludi a tempelo yavauka. Some say that since Jesus was not a Levite, he would not have been allowed to stand on top of the temple sanctuary. 8: 3. Kansi, wazaya wo mpe vo Kintinu kia Nzambi kisukisa mpasi zazi yakwele mvu. However, Jesus also knew that God's Kingdom would bring a permanent end to such problems. The man picked up over 500 feet (8 m) and then picked the back on the stake. Sadila elongi dia Yesu: "E mpov'eno, mbula yakala vo, elo, elo; ve, ve. " Follow Jesus ' advice: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No. " Paul knew that it is difficult to control wrong desires and weaknesses. Vana ntandu, tufwete fungunanga masumu meto kwa Yave yo vava lusadisu kw'akuluntu muna nkutakani. - Ngana 28: 13; Yakobo 5: 13 - 16. Rather, we should confess our sin to Jehovah and seek help from the elders in the congregation. - Proverbs 28: 13; James 5: 13 - 16. A person who will direct the way for the Messiah. Aweyi besongelanga luyangalalu lwau? How do they show their appreciation? How will we "go on " in the perfect law? (Yeremiya 15: 2) Aweyi kiakala e zingu muna kinkole? What was it like to live in exile? [ 1] (paragraph 13) See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pages 136 - 136. Paulu wakasakesanga Akristu Ayibere muna zingila e ngwizani ye kani dia Nzambi. He was encouraging the Hebrew Christians to cooperate with God's purposes. A person may suffer hardships and ridicule when he faces tests of faith during his youth. O Nzambi kazola ko bayindula vo mu ngolo za yau kibeni basundila esi Midiani. God did not want them to think that they defeated the Midianites in their own strength. What are some factors that can cause problems in a marriage? Entete, wantu akete kaka babakulanga e ludi mu kuma kia vuvu kia wantu, kansi owau Alongoki ayingi a Nkand'a Nzambi muna nsi zayingi betambulanga yo longoka Eyingidilu. Previously, the truth about mankind's hope was understood by very few people, but now groups of Bible Students in many countries were receiving and studying The Watchtower. Like Paul, many of Jehovah's servants today do not want to get married so that they can do more in Jehovah's service. 1: 8. 1: 9. SONGS: 125, 43 8: 3. 8: 3. 1: 15. O nkwa lungungu wadiatanga tezo kia 500 za meta, i bosi wayekekanga lungungu vana nti kuna futa. After about a third of a mile [500 m], the rider stopped and leaned the loaded bicycle against a tree. Today, Satan is very interested in young people. Paulu wazaya wo vo diampasi kikilu dikalanga mu sunda zolela yambi ye lutovoko. Paul knew personally how hard it could be to fight against wrong desires and weaknesses. He allows us to show such self - sacrificing spirit. Muntu ona okubika e nzil'a Masia. The way was to be prepared before God's Anointed One. Listen to God's wisdom and rejected their leader, Moses, and said: "If we have died in Egypt or have died in this wilderness!... Aweyi " tusikidilanga ' muna nsiku aziku? How do we " continue ' in the perfect law? 21: 5. [ 1] (tini kia 13) Tala o nkanda Organizados Para Fazer a Vontade de Jeová, lukaya lwa 134 - 136. [ 1] (paragraph 13) See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pages 134 - 136. Job may have wondered: " Why should I suffer all these trials? O muntu olenda mona mpasi yo vezwa vava kezizidilanga e ntonta za lukwikilu muna kileke. Facing up to tests of faith during youth may mean enduring hardship and ridicule. As Messianic King, Jesus Christ has "the spirit of wisdom. " - Isa. How Endure in the Ministry? This is the greatest and first commandment. " Nkia mambu malenda twasa mpasi muna longo? What factors can contribute to marital stress? Abraham's son Isaac "kept thinking on the evening. " Nze Paulu, selo yayingi ya Yave o unu ke bezolanga kwau sompa ko kimana bayivana emvimba muna salu kia Yave. Like Paul, some of Jehovah's servants today choose not to get married so that they can do more in Jehovah's service. God will help them to do so. NKUNGA: 125, 43 SONGS: 123, 126 How could they come to know God and decide to serve him instead of using false gods that their mother did? 1: 15. 1: 15. He told the people: "You heard that it was said: " You must not commit adultery, but I say to you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. O unu, Satana kwa aleke ketoma sianga o meso. Today, it seems that Satan is especially attacking young people. Why might some wonder if it is wise to put God's Kingdom first? Oyambulanga vo twasonga e fu kiaki kuna mvevo. (Nsi. He lets us choose for ourselves whether we will develop this quality. Sandra's sister remembers the age of 12 years in full - time service and feels that she is focused on her "day of good news. " 21: 5) Bakatikisa ngangu za Nzambi yo bembola Mose wa mfidi au yo vova vo: "Kele vo twafwila kweto muna Engipito! yovo twafwila muna makanga mama!... They questioned God's judgment and rejected Moses as leader, saying: "If only we had died in the land of Egypt, or if only we had died in this wilderness!... What will we consider? 21: 5. 21: 5. Concerning Jehovah's protection, the psalmist wrote: "[God] did not abandon anyone, but he condemned kings for their sake. " O Yobi nanga wakiyuvula: " Ekuma mfwete mwena mpasi zazi zawonso? Understandably, Job might have asked himself: " Why me? This helped her to recover from her illness. Nze Masia wa Ntinu, Yesu Kristu ovwidi "mwand'a ngangu. " - Yes. As the Messianic King, Jesus Christ has "the spirit of wisdom. " - Isa. What do you think Paul did during three or four days when he was waiting for elders? I wau wuwu o nkanikinu anene, wantete mpe. " This is the greatest and first commandment. " A little girl too loved Jehovah and had beautiful qualities. Isaki, wa mwan'a Abarayama, " wayenda yindula muna yana o masika. ' (Etu. Isaac, the son of the patriarch Abraham, "was out walking in order to meditate in the field at about the falling of evening. " Make it your determination to avoid associating with those who ignore your decision to drink alcohol in a balanced way. O Nzambi okubafila mu vanga wo. God will make it happen. 16: 2. Aweyi badi zayila Nzambi yo baka nzengo za kunsadila vana fulu kia sadila nzambi zaluvunu zina ngudi zau basambilanga? How could they get to know Jehovah and choose to serve him instead of the false gods their mothers worshipped? Perhaps you had the privilege of serving with a precious inheritance. Wavovesa o nkangu vo: "Nwawidi wo wavovwa vo, ke nute zumba ko: kansi omono inusamunwini vo, konso on'otungununa nkento, kanlengokelw'o moyo, zumba kia nsi a ntima katele yandi. He told the crowd: "You heard that it was said, " You must not commit adultery. ' But I say to you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. What can we learn from Stephen's experience? Ekuma akaka balenda yuvulwila kana vo diangangu dia sia e Kintinu kia Nzambi va fulu kiantete? Why may some wonder whether it is practical today to put God's Kingdom first? So we need to strengthen our love for Jehovah. O mpangi ankento Blessing osungamenanga ye kiese kiawonso e mvu 12 kena muna salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa yo mona vo osianga sungididi kiandi mu "lumbu kia nsangu zambote " eki tuna. Blessing can now happily look back on 12 years in full - time service and be glad that she has kept her focus on the "day of good news " that we are living in right now. " I have no regrets, " he says. Nkia mambu tubadika? What checklist will we consider? How should we feel about Christ's love, and what should this motivate us to do? O ntozi a nkunga wasoneka mu kuma kia lutaninu lwa Yave vo: "[Nzambi] kayambwidi muntu kababangika ko; otumbidi atinu muna diambu diau. " (Nku. Regarding Jehovah's fatherly protection, the psalmist declared: "[God] did not allow any man to oppress them, but on their account he reproved kings. " In March 1940, my mother and I were baptized in the town of T. Ediadi diansadisa mu sasuka muna kimbevo kiandi. Doing everything she could to help the family - sharing food, outgrown clothing, and so on - Aki regained her own emotional stability. MATTHEW 24: 39 Adieyi obenze kavanga Paulu kuna Miletu muna lumbu tatu yovo yiyá kavingilanga akuluntu? What do you think Paul did in Miletus during the three or four days until the elders arrived? Let us see some ways in which we can do so. Dumbelele mpe Yave kazolanga ye fu yambote kakala yau. She also loved Jehovah and had beautiful qualities. What does life mean? Bak'e nzengo za fwasa kikundi y'awana bevezanga e nzengo zaku za nuina malavu mu tezo. Be willing to cut out association with those who undermine your resolve to control your drinking. So why should you worship a god who cannot listen to you? 16: 2. 16: 2. For married couples: Nanga wakala y'elau dia sala y'evwa diantalu. He may have been in line to inherit a magnificent estate. What will we discuss in this article? Adieyi tulenda longoka muna nona kia Setefano? What can we learn from the example of the disciple Stephen? No. Ozevo, tufwete siamisa o zola kweto muna Yave. Instead, we must keep our love for Jehovah strong. With those words, Jehovah indicated that he would be a place of peace for Abraham and his descendants. Yugu wavova vo: "Kikuyibanzanga ko. " I don't regret it, " said Yugu. Sadly, I was diagnosed with cancer in July 2001. Aweyi tufwete mona mu kuma kia zola kwa Kristu? Ediadi difwete kutufila mu vanga nkia diambu? How should we feel about the love of Christ, and what should it motivate us to do? Think about what the sons of Israel were discussing when they returned to their homes, and Jehovah exalted his praise to him. Muna ngonde a Malusu ya mvu wa 1940, mono yo ngudi ame twavubwa kuna mbanza Dover. In March 1940, my mother and I got baptized in Dover. Having "the same goal " with Jesus will help us to resist Satan's temptations. - 1 Peter 4: 1. MATAI 24: 39 MATTHEW 24: 39 Paul said that if a person does not have love, it is nothing. Yambula twazaya ezaka mpila tulenda wo vangila. Here are a few suggestions. (See opening picture.) Ayeyi i nsas'a zingu? And what was the purpose of life? Jeremiah was thrown into prison and thrown into the pit. Ozevo, ekuma ofwete sambila nzambi ndiona kalendi kuwá ko? The point is clear. Why pray to a god who will never hear you? Did she no longer know her daughter's daughter? Kw'akazi ke bena ye wana ko: For couples with no children: As courageous people, let us not give up in preaching the good news. Adieyi tubadika mu longi diadi? What will we discuss in this article? As a loving parent, Paul wrote letters to them. Ve. Not at all. There is much work to be done in the ministry. Muna mvovo miami, Yave wasonga vo okala se fulu kia luvuvamu kuna kwa Abarayama ye mbongo andi. (Etu. With those words, Jehovah took it upon himself to become a secure dwelling for Abraham and for his descendants. No doubt, their hard work has helped millions of people to benefit or have good health. Diankenda kikilu vo Celia wafwa ye kimbevo kia cancer muna ngonde ya Yuli a mvu wa 2001. Sadly, I lost her to cancer in July 2001. This heavenly government has completed God's purpose for mankind. Se yindula dina bamokenanga o wan'a Isaele vava bavutuka muna nzo zau. Yave watundidika Unzambi wandi. You can imagine all the talk among the Israelites as they returned home; Jehovah had vindicated his Godship. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) O kala "y'ekani diau adimosi " yo Yesu, dilenda kutusadisa mu zizidila ntonta za Satana. - 1 Petelo 4: 1. Having the "mental disposition " of Jesus can be a major defense against Satan's attacks. - 1 Peter 4: 1. But the pain of heart and thinking that your life is worthless and will gradually weaken. Paulu wavova vo avo muntu kena yo zola ko, i mpavala kwandi. Paul said that if he did not have love, he would be nothing. So Olaf asked her parents, who were not Witnesses, if they could receive a circuit overseer in their home. (Tala e fwaniswa kiantete.) (See opening image.) From Ephesus to Rome on the road of Troas, there must be some 1,600 miles (100 km) away. O Yeremiya wasiwa muna ku, wakoteswa muna pelezo yo tubwa mun'ewulu dia nteke. Jeremiah was put in stocks, imprisoned in "the house of fetters, " and thrown into a cistern. She says: "I am so grateful to Jehovah for his undeserved kindness that he forgave me and forgave me. " Nga kazaya diaka mwan'andi a longo ko? Did she not recognize her daughter - in - law? Jehovah commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Wau vo tu akwa unkabu, ke tuyambula samuna nsangu zambote ko. Because we are courageous, we will not stop preaching. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Nze se dianzodi, Paulu wabasonekena nkanda mu kubavana elongi. So out of fatherly concern, he had sent a letter to correct them. Yes, God patiently showed patience in 120 years to let these things happen and saved lives along with eight faithful men who "were saved from water. " Vena ye salu kiayingi kifwete salwa muna salu kia umbangi. And there is much to do in the preaching work. All of this can help young ones to communicate. Kalukatikisu ko vo, e salu basala wantu akete kisadisanga mazunda ye mazunda ma wantu mu baka miaka nluta yovo kala ye fimavimpi fiambote. Without question, the discoveries and innovations of a few men have enabled billions of people to have certain advantages or to enjoy better health. However, in 1813 B.C.E., a farmer who was a farmer in Egypt found a box on a clay box. O luyalu lwalu lw'ezulu lulunganesa ekani dia Nzambi mu kuma kia wantu. This heavenly government will accomplish God's original purpose for mankind. Of course, it takes time and humility to learn a language. (Tanga Yobi 1: 7 - 10.) (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) Will You Pursue Your Integrity? Kansi, lukendalalu lwa ntima ye ngindu za badika vo e zingu kiaku ke kina diaka mfunu ko, ziyantika kuluka malembe malembe. But the acute pain you feel in the beginning will lessen in time, and life will gradually seem less bleak and meaningless. They appreciate that God has set a time for each one of us to die. Muna kuma kiaki, Olaf wayuvula kwa mase mandi ana bakala vo ke Mbangi za Yave ko, kana vo balenda tambula nkengi a zunga muna nzo au. Olaf asked his parents, who were not Witnesses, if the circuit overseer could stay in their home. What comfort do elderly ones experience? Tuka kuna Efeso yo kwenda kuna Roma muna nzila ya Teroa, o muntu ofwete kangala tezo kia 1.600 za kilometa. From Ephesus to Rome via Troas is roughly 1,000 miles (1,600 km). Centuries later, the apostle Paul expressed gratitude to Jehovah for "the ransom paid by Christ Jesus. " Wavova vo: "Ivutulanga kikilu matondo kwa Yave wau kamfwila nkenda yo kundoloka. " He said: "I am grateful for Jehovah's overwhelming mercy and forgiveness. " HISTORY: Even in lands where there is good manners, people accept corruption and act in many ways. Yave wakanikina Adami yo Eva balembi dia e bundu kia "nti a zayila wete yo bi. " Jehovah had commanded Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " The Israelites thought that they were doing what was right. Avo ke vasonekeno nsekola yankaka ko, ozevo e sono yawonso ya Kiyibere ina mo ya mu nsekola ya Nkand'a Nzambi. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Today, it is very important that we do everything we can about the Kingdom more than ever before. Elo, Nzambi wasonga luzindalalu mu mvu 120 mu yambula vo mambu mama mavangama yo vuluza e mioyo kumosi ye mi'enana dia wantu akwa kwikizi ana " bavulukila muna maza. ' Yes, God's patience for 120 years allowed for those things to be accomplished and set the stage for the preservation of life, allowing eight faithful humans to be "carried safely through the water. " Jesus has done much to accomplish God's purpose. Mawonso mama malenda sadisa aleke mu kala ye fu kia mokena. Often, such informal settings help adolescents feel more inclined to open up. Many of us expressed appreciation for our publications. Kansi, muna mvu wa 1887, nkento mosi wa mvati a nsengo kuna Amarna, Engipito, wasolola babu kimosi kia tuma. However, in 1887 a peasant woman found a clay tablet at Amarna, Egypt. What does this vision reveal? Dialudi vo ntangwa, ngolo ye lulembamu divavanga mu longoka ndinga. It is true that learning a new language takes time, effort, and humility. * Are those who practice such works clean? Nga Otatidila e Ziku Kiaku? Will You Hold Fast to Your Integrity? Saul fled his mistake by saying: "The people will set their eyes upon what is good for the sheep and the bull... for Jehovah. " Bebakulanga vo Nzambi wasikidisa kala e ntangwa ina konso muntu mu yeto kefwa. They conclude that God has decided the exact moment when each human will die. As this verse shows, there are different ways you can answer each person. Nkia lufiaulwisu luna mu kuma ki'anunu? What comfort is there for the elderly? Karen: Many people say that Jesus was the only good person. 3: 15) Vioka mvu miayingi, Paulu wa ntumwa wavutula matondo kwa Yave mu kuma kia "lukûlu luna muna Kristu Yesu. " Centuries later, the apostle Paul expressed gratitude to God for "the release by the ransom paid by Christ Jesus. " At times, we may feel discouraged because of our problems and stop praying. DIAMBU: Kana nkutu muna nsi zina ye nkubika za longa e fu yambote, wantu betambulanga mbabu yo vanga umpumbulu mu mpila zayingi. THE PROBLEM: Even in the best environment and with the finest education in morals, some people will choose to be dishonest and corrupt. Those who came to see movies worked hard to stop these people from entering the house. Aneyisaele bayindulanga vo mu kuma kiambote bavangilanga mambu mama. What those Israelites did was seemingly for a good cause. What examples from the Hebrew Scriptures show that many of God's people made different decisions and decisions? O unu, diamfunu kikilu twavanga mawonso tulenda mu kuma kia Kintinu ke mu lumbu yavioka ko. The need for active support of the Kingdom has never been greater. This undoubtedly strengthens your love for Jehovah. Yesu mayingi kevanganga kimana ekani dia Nzambi dialungana. Jesus plays a vital part in the outworking of God's purpose. What can we do to cultivate this quality, and what challenges did first - century Christians face? Ayingi muna yeto basonga kala luyangalalu lwau mu kuma kia nkanda mieto. Many of us can. One congregation with more publishers, others, and black publishers. E mona - meso kiaki nki kisonganga? What did this vision mean? This prophecy was fulfilled, and the Jews were to be freed from exile and return to their homeland and rebuild the temple. * Awana bevanganga mavangu mama, nga bavelela bena? * But are those who practice such uncleanness pursuing a course of holiness? PAGE 17 Saulu watina e ngyelele muna vova vo: "O nkangu uvukisi eyi yambote muna mameme ye ngombe bakelela Yave... e kimenga. " Saul tried to shift the blame by saying: "The people had compassion upon the best of the flock and of the herd, for the purpose of sacrificing to Jehovah. " A Letter From Madagascar Nze una usonganga e sono kiaki, vena ye mpila zaswaswana olenda vanina mvutu kwa konso muntu. As this scripture indicates, how you go about addressing the challenge will depend on the circumstances. Some of these were Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, David, Jesus Christ, and many other faithful disciples of mankind today. Nlandu: Wantu ayingi bevovanga vo Yesu muntu ambote kaka kakala. Karen: Yes. Some people say that Jesus was simply a good man. On the other hand, Jesus knew many wonderful things that would happen in the future, but most of his contemporaries did not know them. Ezak'e ntangwa, nanga tulenda kendalala kwayingi mu kuma kia mpasi zeto yo yambula samba. Sometimes, however, we are so overwhelmed by a problem that we do not even know how to pray about it. " I felt that I was kind and wanted to help others, " she says, "and she wanted to help them. " Awana bayiza tala filme bavanga wawonso mu kakidila wantu awaya balembi kota muna nzo. Those who attended the film showing held off the mob's attempts to break into the house. For a detailed discussion of why God allows suffering, see chapter 11 of the book What Can the Bible Teach Us? Nkia nona ina muna Sono ya Kiyibere isonganga vo ayingi muna nkangu a Nzambi babaka nzengo zaswaswana ye z'akaka? What examples from the Hebrew Scriptures show that many of God's people followed an unpopular course? How can we show that we have made Jehovah our Sovereign Lord? Ka lukatikisu ko vo ediadi diwokesanga o zola kwaku muna Yave. Surely this made you love Jehovah even more. For example, rather than telling your children that these music is wrong, why not show them how to apply Bible principles to make wise decisions? Adieyi tulenda vanga muna yima e fu kiaki? Nkia mpasi banuananga zau Akristu muna tandu kiantete? What difficulties did Christians have in the first century? An elder may become angry with someone. Nkutakani mosi y'ateleki amindele, yankaka y'ateleki andombe. One congregation had white publishers, and the other had black publishers. How does Jehovah's view of money differ from that of the world? (Mika 5: 2) O ungunza wau muna lungana, Ayuda bafwete vevolwa muna kinkole yo vutuka kuna nsi au yo tungulula e tempelo. If those prophecies were to be fulfilled, the Jews would have to be liberated from captivity, return to their homeland, and rebuild the temple. How can we do this? LUKAYA LWA 17 PAGE 17 One day she visited Mary and Martha at home. Nkanda Watuka ku Madagascar A Letter From Madagascar In the Christian Greek Scriptures, we read interesting experiences of these dear brothers and sisters. Akaka muna wantu awaya i Abele, Kanoke, Noa, Abarayama, Sara, Mose, Rutu, Davidi, Yesu, alongoki a Kristu muna tandu kiantete ye ulolo wa wantu besonganga e kwikizi o unu. Their number includes Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, David, Jesus, the early disciples of Christ, and millions of integrity keepers today. One of the most powerful animals is the size of a big stone. Kuna diak'e sambu, Yesu wazaya mambu mayingi mambote mevangama kuna sentu. Kansi, ndonga muna lumbu yandi ke bazaya mo ko. On the other hand, Jesus did know many marvelous things about the future - truths that most people around him did not know at all. There will be nothing wrong with me. " - Ps. Mpangi Ludovic wavova vo: "Yamona vo Julien nkwa ngemba kikilu, wakala y'etima dia sadisa akaka. " Whether you are young or old, try to find joy in God's Word and be absorbed in it. Muna toma zaya e kuma o Nzambi keyambulwilanga e mpasi, tala una kapu kia 11 kia nkanda Adieyi Nkand'a Nzambi Ulenda Kutulonga? For a detailed explanation of why God has allowed suffering, see chapter 11 of the book What Can the Bible Teach Us? In a vision given to the apostle John at the end of the first century C.E., Jesus Christ sent a message to the congregation in Laodicea in Asia Minor. Aweyi tulenda songela vo Yave twasola se Mfumu eto? How do we show that we choose Jehovah as our own Sovereign? Those who did not travel through camels feel tired, even if they had to travel a long journey. Kasikil'owu, vana fulu kia vovesanga wan'eno vo e miziki miami miambi, ekuma olembi kubasongela una balenda sadila nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi mu baka e nzengo zambote? Rather than just telling your children that certain music is bad, for example, why not show them how to make wise decisions, how Bible principles are involved? 90: 17. O nkuluntu olenda fungila muntu makasi. The shepherd could become exasperated with the individual. How may some who seem to be weaker are "the rich in the faith "? E mpila Yave kebadikilanga nzimbu aweyi iswaswanene yo wantu a nza? How does Jehovah's view of money differ from the world's? We wanted to go to Sydney, Australia, where my uncle lived. (Ngana 4: 23) Aweyi tulenda wo vangila? How can we do so? If you are not yet baptized, what blessings can you look forward to when you get baptized? Lumbu kimosi, wayenda kingula Maria yo Mareta kuna nzo au. One time, he visited the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Later, when confronted by Pilate, Jesus "did not answer the word. " Muna Sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu, tutanganga mambu makiese bavanga mpangi zazi z'akala ye z'akento. Christian sisters worked along with these faithful brothers. 1: 15 - 21. Umosi muna ntambu usiwanga vana velutilanga e bulu i kiemba kina kitensekwanga etadi dianene. Sometimes an animal trap consists of a heavy log or stone suspended over a path where prey often move about. How can a wife submit to her husband's headship? Kisia diambu diambi ova ngina ko. " - Nku. I shall not set in front of my eyes any good - for - nothing thing. " - Ps. With Jehovah's backing, Solomon's rule was a time of peace and prosperity even more than any human government on earth. Kana u mbuta yovo nleke yovo mayingi ozeye kala, sia e ngolo mu solola e kiese muna Diambu dia Nzambi yo kuyivana emvimba muna longoka dio ye ngindu zavuvama. Regardless of your age or experience, make every effort to keep on finding delight in God's Word and engaging in deep study of it with a receptive mind. What happened to Jesus ' followers? Muna mona - meso kasonga kwa Yoane wa ntumwa kuna mfoko a tandu kiantete, Yesu Kristu wafila nsangu kwa nkutakani ya Laodikia kuna Ásia Menor. In a revelation to the apostle John toward the close of the first century, the glorified Jesus Christ delivered a message to the congregation located in Laodicea, Asia Minor. Moreover, Jehovah has given them the opportunity, as he did, to choose to serve him. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. (Etuku 29: 10) Awana ke bayukwa kangalela mu samo ko mabibi mayingi bemonanga, kana nkutu vo nkangalu wankufi. Novice camel riders often complain of discomfort - even after a very short ride! They showed me how friendly and happy I was, and this made me very happy. 90: 17. 90: 17. 5, 6. (a) What did Daniel and John say? Aweyi akaka ana bemonekanga nze batovoka benena " amvwama muna lukwikilu '? How might some who may appear to be weaker really be "rich in faith "? In fact, there is more than one man's ability to do so. Twakala ye kani dia lwaka kuna mbanza a Sydney, Austrália kuna kwazingilanga ngudi ame ankazi. Our goal was to emigrate eventually to Sydney, Australia, where my uncle lived. The seven heads of the wild beast Avo kwavubilu ko, nkia nsambu lenda vingila vava ovubwa? If you are yet to be baptized, what blessings can you look forward to after baptism? The Christian Greek Scriptures reveal God's purpose for mankind to live forever in Paradise on earth. I bosi, vava kafundiswanga kwa Pilato, Yesu "kasidi vutula diambu ko. " Later, when on trial before Pilate, Jesus "made no answer. " Did the "seed " or humans born before Adam and Eve sinned? 1: 15 - 21. 1: 15 - 21. Could you, though, be willing to do some things that you like to respect the conscience of others? O nkento aweyi kalenda sakalela wisa kia nkaz'andi? How might a wife support her husband's headship? I have seen the pain in my body, and my thoughts have not disappointed me. Muna lusadisu lwa Yave, luyalu lwa Solomo lwakala se kolo kia luvuvamu ye mawete vioka nkutu konso luyalu ova ntoto. (1 Nti. With Jehovah's blessing, the reign of Solomon resulted in the most remarkable period of peace and prosperity ever realized under any government on earth. Despite trials, the psalmist's life illustrates the truthfulness of the psalmist's words: "Happy are the people, whose God is Jehovah! " - Ps. Nkia diambu diabwila alandi a Yesu? What have Jesus ' followers experienced? Jesus knew what his assignment was. Vana ntandu, Yave okubavananga lau nze dina kavana, dia sola kunsadila. - Yesaya 48: 17, 18. And really, Jehovah offers them the same opportunity he offers us, to choose to serve him. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. When we face daily problems, Bible principles help us to make wise decisions and to avoid the pressures of this world. Batoma kunsonga e ngemba ye kiese, ediadi diatoma kungiangidika. They were so kind and gentle, which I found very appealing. 12 / 1 5, 6. (a) Tuyalu kwa twangolo bayika Daniele ye Yoane? 5, 6. (a) How many great powers do Daniel and John identify? Sometimes there are other opportunities that we will not receive. O vilwa uvangamanga, uviokele tezo kia ngangu za muntu mu sukisa wo. Injustice is so much a part of the fabric of daily living that men cannot remove it. The apostle John warned Christians not to love the world or the things in the world, for "the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. Ntu nsambwadi mia bulu The ram and the goat " The Lord [Jehovah God] who will search for him at his temple " along with Jesus Christ" the messenger of the covenant. " E Sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu isonganga una Nzambi kelungisila ekani dia vana kwa wantu e zingu kia mvu ya mvu ova ntoto ukituka se Paradiso. The Christian Greek Scriptures explain by what means God will make possible everlasting life for mankind in Paradise on earth. How grateful we can be that "we received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God! " Nga "mbongo " yovo wantu, bawutuka una Adami yo Eva ke basumukini ko? Had there been a "throwing down of seed, " or a conceiving of human offspring, before Adam and Eve sinned? I was baptized on February 27, 1949. Some youths have been raised by Christian parents and yet have not developed a love for Jehovah's standards. Although we do not know exactly what will happen in the future, we too can be wise. Nga ngeye mpe olenda yambula vanga maka mambu ozolanga mu zitisa e ntona za akaka? Are you also willing to make a personal sacrifice to help others? □ Both view the crowds. - Ex. Imonanga e mpasi mu nitu, e ngindu zame mpe ke zivuvamanga ko. " The pain was physical as well as emotional. How are those who receive "a white garment "? Kana una vo bemonang'e mpasi, e zingu kiau kisonganga e ziku kia mvovo mia ntozi a nkunga: "Akwa nsambu o nkangu, una vo o Yave i Nzambi au. " - Nku. Though no one is without problems, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the words of the psalmist: "Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah! " - Ps. How will my future be affected? ' Yesu wazayanga e kiyekwa kavewa. Jesus understood what his assignment was. To test Peter, the man asked him: "Make me know how the book of Daniel was written in what voice? " Vava tukalanga mu mpasi za lumbu ke lumbu, e nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi mikutusadisa mu baka nzengo zasikila yo venga e ntambu mia nza yayi. When we face day - to - day challenges, principles found in the Bible should guide our steps so that we make wise decisions and avoid the traps and pitfalls of this world. " We had a lot of work to do in Brazil, " says Sarah. 15 / 4 3 / 1 In 2002 there were about 65 older men who were being oppressed, and the number was growing because during 2003 and elderly. Ezak'e ntangwa, vena ye malau makaka ma salu mana ke tusinga tambula ko. Sometimes a certain privilege may not be given to us at all. My wife spend hours in the ministry to teach people the Bible, and I have the privilege of serving as an elder in the congregation. Yoane wa ntumwa walukisa Akristu balembi zola e nza ngatu eyi in'omu nza, kadi "e nza vempoka ivempoka, y'eketo diandi: vo i ndion'ovangang'o luzolo lua Nzambi, zing'aka kezinganga yakwele mvu. " - 1 Yoa. 2: 15 - 17. The apostle John counseled fellow believers not to love the world or the things in the world because "the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. We too should not focus on what we see in our eyes. " Mfumu [Yave wa Nzambi] ona nuvava, kuna kinsalukis'oluakila muna tempelo andi " kumosi yo "[Yesu Kristu wa] nkunzi ekangu. " " Suddenly there will come to His temple the true Lord [Jehovah God] " with "the messenger of the covenant [Jesus Christ]. " God's name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. - Isaiah 42: 8. Tufwete vutula matondo wau vo "ke tutambwidi mwand'a nza ko, o mwanda una wa Nzambi kaka "! How very thankful we can be that we have received, "not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from God "! His father Absalom, Absalom, wanted to rule over him. Yavubwa kina kia 27 kia ngonde a Fevelelo ya mvu wa 1949 muna longa diampwena diasiwanga maza ma twelezi. My baptism took place on February 27, 1949, in a metal trough that farmers used to water livestock. " Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. " - HEBREWS 6: 12. Kana una vo ke tuzeye ko mana mevangama kuna sentu, yeto mpe tulenda kala ye ngangu. Although we do not know the future, we too can be wise. He also said that Jehovah's Witnesses "will not allow their children to rest or do things that will make them happy. " □ Yau ewole badikila e ndonga. - Luv. □ Both were involved in feeding multitudes. - Ex. [ Picture on page 19] Aweyi " bevundilanga ' awana batambula mvwatu miampembe? In what sense must those who receive white robes "rest "? Do not feel that way about your child. Aweyi e zingu kia atekolo ame kikala kuna sentu? ' " What kind of world will my grandchildren grow up in? ' What does that mean? Muna tonta Peter, muntu ndioyo wanyuvula vo: "Unzayis'eti, o nkand'a Daniele mu nkia ndinga wasonakenwa? " To test Peter, the rabbi asked, "So, my boy, what language was the book of Daniel written in? " They know that they cannot direct their own steps and that they rely on God's wisdom and are submitting to his direction. Muna mvu wa 1915, Sarah Ferguson wavova vo: " Salu kiayingi twakala kiau mu sala. ' - Muna malundilu meto kuna Brasil. In 1915, Sarah Ferguson was right, " There was more harvest work to be done. ' - From our archives in Brazil. Some have lost their job because they cannot get up early in the morning so that they can find a good time at work or when they go to work. Muna mvu a 2002 tezo kia 65 m'anunu babangikwa. O lutangu lwalu lwawokela kadi muna mvu a 2003 tezo kia 107 y'anunu babangikwa. The number of reported cases of elder abuse in Canterbury rose dramatically from 65 in 2002 to 107 in 2003. The primary purpose of these schools is to worship Jehovah. Nkaz'ame osalanga ola zayingi muna salu kia umbangi muna longa Nkand'a Nzambi kwa wantu, omono ngina y'elau dia sala se nkuluntu muna nkutakani. My wife spends many hours each month helping people learn about the Bible, and I enjoy serving as an elder in the local congregation. When Jesus saw two small coins of money at the temple, he would be sent to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves your country. Yeto mpe ke tufwete sianga kaka sungididi ko mu mana tumonanga muna meso. We too need to see more than what appears to our physical eyes. After three o'clock in the morning, they sold it and used the money to buy it. E nkumbu a Nzambi yasonekwa tezo kia 7.000 muna Bibila, i nkumbu isundidi nkumbu zankaka muna lutangu. - Yesaya 42: 8. God's name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible, more than any other name. - Isaiah 42: 8. He added: "This is what I say to the sons of Israel: " I Will Become What I Will Become to you. ' " Abesalome wavwandila Davidi wa s'andi e mfulu, kadi wazola yala vana fulu kiandi. Absalom conspired against his father, David, for the kingship. He went to pioneer when he was 21. " Nutanginina awana bena vo muna lukwikilu yo luzindalalu i bevuila e nsilu. ' - AYIBERE 6: 12. " Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. " - HEBREWS 6: 12. These will be resurrected, and anointed Christians will be anointed during this time of the end. Wavova diaka vo Mbangi za Yave " ke beyambulanga ko vo wan'au bavunda yovo vanga diambu dilenda kubavana kiese. ' The prosecutor also asserted that our organization " deprives children of normal rest and emotional joys. ' Paul wrote to his fellow believers: "Since we have these promises, beloved ones, let us be holy in every defilement of flesh and spirit, which is holy in the fear of God. " [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 19] [ Picture on page 8, 9] God's spirit helps us to cultivate good qualities that can benefit our family and the congregation. Kufwete kala ye ngindu zazi ko mu kuma kia mwan'aku. Do not even think that about him. I am happy that my children are making spiritual progress because of the support of fellow believers. Ediadi aweyi disongele? What does that mean? Why do some Witnesses believe that they are in the truth? Bazeye wo vo ke balendi singika ntambi za yau kibeni ko. Bebundanga e vuvu muna ngangu za Nzambi yo sakalela luludiku lwandi. Recognizing that they cannot successfully direct their own steps, they trust in God's wisdom and submit to his loving direction. Soon, Jehovah will bless us in his new world by giving us everlasting life, joy, and peace. - 1 Timothy 6: 18, 19. Akaka bekatulwanga mu salu wau vo ke belendanga sikama mu mene - mene ko kimana balwaka mu ntangw'ambote kuna salu yovo belekanga muna ola ya salu. Others lose their jobs because they do not wake up in time to go to work or because they fall asleep on the job. 12: 1. Ekani diantete dia sikola zazi i sambila Yave. The worship of Jehovah is the focus of this educational endeavor. We started serving at Bethel in January 1960. Vava Yesu kamona nkento anson'ansukami watuba mbiya zole muna lundilwa kia nzimbu muna tempelo, kamveza ko. Voluntary donations of money may also be sent directly to Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., Attention Treasurer's Office, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201 - 2483, or to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses that serves your country. 17, 18. Vava kavewanga nsusu tatu yovo ziyá, watekanga zo kun'ezandu yo sadila nzimbu zazi mu sumba mazuti. After trading for three or four chickens, he took them to market, sold them, and filled his gas tank. What truth should we not forget? Wakudikila vo: "I wau wuwu vovesa wan'a Isaele vo, o Mono Ikala Owu Ikala untumini kwa yeno. " And he added: " This is what you are to say to the Israelites, "I Will Become has sent me to you. " ' " (c) How does the Devil feel when one of Jehovah's servants commit a sin? Wayenda muna salu kia kimviti a nzila vava kakala ye kimbuta kia mvu 21. Bob agreed, and he left home to pioneer when he was 21 years old. [ Picture on page 27] Ampangi awaya befundwanga, i Akristu akuswa omu lumbu yayi yambaninu. Those falsely accused brothers are the anointed Christians on earth in these last days. They view it as an opportunity to prepare these songs for the meetings. Paulu wasonekena mpangi zandi z'Akristu vo: "Wau tuna ye nsilu miami, azolwa, mbula twayikiànzisa muna nsafu wawonso wa nitu yo mwanda, tuzikul'o velela muna vumi wa Nzambi. " To his anointed brothers, Paul wrote: "Beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear. " 3 God Provides Faithful Ones O mwand'a Nzambi ukutusadisanga mu yima fu yambote ilenda twasa nluta kwa yitu yeto ye kwa mpangi muna nkutakani. God's spirit produces in us fine qualities that benefit us and those with whom we live and serve. By doing so, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us. - Read Genesis 39: 21 - 23. Ngina ye kiese kia mona vo wan'ame mu nungunuka bena muna mwanda mu kuma kia lusadisu lw'ampangi. I have had the pleasure of seeing my children grow to spiritual maturity with such help. A 13 - year - old girl wrote: "It gives me the courage to talk to my parents about things in my heart, even what I did. " Ekuma Mbangi za Yave zakaka bekwikidilanga vo mu ludi bena? Why do other experienced Witnesses believe that they have found the truth? What should this vision move us to do? Ke kolo ko, Yave okutusambula muna nz'andi ampa muna kutuvana moyo a mvu ya mvu, kiese yo luvuvamu. - 1 Timoteo 6: 18, 19. Thus, we should be willing to postpone the pursuit of many of our personal interests, knowing that in his new world, Jehovah will allow us to enjoy "the real life " - everlasting life in happy, peaceful conditions. - 1 Tim. 6: 18, 19. Each day, more than one million people have access to our Web site. 12: 1. 12: 1, New International Version. 13: 5. Twayantika sadila kuna Betele muna ngonde a Yanuali ya mvu wa 1960. We started working there in January 1960. How did Jesus learn obedience? 17, 18. 17, 18. During the past five years, nearly 4.5 brothers were regular pioneers. Nkia ludi ke tufwete vilakana ko? What reality should we not ignore? Jehovah God is wise for us. (c) O unu, aweyi Nkadi ampemba kemonanga vava selo kia Yave kesumukanga? (c) How do you think the Devil feels when one of Jehovah's servants commits a serious sin today? What did Jesus do in Cana remind you of? [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 27] [ Blurb on page 22] 11: 30. Bebadikilanga dio s'elau dia kubika nkunga miami misadilwanga muna tukutakanu. All count it a privilege to share in providing beautiful music for our theocratic events. Why should we not punish Peter and the other apostles for sleep in the garden of Gethsemane? 3 Nzambi Osambulanga Akwa Kwikizi 3 Being Faithful Leads to God's Approval Jehovah created his only - begotten Son and later used him as "master worker " in creation. Avo tuvangidi wo, tulenda kala ye ziku vo Yave okutusambula. - Tanga Etuku 39: 21 - 23. When we do, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us. - Read Genesis 39: 21 - 23. This meant making changes in their lives, turning away from doing bad things, and doing God's undeserved kindness. Dumbelele kimosi kia mvu 13 wasoneka vo: "Nkanda wau ukumpananga unkabu wa mokena ye mase mame mu mambu mena yame muna ntima, kana nkutu mana yavanga. " One 13 - year - old girl wrote, "This book gave me the courage to talk to my parents about things that were on my mind - even things that I had done. " You would probably agree, as the Roman Catholic writer said: "This is the Son of God. " E mona - meso yayi adieyi ifwete kutufila mu vanga? What impact did visions from Jehovah have on Ezekiel and Isaiah, and how should we be affected? This happened many times. Konso lumbu, vioka wantu milhão mosi ye ndambu beziulanga nzil'eto ya Internete. Each day, over 1.6 million people visit our website. Those words strengthened my resolve to remain faithful. - Job 27: 5. 13: 5. 13: 5. It will please your father and your mother, and they will do all they can to make your life better. O Yesu aweyi kalongokela o lemvo? How did Jesus learn obedience? Appreciate Your Place of Work With Jehovah! Mu mvu ntanu miviokele, tezo kia 250.000 ma mpangi bakota muna salu kia kimviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde. In the last five years, more than 250,000 have started pioneering, and now there are over 1,100,000 regular pioneers. During the past 100 years, there have been wars and wars throughout the world. Yave wa Nzambi wafwana kikilu kutuvana luludiku lwalu. Jehovah God is supremely qualified to provide such direction. Their heart was touched by the bad news caused by some who were sent out to spy out the land. Esivi kavanga o Yesu kuna Kana, nkia diambu dikusungamesanga? The account about Jesus in Cana draws attention to what? 23: 9, 10. 11: 30. 11: 30. They showed me 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. Ekuma ke tufwete tumbila Petelo ye ntumwa zakaka ko wau baleka o tulu muna mpatu a Ngetesemane? Why should we be careful about judging Peter and the other apostles for falling asleep in the garden of Gethsemane? Even though she was busy at work, her pain did not last. Yave wavanga Mwan'andi amosi, i bosi wansadila se "mbuta mbangu " mu sema lekwa yawonso. (Nga. 8: 22, 23, 30; Yoa. Jehovah created his only - begotten Son and then, using his Son as "a master worker, " made the universe. Their rebellion lost the prospect of perfect life that they could have for their offspring. (Yeremiya 9: 25, 26; Mavangu 7: 51) Ediadi diavavanga vo basoba e mpila zingu kiau, bayambula vanga oma mambi yo vanga oma metwasanga nsambu za Nzambi. This called for a change in lifestyle - from carrying on what was bad to doing what brought God's blessing. Because of disrespect, they could see God's anger. Nanga lenda vova nze una wavova mbut'a nkama wa mwisi Roma vo: "Kieleka ndioyu i Mwan'a Nzambi. " Perhaps you feel as did the Roman army officer who was moved to say: "Certainly this was God's Son. " Be a spiritual inheritance from Jehovah Ediadi nkumbu miayingi diavangama. " Time and again " this happened. The accompanying box explains: "There are many, and their number cannot be cut short. " E mvovo miami miasiamisa etima diame dia sikila ye kwikizi. - Yobi 27: 5. Those words strengthened my desire to keep integrity. - Job 27: 5. After warning people about selfishness, Jesus spoke of a rich man who saw his little treasure and kept building it, which he would fill and fill it with plenty of food. Diyangidikanga o s'aku ye ngudi aku, oyau mpe bevanga mawonso mu kitula zingu kiaku se kiakiese. It makes your mother and father happy, and in turn, they will certainly show their pleasure in ways that will make your life happier. The same is true of Jehovah's name, and first - century Christians were called God's name people. Yangalelanga Lau Diaku dia Sala Kumosi yo Yave! Cherish Your Privilege of Working With Jehovah! This teaches them the best way to talk and deepen their desire to read. Mu mvu 100 miviokele, vita zayingi zabwa kumosi ye vita zole za nz'amvimba. During the past 100 years, there have been many wars, including two world wars. The apostle Paul told Christian women to encourage others by word and example. E ntima miau miazakama mu kuma kia nsangu zambi batwasilwa kw'akaka mun'awana bafilwa mu kwenda langa e nsi. Their hearts melted because of the negative report of some who had been sent to spy out the land. How does 1 Samuel 8: 1 - 5 describe Samuel's sons? 23: 9, 10. 23: 9, 10. We Do Not Follow "their Example " Bansonga sono kia 1 Korinto 6: 9 - 11. They showed me 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11 in the Bible. A vow is one of the greatest commands to obey. Kana una vo ola zayingi kakalanga kuna salu, e ntantu ke zafokoka ko. Ana's job kept her busy, but it did not take away her pain. When Job obeyed Jehovah's direction and changed his thinking, Jehovah allowed others to know that he loved Job's integrity. - Job 42: 7, 8. O ukolami wau wavidisa vuvu kia moyo alunga una badi tambula wan'au. Their disobedience dashed the prospect of perfect life that their offspring would have enjoyed. " God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - REV. Mu kuma kia kondwa luzitu, bamona makasi ma Nzambi. For such gross disrespect, they would feel the heat of divine anger. " The holy spirit led you into the wilderness. " Kala S'evwa dia Yave Elau Diampwena Belonging to Jehovah - An Undeserved Kindness Each time, we too want others to forgive us. E babu kiaki kisasilanga vo: "Ndonga bakala, lutangu lwau ke lulendi tangakana ko. " She said: "This illuminated my understanding of the verse. " Will we be trusted? Vava kamana lukisa wantu mu kuma ki'eloko, Yesu wayika mvwama mosi ona wamona vo malundilu mandi makete, wabangula mo yo tunga malundilu masundidi o nene, mana kezadisa yo ulolo wa madia. After warning about covetousness, Jesus spoke about a rich man who is not content with storehouses filled with good things he already has but who tears them down and builds bigger ones in order to lay up more good things. For example, in some 120 languages are spoken, and nearly 200 languages are spoken in Australia. Diau adimosi mpe mu kuma kia nkumbu a Yave. Akristu a tandu kiantete bayikilwanga vo nkangu muna nkumbu a Nzambi. Surely, upon being presented with the forbidden fruit, Adam should have paused to reflect on the effect that disobedience would have on his relationship with God. The children of these foreigners were not able to read or speak Hebrew. Ediadi dikubalonga e mpila yambote ya vovela mambu yo wokesa etima diau dia tanga. Doing so teaches them correct pronunciation and reinforces the habit of reading. " The belief that someone who has come out of an animal could not have the meaning of this natural quality. " (Yobi 32: 7) Paulu wa ntumwa wavovesa akento Akristu vo bakasakesanga akaka muna mvovo ye mbandu. The apostle Paul urged experienced Christian women to encourage others by word and example. Jesus set the perfect example for us. E sono kia 1 Samuele 8: 1 - 5 aweyi kiyikilanga wan'a Samuele? What does 1 Samuel 8: 1 - 5 reveal about Samuel's sons? The sisters loaded the whole stadium outside the stadium. Ke Tulandi " Mbandu au ya Kolama ' Ko Do Not "Fall in the Same Pattern of Disobedience " Karen: I try to see things from God's point of view. Odia e ndofi, umosi muna nkanikinu belemvokelanga. One of the commands that its members obey concerns the making of sworn oaths. The King realized that Joseph's God had given him those words. (Yobi 32: 5 - 10) Vava Yobi kalemvokela luludiku kavewa kwa Yave yo soba e ngindu zandi, Yave wayambula vo akaka bazaya vo wayangalelanga kwikizi kia Yobi. - Yobi 42: 7, 8. After Job listened to Jehovah's loving counsel and changed his view, Jehovah let others know that he was pleased with Job's faithfulness. - Job 42: 7, 8. It was a heavy and serious name. " Nzambi okunguna mansanga mawonso muna meso mau; o lufwa, ke lukala diaka ko. ' - LUS. " [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - REV. Prayer - What Does It Mean to Be? Vana vau, "o mwand'avelela umfididi muna makanga. " Soon after that, "the spirit impelled him to go into the wilderness. " How do you feel that the end is near? Konso ntangwa, yeto mpe tuvavanga vo akaka batuloloka. There is, however, a far more important reason for us to be forgiving. In the family, what arrangement did Jehovah provide for the needs of children? Nga twafwana bundwa e vuvu? Have they proved to be trustworthy? In fact, Psalm 118: 22 foretold a resurrection that would happen hundreds of years earlier. Kasikil'owu, kuna nsi ya Filândia tezo kia 120 ma ndinga zivovwanga ko; kuna Austrália tezo kia 200 za ndinga. For instance, in Finland more than 120 languages are spoken; in Australia the number is over 200. Because of natural disasters around the world, we all need comfort and freedom. O wana bawutanga akento anzenza awaya ke balendanga tanga yovo vova Kiyibere ko. The children of these foreign women could not read or speak Hebrew. We proclaim that Jesus was enthroned as King of the Messianic Kingdom in heaven. Elongi dia Darwin dia sia vo muntu mu bulu katuka kadilendi songa e nsasa ya fu kiaki kia kingutukila ko. " That doesn't seem like it can be explained by a Darwinian model. " He has given them time to continue caring for parents and not to move them to a nursing home. Yesu watusisila mbandu ambote. Jesus set the perfect example for us. " I will make them like sheeplike ones in the pen. " - PROVERBS 2: 12, New International Version. Ampangi za makento bakomba e yanzala kiawonso kiakala kuna mbazi a fulu kia budila somba. Teams of Witness women cleaned the park surrounding the stadium. REGULAR FEATURES Nlandu: Mono ivavanga badikila e mambu nze una Nzambi kebadikilanga mo. Claire: Gail, a lot of people think the flag stands for their country. In the following article, we will consider these questions. Ntinu wabakula vo Nzambi a Yosefe yandi wamvana mvovo miamina mia ngangu. The king also acknowledged that Joseph's God was the real force behind Joseph's wise words. Each year, there are about 50,000 earthquakes. Etunda yo yikilwa nkumbu zanene bazolanga. They desired prominence and flattering titles. [ Picture on page 25] Sambu ke Ivaninwanga Mvutu ko, Abidi - Yuni Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body, 6 / 15 (c) Why is the example of Bezalel encouraging to us? Aweyi omonanga wau vo e mbaninu ifinamene? How do you feel about the end being so close? We do well to ask ourselves: " How can I imitate Jehovah's mercy in my dealings with others? Muna zingu kia nzo, adieyi kasikidisa o Yave mu kuma kia lunga - lunga e nsatu za wana? In the family, what arrangements has Jehovah made to provide for the needs of the children? Not long ago, some feel that they have a name. Kieleka, o ungunza una muna Nkunga 118: 22 wavovela o lufuluku lwadi vangama una vevioka mafunda ye mafunda ma mvu. Clearly, the prophecy at Psalm 118: 22 foretold a resurrection that would occur hundreds of years later. The Search of a Man Who Can Live Again Muna kuma kia sumbula yibwanga mu nza yawonso, yeto awonso lufiaulwisu yo luvevoko tuvwidi o mfunu. Because of the tragic events - small and large - that befall us, mankind is sorely in need of comfort and relief. Yes! Tusamunanga vo Yesu wayadikwa se Ntinu a Kintinu kia Masia kuna zulu. We proclaim him as the enthroned heavenly King of the Messianic Kingdom. Now Timothy saw that man first walking. O kubavana e moko ntangwa ke ntangwa dilenda sadisa muna kwamanana lunga - lunga mase yo lembi kubafila mu nzaki kuna nzo zilunga - lunganga anunu. Periodic help may be all that is required to prevent premature recourse to the services of a nursing home. We enjoy serving God, especially when we help others to get to know him. " Ikubabundakesa nze mameme muna mpaka. " - MIKA 2: 12, NW. 2: 12. Joshua was only one of Jehovah's Witnesses when we arrived in Singapore in 1947. MALONGI METOMA VAIKISWANGA REGULAR FEATURES At the end of the visit, you can make sure that you stay together in the ministry. Mun'elongi dilanda tubadika e yuvu yayi. We will consider these questions in the next article. Toward the end, the Son of man will lead an angel to separate the weeds from the wheat and the wheat. Konso mvu, tezo kia 50.000 ma nzakama za ntoto zivangamanga. Each year, some 50,000 earthquakes are large enough to be felt by humans. ; Puse, A. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 25] [ Picture on page 25] District Conventions, 8 / 1 (c) E nona kia Besalele ekuma kinina kia lukasakeso kwa yeto? (c) Why is Bezalel's experience particularly encouraging? This did not please Jehovah. Diambote twakiyuvulanga: " Aweyi ndenda tanginina e nkenda za Yave muna nkal'ame ye akaka? Let us therefore ask ourselves: " How can I better imitate Jehovah's mercy and compassion in my dealings with others? See how this purpose is described at Revelation 21: 3 - 5. Ke una mpe ko muna disionario za ndinga zazi. Akaka nkutu bebanzanga vo nkumbu a fulu. It was not in their dictionaries, and some even thought that it was the name of a location. Many young people are determined to read the Bible every day, to get baptized, to serve as pioneers, or to serve at Bethel. E Mpw'a Muntu Ilenda Kutuvuna Appearances Can Be Deceptive Jesus willingly lived according to God's will and died on a torture stake. Ingeta! Absolutely! He also told older women in the congregation not to be "a lot of wine. " - Titus 2: 3. Owau, Timoteo omwene muntu ndioyu okangalanga mu nkumbu antete. Now Timothy could see the man walking for the first time! MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Tuyangalalanga sadila Nzambi, musungula vava tusadisanga akaka kimana banzaya. We find pleasure in serving God, especially in helping others come to know him. He made the sun, the earth, and the moon in his place, each one in which we live, the light, the sun, and the seasons. Joshua kaka wakala se Mbangi a Yave vava twalwaka kuna Cingapura muna mvu wa 1947 Joshua was the only Witness in Singapore when we arrived in 1947 " The faithful slave " may have published a series of answers to our questions and doubts. Kuna mfoko a nkingula, olenda vanga e nkubika kimana nwasala kumosi muna salu kia umbangi. When concluding the call, you may find it practical to make an appointment to share in the ministry together. What choice did Ruth make? Kuna mbaninu, Mwan'a muntu ofila mbasi muna vambula mbongo ambi ye masa. During the time of the end, the Son of man would send forth his "reapers, " the angels, to separate the symbolic wheat from the weeds. She adds: "When I help him, I don't do all the things that I do not do. ; Siaw, A. ; Siaw, A. If so, you are happy to give help to your partner. " Yave Okiesesanga Ndose Andi oku Bena ' (afwa matu), 15 / 8 Today, we too need to train others. Ediadi ke diayangidika Yave ko. Jehovah took this wicked accusation very seriously. Abraham's covenant made the Kingdom of the heavens and opened the way for the King and his associate rulers to have that Kingdom. Tala una ndungana ekani diadi iyikilwanga muna Lusengomono 21: 3 - 5. - Tanga. Note how the fulfillment of his purpose is described at Revelation 21: 3 - 5. - Read. January 26 - 1, 2009 Aleke ayingi bekuyisilanga e kani dia tanga Nkand'a Nzambi lumbu yawonso, kani dia vubwa, kota muna salu kia kimviti a nzila yovo kwenda sadila kuna Betele. Some young people have the goal to read the Bible every day, get baptized, become a pioneer, or go to Bethel. Some who look at us may decide to learn about Jehovah, his purposes, and his people. Yesu wayivana kuna mvevo wawonso mu zingila mun'owu wa luzolo lwa Nzambi yo fwa vana nti ampasi. Jesus willingly accepted the self - sacrificing course God had assigned him - one that would lead to his death on a torture stake within a few months. As I grew up, I lost my car. Wavovesa mpe akento anunu muna nkutakani balembi "bundunwa kwa vinyo yayingi. " - Tito 2: 3. He also admonished the aged women in the congregation not to be "enslaved to a lot of wine. " - Titus 2: 3. Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide are busy teaching people about God's Word and helping those who are afflicted by natural disasters. LUYINDULU LWA MVU WA 2016 MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Jesus ' example helped his apostles. Wavanga e ntangwa, ntoto ye ngonde, konso lekwa vana fulu kiandi, yawonso isadisanga kimana o ntoto tuzingilanga wakala ye mbangazi, ntemo, fuku yo mwini, nsungi ye nkoko. He set sun, earth, and moon in place, all in proper relation one to another, so that our earth is provided with warmth and light, night and day, the seasons and the tides. Kenneth's Love O "ntaudi akwikizi " nanga ovaikisa nkanda uvana mvutu za yuvu yeto yo katula lukatikisu lweto. The " faithful slave ' may eventually publish something that answers our questions and clears up our doubts. Instead of accepting God's favor, he became proud and rebelled against God's authority. Nkia nzengo kabaka o Rutu? What did Ruth decide to do? Some people say that God did not purpose humans to live forever on earth. Wakudikila vo: "Vava okunsadisanga kuvangi mawonso ko. She adds: "In your desire to help, don't take over. He asked me: "Are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Avo i wau, kiese wamona mu vana lusadisu kwa nkw'aku. If so, you likely felt a sense of satisfaction in knowing that you had assisted someone in a practical way. How does Jehovah demonstrate that he is "the one who loves us "? O unu, yeto mpe tufwete longanga akaka. Today we too need to train others. STUDY ARTICLES Ekangu dia Abarayama diasikidisa Kintinu kia zulu yo ziula e nzila kimana o Ntinu ye awana keyala yau bavwa Kintinu kiaki. The Abrahamic covenant points to the King and to his corulers in God's Kingdom, and it forms the legal foundation of the Kingdom of the heavens. Finding True Truth 26 Yanuali - 1 Fevelelo January 26, 2009 - February 1, 2009 " O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. " - PS. Akaka ana bekutumonanga balenda bak'e nzengo za longoka mu kuma kia Yave, makani mandi ye nkangu andi. Some who observe us may desire to learn about Jehovah, his purposes, and his people. After two and a half years, we served again in Bombay. Ekolo yakulanga, kiakondwanga kalu di'avangudi ko. As I grew up, the wheelchair was my constant companion. • Moses? E salu besalanga Mbangi za Yave mu nza yawonso kia longa wantu e Diambu dia Nzambi yo sadisa awana bebwilwanga sumbula, mu tukau twamvevo kisadilwanga. The work Jehovah's Witnesses do around the world to teach God's Word and help those affected by natural disasters is supported by voluntary donations. Meditating on Hannah's prayer will help you to improve your prayers, knowing that you can cope with the pain you feel when you pray to Jehovah, confident that you will hear your prayer. - 1 Sam. E mbandu a Yesu yasadisa ntumwa zandi. Jesus ' example had a positive influence on his apostles. I wanted to share my new faith with anyone who came to my home. Kenneth Flodin Kenneth Flodin Let us see. Vana fulu kia tonda Nzambi, wakituka nkwa lulendo yo telamena e wisa kia Nzambi. Instead of being thankful, he became "puffed up with pride " and began to despise God's way of ruling. [ Footnote] Ankaka bevovanga vo Nzambi kakana ko vo wantu bazinga ova ntoto yakwele mvu. Some say, however, that God never meant for humans to live on earth forever. The faithful and discreet slave has been entrusted with the responsibility of caring for Jesus ' belongings on earth and providing spiritual food. Wangiuvula diaka vo: "U Mbangi a Yave? He said, "You are? The place where it was happening still on this earth. Aweyi Yave kesongelanga vo yandi "wateka kutuzola "? In what way has Jehovah shown that he "first loved us "? ▪ How important is it to be born again? MALONGI MAMFUNU " WEIGHTY MESSAGES ' published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Kiese kia Solola e Ludi The Joy of Discovering the Truth Because they looked at things that they knew only that Jesus ' son was a carpenter. " Ongeye owanga sambu, o wantu awonso kwa ngeye bekwiza. " - NKU. " O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. " - PS. " I didn't want to study the Bible on one occasion, " she says. Vava twalungisa mvu miole ye ndambu, twayenda sadila diaka kuna mbanz'a Bombaim. After about two and a half years, we were reassigned to Bombay. * • Mose? • Moses? " Many have fallen asleep in the dust. " - Daniel 12: 2. (1 Sam. 1: 19 - 28) O toma badika e sambu kia Kana dilenda kusadisa mu tomesa e sambu yaku yo zaya vo lenda sunda e nkenda za mpasi omonanga kele vo osambidi kwa Yave yo kala ye vuvu vo owá sambu kiaku. - 1 Sam. Taking time to meditate on her prayer on that occasion may well enrich your own prayers and help you to see that even sadness over a distressing problem can be overcome if you pray in faith that Jehovah will answer you. - 1 Sam. Moreover, Christ's resurrection was the key to Christian faith and deep Bible truths about God's sovereignty, his name, and our salvation. Yakala ye tima dia zayisa o lukwikilu lwame lwampa kwa konso muntu wayizanga kuna nzo ame. I eagerly shared my new - found hope with everyone who came to my home. When we meditate on what was foretold for Nineveh, Babylon and apostates in the book of Nahum and Habakkuk, we can be sure that the psalmist's words will be fulfilled. Yambula twazaya. Let us see. 3: 1, 5, 6; 5: 14, 15. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnotes] Serving our time and energy to help others is not always easy. O ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu wavewa e mbebe ya lunga - lunga mavwa ma Yesu ova ntoto yo kubika madia ma mwanda. This slave class is entrusted with caring for Jesus ' earthly interests and with providing timely spiritual food. Such reports show how Jehovah has blessed the preaching work. E fulu kina banwanina kina yamu unu kiaki. It involves real people and real places. Moreover, he was born in Bethlehem, a small town in Bethlehem. ▪ O wutuluka nkia mfunu kwina? ▪ How important is the new birth? For example, a new understanding of "the faithful and discreet slave " was published in The Watchtower of July 15, 2013. wavaikiswa kwa Mbangi za Yave. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. What does it mean to be reasonable? E kuma kadi mu mbon'a meso batadilanga mambu, edi kaka bazaya vo Yesu mwan'a mvadi a nti. Basing their opinions on outward appearances, all they saw was the son of a country carpenter. They began serving Jehovah under Satan's rule. Selma wavova vo: "Lumbu kimosi kiakala ye luzolo lwa longoka Nkand'a Nzambi ko. " On one particular day, " says Selma, "I didn't want to have a Bible study. What do we look forward to in the new world? * " * • How are we similar to Noah's day? " Engi balele muna ntoto besikama. " - Daniele 12: 2. " Many of those asleep in the dust of the earth will wake up. " - Daniel 12: 2. As a result, differences may arise between two brothers and sisters in the congregation. Vana ntandu, o lufuluku lwa Kristu lwakala se nsabi muna lukwikilu lwa Akristu ye ngwizani lwina ye malongi masina ma Nkand'a Nzambi mu kuma kia kimfumu kia Nzambi, nkumbu andi, Kintinu kiandi ye luvuluzu lweto. After all, the resurrection of Christ was a key element of the Christian faith, being inseparably linked to some of the Bible's most basic teachings about God's sovereignty, his name, his Kingdom, and our salvation. Jehovah will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. (Nkunga 37: 10) Avo tubadikidi dina diasakulwa mu kuma kia Nineve, Babele ye abendomoki Ayuda muna nkanda Nakumi ye Kabakuke, tukala ye ziku vo e mvovo mia ntozi a nkunga lungana kieleka milungana. When we reflect upon what was foretold about Nineveh in the book of Nahum and about Babylon and apostate Judah in the book of Habakkuk, we have no doubt that the psalmist's words will come true. But this was not enough. 3: 1, 5, 6; 5: 14, 15. 3: 1, 5, 6; 5: 14, 15. Parents should encourage their children to talk about their concerns and to understand what they say. - 8 / 1, pages 10 - 11. O sadila e ntangwa ye ngolo zeto mu sadisa akaka ke diambu diasazu ko. It is not always easy to give our time and energy. Cameron: Thank you. E nsangu zazi zisonga e mpila o Yave kesambulwilanga salu kia umbangi. That report will demonstrate Jehovah's rich blessing on the preaching work. Yes, because Jehovah was concerned about the welfare of those in the Law, he set aside time for his people so that they could "come up. " Vana ntandu, mu Beteleme kawutukila ina vo mbanz'akete. Moreover, his hometown, Bethlehem, was not of great prominence. God promises that he will remove all causes of suffering and that he will make obedient humans perfect. Kasikil'owu, umbakuzi wampa wa mvovo "ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu " wavaikiswa muna Eyingidilu dia 15 Yuli 2013. For example, a clearer understanding of "the faithful and discreet slave " was published in the July 15, 2013, Watchtower. By being willing and willing to have a positive view of others, we will have a good relationship with our brothers and sisters. O kala nkwa ntim'anleka aweyi disongele? What does it mean to be reasonable? 8: 2. Bayantikila sadila Yave muna nza yayalwanga kwa Satana. They began their service to Jehovah in a world dominated by Satan. What a precious gift! Adieyi tuvingilanga ye tima diawonso muna nz'ampa? What can we look forward to in the new world? He also encouraged others to glorify God along with him. - Read Psalm 147: 1, 7, 12. • Aweyi lumbu yeto ifwananene ye lumbu ya Noa? • How are our times remarkably similar to Noah's day? First, let us see what each member of the horse represents. Muna kuma kiaki, ezak'e ntangwa valenda bwa ntantani vana vena mpangi zole muna nkutakani. Hence, differences and misunderstandings between fellow believers are bound to arise. Whether they are sick or not, everyone wants to be happy in his old age. Yave ke yambula ko vo twatontwa ntontwa ina ke tulendi zizidila ko. Jehovah will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. " Do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. " - 2 TIM. (2 Tusansu 5: 10) Kansi, ke wau kaka ko diakalanga. However, this was not always the case. Highlights From 1 and 2 Timothy, 3 / 15 Mase bafwete kasakesanga wan'au mu mokenanga mambu betokanenanga yo vava bakula mana bevovanga aleke. - 1 / 8, lukaya lwa 10 - 11 mu Kimputu. Parents may try to encourage communication in informal settings and strive to discern the message behind the words of the youth. - 8 / 1, pages 10 - 11. Paul took time to train Timothy, and Timothy too focused on what he was learning Malungu: Ntondele. Cameron: Thank you. How did Jesus ' resurrection differ from those resurrected before him? 23: 12) Elo, wau vo Yave watokananenanga e wete di'awana bakala kuna nsi a Nsiku, wavaula lumbu kiamvimba kimana nkangu andi "basakumuka " yovo bavunda. Yes, out of consideration for those under the Law, Jehovah lovingly arranged for a day of rest so that his people might "refresh themselves. " God's spirit can direct a person to carry out his assignment even if he lacks wisdom. (Nsiku 32: 4, 5) Nzambi osianga nsilu vo ofokola e mpasi zawonso batutwasila yo kitula awana bekunlemvokelanga se wantu alunga. The good news is that God has promised to repair the damage - to restore obedient humans to perfection. Paul pointed out that a true Christian gives "a complete heart. " Muna lolokanga yo kala yo nyindu ambote mu kuma ki'akaka, tukala ye ngwizani ambote ye mpangi zeto. By having a forgiving spirit and thinking positively of others, we will enjoy peaceful relations with fellow worshippers. What about the ancient nation of Israel? 8: 2. 8: 2. Today, it is well - known and well - known. 2: 19, 20, 23) Kieleka, lukau lwamfunu kikilu. What a wonderful gift this has proved to be! Jehovah's purpose is certain. Wakasakesa mpe ankaka bakembelela Nzambi kumosi yo yandi. - Tanga Nkunga 147: 1, 7, 12. He also encouraged others to praise God with him. - Read Psalm 147: 1, 7, 12. False Christians have a mistaken view of God, godly devotion, but those who have spiritual insight are "the spirit and the truth. " Entete yambula twazaya e diambu dina konso muntu ovuende vana mvalu miami kesunzulanga. First, let us determine the identity of each horseman. The vision begins this way: "I saw, and look! Therefore, noting the right hand means that we do not show others what we have given us, even as our right hand is. Yela yovo lembi yela, wantu awonso bazolele kala ye kiese muna kinunu. Nevertheless, whether confronted with age - related problems or not, most people wish to be able to age gracefully. For example, the long - awaited tree may come to some three feet m) long. - Ps. 5: 15) " Sala salu kia nteleki a nsangu zambote, lunganisa uselo waku. " - 2 TIM. " Do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. " - 2 TIM. Read what he says. Bacudio), Okutoba - Desemba Father, 7 / 1 In time, however, that kingdom appeals to God's people. Paulu wavaulanga e ntangwa ya longa Timoteo, o Timoteo mpe wasianga sungididi mu mana kalongwanga Paul took time to teach Timothy, and Timothy learned well This made him want to learn more about God and his Word. Aweyi lufuluku lwa Yesu lwaswaswanena ye lufuluku lw'awana bafuluka vitila yandi? How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from the resurrections that preceded it? I quickly bought a Bible. O mwand'a Nzambi ulenda fwanisa muntu mu lungisa kiyekwa kiandi kana nkutu vo kena ye ngangu zafwana ko. God's spirit can qualify people for a work or a service privilege regardless of their previous circumstances or experience. When a Christian mate dies, I go to the home of many people who come to comfort him and help him in many ways. Paulu wasonga vo Nkristu akieleka, ovananga "una kakanini muna ntim'andi. " A genuine Christian gives because he has decided "in his heart " to do so, notes Paul. 21, 22. Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kia zula kia Isaele kuna nz'ankulu? What about the ancient nation of Israel? Now my wife and I are better than we are. O unu kiaki e mpila ivangamenanga maza mamvula, itomene zayakana. Today, the truth about the direction of the water cycle is common knowledge. We may invite new ones to visit the elderly or the sick. Ekani dia Yave lungana dilungana. (Yes. That divine purpose will be realized. Regarding the freedom that Jehovah's servants will enjoy in the future, Jehovah gave Jacob's command: "The perfect law that belongs to freedom. " Akristu aluvunu nyindu abendomoka bena wau mu kuma kia Nzambi, vumi wakivunina besonganga, kansi awana bena ye umbakuzi wa mwanda i besambilanga Nzambi muna "mwanda ye ludi. " False Christians have a distorted view of God and often a hypocritical form of godly devotion, whereas those having spiritual insight worship God "with spirit and truth. " Who do you feel? Muna kuma kiaki, o lembi zayisa koko kwalumonso dina divangidi koko kwalunene, disongele vo ke tusonganga kwa wantu ko kina tuvananga akaka, kana nkutu kw'akundi nze una wina koko kweto kwalumonso ye kwalunene. Therefore, not letting the left hand know what the right is doing means that we do not advertise our charitable deeds, even to those as close to us as our left hand is to our right hand. For example, if you are a young person, you may hear when your schoolmates like sex. Kasikil'owu, o lambuka kwa nti miakaka mia nsedele a Lebanone kulenda lwaka tezo kia meta 37. Evimbu dia nti wau dilenda lwaka tezo kia meta 12. (Nku - Nku. 5: 15) Kuna lubantiku, o nti nzaki unungunukanga. For example, some of the majestic cedars of Lebanon can reach the height of a 12 - story building and have strong, penetrating roots and a trunk circumference of up to 40 feet (12 m). Jehovah Is "the Provider of escape " for Us Tanga dina kevova. Read what she has to say. Jehovah did not simply know that Abraham was alive; he viewed him as his friend. - Jas. 36: 22, 23) Kansi, kuna kwalanda e kintinu kiaki kiavava fwasa nkangu a Nzambi. However, this same power later came close to eradicating God's people. In this way, you can help him to see that his attitude can cause him pain and dishonor Jehovah, and that can move him to make changes. - See endnote. Ediadi diamfila mu vava zaya mayingi mu kuma kia Nzambi ye Diambu diandi. That made me want to know more about God and his Word. 13, 14. We can also read in history books about its gladiatorial games, chariot races, and plays and musicals on a wide range of subjects, some of them shameful. One friend told me about the Bible's hope of a resurrection, and Mother accepted a Bible study. Vana vau yayenda sumba Nkand'a Nzambi. I went right out and bought a Bible. Send me. " Vava nkaz'a Nkristu kefwanga, muna lumbu ilandanga wantu ayingi bekwendanga kuna nzo a mfwidi mu kumfiaulwisa yo kunsadisa mu mpila zayingi. For a while after a married Christian dies, many may come to the home of the surviving mate to offer comfort and to help in various ways. Is that true? 21, 22. 21, 22. Some of these were Daniel and his three companions, who moved to the royal court. Owau omono yo nkaz'ame se yeto tusundidi kimbuta. Now my wife and I are the oldest. Why did the nations oppose Israel? Tulenda bokela nteleki ampa vava tukwenda kingulanga anunu yovo ambevo. We can ask new ones to come with us when we visit older ones or those who are sick. For example, both of them attended meetings at the branch office in Ecuador. " I have been conducting two years in Ecuador, 13 Bible studies, and 4 of them attended meetings regularly. Muna kuma kia luvevoko bevwa selo ya Yave kuna sentu, Yave wavana nsiku una kayikila Yakobo vo: "Nsiku aziku a vevoka. " The answer lies in what the Bible writer James called "the perfect law that belongs to freedom. " The Bible says: "The gray - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " - Prov. Nani omonanga? Whom do you see at this place of worship? We read: "They did not know until the flood came and swept them all away. " - Matthew 24: 39. Kasikil'owu, avo u nleke, nanga owanga ekolo akundi aku a sikola bekuyisananga mu kuma kia vukana yo konso muntu bazolele. For example, if you are a young person, you might hear your schoolmates brag about having sex with whomever they want to. WHEN Jehovah appointed Saul to become king, Saul was humble. Yave i " Ntanini ' eto Jehovah Is "the Provider of Escape " for Us Eve and I have three children, remembering: "We often talked about full - time service. " Yave kazaya kaka ko vo Abarayama moyo kakala, wambadikilanga vo nkundi andi. - Yak. Jehovah was not merely aware of Abraham's existence; he cherished Abraham as a friend. - Jas. Jesus said that it should be preached to all people everywhere. Muna mpila yayi, olenda kunsadisa mu bakula vo e fu kiandi kilenda kuntwasila mpasi yo kendeleka Yave. E diadi dilenda kumfila mu vanga e nsobani. - Tala mvovo mia nsuka. In this way, you may help him realize that his behavior is harmful to himself and displeasing to Jehovah, and he may change his attitude. - See endnote. 15 13, 14. 13, 14. 3: 5, 6; Luke 11: 13; Heb. Nkundi andi mosi ankento wanzayisa e vuvu kia Nkand'a Nzambi kia lufuluku. Ngudi eto watambulwila longoka Nkand'a Nzambi. One of her acquaintances had spoken to her about the Scriptural hope of a resurrection, and my mother accepted the offer of a Bible study. But I often went home to encourage my family. (Yes. He was being brought just like a sheep to the slaughtering; and like a ewe that before her shearers has become mute, he also would not open his mouth. " It pointed out how the rain began to rain and end. Nga dialudi? But is that true? 7 See the Name in the Valley Akaka muna yau i Daniele y'akundi andi atatu, ana bayenda sadila kuna lumbu lwa ntinu Akaladi. Among them are young Daniel and his three companions, who are serving in the Chaldean court. Will Satan rule forever? Ekuma esi zula basilanga Isaele kitantu? What was the objective of the nations in conspiring against Israel? From childhood on, I didn't want to go to church, but I liked going to school and enjoyed recreation. Kasikil'owu, Jaqueline watuka kuna Alemanha wasonekena ampangi kuna vula dia Equador vo: "Tezo kia mvu miole se ngina oku Equador, wantu 13 ilongokanga yau Nkand'a Nzambi, 4 muna yau bekwendanga muna tukutakanu ntangwa zawonso. For example, Jaqueline from Germany enthusiastically wrote to the Ecuador branch: "I've been serving in Ecuador for just over two years, and I already have 13 Bible studies, 4 of whom attend meetings regularly. What four other places did Jesus refer to his coming in his prophecy? Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "E mvu, kolow'ankembo, avo ziwanuka muna nzil'a unsongi. " - Nga. No wonder God's Word says: "Gray hair is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness "! - Prov. There is another reason why people hesitate to lie. Tutanganga muna Nkand'a Nzambi vo: "Ke bazaya wo ko, yavana kiayiz'e kizalu, kiabakùkulwisa yau awonso. " - Matai 24: 39. The Bible says: "They took no note until the flood came and swept them all away. " - Matthew 24: 39. Our speech. VAVA Yave kasola Saulu mu kituka ntinu, Saulu nlembami kakala. WHEN Jehovah chose Saul to be king, Saul was modest. PUBLISHERS 6: 6, 7) Eva yo Ryszard bena yo wana tatu, besungamenanga vo: "Nkumbu miayingi twamokenanga mu kuma kia salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa. " " We talked a lot about various avenues of the full - time ministry, " recall Ewa and Ryszard, the parents of three sons. He said: "I will put enmity between you so that they may have freedom, because they have many difficulties. Yesu wavova vo zifwete samunwa kwa wantu awonso muna fulu yawonso. Jesus indicated that it should be preached to all people everywhere. [ Picture on page 25] 15 15 In 1923, how did God's people understand the parable of the sheep and the goats? 3: 5, 6; Luka 11: 13; Ayib. 3: 5, 6; Luke 11: 13; Heb. They realized that true happiness comes from serving Jehovah. Kansi, yavutukanga nkumbu miayingi kuna nzo mu kasakesa yitu yame. Dad tried to stop Mother from attending the meetings. When God poured out his spirit upon his servants, they "became filled with holy spirit. " Masono mama masonga una mvula yayantikila yo fokoka. That record tells when the rains started and stopped. 6, 7. 7 Tala e Nkumbu Muna Londe 7 See the Name in the Valley To examine yourself and determine whether you will be able to serve abroad, consider the following questions, and pray earnestly to see if you can move. Nga Satana oyala yakwele mvu? Will Satan rule forever? Because of sin, people became enemies of God, and how did Jesus ' sacrifice help them? Tuka kileke kiame, kiazolanga kwenda ku nzo a nzambi ko, kansi yazolanga kwenda ku sikola yo yangalela e nsaka. I did, however, enjoy school and sports. The newspaper also showed the brothers on the roads in Mexico City. Nkia fulu yá yakaka o Yesu kayikila e ngiz'andi muna ungunza wandi? Where in Jesus ' prophecy do we find the remaining four references? As we serve Jehovah, he will give us the strength to endure. Wonga i kuma kiakaka kifilanga wantu mu vuna. Another factor behind lying is fear - fear of the consequences or of what others may think if the truth is told. Consider what you read in the Bible. Mvovo mieto. Our speech. Did Martha accept Jesus ' counsel and learn from him? ATELEKI PUBLISHERS Will we allow our faith to cause us to suffer? Wavova vo: "Yanuaninanga andombe kimana bakala yo luvevoko, kadi mpasi zayingi twamweswanga. She says: "I wanted to champion the rights of black people, since we had suffered so much injustice. Although you may be able to shoot an arrow, you will not throw it off if an arrow is an arrow. Emperor Domitian: Todd Bolen / Bible Places.com; Zeus: Photograph by Todd Bolen / Bible Places.com, taken at Archaeological Museum of Istanbul Emperor Domitian: Todd Bolen / Bible Places.com; Zeus: Photograph by Todd Bolen / Bible Places.com, taken at Archaeological Museum of Istanbul Jehovah sees what is in the heart of humans. Muna mvu wa 1923, aweyi nkangu a Nzambi babakulwila kingana kia mameme ye nkombo? In 1923, how did God's people understand the parable? Jesus remained in Jehovah's love. - John 15: 10. Babakula vo e kiese kia kieleka mu sadila Yave kitukanga. They learned that true satisfaction in life comes from serving Jehovah. We need to keep busy in the preaching work during the week. Vava Nzambi kapongola mwand'andi kwa selo yandi, " bazala yo mwand'avelela. ' When God pours out his spirit upon his servants, they become "full of holy spirit, " or" filled with holy spirit. " Keep On Seeking First "His Righteousness " 6, 7. 6, 7. Daniel, other faithful men and women, will be restored to life and live forever on earth. Muna kifimpa yo zaya kana vo wafwana kwenda sadila muna nsi a kinzenza, badika e yuvu ilende yo samba ye ziku kiawonso mu zaya kana vo olenda yaluka. To examine yourself to see if you might serve in a foreign field, consider the following questions and honestly and prayerfully evaluate realistically whether such a move is for you. Since 1,000 years have been described as a day for Jehovah, Adam and Eve died before "a day long. " - 2 Peter 3: 8. Mu kuma ki'esumu, wantu bakituka se atantu a Nzambi. E kimenga kia Yesu aweyi kiabasadisila? How does the provision of the ransom sacrifice of God's Son affect the damaged relationship between God and sinful mankind? Of course, the Lord is coming as a thief in the world, who do not heed the warning about destruction. E zulunalu yasonga mpe fwaniswa kiasonganga ampangi bakala muna nzila za mbanz'a México. The article also showed a picture of brothers on the streets of Mexico City. But it would be wrong for us to repeat something regularly, as if God were not aware of our needs. Ekolo tusadilanga Yave, okutuvana nkuma mu zizidila mpasi. As we serve Jehovah, he gives us strength to endure. When Moses asked Jehovah questions recorded at Exodus 3: 11, 13 and 4: 1, 10, what does that mean? Badikila mana otanganga muna Nkand'a Nzambi nze mau omonanga. Visualize Bible accounts. Jabin's army had 900 war chariots, but the Israelites had no weapon to defend war. - Judges 4: 1 - 3, 13; 5: 6 - 8. Nga o Mareta watambulwila elongi dia Yesu yo longoka diambu? Did Martha accept Jesus ' gentle reproof and learn from it? Many people believe that they have an eternal relationship that Satan's followers do not have. Nga tuyambula lukwikilu lweto mu kuma kia mpasi? Will we renounce our faith under pressure? Indeed, these examples show that Moses ' words were true: "O Jehovah [Jehovah] you have proved to be our dwelling, and you have set an example for us. " Kana una vo olenda kala ye ndekwa za nonga, kelenda telesa lekwa ko kele vo e nzanza yatekama. Although he may be skilled, he is unlikely to hit the target if the arrow he shoots has become bent or warped. The purpose of Jesus ' rule will be fully realized. Yave omonanga mana mena muna ntima mia wantu. Jehovah reads hearts! People give talks about it, but not all the good teachings. Yesu wasikila muna zola kwa Yave. - Yoa. 15: 10. Jesus thus remained in Jehovah's love. - John 15: 10. 1: 15. Tufwete kuyivana emvimba muna salu kia umbangi muna lumingu lolo. Let us have as full a share as possible in the preaching work that week. Then, "one of them came to the stake, and he took the Septuagint and drugs and began to be found in the midst of them and to be opened up. " - Matt. Nutombel'ekulu e "Ndungidi Andi " Keep On Seeking First "His Righteousness " It involves knowing when to speak, what to say, and how to say it. Daniele, akala ankaka ye akento akwikizi, bevutulwiswa moyo yo zinga diaka va ntoto yakwele mvu. Daniel and other faithful men and women will be raised to live on the earth once again, even eternally. In Norway, a man and his wife are studying with a family from Doing so. Wau vo e 1000 dia mvu dina nze lumbu kimosi kuna kwa Yave, Adami yo Eva bafwa vitila balungisa "lumbu " kimosi. - 2 Petelo 3: 8. I also told the soldiers that I could not become a soldier. Dialudi vo, o Mfumu okwiza nze mwivi kwa esi nza, ana ke belemvokelanga lulukisu lwa lufwasu ko. It is certainly true that the Lord's coming will be thieflike to people of the world, who shut their ears to the warning of impending calamity. A young woman named Abigail, who was baptized when she was 12 years old, says: "For me, Jehovah deserves more than anyone in the universe. Kansi, ke diambote ko kwa yeto mu vutukilanga diambu dimosi ntangwa zawonso nze vika sia vo Nzambi kazeye nsatu zeto ko. Yet, it would be wrong for us to say the same things over and over again with the thought that repetition is necessary to tell God about our needs. Only Jehovah's Witnesses can do so. - Read John 13: 35. E nding'a Mose vava kayuvulanga Yave e yuvu yasonama muna Luvaiku 3: 11, 13 ye 4: 1, 10, aweyi isonganga? What emotions do you "hear " in Moses ' voice as he questions Jehovah, as recorded at Exodus 3: 11, 13 and 4: 1, 10? What must all of Jehovah's worshippers do? Makesa ma Yabini bakala ye 900 za makalu ma mvita makala ye sengwa, kansi Aneyisaele ke bakala ye nwaninwa yangolo ko ya mvita muna kuyitanina. - Afundisi 4: 1 - 3, 13; 5: 6 - 8. Jabin's army had 900 war chariots with iron scythes, but the Israelites did not have proper weapons to fight with or armor to protect themselves. - Judges 4: 1 - 3, 13; 5: 6 - 8. When the Israelites offered contributions to build the temple, "the people rejoice because they had a complete heart toward Jehovah. " Wantu ayingi bekwikilanga vo oyau bena ye ngwizani yakwele mvu, ina alandi a Satana ke bena yau ko. Their unity is the most pronounced and enduring in the history of the world, a unity exceeding anything experienced by Satan's subjects. Under Solomon's rule, singing was an important part of true worship. Elo, e nona yayi isonganga vo e mvovo mia Mose mialudi kikilu. Wasamba vo: "E [Yave], onge wakedi kalu kieto, mbandu ke mbandu. " Yes, how true was Moses ' prayer of reflection: "O Jehovah, you yourself have proved to be a real dwelling for us during generation after generation "! Do those words not make you happy? Ekani dia luyalu lwa Yesu dilungana emvimba. The purpose of the Son's rule will have been accomplished. Four months later, Bible teachings can help them to become a good missionary. Wantu malongi mayingi bevananga mu kuma kia diambu diadi, kansi ke malongi mawonso ko mena mambote. There is no shortage of advice on this subject. Not all of it, however, is helpful. This prophecy reveals that God's Kingdom is a big stone that was placed on the mountain of Jehovah's sovereignty in 1914. 1: 15. 1: 15. For example, those who continue to engage in sexual immorality have suffered terrible consequences. I bosi, "omosi vana bena, olundumukinilundumukini, obongele sipanzi ozadisi yo ye dikaya, osomekene yo van'etutu, unwikini. " - Mat. Later, "one of them ran and took a sponge and soaked it with sour wine and put it on a reed and went giving him a drink. " - Matt. He said to his enemies: "I came in the name of my Father and do not listen to you. If you come into his name, you will receive him. " Divavanga vo twazaya e ntangwa ya vova, dina tuvova ye una tuvovela dio. We need to know when to speak, what to say, and how to say it. [ Footnote] Kuna nsi ya Noruega, yakala yo nkento andi belongokanga y'esi nzo mosi batuka kuna Afeganistão. In Norway, a couple studies with a family from Afghanistan. But if you were to leave home in Judea, you would have felt that something was missing. Yavovesa mpe mfumu za masoladi vo kilendi kala soladi ko. I also told the officials that I would not become a soldier. If we keep doing these things, we will see the fulfillment of his words: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matthew 25: 34. Dumbelele kimosi kina ye nkumbu a Abigail ona wavubwa vava kakala ye kimbuta kia mvu 12 wavova vo: "Kuna kwa mono Yave ofwene tambula nkembo lutila konso muntu mu nsema wawonso. A teenager named Abigail, who got baptized when she was 12 years old, says: "I feel that Jehovah deserves our thanks more than anyone else in the universe. The Secret of a Real Marriage Mbangi za Yave kaka balenda wo vanga. - Tanga Yoane 13: 35. Only Jehovah's Witnesses! " - Read John 13: 35. If you and your mate do not encourage you, work hard to do all things in love. Adieyi bafwete vanga asambidi awonso a Yave? What do all of Jehovah's true worshippers want to do? 28,886 * (1 Tusansu 29: 17) Vava Aneyisaele bavana tukau muna tunga e tempelo, "o nkangu wamona kiese wau bavanina kuna mvevo, kadi muna ntim'asikila i bavanina kuna mvevo kwa Yave. " When the Israelites contributed for the building of the temple, they "rejoiced over making these voluntary offerings, for they made the voluntary offerings to Jehovah with a complete heart. " Thus, in verse 15, Jehovah said: "This is my name to time indefinite, even forever. " Muna luyalu lwa Solomo, o yimbila diambu diamfunu diakala muna nsambil'aludi. During Solomon's reign, music was featured in pure worship in a large way. (b) How can the principles discussed in verse 12 apply to personal decisions? Nga mvovo miami ke miakiese ko? Is that not an inviting prospect? As a result, the officer took them into his arms to prevent them from being broken. Alongoki bafokola ngonde tanu za malongi ma ngolo ma Nkand'a Nzambi malenda kubasadisa mu kituka misionario ambote. The students had just completed an intensive, five - month course of Bible study designed to help them become successful Christian missionaries. God blessed Noah and his family and told them: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. " Ungunza wau usonganga vo Kintinu kia Nzambi i tadi dianene, diadungunwa muna mongo a kimfumu kia Yave muna mvu a 1914. The same prophecy indicates that God's Kingdom, pictured by a large stone, was cut from the mountain of Jehovah's sovereignty in 1914. Their heart is deep inside them. Kasikil'owu, awana bekwamanananga muna mavangu ma zumba, mfwilu kikilu bebakanga. For example, those who pursue an immoral way of life will reap bitter consequences. The happy God, Jehovah, is the source of marriage. Wavova kwa mbeni zandi vo: "Ngizidi muna nkumbu Es'ame, yeno ke nuntambudi: ovo wakak'okwizila muna yandi nkumbu, yandi nutambula. " He said to his opposers: "I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me; if someone else arrived in his own name, you would receive that one. " The elderly, especially the deaf, will also rejoice when Jehovah's Witnesses invite us. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] 2: 1 Kansi, kele vo wabakingula kuna nzo au kuna Yuda, wadi mona vo lekwa kiabakondwanga. Yet, if you had visited their home in Judah, you would have soon realized that something was missing. YOU may have had a difficult time with you. Avo tukwamanene vanga mambu mama, Yesu okutubadikila nze mameme, tumona e ndungan'a mvovo miandi oku vo: "Nwiza, yeno nwasambulwa kwa Se diame, nwavuila e Kintinu kina nwakubikilwa tuka kuna semo dia nza. " - Matai 25: 34. If we continue to do those things, Jesus will judge us as sheep and we will see his words come true: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matthew 25: 34. 27 Blessings - " During the Right Time and in the Times " Mbumba a Longo Lwakiese The Secret to Success Yes, they too would need faith in the day that would come. Avo ngeye yo nkaz'aku ke nuwizananga ko, nusia e ngolo mu vangila mawonso kuna zola. If you and your spouse experience difficulties, work at treating each other with love. Like his father, Joseph remembered Rachel. 824 824 Paul set a good example for us. Muna kuma kiaki, muna tini kia 15 Yave wavova vo: "Eyayi i nkumbu ame yamu mvu ya mvu, i luyindulu luame lulu yamu tandu ya tandu. " Hence, in verse 15 we read that Jehovah himself said: "This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation. " But the disciples did not understand the meaning of Jesus ' words, so Jesus told them: " Lazarus died. ' - John 11: 14. (b) E nkanikinu miyikilu mu tini kia 12 aweyi milenda sadilwa muna mambu mana muntu kafwete bakila nzengo yandi kibeni? (b) How do the principles discussed in paragraph 12 apply to various personal matters? (b) How did Jehovah demonstrate himself at Mount Sinai? Muna kuma kiaki, nkongo wanatanga zo muna kutu kimana zalembi toloka. Thus, the archer carried them in a quiver, where they would not be easily damaged or broken. They were completely different. Nzambi wasambula Noa y'esi nzo andi yo kubavovesa vo: "Nuwutana, nusayana, nulungil'e nza. " (Etu. God blessed Noah and his family and gave them instructions to "be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. " Rather, they value these laws; they know that they are ready for their good. Muna kati kwa ntima miau. From inside, from their heart. Yes, Jesus told his faithful disciples not to ignore the truth of the Kingdom that he revealed. Yave wa Nzambi akiese yandi i tuku dia longo. Jehovah, the happy God, originated marriage. But the truth is: Jehovah loves all his worshippers, and each of them is precious in his eyes. - Matt. Anunu, musungula ana bafwa meso yovo matu, beyangalalanga mpe vava Ambangi za Yave bekubakingulanga. And the residents - especially those with hearing or visual impediments - also greatly value the visits of the Witnesses. Writing to first - century Christians, the apostle Paul stated: "Let each one of you so love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband. " 2: 1 2: 1 12: 16; 17: 14; 29: 11. NANGA e nkumbu Trentinara yanzenza kwa ngeye. LIKELY, the name Trentinara means little to you. Instead of filling our mind with the desires of the world and the desire of riches, we should focus on our hope in God as Jesus did. - Hebrews 12: 2. 27 Nsambu " Muna Ntangw'ambote ye Muna Ntangw'ampasi ' 27 Blessings "in Favorable Times and Difficult Times " " In the past, we spent much of our time caring for secular work, " says J. Elo. Lukwikilu mpe badi vwa mfunu muna lumbu yadi kwiza. On the contrary, they would urgently need that quality in the challenging days ahead. GOD'S WORD: The Bible tells us that God has made his name known to us. Nze se diandi, Yosefe wasungamenanga Rakele. Joseph, like his father, evidently cherished memories of Rachel. Keep Awake! Paulu mbandu ambote katusisila. Paul himself set a good example. " Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, " he says. - Matthew 5: 3. Kansi, alongoki ke babakula nsas'a mvovo mia Yesu ko, muna kuma kiaki Yesu wabavovesa vo: " Lazaro ofwidi. ' - Yoane 11: 14. But Jesus ' disciples did not grasp his meaning, so Jesus told them plainly: "Lazarus has died. " - John 11: 14. Although I am old, I am grateful to Jehovah that I still work with my brothers and sisters in the congregation, study the Bible with others, and attend Christian meetings. (b) O Yave aweyi kayisongela vana Mongo a Sinai? (b) How did Jehovah manifest himself at Mount Sinai? Faithful servants of God who lived before Christ? (Nkung'a Nkunga 8: 4, 10) Tina emvimba mavangu mama. Firmly reject unwanted advances. Jesus was referring to two aspects. Kansi, betoma yangalelanga e nsiku miami; bazeye wo vo miasikidiswa muna wete diau. Rather, they appreciate them, recognizing that natural laws are essential for their welfare. Jehovah would be the God of the dead. Elo, Yesu wavovesa alongoki andi akwikizi balembi veza e ludi kia Kintinu kina kabasengomwena. Yes, Jesus encouraged his faithful followers not to take for granted the precious Kingdom truths being revealed to them. The Yearbook of 1981, pages 41 - 42. Kansi e ludi i kiaki: O Yave otoma zolanga asambidi andi awonso. Konso selo mfunu kina vana meso mandi. - Mat. The truth is that Jehovah loves and values his worshippers as individuals. - Matt. Because it is called "the creation, " or creation, that was the beginning of his way. Vava kasonekena Akristu a tandu kiantete, Paulu wa ntumwa wavova vo: "Konso muntu, mbula kazol'owandi nkento nze i yandi kibeni; vo i nkento, kavumina nkaz'andi. " Writing to Christians in the first century, the apostle Paul said: "Let each one of you individually so love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband. " For example, think about what she did to the woman who "came to be blood. " 12: 16; 17: 14; 29: 11. 12: 16; 17: 14; 29: 11. What are some things you can do to have a good conversation about money, and what does it involve? Vana fulu kia zadisanga e nyindu mieto ye zolela ya nza ye makani ma vwama, tufwete sianga sungididi kieto muna vuvu katuvana o Nzambi nze una Yesu kavanga. - Ayibere 12: 2. Rather than filling our minds with worldly goals and materialistic dreams, we should focus our thinking on our God - given hope, even as Jesus did. - Hebrews 12: 2. What can we do to be truly happy? Wojciech ye Małgorzata bavova dina diasadisa esi nzo au: "Muna mvu miavioka, twafwasanga ntangwa mu salu ya kondwa mfunu. Wojciech and Małgorzata explain what helped their family: "In the past, our time was consumed by unimportant, trivial activities. Some of the first six centuries B.C.E. were fulfilled in 1919 or now. NKUMBU A NZAMBI: Nkand'a Nzambi ukutuvovesanga vo Nzambi wakivana nkumbu. GOD'S NAME: The Bible teaches us that God has given himself a name. There was "the remaining ones of the people, " that is, the anointed remnant of anointed ones who refused to" flee from the city. " Tukwamanana Yingila Maintaining Our Sense of Urgency In the state of France, about 15 young men and women went to the hospital at the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nanga omwene una mvovo miau mifwananene ye mvovo mia Yesu Kristu vava kavova vo: " Akwa nsambu awana bazeye nsatu zau za mwanda. ' - Matai 5: 3. Notice how similar that finding is to what Jesus Christ said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " - Matthew 5: 3. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Kana una vo se i nunu, mvutulanga matondo kwa Yave kadi yakinu ye nkuma wa sala kumosi ye mpangi zame muna nkutakani, longoka Nkand'a Nzambi y'akaka yo lungana mu salu kia umbangi. Though advanced in years, I am grateful to Jehovah that I still have the strength to work with my fellow Christians, to study the Bible with others, and to share in the ministry. On May 5, 1945, two and a half years later, we arrived at the home of Y. selo yakwikizi ana bazinga vitila Kristu? faithful ones who lived before Christ? Let each one make his own decisions about providing care for his health. O Yesu mambu mole kayika ovava. Here Jesus made two points. We should be careful about how we treat others, especially those whom Jehovah has appointed to take the lead in the congregation. - Read Hebrews 13: 17; Jude 8. Yave wadi kala se Nzambi a mafwa. If that were so, Jehovah would be the God of corpses. Many examples show that Jehovah's people today are members of "the members of the body. " Anuário ya mvu a 1981 lukaya lwa 41 - 42. 1981 Yearbook, pages 41 - 42. Still, he allows us to choose what we say in his service. E kuma kadi muna sono kiaki e ngangu ziyikilwanga vo " vangwa ' zavangwa, se lubantiku lwa nzil'andi. Because the wisdom that is here described was "produced, " or created, as the beginning of Jehovah's way. When Samuel was young, Eli was the high priest in Israel. Kasikil'owu, yindula dina kavanga kwa nkento ona " wavaikanga menga. ' For example, think about the woman who had "a flow of blood. " (a) What can we learn from Stephen's example? Nkia mambu olenda vanga mu kalanga ye moko yambote mu kuma kia nzimbu ke mu ntantani ko? Nkia Mpasi Zitwasanga? And what practical steps can you take to make money a constructive topic rather than a contentious one? Consider what two young men who have benefited from their family worship. Adieyi tulenda vanga muna kala ye kiese kiasikila? How can true refreshment be found? In time, Arthur built a Kingdom Hall or a Kingdom Hall in that city, which was the first Kingdom Hall in Western Australia. Makaka malungana muna tandu kia makumasambanu vitila Kristu, kansi mawonso malungana muna mvu wa 1919 wa tandu kieto yovo melungananga owau. Some of these pronouncements were fulfilled in the sixth century B.C.E., but all of them have either been fulfilled since 1919 C.E. or are now in the course of fulfillment. (Read Luke 4: 43.) Vakala ye "nsadisw'a nkangu, " i sia vo, nsadiswa y'akuswa ana ke bazola " kendonwa ko muna mbanza. ' There were "the remaining ones of the people, " that is, the anointed remnant who loyally refused to be" cut off from the city. " At that time, in 1943, I was assigned to Puertoland, where I served as a pioneer. Muna zunga kia Toulouse kuna nsi ya França, tezo kia matoko 15 ye ndumba bayenda dia kuna restaurante una kiafokoka lukutakanu lwa mvivu lwa Mbangi za Yave. A group of about 15 young men and women entered a restaurant after attending a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Toulouse, France. Anthony: Do you think that it was important to know Moses ' name? Avo ke vasonekeno nsekola yankaka ko, ozevo e sono yawonso ya Kiyibere ina mo ya mu nsekola ya Nkand'a Nzambi. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. To answer that question, we must return to 1914 after the harvest season began. Kina kia 5 kia ngonde ya Mayu, 1945, una vavioka mvu miole ye ndambu, twalwaka kuna nzo, muna mbanza Yutz. On May 5, 1945, after nearly two and a half years, we arrived home in Yutz, dirty and full of lice. □ Both of them will come in the name of Jehovah. - Ex. Yambula vo konso muntu kabaka nzengo yandi kibeni mu kuma kia lunga - lunga vimpi wandi. How a person addresses health concerns must be his or her own decision. What can we learn about Solomon's first marriage? Tufwete kikilu kuyikenga mu mpila tukadilanga y'akaka, musungula awana besolwanga kwa Yave mu vit'o ntu muna nkutakani. - Tanga Ayibere 13: 17; Yuda 8. Especially is this true of our attitude regarding appointed men in the congregation. - Read Hebrews 13: 17; Jude 8. 7, 8. Nona yayingi isonganga vo nkangu a Yave o unu, bena se " yîkwa ya yîkwa. ' Jehovah's people already live in accord with the principle found at Romans 12: 5: "We are members belonging to one another. " No. Kana una vo i wau, oyambulanga vo twasola kina tuvana muna salu kiandi. Still, he allows us to choose a portion of what we have - a symbolic tithe - to use in his service. Do You Recall? Vava Samuele kakala nleke, Ele yandi wakala ngang'ambuta muna Isaele. When Samuel was just a boy, Eli served as high priest in Israel. It also protects us from the things that have been destroyed in heaven. (a) Adieyi tulenda longoka muna mbandu ya Setefano? (a) What can we learn from the example of Stephen? " A man who takes the helmet into his arms, " says PROVERBS, "and you can travel all the land. " Tala dina bavova matoko mole ana bevwanga e nluta mia nsambil'au ya esi nzo. Reflect on the honest comments of two young adults who have enjoyed family worship. For example, you may believe that adultery, homosexuality, or sexual relations are wrong. Kuna kwalanda, Arthur watunga Seka dia Kintinu yovo fulu kia vangila tukutakanu mu mbanza yayina, ediadi i Seka diantete dia Kintinu kuna Este ya Austrália. Later, Arthur built a Kingdom Hall, or meeting place, in town - one of the first in Western Australia. Christ's Love Moves Us to Love (Tanga Luka 4: 43.) (Read Luke 4: 43.) As a result, they serve Jehovah together with this group. Muna kolo kiakina, muna mvu wa 1943, yafilwa kuna mbanza Portland, Oregon mu sala se mviti a nzila. In 1943, I was assigned to pioneer in Portland, Oregon. They were called Nephilim, barren, and full of understanding. Afonso: Yindula eti: Nga mfunu kikilu diakala mu zaya nkumbu a Mose? Anthony: Think of it this way: We didn't need to know Moses ' personal name. However, the Bible shows that Jesus will not be surprised when he comes. Muna vana mvutu za kiuvu kiaki, tufwete vutuka muna mvu wa 1914, vava kiayantika e nsungi a nsâlu. To answer that, we need to go back to 1914 - the beginning of the harvest season. Can You Explain? □ Yau ewole mu nkumbu a Yave bayizila. - Luv. □ Both came in the name of Jehovah. - Ex. It also helps us to understand why only a few Christians partake of the emblems at the Lord's Evening Meal. Adieyi tulenda longoka mu kuma kia longo lwantete lwa Solomo? We can conclude what about Solomon's first marriage? It was a sacred day. 7, 8. 7, 8. Abel offered Jehovah a burnt offering. Ve. Probably not. A Christian's attitude toward God is reflected in these words: "Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, not in comparison with the other person. " Nga Osungamenanga? Do You Remember? Each of us can become selfish like Achan. Ikututaninanga mpe muna lekwa yampondi ikiyanga kun'ezulu. It also shields us from the majority of the debris that hurtles through space. Clearly, Paul mentioned a man standing before God. K INGANA kimosi kia esi Alemanha kivovanga vo: "O muntu onatinanga e mpu vana moko, olenda kiya e nsi yawonso. " A GERMAN proverb states: "With hat in hand, one goes through all the land. " * Kasikil'owu, nanga okwikilanga vo e zumba, yakala yovo nkento ovukananga yo muntu una vo ke nkanz'andi ko, diambi kikilu. For example, you may strongly believe that fornication - sex between unmarried individuals - is wrong. Marriage - whether married or not - is the most serious decision that a person can make. YOSEFE - KUNKU KIA 1 JOSEPH - PART 1 He said: "You fear Jehovah your God; you will serve him. " Muna kuma kiaki, besadilanga Yave vamosi ye buka kiaki. Rather, we need to identify these ones as a group and then support them as such. I also learned that God showed this love by providing us with his Word, the Bible. Bayikilwanga vo Anefili, sita bakala, bakulanga kwayingi yo kituka se andangula. Called Nephilim, they were hybrids who grew up to be giants. 19, 20. Kansi, Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga vo Yesu kemoneka ko vava kekwiza. They also think that they will see Jesus visibly return to rule the earth. How can we please Jehovah when we preach? Nga Olenda Sasila? This time is important to your family, and it will help you to protect your children spiritually. Ditusadisi mpe mu bakula ekuma dinina vo Akristu akete kaka bedianga e mbolo yo nua e vinyo muna Nlekelo a Mfumu. This also helps us to understand why only a few Christians attending the Lord's Evening Meal partake of the emblems. He wrote: "To me... this undeserved kindness was given to the nations the good news of the riches of the Christ. " Kiakala se lumbu kiavauka. The day was sacred. What shows that the apostle Paul walked by faith, not by sight? Abele wavana lukau lwatondwa kwa Yave. Abel made an acceptable offering to Jehovah. Three weeks later, he was in the hospital, and then I was able to heal him home for five months until he was healed. E fu bafwete songa Akristu muna salu kiau kwa Nzambi i kina kiyikwanga muna mvovo emi: "Konso muntu, mbula katont'ekiandi salu, ozevo, o lusanu kekala luau, lua yandi kibeni kaka, ke lua muntu akaka ko. " The attitude Christians should have in their worship is set out in these inspired words: "Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. " We have the opportunity to do "what is good toward all " when we preach the good news of the Kingdom. (Yos. 7: 11, 21, 24, 25) Konso muntu mu yeto olenda kituka nkwa loko nze Akani. Greed is an ever - present danger that can overtake us. To strengthen your relationship with Jehovah, however, you need to see how Jehovah has helped you personally. Kieleka vo, Paulu wayika muntu ndiona una watelama vana ndose a Nzambi. Paul, of course, was speaking about one's standing before God. Our parents took care of God's Word with us. * * ; C.E., C. O sompa yovo lembi sompa i nzengo zisundidi e mpasi kalenda baka o muntu. Decisions involving singleness and marriage are among the most difficult that a person will ever make. He twice rebuked them and showed them what God said: "I want, not sacrifice. " Wavova vo: "Wavumina Yave wa Nzambi aku; i yandi osadila; wantatila. " Him you should serve, and to him you should cling. " (b) What will we consider in the next article? Yalongoka mpe vo Nzambi wasonga o zola kwaku muna kutuvana Nkand'a Nzambi una vo i Diambi diandi. I also learned that he has demonstrated that love by giving us his Word, the Bible. Thus, God rejected them, and circumcision was no longer necessary in God's eyes. 19, 20. 19, 20. Making Wise Decisions Can Help Us? Aweyi tulenda yangidikila Yave vava tusamunanga e nsangu zambote? How can we please Jehovah when we preach? So each person has the right to choose counsel and counsel. E ntangwa yayi ina vo yamfunu kwa esi nzo, ikunusadisa mu tanina wan'eno kimana bakala ye ngwizani ambote yo Yave. This special family time will contribute to keeping your loved ones spiritually alive and strong. A circuit overseer wrote: "My friends know when I needed encouragement. Wasoneka vo: "Oku kwa mono,... kwavewa nsambu zazi, za samunwin'azula e nsangu zambote za umvwama wa Kristu. " He wrote: "To me,... this undeserved kindness was given, that I should declare to the nations the good news about the unfathomable riches of the Christ. " Bible teachings, along with a sincere desire, can help a person to make progress. Adieyi disonganga vo Paulu wa ntumwa mu lukwikilu kakangalelanga, ke mu mona meso ko? What shows that the apostle Paul walked by faith, not by sight? What has happened to many, and how can they be helped? Tumingu tatu kakala kuna lupitalu, i bosi yayantika kunwuka kuna nzo, ngonde tanu yavana kasasuka. After he spent three weeks in the hospital, I nursed him at home for five months until he recovered. Then Samuel said: "Is Jehovah more pleased with sacrifices and sacrifices than by listening to the voice of Jehovah? Tuna ye lau dia vanga "edi diambote kwa wantu awonso " vava tusamunanga nsangu zambote za Kintinu. We have an opportunity to do "good toward all " when we preach the good news of the Kingdom. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matt. Kansi, muna kumika e ngwizani aku yo Yave, ofwete mona ngeye kibeni una Yave kekusadisilanga. But as your own relationship with Jehovah becomes stronger, you need to see how Jehovah is helping you. Why is it good for us to meditate on what Jehovah has promised us? O mase meto basiang'e ngolo za long'e Diambu dia Nzambi kwa yeto atanu. Father and Mother endeavored to teach God's Word to all five of us children. We had only two meetings. ; Diemmi, C. ; Diemmi, C. Consider David. Nkumbu miole kabatumba yo kubasonga dina kavova o Nzambi: "Nkenda i nzolele, ke yimenga ko. " On two occasions he rebuked them, pointing out that God had decreed: "I want mercy, and not sacrifice. " In fact, the book The Bible says: "The books of love, history, and false stories discussed every day, and... the history of the Bible is a record of history and history of history. " (b) Adieyi tubadika mun'elongi dilanda? (b) What will we study next? Lessons for Us: Muna kuma kiaki, o Nzambi wababembola, evangu dia zengwa ke diakala diaka mfunu ko vana meso ma Nzambi. Hence, they were rejected by God, and their state of circumcision ceased to have any meaning in God's eyes. What miracle did Martha experience in Bible times? E Nzengo Zambote - Nga Nluta Miambote Kaka Zitwasanga? The Outcome - Always Good? The Court's decision was different. Ozevo, konso muntu ovwidi nswa wa sola elongi ye luludiku kafwete sadila. In the end, each person needs to choose for himself which counsel and advice to follow. We follow the counsel: "Continue showing compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience. " Nkengi a zunga mosi wasoneka vo: "Akundi ame bezayanga e ntangwa ina ivwanga lukasakeso mfunu. One circuit overseer wrote: "My friends seem to know when I need encouragement. 10: 11. Malongi ma Nkand'a Nzambi kumosi ye luzolo lwambote malenda sadisa muntu mu nungunuka muna mwanda. Scriptural teaching and earnest effort are very effective. The people were sent to Cornelius when Peter told him: " Cornelius... said to the holy angels: " Go up and go up to his house to hear the words of a man whom he has spoken to you. ' " Adieyi divangamanga kwa ndonga ya wantu? Aweyi balenda sadisilwa? What prospect stands before the majority of mankind, but how may some be helped? For example, because of his great love, Jehovah showed Jesus "every sort of action he will do himself. " I bosi Samuele wavova vo: "O Yave ng'oluta yangalela muna tukau ye yimenga, ke mu wila nding'a Yave ko e? Samuel then said: "Does Jehovah have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of Jehovah? Look! THE apostle Paul was concerned about the congregation in Corinth. Wavova vo: "E nsangu zazi zambote za kintinu zisamunwa muna nza yawonso, muna umbangi kwa zula yawonso; i bosi iluak'e mbaninu. " - Mat. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matt. 18, 19. Ekuma dinina diambote twavovelanga mana Yave katusila o nsilu? Why is it good to talk about the future that Jehovah has promised us? We can also help to save lives. Yeto wole kaka twakalanga muna lukutakanu. We were the only ones present. He adds: "In order to visit other Bible students, I spent six hours in the house of the student, and after six hours I went home. " Badika nona kia Davidi. Think about David. On another occasion, people today believe that science can give good advice to people. O nkanda, A Lawyer Examines the Bible uvovanga vo: "E nkanda mia nzola, savu ye tusansu twa luvunu tuyikanga ye sungididi kiawonso e fulu kiavangamena e diambu ye ntangwa diavangama,... vo i lusansu lwa Nkand'a Nzambi luyikanga ye ziku kiawonso e lumbu ye fulu kiavangamena diambu. " The book A Lawyer Examines the Bible remarks: "While romances, legends and false testimony are careful to place the events related in some distant place and some indefinite time,... the Bible narratives give us the date and place of the things related with the utmost precision. " As Jesus showed, the rich act of wealth made him happy. Elongi kwa Yeto: Lessons for Us: As King of Jehovah's Messianic Kingdom, Jesus Christ will take the lead in destroying all his enemies, both in heaven and on earth. Nkia sivi diavangama kuna nz'ankulu kazaya o Mareta? What miracle had Martha certainly learned about? He made rapid progress and began attending meetings. Afundisi nzengo zakaka babaka. Edi bavova: The Court ruled to the contrary, stating: Some feel that when children grow up, they may decide what they will do. (Nkunga 18: 35) Tulemvokelanga luludiku olu: "Nuvuata walakazi, nkenda, lusakalalu, lulembamu yo luzindalalu. " We want to apply these words: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience. " June 30, 1937, page 623. 10: 11. 10: 11. Many people offer a gift on birthday and day - to - day celebrations. O wantu batumwa kwa Koneleo vava bamona Petelo bamvovesa vo: "O Koneleo... okanikinu kwa mbasi avelela kàsusumuna, wenda kuna nzo andi, kawa mvovo mituk'oko wina. " Even after the onset of the Protestant Reformation, the clergy of several European countries did their utmost to limit circulation of so - called heretical books. Instead, he entrusted her with dignity, saying to her: "I want to, and I am here. " - Luke 5: 13. Kasikil'owu, muna kuma kia zola kwandi kwampwena, Yave wasonga Yesu "konso dina kevanga yandi kibeni. " For example, moved by deep love, Jehovah shows Jesus "all the things he himself does. " Happily, I was appointed. PAULU wa ntumwa watokana kwayingi mu kuma kia nkutakani yakala muna Korinto. THE apostle Paul is deeply concerned about the spiritual welfare of the congregation in Corinth. I am happy to have a full share in the ministry with my wife. " 18, 19. 18, 19. Robert: What will they do? Tulenda sadisa mpe mu vuluza mioyo mia wantu. Thus we help to save lives. Family Worship evening can help you and your loved ones to become citizens of God's Kingdom Wakudikila vo: "Muna kwenda kingula alongoki akaka a Nkand'a Nzambi, yakangalanga ola sambanu, yalekanga muna nzo a nlongoki. Muna lumbu kilanda, yakangalanga diaka ola sambanu mu vutuka kuna nzo. " She adds: "To reach some Bible students, I walk for six hours, stay overnight at the student's house, and the next day I walk another six hours to go home. " To be forgiving, what could Jesus ' disciples teach their fellow workers? Ekuma kiakaka, o unu mwawonso o wantu bekwikilanga vo e ngangu za nza zilenda vana malongi mambote kwa wantu. Another reason is a widespread faith in science. However, in some parts of the congregation, the elders who were appointed by the brothers did not appreciate that each member of the congregation needed to preach the good news. Nze una kasonga o Yesu, evangu dia mvwama, kiese kialuvùnu diamvana. As Jesus presented it, however, the rich man's plan provided only a false sense of security. Before you start dating, ask yourself: " Why do I want to marry? Nze Ntinu muna Kintinu kia Masia kia Yave, Yesu Kristu ovita ntu mu fwasa mbeni zandi zawonso, kun'ezulu y'ova ntoto. As King of Jehovah's Messianic Kingdom, Jesus Christ will take the lead in bringing all rebels to nothing, in heaven and on earth. " I felt that my husband had allowed me to leave her children, " says a wife in Canada, "but the way I encouraged her to avoid making changes in her personality. " Wanungunuka mu nzaki ye wayantika lungana kuna lukutakanu. He made fine spiritual progress and soon started to attend all the meetings. " No man ever hated his flesh. " - 5: 29. Akaka bebanzanga vo vava wana bekola balenda kuyibakila e nzengo mu mana bevanga. Some believe that when children get older, they will be able to decide for themselves what values to accept. [ Picture on page 16] ya 30 Yuni, 1937, lukaya lwa 629. The Golden Age, June 30, 1937, page 629. If a man does not lie, deception will spread. " - Proverbs 26: 20. Wantu ayingi bevananga lukau muna lumbu kia luwutuku ye lumbu ya nkinzi. Many people also give gifts during birthday and holiday celebrations. Because of God's righteousness, the faithful man Abraham said that God would never "break up the righteous with the wicked. " Kansi, wamvana o zitu, muna kunsimba yo kumvovesa vo: "Nzolele wo; kianza kwaku. " - Luka 5: 13. Be made clean. " - Luke 5: 13. We can show that we listen to the faithful slave by following the direction of the Governing Body. Diakiese kikilu vo yasolwa. To my delight, I was chosen. To be happy, I need to focus on the future rather than on the past. Ikalanga ye kiese mu sala lumbu yawonso muna salu kia umbangi yo nkaz'ame. " It's a pleasure to spend whole days in the ministry with my wife. " May 23 - 29, 2011 Luvwalu: Nkia salu besala? Robert: What's that? Those who live in poor countries and who are struggling to feed their families are encouraged when they learn that Jehovah will never forget them if they remain loyal to him. Fuku wa Nsambila ya Esi Nzo ulenda kusadisa y'azolw'aku mu vwa kisi nsi muna Kintinu kia Nzambi Your Family Worship evening can do much to make you and your loved ones fine Kingdom citizens Satan claims that no one can remain loyal to Jehovah. Muna lolokanga akaka, alongoki a Yesu adieyi badi longa kwa akw'au? By extending forgiveness, Jesus ' disciples would move people to do what? Nineveh was spoken in Jonah's day that they did not know "at the right hand and right hand. " Kansi, muna zunga yakaka, akuluntu ana basolwa kw'ampangi, ke bayangalela ngindu zazi ko, vo konso muntu muna nkutakani kafwete samunang'e nsangu zambote. In some places, though, elected elders put up considerable resistance to the idea that everyone in the congregation should participate in the public ministry. I used the phonograph and the card, which was a small card with a message from the Bible. Ekolo kuyantikidi ko kimakangu, ukiyuvula: " Ekuma nzolele sompa? So before pursuing a courtship, ask yourself: " Why do I want to get married? So our view of their authority can affect our friendship with Christ. Debbie, nkento mosi kuna Canadá wavova vo: "Yavavanga vo nkaz'ame kayambula kimvwanzi kiandi, kansi e mpila yamvoveselanga yamfila mu lembi soba e fu kiandi. " Debbie, a wife in Canada, says: "I demanded that my husband be tidier. Paul said: "You well know the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, even though he was rich in your case, you were going through his poverty. " " Ke vakedi nkutu muntu wasaula yandi nitu ko. " - 5: 29. " No man ever hated his own flesh. " - 5: 29. How does a person's thinking change if he is anointed with holy spirit, and what has helped him to change? [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 16] [ Picture on page 16] I was impressed when I used the Bible to answer all my questions. Ovo nkwa makumbu nkatu, nzonzi milembamene. " - Ngana 26: 20. " Where there is no wood, the fire goes out, and where there is no slanderer, quarreling ceases. " - Proverbs 26: 20. Why is it important to ask a student to read the Bible? Muna kuma kia unsongi wa Nzambi, Abarayama wa selo kiakwikizi kia Nzambi wavova vo Nzambi kalendi " fwasa asongi kumosi ye yimpumbulu ' ko. In harmony with God's righteousness, Abraham, a faithful servant of God, said that God would never "sweep away the righteous with the wicked. " God did not create any human who lived on earth. Tulenda songa vo tuwilanga ntaudi akwikizi, muna lemvokelanga luludiku lwa Buka kia Selo Yambuta. Listening to the slave class means giving our full cooperation to its Governing Body. Furthermore, do all you can to reach your children's heart. Ngindu zambote: Muna kala ye kiese, mfwete sia sungididi mu mambu ma kusentu ke mu mana mavioka ko. New: I'll be happier if I look forward in life, not backward. God's spirit enabled Paul to do things that benefits us today. 23 - 29 Mayu, 2011 May 23 - 29, 2011 Humans were given godly qualities, including justice. A family can meet to discuss how needs can be met (See paragraphs 6 - 8) One sister who worked hard to witness to her husband for 21 years, but she said: "I am happy and strong enough to maintain my integrity to Jehovah. Awana bezingilanga muna nsi za usukami yo nwana muna dikila esi nzo zau, bekasakeswanga vava belongokanga vo o Yave kekubavilakana ko ovo besikila ye kwikizi muna yandi. People who live in poverty and struggle to feed their family find new dignity and courage when they learn that Jehovah will never forsake them if they are loyal to him. However, the queen rejected her religion, and she was comforted during the last days of her life. Satana wavova vo ke vena muntu ko olenda sikila ye kwikizi kwa Yave. Satan claimed that Jehovah cannot win the loyal obedience of anyone. " The Child's Right to Spiritual Progress " (Nakumi 2: 11, 12; 3: 1) Esi Nineve muna lumbu ya Yona bayikilwanga vo ke bazaya "nswaswani muna koko kwalunene yo koko kwalumonso ko. " The Ninevites of Jonah's day are described as not knowing "the difference between their right hand and their left. " Jackson and Anthony Morris of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yasadilanga e fonógrafo ye kalati ya sila umbangi, i sia vo, kalati yakete yakalanga ye nsangu zaleboka za Nkand'a Nzambi. I used a phonograph and a testimony card, that is, a small card with a short and simple Bible message on it. According to a local newspaper, the judge in charge said to those attending the court: "The literature of this man is a danger... like a medicine. " Muna kuma kiaki, e mpila tubadikilanga e wisa kiau dilenda vanga diambu muna kikundi kieto yo Kristu. Therefore, the way we react to their authority directly influences our friendship with Christ. Like Paul, we preach the good news because we love people and want to help them. Paulu wavova vo: " Nuzeye zo e nkenda za Mfumu eto Yesu Kristu, kana una vo mvwama kakala, muna diambu dieno i kasukamena, oyeno muna usukami wandi nwavwama. ' Paul said: "You know the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich he became poor for your sakes, that you might become rich through his poverty. " This conversation can be a source of encouragement and prayer together. Aweyi ngindu za muntu zisobelanga avo okusilu muna mwand'avelela? Adieyi dikubafilanga mu soba ngindu? How does the way a person thinks change when he is anointed by holy spirit, and what causes this change? The Theocratic Assembly and the Assembly Hall held at the same location Yasivika kikilu vava basadila Bibila muna vana mvutu za yuvu yame yawonso. I was surprised when they used the Bible to answer every question! But there was a solution. Ekuma dinina mfunu dia lomba kwa nlongoki katanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi? Why is it important to invite your student to read from the Bible? (Read Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) 1: 26; 2: 19, 20) O Nzambi kasema konso muntu ko ozingilanga ova ntoto. God did not create millions of individual perfect humans to populate the earth. Because of their conscience. Vana ntandu, vanganga mawonso olenda muna kotesa e ludi muna ntima mia wan'aku. And work to reach the heart. They had to stop associating with that person, but they did not need to view him as an enemy. Mwand'a Nzambi wasadisa Paulu mu vanga mambu mekututwasilanga nluta o unu. The spirit operated on him in ways that benefit us today. Among the early Christians, there were many kinds of people in general (Etuku 1: 27) O wantu bavewa fu nze ya Nzambi, kumosi ye unsongi. Humans are thus endowed with attributes like those of God, including a sense of justice and righteousness. Although many people have exercised faith in Abel's day, the Bible says: "Not all people have faith. " Mpangi mosi akento wasianga ngolo za sila nkaz'andi umbangi mu mvu 21, kansi katambulwila ko. O mpangi wavova vo: "Ikalanga ye kiese yo sia ngolo za tatidila yo siamisa kwikizi kiame muna yangidika Yave. Although her husband has not responded to the Kingdom message after 21 years of effort on her part, one sister says: "I am able to maintain my joy by striving to please Jehovah, by maintaining my loyalty to him, and by working to strengthen my spirituality. His father said that their understanding enabled them to endure. Kansi, o ntinu ankento katambulwila bembola dibundu diandi ko. Wafiaulwiswa mu sono ya Nkand'a Nzambi mu lumbu yansuka ya zingu kiandi. According to the book, she refused to renounce her beliefs and found comfort from the Scriptures during her final days. What was the result? " O Wana Bena yo Nswa wa Longwa oma ma Mwanda " " The Child's Right to Spiritual Development " 24: 14. Jackson yo Anthony Morris bakoteswa muna Buka kia Selo Yambuta kia Mbangi za Yave. Jackson and Anthony Morris III - would be added to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. That is why young Christians do not lie when they go to school to put first in school. Muna zulunalu mosi ya mbanza mwasonama vo e mfumu a luyalu ona wakala mpe vo mfundisi, wavovesa awana balungana vana mbazi a nkanu vo: "E nkanda kekayanga muntu ndioyo mia vonza kikilu,... mina nze nlongo miampondi. " Our hometown newspaper reported that the mayor, who was also the judge, said to those in the city court: "The literature this man is distributing... is as dangerous as poison. " Amy, a pioneer, says: "I thank Jehovah for giving a gift, that is, the privilege of knowing Jehovah and gaining everlasting life. " Nze Paulu, tusamunanga e nsangu zambote kadi zola tuna kwau muna wantu ye tima dia kubasadisa. Like Paul, we preach to people because we care about them and want to help them. Now with the help of the computer, he sends a message to the friends on the Internet. E moko kiaki kia lukasakeso kilenda kala mu telefone yo samba kumosi. Even if only by telephone, this contact allows for an exchange of encouragement and also for praying together. Paul said: "Christ [Christ] will rule as king until he has put all enemies under his feet. Lukutakanu vana yanzala (1981) kumosi y'Eseka dia Lukutakanu dia Guayaquil (2009) va fulu kiau kimosi Open - air assembly (1981) and Guayaquil Assembly Hall (2009) on the same property He realizes that he needs to work hard to improve his Christian qualities. Kansi vakala ye mpila yina balenda singikila e diambu diadi. He told Joshua of old: "Do not forsake this book from your mouth, and he reads in it day and night. " (Tanga Fuka 8: 22 - 24.) (Read Leviticus 8: 22 - 24.) On the other hand, we often moved to the islands. Mu kuma kia ntona zau. It is because of their conscience. That warning applies today. Diavavanga vo bayambula kala vamosi yo muntu ndioyo, kansi ke bafwete kumbadikila nze mbeni ko. They needed to stop socializing with that person but not treat him as an enemy. False religious leaders have deceived themselves and set up many of the laws that are not from God. Vana vena Akristu a tandu kiantete, vakala ye wantu a mpila mu mpila First - century Christians came from many backgrounds So we do well to ask ourselves: What are some things that have left me spiritually? KANA una vo wantu ayingi besonganga lukwikilu tuka muna lumbu ya Abele, muna Nkand'a Nzambi tutanganga vo: " Ke wantu awonso ko bena ye lukwikilu. ' THOUGH it has been in evidence since the days of Abel, "faith is not a possession of all people. " If a person accepts our publications, he may lose his job. O s'andi wavova vo o umbakuzi wau ukubasadisanga mu zizidila. His father mentions that such insight helps them to cope. You also obey Jesus and qualify to get baptized. Adieyi diamoneka? The results? Are we doing all that God commands? 24: 14. 24: 14. Highlights From 1 and 2 Timothy, 3 / 15 E kiaki i kuma aleke bena vo Akristu ke bevuninanga ko vava bevanganga kizame kuna sikola kimana basiwa va fulu kiantete. What problems do we face today, and how does God lead us? Amy, una vo mviti a nzila, wavova vo: "Ivutulanga matondo kwa Yave muna kunsadila mu vana muntu lukau lwamfunu, i sia vo, elau dia zaya Yave yo vwa moyo a mvu ya mvu. " " As you see a Bible student progress, " says a pioneer named Amy, "you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude to Jehovah for allowing you to be used to give that person a wonderful gift - the opportunity of knowing Jehovah and of receiving everlasting life. " He carefully studied the Holy Scriptures. Owau, muna lusadisu lwa komputador yavangwa mu kuma kia mpofo, otwikanga nsangu kw'akundi muna Internete. Now, with the aid of a special talking computer, she regularly contacts friends by e - mail. In those months, Paolo often worked 16 hours without rest. Paulu wavova vo: " [Kristu] yala keyala kaka, yavana kevwa vindakes'atantu awonso kunansi a malu mandi. Paul wrote: "For he [Christ] must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. Do You Recall? Obakwidi vo ngolo kafwete vanga mu tomesa fu yandi ya Kikristu. He realizes that he needs to make an effort to improve his Christian qualities. The Bible tells us: "[Jesus Christ] was declared righteous by God through faith in his blood, exercising his righteousness for the sins that occurred before him, that he might demonstrate himself to God in his own year of righteousness and of faith. " - Romans 3: 25, 26. Wavovesa Yosua kuna nz'ankulu vo: "Kulembwa nkanda wau wa nsiku ko muna nu'aku, wavungutila mo kaka yo fuku yo mwini. " (Yos. He told Joshua of ancient times: "This book of the law should not depart from your mouth, and you must in an undertone read in it day and night. " Later, I traveled to South Lansing, New York, to Gilead School. Nkumbu miayingi, mu fuku twayalukanga muna sanga. We usually sailed from one island to the next at night. Do They Really Pray? O lulukisu lwalu mfunu mpe lwina o unu. This warning also applies today. José says: "I was drawn to this brother and did not appreciate everything he did. " Afidi a nsambila vuna babavunanga yo sikidisa ulolo wa nsiku mina ke miatuka kwa Nzambi ko. The religious leaders lied to them and made many rules that were not from God. How do our tongue become like a potter or a pen? (Yes 40: 29 - 31) Muna kuma kiaki, diambote twakiyuvula: Nkia mambu kieleka mekungyoyesanga muna mwanda? That being the case, we would do well to ask, What truly is at the root of spiritual fatigue? Today, human governments and governments are influenced by greed and greed. Avo muntu otambulwidi e nkanda mieto, olenda katulwa mu salu. People would lose their jobs if they accepted our books. 12: 5 - 11. Olemvokelanga mpe Yesu yo kuyifwanisa muna luvubu. He also obeys Jesus and gets baptized. Suggested Bible reading for April: Nga tuvanganga mawonso kekanikinanga Nzambi? Are we doing all that God has commanded us? We also learned much about creation that moved me to love our Creator. Ese Dilembi Tezakana, Yanuali - Malusu How Should We Treat Others? 5 / 15 As you dedicated your life to him, you were moved to make his heart rejoice. Nkia mambu tunuananga mau o unu? Aweyi Nzambi kekutufidilanga? What new circumstances do we now have, and how does God guide us? The people offered to care for what they needed; others also had the opportunity to read and meditate on the Scriptures; rather, it was not enough for the older men to take the lead and prepare for the meetings. Walongokanga e Sono Yavauka ye sungididi kiawonso. He diligently studied the Holy Scriptures so that he could quote them, defend them, and explain them. That group would be part of "all the languages of the nations. " Muna ngonde zazi, Paolo nkumbu miayingi wasalanga ola 16 konso lumbu lembi vunda. During those months, Paolo often worked up to 16 hours a day without stopping. Remember, too, that your children are no longer children. Nga Osungamenanga? Do You Remember? When I returned home, I began thinking about what I had done in my life. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi tutanganga vo: "[Yesu Kristu] wasiwa kwa Nzambi se lembekelwa, muna lukwikilu, muna menga mandi, kasonga ndungidi andi, muna kuma kia ndandul'a masumu mateka vangama, muna mvuku a Nzambi; kasonga ndungidi andi muna kiau tandu eki: kakala nlungi yandi kibeni, yo nlungisi a nkwa lukwikilu muna Yesu. " - Roma 3: 25, 26. This was in order to exhibit his own righteousness, because he was forgiving the sins that occurred in the past while God was exercising forbearance; so as to exhibit his own righteousness in this present season, that he might be righteous even when declaring righteous the man that has faith in Jesus. " - Rom. 3: 25, 26. Similarly, to use the Bible to see that we are not selfish, we cannot read it quickly or use it to see the imperfections of others. I bosi, yabaka kumbi dia ntoto mu kwenda kuna South Lansing, Nova York, kuna kwavangamenanga e sikola ya Ngiladi. I then traveled by train to South Lansing, New York, where the school was located. Then he invited David to the garden and come to Samuel. Nga Mina Kieleka? Do They Really Exist? But Enoch, born hundreds of years ago, was like Abel. José wavova vo: "Kimpala kiamfila mu menga mpangi ndioyo yo lembi yangalela konso diambu kavanganga. " " Envy caused me to nurse a hatred for this brother and to misinterpret his intentions, " confesses José. Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer, " also acts in behalf of all those who come to him in faith. Aweyi tubini tweto tukitukilanga nze pena yovo lapi? (b) What will we discuss in this article? O unu, e nkubika zitalanga mambu ma nzimbu ye ma tuyalu zifilwanga kwa wantu bena vo akwa loko. Today, economic and political organizations are controlled by selfish people. Because the Israelites won the battle, the king of the king of the king is ready to attack them again. 12: 5 - 11. 12: 5 - 11. Jehovah told Hosea: "You must take a wife of fornication. " Ntangilu a Nkand'a Nzambi mu Ngonde ya Abidi: Suggested Bible reading for April: " Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom. " - MATTHEW 6: 33. Mayingi mpe twalongoka mu kuma kia nsema mana mamfila mu zola lekwa kasema o Mvangi eto. You can also discuss situations that can help your children to resist peer pressure. Ekolo wayekola zingu kiaku kwa yandi, diatoma yangidika o ntim'andi. When you dedicated your life to him, his heart rejoiced. The man who touched the body of man was unclean seven days; it was clean during the third day and the seventh day. Nkangu bavananga tukau twamvevo muna lungisa mambu mavuwanga o mfunu; akaka mpe bakala y'elau dia tanga yo fimpa Nkand'a Nzambi; e kiyekwa kiaki ke kiavewanga kaka kwa buka kia anganga ko; ambuta zamakala yau bavitang'o ntu muna kubika yo fila tukutakanu. In both places of worship, various needs and expenses were met by voluntary contributions; in neither was the privilege of reading and discussing God's Word restricted to a clergy class; in both cases, the meetings were organized and directed by responsible older men. Is this place not a threat to them? E buka kiaki mu "ndinga zawonso za zula " kiadi tuka. For law will go out of Zion, and the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem. " Before God made laws, Abraham and Lot showed this quality. Sungamena mpe vo wan'aku ke yingiana - ngiana diaka ko. Also remember that teenagers are no longer small children. [ Picture on page 29] Vava yavutuka kuna nzo, yayantika yindula dina mvanga muna zingu kiame. When I got home, I sat down and thought about what I was going to do with my life. You could explain to him that he read the material in the appendix book What Does the Bible Really Teach and read the verses in it. Diau adimosi mpe, muna sadila Nkand'a Nzambi mu zaya vo ke tuna ye fu kia loko ko, ke tufwete wo tangila mu nzaki ko yovo sadila wo mu mona o vilwa wa muntu akaka. Similarly, to use the Bible to see a defect, such as selfishness, we should do more than read it casually or use it to see someone else's faults. You also want to see your loved ones again. (Tini kia 11) I bosi babokela Davidi kuna mpatu yo kwiza kwa Samuele. So David is summoned from the fields and comes before Samuel. What kind of people were they? Kansi, Kanoke ona wawutuka vioka mvu miayingi, wakala nze Abele. However, Enoch, born hundreds of years later, was. Your parents have the responsibility to warn you. Yave ona "owanga sambu, " ovanganga mpe diambu muna wete di'awonso bekuntombanga kuna lukwikilu. Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer, " also acts on behalf of all who seek him in faith. He knew that his family would also need to be careful not to take sides in the acts of violence and the negative thinking of others. (b) Adieyi tulongoka mu longi diadi? (b) What will we learn in this article? When his disciples returned from the ministry, Jesus was so happy that he told them to do what they would do in the ministry that he did. Wau vo esi Ai basunda Aneyisaele, o ntinu a Ai wakubama diaka mu kubanwanisa. Having defeated the Israelites once, the king of Ai is eager to meet them in combat. (1 Thess. Yave wavovesa Osea vo: "Nda kubongela nkento a zumba. " Jehovah tells Hosea: "Go, take to yourself a wife of fornication. " A 80 - year - old brother who regularly attend Christian meetings with his wife says: "We have the habit of being regular at meetings. " Nutombel'ekulu e kintinu. " - MATAI 6: 33. " Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom. " - MATTHEW 6: 33. Explain, use illustrations, and show how people can use the verses you read Nulenda mpe vovela mambu malenda sadisa wan'eno mu zizidila ntonta z'akundi a sikola. You can also have practice sessions that will help your children deal with peer pressure. But Jehovah continues to show his sovereignty, and he never rejected his sovereignty. Ona waviakana evimbu dia muntu, wafunzuka lumbu nsambwadi; muna velela wayowelanga maza mama muna lumbu ki'etatu ye kiansambwadi. (Nta. Its ashes were kept to make "water for cleansing, " which was sprinkled on the person being purified on the third and the seventh day after contamination. How might Satan deceive Eve, and what happened? Nga e fulu kiaki ke kikubasia mu vonza ko? Could such an arrangement give rise to compromising situations? All of them allow God's spirit to guide them in their lives and cultivate its fruitage. (Nsiku 10: 17 - 19) Una Nzambi kasikidisi ko nsiku wasonga ngemba, Abarayama yo Loti basonganga fu kiaki. Even so, it is apparent that Abraham and Lot went beyond what later came to be required by law. We traveled for seven weeks to get out of the boat. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 29] [ Picture on page 26] By respecting those whom Christ uses to care for his belongings on earth, we show that "we accept Jesus Christ as Lord by the glory of God the Father. " - Philippians 2: 11. Olenda kunzayisa vo katanga mambu mena muna nkudika ina muna nkanda O Nkand'a Nzambi Adieyi Kieleka Kelonganga yo tanga e sono ina mo. You might suggest that he read the related information in the appendix of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 3: 1. Ozolele mpe vo wamonana diaka ye azolw'aku. He wants you to be there to embrace your loved ones again. Absalom listened to Hushai rather than to Ahithophel. - 2 Samuel 15: 31; 17: 14. Nkia mpila wantu bakala? What kind of people were in the mob? Of course, obeying parents may not always be easy. Mase meno yau bena ye mbebe ya kunulukisa. You may recall being told: "Don't touch the stove. (Read John 13: 14 - 17.) (Etu. 6: 9) Wazaya wo vo esi nzo andi mpe bafwana kuyikeba mu lembi kuyisia muna mavangu ma umpumbulu yo sambukila ngindu zayiva za wantu babazunganga. He knew that his family needed to guard against adopting the violent ways and defiant attitude of the people around them. Thus, Christian parents need to fight against "the present system of things " so that they do not become part of their children. Vava alongoki andi bavutuka muna salu kia umbangi, Yesu watoma yangalala yo kubavovesa vo mana besinga vanga muna salu kia umbangi mesunda mana kavanga. Jesus rejoiced at the success of his disciples, and he pointed out that they would accomplish even more than he had in the preaching work. Consider this. (1 Tes. (1 Thess. Parents need to work hard to teach their children spiritual values. Mpangi mosi una ye kimbuta kia mvu 80 okalanga ntangwa zawonso muna lukutakanu lwa Akristu kumosi yo nkaz'andi, wavova vo: "Tuna ye fu kia kalanga ntangwa zawonso muna lukutakanu. A brother in his 80 ' s who attends Christian meetings regularly with his wife said: "We have cultivated the custom of going to the meetings. Doing so will help publishers to give Jehovah their best. - Col. Sasila, sadila e nona yo songa una wantu balenda sadila e sono otangidi Take time to explain, illustrate, and apply verses that you read If so, please examine the following three questions: Kansi, Yave okwamanananga songa wisa kiandi, kabembola kimfumu kiandi ko. Jehovah never relinquished his sovereignty; he remained in control. 7, 8. Satana aweyi kalenda vukumwina Eva? Adieyi diavangama? How was Satan able to deceive Eve, and with what result? There were nearly 2,000 years ago when the bones of the dead were burned. Yau awonso beyambulanga vo mwand'a Nzambi wabafila muna zingu kiau yo yima mbongo a mwanda wau. Like the anointed, the other sheep allow God's spirit to help them. Paul said that such counsel would help them to " not give up and give out in your souls. ' Tumingu nsambwadi twakangala mu nzaza muna lwaka. It took us seven weeks on a cargo ship to get there. When I got baptized, my sister and I also began serving Jehovah. Muna zitisanga awana kesadilanga Kristu mu lunga - lunga e salanganu yandi ova ntoto, i tusongelanga vo " tutambulwilanga wo vo Yesu Kristu i Mfumu, muna nkembo a Nzambi w'Ese. ' - Filipi 2: 11. Our showing due respect for the instrument Christ is using to manage his earthly belongings is one way in which we "openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. " - Philippians 2: 11. We feel that Jehovah cares for his people today. 3: 1. 3: 1. 9, 10. Abesalome wawila Kusai vana fulu kia wila Akitofele. - 2 Samuele 15: 31; 17: 14. Absalom listened to Hushai instead of Ahithophel. - 2 Samuel 15: 31; 17: 14. We can develop such faith by relying on God in our daily activities. Kieleka, ezak'e ntangwa o lemvokela mase dilenda kala diampasi. True, it may not always be easy to obey your parents, but God says that you should. 1, 2. (Tanga Yoane 13: 14 - 17.) (Read John 13: 14 - 17.) I Learned to Show Respect and Respect 10 Muna kuma kiaki, mase m'Akristu bafwete nwana vita kimana e fu yambi ya " tandu kiaki ' yalembi kota muna wan'au. Hence, Christian parents have to wage an ongoing fight against the pernicious influence that "the system of things of this world " can have on their children. But Jonathan loved Jehovah and stayed loyal to him. Badika edi. Think about it. Furthermore, about 150 people died on top of the ladder. Amase bafwete sianga e ngolo mu longa mambu ma mwanda kwa wan'au. Parents can do much to stimulate the spiritual appetite of their children. Ask Jehovah to give you wisdom and self - control to resist temptations Ovanga wo, dilenda sadisa ateleki mu vana kwa Yave edi disundidi o wete. - Kol. Doing so helps them to give their best to Jehovah. - Col. Reading the Bible together gives children an opportunity to read and understand what is in the Bible. Avo i wau, dodokolo diaku, toma fimpa yuvu tatu ilende: If so, please consider the following three questions. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. 7, 8. 7, 8. The next article in this article discusses one of the most important ways in which the Bible is based on the name of God's Word. Basolola nkela mosi yatoma viengeswa ya tezo kia 2.000 ma mvu, yasiwanga visi ya muntu afwa avo nsuni miandi miwolele. It is a 2,000 - year - old burial ossuary - a decorated limestone chest into which the bones of a deceased person were placed after the flesh had decomposed. His eyes may have indicated that he was happy. Paulu wavova vo luludiku lwalu lwadi kubasadisa mu " lembi yoya yo lebokw'e mioyo. ' Paul said that this would help them not to "get tired and give out in [their] souls. " That is one of the most important things in our life. Vava yavubwa e nsang'ame, ngudi ame yo se diame bayantika mpe sadila Yave. After I was baptized, my sister, my mother, and my father all joined me in serving Jehovah. What might you write? Tumonanga vo Yave otoma lunga - lunganga nkangu andi o unu. Jehovah is still providing for his sheeplike people. They show love for God's flock by "seeking to teach " the congregation. 9, 10. 9, 10. Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind " and" You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Tulenda yima lukwikilu lwa mpila yayi muna bundang'e vuvu muna Nzambi muna salu yeto ya lumbu ke lumbu. We too need strong faith in order to continue in the ministry, especially when we encounter people who are not favorably disposed. Nisan 15, 2008 1, 2. 1, 2. How Would You Answer? Yalongoka Kuyizitisa yo Zitisa mpe Akento 10 I Learned to Respect Women and Myself 10 Today, Christians continue to support pure worship by using their time, energy, and resources. - See the box "When Our Heart Make Us Work. " (1 Samuele 20: 31) Kansi, Yonatane wazolanga Yave yo songa kwikizi muna yandi. But Jonathan loved Jehovah and was loyal to him. Remember that your children are God's gift to you. Vana ntandu, tezo kia 150 ma wantu bafwa mu kuma kia sotoka vana sikada. In addition, some 150 died from such falls. How sad that must have been for the older priests! Lomba lusadisu kwa Yave kimana kavana e ngangu ye volo muna sunda e ntonta Ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control to resist temptation He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. O tanganga Nkand'a Nzambi kumosi y'esi nzo divananga wana elau dia zaya toma tanga yo bakula oma mena muna Nkand'a Nzambi. (Nku. The goal of regularly reading the Bible together as a family provides an excellent opportunity for children to improve their reading skills as well as their comprehension of the Bible's message. * Yesu wavova vo: "Nwiz'oku ngina, yeno awonso nufuntukanga yo bimuka yo mazitu, ikunuvundisa. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. 5: 6, 7. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. What does God's love motivate us to do? Nanga e meso mandi masonganga vo mu kiese kikilu kakala. Perhaps he had a big smile on his face and his eyes were full of excitement. Yes, Jesus willingly died so that he could do his Father's will to redeem mankind from sin and death. E kiaki i salu tufwete sia vana fulu kiantete muna zingu kieto. So the preaching work is urgent and should be one of the most important things to us. Although making mistakes, Paul wrote to the congregation in Corinth: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " Nkia diambu olenda soneka? What can you write about? How could Jesus continue to feed his followers on earth from heaven? Besonganga zola mun'ekambi dia Nzambi muna " kuyivananga mu longa ' e nkutakani. They display love for God's flock as a whole by "applying [themselves] to teaching " the congregation. The Bible also describes Jesus as "the only - begotten Son of God " because he was created by Jehovah himself. - John 3: 18; Colossians 1: 13 - 15. Yesu wavova vo: "Zola Yave wa Nzambi aku yamuna nsi a ntim'aku yawonso, yo muna fulumwinu kiaku kiawonso, yo muna nyindu aku wawonso " yo" zola nkw'aku, konso un'okuzolela. " Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind " and" you must love your neighbor as yourself. " The Nephilim died, but their conduct and actions were foretold. Kia 15 kia Nisani Nisan 15 Event: Why? Nkia Mvutu Ovana? How Would You Answer? FROM OUR COVER O unu, Akristu bakinu yikama e nsambila yavelela muna sadila e ntangwa, ngolo ye mavwa mau kuna kiese kiawonso. - Tala kunku kina yo ntu a diambu, "Vava Ntim'eto Ukutufilanga mu Vana Kina Tulenda. " Today, Christians continue to support pure worship by generously and cheerfully giving of their time, energy, and funds. The accompanying box sets out some ways in which you can do this. [ Box on page 18, 19] Our parents worked hard to help us, but we rejected their help. Sungamena ntangwa zawonso vo wan'aku i lukau lwa Nzambi kwa ngeye. Always remember, your children are God's gift to you. " I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life. " - DEUTERONOMY 30: 19. Ediadi diayoyesa kikilu ambuta za nganga. Without bread, he would fall short. When he told them about it, he went to the brother's home. Bekala ye kiese kia mokena yaku. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Jesus did not say whether it is good or not for someone to have riches, but the point that one's life does not result from "the things he possesses. " * * Many people change their lifestyle by reading the Bible, and you too can do that if you start reading it. 5: 6, 7. 5: 6, 7. Not only did she find a wife who loved her but she tried to worship Jehovah, who would be a good mother for her children. O zola kwa Nzambi kukutufilanga mu vanga nkia diambu? God's love motivates us to do what? Jesus was a perfect man. (Yezekele 18: 4) Elo, Yesu watambulwila o fwa lufwa lwansongi, kimana kavanga luzolo lw'eS'andi lwa kûla wantu mun'esumu ye lufwa. Rather, Jesus accepted a death that he did not deserve in order that he might carry out his Father's will to rescue mankind from sin and death. That war has not ended, and I have suffered many problems in my life... Kana una vo wavanganga o vilwa, Paulu wasonekena e nkutakani ya Korinto vo: "Nuntanginina, waun'omono ntangininanga Kristu. " Despite his shortcomings, Paul could confidently write to the congregation in Corinth: "Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ. " " The time that people spent reading and explaining these words is now now used to understand the scriptures and the teachings of the Scriptures. " Aweyi Yesu kadi kwamanena dikidila alandi andi muna mwanda ova ntoto, tuka kun'ezulu? How would the heavenly Jesus keep his followers on earth well - fed spiritually? On one occasion, the sea's water reached nearly 80 miles [100 km] to the region. Nkand'a Nzambi uyikilanga mpe Yesu vo "Mwan'amosi a Nzambi, " e kuma kadi yandi kaka wavangwa kwa Yave yandi kibeni. - Yoane 3: 18; Kolosai 1: 13 - 15. The Bible also refers to Jesus as "the only - begotten Son of God " because he was the first and only direct creation of Jehovah. - John 3: 18; Colossians 1: 13 - 15. That day, I didn't know that this man was Erichhh, who was alive in El Salvador, a difficult job. Anefili bafwa, kansi e fu ye mavangu mau makinu vangama. The Nephilim are dead and gone, but their traits and behavior are very much alive! This message offends Herod. - See the article "Our Readers Ask... Ekuma? Why do we say this? Elijah, however, helped him. Nkungi a Tumingu (Pentikosti) Festival of Weeks (Pentecost) We read: "The fear of God and treasure what you have. " Mase meto bavanga mawonso muna kutusadisa, kansi twabembola lusadisu lwau. Our parents did everything they could to try to help us, but we rejected their efforts. But we have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. " Inusididi moyo yo lufwa, nsambu ye sibu: i diau vo, sola moyo wazinga. " - NSIKU 30: 19. " I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive. " - DEUTERONOMY 30: 19. This can be difficult if we do not like reading, especially when we read "the deep things of God. " Vava kazayiswa wo, wayenda kuna nzo a mpangi. Notified of this, the owner came to the sister's home. But what if we have been waiting for a long time in the congregation or waiting for some changes in our life? O Yesu kavova ko kana vo diambote yovo ke diambote ko kwa muntu mu kala ye mavwa. Kansi, wasonga e mbut'a diambu vo o moyo a muntu ke wina muna "salanganu yandi ko, " i sia vo, muna lekwa yina kavwidi. Instead of focusing on whether it is right or wrong to have an abundance, Jesus was making the point that a man's life does not result from "the things he possesses, " that is, the things he already has. [ Footnote] Wantu ayingi besobanga e mpila zingu kiau muna tanganga o Nkand'a Nzambi. Ongeye mpe olenda wo vanga avo oyantikidi tanga o Nkand'a Nzambi. As those readers and millions more have learned, reading the Bible can help you to live a more enjoyable life. In the second article, we will discuss three areas in which people are quick to judge others. Kavava kaka nkento ona okunyangidika ko, kansi wavava nkento wasambilanga Yave, ona wadi kala se ngudi ambote kwa wan'andi. He was not merely interested in finding someone who would be a pleasant companion; rather, he sought a spiritually - minded woman who was a worshipper of Jehovah and who would be a good mother to his children. Blessing apologized and resumed her study. Yesu muntu alunga kakala. Jesus was a perfect man. Do not spend time talking with your heavenly Father. E vita yayi ilembi fokokanga, mpasi zayingi ikuntwasilanga muna zingu kiame... This ongoing battle has affected every aspect of my life.... Our hope is based on the promise of the Creator of the universe, who said: "The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " " E ntangwa ina wantu baviokesanga mu vava e mvovo yo sasila mio, owau isadilwanga mu vava bakula e sono ya Nkand'a Nzambi iyikilu ye una inina e ngwizani y'elongi. " [ Mvovo mia Sina muna lukaya lwa 31] Some Jews survived the destruction of Jerusalem, following Jehovah's instructions to the Babylonians and were taken captive. Kuna zunga kimosi, maza ma kalunga malwaka kuna kuzingilanga wantu mu tezo kia 80 lwa kilometa, ye sina kwa meta 10. In one area, the storm surge reached as far as 50 miles [80 km] inland, propelling a wall of water up to 30 feet [10 m] high. Because Jehovah is holy, he always does what is right, and he always does what is right. Muna lumbu kiakina kiazaya wo ko vo muntu ndioyo i Erich Nikolaizig, ona wasala ye moyo kuna Wewelsburg, fulu kia salu yampasi. I did not know it at the time, but this stranger was Erich Nikolaizig, a survivor of the Wewelsburg concentration camp. In time, you may set the goal of answering your own words. E nsangu zazi zafungisa Erodi makasi. - Tala elongi "Yuvu Y'atangi Eto... This inflamed the man with jealous rage. - See the article "Our Readers Ask... * One sister wrote: "We look forward to the Memorial. Kansi, Eleya wansadisa. But Elijah helped her. O God, how much does the sum of them amount to! " - Psalm 139: 17. Tutanganga vo: " O vumi wa Nzambi yo yangalela ina ovuidi i ndandu kikilu. ' It says: "To be sure, there is great gain in godly devotion along with contentment. " (b) How can we help new ones to communicate with people as Jesus did? Kansi oyeto, tuna yo nyindu a Kristu. " - 1 KOR. But we do have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. In fact, the idea of leaving the best way of life can make you afraid. Ediadi dilenda kala diampasi avo ketuzolanga tanga ko, musungula vava tutanganga mambu "masina ma Nzambi. " This may be the case especially if reading has always been difficult for us or if a publication is discussing "the deep things of God. " 14, 15. Kansi adieyi tuvova avo se kolo tuvingilanga lau dia salu muna nkutakani yovo tuvingilanga vo mambu ma zingu kieto masoba? But what if we have been waiting a long time for a certain privilege in the congregation or for our circumstances to change? If you give him a question and listen to his answers, you might say, " Let us consider how God feels about it. ' [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] Is it possible for someone to protect someone from wild animals, such as a lion, a mine, and its target? Muna longi diazole, tufimpa mambu tatu mana o wantu bekadilanga ye nzaki za fundisa akaka. In the second article, we will examine three areas in which people often judge others too quickly. However, "time and unforeseen occurrence " befall us many times. Sandra walomba ndoloki yo vutukila longoka yandi. Sandra apologized and arranged to resume the study. Ahab saw all these miracles, but he did not want to accept Jehovah's power. Kuviokesa lumbu ko lembi mokena yo S'aku ezulu. Never let a day go by without talking to your heavenly Father. Many do not think about how their actions affect others. E vuvu kieto kiakieleka, kitukanga muna nsilu a Mvangi a nsema wawonso ona wavova vo: "E nza izala yo zayi wa Yave. " It is based on the promise of the Creator of the universe, who says: "The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " MARCH 26, 2012 - APRIL 1, 2012 Akaka muna Ayuda bavuluka vava kiafwaswa Yerusaleme. Balemvokela luludiku lwa Yave lwa kuyitambika kwa esi Babele yo natwa muna kinkole. Many obedient Jews who surrendered to the Babylonians survived Jerusalem's destruction and were taken captive to Babylon. On the basis of the two loaves, the priest poureds the bread into the hands and poured it over to the area. Further questioning revealed that he had never treated one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " You will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - LUKE 19: 6. Wau vo Yave wavelela yovo wansongi, mawonso kevanganga ye konso nsiku kesianga miansongi. Because Jehovah is holy, everything he does and any laws he makes are holy. " At that time, I didn't want all Christian religions to engage in warfare with their leaders. Kuna kulanda, olenda kuyisila ekani dia vananga e mvutu muna mvovo mia ngeye kibeni. Later, you could have the goal of answering in your own words. The Israelites disobeyed God, but the three commandments required by Moses did not change. * Mpangi mosi ankento wasoneka vo: "Tuvingilanga ye kiese kiawonso e lumbu kia Luyindulu. * (See footnote.) " We look forward to the Memorial, " wrote one sister. Jodi is able to reach her home, and she is able to pioneer. O lutangu luau luayingi! " - Nkunga 139: 17. O God, how much does the grand sum of them amount to! " - Psalm 139: 17. The songs and prayers offered at the beginning of Christian meetings are important subjects for our worship. (b) Aweyi tulenda sadisila ateleki ampa mu mokenanga yo wantu nze una Yesu kavanga? (b) How can we help new publishers to converse with people as Jesus did? Yes, he lived for some 70 years and served Jehovah faithfully. Dialudi, e ngindu zasisa e zingu kiambote zilenda kumwesa wonga. Hence, the yeartext for 2012 will be presented by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses in these words: "Your word is truth. " 14, 15. 14, 15. According to one scholar, "the love of peace, kindness, kindness, and compassion... try to help others. " Avo umvene e kiuvu yo wá mvutu zandi, lenda kumvovesa vo " yambula twafimpa una tulenda zayila una Nzambi kebadikilanga diambu diadi. ' After posing a question and getting the householder's response, you may want to say something to this effect, " Let us see how we can get God's mind on the matter. ' It is vital that we gain strength from any physical body that may come because of sickness or advanced age. Nga ilenda tanina muntu mu bulu yansita nze nkosi, ngo, urse ye mbulu? Or against lions, leopards, bears, and wolves - all of which were common in the Bible lands in those times? When I come from the meetings, I am convinced that Jehovah loves me. " Kansi kadi, mayingi mena muna " kolo kiambi kiluakilanga kuna kinsalukisa. ' Of course, more than "time and chance " are involved when" bad times come suddenly. " Because most of them are "not trained and ignorant of reading, " this proves that God's spirit empowered them. - Acts 1: 16; Rom. (1 Ntinu 18: 22 - 45) Akabi wamona masivi mama mawonso, kansi kazola kwikila ko vo nkum'a Yave kamona. Ahab saw all these miracles and still refused to believe that he had seen Jehovah's power. When Saul said that he had to kill David, Jonathan had to make difficult decisions. Ndonga ke beyindulanga ko una mavangu mau malenda vanga kw'akaka. Many think little about the effects of their actions on others. IN THIS ISSUE 26 MALUSU, 2012 - 1 ABIDI, 2012 MARCH 26, 2012 - APRIL 1, 2012 It says: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " Muna lukau luanzungani lwa mbolo zole zafuna, o nganga wasimbanga mbolo vana moko. Wazangulanga o moko yo zunganisa zo oku y'oku. In this wave offering of the two leavened loaves, often the priest held the loaves in the palms of his hands, raised his arms, and moved the loaves from side to side. As a result of the full - time ministry, Marilyn, Edith Jaracz, and Sydney, who shared in the full - time ministry, explained how they had learned the truth and took up the full - time ministry. " Vo i yeno nukala kwa mono se kimfumu kia nganga ye zula kiavauka. " - LUVAIKU 19: 6. 19: 6. Being merciful will move us to preach with zeal and joy as we do so. Anwar wavova vo: "Muna ntangwa yayina, kiazolanga nsambila zawonso za Kikristu ko mu kuma kia vita banwananga yau ye yau ye afidi au bebundunanga nkangu. " At that time, " says Anwar, "I had a negative opinion of Christian religions because of the Crusades and the Inquisition. Jehovah, "the happy God, " wants his creation to be happy. 30: 19, 20) Aneyisaele bakolamena Nzambi, kansi e nkanikinu ntatu mivavwanga muna vwa moyo kayika o Mose ke miasoba ko. Israel proved unfaithful to God, but the three basic requirements for life cited by Moses have not changed. " This is the glorious vision of God's righteous judgment; and they have become subjects of the kingdom of God. " - 2 THESS. Lana watoma lwaka kuna nsi andi ye wakinu sala se mviti a nzila. Lana returned home safely, and she is still pioneering. Granted, "God cannot lie, " but imperfect humans often show a lack of confidence. E nkunga ye sambu kiantete kivangwanga kuna lubantiku lwa konso lukutakanu lw'Akristu, mambu mamfunu muna nsambil'eto. The song and prayer that open each Christian meeting are an essential part of our worship. (See opening picture.) Elo, kadi wazinga diaka tezo kia 70 lwa mvu yo sadila Yave kuna kwikizi kiawonso. Apparently so, for he serves Jehovah faithfully for almost another 70 years. When we make decisions that please Jehovah, we can be confident that he will help us. Muna kuma kiaki, e sono kia mvu wa 2012 kisolelo kwa Buka kia Selo Yambuta kia Mbangi za Yave kibongelo muna mvovo emi mia Yesu: "E diambu diaku i ludi. " With that in mind, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has chosen as our yeartext for 2012 the confident statement of Jesus: "Your word is truth. " Because he did not have time, they decided to return to another time. Nkwa ngangu mosi wavova vo, "nzolani a ungudi, walakazi isonganga, ye nkenda yo vava sadisa akaka. " According to one scholar, "brotherly love " is" affectionate love, showing kindness, sympathy, offering help. " On the night before his death, Jesus gathered with his apostles for the Passover. Diamfunu dia kala yo nkum'a mwanda muna sunda konso lutovoko lwa nitu lulenda kwiza mu kuma kia mayela yovo kinunu. How important it is to counteract any physical weakness - perhaps caused by disease or old age - with spiritual strength! I wondered why God allowed other children to get sick and get sick. Vava itukanga muna tukutakanu, ikalanga ye ziku vo Yave zola kekunzolanga. " I always come away from the meetings knowing that Jehovah loves me. " That was the first time the brothers used radio to spread the good news in Mexico. Wau vo ndonga mu yau, wantu " balembi longwa yo lembi zay'o tanga, ' ediadi disonganga e ziku vo mwand'a Nzambi wabakumika. - Mav. They preached the good news "in all creation that is under heaven. " Our ministry can be a blessing or a gift from those to whom we preach. Vava Saulu kavova vo Davidi kekwenda vonda, diavava vo Yonatane kabaka nzengo zampasi. 16, 17. MUN'EYINGIDILU DIADI IN THIS ISSUE If we do so, we can benefit from Jehovah's promise when it comes to the fulfillment of the prophecy: "The creation itself will be set free from slavery to sin and death and the glorious freedom of the children of God. " - Romans 8: 21. Kivovele vo: "Muna lumbu y'atinu awana, o Nzambi ezulu otongeka kintinu, kina ke kibangalakeswa ko yakwele mvu, ngatu vingilwa untinu wandi kwa nkangu akaka; kansi kikosomona yo sukisa yintinu yayi yawonso, kitongama mpe yakwele mvu. " It says: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever. " They do not think, needs, and weaknesses like us. Ampangi Marina Sydlik, Edith Suiter, Melita Jaracz, Melba Barry yo Sydney Barber bayika una bazayila ludi yo kota muna salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa. Sisters Marina Sydlik, Edith Suiter, Melita Jaracz, Melba Barry, and Sydney Barber told how they learned the truth and entered the full - time service. He said: "We have received them, and we are fellow workers for the truth. " - 3 John 5 - 8. O kala nkwa nkenda dikutufila mu samuna e nsangu zambote yo vema kwawonso yo kututwasila e kiese ekolo tuvanganga wo. A merciful attitude will motivate us to preach with zeal and will give us joy as we do so. Why did Peter disown Jesus? Yave wa "Nzambi akembelwa " yovo akiese, ozolele vo e vangwa yandi ya wantu bakala ye kiese. Jehovah, "the happy God, " wants his human creation to enjoy life. [ Pictures on page 16] " I mona - meso kia lufundisu luansongi lua Nzambi; nwafwaneswa muna kintinu kia Nzambi. " - 2 TES. " This is a proof of the righteous judgment of God, leading to your being counted worthy of the kingdom of God. " - 2 THESS. " Not in Mark's Place " 31: 5) Dialudi, " Nzambi kalendi vuna ko, ' kansi wantu alembi lunga nkumbu miayingi ke bebundwanga vuvu ko. Sinful men cannot always be trusted, whereas "it is impossible for God to lie. " Even the elders may fall prey to the trap of materialism. (Tala e fwaniswa kuna lubantiku lwa longi.) (See opening picture.) When Solomon became king of Israel, he prayed for wisdom, and Jehovah answered his prayer. (Nsiku 30: 19, 20; Yosua 24: 15) Avo tubaka e nzengo ziyangidika Yave, tulenda kala ye vuvu vo okutusadisa. If we choose to make decisions that please Jehovah, we can rely on him to guide us. Rather than allowing your family to make such a decision, it would be wise for them to accept immoral practices that you do not agree with or accept. Wau vo kakala ye ntangwa ko, bawizana mu vutuka lumbu kiakaka. It was an inconvenient time for her, though, so an appointment was made for a later date. Instead, he gave them free will. Muna fuku wa vitila lufwa lwandi, Yesu wakutakana ye ntumwa zandi mu dia elambu dia Nduta. On his final day on earth as a human, Jesus gathered the apostles for the Passover. We had three homes, a good car, a bus, a car, and a car. Yakiyuvulanga e kuma Nzambi kayambulwila vo wana akaka bawutukanga ye kimbevo. I wondered why God would allow some babies to be born with disabilities. 4: 15, 16. Owau, i nkumbu antete ampangi basadila radio mu sayanesa e nsangu zambote kuna México. It was the first time the brothers used radio stations to spread the good news across Mexico. Jehovah Trains Us (Nsiku 33: 13) E salu kieto kia umbangi kilenda kala se nsambu yovo lukau kw'awana betambulwilanga e nsangu tusamunanga. Our ministry can be a blessing, or a gift, to those who respond. However, it may be that you still feel guilty about the sin you have committed. 16, 17. 16, 17. Why do you keep me from the time of distress? " Avo tuvangidi wo, tulenda vua e nsambu zina Yave kasia o nsilu vava kilungana o ungunza owu: "O nsema wau kibeni uvevolwa muna ubundu wa sumu ye lufwa yo tambula luvevoko lwa nkembo a wan'a Nzambi. " - Roma 8: 21. Then we can enjoy the blessings Jehovah promised for the time when this prophecy will come true: "The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " - Romans 8: 21. A Time to End Ke bena ye ngindu, nsatu ye lutovoko ko nze yeto. Would they have been able to relate to our needs, our weaknesses, and our aspirations? First, they pray for holy spirit, consider Bible principles, and publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave, " and then they make decisions. Wavova vo: " Tufwete kubatambula, ana bena wau, twakala tu akwa salu yakw'au muna ludi. ' - 3 Yoa. 5 - 8. " We... are under obligation to receive such persons hospitably, " says the apostle, "that we may become fellow workers in the truth. " - 3 John 5 - 8. (Read.) Ekuma Petelo kavanina Yesu nkalu? Why did Peter deny Jesus? But Naomi decided to return to Israel, the country of her hometown. [ Mafoto zina muna lukaya lwa 16] [ Pictures on page 16] I have made all things new. " " Kota Muna Masuku Maku " " Enter Into Your Interior Rooms " The brothers often asked them: "Which day will we have a special assembly? " - From Our Worldwide, U.S.A. Kana nkutu akuluntu balenda bwa muna ntambu wa vava kala ye mavwa mayingi. Not even overseers are immune to the temptation of materialistic pursuits. Although people speak different languages, this does not prevent Jehovah from talking to them. Vava Solomo kakituka ntinu a Isaele, walomba ngangu muna sambu, Yave wavana e mvutu za sambu kiandi. Soon after Solomon became king of Israel, he prayed for wisdom, and Jehovah answered his prayer. What a joyful time that will be! Diambote wasikidisa mambu mama ngeye kibeni, vana fulu kia yambula vo esi nzo aku babak'e nzengo zazi, kadi balenda komekenwa mu tambulwila mavangu masafu mana kwakwikilanga ko ngatu tonda. It is much better to set these matters straight personally than to leave the settling of such arrangements to distressed family members, who may be pressured into accepting unclean practices that the deceased neither believed in nor approved of. Such tools are often common when natural disasters develop like the earthquake that occurred in Haiti in 2010. Kansi, wabavana nsw'a kuyisolela. Instead, he dignified them with free will. How can this new advice be applied to a sister who oversees the Theocratic Ministry School in sign language, talks, or comments from the Congregation Bible Study, at the Watchtower Study, and at the Watchtower Study? Nzo tatu twakala zau, mpatu, makalu mambote, ekumbi dimosi dia maza ye nzo ekalu. We owned three homes, land, luxury cars, a boat, and a motor home. The desire to serve, then, is a gift from God, so Jehovah's spirit motivates a brother to reach out and give him strength to carry out sacred service. 4: 15, 16. 4: 15, 16. When Jesus arrived at Bethany, he visited his friends. Yave Okutulonganga Jehovah Provides Needed Training The illustration of the widow teaches us that prayer is related to faith and that our prayers can prevent anything that might weaken our faith. Kansi, dilenda kala vo wakinu kuyitumba mu kuma kia sumu wavanga dina dialolokwa kala. But suppose that you still feel guilty long after a sin was forgiven. 10, 11. Mu nkia kum'oswekamene muna ntangw'a mpasi? " Why do you keep yourself hid in times of distress? " One man needed help for a while. Sono Yazingila Kolo Kiayingi Records That Have Lasted All of us are imperfect and make mistakes, so some in the congregation can harm us or we can do harm them. (Ngana 13: 10; 18: 13) Ediantete belombanga mwand'avelela muna sambu, yo fimpa e nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi ye nkanda mivaikiswanga kwa "ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu, i bosi bebakanga e nzengo. " After praying for holy spirit, they base their decisions on Bible principles and on guidelines published by "the faithful and discreet slave. " But not everyone could explain it. (Tanga.) (Read.) In this way, Jehovah draws us closer to him and gives us peace of mind. Kansi, o Naomi wabak'e nzengo za vutuka kuna Isaele ina vo i nsi andi a kingutukila. But Naomi was determined to return to Israel, her homeland. Jacob, or the grandson of Abraham, bore 12 sons. Mvanga lekwa yawonso se yampa. " I am making all things new. " So we need to add it to and do so regularly. Nkumbu miayingi ampangi bayuvulanga vo: "Nkia lumbu diaka tukala ye lukutakanu lwampwena? " - Muna malundilu meto kuna América Central. The question the brothers asked again and again was, "When are we going to have another assembly? " - From our archives in Central America. He was also told that in the morning, we had to go to the hotel station and take them to work. Kana una vo wantu ndinga zaswaswana bevovanga, ediadi ke dikakidilanga Yave ko mu mokena yau. Humans use many different languages, but this is not a problem for Jehovah. Although the anointed are different, those in these two groups are still living in the time of the end. Ekwe ntangwa kiese isinga kala! What a joyful and jubilant time that will be! Imitate Those Who Love You E salanganu ya mpila yayi itoma sadilwanga vava kibwanga sumbula nze nzakama ya ntoto ina yabwa kuna Haiti muna mvu wa 2010. Devices like that one have been put to use during natural disasters, such as the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. It was not long before the Passover of 33 C.E. Aweyi luludiku lwalu lwampa lulenda sadilwa kwa mpangi ankento ona osekolanga malongi ma Sikola ya Salu kia Kimfumu mu nding'a sinsu, yovo nsongesela, yovo nkomena za mpangi mun'Elongi dia Nkand'a Nzambi dia Nkutakani, muna Lukutakanu lwa Salu ye mun'Elongi di'Eyingidilu? How does this revised direction affect the interpretation into sign language of parts on the Theocratic Ministry School, demonstrations, and comments during the Congregation Bible Study, the Service Meeting, and the Watchtower Study? Why should we honor Jehovah? E luzolo lwa sala, lukau lwa Nzambi, muna kuma kiaki mwand'a Yave ufilanga mpangi mu kuyifwanisa yo kumvana nkuma mu sala e salu kiavauka. The very desire to serve is God - given, for it is Jehovah's spirit that motivates a brother to reach out and then supplies the strength to render sacred service. As we strive to act in harmony with that prayer, we can be confident that Jehovah will " protect us from his ways. ' - Ps. Vava Yesu kalwaka kuna Betania wayenda kingula akundi andi. At last, Jesus arrived in Bethany and went to see his dear friends. This helps us to remain humble and to allow Jehovah to mold us. E kingana kia nkento ansona kikutulonganga vo e sambu ngwizani kina yo lukwikilu. Kisonganga mpe vo e sambu yeto ilenda vengomona konso ntonta zilenda yoyesa lukwikilu lweto. The illustration of the widow teaches us that there is a close link between prayer and faith and that our persistent prayers can counteract influences that could weaken our faith. His way of life. 10, 11. 10, 11. In fact, "now loving - kindness " has set a fine example for the daughters of their parents in Korea. Vakala yo muntu mosi wazenganga e nsuki wavavanga lusadisu mu fikolo. The barber in Steinach needed temporary help in his shop. Those who submit to God's authority must avoid pride because it can lead to shame. - Prov. Yeto awonso tu wantu alembi lunga ye tuvanganga vilwa. Muna kuma kiaki, akaka muna nkutakani balenda kutuvanga e mbi yovo yeto mpe tulenda kubavanga e mbi. All of us are imperfect and make mistakes, so it is possible that someone could be unfair to us or that we could be unfair to someone else in the congregation. Francisco, who lives in Italy, wanted people to learn about Jesus ' birth. Kansi, yau awonso ka balenda zo sasila ko. They all failed. Jesus said that such trials should not surprise us or disappoint us. (Yeremiya 17: 7, 8; Yakobo 2: 22, 23) Muna mpila yayi, Yave okutufinama yo kutuvana luvuvamu lwa ntima. Then Jehovah will draw close to us and give us peace of mind. It also means "to be honest, " or" upright. " O Yakobo yovo Isaele wa ntekelo a Abarayama, wana 12 kawuta. Abraham's grandson Jacob, or Israel, had 12 sons. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete wo kudikilanga yo vanga wo ntangwa zawonso. To that end, we need to fuel up and to do so regularly. All the benefits of this system of things are short. Wazayiswa mpe vo muna mene - mene, makalu mayendanga kuna hotel mu kwenda landa asadi awaya yo kubanata kuna fulu kia salu. He also learned that early in the morning, the workers were taken by buses from their downtown hotels to the harbor. This work was especially clearer after World War I. Kana una vo akuswa baswaswana muna ntela, awana bena mu buka yole yayi, yau i mbandu izinganga mu lumbu yambaninu. Even though the anointed vary in age, those in the two groups constituting the generation are contemporaries during part of the last days. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can find the answers in the Bible. Tanginina Awana Bavez'e Nsoni Imitate Those Who Despised Shame Do you understand how you feel about God's protection? Ke kolo ko elambu dia Nduta ya mvu a 33 wa tandu kia Kristu ifwene. Soon the Passover of 33 C.E. arrived, and Jesus met privately with his apostles to celebrate it. 8 Questions From Readers Ekuma tufwete zitisilanga Yave? Why does Jehovah deserve our respect? Although he did not see everything in heaven, he kept his faith strong. Ekolo tusiang'e ngolo za zingil'e ngwizani ye sambu kiaki, tulenda kala ye vuvu vo Yave " okutulunda muna nzil'andi. ' - Nku. Then, as we strive to act in harmony with that prayer, we can be confident that Jehovah will "preserve [us] alive in [his] own way. " - Ps. However, at the age of 40, Moses chose not to make the royal court a decision. Ediadi dikutusadisanga mu kwamanana kala alembami yo yambula vo Yave katuwumba. This helps us to remain humble, and Jehovah will thus be able to mold us. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the Christian ministry. " Muna mpil'a zingu kiandi. In his way of life. Paul went to the marketplace because the inhabitants of Athens were waiting for the time. Kieleka, "Shim Cheong " wakituka se mbandu ambote kwa wan'amakento besadisanga mase mau kuna Coréia. In fact, in Korea, Shim Cheong has come to be regarded as the model of a devoted daughter. If there is no bread, it would be a mistake to be hospitable. Awana belemvokelanga wisa kia Nzambi bafwete venga lulendo, kadi lulenda kubafusulwisa e nsoni. - Nga. Those who accept God's authority must resist the snare of presumptuousness, for doing otherwise will lead to dishonor. - Prov. Thus, their resurrection will be "a resurrection of judgment. " - Read John 5: 28, 29; Isaiah 26: 10; 65: 20. Francisco de Assis kuna Itália yandi oyikwanga vo i wayantika evangu diadi, wazola vo wantu bazaya Nsangu mu kuma kia luwutuku lwa Yesu. Will it turn out to be that special time for the family, and is it special for God? When she prayed with her sons at the meetings, Mary was mentioned the last time. Yesu wavova vo e mpasi zazi ke zifwete kutusivikisa ko ngatu kutukendeleka. Jesus warned that these trials should neither surprise us nor discourage us. ▪ Will You "Keep on the Watch "? E mvovo wau una mpe ye nsasa vo "kala nkwa ziku " yovo" wafwana bundwa e vuvu. " The Hebrew root word from which it is drawn means to "be faithful " or" trustworthy. " Those who do these things are like those who walk in accord with the flesh. TUTANGININA NZAMBI LET US IMITATE GOD Do our hearts not appreciate this message? O mawete mawonso ma nza yayi ma kolo kiandwelo kwandi. Any gratification that this world affords is only temporary. What is the most important gift that parents can give their children, and what should each child do? E salu kiaki kiatoma siwa e sungididi tuka mfoko ya Vita Antete ya Nz'amvimba. That work took on special emphasis after World War I. " The Father has sent his Son as a Savior of the world. " - 1 John 4: 14. Elongi diadi dina ye yuvu ina olenda kiyuvula ye disonga vana olenda sololwela e mvutu za yuvu yayi muna Nkand'a Nzambi. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. 13: 7, 8; Heb. Nga obakulanga una ovwididi lutaninu lwa Nzambi o mfunu? But Jesus taught that Satan is real, even calling him "the ruler of this world. " . . . . . . . . 8 Yuvu Y'atangi 8 Questions From Readers These two examples prove that Jehovah's Witnesses are very different from those who do not live by Bible principles. Kana una vo kamona konso lekwa ko kun'ezulu muna meso mandi, wasikila muna lukwikilu. Even though he has not beheld heavenly realities with his physical eyes, he is firm in faith. Try to discern the sign and act on it, as outlined in the following articles. " Let God's Kingdom Come! " They would be punished for their actions. " You should know well the appearance of your flock. " - PROV. For example, it would be wise for people to start romantic relations from the beginning to divide one another, to take sides, and to be in private. Kansi, vava kalungisa kimbuta kia mvu 40, Mose wabak'e nzengo zina ke zayangidika esi lûmbu lwa ntinu ko ana bansansanga. Yet, when he was 40 years of age, Moses made a decision that must have baffled the royal Egyptian family who had adopted him. Instead, they were angry with those hypocrites. - Prov. Kieleka, ke vena diambu diambi ko muna Kikristu. " In fact, there is nothing wrong with Christianity. " About ten years later, Paul went to Macedonia, where Timothy went to Ephesus. Paulu wayendanga muna mazandu kadi esi Atenai i mwau baviokesalanga e ntangwa. Paul chose the marketplace because that was the center of Athenian life. We also avoid immoral entertainment. (Yesaya 58: 5 - 7) Kele vo okondelo e mbolo, kadi kala ntambudi ambote a nzenza ko. Pharaoh's reaction is immediate. Rather, it is God's arrangement through Jesus Christ to make the earth a paradise, just as he had already existed. Muna kuma kiaki, lufuluku lwau lukala se "lufuluku lua mfundu. " - Tanga Yoane 5: 28, 29; Yesaya 26: 10; 65: 20. Theirs will turn out to be "a resurrection of judgment. " - Read John 5: 28, 29; Isaiah 26: 10; 65: 20. If we do not believe that "in Adam all are dying, " how can we be confident that" in the Christ all will be made alive "? Vava kasambanga yo wan'andi muna lukutakanu, i nkumbu ansuka Maria kayikwa. We find the last mention of Mary at the meetings with her sons, praying. God is not a God of material things. ▪ Nga Okwamanana " Yingila '? ▪ Will You "Keep on the Watch "? The householder knows the area better. Ana bevanganga mambu mama, bafwanana y'awana bekangalelanga mun'owu wa nitu. People of this kind are the same as those who walk in accord with the flesh. Other translations also help to explain English. - Proverbs 27: 17. Nga e ntima mieto ke miyangalalanga ko mu kuma kia nsangu zazi? Is our heart "stirred " by the Kingdom message? Hannah Learn From the Great Teacher was prepared to help parents or other adults read and discuss the teachings of Jesus Christ with children. I was born in 1923, in the state of Kent, England. Nkia lukau lusundidi o mfunu luna mase balenda vana kwa wan'au? Adieyi kafwete vanga konso mwana? What is the best gift parents can give to their children, and what should each child do with this gift? Jehovah made Abraham's covenant with Abraham and his descendants possible. " O Se watum'o Mwan'andi se Mvuluzi a nza. " - 1 Yoane 4: 14. " The Father has sent his Son as Savior of the world. " - 1 John 4: 14. After God's Kingdom comes, Satan will "be bound and thrown into the abyss " and will" not try to influence the nations anymore. " 13: 7, 8; Ayib. 13: 7, 8; Heb. No one wants them to worry about what he says or did. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Because he had his heavenly Father for a long time, Jesus fully knew his Father and will, more than anyone else. E nona yole yayi yisonganga e ziku vo Mbangi za Yave baswaswana kikilu y'awana balembi lemvokelanga e nsiku mia Nkand'a Nzambi. These are just two examples showing that Jehovah's people differ from those who do not adhere to Bible standards. Joseph realized that Jehovah was watching all the things that were happening and that he was good enough to wait for his blessings Bakula e sinsu yo vang'e diambu mfunu mpe dina nze una usonganga mambu oma malende. This is true in matters other than health. SONGS: 40, 50 Basinga tumbwa mu kuma kia mavangu mau. They will not get away with their actions. 1: 3 - 8. Kasikil'owu, diangangu kwa wantu bena mu kimakangu mu sia nkendelo tuka kuna lubantiku muna mambu matadidi simbaziana, fibaziana yo kala va fulu kia yau kaka. For example, it is wise for a couple who are courting to set limits from the beginning about things such as touching, kissing, and being alone together. When problems arise in a marriage, some couples decide to separate or to divorce. Kansi, ofunganga makasi kw'akwa kuvunina awaya. - Nga. On the contrary, such hypocrisy angers him. - Prov. However, Jesus courageously rejected the Devil's offer. Vioka mvu kumi, Paulu wayenda kuna Makedonia, Timoteo wayenda kuna Efeso. About ten years later, Paul is in Macedonia and Timothy is in Ephesus. " Rome took pride in the lies of that season, " wrote Es. Tuvenganga mpe e nsaka zambi. We also reject entertainment that features such disgusting things. WHEN you see someone walking down the street, you may be tempted to walk through it. Kansi, i nkubik'a Nzambi muna Yesu Kristu ya kitula o ntoto se paradiso nze una wateka kala. Rather, they represent God's provisions through Jesus Christ for restoring mankind to the perfect condition that existed originally. Russell said that there were others who helped him through his study of the Bible. Avo ke tukwikilanga ko vo "muna Adami awonso befwila, " aweyi tulenda kadila ye vuvu vo" muna Kristu awonso bevaninw'emioyo "? If we doubt that "in Adam all are dying, " how can we hope that" in the Christ all will be made alive "? Some may hesitate to get baptized because of fear of disfellowshipping. Ke Nzambi a mavuanga ko. He is a God of order. About a year later, the Israelites fulfilled the foundation of the temple. O muntu okubanatanga otomene zaya e zunga kiaki. It was familiar ground to her elderly guide. Be Zealous for the Ministry and for Teaching E nsekola za ndinga zankaka zisadisanga mpe mu kiesesa nsekola ya Kingelezo. - Ngana 27: 17. Translation that had already recently been done in other languages also helped to improve the English text. - Proverbs 27: 17. At first, I was assigned to a German ship, where I served in the capital city. Kana Hannah If you are a new worker, focus on how you serve qualified men and follow their direction. Mu mvu wa 1923 yawutuka, kuna Chatham, zunga kia Kent, Inglaterra. I was born in 1923 in Chatham, Kent, England. However, the teacher protected a child from physical and moral standards. (Etuku 21: 22; 23: 6) Yave wakanga kangu yo Abarayama kumosi ye mbongo andi. Jehovah made a covenant with Abraham and his descendants. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Vava kikwiza e Kintinu kia Nzambi, o Satana " okangwa ' yo siwa muna mbilu mu " lembi vukumuna diaka e zula. ' When God's Kingdom comes and takes control over earth's affairs, Satan will be "bound, " or completely restrained, so that" he might not mislead the nations. " What have religious leaders done in wars and wars during the war? Kavena muntu ko ozolanga vo kabaminwa muna diambu dina kavovele ko yovo vanga. No one enjoys being accused of something he has not said or done. Let us see how this can happen today. Wau vo wakala yo S'andi ezulu mu kolo kilembi tangakana, Yesu tomene zaya o Se ye luzolo lwandi, lutila wantu awonso. Having been with his heavenly Father for aeons of time, Jesus knows better than anyone else the personality and will of God. When they think about the six years they have already served here, they say: " Nothing can be compared to seeing many new ones come to the congregation. Yosefe wabakula vo Yave wamonanga mawonso mavangamanga ye diambote mu vingila e nsambu zandi Joseph understood that Jehovah was in control and that blessings from him were worth waiting for During his life, Abraham and his family moved to many places. NKUNGA: 40, 50 SONGS: 40, 50 Read the Bible daily and meditate on what you read. 1: 3 - 8. 1: 3 - 8. His words are of interest to us as we live in the last days of this system of things. Vava vebwanga ntantani muna longo, akazi ankaka bebakanga e nzengo za vambana yovo vonda o longo. When serious problems are not solved, some couples may decide to separate or divorce. Learning what caused Gertrud to be critical of her brother, Nicole phoned her on the phone and begged her for forgiveness. Kansi, o Yesu yo unkabu wawonso, waveza lukau lwa Nkadi Ampemba. Ever humble, Jesus flatly rejected the Devil's offer. What attitude could cause us to lose Jehovah's favor? O Gerry Bowler wasoneka vo: "Esi Roma bayangalelanga luvunu lwa nkinzi mia nsungi yayina. Romans "were still able to enjoy the trappings of these midwinter festivals, " says Santa Claus, a Biography, by Gerry Bowler. What should a Christian do? AVO mwene muntu osielomokene yo bwa muna nzila, nanga ongeye okuyikeba ekolo okangalelanga muna nzila yayina. IF YOU saw someone slip and fall on a path, you would likely be careful when walking on that same path. Do you study new songs at home? Russell wavova vo, vakala ye wantu akaka bansadisa mun'elongi diandi dia Nkand'a Nzambi. Russell acknowledged that he had been helped in his study of the Bible by others. When Paul heard this, he was deeply hurt. Akaka lukatikisu bekalanga lwau muna vubwa mu kuma kia wonga wa vaikiswa muna nkutakani. Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. 31: 24. Vioka mvu mosi, Aneyisaele bavanga e nkubilw'a tempelo. One year later, the Israelites laid the foundation of the temple. We can be a good listener by asking questions that can lead to expressing his or her own feelings. Tukala Y'etima Muna Salu kia Umbangi ye kia Longa Zeal for Preaching and Teaching " Go On Walking With You " Entete, mu kompani diavanganga nzaza za vita yasadilanga, kuna mbanza Chatham. I had been working in the Royal Dockyard in Chatham, learning how to build ships. Naboth's sons were also killed. Avo u nsadi ampa, sianga sungididi mu mpila isadilanga ana bazikuka muna salu yo landa luludiku lwau. If you are a new volunteer, watch the way that the experienced workers do their work, and follow their instructions. [ Picture on page 32] Kansi, o nlongi wataninanga mwana tuka muna nitu ye muna fu ya nkal'ambote. Even so, the tutor provided protection, both moral and physical. In a similar way, we can refresh our brothers by being kind and kind. Muna vana lukau, dodokolo kota mu nzila eto www.jw.org. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Moreover, you will learn to be kind to someone who learns about Jehovah's ways. Adieyi bevanganga e mfumu za mabundu za Katolika ye Protestante muna ntangw'a vita? How did Christendom's clergy react during wartime? 40: 1 - 4. Yambula twabadika una dilenda vangamena diambu diadi o unu. Now consider a parallel with a modern - day situation. Our family continues to live with them in a single house in the city of Solomon, some 40,000 people living there. Vava beyindulanga e mvu sambanu basadidi kala muna zunga kiakina, bevovanga vo: "Ke vena lekwa ko kilenda tezaneswa ye kiese kia mona ulolo wa wantu ampa bekwizanga mu nkutakani. Today, looking back over six years of serving in that isolated region, they say: "Nothing compares to the joy that comes from seeing spiritual growth. What will help you to examine your goals. Muna mvu miayingi mia zingu kiandi, Abarayama ye esi nzo andi bayalukanga mu fulu yayingi. For over half of his life, he and his family wandered from place to place. Jehovah is the Source of true wisdom. Tanganga Nkand'a Nzambi e lumbu yawonso yo badika mana otanganga. Read the Bible and meditate on God's thoughts daily. When we preach the Bible's message, we should not "go beyond what is written. " - 1 Cor. E mvovo miandi miamfunu kuna kwa yeto, ekolo tuzinganga mu lumbu ya mbaninu a tandu kiaki. His words have special meaning for us, living as we do during the conclusion of the system of things. What is the connection between the situation and the future? O zaya dina diafila Gabrielle mu kumbalumukina, diasadisa Nicole mu mona mpasi za nkw'andi, wabokela Gabrielle muna telefone yo lomba ndoloki. Nicole's newfound insight into what might have led to Gabrielle's outburst helped her to develop fellow feeling and motivated her to phone Gabrielle to apologize. Since the Bible teaches us to pay taxes, it does not mean that governments can claim that their authority is superior to them. Nkia ngindu zilenda kutufila mu vidisa e dienga dia Yave? What kind of thinking could cause us to lose Jehovah's favor? The school became a challenge to me. O Nkristu adieyi kafwete vanga? What is a Christian to do? Each person would follow his own course because he did not receive Jehovah's protection. - 1 Corinthians 10: 1. Nga olongokanga e nkunga mieto miampa kuna nzo? Are you learning the lyrics of our new songs at home? Let us consider four events in Jesus ' life. Vava Paulu kawá e diambu diadi, wakendalala kikilu. When Paul found out about this, he was shocked. Let us consider two of these. 31: 24. 31: 24. What is God's purpose for mankind? Tulenda kala awe ambote muna vanga yuvu ilenda fila muntu mu vova dina kena diau. We can prove ourselves good listeners by asking questions that invite the bereaved to express themselves further. This unity is evident in what they are able to do. " Kwenda Tukwenda Yeno " " We Will Go With You " The Bible Changes Lives Wan'a Nabote mpe bavondwa. Not only that - Naboth's sons were killed as well! I began to worry, and I began to realize that my eyes were so full of books that I couldn't see them again! [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 32] [ Picture on page 32] He said to Jehovah: "Send out your hand and hear everything he has, and he will leave you before your face. " - Job 1: 8 - 11. Diau dimosi mpe, tulenda vuvika mpangi zeto muna kadilanga yau kuna ngemba ye zola. In a similar way, we can refresh our brothers and sisters by being pleasant and kind. publishers at the Kingdom Hall in Kenya, Africa Vana ntandu, olongoka song'e ngemba kwa ndiona olongokanga e nzila za Yave. Moreover, you will learn to have empathy for the one learning Jehovah's ways. I enjoyed reading the life story of missionary service and thought deeply about how to serve God more fully. " 40: 1 - 4. 40: 1 - 4. How can we be sure that our faith is strong? Esi nzo eto bakinu zingila mu nzo yau a imosi kuna Dzhankoy, muna mbanza yayi tezo kia 40.000 ma wantu bezingilanga mo. Our family still lives in the same house in Dzhankoy, now a city of about 40,000. When Jehovah anointed Christ's followers with holy spirit, they are united with Jesus and become members of the congregation, the Head of Christ. Dina bekuvovesa dilenda kusadisa mu fimpulula makani maku. Perhaps what they say will help you to rethink your goals. (b) What is represented by the wine used during the Lord's Evening Meal? O Yave i Nto a ngangu za kieleka. Jehovah is the ultimate Source of all true wisdom. I stopped my religion and got baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Vava tusamunanga nsangu za Nkand'a Nzambi, ka tufwete "lutakana mana masonama ko. " - 1 Kor. When it comes to conveying the lifesaving message in the Scriptures, we do not want to "go beyond the things that are written. " - 1 Cor. This article will show us how Psalm 83 is a source of encouragement to Christians today. Nkia ngwizani dina ye diambu diambwila kala, dina dikumbwilanga owau ye dina dilenda kumbwila kuna sentu? How does it relate to what has happened to me in the past, what is happening to me now, or what may happen to me in the future? Later, when Satan was cast down to the earth, he was persecuted. Wau vo Nkand'a Nzambi ukutulonganga vo twafutanga e mpaku ediadi ke disongele ko vo ayadi a nza balenda vova vo e wisa kiau kisundidi. The Bible's teaching on the paying of taxes does not imply that human governments can claim absolute authority over their subjects. If a person uses his time and energy to provide for his family, he can fill their needs. E sikola yakituka se fulu kia ntonta kwa mono. School became a nightmare for me. 8, 9. Konso muntu wadi landa e nzila ya yandi kibeni, kadi taninwa ko kwa Yave. - 1 Korinto 10: 1. Would it not have been senseless to do so and miss out on Jehovah's protection? - 1 Cor. Since we will learn only a few psalms, it will not be easy to identify new songs. Yambula twafimpa mambu yá mabwa muna zingu kia Yesu. Let us examine four aspects of his life. So I was happy. Yambula twazaya mamole muna mambu mama. Let us look at two of them. Still, the choices we make affect us or the consequences of our life. Adieyi ekani dia Nzambi mu kuma kia wantu? What is God's will regarding people? 11: 25. E kintwadi kiaki kimonekanga mu mana besundanga. This unity is truly remarkable in view of what many have had to overcome. " I realized that my children had left me without giving them advice and affection, " Eduardo says. Nkand'a Nzambi Zingu kia Wantu Usobanga The Bible Changes Lives 4, 5. (a) Why is it important to teach and love? Yayantika tokana, yabakula vo meso mame mafwidi emvimba, kana nkutu e nkanda miakala vana ndambu kiamonanga mio diaka ko! Horrified, I realized that I could not see anything, not even my notes in front of me! What insight led to the new songbook? Wavova kwa Yave vo: "Lambul'ak'o koko, waviakana yawonso kena yau, ozevo okuyambula vana ndose aku. " - Yobi 1: 8 - 11. " Thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has and see whether he will not curse you to your very face, " Satan said to Jehovah. - Job 1: 8 - 11. To encourage others, what counsel should the apostle Paul apply? Ateleki mun'Eseka dia Kintinu kuna Quênia, África Kingdom publishers at a Kingdom Hall in Kenya, Africa Think about what King Jehoshaphat of Judah did when the Syrians and Ammon came to fight. Yayangalelanga tanga lusansu lwa salu kia kimisionario yo yindula una ndenda sadila Nzambi una ufwene. " I enjoyed reading about missionaries, and I began to think about serving God more fully. 9 / 1 Aweyi tulenda kadila ye ziku vo lukwikilu lwasikila tuna lwau? How can we make sure that it is strong? The merchant in Jesus ' parable was very happy when he found "a pearl of high value. " Vava Yave kekusanga alandi a Kristu yo mwand'avelela, beyikananga yo Yesu yo kituka yîkwa ya nkutakani ina vo i to kia Kristu, muna kenena se Ntu. When Jehovah anoints followers of Christ with the holy spirit, they are united with Jesus and become members of the congregation that is the body of Christ, he being the Head. Questions From Readers (b) E vinyu isadilwanga muna Nlekelo a Mfumu nki isunzulanga? (b) The wine used at the Lord's Evening Meal represents what? Moreover, knowing what happens to you can help us to understand the meaning of verses that are difficult to understand. Yayambula dibundu diame, i bosi yakifwanisa mu vubwa yo kituka se Mbangi a Yave. I could have struggled to win a gold medal and become famous. 8, 9. Elongi diadi dikutusonga una Nkunga 83 winina wa lukasakeso kw'Akristu o unu. This article shows how Psalm 83 provides powerful encouragement for Christians today. Jesus willingly gave his life for the "other sheep. " Kuna kwalanda, vava Satana kavetwa ova ntoto, babangikwa. Later, when Satan was thrown down to earth, they were persecuted. After Joshua sent two spies to Canaan, a prostitute hid them and led their enemies to another way. Avo muntu osadidi e ntangwa ye ngolo zandi mu lunga - lunga esi nzo andi, olenda lungisa e nsatu zau. If a man spends his time and energy working hard to support his family, he stands a good chance of achieving relative security. She knew that under the Mosaic Law, she and everyone she was unclean. 8, 9. 8, 9. (Read Zechariah 5: 9 - 11.) Wau vo nkunga miakete kaka tulongoka, ke dikala diampasi ko mu zaya e mvovo mia nkunga miampa. Because there are fewer songs to learn, it should be possible for us to memorize the lyrics of at least some of the new songs. In May 1950, I was assigned to H. Muna kuma kiaki, kiese kikilu yakala kiau. I had never sailed before, so I was excited. The Bible says about "the god " when he referred to Christ:" It is not one word with God, for it is used only by God to refer only to Almighty God. " Kana una vo i wau, e nzengo tubakanga zilenda twasa nluta yovo mfwilu muna zingu kieto. Still, many of our decisions can have a big effect on our life. We do well to ask ourselves: " Can I say that being modest only if I insist only on my way of dress and grooming? 11: 25. 11: 25. As "the god of this system of things, " Satan continues to promote pride and haughtiness. Eduardo wavova vo: "Yabakula kikilu vo wan'ame yabembola muna lembi kubavananga luludiku yo zola kuna bavwang'o mfunu. " I understood that I had neglected my children when they most needed my guidance and affection, " admits Eduardo. In addition to faith, we need to have other qualities that need to keep our relationship with Jehovah strong. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. 4, 5. (a) Ekuma dinina mfunu dia longa ye zola? 4, 5. (a) Why is it important to teach with love? We also try to make whatever changes we need to make so that we can serve our brothers more fully. Nkia umbakuzi wafila mu vaikisa nkand'a nkunga wampa? What refinements in understanding made a revision of the songbook advisable? Continue to work hard and to apply the Bible's counsel. Muna kasakesa akaka, nkia luludiku lwa Paulu wa ntumwa tufwete lemvokela? If we are to encourage others, what counsel of the apostle Paul must we take to heart? In time, Dad was appointed to serve as a ministerial servant in the congregation in Gillis. Yindula dina kavanga Yosafate wa ntinu a Yuda vava makesa ma Moabe ye Amone bayenda kunwanisa. Consider what Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, did when the combined forces of the Moabites and the Ammonites came up against him to wage war. We need to "be modest in all [our] heart and with mildness. " Tulundumukina o Nkula Kuna Luzindalalu, 15 / 9 Figures in Annual Report, 8 / 15 Gilead Graduations, 2 / 1, 8 / 1 He asked them if he wanted to learn more. " I Admired His Incredible Determination " (Germany), 10 / 15 But nothing can cause us great joy if we do not know that the Sovereign of the universe is well - pleasing to us. O nkiti wa kingana kia Yesu wayangalala kikilu vava kasolola "perle ya ntalu ayingi. " The merchant in Jesus ' parable was overjoyed when he found what he perceived to be a "pearl of high value. " About five centuries earlier, the Bible describes how Jesus would become the Messiah. Yuvu Y'atangi Questions From Readers If anyone says: " I love God, ' and yet is hating his brother, he is hating him; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. " Vana ntandu, o zaya dina diabwa yovo zaya ntu a diambu dimokenwanga, dilenda kutusadisa mu bakula e nsas'a sono ina vo yampasi mu bakula. Furthermore, often the context - the situation or what was under discussion - can help us to find the reasonable, logical meaning of a puzzling text. There is another aspect of the last days that should not forget. 8, 9. 8, 9. In this regard, elders follow the example of the apostle Paul. Muna zola kwawonso, Yesu wavana mpe moyo andi mu kuma kia "mameme makaka. " [ Picture on page 14] We need to help them understand the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty. Vava Yosua katuma alangi wole kuna Kenani, Rakabi wa nkembi wabasweka yo fila mbeni zau mu nzila yakaka. When Joshua sent two spies into Canaan, Rahab the prostitute hid them and misdirected their enemies. When you began associating with Jehovah's Witnesses, how did your relatives react? Nkento ndioyo wazaya wo vo, muna Nsiku a Mose, oyandi ye konso ona okunsimba wafunzuka kekala. She knew that under the Mosaic Law, her condition made her and anyone who touched her ceremonially unclean. What will happen after the preaching work is completed? (Tanga Zakariya 5: 9 - 11.) (Read Zechariah 5: 9 - 11.) She says: "I think about how Jehovah cares for my needs, how he helps me, and helps me to avoid making bad decisions. Muna ngonde a Mayu, 1950, yafilwa kuna Haarlem. In May 1950, I was assigned to Haarlem. Jehovah answered Solomon's prayer. - Read 2 Chronicles 1: 11, 12. Nkand'a Cellarius uvovanga mu kuma kia mpila kasadila o mvovo "nzambi " vava kayikanga Kristu vo:" O mvovo deus ke wau umosi ko ye Deus, kadi o mvovo Deus ufwete sadilwa kaka mu yika Nzambi a Mpungu - ngolo. " Regarding Cellarius ' use of the word "god " when applied to Christ, the book states:" It is printed deus, and not Deus, the latter being used only to designate the Supreme God. " For example, Mary and Martha said to Jesus: "Lord, if you were here, my brother would not have died. " Diamfunu twakiyuvula: " Nga ndenda vova vo i nkwa lusakalalu kele vo isiandamanga kaka mu mpil'ame ya vwata ina ifilanga wantu bansia sungididi kiayingi? We need to ask ourselves: " Can I honestly say that I am being modest if I insist on my right to dress in a manner that calls undue attention to me? For example, two years before his death, Jesus made important decisions. Wau vo yandi i "nzambi a tandu kiaki, " Satana okwamanananga nungununa e fu kia lulendo yo umvwania. As "god of this system of things, " Satan continues to promote improper feelings of pride and haughtiness. 48: 17, 18; Matt. Vana ntandu a lukwikilu, tufwete kala mpe ye fu yankaka ivavuanga muna kwamanana kala ye ngwizani ambote yo Yave. - Tanga 2 Petelo 1: 5 - 7; Yuda 20, 21. But besides faith, we need other important qualities in order to have a friendship with Jehovah and keep it. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. I sold my body, some 13 pounds (U.S.) and a half pounds). Tuvavanga mpe vanga konso nsobani zivuwanga o mfunu kimana twasadila mpangi zeto una ufwene. We have also tried to make any adjustments that were necessary in order to serve our brothers well. He will make them rich, not all the days of his life. " Nukwamanana sia ngolo yo lemvokela malongi ma Nkand'a Nzambi. In the new world, perfect people will be able to interact perfectly, without misunderstandings and contention. Ezek. 9: 27, 28, 34, 35; Ezek. Kuna kwalanda, Tata watumbikwa nze selo kia salu muna nkutakani ya Gillingham. Dad was later appointed as a servant in the Gillingham Congregation. First, Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed forever. Tufwete kala yo "lusakalalu lua ntima luawonso, yo lembama. " We need to develop "complete lowliness of mind and mildness. " (See endnote.) Yuvu kayuvulanga yasonganga vo wakala y'etima dia zaya mambu mayingi. His many questions show me that he is thinking, eager to learn. Those who are "rightly disposed for everlasting life " when they believe and get baptized have good reason to tell them," Come on the road to life! " Kansi, ke vena diambu ko dilenda kututwasila kiese kiayingi avo ke zaya ko vo Mfumu a nsema wawonso otoma kutuyangalelanga. But nothing could make us happier than knowing that the Sovereign of the universe is pleased with us! He, * who was in the full - time ministry and his wife in Australia, became discouraged and depressed when he was diagnosed with cancer. Vitila nkama tanu za mvu, Nkand'a Nzambi wayika mvu wasikididi una Yesu kekituka se Masia. Over five centuries in advance, the Bible prophesied the exact year of the Messiah's appearance. She was very happy that she listened to him and applied his Bible - trained conscience. Ovo muntu ovovele vo, nzolele Nzambi, kasaula mbunzi andi, ngyangya kwandi: okala vo kadi, ndion'olembi zola mbunzi andi, ona kamwene, kalendi zola Nzambi ko, ona kalembele mona. " If anyone makes the statement: " I love God, ' and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. " Those who heed Jesus ' warning will be prepared, and they will have fine conduct whenever he comes to Jehovah's judgment. Vena ye diambu diakaka dia lumbu yambaninu dina ke tufwete vilakana ko. There is one particular aspect of the last days that we cannot overlook. Many marriages have been divided during 7 and 8 years of marriage... Muna diambu diadi, akuluntu betangininanga e mbandu a Paulu wa ntumwa. In this, elders also imitate the apostle Paul. Consider Joseph, Samuel, Josiah, and Jesus. Tufwete kubasadisa mu bakula e diambu dia kimfumu kia Yave. We must help them to come to grips with the real issue. Today, we are very close to the new world, and our faith is tested. Vava wayantika lungana ye Mbangi za Yave, e yitu yaku adieyi bavanga? When you first began associating with Jehovah's organization, how did your relatives react? We do not "work what is bad " when we are harsh, harsh, and considerate of others. Adieyi dibwa vava salu kia samuna nsangu zambote kifokoka? What will happen when the preaching work is completed? For example, Kevin, an elder who wrote: "I cannot express appreciation for the brothers in the congregation when we heard this announcement. Wavova vo: "Imonanga mpila Yave kelungisilanga e nsatu zame, mpila kekunsiamisinanga ye kunsadisa mu lembi baka nzengo zambi. " I have seen Jehovah provide for me, encourage me, and protect me from bad decisions, " says Matthew. Although they worry about what is going on in the world, they do not know that Satan the Devil is the real cause of such problems. 1: 7 - 10) Yave wavana e mvutu muna sambu kia Solomo. - Tanga 2 Tusansu 1: 11, 12. Jehovah answered Solomon's prayer. - Read 2 Chronicles 1: 11, 12. What Helped them to Reach Out? Muna bong'e nona, Maria yo Mareta edi bavova kwa Yesu: " E Mfumu, kala vo okala vava, o mpangi ame nga kafwidi ko. ' Mary and Martha both said to Jesus: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. " But since that government came "the end of the earth, " it means that something is more important than another tree. Kasikil'owu, mvu miole vitila lufwa lwandi, Yesu wabaka nzengo zamfunu. For example, about two years before he died, Jesus made a weighty decision. When " Many People Are Avoiding You " 48: 17, 18; Mat. Joseph tactfully told his brothers: "You will have a dream. " Yavonga e nitu, kilo 13 ye ndambu yakulamena. Giving up cigarettes caused me to gain over 30 pounds (13.6 kg)! He said: "As for Jehovah, the man who created this death is worthy of you. " Okumwesesa mawete, ke mayi ko, e lumbu yawonso ya zingu kiandi. " She has rewarded him with good, and not bad, all the days of her life. " A researcher who was convinced that this was the case in 1639 C.E. 9: 27, 28, 34, 35; Yez. 9: 27, 28, 34, 35; Ezek. We should do the same. Entete, e Babele Anene ina vo ikintwadi kia nsambila zawonso za luvunu ova nza ifwaswa emvimba. First to go will be Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Holy Father, watch them for your name that you have given me, just as we are. " - John 17: 6, 11. ) (Tala mvovo miansuka.) (See endnote.) (See paragraphs 16 - 18) Awana " bena y'etima dia moyo a mvu ya mvu, ' vava bekwikilanga yo vubwa, tukalanga ye kuma kiasikila kia kubavovesa vo, "Nwiza kiambote mu nzil'a moyo! " When those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " become believers and get baptized, we have sound reasons to say to them," Welcome to the best way of life! " 185 Lani, * ona wakala mu salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa yo nkaz'andi kuna Austrália, wayoya kikilu yo kendalala vava kabakama kimbevo kia câncer. Lani, * who was enjoying the full - time service with her husband in Australia, says that when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was devastating and struck like a bolt of lightning. How does Jehovah view those who oppose his sovereignty? Jacqueline wayangalala kikilu wau kawila yo landa ntona zandi zalongwa mun'owu wa Nkand'a Nzambi. Jacqueline felt satisfied knowing that she listened to and followed her Bible - trained conscience. 5 Is God a Real Person? Awana belemvokelanga lulukisu lwa Yesu bakubama bekala, yo kala nkal'ambote konso ntangwa ketwasa lufundisu lwa Yave. Those heeding Jesus ' warning would be ready, conducting themselves properly, whenever he would come as Jehovah's Executional Agent. He has become a persecutor to me, and by means of your hand you will bear witness to me. " - Job 30: 20, 21. Ulolo muna tongo toto tuvambana muna mvu 7 ye 8 miantete mia lukazalu lwau... And half of those [divorces] will happen within the first 7.8 years of marriage... 1, 2. Badika mbandu a Yosefe, Samuele, Yosiya yo Yesu. (Etu. Think of Joseph, Samuel, Josiah, and Jesus. What was required of Timothy's "persuaded to believe "? O unu, tufinamene kikilu kota mu nz'ampa, o lukwikilu lweto mu tontwa lwina. Today, we are very close to the new world, and our faith is being tested. FROM OUR COVER Tuvanganga " oma malembi songa ' vava tukalanga akwa ntim'ambadi, songa fu yambi yo lembi zitisa akaka. The original - language term translated "behave indecently " means to conduct oneself in such a way as to be rude, to lack good manners, or to act improperly. Although his fellow slave begged him for forgiveness, the slave sent him into prison until he owed him a debt. Kasikil'owu, Kevin una vo nkuluntu wasoneka vo: "Kina ye mvovo ko mu songa luyangalalu lw'ampangi muna nkutakani, vava twawá luzayisu lwalu. For example, Kevin, an elder, wrote: "The words " thank you ' are not strong enough to express how we in the congregation feel. The other woman had bought a bull and wanted to think about it. Kana una vo betokananga mu kuma kia mpasi zimonwanga mu nza, ke bezayanga wo ko vo Nkadi Ampemba wa Satana i tuku dia mpasi zazi. Thus, although they might be alarmed about world conditions, they do not discern the real cause - Satan the Devil. Sadly, though, a person who believes only things that he knows even though he is convinced that what he believes is false. Adieyi Diabasadisa mu Manisa o Nkula? They Succeeded - How? When you are suffering, do not give up on yourself, and keep working hard to reach your goals. Kansi, wau vo luyalu lwalu lwalwaka "yaku nsuk'a nza, " ediadi disongele vo o nti diambu diakaka disundidi usonganga. Since the rulership extended "to the extremity of the earth, " however, the tree must signify something far grander. Today, many people think and act like the Canaanites. Vava " Wantu Ayingi Bekututelamenanga ' When " Many Rise Up Against Us ' I had to stop teaching Jehovah. " Yosefe wazayisa kwa mpangi zandi kuna ndekwa zawonso vo: " Nuwa do, e ndozi ndotele. ' Joseph tactfully said to his brothers: "Please listen to this dream that I had. " You can also meditate on other things you can learn. Wavova vo: "E nkal'a Yave aka, o muntu ona wavanga wau fwa kumfwene. " " As Jehovah is living, the man doing this deserves to die! " he exclaimed. That work brought me great joy, and in 1996, I decided to pioneer and to work a full - time each month in the ministry. O Edmond Halley wa nkwa ngangu mosi wakwikidisa e ziku kia diambu diadi muna mvu wa 1687. This fact was scientifically proved by Edmond Halley in 1687. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, "there is no partiality " in the Christian Greek Scriptures, meaning" not to look at outward appearance, " that is, to be impartial. Yeto mpe tufwete vanga diau dimosi. Let us consider what two faithful men of old did "to please God well. " - Heb. Many young people have had the courage to talk about their beliefs at school. E Tat'avelela, ubalundila muna nkumbu aku ina wampana, bakal'amosi, nze yeto. " - Yoa. 17: 6, 11. Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me, in order that they may be one just as we are. " - John 17: 6, 11. * - Acts 21: 25; 1 Corinthians 6: 18; Ephesians 5: 3. (Tala tini kia 16 - 18) Jehovah promised to keep his worship clean (See paragraphs 16 - 18) When he told them to do something, he explained why they should do it 245 117,245 They may have stopped carrying out their assignment. O Yave aweyi kebadikilanga awana betelamenanga kimfumu kiandi? How does Jehovah react to such defiance of his sovereignty? If we "persevere in prayer " in this way, we show that we have strong faith. - 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. 5 Nga Nzambi Muntu Kieleka? 5 Is God a Real Person? Lessons for Us: Okitukidi se mbangiki oku ngina. Muna nkum'a koko kwaku umbangikidi. " - Yobi 30: 20, 21. You have cruelly turned against me; with the full might of your hand, you assault me. " - Job 30: 20, 21. [ Picture on page 21] 1, 2. 1, 2. In time, however, they let fear and opposition of human governments and other nations distract them. Adieyi diavavwanga muna "kwikidisa " Timoteo? What was involved in Timothy's being "persuaded to believe "? In the preceding article, we learned that Christ was familiar with the spiritual condition of the entire congregation in the first century. MAMBU MASOBELE ONE REVERSAL AFTER ANOTHER Why should we not allow murmuring to develop in us? Kana una vo o nkw'andi wandodokela, o ntaudi ndioyo wansia muna pelezo yavana kefuta e mfuka. Though this fellow slave begged for mercy, the first slave had him thrown into prison until he paid off all that he owed. About a year later, Brother Diehl came to Malawi for a convention near B.C.E. Wakaka vo ngombe kasumba yo zola kwenda zo fimpa. Another said that he bought some cattle and wanted to examine them. When she saw the joy of pioneers who came to preach in her country, she wept. Diankenda kikilu vo ndiona ovunginikwanga okwikilanga kaka mu mambu mana kazeye kana nkutu bansongele e ziku vo mana kekwikilanga maluvunu. The really sad fact is that very often the person who is deceived or deluded tends to hold on to his belief in spite of strong evidence proving otherwise. They may know of it in front of a gift, but there should not be any need among them. Vava onuananga ye mpasi, kuyoyi ko. Kwamanana vanga ngolo za lungisa makani maku. When you face difficulties, do not become discouraged but keep working at your goals. 18: 14. O unu, wantu ayingi beyindulanga yo vangila mambu nze esi Kenani. In our time, people think and act like the Canaanites. (4) Is this news reached when it was written? Diavavanga vo yayambula Yave kandonga. " I needed to let Jehovah train me. " This is recorded at Matthew 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luke 4: 24; John 4: 44. Nulenda mpe yindula mambu makaka nulenda longoka. Very likely, you can think of many others. When we got married, he wrote to his father about things that were important to him and me. E salu kiaki kiese kiayingi kiampana, muna mvu wa 1996 yabaka nzengo zakota muna salu kia kimviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde yo salanga ola zasikidiswa muna konso ngonde mu salu kia umbangi. I enjoyed it so much that in 1996 I decided to become a regular pioneer - spending a set number of hours each month in the ministry. When we were invited to serve on the road and the train station, we were disappointed. Muna Sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu o mvovo "ke nkwa mandangi ko " usongele vo lembi" tala ndose, " i sia vo, lembi sia mpambula. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the expression "not partial " literally means not a" taker of faces, " that is, not favoring one face over another. There Is plenty of food Aleke ayingi besonganga unkabu wa vovela oma ma lukwikilu lwau kuna sikola. They have learned not to be timid or embarrassed about their beliefs. What Bible counsel should move us to continue to love our neighbor? * - Mavangu 21: 25; 1 Korinto 6: 18; Efeso 5: 3. * - Acts 21: 25; 1 Corinthians 6: 18; Ephesians 5: 3. Yes, we should be determined to avoid viewing pornography or to read all kinds of sexual immorality. Vava kabazayisanga vo bavanga konso diambu, wabasasilanga e kuma bafwete dio vangila When he asked them to do something, he explained why they should do it The most important thing is the way God's wisdom can help us prepare for Jehovah's day. Nanga wantu awaya bayambula lungisa kiyekwa kiau. Apparently, they were not caring for their duties. However, these enemies returned early in the morning and left their gun, claiming that they would follow us on the road. Avo " tukwaminin'o samba ' mu mpila yayi tusonga vo lukwikilu lwasikila tuna lwau. - 1 Tesalonika 5: 17. To "pray constantly " in this way shows we have genuine faith. - 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. Mary " worked hard ' for her brothers in Rome. Elongi kwa Yeto: Lessons for Us: One dictionary defines the dignity of human dignity as "the most important, the most important, or recognition. " [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 21] [ Picture on page 21] Then I stopped attending meetings. Kansi, kuna kwalanda bayambula vo o wonga ye kitantu kia ayadi ye zula yakaka kiabayoyesa. But they soon allowed opposition from neighbors and interference from the government to affect them. There is no room for prejudice. Mun'elongi diaviokele, twawá vo Kristu wazayanga kimwanda kia nkutakani zawonso muna tandu kiantete. We saw in the preceding article how closely Christ observed the spiritual condition of individual congregations in the first century C.E. You may not immediately forget the good work, but you may be able to remember David, who said: "I am young and old, I have grown old, but I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. " Ekuma ka tufwete yambulwila ko vo e fu kia yidima kiawokela muna yeto? Why should we not allow a tendency to complain to go unchecked? At that time, when people were married, they were allowed to continue serving at Bethel for about ten or more years, one of them would have to be allowed to serve at Bethel for three years or more than three years. Vioka mvu mosi, Mpangi Henschel wayiza diaka ku Malaui mu kuma kia lukutakanu lwa mvivu lwavangamena lukufi ye mbanz'a Blantyre. And one year later, Brother Henschel visited Malawi for the special convention near the city of Blantyre. We cooperate with God's spirit by sharing in the preaching work. Vava kamona e kiese bakala kiau aviti a nzila ana bayiza samuna nsangu zambote muna nsi andi, wadila. When she saw the happiness of the many pioneers who had come so far to preach the good news in her country, she was moved to tears. When I worked in the same country, I often walked along with mud and saw many people suffer, and I was disappointed. Balenda wo zaya muna nkanda usiwanga va ntandu a lukau, kansi ka ufwete tangilwa vana vena ndonga ko. Granted, it is not wrong for the bride and groom to know who gave a certain gift. They "put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " 18: 14. 18: 14. Because Egypt was the first world power against God's people. (4) Nga nsangu zazi zaviokela e ntangwa? (4) Is the information current? When Jesus learned that the names of sinful humans are made in heaven, "he is very great in the holy spirit, saying: " I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, because you have revealed them to babes. ' " - Luke 10: 17 - 21. Ediadi diasonama muna nkanda yá mivovelanga e salu kiandi ova ntoto. - Matai 13: 57; Maku 6: 4; Luka 4: 24; Yoane 4: 44. This is recorded in all four accounts about his ministry. - Matthew 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luke 4: 24; John 4: 44. You may wonder, " Where do we live? ' Vava twasompana, Leana wazayisanga s'andi mambu mavavanga vo yandi yo mono tufwete mo bakila nzengo. " So after we got married, she would consult her father on decisions that she and I really needed to make. Likewise today, loving elders spend much time encouraging others. Vava yavutulwa mu sadila kuna nzila y'ekumbi dia ntoto, twavambana. When I was sent back to work on the railways, we were separated. It is clear that he has the power to avoid being influenced by Satan's world. Wakala ye Ulolo wa Madia Supplied With Sustenance We can be sure that he himself practiced what he taught to others. - Romans 2: 21. Nkia luludiku lwa Nkand'a Nzambi lufwete kutufila mu kwamanana zola mfinangani zeto? What Scriptural counsel should move us to keep on displaying love for our neighbor? 68: 11. Elo, tufwete kala y'ekani dia venga e fu kia tala yovo tanga mpila zawonso za mavangu ma zumba. Yes, we should be absolutely determined to avoid all forms of pornography! Encourage the sick O sia oma masundidi o mfunu va fulu kiantete i mpila e ngangu za Nzambi zilenda kutusadisila mu kubama mu kuma kia lumbu kia Yave. One distinct way that divine education prepares us for the coming of Jehovah's day is by helping us to set proper priorities. Regarding each of God's servants, Paul wrote: "To him he is his master, or to fall. Kansi, atantu awaya bavutuka diaka muna mene - mene yo nikuna nkele miau. Bavova vo besinga kutulanda kimana batubaka muna nzila. But the opposers returned about three o'clock in the morning, firing their guns and promising to get us on our way back to town later that day. By relying on his own understanding, an elder may begin to look into the congregation without praying for God's guidance. Maria " wafuntukanga ' mu kuma kia mpangi zandi kuna Roma. Mary "worked hard " for her brothers and sisters in Rome. The last day of that convention was described as "the day of Children. " Disionario dimosi disasilanga o zitu wa wantu nze fu kia " zitiswa, vuwa o mfunu yovo yangalelwa. ' One dictionary defines dignity as " the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed. ' How they viewed the poor very different from Jehovah God, the Sovereign of the universe! I bosi, yayambula lungana mu tukutakanu. Soon I stopped attending meetings. Jesus ' illustration focuses on the qualities and circumstances in everyday life. Nsoki ye fu kia sia mpambula kiwokelanga. Prejudice and injustice are widespread. No one had been married for another. Nanga ke vana vau ko kekuvana e salu kiambote, kansi olenda kusadisa mu sungamena e mvovo mia Davidi ona wavova vo: "Toko yakala, se ndunuvini; kansi kiamona nsongi wayambuka ko, yovo mbongo andi yavava dia. " He may not immediately give you an ideal job, but he can help you to remember David's words: "I was once young and now I am old, but I have not seen anyone righteous abandoned, nor his children looking for food. " * A husband who became one of Jehovah's Witnesses in that country says: "The brothers and sisters invited us to their homes and invited us to their homes, and I realized that they were very interested in others. Muna ntangwa yayina, avo wantu basompanene, muna yambulwa vo bakwamanana sadila kuna Betele, mosi mu yau kafwete kala tezo kia mvu kumi yovo vioka muna salu kia Betele, wankaka kafwete lungisa mvu tatu. At that time, for a couple to remain at Bethel after they got married, one of them had to have served at Bethel for ten years or more and the other for at least three years. All of us are sinners. Tusalanga kumosi ye mwand'a Nzambi muna salu kia samuna e nsangu zambote. And we work along with that spirit as we regularly share in the Christian preaching work. Paul wrote: "You will put away all these things, wrath, anger, anger, wrath, abusive speech, in your mouth. " Vava yasadilanga mu nsi mosi, nkumbu miayingi, yakangalanga kwayingi mu nzila zazala ye nteke yo mona wantu ayingi mu mpasi. Ediadi diankendelekanga kikilu. " In one assignment, day after day, I trudged through muddy roads and was surrounded by depressing scenes of human suffering. THEY OF JESUS CHRIST " Bevwatanga uwuntu wampa, una uvangamène kontwa kwa Nzambi, muna ndungidi yo songa kwa ludi. ' They put on "the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " 9: 16. E kuma kadi, Engipito i kintinu kiantete kiasia nkangu a Nzambi kimbeni. Because Egypt was the first major power to express enmity toward God's people. Would he hold back from losing his privileges in the congregation or not hurt his family and friends? Vava Yesu kazaya vo nkumbu za wantu akaka asumuka zisonekwa kun'ezulu, "oyangalèle kikilu kuna mwand'avelela, oku vo, itondele, e Tata, e Mfumu ezulu ye nza, wau wasweka mambu mama kw'akwa ngangu y'alungaladi, wasengomwena mo ayingyana - ngyana. " - Luka 10: 17 - 21. When Jesus reflected on the fact that some imperfect humans were having their names inscribed in heaven, "he became overjoyed in the holy spirit and said: " I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. ' " - Luke 10: 17 - 21. From the beginning of mankind's history, Jehovah has given humans clear instructions. Nanga olenda kukiyuvula, " akweyi ' tuvwila e zingu kiaki? " But where? ' you may ask. (b) What can we learn from God's dealings with us? Diau adimosi mpe o unu, akuluntu azolwa besalanga ntangwa yayingi mu kasakesa akaka. Loving elders today likewise use much of their time to strengthen others. Read Zechariah 12: 4. O songa vo una yo nkuma wafwana mu lembi vukumunwa kwa nza ya Satana. It will prove that you've got the strength to go against the flow of Satan's world. This is the greatest and first commandment. " Tul enda kala ye ziku vo yandi kibeni wasadilanga mana kalonganga kw'akaka. - Roma 2: 21. It is reasonable to conclude that he himself applied the counsel he gave to others. - Rom. 2: 21. 2 / 1 68: 11. 68: 11. 6, 7. (a) Why should we appreciate divine truth? Kasakesanga mbevo Be Upbuilding What are the benefits of one brother's gracious words? Paulu wasoneka mu kuma kia konso selo kia Nzambi vo: "Kwa yandi mfumu i ketelamena, ovo bwa. Regarding each servant of God, Paul wrote: "To his own master he stands or falls. " The Romans believed many gods. Muna bund'e vuvu muna umbakuzi wandi, nkuluntu olenda yantika tala mambu ma nkutakani lembi teka lomba luludiku lwa Nzambi muna sambu. Relying on his experience, an elder may begin to care for matters involving the congregation without first approaching God in prayer. What good things can the Grand Provider enjoy for faithful servants of Jehovah? E lumbu kiansuka kia lukutakanu lwalu kiayikilwa vo "Lumbu kia Wana. " " His teachings touched the hearts of most people. " - Ed G. Una babadikilanga asukami waswaswana kikilu yo Yave wa Nzambi wa Mfumu a nsema wawonso. How different their attitude toward lowly human creatures is from that of the Supreme Ruler of the universe, Jehovah God! In this article, we learn how faith is "the assured expectation of what is hoped for. " E kingana kia Yesu kisonganga fu ye mambu mebwanga muna zingu kia lumbu ke lumbu. A family baked enough bread for a day, so borrowing was common if the supply ran out. With Jehovah's help, I now enjoy being part of the brotherhood. " Ke mosi ko wateka kazala ye muntu akaka. How does Paul's letter to the Ephesians highlight the importance of unity? * Yakala dimosi wakituka se Mbangi a Yave kuna nsi yayina, wavova vo: "Mpangi z'akala y'akento batukingulanga yo kutubokela muna nzo zau, yabakula vo betoma vwanga akaka o mfunu. * Says a husband in the same land who eventually became a Witness: "Brothers and sisters would visit us, or we were invited to their homes, and I found that they had a caring attitude. Do You " Love Your Neighbor as Yourself "? Yeto awonso tu asumuki. All humans are imperfect. (Read Psalm 125: 1, 2.) Paulu wasoneka vo: "Nutengola mpe mama mawonsono; ekudi, makasi, efwenka, lutiangu kwa Nzambi, mpov'ansoni omo nua mieno. " " Put them all away from you, " wrote Paul, "wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of your mouth. " What future awaits Jehovah's servants today, and many of Jehovah's people are part of the "great crowd, " who come from many countries and supporting the Kingdom. LUBANTIKU LWA SALU KIA YESU EARLY MINISTRY We do well to recognize Satan's power and how we can oppose him and his demons. 9: 16. 9: 16. Do we see what we saw in the Middle East? Nga osweka esumu diandi mu kuma kia nsoni za vidisa kiyekwa muna nkutakani yovo mu lembi kendeleka yitu kumosi y'akundi andi? Will he hide his wrongdoing because he is afraid of losing his standing in the congregation or because he does not want to disappoint loved ones? Today, a person who is concerned about what is bad can have a spiritual need, and he will answer the questions that the Bible can give. Tuka kuna lubantiku lwa lusansu lwa wantu, Yave ovananga wantu luludiku lwasikididi. From the beginning of human history, Jehovah has given people specific instructions or directions. The Bible shows that the act of miracles occurred after Jesus ' disciples died. (b) Adieyi tulenda longoka muna mpila ina Nzambi kakadila (b) What do we learn from God's dealings with his chosen nation? So have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows. " Tanga Zakariya 12: 4. Read Zechariah 12: 4. If we do, we will be better prepared to train others. I wau wuwu i nkanikinu anene, ye wantete mpe. " This is the greatest and first commandment. " However, we need to be careful not to be the most important thing in our life. 15 / 2 2 / 1 Furthermore, the Governing Body prepares schools to train Branch Committee members, traveling overseers, elders, and ministerial servants to care effectively for the sheep. 6, 7. (a) Ekuma tufwete yangalela e ludi kia Nzambi? 6, 7. (a) What reasons do we have for being appreciative of divine truth? If a Christian knows whether a brother or a woman has committed a serious sin, he should tell him to confess his sin to the elders. E mvovo miangemba mia mpangi mosi, nkia nluta miatwasa? What good resulted from a brother's gracious speech? The following year, we were assigned to the capital, U.S.A. Esi Roma nzambi zayingi bakwikilanga. The Roman pantheon seemed endless. She says: "My condition overwhelmed me, and I felt that I had lost everything, and I was afraid. " Nkia lekwa yambote yituka kwa Mvani Ambote balenda yangalela selo yakwikizi ya Yave? Faithful servants of Jehovah can anticipate what good things from the Grand Provider? " She worked hard " " Malongi mandi makota kikilu muna ntima mia wantu vioka malongi ma wantu akaka. " - Edgar Goodspeed " Nobody else has influenced the world so much. " - Edgar Goodspeed Jehovah blessed me because I did not attend meetings because of my service. Mu longi diadi, tulongokele una lukwikilu lwinina se "lusikidisu lwa mana mesiwanga e vuvu. " In this article, we have seen how faith is "the assured expectation of what is hoped for. " Before David learned the truth, he was critical of his companions and spoke to his family in anger. Muna lusadisu lwa Yave, owau ngina ye kiese kia kala mosi muna kintwadi kia wan'a ngudi. " Thanks to Jehovah, I am happy to belong to a united family. " She made it her own assignment to preach the good news. O nkanda kasoneka Paulu kwa esi Efeso aweyi usongelanga o mfunu wa kala ye kintwadi? How does Paul's letter to the Ephesians emphasize unity? " We are made in God's image, in his image. " Nga " Ozolanga Nkw'aku nze Una Okuyizolelanga '? Do You "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself "? 17, 18. (a) What part of the Bible Teach book do you want to use in the ministry? (Tanga Nkunga 125: 1, 2.) (Read Psalm 125: 1, 2.) The children read the Bible at Isaiah 1: 18: "Your sins are as scarlet, as snow. " Nkia nsambu bevua ke kolo ko? Ayingi muna selo ya Yave o unu, mu buka kia "ndong'ayingi " bena, betukanga mu nsi zayingi yo yikama e Kintinu. Most of Jehovah's servants today are part of "a great crowd " that comes from many different parts of the world, and they show their support for the Kingdom. The Bible tells us: "The eighth year of his reign, when he was a child, he proceeded to search for the God of David his father, David, in the second year, to remove the sacred pillars and idols and the image that were removed from Jerusalem. " Diambote twazaya o nkuma kavwidi Satana ye una tulenda kunsila kitantu kumosi ye nkwiya miandi. We are wise to consider how powerful Satan is and how we can successfully resist him and his demons. 6, 7. Nga mana twamona muna nsi za Oriente i mau twatanga muna nkanda usongang'e nenga kia nsi yayi? Was this all that was left of the exotic Orient that we had read about in travel brochures? In this way, they doubted God's right to rule. O unu, o muntu on'otokananga mu kuma kia mambi mevangamanga olenda kala ye nsatu za mwanda yo vava mvutu za yuvu yina vo Nkand'a Nzambi kaka lenda zo vana. Today, a person who struggles with the prevalence of evil may actually be hungering spiritually - longing for answers that only the Bible can provide. As "the source of life, " all humans were precious in his eyes, and they were to be cared for. - Ps. Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga vo evangu dia vanga masivi diafokoka vava alongoki a Yesu bamana fwa. Further, the Bible indicates that the age of miracles ended after the days of the apostles. On one occasion, his grandmother did not want to do so, and Willy left him. Dianu vo, ke numoni wonga ko; ntietie zingi nusundidi. ' Therefore have no fear: you are worth more than many sparrows. " * Imagine how Jesus ' disciples felt when they heard or learned his prayer. Avo tuvangi wo, tukala twakubama mu longa akaka. The more we do this, the more prepared we will feel to teach others. PAGE 12 Kansi, tufwete keba kimana e nsaka zalembi kala vana fulu kiantete muna zingu kieto. But we must be careful that enjoying ourselves does not become the most important thing in our life. These brothers are happy that many benefit from their work. Vana ntandu, e Buka kia Selo Yambuta kikubikanga sikola mu longa afidi a Mavula, akengi a zunga, akuluntu ye selo ya salu una bafwete lunga - lunga mameme una ufwene. In addition, the Governing Body organizes schools to train Branch Committee members, traveling overseers, elders, and ministerial servants in how best to care for the sheep. Yes, the way you prepare for the earth - your heart - can have a positive effect on you. Avo Nkristu ozeye mpangi eyakala yovo akento ovangidi esumu diampwena, kafwete kumvovesa mu kwenda funguna esumu diandi kw'akuluntu. If a Christian becomes aware of a serious sin on the part of a fellow believer, he should encourage that one to confess the sin to the elders. Moses, King David, and others wrote this book. Muna mvu walanda, twafilwa kuna mbanza Kampala, Unganda. The following year, we were asked to go to Kampala, Uganda. What hope do we have for God's undeserved kindness? Wavova vo: "E kimbevo kiaki kiantokanesa kikilu, yamona nze mono yavidisa e lekwa yawonso, wonga kikilu yamona. " She says: "This health issue hit me hard. I felt that I had lost everything, and I was very scared. " But Satan will not succeed. " Mareta Wasalanga ' " Martha Was Ministering " Indeed, "he witnessed to the false witness that had not gone along. " Yave wansambula wau vo kiakondwanga mu tukutakanu ko mu kuma kia salu kiame. Jehovah truly blessed me for not missing meetings to do secular work. Teach Your Child to Be Peaceable Vitila David kazaya e ludi, wakala ye fu kia kumba akwandi yo vovesela esi nzo andi kuna makasi. Before David came into the truth, he was often critical of others and spoke to his family in a harsh way. * In fact, a review of Jesus ' prophecy shows that these eight verses refer to his coming when he will come to judge people during the great tribulation. Janice wakitula e fulu kia salu se zunga kiandi kia samunwina e nsangu zambote. Janice has made her place of employment a preaching territory. He wanted sinners to repent. Ekuma? " Mu mpw'a Nzambi twavangilwa, muna fwaniswa kiandi. ' We are " made in God's image, according to his likeness, ' so we have the capacity to reflect godly attributes. For example, you may help him to rest and expand his ministry in the next month. 17, 18. (a) Nkia tini kia Nkand'a Nzambi Adieyi Kelonganga ozolele sadila muna salu kia umbangi? 17, 18. (a) Which parts of the Bible Teach book do you like to highlight in your ministry? Jesus was more than the Lord to his apostles. Wantangila sono kia Nkand'a Nzambi muna Yesaya 1: 18 kivovanga vo: "O masumu meno kana mabwaka, mepemba nze mvul'ampembe. " He showed me what the Bible says at Isaiah 1: 18: "Though the sins of you people should prove to be as scarlet, they will be made white just like snow. " Consider an example of how God's love can be expressed in people who give counsel. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi tutanganga vo: "O mvu una wenana wa luyalu luandi, wau kakala kindende, obantikidi o tomba Nzambi a Davidi w'es'andi: muna mvu una wekumi ye zole obantikidi o katula mabata ye Asera ye teke yavalwa ye teke yazunzwa muna Yuda ye Yerusaleme. " (2 Tus. The historical record says: "In the eighth year of his reigning, while he was still a boy, he started to search for the God of David his forefather; and in the twelfth year he started to cleanse Judah and Jerusalem from the high places and the sacred poles and the graven images and the molten statues. " The second article shows that Jehovah can do the unexpected. 6, 7. 6, 7. We should not discourage pioneers, traveling overseers, missionaries, and Bethelites, telling them to stop their full - time service and return home. (Etuku 3: 1 - 6) Muna mpila yayi, bakatikisa o nsw'a Nzambi wa yala. That was a direct challenge to the rightfulness of God's rule. Is there any hope for those who have died? Wau vo yandi i "nto a moyo, " wantu awonso antalu vana meso mandi, bafwana lungwa - lungwa. - Nku. Since "with [him] is the source of life, " he considers all humans as precious, worth protecting. - Ps. * Lumbu kimosi, nkak'andi kazola wo vanga ko, ofwemene Willy, okatukidi vo kwandi. On one occasion, Grandma suddenly stopped, gave Willy a sharp rebuke, and walked away. What must we do to remain in God's love? * Yindula una alongoki a Yesu bamona vava bawá yovo balongoka e sambu kiandi. Imagine how Jesus ' disciples felt when they heard, or later learned about, his prayer. Jehovah's servants do not appreciate doing anything that would bring reproach on God's name. - Isa. LUKAYA LWA 12 PAGE 12 Even if I could go to university, I would not have enjoyed those spiritual blessings. " Ampangi awaya beyangalalanga wau vo wantu ayingi babaka nluta muna salu kiau. How these four rejoiced in knowing that tens of thousands benefited from their activity! Yes, Jehovah gave Israel "the inheritance of the nations. " (Nga. 10: 4) Elo, e mpila kubikilanga o ntoto, i sia vo, ntim'aku ilenda vanga diambu muna yima mbongo ayingi yambote. Yes, how you cultivate the soil of your heart makes a difference in the quality and quantity of the fruitage of the holy spirit in you. But they also needed to work on gleaning, for in this way they could avoid praying. - Leviticus 19: 9, 10; Deuteronomy 24: 19 - 22; Psalm 37: 25. Mose, Davidi wa Ntinu y'akaka i basoneka nkanda wau. The writers were Moses, King David, and others. As you walk, you will say, " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. ' " Nkia vuvu tuna kiau mu kuma kia nkenda za Nzambi? Thanks to God's undeserved kindness, what hope do we have? In fact, the violent conduct of the elderly has become a global plague. Kansi Satana ke sunda ko. But the enemy's efforts are to no avail. Would it be wise to learn more about the sign and what we must do to survive the end of this system of things? Kieleka, "engi bansididi umbangi waluvunu, o umbangi wau ke wele betela ko. " In fact, "many, indeed, were giving false witness against him, but their testimonies were not in agreement. " Yes, "Jehovah is near to all... to all those calling on him in integrity. " - Psalm 145: 18. Longa Mwan'aku Kakala Nkwa Ungudi Teach Your Child to Be Peaceable Another example we can imitate the apostle Paul. * Elo, lufimpu lwa ungunza wa Yesu lusonganga vo e sono nana yayi ivovelanga ngiz'andi, kolo kina kesinga kwiza fundisa wantu muna mpasi zayingi iyikanga. * Indeed, a consideration of Jesus ' prophecy in its entirety makes it clear that each of these eight references to his coming applies to the future time of judgment during the great tribulation. In fact, we often hear that people accept the truth when they see how we imitate Christ's presence. Wazolanga vo asumuki baviluka o ntima. He wanted them to repent. Satan controls selfishness. Kasikil'owu, olenda kunsadisa mu toma vundanga yo wokesa e salu kiandi kia umbangi muna ngonde ilanda. For instance, he could suggest that she get some rest before starting a new month of increased activities. We strive to live up to our dedication and dedication. Yesu kakala kaka Mfumu ko kwa ntumwa zandi. Jesus was more than just the Master of his apostles. Jehovah wants us to avoid problems that could cause us to rely on someone who is treacherous. Tubadika nona kimosi kisonganga una zola kwa Nzambi kulenda monekena muna wantu bekutuvananga elongi. Let us consider an example of how human counselors can reflect God's concern. Christian wives who humbly submit to their husbands imitate the arrangement of headship by God. E longi diazole disonga vo Yave olenda vanga mambu mana ke twayindulanga nkutu ko. The second article highlights how Jehovah can do the unexpected by accomplishing things we could never imagine. Even so, you have spiritual treasures that cannot buy money. Katufwete yoyesanga aviti a nzila ko, ye akengi a zunga, missionário, y'ana bena kuna Betele, muna kubavovesanga vo bayambula e salu kiau kia ntangwa ke ntangwa yo vutuka kuna nzo. We should not discourage hardworking pioneers, traveling overseers, missionaries, or members of the Bethel family by urging them to give up their full - time service for a so - called normal way of life. Still, we see that some remain loyal to God while others lose their faith and stop associating with the congregation. Nga vena ye vuvu mu kuma ki'awana bafwa? Is there any hope, then, for those who have died? But to receive life in heaven, that was initially the beginning of their life. * * 11: 6, 11 - 13. Adieyi tufwete vanga muna sikila muna zola kwa Nzambi? What, then, do we need to do in order to remain in God's love? They have found a copy of the ancient box called "the house of David. " Selo ya Yave ke beyangalelanga vanga konso diambu ko dilenda twasa luvezo muna nkumbu a Nzambi. - Yes. Jehovah's people would not want to do anything that might reflect badly on God's name. - Isa. They set aside time to examine the relationship between 66 books and his moral standards and prophecies, and they can help you to see that the Creator is the Creator. Kana nkutu vo yatanga sikola zandá, kiadi vwa mawete mama ma mwanda ko. " I could not have received such spiritual benefits even in the best university. " There is no doubt that Martha and Mary visited their brother. Elo, Yave wavana Isaele "efwa dia zula. " Yes, Jehovah gave Israel "the inheritance of the nations. " A young man named Samuel said: "To me, flirting was not easy. Kansi, diavavanga vo yau mpe basala muna wololola madia, kadi muna mpila yayi, badi venga e fu kia lomba. - Fuka 19: 9, 10; Nsiku 24: 19 - 22; Nkunga 37: 25. Granted, gleaning required hard work on their part, yet by means of it, they could avoid having to beg. - Leviticus 19: 9, 10; Deuteronomy 24: 19 - 22; Psalm 37: 25. But Jacob was deeply grateful for his inheritance. Wau nukwendanga, nulonga vo, e kintinu ki'ezulu se kin'omu ngenga. " As you go, preach, saying, " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. ' " For example, you might say, "The fire is good, but the fire is in danger. " Kieleka, evangu dia bangika anunu dikitukidi se vuku mu nza yawonso. Indeed, mistreatment of the elderly infects virtually every part of the globe. Their work is "to avenge ourselves, those who do not know God, and those who do not obey the good news of our Lord Jesus. " Nga diangangu dia zaya mayingi mu kuma kia sinsu ye mana tufwete vanga kimana twavuluka kuna mfoko a nza yayi? Would it not be the wise course to learn more about the sign and what one must do to survive the end of this system? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Elo, "o Yave ofinamene awonso... bekumbokelela kuna ziku. " - Nkunga 145: 18. Yes, "Jehovah is near to all those... who call upon him in trueness. " - Psalm 145: 18. Making these changes is not easy, but God's spirit helps those who want to please him. E mbandu yakaka tulenda tanginina ya Paulu wa ntumwa. The apostle Paul is another example. What helped our brothers to endure that journey? Kieleka, nkumbu miayingi tuwanga nsangu vo wantu betambulwilanga e ludi vava bemonanga una tutangininanga e nkal'a Kristu. In fact, we often hear of positive results when sincere people observe our Christlike conduct. I felt that this verse was being fulfilled today because there are good people in the world today. Satana mu mpila eloko keyadilanga. Satan's way of governing appeals to selfishness. So Paul invited Timothy to be his traveling companion. Tusianga ngolo za zingila engwizani yo kukiyekola kweto muna zingu kieto kiawonso. We then strive to live up to our dedication for the rest of our life. Satan uses death and fear of death to make humans slaves and weaken their hope. O Yave ozolanga vo twavenga e mpasi zilenda twasa o bunda e vuvu muna ntima tekama wa muntu. Jehovah wants us to escape the disasters that result from trusting the treacherous human heart. David sang: "I love you, O Jehovah, my strength. " Akento Akristu ana besakalelanga akazi au kuna lembama kwawonso, betangininanga e nkutakani ina vo isakalelanga e nkubika ya kintu kina kiasikidiswa kwa Nzambi. Christian wives who keep in humble submission to their husbands imitate the congregation in recognizing and observing the headship principle. Does Jehovah's exercise of foreknowledge mean that he is unjust? Kana una vo i wau, una ye kimvwama kia mwanda kina ka kilendi sumbwa mu nzimbu ko. Nevertheless, she is spiritually rich, something that money cannot buy. A situation that may not change. (Nkunga 119: 176; Roma 15: 1) Kana una vo i wau, tumonanga vo akaka bezindalalanga songa kwikizi kwa Nzambi ekolo akaka bevidisanga lukwikilu lwau yo yambula lungana ye nkutakani. E diambu diadi yuvu divayikisanga. Even so, these opposite outcomes - some staying faithful while others lose faith - raise questions. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Kansi, muna vwila moyo kun'ezulu, ediadi diakala se lubantiku kuna kwa yau. However, for them, that was only a beginning. At that time, people will be resurrected to life on earth, and they will have the prospect of becoming perfect and immortal. 11: 6, 11 - 13. 11: 6, 11 - 13. I tactfully told her that it was impossible. Asatuludi basolwele babu kia nz'ankulu kiasonama vo "nzo a Davidi. " Archaeologists have found an ancient inscription that mentions "the house of David. " We had a lot of work in the fields, so we did not attend conventions once. Vaul'e ntangwa mu fimpa e ngwizani ya nkanda 66 mina mo, ye nsiku miandi mia nkal'ambote ye ndungana ungunza, dilenda kusadisa mu zaya ziku vo ndiona wasonekesa wo i Mvangi. Taking the time to examine the consistency of its 66 books, the superiority of its moral standards, and the unfailing fulfillment of its prophecies will provide you with abundant evidence that its author is the Creator. Two titles have serious health problems, so my hands were cut down to save my life. Kalukatikisu ko vo Mareta yo Maria bayenda bimba o mpangi au. The burden on Martha's heart was lifted! But often people do not follow that warning. Toko dimosi dina ye nkumbu a Samuele wavova vo: "Kuna kwa mono, o sikamesa e nzola muna muntu ke diakala diambu diampasi ko. " It was so easy to flirt, " says a young man named Samuel. Learn From "the Pure Worship " Kansi, Yakobo wayangalelanga kikilu evwa diandi. In contrast, Jacob deeply appreciated his inheritance. Jesus ' enemies could hardly have helped people to believe the good news about him. Muna bonga nona, olenda vova vo: "E tiya twalambila madia twambote, kansi nlemu a tiya muna nzanza wa vonza kikilu. " For example, you might say: "A campfire is good; a forest fire is bad. Jesus told his listeners: "You must be as holy as your heavenly Father is perfect. " E salu kiau i " landa kunda, awana balembi zaya Nzambi, awana mpe balembi lemvokel'e nsangu zambote za Mfumu eto Yesu. ' Their mission will be to bring "vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " Imagine how difficult it is for foreigners to feel. E sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu ibongelo muna Nsekola ya Nz'ampa ya Nkand'a Nzambi (Matai - Lusengomono). Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. We should therefore heed Paul's counsel: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. " O vanga e nsobani zazi ke diambu diakete ko, kansi mwand'a Nzambi usadisanga ana bazolele kunyangidika. It is not easy to make these changes, but God's spirit will help those who want to please him. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 7 - 15 Nki kiasadisa mpangi zeto mu zizidila nkangalu wau? How were our brothers able to survive the march? But I began to change my thinking when I began attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Mbakwikidi vo e sono kiaki mu lungana kina mu lumbu yeto, kadi o unu vena ye wantu ambote ova nza. However, I feel that this verse applies right now; after all, good people live on earth today. For example, humility is required for a Christian head to set aside time for preparing and conduct a family study. Muna kuma kiaki, Paulu wabokela Timoteo mu kala se nkundi andi a salu. So Paul invited Timothy to join him as a traveling companion. First, Jehovah promises: "I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. I will fortify you in my right hand of righteousness. " Satana osadilanga lufwa yo wonga wa lufwa mu kitula wantu se abundu yo dimbula e vuvu kiau. Satan uses death and the fear it may provoke to keep many people in slavery and without hope. We got married on April 23, 1949. Davidi wayimbila vo: "Izolele, e Yave, wa ngolo zame. " (Nku. The psalmist David sang: "I have affection for you, O Jehovah, my strength. " Shortly before his death, Jesus again referred to the promise he gave in his illustrations. Wau vo Yave osolanga mana kazolele teka zaya, nga diadi disonganga vo Nzambi nkwa vilwa? Does Jehovah's selective exercise of his foreknowledge mean that he is somehow lacking, imperfect? There is no doubt that a lack of honesty damages good friendships. E diambu diabwa kala ka dilendi sobwa ko. What has happened cannot be undone. Many servants of Jehovah were killed by enemies. - Heb. MALONGI MELONGOKWA MU LUMINGU LWA: STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: • What confidence can we have regarding what Jehovah will do for us? Muna kolo kiakina, o wantu befulwa kimana bazingila ova ntoto, bekala ye vuvu kia kituka wantu alunga yo lembi fwa diaka. At that time, people will be resurrected to life on earth and will have the hope of becoming perfect and never dying again. Hannah's words were encouraging. Kuna ndekwa zawonso yamvovesa vo ke dilendakana ko. I tactfully refused, " Vicky says. 1: 5, 6 - Why did the Jews not believe that the Chaldeans would attack Jerusalem? Wau vo salu kiayingi twakalanga kiau kuna mpatu, ke twalendanga kwenda mu tukutakanu twa mvivu ko yeto awonso muna nkumbu mosi. As we had many duties on our farm, we usually could not attend conventions together, so we took turns. ( preaching the good news) Mau mole mazina, mputa zanene yakala zau, muna kuma kiaki o moko mame mazengwa muna tanina moyo ame. They had been severely burned, and the injuries were so horrific that both arms had to be amputated to prevent blood poisoning. So we need to be ready. Kansi, nkumbu miayingi o wantu ke belandanga lulukisu lwalu ko. For the most part, these warnings go unheeded. 13: 20 Longoka "Sono Yavelela " Study "the Holy Writings " Why should we control our tongue? E mbeni za Yesu ke zasoneka nkanda ko miadi sadisa wantu bakwikila muna nsangu zambote zasonekwa mu kuma kiandi. Then, too, it is unlikely that Jesus ' many opposers would write anything that would lend credibility to the reports about him. How can Christian parents show that Jehovah is their Potter? Yesu wavovesa awana bawanga malongi mandi vo: "Nufwete kala nwalunga nze una o S'eno kun'ezulu kena walunga. " Jesus told his listeners: "You must... be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. " The apostle Paul knew that Satan's lies would be deceptive. (Nsiku 10: 17 - 19; Malaki 3: 5, 6) Yindula e mpasi zina nzenza balenda mona. Stop and think about the challenges foreigners may have. Under the new covenant, Jesus, the Head of the congregation, is Leader. - Ephesians 1: 22. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete lemvokela luludiku lwa Paulu vo: "Nufwasa yîkwa yeno ina ya nza; zumba, nsafu, vengenene, eketo diambi, y'eloko, dina vo, i sambu ya teke. " Therefore, we should heed Paul's counsel: "Deaden... your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. " Of course, not everyone can serve abroad. ELONGI DIA 1, 2 LUKAYA LWA 7 - 15 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 7 - 15 Robert seven * Kansi, yayantika soba ngindu zame vava yayantika kwenda muna tukutakanu mun'eseka dia Kintinu dia Mbangi za Yave kumosi yo yakala diame. But things changed when my husband and I started attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. In his parable, Jesus called this rich man - a rich man - he had many possessions. Kasikil'owu, lulembamu luvavwanga kwa se una vo Nkristu muna vaulanga e ntangwa ya kubama yo fila elongi dia esi nzo andi. For example, it takes humility for a Christian father to set aside time from his own pursuits to prepare and conduct an effective Bible study with his children. Haran is one of the ancient cities used in the Bible. Diantete, Yave okusianga nsilu vo: "Ikuvamisa; elo, ikusadisa; elo, ikusikidisa muna koko kwalunene kwa unsongi wame. " (Yes. First, Jehovah reassures you: "I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. " He said that we must "keep doing good. " Twakazala kina kia 23 kia Abidi, 1949. We were married on April 23, 1949. At the age of 20, I had no interest in the nuns. Una kiafinamanga lufwa lwandi, Yesu wayika diaka o nsilu kavana muna yingana yandi. The Israelites were obedient in carrying out the detailed preparations for the Passover. Some names in this article have been changed. Kalukatikisu ko vo lembi songa ziku yikundi yambote difwasanga. That certainly is understandable. There is little doubt that dishonesty can destroy the fabric of precious relationships. We do not want to go to "the heavens " to find it or to" cross the sea " by learning what God requires of us. Selo yayingi ya Yave yavondwa kw'atantu. - Ayib. Many faithful servants of Jehovah died at the hands of opposers. - Heb. They will see that the preaching work is a source of joy. - Acts 20: 35. • Nkia vuvu tulenda kala kiau mu kuma kia mana kevanga Yave kusentu? • What confidence can we have regarding Jehovah's future actions? Humility Essential to Honoring Jehovah E mvovo mia Hannah mia lukasakeso kikilu. What Hannah says is encouraging. In June 2014, the trial was greater than the legal case in this court, and the legal decision had to be heard in all European countries. 1: 5, 6 - Ekuma Ayuda ke bakwikidilanga ko vo Akaladi betelamena Yerusaleme? 1: 5, 6 - Why might the raising up of the Chaldeans against Jerusalem have seemed unbelievable to the Jews? If you do not want to repeat the same subject again, you might say, "Let me think about what I said, and then we will talk again. " (Bud) Sullivan. (Bud) Sullivan. These disciples are appointed before imperfect humans. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete kala twakubama. So we must be ready! The Book That Leads to Good Qualities 13: 20 13: 20. Why is baptism required that a person be separated from the water? Ekuma tufwete bindikila lubini lweto? Why should we control our tongue? We do not want to be like Satan, "the father of the lie. " Aweyi mase bena vo Akristu balenda songela vo Yave i Nwumbi au? How can Christian parents show that Jehovah is their Potter? In the first century, the apostle Paul told Timothy that the Christian congregation was "the house of God " and" the pillar and support of the truth. " Paulu wa ntumwa wazaya wo vo luvunu lwa Satana lwavonza kikilu. The apostle Paul knew that Satan's propaganda was very dangerous. It is the gift of God. " Mun'ekangu diampa Yesu wa Ntu a nkutakani i Mfidi. - Efeso 1: 22. 1: 22. The parable shows that the person who is merciful is moved to forgive him too! Dialudi vo, ke wantu awonso ko balenda kwenda sadila mu nsi a kinzenza. Admittedly, not everyone will be in a position to serve in a foreign land. When the wine refers to "the covenant of the covenant, " anointed Christians show that they are part of the new covenant and benefit from it. Robert Ciranko Robert Ciranko So she gave all the letters to the circuit elders. Muna kingana kiandi, Yesu wayikila muntu ndioyo vo mvwama, i sia vo, wakikadila ye ulolo wa mavwa. In any case, Jesus did call the individual in the parable a rich man, meaning someone who already had in his possession an abundance of material goods. Jehovah God knew that this was a simple prophecy about the Messiah that when he was put to death on a torture stake, he would not be crushed. - Psalm 34: 20; John 19: 31 - 33, 36. Karani imosi muna mbanza za nz'ankulu zakinu yikilwa mu nkumbu zina muna Nkand'a Nzambi. Haran is one of very few ancient settlements still retaining the name used for it in the Bible. In ancient Egypt, people worshipped three families, each father, mother, and child, although they were considered three times different from those gods. Wavova vo tufwete kwamanana " vanga wete. ' Thus, action is needed on our part. We can do all we can and rely on Jehovah to guide our steps. Vava yalungisa mvu 20, kiakala diaka ye luzolo lwakwamanana madre ko. By the age of 20, I had no clear reasons to remain a nun. God did not use the ransom to do good works for the apostles and others. Nkumbu zakaka mun'elongi diadi zasobwa. Names in this article have been changed. In time, he realized that pursuing a career would bring him a lot of stress. Ke tuvava kwenda "ku zulu " ko mu solola dio, ngatu" sauka mbu " mu longoka dina kevavanga Nzambi kwa yeto. We do not have to ascend "into the heavens " or journey" to the other side of the sea " in order to learn what God expects of us. For the creation is a rejoicing, and his people are happy. " - Isaiah 65: 18. Bezaya vo e salu kia umbangi kiese kikilu kitwasanga. - Mavangu 20: 35. They may also learn that the ministry is an interesting and happy work, producing great satisfaction and joy. - Acts 20: 35. However, the Bible does not say that such things will lead to life. Lulembamu Luvavwanga Muna Sakalela Yave Submitting to Jehovah Requires Humility 1: 18. Yamuna ngonde a Yuni ya mvu wa 2014, mfundu 57 tusundidi kala kuna mbazi a nkanu yayi. E nzengo zibakwanga kuna mbazi a nkanu yayi zifwete lemvokelwa mu nsi zawonso za Europa. By June 2014, we had already won 57 cases in that Court, and the decisions of that Court must be obeyed in most countries in Europe. What decision should each of us make? (Ngana 17: 27) Avo kuzolele diaka vutukila mokenena diambu diau adimosi ko, olenda vova vo: "Yambula yayindula dina umpovese, i bosi tusinga mokena diaka. " If you cannot steer an unproductive conversation back on track, you could say: "I need to think about what you've said and talk with you later. " 12 / 1 Alongoki awaya besolwanga vana vena wantu alembi lunga. Rather, because Jesus Christ, as the great High Priest, fulfilled that prophetic pattern. How did Paul benefit from his personal study? Nkanda Unungununanga Fu Yambote A PUBLICATION THAT PROMOTES GOOD CONDUCT What attitudes and qualities will help us to endure? Ekuma luvubu luvavilanga vo muntu kadimunwa mvimba muna maza? Why does baptism involve total immersion in water? " Go on walking by spirit, and do not satisfy the desire of the flesh. " - JOHN 5: 16. Ka tuzolele kala nze Satana ko wa "se dia luvunu. " We do not want to be like Satan, who is "the father of the lie. " This means following Jehovah's standard of right and wrong instead of following human standards. Muna tandu kiantete, Paulu wa ntumwa wavovesa Timoteo ona wakala nkuluntu vo, e nkutakani y'Akristu i "nzo a Nzambi " ye" elunzi, yo nkubilw'a ludi. " In the first century C.E., the apostle Paul told the Christian elder Timothy that the Christian congregation was "God's household " and" a pillar and support of the truth. " However, God may not have considered this to be the case, but is it true that discipline will not surprise us? She Drew "Conclusions in Her Heart " (Mary), 10 / 1 The apostle Paul told Christian overseers: "From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " - Acts 20: 29, 30. Konso muntu kadia yo nua, yo mona wete wa mfuntu andi, i lukau lua Nzambi lulu. " (Kim. And he realized that such pleasures are truly meaningful for the one who has God's approval, who has a good relationship with Him. Jehovah's Purpose Will End E kingana kiaki kisonganga vo ndiona ofwilanga akaka e nkenda, okubalolokanga mpe! How forcefully the above - mentioned parable points out that mercy includes a readiness to forgive! There were trees that were written on the sea, which were expensive, and many were made of copper, and the leaves were made of copper and the leaves were used to produce in the Middle East. (Luvaiku 24: 5 - 8; Luka 22: 20; Ayibere 9: 14, 15) Vava benuanga e vinyo ina vo i sinsu kia "menga m'ekangu, " Akristu akuswa besonganga vo bakoteswa mun'ekangu diampa yo bak'e nluta mi'ekangu diadi. By drinking the wine that symbolizes the "blood of the covenant, " the anointed indicate that they have been taken into the new covenant and are receiving the benefits of it. For example, he tells you that there are signs on the road that could distract you. Muna kuma kiaki, bavutula nkanda miawonso kwa akuluntu a zunga. Another time, we were crossing the river in a boat. Imagine how Zechariah must have felt when this woman wanted to leave the container! Yave wa Nzambi wazaya vo e diambu diadi diakete diasunzulanga ungunza mu kuma kia Masia vo, vava kevondwa vana nti a mpasi kana nkutu visi kimosi kia nitu andi ke kitololwa ko. - Nkunga 34: 20; Yoane 19: 31 - 33, 36. Jehovah God knew, though, that this detail was prophetic of the fact that the Messiah would not have any of his bones broken when put to death on the torture stake. - Psalm 34: 20; John 19: 31 - 33, 36. [ Picture on page 21] Kuna Engipito yankulu, wantu basambilanga makanda ma nzambi tatu, konso kanda diakala yo se, ngudi yo mwana. Kana una vo e nzambi zazi zabadikilwanga vo nzambi mu ntatu, nkumbu miayingi swaswanesa baswaswanesanga zo. In ancient Egypt, a god was often viewed as being married to a goddess who bore him a son, "forming a divine triad or trinity in which the father, moreover, was not always the chief, contenting himself on occasion with the role of prince consort, while the principal deity of the locality remained the goddess. " We can also show love for God by enduring situations that test our loyalty. • What is accomplished by our preaching work, even in less responsive territories? Still, all mature Christians have qualities that show that they are truly mature. Tulenda vanga mawonso tulenda yo bund'e vuvu vo Yave ofila e ntambi zeto. We can do everything humanly possible and then look to Jehovah with full assurance that he will guide our steps. We can pursue love and humility O Nzambi kasadila lukûlu ko mu kuma kia mavangu mambote bavanga antumwa ye akaka. It is not that God owed it to the apostles and others to apply the ransom because they had performed certain good works. However, the idea that a person who believes in God cannot believe in science is false. Kuna kwalanda, wabakula vo o kuyivana muna nsaka mpasi zayingi diantwasilanga. Later, though, he realized that his focus on entertainment had caused him many problems. What questions will we consider? Kadi nsema Yerusaleme se kiese, o nkangu andi s'eyangi. " - Yesaya 65: 18. For here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation. " - Isaiah 65: 18. Often, people take revenge when they tell their fellow feeling, when they are hurt, or when they are harsh. Kansi, Nkand'a Nzambi ke uvovanga ko vo mambu mama kalakukilang'o moyo. Yet, there is no record of his longing for those things. 12, 13. (a) Why are disagreements sometimes common among Christians? 1: 18. 1: 18. Jehovah knows the future, and he also tells us about some things we may worry about. Nkia nzengo kafwete baka konso muntu mu yeto? What choice does each of us have to make? We cannot give Jehovah what we have. Nkand'a Nsilu wa Sikila ye Kwikizi, 15 / 12 You Are a Trusted Steward! 12 / 15 In Moses ' day, Jehovah made a covenant with Jacob, and he became the nation of Israel. Paulu nkia nluta kabaka mun'elongi dia yandi kibeni? How did personal study benefit Paul? Although each Christian needs to maintain his own relationship with God, we must recognize that there are congregations throughout the world, just as he did in the days of the apostles. Nkia ngindu ye fu ikutusadisa mu zizidila mpasi? What qualities and attitudes help us to endure? " Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted. " " Nukangadila muna mwanda, ozevo ke nulunganis'eketo dia nitu ko. " - NGALATIA 5: 16. " Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all. " - GALATIANS 5: 16. A brother in Mozambique wrote: "Although we had all the publications of the faithful slave, there were no Bibles, as if they were strong and lightnings. Ediadi disongele vo tufwete landanga dina Yave kasikidisa mu kuma kia dina diambote y'edi diambi, vana fulu kia landa ngindu za wantu. This means putting Jehovah's standard of what is right and what is wrong ahead of human norms. 4: 13. Kansi, nanga o Nzambi ke wau ko kabadikidi diambu diadi. Nga dialudi vo longi batuvene ke ditufwanukini ko? The comment that you considered to be so hurtful may, in fact, have been well - deserved counsel that you ought to give thought to. In other words, we may say that this tree does not disappear, even in difficult situations. O Paulu wa ntumwa wavova kwa akengi Akristu vo: "Vovo nwina yeno kibeni mpe, vetelama wantu, ana bevova mambu mabendomoka, bavol'alongoki bend'abalandi. " - Mavangu 20: 29, 30. The apostle Paul told Christian overseers: "From among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " - Acts 20: 29, 30. What is Jehovah's purpose? Loyally Serving Christ the King, 5 / 1 To strengthen that relationship, it is important to speak truth with one another. Ekani dia Yave Dilungana Jehovah's Unfailing Purpose As a result, she was concerned about herself. Vakala ye tinta yambwaki yatukanga muna nkodia ziyikilwanga vo molusco zitukanga muna kalunga, e tinta yayi ntalu ayingi yafwanga.Nti miayingi, mianzi, makaya ye lekwa yamoyo yasadilwanga muna vanga e tinta ya mbwaki ya mbum'a diaki ya bule ye ya ndombe. An expensive purple dye was extracted from certain mollusks, and various plants, roots, leaves, and insects were used to produce dyes in such colors as red, yellow, blue, and black. Although my father did not accept the truth, he gave me the right to attend all the meetings and go out in the ministry. Kasikil'owu, uvovese vo vena ye sinsu muna nzila kilenda kuvilakesa. The sign is misleading. They too come to Jehovah's house, so we need to be better given them, not focusing on the appearance or the way they were given. Se yindula e ngemi kamona o Zakariya vava nkento ndioyu kavavanga vaika muna kinzu! Imagine Zechariah's horror as he saw the woman try to get out! For example, think about how you might be kind to the following: If you do not work well, what will you do? [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 21] [ Picture on page 20, 21] COVER SUBJECT IS IT ALL? Tulenda mpe songa o zola muna Nzambi muna zizidilanga mambu metontanga e kwikizi kieto. We can also show love for God by loyally enduring trials that test our faith. 7: 2, 3. Kana una vo i wau, Akristu awonso azikuka bena ye fu isonganga vo bazikuka kikilu muna mwanda. Yet, all mature Christians have certain qualities in common that identify them as mature. For example, David wanted to praise Jehovah's sovereignty. Tulenda tatidil'o zola ye lulembamu We can pursue love and mildness of temper How can young people resist the Devil's snares? Kansi, e ngindu za sia vo ndiona okwikilanga muna Nzambi kalendi kwikila muna ngangu za nza ko, zaluvunu. But the assumption that belief in God is incompatible with science is simply not true. Do you strive to overcome weaknesses that could cause you to remain clean before Jehovah? Nkia yuvu tubadika? What questions will we consider? The answers to these questions can reveal more about your relationship with Jehovah. Nkumbu miayingi wantu belandilanga akw'au e kunda vava bekubavovesanga mambu mekubalwekanga o ntima, vava belevolwanga yovo vava bevanwanga matingu. Hurt feelings over an unkind word or thoughtless action can often bring a retaliatory response. As "the image of the invisible God, " Jesus imitated his Father by being willing to accept those who serve God with a pure heart. 12, 13. (a) Ekuma ezak'e ntangwa e ntantani zibwilanga vana vena Akristu? 12, 13. (a) Why are there disagreements between Christians at times? He told his faithful disciples that he would give them a place in heaven so that they could rule with him in his glory. Yave ozeye mambu mebwa kuna sentu. Okutuzayisanga mpe maka mambu tulenda lakukilwa o moyo. Jehovah knows the future, and he tells us some of the things we can look forward to. As worshippers of Jehovah, we need to examine ourselves to see whether we are following his righteous standards. Ke tulendi vana kwa Yave ko kina ke tuna kiau ko. Otherwise, we would, in effect, be giving from what we do not have. On Saturday, I met Paul, who became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Muna lumbu ya Mose, Yave wakang'ekangu yo wan'a Yakobo, yo kituka se zula kia Isaele. In Moses ' day, Jehovah entered into a covenant with the offspring of the patriarch Jacob, and these became the nation of Israel. Notice what God's Son said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " - John 6: 37, 44, 65. Kana una vo konso Nkristu kafwete kala ye ngwizani ya yandi kibeni yo Nzambi, tufwete zayanga vo vena ye nkutakani kesadilanga omu nza yawonso, nze una kavanga muna lumbu ya ntumwa. While it is true that each Christian should have a personal relationship with God, we cannot deny that he is using a worldwide congregation, as he did in the apostles ' day. Most important, their friendship was based on their desire to serve Jehovah and to be among his servants. " Akwa nsambu ana bena ye ntantu: kadi befiaulwiswa. " " Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted. " THE first - century Christians lived in the Roman Empire. Mpangi mosi kuna Moçambique ovovanga Tsonga, wasoneka vo: "Kana una vo twakala ye nkanda miawonso kevayikisanga ntaudi akwikizi, kondwa Nkand'a Nzambi, miakala nze kuma kwina ye miandazi ye nsemo kansi lembi noka. A Tsonga reader from Mozambique wrote: "Even with all the other Bible - based publications, having no Bible was like having thunder and lightning but no rain! We need to act in harmony with our prayers by personal study and applying what we learn from the Bible. 4: 13. Vwa Nsambu Zitwasa Kristu Through Christ, Bless Yourself! What should elders do if someone commits a serious sin in the congregation? Muna mvovo miakaka, tulenda vova vo nti wau ke uyumanga ko kana nkutu mu ntangw'a mpasi. In short, it thrives by making the most of difficult circumstances. To show the importance of spiritual protection, remember the example of the father mentioned in the preceding article. Adieyi i kani dia Yave? And what is Jehovah's purpose? Using illustrations is an effective way to teach because it explains difficult situations in a simple way to think and reach our heart. Muna siamisa e ngwizani yayi, diamfunu twavovanga e ludi muntu yo nkw'andi. To strengthen this bond, it is vital that we speak truth with one another. What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have? Ediadi diatokanesanga Flavia. This bothered Flavia. Do Not Let Nothing distance You from Jehovah Kana una vo se diame katambulwilanga ludi ko, wampana o nswa wa lungananga muna tukutakanu twawonso yo vaika muna salu kia umbangi. Although my father never accepted the truth, he eventually allowed me to attend all the meetings and to go out preaching. Far from heaven Yau mpe ku nzo a Yave bezidi. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete toma kubatambula, lembi sia e sungididi muna mpwa yovo e mpila bavuatidi. They are also Jehovah's guests, so we need to make them feel comfortable, no matter what they look like or how they are dressed. Even the wise king, Solomon, gave the tax tax of his people. Kasikil'owu, yindula una olenda songela ngemba mu mambu malende: Avo nsadi aku kesalanga salu mu mpila yambote ko, adieyi ovanga? For example, think about how you can be kind in these situations: If your employer is not doing his job well, what will you do? These actions reflect a close relationship with Jehovah. NTU A DIAMBU WA FUKWA | NGA E MBANINU IFINAMENE? COVER SUBJECT | IS THE END NEAR? Now think about the brother who wants to serve as a ministerial servant. 7: 2, 3. 7: 2, 3. Jehovah understands the life of his faithful servants. Kasikil'owu, Davidi luzolo lwasaka kakala lwau mu kembelela kimfumu kia Yave. For example, David was eager to extol Jehovah's kingship. Choose Good Recreation Aweyi aleke balenda vengela e ntambu mia Nkadi ampemba? How can they resist the Devil's attacks? They did not have enough clothes to eat. Nga osianga ngolo mu sunda lutovoko lulenda kufila mu lembi kala wavelela vana meso ma Yave? Are you sincere in your efforts to overcome personal weaknesses that could make you impure in Jehovah's eyes? If so, why does the Bible say that Satan spoke to Jesus Christ Almighty God? E mvutu za yuvu yayi zilenda songa tezo kia ngwizani aku yo Yave. The answers to those questions may show how close your relationship with Jehovah is. Even the faithful man Job was devastated by "the badness of his youth. " Wau vo Yesu wakala se "fwaniswa kia Nzambi walembi monakana, " watangininanga S'andi muna tondanga awana besadilanga Nzambi yo ntim'avelela. Being "the image of the invisible God, " Jehovah, Jesus always perfectly imitates his Father in showing appreciation for those who serve God out of a clean heart. 8: 1. Wavovesa alongoki andi akwikizi vo okubakubikila fulu kuna zulu kimana bayala yandi muna nkembo andi. He clearly told his faithful disciples that he was about to prepare a place for them so that they might rule with him in glory. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Wau vo tu asambidi a Yave, tufwete toma kuyifimpanga mu zaya kana vo tulemvokelanga nkanikinu miandi miansongi. (Nga. 28: 18; 1 Kor. As worshippers of Jehovah, we must continually make a self - examination to determine whether we are measuring up to his righteous standards. The next day, Bethlehem's ten older men gathered there and asked if he wanted to be a traitor. Kina kia Sabala yawanana yo Paulo yateka zayana yandi, ona wakituka se Mbangi a Yave. The following Saturday, I met an acquaintance of mine named Paul, who had become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. What work do we discuss? Tala una kavova Mwan'a Nzambi: " Ke vena ona olenda kwiz'oku ngina ko, ovo o Se, ona wantuma, kekuntunta ko. ' - Yoane 6: 37, 44, 65. " No man can come to me, " affirmed the Son of God, "unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " - John 6: 37, 44, 65. However, in the South Pacific, if the bride said that she had committed adultery, * she had given him the means to have sex with her, * that is, she would not be killed. Edi disundidi o mfunu, e kikundi kiau muna luzolo bakala lwau lwa sadila Yave kiatukanga ye lwa kal'entwadi ye selo yandi. More important, it was based on their spirituality - their desire to serve Jehovah and to be among his worshipers. Many elders find it difficult to remember the names of brothers and sisters. AKRISTU a tandu kiantete mu zunga kiayalwanga kwa luyalu lwa Roma bazingilanga. This advice is not easy to understand. Tufwete zingila ngwizani ye sambu yeto muna kuyivananga mun'elongi dia yeto kibeni yo sadila mana tulongokanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi. We need to act in harmony with our prayers by engaging in regular personal study and by applying God's Word. 13 Adieyi akuluntu bafwete vanga avo muntu ovangidi sumu diampwena muna nkutakani? What should the elders do when someone in the congregation commits a serious sin? If the two books referred to in the question, "the book of Jehovah " and" the book of Jehovah " may have been in the past, but they were not inspired. Muna songa o mfunu wa taninwa muna mwanda, sungamena e nona kia se oyikilu mun'elongi divitidi. To highlight such spiritual protection, recall the parents mentioned at the outset of the preceding article. One day, he asked me, "Do you know this book? " O sadila yingana i mpila yambote ya longela kadi isasilanga mambu mampasi mu mpila yaleboka ilenda kutufila mu yindula yo simba ntima mieto. Illustrations are effective because they explain difficult ideas in a simple way that can make us think and can affect our heart. PAGE 20 • SONGS: 61, 25 Adieyi tulongokele mu kuma kia Davidi muna Nkunga 70? Nkia vuvu tulenda kala kiau? What do we learn about David from Psalm 70, and what confidence can we have? This article made it possible for the early Christian congregation of philosophy, "the philosophy of Greek philosophy. " Kuyambula Konso Diambu ko Diavambula yo Yave Let Nothing Distance You From Jehovah Similarly, the Roman Empire in South Africa, black, and white people did not associate with each other or get married. Ngo - ezulu Swallow Indeed, God said that his name is Jehovah, which means "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " (1 Samuele 8: 11 - 18) Kana nkutu Solomo wa ntinu a ngangu, wakudikila mpaku a nkangu andi. Even wise King Solomon taxed his people excessively. I shall lack nothing. " Evangu diadi, diasonganga ngwizani ambote yo Yave. It was thus a symbolic meal signifying a peaceful relationship with Jehovah. Many of these anointed ones or all of them remained faithful until their death. Owau, yindula mpangi ozolele kuyifwanisa se selo kia salu. Now imagine a brother who would like to qualify as a ministerial servant. Because they left him and used him for many years, the people forgot how God's name was spoken. Yave obakulanga e zingu kia selo yandi yakwikizi. He understands the circumstances and needs of all his loyal servants. Jeremiah had good news to the Jews in Babylon, and he told them that they needed to remain separate from Babylon's false religion. Sola Nsaka Zambote Choosing Acceptable Recreation They may feel that they are interested in others and are concerned about false people. Ke bakala ye mvwatu miafwana ko. Without his backing, the Jews sowed seed but had a meager harvest, not enough food to satisfy them. The work of the temple did not stop in the year 13 B.C.E., in the days of King Artaxerxes. Avo i wau, ekuma Nkand'a Nzambi uvovelanga vo Satana wamokena yo Yesu Kristu yo Nzambi wa Mpungu - ngolo? If so, why does the Bible describe Satan as speaking with Jesus Christ and with Almighty God himself? Nehemiah focused on his building project. - Nehemiah 6: 1 - 4. Kana nkutu Yobi wa nkwa kwikizi wakendalala mu kuma kia " mbi za kileke kiandi. ' However, those days of youth are often marred by painful mistakes that may affect a person's future happiness. Does Jehovah hear all prayers? 8: 1. 8: 1. In July 2007, when she was 26. wavaikiswa kwa Mbangi za Yave. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. He knew that if that happens, he would reject "the true God who is above. " Muna lumbu kialanda, walunganesa mbuta kumi za Beteleme vana vakala e yitu kiaki yo kunyuvula kana vo ozolele kala se nkûdi. The very next morning, he gathers ten older men of Bethlehem before the relative and asks him if he is willing to do the repurchasing. The fine example of older ones in the faith of their families can be seen in the life of God's servants after Noah. Nkia salu tuyikanga? What work are we talking about? Jerusalem is called "the Most Holy One. " Kansi, muna nsi za zunga kia Pacífico, kele vo ndumba ovovele vo zumba katele kadi etoko " lukaya lwa nse ' * kamvene, i sia vo nkisi kasadidi mu lekana yandi, ketumbwa ko. However, in some Pacific cultures, such practices might become acceptable if the girl claims that she has been "green leafed, " * that is, she says that she has been impelled to have sex because of a spell placed on her. A woman left her home, Christ, who had been married for 20 years. Diampasi dikalanga kw'akuluntu ayingi mu sungamena nkumbu za mpangi. Some elders have a hard time remembering names. The sister told me that Saúl's attitude toward the disease impressed me. Luludiku lwalu ke lwampasi ko muna bakula. That counsel is easy to understand. Then they will put God to the test, and they will grieve the Holy One of Israel. " 13 13 He said that this is true of questions and answers to the number of tracts, which a person can choose. Avo i nkanda miole miyikilu muna kiuvu, "nkand'a Yasa " yo" nkand'a vita Yave, " nanga miakala kuna nz'ankulu, kansi ke miavumunwinwa ko. As for the two books mentioned in the question - "the book of Jashar " and" the book of the Wars of Jehovah " - they seem to have been existing documents that were not inspired. What will be considered in the next article? Lumbu kimosi wangyuvula: "Sato, ng'ozeye o nkanda wau? " One day he asked me, "Sato, do you know what this book is? " 4: 4. LUKAYA LWA 20 • NKUNGA: 61, 25 PAGE 20 • SONGS: 61, 25 In 1933, about one million people gathered to see the program published by the branch office in Germany. And that's what Jehovah's Witnesses gather to remember each year on the anniversary of the death of Jesus. PAGE 17 Elongi diadi dianungunuka yo koteswa muna nsambil'a Kikristu kw'alandi a malongi ma Platão, " wa ndongota mwisi Ngerekia. Who were these "Platonizing Fathers "? They were apostate clerics who were infatuated with the teachings of pagan Greek philosopher Plato. He developed a close friendship with Paul, who was powerful and encouraging. Diau adimosi mpe diavangama muna luyalu lwa apartheid kuna África do Sul, andombe, alatu ye mindele ke bakalanga vamosi ko ngatu sompana. It was also true in South Africa under apartheid, when a minority protected their dominant position by laws that included a ban on interracial marriage. " When our children raise us up, we don't always worry about what they ask for. Kieleka, Nzambi wavova vo nkumbu andi Yave, isongele vo "Mono ikala owu ngina. " In fact, God stated that his name, Jehovah, means "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " " When you receive the word of God,... you will receive it..., just as it is, God's word. " - 1 THESS. 2: 13. (Nku. In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops. " MY parents in the United States grew up. Ayingi muna akuswa awaya yovo yau awonso basikila ye kwikizi yamuna lufwa lwau. Over the years, most - if not all - of those anointed ones have faithfully completed their earthly course. No. Wau vo bayambula yo sadila mu mvu miayingi, o nkangu wavilakana una wavovelwanga e nkumbu a Nzambi. Those who wanted to cultivate their love for God and his ways would show this by choosing to obey his laws. Susan says: "My wife and I decided to wake up early in the morning so that we could read and meditate on the Scriptures before going to work. 29: 4, 10) Yeremiya wakala ye nsangu zambote kwa Ayuda bakala muna kinkole kuna Babele. Wabavovesa vo bafwete kuyivaula ye nsambila ya luvunu ya esi Babele. For Jews captive in Babylon, Jeremiah had an important message; they were to stay uncontaminated by the false religion that was practiced in Babylon. What Is the Truth About Armageddon? Balenda moneka vo wete dia wantu ankaka betokanenanga, kinga akwa umpuki. They may pretend to care about others, but in reality, they are selfish. But because they did not know that day, they needed to be prepared and watchful. E salu kia tempelo kia ningama muna mvu wa 522 vitila Kristu muna lumbu ya Antakesate wa Ntinu. The building work stopped in the days of King Artaxerxes, in 522 B.C.E. At the Lord's Evening Meal, what does the bread represent? Nekemiya wasia e sungididi muna salu kiandi kia tunga. - Nekemiya 6: 1 - 4. He kept his eye focused on the building work. - Nehemiah 6: 1 - 4. If he does not have anything to take hold of it, he can break it. Nga Yave owanga e sambu yawonso? But does Jehovah hear all prayers unconditionally? What is Satan's goal? Praising Jehovah at School, 6 / 15 17, 18. (a) Why did Jesus perform miracles? Muna ngonde a Yuli ya mvu wa 2007, vava kakala ye kimbuta kia mvu 26, Katherine wayaluka yo kwenda kuna Saipã, sanga kia Oceano Pacífico kiakala tezo kia 10.000 ma kilometa ye mbanza kazingilanga. In July 2007, at age 26, Katherine moved to Saipan, an island in the Pacific Ocean, some 6,000 miles (10,000 km) from her home. They invited us to pray about it and to share it with our mother in listening to their opinions. Wazaya wo vo avo diadi divangamene, obembola " Nzambi aludi ona wina kuna ntandu. ' He knew that if that happened, he would reject "the true God above. " Give an example. Mbandu ambote balenda songa anunu muna lukwikilu lwa esi nzo zau ilenda moneka muna zingu kia selo ya Nzambi yalandila Noa. The influence that elderly ones can have on the faith of their family members can be seen in the lives of the patriarchs after Noah. Boaz Yerusaleme iyikilwanga vo "mpungu wete. " Jerusalem is called "the perfection of prettiness. " But our answer to the second question - when? Nkento kasisidi, mpangi Melita, ona basompana se vioka mvu 53. He was 84 years of age and is survived by Melita, his wife of 53 years. The three Hebrews respectfully told Nebuchadnezzar: "Our God, whom we serve, can protect us from the burning fiery furnace; and save us if your hand is not made known to you, let it become known to you, O king, and do not worship your gods. " Mpangi ndioyo wampovesa vo e mpila Saúl kabadikilanga kimbevo kiandi yansivikisa kikilu. He told me that Saúl's attitude in the face of leukemia deeply impressed him. * Without question, the love that these brothers had for him grew cold. Bavutukidi, batambididi Nzambi, yo kendeleka Mvaudi a Isaele. " (Nku. And again and again they would put God to the test, and they pained even the Holy One of Israel. " They say that God did in the 24 - hour days of all things, including those who believe in him, reject all the facts of the world that contradict their thinking. Wavova vo ediadi divangamanga mu kuma kia yuvu ye mvutu zina vana ntandu a yinkanda - nkanda yayi, zina o muntu kalenda sola. He feels that this is because of the question and multiple - choice answers that appear on the front of the tracts. Mary viewed Jesus not only as her son but also as Lord and Savior. Nkia diambu tuwa mun'elongi dilanda? What will we consider in the next article? Read Matthew 18: 23 - 34 and ask: " Am I doing what Jesus taught? 4: 4. 4: 4. They focus on "the desire of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the showy display of one's means of life. " Muna mvu wa 1933, tezo kia fuku dimosi (1.000.000) dia wantu balungana mu tala e fuka kiasongwanga kw'ampangi za vula dia Alemanha. By 1933, almost one million people had attended the presentations organized by our branch office in Germany. Remember that Uzzah knew the Law well. LUKAYA LWA 17 PAGE 17 This made it easier for me to have a clean conscience and to draw close to Jehovah in prayer, to have "the peace of God that excels all thought and to keep our hearts and our mental powers. " Wavanga kikundi ye Paulu wa nkwa nkuma ye lukasakeso. He cultivated a close friendship with Paul, a dynamic person. [ Footnote] Jeff, tuyikidi kala wavana luludiku olu lwamfunu: "Vava wan'eto bekulanga ke diambote ko dia kakilanga ntangwa zawonso dina belombanga. Jeff, mentioned earlier, makes this practical observation: "As our children grew older, a good friend mentioned to us that he realized how often he had to say no to his children's requests. Some women even will receive life in heaven, where "there will be no man nor a wife. " " Vava nwatambula diambu dia Nzambi,... nwatambula dio... wauna dina kieleka, diambu dia Nzambi kaka. " - 1 TESALONIKA 2: 13. " When you received God's word,... you accepted it... just as it truthfully is, as the word of God. " - 1 THESSALONIANS 2: 13. God's will was not in harmony with the prophet Nathan's thinking on building the temple. KATHERINE, kuna Estados Unidos kasansukila. (See opening picture.) (b) What illustration have you used? Nkatu. Quite the contrary. When he entered Babylon, the Persian Cyrus evidently ordered that all of them stay in their homes because he had ordered his soldiers to kill each other outside the city. Susana wavova vo: "Mono yo nkaz'ame twabaka nzengo za sikama muna mene - mene kimana twatanga yo badika kumosi sono ya Nkand'a Nzambi vitila twenda kuna salu. Sue says: "My husband and I decided to get up early and read and discuss a portion of the Bible together before going to work. But there was something else that they could do. Akieyi i Ludi mu Kuma kia Armangedo? The Truth About Armageddon How comforting that promise must have been for Jesus ' apostles! Kansi, wau vo ka bazaya lumbu kiakina ko, diavavanga vo bakubama yo lungalala. But they did not know, so they needed to keep ready. However, the ship's boat was broken. Muna Nlekelo a Mfumu, e mbolo nitu a nani isonganga? What body is represented by the Memorial bread? October 15, 2010 Avo kena ye má kiasimba ko, olenda sielomoka. Without something to hold on to, we could just slide backward. Paul saw that some of them were focused on their own lives. Nki'ekani kena diau Satana? What is Satan bent on doing, and how does God's Word help us? A person who does what he wants to feel as a slave may at times be sent by others to do his work. 17, 18. (a) Ekuma Yesu kavangila masivi? 17, 18. (a) Why did Jesus perform miracles? In time, a new Ark was given to carry the book Millennial Dawn, which gave attention to all the people in the city. Mono yo Bethel twasamba mu kuma kia diambu diadi yo zayisa dio kwa ngudi zeto mu wá e ngindu zau. Bethel and I prayed about it and talked with our mothers to get their advice. When you pray for God's Kingdom to come, you ask that all these promises have come true. Yika e nona. Give an example. It was a great change in his life, including his worship. Boaze Boaz Jesus was well - known, not because he did not associate with the rich, but by making friends with the poor and the oppressed. - Matt. Kansi, e mvutu zeto muna kiuvu kiazole, i sia vo, nkia ntangwa? However, the answer to the question when? As a result, the Jews lost their relationship with God. - Matthew 23: 37, 38. Kuna luzitu lwawonso, Ayibere yau atatu bavovesa Nebukandesa vo: "O Nzambi eto, ona tusadilanga, olenda kututanina mun'esoka dianyuyi yo mekoka; okututanina mpe ovo koko kwaku, e ntinu ovo ke wau ko, mbula diazayakana kwa ngeye, e ntinu, vo ke tusadila nzambi zaku ko, ngatu kunda teke kiawolo kina wadongeleka. " The three Hebrews respectfully told Nebuchadnezzar: "Our God whom we are serving is able to rescue us. Out of the burning fiery furnace and out of your hand, O king, he will rescue us. * (See footnote.) * Ka lukatikisu ko, o zola kwa mpangi zazi kwawokela muna yandi. * No wonder the four grew to love him! He wrote about his children: "I must overcome such shame. " Bevovanga vo Nzambi mu lumbu sambanu ya ola 24 kavanga e lekwa yawonso. Elongi diadi diyikilwanga vo criacionismo. Awana bekwikilanga mun'elongi diadi bebembolanga ziku yawonso besololanga akwa ngangu za nza ivunisanga ngindu zau. Those who teach this doctrine - known as creationism - may have high regard for the Bible, but they contend that God created all things in six 24 - hour days just a few thousand years ago. First, Jesus was reasonable and patient with his disciples despite their failings. Maria, kabadikilanga kaka Yesu nze mwana andi ko kansi mpe nze Mfumu ye Mvuluzi andi. She looked at him not just as her son but as her Lord and Savior. For example, see your book or an article at the Kingdom Hall. Tanga muna Matai 18: 23 - 34 yo kukiyuvula: " Nga ivanganga dina Yesu kalonga? Please read Matthew 18: 23 - 34 and ask yourself: " Am I motivated to do what Jesus taught? He was a tax collector. Besianga sungididi kiau kiawonso muna "zolela ya nitu, zolela ya meso ye lusanu mu kuma kia mavua. " They focus on "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life. " We were assigned to Korea, after the end of the three - year war in 1953, which left the country very much. Sungamena vo Uza watoma zaya e Nsiku. Keep in mind that Uzzah should have known better. How does the way women react to their role in marriage change in these days? Ediadi diansadisa mu kala ye ntona zambote yo finama Yave muna sambu yo kala ye " luvuvamu lwa Nzambi luna luviokele nyindu mieto yo yingila ntima mieto ye makani meto. ' In turn, a clean conscience enabled him to approach Jehovah in prayer and to enjoy " the peace of God that excels all thought and that guards our hearts and mental powers. ' What has Jehovah done for mankind? [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] Jesus said that we must love God and our neighbor. Akento akaka nkutu kun'ezulu bevwila moyo, kuna ke " kukala diak'eyakala ko, ngatu nkento. ' So husbands need to remember that it is a person's faithfulness that makes him precious to God. Those who exercise faith in his sacrifice look forward to deliverance from sin and death and live forever in Paradise on earth. O luzolo lwa Nzambi ke lwakala betela ko ye ngindu za Natani wa ngunza muna diambu dia tunga tempelo. God's will did not harmonize with Nathan's judgment with respect to temple construction. This will help you to understand any feelings of pride you may have or may develop in your heart in the future. (Tala fwaniswa kuna lubantiku lwa longi.) (b) Nkia nona osadilanga? (See opening picture.) (b) What illustrations have you used? During the great tribulation, Christians will not rely on Jehovah to protect themselves Vava kakota muna Babele, o Kurese wa mwisi Aparasi nanga wakanikina vo wantu awonso bakala muna nzo zau, ekuma kadi wavovesa makesa mandi vo bavonda konso ona bewana ku mbazi. Upon entering Babylon, Cyrus the Persian apparently commanded everyone to stay indoors because his soldiers were ordered to execute any found out - of - doors. He enjoyed this work very much. Kansi, vakala ye diambu diakaka balenda vanga. However, they had another option. People did not communicate with me, so I didn't talk to anyone. O nsilu wau wa Yesu wakasakesa kikilu antumwa. Jesus ' promise must have really strengthened the apostles! Jehovah knows that our relationship with him will become stronger if we read the Bible in a language that we understand very well. Kansi, kumbi dia maza dia kiyendela kwandi. But, alas, the ship had already departed! Armageddon? Joyful people return to their homeland About 400 years after Christ's death, Manasseh began to suffer Isaac. 15 Oktoba 2010 October 15, 2010 No matter what challenges we may face, there is something important that we need to know: Is it really possible to live a happy life? Paulu wamona vo mpangi zankaka mu mambu ma zingu kia yau kibeni batoma sianga e sungididi. Paul noticed that the brothers around him were too focused on their own lives. What are some things we need to avoid? Ndiona ovanganga kaka dina kalombelo okuyimwenanga nze ngamba, kadi otumwanga ntangwa zawonso kwa akaka kimana kavanga salu kiandi. However, a person who does only the bare minimum may feel that he is enslaved, always under the yoke of the demands of others. 12: 10. Muna mvu a 1908 mpangi White wakala ye Nkele ampa yavangwa muna natina o nkanda Aurora do Milênio. E nkele yayi yatunta e sungididi kia wantu awonso muna mbanza. THE year was 1908, and Sister White certainly got the attention of the townspeople with a brand new invention - the Dawn - Mobile. In time, my experiences and new friends in the congregation helped me to regain my joy. " (Nkunga 46: 9; 72: 12 - 16; Yesaya 25: 8; 33: 24) Vava osambanga vo Kintinu kia Nzambi kiza, olombanga vo nsilu miami mawonso mialungana. In ancient Israel, the priesthood, the tabernacle, and its tools were considered holy. Kimbevo kiaki mayingi kiasoba muna zingu kiandi kumosi ye nsambil'andi. The year 537 B.C.E. was a time for those in Babylon to return to their homeland. Yesu kazayakana mu kuma kia vanga kikundi ya mvwama ye akwa etunda ko, kansi muna vanga kikundi y'asukami y'awana bavezwanga. - Mat. Jesus was known, not for his connections to the wealthy and prominent, but for befriending the lowly and despised. - Matt. Using questions will help us to see what a person believes. Muna kuma kiaki, Ayuda bavidisa e ngwizani au yo Nzambi. - Matai 23: 37, 38. Therefore, as a nation, they lost their special relationship with God. - Matthew 23: 37, 38. Showing how he felt about the flock, an elder who has been an elder for many years said: "Jesus ' words to Peter mean shepherding my sheep are a source of encouragement to me. * (Tala mvovo vana yand'a lukaya.) * (See footnote.) Explain. (b) What Bible examples show that pride is bad? Owu kasoneka muna diambu dia longa wan'andi: "Mfwete sunda e nsoni zazi. " Concerning the teaching of her children, she wrote: "I'm going to have to get over my embarrassment. " Perhaps the issue moved them to stop serving Jehovah was discussed. Diantete, Yesu nkwa ntim'anleka kakala, wasonga luzindalalu kw'alongoki andi kana una vo mpilakanu bavanganga. For one thing, Jesus was mild - tempered, and he was patient with his disciples despite their faults. Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Book of Acts Muna bong'e nona, tala mun'elundilu diaku dia nkanda yovo edi dina mun'Eseka dia Kintinu. For instance, take a look at your personal library or at the one in the Kingdom Hall. However, such ones need to remember that when they say these things, Jehovah and his Son raise up, not just a faithful slave. Zakai nkwa mpaku kakala. Zacchaeus was a tax collector. Historians say that the Romans became Christians "in the time of the reign of C.E., " during the time of the Roman Empire. Twafilwa kuna Coréia, wana i bosi kiafokoka e vita ya mvu ntatu, muna mvu a 1953, eyi yafwasa kikilu e nsi yayina. We were assigned to Korea, though three years of war had just ended in the summer of 1953, leaving that country devastated. Many feel that when they read the Bible, they did not like it. E mpila yina akento bebadikilanga e fulu kiau muna longo, aweyi isobelanga mu lumbu yayi? What has developed regarding women and marriage in recent times? • What do we learn about Jehovah from the way he fulfills his purpose? O Yave adieyi kavanga muna wete dia wantu? What has Jehovah lovingly preserved for the benefit of mankind? 19, 20. Yesu wavova vo tufwete zolanga Nzambi ye mfinangani zeto. Jesus said that we must love God and also our neighbor. She adds: "They took them out of all the nations of the earth, the east, the east, the east, the north, and the southern side of the land, to which they were in Jerusalem, and to some of them went out of the ark. " Awana bekwikilanga muna kimenga kiandi bena ye vuvu kia vevolwa mun'esumu ye lufwa yo zinga yakwele mvu muna Paradiso ova ntoto. Those putting faith in the redeeming value of his sacrificial death have the prospect of being rescued from sin and death and living forever in Paradise on earth. Available for download at www.jw.org Ediadi dikusadisa mu bakula konso ngindu za lulendo olenda kala zau yovo zilenda yima muna ntim'aku kuna sentu. You will thus be in a better position to detect improper feelings of pride that might reside within you or that may develop in time. Satan and his demons will be cast down to the earth and bring great suffering to mankind. Muna kolo kia mpasi zayingi, Akristu bebunda e vuvu kiau muna Yave, ke bevava kuyitanina ko During the great tribulation, Christians will rely on Jehovah and not try to defend themselves If that day had not been cut short, it would not be saved. ' Watoma yangalelanga e salu kiaki. She deeply cherished that privilege. The third goal that you can fulfill is to give comments at every meeting. Wau vo wantu ke bamokenanga yame ko, omono mpe kiamokenanga yo muntu ko. People rarely spoke to me, and I did not converse with anyone. But talking about this may give you an opportunity to express your feelings clearly. Yave ozeye wo vo e ngwizani eto yo yandi isikila avo tutangidi Nkand'a Nzambi muna ndinga ina tutoma bakulanga. He knows that our relationship with him will be strengthened when we read the Bible in the language we understand best. In a similar way, those who will be resurrected will live on earth again. - Read John 5: 28, 29; 11: 44. Armangedo nki? FROM OUR COVER There was nothing to protect the city, and the Jews were devastated. (Etuku 15: 13; Mavangu 7: 6) E 400 za mvu zayantika muna mvu wa 1913 vitila Kristu vava Yisemaele kayantika bangika Isaki. The 400 years began in the year 1913 before Christ when Ishmael began to treat Isaac badly. " He that will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. Kana nkutu nkia mpasi tulenda nwana zau, vena ye diambu diamfunu tuvavanga o zaya: O kala ye zingu kiakiese nga dilendakana? No matter what trouble we may face, there is something we desperately need to know: Is a meaningful life really possible? [ Picture on page 7] Nkia mambu tufwete venga? Which ones should be avoided? But I did not see what to do. 12: 10. 12: 10. We need to spend time studying his qualities, thinking, mind, and like what he likes and dislikes. Kuna kwakwiziwa, mambu ma kiese yamona muna salu kiame ye akundi ampa muna nkutakani, bansadisa mu vutukila e kiese kiame. " Before long, the thrilling experiences I had in the field and the new friends I made in the congregation helped me to regain my joy. " How do Jehovah's people feel about receiving help from governments? Muna Isaele yankulu, e salu kia kinganga, saba ye salanganu yakala mo yabadikilwanga vo yavauka In ancient Israel, the priesthood, the tabernacle, and its furnishings were to be held sacred Give an example. O mvu wa 537 Vitila Tandu Kieto, wakala se ntangw'edienga kw'awana bakala mu kinkole kuna Babele, mu vutuka kuna nsi au. (Yes. Back in 537 B.C.E., it was the acceptable time for the exiles in Babylon to return to their homeland. September 6 - 12, 2010 O sadila yuvu dilenda kutusadisa mu zaya mana kekwikilanga o muntu. Questions can help us to determine what a person believes. What was God's appointed place at Mount Sinai? Muna songa una kebadikilanga ekambi, mpangi mosi una vo nkuluntu se mvu miayingi wavova vo: "E mvovo mia Yesu kwa Petelo vo vungula mameme mame, mikunkasakesanga kikilu. When describing his feelings for the flock, one longtime elder said: "Jesus ' words to Peter - shepherd my little sheep - deeply move me. Because he knows Spanish, he is already present each week to go out in the ministry with other publishers. Sasila. (b) Nkia nona ya Nkand'a Nzambi isonganga vo lulendo fu kiambi? Explain. (b) What kind of pride is dangerous, and what are some Bible examples of this? I felt that I had to stop that criminal. Nanga e diambu diabafila mu yambula sadila Yave diavioka kwandi. In fact, the stumbling block may not exist any longer. However, the Gospel accounts teach that Jesus died as a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of the world. Diambu dia Yave Diamoyo - Mambu Mamfunu ma Nkand'a Mavangu Jehovah's Word Is Alive - Highlights From the Book of Acts He prayed: "I listened to the cup. " Kansi, wantu awaya bafwete sungamena vo vava bevovanga mambu mama, Yave yo Mwan'andi befidisanga e mpaka, ke buka kia ntaudi akwikizi kaka ko. However, those individuals should keep in mind that by making such remarks, they are actually questioning Jehovah and his Son, not just the faithful slave class. " The righteous will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 9, 11, 29. Asoneki a lusansu bevovanga vo esi Roma bakituka "Akristu " muna kolo kia Luyalu lwa Teodósio. Historians say that pagan Rome became "Christian " during the time of Emperor Theodosius. Although some students study the Bible, they do not agree with what it says. Ndonga bevovanga vo vava bayantik'o tanga Nkand'a Nzambi ke bayangalelanga wo ko. Others admit that they too started reading the Bible without enjoying it. He told them: "You will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth. " • Adieyi tulongokele mu kuma kia Yave muna mpila kelungisilanga ekani diandi? • What do we learn about Jehovah from the way he fulfills his purpose? To become a Christian, he had to learn basic Bible teachings, come to know what Jehovah requires of his servants, and apply Jesus ' teachings. 19, 20. 19, 20. They can help you to examine whether you can do so. Filo wakudikila vo: "Batuka muna zula yawonso ya nza, ku este, weste, node ye sude. Muna kwenda kuna nkizi wauna kuna Yerusaleme akaka muna yau kiamalu bayendela, akaka mu nzaza. " About travelers to Jerusalem, Philo wrote: "Countless multitudes from countless cities come, some over land, others over sea, from east and west and north and south, at every feast. " One day, he did so "in the morning, even before it is simple. " Olenda wo bandula muna internete muna www.jw.org Also available at www.jw.org Take a careful look at the Scriptures. Satana ye nkuya miandi mpe bavetwa ova ntoto yo twasa mpasi zayingi kwa wantu. Also, Satan and his demons have been thrown out of heaven and down to the earth, causing much suffering to mankind. Happy Ones Are in order to Build Faith E lumbu yayina, kele vo ka ikufikwa ko, nga ke vadi vuluka muntu ko. ' In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved. " According to the Scriptures, Jehovah's Witnesses meet twice a week, at their Kingdom Hall. Ekani diatatu olenda lungisa mu nzaki i vananga mvutu muna konso lukutakanu. A third short - term goal you could set is that of preparing an answer for each congregation meeting. On the other hand, a trained conscience is a good guide. Kansi, o mokena diambu diadi dilenda kuvan'elau mu toma songa ngindu zaku. But such frank talks offer a unique opportunity to express your deepest feelings sincerely. How powerful those words are! Diau dimosi mpe, awana befutumunwa bezinga diaka ova ntoto. - Tanga Yoane 5: 28, 29; 11: 44. Likewise, most of those resurrected in the future will return to life on the earth. - Read John 5: 28, 29; 11: 44. What hope do the "other sheep " have? Ke vakala ye lekwa ko kiataninanga e mbanza, Ayuda bakendalala kikilu. The city was not protected, and the Jews were discouraged. 2 / 1 " Oyandi mpe okunufinama. " - Yakobo 4: 8. " He will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. When Jesus told the illustration of the vine, he compared Jehovah to a farmer who had taken a stake. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 7] [ Picture on page 7] * This first section contains many prayers to God. Kansi kiamona dina mfwete vanga ko. But there was nothing I could do. Be a slave of Christ. " Tufwete baka e ntangwa mu longoka e fu yandi, ngindu, ngangu, mana kezolanga ye mana ke zolanga ko. We must take time to learn about his views, attitudes, abilities, accomplishments, likes, and dislikes. Go On Walking in Jehovah's Ways O nkangu a Yave aweyi bebadikilanga diambu dia tambula lusadisu kw'ayadi? How do Jehovah's people view receiving public assistance? This provision is because Jesus gave his life as a ransom. Yika e nona. Illustrate. Then they realize that they are not the truth. 6 - 12 Setemba, 2010 September 6 - 12, 2010 It is part of music, which is available on television, in secret, or in public. O Nzambi adieyi kasikidisa vana Mongo a Sinai? What did God arrange for at Mount Sinai, and why? (b) Why is it important to be Jesus ' friend? Wau vo ozeye ndinga Espanhol, okalanga konso lumingu mu vaika mu salu kia umbangi y'ateleki akaka. Putting her knowledge of the Spanish language to use, she schedules time each week to join local publishers in the field ministry. Have you ever wondered what heaven and who do not have? Yamona vo mfwete yambula e buka kiakina kia kimpumbulu. That was not easy to do, but with Jehovah's help, I succeeded. Even imperfect humans who do not know Jehovah, eat and rejoice. Kansi, e Nsangu Zambote zavumunwinwa zilonganga vo Yesu wafwa nze kimenga mu kuma kia masumu ma nza. The inspired Gospels teach that Jesus did die as a sacrifice for sins of the world. Study Article 4 PAGES 27 - 31 Wasamba vo: "Unkatwil'e mbungwa yayi. " " Remove this cup from me, " he prayed. Researchers show that sexual immorality can lead to sexual immorality, sexual relations, and so on. " Asongi bevwa nza, besikila vo yakwele mvu. " - Nkunga 37: 9, 11, 29. " The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " - Psalm 37: 9, 11, 29. A third reason why it is important to set spiritual goals while you are young. Kana una vo akaka belongokanga o Nkand'a Nzambi, ke bekwikilanga mana uvovanga ko. Though some study the Bible, they do not want to believe what it says. It would be wise to ask yourself: Is it really worth making money? Wabavovesa vo: "Nukala mbangi zame muna Yerusaleme, yo muna Yuda ye Samaria yawonso, yo kuna nsuk'a nza. " Why did Jesus say: "You will be witnesses of me, " not of Jehovah? • What does "art of teaching " involve? Muna kituka Nkristu, diavava vo kalongoka malongi masina ma Nkand'a Nzambi, kazaya mana Yave kevavanga kwa selo yandi yo lemvokela malongi ma Yesu. So to become a Christian, he had to learn basic truths from the Bible, understand what Jehovah requires of his servants, and want to obey Jesus ' teachings. Upon hearing Peter's discourse and what he said about Jesus ' death, many "will repent. " Balenda kusadisa kimana watoma kuyifimpa kana vo olenda sala e salu kiaki. They will help you to analyze your aptitudes and motives. " Our God, we thank you and praise your glorious name. " - 1 JOHN 29: 13. Lumbu kimosi wavanga wo " oku mene - mene, una kuma ke kwatomene kiá ko. ' Once, he did this "early in the morning, while it was still dark. " " Do not think so as to be overly good at all. ' Toma sola e sono ya Nkand'a Nzambi. Select appropriate scriptures. Then he allowed that man to be executed on a stake. Akwa Ntima Miansongi mu Kwikila Bena Think about the many brothers who have attended Gilead School and who have served as missionaries. Mun'owu wa Sono kiyikilu kala, Mbangi za Yave nkumbu miole bekutakananga muna lumingu, mun'Eseka diau dia Kintinu. In harmony with these Scriptural precedents, Jehovah's Witnesses meet together at their Kingdom Halls twice a week. Table of Contents Kuna diak'e sambu, e ntona zalongwa kwa Diambu dia Nzambi zikitukanga se mfidi ambote. On the other hand, a conscience trained by God's Word is a safe guide. Jehovah, the "Lord of the harvest, " will not be patient. - Luke 10: 2. E mvovo miami miankuma kikilu. These are strong words. September 15 - 21, 2008 Nkia vuvu bena kiau "mameme makaka "? What hope do the "other sheep " have? God loves us and does not want us to suffer. - 1 Peter 5: 6, 7. Mwand'avelela, Yanuali - Malusu Road Paul Traveled (Via Appia), 1 / 1 Remember that those who have lost a loved one need not only comfort when the day comes. Vava Yesu katá e kingana kia nsing'a vinyu, watezanesa Yave yo mvati ona okunanga uva. When Jesus told the illustration of the vine, he compared Jehovah to a cultivator, or gardener, who grows grapes. After the tenth plague, the Israelites were released, but Pharaoh changed his mind and followed them. The reward here is punishment. (Read Philippians 3: 7, 8.) * E kunku kiaki kiantete kivwidi sambu yayingi yalombwa kwa Nzambi. * Entreaties to God dominate this group of psalms. In song, David sang: "In my voice I have made Jehovah my wife, and in my voice I have listened to Jehovah. Kala vo nkwama yangidika wantu, ki ntaudi a Kristu ko. " His conclusion was: "If I were yet pleasing men, I would not be Christ's slave. " One sister who had been released from prison because of her faith and was assigned instead of him for many years recalls what helped her not to be afraid. Kangalelanga Muna Nzila za Yave Continue to Walk in Jehovah's Ways Today, many of us can receive the number of books we would like to have, either on the Internet or on the jw.org website. E nkubika yayi ina kadi Yesu wavana moyo andi se lukûlu. This arrangement is only possible because of Jesus ' ransom. How else can we show respect for someone in the ministry? I bosi, bezayanga vo ke kiau ko i ludi kia diambu. Eventually, however, the couple have to face reality. This year, the Memorial of Jesus ' death will be on March 23, after sundown. Diakoteswa muna miziki, ditalwanga muna televizau yo vangwa kuna sweki yovo va fulu kia ndonga. People joke about fornication, sing about it, watch it for entertainment, and practice it either in secret or openly. God's servants have been persecuted and persecuted by enemies, but they cannot prevent Christians from declaring the good news. (b) Ekuma dinina o mfunu dia kala nkundi a Yesu? (b) Why is it vital that we be friends of Jesus? If we want to endure in the preaching work, we need to study the Bible in a way that helps us to understand and believe what it teaches. Nga wakiyuvula kala aweyi wina e zulu ye aki nani bekalanga ko? Have you ever wondered about the spirit realm and those who live there? Moreover, these qualities honor Jehovah and bring us joy. Kana nkutu asumuki ana ke bazeye Yave ko, bedianga yo yangalala. Even the sinner who does not acknowledge Jehovah may eat food to his heart's content and find a measure of happiness in life. Paul added that these words "were written for a warning to us, for we are being plagued by the ends of the systems of things. Elongi dia 4 LUKAYA LWA 27 - 31 Study Article 4 PAGES 27 - 31 They were very different from Jesus ' heartfelt desire to serve God. Lufimpu lwavangwa lusonganga vo, aleke betalanga mavangu ma zumba balenda vukumunwa muna kuyivana mun'evangu dia vukana, vukana yo wantu muna kingolo, vukana yo wantu ayingi yo lembi kala ye ngindu zasikila. Studies show that pornography can influence adolescents to become sexually active at younger ages and also to become promiscuous, sexually violent, and emotionally and psychologically unstable. We must guard against feeling that we are suffering because we do not have Jehovah's approval. E kuma kiatatu kisonga o mfunu wa kuyisila makani ma mwanda ekolo wakinu nleke. The third will show why it is good to set these goals when you are young. The Bible shows that God's spirit was active in Jesus ' life as a human. Diangangu mu kukiyuvula: Nga ngina kikilu yo mfunu wa deva e nzimbu? It is prudent to ask: Is there a real need to borrow? How did Daniel safeguard his relationship with Jehovah? • Adieyi divavwanga mu " longela mu ngangu '? • What is involved in the "art of teaching "? Hence, it is good to resolve problems quickly. Vava bawa elongi dia Petelo ye dina kavova mu kuma kia lufwa lwa Yesu, ndonga "bavanzukinu e ntima. " Upon listening to what Peter said, including his pointed comments about Jesus ' death, many "were stabbed to the heart. " 9 Why We Must "Keep on the Watching of Undeserved Kindness " " E Nzambi eto, tufiaukidi yo kembela nkumbu aku ankembo. " - 1 TUSANSU 29: 13. " O our God, we thank you and praise your beautiful name. " - 1 CHRONICLES 29: 13. As a result, they wrote, not their own opinions, but God's thoughts. Kinduvu ngindu za wantu kiyivisanga yo kubafila mu " lembi yindula una ufwene. ' Heavy drinking impairs the drinker's judgment, so that he " will not be able to think clearly. ' STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: I bosi, wayambula vo muntu ndioyo kakomwa vana nti. Then he hands the man over to be impaled. Why? Yindula mpangi zayingi ana bekotanga muna sikola ya Ngiladi yo kuyivana muna salu kia missionario. Think of the thousands who have graduated from Gilead School and taken up the missionary service. Because he " created all things. ' Oma Mena mo Table of Contents Moreover, Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Yave wa "Mfumu a nsâlu " okendalala mu kuma kia selo kiaki olembele songa luzindalalu. - Luka 10: 2. Jehovah, "the Master of the harvest, " is saddened by any such lack of endurance. - Luke 10: 2. So he spoke to them and said: "Do you know that you are coming and that you are going to make plans? 15 - 21 Setemba September 15 - 21, 2008 Each day, Jesus did the things pleasing to his Father. Nzambi otoma kutuzolanga, ke zolanga ko vo twamona e mpasi. - 1 Petelo 5: 6, 7. God loves us very much and does not want us to suffer. - 1 Peter 5: 6, 7. Paul even wrote that "he was also in the mouth of the lions. " - 2 Timothy 4: 16, 17. Sungamena vo awana bafwilwa ke bevavanga kaka lufiaulwisu ko vava kifwananga e lumbu ina ikubasungamesanga diambu. Remember that those who are grieving need encouragement not just on special occasions. Although it was not easy to quit smoking and immorality, it was not easy for me to change my personality. Kuna nima vuku kia kumi, Aneyisaele bayambulwa. Kansi o Faro wasoba e ngindu yo kubalanda. Once the Israelites were free to leave after the tenth plague, Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued them. Jesus made it clear that Jehovah will never forgive us if we forgive our brothers when they repent. (Tanga Filipi 3: 7, 8.) (Read Philippians 3: 7, 8.) We should show our way of life that we are grateful to God. Muna nkunga kayimbila, Davidi wavova vo: "Muna nding'ame nkazìdi Yave; Muna nding'ame ndodokele Yave. In a touching psalm, David answers: "With my voice I call to Jehovah for help; with my voice I plead with Jehovah for favor. There are other areas in which we may need help from others according to Matthew 18: 15 - 17. Mpangi mosi ankento, ona wakoteswa mu pelezo mu kuma kia lukwikilu lwandi yo siwa vana fulu kia yandi kaka mu mvu miayingi, osungamenanga dina diansadisa mu lembi kala ye wonga. One Christian sister, who was imprisoned for her faith and isolated from fellow believers for years, later recounted what helped her not to succumb to fear. Yes, just a few days later, God's spirit opened Peter's heart and helped him to change his thinking and to overcome prejudice. O unu, ndonga mu yeto tulenda tambula o lutangu lwa nkanda tuzolele, milenda kala mianietekwa, mu audio yovo video.Kiakala vo kun'Eseka dia Kintinu otambulwidi nkanda wampa yovo bandula obandwidi wo muna nzil'eto ya Internete jw.org, diambote wayindulanga e ngolo zivangwanga muna vaikisa nkanda wau yo lwakisa wo vana moko maku. Most of us today can have Bible literature in needed quantity and various formats. Whether you obtain a new publication at the Kingdom Hall or download it from the Web site jw.org, why not give thought to what was involved in making it available to you? The finest conduct of an elderly brother is a source of encouragement to others. Aweyi diaka tulenda songela luzitu kwa muntu muna salu kia umbangi? How can we further show respect for an individual? Instead of doing good and bad, the hand of those "who did not have a seal on [God's] face. " Mu mvu wau, o Luyindulu lwa lufwa lwa Yesu lukala kina Kiatatu kia 23 kia ngonde a Malusu kuna nima ndimuk'a ntangwa. This year, the Memorial of Jesus ' death falls on Wednesday, March 23, after sundown. According to historian Josephus, the first century C.E., it referred to Jesus as a man who lived on earth. Selo ya Nzambi bena vo asongi besiwanga mpe kitantu yo vuninwa mambu kw'atantu, kansi ke balendi yoyesa Akristu ko mu lembi samuna nsangu zambote. God's righteous ones also have to put up with the hatred and lies spread by opposers, but this has failed to silence true Christians and will continue to fail. Abraham saw that it was unfair for Jehovah to kill the righteous along with the wicked. Avo tuzolele zindalala muna salu kia samuna diambu dia Nzambi, diamfunu twalongokanga Nkand'a Nzambi mu mpila ina ilenda kutusadisa mu bakula yo kwikila dina ulonganga. If we are to persevere in speaking the word of God, it is important that we study the Scriptures in a manner that allows us to absorb their message fully. The good news is being preached in all the inhabited earth and the benefits of divine education. - Matt. Vana ntandu, e fu yayi Yave ikembelelanga yo kututwasila kiese. Moreover, such conduct glorifies Jehovah and brings us happiness. What "great things " did Baruch need? Paulu wakudikila vo mambu mama "masonekwa muna kutulukisa, oyeto tulwakilu kwa nsuka za tandu. Paul explained that such accounts "were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come. Isaiah 26: 19 promises: "Your dead ones will live... O luzolo bakala lwau wantu awaya lwaswaswana kikilu ye luzolo lwa Yesu lwa sadila Nzambi ye nsi a ntima. What a contrast there was between Jesus ' firm, wholehearted resolve and those men's weak, conditional offers! When we work with such brothers, we promote unity and serve Jehovah more fully. - Compare Acts 6: 3 - 6. Tufwete kuyikenga twalembi banza vo e mpasi tumonanga i mu kuma kia sia vo ke tuna y'edienga dia Yave ko. We need to be careful not to assume that such events are an indication of Jehovah's disapproval. Serving God "one You " O Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga vo mwand'a Nzambi wasalanga muna zingu kia Yesu ekolo kakala ova ntoto nze muntu. The Bible does report that as a human, he experienced what a powerful force God's holy spirit was in his life. If the bride or the slave in this illustration knew the day when he was about to appear a young man, they would not need to be alert. Aweyi Daniele kalunga - lungila e ngwizani andi yo Yave? How did Daniel keep his relationship with Jehovah strong? After David's reign, Manasseh became king of Judah. Muna kuma kiaki, diambote mu singikanga e mambu mu nzaki muna luvuvamu. How much better it is to discuss matters right away with reconciliation as the goal! Mary, my mother, wrote a letter from the city of Virginia, and she said that if I wanted to serve Jehovah, I would be able to move and live with him. 9 Ekuma Tufwete " Kwamanena Yima Bundu Yayingi ' 9 Why We "Keep Bearing Much Fruit " How grateful we are that God has helped us to understand the figurative heart! Muna kuma kiaki, ke ngindu za yau kibeni ko basoneka, kansi ngindu za Nzambi. That being the case, they wrote, not their own ideas, but God's thoughts. How has knowledge increased in the last days? MALONGI MELONGOKWA MU LUMINGU LWA: STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: (See paragraph 19) Ekuma? Why not? Yes, Hosea's wife later became an immoral wife. E kuma kadi yandi " wasema lekwa yawonso. ' Because he "created all things. " Try to understand what you learned about Jehovah and Jesus and how you can imitate them and help others. 94: 19) Vana ntandu, Paulu wasoneka vo: "Ke nutelamenwa uma moyo ko; kansi muna mambu mawonso, muna sambu yo ludodokelo yo matondo, e ndomba zeno, mbula zazayiswa kwa Nzambi. O luvuvamu lua Nzambi, luna luviokele nyindu wawonso, luyingila ntima mieno, yo makani meno muna Kristu Yesu. " Moreover, Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Appreciation for Jehovah's ways can help God's people not to blame Jehovah for what they have done or that he is slow to anger. Ozevo, tukubafinamanga yo kubavovesa vo: " Nga nuzeye wo vo o nengandi yo nengandi oma y'oma bekubikanga? So we would approach them and say: " Did you know that so - and - so is doing this or that? What Bible verse helped me? E lumbu yawonso, Yesu wavanganga mana mayangidikanga S'andi. Jesus always did the things pleasing to his Father. [ Blurb on page 10] Paulu wasoneka nkutu vo " wakutiswa mpe muna nu'a nkosi. ' - 2 Timoteo 4: 16, 17. Paul even wrote that he "was rescued from the lion's mouth. " - 2 Timothy 4: 16, 17. (Read Isaiah 66: 14.) Kana una vo ke diakala diampasi ko mu yambula nua fomo zangolo yo tá zumba, kansi diampasi diakala mu soba kiwuntu kiame. Although I did not have a lot of difficulty quitting drugs and leaving my immoral lifestyle, I found it much harder to refine my personality. Finding Help Yesu watoma dio kiesesa vo Yave ke kutuloloka ko avo ke tulolokanga mpangi zeto ko vava bevilukanga kielela o ntima. Jesus makes it clear that Jehovah will not forgive us if we do not forgive our brothers when they are genuinely repentant. What work is done in Jehovah's organization, and how can it encourage us and our family? Tufwete songanga muna mpila tusadilanga e zingu kieto vo tuvutulanga matondo kwa Nzambi. May we show God how thankful we are by the way we live our life. He allowed himself to be killed by God's enemies. Vena ye mambu mankaka mevavanga vo twalomba lusadisu lwa wantu ankaka mun'owu wa sono kia Matai 18: 15 - 17. Some situations may require help from others according to Matthew 18: 15 - 17. However, those who are still strong and healthy need to take to heart the inspired words: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator... when the day is wicked. " - Eccl. Elo. Kadi ke vavioka lumbu yayingi ko, mwand'a Nzambi waziula ntim'a Petelo yo kunsadisa mu soba e ngindu zandi yo sunda fu kia sia mpambula. Yes, for just days earlier, God's spirit had opened Peter's heart, enabling him to begin to adjust his attitude and overcome his prejudice. Is our Shepherd generous too? E fu yambote kesonganga mpangi una vo se nunu, isungamenwanga kwa akaka. The godly qualities that an older person manifests can make a long - lasting impression on others. By means of the ransom, God " proved his righteousness. ' Vana fulu kia vanga e nti ye ma yankunzu e mbi, e mankoko mafwasa ana " ke bakala ye dimbu kia Nzambi ko vana ndose zau. ' Instead of harming the trees or plants, these locusts attacked those who did "not have the seal of God on their foreheads. " One way to get to know our brothers and sisters is by attending congregation meetings. Asoneki a tusansu, nze Josefo yo Tácito muna tandu kiantete, bayikila Yesu nze muntu ona wazinga kikilu ova nza. Secular historians, including Josephus and Tacitus of the first century, mention Jesus as a historical figure. Love is the key to our Christian unity. Abarayama wamwena dio vo ke diansongi ko kwa Yave dia vonda asongi kumosi ye yimpumbulu. Abraham considered it unthinkable that Jehovah could ever act unjustly - putting the righteous to death with the wicked. One day, instead of giving him the Watchtower Study, the brother read a scripture. E nsangu zambote zisamunwanga mu nza yawonso ye nluta zitwasanga i ziku kisonganga vo o longwa kwa Nzambi kusundidi o mfunu. - Mat. The universal appeal of the good news and the fine fruitage it produces testify to the excelling value of divine education. - Matt. Other Bible Questions Answered Nkia "mambu manene " kavavanga Baruki? What were the "great things " that Baruch kept seeking? You can be confident that Jehovah will bless you so much now and forever! Yesaya 26: 19 osianga nsilu vo: "O mafwa maku mekala yo moyo;... Isaiah 26: 19 promises: "Your dead ones will live.... SONGS: 112, 89 Vava tusalanga kumosi ye mpangi zazi, tusiamisanga kintwadi kieto yo sadila Yave una ufwene. - Tezanesa ye Mavangu 6: 3 - 6. When we cooperate with these brothers, we are united and serve Jehovah in an organized way. - Compare Acts 6: 3 - 6. Rome Tusadila Nzambi "Kumosi " Serve God "Shoulder to Shoulder " It also shows that all human governments have been affected. Kele vo ndumba yovo ntaudi muna kingana kiaki bazaya lumbu kadi lwaka etoko dia nsopi yovo mfumu, ke badi vwa mfunu wa lungalala ko. If the virgins or the slaves in those parables had known when the bridegroom or the master was arriving, they would not have needed to keep on the watch. For example, consider how Jehovah dealt with righteous Lot. Una vavioka tezo kia 360 ma mvu tuka Davidi kayantikila yala, Manase wakituka se ntinu a Yuda. Some 360 years after David began to rule, Manasseh became king of Judah. Samuel told the nation of Israel: "If you serve Jehovah, you will not obey his voice, but you and the king who will rule over you, O Jehovah your God. " Mary wa s'ame ankento wansonekena nkanda tuka kuna mbanz'a Virgínia kazingilanga. Wavova vo, avo nzolele sadila Yave ndenda yaluka yo kwenda zinga kumosi yo yandi. Mary wrote to me from Virginia, where she had moved, and said that if I was determined to serve Jehovah, I could come and live with her. Saúl had to accept a cure three times. Tufwete vutulanga matondo kwa Nzambi wau kekutusadisanga mu bakula ntim'a kimwanda. How thankful we can be that God offers us insight into the figurative heart! They needed to preach to Jehovah courageously and praise him as the Sovereign Lord of the universe. O zayi aweyi uwokelelanga mu lumbu yambaninu? How did the true knowledge become abundant in the time of the end? * The fine seed grew and produced wheat. (Tala e tini kia 19) (See paragraph 19) Even in 1879, The Watchtower said that all religions claim to be Christ's bride, but they support the government, Babylon the Great, which is called the harlot. - Read Revelation 17: 1, 2. Elo, o nkento kasompa Osea kuna kwalanda wakituka se nkento a zumba. Yes, Hosea actually married a woman who later became an adulteress. Do you want someone to hold you out of the hand to lead you into a dangerous world? Vava bakula dina olongokele mu kuma kia Yave yo Yesu ye una olenda kubatanginina yo sadisa akaka. You try to understand what it teaches you about Jehovah and Jesus, how you can imitate them, and how you can help others. On the day of the second month of December 23,70 B.C.E., they entered the ark. O yangalela e nzila za Yave dilenda sadisa nkangu a Nzambi mu lembi tumba Yave mu kuma kia mpasi bayitwasidi yovo kumbadikila vo nkwa fuki. Having appreciation for Jehovah's ways can safeguard God's people from blaming God for situations that they have brought on themselves or from concluding that he is slow. Although he was killed not only for material possessions, this example illustrates the truthfulness of the Bible's truth: "Those desiring to be rich... have suffered many pains. " - 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10. Nkia sono kia Nkand'a Nzambi kiansadisa? What scripture helped? Perhaps we want to show that we are better than others. [ Mvovo mia Sina muna lukaya lwa 10] [ Blurb on page 10] * When I learned this truth, I realized that my hope of living forever on earth was to be fulfilled, and I had to support the faithful anointed class. (Tanga Yesaya 66: 14.) (Read Isaiah 66: 14.) Many people think that God views humans as sinners and that they do not deserve to be overlooked. Lusadisu Lwamfunu A Sure Antidote! Showing that God has hidden us in many ways, David said: "You know my sitting down and my rising up, and you will understand my rising up. " Nkia salu kisalwanga muna nkubik'a Yave? Aweyi dilenda kutukasakesela kumosi y'esi nzo zeto? What is the focus of his organization, and how can knowing this motivate us and our families? What if we feel that we are not able to resist temptation? Wayambula vo kavondwa kwa mbeni za Nzambi. He allowed himself to be put to death by God's enemies. But we should not choose which counsel we follow. Kansi, awana bakinu ye ngolo yo vimpi wambote bafwete lemvokela e mvovo emi miavumunwinwa: "Yindula Nsemi aku... vava kuluakilu lumbu yambi ko. " - Kim. But let those of us who still have some strength and vigor take to heart the inspired words: "Remember... your Grand Creator... before the days of distress come. " - Eccl. He was kind, and he loved his wife and children. O Mvungudi eto nga nzodi anzenza mpe? Is our Shepherd also a generous host? You can also hear the radio, the sound of the air, and the sound of the sound of the people. Muna sikidisa lukulu, Nzambi " wasonga ndungidi andi. ' In providing the ransom, God was " exhibiting his own righteousness. ' Greece Imosi muna mpila tulenda zayanena ye mpangi zeto z'akala ye z'akento i kuyivanga muna salu ya tukutakanu. One way to get acquainted with our brothers and sisters is to give of ourselves at a convention. 17 - 19. (a) How can we show Jehovah gratitude for Jesus ' ransom sacrifice? O zola i nsabi muna kintwadi kieto kia Kikristu. The real key to our Christian unity is love. The Bible says: "Husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. Lumbu kimosi, vana fulu kia kumvana kaka Eyingidilu, o mpangi wantangila sono kia Nkand'a Nzambi. One day, instead of just giving him the latest Watchtower, the brother decided to read a scripture. (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham handled disagreements? Mvutu za Yuvu Yankaka ya Nkand'a Nzambi Other Bible Questions Answered For example, the apostle Paul described them as "a minister of the congregation in Keno. " Kala ye vuvu vo Yave okusambula kikilu, tuka owau ye yakwele mvu. Be confident that Jehovah will bless you richly - now and throughout eternity. Guided by God's Spirit - In the First Century and Today NKUNGA: 112, 89 SONGS: 12, 135 As Jehovah's Witnesses, we can do this in these last days because we have Jehovah's holy spirit. Roma Rome This is not surprising. Lusonganga mpe vo tuyalu twawonso twa wantu, mpasi tutwasanga. It shows that all human governments cause suffering. As a priest in his church, he knew that death would not end all things. Kasikil'owu, badika una Yave kakadila ye Loti wa muntu ansongi. For example, consider how Jehovah dealt with the righteous man Lot. As in Noah's day, people today focus on themselves Samuele wavovesa nkangu a Isaele vo: "Ovo nuvumina Yave, nwansadila, nwawila nding'andi, ke nukolama lutumu lua Yave ko, yeno yo ntinu on'okunuyala, nulanda Yave wa Nzambi eno. " Samuel told the people of Israel: "If you will fear Jehovah and actually serve him and obey his voice, and you will not rebel against the order of Jehovah, both you and the king who must reign over you will certainly prove to be followers of Jehovah your God. " [ Footnote] Diavavanga vo Saúl kanwa diaka nlongo miangolo kikilu mu nkumbu atatu. The cancer went into remission for only a brief period, and Saúl could not cope with a third course of chemotherapy. 1: Our literal heart needs food. Diavavanga vo basia umbangi wa Yave kuna unkabu wawonso yo kunkembelela nze Mfumu a nza yawonso. They were to sound forth the praises of the One they represented and publicly glorify his name. 15: 6 - Why did Saul protect the Amalekites? * E mbongo ambote yanungunuka yo yima e masa. * The fine seed developed into mature wheat. I accepted, but when I arrived in England, I returned to my old life. Kana nkutu muna mvu wa 1879, Eyingidilu diavova vo mabundu mawonso mana mevovanga vo yau i nzitikila a Kristu, kansi beyikamanga tuyalu, mu Babele Anene bena ina iyikilwanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi vo nkembi. - Tanga Lusengomono 17: 1, 2. Even in 1879, Zion's Watch Tower said that every church that claims to be a loyal bride to Christ but that actually supports the governments is really part of Babylon the Great, which the Bible calls a prostitute. - Read Revelation 17: 1, 2. His self - sacrificing attitude should move us to ask ourselves, " Do I show kindness to people when I tell them about God? ' Nga okalanga y'etima vo muntu kasimba muna koko kimana kafila mu nza yayi yazala ye vonza? Have you ever wished that someone could take your hand and safely lead you through life's uncertainties? Why did she say that many parents and workmates wondered why? Muna lumbu kia 17, kia ngonde yezole ya mvu wa 2370 Vitila Tandu Kieto, bakota muna nzaza. The big day finally arrives. In 1976, we were invited to serve at the branch office in Austria, and I was appointed as a member of the Branch Committee. Kana una vo kayivonda mu kuma kia mavwa kaka ko, e nona kiaki kikwikidisanga e ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi kivovanga vo: " Awana bazolele o vwama... mu mbidi a mpasi bekuyisianga. ' - 1 Timoteo 6: 9, 10. While the causes of suicide are admittedly complex, this experience gives evidence of the truth of the Bible's statement: "Those who are determined to be rich... have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " - 1 Timothy 6: 9, 10. That nation began at Pentecost 33 C.E. when God's spirit was poured out. Nanga tuvavanga songa vo yeto tuviokele akaka. In effect, we may be attempting to look taller by pushing others down. In the following articles, we will use the Catholic and Protestant edition to answer these questions: (1) What happens at death? * Vava yazaya ludi kiaki, yabakula vo vuvu kiame kia zinga yakwele mvu ova ntoto muna lungana kio, mfwete yikama buka kia akuswa ye kwikizi kiawonso. * When I understood that truth, I realized how much the fulfillment of my hope to live forever on earth depends upon my loyal support of the anointed class. In such countries, loyalty and endurance of God's true worshippers are a testimony to honesthearted ones. Ulolo wa wantu beyindulanga vo Nzambi obadikilanga wantu vo asumuki ye ke bafwana siwa sungididi ko. WHY SOME HAVE DOUBTS: Many people feel that God sees humans only as sinners - unclean and unworthy of his attention. Today, this means that he must be disfellowshipped from the congregation. Muna songa vo Nzambi okutusatanga mu mpila zayingi, Davidi wavova vo: "Ozeye mfong'ame ye ntelam'ame, obakula ngyindu zame o vala. " In a sense, Jehovah is "far off, " residing in the heavens. If we remember that Jehovah's name is holy, we will never do anything that would bring reproach on that name. Adieyi tuvova avo tumwene vo ke twafwana zizidila ntonta ko? What if we feel overwhelmed by temptation? " To help my Bible student understand how the books of the Bible were used in Bible times, let us write down the book of Isaiah and remove the number of chapters and verses. Kansi, ke tufwete solanga ko kana nkia malongi tulemvokela. Of course, we must also compare our lives with the entire scope of Christian teaching. What a valuable feature of these verses is designed for the benefit of the collection! Akwa ngemba bakala, o "ngw'ankazi Joe " watoma zolanga yo zitisa o nkaz'andi yo wan'andi. Theirs was a warm and loving family, and "Uncle Joe " treated his wife and children with respect. While preaching, one brother gave his magazine to a lady who accepted Matthew's Gospel. Olenda wá mpe mazu ma radio, mazu ma nsusu zikokolanga ye mazu ma wantu. Dogs, goats, and squawking chickens scramble underfoot. He viewed Jehovah as a real Person, and he lived like Jehovah. Ngerekia Greece After that, I and I had received many blessings in the ministry. 17 - 19. (a) Aweyi tulenda songela luyangalalu kwa Yave mu kuma kia kimenga kia lukûlu lwa Yesu? 17 - 19. (a) How can we appropriately show Jehovah our gratitude for Jesus ' ransom sacrifice? If you do, the Bible promises that God will "draw close " to you. - James 4: 8. Nkand'a uvovanga vo: "Akala bafwete zolanga akazi au nze una bezolelanga e nitu za yau kibeni. The Bible also tells us: "Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. " There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " (b) Adieyi tulenda longoka muna mpila ina Abarayama kasingikila e ntantani? (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham dealt with a dispute? The wall had been taken captive and changed in Europe. Kasikil'owu, Paulu wa ntumwa wayikila Foibe vo "selo kia dibundu dina muna Kenkerea. " For example, the apostle Paul called Phoebe "a minister of the congregation that is in Cenchreae. " 16, 17. Ana Bafilwa kwa Mwand'a Nzambi - muna Tandu Kiantete ye mu Lumbu Yeto Guided by God's Spirit in the First Century and Today Years later, Noah finished the ark, and at that time he told Noah: "Jehovah said to Noah: " Go into the ark. ' " Wau vo tu Mbangi za Yave, tulendanga sala e salu kiaki mu lumbu yayi yambaninu kadi tuna yo mwand'avelela a Yave. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have been able to endure in the preaching work throughout the last days only because we have Jehovah's holy spirit. Many of us served in a relief assignment, from Europe; we asked them to study the Bible with us in their own language. Ediadi ke dia sivi ko. We expect to face such difficulties. Then he said that Jehovah sent Assyria to destroy Jerusalem. Wau kina vo nlongi kakala muna dibundu diandi, wazaya wo vo lufwa ke mfoko a mawonso ko. As a Sunday - school teacher, she never felt that death ended it all. Consider this example: A sister in the congregation was assigned to be a regular pioneer. Nze muna lumbu ya Noa, o wantu unu bayivene mu mambu ma yau kibeni Just as in Noah's day, people today are consumed with their daily activities What things helped the disciples to travel on the road? [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnotes] 12 1 Madia: O ntim'eto muna kala yo vimpi, tufwete dianga madia mambote. 1 Nourishment: Our literal heart needs to receive sufficient amounts of healthful nourishment. We have every reason to love our God and allow that love to grow. 15: 6 - Ekuma Saulu katanina Anekene? 15: 6 - Why did the Kenites receive special consideration from Saul? What a joy that is! Yatambulwila, kansi vava yalwaka kuna Inglaterra yavutukila e zingu kiame kiambi. I agreed to do so. However, once I arrived there, I quickly reverted to my previous lifestyle. 8, 9. E fu kiandi kiasonga ngemba kifwete kutufila muna kukiyuvula, " Nga isonganga ngemba kwa wantu vava ikubazayisanga mambu ma Nzambi? ' His choice may move us to ask ourselves, " Do I express my faith in God by showing an interest in fellow humans? ' Perhaps we love those whom we love will not love. Wavova vo mase mayingi y'akundi a salu bakiyuvulanga, ekuma? He mentioned that many parents and colleagues were tormenting themselves with questions of why? Jehovah will not ignore your prayer. Muna mvu wa 1976, twalombwa vo twenda sadila kuna Betele ya Áustria kuna mbanz'a Viena. Yatumbikwa se mosi muna Afidi a Vula. In 1976 we were invited to serve at the Austria branch office in Vienna, and I was appointed as a member of the Branch Committee. There is another change in 1992, such as when the Israelites returned to Babylon. E zula kiaki kiayantika kina kia Pentikosti ya mvu a 33 wa Tandu Kieto, vava kiabungulwa mwand'a Nzambi. It came into existence with the outpouring of God's spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E. Why should a Christian who lives in a religiously divided household be united? Communicating With Adolescents, 8 / 1 On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told his disciples: "You all stumble at this night, for it is written: " You must beat the shepherd. ' " Muna malongi melanda tusadila Nsekola za Nkand'a Nzambi za esi Katolika ye Protestante mu vana mvutu za yuvu eyi: (1) Adieyi dibwilanga muntu vava kefwanga? The following articles will use both Catholic and Protestant Bible translations to answer three questions: (1) What really happens to a person at death? 1, 2. Muna nsi zazi, e kwikizi ye luzindalalu lw'asambidi a Nzambi mosi kaka aludi lukalanga se kimbangi kw'akwa ntima miansongi. In those lands, the steadfastness and endurance of worshippers of the one true God have served as a witness to righthearted ones, and many have " searched for Jehovah's name. ' However, children may decide to allow this wicked world to influence them, or they allow Jehovah to "make their way successful. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Romans 12: 2. O unu, ediadi disongele vo kafwete vaikiswa muna nkutakani. Today, this means that he should be disfellowshipped. The things in this system of things make it difficult for people of this system of things to be disappointed. Avo tusungamene vo e nkumbu a Yave yavauka, ke tuvanga dina dilenda twasa luvezo muna nkumbu yayi ko. If we deeply desire that Jehovah's name be sanctified, or held sacred, we will strive to avoid doing anything that would bring reproach upon it. 2, 3. " Muna sadisa mwan'a nlongoki ame a Nkand'a Nzambi mu bakula una wakalanga e nkanda miasadilwanga kuna nz'ankulu, twabandula o nkand'a Yesaya yo katula ntalu zisonganga e kapu ye tini. " To help the son of my Bible student appreciate what it was like to use a scroll in Bible times, we printed out the book of Isaiah after deleting the chapter and verse numbers. THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. Ekwe mambu ma mfunu mena muna tini yayi, yakubikwa mu kunku 11! What a wealth of information is contained in these verses, arranged in 11 stanzas! Another covenant indicated that this would not happen. Mpangi mosi ekolo kasilanga umbangi, wavana email andi kwa nkento mosi watambulwila nkanda Nsangu Zasoneka Matai. While preaching, a Witness gave her e - mail address to a young woman who accepted the book. In my life, I saw the fulfillment of David's words at Psalm 27: 10: "In case my father and my mother left me, Jehovah will raise me up. " Wabadikilanga Yave nze Muntu kikilu, yo zingila nze yandi wamonanga Yave. He was a real Person to her, and she lived as if she were in his very presence. We can "put off the anxieties and riches of this life. " Zubko), 10 / 15 He told them: "You have become very deaf. " I bosi, Lester yo Joanie bavwa nsambu zayingi muna salu kia umbangi. Later, Lester and Joanie enjoyed a productive ministry. What must we do to conquer the earth? Avo ovangidi wo, Nkand'a Nzambi usianga nsilu vo Nzambi " okufinama. ' - Yakobo 4: 8. If you do so, the Bible promises that God "will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. The fact is that there were Jews who worked this work near Babylon at that special time. " Edi diviokele e nsambu, dia vana, ke mu tambula ko. " " There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " I Am With You All the Days; I Am With You All the Days; and I Am With You All the Days. E yaka ya Berlim yabwiswa, yo twasa nsobani kuna nsi za Mputu. The Berlin Wall came down, signaling a new era for Europe. Did You Know? 16, 17. 16, 17. Proverbs 3: 32 states: "The devious person is detestable to Jehovah, " and these are those who say that they obey God but obey him in secret. Muna mvu mialanda, Noa wafokola e salu kiampwena kia tunga e nzaza. Muna ntangwa yayina: "Yave ovovese Noa vo, kota muna nzaza. " (Etu. In the following years, Noah finished the massive task of building the ark, and at that point "Jehovah said to Noah: " Go, you and all your household, into the ark. ' " " This teaching has been based on the Bible, " says Albert H. Ndonga basadilanga muna fulu yatiminwanga wolo, ku nsi za mputu batuka; batulombanga kimana twabavavila Nkand'a Nzambi muna ndinga zau. Many workers in the gold mines had come from Europe, and they asked if we could get them a Bible in their language. They became "a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, a people for special possession, a people of God. " I bosi, wavova vo Yave watuma Asuri mu fwasa Yerusaleme. He then claimed that Jehovah had told the Assyrians to destroy Jerusalem. When I was there, I had to make a second vow to become a priest. Badika e nona eki: Luzayisu luveno muna nkutakani vo mpangi mosi wankento okitukidi se mviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde. Consider the following scenario: At a congregation meeting, an announcement is made that a certain sister has been appointed a regular pioneer. First, Lefèvre printed books, and only a few months later, people bought all these books. Nkia mambu masadisanga alongoki mu vanga nkangalu mu sazu? What were some things that made traveling easier for the disciples? The Devil does not care about people. 12 12 Paul described Jehovah's throne as "the worship of undeserved kindness. " Tuvwidi kuma yayingi mu zola Nzambi eto yo yambula vo o zola kwaku kwanungunuka. There are, therefore, compelling reasons to love our God and to let that love grow. We also need to meditate on what we learn and pray to Jehovah to help us know how to apply them in our life. Nkia mpila kiese! What a delight that will be! 3: 7. 8, 9. 8, 9. To remove an abortion is contrary to what the Bible says about honoring life. Dilenda kala vo awana tuzolanga ke bekutuzolanga kweto ko. Those to whom we show love may not reciprocate. We can show how he helps us. O Yave keveza sambu kiaku ko. Jehovah will not ignore such sincere petitions. But he did not stop fighting, and he did all he could to win the blessing. Vena mpe ye diambu diakaka diasoba muna mvu a 1992, nze dina diavangama vava Aneyisaele y'akaka bavaika mu kinkole kuna Babele. The year 1992 saw still another refinement, one that is comparable to what happened after the Israelites and others returned from exile in Babylon. Imitate Jehovah in Our Ministry Ekuma kafwete kadila nkwa ungudi Nkristu ozingilanga muna nzo yavambana muna nsambila? Why should a Christian in a divided household cultivate peace? He thus joined Satan and became "the wicked spirit forces " and enemies of God's servants. - Eph. 13: 7) Kina kia 14 kia ngonde a Nisani ya mvu wa 33 wa Tandu Kieto, Yesu wavovesa alongoki andi vo: "Oyeno awonso nukunt'esakuba o fuku wau: kadi diasonama vo, wanda nwand'o mvungudi o mameme mamwangana. " On Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told his disciples: "All of you will be stumbled in connection with me on this night, for it is written, " I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered about. ' " Our preaching work has grown because we preach to people of all nations and languages. 1, 2. 1, 2. Elijah's counsel to the Israelites can help a Bible student to decide whether to serve Jehovah. Kansi, o wana balenda baka e nzengo za yambula vo e nza yayi yatekama yabafila yovo yambula vo Yave " kasingika nzila ' zau. - Ngana 3: 5, 6; Roma 12: 2. But children must eventually decide for themselves whether to let this world bend them to its will or to allow Jehovah to make their "paths straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Romans 12: 2. 3: 14. Mambu mena mo wantu a tandu kiaki mekendelekanga. 19, 20. 2, 3. 2, 3. In lands where weapons or government officials determines who should have a gun, Christians must obey that law. - Romans 13: 1. Avo vasonekeno NWT muna sono ya Kiyibere, disongele vo e sono ya mu Tradução do Novo Mundo ya Kingelezo. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Modern science: The Bible is not a book of scientific science, but when it describes science, it has been made clear from the Bible for centuries. Ekangu diakaka disonganga vo ediadi ke disinga vangama ko. Another legal covenant guarantees that this will never happen. • Why is there no pain that can stop you from preaching the good news of the Kingdom? Muna zingu kiame yamona e ndungan'a mvovo mia Davidi muna Nkunga 27: 10 oku vo: " O s'ame yo ngw'ame ovo bangyambwidi, o Yave okunkokolola. ' I experienced early in life the truth of David's words found at Psalm 27: 10: "In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " " The law of the Christ " is also called "the law of faith " and "the law of men. " Tulenda " finangeswa kwa tunzumbulu yo umvwama yo mawete ma zingu kiaki. ' We risk "being carried away by anxieties and riches and pleasures of this life. " First, we need to consider how we can answer that question effectively. Wabavovesa vo: "Nukitukidi se nu fwa - matu. " He told them that they had "become dull " in their hearing. Recall Paul's counsel regarding each of us - whether to eat or not - he said: "He that does not belong to someone who does not eat, but who does not partake of the emblems... Adieyi tufwete vanga muna sund'e nza? What must we do to conquer the world? For example, the shepherd said that the eyes of the girl were "the high priest, " and this means that she was very proud of her eyes. E ziku kisonganga vo vakala y'Ayuda ana basala basalang'e salu yayi lukufi ye Babele muna kolo kiakina kiamfunu kikilu. The evidence that Jews continued to conduct such activities close to Babylon in this period is significant. Because of such traits, some believe that something in a body has fallen asleep in death. Imevbore; collapsing building: San Hong R - C Picture Company Imevbore; collapsing building: San Hong R - C Picture Company When we face trials, we realize that God is "our refuge and our stronghold. " Nga Ozeye? Did You Know? Should I become involved in this business? Muna Ngana 3: 32 tutanganga vo: "O mbendomoki wangemi kwa Yave. " Abendomoki awaya i awana bevovanga vo Nzambi belemvokelanga, kansi besumukanga kuna nsweki. " Jehovah detests a devious person, " says Proverbs 3: 32, such as one who deliberately puts up a front, feigning obedience while practicing sin in secret. * Albert Mohler wa mfidi a Sikola zikubikanga alongi a dibundu dia Batista wavova vo: "Elongi diadi mu Nkand'a Nzambi diatuka. " R. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, asserts: "It's simply a fact of Scripture. " At the end of each tract, in the article entitled "You Can Consider, " there is a question you could discuss with a householder when you return home. Bakituka se " kanda diasolwa, mfumu za nganga, zula kiavauka, nkangu akuvuila a Nzambi. ' These became "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. " Some who heard his discourse say: "No man ever spoke like him. " Vava yakala kuna Madrid, yadia ndofi yanzole mu kituka mpelo. In Madrid, I took my second set of vows to become a nun. Since that day has not yet arrived, let us remember that "God is our refuge. " - Ps. Entete, Lefèvre wanieteka 1.200 za nkanda. Ngonde zakete kaka zavioka, o wantu basumba e nkanda miami miawonso. Both men and women were so eager to read Jesus ' words in their mother tongue that the first 1,200 copies printed were out of stock after just a few months. We too can help honesthearted ones to understand Jehovah's thinking. Nkadi ampemba kevuanga zingu kia wantu mfunu ko. The Devil does not value human life. At the age of 11, I returned to the city where I lived with my older brother and his family. Paulu wayikila e kunda kia Yave vo "kunda kia nsambu. " Watubokela vo twafinama e kunda kiaki kuna "unkabu. " Paul calls Jehovah's throne "the throne of undeserved kindness, " and he invites us to approach it" with freeness of speech. " 1950 Tufwete mpe badikanga mana tulongokanga yo samba kwa Yave kimana katusadisa mu zaya una tulenda mo sadila muna zingu kieto. We also need to meditate on what we learn and ask Jehovah to help us see how to apply it. In the Bible, endurance is not enough to endure difficult situations. 3: 7. 3: 7. How did this young man gain everlasting life, but where did he want it? O katula e vumu ke dina ngwizani ko ye dina Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga mu diambu ditadidi zitisa o moyo. Abortion goes against what the Bible says about respect for life. How do you feel about doing so as soon as the sun is ready in heaven? Tulenda songa una kekutusadisilanga. And we can speak about him and how he has helped us. When the prophet Jeremiah was afraid and discouraged, Jehovah assured him that he would help him. Kansi kayambula nwana ko, wavanga mawonso kimana katambula e nsambu. But he was very determined, and he proved that he would work very hard for a blessing! God also said: "Can I actually bring your hand upon you and your people out of the plague of the earth, but you have reserved for them, because my name has been called upon me, O my name, that I may give you all the earth. " Tutanginina Yave Muna Salu Kieto kia Umbangi Imitating Jehovah in Our Ministry Shirley: What's that? Muna mpila yayi bayikama Satana yo kituka se " vu kia mianda miambi ' ye atantu a selo ya Nzambi. - Ef. Jehovah cast those rebels into dense darkness, and they thus joined Satan in becoming "wicked spirit forces " and vicious foes of God's servants. - Eph. If we treat others with respect, it will be as if we do not repent. E salu kieto kia samuna e nsangu zambote kisayananga kadi tusilanga umbangi kwa wantu a zula ye ndinga zawonso. Our preaching work has the greatest scope, because we preach to people of all nations and languages. [ Box on page 21] Luludiku lwa Eleya kwa Aneyisaele lulenda sadisa nlongoki a Nkand'a Nzambi una yo lukatikisu mu baka nzengo za sadila Yave. Elijah's counsel to those people could help an indecisive Bible student who is holding back from making spiritual progress. Maintain Integrity at All Times 3: 14. 3: 14. What a privilege that is! 19, 20. 19, 20. Yes. Muna nsi zina vo o kala ye nkele nkanu yovo luyalu yandi osikidisanga ndiona ofwete kala ye nkele, Akristu bafwete lemvokela nsiku wau. - Roma 13: 1. In areas where it is illegal to own guns, or where the government restricts or regulates gun ownership in some other way, Christians obey the law. - Romans 13: 1. Such questions may remind us of the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk, who asked God: "Why is it that you see what is bad and look upon violence? " - Habakkuk 1: 3. Ngwizani ye Ngangu za Nza: Nkand'a Nzambi ke nkanda wa akwa ngangu za nza ko, kansi vava uvovelanga mambu ma akwa ngangu za nza, Nkand'a Nzambi watoma mo kiesesa tuka tandu yayingi. Scientific Accuracy: The Bible is not a science textbook, but when it touches on scientific matters, it reflects an accuracy far ahead of its time. Simply put, it means doing God's will to please him. • Ke vena ntantu ko olenda sima salu kia samuna nsangu zambote za Kintinu, ekuma? We accepted Bible truth to our daughter. " Nsiku a Kristu " kayika. O nsiku wau uyikilwanga mpe vo "nsiku a lukwikilu " ye " nsiku uvevolanga wantu. ' He had in mind "the law of the Christ, " also called" the law of faith " and "the law of a free people. " When Jehovah destroys this system of things, money will not save mankind. Entete, tufwete badika mpila tulenda vanina mvutu za kiuvu kiaki una ufwene. First we will consider how to approach the answer effectively. How do we know that all Christians are stewards? Sungamena elongi dia Paulu mu kuma kia nzengo za konso muntu za dia yovo lembi dia maka madia, wavova vo: "On'odianga, kasavul'on'olembi dia ko; on'olembi dia, kafundis'on'odianga ko... Bear in mind Paul's counsel on personal decisions about eating or not eating certain foods: "Let the one eating not look down on the one not eating, and let the one not eating not judge the one eating... 20, 21. (a) What do we learn from reviewing Jesus ' illustrations about growth? Kasikil'owu, o mvungudi wavova vo e meso ma dumbelele makala "nga mayembe. " Ediadi disongele vo wayangalelanga kikilu meso mandi. For example, the shepherd said that the girl's eyes were like "those of doves, " which meant that he loved her kind eyes. 2: 32. Muna kuma kia fu yayi akaka bekwikilanga vo vena ye má kivaikanga mu nitu vava tufwanga. These customs are influenced by the belief that something inside us survives death. You too may feel that talking to people in a kind way can help you to cope with grief. 34: 15) Vava tukalanga muna mpasi, i ntangwa tubakulanga vo Nzambi i " tininu dieto ye fika kieto. ' (Nku. Especially at difficult moments in our lives, we come to appreciate that God is " our refuge and our stronghold. ' So Gideon placed wheat, not on the stake, but in the vineyard, he could quickly hide the wheat. Nga mfwete kuyikotesa muna kinkita kiaki? Should I get involved in this business plan? We need to put forth effort to keep our eyes fixed on the prize, since we can forget it. * * The Bible also shows that a person can be raised in a fleshly way if he has the hope of receiving life on earth, or being resurrected to spirit life in heaven. Kuna nim'a konso finkanda - nkanda, kuna yo ntu a diambu wasonama vo "Kiuvu Olenda Badika. " Vana yanda, vena ye sono ye kiuvu kina nulenda mokena yo muntu vava ovutuka kunkingula. The back of each tract provides a question under the heading "To Think About " and scriptures that can be discussed on a return visit. 5 - 8. Akaka mun'awana bawá elongi diandi bavova vo: " Ke vakedi muntu ko wavova kala nze yandi. ' " Never has another man spoken like this, " said some who heard him. In the Bible, the heart represents the inner person, the source of thoughts, and the intentions of someone's heart. Wau vo e lumbu kiaki ke kialweke ko, yambula twasungamenanga vo " Nzambi i tininu dieto. ' - Nku. Until then, let us always remember that "God is a refuge for us. " - Ps. Even if we know something that is true, we will do well to consider this illustration: In time, something happened in the congregation in Corinth. Yeto mpe tulenda sadisa akwa ntima miansongi babakula ngindu za Yave. We too can help sincere individuals to understand Jehovah's point of view. 26: 24, 25. Vava yalungisa mvu 11, yavutuka kuna mbanza yawutukila, yayenda zinga kumosi yo mbut'ame y'esi nzo andi. At age 11, I returned to my hometown and started living with my half brother and his family. May we keep busy in Jehovah's service and pray for faith so that we can have "the peace of God that excels all thought. " 1950 1950 88 * These proverbs will help us to acquire the wisdom needed to wait on what is right and to use the knowledge to resolve it. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi, luzindalalu ke mpasi zizidila kaka mambu mampasi ko. In the Bible, endurance means more than simply putting up with, or tolerating, a difficult situation. God allowed them to "come out of the wilderness " of Babylon, the Assyrian nation, to be taken captive by the Israelites in 740 B.C.E. Etoko diadi moyo a mvu ya mvu kazol'o vwa. Kansi, akweyi kazola wo vwila? The young man was asking about inheriting everlasting life - but where? Can you learn how to benefit from family study? Aweyi kelendelanga wo vanga wau vo e ntangwa mu nswalu iviokelanga kuna zulu? Jehovah designed its minute brain with the ability to compensate for the sun's movement. But later he became "an apostle to the nations. " - Romans 11: 13. (Nkunga 34: 18) Vava Yeremiya wa ngunza kakala ye wonga yo kendalala, Yave wansia nsilu vo okunsadisa. When the prophet Jeremiah was afraid and discouraged, Jehovah promised to help him. Tim: That's good. Nzambi ovovele diaka vo: "Nga yadi lambul'o koko yawandil'ongeye yo nkangu aku muna vuku, ozevo okendokene kal'ova nza: kansi muna kiau kum'eki itelamesène yàsonga nkum'ame, e nkumbu ame yasamunw'ova nza yawonso. " God also said: "By now I could have thrust my hand out that I might strike you and your people with pestilence and that you might be effaced from the earth. But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all the earth. " There were times when we did not have a Family Worship evening, but now we do. Luisa: Nkia diambu? Shirley: What's that? 24: 13. Avo o zitu weto kw'akaka ke wa nsi a ntima ko, ulenda lengela nze nti wakunwa vana ntoto ambi. Since insincere honor does not grow out of genuine respect, it will wither sooner or later. This committee also has the responsibility to invite new members of the Bethel family and to adjust their work at Bethel. [ Babu muna lukaya lwa 21] [ Box on page 21] What two aspects of Christian life were made according to "the law of the Christ "? Sikila ye Kwikizi Ntangwa Zawonso Maintain Integrity at All Times They also taught God's people and prayed for them, saying: "We have become absorbed in prayer and teaching the word of God. " Ekwe lau diampwena tuvwidi! What a privilege we enjoy! " My husband does not care about his responsibilities. " Ingeta. He did. Suppose you are a soldier who wants to avoid a helmet in your heart. E yuvu kayuvula yilenda kutusungamesa Kabakuke wa ngunza Nyibere ona wayuvula Nzambi vo: "Nkia kum'okunsongela bi yo tadila nsoki? " - Kabakuke 1: 3. He asked questions that were reminiscent of those of the Hebrew prophet Habakkuk, who said to God: "Why is it that you make me see what is hurtful, and you keep looking upon mere trouble? " - Habakkuk 1: 3. * Muna mvovo miankufi, disongele vo vanga luzolo lwa Nzambi muna kunyangidika. Simply stated, it means to do God's will in order to please him. The faith of our children gradually grew. " Tulonganga ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi kwa mwan'eto ankento. Together, we are working hard to train our daughter in the way of Bible truth. On one occasion, the mirror urged wicked people to come to their home and tell them what to do to protect themselves. Vava Yave kefwasa nza yayi, e nzimbu ke zivuluza muntu ko. When Jehovah executes his judgment upon this system of things, money will have no value whatsoever. The Bible describes another quality that keeps us close to Jehovah. Aweyi tuzayidi vo Akristu awonso selo bena? How do we know that, in a sense, all Christians are stewards? How is Jehovah's love greater than love for humans? 20, 21. (a) Adieyi tulongokele muna fimpa yingana ya Yesu mu kuma kia ngwokela? 20, 21. (a) What have we learned from reviewing Jesus ' illustrations concerning growth? [ Picture on page 23] 2: 32. 3: 29; Joel 2: 32. We will have a close relationship with Jehovah and do what we can to preserve the unity of the congregation. Ngeye mpe olenda mona vo omokena yo wantu bekuwá kuna ngemba dilenda kusadisa mu zizidila ntantu. You too may find that putting your feelings into words and sharing them with a sympathetic listener will make it easier to deal with them. COVER SUBJECT THE BIBLE - A STORY OF SURVIVAL Muna kuma kiaki, Ngidone wabundanga e masa, ke vana fulu kiasenzama ko, kansi mun'ekaminu dia vinyu, muna kalenda swekela masa mu nzaki zawonso. For that reason, Gideon was threshing wheat, not in the open field, but in a winepress, where he could quickly hide the valuable grain. These cells cut off the water and cut it out of the body and left the amount of more than we needed in order to survive. Wau tuzeye oma ma nsilu, tufwete sia e ngolo mu kwamanana sia o meso muna nsilu, kadi tulenda wo vilakana. Once we have learned about the prize, we have to work diligently to keep our eyes focused on it because we could lose sight of it. When we study with him Bible principles we can learn about his life. Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga mpe vo o muntu olenda fulwa mu nitu ya kinsuni avo e vuvu kiandi kia vwila moyo ova ntoto, yovo fulwa mu nitu ya kimwanda kele vo e vuvu kiandi kia vwila moyo kun'ezulu. The Bible further shows that the person is restored in either a human or a spirit body, depending on whether he has an earthly or a heavenly hope. If you had the ability to know what lies ahead, your situation would be different. 5 - 8. 5 - 8. I remember the day I looked at the priest and said: "O God, if you really are really real, help me. " Muna Nkand'a Nzambi, o ntima i kiwuntu kiaswekama, nto a ngindu ye makani ma muntu. First, consider what the human heart is. Why did Jehovah reject Cain's gift, and what did Cain do? Kana nkutu vo diambu tuzeye dialudi, mbote twabadika e nona eki: Muna fikolo, diambu diambi diavangama muna nkutakani ya Korinto. But even if the situation is what we think it is, consider this: For a while, a serious wrong existed in the Corinthian congregation, a congregation that Jehovah cared for. Only your lips can make you lie. " 26: 24, 25. 26: 24, 25. (Read Luke 11: 10 - 13.) Yambula twazindalala muna salu kia Yave yo sambanga ye lukwikilu kimana twakala ye "luvuvamu lua Nzambi, luna luviokele nyindu wawonso. " Let us confidently press on in Jehovah's service. May we also pray in faith and thus experience "the peace of God that excels all thought. " According to one source, the city's inhabitants had a comfortable life, even though the city was in the wilderness. (Ngana 1: 2) E yingana yayi yikutusadisa mu vwa ngangu zina vo i umbakuzi wa tadila diambu una dinina yo sadila zayi mu singika dio. These sayings help us to acquire wisdom, which is the ability to see things clearly and apply knowledge to solve problems. " There was a sabbath resting for God's people. " - HEB. Nzambi wayambula vo " banatwa kuna makanga ' ma Babele kina vo i zula kiabwisa Asuri, kuna kwanatwa Aneyisaele muna kinkole muna mvu wa 740 vitila Kristu. God caused her "to go into the wilderness " of Babylonia, the nation that conquered Assyria, where the Israelites had been exiled in 740 B.C.E. But what is that? Nga nulenda mokena e nluta nulenda baka mun'elongi dia esi nzo? Why not sit down together for a relaxed discussion of the potential benefits of family study? In August year, they said that Lefèvre's translation was "from the Church of the Catholic Church. " Kansi, kuna kwalanda wakituka se "ntumw'azula. " - Roma 11: 13. However, he became "an apostle to the nations. " - Rom. 11: 13. So consider what happened to Daniel and his three Hebrew companions - Hananiah, Azariah, and Azariah. Miguel: Diambote mu zaya wo. Tim: That's good to know. The Bible does not tell us how long it would occur, but Jesus said: "There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " Vakala ye kolo ke twavanganga Nsambila ya Esi Nzo ko, kansi owau tuvanganga yo. At one time, we did not have that, and now we do. Yes. 24: 13. 24: 13. He says: "Among the pictures I used to have as a lamb, a boy, a young bull, and a bull, and all of them were at peace with young ones. " E buka kiaki kina mpe ye kiyekwa kia bokela yo sola asadi ampa a Betele yo singika mambu ma salu kiau muna Betele. This committee oversees the selecting and inviting of new members of Bethel families and handles questions regarding their Bethel service. For example, before God's Kingdom began ruling in heaven, there were a group of anointed Christians serving God. Nkia mambu mole ma zingu kia Akristu masikidiswa muna "nsiku a Kristu "? What are two aspects of Christian life that would be affected by "the law of the Christ "? One request I received from Jehovah was what I was looking for, that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, and I kept looking for the goodness of Jehovah God and looking forward to his temple. " Balonganga mpe nkangu a Nzambi yo samba mu kuma kiau. Bavova vo: "Oyeto kibeni tukuyivana emvimba muna samba yo longa e diambu dia Nzambi. " They also taught God's people and prayed for them, saying: "We will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word. " WHEN he was released from prison in Rome in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul lived on the island of Crete. " Nkaz'ame ke lungisanga kiyekwa kiandi ko. " " My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations. " Although most people know this verse, only a few people know what it means. Yindula vo u soladi ona zolele venga vo mpunza zakota muna ntim'aku. Think of yourself as a soldier trying to ward off a missile aimed at your heart. This means that we focus on every aspect of our Christian life. * * Although these are not miracles, they have a meaning for you. Lukwikilu lwa wan'eto malembe - malembe lwawokelanga. " Our children acquire it little by little. " Appreciate the place Jehovah has given you in his organization Lumbu kimosi, e pelo diabalukisa vo wantu ambi bekwiza ku nzo au, diabavovesa mpe dina bafwete vanga muna kuyitanina. One day, the cards warned them that dangerous people would come to their home and told them how they should defend themselves. The account tells us that a woman "was known as a sinner. " " Ornament of All Galilee " (Sepphoris), 6 / 1 Then he added: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered. " Nkand'a Nzambi uyikanga fu kiakaka kin'e ngwizani yo lembi vilakana Yave. Show That You Remember Jehovah by Enduring How does Jehovah help his servants today? O zola kwa Yave aweyi kulutidi zola kwa wantu? How is Jehovah's love superior to that of any human? We do so (1) by explaining our problem with prayer, (2) by relying on his Word and his organization, and (3) by doing all we can to save ourselves. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Philippians 4: 6, 7. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 23] [ Picture on page 29] Armageddon is near. Tukala ye ngwizani ambote ye Yave yo vanga dina tulenda mu tatidila ungudi muna nkutakani. We enjoy a close personal relationship with Jehovah as we imitate his ways, and we contribute to the peaceful unity of our spiritual paradise. We can gain that knowledge by studying the Bible. NTU A DIAMBU WA FUKWA | NKAND'A NZAMBI - KE WAFUKISWA KO COVER SUBJECT | THE BIBLE - A STORY OF SURVIVAL Consider: Is it hard for the Creator of the earth to rule over animals or animals? E nguba zazi zikatulanga e mvindu yo vaikisa maza mesuvanga muna nitu yo sisa ina tuvwang'o mfunu muna zinga. When you were born, your kidneys were ready to filter your blood supply - removing toxins and excess water but retaining useful substances. Before he returned to heaven, Jesus commanded his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Vava tulongokanga yandi e nsiku mia Nkand'a Nzambi tulenda zaya oma ma zingu kiandi. As we discuss Scriptural principles with him, it is likely that we will become acquainted with his circumstances. To understand the way that Jesus appoints the faithful slave over all his belongings, there are two things we need to know: When and when will he come? Kele vo wakala ye ngangu za zaya mana mebwa kuna sentu, e zingu kiaku kiaswaswana kiadi kala. If you were able to preview upcoming events, life could be very different for you. The answers to those questions are yes! Isungamenanga e lumbu kina yatala muna mpelo yo vova: "E Nzambi, avo una kikilu, unsadisa. " I recall looking into a mirror and saying, "If there is a God out there, help me. " Their hearts will be filled with joy as they learn more about God. Ekuma Yave kabembolwela lukau lwa Kaini? Kaini adieyi kavanga? Why did Jehovah disapprove of Cain's offering, and how did Cain respond? You can be sure that as you teach your children, "the God of love and of peace will be with you. " - Galatians 6: 9; 2 Corinthians 13: 11. Nikuna kaka e befo yaku mu vunisa. " Just move your lips and pretend. " Yes, the events mentioned above are: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength. " (Tanga Luka 11: 10 - 13.) (Read Luke 11: 10 - 13.) On the other hand, showing compassion means sticking to a person who is close to us. Asatuludi babakula vo wantu a mbanza yayina zingu kiambote bakala kiau, kana una vo e mbanza mu makanga yakala. They concluded that in spite of the barren and harsh surroundings, its inhabitants enjoyed a very comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. In each case, we will consider false religious leaders, and we will consider what the Bible really teaches. " Vasidi ye vundu kwa nkangu a Nzambi. " - AYIB. " There remains a sabbath resting for the people of God. " - HEB. If we trust in God, we too can endure trials and remain honest. - James 1: 5 - 8. Kansi, nkia diambu diadi vangwa? But what could be done? But it is not a horse; each horse has its own rider. Muna ngonde ya Agositu ya mvu wa 1523, bavova vo e nsekola ya Lefèvre ina se "vonza kwa Dibundu dia Katolika. " In August 1523, they objected to vernacular translations of and commentaries on the Bible, considering them "harmful to the Church. " Some Christians may feel that he does not care about the kind of person he has been raised and that he has not done much in the congregation. Muna kuma kiaki, badika dina diabwila Daniele y'akundi andi atatu Ayibere - Kananiya, Misaele yo Azariya. In this regard, consider what happened to Daniel and his three faithful Hebrew companions - Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Knorr in 1950 Nkand'a Nzambi ke ukutuzayisanga ko kana kolo kwa zizingila, kansi Yesu wavova vo: "Muna yau ntangwa ina mukala mpasi zingi zina vo ke zakala ko, tuka kuna lubantiku lua nza yamu wau, ngatu kala nkutu. " The Bible does not tell us how long that will last, but Jesus said: "Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " How can we cope? Elo. By no means! Jesus ' life course reflected a zealous spirit. Wavova vo: "Vakala ye fwaniswa kimosi kiasonganga dievua diakala vamosi ye mwan'a meme, kindende ye ngo, mwan'a ngombe ye nkosi, yau awonso mu luvuvamu bakala. Bafilwanga kwa kingiana - ngiana. " He said: "One picture showed the wolf and the lamb, the kid and the leopard, the calf and the lion - all in peace, being led by a little boy. " Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? Kasikil'owu, vitila Kintinu kia Nzambi kiayantika yala kuna zulu, vakala ye buka kia Akristu akuswa basadilanga Nzambi. For example, prior to the establishment of God's Kingdom in heaven, a group of faithful anointed ones were actively serving God. Meditating on what the apostle Paul told elders from Ephesus, recorded in Acts chapter 20, can help us to see what helped him to give a thorough witness. Dimosi ndombele kwa Yave, dina mvava; yakala kuna nzo a Yave e lumbu yawonso ya zingu kiame, yatala wete wa Yave wa Nzambi yo yandala muna tempelo andi. " (Nku. One thing I have asked from Jehovah - it is what I shall look for, that I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, to behold the pleasantness of Jehovah and to look with appreciation upon his temple. " What can help Christian parents to make a personal dedication to God? VAVA kavaikiswa muna pelezo e nkumbu antete kuna Roma muna mvu wa 61 wa Tandu Kieto, Paulu wa ntumwa wakingul'e sanga kia Kerete. SOME time after being released from his first imprisonment in Rome in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul visits the island of Crete. Make opportunities to witness informally. Kana una vo ndonga bazeye sono kiaki, akete kaka bazayidi kio e nsasa. Although many are familiar with that scripture, few really understand its meaning. Sometimes we may need to pray immediately for God's help. Ediadi disongele vo twasianga sungididi muna mambu mawonso ma zingu kieto kia Kikristu. That means giving careful attention to every facet of Christian life. He prayed: "If possible, let this cup drop down. " Kanele vo mambu mama ke masivi ko, mena ye nsasa kwa ngeye. After all, the events were not miraculous. But you see them as very meaningful. The weeds represent "the sons of the wicked one. " Yangalelanga e fulu kavana o Yave muna nkubik'andi Always treasure the place Jehovah has given you in his organization So we need holy spirit to have strong faith. Lusansu lusonganga vo, o nkento " wazayakana muna mbanza vo nsumuki. ' The woman "was known in the city to be a sinner, " says the Gospel account. The psalmist reminds us that "the basket of the word of God is truth. " The secretary types it, and the letter bears the businessman's signature. When we obey God and Christ, we show our love for them. I bosi wakudikila vo: "Nsuki zeno za ntu nkutu, zavwa tangwa. " Jesus added: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered. " Like Hezekiah, how have many shown that they are Jehovah's friends? O Yave aweyi kesadisilanga selo yandi o unu? In what ways does Jehovah provide help to his servants today? By all means, then, let us "see the God of our salvation. " Tuvanganga wo (1) muna kunzayisanga e mpasi zeto muna sambu, (2) muna bundang'e vuvu muna luludiku yo lusadisu lwa Diambu diandi ye nkubik'andi, ye (3) muna vanga mawonso tulenda mu vevola e mpasi. - Ngana 3: 5, 6; 11: 14; 15: 22; Filipi 4: 6, 7. We do this (1) by taking a matter of concern to him in prayer, (2) by turning to his Word and organization for guidance and support, and (3) by doing what we reasonably can to relieve the situation. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; 11: 14; 15: 22; Philippians 4: 6, 7. Marc says: "I was afraid when I quit my job for many years, but I had a lot of money, but Jehovah was pleased with our preaching work. E Armangedo ifinamene. The storm clouds of Armageddon cannot be far - off. 18, 19. (a) What can convince you that the first resurrection began? Tulenda vwa zayi wau muna longokanga o Nkand'a Nzambi. We can do this by studying his written Word, the Bible. Still, we accepted the invitation and moved to Portugal. Badika ediadi: Nga diampasi kwa Nsemi a nza mu yala e bulu kavanga diakala bulu ya futa yovo ya vata? Consider this: Is it really beyond the power of the Creator of the universe to control his animal creations, even render them tame and docile if needed? Before long, Jehovah's Witnesses visited this woman, comforted her, and sought knowledge. Vitila kavutuka kun'ezulu, Yesu wakanikina alandi andi vo: "Dianu vo nwenda, nwakitula wantu a zula yawonso s'alongoki,... wabalonga vo balunda mambu mawonso inukanikini. " Then, shortly before Jesus ascended to heaven, he commanded his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Although Jehovah accepted their covenant, he allowed the mistake of asking for his guidance in the Bible. Muna bakula e mpila ye ntangwa ina Yesu kesia ntaudi akwikizi kiyekwa muna salanganu yandi yawonso, vena ye mambu mole tufwete zaya: Nkia ntangwa kekwiza ye nki i salanganu yayi. To understand how and when Jesus appoints the slave over all his belongings, we need to know two things: when he arrives and what his belongings include. " I am so happy that I know that I do my best to serve Jehovah rather than anyone who can forget what I am doing. " E mvutu za yuvu yayi, elo! The answer to both questions is yes! One way we can do this is to help him see what he can do when people oppose him. E ntima miau mizala ye kiese kia kembelela Nzambi ekolo belongoka mayingi mu kuma kia mavangu mandi. Their hearts overflow with praise as they learn ever more about God's creative works. In the book of Ecclesiastes, we read: "It is the best time for a good time; and the day of death is better than the day of birth. " Nukala ye ziku vo, wau nulonganga wan'eno, "o Nzambi a zola yo ungudi okala yeno. " - Ngalatia 6: 9; 2 Korinto 13: 11. As you do so, be assured that "the God of love and of peace will be with you. " - Galatians 6: 9; 2 Corinthians 13: 11. This means that reading is not enough. Elo, i mambu matekele yikwa, i sia vo: "Zolanga Yave wa Nzambi aku yamuna nsi a ntim'aku yawonso yo muna fulumwinu kiaku kiawonso, yo mun'efuka diaku diawonso. " Evidently, they are the words that had just been mentioned, namely: "You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force. " His words always come true; it always comes true. Kuna diak'esambu, o songa walakazi disongele vo tatidila e ngwizani yo muntu ona tuna yandi kala e kikundi. On the other hand, loving - kindness has to do with the loyal attachment between individuals who have already developed a relationship. Paul pointed out the danger when he warned Philip not to "consider each one of his own interests, each one of his fellow workers. " Muna konso kiuvu, tuwa e mvutu zaluvunu bevananga mfumu za mabundu. I bosi, tuwa dina kieleka kelonganga Nkand'a Nzambi. In each case, we will take note of what religious leaders mistakenly say, and then we will review what the Bible really teaches. A CONVERSATION WITH A NUST (2 Ntinu 18: 1 - 5) Avo tubundidi Nzambi e vuvu, yeto mpe tulenda zizidila e mpasi yo kwamanana kala akwa ziku. - Yakobo 1: 5 - 8. With reliance on God, we too can endure trials as integrity keepers. - James 1: 5 - 8. Where can we get strength and courage to do so? Kansi, ke mpasi mvalu ko kadi konso mvalu una ye se kiandi. First, there is a pure - white horse, which symbolizes the righteous warfare of Christ Jesus. Moses went to Egypt and told Pharaoh about the message God had given him, and Pharaoh became very angry. O Nkristu akaka olenda kuyibadikila vo kafwana ko mu kuma kia mpila kasansilwa yo mona vo kevanganga mayingi ko muna nkutakani. Another Christian may feel limited because of his upbringing and think that he never does enough in the congregation. 28 Life Story - The End That Leads to Teaching the Truth Knorr muna mvu a 1950 Knorr [ Picture Credit Line on page 26] If you do this, you will likely see that your friendship with God will grow. Aweyi tulenda zizidila e mpasi zazi? When we face such difficulties, how do we cope? SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 95 Diambu dimosi kavanga o Yesu muna zingu kiandi disonganga o vema kakala kwau. One event in Jesus ' life forcefully demonstrated what zeal he had. He often tears about me. Nga vena ye diambu ozolele zaya mu kuma kia Mbangi za Yave? Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? First, Lot may have acted in faith. O fimpa dina Paulu wa ntumwa kavovesa akuluntu a esi Efeso, diasonama muna Mavangu kapu kia 20, dilenda kutusadisa mu zaya dina diansadisa mu sia umbangi una ufwene. An examination of what the apostle Paul told Ephesian elders, as recorded in Acts chapter 20, can help us to see how he was able to bear thorough witness. The Bible tells us: "Because the wrong decision was not fulfilled, the heart of the sons of men was going to do what was bad. " Nki kilenda sadisa wana a mase m'Akristu kimana yau kibeni bayiyekola kwa Nzambi kuna mvevo? What can help children of dedicated parents to make a voluntary dedication? 16, 17. Vavanga malau mu sila umbangi kuna kinsalukisa. Make more opportunities to witness informally. Have you ever felt discouraged at times? - * It seems that all of us are discouraged. Ezak'e ntangwa divavanga vo twasamba vana vau mu lomba lusadisu kwa Nzambi. At times, we may need to pray quickly for God's help. . . . . . Wasamba vo: "Es'ame, ovo dilendakana, yambula mbungwa yayi yampioka. " He prayed: "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me. " Then you will be happy knowing that Bible truth protects you from courage. E mbongo ambi isonganga "wan'a mbi. " The weeds are described as "the sons of the wicked one. " Some 200 people died in that accident. Muna kuma kiaki, mwand'avelela tuvwanga o mfunu muna kala ye lukwikilu lwasikila. It is an aspect of the fruitage of God's holy spirit. Still, he stopped his job and returned to the Philippines. (Nkunga 119: 1) O ntozi a Nkunga okutusungamesanga vo e " kimbangumuna kia diambu dia Nzambi i ziku. ' The psalmist reminds us that " the substance of God's word is truth. ' The Devil does not support the marriage arrangement, and he does not want marriage to succeed. Vava tulemvokelanga Nzambi yo Kristu, tusonganga o zola kweto muna yau. Through our obedience, we prove our love for God and Christ. Jesus knew that Peter loved him, but he also knew that Peter's viewpoint was wrong. Nze Kizekeya, aweyi wantu ayingi besongelanga vo akundi a Yave? Like Hezekiah, how have many today proved to be Jehovah's friends? Shortly after the death of 18 - year - old daughter, the lady who visited Madagascar and told her: "I came to visit you because your faith is strong. Muna kuma kiaki, yambula " twatadilanga Nzambi a mpuluza eto. ' Therefore, let us "show a waiting attitude for the God of [our] salvation. " (Psalm 52: 1 - 34) Marc wavova vo: "Wonga yakala wau vava ya yambula e salu yasalanga mu mvu miayingi, kiampananga nzimbu zayingi, kansi Yave wasambul'e salu kieto kia umbangi. Marc says: "After leaving a financially stable job that I had done for almost half of my life, I was apprehensive, but Jehovah blessed our ministry. For the next four years, I served as a pioneer in four cities in New York City. 18, 19. (a) Nki kilenda kukwikidisa vo e mfuluk'antete yayantika kala? 18, 19. (a) For what reasons can you conclude that the first resurrection is now under way? ▪ Let Jehovah Strengthen and Safeguard Your Marriage Kana una vo i wau, twatambulwila e mboka yayi yo kwenda kuna Portugal. But we accepted the assignment and moved to Portugal. What about us? Ke vavioka kolo ko, Mbangi za Yave bakingula nkento ndioyo, bamfiaulwisa yo vwa zayi kavavanga. Then we asked ourselves: " What about the Trinity? Kana una vo Yave watonda ekangu diau, wayambula vo o vilwa bavanga wa lembi lomba luludiku lwandi wasonekwa muna Nkand'a Nzambi. Without inquiring of Jehovah, Joshua and others went ahead and made peace with the Gibeonites, concluding a covenant with them. 17: 22, 23. Mpangi Marco ozingilanga kuna Itália wavova vo: "Kiese kiayingi ngina kiau wau nzeye vo ivanganga mawonso muna sadila Yave vana fulu kia sadila muntu ona olenda vilakana mu nzaki mana ivanganga. " Marco, who lives in Italy, observes: "I have the priceless joy of knowing that I am giving my best to Jehovah and not to someone who will soon forget what I've done. " Such negative traits are part of our imperfection and are "the spirit of the world. " Imosi muna mpila tulenda wo vangila i kunsadisa kazaya dina kalenda vanga vava wantu bekunsianga kitantu. A challenge is often easier to face when it is anticipated. A student who has been treated by his wife needs to help him not to stop studying the Bible. Muna nkand'a Kimpovi tutanganga vo: "Nkumbu ambote isuvidi mazi mantalu; ye lumbu kia fwa kina kia ngutuka. " (Kim. The book of Ecclesiastes says: "A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one's being born. " What comfort can you find at 2 Chronicles 6: 29, 30 and Proverbs 28: 13? Ediadi disongele vo ke mpasi tanga kaka ko. This involves more than just reading it. 11 / 1 E mvovo miandi ke mifunganga ko; lungana kaka milungananga. His words never fail; they always come true. Jehovah taught me that if we are willing to do and accept any assignment he has given us, we will receive many blessings. Paulu wasonga vonza kiaki vava kalukisa esi Filipo balembi " talanga kaka konso muntu o mandi mambu, konso muntu oma m'akw'andi kaka. ' Paul warned against this danger when he urged the Philippians to be "keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just [their] own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others. " Jesus ' attitude toward shepherding was different from that of James and John. MOKO KIA MAMBU MA NZAMBI A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR The apostle Peter gave inspired counsel to Christian wives who are unbelieving husbands. But as for you, you keep seeking great things for yourself. Why do we need to keep comforting? Akweyi tulenda vwila nkuma yo unkabu mu vanga wo? Where can we find the needed courage and strength to do so? In 1940, he again became involved in Germany. Mose wayenda kuna Engipito yo zayisa Faro e nsangu katumwa kwa Nzambi. Faro wafunga kikilu makasi. Moses went to Egypt, proclaimed God's message, and incurred Pharaoh's wrath. " Noah proceeded to do according to God's will. 28 Lusansu - O Kala Fwa Matu ke Dikunkakidilanga ko mu Longa e Ludi Kw'akaka 28 Life Story - Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others When I started studying the Bible in 1977, there were only a few Witnesses in Bulgaria. Avo ovangidi wo kubaka kaka nluta mia malongi mena mo ko, kansi omona mpe vo e kikundi kiaku yo Nzambi kiwokela kikilu. In so doing, you will not only benefit from his advice but also find that you can get to know him as a friend. He was no longer merciful. - 1 Sam. NKUNGA MIYIMBILWA: 123, 95 SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 95 We understand why we should encourage one another now. Nkumbu miayingi odilanga mu kuma kia viangi ikumwenanga. Tears often flow because she misses him so much. Applying questions effectively... helps people to understand what they believe Ediantete, Loti nanga mu lukwikilu kavangila wo. First of all, Lot may well have acted in faith. While he was trying to find another job, he spoke to a manager and said that he could not work hard to deceive him. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi tutanganga vo: "Wau vo e nzengo mun'evangu diambi ke ivika lungiswa ko, o ntim'a wan'a wantu wakangam'o vanga mayi. " " Because sentence against a bad work has not been executed speedily, that is why the heart of the sons of men has become fully set in them to do bad, " says the Bible. It also explains how the hope of the reward helps us. 16, 17. 16, 17. It teaches that discipline and discipline are necessary. Nga wakendalala kala yamu tezo kiadila? - * Nanga yeto awonso twakendalala kala. Have you ever been hurt so badly that you cried? - * All of us probably have. Let us imagine that a Witness named André spoke to Eric. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ What warning does the Bible give us about sexual immorality? Muna mpila yayi, okala ye kiese mu zaya vo ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi otaninanga kuna unkabu wawonso. Then you will feel satisfied knowing that you courageously defended Bible truth! The apostle Peter wrote his first letter in 62 C.E. Tezo kia 200 za wantu bafwa mu sumbula kiakina. Some 200 people died in the accident. How have the world's spirit guided those who obey it? Kana una vo i wau, wayambula e salu kiandi yo vutuka kuna Filipinas. Even so, he gave up his employment and returned to the Philippines. No. O Nkadi ampemba ke yikamanga nkubik'a longo ko, kazolele ko vo longo lwasikila. The Devil does not support the marriage arrangement, and he does not want marriages to succeed. When we meditate on God's love, what will motivate us to do? Yesu wazaya wo vo Petelo watoma kunzolanga, kansi wazaya wo mpe vo e ngindu za Petelo zabendomoka zakala. Jesus knew that Peter loved him, but he also knew that the way Peter reasoned was wrong. Like Paul, we have learned to rely on Jehovah while serving in Madagascar. Ke kolo ko vava kiafwa mwan'a Claudete, o nkento ndiona wayenda kingula Claudete yo kumvovesa vo: Ngizidi kukingula mu zaya kana vo lukwikilu lwaku lwakinu lwasikila wau ofwidilu mwana. However, soon after Claudete's son died, the woman visited her and told her that she had come to see if Claudete still maintained her faith now that her son had died. You can be Jehovah's friend. (Yeremiya 52: 1 - 34) (Jeremiah 52: 1 - 34) Perhaps you agree. Muna mvu yá mialanda, yasala se mviti a nzila muna mbanza yá zaswaswana kuna zunga kia New South Wales ye Queensland. Over the next four years, I pioneered in four other towns - all in New South Wales and Queensland. At Ezekiel's temple, Ezekiel saw the doors, the tabernacle, the Holy One, the altar of the altar, and the burnt offering of burnt offerings. ▪ Yambula Yave Kakumika yo Tanina Longo Lwaku ▪ Let Jehovah Fortify and Safeguard Your Marriage They need to "bear fruit that must be repentance. " - Luke 3: 8. Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kieto? What about us? The Jews and proselytes were gathered together with Jesus Christ's disciples. I bosi twayuvula diaka: "Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kia longi dia nzambi mu ntatu? Then we asked: "What about the Trinity? 4: 7. 17: 22, 23. Therefore what you are unknowingly giving godly devotion to, this I am publishing to you. " - Acts 17: 22, 23. • Why can money cause problems in a marriage, and what can a couple use to overcome it? E fu yayi yambi mu usumuki weto ye mu "mwand'a nza " ituzungidi itukanga. Mwanda wau uvwidi nkuma. These negative forces arise from our imperfection as well as from the influence of "the spirit of the world " around us, and they are very powerful. 26: 1, 2. O nlongoki obangikwanga kwa nkaz'andi, kafwete sadiswa kimana kalembi yambula longoka Nkand'a Nzambi. A student whose mate is opposed should be helped to see that he does not have to discontinue his Bible study. Let me say it, and then I ask it to my parents. " Nkia lufiaulwisu olenda baka muna 2 Tusansu 6: 29, 30 ye Ngana 28: 13? What comfort can be drawn from 2 Chronicles 6: 29, 30 and Proverbs 28: 13? Some do not want to repent, but Proverbs 24: 16 states: "The righteous one will fall seven times, and the wicked ones will get up again. 15 / 11 11 / 1 Imagine that he had authority over angels, such as Michael the archangel. Yave okundonganga vo, kele vo tukedi y'etima dia sala yo tambulwila konso salu katuvene, nsambu zayingi tuvwa. Jehovah has taught me that if we make ourselves available and accept whatever assignment he gives us, there are many blessings to be reaped. ; Sover, M. E mpila ina Yesu kabadikilanga e salu kia vungula yaswaswana ye yina ya Yakobo yo Yoane. Jesus ' view of a spiritual shepherd's role differed from that once manifested by James and John. Similarly, Jesus indicated that a person needs to be born again by means of God's Kingdom. Set Aside Time for Bible Study, 10 / 15 " Do Not Forget the Heart " Petelo wa ntumwa wavana elongi diavumunwinwa kw'akento Akristu bena vo akazi au mindembi - kwikila. The apostle Peter provided inspired counsel for Christian wives living in religiously divided households. " I began teaching my son when I was three years old, " says a mother in Mexico. Ekuma tufwete kwamanena fiaulwisa akaka? Why do we need to keep providing comfort? I didn't hide my parts, so my words did not bother me. Muna mvu wa 1940, kiabakama diaka kwa esi Alemanha. In 1940, it was again annexed by Germany. Children are a gift? " Noa wavanga mawonso kakanikinua kwa Nzambi. " Noah did according to all that God had commanded him. 8 / 1 Vava yayantika longoka o Nkand'a Nzambi muna mvu a 1977, e Mbangi za Yave akete kaka bakala kuna Bulgária. When I began studying the Bible in 1977, there were only a handful of Jehovah's Witnesses in Bulgaria. Purpose of Study Articles Kakala diaka ye nkenda ko. - 1 Sam. She was no longer sad or downcast. - 1 Sam. See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 3, pages 40 - 41. Tubakula e kuma tufwete kasakeselanga muntu yo nkwandi musungula owau. We will understand why we need to encourage one another now more than ever. After three and a half years in Africa, however, we returned to the United States because my wife was pregnant. O sadila yuvu una ufwene... disadisanga wantu bazay'e kuma kia mana bekwikilanga Effective questions help people to discover their own reasons for their beliefs COVER: Two publishers preach the Bible's message to a birdcatcher in the 1930 ' s Ekolo kavavanga salu kiankaka, Hitoshi wamokena yo mfidi a kompani dimosi yo vova vo kalendi sala salu ko kinkumfila muna vuna. During one job interview, for instance, Hitoshi mentioned that he could not engage in dishonest work. As we discussed in the preceding article, we discussed the account of the falsely accused by the high priest, the chief priest, and the king of Persia. Disonga mpe una e vuvu kia vua nsendo kikutusadisilanga. It also shows how the hope of a reward benefits us. Amos compares the beautiful women of Samaria and the golden calf. Usonganga vo ludika yo singika. It carries the idea of training and education. When he was imprisoned, Paul did not stop preaching from house to house. Yindula vo Mbangi a Yave nkumbu andi André, omokenanga yo Salvador. Let us imagine that a Witness named Brian has contacted a man named Eric. So at first he did not obey God's prophet. Nkia lulukisu kekutuvananga o Nkand'a Nzambi mu kuma kia mavangu ma zumba? What warnings does the Bible give us about sexual immorality? YEAR BORN: 1987 " Abhor what is wicked, cling to what is good. " - ROM. They preach the good news and help others to spread this message on earth. Petelo wa ntumwa wasoneka nkand'andi antete muna mvu mia 62 - 64 mia Tandu Kieto. The apostle Peter penned his first letter in about 62 to 64 C.E. When I was 13, I decided to serve Jehovah. Mwand'a nza nkia mpila ubundunwinanga awana belemvokelanga wo? In what ways does the world's spirit enslave those who submit to it? " We view our new assignment as a special privilege, " says Christ. Ve. No. However, there is good reason for believing that all of this will soon happen. And would you not agree that our own imperfections and unpredictable circumstances cause many of our problems? One brother who served as an elder in France thought that he had treated them unfairly. Avo tubadikidi o zola kwa Nzambi, adieyi dikutufila mu vanga? What will we do after meditating on God's love? Do not let Satan deceive you as he deceived Eve into thinking that God's standards are burdensome. Nze Paulu, twalongoka " mbumba ' ya bunda Yave e vuvu ekolo tukunsadilanga oku Madagascar. Like Paul, we have learned "the secret " by relying fully on Jehovah while serving Him here in Madagascar. 3: 5, 6; Jer. Olenda kala nkundi a Yave. The Bible portrays a clear picture of Jehovah God. His situation was similar to that of me in many different ways. Nanga olenda tonda. He may not object to that. Samantha: No, he said that what he taught was sent by him. Foretell Future? Pursuing righteousness can help a person to abandon his sinful course and to "flee from doing God's will. " - Acts 10: 1. Muna tempelo kamona Yezekele mwakala ye mavitu 6, masuku 30, Muvauka, Mumpungu - Vauka, eziku dimosi dia nti ye ziku dia yokela tukau twamfutumuki. The glorious temple that Ezekiel sees has 6 gateways, 30 dining rooms, the Holy, the Most Holy, a wooden altar, and an altar for burnt offerings. Jesus was concerned that his death as a criminal was the object of his Father's name, so he prayed "in the garden of Gethsemane [his] blood became like the blood of the earth. " Bafwete " yima mbongo ina ifwete songa luviluku lwa ntima. ' - Luka 3: 8. They must "produce fruits that befit repentance. " - Luke 3: 8. He tried hard to show these qualities in his life. AYUDA ye minkwikila mia kiyuda balungalakene kumosi y'alongoki a Yesu Kristu. JEWS and proselytes gather around the disciples of Jesus Christ. 1: 1 - 3. 4: 7. 4: 7. For example, we lived in a house with my parents and my mother, sisters, and six children. • Ekuma e nzimbu zilenda twasila e ntatani muna longo? Adieyi dilenda sadila akazi mu sunda zo? • Why can managing money be a challenge in marriage, and what can help couples to succeed? (See opening picture.) 26: 1, 2. 26: 1, 2. Whether in public or in private, husbands should use kind and kind words. Yambula yasoneka kio, bosi iyuvula kio kwa mase mame. " I'm going to write it down and ask my parents. " In the first century, Jehovah's people followed the advice found in God's Word and preached in many places. Akaka ke bezolanga viluka ntima ko. Muna Ngana 24: 16 tutanganga vo: " O nsongi, mbwa nsambwadi kebwa yo vumbuka diaka: E yimpumbulu, muna mpasi iwosomokena (yovo itel'esakuba). ' For instance, notice the wording of Proverbs 24: 16: "The righteous one may fall even seven times, and he will certainly get up; but the wicked ones will be made to stumble by calamity. " Explain. (b) What will we now consider? Se yindudi e wisa kakala kiau vana vena ambasi nze Mikaele wa Mbasi Ambuta. But just think of the angelic creatures over whom he had authority as Michael the Archangel! Satan's methods can be used in this way: "Since God's servants cannot be terrified, they can be influenced by thoughts and conduct. " ; Suárez, M. ; Suárez, M. For example, the house was often without the water's water, which we slept in the kitchen. Diau adimosi mpe, Yesu wasonga vo o muntu muna mona Kintinu kia Nzambi kafwete wutuluka. In a similar manner, Jesus stated that being born again is absolutely necessary for seeing God's Kingdom. Is it because the Bible was used in another way? " Ke Nutelama Ntima Ko ' " Stop Being Anxious " He met Rebekah, a God - fearing man who became Isaac's wife, and Rebekah, by means of Jehovah's promise to bless Abraham's offspring. Julia ngudi mosi kuna México wavova vo: "Yayantika longa mwan'ame a yakala vava kakala ye kimbuta kia mvu tatu. " I started teaching my son when he was three years old, " says a mother in Mexico named Julia. As a Fine Shepherd, Jehovah guides and protects us. Kialendanga nikuna yikwa yame ya nitu ko, ekiaki i kuma e mvovo miame ke miatoma wakanenanga ko. I had limited limb movement, and my speech was hard to understand. He preached not only to make disciples but also to teach them to " observe all the things he had commanded. ' Ekum'o wana benena se lukau? Why are children an inheritance? It can also refer to a person who is happy about the good things he has done. 15 / 8 9 / 15 A negative viewpoint can lead to a lack of understanding of Bible truth. Ekani dia Malongi ma Longoka Purpose of Study Articles (b) What will help us to benefit from God's Word? Tala muna nkanda Estudo Perspicaz das Escrituras, Volume 3, lukaya lwa 40 - 41. See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2, pages 1207 - 8. That development was foretold in Bible prophecy. Kansi, una twakala mvu ntatu ye ndambu kuna África, twavutuka kuna Estados Unidos kadi o nkaz'ame wayimita. However, after three and a half years in Africa, we returned to the United States to have a family. For example, when Leonardo was 14 years old, his father died unexpectedly. FUKWA: Ateleki wole besamunanga e nsangu za Bibila kwa mbaki a mbizi muna nding'a Negombo vana ndambu a mbu kuna Sri Lanka COVER: Two brothers sharing the Bible's message with a fisherman in Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka The apostle Paul often spoke good things about his brothers. Muna longi diviokele, tuvovele lusansu lwa Creso ona wavunua kwa ngang'a luvunu wa musi Delfos, yo sundwa kwa ntinu a Parasa. Earlier we referred to the legend about Croesus ' being misled by the oracle of Delphi, which resulted in his defeat by the king of Persia. If Paul continued to follow Roman law, he would have had a reputation similar to the son of Simon the teacher of Paul's teacher Gamaliel. Amose watezanisa e miote mia akento a Samaria ye ngombe za Basani. Amos likened the luxury - loving women of Samaria to the cows of Bashan. Why is this important? Vava kakala muna pelezo, Paulu kayambulwa ko kenda sila umbangi mu nzo ye nzo. While under house arrest, Paul was not free to witness from house to house. Adam and Eve were left in the garden of Eden, or "a shadow of glory, " so that they could" take care of it and take care of it, " not just for 70 or 80 years but forever. I kuma vo, kuna lubantiku kalemvokela mvovo mia ngunz'a Nzambi ko. Later, Naaman changed his attitude and was healed. So I decided to focus on what is most important - serving Jehovah with my whole heart. MVU KAWUTUKA: 1987 YEAR BORN: 1987 So we need to show our faith in it. Besamunanga nsangu zambote yo sadisa akaka mu mwanganisa nsangu zazi ova nza. They themselves tell good news, and they assist others in spreading good news. When they put God first in marriage, husbands and wives have the strength to resolve problems, and this is the key to a successful marriage. Vava yalungisa mvu 13, mono kibeni yabaka nzengo za sadila Yave. At age 13, I made those values my own. They have been led into their spiritual world. Florian yo nkaz'andi Anja bavova vo: "Tubadikilanga e salu kiampa twavewa nze lau diampwena. Among them were Florian and Anja, who said: "We view our new assignment as an exciting challenge. For example, to the Christians in Corinth, he wrote: "The word of the holy ones should be given, just as the members of the Galatians are, you also must also do. Kansi, vena ye kuma kiasikila mu kwikila vo mambu mama mawonso melungana ke kolo ko. But there is good reason to trust that every detail will be fulfilled and that these events will take place in the near future. He tries to make wise decisions that please Jehovah. Mpangi mosi wateka kala nkuluntu kuna França, wabanzanga vo vilwa bamvanga. In France, a former elder believed that he had been the victim of an injustice, and he became bitter. They take time to meditate on Jehovah's thoughts. - 1 Timothy 4: 15. Kuyambula ko vo Satana kavukumuna nze una kavukumunwina Eva mu yindula vo nkanikinu mia Nzambi miabala. Do not let Satan deceive you, as he deceived Eve, into thinking that God's ways are unduly restrictive. As an adult, Jesus became the likeness of Adam when he was perfect. 3: 5, 6; Yer. 3: 5, 6; Jer. What helped him during that difficult time? E zingu kiandi kiafwanana kiakala ye kiame mu mpila zayingi. In many ways our experiences in life had been similar. First, let us consider whether the criminal had the heavenly hope. Makiese: Ve, edi kavova vo mana kalonganga ma ndiona wantuma. Samantha: No, he said that his teachings belong to the One who sent him. LIFE STORY O tatidil'o unsongi, dilenda sadisa muntu mu yambula mavangu mandi m'esumu yo "viluka " mu vanga luzolo lwa Nzambi. - Mav. A way to start to do so is by "taking in knowledge of... the only true God, and of the one whom [he] sent forth, Jesus Christ. " By allowing God to bless our enemies, we show that we are humble. Though we have the freedom to obtain and pass on information, we also have the responsibility to ascertain its truthfulness and morality. In those days, Mary would not have done so unless she was a widow. O Yesu watokana kwayingi wau vo e mfw'andi nze kimpumbulu ivezesa e nkumbu a S'andi. Muna kuma kiaki, " wasiamisa o samba [kuna mpatu a Ngetesemane], o luina lwandi lwakituka nga menga masonsanga ova ntoto. ' Jesus was evidently so tortured by thoughts of how his death as a supposed evildoer might reflect badly on his Father's reputation that as "he continued praying [in the garden of Gethsemane] his sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground. " When he did not succeed in his first tragedy, Satan struck Job with a painful disease. Wasiang'e ngolo mu songa e fu yayi muna zingu kiandi. He was to strive to make his manner of life exemplary. God cannot be deceived. 1: 1 - 3. 1: 1 - 3. Like the psalmist, we too need to seek divine guidance. Kasikil'owu, nzo imosi twazingilanga ye mase ma se ye ngudi ame, mpangi ye nsanga za se ye ngudi ame yo wan'au kumi ye zole. Traditionally, we had been part of a matrilineal system, in which children were considered part of the mother's family. When they crossed about 40 miles [ km] away, the driver could flee. (Tala e fwaniswa kuna lubantiku lwa longi.) (See opening picture.) They hoped that the literature of the Jews would stop them and force them to stop their work. Kiakala va fulu kia ndonga yovo va fulu kia yau kaka, akala bafwete sadilanga mvovo mia luzitu ye miangemba. In public and in private, husbands should use respectful words and show compassion. If he has said a lie, how he has said he is, for he is a liar and the father of the lie! " Muna tandu kiantete, nkangu a Yave walanda luludiku luna muna Diambu dia Nzambi yo samuna e nsangu zambote mu fulu yayingi. In the first century, Jehovah's people followed the direction in the Scriptures and were able to preach the good news in many places. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Sasila. (b) Adieyi tubadika owau? Explain. (b) What will we now consider? Jehovah has the authority over the 14, 15. (a) How can each of us benefit from the illustration of the leaven? E ndekwa kesadilanga o Satana tulenda zo vovela mu mpila eyi: " Wau vo selo ya Nzambi ke balendi vumiswa ko, balenda yiviswa muna ngindu ye muna fu. ' Satan's strategy might be summed up in this way: " If God's servants cannot be frightened, perhaps they can be corrupted. ' He worked hard to teach, to help, and no one did what Jesus did for a short time. Kasikil'owu, nkumbu miayingi e nzo twalwakilanga ke zakala ye maza ma pompi ko, mun'elonga twayowelwelanga ku nima kuku. For example, we often stayed in homes that had no indoor plumbing and bathed in a tin tub behind the kitchen stove. Because they were busy in their own business and did not accept the message of the prophets, many Jews were like a cup of red wine. Indicating date of issue in which article appears Instead, we show respect for the hard work they are doing and are humble. - Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24; Revelation 19: 10. Nga i mu kuma kia sia vo Nkand'a Nzambi mu mpila yankaka wasonekenua? Is that because the Bible, in effect, is made of something different? However, they can have such a desire if married couples love Jehovah and ask for his help and view their marriage as holy. Wawanana ye Rebeka wavuminanga Nzambi ona wakituka se nkaz'a Isaki. Muna Rebeka, Yave wasikidisa nsilu andi wa sambula mbongo a Abarayama. God - fearing Rebekah became Isaac's beloved wife and played a part in Jehovah's arrangement for preserving Abraham's seed. Why is Peter's example encouraging to us? Wau vo Mvungudi ambote, Yave okutufilanga yo kututanina. As a loving Shepherd, Jehovah guides and protects us. He also states: "If pride comes, shame will come; but with the modest ones there is wisdom. " Wabatuma ke mu kwenda kitula kaka wantu s'alongoki ko, kansi muna kubalonga mpe " balunda mambu mawonso kabakanikina. ' He instructed his followers not only to go and make disciples but also to teach them " to observe all the things he had commanded. ' Think about what a child has received from his parents, and then he uses the money to buy his parents. Ulenda mpe yika muntu una ye kiese mu kuma kia diambu diambote kavangidi. It is also "a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good. " If his brothers remained neutral, selfish, and selfish, Jehovah promised him that his family would become a nation without any power. E ngindu zalembi songa zilenda fila muntu mu lembi bakula e ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi. A veil of prejudice or preconceived ideas can hinder a reader from understanding Bible truth. Highlights From the Book of First Kings, 1 / 15 (b) Adieyi dilenda kutusadisa mu vua nluta mia Diambu dia Nzambi? (b) What helps us to benefit from God's Word? Each time an elder does this, he tells his brother: "I have seen the work you are doing. E nsobani yayi yasakulwa muna ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi. This dramatic change was foretold in a Bible prophecy. (b) Why can we say that "the word of God is alive and exerts power "? Badika e nona kia Leonardo, vava kakala ye kimbuta kia mvu 14, o s'andi wafwa ku kinsalukisa mu kimbevo kia ntima. Consider the experience of Leonardo, who was 14 years old when his father suddenly died from cardiorespiratory problems. We do this when our love for Jehovah motivates us to endure trials and temptations. Paulu wa ntumwa nkumbu miayingi kavovanga mambu mambote mu kuma kia mpangi zandi. The apostle Paul often said good things about his brothers. The Bible explains how Jehovah's love moved the first human pair to give a better life without sickness or death. Kele vo Paulu wakwamanana landa nsiku mia kiyuda, nga wadi kala y'etunda nze dia Simone wa mwan'a Ngamaliele wa nlongi a Paulu. If Paul had continued to practice Judaism, he may well have risen to a position similar to that of Simeon, the son of Paul's educator, Gamaliel. Holy spirit helps the Governing Body to understand what the Bible teaches before them. Ekuma dinina diamfunu? Why is this important? After convinceing the people, Jews, and Gentiles that Jesus is the Messiah, Paul helped them to make a dedication and baptism. Adami yo Eva basiwa muna mpatu a Edene, yovo "paradiso ya nkembo, " kimana " bavata yo lunga - lunga yo, ' ke mu 70 yovo 80 lwa mvu kaka ko, kansi yakwele mvu. Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden, or "paradise of pleasure, "" to cultivate it and to take care of it, " not for a mere 70 or 80 years, but for eternity. But what should you do if there is something else that affects people in your territory? Muna kuma kiaki, yabaka e nzengo za sia e sungididi mu mana masundidi o mfunu, i sia vo, sadila Yave ye nsia ntim'ame yawonso. I reasoned that in this present life, I cannot have everything. The sons of Levi went to the side of Moses. " - Exodus 32: 17 - 20, 26. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete songanga muna mpila tuzingilanga vo tukwikilanga muna diambu diadi. The truth is that Jehovah's day is fast approaching, and we must keep in expectation of it. They believed not only what the apostle Paul taught them but also " carefully examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so. ' - Acts 17: 11. Vava besianga Nzambi va fulu kiantete muna longo, yakala yo nkento bekalanga ye nkuma muna singika mambu. Eyayi i nsabi muna kala ye longo lwakiese. Being united with God gives a couple the spiritual strength to cope with problems, and it is the key to achieving the greatest happiness in marriage. In many parts of the world today, many people think that having children is very important. Bavutuka muna nza au ya kimwanda. The Flood forced them back into the spirit realm. As "the happy God, " Jehovah wants us to enjoy life and avoid the consequences of gambling. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. Kasikil'owu, kuna kw'Akristu a esi Korinto wasoneka vo: "Vo i diambu dia ngonzekel'aveledi, wauna yakanikina mabundu ma Ngalatia, oyeno mpe i nuvanga una. For example, to Christians in Corinth, he wrote: "Concerning the collection that is for the holy ones, just as I gave orders to the congregations of Galatia, do that way also yourselves. Think of his grief at the end of his last meal with his apostles. Osianga e ngolo za baka nzengo zambote ziyangidikanga Yave. He tries to make wise decisions that will please Jehovah. The father promised that his son would never get married or have children. Oyangalela e ntangwa ovaula muna badika e ngindu za Yave. - 1 Timoteo 4: 15. You will love the quiet times you spend meditating on Jehovah's precious thoughts. - 1 Timothy 4: 15. What challenges might elderly ones face? Vava kakala se mbuta, Yesu wakituka se fwaniswa kia Adami vava kakala walunga. As a full - grown man, Jesus was to be the exact equivalent of the once perfect Adam. In these last days, there are many things that can cause us anxiety, but paying attention to these things does not stop our life or improve. Nki kiasadisa Katrin muna kolo kiakina kiampasi? What helped Katrin during those hours of anxiety? The commercial system and the wrong way of ruling can lead people to poverty. Entete, yambula twabadika kana vo kimpumbulu kiakina wakala ye vuvu kia kwenda kun'ezulu. First, let us consider whether that evildoer met the qualifications for heavenly life. The fear of God will help us to obey him. LUSANSU LIFE STORY There is no work nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, where you go. " (Ngana 11: 2) Muna yambula vo Nzambi kasenda atantu eto, tusonganga vo tu alembami. Wisely leaving the avenging of wrong in God's hands shows modesty on our part. 39: 1, 2. Muna tandu kiakina, Maria kadi wo vanga ko nanga vo nkento ansona kakala. That would have been unusual in Bible times unless she was a widow. This could weaken his spirituality. Vava kalembi sunda muna sumbula yantete kantwasila, Satana wayelesa Yobi kimbevo kiampasi. When Satan failed in his initial attacks, he afflicted Job with a painful disease. A few years later, however, a group of people traveled from the remote area to the capital city. Nzambi kalendi vunginikwa ko. God cannot be deceived. By reading the Bible, we can become better acquainted with our heavenly Father and his purposes. Nze ntozi a nkunga, diamfunu yeto mpe twavava luludiku lwa Nzambi. Like the psalmist, we do well to look to God for direction. The Bible clearly states: "The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all... Vava badiata tezo kia kilometa 40, o mfumu ekalu walenda tina. Some 25 miles [40 km] away, the driver managed to escape. When Jesus was on earth, he successfully resisted Satan's temptations. O Sambalati wayindulanga vo nkanda uzakamesa Ayuda yo kubafila mu ningamesa e salu kiau. Or Sanballat may have thought that the contents of the letter would cause such alarm among the Jews that they would stop their work altogether. We knew why Jehovah's name is important, and why did he allow suffering to continue and why others go to heaven and what they would experience in the future. Ovo luvunu kavovele, una wa yandi kibeni i kavovele: kadi nkwa luvunu kwandi, ese mpe dia luvunu. " When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. " Do not listen to them. " wavaikiswa kwa Mbangi za Yave. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. As the fish fell, he got up in the fish and threw them out. " Yave una ye wisa muna mawonso 14, 15. (a) Aweyi konso muntu mu yeto kalenda bakila nluta muna kingana kia mfuna? 14, 15. (a) How can we personally benefit from the lesson behind the illustration of the leaven? A proud person takes pride in himself and hates others. Wayivananga kwayingi mu kwenda longa, sadisa yo wuka wantu. Ke vena mosi ko wavanga mana Yesu kavanga mu kolo kiakete. He spared no effort in traversing the land - teaching, helping, and curing the people. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is organized to support the preaching work. Wau vo bayivana muna salu ya yau kibeni yo lembi tambulwila nsangu za angunza, Ayuda ayingi bakala nze makafi mekanganga ekaminu dia vinyo. He did so even though - like dregs congealed at the bottom of a wine vat - many Jews had settled down and were apathetic toward the message. Prayer helps us to endure in our ministry Kansi, tukubazitisanga mu kuma kia salu kiayingi besalanga yo lulembamu besonganga. - Tanga 2 Korinto 1: 24; Lusengomono 19: 10. But we do respect and honor them for their hard work and humility. - Read 2 Corinthians 1: 24; Revelation 19: 10. (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 6, 12.) Kansi, balenda kala y'etima diadi avo akazi bezolanga Yave yo lomba lusadisu lwandi yo badikila longo lwau vo lwavauka. But when a couple love Jehovah, ask for his spirit, and view their union as sacred, they have the kind of motivation that many lack. We honor our Father and make it clear when we pray: "Let your name be sanctified. Ekuma mbandu a Petelo inina ya lukasakeso kwa yeto? Why is Peter's overall example heartening? Why? Ovovanga mpe: "O lulendo ovo luizidi, e nsoni zizidi: Kansi tu, vana vena nlêka i vena ngangu. " God's Word also warns: "Has presumptuousness come? Then dishonor will come; but wisdom is with the modest ones. " Later, these false teachers spread all the congregations, and Jesus foretold that this apostasy would continue until "the conclusion of the system of things. " Yindula mwana oveno finzimbu kwa mase mandi, i bosi osadidi ndambu a nzimbu zazi mu sumbila mase mandi lukau. Imagine a young child who receives a small allowance from his parents and then uses part of it to buy his parents a gift. To answer that question, think about Jehovah's eyes. (Etuku 35: 11, 12) Kele vo mpangi zandi bakwamanana muna mavangu mau ma nsoki ye loko, o nsilu Yave kwa Yaboko wa sia vo e kanda diandi dikituka se zula kia nkuma, ke wadi lungana ko. If Joseph's brothers were still violent, selfish, unscrupulous men, the long - term effects could be disastrous! What does Jesus expect elders to treat the sheep? NKAND'A NZAMBI Lusalu Lwantalu Lwaswekama Tuka Kolo (Nkand'a Nzambi muna Nding'a Georgia), 1 / 6 God was like a faithful man, but his people abandoned him. To illustrate: To climb Mount Everest, a person needs about 6,000 calories a day. Imagine that the angels are saying: "You will not be deceived by Satan! " 3: 27; 15: 23) Konso ntangwa o nkuluntu kevanganga wo, edi kevovesanga mpangi andi: " Imonanga e salu osalanga. Whenever an elder does that, he tells his brothers, in effect: " I noticed what you did. Since the dead "are conscious of nothing at all, " how can they suffer in hell? Ekuma? (b) Ekuma tulenda vovela vo " diambu dia Nzambi diamoyo ye nkuma '? (b) Explain how "the word of God is alive " and how it" exerts power. " Think of what we have considered at the beginning of this article. Tuvanganga wo vava o zola kweto muna Yave kukutufilanga mu zizidila mpasi ye ntonta. We do so when our love for Jehovah enables us to withstand trials and temptations. What will help us to keep on the watch? Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga una zola kwafidila Yave mu vana e yakala yo nkento antete zingu kiambote, kiakondwa mayela ngatu lufwa. The Bible describes how love moved Jehovah to give to the first humans life free of sickness and death. How do you feel about this hope? O mwand'avelela usadisanga Buka kia Selo Yambuta mu bakula malongi ma Nkand'a Nzambi mana ke mabakulwanga ko entete. The holy spirit has helped the Governing Body to understand Bible truths that were not understood before. But like David, we can find comfort in knowing that Jehovah understands our situation. - Ps. Vava kamana kwikidisa nkangu, Ayuda ye esi Zula vo, o Yesu yandi i Kristu wa Masia, Paulu wabasadisa mu kuyiyekola yo vubwa. After convincing people - Jews and Gentiles - that Jesus was Christ, the Messiah, Paul helped them to dedication and baptism. Why did God's people need to be corrected during World War I, and what should we not say? Kansi, adieyi ofwete vanga avo diambu diankaka ditokanesanga wantu muna zunga kieno? But if other topics are weighing on the minds of people in your territory, formulate interest - arousing presentations to meet those needs. (b) What made Paul happy? O wan'a Levi bele kuna ndambu a Mose. ' - Luvaiku 32: 17 - 20, 26. And "all the Levites gathered around " Moses. - Exodus 32: 17 - 20, 26. First make your peace with your brother, when you return, offer your gift. " Ke bakwikila kaka mana Paulu wa ntumwa kabalonga ko, kansi "e lumbu yawonso bafimpidinge e sono, o mambu mama, kana wau mena. " - Mavangu 17: 11. Not only were they keenly believing what the apostle Paul taught them but they were also "carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. " - Acts 17: 11. The second point is that we will consider in this article. (Etuku 30: 1, 2) Muna nsi zayingi o unu, wantu ayingi beyindulanga vo wuta wana ayingi mfunu kikilu dina. In some countries today, many believe that it is very important to have a lot of children. All of this shows that Mark worked hard to preach the good news of the Kingdom in many parts of the world, and he used others joyfully. At this the woman said to the serpent: " We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. " It was not like the one who hit the wind. " - 1 COR. Wau vo Yave, Nzambi " akiese ' ozolele vo twayangalelanga e zingu yo venga mfwilu mia ntambu a tá mpanza. - 1 Timoteo 1: 11. As "the happy God, " Jehovah wants us to enjoy life, free of the bitter fruitage that results from the snare that gambling is. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. on page 29. Yindula lukendalalu kakala lwau muna nlekelo a nsuka kakala ye ntumwa zandi. Imagine the immense stress that he was feeling at the last evening meal he had with his apostles. Let this book help all, especially our dear young ones, to endure "walking by spirit. " - Gal. O nsilu una se kasia wasonganga vo mwan'andi ke singa sompa ko ngatu wuta wana. His promise meant that she would never be able to marry or have any children. Not only did he leave the world's good things but he had the opportunity to be the ruler of the Jews. Nkia mpasi balenda nwana zau anunu? What burdens can advanced age impose on a person? Table of Contents Omu lumbu yayi yansuka vena ye mambu mayingi malenda kutufila mu telamwa o moyo, kansi o sia e sungididi muna mambu mama ka dilambula zingu kieto ko ngatu tomesa kio. The last days of this wicked system of things give rise to many anxieties, but focusing on them will not extend our lives or improve the quality of life. In the vision given to the apostle John, "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " E kinkita ki'eloko ye mpila yambi ya yadila ilenda kotesa nkangu mu usukami. Greedy commerce and corrupt rulership may result in harsh economic conditions. Should We Fear God? O vumi wa Nzambi ukutusadisa mu lemvokela Nzambi. Godly fear is a great aid as we cultivate obedience. Rose and her husband said that what they learned from the Bible helped them to be honest. Ke vena mfuntu ko yovo lukanu, yovo zayi yovo ngangu muna nsi - a - fwa, kun'okwenda. " There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [mankind's common grave], the place to which you are going. " What should married Christians put first? 39: 1, 2. 39: 1, 2. Many scholars claim that the Bible was written to the Jews and to the Christians. Ediadi dilenda yoyesa kimwanda kiandi. This could have a debilitating effect on her spiritual health. Remember that in the last days, many "will not know. " Kansi, vioka fikolo, buka kia wantu bakangala tuka muna zunga yandá ya Tuva yakuna mbanza Kyzyl mu kwenda ku lukutakanu (seminário). However, some time ago, a group of people traveled from several outlying parts of Tuva to Kyzyl, its capital, to attend a seminar. However, only among true Christians can find true Christians, who are "a kingdom of priests. " - 1 Pet. Muna tanganga Nkand'a Nzambi, tulenda toma zaya o Se dieto kuna zulu ye makani mandi mu kuma kieto. We can become acquainted with our heavenly Father and his loving purposes for us by studying his Word, the Bible. Peter confirmed this, saying: "You brothers, therefore, are keeping your minds fixed on the calling and choosing of your chosen ones, for if you keep doing these things, do not fail. O Nkand'a Nzambi utoma kiesesanga vo: "Wantu bazeye wo vo fwa befwa, kansi afwa ke bazeye diambu ko... The Bible clearly states: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... Does he care about people? Vava Yesu kakala ova ntoto, wasunda e ntonta za Satana. When Jesus came to earth, he made the choice to reject Satan's temptations. So when we meditate on Jesus ' question, it is good to think carefully about what we can do in this world and what we can do in Jehovah's service to show that our faith is strong. Twazaya ekuma nkumbu a Yave inina yamfunu, y'ekuma keyambulwilanga vo e mpasi zakala yamu wau, y'ekuma akaka bekwendela kun'ezulu ye nki bevwa akwa kwikizi kuna sentu. We discovered why Jehovah's name is important, why he permits suffering, why some people go to heaven, and what the future holds for faithful mankind in general. 8: 31. Kuvavi mo ko. " Stop seeking such things. " Learn From Jesus ' Example Ekolo mbizi zayumanga, mungwa watoma kotanga muna mbizi yo badisa zo. " During this drying the body fluids drain away and salt solution penetrates the fish. After this drying they are firm and hard. " SONGS TO BE USED: 2, 132 O nkwa lulendo, ovavanga kitundidika yo veza akaka. A proud individual attempts to elevate himself by constantly putting others down. This will help you to think seriously about what you are reading. E nkubik'a Yave ova ntoto yasikidiswa mu yikama salu kia samuna nsangu zambote. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is in place today and organized to support this all - important work. Although it is not easy for a Christian to make a sworn oath to others, he may be able to make a vow. E sambu kikutusadisanga mu zindalala muna salu kia umbangi Prayer helps us to endure in our ministry So I left the goal of becoming a priest. (Tanga 1 Korinto 12: 4 - 6, 12.) (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 6, 12.) Paul said: "Keep encouraging one another and building one another up. " Tuzitisanga S'eto yo songa vo ziku kikilu tuvovanga vava tusambanga vo: "Yambula nkumbu aku yazitiswa. We honor our Father and show that we really mean it when we pray: "Let your name be sanctified. Such study convinces sincere Bible students that what we read in the Bible is Jehovah's inspired Word. - Isaiah 40: 8. Ekuma? Why? He knew that spiritual food - the truth of God's Word - will lead to everlasting life. Kuna kwalanda, alongi awaya a luvunu bayivisa e nkutakani yawonso. Yesu wasakula vo umpengomoki wau ukwamanana yakuna "mbaninu a nza. " As indicated by Jesus, such apostasy, promoted by "the wicked one, " Satan, would grow and obscure true Christianity until" the conclusion of the system of things. " Although many people do not like them, they have a similar attitude. Muna baka e mvutu za kiuvu kiaki, yindula un'o Yave ketadilang'e diambu diadi. For the answer, consider the example set by Jehovah in dealing with disappointment. Why do we say that? Adieyi Yesu kevavanga kw'akuluntu muna mpila bafwete kadilanga ye mameme? The apostles needed to resist a tendency toward wanting to "lord it over " their companions, or to " order people around. ' " There are many things about a person that are written on the Internet... cannot be trusted. " Nzambi wakala nze yakala dia kwikizi, kansi o nkangu andi wambembola. God was like a faithful husband, but his people deserted him! When Emlyn examines those verses, he says: "There is no one in the Bible that shows that the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit is one. " Se yindula kele vo ambasi bavovese vo: "Keba walembi vunginikwa kwa Satana! " Imagine, then, the angels telling you: "Do not be fooled by Satan's lies! " 14 Is Your God Real? (Nkunga 146: 4, RJ) Wau vo afwa "ke bazeye diambu ko, " o " makani mau mevilanga, ' aweyi balenda mwena mpasi kuna bilungi? If the dead "no longer know anything " and their" thoughts perish, " how could they sense any torment in hell? Remember that you are teaching, encourage, and comfort his sheep. Yindula mana tuyikidi kala kuna lubantiku lwa longi diadi. Think about the scene mentioned at the beginning of this article. As a result, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John read about a person who needs to believe that "Jesus Christ is the Son of God. " - John 20: 31. Adieyi dilenda kutusadisa mu yingila? What will help us to do that? The Bible does not explain why the names of others were written and others were not written. Aweyi omonanga mu kuma kia vuvu kiaki? How do you feel about this hope? But if children realize that their parents are selfish, they will see that Bible principles are not important. Kansi nze Davidi, tulenda fiaulwiswa mu zaya vo Yave ozeye mpasi zeto. - Nku. But like David, we can be comforted in knowing that Jehovah fully understands our distresses. - Ps. What can we learn? Ekuma diavavila vo nkangu a Nzambi wasingikwa muna kolo kia Vita Yantete ya Nza Amvimba? Adieyi ke tufwete vova ko? Why did God's people need some correction during World War I, but what would it be wrong to assume? Indeed, as the Bible says, children benefit when their parents spend time with them. - Prov. (b) Adieyi diatwasilanga Paulu e kiese kiasikila? (b) What made Paul truly happy? Jehovah's enemies "will be cut off. " - Psalm 37: 9, 10, 20. Wenda teka wizana yo mpangi aku, vava ovutuka, tambika o lukau lwaku. " First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift. " In fact, it is easier to study the Bible in our time than in Daniel's day. E nsasa y'ezole i yau tuvovela mun'elongi diadi. This second meaning is what we are considering here. How do we know that it does not partake of the emblems? Lusansu lwalu lwawonso lusonganga vo Maku wakivana muna salu kia samuna nsangu zambote za Kintinu mu fulu yayingi ova nza. Wasadilanga akaka ye kiese. When assembled, the various bits of information we have about Mark produce the portrait of a man zealous for promoting the good news in various parts of the worldwide field, a man happy to serve others. At that time, more than 40 special pioneers were placed each month. " E ndwana nwananga ke ina nze ndion'owanda tembwa ko. ' - 1 KOR. " The way I am directing my blows is so as not to be striking the air. " - 1 COR. If the family worked hard to do so, it can help children learn to show compassion and desire to serve as regular pioneers or missionaries. muna lukaya lwa 29. on page 29. This book may have been written for non - Jews, especially to the Romans, and Mark's Gospel shows that Jesus, the Son of God, performed many miracles, and became zealous in the preaching work. Yambula nkanda wau wasadisa awonso, musungula aleke eto anzolwa, mu zindalala " kangalela muna mwanda. ' - Ngal. May it help all - especially our dear young people - to " keep walking by holy spirit. ' - Gal. But one day when she tried to attend a meeting, she writes: "The talk was over. Kasisa kaka mawete ma nza ko, kansi y'elau dia kala se nyadi wa Ayuda. He left behind not only the comforts of the world but also the possibility of becoming a future leader of Judaism. Yes, "do your works to Jehovah, and your plans will succeed. " Oma Mena Mo Table of Contents On the other hand, if secular work takes much time and energy, it can lead to happiness in God's service. Word Pictures, 5 / 1 Only a few years before Jerusalem's destruction in 607 B.C.E. Muna mona - meso kasongwa o Yoane wa ntumwa beyikilwanga vo "ndong'ayingi, ina ilembi tangakana kwa muntu, yatuka muna zula yawonso, yo makanda, ye nsi, ye ndinga. " In a vision given to the apostle John, they are described as "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " You too will reap rich spiritual blessings if you set your heart on spiritual goals. Nzambi Nga Tufwete Sambil'e Teke? Should We Worship Images? Baptized in the Name of Whom and What? Haykanush yo nkaz'andi bavova vo mana belongokanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi mekubasadisanga mu kala akwa ziku. Haykanush and her husband explained that they were honest because of what they were learning from the Bible. Why is that dangerous for Christians? Adieyi Akristu asompa bafwete sianga va fulu kiantete? What should be the first priority of Christian married couples? During Times of distress Akwa ngangu ayingi bevovanga vo Nkand'a Nzambi i nkanda miasonekwa kwa Ayuda ye Akristu miabundakeswa kwa wantu. Some scholars say that the Bible is just a group of Jewish and Christian books put together by humans. 9, 10. Sungamena dio vo Yesu wavova vo muna lumbu yambaninu, wantu ayingi " ke bezaya wo ko. ' Remember, Jesus said that in the last days, most people would take "no note. " This publication is not for sale. Kansi, vana vena Akristu akieleka kaka tulenda solwela akusua akieleka ana bena vo i "mfumu za nganga. " - 1 Pet. However, only among true Christians do we find genuine anointed ones, making up "a royal priesthood. " - 1 Pet. During those years, the brothers had to work hard to attend conventions in Mexico. Petelo wasong'e ziku kia diambu diadi, oku vo: "Dianu vo, ampangi nutoma sia sungididi nwasikila muna mboka ye nsolw'eno, kadi avo nukwamanana vanga mambu mama, ke nufunga nkutu ko. Peter explained it this way: "Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and choosing sure for yourselves, for if you keep on doing these things, you will by no means ever fail. Do you young servants of Jehovah appreciate the privilege of helping others to "put faith in the good news "? Nga kembelwa kwa wantu kevwanga o mfunu? Is it because he needs praise from humans? Remember the example of a friend whom you know well - trained sports and sing. Muna kuma kiaki, vava tubadikanga kiuvu kia Yesu, diambote twatoma fimpa mu zaya kina tulenda bembola mu nza yayi ye dina tulenda vanga muna salu kia Yave mu songa vo lukwikilu lweto lwasikila. Hence, when we further meditate on Jesus ' question, we would do well to consider seriously how much we are willing to give up in this system of things and what we are willing to do in Jehovah's service to demonstrate that our faith is truly alive. They may not want to have children again. 8: 31. Jesus made a similar point when he said: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples. " - John 8: 31. 16, 17. Longoka Muna Mbandu a Yesu Learn From Jesus ' Example The soul dies. NKUNGA MIYIMBILWA: 201, 132 SONGS TO BE USED: 201, 132 Are the Dead Alive? Ediadi dilenda kusadisa mu yindula e diambu otanganga. This can help you to create in your mind a picture of the characters and events involved. Jesus ' throne is praised throughout the earth, even for those who do not know Christ. Kana una vo ke ditoma vangamanga ko, o Nkristu olenda dia e ndofi kuna kw'akaka muna songa e ziku kia diambu. Or, on a rare occasion, a Christian might find it necessary to make a sworn oath to assure others of his intentions or to help settle a matter. In ancient Corinth, there were archaeologists near the market or at the synagogue. Muna kuma kiaki, yabembola ekani dia kituka se mpelo. Eventually, I abandoned my goal of becoming a priest. What warning did the Christians in Laodicea receive, and why is this important for us? Paulu wavova vo: "Nulongaziana, yo vangaziana. " Paul said: "Keep comforting one another and building one another up. " In the congregation, Jehovah provides abundant spiritual food. Lufimpu nze lwalu lukwikidisanga alongoki akieleka a Nkand'a Nzambi vo mana masonama muna Nkand'a Nzambi tuna wau o unu i Diambu diavumunwinwa kwa Yave. - Yesaya 40: 8. Studies like these convince sincere Bible students that what they have today is Jehovah's inspired Word. - Isaiah 40: 8. How can we communicate with such people? Wazaya wo vo o dia madia ma mwanda, i sia vo, ludi kia Diambu dia Nzambi, difilanga ku moyo a mvu ya mvu. He knew that taking in spiritual food, the truths found in God's Word, leads to everlasting life. Our appreciation for Jesus ' ransom sacrifice should move us to make changes in our lives and live according to his willingness to die for us. Kana una vo wantu ke bezolanga vunwa ko, ayingi bena ye fu kiaki. " We didn't expect lying to be such a common part of daily life. " What the Servant taught, and his love for people helped him when he came to earth and endured opposition. Ekuma tuvovele wau? Prohibition Relaxed When Nehemiah learned that the people living in Jerusalem were in distress, he begged Jehovah to help them. " Mambu mayingi meyikwanga mu kuma kia muntu, mu ngindu z'awana besonekanga mambu muna internet metukanga... ke mafwete bundwa vuvu ko. " " Opinions, advice, statements, offers, or other information or content made available through [this] service are those of their respective authors... and should not necessarily be relied upon. " Such friends can help you to do what is right. Vava Emlyn kafimpa sono yayi, wavova vo: "Kavena sono kimosi ko muna Nkand'a Nzambi kisonganga vo Se, Mwana yo Mwand'avelela muntu mosi kaka. " After Emlyn considered all the evidence, he emphatically stated: "There is no one passage in holy Scripture, wherein it can be so much as pretended, that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are expressly said to be one and the same individual being. " Our view of matters in harmony with our Creator's thinking helps us to "walk in the way " that pleases Jehovah. - Isa. 14 E Mvuatu Miaku Nga Mivananga Nkembo kwa Nzambi? 14 Does Your Style of Dress Glorify God? A person needs to be an elder or a ministerial servant for two years. Nufwete sungamenanga vo e mbeb'eno i longa, kasakesa yo fiaulwisa mameme mandi. Remember, it is your responsibility to teach, encourage, and refresh his sheep. 18 Draw Close to a Jew Muna kuma kiaki, e nsangu zambote zasoneka Matai, Maku, Luka yo Yoane muna ye nsangu zina muntu kavwidi o mfunu mu kwikila vo "Yesu i Kristu, wa Mwan'a Nzambi. " - Yoane 20: 31. For this reason, the four Gospels contain all that is needed for a person to believe that "Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. " - John 20: 31. Karen: If you want to talk about that subject at a time. Nkand'a Nzambi ke usasilanga ko e kuma nkumbu za wantu akaka zasonekenwa ye z'akaka ke zasonekwa ko. The Bible does not explain in each case why some individuals are named and others are not. Some translations say: "This is the freedom to obtain what we are waiting for. Kansi, kele vo wana babakwidi vo mase mau akwa disu kunsi a lukaya, bemona vo nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi ke mina kwandi mfunu ko. However, if children perceive a double standard, they might draw the conclusion that Bible principles are not really important or practical. If you are a baptized brother, how do you feel about preaching from door to door but find it difficult to do it? Adieyi tulenda longoka? The lesson? You might say, "As they were singing in the tabernacle, you would probably not be part of their group. " Kieleka, nze una Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga, o wana bebakanga nluta vava mase mau bevaulanga e ntangwa mu kala yau vamosi. - Nga. Indeed, as God's Word states, children will benefit if they receive parental attention and training. - Prov. Continue to make his heart rejoice by doing his will. E mbeni za Yave " zivempoka; nze mwisi. ' - Nkunga 37: 9, 10, 20. The enemies of Jehovah "will vanish like smoke. " - Psalm 37: 9, 10, 20. All of this can be avoided if people followed the Bible's counsel. Kieleka, diasazu mu longoka Nkand'a Nzambi mu lumbu yeto ke mu lumbu ya Daniele ko. In some respects, Bible study is easier for us today than it was for Daniel. All of this will enhance our suffering during these "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 4. Aweyi tuzayidi wo vo ke malavu manzenzo ma uva ko? (It would not have been fresh grape juice, for the grape harvest was long past.) How encouraging it must have been for Jesus to hear that his Father was pleased with him! Muna ntangwa yayina aviti a nzila a espesiale lusadisu lwa 40 ma shillings (tezo kia doler 8) bavewanga muna konso ngonde. The special pioneer monthly allowance was 40 shillings (then about $8, U.S.). My mother pioneered with a sister in another congregation. Kele vo esi nzo basidi e ngolo za vanga wo, dilenda sadisa wana mu longoka songa e nkenda yo kala y'etima dia sala nze aviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde yovo misionario. Striving to do that as a family can help children learn to be compassionate, and they will be more likely to develop a desire to serve as regular pioneers or missionaries. On the night, God revealed different ideas to his prophet so that he could tell the king. Nanga, o nkanda wau mu kuma ki'awana bena vo ke Ayuda ko wasonekenwa, musungula esi Roma. O nkand'a Maku usonganga vo Yesu wa Mwan'a Nzambi, wavanga masivi mayingi yo kuyivana mu salu kia samun'e nsangu zambote. Evidently intended for non - Jews, particularly the Romans, the book of Mark presents Jesus as the miracle - working Son of God who carries on a vigorous preaching campaign. Having a schedule to talk about our needs as a couple is a great help. Kansi, lumbu kimosi vava kavanga e ngolo za kwenda ku lukutakanu, wasoneka vo: "E longi diavovela lukendalalu. However, one day, after she made the effort to attend a meeting, she wrote: "The talk was about discouragement. We need to be careful, especially when we experience situations that could cause us to compromise Jehovah's standards. Elo, "yekeka mavangu maku kwa Yave, o makani maku masikila. " (Nga. Indeed, "roll your works upon Jehovah himself and your plans will be firmly established. " It is true that we can feel anxious when we endure trials. Kansi, kele vo e salu kia nitu ntangwa yayingi ye ngolo kivavanga, dilenda kuyiya e kiese muna salu kia Nzambi. But if secular work consumes too much time and energy, it can rob you of joy in God's service. Even in the most popular territory, we find people who are willing to listen to the good news of our salvation. (Yezekele 1: 1; 8: 1) Mvu miakete kaka miasala vitila lufwasu lwa Yerusaleme muna mvu wa 607. That was not long before Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 607. When there is a problem, you might change the conversation, talk about it, or ask for forgiveness before you start arguing. - Prov. Ongeye mpe ovwa nsambu zayingi za mwanda kele vo osidi etima mu salu kia mwanda. By pursuing spiritual goals, you too will reap priceless spiritual blessings. The apostle Paul told Christians in Rome not to "love themselves " and remind them that" the Christ did not please himself. " Vubilwa Muna Nkumbu a Nani ye Nki? Apologists, 6 / 1 Balsam of Gilead, 6 / 1 " Rejoice With Jehovah " Ekuma dinina dia vonza kuna kw'Akristu? Why should this seriously concern Christians? So Job lost his livestock, children, and illness. Muna Ntangw'a Mpasi When in Distress In what other ways are a physical person different from a spiritual person? 9, 10. 9, 10. That is why we see a number of laws and judges that explain how these laws apply. Mu tukau twamvevo kisadilwanga. This publication is not for sale. We read: "The chief priests and scribes standing, and they took Jesus to the thousand. " Muna mvu miamina, ngolo zayingi diavavanga kimana ampangi benda muna tukutakanu twampwena twavangamanga kuna México. In those years, most Witnesses had to make big sacrifices to attend the few conventions held in Mexico. Now we see that it is necessary for humans to be born again, God's new birth, and prepare them for life in heaven. Yeno aleke nusadilanga Yave, nga nuyangalelanga elau dia sadisa akaka mu "kwikila muna nsangu zambote "? You young servants of Jehovah, how highly do you value the incomparable privilege of helping others to "have faith in the good news "? Why should we consider the circumstances in Nehemiah's life? Sungamena e nona kia nkundi aku on'ozeye toma tá e somba yo yimbila. Remember the illustration about your remarkable friend. (c) What did Jesus show by remaining faithful until death? Dilenda kala vo ke bazolele diaka wuta wana ko. They may not want more children. Abraham's heart was influenced by what he learned about God. 16, 17. 16, 17. (Read John 5: 5 - 9.) Moyo fwa ufwanga. The soul is mortal. King Solomon said: "There is no righteous man on earth who does good and does not sin. " Amafwa nga Bevutukang'o Zinga? Passing From Death to Life This is true of those who receive the heavenly calling. Luwutuku lwa Yesu lukembelelwanga muna nz'amvimba kana nkutu kw'awana ke bazeye Kristu ko. With each passing year, the holiday has become more commercialized. The waters fill the earth. Muna Korinto ankulu, mwakala y'etenda - nkongolo diazanguka lukufi ye ágora yovo zandu, vana ndambu esambilu. For example, historian and geographer Pausanias, of the second century C.E., stated that at Olympia, there was "an altar of the Unknown gods. " (See also the box "When They Die. ") (c. (c) What reward do anointed Christians receive? Akristu a esi Laodikia nkia lulukisu bavewa? Ekuma lwinina lwamfunu kwa yeto? What warning did the Laodicean Christians receive, and why is that of interest to us? You may be able to enter, and you are not free. Muna nkutakani, Yave okutuvananga madia mayingi ma mwanda. Through the congregation, Jehovah has provided an abundance of spiritual food. 1: 13. Aweyi tulenda vuvikila wantu awaya? How can we supply refreshment to those in need? How can we find out what recreation is? O luyangalalu lweto muna kimenga kia lukûlu lwa Yesu, lufwete kutufila mu vanga konso nsobani muna zingu yo zingila mun'owu wa luzolo lwa ndiona wafwa mu kuma kieto. Sincere gratitude for Jesus ' sacrifice should move us to make changes in our life - from selfishly living for ourselves to living for Jesus, who died for us. A young man had many possessions, prestige, health, and family life. Mana kalongwa o Ntaudi yo zola kwandi muna wantu kwansadisa vava kayiza ova ntoto yo zizidila kitantu. This training received by the Servant and his fondness for mankind stood him in good stead when he came to earth and faced severe opposition. The apostle Paul said: "God gave life and breath to all things. Vava Nekemiya kawá vo nkangu wazingilanga muna Yerusaleme mu mpasi bena, wadodokela Yave kimana kabasadisa. When Nehemiah heard that the people in Jerusalem had many problems, he begged Jehovah to help them. Many of our neighbors were farmers, and I enjoyed this work. Akundi a mpila yayi balenda kusadisa mu vanga edi diambote. Such friends will help you to reach your goals. After all, choose another time when something unexpected happens. O badikila mambu mun'owu wa nyindu a Mvangi eto dikutusadisa mu " diatila muna nzila ' ziyangidikanga Yave. - Yes. Seeing things from the Creator's elevated perspective will enable us to " walk in the way ' Jehovah approves. - Isa. Why should parents not be surprised when they ask them? Yakala kafwete kala nkuluntu yovo selo kia salu mu mvu miole mia mvimba. The husband must have been an elder or a ministerial servant for at least two consecutive years. The ransom of Jehovah's righteousness was fulfilled because life was replaced by perfect human life. 18 Lusambwadi lwa mvu Tuka Yasimbinina Mwatu a Nyuda 18 Seventy Years of Holding On to the Skirt of a Jew I have also left bad thoughts and lies about the dead. Nlandu: Avo zolele tulenda mokena mu kuma kia diambu diadi muna ntangwa vundu. Claire: I'll tell you about them during lunch. However, when Jehovah told Abraham, He said that his "seed " would be more than just one person. Nsekola yakaka ivovanga vo: "Lukwikilu i nswa wa vwa e lekwa kina tuvingilanga. Another translation reads: "Faith is the title - deed to the things we hope for. In Moses ' day, 12 spies went to spy out the Promised Land. Aweyi avo u mpangi wavubwa, una ye mavimpi mafwana mu sila umbangi mu nzo ye nzo kansi diampasi omwenanga dio mu vanga? Or what if you are a baptized Witness who finds it difficult to share in the door - to - door work, even though you are physically able to do so? If they do not receive special care and direction, the people will suffer. Olenda vova vo, "wau vo ayimbidi ambote bayimbilanga muna saba, nanga kiadi kala mu buka kiau ko. " You may say, "Where singing is concerned, I most certainly would never have been counted among the experts who performed at the tabernacle! " After the master left the trip, he found that the slave who had received five talents had also received two talents. Kwamanana yangidika ntim'andi muna vanganga luzolo lwandi. So continue to make his heart rejoice by earnestly seeking to do his will. When he was 23, he was imprisoned in prison, where he committed violence. Mawonso mama malenda vengwa kele vo wantu balemvokelanga luludiku lwa Nkand'a Nzambi. Much of this trouble could be avoided if people followed the Bible's wise advice. The newly formed branch office at Wall's branch office may have been located some 300 rooms, perhaps in 2014. Mawonso mama mewokesanga e mpasi tumonanga mu " lumbu yayi yambaninu ' tuzingilanga. - 2 Timoteo 3: 1 - 4. Surely a key reason for all the suffering we see today is that we are living in "the last days. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 4. What does the Bible say? Ekwe lukasakeso kabaka o Yesu vava kawa vo e S'andi wanyangalelanga! Surely it must have encouraged Jesus to hear that he had his Father's approval! The Bible says: "It is not good for God to act wickedly. " - Job 34: 10; Read James 1: 13. O ngudi ame wasalanga e salu kia kimviti a nzila ye mpangi mosi ankento mu nkutakani yankaka. My mother pioneered with a sister in another congregation. The owner of that village said: "This man cannot feed his family, and he does not want to see his eyes. " Muna fuku, o Nzambi wasonga e ngindu zaswaswana kwa ngunz'andi kimana kazayisa kwa ntinu. That night, God instructed his prophet to take a different message to the king: David would not build Jehovah's temple. Such meditation can be compared to seeing a window so that he sees what is going outside. O kala ye nkubika ina tulenda vovela nsatu zeto nze akazi, dia lusadisu kikilu. We can learn important lessons about those who serve in branch offices that are dependent on them. Tufwete toma kuyikenganga musungula vava tubwilwanga diambu dilenda kutufila mu kulula nkanikinu mia Yave. We need to be especially careful if we are in a situation that could lead us to disobey Jehovah's moral standards. Asa immediately sought Jehovah's help. Dia ludi vo, tulenda telamw'o ntima vava tuzizidilanga e mpasi. A certain amount of anxiety is to be expected when we must endure great stress. PAGE 16 Kana nkutu muna zunga itoma sadilwanga, tusololanga wantu ana besonganga luzolo lwa wá e nsangu zambote za luvuluzu tusamunanga. Even in well - worked territories, we still find people who are willing to listen and with whom we can share our wonderful message of salvation. Before I had to stop my life, I wanted them to dress and dress well. Landila diambu dibwidi, olenda soba moko, mokena dio lumbu kiakaka yovo lomba ndoloki una ke nwayantikidi tantana ko. - Nga. Depending on the circumstances, he might try to change the subject, defer the discussion, or excuse himself before the conversation becomes heated. - Prov. The Creator gradually revealed the truth to his people. Paulu wa ntumwa wavovesa Akristu muna Roma mu lembi " kiyangidika ' yo kubasungamesa vo " Kristu kayiyangidika ko. ' The apostle Paul counseled Christians in Rome "not to be pleasing " themselves and reminded them that" even the Christ did not please himself. " God has also given us his Word, which is like a mirror to help us. " Matondo kwa Yave " " Blessed Be Jehovah " [ Blurb on page 22] Muna kuma kiaki, Yobi wavidisa twelezi yandi, wan'andi yo yela kimbevo kiampasi. As a result, Job lost his livestock, his children, and his health. But José decided to apply the counsel found at Matthew 5: 23, 24. Nkia mpila zankaka o nkwa kinitu kaswaswanene yo nkwa kimwanda? In what other ways are physical people different from spiritual people? Ask yourself, " Is my life able to give me an opportunity to attend those schools? ' Ekiaki i kuma tumwenanga ulolo wa nsiku misikidiswanga ye ulolo wa afundisi besasilanga una e nsiku miami mifwete sadilwa. For that reason, we see so many laws and so many lawyers and judges who try to explain and apply them. We can learn what he taught and did, and we can imitate him more fully. Tutanganga vo: " Ambuta za nganga y'asoneki batelamene, basiamisi o funda Yesu. ' " The chief priests and the scribes kept standing up and vehemently accusing [Jesus]. " To what extent do elders need to make sacrifices? Owau tumwene vo wutuluka mfunu kwina, Nzambi owutululanga wantu, yo kubakubika kimana bayala kun'ezulu. Thus far, we have seen that the new birth is of great importance, is initiated by God, and is preparing a group of humans for rulership in heaven. Take into consideration his feelings and ask for forgiveness, and then go to your senses. Ekuma tufwete badikila mana mabwa muna zingu kia Nekemiya? Why will we consider some events in the life of Nehemiah? [ Picture on page 4] (c) Adieyi Yesu kasonga muna sikila ye kwikizi yamuna lufwa? (c) What did Jesus prove by remaining faithful until death? When we were in Tuvalu, we traveled to the branch office in 1985. O ntim'a Abarayama wafilwanga kwa mana kalongoka mu kuma kia Nzambi. Abraham's heart was moved by what he learned about God, and that gave him deep respect for "Jehovah the Most High God, Maker of heaven and earth. " Most important, young ones in the congregation need to know Jehovah as a Person. (Tanga Yoane 5: 5 - 9.) (Read John 5: 5 - 9.) 15 Serving Jehovah With a Complete Heart Solomo wa Ntinu wavova vo: "Ova nza ke vena muntu ansongi ko, on'ovanga wete yo lembi sumuka. " King Solomon said: "There is no man righteous in the earth that keeps doing good and does not sin. " But the Bible says: "The head of every man is the Christ; in turn, the head of a woman is the man. " Ediadi divangamanga kw'awana betambulanga nsum'ezulu. That is so of those who received the heavenly calling. When a Christian experiences injustice in the congregation, he cannot hurt himself. (Etuku 7: 4, 11, 12) Maza makwamanana wokela va ntoto. The water kept rising and rising and rising. Show Respect for Authority (Tala mpe babu "Besiwanga e Dimbu Kiansuka Vava Befwanga. ") (c) Nkia nsendo betambula awana beyikamanga Akristu akuswa? (See also the box "Judged As Worthy When They Die. ") (c) What reward will those who supported the anointed receive? Before giving Noah permission to build the ark, God set the time for the Flood. Olenda kota kwaku, ke kulombwa nzimbu ko. You won't be charged admission, and no collection will be taken. But because of his faith in Jehovah, Noah remained active in his assignment. 1: 13. 1: 13. If we want to be honest in God's eyes, we need to be willing to listen to him and to pray more earnestly. Aweyi tulenda zayila e nsaka zambote? How can we evaluate the quality of a certain form of entertainment? I remember saying that this young girl wanted to marry her. MUNTU mosi wakala ye mavwa mayingi, nkw'etunda, wakala mpe yo vimpi wambote ye zingu kia nzo kia kiese. THERE was a man who seemed to have everything - wealth, prestige, good health, and a happy family life. He had a happy marriage with two children. Paulu wa ntumwa wavova vo: " Nzambi wavana moyo ye fulumwinu kw'awonso ye lekwa yawonso. The apostle Paul put it this way: "[God] gives to all people life and breath and all things. " The New World Translation, " he asked. Ayingi muna mfinangani zeto avati a nsengo bakala, yayangalelanga e salu kiaki. Most of our neighbors were farmers, and I enjoyed farm life. (b) How does this understanding affect our view of the preaching work? Vana ntandu, nusola lumbu kiakaka kina nulenda vang'elongi kele vo diambu dia kinsalukisa dibwidi. In addition, have an alternate time set aside to allow for unforeseen circumstances. 1 1006 * Ekuma amase ke bafwete bayilanga ko wana vava bekubayuvulanga? Why should a parent not gruffly dismiss a child's inquiry? What words of Jesus should we keep in mind? O lukûlu unsongi wa Yave lwasonga, kadi moyo alunga wavingiswa vana fulu kia moyo alunga. Paul explains: "So it is written: " The first man Adam became a living person. ' Do you appreciate that you are sleeping? Kikatulanga mpe ngindu zambi ye luvunu mu kuma kia mafwa. It also removes the misunderstanding and misinformation that have confused people about the condition of the dead. What do we learn from the way Jehovah described him at Exodus 3: 14? Kansi, vava Yave kavovesa Abarayama, wavova vo e "mbongo " andi, yayingi ikala, ke muntu mosi kaka ko. However, when Jehovah spoke to Abraham, He indicated that Abraham's "seed " would be more than just one person. On the contrary, the heavens do not use his strength to reach out for a long time. Muna lumbu ya Mose, alangi 12 bayenda langa e Nsi a Nsilu. In Moses ' time, 12 spies went to the Promised Land. The synagogue school taught children how old they were at the age of 6 and 13 Avo ke batomene lungwa - lungwa ko yo vewa luludiku lwambote, o nkangu mpasi bemona. Without good spiritual care and leadership, people suffer. A sister from Ukraine said: "We showed hospitality to our brothers and sisters. Vava o mfumu katuka muna nkangalu, wawana vo ntaudi ona watambula talanta tanu wabaka diaka zitanu, ona watambula talanta zole wabaka diaka zizole. When the master came back from his journey, he saw that the slave with five talents had earned five more and the slave with two talents had earned two more. HISTORY: Jehovah and the nation of Israel Vava kakala ye kimbuta kia mvu 23, wasiwa mu pelezo, muna kavangilanga umpumbulu wandi. At the age of 23, she was sent to jail, where she continued her wayward life. In our congregations and in many different ways, Jehovah draws us to him. E vula diampa ditungwanga kuna Wallkill dikala ye tezo kia 300 za masuku, nanga difokoka muna mvu wa 2014. At Wallkill, a new residence due to be completed in 2014 will provide over 300 additional rooms. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 21 - 25 Adieyi Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga? What the Bible says This was not the first time the brothers in Philippi helped Paul. Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Ke difwene kwa Nzambi ko, kavanga umpumbulu. " - Yobi 34: 10; Tanga Yakobo 1: 13. The Bible says: "Far be it from the true God to act wickedly. " - Job 34: 10; read James 1: 13. Bill's brother encouraged me to do the same along with the brothers and sisters in the ministry. Sidi, mfumu a vata diadi wavova vo: "Eyakala diadi kelendanga dikila esi nzo andi ko ye ke zolanga kubamona mu meso ko. " " He cannot feed [his family] and cannot continue to look them in the eye, " explains Sidi, the village chief. At Psalm 150: 6, we read: "All give thanks to Jehovah. O badika mambu mama dilenda tezaniswa yo muntu ovelelesanga e tala - tala dina muna zianela kimana katoma monanga lekwa ina kuna mbazi. Such regular reflection might be likened to cleaning a window that affords a magnificent view. Agboola no longer fears the dead, and he learned how to resist the demons Tulenda longoka mambu mamfunu mu kuma ki'awana basadilanga muna mavula mabundakeswa. We can learn valuable lessons from those who were directly involved in branch mergers. " My friend told me to leave. Vana vau, Asa wavava lusadisu kwa Yave. Asa immediately asked Jehovah for help. Since praising the true God is the most important thing to the psalmist, the psalmist asks God: "O Jehovah, receive the voluntary donations of my mouth. " LUKAYA LWA 16 PAGE 16 [ Picture on page 23] Vitila yanwa nlongo miami muna sukisa zingu kiame, yazola vo yateka yowela yo vwata mvwatu miambote. I wanted to take my last bath and then dress myself nicely before drinking that deadly concoction, ending it all. What should a Christian husband do if his wife does not respect him? O Mvangi malembe - malembe kesengomwenanga e ludi kwa nkangu andi. The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his people. Although he may at times have to express himself honestly, he needs to correct matters in a loving way. 44: 21) Nzambi watuvana mpe Diambu diandi dina nze pelo muna kutusadisa. God has also provided his Word, which can serve as a mirror for us. (See the box "Doing With them. ") (b) How have you benefited from family worship? [ Mvovo mia Sina muna lukaya lwa 22] [ Blurb on page 22] Paul's life, Silas, and Timothy were in danger, so they went to Beroea. - Acts 17: 1 - 10. Kansi, José wabaka e nzengo za sadila luludiku luna muna Matai 5: 23, 24. Joseph, however, decided to apply Matthew 5: 23, 24. For example, Abraham made a vow when he destroyed the king of El Salvador and its kings. Ukiyuvula: " Nga zingu kiame kilenda kumpana elau mu kota kana yimosi muna sikola zazi? ' Ask yourself, " Do my circumstances allow me to reach out for attending any of these schools? ' 8 Our Readers Ask 9 Imitate Their Faith - He Keep on the Watch! Tulenda longoka mana kalonganga yo vanga yo kuntanginina una ufwene. We can study the things he taught and did and then imitate him very closely. Like a loving husband, be assured that you know what your mate needs. - Philippians 2: 4. Yamu nkia tezo akuluntu bafwete kuyivanina? To what extent should the elders give of themselves? Many single brothers are happy when they imitate Dorcas, who "is full of fine works and gifts of mercy. " Zitisa e ngindu zandi yo kunlomba ndoloki kuna lembama. I bosi, wenda kwaku. (Nga. Kindly acknowledge his feelings, thank him for being frank, and calmly take your leave. The spirit of the world led by Satan, "the ruler of this world, " and this spirit is not in harmony with God's holy spirit. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 4] [ Pictures on page 4] He made big changes in his life: He stopped some of his friends who were violent, violent, and violent. Vava twakala kuna Tuvalu, twatwikwa kuna vula dia Samoa muna mvu wa 1985. From Tuvalu we were assigned to the Samoa branch in 1985. In Bible times, the seed produced fruit. Edi disundidi o mfunu, aleke muna nkutakani bafwete zaya Yave nze Muntu. First of all, our young people need to know Jehovah as a real Person. This reminds us of the apostle Peter's counsel to display "unhypocritical brotherly affection, " and" love one another intensely from the heart. " 15 Sadila Yave ye Ntim'asikila 15 Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart! This is one of the four Gospels. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. Kansi, Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "O ntu akal'awonso, i Kristu: o ntu a nkento, i'yakala, " i sia vo yakala diandi. Instead, the Bible states that "the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man " - that is, her husband. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: "[God] established the earth on its foundations; it will not be made to totter. " - PSALM 104: 5. Avo Nkristu ovangilu diambu diambi kuna mbanzi a nkutakani, ke dikuntokanesa kwayingi ko. Christians expect to experience some injustice outside the Christian congregation. He decided not to deviate from God's standards. Sadila e Wisa Muna Tezo Be Reasonable When Exercising Authority On the night before his death, Jesus told his disciples: "I set my peace upon you. " Una kavene nswa ko kwa Noa kimana katunga e nzaza, Nzambi wateka sikidisa ntangwa yibwa Kizalu. Rather, long before he said anything to Noah about building an ark, God fixed the time for the Flood to begin. Life in that country is not easy. Kansi, muna kuma kia lukwikilu lwandi muna Yave, Noa wazindalala muna salu kavewa. Yet, Noah's faith and endurance resulted in life and blessings for him and for his family. That is why there was a difference between brothers and sisters. (Nkunga 119: 25 - 32) Avo tuzolele kala akwa ziku muna Nzambi, tufwete kalanga yo luzolo lwa wá malongi mandi yo siamanana muna sambu. If we are going to succeed in maintaining our integrity to God, we must be teachable and pray earnestly for his instruction. The Evidence That Leads to Happiness Isungamenanga vava yavova muna nsi a ntima vo ndioyo i mwan'a ndumba nzolele kazala yandi. A person who needs to be a secretary should be convinced that someone you trust will make good decisions in you when necessary. ALBERT longo lwakiese kakala lwau yo wana wole. ALBERT was a happily married man with two delightful children. The 24 elders represent the 144,000 members of their heavenly glory, serving as kings and priests. The transformation of the earth into a lasting paradise is part of the divine purpose that has not yet been accomplished. 3, 4. Liz sungnyang kayuvula i sia vo fofo vana fulu kia yuvula sungkyung, mvovo usadilwanga mu yika "Nkand'a Nzambi. " Liz had asked for sungnyang (matches) instead of sungkyung, the word for "Bible. " Like the image of that image, every prophecy about the Messiah reveals the sign of his presence. (b) Umbakuzi wau adieyi ulenda vanga muna mpila tubadikilanga e salu kieto kia samuna nsangu zambote? (b) How does this understanding affect our view of our ministry? This will help you to "stand firm in the faith " and never forget that you have reason to be happy. - 1 Pet. 185 29,185 He wants us "to do what is bad, " but God's spirit helps us to" control anger and anger. " Nkia mvovo mia Yesu tufwete sungamenanga? We should keep in mind what counsel of Jesus? (b) Why does God's Word produce sexual relations with someone who is not married to? Nga oyangalelanga vo basikamesa ku tulu? Do you like to be awakened from a deep sleep? Yes, Christians are encouraged to imitate Jesus and to endure injustice. Adieyi tulongokele muna mpila ina Yave kayisunzulwila muna Luvaiku 3: 14? What do we learn from Jehovah's description of himself as recorded at Exodus 3: 14? You may worry that you will not have enough food. Ngo - ezulu ke sadilanga ngolo zandi ko mu tilumuka yo kwenda fulu yandá. The eagle does not depend on its own strength to soar and glide long distances. 26: 9. E sikola z'esambilu zalonganga wana makala bakala ye kimbuta kia mvu 6 yakuna mvu 13 Synagogue schools taught boys from about age 6 to 13 Words That Can Help Mpangi mosi ankento watuka kuna Ucrânia mu kwenda kuna lukutakanu kuna Chozow wavova vo: "O zola batusongele ampangi kutomene kutusivikisa. A sister who traveled to Chorzow from Ukraine for the convention said: "We are deeply moved by the love, care, and generosity shown by our fellow believers. 7, 8. (a) What counsel does the Bible give regarding sexual relations? VANA VENA: Yave ye zula kia Isaele PARTIES: Jehovah and natural Israel [ Footnote] Muna nkutakani zeto muna ye wantu a mpila mu mpila ana Yave ketuntanga kimana bansadila. There are various kinds of people in our congregations, and Jehovah has drawn them all to him. IN THE preceding article, we learned that we can enter into God's rest if we obey Jehovah and cooperate with his organization. ELONGI DIA 4 LUKAYA LWA 21 - 25 STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 21 - 25 (Read Philippians 1: 27.) Eyayi ke nkumbu antete ko ampangi kuna Filipi basadisa Paulu. This was not the first time that the Philippians had shown generosity to Paul. When your children face difficult situations, how do you react? O mpangi Bill Yacos wankasakesa mu vanga diau adimosi yo salanga kumosi ye mpangi z'akala ye z'akento muna salu kia umbangi. Bill Yacos encouraged me to do the same and to work along with the brothers and sisters in the field ministry. Being dedicated to Jehovah means that we promise to serve Jehovah and do his will for the rest of your life. How many people who live in your territory are like the widow of Zarephath? Did Jesus support other religious and religious groups? Muna Nkunga 150: 6 tutanganga vo: "Awonso befulumuna bakembela Yave. Psalm 150: 6 states: "Every breathing thing - let it praise Jah. What are some of the ways that Kingdom Halls have served? Agboola kemwenanga diaka mafwa wonga ko, walongoka una kafwete sila nkwiya e kitantu Agboola no longer fears the dead, and he has learned how to resist the demons The way he answers our prayers shows that his love for us is not last. " Nkundi ame wampovesa vo yayaluka. " One wise counselor helped me to see the need to move on. The brothers were very angry with their sister. Wau vo kembelela Nzambi aludi i diambu diasunda o mfunu kwa ntozi a nkunga, walomba kwa Nzambi vo: "E Yave, do, tambula tukau twamvevo twa nu'ame. " (Nku. Glorifying the true God meant so much to the psalmist that he beseeched God: "Please take pleasure in the voluntary offerings of my mouth, O Jehovah. " They were helped to quit drinking alcohol and drinking, showing self - control, which is part of God's holy spirit. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 23] [ Picture on page 23] Jesus began his ministry when he was on earth. Adieyi Yakala una vo Nkristu kafwete vanga avo nkaz'andi ke kunzitisanga ko? What should a Christian husband do if his unbelieving wife does not respect him? Why is injustice worse than ever before? Kana una vo ezak'e ntangwa divavanga vo yakaka kavova ye sikididi kiawonso, kafwete singikanga mambu muna zola kwawonso. While firmness may be needed, this correction should be given in a kind, loving manner. He was deeply hurt by his actions. (Tala e babu "Beyangalelanga Yo. ") (b) Nkia nluta obakanga ngeye kibeni muna nsambila ya esi nzo? (Include the box "They Appreciate It. ") (b) How have you personally benefited from family worship? How can we do that? E zingu kia Paulu, Sila ye Timoteo mu vonza kiakala, muna kuma kiaki bayenda kuna Beroya. - Mavangu 17: 1 - 10. The lives of Paul, Silas, and Timothy were in danger, so they left for Beroea. - Acts 17: 1 - 10. Serving God Despite "great tribulation " (Etu. 21: 22 - 24; 24: 2 - 4, 9) Kasikil'owu, Abarayama wadia e ndofi vava kafwasa ntinu a Elame y'atinu ana banyikama. This occurred, for example, when he returned from defeating the king of Elam and his allies. [ Picture on page 8] 8 Yuvu Y'atangi Eto 9 Tanginina Lukwikilu Lwau - Wavingila yo Yingila 10 Draw Close to God - "He Is Not Far Off From Each One of Us " Imitate Jesus ' example in dealing with those to whom he taught. Nze yakala dianzodi, kala ye ziku vo ozeye e nsatu za nkaz'aku. - Filipi 2: 4. As a loving husband, you want to make sure that you understand the actual needs of your wife. - Philippians 2: 4. God did not create humans to preach to them, but they need to communicate with their Creator. Mpangi zayingi za mpumpa bemonanga kiese vava betangininanga mbandu a Donka, ona "wabilama yo mavangu mambote yo tukau twa nkenda. " Many single Christians find great satisfaction in following the example of Dorcas, who "abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy. " Why should we "put off every weight " now? E mwand'a nza kwa Satana wa " nyadi a nza yayi ' utukanga. Mwanda wau ke una ngwizani ko ye mwand'avelela a Nzambi. The spirit of this world originates with Satan, "the ruler of the world, " and it is in opposition to God's holy spirit. Perhaps it would have helped you to make decisions that would have helped you to make day - to - day decisions. Wavanga nsobani zampwena muna zingu kiandi: wayambula akundi andi ana bakala vo yimpumbulu, wayambula mavangu ma nsoki, kanuanga diaka diamba ko. He made major changes in his life: he withdrew from his previous violent associates, stopped his petty criminal activities, and gave up smoking marijuana. What hope did the Jews look forward to according to Zechariah's vision? Kuna nz'ankulu, e mbongo mwanga yamwangwanga. In Bible times, the sowing of seed was generally done by broadcasting. At times, you may be able to use our brothers and sisters to help us. Ediadi dilenda kutusungamesa elongi dia Petelo wa ntumwa dia songa "nzolani a ungudi yakondwa kuvùnina, " yo" zolana kikilu ye nsi a ntima. " That calls for bearing in mind the apostle Peter's counsel to manifest "unhypocritical brotherly affection " and to" love one another intensely from the heart. " According to 2 Corinthians 4: 16, 17, what should we be determined to do? Ediadi dimosi muna mambu mayika asoneki ayá a Nsangu Zambote. - Matai 3: 16, 17; Maku 1: 9 - 11; Luka 3: 21, 22; Yoane 1: 32 - 34. This was one of the few events that was recorded by all four Gospel writers. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. Why does he allow suffering to continue? MVUTU ZA NKAND'A NZAMBI: "[Nzambi] wakuba nkubilwa mia nza, ke yanikunwa yakwele mvu. " - NKUNGA 104: 5. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: "[God] has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever. " - PSALM 104: 5. The apostle Paul told Christian elders: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God. " Wabaka e nzengo zalembi vengomoka muna nkanikinu mia Nzambi. He was determined not to wander from God's orders. He tries to clean up his bed every day. Muna fuku wavitila lufwa lwandi, Yesu wavovesa alongoki andi vo: "Inuvene luvuvamu lwame. " Earlier during the evening before Jesus died, he told his apostles: "I give you my peace. " How can we overcome the tendency to be on time? E zingu ku nsi yayi kiampasi kikilu. Life is not easy here. Why Many Are Guided by evolution Ekiaki i kuma ampangi bakadila ye ngindu zaswaswana mu kuma kia diambu diadi. For that reason, there was some variation in the way individuals dealt with the issue. 6: 19 - 22. Kimbangi Ki'akento Babaka e Nluta Advice From Successful Wives Am I determined to keep the congregation clean? ' O sola muntu ona ofwete kala kimpovela dikuvana e ziku vo vekala yo muntu obundang'e vuvu ona obak'e nzengo zambote vana fulu kiaku avo divwilu o mfunu. Appointing a health - care agent (where legally possible and accepted) can ensure that someone who is trusted will make the appropriate decisions if needed. Did Jehovah go with them as Deborah promised? E mbuta 24 yau besunzulanga e buka kia 144.000 muna nkembo au kun'ezulu, kuna besadilanga nze atinu ye nganga. The 24 elders represent the 144,000 in their heavenly glory, where they serve not only as kings but also as priests. We will also discuss Bible principles and examples that teach us how to evaluate information carefully. 3, 4. 3, 4. How do you read? " Nze nkesona za teke kiaki, ungunza wawonso mu kuma kia Masia, sinsu kia ngiz'andi usonganga. Like each piece of the statue, every Messianic prophecy would provide a vital piece of information about the Messiah. 6: 2. Ediadi dikunusadisa mu " sikila muna lukwikilu ' yo lembi vilakana vo ovwidi kuma mu kala ye kiese. - 1 Pet. This will help you and your children to remain "solid in the faith, " recognizing that you have cause for rejoicing. - 1 Pet. Because of this, many Israelites began to worship other gods, seek to please Jehovah and Baal. Ozolele vo " twavanga kaka oma mambi, ' kansi o mwand'a Nzambi ukutusadisanga " twalembwa makasi yo yambula nsita. ' He wants us to become "heated up only to do evil, " but God's spirit helps us to" let anger alone and leave rage. " 6, 7. (b) Ekuma Diambu dia Nzambi disiminanga e vangu dia vukana yo muntu ona kwakazala yandi ko? (b) Why does God's Word say that sex outside of marriage is wrong? Referring to how hurt you may be. Elo, Akristu bekasakeswanga muna tanginina Yesu yo zizidila o vilwa kavangwa. Yes, Christians are encouraged to imitate Jesus, including his suffering injustices. The accompanying box provides opportunities for young ones to make brief comments on what they have learned from that chapter. Nanga olenda tokana vo kukala ye madia mafwana ko. Perhaps you may worry that you will not have enough food to eat. How do we know that? 26: 9. 26: 9. They work together to promote true worship. Mvovo Miwukanga Words That Heal However, Jesus taught his disciples an important lesson about Jehovah by explaining the difference between a judge and God. 7, 8. (a) Nkand'a Nzambi nkia longi uvananga muna diambu ditadidi mvukana za nkento yo yakala? 7, 8. (a) What advice does the Bible give regarding sexual relations in marriage? But the book of 128 is very different. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] Later, you too found books on the bus and began to smoke. MUN'ELONGI diaviokele, twalongokele vo tulenda kota muna vundu kia Nzambi avo tulemvokele Yave yo sala kumosi ye nkubik'andi. IN THE preceding article, we saw that we can enter into God's rest by obediently working along with his purposes. Her father wrote letters to show that he was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Tanga Filipi 1: 27.) (Read Philippians 1: 27.) How did one sister show courage at school? Vava wan'aku bewanananga ye mambu mampasi, adieyi ovanganga? When your children face challenging responsibilities, how do you react? You can do this by listening to key ideas or asking questions that will help a person to understand those words. Kukiyekola kwa Yave disongele vo sia nsilu wa sadila Yave yo vanga luzolo lwandi muna zingu kiaku kiawonso. To dedicate yourself to Jehovah means to promise that you will use your whole life to serve Jehovah and do his will. John, who also came to Cyprus, married his family, whom he had to care for. Nga Yesu wayikama mabundu makaka ye mavangu mau? Did he join with others in their religious practices? In time, this sister became a regular pioneer. Nkia Maseka maswaswana ma Kintinu basadila kala? Which different Kingdom Halls did the congregation use? When the apostle Paul pointed out the need to show kindness to foreigners, he added: "By this some were angels, because they did not know them. " E mpila kevaninanga mvutu za sambu yeto isonganga vo o zola kwandi muna yeto ke kuna nsuka ko. His answers to our prayers prove that his love for us is enduring. Rather, they follow the guidance of God's Word and the guidance of the holy spirit when they meet matters that are needed to spread the good news. Mpangi za Dina bafunga kikilu makasi mu kuma kia nsoni zamweswa o nsang'au. Think of what strong feelings of that kind led Dinah's brothers to do. We have peace with God and with our neighbor. Basadiswa mu yambula emvimba kolwa malavu ye nkemba, yo songa e volo kina vo i fu kisongelwanga muna lusadisu lwa mwand'avelel'a Nzambi. For one thing, they were helped to give up drunken bouts and revelries by cultivating self - control, a quality that is developed with the help of God's holy spirit. He also gave them advice on matters in the congregation. Yesu wayantika salu kiaki vava kakala ova ntoto. Jesus set this work in motion when he was here on earth. Clearly, wicked spirits are angels who rebel against Satan and support Satan's efforts to mislead mankind. - Revelation 12: 9. Ekuma o vilwa ulutidi mu lumbu yeto ke mu tandu yavioka ko? 6, 7. When the serpent appeared to him, he did not see anything. Wakendalala kikilu mu kuma ki'evangu diandi. He was cut to the heart and repented. Why should those with an earthly hope also study Romans chapter 8 of the book of Romans? Aweyi tulenda wo vangila? How can we do this? The elders in that congregation felt that there were many foreigners in their territory who had been privileged to share the good news with them. Sadila Nzambi ye Kwikizi Kiawonso Kana Nkutu Muna "Mpasi Zayingi " Serve God Loyally Despite "Many Tribulations " (See opening picture.) (b) What will we discuss in this article? [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 8] [ Picture on page 8] (a) What does it mean to be modest, and why might it be difficult for us to cultivate it? Tanginina mbandu a Yesu mu mpila kakadilanga y'awana kalonganga. Imitate Jesus ' attitude toward those whom he taught. After considering Joel, the doctor said, "It's hard to say, " Joel has no good health like his brothers. ' " (Etuku 3: 8 - 10) Nzambi kavanga wantu ko kimana bayitumina. Kansi, bavwidi nsatu za mokena yo Mvangi au. God did not design humans to live independently of him; they have a need to communicate with their Maker. Pray to Jehovah for help. Ekuma tufwete " vengekela nkankalakani yawonso ' owau? Why is now especially the time to "put off every weight "? The Bible says: "They saw them and welcomed them only from a distance. " Nanga wadi kondwa luludiku lwadi kusadisa mu baka nzengo za lumbu ke lumbu. You would not have wise advice to guide you each day. Some who want to remain with their mate but cannot force them to live together. Ayuda nkia vuvu bakala kiau mun'owu wa mona meso kiasongwa kwa Zakariya? Based on visions Zechariah received, of what could the Jews be sure? What, then, will help us to strengthen our resolve to carry out our decisions? Ezak'e ntangwa, olenda sadila mpangi zeto mu kutusadisa. At times he may use our brothers and sisters to do that. I lived at a home with two friends. Mun'owu wa 2 Korinto 4: 16, 17, nkia kani tufwete kala diau? Be determined not to give up the fight. Is there changes that I need to make in the future? ' Ekuma keyambulwilanga e mpasi yamu wau? Why, though, has he waited so long? Many desire to go to heaven. Paulu wa ntumwa wavovesa akuluntu Akristu vo: "Nutoma kulunga - lunga kweno, y'ekambi diawonso, dina nwasilw'o ukengi kwa mwand'avelela, nwadikila dibundu dia Nzambi. " The apostle Paul urged Christian overseers: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God. " Third, Jesus often prayed that his disciples would be united in love, just as he was with his Father. Sukulanga e mbevo yo toma velelesa e mfulu andi lumbu yawonso. Keep the patient and his bed clean to the extent possible. Two years before that, Jesus invited men, Barnabas of fish to follow him, Peter, Andrew, James, James, and John. Aweyi tulenda sundila e fu kia lembi lwaka mu ola yasikidiswa? How can we meet the challenge of punctuality? A New Assignment Ekuma Wantu Ayingi Betambulwilanga Elongi dia Lunungunuku Why Evolution Attracts People Keeping Our Spiritual Need 6: 19 - 22. 6: 19 - 22. God's righteousness brings peace to the earth. - Isaiah 32: 16 - 18. Nga ngina ye kani dia kwamanana velelesa e nkutakani andi? ' Am I absolutely determined to keep his congregation pure? ' Many of Jehovah's servants, including some of whom Jehovah used to write the Bible, had similar thoughts. Nga Yave wayenda yau nze una Debora kasila nsilu? Did Jehovah go out before them, as Deborah had promised? Christ's followers Tulongoka mpe nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi ye nona ikutulonga una tulenda toma fimpila e diambu. We will also learn about Bible principles and examples that teach us how to evaluate information. Jehovah also expressed his appreciation for Job and mentioned him three times as "my servant " and told him to pray in behalf of the wicked. Aweyi otanga? " How do you read? " Because Jehovah immediately did something to save his servants. - Ezek. 6: 2. 6: 2. We will never become lovers of ourselves, which is an expression of Jehovah's enemies. (1 Ntinu 18: 4, 13) Muna kuma kia lubangamu lwalu, Aneyisaele ayingi bayantika sambila nzambi zakaka, muna vava yangidika Yave yo Bale. Because of these trying conditions, the majority of the Israelites practiced interfaith, trying to please both Jehovah and Baal. In that way, the three men may be able to sell their trip to 90 miles [37 km] away. 6, 7. 6, 7. In 1919, after World War I ended, the anointed began preaching all over the earth, preaching with the power of the ransom and the good news of God's Kingdom. His ear was attuned to God's guidance. Why did Jehovah allow rebellion to rule over his rule? Rafał wasonga una kesundilanga lukendalalu. Rafał deals with discouragement in this way: "I try to avoid dwelling on unkind remarks. 13, 14. E babu kiaki kivananga aleke elau dia soneka mu mvovo miankufi dina balongokele muna kapu kiakina. This box gives youths an opportunity to write out specific ways that they can apply what they learned in that chapter. Jesus said: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " Aweyi tuzayidi wo? How do we know? Gradually, it will be easier to learn and enjoy learning. Besalanga kumosi mu nungununa e nsambil'aludi. Together, they zealously promote true worship. 6: 11 - What did Isaiah mean when he asked: "Lord, how long? " Kansi, Yesu walonga alongoki andi diambu diamfunu mu kuma kia Yave muna songa e nswaswani yina vana vena mfundisi ndiona yo Nzambi. Instead, Jesus taught his followers a lesson about Jehovah by highlighting a contrast between that judge and God. [ Picture on page 32] Kansi, o nkanda wau wa makaya 128 waswaswana kikilu. However, this 128 - page book is unique. Some believe... Kuna kwalanda, ongeye mpe wabaka e nkanda mia diatisila e kalu yo yantika diatisa. In time, you got your license and started to drive the car yourself. He described the reason: "I love the Father. " O se diandi wasoneka nkanda mu songa vo ke Mbangi a Yave diaka ko. His father signed a document in which he said that he was no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. When we preach this good news to others, we are grateful for Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Aweyi mpangi mosi ankento kasongela unkabu kuna sikola? How did one young sister show courage in school? At that time in the Philippines, public talks were held in public places. Lenda wo vanga muna vutukilang'e mvovo miasina yovo yuvula yuvu ilenda sadisa muntu omokenanga yandi mu bakula mvovo miami. You may do this by restating the thought - conveying words or by asking questions that will help the householder to recognize them. Think of the loyalty of Adam and Eve. John, ona wayiza zingila mpe kuna Chipre, wasompa, wakala ye esi nzo andi ana kafwete lunga - lunga. John, who had also come to Cyprus, had married and had his own family to care for. Holy spirit helps us to oppose Satan. Kuna kwakwiziwa, o mpangi ankento ndioyo wakituka se mviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde. Years later, that young sister was serving as a regular pioneer, a full - time minister. Love, mercy, loyalty, loyalty, kindness, goodness, and other qualities. Fu Kiamfunu Kuna kwa Nzambi Vava Paulu wa ntumwa kayika mfunu wasonganga ngemba kwa nzenza wakudikila vo: "Kadi muna wau, akaka i basongela mbasi e lombo, wau ke bazayi. " Interestingly, the apostle Paul, after speaking about showing kindness to strangers, went on to say: "Through it some, unknown to themselves, entertained angels. " Study Edition Kansi, belandanga luludiku lwa Nkand'a Nzambi ye mfil'a mwand'avelela vava besikidisanga mana mavwilu o mfunu muna sayanesa nsangu zambote. Instead, they follow the Scriptures and the leadings of God's holy spirit as they make arrangements that are needed to help the preaching work go forward. Jesus was the promised Messiah. Tuna ye luvuvamu yo Nzambi ye mfinangani zeto. We have peace with God and with our fellow man. Two disciples went to Capernaum because their hope had not been fulfilled. Wabavana mpe malongi mu singika e mambu mabwa muna nkutakani. He also provides counsel to correct disturbing conditions that have developed in the congregations. Jehovah's Word Is Alive (Kimpovi 9: 5) Kieleka, e mianda miambi, i mbasi zina zakolama yo yikama Satana mu vukumuna wantu. - Lusengomono 12: 9. Wicked spirits are, in fact, rebellious angels who have joined Satan in trying to mislead humans. - Revelation 12: 9. Table of Contents Vava katatikwa kwa nioka kamona diambu ko. The bite of a venomous snake caused him no harm. In extreme distress, the sons of Israel sought God's help. Ekuma awana bena ye vuvu kia zingila ova ntoto yakwele mvu bafwete mpe longokela e kapu kia 8 kia nkand'a Roma? Why should those who hope to live forever on earth also study Romans chapter 8? But in 1919, Jesus freed his anointed followers from captivity to false religion and joined them in "the uniting bond of union. " Akuluntu a nkutakani yayi bamona vo e nzenza zayingi zakala muna zunga kiau diakituka s'elau diampwena dia kubasila umbangi. The elders in that congregation realized that the presence of so many foreigners offered an unexpected opportunity to share the Kingdom message with them, and they quickly arranged for a special campaign. She accepted Bible truth and was baptized. (Tala fwaniswa ova ntandu.) (b) Nkia mambu tuvovela mu longi diadi? (See opening picture.) (b) What will we consider in this article? Each Sunday and on Sunday, we traveled to church. (a) O kala nsakaladi aweyi disongele? Ekuma dilenda kadila diampasi kwa yeto mu songa e fu kiaki? (a) Behaving as a lesser one means what, and why might it be challenging for us to act in that way? 2: 44. Vava kamana fimpa Joel, dotolo wavova vo: "Diankenda mu kunuzayisa vo, Joel kena ye vimpi wambote ko nze i mpangi zandi. " After he finished examining Joel, the doctor said: "I'm so sorry. Then he entered the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem and prayed. Lomba lusadisu lwa Yave muna sambu. Take the matter to Jehovah in prayer. According to verse 11, "the meek " will live again? Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Bamwene mio, yo kayisa mio kaka kuna vala. " The Bible says: "They saw them from a distance and welcomed them. " This heavenly chariot is presented in a vision, which describes how Jehovah's organization operates in heaven. Akaka bekalanga yo luzolo lwa kwamanana ye akazi au, kansi ke balendi kubakomekena ko mu zinga entwadi. Yet, almost all who divorce find that life afterward is harder than they expected. (b) What did Jesus do when he saw children praising him? Adieyi ozevo dilenda kutusadisa mu wokesa etima dieto dia lungisa e diambu twabakila nzengo? What, then, can help us to develop or strengthen our will to stick to and carry out the course we have decided on? You can tell them that you need help to attend meetings, that a brother may want you to work with him in the ministry, or you can talk to him about encouraging conversation. Yazingilanga mu nzo mosi ye akundi ame wole. I was living in a home with two roommates. 1, 2. Nga vena ye mambu mfwete soba muna nsola ivanga kuna sentu? ' Should I make any adjustments as to future choices? ' How can Paul's words at Romans 12: 1, 2 help us? Wantu ayingi bena y'etima dia kwenda kun'ezulu. Millions long for life in heaven. This touched my heart, so I developed a spirit of self - worth and began to love others. Diatatu, Yesu wasambanga nkumbu miayingi vo alongoki andi bayikakiana muna zola, nze kuna kakala kwau yo S'andi. Third, Jesus repeatedly begs that his disciples may be united in the same bond of love that exists between him and his Father. Jehovah Will Faithful His Promises Mvu miole vitila omama, Yesu wabokela akala aya, abaki a mbizi za maza mu kunlanda, Petelo, Andere, Yakobo yo Yoane. Some two years earlier, Jesus had extended a similar invitation to four fishermen named Peter, Andrew, James, and John. What was involved in "the new congregation of God "? Kiyekwa Kiampa A New Assignment The events that followed when Jesus entered Jerusalem until his resurrection were written in order to be baptized. Tufwete Lungisanga Nsatu Zeto za Mwanda Satisfying Our Spiritual Need What a privilege it is to do the work Jehovah has given us to do and work with our God! " O unsongi wa Nzambi utwasa luvuvamu ova ntoto. - Yesaya 32: 16 - 18. Justice from God will bring peace and security to the earth. - Isaiah 32: 16 - 18. Adam also disobeyed idols because he allowed his wife to be obedient to his loving Father. Ndonga muna selo ya Yave, kumosi y'akaka mun'awana kasadila Yave mu soneka Nkand'a Nzambi, bakala mpe ye ngindu zazi. (Yobi 21: 7 - 13; Nku. 37: 1; Yer. Actually, a number of Jehovah's servants, including some whom Jehovah used to write the Bible, had similar thoughts. When you think carefully about the consequences of your decision, you will want to avoid the path that will lead to disaster. Sandanski Did Abraham lose his self - sacrificing spirit? Yave wasonga mpe luyangalalu lwandi muna Yobi yo kunyikila tezo kia nkumbu ntatu vo "ntaudi ame " yo kumvovesa vo kasamba mu kuma kia afiaulwisi ambi. At the same time, Jehovah indicated his approval of Job by referring to him four times as "my servant " and by instructing him to intercede in behalf of the wrongdoers. Later, Jehovah chose a new nation, and Christ's followers became part of that nation, which represented Jehovah. E kuma kadi Mfumu Yave o vanga diambu vana vau mu vuluza selo yandi. - Yez. Because the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will react promptly in order to deliver his servants. - Ezek. Joseph was only 17 or 18 years old, but he faced difficult situations that could affect the older men. Ka tukadi nkutu akwa kuzola ko, kina vo i fu kisonganga atantu a Yave. May we never mirror the self - willed attitude of Jehovah's adversaries! However, my father, Mary, who is now three years old, received a Bible study and Bible - based literature. Muna mpila yayi, yau atatu balenda kufika e nkangalu au a kilometa 90 mu kilometa 60. So with good planning and determination, the three were able to cut their walking down from 60 miles [90 km] to about 40 miles [60 km]. Why can we be sure that Jehovah is fully willing to give us the strength we need in times of distress? Muna mvu wa 1919, vava Vit'Antete ya Nz'Amvimba yafokoka, akuswa bayantika sila umbangi mu nza yawonso. Basilanga umbangi mu kuma kia nkum'a lukûlu wa vuluza ye nsangu zambote za Kintinu kia Nzambi. The postwar year of 1919 opened up the possibility for a worldwide witness to be given about God's means of salvation and the good news of the established Kingdom. Before long, the disciple Ananias was sent to preach to Saul. Ekuma Yave kayambulwila ukolami mu luyalu lwandi? Why did Jehovah allow rebellion against his rule? Have you not seen that preaching about Jehovah and the Kingdom hope strengthens your faith and love for God? 13, 14. 13, 14. Jesus had deep love for Jehovah and his righteous standards. Yesu wavova vo: "Nutombel'ekulu e kintinu kiandi, ye ndungidi andi: ozevo e lekwa yayi yawonso ikunukudikilwa. " For example, Jesus stated: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " He said: "A publisher should be able to preach from house to house. " Malembe - malembe, dikituka diasazu yo kala ye kiese kia longoka. Gradually, it will become easier and more enjoyable to study. LIFE STORY 6: 11 - O Yesaya adieyi kazola vova vava kayuvula vo: "E Mfumu [Yave], yamu nkia kolo? " 6: 11 - What did Isaiah mean when he asked: "How long, O Jehovah? " In the new world, everyone will have perfect health that God has promised. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 32] [ Picture on page 32] Give an example. Akaka bekwikilanga vo... Some people believe... What makes a good teacher effective? Wayika e kuma mu mvovo emi: "Nzolele Se. " He provided one answer in these words: "I love the Father. " Strengthen your conversation if you are in public. Vava tusamunanga yo vema kwawonso e nsangu zazi zambote kw'akaka, tuvutulanga matondo muna nsambu yovo nkenda za Yave. When we zealously preach this good news to others, we truly glorify Jehovah's undeserved kindness! What does the Bible teach us about trusting in Jehovah? Muna ntangwa yayina kuna Filipinas, e malongi va fulu kia ndonga mafidilwanga. At that time in the Philippines, public talks were actually given in public places! Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Yindula e mpila e kwikizi kia Adami yo Eva kiatontelwa. Think of the test of loyalty placed before the first human pair, Adam and Eve. Explain. O mwand'avelela ukutusadisanga mu sia Satana kitantu. Holy spirit helps us to resist Satan. A mature Christian looks for Bible principles that can help him decide what is good and what is bad Zola, nkenda, unsongi, kwikizi, walakazi ye fu yakaka. Love, compassion, justice, loyalty, loving - kindness - and many more. The key to avoid falling prey to Jehovah's view of our own standards is to keep in mind that the way we view things and the outcome is at times. Eyingidilu Dia Longoka As they studied, she wept because she did not realize that this was God's answer to her prayer. Yesu i Masia wasilwa nsilu. Jesus proved to be the Messiah. So I met an officer who gave me a job but asked me to stay in the United States for a job. Alongoki awole bayendanga kuna mbanza Emau bakendalala wau vo e vuvu bakala kiau ke kialungana ko. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus felt sad because the events they expected had not taken place. At first, I did all these things because of fear of displeasing my parents. Diambu dia Yave Diamoyo Jehovah's Word Is Alive I wonder, " Why does God allow us to suffer? ' Oma Mena mo Table of Contents For example, in the Hebrew Scriptures, we read: "The plans of the diligent one surely lead to good results. " Vava mpasi zasakanga, wan'a Isaele balombanga lusadisu kwa Nzambi. When oppression becomes severe, though, the sons of Israel call upon the true God for help. He served as a regular pioneer. Kansi muna mvu wa 1919, Yesu wavevola alandi andi akuswa muna kinkole kia nsambil'aluvunu yo kubayikakesa muna "kangwa kia zikuka. " But in the year 1919, Jesus released his anointed followers from their captivity to false religion and gathered them together in "a perfect bond of union. " The resurrection: Those who have died will return to life again. Flavia watambulwila e ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi yo vubwa. Flavia accepted Bible truth and was baptized. I often joined the songs of Greek songs in my office. Konso kia Lumingu ye mu lumbu ya nkinzi, twayendanga ku nzo a nzambi. On Sundays and on national holidays, we went to church. For example, we might say, "Let us know what our Creator says about this subject. " 2: 44. 2: 44. James added: "He walked immediately and immediately forgot what he was doing. " I bosi otelamene muna nkutakani a Yuda ye Yerusaleme yo samba. Then he stood up in the congregation of Judah and of Jerusalem and prayed. This criminal will be attacked when Satan the Devil attacks them as Gog of Magog. Landila e tini kia 11, "alembami " akweyi bezingila? Looking at verse 11, where will "the meek ones, " or good people, live? For example, God showed empathy for Elijah and respected his viewpoint. Ekalu diadi di'ezulu diasongwa muna mona - meso, ditoma songanga una usadilanga e nkubik'a Yave kun'ezulu. What an amazing representation of the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization on the move! Many people support war because they believe that this is what they must do to those who love their country. (b) O Yesu adieyi kavanga vava kamona yingyanangyana bankembelelanga? (b) How did Jesus feel about the praise uttered by young boys? Since the great day of God is near, now is the time to prepare. Olenda kubazayisa vo lusadisu ovwidi o mfunu mu kwenda kuna lukutakanu, mpangi ovavanga lenda sala yandi entwadi muna salu kia umbangi, yovo lenda mokena yandi moko kia lukasakeso. Why not let them know that you need a ride to the meeting, would like to work with them in the ministry, or want to have a heart - to - heart conversation? What does it mean to be self - centered, and why is it unwise to display it? 1, 2. 1, 2. André felt that he could not cope with his grief and sorrow. E mvovo mia Paulu muna Roma 12: 1, 2 aweyi milenda kutusadisila? How does Paul's reasoning at Romans 12: 1, 2 help us? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ediadi diasimba o ntim'ame, muna kuma kiaki yavenga e fu kiaki yo yantika zola akaka. This love touched me, and my hatred turned into love. Now, each day many people make a decision to worship him. Yave Olungisanga Nsilu Miandi Jehovah Keeps His Promises (Read Psalm 104: 1, 2.) Adieyi diasikidiswa muna " dibundu diampa dia Nzambi '? What arrangements were made in the newly formed "congregation of God "? What is self - control, and how can this quality help us? E mambu mabwa vava Yesu kakota muna Yerusaleme yamuna lufuluku lwandi, mu ndandani masonamena. The events from Jesus ' triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his resurrection are described in chronological order. There is another reason why husbands should imitate Christ. Ekwe lau diampwena tuna diau dia sala e salu katuvana o Yave yo sala kumosi yo Nzambi eto! " The dead cannot say. Adami mpe wasambila teke, kadi wayambula vo luzolo lwandi muna nkaz'andi lwasunda ke mu luzolo lwa lemvokela S'andi anzodi ko. In a sense, Adam also committed idolatry by allowing his selfish desire for his wife's companionship to be more important than obedience to his loving heavenly Father. Instead, let us be "rich in God's favor " as we put Kingdom interests first in our lives. - Luke 12: 21. (Ngana 22: 3) Avo otomene badika e mfwilu milenda twasa nzengo zaku, dikufila mu venga e nzila zilenda kusia mu vonza. If you take an honest look at the consequences, you will likely feel motivated to avoid a course that is potentially harmful. We need to do what the apostle Paul said: "Go on walking by spirit, and not the desire of the flesh. " Nga Abarayama mfwilu kabaka wau kasonga ntim'amvevo? Did Abraham suffer permanent loss because of his generosity? Having "one mental attitude according to Christ Jesus " involves coming to know his thoughts and actions and to imitate him. I bosi, Yave wasola zula kiampa, alandi a Kristu yau bakala muna zula kiaki. Bakituka se nkubika eyi yasunzulanga Yave. As noted in the preceding article, the organization consisting of Christ's early followers replaced the apostate nation of Israel as the people for Jehovah's name. What Is More Important? Yosefe mvu 17 yovo 18 kaka kakala miau, kansi wanwana ye mambu mampasi mana malenda mwesa ambuta o wonga. Joseph was scarcely more than a boy - 17 or 18 years old - yet he faced challenges that would daunt many grown men. How does he demonstrate that he still appreciates this type of teaching? Kansi, Mary wa s'ame ankento ona unsundidi kimbuta kia mvu tatu, watambula Nkand'a Nzambi kumosi ye nkanda misasilanga wo. However, my aunt Mary, only three years older than me, accepted a Bible along with publications that helped to explain it. Jesus said that those who do not exercise faith in him will die. Ekuma tufwete kadila ye ziku vo Yave una kikilu yo luzolo lwa kutuvana o nkuma tuvwanga o mfunu muna ntangw'a mpasi? " Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads. ' " - Revelation 7: 1 - 3. Why did they make that decision? Ke vavioka kolo kiayingi ko, Anania wa nlongoki watumwa mu kwenda sila Saulu umbangi. Shortly after this, the disciple Ananias was dispatched to witness to Saul. To learn more about the future, some in Bible times went to false priests who claimed that they were talking to the god who represented them. Nga kumonanga ko vo o samuna oma ma Yave ye vuvu kia Kintinu, lukwikilu yo zola kwaku muna Nzambi dikumikanga? Have you not found that speaking about Jehovah and the Kingdom hope strengthens your faith and your love for God? However, Jesus saw a crowd of people coming to him. Yesu zola kwa nsi a ntima kakala kwau muna Yave ye nsiku Miandi miansongi. Jesus had wholehearted love for Jehovah and for His righteous standards. Today, preaching the good news to people of all languages does not require us to go to a foreign country. Wavova vo: "Konso nteleki kafwete kala wafwana mu samun'e nsangu zambote muna nzo ye nzo. " " Everyone, " he said, "should be able to preach the good news from house to house. " One sister in her early years said: "When I was sexually immoral, I felt worthless and worthless. LUSANSU LIFE STORY In fact, rather than punishing a child for doing what is bad is loving; it is an act of love. Muna nz'ampa, wantu awonso bekala yo vimpi walunga una Nzambi kasia nsilu. There, all humans will have the perfect health that God has promised. Others say that God does not exist. Yika e nona. Illustrate. But the truth really changed the family. Adieyi dikitulanga muntu se nlongi ambote? What is a hallmark of a good teacher? Later, these Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " Unkotesa mu moko kiaku avo va fulu kia ndonga nwina. Include the person in the conversation if you are in a group. Many Bible passages show that hospitality was very important to foreigners, especially to God's servants. Adieyi Nkand'a Nzambi ukutulonganga muna diambu ditadidi bund'e vuvu muna Yave? What does the Bible teach you about trusting in Jehovah? If you know someone likes that, will you avoid forming a friendship with him? Dianu vo, kina kiayikakeswa kwa Nzambi, o muntu kavambanisa ko. " Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " A Roman governor of Rome made it clear that the Romans and the South Africa were different. Sasila dio. Explain. As we have considered, pride at times led the apostles. O Nkristu azikuka ovavanga nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi milenda kunsadisa mu zaya edi diambote y'edi diambi A mature Christian keeps looking for Bible principles that can help him to know what is right and what is wrong If possible, work with your child. E nsabi muna lembi bwa muna ntambu wa fundisa Yave mun'owu wa mbweno zeto, i sungamenanga vo e mpila tubadikilanga e mambu ina ye nsuka, ezak'e ntangwa ifunganga. A key to avoiding the trap of judging Jehovah by our own standards is to recognize that our viewpoint is limited and at times seriously flawed. " Some criticize me for studying the Bible. Owau, ekolo balongokanga, wadila wau kalembi bakula vo zazina i mvutu za Nzambi muna sambu kavanga. Now, during the study, she was crying because she realized that she had ignored God's answer to her prayer. 12, 13. (a) According to Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of words should we avoid? Ozevo, yamokena yo mfidi a kumbi dimosi dia maza kampana salu, kansi yanlomba vo kampana tiki kia lwakila kuna Estados Unidos se mfutu a salu kiame. I arranged with a ship captain to work on board his ship as compensation for passage to the United States. It would not be worth your effort. Kuna lubantiku, kuna nsweki yavangilanga mambu mama mu kuma kia wonga wa kendeleka mase mame. At first, I did those things secretly for fear of displeasing my parents. He said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth. " Ikiyuvulanga, ekuma Nzambi keyambulanga vo twamona e mpasi? Why would God allow us to suffer like this? " I shall laud you in many congregations. " - PS. Kasikil'owu, muna Sono ya Kiyibere tutanganga vo: " E makani ma nkwa fululu nluta metwasanga. ' For example, in the Hebrew Scriptures, we read: "The plans of the diligent surely lead to success, " and" whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might. " (3) We live in a wicked world. Wasala kala se mviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde. For a time, she served as a regular pioneer, or full - time Kingdom proclaimer. Following Christ can help us to imitate our heavenly Father. Lufuluku: Awana bafwa bevutuka diaka o zinga. A Long - Time Times Nkumbu miayingi, wayimbilanga e nkunga mianzola mia Kingerekia vana zianel'a suku diame. Often he serenaded me from below my window with romantic Greek songs. What about us? Kasikil'owu, tulenda vova vo: "Yambula twazaya dina Mvangi eto kevovanga mu kuma kia diambu diadi. " For example, we might say, "Let's see what our Creator says on this subject. " Our heavenly Father has good reason for giving us this assurance: "I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, " Do not be afraid. I will help you. ' " - Isa. Yakobo wakudikila vo: " Wakatuka, vana vau yo vilakana owu kakedi. ' James continued: "He goes away and immediately forgets what sort of person he is. " When you study the Bible, are you quick to make changes in your life? Kitantu kiaki kisaka vava Nkadi Ampemba wa Satana kekubanwanisa nze Ngonge a Mangonge. Such hatred will reach a climax in the worldwide attack of Satan the Devil in his role as Gog of Magog. Does Jehovah really care about us? Kasikil'owu, Nzambi wasong'e ngemba kwa Eleya yo zitisa ngindu zandi. For instance, God was very gracious with Elijah, considering his feelings. In those days, we used the phonograph to reach people at their doors, and we offered them Bible literature about God's Kingdom. Wantu ayingi beyikamanga vita kadi ayadi bekubakwikidisanga vo i diau bafwete vanga awana bezolanga nsi au. Many people take sides when there are conflicts because governments convince them that this is what good citizens should do. These visions show that the place of Jehovah is beautiful, full of peace and security. Wau vo e lumbu kianene kia Nzambi kifinamene, eyayi i ntangwa ya kubama. Since God's great day is near, now is the time to prove yourself ready. What about you? Kala nkw'eloko aweyi disongele? Ekuma dinina dia uzowa mu songa e fu kiaki? What does it mean to be self - centered, and why is it unwise to become so? 15, 16. André wamonanga vo kelenda sunda ntantu ye nkenda zandi ko. For André, it was a terrible blow, and it left a void that he feels will never be completely filled. What happened to Epaphroditus and Epaphroditus, and what does this teach us? Muna kuma kiaki, yambula twakala yo nyindu ambote vava ntim'eto ukutufilanga mu vana konso kina tulenda. The information in this brochure may not apply fully to your situation because of tax laws or other laws in your country. The dew on the Mount of Olives is refreshing Owau, konso lumbu wantu ayingi bebakanga e nzengo za kunsambila. Throughout human history, the worship of Jehovah has prevailed and is gaining momentum with each passing day. Similarly, many brothers and sisters have been persecuted by government officials and their armies because they do not want to dedicate their brothers or sisters to them. (Tanga Nkunga 104: 1, 2.) (Read Psalm 104: 1, 2.) Jesus ' confidence in his Father will not fail. Nki i volo? E fu kiaki aweyi kilenda kutusadisila? What is self - control, and how does it help us? When Joseph was imprisoned, did he abandon Jehovah? Vena ye kuma kiakaka akala bafwete tanginina Kristu. The admonition to imitate the Christ is of particular interest to men for still another reason. What did the events of Pentecost 33 C.E. reveal? Amafwa ke balendi vova ko. The dead cannot speak. Then we will discuss how "the peace of God " can help us to endure trials and to trust in Jehovah completely. Kansi, yambula twakala " amvwama kuna kwa Nzambi ' ekolo tusianga mambu ma Kintinu va fulu kiantete muna zingu kieto. - Luka 12: 21. Instead, let us be "rich toward God " as we put Kingdom interests first in our life. - Luke 12: 21. Like the prophet Zechariah, Jesus said that God's people would be united. Divavanga vo twavanga dina kavova Paulu wa ntumwa: "Nukangadila muna mwanda, ozevo ke nulunganis'eketo dia nitu ko. " It is by doing what the apostle Paul said: "Keep walking by spirit and you will carry out no fleshly desire at all. " (Read Luke 18: 29, 30.) O kala yo " nyindu mosi mun'owu wa Kristu Yesu ' divavanga vo twazaya e ngindu ye mavangu mandi yo kuntanginina. Having "the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had " requires our knowing the way he thought and acted and then imitating him. This publication is not for sale. Adieyi Disundidi o Mfunu? What Is More Important? However, angels are not like humans. Aweyi kesongelanga vo wakinu yangalela e mpila yayi ya longela? How does he show that he still approves of this way of teaching? We were devastated because we knew that we were living in the Communist government again. Yesu wavova vo awana balembi kwikila muna yandi besinga fwa. Why would Jesus imply that those who did not believe in him would die? [ Picture on page 5] Ekuma babakila e nzengo zazi? Why did they take such a stand? How grateful we are for such help! Muna vava zaya oma ma kusentu, akaka kuna nz'akulu bayendanga kwa nganga zaluvunu ana bavovanga vo mana bazayisanga matukanga kwa nzambi ona basunzulanga. In their effort to discern the future, some in the ancient world consulted oracles - priests or priestesses who passed on information from the god they claimed to represent. It also helps us to strengthen our friendship with others. - 1 John 4: 7, 8. Kansi, Yesu wamona wantu ayingi bamvingilanga. But Jesus saw many people waiting for him. Moreover, it would be as if you were proud of Jehovah God and were delighted to rejoice over you. O unu kiaki muna samuna e nsangu zambote kwa wantu a ndinga zawonso ke divavanga ko vo twenda kuna nsi za kinzenza. Nowadays, though, we may not need to go abroad to share the good news with people of all tongues. WHEN you see the white hair in the congregation, do you remind a historical account in Daniel's book? Mpangi mosi akento vava kasungamena mvu mia kileke kiandi wavova vo: "Vava yata zumba yakendalala ye kuyibadikila nze yakondwa mfunu. Reflecting on her teen years, a sister wrote: "After committing immorality, you feel cold and empty. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Kieleka, lembi tumba mwana ovangidi o bi i kondwa zola; kansi kuntumba i vangu dia zola. Truly, withholding such discipline amounts to hate; administering it is an act of love. That is the wisdom we need today. Akaka bevovanga vo Nzambi kena ko. Others assert that God does not exist. Thousands of Peace During the Future □ In the family, what are the God - assigned roles of the husband and of the wife? I will pour out your horn with oil, and I will send you to Jesse the father of Bethlehem, for I have found him among his sons. " - 1 Samuel 16: 1. Kansi, e ludi kiasoba kikilu esi nzo yayi. The truth totally transformed this family. One day in 2003, Cheri called me on the phone when she had to go to a movie in the city of J. I bosi, Akristu awaya " bakwamanana muna mana balongwa kwa antumwa. ' After that, those new Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " The second messenger is Jesus. Sono yayingi ya Nkand'a Nzambi isonganga vo kuna nz'ankulu, o zola nzenza fu kiamfunu kikilu kiakala, musungula kwa selo ya Nzambi. (Etuku 18: 2 - 5; Ayibere 13: 2) O lembi zola nzenza fu kiambi kiakala. A close examination of those exciting events when Jehovah maneuvered the salvation of the sons of Israel should be of great encouragement to us as we look forward to the fast - approaching great tribulation. Because Josué and his friend, Jehovah's Witnesses were well - dressed and dressed at the district convention, Javier and his wife asked them if they had attended a special meeting. Avo ozeye muntu una ye fu kiaki, nga ovenga vanga yandi kikundi? If you know who the person is, will you avoid socializing with him? I was impressed that they obeyed the Bible's moral standards. Cícero wa nyadi a Roma wasikidisa vo esi Roma ye esi Afrika bakala mfwanani. For one thing, they promoted equality among citizens - a principle taught by Roman statesman Cicero. How can we be freed from sin and death? Nze una tulongokele kala, ezak'e ntangwa o lulendo lwavambulanga antumwa. As we have already learned, at times pride divided the apostles. " The Sacred Secret " of the Messiah Avo dilendakana, salanga entwadi yo mwan'aku. Whenever possible, include your son in your daily activities. I was the circuit overseer and I were invited to stay in the house. " Akaka bankumbanga mu kuma kia longoka Bibila. " Some people criticized me for studying the Bible. If we do so, Jehovah will give us what we need. 12, 13. (a) Mun'owu wa sono kia Efeso 4: 29, nkia mpila mvovo tufwete venga? 12, 13. (a) As shown at Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of speech should we avoid? How did Jesus want his followers to understand this parable during the last days? E ngolo ovanganga ke zankatu ko. It is worth the effort. [ Footnote] Wavova vo: "Nkwend'asamwin'e nsangu zambote za kintinu kia Nzambi: e kuma i ntuminu diodio. " He told the crowds: "I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent. " If they do, they will be "the rich toward God. " - Luke 12: 21; read Matthew 6: 19 - 21. " Ikuvana matondo muna nkutakani ayingi. " - NKU. " I will laud you in the big congregation. " - PS. As I grew up, my grandfather loved me. (3) E nza yambi tuzingilanga. (3) The wicked world. Moreover, we will not be truly happy, nor will we enjoy the blessings that result from our whole - souled service. - Prov. O landa Kristu dilenda kutusadisa mu tanginina S'eto ezulu. This is because Jesus reflected God's thinking, feelings, and personality better and explained him more fully than anyone else could. (c) What changes did one couple make? Mambu Mebwa ke Kolo Ko Events You Are Soon to See Happen Many people repeat those words every day or every day. Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kieto? What about us? How can we be happy in the disciple - making work? What benefits will the royal priesthood bring to mankind? Did this mean that Jesus wanted to be washed clean, and he did not have sin and "without hypocrisy "? O S'eto ezulu ovwidi kuma kiasikila kekutusilang'e nsilu vo: "Mono Yave wa Nzambi aku nsimba koko kwaku kwalunene, yo kuvovesa vo, kumoni wonga ko; ikusadisa. " - Yes. I myself will help you. ' " - Isa. (b) How can you help your children to meditate on the blessings they will enjoy if they obey God's laws? Vava olongokanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi vo diambu ofwete soba muna zingu kiaku, nga olemvokanga mu nzaki? How well do you do in the matter of accepting Bible - based counsel? (b) Relate an experience that shows how God's utterances " help us ' to help us. Nga Yave okutuvwanga kieleka mfunu? Does Jehovah care about us? He says that these words are "the truth and the truth of all men. " Muna lumbu yayina, fonógrafo twasadilanga mu wisa malongi kwa wantu vana mielo mia nzo zau, i bosi twabavananga nkanda misasilanga Nkand'a Nzambi miavovelanga Kintinu kia Nzambi. In those days, we used a phonograph to play sermons for householders on their doorsteps, and then we would offer them Bible literature about God's Kingdom. • What was symbolized by Hosea's marriage to Gomer? Mona - meso yayi itusongele vo e fulu kina Yave kekalanga kia toma viengeswa, kiazala yo wete yo luvuvamu. These depictions of God harmonize with the words of the psalmist who wrote: "Jehovah is great and most worthy of praise. 8, 9. (a) What changes have been made when parents live with their children? Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kiaku? What about you? 1, 2. 15, 16. 15, 16. What scriptures can help us to maintain good conduct and people who ridicule us? Adieyi diabwila Terofimo yo Epaferodito? Adieyi ditulongele? What happened to Trophimus and Epaphroditus, and what does that teach us? (b) What cannot be used as spiritism? E dime dikukulanga vana Mongo a Keremone dizizimisanga e mbongo An empathetic listener refreshes others [ Picture on page 3] Diau adimosi mpe, mpangi zayingi bebangikwanga kwa ayadi ambi ye makesa mau, kadi ke bezolanga yekola mpangi zau ko yovo songa kuna bekutakenenanga. Likewise, many Witnesses have suffered at the hands of hostile rulers and their minions because of not betraying their fellow Witnesses nor revealing from where they obtained spiritual food. The decisions we make about singleness and marriage can affect our life, and it can also affect our relationship with Jehovah. E vuvu kia Yesu muna S'andi ke kiakuluka ko. Jesus ' trust in his Father was still as firm as ever. (b) What is involved in laying our tongue on what? Vava Yosefe kakala muna pelezo, nga wabembolwa kwa Yave? When Joseph was in prison, was he separated from Jehovah? How have some parents helped their children to set goals in God's service, and with what result? Mana mabwa muna lumbu kia Pentikosti ya mvu wa 33 wa tandu kieto, adieyi masonga? What did the events on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. prove? How do you feel when you help someone to make changes in his life in order to progress in the truth? I bosi, tuvovela una "luvuvamu lwa Nzambi " lulenda kutusadisila mu zizidila e mpasi yo bunda e vuvu kieto kiawonso muna Yave. Finally, we will discuss how "the peace of God " can help us to endure trials with full trust in Jehovah. IT WAS in Joseph's body because of his hard work in prison and the heat. Nze Zakariya wa ngunza, Yesu wavova vo nkangu a Nzambi wayikakiana ukala. As did the prophet Zechariah, Jesus highlighted the refreshing unity that is experienced by God's people. He prayed: "Just as men are in the world, so I will find them in the world. " (Tanga Luka 18: 29, 30.) (Read Luke 18: 29, 30.) 7 / 1 Mawonso divovanga mu Nkand'a Nzambi metukanga. (b) How can elders today imitate Paul's example? Kansi, ambasi ke bena nze wantu ko. But would they have seen things from a human perspective? Others gradually separate themselves from fellow believers. Twakendalala kikilu wau twazaya vo tukotele diaka mu wisa kia luyalu lwa Comunismo. Our hearts sank as we realized that we were again trapped in a Communist zone. Brian: Thank you. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 5] SCHOOL FOR ELDERS Job did not want to do so, so he could say: "When I see how the moon came upon him, if my heart was cut down in secret; and my hand has been cut down from secret, my hand has become many, and my hand has been cut short by God. " - Job 31: 26 - 28. Tufwete vutulanga kikilu matondo mu kuma kia lusadisu lwalu lukutusingikanga. How grateful we can be for this provision for our readjustment! Parents had to use every opportunity to teach their children about Jehovah so that they could worship only Jehovah. - Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9. Zikutusadisa mpe mu kumika kikundi kieto y'akaka. - 1 Yoa. 4: 7, 8. They will also help us to strengthen our friendships with one another. - 1 John 4: 7, 8. Christ thus becomes "the Father of eternity " for them. - Isa. Vana ntandu, dikala nze ngeye omonanga Yave wa Nzambi okuyisananga yo yangalala mu kuma kiaku. Most of all, it's as if you can see Jehovah God being proud of you and smiling at you! Even when he was tired or hungry, Jesus focused on the needs of others. VAVA monanga anunu bena ye nsuki zampembe muna nkutakani, nga bekusungamesanga lusansu luna muna nkand'a Daniele? WHEN you see elderly ones in the congregation who have white hair, are you reminded of an account in the Bible book of Daniel? Moreover, we can learn more about what happened to others along with our parents. - Prov. NKAND'A NZAMBI ZINGU KIA WANTU USOBANGA THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Paul's words about Christian meetings recorded at 1 Corinthians 14: 26 - 33 show how the meetings were conducted in the first century. Ezazi i ngangu tuvwidi o mfunu o unu. This is the kind of education that is needed today. Today, "a mighty man " is the political rulers of the world. Funda dia Mvu dia Luvuvamu Yakuna Sentu Peace for a Thousand Years - And Beyond! He gives you advice and warned you about dangers you may encounter on the road. Zadisa mpak'aku yo mazi, wenda, ikutuma kuna kwa Yisai wa mwisi Beteleme: Kadi nsolwele ntinu muna wan'andi. " - 1 Samuele 16: 1. Fill your horn with oil and go. I shall send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, because I have provided among his sons a king for myself. " - 1 Samuel 16: 1. In these cases, more than 100,000 people sometimes pray. Lumbu kimosi muna mvu wa 2003, Cheri wambokela mu telefone vava kayenda vanga filme kuna mbanz'a Vancouver, Canadá. One day in 2003, Cheri called me from Vancouver, Canada, where she was making a film. When one is sick, both of them suffer in different ways. O nkunzi wezole i Yesu. No one has the pictures of Jesus. Wau vo Josué ye nkundi andi wa Mbangi a Yave batoma kuyikubika bakala yo vwata lapela za lukutakanu lwa mvivu, Javier yo Maru wa nkaz'andi babayuvula kana vo ku lukutakanu lwamfunu lwa sikola batukidi. Because he and his Witness friends were well - dressed and were wearing convention badges, the couple asked them if they had come from a graduation or another special occasion. In the picture of a young man looking at TV in a dark room, my son asked me, " What does this child do? ' Yasivika kikilu, kadi oyau nsiku mia nkal'ambote mia Nkand'a Nzambi belemvokelanga. There I experienced Christian love, and I was impressed because these people try to live by the Bible's high moral standards. By means of Christ's sacrifice, he draws close to God, and he draws close to us. Aweyi tulenda vevolwelwa mun'esumu ye lufwa? How have we been released from sin and death? Jehovah asked him how he would do so. " Mbumba ' mu kuma kia Masia Yasengomonwa Malembe - malembe " Sacred Secret " of the Messiah Revealed Progressively There are many ways to reach out for responsibility. Mono yo nkengi a zunga i nzenza twakala muna nzo. There were only two gringos there, and I was one of them! It said that no mountain is far off from someone who could see all the kingdoms of the world. Avo tuvangidi wo, Yave okutuvana ina tuvwidi o mfunu. If we do so, Jehovah will see to it that our needs are cared for. Now that we understand Jehovah's ways, let us consider two Scriptural principles that concern others. Aweyi Yesu kazolele alandi andi bafwete bakulwila kingana kiaki mu lumbu yayi yambaninu? How did Jesus want his followers in the last days to understand that powerful illustration? Then he listened carefully as I explained the work of peace with Jehovah's Witnesses. " [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] The Bible compares the first person to me Avo bavangidi wo, bekala " amvwama kuna kwa Nzambi. ' - Luka 12: 21; tanga Matai 6: 19 - 21. By doing so, they can become "rich toward God. " - Luke 12: 21; read Matthew 6: 19 - 21. Can material things help people to draw closer to death? Vava yasansukanga, nkak'ame ayakala watoma kunzolanga. As I grew up, I enjoyed Grandfather's attention. What do we know about the expression "peace and security "? Vana ntandu, ke tukala ye kiese kiasikila ko, ngatu vwa nsambu zitukanga muna salu kia nsi a ntima yawonso. - Nga. In addition, we would deprive ourselves of the deep satisfaction, true joy, and other rich blessings that come from whole - souled service. - Prov. Even though Peter was stumbled, what helped him to stay in the race? (c) Nkia nsobani bavanga yakala dimosi yo nkaz'andi? (c) What adjustments did one married couple need to make? What questions will we consider in this article? Ndonga bevovololanga e mvovo miami lumbu yawonso yovo nkumbu miayingi muna lumbu. Millions of people utter its words by rote every day, perhaps often during the day. We are wise to meditate on what we pray for. - Psalm 6: 4. Aweyi tulenda kadila ye kiese muna salu kia kitula wantu s'alongoki? How may we be able to increase the joy we gain from the disciple - making work? Soon, Jesus will remove the suffering caused by three horsemen Nga diadi diasonganga vo Yesu veleleswa kavavanga? Ve. Yesu kakala ye sumu ko ye " wakondwa twangu. ' No, for Jesus was sinless and "without blemish, " thus having no need for cleansing. For example, before learning the truth, a sister in Britain learned about politics in school, what moved her to stand up to governmental authorities. (b) Aweyi olenda sadisila wan'aku mu badika e nsambu bevua avo balemvokele nsiku mia Nzambi? (b) How can you help your children to meditate on the blessings that come from obeying God's laws? Mary wrote articles from The Watchtower and other publications in a paper. (b) Yika e nona kisonganga una e diambu dia Nzambi " dizabuziokelanga ' mu kutusadisa. (b) Give an example that shows how God's word "runs swiftly " to help us. The place where their son was in their heart was still empty. Teófilo wavova vo e mvovo miami mia "ludi ye mia mfunu, miansongi kwa wantu awonso. " These are among the words that Theophilus says are "true, and useful, and just, and profitable to all men. " Is death God's purpose? • O longo lwa Osea yo Ngome nki lwasonganga? • What did Hosea's marriage to Gomer symbolize? They are also helped by holy spirit. 8, 9. (a) Nkia nsobani zivangamanga muna nzo vava mase ke bezingilanga vamosi ko yo wan'au? 8, 9. (a) What changes often occur when a parent lives apart from the family? He trusted in the Great Shepherd, Jehovah, his protective Shepherd, and a trusted counselor. 1, 2. 1, 2. (b) What helped God's servants in the past to show courage and to promote pure worship? Nkia sono yilenda kutusadisa mu kala nkal'ambote yo wantu bekututiangunanga? What scriptures can help us to deal wisely with people who speak harshly to us? How can you benefit today if you "keep Jehovah strong "? (b) Nki ke kilendi sadilwa nze mpandu ko? (b) What should not be used as a charm? But in these last days, hard work can cause anxiety. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 3] [ Picture on page 3] Many think that the United States had progressed in many ways, but the trip gave us a way to live some 200 years ago. E nzengo tubakanga mu kuma kia kimpumpa ye longo zilenda vanga diambu muna zingu kieto. Zilenda mpe vanga diambu muna ngwizani eto yo Yave. A person's decisions regarding singleness and marriage affect not only his entire life but also his standing before Jehovah. ▪ Learn to use his money (b) Adieyi divavwanga muna kengesa lubini lweto muna mbi? (b) What is involved in safeguarding our tongue? They offered up a burnt sacrifice in a way that did not please Jehovah. Aweyi mase mankaka besadisilanga o wan'au mu kuyisila makani muna salu kia Nzambi? Ediadi nkia nluta ditwasanga kwa wan'au? How have some parents helped their children to set goals in God's service, and how has this benefited their children? Children imitate the good qualities of their parents Aweyi omonanga vava osadisanga muntu mu soba e zingu kiandi kimana kanungunuka muna ludi? When your encouragement helps an interested person overcome an obstacle to his spiritual progress, how do you feel? In his prayer recorded in Psalm 40, David prayed for Jehovah's loving - kindness and trueness to safeguard him. E KIUFUTA kiakukulanga muna nitu a Yosefe mu kuma kia salu kiangolo kasalanga muna pelezo yakala ye mbangazi yasaka. JOSEPH walked along the dark corridor, dripping with sweat from his toil in the stifling heat. This peace draws many in the congregation. Wasamba vo: "Wauna wantum'omu nza, omono mpe yabatum'omu nza. " " Just as you sent me forth into the world, " prays Jesus, "I also sent them forth into the world. " The apostle Paul often talked about freedom in his letters. 1: 14, 15) - Oktoba - Desemba, lukaya lwa 4. The teachings of Reformer Jean Cauvin (John Calvin) flourish in such denominations as Reformed, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Puritan. - 9 / 1, pages 18 - 21. Would you like to learn more? (b) O unu, aweyi akuluntu balenda tanginina e mbandu a Paulu? (b) How do elders today follow Paul's example? The audience enjoyed those video. Akaka malembe - malembe bevambukanga ye mpangi zau Akristu. Some gradually withdraw from the Christian brotherhood. After his death, Abraham was about 150 years old. André: Ntondele. Brian: Right. Still, elders need to be careful not to control their own feelings. Yobi kavanga wo ko, kiaki i kuma kavovela vo: "Ovo mbwene ntangwa una obayidi, ovo ngonde okangalanga muna miezi miandi; ovo ntim'ame watwalakeswa kuna sweki, o nu'ame ufibidi o koko: Ediadi mpe i bi ufwene tumbwa kw'afundisi: Kadi nga mpunini kwa Nzambi ona wina kuna ntandu. " - Yobi 31: 26 - 28. Job did not do so, for he declared: "If I used to see the light when it would flash forth, or the precious moon walking along, and my heart began to be enticed in secrecy and my hand proceeded to kiss my mouth, that too would be an error for attention by the justices, for I should have denied the true God above. " - Job 31: 26 - 28. Trusting in Jehovah and focusing on spiritual things will help us to maintain our spiritual balance. Diavavanga vo mase basadilanga konso lau mu longa wan'au mambu ma Yave kimana yau mpe basambila kaka Yave. - Nsiku 6: 6 - 9. Parents were to teach their children about Jehovah at every opportunity so that young ones too would worship only Jehovah. - Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9. So the guards do not make fun of them or take them away the fire of a fire to set up your smoke. Mu mpila yayi, o Kristu okituka "Ese dia mvu ya mvu " kwa yau. - Yes. He thus becomes their "Eternal Father. " - Isa. But soon, many young people regret their decision. Kana nkutu vava kakalanga wayoya yovo ye nzala, Yesu nsatu z'akaka kasia va fulu kiantete. Even when he felt tired or hungry, Jesus put the needs of others before his own. There is no doubt that they are preparing for a special assignment when they die and return to heaven. Vana ntandu, tulenda zaya mambu makaka muna badika mana mabwila akaka kumosi yo mase meto. - Nga. In addition, we can draw on the experience of others, including our parents. - Prov. If the couple were to have a wedding talk at the Kingdom Hall, they should first ask the coordinator of the Service Committee. E mvovo mia Paulu mu kuma kia tukutakanu tw'Akristu miasonama muna 1 Korinto 14: 26 - 33 misonganga una wavangamenanga tukutakanu muna tandu kiantete. Paul's description of Christian meetings found at 1 Corinthians 14: 26 - 33 gives us insight into how those gatherings were conducted in the first century. First, we must do all we can to honor Jehovah's name and give glory. O unu "ekesa " diadi i ayadi a nza. The modern - day composite "man " is made up of political powers. (b) How can faith in the resurrection draw us closer to Jehovah? Uvene luludiku ovwidi o mfunu, yo kulukisa mu kuma kia vonza olenda wanana yau muna nzila. As he gives you thorough directions, he might say something like this: "Be careful about that next turn. " The sword of the spirit, which is God's Word, " protects us from false teachings and " overturned strongly entrenched things. ' Muna wantu awaya, vioka 1.200 za wantu besambanga ezak'e ntangwa. Yet, of those polled, 55 percent pray at least occasionally. Similarly, those who want to be under Christ's rule need to have good manners and good health. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11; Galatians 5: 19 - 23. Avo mosi oyelele, yau awole mpasi bemonanga, kana una vo mu mpila yaswaswana. After all, if one mate is sick, both are deeply affected, even if in different ways. But if we allow our love for material things to grow cold, our love for God will grow cold. Ka vena muntu ko una ye foto dia Yesu. No one has a photograph of Jesus. Her husband, Her husband, was six years old and says: "It makes it easier for me to see people sit down and listen to me when I talk about my mate or about the situation. Muna fwaniswa kisonganga nleke otalanga televizau muna suku dia tombe, mwan'ame wangyuvula vo: " E mama nki kesalanga mwana ndioyo? ' Regarding a picture in which a child is watching television in a darkened room, my son asked, " Mommy, what is that boy doing? ' The second group, among true Christians, became apostates, and they began to speak "false stories. " Muna kimenga kia Kristu tufinamanga Nzambi, oyandi mpe okutufinamanga. Through the sacrifice of Christ, we have drawn close to God and he draws close to us. Will you continue to do so? - Read Hebrews 6: 10. Yave wanyuvula kana aweyi kevangila wo. Jehovah asked him how. Scientists know that the rain was used to grow in small clouds. Vena mpila zayingi olenda kuyifwanisina mu tambula kiyekwa. There are several ways that you can reach out. The apostle Paul, who was inspired to write those words, knew that things in this world change. Diavova vo ke vena mongo wandá ko vana muntu kalenda mwena yintinu yawonso ya nza. It said that there is no mountain that is high enough for someone to be able to see all the kingdoms of the world. He will eliminate all wickedness on earth and teach people how to live in peace. - Read Isaiah 9: 6, 7; 11: 4, 9. Wau tubakwidi e nzila za Yave, yambula twabadika mambu mole ma Nkand'a Nzambi metokanesanga akaka. With this foundation for understanding Jehovah's ways, let us examine two Bible accounts that some may find puzzling. How did Rahab feel when she lived in that city? I bosi, watoma tamba e matu ekolo yansasilanga e salu kia luvuvamu besalanga e Mbangi za Yave. " After that, he carefully listened to me as I explained to him the peaceful activities of the Witnesses. " Mary was devastated. Bibila kiafwanana ye kina kiantete yavewa When serving as district overseer However, Jesus indicated that God had chosen him, giving Jehovah glory as the Great Leader of his people. Nga mavwa malenda sadisa wantu vava kifinamanga lufwa? If we look to material things to fill spiritual needs, we will be disappointed. We can succeed in personal Bible study, commend Jehovah's name in our ministry, and avoid bad associations. Adieyi tuzeye mu kuma kia mvovo "luvuvamu ye ngemba "? What do we know about the declaration of "Peace and security "? Some 3,000 years have passed since today, and bad things have become abundant. Kana una vo Petelo wat'esakuba, adieyi diansadisa mu kwamanana muna nkula? How did Peter stay in the race despite stumbling? " From the fifth century until the fifth century C.E., those words were also written in Latin. " Nkia yuvu tubadika mu longi diadi? What will we learn in this article? Elihu was patient, and he commended Job for giving counsel. - Job 32: 6; 33: 32. Diangangu dia badika mana tulombanga muna sambu. 6: 4. For example, King Saul tried to justify his disobedience by putting the blame on others. Like animals, we too need the wind, drink, and drink. Ke kolo ko, Yesu ofokola e mpasi betwasanga akwa mvalu ntatu Jesus will soon reverse the effects of the other three horsemen He promised to love and serve him more than he could do in his life. Kasikil'owu, vitila kalongoka e ludi, mpangi mosi ankento ozingilanga kuna Grã - Bretanha walongoka mambu ma mbumba kuna sikola, mana kalongoka mamfila mu yantika telamena ayadi. For example, before she learned the truth, one sister in Great Britain took social studies classes at a university and developed extreme political opinions. I will bring a flood of water upon the earth, and all flesh of life under heaven will be destroyed. " Mary wasonekanga malongi ma Eyingidilu dia longoka ye nkanda miankaka muna papela. Mary would type Watchtower study articles and other literature on a special kind of paper. Since December 1, 1995, I began serving as a regular pioneer. E fulu kiakalanga o mwan'au muna ntima miau kisidi e nkatu. The place that their son or daughter once occupied in their hearts is now empty. We should imitate the attitude of the apostle Paul, who said: "Christ Jesus himself went through the world to save sinners, and who are older. " - 1 Tim. Nga o lufwa i kani dia Nzambi? Is death part of God's will for us? If you ask you to do something difficult, think about the example of Abraham, who showed faith and courage. Yau mpe besadiswanga kwa mwand'avelela. The spirit is involved in their case too. That is what Jehovah wanted for Adam. Wabundang'e vuvu muna Yave wa Mvungudi Anene, wa ntanini andi ye nludiki. He looked to the Great Shepherd, Jehovah, for protection and guidance. I would like to study the Bible. (b) Nki kiasadisa selo ya Nzambi kuna nz'ankulu mu songa unkabu yo tatidila nungununa nsambila yavelela? (b) What enabled those in pre - Christian times to show boldness in upholding and promoting pure worship? In June 1966, an important issue was about to appear outside the border. Nkia nluta olenda baka o unu kele vo " otombele Yave '? What will be the immediate result if you "search for Jehovah "? At the same time, the writer of Antioch C.E. referred to the Greek prophetess C.E., a Greek prophet who foretold that the wicked would be punished "in a fiery place and every day. " Kansi, mu lumbu yayi yambaninu, e salu kilenda twasa ntelamw'a moyo. However, in these last days, secular work can cause much anxiety. Today, he tries to help others oppose Jehovah's Witnesses. Ndonga beyindulanga vo Estados Unidos nsi ya nungunuka muna mambu mayingi, kansi e nkangalu twavanga watusonga e mpila yakadila e zingu kia wantu se vioka mvu 200. Most think of the United States as highly modern in every way, but our trip took us back two hundred years into the past. Some Christians who doubt what is being guided by congregation members. ▪ zaya sadila nzimbu zandi care for personal health Clearly, that Kingdom is the only government ruling the entire universe. Nadabi yo Abiu bakela kimenga mu mpila ina ke yayangidika Yave ko. Think of how he must have felt when his sons Nadab and Abihu offered illegitimate fire to Jehovah and He struck them dead. What are some ways that they will be fulfilled? O wana betangininanga fu yambote ya mase mau Children imitate the good habits of their parents To force them to party cards, they were beaten by hundreds of people, so they were burned, and they were terrified that they were forced to get under control. Muna sambu kiandi kiasonama muna Nkunga 40, o Davidi walomba vo walakazi ye ziku kia Yave kianlunga - lunga. In his prayer recorded in Psalm 40, David asked to be safeguarded by Jehovah's loving - kindness and trueness. Luke traces Jesus Christ's family line to Noah. O luvuvamu lwalu lutuntanga wantu ayingi muna nkutakani. This peace attracts many people to the congregation. Then I prayed again and thought that someone could listen to me. Paulu wa ntumwa nkumbu miayingi kavovela oma ma luvevoko muna nkanda miandi. The apostle Paul often wrote about freedom. [ Footnote] Nga ozolele zaya mambu mankaka? Would you like to know more? See the article "The Bible Changes Lives, " in The Watchtower of June 1, 2001, pages 27 - 31. Nkangu watoma yangalela video yayina. The large audience enjoyed the film immensely. Of course, no one can answer that question as much as he needs. Vava kafwa, Abarayama tezo kia 150 ma mvu kakala miau. And he lived until Abraham was about 150 years old. Love for God and neighbor motivates us to engage in Christian activities, helping us to be ready for Jehovah's great day. - Matthew 22: 37 - 39. 5: 3 - 5) Kana una vo i wau, akuluntu bafwete keba muna lembi songa ngindu za yau kibeni. Still, elders are careful not to promote their personal views. 1, 2. (a) What will we consider? (Ngana 22: 7) O bund'e vuvu muna Yave yo sia mambu ma mwanda va fulu kiantete dilenda kutusadisa muna sikila mu salu kia Nzambi. Trusting in Jehovah and putting spiritual things first help us to keep matters in focus. Yes, if you focus on Abel's story and imitate his strong faith. Ozevo ayingidi, ke nubatokanisa ko ngatu kubatuma banubakila sinza kia tiya mu kwika fomo zeno. So guards, don't trouble them by asking them for a cigarette and don't send them to collect a burning piece of charcoal to light your cigarette. But things changed when Stephen started to follow the Bible's counsel. Kansi ke kolo kiayingi ko kiviokanga, aleke ayingi bekuyibanzanga mu kuma kia nzengo babaka. Before long, though, a number have regretted that decision. We were busy in the years when a group of people started to drink alcohol and raised my hair. Ka lukatikisu ko vo wabakubikanga mu kuma kia kiyekwa kiamfunu bekala kiau vava kefwa yo vutuka kun'ezulu. He was evidently preparing them for a key role after his death and return to heaven. The Bible says that "the heart of the righteous one meditates so as to answer, " and" the heart of the wise one disciplines his lips, and makes his lips grow. " Kele vo ana besompana bakubikidi vo vafwete kala elongi dia longo kuna Eseka dia Kintinu, bafwete teka lomba nswa kw'akuluntu a Buka kia Salu kia Nkutakani. If a couple who will have a civil marriage desire to have a talk at a certain Kingdom Hall, they should beforehand seek the permission of the elders forming the Congregation Service Committee. The 1982 of 1982, pages 66 - 67, 74 - 75 Diantete, tufwete vanga mawonso tulenda mu zitisa e nkumbu a Yave yo vana yo nkembo. One, we must do all we can to sanctify Jehovah's name and honor him. 1: 13 - 20. (b) O lukwikilu muna lufuluku aweyi lulenda kutufinamesa kwa Yave? (b) How can belief in the resurrection draw us closer to Jehovah? When Satan was present in heaven, he did not want to praise Jehovah. The slaves (2) refer to his anointed disciples. By the way he felt, Moses had a comfortable life in Egypt. O "nsosolo a mwanda, una vo i Diambu dia Nzambi, " ukututaninanga muna malongi ma luvunu yo" bangula tumbu twangolo. " " The sword of the spirit, that is, God's word, " is indispensable in warding off false teachings and "overturning strongly entrenched things. " Have Faith and courage Like Christ Diau adimosi, awana bazolele kala muna luyalu lwa Kristu bafwete kala ye fu yambote yo vimpi wambote wa mwanda. - 1 Korinto 6: 9 - 11; Ngalatia 5: 19 - 23. Similarly, subjects of Christ need to maintain high standards of morality and good spiritual health. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11; Galatians 5: 19 - 23. When we apply Bible principles, problems are not enough. 18: 11) Kansi, avo tuyambwidi vo zola mu kuma kia mavwa kwavioka o zola kweto muna Nzambi, o Satana okutusunda. However, if we allow a love for money to supplant our love for God, Satan will have gained a victory. Many people think that money and possessions can make them happy. Herbert wa yakala diansona se mvu sambanu wavova vo: "Diakala dialusadisu mu mona vava wantu bankingulanga bavwandanga yo wá ekolo yavovanga diambu mu kuma kia nkaz'ame wafwa yovo diambu dikuntokanesanga. Herbert, who has been a widower for six years, says: "Especially do I treasure the times when visitors sat quietly and listened while I reminisced or verbalized something that was occupying my mind at the moment. But God's promise was fulfilled, and he said: "I will rescue them from Sheol, and I will rescue them from death. " - Hosea 13: 14. E buka kiazole, vana kati kwa Akristu akieleka kivaikila, akaka bekituka avengomoki yo yantika vova "mambu mabendomoka. " Second, "from among " true Christians, some would become apostates, speaking" twisted things. " Paul said: "If any man is found in the midst of his own body, let him not fall away; but a brother or a sister will not give in to this word, for in accord with the peace with God we ourselves. " - 1 Cor. Nga okwamanana wo vanga? - Tanga Ayibere 6: 10. Will you continue to do so? - Read Hebrews 6: 10. We are confident that "the things unseen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting. " - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 16 - 18. Akwa ngangu za nza bazeye wo vo maza ma mvula mu matonsi makete - kete mevangamenanga muna matuti. What scientists do know is that raindrops are formed from microscopic particles that become the nuclei of tiny droplets in clouds. Those words of his Father strengthened Jesus from the great test. Paulu wa ntumwa ona wavumunwinwa mu soneka e mvovo miami wazaya wo vo e mambu mu nza yayi soba mesobanga. Evidently, he was likening the world to a stage, with actors in a drama playing their roles as good or bad characters until a change of scenes. How can we imitate him? Osukisa e mbi yawonso ova nza yo longa wantu una balenda zingila kuna luvuvamu. - Tanga Yesaya 9: 6, 7; 11: 4, 9. He will eliminate evil from all the earth and will teach people the way of peace. - Read Isaiah 9: 6, 7; 11: 4, 9. After that, Jodi asked the elder to start studying the Bible with her. (Etuku 18: 25; 1 Tusansu 28: 9) Aweyi Rekabe kamona wau kazingilanga muna mbanza yayina yatumbwa kwa Nzambi? What was it like for Rahab to live in such a condemned city? We too should want to be guided by God's spirit. Mary wakendalala kikilu. Mary was shocked! . . . . . . . . Kansi, Yesu wasonga vo Nzambi wansola, wavananga nkembo kwa Yave una vo i Mfidi Anene a nkangu andi. However, Jesus proved that God had chosen him, and he constantly honored Jehovah as the Supreme Leader of His people. How did Jesus ' teachings differ from those of the scribes and Pharisees? Tulenda lo sunda muna kalanga y'elongi dia yeto kibeni dia Nkand'a Nzambi, sanisina e nkumbu a Yave muna salu kia umbangi yo venga yikundi yambi. We can do so by rejoicing in meaningful personal Bible study, by exalting Jehovah's name in the ministry, and by avoiding bad associations. When Isaac said that he would never change the blessings he had received to Jacob, "their Father opened their voice and gave him victory. " - Gen. 4: 2, 3) Tezo kia 3.000 ma mvu maviokele kala yamu lumbu yeto, o bi wokela kaka uwokelanga. Some 3,000 years more brings us to our day, when badness continues to flourish. Still, we must be careful not to be influenced by the ungodly traits of this world. Bruce Metzger, wa nkwa ngangu za fimpa Nkand'a Nzambi, wavova vo, "Tuka muna tandu kia tanu yamu unu kiaki, e mvovo miami miasonekwa mpe muna sono ya moko muna nding'a Kilatini ya Nkulu. " " From the sixth century onwards, " notes Bible scholar Bruce Metzger, those words were "found more and more frequently in manuscripts of the Old Latin and of the [Latin] Vulgate. " He was confident that these faithful Christians wanted to do what was right. Eleyu luzindalalu kasonga, watoma tamb'o matu, wasanisina Yobi i bosi kavan'elongi. - Yobi 32: 6; 33: 32. Elihu showed patience, listened carefully, commended where possible, and offered upbuilding counsel. - Job 32: 6; 33: 32. How did he train others? Nze bulu, yeto mpe tuvwanga o mfunu wa tembwa, dia, yo nua. Like them, we need food, air, and water. (Read Leviticus 22: 19, 20.) Wasia nsilu wa kunzola yo kunsadila lutila mawonso kalenda vanga muna zingu kiandi. This is a promise to love and serve him above everything else. " Let endurance complete its work, so that you may be sound in everything, not lacking in anything. " - JAMES 1: 4. Omono ntwasa kizalu kia maza ova nza, kiafwantakesa nitu zawonso zina yo mwand'a moyo kunansi ezulu: e ma yawonso in'ova nza fwa ifwa. " Everything on the earth will perish. " I often prayed for his spirit. Tuka kina kia 1 kia ngonde ya Desemba, 1995, yayantika sala se mviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde. Since December 1, 1995, I have been serving as a regular pioneer, a full - time minister. Of course, parents may at times have to decide whether their children will not go to death or not. Life Story 18: 1, 3; 20: 41,2. Tufwete tanginina ngindu za Paulu wa ntumwa ona wavova vo: "Kristu Yesu wayiz'ova nza kavuluz'asumuki; ana bena vo omono i mbuta. " - 1 Tim. We should have an attitude similar to that of the apostle Paul. He said: "Until I shall not take away my integrity from myself! " (Luvaiku 23: 2; 1 Tesalonika 2: 2) Avo balombele wavanga diambu diampasi, yindula e mbandu a Abarayama ona wasonga lukwikilu yo unkabu. When you are asked to do something difficult, think of Abraham's outstanding example of faith and courage. Even so, I was unhappy because I believed that there was only one God, but I didn't know who God is. I diau kazola o Yave mu kuma kia Adami. Jehovah's purpose was to fill the earth with Adam's perfect offspring. These articles assure us of the danger. Nzolele longoka o Nkand'a Nzambi. I want to study the Bible. " They added that before a person came to water, he would be taken out of his hands. Muna ngonde ya Yuni ya mvu wa 1966, diambu dimosi diamfunu diafundiswa kuna mbazi ankanu kuna Lisboa. In June 1966, an important court case was held in Lisbon. How can you comfort someone who dies? Muna kolo kiakina mpe Teófilo wa nsoneki a mwisi Antiokia wayika e mvovo mia Sibila wa ngunza ankento a Ngerekia ona wasonga e tumbu bebaka yimpumbulu vo: "Tiya twanyuyi tukubabwila yo via lumbu yawonso. " During the same time period, writer Theophilus of Antioch quotes the Greek prophetess Sibyl as foretelling the punishments of the wicked: "Upon you burning fire shall come, and ever ye shall daily burn in flames. " The two kingdoms that were taken away from captivity, Israel, and Judah show us how the judgments foretold at Deuteronomy 28: 15 - 29: 28. O unu osiang'e ngolo mu sadisa akaka besianga Mbangi za Yave kitantu. Today she endeavors to help others who initially oppose. In many cases, medical matters require that a person make decisions based on Bible principles, use his conscience, and reflect on his relationship with Jehovah. O mvovo "mwanzi, " Akristu akaka uyikanga, ana bekatikisanga e mpila yifidilwanga mambu muna nkutakani. The expression "poisonous root " refers to those few in the Christian congregation who may find fault with the way things are done. Jon: How do you know? (Daniele 2: 44, 45) Kieleka, Kintinu kiaki kaka kiyala nsema wawonso. A concrete reality, it will remain the only government in existence. She added that the health head of Jehovah's Witnesses, who was good, made me think deeply about other religions. Nkia mpila ulunganena? How is that to come about? May we continue to work "with our brothers and sisters " all over the world as we learn and speak this language, bringing glory to our heavenly Father, Jehovah. - Read Psalm 150: 1 - 6. Muna kubakomekena basumba cartão político, bawandwa kwa ulolo wa wantu, bavulwa mvwatu yo vumiswa vo belekwa mu ngolo. In an effort to get them to buy political party cards, a violent mob beat, stripped, and threatened to rape them. If he separates himself, he has the right to marry someone else. Luka wasoneka luvila lwa Yesu Kristu yamuna Noa. Luke traced Jesus Christ's lineage to Noah. But people who were interested in learning about Jehovah benefited them. I bosi, yasamba diaka yo yindula vo valenda kala ndiona olenda kungwa. Again, I prayed for help, just in case there was someone listening. An unbaptized publisher may appreciate the privilege of telling others what they have learned. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a] [ Footnotes] In this way, Mary showed her inner person that God saw. Tala ntu a diambu: "Sou Alegre e Grata Apesar de Ter Sofrido uma Perda Devastadora, " mun'Eyingidilu dia 1 dia Yuni 2001, lukaya lwa 23 - 27, mu Kimputu. See "Joyous and Thankful Despite Heartbreaking Loss, " published in The Watchtower of June 1, 2001, pages 23 - 7. At first, Uzziah was obedient and had a good relationship with God, so God gave him power. Kansi, ka vena muntu ko olenda kuvana e mvutu za kiuvu nze kiaki, kazayisa kikilu e nsatu zandi. Realistically, though, this rarely results in someone's telling you what his or her real needs are. 5, 6. (a) How did the life of God's people affect Egypt? Zola muna Nzambi ye mfinangani zeto kukutufilanga mu kuyivana muna salu kia Kikristu, yo kutusadisa mu kala twakubama muna lumbu kianene kia Yave. - Matai 22: 37 - 39. Love for God and for our neighbor keeps us active as Christian ministers and thus helps to prepare us for the great day of Jehovah. - Matthew 22: 37 - 39. However, true Christians do not allow Satan's world to influence them by choosing what to be first. 1, 2. (a) Adieyi tubadika o wau? 1, 2. (a) What will we now consider? In the future, you will have true freedom that Jehovah promises to remain faithful to him. - Jas. Elo, avo osidi sungididi muna lusansu lwa Abele yo tanginina lukwikilu lwandi lwasikila. You may if you are determined to listen as Abel speaks and to imitate his outstanding faith. Just as "he cares for himself, ' a husband needs to care for his wife's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Kansi, e mambu masoba vava Stephen kayantika landa malongi ma Nkand'a Nzambi. But after Stephen began to follow the Bible's advice, things got better. Your child's love for Jehovah protects us from serious sins because he wants to do what Jehovah thinks is right. - Isaiah 35: 8. Twakala muna mvu miavaika buka kia wantu bakivananga muna ndua za nkolwa yo sansa nsuki. In this way, the King James Version showed that God's name must be included in the New Testament. O Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo "o ntim'a nsongi ubadika mvutwilu " ye" o ntim'a nkwa ngangu uludika nua; yo wokesa befo yandi o zayi. " The Bible says that "the heart of the righteous one meditates before answering " and that" the heart of the wise one gives his mouth insight and adds persuasiveness to his speech. " For example, think about a person who is looking for a valuable book. Anuário ya mvu wa 1982, lukaya lwa 66 - 67, 74 - 75 1981 Yearbook, pages 66 - 67, 74 - 75. What can we do to show love? 1: 13 - 20. 1: 13 - 20. For example, if a person is to lose his job, he or she may be removed from the congregation. Vava Satana kakala muna lukutakanu lwakala kun'ezulu, kakala y'ekani dia kembelela Yave ko. When Satan was present at the gatherings in heaven, he did not attend with the intention of praising Jehovah. While we were there, we were surrounded by brothers and sisters, and we felt that we could throw our burden on Jehovah and have peace of mind. " Muna ngindu za kiwuntu, Mose zingu kiambote kakala kiau muna Engipito. From a fleshly viewpoint, Moses seemed to be in an exceedingly advantageous position in the Egyptian world. What will happen to God's people at that time? Kala yo Lukwikilu ye Unkabu nze Kristu Show Christlike Faith and Courage Like us, he made mistakes. Avo tusadidi nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi, ntatani ke zilendi kalanga kaka ko. When applied, Bible principles never fail. You can be confident that many seed will reap. Wantu ayingi beyindulanga vo e nzimbu yo kala ye lekwa yayingi dilenda kubatwasila kiese. Many think that money and material things will make them happy or successful. How can you be sure? Kansi, o nsilu kasia o Nzambi walungana. Wavova vo: "Ikubakûla muna nkum'a Nsi - a - fwa: ikubakûla muna fwa. " - Osea 13: 14. But restoration is certain, for God promises: "From the hand of Sheol I shall redeem them; from death I shall recover them. " - Hosea 13: 14. God's spirit can empower us spiritually, even as Samson strengthened Samson in his flesh Paulu wavova vo: "Ovo mundembi kwikil'ovambukidi, mbula kavambuka: o mbunzi, ovo nsanga, kabunduka ko muna diambu dina wau: kadi muna ungudi o Nzambi katusumìni. " - 1 Kor. " If the unbelieving one proceeds to depart, let him depart, " wrote Paul. " A brother or a sister is not in servitude under such circumstances, but God has called you to peace. " - 1 Cor. He was convinced that Jehovah would not "bring to ruin both the righteous and the wicked. " Tuna ye vuvu vo e " lekwa ina imonekanga, ya kolo kiandwelo; ina ilembi moneka, ya mvu ya mvu. ' - Tanga 2 Korinto 4: 16 - 18. Rather, we are convinced that "the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting. " - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 16 - 18. He said: "If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them has strayed from the ninety - nine - nine - nine - nine - nine, search for what has been taken away from the mountains. E mvovo miami mia S'andi miakumika Yesu mu sunda ulolo wa ntota zamvingilanga. How his Father's assurance must have strengthened Jesus to deal with the many challenges he was about to face! What did Jesus tell his disciples to be happy? Aweyi tulenda kuntanginina? How can we imitate him? (Read James 3: 18.) I bosi, Graham walomba kwa nkuluntu ndioyo vo kayantika longoka yandi o Nkand'a Nzambi. An elder made the effort to become Graham's friend, and eventually Graham asked the elder to study the Bible with him. (a) What promise did Jesus make to his disciples? 143: 10) Yeto mpe tufwete kalanga y'etima dia filwa kwa mwand'a Nzambi. We should have the same desire and willingness to be guided by God's spirit. We also have the example of Richard, a 70 - year - old brother who lives in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Who are Jehovah's people today, and how can the other sheep be protected during the great tribulation? Malongi ma Yesu aweyi maswaswanena ye mana ma asoneki ye Afarisi? In what ways did Jesus ' teaching contrast with that of the scribes and Pharisees? What will happen to God's people after all forms of worship will be destroyed? Vava Isaki kavova vo kalendi diaka soba lusambulu ko luna kavene kala kwa Yakobo, "Esau otumbwidi ndinga, odididi. " - Etu. When Isaac stated that he could not change the blessing he had already given to Jacob, "Esau raised his voice and burst into tears. " - Gen. He tries to learn Jehovah's thinking and to think as Jehovah does. Kana una vo i wau, tufwete kuyikenga twalembi sambukila e fu yambi imonekanga mu nza yayi. Still, we must guard against adopting the bad manners that are common in the world today. Why is it wise to examine how we use our life? Wakala ye vuvu vo Akristu awaya akwa kwikizi bakala, ana bazolanga vanga edi diansongi. He was confident that they were faithful Christians who wanted to do what was right. After the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. " Aweyi kalongelanga akaka? How did he train others? Do not despair! (Tanga Fuka 22: 19, 20.) (Read Leviticus 22: 19, 20.) Highlights From the Book of People " Vo i luzindalalu, yambula lwalunganesa e salu kiandi, kimana nwafwana yo zikuka muna mawonso, yo lembi kondwa má. " - YAKOBO 1: 4. " Let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything. " - JAMES 1: 4. God created humans with the ability to communicate with their Creator. Ntangwa zayingi yalombanga mwand'andi. I constantly asked him to give me his spirit. I and I love to read and study God's Word Dialudi vo, ezak'e ntangwa mase balenda kala ye kuma mu sikidisa vo wan'au balembi kwenda kuna lufwa yovo wá mawonso mevovwa ko. Of course, in some circumstances, parents may decide that there are good reasons for their children not to be present for all or part of the services to be held. We must be "faithful in the faith. " 18: 1, 3; 20: 41,42. 18: 1, 3; 20: 41, 42. This new understanding changed Peter's thinking, and it also affects all Christians. Wavova vo: "Yavana mfwa kikatula ziku kiame oku ngina ko. " He said: "Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself! " Do not be surprised by what happened. Kana una vo i wau, kiakala ye kiese ko, kadi yakwikilanga vo vena ye Nzambi mosi kaka, kansi kiazaya ko kana vo Nzambi ndioyo nani. Strangely, though, I felt a void. Deep inside, I believed that there is only one God, but I did not really know who he is. To encourage them to "do the work of an evangelizer " Malongi mama mekutusonganga e vonza. It alerts us to potential dangers. Similarly, the Bible says that we are like locusts in the eyes of the Creator. Bakudikila nsiku vo vitila muntu kadia, kafwete yazilwa maza muna moko. The Pharisees had made the rule that before a person ate, water had to be poured over his hands as part of a ritual. However, the unfaithful Jews, such as Daniel and his three companions, did not follow the custom of the Babylonians. Aweyi lenda fiaulwisila muntu finamene fwa? How can you provide comfort to a person approaching the end of his life? He encouraged Timothy to work hard in God's service and continued to progress. E yintinu yole yanatwa muna kinkole, Isaele ye Yuda, dikutusonganga una walunganena e mfundisa yasakulwa muna Nsiku 28: 15 - 29: 28. The exile of residents of the two kingdoms, first of Israel and then of Judah, forcefully brings to our attention how the prophetic judgment recorded at Deuteronomy 28: 15 - 29: 28 came true. Do you invite spiritually mature brothers to join you? Nkumbu miayingi mambu ma mawuku mevavanga vo muntu kabaka e nzengo zin'e betela ye nsiku mia Nkand'a Nzambi, sadila e ntona zandi yo badika mpe e ngwizani andi yo Yave. Furthermore, medical decisions often involve Bible principles, a person's conscience, and his relationship with Jehovah. Jehovah's view of safety has not changed. João: Aweyi ozayidi wo? Jon: But how do we know that? The Bible tells us that Jesus "went on walking in every city and from village to village. " Wakudikila vo o vimpi wa ntu wa Mbangi za Yave ana kafimpa wambote wakala, tuka bakitula se Mbangi za Yave, betoma zitisanga esi mabundu makaka. He found that the group possessed normal mental health, adding that the members of the group had grown more tolerant of other religions since they had become Witnesses. But something has not changed from him. Yambula twazindalala sala "kumosi " ye mpangi zeto zamakala ye zamakento mu nza yawonso ekolo tulongokanga yo toma vova ndinga yayi, yo twasa nkembo kwa Yave w'Es'eto ezulu. - Tanga Nkunga 150: 1 - 6. May it be our resolve to continue serving "shoulder to shoulder " with our brothers and sisters earth wide as we learn to speak that one language ever more fluently, to the glory of our heavenly Father, Jehovah. - Read Psalm 150: 1 - 6. [ Footnote] Avo ovambanene yandi, una yo nswa wa sompana ye muntu akaka. Jesus added: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication [sexual immorality], and marries another commits adultery. " Jesus encouraged and helped others. Kansi kuna kwa yeto, o wantu ana bayangalelanga longoka oma ma Yave yau basunda o wete. To us, however, the people who appreciated Jehovah were even more beautiful. He gave Adam only one woman. Ateleki alembi vubwa, balenda yangalela elau dia zayisa akaka mana belongokanga. Unbaptized publishers can thus have the joy of speaking about their faith to others. The apostle Peter said that God's holy spirit is "a free gift. " Muna mpila yayi, Maria wasonga kiwuntu kiandi kiakati kina Nzambi kamona. In stating matters that way, Mary revealed a heart attitude that God had already noted. What can we learn from Rehoboam's story? Kuna lubantiku, Uziya nlemvoki kakala, ngwizani ambote kakala yau yo Nzambi. Muna kuma kiaki, Nzambi wamvana o nkuma. At first, Uzziah was obedient and had a good relationship with God, so God gave him strength. What should be our determination? 5, 6. (a) Aweyi e zingu kia nkangu a Nzambi kiasobela kuna Engipito? 5, 6. (a) How did the situation of God's people change in Egypt? Jesus, who knew how to preach to many people, sent his disciples to cities, cities, and homes to people. Kansi, Akristu akieleka ke beyambulanga ko vo e nza ya Satana yabavukumuna muna sola dina bafwete sia va fulu kiantete. But true Christians do not want Satan's world to dictate their priorities. Those words may refer to God's purpose or decision. Kuna sentu, osinga vwa luvevoko lwakieleka luna Yave kasila nsilu kwawonso besikila ye kwikizi muna yandi. - Yak. In time, you will enjoy the more expansive freedom that lies ahead for Jehovah's loyal ones. - Jas. (See also endnote.) Nze una " kekuyilunga - lunganga, ' o yakala kafwete lungisanga e nsatu za nkaz'andi, za nitu, ye ngindu ye za mwanda. Just as he "feeds " himself, a husband ought to be a good provider for his wife - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It includes all those with "the army " to come" the waters of life, " teaching Bible truth to all who want to know it. O zola kwa mwan'eno muna Yave kukuntanina mu lembi vola masumu mampwena kadi okala ye tima dia vanga mana Yave kebadikilanga vo mambote. - Yesaya 35: 8. Your child's love for Jehovah will protect him against committing a serious sin, because he will want to do what Jehovah says is right. - Isaiah 35: 8. God can reveal to each who steals. Muna mpila yayi, e Nsekola ya Rei Jaime yasonga vo e nkumbu a Nzambi ifwete kala mpe muna Luwawanu Lwampa. In this way, the King James Version acknowledged that God's name belonged in the so - called New Testament. By speaking truth, I don't understand that. Kasikil'owu, yindula muntu ovavanga nkanda wamfunu. Imagine, for instance, a book collector who finds a precious volume after a long search, only to discover that it is missing several vital pages. Some followed Jesus for a short time, but later they were stumbled because of his teaching and "let go on walking with him. " Adieyi tulenda vanga mu songa zola? How do we manifest such love? " Helping one another " brings blessings not only to those who receive God's blessing but also to the one who works it. Kasikil'owu, kuna kinsalukisa tulenda katulwa mu salu, fwilwa nkento yovo yakala yovo katulwa kiyekwa mu nkutakani. For example, we might suddenly find ourselves without a job, without a marriage mate, or without the privileges we once enjoyed. David remembered what Jehovah had done for his servants and how Jehovah saved him. Ekolo twakalanga mo, twazungwanga kw'ampangi z'akala ye z'akento, twamonanga vo twafwana yekeka ezitu dieto kwa Yave yo kala ye luvuvamu lwa ntima. " (Nku. During the hours we were there, surrounded by our Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we were able to place our burden on Jehovah, and we experienced a measure of inner calm. " With the help of many well - trained brothers and sisters, the branch office is organized. Adieyi dibwila nkangu a Nzambi muna kolo kiakina? What will happen to God's people during that time? Yet, Jehovah provided for their material needs. Nze yeto, wavanganga mpe vilwa. Like all of us, she made mistakes. Then Jehovah sent an angel to kill 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night. - 2 Kings 19: 35. Okala ye vuvu vo mbongo ayingi kesâla. He trusts that he will reap. Over the past 25 years, Jehovah's Witnesses have used the songbook entitled "The Truth of Jehovah. " Aweyi olenda kadila ye ziku? How can you be sure? (a) How did the prophets show that the perfect leader would come? Mwand'a Nzambi ulenda kutukumika muna mwanda nze una wakumikina Samesone muna nitu God's spirit can make us as mighty spiritually as Samson was physically Like the early Christians, Christians today follow Jesus ' example by sticking loyally and by being honest and peaceable. Wakala ye ziku vo Yave ke " vonda asongi kumosi ye yimpumbulu ko. ' He was convinced that Jehovah would never put "the righteous man to death with the wicked one. " " The true knowledge " has its purpose. Wavova vo: "Ovo se muntu, una ye nkam'a mameme, edimosi diend'atungiana, kalembi sisa luvwa ye vwa, kend'avavi dina diatungiana muna miongo. Jesus illustrated this when he said: "If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety - nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? (a) What announcement was delivered at a convention in 2016? O Yesu nkia diambu kavovesa alongoki andi bafwete mwena kiese? What did Jesus say was the real reason his followers had for rejoicing? If I go with you and prepare your place for you, I will come again, and I will receive you from myself; and I myself will not be with you. (Tanga Yakobo 3: 18.) (Read James 3: 18.) What counsel do we read at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16? (a) Nkia nsilu kasia o Yesu kw'alongoki andi? (a) What did Jesus promise his disciples? Husbands and wives who rejected their counsel were sentenced to death. Tuna mpe ye mbandu a Richard, mpangi una ye kimbuta kia mvu vioka 70, una vo fwa matu ye mpofo ozingilanga kuna Brooklyn, Nova York, Estados Unidos. There is also the example of Richard, a brother in his 70 ' s who is both deaf and blind and who lives in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. Changes Lives, 3 / 1, 4 / 1, 8 / 1, 8 / 1, 8 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, 10 / 1, Aki nani i nkangu a Yave o unu? E mameme makaka adieyi bafwete vanga muna taninwa muna kolo kia mpasi zayingi? Who are Jehovah's people today, and what must the "other sheep " do to find protection during the" great tribulation "? You have good reason for trusting in Jehovah and enduring persecution with courage. Adieyi dibwila nkangu a Nzambi vava nsambila zawonso zifwaswa? How will God's people as a group fare during the destruction of all false religion? (b) What does Ezekiel's vision give to God's servants today? Ovanganga e ngolo za longoka e ngindu za Yave yo badikila mambu nze una Yave kebadikilanga mo. He makes an effort to learn how Jehovah thinks and to see things as Jehovah does. He also knew all that Jehovah had done for the Israelites. Ekuma dinina diangangu dia fimpa una tusadilanga e zingu kieto? Why is it wise to reflect on our life course? Do congregation meetings, field service, and Bible study make your life the most important thing in your life or recreation? Vava Aneyisaele balwaka muna Nsi a Nsilu, Yosua wavova vo: "Nuzeye wo muna nsi zeno zawonso za ntima yo muna fulumwinu yeno yawonso, vo ke vakulukidi diambu ko muna mawonso mambote kavova Yave wa Nzambi muna diambu dieno; mawonso malunganini oko nwina. " After Israel reached the Promised Land, Joshua said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. When parents and children spend time learning about Jehovah, their love for each other grows. Kudimbula vuvu ko! Never give up hope! If so, learn Bible prophecies that have already been fulfilled. Malongi Mamfunu kwa Nkangu Sophia: That's right. Nzambi wavanga wantu ye ngangu za lenda mokena yo Mvangi au. God created man with the ability to approach his Maker. All Christians can understand, remember, and apply this counsel and strengthen their faith. Mono ye Irène tuzolanga tanga yo longoka Diambu dia Nzambi Irène and I enjoy reading and studying God's Word What scriptures or accounts of Bible accounts can strengthen you? ' Tufwete kala "akwa lukwikilu. " We must be "the sort who have faith. " [ Picture on page 3] O zayi wau wampa wasoba kikilu e ngindu za Petelo. Ufwete soba mpe e ngindu za Akristu awonso. This new understanding was exciting for Peter, and it would affect all Christians. Fabian recalls: "As I thought about this, I realized that I had no reason to say I did not want to. Kuyitumbi ko mu kuma kia dina divangamene. Do not blame yourself for what happened. Although Dalia's life is marked by anxiety and anxiety, she has the right attitude. muna kubakasakesanga mu "sala e salu kia nteleki " Encourage others to "do the work of an evangelizer " This proved that Jehovah had given Elisha what he asked. Diau adimosi mpe, Bibila kivovanga vo yeto tuna nze makonko vana meso ma Mvangi. Yet, the Bible explains that we are like grasshoppers in comparison with our Grand Creator. Knowing this truth has helped many Christians to avoid pregnancy and to view it as a serious sin in God's eyes. Kansi, Ayuda ana bakala ye kwikizi nze Daniele ye akundi andi atatu, ke balanda fu yambi ya esi Babele ko. Still, faithful Jews, such as Daniel and his three friends, refused to be molded by the people of Babylon. Yes, if we explained the answers to the brothers and sisters ' comments and comments, all in attendance will be happy. Wakasakesa Timoteo kayivana emvimba muna salu kia Nzambi yo kwamanana nungunuka. He urged Timothy to nurture his spiritual gifts and to keep growing, making advancement. For example, what we learn at our Christian meetings and our Christian Ministry helps us to see how we can use effective methods to make return visits and start Bible studies. Nga obokelanga mpangi zazikuka muna mwanda mu kwiza sakana yeno kumosi? Do you include spiritually - minded ones in your recreational activities? He also knows that our cleanliness honors our heavenly Father. Ngindu za Yave muna diambu dia kilunga - lunga ke zasoba ko. (Mal. Jehovah's thinking on the matter of safety has not changed. Matthew 5: 45 can help us to make such a decision. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi tutanganga vo, Yesu "wele akangala muna mavata mawonso, yo muna mpata - vata. " One Bible account tells us that he "set out on a tour of all the cities and villages. " Clearly, when God allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E., he did not destroy the Law covenant of the Mosaic Law, which led the 12 tribes of Israel into a covenant relationship with him. Kansi, diambu dimosi ke diasoba ko muna yandi. He said: "To you, O Jehovah, I raise my very soul. Why? [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] Yes, knowing the difference between the widow and the poor, Jesus discerned the motive behind his offering and thanking him. Yesu wakasakesanga yo sadisa akaka. Jesus sought to refresh others and lighten their load. The Bible says: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Nkento mosi kaka kavana kwa Adami. He provided only one wife for Adam. They were not born because of the courage they had been born. O Petelo wa ntumwa wavova vo mwand ' avelela a Nzambi i " lukau lwangovo. ' The apostle Peter said that God's holy spirit is a "free gift. " He tactfully took the arrow to the bow. Adieyi tulenda longoka muna lusansu lwa Rekabame? What can we learn from the life of Rehoboam? As we wait for that day, we need to remember that we do not know all the bad things we do and forgive those who offend us. Adieyi difwete kala s'ekani dieto? What should each of us be determined to do? Jehovah is the Creator who deserves our respect. Yesu ona wazaya una tulenda sila umbangi kwa wantu ayingi, watuma alongoki andi muna mavata, mbanza ye muna nzo za wantu. Jesus, who knew how to reach as many as possible, sent his disciples to cities, villages, and homes of the people. The inspired record tells us what Job said about these problems: "Jehovah has given me, and I have taken away the name of Jehovah. " - Job 1: 21. E mvovo miami nanga ekani yovo nzengo za Nzambi miyikanga. It can be taken to be a simple expression of God's purpose or determination. For more information, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? (Tala mpe e mvovo kuna nsuk'elongi.) (See also endnote.) But love for God and our neighbor will help a person to avoid doing anything that could lead to disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. Divavanga vo twabokela awonso bena ye "vuina " mu kwiza nua" maza ma moyo, " i sia vo, longa e ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi kw'awonso bazolele kio zaya. We have to invite all those "thirsting " to drink" life's water, " that is, we need to teach Bible truth to all those who want to understand it. When my husband died, I was only 33 years old. Nzambi olenda sengomona konso ndiona oyiyanga. God will make sure that any kind of stealing will be revealed. Some of my friends were disappointed because I had received the privilege of serving as a ministerial servant, and I felt like shame. Muna vova e ludi, kibakulanga diambu diadi ko. But to be honest, I've never really understood how that works. Some of our fellow believers were arrested because of their neutrality in the world. Akaka balanda Yesu mu fikolo kansi kuna kwalanda bat'esakuba mu kuma kia malongi mandi yo " yambula kangala yandi. ' Some followed him for a while but then objected to his teachings and "would no longer walk with him. " Later, I told them: "It wasn't. O " sadisa muntu yo nkw'andi ' ke ditwasanga kaka nluta kwa ndiona otambwidi nsambu za Nzambi ko, kansi kwa ndiona mpe kasadidi mu vana zo. (Nga. " Ministering to one another " benefits not only those who receive God's undeserved kindness but also those who convey it. We take to heart the apostle Paul's words: "I say to you, brothers, until the time is reduced... Davidi wasungamena mana kavanga Yave kwa selo yandi ye una yandi kibeni kavuluzilwa. David called to mind God's dealings with His servants and how he himself had experienced deliverance. (b) What is more important to God than sacrifices or sacrifices? Muna lusadisu lw'akwa umbangu ye mpangi zayingi bakala ye fu kia salanga entwadi, e vula diambote diamanisa o tungwa. With the help of many experienced, cooperative workers, a beautiful branch was built. Michelle: The Bible teaches that God sees our situation and cares about it. Kana una vo i wau, Yave walungisanga e nsatu zau nitu. Still, Jehovah cared for their basic material needs. If some king rejected the Israelites, Pharaoh did not. (2 Ntinu 18: 22 - 25; 19: 6) I bosi, Yave wafila mbasi mosi yavonda 185.000 ma makesa ma Asuri mu fuku mosi. - 2 Ntinu 19: 35. Jehovah then sent an angel who destroyed 185,000 Assyrians in one night! - 2 Kings 19: 35. I wanted to respect Jehovah's name and help my son to meet his father again in Paradise. " - Proverbs 27: 11. Mu mvu 25 miviokele, Mbangi za Yave mu nsi zayingi basadilanga o nkand'a nkunga wakala yo ntu a diambu mu kimputu vo Cantemos Louvores a Jeová. For the past 25 years, Jehovah's Witnesses in many lands have enjoyed using the songbook entitled Sing Praises to Jehovah. That animal was first heard about his milk, flesh, and flesh, but soon the people started using it to carry it. " (a) Aweyi angunza basongela vo mfidi alunga okwiza? (a) How did the prophets show that a perfect leader was coming? In this way we honor our heavenly Father and his people. Nze Akristu a tandu kiantete, o unu Akristu belandanga e mbandu yasisa Yesu muna zizidila ye kwikizi kiawonso yo songa vo akwa ziku yo luvuvamu. Both in the first century and in our own time, they have followed Jesus ' example and built up a wonderful record of faithful endurance, demonstrating that they are peaceful integrity keepers. Because she was a bad teacher, she wanted each of her classmates to receive a card. " O " zayi waludi ' uwokelelanga y'ekani diambote. " The true knowledge " has become abundant for a good purpose. He told them: "Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " (a) Nkia luzayisu lwavewa muna lukutakanu lwavangama muna mvu wa 2016? (a) What announcement was made at the 2016 annual meeting? The Bible says that "if an unbelieving person chooses to distance himself, let us not fall away; neither will our brother or sister be separated from this situation, for God will set you in peace. " Ovo ngyele yo kunukubikila fulu, kwiza nkwiza diaka, yanutambula kwa mono kibeni; kuna ngina, oyeno mpe nwakala ko. If I go my way and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will receive you home to myself, so that where I am you also may be. He needed to "keep conquering unrighteousness. " Nki'elongi tutanganga muna 1 Korinto 7: 10 - 16? What counsel is found at 1 Corinthians 7: 10 - 16? How do we know that Jesus did not inherit Adam's sin? Akala ye akento ana babembolanga malongi mau bavewanga tumbu kia lufwa. Men and women who rejected their teachings were sentenced to death. Whether we are close to many brothers and sisters, whether they are young or old, we are happy to get to know them. O Kiya mu Fulu ya Mpila mu Mpila Yakala se Ndozi ame I Dreamed of a Life on Wheels Be Reasonable in What You Can Do, and Be Happy Kuma kiasikila una kiau mu bunda e vuvu muna Yave yo zizidila lubangamu kuna unkabu. Will you continue to trust in Jehovah, knowing that he can deliver you from this wicked system of things and allow you to enjoy everlasting life under the rule of his Kingdom? Richard H. (b) E mona - meso kia Yezekele, nki'elongi kivananga kwa selo ya Nzambi ya tandu kiaki? (b) What lesson does Ezekiel's vision provide for God's servants today? By giving them assignments in the congregation, young ones can "keep testing " to see if they are to carry out their responsibilities so that they can" make their advancement manifest to all persons. " - 1 Tim. Wazaya mpe mawonso kavanga o Yave kwa Aneyisaele. He also knew all that Jehovah had done for the Israelites. Do not think about what you will do. Nga tukutakanu, salu kia umbangi yo longoka Nkand'a Nzambi osianga vana fulu kiantete muna zingu kiaku yovo nsaka? Do you put activities such as meetings, service, and Bible study first in your life, or does recreation come first? (a) Why was incense like sweet - smelling incense to Jehovah? Vava mase yo wana bevaulanga e ntangwa mu longoka kumosi oma ma Yave, o zola kwau muna muntu yo nkwandi kuwokelanga. When parents and children spend time together learning about Jehovah, their love for one another grows stronger. 7, 8. (a) Why did some Jews continue to follow certain aspects of the Mosaic Law? Avo elo, longokanga ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi una walungana kala. Then study Bible prophecies that have been fulfilled. If we have been serving as special pioneers for over 100 years, Eric and I have been in Ireland for over 98 years. Sofia: Dialudi. Sophia: No. Show Loving Brothers Who Are Dead Akristu awonso balenda bakula, sungamena yo sadila longi diadi yo kumika lukwikilu lwau. All Christians can understand, remember, and apply that lesson and strengthen their faith. The second article shows how we can strengthen our faith when we are convinced that God rewards those earnestly seeking him. Nkia sono yovo lusansu lwa Nkand'a Nzambi lulenda kunkumika? ' What scripture or experience of a Bible character would be applicable to his or her circumstances? Since then, Lorraine and other Witnesses visited us several times. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 3] [ Blurb on page 3] Do not let men hide your name from those represented by your name. ' Fabian osungamenanga vo: "Ekolo yayindulanga diambu diadi, yabakula vo kiakala ye kuma ko mu vova vo kizolele ko. Fabian recalls: "The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really didn't have a valid reason to say no. Blessing realized that she had done bad things about Ruth at first. Kana una vo zingu kia Dalia kiazala ye mpasi ye ntelamw'a moyo, ovwidi ngindu zasikila. Although Dalia's life has been filled with adversity and anxiety, she maintains a positive outlook. IN THE conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus made it clear that the new birth is very important. Ekiaki i ziku kiasonganga vo Yave wavana Elesa dina kalomba. They provided proof of Jehovah's positive response to Elisha's request. When problems arise in a marriage, we should not view them as a result of divorce, but we should strive to cultivate good manners in our family life. O zay'e ludi kiaki disadisanga Akristu ayingi mu venga evangu dia katula vumu yo badikila dio vo esumu diampwena vana meso ma Nzambi. Understanding that timeless truth has helped millions of Christians to repudiate the practice of abortion, seeing it as a serious sin against God. 3: 13. Elo, avo tubundakese e mvutu z'ampangi ye nkomena za ndiona ofilanga elongi, awonso muna lukutakanu beyangalela elongi diadi. Yes, when the many diverse comments given by the congregation and the few well - placed remarks made by the conductor are skillfully put together, they form a beautiful bouquet of words that will delight all in attendance. Some in Thessalonica may have allowed themselves to be deceived. Kasikil'owu, mana tulongokanga muna Lukutakanu Zingu ye Salu Kieto kia Kikristu, mekutusadisanga mu zaya e ndekwa zambote tulenda sadila muna vutuka kingula muntu yo yantika longoka yandi o Nkand'a Nzambi. For example, what we learn at the Life and Ministry Meeting helps us feel more confident about making return visits and starting Bible studies. Even if we may face many trials, we are determined to "keep in expectation of Jehovah. " Ozeye wo mpe vo o velela kweto zitu kutwasanga kwa S'eto ezulu. He also knows that our cleanliness reflects on him, our heavenly Father. As "joint heirs with Christ, " 144,000 anointed ones will inherit the earth with Jesus. E sono kia Matai 5: 45 kilenda kutusadisa mu bak'e nzengo mu diambu diadi. Would not the principle stated at Matthew 5: 45 have a bearing? In the afternoon, to make sure that none of them were missing, they listened as they entered into question.... Kieleka, vava o Nzambi kayambula vo Yerusaleme yafwaswa kwa makesa ma Babele muna mvu wa 607 vitila Kristu yo nata nkangu a Yuda muna kinkole, kafwasa ekangu dia Nsiku a Mose ko, dina makanda 12 ma Isaele bakangila ekangu dia longo yo yandi. In fact, when God let Jerusalem be destroyed by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. and allowed the people of Judah to become captives, he did not abolish the Mosaic Law covenant by which 12 - tribe Israel had entered into a figurative marriage with him. Obey and Obey the Greatest Shepherds (Rutu 4: 1) Ekuma? Why? " Now I know that everyone who believes in Satan's world will ever regret, " he added. Elo, wau kazaya e tezo kia nkento ndioyo, vo nkento ansona ye nsukami, Yesu wabakula ekani diamfila mu vana lukau lwandi yo kuntonda. Yes, knowing the woman's circumstances - that she was widowed and poor - Jesus understood the true value of her gift, and he was moved with appreciation. At the coming of Jesus Christ, they "will receive eternal destruction. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 9. Jesus kindly said: "Stop being afraid. Because Jacob wanted Jehovah God's blessing. Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Bazaya wo vo nge kaka wina nkumbu a Yave, u Mpungu omu nza yawonso. " The Bible says: "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " 10: 14, 15; Isa. Ke mu kuma kia unkabu bawutuka wau ko. This lack of fear does not stem from inherent courage. Now you can take the time to do things that you do not like, go to recreation, or travel. Ye ndekwa zawonso, ovetekele e nzanza muna nsing'a ta. He carefully places it against the bowstring, and with flexed muscles he bends his bow. Some direction on how to use our preaching work is available in modern times as Our Kingdom Ministry. (Yesaya 65: 17) Ekolo tuvingilanga e lumbu kiaki, avo batuvangidi e mbi, tufwete sungamenanga vo ke tuzeye mawonso ko yo loloka awana batuvangidi e mbi. Until then, when we experience an injustice, let us humbly recognize that we may not have all the facts and generously forgive those who sin against us. During that time, the lady who lived with her began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Yave i Mvangi ona ofwanukini vumi weto. Jehovah is an awe - inspiring Creator. 11: 45. Lusansu lwavumunwinwa lusonganga dina kavova o Yobi mu kuma kia mpasi zazi: "O Yave ovene, o Yave okatwidi; yansambu e nkumbu a Yave. " - Yobi 1: 21. The inspired record describes Job's reaction to his misfortune: "Jehovah himself has given, and Jehovah himself has taken away. Let the name of Jehovah continue to be blessed. " - Job 1: 21. For example, Queen Jezebel killed many of Jehovah's prophets. Muna zaya diaka mambu makaka, tala muna kapu kia 5 kia nkanda O Nkand'a Nzambi Adieyi Kieleka Kelonganga? For more information, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? If he does not explain the matter clearly, he quickly tells us about it. Kansi, o zola Nzambi yo nkw'eto kumosi yo lemvokela Nzambi, dilenda sadisa muntu mu venga evangu dilenda kumfila mu vaikiswa muna nkutakani y'Akristu. But love of God and neighbor coupled with godly obedience will keep a person from engaging in conduct that could result in his being disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. " I will sit down in like silver, and I will keep quiet like gold. " Vava nkaz'ame kafwa, mvu 33 kaka yakala miau. I was only 33 years old! Each year, millions of people die from an abortion. Akaka mun'akundi ame bakendalala wau yakatulwa elau dia kala selo kia salu. Diakala nze mono yabafwisa nsoni. Some of my friends were disappointed when I was removed as a ministerial servant, as if I had let them down. Jephthah, a trustworthy and his daughter, kept their vow, even though it was difficult Mpangi zeto zakaka za mwanda bakoteswa mu pelezo mu kuma kia kuyivaula mu mambu ma nza. Some of our brothers are in prison on account of their Christian neutrality. Moreover, let God's Word guide your marriage. Kuna kwalanda, yabavovesa vo: "Ke diambu ko. Finally, I told them: "All right. They talk about how happy they are to get to know someone who is married to him. Tulemvokelanga e mvovo mia Paulu wa ntumwa vo: " Owu inusamunwini, abunzi, ovo, e kolo kikufamene, tuk'omu wau... ana mpe besumbanga, [bakala] nze awana balembi vwa; ana besadilanga nza yayi, nze ana ke besadilanga yo mu mawonso ko: kadi e mpw'a nza yayi, vioka ivioka. ' Henceforth let those... who buy [be] as those not possessing, and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing. " At times, they may think that they will receive just one answer when they ask, "I will wait until I raise them. " (b) Kuna kwa Nzambi, nkia diambu dilutidi o mfunu ke mu yimenga ko ngatu tukau? (b) What is worth more to God than sacrifices and offerings? Illustrate. Maria: Nkand'a Nzambi ulonganga vo Nzambi omonanga e mpasi zeto ye otokanenanga zo. Michelle: The Bible teaches that God notices our suffering and that he cares about it. The elders in the congregation encouraged her and her husband to continue serving Jehovah. Kele vo ntinu akaka nga wayambula landa Aneyisaele. Kansi Faro ke diau ko kavanga. A more prudent head would have abandoned the chase - but not Pharaoh. What work has been entrusted to all Christians, and how should we view it? Yazolanga zitisa e nkumbu a Yave yo sadisa mwan'ame kimana kamonana diaka yo se diandi muna Paradiso. " - Ngana 27: 11. I wanted to sanctify Jehovah's name, and I wanted my son to see his father again in Paradise. " - Proverbs 27: 11. " When our family gives donations at the Kingdom Hall, " says a father named Jason, "we offer money to our children for the box. Entete bulu kiaki kiatwelwanga mu kuma kia kimvumina kiandi, mika, nkand'andi ye nsuni andi, kansi ke vavioka kolo kiayingi ko, wantu bayantika sadila bulu kiaki muna nata lekwa. " Originally, it was probably bred for its milk, hair, leather, and meat, but it cannot have been long before its usefulness as a beast of burden became apparent. " 18, 19. Muna mpila yayi tuvana nkembo kwa S'eto ezulu ye kwa nkangu andi. In so doing, we will bring glory to our heavenly Father and to his people. Jesus said: "The tribulation of material things went into the kingdom of God. " Wau vo nkento ndioyo nlongi a biologia, wazola vo konso mwan'a kalasi katambula finkanda fimosi. " She is a biology teacher and wanted her students to have a copy. " Many of this world's entertainment conflicts with Bible principles. " Wabavovesa vo: "Nutoma tala, nuyingila, kadi ke nuzeye yo ko e ntangwa yasikidiswa. " He told them: "Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " (a) What will life be like in God's new world? Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo "avo mundembi - kwikila ozolele vambuka, yambula kavambuka; o mpangi yovo nsanga eto kakangama ko muna diambu diadi, kadi Nzambi mu luvuvamu kanubokelela. " The Bible says: "If the unbelieving one chooses to depart, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not bound under such circumstances, but God has called you to peace. " We need to have strong faith in the fulfillment of God's promises. - Hebrews 11: 6 Diavavanga vo " kayikenga muna vilwa. ' In other words, Timothy was to "renounce unrighteousness. " You can make a request to attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. Aweyi tuzayidi wo vo Yesu kasambukila esumu dia Adami ko? How do we know that Jesus did not inherit sin from Adam? If you take time to spend with your children, they will want to start a conversation with you. " * (See footnote.) Therefore, respect the way Jesus leads those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah. Twakala ye kiese kia zayana ye mpangi zayingi, kiakala aleke yovo ambuta. We also have precious memories of making zone visits to branches all over the world. As a result, my father's family hated me until he died. Zayang'e Tezo Kiaku Muna Dina Olenda Vanga, Wakala ye Kiese Cultivate Reasonable Expectations, and Be Joyful In 1948, Brother Nathan H. Richard C. H. According to Bible scholar R.C.H. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Muna kubavananga e salu muna nkutakani, aleke balenda " teka tontwa ' mu zaya kana vo bafwana lungisa kiyekwa kiau, kimana " lunungunuku lwau lwamoneka kw'awonso. ' - 1 Tim. By assigning them things to do in the congregation, they can be "tested as to fitness " to shoulder responsibility, so that their" advancement may be manifest to all persons. " - 1 Tim. Let me explain. Kuteka yindulanga ko dina ovanga. It is automatic; you do not have to think about it. When we lead people on jw.org, we support the preaching work "the good news. " (a) Ekuma e ndumbu yayokanga Aneyisaele yakadila se yangemi kwa Yave? (a) When did the offering of incense in Israel become offensive to Jehovah? That is how the apostle Paul viewed it. 7, 8. (a) Ekuma Akristu akaka Ayuda bakwamanana lemvokela maka mambu ma Nsiku a Mose? 7, 8. (a) What might have motivated some Jewish Christians to cling to certain practices of the Mosaic Law? Questions From Readers Avo tubundidi e mvu tusalanga e salu kia kimviti a nzila a espesiale, mono yo Eric tulungisi kala se mvu 100. Mvu 98 tusadidi kala kuna Irlanda. Together, Eric and I have served as special pioneers for a total of over 100 years - 98 of them here in Ireland. We made these changes because we love Jehovah, and he helps us to change our personality. Tusongang'o Zola kwa Mpangi Zeto Bena vo Afwa Matu Cherish Your Deaf Brothers and Sisters! Note what Delphine said: "I hope to see my son again at the right time Jehovah's appointed time. E longi diazole disonga una tulenda kumikina lukwikilu lweto vava tukalanga ye ziku vo Nzambi osendanga awana bekumvavanga ye ziku kiawonso. The second article explains how we can strengthen our faith by being completely convinced that God rewards those who earnestly seek him. Isaiah 11: 9 answers: "They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in my holy mountain, for the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the sea. " Tuka wauna, Adolfo ye Mbangi zakaka za Yave bayizanga kutukingula nkumbu miayingi. Adolfo and other Witnesses would visit us in the camp every now and again. So if you are married, ask yourself: " Do I really know my wife? Kuyambula ko vo wantu a tovoka batianguna nkumbu aku muna sunda awana beyikilwanga muna nkumbu aku. ' Do not allow your name to be dishonored by permitting weak humans to overthrow those who bear your name. ' If a brother does not compromise his sin, a Christian who knows his sin should make it known to the elders. Sandra wabakula vo mbi kavanga mu kala ye ngindu zazina mu kuma kia Ruth kuna lubantiku. Of course, Sandra came to recognize that her initial reaction was wrong. Today, no human knows how God's name is in Hebrew. How do we show that we love God? However, the apostle Paul knew that his Christian brothers should be humble in their dealings with others and imitate Jesus ' example. MUNA moko kiandi yo Nikodemo, Yesu watoma songa vo o wutuluka mfunu kikilu kwina. THROUGHOUT his conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus emphasized that undergoing a new birth, or being born again, is of great importance. If a sinner has returned to Jehovah, "there is joy among God's angels. " - Luke 15: 10. Vava e mpasi zikotanga muna longo, ka tufwete zo badikila ko vo se kuma kia vonda longo, kansi tufwete sia e ngolo mu songa fu yambote mu kitula e zingu kia nzo se kiakiese. When marriage problems arise, we do not look for an easy way out but earnestly strive to display godly qualities to make our family life happy. He is still serving Jehovah faithfully. 3: 13. 3: 13. 1, 2. Akaka muna esi Tesalonika nanga bayambula vo bavunginikwa. That may have been the case with some of the Thessalonians. Be determined not to "be in the flesh. " Kana nkutu vo tulenda wanana ye mpasi zayingi, tuna ye kani dia " vingila Yave. ' So even though we may struggle with trials, we are determined to show "a waiting attitude. " In his prayer, Jesus showed how we should pray earnestly. (Dan. 7: 13, 14, 21, 22, 27) Nze "akw'evwa kumosi yo Kristu, " 144.000 m'alembami akuswa bevwa nza kumosi yo Yesu. As "joint heirs with Christ, " 144,000 mild - tempered anointed ones were to share in Jesus ' inheritance of the earth. Three years later, we were invited to Bethel. Kuna masika, muna kala ye ziku vo ke vakondelo dimosi ko, wabatanganga vava bakotanga muna mpaka.... At night he brought the flock home to the fold, counting them as they passed under the rod at the door to assure himself that none were missing.... At times, courage is needed to do what is right, but we know that with Jehovah's help we can do what is right. Lemvokela yo Sakalela Obedience and Submission In modern times, what arrangement for worship is similar to that of Solomon's temple? Edi kakudikila: "Owau nzeye wo vo konso ndiona obundang'e vuvu muna nza ya Satana, banza kesinga kuyibanza. " " I now know that anyone who puts his trust in Satan's system will be profoundly disappointed. " In fact, James has spent more than seven years in full - time service to help others learn what the Bible teaches. Muna ngiz'a Yesu Kristu, oyau "benata tumbu kina vo, lubukumuku lua mvu ya mvu. " - 2 Tesalonika 1: 9. At the revelation of Jesus Christ, they "will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 9. • How can we act in harmony with the prayers of those "in vessels "? E kuma kadi Yakobo nsambu za Yave wa Nzambi kazola tambula. Because Jacob wanted a blessing from Jehovah God. From then on, every day you start to examine the Scriptures regularly. 10: 14, 15; Yes. 10: 14, 15; Isa. 1: 13, 17. Owau, olenda vaula ntangwa ya sala e salu ina kwasadidinge ko nze, kwenda mu nsaka yovo mu nkangalu. Looking on the positive side, you may now see the opportunity to participate in activities for which you formerly had little time, such as hobbies or trips. 10: 34 - 38 - Did the Bible's message lead to family opposition? Tuludiku twakaka twa una ufwete sadilwa salu kia umbangi twavaikiswa muna Bulletin (iyikilwanga o unu vo Salu Kieto kia Kintinu). Detailed presentations were provided in the Bulletin (now Our Kingdom Ministry). Those references were exciting. Mu kolo kiakina, o nkento ona yazinganga yandi wayantika longoka e Bibila ye Mbangi za Yave. I was living with my girlfriend when she began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. But Job "did not leave God. " - Job 2: 9. " Nufwete kala nwavauka. ' - FUKA 11: 45. 11: 45. At Colossians 3: 23, Paul wrote: "Whatever you are doing, work at it whole - souled as to Jehovah [Jehovah] is not to men. " Kasikil'owu, o ntinu ankento Izebele wavonda ngunza zayingi za Yave. For example, Queen Jezebel murdered many prophets of Jehovah. Children face different kinds of trials that Satan promotes, and they also struggle with their imperfect personality. Kele vo katomene sasila diambu ko, vana vau twanzayisanga wo. We would be quick to let him know when he didn't explain things correctly. What is the meaning of these parables? " O VOVA kuna nze palata, o butama nze wolo. " " SPEECH is silver, silence is golden. " This can be seen by what we say and do. Konso mvu, mafunda ye mafunda ma yingiana - ngina befwanga muna kimbevo kia lutw'a vumu. Waste disposal. WHO was Thomas Emlyn, and what moved him to support the truth? O Yefeta wa nkwa ziku yo mwan'andi ankento balungisa nsilu au, kana una vo diampasi diakala Trustworthy Jephthah and his daughter fulfilled his vow, although doing so was difficult Like Moses, we must do what our Sovereign Lord Jehovah wants us to do. (Nsiku 24: 5) Vana ntandu, yambula vo e Diambu dia Nzambi diafila e longo lweno. Others help to remember a special day, such as marriage or the date of a loved one. Bevovelanga e kiese kia zayana yo muntu yo solola ona okazala yandi. They emphasize the joy of getting to know someone and finding a marriage mate. • Why is the dragnet a treasure? Ezak'e ntangwa balenda yindula vo mvutu zimosi kaka bevewanga vava belombanga konso lekwa: "Vingila yavana okola. " At times, a youth may feel that too many of his or her eager requests meet with the same answer, "Wait until you are older. " Baal Worship Yik'e nona. Give an example. The truth is, there are many things about creation that scientists cannot explain, whether things are small or small. Akuluntu muna nkutakani yo nkaz'andi bankasakesa. Malembe - malembe, mpangi Jim wavutuka sadila Yave. The elders in Jim's congregation and his wife encouraged him, and he gradually returned to serving Jehovah. So Joseph took some of the food that lay ahead, and the people began to buy food. - Genesis 41: 55, 56. Nkia salu kiavewa kw'Akristu awonso? Aweyi tufwete badikilanga salu kiaki? What responsibility is given to all Christians, and how should we view it? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Se dimosi una ye nkumbu Jason, wavova vo: "Vava esi nzo eto bevananga tukau mun'Eseka dia Kintinu, tuvananga nzimbu kwa wan'eto kimana basia muna nkel'a tukau. " When our family makes a donation at the Kingdom Hall, we let our children put the money in the contribution box, " says their father, Jason. The Bible says that a person who shows self - control is wise. 18, 19. 18, 19. Notice that "the mind of a man is like a water in a well. " Yesu wavova vo: "Kuna kwa mpasi z'akwa mavwa bakota muna kintinu kia Nzambi. " Jesus said: "How difficult a thing it will be for those with money to enter into the kingdom of God! " Gradually, I began to fight that fear. Nsaka zayingi za nza yayi ke zina ngwizani ko ye nsiku mia Nkand'a Nzambi. " So much of what the world offers runs counter to Bible standards. " Applying Bible principles will help us to use our tongue to speak what is good, not bad. (a) Aweyi kikala e zingu muna nz'ampa ya Nzambi? (a) What will life in God's new world be like? If he wants to be healthy, he needs to make food for himself. Tufwete kala ye lukwikilu lwasikila muna ndungan'a nsilu mia Nzambi. - Ayibere 11: 6 We need to cultivate strong faith in the outworking of God's purpose. - Hebrews 11: 6. Or if he asks for a fish, will hand him a serpent? Olenda twika e ndomba kimana wakota e Sikola ya Ateleki a Kintinu. Perhaps you could apply for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. Like God's men who used the Bible, we are sinners, so we can understand their feelings. Avo ovaulanga e ntangwa mu kala vamosi yo wan'aku, yau kibeni bekala y'etima dia yantika moko ye kuvovesa diambu. " It will likely come naturally if you regularly spend time with your children. " God has promised to bring about such a government. - Read Daniel 2: 44. Muna kuma kiaki, fwete zitisa e mpila ina Yesu kefidilanga awana bekiyekolanga kwa Yave. Thus, you need to respect the way Jesus directs those dedicated to Jehovah. Four kings of Judah, mentioned in the preceding article, served Jehovah with a complete heart. Muna kuma kia nswaswani yayi, yitu ya s'ame bamenganga ngudi ame yavana kafwa. Because of these differences, my mother was the victim of intense prejudice from my father's family until the day she died. If our speech and actions are in harmony with these articles, we will grow in this review and show that we are "in the faith. " Muna mvu wa 1948, mpangi Nathan H. In 1948, Nathan H. In 2006, when I was released from the branch office, a brother who has been serving Jehovah for decades said: "Satan has not been able to do anything that Jehovah has done for himself. " (b) Nkia diambu tulongoka muna longi dilanda? (b) What will we learn in the next article? He sat down and listened to what was said. Yambula yanuzayisa. Let me explain. He knows the intentions of the heart. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. Vava tufilanga wantu muna nzil'eto ya jw.org, tuyikamanga e salu kia samuna e "nsangu zambote. " When we direct people to jw.org, we support the preaching of the "good news. " Poverty, injustice, persecution, sickness, and death are things that can happen today. I wau kabadikilanga lo Paulu wa ntumwa. That is what the apostle Paul did. (Read Matthew 13: 24 - 30, 37 - 43.) Speaking in Tongues, 10 / 1 Who Is God? Yuvu Y'atangi Questions From Readers Moreover, since human rule has failed to eliminate violence, whatever effort we can do to rid ourselves of violence. Twavanga e nsobani zazi kadi Yave tuzolanga. Yandi watusadisa mpe mu soba kiwuntu kieto. We made these changes because we love Jehovah and because he helped us to make them. Similarly, Jehovah God and his beloved Son bought Adam's sons and forgiven their sins on the basis of Jesus ' shed blood. Tala dina Delfina kavova: "Ngina ye vuvu kia monana diaka yo mwan'ame muna ntangwa ina kasikidisa o Yave. Our next " date ' is already scheduled, as if it were on my Father's calendar. WHO can highlight the importance of light in the night if it is not from Jehovah God, the source of light? Muna Yesaya 11: 9 tuvewanga e mvutu, muna tutanganga vo: "Ke bevanga mbi yovo fwantakesa ko [nkangu uzingila muna Kintinu kia Nzambi] muna mongo ame avauka: kadi e nza izala yo zayi wa Yave, una mefuka kalunga o maza. " The reason is revealed at Isaiah 11: 9, which says: "They [the Kingdom's subjects] will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " What if the problem continues? Muna kuma kiaki, avo wakazala ukiyuvula: " Nga ntomene zaya nkaz'ame? So if you are married, ask yourself: " How well do I know my mate? We are impressed by faithful men. Avo mpangi kafungwini ko esumu diandi, o Nkristu ona ozeye esumu diandi kafwete dio zayisa kw'akuluntu. If the wrongdoer does not do so, the Christian who has come to know about the sin should report it. Why? O unu kavena muntu ko ozeye una wayikilwanga e nkumbu a Nzambi muna ndinga Kiyibere kuna nz'ankulu. It was possible for Adam to sin because God created him with free will. Meroz may have been the city where people who refused to support Barak in battle. (Daniele 4: 17) Kansi, Paulu wa ntumwa wazaya wo vo mpangi zandi za Akristu bafwete kala alembami muna nkal'au y'akaka yo tanginina Yesu. Paulo watoma yika e mbandu ambote kasonga o Yesu. Nonetheless, the apostle Paul realized that his fellow believers should imitate Jesus and thus be humble in their dealings with one another. - 1 Corinthians 11: 1; Philippians 2: 3, 4. Do not question Jehovah. Avo nsumuki ovutukidi kwa Yave, " kiese kikalanga vana vena ambasi za Nzambi. ' - Luka 15: 10. Indeed, when even one sinner repents and turns to Jehovah, "joy arises among the angels of God. " - Luke 15: 10. Yes, Jehovah "is always ready to carry on the burdens of us. " Wakinu sadila Yave ye kwikizi kiawonso. He is still faithfully serving Jehovah. (b) In time, how can Jehovah use faithful disciples? 1, 2. 1, 2. We show love for our neighbor by preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Ofwete baka nzengo zalembi " kunina muna nitu. ' Be determined not to " sow with a view to the flesh. ' Like other Bible books, the book of Judges is very precious to us. Muna sambu yandi, Yesu wasonga una tufwete sambila ye kwikizi kiawonso. In his prayers, Jesus also showed the depth of feeling that we ought to imitate in our prayers. Both myrrh and incense have grown in the wilderness in the southern coast of Cyprus, Africa, and Africa. Vioka mvu ntatu, twabokelwa kuna Betele. Three years later, we were invited to Bethel. Consider how he helped one of his servants who were depressed. Ezak'e ntangwa, unkabu uvavwanga muna vanga edi diambote, kansi tuzeye wo vo muna lusadisu lwa Yave tulenda vanga edi diambote. It often takes great courage to do what is right, but we know that we can do so with Jehovah's help. With those words, Paul was saying: "I will sit down in the place of anyone else. Omu lumbu yeto, nkia nkubika ya nsambila ina nze una wakala tempelo ya Solomo? What is the modern - day arrangement foreshadowed by worship at Solomon's temple? Pray during difficult times. Kieleka, se vioka mvu nsambwadi James osalanga e salu kia ntangwa - ke ntangwa mu sadisa akaka balongoka dina kelonganga Nkand'a Nzambi. In fact, for the past seven years, James has served as a full - time minister, helping others learn what the Bible teaches. He said: "My teaching is not mine, but belongs to him who sent me. " • Aweyi tulenda vanga muna sikila kuna sambu di'awana " bena muna natinwa '? • How can we make sure that we remain among those who have been " collected into vessels '? Learn how Jesus Christ set a fine example by opposing the Devil. Tuka wauna, oyantikanga konso lumbu mu fimpa e sono muna finkanda Fimpanga e Sono Lumbu Yawonso. Since then, he begins each day with a consideration of the daily text from Examining the Scriptures Daily. Wise King Solomon said: "When anyone replies to a matter before he hears it, it is foolish and humiliating to him. " 1: 13, 17. 1: 13, 17. Jesus " miraculously healed all those who were suffering. ' - Matthew 4: 23, 24; 8: 16; 11: 2 - 5. 10: 34 - 38 - Nga nsangu za Nkand'a Nzambi kitantu zitwasanga kw'esi nzo? 10: 34 - 38 - Is the Scriptural message to be blamed for family rifts? Ten of them returned with fear. Asatuludi awaya bayangalala kikilu. Researchers were very excited. Many of your fellow Christians were sent to prison. Kansi, Yobi "kayambula Nzambi " ko. - Yobi 2: 9. But Job refuses to "curse God. " - Job 2: 9. When the leaders of God's people received holy spirit, they received strength from God to do things that they could not do in their own strength. Muna Kolosai 3: 23, Paulu wasoneka vo: "Konso kina nusala, nusala ye nsi a ntima, nze kuna kwa [Yave] ke kwa wantu ko. " At Psalm 33: 3, David wrote: "Do your best at playing on the strings along with joyful shouting. " Without question, anointed ones are "very proud " of their hope of life. O wana benwananga ye mambu ma mpila mu mpila kenungununanga o Satana. Vana ntandu, benwananga mpe ye kiwuntu kiau kialembi lunga. Children are faced with an onslaught of satanic propaganda as well as with their own imperfect inclinations. On June 30, 1940, we got married. Ayeyi i nsas'a yingana yayi? What do these parables mean? When he told them that he was pregnant, David tried to hide his sin by causing Uriah to have sexual relations with Bath - sheba, her husband. Ediadi dilenda moneka muna mana tuvovanga yo vanga. This will be evident by what we say and what we do. It is not easy to keep on the watch at the last hour, since he is tired. NANI i Thomas Emlyn, adieyi diamfila mu yikama e ludi? WHO was Thomas Emlyn, and what moved him to take a stand for truth? What if you feel guilty because of your child's illness? (Fuka 8: 4, 5) Nze Mose, tufwete vanganga mana Yave wa Mfumu eto kazolele vo twavanga. Likewise, we should always do what our Sovereign, Jehovah, wants us to do. Jesus dealt with his disciples patiently despite their mistakes. Akaka besadisanga muna sungamenanga e lumbu yamfunu nze lumbu kia lukazalu yovo lumbu kia lufwa lwa nzodi au. Some try to remember the bereaved on important anniversaries, such as the wedding anniversary or the date of the death. If you have an accurate knowledge of Jehovah and want to do his will, by setting a good example in the congregation and sharing regularly preaching the good news of the Kingdom, why not get baptized? - Matthew 28: 19, 20. • Ekuma e Códice Vaticano inina se lusalu lwantalu? • Why is the Vatican Codex a treasure? The criminal who was impaled on Jesus said: "Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom. " Tina Nsambila za Teke Flee From Idolatry We are happy to associate with people from other countries and to accept their culture, and sometimes we may even learn the language they speak. E ludi i kiaki: Vena yo mambu mayingi mu kuma kia nsema mana akwa ngangu ke belendanga sasila ko, kiakala mambu matadidi lekwa yakete yovo lekwa yanene. The truth is that much of nature, from the tiny cell to the vast universe, still remains beyond the grasp of modern science. (b) When will anointed Christians receive the final sealing? Muna kuma kiaki, Yosefe wayantika ziula malundilu ma madia kakutika, nkangu wayantika sumba madia. - Etuku 41: 55, 56. So Joseph began to open up the granaries where the surplus grain was stored, and the people could buy what they needed. - Genesis 41: 55, 56. Jehovah your God is with you. " (Tala vana vasonama vo, MALONGI MA NKAND'A NZAMBI > MVUTU ZA YUVU YA NKAND'A NZAMBI) (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) What kind of persecution have Jehovah's Witnesses endured in modern times, and with what result? Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo ona osonganga e volo, nkwa ngangu. Exercising self - control is the course of wisdom. In Bible times, some of God's servants were rich. Zaya wo vo "e ngindu za muntu zina nga maza muna sima. O mbakuzi ovola zo. " Recognize that "a person's thoughts are like water in a deep well, but someone with insight can draw them out. " If we want God to hear our prayers, we must strive to obey his commands. Malembe - malembe yayantika sunda wonga wau. But gradually I was able to overcome my fear. (b) How did God gradually reveal the primary line of the promised "seed "? O lemvokela nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi dikutusadisa mu sadila lubini lweto mu vova oma mambote, ke mambi ko. 5 / 1 Avo vimpi wambote kazolele, kafwete lambanga madia mambote mu kuma kia yandi kibeni. If he wants to stay healthy, he must regularly prepare healthy meals for himself. But after a month, they received the good news. ovo mbizi a maza, oyandi kayambula mbizi a maza, kamvan'e nioka? Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today.... Jehovah considers these conventions of his people as holy. Nze wantu ana Nzambi kasadila mu soneka Bibila, yeto mpe tu asumuki, muna kuma kiaki tulenda bakula e ngindu zau. When reading God's Word, we can truly "rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep. " - Rom. Could it benefit us if we do not give up on us? Nzambi wasia nsilu watwasa luyalu lwa mpila yayi. - Tanga Daniele 2: 44. God has promised such a world government. - Read Daniel 2: 44. How did Jesus correct his disciples, and why was it remarkable? E Ntinu nyá mia Yuda ana twavovele muna longi diaviokele, basadila Yave ye ntim'asikila. The four Judean kings we read about in the previous article served Jehovah with a complete heart. When the congregation began, we were the only four people there. Avo e mvovo ye mavangu meto ngwizani mena ye malongi mama, tuvioka muna lufimpu lwalu yo songa vo "mu lukwikilu " twina. If our words and actions match those beliefs, then we pass the test and show that we are "in the faith. " (b) How can elders imitate Jehovah's example? Muna mvu wa 2006, vava kiasunzulwa e vula dia nsi au, mpangi mosi osadilanga Yave tuka kolo wavova vo: "O Satana kesundanga ko muna mawonso kevanganga, Yave kaka osundanga. " Last year at the dedication of their new branch facilities, a longtime faithful Witness said: "No matter how hard Satan tries, he keeps losing and Jehovah keeps winning! " What can happen if a person does not make good decisions in choosing a marriage mate? Wavwanda yo yantika wá mana mavovwanga. He sat down and listened. Each convention was held at a convention. Ozeye makani ma ntima mia wantu. - 1 Samuele 16: 7. He sees what is in the heart. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. What can you do to develop self - control? Usukami, kondwa unsongi, lubangamu, mayela ye lufwa i mambu malenda kutubwila o unu. Extreme poverty, injustice, oppression, sickness, and death are realities that we all see today. After a month, David heard that. (Tanga Matai 13: 24 - 30, 37 - 43.) (Read Matthew 13: 24 - 30, 37 - 43.) What a blessing! Nani i Nzambi? Who Is God? Those words show that a spirit of self - sacrifice can guide our lives. Vana ntandu, wau vo luyalu lwa wantu alembi lunga ke lulendi sukisa umpumbulu ko, konso ngolo tulenda vanga mu katula umpumbulu ke zisikila ko. Moreover, since wickedness cannot be removed under imperfect human rule, our putting forth effort to eradicate it would be futile. [ Picture on page 13] Diau adimosi mpe, Yave wa Nzambi yo Mwan'andi anzolwa basumba wan'a Adami yo yambulwila e mfuk'a masumu mau muna menga ma Yesu mabunguka. In like manner, Jehovah God and his beloved Son have purchased Adam's offspring and canceled their debt of sin on the basis of Jesus ' shed blood. Without knowing it, Saul went into a cave that David had with his men. NANI olenda toma songa o mfunu a ntemo muna tombe kia fuku avo ke Yave wa Nzambi ko, wa nto a ntemo? WHO can better describe the effect that the rising sun has on the darkness of the night than the very Source of light, Jehovah God? Those learning a new language are encouraged not only to listen but also to those who know and speak. Adieyi tuvova kele vo e diambu dikwamanene? Jesus said: "If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. Consider Michael. Tutoma sivikanga akwa kwikizi. We usually admire people who are loyal. The small sign they have learned from me has given me a lot of joy. Ekuma? Why? Just as Ruth had kept Naomi, Elisha was alert to Elijah. Meroze nanga i mbanza ina yazingilanga wantu ana ke bazola yikama Baraki ko muna mvita. It could be that Meroz was a city whose people did not volunteer to join Barak in battle. What assurance do we have that Jehovah can give us power? Kufidisa Yave mpaka ko. Never doubt Jehovah. Soon after Jehovah made the Israelites a new nation, they became discouraged and complained. Elo, Yave "lumbu ke lumbu kekutunatinang'o mazitu. " Indeed, Jehovah "daily carries the load for us. " How did some benefit from Jesus ' spiritual heritage? (b) Kuna kulanda, aweyi Yave kalenda sadila alongoki akwa kwikizi? (b) In time, how may Jehovah use faithful learners? Working on the sacred service of life or death is sacred. - 1 Tim. Tusonganga o zola kwa mfinangani zeto vava tukubasamunwinanga e nsangu zambote za Kintinu. We certainly display love for our neighbors when we share with them the good news of the Kingdom. 13: 7, 17. Nze nkanda miakaka mia Nkand'a Nzambi, o nkanda Afundisi mfunu kikilu una kwa yeto. As a part of God's dynamic word, or message, the book of Judges is of great value to us. Daniel set a fine example in this regard. E mô ye ndumbu mu nti miamenanga muna makanga kuna sude ya Arábia ye Somália, Afrika yatukanga. Spices such as myrrh and frankincense came from trees and bushes that grew in desert areas stretching from southern Arabia to Somalia in Africa. No. Badika una kasadisila mosi muna selo yandi ona wakendalala. Elijah was one of them. " We Must obey Muna mvovo miami, Paulu edi kazola vova: Kuyisia va fulu kia muntu akaka. Paul's counsel in this verse can be summed up in two words: Show empathy. However, although all these false worshippers were seeking first, Obadiah courageously fed Jehovah's prophets. Sambu muna ntangw'ampasi. Prayers of distress. She says that the school was "the consequences of her work, " especially when she saw the way I worked, she could take care of myself while pioneering. Wavova vo: "Elongi diame ke diame ko, dia ndiona wantuma kaka. " He said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. " But a Samaritan showed mercy to this Jew and helped him. Longoka una Yesu Kristu kasisila mbandu ambote muna sia Nkadi Ampemba e kitantu. Learn how Jesus Christ set an example in opposing the Devil. When we meet such brothers, we do not view them as angels - more than others. Solomo wa ntinu angangu wavova vo: "On'ovana mvutwilu ke mu teka wa ko, Dia uzowa yo luvungu kwa yandi. " (Nga. Wise King Solomon wrote: "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears it, that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation. " If we pay attention to the message recorded in this book, it will strengthen our faith in the true God through his Son and his promises. - Heb. Yesu " wawuka awonso ana bamonanga e mpasi. ' - Matai 4: 23, 24; 8: 16; 11: 2 - 5. " He cured all who were suffering. " - Matthew 4: 23, 24; 8: 16; 11: 2 - 5. Paul was very happy when his older friend asked him how he felt. Kumi muna yau bavutuka yo wonga. Ten returned fearful. Then he killed the goat and killed her blood on Joseph's garment. Ayingi muna mpangi zaku Akristu basiwanga mu pelezo. Many of your Christian brothers and sisters were being arrested. To Moses, "the riches of the Christ is greater than the treasures of Egypt. " Vava afidi a nkangu a Nzambi batambulanga mwand'avelela, bavuanga nkuma watukanga kwa Nzambi mu vanga mambu mana ke badi lenda vanga ko muna ngolo za yau kibeni. When the leaders of God's people were empowered by holy spirit, they received power from God to do things that they could not have done in their own strength. If we apply the direction Jehovah provides through his Word and his holy spirit, we can overcome our shortcomings. Ka lukatikisu ko, akuswa " betoma yangalelanga ' e vuvu kiau kia moyo. Small wonder that the anointed " greatly rejoice ' in their living hope! Yet, Paul did not give up on them. Kina kia 30 kia ngonde ya Yuni, 1940 twakazala. We were married on June 30, 1940. Even television programs and newspapers praised violence and immorality. Vava kazayiswa vo wayimita, Davidi wavava sweka esumu diandi muna fila Ureya kaleka yo Bate - seba wa nkaz'andi. Later informed that she was pregnant, he schemed to have her husband, Uriah, sleep with her to cover up the adultery. To be called peaceable, we need to work hard to promote peace. Diampasi dikalanga mu kwamanana yingila muna ola zansuka, kadi wayoya kikilu kekalanga. During the last few hours of his watch, it is much harder for him to stay awake because he is very tired. What is the relationship between this truth and the command to love God with our whole heart, soul, and strength? Adieyi ovanga avo okuyitumbanga mu kuma kia kimbevo kia mwan'aku? What if you feel responsible for your child's disability? Jehovah's Word Is Alive, 2 / 15 Yesu wakadilanga ye alongoki andi kuna luzindalalu kana una vo bavanganga vilwa. Jesus was always patient with his disciples despite their faults. But what is truly impressed us is Ruth's love for Jehovah. Kele vo una yo zayi wabetela wa Yave y'ekani diandi yo zola vanga luzolo lwandi, avo mbandu ambote osonganga yo kutakana ntangwa zawonso kuna nkutakani yo samuna nsangu zambote za Kintinu, ekuma olembi vubilwa? - Matai 28: 19, 20. Therefore, if you have a basic knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes, a sincere desire to do his will, and a good reputation in the congregation and you are faithfully attending meetings and sharing in preaching the good news of the Kingdom, why would you put off getting baptized? - Matthew 28: 19, 20. This type of disease has caused other diseases, such as the body's eye, the color, the legs, the legs, the legs of the hands, and other diseases. E kimpumbulu ndiona wakomwa va nti vana ndambu a Yesu wavova vo: "E Yesu, ungindula vav'oluaka muna kintinu kiaku. " A man who was to be executed alongside Jesus said: "Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom. " " The leper was healed immediately. " Tuna ye kiese kia vanga kikundi yo wantu a nsi zankaka yo tonda e fu yau ya kisi nsi. Ezak'e ntangwa tulenda nkutu longoka e ndinga bevovanga. We are happy to make friends with people from other countries, accept the way they do things, and maybe even learn their language. Some brothers said that all people must obey the Mosaic Law. (b) Nkia ntangwa Akristu akuswa besiwa dimbu kiansuka? (b) When do anointed ones receive their final sealing? She says: "I realized the danger of smoking by reading medical publications. O Yave wa Nzambi aku wina yaku. ' Jehovah your God is with you. " Pride and strife are common in the congregation, but a forgiving spirit promotes peace. Nkia mpila lubangamu bezizidilanga Ambangi za Yave mu lumbu yeto? Nkia nluta ditwasanga? What persecution have Jehovah's Witnesses had to endure in modern times, and what has been the result? (b) What must we do to strengthen our faith? (Nku. 112: 3, 4) Kuna nz'ankulu, akaka muna selo ya Nzambi bakala ye mavwa. In Bible times, some of God's servants were noted for their material riches. How? Avo tuzolele vo Nzambi kawá sambu yeto, tufwete sia ngolo muna lemvokela nkanikinu miandi. If we want God to listen to our prayers, we must sincerely endeavor to meet his requirements. The ark of the ark of the pre - Christian times was so powerful that they could use it in their hands. (b) Nzambi aweyi kasengomwena malembe - malembe e luvila lwa "mbongo " yasilwa nsilu? (b) How did God progressively reveal the line to the promised "seed "? At times, people praise us, but Jehovah is far more than humans. O Moko Meno Yambula Masiama, 1 / 5 Jehovah Helped Me Find Him (F. What is the second way that "congregation " is used in the Christian Greek Scriptures? Kansi, vava vavioka ngonde mosi, batambula nsangu zambote. But then, a month later, they received thrilling news. He gives us the strength we need to continue serving him faithfully. - 2 Cor. Yave obadikilanga tukutakanu twatu twa nkangu andi vo tuavauka. Jehovah considers gatherings of his people as something sacred. Table of Contents Nga dilenda kututwasila nluta avo katuzinga mu kuma kieto kaka ko? Is living no longer for ourselves worthwhile? The black man was not allowed to enter the room. Aweyi o Yesu kasingikila alongoki andi? Ekuma yakadila yesivi? How did Jesus correct his disciples, and why was this so remarkable? At the first meeting, there were about ten people who were studying the Bible book of Micah. Vava e nkutakani yayantika, yeto yá kaka twakala kumosi ye nzole a wantu. There were the four of us and a couple of others. This situation may have happened in April 23, 2317 B.C.E. (b) Aweyi akuluntu balenda tanginina mbandu a Yave? (b) How can elders make themselves available to others? What command did Jehovah give to anyone who would become king in Israel? Adieyi dilenda bwa kele vo muntu ka bakidi nzengo zambote ko muna sola ona kesompa? What may happen if a person makes an unwise decision when choosing a marriage mate? I enjoyed playing those games in my life. Lapela andi ya lukutakanu lwa mvivu. The badge that identified him as a convention delegate! " The Song of the Sea of the Sea is one of the two centuries, and from the Dead Sea Scrolls... and the conclusion of the Dead Sea Scrolls. " Adieyi olenda vanga muna kala ye volo? What can you do to improve your self - control? Those who look forward to the present system of things are concerned about the challenges they face while "tribulation " in the world. Vava kiavioka ngonde mosi, Davidi wawá e diambu diadi. The situation, David learned, had been dragging on for over a month! He began to doubt whether there was a difference in worshipping Jehovah. Ekwe nsambu twatambula! What a blessing this has been! He said: "I will send you to my lord, the king of Assyria, and I will send you two horses or two horses or on your side. E mvovo miami misonganga vo mwand'avelala ulenda kwamanana fila zingu kieto. These expressions indicate that holy spirit can continually exercise an influence in our lives. This helps us to remain united and to promote peace in our marriage. " [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 13] [ Picture on page 13] Those of the faithful slave will receive this responsibility after they receive their heavenly reward, ruling with Christ. (1 Sam. 24: 2) Lembi wo zaya, Saulu wayenda muna nduka una wakala Davidi yo wantu andi. Eventually, Saul unknowingly went into the very cave where David and his men were. One Lord said: "In 2012 to 80 million people do not have enough food. " Awana belongokanga ndinga yampa bekasakeswanga ke mu sia kaka sungididi ko, kansi batanginina mpe awana bazeye yo toma vova. Students of a new language are encouraged not only to listen carefully but also to try to imitate, or mimic, the pronunciation and speech patterns of fluent speakers. He did not mean that wicked people would suffer forever in hell. Badika nona kia Michael. Consider the example of Michael. What questions can help us to examine our love for God? E sinsu yakete balongoka ina besadilanga muna mokena yame, ikungyangidikanga. The few signs that they learn and try to use touch my heart. (b) How can you strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? 2: 1 - 6) Nze una Rutu katatidila Naomi, o Elesa mpe watatidila Eleya. Just as Ruth had clung to Naomi, so Elisha stuck with Elijah. As Christians, we are very precious to us. Nkia ziku tuna kiau vo Yave olenda kutuvana o nkuma? How can we be sure that Jehovah is able to strengthen us? Similarly, a man in another country who has left his home and has given his servants authority, his work, and the command to fight it. Vava Yave kakitula Aneyisaele se zula kiampa, ke vavioka kolo ko bakendalala yo yantika yidima. Within just several weeks of their existence as a new nation, the Israelites developed a spirit of discontent and murmuring. I will leave my mother's house when I asked her to care for myself. Aweyi akaka babakila nluta muna vwa dia mwanda dia Yesu? How did others benefit from Jesus ' spiritual background? Who really wanted to kill Jesus, who did not want him to grow old and fulfill his assignment on earth? O sala e salu kiavauka diambu dia moyo yovo lufwa. - 1 Tim. After all, rendering sacred service is a matter of life and death. - 1 Tim. The Teaching Committee of the Governing Body oversees meetings of Jehovah's people worldwide. 13: 7, 17. 13: 7, 17. Because of faith, Noah offered animal sacrifices to Jehovah. Daniele wasisa mbandu ambote muna diambu diadi. Daniel set a fine example in this. " At first, I would cry out to you every time I visited, " she says. Ve. No. Although we want to be healthy, we put Jehovah's service first (See paragraph 17) " Tufwete lemvokela Because his life was removed from the earth. " - Acts 8: 32, 33; Isaiah 53: 7, 8. Kansi, kana una vo asambidi awonso awaya aluvunu bavavanga kunteka, Obadiya wadikila ngunza za Yave kuna unkabu wawonso. Nevertheless, right under the noses of all these idolaters, Obadiah courageously attended to the needs of Jehovah's prophets. He told Gilead students that they could "make sure of all things " in the missionary work if they continued to seek Jehovah's direction and loyally submit to" the faithful and discreet slave. " - Prov. Wavova vo e sikola yatanga " mfwilu ' ankantu kwandi, musungula vava kamona mpila salu yasalanga kia komba, mu lenda kilunga - lunga ekolo yasalanga salu kia kimviti a nzila. He felt that I had " wasted ' my education by taking a job as a cleaner to support me in my ministry. The Bible record says: "I have taken the lead and to restore it. " - 2 Chron. Kansi Nsamaria mosi wafwila Nyuda ndioyu e nkenda yo kunsadisa. But a Samaritan felt sorry for the Jew and took care of him. So Elijah pleaded: "O Jehovah my God, please, let the soul of the son of whom you have brought back to him. " - 1 Ki. Vava tukalanga vamosi ye mpangi zazi, ke tukubabadikilanga ko nze ambasi, i sia vo, basundidi wantu ankaka. When we are with these men, we do not treat them as if they were angels, that is, superhuman. If we respect others and care about them, we will be kind to them. Avo tusidi e sungididi muna nsangu zasonama mu nkanda wau, dilenda kumika lukwikilu lweto muna Nzambi aludi, muna Mwan'andi ye nsilu Miandi. - Ayib. Paying close attention to its message will strengthen our faith in the true God, his Son, and His promises. - Heb. It is also important to use different forms of communication in the field ministry, for we meet people who have different religions and religions. Paul wayangalalanga kikilu vava nkundi andi wa mbuta kanyuvulanga una kamonanga. Paul was particularly touched by the actions of a mature friend who regularly took the initiative to ask him how he was coping emotionally. Toward the end of Jesus ' illustration, he said: "In like manner my heavenly Father will also deal with you if you do not forgive each one his brother from your hearts. " - Matthew 18: 23 - 35. I bosi, bavonda e nkombo yo zaza menga mandi muna kinkutu kia Yosefe. As they did, it soon became apparent that one boat could not contain all these fish. It's not the same with other religions. " Kuna kwa Mose, o "lusembo lua Kristu i umvwama uviokele o tusalu twa Engipito. " Moses "considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt. " What can we do to be in the new world? Kele vo tusadila luludiku kekutuvananga Yave muna Diambu ye mwand'andi avelela, tulenda kweto sunda mpilakanu zeto. If we respond to the guidance Jehovah provides through his Word and his holy spirit, we can make progress toward gaining the victory over our shortcomings. However, Jehovah revealed the answer to this "sacred secret. " Kana una vo i wau, Paulu kayambula kubasila umbangi ko. However, Paul never stopped preaching to them. Ancient Haran Kana nkutu amwangi a nsangu muna televizau ye zulunalu balutidi sanisina nsoki ye umpumbulu ye mambu ma zumba. Even news reports on television and in periodicals highlight violence and pander to a lurid interest in sex. Sadly, when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they remained faithful to Jehovah. Muna yikilwa vo avangi a ungudi, tufwete sianga ngolo za siamisa luvuvamu. To be included among the peaceable, we must actively promote peace. Wise King Solomon wrote: "I used to make my heart rejoice, that it may be good for a friend of the heart to be given in the teaching of the heart. " Nkia ngwizani ina vana vena ludi kiaki yo nkanikinu wa zola Nzambi muna nsi a ntim'eto yawonso, fulumwinu kieto kiawonso yo mun'efuka dieto diawonso? What is the connection between that truth and loving our God with our whole heart, whole soul, and whole strength? For the first two days, I spoke with about ten of my family members all night. Zitisang'o Nkaz'aku, Oktoba - Desemba 7 / 15 Wise Counsel on Singleness and Marriage, 10 / 15 The earth, along with faithful humans, will survive. - 1 / 1, pages 5 - 7. Kansi, edi ditoma kutusivikisanga i zola kwa Rutu muna Yave. But what is more impressive is Ruth's love for Jehovah. Why did some Jews not listen to Jesus ' message? E kimbevo kiaki kiavaikisanga diaka yimbevo yakaka muna nitu, nze fwa meso, vonga kwasaka, tekama e nlembo mia malu ye moko, lembi toma nungunuka, diabeti yo lunza mianzi mia nitu ye yimbevo yakaka. Typical features include visual impairment leading to blindness, obesity, extra fingers and / or toes, developmental delay, coordination problems, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, and kidney abnormalities. The Bible says: "The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 6: 23. Vana vau "o wazi unkatukidi. " Then "the leprosy vanished from him. " Four times he told his enemies: "I cannot go down, but what is this work that you are bringing into the land and throwing it down to you? " Mpangi zakaka bavovanga vo wantu awonso bafwete lemvokelanga Nsiku a Mose. Some within the congregation were creating divisions by promoting adherence to the Mosaic Law. Does this not show how God views Christmas celebrations today? Wavova vo: "Yabakula vonza kia nua mfomo muna tanga nkanda mia awuki. He said: "I learned about the dangers of smoking through medical journals. Jehovah showed the vision of the wild beast in a variety of ways. O lulendo ntantani ye mpambani lutwasanga muna nkutakani, kansi o loloka kuwokesanga luvuvamu. Whereas pride fosters division and contention, forgiveness promotes peace within the congregation. We have learned that immorality and pride are the most effective use of Satan's power. (b) Adieyi tufwete vanga muna siamisa lukwikilu lweto? (b) What can we do to build our faith? We need to cultivate qualities that please Jehovah and do what he approves of. - 2 Pet. Mu nkia mpila? How? Benefit From Teaching From God's Word Atungi a nzaza kuna nz'ankulu dimbu wazeza basadilanga muna lenga mbangu zau. Once applied, the liquid bitumen dried and hardened to form a waterproof coating. By all means, then, let us take a look at a person without thinking, which can cause problems or discouragement. - Job 6: 3. Ezak'e ntangwa yeto wantu kembelwa tuvavanga, kansi o Yave osundidi wantu muna mawonso. We humans may need praise at times, but Jehovah is far higher than we are. Like ancient Israel, parents need to work hard to answer when they are asked about Jehovah's organization Ayeyi i mpila yezole isadilwanga o mvovo "nkutakani " muna Sono ya Kingerekia ya Kikristu? The Christian Greek Scriptures use "congregation " in what second way? If I meditated on what they said and what they told them, I would be embarrassed. Okutuvana nkuma tuvwidi o mfunu mu kwamanana kunsadila ye kwikizi kiawonso. - 2 Kor. He will give us the strength required to continue on faithfully. - 2 Cor. After a long time, some people in that city accepted a Bible study. Oma Mena mo Table of Contents What three things can help us to encourage others when we speak? E ndombe ke zayambulwanga ko vo bakota muna nzo za sukulwisa e nlele. Blacks were not allowed to use Laundromats. Jehovah Sees You Muna lukutakanu lwantete yayenda, tezo kia wantu kumi balongokanga o nkand'a Mika. At the first meeting I went to, a group of about ten persons were discussing the Bible book of Micah. ▪ Does "the one whose eye does not see? " - Ps. E diambu diadi nanga diavangama muna ngonde ya Abidi ya mvu a 2369 vitila tandu kieto. That would have been in April 2369 B.C.E. (See paragraph 15) O Yave nkia nkanikinu kavana kwa konso ona okituka ntinu muna Isaele? What warning did Jehovah give those who would become kings in Israel? JESUS CHRIST CHRIST was teaching and making disciples when he told his disciples: "Keep looking for the Father. " Yatoma yangalelanga e nsaka zazi muna zingu kiame. I loved the sport; my whole life revolved around it. I knew that attending all the meetings with God's people would help me to heal my broken heart and enjoy what I needed. Snyder, wa mfumu a Museu de Israel wavova vo: "E sono ya Nkunga Vana Mbu tandu yole ya lusansu iyikakesanga, tuka tandu kia Sono ya Mbu Afwa... ye tandu kia Códice de Alepo. " Snyder, director of the Israel Museum, "bridges the gap in the period of history between the Dead Sea Scrolls... and the Aleppo Codex. " Why is the image of the wild beast called "the king of the eighth king "? Awana bebundanga e vuvu muna tandu kiaki betokananga kwayingi mu kuma kia mambu mampasi mekubabwila ekolo e " mpasi ' ziwokelanga ova nza. People who rest their hope on the present system of things must think about tomorrow with a deep sense of foreboding as the world suffers ever increasing "pangs of distress. " One report says: "The blood that is now blood is common in religion. " Wayantik'o katikisa kana vo vena kikilu ye nluta muna sambila Yave. " Surely it is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself, " Asaph thought. Maintain a Conscience and a Conscience Wavova vo: "Vana nsimbi kwa mfumu ame wa ntinu a Asuri, ozevo ikuvan'o mazunda mole ma mvalu, ovo kun'esambu diaku olenda vo fonges'ayendedi. " Make a wager, please, with my lord the king of Assyria, " he said, "and let me give you two thousand horses to see whether you are able, on your part, to put riders upon them. [ Picture on page 17] Ediadi dikutusadisanga mu zola kala vamosi yo wokesa luvuvamu muna longo lweto. " It has helped us become more relaxed and at peace as a couple. " 1, 2. (a) Why does the deliverance of mankind's world offer us freedom? Awana bena muna fibuka fia ntaudi akwikizi bevewa kiyekwa kiaki vava betambula nsendo au kun'ezulu, wa yala kumosi yo Kristu. Those who make up the faithful slave will get this appointment when they receive their heavenly reward, becoming corulers with Christ. Of course, no human can give power to the almighty Creator. Mfumu imosi wavova vo: "muna mvu wa 2012 yakuna 2014 milhões 805 dia wantu ke batomenenge dianga ko. " One authority estimated that "805 million people - about one in nine of the world's population - were chronically undernourished in 2012 - 14. " He used another couple, Tony and creation. Kazola vova ko vo wantu ambi mpasi zakwele mvu bemonanga kuna bilungi. He was not saying that the wicked will experience everlasting torment. What resurrections did the earthly resurrection not begin? Nkia yuvu ilenda kutusadisa mu fimpa o zola kweto muna Nzambi? What questions will help us to analyze our love for God? No matter how much better our health is or how much better it is to care for our health, we have the desire to escape the effects of old age and death. (b) Aweyi olenda kumikina e ngwizani aku yo Yave? (b) How can you make your relationship with Jehovah stronger? Why? Yeto Akristu, vwa kwantalu kikilu tuna kwau. As Christians, we have a precious heritage. Teach Your Children Diau adimosi yo muntu una muna nsi akaka, on'ovwidi sisa nzo andi, yo vana ntaudi zandi e wisa, konso muntu e salu kiandi, yo kanikina nemavitu kayingila. It is like a man traveling abroad who left his house and gave the authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch. Jesus added that if we do so, all things will be added to us. Isinga vaika muna nzo a ngw'ame vava ikuyimwena vo yafwana kuyilunga - lunga. Not long after the episode with my teacher, I was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ◆ Loveing God's Word Nani kikilu wakala ye makani ma vondesa Yesu, ona kazola ko vo kasansuka yo lungisa kiyekwa kiandi ova ntoto? Well, who had the greatest interest in seeing the child Jesus put to death, preventing him from growing up and fulfilling his mission on earth? God wanted people to know who the Messiah was, so he selected John to do the work he had done and prepared people to receive the Messiah. 94: 12, 13) Buka kia Alongi (Comissão de Ensino) muna Buka kia Selo Yambuta kikubikanga malongi mevewanga muna tukutakanu twa nkangu a Yave mu nza yawonso. The Teaching Committee of the Governing Body oversees the preparation of all spiritual programs for the instruction of Jehovah's people earth wide. The time of Jesus ' presence is clear in what is going on on on on on earth. Muna kuma kia lukwikilu, Noa wavana tukau twa bulu kwa Yave. And then because of his faith, Noah sacrificed animals to Jehovah. We are commanded to love God, who loves us. Laurence wavova vo: "Kuna lubantiku, konso ntangwa yakingulanga Madeleine, dila yadilanga mu mona e mpasi zandi. Laurence admits: "At first, Madeleine's weakened condition affected me so much that I cried after each visit. Like Paul, we should be eager to deepen our understanding of the Bible. Kana una vo tuzolele kala yo vimpi wambote, tusianga salu kia Yave va fulu kiantete (Tala tini kia 17) Although we want to be healthy, we focus on serving Jehovah (See paragraph 17) It is similar to what happened in ancient Babylon in 539 B.C.E. when the Medes conquered the Medes and the Persians. E kuma kadi, o moyo andi ukatwilu ova nza. " - Mavangu 8: 32, 33; Yesaya 53: 7, 8. Because his life is taken away from the earth. " - Acts 8: 32, 33; Isaiah 53: 7, 8. He allowed what he heard to touch his heart, and then he repented. Wavovesa alongoki a Sikola ya Ngiladi vo balenda "zaya mawonso " mavwilu mfunu muna salu kia misionario kele vo bakwamanene vava luludiku lwa Yave yo sakalela" ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu. " - Nga. He assured the Gilead students that they can "understand everything " needed to serve as missionaries if they continue seeking Jehovah and humbly recognize" the faithful and discreet slave. " - Prov. (Read 1 John 2: 15, 16.) Lusansu lwa Nkand'a Nzambi luyikanga vo: "I ntunga batungidi yo kukolela. " - 2 Tus. " They went building and proving successful, " says the Biblical account. - 2 Chron. TODAY, many people tend to cultivate humility, such as a lack of humility. The "belongings " supervised by the" steward " include material assets, spiritual programs, and the preaching activity We may have to make changes in our lives. Muna kuma kiaki, Eleya walomba vo: "E Yave wa Nzambi ame, yambula do, o moyo a mwan'oyu wamvutukila. " - 1 Nti. So Elijah begged: "O Jehovah my God, please, let this child's life come back into him. " - 1 Ki. I took time to help my brothers and sisters. (Ngana 25: 15) Avo tuzitisi akaka yo tokanena wete diau, tukubavovesela kuna ngemba. We will be able to speak to others in a kind way if we respect them and care about their feelings. It says: "The songs are the best way to touch the mind and heart of God's people. " Diambote mpe mu sadilanga mpila zaswaswana muna yantika moko muna salu kia umbangi, kadi tuwanananga ye wantu bena ye nsansuka, ndongoka ye mabundu ma mpila mu mpila. It is also helpful to vary our approach in the ministry, since people have vastly different cultural, educational, and religious backgrounds. Angels were created with the personality, God's qualities, and free will. Kuna mfoko a kingana Yesu wavova vo: "Wauna mpe o S'ame una kun'ezulu kevanga kwa yeno, ovo nulembi yambulwila konso muntu yo mpangi andi, ye nsi a ntima mieno. " - Matai 18: 23 - 35. Jesus concluded the parable, saying: "In like manner my heavenly Father will also deal with you if you do not forgive each one his brother from your hearts. " - Matthew 18: 23 - 35. Although Jehovah shows mercy when he hears us, why should we not sin and think that God will treat us with mercy? Ke nuafwanana ko ye mabundu makaka. " You are not the same as the other churches! " Describe Potiphar's household. Adieyi tulenda vanga mu kala muna nz'ampa? How can we be a part of that new system of things? The elders in our congregation are ready to help us. Kansi, o Yave muna ntangw'andi wasengomona e mvutu za " mbumba yayi yaswekama. ' He transferred the life of his only - begotten heavenly Son to Mary's womb to be born as a perfect human. COVER SUBJECT DOES IT DOES IT DO GOOD TO GOOD IT ALL? Fulu kiakala mbanza Karani yankulu Ruins of Haran What we read at Hebrews 2: 12, 17 is very important. Diankenda vo, vava Aneyisaele bakota muna Nsi a Nsilu, ke basikila ye kwikizi ko muna Yave. Sadly, after inheriting the Promised Land, the Israelites adopted the sensuous, murderous worship of Canaanite gods. 114: 3 - 7. Solomo wa Ntinu angangu wasoneka vo: "Mazi mansunga ye ndumbu i mwesa ntim'e kiese, o toma kwa nkundi a muntu kwatuka mun'elongi dia ntima. " (Nga. Wise King Solomon wrote: "Oil and incense are what make the heart rejoice, also the sweetness of one's companion due to the counsel of the soul. " However, the truth is: At that time, apostate Christians accepted false teachings, and they entered Babylon the Great. Mu lumbu yau yole, yamokenanga ye tezo kia kumi dia yitu yame mu fuku wamvimba. On that occasion, about ten of us got together each evening, and I spoke to them until the early hours of the morning. Serving God Is His Loyal Ones! O ntoto kumosi y'akwa kwikizi bevuluka. - 1 / 1, lukaya lwa 5 - 7. The earth and faithful humans will survive. - 1 / 1, pages 5 - 7. This publication is not for sale. Ekuma Ayuda akaka balembi wila nsangu za Yesu? What prevented certain Jews from listening to Jesus? 4: 1. Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Kadi o mfutu a sumu i lufwa, kansi o lukau lwa Nzambi i moyo a mvu ya mvu muna Kristu Yesu wa Mfumu eto. " - Roma 6: 23. The Bible says: "For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 6: 23. What if we feel that something we experience is too difficult for us to forget? Nkumbu yá kavovesa mbeni zandi vo: "Kilendi kulumuka ko: e salu adieyi kidingalela wau nsisa kio, yo kulumuk'oko nwina? " Why should the work cease while I take off from it and have to go down to you? " Job told those who wanted to comfort them that if he came to comfort them, he could use encouraging words instead of using their problems again. (Malaki 3: 6) Nga diadi ke disonganga ko una Nzambi kebadikilanga nkinzi mivangwanga o unu mu Lumbu kia Noele? Does that not tell us how God feels about the many Christmas celebrations today? Because the work of Jehovah's Witnesses was banned, small groups in the homes of brothers and sisters were quite small. Yave wasonga mona - meso ya mpingan'a bulu ya mpila mu mpila kwa wantu awaya. Jehovah revealed to those men a series of visions involving a succession of beasts. How were Jesus ' disciples strengthened to preach with boldness? Tulongokele vo e mavangu ma zumba ye lulendo i nekwa ketoma sadilanga o Satana. Immorality and pride are very effective types of bait. IN THE mountains of Lebanon and Israel, one of the thieves will grow up. Tufwete yima fu iyangidikanga Yave yo vanga mana ketondanga. - 2 Pet. We need to develop qualities that please Jehovah and perform works that are acceptable to him. - 2 Pet. 2, 3. (a) How do some feel about singing out loud in the congregation? Nluta mia Lemvokela Malongi ma Nkand'a Nzambi Benefits From Following the Bible's Teaching Finding Treasures "With Him " Muna kuma kiaki, yambula landa diambu divovele muntu lembi yindula, edi dilenda twasa ntatani yovo lukendalalu. - Yobi 6: 3. So overlook any "wild talk " that might result from frustration or discouragement. - Job 6: 3. [ Footnote] Nze kuna Isaele yankulu, o unu mase bafwete siang'e ngolo za vana e mvutu zasikila vava beyuvulwanga oma ma nkubik'a Yave As in ancient Israel, parents today strive to give satisfying answers when asked questions about Jehovah's organization 6: 13 - What is "the priesthood "? Avo ngindwidi mana yavova ye mana yabavanga ye mpila yabavoveselanga, nsoni nkutu dikumpananga. Looking back, I'm ashamed to think of some of the things I said and the way I sometimes treated them. COVER SUBJECT GOD'S WORD Vioka kolo, wantu akaka muna mbanza yayina batambulwila longoka Nkand'a Nzambi. In time, some townspeople accepted a Bible study. " Before our children started walking and speaking, " says the husband, "we were happy to pioneer and to do more in the congregation. Nkia mambu tatu malenda kutusadisa mu kasakesa akaka vava tuvovanga? What three things will help us to encourage others when we speak? He cares deeply about women serving in their country Yave Oyangalelanga e Ngolo Ovanganga Jehovah Appreciates Your Efforts In the eyes of humans, he did not become a Christian. ▪ "Ona wabumba disu, nga ke mona ko e? " - Nku. ▪ "The One forming the eye, can he not look? " - Ps. The dew is Jehovah's blessing. (Tala e tini kia 15) (See paragraph 15) Who will survive the destruction of wicked people, and why is this so important? YESU KRISTU salu kia Longa yo Kitula Wantu S'alongoki kasalanga vava kavovesa alongoki andi vo: "Nutoma tala ngwa nuwa. " JESUS CHRIST was fulfilling his role as the Great Teacher and Disciple Maker when he told his followers: "Pay attention to how you listen. " He did not know that John understood the language and Ukraine. Yazaya wo vo, okwenda mu tukutakanu twawonso kumosi yo nkangu a Nzambi, diafwana kunsadisa mu wuka o ntima ame wabudika yo vua e kanda dina yavavanga. I knew that associating regularly with God's people would heal my emotional wounds and give me the family that I needed. 6: 12 - 18. Ekuma teke kia bulu kiyikilwanga vo " ntinu w'enana '? In what sense is the image of the wild beast "an eighth king "? 50: 7. Zulunalu mosi yasoneka vo: "E vita zitoma bungulanga menga o unu... mu mabundu ziyantikilanga. " One newspaper recently stated: "The bloodiest and most dangerous disputes today... are wrapped in religion. " (b) What work brings joy to God's people? Mpaku ye Ntona Taxes and Conscience During the following meeting, we can do the same. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 17] [ Picture on page 17] At times, we spent many weeks without writing or receiving a letter. 1, 2. (a) Ekuma luvevoko lwa wantu a nza lukulukilanga? 1, 2. (a) What is happening to the world's freedoms, and why? So we must live as if we are in the new world. Kieleka, ka vena vangwa ko kilenda vana nkuma kwa Mvangi wa mpungu - ngolo. Of course, no creature can confer power on the almighty Creator. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 65, 2 Wasadila akazi ankaka, mpangi Tony yo Wendy. He used another Christian couple, Tony and Wendy. What do many people think today, and why is this dangerous for Christians? Nkia lufuluku lwavangama una e mfuluka ya wantu ova ntoto ke yiyantikidi ko? What resurrections take place before mankind in general is raised from the dead? 52: 7; Rom. 10: 15. Kana nkutu zingu kiambote tuna kiau yovo tutoma lunga - lunganga vimpi weto, tuna ye luzolo lwa vevoka muna mpasi za kinunu ye lufwa. Regardless of where we live or how well we guard our health, we need to be rescued from the clutches of suffering, old age, and death. What can you "see " the Father by Jesus ' works? Ekuma? Why? In fact, these practices indicate that we are living in the last days. Longa Wan'aku Teach Your Children How can we help people in the ministry to become Jehovah's friends? Yesu wakudikila vo, avo tuvangidi wo, e lekwa yawonso tukudikilwa yo. Jesus assures us that if we do this, the things we really need will be added to us. At that time, we do well to heed Jesus ' admonition to pray before we face tests and temptations. ◆ Zola Diambu dia Nzambi ◆ Manifesting the fruitage of the spirit Holy spirit helps us to cultivate godly fear that will move us to put Jehovah before us constantly. Nzambi wazola vo wantu bazaya nani i Masia. Muna kuma kiaki, Nzambi yandi wasola Yoane mu sala salu nze kina kia Eliya yo kubika wantu mu tambula Masia. The activity of this foretold "Elijah " was done in harmony with God's will as a means of identifying the Messiah. Some have lost their focus in Jehovah's service, lost their sense of urgency. E kolo kia nkal'a Yesu kizayakana muna mambu mampasi mebwa ova ntoto. Jesus ' presence would be marked by a time of profound troubles here on earth. How does the marriage arrangement affect today? Tulombwanga twazola Nzambi on'okutuzolanga. Our love is a responsive love; we are asked to love the God who loves us. He corrected Job and his three companions who persecuted him. Nze Paulu, tufwete kala ye luzolo lwa wokesa umbakuzi eto wa Nkand'a Nzambi. Like Paul, we need to cultivate eagerness to gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. For example, under the Mosaic Law, the Israelites suffered terrible consequences when they stopped worshipping Jehovah. Kikala nze dina diavangama muna Babele ya nz'ankulu muna mvu a 539 vitila Kristu, vava yabakama kwa makesa ma Amadai ye Aparasi. For example, just such a day came upon ancient Babylon in 539 B.C.E. when it was conquered by the Medes and the Persians. [ Footnote] Wayambula vo mana kawá masimba o ntim'andi, i bosi kamwuka. Then he allowed what he heard to move him deeply. PUBLISHERS (Tanga 1 Yoane 2: 15, 16.) (Read 1 John 2: 15, 16.) He said: "Beloved ones, do not avenge yourselves, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " O UNU, ndonga bemwenanga e fu kia songa lulembamu nze diambu diakondwa mfunu. TO MANY people, it might appear that humility has no place in today's world. After Pentecost 33 C.E., how did new disciples come into harmony with the Father? Tulenda bwilwa mambu malenda soba e zingu kieto. Things may happen that can alter our life dramatically. The account at Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10 is true: "In order that two are better than one... if one of them fall, the other one can raise his partner up. " Yavaulanga ntangwa yafwana mu sadisa abunzi ame ye nsanga zame. I also devoted much time to helping my younger brothers and sisters. Because the brothers were encouraged to engage in the preaching work, many of those who were not interested in this work began to turn away from Jehovah's organization gradually. Diavova vo: "O yimbila nkunga i mpila yambote ya kotesela e ludi muna ngindu ye ntima mia nkangu a Nzambi. " It stated: "The singing of the truth is a good way to get it into the heads and hearts of God's people. " First, this precious hope is in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. Ambasi basemwa ye kiwuntu, fu ya Nzambi yo nswa wakuyisolela. Angels were created with personalities, divine qualities, and free will. Each of these was to be replaced. Kana una vo Yave okutufwilanga e nkenda vava kekutufundisanga, ekuma ka tufwete sumukina ko ye ngindu za sia vo Nzambi okutufwila e nkenda? Although Jehovah is merciful in rendering judgment, why must we not presume upon his mercy? What does the Bible say about this? Yika una wakala o vonga kwa nzo ya Potifa. Describe the grandeur of Potiphar's house as you imagine it. But if you have real hope, it does not mean that God does not care about you. Akuluntu muna nkutakani zeto bakubama kikilu bena mu kutusadisa. The elders in our congregation are especially qualified to help us. It is the wages of sin inherited from Adam's descendants and opened the way for everlasting life. - 12 / 15, pages 22 - 23. NTU A DIAMBU WA FUKWA | NGA E SAMBU KILENDA TWASA NLUTA? COVER SUBJECT | DOES IT DO ANY GOOD TO PRAY? Being clean and good is refreshing to our worship and draw people away from us. Dina tutanganga muna Ayibere 2: 12, 17 diamfunu kikilu. What we read at Hebrews 2: 12, 17 is significant. (a) What scriptures show that Jehovah will undo death? 114: 3 - 7. 114: 3 - 7. If they pray for God's spirit and cultivate the fruitage of the spirit, they will be a blessing to their brothers. " - Psalm 84: 7; 1 Peter 4: 11. Kansi, e ludi i kiaki: Muna ntangwa yayina, Akristu ana bakituka avengomoki batambulwila malongi maluvunu. Muna kuma kiaki, bakota muna Babele Anene. But the truth is that by that time, apostate Christians had accepted pagan teachings, so they had already become part of Babylon the Great. 5 / 1 O Sadila Nzambi i Nlongo Miandi! Praetorian Guard Receives Witness, 2 / 15 Recalling these verses, we can make the psalmist's words: "In the multitude of my slaves I have observed, and your own comfort has touched my soul. " Mawonso divovanga mu Nkand'a Nzambi metukanga. This publication is not for sale. Jesus, who was perfect, chose a place to meditate and pray. - Luke 6: 12. 4: 1. 4: 1. A relative who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses may decide to leave the funeral. Adieyi tuvova avo tumwene vo e diambu batuvangidi diampasi mu vilakana dio? What should we do if it is too difficult for us to overlook an offense committed against us? Psalm 102 also shows how you can regain your joy. Yobi wavovesa awana bayenda kumfiaulwisa vo kele vo yandi wayenda kubavava mu kubafiaulwisa, wadi sadila mvovo mia lukasakeso mu kubayangidika, vana fulu kia sadila mvovo miadi kudikila diaka e mpasi zau. Job told the men who came to comfort him that if he were trying to comfort them, he would have said things to strengthen them and make them feel better, not things to cause them pain. Highlights From Revelation - I, 2 / 15 Wau vo e salu kia Mbangi za Yave kiasimwa, buka yakete - kete twakutakanenanga muna nzo za mpangi, mpangi zakete kaka yazaya. Because of the ban, we met in small groups in private homes and I knew only a few fellow believers. There they went to the region where they could not meet thieves and crossed the bodies of men until they arrived at the city's market, took them off, the water, drink, and drink. Alongoki a Yesu aweyi bakumikinwa mu sila umbangi kuna unkabu? How did Jesus ' persecuted disciples get the courage needed to witness boldly? He is also called "the one who has the power to die. " MUNA miongo mia Lebanone ye Isaele, umosi muna nti mivitanga savuka i nti uyikilwanga vo amande. ON THE hills of Lebanon and Israel, one of the first trees to blossom is the almond tree. What Remember About... 2, 3. (a) Aweyi akaka bemonanga mu kuma kia yimbila mu nding'angolo muna nkutakani? 2, 3. (a) How might some feel about singing out loud with the congregation? How can you avoid this trap? Solola Lusalu " Lwaswekama Muna Yandi ' Finding Treasures "Carefully Concealed in Him " It also gives you an opportunity to see how he cares for you in your life. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] Joseph realized that his brothers had changed. 6: 13 - Nki i " makinu ma Makanaimi '? Jeremiah 6: 1 also mentions the use of such means of communication. How wise they were to believe that Jehovah protected Israel! MALONGI MA DIBUNDU CHURCH TEACHING How can I help him through my problems? ' O yakala wavova vo: "Una wan'eto ke bayantikidi kangala ko yo vova, twabazayisanga e kiese kia sala se mviti a nzila ye kuyivana muna salu ya nkutakani. The husband says: "Before our children could walk and talk, we would speak to them about the joys of pioneering and serving the congregation. • How should a wife treat an unbeliever? Ovuete tambala betoma sadilanga akento kuna nsi au She wears a traditional head scarf Similarly, pursuing full - time service requires effort. Muna meso ma wantu, kafwana kituka Nkristu ko. From a human standpoint, he must have seemed to be one of the least likely people to become a Christian. COVER: Greek - speaking publishers in Rome speak with foreigners in Rome. E kime i nsambu za Yave. Dew is a blessing from Jehovah. As time went by, Andrew and others were well - acquainted with the Bible and were convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah, and we will learn another Bible prophecy about who the Messiah was the Messiah. Aki nani bevuluka vava wantu ambi befwaswa? Ekuma zinina se nsangu zambote? Who will remain when the wicked people are gone, and why is that good news? No, the truth is that Jesus built a church, or congregation, on his own. Kazaya wo ko vo John wabakulanga ndinga y'esi Ucrânia. He did not realize that John understood Ukrainian! 1: 3, 4. 6: 12 - 18. 6: 12 - 18. A person's wickedness is evident in the best way to resolve conflicts. 50: 7. 50: 7. I also believe that Jehovah provides for our needs. (b) Nkia salu kitwasanga kiese kwa nkangu a Nzambi? (b) What satisfaction can God's people enjoy? How does the slave prove faithful and discreet? Muna lukutakanu lulanda, tulenda vanga diau adimosi. At the next meeting, we can do the same with others. The apostle Peter wrote of Jesus ' role in God's purpose: "He [Jesus] first gained knowledge before the founding of the world and was made manifest in your word. " Ezak'e ntangwa, tumingu twayingi twaviokesanga lembi twika yovo tambula nkanda. Sometimes we could not send or receive mail for weeks. Since the young man had "a lack of heart, " he may have had negative feelings. Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete zingilanga nze yeto tuna kala muna nz'ampa. So let us live as if we are already there! The first question is, "What do I want to do in my relationship with Jehovah? " LUKAYA LWA 3 • NKUNGA: 65, 2 PAGE 3 • SONGS: 65, 2 Use What You Learn Adieyi wantu ayingi beyindulanga o unu? Ekuma e ngindu zazi zinina za vonza kw'Akristu? What do you see is the general thinking of people today, and how may this attitude pose a danger for Christians? We wondered, " Will we ever have publications in Tuvaluan only to more than 30,000 people? ' 52: 7; Roma 10: 15. 52: 7; Rom. 10: 15. What efforts do we make to continue preaching the good news of God's Kingdom? Adieyi olenda " mona ' mu kuma kia Se muna mavangu ma Yesu? What can you "see " about the Father through Jesus ' actions? These faithful servants of Jehovah would have helped the Hebrew Christians to endure their trials. Kieleka, o mavangu mama i sinsu kisonganga vo mu lumbu yambaninu tuzingilanga. Indeed, such acts are an ominous sign of the times! What was the purpose of Solomon's temple? Aweyi tulenda sadisila wantu muna salu kia umbangi mu kituka se akundi a Yave? In our ministry, how can we help others to become Jehovah's friends? Although you know our mistakes, we read in the Bible: "If errors were what you watch, O Jehovah, who could stand? " Muna ntangwa yoyo, diamfunu twalemvokela luludiku lwa Yesu lwa samba, una ke twatontelo ko ye muna ntangwa lutonto. We may be asked to do something that violates upright principles. How should Christian elders use their gifts? O mwand'avelela ukutusadisanga mu yima fu kia vumina Nzambi eki kikutufila mu sia Yave vana twina ntangwa zawonso. The holy spirit produces within us a reverent attitude that keeps Jehovah before us constantly. But Paul did not heal everyone he knew. Akaka basianga salu kia Yave va fulu kiantete, bavidisa etima dia sala mu nzaki. Some who at one time gave priority to Jehovah's service lost their sense of urgency. Although the Israelites were born as a dedicated nation, each one must decide whether to serve God. E nkubik'a longo aweyi yivezelwanga o unu? How is the marriage arrangement under attack today? How did King Jonathan's son Jonathan show loyalty to Jehovah? Wasingika Yobi y'akundi andi atatu ana bambangikanga. He corrects Job and his three tormentors. Jonathan and the people of Israel were facing difficult times. Kasikil'owu, muna Nsiku a Mose, Aneyisaele mfwilu miayingi babakanga vava bayambulanga sambila Yave. (Yos. As an example, under the Mosaic Law, the Israelites experienced severe consequences when they veered from their worship of Jehovah. When she accepted the good news, she rejected everything. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] A father also knows what is best for his son and how it can affect others. ATELEKI PUBLISHERS Just as a loving Father cares for his children, Jehovah used his power to protect his people. - Read Exodus 14: 13, 14. Wavova vo: "Azolwa, ke nulandi kunda ko, nusila kaka makasi e nzila: kadi diasonama vo, e kunda, kiame; mono kwame nsenda, i Yave wau. " He states: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " It is also called the antichrist. Vava kiavioka nkinzi a Pentikosti ya mvu a 33, alongoki ampa mu nkia ngwizani bakota yo Se? After Pentecost 33 C.E., the new disciples came into what relationship with the Father? [ Credit Line] This will help you to train your "power of reason " and increase your understanding. Dina diasonama muna Kimpovi 4: 9, 10 dialudi: "O nwole usuvidi mosi,... kadi ovo mosi obwidi, owaka otombola nkw'andi. " How truthful are the words at Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10: "Two are better than one,... for if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up "! After tempting Jesus, Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world and told him: "To you, all this authority and their glory, for it has been given me to everyone I want. " - Luke 4: 5 - 7. Wau vo ntangwa zawonso ampangi bakasakeswanga mu kuyivana mu salu kia umbangi, ndonga mun'awana ke bayangalelanga salu kiaki ko, bayantika bembola nkubik'a Yave malembe - malembe. As emphasis on field service increased, many of such ones gradually withdrew from association with Jehovah's organization. (See opening picture.) Entete, e vuvu kiaki kiamfunu muna ndungana y'ekani dia Yave. Above all, it is central to Jehovah's purpose. We can learn much from Abraham's example. Mafuta mansunga ye desodorizante yovo mum, ka mafwete vingiswa va fulu kia yowela ko. Deodorants and perfumes cannot take the place of good bodily hygiene. " My son looks around in pictures, " says one mother. "and he doesn't want me to turn back. " Adieyi Bibila kivovanga mu kuma kia diambu diadi? What does the Bible say on the matter? (See also the box "The Comfort. ") Kansi, avo vuvu kiaswaswana una kiau, ke disongele ko vo kuna kikilu mfunu ko kwa Nzambi. However, you are not less valuable to God if you have a different hope. In this assignment, we use the Bible, the most precious gift God has given us. Lufwa lwalu i mfutu a tumbu ki'esumu diasambukila mbongo a Adami yo ziula nzil'a moyo a mvu ya mvu. - 15 / 12, lukaya lwa 22 - 23. Also, he paid the penalty for sin inherited by Adam's offspring, opening the way to everlasting life. - 12 / 15, pages 22 - 23. After that, Zechariah saw two women with wings like a wings of wings of wings. O kala wavelela yo kala ye mpwa yambote iviengesanga e nsambil'eto yo tunta o wantu. Clean and dignified personal appearance is a reflection of our worship and often attracts attention. 6 What Is a gift greater than all? (a) Nkia sono ya Nkand'a Nzambi isonganga vo Yave osukisa emvimba lufwa? 7: 24. (a) What are some Bible verses indicating that Jehovah would bring Adamic death to nothing? " I think it would be better if my parents told me that when they were my age, they too would have asked them questions and that it would not be wrong to learn about it. " - Y. Avo balombele mwand'a Nzambi muna sambu yo yima e fu ya mbongo a mwanda, bekala se nsambu kuna kwa mpangi zau. " - Nkunga 84: 7; 1 Petelo 4: 11. If they pray for God's spirit and cultivate its fruitage, they will be a real blessing to their brothers. " - Psalm 84: 7; 1 Peter 4: 11. A few months after their deliverance from the Red Sea, their food started to end. Tulanda Kristu wa Mfidi Ambote, 15 / 5 4 / 1 What Is Armageddon? 10, 11. (a) What opportunity awaits all on earth? Muna sungamena e sono yayi, tulenda kitula e mvovo mia ntozi a nkunga se mieto ona wavova vo: " Muna ulolo wa ngindu zame za mbundu, o fiauzi waku uyangidika moyo ame. ' By taking these to heart, we can echo the words of the psalmist who stated: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own consolations began to fondle my soul. " Prayer helped Janet to have a positive attitude and to maintain his relationship with God. (Nkunga 63: 6) Yesu ona wakala walunga, wasolanga fulu kiavuvama mu badika yo samba. - Luka 6: 12. Jesus, who was perfect, chose quiet places to meditate and pray. - Luke 6: 12. David fled to Jerusalem. E yitu ina vo Mbangi za Yave balenda bak'e nzengo za katuka vana luziku. Then the believing family may decide to withdraw from the funeral. The apostle Paul said that "all Israel would be saved. " O Nkunga 102 usonganga mpe una olenda vutulwisila kiese kiaku. Psalm 102 also shows how you might gain a more positive viewpoint. In fact, it was a fire that killed people in the United States. Sadisa Mwan'aku Kazizidila e Ntantu, Oktoba - Desemba We often did not have time to "get up, even a little. " Bakangala muna zunga kiafwasakana, bakangala mu ndekwa balembi wanana ye mivi yo viokela vana kati kwa mavimbu ma wantu, yavana balwaka kun'evata dia Bothingone, banata loso, macarrão, maza ma nua ye vela. Traveling through devastated terrain, evading looters, and passing by decaying bodies of the dead, the team reached Bothingone with supplies of rice, dried noodles, water, and candles. YEAR BORN: 1952 Oyikilwanga mpe vo "ndiona wina yo nkum'a fwa. " His power is limited when it comes to causing death directly. Read Leviticus 17: 10, 14. Adieyi Tufwete Sungamena mu Kuma kia... What Should We Remember About... Whatever the cause, Satan wants us to stop serving God. Aweyi olenda vengela ntambu wau? How can you avoid being caught in such a downward spiral? Christ has appointed this slave "over all his belongings. " Zikuvananga mpe lau mu mona una kekulunga - lungilanga muna zingu kiaku. It is also an opportunity to see in your own life how he cares for you. To do so, you need to take time to get to know your children, to teach them, and to guide them (Etuku 44: 18 - 34) Yosefe wabakula vo mpangi zandi basoba kikilu. Here, now, was evidence of a changed man. Hence, Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders of his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " (Yosua 9: 3, 9, 10) Diangangu bavanga wau bakwikila vo Yave wataninanga Isaele. It was wise of them to recognize that Jehovah was fighting for Israel. The message found in the Bible is more powerful than anything we can say. Aweyi malenda kunsadisila muna mpasi inuananga zau? ' How is it useful for the problems I face right now? ' But my brothers, who embraced me, threw me away the hearts of the people, saying: " I continue following Jehovah my God. ' " • O nkento aweyi kafwete kadilanga yo yakala wa mundembi kwikila? • How should a believing wife treat her unbelieving mate? The rod made by humans seemed to be valueless, and he became a living living creature in God's power! Diau adimosi mpe, mu kota mu salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa ngolo divavanga. Similarly, reaching spiritual goals requires sacrifice and serious effort. For example, let us consider how he dealt with his faithful servants, such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. FUKWA: Ateleki a nkutakani ya ndinga chinês bemokenanga ye nzenza kuna mbanza Roma. COVER: Italian publishers from the Chinese congregation speaking to tourists in the city of Rome. 3 Seek God's Kingdom, Not the World's Ekolo lumbu yaviokanga, Andere, Petelo y'akaka batoma longoka o Nkand'a Nzambi yo vova ye ziku kiawonso vo Yesu i Masia wasilwa o nsilu. Owau tulongoka ungunza wakaka wa Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga kana nani i Masia. As time passes, Andrew, Peter, and others will have ample opportunity to delve into the Scriptures and will unreservedly declare that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah. When he was afraid of his answer, Jehoram ran away from his car. Nkatu. E ludi i kiaki, Yesu watungila dibundu yovo nkutakani andi muna yandi kibeni. Nevertheless, the fact remains that Jesus unquestionably did build his church, his true congregation, upon himself. 23: 14; Ps. 1: 3, 4. 1: 3, 4. Teach your children about creation. O vanga e mbi kwa muntu, i mpila imonekanga vo yambote muna fokola e ntantani. Paul was also grateful to his brothers, and he loved Jehovah for their good qualities and loyalty to his brothers. Ikwikilanga mpe vo Yave olungisanga e nsatu zeto. I also believe that he grants us the desires of our heart. So he risked his life to defend God's people and dedicate his life to their hands. E ntaudi aweyi kesongelanga vo nkwa kwikizi yo lulungalalu? How has the slave shown itself to be faithful and discreet? For example, we may be single and decide to get married or to have children. O Petelo wa ntumwa wasoneka e fulu kia Yesu mun'ekani dia Nzambi vo: "Oyandi [Yesu] watekelela kikilu o zayiwa vava ke kiasemeno nza ko, kansi wasengomokena kuna nsuk'a tandu muna diambu dieno. " Speaking about the role that Jesus played in God's purpose, the apostle Peter wrote: "He [Jesus] was foreknown before the founding of the world, but he was made manifest at the end of the times for the sake of you. " When he saw that his brothers had repented, he showed himself to them, saying: "Do not be discouraged. Do not be bitterly angry with you because God has spoken to you about you. " Wau vo etoko diodio "diakondwa ntima, " nanga ngindu zambi kakala zau. (Nga. Since he was "in want of heart, " that is, inexperienced, he was likely struggling with wrong desires. Jehovah also tells us what kind of person he is. E kiuvu kiantete tufwete kiyuvula i kiaki: "Dina nzolele vanga aweyi dilenda vanga muna ngwizani ame yo Yave? " Our primary concern should be, "How will my decision affect my relationship with Jehovah? " The Jewish religious leaders used Saul (a) to become Paul, to persecute Christians. Sadila Mana Olongokanga Act on What You Learn If a Christian feels that he can serve God in his way, God's arrangement - a congregation of God's people worldwide and that there is a worldwide congregation of people. Twakiyuvulanga: " Nga tusinga kala ye nkanda muna Tuvaluano, ndinga ivovuanga kaka kwa tezo kia 15.000 ma wantu? ' We wondered, " Would we ever have publications in Tuvaluan, a language spoken by fewer than 15,000 people? ' EVERY tendency: People use the Internet to send more than 1,700 million copies of pornography. Nkia ngolo tuvanganga mu kwamanana samun'e nsangu zambote za Kintinu kia Nzambi? What sacrifices are we making or are we willing to make in order to declare the good news of God's Kingdom with constancy? Paul and I were assigned to the Philippines, but we had to wait several months to receive literature. E mbandu basonga selo yayi yakwikizi ya Yave yadi sadisa Akristu esi Ayibere mu zizidila e mpasi banwananga zau. The sterling example set by those ancient faithful servants of Jehovah would strengthen the Hebrews to deal with the trials and hardships they faced. Some Christians who committed serious sins think that Jehovah would never forgive them. Adieyi i kani katungila e tempelo o Solomo? The temple that Solomon built served what purpose? On the other hand, if you see that your circumstances have helped you to make a dedication to God, you can allow yourself to get baptized. Kana una vo ozeye mpilakanu zeto, tutanganga muna Nkand'a Nzambi vo: "E Yave, kala vo otona bi, e Mfumu, nga nani otelama? " Though he is aware of our mistakes, the Bible says of him: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? " 16, 17. Akuluntu Akristu aweyi bafwete sadila tukau twau? How should Christian elders use their gifts? Can You Explain? Kansi Paulu kawukanga wantu awonso ko ana kazaya. But Paul did not heal everyone he knew. 24: 3 - 41. Kana una vo Aneyisaele mu zula kiakiyekola bawutukila, konso muntu muna yau kafwete baka nzengo za sadila Nzambi. Although the Israelites were born into a dedicated nation, each individual had to make a personal decision to serve God. Although evolution has become so popular, it has become common for many religions and has misled many in the way God views others. Aweyi Yonatane wa mwan'a Ntinu Saulu kasongela e kwikizi muna Yave? How was King Saul's son Jonathan loyal to Jehovah? March 1 - 7, 2010 Yonatane yo nkangu a Isaele mu kolo kiampasi bakala. Jonathan and the people of Israel were in a difficult situation. God's mercy: Because Jehovah loved us so much that he gave us a free gift. Vava katambulwila e nsangu zambote, wabembola mawonso. When he accepted the good news and took up the preaching work, he left all of that behind. " Let the patient talk about their illness, " says the doctor, "and let the patient talk talk about their condition in a way they want to. O se ozeye mpe dina diambote kwa mwan'andi ye una dilenda vanga kw'akaka. A father also knows what is best for his child, and he knows how it might affect others. Some problems come from our imperfect state or in the present system of things. Nze Se dianzodi ona olunga - lunganga wan'andi, Yave wasadila nkum'andi muna tanina nkangu andi. - Tanga Luvaiku 14: 13, 14. Obviously, Jehovah was still the Universal Sovereign, and as a caring Father, he used his great power to protect his people. - Read Exodus 14: 13, 14. With Jehovah's backing and zeal in the preaching work, I received a new congregation, and on June 20, 1948, I was baptized with my father and others who accepted the truth. Diayikilwanga mpe vo antikristu. They were also referred to as the antichrist. If we do so, and by helping a student to develop heartfelt love for Jehovah, he will understand why we should obey him. Ediadi dikusadisa mu longa " ntona ' zaku yo wokesa umbakuzi waku. This will help you to train your "perceptive powers " and to develop discernment. Learning these principles will help all people, including resurrected ones, to see what God wants them to do. Vava katonta Yesu, Satana wamvana yintinu yawonso ya nza yo kumvovesa vo: " Kwa ngeye mvana kio, e wisa kiaki kiawonso, yo nkembo au: kadi kwa mono kiaveno; mvana kio kwa konso ona nzolele. ' - Luka 4: 5 - 7. When tempting Jesus, Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world, saying: "I will give you all this authority and the glory of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it. " - Luke 4: 5 - 7. Although we enjoyed fine season and good food, what we enjoyed most is the joy of seeing honesthearted people enjoy learning what the Bible teaches about God's Kingdom. (Tala fwaniswa kuna lubantiku lwa longi.) (See opening picture.) Your Hope and Life Now Tulenda longoka mayingi muna mbandu ya Abarayama. We can learn much from the example of Abraham. What should move you to get baptized is your love for Jehovah and your desire to serve him with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. - Mark 12: 29, 30. Ngudi mosi wayangalela nkanda wau, wavova vo: "O mwan'ame osianga meso muna fwaniswa, kezolanga nkutu ko vo yavilula lukaya. " " Often my son will fix his eyes on a picture and not want the page turned, " noted one appreciative mother. We can do this by the way we dress. (Tala mpe e babu, "Mvovo mia Lufiaulwisu. ") (See also the box "Soothing Words of Comfort. ") Jesus told his listeners: "If you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " Muna salu kiaki, tusadilanga Nkand'a Nzambi una vo i lukau lwakaka lwamfunu katuvana o Nzambi. In this activity, we make use of the Bible, another of God's splendid provisions. Let us see. I bosi, Zakariya wamona akento wole bakala ye mave nze mave ma nuni a yanga. Next, Zechariah saw two women who had strong wings like storks ' wings. Peter wrote to Christians: "There will be false teachers among you. " 6 Nkia Lukau Lusundidi o Tukau Twawonso? 6 What Is the Best Gift of All? • Why is honoring our brothers and family not a matter of recreation? • "Diadi kala diambote kele vo mase mame bampovesa vo vava bakala mu ntel'ame oyau mpe bayuvulanga e yuvu yayi ye ke diambi kwandi ko mu vava zaya e diambu diadi. " - Lisette, mwisi França. " It would help if my parents would reassure me that when they were my age, they were asking the same questions and that it's normal for me to ask questions too. " - Lisette, France. 10, 11. Vioka tezo kia ngonde mosi tuka kina bakotela muna Makanga ma Sina, madia mau mayantika fokoka. About a month had gone by since they entered the Sinai Desert, and their food supplies were running low. Was Jesus referring to the nation of Israel? 10, 11. (a) Ezunda dia mvu nki'elau divana kw'awonso ova ntoto? 10, 11. (a) The Millennium will afford what opportunities to all on earth? [ Picture on page 24] E sambu kiasadisa Janet mu kala yo nyindu asikila yo tatidila e ngwizani andi yo Nzambi. Prayer helps Janet tame her feelings and nurture her friendship with God. In a similar way, kindness can move us to "speak consolingly to those who weep. " Davidi watina muna Yerusaleme. David is forced to flee Jerusalem. In some areas, the law does not mean that a couple are in the sight of humans, even the governmental authorities. Paulu wa ntumwa wavova vo " Isaele yawonso bevuluzwa. ' The apostle Paul stated that " all Israel would be saved. ' This love can exert a powerful influence on all, rich, or poor. - 1 Tim. Kieleka, twatu i tiya twaluta vonda o wantu kuna Estados Unidos. In fact, more were killed in that fire than in any other fire in the United States. The Watch Tower Society of Zion's Watch Tower began in 1888 C.E., and Brother Russell took the lead. Nkumbu miayingi ke twakalanga ye ntangwa ko " yavunda kana nkutu fiakete. ' We rarely had time to "rest up a bit. " It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. MVU KAWUTUKA: 1952 YEAR BORN: 1952 ▪ Ps. Tanga Fuka 17: 10, 14. Read Leviticus 17: 10. Not at all! Kiakala nkia mpila mpasi kekutumwesanga, edi kazolele o Satana vo twayambula sadila Nzambi. The truth is, whether by means of some frontal attack or through more subtle attacks, Satan has the same goal - to worry us, to weaken our zeal, and to cause us to quit. Because Elisha enjoyed the privilege of serving Elijah's god. Kristu wasia ntaudi yayi e kiyekwa kia "salanganu yandi yawonso. " Christ has appointed this slave "over all his belongings. " Most important, keeping integrity will help us to have a close relationship with Almighty God. - Psalm 15: 1, 2. Muna wo vanga, ofwete vaulanga ntangwa mu toma zaya wan'aku, kubalonga yo kubafila Did Paul feel discouraged because not everyone responded to the good news? Muna kuma kiaki, Yesu wavovesa afidi a nsambila ya esi Yuda a lumbu yandi vo: "E kintinu kia Nzambi kikatulwa kwa yeno, kiavanwa kwa zula kiyima mbongo andi. " Thus, Jesus told the hypocritical Jewish leaders of his day: "The Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " In 2009, Cheri changed her life. E nsangu zina muna Nkand'a Nzambi zisundidi o nkuma wa simba o ntim'a muntu ke mu konso diambu ko tulenda vova. The Bible's message is more powerful than anything we might say to try to reach the heart of another person. During that time, those who were imprisoned were severely persecuted. Kansi ampangi zame ana babàluka yame, baladisi ntima mia nkangu: vo i mono nsidi etima dia landa Yave wa Nzambi ame. " (Yos. And my brothers who went up with me caused the heart of the people to melt; but as for me, I followed Jehovah my God fully. " THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES O nkau wamonekenanga kwa wantu vo má kiakondwa mfunu, wakituka se má kiamoyo muna nkum'a Nzambi! What seemed to others like nothing more than a rod came to life by God's power! He added: "In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " 4: 8) Muna bong'e nona, yambula twabadika una kakadila ye selo yandi yakwikizi nze Abarayama, Isaki yo Yakobo. Consider, for instance, his dealings with faithful patriarchs, beginning with Abraham. To "be courageous " in faith, you need to" search for Jehovah and his strength. " 3 Vavanga Kintinu kia Nzambi, ke Lekwa ya Nza Ko 3 Seek the Kingdom, Not Things However, elders can help a Christian to make good decisions by telling him what Jehovah says. Vava kamona wonga muna mvutu kavewa, Yorame ovilwidi ekalu otinini. Alarmed by this response, Jehoram turned to flee. Pictorial History (Near Eastern History) Est. 23: 14; Nku. 23: 14; Ps. How was marriage from the time of Adam to the Flood? Longa wan'aku oma ma nsema. Draw lessons from creation. Because he is my friend, it would not be easy for him to talk to him. Paulu wavutulanga mpe matondo kwa mpangi zandi. Nkumbu miayingi katondanga Yave mu kuma kia fu yau yambote ye kwikizi kia mpangi zandi. Paul was also very grateful for his Christian brothers and sisters and often thanked Jehovah for their good qualities and faithful service. To fulfill his words, Jesus died as a propitiatory sacrifice for the welfare of his sheep. Muna kuma kiaki, wasia zingu kiandi mu vonza mu tanina nkangu kasol'o Nzambi yo yekola e moyo andi vana moko mau. So she risked her life to protect God's chosen people and thus placed her future in their hands. The mind of the flesh can damage our relationship with God. Kasikil'owu, dilenda kala vo tu ampumpa ye tubakidi e nzengo za sompa yovo za wuta wana. For example, maybe we were single and then we decided to get married. Or we may have children. God also said: "I am Jehovah, and there is no other god to me. " Vava kamona vo mpangi zandi bavilukidi e ntima, wakisunzula kwa yau yo vova vo: "Ke numoni ntantu ko: ke nuyimwena makasi ko muna wau nwanteka kwaku; kadi o Nzambi wampitis'oku ntu yavuluza mioyo. " When it became clear that his brothers had repented, he made himself known to them, saying: "Do not feel hurt and do not be angry with yourselves because you sold me here; because for the preservation of life God has sent me ahead of you. " What blessings do we enjoy when we work hard in God's service? Yave okutuzayisanga mpe mpil'a Muntu kena. Jehovah also tells us what kind of Person he is. Of course, you have a responsibility to punish and discipline your child. Afidi a nsambila z'Ayuda basadila Saulu (ona wakituka se Paulu,) mu bangika alandi Akristu. Religious fanaticism had made Saul (as Paul was formerly known) a violent persecutor of Christ's followers. When I began to engage in many bad practices, I began to believe that I needed to go to the world to see the wonderful works of nature before man destroy the earth. Avo Nkristu oyindulanga vo lenda sadila Nzambi muna mpil'andi, nkubika ina kasikidisa o Nzambi i kevezanga, ya sia vo, vakala ye nkutakani ya nkangu a Nzambi omu nza yawonso ye muna konso zunga yikalanga wantu. If a Christian feels that he can rely just on his own relationship with God, he is turning away from a God - ordained arrangement - that of both the worldwide congregation and the local congregations of God's people. Do you find it hard to answer those who ask God to be cruel? KONSO MINITI: Wantu besadilanga internete betwikanga vioka 1.700.000 ma nsangu za mavangu ma zumba. EVERY MINUTE: Internet users send more than 1.7 MILLION pornographic e - mails. When Solomon's son Rehoboam became king, he asked older men for advice on how to fulfill his assignment. Mono yo mpangi Paul Bruun yo Raymond Leach, twafilwa kuna Filipinas, kansi diavava vo twavingila ngonde zayingi mu tambula e nkanda. Paul Bruun, Raymond Leach, and I were assigned to the Philippines, but we had to wait several months for our visas. That is what our family did in the 1930 ' s and 1940 ' s. Akristu akaka ana bavanga masumu mampwena beyindulanga vo Yave kalendi kubaloloka ko. Some Christians who committed a serious sin have even felt that Jehovah can never forgive them. Because the earth has the power to repair everything that is necessary for life. Kansi, avo mwene vo e mpila zingu kiandi kikumfwanisanga mu kala nlongoki ye wakiyekola kwa Nzambi, olenda yambula vo kavubwa. If, however, his life course gives proof of discipleship and he has indeed dedicated his life to God, you may feel that you can allow him to get baptized. He said: "I did not believe these things until I came and see my eyes. " 16, 17. 16, 17. He judged them as his slaves, and in 1919, he appointed them over all his belongings. Nga Olenda Sasila? Can You Explain? Since Ittai is described in the Bible, it is clear that Jehovah values and blesses faithful ones. - Heb. 24: 3 - 41. 24: 3 - 41. • What can a wise wife do to help her husband? Kana una vo elongi dia lunungunuku akwa ngangu za nza basoka dio, ditoma yangalelwanga muna mabundu mayingi yo bendomona wantu ayingi mu mpila ina bebadikilanga Nzambi y'akaka. Though evolution is usually presented in scientific language, it has become almost a secular religion, affecting how people view God and others. There was no pain that could have been able to stop the work. 1 - 7 Malusu, 2010 March 1 - 7, 2010 This love would be a sign that would identify with others. Nkenda za Nzambi: Wau vo Yave watoma kutuzola, watuvana lukau lwangovo. God's undeserved kindness: Jehovah loved us so much that he gave us a free gift. " THE TRUE OF THE TRUE OF THE TRUE " Ana Katalifós, dotolo owukanga kimbevo kia ntu wavova vo: "Yambula vo mbevo bavova oma ma kimbevo kiau muna mpila ina bazolele. " Allow patients to talk about their illness when they want to and at their own pace, " says Ana Katalifós, a clinical psychologist. [ Picture on page 26] Mpasi zakaka muna kiwuntu kieto kialembi lunga zitukanga yovo mu tandu kiaki tuzingilanga. Some trials are due to our own imperfections or are a consequence of the system of things in which we live. Job suffered many hardships. Muna lusadisu lwa Yave yo vema bakala kwau muna salu kia umbangi, baziula nkutakani yampa. Kina kia 20 kia Yuni, 1948, yavubwa kwa se diame muna nkoko kumosi ye akaka ana batambulwila e ludi. On June 20, 1948, my father baptized me in a mountain stream, along with others who had accepted the truth, including Billie Nichols and his wife. Even if a husband does not do all that his wife commanded, listening to the feelings of a wife can help him to make wise decisions. Kele vo tuvangidi wo, yo sadisa nlongoki kakala ye zola muna Yave, ozaya ekuma tufwete kunlemvokela. As we do this and endeavor to cultivate love for Jehovah in the person's heart, he may see why he should obey Him. (Matt. O longoka e nkanikinu miami disadisa wantu awonso kumosi ye awana befuluka mu zaya dina Nzambi kazolele kwa yau. By studying these, all people, including resurrected ones, will be able to know what God wants for them. Moreover, as you work with your children in the ministry, they will see how they can explain these things to others. Kana una vo twayangalelanga nsungi zambote ye bundu ye madia mayingi mambote, edi twatoma yangalelanga i mona wantu a ntima miambote bazolanga longoka dina Nkand'a Nzambi ulonganga mu kuma kia Kintinu kia Nzambi. Although we enjoyed pleasant temperatures and exotic fruits and vegetables, our true joy was that humble people who yearned for Bible truth were learning about God's Kingdom. That is why it is important for a child to be called the child's representative to be viewed as precious to his child and parents. E Vuvu Kiaku ye Mpila Zingu Ozinganga Owau Your Hope and Your Life Now 4 - 6. Edi difwete kufila muna vubwa i zola kwaku muna Yave y'etima dia kunsadila muna nsi a ntim'aku yawonso, fulumwinu, nyindu, yo mun'efuka diaku diawonso. - Maku 12: 29, 30. Instead, you get baptized because you love Jehovah and want to serve him with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. - Mark 12: 29, 30. Jesus knew that the great tribulation would take place during his presence, but he said: "Do not let them drop. " Tulenda wo vanga muna mpil'eto ya vwatila. We therefore take seriously the Bible's inspired counsel to wear well - arranged and modest clothing. If there are 40 people, 30, 10, will he only destroy the city? Yesu wavovesa awana banwanga vo: "Oyeno nuna yo bi, ovo nuzeye o vana tukau twambote kwa wan'eno, o Tata kun'ezulu, nkia nduta kelut'o van'o mwand'avelela kw'awana bekunlomba. " Jesus told his listeners: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " " Parents, Parents, teach Your Children From Love, "" Do Not Allow Evil and Suffering " to End. Yambula twazaya. Let us see. Many Offered Themselves Willingly - Making Work Petelo wasonekena Akristu vo: "Omo yeno mukal'alongi aluvunu. " Addressing fellow Christians, Peter wrote: "There will also be false teachers among you. " Early in his ministry, the prophet was given this tree in vision. • O zitisa mpangi zeto y'esi nzo eto ekuma ke dinina diambu dia sakana ko? • Explain why dignifying our brothers and family members is a serious matter. But this is very different from those who follow Christ's leadership. 10, 11. 10, 11. The following verses show that love is the most important quality. Nga e selo kayika o Yesu i zula kia Isaele? Was the nation of Israel the slave about whom Jesus spoke? Meditating on God's promises moves us to appreciate them and strengthen our confidence in the fulfillment of these promises. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 24] [ Picture on page 24, 25] I also invited many religious leaders into my home to defend Bible teachings that Bill taught. Diau adimosi, e ngemba zilenda kutufila mu " didis'awana bedilanga. ' Likewise, our empathy may move us to "weep with people who weep. " My mother also taught me how to pray to Jehovah. Muna fulu yakaka, o nsiku ke uvavanga ko vo akazi bakala va ndose a wantu, kana nkutu kwa luyalu. In certain places, the law may not require a couple to get married in any ceremony, even before a government agent. At times, it may be good for us to do the same. O zola kwaku kulenda vukumuna awonso, amvwama yovo asukami. - 1 Tim. The root of the problem may have been "the love of money, " which can have a bad effect on anyone, rich or poor. - 1 Tim. Why? E Sociedade de Tratados da Torre de Vigia de Sião yayantika muna mvu wa 1884. Mpangi Russell yandi wavitang'o ntu. So Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was legally formed in 1884, and Brother Russell became the president. This account is found in Hosea chapter 1. Dikasakesang'o wantu mu kala yo lukwikilu muna Yesu Kristu ona wafwa kimana twavua moyo a mvu ya mvu. Owau, Yesu oyalanga se Ntinu muna Kintinu kia Nzambi. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. The passing of time, you can make a name for a child by making it clear to family members and friends wherever there is a difference. ▪ mpasi muna mwanda Nku. ▪ spiritual health Ps. Their endurance benefited. (Luv. So it proved to be. In Bible times, many people had the opportunity to see and hear how God helped Israel. E kuma kadi Elesa wayangalelanga elau kavewa kwa nzambi dia sadila Eleya. Evidently because Elisha appreciated his God - given privilege of ministering to Elijah. [ Picture on page 23] Edi disundidi o mfunu, kala nkwa ziku dikutusadisa mu kala ye ngwizani ambote yo Nzambi wa Mpungu - ngolo. - Nkunga 15: 1, 2. The most important benefit, though, is that honesty wins us the friendship of Almighty God. - Psalm 15: 1, 2. First, follow Paul's admonition: "You have come to know the more important things. " Nga Paulu wakendalala wau vo ke awonso ko batambulwila nsangu zambote? Was Paul disheartened because not everyone accepted the good news? How can we make the spiritual paradise a paradise? Muna mvu wa 2009, Cheri wasoba e zingu kiandi. In 2009, Cheri's whole situation in life changed. Angels, angels, under the influence of God's authority at the beginning of human history. Muna kolo kiaki, awana bakala mu pelezo mpasi zayingi bamweswanga. This time the imprisonment was very severe. 11, 12. NSONEKI A LUSANSU WA NLEMBAMI UNASSUMING HISTORIAN " The word of God is alive and exerts power, " wrote the apostle Paul. - Heb. Wakudikila vo: "Muna ngyenda zaku zawonso untadila, Oyandi osingika nzila zaku. " He added: "In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight. " " Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. He will not leave the righteous one forever. " - PSALM 55: 22 Muna " kumama ' muna lukwikilu, ofwete " tomba Yave yo nkum'andi. ' To "grow mighty " in the faith, you must" search for Jehovah and his strength. " In this article, we will learn how we can imitate his courage and discernment. Kansi, akuluntu balenda sadisa Nkristu mu baka nzengo zambote muna kunzayisa dina Yave kevovanga. However, the elders can share what Jehovah says in order to help a Christian make a wise decision. To help you reach your goals, see the box on pages 308 - 308 of Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. No doubt, what David saw in his shepherding work helped him to understand Jehovah's undeserved kindness through his loyal servants. Aweyi wakala longo tuka muna lumbu ya Adami yamuna Kizalu? What is the history of marriage from the time of Adam to the Flood? But when the resurrected Jesus spoke to him on the road to Damascus, Saul succumbed to knowledge. - Acts 9: 3 - 6. Wau vo mpangi ndiona nkundi ame, ke diadi kala diampasi ko muna kwenda mokena yandi. Since the brother was my personal friend, it would have been easy for me to speak to him. So let us show genuine love for Jehovah God. Muna lungisa mvovo miandi, Yesu wafwa se kimenga muna wete dia mameme mandi. Some names have been changed. O nyindu a nitu ulenda fwasa ngwizani eto yo Nzambi. Why? " Because the minding of the flesh means enmity with God, for it is not under subjection to the law of God, nor, in fact, can it be. How did the Mosaic Law help God's people in the past? Nzambi wavova mpe vo: "Omono i Yave, ke vena wakaka ko; ke vena nzambi akaka oku ngina ko. " God also stated: "I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. He said: "They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so. " - Acts 17: 11. Nkia nsambu tuvwanga vava tusalanga ye fululu kiawonso muna salu kia Nzambi? What blessings come from remaining active in the ministry? When he arrived in 29 C.E., the judgment of the nation of Israel was near. Dialudi vo, mbebe una yau ya tumba yo longa mwan'aku. True, you have an obligation to discipline and teach your son. In any case, Jesus answered Satan by using the Bible that describes Jehovah's name. Vava yateka kuyivana mu mavangu mayingi mambi, yayantika kwikila vo e diambu diamfunu mfwete vanga muna zingu kiame i kangala mu nza muna mona masivi ma nsema vitila wantu bafwasa e nza. After observing various lifestyles and movements, I became convinced that the best thing I could do with my life was to use it to explore this beautiful planet before humanity destroys it. Each day, we should ask Jehovah to guide our thoughts, words, and actions by means of his spirit. Nga diampasi kwa ngeye mu vana e mvutu kwa awana beyuvulanga kana vo Nzambi nkwa nsoki? Or do you find yourself unable to give an answer to those who wonder if God is cruel? 12, 13. Vava Rekabame wa mwan'a Solomo kakituka se ntinu, walomba luludiku kwa mbuta za wantu mu mpila kalenda lungisila kiyekwa katambula. When Solomon's son Rehoboam became king, he asked the older men for advice on how to handle his new assignment. By means of Jehovah's spirit, they "were sealed up until the day of judgment. " I diau diavanga esi nzo eto muna mvu mia 1930 ye 1940 vava yakala nleke. Our family had experienced that in the 1930 ' s and 1940 ' s while I was growing up. " When problems arise, " says A South Korea, "I feel that if I pray about these things, I also have the strength to endure. " E kuma kadi o ntoto una yo nkuma wa vangulula e lekwa yawonso ina o mfunu muna zinga. Because of its amazing ability to recycle or exchange the products vital for life. He told Moses that the actions of the Israelites would bring good results or bad to the generation. Wavova vo: " Kiakwikila mo ko mambu mama yavana ngizidi, o meso mame mamwene mo. ' (2 Tus. " I did not put faith in their words, " she said, "until I had come that my own eyes might see. " With all my family today Wabatonda nze ntaudi zandi, i bosi, muna mvu a 1919, wabasi'e kiyekwa kia salanganu yandi yawonso. He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or "slave, " and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings. Purpose of Study Articles Wau vo Itai oyikwanga muna Nkand'a Nzambi, i ziku kisonganga vo Yave oyangalelanga yo sambula akwa kwikizi. - Ayib. Ittai's inclusion in the inspired record is proof that Jehovah recognizes and rewards such loyalty. - Heb. However, he did not use that power to benefit himself or harm others. • O nkento angangu adieyi kalenda vanga mu sadisa nkaz'andi? • What can an exemplary wife do to be supportive of her husband? (Read Psalm 133: 1.) Ke vakala ntantu ko wafwana ningamesa salu kiaki. No opposition was able to halt it. Jehovah's sovereignty and God's Kingdom * O zola kwaku i sinsu kiadi kubaswaswanesa y'akaka. Their love for one another would be so extraordinary that it would be an identifying mark. What did she ask? EDOME " OKENDONWA YAKWELE MVU ' If " a man gets sick before he is aware of it, ' those who are spiritually mature are trying to " break up the truth with the one who is in a spirit of mildness. ' [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 26] [ Picture on page 26] You can get relief from depression that can hurt you Yobi mpasi zayingi zambwila. Job experienced extreme pressures. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Kana nkutu vo yakala kevanga mawonso ko kelombwanga kwa nkaz'andi, o wá e ngindu za nkento dilenda kunsadisa mu baka nzengo zambote. Even if he cannot always do what she asks, listening to her can help him make better decisions. So keep strengthening your love for Jehovah and trust in him. (Mat. (Matt. What will we discuss in this article? Vana ntandu, ekolo nusalanga kumosi yo wana muna salu kia umbangi, bemona una balenda zayisila mambu mama kw'akaka. Then, when your children accompany you in the ministry, they see a living example of putting such conversations into practice. Jesus spoke to his disciples, whom he taught by means of God's Word in the ministry. I dianu vo o nkinzi wau uyikilwanga vo nsunzul'a mwana kwa wantu ubadikilwanga wamfunu kikilu kwa mwana ye mase mandi. Therefore this rite of passage, sometimes called outdooring of the child, is thought to be of tremendous consequences for the child and his parents. For example, the apostle Peter referred to Paul's letter and comes to them and "the wall of the Scriptures. " 4 - 6. 4 - 6. Now we are living in the final fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy. Yesu wazaya wo vo mpasi zayingi zibwa muna kolo kia ngiz'andi, kansi wavova vo: "Ke nububula ko. " Jesus acknowledged that there would be problems during the time of his presence, but he said: "Do not be terrified. " Later, my missionary partner and I graduated from Gilead School, and then we were assigned to South Africa, where we served as missionaries until now. Avo vasolokele wantu 40, 30, 20, 10, nga ofwasa kaka e mbanza? 40? 30? 20? 10? Similarly, it is important for the bride to ask themselves if she is ready to do what is required of a wife. Mambu malongokwa mu lumbu iviokele i mama: "Mase, Nulongela Wan'eno Muna Zola, "" Ke Nuvutula Muntu Mbi Muna Mbi Ko " ye "E Mpasi se Zifokoka. " Subjects recently considered include: "Parents - Train Your Children With Love, "" Return Evil for Evil to No One, " and "Why All Suffering Is Soon to End. " □ Both showed humility. - Num. Ndonga Bayivana Kuna Mvevo mu Nungununa e Salu Willing Hands Contribute to the Expansion He touched the man, something that no human had done. Kuna lubantiku lwa salu kiandi, o ngunza wasongwa nti wau muna mona - meso. At the start of his ministry, the prophet was shown in vision an offshoot of that tree. • What privilege do we have in God's image? Kansi, ediadi diaswaswana y'awana belemvokelanga mfil'a Kristu. However, the effect of Christ's leadership on those who submit to it is quite different. 2. E tini ilende isonganga vo, zola i fu kisundidi. The context in the verses that follow shows that this was the surpassing way of love. What does dedication to Israel mean to God? O badika nsilu mia Nzambi dikutufilanga mu yangalela mio yo siamisa vuvu kieto muna ndungan'a nsilu miami. We can be sure that doing so will help us to build trust in his promises. He told them: "Do not God explain things? Yabokelanga mpe afidi ayingi a dibundu muna nzo ame muna vunisa malongi ma Nkand'a Nzambi kalonganga Bill. I also brought many religious ministers to my home to prove Bill wrong. This led to one brother who said: "We have never felt that we would have such freedom. " O ngw'ame mpe wandonga una mfwete sambilanga kwa Yave. Mum also taught me how to pray to Jehovah. Jehovah's servants in Bible times prayed in a variety of ways, and their prayers were heard by Jehovah. (2 Samuele 19: 24 - 29) Ezak'e ntangwa, dilenda kala diambote kwa yeto mu vanga diau dimosi. At times, it may be wise for us to do the same thing. But he also shows that he loves the person who has sinned and wants to benefit himself. Ekuma? For what purpose? PARTIES: Christ's followers. Lusansu lwalu luna muna nkand'a Osea kapu kia 1. The setting for this drama is found in Hosea chapter 1. In our conscience, we may realize that we have done something wrong. E kolo kiviokanga muna vanga o nkinzi wa van'o mwana e nkumbu yo kumvaikisa kumbazi mu kunsonga kwa yitu ye kw'akundi, yaswaswana muna konso fulu. While the waiting period may vary according to locality, it ends with a child - naming ceremony, in which the child is brought outdoors and is formally presented to relatives and friends. Christians who do not have riches need to avoid "the wicked one, " remember that anyone can become proud, rich, or poor. - Mark 7: 21 - 23; James 4: 5. Luzindalalu lwau lwatwasa nluta. Their endurance was rewarded. No, for Paul told Timothy to " win the fine fight against the fine fight of the faith ' and turn away from" the holy ones that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " Kuna nz'ankulu, wantu ayingi bakala ye lau dia mona yo wá una Nzambi kasadisila Isaele. In the past, many people had the opportunity to see and hear how God helped Israel. Why were Christians warned that they did not offer sacrifices to the Roman gods? [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 15] [ Picture on page 26] Clearly, we should constantly ask for holy spirit. Rebaptism, 2 / 15 For example, we will tell Daniel what prophecies he wrote, but he did not understand it! - Dan. Diantete, landa luludiku lwa Paulu: "Nwazaya oma masundidi o mfunu. " First, follow Paul's advice: "Make sure of the more important things. " " I love to play more than my son, " says I, who lives in South Africa. Aweyi tulenda viengesela paradiso ya kimwanda? How can we make the spiritual paradise more beautiful? (b) What is faith? E nkwiya, mbasi zina zatelamena wisa kia Nzambi kuna lubantiku lwa lusansu lwa wantu. Demons are angels who rebelled against God's authority early in man's history. (b) How can obedience to the daughters of Zelophehad help single Christians to get married? 11, 12. 11, 12. [ Picture on page 29] Paulu wa ntumwa ona wakala ye fu kia sadila Nkand'a Nzambi wasoneka vo: "E diambu dia Nzambi diamoyo ye nkuma. " - Ayib. " The word of God is alive and exerts power, " wrote the apostle Paul, who made it his custom to reason from the Scriptures. - Heb. 9, 10. " Yekek'ezitu diaku kwa Yave, yandi okusikina: keyambula nsongi kanikunwa ko yakwele mvu. " - NKUNGA 55: 22 " Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter. " - PSALM 55: 22 Knowing this, I was disappointed. Mu longi diadi, tuzaya una tulenda tanginina unkabu yo umbakuzi wandi. In this article, we will learn how to imitate his example of courage and discernment. Indeed, Ezra's inspired words indicate that "the word of God is alive and exerts power. " - Hebrews 4: 12. Muna kusadisa walungisa makani maku, tala e babu kina muna lukaya lwa 308 - 309 muna nkanda Os Jovens Perguntam - Respostas Práticas, Volume 2. To help you set goals, we have a worksheet on pages 308 and 309 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2. When they meditate on the preaching work from house to house, some of us think, " It is impossible to do it. ' Kondwa lukatikisu, mana kamona Davidi muna salu kiandi kia kimvungudi, mansadisa mu bakula e nkenda za Yave muna selo yandi yakwikizi. No doubt David's own experience as a shepherd made him feel all the more deeply Jehovah's tenderness toward His faithful ones. I am devastated by his death, but knowing that in Jehovah's memory, I have been comforted. Kansi vava o Yesu ona wafuluka kavovana yandi muna nzil'a Dameseke, Saulu wavungukw'o zayi. - Mavangu 9: 3 - 6. But Saul came to his senses when the resurrected Jesus miraculously spoke to him on the road to Damascus. - Acts 9: 3 - 6. Obey Your Conscience 2: 2, 3) Muna kuma kiaki, yambula twasonga zola kwakieleka muna nzila zansongi za Yave wa Nzambi. Let us, therefore, manifest a genuine love for Jehovah God's upright ways. " Look! My servant,... whom my soul has approved. " - ISA. Nkumbu zakaka zasobwa. Some names have been changed. But remember, the gift of free will is a gift, but it also brings responsibilities. Aweyi o Nsiku a Mose wasadisila nkangu a Nzambi kuna nz'ankulu? What overall purpose did the Law serve? SONGS: 89, 89 Wavova vo: "Batambulwidi e diambu kuna mvevo a ntima, e lumbu yawonso bafimpidinge e Sono, o mambu mama, kana wau mena. " - Mav. 17: 11. This was the attitude that the ancient Beroeans demonstrated when Paul shared the good news with them: "They received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. " - Acts 17: 11. We should " seek God's wisdom as treasures. ' - Prov. Vava kayiza muna mvu wa 29 wa Tandu Kieto, lufundisu lwa zula kia Isaele lukufi lwakala. When he came in 29 C.E., a time of judgment for the nation of Israel had drawn close. He himself referred to himself as "the only - begotten Son of God. " Muna konso ntonta, Yesu wavutulanga Satana muna sadila sono kia Nkand'a Nzambi eki kiayikanga e nkumbu a Yave. In each case, Jesus answered Satan by quoting scriptures that contained Jehovah's personal name. But when we talk about what we say about life, we show that we have faith in Jehovah's promises. E lumbu yawonso, tufwete lombanga kwa Yave kimana kafila ngindu, mvovo ye mavangu meto muna mwand'andi. On a daily basis, we should entreat Jehovah to guide our thinking, speech, and actions by means of his spirit. What a joy those words must have been for Timothy! 12, 13. 12, 13. To care for Jehovah's Witnesses today, Christian overseers shepherd the sheep more than the sons of Israel. Mu mwand'a Yave " basilwa dimbu yamuna lumbu kia kûka. ' It was with Jehovah's spirit that they had been "sealed for a day of releasing by ransom. " (b) What might cause us to be zealous in the ministry? Hee Ran wa musi Coréia do Sul wavova vo: "Vava ibwilwanga mambu mampasi, avo nsambidi mu kuma kia mambu mama imonanga vo mpevokele, ivuanga mpe nkuma wa zizidila. " Hee Ran, from South Korea, says: "Even though I have serious problems, once I pray about them, I feel relieved of the burden and I feel I have the power to endure. " Abson / AFP / AFP / Getty Images Wakanikina Mose vo mana mavanganga Aneyisaele, madi twasa wete yovo mpasi kwa mbandu zilanda. He cautioned Moses that future generations could be affected, for good or for bad, by what the Israelites did. He also showed what a person should do when he is spiritually sick. - Jas. Ye kanda diame diawonso o unu Photo by Keith Trammel © 2000 Luke 6: 35 states: "[God] is generous toward the unthankful and wicked. " Ekani dia Malongi ma Longoka Purpose of Study Articles From then on, he did not want to talk to me anymore. Kansi, kasadila nkuma wau muna wete diandi ko yovo mu mwesa akaka e mpasi. Do not the miracles Christ performed show the tremendous power he had at his disposal? Of course, no one wants us to be influenced by people, but we should remember that Christians have different laws and people in the world. (Tanga Nkunga 133: 1.) (Read Psalm 133: 1.) This is much better than motivated them to think that we have no hope for them, and there is nothing we can do to help them. Kimfumu kia Yave ye Kintinu kia Nzambi * Let us be determined to use Jehovah's help so that we can " keep the pattern of healthful words " that we hear. Adieyi kalombanga? And what did he demand? Some may question his or her feelings. Avo " muntu obakamene mu'kuzuka, una kazeye wo ko, ' ana bazikuka muna mwanda bevavanga " ludikila ndiona wina wau muna mwand'alembama. ' If "a man takes some false step before he is aware of it " - as though caught off guard - spiritually qualified men try to" readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness. " We should not think that it was too much time before this happened. Olenda vevoka muna nkenda zasaka zilenda kosomona You can shed the burden of excessive guilt He thinks that his friend was guilty of harming him. Diambu dia Yave Diamoyo Jehovah's Word Is Alive [ Picture on page 14] Muna kuma kiaki, kwamanana siamisa zola kwaku muna Yave yo kumbundanga e vuvu. So keep strengthening your love for Jehovah and your trust in him. " Speak the truth with someone. " Adieyi tubadika mu longi diadi? What will we now discuss and review together? (See paragraphs 10, 11) Yesu alongoki andi kavovela, ana kalonga o sadila Diambu dia Nzambi muna salu kia umbangi. Jesus was speaking about his disciples, whom he taught to use the Scriptures in their ministry. Jehovah God Shows Respect for Especially Muna bong'e nona, Petelo wa ntumwa wayika nkanda miasoneka Paulu yo wizanisa mio ye "yaka Sono mpe. " For example, the apostle Peter referred to the letters of Paul and put them on par with "the rest of the Scriptures. " The Bible is inspired of God. Owau mu ntangwa ndungana yansuka ya ungunza wa Yesu tuzingilanga. We are living during the time of the final fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy. Today, we preach the Kingdom message to give others the opportunity to learn what God will do for mankind in the future. Kuna kwalanda, mono yo Aarhonda twakota Sikola ya Ngiladi. I bosi, twafilwa kuna Panama, i kuna tusadilanga se misionario yamu wau. In time, Aarhonda and I attended the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and were assigned to Panama, where we continue to serve as missionaries. This miracle gives us confidence that Jehovah and Jesus care about mankind. Diau adimosi, diamfunu mpe kwa ndumba mu kiyuvula kele vo wakubama kena mu lungisa dina divavwanga kwa nkento yovo ngudi. Likewise, a young woman does well to ask herself if she is prepared for the responsibilities of being a wife and mother. (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) □ Yau ewole lulembamu basonga. - Nta. □ Both displayed meekness. - Num. The donor receives an income - tax deduction for the year in which the gift annuity is established. Waviakana muntu ndioyo, diambu dina vo ke muntu ko wavanganga dio. He touched the man, something that no one else would do. He told those who were not under the Mosaic Law not to judge or ignore their brothers. • Nki'elau tuna diau wau twavangilwa muna mpw'a Nzambi? • Being made in God's image gives us what opportunities? If " you consider yourself before he answers, ' you will carefully choose his words and not be quick to say. 2. 2. AS A wise King Solomon of ancient Israel observed, "time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all. " O kuyiyekola kwa Isaele kwa Nzambi, adieyi kwasonganga? What did being dedicated to God mean for Israel? After we learned Portuguese in one year, I began to serve as a circuit overseer. Wabazayisa vo: "Ke Nzambi ko osasilanga mambu? He assured them: "Do not interpretations belong to God? Will he never do anything? Ediadi diafila mpangi mosi mu vova vo: "Ke twalotanga dio ko vo tusinga kala ye luvevoko lwalu. " No wonder that one brother exclaimed, "We never even dreamed we would see such freedom! " The Bible contains Jehovah's perfect laws, principles, and principles. Selo ya Yave kuna nz'ankulu, mambu ma mpila mu mpila balombanga, e sambu yau yawakananga kwa Yave. Patriarchs prayed about a variety of matters, and they were favorably heard by Jehovah. That was exactly what I did. Kansi, osonganga mpe vo ozolanga ndiona wasumuka ye wete diandi ovavanga. However, you are also showing that you love the wrongdoer enough to do what is best for him or her. He was born in a large family. LUDI YOVO SAVU: SAVU. STATUS: MYTH. He tells those who refuse to follow his ways: "You choose what is not pleasing to me.... Muna ntona zeto tulenda bakula vo diambi tuvangidi. Your conscience may tell you that you have fallen short in your conduct. 24: 7. Akristu ana ke bena ye mavwa ko bafwete venga e "ntal'ambi, " yo sungamena vo konso muntu olenda kituka nkwa lulendo, kakala mvwama yovo nsukami. - Maku 7: 21 - 23; Yakobo 4: 5. Those Christians who are not rich should avoid having "an envious eye, " and they should remember that haughtiness can develop in anyone - rich or poor. - Mark 7: 21 - 23; James 4: 5. Why does God allow suffering? Ve, kadi Paulu wavovesa Timoteo vo " kanwan'e ndwan'ambote a lukwikilu ' yo vengomoka "muna mawazawaza manzengenga, ye mpaka za zayi una uyikilu vo zayi kuna luvunu. " No, for Paul urged Timothy to "fight the fine fight of the faith " and turn away" from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " During those trips, we had a lot of alcohol, drugs, and violence. Ekuma Akristu babangikilwanga wau vo ke bakelanga yimenga ko kwa nzambi za esi Roma? Why were Christians persecuted for refusing to sacrifice to the gods of Rome? How to Maintain Good communication Kieleka, tufwete lombanga mwand'avelela ntangwa zawonso. Indeed, we should constantly pray for holy spirit. In prayer, we can praise Jehovah and thank him for his goodness. Kasikil'owu, tuzayisa Daniele e nsas'a ungunza una kasoneka, kansi kabakula wo ko! - Dan. Imagine what a joy and privilege it will be to help them - for example, to explain to Daniel the fulfillment of the prophecies he wrote down but did not understand! - Dan. " The members of the body, which are weak, are valuable and necessary. " - 1 COR. Ian, ona ozingilanga kuna África do Sul wavova vo: "Omono, sakana yazolanga lutila mwan'ame Vaughan. " I was far more interested in sports than my son Vaughan was, " says Ian, who lives in South Africa. Showing Kindness Helps Us to Know God (b) Nki i lukwikilu? (b) How would you define faith? NO MORE FROM DEATH (b) O lemvo wasonga wan'amakento a Selofekade aweyi ulenda sadisila Akristu ampumpa muna diambu dia sompa? (b) How might the obedience of Zelophehad's daughters affect a single Christian's view of marriage? How does English help us in Jehovah's people? [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 29] But Jael saw how the Canaanites treated her people, and she realized that she needed to do something. 9, 10. 9, 10. By studying and imitating his example, we can imitate Christ as "the Son of God. " - Eph. Ozaya e ziku kia diambu diadi, diankendelekanga kikilu. This realization made me sad. At the age of 26, Kojo was not interested in sports, but he also became an active club, which only a few people could get to it. Kieleka, e mvovo miavumunwinwa mia Ezera misonganga vo " e diambu dia Nzambi diamoyo ye nkuma. ' - Ayibere 4: 12. Indeed, Ezra's inspired words furnish clear proof that "the word of God is alive and exerts power. " - Hebrews 4: 12. It is not wrong for older ones to feel discouraged when they cannot do their best when they are young. Vava bebadikanga e salu kia sila umbangi mu nzo ye nzo, akaka mu yeto beyindulanga vo: " Kilenda kio sala ko. ' When contemplating the prospect of preaching from house to house, more than a few of us once thought, " That is something I could never do. ' This does not mean that we should always show mercy. Itoma kendalalanga kikilu mu kuma kia lufwa lwandi, kansi o zaya vo una muna nyindu a Yave, dikumfiaulwisanga. I miss him very much, but knowing that he is in Jehovah's memory comforts me. What a joy it will be when my health comes to my health! Lemvokela E Ntona Zaku Responding to Your Conscience Lesson: Since God approves of people of all sorts, we should not judge people by their race and appearance. " Tala ntaudi ame,... ndion'o moyo ame umwenanga wete. " - YES. " Look! My servant,... whom my soul has approved! " - ISA. Do you not agree that to receive God's blessing, we must not seek our own selfish desires and stop serving Jehovah? Kansi, tusungamena vo o nswa a kuyisolela i lukau lwampwena, kansi mpe mbebe utwasanga. Still, do not forget that free will is a responsibility as well as a gift. They were determined to keep that covenant in full control of its arrangements and to live in harmony with its requirements. NKUNGA: 89, 140 SONGS: 135, 81 Should that stop Christians from preaching? Tufwete " vavanga e ngangu za Nzambi nze tusalu twaswekama. ' - Nga. We should " keep searching for godly wisdom as for hid treasures. ' - Prov. We enjoyed visiting a large group of brothers. Yandi kibeni wakiyikila vo "Mwan'amosi a Nzambi. " He referred to himself as "the only - begotten Son of God. " God's faithful servant Nehemiah urged the Israelites against enemies: "Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Kansi vava tuvovelanga mana tulakukilwanga o moyo, tusonganga vo tukwikilanga muna nsilu mia Yave. But when we talk about what we look forward to, we show that we have faith in what Jehovah has promised. The word "tender affection " means to be kind. Ekwe kiese miakala e mvovo miami kuna kwa Timoteo! How happy those words must have made Timothy! " All the things I heard from my Father, " he said. (Luvaiku 33: 13) Muna lunga - lunga Mbangi za Yave za tandu kiaki, akengi Akristu bevungulanga mameme masundidi o sakalala ke mu wan'a Isaele ko. In caring for Jehovah's modern - day Witnesses, Christian overseers shepherd a far more humble flock. Rather than focusing on the world's affairs, can you plan your steps to help you have more opportunities to serve Jehovah? (b) Adieyi dilenda kutufila mu kala ye vema muna salu kia umbangi? (b) What will motivate us to be zealous in the ministry? ▪ What the Bible teaches: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - Psalm 83: 18. Abrahamson / AFP / Getty Images Abrahamson / AFP / Getty Images How can we show love for family members? Wasonga mpe dina kafwete vanga o muntu una ye kimbevo kia mwanda mu sasuka. - Yak. He also outlines the steps anyone spiritually sick should take in order to recover. - Jas. I thought that if Father said that the Trinity doctrine is true, it is true. Muna Luka 6: 35 tutanganga vo: "[Nzambi] mvevodi (yovo nkwa ngemba) kuna kwa ntokozi, yo kuna kw'akwa bi. " " [God] is kind toward the unthankful and wicked, " states Luke 6: 35. (See opening picture.) Tuka wauna, kazolanga diaka mokena yame ko. He did not want to have any more discussions with me. Consider what Jehovah does. Dialudi vo ke vena muntu ko ozolanga vo kavengwanga kwa wantu, kansi tufwete sungamenanga vo Akristu nsiku miaswaswana bena miau ye mia wantu a nza. True, none of us like to be unpopular, but we must bear in mind that Christians have standards that are different from those in the world. 9: 16. Ediadi disundidi o wete, ke mu kubafila ko mu yindula vo ke tuna ye vuvu ko muna yau, ke vena diaka ye dina tulenda vanga ko mu kubasadisa. That is so much better than conveying the impression that we have given up on them, whereupon they may give up on themselves. [ Picture on page 10] Yambula twabaka nzengo za sadila lusadisu kevananga o Yave kimana twalenda "lund'e mbandu a mambu mavimpi " mana tuwanga. Let us be determined to take full advantage of Jehovah's provisions so that we can "keep holding the pattern of healthful words " that we have heard. One reason why many young people in the world have engaged in bad practices is that they do not have "a vision, " that is, they do not have God's guidance or hope for the future. Akaka balenda katikisa e ngindu zandi. It would be presumptuous for others to take issue with his feeling. King Solomon said: "In the morning sow your seed and do not let your hand rest; for you do not know where this will have success, either here or whether both of them will be good. " Ka tufwete yindula ko vo ntangwa yayingi diaka isidi vitila diambu diadi diavangama. We should not assume that much time is needed before that happens. On the other hand, those who do not drink the water of life "will run with salt, " that is, be destroyed forever. Oyindulanga vo o nkundi andi mu lukanu kamvangila e mbi. Someone who shares Bill's view, however, sees himself as an unsuspecting victim and might be deeply bitter and resentful. How faith - strengthening it must have been for Enoch! - Gen. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 14] Amwangi a nsangu bavaikisa ntu a diambu wavovanga vo: "Violência na Mídia do Entretenimento, " (Nsoki muna nsaka zisongwanga muna televizau.) " E nsaka zisongwanga muna televizau i ziwokesanga e ngindu za sia vo, nsoki i mpila ya singikila mambu. Wantu ambote ye wantu ambi, nsoki besadilanga. " An essay published by the Media Awareness Network entitled "Violence in Media Entertainment " observes:" The notion of violence as a means of problem solving is reinforced by entertainment in which both villains and heroes resort to violence on a continual basis. " Today, too, many people spend their time. " Nuvova ludi, muntu yo muntu yandi. " " Speak truth each one of you with his neighbor. " How are anointed Christians to be a people for Jehovah's name? (Tala tini kia 10, 11) (See paragraphs 10, 11) One angel said: "Come, you virgins, the Lamb's wife. " Yave wa Nzambi Ozitisanga e Ola Jehovah - A Punctual God Jehovah's organization wants interested people who want to serve wherever they need and do their work even if they do not know what to do. Nkand'a Nzambi wavumunwinwa kwa Nzambi. The Bible is inspired by God. Of course, discussing sex with your children is one of God - given responsibilities for parents. O unu, tusamunanga e nsangu za Kintinu mu vana akaka e lau dia longoka dina Nzambi kesinga vanga mu kuma kia wantu kuna sentu. Today, we preach the message about the Kingdom to give people an opportunity to learn what God will do for mankind in the future. In 1922, this group was held at a convention in Cedar Point, Ohio. E sivi diadi dikutusonganga e ziku vo Yave yo Yesu betokanenanga wete dia wantu. This miracle convinces us that they care deeply about people's feelings. 20: 5, 6, 15, 17. (Tanga Mavangu 4: 29 - 31.) (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) 21 Our Readers Ask Tukau twatu twamvevo tuwokesanga luyangalalu ye kiese kiau mu zaya vo bevananga kina balenda. In exchange, the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. It may be difficult to make sure that what you are doing will not be easy, make mistakes, or natural disasters. Wavovesa kw'awana bamonanga vo ke bakala diaka kunsi a Nsiku a Mose ko balembi fundisa yovo veza mpangi zau. He told those who understood that they were not under the Mosaic Law not to look down on their brothers. Yes, for they are completely destroyed, so those who do not exercise faith in God "are weak. " Avo " otekele badika vitila kavana e mvutu, ' otoma sola e mvovo miandi ye ke vova mu nzaki zawonso ko. If she "meditates before answering, " she will carefully choose her words and not speak hastily. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 87, 75 NZE una Solomo wa Ntinu angangu kuna Isaele yankulu kamona, "e kolo ye mambu ma kinsalukisa mebwilanga [yeto] awonso. " (Kim. AS WISE King Solomon of ancient Israel observed, "time and unforeseen occurrence befall [us] all. " By putting forth effort to put up "the spirit of our heart, " that is, the inclination of our heart, we can change our personality and replace our thinking with negative thoughts. Vava twalongoka Kimputu mu mvu mosi, yayantika sala e salu kia kinkengi a zunga. After a year of learning Portuguese, we began to do circuit work. How Do the Dead Help Us? Nga kesinga vanga diambu ko? Will he fail to act? When she moved to Moab and returned to Judah, she said: "Do not call Naomi [my undeserved kindness] to me, for I am sorry for the Almighty. (Nkunga 19: 7, 8) O Nkand'a Nzambi uvwidi nsiku mialunga mia Yave, malongi mansongi, ye nkanikinu miavelela. The Bible contains Jehovah's perfect laws and upright orders, his trustworthy reminders and clean commandments. Moreover, despite our efforts to obey God's commands, we are often persecuted by the wicked. - 2 Tim. I diau kikilu yavanga. And that is exactly what I did! Then you can enjoy life in God's new world and benefit from all gifts of God's undeserved kindness. Muna kanda diampwena kawutukila. She also had a large family there. Highlights From the Book of First Kings, 11 / 15 Ovovesanga awana ke bazolele landa nzila zandi ko vo: "Nusolele edi ke dingyangidikidi ko.... He tells those who do not follow his guidance: "You chose what displeased me.... Therefore, when I am weak, I will show you mercy by means of the things I am powerful, yes, by the things that I am weak, because I am powerful. " 24: 7. 24: 7. " Your Father Is Merciful " Ekuma Nzambi keyambulwilanga e mpasi? Why has God allowed suffering? Yes, refusing to talk to each other only makes it difficult for it to resolve problems. Muna nkangalu miami, twanuanga malavu mayingi ma nkolwa, fomo zangolo yo nwana yo wantu a buka yakaka. Those trips featured heavy drinking, drug abuse, and occasional violent fights with supporters of the opposing team. In the month, I studied the Bible with about 15 or 20 people. Aweyi Nulenda Kadila ye Mbokena Zambote? Communication - How to Make It Meaningful Paul said that children, children, and family members have the primary responsibility to care for elderly ones. Muna sambu, tulenda kembelela Yave yo kumvutula matondo mu kuma kia wete wandi muna yeto. In heartfelt prayer, we can praise Jehovah and thank him for his goodness to us. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. " E yîkwa ya to, ina ibanzilwa vo ilutidi tovoka, ina yo mfunu. " - 1 KOR. " The members of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary. " - 1 COR. So we can be sure that soon after the war of Armageddon, righteousness will be done on earth. O Songa Walakazi Dikutusadisanga mu Toma Zaya Nzambi Describe how Jehovah blessed Abraham. MAYELA KE MEKALA DIAKA KO NO MORE SICKNESS The government changed our thinking about our meeting. Aweyi Kingelezo kisadisilanga muna salu kia nkangu a Yave? How has English affected the work of Jehovah's people? Instead of relying on Jehovah, Caiaphas, on his own wisdom and on his friend Pilate. Kansi, Yaele wamona una esi Kenani babangikilanga nkangu andi, wabakula vo diambu kafwete vanga. Clearly, she saw the wickedness of the Canaanite oppression in the land; likely she also saw that she had a choice before her. Ask questions also. Muna longokanga yo tanginina e mbandu andi, tulenda fwanana yo Kristu nze "atanginini a Nzambi. " - Ef. By studying and imitating his example, we can become more Christlike as "imitators of God. " - Eph. I read it on one night! Muna kimbuta kia mvu 26, Kojo kazolanga kaka nsaka za karaté ko, kansi wakituka mpe se mbangu muna nsaka zazi yo lwaka mu tezo kia tambula mpond'a ndombe, ina vo akete kaka belendanga lwaka muna tezo kiaki. At 26 years of age, not only does he love karate but he is good at it, having risen to the level of a black - belt fighter, a status that few have or will ever attain. One of my uncle's mother was working in a government that threatened me to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ke diambi ko vava anunu bekendalalanga wau vo ke belendanga diaka sala ko mawonso bavanganga vava bakala aleke yo vimpi wambote. It is not unusual for the elderly to be deeply grieved by their inability to accomplish all that they were able to when they were younger and healthier. Under God's Kingdom, people are no longer interested in these things. Diadi ke disongele ko vo tufwete songanga e nkenda e ntangwa zawonso. This does not mean that it is always appropriate to show compassion. 1: 9. Ekwe kiese ikala kiau vava mvutukila o vimpi wame! How I longed to regain my physical health! But who is "the Most High " mentioned here? Elongi: Wau vo Nzambi otondanga wantu a mpila zawonso, oyeto mpe ka tufwete swaswanesanga wantu ko mu kuma kia se kia nitu ye mpw'au yaswaswana. Lesson: If God accepts people from all backgrounds, we should not discriminate against others just because their skin color or their facial features differ from ours. Why should free will not motivate us to disobey God? Ekuma dinina diamfunu? Nga kukwikidi ko vo muna lenda vwa nsambu za Nzambi, katufwete vavanga zolela ya yeto kibeni ko yo yambula sadila Yave? Do you not agree that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah's worship? The Philistines attacked the army near that city. (Mika 4: 1 - 5) Babak'e nzengo za kwamanana simbinina ekangu diadi muna yangalelang'e nkubika zandi yo lemvokela mana masikidiswa mun'ekangu diadi. They are determined to continue to lay hold of that covenant by accepting its provisions and obeying its requirements. Solomon built these altars on a mountain near Jerusalem, where he built Jehovah's temple. Nga ediadi difwete sima Akristu mu sila umbangi? Should that deter Christians from preaching? He asked for permission to test Job again. Twakala ye kiese kia kingula buka yakala ye mpangi basalanga kwayingi. We enjoyed visiting isolated groups, where brothers welcomed us with a schedule packed with activity. The battle against the Canaanites ended. Nekemiya wa selo kia kwikizi kia Nzambi wawondelela Aneyisaele ana bavumiswa kw'atantu vo: "Ke nubamoni wonga ko: nuyindula Mfumu, oyu wina vo nene yo bubwilwa. " God's faithful servant Nehemiah urged his fellow Israelites, who were under pressure from opposers: "Do not be afraid on their account. Jehovah the great and the fear - inspiring One keep in your mind. " This showed that God's request for something that no human could give. O mvovo "walakazi " usongele vo kala ye ngemba. The word "tender " describes gentle and caring emotions. 19, 20. (a) What helped Paul to benefit from his ministry? Wavova vo: " Mawonso yawá kwa S'ame, inuzayisi mo. ' " I have made known to you all the things I have heard from my Father, " he said. Some parents think that to get baptized, their child needs to complete school and get a good job. Vana fulu kia kuyivana muna mambu ma nza yayi, nga olenda sikidisa e ntambi zaku mu kusadisa wakala ye malau mayingi muna salu kia Yave? Rather than pursue worldly goals, why not firmly establish "your ways " before Jehovah by sharing in the pioneer ministry? - See the box" Gaining Benefits Unattainable at the University. " To prepare people for the work, Gilead School was established in 1943. ▪ Nkand'a Nzambi adieyi kelonganga: "Nge kaka wina nkumbu a Yave, u Mpungu omu nza yawonso. " - Nkunga 83: 18. ▪ What the Bible teaches: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - Psalm 83: 18. How did some serve God in order to accomplish his purpose? Aweyi tulenda songela o zola kuna kwa esi nzo? How can we manifest love within the family? WHEN a person speaks to us, we can listen to his voice and understand the tone of voice. Yayindulanga vo avo papa ovovele vo e longi dia Nzambi mu Tatu dialudi, disongele vo dialudi kikilu. No wonder that for many Catholics the teaching of apostolic succession is the most important teaching, since the correctness or incorrectness of other Catholic teachings hinges on it! Jesus taught his disciples to remain neutral in politics (Tala e fwaniswa kuna lubantiku lwa longi.) (See opening picture.) When the Israelites murmured, whom did they murmur? Badika dina Yave kevanganga. Consider what Jehovah has done. Paul wrote: "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and errors of men, who are misleading the truth. " 9: 16. 9: 16. What blessings will be enjoyed during Christ's Thousand Year Reign? [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 10] [ Picture on page 23] Our preaching work invited us wherever we were. Kimosi muna kuma aleke ayingi omu nza bekivaninanga mu mavangu mambi i lembi kala ye "mona - meso, " i sia vo ke bena ye luludiku lwa Nzambi ko ngatu kala ye vuvu kiasikila kia kusentu. One reason that many young people in the world are unrestrained and live for fleshly pleasures is that they have no "vision " - no divine guidance or sure hope for the future. The New Birth - What Will It Mean? Solomo wa Ntinu wavova vo: "E menemene kuna mbongo, o masika kuvweni ko: kadi kuzeye wo ko eyi ivangama, yovo yayi yovo yayina, yovo yau ayole yavangama kumosi. " (Kim. King Solomon said: "In the morning sow your seed and until the evening do not let your hand rest; for you are not knowing where this will have success, either here or there, or whether both of them will alike be good. " The New Birth - What Is Its Purpose? Kuna diak'esambu, awana balembi nua maza ma moyo, " kwa mungwa bevewa, ' i sia vo, fwaswa emvimba. On the other hand, those who do not accept the life - giving water will be " given to salt ' - destroyed permanently. Consider some of the words of the word. Ekwe unkabu kasonga Kanoke! - Etu. What boldness Enoch displayed! - Gen. 5, 6. (a) What is involved in maturity? O unu mpe, wantu ayingi befwasanga ntangw'au. Today, many similarly waste their time. In time, "the spirit was being poured out, even though they were alive. " Aweyi Akristu akuswa benena se nkangu muna nkumbu a Yave? How have the anointed shown themselves to be "a people for [Jehovah's] name " today? This faithful slave provides an excellent example of " following the Lamb no matter where he goes. ' Mbasi mosi wavova vo: "Wiza, ikusong'e ndumba, o nkaz'a Mwan'ememe. " An angel once said: "Come here, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife. " Yes, he did! E nkubik'a Yave akwa luzolo lwambote ivavanga ana balenda sadila konso fulu bavuilu o mfunu yo sala konso salu balombelo kana nkutu vo ke bazeye sala e salu kiakina ko. Jehovah's organization always needs people who are willing to serve wherever they are needed and who will do whatever they are asked to do even if they have experience in a different type of work. When James Iscariot found that wall in North Africa, he did not know that there was a great city in the ancient city of Philippi, which was the city of Timgad. Dialudi vo o mokena oma ma kikento ye kiyakala yo wan'aku, i mosi muna mbebe kavan'o Nzambi kwa Mase. Really, talking to your children about sex is part of your God - given responsibility as a parent. Yes, we honor people if we are ready to show our faith in humility. - 1 Peter 3: 15. Muna mvu wa 1922, mama wakala muna buka kia wantu 18.000 bakala muna lukutakanu kuna Cedar Point, Ohio. In 1922, Mom was among the some 18,000 who attended the convention at Cedar Point, Ohio. For example, Jehovah's Witnesses obey the Bible's command to preach to others. 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. Yes! 21 Yuvu Y'atangi Eto What he heard about Jehovah touched his heart and relied on Jehovah, the God of Israel. Dilenda kala diampasi mu sia ngindu mu konso salu kesala kana nkutu ke kiampasi ko, yo bwa mu mpilakanu yovo sumbula yayingi. Performing simple tasks may be so stressful that mistakes are made or accidents occur. (a) When did Jesus appoint "the faithful and discreet slave "? Elo, kadi kiamwangana emvimba, muna kuma kiaki awana ke bekwikilanga muna Nzambi ko " ke bena ye vinza ko. ' It is so clear that those who do not see it and who thus refuse to believe in God "are inexcusable. " However, some students may find it difficult to hear every Bible account. LUKAYA LWA 3 • NKUNGA: 87, 75 PAGE 3 • SONGS: 87, 75 But this did not stop God's purpose. Muna sianga ngolo za vangulula " mwand'a ntima mieto, ' i sia vo makani ma ntima mieto, tulenda soba kiwuntu kieto yo vingisa e ngindu zambote vana fulu kia ngindu zambi. By making the effort to transform " the force actuating our mind, ' that is, the dominant inclination of our mind, we can change our personality from one that is overly negative to one that is positive. The appendix contains some practical advice from God's Word, such as these: "What is the Meaningful meaning of life " and" the Spirit "? E Mianda Miambi Aweyi Mivangilanga Mpasi? How Wicked Spirits Cause Harm What will you do? Vava katuka kuna Moabe yo vutuka kuna Yuda, wanionga vo: " Ke nungikila Naomi ko [Kiese Kiame], nungikila Mara [Ndudi]; kadi mandudi kampangidi o Mpungu - ngolo. When she returned to Judah from Moab, she lamented: "Do not call me Naomi [" My Pleasantness, " ftn.]. Call me Mara ["Bitter, " ftn.], for the Almighty has made it very bitter for me. Jehovah made all the images of worship that I had. Vana ntandu, kana una vo tusianga ngolo za lemvokela nkanikinu mia Nzambi, ntangwa zayingi, tubangikwanga kw'ayadi ambi. - 2 Tim. Moreover, as we quietly strive to live by godly standards, we often become the target of persecution by arrogant rulers. - 2 Tim. We should care about them and do good things for them. Muna mpila yayi, olenda vwa e vuvu kia sala yo moyo muna nz'ampa ya Nzambi yo baka e nluta muna tukau twawonso twa Nzambi yakwele mvu. Then you will have the hope of surviving into God's new world, where you will be able to enjoy all of God's gifts forever. It is your God - given responsibility to you, to your parents, and to make a confession to you. Anasi Oyikwanga Muna Nsangu Zambote, Abidi - Yuni Fishermen (Bible times), 8 / 1 For example, the book of Luke mentions seven governments - who were mentioned by the scribes - indicating how Jesus began his ministry. - Luke 3: 1, 2, 23. I dianu ngyangalele muna tutovoko, muna mambu manduvu, muna nkondwa, muna mbangama, muna nkendalala, e kuma i diambu dia Kristu: kadi ovo ntovokele, ozevo nkumamene. " Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in cases of need, in persecutions and difficulties, for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am powerful. " My violent lifestyle became my way of life. " S'eno Nkwa Nkenda ' " Your Father Is Merciful " Because God had spent 400 years among the Canaanites to change their bad ways. Elo, olembi mokena yo nkw'aku, mpasi kaka diwokesanga, e fu kiaki ke kisadisanga ko muna singika diambu dibwidi. Yet, refusing to talk to each other only heightens tension and does little to solve the problem at hand. Each week, Brother Russell gave a Bible talk to the media. Muna ngonde, yalongokanga e Bibila ye tezo kia 15 yovo 20 ma wantu. I had 15 to 20 Bible studies. I left home and moved to the city of Columbus, Ohio. Paulu wavova vo o wana, atekolo ye yitu bena vo Akristu, yau bena ye kiyekwa kiantete kia lunga - lunga ampumpa bena vo anunu. He made it plain that believing children, grandchildren, and other relatives of elderly widows were to be the primary providers. But each day, I longed for my husband and daughter. Dikasakesanga o wantu mu kala yo lukwikilu muna Yesu Kristu ona wafwa kimana twavua moyo a mvu ya mvu. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. How did they make such friends? Muna kuma kiaki, tulenda kala ye ziku vo vava kifokoka vita ya Armangedo, unsongi uwokela ova nza. Thus, we can be absolutely confident that when Armageddon is over, divine justice will have prevailed. As the writer's words indicate, many have discerned that humans were created with a desire to get to know God. Yika una Yave kafiaulwisila Abarayama. Describe Jehovah's comforting attitude toward Abraham. Jon: I see everything you say until now. O luyalu wasoba e ngindu mu kuma kia lukutakanu lweto. Approval for our convention was canceled. Martha had great faith. Vana fulu kia bunda Yave vuvu, Kayafa mu ngangu za yandi kibeni ye za Pilato wa nkundi andi kabundang'e vuvu. To put this lesson in a present - day setting, imagine that one of your family members becomes sick in the middle of the night. Jesus showed compassion for people while on earth. O yuvula e yuvu mfunu mpe dina. Asking questions is also important. David said: "The spirit of Jehovah was speaking through me, and his word is upon the tongue. " - 2 Samuel 23: 2. Yatanga wo mu fuku umosi! I first read it through in just one night! He knows that the meetings make me happy. Mosi muna ngudi zame za nkazi, wasadilanga mu luyalu, wambangikanga ntangwa zawonso mu kuma kia nzengo zame za kituka se Mbangi a Yave. One of my uncles, who was a prominent member of the government, constantly criticized me for my decision to associate with the Witnesses. No doubt Ezekiel was impressed by what he saw in that vision. Muna Kintinu kia Nzambi, wantu ke betokanena diaka mambu mama ko. The prophet Micah wrote: "They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble. " - Mic. What can we learn from Moses ' mistake? 1: 9. 1: 9. However, in Judah there will be no "King of rule. " - Ezekiel 19: 14. Kansi, nani i "Mpungu " oyikilu vava? Who do you suppose is "the Most High "? But we should remember that when we meet to worship Jehovah, this sacred convention was sacred. Ekuma o nswa wa kuyisolela ke ufwete kutufidila ko mu kolamena Nzambi? Why does free will not give us the right to rebel against God? But what we know about Jesus and what his words indicate will help us to understand what Jesus was trying to say. Afelesetia bavanga e ndo ya makesa vana kati kwa mbanza zazi. The Philistines camped between those towns, somewhere on the hillsides facing you. Jehovah's Witnesses invite you to visit a Kingdom Hall in your area so that you can have peace and unity. - Psalm 133: 1. Solomo watunga maziku mama vana mongo wakala mantalani ye Yerusaleme, muna katungila e tempelo a Yave. Solomon even built these altars on a mountain just in front of Jerusalem, where he had built Jehovah's temple! He taught them about God's Kingdom and performed miracles to show them what would happen under God's Kingdom. Walomba nswa wa tonta diaka Yobi. On the contrary, he demanded that Job be put to another severe test. The Bible tells us what we should do to gain peace of mind: "He that is covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but he that is confessing and leaving them will be shown mercy. " Lubangamu lwa esi Kenani lwafokoka. The Canaanite oppression was over at last. Let us consider some of God's promises found in the Bible. (Fuka 5: 7, 11) Ediadi diasonganga vo o Nzambi kalombanga kina o muntu kalendi vana ko. This shows that God did not demand what was beyond the offerer's reach. (a) What questions should we ask ourselves? 19, 20. (a) Nki kiasadisa Paulu mu baka nluta muna salu kiandi kia umbangi? 19, 20. (a) Why was Paul effective in bearing witness? Because Jehovah proved faithful to his friend Abraham, he promised him: "You will come down from the king. " - Gen. Mase mankaka beyindulanga vo muna vubwa o mwan'au kafwete fokola tanga sikola yo baka salu kiambote. Some parents think that it would be best for their child to get baptized only after he gets some advanced education and has a good career. That gift will result in life. - Romans 5: 17; read Luke 22: 28 - 30. Muna kubika wantu muna salu kiaki, e Sikola ya Ngiladi yasikidiswa muna mvu wa 1943. To prepare for such a development, Gilead School was opened in 1943. He told the brothers in Corinth: "For the great tribulation and the heart of my heart I will write you to you, and I will not cause you pain, but you will know how much I love you. " Aweyi akaka basadila kumosi yo Nzambi muna lungisa kani diandi? How did others work with God to accomplish his will? As foretold, "the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin preached against Jesus and put him to death. " VAVA muntu kemokenanga yeto, tulenda wá e nding'andi yo bakula e zú dia ndinga. A PERSON may hear the sounds of someone speaking to him. He may even note the tone of voice. " Be blessing the distinction between the righteous and the wicked. " - ftn. 3: 18. Yesu walonga alongoki andi mu kuyivambula emvimba muna mambu ma tuyalu Jesus taught his disciples to remain completely neutral Jesus said: "In the third place, on the earth the Son of man will sit on his glorious throne, and you will sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. " Vava Aneyisaele bayidima, nani bayidiminanga? When the Israelites complained, against whom was their murmuring really directed? We strengthen our faith by praying for holy spirit, by regular Bible study, meeting attendance, meeting with our brothers, and sharing in the preaching work Paulu wasoneka vo: "O makasi ma Nzambi mesengomonwa kun'ezulu, muna luvezo yo vilwa wawonso wa wantu, ana bevukwilang'e ludi. " Paul wrote that "God's wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth. " Before "the great tribulation " comes upon us, we too suffer hardships, money, or food. Nkia nsambu bevwa alembami muna Luyalu Lw'ezunda dia Mvu lwa Kristu? What blessings will obedient mankind experience during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ? Moreover, when he created the first human pair, he gave them qualities similar to that of helping them to cooperate with one another. E salu kieto kia umbangi kiatufilanga konso fulu. Our ministry, however, took us everywhere. But personal study and the ministry helped me to succeed. O Wutuluka Nki'ekani Kulungisa? The New Birth - What Does It Accomplish? (b) What can we learn from Jehovah's dealings with Aaron? O Wutuluka Adieyi i Kani Diandi? The New Birth - What Is Its Purpose? powers: Jesus used his Father's power to add food to his Father's food. Wá e miaka mvovo miazala ye nsasa. Consider a few examples of sayings rich in meaning. Sadly, when a servant of Jehovah makes decisions that reflect his confidence in Jehovah and his strength to fulfill his promises. 5, 6. (a) Adieyi divavwanga mu kala wazikuka muna mwanda? 5, 6. (a) What does spiritual maturity involve? Those Who Are Those Who Love Him Kuna kwalanda, " o mwanda wabakota, bakedi una (yovo moyo). ' Later, "breath came into them, and they began to live. " " He cared for Them as His Child " Buka kiaki kia ntaudi akwikizi mbandu ambote kisonganga ya " landa Mwan'ememe konso kuna kekwenda. ' As a group, the slave class has established an excellent record of "following the Lamb no matter where he goes. " What a lie! Elo, walungisa wo. Absolutely! Satan the Devil is the source of all evil things. Vava James Bruce wa musi Escócia kasolola e yaka yayina muna mvu wa 1765 kuna Node ya Afrika, kazaya wo ko vo muna nsi a ntoto mwazikwa mbanz'ampwena yatungwa kwa esi Roma. E mbanza yayi i mbanz'ankulu ya Thamugadi, o unu iyikilwanga vo Timgad. When Scotsman James Bruce made this discovery in 1765, he did not realize that he was actually standing above the ruins of the largest Roman settlement ever built in North Africa - the ancient city of Thamugadi, now called Timgad. This meant that some publishers were assigned to another congregation, to change congregations, and to the brothers taking the lead. (Etuku 9: 3, 4; Mavangu 15: 28, 29) Elo, tuzitiswa kwa wantu avo tukubama mu songa e kuma kia lukwikilu lweto kuna lembama kwawonso. - 1 Petelo 3: 15. Yes, as slaves of God and of Christ, we stand out as different. However, we may well win people's respect if we are prepared to defend our beliefs respectfully. - 1 Peter 3: 15. He may even have hurt them, but Noah was not afraid of people. Muna bong'e nona, Mbangi za Yave belemvokelanga nkanikinu wa Nkand'a Nzambi wa samuna e nsangu zambote kw'akaka. For example, they follow the Bible's command to preach to others. 1, 2. (a) What warning do many people experience? Elo! Yes! Since then, he has used various methods to disrupt our unity. (Yosua 2: 11) Mana kawá mu kuma kia Yave masimba ntim'andi yo bunda vuvu kwa Yave wa Nzambi a Isaele. The reports she had heard about Jehovah were enough to teach her at least this much: Israel's God was worthy of her trust. Like Jesus, we show our love for God by obeying him. (a) Nkia ntangwa Yesu kasola "ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu "? (a) When did Jesus appoint "the faithful and discreet slave "? Fellow believers are still divided by this teaching: The theory of evolution, the body, the body, the body of men, and the religious leaders. Kansi, dilenda kala diampasi kw'alongoki akaka mu wá lusansu lwawonso lwa Nkand'a Nzambi. Without a full explanation, some Bible accounts may be too difficult for schoolchildren to understand. The three examples we have considered clearly show that Jehovah knows how to deliver his people. 3: 16 - 19) Kansi, ediadi ke diavunzanesa ekani dia Nzambi ko. But that did not mean God's purpose had failed. Far from it! We may appreciate God's standards, but how will we respond if "the elders " mentioned us? E nkudika yayi ivwidi malongi mamfunu ma Nkand'a Nzambi nze oma: "Ayeyi i Nsasa Yakieleka ya Mvovo Miami - " Moyo ' yo " Mwanda ' "? The appendix contains essential Scriptural subjects, such as "" Soul ' and " Spirit ' - What Do These Terms Really Mean? " What responsibility do we have when we know what Jehovah will do? Adieyi ovanga? How will you react? Do you think of the privilege of becoming a regular pioneer? Yaveta e teke yawonso ya nsambila yakala yau. I even got rid of all the religious images I had. The Thousand Year Reign will bring blessings to the people: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Tufwete kubatokanenanga kikilu yo vanga mavangu mambote muna kuma kiau. Instead, we should show active concern for them by performing positive works. Help Your Children to Read Mbebe una yau kwa Nzambi, kwa mase maku ye kwa ngeye kibeni ya funguna konso diambu diambi ovangidi. You really owe it to God, to your parents, and to yourself to confess any wrongdoing. Saul, who also persecuted Christians, became the apostle Paul. Kasikil'owu, o nkand'a Luka uyikanga ayadi nsambwadi - ana bayikwa mpe kw'asoneki a tusansu - muna songa o mvu una Yesu kayantika e salu kiandi. - Luka 3: 1, 2, 23. For example, Gospel writer Luke mentions seven ruling officials - whose names have been corroborated by secular historians - in order to establish the year Jesus began his ministry. - Luke 3: 1, 2, 23. However, God allows the serpent to bruise him first in the heel of the woman's "seed. " Evangu dia nwana diakituka se mpila zingu kiame. Violence became a way of life for me. What Ezra wrote in the book of First Chronicles helped the Israelites to do more in Jehovah's service at the temple. E kuma kadi Nzambi wateka vana 400 za mvu kwa esi Kenani mu soba mavangu mau mambi. Because the Canaanites had been given 400 years to correct their wicked ways. (Luke 10: 1 - 24: 53) Konso lumingu, mpangi Russell watwikanga longi dimosi dia Nkand'a Nzambi kwa amwangi a nsangu. Each week Brother Russell sent a Bible talk to a news agency. He even tried to tempt Jesus. Yavaika muna nzo yo kwenda zingila kuna mbanza Zanesville, Ohio. I left home and went to live in nearby Zanesville, Ohio, but I traveled back and forth to encourage my family. Draw Close to God Kansi, lumbu yawonso yakalanga y'etima dia nkaz'ame yo mwan'ame. However, every day I yearned for my husband and child. We need to be careful not to use the Bible to intimidate people. Aweyi bavangila kikundi kiaki? How are such friendships formed? They trust in Jehovah's ability to provide for their daily needs. - Matt. Nze una usonganga mvovo mia nsoneki ndioyo, ndonga bebakulanga vo wantu bavangwa y'etima dia zaya Nzambi. Concerning what some call humans ' innate desire to worship, it has been said: "We should stand in awe, amazement and reverence to see the universality of man's search for, and belief in, a supreme being. " - Man Does Not Stand Alone, by A. C. Morrison. Was Peter first Father? João: Mbakwidi mawonso ovovele yamu wau. Jon: OK, I'm with you so far. This proves that Christ is serving as Jehovah's appointed Judge. Mareta lukwikilu lwampwena kakala lwau. Martha was a woman of remarkable faith. On the other hand, I did not know what I was doing. Yesu wasonganga e nkenda kwa wantu ekolo kakala ova ntoto. Jesus ' compassion was clearly manifest during his earthly ministry. Even though that man was responsible for the accident, he began to blame Luigi and even tried to attack him. (1 Samuele 17: 45 - 50) Davidi wavova vo: "O mwand'a Yave uvovele omu mono, e diambu diandi din'ova lubini. " - 2 Samuele 23: 2. " The spirit of Jehovah it was that spoke by me, and his word was upon my tongue, " David explained. - 2 Samuel 23: 2. The prophet Malachi described this event as a spiritual source. Otomene wo zaya vo tukutakanu kiese kiayingi tutwasanga. You know from experience that congregation meetings are a source of great joy. One brother who buys a printing press said: "Those who visit our branch offices are surprised that this work is being obtained by voluntary donations. 1: 25 - 28) Ka lukatikisu ko vo Yezekele wasivika kikilu mu kuma kia mana kasongwa muna mona - meso kiaki. It was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. " It is normal to have money. Adieyi tulenda longoka muna vilwa kavanga o Mose? What lessons can we learn from Moses ' mistake? 18 How Can You Make Christian Unity? (Yezekele 17: 22) Kansi, muna Yuda ke mukala diaka "mvwal'a yadila " ko. - Yezekele 19: 14. In Judah, however, there will be "no scepter for ruling. " - Ezekiel 19: 14. Think carefully about what you read and apply it. Kansi, tufwete sungamenanga vo vava tukutakananga muna sambila Yave, lukutakanu lolo lwavauka. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that meetings for the worship of Jehovah are sacred gatherings. Nehemiah knew the responsibilities he had in God's eyes. Kansi, mana tuzeye mu kuma kia Yesu ye una usonganga e mvovo miandi, dilenda kutusadisa mu bakula dina kazola vova o Yesu. However, what we know about Jesus and the context of his words can help us to grasp his point. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. Mbangi za Yave babokele wakingula Eseka dia Kintinu dina muna zunga kiaku kimana wamona luvuvamu yo ungudi wau. - Nkunga 133: 1. Jehovah's Witnesses cordially invite you to visit a Kingdom Hall near you to see for yourself the remarkable peace and unity that exist among them. - Psalm 133: 1. He tries to influence those who want to get baptized and those who are not yet baptized. Walonga oma ma Kintinu kia Nzambi yo vanga masivi muna kubasonga oma mevangama muna Kintinu kia Nzambi. He taught about the Kingdom of God and even performed miracles, giving them a preview of what that Kingdom would accomplish. Solomon was also called "the One teaching the people to gain knowledge. " (Yobi 42: 6) Nkand'a Nzambi ukutuvovesanga dina tufwete vanga muna vwa luvuvamu lwa ntima: "On'ofukidi makuzuka mandi, kevatumuka ko: On'otambulwila yo yambula mo, ofwilwa nkenda. " (Nga. 28: 13; Yak. We all must follow the divine formula for acquiring peace of mind: "He that is covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but he that is confessing and leaving them will be shown mercy. " 15, 16. (a) How does the first Bible prophecy describe hope in the resurrection? Yambula twavovela e nsilu mia Nzambi mina muna Nkand'a Nzambi. Consider what the Bible promises. Paul warned Timothy: "You are a man of God, to flee from these things, to pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, endurance, mildness, mildness, mildness, and mildness. " (a) Nkia yuvu tufwete kiyuvula? (a) What questions should we ask ourselves? " Every tree is known by its fruit. " - Luke 6: 44 105: 13, 14) Wau vo Yave wasonganga kwikizi kwa Abarayama wa nkundi andi, wansia nsilu vo: "Omo nge mutuka ntinu. " - Etu. Out of loyalty to his friend, Jehovah promised Abraham: "Kings will come from you. " - Gen. We also learned how important it is to imitate Jehovah's love in our dealings with our brothers. " Lukau lwalu moyo lutwasa. - Roma 5: 17; tanga Luka 22: 28 - 30. The gift has life as its outcome. - Rom. 5: 17; read Luke 22: 28 - 30. It is Satan. Wavovesa ampangi kuna Korinto vo: "Muna mpasi zayingi ye kinkenda kia ntima, i yanusonekena ye kinsanga kiayingi; ke dia kunumwesesa ntantu ko, nwazaya kak'o ulolo wa zola ngina wau oko kwa yeno. " He told fellow believers in Corinth: "Out of much tribulation and anguish of heart I wrote you with many tears, not that you might be saddened, but that you might know the love that I have more especially for you. " 18 35: 11) Nze una wasakulwa, e "mbuta za nganga, ye mbanda - banda zawonso, bavavidi umbangi waluvunu muna Yesu, bamvonda. " True to prophecy, "the chief priests and the entire Sanhedrin were looking for false witness against Jesus in order to put him to death. " 7, 8. " Numona e nswaswani mun'asongi ye yimpumbulu. ' - MALAKI 3: 18. " You will... see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person. " - MALACHI 3: 18. (a) What counsel did Paul give about marriage? Yesu wavova vo: "Muna luwutuluku, ova kivwanda Mwan'a muntu vana kunda kia nkembo andi, oyeno nwavwanda vana kunda kumi ye zole, nwafundisang'o makanda kumi ye zole ma Isaele. " Jesus said: "In the re - creation, when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. " I shall lack nothing. " Tukumikanga yovo siamisa lukwikilu lweto vava tulombanga mwand'avelela muna sambu, longoka Nkand'a Nzambi lumbu yawonso, kalanga muna tukutakanu, kala vamosi ye mpangi zeto yo samuna e nsangu zambote We build, or strengthen, our faith by asking for holy spirit, studying the Bible daily, attending meetings, spending time with our brothers and sisters, and preaching the good news Notice that during his earthly ministry, he felt compassion for those whom he taught, healed, and healed many physically and spiritually. Una " mpasi zayingi ' ke zayizidi ko ye vava zilwaka, yeto mpe mpasi tumona, ye kondwa nzimbu yovo madia. Before and during that "great tribulation " yet ahead, we too may face hardships and deprivations. Moreover, Saul had other beautiful qualities. Vana ntandu, vava kasema yakala yo nkento antete wabavana e fu yafwanana ye yandi mu kubasadisa basalaziana muntu yo nkw'andi. The human race exhibits a wide variety of looks, personalities, and skills. What can you do to reduce the effects of sickness? Kansi, elongi dia mono kibeni dia Nkand'a Nzambi ye salu kia umbangi kiansadisa mu sunda e viangi. But I overcame those feelings by concentrating on my personal Bible study and the ministry. PAGE 23 (b) Adieyi tulenda longoka muna mpila Yave kakadila yo Arone? (b) What do we learn from the way that Jehovah dealt with Aaron? Throughout history, Jehovah fulfilled his promise to them. Mvengele: Yesu wasadila o nkuma kavewa kwa Se diandi muna kudikila madia. Food Shortages: Jesus used powers granted to him by his Father to multiply meager food supplies. It has made it possible for me to cross the mountains and cross over a long distance. (Luvaiku 32: 25 - 29) Diankenda kikilu vava selo kia Yave kebakanga e nzengo zisonganga kondwa vuvu muna Yave yo muna nkum'andi wa lungisa e nsilu miandi. How sad it is when a worshipper of Jehovah today makes decisions that indicate distrust of Jehovah and a lack of confidence in his ability to fulfill his promises! Since Jehovah had commanded all the animals to be executed, he would not have to sacrifice them as sacrifices. Zurique Zurich Everyone will live in peace, and no one will treat them unfairly. - Read Micah 4: 3, 4. " Wabalunga - lunga nze Mwan'a Disu Diandi ' " Safeguarding Them as the Pupil of His Eye ' How to Learn Good qualities 3: 13) Ekwe luvunu kavova! What a liar he proved to be! Those words are truth, and I hold them out of my life for the rest of my life. Nkadi Ampemba wa Satana yandi i tuku dia mambu mawonso mambi. The source of all evil is Satan the Devil. It also relates the story of a powerful and courageous leader. Ediadi diavava vo ateleki akaka bafilwa mu nkutakani zakaka, soba zunga ya nkutakani ye kiyekwa kia mpangi ana bavitang'o ntu. This required reassigning publishers to different congregations as well as adjusting congregation territories and the responsibilities of brothers having oversight. 8, 9. (a) What do some want to learn? Nanga bamvumisanga nkutu. Kansi o Noa kamonanga wonga wa wantu ko. Perhaps they even threatened to hurt him. Paul could have relied on God's active force to help him overcome his "thorn in the flesh. " 1, 2. (a) Nkia lulukisu luvuluzanga mioyo mia wantu ayingi? 1, 2. (a) Many lives have been saved by what warning? Jesus did not mean that those who make up the faithful and discreet slave would become wicked. Tuka ntangwa yayina, osadilanga ndekwa zayingi mu fwasa ungudi weto. Since then, he has slyly been working to disrupt our unity. What if a person refuses to be molded by the Great Potter? Nze Yesu, tusongelanga o zola kweto muna lemvokelanga Nzambi. Like Jesus, we show our love by being obedient to God. While in prison, I received an invitation to attend the 22th class of Gilead School. Minkwikizi bakinu bavambana muna malongi: nze elongi dia lunungunuku, katula vumu, akala belekanga y'akw'au akala ye muna diambu dia sola akento mu kala mfumu za mabundu. But after many decades of effort, few churches have amalgamated into one, and churchgoers are still divided on such questions as evolution, abortion, homosexuality, and the ordination of women. In March 1947, shortly after I graduated from the eighth class of Gilead School, I trained missionaries in South Lansing, New York, U.S.A., to Singapore. E nona tatu tubadikidi yitoma songanga vo Yave ozeye mpuluza kevuluza nkangu andi. The three examples that we have considered demonstrate without question that Jehovah knows how to deliver his people. How did Jehovah show his love of righteousness, and why was this encouraging to Naboth's family and friends? Nanga tulenda yangalela nkanikinu mia Nzambi, kansi aweyi ovanga kele vo "akuluntu " batuyikidi? We may be fond of God's reminders, but what if "princes " speak against us for some reason? Would they get tired and try to find the best way of life rather than focusing on it? O teka zaya mana kevanga o Yave, nkia mbebe dikututwasilanga? What responsibility comes with advance knowledge of what Jehovah will do? We do not preach the good news to avoid hatred. Nga oyindulanga elau dia sala se mviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde? Have you seriously considered entering the regular pioneer ranks? Out of my error, I will cleanse you from my sin. Luyalu lwa Funda dia Mvu lusinga twasa nsambu ezi kwa nkangu: "[Nzambi] kakunguna mansanga mawonso muna meso mau; o lufwa, ke lukala diaka ko; musungula kala diaka dilu, yovo kazu, ngatu mpasi. " That is what the Thousand Year Reign will bring to its subjects: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Think of the father with his seven - year - old son. Sadisa Wan'aku Bazol'o Tanga A Love That Begins With Reading Because of persecution or persecution, we may at times ask Jehovah to help us serve him with boldness. Saulu mpe ona wabangikanga Akristu, wakituka se ntumwa Paulu. There was also the fanatic persecutor Saul, who became the apostle Paul. " Some 120 years of Life " Kansi, Nzambi oyambula vo e nioka katatika ntete e singini kia "mbongo " a nkento. However, by God's permission, Satan would first inflict a symbolic heel wound on the woman's "seed. " THE END IS NOT NOT A holyY Mawonso kasoneka o Ezera muna nkand'antete a Tusansu mafwana sadisa Aneyisaele mu kuyivana emvimba muna salu kia Yave muna tempelo. All that Ezra relates in First Chronicles must surely have benefited the Israelites, helping them to renew their zeal for Jehovah's worship at the temple. See the video Jehovah's Witnesses at www.jw.org, and note how Jehovah's Witnesses in Israel and Palestine overcome prejudice. (Luka 10: 1 - 24: 53) (Luke 10: 1 - 24: 53) The answer recorded at Ezekiel 38: 14 - 16 and Matthew 24: 29 - 31. Wavava nkutu vukumuna Yesu. He even tried that approach when tempting Jesus. That is why Jesus told his listeners: "You are also ready. " Finama Nzambi Draw Close to God This resulted from the Law that was "the blood of blood. " Tufwete keba twalembi sadilanga Nkand'a Nzambi mu vumisa wantu. We should be careful that we do not use the Bible to intimidate people. When Jesus finished his ministry in 33 C.E., his disciples were about 120 men and women. Bebundang'e vuvu muna nkum'a Yave wa lungisa nsatu zau za lumbu ke lumbu. - Mat. They have full confidence in Jehovah's ability to supply their daily needs. - Matt. Be courageous and strong. Do not be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " Nga Petelo i Papa Wantete? Was Peter the First Pope? 6: 9, 10. Kiaki i ziku kisonga vo Kristu mu sala kena nze Mfundisi wasolwa kwa Yave. It will furnish concrete proof that Christ has moved into action as Jehovah's appointed Judge. Some feel that I am the missionaries of Christendom, most of them, in politics, and in the commercial world. Kuna diak'e sambu, kiazayanga ko kana nki i purgatório. It was not clear to me exactly what was in purgatory. Unlike unbelievers, we can find comfort in knowing that our desire to do what is good is pleasing to God, who can give us "the power beyond what is normal. " - 2 Cor. Kana una vo muntu ndioyu yandi i nkwa kuma muna sumbula kiaki, wayantika bamina mpangi Luigi yo vava nkutu nuana yandi. All of us study the Bible with 25 people. Malaki wa ngunza wayikila lufimpu lwalu vo luveleleso lwa mwanda. The prophet Malachi described this as a spiritual cleansing. Should that not move us to show love? Mpangi mosi osumbanga sadilwa ya nietekena nkanda wavova vo: "Akiti ana bekingulanga mavula meto ma nietekena nkanda betoma sivikanga wau bewanga vo e salu kiaki mu tukau twamvevo kisadilwanga. A brother who is involved in global purchasing said: "Business people who visit our printeries are amazed that such a technologically advanced, high - production facility can be financed by voluntary donations. What historical account is found in the Song of Solomon? O kala ye nzimbu ke diambi ko. How can money become a snare? And you will call me a nation, and I will give you your inheritance and the end of the earth as a possession. " 18 Aweyi Olenda Siamisina Kintwadi Kieto kia Kikristu? 18 You Can Share in Strengthening Our Christian Unity - How? Get out of the sound of your psalms. " - Amos 5: 21, 23. Toma fimpa dina otanganga yo sadila dio. Carefully evaluate what is stated there and apply it. The Catholic Church puts faith in four things: Judgment Day, Gehenna, and the Heavens, which appears in George B.C.E. Nekemiya watoma zaya e mbebe kakala yau vana meso ma Nzambi. Nehemiah was well - aware that he was accountable to God. Verse 19 says: "I saw the wild beast, the kings of the earth, and their army forced them to wage war against the one seated on his horse and his army. " Wavaikiswa kwa Mbangi za Yave, kansi owau ke unietekwanga diaka ko. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. I often prayed to Jehovah and wept with tears. Ovavanga vukumuna awana bazolele vubwa ye awana ke bavubilu kolo kiayingi ko. He is likely to focus his attention on those approaching baptism as well as on newly baptized ones. After praying to Jehovah about the matter, I could buy the gift from the brother and write him to apologize for his bad conduct. Solomo wayikilwanga mpe vo "mpovi " ona " walonga nkangu o zayi. ' (Kim. Solomon was also called "the congregator " who" taught the people knowledge continually. " David questioned Abishai and said: "Who can lift his hand against the anointed of Jehovah and remain innocent? " - 1 Samuel 26: 9, 12. 15, 16. (a) O ungunza wantete wa Nkand'a Nzambi aweyi uyikilanga e vuvu muna lufuluku? 15, 16. (a) How does the first prophecy in the Bible lay the basis for our resurrection hope? Whatever the case, all elderly Christians must make decisions that honor God's name. 5: 20, 25 - 27) Paulu walukisa Timoteo vo: "Vo i ngeye, muntu a Nzambi, tina mambu mama, tatidil'aka nsongi, vumina Nzambi, lukwikilu, zola, luzindalalu, lulembamu. " But pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " Concerning Jesus ' resurrection, the apostle Peter said: "God raised this man on the third day and allowed him not to be raised up, but to all those whom God had chosen by means of us who appeared to be raised up and drink and drink and drink when he was resurrected from the dead. " " Konso nti uzayakene muna mbongo andi. ' - Luka 6: 44 " Each tree is known by its own fruit. " - Luke 6: 44 God promises to protect those who love and trust him. Twalongoka mpe o mfunu wa tanginina zola kwa Yave muna mpila tukadilanga ye mpangi zeto. " " The course also stressed that how we treat others must revolve around the love that Jehovah shows his servants. " He may also have been present at Pentecost. I Satana. Satan did. 5 / 1 18 18 Many in Christendom do not understand the Bible. 7, 8. 7, 8. Walking With God Has Been Good (a) Nkia luludiku kavana Paulu mu kuma kia longo? (a) What direction did Paul give about marriage? How do we know that? (Nku. While God does not miraculously cure anyone today, he does grant the sufferer the wisdom and fortitude needed to deal with his condition. Such teachers could avoid hurting others if they applied the counsel found at Romans 12: 17, 18: "Return evil for evil to no one. Tumwene vo ekolo kasalanga salu kiandi ova ntoto, wafwila awana kalonga e nkenda, yo wuka ayingi muna yau muna nitu ye muna mwanda. We have seen that during Jesus ' earthly ministry, he showed compassion for the people to whom he preached, healing many of them both physically and spiritually. A person who uses tobacco can become a slave of that kind. Vana ntandu, Saulu fu yakaka yambote kakala yau. His looks, though, were not his only recommendation. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Adieyi lenda vanga kumosi y'esi nzo aku mu kulula e vonza kia mayela? What simple precautions can you and your family take to reduce disease? He has given us brothers and sisters in the congregation. LUKAYA LWA 23 PAGE 23 Family Worship evening also contributes to good communication and helps young people express their concerns. Muna lusansu lwawonso lwa Aneyisaele, Yave walungisanga nsilu kabasilanga. Throughout Israel's tumultuous history, God held true to his promise. A Jew named Joseph S. Peter S. He said that a son named Campanus needed money to pay off his property, asking his father to give him free of charge. E nzila yayi ivwidi miongo ye nzunguluka zayingi ye mawulu. The road twisted and turned, rose and fell. First, to move to Jerusalem, they had to travel some 200 miles (100 km) or four months. (1 Samuele 15: 22) Wau vo Yave wakanikina vo e bulu yawonso ifwete vondwa, ke yafwana ko mu kelwa nze yimenga. Since Jehovah had determined that those animals were to be destroyed, they were not acceptable for offering as sacrifices. When Jehovah sent Moses, he showed the meaning of his name. Wantu awonso bezingila kuna luvuvamu, ke vekala on'okubavanga mbi ko. - Tanga Mika 4: 3, 4. People will live in security, and there will be no one to cause them harm. - Read Micah 4: 3, 4. The rage and violence had come from time to time. Una Tulenda Longokela fu Yambote The Best Way to Develop Polite Behavior The Bible warns: "Be before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. " - Proverbs 16: 9. (Nkunga 28: 7) E mvovo miami mia ludi, isimbinina mio muna zingu kiame kiawonso. I have received his help, and my heart rejoices. " They did so because their master allowed the workers to lie. Uyikanga mpe lusansu lwa mfidi ona wakala nkwa nkuma yo unkabu. To find out the origin of the universe and mankind, many think that there is no power to create everything. 8, 9. (a) Akaka nkia mambu bezolanga longoka? 8, 9. (a) What subjects do some enjoy studying? Those who claim to be humble are not true worshippers. Paulu wafwana bunda e vuvu vo ngolo za Nzambi zikunsadisa mu sunda " lusende lwandi muna nitu. ' Instead, Paul would have to rely on God's power to help him cope with his "thorn in the flesh. " Because Jehovah is wise, we are confident that his laws can bring us happiness. Yesu kazola vova ko vo awana bena muna buka kia ntaudi akwikizi yo lulungalalu bekituka ntaudi zambi. Jesus did not mean that those who are part of the faithful and discreet slave would become evil. As on God's right hand, Jesus will soon exercise his authority to bring blessings to obedient humans worldwide. Adieyi tuvova kele vo muntu kuna lukanu kazolele kwandi wumbwa ko kwa Nwumbi Anene? What if humans stubbornly refuse to be molded by the Great Potter? If you are a young servant of Jehovah, how can faith help you to choose how to use your life? Ekolo yakala muna pelezo, yatambula mboka mu kota kalasi kia 22 kia Sikola ya Ngiladi. While there, I received my invitation to the 22nd class of Gilead. How can you use the brochure Good News for People of All Nations? Muna ngonde a Malusu ya mvu wa 1947, vioka tumingu vava yafokola kalasi ki'enana kia Sikola ya Ngiladi ya Torre de Vigia, ilonganga missionário kuna South Lansing, Nova York, U.S.A yayenda kuna Cingapura yafilwa. In March 1947, just a few weeks after my graduation as a missionary from the eighth class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, then located in South Lansing, New York, U.S.A., I was on my way to my foreign assignment - faraway Singapore. ANALYZE THE SCENE. - READ GENESIS 19: 1 - 14. Aweyi Yave kasongela vo ozolanga unsongi? Ekuma diambu diadi diakadila dialufiaulwisu kwa yitu ye akundi a Nabote? How did Jehovah show that he loves justice, and why would this have been comforting to Naboth's family and friends? John lived until "the presence of Jesus " Nga bafwana yoya kwau yo vava mpila zingu "kisundidi owete " ke mu kuyivana mu salu kiaki ko? Did some among those few faithful souls sometimes wish that they could be less conspicuous and just live "normal " lives? Two years later, at age 17, he became a regular pioneer, and that was the beginning of 67 years of serving in the full - time ministry. Ke tusamunanga kaka nsangu zambote ko mu venga nkanu a menga. Of course, we do not preach merely to avoid bloodguilt. • Why should we avoid hypocrisy? Unsukula kikilu muna bi wame, umpelelesa mun'esumu diame. Thoroughly wash me from my error, and cleanse me even from my sin. We too can maintain our integrity. Yindula se omokenanga yo mwan'andi ayakala una ye mvu nsambwadi. Picture a father talking with his seven - year - old son. What promise do we find at Psalm 27: 10? Muna kuma kia lubangamu yovo mpasi, ezak'e ntangwa tufwete dodokelanga Yave katusadisa kimana twansadila kuna unkabu. Because of persecution or other trials, prayer often includes pleas for help to serve Jehovah with courage. How did Paul view the wisdom of God's purpose? " Mvu 120 mia Zingu kia Muntu ' (Etu. Opened Her Heart in Prayer (Hannah), 7 / 1 There are many examples that show that reading and studying the Bible can enrich your prayers. KE TWALUNGA KO, KANSI O MFUNDU KE WAFOKOKA KO DEFEAT - BUT NOT FINAL Moreover, Christ's followers face opposition from Satan the Devil, who waged war with those "who observe the commandments of God and of bearing witness to Jesus. " Tala e video Congresso especial em Israel muna www.jw.org, wamona una Mbangi za Yave za nsi a Israel ye Palestina basundila e fu kia sia mpambula. Watch the video Special Convention in Israel at www.jw.org, and see how Israeli and Palestinian Witnesses have overcome national and ethnic differences. In view of his great love, God arranged for humans to be saved from the consequences of inherited sin, imperfection, and death. E mvutu zasonama muna sono kia Yezekele 38: 14 - 16 ye Matai 24: 29 - 31. The answer is recorded at Ezekiel 38: 14 - 16 and Matthew 24: 29 - 31. And he did not take a cup of thanks, thanking them, and he said: "Take it out of all of you, for this means " the blood of my blood, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. - Matthew 26: 26 - 28. E kiaki i kuma Yesu kavovesela awana kalonganga vo: "Oyeno mpe, se nukubama. " Jesus, therefore, urged his listeners: "Prove yourselves ready. " During the Millennial Reign, Christ will become the father of others. Ediadi Nsiku diakulula mu kuma kia muntu wakala ye " mpulul'a menga. ' Jesus perceived that power had gone out of him and therefore asked who touched him. 5: 14, 15. Vava Yesu kafokola e salu kiandi kia umbangi muna mvu a 33 wa tandu kieto, alongoki andi tezo kia 120 m'akala ye akento kaka bakala. When Jesus Christ completed his earthly ministry in the year 33 C.E., his followers numbered at least some 120 men and women. They are numbered from front to back, and their names are listed from left to right in each row. Vama, wakumama; kububudi ko, ngatu vumiswa: kadi o Yave wa Nzambi aku wina yaku konso kun'okwenda. " Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " How is English used in the world? 6: 9, 10. 6: 9, 10. We lived there. Akaka beyindulanga vo i misionario mia Kikristu kia Kimpangila, engi muna yau, mu mambu ma luyalu ye ma kinkita bekuyisianga muna nsi zina befilwanga. Some think of Christendom's missionaries, many of whom meddle in the political and economic affairs of the countries where they serve. Arthur H. (Nsi. 34: 5, 6, 8) E mavwanga ma mindembi kwikila malenda kudikila ntantu, kansi tulenda fiaulwiswa mu zaya vo etima dieto dia vanga edi diambote diyangidika Nzambi, ona olenda kutuvana "ulolo wa nkuma. " - 2 Kor. Unkind interference from unbelievers may add to the stress and sorrow of the occasion, but we can find comfort in the knowledge that our determination to do what is right does not go unnoticed by God, who can give us "the power beyond what is normal. " - 2 Cor. We must serve God whole - souled, not under compulsion. Yeto awonso tulongokanga Nkand'a Nzambi ye wantu 25. Altogether, we are conducting 25 Bible studies. Who made it? Nga ediadi ke difwete kutufila ko mu kunsonga mpe o zola? Are we not moved to show our love for him in return? Karen: So we both believe in it. Nkia lusansu luna muna nkanda Nkung'a Nkunga? What is the story in the Song of Solomon? There is no doubt that God drew the hearts of such people and saw their error. - 1 Chronicles 28: 9. Undomba, ikuvan'e zula s'efwa diaku, e nsuka za nza se vwa kwaku. " Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession. " 19: 11 - 14; 20: 1 - 3. Nukatul'oku ngina mazu ma nkunga mieno. ' - Amose 5: 21, 23. Spare me the din of your songs. " - Amos 5: 21, 23. How do some view the privileges they have made? Dibundu dia Katolika mambu mayá dikwikilanga: Lufwa, Lufundisu, Bilungi y'Ezulu. " - Catholicism, edited by George Brantl. " Catholic belief specifies Four Last Things: Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven. " - Catholicism, edited by George Brantl. They and others, whom I asked, did not give me a satisfying answer. E tini kia 19 kivovanga vo: " Mbwene bulu kiansisi ye ntinu mia nza ye vu ya makesa mau balungalakene kimana banwanisa ndiona ofongele vana mvalu ye vu kiandi kia makesa. ' Verse 19 continues: "And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army. " In the Bible, Jehovah promises that he will be with those who " walk in the valley of deep shadow. ' Nkumbu miayingi, yasambanga kwa Yave yo mansanga muna meso. I have often found myself praying to Jehovah with tears welling up in my eyes. You might also ask your child to express a brief explanation. Vava yasamba kwa Yave mu kuma kia diambu diadi, yasumbila mpangi ndioyo lukau yo kunsonekena nkanda mu lomba ndoloki mu kuma kia fu kiambi yasonganga. After praying to Jehovah about the matter, I bought the sister a small gift and wrote her a card to apologize for my bad attitude. 10: 23 - 25 Davidi wasima Abisai yo kumvovesa vo: "Nani olenda lambul'o koko muna kuswa kia Yave, yo kondw'e kuma? " - 1 Samuele 26: 9, 12. David restrained Abishai, asking: "Who is it that has thrust his hand out against the anointed of Jehovah and has remained innocent? " - 1 Samuel 26: 9, 12. But Satan did not give up. Kiakala nkia nzengo balenda baka esi nzo z'Akristu mu lunga - lunga mase mau m'anunu, awonso bafwete bakang'e nzengo zitwasa nkembo muna nkumbu a Nzambi. Whatever strategy a Christian family adopts to care for the needs of elderly parents, all concerned will certainly want to make sure that it reflects well on God's name. Jehovah really cares about us. Petelo wa ntumwa wavova mu kuma kia lufuluku lwa Yesu vo: "Nzambi wafula muntu ndioyo muna lumbu kietatu yo yambula vo kamoneka, ke kwa awonso ko, kansi kwa mbangi ana bateka solwa kwa Nzambi, kwa yeto, ana twadia yo nua yandi vava kafulwa muna mafwa. " Regarding Jesus ' resurrection, Peter, one of his apostles, explained: "God raised this one up on the third day and allowed him to become manifest, not to all the people, but to witnesses appointed beforehand by God, to us, who ate and drank with him after his rising from the dead. " I saw how Jehovah answered my prayers ' Nzambi osianga nsilu vo otanina awana bekunzolanga yo kumbund'e vuvu. Notice that God promises to protect those who love him and trust in him. This raises a large part of the body. Nanga kakala mpe muna lumbu kia Pentikosti. Therefore, Mark seems to have been an early disciple, and it is possible that he was present at Pentecost. Why not consider the first attempt to send an e - mail? Akristu a Tandu Kiantete ye Nzambi za Esi Roma, 15 / 5 Firstborn Son, 5 / 1 Gold of Ophir, 6 / 1 I immediately told my friends what I had learned from my friends, along with José José José. Ayingi muna Kikristu kia Kimpangila ke bebakulanga Nkand'a Nzambi ko. What can help you to continue serving Jehovah with joy when others offend you? Jesus saw much potential in Peter, and He sought to help him build on those good qualities. How can true worshippers of Jehovah know what they are not? Kangala Yo Nzambi Wabaka Nsendo Ambote Walk With God, and Reap What Is Good Although we did not believe, some of us continued to attend meetings because Jehovah's Witnesses welcomed us. Aweyi tuzayidi wo? How do we know that? For example, you may have been baptized before you became a teenager. Alongi awaya nga balenda venga e ntantani yo lembi kendeleka akaka, kele vo basadila elongi dina muna Roma 12: 17, 18 divovanga vo: "Ke nuvutula muntu mbi muna mbi ko. Those priests could have avoided injuring themselves and others had they applied the counsel at Romans 12: 17, 18: "Return evil for evil to no one. Faith means being convinced that Jehovah God exists. Ndiona onuanga fomo okitukanga se mbundu a fu kiaki kiambi. It makes the user a slave to the damaging habit. Our hearts will be filled with fear, and all opposers will be destroyed. ANTIKRISTU MPILA ZAYINGI BENA A DECEIVER WITH MANY FACES " There Is One Leader, Christ " Watuvana mpangi z'akala ye z'akento muna nkutakani. He has given us our brothers and sisters in the congregation. The expression "the virgin companions " used here means" belly. " Kala yo Fuku wa Nsambila ya Esi Nzo konso lumingu disadisanga mpe mu kala ye mbokena zambote yo sadisa aleke mu vova mana mekubatokanesanga. A weekly Family Worship evening also encourages meaningful conversation and helps young ones to deal with specific problems. He healed blind and blind people. Flavius Josephus wa Nyuda, nsoneki a lusansu, wavova vo mwana mosi wayikilwanga vo Hyrcanus, muna vwa nzimbu za sumbila lekwa kavwa o mfunu, walomba kwa se diandi kimana kavana selo kiandi nswa wa kumvana nzimbu. The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus says that a young man named Hyrcanus asked his father for a letter authorizing his steward to furnish Hyrcanus with money to buy whatever he needed. He chose a time and place to think about it. Edi diantete, muna lwaka kuna Yerusaleme, bafwete kangala 1.600 za kilometa mu tezo kia ngonde yá yovo zitanu. First of all, the 1,000 - mile [1,600 km] journey to Jerusalem took four or five months. They even set up a covenant of friendship. Vava Yave katuma Mose, watoma songa e nsasa a nkumbu andi. On commissioning Moses, Jehovah emphasized the importance of the divine name. What can help Christians to have a happy marriage? E makasi ye nkindu zazi kolo zatuka. Such anger and violence have a long history. Do You Recall? (Yesaya 39: 1 - 7) O Nkand'a Nzambi ulukisanga vo: "Umvwania uvita nkosomoko, o ntim'a lulendo, munkanda. " - Ngana 16: 18. 16: 9. In one African community, a bridge spanning a large drainage ditch needed repair because some wooden planks had been stolen. How did marriage begin? Bavanganga wo kadi o mfumu au wayambulanga vo asadi bavuna. They could do so because the head of the department covered for the dishonest workers. Another reason is that we support God's Kingdom. Muna vava zaya etuku dia nsema yo wantu, ndonga beyindulanga vo ke vena yo nkuma ko wasadilwa mu vanga lekwa yawonso. In contemplating the origin of the universe and mankind, many would like to rule out the influence of any force outside the physical realm. Paul said that bad habits will become worse as the end of this system draws near. Awana bekuyivunanga vo alembami, ke asambidi akieleka ko. Those who make a mere pretense of being humble are not spiritual people. On Saturday, more than 300 people gathered in the new world, sitting on thrones and other things. Wau vo Yave osundidi e ngangu, tuna ye vuvu vo e nsiku miandi milenda kututwasila zingu kiakiese. Because Jehovah is all - wise, we are confident that his laws guide us in the best way of living. It is similar with our dedication. Wau kavuende kuna koko kwa lunene lwa Nzambi, ke kolo ko Yesu osadila e wisa kiandi mu twasa nsambu kwa alembami omu nza yawonso. Standing at God's right hand, Jesus will soon exercise his authority and bring great blessings to obedient humans everywhere. Why can it be difficult to maintain joy in God's service? Avo u nleke osadilanga Yave, aweyi lukwikilu lulenda kusadisila mu sola una ofwete sadila zingu kiaku? If you are a young servant of Jehovah, how can faith help you to choose a career? The first international convention in Ireland was held in 1965. Aweyi olenda sadila finkanda - nkanda Boas Novas para Pessoas de Todas as Nações? How have you used the booklet Good News for People of All Nations? [ Box on page 27] MFIMPA MOKO KIAKI. - TANGA ETUKU 19: 1 - 14. ANALYZE THE SCENE. - READ GENESIS 19: 1 - 14. But I believe that the power of God's Word helped me. - Hebrews 4: 12. Yoane wazinga yamuna " ngiz'a ' Yesu John was to remain until Jesus ' " coming ' Angels helped God's representatives. Una vavioka mvu miole, muna kimbuta kia mvu 17, wakota muna salu kia mviti a nzila a ngonde ke ngonde. Lwalu i lubantiku lwa mvu 67 kasala muna salu kia ntangwa ke ntangwa. Two years later, at the age of 17, he entered the regular pioneer work, thus beginning a long career of nearly 67 years in full - time service. As a result, Jacob, the fourth son of Jacob, could have enjoyed that privilege. Meditation a Pleasure, 1 / 1 We can give our obedience to God. • Ekuma tufwete vengela zola kwa kivunina? However, what we learn can also apply at Assembly Halls and other places to worship Jehovah. Yeto mpe tulenda sikila ye kwikizi. We too can prove ourselves faithful. WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE? Nkia nsilu tuvewanga muna Nkunga 27: 10? What is the meaning of the assurance given at Psalm 27: 10? But if they did not do so, his purpose was to fill the earth with the children of Adam and Eve. O Paulu aweyi kabadikila e ngangu za Nzambi ona wasikidisa ekani diadi? How did Paul feel about the wisdom of the God who devised this purpose? These kings were Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. Vena ye nona yayingi tulenda yika isonganga vo o tanga yo longoka Nkand'a Nzambi dilenda tomesa sambu yaku. Many other examples could be cited to show that Bible reading and study can enrich your prayers. Although Paul was inspired to give this admonition to anointed Christians, all of God's servants need to understand and obey what he wrote. Vana ntandu, alandi a Kristu besiwanga kitantu kwa Nkadi Ampemba wa Satana, ona onwananga vita y'awana " belundang'e nkanikinu mia Nzambi, yo sila Yesu umbangi. ' The apostle John was privileged to see the reason for this restraint in a revelation given to him by Jesus. During my husband's visit, I arranged for a convention at a school held in the convent. Mu kuma kia zola kwandi kusundidi, Nzambi wakubika diambu kimana wantu bavuluzwa muna mfwilu mi'esumu basambukila, i sia vo nkala ya lembi lunga yo lufwa. Motivated by unsurpassed love, God made provision for humans to be rescued from inherited sin and its consequences - imperfection and death. [ Picture on page 30] Obongele mpe e kopo, ovutwidi matondo, ubavene dio, yo vova vo: "Nunua dio yeno awonso, kadi mama i " menga mame ma kangu, ' mana mebunguka muna wete dia wantu ayingi muna luloloko lwa masumu. - Matai 26: 26 - 28. And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my "blood of the covenant. " ' " - Matthew 26: 26 - 28. As God's purpose grows, his servants receive various assignments. Muna Luyalu lw'Ezunda dia Mvu, Kristu okituka mpe ese kwa wantu akaka. During his Millennial Reign, Christ will become a father to others also. " The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " - PS. 5: 14, 15. 5: 14, 15. We read at Zephaniah 1: 14: "The great day of Jehovah is near. " Nlonga bakiatamene miyantikidi ku ntwala yakuna nima, e nkumbu zau zasonekwa tuka kuna koko kwalumonso yaku koko kwalunene muna konso nlonga. In the list below, rows are numbered from front to back, and names are listed from left to right in each row. Some have died in other ways. Aweyi Kingelezo kisadilwanga mu nza? How is English used worldwide? It reminds me of the challenges people have and has benefited from applying Bible principles in my life. I muna twazingilanga. That became our home. June 21 - 27, 2010 Mvovo mia Arthur H. Quote is from author Arthur H. Lessons for Us: Tufwete sadila Nzambi yo ntima mosi, ke mu disu kunsi a lukaya ko. We should worship God with a heart that is not hypocritical. • According to 1 John 3: 15, how can we avoid being killed? Nani wavanga yo? How did they come to be? Why did Moses become angry? Nlandu: Ozevo yeto awole tukwikilanga muna diambu diadi. Karen: So this is something that you and I have in common. But Demas soon began to study the Bible, and soon he realized that he was learning the truth. (Etuku 18: 20 - 33) Ka lukatikisu ko vo, Nzambi wasata e ntima mia wantu awaya yo mona tezo kia bi au. - 1 Tusansu 28: 9. Clearly, God searched through the hearts of those people and saw the depth of their wickedness. - 1 Chronicles 28: 9. This is very different from what the world thinks. 19: 11 - 14; 20: 1 - 3. 19: 11 - 14; 20: 1 - 3. Serving God as Jesus ' followers benefits us, for such a way of life brings good results and makes Jehovah's heart rejoice. Aweyi akaka bebadikilanga malau bayambula? How do some view sacrifices they made in the past? 4: 12. Oyau y'akaka ana yayuvulanga ke bampana mvutu zasikila ko. Neither they nor other religious people I questioned were able to give me a satisfying answer. The first article discusses the good results that come from being Kingdom publishers worldwide. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi, Yave osianga nsilu vo okala y'awana " bediatilanga muna ndimb'a kini kia fwa. ' (Nku. Jehovah makes it clear in the Scriptures that he will be with those who "walk in the valley of deep shadow. " " I came to you in the name of Jehovah, " he said to Goliath, "that all these congregations knew that Jehovah would not save them from the sword and the spear; for Jehovah's war came upon you. " Olenda mpe lomba mwan'aku kavova mu mvovo miankufi mana katangidi. What about asking your daughter to summarize in her own words what she has read? If we find it difficult to let him speak and not understand what he wants to say, we should try to understand what he says by listening carefully. 10: 23 - 25 10: 23 - 25 30: 21. (Yobi 1: 22) Kansi, Satana kanyambula ko. But Satan was still not silenced. When Jesus began to partake of the Memorial of his death, he offered the cup of wine to his faithful apostles and told them: "This means my blood of the new covenant, which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. " Yave okutuvuanga kikilu o mfunu. Jehovah cares deeply about us. If we sincerely express our gratitude, even in the world, we prove that we are "our Father who is in the heavens. " - Matthew 5: 45. Yamona una Yave kavanina e mvutu za sambu yame ' And I saw how he answered my prayers ' How can others help us to make decisions? Ediadi diangioyesanga kikilu e nitu. But we could attend all the meetings and go in service together. " What opportunity did the Law covenant give to the nation of Israel? Ekuma olembi badikila ntete ekani otwikila email? What do we really want to accomplish? A good way to benefit from Jehovah's guidance is through personal study. Vana vau yayantika zayisa mana yalongokanga kw'akundi ame kumosi ye José Luis. Soon I began to speak to my friends and José Luis about the things I was learning. Abraham and Sarah spent their lives in foreign lands and lived in tents. Adieyi dilenda kusadisa mu kwamanana sadila Yave ye kiese avo akaka bavangidi diambu dikendelekele? So, what can help you remain happy serving Jehovah when others do something that troubles you? Timothy was a young man among the apostle Paul, yet they served together for many years. Asambidi akieleka a Yave aweyi balenda zayila una ke bena ko? How can a worshiper of Jehovah determine what he is not? Do not be among your Christian brothers. Kana una vo ke twakwikilanga ko, akaka muna yeto twakwamanana kwenda muna tukutakanu wau vo Mbangi za Yave batoma kututambulanga. And that is just what we did. Although we were skeptical, some of us continued attending simply because the Witnesses were so friendly. On the final day of his life on earth, Jesus showed love for all mankind, especially for his disciples. Kasikil'owu, nanga wavubwa vitila wakituka toko yovo ndumba. For example, you may have got baptized before you became a teenager. What if you give in to temptation? O kala ye lukwikilu disongele vo kala ye ziku vo Yave wa Nzambi una kikilu. Faith means, fundamentally, that Jehovah God is real to us. God's Ways to Reach His Purpose E ntima mieto mizala yo vumi, vo i atantu awonso fwaswa befwaswa. Our hearts will be filled with greater awe and reverence than ever before, and all opposers will meet a humiliating end. Yes, Jesus ' death can move you to remember all of this. " Vena yo Mosi wa ntu eno, o Kristu ' " Your Leader Is One, the Christ " After saying that, a dispute arose between the Pharisees of the Sadducees, and the crowd fell together. - Acts 23: 6 - 9. (Afundisi 5: 30) O mvovo "ndumba " wasadilwa mu sono kiaki una ye nsas'a" vumu. " The word used for "girl " in that verse literally means" womb. " We also take care of our Kingdom Hall when we place things that are not new. Wawuka mpofo ye akwa vola. He healed blind people and those who were paralyzed. He loved Jehovah with his whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. 24: 63) Wasola ntangwa ye fulu kiavuvama mu yindula. He chose a quiet time and place for meditation. Moreover, when you are rich in every way, it is also mentioned by a rich man who is the greatest in all history - King Solomon. Bakanga nkutu ekangu dia kikundi. They even made a covenant of friendship with each other. The Web site also received an invitation to the local congregation in a remote area. Adieyi dilenda sadisa Akristu mu kala ye longo lwakiese? Why is it possible for Christians to have a happy and successful marriage? What a fine example of forgiveness! Nga Osungamenanga? Do You Recall? ONE day, a doctor sitting in his home while he was contacted by a government official in Ireland spoke on television. E mpasi za longo aweyi zakotela? What is the basic problem affecting marriage? So dedication and baptism are important because it motivates Christians to benefit from Jehovah's blessing. E kuma kiakaka i kia sia vo Kintinu kia Nzambi tuyikamanga. Another reason is that we support God's Kingdom. The fourth horse depicts death as a result of plague and other problems. Paulu wavova vo e fu yambi iwokela ekolo kifinamanga e mbaninu a nza yayi. Paul said that these negative qualities would become even more common as we near the end of this system. build a construction project. Kia Sabala, vioka 300 za wantu bakutakana vana nsi a nsampa, bavwanda va kunda ya nti ye lekwa yakaka mpe. Under a tin roof, the audience of more than 300 sat on wooden benches and plastic chairs. Why did the sons of Israel swear to obey God, and what should motivate us to obey him? Diau adimosi yo kuyiyekola kweto. The willing slave desired to continue giving obedient service to his master. For example, if you feel anxious about your husband's hard work, you might say, " When you do not give up on your clothes on the earth, ' and you will show him how you feel about your hard work. ' Ekuma dilenda kadila diampasi mu kwamanana kala ye kiese muna salu kia Nzambi? What may make maintaining a positive viewpoint a challenge? (b) Whom do Christians rely on all things? Lukutakanu lwantete lwa nsi zayingi lwavangama kuna Irlanda ku mbanza Dublin lwakala muna mvu wa 1965. The first international convention in Ireland was held in Dublin in 1965. He appreciates our endurance, and he knows our concerns. [ Babu kina muna lukaya lwa 27] [ Box on page 27] During that week, my bed became my bed, but we both enjoyed spiritual prosperity. Kansi, nkwikilanga vo nkum'a Diambu dia Nzambi wansadisa. - Ayibere 4: 12. Rather, I believe that they are testimony to the transforming power of the Bible. - Hebrews 4: 12. SONGS: 121, 36 Ambasi basadisanga ana basunzulanga Nzambi. Angels helped God's representatives. Yes, humans were created to live forever in Paradise on earth. (Etuku 49: 3 - 5, 7) Muna kuma kiaki, Yuda wa mwana eyá a Yakobo yandi wafwana baka elau diadi. Hence, the next in line was Judah, the fourth son of Jacob. Spiritual men serve as ministerial servants or elders in the congregation. (Ngana 27: 11) Tulenda vana Nzambi o lemvo weto. We can give God our obedience. Before the Flood, many people lived hundreds of years before the Flood. Kansi, mana tulongoka malenda sadilwa mpe muna Maseka ma Tukutakanu twampwena ye fulu yankaka tusadilanga mu sambila Yave. But what we will discuss also applies to Assembly Halls and other places that are used for worshipping Jehovah. Therefore, the tendency to let men and women sleep together as if a husband and wife cannot please God. NKIA MAMBU MANKAKA TULENDA LONGOKA MU NKAND'A NZAMBI? WHAT ELSE WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE Jehovah does not want us to make bad decisions and sorrow. Kansi, kele vo kabafwasa, e kani diandi dia zadisa o ntoto yo wan'a Adami yo Eva ke diadi lungana ko. Destroying the rebels would, indeed, bring an end to their rebellion. Today, we too need to endure difficult situations. Atinu awaya i Asa, Yosafate, Kizekeya ye Yosiya. They were Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. Prayer is another important factor that can help us. Kana una vo Paulu wavumunwinwa mu vana luludiku lwalu kw'Akristu akuswa, diamfunu selo yawonso ya Nzambi babakula yo lemvokela dina kasoneka. Although Paul was inspired to offer such counsel to anointed Christians, it is vital that all servants of God understand what he wrote and endeavor to benefit from it. " Our efforts were worthwhile, " they said. Vava yakala kuna Manaus, yavanga nkubika kimana lukutakanu lwa mvivu lwavangamena vana seka dimosi dia yimpa kuna Manaus. When I was in Manaus, I organized a district convention in a famous opera house. Jesus meant that we should treat others as we want them to treat us, not in the way they treat us. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 30] [ Picture on page 28] When Moses demonstrated his limitations in carrying out his assignment, Jehovah told him: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " Ekolo kani dia Nzambi dinungunukanga, e selo yandi betambulanga salu ya mpila mu mpila. Still, the work they have been assigned has always glorified Jehovah and benefited believing mankind. Do we value God's laws and read his Word daily? " O meso ma Yave mun'asongi mena, o matu mandi muna kazu kiau. " - NKU. " The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " - PS. Today, we all see the consequences of their disobedience. Sono kiaki kibongelo muna Sefaniya 1: 14 muna tutanganga vo: "E lumbu kianene kia Yave kifinamene. " Taken from Zephaniah 1: 14, it reads: "The great day of Jehovah is near. " " I Am With You " Akaka bafwa mu mpila zakaka. (Kim. Others have died under tragic circumstances. It is clear that Jehovah blessed that new arrangement of Christ's disciples. Dikunsungamesanga e mpasi benuananga zau o wantu ye nluta itambulanga wau isadilanga e nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi muna zingu kiame. It reminds me of the challenges people are facing and of the benefits I have experienced by applying Bible principles in my life. Why should we love God? 21 - 27 Yuni, 2010 June 21 - 27, 2010 • an elderly brother. - Lev. 19: 32. Elongi kwa Yeto: Lessons for Us: All under Satan's control are lying. - Eph. • Nze una tutanganga muna 1 Yoane 3: 15, aweyi tulenda vengela kala avondi? • In keeping with 1 John 3: 15, how can we avoid being manslayers? But he also mentioned something good that would happen. (Fuka 9: 3) Ekuma Mose kafungila makasi? Why did Moses react this way? When the Romans destroyed Egypt in 30 B.C.E., the Egyptians mentioned the custom of making a name for humans in the eighth century B.C.E. Kansi, Gordon wayantika longoka Nkand'a Nzambi, ke kolo ko wabakula vo ludi kalongokanga. However, Gordon began studying the Bible and was soon convinced that he had found the truth. They stayed together until things changed. Ediadi diaswaswana kikilu ye dina wantu a nza beyindulanga. " Godliness with contentment is great gain. " First, we need to " believe that he is the Sovereign Lord of Creation, whom we must worship and obey. ' 103: 14) O sadila Nzambi nze alandi a Yesu vevola divevolanga, kadi e mpila zingu kiaki nluta kitwasanga kw'akaka yo mwesa ntim'a Yave e kiese. Serving God as a follower of Jesus is refreshing rather than overwhelming because such a life course benefits others and makes Jehovah's heart glad. She and I are now serving as missionaries in one African country. 4: 12. 4: 12. Like the merchant who expressed his desire to sell everything he had to acquire "the large pearl of high value, " Jesus lived and died for the Kingdom. - John 18: 37. Elongi dietatu disonga e nluta miambote mibakanga ateleki a Kintinu mu nza yawonso. The third study article will report on some of the encouraging results that are being obtained by Kingdom proclaimers worldwide. Our Father, Jehovah, gives us the comfort we need. " Omono ngizidi kwa ngeye muna nkumbu a Yave a vu, " u kavova Davidi kwa Ngoleyate. " E nkutakani yayi yawonso yazaya wo vo o Yave kevuluzila muna nsosolo y'edionga ko: kadi e vita ya Yave. ' " I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies, " David told Goliath, "and all this congregation will know that neither with sword nor with spear does Jehovah save, because to Jehovah belongs the battle. " Naaman did not know that he was wrong. Avo se diampasi kwa yandi mu tumbula e ndinga yo lembi bakula dina kazolele vova, tufwete sia ngolo za bakula e nsas'a dina kavovele muna toma sianga sungididi muna zú dia ndinga. If he is confused or has a speech impediment and is difficult to understand, we could try to grasp what he means by paying close attention to the tone of his voice. Jehovah again shows his undeserved kindness "in the coming systems of things. " 30: 21. 30: 21. On more than one occasion, I was arrested and sent to court. Vava o Yesu kayantika Luyindulu lwa lufwa lwandi, wavana e mbungw'a vinyo kwa antumwa zandi za kwikizi yo kubavovesa vo: "Nunua yo, yeno awonso; kadi i menga mame mama m'ekangu diampa, mana mebungukila muna kuma kia wantu ayingi muna luyambulwilu lua masumu. " When Jesus inaugurated the Memorial of his death, he handed the cup of wine to his faithful apostles and said: "Drink out of it, all of you; for this means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. " " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.... Avo tusidi e ngolo za vutula matondo, kana una vo mu nza untokozi tuna, tusonga vo tu " wan'Es'eto wina kun'ezulu. ' - Matai 5: 45. If we endeavor to show appreciation despite living in a thankless world, we will prove ourselves to be "sons of [our] Father who is in the heavens. " - Matthew 5: 45. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Akaka aweyi balenda kutusadisila mu bak'e nzengo? How can others help us in the decision - making process? When Jehovah gave this law to his people, he told them why: "You will go out of your heart and in your eyes, and in your conduct you will commit adultery. " Ekangu dia Nsiku nki'elau diavana kwa nkangu a Isaele? What prospects did the Law covenant offer Israel? When Paul and Barnabas went on their first missionary tour, Mark may have cared for their material needs. Okalanga y'elongi dia yeto kibeni i mpila yambote tulenda vwila nluta muna luludiku lwa Yave. One way we can benefit from Jehovah's loving direction is through personal study. 4 / 15 Abarayama yo Sara, baviokesa e zingu kiau kiawonso muna nsi za kinzenza yo zingila muna saba. Abraham and Sarah spent most of their life living in tents as aliens in strange lands. But it was a house full of fruit and vegetables. " Timoteo nleke kakala vana vena Paulu wa ntumwa. Kana una vo i wau, mvu miayingi basala entwadi. Timothy was much younger than the apostle Paul, yet they had worked together for many years. They will be resurrected and will live on earth again. - John 5: 28, 29. Kuyivambula ye mpangi zaku Akristu ko. (Nga. Do not isolate yourself from your faithful Christian brothers and sisters. But there was another reason why they opposed Israel. Yamuna lumbu kiansuka kia zingu kiandi ova ntoto, Yesu wasonga o zola kwa wantu awonso, musungula kw'alongoki andi. To the very end of his life on earth, Jesus showed love toward those whom he met and especially toward his disciples. One Bible scholar says: "The earth was very difficult for humans to live. " Adieyi tuvova avo ovenge ngolo kansi obwidi muna ntonta? What if, despite your best efforts, you weaken and give in to temptation? However, Ecclesiastes does not refer to the disappointment of Solomon. Una Nzambi Kevangilanga Mambu mu Lungisa Ekani Diandi An Administration for Fulfilling God's Purpose Bethlehem. " - Genesis 35: 19, 20, 27 - 29. Kieleka, e mpila lufwa kafwa o Yesu ilenda kufila mu sungamena mawonso mama. All of these surely are fitting responses. The number of graduates attended the Memorial on April 14, 2014 Una kavovele wau, vabwidi ntantani vana vena Afarisi ya Asaduki, e ndonga ivambanini. - Mavangu 23: 6 - 9. In so doing, he threw the assembly into confusion! - Acts 23: 6 - 9. The people in that region call this way to be swept away - the wrong course. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah suggested that we reflect on the following: "Raise your eyes high up and see. Just as many people around the world think that the end is near, so things are happening in the world that tells us that the end is near. Tulunga - lunganga mpe Seka dieto dia Kintinu vava tuvangululanga lekwa ke ina diaka yambote ko. We also keep our Kingdom Hall in good condition by doing any necessary repairs. How can we imitate Christ? Wazolanga Yave muna nsi a ntim'andi yawonso, fulumwinu, nyindu ye ngolo zandi zawonso. He loved Jehovah with his whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. There was no doubt that Jehovah would help his people. Vana ntandu, o vav'o vwama muna konso mpila, dina vo i diambu ditoma vangamanga o unu, diayikwa mpe kwa mvwama mosi on'osundidi muna lusansu lwawonso, una vo i Ntinu Solomo. In addition, the pursuit of wealth at all costs - so common in today's materialistic world - was accurately described by one of the richest men in history, King Solomon. In time, I began taking drugs. E nzila yayi ya Internet yavewa mpe kwa mpangi muna nkutakani zina mu fulu yandá. To that end, each congregation has a secure e - mail connection so that even those in isolated areas can communicate directly with the branch office. They also repeat those words in their personal prayers, at times, and in recreation. Ekwe mbandu ambote ya loloka akaka! What a kind, forgiving spirit! " When I was 12, my parents moved to another country and left me two young sisters. LUMBU kimosi, dotolo dimosi wavwanda muna nzo andi ekolo kawanga mfumu mosi a luyalu lwa nsi ya Irlanda wavovanga muna televizau. WHILE sitting comfortably in his living room, a doctor was watching a television talk show that was hosting an Irish government minister. King David of ancient Israel sang to Jehovah: "In the day of your military power your people will offer themselves willingly. Ozevo, kuyiyekola ye luvubu diamfunu kikilu kadi difilanga Akristu mu vwa nsambu za Yave. For Christians, dedication and baptism are necessary steps that lead to Jehovah's blessing. After the tabernacle for worship in Israel was the first time to look at the Scriptures. Nkwa mvalu wa nyá osunzulanga lufwa mu kuma kia vuku ye mambu mankaka. The fourth rider represents death due to plague and other causes. Cameron: That's right. Salu kia tunga. Construction. COVER: A large part of the mountains in the southern coast of Kenya, two Christian sisters witness to people on a large road in their area, which is located in the traveling work Ekuma wan'a Isaele badila e ndofi ya lemvokela Nzambi? Nki kifwete kutufila mu kunlemvokela? Why did Israel owe God strict obedience, and what should motivate us to obey him? In a loving way, Jehovah paid the money that "was needed, " that is, through Jesus ' help" all men will be made alive. " Kasikil'owu, avo okendalalanga mu kuma kia yakala diaku kazeye kubika lekwa yandi ko, lenda kumvovesa ye luzitu lwawonso vo " vava otukanga ku salu kusiengi e mvwatu miaku va ntoto ko ' [unsonga una wina e diambu] kutondanga ko e ngolo yivanganga mu kubika e nzo [songa una omonanga. '] For example, if you are annoyed by your mate's untidiness, you can respectfully say, " When you come home from work and leave your clothes on the floor [the when and what of the problem], I feel that my efforts to care for the home are not appreciated [explains exactly how you feel]. ' He also gives us many dear brothers and sisters at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. (b) Akristu kwa nani bebundanga e vuvu muna mambu mawonso? (b) Where do Christians place their complete trust? Of course, that touched our heart, and we will never forget the joy of these brothers. Oyangalelanga luzindalalu lweto, ozeye mana mekututokanesanga. He appreciates our endurance and knows our concerns. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Muna lumingu lwaluna, fulu kia yowelela kiakituka se mfulu ame, kansi yeto wole twavwa nsambu za mwanda. That week my bed was made up in the bathtub, but what a spiritually joyful week we had together! He wondered: " Why does God hold punishment? ' NKUNGA: 121, 36 SONGS: 121, 36 Why should we be concerned about this? (Nkunga 37: 29) Elo, o wantu bavangwa kimana bazinga yakwele mvu muna Paradiso ova ntoto. Yes, humankind was meant to enjoy everlasting life in Paradise on earth. THE END OF THE TRUE WORK Mpangi z'akala zazikuka muna mwanda besalanga nze selo ya salu yovo akuluntu muna nkutakani. Mature baptized brothers serve others in the congregation as ministerial servants and elders. For example, a husband and wife may say something that encourages each other to feel loved. Vitila Kizalu, wantu ayingi bazinga mvu miayingi. Prior to the Flood, many humans lived for centuries. 10, 11. (a) What meaning did the past hold back from "generation " mentioned at Matthew 24: 34? Muna kuma kiaki, e fu kia yambula vo akala y'akento baleka vamosi nze vika sia vo nkento yo yakala, ka kilendi yangidika Nzambi ko. So any sleeping arrangements that allow unmarried people of the opposite sex to live together as though they were husband and wife would clearly be unacceptable to God. (b) How can young ones imitate Timothy in making spiritual progress? Yave kazolele ko vo twabaka nzengo zambi zikututwasila mpasi ye ntantu. He does not want us to make bad choices that will hurt us or make us unhappy. If you do not focus on the patient's illness, two will benefit you. O unu, divavanga vo yeto mpe twazizidila mambu mampasi. Today, we too may have to endure difficult challenges. 71: 4, 5; Read Proverbs 3: 19 - 26. O samba kumosi i diambu diakaka dilenda kutusadisa. Praying together is another aid. There are many things we cannot know about the growth process. Bavova vo: "E ngolo twavanga ke zankatu ko. They say: "It was worth all the effort. I must come about Samuel. " Edi kazola vova o Yesu vo tufwete kadila yo wantu nze una tuzolanga vo bakadila yeto, kansi ke mu mpila ina bekadilanga yeto ko. Jesus meant that we should treat people the way we would like to be treated, not the way they treat us. Do you feel the same way? Vava Mose kasonga e nkakalakani kakala zau mu lungisa kiyekwa kavewa, Yave wamvovesa vo: "Omono ikala owu ikala. " When Moses presented Jehovah with potential impediments to the assignment he had been given, Jehovah assured him by saying: "" I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. ' I was very young, so I did not have the ability to use money. (Nku. 19: 7) Nga tuyangalelanga nsiku mia Nzambi yo tanga Diambu diandi lumbu yawonso? Do we delight in God's law and read his Word each day? Soon this system will be destroyed. (Etuku 3: 1 - 6) O unu, yeto awonso tumonanga e mfwilu mia ukolami wau. The consequences of that act of disobedience are still with us today. A Meaningful Life " Omono Ngina Yeno " " I Am With You People " In contrast, David was concerned about making himself "a good name " in Jehovah's eyes, and his son later encouraged all to do the same. Ka lukatikisu ko vo e diambu diadi diasivi diasonga e ziku vo Yave wasambulanga nkubika yayi yampa ya alongoki a Kristu. On that thrilling day, "about 3,000 people were added " to the number of Jesus ' followers. Life was very different from what we used to in the United States. Ekuma tufwete zolela Nzambi? Why must we love God? He wanted to talk about God, and his people wanted to talk about him. • Mpangi una vo se nunu. - Fuka 19: 32. 19: 32. Jehovah strengthened Jesus and strengthened him too. Awonso bena muna wisa kia Satana befulumunanga mwela wau wambi. - Ef. This poisonous air is breathed by Satan's entire wicked system of things. - Eph. But what will happen if we give mercy to those we meet in the ministry? Kansi wayika mpe diambu diakiese divangama. After telling of such distressing matters as wars, food shortages, and an increase of lawlessness, Jesus foretold that something positive would also mark the last days. To gain power and wisdom, we need to draw close to Jehovah by making good use of his holy spirit, by reading the Bible, by praying, and by associating with our brothers and sisters. Vava Roma kakutumuna mbanza Engipito muna mvu wa 30 vitila tandu kia Kristu, Angipito bayikadila kala ye fu kia sonekesa wantu muna mabuku. When the Romans conquered Egypt in 30 B.C.E., the census was already a tried and tested feature of Egyptian bureaucracy. Walking in Integrity Bakwamanana zinga vamosi yavana mambu masoba. Life went on - until the day when everything changed. Yes, many have made changes in their lives so that they can devote themselves to the ministry. Diantete, tufwete "kwikila kaka vo wina " yandi i Mfumu a Nsema, ona tufwete sambila yo lemvokela. First, we must "believe that he is, " that is, we must believe that God exists and that he is our Supreme Ruler, deserving of our obedience and worship. Why is it important to find the answers to these questions? Owau Daniela yo Helmut wa nkaz'andi salu kia missionário besalanga kuna nsi mosi ya África. Daniela and Helmut are now serving as missionaries in southwest Africa. Thus, Christian life was under extreme pressure. - Acts 4: 1 - 3; 5: 17, 18; 6: 8 - 12; 7: 59; 8: 1, 3. Nze nkiti ndiona wasonga luzolo lwa teka lekwa yawonso kakala yau mu vwa "perle ya ntalu ayingi. " O Yesu wazinga yo fwila mu kuma kia Kintinu. - Yoane 18: 37. Just as that traveling merchant willingly gave everything he had for the "pearl of high value, " Jesus lived and died for the Kingdom. - John 18: 37. What he read encouraged him and led him to promote true worship in his life. Yave wa Se dieto diankenda, okutuvananga lufiaulwisu tuvuidi o mfunu. Our compassionate Father, Jehovah, is the main one who gives us the comfort that we need. We can ask Jehovah to strengthen our faith, and then we must live in harmony with our prayers. O Namani kazaya wo ko vo maluvunu. Naaman, of course, does not know this. They use various methods in our magazines, for example, the Awake! Yave otoma songa diaka e nkenda zandi "muna tandu ina ikwiza. " Jehovah will show his undeserved kindness even more "in the coming systems of things. " We can also learn from Jesus ' example so that we can learn how our words can help others. Nkumbu miayingi yasiwanga muna pelezo yo natwa kuna mbazi a nkanu. I was arrested and taken to court several times. Sadly, many people do not realize that they are under the influence of demons. - 2 Cor. " O Nzambi ezulu otongeka kintinu, kina ke kibangalakeswa ko.... " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed.... They needed to pay attention and think carefully about the opportunity they lost because they did not want to do more in Jehovah's service. However, what parents see as protective may seem excessive to their children. A wise person cannot accept the worship of a god without life. NKAND'A NZAMBI ZINGU KIA WANTU USOBANGA THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Resist the Bible's View of Serving Him Vava Yave kavana nsiku wau kwa nkangu andi, wabasonga mpe e kuma. Wavova vo: "Ke nwavumvula muna ntima yo meso, muna fu yeno ya tá zumba. " Note what Jehovah gave his people as a reason behind this law: "You must not go about following your hearts and your eyes, which you are following in immoral intercourse. " But Jehovah does not take offense. Vava Paulu yo Banaba bayenda muna nkangalu au antete wa salu kia Kimisionario, Maku wakala se "selo " kiau, nanga walunga lunganga nsatu zau za nitu. During Paul's first missionary journey with Barnabas, Mark served as an "attendant, " perhaps caring for their physical needs. Father, however, did not want us to attend our meetings. 1 / 4 Let Your Hands Be Strong, 4 / 15 If you know that they can make you smoke, what will you do? Kansi, nzo yayina yakala ye mpatu a bundu ye ndunda. " Still, the house came with some things I'd never had before - a vegetable garden and an orchard! " A brother in the United States listened to this counsel. Fulwa befulwa yo bezinga diaka ova ntoto. - Yoane 5: 28, 29. They will need a resurrection, a returning to life on earth. - John 5: 28, 29. What are some of the ways in which a master shows respect? Kansi bakala diaka ye kuma kiakaka basilanga Isaele kitantu. But they had another motive for their conspiracy. (b) How did the elders in Ephesus react to Paul's eighth and Paul teach us? (Yeremiya 10: 12) Nkwa ngangu mosi muna mambu ma Bibila wavova vo: "O ntoto watoma vangwa kikilu mpasi vo wantu bazingila vo. " As one Bible scholar observed, "the habitable part of the earth is admirably fitted for the use and service of man. " His real name is not mentioned in this account. (Kimpovi 2: 17; 12: 8) Kansi, nkanda Kimpovi ke uyikanga kaka lukendalalu lwa Solomo ko. Yet, Ecclesiastes is not a list of Solomon's frustrations. How does our happiness and success affect us? Beteleme. " - Etuku 35: 19, 20, 27 - 29. Bethlehem. " - Genesis 35: 19, 20, 27 - 29. Satan's aim is to weaken the desire of true Christians as "temporary residents " in this system of things. Lutangu lwa awana balungana muna Luyindulu lwakala kina kia 14 kia Abidi 2014 lwavioka nkumbu miole lutangu lwa ateleki More than double the number of publishers attended the Memorial on April 14, 2014 This was also true of Jesus by submitting to his Head, Jehovah. Esi zunga kiaki beyikilanga nzila yayi vo feo, i sia vo, nzila yambi. Gideon brought food and direction to the angels. Nze una esi Simeulue balukisilwa mu kuma kia mavuku mampwena mafinamanga, mambu mevangamanga mu nza yawonso mekutulukisanga vo e mbaninu ifinamene. Just as the sudden shifting of the tide alerted the residents of Simeulue to an approaching tsunami, the dramatic shifting of the tide of world events would signal to us that the end is near. But what about you? Aweyi tulenda tanginina Kristu? How can we imitate Christ? 3: 11. Kakala ye lukatikisu ko vo Yave osadisa nkangu andi. He had no doubt that Jehovah could help his people. For more information about Bible principles, contact Jehovah's Witnesses in your area. Kuna kwalanda yayantika nua diamba. Later, I progressed to smoking marijuana. We need to meditate on what the Bible says about our problems. Bevovololanga mpe mvovo miami muna sambu ya yau kibeni y'esi nzo zau, muna ntangwa mpasi ye muna ntangwa nsaka. They have also recited them in family groups and as individuals, in good times and in bad. Similarly, the king expressed appreciation for what he saw in Esther, and this is why he loved him. " Vava yakala ye mvu 12, mase mame bayenda ku nsi yankaka yo kunsisila aleke ame wole a makento. " When I was just 12 years old, my parents emigrated to another country and left me behind to care for my two younger sisters. On another occasion, Jehovah saw that Baruch was tired and discouraged because of his negative feelings. Davidi wa ntinu a Isaele yankulu wayimbila kwa Yave vo: "Muna lumbu kia nkum'aku, o nkangu aku ukuvanina kuna mvevo: mun'evienga dia vauka, muna mvungia - mvungia, e kime kia uleke waku wina kiau. " King David of ancient Israel sang to Jehovah: "Your people will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force. Hades, or Gehenna, is the common grave. Vava kiatungwa e saba kia sambila kuna Isaele i nkumbu antete matala - tala mayikwa muna Nkand'a Nzambi. The first mention of mirrors in the Bible is in connection with the construction of the tabernacle, Israel's first center of worship. In Hebrews chapter 11, we find Paul's words about faith, explaining the meaning of faith, and names of faithful men and women like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Rahab. Malungu: I wau kikilu. Cameron: Precisely. God allowed his faith to be tested. FUKWA: Vana ndambu a miongo mia Mbololo kuna sude ya Quênia, mpangi zole zamakento besilanga umbangi kwa wantu beviokanga muna nzil'ampwena ina muna zunga kia Tausa, kina muna Mvivu a Taita 18 Milestones in My Life of Kingdom Service COVER: Near the Mbololo hills in southeast Kenya, two sisters witness to passersby on the main road through the township of Tausa, Taita District Most important, his love for Jehovah and Jesus grew. Kuna zola kwawonso, Yave wafuta e nzimbu za "mawuku " twavuanga o mfunu, i sia vo, muna lusadisu lwa Yesu" wantu awonso bevuila moyo. " Out of his great love, Jehovah willingly paid for the lifesaving "treatment " we need, so that by means of Jesus" all will be made alive. " Hence, the problem of conduct and religious teachings continues to grow cold. Okutuvananga mpe ulolo wa mpangi zanzolwa tukalanga yau vamosi muna tukutakanu twakete ye twampwena. And he has given us the supportive companionship of a vast throng of fellow believers at meetings and assemblies. At the age of age, I often feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts and feelings. Dialudi vo ediadi diasimba kikilu e ntima mieto, ke tusinga vilakana ko e kiese basonga ampangi awaya. However, they certainly touched our hearts, and we will never forget the joy reflected in their faces! 4: 17. MAKAKA MENA MUN'EYINGIDILU DIADI ALSO IN THIS ISSUE A Meeting Meeting for Each year (Yobi 21: 7 - 9) Wakiyuvula: " Ekuma o Nzambi kampanini e tumbu? ' " Why is God punishing me? ' God has given him the responsibility to fulfill his purpose here on earth as in heaven. Ekuma tufwete tokanena e diambu diadi? In fact, why should we even be concerned about it? Let us see what we need to do so. DAVIDI OKITUKIDI SE NTINU DAVID RULES AS KING Later, I asked them for forgiveness. Kasikil'owu, yakala yo nkento balenda vova diambu difila o nkwandi mu mona vo zolwa ke zolwanga. For example, a husband and wife may say things that make each other feel loved. Jesus told John that it was important for him to get baptized. 10, 11. (a) Nkia nsasa yavewa muna mvu miavioka mu kuma kia "mbandu " iyikwanga muna Matai 24: 34? 10, 11. (a) What explanation was previously given concerning the "generation " mentioned at Matthew 24: 34? Learning to cultivate the fruitage of the spirit can help your family (b) Aleke aweyi balenda tanginina Timoteo mu nungunuka muna mwanda? (b) With regard to making advancement, how can youths today imitate Timothy? We need to remember this lesson when we meditate on Jehovah God. Avo sidi e sungididi muna mbevo ke mu kimbevo kiandi ko, yeno wole nluta nubaka. If you focus on the person and not the illness, you benefit both yourself and your loved one. To endure persecution, Jesus set a model for us to follow. 71: 4, 5; Tanga Ngana 3: 19 - 26.) He will not let us down. Did God act in the wrong way, or did he create his creation? Mambu mayingi ke tulendanga zaya ko mu kuma kia mbena imenang'e mbongo. Many factors are beyond our control. What will Christ do when he comes? Mfwete kwiza muna kuma kia Samuel. " I will do it for you, Samuel. " Lois and her son Eunice became Christians, who referred to Paul as having "without hypocrisy. " Nga i wau mpe omonanga? Do you feel the same way? What dangers? Wau vo i nleke yakala, kiakala ye ngangu zafwana ko za sadila e nzimbu. For a while, I worked at a bank and in an office because I had convinced myself that I needed to earn some money to support my pioneering. Later, the Bible mentions people chosen as "a royal priesthood, " that is, they would also serve as kings and priests. - 1 Pet. (Nsiku 32: 4) Ke kolo ko e nza yayi ifwaswa. Its execution will not be delayed. If you are a parent, you may feel that you are not interested in personal study or at Christian meetings because you spend time caring for your children. Mvwama Wasol'e Nsola ya Uzowa A Rich Ruler Makes a Poor Choice 28: 18; Phil. Nswaswani yo yau, Davidi watokanenanga kuyivangila "nkumbu ambote " vana meso ma Yave. Kuna kwalanda, mwan'andi wakasakesa awonso mu vanga diau adimosi. (Kim. David, on the other hand, was interested in making "a good name " with Jehovah, as his son later recommended that all do. Today, we need to fight against Satan and his world. E zingu kiaswaswana kikilu ye kina twakulukilwa kuna Estados Unidos. Everything was so different from what we were accustomed to in North America. Jesus ' prophecy is fulfilled in our time. O nkangu a Wayuu wazola mokena mambu ma Nzambi. The Wayuu people like to talk about God. 24: 45 - 47; Acts 15: 22 - 31. Yave wakumika Yesu, okunkumikanga mpe. But Jehovah gave Jesus strength, and he strengthens me. God's love was expressed in the Son, so he said: "My delight was in among the sons of men. " - Prov. Kansi, adieyi divangama avo tuyambwidi fwila e nkenda awana tuwanananga yau muna salu kia umbangi? But what will happen if we lose our compassion for the people we meet in our ministry? So we do well to ask ourselves: What can we learn from Ittai's example? Muna vwa o nkuma ye ngangu, tufwete finama Yave muna toma sadilanga e nkubika kevanganga mu kutuvana mwand'avelela nze tanga Nkand'a Nzambi, samba yo lungananga ye mpangi zeto z'akala ye z'akento. In order to have similar strength and ability, we need to draw close to Jehovah by taking full advantage of all the provisions he has made to fill us with his spirit. Another adjustment was made in the study edition of The Watchtower. Tukangalela Muna Kwikizi We Shall Walk in Our Integrity! If you were in the position of the father, how would you want to treat you? Elo, ayingi bevevolanga zingu kiau kimana bayivana muna salu kia umbangi. In fact, many have taken steps to simplify their lifestyle so that they can give more time to the ministry. 4: 6. Ekuma dinina o mfunu mu zaya e mvutu za yuvu yayi? Why is it important to know the answers to those personal questions? The water and the water itself cannot be used now or in the new world to get better. Muna kuma kiaki, e zingu ki'Akristu mu mpasi kiakala. - Mav. 4: 1 - 3; 5: 17, 18; 6: 8 - 12; 7: 59; 8: 1, 3. This certainly made life difficult for the faithful ones. - Acts 4: 1 - 3; 5: 17, 18; 6: 8 - 12; 7: 59; 8: 1, 3. In Noah's day, the wicked perished quickly after the Flood. Mana katanga, mankasakesa yo kunfila mu nungununa nsambil'aludi muna zingu kiandi. In the long run, being honest and upright pays the richest of dividends. Why is Jesus called "the firstfruits "? Tulenda lomba kwa Yave kimana kakumika lukwikilu lweto. I bosi, tufwete zingilanga e ngwizani ye sambu yeto. We can supplicate Jehovah for a strengthened faith and then back up our prayers with the necessary actions. Aaron courageously spoke to Pharaoh about God's message. Besadilanga ndekwa zina muna yinkanda - nkanda yeto. Kasikil'owu, e Despertai! Helpful suggestions in this regard have been published in our magazines. Moreover, titles such as Lord and God are not in harmony with Jesus ' prayer when he said: "Your name is sanctified. " - Matthew 6: 9. Tulenda mpe longoka e mbandu a Yesu kimana twazaya una mvovo mieto milenda sadisila akaka. We can also study the example of Jesus to learn how to speak in a way that will help others. The Bible Students were very zealous (See paragraphs 6, 7) Diankenda kikilu vo wantu ayingi ke bezayanga wo ko vo mu wisa kia nkwiya bena. - 2 Kor. Sadly, the majority of mankind remain blind to demonic influence. - 2 Cor. F. Diavavanga vo basia sungididi yo toma yindula e lau bavidisa wau vo ke bazola kuyivana ko kuna mvevo muna salu kia Yave. They needed to pay attention and think about the opportunities they had missed by not volunteering for Jehovah's work. Jehovah's Word Is Alive O nkwa ngangu kalendi tambulwila sadila nzambi yakondwa moyo ko. A wise person would not want to serve a lifeless god. Most important, it brings honor to Jehovah God, the Originator of marriage. - Genesis 2: 18, 21 - 24; 1 Corinthians 10: 31; Ephesians 3: 15; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. Venga fu kia Sadila Nkand'a Nzambi nze Mpandu At times, a wicked ruler may be replaced by a good ruler. Kansi, Yave ke lundanga makasi ko. Jehovah does not act in that way. [ Picture on page 29] Kansi, o se dieto kazolanga kutakana yeto ko. Dad, though, was not interested. We can also examine why we serve as an elder. Wau ozeye wo vo balenda kuvana fomo, adieyi ovanga? Anticipating a problem, what can you do? When he sent the public talk, they took the clothes of the Philippines. Mpangi mosi kuna Estados Unidos walemvokela elongi diadi. A brother in the United States took this counsel to heart. Moreover, we view spiritism as God does. - Read Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12; Revelation 21: 8. Nkia mfumu otoma zitisanga? After all, whom do you respect more? He promises to give us everlasting life on a paradise earth. (b) Dina diavanga akuluntu kuna Efeso vava bakanana ye Paulu aweyi ditulongele? (b) What does the reaction of the Ephesian elders to Paul's departure teach us about him? seven Christian qualities, which we consider are taught to pursue: righteousness, godly devotion, faith, endurance, long - suffering, mildness, mildness, and peace. E nkumbu andi yakieleka ke iyikwanga ko mu lusansu lwalu. The man's personal name is not revealed in the account. 19: 7. Akweyi kutukanga e nsambu ye zingu kieto kiasikila? Our happiness and success depend on what? Why did John warn us not to love the world? Ekani dia Satana i yoyesa etima dia Akristu akieleka dia kuyibadikila nze "minduti a nzila " ova nza yayi. Satan's goal is to weaken the determination of true Christians to view themselves as "temporary residents " in the present system. The vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Note what Paul wrote about Noah. I diau mpe diavangama kwa Yesu muna sakalela e wisa kia Yave wa Ntu andi. The result becomes similar to how Jesus felt about being in subjection to his Head, Jehovah. When we begin to understand Jehovah's thinking, we can say as did Job: "These are the end of his ways. Ngidone walamba madia yo vana kwa mbasi. Gideon prepared a meal and served it to the angel. If you have doubts about the message you read, you may be wrong. Kansi, adieyi tuvova mu kuma kiaku? But what about you? But I thanked him and told him that I wanted to make Jehovah's service my way of life. 3: 11. 3: 11. How? Muna zaya diaka mayingi mu kuma kia nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi, vava Mbangi za Yave mu zunga kieno. To learn more about the Bible's practical advice, feel free to contact Jehovah's Witnesses locally. It is amazing to see something happen. Tufwete badikanga dina Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga mu kuma kia mpasi zeto. We must meditate on what the Bible says about our problems. Those who listen to them will be disappointed, and we must strive to remain faithful to Jehovah and his organization, and this arrangement will never disappoint us. - Isa. (Esete 2: 15) Diau adimosi mpe, o ntinu wayangalela mana kamona muna Esete, ekiaki i kuma kanzolela. Similarly, the king was impressed with what he saw in Esther and therefore came to love her. What does it mean to walk with God? (Etuku 4: 11 - 13) Lumbu kiankaka, Yave wamona vo Baruki wayoya yo kendalala mu kuma kia ngindu zambi kakala zau. Another time, Jehovah noticed that Baruch's wrong attitude was making him feel tired and discouraged. After Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E., the remnant of Judah fled to Egypt, even though Jeremiah was warned not to do so. Hades yovo "bilungi, " i ziami kwandi. Hades, or "hell, " was the grave. 8, 9. (a) What four things can help us to understand the illustration of the olive tree? Muna Ayibere kapu kia 11, tutanganga mvovo mia Paulu mu kuma kia lukwikilu, mivanang'e nsas'a lukwikilu yo yika nkumbu z'akwa kwikizi, akala ye akento nze Noa, Abarayama, Sara ye Rakabi. In Hebrews chapter 11, we find Paul's masterful discussion of faith, which includes a concise definition and a list of such exemplary men and women of faith as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Rahab. [ Picture on page 22] Nzambi wayambula vo lukwikilu lwandi lwatontwa. When on earth, Jesus faced many trying circumstances. To my surprise, I was assigned to work there. Edi disundidi o mfunu, o zola kwandi muna Yave yo Yesu kuwokelanga. Most important, his study makes him love Jehovah and Jesus more. They passed through places with hundreds of Roman gods and traveled to the courtyard where the soldiers fought. Muna kuma kiaki, e diambu ditadidi fu ya nkal'ambote ye malongi ma mabundu mekwamanananga twasa mpambula. As a result, moral and doctrinal issues remain as divisive as ever. I said, " This is what I am doing in my home. ' " Muna kimbuta kiame, nkumbu miayingi yikendalalanga mu kuma kia ngindu zambi yo kibadikila vo kiakala mfunu ko. In my adult life, I have often been plagued by feelings of guilt and a lack of self - worth. Later, I was invited to serve as a circuit overseer in the United States. 4: 17. 4: 17. How did Jehovah let his people shine in the 1930 ' s? - 1928 Nsangu za Lukutakanu lwa Konso mvu Annual Meeting Report The apostle Paul's words found at 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4 show that Jehovah God is a source of great comfort. Nzambi wamvana e kiyekwa kia lungisa luzolo lwandi ova nza nze kun'ezulu. God has entrusted this government with the task of making sure that his will is done on earth as in heaven. 3, 4. Yambula twazaya dina tufwete vanga kimana twazingila mo. Let us discuss what we need to do to live there. 4 How Does God View Alcohol? Kuna kwalanda, yabalomba e ndoloki. Later, I had to apologize. If we continue to pray to Jehovah, stick to his laws, and do what is right before him, he will bless us. Yesu wavovesa Yoane vo diamfunu diakala kwa yandi vo kavubwa. Jesus assured John that it was fitting for Him to be baptized. Then he uses his time to rest them and to discuss spiritual matters with them. O longoka fu ya mbongo a mwanda dilenda sadisa esi nzo aku A study of the fruitage of the spirit can benefit your family Giuseppe and his family were pioneering too. Tufwete sungamenanga elongi diadi vava tubadikanga oma ma Yave wa Nzambi. We do well to keep this lesson in mind when it comes to reaching conclusions about Jehovah God. He is still able to do so, but he still has the power to do so. Muna zizidila o lubangamu, Yesu watusisila e mbandu tufwete landa. By enduring under trial, Jesus left us a model to follow. Such association with strangers and each individual who learns the truth and what helps them to remain faithful to God can be a source of encouragement to people. Nga Nzambi mu mpila yambi kasemena vangwa yandi? Was God's creation defective? 2 / 1 Kristu nkia salu kesala vava kekwiza? What work will Christ do when he comes? The faithful man Boaz imitated Jehovah's view of strangers. O Loi yo mwan'andi Yunike bakituka se Akristu, ana Paulu kayikila vo bakala yo "lukwikilu lwakondwa kivunina. " There were Lois and Eunice, her daughter, now loyal Christian women, full of that "unhypocritical faith " that Paul so admired. Some may need to work even part - time while reading. Nkia vonza? What is it? Karen: That's right. Kuna kwalanda, Nkand'a Nzambi wayika wantu basolwa nze "mfumu za nganga, " i sia vo besala mpe nze atinu ye nganga. - 1 Pet. As inspired writings later indicated, this meant the opportunity to furnish a royal priesthood, kings who would also be priests. - 1 Pet. The world is passing away, and human governments do not care for the needs of the people. Avo u se yovo ngudi, olenda kuyimwena vo kutoma sianga sungididi ko mun'elongi dia ngeye kibeni yovo muna tukutakanu twa Akristu mu kuma kia ntangwa oviokesanga mu lunga - lunga wana. If you are a parent, you may have the impression that you benefit little from personal study or Christian meetings because much of your time and energy is taken up by young children. The Bible shows that he was still on earth, and Jesus fed millions twice. - Matthew 14: 14 - 21; 15: 32 - 38. 28: 18; Fili. 28: 18; Phil. While still in school, you can improve your ability to speak to others about the good news (1 Tusansu 25: 7) O unu, divavanga vo twanuana yo Satana ye nz'andi. Today, we must fight against Satan and his world. He said: "As for me, I will trust in Jehovah, O my God of salvation, and my God will hear me. " Ungunza wa Yesu ulungananga mu tandu kieto. We are living in the time of the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy. " My wife told me that I would never get better with you because I had another wife. 24: 45 - 47; Mav. 15: 22 - 31. 24: 45 - 47; Acts 15: 22 - 31. To be happy, can you use new ways to witness to more people who will find them? O zola kwa Nzambi kwamonekanga muna Mwana, ikuma vo nze ngangu wavova vo: "Eyangi diame diakala vana vena wan'a wantu. " - Nga. God's love for mankind was reflected in the Son to such an extent that as wisdom personified, he could say: "The things I was fond of were with the sons of men. " - Prov. " ARE THEY IN THIS ISSUE... Muna kuma kiaki, diambote twakiyuvula: Adieyi tulenda longoka muna mbandu a Itai? So we do well to ask, What lessons can we learn from Ittai's example? In today's world, God's people obey that advice. Diambu diakaka mpe diasobwa muna malongi malongoka mun'Eyingidilu. Still another adjustment to the Watchtower study articles has to do with their length. When I called on the phone, I was in Colorado, New York. Kele vo wakala vana fulu kia Osei, aweyi wadi zola vo bakadila yaku? Think about how you would like to be treated if you were in a similar situation. To the 84th year, "he was not missing from the temple, rendering sacred service night and day by day and night. " 4: 6. 4: 6. Isaiah also relied on God when he said: "Jehovah of armies is looking for, and who will see it? O maza ye nti miami ke nlongo mia makaya ko tulenda nua owau yovo muna nz'ampa kimana twasasuka. This does not refer to some herbal remedy that we can take now or in the new world to heal us. Did Paul and Barnabas stop preaching about people who wanted to kill Paul? Muna lumbu ya Noa, e yimpumbulu yafwaswa vana vau vava kiayiza e Kizalu. In Noah's time, when the Flood arrived, the wicked were destroyed without delay. HAVE you ever had time to know what to say to a friend who suffers from a serious illness? Ekuma Yesu keyikilwanga vo "ntomoni "? Why is Jesus called "the firstfruits "? If your children grow up, you could explain to them that all the instructions needed to produce a tree that is in your cells and that the other children will grow up. Arone wavova kuna unkabu wawonso yo zayisa e nsangu za Nzambi kwa Faro. Aaron then spoke boldly, declaring God's message to him. See the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Vana ntandu, o vingisa mazina nze Mfumu ye Nzambi vana fulu kia nkumbu a Nzambi ke dina ngwizani ko ye sambu kia Yesu, vava kavova vo: "Nkumbu aku yazitiswa. " - Matai 6: 9. Furthermore, replacing the divine name with such titles as Lord and God is a violation of Jesus ' model prayer, which says in part: "Thy name be hallowed [or, made holy]. " - Matthew 6: 9, The New English Bible. Being loyal in all things calls for righteousness in our work. Alongoki a Bibila vema kwayingi bakala kwau (Tala tini kia 6, 7) Those Bible Students were zealous! (See paragraphs 6, 7) The thousand thousand thousand stood before him, and ten thousand thousand thousand stood before him. " F. Bruce. At the start of his ministry, a leper approached Jesus and said: "If you want to, you can make me clean. " Diambu dia Yave Diamoyo Jehovah's Word Is Alive For the heart has grown old and their ears, and they have nothing to eat. " Edi disundidi o mfunu, lutwasanga zitu kwa Yave wa Nzambi, w'Etuku dia longo. - Etuku 2: 18, 21 - 24; 1 Korinto 10: 31; Efeso 3: 15; 1 Tesalonika 5: 17. More important, it brings honor to Jehovah God, the Originator of marriage. - Genesis 2: 18, 21 - 24; 1 Corinthians 10: 31; Ephesians 3: 15; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. Additionally, we can find the wisdom available in God's Word. Ezak'e ntangwa o nyadi ambi olenda vingilwa kwa nyadi ambote. Shortly before his death, Jesus repeated the assurance he had given in his illustrations. This is the bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh. " [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 29] [ Picture on page 16] 2: 7. Tulenda mpe fimpa e kuma twasadilanga nze nkuluntu. We can also reflect on why we served. Man's good qualities have become clear, and peace will be no more. Vava kafila e longi dia nkangu wawonso, wavuata mvuatu mia esi Filipinas miyikilwanga vo barong Tagalog. When he gave the public talk, he wore a barong Tagalog, the traditional Filipino clothing. So he uses simple words to communicate with them. - 1 Cor. 47: 1, 12 - 15) Vana ntandu, tubadikilanga mavangu ma mpandu nze una Nzambi kebadikilanga mo. - Tanga Nsiku 18: 10 - 12; Lusengomono 21: 8. Moreover, we are guided by God's view of spiritism. - Read Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12; Revelation 21: 8. The Assyrians may also fall away from Babylon's Babylonians, but the two kings of Babylon also perished. Osianga o nsilu wa kutuvana moyo a mvu ya mvu muna paradiso ova ntoto. Indeed, we are working hand in hand with the Creator himself, who views such acts of kindness as a loan made to him. What if that brother or sister is more hospitable than you? Fu nsambwadi ya Kikristu tufimpidi, yina tulongwanga mu tatidila: Unsongi, vumina Nzambi, lukwikilu, zola, luzindalalu, lulembamu ye luvuvamu. We have touched on seven Christian qualities that we are encouraged to pursue - righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper, and peace. Why should we wear each piece of armor? 19: 7. 19: 7. It will eliminate all governments who oppose the Kingdom. Ekuma Yoane katulukisila twalembi zola e nza? Why did John urge us not to love the world? Although I wanted to share Bible truths with others, I was afraid to tell them what I believed. Kimfumu kia Yave Kiafidiswa e Mpaka Issue of Sovereignty Brought to the Fore Since God does not cause natural disasters to cause suffering, what does it bring? Tala dina Paulu kasoneka mu kuma kia Noa. Note what Paul wrote about Noah. ;tonton, S. (Yobi 9: 32) Vava tuyantikanga bakula e ngindu za Yave, tulenda vova nze Yobi vo: "Omama i nsuka kaka za ngyenda zandi: I kimfundumfundu kaka tuwidi! Like Job, when we start to understand the mind of Jehovah, we cannot help but exclaim: "Look! These are the fringes of his ways, and what a whisper of a matter has been heard of him! We all know that our life does not need much. (Ngana 7: 7) Avo lukatikisu una lwau mu kuma kia nsangu otangidi, dilenda kala vo zaluvunu kikilu. Then, use "good sense. " If a news item seems unbelievable, it probably is. Of course, if we want Jehovah to hear our prayers, we should pray in Jesus ' name. Kansi, yamvutula matondo yo kunzayisa vo yabaka nzengo zakitula salu kia Yave se mpila zingu kiame. I thanked the professor but explained why I was determined to make service to Jehovah my career. Then he added: "To this extent, only Jehovah can help me. " (Luvaiku 34: 6; Yobi 2: 2 - 6) Mu nkia mpila? Why? Of course, those who ignore evidence that there is a Creator, and those who do not believe that the Bible is God's inspired Word. Osivikidi kikilu muna diambu divangamene. She cannot believe her eyes. " Be courageous in the undeserved kindness that Christ Jesus heard from me, " said Paul, "that is, the things that were being preached to many faithful men, who needed to teach them many things to the apostle Timothy. " Awana bekubawanga, kendalala bekendalala. Tufwete sia ngolo za sikila ye kwikizi muna Yave ye nkubik'andi. E nkubika yayi ke isinga kutukendeleka nkutu ko. Ikutuvananga ulolo wa maza mavelela metukanga muna ludi kia Diambu dia Nzambi. - Yes. Instead, let us be determined to remain loyal to Jehovah and to the organization that has a long record of quenching our thirst with the pure and refreshing waters of truth from God's inspired Word. - Isa. What does that mean? (Mika 6: 8) O kangala yo Nzambi aweyi disongele? But what does it mean to walk with God? In this covenant, Jehovah chose the ancient nation of Israel to fulfill his important purpose. Vava Yerusaleme yafwaswa muna mvu a 607 vitila Kristu, e nsadiswa ya Yuda kuna Engipito batinina, kana una vo balukiswa kwa Yeremiya mu lembi wo vanga. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., the remnant of Judah fled to Egypt despite the prophet Jeremiah's warning. Then "he saw the crowds, felt pity for them, " and helped them. - Matt. 8, 9. (a) Nkia mambu yá malenda kutusadisa mu bakula e nona kia nti a olive? 8, 9. (a) What four basic facts will help us understand the illustration of the olive tree? 4: 8, 9, 16 - 18; 5: 7. [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 22] [ Picture on page 22] (Psalm 30: 1 - 31: 31) Yafilwa mu sadila muna mbanza Metz. I was assigned to the city of Metz. Unlike Saul, David had a close relationship with Jehovah, thus known as the fear of God. Bavioka e fulu kiakala yo ulolo wa maziku ma nzambi za esi Roma yo kwenda kuna yanzala kina makesa balongokelanga o nwana vita. They pass a garden with many altars to Roman gods and also go by a parade ground where military maneuvers take place. If others see that you are humble, it will be easier for them to follow your counsel Kevutula vo, ina yaluala muna nzo azodi ame. " he will answer, " Wounds I received in the house of my friends. ' " • What opportunity do the great crowd have? I bosi, yabokelwa mu kala nkengi a zunga kuna Estados Unidos. After that, I was invited to serve in the circuit work in the United States. Indeed, humility and patience are required to listen and understand your mate's feelings. Yave aweyi katemesena ntemo kwa nkangu andi mu diambu dia malongi muna mvu a 1927 - 1928? In the 1920 ' s, how did Jehovah illuminate the path of his people doctrinally? (b) How will Jesus ' "other sheep " benefit from making vows to God? E mvovo mia Paulu wa ntumwa muna 2 Korinto 1: 3, 4 misonganga vo Yave wa Nzambi i nto a lufiaulwisu lwasikila. The words of the apostle Paul found at 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4 point to an unfailing source of comfort - Jehovah God. 1, 2. (a) What Bible prophecies can be likened to someone who is an animal? 3, 4. 3, 4. However, Jehovah had not commanded Moses to choose whether he had his son, leprosy, or son. 4 O Nzambi Aweyi Kebadikilanga Malavu ma Nkolwa? 4 What Is God's View of Alcohol? How do Christian elders follow God's example recorded at Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? Avo tukwamanene samba kwa Yave, tatidila nsiku miandi yo vanga mawonso mansongi vana ndose andi, okutusambula. If we keep close to Jehovah in prayer, stay loyal to his commands, and work hard at doing what is right in his eyes, we will give him something to bless. Prayer was a short prayer, and only about 30 words in Hebrew. I bosi, osadilanga e ntangw'andi ya vunda muna kubavava yo mokena yau mambu ma mwanda. Then, she used her lunchtime break to seek them out individually for a spiritual conversation. Nothing is more important than going to their home each night and sharing them with them what they want. " Mpangi Giusto Battaino y'esi nzo andi salu kia kimviti a nzila mpe basalanga. The Battainos too pioneered as a family. I was diagnosed with surgery while working in a hospital office, and when the war ended, I was diagnosed with a serious illness. Wakinu ye zayi wandi kansi kena diaka ye nkuma wa sala ko. She is mentally active, but her body, it seems, no longer cooperates. He took the talents to the third slave and sent him out of his house. - Matt. O dia vamosi ye nzenza yo wa mpila konso muntu kazayila e ludi ye dina dikubasadisanga mu sikila ye kwikizi kwa Nzambi, dilenda kasakesa wantu. Gatherings at which guests enjoy a simple meal, hear how others became Christians, and learn what has helped them to stay faithful to God have proved unforgettable for many. (b) What should we be determined to do? Tusia Satana Kitantu, Okututina, 1 / 2 If we listen carefully to our brother's comments, we can understand what he is feeling and know what he can do to help him overcome the problem. O Boaze wa nkwa kwikizi watanginina e mpila ina Yave kebadikilanga nzenza. The faithful man Boaz imitated Jehovah's view of strangers. However, there were others on Crete who continued to say that a person was to be circumcised. Akaka nanga bevwang'o mfunu wa sala kana nkutu ndambu ya lumbu ekolo betanganga. Some may also need to hold at least a part - time job while going to school. A key lesson in Paul's counsel is: We should pay attention to the good things of our brothers and sisters and commend them. Nlandu: I wau kikilu. Karen: That's right. That is not the case. E nza yayi mu yiva kaka yina. Ayadi ke belendanga lungisa nsatu za nkangu ko. This world is drenched in wickedness, and human governments are failing to care for even the basic needs of their citizens. My older brother, Mariví, had grown up in his early teens, and I was disappointed. Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga vo e kolo kakala ova ntoto, Yesu nkumbu miole kadikila mafunda ma wantu. - Matai 14: 14 - 21; 15: 32 - 38. It is recorded that twice during his ministry, he fed thousands. - Matthew 14: 14 - 21; 15: 32 - 38. 3, 4. (a) What attitude do many young people today display? Ekolo wakinu mwan'a sikola, olenda tomesa ndekwa zaku za mokena ye wantu yo kubasamunwina e nsangu zambote During your school years, you can improve your ability to speak to others about the good news You may not have faced such challenges. Wavova vo: "Vo i mono ntala kwa Yave, mbunda Nzambi a mpuluzw'ame e vuvu: o Nzambi ame okungwa. " I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. " For if they have become unfaithful or have left the congregation, we will not lose our faith or stop serving Jehovah. - Jude 16, footnote. " Nkaz'ame wampovesa vo kizinga diaka yo yeno ko kadi yabakidi nkento akaka. " My husband sat me down and said he was leaving us. Why did David need comfort, and to whom did he seek it? Muna kala ye kiese, ng'olenda sadila mpila zakaka za sila umbangi zina olenda solwela wantu ayingi? To maintain your joy, however, can you expand your preaching methods, perhaps to include other ways of reaching people? Today, many do not accept the good news of God's Kingdom. " AWONSO BENA MUNA NKALA... Like "the foreigners " and" the foreigners, " or "the nations, " of spiritual Israel, the other sheep will be united with spiritual Israel, serving as" workers " and "the vine of wine " under the direction of Jehovah's anointed servants. " Mu tandu kiaki, o nkangu a Nzambi belemvokelanga luludiku lwalu. In modern times, though, God's people have responded differently to such counsel. Sea Sea Vava kambokela muna telefone, mono ku mbanza Colorado yakala, oyandi kuna Patterson, Nova York. He called me in Colorado from Patterson, New York. I have seen the truthfulness of these words: " Rejoice and see that Jehovah is good. ' " - Ps. Yamu kimbuta kia mvu 84 " kakatukanga muna tempelo ko, wasambang'aka, yo fionkonona, yo dodokela, yo fuku yo mwini. ' At 84 years of age, she was "never missing from the temple, rendering sacred service night and day with fastings and supplications. " Why not take time to learn why Jehovah's Witnesses believe that "the war of the great day of God the Almighty " is near and that you should not be afraid of it? (2 Tusansu 20: 6) Yesaya wabunda mpe vuvu kwa Nzambi vava kavova vo: "O Yave a vu okanini, nani ofungisa dio? Isaiah expressed similar confidence when he stated: "Jehovah of armies himself has counseled, and who can break it up? They endured many hardships, including hunger and danger from surrounding nations. Nga Paulu yo Banaba bayambula samun'e nsangu zambote mu kuma kia wantu ana bazola vonda Paulu? Did this attempt on Paul's life frighten him and Barnabas into giving up? But he went to the next door and went to the meeting. NGA vena ye ntangwa ina kuzayanga ko dina olenda vova kwa nkundi aku oyelanga kimbevo kiangolo? HAVE you ever been at a loss for words when talking to a friend who is seriously ill? See the brochure Help to Study God's Word on pages 16. Avo wan'aku se ambuta, olenda kubasasila vo tuludiku twawonso muna vanga o nti a dilala una muna DNA yo wuta malala mankaka. If the children are older, you could explain that even the instructions for making an apple tree that can produce more apples are found in the DNA inside the seed. Then we need to make decisions that will help us to have a clean conscience. Tala muna nkanda O Nkand'a Nzambi Adieyi Kieleka Kelonganga? See the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? If we want Jehovah to be our God and have faith in him as David did, we will not suffer injustice or fear. O kala ye kwikizi muna mambu mawonso divavanga vo twakala yo unsongi muna fulu yeto ya salu. Being faithful and honest in all things calls for honesty at our place of employment. But as Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount, each good tree comes out of his fruit, and what we do can also show how our heart is. Ezunda dia mazunda dinsadidinge, kiazi kia yazi kitelamene vana ndose andi. ' There were a thousand thousands that kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand that kept standing right before him. " (b) Is there also true in Christendom today? Muna lubantiku lwa salu kiandi kia umbangi, nkwa wazi wafinama Yesu yo vova vo: "Ovo ozolele wo, olenda kunkianzisa. " Early in Jesus ' ministry, a leper approached Jesus and said: "If you just want to, you can make me clean. " Christians in Macedonia and in Macedonia offered gifts to the brothers in Jerusalem, but they did not mention the names of those who gave them. Kadi ntima mia nkangu wau mivwidi bala, o matu mau mpe, ke metoma wanga ko. " For the heart of this people has grown unreceptive, and with their ears they have heard without response. " Jehovah has also given us the Bible and the congregation to warn us about dangers. Vana ntandu, muna Nkand'a Nzambi tulenda mo solola ngangu zina ka tulendi solola mu fulu kiakaka ko. Moreover, the Bible is a book of matchless wisdom. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. ndioyù tu, i visi kia visi yame, ye nitu a nitu ame. " (Etu. Following Eve's creation, Adam was so delighted at having a companion and helper that he said: "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. " The Gestapo often came to our home to seek publications of Jehovah's Witnesses and asked my parents for a Bible study. 2: 7. 2: 7. Leviticus 19: 32 says: "Before gray hair you should rise up, and you must show consideration for an old man, you must show respect for your God. " E fu yambote ya wantu ibeba, o luvuvamu mpe ke lukala ko. Obviously, personal safety and neighborhood morals would decline. The Hebrew word translated "inculcate " at Deuteronomy 6: 7 means to repeat a talk more often. Muna kuma kiaki, osadilanga mvovo mialeboka mu mokena yau. - 1 Kor. So he has had to use easier words to reason with them. - 1 Cor. Is it not good for us to strive to be honest? (Yesaya 36: 1 - 4, 20; 37: 36 - 38) Asuri nanga yabakwa kwa makesa ma Babele. Kansi atinu wole a Babele mpe bafwaswa. Eventually, Assyria was conquered by the Babylonians, but two haughty Babylonian kings were humiliated too. Ask him to help you have a good conversation with your brother. Adieyi tuvova avo mpangi ndioyo fu kia tambula nzenza kena kiau lutila ngeye? Or what if he is more generous than you are? Jesus Christ explained what we should do: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. " Ekuma tufwete vuatilanga konso nuaninua? Why must we wear each piece? Are we grateful for the counsel we receive? Kifwasa tuyalu twawonso tusianga Kintinu e kitantu. It will eliminate the political enemies of the Kingdom. For example, King David, who had a close relationship with God, said: "O Jehovah my God, your works and your thoughts are beyond our reach.... Kana una vo yakala y'etima dia samuna e ludi kia Nkand'a Nzambi kw'akaka, yabakamanga kwa wonga vava yatezanga zayisa mana yakwikilanga. Although I was eager to share Bible truths with others, my mouth went dry as soon as I tried to speak about what I believed. Asaph wrote: "My flesh and my heart became intense. " Wau vo ke Nzambi ko otwasanga e sumbula yimwesanga wantu e mpasi, nki kitwasanga yo? Well, if God is not behind the human suffering wrought by natural disasters, what is the cause? Even young people can become spiritually stronger ; Leighton, S. ; Leighton, S. God can guide our Christian brothers and sisters to help us and comfort us. Yeto awonso tutomene wo zaya vo muna zinga, o moyo eto ke uvavanga kwandi mayingi ko. In this regard, we all know that to live, or to sustain the life we have, does not really require very much. The illustration of Your Judgment Day Kieleka, avo tuzolele vo Yave kawá e sambu yeto, tufwete sambanga muna nkumbu a Yesu. Yes, we must offer our prayers in Jesus ' name if we want them to be heard by Jehovah. Of course, it is good to encourage children to read the Bible. I bosi wakudikila vo: "Muna tezo kiaki se kena, Yave kaka olenda kunsadisa. " Then he added: "At this point, only Jehovah can help him. " We need courage to remain loyal to Jehovah and obey him rather than our relatives, workmates, or governments. Dialudi vo awana bevezanga e ziku yisonganga vo vena ye Mvangi, y'awana ke bekwikilanga ko vo Nkand'a Nzambi i Diambu diavumunwinwa dia Nzambi i yau bavunginikwa. In reality, though, the misguided ones are those who stubbornly ignore all the evidence that proves the existence of a Creator and that the Bible is truly God's inspired Word. 11, 12. Paulu wavova vo: "Kwamanana vua nkuma muna nsambu zina muna Kristu Yesu; o mambu mana wawá kwa mono, mana masilwa umbangi kwa wantu ayingi, yekeka mo kwa akwa kwikizi, ana bafwana mo longa kwa ankaka. " Timoteo mambu mayingi kalongoka kwa Paulu ona wakala nkuluntu ye ntumwa. Paul said: "Keep on acquiring power in the undeserved kindness that is in Christ Jesus; and the things you heard from me that were supported by many witnesses, these things entrust to faithful men, who, in turn, will be adequately qualified to teach others. " They will be judged. (Ngana 30: 33) Ayeyi i nsasa mvovo miami? What does that mean? When can it be said that God is in peace with married Christians? Muna kangu diadi, Yave wasola e zula kia Isaele yankulu mu lungisa kani diandi diamfunu. By means of that covenant, the ancient nation of Israel was set apart as God's chosen nation. Yes, we need to be vigilant and recognize the best way to use our time. - Read Ephesians 5: 15 - 17. I bosi, "una kamwene ndonga, ubamwene nkenda, " yo kubasadisa. - Mat. And then, "on seeing the crowds he felt pity for them " and expressed the need to help them. - Matt. However, the Bible shows that humans descended from a perfect man 4: 8, 9, 16 - 18; 5: 7. 4: 8, 9, 16 - 18; 5: 7. However, Jesus refused, and he later called the Devil "the ruler of this world. " (Ngana 30: 1 - 31: 31) (Proverbs 30: 1 - 31: 31) However, as Galatians 6: 1, Jehovah commands elders to "be kind " in a spirit of mildness. (1 Samuele 15: 24 - 26) Nswaswani yo Saulu, Davidi muna zingu kiandi kiawonso wakala ye ngwizani ambote yo Yave, i kuma kazayakana vo nkwa vumi wa Nzambi. On the other hand, David's life course and his intimate relationship with Jehovah identify him as a truly God - fearing man. Before answering that question, let us consider why sign language is so important to deaf people. Avo akaka bamwene vo u nlembami, diasazu dikala kwa yau mu lemvokela longi diaku When others see that you are humble, it will be easier for them to accept counsel from you The government does not allow strangers to get married. • Nki'elau ye vuvu bena kiau e ndong'ayingi? • What privileges and prospect do those of the great crowd enjoy? Israel of God 500 Kieleka, lulembamu ye luzindalalu luvavwanga muna wunikina yo bakula e ngindu za nkaz'aku. True, it requires humility and patience to listen attentively to your spouse and to acknowledge his or her opinion. Satan told Eve that if God is a liar, he would not die but would become like God. (b) "Mameme makaka " ma Yesu aweyi bevwila nluta muna nsilu kadila e ndofi Nzambi? (b) How will Jesus ' "other sheep " benefit from God's sworn promise? Millions have died. 1, 2. (a) Nkia mambu meyikwanga muna ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi malenda tezaneswa yo muntu watulwa kwa bulu? 1, 2. (a) What events foretold in Bible prophecy can be compared to an attack by a tiger? Then they talked about the Bible. 7: 26, 27) Kansi, Yave katuma Mose ko vo kasola Elisama ngatu Nuni wa mwan'andi. True, Joshua's grandfather Elishama was chieftain of the tribe of Ephraim and apparently led 108,100 men of one of the three - tribe divisions of Israel. " At that convention, I saw genuine love among Jehovah's Witnesses, " he says, "that I didn't see it during all the years that I had been active in the political party. " Akuluntu Akristu aweyi belandilanga mbandu kasonga o Nzambi yasonama muna Yezekele 34: 15, 16? How do Christian elders follow the example set by God, as recorded at Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? Can you imitate Rachel's example by pursuing a career that honors God? Sambu kiankufi kikilu kiakala, tezo kia mvovo 30 kaka mu nding'antete ya Kiyibere. It is a very short prayer - there are only about 30 words in the original Hebrew. Because Jehovah is zealous, we too need to be zealous and zealous in the preaching work. Ke vena diambu disundidi mfunu ko avo ke kwenda mu nzo zau ko konso fuku yo kubanatina ina bazolele. " Nothing is more important than to be there every evening, making calls. " Because they are protected and protected by holy spirit, which Jehovah gives to those who continue to trust in him faithfully. Yabakama kimbevo ekolo yasadilanga muna suku dia vangila lupasu, vava kianwanang'e vita kuna Vietnã. I became sick while working as a technician in an operating room during the war in Vietnam. According to Revelation 16: 16, we read: "I have placed them in the place of Hebrew, which is called Armageddon. " Watambula talanta kavana kwa ntaudi watatu yo kunyinga muna nzo andi. - Mat. He took away the talent that he had given to the third slave and expelled that slave from his household. - Matt. What a faithful and patient example! (b) Adieyi tufwete kwamanana vanga? (b) What should be our determination regarding tribulations? Consider some suggestions that can help you: To make sure that all members of your family study the book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Avo tutambidi o matu vava mpangi eto kevovanga, tulenda bakula dina dikunkendelekanga yo zaya dina tulenda vova muna kunsadisa mu sunda diambu diadi. If we listen empathetically, we may be able to identify situations that discourage a fellow Christian and say something to help him deal with those circumstances. " I often wondered whether I could have good qualities like the first man I had. Kansi, vakala y'akaka kuna Kerete bakwamanana vova vo muntu kafwete " zengwa. ' Yet, some on Crete were still " adhering to the circumcision. ' It may take time for elders to assist spiritually ailing ones to receive spiritual food from God's Word. E diambu diamfunu dina muna longi dia Paulu i diadi: Tufwete sianga sungididi mun'oma mambote mena muna mpangi zeto yo kubasanisina. The essence of Paul's counsel is that we should observe the gifts that others have and acknowledge them. How serious it would have been if you committed a serious sin! Ke wau ko. Not necessarily. Illustrate why we need spiritual food to endure. Nsang'ame Mariví walekwa mu ngolo muna kileke kiandi, ediadi diankendeleka kikilu. My younger sister Mariví had been sexually abused as a child, and that horrible background deeply affected her. This account is also of interest to us because it describes the blessings of those who obey God and the consequences of those who do not obey him. 3, 4. (a) Nkia fu besonganga aleke ayingi o unu? 3, 4. (a) What spirit is common among many of today's youths? Everlasting Life on Earth - A Christian Hope? Nanga kunwananga ye mpasi za mpila yayi ko. You are not likely ever to find yourself in that unusual position. He comes down and picks the flowers, using them to teach his fellow workers an important lesson about Jehovah's creative creation. Kadi, avo bakitukidi minkondwa kwikizi yovo bayambwidi e nkutakani, ke tuvidisa lukwikilu lweto ko ngatu yambula sadila Yave. - Yuda 16, mvovo vana yand'a lukaya. If we avoid the trap of "admiring personalities, " we will not be drawn away from the truth by such ones; nor will our faith suffer a crippling blow if a prominent or long - serving Christian becomes unfaithful. - Jude 16, ftn. So when people brought birth to children, Jesus ' disciples knew that he was tired and tried to restore children. Ekuma Davidi kavwila lufiaulwisu o mfunu? Kwa nani kavavila lo? Why did David need comfort, and to whom did he turn? This can be a good sign, for it shows that you have humility. O unu, wantu ayingi ke betambulwilanga ko e nsangu zambote za Kintinu kia Nzambi tusamunanga. Today, most people do not listen to our message about the good news of God's Kingdom. What will help us to view human weakness as Jehovah does? Nze "anzenza " ye" antangu " yovo esi nsi zakaka, mameme makaka mekalanga kumosi ye Isaele ya mwanda, yo sala ye kiese kiawonso nze "avati " ye" avangidi a nsinga mia vinyo " muna mfila y'akuswa bena vo "nganga za Yave " ye " selo ya Nzambi. ' As figurative "strangers " and" foreigners " associated with spiritual Israel, they joyfully serve as "farmers " and" vinedressers " under the direction of the anointed, the "priests of Jehovah " and " ministers of God. ' Jonah did not find it easy to understand why he was afraid to carry out that assignment. Mbu wa Ndombe Black Sea [ Footnote] Imonanga e ziku kia mvovo miami: " Numika, nwatala wo vo Yave wambote. ' " - Nku. I am experiencing the truthfulness of the words: " Taste and see that Jehovah is good. ' " - Ps. Godly men and women also showed faith and courage. Ekuma olembi vaulwila e ntangwa mu zaya e kuma Mbangi za Yave bekwikidilanga vo e "vit'a lumbu kianene kia Nzambi wa Mpungu - ngolo " ifinamene ye kuma kufwete kadila ye wonga wa vita yayi ko? Why not set aside some time to find out why Jehovah's Witnesses are convinced that "the war of the great day of God the Almighty " is close at hand and why you do not have to be afraid of it? Knowing that "at the right time of his death, " he said:" If you ask, let those who go to their destination. " Bazizidila mpasi zayingi, nze nzala ye vonza kia zula yabazunganga. (Etu. Yet, they resolutely coped with things like a famine and dangers from surrounding nations. Doing so involves more than simply saying, "I can't do that. " Kansi, wavaikilanga ku mwelo wankaka yo kwenda kuna lukutakanu. But she would just run out the other door and go to the meeting. Those who preach are interested in them. Tala muna finkanda Lusadisu mu Longoka Diambu dia Nzambi kunku kia 16. The anointed partake by eating the bread and drinking the wine His followers also worked hard to support God's Kingdom. 4: 10, 11) I bosi, tufwete bak'e nzengo zikutusadisa mu kala ye ntona zambote. Then we need to make a personal decision that leaves us with a good conscience. They do not receive false teachers from their homes. Avo tuzolele vo Yave kakala se Nzambi eto yo kwikila muna yandi nze una Davidi kavanga, ke vekala mpasi ko zikutusunda yovo kutumwesa wonga. If we choose Jehovah as our God and we put faith in him as David did, then no challenge, no problem, need daunt us. If we do so, "the God of peace " will calm our mind and heart. - Philippians 4: 8, 9. Kansi, nze una Yesu kavova mun'elongi diandi vana mongo, konso nti ambote uzayilwanga muna bundu yandi, mana tuvanganga malenda songa mpe una wina ntim'eto. Still, as Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount, just as fruits reveal the condition of a tree, so our activities demonstrate the true condition of our heart. And what about us today? On October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, who was the head of the Bible Students, went to the homes of Brooklyn, New York. " (b) Nga divangamanga mpe muna Kikristu kia Kimpangila o unu? (b) Is there a parallel in Christendom today? [ Picture on page 32] Akristu kuna Makedonia ye Akaya bavana tukau kw'ampangi kuna Yerusaleme, kansi ke bavova nkumbu z'awana bavana ko. Christians from Macedonia and Achaia made contributions to brothers in Jerusalem, but there is no indication that their names were publicized. Jesus prayed to his Father that all true Christians would have peace, so that "the world came to know that he sent him and loved him. " Yave watuvana mpe Nkand'a Nzambi ye nkutakani mu kutulukisa muna vonza. Jehovah has also given us the Bible and the congregation to warn us of dangers. Jesus said that we should not be afraid at times, confident that Jehovah will take care of us. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Husbands and wives should cooperate and be loyal to each other. - Genesis 2: 24; Matthew 19: 3 - 9. Makesa ma Gestapo nkumbu miayingi bayizanga kuna nzo eto mu vava nkanda mivaikisanga Mbangi za Yave yo yuvula mase mame. The Gestapo frequently came to our home to search for Witness publications and to question my parents. You can read Acts chapter divisions in order to help you maintain your zeal for the ministry. E sono kia Fuka 19: 32 kivovanga vo: "Otelama vana ndose a nkwa mvu, wazitisa mpolo a nunu, wavumina Nzambi aku. " Leviticus 19: 32 says: "Before gray hair you should rise up, and you must show honor to an older man, and you must be in fear of your God. " Imagine Abraham's joy as he lives on a paradise earth and continued to strengthen his friendship with God. E mvovo wa Kiyibere wasekolwa vo "longa " muna Nsiku 6: 7 una ye nsasa vo, vutukila elongi nkumbu miayingi. The Hebrew word translated "inculcate " at Deuteronomy 6: 7 carries the thought of repeating a point often. How encouraging it is to know that Jesus Christ was exalted along with God's people in this spiritual way! Nga ke diambote ko twasianga e ngolo kimana twakala akwa ziku? Is it not well worth our every effort to keep our integrity? The Basis for Divine Judgment How important it is, then, that we study the Bible diligently, attend Christian meetings, and zealously share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work! Unlomba vo kasadisa kimana wakala ye mbokena zambote yo mpangi aku. Beg him to help you have a good conversation with your brother. Since we were at the tabernacle, we were afraid that we were the first to stay there. Yesu Kristu wasonga dina tufwete vanga: "I wau wuwu o moyo a mvu ya mvu, bazaya ngeye vo i Nzambi aludi, yo Yesu Kristu mpe ona watuma. " Jesus Christ points to the simple step that we must take: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " These words also describe the psalmist's love for God's laws. Nga tutondanga elongi vava tulongwanga? How will we respond when disciplined? Later, they rejected God's chosen Messiah, and Jehovah rejected him and replaced another group of people who became a new nation. Muna bong'e nona, Ntinu Davidi ona wakala ye ngwizani ambote yo Nzambi, wavova vo: " E Yave wa Nzambi ame, o mavangu maku masivi ye ngindu zaku oku twina,... ke malendi tangakana ko. ' For example, King David, who enjoyed a close relationship with God, stated: "Many things you have done, O Jehovah my God, your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us.... They would be too numerous to recount! " When Jehovah asked him, Adam punished his wife. Asafi wasoneka vo: "E nitu ame yo ntim'ame uladidi. " Although the psalmist's " organism and heart might fail, ' God would be his "share to time indefinite. " Keep On Seeking First "His Righteousness " Kana nkutu aleke balenda kala bazikuka muna mwanda Even someone who is very young can be spiritually mature Your congregation may be sending a month to help build Assembly Halls or Kingdom Halls for our brothers and sisters in other lands. Nzambi lenda fila mpangi zeto Akristu mu kutusadisa yo kutufiaulwisa. Fellow Christians may be motivated to provide help and comfort. We can find the answer in a situation that took place after Pentecost. Kingana kia Disu dia Lulungu The Illustration of the Mustard Grain He showed that the religious leaders told people that God condemned those who died in a terrible disaster because of their lack of faith and protects good people. Kieleka, diambote mu kasakesa wana batanganga Nkand'a Nzambi. Granted, it is a fine thing to encourage Bible reading. To help us avoid that mistake, consider some areas of life that Solomon mentioned. Unkabu tuvuidi o mfunu mu sikila ye kwikizi muna Yave yo kunlemvokela vana fulu kia vanga dina yitu yeto, akundi a salu yovo ayadi bazolele. We need courage to be loyal to Jehovah and obey him instead of doing what our family members, workmates, or government authorities want us to do. The resurrection hope should be real to us, just as Paul, who said: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " 11, 12. 11, 12. What is involved in following Jesus? Fundiswa befundiswa. They will be judged. The Nephilim used many of them to mislead people. Nkia ntangwa tulenda vova vo Nzambi muna ungudi kasumina Akristu ana basompa? Under what circumstances could it be said that God has called married Christians to peace? Jesus did not condemn his enemies. - Romans 12: 17 - 21; 1 Pet. Elo, tufwete lungalala yo zaya mpila yambote tulenda sadila e ntangw'eto. - Tanga Efeso 5: 15 - 17. We ought to make wise decisions about how we use our time. - Read Ephesians 5: 15 - 17. 1: 10. Kansi, Nkand'a Nzambi usonganga vo wantu mu luvila lwa muntu alunga batuka The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man Some 60 years after Jesus died and was resurrected, the apostle John received a vision of Jesus ' role as a musician and King in heaven. Kansi, Yesu katambulwila ko. Kuna kwalanda, Yesu wayikila Nkadi ampemba vo "nyadi a nza yayi. " Jesus rejected that temptation, but he later described the Devil as "the ruler of the world. " He did not allow Abraham to sacrifice his son, even though Abraham was ready to do so. Kansi, nze una usonganga e sono kia Ngalatia 6: 1, o Yave okanikinanga akuluntu mu " kutuludika ' muna "mwand'alembama. " Yet, as Galatians 6: 1 points out, Jehovah commands those with spiritual qualifications to "try " to adjust us, doing so" in a spirit of mildness. " However, many modern - day examples show that angels support the Kingdom work and guide us to those "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " Una katuwidi mvutu za kiuvu kiaki ko, yambula twafimpa ekuma e nding'a sinsu inina yamfunu kw'afwa matu. Before answering that question, let us consider why sign language is important to deaf people. Now she had the opportunity to prove that she believed in Jehovah. O luyalu ke yambulanga ko vo nzenza okondelo nkanda kakazala. She might then allow the resulting embryos to be implanted in her. How does God answer our prayers? Isaele a Nzambi 500 Israel of God 500 He said: "The seed sprouts and grows tall. " Satana wavovesa Eva vo Nzambi nkwa luvunu, avo okolamene Nzambi, kefwa ko, kansi okituka nze Nzambi. He assured Eve that reaching out for independence would result, not in death, but in becoming like God. We appreciate our older sisters in the congregation. Mazunda ye mazunda ma wantu bafwa. Thousands of people died. Let us imitate Jehovah's patience by helping repentant ones to be saved. I bosi, bamokena mambu mayingi ma Nkand'a Nzambi. After some time, they had what Jodi terms "an Adam to Armageddon " discussion. 8, 9. Wavova vo: "Muna lukutakanu lwaluna yamona zola kwakieleka Mbangi za Yave basonganga muntu yo nkwandi, e diambu diadi kiasidi dio mona ko muna mvu miawonso yakala muna kimvuka kia mbumba. " She says: "There I saw real love and genuine interest for fellow man being displayed, something I had not seen all the years that I had been active in politics. " If you are tempted to read what is in your heart without thinking on what is in his heart, you may not be inclined to focus on what is in your heart. Nga nulenda tanginina mbandu a Rachel muna kuyivana mu salu ikembelelanga Nzambi? And why not take a leaf out of Rachel's book, so to speak, by zealously pursuing goals that truly honor God? At that time, Gilead School began in 1943, and 8,500 missionaries attended this school and were sent to 170 countries. Wau vo Yave nkwa vema, oyeto mpe tufwete kalanga ye kiese yo vema muna salu kia samun'e nsangu zambote. Jehovah's example of zeal clearly indicates that our God - given work as Kingdom proclaimers deserves our wholehearted support, our enthusiasm, our zeal. So Noah trusted that God would make mankind better. Ekuma? E kuma kadi besadiswanga yo taninwa kwa mwand'avelela, una o Yave kevananga kw'awana bekwamanananga kunlomba kuna ziku kiawonso. Jesus said to his followers: "By endurance on your part you will acquire your souls. " All our plans are to Jehovah in the new world. Wasonama muna Lusengomono 16: 16, muna tutanganga vo: "Mibalunganisi vana fulu kin'e nkumbu muna Kiyibere vo, Armangedo. " It is found at Revelation 16: 16, which states: "They gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har - Magedon. " They will not have a place in God's new world in righteousness. Ekwe mbandu ya kwikizi ye luzindalalu! What an example of faith and endurance! Only Jehovah and Jesus can do that. Tala tuludiku twakaka tulenda kusadisa: Vanga e nkubika kimana esi nzo awonso nwalongokanga o nkanda Testemunhas de Jeová - Proclamadores do Reino de Deus. Here are some suggestions: Make a family project of considering the book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Later, I met a neighbor who lived in a neighboring village. " Nkumbu miayingi yatokananga kana vo ndenda kala ye fu yambote nze ina yakala diantete dia Riley kakala yau. " I often wondered if I could ever be as good as Riley's first husband. Jesus Christ said that his disciples must obey two greatest commandments. Dilenda vava vo akuluntu bavaula ntangwa mu sadisa awana bena ye kimbevo kia mwanda kimana batambula madia mena muna Diambu dia Nzambi. The elders may need to spend extra time helping those who are spiritually sick to accept nourishment from God's Word. Those who are judged as wicked "will go to eternal punishment. " Aweyi kele vo esumu dianene wavola. Suppose, however, that you sinned seriously in the past. Did Satan want Jesus to separate him from the roof of the temple? Yika nona kisonganga e kuma tuvuididi o mfunu wa madia ma mwanda muna zindalala. Illustrate why we need spiritual food to endure. " Keep Conquering the Evil " by Preaching With the Devil Lusansu lwalu lwa mfunu mpe kwa yeto, kadi luyikanga e nsambu zivwanga awana belemvokelanga Nzambi ye mfwilu bebakanga ana balembi kunlemvokela. O NTINU OTUNGIDI YAVE E NZO (2 Tusansu 1: 1 - 9: 31) He knew that it would show that he rejected Jehovah's sovereignty, that is, God's right to be the Most High. Moyo a Mvu ya Mvu ova Ntoto - Nga i Vuvu Kalonga o Kristu? Everlasting Life on Earth - A Christian Hope? What will help us not to give up because of trials? Wakulumuka yo vela mvuma. Wasadila mvuma zozo muna longa akw'andi diambu diamfunu mu kuma kia nsem'a Yave. He jumped out of the car, plucked some wildflowers, and gave his companions an impromptu lesson on Jehovah's creation. Yes, God will give mankind what they really need when he will answer three of the first three requests of our Father. Ozevo, vava wantu bantwasila yingyana - ngyana, alongoki a Yesu wau bazaya wo vo wayoya kakala, bavava vutulwisa yingyana - ngyana. So when people brought little ones to see him, Jesus ' disciples, perhaps in an effort to protect Jesus from further stress, tried to turn the children away. On the third day, God resurrected him "with spirit, " and he" appeared " to some of his disciples. Ekiaki kilenda kala sinsu kiambote, kadi disonganga vo lulembamu una lwau. Actually, that can be a good sign, for it shows humility on your part. (Read John 17: 20, 21.) Adieyi dilenda kutusadisa mu badikila lutovoko lwa wantu nze una Yave kebadikilanga lo? What will help us to adopt Jehovah's view of human weakness? How Angels Affect Us Ke diampasi ko mu bakula ekuma Yona kakadila yo wonga mu lungisa e kiyekwa kiaki. It is not hard to see why Jonah found it daunting to carry out that task. Proverbs 12: 15 states: "A wise person listens to counsel. " [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a lukaya] [ Footnote] The road is like a tomb. 4: 1 - 9, 14 - 22; 5: 20, 21, 31) Akala ye akento ayingi bavuminanga Nzambi basonga mpe lukwikilu ye unkabu. Many godly men and women have displayed similar faith and courage. Names have been changed. Wau kazaya vo " e ntangw'a lufwa lwandi ifwene, ' wavova vo: "Ovo mono nuvava, nuyambul'awana benda kwau. " Knowing that " the hour had come ' for his death, he said: "If, therefore, it is I you are looking for, let these go. " The Creator could have created all things, but he also wanted his Son to be happy. O vanga wo mayingi divavanga, ke vova kaka ko vo "Kilendi wo vanga ko. " Doing so means more than just saying, "I can't do that. " Satan tried to kill Jesus and stop him from carrying out his ministry on earth, but Jehovah delivered him until the time of his death. 20: 5) Bevwanga ana besilanga umbangi o mfunu. They show a real interest in the people they meet in the ministry. Those with good intentions, such as friends and relatives, can refer to the words: "A good wife is not a good wife " or" God hates divorce. " Rejoicing Over "Victory With the Lamb " (C. Many families have found that a regular time for communication is a good time. Alandi andi mpe bavanga mawonso muna yikama Kintinu kia Nzambi. His followers likewise gave up much to support God's Kingdom. [ Picture on page 3] Ke betambulanga alongi aluvunu ko muna nzo zau. They do not receive into their homes or greet false teachers. Jehovah sees and blesses our efforts to make spiritual advancement and praise him. Avo tuvangidi wo, "o Nzambi a luvuvamu " ovuvika ngindu yo ntima eto. - Filipi 4: 8, 9. If we do, "the God of peace " will give us peace of mind and heart. - Philippians 4: 8, 9. If so, you might ask, " How can a bereaved person find comfort? ' Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kia tandu kieto? Kina kia 2 kia ngonde Oktoba, 1914, Charles Taze Russell ona wakala se ntu vana vena Alongoki a Nkand'a Nzambi, wayenda kun'eseka dia dila dia Betele ya Brooklyn, Nova York yo kayisa awonso vo: "Nga nusikamene? " On Friday morning, October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, who took the lead at that time among the Bible Students, strode into the dining room at Bethel in Brooklyn, New York. " Good morning, all, " he said cheerily. A husband and wife in Bible times were married in this way. [ Mvovo mia Fwaniswa mina muna lukaya lwa 32] [ Pictures on page 23] In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also said: "Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. " 133: 1) Yesu wasamba kwa S'andi vo Akristu awonso akieleka bakala yo ungudi, kimana " e nza yazaya wo vo yandi wantuma, kabazola mpe e nzola kanzola. ' Jesus prayed to his Father that all true Christians would be united, in order that "the world may have the knowledge that you sent me forth and that you loved them just as you loved me. " 144,000 will rule with Christ in God's Kingdom. Yesu wavova vo katufwete kalanga ye wonga ko muna ntangwa lutonto, tufwete sianga e vuvu vo Yave okutulunga - lunga. Note that Jesus linked not being fearful in the face of adversity with being confident that Jehovah cares for us personally. According to Mark's Gospel, the Gospel writer Mark says that he was writing about non - Jewish customs. O yakala yo nkento bafwete salaziana yo songa kwikizi kwa muntu yo nkw'andi. - Etuku 2: 24; Matai 19: 3 - 9. Husband and wife were to be faithful to and cooperate with each other. - Genesis 2: 24; Matthew 19: 3 - 9. However, many of God's servants have stopped doing so. Olenda tanga kapu kimosi kia nkand'a Mavangu kimana kiasadisa mu kala yo vema muna salu kia umbangi. Perhaps you can read a chapter from the book of Acts to help you become more zealous for the ministry. 5: 23 - 25. Yindula e kiese kemona Abarayama vava kezingila muna paradiso ova ntoto yo kwamanana siamisa kikundi kiandi yo Nzambi. Imagine how happy Abraham will be to live on a paradise earth and to continue strengthening his friendship with God. However, they had to deal with various challenges. Ekwe mpila lukasakeso mu zaya vo o Yesu Kristu ona watundidikwa okangalang'e ntwadi yo nkangu a Nzambi mu salu kia mwanda eki besalanga! How strengthening it is to have the assurance that the glorified Jesus Christ is with God's people today as they engage in spiritual warfare! But Jehovah's view is different. Muna kuma kiaki, diamfunu tualongokanga o Nkand'a Nzambi ye sungididi kiawonso, kalanga muna tukutakanu tw'Akristu yo sala y'etima diawonso e salu kia samun'e nsangu zambote za Kintinu yo kitula wantu s'alongi. How vital that we diligently study the Bible, regularly attend Christian meetings, and zealously share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work! My father's death has now improved, and my father's death has also brought me deep pain. Wau vo mu saba twalwakila, twakala yo wonga vo yeto i wantu antete tualeka va fulu kia mpila yayi. Given the condition of the tiny shed, we wondered whether we were its first human occupants. It was not easy for those authorities to go to a homes where people were suffering, to encourage them. E mvovo miami misonganga mpe zola kakala kwau e ntozi a nkunga mu longoka nsiku mia Nzambi. Those expressions emphasize the obvious love that the psalmist had for study of the divine law. The psalmist sang: "Jehovah is in the heavens; there is his throne. Kuna kwalanda, babembola Masia ona kasola o Nzambi. Muna kuma kiaki, Yave mpe wababembola yo vingisa buka kiakaka kia wantu ana bakituka se zula kiampa. Eventually, they rejected God's appointed Messiah, and Jehovah rejected them and purposed to replace them with a group of people who formed a new nation. He was in danger of being eaten by wild animals. Vava Yave kabayuvula, Adami wavana e ngielele kwa nkaz'andi. When Jehovah questioned them, Adam blamed his wife. Consider this example: A mother sees a gift on a table in front of a large vine. Nutombel'ekulu e "Ndungidi Andi " Keep On Seeking First "His Righteousness " Hannah says, "I was convinced that my husband really changed. " E nkutakani eno nanga itwikanga tukau konso ngonde mu yikama e salu kia tunga Maseka ma Tukutakanu twampwena yovo Maseka ma Kintinu mu kuma kia mpangi zeto za nsi zankaka. Your congregation may also be sending regular contributions to help build Assembly Halls and Kingdom Halls for our brothers in other parts of the world. Let us now consider how three horsemen have proved that we are living in "the last days. " The terms "power " and" spirit " are distinct in their meaning. Since I began to study the Bible, before I became angry: "Who is there? Tulenda bak'e mvutu za kiuvu kiaki muna diambu diabwa vava kiavioka e lumbu kia Pentikosti. The answer can be seen in the events following the day of Pentecost. Jesus was humble and obedient, and this helped him to teach in a kind way. Wasonga vo afidi a mabundu bavovesanga wantu vo Nzambi watumba awana bafwa muna sumbula wau bakondwa lukwikilu yo tanina wantu ambote. He noted that clergymen have been telling people that God punished those victims for being faithless while protecting the good. Who represent the first head of the beast, and why? Muna kutusadisa twalembi vanga vilwa wau, tubadika maka mambu ma zingu kayika o Solomo mana bevavanga o wantu. Hence, to help us avoid making that mistake, let us look at some examples that Solomon gives of common pursuits in life. When problems threaten our organization, they may worry about us. E vuvu kia lufuluku kifwete kala kiakieleka kwa yeto, nze una kiakala kwa Paulu ona wavova vo: " Vekala yo lufuluku lw'asongi y'ana balembi songa. ' We need to feel as certain of the resurrection as did the apostle Paul, who said: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Even the apostle Paul reminded him that at one time he felt weak. Adieyi divavwanga muna landa Yesu? What is involved in following Jesus? When you study the Bible, you too may feel that you need to adjust your service to God. The two loaves offered at Pentecost foreshadowed the congregation of anointed Christians How does 1 Thessalonians 4: 15 - 17, show that the first resurrection began during Christ's presence? (Etuku 6: 4) Anefili mayingi bavanganga muna vumisa wantu. The Nephilim were much to be feared. ▪ Why did Jesus ' parents fail to realize that he was not with them when they returned? Yesu kalevola mbeni zandi ko. - Roma 12: 17 - 21; 1 Pet. Jesus did not revile his accusers. - Rom. 12: 17 - 21; 1 Pet. Martha showed that she believed in the resurrection. 1: 10. 1: 10. 5, 6. (a) Who is Michael the archangel? Tezo kia mvu 60 miavioka tuka Yesu kafwila yo fulwa, Yoane wa ntumwa wasongwa mona - meso kia ungunza wayikanga Yesu vana fulu kiandi nze Ekesa dia vita ye Ntinu kun'ezulu. Some 60 years after Jesus ' death and resurrection to heaven, the apostle John received a prophetic vision of Jesus in His role as Warrior - King in the heavens. John writes: "Look! However, they must make sure that they " do not pay back " what is written in the Bible. Kayambula ko vo Abarayama kavana mwan'andi se kimenga, kana una vo Abarayama wakubama kakala mu vanga wo. He did not allow Abraham to go through with the sacrifice, even though Abraham was prepared to do so, nor has God ever again made such a request of anyone. The Law showed that Jehovah did not approve of clothes that are not different from that of a husband or a wife. Kansi, nona yayingi mu lumbu yeto isonganga vo ambasi beyikamanga salu kia Kintinu yo kutufila kw'awana " basidi moyo a mvu ya mvu etima. ' However, many modern - day experiences give evidence that angels behind the scenes are supporting our Kingdom - preaching work and guiding us to those "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " It is encouraging to know that many brothers in these countries have endured challenges even though it is not always easy. Owau, wakala ye lau diasonga kana vo wakwikilanga muna Yave. If she already knew that Jehovah was a far better God than her own, might this be her opportunity to take a stand on Jehovah's side? For example, think about how David felt when he disobeyed Jehovah and committed adultery with Bath - sheba. O Nzambi aweyi kevaninanga e mvutu za sambu yeto? And how does God answer our prayers? There is no injustice. Wavova vo: "E mbongo itumbuluka, yo kula. " " The seed sprouts and grows tall, " he says. Indeed, this is "a better resurrection. " - Hebrews 11: 35. Tuyangalelanga ampangi zeto z'akento bena vo se anunu muna nkutakani. We love our older sisters, and we are grateful to have them in the congregation! This is important, especially for those who have lost secular assignments. Yambula twatanginina e mpila Yave kelandulwilanga e mambu muna sadisa awana bazolele viluka o ntima, kimana bavuluzwa. Let us, then, imitate the patience of Jehovah by assisting others to attain to repentance so that they might be saved. 17 "A prophet of Israel " in Modern Times 8, 9. 8, 9. She had good news because she told her master, Rebekah's wife. Avo ovavidi vo nwamokena mana mena muna ntim'aku lembi yindula mana mena muna ntim'andi, nanga ke toma kusia sungididi ko. If you try to get him to discuss what is on your mind without concern for what is on his, he may not respond favorably. What Should We Pray? Sikola ya Ngiladi yayantika muna mvu wa 1943. Tuka muna kolo kiakina, 8.500 za mpangi bakotele kala sikola yayi yo filwa mu 170 lwa nsi. Gilead School began in 1943, and since then, 8,500 students have been trained and sent to 170 countries. Such knowledge helps to prevent people from engaging in bad conduct. Muna kuma kiaki, Noa wakala ye vuvu vo Nzambi osinga tomesa e zingu kia wantu. So Noah had hope that God would make things better. Why? Makani meto mawonso mambote melungiswa kwa Yave muna nz'ampa. Still, whatever our proper desires will be in the new world, Jehovah will certainly satisfy them. Working around the World Wantu awaya ke bekala ye fulu ko muna nz'ampa a Nzambi muna mukala unsongi. They will certainly have no place in God's new world of righteousness. Use the map to start talking to people. Yave kaka yo Yesu balenda wo vanga. Only Jehovah and Jesus can do that. If anyone wants to do his will, he will know what it says, or if he says it. " Kuna kwalanda, yazayana yo Angelines, ona twazingilanga belo kimosi. Later, I met Angelines, one of my neighbors, and we became close friends. Lamech was a man of faith. Yesu Kristu wavova vo alongoki andi bafwete lemvokela nkanikinu miole misundidi o nene. Jesus Christ stated that his followers should obey the two greatest commandments. Zechariah's prophecy refers to "the heavens " - the heavenly Kingdom of anointed Christians. Awana bebadikilwa vo yimpumbulu, " bekwenda muna tumbu kia mvu ya mvu. And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. " Highlights From 1 and 2 Timothy, 3 / 15 Nga Satana edi kazola vo Yesu kayisotola tuka vana nludi a tempelo? So is it possible that Satan also wanted Jesus to jump off the real temple? Do we see the fulfillment of this important prophecy? " Sunda Kak'o bi " Muna Vengomonanga Makasi " Keep Conquering the Evil " by Controlling Anger As a faithful servant of Jehovah, Jephthah's daughter trusted that his father would keep his promise. Wazaya wo vo tambula lukau lwalu diadi songa vo obembwele kimfumu kia Yave, i sia vo, e wisa kia Nzambi kia kala Mpungu - ngolo. He realized that accepting it would be tantamount to rejecting Jehovah's sovereignty - God's very right to be the Most High. Whether we are anointed Christians or of the "other sheep, " we say:" Your word is a lamp to my foot and a light to my roadway. " Adieyi dilenda kutusadisa mu lembi yoya mu kuma kia mpasi? How can we avoid being overwhelmed by distressing events? Jesus set the example for us. - John 13: 15. Elo, Nzambi ovana o wantu ina bevuanga kikilu o mfunu vava kevana e mvutu za ndomba tatu zantete zina muna sambu kia S'eto. Yes, God will give mankind the things they need the most when he answers the first three requests of the model prayer. They used the blood of the wild beast on the ark of the covenant. Muna lumbu kia tatu, Nzambi wamfula "muna mwanda " yo" yambula vo kamoneka " kwa akaka muna alongoki andi. On the third day, God resurrected him "in the spirit " and" allowed him to become manifest " to some of his disciples. As they weep over their suffering, they ask: "Jehovah himself will keep living forever, and your throne will be justice to time indefinite. (Tanga Yoane 17: 20, 21.) (Read John 17: 20, 21.) Instead of being called a Kingdom Hall, I met a person who listened to the Kingdom message Ambasi Adieyi Bevanganga kwa Yeto? How Spirit Creatures Affect Us Have you ever enjoyed serving Jehovah? Muna Ngana 12: 15 tutanganga vo: "O nkwa ngangu owanga luludiku. " " The one listening to counsel is wise, " states Proverbs 12: 15. Why? E nzila odiatilanga ina nze nduku. Along the way, you must go through a long tunnel. However, does these books include the hope of everlasting life on earth? E nkumbu zasobwa. Names have been changed. (a) What good news do we preach? O Nsemi wafwana kwandi sema lekwa yawonso yandi mosi, kansi wazola mpe vo Mwan'andi kamona e kiese kia sala. (Nga. The Creator could have done everything by himself, yet he decided to have his Son share in the joy of accomplishing productive work. " Be aglow with the Spirit " 42: 6) Satana wavanga wawonso mu vonda Yesu yo kunsima kalembi lungisa salu kiandi ova ntoto, kansi Yave wantanina yavana kiafwana ntangw'a lufwa lwandi. Satan put forth persistent efforts to destroy Jesus and prevent Jesus from completing his ministry on earth, but Jehovah safeguarded him until the appointed time for him to die. They are like "the face of Jehovah. " Awana bena y'ekani diambote nze akundi ye yitu yaku, balenda yika mvovo milenda kulweka nze: " Kakala kwandi nkento ambote ko ' yovo " Nzambi omenganga e fu kia vonda longo. ' Well - meaning friends and relatives may say things that are painful or even incorrect in your case: " She was no good for you anyway ' or " God hates divorce. ' Jehovah became angry and killed them. Esi nzo zayingi bemonanga vo, ola ya dia i ntangw'ambote ya kala ye mbokena zambote. Many families have found that mealtimes afford good opportunities for meaningful communication. How can our love for God help us to be loyal to him? [ Foto ina muna lukaya lwa 3] [ Picture on page 3] They know that Jehovah will reward his faithful servants with everlasting life in the new world, where there will be no more pain. - Read Psalm 37: 5, 7, 29. Yave omonanga yo sambula e ngolo tuvanganga muna nungunuka muna mwanda yo kunkembelela. Jehovah weighs the effort we put forth along with the progress we make, and he blesses our earnest endeavor to bring him glory. But her work moved her to attend all the time. Avo i wau, nanga olenda kiyuvula: " Aweyi muntu ofwidilu kalenda sololwela lufiaulwisu? ' If so, you may wonder, " How can a grieving person find comfort? ' ▪ The only - begotten Son. Yakala yo nkento mosi kuna nz'ankulu mu mpila yayi basompanena. One couple in an Oriental country were united in an arranged marriage. THE year is 62 C.E. Mun'Elongi diandi vana Mongo, Yesu wavova mpe vo: "Akwa nsambu ana bena ye nkenda: kadi befuwa nkenda. " In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus also said: "Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. " In his speech, these texts, including Bible manuscripts, "they alone show how old the original text was so that its text could not be changed. " Wantu 144.000 beyala kumosi yo Kristu muna Kintinu kia Nzambi. God's Kingdom has 144,000 corulers with the Christ. What will help us to love God's discipline? Awana befimpanga nsangu zambote zasoneka Maku bevovanga vo mu kuma kia esi zula kasonekena zo. Wasonga fu ya kisi nsi ya Ayuda. Analysts of Mark's Gospel believe that he wrote for Gentile readers; he provided helpful explanations of Jewish practices. Honor Christ as a Deliverer (Nkunga 96: 4 - 6) Kansi, ayingi muna selo ya Nzambi bayambula wo vanga. But some who worshipped God failed to do that. SEE PAGES 23 - 28. 5: 23 - 25. 5: 23 - 25. But humility helped me to accept a lucrative job if I worked full - time. Kansi, mambu mayingi mpe mampasi banwananga mau. But they also had several challenges. Do You Recall? Kansi, e ngindu za Yave zaswaswana kikilu. But Jehovah had a totally different thought. After bringing Judas Iscariot to a traitor, Jesus instituted another festival called "the Lord's Evening Meal. " Owau e ndunzi zame ziwokelanga, o lufwa lwa s'ame lwasakisa mpe lukendalalu lwame. In the past few years, my aches and pains have increased and the loss of my father added to my distress. Job understood that truth well. Diampasi mpe diakala kwa ayadi awaya mu kwenda muna nzo za wantu bakalanga mu mpasi, mu kubakasakesa. Nor could you imagine that they would go to the humble dwellings of crushed citizens to uplift the spirits of such ones. Today, Lowell, Richard, and Ramon, also serve together at the branch office, Germany. O ntozi a nkunga wayimbila vo: " O Yave, mun'ezulu mwina kunda kiandi. The psalmist sang: "Jehovah - in the heavens is his throne. Elders also know that to brothers and sisters, giving counsel is not "the joy, but the joy of grief. " Mu vonza kikilu kakala kia diwa kwa bulu kia futa. How close he must have come to the beast's jaws! Do You View You Like Your Father? Tala nona eki: Ngudi omwene lukau vana ntandu a meza, lwa nsing'a nsingu wa ntalu akete. To illustrate: A mother finds a gift - an inexpensive necklace - on her table. How Would You Answer? Hannah wavova vo: "Yamona kikilu e ziku vo nkaz'ame wasoba kikilu. " " I watched my husband change before my very eyes, " says Hannah. Some who read the Bible were burned and burned. Owau, yambula twavovela una akwa mvalu ntatu basidi besongelanga e ziku vo mu "lumbu ya mbaninu " tuzingilanga. Now, let us see how the other three horsemen help to confirm that we are, in fact, living during the troubled "last days. " Should You Explain? 6: 3; 1 John 6: 3 Wau vo yayantika longoka Bibila, vitila yafwema ikukiyuvulanga: " Nani una ye ngielele? Now that I've studied the Bible, instead of shouting I ask myself: " Who is at fault anyway? How long will this work continue? Wau vo Yesu nkwa lulembamu yo nlemvo kakala, ediadi diansadisanga mu longela kuna ngemba. Jesus was humble and obedient, and this helped him to be a compassionate teacher. On the way, they found Sisera's position on the streets. Nani osunzulanga ntu antete wa bulu? Ekuma? What does the first head represent, and why? If one Christian has become unfaithful, mature Christians remain faithful. Avo vabwidi diambu dilenda vunzanesa e nkubik'eto, dilenda kututokanesa. If something interrupts our schedule, we may feel frustrated. Because of his love for us, Jehovah will deliver us from trials. - Ps. Kana nkutu Paulu wa ntumwa wasungamenanga vo vakala ye ntangwa kakalanga watovoka. Even the apostle Paul admitted that he had weaknesses. Do you regularly pray? Vava olongokanga Nkand'a Nzambi, olenda mpe mona vo vena ye mambu ofwete singika muna salu osadilanga Nzambi. When you study the Bible, you may also realize that there are ways you can improve in your service to God. In the days of the apostles and today, those taking the lead among God's people... Sono kia 1 Tesalonika 4: 15 - 17, aweyi kisongelanga vo mfuluk'antete yayantika muna kolo kia ngiz'a Kristu? In what way does 1 Thessalonians 4: 15 - 17 suggest that the first resurrection began early in Christ's presence? I told them that I left home because my father, who did not believe in God, met a Witness who came to share the good news with us. ▪ Ekuma mase ma Yesu ke bazayila wo ko vo yandi kakala yau kumosi ko vava bavutuka? Because Enoch had faith, we know that he believed that Jehovah was "the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Mareta wasonga vo wakwikilanga mun'elongi dia lufuluku. Her faith in that teaching was remarkable. If Jacob suffered anxiety, he would no doubt feel safe when he arrived at Luz, about 100 miles (100 km) away. - Bath - sheba. 5, 6. (a) Nani i Mikaele wa mbasi ambuta? 5, 6. (a) Who is Michael the archangel? The ransom, God's free gift, can cleanse our conscience and give us peace of mind. Kansi, bafwete kala ye ziku vo " ke balutakene mana masonama ' muna Nkand'a Nzambi ko. However, they make sure that they "do not go beyond the things that are written " in God's Word. Jehovah chose the nation of Israel to be his witnesses, and each Israelite had the responsibility to tell God. O Nsiku wasonganga vo Yave ka yangalelanga ko e mvuatu mina ke miaswaswanesanga ko kana vo u yakala yovo u nkento. The Law showed that Jehovah has strong feelings against clothing that does not show the clear difference between men and women. Some had good qualities but lost their relationship with God. Dialukasakeso mu zaya vo, mpangi zayingi muna nsi zozo bezizidilanga mpasi zazi kana una vo ke dikalanga diasazu ko. Notably, many brothers in these lands have shown remarkable resilience. This does not mean that it was easy. What a contrast it would have been for all Christians to follow these teachings! Muna bonga e nona, yindula e mpasi kamona o Davidi vava kakolamena Yave yo tá e zumba yo Bate - seba. For example, think of how much David suffered after he disobeyed Jehovah and committed immorality with Bath - sheba. What did Paul say is necessary for a person to be molded? Mambu ke malendi kondwa ko. The same is true of marriage. Paul was concerned about the new ones in Thessalonica, so he sent Timothy back home. Kieleka, o lwalu i "lufuluku lusundidi o wete. " - Ayibere 11: 35. That will indeed be "a better resurrection. " - Hebrews 11: 35. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE (Ngana 3: 11, 12) Ediadi longi diamfunu kikilu, musungula kw'awana bavidisa malau ma salu. This is a lesson for those who have lost a special assignment. What must Jehovah's servants always do? 17 "Dumbelele wa Mwisi Isaele " omu Lumbu Yeto 11 Do Your Plans Harmonize With God's Purpose? The apostles knew that Jehovah used men to lead the Israelites in the past. Wakala ye nsangu zambote kadi zayisa kwa mfumu andi, Rebeka nkaz'a Isaki kekala. He was bursting with good news to tell his master - Rebekah was to become Isaac's wife! 3: 18 - 20. Nkia Mambu Tufwete Lomba? What May We Ask For? * O zaya diadi disadisanga muntu mu lembi kuyivana muna fu yambi. That realization helps to give a person the will to resist hurtful desires. There we read that Jesus Christ, the enthroned King, and his angels, joined Satan and his demons. Ekuma? Why? Regarding Satan, Jesus said: "He was a manslayer from the beginning. " Salu Kisalwanga mu Nza Yawonso An Earth - Wide Work Jehovah also uses angels to direct the preaching work. Sadila mapa yayi mu yantika mokena yo wantu. Use this map as a means to establish a rapport with the householder. When he prayed to Jehovah God, King David helped him to endure the loss of his son. - 2 Samuel 12: 19 - 23. Ovo muntu ozolele o vanga luzolo luandi, ozay'edi di'elongi, ovo dia Nzambi, ovo mono yayivovela dio. " If anyone desires to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching whether it is from God or I speak of my own originality. " Along with other true worshippers, he supports spirit creatures and sing: "Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, will rule as kings. " - Revelation 7: 9, 10, 14; 19: 1, 2, 6. Lameke nkwa lukwikilu kakala. And Lamech grew up to show notable faith. Love for God motivates us to do something. Ungunza wa Zakariya "Yerusaleme ezulu " uyikanga, ina vo i Kintinu ki'ezulu kina kiasolelwa Akristu akuswa. Zechariah's prophecy concerning Jerusalem applies to "heavenly Jerusalem, " the heavenly Kingdom to which anointed Christians have been called. Adam ate of the forbidden fruit because he did not eat it. Tusanisina Kumosi e Nkumbu a Yave, 1 / 3 JESUS CHRIST Coming, 3 / 15 LIFE STORIES In addition, Evelyn and I tried to find a good doctor, and we prayed many times to Jehovah for help and strength. Nga tumonanga e ndungana ya ungunza wau wamfunu? Have we seen a fulfillment of this important detail of the prophecy? (3) Strive to enjoy what we have. - 4 / 15, pages 6 - 7. Wau vo selo kiakwikizi kia Yave kakala, mwan'a Yefeta wakala ye vuvu vo s'andi kafwete lungisa nsilu andi. Being a loyal worshipper of Jehovah, Jephthah's daughter was convinced that her father's vow should be carried out. We love our brothers because we appreciate Jehovah's Word and obey what he says. (Nkunga 119: 105 - 112) Kana vo tu Akristu akuswa yovo tu "mameme makaka, " tuvovanga vo:" E diambu diaku i mini kia tambi yame, yo ntemo eyendelo diame. " Whether we are anointed Christians or we are their companions of the "other sheep, " we declare:" Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway. " Upon hearing this, 10,000 Witnesses in Moscow immediately ordered the judge not to hear the words of the judge who said that he wanted to protect them. Yesu watusisila e mbandu. - Yoane 13: 15. Jesus sets the example for us. - John 13: 15. Some changed the way they viewed people of a different race. Wazazanga menga ma bulu vana ntandu a nkele ekangu. There he sprinkled the blood of the sacrifices before the ark of the covenant. . . . . . Ekolo badilanga e mpasi zau, balomba vo: "E Yave, ozingang'aka yakwele mvu; e kunda kiaku kia tandu ye tandu. As they recount their afflictions, they petition: "O Jehovah, to time indefinite you will sit. Your throne is for generation after generation. If a slave does not want to stop serving his master, he must make a covenant with him. Vana fulu kiyikilwanga vo Vigadó, bawananene yo muntu otambulwidi wá e nsangu za Kintinu These happy publishers are sharing the Kingdom message with an appreciative listener at Vigadó Square in Budapest, Hungary Praying to Jehovah God for the good of others can help them. Nga wasadila kala Yave? Did you at one time serve Jehovah? God is eager to give you his spirit, and if you ask for it. Ekuma? Why? 2: 11, 12. Kansi, nga nkanda miami miyikanga mpe vuvu kia wantu bevwila moyo a mvu ya mvu ova ntoto? But do these letters reaffirm mankind's hope of everlasting life on earth? How Would You Answer? (a) Nkia nsangu zambote tusamunanga? (a) What is the good news that we spread? They should not allow those who blow their music to loud and music that they want. " Tuvema Muna Mwanda ' " Be Aglow With the Spirit " Today, God's servants face situations where they need to rely on Jehovah and have the courage to do what is right. Bena nze yau bemonanga " ndose a Yave. ' Figuratively speaking, they have come to see "the face of Jehovah. " Why does the world hate true Christians? Yave wafunga makasi yo kubavonda. Of course, that ended any association those men could have had with their parents. God first told Adam that the penalty for sin was death. Aweyi zola kweto muna Nzambi kulenda kutusadisila mu songa e kwikizi muna yandi? How does our love for God help us decide to be loyal to him? When it was true, those who have protected people by doing everything they could to free one of them from death's penalty. Bazeye wo vo Yave osinga vana selo yandi yakwikizi o nsendo a moyo a mvu ya mvu muna nz'ampa, muna ke mukala diaka mpasi ko. - Tanga Nkunga 37: 5, 7, 9, 29. They know that he will reward his faithful servants with eternal life in the new world, where there will be no injustice. - Read Psalm 37: 5, 7, 9, 29. Consider how Paul's zeal and endurance helped the brothers. Kansi, e salu kiandi kiansimbanga mu kwiza kutakana ntangwa zawonso. The problem was that his secular work interfered with his regular meeting attendance. I was called "the garden of Eden. " ▪ Mwan'amosi. ▪ The Only - Begotten Son. When I heard that the workers were needed in South Africa, I asked him to go. MUNA kolo kia mvu wa 62 yakuna mvu wa 64, Petelo wa ntumwa wasonekena "minduti a nzila bamwangana muna Ponto, Ngalatia, Kapadokia, Asia ye Bitunia. " SOMETIME between the years 62 and 64, the apostle Peter wrote to "the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. " In today's world, there are many situations that test our loyalty to Jehovah. Muna mvovo miandi, e sono yayi kumosi ye Sono yankulu ya Nkand'a Nzambi, "yau kaka itoma songanga una e sono yankulu yalundilwanga kimana yalembi sobwa. " According to him, this manuscript along with other ancient Biblical texts "provides a unique example of textual continuity. " They took their culture and language into account their ancestors ' language. Adieyi dilenda kutusadisa mu zola e longi dia Nzambi? How can we learn to love God's discipline? Now we will see what they did that hurt God. Zitisa Kristu wa Mvuluzi Esteem Christ as Deliverer What factors can help you to have a good Family Worship evening? TALA MUNA LUKAYA LWA 23 - 28. SEE PAGES 23 - 28. Jehovah's servants are very different from many people in the world because they show love for others. Kansi, lulembamu lwansadisa mu tambulwila salu kina vo nzimbu zakete kiafutanga avo zitezaneso ye zina yafutwanga kuna kompani yasadilanga entete. Humility helped me adjust to a job that pays less than a quarter of my former salary but is adequate for my family's needs. " My Bible students deeply appreciate it. Nga Osungamenanga? Do You Recall? 13, 14. Vava kavaikisa Yuda wa mwisi Kereote wa nyekodi, Yesu wasikidisa elambu diakaka diyikilwanga vo "Nlekelo a Mfumu. " After dismissing the traitorous Judas Iscariot, Jesus introduced a different observance, later called "the Lord's evening meal. " When we live in harmony with God's standards, we learn what is bad "the disgusting thing " and" cling to what is good. " - Romans 12: 2, 9. Yobi watoma bakula e ludi kia diambu diadi. Job well understood this truth. Perhaps we hear about our faithful brothers and sisters die from an earthquake, such as in Haiti or other disasters. O unu, Lowell, Richard ye Ramon besalanga diaka kumosi kuna Betele ya Selters, Alemanha. Today, Lowell, Richard, and Ramon are once again serving together at the branch office, now in Selters, Germany. The Bible's message makes millions of people who accept it each year and lead them to salvation. 8: 46; Yak. 3: 8) Akuluntu bazeye wo mpe vo kuna kwa mpangi z'akala ye z'akento, otambula elongi ezak'e ntangwa ke " dikalanga dia kiese ko, dia ntantu kaka. ' Also, elders know that for spiritual brothers and sisters, receiving counsel is normally not " joyous but grievous. ' Our God can use our loyalty and obedience to him to answer Satan, the one who disobeys him. Nga Okumbadikilanga nze Se Diaku? Do You Share in Making Christian Meetings Upbuilding? However, God had appointed Amos to be a prophet, and he blessed him for doing so. Nkia Mvutu Ovana? How Would You Answer? IN THE first century, many Jews were waiting for the coming of the Messiah. Akaka mun'awana batanganga e Bibila, bakomwanga vana nti yo yokwa. Some who read the Bible were even burned at the stake. What other bait does Satan use, and how can we avoid this bait? EXODUS 6: 3 BEDELL'S BIBLE EXODUS 6: 3 BEDELL'S BIBLE I told them that writing things small, even small, will help us to remember people who showed interest and know where they live and encourage us to return. " E salu kiaki nkia ntangwa kifokoka? What important work did Jesus start when he was on the earth, and until when would it continue? Will you accept God's invitation and enjoy his protection during these critical times? Muna nzila, bawana kalu dia mvita dia Sisera diabatamena muna nteke. Somewhere along the way, Sisera's war chariot got stuck in the mud. Many worry about this and even fear. Kele vo mosi ovengomokene, Akristu azikuka besikilanga ye kwikizi. In the rare instance that apostasy does appear, devoted Christians will remain firm for what is right. Michael too accepted a study. 31: 7) Muna kuma kia zola kwandi muna yeto, Yave okutuvevola muna mpasi. - Nku. Moved by his love for us, Jehovah will rescue us from calamity. - Ps. During those years, we used the phonograph to preach. Nga nsambanga ntangwa zawonso? Am I a man or a woman of prayer? At a convention in the city of Columbus, there was also a special meeting for the colporteurs. Muna lumbu ya antumwa ye mu lumbu yeto, awana bevitanga o ntu vana vena o nkangu a Nzambi aweyi... During the apostles ' time and today, how have those taking the lead among God's people been... But when I learned about my background, I was disappointed and felt guilty. Yabavovesa vo yavaika muna nzo wau vo s'ame ona ka kwikilanga muna Nzambi ko watantana yo Mbangi a Yave ona wayiza kutusamunwina nsangu zambote. I had told them that I walked out of the house to escape the discussion between my dad, who was an atheist, and one of Jehovah's Witnesses, who had called at our home. What responsibility do they have? Wau vo Kanoke lukwikilu kakala lwau, tuzeye dio vo wakwikilanga vo Yave "nsendi awana bekumvavanga. " Since Enoch had faith, we know that he worshipped Jehovah as the one who "becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " Jesus knew that Bible prophecies foretold that the promised Messiah would rule forever in Kingdom rule. Avo Yakobo watelamw'o moyo, ka lukatikisu ko vo ntim'andi wavuvama vava kalwaka kuna Luzi, tezo kia 100 kilometa ye Bere - seba. If Jacob had such anxieties, these no doubt melted away when he reached Luz, some 60 miles (100 km) from Beer - sheba. More than 50 people from the remote region came to that convention. Lukulu, luna vo i lukau lwangovo lwa Nzambi, lulenda velelesa e ntona zeto yo kutuvana luvuvamu lwa ntima. The ransom, a provision of God's undeserved kindness, can clear our conscience of guilt and give us inner peace. God's servants in Bible times, including Jesus and his disciples, attended such gatherings together. Yave wasola zula kia Isaele mu kala se mbangi zandi. Konso Nyisaele wakala ye mbebe ya samuna oma ma Nzambi. Individual Israelites of Isaiah's day were "witnesses " of Jehovah, and the nation as a whole was God's" servant. " He also taught them to conduct fine conduct, to punish them, and to punish them if they did what they had done. Akaka bakala ye fu yambote kansi bavidisa e ngwizani au yo Nzambi. Others had good qualities but in the end lost God's favor. These tribes represent all those with an earthly hope - those who exercise faith in Jesus ' sacrifice - but not members of the priests. Ekwe nswaswani yadi kala ova nza kele vo awonso bekuyibadikilanga vo Akristu balanda malongi mama! How different the course of history would have been had all those who claimed to be Christians actually followed this teaching! The faces were burned. Adieyi Paulu kayika divavwanga kimana o muntu kavanguluka? Paul showed that transformation is brought about in what way? Only a few Israelites from Egypt entered the Promised Land. Paulu watokana mu kuma ki'akwikidi ampa muna Tesalonika, muna kuma kiaki watuma Timoteo, kavutuka kwakuna. Paul was worried about the new believers in Thessalonica, so he sent Timothy back there. " Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you. " MAKAKA MENA MUN'EYINGIDILU DIADI ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Jesus had a simple life. Adieyi selo ya Yave bafwete vanganga ntangwa zawonso? What have Jehovah's servants always had to do? Jerusalem Babylon Babylon Antumwa bazaya wo vo Yave wasadila wantu mu fila Aneyisaele kuna nz'ankulu. The apostles knew that Jehovah had used men to lead the Israelites in the past. He has authority over his works. 3: 18 - 20. 3: 18 - 20. When we think about how Jehovah has preserved his name, it reminds us of his words found at Malachi 1: 11: "From the rising of the sun until its setting, my name is great among the nations. " * * (See footnote.) What is the connection between the subject of the talk or the scripture? Muna sono kiaki, tutanganga vo Yesu Kristu ona wayadikwa ye mbasi zandi zavelela banwana ye Satana ye nkwiya miandi. There we read that the newly enthroned Jesus Christ, along with his holy angels, wages war against Satan and his demons. ▪ Serving Jehovah Before the Days of Days Yesu wavova mu kuma kia Satana vo: "Oyandi, mumponda - muntu tuka kuna lubantiku. " Thus, Jesus said of Satan: "That one was a manslayer when he began. " Of what should you be careful when you look for a job? Yave osadilanga mpe ambasi mu fila salu kia samuna nsangu zambote. In contrast, the Bible says: "Happy is the God of Jacob his helper, whose trust is Jehovah his God. " - Psalm 146: 5. Vava kasamba kwa Yave wa Nzambi, Davidi wa Ntinu wakumikwa mu zizidila ntantu za lufwa lwa mwan'andi. - 2 Samuele 12: 19 - 23. In King David's case, it was the pouring out of his heart before the best of confidants, Jehovah God, that allowed him to find the strength to " get up ' and accept the sad reality of the death of his young son. - 2 Samuel 12: 19 - 23. We can learn from Jesus ' example. Kumosi y'asambidi akaka aludi, oyikama mbasi z'ezulu yo yimbila vo: "Aleluya, kadi o Yave wa Nzambi eto, ampungu, oyalang'e kintinu. " - Lusengomono 7: 9, 10, 14; 19: 1, 2, 6. United with other true worshippers, you will be in agreement with the thrilling words that heavenly voices sing: "Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king. " - Revelation 7: 9, 10, 14; 19: 1, 2, 6. The miracles that occurred that day gave them why they needed to change their lives. O zola muna Nzambi kutufilanga mu vanga kia diambu? Love for God moves us to do what in connection with the good news? It may be easy for others to make decisions for us, but if we do, we will lose the blessing that comes from your own free will. Adami wadia bundu kina kakanikinwa vo kadie ko. Adam ate from the tree that was forbidden to him. They need to understand their children's feelings and concerns. - Read Numbers 11: 11, 15. Vana ntandu, twavanga mawonso muna solola dotolo diambote. Omono yo Ilaria twasamba kwayingi mu lomba lusadisu lwa Yave yo nkum'andi. In addition to seeking the best medical advice available, together with Ilaria we turned to Jehovah in long prayers, asking for his help to face the future. (a) What does discipline mean? (3) Sia e ngolo za yangalela ina tuna yau. - 15 / 4, lukaya lwa 6 - 7. (3) Work hard to promote a sense of contentment. - 4 / 15, pages 6 - 7. That same disease was replaced by four doctors - Bardet - who found something similar to the blood of the father and mother. Tuzolanga ampangi zeto kadi tuyangalelanga e Diambu dia Yave yo lemvokela mana kevovanga. Since we are fond of Jehovah's written Word and apply what it says, we love our brothers. We can also show them the best way to preach to people in the territory, and we can accompany them in the ministry. Vava bawá wo, awonso 10.000 ma Mbangi za Yave kuna Moscou basoneka nkanda vana vau mu lomba kwa mfundisi vo katondi ko e mvovo mia mfundisi ambuta ona wavova vo yau kazola "tanina. " In response to that outlandish claim, all 10,000 Witnesses in Moscow immediately signed a petition asking the court to reject the prosecutor's offer of "protection. " " I say to you, I will also do it. I will also do it. " - ISAIAH 46: 11. Akaka basoba e mpila babadikilanga wantu a se kia nitu kiaswaswana. Others had to change their attitude toward those of another race. I also knew that in addition to learning more, Bible prophecies can help an unbeliever to change his thinking. " - Isaiah 42: 5, 9. Focus Agency / WPN Focus Agency / WPN The Israelites became slaves in the land that Jehovah had given them. - Neh. Kele vo ntaudi kazolele yambula sadila mfumu andi ko, kafwete kanga yandi ekangu dianzingi. If a slave wanted the security of belonging permanently to a good master, he could enter a permanent and binding agreement with him. He allows God's holy spirit to guide him and strive to imitate Jehovah. O samba kwa Yave wa Nzambi muna wete di'akaka dilenda kikilu kubasadisa. Our prayers to Jehovah God in behalf of others can truly help them. Think about what you heard and saw at a district convention Nzambi una ye luzolo lwa kuvana mwand'andi, avo lombele wo. God is willing and eager to share his spirit with you if you earnestly request it. Why did Jesus ' disciples not accept the truth about the Kingdom that he revealed? 2: 11, 12. 2: 11, 12. As a loving Friend, Jehovah helps those who are struggling with immoral thoughts and desires. Nkia Mvutu Ovana? How Would You Answer? Family study is a good time to teach your children. Ke bafwete yambula ko vo awana besikanga miziki basia e zú ye miziki mina bazolele. Here, too, the groom and the director of the feast need to act responsibly, not relinquishing to musicians, whether hired or not, the control over the nature and volume of the music. Later, Martha could not hide her anger. O unu mpe selo ya Nzambi, benwananga ye mambu mevavanga vo babunda Yave vuvu yo kala ye unkabu wa vanga owu wansongi. God's servants today also face situations that require trust in Jehovah and courage to act decisively. The next morning, when he prayed in private, his disciples did not go to him and told him that the great crowd would need me, perhaps even though I needed a lot of money. Ekuma e nza imengenanga Akristu akieleka? Why does the world hate true Christians? Abraham and Sarah were not always there. Nzambi wateka vovesa Adami vo e tumbu kia sumu i lufwa. And the penalty for sin is death, as God told Adam. So we should not become angry and give Satan the way to do what is bad. Vava e ngielele yayi yazayakana, awana betaninanga wantu (Advogados) bavanga mawonso muna kûla mosi muna awana bavewa e tumbu kia lufwa. Once the error came to light, lawyers worked hard and gained freedom for one of the convicted. What does dedication to God mean? Badika una vema ye luzindalalu lwa Paulu lwasadisila ampangi. Think of the effect that Paul's zeal and endurance had. Then she told me about the subject and asked if something that would please him. Yayikilwanga vo "mpatu a Edene. " It was called "a garden in Eden. " Applying Bible principles moves people to do what human governments cannot do Vava yawá e nsangu vo asadi bavavuanga kuna África do Sul, yalomba kimana ngienda. When I heard about the construction needs in South Africa, I applied and was invited to go. Why is forgiveness important? Mu nza yayi, vena ye mambu mayingi metontanga e kwikizi kieto muna Yave. In this system, there will always be situations that test our loyalty to Jehovah. So we must do all we can to strengthen our faith. Banata e fu yau ya kisi nsi ye ndinga z'akulu au. With them, they brought their culture and the Swiss German dialect. But if an elder is angry with someone as he gives counsel, that elder should not give in to help. Owau, tutala dina bavanga edi diakendeleka Nzambi. Let's see what they did that caused Jehovah pain. When we returned, people would think of us as "Why don't they hurt us? " Nkia mambu malenda sadisa mu kala yo fuku wambote wa Nsambila ya Esi Nzo? What factors contribute to the success of the Family Worship evening? Table of Contents Selo ya Yave baswaswana kikilu yo wantu ayingi ova nza kadi besonganga o zola kwa wantu ankaka. Jehovah's servants are very different from most people in the world because they show genuine love for others. However, there is a difference. Alongoki ame a Nkand'a Nzambi betoma wo yangalelanga. My students love it. Jesus could have referred to Jehovah as "the Most High, "" the Grand Creator, " or "the King of eternity. " 13, 14. 13, 14. " One man made all the nations, so that they were on the earth, he set a time and set limits for human dwelling. " (Yobi 31: 1) Vava tuzingilanga e ngwizani ye nkanikinu mia Nzambi, tulongokanga mwena dina diambi e "ngemi " yo tatidila" dina diambote. " - Roma 12: 2, 9. When we live according to God's standards, we learn to hate "what is wicked " and hold on tight to" what is good. " - Romans 12: 2, 9. See the article "The Bible - What Does It Mean to God? " Nanga tuwanga e nsangu za mpangi zeto zakwikizi befwanga muna nzakama za ntoto, nze zina zavangama kuna Haiti yovo mu sumbula yakaka. Perhaps we have heard of faithful brothers who were killed by an earthquake, such as those in Haiti, or by some other natural disaster. HISTORY: earth's B both of you and your family E nsangu zambote za Nkand'a Nzambi zitomesanga zingu kia ulolo wa wantu ana betambulwilanga zo konso mvu yo kubafila ku luvuluku. The Bible's message improves the lives of the many thousands who embrace it each year, and this can lead to their salvation. Our only God can help us to be united. (Ngana 23: 15, 16) Nzambi eto olenda sadila kwikizi yo lemvo weto mu vana mvutu kwa Satana ona okuntiangunanga. Our God can use our loyal support and obedience to answer Satan's taunts. Then Jesus pointed out the connection between this illustration and the quality of prayer. Kansi, Nzambi wasola Amose mu kala ngunza. Wansambula kikilu muna salu kiaki. However, God appointed Amos to be a prophet and blessed him richly in that assignment. While waiting for the end of Satan's world, let us not give up on God because of discouragement. MUNA tandu kiantete, ndonga ya Ayuda bavingilanga ngiz'a Masia. IN THE first century, many of the Jews were awaiting the arrival of the promised Messiah. That is why we speak about Jehovah's name. Nkia nekwa diankaka kesadilanga o Satana? Aweyi tulenda vengela nekwa diadi? What is another type of bait that Satan uses, and how can we avoid it? He may have begun to develop a selfish attitude or a materialistic desire for material things. Yabasonga vo o soneka mambu kana nkutu makete, dilenda kutusadisa mu sungamena wantu ana basongele luzolo lwambote yo zaya e fulu bezingilanga yo kutukasakesa mu vutuka kubakingula. " I showed them how even a simple note reminds us of the interested person and where he lives; it also serves as an incentive for us to make the return visit. (b) How did David view God's name? Nga otambulwila e mbok'a Nzambi yo vua lutaninu lwandi mu lumbu yayi yampasi? Will you respond to that invitation and avail yourself of God's loving protection in these critical days? Why did he hide it? Ayingi betokananga mu kuma kia diambu diadi yo mona nkutu wonga. It fills many with concern, anxiety, and even dread. On his final night on earth, Jesus took Peter and the other apostles into the garden of Gethsemane. Michael mpe watambulwila longoka. Michael agreed to do the same. (a) How did Jesus emphasize the importance of humility twice? Muna mvu miamina, fonógrafo twasadilanga muna sila umbangi. Back then, we used phonographs to preach. What did Paul mean by "a release from death "? Muna lukutakanu lwa mvivu lwavangamena muna mbanza Chicago muna mvu a 1893, mwakala mpe lukutakanu lwamfunu mu kuma kia ampangi basalanga e salu kia Colportor. Beginning at the 1893 Chicago Convention, the program included special colporteur sessions. How dangerous it would be for a couple to allow Satan to tempt one of them to commit sexual immorality "without self - control "! Kansi, vava yazaya lusansu lwame, yakendalala yo kibadikila vo yabembolwa. Still, after I learned of my history, I struggled with feelings of abandonment. When did Jesus begin ruling under God's Kingdom? Nkia mbebe bena yau? What responsibilities are involved? Since then, some 30 million people have grown still. Yesu wazaya wo vo ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi wazayisa vo Masia wasilwa o nsilu oyala muna Kintinu kiakwele mvu. Jesus knew that Bible prophecies had foretold that the promised Messiah would rule over an everlasting Kingdom. It means that someone is inside the animal. Vioka 50 ma wantu batuka muna zunga yandá ya Tuva bayiza mu lukutakanu lwalu. About 50 people from the remotest regions of Tuva were to attend. Another danger is when we go to a journey or when we work with a husband or a wife. Selo ya Nzambi kuna nz'ankulu kumosi yo Yesu y'alongoki andi bayendanga kuna nkinzi miami miakiese. God's ancient servants, including Jesus and his disciples, willingly shared in such happy events, including associated feasting. How important it is to protect our relationship with Jehovah! Wabalonganga mpe e fu ya nkal'ambote, kubatumba yo kubawanda kele vo bavangidi edi diambi. This included inculcating decorum, imparting rebukes, and even inflicting physical punishment for misconduct. But because they sinned, they lost that privilege. Makanda mama, awonso bena ye vuvu kia zingila ova ntoto mesunzulanga, i sia vo, awana bekwikilanga muna kimenga kia Yesu, kansi ke bena mu buka kia anganga ko. They represent all those with an earthly hope - those who put faith in Jesus ' sacrifice but are not included in the royal priestly class. The prophecy about seven shepherds and eight dukes is also fulfilled in our time. Awonso basika makonzo. Along with the other children, I shouted, "Aye! " Sadly, some do not repent and get disfellowshipped, but they are happy that many of them return to Jehovah and his congregation. 16: 1, 2) Akete kaka muna Aneyisaele ana batuka kuna Engipito bakota muna Nsi a Nsilu. Only a small number of the Israelites who left Egypt lived to see the Promised Land. The disciple James wrote: "The wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not hypocritical. " - Jas. " Nuyekeka ntokani zeno zawonso kwa [Nzambi], kadi mfunu kekunuvuanga. " " Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you. " The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Yesu zingu kiavevoka kakala kiau. Jesus lived simply. Most important, children who are shown love from their youth know that Jehovah's spirit operates in his people. MBU A MEDITERRÂNEO MEDITERRANEAN SEA " All those who pay attention to the message heard, " and they rejoice. - Nahum 3: 1, 19. Okalanga ye wisa muna mavangu mandi. He remains master over his actions. Do you not want to break that promise, so questions will help you to see whether you are ready to get baptized: (1) Am I ready to get baptized? Vava tuyindulanga una Yave ketaninanga e nkumbu andi, dikutusungamesanga e mvovo miandi mina muna Malaki 1: 11 vo: "Tuka kuna ndungumuk'a ntangwa yakuna ndimuk'andi, e nkumbu ame se nene muna zula. " These developments call to mind Jehovah's words found at Malachi 1: 11: "From the sun's rising even to its setting my name will be great among the nations. " He loved to read and accepted The Watchtower in English. Nkia ngwizani kina yo ntu a diambu w'elongi yovo ye sono kibongelo elongi? How does it relate to the title of the article or to the theme scripture? I had to read the entire Bible. ▪ Sadila Yave Una e Lumbu Yampasi ke Yayizidi Ko ▪ Serving Jehovah Before the Days of Distress Come The result? Mu nkia diambu ofwete kuyikebela vava ovavanga e salu? What must one be cautious of when planning for the future? Send me. " Nswaswani yo wantu awaya, Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Nkwa nsambu ona wina vo o Nzambi a Yakobo i nsadisi andi, On'obunda Yave wa Nzambi andi e vuvu. " - Nkunga 146: 5. In contrast, the Bible says: "Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob as his helper, whose hope is in Jehovah his God. " - Psalm 146: 5. I am convinced that attending meetings and sharing in the field ministry helped us not to become discouraged. " Tulenda longoka diambu muna mbandu a Yesu. We can learn from Jesus ' example. Their thinking is in harmony with the religious leaders, such as Robert C.E. Masivi mavangama muna lumbu kiakina mabavana ekuma bafwana sobela e zingu kiau. The events of the day had furnished powerful reasons to make such changes. We will discuss why we should continue to be generous. Dilenda kala diasazu mu yambula vo muntu ankaka katubakila e nzengo. Kansi avo tuvangidi wo, tuvidisa e nsambu zitukanga muna nswa wa kuyisolele. It might seem easier to have someone else make decisions for us, but then we would never experience one of the greatest blessings of free will. Instead of thanking Jehovah for their material possessions, the Israelites dedicated themselves to the gods of the nations and entered into a covenant relationship with God through false worship. Bafwete bakulanga e ngindu za wan'au ye mana mekubatokanesanga. - Tanga Ntalu 11: 11, 15. They should acknowledge their children's feelings, including negative expressions. - Read Numbers 11: 11, 15. Both of them set the goal of serving at Bethel. (a) O vana mwana elongi nki disonganga? (a) Of what is loving discipline an evidence? Dedication to Israel involves more than just what is required of them. E kimbevo kiaki kiayikilwa muna nkumbu za madotolo yá, Laurence - Moon - Bardet - Biedl, ana basolola e má yatwasanga kimbevo kiaki muna menga ma se yo ngudi. Laurence - Moon - Bardet - Biedl syndrome was named after four doctors who identified this recessive genetic disorder, inherited when both parents carry the recessive gene. Although he faced many trials, Jesus remained loyal and supported Jehovah's sovereignty. Tulenda mpe kubasonga e mpila yambote ya sila umbangi kwa wantu muna zunga. Tulenda mpe vaika yau entwadi muna salu kia umbangi. You can also explain the best way to preach to people in the territory, and you can work with them in the ministry. But Jehovah arranged for the Christian congregation to protect his faithful servants. " Mpovele, nlungisa dio mpe; nkanini, mvanga dio mpe. " - YESAYA 46: 11. I have purposed it, and I will also carry it out. " - ISAIAH 46: 11. Hence, it is wise to keep "seeking first the Kingdom " and focus on the blessings we enjoy in Jehovah's service. - Matthew 6: 33. Yazaya wo mpe vo vana ntandu a zaya mambu makaka, obakula ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi ulenda sadisa mundembi kwikila mu soba e ngindu zandi. " - Yesaya 42: 5, 9. I think that among other things a knowledge of Bible prophecies and their fulfillment can help an atheist to start thinking. " - Isaiah 42: 5, 9. Imagine Elijah's joy as he started to fall asleep. Aneyisaele bakituka s'abundu muna nsi ina Yave kabavana. - Nek. we are slaves upon it, and its produce is abounding for the kings that you have put over us because of our sins, and... we are in great distress. " - Neh. Jesus said that it brings great joy when we are generous or when we receive it. Oyambulanga vo mwand'avelela a Nzambi wanfila yo sia e ngolo za tanginina Yave. He allows himself to be guided by God's holy spirit and strives to imitate Jehovah. That is why Jehovah's Witnesses gather each year to commemorate Jesus ' death. Yindula mana wawá yo mona mu lukutakanu lwa mvivu lwaviokele Relive in your mind the sounds and images of a recent convention Would you like to know what Jehovah's Witnesses believe? Ekuma alongoki a Yesu ke bafwana vezela ko e ludi kia Kintinu kina kabasengomwenanga? Why were Jesus ' disciples not to take for granted the Kingdom truths revealed to them? Of course, a lack of respect is not new, but the Bible says that in "the last days, " it will grow. (1 Ntinu 8: 46 - 50) Nze Nkundi anzodi, Yave osadisanga awana benuananga ye ngindu ye zolela yambi. As a loving Friend, he kindly encourages those who sometimes find it difficult to control their feelings and desires. If your mate is studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, what might happen to your marriage? Elongi dia esi nzo i ntangw'ambote ya longa o wana. Family study sessions are ideal occasions for such teaching. Paul benefited from the trials he suffered because it helped him to rely on Jehovah. I bosi, Mareta kalenda sweka ekasi diandi ko. Finally, Martha could no longer suppress her frustration. " When I was divorced, my mother's mother did not allow me to look at my children. Oku mene - mene muna lumbu kialanda, vava kasambanga va yandi mosi, alongoki andi bayenda ko yo kumvovesa vo ndong'ayingi ikumvavanga, nanga mu kubawuka. Early the next morning when he was alone praying, his apostles came and told him that many people were looking for him, perhaps wanting to be cured. Because the Bible says: "Go to pray for idols " and to" keep yourselves in idols. " Abarayama yo Sara ke ntangwa zawonso ko bawizananga. Abraham and Sarah did not always agree with each other. Remember, singing is an important part of our worship. 17: 27) Muna kuma kiaki, ke tufwete lundanga makasi ko yo sisila Satana e nzila mu kutufila mu vanga edi diambi. So let us not remain in a provoked state and give Satan a chance to induce us to do something evil. What about the holy spirit? Kiyekola kwa Nzambi, aweyi disongele? What does dedicating oneself to God mean? (c) What questions will we answer in this article? I bosi, wansonga e ntu mia mambu yo kunyuvula kana nkia diambu ditomene kunyangidika. He then turned to the book's table of contents and asked the boy which subject interested him the most. He will not use the same method. O sadila nkanikinu mia Nkand'a Nzambi difilanga wantu mu vanga dina ayadi a nza ke balendi vanga ko The application of Bible principles has accomplished what human governments cannot It takes effort to support her husband by both words and actions. Ekuma o loloka kwinina o mfunu? Why is forgiveness essential? Do not give up! Muna kuma kiaki, tufwete vanganga mawonso muna kumika lukwikilu lweto. So we need to work hard to strengthen our faith. Did Jeremiah find joy in his work? Kansi, avo nkuluntu ofungidi makasi ekolo kevananga elongi kwa muntu, o nkuluntu ndioyo kafwana ko mu vana lusadisu. However, when elders imitate "the kindly quality of God, " they may move to repentance the one who has erred. - Rom. Jehovah and Jesus are merciful to all who suffer. Vava twavutuka, o wantu batuyulanga vo " Adieyi dianubwididi? When we returned, passersby asked, " What happened? BIBLE STUDIES Oma Mena mo Table of Contents In this way, Joseph imitated Jehovah, who freely forgives. Kansi, vena ye nswaswani. But there is a marked difference. Yes, Satan and his demons want to be cast down to them. Yesu wafwana yikila Yave mu mazina nze "Mpungu - ngolo, " " Nlongi Anene, '" Nsemi, " "Munkulu - nkulu a Lumbu " yovo" Ntinu a mvu ya mvu. " (Etu. 49: 25; Yes. 30: 20; 40: 28; Dan. 7: 9; 1 Tim. Jesus could have referred to Jehovah by using such impressive titles as "the Almighty, " the" Grand Instructor, " "the Creator, "" the Ancient of Days, " and "the King of eternity. " What will help us to make wise decisions? " Muna muntu mosi i kavangila zula yawonso, kimana bakala ova nza, wasikidisa e kolo yo sia nkendelo muna kalu ya wantu. " God "made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth. " But it was well - equipped to build and build. (Malaki 2: 16; Matai 19: 9) Tala elongi, "O Conceito da Bíblia - Que tipo de Divórcio Deus Odeia? " muna Despertai! See the article "The Bible's Viewpoint - What Kind of Divorcing Does God Hate? " What will help us to identify ourselves as a teacher? DIAMBU: FOMO ZANGOLO YATEKANGA HISTORY: DRUG DEALER The Babylonians thought that the true God was standing. Nzambi eto kaka olenda kutusadisa mu kala ye kintwadi kiaki. This unity has been possible only with the help of our God. In time, many countries began to separate from the Roman Empire and established their own religion in their own country. I bosi, Yesu wayika e ngwizani kina e kingana kiaki ye fu kia samba. It may seem as if they could. But look! Steve used his abilities and strengthened himself by reviewing his work. Ekolo tuvingilanga lufwasu lwa nza yayi ya Satana, tufwete kala yo luzindalalu, ka tufwete bembola Nzambi ko mu kuma kia lukendalalu. As we await the end of Satan's wicked system, we all need godly patience, never running ahead of God or giving up because we are discouraged. As king, what was Hezekiah's first reaction? Ekiaki mpe i kuma tuvovelanga nkumbu a Yave. And it's one of the main reasons why we talk about Jehovah so much. True Christians do not celebrate the Passover. Nanga wayantika yima fu ki'eloko muna ntima yovo luzolo lwa kala ye mavwa mayingi. Perhaps he began to nurture personal ambitions or a desire for material prosperity. Instead, we must maintain our friendship with our heavenly Father. (b) Aweyi Davidi kabadikilanga nkumbu a Nzambi? (b) How did David view God's name? A Christian's romantic relationship is based only on romantic love for his wife or her future bride. Ekuma kavukumukini? How was he enticed? Remember how David felt when he covered his sin. (Nku. 118: 6) Muna fuku wansuka kakala ova ntoto, Yesu wanata Petelo ye ntumwa zole zakaka muna mpatu ya Ngetesemane. On the final night of His earthly life, Jesus took Peter and two other apostles with him deep into the garden of Gethsemane. ▪ "The tribulation will make a wise person happy. " - ECCLEES 7: 7. (a) Yesu aweyi kasongela o mfunu a lulembamu muna nkumbu miole? (a) On two occasions, how did Jesus stress the importance of humility? " The End of Death " Ayeyi i nsas'a mvovo mia Paulu "kakatulwilwa kimana kalembi mona lufwa "? What did Paul mean by that phrase "transferred so as not to see death "? November 22 - 28, 2010 Dia vonza kikilu kw'akazi avo bayambwidi vo Satana katonta mosi muna yau katá e zumba mu kuma kia " kondwa volo. ' It would be so tragic for a couple to allow Satan to use their "lack of self - control " to tempt either mate to commit adultery! In the Bible, Jehovah is God's name. Nkia ntangwa Yesu kadi yantika yala muna Kintinu kia Nzambi? When would Jesus begin to rule as King of God's Kingdom? We used the newspapers to keep them in a wall so that they could not enter the house. Tuka wauna, tezo kia 30 ma kilo kaka ipezanga. Since then, I have weighed only 65 pounds [30kg]. • What do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the camels and the eye? Disonganga vo muntu mu bulu katuka. Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. We can be sure that in the new world, Jehovah will do everything he promised. (Ngana 22: 3) Diambu diankaka dilenda kutusia mu vonza i vava tukwendanga mu nkangalu yovo vava tusalanga entwadi yo mwan'a yakala yovo nkento. Other dangerous situations could happen when we go on a business trip or when we work with someone of the opposite sex. Love moved God to prepare the ransom to make it possible for humans to be forgiven for sins and to gain everlasting life. Diamfunu kikilu mu tanina ngwizani eto yo Yave. We need to safeguard our spirituality. After opening the book, he said that he would use it in the hands of the family. Kansi, wau basumuka, bavidisa elau diadi. However, that grand privilege was taken away by sin. Their children and their children are entitled "Is It Possible? " O ungunza uyikanga mvungudi nsambwadi ye mbuta nana ulungananga mpe mu lumbu yeto. The prophecy about seven shepherds and eight dukes has its major fulfillment in our day. He had to survive Saul's hands several times. Diankenda mu mona vo akaka ke bevilukanga ntima ko yo vaikiswa muna nkutakani, kansi diakiese dia zaya vo ndonga muna yau bevutukanga kwa Yave ye muna nkutakani andi. It is tragic that some are unrepentant and must be disfellowshipped, yet it is heartwarming to know that a large number of such ones later return to Jehovah and his congregation. The world's entertainment tries to convince us that breaking God's laws does not lead to disaster. (Nku. 48: 14) Yakobo wa nlongoki a Kristu wasoneka vo: "Vo i ngangu zina vo za ntandu, edi diantete, zavelela, i bosi, za ungudi, za unleka, za ngemba, zizele ye nkenda ye mbongo ambote, zakondwa kati - kati yo kuvùnina. " - Yak. The Christian disciple James tells us that "the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable [" yielding, " ftn.], ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. " - Jas. He led humans to disobey God in the garden of Eden. Muna Nkand'a Nzambi tutanganga vo: "Nufinama Nzambi, oyandi mpe okunufinama. " The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " 12: 15 - 23. Edi disundidi o mfunu, o wana ana besongwanga zola tuka muna kileke kiau, bezayanga vo mwand'a Yave usalanga muna nkangu andi. More important, from an early age, children who receive such genuine concern in the congregation learn that Jehovah's spirit is on his people. When he accepted his request, we were able to visit him, and we enjoyed something we had never imagined. " Awonso bekuwil'e nsangu bekusikil'o makonzo, ' yo yangalala. - Nakumi 3: 1, 19. " All those hearing the report about [her] will certainly clap their hands " and rejoice. - Nahum 3: 1, 19. So try to find out what life is like. Kuzolele kulula nsilu wau ko. Muna kuma kiaki, e yuvu ilende ikusadisa mu zaya kana wakubama wina muna vubwa: (1) Nga yazikuka ngina mu baka e nzengo zazi? You really want to keep that promise, so the following questions will help you to see if you are ready for baptism: (1) Am I mature enough to make the decision? When he was on the train and was arrested by people in the concentration camps, he met Leos, a well - known brother in Austria, where he became known for his zeal. Wazolanga kikilu tanga ye watambulanga Eyingidilu muna Kingelezo. An avid reader, she subscribed to the English Watch Tower. That attack took place in many countries, and it also fulfilled Bible prophecy. Yakala ye ngindu za tanga Nkand'a Nzambi wawonso. I had intended to read it all. But some 400 years later, the lives of people are as short as they were in our day. Nkia nluta diatwasa? The result? What about us? (Yes. Walk in it. " SONGS: 49, 73 Ngina ye ziku vo kwenda mu tukutakanu yo sala e salu kia umbangi, diatusadisa mu lembi bwa mu lukendalalu. " I believe that these habits helped us not to become desperate. " 13, 14. (a) How did Barnabas view Mark's youth? E ngindu zau ngwizani zina ye z'afidi a mabundu nze Robert C. They echo the view of such religious leaders as theologian Robert C. About a year and a half later when he met Nathanael (I), Jesus gave him an important assignment. Tuvovela e kuma tufwete kwamanena songa o ntim'amvevo. And we will discuss why we should continue to be generous. HOW would you have lived without the Bible? Vana fulu kia vutula matondo kwa Yave mu kuma kia mavwa mau, Aneyisaele bayivana kwa nzambi za zula yo kulula ekangu bakanga yo Nzambi muna kuyisia mu nsambila aluvunu. Instead of crediting Jehovah with her material blessings, Israel attributed these to the gods of such nations and violated her marriage covenant with God by engaging in false worship. Instead, he calmed me kindly and tried to help me. " Yau nzole bayisila e kani dia sadila kuna Betele. They both set the goal of serving at Bethel. 5 What Is the Truth About Armageddon? 19: 4 - 8) Kiyekola kwa Isaele mayingi kwasonganga ke vanga kaka dina dialombwanga ko. Being dedicated meant much more for Israel than being committed to do something. (See endnote.) Kana una vo wawanana ye ntonta zayingi, Yesu wakwamanana songa kwikizi yo yikama kimfumu kia Yave. Despite the most severe tests, Jesus remained loyal and supported Jehovah's right to rule. When may we encourage others? Kansi, Yave wakubika nkutakani ya Akristu kimana yatanina selo yandi ya kwikizi. Jehovah has provided the Christian congregation as a "lifeboat " for his faithful servants. He knew that he had God's help, and this comforted him. Muna kuma kiaki, diangangu mu kwamanana " sia Kintinu va fulu kiantete ' yo sia sungididi muna nsambu tutambulanga muna salu kia Yave. - Matai 6: 33. So it is wise to keep "seeking first the Kingdom " and to focus on the blessings we receive from serving Jehovah. - Matthew 6: 33. So we do well to ask ourselves: Who really is our neighbor? Yindula kiese kamona o Eleya vava mwana kayantika fulumuna. Imagine the joy spreading over Elijah's face as he sees the boy's chest heave with the intake of air. If they understand why, they will be able to obey him. Yesu wavova vo kiese kiayingi ditwasanga vava tukayilanga akaka yovo vava tutambulanga. 5: 21. E kiaki i kuma Mbangi za Yave bekutakananga nkumbu mosi konso mvu muna yindula lufwa lwa Yesu. Really, the ransom sacrifice is the greatest expression of love ever. 73: 28. Nga ozolele zaya mana Mbangi za Yave bekwikilanga? Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? So there is good reason for us. Dialudi vo e diambu dia kondwa luzitu ke diampa ko, kansi Bibila kivovanga vo mu "lumbu yambaninu " e fu kiaki kiwokela. True, disrespect for fellow humans is not new, but only in "the last days " would that spirit reach such extremes that the era could rightly be described as" critical times hard to deal with. " Moreover, knowing the benefits of mercy can move us to cultivate this quality in our lives. Since a haughty person does not turn back from his wrong course, he is rewarded exceedingly with severe punishment. - Proverbs 11: 31; 1 Peter 4: 18. These methods lead to the use of pornography. - Matt. 5: 32; 1 Cor. 5: 9, 18; Heb. 13: 4. Avo nkaz'aku Nkand'a Nzambi kelongokanga ye Mbangi za Yave, adieyi dilenda bwa muna longo lwaku? If your wife is studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, how might this affect your marriage? Without delay, many angels became angels, and "they were praising God. " Paulu wabaka nluta muna mpasi kamona, kadi zansadisa mu bund'e vuvu muna Yave. Paul benefited from his tribulations because they made him more dependent on Jehovah. Hence, the theme of this psalm contains the words of this psalm. Stanisław wavova vo: "Vava longo lwame lwafwa, o ngudi a wan'ame kayambulanga ko vo ngyenda tala o wan'ame. Stanisław recalls: "When we divorced, my ex - wife prevented me from seeing my two little girls. Thereafter, Jesus and his holy spirit became Satan and his demons in heaven. - Rev. E kuma kadi, Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga vo: "Nutin'ak'o samba teke " ye " nwiyikenga muna teke. ' Because God's Word clearly commands: "Flee from idolatry, " and" Guard yourselves from idols. " What meaning did Jesus give in this illustration? Sungamena vo o yimbila diambu diamfunu kikilu muna nsambil'eto. Remember that singing is an important part of our worship. 13: 1 - 16: 21) Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kia mwand'avelela? What about the holy spirit? How will endurance affect us and those who listen to us? (c) Nkia yuvu tubakila e mvutu mu longi diadi? (c) What questions will we consider? " YOU are a wife of Lot. " Ke nusadila mpila yampimpita ko. Your method of budgeting does not need to be complicated. How can you help build Kingdom Halls? Ngolo divavanga muna yikama nkaz'andi muna mvovo ye mavangu. Actively supporting her husband with words and actions will surely involve sacrifices on her part. Moreover, "all flesh " is used in idols, pictures, and religious names that do not originate with God. Ke nuyoyi ko! Do not give up! After I graduated from high school, I became a Shinto priest. O Yeremiya nga wakala ye kiese muna salu kiandi? Did the prophet Jeremiah find joy in his work? The spirit of the world moves people to "the desire of the eyes " to promote selfish tendencies and materialism. 51: 17; 94: 18, 19) Yave yo Yesu besonganga nkenda kw'awonso bemonanga e mpasi. (Yes. 49: 13; Mat. Bible study can make us so keenly aware of Jehovah's loving concern for us that we are inclined to respond with deep love for him. Many, however, wanted to learn the truth. ALONGOKI A NKAND'A NZAMBI BIBLE STUDIES What Does It Mean to Walk With God? (Etuku 45: 1 - 15) Muna mpila yayi, Yosefe watanginina Yave ona ololokanga kuna mvevo. He thus reflected the disposition of Jehovah, who forgives generously. We promised to be loyal to him and to keep that promise. Elo, Satana ye nkwiya miandi bezolanga vo basambilwa. Yes, Satan and the demons desire to be worshipped. For example, during history, we learn from what is good and what is bad. Adieyi dikutusadisa mu baka nzengo zambote? What will help us make wise decisions? The tone of voice that you use to tell the sick person can make you feel hurt or disappointed. " Kansi, umbangu wayingi wavavwanga mu tunga yo. Nevertheless, it required advanced construction techniques. God does not approve of anyone who doubts about serving him or who wants to please others. Adieyi dilenda kutusadisa mu zaya kukilonga? And how can we develop self - discipline? But what he knew about Jesus convinced him that he could heal him. Esi Babele babanza vo Nzambi aludi wadingalala kakala. The Babylonians wrongly concluded that the true God was weak. Solomon wrote these words about the importance of knowing the right time to do anything, whether in the seed, travel, or talking to others. I bosi, malembe - malembe nsi zayingi zayantika vambana ye luyalu lwa Roma yo sikidisa mabundu ma yau kibeni muna nsi zau. Many of those kingdoms warred against one another for centuries. This can increase their doubts. Steve wasadila ngangu yo unlêka muna fimpulula e salu yandi. Steve displayed wisdom and modesty by reevaluating his workload. He used the Amalekites, who were enemies of God's people. Nze ntinu, nkia diambu diantete kadi vanga o Kizekeya? As the young king ascended the throne, what would his priority be? (a) What two aspects of God's service did Paul focus on? Akristu Akieleka ke bekembelanga Nduta ko. True Christians do not memorialize the Jewish Passover. Those who believe in evolution have not found the answer. Kansi, tufwete kwamanana tatidila e kikundi kieto yo Se dieto kuna zulu. However, we need to keep our precious friendship with our heavenly Father. Why is Jehovah the Source of true freedom? O Nkristu osonganga kaka e nzol'a kimakangu kwa nkaz'andi yovo kwa nzitikil'andi. Christians give romantic attention to only their marriage mate or to someone they want to marry. Why was Job sure that his freedom would come? Sungamena una Davidi kamona vava kasweka esumu diandi. Keeping the matter hidden will only make matters worse. He knew that those zealous Jews could also become zealous disciples of Christ as he did. ▪ "O lubangamu lukitula nkwa ngangu se lau. " - KIMPOVI 7: 7. ▪ "Mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy. " - ECCLESIASTES 7: 7. A child is careful not to appear to be visible to humans. " Vonda Tukunuvonda ' " We Shall Certainly Kill You ' They used their time wisely to stand firm in the truth. 22 - 28 Novemba, 2010 November 22 - 28, 2010 What can help us? Muna Nkand'a Nzambi, Yave i nkumbu a Nzambi. In the Bible, Jehovah is the personal name of God. Only his faithful disciples knew that he was ruling as King. Twasadilanga zulunalu zazi mu fukila mavundu makala muna yaka kimana e mpuku zalembi kota muna nzo. We used the newspapers to plug the holes in the walls so that the rats would find it a bit harder to enter. 1960 88 * • Adieyi tulongokele mu kingana kia Yesu mu kuma kia samo ye disu dia ntumbu? • What do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the camel and the needle's eye? She loved her father. Tuna ye ziku vo muna nz'ampa, Yave olungisa mawonso kasia o nsilu. We have complete trust that in the new world, Jehovah will do everything he has promised. When we apply what the Bible says, we show that we value the literature from Jehovah. - Psalm 27: 11. Zola kwafila Nzambi mu kubika lukulu luziula nzila kimana wantu balolokwa masumu yo vwa moyo a mvu ya mvu. Love moved God to provide a ransom that would open the way for full forgiveness of sins and restoration to perfect, everlasting life. In time, she gave birth to a daughter. Vava kaziula o nkanda wau, wavova vo osadila wo muna moko kia esi nzo. While scanning the book, he said that he could very easily use it as a guide for some of their family discussions. What could cause us to be zealous in the ministry? yo wan'au mena yo ntu a diambu: "Teve um Projectos? " series "Was It Designed? " with their children. Is that true? Nkumbu miayingi kavuluka vana moko ma Saulu. For years, King Saul tried to hunt him down. Getting away from the Scriptures in verses and chapters may seem too difficult. E nsaka zivangwanga mu nza yayi zizolele kutukwikidisa vo o kulula e nsiku mia Nzambi ke ditwasanga kwandi mfwilu ko. The entertainment world wants us to believe that there are no consequences for breaking God's laws. After three years of pioneering, she says: "Since I have spent much time in the ministry and in many other sisters, I gradually learned to be more effective in the ministry. Wafila wantu mu kolamena Nzambi kuna mpatu a Edene. He instigated a rebellion in the garden of Eden. A Good Example for Family 12: 15 - 23. 12: 15 - 23. Why Follow "the Christ "? Vava katonda e ndomb'andi, twayenda entwadi. Twatoma tambulwa kikilu, diambu dina ke twayindulanga ko. When his request was granted, I accompanied him, and we were cordially received - something we were not at all used to. He added: "I always do the things pleasing to my Father. " Ozevo, vavanga zaya e mpila zingu kia muntu. Therefore, be observant and take special note of the person's circumstances. Parents should be determined to help their children to become Jesus ' disciples (See paragraphs 16, 17) Vava kasiwa muna kumbi dia ntoto yo natwa kuna kwasadisilwanga wantu e salu yangolo, wawanana yo mpangi Leopold Engleitner, ona watoma zayakana kuna Áustria mu kuma kia vema kwandi. When he was put on a train to a concentration camp, he met Leopold Engleitner, a zealous Witness from Austria. It could be dangerous to stay separate instead of associating with fellow believers at the meetings. Lubangamu lwalu lwavangama mu nsi zayingi, lwalungisa mpe ungunza wa Nkand'a Nzambi. That such occurred in many nations was itself a further fulfillment of prophecy. What did Paul mean by his counsel? Kansi vava kiavioka 400 za mvu, e zingu kia wantu kiakufama nze omu lumbu yeto. Some 400 years later, though, life spans were similar to ours. The scroll of Isaiah is found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, a well - known scroll with a half feet5 m) tall. Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kieto? What about us? In my arms, he was surrounded by a group of young people. NKUNGA: 49, 73 SONGS: 49, 73 Yes, true Christians also practice fine works. 13, 14. (a) Aweyi Banaba kabadikilanga nleke Maku? 13, 14. (a) How did Barnabas show discernment in the case of young Mark? He wants to help us and bless us in the good things we do. Vioka mvu mosi ye ndambu vava kawanana yo Natanaele (wayikilwanga mpe vo Batolomai), Yesu wamvana kiyekwa kiamfunu. A year and a half after meeting Nathanael (also called Bartholomew), Jesus gave him an important responsibility. Even if we feel that we are worthless, God "is not far off from each one of us. " AWEYI wadi kala e zingu kiaku kondwa kwa Nkand'a Nzambi? WHAT would your life be like if you did not have the Bible? In fact, this time of distress can become a source of comfort for you in the future. Kansi, wampovesela kuna ngemba zawonso yo songa luzolo lwa kunsadisa. " Instead, he remained positive and expressed a sincere desire to help. " What about sexual immorality today? 5 Akieyi i Ludi mu Kuma kia Armangedo? 5 The Truth About Armageddon Yes, to receive "the crown of life, " they must keep on walking in accord with the spirit until the end of their earthly life. - Rev. (Tala mvovo miansuka.) (See endnote.) You may be shy because of the privilege of leaving a job or one of your brothers in the congregation. Nkia ntangwa tulenda kasakesa akaka? When can we encourage others? What if a sister is sign - language talk to a brother? Wau kazaya vo lusadisu lwa Nzambi kakala lwau, ediadi diamfiaulwisanga. He found comfort in knowing that he had God's backing. They were killed, but the inhabitants of the city prevented the group from doing so. - Acts 19: 23 - 41. Muna kuma kiaki, diambote twakiyuvula: Nani kikilu i nkw'eto? Thus, we do well to ask: Who really is our neighbor? In Jephthah's case, Jehovah delivered Israel from the Ammonites. Avo babakwidi e kuma, dikubasadisa mu kulemvokela. When he understands why, he will likely want to obey you. 2: 28 - Why was Jesus called "the Lord of rest "? " Zayala nsambu muna ndungidi, yamu moyo a mvu ya mvu. " - ROMA 5: 21. " Undeserved kindness [will] rule as king through righteousness with everlasting life in view. " - ROM. 5: 21. Satan's rebellion became known in the garden of Eden when he deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. 73: 28. 73: 28. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Ozevo, vena ye kuma katuvangila. If so, then he must have made us for a reason! Applying that law helped God's people to be different from the nations around them. Vana ntandu, o zaya e nluta mia fwila akaka e nkenda, dilenda kutufila mu toma songa e fu kiaki muna zingu kieto. Moreover, appreciating the benefits of mercy will move us to display this quality more fully in our lives. Just as we are kind and tactful when we speak to workmates or strangers in our ministry, we also need to do so in our congregation and in our house. E ndekwa zazi zifilanga wantu mu sadila kinkento yovo kiyakala mu mpila yambi. - Mat. 5: 32; 1 Kor. 5: 11; 6: 9, 18; Ayib. 13: 4. [ Mvovo Vana Yand'a] Despertai! But because I was a teenager, my father took me to court because I had killed him in the home. Vana vau, mbasi zayingi zamoneka yo " kembelela Nzambi. ' Right away, many other angels appear and begin "praising God. " They will rule as kings with Jesus in his Kingdom. - Luke 22: 15, 16. Muna kuma kiaki, o ntu a diambu ye mvovo mia nkunga wau miasobelo. So the title and the lyrics were changed. She says: "The Mountains of the Mountains lived with my parents who were poor. I bosi, Yesu ye mbasi zandi zavauka bayinga Satana ye nkwiya miandi kun'ezulu. - Lus. Shortly thereafter, he led the holy angels in casting Satan and his demons from heaven. - Rev. Two years later, I started pioneering. Nkia nsasa kavana Yesu muna kingana kiaki? How did Jesus apply the illustration? Why do we need to "love money "? 13: 1 - 16: 21) 13: 1 - 16: 21) 4: 17. O luzindalalu muna salu kia umbangi nki lutwasa kwa yeto y'awana bekutuwanga? Endurance in our ministry means what for us and for those who listen to us? How should we honor Jehovah's worship? " NUYINDULA nkaz'a Loti. " " REMEMBER the wife of Lot. " But things changed when humans sinned. Aweyi olenda vanina moko muna salu kia tunga Maseka ma Kintinu? How can you help build Kingdom Halls? Both of them wanted to go out in the preaching work, but when they wanted to go with him on that journey, they " occurred ' among them. Vana ntandu, e "nguka " zawonso zisadilwanga mu teke, fwaniswa ye mu nkumbu za mabundu ke zitukanga kwa Nzambi ko. Furthermore, "healings " associated with religious relics, idols, and images cannot originate with God. You can read about brothers and sisters who made changes in their lives with the help of the Bible. Vava yafokola sikola yakituka se mfumu a dibundu dia Xintoísta. When I finished school, I began working at a shrine as a Shinto priest. To accomplish this, Christ's followers must be well - organized. Mwand'a nza ufilanga wantu mu kala "y'eketo dia meso " muna nungununa e fu ki'eloko ye luzolo lwa vwama. The spirit of the world promotes "the desire of the eyes " by encouraging greed and materialism. It is not surprising that many people claim that religion promotes evolution and peace among humans. Kansi, ndonga bakala ye luzolo lwa longoka e ludi. Left to right: Evelyn Trabert, Millie Brashier, Esther Mahan, me, and Leo Mahan For as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. " - Genesis 2: 15 - 17. O Kangala yo Nzambi Aweyi Disongele? What Does It Mean to Walk With God? That " deliverance " is the freedom of sin and suffering. Twasia o nsilu wa sikila ye kwikizi kwa yandi ye tuzolele lungisa o nsilu wau. We made a promise to remain faithful to him, and we really want to keep that promise. Why should we view our blessings when we have problems? Kasikil'owu, ekolo tusansukanga, tulongwanga e mambu mena vo mambote ye mana mambi. For example, we are brought up to view some things as right and acceptable but to reject other things as wrong and unacceptable. " They take it and keep it in the land, and you seated it. E zú dia ndinga osadila mu vovesa e mbevo dilenda kumfiaulwisa, sakisa e mpasi yovo kumwesa wonga. " Depending on the questioner's tone of voice, body language, rapport, level of intimacy and, of course, timing, it can gently soothe a soul, inflict pain, or awaken a sleeping fear. " Every day we ask Jehovah to continue to give us the strength to continue in the ministry. Nzambi ke yangalelanga ko ndiona okatikisanga muna kunsadila ngatu awana bekunsadilanga y'ekani dia yangidika akaka. Any who begrudge God their worship cannot be pleasing to him; nor does he accept the devotion of those whose true intent is only to please other humans. At a meeting (Fuka 15: 25 - 27) Kansi, dina kazaya mu kuma kia Yesu diankwikidisa vo olenda kunsasula. Still, Jesus ' reputation and demeanor must have convinced her that he could and would heal her. On the night of his arrest, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the garden of Gethsemane, where he went to worship because of this difficult time. 3: 1) Solomo wasoneka mvovo miami mu songa o mfunu wa zaya e ntangw'ambote ya vanga konso diambu, kiakala kuna mbongo, nkangalu, kinkita yovo mokena y'akaka. Solomon was writing about the importance of discerning the time that is most favorable for any worthwhile endeavor - be it farming, travel, business, or communicating with others. If we want to walk with God, we need to show love "from a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Timothy 1: 5. Ediadi dilenda wokesa lukatikisu lwau. That may simply reinforce their reluctance. But... Wasadila Aneyamaleke, ana bakala vo atantu a nkangu a Nzambi. (Nta. He did this through the Amalekites, who were enemies of God's people. Jehovah does not want his servants to live in poverty. (a) Paulu nkia mambu mole ma salu kia Nzambi kasianga sungididi? (a) Paul was concerned with what two aspects of his service to God? God knows that you need comfort and encouragement. Awana bekwikilanga mun'elongi dia lunungunuku ke besololanga mvutu za kiuvu kiaki ko. Those who believe that life is the result of mindless evolution grope in vain for the answer. It is normal to honor yourself and be happy in our service to Jehovah. Ekuma vo Yave kaka i Nto a luvevoko lwakieleka? Why is Jehovah the only reliable Source of deliverance? " A parallel between ancient and old Bible manuscripts is often available in hand and over again, and it can bring relief to faithful ones who are troubled by them. " - The Book. Ekuma Yobi kakadila ye ziku vo luvevoko lwandi lusinga lwaka? Why is Job convinced that his relief will come? They know that it can benefit their families. Wazaya wo vo Ayuda awaya akwa vema, balenda mpe kituka alongoki akwa vema a Kristu nze yandi. He knew that those zealous Jews could become zealous disciples of Christ, just like him. What concerns did many Jews in Jesus ' day have? O mwana oswekwanga kalembi moneka kwa wantu. The baby is normally kept indoors and people outside the family are not allowed to see it. " If you believe in God, how will you answer the following questions? Basadilanga e ntangw'au mu mpila yambote kimana basikila muna ludi. They used their time wisely so that they could stay strong in the truth, and many began pioneering. But selfishness is food and drink without limits. Nki kilenda kutusadisa? What can help us? He told his disciples: "Make them forget the lowly ones. " Alongoki andi akwikizi kaka bazaya wo vo mu yala se kena se Ntinu. Only his faithful anointed disciples would discern his royal presence. However, those who gain God's approval become rich, regardless of the world's wealth. 1960 88 ETHIOPIA Self - control can help us to control our emotions, our speech, and our actions. Bebe watoma zolanga se diandi. Bebe had been very close to her father. On October 29, 1960, Brother Barr entered the relationship that he called himself "the most important Person " when he married David, who served as a missionary for many years as a missionary and a pioneer. Vava tulemvokelanga mana Nkand'a Nzambi uvovanga, tusonganga vo tuyangalelanga kikilu Nkanda watuka kwa Yave. - Nkunga 27: 11. And when we obey what the Bible says, we show that we truly value Jehovah's own Book. - Psalm 27: 11. Job knew that when he died, he waited patiently until the time comes. Kuna kwalanda, wawuta mwan'ankento. In time, she had a baby girl. IN MANY people today, money is the most important thing. Nki kilenda kutufila mu kala yo vema muna salu kia umbangi? What will motivate us to be zealous in the ministry? When we meditate on Ittai's example, we do well to ask ourselves: " Do I show similar loyalty to Christ Jesus, the Greater David? Nga diadi dialudi? Is it possible, though, that the idea is untrue? It also explains the best way to teach. O vambula e sono mu tini ye kapu dilenda moneka vo diambu diakete. It seems to be such a simple idea - numbered chapters and verses. We show love because we are made in his image. Vava kalungisa mvu ntatu muna salu kia kimviti a nzila, wavova vo: "Wau vo se ntangwa ayingi ikalanga muna salu kia umbangi ye mayingi ilongokanga kwa mpangi zankaka z'akento, malembe - malembe yayantika tomesa ndekwa zame za sila umbangi. After pioneering for three years, she now says: "As a result of spending more time in the ministry and learning from other sisters, I have gradually improved in my ability to witness. At that time, Babylon was a commercial country. Mbandu Ambote kwa Esi Nzo Influence on the Family On the day of the funeral, the priest said that God needed good people in heaven to listen to them. Ekuma Tufwete Landila "Kristu "? Why Follow "the Christ "? • What will motivate us to continue to use our gift "to help one another "? Wakudikila vo: " Lumbu yawonso ivangang'oma meyangidikanga S'ame. ' " I always do the things pleasing to [my Father], " he declared. " Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work, " states Ecclesiastes 4: 9. Mase bafwete kala ye kani dia sadisa wan'au kimana bakituka alongoki a Yesu (Tala e tini kia 16, 17) Parents must have the goal of helping their child to become a disciple (See paragraphs 16, 17) Does this mean that they did not have enough faith to rule in heaven? 27: 17) Dilenda kala dia vonza dia kuyivambula, vana fulu kia kalanga kumosi ye mpangi zeto z'Akristu muna tukutakanu. Isolating ourselves instead of enjoying regular Christian fellowship at meetings can be damaging to us. Courage can also help us to pursue what is right. (Nkunga 4: 4) Adieyi Paulu kazola vova muna luludiku lwandi? What, though, was the intent of Paul's inspired admonition? Jesus spoke of the "other sheep, " not of the" one " and "little flock " of his anointed followers. E ngungu a nkand'a Yesaya yasololwa muna Mbu Afwa, i ngungu itomene zayakana, yakala yo lá kwa meta 7 ye ndambu. With a rod at each end and often with a cover for protection, a scroll would be heavy. When a friend called me to the birthday party, says to his 11 - year - old friend: "The Bible does not tell us to celebrate Christmas. vana moko, yazungwa kwa buka ki'aleke. when a group of youngsters surrounded me. To young people today, the life story of Jehovah's Witnesses in the past 100 years may seem like "the days of long ago. " Elo, Akristu aludi bevanganga mpe mavangu mambote. Of course, true Christians do perform good works. (b) What situation did Abraham have at all times? Ozolele kutusadisa yo kutusambula muna mambu mambote tuvanganga. We were tired and discouraged. Kana nkutu tuyibadikidi vo ke tuna mfunu ko, Nzambi "kavavukidi konso muntu vava twina ko. " No matter how low we feel, "he is not far off from each one of us. " The sins of the Jews became unclean in Jehovah's eyes because of their sins. Kieleka, e ntangwa yayi ya ntantu ilenda kituka se nto ya lufiaulwisu kulendi vilakana ko kuna sentu. In fact, these moments of intense emotion could in the future become a source of comfort that you draw upon. Adieyi tuvova mu kuma kia zumba? Wan'a sikola o unu ke bekalanga ye moko kiakaka ko, ovo ke moko kia "vukana " kaka ko. Zulunalu yayina "ivovanga vo, wan'a sikola bemokenanga mpila befibazianinanga, belekaziananga kana nkutu y'awana ke bakanini wo vanga ko. " When it comes to sexual immorality, the talk among students today is about "hooking up, " which according to a Newsweek report" describes one - time sexual encounters - anything from kissing to intercourse - between acquaintances who've no plans to even talk afterward. " Elo, muna tambula "e kolow'a moyo, " bafwete zindalala kangalela mun'owu wa mwanda yakuna mbaninu a zingu kiau ova ntoto. - Lus. Indeed, they must do so faithfully to the end of their earthly course in order to be granted "the crown of life. " - Rev. Dilenda kala vo nsoni omonanga mu kuma ki'elau dia salu wayambula yovo ntatani una zau ye mpangi mosi muna nkutakani. Perhaps you have had to relinquish a privilege of service and are embarrassed, or you have had a difference of opinion with a brother or sister. Adieyi tuvova kele vo mpangi ankento osekolanga muna nding'a sinsu elongi difilwanga kwa mpangi eyakala? What, though, of situations in which a sister interprets into sign language for a brother who is delivering a discourse? Aresetako yo Ngayo nga bavondwa, kansi esi mbanza basima e buka mu lembi wo vanga. - Mav. 19: 23 - 41. Aristarchus and Gaius probably expected to die, but the city recorder quieted the crowd. - Acts 19: 23 - 41. Muna Yefeta, Yave wakûla Isaele vana moko ma esi Amone. Through Jephthah, Jehovah delivers Israel from the Ammonites. 2: 28 - Ekuma o Yesu kayikilwa vo "Mfumu a lumbu kia vundu "? 2: 28 - Why is Jesus called "Lord even of the sabbath "? Ukolami wa Satana wazayakana muna mpatu a Edene vava kavuna Eva mu dia bundu bakanikinwa vo ke badie ko. Satan's rebellion found expression in the garden of Eden when he deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. MAKAKA MENA MUN'EYINGIDILU DIADI: ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: O lemvokela nsiku wau diasadisanga nkangu a Nzambi mu kala waswaswana yo kuyivambula ye zula yabazunga. Obeying such a law helped God's people to keep themselves distinct and separate from the pagan nations around them. Nze una tusongelanga ngemba ye ndekwa vava tumokenanga y'akundi a salu yovo nzenza muna salu kia umbangi, tufwete mpe wo vanganga muna nkutakani ye mu nzo zeto. Just as we need to show graciousness and restraint when speaking with workmates or with strangers in the ministry, we also need to do so in the congregation and at home. Kansi, wau vo i nleke yakala, o se diame wanata nkanu kwa luyalu wau kampaikisa muna nzo. However, I was a minor, so my father got in trouble with the civil authorities for making me leave his house. Bekala se atinu kumosi yo Yesu muna Kintinu kiandi. - Luka 22: 15, 16. They will share with Jesus in his Kingdom. - Luke 22: 15, 16. Wavova vo: "Ku Miongo mia Andes twazingilanga ye Mase mame bakala vo asukami. He states: "I come from a poor family living in a village in the Andes Mountains. Vioka mvu miole, yakota mu salu kia kimviti a nzila. Two years later, I started pioneering. Ekuma tufwete tinina "o zola nzimbu "? Why must we flee from "the love of money "? Although this article refers to the disfellowshipped minor as a male, the points presented also apply to a female. 4: 17. 4: 17. Aweyi tufwete songelanga zitu muna nsambil'eto a Yave? How is dignity displayed in our worship of Jehovah? Kansi, mambu masoba vava wantu basumuka. But things changed with the introduction of human sin and imperfection. Yau ewole mu nkangalu wa salu kia umbangi bazola kwenda. Kansi, vava bavavanga ndiona bekwenda yandi muna nkangalu wau, " vabwa ntatani ' vana bena. The men were planning a missionary tour; however, when it came to deciding who would make the trip with them, there was "a sharp burst of anger " between them. Olenda tanga lusansu lwa mpangi z'akala ye z'akento ana batomesa zingu kiau muna lusadisu lwa Nkand'a Nzambi. You can read about brothers and sisters who changed their lives for the better with help from the Bible. Muna lungisa mawonso mama, alandi a Kristu bafwete kala batoma kubama. For Christ's followers to be successful, the work would need to be well - organized. Ke diasivi ko vo ulolo wa wantu bevovanga vo mabundu i mekakidilanga lunungunuku ye luvuvamu vana ven'o wantu. Not surprisingly, then, many people view religion as an obstacle to human progress and peace. O Yave wa Nzambi okanikini muntu vo, konso nti wina muna mpatu, dia kwaku; kansi o nti a zayila wete yo bi, kudie wo ko, kadi muna lumbu odia wo, fw'ofwa. ' " - Etuku 2: 15 - 17. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die. ' " - Genesis 2: 15 - 17. O " vevolwa ' kwaku i luvevoko mun'esumu ye mpasi. That "glorious freedom " includes deliverance from sin and its horrible consequences. Ekuma tufwete badikilanga e nsambu tuvwanga vava tukalanga mu mpasi? When suffering severe trials, why should we meditate on our blessings? " Babonga etadi, basidi dio kuna nsi, ovwende dio. " They took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. E lumbu yawonso tulombanga kwa Yave kakwamanana kutuvana ngolo kimana twazindalala sala salu kia umbangi. We pray every day that Jehovah continues to give us the emotional and physical strength needed to carry out our ministry. Muna Lumbu kia Lukutakanu Congregation Meetings Muna fuku una kayekolwa, Yesu wanata Petelo, Yakobo yo Yoane kuna mpatu a Ngetesemane, kuna kayenda sambila mu kuma kia kolo kiaki kiampasi. On the night of his betrayal, for instance, Jesus took Peter, James, and John into the garden of Gethsemane, where he prayed earnestly from his troubled heart. Avo tuzolele kangala yo Nzambi, tufwete songa o zola " kutukanga muna ntim'avelela, ye ntona zambote, yo lukwikilu lwakondwa kuvùnina. ' - 1 Timoteo 1: 5. In order to walk with God, we must display love "out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Timothy 1: 5. Kansi... But... Yave ke zolanga ko vo selo yandi bazingilanga muna usukami. Jehovah does not want his servants to live in abject poverty, and migration is one of the oldest remedies for poverty. Nzambi ozeye wo vo lufiaulwisu ye lukasakeso ovwanga o mfunu. God knows your need for comfort and encouragement. Ke diambi ko dia kuyizitisa yo mona kiese muna salu tusadilanga Yave. It is necessary that we have self - respect and find joy and satisfaction in our Kingdom service. " E mfwanani vana vena e ngungu zankulu za Nkand'a Nzambi za Engipito ye nkanda miankulu mina miabandulwanga nkumbu miayingi muna moko yo nietekwa nkumbu miayingi kuna Mputu, milenda vuvika akwikizi ana betokananga. " - The Book. " Anxious believers can be enormously reassured by the almost exact similarity between even the earliest of the biblical papyri from Egypt and the text as it has survived during its descent through countless scriptoria and printing shops of Europe. " - The Book. Kadi bazeye wo vo dilenda twasa nluta kwa esi nzo zau. They may even acknowledge that this could be good for the family. Nkia mambu matokanesanga Ayuda ayingi muna lumbu ya Yesu? What injustice did many Jews suffer in Jesus ' day? Avo okwikilanga muna Nzambi, nkia mvutu ovana muna yuvu eyi yilende? If you believe in God, how would you answer the questions listed below? Eloko, i dia yo nua kondwa tezo. Gluttony is a mental attitude, one marked by greedy or excessive indulgence. Wavovesa alongoki andi vo: "Nubayambula, afidi ampofo. " Jesus instructed his disciples: "Let them be. Kansi, awana bayangalelwa kwa Nzambi bakituka s'amvwama, kana una vo ke mavwa ma nza ko. And in another sense, those whom God approves truly become rich, even if that is not in a material sense. Kala ye volo dilenda kutusadisa mu lunga - lunga ngindu, mvovo ye mavangu meto. Self - control enables us to keep our thoughts, speech, and actions in check. Kina kia 29 kia Oktoba, 1960, mpangi Barr wakota muna ngwizani ina kayikilanga vo "nzolani isundidi o mfunu, " vava kasompana yo Mildred Willett, ona wasala mvu miayingi nze mviti a nzila ye misionario. On October 29, 1960, Brother Barr entered what he called "an especially precious relationship " when he married Mildred Willett, a longtime zealous pioneer and missionary. Yobi wazaya wo vo vava kefwa, vingila kevingila muna lufwa yavana kilwaka e ntangwa. Job knew that after he died, a time of waiting in the sleep of death lay ahead of him. KUNA kwa wantu ayingi o unu, e nzimbu i lekwa kisundidi o mfunu. FOR many people today, money is the big issue. Vava tubadikanga mbandu a Itai, diamfunu twakiyuvula: " Nga kwikizi kia mpila yayi mpe isonganga kwa Kristu Yesu wa Davidi Anene? As we reflect on Ittai's example, we can ask ourselves: " Do I display a similar loyal attachment to the Greater David, Christ Jesus? Disonganga mpe e mpila yambote ya longa. Moreover, it indicates what teaching methods are effective and appropriate. Tusonganga o zola kadi mu mpw'andi twavangilwa. We love because we are made in his image. Muna ntangwa yayina, Babele nsi ya kinkita yakala. At that time, Babylon was a center for business. Muna lumbu kia luziku, o mpelo wavova vo Nzambi wantu ambote kavuidi o mfunu kuna zulu i kuma kekubabokelelanga. " At the funeral, the Anglican minister said that God needs good people and takes them early. • Adieyi dikutufila mu kwamanana sadila lukau lweto mu " sadisa muntu yo nkw'andi '? • What will move us to continue to use our gift "in ministering to one another "? Muna Kimpovi 4: 9 tutanganga vo: "O nwole usuvidi mosi kadi betambula nsendo ambote a mfuntu au. " " Two are better than one, " states Ecclesiastes 4: 9. Nga disongele vo ke bakala ye lukwikilu lwafwana ko mu kwenda yala kuna zulu? That did not mean that they were in some way unworthy or deficient. Unkabu ulenda mpe kutusadisa mu tatidila vanga edi diambote. Courage also helps us to defend what is right. Yesu wayika "mameme makaka, " mana ke mena mu" mpaka " mosi ko ye "finkambi - kambi " fia alandi andi akuswa. Jesus spoke of "other sheep, " who would not be of the same" fold " as the "little flock " of his anointed followers. Vava nkundi andi kambokela kenda kuna nkinzi a luwutuku, Minhee una ye kimbuta kia mvu 11, wavova kwa nkundi andi vo: "Nkand'a Nzambi ke ukutuvovesanga ko vo twakembela nkinzi mia luwutuku. When her friend invited her to a birthday party, 11 - year - old Minhee told her friend: "The Bible doesn't tell us to celebrate birthdays. Kuna kwa nleke o unu, lusansu lwa Mbangi za Yave lwa mvu 100 miviokele lulenda moneka nze "lumbu ya nz'ankulu. " To a young person today, the history of Jehovah's Witnesses over the last 100 years or so may also seem like "the days of long ago. " (b) Nkia diambu Abarayama kayindulanga ntangwa zawonso? (b) On what did Abraham focus his mind? Twayoya twakala yo kendalala. We were exhausted and heavyhearted. Yes, Jehovah God lovingly provides escape from our enemies and protects us as his people, so that we are not wiped out. E yimenga yakelanga Ayuda yakituka se yangemi vana meso ma Yave, mu kuma kia masumu mau. The sins of the people of Judah made their sacrifices displeasing to Jehovah.