Age kwa divire unene Veta. Therefore, it was unthinkable for him to drink the water. He was very familiar with the Law. MoUkraine, vantu wovanzi kugenda pokuza komapongo yipo va likorangede. In Ukraine, many walk to the meetings, so they have time to talk and encourage one another. In many cases, many people travel to Christian meetings in order to encourage one another. 17, 18. (a) Mfeto musinke vana kundindira sinzi sovakareli vaKarunga naina? 17, 18. (a) What reward do most of God's servants look forward to today? 17, 18. (a) What rewards do many of God's servants look forward to today? Matjangwa musinke aga ku hengagwida? Which scriptures do you find particularly comforting? How do the Scriptures comfort you? Age kapi ga tembe asi vamwe wovagwavekwa ngava kara magova. He was not saying that half of those who are anointed would be foolish. He did not mean that some anointed ones would become sinners. Paurusa kwa korangedere Vakriste navenye asi: "Ogu ana kugazara asi age kuna sikama nawa - nawa, a takamese ga ha liganda. " Paul admonished all Christians: "Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " Paul urged all Christians: "Let the one who thinks that he is standing clean and that he does not fall asleep in death. " [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] 8: 1, 8, 9) Age kapi nga hepekere mo vakwawo nye age kwa ruganesere emona lyendi mokuvapakera mbili. - Neh. Nehemiah did not domineer over others; rather, he served them at his own expense. - Neh. He did not harm others, but he used his material possessions to provide for them. - Neh. Colporteurs, 5 / 15 21, 22. 21, 22. 21, 22. Consider an example of a Christian named G. Koneka sihonena soMukriste gedina Orchid. Consider the example of a Christian named Orchid. A sense of urgency is essential to keeping on the watch. 4: 7) Kukovekeda kukanderera kwa kara nomulyo mokuvangarara. Persevering in prayer is essential to keeping on the watch. " Do Not Lean Upon Your Own Understanding, " Apr. " Rugana eyi ono tumbwidire kurugana, " Apr. " The Judge of All the Earth " Always Does What Is Right, Apr. Our goal is to make a good relationship with our relatives by providing an opportunity to identify the truth and to reach their heart. Sitambo setu sokutulisa po elikwatakano lyewa nekoro lyetu pokuvapa mpito zokudimburura usili ntani nokuguma nomutjima dawo nombudi zomoBibeli. Our goal is to keep relationships intact, to offer our relatives a chance to recognize the truth, and to touch their heart with the Bible's message. Of course, we have good reason for showing gratitude for the elders who are doing well and guiding them. Yimo, twa kara nokonda zokulikida rupandu kovakuronambunga ava vana kuturuganena unene nokutugendesa nokututugumukira. Yes, we have ample reason to show gratitude for the elders, who are working hard among us, presiding over us, and admonishing us. That city is God's Kingdom. 11: 10) Sitata oso kuna kara Uhompa waKarunga. That city is God's Kingdom. When I was in Italy, I made a decision to put Jehovah first, and he gave me a happy life. " Apa na kere moItalia, ame kwa tulire po etokoro lyokutura muhowo Jehova, ano age ga pa nge eparu lyoruhafo. " Back in Italy, I made the choice to put Jehovah first, and he is truly fulfilling my desire for an exciting, varied life in his service. " Even when a person is disfellowshipped shows that he loves God because he protects the congregation from bad conduct. Nampili apa muntu ava mu gusa mombunga ayo kulikida asi Karunga ga mu hara morwa ayo kupopera mbungakriste konkareso zondona. 43: 10; 1 Tim. 43: 10; 1 Tim. 43: 10; 1 Tim. At that time, imprisoned was a challenge. Siruwo sina, kukara modorongo kwa kere udigu sili unene. This time the imprisonment was very severe. The apostate Jews from Antioch and Antioch traveled to Lystra in the town of Lystra, and the people of Lystra arrived in the city of Lystra to the city of Lystra and Barnabas. Vajuda wovarwanesi ava va tundire moIkoniya nomoAntiyokiya kwa zire modoropa zaLisitira, nokukazeda vantu womodoropa ozo va di vyuke oPaurusa naBaranabasa. Fanatic Jewish opposers from Iconium and Antioch came into town, and they stirred up those volatile people, turning them against Paul and Barnabas. How does Jehovah bring glory to us? Ngapi omu Jehova a gava efumano kwetu? To what glory may Jehovah lead us? Jon: OK. Jona: Ewa. Jon: OK. Angels also shared some of the marvelous things that occurred during "the Lord's day. " Vaengeli nawo kwa lihamekere mo moyininke yimwe yokutetukisa eyi ya horokere "mezuva lyaHompa. " Angels are involved in some of the remarkable things that occur in "the Lord's day. " How can we avoid negative thoughts and feelings? Ngapi omu natu vhura kunyokera po magazaro gomadona ntani nomalizuvho? How can we get rid of hurtful thoughts and feelings? 12 / 1 Diworoka womosirugana sosiruwo nasinye, 9 / 15 God's Law to Israel Just and Fair? 9 / 1 He traveled with Moses, the man in Egypt. Age nga zi kumwe naMosesa kwaFarawo, mugara gononkondo moEgipite. Previously, he stood with Moses when they confronted Pharaoh, the most powerful man in Egypt. Your marriage may be quite painful, and you may feel emotional, emotional, and financial problems. Nonkwara deni kuvhura di teke po, ano kuvhura o lizuvhe kukora pamalizuvho ntani nokuligwanekera noudigu woyimaliwa. The marriage may end, yet you may suffer emotional and financial hardship afterward. Keep On Seeking From Jehovah's Righteousness Twikireni kupapara uhungami waJehova Continue to Seek Jehovah's Righteousness In our field service together, grandchildren, and grandchildren Moyirugana yokuzuvhisa kumwe novatekuru vetu Sharing in the ministry with our granddaughters " You must pay attention to him. " Omu kwaterere kwendi. " (Deut. Him you should serve, and to him you should cling. " They have a distorted view of God because they were taught false teachings. Awo kwa kara nomagano gepuko kuhamena Karunga morwa kwa va ronga marongo goyimpempa. Their view of God may be obscured by false teachings. How did Peter show selfish tendencies? Ngapi Peturusa ga likidire nkareso zokuligazara tupu mwene? How did Peter manifest selfish tendencies? For example, older ones see that spending time together with their family worship is important. Pasihonena, vakurupe kumona asi siruwo sokukara kumwe nepata lyawo mulyo kwawo. For example, grandparents often value spending time with family. Over the years, Jehovah has given faithful humans different assignments. Monomvhura nadinye edi, Jehova ga pa vantu wovalimburukwi yirugana yokulisiga - siga. Over the centuries, Jehovah has given integrity keepers many different assignments. Then he mentioned Christians who "did not want to do anything. " Makura yipo ga tumbwire Vakriste ava ngava " dili kuhara kurugana. ' He then specifically mentioned Christians who did "not want to work. " They may well recall what he said to them: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 8: 1; 9: 1, 2) Awo nampo kwa diworokere eyi ga va tanterere asi: "Muzangu munzi, nye varugani vasesu. They may have recalled that he said: "The harvest, indeed, is great, but the workers are few. Let your beliefs be made up of you and be set free. " Siga epuliro lyoge makura tu ku mangurure. " Renounce your activities and go home! " How did Irina benefit from reflecting on what Jehovah has done for her? Ngapi Irina ga gwanena mo uwa pokugazadara ko kweyi ga mu ruganena Jehova? How did Irina benefit from counting her blessings? Instead of accepting counsel, Saul took away from others. Mevango lyokutambura mapukururo, Sauru tali gusa - gusa mo nokupa usima wopeke. (1 Sam. Instead of accepting the correction, Saul made excuses, tried to shift the blame, and minimized what he had done. What was involved in this counsel? Yisinke ya hamenene mo mepukururo eli? Twa hepa kudimburura eyi nava vhura kurugana vanavazinyetu nokuvapandadeka. The essence of Paul's counsel is that we should observe the gifts that others have and acknowledge them. If we train ourselves to attend Christian meetings regularly, listen carefully, and apply what we learn, we are under the influence of the spirit. 10: 24, 25) Nsene tu liyomberesa nyamwetu pokuwiza nkenye apa komapongo goSikriste, nokupurakena nawa ntani nokutura pasirugana eyi tuna kulironga, ado kuna kara nonkedi dimwe omu azi tu gendesa mpepo. Exerting ourselves to be in regular attendance at Christian meetings, listening carefully, and applying what we learn are fine ways to be guided by the spirit. Sometimes I feel as if I did not give up or give up. Poyiruwo yimwe kulizuvha ngwendi ni hageke kukondja ndi ni lisigilire. At times, I want to throw my hands up and stop fighting. Because of worrying about the future, some have struggled to find positive thinking even after divorce. Morwa kukara nosinka kuhamena meho, vamwe kwa kondja mokutengwidira po magazaro gomawa nampili pa pite nomvhura dononzi konyima zelizumbo. Plagued by anxiety over their future, some have struggled to regain their balance - even years after the divorce. " But he treats himself as he cares for the church, just as the Christ also cares for his needs. " - 5: 29. " Nye age kurutekura oku ta ru pakere mbili, moomu a pakere mbili Kristusa ngereka zendi. " - 5: 29. " But he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation. " - 5: 29. In addition, many children share the good news of God's Kingdom with their parents. 10: 24, 25) Mokugwederera ko, vanona wovanzi kulihameka moyirugana yokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa waKarunga kumwe novakurona vawo. Further, many children share with their parents in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. What was Jehovah's purpose for the New World Translation? Sitambo musinke sa kere sombunga zaJehova kuhamena Bibeli New World Translation? What was the goal of Jehovah's organization with the New World Translation? He listened to the questions of Habakkuk, and he comforted him and encouraged him. Age ga purakenene komapuro gaHabakuku gomawa makura ta mu hengagwida nokumukorangeda. He listened to Habakkuk's sincere questions and then comforted and encouraged the distressed man. What can help us to cultivate a humble spirit? Yisinke nayi vhura kutuvatera tu tunge po nkareso zelinunupiko? What can help us to cultivate the spirit of a lesser one? He needed to know how to protect such ones. " Age ga hepere kudiva omu na lipopera mwene kovantu vangoso. " He needed to know how to protect himself from strangers. " We will continue to hurt others, for we are imperfect. Ose ngatu twikira kuhandukisa vakwetu, morwa kapi twa sikilira mo. As long as we are imperfect, we will continue to offend others. 2: 23. 2: 23. 2: 23. Living in harmony with God's wrath Kuparuka ehandu lyaKarunga Saved From God's Wrath While in Ephesus, Paul heard negative news that there was no unity in the congregation and that they would allow immoral conduct. Apa Paurusa ga kere moEfeso, kwa zuvhire nombudi donondona asi mombungakriste zoVakolinte kapi mwa kere uumwe ntani ngava pulisire yirugana yokunyata. (1 Kol. Some time after making his original plans, Paul received disturbing news that disunity and immorality were being tolerated in Corinth. Pray for their brothers ' well - being. Kukanderera po ukalinawa wovakwetu. Prayers for the well - being of others in need. He begged Jehovah: "You must build your heart upon me, O God, and give me the spirit... Age kwa likwamberere kwaJehova asi: "Ungira nge mutjima gokukohoka, Karunga, ove o pe nge mpepo zompe zokuhungama.... He pleaded with Jehovah: "Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.... 1, 2. (a) What responsibilities did ancient shepherds have in ancient Israel? 1, 2. (a) Yitumbukira musinke yimwe va kere nayo vasita mosiruwo soVaisraeli? 1, 2. (a) What were some of the responsibilities of an Israelite shepherd? For more information on the rock badger, see the Awake! Komauzera gomanzi kuhamena vamburu, tara moAwake! For more information on the rock badger, see the Awake! What fine qualities does a shepherd describe? Yikara musinke ayi singonona musita gomuwa? What are the characteristics of a good shepherd? Therefore, not only those governments will be destroyed at Armageddon but also all other kingdoms. (Ehor. 16: 14; 19: 19 - 21) Yipo nye, kapisi mapangero gefano gelike ngava zonagura poHarumagedoni, nye hena nomapangero nagenye gapeke govantu. Hence, not only the kingdoms of the image but also all other human governments will be destroyed at Armageddon. Pray for courage in Jehovah's service. Kukanderera o kare nomupampi mosirugana saJehova. Pray to be as productive and as active in Jehovah's service as you can be. The Bible has helped us to identify the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization. Bibeli kwa tu vatera tu dive ruha rwemeguru rombunga zaJehova. Jehovah's written Word acquaints us with the heavenly part of his organization. How should we treat our enemies? Ngapi natu tekura nonkore detu? How should we treat our enemies? We need to wait and see what will happen. " Twa hepa tupu kundindira nokumona eyi ngayi horoka. " " We will just have to wait and see. " 4: 3. 4: 3. 4: 3. 19: 11; 20: 10; Rom. 19: 11; 20: 10; Rom. 19: 11; 20: 10; Rom. Paragraph 18: The Greek word translated "where " is found at Matthew 24: 46: 46, which is the same as the same as at Matthew 24: 30, 44. Paragarafu 18: Nkango zoRugereka va toroka "nsenesi a ya mu gwana " mwaMateusa 24: 46 kuna kara nkangorugano zokulifana zomoRugereka ezi va toroka" nga wiza " mwaMateusa 24: 30, 42, 44. Paragraph 18: As noted, the Greek word rendered "on arriving " at Matthew 24: 46 is a form of the same Greek verb that is rendered" coming " at Matthew 24: 30, 42, 44. People today are "one flesh, " and they will continue to separate themselves from one another. Vantu naina awo "vankenye omu " ntani " valingi - lingi, ' awo ngava twikira kuligaunuka. People today are already "not open to any agreement " and" headstrong, " and they will become even more divided. On the other hand, scientists have reflected the truthfulness of Jeremiah's words under inspiration that the holy spirit is incapable of governing rule. Mokulisiga, histoli za likida usili wononkango daJeremiya edi ga tjenge mepitisiro lyompepo zokupongoka asi vantu nokuvhura si kulipangera vene. On the contrary! History proves that Jeremiah's statement, uttered under inspiration, about the inability of humans to govern themselves is correct. Ask yourself, " Am I using my time, but do I not have time to spend on spiritual activities? ' Lipura asi: " Ame kuruganesa siruwo sange nasinye moyilihafeso nye kapi ani kara nosiruwo soyininke yopampepo ndi? ' Ask yourself, " Do I spend so much time in leisure pursuits that I have little time left for spiritual activities? ' What should we do if we are affected by it? 3: 14, 15) Yisinke natu vhura kurugana nsene yina tu kundama? How should we respond when we are affected? Sarah realized that this persecution could cause her to lose his life in danger. Sara ga dimbwilire asi ehepeko olyo kuvhura li ture eparu lyamunwendi mosiponga. Sarah saw this bullying for what it was: a serious threat to the well - being of her son. Show faith in the ransom. Likida epuro mosizoweseso. Exercise faith in the ransom. See The Watchtower of March 15, 2005, pages 13 and August 1, 1997, pages 20 - 25. Tara Ruhungu 15 Nsinano 2005, pepenuno 13, paragarafu 15 ntani 1 Siwogedi 1997, pepenuno 20 - 25. See The Watchtower, March 15, 2005, page 13, paragraph 15; August 1, 1997, pages 20 - 25. " Satan himself has become like an angel of light. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 14. " Satana mwene nage kulipirura, ta kara ngwendi muengeli gouzera. ' - 2 Vakolinte 11: 14. " Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 14. Remembering that truth will move us to do our best to make decisions based on God's Word. Kudiworoka usili owo ngayi tu tumangeda tu rugane paapa twa vhulira mokutura po matokoro gomononkwara kuliza noNonkango daKarunga. Such people think that God does not take action quickly or care of what we ask for or what we ask for, whether we are suffering, emotional, or emotional. Vantu vangoso kugazarera Karunga asi kapi a rugana ko yuma usimbu - simbu ndi a pakere mbili eyi atu mu hundire ndi a kare nomalizuvho koruhepo nokoyihepwa yetu. Both of those views assume that if God does not bring justice immediately or if he does not grant the favor we ask, then he must be insensitive to our suffering and unaware of our needs. But if we do not give up on ourselves, we need to put ourselves in danger. Nye hansa nsene tu dire kulitura nyamwetu mosiponga. But how much better if we avoid the situation in the first place! A sister who suffers from depression explains that when she read verses from the Bible, she appreciates it. Munazinyetukadi ogu ana kuhepa kouvera wokuguva kwa faturura asi apa a resa - resa novelise dehengagwido moBibeli, kulizuvhu nawa. A sister suffering from depression explains what helps her, "I read especially comforting passages over and over again. " • Talk to those serving in a foreign country • Zogera nava ava karere mosirongo sapeke • Talk to others who have served in a foreign land And we can imitate Mary's faith if we listen carefully to Jehovah and meditate on what we learn about him and his purposes. Ntani kuvhura tu honene epuro lyaMariya nsene tu purakena nawa kwaJehova nokuteda ko kweyi twa lironga kumuhamena nositambo sendi. We can also imitate Mary's faith when we carefully listen to Jehovah and meditate on what we have learned about him and his purposes. They " hate what is good " and" cling to what is good. " Awo " kunyenga udona nokuhama kouwa. ' (Rom. They "abhor what is wicked " and" cling to what is good. " In those vision, the apostle Ezekiel showed the glory of Jehovah, as well as the glory we see, such as a white horse, a crown, and a crown. Mamoneko ogo, kwa ga likidire mupositoli Johanesa nomuporofete Hesekiyeli, ago kwa likidire uyerere waJehova koyininke eyi atu mono, ngwendi mamanya gondiro nekongoro ntani sipundi souhompa. These visions, given to the apostle John and the prophet Ezekiel, depict the splendor of the Most High God, Jehovah, with things we can readily envision - dazzling gemstones, a rainbow, and the majesty of a throne. When we remember these things, our heart will not become "enraged against Jehovah. " - Prov. (Jak. 1: 19, 20) Nsene tu yi diworoka oyo, nomutjima detu kapi ngadi " pa HOMPA usima. ' - Yis. In this way, our hearts will never become "enraged against Jehovah himself. " - Prov. 7 / 1 7 / 1 Gatti), 7 / 15 Second, many copies of Bible scholars have helped them to identify mistakes. Zauvali, matjangururo gomanzi aga va gwana valirongi woBibeli mosiruwo setu kwa va vatera va dimburure mapuko. Second, the sheer volume of manuscripts today actually helps Bible scholars to spot errors. 10: 4, 5. 10: 4, 5. 10: 4, 5. 22 You Can Be humble in All Times 22 Kuvhura o linunupike mwankenye ukaro 22 You Can Remain Modest Under Test I was shocked. " Ame kwa tukukire unene. " " I felt that the world was falling in on me. " What will help you? Yisinke ngayi ku vatera? What will help you to do so? For three days, I could not sleep. Mazuva gatatu kapi na vhulire kurara. I could hardly sleep for three days. How did some women in Bible times set a fine example of faith and courage? Ngapi omu vakadi vamwe womosiruwo sanare va kara sihonena sosiwa sepuro nokukwata mutjima? How were certain women of ancient times exemplary in faith and courage? Today, there are over 400 publishers in that area. Ano naina muna kara vazuvhisi wokupitakana po - 400 000. Today, there are over 400,000 publishers in the countries that were once part of the Soviet Union! One reason is that many people have ample evidence of success. Konda zimwe kuna kara asi umbangi wokovantu wovanzi. One reason was the testimony of many eyewitnesses. Ezekiel wrote the words recorded at the outset of this article in 607 B.C.E. Hesekiyeli kwa tjenge nonkango demetjangwa lyosirongwa esi moBabironi momvhura 612 komeho zokuwiza Jesus pevhu. Ezekiel wrote the words of our theme text in Babylonia in 612 B.C.E. The Bible contains accounts of how God dealt with people will help your children to come to know and love him. MoBibeli kwa kara mo yihorokwa omu Karunga nga tekura vantu eyi nayi vatera vana woge va mu dive nokumuhara. In addition, Bible accounts of how God dealt with people can help children to know and to love God. Children are eager to help their parents, but if their needs are much more. (Muud. 4: 6) Vanona kwa kara neharo lyokuvatera vakurona vawo, nye nsene yihepwa yomukurupe yinzi, kurorora vanona. Loving children want to do what they can for their parents, but unremitting demands can become overwhelming. Jesus gave an illustration about the festival of the festival, when he ate at the home of the Pharisees. Jesus kwa geve sifanekeso sokuhamena sipito sosinene, apa ga ka lire membo lyomukurona goVafalisayi. While eating a meal in the home of a ruler of the Pharisees, Jesus gave an illustration about a grand evening meal. By taking time to meditate on the prayers of your prayers, you can improve your prayers and help you to see that even if you have greater faith in Jehovah will answer you. - 1 Sam. 1: 19 - 28) Pokulitulira po siruwo mokuteda ko kekanderero lyaHana kuvhura kuwapukurura makanderero goge ntani nokukuvatera o mone asi mpili o kara neguwo koudigu wounene, kuvhura kulilididimikira nsene o kanderera nepuro asi Jehova nga ku limburura. - 1 Sam. Taking time to meditate on her prayer on that occasion may well enrich your own prayers and help you to see that even sadness over a distressing problem can be overcome if you pray in faith that Jehovah will answer you. - 1 Sam. 104: 30. 104: 30. 104: 30. 6: 9. 6: 9. 6: 9. belongs to 700 languages Meksiko 800 000 Mexico 800,000 (b) What should we do if we are affected by " serious sin "? (b) Yisinke natu vhura kurugana nsene kuna kuturorora "magazaro " gonzo zondigu? (b) What should we do if we are troubled by "disquieting thoughts " regarding serious sin? So we too do work, travel, and going to school. (Johanesa 17: 15) Yipo nye asi, nose kurugana, kurandanga ntani kuza kosure. Therefore, you may see us as we work, shop, and go to school in the local community. 6: 14, 17. 6: 14, 17. 6: 14, 17. Then stepping up the video Questions Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? Makura Sophie ta tarere vidiyo Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? Then Sophie watched the video Young People Ask - What Will I Do With My Life? When you got baptized, you showed that you have dedicated yourself to Jehovah. Apa va ku kuhwire ove kwa likidire asi wa ligava kwaJehova. Your baptism symbolizes your dedication. That is why "by means of Manasseh, Jehovah is the true God. " Eyi yiyo "ya huguvaresere Manase asi, HOMPA yige Karunga " gosili. As a result, "Manasseh came to know that Jehovah is the true God. " We do all we can to help others study the Bible. Twa hepa kukondja tu vatere wopeke va lironge Bibeli. We should also strive to help others spiritually. Ella was afraid of humans or did he trust in Jehovah? Ella ga tjilire vantu ndi ga huguvarere mwaJehova? Would Ella fear men or trust in Jehovah? What can we learn from these Scriptural examples? Yisinke natu lirongera ko koyihonena eyi yomoMatjangwa? What lesson should we learn from these Scriptural examples? © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania If the wicked are to be destroyed, this means that there will be people who will live in the new world. Nsene asi vadinikarunga tupu ngava zonagura po, eyi kutanta asi ngapa kara vantu ava ngava ka paruka mouzuni woupe. Since both humankind and the earth survive the end, does it not seem reasonable that a new age, a new system of things, would follow? During his study, he concluded: "I have found scriptures that there is no need for you to be happy and happy. " Melirongo lyendi olyo, kwa mu ninkisire a tante asi: "Kulironga matjangwa yiko kwelike a ku reta... ruhafo ntani ehuguvaro. " His earnest study of the Scriptures led him to the conclusion that "study of divine truth alone promises... the highest happiness. " The result? Yitundwamo musinke ya kere? What have been the results? For example, regarding the modern - day televisions used in the United States, one book states: "It is used to describe life as "a new birth. " Pasihonena, kombinga zomauta novandimba ava ava ruganesa pomavhumbukiro, buke zimwe kwa tanta asi: "Mauta kwa fanekesa eparu lyepe, " ano morwa" vandimba kureta unene kwa va ruganesa mokufanekesa siruwo sokulima. " - The Encyclopedia of Religion. For instance, regarding the popular Easter symbols the egg and the rabbit, The Encyclopedia of Religion says: "The egg symbolizes new life breaking through the apparent death (hardness) of the eggshell. " It adds: "The rabbit was known as an extraordinarily fertile creature, and hence it symbolized the coming of spring. " 18 - 19. 18 - 19. 18 - 19. 7: 12. 7: 12. 7: 12. Jehovah wanted Adam and Eve to live a comfortable life. Jehova kwa harerere Adamu naEva eparu lyewa. He gave both men and women a very good start! God's angel entered the land of Egypt and killed the faithful Israelites, but the Israelites had rescued them. - Ex. Muengeli gwaKarunga kwa ya gendere mosirongo nasinye saEgipite nokudipaga nombeli, nye Vaisraeli wovalimburukwi kwa va poperere, ano konyima kwa ya va mangwilire. - Ex. God's angel would pass over the land and slay Egypt's firstborn, but the obedient Israelites would be protected, and then they could go free. - Ex. 9: 19 - 23. 9: 19 - 23. 9: 19 - 23. 12: 10. 12: 10. 12: 10. 1 / 1 1 / 15 8 / 15 (See endnote.) (Heb. 6: 18; resa Numeri 23: 19.) JEHOVAH is "the God of truth. " 13: 8. 13: 8. 13: 8. Branch Committee Komitiye zovarugani wokoBeteli Personnel Committee 15, 16. 15, 16. 15, 16. Yes, Timothy cared for people's needs. 2: 20) Yosili, Timoteusa nga pakere vantu mbili. Yes, Timothy cared about people. Think about how we use technology to preach the good news. Gazadara ko omu atu ruganesa yikwakonentu mokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa. Think, too, about how we use new technology to preach the good news. During this Memorial season and especially during the Memorial season, think about how you treat others. (Efe. 4: 3) Posiruwo esi soMurarero ntani unene po posilika sene, gazadara ko omu o tekura wopeke. During this Memorial season and especially on the night of the Memorial, think deeply about how you treat others. That is true of all prophecies, and it helps us to understand God's purpose, which is vital in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. 10: 1; Koros. 2: 17) MwaJesus yimo ga korera mauporofete nagenye, ntani ago kutuvatera tu kwate egano sirugana sendi, esi sa kara nomulyo mesikisomo lyositambo saJehova. (Ehor. Jesus is the focal point on which all prophecies concentrate, and they shed light on his central role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. What enables you to serve the King forever? Yisinke ayi ku koko o karere Hompa gwanarunye? What moves you to worship the King of eternity? Before Abraham left his worshippers, he said: " Karen, let us go and pray, and let us come back. " Komeho Abirahamu a sige vakareli vendi, age kwa tente asi: "Kareni paapa nesi sindongi, ose namunwange tatu zi kwina tu ka kanderere, ntani natu ka tengura. " Before leaving his servants, Abraham said: "You stay here with the donkey, but the boy and I will go over there and worship and return to you. " However, a mild - tempered person does not know whether he would have to be guilty of punishment. Nye hararasi, muntu wa dira kudiva ta lizambere mokugwana etengeko olyo. But suddenly, someone you do not know volunteers to receive the punishment instead of you. • What problems can you help others to endure? • Maudigu musinke no vhura kuvatera vapeke va lididimike? • What kinds of difficulties might you help others to overcome? For each one of the Bible, John used the Greek verb used to translate "the faith. " Kovatjangi navenye woBibeli, Johanesa yige ga ruganesere nkangorugano zoRugereka ezi ava toroka pamwe asi "kulikida epuro. " More than any other Bible writer, John used the Greek verb that is sometimes translated "exercise faith. " (Read Zechariah 8: 23.) (Resa Sakaliya 8: 23.) (Read Zechariah 8: 23.) " My relationship with Jehovah has become stronger. " Elikwatakano lyange naJehova kwa kunkondopara. " My relationship with Jehovah has deepened. What did they do after hearing a message about Jesus? Yisinke va rugene konyima zokuzuvha mbudi kuhamena Jesus? Their appreciation for the truths they were learning about Jesus prompted them to take what step? How do Daniel and John show that all human governments will be destroyed? Ngapi omu Ndaniyera naJohanesa va yi likida asi mapangero nagenye govantu ngava ga zonagura po? How do Daniel and John portray the end of human rulership? Keep On exercising Faith in the ransom Twikireni kulikida epuro mosizoweseso Keep On Exercising Faith in the Ransom Jesus said: "Do not be afraid. " (Mat. First make your peace with your brother. " 8: 6; 9: 15. " Be Courageous and Very Strong, " 2 / 15 The harlot would be used for special things. 8: 6; 9: 15. 8: 6; 9: 15. For example, when I went to the first convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, this time I attended a town in Ireland, the police officer left me and sent me back to Germany. Honde ngava zi ruganesa koyininke yokulikarera. Blood was reserved for special use. After the earth was clean, Jehovah created the first man, Adam, and Eve, to be like him. Pasihonena, apa na zire kosigongi sokuhova soNombangi daJehova, esi sa ka karerere modoropa zaNavan moIliranda, vaporosi kwa sindikilire nge kutunda koIliranda zokoMuzogo dogoro koIliranda nokutengwida nge. For example, when I attended my first convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, which was held in the town of Navan, the law - enforcement authorities escorted me all the way through Ireland and Northern Ireland. Some experiences show that when we were in the war, Jehovah's Witnesses were happy despite their problems. Konyima zokuwapaika evhu ngembo lyokuwapera, Jehova yipo ga sitire mugara gokuhova Adamu, a mu fane. (Gen. After preparing the earth as a beautiful, self - sustaining home, Jehovah put the crowning touch on his earthly works by creating the first man, Adam, in His own image. Do not keep on seeking. " Yihorokwa yimwe kwa likida asi apa mwa kere yita moBalkans, vana woNombangi daJehova kwa kere noruhafo nampili ngomu va kere nomaudigu. Some experiences show that during the war in the Balkans, the children of Jehovah's Witnesses who lived there were happy despite the harsh living conditions. According to researchers, I was estimated that I was diagnosed with some 60 nuclear weapons and some 60 miles (U.S.) in 80 - 80 C.E. Wa ha yi lipaparera. " Stop seeking such things. " Why is it vital that we be different from the world? Vapapali kwa gungunikira asi India naPakistani ntani naIsraeli kwa weka noboma douhungu dokusika po - 60 yi tware ko - 80. Researchers estimate that India, Pakistan, and Israel each own from 60 to 80 nuclear bombs. The husband's wife came and said to her: "A husband, a husband, does not sow your fine seed in your field? Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo asi tu lisige nouzuni? What can help you to have a balanced view of being different from the world? STUDY ARTICLES Vakareli vanturangumbo makura tava wiza, tava ya mu tantere asi, " Nturagumbo, nani kapi wa kunine mbuto zongwa mepya lyoge? So the slaves of the householder came up and said to him, " Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? Could God be pleased with what he thinks so that he will not answer your prayers? YIRONGWA YELIRONGO Although her parents lost cancer of cancer, she continued to draw close to her two daughters. Karunga kuvhura yi mu vhukire yininke eyi a gazara yipo a dire kulimburura makanderero goge ndi? Will God's mind ever be overloaded, preventing him from noticing you and listening to your prayers? While she was a gang (right) and now she and his wife were preaching Bible truth Nampili ngomu vakondi vendi va fire kokankera zomapunga, age kwa twikilire kukoka nampili ngomu nga rere vana vendi wovakadona vavali. Despite seeing both of her parents die from lung cancer, she continued smoking, even while raising her two daughters. But what about true Christians today? Apa ga kere Akinori munangesefa (korumoho) ano ngesi nage namukadendi kuna kuzuvhisa noruhafo usili woBibeli Akinori when he was a businessman (left) and with his wife happily sharing Bible truth today How the Psalms can enrich your prayers Nye ngapi kuhamena Vakriste wousili naina? But what about true Christians today? 10, 11. (a) What will happen to the wicked? Omu Mapisarome naga vhura kuwapukurura makanderero goge How the Psalms Can Enrich Your Prayers Such creation will motivate him to be done. 10, 11. (a) Yisinke ngayi horokera vadinikarunga? 10, 11. (a) What will happen to wicked people? Why is that important? Unsitwe yiwo ngau mu tumangeda a sike. The beauty of God's creation moved him, and his musical skills had grown steadily through many happy hours of practice. Later, this enmity empowered Enoch, one of the faithful man who lived before the Flood. Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo? Why is that so necessary for us? ▪ The Gospel writer James mentions "the birth of Mary " described Mary as the birth of Mary and how Joseph was married. Konyima, unkore ou kwa ya u vyukisire kwaHenoka, mugara gumwe gomulimburukwi ogu ga parukire komeho zoRuhanzo. Later, enmity was directed against Enoch, another faithful man who lived before the Flood. 3 Reading the Bible has strengthened me for the rest of my life ▪ Evangeli eli ga tjenge Jakopo eli ava tumbura hena asi "Ehampuruko lyaMariya " kwa singonona ehampuruko lyaMariya nomu ga kulire ntani omu ga ya mu kwere Josefa. ▪ The "Proto - Gospel of James, " also called" The Birth of Mary, " describes Mary's birth and childhood as well as her marriage to Joseph. Can you fight Satan and win? 3 Kuresa Bibeli kwa nkondopeka nge meparu lyange nalinye 3 Bible Reading - My Lifelong Source of Strength Because we are imperfect, sometimes we may be struggling with wrong desires. Kuvhura o rwanese Satana nokumufunda ndi? You Can Fight Satan - And Win! I know that Jehovah blessed my efforts. " Morwa kapi twa sikilira mo, poyiruwo yimwe kuvhura tu kondje nomadowo gomadona. Because we are all imperfect, at times we may struggle with wrong desires. (Read 1 Samuel 17: 57; 18: 1, 3.) Na yi diva asi Jehova ga tungikire elituromo lyange. " I know Jehovah blessed my efforts. " (a) Why would Adam's descendants die before God gave the Mosaic Law and after that event? (Resa 1 Samwere 17: 57; 18: 1, 3.) (Read 1 Samuel 17: 57; 18: 1, 3.) " The living are conscious that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 5. (a) Morwasinke ngaru fire ruvharo rwaAdamu komeho Karunga a ya gave Veta zaMosesa nokonyima zoyo? (a) Why did Adam's descendants die both before God gave the Mosaic Law and thereafter? When she was 90 years old, Sarah fell down to the roof of a child. " Nhi, vanamwenyo va diva asi ngava fa, nye vafe kutupu eyi va diva. " - Muudisi 9: 5. " The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " - Ecclesiastes 9: 5. In this context, the priests represent the anointed, and the Israelites who have no hope of living on earth. Apa ga kere nonomvhura 90, Sara ta litezere ko kadira pokukara nomuna. At 90 years of age, Sarah finally got to relish the moment she had longed for all her adult life. Later, I lost sight of the hope of seeing it again. (Hes. 45: 16, 17) Morupe oru, vapristeli kwa fanekesa vagwavekwa, ano Vaisraeli va hana asi vemezimo lyovapristeli kwa fanekesa ava va kara nehuguvaro lyokukaparukira pevhu. In this context, then, the priests picture the anointed, while Israelites from the nonpriestly tribes picture those with an earthly hope. This has strengthened my faith. Konyima yipo na ya zumbanesere ehuguvaro lyokumona hena. Finally, I gave up hope of recovering my sight. Act in harmony with your prayers by searching God's Word, the Bible, is inspired by holy spirit. Eyi kwa nkondopeka epuro lyange. This has truly strengthened my faith. How can we guard against the trap of excessive guilt? Rugana kuliza nomakanderero goge pokupapara mapukururo moNonkango daKarunga, Bibeli, ezi za retesa po mpepo zokupongoka. (2 Tim. Work in harmony with your prayers by searching out the counsel found in God's written Word, the Bible - a product of holy spirit. All these groups serve Jehovah unitedly. Ngapi natu henduka siraha sokulizuvha unzoni wounene? How can you avoid this trap that crushes? (b) Who would be called and disciplined? (Johanesa 10: 16) Nombunga nadinye odo kukarera Jehova mouumwe. Both groups unitedly worship Jehovah. Instead of relying on his own understanding, Hezekiah trusted in Jehovah. Noboma odo ngava di tumbura asi ntumbavere. Those flying bombs were called doodlebugs. If you open the door to that door and examine its prophecies, you will find evidence that God exists. Mevango lyokuhama konondunge dendi, Hisikiya kwa huguvarere mwaJehova. Rather than lean upon his own understanding, Hezekiah trusted in Jehovah. They help us. Nsene o zegurura evero olyo nokukonakona mauporofete gazo nomasikiliromo gamo, ngo gwana maumbangi asi Karunga yipo ga kara. When you open that door and consider some of its detailed prophecies and their fulfillment, you will find evidence that God exists. Martha had good reason to believe that her brother, Lazarus, "will rise in the resurrection on the last day. " Awo kutuvatera sili. They really meant it. Now I have been in prison or had a lot of suffering and suffering. Malita ga kere nokonda zomulyo zeyi ga karere nehuguvaro asi mpanzendi Rasarusa, nga "vhumbuka pevhumbuko lyezuva lyouhura. " Martha clearly had reason to be confident that her faithful brother, Lazarus, would "rise in the resurrection on the last day. " He taught and patiently for his disciples by word and example. Ame ngano ngesi modorongo nina kara ndi kuna kuretera vantu ruhepo ntani nokuvakoresa. I would probably be back in prison or causing other people pain and suffering. PAGE 19 Age nga rongo neharo nelididimikiro varongwa vendi kupitira mononkango nomosihonena. He lovingly and patiently taught his disciples by word and example. Bad associations can weaken our faith, but good ones do well to take advantage of them. EPENUNO 19 However, the man struck the woman with "to pay back his plans, just as the judges had decided. " (Jakopo 1: 3) Vakaume wovadona kuvhura kuzonagura epuro lyetu nye wovawa kulitunga. Bad friends destroy our faith, but good friends build it. 3: 10, 11. Nye mugara ogo ana toona mukadi ga hepa "kumufuta moomu ana seyere yendi ndi moomu vana tokwere vapanguli. " Rather, the man who struck the new mother would have to "pay the damages imposed on him by the husband of the woman; and he must pay it through the judges. " Christ's followers knew what to do. 3: 10, 11. 3: 10, 11. When they examine creation, they learn God's wisdom and power. (Yirug. 1: 8) Vasikuli vaKristusa va divire eyi nava rugana. The early followers of Christ definitely understood what was required of them. Joseph's brother was the only son of Jacob. Nsene va konakona unsitwe, awo ngava lironga unongo nononkondo daKarunga. (Rom. When people study creation with an open mind, they learn of God's wisdom and power. If you do not, you are "reaching out " or do not fight your enemies. Josefa namumbyendi gomumati yiwo velike ga reterere Jakopo pwaRakera. Joseph and his younger brother were the only sons of Jacob and Rachel. (b) How can you illustrate your gratitude for the ransom? Nsene kapi o yi rugana, ove ngwendi kuna "kutoona mompepo " ndi kapi ono kurwanesa nonkore doge. If you failed to do so, it would be like "striking the air, " not fully opposing your enemy. To answer your prayers, Jehovah can give you the strength by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and our fellow believers. (b) Ngapi no vhura kufanekesa rupandu roge kosizoweseso? (b) How can appreciation for the ransom be illustrated? He taught me to be kind, loving, and willing to help others to have a relationship with him. Mokulimburura makanderero goge, Jehova kuvhura a ku pe nonkondo kupitira mompepo zendi zokupongoka nomoNonkango dendi nomovapuli vakwetetu. In response to your prayers, Jehovah can give you strength by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and the Christian brotherhood. If you set spiritual goals, you will show your appreciation for all that Jehovah has given you, and you will become his friend. Age kwa ronga nge ni kare nombili neharo ntani nokuvatera wopeke va kare nelikwatakano kumwe nendi. He has taught me to be kind, to show love, to help others spiritually. What is the "new heavens " and the new earth? Nsene o litulira po yitambo yopampepo ove ngo likida rupandu koyininke nayinye ga ku pa Jehova ntani ngo kara kaume kendi. Giving priority to spiritual matters is a way of showing gratitude to God for these blessings, and that brings you closer to him. How can we benefit from Bible study? Yisinke "eguru lyepe nevhu lyepe "? What are the "new heavens " and" new earth "? My wife and I also used our time to support our family. Ngapi omu natu gwanena mo ruhafo melirongo lyoBibeli? How can we find more enjoyment in studying the Bible? How can we benefit from keeping on the watch, as Jesus encouraged us? Name namukadange ngatu ruganesa hena siruwo setu mokurera epata lyetu. Mairambubu and I were also kept busy raising our growing family. How can you identify true religion? Ngapi omu natu gwanena mo uwa mokuvangarara, ngwendi moomu ga tu korangedere Jesus? How can we benefit from keeping on the watch, as Jesus encouraged us to do? STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 12 Ngapi no dimburura ukarelikarunga wousili? What are some features that distinguish true worship? Many people live in wars, Spanish, and Greece. YIRONGWA YELIRONGO 1, 2 EPENUNO 3 - 12 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 12 That peace has helped them to guard their hearts and thoughts. Vantu wovanzi kwa tunga mompatakani nomomambo goyisasara. Many have to manage with makeshift dwellings in shantytowns and city slums. (Read Luke 4: 18, 19.) 5: 22) Mbili ozo, kwa va vatera va takamese nomutjima nomagazaro gawo. That peace, in turn, helped to guard their hearts and mental powers. Today, Jehovah allows us to tell others about the benefits they enjoy now. (Resa Rukasa 4: 18, 19.) (Read Luke 4: 18, 19.) Paul told anointed Christians in Corinth: "I shall stand firm against God, for I am bringing you in the midst of you a man, because I have brought you to you a virgin, as the Christ also loved you. " Naina, Jehova kutupulisira tu tantere ko wopeke kuhamena mauwa aga vana kuhafera ngesi vantu vendi. But today Jehovah does allow us to tell others about the blessings that his people enjoy right now! How can you cope if someone in your family leaves Jehovah? 5: 25 - 27) Paurusa kwa tanterere Vakriste wovagwavekwa womoKolinte asi: "Ame tani mu rwire esupa ngwendi Karunga mwene, yeeyi ame kwa mu vandekerera mugara gumwe, Kristusa, ngani mu rete kweni ngomukadona gomukuhuki. " (2 Kol. Paul told the anointed Christians in ancient Corinth: "I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I personally promised you in marriage to one husband that I might present you as a chaste virgin to the Christ. " He added: "It is also the greatest source of anger, anger, discouragement, discouragement, and discouragement. " Ngapi no vhura kulididimikira ruguwo nsene gumwe gemepata a hageka kukarera Jehova? How, then, can you cope with the profound grief that arises when a family member leaves Jehovah? When Isaac was married to Isaac, he was 5, and Abraham made a big feast. Age kwa gwederere ko asi: "Ayo kuretesa po hena eguwo lyenene, nehandu, nelivero nedompo mutjima nenyegenyo ntani nomuga. " She added: "A storm of powerful, extreme emotions - anger, regret, disappointment, despair, and shame " often follows. When reading what the Bible says about the value of Jesus ' shed blood, they put faith in these words and "day and night. " Apa Isaka va mu tovekere, age nomvhura dendi 5, makura Abirahamu ta ninki sipito sosinene. When Isaac was five years old, the family held a feast to mark the occasion of the weaning of the child. Moreover, faithful servants of Jehovah "will be brought back to perfection in the resurrection that Adam enjoyed in Eden. " Apa adi resa eyi azi uyunga Bibeli kuhamena mulyo getjisango lyohonde zaJesus, ado kutura epuro mononkango odo ntani " nokukarera Karunga mutenya nomasiku. ' (Ehor. When those with the earthly hope read what the Bible says about the importance and effectiveness of Jesus ' shed blood, they put faith in these words and render "sacred service day and night. " A young man named Rose says: "I love Jehovah, no one brings me joy. Ano yitundwamo yovalimburukwi ngava va "tengwidira kesikiliromo eli ga haferere mukurona gwawo Adamu moEdeni. " The reward of the latter will be "restoration to the perfection of human nature once enjoyed in Eden by their progenitor and head, Adam. " The second part contains 27 books that contain "the word of God. " Mudinkantu gedina Rose kwa tanta asi: "Ame na hara Jehova, kwato eyi ayi retere nge ruhafo ya hana asi yokumukarera. A baptized teenager named Rose says: "I love Jehovah, and I couldn't be happier doing anything but serving him. Thus, a child may distance his job from Jehovah when he knows what is good and what is bad. Ruha rwauvali kwa kara nonobuke 27 omu mwa kara "nonkango daKarunga. " The second section has 27 books that are also "the word of God. " Those who teach such ideas may remind us of some in Paul's day who were zealous in God's service but "not according to [their] thinking. " Yipo nye, munona kuvhura kuzeresa yirugana yendi kwaJehova apa aya diva yoyiwa neyi yoyidona. Rather, a child is accountable to God when the child knows what is right and what is wrong in Jehovah's eyes. Those words can strengthen our faith. Vantu ava ava rongo magano gangoso kuvhura kutudiworokesa vamwe womomazuva gaPaurusa ava va kere nomupampi mweyi yaKarunga " nye kukondja kwawo kapi kwa peke nondunge. ' (Rom. Individuals who promote such views might remind us of some in the first century who had a zeal for God "but not according to accurate knowledge. " A family and a family from Egypt did not come out of Egypt. Nonkango odo kuvhura kunkondopeka epuro lyetu. These words can strengthen our faith. His purpose should not be to prevent the animals from causing them to kill them, but they do not live with them. Epata ntani tupu lina kutunda koEgipite. The family had recently returned from Egypt. Be positive. Sitambo sendi kapisi sokuvazonagura po ngwendi mukongo ogu a dipaga yikorama, nye sokuvakwata awo vazuni. His goal is not necessarily to destroy them, as a big - game hunter kills prey. Her husband told her that they had been at home and that she wanted to work together as a couple. Kara nonkareso zongwa. Maintain fine conduct. Jehovah feels compassion toward all people. Mugara gwendi ta mu tantere asi nare va hura kukara kumwe pembo ano koyili eyi ana hara va rugane kumwe ngovalikwali. He says that they have not had much time together lately, and he would like them to do something as a couple. How does he speak to us? Jehova kufira nkenda vantu navenye. Jehovah is kind to all people. What blessings are there because of Jehovah's love and justice? Ngapi omu a tu uyungisa? Do you know how God speaks to us? (c) What can help us to preach? Mauwa musinke ga kara po morwa eharo nouhungami waJehova? What benefits are available because of Jehovah's love and justice? Circuit overseers and elders remember the Governing Body by following the direction given them. (c) Yisinke ayi tu vatere nose tu zuvhise? (c) What gifts strengthen us today? * Vatareli wonombunga novakuronambunga kudiworoka womoMbungagendesi pokukwama mavyukiso aga ava va pe. Circuit overseers and elders remember the Governing Body by sticking closely to guidelines given to them. Throughout the earth, most of God's servants " continue to receive the word of God with joy, even though they may receive the message of holy spirit. ' * * In the fifth century B.C.E., 20 Bible students accepted public talk as "the public talk. " Evhu nalinye, sinzi sovakareli vaKarunga " nampili ngomu ava hepa unene, va tambura mbudi nehafo lyokutunda kompepo zokupongoka. ' (1 Tes. Throughout the earth, many of God's servants have "accepted the word under much tribulation with joy of holy spirit. " The Bible says: "He that does not love has not come to know God, for he is love. " Mosiruwo somangenyena, valirongi woBibeli 20 kwa tambwire vantu wokusika po - 2 000 momambo gawo ava va purakenene kosiuyungwa sosiparatjangwa asi "Kutunda apa. " In the spring, 20 Bible Students in Belfast hosted 2,000, who heard the talk "Hereafter. " Later, I was appointed as an overseer of the book of the book. BIBELI kutanta asi: "Ogu ga dira kuhara mukwawo, ogo kapi ga diva Karunga, yeeyi Karunga yige eharo. " " HE WHO does not love does not know God; for God is love, " states the Bible. And he is a bow and a bow. Konyima tava ya pe nge situmbukira sokupitisira elirongo lyobuke. Soon afterward, I was assigned to conduct a congregation book study. And we should respect all those whom Jehovah has given. - 1 Corinthians 11: 3; Hebrews 13: 17. (Ehor. 6: 2; 19: 11) Ntani ga kara nouta wonkanza. In addition to a sword, he is equipped with a bow. How does our faith in Christ affect us? Ntani twa hepa kufumadeka navenye ava ga pa Jehova upangeli. - 1 Vakolinte 11: 3; Vahebeli 13: 17. In fact, we should respect all those who are given authority by Jehovah. - 1 Corinthians 11: 3; Hebrews 13: 17. What is the most effective work that is being accomplished? Ngapi epuro lyetu mevhumbuko lyaKristusa ali tu kundama? How does belief in Christ's resurrection affect us? About 700 people attended, including many who had suffered severe trials. Yisinke ava rugana vaudisi wovawa? What do successful evangelizers do? 5: 10 - 12. Konyara vantu wokusika po - 700 va kere po, kukwatera mo wovanzi ava va pitire momaheteko gomanene. About 700 attended, including many of those who had lived through the Fascist persecution. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 10.) 5: 10 - 12. 5: 10 - 12. She says: "We knew that the Bible does not forbid marriage, so we prayed and rely on Jehovah. " (Resa 1 Vakolinte 2: 10.) (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 10.) If you feel that you are not making changes, do not become discouraged. Age kwa tanta asi: "Ose twa yi divire asi Bibeli kapi za silika nonkwara, yipo nye ose kwa kandererere nokuhuguvara mwaJehova. " He stated: "We knew, however, that getting married was not unscriptural, so we took refuge in prayer and put our trust in Jehovah. " We can speak truth with our brothers in a kind way without resentment. Nsene kuna kulizuvha asi kapi wa tura po marunduruko moomu wa yi gazarere, wa ha dompa mutjima. So if you feel that you have not made as many changes as you would like to, be patient. It has strong feelings between family members, friends, or close friends. Kuvhura tu uyunge usili novanavazinyetu monkedi zongwa twa hana kuvahandukisa. By being candid with our brothers but not overly frank, we can express what is on our mind without being offensive. Who is the one who has sinned? Kuna kara malizuvho gononkondo aga ga kara pokatji kava vemepata ndi kovakaume wovanene. Brotherly love is a strong, warm feeling between family members or close friends. Later, he turned away from a wise man and asked, "Do you forgive me? " Yilye ogu a kara meguwo? Who argues and fights? " That man, "the man, " became the apostle Paul. - 1 Tim. Konyima ta ka rugura komugara gonondunge nokumupura asi: "Ono gusire nge po ndi? " " But how can I? If you live in your heart to serve Jehovah God, you will enjoy the opportunities that comes from serving him during your youth. 9: 3 - 6, 10, 11, 15) " Mugara ' ogo kwa ya kere mupositoli Paurusa. - 1 Tim. " This man " became the apostle Paul. - 1 Tim. (Read 1 John 5: 14, 15.) Nsene wa tunga momutjima goge eharo lyokukarera Jehova Karunga, hafera nompito edi adi tundilire mokumukarera moudinkantu. If you have cultivated in your heart a desire to serve Jehovah, enjoy the opportunities that come with being a young servant of God. Was she just the only thing that happened? (Resa 1 Johanesa 5: 14, 15.) (Read 1 John 5: 14, 15.) However, because there is no evidence that life has come true. Lidiya tupu ya horokerere oyo ndi? Was Lydia's experience unique? David cried out: "Keep on the watch with my friends! Nye egano olyo kupukisa, morwa kwato umbangi ou au likida asi eparu kwa wiza po pwalyene. There is no proof that any kind of life has ever arisen by chance or ever could. King Saul wanted to protect him, and this caused him to lose his favor. David ta zigire asi: "Morokeni, vakwetu! " Hello, my friends! " he calls out. 4 Hompa Sauru kwa here kupopera mfumwa zendi, ano eyi kwa mu ninkisire a dire kulitezurura. Saul wanted to preserve his reputation, and this kept him from making a spiritual recovery. As he grew up, Jesus always did things that would please his heavenly Father. 4 The End of the World - Fear, Fascination, and Frustration 4 In the fifth century B.C.E., Antonio wrote: "The Witnesses strive to take an interest in the work of Jehovah's Witnesses until we preach the good news to the world, where we have reached the whole world. " - Isa. 5: 16; Mat. 15: 4) Apa ga kulire, Jesus narunye nga rugana yininke eyi ngayi hafesa oGuhwe vemeguru. As a grown - up, Jesus always did the things pleasing to his heavenly Father. Then make these changes so that Jehovah can keep your friendship with him. Mudivinkarapamwe Antonio Cova Maduro kwa tjenge asi: "Nombangi daJehova kulitura mo unene..., mokutwara mbudi dogoro oku wa ka twa uzuni. " - El Universal saitunga, zaVenezuela Sociologist Antonio Cova Maduro wrote of "the effort and trouble to which Jehovah's Witnesses go, to the point of exhausting themselves..., so that the sacred text reaches the farthest corner of the earth. " - El Universal newspaper, Venezuela Even if he is disfellowshipped, he still needs to " keep his throne clean " when he sinned. - Rom. Makura tura po marunduruko ogo yipo Jehova a twikire kukara Kaume koge. Then make those changes so that you can keep Jehovah as your Friend. • Why is it vital that we clothe ourselves with "the breastplate of righteousness "? Nampili vana mu tengwidire mo mombunga, age simpe ga hepa kuzeresa yirugana yendi "kosipundi sepanguro saKarunga " nsene yosili ga litezurura. - Rom. Even if the person is reinstated, he or she must still render an account "before the judgment seat of God. " - Rom. 14: 10 - 12; see The Watchtower, November 15, 1979, pp. Solomon wrote: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart. Last Enemy, Death, Brought to Nothing, 9 / 15 But remember: If you feel as if you were tempted to do what is right, your efforts will be added to others and will be added to their pressure. • Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo asi tu dware " sivera soponturo souhungami '? • Why is it vital that we wear "the breastplate of righteousness "? 7: 7, 32 - 38. Saromo kwa tjenge asi: "Huguvara HOMPA nomutjima goge nagunye. These include education, employment, and family life. " I had to put forth effort to get to know our brothers and sisters, " she says. Nye diworoka asi: Nsene o moneka ngwendi kuna kulivera ndi nomuga ketokomeno lyoge lyokurugana youhunga, vakweni ngava yi dimburura ntani awo ngava gwederera kekondjeso lyawo. But remember this: If you appear apologetic or ashamed of your stand, others will sense that, and they may well add even more pressure. Can you trust that? 7: 7, 32 - 38. 7: 7, 32 - 38. REGULAR PIONEERS Age kwa tanta asi: "Ame na hepere kukondja unene mokudiva vanavazinyetu. He reflects: "I had to push myself at first to get to know the brothers and sisters. Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " Kuvhura o huguvare oyo yina kara mombapira ozo ndi? Would that not devalue the document? What would you have done? VAZUVHISI WOKUKARERERA REGULAR PIONEERS In fact, they were like watered in a fiery furnace, and his hands were burned. " Jesus kwa tantererere vampitisili woVajuda asi: "Untungi waKarunga ngava u mu gusa, va u pe muhoko peke, ogu ngagu yima yiyima yawo. " As Jesus told the Jewish leaders: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " On the contrary, the Bible assures us: "The one who trusts Jehovah will be joyful. " - Proverbs 16: 20. Ngano nyove, yisinke ngano wa rugene? What would you have done? What encouragement may be given to young ones in the congregation? Nongodi edi da mu kere komawoko tadi kara ngwendi ngodi zokuhonzesa zina kupya momundiro, ano nomango dendi tadi gu ko komawoko gendi. " (Vap. When the Philistines persuaded Samson's fellow Israelites to capture him, "Jehovah's spirit became operative upon him, and the ropes that were upon his arms came to be like linen threads that have been scorched with fire, so that his fetters melted off his hands. " Can a brother wear a beard? Mokulisiga, Bibeli kututumbwidira asi: "Ogu ga huguvara HOMPA, nga kara nerago. " - Yisewe 16: 20. On the other hand, the Bible assures us: "Happy is he that is trusting in Jehovah. " - Proverbs 16: 20. The wild beast ended up with a sword - a sword that rescues the inhabitants of the earth. Makorangedo musinke nava vhura kugava womombungakriste kovadinkantu? What can congregation members do to encourage young people? SONGS: 147, 147 Kuvhura munazinyetugara a kare nononzwedu ndi? Is it proper for a brother today to have a beard? We are grateful that we have come to know the truthfulness of the Bible's message, even though our relatives may feel that we have been deceived or dominated by religion. Mokana komurondi makura tamu tundu rufuro rorutwe, a toonese ko yirongo. And out of his mouth protrudes a sharp, long sword with which to strike the nations, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. They will be "a living thing. " - John 10: 16; Ps. MARUSUMO: 147, 149 SONGS: 25, 18 Phillip and Kimberly were also pioneers who were willing to give up. Ose tuna hafa kweyi twa diva usili womoBibeli. Nye nampili ngoso vanekoro kuvhura va gazare asi kwa tu pukisa ndi kwa hama koukarelikarunga woukorokotji. While we may be overjoyed about the Bible truths we have learned, our relatives may mistakenly believe that we have been tricked or have become part of a cult. When we help others come to know God, we know that Jehovah is pleased and that our efforts are precious to him. Awo ngava ka "hafera mpora zonene. " - Joh. 10: 16; Epis. There "they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " - John 10: 16; Ps. The scripture recorded by James warns that if a person allows for "the desire of the flesh, " the results are disastrous. Cyril naKitty Johnson nawo kwa kere vazuvhisi wokukarerera ava va lizamberere. Cyril and Kitty Johnson were typical of self - sacrificing new pioneers. Samantha: Sure. Apa atu vatere wopeke va dive Karunga, ose kuyidiva asi kuna kuhafesa Jehova ntani asi elituromo lyetu mulyo kwendi. When we help others learn about God, we know that we are pleasing Jehovah and that he values our efforts to serve him. They are fighting a powerful enemy more than ever before. Etjangwa lina lyomombilive ezi ga tjenge Jakopo kurondora asi nsene muntu a pulisira edowo " li kure, ' yitundwamo, yirugana yoyidona. The scripture above from the inspired letter of James warns that if one allows the wrong desire to "become fertile, " bad actions are sure to follow. (b) What should a Christian do if a mate believes that he is "no one "? Martha: Hawe, kwato udigu. Samantha: Yes, I will be here. Under such circumstances, what can you do to keep serving Jehovah faithfully? Awo kuna ka rwisa nkore zonene zononkondo kuvapitakana. They were going against a vicious foe, and they were outnumbered and poorly armed. Whether we accept the truth or have already been true, let us consider reasons why we will follow Paul's exhortation and follow Jesus ' admonition to follow every day. (b) Yisinke ga hepa kurugana Mukriste nsene mulikwali gwendi " ogu ga dira kupura, ana hara asi va ligaunuke '? (b) What is the position of a Christian "if the unbelieving one chooses to depart "? Luke was a doctor, and he traveled with Paul. Momaukaro gangoso, yisinke no rugana yipo o twikire kukarera Jehova noulimburukwi? In these situations, what can you do to stay faithful to Jehovah? They buy things that they need in their daily life. (1 Tes. 4: 1, 2) Yi kare asi ntaantani tupu tuna kutambura usili ndi nare, kukoneka nokonda edi natu kwamena Kristusa ngayi tu vatera mokusikisa mo etumangedo lyaPaurusa ntani nokukwama Jesus kupitakanena nkenye ezuva. Whether we embraced true worship recently or decades ago, reflecting on reasons for following the Christ will help us to apply Paul's exhortation and follow Him ever more fully in our daily lives. Others say that God is responsible for disasters. Rukasa kwa kere ndokotora, ntani ga zire naPaurusa. Luke was a doctor, and he traveled with Paul. Making too much alcohol can cause you to speak or do something bad. Awo kuranda yininke eyi vana hepa meparu lyawo lyankenye ezuva. They purchase necessary goods and services made available in the world. The request was told to tell him about this big problem, and there were some 500 people on the Internet. Ano vamwe kutanta asi Karunga yige a retesa po yimpagwa. Others attribute to God the suffering caused by natural disasters. 12 IMITATE THEIR FAITH SARAH Kunwa unene yikorwesa kuvhura kukuninkisa o uyunge ndi o rugane yininke yoyidona. Drinking too much alcohol can result in uncontrolled speech and actions. For nine years, a young woman killed her father, her father, and her father's parents were killed. Mehundiro olyo awo kwa mu tanterere sinka sawo sosinene kuhamena esiliko, ano ehundiro olyo kwa kere nomaruha 76, vantu ava va sainine wokusika po - 315 000. The petition, expressing deep concern about the ban, consisted of 76 volumes and contained over 315,000 signatures. Meanwhile, the Russian Orthodox clergy showed their true colors. THE first - century congregation of Christians were in danger. 12 HONENA EPURO LYAWO | SARA 12 IMITATE THEIR FAITH | SARAH No. Kambunga kovadinkantu wokukorwa kwa dipagere mukadona gonomvhura ntane nokutoona oguhwe nasipwa sendi. A group of intoxicated teens brutally murder a nine - year - old girl and beat up her father and cousin. Meditating on 2 Peter 2: 11 and the elders have helped me. " VAKRISTE womombunga zomoKorosi kwa kere mosiponga. THE first - century Christian congregation in Colossae was under attack! (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Hawe. No. " You, O Jehovah, are my servant, a people whom I have chosen. " - ISAIAH 41: 8. Kuteda ko ketjangwa 2 Peturusa 2: 11 ntani nomapukururo govakuronambunga kwa vatera nge unene. " Meditating on 2 Peter 2: 11 and on personal counsel from the elders made a big difference. " If we remain "vigilant with a view to prayers, " we will not be surprised when we face tests of integrity to Jehovah. (Tara konhi MAPURAGERO NTANI YILIMONENA > KULIDIDIMIKIRA MAUDIGU.) (Look under INTERVIEWS AND EXPERIENCES > ENDURING TRIALS.) Most important of all, though, should not be the same as we want to be, but Jehovah wants us to be. " Israeli mukereli gwange, one mbunga ezi na horowora, nontekuru daAbirahamu, mukwetu. " - JESAYA 41: 8. " You, O Israel, are my servant, you, O Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham my friend. " - ISAIAH 41: 8. How Gaius Helped His Brothers, July Nsene tu kara tuna " vangarara, tu wape kukanderera, ' kapi ngayi tu tetukisa apa ngatu ligwanekera nomahepeko makura tu teze po ulimburukwi wetu kwaJehova. If we are "vigilant with a view to prayers, " we will not be caught off guard and thus compromise if a test of faith comes upon us unexpectedly. The Bible account highlights this point. Yomulyo po kapisi moomu tuna yi harere nye moomu ana yi harere Jehova. What is important is not our time but Jehovah's time. We can fulfill that need by doing something that is symbolic to us. Omu Gaiyusi ga vaterere vapuli vakwawo, May How Was Fire Transported in Ancient Times? (b) Why should we not worry about our country? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Solomon's account recorded at Exodus 15: 18 says: "Jehovah will rule forever. " Sihorokwa somoBibeli kwa nkondopeka sitwa oso. A vivid Bible account enlarges on this point. □ Both showed humility. - Num. Kuvhura tu sikise mo sihepwa oso pokurugana ko yuma mokutukuhwa pasifanekeso. We can meet that important requirement by taking steps to be washed clean, figuratively speaking. If we are kind and kind, we may be able to understand why a brother feels discouraged and talk about things that will help him to cope with his situation. (b) Morwasinke natu dilira kulikangangera sirongo setu? (b) How can we tell if we are becoming too proud of our country? I found answers to my questions! Rusumo oru kwa ru tjanga mwaExodus egaununo 15 velise 18 ezi azi tanta asi: "HOMPA yige nga pangera narunye - narunye. " That song, recorded in Exodus chapter 15, includes this declaration in verse 18: "Jehovah will rule as king forever and ever. " She says: "The world loved me because I was very busy and that I worked in every assignment. □ Navenye kwa likidire elinunupiko. - Num. □ Both displayed meekness. - Num. Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " (Jak. 1: 19) Nsene tu purakena nonkenda, kuvhura tu kwate egano eyi munazinyetu ana dompere mutjima nokuuyunga yininke eyi nayi mu vatera a lididimikire ukaro wendi. If we listen empathetically, we may be able to identify situations that discourage a fellow Christian and say something to help him deal with those circumstances. Moses strengthened the faith of others. Ame na gwene malimbururo komapuro gange! At last I was finding answers to my questions! Elsebeth and Elsebeth Age kwa tente asi: "Vantu womouzuni kwa here nge morwa ame kwa kere nelituromo lyenene ntani ngani sikisa mo nkenye sirugana. He recalls: "Worldly people admired me because I was full of initiative and was able to complete each assigned task. In the same book, we read: "If you make sacrifices of praise to Jehovah, please heed those commandments, and be acceptable to him. " Yipo nye nomu hundilira mwenyamuzangu, asi a tume komuzangu gwendi varugani. " Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " " When I thought about going from door to door, " he says. Mosesa kwa nkondopekere epuro lyava wopeke. Moses sought to strengthen the faith of others. How did some Christians benefit from separation and divorce? Elsebeth naIsabel Elsebeth and Isabel These things came from the start of three wicked people because Satan and Eve rebelled against Jehovah. Bibeli Bibeli Mobuke zoozo, tatu resa hena asi: "Nsene tomu zambere HOMPA nzambo zompandu, kwameni nompangera odo, ntani ngava mu tambura. " (Lev. In the same Bible book, we read: "In case you should sacrifice a thanksgiving sacrifice to Jehovah, you should sacrifice it to gain approval for you. " We read: "I saw, and look! Age kwa tente asi: "Apa ngani gazara kurugana tunda embo zende embo ngayi veresa nge. " The thought of going from door to door made me physically ill. " It was then given permission to enter the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. " Ngapi omu Vakriste vamwe va gwanena mo mauwa pokudira kuligaunuka novalikwali vawo? How have some Christians been rewarded for their patient efforts in connection with marriage? Two groups have been gathered together, the small group of anointed ones and the small group of other sheep. Yininke oyo kwa wiza po morwa vantu vatatu wovadona Satana naAdamu naEva ava va rwanesere Jehova. And what about sickness and death? Those conditions touch us all. Genesis describes what God said when he created all things: "As for God, he began to see everything he had done, and he began to please him. " Tatu resa asi: "Na tara ko, tani mono nkambe zonzera. We read: "I saw, and look! Moreover, if we follow Jesus ' example and help others to do the same, our joy and unity will be pleasing to God. Mwangesi yimo ngava mu pera epulisiro lyene - lyene lyokuhwilira moUntungi wanarunye waHompa Muzowoli gwetu Jesus Kristusa. " In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. " September 20 - 26, 2010 Nombunga mbali dovantu kwa di pakerera kumwe, mbungagona zovagwavekwa ntani nezi zemukurumbunga lyononzwi dapeke. Two groups of people have been joined together - the small group of anointed ones and the great crowd of other sheep. They want political leader or political leaders rather than political leaders. MwaGenesis kwa tumbura eyi ga uyungire Karunga apa ga mene kusita yininke asi: "Ano Karunga eyi ga tara nayinye ga rugene, tayi mu zi komutjima. " The creation account in Genesis concludes with the words: "God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good. " [ Picture on page 28] Mokugwederera ko, nsene tu kwama sihonena saJesus esi ga tu sigira nokuvatera vapeke va rugane yokulifana, ruhafo rwetu nokukara kwetu mouumwe ngayi hafesa Karunga. In addition, when we follow the pattern Jesus left and help others to do the same, our happy, united worship will bring joy to God himself. For example, the Jewish religious leaders complained that Jesus would eat as " tax collectors and sinners. " 20 - 26 Sitarara 2010 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Jesus foretold that the high priests would be on the torture stake and would be given him to the nations, but on the third day he was raised to life. Awo kuna hara mupitisili goupolitika ndi ogu na vhura kupitakana vapangeli woupolitika. They too want a political messiah or at least one who will work through human political rulers. Human rule leads to the wrongness of the wicked [ Efano lyepepenuno 28] [ Picture on page 29] Because she drank from her drinking, she felt exhausted and exhausted. Pasihonena, vampitisili womaukarelikarunga goVajuda kwa sivanene asi Jesus kulya kumwe "novafutisi mutero novananzo. " For example, the Jewish religious leaders complained that Jesus was kind to "tax collectors and sinners. " He understands our situation and feels deeply. Jesus kwa pumbire asi vapristeli wovanene ngava mu tokwera konomfa ntani ngava mu gava kovapagani va mu pampare, nye mezuva lyautatu nga vhumbuka koufe. (Mat. Jesus foretold that he would be condemned by the chief priests and be impaled by Gentiles, but on the third day, he would rise. Another way to remember the Governing Body is to cooperate with them. Upangeli wovantu kutwaredera koudona Human Rulership Comes at a Price The pioneers also rejoice when they hear that people continue serving Jehovah, perhaps because they are pioneering. Morwa nomutji edi nga nu, age nga lizuvhu eroroko lyenene nokukora - kora mezimo. Because of the medical treatments, he felt very tired and had stomach problems. " You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself " (Varoma 15: 5) Yige gelike gokuvhura kukwata egano ukaro nomalizuvho getu. He is the only one who fully understands our situation, our feelings, and our background. So I met a woman who had asked me to study the Bible with two young women and her two daughters, who attended a school in the school. Nkedi zimwe hena natu diworoka woMbungagendesi kuna kara pokuruganena kumwe nawo. Of course, remembering the Governing Body involves not just words but also cooperation with its direction. To learn more about Jehovah's Witnesses, see the video Jehovah's Witnesses preaching the good news at (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) (3 Joh. 4) Vazuvhisi wokukarerera nawo kuvahafesa apa ava zuvhu asi vantu ava va vatera kuna kutwikira kukarera Jehova ndi nampo asi awo kuna kurugana uzuvhisi wokukarerera. Many pioneers can attest to how encouraging it is for them to learn that some of those they helped into the truth years ago are staying faithful and perhaps are even serving as pioneers. One man wrote that God's Kingdom is "the tree of the living God...... " One mu vakwetu " " You Are My Friends " After the Abrahamic covenant began to be fulfilled, Jehovah began to reveal details about the seed of the woman. Yipo na ka gwene mukadi ogu ga pulire nge ni lironge Bibeli novana vendi vavali wovakadona womapange Jean naJoan Rothenberger, ava ngava dimbire kosure zorupurupuru ezi ngani dimbire. There I met a mother who asked me to study the Bible with her deaf twin daughters, Jean and Joan Rothenberger, who were students at the same school for the deaf that I once attended. He also has the desire to use his power to restore life to the dead. Nsene ono hara kudiva ko yoyinzi kuhamena Nombangi daJehova, tara vidiyo Nombangi daJehova - Mbunga ezi azi zuvhisa mbudi zongwa ko - / kwn (Tara koruha YIMBAPIRATJANGWA > NOVIDIYO) For additional information about Jehovah's Witnesses, watch the feature - length video Jehovah's Witnesses - Organized to Share the Good News, at (Look under PUBLICATIONS > VIDEOS) Since this letter is found in the Bible, it was written to encourage others to "follow the fine things that encouraged him. " Mugara gumwe kwa tjenge asi Uhompa waKarunga kuna kara "sininke sononkondo unene,... esi sa likwatakana naKarunga gomunamwenyo..., sininke omu nava gwanena eparuro vagara novakadi. " One writes that God's Kingdom is "something supernatural,... an inner link with the living God..., an experience with God in which men and women find salvation. " But I say to you that you love your enemies, how much more so as to pray for you, you who hate you, and pray for those persecuting you, for he will rise in the heavens and execute judgment upon you for the wicked one day. " Konyima zapa egwanekero naAbirahamu lya tamekere kusika mo, Jehova kwa tamekere kuhorora kanunu - kanunu mauzera kuhamena ruvharo romukadi. After the Abrahamic covenant went into effect, Jehovah gradually revealed important details about the offspring of the woman. We explained that we were not talking about such things because we wanted to make sure about them, but he wanted to make sure that if he had no knowledge of the bad things I faced. " Ntani hena age kwa kara neharo lyokuruganesa nonkondo dendi mokutengwidira vafe keparu. More than that, he longs to use his almighty power to restore life to the dead. (Read Ruth 1: 1 - 6.) Mokumona asi mbilive ezi kwa kara moBibeli ntani kwa zi tjangerere zi korangede wopeke va "honene po yoyiwa " eyi kulikida asi za mu korangedere. The fact that Third John was preserved in the Bible canon and was passed on to encourage others to "imitate what is good " suggests that it did. What do these two articles teach you about the great love of wicked spirits that promotes sexual immorality? Nye ame tani mu tantere asi, omu hare wonkore zeni, omu va ruganene yoyiwa ava va mu nyenga, one tomu kandererere mo ava ava mu rundire oku tava mu hepeke, asi omu kare mu vana vaGuhyeni gemeguru. Age kupumisira ezuva vadona novawa, age hena kurokesera mvhura vahungami novanzoni. " However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Who is Gog of Magog? Ose twa mu fatwililire asi kapi tuna kuyisimwitira oyo morwa kumugazarera yuma, nye kwa here tupu kudivilisa nsene ga kere nediwo lyokugwanena po mokunyokera po mapukiso aga na ligwanekera nago. " We made it clear that we were not discussing these subjects because we suspected him of anything; we only wanted to make sure that he was equipped to handle the bad influences around him. " Go to preach, "the kingdom of God is near. " (Resa Rutu 1: 1 - 6.) (Read Ruth 1: 1 - 6.) She thought that she too would be put to death again. Yisinke yina kukuronga yihorokwa eyi yivali kuhamena eharo lyenene lyonompepo donondona lyokutumangeda eligwanekero panyama nonyanya? What do the two accounts that you read tell you about the obsession wicked spirits have with sex and violence? If so, pray to Jehovah for help and note what he said by giving us a circuit overseer, "We will look at ways to worship Jehovah, and we are ready to obey him in all things. " Yilye Gogo zaMagogo? So who is Gog of Magog? Some may say that these symbolic words are "borne off into the kingdom, " and I don't mean something else. ' Zendeni mu ka udise asi, " Untungi waKarunga pepi una kara. ' " (Mat. As you go, preach, saying, " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. ' " Regarding the words of the Kingdom, "the seed of the seed that has not been sown, " Jesus said:" The seed that is sown in the seed of this system of things, but the deceptive power of riches and the deceptive power of riches are unfruitful. " Cynthia kwa gazarere asi nage ngava mu hagekesa. Cynthia feels that she will be the next to be let go. We do not obey his laws because we fear punishment. Nsene yimo, kanderera kwaJehova a ku vatere ntani koneka eyi ga uyungire Manera, mutareli gonombunga asi: "Ose kutara nonkedi donompe ngonkedi zokukarera Jehova, ntani zokulikida ulimburukwi wetu kwendi, ano twa liwapaikira kumulimburukwa mwanayinye. " If so, pray for help and consider what Brother Manera, a traveling overseer, said: "We looked at each new feature of service as another way to serve Jehovah, as another way to prove our loyalty to him, as another test of our integrity, and we were eager to prove ourselves willing to serve him in any way he asked. " Some who were formerly thieves have decided to avoid all alcohol. Vamwe kuvhura va uyunge asi " nontanto edi mbali, kuhwilira moUntungi ntani kugwana eparu, nani kapi da tamba kosininke simwe tupu? ' " But, ' some may say, " are not these two expressions - entering the Kingdom and receiving salvation - referring to the same reward? ' We might think that it is not necessary to think about how we should speak to them. Kuhamena nonkango doUhompa ndi " mbuto ' ezi azi dili kukura, Jesus kwa tente asi: "Mbuto ezi va kunine momega, gogu a zuvhu nonkango, nye sinka seyi youzuni ou neyivayiwo lyemona tali mu dipagere nsine nonkango, makura ta dili nye kureta mbuto. " But there is danger in encouraging them to take up a lifestyle centered on education and financial security instead of true worship. Because of their good growth, we arrived in New York City. Kapi atu limburukwa konoveta dendi morwa woma wokututengeka. It is not a matter of obeying his laws out of fear of punishment. The truth of God is what is right, righteous and upright. " - Deut. Vamwe ava va kere nonkorwe komeho zokuyakara Nombangi, va tokora kunyokera po yikorwesa nayinye. Some who had problems with alcohol before becoming Witnesses have made the personal choice to abstain from alcoholic beverages altogether. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 1.) Kuvhura tu gazare asi kapisi hepero kugazadara ko omu natu uyunga nawo. We might think that we do not need to be careful about how we talk to them. During the time of Jesus ' earthly ministry, God still viewed war as a way to protect his servants and to bring an end to oppression and wickedness. Morwa etekuro lyawo lyewa, kwa ka sikire mositata saNew York ose tuna zere. His spontaneous kindness allowed us to arrive in New York City clean and tidy. " Their zeal and love for the congregation helped me to focus on spiritual things. " Karunga goMunasili age kurugana eyi ya vyuka, ya hungama. ' - DEUT. " I will declare the name of Jehovah..., a God of faithfulness who is never unjust. " - DEUT. Making decisions is like a person who is standing before God's ways. (Resa 2 Vakolinte 6: 1.) (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 1.) How would you feel about this gift? Posiruwo esi ga kere Jesus pevhu, Karunga simpe kwa tere yita ngo nkedi zokupopera vakareli vendi nokugusa po ehepeko ntani udona. In the first century, God still viewed war as a legitimate way to avenge his servants and bring an end to various forms of oppression and wickedness. In some countries, our freedom has been supported by our worship and preaching in public. Byron, gonomvhura 31 ga tunga moSaipan kwa tanta asi: "Upampi wawo wokuzuvhisa neharo eli ava likida kombungakriste kwa vatera nge ni demenene koyininke yopampepo. " Byron, aged 31, who lives in Saipan, says: "By their zeal in the ministry and their love for the sheep, the elders have helped me to focus on spiritual things rather than on the pursuit of riches. " When he was first in the ministry, he asked me, " Can you help me and my Bible students? ' Kutura po matokoro kwa kara ngwendi muntu ogu ana sikama apa da ligaunukira nonzira. Making decisions is like choosing the right road when you come to an intersection. It says: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. All rights reserved. How can you prepare your student to cope with trials? Ngapi omu no lizuvha kuhamena uhwi owo? How would such a special gift make you feel? Be zealous for True Worship Nompanguro doyirongo yimwe nado kwa tu kwatesa ko pokutupa umanguruki wokurugana ukareli wetu nokuzuvhisa moyitarameho. In other countries too, we have been to court to defend our freedom to worship Jehovah and to preach. The fact that the first - century Christians were like "the temporary residents " in Rome, one scholar wrote:" The first - century Christians were being persecuted. Apa twa pwege nage sikando sokuhova mokuzuvhisa, ta pura nge asi: " Kuvhura o vatere nge novarongwa vange woBibeli ndi? ' On his first day in field service, he asked me, " Could you help me with my Bible studies? ' What will we consider in this article? Azo kutanta asi: "Nagumwe si ga diva asi ezuva nosiruwo apa ngasi sika mo, novaengeli si vemeguru noMuna si, ntudi Guhya ntani. We read: "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father. If you do so, you will show your gratitude for that gift. Ngapi omu no wapaikira murongwa goge a lididimikire maudigu? How can you prepare your Bible student to face trials? How did Jesus show that the widow was precious in God's eyes? Kara nomupampi koukareli wousili Be Zealous for True Worship Or is this love between good friends? Pokuyipameka asi Vakriste wokuhova kwa kere ngwendi "vanangeda novanayirongo " posiruwo soVaroma, munahistoli gumwe kwa tjenge asi:" Vakriste wokuhova ngava va hepeke unene nkenye apa... Confirming that early Christians conducted themselves as "aliens and temporary residents " in the Roman world, historian Kenneth Scott Latourette wrote:" It is one of the commonplaces of history that in its first three centuries Christianity met persistent and often severe persecution... These verses will explain why Jehovah will need people during that time. Yisinke natu ka konakona mosirongwa esi? What will we examine in this article? Rahab abandoned her bad behavior, grew up to serve Jehovah faithfully and became one of the Messiah's disciples. Nsene o rugana ngoso, ove ngo likida rupandu roge kouhwi owo. When you do that, you will want to show your gratitude for that wonderful gift. Most of the anointed are good examples for us because they are busy in God's service. Ngapi Jesus ga yi likidire asi mufisayendi ga kere nomulyo kosipara saKarunga? How did Jesus show that the widow was valuable to God? 26 Learn From God's Word - What hope do we have? Ndi eharo eli lya kara pokatji kovakaume wovawa? (Joh. Does this love consist of warm and tender attachment as found between true friends? Jason and Jennifer, William, and William Nobuke odo ngadi ka faturura eyi nga ka hepa ko Jehova kovantu posiruwo oso. Most likely, these scrolls will explain Jehovah's requirements for mankind at that time. 13: 47 - 50. Rahabu kwa zumbire nkareso zondona, nokuyakarera Jehova noulimburukwi ntani nokuyakara zinyakurwaMesiyasa. (Jos. 2: 1 - 6; 6: 22, 23; Mat. Rahab abandoned her sinful profession, worshipped Jehovah faithfully, and became an ancestress of the Messiah. Millions who have died in all things to Jehovah God in all things are proof of God's care for us. Sinzi sovagwavekwa kuna kara sihonena sosiwa kwetu morwa awo kuviyauka unene mosirugana saKarunga. In this connection, most anointed ones have set a wonderful example. Consider also Rebekah, who became Isaac's wife. 26 Lirongera ko kononkango daKarunga - Ehuguvaro musinke twa kara nalyo kovafe? His grandmother took care of the guests who had food, food, and books. Jason naCesar, ntani William Jason, Cesar, and William In Galilee, Jesus ' miracles moved the great crowd to love him with them. 13: 47 - 50. 13: 47 - 50. Since our assignment is in Jehovah's service, we should bear in mind that Jehovah and his Son help us to fulfill the responsibilities that God has given us. (Joba 14: 13 - 15; Rukasa 20: 38) Mamiliyona govantu ava va fa Jehova Karunga kuvadiworoka kuvahamena mwanayinye. Ano ou kuna kara umbangi asi Karunga kupakera mbili nkenye gumwe gwetu. Thus, billions who have died are in Jehovah God's memory in full detail - convincing proof that God cares about us individually! Roman Governor Pontius Pilate had already taken 17 talents to the temple temple. 3: 6) Tu konakoneni hena Rebeka, ogu ga ya kere mukadaIsaka. Instead, "Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. " What are the benefits of having Jehovah's gift of free will? Pombasikora zendi kwa simbilire po murongero gononguwo noyidwara nonondya ntani nonobuke. On his heavy - laden bicycle, he carried blankets, clothing, food, and a large number of books. He also said: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " MoKaperenaumu, yitetu yaJesus yokuverura kwa tumangedere emukurumbunga li hare asi a kare kumwe nawo. In Capernaum, the crowds were so moved by Jesus ' miracles of healing that they wanted to keep him there with them. They cause us to see the good that comes from creation and to see the glory of God. Mokumona asi sirugana esi atu rugana kuna kara saJehova, twa hepa kudiworoka asi Jehova naMunwendi kutuvatera nokutunkondopeka tu sikise mo yitumbukira eyi ga tu pa Karunga. (Mat. 28: 20; Fil. Since the work we do is Jehovah's work, we should keep in mind that both Jehovah and his Son back us up and strengthen us to discharge fully our God - given responsibilities. My mother and I were expelled from our friends. Mupitisili goVaroma gedina Florus kwa veke noranda 17 domontembeli. A Roman official named Florus had stolen 17 talents from the temple treasury. How can it help you to have confidence that the Bible is now reliable? (Varoma 6: 23; Ehororo 5: 9, 10) Mauwa musinke hena ga hamena mo mouhwi waJehova? What other blessings are included in Jehovah's gift? How did Jesus strengthen them? Age kwa uyungire hena asi: "Siruwo ngasi wiza, apa ngava zuvha ezwi lyendi [Munwamuntu] navenye ava va kara monontoko, makura tava pwaga mo: ava va rugana yoyiwa, va vhumbukire mwenyo gwanarunye, ano ava va rugana yoyidona, va vhumbukire mpanguro. " (Joh. Jesus also said: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [the Son of man's] voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment. " As a new servant, she felt that she was not ready to make return visits or that she did not know the way I spoke to the householder. Ago kutuninkisa tu mone uwa wosininke nokuhafera usintwe ntani nokumona ekaropo nouyerere waKarunga. (Epis. Through it, we perceive beauty, appreciate the wonders of creation, and receive evidence of God's existence and glory. When we need it, it is easier to feel that way. Name nonane namumbyange Grigory nose kwa tu tjidire mo. Together with my mother and my younger brother, Grigory, I was banished from West Ukraine. Matthew 6: 14 Ngapi epopero lyazo nali ku vatera o kare nehuguvaro asi Bibeli ezi tuna kara nazo ngesi kwa vyuka? How can their survival build your confidence in the authenticity of the modern Bible available to you? But God did not forgive them and his wife. Ngapi omu Jesus ga va nkondopekere? How did Jesus strengthen them? 5: 4 - 6. Ngomupioniri gomupe, age kwa lizuvhire asi kapi ana wapere kutulisa po matengwiropo ndi kapi ga diva nkedi ezi na uyunga mokukoka eharo lyamwenya embo. As a new pioneer, she felt unqualified to make return visits; she felt that she did not know how to capture the householder's interest. Jehovah promised repentant Israelites that he would forgive their sins, even though they were "like the blood of the blood. " Apa atu hepa, yimo ya kara ngorooro kulizuvha ngoso. When we suffer, it's only normal to wonder why. (Read Ephesians 3: 5 - 8.) Mateusa 6: 14 Matthew 6: 14 SONGS: 42, 84 Nye Karunga kapi ga va gusilire po namukadendi Safira. But God did not forgive either him or his wife, Sapphira. By doing so, we will show a contrast between true Christians and the churches of Christendom. 5: 4 - 6. 5: 6. More than eight million of Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the good news of the Kingdom worldwide in 240 lands. Jehova kwa tumbwidilire Vaisraeli wokulitezurura asi nga va dongwenena po nonzo dawo, nampili di gehe ngwendi "honde " ngadi zera ngwendi" yiterengenze. " Using a powerful comparison, Jehovah promised repentant Israelites the complete removal of the stain of their sins, making what was "scarlet " as white as" snow. " We know "the magnificent things of God " and" the earth " that we have heard about him. (Resa Vaefeso 3: 5 - 8.) (Read Ephesians 3: 5 - 8.) This shows that Jesus is the rightful Sovereign of the universe, his love for us. MARUSUMO: 42, 84 SONGS TO BE USED: 42, 84 To answer, we need to do research in the Bible, to find out who will attack God's people. Pokuyirugana ngoso, ose ngatu likida malisigo pokatji koVakriste wousili ntani nonongereka edi adi litumbura asi Vakriste. By doing so, we contribute to the difference between true Christians and those in the churches of Christendom. These "gifts in men " proved to be Jehovah's angels. Nombangi daJehova dokupitakana mamiliyona ntantatu kuna kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa mouzuni mudima moyirongo yokusika 240. Jehovah's Witnesses, numbering more than eight million, have been preaching and bearing witness to the good news of God's Kingdom throughout the earth in some 240 lands. What an article that strengthened Elijah, who endured many years of opposition under the rule of King's rule! 3: 19) Ose kwa diva "nohuro tupu dononkondo " daKarunga ntani " ewowoto lyelike twa zuvha ' kumuhamena. We know only "the fringes of [God's] ways, " and" only a faint whisper has been heard of him. " When differences arise, true friends will stick to one another in a way that pleases Jehovah. Eyi ayi likida asi Jesus ga wapera kukara Mupangeli, kuna kara eharo lyendi lyokutufira. Perhaps the greatest proof of Jesus ' suitability as Ruler was his willingness to die for us. The second is: As stewards, we all must obey only one another. Mokugwana elimbururo, twa hepa kurugana epaparo moBibeli tu gwane ogu nga homona vantu vaKarunga. To answer that question, we need to search the Bible to find out who attacks God's people. But pray for help. (Genesis 18: 1 - 8) "Vagara " owo kwa kere vaengeli vaJehova. Those "men " turned out to be Jehovah's angels! What should we do if we forget what we are doing? (Numeri 14: 18) Ayo kwa kere sili sirongwa esi sa nkondopekere Eliya, ogu ga lididimikilire nomvhura dononzi mepangero lyahompa gomudona! What a powerful lesson that was for Elijah, who had endured for decades under the rule of that wicked king! (Read Luke 10: 29 - 37.) Nsene madiro kulizuvha gana kara po, vakaume wousili ngava litekura vene monkedi ezi azi hafesa Jehova. If misunderstandings arise, true friends will treat each other in a way that pleases Jehovah. When he was released from prison, he was 30 years old. - Genesis 37: 2; 39: 41; 41: 46. Sauvali kuna kara asi: Ngomarenga, natuvenye twa hepa kulimburukwa konompango dimwe tupu. A second principle is: As stewards, we all adhere to the same basic standards. After the Israelites received beautiful food and wine, "they will have plenty of food and wine, and they will be satisfied. " Nye kukanderera kumuvatera. But he has found help in prayer. Why does Jehovah's zeal give us hope? Yisinke twa hepa kurugana nsene udigu kudivara eyi vana tu zonene? What should we do if it is too difficult for us to overlook an offense committed against us? When God asked him, Adam was inspired to blame his wife: "This woman gave me fruit, that I may eat and eat from it. " (Resa Rukasa 10: 29 - 37.) (Read Luke 10: 29 - 37.) Like you, they too lived in a most important time. Apa va mu pwagesere mo modorongo age nomvhura dendi 30. - Genesis 37: 2; 39: 6; 41: 46. He was 30 when he was released from prison. - Genesis 37: 2; 39: 6; 41: 46. However, you can avoid making decisions that could lead to problems and problems. Konyima zapa Vaisraeli va gwene mambo gomawa ga zura ugawo nonondya dononzi novhinyu "ngava li nkenye eyi vana hara, tava nete. " After the people of Israel occupied comfortable houses and had an abundance of food and wine, "they began to eat and to be satisfied and to grow fat. " Here is the Spanish language spoken by publishers of the country's population. Morwasinke upampi waJehova au tu pere ehuguvaro? Of what does "the very zeal of Jehovah " assure us? Because my mother was a anointed Christian, it was my first time to cooperate with one of the Christian elders. Apa Karunga ga mu pulire, Adamu kwa pere mukadendi usima asi: "Mukadi ogu wa pa nge, yige ana pe nge siyimwa asi ni lye, name yiyo na li. " When brought to account by God, Adam blamed his wife, saying: "The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, so I ate. " Soon, faithful humans will reflect the glory of Jehovah forever and praise him forever! 7: 21, 22) Ngwendi nyove, nawo kwa parukire mosiruwo somulyo. Each had to choose what he would do with his life. When Jehovah forgives us, he forgets our sins, saying that he will never abandon us in the future. When Jerusalem Destroyed? Thus, Christ's heavenly armies will be included in his anointed brothers, who receive the heavenly reward. Nye mokurugana ngoso, ove kuvhura kunyokera po kutura po matokoro gopangenderera aga ngaga kutwaredesa komaudigu nokoyinka. But by doing so, you may avoid making hasty decisions that lead to unnecessary anxiety. Good Religion Strengthens God's Word Rusipanye yilyo eraka ava uyunga moHonduras. Spanish is the official language of Honduras. We have good reason to be misled by such lies. Morwa onane kwa kere Mukriste gomugwavekwa, aso kwa kere sikando sange sokuhova kurugana kumwe nomugwavekwa goMukriste. Since Mother was an anointed Christian, the first " skirt of a Jew ' I held on to, as it were, was that of my mother. When we have a positive attitude toward others, we encourage them. - Luke 6: 38. 86: 12) Ntaantani tupu vantu wovalimburukwi ngava likide nawa - nawa uyerere waJehova nokumuhamberera narunye - narunye! How we long for the day when we will reflect the glory of Jehovah perfectly and can praise him forever! What happened next? Apa a tu dongwenene po, age kudivara mausima getu nagenye, kutanta asi kapi nga tu futisa hena komeho. And when he forgives, he forgets - that is, he will not rehash our sins in order to accuse or punish us ever again. How did the disciples respond to their friendship with Jesus? 2: 26, 27) Yipo nye, vakwayita vaKristusa vemeguru ngamu hamena vamumbya vendi wovagwavekwa, ava va gwana mfeto zokukaparukira meguru. So Christ's heavenly armies will also include his anointed brothers, who by then will have received their heavenly reward. When there are several facts that we know, Genesis states: "The garden of Genesis refers to a literal garden. But what could make us happier than knowing that we have the approval of the Sovereign of the universe? But the man's reaction when he heard Jesus speak about the Kingdom, he realized what he had done and did. Ukarelikarunga wouwa kukorangeda mokufumadeka Nonkango daKarunga They enjoyed learning the truth so that they could teach us the truth about Jehovah God and his purpose for the earth to become a paradise. Twa kara nokonda zongwa zokulikunga koyimpempa yangoso. We have good reason to beware of such religious deceptions. 1: 5 - 7. Nsene tu kara nonkareso zokukorangeda wopeke, nawo ngava tu korangeda. - Ruk. 6: 38. We will very likely find that if we make it a habit to be encouraging, people will encourage us in return. - Luke 6: 38. Jehovah used Daniel to reveal that the head of the wild beast represented Babylon. Yisinke ya kweme ko? With what result? Perhaps their local tongue and their manner of dress differs from your dress and grooming. Ngapi omu varongwa va tere ukaume wawo naJesus? How Did the Disciples Respond to Jesus ' Friendship? Elders today also need to give similar warnings when necessary. Apa pana kara mausili gongandi aga twa diva: Genesis kwa tumbura sikunino ngevango lyene - lyene. Here, though, are a few facts that we do know: The Genesis account speaks of the garden as a real place. The circuit overseer and I visited the congregation again. (Ruk 19: 1 - 9) Nye mugara gwina gomunanzo apa ga zuvhire Jesus kuna kuzuvhisa kuhamena Uhompa, ga dimbwilire mulyo gweyi ga zuvhire makura ta rugana ko yuma. Yet, when that unrighteous man heard Jesus preach about the Kingdom, he recognized the excelling value of what he was hearing and took immediate action. On one occasion, Paul went to Jerusalem and was arrested. Awo va yi haferere kweyi twa litulire mo mokulironga Rusipanye yipo tu va ronge usili kuhamena Jehova Karunga nositambo sendi sosiwa sokukaninka evhu li kare Paradisa. They appreciated our efforts to learn Spanish so that we could teach them about the true God, Jehovah, and about his precious promise of the restoration of Paradise on earth. A type of alcohol is often caused by violence, violence, persecution, or other dangers, that affect health, health problems, or health. 1: 5 - 7. 1: 5 - 7. " Do your utmost to stand firm against the Devil. " - EPH. Jehova kwa ruganesere Ndaniyera a horore asi mutwe gefano gongorodo kwa fanekesa epangero lyaBabironi. Through Daniel, Jehovah revealed that the gold head of the image symbolized the Babylonian Empire. If you have not yet done that, remember what we have already seen that the Son is the most important thing you can do and appreciate what you can do. Nampo eraka lyawo nonkareso zawo nonondya dawo ntani nondwareso zawo kwa lisiga nezi zoge. Their language, clothing, manners, and food may be very different from yours. How can you make your marriage a success? 2: 1, 14) Vakuronambunga naina nawo va hepa kugava marondoro gokulifana nsene hepero. Present - day elders must give similar warnings when necessary. (Read Romans 5: 21.) Mutareli gonombunga ntani tupu ka ya dingwire hena mbungakriste. Now the circuit overseer had recently visited the congregation again. Those who receive this gift make it possible for them to be spiritual sons of God. (Yirug. 1: 4; 2: 46; 5: 20) Sikando simwe Paurusa kwa zire koJerusarema ano konyima tava ka mu kwata. On occasion, Paul traveled to Jerusalem, and he was eventually taken into custody there. That is what she does in her mid - 20 ' s. Eruganeso momudona yikorwesa narunye kuretesa po nyanya ndi ehepeko lyoparutu ntani kupitira hena mononkango ndi madipago ndi yiponga yetuwa ndi yokoyirugana, ntani hena kukundama momunene ukanguki womuntu. * Alcohol misuse is frequently a factor in verbal and physical abuse, in assaults and murder, in car accidents and work - related injuries, as well as in a host of health problems. (Read 2 Chronicles 26: 3 - 5, 16 - 21.) " Kondjesa makoto goumbudi goMuzonaguli. ' - EFE. " Stand firm against the machinations of the Devil. " - EPH. (b) What counsel does the Bible give, and why should we obey him? Nsene simpe kapi wa yi rugana oyo, diworoka kweyi tuna zogere nare asi kudimburura Muna aso kuna kara sininke somulyo koge ntani sokulikida rupandu esi no vhura kurugana. If you have not, can you see from the above that recognizing the Son is the reasonable and appreciative thing for you to do? Do Not Let Your Love Grow Grow Up! Omu no ninka nonkwara doge di karerere? How can you make a marriage last? However, many feel that sometimes stealing is unfair or unfair. (Resa Varoma 5: 21.) (Read Romans 5: 21.) Because of that decision, many people now read the Bible in their own language. Owo ava gwana uhwi owo, pokuvahungamekesa, kuyakara vana vaKarunga wopampepo. Those receiving that gift, being declared righteous, become God's spiritual sons. * This method of death is described in the Gospels that the Romans used to kill people. Eyi yiyo a rugana Ellena gonomvhura dokupitakana 20. This is what Ellena, who is in her early 20 ' s, does. Let us put priorities first. (Resa 2 Histoli 26: 3 - 5, 16 - 21.) (Read 2 Chronicles 26: 3 - 5, 16 - 21.) Some find it difficult to forgive those who have sinned. (b) Mavyukiso musinke azi gava Bibeli ntani morwasinke natu ga limburukwira? (b) What are some of the directives found in God's Word, and why should we obey them? Soon, there will be people on earth who choose Jehovah's sovereignty more than anything else. Wa ha tarerera eharo lyoge li tende, May So Mark's record shows that Mark was faithful and reliable in what Paul wrote about him. (Exodus 20: 15) Nye nampili ngoso, wovanzi kulizuvha asi poyiruwo yimwe kuvaka ndi kudira kuhungika kuwa. Many, however, feel that circumstances sometimes justify stealing or other forms of dishonesty. Patrick interviewed three members of the Bethel family in Mexico City about six branch offices in the United States branch office together in Mexico City. Morwa etokoro olyo, vantu wovanzi ngesi kuvhura kuresa Bibeli ozo momaraka gavene. Because of that decision, many more people can now read the New World Translation in their language. Jehovah's servants are the only ones who fully understand the importance of his sovereignty. * Nkedi ezi va mu dipagere va singonona moMavangeli kwa liza nonkedi ezi ngava ruganesa Varoma mokudipaga vantu. * His manner of death, as described in the Gospels, agrees with Roman executional methods of the time. To make a donation, please visit Tura muhowo yininke yomulyo. Set appropriate priorities. And I wondered, " How can I come about? ' " Vamwe kuvadigopera kugusira po ogu ga va zonena. We should also not overlook the struggle some have to forgive someone who has offended them or has sinned against them. Why should we not judge others? Ntaantani tupu pevhu ngapa kare vantu ava va horowora upangeli waJehova kupitakana nkenye eyi. Soon the earth will be filled with those who prefer Jehovah's sovereignty over any other. 4: 3. 15: 39) Eyi yina kulikida asi Marukusa kwa kere mulimburukwi ntani gokuvhura kuhuguvara kwa yi likida mweyi ga tjenge Paurusa nomvhura dongandi kumuhamena. That he proved faithful and trustworthy is shown by what Paul wrote about him some years later. That is true today because of the time we are living in difficult times. Baltasar Perla kwa puragerere vakwawo vatatu vepata lyoBeteli zaMeksiko kuhamena epakerero lyonomberewa ntazimwe domutayi gwaCentral Amerika kumwe nomberewa zaMeksiko. Baltasar Perla interviewed three fellow members of the Mexico Bethel family regarding the merger of six Central American branch offices with the Mexico branch. " My goal is to learn new ways to explain people in the ministry, " she says, "and I am able to speak about Bible truths. Vakareli vaJehova velike va kwata nawa egano mulyo goupangeli wendi. Appreciation for Jehovah's sovereignty has distinguished true religion from false. Could you be angry and tried to change the situation? Nsene ono hara kugava yigava, tara ko - To make a donation, please visit Still, I still wanted to stay in the assignment they had given me. Ntani ngani lipura asi: " Ngapi omu na wiza po? ' " I would also ask myself, " How did I get here? ' " In 2009, Cheri made big changes in order to serve Jehovah more fully. Morwasinke natu dilira kupangura vakwetu? Why should we avoid judging other people's motives? If you discipline and self - discipline, you will receive good results. 4: 3. 4: 3. How accurate knowledge of Daniel helped Daniel. Oyo kuna kuhoroka naina morwa siruwo esi tuna kuparuka kuna kara somaudigu. That may particularly be true today because the period in which we live is especially stressful. Give examples. (b) What can help us to draw close to Jehovah? Age kwa tanta asi: "Sitambo sange kwa kara sokulironga nonkedi donompe omu nani fatwilira vantu moyirugana yokuzuvhisa nopoyiruwo yapeke, yipo ni vhure kuuyunga nemanguruko kuhamena mausili gomoBibeli. " My desire is to learn and develop fresh lines of reasoning to use in my ministry and at other times, so that I can express myself clearly about Bible truths. He added: "I didn't belong to myself, but I preached about Jehovah and the truth. " Nampo no handuka nokumutangwisa. Nye oyo kuvhura yi rundurure ukaro ndi? Would you improve the situation by arguing about his behavior? In fact, the number of people around the world has grown rapidly. Nye simpe na here kukwaterera kosirugana esi va pere nge. Still, I wanted to obey the direction I had been given. • Why do Christians need to dedicate themselves to Jehovah? Mo - 2009, Cheri yipo ga tulire po marunduruko gomanene pokuhageka kurugana nomuvi yipo a liture mo unene kukarera Jehova. In 2009, Cheri's whole situation in life changed. She decided to withdraw from the movie industry in order to serve Jehovah fully. Above all, we honor Jehovah when we offer him something good. - Prov. Ano nsene o pisura neharo nelipangero, ngo gwana yitundwamo yoyiwa. On the other hand, when you discipline with love and self - control, you are likely to get better results. God's undeserved kindness is still "to speak to the world, " by means of Christ. - 2 Cor. Omu ediwo lyosili lya vaterere Ndaniyera. How accurate knowledge of God benefited Daniel. (b) Why might some feel regret, and how can we avoid them? Gava yihonena. (b) Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu hedere Jehova pepi? Give examples. (b) What will help us to draw closer to Jehovah? Jehovah will cause Gog to attack "people of the nations, " who are gathered out of behalf of his people. Ntani ga tente hena asi: "Kapi na hamenenene mo mosirugana oso sokukara murandesi gonobuke, nye ngani udisa kuhamena Jehova nousili wendi. " Yet, he said, "I did not enter the colporteur work to be a book salesman, but rather, to be a witness for Jehovah and his truth. " Jehovah told Asa: "You must do what is right, and you will always be in wars. " Sivaro sovantu mouzuni kwa ligwederera unene. The world's population has increased drastically. Catholic believed that the Roman governor does not teach all the truth. • Morwasinke Vakriste va hepera kuligava vene kwaJehova? • Why do Christians need to be dedicated to Jehovah? Following Jesus ' words, being born again is a requirement for a person to " enter into the kingdom of God. ' - John 3: 5. Nye unene po, ose kufumadeka Jehova apa a tu mu pe nzambo zeyi yoyiwa po. - Yis. Moreover, when we give our valuable things to Jehovah, we honor him. - Prov. Listening to the older ones, the older ones have spoken of him. " (2 Kol. 6: 1) Sitambo sonkenda zaKarunga kuna kara " sokukwatakanesa uzuni namwene, ' kupitira mwaKristusa. - 2 Kol. The purpose of God's undeserved kindness is to " reconcile a world to himself ' by means of Christ. - 2 Cor. The Bible helps us to identify different factors that cause suffering. (b) Morwasinke vamwe ava ya liverere moukondi ntani ngapi natu yi nyokera po oyo? (b) What sad situation may arise in adulthood, and how can this be avoided? If a Christian talks a charge or claims that a fellow worshipper of Jehovah, would it not be better for Phinehas to imitate Phinehas? 38: 2 - 4) Jehova nga ninkisa Gogo a homokere vantu ava "va pongaika va tunde konomuhoko, " vantu vendi. (Hes. That attack will be the signal for the execution of Jehovah's judgments against Gog and his hordes. It was a personal decision to make whether to give good or not. Jehova kwa tanterere Asa asi: "Ono rugana ugova, ano kutunda apa ove ngo kara nkenye apa moyita. " The remaining years of Asa's rule were marred by continual warfare. Prayer is especially important when problems arise. Vakatolika kwa pura asi mupapa kapi a lipuka nayinye a rongo usili. Catholicism also claims that the pope is infallible in matters of doctrine when he speaks ex cathedra, or in an official capacity. The apostle Peter asked Jesus: "We have left all things, and what will we be following? " (Johanesa 3: 7) Kukwama nonkango daJesus, kuhampurukurura kuna kara sihepwa komuntu " mokukahwilira moUntungi waKarunga. ' - Johanesa 3: 5. Clearly, according to Jesus, being born again is a requirement - a must - for one to "enter into the kingdom of God. " - John 3: 5. What will help us to understand the feelings of fellow believers who need help to remember that most of us are weak or discouraged because of discouragement or relatives? Pureni vakurupe, va mu sansekere yanare. " (Deut. As " Jehovah's people and the flock of his pasturage, ' all of us joyously declare his praise and tell others of his mighty acts. He has made all the laws so that he created all things. Bibeli kutuvatera tu dimburure yininke yokulisiga - siga eyi ayi retesa po ruhepo. Though the causes are varied and complex, we can be thankful that the Bible can help us to identify them. Later, an elder encouraged them to become a special pioneer. Nsene Mukriste a zuvha erundiro ndi erapoto lyedona kuhamena mukareli mukwawo gwaJehova, ngano nayi wapa kuhonena Pinehasa! If a Christian hears an accusation or a negative report about a fellow servant of Jehovah, how wise it would be to imitate Phinehas! Today, parents want to help their children make wise decisions. Alyo kwa kere etokoro lyomuntu mwene mokugava yoyiwa po ndi hawe. The quality of the offering was left up to the individual. Although this article discusses the relationship between their sons and sons, its principles are still involved with their children. Ekanderero lyokutundilira komutjima nalyo mulyo unene po nsene kuna kuligwanekera nomaudigu. Also important is regular heartfelt prayer, especially when we face trials or other challenging situations. The Court's Court's Court carefully examined the matter of Jehovah's Witnesses as well as had been condemned by the European Court of Human Rights Mupositoli Peturusa kwa pulire Jesus asi: "Ose amesi nayinye twa siga, yiyo atu ku kwama. Yinke eyi ngatu ka gwanena po? " The apostle Peter once asked Jesus: "We have left all things and followed you; what, then, will there be for us? " It was not merely a word for nothing. Yisinke ngayi tu vatera tu kwate egano malizuvho govanavazinyetu ava vana hepa evatero? Pokudiworoka asi sinzi sawo kupira nonkondo morwa uvera ndi edompo mutjima ndi nampo kwa tunga novanekoro wovahapuli. We will likely be more empathetic if we remember that some of our dear brothers and sisters have been weakened by adverse circumstances - suffering from poor health, living in a divided household, or coping with depression. He says: "By the conduct of the people of the Bible is wonderful. " Age kwa tura po noveta yipo nayinye eyi ga sita yi gende monaruwa. (Epis. He made both natural laws and moral laws to ensure that everything functions harmoniously. Whether we are young or old, our eyes are not based on movies, violence, and pornography. Konyima zosiruwo, mukuronambunga ogu va korangedere ga ya kere muzuvhisi gokulikarera. A short while later, the third elder was appointed a special pioneer. There are other schools that train elders, single pioneers, and traveling overseers, as well as traveling overseers, traveling overseers, and traveling overseers. Naina, vakurona nawo kwa hara kuvatera vana vawo va ture po matokoro gomawa. Blossom Brandt thus described events surrounding her decision to get baptized. How does the book of Revelation show that Christ sees what happens to each congregation? Nampili ngomu sirongwa esi kuna kuzogera kelikwatakano lyovaguhya novana vawo wovagara, nompango damo simpe kurugana kelikwatakano lyovaguhya novana vawo wovakadi. While this article focuses on the unique bond between fathers and sons, the principles discussed also apply to the relationship between fathers and daughters. Kindness is a quality that motivates a person to do good for the other person to change his life. Mpanguro zaEuropa zoUntu woMuntu kwa konakonene masivano 39 omu mwa hamena Nombangi daJehova, ntani azo kwa pangwire nawa kuliza nomasivano 37. So far, the ECHR has considered a total of 39 cases involving Jehovah's Witnesses, and it has ruled in our favor in 37 of them. The first - century Christians in Syrian Antioch faced a situation that testd their humility and a willingness to forgive others. 15: 1) Ado kapi tupu da kere nonkango domawoko - woko. Those were not empty words. Although our brothers in the congregation may be trying to control their tongue, they may even hurt our feelings without thinking. Age kwa tanta asi: "Mokumona nkareso zovantu kononkango domoBibeli ayo kuhafesa sili. " " Seeing people's reaction to expressions from the Bible is exhilarating, " she says. In this time, we were given a commission to warn people of how to live. Tu kare asi ose tu vanona ndi vakondi, meho getu kapisi ga hare maudano gomovidiyo aga aga likida nyanya ntani nomafano govantu vana kulidipaga. Whether we are young or old, our eyes should find no pleasure in video games that feature violence and depict killing with gory realism. What we learned from the Bible began to change our lives. Pwa kara hena nosikora doBibeli edi adi deura vakuronambunga novazuvhisi wokukarerera novagara wovadike novalikwali nava va hamena moKomitiye zomutayi novakadi vawo novatareli wokudingura novakadi vawo ntani novatumwa. In addition to the Theocratic Ministry School, other Bible schools have been established to train congregation elders, pioneers, single brothers, Christian couples, Branch Committee members and their wives, traveling overseers and their wives, and missionaries. 24: 3. Ngapi omu azi yi likida buke zEhororo asi Kristusa kunomena eyi ayi horoka mwankenye mbungakriste? How does the book of Revelation show that Christ follows closely what goes on in each congregation? Still, many in the congregations continued to serve Jehovah. Nkenda kuna kara sikara esi nasi tumangeda muntu a ruganene mukwawo uwa ou nau rundurura eparu lyendi. Tenderness is a quality that motivates a person to make a difference in the lives of others. Young ones who are spiritually mature do not "go on building up by waves and thither by peering along with others. " Vakriste womoAntiyokiya moSiliya kwa pitire moukaro ou wa va hetekere nsene asi awo va kara nosikara selinunupiko ntani neharo lyokugusira po vakwawo. The first - century Christians in Syrian Antioch faced a situation that tested not only their humility but also their willingness to forgive. If you want to make weighty decisions, find those hoping to be loyal to those whom you want to make decisions. (Jak. 3: 2) Nampili ngomu vanavazinyetu mombungakriste ava litura mo mokupangera eraka lyawo, poyiruwo yimwe kuvhura va korese malizuvho getu pokuuyunga yininke va hana kugazara. Despite their best efforts, even family members and our dear spiritual brothers and sisters may at times blurt out things that hurt our feelings. They viewed "the fish and the fish " that they would enjoy in Egypt far more than the freedom that Jehovah gave him. 13: 32) Mosiruwo esi, ose kwa tu pa sirugana sokurondora vantu nokuvatantera omu nava vhura kuyaparuka. At this time, we have the God - given work of warning people and telling them how they can be saved. Such scriptures can reach his heart. - Read Hebrews 4: 12. 24: 14) Eyi twa lirongere moBibeli kwa tamekere kurundurura eparu lyetu. Soon, Bible truth began to transform our lives. However, you might believe that there is a spiritual nature. 24: 3. 24: 3. WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE? Nye simpe sirugana sa twikilire, wovanzi womonomukunda odo kuna kukarera Jehova. Still, the work progressed, and many in those areas are now worshippers of Jehovah. In Jesus ' time, some customers were taken to pay attention to plenty of good figs. Vadinkantu ava va kura pampepo kapi " aga va yeragura mankumpi ' ngwendi madowo ndi makondjeso gokutunda kovakwawo. (Efe. Young ones who are reasonably mature spiritually are not "tossed about as by waves and carried here and there " by their desires or by pressure from their peers. Of course, Christian parents want to protect their children. Nsene asi ono hara kutulisa po matokoro gomanene, gwana magano kowo wa huguvara. If you must make important decisions soon after your divorce, get objective help from someone you trust. Some may preach in public homes, but they do not preach the good news of the Kingdom. Awo kwa tere " nomfi norupotera nakatjama nehidi ndi nonyanga nonohaki ' yininke eyi ngava hafere moEgipite asi mulyo unene kupitakana umanguruki ou gava pere Jehova wokumukarera. Just imagine, they put " fish, cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, and garlic ' above their God - given freedom to worship the true God, Jehovah. 5: 2, 6. (1 Peturusa 5: 8) Matjangwa gangoso, kuvhura ngaga gume mutjima gwendi. - Resa Vahebeli 4: 12. Such scriptures can be very powerful and can deeply affect a brother's heart. - Read Hebrews 4: 12. A person may not obey God's standards at the same time, but this does not mean that he will never face the consequences of his actions. Nye, ove kuvhura o yi pure asi yipo ya kara yisitwa yopampepo. Yet, you may be sure that spirits exist. But Jehovah strengthened Jesus, strengthened me. YISINKE HENA NATU LIRONGERA MO MOBIBELI? WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE? " We do not remember the works of your faith. " - 1 THESS. Mosiruwo saJesus, varandi vamwe ngava zi ure mokukapapara nombamba donongwa nokukadiranda. In Jesus ' day, some merchants would travel as far as the Indian Ocean to obtain the finest pearls. Professor D. Yosili, vakurona woVakriste vana hara kupopera vana vawo. Understandably, Christian parents want to protect their children. Hezekiah reminded the people that Jehovah was fighting. Vamwe kuvhura va zuvhisire momambo, nye kapi ava zuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa. Still others may preach from house to house, but they do not preach the good news of the Kingdom. Pray for forgiveness, and try to make peace. 5: 2, 6. 5: 2, 6. She looked at the streets of the town's territory and saw how the snow was on their way. Muntu kuvhura a dire kulimburukwa nompango daKarunga nokudira kugwana yitundwamo yoyidona posiruwo sooso, nye eyi kapi yina kutanta asi kapi nga ligwanekera noyitundwamo yoyirugana yendi. Yet, that one of God's people can ignore his direction with no immediate negative consequence does not mean that there will be no sad outcome eventually. Jesus ' rule will fulfill the promise of "new heavens and a new earth, " which is" a righteous man. " Nye Jehova ga nkondopekere Jesus, name kunkondopeka nge. But Jehovah gave Jesus strength, and he strengthens me. At our meetings, we receive direction in which we use these tools in a kind way. " Ose kapi atu tuda kudiworoka yirugana yepuro lyeni. ' - 1 TES. " We continually remember your faithful work, your loving labor. " - 1 THESS. This type of experiences involved teaching methods, teaching methods, and counsel. Profesora F. Professor F. Jesus and these anointed ones are involved in God's Kingdom, and God will use that Kingdom to destroy Satan. Hisikiya kwa diworokesere vantu asi Jehova tava rwire mo. What a faith - strengthening reminder - Jehovah would fight for his people! WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Hundira egusiropo kogu ono zonene, ntani hetekera ko kutulisa po mbili. You can apologize to the person you wronged, perhaps restoring good relations. What did he do? Ta tara mombumbura zodoropa zaKaperenaumu nonomukunda dopopepi nokumona noramba domaholi omu dina kutema. As he views the darkening landscape, he perhaps sees the flickering of oil lamps down in Capernaum and other nearby villages. In 70 C.E., Roman soldiers destroyed Jerusalem and its temple. (Jes. 32: 1) Epangero lyaJesus ngali sikisa mo etumbwidiro " lyeguru lyepe nevhu lyepe, ' omu "ngamu kara uhungami. " (2 Pet. Jesus ' reign will usher in the promised "new heavens " and" new earth, " wherein "righteousness is to dwell. " Although he was supported by other scholars, they had to fight the truth. Komapongo getu, ose kugwana mavyukiso omu natu ruganesa yiruganeso oyo monkedi zongwa. At our meetings, we receive guidance on how to use these tools in the best way. full - time service? Ruha oro kwa hamenene mo yilimonena nonondongeseso dokuzuvhisa ntani nomapukururo gomawa. These featured lively exchanges of experiences, suggested preaching techniques, and practical advice. Obey the Bible's advice (Gar. 3: 26 - 29) Jesus novagwavekwa owo yiwo va hamena mo moUhompa waKarunga, ano Karunga nga ruganesa Uhompa owo u zonagure po Satana. - Ruk. The secondary part of the seed is made up of the spirit - anointed members of the Christian congregation. We try to understand what people need and then choose our words carefully. MAUWA MUSINKE GA KARA MO MOKUGWANA MALIMBURURO? WHAT IS THE REWARD? Moreover, men and women should "be zealous in the work of the Lord. " - 1 Cor. (2 Samwere 12: 7 - 14) Yisinke ga rugene? So, what did he do? Anthony: We do not need to know the name Moses. Momvhura 70 konyima zokuwiza Jesus pevhu, vakwayita woVaroma yipo va zonagwire Jerusarema nontembeli. Instead, in 70 C.E., Roman armies came and destroyed Jerusalem and its temple. He also said that if the word on the Internet has power, God's word exerts power. Nampili ngomu va mu kwatesere ko valirongi vapeke, nye awo kurwanesa usili. His assessment may win nods of agreement from various "experts, " but it runs directly counter to the facts. After providing the earth to build three people, Jehovah declared about God: God created humans in God's image, allowing the earth to fill the earth with them, allowing them to increase their knowledge of good and bad. gosirugana sosiruwo nasinye soUhompa? the vow that you have taken if you are in special full - time service? For example, only soon we received counsel from bad associations. Limburukwa komapukururo goBibeli Benefits of Obeying Bible Counsel But during that year, World War I broke out the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. (Vakorosi 4: 6) Ose kuhetekera ko kukwata egano eyi va hepa vantu neyi va hara makura tatu horowora nawa nonkango. We try to understand what people need and what interests them, and then we choose our words carefully. To benefit from personal study of the Bible, we must do all we can to keep the message of the Bible's message in our hearts and in our hearts. Ntani hena, vagara novakadi navenye va hepa kukara "nkenye apa nomupampi moyirugana yaHompa. " - 1 Kol. In addition to this, whether we are brothers or sisters, we certainly have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " - 1 Cor. In this article, we will consider what we can do to avoid these suggestions. Anthony: Gazadara ko si: Kapi twa hepa kudiva edina lyaMosesa. Anthony: Think of it this way: We didn't need to know Moses ' personal name. How? Age kwa tente hena asi nsene nonkango doumpure kwa kara nononkondo, nonkango daKarunga kwa kara nononkondo kupitakana. He noted that in the third century, Church Father Origen suggested that "the very sound of sacred words in the ear is somehow beneficial: if words have power in pagan magic, how much more powerful must be the truly divine words of scripture. " We should not allow this world to distract us from our work. Konyima zokuwapaika evhu yipo vantu va tunge po, Jehova kwa divisire yininke yitatu kuhamena vantu: Karunga kwa ungire vantu va mu fane, vantu va hepere kunenepeka Paradisa nokuzwida evhu kumwe noruvharo rwawo, ntani kwa silikire vantu asi va ha lya kositji zokugava ediwo lyeyi yoyiwa neyi yoyidona. After preparing our beautiful planet for human habitation, Jehovah issued three decrees regarding humans: Our God would create mankind in his image, humans were to expand Paradise globally and fill the earth with righteous offspring, and humans were prohibited from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. As we do so, we will be deeply supporting the psalmist who sang: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me. " - Ps. Pasihonena, ntaantani tupu ka tu gwene mapukururo gokunyokera po ukaume woudona kupitira koInterneta. For instance, we receive fatherly counsel to avoid bad associations through the misuse of social networking. Because "there was no one in Israel. " - Deut. Nye momvhura zoozo, Yita yoPomuhowo yoUzuni yipo ya horokere eyi ya sikisire mo uporofete woBibeli. With the outbreak of World War I later that year, however, Bible prophecy came true. We must show our loyal love for our neighbor in the way we treat others. Mokuninka asi tu gwanene mo uwa melirongo lyoBibeli lyanyamwetu, twa hepa kulirugana monkedi omu mbudi zomoBibeli nazi hwilira monomutjima detu nokutukundama. For personal Bible study to have a powerful impact on us, it should be done in such a way that the Bible's message reaches deep inside us, affecting our inner person. The Bible counsels husbands: "You husbands, continue loving your wives, and do not become angry with them. " Mosirongwa esi, tatu ka konakona eyi natu rugana mokunyokera po magano ogo. In this article, we will examine what we can do to prevent such thinking from corrupting our mind. A young person who is determined to please Jehovah, exerts himself in the ministry. Monkedi musinke? How so? Sing to God and be happy. " - Col. Kapi natu pulisira uzuni ou u tu donganese kosirugana setu. We do not let this world distract us from our work. How long I had a strong desire to live! 5: 1, 2) Ngomu tuna kuyirugana oyo, ose ngatu kwatesa ko unene muepisarome ogu ga dimbire asi: "Yoyiwa po kwange ame, yokukara pepi naKarunga! " - Epis. As we do so, we will undoubtedly come to agree more and more with the psalmist who sang: "As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. " - Ps. (Read Genesis 22: 15 - 18.) " High Places, " 8 / 1 Those having a witness witness show that they are on the road to life, in effect, to reveal the truthfulness of their words. " - Isa. Morwa kwato " eyi va wekere ' moIsraeli. - Deut. Because they had "no share or inheritance " in Israel. - Deut. They worshipped various idols and thought that the dead would live in a foreign land. Twa hepa kulikida eharo lyanarunye monkedi omu atu tekura vakareli vakwetu. Loyal love should be evident in all our dealings with fellow worshippers of Jehovah. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Bibeli kupukurura vagara asi: "One vagara, omu hare vakadi veni, nokuvapakera si nyanya. " Husbands are told: "Keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them. " It is vital for Christians to be courageous. Mudinkantu ogu ga tokomena kuhafesa Jehova, kulitura mo unene mokuzuvhisa. A young person who focuses his life on the desire to please Jehovah gives special attention to the ministry. How does Paul's examples apply to us? Dimbireni Karunga nonomutjima dompandu. " - Koros. He wrote: "Keep on teaching and encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude, singing in your hearts to Jehovah. " - Col. Then he added: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, mildness, mildness, and long - suffering.... (Ehororo 21: 4) Omu tupu na kere neharo lyononkondo mokukakara gwandjewa - ndjewa! How I longed to regain my physical health! " We will not be able to observe the false teachings and teachings of those who are taking the lead among us. " - 4: 14. (Resa Genesis 22: 15 - 18.) (Read Genesis 22: 15 - 18.) Perhaps Satan wanted to destroy the family in Jerusalem because he needed Jesus from that family. Owo vakarunga va rete undipo wawo wokulikida asi awo monzira va kara, u horore usili wononkango dawo. " - Jes. Let them present their witnesses to prove themselves right, or let them hear and say, " It is the truth! ' " - Isa. Sophia: We need to act. Awo ngava karere yikarunga yokulisiga - siga nokulihameka mourodi nomafweno ntani kwa tjilire vafe nokupura asi vafe kukaparuka hena kosirongo sapeke. They worshipped a dizzying array of gods, practiced occult and magical arts, and held a morbid fascination with death and the afterlife. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO HENA ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Some in Paul's day are "strongly entrenched in their minds, having the peace of the flesh and of the desire of every sort of uncleanness. " - Eph. Ayo mulyo koVakriste va kare nouradi. Courage is essential for Christians. In 1537 B.C.E., the time was a good time for those in Babylon to return to their homeland. Ngapi omu yihonena eyi ga tumbura Paurusa ya kara nomulyo kwetu? How are the examples Paul cited relevant to us? We cooperate with God when we preach to others and help them to be his friends so that they can live forever. Makura ta ya gwederere ko asi: "Kareni nonkenda nombili nomalinunupiko nekuruko nezaverero.... He added: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long - suffering.... 26: 69 - 75. " Kapi ngatu kara ava aga yeragura marongo govantu woyimpempa, ava ava twara moudona, va tu pukisise. ' - 4: 14. " We should no longer be... carried hither and thither... by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error. " - 4: 14. (See opening picture.) Nampo Satana kwa here kuzonagura po epata lyovahompa moJerusarema morwa Jesus ga hepere kutundilira mepata olyo. Satan may have had the goal of obliterating the royal line that would eventually lead to Jesus. (a) Where can we find examples of self - control? Sofia: Twa hepa kurugana ko yuma. Sophia: I suppose with some sort of a test. What if you feel that way? Magano gaso kuliza noBibeli. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. It is vital that we obey the command to listen to the Messiah. - Read Acts 3: 22, 23. Vamwe womomazuva gaPaurusa " nondunge dawo kwa govakanene, yiyo va lizumbililire moruhonda nemedowo lyokurugana nayinye eyi ya nyata. ' - Efe. Some in Paul's day who were "in darkness mentally " came to be" past all moral sense [and] gave themselves over to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness. " - Eph. Then she left her job. 6: 2) Mo - 537 K.S.N., kwa kere siruwo sosiwa kwava va ka kere mounkwate moBabironi va tengure kosirongo sawo. (Jes. Now is the day of salvation. " Back in 537 B.C.E., it was the acceptable time for the exiles in Babylon to return to their homeland. Our love for God moves us to tell others about God's Kingdom during Armageddon, Jesus will " ride in the cause of truth. ' Ose varugani kumwe naKarunga apa atu zuvhisire wopeke nokuvavatera va ya kare vakaume vendi yipo ngava ka paruke narunye. We are working together with God when we preach to others and help them to become his friends so that they can live forever. Meditating on these questions will help us to determine whether we have faith. 26: 69 - 75. 26: 69 - 75. " Strive to be peaceable with all men. " (Tara efano.) (See opening picture.) Use the Scriptures daily (a) Kupi natu gwana yihonena yovantu ava va likidire nkareso zelipangero? (a) Where can we look for examples of godly qualities? Instead, he chose to set goals that others viewed as wrong. 1: 6) Ngapi nsene yimo o lizuvhu ngoso? Might this not be a suitable subject for prayer? Making changes in your life can do much to share with people who want to know the truth about God. 9: 28, 29, 35) Ayo ya kara nomulyo asi tu limburukwe kompango zokupurakena kwaMesiyasa. - Resa Yirugana 3: 22, 23. Our obeying the command to listen to the Messiah is a serious matter. - Read Acts 3: 22, 23. Gloria WAS married in California, U.S.A. Makura yipo ga sigire yirugana yendi. So he left his job. As discussed in the preceding article, God's purpose to protect his people is to protect their enemies. 2: 5) Eharo lyetu lyokuhara Karunga kututumangeda tu tantere ko vantu kuhamena Uhompa waKarunga. PoHarumagedoni Hompa goUhompa waKarunga, Jesus, nga " ronda rukara royita, a ka popere usili! ' (Epis. Our love for God moves us to speak about the Messianic Kingdom of his dear Son, who will "ride in the cause of truth " at Armageddon. But is that really possible? 3: 1; Heb. 3: 14) Pokuteda ko komapuro ogo ngayi tu vatera tu dive nsene asi tuna kara nepuro. Pondering the answers to such questions will help us to keep proving what we ourselves are. Then he took it and read it. " Kondjera kukara nombili nanavenye. ' " Pursue peace with all people. " Such ones may be likened to a sick person who does not know his illness. Ruganesa nkenye apa Matjangwa Make liberal use of the Scriptures Avoid thinking about the bad things that are set before you, "the things that are pursuing, the things that are pursuing, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are right, whatever things are beneficial, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are beneficial, whatever things are. " - Philippians 4: 8. Nye age kwa horowere yitambo eyi va tere wopeke nava vekoro asi ugova. Instead, he chose a course that to others - perhaps even to some relatives - seemed to be sheer folly. For example, Moses performed miracles when he crossed the waters of the sea and found water into the Red Sea and moved to the Red Sea. Pokutura po marunduruko meparu lyoge kuvhura o lihameke mo unene mokutantera ko vantu ava vana hara kudiva usili kuhamena Karunga. Perhaps by making a few changes in your schedule or lifestyle, you can have a greater role in sharing God's precious truth with those who are in need of hope. In other cases, he was teaching an important lesson. - Matthew 9: 9 - 13; John 12: 1 - 8. Apun Mambetsadykova Apun Mambetsadykova Still, there have opportunities for such ones to become Jehovah's friends before the great tribulation begins. Moomu tuna zogere mosirongwa sa ka pita nkedi zimwe omu Karunga a tengwida kuwoko mokupopera vantu vendi kuna kara kurwisa nonkore dawo. As seen in the preceding article, one way God avenged his people in ancient times was by aiding them in waging war against their enemies. The Bible does not forbid entertainment or say that recreation is worthless. Nye yimo ya kara ngoso ndi? However, does it really follow that time by itself will heal a broken heart? " There will be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be plenty of grain. " - Psalm 72: 16. Makura ta zi gusa nokuziresa. He picked it up from the pile and read it. " The holy spirit is upon me, and I am unable to keep my word " Vantu vangoso kuvhura kuvafanekesa komuntu gokuvera ogu ga dira kudiva uvera wendi. Such ones can be likened to a sick man who was unaware of his illness. Yes, Jesus, the king of the earth, is like David. Nyokera po magazaro gomadona pokuzwida nondunge doge neyi "yosili, yekuto, yokuhungama, youkuhuki neyi ava hara vantu neyi ava fumadeke, zi kare nkareso zongwa ndi yeyi ya wapera epando. " - Vafilipi 4: 8. Fight wrong thoughts by filling your mind with "whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well - spoken - of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy. " - Philippians 4: 8. Do You Remember? (Ex. 4: 1 - 9) Pasihonena, Mosesa kwa rugene yitetu apa ga pirwire mema gomomukuro gwaNili noyidiva yago ga kare honde nokugaununa mema pEfuta lyEgeha ntani nokuninka mema momburundu ga tunde memanya. (Ex. For example, Moses performed miracles involving water when at his command the waters of the Nile and its reedy pools became blood, the Red Sea was parted, and water came gushing out of rock in the desert. Hence, Paul emphasizes the prize that those who remain loyal to God. (Johanesa 2: 1 - 11) Poyilika yimwe, age kwa rongere sirongwa somulyo sili. - Mateusa 9: 9 - 13; Johanesa 12: 1 - 8. At other gatherings he taught never - to - be - forgotten lessons. - Matthew 9: 9 - 13; John 12: 1 - 8. Do You See Jehovah as a Person? Simpe pana kara nompito kovantu vangoso va ya kare vakaume vaJehova komeho udigu wounene u ka tameke. There is still a window of opportunity for such ones before the outbreak of the great tribulation. Romans chapter 8 also applies to Christians who have the hope of living forever on earth because God views them as righteous. Bibeli kapi za silika yilihafeso ndi zi tante asi yilihafeso kwato mulyo. The Bible is not anti - fun, nor does it depict recreation and entertainment as a waste of time. But the truth of Bible truth was limited in 1946. " Ewogo lyoyisima ngano tali kara mosirongo; nondundu ngano tadi zura muzangu. " - Episarome 72: 16. " There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow. " - Psalm 72: 16. Regarding a meeting at the Kingdom Hall, a child who is disfellowshipped may sit down with his parents. " Mpepo zokupongoka kuna kutumangeda nge, kapi nani vhura kulipungwira nonkango ' " Spirit Has Brought Pressure Upon Me " It is vital that a child's questions show that he is willing to learn more. Yimo, Jesus hompa gomufundi, ngwendi Ndafita. Yes, like David, Jesus is a conquering king. He said that "who exercises faith in him " will receive everlasting life. To diworoka ndi? Do You Recall? It will be called a child who is born as the Holy Son of God. " Yipo nye, Paurusa kwa nkondopekere mfeto ezi ava gwana ava ava limburukwa ngorooro kwaKarunga. So Paul strengthened the disciples by emphasizing the positive result of a faithful course. Jesus set a perfect example of balance and spiritual things. Ove kutara Jehova ngoMuntu ndi? Is Jehovah real to you? Here are a few examples: Varoma egaununo 8 kwa tamba hena koVakriste ava va kara nehuguvaro lyokuparukira pevhu morwa Karunga kuvatara nawo asi va hungama. However, Romans chapter 8 is also of interest to those who have the earthly hope because God in a sense views them as righteous. But many times, we cry out because of grief. Nye usili womoBibeli kwa ya u kwete tupu nawa - nawa egano momvhura 1946. But it wasn't until 1946 that I really understood Bible truth. Indeed, a husband and wife should show love in all these ways. Kuhamena kuhingira moSinyanga soUhompa, munona ogu va gusa mo mombunga kuvhura kuhingira novakurona vendi. * When it comes to Kingdom Hall seating arrangements, it would seem reasonable that a disfellowshipped minor could also quietly sit with his parents. When I did, I regularly came home because I was very angry. Mulyo unene kudimburura asi mapuro gamunoge kulikida asi ga kara neharo lyokudiva ko yoyinzi. Actually, it is helpful to view your child's sincere questions as an indication that he cares and wants to understand. However, those spiritual children, although they are mentioned in the Bible, they can succeed in making spiritual progress. Mwene ga uyungire asi "nkenye ogu a mu pura " nga ka gwana mwenyo gwanarunye. He himself said that the way to salvation is open to "everyone exercising faith in him. " But the apostle Paul gave us counsel and warns against grieving God's holy spirit. Yiyo nye ngava tumbwira munona ogu ngo hampuruka asi Mupongoki, MunwaKarunga. " For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " We also learned that Jehovah had inspired Bible writers, but he allowed them to write his thoughts in their own words. Jesus ga tulire po sihonena sokukara nehetakano koyininke yopanyama neyi yopampepo. Jesus set the standard in balancing secular interests and spiritual matters. No doubt, he gave them an opportunity to settle disputes before he found it. Pana kara yihonena yimwe: Here are some examples: • In Romans chapter 11, what did represented the olive tree? Nye yiruwo yoyinzi, ose kulira morwa ruguwo. Generally, though, tears reflect the outpouring of an anguished heart. Love for the world and its short, however, does not depend on love for God and for what is from him. (Yis. 5: 15 - 20) Yosili, ngovalikwali, mwa hepa kulilikida eharo mononkedi nadinye odo. Actually, the true and abiding love between marriage mates includes all of them. Those who believe in heaven do not have more information about what they believe. Apa ngani rugana, nkenye apa ngani wiza kembo nina handuka morwa maudigu. Yet, for years, I would come home frustrated because of problems at work. Why should we respect others? Nampili ngoso, vanona owo wopampepo, ngomu azi va tumbura Bibeli, kuvhura yi va tompoke mokutura po ezokomeho. However, genuine progress is possible for such spiritual babes, as the Bible refers to them. If we do so, we will have faith and wisdom that will protect us from Satan's wicked world and its influence. 6: 8; Efe. 4: 17 - 24) Nye mupositoli Paurusa kwa tu pa epukururo ntani nokuturondora mokudira kuguvisa mpepo zokupongoka zaKarunga. But the apostle Paul gives us counsel and warns us not to grieve God's holy spirit. That world was in Noah's day, and God's command was broken by the Flood. Tuna lirongo hena asi Jehova yige ga gendesere vatjangi woBibeli, nye ga va pulisilire va tjange magano gendi mononkango davene. We have also learned that Jehovah inspired the Bible writers, but he allowed them to write his thoughts in their own words. For more information, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1996, pages 28 - 29. Yosili, age kwa va pere mpito va kohonone po nomutangu komeho a ka va gwane. Indeed, he had given them an opportunity to put things straight before being with them in person. From then on, those with the hope of everlasting life on earth have joined the anointed. • MoVaroma egaununo 11, yisinke ya fanekesere sitji somuzwe? • What was illustrated by the olive tree in Romans chapter 11? (b) What will Jehovah's people say about "the sign of the Son of man "? Eharo lyokuhara uzuni noyininke yamo yopokaruwogona, kapi ayi lizi neharo lyokuhara Karunga ntani neyi ayi tundu kwendi. Loving the world and its transitory things and ways is not compatible with loving God and what originates with him. So I went to visit the Bible. Owo va pura megano lyokukaparukira meguru kapi va kara nomauzera gomanzi kuhamena eyi va pura. Those who believe in an afterlife in heaven commonly base their faith on scant information. As parents grow older, parents need to teach their children that there is a God who teaches us what is good and what is bad. Morwasinke twa hepera kufumadeka vakwetu? Why do we need to have respect for others? Children and parents learn about the wonderful future. - Read Micah 4: 1 - 4. 1: 13 - 15) Nsene tu yi rugana ngoso ngatu kara nepuro nounongo ou ngau tu popera komakoto gaSatana nokompepo zondona zouzuni ou. (2 Kol. Then faith and godly wisdom will protect us from Satan's clever designs and from the world's evil spirit. (b) What Scriptural counsel does Job 31: 16 - 25 remind us of Job's words? Uzuni wangoso yipo wa kere momazuva gaNowa, ano kompangera zaKarunga wa zonaukire po kupitira moRuhanzo. Such a world existed in Noah's day and, by divine decree, ended with the Flood. How can we do that? Komauzera gomanzi, tara Ruhungu, 15 Kudumogona 1996, epenuno 28 - 29. For a detailed discussion on this point, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1996, pages 28 - 29. Although Neither the hairs of Israel's sons, this tree seems to be the first tree of the small tree. Kutunda opo, ava va kara nehuguvaro lyokukagwana mwenyo gwanarunye apa pevhu kwa lipakerera novagwavekwa. Since then, those who have the hope of living forever on earth have joined the anointed. We will be able to assist congregations in the circuit, assemblies, and conventions. (b) Yisinke ngasi tanta kovantu vaJehova "sidiviso saMunwaMuntu "? (b) What will "the sign of the Son of man " mean for Jehovah's people? Luigi saw the importance of his reaction when he was offended and what would happen if he were angry. - Read 2 Corinthians 6: 3, 4. Yipo na zire ni ka rande Bibeli. I went right out and bought a Bible. See the book "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 21 - 8. Ngomu vana kukura, vakurona va hepa kuronga vana vawo kutundilira kounona asi pwa kara Karunga ogu atu rongo yipo tu dive yoyiwa neyi yoyidona. As they grow, children need the vital knowledge that God exists and that he has given us standards of right and wrong. Third, Jehovah's spirit is helping us to understand Bible truths. Vanona novakurona kulironga kumwe kuhamena meho zongwa. - Resa Mika 4: 1 - 4. Children and parents learn together about the basis for believing in a better future. - Read Micah 4: 1 - 4. What did Jehovah's Witnesses do during World War II and after that war, and why? (b) Kepukururo musinke limwe lyoPatjangwa adi tu diworokesa nonkango daJoba 31: 16 - 25? (b) Job 31: 16 - 25 may remind us of what later Scriptural counsel? Samuel said: "This is what you have done for you, that you may eat at the right time. " Ngapi natu vhura kuyirugana oyo? How can that be done? However, their teaching was different. PONONDUNDU daLibanoni nedi daIsraeli, sitji esi asi howo kutemuna kuna kara somandeli. ON THE hills of Lebanon and Israel, one of the first trees to blossom is the almond tree. What is dedication, and how does dedication relate to baptism? Ngatu vatere mosirugana sokudingura nombungakriste ntani nomokuwapaika yigongi. We did substitute circuit work and convention work. " Be patient with those who suffer doubts, " they say. Luigi ga nongwenene mulyo gweyi ga dilire kuhanduka apa sa horokere siponga ntani neyi ya vhulire kuhoroka nsene asi nage ngano ga handukire. - Resa 2 Vakolinte 6: 3, 4. In hindsight, Luigi could see how important it was that he had kept calm after the accident and how detrimental it could have been had he lost his temper. - Read 2 Corinthians 6: 3, 4. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Tara mobuke "Omu kare meharo lyaKarunga, " epenuno 220 - 221. See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " pages 220 - 221. Armageddon is "the war of the great day of God, " which will destroy the ungodly. - Revelation 16: 14, 16. Nkedi zautatu, mpepo zaJehova kuna kurugana mokutuvatera tu kwate egano mausili goBibeli. Third, holy spirit is at work in bringing Bible truths to light. Jehovah told Moses about these faithful patriarchs: "I am the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. " Yisinke da rugene Nombangi daJehova poYita yaUvali yoUzuni ntani konyima zoyita oyo, ntani morwasinke? What position did Jehovah's Witnesses take during World War II and later, and why? 20 Young Ones - What Will You Do With Your Life? Samwere kwa tente asi: "Lya, ezi kwa zi ku gusira ko asi o zi lye posiruwo seesi. " Samuel said: "Eat, because they have reserved it for you for this occasion. " We strive not only to understand better but also to understand the difference between our past and past ways. Nye nampili ngoso, ndongeseso zawo kwa lisigire nezi zetu. However, their methods differed from ours. There are other factors that you need to bear in mind: Will such conduct harmony with Bible principles? Yisinke eligawo, ntani ngapi lya likwatakana nekuho? What is dedication, and how is it related to baptism? Most important, you will have inner peace, and Jehovah will bless you. - Phil. Ado kwa tanta asi: "Omu fire nkenda ava vana kusinganyeka, omu va parure pokuvahompweda mo momundiro. Sentimentality can cause one's view of love and mercy to become unbalanced. What else can help us to come to know if we are growing spiritually? Sirongwa esi kwa tumbura mapuro gamwe aga nampo wa lipura nokukakulikida oku no vhura kuresa moBibeli zoge o gwane malimbururo. This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. 10 / 1 Why Do You Know? 10 / 1 Harumagedoni kuna kara " yita mezuva lyenene lyaKarunga Munankondo, ' eyi ngayi ya zonagura po vadinikarunga. - Ehororo 16: 14, 16. Armageddon is the symbolic place of "the war of the great day of God the Almighty, " his war against the wicked. - Revelation 16: 14, 16. Applying this warning: "Do not follow him. " Jehova kwa tanterere Mosesa kuhamena masimbi ogo gomalimburukwi asi: "Ame nyame Karunga... gwaAbirahamu naKarunga gwaIsaka naKarunga gwaJakopo. " Long after the faithful patriarchs had died, Jehovah said to Moses: "I am the God of... Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. " Jehovah's spirit operates in different ways. Vadinkantu, yisinke ngomu rugana neparu lyeni? EPENUNO 20 24 Teach Your Children - A Kingdom That Will Change the Whole Earth Whether your hope is to live forever in heaven or to live forever on earth, you must exercise faith in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. 17: 11; 1 Tim. 4: 15) Ose kapi atu kondjere po tupu kukwata egano mawapukururo gomanene nye hena nelisigo pokatji kekwatogano lyetu lyeyi yanare neyi yantaantani. We seek to understand clearly not only the major adjustments but also the subtle differences between the old understanding and the new one. It is one of his perfect will, and his great love for people. - Read John 3: 16. Pwa kara yimwe hena eyi wa hepa kudiworoka ngwendi: Yirugana oyo ngayi liza kumwe nonompango doBibeli ndi? However, there are other points to keep in mind: Will the type of work be compatible with Bible principles? One hundred years later, the United States conquered that government and became a dominant world power. Yomulyo po, ove ngo kara nombili zomomutjima ntani Jehova nga ku tungika. - Fil. Most important, you can rest assured that you will experience the peace of mind with which Jehovah blesses those who honor their parents. - Phil. One way that holy spirit operates is by examining "the deep things of God. " Yisinke hena nayi tu vatera tu dive nsene kuna kukura pampepo? To analyze the state of our spirituality, what else may be needed? 3 Jehovah has been in the shadow of the mountains " Hengagwida navenye ava vana kulira, ' 10 / 15 All Faithful Christians Go to Heaven? 6 / 1 What can you do if your child tells you that he wants to dedicate his life to Jehovah? Pokutambura erondoro eli asi: "Wa ha mu kwama - kwama. " (Yis. By heeding the warning: "Do not wander into her roadways. " Yet, Jesus endured all that they had done. Mpepo zaJehova kurugana mononkedi dokulisiga - siga. Jehovah's spirit operates in a variety of ways. It seemed that his life would be better. Yi kare asi ehuguvaro lyoge lyepevhu ndi lyemeguru, mokukaparuka narunye ntudi wa hepa kupura mwaJehova Karunga naJesus Kristusa ntani nomosizoweseso. Whether your hope is earthly or heavenly, it can become a reality only if you exercise faith in Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and the ransom. (See opening picture.) (Ruk 1: 68) Alyo kuna kara elikido lyompango zendi zokusikilira mo ntani neharo lyendi lyenene kovantu. - Resa Johanesa 3: 16. It is an expression of his perfect will and of his great love for humans. - Read John 3: 16. He had faith in "the One who is invisible, " and he had the fulfillment of his promises. - Heb. Monomvhura efere dokukwama ko, Britaniya kwa ya fundire mapangero ogo nokuyakara epangero lyononkondo mouzuni. Britain plucked those powers out one by one, removing them from their positions of prestige. " The especially acceptable time " will be" in times of salvation " who exercise faith in Jesus. Nkedi zimwe omu azi rugana mpepo zokupongoka kuna kara pokukonakona " yininke yaKarunga yokonhiinhi. ' He replied: "This is what I have given you. " 3 Jehova kwa va gamenene momundwire gonondundu 3 Jehovah Shielded Them in the Shadows of the Mountains During the great tribulation, we must remain loyal to Jehovah and be confident that he will protect us. - Read Habakkuk 3: 17, 18. Yisinke no rugana nsene munoge a ku tantera asi ana hara kuligava nokugwana ekuho morwa ana hara kukarera Jehova? With this example in mind, what can you do when your child expresses a heartfelt appreciation for basic Scriptural teachings, including the meaning and significance of dedication and baptism? Who gathered them up, and what questions raised? 27: 39 - 43) Nye, Jesus kwa lididimikilire nayinye eyi va mu rugene. Yet, Jesus bore all of this with dignity. But two weeks later, the man stopped attending meetings. Ayo kwa monekere ngwendi asi eparu lyendi lina wapa. Everything seemed to be going his way. Courage is sharing the truth with others even those who oppose our message, but we do not depend on Jehovah's power. (Tara efano pepenuno 13.) (See opening picture.) 2 / 1 Age kwa kere nepuro " mogu ga ha moneka, ' Jehova, ntani nemesikiliromo lyomatumbwidiro gendi. - Heb. As a spiritual man, Moses had faith in "the One who is invisible, " Jehovah, and in the fulfillment of God's promises. - Heb. • How can you build strong faith? " Siruwo sosiwa " ngasi kara "siruwo separu " kowo ava tura epuro mwaJesus. That "acceptable time " could prove to be a" day of salvation " for those who put faith in Jesus. Jesus, God's Son, had a close relationship with the Father. Age ta limburura asi: "Buke ezi kani ku pere. " He answered, "The book that I gave you. " Will I miss my friends? Poudigu wounene, twa hepa kukara momuramba gwepopero pokulimburukwa Jehova nokuhuguvara asi nga tu popera. - Resa Habakuku 3: 17, 18. How vital it will be during the great tribulation to maintain our faith in Jehovah's saving power and to remain in Jehovah's valley of protection! - Read Habakkuk 3: 17, 18. Eve was drawn to him the way to "be wise. " Wolye va pongere va kohonone po udigu, ntani mapuro musinke lya retesere po etokoro olyo? Who were called upon to resolve the issue, and in this regard, what questions could have arisen in the minds of onlookers? Just as things interfere with a driver's danger, a spiritually dangerous person may fall into his relationship with God. Nye konyima zoyivike yivali zapa va likwere, mugara ogo kwa hagekesere munazinyetukadi kuza komapongo. However, two weeks after their wedding, he told her that she was not allowed to go to congregation meetings. In what ways does Jehovah provide help for his servants today? Uradi wokutantera ko vapeke usili nampili kowo ava rwanesa mbudi zetu, kapi wa korera mwanyamwetu nye mononkondo daJehova. The courage to speak the truth to others, even to those who oppose our message, does not rest with us. * (See footnote.) Sikunino saEdeni, 2 / 1 Or perhaps they were influenced by his good conduct. • Ngapi omu no tunga po epuro lyononkondo? • How can you build strong faith? Every week, about 120 people get baptized in Ghana. Jesus, MunwaKarunga, kwa kere nelikwatakano lyenene naGuhwe. Jesus, the Son of God, grew spiritually. When the Governing Body indicates that our knowledge of the truth should be adjusted, it does not hesitate to make changes. Ngani rongora vakaume vange ndi? Will I miss my friends? We must recognize that God is blessing us so that we can do our best, not our own advantage. Eva kwa mu kokere egano lyokukara " nonondunge. ' Eve must have been intrigued by the thought of having her eyes "opened. " Regardless of our beliefs, all of us do well to ask ourselves, " Who is a man who is "the man of lawlessness "? Ngamoomu yininke ayi donganesa musingi a dire kudimburura siponga, muntu ogu ava donganesa pampepo kuvhura kugwira noureru monzira zosiponga nokuteza po elikwatakano lyendi naKarunga. The same could be true of our spiritual well - being. Just as a distracted driver often fails to notice signs of danger, a person who is distracted spiritually can easily fall into harm's way. But the Babylonians did not release them. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE What is involved in avoiding false teachers? Mononkedi musinke a gava Jehova evatero kovakareli vendi naina? In what ways does Jehovah provide help to his servants today? To become close friends of God, we need to have a godly fear and fear. * Sipapa naso kuvhura kuzonauka koyimbumburu. * Parchment is also a target of insects. All of us know that making the right decision is different and uphold the decision. Ndi nampo kwa va pukisire sipa sendi sosiwa. Or maybe they were swayed by his physical appearance. God commanded Jesus Christ to restore his original purpose to marry only one wife. (Joh. 4: 35) Nkenye sivike, vantu wokusika 120 kugwana ekuho moGhana. Each week of the year, on average, 120 individuals are baptized in Ghana. True Christians do not view honesty and say that something is wrong. Apa Mbungagendesi " zomukareli ' azi dimburura asi ediwo lyetu lyousili va hepa kuliwapukurura, azo kapi azi likata - kata mokutura po mawapukururo ogo. When representative members of the "slave " discern that our viewpoint on some point of truth needs to be clarified or corrected, they do not hold back from making the adjustment. The Scriptures tell us exactly what the Scriptures say, and let us know exactly what the Scriptures say. Twa hepa kulinunupika pokudimburura asi Karunga yige a tu tungike yipo tu tompore moyirugana yetu nye kapisi mounankondo wanyamwetu. We should humbly recognize that any fruitage we may have in our ministry is the result of God's blessing, not our own competence. To be successful in this assignment, we need to have a good example to uphold Jehovah's high standards. Li kare asi epuliro lyetu musinke, natuvenye kulipura asi: " Yilye ogu mugara? ' " - MUTJANGI STAN GUTHRIE. No matter the level of our faith or skepticism, we all find ourselves asking, " Who is this man? ' " - AUTHOR STAN GUTHRIE. For example, there were women who had been assigned to work at the tabernacle. Nye Vababironi kapi ngava mangurura nonkwate dawo. But it was not Babylon's policy to release captives. Meetings teach us. Yisinke ya hamena mo mokunyokera po varongi woyimpempa? What is involved in avoiding false teachers? What reasons do some have for baptism, and why is that not enough? (Vahebeli 5: 7) Mokukara vakaume wovanene vaKarunga, twa hepa kukara netjiroKarunga. In order to have a close friendship with God, we need to have godly fear. Consider what Jesus said. - Read Matthew 11: 25. Natuvenye twa yi diva asi kutura po etokoro lyouhunga kwa lisiga nokukwaterera ketokoro olyo ntani nokulisikisa mo. We all know that making the right decision is one thing, but sticking to it and following through on it is quite another. Does Jehovah Know You? Karunga kwa pangerere Jesus Kristusa a tengwidire po sitambo sendi sokuhova sokukwara mukadi gumwe tupu. God authorized Jesus Christ to reinstitute His original standard of monogamy. With his help and holy spirit, they find happiness in life. - Psalm 144: 15; Luke 11: 28. Vakriste wousili kapi ava tara kuhungika nokuuyunga usili asi yuma yokuvhura kutokora. True Christians do not view being honest and truthful as something optional. And the Vatican sacrifice could not take my sins away. ' Yininke eyi ga nyokesa Matjangwa, kwa yi tu zeresera nawa - nawa. Matters that the Scriptures condemn have been made clear to us. Consider some examples in this article. Mokuninka asi tu wapere kositumbukira oso, twa hepa kukara nosihonena sosiwa mokukwaterera konompango dopampepo dokuzeruka daJehova. Yes, in order to continue to qualify for the privilege of being a harvest worker, we must be exemplary in upholding Jehovah's high moral and spiritual standards. What could have caused David to be proud, but why did he humble? Pasihonena, pwa kere vakadi ava va pere situmbukira sokurugana pevero lyonkongoronzugo. Why is it important for Christians to carry out their service to Jehovah with joy? Mapongo kuturonga. Meetings educate us. He does not look for mistakes but helps them to do what is right. Nokonda musinke ava gwanene vamwe ekuho, ntani morwasinke da karera asi kapi da gwanene po? For what reasons do some get baptized, and why are these not sufficient? If so, can we enter into his rest today? Tu tareni eyi ga uyungire ko Jesus. - Resa Mateusa 11: 25. Let us consider what Jesus said in this regard. - Read Matthew 11: 25. To strengthen our faith in this wonderful hope, let us consider a prophecy recorded in Daniel's fifth century B.C.E. Jehova ga ku diva ndi? Are You Known by Jehovah? What will help husbands to develop Christian qualities and to care for family members? Nevatero lyompepo zendi zokupongoka nediwo lyomoNonkango dendi, awo kugwana ruhafo meparu. - Episarome 144: 15; Rukasa 11: 28. With the help of his holy spirit and the wisdom found in his Word, they enjoy a rewarding and satisfying way of life. - Psalm 144: 15; Matthew 5: 3. When we ignore that requirement, life is not a purposeful goal. Ntani nzambo zaMunoge kapi tazi vhuru kugusa po nonzo dange. ' Your Son's sacrifice is not enough to cover me. ' In what ways? Koneka yihonena yimwe mosirongwa esi sina kukakwama ko. On the following pages, note some examples. His home will be a place of comfort and comfort. Yisinke ngano ya ninkisire Ndafita a linenepeke, nye morwasinke ga linunupikire? What could have caused David to become proud, but why did he not? Instead, we can find refuge that we need. (Fil. 4: 4) Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo koVakriste mokusikisa mo sirugana sawo kwaJehova nehafo? Why is it important for Christians to carry out their service to Jehovah with joy? What do we learn from the way Jehovah dealt with Abraham? Age kapi a tara mokupapara mapuko nye mokukuvatera mekondjo lyoge lyokurugana yoyiwa. He looks on, not to find fault, but to support your endeavor to do good. The apostle Peter also resurrected a Christian named Dorcas, and another Christian named Dorcas. Nsene yimo, nose kuvhura tu ze naina mepwizumuko lyendi ndi? If so, can we enter into it today? If we want our Kingdom Hall to be clean, we need to maintain a good routine. Mokunkondopeka epuro lyetu mehuguvaro eli, tu konakoneni uporofete ou ga tjenge Ndaniyera moBabironi kupitakana nomvhura 2 500 dina ka pita. To strengthen our faith in this assurance, let us examine just one sentence of a divinely inspired prophecy that was penned in ancient Babylon more than 2,500 years ago. We also promote peace when we speak respectfully with those who do authority, including those who oppose us. Yisinke ngayi mu vatera one vagara mu tunge po yikara yoSikriste yanyamweni ntani neyi yepata? What will help you husbands to cultivate godly qualities in you and your family? More important, he began praying every day. (Muudisi 12: 13) Apa atu ncenuna mokusikisa mo sihepwa oso, eparu kukara lya hana sitambo lyokunyegenyesa ntani lyokuyipa. When we neglect to carry out this obligation, life becomes aimless, frustrating, and ultimately disappointing. Ananias and his wife sold their field in order to make money for new disciples. Mononkedi musinke? In what ways? More than 41,000,000 copies are printed in 84 languages. Embo lyendi ngali kara evango lyehengagwido negameno. Her home is a place of comfort and safety. Who can know it? " Nye, kuvhura tu gwane epopero eli twa hepa. However, we can find the refuge we need. The prophecy in Revelation reveals about the time when Satan and his demons will be forced to destroy God's people and protect God's people. Yisinke tuna lirongere ko monkedi omu Jehova ga tekwire Abirahamu? What do we learn from the way that Jehovah dealt with Abraham? What can you do to reach out for privileges in the congregation? Mupositoli Peturusa nage kwa ya pindwire Mukriste gomukadi gedina Tabita ano moRugereka asi Dorokasa. The apostle Peter was responsible for another one, that of the Christian woman Dorcas (Tabitha). According to Psalm 15: 3, 5, what does Jehovah require of us as his friends? Nsene tuna hara Sinyanga setu si kare sina zere, twa hepa kukara nelikwamo lyewa. If we want our Kingdom Hall to be as clean as possible, we need to be organized. If you are surrounded by the valley of sea, the river will be near the Red Sea. Ose hena kuretesa po mbili apa atu uyunga nefumadeko nava ava rugana mepangero, kukwatera mo ava ava tu rwanesa. We also contribute to peace when we approach government officials in a respectful way - including those who may oppose our work. 2: 4. Unene po age kwa tamekere kukanderera nkenye ezuva. He especially started praying regularly. They also know that faith in Jesus is vital to salvation. Ananiyasa namukadendi kwa randesere epya lyawo limwe yipo va gwane yimaliwa yokuvateresa varongwa wovape. Ananias and his wife sell some property to get money to help the newly baptized ones. Explain. yokusika po - 41 042 000 kuna kuyihanesa momaraka gokusika po - 84. with a circulation of 41,042,000 in 84 languages. 17, 18. Kutupu yapeke eyi ya pitakana po moyimpempa; gwa vera unene, kwa tjinda kuveruka. " (Jer. Jesus ' cleansing of Aaron represented Jesus ' own course of righteousness and Jehovah's righteous ways. Uporofete wemEhororo kwa uyunga kuhamena siruwo apa Satana nonompepo dendi donondona ngava tumangeda mapangero govantu ga pongeke vakwayita vago nokurwisa vantu vaKarunga. The prophecy in Revelation speaks of a time in the near future when Satan and the demons will motivate human governments to assemble their armies, thus issuing a defiant challenge to God's interests. The people who observe us were surprised by our determination to maintain our integrity despite persecution. Yisinke wa hepa kurugana mokukondjera yitumbukira mombungakriste? What can you do to reach out? Paul was severely persecuted, but he was concerned about others in the congregations. Kuliza nEpisarome 15: 3, 5, yisinke ga hepa ko Jehova kwetu mokukara vakaume vendi? According to Psalm 15: 3, 5, what does Jehovah require of us if we are to be his friends? No. Nsene peguru ono kara to mono muramba, nomukuro gwaKisoni ogu gwa za mEfuta lyopokatji pepi nondundu zaKarumeli. The Kishon River wound through the flat grassland, leading out to the Great Sea by Mount Carmel. What have Jehovah's Witnesses done as a group? 2: 4. 2: 4. When Martha complained that Mary did not help her, Jesus told Martha: " Mary chose the fine portion of Mary, and she will not be taken away from her. " Ntani hena da yi diva asi kupura mwaJesus mulyo mokukagwana eparuro. In fact, we feel that exercising faith in Jesus is vital to salvation. 15: 13 - 17, 32 - 37; 16: 15 - 16. Faturura. Explain. When we face trials and trials, we need to keep in mind Nehemiah's example and pray quickly to God. 17, 18. 17, 18. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. " - Isa. " When they helped me with student talk assignments for the meeting, I always learned more. 16: 24. 7: 26; 9: 14) Ekuhuro lyaArona kwa fanekesere ukaro waJesus wokupongoka nokuhungama. However, Aaron's washed condition does point to Jesus ' clean and righteous state. And the burnt offerings of incense that I shall repay to you. " Vantu ava ava tu nomene kwa va tetukisa etokomeno lyetu lyokukwaterera koulimburukwi wetu nampili momahepeko gonyanya. Onlookers have been amazed by the determination of God's people to maintain their integrity even in the face of vicious persecution. Like Jesus, what will help you to preach with zeal? Paurusa kwa mu hepekere unene, nye age kwa kere nosinka kovakwawo womonombungakriste. Paul suffered brutal persecution, and he was always worried about the brothers in the congregations. How can you show appreciation for the gift of all gifts? No. No. My problems started after we returned to Spain, where my parents came from Spain. Yisinke va rugana Nombangi daJehova ngombunga? What have Jehovah's Witnesses as a group come to appreciate? I felt that he had left me alone. " Apa Malita ga sivanene asi Mariya kapi ana kumuvatera, makura Jesus ta tantere Malita asi: "Mariya kuna horowora po age ruha roruwa, oru ngava dira kumugusa. " (Ruk. When Martha complained that Mary was not helping, Jesus told Martha: "Mary chose the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her. " When the people were under bondage to sin, their guilt moved them to repent. 15: 13 - 17, 32 - 37; 16: 15 - 17: 16. 15: 13 - 17, 32 - 37; 16: 15 - 17: 16. Similarly, when Jesus conquered the world, he found many dedicated servants of Jehovah. Nsene tatu ligwanekere nomaheteko nomaudigu, twa hepa kudiworoka sihonena saNehemiya nokukanderera usimbu - simbu kwaKarunga. When confronted with tests and trials, let us remember the example of Nehemiah and immediately turn to God in prayer. Jesus said: "When the faithful and discreet slave treats his servants in such ways, this is what he will do when he arrives. " Ngani ku nkondopeka tani ku kwafa; ngani ku popera tani ku parura. " - Jes. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. " - Isa. As a result, the largest part of the house was helping them. 16: 24. 16: 24. Let us see how God forgives us. Nonzambo dedumba lyewa edi muna kuzambera nge, kwange yihuna pokudifumbwira. " What was the problem? At the end of the fifth century B.C.E., she faced a palace on the coast of Baal and his friend. Ngwendi Jesus, yisinke ngayi ku vatera mokuzuvhisa noupampi? What will help you to preach with boldness, as Jesus did? Then he felt calm. Ngapi no likida rupandu kouhwi ou wa pitakana mauhwi nagenye? How can you show that you appreciate the greatest gift of all? You will deepen your appreciation for his qualities. Maudigu gange kwa tamekere konyima zapa twa tengwire koSipanye, oku va tundilira vakurona vange. My problems began shortly after we returned to Spain, my parents ' home country. Since 1981, my family began studying the Bible, and my wife was studying. Ame kwa lizuvhire asi ana sigilire nge. " I felt abandoned. " What helped him to do so? Apa va kere moupika vantu va tambwire unzoni wawo ntani ya va tumangedere va litezurure. The people came to their senses in captivity and were moved to repentance. If we want to gain "everlasting life, " we must exercise faith in Jesus and obey him. 68: 1, 12, 18) Mokulifana, apa Jesus ga fundire uzuni age ga gwene vakareli wovanzi wokuligava vene. Similarly, Jesus ' victory over the world provided him with many willing slaves. This "was written for our instruction. " Jesus kwa tente asi: " Mukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge nsene a tekura vakareli vakwaawo mononkedi dangoso, eyi yiyo nga ya mu rugana hekurwendi apa nga wiza. ' In effect, Jesus was saying: " If the faithful and discreet slave were ever to mistreat his fellow slaves in these ways, this is what the master will do when he arrives. ' For example, consider the case of a 12 - year - old woman who lives in the United States. Matuwa gokukara nononzugo yigo ga va vaterere. One answer was a home on wheels. Let us always trust in Jehovah as our Provider and Protector more than anyone else. Tu tareni omu Karunga atu dongwenene po. Still, we can benefit from thinking about how he could - and did - forgive us. From then on, David asked: "Who wants to give Jehovah the gift of life? " Pepi naJeliko, age kwa ligwanekerere nomutwiku gokuhundagera gedina Baratimeusa nomutwiku mukwawo. Near Jericho, he encountered a blind beggar named Bartimaeus and his unnamed blind companion. 2: 3. Makura ta lizuvhu mbili. Then a profound sense of peace came upon him. Such guidance shows that Jehovah cares for us. Ove ngo nkondopeka rupandu roge koyikara yendi. It can deepen our appreciation for our heavenly Father. 1, 2. (a) What brings joy to God's people today? Kutundilira mo - 1981, epata lyange kwa ya tamekere kulironga Bibeli, ano mukadange yige ga hovere kulironga. When the precious truth about Jehovah finally reached my own family in the 1980 ' s, my wife, Mairambubu, heard it first. Jehovah will do the same for us and will bless our good deeds as we comfort those who are grieving. Yisinke ya mu vaterere? What helped? 3 / 1 Nsene tuna hara kukagwana " mwenyo gwanarunye, ' twa hepa kupura mwaJesus nokumulimburukwa. If we are to "have everlasting life, " we need to believe in Jesus and obey him. For example, in one congregation, there are single publishers in 134 but who serves only 50 homes in the congregation. Eyi kwa "yi tjangera asi yi tu ronge. " These "were written for our instruction. " The apostle Peter wrote: "Let your brotherly love continue. Pasihonena, tara sihorokwa somukadi gonomvhura 93 ogu ga tunga moIndiya. Take, for example, the case of a 93 - year - old woman who lives in India. Being ruled by such an abortion is a murder. - Ex. (Yis. 3: 5, 6) Tu huguvareni mwaJehova nkenye apa ngoMugavi noMupopeli gwetu kupitakana nkenye muntu. So may we always look to Jehovah as the Provider and Protector beyond compare. Hence, all of us need to consider the warning: "Let the one who thinks that he is standing clean and that he does not fall. " - 1 Cor. Kutunda opo, Ndafita ta pura asi: "Yilye ogu ana hara kugava kwaHOMPA uhwi nomwenyo guna lizamba? " (1 Hist. David next asks this question: "Now who volunteers to come forward today with a gift in hand for Jehovah? " Does this mean that you cannot decide? 2: 3. 2: 3. Before drinking, think about this: Mavyukiso gangoso kulikida asi Jehova kutupakera mbili. Such counsel shows that God cares about our well - being. How can we show Jehovah that we love him? 1, 2. (a) Yisinke ayi retere ruhafo vantu vaKarunga naina? 1, 2. (a) What gives God's people joy today? This arrangement reveals Jehovah's love. (Jes. 51: 12) Jehova nga rugana yokulifana kwetu ntani nga tungika yirugana nononkango detu donongwa ngomu tuna kuhengagwida owo vana guwu. Jehovah will do the same for us and will bless our good deeds and words as we comfort mourning ones. He also gave David clear suggestions on how to cope. - 2 Samuel 5: 17 - 25. " Na pura " (Malita), 7 / 1 Dreamed of Life on Wheels (Z. Jehovah fulfills his promises, not just because his servants love him but also his name. Pasihonena, mombungakriste zimwe kwa kara mo vazuvhisi 134 nye momukunda ogu ava zuvhisire kwa kara mo tupu mambo 50. For example, one congregation has 134 publishers but only 50 private homes in its territory! imperfect humans? Mupositoli Peturusa kwa tjenge asi: "Hareni vapuli vakweneni. The apostle Peter wrote: "Have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God. " Last year, Jehovah's Witnesses spent two hours preaching the good news and conducting over nine million hours each month. Kuligusa ezimo mowina monkedi zangoso, kuna dipaga. - Ex. That would be deliberate abortion, which is tantamount to murder. - Ex. Many people may be surprised by Rebekah's humility and respect for her husband. Yipo nye, natuvenye twa hepa kugazadara ko kerondoro eli asi: "Ogu ana kugazara asi age kuna sikama nawa - nawa, a takamese ga ha liganda. " - 1 Kol. Thus, we all need to take to heart the warning: "Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " - 1 Cor. By the creation of the Bible and the examples of faithful servants of God, we can have strong faith today. Eyi ngesi kutanta nye asi kapi o vhuru kutokora ndi? Is that just being indecisive, or might it be appropriate? How? Komeho zokunwa yikorwesa, gazadara ko kweyi: Before drinking alcohol, consider: Cristina, who has been an elder for many years, says: "One elder who has qualified me will be trained. Ngapi natu likida Jehova asi twa mu hara? What is another way we show Jehovah that we love him? PAGE 23 Ewapaiko eli kwa horora eharo lyaJehova. This provision reveals much about Jehovah. How will God's name be sanctified? Age hena kwa pere Ndafita magano omu na vhura kufunda. - 2 Samwere 5: 17 - 25. God even provided David with a battle strategy that ensured victory. - 2 Samuel 5: 17 - 25. He also worried about his relationship with Jehovah, and he showed that he was obedient to his faithful course. Jehova kusikisa mo matumbwidiro gendi, kapisi morwa kuhara tupu vakareli vendi nye hena morwa edina lyendi. (Ex. 3: 14;1 Sam. Jehovah fulfills his promises, not just out of love for his servants but especially for the sake of his own name. He needs to understand what he is reading and apply what he learns. twa dira kusikilira mo? our own weaknesses? We should not be able to prepare others for the congregation to use their time and opinions to help us solve our problems. (2 Vakolinte 9: 7) Mvhura za ka pita, Nombangi kwa rugana novili mabiliyona gavali mokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa nokurugana malirongo goBibeli gokupitakana pomamiliyona ntane nkenye kwedi. Yet last year, Jehovah's Witnesses spent almost two billion hours preaching the good news and conducted more than nine million Bible studies each month. How does reading the Bible affect our heart? Vantu wovanzi kuvhura zi va tetukise nkareso zokuhungika ezi ga likidire Haykanush namugara gwendi. Like that family, many people would be surprised at the honesty Haykanush and her husband showed. The brothers were delighted to hear that message. Kupitira mounsitwe nomoBibeli noyihonena yovakareli wovalimburukwi ose kuvhura tu kare nepuro lyokupama naina. With the wonders of creation all around us and the entire Bible at our disposal, as well as many human examples of faith, we have ample basis for building faith today. Our friends have done their best to understand each other's feelings. " Ngapi? How? We went to a hotel asking for accommodations. Tom, ogu ga kara mukuronambunga nomvhura dononzi kwa tanta asi: "Mukuronambunga gumwe ogu ga kara noudivi nga deura nge. Tom, an elder for many years, recalls: "An experienced elder took me under his wing and gave me excellent training. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. EPENUNO 23 PAGE 23 Shortly after the phone, we read a scripture. " Ngapi edina lyaKarunga ngava ka lipongwerera? How will God sanctify his name completely? It can hurt you by reading evil acts that Jezebel had done bad things. Age kwa kere hena nosinka kuhamena elikwatakano lyendi naJehova, age kwa yi likidire eyi momparukiso zendi zoulimburukwi. Jesus was also concerned about his standing with Jehovah, demonstrating this by his faithful life course. Also, he invited people "toiling and loaded down " to come to him, so that they would" find relief. " Age ga hepa kukwata egano eyi ana kuresa nokutura pasirugana eyi ana kulironga. He must understand what he reads and apply what he learns. WE LIVE in a most important time. Kapisi tu kare vantu wokupanga nsene tatu hundire vapeke mombungakriste va ruganese siruwo nomagano gawo mokutuvatera tu kohonone po maudigu getu. We should never be demanding when we request others in the congregation to give us their time and attention to help us handle our problems. Nevertheless, we can imitate Jesus. Ngapi omu kuresa Bibeli nkenye ezuva ayi kundama mutjima gwetu? How does daily Bible reading affect our figurative heart? Although Jehovah has provided directions for us, he does not force us to follow his direction. Vanavazinyetu kwa va hafesere apa va zuvhire mbudi ozo. How the brothers rejoiced at that peaceful outcome! Moreover, he did not mention all the needs of each individual in his audience. Vakaume vetu va rugene ko yuma paapa va vhulira mokukwata egano malizuvho getu. " Our friends did their best to understand our feelings. " HISTORY Ose kwa zire kohotera tu ka pure ko nzugo zokurara. We went to a hotel and asked for a room. What doctrine caused mankind's hope of everlasting life on earth, and how? Sifo esi kwa si rugana Nombangi daJehova kutundilira mo - 1879 ntani kapisi sopaupolitika. This magazine has been published continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. 4: 16. Konyima tupu zokulikunda, makura tatu va resere etjangwa. " After a customary greeting with our open Bibles in hand, we read the scripture. " 3 Draw Close to God - "I Am With You " Ayo kukoresa pokuresa yirugana yoyidona eyi ga rugene Jesebeli. It is hard to read of her plot without feeling astonished by its wickedness. Of course, we must. (Jesaya 61: 1) Ntani kwa zigidire vantu "ava wa rorora udigu " va wize kwendi, yipo va ya" gwane rufuwo. " He invited people who were "toiling and loaded down " to come to him so that they could" find refreshment. " HISTORY: DISY OSE kuna kuparuka mosiruwo somulyo unene. WE LIVE in momentous times. Even though some may seem helpless, how have they kept their faith strong? 26: 41) Nampili ngoso, ose kuvhura kutemwinina Jesus. Nevertheless, we can imitate Jesus. In contrast, Jesus taught his apostles not to be "a head of the flesh. " Nampili ngomu Jehova ga tu pa mavyukiso, age kapi a tu sininike tu ga kwame. Although Jehovah makes his counsel freely available, he does not force anyone to follow it. In the next article, we will consider why we can have confidence in Jehovah's decision to make. (Ruk. 11: 2 - 4) Mokugwederera ko, age kapi ga tumbwire yihepwa nayinye nomaudigu gankenye muntu movapurakeni vendi. There is nothing shocking or tactless about Jesus ' model prayer. Such an attack on a lion has caused a few people to stop serving Jehovah. EHISTOLI LYAASA ASA'S RECORD (b) How should we view those taking the lead? Epuliro musinke lyoyimpempa lya donganesere po ehuguvaro lyovantu lyomwenyo gwanarunye pevhu, ntani nangapi? What false belief has undermined man's hope of everlasting life on earth, and how? The blessings we have received from my wife because of our faithfulness, many blessings. 4: 16. 4: 16. Why do we have a friendship with Jehovah? 3 Kupapara mapukururo gomulyo 3 The Search for a Practical Guide When she left work, she had two children and the money she had only a few months. Yimo, twa yi hepa. They certainly are! When an elder reminded him of his good deeds and told him that Jehovah loved him, he encouraged him. EHISTOLI LYENDI: KWA HERE UNENE KARATE HISTORY: KARATE ENTHUSIAST Our conscience can prevent us from doing what is bad. Nampili ngomu vamwe ava moneka asi kwato nonkondo, ngapi va kwaterera kepuro lyawo? How might some who may appear to be weaker really be "rich in faith "? Some of the things they had done, and this could lead them to the execution of the dead. (Numeri 15: 38 - 40; Mateusa 23: 5 - 7) Mokulisiga, Jesus kwa rongere vapositoli vendi mokudira kukara "vapangeli " wovakwawo. Unlike them, Jesus instructed his apostles not to "lord it over " others. My Life of Life 4: 8; Epis. 25: 14) Mosirongwa sokukwama ko ngatu ka konakona eyi natu karera nehuguvaro lyokutura po etokoro lyokuhama kwaJehova. In the following article, we will consider why we can be confident about making the choice to belong to Jehovah. 18: 10. Mahomokero gangoso ngwendi ganyime kwa ninkisa vantu wongandi va hageke kukarera Jehova. These lionlike attacks have caused a few to stumble. Have you ever reflected on how God felt when Jesus was killed? (b) Mfumwa zokuhura kupi natu gava kwava ava rugana mepangero? (b) To what extent is it proper to support officials? Is this information right? Matungiko aga twa gwana namukadange morwa ulimburukwi wetu, manzi unene. The blessings Maria and I received for remaining steadfast have been greater than I could ever have imagined. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. Morwasinke twa karera ukaume naJehova? On what basis can Jehovah be your Friend? Did this cause the disciples to lose their respect? Apa ga sigire yirugana, age kwa kere novanona vavali ano yimaliwa eyi ga kere nayo yomakwedi tupu gomasesu. When Andrew left that job, he had two children, no income, and enough money to last just a few months. How do we know that all people will love Jehovah and his neighbor? Apa mukuronambunga ga mu diworokesere yirugana yendi yoyiwa youlimburukwi nokumutantera asi Jehova ga mu hara, eyi kwa mu korangedere. When an elder reminded her of her past faithful service, her emotions were stirred. Although these feelings are not described at any time, the Bible counsels us not to separate ourselves from one another. 9: 1) Ezwi lyetu lyomomutjima kuvhura li tu kandane mokurugana udona. The voice of our conscience can prevent us from justifying a wrong course. IMITATE Jehovah's Witnesses (a) Why do Jehovah's Witnesses love their fellow believers? Yininke yimwe eyi ngava rugana, pokuyigazara ngesi kuvaretera "nomuga " ntani ayo ngano ya va twaredesere konomfa. (Rom. Their past way of life may have included "things of which [they] are now ashamed " and that would have merited death. 16, 17. Eparu lyange lyepe The Start of a New Life The more we trust in Jehovah, the more we show him that we love him 18: 10. 18: 10. If anyone does not stumble, this is perfect. " Wa gazadara ko rumwe omu Karunga ga lizuvhire apa Jesus va mu dipagere? Have you ever thought of what God must have felt when Jesus was put to death? The sowing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. Nombudi edi douhunga ndi magano gamwene? Is there any bias? It explains that Jehovah created us with free will. Likambekeni ndjoko zange, mu lirongere nge po, yeeyi ame kwa gomoka, yiyo na linunupika momutjima, ngomu gwane rufuwo monomwenyo deni. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. If you do not use this time at your family worship but do not use them to watch television or engage in other activities, Satan would be able to win. - Eph. Eyi ya ninkisire varongwa va dire kumufumadeka ndi? Did this make the disciples respect Jesus less? Yet, he will remember the pain of losing the death of a child. Ngapi tuna yi diva asi vantu navenye ngava ka hara Jehova novakwawo? How do we know that love for God and neighbor will fill the entire earth? When I was two years old, my family moved to Sydney, Australia. Nampili ngomu malizuvho aga vana singonona aga dili kuhorokera nkenye ogu ava zumbu, Bibeli kupukurura asi kapisi tu liguse ko kovakwetetu. While the emotions described here are not uncommon for someone dealing with a divorce, the Bible counsels against isolating oneself. Perhaps you appreciate sharing this Scriptural hope with others. LIKIDA EHARO (a) Morwasinke Nombangi daJehova da harera vapuli vakwaawo? (a) Why is it natural for us to love the whole association of brothers? Furthermore, the 144,000 are chosen to rule with Christ in heaven. 16, 17. 16, 17. But what could cause you to enjoy reading the Bible? Moomu tuna kuhuguvara mwaJehova, yimo ngatu mu likida asi twa mu hara The more we trust in Jehovah, the more we show him that we love him If he says no, we can ask him what makes you believe that God exists. Nsene pweli ogu a dili kulipuka mononkango, ogo ga sikilira mo. " " If anyone does not stumble in word, this one is a perfect man. " But later he used the things you could pursue. How would a man who had rescued his nephew by overcoming the four kings who had captured him respond to this act? The woman killed Sisera. Ekuno kwa tamekere poPentekoste momvhura 33. The sowing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. Make it your goal to stay in that work. Amo kwa faturura mo asi Jehova kwa tu sita nemanguruko lyokutura po matokoro. It reveals that Jehovah created us with free will; that is, the capacity and freedom to make our own intelligent choices. SONGS: 121, 45 5: 8) Nsene mu dira kuruganesa siruwo esi mElirongo lyeni lyepata nye mu si ruganese mokutarera malikwamo gokotivi ndi mokulihameka moyininke yapeke, Satana ngano nga mu funda. - Efe. If you give up this valuable Family Worship evening for a night of television viewing or some other mundane activity, Satan will have gained a victory. - Eph. God created humans to live forever on earth, not in heaven. Nye nampili ngoso, age nga diworoka kukora kokuzumbanesa nkenye munona monomfa. Yet, she remembered each loss. Even Jesus, who lived by God's standards, accused him. Apa na kere nonomvhura mbali, epata lyetu yipo lya dirukilire koMelbourne, Australia. When I was two years old, my family moved to Melbourne, Australia. (b) What is the danger of setting spiritual pursuits? 21: 3, 4) Ove nampo kuyihafera kutantera ko vapeke ehuguvaro eli lyomoMatjangwa. You have probably enjoyed sharing that Scriptural hope with others. Consider some advice. (Yisewe 8: 31) Ntani kwa horowora vantu 144 000 mokukapangera naKristusa meguru. In addition, 144,000 chosen from mankind will rule with Christ in heaven. A disease is designed to protect the heart. Nye yisinke nayi ninkisa ereso lyoge lyoBibeli o li hafere? But how might you make your reading even more interesting? Their bad conduct made their sacrifices less acceptable to him. Nsene a uyunga asi hawe, ose kuvhura tu mu pure asi yisinke ya ku ninkisa o dire kupura asi Karunga yipo ga kara. If the person says no, we might ask whether something in particular has caused him to doubt that God exists. When he realized that the Israelites needed to hear the good news, he decided to go. Nye konyima kwa ya ga ruganesere ngoyininke yokukarera. But soon they came to fill admittedly devotional functions. Many people around the world believe that Christmas is a birth of Jesus ' birth. Mukadi yige ga dipagere Sisera mukwayita gononkondo. A woman had killed the mighty warrior Sisera! This publication is not for sale. Litulira po sitambo sokukara mosirugana oso. Set progressive goals toward becoming a pioneer. All anointed ones on earth after the great tribulation will be taken to heaven. MARUSUMO: 121, 45 SONGS: 121, 45 Under David's direction, the ark of the covenant represented God's presence, which was taken to Egypt. Karunga kwa sitire vantu va parukire narunye pevhu, kapisi meguru. God created humans to live forever on earth, not in heaven. At the end of the thousand years, Jesus will fulfill the purpose of making the earth a paradise, and he will give his Father the Kingdom. Nampili Jesus, muntu ogu ga parukire kuliza nonompango daKarunga, kwa mu rundilire. Even Jesus, the only man ever to live in perfect faithfulness to God, was falsely accused. We used that evening to talk about the Bible. (b) Siponga musinke asi wiza po morwa madonganeso gopampepo? (b) What danger can result from being distracted spiritually? He felt sorry and repented. Tarurura mapukururo gamwe. Consider some of Paul's wise counsel. Jesus urged others to " sow down the heart. " Sivera soponturo kupopera mutjima. A breastplate protects the physical heart. This publication is not for sale. Nkareso zawo zondona kwa ninkisire nonzambo dawo a dire kuditambura. Their bad behavior, however, made their sacrifices invalid. Are You Following Jehovah's Organization? Apa ga dimbwilire asi Vapunjabi womoPhilippines va hepa kuzuvha mbudi zongwa, yipo ga tokwere kuza. When Sukhi, who is of Indian descent, learned that much help was needed to reach Punjabi people living in the Philippines, she decided to go and help. Let us consider three examples. Vantu wovanzi mouzuni mudima kwa yi pura asi Krismesa kuna kara sipito sezuva lyehampuruko lyaJesus. Millions of people around the world believe that the Christmas tradition is the birthday celebration of Jesus Christ. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they have found the truth, so they are very busy preaching the good news to people of all nations and languages. Simbapiratjangwa esi kapisi sokurandesa. This publication is not for sale. By learning another language, you may still be able to expand your ministry (Mat. 24: 31) Vagwavekwa navenye ava ngava kara pevhu konyima zetameko lyoudigu wounene ngava va twara meguru komeho Harumagedoni zi tameke. Hence, it appears that all anointed ones who still remain on earth after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed will at some point be raised to heaven before the outbreak of the battle of Armageddon. Regardless of her 23 ' s, she says: "When you are kind and honest, you know what others are doing. 3: 4) Mokukwama nompangera daNdafita, Sikesa sEgwanekero esi sa fanekesere ekaropo lyaKarunga, kwa si twere koNdundu zaSiyoni. In keeping with David's orders, the ark of the covenant, symbolizing God's presence, has been taken to Mount Zion. (Read Proverbs 30: 26.) Kehagero lyonomvhura eyovi, Jesus nga ka sikisa mo sitambo sokuninka evhu li kare paradisa, makura nga ka gava Uhompa kwaKarunga Guhwe. At the end of the thousand years, Jesus will hand the Kingdom over to his Father, having fully accomplished God's purpose for the earth. How do they feel now? Ose kwa ruganesere ngurova ozo mokuzogera kuhamena Bibeli. We spent most of that night discussing the Bible. Then he turned out to the birds of heaven: "Go to celebrate God's great day and to eat the blood of kings and blood and to burn them with blood. " - Rev. Age kwa liverere nokulitezurura. He was cut to the heart and repented. 3, 4. (a) How would you describe someone who is approachable? Jesus kwa korangedere vapeke asi "kwateni nomutjima. " Jesus urged others to "take courage. " He told his disciples: "Look! Examining these events will help us to come to know Jehovah's qualities and how we can benefit from his molding. Simbapiratjangwa esi kapisi sokurandesa. This publication is not for sale. God made Amos a prophet and blessed him. Ove kuna kukwama mbunga zaJehova ndi? Are you keeping pace with it? Because we may think that our brothers should solve their own problems. Tu zeni tu ka konakone yihonena yitatu. Let us consider three examples that will instill in us confidence in Jehovah's ability to deliver his people. All Christians need to tell others about Jehovah's organization. Nombangi daJehova da yi pura asi da gwana usili, eyi yiyo adi litulire mo unene mokuzuvhisira mbudi zongwa vantu womarudi nomaraka gokulisiga - siga. As devoted Christian preachers and teachers, Jehovah's Witnesses are so convinced that they have found the truth that they make great sacrifices in order to share the message with people of other nations and ethnic groups. * Pokulironga eraka lyapeke ove simpe kosure ngayi ku vatera mokutamununa yirugana yoge yokuzuvhisa Learning to speak another language while in school may help you expand your ministry The Bible says that Jesus was taken to Jerusalem. Makenzie gonomvhura 23 kwa tanta asi: "Nsene o kara muntu gonkenda ntani gokupurakena nawa, ngo diva eyi vana kupita vakweni. Makenzie, 23, says: "If you are kind and are a good listener, you'll get an idea of what your peers are dealing with. No one knows. (Resa Yisewe 30: 26.) (Read Proverbs 30: 26.) Because it is more important to Jehovah and Jesus. Ngapi omu vana kulizuvha ngesi? How do they feel? EVERYTHER: More than one of the thousands of Witnesses in the United States were released from pornography in the United States. Age makura ta zigire unene yidira yina kutuka mompepo asi: " Wizeni mu ya ponge kosipito sosinene saKarunga, mu ya lye nyama zohompa, nezi zovapitisili wovakwayita nezi zovanankondo. Wizeni mu ya lye hena nyama zononkambe, nezi zava vana rondo po, nezi zanavenye, va kare vamanguruki ndi vapika, vanunu ndi vanene. ' " - Ehor. A parallel prophecy states: "I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: " Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of military commanders and the flesh of strong men and the flesh of horses and of those seated on them, and the flesh of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great. ' " - Rev. The original - language word was called Apocryphal, even though it seemed true. 3, 4. (a) Ngapi no singonona muntu ogu ga kara asi ureru kumuhedera? 3, 4. (a) How would you describe someone who is approachable? There was no guards. 15: 4; 1 Kol. 10: 11) Kukonakona yihorokwa oyo ngayi tu vatera tu dive yikara yaJehova ntani nomu natu gwanena mo uwa omu a tu hongo. Examining these accounts closely will give us insight into Jehovah's personality and show us how we may benefit from his molding. What does the Bible teach about things? Karunga kwa tulire Amosa a kare muporofete ntani ga mu tungikire. God appointed Amos to be a prophet, certainly a spiritually rich assignment. Faithful servants of old looked forward to the time when Jehovah will rule the earth forever Morwa nampo ose kuna kugazara asi vanavazinyetu va hepa kukohonona po maudigu gavene. Admittedly, though, a negative view of those in need may at times hold us back from assisting them. Did his love for him comfort? Vakriste navenye va hepa kutantera ko wopeke kuhamena mbunga zaJehova. All true Christians must tell others about Jehovah's organization. 15: 3, 5. * * Then all will say with the words of the apostle Paul: "Where will your deliverance be? Bibeli kwa uyunga tupu asi Jesus kwa mu twere koJerusarema. The Bible simply says that Jesus was taken to Jerusalem. However, as "aglow with the flesh, " he can have confidence in him. Kwato ogu ga yi diva. No human knows. Our heart can be deceptive in many areas of life. Morwa ayo mulyo unene kwaJehova naJesus. (Mat. Jehovah and Jesus take forgiveness very seriously. We found people who wanted to study the Bible. NKENYE EZUVA: Nomuvi dokupitakana POMAMILIYONA GAVALI domafano goruhonda kudiheheda moAmerika. EVERY DAY: An average of more than TWO MILLION pornographic movies are rented in the United States alone. Because his brothers were jealous, they were expelled from their home. Nonkango edi va mu tanterere vapumbi kwa kere domawoko - woko nampili ngomu da monekere ngwendi usili. The ambiguous forecast of the oracle was worthless; it would have appeared true no matter which side won the war. Parents can help their children to develop a close relationship with God by showing them and helping them to understand what it reveals about God's qualities. Kapi mwa kere vanomeni. There were no sentries. Why is faith important? Yisinke azi rongo Bibeli kuhamena yininke eyi? What does the Bible say on this matter? 2: 15. Vakareli vanare kwa ndindilire nononkondo siruwo apa Jehova nga pangera evhu narunye nanarunye People in Bible times looked forward to the time when Jehovah and his government would rule the earth forever The Bible provides wise counsel for those who want to marry, for God who wants marriages to be happy and successful. Eharo lyendi kumuhengagwida ndi? However, they still went to the town's territory as they worked in town for many years. 15: 3, 5. 15: 3, 5. 5: 11. (Johanesa 5: 28, 29; Ehororo 21: 3, 4) Makura navenye ngava ka uyunga nonkango domupositoli Paurusa edi asi: "Nomfa, efundo lyoge lipi po apa? Then, all can echo the words of the apostle Paul: "Death, where is your victory? Even if we are part of a family, our circumstances and circumstances differ. Nampili ngoso, " ngomupopeli ' gwanarunye age kuvhura tu mu huguvare "narunye. " Nevertheless, as "the Rock of times indefinite, " he can be trusted" for all times. " (b) When did Jesus take the spiritual temple? Mutjima gwetu goyimpempa kuvhura kutupukisa momaruha gomanzi meparu. Our treacherous heart can lead us astray in many areas of life. After that, he gave all that honor to Jehovah. - 1 Sam. Twa ya gwene vantu ngwendi nonzwi ava va here kulironga Bibeli. And we found sheeplike ones! Elders in over 100 congregations are cared for God's sheep. Morwa vakuru vendi kwa mu fililire mfudu, awo kwa mu tjidire mo membo lyawo. Because his brothers were jealous and hated him, they forced him to leave the land that legally belonged to him. Those who were part of "this generation " lived in the first century C.E. during the first century C.E. (Varoma 1: 20) Vakurona kuvhura va vatere vana vawo mokutura po elikwatakano naKarunga pokuvalikida yisitwa yaKarunga nokuvavatera va kwate egano eyi ayi horora kuhamena yikara yaKarunga. Parents can do much to help their children see God as a real Person by drawing attention to God's creative works and then helping their children discern what qualities of God those creations reveal. That would be wrong. Morwasinke epuro sa karera sininke somulyo? Why is faith a precious possession? He sees our suffering, and because "he cares for us, " he will make sure that our problems continue" temporary. " 2: 15. 2: 15. Our days are precious. Bibeli kugava mapukururo gomawa kowo vana hara kukwara, morwa Karunga ogu ga tulisa po nonkwara ana hara va kare noruhafo ntani yi va tompoke. (Yis. But God's Word provides wise advice for all who choose to get married, for the loving Originator of marriage wants each couple to have a good measure of success and happiness in their married life. They could have had a clear answer about Jesus Christ, but most of them thought that what the Bible says is really important. Nampili ngoso, awo simpe kuza nkenye ngurungura va ka zuvhisire modoropa ngomu tupu va yi rugana nomvhura dononzi. Still, as they have done for decades, in the morning they walk to a square in a busy section of town, arriving there at seven o'clock. Sometimes we slept on the street, but we tried to find a place where we could sleep on that night. 5: 11. 5: 11. By means of his holy spirit, Jehovah can give similar power to each servant of his slave, no matter what reward he will receive. 3: 14, 15) Nampili tu kare asi ose vepata limwe, yikara nomaukaro gomapata getu kwa lisiga. Even if we belong to the same family, however, we have different traits and circumstances. Then we made a list of time until they were ready to go to the branch office in the United States. (b) Siruwoke Jesus ga ya konakonene ntembeli zopampepo? (b) During what time period did Jesus inspect the spiritual temple? * Konyima zoyo, age kwa geve mfumwa nazinye kwaJehova. - 1 Sam. I had watered my hair, quit drugs, and stopped eating meat and pursuing black. Gold of Ophir, 6 / 1 Some Christian parents who serve in a foreign - language field realize that their children had become inactive. (1 Pet. 5: 4) Vakuronambunga womonombungakriste dokupitakana 100 000 kupakera mbili nkenye nzwi zaKarunga. Elders in more than 100,000 congregations shepherd God's sheep on a personal level. Jehovah and Jesus do not view one race or language as superior to another. Ava va hamenene mombunga zauvali " zovantu ava vantaantani ' vaava va parukire kumwe posiruwo songandi novagwavekwa womombunga zokuhova. The second group included in "this generation " are anointed contemporaries of the first group. For example, suppose we are reading together with him at Revelation 21: 4. Oyo ngano ngayi kara epuko. That would be a mistake. We need to be like the apostle Paul. Age kumona ruhepo rwetu, ntani morwa " kutupakera mbili, ' age nga divilisa asi maudigu getu ga twikire "karuwogona " tupu. He sees our suffering, and "because he cares " for us, he will make sure that it will continue only for" a little while. " Some of my family were priests and one of the German Church, and I was able to help a priest during the second century C.E. Mazuva getu, nago kuna kara nomulyo. Our present era, though, is also momentous. 6, 7. Awo ngano va gwene noureru elimbururo moBibeli kuhamena Jesus Kristusa, nye sinzi sawo kwa gazarere asi eyi azi tanta Bibeli kwato mulyo. The issue could have been settled quite easily had the delegates given appropriate weight to the Scriptures, but most did not. What is one way to understand the good news? Ano yiruwo yimwe, ose ngatu rara pepi nonzira, nye ngatu hetekere ko kupapara mukunda ogu natu vhura kurara esiku olyo. At times, we slept along the roadside, but we usually tried to find a village where we could seek lodging for the night. He saw how happy Adam and Eve must have been when they followed God's counsel and experience the challenges they faced when they ignored them. Kupitira mompepo zendi zokupongoka, Jehova kuvhura kugava nonkondo dokulifana kwankenye mukareli gwendi, yi kare asi mfeto musinke nga ka gwana. And by means of his holy spirit, Jehovah can give the same power to any of his servants, no matter what their reward will be. What made David commended, and what can we learn from the example of a woman? Makura ngatu yi topa - topa yikando yoyinzi dogoro tayi kara asi yina wapere mokuyituma kobeteli zomoAustralia. Then, we typed and retyped the translation many times until it was ready to be sent to the branch in Australia. How much better it is to put Jehovah first in our lives because we are his friends regardless of what might happen! - Read Hebrews 13: 5, 6. * * 12: 8 - 10. Ame kwa rerere nohuki dange di kure nokukoka epangwe nokuhageka kulya nyama ntani nokukondjera emanguruko lyovasovagani. I grew dreadlocks, smoked marijuana, gave up eating meat, and advocated freedom for blacks. For example, when Abel offered a sacrifice to Jehovah, he may have built an altar. Vareti vamwe woVakriste ava va kara monombungakriste deraka lya hana asi lyawo va yi dimbwilire asi vana vawo kwa tengwire monyima. Some Christian parents serving in a foreign - language field have come to realize that their children's interest in the truth has waned. To learn the name of the entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office that serves your country. Jehova naJesus kapi ava tara asi rudi ndi mvharerwa ndi eraka lyongandi lya pita makwawo Jehovah and Jesus do not think that one race, nationality, or language is better than another Tim: Who is "the Most High "? Pasihonena, tu tante asi ose kuna kukonakona kumwe nendi Ehororo 21: 4. For example, suppose we were to consider with him Revelation 21: 4. * How can you do so? Twa hepa kukara nonkareso ngwendi zomupositoli Paurusa. We should have an attitude similar to that of the apostle Paul. In his ministry, Jesus was always ready to help people learn about his Father and teach them about his Father. Vekoro lyetu vamwe kwa kere varuti ntani gumwe mubisofi, ano ngani vatere muruti posiruwo sEmisa. We had priests and a bishop in the family, and I assisted the priest during Mass. Yes, the Scriptures contain numerous differences that will help us to walk on the road to God. 6, 7. 6, 7. Each tract contains a scripture that we can read and ask for more faith. Nkedi musinke zimwe tupu omu vantu nava kwata egano mbudi zongwa? What is the only way that people can fully grasp the good news? What should we do if someone says or does something that hurts us? Age ga mwene ruhafo oru va kere naro Adamu naEva apa va kweme mapukururo gaKarunga nomaudigu aga va ya ligwanekerere nago apa va ya ga ncenwine po. He observed how happy Adam and Eve were as long as they followed God's direction, and he saw firsthand the trouble that resulted when they ignored it. By imitating the Hebrew Scriptures, the apostle Peter pointed out what God expects of his servants on earth, saying: "You must be holy in all your conduct, because you are holy. " Yisinke ya ninkisire Ndafita a mu pandadeke, ntani yisinke natu lirongera ko kosihonena sogo mukadi? What prompted David to praise her, and how can we benefit from her example? It is the only way to live a happy life. " Ayo ya wapa kutura muhowo Jehova meparu lyetu morwa ose ngatu kara vakaume vendi yi kare asi yisinke nayi tu horokera! - Resa Vahebeli 13: 5, 6. How much wiser it is to center our life on our relationship with Jehovah, which can remain intact no matter what happens around us! - Read Hebrews 13: 5, 6. Like "the fiery coal, " it can lead opposers to change their attitude and stop treating God's servants. 12: 8 - 10. 12: 8 - 10. " We sat outside the night at night. Pasihonena, apa Abeli ga geve nzambo kwaJehova, age nampo kwa tungire sizambero. For example, when Abel offered sacrifices to Jehovah, he may have built an altar. In what ways did God use his holy spirit to strengthen "the new king, " Jesus Christ? Mokudiva edina lyoaderesi ezi adi ruganesa Nombangi daJehova mosirongo seni, gwanekera ndi toonena mberewa zomutayi zomosirongo seni. To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office that serves the country. • In what ways can a couple put God first in their family? Timo: Yilye "gekeguru - guru "? Cameron: Right. Who do you suppose is "the Most High "? DRAW CLOSE * Ngapi no yi rugana oyo? * Notice how you might accomplish that goal. In a similar way, Satan does not feel sorry for those who attack him. (Joh. 15: 13) Moyirugana yendi yokuzuvhisa, Jesus narunye ga kere ana liwapaikire mokuvatera vantu nokuvaronga kuhamena oGuhwe. During his ministry, Jesus tirelessly cared for people physically and especially spiritually. Do not focus on fear or fear. Yimo, moMatjangwa kwa kara mo malisigo gomanzi aga naga tu vatera tu gende monzira zaKarunga. Yes, the Scriptures present us with many instructive contrasts, which can help us to walk in God's way. Satan and his demons are part of a nation. Nkenye sitratate kwa kara mo etjangwa eli natu resera ogu tuna kuzuvhisira ntani nokumupura epuro. Each tract prompts us to read a Bible text and present the householder with a question. The prophet Isaiah wrote about life in Paradise on earth, where all the problems people face will be destroyed. Yisinke natu rugana nsene gumwe a uyunga ndi a rugana yininke eyi nayi tu koresa? So how should we react when someone says or does something that hurts our feelings? Her brother, his brother, had commanded him to do so for 11 years. Pokutemwinina moMatjangwa goRuhebeli, mupositoli Peturusa kwa tumbwire eyi ga harera Karunga vakareli vendi vepevhu, pokutanta asi: "Omu kare vapongoki moukaro weni naunye, moomu ga kara mupongoki Karunga ogu ga mu horowora. Yeeyi matjangwa kwa tanta asi, " Omu kare vapongoki, yeeyi ame ni mupongoki. ' " (1 Pet. 1: 15, 16; Lev. 19: 2; Deut. Quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures, the apostle Peter states God's express will for his earthly servants, saying: "In accord with the Holy One who called you, do you also become holy yourselves in all your conduct, because it is written: " You must be holy, because I am holy. ' " He said: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery. " - Matthew 19: 6, 9. Azo yizo zelike nzira ezi azi reta ruhafo meparu. " It's the only way of life that brings happiness. " It does not mean that you should marry and develop that attitude. Ngwendi "makara gomundiro, " yirugana yoyiwa kuvhura kuninkisa varwanesi va rundurure nkareso zawo ntani nokuhageka kutekura momudona vakareli vaKarunga. Like "fiery coals, " acts of kindness can warm the hearts of opposers and perhaps melt down their hostility. (a) How is the Bible like a mirror? André kwa tanta asi: "Ngatu hingire ponze masiku. " We would set up deck chairs in the cold night air, " says André. Then, in the fifth century B.C.E., Brother Rutherford explained "the great crowd of the great crowd standing before the throne of the Lamb. " 11: 1, 2) Mononkedi musinke ga ruganesere Karunga mpepo zendi zokupongoka mokunkondopeka " hompa gomupe, ' Jesus Kristusa a pangere vantu? In what specific ways has God's holy spirit qualified the "twig out of the stump of Jesse " - Jesus Christ - to rule mankind? 13: 1; Acts 13: 21. • Mononkedi musinke valikwali nava tura Karunga muhowo mepata lyawo? • What are some ways married people can let spirituality guide them? 11: 4 - 6. YIRUGANA ACTIVITIES We invite you to read the following article in this article. Monkedi zokulifana, Satana kapi a zuvhire nkenda ava a homokere. In a similar way, Satan does not feel any compassion for those whom he attacks. But why did Abel enjoy the sacrifice of Abel? Wa ha demenena kelinenepeko ndi koutjirwe weswau. Never allow pride or fear of shame to become your prime focus. Follow the spirit of the world. The world's view of life is shortsighted. Paul urged Timothy: "God did not give us a spirit of self - discipline and self - control. " - 2 Tim. Satana novaengeli vendi kuna kara ruha rumwe. Satan and the demons are on one side. Like Paul, you may have felt that you were led by holy spirit, but then things did not happen just as you expected. Muporofete Jesaya kwa tjenge kuhamena omu ngali ka kara eparu moParadisa, omu maudigu nagenye aga ava ligwanekere nago vantu ngaga ka haga po. Earlier, the prophet Isaiah was inspired to describe conditions in the promised Paradise, where all the tension and conflict plaguing mankind today will be gone. We are moved to follow his good example. 23: 31 - 34) Ano mumbyendi Jehoyakimu kwa pangerere nomvhura 11. Then his brother Jehoiakim ruled for 11 years. " Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you, because they are keeping watch over your souls. " - HEB. Age kwa tente asi: "Ogu a zumbu mukadendi, nye pwa hana konda zehondero, a ka kware nagepeke, nonkwara a teza. " - Mateusa 19: 6, 9. He plainly said: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the grounds of sexual immorality, and marries another commits adultery. " - Matthew 19: 6, 9. According to Luke's description of witnesses, it was quite quite quite quite quite quite quite clear. Kapi yina kutanta asi wa hepa kukwara ntani no tunga po nkareso ozo. Of course, a person does not have to be married to develop a spiritual attitude. As a result, some have shown love for Bible truths. (a) Ngapi Bibeli za kara ngwendi ntarero? (a) How is the Bible like a mirror? In the book of Ezekiel chapter 1, he told the lesson he learned from the article: "Jehovah's organization, the organization of his organization, and the way he wants it to go. Ano mo - 1935 moWashington D.C., munazinyetu Rutherford kwa fatwilire "emukurumbunga " va uyunga mEhororo eli lya " sikama komeho zosipundi souhompa nokomeho zoNzwigona. ' (Ehor. Then in 1935, in Washington, D.C., Brother Rutherford identified the "great crowd, " described in Revelation as" standing before the throne and before the Lamb. " If you do that, God will show you love. 13: 1; Yirug. 13: 21. 13: 1; Acts 13: 21. These teachings do not have the right to spread the good news. 11: 4 - 6. 11: 4 - 6. Those in the second congregation are now older ones. Kuna kukukorangeda o rese sirongwa sokukwama ko esi sa zogera uhwi owo. We invite you to consider what this grand gift is by reading the next article. Today, the speech: "Let us go and eat and drink, " that is, the speech of people today. Nye morwasinke ga haferere nzambo zaAbeli? But why did he favor Abel? In the 19th century, I continued to serve as missionaries in El Salvador, first in San Salvador, and later in El Salvador, I graduated from El Salvador. Mukriste nokukwama si mpepo zouzuni. (Efe. The spirit of the world is unacceptable in a Christian home. STUDY ARTICLES Paurusa kwa korangedere Timoteusa pokutanta asi: "Karunga kapi ga tu pa mpepo zowoma, nani nye kwa tu pa mpepo zononkondo nezi zeharo nezi zokulipangera. " - 2 Tim. Paul encouraged Timothy by saying: "God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. " - 2 Tim. Today, Jehovah's people are facing an enemy. Ngwendi Paurusa nampo nove wa lizuvha rumwe asi kuna kukupitisira mpepo zokupongoka, nye konyima yininke kapi ya horokere moomu wa yi ndindilire. Perhaps there have been times in your life when you felt that you, like Paul, were following the leadings of God's holy spirit, but then things did not turn out the way you expected. Joseph was faithful, but not Potiphar's wife's wife. Kuna kututumangeda tu kwame sihonena sendi sosiwa. We are exhorted to follow his fine example. " My mouth will come upon me. " - ISA. " Omu limburukwe oku tomu zuvhu vapitisili veni, yeeyi awo kutakamesa nomwenyo deni. " - HEB. " Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls. " - HEB. For example, when Goliath killed Goliath, King Saul's son Saul said: "Who is my family? " Kuliza nomaumbangi mukumo gomamanya gokukweyesa kwa sikire ponokilograma mbali ndi ne. According to one source, such riders typically weighed between four and nine pounds (2 and 4 kg). 3, 4. (a) Why do we not take sides in the conflicts? Ngoyitundwamo, vamwe mo va likida eharo lyokulironga mausili gomoBibeli. As a result, several of them have shown interest in learning Bible truth. Walk in it, and you will love God again. Pokutamba kesingonono lya divikwa eli lya kara mobuke zaHesekiyeli egaununo 1, age kwa simwitilire sirongwa esi ga lirongerere ko asi: "Jehova kugendesa etemba ndi mbunga zendi, monkedi omu ana yi harere. Referring to a well - known description in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, he relates the lesson he learned: "Jehovah drives his chariot, his organization, at the speed he chooses. With my wife and I can say that we have been serving Jehovah for all years, "he continued to be our stronghold. " - Neh. Nsene ngo yi rugana oyo, Karunga nga ku likida eharo. Doing so, you will avoid God's hatred and enjoy his love. What opportunity does God's patience make possible? 1: 28 - 31; 2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5) Marongo ogo kapisi mbudi zongwa. These human teachings have brought no real and lasting good news. As a result, Jehovah told Moses: "In the midst of my members I have seen the affliction of Egypt; and I know them well, and they will hear their cry out for help. " - Ex. Ava womombunga zauvali ngesi vana kurupa. Today, those in this second group are themselves advancing in years. First, according to Jehovah's will, when is the birth of a human birth, would it begin to be born at birth? Naina, mbuuyungiso ezi asi: "Tu lyeni nokunwa nokulihafesa, " yizo vana kara nazo vantu. Today, the expression "Eat, drink, and be merry " has become a cliché. It is good to do so. Konyara nomvhura 29, ame kwa twikira mosirugana soutumwa moEl Salvador, pomuhowo mositata saSanta Ana, ano konyima moSonsonate, ntani moSanta Tecla, ano mouhura moSan Salvador. For nearly 29 years, I continued in the missionary work in El Salvador, first in the city of Santa Ana, then Sonsonate, next Santa Tecla, and finally San Salvador. In time, Amy and Kimberly were married and now serve as special pioneers. YIRONGWA YELIRONGO STUDY ARTICLES (Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6.) Naina, vantu vaJehova kuna kuligwanekera nononkore dononkondo. Today, Jehovah's people face many powerful opponents. It was a great joy to learn from Jesus ' courageous example. Josefa kwa kere mulimburukwi, nye kapisi mukadaPotifara. Joseph valued loyalty; Potiphar's wife, though, did not. 16 " Nonkango dange edi adi tundu mokana kange... [ado ngadi sikisa mo nayinye eyi na di tumina, NW]. " - JES. " My word that goes forth from my mouth... will have certain success in that for which I have sent it. " - ISA. This chariot has been estimated that the highest part of the earth's High Priest's chariot was about 15 feet (U.S.). Pasihonena, apa ga dipagere Golyata, yipo va mu pere munwahompa Sauru asi a mu kware. Nye Ndafita kwa tente asi: "Nyame yilye nepata lyetu epata musinke nye ni ka kare tamweyi zahompa ame? " (1 Sam. After he killed Goliath and was offered the daughter of King Saul to be his wife, David said: "Who am I and who are my relatives, my father's family in Israel, for me to become son - in - law to the king? " He often did what was wrong, saying that one of them would have done something that was wrong without saying to God. " 3, 4. (a) Morwasinke atu dilire kulihameka monompata? 3, 4. (a) Why do we not take sides when there are conflicts? The Bible sometimes describes Jehovah as "a complete heart. " Zi resa nkenye ezuva, ntani ngo zi hara unene nokuhara hena Karunga. (Epis. Take delight in reading it daily, and your love for it and its Author will grow. THE link between a husband and wife can bring happiness, happiness, or even anxiety. Name namukadange, kuvhura tu tante asi nomvhura nadinye twa karera Jehova, " ehafo lyendi [kwa ya kara] nonkondo detu. ' - Neh. Livija and I can truthfully say that during our years in full - time service, "the joy of Jehovah [has been our] stronghold. " - Neh. 2: 1 - 4. Mpito musinke ali gava elididimikiro lyaKarunga? What opportunity does God's patience provide? This will help you to know what Jehovah requires of you and how he helps his servants. (Ex. 1: 15, 16, 22) Morwa oyo, Jehova kwa tantererere Mosesa asi: "Udigu wombunga zange ezi za kara moEgipite na u mono nawa - nawa; nkugo zawo kombinga zovaruganesi vawo, na zi zuvhu; nhi, ruhepo rwawo na ru diva. " - Ex. It is little wonder, then, that Jehovah said to Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. " - Ex. Consider how this happened. Lyokuhova, kuliza naJehova, siruwoke ali tameke eparu lyomuntu, mezimo ndi pehampuruko? First, from Jehovah's viewpoint, when does the life of a human begin - at conception or at birth? Isaiah 44: 24, 28: "I am Jehovah; I will pour out your salvation upon you, and I will instruct you, and you will carry out my holy name, and you will certainly do good. " 13: 10) Ayo ya wapa mokusirugana ngoso. That, of course, is the way it should be. 4, 5. Konyima zosiruwo, Amy tava ya likwara naEric ano ngesi awo kuna kara vazuvhisi wosiruwo nasinye. In the meantime, Amy married Eric, and together they serve as special pioneers. OCTOBER 29 - 4, 2012 She Drew "Conclusions in Her Heart " (Mary), 10 / 1 The Bible says: "He [Jehovah] took the book of Moses, and he went to read it to the crowds. (Resa Yisewe 3: 5, 6.) (Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6.) No, Jehovah alone is alone. Kitty kwa hefe unene mokulirongera ko kosihonena souradi saJesus. Kitty is very glad to have learned from Jesus ' courageous example. " Every day, I witnessed to people who never heard Jehovah before. 16 16 It may surprise you to learn that what the Bible says is different from those ideas. Kunda oko dogoro momuramba gwaKidironi kwa kere nometa 140. The distance from that point to the bottom of the Kidron Valley was about 140 meters (450 feet). This requires that we regularly examine ourselves, which helps us to make changes so that we are holy. Age nga rugana eyi narunye pokugazara asi gumwe gwawo, mpamwe ana zono age ga hana kuyidivira, va handukise Karunga. " That is the way Job would do always. " 3 Are You "reaching out to Be an overseer "? Bibeli pamwe kwa tumbura asi Jehova kwa " liverere. ' (Jona 3: 10; Gen. On a number of occasions, the Bible mentions that Jehovah "felt regret. " He commended his disciples and urged them to do what is right. MALIKWATAKANO pokatji komugara nomukadi kuvhura kureta ruhafo ndi enyegenyo ndi sinka sosinene. FEW aspects of life cause more elation, frustration, or worry than our dealings with the opposite sex. If you are in a position to give your children good gifts, how much more so will your heavenly Father give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 9, 13. 2: 1 - 4. 2: 1 - 4. As Christians, we disown ourselves and follow Christ's teachings. Eyi ngayi ku vatera o dive eyi ana hepa ko Jehova koge ntani nomu ga vatera vakareli vendi. This will help you know what Jehovah requires of you and how he has helped his servants in the past. My parents were eight children, and I am the youngest of young children. 12: 9) Tu tareni omu ya horokere eyi. Consider how this happened. Because he respected Jehovah and obeyed him for many years, who blessed him greatly. Jesaya 44: 24, 27, 28: "Ame nyame HOMPA, muparuli goge... Ame kwa pwilika efuta norufuro rompangera. Makura tani tantere Koresi asi: " Ove nyove ngo pangerera nge mo, ngo rugana eyi nina ku harere asi yiyo ngo rugana; ngo panga asi Jerusarema va mu tungurure ano etateko lyontembeli va li ture po. ' " Isaiah 44: 24, 27, 28: "This is what Jehovah says,... " the One saying to the deep waters," Be evaporated, and I will dry up all your rivers "; the One saying of Cyrus, "He is my shepherd, and he will completely carry out all my will "; the One saying of Jerusalem," She will be rebuilt, " and of the temple, "Your foundation will be laid. " ' " But only a few were used to write Bible books and guide the congregation. 4, 5. 4, 5. When we humbly pray to Jehovah for guidance, we will not make bad decisions. 29 SIKUKUTU 2012 - 4 MANGUNDU 2012 OCTOBER 29, 2012 - NOVEMBER 4, 2012 We can benefit from learning about women who have a Family Worship evening. Bibeli kwa tanta asi: "Age [Mosesa] makura ta gusa buke zomalikwatakano, makura ta zi resere mbunga. The Bible relates: "[Moses] took the book of the covenant and read it aloud to the people. Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea. " - Isaiah 48: 17, 18. * Acts 27: 15 uses it in describing a boat that was seized and moved, or driven along a certain course, by the wind. Even though it may seem difficult, with Jehovah's help we can win. Hawe, kwaJehova gelike. No - only to Jehovah. This is evident in the way he created the earth. Steffen gokoDenemarke, kwa tanta asi: "Nkenye ezuva, ame ngani zuvhisire vantu ava va dira kuzuvha rumwe kuhamena Jehova. Steffen, who is from Denmark, said: "Every day, I was able to preach to people who had never heard about Jehovah. What shows that Mary was a spiritually - minded person? Ayo nayi ku tetukisa pokulironga asi eyi za uyunga Bibeli ya lisiga nomagano ogo. You may be surprised to learn that the Bible's answer differs greatly from either of those opinions. Romans 12: 3, 16: "To this undeserved kindness that God has given me, I tell you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think. Eyi kuhepa asi tu likonakone nkenye apa nyamwetu, eyi nayi tu vatera tu ture po marunduruko yipo tu kare tuna pongoka. (2 Kol. This calls for frequent self - examination, after which some may need to make significant changes so that they can be holy. HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: I met Jehovah's Witnesses, and they showed me that God will make the earth a paradise. 3 Ove kuna "hara kukara mupitisili " ndi? 3 Are You "Reaching Out "? How does the preaching work relate to Jehovah's purpose for mankind? Age kwa pandadekere varongwa vendi nokuvatumangeda va rugane eyi ya hungama. Instead, he praised and encouraged his disciples. Does alcohol control me? Kumwe nyone... mwa diva kupa vana veni yininke yoyiwa, ngaGuhyeni gemeguru yihuna nye pokugava Mpepo zoKupongoka kwava vana kumuhundira! " - Rukasa 11: 9, 13. If you... know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 9, 13. Spiritual maturity requires effort. NgoVakriste ava va ligava, ose kwa lidina nyamwetu nokukwama marongo gaKristusa. (Mat. As dedicated Christians, we have disowned ourselves and have chosen to live within the bounds of Christ's teachings as his disciples. They got baptized one year later, and my father, Ron, accepted the truth after 11 years later. Ose kwa tu reta ntantatu, ano ame nsiraura. I was the youngest in a family of eight children. However, Jesus will not only rule alone. Morwa age kwa fumadekere nokulimburukwa Jehova nomvhura dononzi, ogu ga mu tungikire unene. Because for a number of years, he feared and obeyed Jehovah, who blessed him greatly. If we love the truth, we will do all we can to put forth effort to put forth first in our lives. Nye wovasesu tupu va ruganesere mokutjanga nobuke doBibeli nokugendesa mbungakriste. But only a very limited number were used to write the books of the Bible and oversee the Christian congregation. One day when I was five years old, my father and I offered an issue of The Watchtower and the United States in Paradise. Nsene tu linunupika tu hundire mavyukiso kwaJehova ose kapi ngatu tura po matokoro gomadona. Modestly seeking Jehovah's guidance helps us to avoid making grave mistakes. When he went to a place where people worshipped Jehovah, he began to have a sound mind and a sound mind. Kuvhura tu gwanene mo uwa pokulironga kuhamena vakadi ava moUkareli wetu wEpata. We can benefit from study projects of this kind that can be planned for Family Worship evenings. Later, he became King of God's Kingdom. Matungiko ngano ngaga ku powomokera ngwendi mukuro ogu agu dili kupwira! Efundo ngano lya ku gwana ngwendi mankupi aga aga yeraukire konontere defuta. " - Jesaya 48: 17, 18 Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea. " - Isaiah 48: 17, 18 Soon, he will " remove all wickedness from the earth. " Nampili ga moneke ngwendi udigu, mevatero lyaJehova kuvhura tu ga funde. Even if these problems are very difficult, we can be strong with Jehovah's help. When David was a shepherd, he protected his flock from wild animals, such as a lion, a lion, and a lion. Eyi kuyimonenena monkedi omu ga sitire evhu. That is evident from the inherent design of our planet. He may have learned about that resurrections when he was a teenager and his parents were in the synagogue. Yisinke ayi likida asi Mariya kwa kere muntu ogu ga kulire pampepo? What shows that Mary was a spiritual person? This article will help us to find the answer and recognize how each of us might be in that area. Varoma 12: 3, 16: "Monkenda ezi ga pa nge Karunga, tani mu korangeda one namuvenye asi, walye omu pitakanesa mokuligazara nyamweni. If so, we do not benefit from it. OMU BIBELI ZA RUNDWILIRE EPARU LYANGE: Ame na ligwanekerere noNombangi daJehova, awo kwa likidire nge moBibeli asi Karunga nga ka ninka evhu nalinye paradisa. HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: When I met Jehovah's Witnesses, they showed me from the Bible that God will make the whole earth a paradise. Suffering cause suffering, sickness, and other causes of suffering to kill people. Ngapi omu sirugana sokuzuvhisa sa likwatakana nositambo saJehova kovantu? How is the preaching work connected with Jehovah's purpose for mankind? Many people are poor because they are poor and poor. Yikorwesa kuna kupangera nge ndi? Is Alcohol Taking Control? This training will strengthen congregations throughout the world and help us to remain faithful during that difficult time. Kukura pampepo kwa hepa elituromo. Making spiritual advancement takes effort. 3: 1 - 5. Awo kwa gwene ekuho konyima zomvhura zimwe, ano otate, Ron, kwa ya tambwire usili konyima zonomvhura 13. She was baptized one year later, and my father, Ron, came into the truth 13 years later. They were baptized without delay. The legal process of adoption. Job mentioned what he had done and waited for God's judgment. Nye, Jesus kapi nga ka pangera gelike. However, Jesus will not rule alone. As shown in this article, faithful men of old were like "the temporary residents. " 6: 22 - 24, 33; Ruk. 5: 27, 28; Fil. 3: 8) Nsene twa hara usili, ngatu kondja paapa twa hulira mokuutura muhowo meparu lyetu. The deeper our heartfelt joy about finding the truth, the stronger our determination to keep it first in our life will be. * Ezuva limwe ame opo nomvhura dange ntano, name notate kwa gavagere sifo soRuhungu ntani Consolation (ngesi Awake!) One Saturday evening when I was five years old, I was with my father, offering the Watchtower and Consolation (now Awake!) [ Box / Picture on page 31] Apa ga zire kevango oku ngava pongore vantu mokukarera Jehova, age ga tamekere kukara nomatedo ntani nomagazaro gomawa. He started reasoning clearly and logically when he went to the place where Jehovah was worshipped. He trusted in God, and God helped him. (1 Vakolinte 15: 3, 4) Ano konyima ta kara Hompa goUhompa waKarunga. Later he became King of God's Kingdom. Although Jesus performed miracles and taught the truth, Mary still had no faith in him. Nye ntaantani nga ka " fundilire ' pokukagusa po maudona nagenye pevhu. But soon Jesus will "complete his conquest " by removing all wickedness from the earth. Why can we learn how to comfort those who are grieving? Apa Ndafita ga kere musita kwa poperere siunda sendi koyikasama ngwendi nyime nasimbungu. The shepherd boy David rescued his flock from wild beasts, including a lion and a bear. It is not enough to say, "If you want to talk to me, you may come up again. " Age nampo kwa lirongere kuhamena mavhumbuko ogo apa ga kere mudinkantu kovakurona vendi ntani kosinagoge. She had learned of these as a youth at home and at the synagogue. For we are living. Sirongwa esi ngasi ka tu vatera tu gwane elimbururo ntani nokunongonona omu nkenye gumwe na vhura kuhamena mo moruha oro. The enemies of Israel were conquered because they refused to acknowledge that Jehovah was leading his people. Nsene yimo, ose ngoso kapi tatu gwanene mo uwa. If so, we could miss out on valuable information that would benefit us. How can we successfully overcome the spirit of the world? (1 Vakolinte 6: 18) Ruhonda kuna kuretesa po ruhepo ntani nomauvera gamwe aga gana kudipaga vantu. Much suffering and death have resulted from diseases that are spread by sexual relations. PAGE 9 • SONGS: 125, 43 Vantu wovanzi nohepwe morwa vapangeli uruva ntani ufuki. Because of greedy and corrupt rulers, hundreds of millions of people live in poverty. How will sharing with someone who is loyal help you to cope with your concerns? Edeuro eli ngali nkondopeka nombungakriste mouzuni mudima ntani ngali tu vatera tu kare valimburukwi posiruwo soudigu esi sina kuwiza. This will strengthen the congregations all over the world and will help each one of us to remain faithful during the thrilling times ahead. 8 - 10. 3: 1 - 5. 3: 1 - 5. What Is the Holy Spirit? Awo kwava kuhwire va hana kulikatakata. They got baptized without delay. The good news was preached, and the people of all nations heard it. Joba kwa tumbwire eyi ga rugene nokundindira mpanguro kwaKarunga. So he submitted his case and awaited the judgment of the divine court. If you are a baptized brother, ask yourself: " Do I share in the ministry and help others to do the same? Ngomu va yi likida mosirongwa esi, vantu vanare wovalimburukwi kwa kere ngwendi " vanayirongo. ' As shown in this article, faithful men of old lived as "temporary residents. " French was one of the wise people I came to know when I was serving at Bethel. * * But even if we accept these brothers, we can still show respect for them. [ Kakende / Efano lyepepenuno 31] [ Box / Picture on page 27] " One day when I went from house to house, " says a brother who got angry and got angry until his body ended. Age kwa huguvarere mwaKarunga mokumuparura, ano Karunga ga mu vaterere. She put her complete trust in the God of salvation, and he did not leave her in the lurch. We are happy when our relatives encourage us to do what is right. Nampili ngomu Jesus ga rugene yitetu nokuronga usili, vana vaMariya simpe kapi va kere nepuro mwendi. Although Jesus kept performing astounding works and teaching wonderful truths, Mary's other sons still did not believe. Later, the man who said lies and wanted to ask for forgiveness of a wise and wise man. Morwasinke natu lirongera omu natu hengagwida ava vana guwu? Why do we need to discuss how to provide consolation for the bereaved? (Compare Luke 24: 44.) Ayo kapi ya gwanena po pokuuyunga tupu asi: "Nsene ono hara kuzogera kuvhura o wize kwange nkenye apa. " More is involved than simply saying the words, "You can come to me anytime. " strives to be held in Paris, Paris Yeeyi ose vanamwenyo. For one thing, we are alive. The earth is precious, and it will not be destroyed. " (Josuwa 11: 20) Nonkore doVaisraeli kwa di fundire morwa da nyokere kuyitambura asi Jehova yige ana kurwira mo vantu vendi. Israel's enemies were defeated because they refused to admit that Jehovah was fighting for his people. Drawing close to Jehovah God, I have received a wonderful Father. Ngapi omu nayi tu tompoka mokunyokera po mpepo zouzuni? How can we succeed in resisting the spirit of the world? 7, 8. EPENUNO 9 • MARUSUMO: 125, 43 PAGE 9 • SONGS: 125, 43 Circuit overseers and missionaries from Bethel Bethel, missionaries, and missionaries also use talks to visit branch offices, assemblies, and congregations. Ngapi kutantera ko ogu wa huguvara ngayi kuvatera o lididimikire yinka yoge? How can good communication help you to cope with anxiety? Therefore, Mary could not take Mary to "the magnificent things " that she chose to learn from Jesus! 8 - 10. 8 - 10. He told me that they were making arrangements for training worldwide Bible translators who wanted to understand that it was my training but that I wanted to be held there for 64 years. Yisinke nawa - nawa mpepo zokupongoka? What, then, is the true nature of holy spirit? I also prayed for the purpose of life. Mbudi zongwa kwa lihene, ano vantu womarudi nagenye va zi zuvhire nokuzitambura. (Yirug. Christianity was now expanding into a vast new field; people in all nations could hear the truth and accept it. He changes his way of life, his thinking, and his actions. 1: 5 - 9) Nsene asi ove munazinyetugara ogu va kuhwa, lipura nyamoge asi: " Ame kulihameka mo unene mosirugana sokuzuvhisa ntani nokuvatera vakwetu va rugane yokulifana ndi? If you are a dedicated male, ask yourself: " Do I have a full share in the preaching work, and am I assisting others to do so? But Cain did not have that purpose, so he chose a path that would distance him from Jehovah. Angela nage kwa kere gumwe govantu wovanongo na ya divire apa ngani rugana koBeteli. Thus, while serving at Bethel, I met another wise one, whom I have now walked with for 58 years. At times, the elderly may say things that they do not appreciate. (3 Johanesa 9, 10) Nye nampili tu tambure vanavazinyetu owo, kuvhura simpe tu dire kuvalikida efumadeko. But even if we welcome these brothers, could it be that we are still not showing them respect? At times, it may be wise to prepare before you deal with a problem. MUNAZINYETUGARA gumwe kwa tente asi: "Ezuva limwe apa na zire moyirugana ya tunda embo zende embo, ta ni gwana mugara ogu ga handukire dogoro nomurungu dendi kuna kumenga ano rutu rwendi ta ru kankama. " WHILE preaching from door to door, I met a man who became so angry that his lips quivered and his whole body shook, " reports one brother. " At that time, " says the mother in India, a mother in India. Ose kutuhafesa apa vekoro lyetu ava tu korangeda tu rugane youhunga. Family members who influence us to do what is right are especially loved and appreciated. They say that these planets go about walking right away when they are born with a baby and show them that the future awaits them. Konyima zosiruwo, mugara ogu ga tente yimpempa kwa here kuhundira egusiropo komugara gonondunge. Later, the malicious gossiper realized his wrong and went to the wise man to ask for forgiveness, offering to do whatever was necessary to make amends. What hope does the Edenic promise give us about the serpent and its offspring? (Hetakanesa Rukasa 24: 44.) (Compare Luke 24: 44.) Still, I still remember the good conduct of the Witnesses that I displayed. Musée du Louvre, Paris Musée du Louvre, Paris The apostle Paul wrote: "The law of our Law was a leading to our integrity until Christ came to us in faith. " Evhu mulyo unene, Karunga kapi nga li zonagura po, alyo ngali karerera. " For that reason the earth is worth preserving as God's creation; and God will preserve it for all eternity. " When we study the Bible, we need to examine our thinking and actions so that we can discern the intentions of the heart. Pokuhedera pepi naJehova Karunga, na gwana Guhya gomuwa po. By drawing close to Jehovah God, I've also found the best Father imaginable. God wants us to pray for his name. - Romans 10: 13. 7, 8. 7, 8. One young man was eager to use a new computer to buy one of her own computer to buy a new computer. Vatareli wonombunga novakomitiye woBeteli novatumwa navamwe hena kuruganesa nondira mokuza va ka gave yiuyungwa poyigongi ntani nokukavatera nombungakriste. Circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, missionaries, and others travel by airplane to give talks at conventions and to help the congregations. Not knowing that he is suffering. Yipo nye, kapi ga vhulire kugusa Mariya " koruha roruwa ' oru ga horowere rokulirongera ko kwaJesus! By no means, then, would he take away from Mary "the good portion " she had chosen - that of learning from Jesus! Each month, our Kingdom Ministry highlights the suggestions we can use in the ministry. Age kwa tanterere nge asi awo kuna kutura po mawapaiko gokudeura ava ngava ka ronga vatoroki uzuni mudima va kwate egano Ruingilisa. Awo kwa here asi name ni ka hamene mo medeuro olyo nye ame opo nomvhura dange 64. Brother Marais, the overseer of Translation Services, explained that the brothers were arranging for a course in English comprehension for translators around the world, and at age 64, I was being considered for training to be one of the instructors. Put yourself in the situation of Asa. Ngani kanderere hena yipo ni kwate egano sitambo separu. I also prayed for help to understand the meaning of life. [ Picture on page 26] Age kurundurura mparukiso nomagazaro ntani noyirugana yendi. He even changes the way he lives, thinks, and acts. COVER SUBJECT WILL YOU WILL GOD'S WORD? Nye Kaini kapi ga kere nositambo oso, yipo nye ga horowere nzira ezi za mu gusire ko kwaJehova. Cain had no such goal, and he chose the path that took him farther away from Jehovah. The Bible says of his eyes that "we see wherever they go. " Poyiruwo yimwe mukurupe kuvhura a uyunge yininke yokuhandukisa ndi kudira kugava rupandu. At times, an aged parent may say unkind things or show a lack of gratitude. The last one, he said: "It has been accomplished! " - John 19: 28 - 30. Poyiruwo yimwe ayo ya wapa kuliwapaikira komeho o ya ligwanekere noudigu. Sometimes a little forethought can help you to prevent a big confrontation. Perhaps you have experienced such people in the ministry. Mayuri, zinya gomoIndia, kwa tanta asi: "Mwa za siruwo ngo ya yi yika. " But as Mayuri, a mother in India, says, "Eventually you get into a routine. " If you look at "the other sheep " of the" other sheep, " God has given you the hope of living forever on earth. Awo kutanta asi noplaneta odo kugenda di tunde pevango lyado nsene vana hampuruka mukeke nokulikida meho zomukeke ogo. Astrologers claim that the position of these celestial bodies at the time of one's birth shapes his or her personality and future. In this way, they care for their families. Ehuguvaro musinke lya tu pa etumbwidiro lyomoEdeni kuhamena ezoka noruvharo rwalyo? What assurance does the Edenic promise give us about the serpent and its offspring? Knowing God's Time Simpe kuna kudiworoka nkareso zongwa zoNombangi ezi da likidire nge. I still have a vivid picture in my mind of the kind, honest look the Witnesses had in their eyes. Yes, "he will give his Father the kingdom of God. " - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. Mupositoli Paurusa kwa tjenge asi: "Veta yizo za kere mupisuli gwetu dogoro noku ga wizire Kristusa, a ya tu hungamekese kepuro. " (Gar. " The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ, that we might be declared righteous due to faith, " wrote the apostle Paul. You do not read it because you want to drink it. (Heb. 4: 12) Apa atu lirongo Bibeli, twa hepa kukonakona magazaro noyirugana yetu yipo tu dimburure yigazo yokomutjima. Seeing ourselves in the light of what the Scriptures say can indeed be a powerful aid in identifying the intentions of the heart. Proverbs 21: 5 states: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " Karunga kuna hara tu kuge edina lyendi. - Varoma 10: 13. God invites us to address him by name. - Psalm 105: 1. Julian says, "We felt as if we did not follow what we did. " Mumati gumwe kwa here sili unene kompiuta zompe age kwa randesere mokahore - hore ngera zendi zimwe a ka rande kompiuta ozo zompe. One young man so passionately desired a particular tablet computer that he secretly sold one of his kidneys to buy it. See the article "Do You Learn Hebrew and Greek? " Kapisi ali zuvhe asi age kuna kuhepa. I need to feel that I am not a victim. What questions should we ask ourselves, and what will we do during the great tribulation? Nkenye kwedi, mosimbapira soYirugana yetu yoUhompa kupwagesa mo magano aga natu ruganesa mokuzuvhisa. Suggested presentations appear in Our Kingdom Ministry each month. " Keep honoring those who are appointed by him, that you may be led by him. " - 1 THESS. Litura nyamoge moukaro waAsa. Put yourself in Asa's situation. He felt that he was right, and he stopped serving Jehovah for ten years. [ Efano lyepepenuno 26] [ Picture on page 26] Why is it unwise to ignore warnings? SIRONGWA SOKUHOVA | NGO TAMBURA UHWI WOUNENE WAKARUNGA NDI? COVER SUBJECT | WILL YOU ACCEPT GOD'S GREATEST GIFT? In Paul's day, a government under the Roman Empire was under the direction of Nero, who ruled from the Roman Governor Nero. - 54 C.E. Bibeli kuuyunga kuhamena meho gendi asi "kumona nkenye oku. " The Bible does say that his eyes "are everywhere. " He said that the bread represents the first five books of the Bible. Nomunku gokuhulilira, age kwa zigilire asi: "Yina siki mo. " - Johanesa 19: 28 - 30. With his very last breath, he cried out: "It has been accomplished! " - John 19: 28 - 30. Our love for Jehovah and our faith in his promises should move us to take action in the new world. Nampo wa ligwanekera novantu vangoso moyirugana yokuzuvhisa. Perhaps you have met such ones as you engage in the field ministry. Saphira was so happy that she could not share in the construction work at Warwick but also because she helped their child to have a good relationship with Jehovah. - Prov. Nsene ove " gemukurumbunga lyononzwi dapeke, ' Karunga ga ku pa ehuguvaro lyepevhu. (Ehor. 7: 9; Joh. On the other hand, if you are part of the "great crowd " of" other sheep, " God has given you the earthly hope. Therefore, he is willing to wait as "a servant of his neighbor " but not" without hypocrisy. " Monkedi zangesi, awo kupakera nawa mbili mapata gawo. Thereby, they take the best care of their families. After World War II, four copies of the Bible - based publications of Jehovah's Witnesses were under ban in Australia. Kukwata egano siruwo saKarunga Understanding God's Time And some who come from isolated areas may not know how to use things in the race. Yimo, morwa age " nga ka gava uhompa kwaKarunga Guhwe. ' - Resa 1 Vakolinte 15: 24 - 28. Yes, for he will " hand over the kingdom to his God and Father. ' - Read 1 Corinthians 15: 24 - 28. How grateful we should be that through his death, Jesus offered a ransom that opens the way for mankind to live forever in God's new world! Kapisi o resere morwa ono hara kumana. Do not read just to cover material. What will help us to endure such trials? Yisewe 21: 5 kutanta asi: "O faneke nawa yuma yoge ngo gwane mo yoyinzi. " Proverbs 21: 5 says: "The plans of the diligent surely lead to success. " Try to see these changes in his or her emotions. Julian kwa tanta asi: "Ose kwa lizuvhire ngwendi kapi twa rugene ko yuma ngovakurona. " Julian says, "We kept asking ourselves if we had somehow failed as parents. " When it is difficult to understand the grief she felt, we cannot fully understand the joy she felt after three days! Tara sirongwa "Hepero o lironge Ruhebeli noRugereka ndi? " See the article "Do You Need to Learn Hebrew and Greek? " (Read Acts 20: 28.) Mapuro musinke natu lipura nyamwetu, ntani yisinke ngatu hepa kurugana poudigu wounene? In view of the approaching day of God's warring, what questions should we contemplate, and what will we need to do? 17: 13 - 15, 19, 20; Acts 5: 1 - 10. " Omu fumadeke ava ava mu ruganene, ava ga horowora Hompa, va mu gendese oku tava mu rongo. ' - 1 TES. " Have regard for those who are working hard among you and presiding over you in the Lord and admonishing you. " - 1 THESS. However, they decided to pay money. Age kwa lizuvhire asi mouhunga ga kere, makura ta hageke kukarera Jehova ure wonomvhura murongo. He was so convinced he was right that he stopped serving Jehovah and was inactive for ten years. Regardless of what trials we may face, God loves us. Morwasinke ya karera ugova kuncenuna marondoro? Have you read all the recent material published by the faithful slave about the use of social networking sites? However, he may feel that if he does not associate with them, he is not a trusted person. Momazuva gaPaurusa, epangero eli ngali va pangere kwa kere epangero lyoVaroma mepitisiro lyomupangeli Nero, ogu ga pangerere kutundilira mo - 54 dogoro mo - 68 S.N. In Paul's day, the superior authorities were primarily the government of Rome under Emperor Nero, who ruled from 54 - 68 C.E. " The bridegroom came, " he said. Age kwa tente asi nomboroto dorukokotwa kwa fanekesa nobuke ntano dokuhova domoBibeli. He said that the five barley loaves represented the first five books of the Bible. It involves the way we think and how we feel about our problems. Eharo lyetu kwaJehova nepuro lyetu momatumbwidiro gendi ngano yi tu tumangede tu rugane ko yuma tu ka paruke mouzuni woupe. May our appreciation for Jehovah and our faith in his promises motivate us to do whatever is needed to be in the new world. Jesus made clear in his Sermon on the Mount: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' or, " What are we to drink? ' or, " What are we to drink? ' Ricky naKendra kwa hefe unene, kapisi morwa Ricky ta ya lihameke mosirugana setungo koWarwick nye hena morwa ediruko eli kwa vaterere munwawo a kare nelikwatakano lyewa naJehova. - Yis. Needless to say, Ricky and Kendra are thrilled, not only because Ricky can share in the construction work at Warwick but also because their move is contributing to their son's spiritual growth. - Prov. However, we have abundant reasons for believing that Jesus is alive and that he is guiding us as we preach the good news to the whole earth. 32: 4) Yipo nye, age kundindira asi "nkenye " mukareli gwendi a" uyunge namukwawo yosili, " nye kapisi "yimpempa. " (Efe. 4: 25; Koros. Therefore, he requires that "each one " of his worshippers" speak truth with his neighbor " and "not lie. " What the ransom required may also be illustrated by what happened to Jacob. Konyima zoYita yaUvali yoUzuni, enduruko negavero lyoyimbapiratjangwa yoBibeli yoNombangi daJehova kwa yi silikire moAustralia. Soon after the start of World War II, the printing and distribution of the Bible literature of Jehovah's Witnesses was banned in Australia. But in my early years of service, I have the privilege of obeying those taking the lead. " Ntani vamwe ava va tundilira konomukunda kuvhura va dire kudiva kuruganesa yininke yomodoropa. If they come from a rural area, they may be at a loss about how to use modern household appliances. And I am grateful that Jesus gave me the knowledge of God that makes me strong. " Twa hepa kulikida rupandu morwa kupitira monomfa dendi, Jesus kwa geve sizoweseso esi sa pa vantu mpito zokukaparuka narunye mouzuni waKarunga woupe! We should be grateful that by means of his death, Jesus paid the ransom price because it gives humans the opportunity to live forever in God's new world! These visions show that Jehovah and Jesus are with those who go to heaven and those who are interested in us. (Hab. 1: 2, 3) Yisinke ngayi tu vatera tu lididimikire moyiruwo yangoso? What will help us cope at times like that? PAGE 27 • SONGS: 69, 120 Hetekera ko kunongonona marunduruko ogo momalizuvho gendi. Try to recognize this and adapt to his mood swings. Peter says: "The Teacher was impressed that I knew the answer, but it was a great surprise to me than that teacher was. Nsene kuna kutudigopera kukwata egano ruguwo oru ga lizuvhire, kapi tatu kwata egano ruhafo oru ga lizuvhire konyima zomazuva gatatu! If we find it hard to imagine the extent of her grief, how much more so are we at a loss to imagine the joy she felt three days later! Many today have decided to remain single, and others should encourage them to continue serving as pioneers. (Resa Yirugana 20: 28.) (Read Acts 20: 28.) Jesus always did what he said. 17: 13 - 15, 19, 20; Yirug. 5: 1 - 10. 17: 13 - 15, 19, 20; Acts 5: 1 - 10. Clearly, Timothy followed Paul's wise counsel. - 1 Cor. Nye tava tokora kutengwida yimaliwa kwamwenyayo. But they decided to take the money to the address that was on the passport. How do we know that what we view affect our heart? Ga kare asi maheteko musinke natu ligwanekera nago, Karunga kwa hara kutuvatera. No matter what trials may befall us, God's love is there to sustain us. Think of the world without warfare, sickness, or death. 15: 33) Nampili ngoso, nampo kuvhura a lizuvhe asi nsene a dira kulikwatakana nawo, age ngoso kapi ana kuvahuguvara. Even so, he may feel that if he does not associate with them, he is being disloyal. What attitude did Jephthah's daughter have? Age kwa tente asi: "Mukwali ta wiza. " He said: "The bridegroom came. " Did she think that she should hide her tears at the last time? Kwa hamena mo nkedi omu atu gazara nomu atu lizuvhu kuhamena maudigu getu. It involves the way we think and feel about our trials. Yes, Christ will appoint some faithful elders today who are taking the lead among us today who are taking the lead in the new world. - Isa. Jesus ga yi zeresere nawa - nawa pEudiso lyendi lyopoNdundu pokuuyunga asi: "Yipo nye nomu tundira kudira kulipakera sinka unene sokuninka asi yisinke eyi natu lya, ndi asi yisinke eyi natu nwa, ndi asi yisinke eyi natu dwara... Jesus made that clear in his Sermon on the Mount, saying: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' or, " What are we to drink? ' Why is using the Internet an effective way to preach, and what have you seen in it? Nye twa kara nonokonda dokupama deyi twa pulira asi Jesus muzuni ntani asi age ngesi kuna kutupitisira nokutuvyukisa ngomu tuna kuudisa mbudi zongwa evhu nalinye. But we have solid reasons to believe that Jesus is alive and is now guiding and directing us as we proclaim the good news far and wide. When the royal priesthood will accomplish their work, how will Jehovah use them? Eyi ya hepere po mokugava sizoweseso kuvhura hena kuyifanekesa kweyi ya horokerere Jakopo. The cost of the ransom can also be illustrated by an incident in the life of Jacob. What a fine example of faith and obedience! Nye sitambo sange monomvhura nadinye edi na rugana nawo, kwa kara sokulimburukwa ava ava pitisire. " Yet, one of my goals over the years has been to be obedient to those taking the lead. " Although we do not know when the Son of man comes, we should remember that Jehovah always fulfills his purpose at the appointed time. Ntani ame na kara norupandu kweyi Jesus ga pa nge ediwo lyaKarunga eli ali nkondopeke nge. " And I appreciate Jesus ' role in providing intimate knowledge of God that sustains me. " Jesus, Mary, and Mary, are brothers and sisters. Mamoneko aga kulikida asi Jehova naJesus novaengeli nava ava zi meguru kutuvatera ntani kutupakera mbili. These visions assure us that Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, as well as the faithful angels and those who have been bought from the earth, all deeply care about us and seek our welfare. It is always helpful, and those who have followed him find happiness in life. EPENUNO 27 • MARUSUMO: 69, 120 PAGE 27 • SONGS: 69, 120 When Mary heard that she was the Messiah, she spoke of the same words that Hannah and Hannah had spoken when she took Samuel to work at the tabernacle. Peter kwa tanta asi: "Murongi gwina ya mu tetukisire asi na divire elimbururo, nye nyamwange ya tetukisire nge unene kupitakana murongi gwina. " The rabbi, " Peter recalls, "was surprised that I knew the answer - but not as surprised as I was! This question caused many people to fall short. Wovanzi naina kwa tokora monomutjima dawo mokukara vadike mokonda zoyo, ano wopeke va hepa kuvakorangeda va twikire noudike wawo. Many today have resolved in their heart to stay single for this reason, and others do well to be a source of encouragement to them. The publications written for young people can help them to strengthen their friendship with Jehovah. Jesus nkenye apa nga sikisa mo eyi nga uyunga. Jesus always practiced what he preached by letting his Yes mean Yes. In the ministry, we may at times face difficult questions. 6: 12, 20, 21) Yosili Timoteusa ga kweme epukururo lyewa lyaPaurusa. - 1 Kol. There can be no doubt that Timothy followed Paul's wise advice. - 1 Cor. How can you show compassion for others? Ngapi omu twa yi diva asi eyi atu tara kukundama mutjima gwetu? How do we know that what we look at can affect our heart? We Must Be boldness Gazadara ko uzuni wa hana yita, mauvera ndi nomfa. Just think - no armies, navies, or air forces! However, explains what is taking place during these last days of this wicked system of things. Nkareso musinke ga kere nazo munwaJefuta? How did this young woman respond? The congregation began to spend large names in the congregation. Ta gazara asi a piruke a va morore hena sikando sokuhulilira ndi? Should he turn and wave - one last time? 10 / 1 Yosili, Kristusa nga ka horowora vamwe mokatji kovakuronambunga vanaina wovalimburukwi va ka kare vapitisili mouzuni woupe. - Jes. Doubtless, Christ will appoint others from among faithful elders of today to take the lead in the new world. - Isa. This publication is not for sale. Morwasinke kuruganesa Intaneta mokuzuvhisa za karera nkedi zongwa, ntani yisinke wa limonena pokuziruganesa? Why is using our website in the ministry an effective preaching method, and what experiences have you had using it? Throughout history, people have developed a spirit of self - sacrifice. Apa vapristeli wopasiuhompa ngava manesa sirugana sawo, ngapi omu nga ka va ruganesa Jehova? After the royal priesthood has accomplished its work, how will Jehovah use Christ's associates? And fellow believers around the world love one another and pray for us. " 9: 28) Aso kuna kara sihonena sili sosiwa sepuro noulimburukwi. What a fine example of faith and obedience! God gave his only - begotten Son, the greatest gift that we receive from sin and death. Nampili ngomu twa dira kudiva siruwo esi nga wiza MunwaMuntu, twa hepa kudiworoka asi Jehova nkenye apa kusikisa mo sitambo sendi posiruwo esi ga horowora. Although the Son of man is coming at an hour we do not think to be it, we need to remember that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper. However, Nathan spoke in harmony with his feelings instead of speaking in Jehovah's name. Ano Sarome nazinyaJesus Mariya, vantu namumbyendi. Salome is probably a sister of Jesus ' mother, Mary. Many people in Satan's world are loyal to their country, nationality, or social status. Mapukururo gazo kuvatera nkenye apa, ntani ava ava ga kwama kugwana ruhafo meparu. Its counsel is timeless, and those who carefully follow it will lead successful and happy lives. You need to meditate on your mate's feelings when you are with your former friends. Apa Mariya ga zuvhire asi age ta kara zinya Mesiyasa age kwa uyungire nonkango defumadeko edi da lifene nedi ga uyungire Hana apa ga twere Samwere a ka rugane ponkongoronzugo. The reverential words of Mary shortly after learning that she would be the mother of the Messiah were similar to those of Hannah when she was presenting young Samuel for tabernacle service. The meetings strengthened me greatly. Epuro eli kwa piyaganeka vantu wovanzi. This question puzzles many. However, the Bible says that some people saw God in other ways. Yimbapiratjangwa eyi va tjangera vadinkantu kuvhura yi va vatere va nkondopeke ukaume wawo naJehova. Publications written for young people can also help them to strengthen their friendship with Jehovah. He wrote: Mokuzuvhisa, yiruwo yimwe ose kuligwanekera nomapuro goudigu. In our ministry, we sometimes face challenging questions. The Bible shows that even before creation was created, he created the spirit man who was created "in all things. " Ngapi omu no likida nkenda kwava wopeke? How can you show a compassionate attitude in your dealings with others? " I have been working three days a week and a week for two days. Twa hepa upampi We Need Boldness 1, 2. (a) What are some things that cause distress today? Nye, kufaturura eyi yina kuhoroka pomazuva aga gopouhura mouzuni ou woudona. Rather, it highlights what would happen during the last days of this wicked system. What will happen to those who accept God's discipline without being hospitable? Makura mombungakriste tava tameke kulipa yipundi nomadina gomanene. At that time, a clergy class began to appear. Memorial season: During the Memorial season before or during the Memorial season. " Do not loiter at your business.... Because he did not do so, Jehoiada did not succeed. Vatera vagara va kure pampepo, 11 / 15 " Temporary Residents " in a Wicked World, 11 / 15 His enemy was put to death, and he came to sell the weeds, and he went to peace. Simbapiratjangwa esi kapisi sokurandesa. This publication is not for sale. But he did not associate with them because he did not want to engage in sexual relations with them. Ano vantu wokulikarera nawo kulikida nkareso zangoso. Government officials and citizens often display those negative qualities. What do we learn from Jesus ' words to Peter? Ntani vapuli vakwetetu uzuni mudima kwa lihara - hara ntani awo kutukanderera po. " And fellow Witnesses care about one another. (b) How did one brother learn to promote unity? You would be wasting your time talking with me. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Karunga kwa tu pa Munwendi gelike a huru. Awo kuna kara uhwi wounene po kupitakana mauhwi nagenye aga twa gwana, morwa awo kwa tu zowora kononzo nokoukurupe ntani konomfa. The gift of God's only - begotten Son - that would certainly be the greatest gift that any one of us could ever receive, for thereby we can be freed from the bondage to sin, old age, and death. Jesus did not say that he was a steward. Nampili ngoso, Natana kwa uyungire kuliza nomalizuvho gendi mevango lyokuuyunga medina lyaJehova. On that occasion, however, Nathan apparently expressed his own feelings instead of speaking in Jehovah's name. The fruit that Jesus mentioned involves "the fruitage of the spirit " and" the fruitage of the spirit " that Christians offer by means of God's Kingdom. - Heb. Vantu wovanzi mouzuni waSatana kulimburukwa kosirongo nokonompo ndi korudi rwawo. Many people in Satan's world are loyal to their country, culture, or race. The disciple James wrote: "We all stumble many times. Wa hepa kugazadara ko malizuvho gomulikwali goge nsene kuna kara novakaume woge vanare. Consider your mate's feelings when you spend time with old friends. More than a few of them would partake of the bread and wine, there were many congregations in the congregation, just as it had happened in 2013. Mapongo nago kwa nkondopekere nge unene. " The meetings were also a great source of strength. Later, my uncle conquered the judgment, but he remained in prison for ten days. (Johanesa 4: 24) Nye, Bibeli kuuyunga asi vantu vamwe va mwene Karunga mononkedi dimwe. Yet, the Bible reports that some people have, in a sense, seen God. In such prayers, Jehovah views incense as incense and incense. Age kwa tjenge asi: He wrote: How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are! " - Rom. 1: 1) Bibeli kulikida asi nare - nare komeho zesito lyoyininke, age kwa ungire muntu gopampepo mogu ga sitilire "yininke nayinye. " The Bible indicates that long before physical creation began, he created a spirit person by means of whom he formed "all other things. " 11: 1 - 5. Roy kwa tente asi: "Ame kurugana mazuva gatatu mosivike ano Petina mazuva gavali. " I work three days a week, " says Roy, "and Petina works two. Jon: Can you explain Daniel's prophecy? 1, 2. (a) Yininke musinke yimwe yina kureta kukora kokunene naina? 1, 2. (a) What are some things that cause much distress today? Jehovah promised them that all nations of the nations would bless them by means of their "seed. " Yisinke ngayi horokera ava ava tambura episuro lyaKarunga nava ava dili kulitambura? What does the future hold for those who accept God's discipline and for those who refuse to accept it? Can you imagine yourself doing the things Jehovah has promised you, whether you will live forever on earth? Siruwo soMurarero: Kuna kara komeho ndi konyima zoMurarero. Memorial season: The period of time before, during, and shortly after the Memorial. Jesus said that this is the greatest commandment. Morwa kapi ga yi rugene nomukumo, Jehoyasi kapi ya mu tompokere nawa. (2 Vah. Because he acted with a lack of zeal, Jehoash experienced limited success. Remember that Jehovah cares for you, and he will give you the strength needed to cope with any trial. - 1 Pet. Ano vantu eyi va rara, gonkore zendi makura ta wiza, ta ya kunu mau moyilya, makura ta ka za. While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat, and left. Why did Pilate refuse to die? Nye kapi ga tulisire po ukaume nawo morwa kapi ga here kutulisa po elivandekero kumwe " nava va hana kupura. ' However, he did not get too friendly with any of them because he did not want to start a relationship that would result in his becoming "unevenly yoked " with an unbeliever. When the book of Jeremiah was written, the northern kingdom of Israel, the ten tribes of Israel, the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel, and many people were taken into exile. Yisinke natu lirongera ko kononkango daJesus edi ga tanterere Peturusa? What can we learn from the words that Jesus spoke to Peter? [ Picture on page 25] (b) Ngapi munazinyetu gumwe ga lirongere kutulisa po uumwe? (b) How did one brother learn to promote unity? The evening, the owner of the morning, took no note in the morning. ERUNDURUKO LYENENE A DRASTIC CHANGE Love for people. Jesus kapi ga tente asi yina va hetere lina erenga kwa kere usili. Jesus does not indicate whether the accusation was valid. When they rejected God, they had to suffer terrible consequences. - Read Deuteronomy 28: 1, 2, 15. Siyimwa esi ga tumbwire Jesus kwa kwatera mo " yiyimwa yompepo ' ntani siyimwa " sotuna twetu ' esi ava gava Vakriste kwaKarunga kupitira mosirugana sokuzuvhisa Uhompa. - Heb. The fruit Jesus mentioned includes both "the fruitage of the spirit " and" the fruit of lips " that Christians offer to God by means of the Kingdom - preaching work. - Heb. The prophet Isaiah wrote: "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. Murongwa Jakopo kwa tjenge asi: "Ose natuvenye kupuka popanzi. " We all stumble many times, " wrote the disciple James. But the way I lived was showing that I was not alone. Vasesu tupu ngava makera komboroto novhinyu, monombungakriste dononzi kwato ngwendi moomu ya horokere momvhura 2013. Few (or perhaps no one) will partake of the bread, as was the case in most congregations when the bread was passed on this occasion in 2013. See the life story of Brother Diehl, "Jehovah Is my God, and I have trust in him, " in November 1, 1991, issue of The Watchtower. Konyima, hekurwange ga fundire mpanguro ozo, nye simpe kwa kere modorongo mazuva murongo. My uncle won the case on appeal, but he spent ten days in jail in the meantime. (Compare James 1: 14, 15.) Makanderero gangoso, Jehova kugatara ngwendi nzambo zedumba lyewa. (Epis. To Jehovah, such prayers are like the fragrant aroma of sweet - smelling incense. Naboth's wife, Naboth, did not want to break God's law. Yilye ogu gokuvhura kusingonona nompangera dendi? Di kare nonzira dendi yilye ogu gokudikwata egano? " - Rom. How unsearchable his judgments are and beyond tracing out his ways are! " - Rom. For example, the faithful man Daniel was told: "You will die, but you will receive your reward at the end of your days. " 11: 1 - 5. 11: 1 - 5. We can do so if we continue to fight against evil. Jona: Kuvhura o fatwilire nge uporofete waNdaniyera ndi? Jon: So, can you explain the prophecy in Daniel to me? How can brothers and sisters who receive this help they appreciate their gratitude? Jehova kwa va tumbwidilire asi vantu navenye womonomuhoko ngava va tungika kupitira "moruvharo " rwawo. Jehovah had promised them that people from all the nations would be blessed by means of their "offspring. " Consider two steps: First, he exposes persecution. Kuvhura o ligazare asi kuna kurugana yininke eyi ga ku tumbwidira Jehova, yi kare asi ngo parukira meguru ndi pevhu ndi? Can you imagine yourself doing the things Jehovah has promised you, whether you will be in heaven or on earth? Ezekiel had to accept that message and to make it easier for him. Jesus kwa uyungire asi oso yiso sipango sosinene po. Jesus said that this is the most important commandment. Which group would you think of two men? Diworoka asi Jehova ku kupakera mbili, ntani nga ku pa nonkondo edi da hepa po mokulididimikira nkenye udigu. - 1 Pet. Never forget that Jehovah cares for you, and he will give you the strength needed to face any circumstance that may arise. - 1 Pet. Why are the benefits that come from getting baptized more important than what we have lost? Morwasinke Piratusa ga pangwilire Jesus konomfa? Why did Pilate condemn Jesus? (b) Why is it important for a learner to be obedient? Apa buke zaJeremiya va ya zi tjenge, uhompa waIsraeli wokoMuzogo womazimo murongo awo nare kuna kara mepangero lyoVaasiliya ntani vantu wovanzi kwa va twere mounkwate. By the time the book of Jeremiah was written, the northern ten - tribe kingdom had already fallen to the Assyrians and many of its people had been taken away captive. Spiritual maturity never fails. [ Efano pepenuno 25] Jehova kutupa uradi tu zuvhise Jehovah gives us the courage to preach Shepherd the Flock of God's flock Makura sikondomboro tasi zigi. A rooster crows. Noah, Daniel, and Job lived on different occasions and had many different circumstances. Eharo lyokuhara vantu. He had love for people. Having a positive effect on us makes Jehovah's help possible. Apa va ya nyokere Karunga, va ligwanekerere noyitundwamo yoyidona. - Resa Deuteronomium 28: 1, 2, 15. When they ignored him, they suffered terrible consequences. - Read Deuteronomy 28: 1, 2, 15. What does Jehovah's name mean, and what did Abraham's descendants do for his name? Muporofete Jesaya kwa tjenge asi: "Ava ava huguvara ekwafo lyaHOMPA ngava gwana nonkondo donompe. " They will mount up with wings like eagles. Also, Christendom's churches are hidden from many people who do not know the true God. Nye nkedi ezi na parukire kwa likidire asi kapi ngani kara nado. But I could see that I was not going to get one the way that I was living. Our attitude: Peter realized that good conduct is important. Tara esimwititi lyamunazinyetu Willi Diehl, posiparatjangwa "Jehova yige Karunga gwange, mwendi yimo na huguvara, " moRuhungu 1 Mangundu 1991 moRuingilisa. See Willi Diehl's life story, "Jehovah Is My God, in Whom I Will Trust, " in the November 1, 1991, issue of The Watchtower. Whatever the persecution faced in Europe, the Witnesses did not give up their preaching the good news of Jehovah's Kingdom. (Hetakanesa Jakopo 1: 14, 15.) (Compare James 1: 14, 15.) Why should we cultivate self - control? (Levitikus 25: 23 - 28) KwaNabota, kapi ya wepe mokuteza po veta zaKarunga. To Naboth, it was unthinkable to break God's Law. Soon after Ruth and her mother - in - law, Naomi, went to Bethlehem and told the two women to return home. Pasihonena, Ndaniyera mugara gomulimburukwi kwa mu tanterere asi: "Ngo fa, nye ngo vhumbuka to tambura mfeto zoge pehagero lyosiruwo. " Consider an example. The faithful man Daniel was told toward the end of his life: "You will rest, but you will stand up for your lot at the end of the days. " Paul Ose kuvhura tu yi rugane oyo nsene tu twikira kurwanesa udona. We can do so if we keep on fighting against it. As foretold, people have faced many trials. Ngapi omu vanavazinyetu ava ava gwana evatero eli nava likida rupandu rwawo? And what about those who benefit from such acts of loving - kindness? Let us tell us some of our lives. Tarurura yininke yivali eyi a rugana: Sokuhova, age kutura poruzera mahepeko. Consider two things he does: First, he exposes tyranny for what it is. 23: 4. Hesekiyeli ga hepere kutambura mbudi ozo ntani nokuzininka zi mu kundame. Ezekiel was to absorb the message fully and make it part of him. The Bible does not say why Hezekiah committed pride. Rudi musinke no gazarera vagara ava vavali? How would you feel if you were faced with a scene like this? GOD'S WORD IS NOT THAT OBJECTION VALID. Morwasinke mauwa aga aga tundu mokugwana ekuho ga karera mulyo kupitakana eyi natu zumbanesa? How do the benefits greatly outweigh the costs? Nevertheless, we need to understand the important work we need to do at the right time. (b) Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo kogu vana kudeura a limburukwe? (b) Why is it so important for a learner to be faithful? A study of the Bible has not changed over a period of time in which we love Jehovah. Ekuro lyopampepo kapi ali haga. But our growth should not stop there. If we are humble, we will refuse to accept new assignments because we do not meet in our situation. Kareni vasita wosiunda saKarunga Shepherd the Flock of God Such qualities will help you to avoid doing things that will cause anxiety and will result from avoiding "a mild temper and abusive speech. " - Eph. Nowa naNdaniyera ntani Joba kwa parukire poyiruwo yokulisiga ntani kwa pitire momaukaro gokulisiga. Although Noah, Daniel, and Job lived at different times and under very different circumstances, they endured the challenges they faced. You will find joy in working along with fellow believers. Kukara omu kuna kutuninkisa tu limonene evatero lyaJehova. Living here allows us to experience Jehovah's help firsthand. Who sent the "star " to lead those astrologers? Yisinke ali tanta edina Jehova, ntani yisinke ga ruganenene ruvharo rwaAbirahamu eyi ya geve efumano kedina lyendi? Explain the meaning of Jehovah's name and how this was demonstrated in his dealings with Abraham's descendants. What can you do to cultivate self - control? Ntani vampitisili woNongereka dapeke kwa horekera vantu wovanzi va dire kudiva Karunga gosili. And the leaders of other religions inside and outside of Christendom have also hidden the identity of the true God from millions upon millions of worshippers. Could an Israelite believe that you can use a book with a new book? Nkareso zetu: Peturusa kwa yi dimbwilire asi nkareso zongwa mulyo. Our conduct: Peter recognized the importance of good conduct. Jehovah knows you and loves you more than your parents. Yi kare asi mahepeko musinke da ligwanekerere nago moEuropa, Nombangi kapi da hagekere sirugana sado sokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa waJehova. Regardless of the vicious persecution they faced in Europe, the Witnesses never forgot their commission to preach the good news of Jehovah's Kingdom. In addition to the Bible's use of Lefèvre d's Word (See paragraphs 13, Jacob later wrote: "The other person has not come to know how God is using his Word to help people in different places. " Morwasinke natu tungira po nkareso zelipangero? Why should you be interested in cultivating self - control? In order to hear our prayers, we must meet certain needs. Konyima zosiruwo Rutu nambusendi Orupa kumwe nangumweyi zawo Naomi kwa kere norugendo rokuza koBeterehema. Nye Naomi kwa tanterere vakadi owo vavali asi va tengure kembo. Later, as Ruth and her sister - in - law, Orpah, started out with their mother - in - law, Naomi, for Bethlehem, Naomi urged the two young women to return home. The result of the preaching work often sees a few years later. Paurusa Paul The greatest blessings I enjoy is serving Jehovah with my faithful wife and children. Ngamoomu va yi pumbire, vantu kuna kuligwanekera nomaudigu gomanzi. (Mat. As foretold, a rising flood of woes is affecting mankind. For two years after Esau became angry and wanted to kill his brother Jacob for two years. Tanko tu simwitire eparu lyetu. Here is a little of our history. Or we may be tired of waiting for the end of this system of things. 23: 4. 23: 4. In Such a mountain, the mountain of São Paulo. Bibeli kapi za tumbura konda ezi za ninkisire Hisikiya a linenepeke. The Bible does not tell us just what caused Hezekiah's heart to become haughty. The good news is that Jehovah God has already arranged for provisions to save us through Jesus Christ. KARUNGA GELIKE GA TOKWERE AVA VA VHULIRE KUKARWA. GOD ALONE DETERMINED WHO WOULD ENGAGE IN WARFARE. Why is it important to do so? Nampili ngoso, nose twa hepa kukwata egano sirugana somulyo esi twa hepa kurugana posiruwo esi va tu pa. Nevertheless, we also need to discern what is the most important work that we must do at any given time. Be Courageous - Jehovah Is With You! Pokulironga omu Bibeli za dira kurunduruka mwaza nomvhura kutuninkisa tu hare unene Jehova. Besides strengthening our faith, reviewing how the Bible has endured through the ages deepens our love for Jehovah. Creation reveals the Almighty Nsene twa linunupika, ngatu vhura kunyoka kutambura situmbukira sosipe morwa kapi tatu yi sikisa mo kuliza noukaro wetu. A prayerful and realistic analysis will help us to avoid overreaching our current abilities and limitations. Regarding the joy that comes from being happy, he wrote: "A person does not want to lose his joy, but the happiness of a person may be much happier. Yikara oyo ngayi kuvatera o nyokera po kuuyunga ndi kurugana yininke eyi ngayi kuretera sinka ntani ngo gwanena mo uwa pokunyokera po dira kukara "noukenya nehandu lyenene nonomutangu nomatuka noudona. " - Efe. Thus, you will likely avoid actions that could cause anxiety for you personally, and you will benefit by avoiding "malicious bitterness, anger, wrath, screaming, and abusive speech. " - Eph. Let us examine five reasons why we want to follow Christ. Ntani ngo gwana ruhafo pokurugana kumwe novapuli vakweni. As in other forms of sacred service, the association with fellow workers is a joy. No wonder Jehovah said to them: " All these people are angry with me, but I am angry with them, and they do not understand my ways. ' Yilye ga tumine "mbungururu " zina za pitisilire vakonentu vena? What events will lead directly to Armageddon? Ahaz killed some of his sons in a fiery hell as a god. Yisinke no vhura kurugana o tunge po nkareso zelipangero? And what practical steps can you take to strengthen your self - control? Choose Your Friends Wisely Murwanesi gumwe kuvhura a pure asi kuvhura o ruganese buke zomauzera zonokompiuta danare konokompiuta donompe ndi? A skeptic might even ask if you would use a manual for an old defunct computer to guide you in using a new up - to - date computer. In the first century C.E., Zechariah prophesied when he revealed God's purpose regarding his son, John. Jehova ga ku diva ntani ga ku hara kupitakana vakurona woge. Jehovah understands and loves you, yes, even more than your parents do. As we read the Bible, our goal should be to have God's Word touch our heart. Mutoroki goBibeli Lefèvre d'Étaples (moRuratina, Jacobus Faber Stapulensis), konyima kwa ya tjangerere mukwawo asi: "Kapi to diva omu Karunga ana kuvatera vantu komavango gokulisiga - siga va tambure Nonkango dendi. " The Bible translator who was behind this initiative, Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (Latin, Jacobus Faber Stapulensis), later wrote to a close friend: "You can scarcely imagine with what ardor God is moving the minds of the simple [people] in some places to embrace his Word. " " You are God's children, and he loves you. " - EPH. Mokuninka asi Karunga a zuvhe makanderero getu, twa hepa kusikisa mo yihepwa yimwe. In order for our prayers to be acceptable to God, we must sincerely endeavor to live up to his requirements. And I have also helped some to come to know Jehovah. Yitundwamo yosirugana sokuzuvhisa rorunzi kuyimona konyima zonomvhura dongandi. The effect of the preaching work is often seen years after the initial work has been done. We will find answers in the next article. Uwa wounene ou na hafera kuna kara kukarera Jehova kumwe namukadange gomulimburukwi novana vetu wovawa. My greatest blessing, though, is being united in serving Jehovah along with my faithful, loving wife and our beautiful children. We can learn what we know about God's name and his purposes as revealed in the Bible. Apo kwa pitire po nomvhura nomurongo mbali kutunda apa Esau ga handukire unene nokuhara kudipaga mumbyendi Jakopo morwa kwa gusire umbeli wendi. Twenty years had passed since Esau became bitter over losing his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, and wanted to kill him. Similarly, to be righteous, elders today do not have God's flock. Ndi nampo kuvhura tu roroke mokundindira uhura wouzuni ou. Or we may get tired of waiting for the end of this wicked system. So I gave my letter to Bethel service. MoRuswahili, ndundu ezi kuzitumbura asi Mulima ya Moto, Ndundu zomundiro. In Swahili, the mountain is referred to as Mulima ya Moto - Mountain of Fire. 30 Questions From Readers Mbudi zongwa kuna kara asi Jehova Karunga nare ga tura po mawapaiko mokukatuzowora konomfa kupitira mwaJesus Kristusa. Jehovah God has already arranged for us to be saved or rescued from death, and the central figure in that arrangement is Jesus Christ. I cannot suppress it. " Timothy, 4 / 1 The apostle Paul's words helped me, at Romans 12: 21: "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo tu liture mo kuyirugana oyo? Why are such efforts worthwhile? COVER IMAGE: Kwata mutjima - Jehova pweli poge! Who Go to Heaven? How can learning God's Word and apply it to help us? Unsitwe kuhorora Karunga Munankondo Creation Reveals the Living God This article raises sexual immorality, has divided many churches. Faithful Ones of Old - Guided by God's Spirit, 12 / 15 Yes! Kombinga zokugwana ruhafo, age kwa tjenge asi: "Udike kapi au kondere muntu a dire kukara noruhafo, nye awo kuvhura kureta ruhafo rorunene. Regarding finding happiness, she wrote: "Singleness can be a springboard to happiness, not a hindrance. But even if we do something wrong, all of us suffer because of wrongdoing that others do. Tu zeni tu konakone nokonda ntano edi natu harera kukwama Kristusa. Let us consider five reasons why we should want to follow the Christ. Illustrate some gifts from God that we can enjoy when we await the future. Yiyo yooyo Jehova ga uyungilire kuvahamena asi: "Yiyo nye na handukilire vantu owo ni tante asi: " Nkenye apa nomutjima dawo kupuka, nye nokukwata si egano nonzira dange. ' No wonder Jehovah said of those rebels: "I became disgusted with this generation and said, " They always go astray in their hearts, and they themselves have not come to know my ways. ' " You will become pregnant, and you will name him. Ahasi nga swakerere vana vendi vamwe momundiro ngonzambo kwakarunga goyimpempa. Ahaz even had some of Hezekiah's brothers burned alive as sacrifices to a false god. So I stopped watching programs that would show violence and violence. Horowora nawa vakaume woge Choose Your Friends Wisely It gives us fear and fear and fear in the way the wicked and the elderly and the older ones suffer. Mouye wokuhova, Sakaliya kwa porofetere apa ga horwere sitambo saKarunga kuhamena munwendi, Johanesa. (Ruk. Later, in the first century, Zechariah acted as a prophet in revealing God's purpose regarding his son, John. To help us gain Jehovah's help, we need to read the Bible daily, meditate on it, and pray for wisdom to apply the Bible's counsel. Pokuresa Bibeli, sitambo setu sa hepa kukara asi Nonkango daKarunga di tu twe komutjima. Whether reading God's Word in printed or electronic form, our goal should be to get it off the page and into our heart. 6, 7. " One mu vana vaKarunga, age kwa mu hara. Omu heteke nye kukara moomu ga kara age! " - EFE. " Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " - EPH. However, after ten days of Jehoshaphat's death and argued that her relatives would do the same, she tried to force her to stay with the car. Ntani name na vatera vamwe va dive Jehova. I have also had the privilege of helping others to come to know Jehovah. Genesis 7: 7 - 10; 8: 15 - 17 Ngatu ka gwana malimbururo mosirongwa sokukwama ko. The next article will answer these questions. It seems that she had been there for many years. Kuvhura tu lironge nawo eyi twa diva kuhamena edina lyaKarunga nositambo sendi kovantu ntani noyikara yendi ngomu va yi horora moBibeli. We may share with them what we know about God's name, his purpose for humans, and his personality as revealed in the Bible. THE SOLUTION: Jesus Christ, the Ruler of God's appointed Ruler, does not do bad things. 13: 14) Mokulifana, mokukwaterera kouhungami, vakuronambunga naina kapi ava kara vapangeli kosiunda saKarunga. Similarly, while firm for righteousness, Christian elders today do not lord it over God's flock. True Christians feel that it is important to understand what it means to be known by God's name. Yipo na geve mbilive zehundiro lyange lyokukarugana koBeteli. I submitted a letter, saying that I would be pleased to serve there. God's words to Job in the book of Job chapter 38 to 41. 30 Mapuro gokutunda kovaresi 30 Questions From Readers David knew that Jehovah God is stronger than Goliath Be Determined to "Let Your Brotherly Love Continue "! Soon, the things we believe will be fulfilled will be fulfilled, and our faith will be brought to an end. Kapi tani vhuru kuyilididimikira. " I could not put up with that. " In many cases, he prepares "the way " that we need to cope with it. Nonkango domupositoli Paurusa kwa vaterere nge, edi da kara moVaroma 12: 21 asi: " Walye omu tarerere udona u mu funde, nye one fundiseni udona kouwa. ' I took to heart the words of the apostle Paul at Romans 12: 21: " Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. ' Esau said to James: "I give you a cup of wine in the middle of the evening, because I have a lot of oil to you. " EFANO LYOPONTUNDA: COVER IMAGE: One day, he got sick, and I began praying to God who did not believe in him. Ngapi kulironga Nonkango daKarunga nokudisikisa mo ayi tu vatere? How can study and application of God's Word help us? According to scholars, Augustine learned that it was better for someone to make the Gospel of John as if it was the head of the head. Sirongwa esi seligwanekero panyama, kwa gaununa nongereka dononzi. In fact, the issue has divided many mainstream churches. As sinners, we would have to die only if we were to die. Nhi! Most definitely! He did what was right. Nye nampili tu kondje mokudira kurugana yininke yoyidona, natuvenye kuna kuhepa morwa yirugana yoyidona eyi ava rugana vantu wopeke. Nevertheless, no matter how hard we individually try to resist doing bad things, the world continues to be plagued by evil acts perpetrated by fellow humans. How would you describe the Bible in a way that shows respect for it? Tumbura ko mauhwi gamwe gokutunda kwaKarunga natu hafera siruwo esi tuna kundindira matungiko gokomeho. Name some of God's gifts that we can enjoy while awaiting future blessings. " Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt. " - COL. " Ove ngo kara marutu gavali, ngo hampuruka mukeke gomugara, makura ngo mu ruke Jesus. " You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. HELPING WILL NOT FRANCE Yipo na hagekere kutarera malikwamo gokotivi aga ngaga likida nyanya nonyengo. So I stopped watching TV programs that glorified violence and hatred. How Would You Answer? Ayo kutuguvisa nokuturetera utjirwe monkedi omu vantu wovadona ava hepeke vanona novakurupe nava wokudira nonkondo. We are sickened at heart when we learn of their horrible acts. The way the wicked brutalize children, the elderly, and other defenseless ones fills us with horror. (See opening picture.) 4: 12) Mokuninka asi Jehova a tu vatere, twa hepa kuresa Bibeli nkenye ezuva nokuteda ko nokukanderera yipo tu gwane unongo nononkondo tu ture pasirugana mavyukiso gomoBibeli. (Jos. 1: 8; Epis. 119: 97; 1 Tes. To benefit from that power, we must read the Bible daily, meditate on it, and pray constantly for the wisdom and strength to apply Bible counsel. More than 1,000,000 people from over 1,000 countries in North America each day 6, 7. 6, 7. IMITATE THEIR FAITH BY JEHOVAH Nye konyima zokutwikida kumutoona mazuva murongo ntani nokumutjilisa asi vekoro lyendi nawo ngava ka va rugana yokulifana, kwa mu sininikire a kare sikumbu. But after ten days of constant beatings, as well as threats of violence against her family back home, she was forced to work as a prostitute. However, Valentina began to preach to his neighbors. Genesis 7: 7 - 10; 8: 15 - 17 Genesis 7: 7 - 10; 8: 15 - 17 In this way, we follow Jesus ' direction regarding the preaching work described at Matthew 10: 11 - 13: "You must enter into your house and give peace. Ayo kulikida asi age kwa kere mevango olyo nomvhura dononzi. He spent years in that terrible place! We do not please Jehovah if we do not believe that he will reward us EKOHONONOPO: Jesus Kristusa, Mupangeli ogu ga horowora Karunga, kapi a rugana yoyidona. THE SOLUTION: Unlike imperfect humans, Jesus Christ, whom God has selected to be Ruler of the Kingdom, cannot be tempted into doing what is wrong. In most cases, those who strive to do so may not find it easy to care for them. Vakriste wousili kulizuvha asi ya kara nomulyo kukwata egano eyi ali tanta nawa - nawa edina lyaKarunga. True Christians feel that it is important to understand the full meaning of God's name. As time passed, new explanations need more and more explanation. " - See the box "How Does the Holy Spirit reveal the meaning of the spiritual temple? " Nonkango edi Karunga ga tantererere Joba kudigwana mobuke zaJoba egaununo 38 dogoro 41. God's words to Job fill four chapters in the book of Job - chapters 38 through 41. When some in Corinth accused Paul of lying, he wrote: "This is not what we say. " Ndafita ga yi divire asi Jehova Karunga nonkondo kupitakana Golyata David saw that even a giant is puny when compared to Jehovah God Do you appreciate what the elders do in the congregation do in day and night? Ntaantani tupu, yininke eyi twa pura ngayi ka sikilire mo, makura kutura epuro mwayo ngaku ka haga. Eventually, things that we have faith in will become reality, and therefore the need for faith in them will end. " Happy are the mild - tempered ones, since they will be shown mercy. " Momaukaro gomanzi age kuwapaika evega "lyokugahenduka " pokutupa eyi twa hepa yipo yi tu tompoke mokugalididimikira. Hence, in many cases, he makes "the way out " by providing what we need so that we can endure trials successfully. Give an example showing that good manners can soften the attitude of apostates. Esau makura ta tantere Jakopo asi: "Na kanderere, pe nge ni lye mo moyo yoyigeha mokayiga koge, morwa na roroka unene. " " Quick, please, " said Esau, "give me a swallow of the red - the red there, for I am tired! " Because Jehovah examines the hearts of the righteous ones, all of us need to examine what is in our heart. Ezuva limwe age kwa verere, yipo na tamekere kukanderera kwaKarunga ogu na dilire kupura. One night he got sick, and I found myself praying to the God I didn't believe in. Does he hold back from feeling that he does not deserve his love? Kuliza naProfesora Gamble, Augustine kwa rongere asi ya wapa komuntu kutura Evangeli lyaJohanesa konhi zomusato ngwendi nsene kuna kukora mutwe. Professor Gamble further noted that the Catholic theologian Augustine "considered it permissible in case of a headache to sleep with a copy of the Gospel of John under one's pillow "! Rachel's wife also wanted to see how Jehovah could fulfill her promise to Jacob. Ngovananzo, ose ngano kwa fira tupu kufa. (Epis. As sinners, the only thing we deserve is death. 4: 7. Age kwa rugene eyi ya hungama. His response was measured and entirely fitting. 13, 14. Ngapi omu no tumbura Bibeli monkedi ezi azi likida efumadeko kwazo? How can you direct attention to the Bible in a way that creates respect for it? (b) What can we learn from how Abraham handled Corinth? " Nonkango deni adi kare nkenye apa donongwa donontovara..., asi mu dive kulimburura nkenye ogu ana kumupura. " - KOROS. " Let your words always be gracious,... so that you will know how you should answer each person. " - COL. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 108, 93 SIRUGANA SOUTARELI NETENGURO KOBETELI CIRCUIT WORK AND BACK TO BETHEL They did so because they showed that he was the Christ, the Son of God, who supported and guided them. Ngapi omu no limburura? How Would You Answer? There is no evidence that the Gospel of John, John, or other Gospel, had changed the fourth century C.E. (Tara efano pepenuno 9.) (See opening picture.) I never know what to say, and he decided to test them. Noroli dokupitakana 1 800 dokutundilira koyirongo yokulisiga - siga yomoEuropa kupita mositata esi nkenye ezuva Over 1,800 trucks from various European countries pass through this city daily When my father was alone, my mother taught me to teach me and my younger sister. HUGUVARA MWAJEHOVA HOPE IN JEHOVAH Paul did just that. Nampili ngoso, Valentina ga tamekere kuzuvhisira vamusinda vendi. Even so, Valentina began to preach to her neighbors. One reference work says that in human history, there is no peace that has affected many. Monkedi zangesi ose kukwama evyukiso lyaJesus kuhamena sirugana sokuzuvhisa eli va tumbura mwaMateusa 10: 11 - 13 asi: "Muna kuza ponzugo, tanko tomu gava mbili. In this way, we follow Jesus ' instructions for the ministry recorded at Matthew 10: 11 - 13, where he advised: "When you enter the house, greet the household. Similarly, those who give authority should obey Jehovah's direction. Kapi tatu hafesa Jehova nsene tu dira kupura asi age nga tu futa How could we please Jehovah if we doubted his ability or desire to reward us? 22: 37. Rorunzi ava ava yi kondjere, kapi ava yi gwana ntani ayo kuvaretera yinka yoyinzi. Often, those pursuits are unattainable and bring only stress and heartache. But he did not succeed, and Elisha's mother came home. - 2 Ki. (Mat. 10: 27) Ngomu sina kupita siruwo pwa hepa mafatururo gongandi ntani ago kugazeresa nawa. - Tara kakende "Omu mpepo za horwere eyi azi tanta ntembeli zopampepo. " As time goes on, further clarifications may be needed, and these too are honestly explained. - See the box "How the Spirit Revealed the Meaning of the Spiritual Temple. " If a Christian does not have a balanced view of material things, his zeal in the ministry will gradually weaken gradually gradually. 1: 20) Apa vamwe womoKolinte va rundilire Paurusa asi munayimpempa, age kwa tjenge asi: "Karunga na kugana asi, nonkango detu kweni kapi da kere dapavali! " When some in Corinth accused Paul of being untrustworthy, he wrote in his defense: "God can be relied upon that our speech addressed to you is not Yes and yet No. " Throughout the years, the faithful and discreet slave reminds us of what we look at, what we hear, what we hear, and what we apply in our heart. Ove kulikida rupandu koyirugana yovakuronambunga eyi ava rugana unene mutenya nomasiku ndi? Do you appreciate the hard work that the elders render day and night? He encouraged them to focus on serving Jehovah and his Kingdom. " Vanerago vava wonkenda, yeeyi ngava va fira nkenda nawo. " " Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy. " In the Bible, Jehovah has given us what we need to find happiness in marriage as we walk on the road leading to everlasting life. - Matt. Gava sihonena esi a si likida asi nonkedi donongwa kuvhura kugomona nkareso zovarwanesi. Give an example of how showing courtesy may soften the attitude of opposers. How grateful we are to have Bible - based publications in many languages! 20: 12) Morwa Jehova kukonakona nomutjima dovantu wovahungami, natuvenye twa hepa kukonakona eyi ya kara monomutjima detu. If the Almighty is examining the heart of even the righteous one, should not we ourselves do some honest self - inspection? John saw the need to bear witness about the destruction of false religion. Age kukara ure nawo pokulizuvha asi kapi va fira eharo nelituromo lyendi ndi? Does he keep distant from them, feeling that they are unworthy of his love and attention? His righteousness includes trying to live by his perfect standards, not our own. Rakera mukadaJakopo nage kwa here kumona omu Jehova ga vhulire kusikisa mo etumbwidiro lyendi kwaJakopo. Jacob's beloved wife, Rachel, was just as eager to see how Jehovah would fulfill his promise to her husband. When you are doubts, talk with those in the congregation. 4: 7. 4: 7. Although you do not agree, you still have confidence because you have a compass. 13, 14. 13, 14. 50: 7, New International Version. (b) Yisinke natu lirongera ko omu Abirahamu ga kohwenene po nomutangu? (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham dealt with a dispute? Note what the Bible says about the future. EPENUNO 8 • MARUSUMO: 108, 93 PAGE 8 • SONGS: 108, 93 The Watch Tower said that the cities represented "the secret that leads to a sinner by means of Christ. " Awo kwa yi ruganenene morwa evhumbuko kwa likidire asi age sili yige Kristusa, MunwaKarunga, muntu gononkondo ogu ga va kwatesere ko nokuvapitisira. They risked their lives to proclaim Jesus ' resurrection because it proved that he was the Christ, the Son of God, a powerful, living person who both supported and guided them. Although I cannot marry and have no family, I have spiritual children. Kapi pwa kara umbangi nkenye ou una kukwatesa ko asi Evangeli lyaJohanesa, ndi Mavangeli gapeke, kwa ga rundwilire mouye woune. There is no evidence, documental or otherwise, that proves that the text of John - or of the other Gospels - was altered during the fourth century. These are just a few of the opportunities we can give gifts. Na hana kudiva ko yuma, age ga tokwere kuvaheteka. Without my knowledge, she decided to test them. We invite you to visit that house and also build a large house at our headquarters. Apa ngava pili po otate, onane ngava rongo nge ntani namumbyange gomukadona. While Dad was out, she shared what she learned with my sister and me. If your children recognize that, they will be more likely to have a full share in Jehovah's service. (Yirug. Consider one event. 7, 8. (a) What counsel did Jehovah give Barak? Buke zimwe kwa tanta asi mehistoli nalinye lyovantu, kapi pwa kara rumwe mbili zosiruwo sosire ngoso ezi za kundamene vantu wovanzi. One book says that in all human history, there has never been such a long period of peace that affected so many people. At all that time, he needed help. (1 Tim. 4: 15, 16) Mokulifana, ava va pa nonkondo dokugava episuro va hepa nawo kulimburukwa mavyukiso gaJehova. Likewise, those divinely authorized to give discipline must themselves continue to submit willingly to Jehovah's guidance. Explain how we can use tracts to start Bible studies. 22: 37. 22: 37. You are happy to find a job, and it will be easier for you to earn enough money to care for your family. Nye kapi ya ka tompokere, makura Elisa nozina womumati gwina tava ya siki kembo. - 2 Vah. Then the grieving mother arrived with Elisha. - 2 Ki. Jerusalem Nsene Mukriste a dira kutura yininke yopanyama mevango lyewa, upampi wendi womoyirugana yokuzuvhisa ngau sesupa kanunu - kanunu. If a Christian does not keep personal affairs in their proper place, his zeal in the ministry will gradually diminish. Do not be afraid to mention sex as a gift from God that he can enjoy when he is married. Monomvhura nadinye edi, mbunga zomukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge kutudiworokesa mokutakamesa kuhamena eyi atu tarere neyi atu purakene, eyi kwa tamba eyi atu tura momutjima nomomagazaro getu. Over the years, the faithful and discreet slave class has been reminding us to be careful about what we watch and listen to, that is to say, what we set our hearts and minds on. Tobiah and his associates tried to stop Nehemiah from rebuilding Jerusalem's walls. Age kwa va korangedere va demenene kuruganena Jehova noUhompa wendi. He encouraged them to keep focused on serving Jehovah and his Kingdom. Even though Jesus has been given him "all authority in heaven and on earth, " he did not get puffed up with pride. (2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5) MoBibeli, Jehova ga tu pa eyi twa hepa yipo tu gwane ruhafo mononkwara ngomu tuna kugenda novantu vendi monzira ezi azi twara komwenyo gwanarunye. - Mat. In his precious Word, Jehovah has given us what we need in order to have a successful and happy marriage as we keep on walking with his people on the road to everlasting life. - Matt. Everything makes us different from animals. Ayo kutuhafesa mokukara noyimbapiratjangwa yoBibeli momaraka konyara 600. How happy we are that we have access to Bible literature in some 600 languages. (a) How did one sister feel at first when he spoke to her? (Exodus 10: 12 - 15) Simbonde esi ga mwene Johanesa kwa karerere po vagwavekwa ava ava zuvhisa mbudi zezonaguropo maukarelikarunga goyimpempa. The locusts that John saw represent anointed Christians who have been preaching a powerful message against false religion. Such an attack on God's name Kupapara uhungami wendi kwa kwatera mo kuhetekera ko kuparuka kuliza nonompango dendi dokusikilira mo kapisi danyamwetu. Seeking his righteousness includes trying to live according to his values and perfect standards and not our own. We too are also suffering because of our imperfect nature. Nsene kuna kara nomasinganyeko, uyunga nava womombungakriste. If you are uncertain whether you could do so, speak with other members of the congregation. And remember that young people are not young. Nampili ngomu kuna sovagana, nye simpe ono kara nehuguvaro morwa ono kara notose. Although the sun has long since set, you do not feel hopelessly lost, for you have in your hand a powerful flashlight. ▪ "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. 50: 7, NW. 50: 7. Moreover, the only - begotten Son of God was "the source of his soul, " who died as a result of death. Koneka mauzera aga za gava Bibeli kuhamena meho. See what insights the Bible provides about the future. The Jeremiah class will not only tell "the time of Jehovah " but also his" time to wage war against the enemy. " - Isa. Sifo kwa tente asi yitata yina kwa fanekesere "egameno eli a gwana munanzo kupitira mwaKristusa. " Seeking refuge in him by faith, there is protection. " Steven, a member of the Governing Body (B.C.E., wrote: "The nuclear Armageddon, which continues to continue to be the name of Jehovah. Nampili ngomu na dira kukwara ntani kapi na kara nepata, nye na kara novana wopampepo. (1 Kol. Even though I chose not to marry and have a family so that I could serve more fully in the ministry "without distraction, " I have many spiritual children. The message he preached was so powerful because it gave God the truth about true happiness and taught people how to find real happiness in life. Edi kuna kara nompito dimwe edi atu vhuru kugava mauhwi. These are but a few of the many occasions for which gifts are often given. Jesus also indicated that he was not equal to God. Tuna mu zigida mokuyadingura nzugo ozo ntani nononzugo hena dimwe doupungwiro komberewa zetu zonene. We invite you to visit the Bible museum and the other museums located at headquarters. Could Jehovah answer us if we ask for more faith? Nsene vana veni va yi koneka oyo, awo ngava kara neharo lyenene lyokuligava vene mosirugana saJehova. As your children do so, they will likely develop a strong desire to make themselves available to Jehovah for his service. Why did Jehovah appreciate Jacob's blessing? 7, 8. (a) Mapukururo musinke Jehova ga pere Baraka? 7, 8. (a) What initial instructions did Jehovah give Barak? They felt sorry for their sins and abandoned God and stopped doing bad things. Yiruwo nayinye oyo, age nga hepa evatero. But all during this time, he may need help. The Bible explains: "Just as all are sinners because of disobedience and from another person, one person will come from another and from another. " Faturura omu natu ruganesa yitratate mokutameka malirongo goBibeli. Explain how to use the tracts to start Bible studies. Tim: I think that people do not believe in Jesus because they believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Ove no hafa pokugwana yirugana, ntani nayi ka ku tetukisa mokugwana nsonso zokugwanena po mokurera epata lyoge. How grateful you would be to get some work - and how surprised you would be to receive enough payment to feed your family! * They did not understand that Jesus was killed, but they did not receive help. Jerusarema Jerusalem I am so grateful to have the privilege of supporting the brothers in this way. Wa ha kara nowoma mokutumbura eligwanekero panyama ngouhwi wouwa wokutunda kwaKarunga ou mudinkantu nga vhura kukahafera komeho nsene nga ka kwara. TRY THIS: The next time you talk to your teen about sex, end the discussion on a positive note. He wanted people to live forever on earth and to accomplish that purpose. - Isaiah 55: 11. Tobiya novakwawo kwa hetekerere ko kuhagekesa Nehemiya a dire kutungurura makuma gaJerusarema. (Neh. Tobiah and his associates had opposed Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. " There will be food shortages, food shortages, and disease. " - Luke 21: 11. Nampili ngomu Jesus va mu pa " nonkondo nadinye demeguru, nedi depevhu, ' kapi ga linenepeka. Though given "all authority... in heaven and on the earth, " Jesus is not ambitious. Listen to your parents ' advice and to mature ones in your congregation. - Read 1 Peter 5: 5, 6. In a sense, Jehovah is "far off, " residing in the heavens. My wife and I separated three times and wanted to divorce. " Nayinye eyi kutuninkisa tu lisige noyikorama. All of this makes us different from animals. By means of that spirit, we receive help so that we do not tire out in these last days. - Isa. (a) Ngapi munazinyetukadi ga lizuvhire pomuhowo apa ngava mu uyunga momudona? (a) How did one sister at first react to criticism? What can I do if I have faith about what I read in the Bible or if I need advice about my problem? Mahomokero gantaantani gokugusa mo edina lyaKarunga Today, scholars are aware that Jehovah's personal name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. 11: 25. 8: 22) Nose kuhepa hena morwa kudira kusikilira mo kwetu. We are also victims of our own imperfection. I ponder over it all day long. " - Ps. Ntani diworoka asi vadinkantu kapisi vanonagona. Also remember that teenagers are no longer small children. One way is by giving thanks. ▪ "Nagumwe si gomosirongo esi twa kara nga sivana asi ta vere. " - Jesaya 33: 24. The people that are dwelling in the land will be those pardoned for their error. " - Isaiah 33: 24. Those brothers and sisters were deeply hurt by Jephthah's brothers. Ntani hena MunwaKarunga ogu ga kere " ntundiliro zoruhafo rwendi ' kwa fire nomfa donondona. (Yis. Consider, too, that God's dearly beloved Son - "the one he was especially fond of " - died an agonizing death. Encourage him to express himself freely. Mbunga zaJeremiya kapi tupu ngazi divisa " siruwo saJehova sokuparura ' nye hena nosiruwo sendi " sokufunda nonkore. ' - Jes. The Jeremiah class will declare not just "the year of goodwill on the part of Jehovah " but also" the day of vengeance on the part of our God. " - Isa. Jehovah fulfilled his promise. Steven Voth, mugavi magano kombunga zelipakerero lyetoroko lyoBibeli (UBS) kwa tjenge asi: "Nompata edi dina kutwikira moVaratina womoAmelika woVaporotestande kuna kara eruganeso lyedina Jehova... Steven Voth, a translation consultant for the United Bible Societies (UBS), writes: "One of the ongoing debates in Latin American Protestant circles revolves around the use of the name Jehová... Jesus gave the answers to Martha and Mary, who warmly greeted him. Mbudi ezi ga zuvhisire kwa kere nononkondo morwa azo kwa geve usili kuhamena Karunga ntani kwa rongere omu vantu nava vhura kugwana ruhafo rousili meparu. Azo kwa tumbwire hena kuhamena Uhompa waKarunga ou ngau ya gusa po maruhepo nagenye govantu. The message he preached had power because it conveyed the truth about God, taught people how to find real meaning in life, and clearly pointed to the remedy for all human suffering - God's Kingdom. What wonderful prophecies we learn and share it with others! Jesus ga yi likidire hena asi kapi ga hetakana naKarunga. Jesus also showed that he was separate from God. I understood what Jehovah is likened to a shepherd because he guides and feeds his servants. - Psalm 23: 1 - 6; 83: 18. (Vakorosi 1: 23) Kuvhura Jehova a tu limburure nsene tu mu hundira a tu gwederere ko epuro lyetu ndi? Can we expect our requests for more faith to be answered? As the next article shows, obedient humans will have the privilege of upholding God's sovereignty forever. Morwasinke ga haferere Jehova mokutungika Jakopo? Why was Jehovah pleased to bless Jacob? What happened to one brother and what can we learn from a similar situation? Awo kwa liverere nokutongona nonzo dawo kwaKarunga nokuhageka kurugana udona. They were filled with sorrow, confessed their sins to God, and turned back from their bad ways. When we obey the command to love our neighbor, our love for God will be fulfilled. " - 1 John 4: 12, 20. Bibeli kwa faturura asi: "Moomu va karera navenye vananzo morwakudira kulimburukwa komuntu gumwe, nemelimburuko lyomuntu gumwe namo ngamu tunda vahungami wovanzi. " The Bible explains it this way: "Just as through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one person many will be made righteous. " Why is it important to keep busy in the Kingdom - preaching work? Timo: Ame kuna kugazara asi walye vantu eyi ava uyungire asi kapi mwa pura mwaJesus morwa yeeyi omu litumbura asi Nombangi daJehova kapisi Nombangi daJesus. Tim: I'm just thinking here - maybe some people say that you don't believe in Jesus because you call yourselves Jehovah's Witnesses, not Jesus ' Witnesses. But Satan always tries to damage our relationship with God as we strive to remain neutral in this wicked world. * Awo kapi va yi kwete egano asi Jesus tava ka mu dipaga. Nye nampili ngomu va ka mu dipagere, awo simpe va gwene evatero. * Though they did not clearly grasp it, their Leader's life on earth would soon end, but they would not be left without support. The Bible says that during Noah's time "his own sons were put to death, and they began to marry those who loved them. " Ame nina hafa unene mokukara nositumbukira sokukwatesa ko vanavazinyetu monkedi ezi. I greatly appreciate the privilege of having a small share in supporting the worldwide brotherhood in this way. Imagine how better it will be to serve God in the new world under Kingdom rule. Age kwa here vantu va paruke narunye pevhu ntani nga sikisa mo sitambo sendi oso. - Jesaya 55: 11. He intended for humans to live forever on the earth, and what he purposes, he accomplishes. - Isaiah 55: 11. No. " Ako ngaku kara erumbu pomavega peke - peke nehamba lyomukagu. ' - Rukasa 21: 11. " In one place after another food shortages and pestilences. " - Luke 21: 11. In the past, Jehovah protected his people when they associated together during difficult times. (Gar. 6: 7) Tambura mapukururo gokutunda kovakurona woge ntani kwava va kura pampepo mombungakriste zeni. - Resa 1 Peturusa 5: 5, 6. Humility will allow you to be open to suggestions from your parents and spiritually mature ones in the congregation. - Read 1 Peter 5: 5, 6. Some say that the resurrection of the dead was merely a vision. Name namukadange kwa ligaunukire yikando yitatu ntani ose kwa here kulizumba. " My wife and I were separated three times and were in the process of getting divorced. " During the reign of the Great Empire in 337 B.C.E., the Greek Scriptures have been distributed by Greek traditional teaching that the soul had not been immortal. Kupitira mompepo ozo, ose kugwana evatero yipo tu dire kuroroka momazuva aga gopouhura. - Jes. Through that spirit, we receive continuous help not to tire out in these last days. - Isa. 17, 18. (a) What is "the waters "? Yisinke nani vhura kurugana nsene nina kara nepuro kuhamena eyi nina resa moBibeli ndi nsene nina hepa evyukiso kuhamena udigu wange? What should I do when I have a question about something I read in the Bible or when I need advice about a personal problem? How God's undeserved kindness expresses us the opportunity to hear the good news (See paragraph 11) 11: 25. 11: 25. Parents realize that when they listen to their children's rules, children understand and obey them. Ame kuziteda ezuva mudima. " - Epis. All day long it is my concern. " - Ps. Prayers can reduce anxiety. Rupe rumwe rwekanderero kuna kara kugava rupandu. Thanksgiving is another important form of prayer. When they obeyed those men, they obeyed Jehovah as their Leader. Eyi va rugene vakuru vendi kwa koresere Jefuta. What his brothers did really hurt Jephthah. THE END was zealous for true worship. Mu korangeda a pwagese magano gendi nemanguruko. (Rom. Let your child know that his reasons do not have to be exactly the same as yours. Is the majority of religions wrong? " 26: 1 - 6) Jehova kwa sikisire mo etumbwidiro lyendi. Jehovah fulfilled his promise. 27: 9. (Yisewe 14: 10) Jesus kwa geve malimbururo gokulisiga kwaMalita naMariya ava va ya mu morwere. Jesus adapted his response to the two sisters ' greetings. His Father chose the Son as his helper, "the Word of God. " 5: 19, 20) Ee, mauporofete musi gomawa atu lirongo nokutantera ko wopeke! And what exciting prophecies we study and share with other people! Let us consider these questions. Na kwete egano eyi Jehova va mu fanekesera komusita morwa age kupitisira nokukutika ntani kupopera vakareli vendi. - Episarome 23: 1 - 6; 83: 18. I learned that Jehovah is likened to a shepherd because he guides, feeds, and protects his worshippers. - Psalm 23: 1 - 6; 83: 18. Also, you might wonder, " Is Jehovah really the share of any imperfect Christian today? ' 1: 14) Ngomu ngasi ka yi likida sirongwa sokukwama ko, vantu wovalimburukwi velike ngava gwana mfumwa zokukwaterera koupangeli waKarunga dogoro narunye. As the next article shows, only integrity keepers can hope to have the joyful privilege of upholding God's sovereignty forever. However, he refused to realize that he could interfere with his ministry. Yisinke ya horokerere munazinyetugara gumwe ntani yisinke natu lirongera ko nsene tu pita moukaro wokulifana? What experience did one brother have, and why are our reactions in similar situations important? He made progress until Paul sent Timothy to visit congregations as a slave. Apa atu sikisa mo mpangera zokuhara vakwetetu unene po vanavazinyetu, eharo lyetu lyokuhara Karunga nga li " sikilira mo. ' - 1 Joh. 4: 12, 20. In fact, love for God is "made perfect in us " when we obey the command to love others, especially our brothers. - 1 John 4: 12, 20. " Although the country's birth in Europe has grown up in Europe, " says Dustin, a professor of Europe in Europe, "is now growing in Europe. " Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo kulitura mo unene mosirugana soUhompa? Why is it important to keep busy in Kingdom activities? In view of what Paul said, how do we know that the seventh day was still in his day? (Mat. 6: 13) Nye Satana nkenye apa kuhetekera ko kuzonagwisa po elikwatakano lyetu naKarunga ngomu tuna kukondja kukwaterera koulimburukwi wetu mouzuni ou woudona. (Efe. But Satan constantly tries to undermine our spirituality as we strive to maintain our integrity in this depraved world. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Bibeli kutanta asi posiruwo saNowa " vagara vamwe vemeguru tava zi vakadi konomutjima, makura tava kwara mo ava va here mo. ' In Noah's day, "the sons of the true God began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful, " says the Bible. I feel that he does not respect me and will answer her. " Gazara tupu omu ngayi ka wapa kukarera Karunga mouzuni woupe mepangero lyoUhompa. Imagine what an honor it will be to serve in God's new world under the rule of the Kingdom! And more than 3,000,000,000 people attended the Lord's Evening Meal and became interested in studying the Bible. Hawe. No. It also refers to God's people who wept over Israel's death. Pwanare, Jehova kwa poperere vantu vendi apa va likwatakanene kumwe mosiruwo soudigu. In the past, Jehovah was pleased to protect his people when they unitedly helped one another to face distressing times. Would they allow themselves to be free of freedom? Vamwe kutanta asi sihorokwa sevhumbuko kwa kere emoneko tupu. Others claim that the resurrection appearances were mere illusions. Jesus was a perfect man. Posiruwo esi ga fundire Arekisandera goMunene yirongo yokoIsraeli momvhura 332 komeho a wize Jesus pevhu, valirongi woVagereka awo vana hanesa nare erongo eli asi muntu kwa kara nomwenyo ogu agu dili kufa moyirongo eyi ya kere mepangero lyaGereka. By the time Alexander the Great conquered the Middle East in 332 B.C.E., Greek philosophers had popularized the teaching, and it soon spread throughout the Greek Empire. He had great experience, so we taught some things that involved in a boat. 17, 18. (a) Yisinke "mema gomawa "? 17, 18. (a) What are the "living waters "? 3 / 1 Omu Karunga ga tu likida nkenda: Pokutupa mpito zokuzuvha mbudi zongwa (Tara paragarafu 11) Expressions of God's undeserved kindness: The privilege of hearing the good news (See paragraph 11) But a vision also mentions another group of people who hope to live on earth. Vakurona va yi dimburura asi apa ava purakene komagano govana vawo kuhamena noveta demembo, vanona kudikwata egano nokudilimburukwa. Parents may find that when they consider their children's thoughts about house rules, the children are more inclined to understand the rules and to obey them. I was well - acquainted with the game, and I did not make mistakes. Makanderero kuvhura kusesupika sinka. Prayer can reduce anxiety. Praying for fear or fear may cause a person to lose his power. Apa vantu ngava limburukwa vagara owo, awo kwa limburukwire hena Jehova ngoMupitisili gwawo. When the people obeyed these men, they were actually following Jehovah as Leader. 2: 13, 14. JEHU kwa kere nouradi koukareli wousili. JEHU was a champion of pure worship. 5: 19. Ngoso maukarelikarunga gomanzi mepuko ga kara ndi? " Are most religions wrong? " (b) Give an example of how Jehovah shows compassion for his people. To Our Readers (Watchtower magazine), 1 / 1 Years later, Margaret and Elizabeth related this experience to their children and recall how they enjoyed the meal. 27: 9. 27: 9. " No man ever lived. " Guhwe kwa horowere Munwa a kare muuyungilipo gwendi, " ngoNkango zaKarunga. ' The Father designated the Son to be His spokesman, "The Word of God. " 28: 20. Tu zeni tu ka konakone mapuro aga. Let us consider these questions. Jesus said: "You received free, give free. " Ntani kuvhura o lipure hena asi: " Kuvhura sili Jehova a kare upingwa wankenye Mukriste gokudira kusikilira mo naina ndi? ' You might also wonder, " Can Jehovah really be the share of any imperfect Christian today? ' Occasionally, how will it affect your Christian activities? - Luke 14: 28 - 30. Nye age ga nyokere morwa ga yi dimbwilire asi ta yi donganesa siruwo sendi sokuzuvhisa. However, since the job would diminish her focus on the ministry, she turned down this lucrative offer. Are we benefiting from doing what is right, not that? Age ga tulire po ezokomeho dogoro Paurusa ga tumine Timoteusa mokukadingura nombungakriste a kare ngwendi mukareli po gwendi. But learn he did, to the extent that, in time, Paul could confidently send Timothy to visit congregations and act as his representative. As we have considered, we do not take sides in this conflicts of this world because we obey Jehovah and his Kingdom. EUROPA: Murugani gweyi yosirongo moEuropa, Cecilia Malmström kwa tente asi: "Ufuki moEuropa kuna kuligwederera. " EUROPE: "The extent of the problem [corruption in Europe] is breathtaking, " according to European Commission Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström. (See box on page 17.) Kuliza neyi nga uyungire Paurusa, ngapi omu tuna yi diva asi alyo kwa kere simpe ezuva lyautano - nauvali momazuva gendi? What further evidence does Paul furnish that the seventh day was ongoing in his day? They were supported by a vine, a boat, and a breastplate of praise. va nduruka Nombangi daJehova. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. It has been associated with that attitude, wisdom, and wisdom. Ame kulizuvha asi age kapi ana kufumadeka nge makura tani mu limburura momudona. " " I feel belittled, and sometimes I respond unkindly. " He immediately got up and drank with the man's drinking. Ntani vantu wokupitakana 11 000 000 kwa ya kere poMurarero gwaHompa nokulikida elituromo lyokulironga Bibeli. More than 11,000,000 other individuals show interest in the Bible and our work by attending the annual Memorial of Jesus ' death. What about the Governing Body of the Governing Body? Ayo kwa tamba hena kovazinya wovantu vaKarunga ava va lilire nomfa nekwato lyoVaisraeli. Another possibility is that it suggested that all the mothers of God's people wept over the death or exiling of Israel. Does the Bible indicate when the resurrection will occur? Ngoso za va ninkisire va dire kukara noumanguruki ndi? Did it rob Adam and Eve of their freedom? As told by J. Jesus kwa kere mugara gokusikilira mo. Jesus was a perfect man. Thus, they will look at the kingdoms of the heavenly part of their heavenly Father. Age kwa kere noudivi wounene, makura tatu rongo yimwe eyi ya hamena mo mokusinga sikepa. He taught us some basic seamanship, such as how to raise and lower the various sails, how to maintain a compass bearing, and how to tack against the wind. What provisions can help us to cultivate the love that endures all things and never fails? EPARU NOYIKARA YOSIKRISTE Swahili, 9 / 1 (b) How should we feel about prayer? (1 Vakolinte 1: 23) Nye memoneko kwa tumbura mo hena mbunga zimwe ezi za kara nehuguvaro lyokukaparukira pevhu. But the vision mentions another group of people who are not anointed but who have the hope of living on earth. The Bible tells us: "God proceeded to make the garden of Eden, and he made the man who created.... Ame kwa divire nawa udano owo ntani kapi ngani lipuka pokudana. I was a baseman and did well, even playing a stretch of 17 games without making a single error. Jehovah revealed Sarah to Sarah that "the daughter of the king, " but Sarah did not expect Sarah to be treated as king 27: 1) Kukankama ndi utjirwe kuvhura kuninkisa muntu a dire nonkondo dokurugana yuma. While fear can exert a weakening influence, the feeling of dread is even more severe. (Read John 15: 18 - 21; Isaiah 2: 4.) 2: 13, 14. " Christ Jesus... gave himself for us that he might... cleanse for himself a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works. " - TITUS 2: 13, 14. We need to answer the answer to God's thinking so that we can gain guidance. Brothers who have young children at home are no longer invited to serve in the circuit work. David was so angry with this man of a rich man who said to Nathan: "I am the God of life, the man who did not die. " 5: 19. Jesus ' words show that he understood a basic human trait - the desire to share matters of interest and importance with relatives. - Mark 5: 19. Some Christians apply this: Whenever they receive a gift, they find opportunities to give a gift. (b) Gava sihonena omu Jehova a likida nkenda mokuvatera vantu vendi. (b) Illustrate how compassionate Jehovah is in helping imperfect humans. 9 Canada from Canada Konyima zonomvhura dongandi, vatekuru vaMargaret kwa ya simwitilire ko sihorokwa oso sokuzoresa vana vawo nokudiworoka omu va haferere murarero gwina nazinyakurwawo. In later years, the two grandsons retold the story of that unforgettable family meal to their own children and recalled the fond memories they had of their grandparents. Noah's sons set a good example. " Nagumwe si ga parukire po. " (Ex. " Not so much as one among them was let remain. " Use Your Singleness 28: 20. 28: 20. July 27 - 3, 2011 Jesus kwa tente asi: "Mawoko - woko muna yi gwana, none ka yi gaveni mawoko - woko. " Jesus said: "You received free, give free. " Parents too should be courageous. Novili odo ngo ruganesa koyirugana, ngapi omu ngadi kundama yirugana yoge yoSikriste? - Ruk. 14: 28 - 30. How might the hours, such as with shift work, affect my Christian activities? - Luke 14: 28 - 30. * - Matthew 24: 3 - 14; Luke 21: 11 - 11; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Ose twa gwanena mo mauwa pokurugana eyi ya hungama, ndi kapisi yimo? Have we not found that great pleasure can be derived from doing what is right? Most of our brothers visited us were poor, but we wanted to visit them. Ngomu tuna yi zogere, ose kapi atu lihameke monompata douzuni ou morwa kulimburukwa Jehova nokoUhompa wendi. As we have discussed, because we are loyal to Jehovah and his Kingdom, we do not take sides in the world's conflicts. They also allow God's spirit to produce the fruitage of his spirit in their life. (Tara kakende pepenuno 17.) (See box on page 17.) (See the box "How to Make It Enjoyable and sing. ") (b) What suggestions can help you overcome the problem? Awo kwa va pitisililire ngundi zeremo nezi zomundiro. They were guided by a pillar of cloud and of fire. From then on, the Israelites would no longer do God's will. - Num. Azo kwa kwatakanesa nkareso ozo kumwe nounongo. In fact, God's Word associates that disposition with wisdom. (b) What do Paul's words found at Romans 1: 6 indicate? Ta tura kavaza kendi makura muswamane ta nu mo. So she quickly swung her water jar from her shoulder and let the man drink, not a mere sip, but a real drink of the fresh, cool water. In response to questions about the end of his disciples, Jesus said: "The nations will hesitate to fight against the nations, and he will reject the kingdoms of the nations. Ngapi kuhamena womoMbungagendesi ezi za kara asi mukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge? What about the Governing Body members who today make up the faithful and discreet slave? If we "see the eyes of our faith " and trust in Jehovah, we will be" in the God of peace " and receive his blessing. Bibeli za likida siruwo apa ngali ka horoka evhumbuko ndi? And does the Bible really indicate when the resurrection will take place? (Read Romans 13: 11 - 14.) Eyi ga simwitira ronald J. As told by Ronald J. THE compass is a rocker that is available in a form that is full of power, or its power, and its power that makes it possible for us to go through. Yipo nye awo ngava tara koyidiviso yemeguru mokuvapitisira. They therefore looked to the heavens for signs and omens to guide them. On the contrary, he enjoyed serving Jehovah fully and becoming like "a sacrifice of sacrifice. " Mawapaiko musinke naga tu vatera tu tunge po eharo eli ali didimike nayinye ntani kapi ali haga? What provisions enable us to cultivate love that endures all things and never fails? What comfort can we draw from Paul's words at Philippians 4: 6, 7? (b) Ngapi twa hepa kulizuvha kuhamena ekanderero? (b) How may God answer our prayers? If you are sharing in school, you can gain knowledge as you preach the good news. Bibeli kututantera asi: "Makura Karunga ta rugana sikunino moEdeni, korwaUpumezuva, makura ta tura mo muntu ogu ga ungire.... The Bible tells us: "Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden, toward the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.... [ Picture on page 26] Jehova kwa rukire Sara asi "Hompa gomukadi, " nye Sara kapi ga ndindilire asi va mu tekure ngwendi hompa Jehovah called Sarah "Princess, " but she did not expect to be treated like royalty 25 Our Readers Ask... (Resa Johanesa 15: 18 - 21; Jesaya 2: 4.) (Read John 15: 18 - 21; Isaiah 2: 4.) Why can Bible reading help him to grow spiritually? Twa hepa elimbururo lyokuliza nomagazaro gaKarunga yipo tu gwane evyukiso lyewa. We need answers from God's standpoint so that we can be guided accordingly. (b) Give an example showing that love is an expression of our love for others. Ndafita kwa handukilire unene ogo mugara gongawo gemesimwititi nokutantera Natana asi: "Karunga gomwenyo ani gana asi, mugara ogu ga rugana oyo yige kufa! " David became angry at the rich man of the story and said to Nathan: "As Jehovah is living, the man doing this deserves to die! " [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. Vakriste vamwe kutura pasirugana eyi: Nkenye apa ava gwana uhwi, awo kupapara mpito va pe ko gumwe uhwi. Some Christians take this practical approach: Whenever they receive a gift, they look for an opportunity to give someone else a gift. The Greek word translated "consider " refers to" getting acquainted with the new personality. " 9 Chantal gokoKanada 9 Chantal from Canada But pray for everything you need to pray to God. Vana vaNowa kwa tulisire po sihonena sosiwa. We find an excellent example in Noah's sons. For example, one angel of Jehovah killed 185,000 Assyrians. Ruganesa nawa udike woge We are encouraged to follow the example of those who served Jehovah, the King of eternity. 27 Pembagona 2011 - 3 Pembankuru 2011 June 27, 2011 - July 3, 2011 Preparing for the meetings. Vakondi nawo va hepa kukara nouradi. Christian parents also need courage. 10, 11. * - Mateusa 24: 3 - 14; Rukasa 21: 7 - 11; 2 Timoteusa 3: 1 - 5. * - Matthew 24: 3 - 14; Luke 21: 7 - 11; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. They teach that Jehovah and Jesus are generous. Sinzi sovanavazinyetu ava ngatu dingura kwa kere nohepwe, nye twa here kuvadingura. Many of the brothers were poor, but we loved visiting them. Satan has " blinded the minds of the unbelievers. " 28: 19) Awo hena kupulisira mpepo zaKarunga zi rete yiyimwa yompepo meparu lyawo. (Gar. And all of them yield to the action of God's spirit in their lives, allowing it to produce in them its fruitage. But did she really give up? (Tara kakende "Omu no wapukurura pokudimba. ") (b) Magano musinke kuhamena kukandana po udigu wokudimba aga ku vatere? (See the box "How to Improve Your Singing. ") (b) What suggestions for overcoming voice problems do you find practical? " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " 32: 5, 6, 8) Kutunda opo Vaisraeli ngava gana kwaKarunga nye kapi ngava yi sikisa mo. - Num. Sadly, from then on Israel had a history of making vows to God that they later broke. - Num. Regarding the "great crowd " of other sheep, the apostle John foretold:" This is the Lamb's throne, and they will be taken from the Lamb's throne. " (b) Yisinke adi likida nonkango daPaurusa edi da kara moVaroma 1: 6? (b) What do Paul's words found at Romans 1: 7 indicate? 1, 2. Mokulimburura mapuro govarongwa vendi kuhamena uhura, Jesus kwa tente asi: "Nomuhoko ngadi likataukira - kataukira, ano ga kare mauntungi nago ngosikwawo. In answer to the disciples ' questions about the end, Jesus said: "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there will be earthquakes in one place after another, there will be food shortages. You thought that you would sit on a mountain where the gods of the land were gathered. Nsene tu yi "mona " nomeho getu gepuro ntani nsene tu huguvara nkenye apa mwaKarunga Jehova, ngatu kara" mompora " nokugwana matungiko gendi. (Epis. If we "see " them with our eyes of faith and if we always rely on God, we will" dwell in security " and will experience Jehovah's blessing. 3, 4. (a) What fears did Moses have? (Resa Varoma 13: 11 - 14.) (Read Romans 13: 11 - 14.) How should those words affect us as we strive to take the lead in showing honor to one another? Nhizevhu kwa kara nemanya lyepyu lya kara morupe rombara eli ali ndirumuka. Alyo kuretesa po nonkondo dokukoka edi da tu kundurukida. The earth's outer core, mostly made of molten iron, generates a powerful magnetic field that envelops us and stretches far into space. How grateful we should be that Jehovah is "ready to forgive "! Mokulisiga, age kwa haferere kukarera Jehova momunene ntani nokukara ngwendi "nzambo. " (Fil. On the contrary, he rejoiced to serve Jehovah to the fullest extent possible and to be "poured out like a drink offering. " He said: "How could I commit this badness and sin against God? " - Gen. 39: 6, 9; read Proverbs 1: 10. Ehengagwido musinke atu gwana mononkango daPaurusa domoVafilipi 4: 6, 7? What comfort do Paul's words at Philippians 4: 6, 7 provide? When Lazarus died, Jesus told Martha: "Your brother will rise. " Nsene kuna kudimba sure, kuvhura simpe o gwane ediwo ngomu ono kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa. During your school years, you can acquire experience and skill as a preacher of the good news. When an elder in Turkey met with an elder, he often asked him about the direction he had given him, saying, "Why can I help you? " [ Efano pepenuno 26] [ Picture on page 26] He was approachable and kind. 23 - 29 Siwogedi 2010 Gwana rufuwo moyininke yopampepo EPENUNO 25 23 "Good News " Preached in Australia's Far - Northern Islands What did Paul express in his words found at 1 Corinthians 7: 31? 71: 17) Morwasinke ereso lyoBibeli nali mu vaterera mu kure pampepo? Why will Bible reading help you to make progress? Erich Frost explained: "This team was so encouraging to my group, especially when we were working with people, who were working on the platform and distributed to our literature. (b) Gava sihonena esi a si likida asi eharo eli atu likida, vapeke kulinongonona. (b) Give an example to show that the love we demonstrate is noted by others. Jehovah does not want honesthearted ones to be destroyed. [ 1] (paragarafu 5) Madina kwa ga rundumuna. [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. I was impressed that my mother was no longer in our church, for she studied the Bible with them! Nkango zoRugereka va toroka asi "kudiva " kwa tamba" kelikwatakano lyokulidiva nawa. " The Greek word here rendered "know " denotes" personal, intimate knowledge. " So Jehovah sent Moses to encourage Joshua: "Be courageous and strengthened him, because he is the one who will lead you to the land that you may see. " Nye momakanderero geni omu hundire nkenye eyi muna hepa kwaKarunga. " To supplicate " means "to make a humble entreaty. " For example, under trial, courage, persecution, and death, it reminds us of Christ's integrity and its anointed brothers. Pasihonena, muengeli gumwe gwaJehova kwa dipagere vakwayita woVaasiliya 185 000. For example, one of Jehovah's angels killed 185,000 enemy Assyrian soldiers. 37: 29. Ntani kutukorangeda tu kwame sihonena sava ngava karere Jehova, Hompa gwanarunye. It will also encourage us to follow past examples of those who chose to worship Jehovah, the King of eternity. How? Kuliwapaikira yokomapongo. Prepare for meetings. He preached (1) to the kingdom of God and spoke boldly about the Lord Jesus Christ. " 10, 11. 10, 11. Where can true Christians find Jehovah's ways and how? Kuturonga asi Jehova naJesus kwa kara nougavi. That Jehovah and Jesus are not stingy but are very generous. (See footnote.) Satana kwa "zonagura nondunge dava va dira kupura. " Indeed, Satan has "blinded the minds of the unbelievers. " The Bible says: "One man named Jesus comes from among the righteous ones. " Nye sili ga hagekere ndi? But did he really quit? After I graduated from the Bible School for Single Brothers, I was assigned to another village. " Kareni vasita wosiunda saKarunga esi ga mu pa " " Shepherd the Flock of God in Your Care " Was it clear that Jesus was real to himself? Kombinga " zemukurumbunga ' lyononzwi dapeke, ava ngava ka zowoka mo moudigu wounene, mupositoli Johanesa kwa pumbire asi: "Nzwigona ezi zina kara pokatji kosipundi souhompa, yizo ngazi kara musita gwawo, ngazi va tware komarunone gomema gomwenyo. " (Ehor. Speaking of the "great crowd " of other sheep, who will survive the great tribulation, the apostle John prophesied that" the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. " 29 Maintain Your zeal for the ministry 1, 2. 1, 2. What must we do to develop qualities that Jehovah loves? Ove kwa gazarere asi ngo ka hingira ngahompa kondundu zokoMuzogo oku ava pongo vakarunga. Above the stars of God I shall lift up my throne, and I shall sit down upon the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. Mark built up the fine qualities he had in Brazil. 3, 4. (a) Yisinke ga tjilire Mosesa? 3, 4. (a) Moses had what fears? As we learn more about Jehovah's works, we will be surprised by his wisdom. 19: 17) Ngapi omu nonkango odo nadi tu kundama ngomu tuna kukondja kutura po sihonena sokulifumadeka - fumadeke? How should the principle found in those words affect us as we endeavor to take the lead in showing honor? John's three letters contain practical lessons. 3: 2; 1 Joh. 1: 8, 9) Ee, rupandu musi twa hepa kukara naro asi Jehova kwa kara neharo " lyokudongwenena po '! How grateful we should be that Jehovah is willing to forgive "in a large way "! In Noah's day, the Bible says: "The earth was filled with violence, and the earth was filled with violence, and the earth was filled with violence. Age kwa tente asi: "Ngapi omu nani rugana - rugana udona wa hura opo, ni zone kwaKarunga gwange! " - Gen. 39: 6, 9; resa Yisewe 1: 10. He reasoned: "How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God? " - Gen. 39: 6, 9; read Proverbs 1: 10. At the time of the prophet Malachi, many men abandoned their wives by using various reasons. Apa ga fire Rasarusa, Jesus kwa tanterere Malita asi: "Mpanzoge na vhumbuka. " After Lazarus died, Jesus said to her: "Your brother will rise. " Because God sees what is in our heart. Apa mukuronambunga Bernard a ligwana nogu ga ka dingwire, age pamwe kumupura kuhamena evyukiso eli ga mu pere pokutanta asi: "Lya ku vatera ndi? " When Bernard, an experienced elder, again meets a brother or a sister he has recently visited, he may discreetly allude to any advice given by asking, "Tell me, did it work out well? " They want to bear thorough witness about God's Kingdom. 5: 19; 17: 14, 17) Age kwa kere ureru kumuhedera ntani munambili. He was approachable and kind. 19: 18. Kosinke ga likidire Paurusa mononkango dendi domo - 1 Vakolinte 7: 31? With his words recorded at 1 Corinthians 7: 31, Paul was evidently alluding to what? What motivates us to endure? Erich Frost kwa fatwilire asi: "Pelikido olyo lyomafano nomazwi, ame kwa korangedere vakaumwe vange, unene po ava ngatu rugana nawo kumwe, va ruganese siruwo sepwizumuko va ze tunda mukweyo zende mukweyo nokuhanesa kovapurakeni nobuke noyimbapiratjangwa yetu. Erich Frost explained: "At the Drama presentations, I encouraged my colleagues, particularly those in the orchestra, to use the intermission to go from row to row and offer the audience our wonderful books and booklets. One of these men was Shebna, who had been assigned to serve as a secretary. Jehova kapi ana hara asi vantu wonomutjima donongwa ngapa zonauke nampili gumwe. (2 Pet. Jehovah does not want any honesthearted people to be destroyed. In describing what God will do, Psalm 46: 9 says: "He will bring an end to wars throughout the earth; he breaks down in a fiery furnace. " Ayo ya tetukisire nge apa na ya dimbwilire asi onane kapi vana kara hena mongereka zetu, morwa Carmen nga lirongo nawo Bibeli! Carmen had been studying the Bible with her! In our congregations are very busy, and those who will be trained need training. Jehova yipo ga tumine Mosesa a ka korangede Josuwa asi: "Tantera nye Josuwa, o mu koreke oku tomu korangeda, yeeyi age yige nga pitisira mbunga, age yige nga ka va pingisa sirongo esi ono kumona. " Knowing this, Jehovah instructed Moses to reassure Joshua. Those who do so imitate Satan the Devil, * although they do not know. Pasihonena, ulimburukwi waNabota momahepeko ntani nonomfa dendi, kutudiworokesa ulimburukwi waKristusa nou wovagwavekwa. For example, Naboth's integrity despite persecution and death does remind us of the integrity of Christ and the anointed. No, for the resurrection of heaven is a responsibility that some humans have received. 37: 29. 37: 29. The ransom reveals that God loves humans. Monkedi musinke? How so? How should we treat anyone in our ministry? Age ngava udisire (1) yountungi waKarunga oku ta rongo noupampi yombinga (2) zaHompa Jesus Kristusa. ' (Yirug. Thereafter, Paul " would kindly receive all those who came in to him, preaching (1) the kingdom of God to them and teaching the things concerning (2) the Lord Jesus Christ. ' If we were a business business, are we honest, or are we at times able to speak the truth with our neighbor? Kupi oku Vakriste wousili ava va hara nonzira daJehova nava gwana rufuwo rwangoso ntani nangapi? Where and how can true Christians, who are interested in Jehovah's ways, find such refreshment? The wild beast represents the image of the beast. (Tara nonkango dokonhi.) (See footnote.) Loving - kindness comes from loving - kindness Bibeli kwa uyunga asi: " Melimburuko lyomuntu gumwe Jesus namo ngamu tunda vahungami wovanzi. ' " Through the obedience of the one person [Jesus] many will be made righteous. " (b) How did Jehovah care for the Levites? Apa na ka tundire koSikora zoBibeli zoVagara woVadike, kwa tumine nge komukunda gwapeke. After I attended the Bible School for Single Brothers, I received a new pioneer assignment. If you do, you will " taste that Jehovah is good. ' - Ps. Mafano ogo kulikida nawa - nawa omu ga fene Jesus ndi? Do such portrayals correctly characterize Jesus? Perhaps someone urges you to do something that you know is wrong. 29 Kwaterera koupampi woge mosirugana sokuzuvhisa 29 Maintain Your Zeal for the Ministry Our farm marched around the farm, where they lived, where they lived. Yisinke twa hepa kurugana yipo tu tunge po yikara eyi ga hara Jehova? What can we do to develop qualities that Jehovah loves? It took a long time for Ilaria to help him remain in the truth. Marukusa ga tungire po yikara yomutumwa gomuwa. Mark developed the qualities of a good missionary. His Word assures us: "If you search for him, he will welcome you. " Well - Planned Campaign (Chile), 1 / 15 Was the new covenant a new covenant? Ngomu tuna kulironga yoyinzi kuhamena yirugana yaJehova, yimo hena ngatu tetuka unongo wendi. The more we explore Jehovah's works, the more we marvel at his wisdom. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " Monombilive ntatu daJohanesa kwa kara mo yitwa yomulyo. John's three letters contain further gems of truth. The ancient World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was found near the Pacific coast of 135 C.E. Mosiruwo saNowa vantu kwa zonagwire evhu. Bibeli kwa tanta asi: "Vantu navenye vapeke kwa yipire kwaKarunga, ano udona wawo hena kwa lihanenene napenye. The time period when Noah lived was described in a similar way: "The earth had become ruined in the sight of the true God, and the earth was filled with violence. Solomon was also called "a cheerful worker, " who taught people what he knew. Posiruwo somuporofete Marakiya, vagara woVajuda wovanzi ngava zumbire vakadi vawo moyineya pokuruganesa nokonda da hana mulyo. In the days of the prophet Malachi, many Jewish husbands dealt treacherously with their wives by divorcing them, using all kinds of excuses. It shows the words he spoke when he visited his relatives and Elizabeth. Morwa Karunga kumona eyi ya kara momutjima gwetu. Because God sees what is in our heart. How thrilling it is to see Jehovah's people preaching the good news during these last days! Awo kuna hara kugava umbangi wene - wene kuhamena Uhompa waKarunga. Their heart's desire is to bear thorough witness about God's Kingdom. In what ways can we show compassion? 19: 18. 19: 18. She says: "To work, I am a district overseer. Yisinke ayi tu tumangeda tu lididimike? Faturura. Why can we say that endurance is motivated by love? 3: 12 - 14. Gumwe govagara owo kwa kere Sebuna, ogu va pere situmbukira sokukara hamutjanga. He was accompanied by two others, one of whom was Shebna, now serving as secretary. Having a lot of joy. Pokusingonona eyi nga ka rugana Karunga, Episarome 46: 9 kwa tanta asi: "Age kwa hageka yita mouzuni mudima; ga tezagura mauta, yiyo ga haraganesa magonga, yilikandwiso yiyo ga yi hwika momundiro! " Describing what God will do, Psalm 46: 9 states: "He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the wagons he burns in the fire. " At the time of the storm, Mary could see the problem. Monombungakriste kuna hepa mo unene vapitisili, ntani ava ngava kara vapitisili ngava hepa edeuro. The need for shepherds in the Christian congregation is great, and those who will do such work in the future need ongoing training. At times, he ruled over the Israelites in battle. (Yis. 26: 20) Ava ava yi rugana awo kutemwinina Satana Muzonaguli, * nampili kapi vana yi diva. Whether they realize it or not, malicious slanderers imitate Satan the Devil. How should we treat those who are different? Hawe, morwa evhumbuko lyokukaparukira meguru kuna kara situmbukira esi va gava kovantu vamwe tupu. No, for resurrection to heaven is closely related to an assignment given only to some humans. He has protected us from all that he has committed. " Sizoweseso kulikida asi Karunga kwa hara vantu. (Joh. The ransom provision proves that God loves the world of mankind. [ Picture on page 7] Ngapi natu tekura nkenye muntu ogu atu gwana moyirugana yokuzuvhisa? How should we treat each person we meet in our ministry? Such ones will "get up everlasting life. " Nsene asi ozo ngesefa zanyamwetu, ose kuhungika omu atu zi gendesa ndi poyiruwo yimwe kutusumpira mokuuyunga usili novakwetu? If self - employed, are we truthful in all our business dealings, or do we sometimes fail to speak truth with our neighbor? When Jesus was on earth, he showed that he had the power to control the forces of nature. Sikasama sonomutwe ntano - nambali (Ehor. The seven - headed wild beast " Jehovah your God is strong. " Eharo lyonkenda kutundilira meharo lyanarunye When Kindness Is Motivated by Loyal Love Do you feel that Jehovah has drawn you to him? (b) Ngapi omu Jehova ga pakerere mbili Varevhi? (b) How did God provide for the Levites? We have two children, who have two children, says, "Sometimes I feel like I die. " Nsene ngo yi rugana, ngo " heteka o tare asi HOMPA ngapi omu ga wapa. ' - Epis. If you are, you will no doubt "taste and see that Jehovah is good. " - Ps. The Bible is the most beautiful book of the world. Nampo gumwe ga ku tumangeda o rugane yininke eyi wa diva asi epuko. At one time or another, perhaps someone has urged you to do something that you know is wrong. They said: "My father threw all the things we owned. Doropa zetu kwa zi kundurukidire nofarama oku ngava limi unene epungu. The town of Liberty was surrounded by small farms, and the basic crop was corn. For example, wanting to please others by using drugs, movies, video games, or sports. Ayo kwa tu gusa siruwo sosire mokuvatera Ilaria a kare mousili. As you can imagine, it took consistency - and sometimes firmness - to help Ilaria stay on the Christian path. Do I still want to have "the freedom of the world "? Nonkango dendi Bibeli kwa tumbwidira asi: "Nsene o za kwendi, age ta ku tambura. " His Word, the Bible, promises: "If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you. " 1: 16. 11: 25) Sili nkinda yizo za kere egwanekero lyepe ndi? Was the actual cup Jesus held the new covenant? Steve called me out of the night when I tried to explain to you, and this upset me. Yeeyi ndjoko zange nderu, ano mudigo gwange kwa pepuka. " For my yoke is kindly, and my load is light. " How can we protect ourselves against the world's thinking? Nohuki dononzwi edi va tulire ruvara kwa di gwene mekombombo pepi nefuta lyokufa momvhura 135 Dyed wool found in a cave near the Dead Sea, dated from before 135 C.E. Jesus told his apostles that there were things they did not know. 11: 13) Saromo ngava mu tumbura hena asi "mupongaiki " ogu nga " kovekeda kuronga vantu eyi ga divire. ' Solomon was also called "the congregator " who" taught the people knowledge continually. " • How has the remnant of anointed Christians used "the best time "? Ayo kwa yi likida mononkango edi ga uyungire apa ga ka dingwire ekoro lyendi Sakaliya naElisabeta. She showed clear evidence of spirituality in her beautiful expressions of praise when she visited the home of her relatives Zechariah and Elizabeth. How did Noah's sons set a good example for them? Ayo kutetukisa sili mokumona vantu vaJehova omu vana kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa pomazuva aga gopouhura. It is truly amazing to see the wonderful work that Jehovah's people are doing to preach the good news during these last days. Those who remain faithful until death "will receive the crown of life. " Mononkedi musinke natu likida nkenda nombili? In what ways can we display compassion and kindness? Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. Age kwa tanta asi: "Koyirugana, ame kuligwana novahahende. " At my workplace in the bank, I now have much contact with lawyers. (a) Why is it important to keep our word? 3: 12 - 14. 3: 12 - 14. Prayers of all are examples of putting Jehovah first in our prayers. Kurongora kembo. Homesickness. 12, 13. Poruveze rosipito, Mariya ga dimbwilire udigu. During the festivities, Mary became aware of a problem. What kind of thinking must we avoid? Poyiruwo yimwe, nga pangere Vaisraeli va rwe yita. On other occasions, he authorized his people Israel to wage war. How did Asa react when threatened by Jude? Ngapi natu tekura ava va lisiga nose? How should we treat those who are different from us? 10: 24. Ga tu popera, yiyo ga tu gamena konombinga nadinye. " (2 Hist. We have searched, and he has given us rest all around. " May he give them a lot of fine harvest, but they did not believe in him... [ Efano pepenuno 7] [ Picture on page 7] The way Jehovah created things makes us happy in a variety of ways. Vantu vangoso ngava ka " gwanena mo mwenyo gwanarunye. ' Such individuals too "will inherit everlasting life. " The men may have abandoned the type of disease, so they still contacted each other with each other. Apa Jesus ga kere pevhu, ga yi likidire asi ga kere nononkondo daKarunga dokupangera mukarompepo. When Jesus was on earth, he showed that he had God's power by controlling the forces of nature. Humility involves being quick to accept a serious mistake. " HOMPA ta toona Vasudani. " " Jehovah defeated the Ethiopians. " WHAT IS THE BIBLE SAY? 6: 44) Ove kulizuvha asi Jehova yige ga ku kokera kwendi ndi? Do you feel that those words apply to you? This friendship will last forever! Yazmin, ga kara novana vavali woyirema, kwa tanta asi: "Poyiruwo yimwe ngani lizuvhu ngwendi ni fe. " Yazmin has two children with cystic fibrosis, and she admits, "There have been moments of such intense pressure that I have felt like I was choking to death. " Jesus was sent to free mankind from slavery to sin and death. BIBELI azo buke za fumana po mouzuni. THE Bible remains the most popular book in the world. " When my children were still young, " says Stephanie, " would I wonder, " Am I convinced my children that Jehovah is good and reasonable? ' Awo kwa tanta asi: "Otate kwa zugumine yininke ya hana mulyo eyi twa simbire simwe nasimwe. " One by one, he threw away the few nonessential belongings we carried. We must admit that some problems are caused by another person. 8: 6) Pasihonena, mokuhara kuhafesa madowo gawo vantu vamwe kuruganesa epangwe nokutarera mafano goruhonda nokulihameka momaudano gosiponga ndi nomoyirugana yimwe yokunyata. If Jehovah does not live in a place where we see heaven, what kind of heaven he lives? Ame simpe kuna hara " umanguruki ' womouzuni ndi? Do I still crave some of the "freedoms " of the world? Remember, we are doing God's will and look forward to everlasting life. 1: 16. 1: 16. Has anyone tempted to do what is bad? - Read 1 John 5: 19. Steve kwa toonene nge masiku apa na hetekerere ko kumufatwilira, ano eyi kwa guvisire nge. The night before, Steve had hit me as I had tried to prove a point, and I was feeling sad and sorry for myself. What privilege does Jehovah provide for the other sheep? Ngapi omu natu lipopera nyamwetu komagazaro gomouzuni? How can we protect ourselves against harmful influences? But when we studied the Bible, we made changes in our lives, we dedicated ourselves to God and got baptized. Jesus kwa tanterere vapositoli vendi asi koyili yininke va dira kudiva. Well, Jesus did tell his apostles that there were things they did not and could not know. If sin is done, it is only one way of life that has passed on to another. • Ngapi omu yihupwa yovagwavekwa ya ruganesa nawa "siruwo sosiwa "? • How have the anointed remnant made good use of "the especially acceptable time "? 4: 16. Ngapi vana vaNowa va tulire po sihonena sosiwa? How did Noah's sons set an excellent example? 21 The Bible Changes Lives Vagwavekwa ava ava " limburukwa dogoro konomfa, ngava va pa nkata zomwenyo. ' (Ehor. Anointed ones who prove " faithful even to death will be given the crown of heavenly life. ' No, and Job did not respond. Omu dongwenene po vakweneni moomu ga mu dongwenena po Hompa. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. (b) What does this teach us about Jehovah? (a) Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo kusikisa mo eyi atu uyunga? (a) Why is being true to our word so important? What is the most important way to cultivate and maintain your interest? Makanderero nagenye kuna kara yihonena yokutura muhowo Jehova momakanderero getu. Both prayers are examples of putting Jehovah's interests ahead of our personal requests. Jehovah's holy spirit will make you display fine qualities, such as faith and faith. 12, 13. 12, 13. We should pray for others Magazaro musinke twa hepa kunyokera po? What thinking must we avoid? The Court's judgment affects his descendants forever, including us. Yisinke ga rugene Asa apa Vasudani va homokerere Juda? How did Asa react when the Ethiopians invaded the land? For example, if two parents have sexual relations with someone else, they think that they are not sin. 10: 24. 10: 24. Will the dead ever be able to see again? Ngano kuvapa yipundi yoyinene moupolitika, nye kapi tava pura.... We could use such unselfish people even in the highest political functions - but we are never going to get them there.... You can strengthen others by sharing experiences that you have enjoyed serving God. Monkedi omu Jehova ga sita yininke kutuninkisa tu hafere eparu mononkedi dokulisiga - siga. Jehovah's provisions are so rich in variety that we have abundant possibilities for enjoying life. God's name: Because of imitating Jewish tradition, many Bible translators decided to remove God's name from the Bible. Vagara nawo si va zumba mukaro gopansitwe gokugwanekera nomukadi, yiyo va hwamukira mokulihora vene navene. In the same way the men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. POPULATION: Elinunupiko lya hepa po mokutambura epuko. To do so requires humility. However, Jehovah and Jesus are not like that. MAUWA MUSINKE GA KARA MO MOKUHUGUVARA BIBELI? WHAT IS THE REWARD? I would never forget this account, for I was happy and was afraid. Ukaume ou ngau karerera narunye! And the friendship can last forever! What instructions did Jehovah give Noah in Noah's day? Jesus morwa kwa mu tumine a ya mangurure vantu koupika wononzo nonomfa. Jesus was sent to liberate people from bondage to sin and death. Under Jehovah's protection, he found happiness and security. Stephanie zinya govana wovakadona vatatu kwa tanta asi: "Kutunda tupu apa vana vange va kere awo simpe vanonagona ngani lipura asi, " Ame kuvatera vana vange va dive konda zeyi na pulira asi Jehova yipo ga kara ntani asi age eharo neyi nompangera dendi da karera donongwa po ndi? Stephanie, the mother of three daughters, says: "Ever since my children were very young, I have had to ask myself, " Do I talk to my children about why I am convinced of Jehovah's existence, his love, and the rightness of his ways? When Eve was created, Adam was happy to associate with a priest, and he said: "No man has fallen asleep in my bones and flesh, but I am flesh and flesh and flesh and flesh. " Twa hepa kuyitambura asi maudigu gamwe nyamwetu atu ga retesa po. People accept our message in different ways. (1 Vahompa 8: 27) Nsene asi Jehova kapi ga tunga keguru eli atu mono, eguru musinke nye eli ga tunga? If Jehovah does not dwell in the physical heaven, what is the heaven where he does dwell? We trust Jehovah: We love and obey him. Diworoka asi ose kuna kurugana mpango zaKarunga ntani nokundindira nononkondo mwenyo gwanarunye. Remember, we are doing God's will and we are looking forward to everlasting life. 7, 8. (a) What have some said about the time of family worship? Kweli ogu a zeda vantu va rugane udona ndi? - Resa 1 Johanesa 5: 19. Is there someone trying to make people act badly? - Read 1 John 5: 19. Jesus sent his disciples out in the ministry. Mfumwa musinke Jehova ga gava kononzwi dapeke? Jehovah has granted the other sheep what privilege? If we live by God's standards, we will learn to " hate what is good " and" cling to what is good. " - Rom. (Rom. 6: 19, 20) Nye apa twa lirongere Bibeli, ose kwa tulire po marunduruko meparu lyetu, tatu ligava kwaKarunga nokugwana ekuho. It could be said that we "were slaves of sin. " Then we came to know Bible truth, made changes in our lives, dedicated ourselves to God, and got baptized. ● During the 16th year of my life, a young child was saved when he fell into battle. Nsene nzo zina piti, zina piti tupu. Once the sin is gone, it's gone. Every day, Jephthah and his daughter saw the consequences of disobedience to Jehovah. 4: 16. 4: 16. " The prophets spoke falsely with the priests, just as prophets did... 21 Bibeli kuna kurundurura simpe eparu lyoge ndi? 21 Is the Bible Still Changing Your Life? God will never please us when we give humans an honor to them. Hawe, ntani Joba kapisi yimo ga yi tere ngoso. God was not, and Job did not think so. A white horse, like a white horse, represents warfare and war in Jehovah's eyes. (b) Yisinke ayi tu rongo eyi kuhamena Jehova? (b) What does this teach us about Jehovah? The Sabbath covenant opened the way for families to teach their families "to obey God's commandments. " Nkedi musinke zomulyo zokutunga po nokukwaterera kelituromo? What is the key to cultivating and maintaining diligence? What will help us to avoid "the temporary enjoyment of sin "? 12: 1, 2) Mpepo zokupongoka zaJehova ngazi ku ninka o yime yikara yopaSikriste ngwendi mbili nepuro. God will answer your prayers and bless your efforts to conform your life to his Word. Let us consider some examples of this prophecy. - Read 2 Timothy 3: 1, 13. Twa hepa kukanderera po vakwetu Pray for Others What can we do to strengthen our spirituality? Mpanguro zaAdamu kwa kundama ruvharo rwendi narunye rokudira kusikilira mo, kukwatera mo nose. The just sentence on Adam demanded the same for all his imperfect progeny, including us. How do we know that the preaching work is important? Pasihonena, nsene vakondi vavali va ligwanekera panyama ano kwato ogu gwapeke yina kundama, awo kugazara asi kapisi nzo. Some reason, for instance, that if two adults have consensual sexual relations and no third party is injured, what is the harm? All of us are imperfect, because we are imperfect. Vafe ngatu ka va mona hena ndi? Is There Hope for the Dead? But Jesus did not say that this verse refers only to fellow believers. Kuvhura o nkondopeke wopeke pokuvasimwitira yilimonena eyi wa hafera mokukarera Karunga. You can strengthen others by relating experiences you have enjoyed while serving God. Jehovah will crush death forever! Edina lyaKarunga: Morwa kutemwinina mpo zoVajuda, vatoroki wovanzi woBibeli kwa tokwere kugusa mo edina lyaKarunga moBibeli. Divine name: Citing a Jewish superstition as their authority, many Bible translators decided to remove the divine name from the Scriptures. Seek God's Righteousness SIVARO SOVATUNGIMO: POPULATION: He needed to change his attitude, repentance, and repentance. Nye, Jehova naJesus kapisi yimo ava yi tara ngoso. In some areas, the gathering of these different races at a religious meeting is unheard of or is looked down on by others. How will the marriage of the Lamb benefit us, and who will rule as a father for the thousand years? Ame kapi ngani divara sihorokwa oso, morwa kwa hefe ntani kwa kere hena nowoma. I will never forget that experience, for I was excited and frightened. There is another way that a lesser one is "great. " Mavyukiso musinke ga geve Jehova momazuva gaNowa naMosesa? Jehovah provided what guidance in the days of Noah and Moses? If the government in your country does not allow a man to take a place, a Christian must obey that law. - Rom. Metakameso lyaJehova, age ga gwene ruhafo negameno nompora. Under Jehovah's wings, she found happiness, protection, and security. We will keep ready so that we can be watchful. Apa va mu ungire Eva, Adamu kwa hefe pokukara nogu gokumuhamena nomukwafi, makura ta tanta asi: "Hawe ogu ntaantani damu - damu nyame nye, sisupa somoyisupa yange, nonyama zomonyama zange. " Following Eve's creation, Adam was so delighted at having a companion and helper that he said: "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. " This article will help each of us to examine our own motives. Vantu kutambura mbudi zetu mononkedi dokulisiga - siga. People respond in many different ways to our preaching. " When I was ten years old, I started to have it. Ose kuhuguvara Jehova: Ose twa hara Jehova nokumulimburukwa. We stay loyal to Jehovah: We love Jehovah and obey him always. Of course, there will be problems in your relationship with your son. 7, 8. (a) Yisinke va tanta ko vamwe kuhamena siruwo sokukarera Jehova ngepata? 7, 8. (a) What have some said about the Family Worship evening? I began selling drugs, and I was quite disfellowshipped. Jesus kwa tumine varongwa vendi vavali - vavali moyirugana yokuzuvhisa. Jesus sent his disciples out to preach in twos rather than individually. It is also called "the day of God " and" Armageddon. " (Joba 31: 1) Nsene tu paruka kuliza nonompango daKarunga, ose ngatu lironga " kunyenga udona nokuhama kouwa. ' - Rom. As we conform our lives to God's will, we learn to "abhor what is wicked " and" cling to what is good. " - Rom. " Just as I observe the commandments of the Father, " he said, "and I have love in his love. " ● Winnie munona gomakwedi 16, kwa mu parwire apa ga gwire matungo gomoHaiti. ● Winnie, 16 months old, is pulled from the rubble in Haiti. " The night of the angel of God... appeared to me. " - ACTS 27: 23. Nkenye ezuva, Jefuta namunwendi ngava mono yitundwamo yoVaisraeli yokudira kulimburukwa kwaJehova. Every day, Jephthah and his daughter would have been reminded of the results of the Israelites ' disobedience to Jehovah. Did Jesus try to see the woman who accepted this opportunity and gave him an opportunity to express his faith as Philip did? " Vaporofete kuuyunga yimpempa yelike; vapristeli kupangera moomu vana kuvapangera vaporofete.... " The prophets prophesy lies, and the priests dominate by their own authority.... Paul wrote: "Let us not be anxious over anything, for we may not be amazed by the spirit. " 2: 21) Karunga kapi nga yi mu hafesa nsene tu gava mfumwa zokupitakanena kovantu. God would not be pleased if we extended to humans more honor than they are due. These points will help us to understand better: Hompa ogu ga rondere konkambe zonzera, kwa fanekesa yita yokukuhuka ntani yokuhungama kosipara saJehova. The King is mounted on a white horse, representing warfare that is clean and righteous in Jehovah's eyes. As the past century, this magazine has changed. Mokusikisa mo Esabata ayo kwa pere mpito kovanturagumbo mokuronga mapata gawo ga " limburukwe koyipango yaKarunga pokurugana yoyiwa eyi ya hungama. ' (Gen. Keeping the Sabbath allowed family heads time to teach their family to "keep Jehovah's way to do righteousness. " The apostle Paul encouraged singleness, but he said: "Because the wife of her wife is tested, her husband and wife should have her husband. " Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu nyokere po "yokuhafera karuwogona mononzo "? What will help us to resist "the temporary enjoyment of sin "? Jesus foretold that there would be food shortages and earthquakes in the world. Tu konakoneni yihonena yimwe yesikiliromo lyouporofete ou. - Resa 2 Timoteusa 3: 1, 13. Let us consider some examples that well illustrate this. - Read 2 Timothy 3: 1, 13. We should keep in mind what his Word says, the Bible. Yisinke natu rugana yipo tu pame pampepo? What must we do to stay spiritually strong? Those who claim to believe that religion is not just one religion. Ngapi omu twa yi diva asi sirugana sokuzuvhisa mulyo? How do we know that the preaching work is important? (b) Why should love for God guide your choices in life? Natuvenye kuzona, morwa kapi twa sikilira mo. Being imperfect, all of us sin. If we exercise faith in it, we will not receive the blessings we receive; but if we do not receive it. " Nye Jesus kapi ga uyungire asi velise ezi kwa tamba tupu kovapuli vakwetetu. But Jesus did not indicate that we should extend this consideration only to those related to us in the faith. 1: 15. Jehova nga hanagura po nomfa dogoro narunye! (Jes. Jehovah will swallow it up forever! Having "the desire of the eyes " does not free anyone. Papara muhowo uhungami waKarunga Seeking First God's Righteousness You may be worried if your child is a teenager or a youth. Age ga hepere kurundurura nkareso zendi nokulitezurura. He needed to change his attitude and repent. Similarly, although many people refuse to understand God's view of sin, this does not mean that sin has not changed. Ngapi ekwareko lyoNzwigona ngali reta uwa, ntani kwalye Kristusa nga kara guhya mepangero lyendi lyoNomumvho eyovi? How does the Lamb's marriage become fruitful, and to whom will Christ become a father during his Millennial Reign? But Nehemiah showed loyalty to Jehovah and to the animals outside the earth. Pwa kara nkedi zimwe hena omu mununu po na kara "munene. " He who conducts himself as a lesser one is "great " in another way. By studying his example, we will benefit from his example. Nsene epangero lyomosirongo seni kapi lya pulisira muntu kuweka uta, Mukriste ga hepa kulimburukwa veta ozo. - Rom. Where gun ownership is illegal, restricted, or regulated in some other way, Christians obey the law. - Rom. (Read Genesis 1: 26, 27.) Ose ngatu twikira ngorooro kuliwapaikira yipo tu vangarare. (Mar. We can and will continue to prove ourselves ready. The time and place where this event will be held, ask Jehovah's Witnesses for your area or visit Sirongwa esi ngasi vatera nkenye gumwe gwetu a likonakone nyamwendi. This article will assist each of us to make a self - examination. Of course, it is good for family to stay awake and talk about the help needed by the help needed, and how to cooperate with each other. " Apa na kere nonomvhura murongo yipo na tamekere kukara - kara novamati. " I was ten years old when I began going out with boys. We need to listen to Jesus ' counsel if we do not want to be misled by materialism. Yimo, ngamu kara maudigu melikwatakano lyoge namunoge. Realistically, your relationship will have its strains and challenges. I still become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Tani ya tameke kurandesa epangwe, makura ngani gendagura nonombere nomauta. I started dealing drugs, so I was constantly armed with knives and guns. Bethany (Mateusa 24: 14) Uhura kuutumbura hena asi " ezuva lyenene lyaKarunga ' ntani "Harumagedoni. " The same event is also called "the great day of God " and" Armageddon. " Like Jesus, they have chosen to remain single so that they can have a full share in the Kingdom work. Age kwa tente asi: "Moomu ani sikisa mo yipango yaTate, yiyo na kara meharo lyendi. " Because they lost their relationship with Jehovah, they may feel ashamed and may find it difficult to return to him. " Masiku aga ganaina muengeli gwaKarunga ogu na hama, kwa monekere nge. ' - YIRUG. 27: 23. " This night there stood near me an angel of the God to whom I belong. " - ACTS 27: 23. Five years later, she married an elder and served as an elder. Jesus kwa hetekere mukadi ogu a tare omu na yi tambura nokumupa mpito zokulikida epuro lyendi ngwendi Filipusa ndi? Was Jesus testing her, as he did Philip, to see how she would react, giving her an opportunity to display her faith? We might be quick to blame him for saying that we do not have all the facts. Paurusa kwa tjenge asi: "Ano nye atu hameni kwayeeyi twa zuvheni, neisi tu zaaza nompepo. " (Heb. " It is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us, " wrote Paul, "that we may never drift away. " " Had I been able to commit adultery with my coworker, " says Maxine, quoted earlier, quoted earlier, quoted earlier. Yitwa eyi yina ka kwama ko tayi ka tu vatera tu ka kwate nawa egano lyouhunga: That said, the revised wording is based on the following factors: Such a vow is based on love for one's heart. The words "with one another " tell us that such tolerance is to be mutual. She was a regular pioneer. Ngomu sa pita siruwo, sifo esi naso kwa si rundurura. Times have changed since then - and so has this journal. Who is this enemy? Mupositoli Paurusa kwa korangedere udike, nye ga tente asi: "Morwamaheteko goruhonda, nkenye mugara a kare namukadendi, ano mukadi nage a kare nayendi. " The apostle Paul recommended singleness; yet, he said: "Because of the prevalence of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband. " Clearly, mildness and patience need to be patient in applying that counsel. Jesus ga pumbire asi ngapa kara marumbu nomakankamo gevhu. Ose kumona yininke oyo kuna kuhoroka mouzuni. Our world has certainly seen a lot of that kind of trouble in the past century, hasn't it? God's Word. Twa hepa kudiworoka eyi adi uyunga Nonkango dendi, Bibeli. We must recall what his Word, the Bible, says. Let us take a closer look at this scripture. Vakwatesiko velipakerero lyomaukarelikarunga kugazara asi kapisi ukareli umwe tupu wa kara mousili. Supporters of interfaith often feel that no religion can lay sole claim to truth. Their card told them that people would come home but not listen to them or to accept anything else. (b) Morwasinke eharo lyokuhafesa Karunga lya hepera kugendesa matokoro goge meparu? (b) Why should your choices be governed by a desire to please God? God will eliminate suffering, suffering, and suffering that result from this wicked system of things. Nsene tu likida epuro ngatu ka gwana matungiko; nye nsene kapisi ngoso, kapi nga tu ga gwana. " If we exercise the faith we will get the blessing; if we do not, we will lose it. " And they did not need to know "the times of [God's] power and his own strength. " 1: 15. 1: 15. 31 - 32. Kuhafesa " edowo lyomeho ' kapi ayi mangurura muntu. Satisfying "the desire of the eyes " does not set a person free. 1: 3; 9: 3. Ove kuvhura kukara nosinka nsene munoge mudinkantu ndi kuna vyuka koudinkantu. You too may worry about this if your son or daughter is a teenager or will soon be a teenager. Before Jesus gave the parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jehovah foretold events that Jesus quoted in his illustration. Mokulifana, nampili ngomu vantu wovanzi va nyoka egano lyaKarunga kuhamena nzo kapi yina kutanta asi nzo kapi za kara po. Similarly, just because many reject God's view of sin, it does not mean that sin does not exist. How will freedom grow, and what freedom will they enjoy? Nye Nehemiya kwa likidire ulimburukwi kwaJehova pokuzuguma yikwapundi yaTobiya ponze zonzugo zokulira. But Nehemiah showed loyalty to Jehovah by throwing all of Tobiah's furniture outside the dining hall. But Satan and his world work hard to stop us from serving God. 4: 13) Pokulirongera ko kosihonena sendi, ose ngatu gwanena mo uwa. How we can benefit if we learn from his example! He was afraid that good people would die with wicked people. (Resa Genesis 1: 26, 27.) (Read Genesis 1: 26, 27.) Married couples need to use Bible principles when they decide whether to use evolution as an IUD. Siruwo nevango oku ngasi ka karera silika esi, pura Nombangi daJehova domomukunda gweni ndi tara mauzera koIntaneta / kwn. For the time and place of this event, please check with Jehovah's Witnesses in your community or check for details at Honor Jehovah's Great Name Ayo ya wapa epata li kare nepongo nokuzogera evatero eli lya hepa po nomu evatero nava li gava, ntani nomu navenye nava ruganena kumwe. It is usually wise to have a family meeting to discuss cooperation, needs, and strategies. So these three questions refer only in the future, during the great tribulation. Twa hepa kupurakena kepukururo lyaJesus nsene kapi tuna hara edowo lyemona li tu pukise. To counteract undue worry about material things, heed Jesus ' admonition: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' Elders work hard to protect single families (See paragraphs 17, 18) Ame simpe tani kara Mbangi zaJehova. " I am still a Witness of Jehovah. " Because Jehovah's Witnesses are eager to tell people about the good news of God's Kingdom, no matter where they live. Betani Bethany [ Pictures on page 19] Ngwendi Jesus, awo kwa tokora kukara vadike yipo va lihameke mo unene mosirugana soUhompa. Like Jesus, they chose the state of singleness so that they could devote themselves to Kingdom service. We need to act quickly if we see Satan, before "keep on doing what he wants us to do. " Morwa nampo kwa zumbanesa elikwatakano lyawo naJehova, kuvhura va lizuvhe nomuga ntani yi va digopere kutengura. The organization answered that it was his desire to serve God. - Josh. Konyima zonomvhura ntano, ga ya likwere nomukuronambunga. Five years later, she married an elder. Maintain Good manners of God's servants Kuvhura tu genderere kumupa usima ndi? Hawe. Nye ngatu gazara asi kapi tuna diva mauzera nagenye kweyi yina horoka. Or will we be inclined to give our friend the benefit of the doubt, especially if we have known that person for many years? Naomi urged them to return home, and Orpah returned home. Dylan, ogu nage vana tumbura ketameko, kwa tanta asi: "Ngano na vhulire kuhondera nomurugani mukwetu. Dylan, also mentioned earlier, states: "I could easily have had sex with my workmate. In time, people showed love for the Bible were gathered for us. Mugano kugutura po kutundilira komutjima meharo lyomuntu mwene. Vows are made voluntarily, of one's own free will. The fruitage of the spirit involves self - discipline. Age kwa kere muzuvhisi ogu ya tompokere. Yet, he was certainly a successful preacher. The sheep who receive everlasting life on earth have helped anointed ones Yilye ogo nkore zondona? Who is this evil foe? Should you regret the decision you made? (Koros. 3: 13) Yosili, pwa hepa ugomoki nelididimiko mokusikisa mo epukururo olyo. Indeed, it takes mildness and patience on our part to obey this command. We will also learn what we can do to remain joyful. Nonkango daKarunga nonkondo. God's Word is powerful. Mother told me to choose every religion but not Jehovah's Witnesses. Tu gazadareni ko si kanunu ketjangwa eli. Let's think about this verse for a moment. We will not always know whether in advance we are preaching to people. Yikarata yawo kwa va tanterere asi vantu wosiponga ngava wiza kembo lyawo nye kapisi ngava va purakene ndi va tambure nkenye eyi ngava va pa. From their tarot cards, they concluded that dangerous people would come to their home but that they should neither listen to nor accept anything from them. Some faithful ones have the prospect of living forever in Paradise on earth. (Jesaya 65: 17) Karunga nga ka gusa po eguwo ntani noruhepo oru aru tundu koudona ou va pulisira karuwogona tupu. God will undo, completely and permanently, the misery and suffering resulting from the temporary permission of evil. He loves us so much that he cares about us in a variety of ways. Ntani asi kapi va hepere kudiva " yiruwo noyinema eyi ga penge Karunga mononkondo damwene. ' (Yirug. 1: 6, 7; Joh. There are details about "the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. " Early in 1914, God's servants were few. 31 - 32. 16 - 17. He may have heard of it. 1: 3; 9: 3. 1: 3; 9: 3. Then you will hurt others and cause others to say unkind things to Jehovah. Komeho Jesus a ya gave sifanekeso soyilya nomau, Jehova kupitira momuporofete gwendi Marakiya kwa pumbire yihorokwa eyi ga temwininine Jesus mosifanekeso sendi. Centuries before Jesus gave the illustration of the wheat and the weeds, Jehovah inspired his prophet Malachi to foretell events that are reflected in Jesus ' illustration. COVER SUBJECT GOD'S WITNESSES - How does God view smoking? Ngapi omu umanguruki ngau ligwederera kovantu, ntani umanguruki musinke ngava ka hafera? How will freedom increase for obedient mankind, and what freedom will they finally enjoy? His parents in German were zealous Witnesses who had already started. Nye Satana nouzuni wendi kukondja unene mokutuninkisa tu hageke kuhara Karunga. However, Satan and his world strive to undermine our love for God. " YOU are now my flesh and my flesh, and my flesh is higher than my flesh. Age kwa kere nowoma asi vantu wovawa kuvhura ngava fe kumwe novantu wovadona. He was afraid that good people would die along with the bad. Do you want to say that you think of the flesh or the spirit? Valikwali va hepa kuruganesa nompango domoBibeli pokutokora nsene tava ruganesa sikandaneso ezimo IUD. On this matter, each Christian couple can evaluate the relevant facts and Bible principles. Why did Saul lose his relationship with God? Fumadeka " nohepere ' Honor "the Lowly Ones " 5 / 1 Yipo nye mapuro ogo gatatu kwa tamba kosiruwo simwe tupu sokomeho, poudigu wounene. So, then, all three "whens " apply to the same future time period - the great tribulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vakuronambunga kurugana unene mokupopera mapata govareti wovadike komapukiso (Tara paragarafu 17, 18) Elders seek to protect single - parent families from harmful association (See paragraphs 17, 18) They also forget the loss of their brothers and sisters, and when they do not control their activities in the church. - Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14. Morwa Nombangi kwa kara neharo lyokutantera ko vantu navenye mbudi zongwa zoUhompa waKarunga, va kare asi kupi va tunga. Because the Witnesses wish to share the good news about God's Kingdom with all people - no matter where they live. When I asked him what he was doing, he said: "I want to read the whole Bible throughout the year. ' " [ Mafano gepepenuno 19] [ Pictures on page 16, 17] But then he would hold together with those who refused to break free from the trap of the sea. Twa hepa kurugana ko yuma usimbu - simbu nsene tuna ga dimburura, komeho Satana a " tu kwate tu rugane eyi ga hara. ' (2 Tim. As soon as we discover such leanings, it would be wise for us to take immediate action - before we are "caught alive by [Satan] to do his will. " Proverbs 25: 11 states: "The words spoken at the right time are like a gold word that is set aside for gold. " Mbunga kwa limbwilire asi azo kuna hara kuruganena Karunga. - Jos. In response, the people made an oath to serve God. - Josh. (Read Psalm 22: 7, 8.) Likideni nonkedi donongwa ngovakareli vaKarunga Displaying Good Manners as Ministers of God Jehovah God, the God who made a Paradise, promised to restore it. Naomi kwa va korangedere va tengure, ano Orupa yipo ga tengwire kembo lyawo. Finally, at Naomi's urging, Orpah returned to her homeland. How do we know that angels were always busy in the work? Mwa za siruwo, vantu ava ngava likida eharo moBibeli ngava pongo nose. In time, interested people joined us. Has anyone ever asked you to give you advice? Yiyimwa yompepo kwa kwatera mo sikara selipangero. The fruitage of that spirit includes self - control, which is closely related to self - discipline. God's Word? Nonzwi: Vantu ava ngava ka gwana mwenyo gwanarunye apa pevhu morwa kwa vatera vagwavekwa The sheep: People who are given everlasting life on earth because they have helped the anointed Federico, who has helped a zealous sister who has become discouraged because of divorce, says: "We always shared in the ministry together. Kuvhura nye o livere kweyi wa tulire po etokoro olyo ndi? Should you regret making it? Serving Jehovah can help you too. Ntani tatu ka lironga hena eyi natu rugana mokutwikira kukara nehafo. Then we will learn what we can do to maintain our joy and even add to it. We agree with the apostle Paul, who wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge and knowledge! " - Rom. Onane kwa tanterere nge ni horowore ukarelikarunga nkenye ou nye kapisi woNombangi daJehova. When I decided to get baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, my family was not happy. This article says: "What does that mean to you Christ's presence? " Ose nkenye apa kapi nga tu yi diva komeho zosiruwo asi momukunda omu tuna ka zuvhisira vantu vamo kupurakena nawa. Will we always preach in the most productive territory? Really, how could we know in advance? He knows that we should not give up on ourselves. 2: 10) Valimburukwi vamwe kwa kara nehuguvaro lyokukaparuka narunye moParadisa pevhu. (Ruk. Integrity - keepers with an earthly hope will enjoy eternal blessings in the promised global Paradise. They helped them to stop freeing alcohol by cultivating self - control, which is the quality of God's holy spirit. (Episarome 27: 10) Age kwa tu hara unene ntani kutupakera mbili mononkedi dokulisiga - siga. He loves us very much and takes care of us in so many ways. In the next article, we will consider ways in which members of the congregation support those taking the lead. Ketamekero lyomazuva gopouhura mo - 1914, vakareli vaKarunga kwa kere tupu wovasesu. At the start of the last days in 1914, there were only a few thousand servants of God. He listened attentively. Age nampo kwa yi zuvhire tupu. Yet, she had probably heard about it. Illustrate. Makura ngo koresa wopeke ntani nokuninkisa vantu va uyunge momudona Jehova. Then you will hurt others and may cause people to speak badly about Jehovah. Over 25 years ago, Jehovah answered that prayer. SIRONGWA SOKUHOVA | Ngapi Karunga a tara kukoka makanya? COVER SUBJECT | GOD'S VIEW OF SMOKING 9: 5. Vakondi vendi woVaporanda awo kwa kere Nombangi domupampi ava va tamekere nare. Her Polish parents were longtime, zealous Witnesses. Peter and Barnabas attended that meeting of the governing body and told them how Jehovah dealt with non - Jews and proselytes. " HAWE ogu ntaantani damu - damu nyame nye, sisupa somoyisupa yange, nonyama zomonyama zange. " THIS is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. On that night, Jesus prayed for them to be united. Eyi wa hara kuuyunga kulikida asi ove kugazara yopasintu ndi yopampepo ndi? Do your conversations show that your mind is set on the spirit or on the flesh? After destroying Babylon the Great, Jehovah's people will attack Jehovah's people. Morwasinke Sauru ga zumbanesere elikwatakano lyendi naKarunga? Why was a once modest man rejected by God? Where would they want to go? 5: 41), 4 / 1 Kindness Melts Bitterness, 6 / 15 How can young and old demonstrate courage? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ It is like a fire that cannot enter into the ark. Awo hena kuguva apa ava gwana ekwatesoko lyesesu lyovahameni womongereka zawo, ntani apa ava dili kuvhura kupangera ava ava rugana yirugana yomongereka. - Resa Jesaya 65: 13, 14. They also bemoan the diminishing support they receive from their church members, as well as their loss of control over the laity. - Read Isaiah 65: 13, 14. • Consider the article "How You Teach Your Children " in the issue of The Watchtower. Apa na mu pulire eyi ana kurugana, age kwa tente asi: " Ame Mubeteligona, nina hara kumana kuresa Bibeli nazinye momvhura. ' " When I asked him what he was doing, Jacob said, " I'm being a young Bethelite, and I'm going to read the Bible in one year. ' " MY PAST: I was born in the city of São Paulo, and about 40 percent of the city of São Paulo. (1 Johanesa 5: 19) Nye ntaantani nga dongonoke po kumwe nava va nyoka kusiga nonkareso doudinikarunga. But soon he will be put away. Gone too will be those who stubbornly refuse to leave their wicked ways. Jehovah will resurrect millions of people from all backgrounds and backgrounds. Yisewe 25: 11 kutanta asi: "Nonkango edi vana uyunga nawa, kwa fana ngwendi siapere songorodo esi vana tura posiyaha sokulimbagura sosisiliveli. " Proverbs 25: 11 says: "Like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time. " How can baptized brothers show courage? (Resa Episarome 22: 7, 8.) (Read Psalm 22: 7, 8.) I could communicate with Jehovah from my heart. " Jehova Karunga ogu ga tulire po Paradisa, ga tumbwidira mokukazitengwidira po. Jehovah God, who created the original Paradise, has promised to restore what was lost. If we live up to our dedication and demonstrate his strong faith in Jehovah, we will tell him: "O my stronghold, O my God, and you are my stronghold. " Ngapi twa yi diva asi vaengeli kwa kere nkenye apa nosirugana somulyo? What indicates that spirit creatures have always had important and gratifying work? Explain what it means to " sow with a view to the spirit. ' Kweli gumwe ga ku pura asi o mu pe ko mavyukiso ndi? Have you ever been asked to give advice to others? Our hearts must remain clean and stop anything from bad. moNonkango daKarunga? guided by God's Word? Africa Marta, ogu ga vatera munazinyetukadi gomupampi ogu ga dompere mutjima morwa elizumbo, kwa tanta asi: "Ose nkenye apa ngatu zi kumwe moyirugana yokuzuvhisa. Marta, who has supported a zealous sister who felt crushed after her divorce, says: "We regularly share in the ministry together. The Bible explains this truth when he said that the wild beast would be thrown into the heavens and thrown down on the earth. 73: 16, 17) Kukarera Jehova noulimburukwi kuvhura kukuvatera nove. Your faithfully worshipping Jehovah can help you to do the same. He also told them: "I am called you. " (Muud. 3: 11) Ose kukwatesa ko mupositoli Paurusa, ogu ga tjenge asi: "Ee, ugawo waKarunga kounzi! Ukonentu wendi nediwo lyendi unzigona! " Kuvhura tu uyunge yokulifana koyikara ntazimwe yaKarunga eyi twa zogera moyirongwa eyi. - Rom. We agree with the apostle Paul, who wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge " - not to mention love and the six qualities we have considered. - Rom. Second, he reminds you of his promises: "I am telling you, yes, I am with you. " Sirongwa esi asi: "Yisinke ali tanta koge ekaropo lyaKristusa? " The article "Christ's Presence - What Does It Mean to You? " Our enemies would hear this powerful message. (Efe. 6: 12) Ga yi diva asi kapi tatu hageke usimbu - simbu kukarera Jehova. Of course, he may realize that we will not simply abandon Jehovah abruptly. The Bible says that many in our day are "lovers of themselves, having no natural affection. " Awo kwa va vaterere va hageke makurunwa gawo pokutunga po elipangero, sikara esi asi wiza po kupitira mevatero lyompepo zokupongoka zaKarunga. For one thing, they were helped to give up drunken bouts and revelries by cultivating self - control, a quality that is developed with the help of God's holy spirit. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: 10: 16) Mosirongwa sokukwama ko ngatu ka konakona nonkedi omu womombungakriste nava kwatesa ko owo va tura moupitisili. The next article will discuss ways in which congregation members can support those appointed to take the lead. Jesus was the first creation of God and also helped all other things. Age kwa purakenene nelituromo. He listened patiently and compassionately. A person may be tempted to look at something that is not easy to look at. Gava sihonena. Do research. Will you accept God's loving invitation and protection during these difficult days? Nomvhura 25 da ka pita, Jehova kwa limburura ekanderero olyo. For over 25 years, Jehovah has kindly answered that prayer. (b) Who benefit from helping those who are weak? 9: 5. 9: 5. How can Jesus ' example help us to display fine conduct toward our brothers and sisters? OPeturusa naPaurusa naBaranabasa yipo va kere pepongo olyo lyombungagendesi ntani awo kwa simwitilire omu Jehova ga ruganene kumwe novapagani ava va dira kurugana yovamba. Peter, Paul, and Barnabas were at that meeting of the governing body and recounted how Jehovah had been dealing with uncircumcised Gentiles. Another arrangement that helps us to be courageous is that we share in the Kingdom - preaching work. Mesiku lyooyo, Jesus kwa va kandererere po va kare mouumwe. That same night, Jesus prayed for them to be united. During the police's police, the police treated me very well. Konyima zokuzonagura po Babironi zonene, vantu vaJehova ngava va homokera. Awo ngava hepa epopero lyaJehova mokuparuka. After the destruction of Babylon the Great, there will be an all - out assault on Jehovah's people, and at that time we will need to be under the protection that Jehovah will provide for his servants. But discipline can help you if you do not know where you are going. Kupi oku va here kuza? Where did the eager travelers go? If so, you need to examine your priorities. Ngapi omu vadinkantu novakurona nava likida uradi? How can young ones and their parents show courage? Imitate the fine examples of my brothers and sisters. Alyo kuhwama tali twera ngwendi mundiro. Mema nokuvhura si kulidimisa; ru kare ruhanzo nokulidivida si. Many waters themselves are not able to extinguish love, nor can rivers themselves wash it away. I have conquered the world. " • Zogereni sirongwa "Ronga vana woge " mosifo soRuhungu. • Consider the Watchtower feature "Teach Your Children. " It is not wrong to feel that way. EPARU LYANGE LYANARE: Ame kwa hampurukilire nge mositata saPerm ano kwa kulilire moFurmanov sitata sa kara novantu wokusika ko - 40 - 000 momukunda gwaIvanovo, Rusia. MY PAST: I was born in the city of Perm ' and grew up in Furmanov, a city of about 40,000 inhabitants in the region of Ivanovo, Russia. All rights reserved. 24: 15) Jehova nga vhumbura mamiliyona govantu wokonontundiliro nononkareso dokulisiga - siga. (Ruk. When that hope becomes a reality here on earth, millions of people with varying backgrounds, temperaments, and personalities will be brought back to life - and that from times stretching all the way back to "the founding of the world "! Explain. Ngapi omu vanavazinyetugara ava va gwana ekuho nava likida uradi? How can baptized brothers show themselves courageous? 4: 7. Ame na vhulire kuuyunga naJehova kutundilira komutjima. " I could speak to Jehovah from my heart! " Paul's fine example of faith and courage demonstrated that God had empowered him. Nsene tu paruka kuliza neligawo lyetu ntani nokulikida epuro lyenene mwaJehova, yitundwamo ose ngatu mu tantera asi: "Ove mugameni gwange nomupopeli gwange! Ove Karunga gwange, nyove na huguvara. " By living in harmony with our dedication and by exercising complete confidence in Jehovah, in effect we are saying to him: "You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I will trust. " It is challenging if there is good communication and if you know that you love you. Faturura eyi ayi tanta " kukuna mepya lyompepo. ' Explain what it means to " sow with a view to the spirit. ' Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem so that they would find "the money and the money in the temple and the fields, and they sat down in their seats. " Nomutjima detu da hepa kukara dina kuhuka ntani kuhageka nkenye udona. We must keep our thoughts pure and stop doing anything that is wrong. He believed that the dead would be resurrected, live forever and live forever. Afrika Mbindakano South Africa Why did Jehovah rescue us from sin and death? Bibeli kwa faturura usili ou pasifanekeso apa azi uyunga asi emukongoro tali kombo ko siutatu sonombungururu dekeguru, tali di zugumine pevhu. (Gen. The Bible reveals this truth by symbolically portraying the dragon as dragging a third of the stars of heaven with him in his fall. It seems that Paul and his fellow Christians knew many who heard Jesus give the command to preach. 15: 11 - 13) Ntani ga va tanterere hena asi: "Ame kumutumbura asi vakwetu. " Next, he said: "I have called you friends. " If some Christians get discouraged until they stop reading Bible reading or meditate on God's Word. 41: 10) Zauvali, age kukudiworokesa asi matumbwidiro gendi gosili: "Nyame na yi uyunga, nye yiyo kusika mo. " (Jes. Second, he reminds you that his promises are trustworthy: "I have spoken, and I will bring it about. David praised God, for the account of Psalm 34. Nonkore detu ngadi zuvha mbudi ezi zononkondo. Our enemies will hear this strong message. Today, the earth is full of natural disasters. 11 / 1 Why do we need to follow the Mosaic Law? Bibeli kwa tente asi momazuva getu wovanzi "kapi ngava paka mpandu, kapi ngava pongoka. Awo kapi ngava paka nkenda. " The Bible states that in our day, many would be "unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection. " Ask him to help you reason with him so that you can speak carefully to the brother. YIRONGWA YELIRONGO MOYIVIKE EYI: Jehovah can use his holy spirit, as he used when he created all other things. (Johanesa 6: 38) Jesus yige muhoverera ga sitire Karunga ntani nage ga vaterere mokusita yininke nayinye. Jesus was God's first creation, and he helped in the creation of all other things. No human can express such love. Muntu kuvhura kudowokera sininke pokusitarurura. The expression suggests that one can begin desiring something by simply looking at it. (b) Who will be Christ in Paradise, and how will he live forever? Ngo tambura ezigido lyaKarunga lyeharo nepopero lyendi momazuva aga goudigu ndi? Will you respond to that invitation and avail yourself of God's loving protection in these critical days? If so, do not become discouraged. (b) Wolye ava gwanena mo uwa apa atu vatere varupirankondo? (b) Who are benefited when we assist those who feel weak? See pages 2 - 21 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ngapi omu sihonena saJesus nasi vhura kutuvatera tu likide nkareso zongwa komapuko govanavazinyetu? How can Jesus ' example help us to deal with the flaws of others? The brother then cried out, "The circuit overseer came! " Ewapaiko limwe hena eli ali tu vatere tu kare nouradi kuna kara kulihameka mokuzuvhisa Uhompa. We also get courage by keeping active in the Kingdom - preaching work. Think about it. Posasiyona zovaporosi moLilongwe, vaporosi kwa tekwire nge nawa. At the Lilongwe police station, the policemen treated me kindly. But the man stayed with her and her brother. Nye evyukiso notose kuvhura yi dire kukuvatera nsene kapi ono diva oku ono kuza. However, both the map and the compass would be of little use if you did not know where you were headed. The Life of Hong Kong Nsene yimo, wa hepa kukonakona eyi wa tura muhowo meparu lyoge. If so, you should examine your priorities. The psalmist said of Jehovah: "You are giving you a lot of work, and every living thing is its desire. " Ame kwa temwinina yihonena yoyiwa (T. Endeavoring to Mirror Fine Examples (T. He told those who listened to him: "Do not store up treasures on the earth... (Joh. I am coming to you. " If one of Jehovah's Witnesses got baptized, unrepentant sinners would be disfellowshipped. Kapi ya kara epuko kukara nomalizuvho gangoso. There is nothing wrong with feeling that way. What is wisdom, and how does a Christian speak, and what does he do? All rights reserved. All rights reserved. They were like a young man who saw the grief that he faced and wanted to return home. Faturura. Explain. 24: 45. 4: 7. 4: 7. Some 90 years later, we do not need to ask, "How about Brazil and the United States? " Sihonena saPaurusa sosiwa sepuro nokukwata mutjima kwa likidire asi Karunga yige ga mu nkondopekere. What a record of faith and courage - all of it proof of God - given strength! " The early Christians did not use images in their worship. 6: 1) Ayo ureru kulimburukwa nsene pwa kara euyungokumwe lyewa ntani nsene wa yi diva asi va ku hara. It is easier to be obedient when there is good communication and when you know that you are loved. Patrick and Hannah also witnessed to the Philippines, a island on the island of B.C.E. Jesus novarongwa vendi kwa zire koJerusarema yipo va ka gwene montembeli "varandesi wonongombe nononzwi nononkutji, novasinti woyimaliva, awo vana hingire poyitafura yawo. " Jesus and his disciples came to Jerusalem and saw in the temple "those selling cattle and sheep and doves and the money brokers in their seats. " Also, they searched for what to encourage. Age kwa pulire asi vafe ngava va vhumbura, nokuparuka narunye. He was convinced that the dead could live again, with the prospect of never dying at all. For example: Morwasinke ga tu mangwilira Jehova kononzo nokonomfa? For what purpose have we been set free? We read: "You need to think carefully about the wars you have yet received, but you are not able to conquer you. " - Prov. Ayo kumoneka asi Paurusa noVakriste vakwawo va divire sinzi sowo va zuvhire Jesus kuna kugava mpangera zokuzuvhisa. So it seems that Paul and other Christians knew many of those who had personally heard Jesus give the command to preach. When he left Lystra, he left home and went to where he could not know. 15: 13) Vakriste vamwe nsene vana dompo nomutjima kuvaninkisa dogoro va hageke ereso lyanyamwawo lyoBibeli ndi kuteda ko koNonkango daKarunga. Some Christians have become disheartened to the point of discontinuing their personal Bible reading and their meditation on God's Word. You need to continue asking Jehovah for help and guidance. Ndafita kwa yererepekere Karunga mokumuzowora, morwa sihorokwa esi, yipo ga tjenge Episarome 34. David credited God with delivering him, and based on this experience, he wrote Psalm 34. Not only did David give his life but he trusted in Jehovah and respected his name. Ano ngesi evhu kuna kukankama. Now the earth shook violently. A brief survey Morwasinke twa hepera mavyukiso gomoVeta zaMosesa? Why should we be guided by the principles of the Mosaic Law? Because my father had become engrossed in the U.S.A. Mu pura a ku vatere yipo o vhure kukazogera nawa namunazinyetu ogo. Ask him to help you to have an upbuilding conversation with your brother. Can you " set aside time to spend with your family instead of using other things? ' Jehova kuvhura kuruganesa mpepo zendi zokupongoka momunene, ngwendi moomu ga zi ruganesere apa ga sitire yininke nayinye. Jehovah may use his holy spirit on a grand scale, as in the creation of the universe. As you maintain your zeal for the ministry, you will experience great joy! 10: 9, 10) Kwato muntu gokuvhura kulikida eharo lyangoso. No human could show greater love. " I had doubts whether God exists. (b) Yilye ogu nga ka kara naKristusa moParadisa, ntani ngapi omu nga ka vhura kukaparuka narunye? (b) Who will be with Christ in Paradise, and how will he be able to live forever? Consider a sister named Hannah, who divorced her husband, * says: "If the brothers don't care about you, it can hurt you. Nsene yimo, ya ha kudompesa. If so, do not be discouraged. Imagine life without suffering or grief! Tara epenuno 215 - 218 mobuke Yinke azi rongo Bibeli sili? STUDY ARTICLES Munazinyetu ga zigilire hena asi: "Mutareli goruhamukunda ana ya siki! " Our host called out again, "The circuit overseer has arrived! " Jehovah continues to answer his people for Bible truths. Gazara tupu. Think! Today, millions view themselves as Christians, and "they know that God is well - aware of their deeds, because they do not know what is right. " Nye mugara kuna rara gelike perwara. Yet, the man lies alone on a mat on the ground. If you go to those mountains, you may need to travel to the mountains (now station), and you will find large mountains that are now serving in the Philippines. Eparu lyomoKinshasa Life in Kinshasa How did Jacob show that he was a mature Christian? Muepisarome kwa uyungire kuhamena Jehova asi: "Ove kuyipa yoyinzi, to kutike nayinye moufenkenda woge. " The psalmist said of Jehovah: "You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. " It is the war that I see, and this is what I need to fight, just as I have heard. " - Phil. Age kwa tanterere ava va mu purakenene asi: "Walye omu lipongaikire emona pevhu.... He pointedly told his listeners: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth... (See opening picture.) Nsene Mbangi zaJehova ga gwana ekuho a tura nzo zonene nokudira kulitezurura, tava mu gusa mo mombunga. If one of Jehovah's Witnesses who is baptized commits a serious sin and does not repent, he will be disfellowshipped. Similarly, although he felt relief, he still learned that he could help others. Yet, the communication was not spoken, but was in written form. Why do you want to continue to grow spiritually? Yisinke unongo, ntani ngapi omu Mukriste gomunongo a uyunga ntani a rugana? What is discernment, and how does a discerning Christian speak and act? As a result, many people think that the Bible is not a message from God but of its teachings. Awo kwa fene ngwendi muna gomugara ogu ga lisimwenene mwene morwa ruguwo roudigu ou ga ligwanekere nawo nokuhara kutengura kembo. They were like a wayward son ruefully shaking his head as he reflects on the hardships he has brought upon himself and longs for the life he had back home. For example, when he announced his ministry in Nazareth, Jesus read from Isaiah's book: "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor. " 24: 45. 24: 45. Regarding divorce, Paul wrote: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness. " Konyima zonomvhura 90, ose kapi twa hepa kulipura asi: "Ngapi kuhamena vantu womoBrasilia ntani womoAmerika Mbindakano nazinye? " Now, some 90 years later, we need not ask: "How about Brazil and all South America? " What was the Septuagint, and why was it necessary? " Vakriste wokuhova kapi ngava ruganesa mafano moukareli wawo... " Images were unknown in the worship of the primitive Christians... During his lifetime, a fire can cause you to feel like "a sharper's eye, like a tree that is getting around. " Patrick naHannah kwa ka zuvhisilire hena moAngaur, kasirudigona kakara novantu 320. Patrick and Hannah also preached on Angaur, a tiny island with 320 inhabitants. 5 / 1 Lyokusa ko, awo kwa paparere eyi nayi vhura kuvakorangeda. In the morning, they looked for some spiritual encouragement. Those events include wars, food shortages, famine, famine, famine, and so on as to grow cold. (Episarome 34: 7) Pasihonena: For example: Jehovah chose Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David as a Leader. Tatu resa asi: "Ove kuhepa kugazara nawa ove simpe kapi ono ru yita. Ano nsene to gwana [epitisiro lyewa, NW], ove nyove tupu kufunda. " - Yis. We read: "By skillful direction [" by skillful strategy, " The Revised English Bible] you will carry on your war, and in the multitude of counselors there is salvation. " - Prov. So Paul wrote to him: "Do remember your word. " Apa ga tundire moLisitira age kwa sigire embo lyawo ntani kwa zire oku ga dilire kudiva. As he left Lystra behind, every crunch of the pebbles under his sandals, every rustle of the grass he trampled, meant another step toward the unknown and away from his home. Says Pedro, who moved to Australia and his family, relates: "This is what we need to learn in order to apply it in order to apply it. " - Luke 24: 32. Wa hepa kutwikira kuhundira Jehova a ku vatere nokukuvyukisa. You need to keep asking for Jehovah's help and guidance. Those who made sacrifices, experienced how Jehovah proved to be the Ruler of the universe. Kapisi posihorokwa tupu esi nye eparu lyendi nalinye Ndafita kwa huguvarere mwaJehova ntani nokufumadeka edina lyendi. Not only on that occasion but throughout his life, David trusted in Jehovah and held the divine name in the highest esteem. Those words assured me that I could make changes in my life so that I could please God. Ekonakono lyesupi A Closer Look PAGE 28 Morwa otate kwa lihamekere unene mombungapolitika zaNazi ntani awo ngava singi mukurona gombungapolitika ozo. My father was very involved in Nazi activities and was the chauffeur for the leader of a local branch of that party. The Bible says that imperfect humans "will all stumble many times, especially in words. " Kuvhura o " ruganese nawa ' siruwo mokukara kumwe nepata lyoge mevango lyokusiruganesa koyininke yapeke ndi? Can you " buy out ' time from other things so as to spend more of it with your family? And Jehovah will give us a perfect human body. (Jesaya 43: 10) Ngomu ono kukwaterera koupampi woge mosirugana sokuzuvhisa, ove ngo limonena ruhafo rorunene! Yes, you will experience great joy as you continue to maintain your zeal for the ministry! Because David saw "a cause for complaint. " " Ame kwa kere nomasinganyeko nsene asi Karunga yipo ga kara. " I used to have doubts about God's existence. There she helped to translate the gold language and to the English language language. Tara sihonena saMunazinyetukadi gedina Cynthia * ogu va zumbire, age kwa tente asi: "Nsene vanavazinyetu va dira kukupakera mbili, ayo kukoresa. Cynthia, * a sister whose husband abandoned her, comments: "If brothers avoid you or do not act the way you would expect close friends to act, it can hurt. What does that mean? Gazara tupu, eparu lyanarunye lya hana kukora ndi ruhepo ndi ruguwo! Imagine - endless life without pain, suffering, or sorrow! However, many people were full - time at a convention in which they watched. Sifo Selirongo STUDY ARTICLES Married couples, who has a son, says: "My daughter does not want her to eat, so I try to help him. " Jehova kuna kutwikira kuzeresera vantu vendi mausili goBibeli. Jehovah continues to shed light upon his people. He is alive and is directing the preaching work that is done on earth. We do not need detailed lists saying which styles of dress are acceptable and which are objectionable. What were disfellowshipped, and with what result? Naina, vantu mamiliyona kulitumbura asi Vakriste, ntani "awo kulikoreka asi va diva Karunga, nye awo kumupatana moyirugana yawo. Yeeyi awo vadona, awo kapi ava zuvhu, kapi ava vhuru kurugana yuma yoyiwa. " Today, millions may claim to be Christians, "but they disown [God] by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort. " But God's righteousness is not a list of laws and principles. Nsene o za konondundu odo wa hepa kuvyuka komukuro gwaElbe (ndi Labe), ntani no ka sika konondundu dononene (Krkonoše), edi ngesi dina kara mururani gopokatji kosirongo saCzech Republic naPoranda. If you travel upstream on the river Elbe (or, Labe), you will eventually reach the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše), which are on the present border between the Czech Republic and Poland. God called him "the King " Ngapi ga yi likidire Jakopo asi age ga kura pampepo? How did Jacob show himself to be a spiritual man? But first we were assigned to the local congregation in New York City how many of them spoke English. Ayo yita eyi ngomu mono nge tani yi ru, ayo yiyo nina kurwa nelyezuva, moomu muna kuzuvha. " - Fil. For you have the same struggle as you saw in my case and as you now hear about in my case. " - Phil. 1: 18 - 25; Luke 1: 26 - 35. (Tara efano.) (See opening picture.) A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR Mokulifana, nampili ngomu ga lizuvhire ngwendi kuna teka, simpe ga lirongere asi kuvhura a vatere wopeke. Similarly, though she felt broken, she learned that she could still help others. (Read Psalm 118: 6.) Morwasinke ono harere kutwikira kukura pampepo? Why do you want to move forward spiritually? Jesus taught that lesson after curing ten men with leprosy. Morwa oyo, vantu wovanzi kwa gazara asi Bibeli azo kapisi mbudi zokutunda kwaKarunga, nye magano nonompo dovatjangi vazo. The result of all of this is that many now consider the Bible to be more a reflection of the mentality and traditions of the writers than a divine revelation. * Pasihonena, apa ga divisire sirugana sendi mosinagoge zomoNasareta, Jesus kwa resere mobuke zaJesaya asi: " Mpepo zaKarunga pozili pwange, yeeyi age kwa gwaveka nge asi ani udisire vahepwe mbudi zongwa. ' For example, when announcing his commission in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus read from the scroll of Isaiah: "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor. " Moreover, we receive direction in which we can carry out our ministry. Kombinga zomu natu uyunga kumwe novakwetetu, Paurusa kwa tjenge asi: "Nonkango deni adi kare nkenye apa donongwa donontovara domungwa. " Regarding the way we should communicate with others, Paul wrote: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt. " Samantha: I can use the example of brothers and sisters. Yisinke Sepetuagente, ntani morwasinke va zi heperere? What is the Septuagint, and how did it come about? By means of Jesus ' rule, people will be brought to perfection. (Yisewe 23: 29, 30, BR) Makurunwa kuvhura kukuninkisa o " lizuvhe ngwendi gogu ana rara mokatji kefuta, ana kara nouvera wefuta, ngwendi gogu ana rarere kondungu zositji sosikepa. ' Overdrinking can make you "feel as if you were out on the ocean, seasick, swinging high up in the rigging of a tossing ship. " " There will be [Jesus] as the apostle Paul began to declare the Christ in synagogues. " 5 / 15 4 / 15 Perhaps you are shy and find it difficult to talk to people who do not know. (Velise 3, 14) Yihorokwa oyo kwa kwatera mo yita nerumbu nekankamo lyevhu noudona, novapukisi wovanzi ntani eharo lyovantu ngali tenda. These features include major wars, food shortages, earthquakes in one place after another, an increase of lawlessness, a lack of love, and sly efforts by religious leaders to mislead people. Now she is a full - time minister in Canada despite her mother's care. 14: 2, 11) Jehova kwa horowere Mosesa naJosuwa naNgidiyona ntani Ndafita mokumukarera po ngoMupitisili. Indeed, Jehovah chose Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David to represent him as Leader. Try to share in the preaching work with others Yipo nye Paurusa ga mu tjangerere asi: "Mahodi goge na diworoka. " Paul thus wrote to him: "I remember your tears. " Psalm 45 contains more than the good news. Pedro ogu ga dirukilire nepata lyendi koAustralia kwa tanta asi: " Eyi tuna kulironga ya hepa kututwa komutjima yipo yi tutumangede tu yi ture pasirugana. ' - Ruk. 24: 32. " When talking about spiritual matters, " says Pedro, who moved his family to Australia from South America, "the heart and emotions should be involved. " - Luke 24: 32. However, if his way of life shows that he is a disciple and is dedicated to God, he may be able to get baptized. Ava va lizamberere, va limonene omu Jehova ga yi likidire asi age Mupangeli gwanayinye. Those who volunteered witnessed firsthand how Jehovah magnifies his sovereignty. How? Nonkango odo kwa pere nge ehuguvaro asi name kuvhura kutura po marunduruko meparu lyange yipo ni hafese Karunga. Those words gave me hope that I too would be able to make the necessary changes in my life to please God. MY PAST: I grew up in the town of São Paulo, a small town near the city of São Paulo. EPENUNO 28 Why is it important to think about things we do not see? Bibeli kwa uyunga asi ngovantu wokudira kusikilira mo "natuvenye kupuka popanzi, " unene po mononkango. (Jak. The Bible states that as imperfect humans, "we all stumble many times, " especially in the use of our tongue. COVER SUBJECT IS THE END IT ALL? (Jesaya 11: 9) Ntani Jehova nga ka tu pa marutu gokusikilira mo. Jehovah will also make our minds and bodies perfect. Be kind to unbelieving relatives. Morwa Ndafita mwene kwa kere " muhungiki. ' Because David himself was "someone loyal. " Did Joseph succumb to this woman's request? Oko kwa ka vaterere kutoroka Rusamowa noRutongani noRutokelau ntani Rutuvalu. There we helped with translation into the Samoan, Tongan, and Tokelauan languages, as well as helping with the translation in Tuvaluan. You might start to learn a few minutes. (Mateusa 20: 28) Yisinke ayi tanta oyo? What does that mean? Those who submit to the churches of Christendom and its religions have learned to cooperate with peace, unity, and unity. Nampili ngoso, vantu wovanzi ngava zura monosala dokulikidira yidanauka omu ngava tarere elikido olyo mawoko - woko. Nevertheless, audiences packed out theaters to view the "Photo - Drama " free of charge. At first, when I learned the truth, I did not speak kindly, especially when I spoke to my family. Javier, ogu ga kara nomuna gosirema, kwa tanta asi: "Munwange kapi a gendi, yipo nye ani hetekere ko kulya nawa, yipo ni vhure kumuvatera. " Javier, who has a crippled son, puts it this way: "My son cannot walk, so I feel that I should try to eat well. After all, I am the one who moves him around. 73: 28. Age muzuni ntani kuna kugendesa sirugana zokuzuvhisa esi vana kurugana pevhu. He is alive today and is directing a work that involves everyone on earth. 13, 14. Yisinke va rugana ava va gusire mo mombunga, ntani noyitundwamo musinke? What have many disfellowshipped ones done, and with what result? When Jesus was on earth, he demonstrated the good qualities of his heavenly Father. (Ehor. 4: 11) Nye uhungami waKarunga kapisi elikwamo lyere lyonoveta nonompango. God's righteousness, however, is not a cold, rigid set of laws or an endless list of rules and regulations. Let them see how people felt. Karunga nga mu tumbura asi "Hompa gomukadi " God Called Her "Princess " When marriage mates are "merciful and compassionate, " their marriage will grow, and Jehovah will bless them. Nye pomuhowo kwa ka tu tulire mombungakriste zomositata saKasoni omu sinzi sovatungi mo ngava uyunga Ruingilisa. However, the three of us were initially assigned to a congregation in Quezon City, where many of the residents spoke English. " This Is to Be a Memorial for You ' 1: 18 - 25; Ruk. 1: 26 - 35. 1: 18 - 25; Luke 1: 26 - 35. " A friend's voice was diagnosed with me. " NZOGERA NOMUNTU OGU ONO KUZUVHISIRA A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR This will help us to show compassion to others. (Resa Episarome 118: 6.) (Read Psalm 118: 6.) After Paul reminded fellow believers about the prize of his reward, he told them: "Let the members of the body of fornication, uncleanness, sexual immorality, and sexual immorality. " Jesus kwa rongere sirongwa oso konyima zokuverura vagara murongo ava va kere nouvera woyingondwe. Jesus highlighted that lesson after he healed ten men of a debilitating disease that had no cure at the time. Isaiah 54: 17 says: "The weapon that will not be destroyed. " * * Many brothers and sisters have faced situations in which they should choose to be like Esau or Joseph. 10: 23) Ntani, ose kugwana mavyukiso gomawa omu natu vhura kusikisa mo nawa sirugana setu sokuzuvhisa. Moreover, we receive good direction on how to carry out our preaching work effectively. It seems that as we see such things, we do not care about them. Martha: Kuvhura ni ruganese sihonena sovantu namumbyendi. Samantha: I might use two brothers. What shows that differences can be avoided? (Johanesa 3: 16) Kupitira mepangero lyaJesus, vantu ngava ka sikilira mo. Under Jesus ' direction, humankind will be brought to perfection. ▪ Shepherds, Imitate the Great Shepherd " Ngapa katu popi, [Paurusa] nare ana tameke kuudisa Kristusa monosinagoge asi yige MunwaKarunga. " " Immediately in the synagogues [Paul] began to preach Jesus, that this One is the Son of God. " We wear appropriate clothes that are related to our dress and grooming. Nampo nomuga ntani udigu kuuyunga novantu ava va dira kudiva. Maybe they are shy and find it hard to talk to people they do not know. Michelle: In his wisdom, God knew that the best way to resolve this problem is to let it go through time. Ngesi kuna kara muzuvhisi gosiruwo nasinye moKanada nampili ngomu ana kupakera mbili ozina. Today, while caring for her mother in Canada, Maureen still serves as a special pioneer. If we want our prayers to be answered, we need to pray to God with humility. Lihameka mosirugana sokuzuvhisa nava wopeke Share with others in the field service My hope can refer to the words: "I am now sick, but not forever! " Episarome 45 kwa kara mo yoyinzi kupitakana tupu mbudi zoruhafo. The 45th Psalm, though, is much more than an exciting story with a happy ending. 6, 7. (a) How can they effectively use the Bible to teach those in the congregation? Nye, nsene mparukiso zendi kulikida asi age sili murongwa ntani age ana ligava kwaKarunga, kuvhura kumupulisira a gwane ekuho. If, however, his life course gives proof of discipleship and he has indeed dedicated his life to God, you may feel that you can allow him to get baptized. Hebrews 5: 1 states: "All the high priest who choose to slave for humans, especially for mankind's suffering and for God to make sacrifices for themselves because of their sacrifice. " Monkedi musinke? How so? Philip applied those counsel. EPARU LYANGE LYANARE: Ame kwa kulilire modoropa zaSo - Tchahoué, pepi nekurudiva. MY PAST: I grew up in So - Tchahoué, a village situated in a marshy area near a lake. Although he was afraid, what did the king do? Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo kugazara koyininke eyi atu dili kumona? Why is it good that we can imagine things we have not seen? We also received much help. SIRONGWA SOKUHOVA | UHURA WOUZUNI PEPI NDI? COVER SUBJECT | IS THE END NEAR? 11: 4. Kara nonkenda kovanekoro wovahapuli. Have empathy for unbelieving relatives. (b) What can we learn from Apollos's example? (Genesis 39: 7) Josefa ga gwililire mezedo lyomukadi ogo ndi? Was Joseph tempted to give in to this pagan woman's bold advances? No one had done this by stating that this "Gospel of Judas " contains clear information Kuvhura o tameke kulironga pokuruganesa nominute dononsesu. Then, work in harmony with your prayers, perhaps keeping study periods rather short. 6, 7. Ava ava di limburukwa va funda po elitondororo lyonomuhoko neli lyomaukarelikarunga, ntani va lironga kuruganena kumwe mombili nomouumwe. Those who have embraced it have overcome racial and religious prejudices and have learned to work together in peace and unity. If someone dies in heaven, will he go to heaven? Pomuhowo, apa na lirongere usili, kapi ngani uyunga nonondunge, unene po apa ngani uyunga nekoro lyange. I must admit that when I first learned the truth, I was not always tactful, especially when I talked to my family. What else can you do to maintain joy as you are single? 73: 28. 73: 28. How did the Greek language and the Greek language help Christians to improve? 13, 14. 13, 14. Ruth was not old enough to eat the fire, and that was the problem for the first time. Apa Jesus ga ya kere pevhu, age ga likidire yikara yoyiwa yoGuhwe vemeguru. When on earth, Jesus reflected perfectly the marvelous qualities of his heavenly Father. Yes. Lizuvha omu va lizuvhire vantu womosihorokwa. Let the account come to life. Abraham guided his family, and Sarah set a good example for her husband's headship. 3: 10) Apa valikwali ava kara " nonkenda nombili nomalinunupiko nekuruko nezaverero, ' nonkwara dawo ngadi nkondopara ntani Jehova nga va tungika. What blessings result when husbands and wives fortify their moral defenses by clothing themselves "with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience "! solve the challenges you face. " Ezuva eli, ngali kare kweni ezuva lyomadiworokero ' " This Is to Be a Memorial for You ' Of course, not all ideas are right. Ernesto kwa tente asi: "Muhagaro gwezwi lyakaume kange kwa tukukisire nge. " Ernesto recalls: "The intonation my friend gave to the " you ' and " cancer ' sent a chill down my spine. " When he went out to his owner, Boaz realized that a woman was ready to follow the workers. Mpango zina kutuvatera tu likide nkenda kwava wopeke. Does not the principle reflected in that particular law move us to action? As we discussed in the preceding article, after Jesus ' death, many Jewish Christians still wanted to obey the Mosaic Law. Apa Paurusa ga mene kudiworokesa vapuli vakwawo kuhamena mfeto zawo, age kwa va tanterere hena asi: "Ano omu dipage madowo aga aga rugana mweni, ngwendi gaga: ruhonda, nonyata noruho nomadowo gomadona nedowo lyokufukira yininke. " (Koros. After reminding his brothers of their marvelous hope, Paul wrote: "Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness. " There are many things that Jehovah does not make in the Bible. Jesaya 54: 17 kwa tanta asi: "Nosirwiso si simwe esi ngasi ku rwadeka. " Isaiah 54: 17, for example, states: "No weapon formed against you will have any success. " He did not expect people to come to him, but he had to share the good news with the people. Vanavazinyetu wovanzi kwa ligwanekera nomaukaro omu va hepere kuhorowora kukara ngwendi Esau ndi Josefa. Many of our brothers and sisters have been in situations in which they had to choose between acting either like Esau or like Joseph. This makes me thankful. Ayo kumoneka asi moomu tuna kumona rorunzi yininke yangoso, yimo atu dili kuyipakera mbili. It seems that the more familiar a situation is, the less people are inclined to pay attention to it. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Yisinke ayi likida asi madiro kulizuvhura kuvhura kuhoroka? What shows that we are not immune to disagreements? When Ezekiel wrote this prophecy, "the kingdom of Israel, " or Israel, were already taken captive to Babylon the Great for centuries. ▪ Vasita, honeneni Musita goMunene ▪ Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds He promises to fulfill his promise. " Eyi atu dwara kulikida yidwara eyi twa hara. Still, what we wear involves some personal preference. People do not know the Bible's historical accounts or what it represents. Maria: Mounongo wendi, Karunga ga divire asi nkedi zongwa mokukohonona po udigu owo kuna kara asi ntudi pokupulisira siruwo si pite po. Michelle: In his wisdom, then, God knew that the best way to settle the challenge would be to allow time to pass. Is it important to avoid this festival? Nsene tuna hara makanderero getu va ga limburure, twa hepa kukanderera kwaKarunga nelinunupiko. If our prayers are to be answered, we must approach God with humility. 6, 7. (a) Why is there contrast between those serving God and those who do not serve him? Ehuguvaro lyange kuvhura kulisingonona nononkango edi asi: "Ame ngesi sirema, nye kapisi narunye! " It is summed up in these words, "I am disabled now but not forever! " On the day of Pentecost, what did the Jews and proselytes need to do? 6, 7. (a) Ngapi nava ruganesa nawa Bibeli ava ava rongo mombungakriste? 6, 7. (a) How can those teaching the congregation make good use of the Bible? Moreover, David prayed to Jehovah: "I know that you are examining every sort of heart. " Vahebeli 5: 1 kutanta asi: "Nkenye mupristeli gomunene ogu ava horowora movantu, kukerera po ruhepo rovantu moyininke yokuhamena kwaKarunga, asi a rete yigava nononzambo morwanonzo. " Hebrews 5: 1 explains: "Every high priest taken from among men is appointed in behalf of men over the things pertaining to God, that he may offer gifts and sacrifices for sins. " 13: 3 - 5. Philip kwa tura pasirugana mapukururo ogo. Philip put that counsel into practice. I replied that the Trinity was not the truth but that I could not show it from the Bible. Nampili ngomu ga kere nowoma, yisinke ga rugene hompa? Although he was afraid, what did the king do? It also shows that we are people. Ntani hena ose kwa gwene evatero lyenene. " In fact, the volume of help we received overwhelmed us. 8, 9. 11: 4. 11: 4. Sophia: Yes, it doesn't grow old. (b) Yisinke natu lirongera ko kosihonena saAporo? (b) What can we learn from the account of Apollos? For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 20 - 22. Kwato mulirongi ogu ga rugene ekonakono lyetjango eli lya uyunga asi Evangeli eli kwa kara nonombudi douhunga [ Footnote] 6, 7. 6, 7. Martin loved and respected. Nsene muntu ana fu kuza meguru ndi? After Death - Heavenly Life? In 1922 a talk at the International Bible Students in C.E., Ohio, the audience urged them to "keep speaking and to the kingdom of Jehovah. " Yisinke hena no rugana yipo o kare ngorooro noruhafo ngomu ono kara simpe mudike? What else can you do to remain happy and busy while you are single? " I came to be a perfect man. " - JOHN 10: 10. Ngapi kuwapukurura yitaura ntani eraka lyoRugereka ya vaterere Vakriste? How did improvements in travel help Christians, and how did the Greek language also help them? His purpose is that faithful men and women living on earth cultivate peace and prosperity. Rutu rwange kapi simpe rwa yikire upyu wamo ano udigu owo kwa twikilire mwaza siruwo. My body had not adjusted to the hot, humid weather, and this was to be an ongoing challenge. Similarly, we can avoid the wrong desires that could lead to sin if we realize it quickly. Nhi. Yes, it does. Why does the book of Job not say only about a person's trials? Abirahamu kwa gendesere nawa epata lyendi ntani Sara kwa tulire po sihonena sosiwa sokufumadeka upangeli wamugara gwendi. Abraham took the proper lead in his family, and Sarah set a fine example by submitting to her husband's headship. When they are afraid, what can help them to prepare for? kohonone po maudigu aga ono kuligwanekera nago. resolve difficulties when they arise. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 11 - 15.) Magano aga gokulisiga - siga kapisi nagenye mouhunga. Clearly, such widely differing views cannot all be correct. Relate an experience that illustrates the importance of perseverance in helping our relatives spiritually. Apa ga zire kepya lyendi, Bowasa ga dimbwilire mukadi gomunayirongo ana kupupura a kwame varugani. When he came to inspect his fields during the harvest, Boaz could not fail to notice a hardworking foreign woman gleaning behind his harvesters. Why did Paul encourage Christians to remain single? Ngomu twa yi zogerere mosirongwa sina ka pita, konyima zonomfa daJesus Vakriste woVajuda wovanzi kwa here simpe kulimburukwa koVeta zaMosesa. (Yirug. As we discussed in the preceding article, after Jesus ' death it was difficult for many Jewish Christians to break free from the Mosaic Law. In time, your efforts will be discovered. " Pwa kara yininke yoyinzi eyi ga dira kutura Jehova moBibeli. There are many things that Jehovah chose not to include in his written Word. The apostle Paul said: "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. Age kapi nga ndindire asi vantu va mu wizire, nye nga gendi nokilometa mafere porupandi mokugaligavera novantu mbudi zongwa. (Mat. 4: 23 - 25; Ruk. Rather than expecting people to come to him, he traveled hundreds of miles on foot to share the good news with them. 5: 4, 5. Eyi kuninkisa nge ni kare norupandu. These give me reasons to be thankful. PARTIES: Joseph and Potiphar's wife Ano Karunga nga kokota mahodi nagenye komeho gawo. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. After his death and resurrection, Jesus went into the spiritual temple and offered it "a sacrifice of God. " - Heb. Apa ga tjenge Hesekiyeli uporofete owo, "Untungi waIsraeli, " ndi Vaisraeli womouhompa wokomuzogo, awo kwa va twere nare mounkwate waAsiliya nomvhura 740 komeho zokuwiza Jesus pevhu. Therefore, it was appropriate that the stick representing the ten - tribe kingdom be called "the stick of Ephraim. " By the time Ezekiel recorded the prophecy about the two sticks, the northern kingdom of Israel had long since been taken captive by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E. You can also use a similar way when you discuss someone who is not interested in the Bible. Nkenye eyi a tumbwidire age kuyisikisa mo. " When he says something, will he not do it? " Since Jehovah's day is near, each of us should ask ourselves: " Where am I focused on material things? Vantu kapi va diva yihorokwa yomoBibeli eyi ya fanekesa yuma neyi ya dira kufanekesa yuma. Humans cannot know which Bible accounts represent something greater and which do not. Did God listen? Ayo mulyo kunyokera po sipito esi ndi? Is this just a trivial matter? Many people do all they can to gain inner peace. 6, 7. (a) Morwasinke pwa karera malisigo pokatji kowo ava karere Karunga ntani nava ava dili kumukarera? 6, 7. (a) What accounts for the difference in outlook between those who serve God and those who do not? The angels will do God's judgment as Jesus will lead them to "those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8. Mezuva lyoPentekoste, yisinke va hepere kurugana Vajuda novantu ava va lipeke koukarelikarunga woVajuda ava va litezwilire? On the day of Pentecost, what did repentant Jews and proselytes need to do? 10 / 1 Ntani hena Ndafita kwa kandererere kwaJehova asi: "Ame na yi diva asi ove kukonakona mutjima gwankenye muntu. " (1 Hist. Indeed, Jehovah is the Examiner of all hearts, including ours. Since then, Jehovah created a man and a woman to be enduring enduring love and enduring. 13: 3 - 5. Why did Jesus perform this humble act? - John 13: 3 - 5. Thus, "the glory of the anointed " will occur in the future. Tani mu limburura asi erongo lyaKarunga mutatu gumwe kapisi usili nye kapi na vhulire kuyimulikida moBibeli. she asked me. I responded that I knew that the Trinity doctrine is false but that I couldn't prove it from the Bible. We know this because Jesus told the Jews in his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " Alyo kulikida hena asi ose vantu musinke. Our conscience also reveals what kind of person we really are. The Philistines and Israel feared Goliath when he spoke to the Israelites every day. 8, 9. 8, 9. Isaiah explains the dangers of spiritual dangers that result from alcohol abuse: "The understanding of the deeds of Jehovah is not understanding. " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. The city's reporters have moved on to this week's event. What attitude did Mary show, and how can we imitate him? Sofia: Nhi, asi kurumona. Sophia: Yes, it seems that he does. Would I be able to earn a chance to live in that country? Ano moomu ava fu vantu navenye morwa yiwo ruvharo rwaAdamu, yimo ngorooro hena ngava va tura navenye mwenyo morwa yeeyi awo kwa likwatakana naKristusa. " - 1 Vakolinte 15: 20 - 22. For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 20 - 22. This raised the man's love, and he accepted a Bible study. [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnote] Why should elders work hard to provide encouragement? Martin kwa here kumufumadeka. Martin needed respect. Judges chapters 4 and 5 show how important it is to Jehovah when we follow his commandments. Momvhura 1922 siuyungwa esi va geve posigongi soValirongi woBibeli moCedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., kwa tumangedere vapurakeni va " divise Hompa ntani nouhompa wendi. ' A talk given at the convention of Bible Students at Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., in 1922 urged listeners to " advertise the King and his kingdom. ' However, regarding our future life, we must decide carefully. " Ame kwa wiza asi va kare nomwenyo gokusikilira mo. " - JOHANESA 10: 10. " I have come that they might have life and might have it in abundance. " - JOHN 10: 10. Ask the learner for goals in Jehovah's service. Sitambo sendi asi vagara novakadi wovalimburukwi va tunge pevhu nokulipakera mbili noyininke nayinye eyi ya kara po. That purpose is for the earth to be inhabited by obedient men and women who will take care of it and all life upon it. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Mokulifana, nose kuvhura kunyokera po madowo gomadona aga aga tu twaredesa konzo, nsene tu ga dimburura usimbu. Similarly, we can avert disaster if we quickly identify tendencies that could lead us into temptation. Some may be able to pioneer. Morwasinke buke zaJoba kapi tupu za uyunga kuhamena maheteko gomuntu gumwe? Why is the book of Job not merely an account of one man's trials? The second article discusses the importance of faith. Nsene vana kara nowoma, yisinke nayi va vatera va liwapaikire? Amid intense anxiety, fear, and grief, what can help you to prepare for the road ahead? But some of the love that has been done away with, so they have been taken away from the faith and have many pains. " (Resa 1 Timoteusa 5: 11 - 15.) (Read 1 Timothy 5: 11 - 15.) The desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " Simwitira sihorokwa esi asi likida mulyo gokukovekeda mokuvatera vanekoro pampepo. Relate an experience that shows the value of persevering in efforts to help relatives spiritually. He also prayed and thought that if God gave him spiritual food at a convention, he would also provide for her material needs. Morwasinke Paurusa ga korangederere Vakriste mokukara vadike? Why did Paul recommend singleness? I feel happier when I talk to God's people. Mwaza siruwo, yirugana nelituromo lyoge ngava yi dimburura. " In time, your work and efforts will be recognized. " Before God's Son was born on earth as a human, he had the name Michael. Mupositoli Paurusa kwa tente asi: "Edowo lyokudowokera emona, yilyo ntundiliro zomaudona nagenye. " The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, " wrote the apostle Paul. However, this helps us to keep our eyes focused on the prize. 5: 4, 5. 5: 4, 5. At times, we may face circumstances that may cause us to lose peace. Vahamenimo: Josefa namukadaPotifara Main characters: Joseph, Potiphar's wife 10 / 1 (Heb. 10: 5 - 10) Konyima zonomfa nevhumbuko lyendi, Jesus kwa zire moNzugo zoKupongokerera montembeli zopampepo nokukagava mulyo gonzambo zendi "kosipara saKarunga. " - Heb. After his death and resurrection, Jesus entered the Most Holy of the spiritual temple and presented the value of his sacrifice "before the person of God. " - Heb. 1931 Kuvhura hena o ruganese nkedi zokulifana nsene kuna kuzogera nomuntu ogu ga dira kupura nawa - nawa moBibeli. You can use the same basic principles when you talk with someone who has doubts about the Bible. The ten spies gave a negative report, and the Israelites were disappointed. 16: 26, 27) Mokumona asi ezuva lyaJehova kuna kuhedera pepi, nkenye gumwe gwetu ga hepa kulipura asi: " Ame kupi oku nina kulipongaikira emona? In view of the nearness of Jehovah's day, each of us does well to consider: " Where am I storing up treasure? When I grew up, his father explained what they are doing. Karunga ga purakenene ndi? Would he listen? Jehovah's Witnesses in your area will be pleased to help you to benefit from the help of God's angels. Vantu wovanzi kukondja asi va gwane mbili zomomutjima. Many people struggle to find peace of mind. Pray to Jehovah and humbly (Ehororo 16: 14 - 16; 19: 14 - 16) Vaengeli ngava ya sikisa mo mpanguro zaKarunga ngomu Hompa Jesus ngava pitisira va ya "futise ava va dira kudiva Karunga nava ava dili kulimburukwa koMbudi zoNgwa zaHompa gwetu Jesus. " - 2 Vatesaronika 1: 7, 8. Powerful angels will serve as executioners of divine judgment as the Lord Jesus "brings vengeance on those who... do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8. I approach an elder who was studying the Bible with me, patiently patient, and encouraged me. Tambura mpepo zaKarunga, nye kapisi zouzuni, 3 / 1 Prove Yourself Ready! 3 / 15 Pursue Peace, 8 / 15 Do you put Jehovah first in your family worship, meeting attendance, and field service? (Gen. 2: 21 - 23) Kutundilira ketamekero, Jehova kwa sita mugara nomukadi va kare neharo lyosili ntani lyokukarerera. Since Jehovah has given humans the capacity for showing love, it is possible for a man and a woman to have unswerving and unfailing love for each other. Korah would have to wait for Jehovah to change or help him understand what was right. Yipo nye " epaimo ' lyovagwavekwa nalyo ngali ka horoka mosiruwo sokomeho. Thus, the " shining brightly ' of the anointed must occur at that future time as well. Why are they convinced that they would be the only ones who would take their personal name and care of their parents? Twa yi diva eyi morwa Jesus kwa tanterere Vajuda womomazuva gendi asi: "Untungi waKarunga ngava u mu gusa, va u pe muhoko peke, ogu ngagu yima yiyimwa yawo. " (Mat. We know that because of what Jesus said to the Jews of his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " This includes our prayers, Bible reading, personal study, family worship, family worship, and sharing the "good news of the Kingdom. " - Matt. Vakwayita woVafilisiti nava woVaisraeli kwa tjilire kulirwanesa apa Golyata nga swaura Vaisraeli nkenye ezuva. The two armies, Philistine and Israelite, remained deadlocked as Goliath repeated his taunts day after day. Jesus showed how important it is for a man of faith to care for his family, especially their spiritual needs. - John 19: 25 - 27. Jesaya kwa faturura yiponga yopampepo aga retesa po makurunwa: "Kapi omu kwata egano yirugana yaHOMPA. " - Jesaya 5: 11, 12. Isaiah explains the spiritual consequences of immoderate drinking: "The activity of Jehovah they do not look at, and the work of his hands they have not seen. " - Isaiah 5: 11, 12. But that was not the end, for Jehovah was not pleased. Nkareso musinke ga likidire Mariya, ntani ngapi natu mu honena? What attitude did Mary display, and how might we imitate her? Elisha replied: "Do not be afraid, for there are more than ours. " Ngani vhura kugwana mbapira zokupulisira nge ni kare mosirongo oso ndi? Can I get an appropriate visa? Have you ever felt that no one else cares for you or understands how you feel? Eyi kwa pindwire eharo lyomugara ogo, ntani nokutambura elirongo lyoBibeli. This aroused the man's interest, and he accepted a Bible study. What a blessing it must have been for such a man! Morwasinke vakuronambunga nava ruganena edinguro lyokukagava ekorangedo? What are some reasons that elders make shepherding calls? All of God's heavenly children on earth will be united as their heavenly Father. MoVapanguli egaununo 4 ntani 5 kulikida omu ya kara nomulyo kwaJehova apa atu kwama nompangera dendi. Judges chapters 4 and 5 indicate how Jehovah appreciates it when we willingly rally to carry out his clear direction. As a result, we grew up quickly as soon as we were, and we will be no more. " - Job 14: 1, 2. (Muudisi 9: 11) Nampili ngoso, kuhamena eparu lyetu lyokomeho, twa hepa kutokora nawa. It is true that circumstances in life can seriously affect your plans. That growth gradually leads to physical growth. Pura ogu ono kudeura yitambo yendi mosirugana saJehova. Ask a learner what his goals are in Jehovah's service. Jehovah's love and justice highlights the sacrifice of his Son Nombangi daJehova nava ka yi hafera pokukazogera kumwe nove malimbururo ogo. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. We find protection from the angels, but we do not need to fear that Jehovah's organization could be destroyed. 11: 13) Vamwe kuvhura kurugana upioniri wokukarerera. Some are able to be regular pioneers. People who walk in accord with the flesh allow their desires to be ruled by their own desires. Sirongwa sauvali tasi ka zogera mulyo gepuro. The second article discusses the importance of faith. But if we continue to supply fire, the fire stopped up. Nye vamwe eyi va li dowokera, yiyo lina va gusa mo mepuro, makura vana lizweke nye momaruhodi gomanzi. " " By reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. " At that time, Evelyn served at the branch office in Canada. Edowo lyedona ntene lina kuru, tali tulisa muntu nzo. " Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin. " Regarding Moses ' viewpoint, the Bible tells us: "By faith Moses, when Moses grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. Age ga kanderere hena nokugazadara ko asi nsene Karunga ga mu pere nondya dopampepo posigongi, na mu pa hena yihepwa yendi yopanyama. Again she prayed, and she reflected on the fact that God had provided for her spiritually at the convention, so he could surely also provide for her physically. Many of us can recall the words of Proverbs 4: 18: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " Ame kulizuvha ruhafo apa ani zogere novantu vaKarunga. I feel an inward joy when talking with God's people. 13, 14. (a) What should we focus on now? Komeho MunwaKarunga va ya mu hampuruke pevhu ngomuntu, age ga kere nedina eli asi Mikayera. Prior to his birth as a human, God's Son apparently had the name Michael. What will help us to remain in God's love? Eyi kutuvatera tu demenene komfeto zetu. Nampili ngoso, poyiruwo yimwe madiro kulizuvha kuhoroka mombungakriste. Nevertheless, at times, misunderstandings may lead to some tension among members of the congregation. If you are a teenager, think seriously about using your life to serve Jehovah. Poyiruwo yimwe, kuvhura tu ligwanekere noukaro wokudompesa mutjima ou nau tu ninkisa tu dire kukara nombili. At times, we may face a discouraging situation that robs us of confidence. Matthew announced that those listening to Jesus as he taught the Sermon on the Mount "was amazed by his teaching. " Kara nepuro lyokupama moUhompa, 10 / 15 Satan Real? Many scholars say that what Abraham had in mind was like a like a fiery fire. 1931 1931 (b) Why did Jesus ' disciples need his warning? Nondadi murongo kwa geve nombudi donondona, ano eyi kwa dompesere Vaisraeli nokuvatjilisa. Their hearts melted because of the negative report of some who had been sent to spy out the land. Prayer can strengthen you to be zealous in the ministry Apa na kura ko, oguhwe tava mu fatwilire eyi vana kurugana. When the boy is older, the father explains what he is doing. However, some of them are wise to greet people. Nombangi daJehova domomukunda gweni ngava yi hafera kukuvatera o gwanene mo uwa mevatero lyovaengeli vaKarunga. Jehovah's Witnesses in your community will be happy to assist you to benefit from the loving help of God's mighty angels. Like a man who is on a boat, he will put him on a boat and carry you away from all kinds of ideas. Kanderera kwaJehova nelinunupiko Approach Jehovah With Humility " What sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct? Ame ngani hedere mukuronambunga ogu nga rongo nge Bibeli, age nga lididimikire nokulikida nkenda nokukorangeda nge. Discouraged, I approached the elder who was studying the Bible with me. Ever patient and kind, he proved to be a true source of encouragement. But something else involved in Satan's attack. Ove nepata lyoge kutura muhowo Jehova pokukara noukareli wepata nokuza komapongo nomoyirugana yokuzuvhisa ndi? Are you and your loved ones giving family worship, meeting attendance, and the field ministry first place in your lives? But have you ever faced a challenge when speaking to others about God and his Kingdom? Kora ngano ga hepere kundindira Jehova a ture po marunduruko ndi a mu vatere a kwate egano eyi ya karere ngoso. How much wiser it would have been for Korah to wait on Jehovah for a clearer understanding or for adjustments if those were really needed. In many parts of the family, family members can read different parts of the Bible. Morwasinke? Morwa kwa pura asi apa ngava kura yiwo ngava simba edina lyekoro lyawo ntani nokupakera mbili vakurona vawo. Males are favored in some societies because it is thought that they will grow up to continue the family line and care for their aging parents and grandparents. But how does it relate to 1914? Eyi kwa kwatera makanderero getu nereso lyetu lyoBibeli lyankenye ezuva nelirongo lyoBibeli lyanyamwetu noukareli wepata ntani nokulihameka unene mokuzuvhisa " mbudi zongwa zoUhompa. ' - Mat. This involves the quality of our prayers, as well as our daily Bible reading, deep personal study, family worship, and an active share in preaching the "good news of the kingdom. " - Matt. 4: 29. Jesus kwa likidire omu ya kara nomulyo komugara gepuro mokupakera mbili vepata lyendi, unene po koyihepwa yawo yopampepo. - Johanesa 19: 25 - 27. Jesus thus showed how important it is for a man of faith to care for those who are his own, especially when it comes to their spiritual needs. - John 19: 25 - 27. Korah did not want to be humble and accept direction 34: 31) Nye udigu owo kapisi yipo wa hagerere opo, morwa Jehova kapi ga yi haferere. But that was not the end of the matter, for Jehovah was displeased. Even children were drawn to him. Elisa ta limburura asi: "Wa ha tjira, morwa wokoyiha yetu vanzi kupitakana wokoyiha yawo. " " Do not be afraid, " said Elisha, "for there are more who are with us than those who are with them. " Love involves more than showing honor to our brothers. Wa lizuvha rumwe asi kwato ogu ana kukupakera mbili ndi kukukwata egano omu ono kulizuvha ndi? Have you ever felt that no one cares about or understands what you are going through, let alone how you feel? It seems that prejudice is everywhere where people live. (Esir. 3: 11; resa Episarome 147: 1.) When we keep busy in the preaching work, we can help people to "come to an accurate knowledge of truth, " and this means that they can live. Vana vaKarunga navenye vemeguru nava vepevhu ngava ka kara mouumwe naGuhyawo gemeguru ngepata lyoyisitwa nayinye. All of God's sons in heaven and his children on earth will be united with their heavenly Father as part of his universal family. If an elder knows the problems they face in the congregation, he will know how to encourage them and help them and when they do so. Ose kukura, makura tatu suwu usimbu - simbu ngwendi mbya; tatu dongonoka po ngwendi nomundwire. " - Joba 14: 1, 2. He comes up like a blossom and then withers away; he flees like a shadow and disappears. " - Job 14: 1, 2. DRAW CLOSE TO GOD 4: 27, 28) Ekuro olyo kukura kanunu - kanunu nokukura pwalyene. Such growth is gradual and occurs "of its own self. " The end of Satan's wicked system is coming soon. Eharo nouhungami waJehova kwa u likida monzambo zaMunwendi Jehovah's love and justice were manifested in the sacrifice of his Son If a baptized brother is baptized one year and is fulfilling Scriptural requirements as recorded at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 13, he may choose to be appointed. 18: 4) Ose kugwana epopero lyokutunda kovaengeli. Yipo nye kapisi hepero tu kare nowoma asi mbunga zaJehova kuvhura ngava zi hagekese po. Because we have angelic protection, we need not fear that Jehovah's organization might go through another time of spiritual oppression. Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to foretell the time when God will destroy wicked people. Vantu ava ava hamene koukaro wopasintu kupulisira madowo gawo gava pangere. Those who live according to the flesh allow their life course to be determined basically by their sinful human nature. Even if we are imperfect, our imperfect nature can cause us to give up or stop us. Nye nsene tu twikira kutura po yitare, mundiro tagu twikire kutwera. But if we regularly add wood to the fire, we can keep it burning. Jehovah is pleased when we show kindness to others. Mosiruwo oso na zire, Evelyn kwa rugene komberewa zomutayi zomoKanada. In the interim, Evelyn served at the Canada branch. I wanted to know where my father went. Kuhamena eyi ga gazarere Mosesa, Bibeli kututantera asi: "Epuro yilyo lya ninkisire Mosesa apa ga kulire, a nyoke kumutumbura asi gwamunwaFarawo gomukadi. The more Moses imagined these promises, the more he loved Jehovah. 14, 15. Sinzi setu kuvhura tu diworoke nonkango edi domoYisewe 4: 18 asi: "Nzira ezi ava gendi vahungami, ngwendi ezuva lina kusa, taku zere tupu taku zere dogoro mutenya tagu wiza. " Many of us can quote Proverbs 4: 18 from memory: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " 29: 1 - 15; 30: 15 - 20; 31: 30. 13, 14. (a) Kosinke twa hepa kudemenena ngesi? 13, 14. (a) What should be our chief concern now? In the first century, first - century Christians sought protection, and God's people today did the same. Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu kare meharo lyaKarunga? What will help us to remain in Jehovah's favor? False teachings were not a danger for Christians. Nsene o mudinkantu, gazadara ko unene kuhamena kuruganesa eparu lyoge mokukarera Jehova. If you are young, think seriously about using your life to serve Jehovah. That work was provided for a serious sacrifice that was offered centuries later, which would bring salvation to mankind. Mateusa kwa divisire asi owo va purakenene kwaJesus ngomu ga rongere pEudiso lyopoNdundu "kwa tetukire unene erongo lyendi. " Matthew reports that those who listened to Jesus as he taught in the Sermon on the Mount "were astounded at his way of teaching. " But that happened not only when they did not. Valirongi wovanzi kwa uyunga asi eyi ga simbire Abirahamu kwa kere kayiga kerova omu mwa kere makara gomundiro. (Jes. A number of scholars thus believe that what Abraham carried was a vessel - perhaps a pot suspended from a chain - that contained live coals or charcoal embers raked from the preceding night's fire. He is the only one to teach us "the fine way of life " to show us the way we should walk. (b) Morwasinke varongwa vaJesus va heperere erondoro lyendi? (b) Why did Jesus ' disciples really need his warning? Continue to apply and apply your provisions. Ekanderero lyesupi kuvhura kukukoreka o kare noupampi moyirugana yokuzuvhisa A brief prayer can help you to muster up boldness in the ministry Jesus was confident that if his disciples did so, many would be "born again and believe that you were sent me. " - Read John 17: 15 - 21. Nampili ngoso, monomukaro dimwe ayo ya wapa mokumorora vantu. In many other situations, however, it is appropriate and desirable to greet others. Some fear God's name because he is holy and almighty. (Jak. 1: 8) Ngwendi muntu ana kara mowato ou gana kuyeragura mankumpi, age ngaga mu yeragura magano govantu gokudira kuhuguvara. Like a man in a rudderless boat on a stormy sea, he will be tossed about by shifting human opinion. Kingdom publishers at the Kingdom Hall in Japan, in West Africa " One ngapi nye omu nomu fira kukara moyikara yeni? Why do we recall Jesus ' death? Nye koyili yimwe hena ya hamenene mo mehomono lyaSatana. But there was more to Satan's challenge. About 40 years later, Georgina saw her husband get baptized! Nye wa ligwanekera rumwe noudigu apa o uyunga novantu kuhamena Karunga noUhompa wendi ndi? But have you ever found it challenging to talk about God and his Kingdom even to common, everyday people whom you meet? At a convention in 2008, issue of The Watchtower published "Keep Yourselves in God's Love " on pages 22 and 12. Mokutovareka ukareli, vemepata kuvhura kuresa maruha gokulisiga - siga kuliza novantu womoBibeli. For the sake of variety, different family members read the parts of various individuals mentioned in a Bible portion. Leviticus 19: 18 states: "You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against your people, but you must love your neighbor as yourself. Nye ngapi ya likwatakana nomvhura 1914? But I still don't see the connection with 1914. If so, you will ask Jehovah's Witnesses when you meet them. 4: 29. 4: 29. Sadly, our family stopped studying the Bible. Kora kapi ga here kulinunupika nokutambura mavyukiso Korah was not willing to submit humbly to direction Am I quick to obey him? ' - Jas. Nampili vanona kwa va rerupilire mokumuhedera. Even children were comfortable with him. We will obey this counsel: "Go in the midst of your people, and make your paths straight. Kufumadeka vanavazinyetu kwa kwatera mo yoyinzi kupitakana tupu kulikida efumadeko. In fact, the words "honor " and" respect " are often used together because they are closely related. September 22, 1983. Ayo kumoneka asi elitondoro kwa kara nkenye oku va tunga vantu. It appears that wherever there are people, there is prejudice. Would he support Abraham's willingness to live as temporary residents? Apa atu litura mo mosirugana sokuzuvhisa, ose kuvhura kuvatera vantu "va ka sike kediwo lyousili, " ntani eyi kutanta asi kuvhura ngava ka paruke. (1 Tim. By applying ourselves in the Kingdom - preaching work, we can help others to "come to an accurate knowledge of truth, " and that can mean salvation for them. (Read Zechariah 5: 9 - 11.) Nsene mukuronambunga a diva maudigu aga vana kuligwanekera nago womombunga, age nga diva omu nava pa ekorangedo nokuvavatera ntani nosiruwo esi nayi rugana. (Yis. By knowing what challenges they are facing and what specific needs require immediate attention, an elder will be in a position to offer the necessary encouragement and support. (See opening picture.) (b) Why should adult children not give up spiritual responsibilities? HEDERA KARUNGA PEPI DRAW CLOSE TO GOD Perhaps you were angry. (Ehororo 17: 17) Uhura wouzuni waSatana ntaantani u wize. The end of Satan's wicked world is coming soon. That is why a husband should treat his wife. Nsene munazinyetugara ga gwana ekuho mvhura zimwe ntani kuna kusikisa mo yihepwa yoPatjangwa mokukara mukwafimbunga ngwendi moomu va yi tjanga 1 Timoteusa 3: 8 - 13, age kuvhura va mu horowore. If a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the Scriptural qualifications for ministerial servants outlined at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 13, he can be recommended for appointment. Jehovah showed that he is more powerful than that of the Egyptians when he brought ten plagues upon ten plagues. (Marukusa 13: 32) Nombangi daJehova kapi adi hetekere ko kupumba siruwo esi Karunga nga ya zonagura vadinikarunga. Jehovah's Witnesses do not try to predict when God will destroy the wicked. When I published the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Tuvaluan 3: 2) Kudira kusikilira mo kwetu noku kovakwetetu kuvhura kutuninkisa tu liwore ndi tu hageke kuduka. All of us are subject to our own imperfections and those of others. So at times we may trip, then stagger and lose our momentum. His organization has been supported by these heavenly creatures, saying: "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they were created. " (2 Kol. 1: 3) Jehova kumuhafesa apa atu fire nkenda vakwetu. It touches Jehovah's heart when we show compassion toward others. On the other hand, a man working in a mobile boat, who quit playing music in 1962 said that he would never be known again. Ame kwa here kudiva oku va zire otate. I desperately wanted to know where my father was. What makes Jehovah happy? 14, 15. 14, 15. 14, 15. 29: 1 - 15; 30: 15 - 20; 31: 30. 29: 1 - 15; 30: 15 - 20; 31: 30. We will find answers to these questions by examining the cities of refuge in ancient Israel. Pwanare, Vakriste womouye wokuhova kwa paparere epopero, ano vantu vaKarunga vanaina nawo ngava rugana yokulifana. In the past, first - century Christians sought refuge, and God's servants today will do likewise. I had no pioneer partner, so I returned to the town where I went to serve as a special pioneer. Marongo govarwanesi usili kapisi yiyo yelike ya ya kere siponga koVakriste. Admittedly, Christians would face dangers other than those from apostates and their teachings. " Throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. " - 1 PET. (Levitikus 17: 11) Sirugana oso kwa kere mundundumba gonzambo zonene ezi va ya geve konyima zonomvhura dononzi, nzambo ezi za ya retera vantu ezoworo lyene - lyene. That practice foreshadowed a greater sacrifice that would be offered centuries later - a sacrifice that would provide mankind with true redemption. However, Peter spoke up and did things wrong. Nye nayinye oyo kapi ya horokere tupu va hana kurugana ko yuma. But all that would not come upon them automatically. Now I have a good family. " Age yige gelike atu " rongo morwauwa waanyamwetu a tu likide nzira ezi natu genda. ' (Jes. He alone is " the One teaching us to benefit ourselves, the One guiding us in the way we should walk. ' " The Bible Changes Lives " Twikira ntani tura pasirugana mawapaiko goge. Move ahead, and put your plans in action. We will be happy if we heed Paul's counsel to fellow Christians, but we are encouraging one another and building one another up. " - 1 Thess. Jesus kwa kere nehuguvaro asi nsene varongwa vendi va yi rugana oyo, vantu wovanzi " mouzuni ngava pura asi nyove wa tuma nge. ' - Resa Johanesa 17: 15 - 21. By giving attention to these things, Jesus expresses optimism "that the world may believe that you sent me forth. " - Read John 17: 15 - 21. But because of his rebellion, he became a sinner. Vamwe kutjira kuruganesa edina lyaKarunga morwa asi age kwa pongoka ntani munankondo nadinye. Some, though, may feel that because God is holy and almighty, it would be disrespectful to use his name. Eve did not realize that Jehovah was the most important Person in her life. Vazuvhisi woUhompa poSinyanga soUhompa moKenya, moAfrika Kingdom publishers at a Kingdom Hall in Kenya, Africa " Keep awake with regard to your work! ' Morwasinke atu diworokere nomfa daJesus? 13 Gifts Fit for a King 13 How can we help others find it? Konyima zonomvhura 40, Georgina yipo ga ya mwene mugara gwendi kuna kugwana ekuho! Almost 40 years after first meeting the Witnesses, Georgina saw her husband get baptized! She used her money and took part in a business because she thought that she would quickly grow quickly. Posigongi sonomukunda somomvhura 2008 / 2009 kwa pwagesere buke zosiparatjangwa "Omu kare meharo lyaKarunga " ezi za kara nomapenuno 224. During the 2008 / 2009 district convention program, a 224 - page book entitled "Keep Yourselves in God's Love " was released. Why do we need to trust in Jehovah more than just what family members want to do? Levitikus 19: 18 kwa tanta asi: "Walye omu tengwidire muntu kuwoko ndi asi mu mu nyengerere, nye hareni vakweneni moomu mwa lihara nyamweni. " You must not take vengeance nor have a grudge against the sons of your people, " says Leviticus 19: 18, "and you must love your fellow as yourself. As Witnesses, our goal is to preach the good news to more people before the end comes. Nsene yimo, ngo pure Nombangi daJehova apa ngo ligwanekera nawo. If so, do not hesitate to bring up the subject the next time you come in contact with a Witness. For example, many people know the commandments of the ten virgins. Ehudi, vemepata lyetu tava hageke kulironga Bibeli. Regrettably, the rest of my family did not continue studying the Bible at that time. How does Jehovah demonstrate generosity? Ame kulimburukwa usimbu ndi kulikata - kata? ' - Jak. Am I quick to respond, or do I hesitate to obey? ' - Jas. Although the Bible Students were printed for three years, they found a new way to use sound recordings. (Marukusa 13: 19; Ehororo 7: 1 - 3) Ose ngatu hepa kulimburukwa epukururo eli asi: "Hwilireni mononzugo deni, vantu vange, zedireni ko mavero geni. We will need to obey the counsel: "Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Because they failed to bring suffering and death to their offspring. zomazuva 22 zaSitarara 1983. of September 22, 1983. When you look at the Dead Sea Scrolls, note if there are more information that will help you to do research. Age ga kwatesere ko Abirahamu mokukaparuka ngovanayirongo ndi? Would she willingly support him in such a great change in their life? The apostle Paul warns against one of Satan's influences, which called "false stories. " (Resa Sakaliya 5: 9 - 11.) (Read Zechariah 5: 9 - 11.) Notice that he did not say that "we must put up with patience, " but that is, we need to do so. (Tara efano pepenuno 20.) (b) Morwasinke vanona wovakondi nava dilira kugenderera kusiga yitumbukira yawo yopampepo? (See opening image.) (b) Why should adult children not be hasty about leaving the full - time service? For more information, see chapter 17 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Nampo ngano wa handukire. Probably so. No doubt he knew that his son would come to meet him. Yimo nye ngoso mugara na vhura kutekura mukadendi. That is how a husband should deal with his wife. How grateful we are for Jesus ' perfect example! Jehova kwa likidire asi age munankondo kupitakana yikarunga oyo apa ga reterere Vaegipite mahepeko murongo. Jehovah showed that he was superior to these false gods when he brought the Ten Plagues. (The International Standard Bible) Perhaps Paul recalled religious lies that had come true in order to please others. Apa na pwagesere Bibeli New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures moRutuvalu When the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Tuvaluan was released Indeed, one reason why Jesus came to the world was "to save sinners. " - 1 Tim. Mbunga zovakareli vendi vemeguru kwa yi kwatesa ko oyo pokutanta asi: "Ove Hompa Karunga gwetu, uyerere nefumano nononkondo yoge, yeeyi nyove wa sita nayinye, ano mpango zoge yizo za pakesa po nayinye, yi pwe kusita. " (Ehor. A group of his heavenly servants confirmed that fact in unison, saying: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " But God wants all of us to know the truth, and we are happy that the Bible teaches those truths. Ntani mugara gumwe nga rugana mokampani zokukwateka nomusika, ogu ga ya hagekere momvhura 1962 kwa tente asi vasiki woyikitara kapi ngava divikwa hena. And an agent of the Decca Record Company, who rejected the Beatles in 1962, believed that guitar - playing groups were on the way out. He helped people to learn how to pray for God's name so that they could be sanctified. Yisinke ayi hafesa Jehova? We can be sure that Jehovah appreciates what? Why should we stay close to fellow believers? 14, 15. 14, 15. How can Psalm 4: 5 help us with regard to our spiritual food? Tatu ka gwana malimbururo komapuro ogo pokukakonakona yitata yorugami mosiruwo soVaisraeli. We learn the answers to those questions by considering the arrangement of cities of refuge in ancient Israel. A number of women can be likened to the dangers of the Flood without any blood or blood. Kapi hena na kere nogu nani zuvhisa nendi, yipo na tengwire koHemsworth ni ka rugane uzuvhisi wosiruwo nasinye. As I was to be without a partner, I was sent back to Hemsworth as a special pioneer. We too need to act in harmony with God's spirit. " Mu peni yinka yeni nayinye, yeeyi age kumupakera mbili. " - 1 PET. " Throw all your anxiety on [Jehovah], because he cares for you. " - 1 PET. (b) What danger do we need to avoid? Nampili ngoso, Peturusa nga uyunga nokurugana yininke yepuko. Even so, Peter at times said or did things that were not right. But Jesus also indicated that the preaching work would continue until the time of the end. Ngesi nina kara nepata lyewa lyopampepo. " I have a wonderful spiritual family now. " 1, 2. " Uzuni ngau zonauka po " " The World Is Passing Away " Actively engaging in the field ministry when he finished all the chores in the house. 10: 25) Ngatu hafa nsene tu kwama epukururo lyaPaurusa eli ga tanterere Vakriste vakwawo asi, "yipo nye nomu tundira kulikorangeda - korangeda oku tomu likwafa - kwafa, moomu tupu muna kurugana pwanaina. " - 1 Tes. As Paul said to fellow Christians of his day, "keep encouraging one another and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing. " - 1 Thess. [ Picture on page 29] Nye morwa ga rwanesere, age ga ya kere munanzo. Adam did rebel, and when he did, he became a sinner. The student made good spiritual progress. Eva kapi ga dimbwilire asi Jehova yige Muntu gomulyo po unene meparu lyendi. Eve did not acknowledge Jehovah as the most important Person in her life. Some may have different cultures, culture, or language. " Wa ha rara ' kombinga zosirugana soge! " Keep Awake ' to Your Assignment! Do you see what else Satan told Eve? Ngapi natu vatera wopeke va li gwane? And how can we help others to take hold of this glory? James 4: 8 states: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Age kwa ruganesere yimaliwa yendi nokukorota yimwe makura ta yi ruganesa mongesefa morwa kwa gazarere asi ngayi ligwederera usimbu. Using his savings and money borrowed from brokers, he bought stocks that analysts predicted would quickly rise in value. What "new riches " did Jesus mean at Matthew 13: 52, and how can we keep it? Morwasinke pwa hepera epuro mokuhuguvara mwaJehova kupitakana eyi va hara vanekoro? Why does it take faith to put Jehovah ahead of family expectations? Martha could have stopped praying and listened to what Jesus said, would he have enjoyed it? NgoNombangi, sitambo setu kuna kara sokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa kovantu wovanzi komeho u wize uhura. As Jehovah's Witnesses, our goal is to preach the good news to as many people as possible before the end comes. Accepting God leads to everlasting life Pasihonena, sinzi sovantu va diva yipango murongo. Nevertheless, God's view of honesty is well - known. The scripture quoted above explains why the Bible is important to change people's lives. Ngapi omu Jehova a likida ugavi? How does Jehovah demonstrate generosity? But we need to remember that they may have a difficult situation that we do not know. Nampili ngomu Valirongi woBibeli ngava nduruka yimbapiratjangwa ure wonomvhura nomurongo ntatu, awo va ya gwene ko nkedi zompe zokuruganesa mafano va kwateka nomazwi. The Bible Students had already been using the power of the printed page for more than three decades. Now a new possibility caught their attention - motion pictures. In chapter 12 of his letter, Paul reminds us that parts of the body are necessary. 2: 17; 3: 5) Morwa kapi va u tambwire ayo kwa reta ruhepo nonomfa koruvharo rwawo. Their failure to do so has brought misery and death upon us as their descendants. How is this illustration fulfilled in our day? Apa no tara yiparatjangwagona, koneka nsene pana kara magwedereroko aga naga gava mauzera gomanzi kuhamena sirongwa oso ono kurugana epaparo. When viewing a main heading, note whether there are any "See also " topics, which may point to a heading more directly related to your search. One morning, a school officer offered a report about the invitation! Mupositoli Paurusa kuturondora kuhamena limwe lyomapukiso ogo gaSatana, eli ga tumbwire asi "nongano. " The apostle Paul warns us about one of Satan's insidious strategies - "false stories. " Will you continue to seek first God's righteousness even if it may be difficult for you to do so? 4: 2) Koneka asi kapi tupu ga tente asi " omu lididimike - didimike, ' nye asi twa hepa kuyirugana "meharo. " Note that he did not simply say that we should be "putting up with one another. " He added that we should do so "in love. " This is evident in the way he communicates. Komauzera gomanzi, tara egaununo 17 mobuke ezi va rugana Nombangi daJehova For more information, see chapter 8 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses He may not make spiritual progress. Hawe. Age nampo ga yi divire asi munwendi yige nga mu simbagwira. No, for he might well have known that his daughter could be the one who would come out of his house to meet him. 3 APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. 24: 14; 28: 19, 20) Ee, rupandu musi tuna kara naro kosihonena sosiwa saJesus! How grateful we are for Jesus ' matchless example! To succeed, we must avoid telling them what to do. (The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia) Nampo Paurusa kwa diworokere yimpempa yomaukarelikarunga eyi ya tundililire momasanseko aga va totere po vantu yipo va hafese vapeke. (Read Matthew 28: 19, 20.) Yosili, konda zimwe zonene ezi ga wizilire Jesus mouzuni kwa kere asi "a ya parure vananzo. " - 1 Tim. (See opening picture.) Nye Karunga kwa tu harera natuvenye tu dive usili, ntani tuna hafa asi Bibeli kuronga usili owo. Though religious error abounds worldwide, how thankful we are that God has given us spiritual light and truth! How can we be sure that Jehovah is pleased? Age kwa vaterere vantu va dive Karunga nokuvaronga omu nava kanderera yipo edina lyaKarunga ngava li pongore. He helped people to know God and taught them to pray that God's name be sanctified. 6, 7. Morwasinke natu karera pepi novapuli vakwetetu? How can we close ranks? God showed great love by sending his Son to earth to die for us. Ngapi omu Episarome 4: 5 nali tu vatera kuhamena nonzambo detu dopampepo? How can Psalm 4: 5 help us with regard to our spiritual sacrifices? (Read Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) Kukara novamapange wovanzi mezimo kuvhura kureta yiponga ngwendi kuhampuruka ako kwedi kwa hana kusika mo ndi kupitisa honde zonzi. With IVF, multifetal pregnancies (twins, triplets, or more) are somewhat common, bringing increased risks, such as premature births and maternal hemorrhage. Above all, we keep busy in the ministry because we know that this work strengthens our hope for the future. (Epis. 143: 10) Nose twa hepa kukara neharo lyokutugendesa mpepo zaKarunga. We should have the same desire and willingness to be guided by God's spirit. Disease (b) Siponga musinke twa hepa kunyokera po? (b) We must avoid what snare? Today, five men were fighting, represented by a heavenly army who would lead Jesus. Nye Jesus ga yi likidire hena asi sirugana sezuvhiso ngasi twikira dogoro posiruwo souhura. But Jesus himself indicated that this work would continue into the time of the end. But people have different opinions about what is right and what is wrong. 1, 2. 1, 2. Even though John felt tired, he helped his family to focus on serving Jehovah. Enza nga lihameke moyirugana yokuzuvhisa apa nga mana kurugana yirugana yemembo. She engages in the disciple - making work after taking care of her household duties. Paul was inspired by holy spirit to preach to the Romans who worshipped many gods. - Gal. [ Efano pepenuno 29] Do we imitate Jesus ' tenderness and help those who need help? Murongwa ogo ga tura po ezokomeho lyewa. Since then, that student has progressed nicely. 12 Use Your Mind Vamwe kwa kara nonompo dokulisiga ndi kapi ava uyunga eraka lyetu nawa. Some may have different customs or may not speak our language well. Jesus said about materialism: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where thieves and where thieves do not eat and steal. Ono dimburura asi yisinke hena Satana ga tanterere Eva ndi? Do you notice what else Satan told Eve? This may be referred to as their share. (Jesaya 41: 8) MwaJakopo 4: 8 kwa tanta asi: "Hedeni Karunga pepi, nage a mu hede pepi. " Note, too, the warm invitation recorded at James 4: 8: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " True, people may now manifest a attitude toward sheep or goats. " Ugawo ' musinke ga tembe Jesus mwaMateusa 13: 52, ntani ngapi omu natu vhura kupungura mo yuma? What is the "treasure store " that Jesus referred to at Matthew 13: 52, and how do we fill it? Many food was available because there was a number of spiritual food. Malita ngano ga hagekere kuviyauka nokupurakena kweyi ga uyungire Jesus, Jesus ngano ga yi haferere. And he would have praised her for stopping what she was doing to pay attention to him. " My parents tell me to read articles about sex, and they came to approach me if I had questions. Kukutambura Karunga ayo kutwaredesera komwenyo gwanarunye Gaining God's Approval Leads to Everlasting Life 3, 4. Etjangwa eli vana temwinine keguru kufaturura eyi Bibeli za karera nomulyo mokurundurura maparu govantu. The scripture quoted above explains why the Bible is effective in this way - its wisdom comes from God. Aaron and Aaron " took away the stone, and they began to sit down on it. Nye twa hepa kudiworoka asi awo kuvhura va kare noudigu ou tuna dili kudiva. Instead, we remember that they may have problems that we do not fully understand. During his prehuman existence, Jesus showed submission to his Father. Megaununo 12 lyombilive zendi, Paurusa kwa kutudiworokesa asi maruha gomorutu aga ga pira nonkondo yigo twa hepa po unene. In chapter 12, Paul reminds us that even the least attractive or the weakest part of the human body has a function. When we feel that we cannot solve a certain problem, we need to remember that Jehovah is willing to help us, but we need to take action. Ngapi omu sa sikilira mo sifanekeso esi momazuva getu? No matter who is taking the lead among God's people, we can be confident about two things: (1) Gog and his armies will be removed and destroyed. Ezuva limwe kongurangura, mukuronasure kwa geve madiviso kembako kuhamena simbapira oso sezigido! One day at morning roll call, the school principal even made an announcement over the loudspeaker about the invitation! Note the words he used in his first letter: "My children are near! 17: 20) Ove ngo twikira kupapara uhungami waKarunga muhowo nampili ngayi ku karere udigu mokuyirugana ndi? Would you be able to put God's standards foremost if that would result in difficulties? Of course, it would be wrong to use God's name in a bad way, just as you do not use it with a friend. Eyi kulihorora monkedi omu a uyunga. Her role is reflected in the way she communicates. Therefore, let us consider how we can make sure that we follow Christ. Kuvhura a dire kutura po ezokomeho. If we do so, however, we could stunt the spiritual growth of the student. Regardless of our privilege of service in God's organization, all of us need to "be zealous in the work of the Lord. " 3 TURA PASIRUGANA EYI ONO LIRONGERE KO. 3 APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. 13, 14. Mokuninka asi yi tompoke, twa hepa kunyokera po nkareso zokuvatantera eyi nava vhura kurugana. To do so effectively, we must resist the urge to tell them how to act. [ Footnote] (Resa Mateusa 28: 19, 20.) (Read Matthew 28: 19, 20.) What Do You Believe? (Tara efano pepenuno 22.) (See opening picture.) But he never supported stealing in any situation. Ngapi natu yi diva asi kuna kuhafesa Jehova? But how can we know what will please Jehovah? So I changed my goals, and I began to sing my notes. 6, 7. 6, 7. For many years before that event, Mary saw Jehovah's spirit in amazing ways. Karunga kwa likida eharo lyenene pokutuma Munwendi pevhu a ya tu fire. God showed outstanding love by sending his Son to earth to die for us. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? (Resa Ndaniyera 6: 4 - 10, 16.) (Read Daniel 6: 4 - 10, 16.) Those who succumbed to Jephthah's hands were like "a wind and every wind of waves by waves and thither by every wind of teaching. " Nye unene po, ose kulitura mo mokuzuvhisa morwa twa diva asi sirugana esi kunkondopeka ehuguvaro lyetu lyokomeho. Above all, we stay busy in the preaching work, knowing that this work strengthens our hope for the future. worshippers, mentioned earlier, said that it was time for him and his wife to have a close relationship with their former friends. Mahamba Disease " God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son. " - John 3: 16. Naina, vagara vatano - nagumwe va kere noyirwiso, kwa fanekesa vakwayita vemeguru ava nga pitisira Jesus. Today the six men with the weapons for smashing represent the heavenly armies that are led by Jesus. But what did Adam and Eve do? Nye vantu kwa kara nomagano gokulisiga - siga kuhamena youhunga neyi yepuko. Many such matters are personal and vary from individual to individual. In the future, no one will oppose Jehovah's sovereignty. Nampili ngomu John nga lizuvhu eroroko, ga vaterere epata lyendi li demenene kukarera Jehova. Even though John often felt tired, he made sure that his family kept focused on serving Jehovah. If the overseer of Jehovah's organization gives you some details about the matter, you might become angry with you. Ano Paurusa kwa mu gendesere mpepo zokupongoka a ka zuvhisire Vagereka noVaroma ava ngava karere yikarunga yoyinzi. - Gar. On the other hand, the apostle Paul was sent by the holy spirit to preach to the people of the nations of the Greco - Roman world, who worshipped many gods. - Gal. The Watchtower and Awake! Nose kuhonena Jesus mokulikida nkenda nokuvatera ava vana hepa evatero ndi? Are we like Jesus, ever ready to show compassionate concern when we meet people who need help? Rather than preaching the message that would cause people to feel well - acquainted with, what do we want to know? 12 Ruganesa nawa umanguruki woge 12 Treasure Your Gift of Free Will STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Jesus kwa uyungire kuhamena emona asi: "Walye omu lipongaikire emona pevhu, eli ali likana koyimbumburu nokonkerewe nokovawidi wokububagura monzugo va li vake. Jesus said about treasures: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal. Do you encourage your children not to give up their priorities during the talk? Ou kuvhura kuutumbura asi upingwa wawo. As Christians, we have a precious heritage. It is good to think about the reason why we should send it before we send it out. 7: 13, 14) Yosili, vantu ngesi kuvhura va likide nkareso zononzwi ndi zoyikombo. To be sure, people may now display a sheeplike or a goatlike disposition. For example, if we feel that a brother has hurt us, we need to remember when others hurt us and how to forgive us. Nondya dononsesu da gwanenene po morwa pwa kere nare nondya dononzi dopampepo. A simple meal of one or two dishes would be sufficient, especially when a spiritual feast was available. Hezekiah acted in harmony with his prayer. " Vakurona vange kutantera nge ni rese yirongwa ya uyunga kuhamena eligwanekero panyama, makura tava wiza nokuyauyungisa nge nsene nina kara nomapuro. " My parents tell me to read articles dealing with sex and then approach them if I have any questions. After I worked for three years in the Service Department, Brother Knorr told me that Brother Knorr wanted to see me. 3, 4. 3, 4. By means of our books, we can gain knowledge of anything, regardless of what we have or when it comes to our time. Arona naHuru makura "ta va gusa emanya, tava li tura a hingire ko. Acting with decisiveness, Aaron and Hur "took a stone and put it under [Moses], and he sat on it. But this has brought me this hour. " Do not humans do something similar at times? Today, he does not favor people with false religion by means of false religion but also by recreation. Komeho zokuwiza pevhu, Jesus ga likidire ulimburukwi koGuhwe. Before coming to earth, Jesus was obedient to his Father. His successor, Joshua, was a man who "was wise for wisdom. " Apa atu lizuvhu asi kapi tatu vhuru kukohonona po udigu wongandi, twa hepa kudiworoka asi Jehova ga kara neharo lyokutuvatera, nye nose twa hepa kurugana ko yuma. Jehovah is always willing to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, but he does expect us to do what we can. Have you ever felt that no member of your congregation would be your friend? Yi kare asi yilye ogu nga pitisira nomuhoko mokuhomona vantu vaKarunga, ose tuna kara nehuguvaro kuhamena yininke eyi yivali: (1) Gogo zaMagogo novakwayita vendi ngava va funda nokuvazonagura po. But no matter who leads the nations against God's people, we are confident of two things: (1) Gog of Magog and his armies will be defeated and destroyed. The mustard grain? Koneka nonkango edi ga ruganesere mombilive zendi zokuhova: "Vana vange, uhura pepi una kara! Surely the logical place to begin when searching for the identity of the antichrist is in the Bible, where the term appears five times. As Christians, we know that our privilege is not to repay Jehovah's hand. Yimo, epuko kuruganesa edina lyaKarunga monkedi zondona, ngwendi moomu no dira kuruganesa edina lyakaume koge momudona. Of course, it would be wrong to use God's name in an unworthy way, just as you would not misuse the name of your close friend. It has been designed for you to meditate on what you believe and believe how to explain your beliefs. Yipo nye, tu zeni tu konakone omu natu vhura kudivilisa asi ose kuna kukwama Kristusa. Let us consider, therefore, how we can make sure that we keep on following the Christ. Those who try to adapt to a new culture may move them to a new country. Si kare asi situmbukira musinke va tu pa mombunga zaKarunga, natuvenye twa hepa " kukara nkenye apa nomupampi moyirugana yaHompa. ' (1 Kol. No matter what our assignment in God's organization, all of us should have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " To resist the idea of Limbo, you need to know exactly where you apply it. 13, 14. 13, 14. Pray From the Heart [ Nonkango dokonhi] [ Footnote] GOODNESS Yisinke da pura? What Do They Believe? 5 The Truth About Armageddon (Mateusa 9: 36) Nye age narumwe si ga kwatesere ko kuvaka mwankenye mukaro. Yet, he never - under any circumstances - condoned stealing. In time, both of them began to study and became Jehovah's Witnesses. Yipo na rundwilire yitambo yange, tani tameke kudimba nokufanaika. So I switched priorities and focused on music and art. As a result, it is the name of that location. 1: 13, 14) Nomvhura dononzi komeho zosilika oso, Mariya ga mwene egendeso lyompepo zaJehova monkedi zokutetukisa. Yet, for more than three decades prior to that event, she had seen the effect of Jehovah's spirit in remarkable ways. Who has never been raised up? NGAPI NO LIMBURURA? HOW WOULD YOU RESPOND? Peter mentions the earth. Owo ava lisigilire momasinganyeko kwa fana ngwendi mankumpi aga aga yerauka "zi va yeragure mpepo zomarongo govantu woyimpempa. " Those who give way to doubt are like waves that are tossed about by "every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men. " 10 Did You Know? Javier, ogu tuna tumbura nare, kwa tente asi mwa za siruwo nage namukadendi va ya tulire po elikwatakano novakaume vawo vanare. Javier, quoted previously, says that as time passed, he and his wife rekindled old friendships. The man was deeply interested in the Jewish teachings of the Jews, but he later taught something very important. " Karunga kwa here uzuni unene - nene, yiyo ga u pere Munwendi gelike a huru. " - Johanesa 3: 16. " God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son "? - John 3: 16. What invitation was in The Watchtower of April 1881? Nye yininke ya rundurukire, yisinke va rugene oAdamu naEva? But as we know, things didn't work out that way, did they? In addition, we crossed our teeth whenever we were outside the hotel. The complaint was filed on April 20, 1998. What moves Christians to dedicate themselves to the Kingdom - preaching work? Ano komeho, kwato ogu nga ka rwanesa upangeli waJehova. And the settling of the issue of sovereignty is well under way. Life Story (Ex. 26: 1 - 6) Nsene mutareli mombunga zaJehova ta ku pe mauzera kuhamena yuma yongandi, kuvhura yi ku nyegenyese. If a human overseer in God's organization provides you with instructions that seem extremely detailed, you might at times feel frustrated. If I see my master again, I will leave you and my compass. ' Yifo yoRuhungu neyi yoAwake! Much good counsel has appeared in the pages of The Watchtower and Awake! At that time, Noah was born and his family, and he built an ark. Mevango tupu lyokuzuvhisira vantu mbudi ezi nazi va ninkisa va lizuvhe nawa, yisinke tuna hara va dive vantu navenye? Rather than preaching a feel - good message, we want people everywhere to know what? Some of my friends started using drugs and living in school. YIRONGWA YELIRONGO: STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: False religion has supported the United Nations and tried to influence this group. Ove kukorangeda vana woge va dire kusiga yipundi yawo posiruwo sononsumo ndi? Do you discourage your children from leaving their seat unnecessarily during the song? He said that angels have a keen interest in each of his disciples, but he did not say that angels could protect each of them. - wp16.3, pp. Ayo ya wapa mokugazadara ko konda zeyi natu zi tumina komeho tu zi tume. Should we not examine our motives before we hit the send button? How did Mary show respect for God? Pasihonena, nsene tu lizuvha asi munazinyetu ana tu koresa, twa hepa kudiworoka apa twa koresere wopeke nomu va tu gusilire po. For example, if we feel hurt by the words or actions of a fellow Christian, we can try to recall occasions when we spoke or acted unkindly. In fact, we can expect to experience such trials as "the peace of God. " Hisikiya kwa rugene kuliza nekanderero lyendi. Hezekiah acted in harmony with his prayer. So your prayers must be based on heartfelt prayer. Konyima zapa na rugene ure wonomvhura ntatu koDepartemende zosirugana sokuzuvhisa, Max Larson, mutareli gofabilika yipo ga tanterere nge asi munazinyetu Knorr ana hara kumona nge. After I had spent almost three years in the Service Department, Max Larson, the factory overseer, told me that Brother Knorr would like to see me. He explained: "This scripture came upon my mind at Romans 12: 18, which says: "If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. " Kupitira moInteneta kuvhura tu gwane ediwo kuhamena nkenye eyi, tu kare asi kupi tuna kara ndi siruwo musinke. This practical tool has been called a global tool of communication, and rightly so. So Abel had much to meditate. Nye eyi yiyo yina reta nge mokaruwo aka. " Nevertheless, this is why I have come to this hour. " What illustration shows how faith can help us to cultivate patience? Naina, age kapi tupu a ninkisa vantu va hafere nompepo donondona kupitira momaukarelikarunga goyimpempa nye hena moyilihafeso. Today, he promotes interest in the demons not only through false religion but also through the entertainment industry. (b) At Ezekiel 14: 14? Mukwami gwendi kwa kere Josuwa, mugara ogu ga "zulire ukonentu. " His successor is Joshua, a man "full of the spirit of wisdom. " Robert replied: "All things belong to King Herod. " Wa lizuvha rumwe asi kwato gumwe gomombungakriste zeni na vhura kukara kaume koge ndi? Have you ever felt that there is just no one in your congregation whom you can befriend? 25: 5, 6. sohuma zomositareta? the mustard grain? With the help of Paul's letter to the Hebrews, they admitted that they did not receive the release by the Mosaic Law "by means of the sacrifice. " NgoVakriste, twa diva asi kapisi situmbukira setu sokurungwida kuwoko. As Christians, we know that it does not belong to us to take vengeance. We make mistakes even when we try to do what is right, so we need God to forgive us. Ayo kwa yi wapaika nositambo sokumuvatera mu tede ko kweyi mwa pura neyi mwa yi pulira ntani omu no fatwilira wopeke epuliro lyeni. They are designed to help you reflect on what you believe, why you believe it, and how you can explain your beliefs to others. Do you show a spirit of self - sacrifice in the ministry? Vanayirongo nawo kuhetekera ko kuyika mpo zomosirongo esi va dirukira. Of course, immigrants will want to do their best to adjust to the culture of the new country. For others who belong to me and who know that I am honest. " Mokunyokera po kurenda - renda, wa hepa kudiva nawa - nawa oku ono tamba. To avoid wandering aimlessly, you would need a clearly defined destination. These miracles indicated that he loved people and what he would do for them in the future. Kanderera kutundilira komutjima Pray From the Heart 2: 10. UWA GOODNESS We are happy to see the great crowd growing, and we know that "God is a protection. " 5 Usili kuhamena Harumagedoni 5 The Truth About Armageddon I say that the Bible has changed my life. Mwaza siruwo navenye vaya tamekere kulironga nokuyakara Nombangi daJehova. Eventually, all my siblings did so and became Jehovah's Witnesses. Although the missionaries try to explain the reason why they do not have, those people say that we are "our prayers. " HARUMAGEDONI, kuna kara edina lyevega. That place, however, does not seem to have existed in any literal location on earth. But can the Bible help you draw closer to Jehovah? Yilye gumwe gwetu ga dira kulira rumwe? Who among us has not shed tears for some reason? Then we answered her. Peturusa apa kwa tumbura evhu pasifanekeso. Peter is here making a symbolic reference to the earth. The prophet Elisha raised a young boy and gave him what he needed. - 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37. Yisinke aga horora makanderero goge kukuhamena? EPENUNO 10 10 Draw Close to God - What Does Jehovah Ask of Us? Let us be determined to show our gratitude by loyally supporting faithful anointed brothers and discreet slave class. - Heb. Mugara ogo kwa here unene marongo goVajuda, nye konyima ga ya li rongere sininke somulyo. That man was zealous for the traditions of Judaism, but he learned a better way. They need to say, "Come! " Ezigido musinke lya kere moRuhungu rwaKudumogona 1881? What call went out in the April 1881 issue of this magazine? (Read.) Ntani hena konomukunkuru donombaikisa detu dononde ngaku woro apa ngatu gendi momaterenze makura ngaku kanka. Also, the hems of our long winter coats got wet when we waded through the snow. Then, when it got colder, the hems froze solid and felt like sheet metal. For example, the prophet Moses once begged God: "O Jehovah, please! " 7: 29 - 31) Yisinke ayi tumangeda Vakriste ngwendi Robert, va hare kuligava vene mosirugana sokuzuvhisa? What motivates Christians like Robert to expend themselves in the preaching work? He saw Jehovah when he performed the first marriage. Esimwititi Life Story The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is preparing and supporting this vital work. Nsene ngani kumona po hena poheka zange, ngani ku sumwida mbwa zange! ' If you come to this gate again, I will set my dog on you! ' Behind him was a large bulldog on a chain. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 5, 84 Posiruwo oso, Nowa vana mu hampuruka nokukara nepata lyendi, ntani ga tungire nawo emuwato. Meanwhile, Noah was born, raised a family, and with his sons built the ark. However, to see that life in the first century depending on the death of a couple, some married couple may decide to quit. Vakaume vange vamwe kwa ya tamekere kuruganesa yikwepangwe nokuyatunda mosure. Some of my " friends ' began taking drugs; others dropped out of school. 10. Maukarelikarunga goyimpempa kwa kwatesa ko Elipakerero lyonomuhoko nokuhetekera ko kupukisa mbunga ozo. Religious organizations have given their blessing to the image of the beast and have tried to exert influence over it. However, God, men and women are equal. (Mat. 18: 10) Age kwa tente asi vaengeli kulikida elituromo mwankenye murongwa gwendi, nye kapi ga tente asi vaengeli kupopera nkenye gumwe gwawo pasitetu. - wp17.5, epe. He was saying that angels are interested in his disciples, not that angels are miraculously protecting each one of them. - wp17.5, p. Are we doing the same? Ngapi omu Mariya ga likidire efumadeko kwaKarunga? How did Mary express her devotion to God? In 2014, the Memorial of Nisan 14, after sunset. (2 Tim. 3: 1; 2 Pet. Sadly, though, some of Jehovah's worshippers have let down their guard. Many people look forward to hope, but they wonder if they will come true. 8: 48, 58, 61) Yipo nye, makanderero goge ga hepa kutundilira komutjima. Surely, then, your prayers should come from the heart. Our speech. Age kwa fatwilire asi: "Etjangwa eli lya wizire momagano gange kwa kere Varoma 12: 18 eli ali tanta asi: " Kombinga zeni, one kareni nombili kovantu navenye ntani. ' She explains: "The scripture that readily came to my mind was Romans 12: 18, which says: " As far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. ' Then he fell asleep. Yipo nye, Abeli ga kere neyi yoyinzi yokuteda ko. Thus, Abel had rich food for meditation. 16, 17. (a) How do we know that Christian meetings were important for Christians? Sifanekeso musinke asi likida omu epuro nali vhura kutuvatera tu tunge po elididimikiro? How might we illustrate the process of building faith and patience? In addition, if you have stopped engaging in secular work or in other activities so that you can support theocratic arrangements. - Col. (b) Moukaro musinke ga kere Hesekiyeli apa ga tjenge nonkango domwaHesekiyeli 14: 14? (b) Under what circumstances did Ezekiel write the words recorded at Ezekiel 14: 14? It seems that Moses received training from his parents when he was young enough to identify the false gods they worshipped. Robert yipo ga limbwilire asi: "Nayinye kwa hamena kwahompa gwapeke. " Robert's reply was, "It all belongs to another King. " How can you help your child to reason on what the Bible says? 25: 5, 6. 25: 5, 6. Jehovah's spirit can help us to change. (Yirug. 21: 17 - 20) Nevatero lyombilive zaPaurusa ezi ga tjangerere Vahebeli, awo va yi tambwire asi kapi va va zowora kupitira mononzambo "edi ava zamba moomu za tanta Veta, " nye kupitira " mwaJesus Kristusa ogu ga geve rutu rwendi, ru kare nzambo pwarumwe tupu. ' With the help of Paul's letter to the Hebrews, however, they accepted the fact that they had been sanctified, not by means of sacrifices "offered according to the Law, " but" through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time. " A man who pursues such a fine job does not become proud. (Rom. 5: 12) Ose kurugana mapuko nampili tu hetekere ko kurugana yoyiwa, yiyo twa hepera Karunga a tu dongwenene po. Some groups of refugees have refused to help their brothers if they accept secular work that could cause them to miss out at the meetings. Nove kulikida nkareso ezi zokulizambera moyirugana yokuzuvhisa ndi? Do you show this self - sacrificing spirit in your ministry? What is the scope of the preaching work? Vanangesefa vakwetu ntani womutero ngesi va diva nge asi ame muntu gokuhungika. " Among tax auditors and others with whom I do business, I now have the reputation of being an honest man. " Jehovah has given us the prospect of living forever. Yitetu oyo kwa likidire asi ga hara unene vantu ntani neyi nga ka va ruganena komeho. These miracles reveal how much Jesus loves people and show what wonderful things he will do for mankind very soon. When we learn about the wisdom and wisdom that Jehovah has, we feel as the apostle Paul wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! 2: 10. 2: 10. " By means of our God, let us declare the good news. " - 1 THESS. Ose kuhafa mokumona emukurumbunga kuna kugenderera kuligwederera, ntani twa yi diva asi " Karunga yige ana kulikulisa. ' We do not boast in numbers, for it is " God who keeps making things grow. ' Then he will love his wife very much. Ame kuuyunga nomukumo asi Bibeli za rundurura eparu lyange. I can say with tremendous conviction that the Bible changed my life. What results when a parent knows the Bible well? Nampili ngomu vatumwa ava hetekere ko kufaturura nawa konda zeyi ava dilire kureta vana, vantu owo kuuyunga asi "ngatu mu tura momakanderero getu. " Or consider the case of a sister in England who very much wanted a child but whose hopes in that regard had not been fulfilled. Do You Remember? Nye kuvhura Bibeli zi ku vatere o hedere Jehova pepi ndi? But can the Bible help you to draw closer to Jehovah? Although we benefit from many benefits, we must do our best to make sacrifices to Jehovah. Makura yipo twa mu limbwilire. He got it. But the Bible shows that all humans are imperfect because they inherited sin. Mumati gomoSunemu Muporofete Elisa kwa pindwire mumati gomoSunemu makura ta mu gava kovakondi vendi. - 2 Vahompa 4: 32 - 37. A Shunammite boy Elijah's successor, the prophet Elisha, resurrected a boy in the town of Shunem and restored him to his parents. - 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37. He will pour you down his head, between the mountains and the mountains, and there will be no work. " Tu tokomeneni kulikida rupandu rwetu pokukwatesa ko noulimburukwi vanavazinyetu wovagwavekwa wombunga zomukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge. - Heb. Let us be determined to show our appreciation by giving our loyal support to the anointed brothers who make up that faithful and discreet slave. - Heb. If "the bread that belongs to this bread " means faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, he has the hope of everlasting life. Nawo va hepa kutanta asi: "Wiza! " They too say, "Come! " The Bible says: "Let your work do all things in the love of God. " (Resa.) (Read.) He does not believe more, but he accepts what we do. - Heb. Prior to making a shepherding visit, an elder needs to take some time to think about the individual he will visit. 17: 9. Pasihonena, muporofete Mosesa sikando simwe ga likwamberere kwaKarunga asi: "Ani Jehova. " For example, the prophet Moses once began to implore God by saying: "Excuse me, Jehovah. " Do you cherish your privilege of serving Jehovah? Age ga mwene Jehova apa ga rugene ekwareko lyokuhova. He saw Jehovah perform the first wedding. For more information, see chapter 17 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 13: 48; Ehor. 14: 6, 7) Ruha rwepevhu rombunga zaJehova kuna kuwapaika nokukwatesa ko sirugana esi somulyo. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is in place today and organized to support this all - important work. (b) What questions will we consider, and why? EPENUNO 3 MARUSUMO: 5, 84 PAGE 3 • SONGS: 5, 84 As shown at Mark 10: 13 - 16, what example did Jesus set? Nampili ngoso, mokumona asi eparu lyomauta ogo kwa korera tupu mekende, valikwali vamwe kuvhura va tokore kuhageka kugafutira. However, another couple might decide that they can stop the maintenance of the frozen embryos, viewing them as being kept viable only by artificial means. Let me explain. 10. 10. Remember that your enemies are not Satan and his wicked system. Nye kwaKarunga, vagara novakadi kwa hetakana. However, God grants women and men equal value and standing before him. She was one of the young people who chose to serve as king. Nose kurugana yokulifana ndi? Do we do the same? Whatever our circumstances, we can reach out to people who come to help us in various ways Momvhura 2014, Murarero ngagu kara moMandaha 14 Kudumogona, konyima zokukatoka ezuva. In 2014, the Memorial falls on Monday, April 14, after sundown. He chose to listen to what Jesus taught him from Nazareth. Vantu wovanzi nawo kwa kara nendindiro, nye awo kukara nomasinganyeko nsene asi eyi va ndindira ngayi sika mo. Those who are part of Satan's world also have some sort of hope, but they may doubt whether theirs will ever be realized. Two weeks later, on average, all of us were encouraged to use one day to engage in family worship or personal study. Mombuuyungiso zetu. In our speech. Know what God loves Makura ta liganda. Struck repeatedly, he fell to the ground. In these last days, there is much to put our faith in him. 16, 17. (a) Ngapi tuna yi diva asi mapongo kwa kere nomulyo koVakriste wokuhova? 16, 17. (a) How do we know that meetings were very important to Christians in the first century? Today, most of those places are excellent places to visit people but in the past did not care about them. (2 Tim. 2: 15) Ntani hena, nsene kuvhura hageka kulihameka moyirugana ya hana mulyo ndi yi rugana posiruwo sapeke yipo o vhure kukwatesa ko mawapaiko gombunga goyirugana yomomapya. - Koros. Also, if it is possible, you could reschedule or sacrifice nonessential activities so that you can regularly support congregation field service arrangements. - Col. Second, we should endeavor to "be peaceable with one another. " Kumoneka asi edeuro eli ga gwene Mosesa kovakurona vendi apa ga kere munona lya mu vaterere a dimburure ugova wokukarera yikarunga eyi ngava karere Vaegipite. Apparently, early training by his parents allowed Moses to discern the folly of idol worship practiced by the Egyptians. THE quality of God's help is a quality that we can cultivate. Ngapi no vatera munoge a pure mweyi va tjanga moBibeli? How can you inculcate God's Word in your children? Why was it important for them to do so? Mpepo zaJehova kuvhura kutuvatera tu ture po marunduruko. Jehovah's spirit can help us to make the needed progress. Have you been righteous? Mugara ogu a kondjere sirugana oso nositambo sosiwa kapi a linenepeke. A man who reaches out with proper motives is not ambitious. He wants you to be filled with darkness so that you can see "the glory of God. " Nombunga dimwe edi da karera po vatjwayuki kunyoka kuvatera vanavazinyetu nsene kapi vana kutambura yirugana eyi nayi va ninkisa va faure komapongo. Some agencies have threatened to cut off assistance or deny our brothers asylum if they refuse to accept employment that requires them to miss meetings. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania omu sina lihana sirugana sawo? the scope of their work? Each one of these goals is not one of those goals. Jehova kwa tu pa ehuguvaro lyokukaparuka narunye. (Rom. Jehovah " gives hope that fills us with joy and peace. ' Do you need to be careful that your comments about people in the area do not have bad things. (Jes. 2: 3, 4; 54: 13) Apa atu lirongo kuhamena ediwo nounongo ou ga kara nawo Jehova, ose kulizuvha ngwendi mupositoli Paurusa ogu ga tjenge asi: "Ee, ugawo waKarunga kounzi! Ukonentu wendi nediwo lyendi unzigona! As we learn of Jehovah's knowledge and wisdom, we feel as did the apostle Paul, who wrote under inspiration: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! Like Noah, what responsibility do Christian men have, and what can help them to accomplish? " Karunga ga tu korekere, tu vhure kuyamusansekera mbudi zongwa. ' - 1 TES. " We mustered up boldness... to speak to you the good news. " - 1 THESS. Many of the pictures were used to see what they were doing. Makura mugara nga hara unene mukadendi. Now his love for her will grow. Why do we say that the destruction of Babylon the Great will not be destroyed? Yitundwamo musinke ayi kara nsene mukurona a diva nawa Bibeli? When a parent's heart is filled with Bible truth, what will be the result? The most important thing for mankind is to associate with God. To diworoka ndi? Do You Recall? Then I left. Nampili ngomu atu gwanene mo mauwa gomanzi, twa hepa kurugana ko yuma mokugava nonzambo kwaJehova. (2 Sam. Though we reap many blessings, it costs us something to make sacrifices to Jehovah. choices in life! (Mateusa 22: 35 - 39) Nye Bibeli kulikida asi vantu navenye kapi va sikilira mo morwa kwa pinga nzo kwaAdamu. However, the Bible shows that all humans are born imperfect as a result of Adam's sin. Now there is much greater need for elders and ministerial servants today than ever before. Age nga tomeka notenta dendi dosiuhompa pokatji kefuta nondundu apa za kara ntembeli. Nye nga fa, apo pwa hana kukara gokumukwafa. " And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him. " For example, brothers were persecuted during World War II. " Nsene muntu a lya mboroto ezi, " kutanta asi kulikida epuro mononkondo dokuparura donzambo daJesus, ga kara nehuguvaro lyomwenyo gwanarunye. " If anyone eats of this bread, " that is, exercises faith in the redeeming power of Jesus ' sacrifice, he will be in line for everlasting life. Self - control is the world today, but we should not allow the peace and unity of the congregation to interfere with the peace and unity of the congregation. Bibeli kutanta asi: "Yirugana yeni nayinye omu yi rugane meharo. " The Bible says: "Let everything you do be done with love. " Those brothers in that city would be deeply grateful for his help. Age kapi atu pura yoyinzi nye age kutambura eyi atu mu ruganene. - Heb. He only expects from us what is reasonable, and he greatly appreciates whatever we do. - Heb. Why should we strive to do what is right? 17: 9. 17: 9. Jesus ' faithful apostles displayed courage. Ove kuhafera situmbukira soge sokukarera Jehova ndi? Do you cherish your privilege to serve? Some gifts are precious even though they seem to be precious, they are happy because they come from someone we love or whom we love. Komauzera gomanzi, tara egaununo 17 mobuke Yinke azi rongo Bibeli sili? For more information, see chapter 17 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? That was the prophecy that had come true. (Mateusa 28: 19, 20; 1 Peturusa 3: 21) (b) Mapuro musinke natu ka zogera, ntani morwasinke? (b) What questions will we consider, and why? As I continued studying the Bible again, I realized that I needed to change my lifestyle. Ngamoomu vana yi likida mwaMarukusa 10: 13 - 16, sihonena musinke ga tulisire po Jesus? As shown at Mark 10: 13 - 16, what example did Jesus set? At times, we may focus on our problems and forget the benefits we have received. Tanko ni mu fatwilire ko. Let me explain. • How does knowledge of God's Word relate to our spiritual advancement? Diworoka asi nonkore doge kapisi Satana nouzuni wendi woudona tupu. How much more, then, should you be willing to fight spiritually for your Christian freedom! Ask yourself: " How much time do I do to think about money? Age kwa kere gumwe govadinkantu ava va horowere va ka ruganene hompa. He was one of a few young people who were carefully chosen to serve the king. Second, they may realize that their children do not enjoy meetings or field service in another language. Yi kare asi ukaro wetu musinke, kuvhura tu gwane wokuzuvhisira movantu ava ava wiza kwetu va ya tu vatere moyirugana yokulisiga - siga Whatever our circumstances, we may find an audience in those who provide us with various services We feel better when someone shows respect for words or actions. Ta tokora kupurakena eyi ga rongere Jesus ogu ga tundilire moNasareta. (Joh. He decided to learn more about what Jesus, a man from Nazareth, was teaching. You can also show them how to visit older ones and encourage them. Mapongo gavali gomokatji kosivike kwa ga pakerera, ano natuvenye kwa tu korangedere mokuruganesa ezuva limwe mokurugana ukareli wepata ndi elirongo lyanyamwetu. The two midweek meetings were combined, and all were encouraged to use the free evening for family worship or personal study. " Let us thank God for his free gift. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 9: 15. Diva eyi ga hara Karunga Prove to yourself what is acceptable to God " The marriage of each other is due to each other. " Momazuva aga gopouhura, yinzi yokuvhura kuheteka epuro lyetu. In these last days, the challenges to our faith are many. Martha went to meet Jesus and greeted him. Naina sinzi soyirudi oyo kuna kara mavango gomawa aga vana kudingura vantu nye pwanare kapi ngava ga pakere mbili. Today, many of those islands are bustling tourist resorts, but back then they were secluded places with only turquoise lagoons, sandy beaches, and palm trees. Or discuss the program with those who want to talk about what you would like to discuss with them. Sauvali, twa hepa kukondjera " mbili novakwetetu. ' Second, we need to work hard to promote "the uniting bond of peace. " The Bible shows that he did not agree with the viewpoint of the older men. ELIPANGERO kuna kara sikara esi natu tunga po nevatero lyaKarunga. (Gar. SELF - CONTROL is a godly quality. Each of them needs to wake up, but all of them need to wake up. Morwasinke ya karerere nomulyo kwawo mokuyirugana? Why was it good for them to do this? What did Jesus mean? Morwa ove wa kere muhungami ndi? Did he see a righteous, God - fearing person? You will realize that as your relationship with Jehovah grows, your relationship with Jehovah will also become more important. Age kuna ku harere o kare momundema yipo o dire kumona uzera " wokudiva uyerere waKarunga. ' He wants to keep you in darkness so that your heart will not be illuminated with "the glorious knowledge of God. " That is why I did not stop serving him. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania SONGS: 49, 73 Omu mongesefa kwato ogu ga kara rumwe noyitambo yangoso. No one employed by that company had ever had such favorable terms. Does his eyes seem to be grief? Mwa hepa kutakamesa asi makumbururo geni gokuhamena vantu womukunda ga ha kara gomadona. Be careful that your comments about those living in your territory are not discouraging. 1, 2. Ngwendi esimbi Nowa, situmbukira musinke vana kara naso vagara woVakriste, ntani yisinke nayi va vatera mokusisikisa mo? Like the patriarch Noah, Christian husbands have what responsibility, and what will help them to shoulder it? (Read Genesis 18: 19.) Sinzi somafano ngava ga ruganene monositudiyo edi ngava futire. Most of the film footage and many of the glass slides came from commercial studios. What did Jesus teach his disciples to focus on their focus, and how did he set an example? Morwasinke tuna kutantera asi pezonaguro lyaBabironi zonene kapi ngava zonagura vahameni vazo navenye? Why do we say that the destruction of Babylon the Great does not mean the death of all its members? Thus, the Anglo - American World Power will be the Anglo - American World Power until Armageddon comes. Sininke somulyo po unene kovantu kuna kara sokulikwatakana naKarunga. The greatest need for mankind is to be reconciled to God. For example, Jeremiah expected that the Babylonians would be destroyed, and this occurred in 607 B.C.E. To resist temptation, we must act decisively and not feast our eyes on provocative images. He did so with his children that they had played a piece of milk and a cup of coffee. Makura yipo na tundire po ni ka ze. Then I left. When we face trials, why can we meditate on the blessings we receive? VANGARARA! REMAIN ALERT! For example, before his prehuman existence as a Witness, a brother was happy to attend theocratic festivals. Ngesi kuna kara nohepero zonene zovakuronambunga novakwafimbunga kupitakana pwanare. The need for overseers and ministerial servants is greater today than ever before. Mother says, "I wanted you to be a boy at Bethel. " 12: 17) Pasihonena, vanavazinyetu kwa va hepekere unene moYita yaUvali yoUzuni. World War II is a proof of that. My grandfather came to the music, and they served as a circuit overseer in worship. Yineya noumbudi kuna vhuka naina mouzuni, nye twa ha yi pulisira yi donganese mbili nouumwe wemepata nomombungakriste. Disloyalty is common in today's world, but it must not be allowed to disrupt the peace and unity of the Christian family and the congregation. By imitating God's wisdom, they know more fully what is right in the present system of things or in this system of things. 11: 23 - 27) Vanavazina womositata oso sosinene ngano va haferere unene ekwafo lyendi. The Bible says that " seven shepherds and eight dukes. ' Morwasinke twa hepera kukondja? Why do we need to make such an effort? • as a mediator? Vapositoli vaJesus wovalimburukwi nawo kwa likidire uradi. Jesus ' faithful apostles set a fine example of courage. And how can others help you? Mauhwi gamwe nampili ngomu aga moneka asi mulyo musesu, ago kuhafesa morwa kwa tunda komuntu ogu twa hara ndi twa huguvara. Other gifts, though of little monetary value, are cherished because they come from a dear family member or a trusted friend. 16, 17. (a) What can we learn from Jesus ' illustration about King and his servant? Ou kuna kara uporofete ou wa ya sikire mo. This remarkable prophecy is but one of dozens found in the Bible that unerringly came true. When they get true, fellow believers will be welcomed by their homes. Ngomu na twikilire kulironga Bibeli yimo hena na dimbwilire asi na hepere kurundurura mparukiso zange. The more I learned, the clearer it became that I had to change my lifestyle completely. How should marriage mates treat each other? (Koros. 3: 15) Poyiruwo yimwe kuvhura tu demenene unene komaudigu getu nokudivara mauwa aga twa gwana. Sometimes we can become so consumed by our problems that we overlook the many blessings we have. Before his death, Jesus told his apostles: "I am giving you peace. " • Ngapi omu kudiva nawa Nonkango daKarunga kwa likwatakana nekuro yetu lyopampepo? • What part does becoming acquainted with the Word of God play in our pressing on to maturity? Arthur and his companions spent every time waiting for a sign when they would be forced to cross the sea. Lipura asi: " Siruwo sokuhura kupi ani ruganena mokugazara kuhamena yimaliwa? Ask yourself: " How much time do I spend thinking about money matters? We can avoid becoming weighed down with ourselves and others by making serious decisions when they give us the strength to do so. Zauvali, kuvhura va dimburure asi vana vawo kapi vana kuhafera mapongo ndi yirugana yokuzuvhisa meraka lyapeke. Second, they may notice in their children a lack of interest in spiritual activities or in the foreign - language field in which they are serving. This is why my heart is filled with my spirit, and my body is secure. " - Psalm 16: 8, 9. 25: 11) Ose kulizuvha nawa nsene gumwe ta tu likida efumadeko mononkango ndi moyirugana. We feel uplifted by a sincere expression of appreciation and respect. When Adam and Eve made a bad decision, they refused to imitate God and lost perfection. Ntani hena kuvhura o va likide omu o dingura vanavazinyetu wovakurupe nokuvakorangeda pampepo. Could you show them how you visit elderly brothers and sisters to encourage them spiritually? That helped me to trust in Jehovah's strength. " Tu pandureni Karunga morwauhwi wendi wokudira kuvhura kutanta! " - 2 VAKOLINTE 9: 15. " Thanks be to God for his indescribable free gift. " - 2 CORINTHIANS 9: 15. JEHOVAH appreciates the sacrifice of his servants by showing their love for him and obeying his command. " Nonkwara ava di fumadeke navenye. " " Let marriage be honorable among all. " They agree with Jesus ' words: "You are one Leader, Christ. " - Matt. Malita kwa zire a ka simbagwire Jesus nokukamumorora. Martha quickly went to greet Jesus at the outskirts of the village. After 30 minutes, we arrived at the camp. Ndi Tjanga elikwamo lyava ngava ka vhumbura ava ono hara kukazogera nawo neyi ngo ka zogera nawo. Or make a list of resurrected people you would like to talk with and what you would like to say to them. They wanted me to stay away from a virgin who loved me. Bibeli kwa likida asi age kapi ga kwatesere ko egano lyomasimbi lyokukakwata Jesus. Perhaps, as some suggest, Joseph was not present at Jesus ' trial. PATIENCE Malizuvho govagara kupinduka usimbu kupitakana govakadi, nye komeho zokuyirugana navenye malizuvho gawo ga hepa kupinduka. The man can often respond more quickly than the woman, but emotionally the time should be right for both mates. (b) Why does Jesus ' illustration of the temple give us confidence? Yisinke ga tembe Jesus? But what did Jesus mean by this solemn warning? We know that he used the most powerful force in his life because the Bible continues: "The spirit of God will be treated. " Ngo ya yi dimburura asi moomu gana kunkondopara malikwatakano goge naJehova, yimo hena makandero goge nga ga vhura kukara nomulyo. You will notice that the stronger your friendship with Jehovah becomes, the more meaningful your prayers will be. How do you young ones work along with your parents so that your family can "stay awake "? Eyi yiyo ngani dilira kuhageka kumukarera. That is why I never want to give up on him. Do not feel that Jesus ' ransom sacrifice does not cover your sins. MARUSUMO: 49, 73 SONGS: 49, 73 What we learn will move us to show gratitude to our heavenly Father and to our heavenly Father for our good. - Isa. Meho gendi kuna kumoneka asi ana guwu ndi? Did a trace of sadness show there? Satan knows that we have immoral desires, and he is tempted to satisfy those desires. 1, 2. 1, 2. (a) What questions should we ask ourselves about the Memorial? (Resa Genesis 18: 19.) (Read Genesis 18: 19.) Brothers in Turkey have a desire to preach to all people. Yisinke ga rongere Jesus varongwa vendi va demenene, ntani ngapi ga tulire po sihonena? What did Jesus teach his disciples to focus on, and how did he set the example? Love is the greatest quality of love. Yipo nye, epangero lyaBritaniya naAmerika yilyo ngali pangera dogoro ngazi wize Harumagedoni. Thus, the Anglo - American World Power will still be the dominant world power when Armageddon strikes. In 1513 B.C.E., a French translation of the Bible was published in French. Pasihonena, Jeremiya kwa ndindilire asi Vababironi ngava zonagura po Juda, ano eyi kwa horokere momvhura 607 komeho zokuwiza Kristusa. For example, Jeremiah expected that the Babylonians would destroy Judah, and that is what happened in 607 B.C.E. 27 Did You Know? Age kwa yi rugene pokupa vana vendi masini nosuka ntani kofi. To do that, she gave the boys milk, sugar, and coffee. Without a student, her Bible student was on the bus. Apa atu ligwanekera nomaudigu, morwasinke natu tedera ko komatungiko aga twa gwana? When confronted with grievous trials, why should we reflect on our blessings? At times, he makes you feel afraid. 101: 3) Pasihonena, komeho zokuyakara Mbangi, munazinyetugara gumwe nga hafere kuza koyipito yondaneso zokunyata. For example, before becoming a Witness, one brother enjoyed the immoral atmosphere of the dance parties he frequented. While in prison, I had no problem with 50 men in prison. Onane ngava uyunga asi: "Ame kwa ku harera o kare mumati gomoBeteli. " " I can wish nothing better than that you become a Bethel boy, " she would say. It is easy to trust in Jehovah, such as his promise of Paradise or the resurrection. Omama wovagara ngava siki musika ntani awo kwa kere mupitisili gononsumo edi ngava dimbi moukareli. My grandfather played the violin and was the conductor of an orchestra that specialized in classical religious music. Jehovah is the Creator of heaven and earth and the entire universe. Pokuvagendesa unongo waKarunga, awo va diva yoyiwa kupitakana mokutura ehuguvaro lyawo mouzuni ou ndi "vapangeli " wawo. Guided by godly wisdom, they know better than to place their trust in this world or its "nobles. " The apostle Paul described this event as "the Lord's Evening Meal. " - 1 Corinthians 11: 20; Luke 22: 19, 20. Bibeli kutanta asi " vagendesi wononkondo. ' A very unlikely one - "seven shepherds, yes, eight dukes "! When Paul was falsely accused, he spoke to Herod and respected King Herod in Judea. - Acts 12: 25 - 26; 26: 1 - 3. • ngomugwanekedesi? • a mediator? But it is best for humans to marry only for married people. 4) Ntani ngapi omu wopeke nava vhura kukuvatera? And how can others help? Jehovah will bless you if you continue to make progress. 16, 17. (a) Yisinke natu lirongera ko kosifanekeso saJesus sokuhamena hompa nomukareli gwendi? 16, 17. (a) What should we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the king and the slaves? But how did Jesus come from the wilderness to the temple in Jerusalem? Apa ngava ka sika, vapuli vakwawo ngava va tambura momambo gawo. On arriving, many stayed with local Witnesses, who lovingly opened their homes to their brothers. Jehovah has put an accurate knowledge of the Bible. Ngapi omu valikwali va hepa kulitekura? How should a husband and wife treat each other? We have every reason to believe that Jehovah will protect us from anything that could cause us to lose his favor. Komeho va ka mu dipage Jesus, age kwa tanterere vapositoli vendi asi: " Mbili zange nina kumupa. ' Earlier on that last evening before his death, Jesus told his apostles: "I give you my peace. " At times, though, a small number of factors could cause you to have a good relationship with your teenager. Arthur novakwawo tava kara pomavango nkenye ogu paapa va mu tulire va ndindire sidiviso apa nava teta marugodi. Arthur and the others took their positions and waited for the appointed signal. ▪ "Through one major threat to the spread of the churches of Christendom... 24: 45 - 47) Ose kuvhura tu nyokere po kuliretera nyamwetu nava wopeke yinka yoyinene neguwo pokutura po nawa matokoro nsene vana tu pe nonkondo dokuyirugana ngoso. We can save ourselves and others much anxiety and grief if we modestly make decisions only when we have been granted the authority to do so. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Mutjima gwange yiyo nye guna hafere nompepo zange yiyo nye zina kupemwira, ano rutu rwange naro taru kara megameno. " - Episarome 16: 8, 9. So my heart rejoices, my whole being is joyful. And I reside in security. " - Psalm 16: 8, 9. This proves that they were material possessions. Apa Adamu naEva va tulire po etokoro lyedona, awo kwa nyokere kuhonena Karunga makura tava zumbanesa eparu lyokusikilira mo. When our first parents chose to act badly, they rejected God's example and became imperfect. He realized that at times he sometimes communicated on the matter. Oyo ya va vaterere nge ni huguvare mononkondo daJehova kapisi danyamwange! That truth completely changed my viewpoint! OUR READERS ASK... JEHOVA kuhafera elizambero eli va kara nalyo vakareli vendi pokulikida eharo lyawo kwendi ntani nokulimburukwa kompangera zendi. JEHOVAH appreciates willing sacrifices made by his servants to express their love for him and their submission to his will. Christian shepherds today have a weighty responsibility. 10: 16) Awo kukwatesa ko nonkango daJesus edi asi: "Mupitisili gweni gumwe tupu, Kristusa. " - Mat. They subscribe to Jesus ' statement: "Your Leader is one, the Christ. " - Matt. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Konyima zonominute 30, tatu ka sika kokamba. About 30 minutes later, we arrive at the camp. As Isaac's son Isaac, Esau was the one who made that promise. Awo kwa here ni likare ure nomumati ogu ga here nge. They wanted to keep me away from a boy who liked me. [ Picture on page 23] 1935 1935 Steven says: "It was a surprise to me that by comparing Bible principles or a few accounts, the answer is found in the Bible. (b) Morwasinke sihorokwa saJesus sokuzeresa ntembeli nasi tu pera ehuguvaro? (b) Why is the account of Jesus ' cleansing of the temple reassuring to us? * Twa yi diva asi age kwa ruganesere nonkondo dononene pokusita yininke morwa Bibeli kwa twikira ko asi: "Mpepo zaKarunga ngazi teremba. " (Gen. As he did so, he sent forth a powerful force, for the creation account adds: "God's active force was moving to and fro. " " WHY did I experience? Ngapi one vadinkantu nomu ruganena kumwe novakurona veni yipo epata lyeni li " vangarare ' pampepo? How can you young ones work along with your parents so that your family will "stay awake " spiritually? But being content with others is based on love and affection for them. Wa ha lizuvha asi nzambo zaJesus zosizoweseso kapi za gusa po nonzo doge. Never feel that Jesus ' ransom sacrifice cannot cover your sins. Now I realize that there are important things to me. Eyi natu ka lironga ngayi tu tumangeda tu likide rupandu nokuhara Guhyetu gemeguru ogu atu rongo morwa uwa wanyamwetu. - - Jes. These reminders will help us to show our love and gratitude to our loving heavenly Father, who teaches us to benefit ourselves. - Isa. Brothers and sisters are preaching in the Russian language. Satana ga diva asi ose twa kara nomadowo gomadona, ntani age kutuzeda tu sikise mo madowo ogo. Satan knows that we have sinful tendencies, and he tries to induce us to cater to them. How can people make big changes in their lives? (a) Mapuro musinke no lipura kuhamena Murarero? (a) What questions might arise about the Memorial? At first, he cannot speed up before having more time. Vanavazinyetu womoTurkia kwa kara neharo lyokuzuvhisira vantu navenye. " The brothers in Turkey really want to share the truth with as many people as possible. He accepted the invitation to attend the meetings and began to study the Bible. Eharo kuna kara sikara sosinene po. Love is the greatest of all qualities. He gives them the reward of using his authority and his descendants. Momvhura 1535, Olivétan mutoroki goMufransa kwa pwagesere nage Bibeli zendi ezi ga torokere kutundilira komaraka aga va hovere kutjanga Bibeli. Five years later, in 1535, French translator Olivétan released his version of the Bible based on the original languages. In fact, a man named Charles Peter, who later accepted the truth, sold his job and served as pioneers in remote regions for 15 years. 27 Kwa tokomenene kukarera Jehova nkenye oku 27 Eager to Serve Jehovah - No Matter Where Who was sent to "the star "? Ga hana kuyidivira, murongwa gwendi goBibeli nage yimo ga kere mombesa ozo. Unbeknownst to the sister, a Bible student of hers happened to be on the same bus. In fact, Jehovah's organization sometimes changes. Poyiruwo yimwe, age kukuninkisa o lizuvhe woma. Jehovah God created his Son, Jesus, before all other things were created. Apa na kere modorongo, ame kapi na kere noudigu novagara 50 womodorongo ozo. So while I was there, I had no problems with the 50 prisoners in that section. In addition, we can use our talents and resources to share in the preaching work. Ayo ureru mokuhuguvara mwaJehova koyininke eyi twa hara ngwendi etumbwidiro lyendi lyoParadisa ndi evhumbuko. It is one thing to trust in Jehovah when it comes to his promise of Paradise or the resurrection - things for which we yearn. 8: 32. Jehova yige Musiti geguru nevhu ntani Mupangeli gouzuni naunye. Jehovah is the Creator of heaven and earth and the Ruler of the universe. Because the spirit of the world is widespread. Mupositoli Paurusa kwa tumbwire silika oso asi " Murarero gwaHompa. ' - 1 Vakolinte 11: 20; Rukasa 22: 19, 20. The apostle Paul called this occasion "the Lord's Evening Meal. " - 1 Corinthians 11: 20; Luke 22: 19, 20. However, all Christians - young or women - have the responsibility to make their advancement manifest. 2: 1 - 5) Apa Paurusa va mu rundilire, age kwa ka uyungire nefumadeko kwahompa Herodesa Agilipa naFestusa mupangeli goVaroma ogu nga pangere moJudeya. - Yirug. 25: 1 - 12; 26: 1 - 3. Later, when Paul was accused of wrongdoing, he respectfully defended himself and showed proper honor to King Herod Agrippa and to Festus, governor of the Roman province of Judea. - Acts 25: 1 - 12; 26: 1 - 3. Listen to work, even if what seemed to be worthless, what seemed to be worthless. Nye alyo kwa wapera tupu kovantu ava va likwara. But it has its proper place within marriage. And the right decision is to serve the true God. Jehova nga ku tungika nsene o twikira kutura po ezokomeho. Jehovah will certainly bless you if you continue to make spiritual progress. Consider a few examples. Nye ngapi Jesus ga tundire momburundu a ze kontembeli moJerusarema? But how could Jesus get from the wilderness to the temple in Jerusalem? 12: 23, 24. (Varoma 1: 20) Jehova ga lihorora nyamwendi moBibeli. Jehovah has revealed much more about himself in the Bible. Still, the patience he had as a human, no matter how much she had faced, it proved to be faithful to her faithfulness. Twa kara nokonda zokuhuguvara asi Jehova ngatu popera kwankenye eyi ngayi tu ninkisa a dire kutuhafera. (Rom. We have no reason to doubt that Jehovah can protect us from anything that could cause us to lose his approval. They had to endure persecution and would also be killed, and others succeeded in preaching the good news. (Vahebeli 5: 14) Nye poyiruwo yimwe, yininke yoyinunu kuvhura yi retese po nomutangu pokatji koge nomudinkantu. At times, though, your teenager's reasoning skills might cause him to argue with you, even over a seemingly trivial matter. But compassion is God's main quality. ▪ "Nzo kuna kara silimbikiso simwe sosinene naina monongereka. ▪ "One of the greatest obstacles of the church today is this very issue. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? NGAPI OMU NO LIMBURURA? In Daniel's vision, he saw millions of angels gathered to see an extraordinary event. Eyi kulikida asi awo kwa kere noyiweka. So they surely had possessions. 20 The European Court of Human Rights since April 2000 Age ga yi nongonona asi poyiruwo yimwe eyi a uyunga kugwederera koudigu. He has noticed that, at times, what he says makes the situation worse. And we do not want someone else to be called [Jehovah's] name. " VARESI TAVA PURA... OUR READERS ASK... Each day in life has a lot of pain, and each time I hear it makes it easier for my wife to talk. " Naina vasita woVakriste ndi vakuronambunga kwa kara nositumbukira sosinene. Present - day Christian shepherds - the appointed elders - thus have a serious responsibility. Because of the increase of the increase, there is a need for more Bible literature and building Kingdom Halls and conventions. © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Once, I started studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses in the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work. Ngombeli zaIsaka, Esau yige lya tumbukilire etumbwidiro olyo. As Isaac's firstborn son, Esau had the legal right to that promise. First, we need to forget the past, not allowing our time or energy to distract us from such things. [ Efano lyepepenuno 23] [ Picture on page 29] However, the Bible explains that we as if we compared ourselves to our Grand Creator. Steven kwa uyungire asi: "Ayo kwa tetukisire nge asi pokuhetakanesa tupu nompango ndi yihorokwa yongandi yoPatjangwa, elimbururo narunye kuligwana moBibeli. " It amazed me that by simply comparing a number of Scriptural principles or accounts, often the truth of a matter was right there all the time, " says Steven. Why should we not allow the Devil to mislead us? * * • Learn the local language " MORWASINKE yina horokerere nge? " WHY ME? At a convention, we were amazed in the way they helped us to find the Scriptures and show them the fine conduct of those who had attended. (1 Timoteusa 6: 9, 10) Nye kukara yina ku gwanene po, kutundilira keharo lyokuhara vakweni ntani nawo va ku hare. On the other hand, true contentment comes from loving and being loved. The next article will consider this part of the new birth. Ngesi, nina yi dimburura asi pwa kara yininke yomulyo na hepa kurugana. Now, though, I see that there are just so many more important things to do. The Bible encourages us: "Be forgiving with one another just as Jehovah freely forgave you. " - Col. Vanavazinyetu kuna kuzuvhisira makeninga. Brothers working business territory witness to a mechanic in an auto repair garage. Having such a spirit will help us to be united despite the challenges we may face before they return to their children. Ngapi omu vantu ava vhuru kutura po marunduruko gomanene momaparu gawo? How is it possible for people to make profound changes in their lives? Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be hated, cruel, and killed because he was imperfect. - Isa. Pomuhowo, age kapi ta vhuru kunonga sikutji ntudi ga hepa kuliyomberesa yikando yoyinzi. He cannot shoot an arrow well enough to hit the target at all, but he takes more lessons and keeps on trying. (See endnote.) Age ga tambwire ezigido lyokuwiza komapongo ntani nokutameka kulironga Bibeli. He accepted an invitation to our meeting, and I started studying the Bible with him. Many people went to the pool at the pool of Bethzatha. Age kuvapa mfeto pokuruganesa nonkondo dendi mwarwawo. He rewards them by exerting his power in their behalf. Many of them have found the truth more real than gold and could say that the "Eureka Drama " could be found! Mugara ogo gedina Charles Bernhardt konyima ga ya tambwire usili, ta randesa hotera zendi ntani age kwa rugene uzuvhisi wokukarerera gelike ure wonomvhura 15 konomukunda dimwe dokoure moAustralia. The hotelkeeper, Charles Bernhardt, later accepted the truth, sold his hotel, and pioneered alone for 15 years in some of the driest and most isolated parts of Australia. " No one among you will have a lot of suffering, " God told the Israelites. Yilye ga tumine " mbungururu '? " Who Sent the " Star '? " Because of little money, they often played twice twice a day. Mombunga zaJehova poyiruwo yimwe kuhepa marunduruko. At times, organizational adjustments need to be made. Paul's counsel does not permit Christians to separate their children if they are in a difficult situation. Jehova Karunga kwa sitire Munwendi, Jesus, komeho a ya site yisitwa nayinye. God created his Son, Jesus, before he created everyone and everything else. When I was in high school, I learned about the past, and my father and I used to talk about how the Bible began to have been true. Mokugwederera ko, ose kuvhura kuruganesa udivi nononkondo noyiweka yetu mokulihameka mo mosirugana sokuzuvhisa esi azi rugana mbungakriste. In addition, we can use our talents, energies, and resources to share in the life - saving work that the congregation carries out. Even though Elijah had doubts, he spoke to the woman. 8: 32. 8: 32. But I started to lose my relationship with Jehovah. Morwa mpepo zouzuni kuna lihanene nakunye. Because the spirit of the world is manifest in many ways. What must Jehovah's servants do? Nampili ngoso, Vakriste navenye va kare asi vagara ndi vakadi ndi vanona, kwa kara nositumbukira sokuninka ekuro lyawo lyopampepo limoneke. However, all Christians - men, women, and young ones - have the potential for making their spiritual advancement manifest. No one could pay the ransom to free us from sin and death. Genderera kutambura yirugana, nampili eyi ayi moneka ngwendi kwato mulyo. Be quick to accept assignments, even humble tasks. Three trials (1) live in life, (2) get drunk, and (3) form a friendship. (Josuwa 24: 15) Ano etokoro lyouhunga kuna kara lyokukarera Karunga gosili. The wise choice would be to serve the true God. Although most Japanese people do not know the Bible, they desire to read it. Tarurura yihonena yongandi yomarongo ogo gomulyo. Consider a few examples of sayings rich in meaning. Try to limit what is involved. 12: 23, 24. 12: 23, 24. How would we have felt if we had been in that situation? 8: 30) Nampili ngoso, elididimikiro eli ga kere nalyo ngomuntu, yi kare asi ruhepo rokusika kupi ga ligwanekerere naro, ayo kwa likidire ulimburukwi wendi wokuzulilira. Nevertheless, personally enduring in faith as a human despite suffering proved his complete integrity. Jesus set a good example in this regard. Awo ngava lididimikire mahepeko ntani ngava va dipaga. Ntani hena ngava ruganene vapeke ano ya va tompokere mokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa. Enduring persecution and risking death, they ministered to others and succeeded in preaching the good news. If you turn to doing good, will you not be rewarded? Nye nkenda kuna kara sikara sosinene saKarunga. * However, kindness is fundamentally a divine quality. You too can experience experiences. (b) Mapuro musinke natu ka zogera mosirongwa esi? (b) What questions will we consider in this article? 29: 25. Memoneko lyaNdaniyera, age kwa mwene mamiliyona govaengeli gana pongo ga tare sihorokwa sokutetukisa. In Daniel's vision, the multitudes of angels had gathered to witness a remarkable event. 16: 17, 18. 20 - Nompanguro va fundire moMpanguro zaEuropa zoUntu woMuntu kutundilira mwaKudumogona 2000 20 - Cases won in the European Court of Human Rights since April 2000 We are confident that this brochure provides important spiritual needs for many of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ntani kapi tuna hara muntu va mu zigidise kedina lyetu. " Nor do we wish that any should be called by our name. " During the 15th century B.C.E., those who desired to survive the Bible had endured persecution and to translate it. Nkenye ruhafo meparu kuligwederera ano nkenye kukora nina kuzuvha kusesupa pokukutantera mukadange. " " Any happiness in life is multiplied and any pain is halved when I share it with her. " Because of today's wicked system of things in this wicked world, it may be difficult for you to maintain a positive spirit. Morwa eligwederero olyo, pana kara hepero zokunduruka yimbapiratjangwa yoBibeli yoyinzi ntani zokudika nokuwapukurura Yinyanga yoUhompa ntani mavango gokuruganena yigongi. In turn, such growth calls for the printing of more Bible literature, the building and maintaining of Kingdom Halls, and the acquiring of assembly and convention sites. HAVE you been born on December 16, 1952, with my parents, my parents, and my parents living in Russia in Russia? (Johanesa 17: 3) Poopo, tani tameke kulironga Bibeli noNombangi mobuke You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. Right away, I started to study the Bible with the Witnesses, using the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. Talk to the words "It is good for a man. " Sokuhova, twa hepa kudivara yininke yanare, mokudira kuhepeka nonkondo ndi siruwo setu koyininke yangoso. First, we have to forget the things we left behind, not wasting precious energy and time being overly concerned about them. Whether we are married or not, how can we follow Paul's example? Nye, Bibeli kufaturura asi ose ngwendi mpasimpasi mokutuhetakanesa noMusiti gwetu goMunene. Yet, the Bible explains that we are like grasshoppers in comparison with our Grand Creator. 16, 17. (a) Describe an important role in God's Word. (b) How does God's Word help us to adjust our thinking and maintain our thinking? Morwasinke natu dilira kupulisira Muzonaguli a tu pukise? Why must we not let the Devil deceive us? Some believe that the events and events are not accurate. • Lironga eraka lyomosirongo oso • Take a basic language course Rather than feeling angry or discouraged because of Jehovah's day, we do not need to rejoice as long as we are in true worship today. Posigongi, ose kwa tetukire monkedi zongwa omu va tu vaterere tu gwane yipundi nokutulikida matjangwa moBibeli ntani nonkareso zongwa zowo va kere po. At the convention, we were impressed by the loving way we were shown to our seats, by the help offered to follow along in the Bible, and by the conduct of those in attendance. He added: "You don't think that you must honor him, although he has given you this year. " Sirongwa sokukwama ko tasi ka zogera ruha oru rwehampurukururo. The next article considers that aspect of the new birth. Mar. Bibeli kutukorangeda asi: "Omu dongwenene po vakweneni moomu ga mu dongwenena po Hompa. " - Koros. Hence, the Bible counsels us: "Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. " - Col. * Doing so will be a true friend, "a loyal friend, more than his brothers. " - Prov. Kukara nonkareso zangoso ngayi tu vatera tu kare mouumwe nampili ngatu ka ligwanekere nomaudigu komeho nsene ngava tu gusa ko kovanavanyizetu. Having that spirit now will help us to face future distresses with a united front even if we are cut off from brothers in some parts of the world. What a great privilege that is! 9: 24 - 26) Jesaya ga pumbire asi Mesiyasa ngano ngava mu nyoka nokumuhepeka ntani nokumudipaga ndi nokumuwurura, morwa nonzo dovantu wokudira kusikilira mo. - Jes. Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be rejected, persecuted, and executed, or pierced, to bear the sins of imperfect humans. - Isa. NEMBER 12 - 18, 2012 (Rom. 5: 8; Heb. The effectiveness of Jesus ' shed blood was illustrated in the very first issue of this magazine. 8, 9. Vaveli wovanzi ngava zi kosidiva Betesita. Crowds of sick people would go to Bethzatha. One day, she attended a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sinzi sawo kwa gwana usili kupitakana ngorodo ntani kuvhura kuzigira asi "Eureka! " Many among them found Bible truth - more precious than gold - and could exclaim "Eureka! " 13, 14. NARE Karunga kwa tanterere Vaisraeli asi: "Nagumwe si gomokatji keni nga kara noruhepo. " GOD told the ancient Israelites: "No one should come to be poor among you. " God's Word commands that unrepentant sinners need to be disfellowshipped in the congregation. Morwa kwato yimaliwa, awo ngava li tupu roso nomakunde ruvali mezuva. Lacking funds, they ate rice and beans twice a day, week after week. " It was wonderful to know that Jehovah understood and cares for us and for help. " Epukururo lyaPaurusa kapi lya silika Vakriste va ligaunuke novalikwali vawo nsene vana kara momaudigu gomanene. Paul's counsel does not rule out legal separation in extreme situations. The scholars who have studied the history of people have found that "those who encourage others to do the same. " Apa na kere kosure, ta ni lirongo kuhamena ehistoli lyanare, ano name notate nga tu uyunga siruwo sosire kuhamena omu wa tamekere ukarelikarunga ntani ose kwa tere masimwititi gomoBibeli asi kapisi usili. Throughout high school, I studied ancient history, and my father and I had long conversations about the origin of religion and what we considered to be the myths and legends contained in the Bible. He always gives us our daily needs, no matter what happens. " Nampili ngomu Eliya ga kere nomasinganyeko, age ga uyungisire mukadi ogo. Despite any misgivings Elijah may have had, he began a conversation with the woman. 4, 5. Nye na ya tamekere kuzumbanesa elikwatakano lyange naJehova. Instead, my relationship with him became weak very quickly. What do you look forward to in the future? Yisinke va hepa kurugana vakareli vaJehova? What must all of Jehovah's worshippers do? 21: 22 - 31, 34. Kwato gumwe ogu ga vhulire kufuta sizoweseso mokutumangurura kononzo nokonomfa. None of us could ever have paid the ransom that was needed to free us from sin and death. • Why should Christians strive to be exemplary in faith and in faith? Maudigu gatatu (1) mparukiso, (2) kurongora kembo, ntani (3) kutulisa po ukaume. Three challenges are (1) adapting to a different lifestyle, (2) coping with homesickness, and (3) fitting in with the local brothers. Explain why we need to speak. Nampili ngomu sinzi soVayapani va dira kudiva Bibeli, awo vana kara neharo lyokuziresa. Although many Japanese people do not know much about the Bible, they are willing to read it. Do not believe that. Varura yifutwa eyi nayi hamena mo. Count the cost. When she began attending meetings, the brothers kindly welcomed him, and this touched her tears. Ngapi ngano twa lizuvhire ngano nyose twa kere moukaro owo? How would we have reacted if we were in her situation? In my hand, my mouth will not grow, and my speech are difficult to understand. Jesus ga tulire po sihonena sosiwa kombinga zoyo. Jesus set an outstanding example in this regard. Thank you for helping me find this gift, and it gives me comfort. " Sipara soge yinke sina lipirwire? If you turn to doing good, will you not be restored to favor? " The book of Isaiah, which has been given 2,000 years ago, found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Nove kuvhura kuyilimonena. The same can be true for you. Before the Son of man arrives, he will come again. 29: 25. 29: 25. The perfect man Adam sinned. 16: 17, 18. 16: 17, 18. What happened to the earth? Tuna kara nehuguvaro asi sifo esi ngasi gava yihepwa yomulyo yopampepo koNombangi daJehova dononzi. We believe that this will fill a vital spiritual need for many of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sarah expressed what was necessary. Koyiha yomvhura 500 dogoro 1 500 konyima zokuwiza Jesus pevhu, ava va here Bibeli kwa lididimikilire mahepeko ntani va twikilire kuzitoroka nokuzitjangurura. During the Middle Ages, lovers of the Bible braved persecution and continued to translate and copy the Scriptures. Then Sisera's chariot was used to lead those who went into rest, taking our literature through a nearby town, where he traveled by train. (2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5) Morwa kuna kara monkarapamwe zouzuni ou woudona kuvhura yi ku digopere mokutulisa po nkareso zongwa. So it can be a real challenge for you to maintain exemplary conduct despite being surrounded by this wicked environment. We can imitate Jehovah's forgiveness by forgiving one another freely. K WA hampurukire nge 16 Sindimba 1952, name namukurwange gomukadi novakurona vetu kwa tungire momukunda gwaSofia, moBulgaria. I WAS born on December 16, 1952, and lived with my parents and one sister in Sofia, Bulgaria. Priscilla says: "My friends are sure that I make sure that I benefit meetings by attending meetings for the meetings. 6: 33) Uyungeni nonkango "donongwa dokuwapeka muntu. " Speak what is "good for building up. " The Hebrew verb translated "the wife of Isaiah 7: 14 can refer to a wife or a woman who has never been affected by a husband. Yi kare asi twa kwara ndi hawe, ngapi natu kwama sihonena saPaurusa? Whether married or not, how can we follow Paul's example? In contrast with King Ahab, some Israelites who saw fire from heaven realized that God was doing so. 16, 17. (a) Singonona eyi a rugana muhongi kerova nsene ana hara kulirugana sipako somulyo. (b) Ngapi omu Nonkango daKarunga adi tu vatere tu rundurure magazaro getu nokukara sipako somulyo kwaJehova? 16, 17. (a) Describe what a potter does to the clay he uses to make fine pottery. (b) How does God's Word help us to be transformed into something valuable to Jehovah? 1: 27. Vamwe kwa pura asi yihorokwa yamo kapi ya vyuka. Some believe that it is historically inaccurate. 6: 8. 1: 7 - 9) Mevango lyokulizuvha udona - dona ndi edompo morwa kumona ezuva lyaJehova ngwendi kapi lina kugenderera, twa hepa kuhafa asi simpe tuna kara nosiruwo sokukara nomupampi moukareli wousili. (Mika 7: 7; Hab. Rather than feel frustrated or discouraged because Jehovah's day seems to be delayed, we should be glad that there is still time for us to be zealous for true worship. Her father's attitude changed, and he sometimes attended the meetings before his death. Age kwa gwederere ko asi: " Kapi mwa gazara rumwe asi mu fumadeke Karunga, nampili ngomu a gava mvhura. ' (Jer. He added: "They have not said in their heart: " Let us, now, fear Jehovah our God, the One who is giving the downpour and the autumn rain. ' " Those individuals can make changes in order to obey God's laws and principles. Aug. Nov. With fellow publishers by means of a motorcycle 1: 13) * Pokurugana ngoso, ove ngo kara kaume gousili, " gokuhuguvara unene, kupitakana vamumbya vendi. ' - Yis. * Doing so, you are proving yourself to be a loyal and true friend, one "sticking closer than a brother. " - Prov. Many copies of this organization are part of a worldwide organization that is working in over 300 lands around the world. Esi kuna kara sirugana sosinene! This is a huge amount of work! It included pictures pictures pictures, water, and music, which showed the beginning of mankind's Thousand Year Reign until the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ. - Rev. 12 - 18 MANGUNDU 2012 NOVEMBER 12 - 18, 2012 The education of Solomon's royal king did not lead Moses to true worship. 8, 9. 8, 9. Read Revelation 12: 9, 12. Makura ezuva limwe ta zi kepongo lyoNombangi daJehova. Then he attended a meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses. Susan worried about the responsibilities of service, employment, and shepherding visits. 13, 14. 13, 14. Christ sees more than just the rest of these overseers. Nonkango daKarunga kwa pangera asi vananzo wokudira kulitezurura va hepa kuvagusa mo mombungakriste. God's Word commands that unrepentant sinners be removed from the congregation. He added: "We will do all we can to keep on remembering Jehovah's name again. ' " Ayo kwa tetukisire nge pokudiva asi Jehova kukwata egano nokupakera mbili ntani nokugava mbatero. " " Um,... to know that Jehovah understands and cares and provides the needed help - that has been incredible. " (Read Genesis 12: 7; 22: 15 - 18.) Valirongi ava va lirongo elikwatakano lyovantu va yi dimburura asi "vantu ava ava gava kukorangeda wopeke va rugane yokulifana. " Researchers who study human relations have noted that "people who consistently display altruism encourage others to follow suit. " Not only after Jesus was resurrected to life in heaven, his "brothers " were chosen to do his work as Christ's " to invite others to become reconciled to Jehovah God. Age kutupa nkenye apa yihepwa yetu, yi kare asi yisinke yina kuhoroka. " He always cares for our needs, no matter what happens. " " The great day of Jehovah is near, " that day will destroy Satan's world. 4, 5. 4, 5. They wanted accommodations not only to get sexual relations with him but also to have sexual relations with them. Yisinke ono kundindira komeho? What are you longing for as far as the future is concerned? Consider the example of a young man in Japan. 21: 22 - 31, 34. 21: 22 - 31, 34. When they put first in their lives, they lose sight of what is most important - their relationship with God. • Morwasinke Vakriste va hepera kukara sihonena meharo nemepuro? • Why are Christians to be exemplary in love and faith? All true worshippers are in faith. - Read John 4: 23, 24; 14: 4, 14; Ephesians 4: 4, 5. Faturura eyi twa hepera kuuyunga yosili. Explain why we must be truthful. The truth found in the Bible has power, and it is possible for people to change. Wa ha yi pura. Do not believe them. They are the subjects of God's servants when they are carrying out their assignment. Apa ga tamekere hena kuza komapongo, vanavazinyetu kwa mu tambwire neharo, ano eyi ya mu gumine makura ta lili. She reflects, "I was moved to tears because the brothers greeted me so warmly. " It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Maguru nomawoko gange kapi ngayi ligumagura ano mbuuyungiso zange udigu kuzikwata egano. I had limited limb movement, and my speech was hard to understand. Did he understand the meaning of the Bible writers about true Christian faith? Mpandu kweyi mwa vatera nge ni gwane mpito zokugava uhwi ou, ayo kuhengagwida nge. " Thank you for making it possible for me to make this gift - it gives me comfort. " We can help them by means of our teaching. Bukegango zaJesaya ezi za pauruka nomvhura 2 000 ezi va gwene mEfuta Lyokufa. A 2,000 - year - old Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll. When younger ones ask me for advice or help, I appreciate them. Komeho nga ya funde momunene MunwaMuntu, age nga wiza hena. Before completing his conquest, the Son of man comes in yet another way. Then Jehovah encouraged Joshua: "I tell you, Be courageous and strong. Muntu gokusikilira mo Adamu kwa zonene. The perfect man Adam sinned. These men are "mighty in power, " indicating that Abraham had a strong family. Yisinke ya kwata evhu? What holds up planets such as our earth? And he urged Timothy not to let him prevent him from supporting him from taking the right course. Sara kwa pwagesere eyi ya kere hepero kuuyunga. Sarah lovingly said what needed to be said. I was devastated! " Karukara kendi gononkambe nga ka ruganesa mokutwara ava ngava zi mepwizumuko, age nga pitura mapakote getu goyimbapiratjangwa modoropa zopopepi, omu ngaga ga humbwilire mahina gorutenda gokutunda koPrague. With a horse - drawn wagon normally used to transport vacationers, he picked up boxes of literature from a nearby town, where the boxes had been sent by railway from Prague. Even after seeing a Christian became a Christian, he still believed in the philosophy and Plato's philosophy. Ose kuvhura kuhonena edongwenenopo lyaJehova pokulidongwenena - dongwenena po. We can imitate Jehovah's forgiveness by choosing to be forgiving toward one another whenever there is a basis for doing so. We still believe those words. Magdalena kwa tanta asi: "Vapuli vakwetu kudivilisa asi ni gwanene mo uwa momapongo pokukwatekera nge yokomapongo. Magdalena comments: "The congregation has made sure that I benefit from the meetings by means of audio recordings. The Easter account describes the Encyclopædia Britannica as "the most important part of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. " Nkango zoRuhebeli va toroka "mukadona " mwaJesaya 7: 14 kuvhura kutamba komukadikwara ndi mukadi ogu ga dira kukundama rumwe mugara. The Hebrew word translated "maiden " at Isaiah 7: 14 can mean either a married woman or a virgin. Thus, the same word could be applied both to Isaiah's wife and to the Jewish virgin Mary. Would it be hard to believe that a powerful person has fallen into a serpent, making it appear to talk? Mokulisiga nahompa Ahaba, Vaisraeli vamwe ava va mwene mundiro kuna kutunda meguru va yi dimbwilire asi Karunga yige ga yi rugene. Unlike wicked King Ahab, some of the Israelites who saw the fire coming from heaven in response to Elijah's prayer recognized that God had done that. What should parents think about how they view their employment? 1: 27. 1: 27. But what about the "other sheep "? 6: 8. 6: 8. What a privilege it is to be among Jehovah's people! Nkareso zotate kwa ya rundurukire kanunu, makura pamwe ngava zi komapongo komeho va ya dogoroke. Even Dad's attitude changed a little, and he attended some meetings before he passed away. Many couples are benefiting from Bible study. Vantu owo kuvhura va ture po marunduruko aga gana hepa po yipo va limburukwe nompango daKarunga nonoveta depangero. Yes, the couple can bring their lives into harmony with God's standards and Caesar's law. Study strengthens our faith. Kumwe novazuvhisi vakwetu pomoto With fellow pioneers on a motorcycle and sidecar She says: "I always felt that Jehovah is not close to me and that he does not want me to be my friend. " Vatoroki ava kuna kara ruha rombunga zovalizambeli wokusika po - 2 300 ava ava rugana momavango gokupitakana po - 190 mouzuni mudima. These translators are part of an army of some 2,300 volunteers who work in over 190 locations around the world. Paul wrote: "[Jesus] said: " I am coming to do your will. ' Mosidanauka esi kwa hamenene mo mafano, nesanseko lyosidanauka ntani nomusika, aso kwa likidire etameko lyounsitwe nehistoli lyovantu dogoro kouhura wEpangero lyoNomumvho Eyovi lyaJesus Kristusa. - Ehor. With its stunning motion pictures, vivid color slides, fascinating narration, and fine classical music, this Bible - based presentation took viewers from creation through human history to the end of Jesus Christ's Thousand Year Reign. - Rev. How can we expand our ministry? (Ex. 32: 8) Erongo lyomoEgipite nomaungawo gomombara zahompa kapi ya ninkisire Mosesa a zumbe ukareli wousili. The educational system of Egypt and the material splendor of the royal house did not cause Moses to abandon true worship. 26: 11. (2 Vakolinte 4: 4; 1 Johanesa 5: 19; Resa Ehororo 12: 9, 12.) We don't regret being dedicated to God as a youth. " Susan ga kere nosinka kuhamena yitumbukira noyirugana ntani nomadinguro aga ga hamena mo. Susan was also overwhelmed by the responsibility, the work, and the travel involved. (b) What did Eve show by eating the fruit that was forbidden? Kristusa kumona yoyinzi kupitakana tupu ukaro naunye wonombungakriste odo. The vision reveals that Christ sees not just general trends but specific situations. One day, at age 16, my father asked him, "Would you like to get baptized? " Age kwa tente hena asi: "Vaporosi kwa tugumukilire nge asi: " Ose ngatu kondja paapa twa hulira asi edina Jehova kapi ngava lidiworoka mo hena moEstonia! ' She relates: "The officials shouted: " We are going to make it so that even the name Jehovah will not be remembered in Estonia! Jehovah not only gives us the gift of life but also the only gift of life. (Resa Genesis 12: 7; 22: 15 - 18.) (Read Genesis 12: 7; 22: 15 - 18.) Jesus restores what Adam lost. (Mat. 25: 40) Konyima tupu zokumuvhumbwira keparu lyemeguru Jesus, " vamumbya ' vendi kwa va horowere va rugane sirugana sendi, " ngovatumwa vaKristusa ' mokuzigida ko vapeke va ya likwatakane naJehova Karunga. (2 Kol. After Jesus had been resurrected to the heavens, his "brothers " were appointed to act in his place," substituting for Christ " as ambassadors inviting others to become reconciled to Jehovah God. 4: 7 - 17. " Ezuva lyaHOMPA lyenene pepi lina kara, " ezuva eli nga zonagura po uzuni waSatana. (Sef. " The great day of Jehovah " - the day that will bring the end of Satan's entire system - "is near. " Are we putting God's will first in my life? ' Awo kwa here tupu mararo kapisi va ya ligwanekere nendi panyama. Not that it was unusual for strange men to come to her door, but these two wanted only lodging - not the services of a prostitute. 9 "The free gift " can mean" a free gift " Tu tareni sihonena saSakura * gomoYapani. Consider what happened to Sakura * from Japan. Because they dedicated themselves to Jehovah and promised that they would live according to what the Bible says. Apa ava tura muhowo yininke eyi meparu lyawo, awo kuzumbanesa sininke somulyo, elikwatakano lyawo naKarunga. Sadly, millions today have not even begun to look for these. Such faith calls for displaying hospitality. Vakareli navenye wousili kwa kara mepuro limwe. - Resa Johanesa 4: 23, 24; 14: 6; Vaefeso 4: 4, 5. All true worshippers are united in one faith. - Read John 4: 23, 24; 14: 6; Ephesians 4: 4, 5. What examples do we have for us, and what lesson can we learn from this? Usili womoBibeli kwa kara nononkondo, ano kuvhura sili kurundurura muntu. That truth can exert its transforming power and can bring about genuine changes in a person. During a branch office in London, I was sent to serve as a Witness, who served as a member of the Branch Committee, now serves at Puerto Rico. Vapangeli yiwo vakareli vaKarunga apa vana kusikisa mo sirugana sawo. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Aso hena kukorangeda vantu va ture epuro mwaJesus Kristusa, ogu ga fire yipo tu gwane mwenyo gwanarunye ntani ogu ana kupangera ngesi ngaHompa goUhompa waKarunga. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. 23 - 25. Nage ga kwete egano mulyo gweyi va tjenge vatjangi vakwawo woBibeli kuhamena epuro lyosili lyoSikriste ndi? Did he appreciate the depth of meaning that other Bible writers had been inspired to explain respecting true Christian faith? Think also of the apostle Paul. 3: 5, 6) Ose kuvhura tu va vatere kupitira monkedi omu atu rongo. The way we teach has a considerable bearing on this. She showed kindness to her woman. Apa vadinkantu ava pura nge mavyukiso ndi ekwafo, ame kuyihafera mokuvavatera. When I sense that young ones are reaching out to me for guidance or support, I find it rewarding to be there for them. Jesus emphasized that he must be chaste when he said: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " - Matt. (Deut. 3: 28) Makura Jehova mwene yipo ga korangedere Josuwa asi: "Amesi na ku tantere asi: Kora, o kwate mutjima. God said: "Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see. " They take part in Jehovah's service. (Genesis 14: 14) Vagara 318 "va yombera " kuruganesa yirwiso, ayo kulikida asi Abirahamu kwa kere nepata lyenene. With 318 "trained men " capable of bearing arms, Abraham's household must have been of considerable size. • Do I drink more alcohol than ever? Pride, however, is anything but conciliatory. We know where we can look for spiritual treasures, but we are not like archaeologists who are looking for it. (1 Timoteusa 4: 15, 16) Ntani age kwa korangedere Timoteusa asi kapisi a pulisire unona wendi u mu kondere mokukwatesa ko yininke youhunga. He encouraged Timothy never to let his youth - and perhaps some natural diffidence - hold him back when it was time to take a firm stand for what is right. This experience changed the life of those who responded to his teaching. Ayo kwa guvisire nge sili! " It was heartbreaking! " IT IS exciting to know that we are part of Jehovah's organization around the world. Nampili konyima apa Augustine ga ya kere Mukriste simpe ga pulire merongo lyaPlato. After Augustine's conversion, his thinking remained Neoplatonic. Table of Contents Ose simpe kwa pura nonkango odo. We have not wavered from that policy. Who makes it possible for people to forget Jehovah's name? Mavhumbukiro kwa ga singonona mobuke Encyclopædia Britannica " ngosilika somulyo sovanangereka ava ava diworoka evhumbuko lyaJesus Kristusa. ' Easter is described in the Encyclopædia Britannica as the "principal festival of the Christian church that celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. " How can prayer help a person who has negative thoughts? Kuvhura nye yi kare udigu mokuyipura asi muntu gononkondo gopampepo a pitire mezoka, li moneke ngwendi yilyo lina kuuyunga ndi? Is it really far - fetched to believe that a powerful spirit person could manipulate a serpent, making it appear to talk? How can members of the congregation help Christians living in religiously divided households? Yisinke va hepa kugazadara ko vakurona kuhamena omu ava tara yirugana yawo? What should parents consider when it comes to their attitude toward secular work? If we want to draw close to God, our prayers need to be sure of something. Nye ngapi kuhamena " nonzwi dapeke '? But what about the "other sheep "? At that time, he will no longer want them to be judged because he has been judged as wicked. (Mika 4: 3) Ee, mfumwa musi zokukara gumwe govantu vaJehova wombili! What a privilege we have to be numbered among Jehovah's peaceful people! Your good conduct as a young Christian is evident in the festivals, and I realized it. Valikwali wovanzi kuna kugwanena mo uwa melirongo lyoBibeli. Millions of married couples are benefiting from the same Bible instruction. First, we should take time to study and meditate on what Jesus taught and then ask questions. 5: 14) Kulironga nelituromo kunkondopeka epuro. Deeper study builds faith. One way is to forgive others by asking for forgiveness. Age kwa tanta asi: "Ame nkenye apa ngani lizuvhu asi Jehova kapi ga kara pepi name ntani kapi ana hara kukara kaume kange. " She says, "I have often felt that Jehovah isn't close to me and that he doesn't want to be my Friend. " When he listened to a person, the publisher made a Bible talk and later left literature. Paurusa kwa tjenge asi: "[Jesus] ta tanta asi: " Nyame ogu na wiza ni ya sikise mo mpango zoge. ' Paul wrote: "[Jesus] says: " Look! (b) What will we discuss in this article? Ngapi omu natu vhura kutamununa sirugana setu sokuzuvhisa? How might we widen the scope of our witnessing? Thus, if a Christian wants to protect himself or his belongings, he should avoid taking steps that could lead to serious sin. - Deut. 26: 11. 26: 11. His apostles, who was the greatest and the greatest one to them, would be their chief Leader. Kapi tuna kulivera pokuligava kwaKarunga nounona - nona. " We do not regret having made our dedication to God at an early age. " Do not be surprised when your teenager used your thoughts, and he will help you. (b) Yisinke ga likidire Eva pokulya kosiyimwa esi va silikire? (b) What did Eve show by eating of the forbidden fruit? Regarding clothes, we can learn much from "the tree of the field. " Ezuva limwe, age nomvhura dendi 16, otate kwa mu pulire asi: "Jairo, ono hara kugwana ekuho ndi? " One day, when Jairo was 16, Father asked him, "Jairo, do you want to get baptized? " In Paul's day, there were conflicts in the congregation. 3: 6) Jehova kapi tupu ga tu pa uhwi weparu welike. Jehovah gives us far more than just the gift of life. Does this mean that some do not have enough food to have a good relationship with God? Jesus kwa tengwidira po eyi ga zumbanesere Adamu. Jesus thus bought back what Adam had forfeited. Will the End Come? 4: 7 - 17. 4: 7 - 17. 110: 1. Kuna kutura muhowo mpango zaKarunga meparu lyange ndi? ' What do my decisions say about my focus in life? ' Today, servants of God are likewise living in harmony with their dedication. 9 " Uhwi wokudira kuvhura kutanta ' yiwo au panga mwetu 9 Be Compelled by God's "Indescribable Free Gift " Jehovah loves humans and wants his will to live according to his purpose. Morwa awo kwa ligava vene kwaJehova nokutumbwidira asi ngava paruka kuliza neyi azi uyunga Bibeli. Because they dedicated themselves to Jehovah and promised to live by what he says in the Bible. My feelings were like saying to Jehovah: " You don't love me. 3: 24) Ano epuro lyangoso, twa hepa kulilikida moyirugana. And such faith cannot be devoid of works. Would Jesus ' self - sacrificing love motivate us to show self - sacrifice? Yihonena musinke yina kara erondoro kwetu, ntani sirongwa musinke natu lirongera ko kwayo? What examples serve as a warning to us, and what lesson can we learn from them? * His friend Philip told him that he had seen the Messiah, "Jesus, the son of Joseph. " Mberewa zomutayi zomoLondon yipo za tuminine nge ko muzuvhisi gumwe Ron Parkin ogu ngani ya rugana nage, ogu ana kara ngesi moKomitiye zomberewa zomutayi zomoPuerto Rico. The London branch office then teamed me up with Ron Parkin, who presently serves on the Branch Committee in Puerto Rico. ▪ Imitate Jesus ' Courage and Discernment MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO HENA REGULAR FEATURES As a loving Father, Jehovah was with them and would protect his people. 23 - 25. 23 - 25. Yes, Jesus ' shed blood became "a sacrifice for many. " Gazadara ko hena sihonena somupositoli Paurusa. Consider, too, the apostle Paul's example. Because of Jehovah's blessing, growth continues to grow as a great crowd. Age kwa likidire nkenda komukadi gwina. On the contrary, he was kind to her. One day his father sent him to bring a friend a letter. Jesus kwa nkondopekere asi magano ga hepa kukara gana kuhuka komagazaro gokunyata, apa ga tente asi: "Nkenyogu a tara [ndi a tarurura, NW] mukadi, nye a mu dovaukire, nare ana mu honderere momutjima. " - Mat. Jesus emphasized that the mind must be kept clean of immoral thoughts when he said: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " - Matt. Watch Tower in August 1965; October 1957; September 1989; September 1989; Brazil; and September 11, 2002; and September 1983; and September 1983; and September 15, 1983; and Watch Tower Publications Index; and Watch Tower Publications Index. Awo kutambura kulihameka moyirugana yaJehova. spirit in taking up challenging assignments in Jehovah's service. Later, Hezekiah humbled himself, but when he corrected him, Jehovah humbled him. • Ame kuna kunwa yikorwesa yoyinzi kupitakana pwanare ndi? • Do I drink more alcohol than I used to? The dead will be resurrected for a thousand years. Ose twa diva oku natu vhura kupapara maugawo gopampepo, nye kapisi ngwendi vasimaguli ava ava papara nakunye. Unlike archaeologists and other explorers who often have to search far and wide for their treasures, we know exactly where spiritual treasures can be found. Or how do you know whether you will save your wife? " (Marukusa 6: 34) Sihorokwa esi kwa rundwilire eparu lyowo va tambwire erongo lyendi. This experience changed the lives of those who followed his teachings! How do the earth's inhabitants work in harmony with all these living creatures? AYO kutetukisa mokudiva asi ose ruha rombunga zaJehova zonene mouzuni naunye. IT IS awe - inspiring to contemplate that we are part of a vast universal organization. All of this is supported by "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood. Yikaramo Table of Contents Michelle: That's exactly how you feel. Wolye vana kuninkisa vantu va divare edina lyaJehova? Who have tried to cause Jehovah's name to be forgotten? A father in Australia who was ten years old was taken to visit his son in ancient times in order to strengthen his faith in God's creation through creation. Ngapi ekanderero nali vatera muntu ogu ana kara nomagazaro gomadona? How can prayer help someone who battles negative thoughts? When David arrived, Jehovah told Samuel: "This is this one. ' Ngapi omu womombungakriste nava vatera Vakriste ava va kara momapata govahapuli? How can others in the congregation assist those who live in a religiously divided household? After preparing more children, the writers of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures found that it was also possible for many children to communicate well. Nsene tuna hara kuhedera Karunga pepi, makanderero getu ga hepa kutanta yuma. Obviously, our prayers cannot be superficial if we wish to draw close to God. If you marry, whether you are married or not, it will affect your life for the rest of your life. (2 Tes. 1: 6 - 10) Posiruwo oso age kapi hena nga va fira nkenda morwa ga va pangura nare asi awo vadinikarunga. That will not be the time for him to show compassion for those whom he has judged to be wicked. Why should we love God? Nkareso zoge zongwa ngoMukriste gomudinkantu zouradi kombinga zoyipito yomapwizumuko, kwa zi nongwenene. Your good conduct and example as a Christian youth, along with the courageous stand you took regarding holidays, did not go unnoticed. So even poor ones were willing to offer sacrifices. Sokuhova, twa hepa kulitulira po siruwo sokulironga nokuteda ko kweyi nga rongo Jesus nokurugana mapaparo ntani nokupura mapuro gokuwapera. First, we need to be willing to take the time to study and meditate on what Jesus said, to do the necessary research, and to ask the appropriate questions. These are three: (1) Seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness. Nkedi zimwe kuna kara pokurerupikira wopeke mokukuhedera va ku hundire egusiro po. One way to do so is to make it easy for others to seek your forgiveness. Do you have zeal for the good news? Apa nga purakene muntu, muzuvhisi nga tura po ekwateko lyesupi lyosiuyungwa soBibeli ano konyima nga sigire muntu yimbapiratjangwa. If the householder agreed to listen, the publisher would play a short Bible talk and then offer some literature. 17, 18. (a) What might we ask ourselves about our spiritual goals? (b) Yisinke natu ka zogera mosirongwa esi? (b) What will this article consider? SONGS: 24, 16 - 16 (Epis. 36: 9) Yipo nye, nsene Mukriste ana hara kulipopera mwene ndi yiweka yendi ga hepa kunyokera po kurugana eyi nayi twaredesa a ture unzoni wokudipaga muntu. - Deut. Hence, if a Christian chooses to take reasonable measures to defend himself or his property, he would do everything in his power to avoid taking a human life and becoming bloodguilty. - Deut. PAGE 27 • SONGS: 129, 63 Vapositoli vendi kwa litatanene asi yilye gomunene po pokatji kawo. Jesus was in the district of Galilee when difficulties arose. If we are alone, we can learn about these women by personal study. Ya ha ku tetukisa konyima zomazuva apa mudinkantu ogo nga ruganesa magano goge, nokuganinka ngwendi gendi. Do not be surprised if in a few days, your teenager has swung around to your viewpoint - perhaps even claiming it as his own. Psalm 40: 8 explains Jesus ' feelings: "To do your will, O my God, is my delight. " Kuhamena yidwara, kuvhura tu lirongere ko yoyinzi " konombya domosanzara. ' In this case, we can learn a lot from the appearance of "the lilies of the field. " " This is the one that you remember, and it came to declare my covenant. ' Momazuva gaPaurusa, pwa kere madiro kulizuvha mombungakriste. In the first century, an issue arose over which there was much disputing. 22: 36 - 40. Eyi kutanta nye asi vamwe kapi ava gwana nondya edi va hepa yipo va kare nelikwatakano lyewa naKarunga ndi? Does this mean that some miss out on receiving the food they need to remain spiritually healthy? Moses ' words touched Moses and strengthened his faith! ndi kapi ngau wiza Never Jesus told the Christians in Ephesus: "Now that I have affection for you, let your love for me grow first. " 110: 1. 110: 1. The Bible says that after the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, some will oppose Jehovah's sovereignty. Vakareli vaKarunga vanaina nawo kuparuka kuliza neligawo lyawo. God's modern - day servants also live up to their dedication to him. ● "There is no evidence that Jesus was here. " Jehova kwa hara vantu ntani mpango zendi kovantu wovalimburukwi kuna hara asi va paruke kuliza nositambo sendi. Jehovah loves people, and it is his will that obedient humans live the way he intended. 2: 19. Malizuvho gena na kere nago kwa kere ngwendi kuna kutantera Jehova asi: " Kapi to vhuru kuhara nge. Yet, I was, in effect, saying to him: " Your love is not great enough to reach me. He listens to the prayers of people who persecute them. 3: 16) Ngano eharo lyaJesus lyokulizambera li tu tumangede nose tu likide elizambero, ndi ngapi? Should not Jesus ' self - sacrificing love evoke an appreciative response in us? Later, some Jews thought that it would take care of all the male lamb that would be brought to the temple. * Kaume kendi Filipusa kwa mu tanterere asi age ana mono Mesiyasa, "Jesus gomoNasareta, munwaJosefa. " * His friend Philip told him that he thought he had found the Messiah - "Jesus, the son of Joseph, from Nazareth. " If he does not want to make peace with others, he also makes serious mistakes. - Prov. 29: 29; read Leviticus 5: 1. ▪ Honena uradi nounongo waJesus ▪ Imitate Jesus ' Courage and Discernment How do Isaiah 40: 11 describe Jehovah? NgaGuhya geharo, Jehova yipo ga kere ntani yipo nga kara mokupopera vantu vendi. As a loving Father, Jehovah has been, is, and always will be there for his people. Some say that they have come to believe in God. (Mar. 14: 24) Yimo, honde zaJesus kwa ya " tjikangerere wovanzi edongonono lyononzo. ' Yes, Jesus ' blood would be "poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. " See the April 15, 2013, issue of The Bible Students in World War I, in which they endured "the most difficult times " in The Watchtower of May 15, 2013. (Gar. 6: 16) Morwa etungiko lyaJehova, ekuro kuna kutwikira mokupongaika emukurumbunga. Because of Jehovah's blessing over the years, the increase continues with the gathering of the great crowd. They were determined to do the work Jesus gave them. Ezuva limwe oguhwe tava mu tumu a twarere kaume kawo mbilive. One day, John's father asked John to deliver an envelope to a friend in the congregation. Aaron and Aaron included the hands of Moses in the region. Sullivan (15 Siwogedi 1965); Klaus Jensen (15 Sikukutu 1969); Max Larson (1 Sitarara 1989); Hugo Riemer (15 Sitarara 1964); ntani Grant Suiter (1 Sitarara 1983). Sullivan; Klaus Jensen; Max Larson; Hugo Riemer; and Grant Suiter. CAN YOU FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? (2 Histoli 32: 7, 8) Konyima, Hisikiya ga ya linenepekere, nye apa ga mu pukwilire Jehova, age ga linunupikire. At one point Hezekiah became proud, but when Jehovah corrected him, he humbled himself. What a fine example for us to set out as we serve Jehovah unitedly as a powerful army! - 1 Cor. Vafe ngava ka va vhumbura monomvhura odo eyovi. The dead will be raised during the thousand years. When you talk with your mate, use gracious words. Ndi nyove mugara, ngapi omu wa diva asi ngo parura mukadoge? " Or, husband, how do you know but that you will save your wife? " If a repentant person is truly repentant, "a heart " and" crushed in spirit, " it is easier for the elders to" speak in a kind way. " Ngapi omu azi rugana DNA moyinamwenyo nayinye eyi? How is DNA common to all these things? The first is about what we can avoid, and the second is why we can do so. Nayinye kukwatesa ko "mukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge " a gave nondya dopampepo kovanavazinyetu uzuni mudima. (Mat. It contributes to helping "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood. Since any amount of time has passed, faith is: When will it be a time for me to keep God's promise to come true? Maria: Kuna kuyikwata egano omu ono kulizuvha. Michelle: Your feelings and questions are understandable. Jesus fulfilled a great act of self - sacrifice when he was resurrected to heaven. Guhya gomoAustralia apa munwendi ga kere nonomvhura murongo kwa mu twere va ka dingure nzugopungwiro zoyininke yanare yipo munwendi a nkondopeke epuro lyendi mwaKarunga kupitira mounsitwe. When his son was about ten years old, a father in Australia took advantage of a visit to a museum to help his son to strengthen his faith in God and in creation. They have the responsibilities of belonging to him. Apa ga ya sikire Ndafita, Jehova ta tantere Samwere asi: " Mu gwaveka, morwa yige googo. ' When David arrived, though, Jehovah told Samuel: "Anoint him, for this is the one! " physical health and emotional health. - Psalm 37: 8; Proverbs 17: 22. Konyima zokupuragera vanona wovanzi, vatjangi wobuke For Parents Only kwa dimbwilire hena silimbikiso simwe seuyungokumwe. After conducting many interviews with young people, the authors of the book For Parents Only noted another barrier to communication. For Life and Peace Nsene ono kwara, li kare asi etokoro lyedona ndi lyewa, ayo ngayi kundama eparu lyoge nalinye. And once married, for better or for worse, you are bound to your mate for life. He took time to meditate on such matters. Morwasinke natu harera Karunga? Why should we love Jehovah? Why should we not be discouraged if we make mistakes, and what help does Jehovah give us? Yipo nye, nampili woruhepo nawo ngava gava nonzambo nehafo. Thus, even the poor could joyfully sacrifice to Jehovah. (b) How can parents and children prepare for this process? Ado kwa kara ntatu: (1) Hova tanko kupapara Untungi waKarunga nouhungami wendi. Three are (1) Seek first God's Kingdom and his righteousness. Jehovah can solve this challenge, for "he heals the brokenhearted, and he heals their wounds. " Ove wa kara noupampi mokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa ndi? Do you zealously preach the good news? Such sacrifices were likened to making it easier for the other person to flee. 17, 18. (a) Yisinke natu lipura kuhamena yitambo yetu yopampepo? 17, 18. (a) What might we ask ourselves about our spiritual goals? And children, be obedient to your parents, for he loves God. MARUSUMO: 24, 52 10 - 16 Murongagona 2011 23 Draw Close to God - A "Hearer of Prayer " At that convention, Brother Knorr said that God's people needed a new Bible translation and understood a simple language that would help them learn the truth. EPENUNO 27 • MARUSUMO: 129, 63 PAGE 27 • SONGS: 129, 63 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, haughty, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, disobedient to parents, having no natural affection, not open to parents. Nsene nyoselike twa kara, kuvhura tu lironge kuhamena vakadi owo melirongo lyanyamwetu. If we live alone, we can consider such subjects when we do our personal study. 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. Episarome 40: 8 kwa faturura malizuvho gaJesus asi: "Ame kuna tokomene po yokurugana eharo lyoge Karunga gwange! " Psalm 40: 8 expresses his feelings: "To do your will, O my God, is my delight. " I feel a lot of sadness, the head of the head, the head, the head of the Lamb. Ntumi ezi muna diworoka kumona, tazi wiza zi ya udise egwanekero lyange. ' Look! He will certainly come, ' Jehovah of armies has said. * He and his friends were so friendly that by quoting people who were used to the hospital. 22: 36 - 40. 22: 36 - 40. His wife, who was studying the Bible with a Witness in her local congregation, noticed her attitude toward her husband. Nonkango edi da kundamene Mosesa nokunkondopeka epuro lyendi! How that revelation must have strengthened Moses ' faith and filled him with awe! What good qualities does he display? Jesus kwa tanterere Vakriste womoEfeso asi: "Nye eyi nina kukuvyuka ko, yeyi yokuzumba eharo lyoge lyokuhara nge moomu wa here nge muhowo. " (Ehor. Speaking to first - century Christians living in Ephesus, the resurrected Jesus Christ said: "I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first. " That was what happened to a brother named Karen. Bibeli kwa tanta asi konyima zEpangero lyoNomumvho Eyovi lyaKristusa, vamwe ngava ka rwanesa upangeli waJehova. (Ehor. The Bible indicates that after the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, some people will choose to rebel against Jehovah's sovereignty. We also need to apply Paul's counsel: "Let the one who thinks that he is standing well, that he should not fall asleep in death. " - 1 Cor. ● "Kapi pwa kara umbangi asi Jesus yipo ga kere. " ● "There is no proof that Jesus existed. " 28 Our Readers Ask... 2: 19. 2: 19. 3: 18. Ogu a zuvhu makanderero kufira nkenda vantu ava aga hepeke maukarelikarunga. The Hearer of prayer feels for the victims of oppressive religion. 2, 3. (a) What will happen to God's people during the "great tribulation "? Konyima, Vajuda vamwe kwa ya gazarere asi ayo ngayi gusa siruwo mokudipaga nonzwigona nadinye edi ngava reta kontembeli. In later times, some Jews thought that it would have taken hours to slaughter all the lambs brought to the temple. What friends do I have with them? Nsene a dira kuyirugana morwa kuhara kutulisa po mbili nomunzoni, nage ngoso kuna kutura nzo. - Yis. 29: 24; resa Levitikus 5: 1. Failure to do this in a mistaken effort to maintain peace with the sinner makes one a party to the wrongdoing. - Lev. 5: 1; read Proverbs 29: 24. How do elders imitate Jesus by taking Christian meetings? Ngapi nonkango domwaJesaya 40: 11 adi singonona Jehova? What does the word picture at Isaiah 40: 11 show us about Jehovah? 8 Questions From Readers Vamwe kulimona asi awo nondunge pokudira kupura mwaKarunga. Others may feel worldly - wise when they say, "I can have high principles without believing in God. " But each family needs to know what to do to help their children strengthen their relationship with Jehovah. Tara sihorokwa soValirongi woBibeli womoBritania poyita yokuhova youzuni mosirongwa "Upungwiro woyininke yanare - Awo kwa lididimikilire mosiruwo " sosidigu ' " moRuhungu 15 Kudumonkuru 2013. See an account of British Bible Students during World War I in the article "From Our Archives - They Stood Firm in an " Hour of Test ' " in the May 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower. SONGS: 65, 48 Awo kwa tokomenene kurugana sirugana esi ga va sigililire Jesus. They do not claim to be inspired, but they are determined to conduct the Lord's "business " on earth. Do not be afraid of him. I see all the bad things I have done. " - Isa. Arona naHuru kwa kwaterere mawoko gaMosesa poyita. Aaron and Hur literally supported Moses ' hands during a battle. What Does the Bible Really Teach? NOVE ya kuhorokera ngwendi Ninfa ndi? CAN you relate to Ninfa? But Jesus always did what was right. 1: 14) Ee, sihonena musi kouwa esi va tu tulira po vaengeli ngomu tuna kukarera Jehova mouumwe ngwendi vakwayita wokudeura nawa! - 1 Kol. Jehovah immediately sent Elijah to speak to Ahab. Nsene to uyunga nomulikwali goge, ruganesa nonkango donongwa. When you speak with your mate, choose your words carefully. His prayers are in harmony with God's will, which makes faith available through Jesus ' name Nsene muntu ana litezurura sili " kedompo mutjima ' ntani " ogu lina pu ehuguvaro ' morwa nonzo dendi, ayo kurerupira vakuronambunga " mokumupukurura pankedi zongwa. ' (Epis. 34: 18; Gar. When someone is truly repentant, "broken at heart " and" crushed in spirit " because of his error, it may not be difficult for elders to "readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness. " (a) Why will the initial part of the great tribulation be used? Rupe rokuhova, kwa hamena mo eyi natu nyokera po, ano rwauvali, eyi nampo natu vhura kurugana. To the first, we say no; to the second, maybe. The Bible says: "The head of a woman is the man. " Mokumona asi nkenye eyi kwa kara nosiruwo sayo, epuro kuna kara asi: Siruwoke ngasi kara siruwo sokuwapukurura, yipo etumbwidiro lyewa lyaKarunga ngali sike mo? Since there is an appointed time for everything, the question that logically arises is, When will that time of renewal come, so that the wonderful promises by God will come true? When the brothers finished his house, he said: "I am so happy! Jesus kwa sikisire mo sirugana sedongwenenopo lyenene konyima apa va mu vhumbwilire meguru. Jesus completed the great act of atonement after being resurrected to heaven. Adam and Eve were the first humans. Vakerubi awo vaengeli va kara nositumbukira sokuzeruka. The cherubs are angels of high rank. He wants us to put forth effort to control our thoughts and feelings. Ukanguki woparutu nou wopamalizuvho. - Episarome 37: 8; Yisewe 17: 22. Emotional and physical health. - Psalm 37: 8; Proverbs 17: 22. The disciple James wrote: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " Kuhama kweyi yopampepo kureta mwenyo nombili For Life and Peace, Walk in Accord With the Spirit One way that parents can help their children to obey their laws is by example. Age kwa litulilire po siruwo sokuteda ko koyininke yangoso. She took time to meditate on such important things. Because faith and love are essential, the Bible writers emphasize many qualities that many times have together. Morwasinke natu dilira kudompa mutjima nsene tu tura mapuko, ntani evatero musinke a gava Jehova? Why should we not get downhearted about our imperfections, and what help does Jehovah provide? But what about her mother and her grandmother? (b) Ngapi omu vakurona novanona nava liwapaikira elitjindjo lyoukaro? (b) How can parents and children meet the challenges of changing circumstances? When will this happen? (Epis. 34: 18) Jehova kuvhura kukohonona po udigu ou, morwa "age kuverura ava va gwa nomutjima, ta dingi yironda yawo. " (Epis. Jehovah is certainly able to deal with this situation, for "he is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " According to the Bible, these are excellent reasons why we should pray. (Num. 35: 11 - 14) Nonzira dokuvyuka koyitata oyo kwa di wapekere nawa yipo a tjwayuke usimbu ogu ana dipaga mukwawo. (Deut. Roads leading to the cities of refuge were kept in good repair. In order to prevent a person from hellfire, the Catholic Church said that he had the authority to confess his sins. Anone vanona, omu limburukwe kovakurona veni mwankenye eyi, yeeyi yimo ga hara Karunga. You children, be obedient to your parents in everything, for this is well - pleasing to the Lord. " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom he appointed over his domestics? " - MATT. Posigongi oso, munazinyetu Knorr kwa tente asi vantu vaKarunga va hepa etoroko lyepe lyoBibeli lyokuvyuka ntani lyoureru kukwata egano ntani eli nali va vatera va lironge usili. At that convention, Brother Knorr said that God's people needed a modern Bible translation that was accurate and easy to understand and one that would help them learn the truth more clearly. It was also foretold prophecy that the Messiah would be buried and would be buried with "the riches of the earth. " - Isa. Yeeyi vantu ngava lihara tupu vene, ngava dowokera yimaliva, ngava lifumadeka, ngava linenepeka, ngava kara woyitjani, kapi ngava zuvha yovakurona vawo, kapi ngava paka mpandu, kapi ngava pongoka. Also, Richard and Bill never thought about serving at Bethel. 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. You can be sure that this is only the case! Ame kulizuvha udwaadwa, nokukora - kora mutwe ntani kulidivara - divara. " I feel listless, experience frequent headaches, and encounter concentration problems. Moreover, people who seek material riches "will bring to themselves many pains. " - 1 Tim. * Age novakaume vendi ngava danene moyihwa, pokutemwinina vantu ava ngava tatere motivi. * He and his friends played in the woods, imitating characters they saw in the movies. Instead, he said that these things would happen "in another place. " Mukadendi, ogu nga lirongo Bibeli noMbangi zomomukunda gwawo, kwa konekere omu nkareso zayendi za rundurukire. His wife, who was studying the Bible with a local Witness, noted her husband's change of attitude. I was shocked when he answered yes, yes! Yikara musinke yoyiwa a likida? What fine qualities does he display? He says: "In the beginning, I found it difficult to learn a new language, such as the disease, the disease, the disease, the disease, and the disease. Oyo yiyo ya horokere kwamunazinyetu gedina Lily. One sister who did that was Lily. (See endnote.) " If they die, the earth will die. " - Psalm 146: 4. 78: 7) Twa hepa kutura hena pasirugana epukururo lyaPaurusa eli asi: "Ogu ana kugazara asi age kuna sikama nawa - nawa, a takamese ga ha liganda. " - 1 Kol. Let us also bear in mind the apostle Paul's admonition: "Let him that thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. " - 1 Cor. At that time, however, the translation of the Bible was very expensive. 17 - 23 Kudumonkuru 2010 21 Draw Close to God - Can God Feel Regret? In 138 C.E., a translation of the Bible became known as Wycliffe's English. 3: 18. 3: 18. Of course, Paul did not believe that the dead would not be resurrected. 2, 3. (a) Yisinke ngayi horokera vantu vaKarunga " poudigu wounene '? 2, 3. (a) What will God's people face during the "great tribulation "? Are You Using the Word of God? Vakaume musinke nina kukara nawo? What about associations? At our baptism, our brothers came to the Bethel family and in the congregation. Ngapi omu vakuronambunga ava honene Jesus pokugendesa mapongo gokukorangeda? How do Christian elders today imitate Jesus ' example in conducting meetings that are a source of refreshment? Such love impressed me so much that rather than look for them, I began to love them. 8 Mapuro gokutunda kovaresi 8 Questions From Readers Whatever your circumstances, you can make Jehovah your share. Nye nkenye epata lya hepa kudiva eyi nava vhura kurugana mokuvatera vana vawo va nkondopeke elikwatakano lyawo naJehova. Of course, it is up to each family to determine what will be most beneficial for the spiritual health of their children. What can we learn from Caleb and Joshua? MARUSUMO: 65, 48 SONGS: 65, 48 " Let us increase our faith " Likuhweni mu likuhure. Hagekeni udona naunye ou nina kumona muna kurugana. " - Jes. Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the badness of your dealings from in front of my eyes; cease to do bad. " - Isa. How would you feel if you noticed that a friend you wanted to remove something that you wanted to do? mobuke Yisinke azi rongo Bibeli? in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? We do well to ask ourselves: Who really is our neighbor? Nye Jesus nkenye apa nga rugana youhunga. Still, Jesus always did the right thing. WHAT GOD'S WORD TEACHES Jehova yipo ga tumine poopo Eliya a ka uyungise Ahaba. Jehovah swiftly dispatched Elijah to confront Ahab. For example, Timothy and Timothy were close friends even though they were in years and see the source of prejudice. Makanderero aga a zuvhu Karunga kwa liza nompango zendi, kugagavera mepuro ntani kupitira medina lyaJesus Timothy recognized that Paul and Barnabas spoke the truth about the Messiah as his mother and grandmother. (a) Morwasinke ngava supipikira ruha rokuhova roudigu wounene? (a) Why will the first part of the great tribulation be cut short? Even though the covenant that Moses built included included the laws that God wrote to the Mount, the covenant Jesus gave to them was far greater than Moses. Bibeli kutanta asi: "Mugara mupangeli gomukadi. " " The head of a woman is the man, " states the Bible. No. Apa vanavazinyetu va mene kuwapukurura nzugo zendi age kwa tente asi: "Na hafa sili unene! After the brothers helped her repair it, she said: "It is indescribable! So let us do our best to help others learn about our loving Father and Friend. Adamu naEva yiwo vantu wokuhova va dilire kulimburukwa. Of course, Adam and Eve were only the first humans to pursue a course of disobedience. We need Jehovah's forgiveness every day. Ntani age kuna tu harere tu kondje mokupangera magazaro nomalizuvho getu. Jehovah tells us that we should work hard to imitate his qualities. When women came to water water water into water, the slave prayed: "O Jehovah,... tells this young woman that you should not eat from your lips and say to you, " If you do not eat from your lips, ' and " You do not know that I may not know that I am your servant of Isaac. ' " - Gen. Murongwa Jakopo kwa tjenge asi: "Opo muna kara, ntene pweli ogu ga pira nondunge, a di hundire kwaKarunga ogu a pe navenye neharo lyewa ga hana mutjimakoka, makura ta di mu pe. " The disciple James wrote: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " Another idea that after the destruction of Jerusalem in Jerusalem, "there is no need to hear the name of God that he hears his garments, for he does not need to change all his garments. " Nkedi zimwe omu vakurona nava vatera vana vawo va limburukwe konoveta dawo kuna kara kupitira mosihonena. One way parents can help their young ones to obey the rules they make is by example. Years later, a man of self - control began to treat his wife in a kind way because of love and respect. Morwa epuro neharo kwa kara nomulyo, vatjangi woBibeli woVakriste kwa nkondopeka yikara eyi kumwe yikando yoyinzi. Because of the importance of faith and love, Christian Bible writers highlighted these qualities together multiple times, often in the same sentence or phrase. " He was moved by God " Nye ngapi kuhamena ozina ntani ozinakuru? What about Timothy's mother and grandmother? What a privilege that is! 13: 43) Siruwoke ntani kupi ngayi ka horokera eyi? When and where will that be? Jehovah wants to help us avoid grieving his spirit. Kuliza noBibeli, odo kuna kara nokonda domulyo deyi natu kandererera. According to the Bible, those are all valid reasons to pray. 5: 22, 23. Mokukandana asi muntu kapisi a ze momundiro gwanarunye, Ngereka zoVakatolika kwa hepa asi muntu a tongonone nonzo dendi kwamuruti, ogu ava gazarere asi ga kara nononkondo dokudongonona po nonzo. For someone to be spared such a destiny, the Catholic Church requires that sins be confessed to a priest, who they claim has the power to absolve them. Illustrate. " Yilye nani mukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge, ogu ga tumbire hekurwendi a kare mutunini govantu vendi? " - MAT. " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics? " - MATT. [ Pictures on page 4] Ayo hena kwa sikisire mo uporofete ou asi Mesiyasa ngava mu vhumbika kumwe " novanangawo. ' - Jes. Burying Jesus in Joseph's own future tomb was a generous gesture on Joseph's part and fulfilled the prophecy that the Messiah would be buried "with the rich. " - Isa. Why can we imitate the example of Lot? Ntani Richard naBill kapi va gazadarere ko rumwe kurugana koBeteli. Neither Richard nor Bill had given any thought to Bethel service. Does this mean that parents should give their children many rules? Kara nehuguvaro asi yiyo tupu kukahoroka! You can be certain of that! Such faith helped a sister to think about before he did something. Ntani hena, vantu ava ava papara ungawo " kulizweka vene momaruhodi gomanzi. ' - 1 Tim. Moreover, those who avidly pursue riches usually " stab themselves all over with many pains. ' - 1 Tim. See paragraphs 10 of the book Draw Close to Jehovah. Nye, age kwa tente asi yininke oyo ngayi horoka "pomavega peke - peke. " Rather, he stated that these would occur "in one place after another. " In an effort to overcome violence, people need to change their attitude. Na tukukire apa ga limbwilire asi, nhi! I was surprised when he said yes! We may not receive discipline, but what type of clay is available in the hands of our Potter? Age kwa tanta asi: "Pomuhowo nga yi digopere nge kulironga eraka ntani kuyika mukaro mpepo gomosirongo oso, nokulidimikira mauvera ngwendi malaria amuba ntani mauvera aga adi reta nokime. She relates: "At first, I struggled to learn the local language, to adjust to the humid climate, and to cope with malaria, amoebas, and parasitic worms. He wants all his followers to do the same. " Nsene vana fu, kusitunuka evhu; ezuva olyo yigazo yawo nayinye tayi va pu. " - Episarome 146: 4. " His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish. " - Psalm 146: 4. Although angels have authority and power, there are other things they do not know. - Mark 13: 32; 1 Peter 1: 12. Nye posiruwo sina vantu womoIngiranda kapi va kere noNobibeli morwa kutjangurura nokunduruka noBibeli kwa kere ndiro unene. Why not? For one thing, most could not afford to own a Bible, as copies were handwritten and very expensive to produce. No. Momvhura 1382, Bibeli zoRuingilisa ezi za ya divikwire asi Wycliffe kwa zi pwagesere. In 1382, the English translation later known as the Wycliffe Bible was produced. Instead of rebelling against the Israelites, the Israelites made peace with them. Yimo, Paurusa kapi ga pulire asi vafe kapi ngava va vhumbura. Of course, Paul himself did not believe that death meant an eternity of oblivion. Some gifts are precious because they make great sacrifices. Ove kuyiruganesa ndi? Do you use them? Why We Learn From God's Word, Sept. 10: 16) Pekuho lyetu, vanavazinyetu kwa wizire mokambunga nokuponga momusitu. Brothers arrived in small numbers and assembled in the forest. Let us consider some of Jehovah's two qualities, generosity, and justice. Eharo lyangoso kwa kundamene nge unene, mevango lyokuvanyenga tani tameke kuvahara. This love touched me, and my hatred turned into love. Moses refused "the temporary enjoyment of sin " and" the riches of Egypt. " Yi kare asi ukaro musinke ono kuligwanekera nawo, ove kuvhura kuninka Jehova a kare upingwa woge. No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can let God be your share. But parents who serve God may ask themselves, " Do I know that my son has made progress, but does he not allow himself to be able to break away from Jehovah's eyes? ' Yisinke natu lirongera ko kwaKarebu naJosuwa? What can we learn from Joshua and Caleb? 20, 21. " Tu gwederera ko kepuro lyetu " " Give Us More Faith " The Bible says: "The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " Ngapi no lizuvha nsene no dimburura asi mukweni ogu wa hara kwa lininkisire nositambo sokukugusa ko koyininke eyi wa hara? How would you feel if you found that a supposed friend was an impostor, interested only in diverting you from your best interests? 12, 13. Ya wapa kulipura asi: Yilye mwene ogo mukwetu? Thus, we do well to ask: Who really is our neighbor? For example, there were questions about the new covenant that was applied at Pentecost. MATOKORO AGA GA TULIRE PO HOMPAGONA GWAEGIPITE THE CHOICES OF AN EGYPTIAN PRINCE POPULATION Pasihonena, nage naTimoteusa kwa kere vakaume wovanene nampili ngomu va lisigire monomvhura ntani monontundiliro. For instance, he and Timothy became close friends despite a difference in age and background. Above all, they were loved by Jehovah because they loved him. (2 Timoteusa 3: 15) Timoteusa ga yi dimbwilire asi Paurusa naBaranabasa kwa uyungire usili kuhamena Mesiyasa ngwendi ozina nozinakuru. Like his mother and grandmother, he could see that Paul and Barnabas spoke the truth about the Messiah. This is an opportunity to "follow the course of hospitality. " - Rom. 6: 16) Nampili ngomu egwanekero eli ga gwanekedesere Mosesa kwa kwaterere mo noveta edi ga tjenge Karunga pemanya, nye egwanekero eli ga gwanekedesere Jesus kwa pitakanena. While the covenant mediated by Moses included laws written by God on stone, the covenant mediated by Jesus is superior. " You Are My Witnesses ' Hawe. No. " By means of the spiritual paradise, " he replied, "God protects us and protects us from the truth and teaching of the truth. 4: 8) Yipo nye, tu zeni tu rugane paapa twa hulira mokuvatera vakwetu va lironge kuhamena Guhyetu naKaume ketu geharo gemeguru. Let us, therefore, do our utmost to help others to learn about our loving heavenly Father and Friend. His responsibilities increase because he has a family in need of caring for the needs of his family. Twa hepa edongwenenopo lyaJehova nkenye ezuva. We need Jehovah's forgiveness every day. 97: 10. Apa vakadi va wizire petope va ya vhete mema, mukareli kwa kanderere asi: "HOMPA..., ano mukadona ogu nani tantera asi, " Ko hegumwisa si kavaza koge ni nwe mo, ' nye a tante asi, " Nwa mo, nonongameru doge nado nani di vhetagwira, ' ngano yige nye ogu ono horowere mukereli goge Isaka. Nsene yi kara po eyi, ntani ni diva asi ono sikisa mo etumbwidiro lyahekurwange. " - Gen. As women drew water at a certain well, the servant prayed: "Jehovah..., what must occur is that the young woman to whom I shall say, " Let your water jar down, please, that I may take a drink, ' and who will indeed say, " Take a drink, and I shall also water your camels, ' this is the one you must assign to your servant, to Isaac; and by this let me know that you have performed loyal love with my master. " - Gen. These include people who claim to serve Jehovah but who do not obey him. Ano egano limwe eli va tulisire po konyima lyezonaguro lyontembeli zomoJerusarema, kwa tanta asi "nkenye ogu ana kuzuvha edina lyaKarunga kuna kuliswaura kapisi hepero kutaura yikoverero yendi, morwa kuvhura a mane kutavagura yikoverero yendi nayinye. " Another rabbinic opinion postdating the destruction of Jerusalem's temple, however, stated that "he who hears the Divine Name blasphemed nowadays need not rend his garments, for otherwise one's garments would be reduced to tatters. " What warning can we benefit from Solomon's warning example? Konyima zonomvhura dononzi, mugara gwaOlga kwa ya tamekere kutekura mukadendi monkedi zongwa morwa edidimikiro nefumadeko lyamukadendi. After many years, Olga's husband started to treat her better because she had been so patient and always showed him respect. 8: 3; Gal. " Age kwa za Karunga komutjima " " He Had Pleased God Well " How is prayer related to God's undeserved kindness? Ano azo mfumwa sili! What an honor! Ask them questions. Jehova kuna hara kutuvatera mokunyokera po kuguvisa mpepo zendi. Jehovah is willing and able to help us avoid grieving his spirit. Then he saw seven men taking up "the weapons of the weapons. " 5: 22, 23. 5: 22, 23. Jesus, the Son of God, was humble when he prayed. Gava sihonena. Illustrate. What examples of self - control and self - control have been mentioned in the Bible? [ Karata / Mafano pepenuno 4] [ Map / Pictures on page 4] The demons are the angels who rebel against God's rule from creation onward. Morwasinke natu kwamena sihonena saGaiyusi? Why do we want to imitate Gaius ' example today? Our Leader receives a zealous Leader (Efe. 6: 1, 4) Ngoso kutanta asi vakondi va hepa kupa vana vawo noveta dononzi ndi? Does this mean that parents should make sure that a child has a long list of dos and don'ts? As a pioneer, I always experience Jehovah's support. Epuro lyangoso lya vaterere munazinyetukadi Leigh a gazadare ko komeho a rugane yuma. A sister named Leigh found that considering this question helped her to think before acting. By your example, show your children that the most important thing in life is our relationship with Jehovah. - Matt. Tara paragarafu 10 egaununo 26 lyobuke Draw Close to Jehovah. See paragraph 10 in chapter 26 of the book Draw Close to Jehovah. PARTIES: Jehovah and David Mokuhaga po nyanya vantu va hepa kurundurura nkareso zawo. A lasting solution to violence ultimately involves people - their attitudes and behavior. The Bible warns them to avoid anything that could cause them to lose life. Kuvhura tu dire kugwana episuro, nye sipako musinke serova tuna hara kukara mokuwoko koMuhongi gwetu goMunene? We may not need that same discipline, but what type of clay will we prove to be in the hands of the Great Potter? Second, God makes up the total number of those who will live in Paradise on earth under Christ's Messianic Kingdom. Age kwa harera vasikuli vendi navenye va rugane yokulifana. And he expects all of his followers to do the same. For example, the website, "For Young People, " published by Jehovah's Witnesses, will help you learn Bible accounts. Nampili ngomu vaengeli va kara nononkondo ntani nondunge unene, nye koyili yininke yimwe va dira kudiva. - Marukusa 13: 32; 1 Peturusa 1: 12. Despite their higher mental and spiritual powers, angels have limitations, and there are some things they do not know. - Matthew 24: 36; 1 Peter 1: 12. When Persian King Artaxerxes asked why he was sad, Nehemiah "was inspired of God in the heavens. " No. No. Make wise decisions and focus on the importance of preaching (See paragraph 17) Mevango lyokurwanesa Vaisraeli, Vangibiyoni kwa tulisire po mbili nawo. Instead of fighting the Israelites, the Gibeonites wanted to make peace with them. Their well - trained car does not turn away. Mauhwi gamwe mulyo morwa mugavi kutura po elizambero lyenene. Some gifts are precious because they represent a great sacrifice made by the giver. As a result, he was happy and continued his ministry. Morwasinke natu " vangararera '?, July Exercise Your Faith in Jehovah's Promises, Oct. Her attitude distracted her relationship with Jehovah. Ngesi tatu ka konakona yikara yimwe yivali yaJehova, ugavi nougomoki. Let us now consider two more of Jehovah's endearing qualities - his generosity and his reasonableness. I refused to leave him and told him: "I am not ready to understand, but I am ready to die. Mosesa kwa nyokere "yokuhafera karuwogona mononzo " ntani " nougawo naunye waEgipite. ' Moses rejected "the temporary enjoyment of sin " and" the treasures of Egypt. " Brother Knorr said that something was the first thing he was going to rent a house and put it on it. Nye vakurona ava ava karere Karunga kuvhura va lipure asi: " Nina yi diva asi munwange ga tura po ezokomeho, nye age ana pama mokuvhura kunyokera po makondjeso goyirugana yokunyata nokukara ana zere kosipara saJehova ndi? ' Yet, godly parents may wonder, " I know that my child has made good progress, but is he strong enough to resist immoral pressures and remain clean before Jehovah? ' Sometimes I invite me to offer talks from our local congregations. 20, 21. 20, 21. Although people do not respect his name, Jehovah has waited patiently for the right time when he does. Bibeli kutanta asi: "HOMPA yige a takamesa uzuni mudima, age kugava nonkondo kwa navenye ava ava hama kwendi nomutjima nagunye. " (2 Hist. The Bible says: "The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " The congregation has been formed for only one year! 12, 13. 12, 13. What suggestions have you considered in this article? Pasihonena, pwa kere mapuro gokuhamena egwanekero lyepe eli lya kere pasirugana poPentekoste. For example, there were questions about the new covenant that had gone into effect on that day of Pentecost. What will help us to decide what about our dress and grooming? SIVARO SOVATUNGIMO POPULATION Could a person be harsh or cruel? Unene po, awo kwa karerere Jehova morwa va mu here. Most important, their motive for serving Jehovah was pure. Even those who do not serve Jehovah agree with this fact: "There is good news among you. " Ezi kuna kara mpito zongwa " mokutambura vagenda. ' - Rom. This would be a fine way to "follow the course of hospitality. " - Rom. However, I learned that in the Bible, God hates those who worship him "with pure worship, " and" the love of the true God. " " One nyone Nombangi dange ' " You Are My Witnesses " In such situations, we view a person in accord with our thoughts and feelings. Age kwa limbwilire asi: "Moparadisa zopampepo, Karunga kutukunga nokutupopera nokuturonga usili. He answered: "In the spiritual paradise, God keeps us warm, protects us, and gives us refreshing waters of truth. Today, some may think that such honor exists. Yitumbukira yendi nayo kuligwederera morwa ana kara nepata eli ga hepa kupakera mbili. His duties increase because he has a new family member to care for and provide for. [ Box on page 5] 97: 10. 97: 10. Thus, Noah was falsely persecuted and may have been killed. Eyi kuna kwatere mo vantu ava ava tanta asi kukarera Jehova nye kapi ava mu limburukwa. This includes people who say that they worship Jehovah but choose to disobey him. A husband should think about what might cause his wife to respect him regularly. Erondoro musinke natu gwanena mo mosihonena saSaromo? Will we let Solomon's course be a warning example for us? One child might have the ability to complete the game, and one is well - equipped. 8: 3; Gar. 8: 3; Gal. How can we work together in the ministry, in the congregation, and in the family? Ngapi kukanderera ya likwatakana nonkenda zaKarunga? How is prayer related to God's undeserved kindness? Because the brothers accepted every assignment, they continued to cross the Red Sea. Va pura mapuro yipo va gazadare ko. Stimulate their thinking, keeping their age in mind. Sometimes it may be difficult, especially during difficult times, but remember that discipline does not bring good results. Makura ta mono vagara vatano - nagumwe nkenye ogu kuna simbi "sirwiso. " Then he saw six men who each had a "weapon for smashing in his hand. " I am Jehovah. " - Ex. Jesus, MunwaKarunga, nga linunupike apa nga kanderere. Even God's Son, Jesus, was humble when he prayed. " The word of righteousness " refers to the righteous standards of right and wrong. Yihonena musinke va tumbura moBibeli yava va kere nonkareso zelipangero nava va dilire kukara nazo? What are some Bible examples of self - control and a lack of it? One reference work says that Pharaoh, Pharaoh, "was far more powerful than all intelligent creatures in heaven and on earth. " Nompepo donondona kuna kara vaengeli ava va rwanesere upangeli waKarunga kutundilira pesito lyovantu. Demons are angels who rebelled against God's authority early in man's history. Why can we say that meetings have special meaning for true worship? Mupitisili gwetu gwanaina gomupampi Our Active Leader Today The Bible refers to "the time when death will be brought to nothing. " Ngomuzuvhisi gokukarerera, ame kulimonena nkenye apa evatero lyaJehova. As a pioneer, I have constantly experienced Jehovah's support. (Read John 21: 1, 2, 15 - 17.) Kupitira mosihonena seni, likideni vana veni asi sininke somulyo po meparu kuna kara elikwatakano lyetu naJehova kapisi ungawo. - Mat. By your example, show your children that you truly believe that the greatest wealth we can possess is spiritual, not material. - Matt. And in the future, marvelous things! VAHAMENIMO: Jehova ntani Ndafita PARTIES: Jehovah and David What can we learn from John's vision of the wild beast and the wild beast of Daniel and the ten horns? Bibeli azo kurondora varesi vazo va nyokere po eyi nayi va retera siponga meparu. As with any well - written instruction manual, the Bible alerts readers to practices that may compromise the safe and reliable operation of the "product " - our life. Later, the crowd came to the people who led the priests. Ruha rwauvali, Karunga kuna kupakerera ava ngava ka parukira moParadisa pevhu konhi zoUhompa woUmesiyasa waKristusa. The second stage prepares those who will dwell in Paradise on earth under Christ's Messianic Kingdom. Although the war was far away from our home, we knew that people needed much. Pasihonena, ko - koRuingilisa koruha "Vadinkantu " kugwana ko" Yirongwa yElirongo lyoBibeli " eyi nayi ku vatera o lirongere ko koyihorokwa yomoBibeli. For example, "Bible Study Activities " found on the" Teenagers " section of can help you to learn practical lessons from Bible events. I had a small amount of money at the root of my mother's disease, which affects the children's suffering. 1: 4) Apa Aretaserekesesi ga mu pulire eyi ana guvire, makura Nehemiya ta "kanderere kwaKarunga gemeguru. " (Neh. When Artaxerxes asked him why his face was gloomy, "at once [Nehemiah] prayed to the God of the heavens. " Moreover, the good things he does for his worshippers are " pleased to please him. ' - Prov. Tura po matokoro gomawa nokudemenena komulyo gosirugana sokuzuvhisa (Tara paragarafu 17) Make wise decisions, and keep focused on how urgent the preaching work is (See paragraph 17) Or does it refer to Christians who have the hope of living on earth? Etuwa lyawo kapi ali teka - teka. Their car does not break down. How did the religious leaders respond? 1: 12 - 16) Ngoyitundwamo, age kwa kere noruhafo nokutwikira sirugana sendi sokuzuvhisa. The resulting gratitude that he felt spurred him on in his ministry. " God... will comfort and comfort you as Christ loved you. " - ROM. Nkareso zendi kwa donganesere elikwatakano lyendi naJehova. His habit damaged his relationship with Jehovah. And their treasures, one day, will be passed on to others. - Read Ecclesiastes 2: 8 - 11, 17; 5: 10 - 12. Ame kwa nyokere kusisaina nokumutantera asi: "Ame kapi tupu nina liwapaikire kukwata nge nye hena nina liwapaikire kufa. I refused to sign the paper and told him: "I am ready not only to be bound but also to die. All the brothers were happy, but he was very depressed and started to stand on a tree. Munazinyetu Knorr kwa tente asi sininke sokuhova nga rugana nga zi konzugo zoyiruganeso nokukasimba yidongweneso nokuyitura melimba. Brother Knorr said that the first thing he did was go to the supply room, get the erasers, and put them in his pocket. Yes, preaching the good news can be a challenge. Yiruwo yimwe kuzigida nge ni ka gave yiuyungwa konombungakriste domomukunda gwetu. Sometimes I am invited as a visiting speaker to give Bible talks to other congregations in my area. (For Young People) Why were Jesus ' enemies concerned about washing and drinking? Nampili ngomu vantu ava dili kufumadeka edina lyendi, Jehova kwa ndindira nelididimiko siruwo souhunga apa ngaka rugana ko yuma. Despite the reproach people heap on his name, Jehovah has waited patiently for the right time to act. They do not look for Scriptural reasons for supporting their marriage. Mbungakriste ezi kwa zi totere po mvhura zimwe tupu! After all, the congregation had existed for less than a year! He wanted to strengthen our confidence that God's Kingdom will soon end all human governments. - Dan. Magano musinke tuna zogere mosirongwa esi ono hara kuruganesa? What suggestions discussed in this article do you plan to use? No doubt you will benefit from it. Imitate Jehovah's Close Friends, Feb. YEAR BORN: 1982 Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu tokore mulyo goyilihafeso yetu? How, then, can we determine whether the level of importance that we attach to our entertainment is proper? As part of his relationship with Abraham, Jehovah promised: "By means of your seed all nations will certainly bless themselves. " Kuvhura muntu gonyanya a ya kare gomugomoki ndi? Is it possible for an aggressive person to become meek? According to Romans 8: 22 - 24, what example did Jesus set? Nampili ava ava dili kukarera Jehova va yi kwatesa ko asi: "Yosili Karunga mweli mokatji keni! " Even people who do not worship Jehovah admit: "God is really among you. " Have you heard their invitation? Nye, na lirongere moBibeli asi Karunga kwa nyenga ava ava karere "vakarunga verago, " ntani novantu wokudowokera emona. However, I learned from the Bible that God condemns worshippers of the "god of Good Luck, " as well as greedy persons. Surely we want to imitate these fine examples and accept the invitation to become followers of Christ without delay. Momaukaro gangoso, ose kugazarera muntu kuliza nomagano getu. We are prone to generalize and to judge him on the basis of stereotypes. (a) Why did Satan target ancient Israelites? Naina, vamwe kuvhura va gazare asi olyo efumadeko lya pwa mo. That kind of submission may strike some today as old - fashioned. I was born in 1960, where my mother was 17 years old. " Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him, " 7 / 15 When we dedicate our life to Jehovah, we tell him: "Your life is not in me, but I do not belong to him. " [ Kakende kepepenuno 5] [ Box on page 5] Professor Albert Schroeder, quoted earlier, said that loneliness affects many people, even those who live in large cities. (Heb. 11: 7) Yipo nye, Nowa nage ngava mu rwanesa nokumuswaura ntani nampo ngava mu tjilisa. It stands to reason, therefore, that Noah faced ridicule and opposition, perhaps even threats of violence. 3: 22 - 24. Mugara ga hepa kugazadara ko eyi nayi vhura kuninkisa mukadendi a mu fumadeke nkenye apa. He needs to consider what will bring long - term results. Each of them was referring to the use of a fiery fire on his head. Munona gumwe kuvhura a kare nevhuliko lyoudano wokuduka unene, ano gumwe lyokufaneka nawa. One child may appear to have natural agility or athletic ability, while a sibling seems more at ease with board games or some art or craft. A person who used to get out of his childhood may find it difficult to speak to him. Ngapi omu natu ruganena kumwe mokuzuvhisa, mombungakriste ntani mepata? How can we cooperate with one another in the preaching work, in the congregation, and in the family? As a result, the Israelites died. Morwa vanavazinyetu kwa tambwire yitumbukira nayinye, awo kwa twikilire marungedo gosiponga. Because the brothers accepted all responsibility, for some time others could continue making the increasingly dangerous trips. One way Jehovah has helped me is by means of a fellow Christian. Pamwe kuvhura yi kare udigu kulididimikira, unene po poyiruwo youdigu, nye diworoka asi episuro lyonyanya kapi ali reta yitundwamo yoyiwa. Sometimes your patience will be stretched to the limit, but during the particularly difficult times, always remember that anger - based punishment is usually oppressive, excessive, and counterproductive. For the first two years, we were assigned to train translators in various countries. Nani kapisi nyame HOMPA? " - Ex. Is it not I, Jehovah? " - Ex. 16: 24. MoRuhebeli nomoRugereka nkango "uhungami " kwa tamba kukwaterera konompango douhunga. In Hebrew and Greek, "righteousness " refers to that which is" upright, " implying a strict adherence to moral principles. I sat with five weeks to attend New York City. Buke zimwe kwa tanta asi koVaegipite, Farawo "kwa kere gomunene po mounongo nomononkondo kupitakana yisitwa nayinye yepevhu. " In their eyes, he "surpassed all mundane creatures in wisdom and power, " states the book When Egypt Ruled the East. He said: "Be courageous and strong, all you who trust in Jehovah. " - Ps. Morwasinke natu tantera asi mapongo kwa kara nomulyo moukareli wousili? Why can we say that gathering together is an integral part of true worship? Enjoying upbuilding conversations with a fellow believer, you have a regular study of the Scriptures, accept the suggestions of the faithful and discreet slave, and plan to reach goals. Bibeli kutumbura siruwo esi " ngava ka zonagura po nomfa. ' (1 Kol. Two groups can be mentioned who will come in line to benefit from that. (See endnote.) (Resa Johanesa 21: 1, 2, 15 - 17.) (Read John 21: 1, 2, 15 - 17.) Like Noah, we keep busy in "the work of the Lord. " Ano komeho, yokutetukisa nye unene! Even more thrilling events lie ahead! How can we do so? Yisinke natu lirongera ko kemoneko lyaJohanesa lyosikasama lyonomutwe ntano - nambali neli lyaNdaniyera lyosikasama sonombinga murongo ntani nefatururo lyaNdaniyera lyosinhwi sefano lyenene? What can we learn by comparing John's vision of the wild beast, Daniel's account of the fearsome beast that had ten horns, and Daniel's interpretation of the immense image? It must have been like the sound that must have been heard from Jerusalem's walls and from the north of Jerusalem. - Matt. Konyima yipo za wizire mbunga zovantu ezi va pitisilire varuti. Then came the procession led by priests. King David was told to tell him about the bones of Saul. Nampili ngomu yita ya karerere ure nembo lyetu, ose twa yi divire asi vantu kwa hepere unene. Although we lived hundreds of miles from the front lines, the horrors of the war left a deep impression on us. If you have a family, consider what we can learn from Enoch's faith. " Jews were known to put scrolls containing Scripture in pitchers or jars in order to preserve them, " says New Testament scholar Philip W. The Truth in the garden of Eden Ame na kere nojuvenile polyarthritis, uvera womoyisupa ou au kundama vanona. Juvenile polyarthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that affects children. On the other hand, Jesus had a beard according to the Jewish tradition. (1 Hist. 16: 27) Ntani hena, yininke yoyiwa eyi ava sikisa mo vakareli vendi " kumuhafesa. ' - Yis. Furthermore, the good things that are being accomplished by his servants make "[Jehovah's] heart rejoice. " - Prov. The Bible shows that circumstances can cause people to do things that they do not think. Ndi kwa tamba hena koVakriste ava va kara nehuguvaro lyokuparukira pevhu? Or does it also speak to Christians who hope to live on earth? After 50 years of pioneer service, we still have our savings! Yisinke va rugene vampitisili womaukarelikarunga? How did the clergy react to Wycliffe and his movement? (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) " Karunga gedidimiko nogu gehengagwido ngano ta mu pe malizuvho mokatji keni moomu ga yi harera Jesus Kristusa. " - ROM. " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort. " - 2 COR. Our work as Jehovah's people shows that we have a strong desire to serve God with a complete heart. Ntani ugawo wawo, ezuva limwe ngava u pinga wopeke. - Resa Muudisi 2: 8 - 11, 17; 5: 10 - 12. Moreover, their riches will one day go to others. - Read Ecclesiastes 2: 8 - 11, 17; 5: 10 - 12. Let us imagine that Anthony is one of Jehovah's Witnesses in the home of a man named Cameron. Vanavazinyetu navenye kwa hefe, nye age kwa guvire unene nokukasikama gelike mositji. He was the most miserable looking person there, standing alone in the shade of a small tree, forlorn among thousands of joyful brothers. 121: 1 - 3. Yimo, kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa kuvhura kukara udigu. It is true that preaching the good news can be a challenge. It says that there is no mountain that could cause a person to see all the kingdoms of this world. (Hes 37), July Morwasinke nonkore daJesus da lipakerere sinka kuhamena kulikuhwa komawoko? Like Satan, Satan also allowed bad desires and desires to fall short of his kingship with no responsibility. Awo kapi ava papara nokonda da hana asi doPatjangwa va teze po nonkwara dawo. They do not seek an unscriptural way out of a difficult marriage. The teaching of the apostles is the most important doctrine of the Catholic Church, such as their teachings, their teachings, or social status. (Rom. 15: 4) Age kwa here kunkondopeka ehuguvaro lyetu asi Uhompa waKarunga ntaantani ngau ka zonagure po mapangero nagenye govantu. - Ndan. He did so to strengthen our hope that soon his Kingdom will crush all human governments. - Dan. When Saul returned home, he knows what to do. - 1 Samuel 9: 17 - 27; 10: 1. Yosili, ove ngo gwanena mo uwa. (Efe. Yes, your showing compassion will benefit you. 43: 14. MVHURA ZEHAMPURUKO: 1982 YEAR BORN: 1982 Ask yourself: Does this training or employment make it easier for me to take part in Jehovah's service or to take me away from him? 6: 18; 9: 8 - 17; 15: 18; 17: 1 - 9) Ngoruha rwelikwatakano lyendi naAbirahamu, Jehova kwa tumbwidilire asi: "Moruvharo roge yimo ngava tungikira nombunga nadinye domouzuni. " (Gen. As part of his covenant with Abraham, Jehovah had promised: "By means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves. " Just as many in West Africa were doing in West Africa, he took a drink and put it in his bag. Kuliza naLevitikus 8: 22 - 24, sihonena musinke ga tulisire po Jesus? In line with Leviticus 8: 22 - 24, what example did Jesus set? In time, a change came. Wa zuvha ezigido lyawo lyokutetukisa ndi? Have you heard their thrilling invitation? 40: 29 - 31. Yosili tuna hara kutemwinina yihonena yoyiwa yovarongwa owo ntani nokutambura nononkondo ezigido lyokukara musikuli gwaKristusa twa hana kulikata - kata. (Heb. We surely want to imitate the fine examples of those disciples and respond eagerly and without reservation. Jehovah established the Law covenant to fulfill that promise. (Gava yihonena.) (b) Morwasinke Satana ga di tapararere Vaisraeli? (Give examples.) (b) Why did Satan have special reason to target ancient Israel? Says Roald: "We spend much time in preaching in a small village than we did. Ame kwa hampuruka nge momvhura 1960, awo onane nomvhura dawo 17. My mother was 17 when I was born in 1960. We feel that by means of our conduct, we can help people to come to know Jehovah's ways. Apa atu ligava kwaJehova, ose kumutantera asi: "Eparu lyange koge lya hamena, kapisi kwange. " When we dedicate our life to Jehovah, we say to him, "My life belongs to you, not me. " May your love for God and your mate move you and your children to reach out for spiritual responsibilities. Profesora Alberto Oliverio kwa tente asi mukuma kukundama vantu wovanzi, nampili ava va tunga moyitata yoyinene. " Loneliness is a very common condition, " says Professor of Psychobiology Alberto Oliverio, and "there is no doubt that life in large built - up areas facilitates isolation. However, it does not mean that a husband does not qualify for privileges in the congregation. 3: 22 - 24. 3: 22 - 24. The Septuagint helped non - Jews to understand what the Bible teaches. Nkenye gumwe kwa mu temberere maraka gomundiro pomutwe gwendi. Each of them had what looked like a flame on his head. And God understands our feelings. 4: 25) Muntu ogu ga yika kukumbangera nampo kwa yi gusa kutundilira unona wendi, age kuvhura yi mu digopere mokutameka kuuyunga yosili. A person who is accustomed to lying, perhaps having started when he was a child, may find it hard to start speaking truth. Regardless of the challenges you face in preaching the good news, you can be confident that Jehovah can help you to conquer you. Ngoyitundwamo, Vaisraeli 24 000 kwa fire. As a result, 24,000 perished at Jehovah's hand. He also strives to "become imitators of God. " 41: 10) Nkedi zimwe omu Jehova ga vatera nge kuna kara pokupitira mevatero lyoVakriste vakwetu. One of the foremost ways that Jehovah has helped me is by means of the support of fellow Christians. This fosters love and security among God's people. - Ezek. Monomvhura mbali dokuhova odo twa kere mosirugana oso, kwa tu pere sirugana sokudeura vatoroki moyirongo yokulisiga - siga. During the two years or so that we were in Translation Services, we were assigned to help train translation teams in various countries. What are some ways that we would like to follow the crowd? 16: 24. 16: 24. Bad associations can mislead you from obeying Jehovah, but good ones will help you to obey him. Ame kwa rondere mosikepa kumwe noVaaustralia vatano morugendo royivike ntazimwe tu ze kositata saNew York. Before long, I was boarding a ship with five other Australians for a six - week voyage to New York City. I have every reason to rejoice because I am close to God, for I am close to Sarah. Age kwa tente asi: " Kwateni nomutjima, namuvenye ava mwa huguvara HOMPA. ' - Epis. " May your heart be strong, " he said, "all you who are waiting for Jehovah. " - Ps. In other countries, publishers thought about moving to Ghana to serve where the need is greater. Hafera nonzogera dekorangedo kumwe nogu ono kuzuvhisa nage, kara nelirongo lyanyamooge nkenye apa, tambura magano gomukareli gokulimburukwa gonondunge, ntani litulira po yitambo eyi no sikisa mo. Have encouraging conversations with your preaching partner, make your personal study regular and meaningful, try the suggestions of the faithful and discreet slave, and set reasonable goals. The pain the Messiah experienced was temporary. (Mateusa 24: 21; resa Jeremiya 25: 32, 33.) Why did he warn them? Ngwendi Nowa, ose kulitura mo tu kare "nomupampi moyirugana yaHompa. " Like Noah, we strive to have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " 4: 6, 7; 2 Cor. Ngapi omu natu yi rugana oyo? How can we do that? BIBLE STUDIES Ayo kwa fene ngwendi malirankali gena kwa zuvhikire nomoRama ezi za kere koMuzogo gwaJerusarema. - Mat. It was as if those cries could be heard as far as Ramah, on the north side of Jerusalem. - Matt. [ Pictures on page 26] Hompa Ndafita kwa mu tanterere nombudi doyimpempa kuhamena Mefiboseti mutekurwaSauru. King David was given faulty information about Saul's grandson Mephibosheth. Jesus began talking with him about the matter, and then he changed the conversation with a spiritual person. Nsene wa kara nepata konakona eyi no lirongera ko kwaHenoka. If you are providing for a family, consider what you can learn from the faith of Enoch. The Bible contains visions that help us to know what is in heaven. Nompata doupangeli mosikunino saEdeni The Issue in the Garden of Eden Show loyal love for your fellow believers Mokulisiga noVaroma, Jesus ga kere nononzwedu kuliza nompo zoVajuda. Jesus wore a beard, as was customary among Jews in contrast to Romans. Marriage and marriage are some difficult situations that can make a person happy. Bibeli za yi likida asi nomukaro donondigu kuvhura kuninkisa vantu va rugane pamwe eyi vana dili kugazara. The Bible acknowledges that at times people feel driven by force of circumstance to do what they otherwise would not do. 3 - 5. (a) What challenges did Paul experience in Lystra? Konyima zonomvhura 50 domosirugana souzuvhisi wosiruwo nasinye, simpe ha twa karera noyimaliwa eyi twa pungwire! After 50 years of pioneer service, we still have our savings left! If an elder gives you counsel on how to overcome dangers, he accepted them. (Resa 1 Vakolinte 10: 13.) (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Yirugana yetu youpampi ngovantu vaJehova kulikida asi twa kara neharo lyenene lyokuruganena Karunga nomutjima nagunye. Our zealous activities as Jehovah's people show that we have, indeed, a deep desire to serve God with a complete heart. " No, but God has told us that what is good is. Tu tante asi Anthony gumwe goNombangi daJehova kuna zi membo lyomugara gedina Timo. Let us imagine that a Witness named Anthony has come to the home of a man named Tim. However, Abraham, however, moved to Benin. 121: 1 - 3. 121: 1 - 3. Also consider ways in which we can be holy in all our conduct. Aro kwa tanta asi kapi pwa kara ndundu zonde unene ezi nazi ninkisa muntu a mone mauntungi nagenye gomouzuni. It said that there is no mountain that is high enough for someone to be able to see all the kingdoms of the world. Think of some adjustments in our publications. Ngwendi Satana, nage ga pulisilire madowo gomadona momutjima gwendi yiyo ga tamekere kudovaukira upangeli woguhwe ou wa dilire kumutumbukira. In time, however, like Satan, he let greedy ambition fill his heart, for he began to covet his father's throne, to which he was not entitled. Enoch foretold that the world of ungodly men will be destroyed. Erongo lyokupinganena po vapositoli yilyo lyomulyo koVakatolika, morwa marongo gawo aga ga moneka ngwendi kwa vyuka ndi gokudira kuvyuka kwa korera merongo olyo. No wonder that for many Catholics the teaching of apostolic succession is the most important teaching, since the correctness or incorrectness of other Catholic teachings hinges on it! 13 The Praetorian Guard received a testimony witness Apa ga ka tengwire Sauru, age ana diva eyi na ka rugana. - 1 Samwere 9: 17 - 27; 10: 1. After that, Saul left, ready for what would happen next. - 1 Samuel 9: 17 - 27; 10: 1. How much love do we have for Jehovah? 43: 14. 43: 14. It is vital that we continue to study God's Word, apply it, strengthen our relationship with God, and strengthen our relationship with him, as we get closer to the great tribulation! Lipura asi: Edeuro ndi yirugana eyi nina hara ngayi pa nge mpito ni lihameke moyirugana yaJehova ndi ngayi gusa nge ko kwendi? Would training and employment in the field that you are considering allow you to pursue Kingdom interests more fully, or would it distance you from Jehovah? As Jesus ' disciples, we are commanded to preach. Ngwendi moomu ava yi rugana sinzi sovantu womoyirongo yokoUtokero waAfrika, age kwa yi menge makura ta yi tura mondjato zendi. In typical West African fashion, she bundled the bills and stuffed them into her bag. Jesus also encouraged his disciples to "keep seeking first God's righteousness. " Mwaza siruwo, tapa wiza erunduruko. Before long, things began to improve. Why? 40: 29 - 31. 40: 29 - 31. What did David entreat Jehovah? 22: 18) Jehova kwa tulisire po Veta zegwanekero zokusikisa mo etumbwidiro eli. The Law covenant was a further development of this promise. When you began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, you may have felt like someone seeking gold. Roald kwa tanta asi: "Ose kuruganesa siruwo sosinzi ngepata mokuzuvhisira momukunda ogu kupitakana omu ngatu yi rugana moBergen. Roald says: "We spend much more time together as a family in this isolated area than we did in Bergen. We realize that we do not have the right to make some choices and that there is nothing we can do. (1 Kol. 11: 1) Ose kulizuvha mfumwa asi kupitira monkareso zetu kuvhura tu vatere vantu va dive omu ga kara Jehova. What a wonderful privilege we have of helping people to see Jehovah in the way we conduct ourselves! Later, the sister stopped serving Jehovah and moved to worship the young man who had married her. Ngano eharo lyoge lyokuhara Karunga nomulikwali goge ntani novana woge, li ku tumangede o sikise mo yitumbukira yoge yopampepo. Let your love for God, for your marriage mate, and for your children move you to fulfill your spiritual responsibility to your family. When we imitate Jesus by using the right questions, we find the best way to help people reject the good news and teach them to benefit from it. Nampili ngoso, kapi ayi tanta asi mugara ureru kugwana yitumbukira mombungakriste. However, men do not automatically qualify for privileges in the congregation. The love we have among ourselves is proof that we really are Jehovah's Witnesses and Jehovah's servants. Sepetuagente kwa vaterere vantu va hana asi Vajuda ava ngava uyunga Rugereka va dive eyi azi rongo Bibeli. The Septuagint also helped millions of non - Jewish, Greek - speaking people to get to know what the Bible taught. 12, 13. (a) Why do differences between Christians arise? Ntani Karunga ga diva malizuvho getu. God knows our feelings as well. What helped Jesus to be kind? Yi kare asi maudigu musinke ono kuligwanekera nago mokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa, kara nehuguvaro asi Jehova kuvhura a ku vatere o ga funde po. No matter what challenges you personally experience in your ministry, you can be sure that Jehovah will help you to overcome them. All of this shows that nothing prevents Jehovah from carrying out his promises. Age hena " kuhetekera ko kukara moomu ga kara ' Karunga. (Efe. Spiritually - minded individuals strive to "become imitators of God. " How did the Israelites feel when Cyrus delivered them, and why? Eyi kuretesa po eharo nombili nompora mokatji kovantu vaKarunga. - Hes. As a result, there is love, peace, and security among God's people. - Ezek. She told her husband, who was an unbaptized publisher. Mononkedi musinke atu hara pamwe kukwama yoyidona oku vana hama wovanzi? In what ways might we feel pressured to follow the crowd? Jehovah's people also respected Rahab because of her faith. Vakaume wovadona kuvhura va ku pukise o dire kulimburukwa Jehova, nye wovawa ngava ku vatera o mu limburukwe. Bad associations can influence you to disobey Jehovah, but good associations can help you to be faithful to him. " Those who fear him receive everything they need. " Na kara nokonda zokuhafa morwa yoyiwa po kwange ame, yokukara pepi naKarunga. - Eyi ga simwitira Sarah Maiga. I have every reason to be happy because drawing near to God has been good for me. - As told by Sarah Maiga. They beat themselves in the legs, and they heard their pain because they had beat them. Vazuvhisi wokoyirongo yapeke kwa gazadarere ko mokudirukira koTurkia mokukavatera simpe mosirongo oso sina hepa evatero lyenene. Many of the foreign participants began to think about moving to Turkey to help with the tremendous work still to be done there. (Read.) Kukora oku ga ligwanekerere nako Mesiyasa ako kwa kere tupu kopokaruwogona. A painful blow to the Messiah but not permanent in its effects. Set reasonable limits that could prevent you from getting drunk. Morwasinke ga va rondwerere? What was he warning against? WHAT DO YOU THINK? 4: 6, 7; 2 Kol. 4: 6, 7; 2 Cor. Jehovah God's servants know that imitating his qualities far more valuable than gold, silver, gold, and silver. VARONGWA WOBIBELI BIBLE STUDIES And we know that Jesus will judge people by the way they treat the anointed still on earth. [ Mafano gepepenuno 26] [ Pictures on pages 26, 27] Strive to teach them. Jesus yipo ga tamekere kuzogera nendi koyuma oyo, makura konyima ta rundurukire konzogera zoyininke yopampepo. Jesus initiated his conversation with her on that basis, and he soon turned it into a lively spiritual discussion. During this period of time on earth, anointed ones have worked hard in the preaching and teaching work for Jehovah's people worldwide. MoBibeli kwa tumbura mo mamoneko aga aga tu vatere tu dive eyi ya kara meguru. The Bible presents a number of fascinating visions that permit us to peer, as it were, into the invisible heavenly realm. 6 How Can You Understand the Bible? - 3. Likida eharo lyanarunye kovapuli vakweni Show Loyal Love to Fellow Believers If we do all we can to help the student but still accept the truth, we do not think that we are not teaching it. Matokoro kuhamena udike nononkwara kuna kara gamwe gomadigu unene na vhura kutura po muntu. Decisions involving singleness and marriage are among the most difficult that a person will ever make. By the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign, the Messianic Kingdom will accomplish Jehovah's purpose for the earth. 3 - 5. (a) Maudigu musinke ga ligwanekerere nago Paurusa moLisitira? 3 - 5. (a) What tribulation did Paul face in Lystra? When was that time? 22: 3) Nsene mukuronambunga a ku pa mapukururo omu no kandana po yiponga, ga tambura. (Gar. If an elder reminds you of safety rules and standards, therefore, accept his counsel. Alex, quoted earlier, says: "What I learned from the Bible seemed to be like water that made me clean. Tara koruha YIMBAPIRATJANGWA > NOVIDIYO. Look under PUBLICATIONS > VIDEOS. (a) What responsibility do the faithful slave have, and what does that involve? " Hawe, Karunga ga tu tantera yoyiwa po asi yipi. " He has told you, O man, what is good. But are other aspects of God's view of singleness more valuable than any other precious value? Nampili ngoso, Kayla ga dirukire. Even so, Kayla decided to move. They may view it as worthless and believe that no one loves them. Ntani kwa zogera nonkedi omu natu kara tuna pongoka moukaro wetu naunye. Also considered are ways to prove ourselves holy in all our conduct. The Scriptures also teach us what makes him happy and what pleases him, and they show how we can draw closer to him. Gazadara ko komarunduruko gamwe gomoyimbapiratjangwa yetu yantani. Think about some of the recent adjustments made to our literature. Referring to our home, Elijah exclaimed: "I pray to you, please, please, and look after me. " Henoka ga pumbire asi uzuni wovantu wovadinikarunga ngava u zonagura po. Enoch had foretold that a day of judgment was coming upon the ungodly people of the world. Some couples may need to improve their opinion. 13 Mbunga zovanomeni kwa gwene umbangi 13 The Praetorian Guard Receives a Witness After showing up for 20 minutes, we told us that we should go to the house. Eharo lyokuhura kupi twa kara nalyo kwaJehova? How Deeply Do We Love Jehovah? Insight on the Scriptures explains: "This Word refers to all those not only to faith but also to Christ's teachings. " Ayo mulyo unene asi tu twikire kulironga Nonkango daKarunga nokuditura pasirugana, nokunkondopeka elikwatakano lyetu naKarunga, unene po ngomu tuna kuhedera pepi noudigu wounene! And how important it is to take in accurate Scriptural knowledge, apply it, and make spiritual progress - especially now that the great tribulation is drawing so close! (a) The answer to the master's master, what does Jesus reveal? Ngovarongwa vaJesus, ose kwa tu pangera tu zuvhise. As disciples of Jesus, we are well - acquainted with our God - given commission. How does the events of Atonement Day illustrate the relationship between the 144,000 and mankind? Jesus kwa korangedere hena varongwa vendi va " hove kupapara uhungami waKarunga. ' Jesus also urged his disciples to " keep on seeking first God's righteousness. ' Later, he used his life in a way that pleases Jehovah. Morwasinke? Why so? What makes marriage happy? Yisinke ga likwamberere Ndafita kwaJehova? What significant appeal did David make to Jehovah? Prayers for help to reduce anxiety Apa wa tamekere kulironga Bibeli noNombangi daJehova, nampo wa lizuvhire ngwendi muntu ana kupapara ngorodo. When you began to study the Bible with one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you may have felt like a prospector who pans a rich deposit of gold. Above all, because we love Jehovah and obey his laws, he helps us to use his holy spirit. Ose twa dimburura asi kapi twa kara nononkondo dokutura po matokoro koyininke yimwe ntani kwato eyi natu vhura kurugana ko. Many of us are somewhere in - between. However, they could not use it in more languages because the readers of those languages do not know the Hebrew text. " Konyima, munazinyetukadi ogo ta ya hageke kukarera Jehova nokudirukira koukareli womumati yipo va likware. Eventually, she stopped serving Jehovah and joined another religion so that she could marry him. One daughter complained that at school, some young Witnesses would show that they were not quite angry at school. Apa atu honene Jesus pokuruganesa mapuro gokuwapera, ose kugwana nkedi zongwa omu natu vatera vantu, kukongwa vantu ava ava nyoka kupurakena kombudi zongwa ntani kuronga vantu va gwanene mo uwa. When we imitate Jesus by using questions effectively, we do at least three things. We discover how we can best help people, we overcome potential conversation stoppers, and we teach humble ones how they can benefit themselves. Half, a pioneer who has been pioneering for over 40 years, says: "The joy I feel about serving Jehovah helps me to cope with the joy of serving him. " 4: 16 - 19) Eharo eli twa kara nalyo mokatji ketu kutudimbwilisa asi ose sili varongwa vaJesus novakareli vaJehova. In fact, the love we have among ourselves identifies us as disciples of Jesus and servants of Jehovah. Hezekiah invited the people of Israel in Israel's day to the Passover meal, and after the Passover Passover, the Passover was slaughtered for seven days. 12, 13. (a) Morwasinke apa horokere madiro kulizuvha pokatji koVakriste? 12, 13. (a) Why do differences between Christians occur? My father heard what I said and was impressed. Yisinke ya vaterere Jesus a kare nonkenda? What helped Jesus to be kind? This comforted us and comforted us. " 1: 19; 29: 5) Nayinye eyi kulikida asi kwato yokukondera Jehova mokusikisa mo matumbwidiro gendi. Yes, nothing can stop Jehovah from proving true to his incomparable name. I now find it difficult to express my love and affection for my son. " Ngapi omu va lizuvhire Vaisraeli apa Koresi ga va zowere mounkwate, ntani morwasinke? When King Cyrus liberated the exiled Israelites, how must they have felt, and why? Why do elders cooperate with shepherding visits? Makura ta tantere ko mugara gwendi ogu ga kere nage muzuvhisi gokudira kugwana ekuho. She told her husband, also an unbaptized publisher, about what she had found. I never heard him, but I realized that he and his wife were Jehovah's Witnesses. Vantu vaJehova nawo va fumadekere Rahabu morwa epuro lyendi. Jehovah's people likewise honored the faith of Rahab. • How can you identify true religion? Episarome kwa tanta asi: "Ava ava mu tjira, kugwana nayinye eyi va hepa. " The psalmist sang: "Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good. " Do You Recall? Awo kwa va menge komaguru ntani awo kwa zuvhire kukora morwa kwa va toonene. Their feet are fastened securely in stocks, and their backs are still aching from the beatings they had just received. She said to Sarah: "Your eyes are a good woman. (Resa.) (Read.) Still, there were hundreds of congregations in many remote areas. Litulira po mayereko gokupama aga naga kupulisira o dire kugwira mounkorwe. Set a definite, risk - free limit that is well within the range of moderation - one that will not allow you to deviate into overindulgence. On the other hand, what we do to give our time to our brothers is like to tell them, " You are more important to me than I am doing, that I am giving you my time to you. ' Ngapi Muna Kugazara ko? WHAT DO YOU THINK? We should not worry if we say anything else about that day. Vakareli vaJehova Karunga va yi diva asi kuhonena yikara yendi mulyo unene kupitakana nodiamande nongorodo ndi yiweka. Because God's servants know that imitating Jehovah's qualities is more precious to him than diamonds, gold, or other material things. He revealed his Father to them. Ntani twa yi diva asi Jesus nga hangura vantu kuliza nomu ava tekura vagwavekwa ava vana kara simpe pevhu. And we know that Jesus will judge people according to how they have treated the anointed ones who are still on earth. " I have benefited, helping me to examine myself and how I can care for Jehovah's sheep. " Kondjeni mokuvaronga. Strive to feed them spiritually. For example, during World War II, soldiers collected 45 years in the town of Judea and were gathered together in one town. (Ehor. 7: 1 - 3) Posiruwo esi vana kara simpe pevhu, vagwavekwa kwa kurugana unene mosirugana sokuzuvhisa nokuronga. Nzapo zomvhura kututantera eyi vana kurugana vantu vaJehova mouzuni mudima mosirugana esi somulyo. Until then, the anointed will take the lead in something that is well - documented by our annual service report - the greatest preaching and teaching work in human history. Samantha: That's a wonderful thought. 6 Ngapi omu no kwata egano Bibeli? - 3. 6 How You Can Understand the Bible - 3. (a) In what way can we be sure of the future? (Jak. 5: 7, 8) Nsene twa kondja unene mokuvatera murongwa nye simpe kapi ana kutambura usili, twa ha gazara asi ose kapi twa yi diva kuronga. Even though the seed does not bear fruit, if we have done our best to help the student, we realize that this outcome is not a sign of unfaithfulness on our part. If we are not careful, we could allow such a contrast to interfere with our unity. Kehagero lyEpangero lyaKristusa lyoNomumvho Eyovi, Uhompa woUmesiyasa ngau ka sikisa mo sitambo saJehova kevhu. By the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign, the Messianic Kingdom will have achieved its purpose. This is especially important when we work together with men and women. 13: 25) Siruwo musinke ya kere eyi? When was this? Even today, some who committed a serious sin have committed a serious sin and have repented. (Vaefeso 4: 23) Alex ogu tuna tumbura kwa tanta hena asi: "Eyi na lirongere moBibeli kwa fene ngwendi mema aga ga zeresere nge ni sige magazaro gange gomadona. Alex, mentioned earlier, adds: "What I learned from the Bible was like clean water pouring through me, gradually purifying me by washing away bad thoughts. I was involved in training younger men to take on greater responsibility in Jehovah's organization. (a) Situmbukira musinke va pa mukareli gokulimburukwa, ntani yisinke ya hamena mo? (a) The faithful slave is charged with what responsibility, and what does this include? How does Satan try to tempt us, but how can we cope? Nye koyili yimwe eyi Karunga a tara asi mulyo unene kupitakana nodiamande ndi mamanya gondiro ndi? But is there something that God views as more precious than diamonds or other gems? 11, 12. Awo kuvhura va litare asi kwato mulyo nokugazara asi kwato ogu ga va hara. They may develop a poor image of themselves, thinking that they are of little worth and not deserving of attention. As a result, young children may fall into pressure from the world. Matjangwa hena kuturonga eyi ayi mu hafesa neyi ayi dili kumuhafesa, ntani ago kulikida omu natu mu hedera pepi. (Jak. The Scriptures also teach us what pleases him and what displeases him, and they show how we can draw close to him. Although the Bible account focuses on Noah, his wife and their wives were Jehovah's servants. Haga za mokugenda a ka tu rete, Eliya ta mu zigire asi: "Na kanderere, ka pitwire nge ko nokampambu komboroto. " (1 Vah. When she went to get him some water, Elijah added: "Please, bring me a piece of bread. " Satan believed that if Jesus did not punish them, he would show that he was "the Son of God. " Valikwali vamwe va hepa kuwapukurura magano gawo. Some couples need to adjust their expectations for the future. One way a husband can honor his wife is by thinking carefully about his thoughts and feelings before making decisions that affect the family. Konyima zokulikida filima monominute 20, kwa tu tanterere asi tu ze monzugo pangenderera. After showing about 20 minutes of the film, we were told to go inside the house as quickly as possible. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. ' - Matthew 7: 22, 23. Buke Insight on the Scriptures kwa faturura asi: "Nkango ozo kwa tamba kwanavenye va dira kupura tupu momarongo gaKristusa nye hena kugakwama nawa - nawa. " Insight on the Scriptures explains: "The principal application of the term is to all those who not only believe Christ's teachings but also follow them closely. " There are other suggestions about these two apostles. (a) Elimbururo lyanturangumbo, Jesus, yisinke ali horora? (a) What is revealed by the answer of the Master, Jesus? Do not listen to your neighbor's words. Ngapi omu yihorokwa yemEzuva lyEfironkenda lyankenye mvhura ya fanekesa malikwatakano aga ga kara pokatji kovantu 144 000 ntani novantu navenye? How do the events of the annual Atonement Day foreshadow the relationship between the 144,000 and the rest of mankind? (b) How will Jesus ' "other sheep " benefit from God's sworn promise to Abraham? Konyima, ga ya ruganesere eparu lyendi monkedi ezi azi hafesa Jehova. (Ex. Later, he followed Jehovah's guidance regarding how he should use his life. I also remembered what my former friends said earlier. Yisinke ayi ninkisa nonkwara di karerere? What Makes a Marriage Last? (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) Makanderero kuvatera mokusesupika po sinka Prayer Helps to Allay Anxiety Psalm 65: 2 says: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. " Unene po, morwa twa hara Jehova nokulimburukwa konoveta dendi, age kutuvatera pokuruganesa mpepo zendi zokupongoka. More important, because we love Jehovah and obey his laws, he supports us with the most powerful force in the universe, his holy spirit. Lamech lived in one of Enoch's contemporaries for over a hundred years. Nye, kapi va vhulire kuziruganesa momaraka gomanzi morwa varesi womaraka ogo kapi va diva nkango ozo zoRuhebeli "Seyoli. " However, this word could not be used in many languages because most readers of these languages did not know the Hebrew word "Sheol. ." It seems that he succumbed to pressure. Munwetu gumwe gomukadona nga sivana asi posiruwo sepwizumuko kosure zawo, vadinkantu vamwe woNombangi ngava likida nkareso ezi nga gazara asi ndona. One of our daughters complained that during recess at her school, some Witness youths behave in a way that she thought was not proper. One author explained: "The two verses provide a good example about a parent. 4: 34; 17: 13; 1 Pet. 2: 21) Hanne ogu ga rugana uzuvhisi wokukarerera nomvhura dokupitakana po - 40 kwa tanta asi: "Ruhafo oru ani lizuvhu pokukatunda mokuzuvhisa kuvatera nge ni twikire kukarera Jehova. " Notes Hanne, a pioneer for over 40 years, "The joy I always feel after I have been in the ministry stimulates me to continue in Jehovah's service. " Only those who do not love Jehovah and Jesus want to serve him. Hisikiya kwa zigidire vantu womoJuda nava womoIsraeli kosipito sosinene saPaska, ano konyima zoPaska vantu kwa dene Sipito soNomboroto da hana Muhahu mazuva gatano - nagavali. Hezekiah invited all of Judah and Israel to a great Passover celebration, followed by the seven - day Festival of Unfermented Cakes. In the book of Acts, we read what happened after Pentecost 33 C.E. Otate va zuvhire eyi na uyungire ntani ya va tetukisire. Father overheard me and was surprised. He says: "I am grateful for Jesus Christ's ransom sacrifice that makes me have a good relationship with Jehovah, and I am happy that I make his name known to his name. " Eyi kwa tu hengagwidire nokutupa rufuwo. " This comforted us and calmed us. What happened when Jehovah commanded the Israelites to enter the Promised Land? Ngesi ame kuna kudigopera nge kulikida eharo kwamunwange. " As a result, I have to work hard at being more affectionate with my son. " We enjoyed peace in the congregation and family, and our example can give us a fine witness about Jehovah God. Morwasinke vakuronambunga ava ruganene edinguro lyokugava ekorangedo? What is the objective of the elders ' shepherding activity? Throughout history, men and women needed to make important decisions. Ame kapi na mu zuvha rumwe nye na ya yi dimbwilire asi age namukadendi kwa kere Nombangi daJehova. I had never heard of him but learned that he and his wife were Jehovah's Witnesses. As you know the importance of this contrast, it will be easier for you to realize that they are important in the ministry. • Ngapi no dimburura ukarelikarunga wousili? • How do we know whether the earth will survive 2012? [ Footnote] Kuvhura o diworoke ndi? Do You Remember? To end suffering, there is a government that has the power to provide for all their needs. Yipo ga tanterere Sara asi: "Purakena, ove mukadi gomuwa. So he spoke to Sarah: "Please listen! 14: 13, 14; Deut. Nye simpe pwa kere nomukunda dononzi dokoure unene. Inland lay the sparsely populated outback, an arid region over half the size of the United States. On the night before his death, Jesus washed their feet, teaching them a lesson that would not forget "the heart of the heart. " Pokuhageka eyi tuna kurugana mokugava siruwo setu kovanavazinyetu kwa fana ngwendi kuna kuvatantera asi: " One mulyo unene kwange, hansa ni sige eyi nina kurugana ni gave siruwo sange kweni. ' By dropping our activities to give some time to our brothers, we say to them, in effect, " You are so valuable in my eyes that it is more important to me to spend some time with you than to continue what I am doing. ' In time, the circuit overseer asked me to move to an area where I was assigned to help in that congregation. Kapisi tu kare nosinka nsene kapi tuna uyunga nankenye gumwe mezuva olyo. There is no need to worry if we do not get to speak with everyone on the same day. " It became clear that this opportunity opened up to Jehovah. Age kwa horwere oGuhwe kwawo. He revealed the Father to them. Jehovah was the one who resurrected Jesus from the dead. " Na gwanena mo mauwa, nokuvatera nge ni likonakone nyamwange nomu nani pakera mbili nonzwi daJehova. " " The school has benefited me greatly, helping me to look at myself and see how I can take care of Jehovah's sheep. " And she was privileged to raise her son as God's Son! Pasihonena, moYita yaUvali yoUzuni, vakwayita kwa pongaikire vanazinyetugara 160 wokonhi zonomvhura 45 womonodorongo nadinye domosirongo saHungary nokuvatura modoropa zimwe. During World War II, for instance, officials gathered 160 of our unjustly incarcerated brothers under 45 years of age from all the prisons in Hungary and assembled them in one town. For example, we have a and the Internet, which enables us to continue serving God. Martha: Egano lyewa sili. Samantha: That's interesting. In 2012 they went to Ghana and spent four months serving as a group. (a) Monkedi musinke natu diva eyi yina kundindira vantu komeho? (a) Only in what way can we know about mankind's future? When Jesus comes to his glorious glory near the end of the great tribulation, he will gather faithful anointed ones to go to heaven. Nsene kapi tuna kutakamesa kuvhura tu pulisire malisigo gangoso ga donganese uumwe wetu. If we are not careful, we may allow those differences to affect us and damage our unity. FAITH Eyi kwa kara nomulyo, unene po apa atu ruganene kumwe novagara ndi novakadi. This is especially important when dealing with those of the opposite sex. (Read Matthew 14: 25 - 29.) (Episarome 32: 1 - 5) Nampili naina, vamwe ava va tulire nzo zonene va va gusira po morwa kwa litezurura sili nokuhageka kurugana udona. Today, too, someone who sinned will be forgiven if he is truly repentant and stops doing what is bad. (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8.) Ame kwa lihamekere mokudeura nokuvatera vagara wovadinkantu ava va ya gwene yitumbukira yoyinene mombunga zaJehova. I shared in training and helping many young men who later took on greater responsibilities in Jehovah's organization. To protect ourselves from dangers. Ngapi a hetekere ko Satana kutuhepeka, nye ngapi natu lididimika? How might Satan try to bully us, and how can we cope? * If you take time to draw close to Jehovah, he will draw close to you. 11, 12. 11, 12. The householder's words focus on those who want to work hard in the ministry. Shepherd Who Cares, 2 / 1 Today, Jehovah's organization imitate Ezra, Paul, in a kind way. Ngoyitundwamo, vanona kuvhura va gwire usimbu momakondjeso gouzuni. As a result, the children may be more inclined to weaken in the face of worldly pressure. What I could say, " Thank you. ' Nampili ngomu sihorokwa somoBibeli kwa demenenene unene kwaNowa, mukadendi novana vendi novakadi vawo nawo kwa kere vakareli vaJehova. The Bible account focuses attention on the family head Noah, but Noah's wife and his sons and their wives were also worshippers of Jehovah. He knew that there was no match for Jehovah. Satana kwa kere nomasinganyeko asi nsene Jesus a dira kuremana pokuvatuka, ngayi likida asi age sili "MunwaKarunga. " Satan alleged that if Jesus was not injured by the fall, it would prove that he was "a son of God. " Some may wonder what was described at Isaiah 61: 61, which describes the fulfillment of this prophecy in the Christian congregation. For instance, when David wrote Psalm 55, he feared for his life. How can we show such love? Nkedi zimwe omu mugara na vhura kufumadeka mukadendi kuna kara pokugazadara ko nawa komagano nokomalizuvho gendi komeho zokutura po matokoro aga naga kundama epata. One way a husband can honor his wife is by carefully considering her point of view and her feelings before he makes decisions that affect the family. Like the prophet Elijah, all Bible writers were "like Jehovah. " - Jas. Ligoreni nge mu ze kwi, one ava omu vatuka Veta! ' - Mateusa 7: 22, 23. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. " - Matthew 7: 22, 23. I wanted to leave that habit, but the workers allowed me to quit. Pwa kara magano gamwe hena kuhamena vapositoli owo vavali. There may be some basis for such ideas about those two apostles. Before long, faithful men and women used it to make a paradise earth and to help millions who will learn about Jehovah's purpose. 4: 12) Erondoro: Wa ha kwata mukweni meraka nsene age kuna kufaturura yuma yimwe. A word of caution, though: Resist the urge to interrupt your partner when he or she is using an effective line of reasoning. At the three days of 2006, Daniel was touched by a talk he asked, " Are we doing all we can to save this everlasting life? ' " (b) " Nonzwi dapeke ' daJesus, uwa musinke ngadi ka gwanena mo momugano ogu ga gene Karunga kwaAbirahamu? (b) How will Jesus ' "other sheep " benefit from God's sworn promise? " His Hebrew words reveal his understanding of the language that Christians did not know, " says The Hebrew Bible writer Franz. Ame hena kwa diworokere eyi ngava uyunga nare vakaume vange wovakondi. I also recalled words uttered years earlier by wise older ones who had been tempered by trials. As a result, I continue to grow spiritually. " (Resa Ndaniyera 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) In all these difficult situations, Joseph trusted in God. Episarome 65: 2 kutanta asi: "Yeeyi ove kuzuvha makanderero. Vantu mudima ngava wiza koge. " At Psalm 65: 2, we read: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. " But his translation was preserved against the religious organizations, and it was used to translate the Bible to describe those called The King James Version. - Read James 2: 9. Rameki kwa parukire posiruwo simwe nozinakuru Henoka nomvhura dokupitakana pefere. Lamech's life overlapped with that of his grandfather Enoch for over a century. SONGS: 125, 88 Ayo kwa moneka asi age kwa gwililire tupu mezedo. He evidently gave in to pressure. If we learn the truth about him and apply what we learn, we can find that joy. - Psalm 144: 15; Matthew 5: 3. Mutjangi gumwe kwa fatwilire asi: "Novelise edi mbali kuna kugava efano lyewa kuhamena mukurona nomunona. " Taken together, these two verses present a powerful picture of parent and child, " explains one reference work. Some may feel that they can do whatever they want. Vaava tupu va dira kuhara nokukarera Jehova naJesus. Only those who do not love and serve Jehovah and Jesus will be destroyed. DO BY GOD'S WITNESSES Mobuke zoYirugana, ose kuresa eyi ya horokere konyima zoPentekoste 33. In the book of Acts, we read one account after another of their threats and attacks against Christians, starting almost immediately after the miraculous events at Pentecost 33 C.E. In the original language of the Bible, the term "Christ " is used in different ways, such as Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ. Age kwa tanta asi: "Ame kuna kupandura konzambo zaJesus Kristusa zosizoweseso ezi za ninkisa nge ni kare nelikwatakano lyewa naJehova Mupangeli gouzuni, ntani nina hafa mokudivisa uyerere wedina lyendi. " She says, "I am deeply thankful that through Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, I can enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah, the Sovereign of the universe, and I am happy that I can make known his glorious name. " Saul told him: "You cannot sing to the Grand Creator and to the one that you have become a soldier, because he has become a soldier. " Yisinke ya horokerere Vaisraeli apa Jehova ga va pangerere va hwilire moSirongo sEtumbwidiro? What evidence of good organization existed in Israel when God instructed his people to enter the Promised Land? • What is Jehovah's arrangement of headship and obedience? Ose ngatu kara nombili mombungakriste ntani nemepata, ano sihonena setu ngasi vhura kugava umbangi wouwa kuhamena Jehova Karunga goruhafo. We will enjoy more peaceful relations within the congregation and within the family, and our example will provide an excellent witness to others about our "happy God, " Jehovah. - 1 Tim. SONGS: 7, 106 Kutundilira kwanare, vagara novakadi va hepere kutura po matokoro gomulyo. From the start of human existence, men and women have had to make important decisions. Why should we not fear Satan and his demons? Ngomu ngo diva unene mulyo gomalisigo, ngayi ku rerupira kugadimburura moBibeli ntani ngo yi dimburura asi ago mulyo moyirugana yokuzuvhisa. As you become more aware of the value of contrasts, you may become more adept at recognizing them in the Bible, and you may find that they are very helpful in your Christian ministry. He felt like Joseph, who was imprisoned for his integrity. [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnotes] The Bible contains God's thoughts, so we need his help to understand it. Mokuhagekesa po ruhepo, pwa hepa epangero eli lya kara nononkondo mokupa vantu navenye yihepwa yawo. It would take a world government to end poverty. Besides shy, I thought that I had no place in Jehovah's organization. " 14: 13, 14; Deut. 14: 13, 14; Deut. But they rejected them. Momasiku komeho zonomfa dendi, Jesus kwa kuhwire nompadi dawo, age kwa va rongere sirongwa " sokulinunupika momutjima ' esi va dilire ngano kudivara. On the night before he died, Jesus washed their feet, thereby teaching them a lesson in being "lowly in heart " that they would never forget. And in the third century C.E., "they confess their sins to Jehovah God. " Mwaza siruwo mutareli gonombunga ta pura nge ni dirukire komukunda Arkansas ni ka vatere mombungakriste ozo. Shortly thereafter, the circuit overseer asked me to move to El Dorado, Arkansas, to help that congregation. The apostle Paul explained that even though they were different from accurate knowledge and deeds, they were united. Kitty ta ya yi dimburura asi ezi yizo mpito ga hundilire kwaJehova. Kitty realized that this was the opportunity she had prayed for. What kind of home has Jehovah given us? Jehova yige ga vhumbwire Jesus koufe. Jehovah resurrected Jesus from the dead. To find the answer, we first need to understand how Jehovah, the Originator of marriage, views marriage as precious. Ntani, age ga kere nositumbukira sosinene sokurera MunwaKarunga ngomuntu! In addition, she had the great responsibility of raising God's Son as a human! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pasihonena, ose twa kara noMaruhungu noAwake! noyifo nonobuke nonovidiyo noIntaneta, eyi ayi tu vatere tu twikire kukarera Karunga. For example, we have many magazines, brochures, books, videos, and Web pages that help us to keep serving God. 2: 20. Momvhura 2012 tava zi koGhana nokukavatera mbunga zorupurupuru makwedi gane. In 2012 they went to Ghana and were able to serve there for four months, assisting a sign - language congregation. That was what happened to Jim, who served as an elder. Apa Jesus nga wiza mouyerere wendi pepi nehagero lyoudigu wounene, nga ya pongaika vagwavekwa wovalimbukwi va ze meguru. When Jesus comes in his glory near the end of the great tribulation, he will gather the faithful anointed ones to heaven. How grateful we are that Jehovah has helped us for many years to understand this parable and other parables in Matthew chapters 24 and 25! EPURO FAITH (b) How will our hope be fulfilled? (Resa Mateusa 14: 25 - 29.) (Read Matthew 14: 25 - 29.) According to Ephesians 4: 30, 31, what must we abandon? (Resa 1 Vakolinte 13: 4 - 8.) (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 8.) But Ecclesiastes 7: 8 states: "The end is greater than ever. " Mokufumadeka eparu twa hepa kukandana po yiponga. We also share Jehovah's view of life by cultivating a proper attitude toward safety. How was Jesus thrown into the heel? * Nsene o rugana ko yuma mokuhedera Jehova pepi, nage nga ku hedera pepi. If you take steps to draw close to Jehovah, he will take steps to draw close to you. 1: 11. Nonkango domuuyungi kwa demenene kwava vana hara kurugana unene mokuzuvhisa. The speaker directed his words to those who could expand their ministry. Later, the announcement was given to the congregation. Naina, mbunga zaJehova kuhonena Esira naPaurusa pokuruganesa yigava monkedi zongwa. Imitating the examples of Ezra and Paul, our organization today follows strict procedures when it comes to handling and spending donated funds. Instead of letting your teenager feel that he does what is wrong, commend him and commend him. Eyi na vhulire kuuyunga ko tupu asi: " Mpandu. ' All I could say was, " Thank you. ' I was a student and a teacher, because I asked many questions. (Vahebeli 11: 11, 12, 18) Age ga yi divire asi kwato yokutjindira Jehova. So he realized that nothing was impossible for Jehovah. May all of us be determined to imitate Abraham's faith. Vamwe kuvhura va lipure eyi va singonona mwaJesaya egaununo 61, eli lya kara nouporofete ou una kusikilira mo mombungakriste. On the other hand, someone may point to chapter 61 of the book of Isaiah, which contains a prophecy finding fulfillment in the Christian congregation. The Babylonians conquered Judah, Judah, and Jerusalem. 13: 35) Ngapi omu natu likida eharo lyangoso? How do we manifest such love? 1, 2. (a) What shows that Christians in the congregation were in danger of danger? Ngwendi muporofete Eliya, vatjangi navenye woBibeli kwa kere nomalizuvho "ngwendi nyose. " - Jak. Like the prophet Elijah, all the Bible writers had "feelings like ours. " - Jas. Go to meetings and join our brothers and sisters in the ministry. Na here kusiga nkareso ozo, nye varugani vakwetu ngava ninkisa nge ni dire kuzisiga. I was trying to escape my addiction, but they seemed determined to trip me up at every step. How did boldness affect his wife? Komeho, vagara novakadi wovalimburukwi ngava va ruganesa mokuninka uzuni u kare paradisa ntani nokukavatera vantu mamiliyona ava ngava ka vhumbura mokulironga kuhamena sitambo saJehova. In the near future, godly men and women will transform the earth into a paradise and help millions of resurrected ones to learn about Jehovah's purposes. I found comfort. " Posigongi somazuva gatatu somo - 2006, Daniel kwa mu gumine komutjima siuyungwa omu va pulire epuro asi: "Ose kuna kurugana paapa twa hulira " mokuparura owo vana kerere edipago ' yipo ngava ka gwane mwenyo gwanarunye ndi? " (Yis. At a convention in 2006, Daniel was deeply touched by a talk that raised the question: "Are we doing all we can to help those who are " staggering to the slaughter ' to get on the road to everlasting life? " Remember that you are developing a new family. Mulirongi goRuhebeli Franz Delitzsch kwa tente asi: "Etoroko lyendi lyoRuhebeli kulikida ekwatogano lyendi lyeraka eli va dira kudiva nawa Vakriste nye simpe mulyo kuresa mo, morwa age kwa ruganesa nontanto dokuwapera. " Noted 19th - century Hebrew scholar Franz Delitzsch wrote: "His Hebrew translation reveals a grasp of the language rare among Christians and it is still worth consulting, for in instance after instance he has been most fortunate in striking on precisely the right expression. " In so doing, we "have tender affection for the work that they have done. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 13. Ngoyitundwamo, ame kuna kutwikira kukura pampepo. " As a result of this, I am always growing spiritually. " In this article, we will discuss Bible principles that will teach us how to stay at the Kingdom Hall if we are at the Kingdom Hall, how can we care for and support them financially. 39: 21 - 23) Momaudigu nagenye ogo, Josefa kwa huguvarere mwaKarunga. Years later, Pharaoh released Joseph from prison and made this humble slave second ruler in Egypt. For example, wise parents recognize their weighty responsibility in helping their children to grow in faith. Nye etoroko lyendi kwa lipoperere komahomokero govampitisili womaukarelikarunga, ntani kwa ya li ruganesere mokutoroka Bibeli ava tumbura asi King James Version. - Resa 2 Timoteusa 2: 9. But his translation survived attacks from the clergy, and it was used to prepare a Bible translation called the King James Version. - Read 2 Timothy 2: 9. Michelle: That's right. MARUSUMO: 125, 88 SONGS: 125, 88 We discussed scriptures, and we asked the children who were studying our literature. Nsene tu lironga usili kumuhamena nokutura pasirugana eyi tuna kulironga, ngatu vhura kugwana ruhafo oro. - Episarome 144: 15; Mateusa 5: 3, hetakanesa NW. That is possible only if we learn the truth about him and apply it in our life. - Psalm 144: 15; Matthew 5: 3. He said: "I will never leave you nor abandon you. " Vamwe kulizuvha asi kuvhura va rugane nkenye eyi vana hara. Some people feel that they can do whatever they want to do. But now I have stopped going. KARUNGA KUTUVATERA TU DIRE KURUGANA MAPUKO RESTRAINED FROM TAKING A FALSE STEP 3: 23. Momaraka gokuhova aga va tjenge Bibeli, ntanto "Kristusa " kwa zi ruganesa mokutumbura Jesus mononkedi dokulisiga, ngwendi Jesus Kristusa, Kristusa Jesus ntani Kristusa. In the Bible, the title "Christ " is used with reference to Jesus in various ways, such as Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and the Christ. Qualifications: He needs to be an elder. Sauru ta mu tantere asi: "Ove nokuvhura si o ka rwe nomufilisiti, mumati ono huru opo, yeeyi age mukwayita ga kara kutunda unona wendi. " Saul objected: "You are not able to go fight against this Philistine, for you are but a boy, and he has been a soldier from his youth. " Daniel saw "like a man like the Son of man, the Son of man, the Son of man, the Son of man, to approach Jehovah and to give him the kingdom of Jehovah, to all nations, and to all nations. " • Yisinke ngendeseso zaJehova kombinga zoupangeli ntani noulimburukwi? • What is Jehovah's arrangement of headship and subjection? In 118 B.C.E., those zealous men and women were expelled from the Roman governor, and he did not let them return home. MARUSUMO: 7, 106 16 Did You Know? We want to be those who receive the reward when Jesus Christ, our Lord. Morwasinke natu dilira kutjira Satana novaengeli vendi? Why is there no need to feel intimidated by Satan and the demons? But Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 19: 26, which says: "All things are possible. " Age kwa lizuvhire ngwendi Josefa ogu va tulire modorongo morwa ulimburukwi wendi. She felt like Joseph, who was imprisoned for keeping his integrity. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " MoBibeli kwa kara mo magano gaKarunga, yipo nye twa hepera evatero lyendi tu zi kwate egano. The Bible contains God's thoughts, so it is not surprising that we need his help to understand it. We find the answer in what Jehovah told the Levites. Kugusa ko kulizuvha nomuga, ame kwa gazarere asi mombunga zaJehova mwato hena evango lyange. " Besides feeling shame and embarrassment, I thought that there was no longer any place for me in the organization. " THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Nye va nyokere. But it didn't matter. We can learn an important lesson from the conduct that people showed in Jehovah's service. Ano koyiha yotundi zautatu ngoso, " makura tava tongonona nonzo dawo nokutongamena HOMPA Karunga gwawo. ' In the afternoon, "they were making confession and bowing down to Jehovah their God. " DRAW CLOSE TO GOD Mupositoli Paurusa kwa fatwilire asi nampili ngomu va lisigire mediwo nomoyirugana, awo kwa kere mouumwe. The apostle Paul explained that although they had different abilities and assignments, they were united. We should not be surprised or surprised. Embo musinke ga tu pa Jehova? What kind of home did Jehovah give us? Jesus told his apostles: "I will send you the way to prepare you, so that I will return to you, and you will be with you wherever I am. " - John 14: 3. Mokugwana elimbururo, pomuhowo twa hepa kukwata egano omu Jehova, Mutoti gononkwara, a tara nonkwara nelizumbo. Age kutara nonkwara asi mulyo. * Those reproductive procedures are unacceptable to God's servants out of respect for his direction: "You must not give your emission as semen to the wife of your associate to become unclean by it. " Fourth - century kings and Syria came to Abraham. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ " Preaching the kingdom of God through many tribulations. " - ACTS 9 2: 20. 2: 20. Satan has blinded people's minds to know the important truths found in God's Word. (Yisewe 29: 1; Varoma 12: 3) Oyo yiyo ya horokerere Jim ogu ga kere mukuronambunga. That is what happened to an elder named Jim. What does this account tell us about Jehovah's blessing on his servants? Ose tuna hafa kweyi Jehova ga tu vatera monomvhura dononzi tu kwate egano sifanekeso esi ntani noyifanekeso yimwe hena yomwaMateusa egaununo 24 ntani 25! We are so grateful that Jehovah has helped us over the years to understand this parable and the other parables in Matthew chapters 24 and 25! 6: 37, 38; 7: 51. (b) Ngapi omu ehuguvaro lyetu ngali sikilira mo? (b) How will our hope be fulfilled? (See opening picture.) Kuliza noVaefeso 4: 30, 31, yisinke twa hepa kuzumba? According to Ephesians 4: 30, 31, we must rid ourselves of what? Some may have listened to those who falsely call "the apostles. " Nye Muudisi 7: 8 kutanta asi: "Ehagero lyankenye sininke lya pitakana etameko. " But just as Ecclesiastes 7: 8 says, "better is the end of a matter than its beginning. " - Felisa. Draw Close to God - "For Young People " 9 Ngapi omu Jesus va mu humine kosinsinsina pasifanekeso? How did Jesus experience the symbolic heel wound? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 1: 11. 1: 11. In that same letter, Paul exhorted Timothy: "Look! Ano moruhura, ediviso ngava li gava kombungakriste. Finally, an announcement was made to the congregation. Russell and his associates realized that they could not cooperate with those who are determined to stand firm against false religion. - Read 2 Corinthians 6: 14. (Rukasa 6: 13, 14; Yirugana 1: 13, 14) Mevango lyokuninka mudinkantu goge a lizuvhe asi eyi a rugana yidona, mu pandadeka nokumukorangeda. So instead of making your teenager feel that what he does is never good enough, commend and encourage him. However, there was a small group of anointed Christians who tried to serve God, but no one would care for them. Ame kwa kere murongwa gomudigu, morwa ngani pura mapuro gomanzi. I know that I was a difficult student; I had so many questions! Jehovah urges us: "Be wise, and make my heart rejoice, and I will make my reply to anyone who taunts me. " Ngano natuvenye tu tokomene kuhonena epuro lyaAbirahamu. May each of us be determined to imitate the faith of Abraham. Consider the hope of a Levite, a Levite, and a Levite. Vababironi mepangero lyaNebukadenesara kwa tjilisire uhompa waJuda nonkurusitata sawo, Jerusarema. The Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar threatened Judah and its capital, Jerusalem. Of course, we need help because we cannot pay the ransom. 1, 2. (a) Yisinke yina kulikida asi Vakriste womombunga zomoKorosi kwa kere mosiponga? 1, 2. (a) What shows that the first - century congregation in Colossae was under attack? (b) When wrote letters? Zende komapongo nokukalipakerera novanavazinyetu ntani nokupwaga kumwe nawo mokuzuvhisa. Go to the meetings, associate with the local brothers and sisters, and accompany them in the preaching work. As Christians, we enter into God's rest means to obey him and support his purpose. Ngapi omu upampi waJason wa kundamene mukadendi? How did Jason's initial enthusiasm affect his wife? God's spirit can influence a person's ability to fulfill his role, whether abilities, or abilities. Ame kwa gwene ehengagwido. " " That is when the comfort came. " Similarly, the work they have given us honor to praise Jehovah. Diworoka asi ove kuna kutunga po epata lyanyamoge lyepe. Remember, you are building a new family unit. But since that time, all Christians, including the other sheep, have benefited from the Scriptural counsel found in the Scriptures. - John 10: 16; 2 Timothy 3: 16; 1 Timothy 3: 16; 2 Timothy 3: 16: 16; 1 Timothy 3: 16: 16 - 16; 2: 16: 16; 2 Timothy 3: 16. Mokurugana ngoso, tatu " va tekura pakuto neharo lyenene morwa yirugana eyi va rugana. ' - 1 Vatesaronika 5: 13. This way we "give them extraordinary consideration in love because of their work. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 13. First, Jesus chose the disciples and later gave 70 instructions: "The kingdom of God is near. " Mosirongwa esi, tatu ka zogera nompango doBibeli edi nadi tu ronga omu natu kara nsene poSinyanga soUhompa tuna kara, nomu natu si pakera mbili ntani nokugava yigava yipo va si wapukurure. In this article, we will discuss Bible principles that teach us how we should behave when we are at our Kingdom Halls, how we should take care of them, and how we can help pay for them. Could you imitate them, even though you know that you can heal you? Pasihonena, vakurona wonondunge kudimburura situmbukira sawo sosinene esi va kara naso sokuvatera vana vawo va kure mepuro. For instance, wise parents recognize the tremendous opportunity they have to build faith in their children. Everlasting Life on Earth - the hope God has given us Maria: Mouhunga. Michelle: Yes, exactly. Training a conscience helps us to make wise decisions about employment Tatu zogere nawo matjangwa ntani tatu hundire vanona ava ava dimbi sure va rese moyimbapiratjangwa yetu. We share some scriptures and invite the school - age children to read from our Bible - based publications. Learn From Jesus ' Example Ntani ga tente asi: "Yeeyi Karunga kwa tanta asi: " Ame kapi ngani ku zumba ndi ni ku sige. ' Paul adds: "For [God] has said: " I will never leave you, and I will never abandon you. ' The illustration of two sisters also highlights another situation that may affect the place we will have in the congregation. Nye ngesi na hageka. Sophia: You too. When we preach to people, we should not read only the Scriptures. 3: 23. So when Luke lists Joseph and describes him as the son of Heli, it was understood to mean that Joseph was Heli's son - in - law. - Luke 3: 23. That is what we need today. Yihepwa: Ga hepa kukara mukuronambunga. Qualifications: Must be an appointed elder. Rebekah's wife wanted to hear her decision. Makura Ndaniyera yipo ga mwene "yuma yokufana ngwendi muntu " ndi MunwaMuntu, age kuna kuhedera sipundi saJehova tava mu pe" epangero nefumano nononkondo dosiuhompa, asi vantu wonomuhoko nadinye nomarudi nomaraka nagenye va mu ruganene. " Daniel then saw "someone like a son of man " approach Jehovah's throne to be given" rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. " They recognize that marriage is a gift from God, and neither honors those who respect this gift nor honor Jehovah God. Momvhura 1184 vagara novakadi owo womupampi kwa ya va tjidire mupapa, ano mubisofi kapi ga va pulisilire va tengure komambo gawo. In 1184 these zealous men and women, later called the Waldenses, were excommunicated by the pope and banished from their homes by the bishop. A good wife tries to imitate the examples of faithful men in Bible times, such as Sarah, Sarah, and Mary. Tuna hara kukara mowo ngava ka gwana mfeto apa Jesus Kristusa, Hompa gwetu, nga horoka. We want to be among those who are rewarded when Jesus Christ, our King, is revealed. Clearly, secular work does not bring us happiness, such as teaching people about God and the best future. Nye nonkango daJesus domwaMateusa 19: 26 da mu vaterere sili, edi adi tanta asi: "KwaKarunga nayinye ureru. " But she was greatly helped by Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 19: 26: "With God all things are possible. " Daniel continued to have faith and obedience until his death. Tareni, ame neni ngani kara dogoro nokouhura wouzuni. " (Mat. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " They were surrounded by "a great cloud of witnesses, " who succeeded in the race. Tatu gwana elimbururo kweyi ga tanterere Jehova Varevhi. We find the answer in what Jehovah told the Levites. What does true love move us to do? KAPISI EZONAGURO LYEVHU THE END IS NOT AN EPIC, FLAMING DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH. How can we imitate him? 5: 18) Kuvhura tu lirongere ko sirongwa somulyo konkareso ezi va likidire vantu ava kosirugana saJehova. This contrast in attitude toward volunteer service contains an important lesson for us. I realized that I was thinking about the negative speech I had caused me to treat them badly. " HEDERA KARUNGA PEPI DRAW CLOSE TO GOD They are close to the bus and stopped by bus to spread literature. Kapisi zi tu tetukise nkareso zawo. But we should not be surprised at their apathy. Jesus said: "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. Jesus kwa tanterere vapostoli vendi asi: "Apa ngani za nye, ni ka mane kumuwapaikira evega, yipo ngani ka tengura ni ya mu simburure, none ngomu ka kare oku na kara. " - Johanesa 14: 3. Jesus had earlier told his apostles: "If I go my way and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will receive you home to myself, so that where I am you also may be. " - John 14: 3. When he did not compromise, he was falsely accused of being put to death. Vahompa vaSaremu naSodoma kwa wizilire Abirahamu. The kings of Salem and Sodom came out to meet Abraham. My workmates too could see me agree that what I was saying is the truth. " Mokuza moUntungi waKarunga, nyose kupita momaudigu gomanzi. " - YIRUG. Because they love Jehovah, trust in him, and obey him. Satana ga zonagura nondunge dovantu va dire kudiva mausili gomulyo aga ga kara moNonkango daKarunga. Satan has blinded people to the precious truths found in God's Word. The first ten verses focuses on Jehovah's service. Yisinke sina kututantera sihorokwa saAsa kuhamena Jehova omu a tungike yirugana yovakareli vendi? What does the account regarding Asa tell us about how Jehovah blesses the activities of His servants? We might ask, " How can I continue to make spiritual advancement so that I can gain the benefits mentioned above? ' 6: 37, 38; 7: 51. 6: 37, 38; 7: 51. 13: 17, 24. (Tara efano pepenuno 14.) (See opening picture.) Are I focusing on spiritual things? ' (1 Kol. 5: 1 - 5; 6: 1 - 10) Vamwe nampo kwa purakenene koyimpempa yowo ngava litumbura asi "vapositoli. " (2 Kol. Others may have listened to the slander of the "superfine apostles. " When God decided to destroy humans, those angels left the spirit realm and returned to heaven. Hedera Karunga pepi - Ove kwa "yi horwera vantuuntu tupu " 9 Draw Close to God - "You Have... Revealed Them to Babes " 9 And instead of relying on yourself, think that you can solve problems without doing research. va rugana Nombangi daJehova. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. One day we were tired while preaching from house to house and conduct Bible studies. Mombilive zoozo, Paurusa kwa pamperekedere Timoteusa asi: "Genderera kuwiza, ako kufu simpe kapi kuna siki. " In the same letter, Paul urged Timothy: "Do your utmost to arrive before winter. " On the last night on earth, Jesus went to Peter and the apostles in the garden of Gethsemane. Russell novakwawo va nongwenene asi: Kapi tava vhuru kuruganena kumwe nava va tokomena kukwaterera koukarelikarunga woyimpempa. - Resa 2 Vakolinte 6: 14. The Bible Students would have to face the facts: There could be no partnership with those determined to hold on to false religion. - Read 2 Corinthians 6: 14. He said: "If I touch my garments, I will get well. " Nampili ngoso, pwa kere kambunga koVakriste wovagwavekwa ava va hetekerere ko kukarera Karunga, nye kwato ogu ngava pakere mbili. Even so, a small number of anointed wheatlike Christians were doing their best to worship God, but their voices were being drowned out. The ark required that the animals and the animals set them apart for the land of Canaan. Ano Jehova kuna kutukorangeda asi: "Munwange kara munongo, makura ame tani hafa. Ame ngani limburura nkenye ogu nga pa nge usima. " So Jehovah urges us: "Be wise, my son [or daughter], and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " So Jesus wanted to convince us that every word was fulfilled in the Law. Koneka ehuguvaro eli ga likidire Murevhi gomutjayuki. Consider the patience of an exiled Levite. William, who has been serving as an elder for 20 years, encourages elders and ministerial servants "to love one another. " (Episarome 49: 7, 8) Yosili, ose twa hepa evatero morwa nokuvhura si kufutira sizoweseso. We desperately need help because we cannot afford the price of the ransom. 2: 5. (b) Nsene tava tjanga nombilive? (b) when preparing correspondence? Clearly, John the Baptizer mentioned Jesus as "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. " 4: 9, 10) NgoVakriste, kuza mepwizumuko lyaKarunga kutanta asi kumulimburukwa nokukwatesa ko sitambo sendi. As Christians, we can enter into God's rest by obediently working in harmony with his advancing purpose. But Joseph fled. Mpepo zaKarunga kuvhura kuninkisa muntu a kare nevhuliko lyokusikisa mo sirugana ndi situmbukira yi kare asi udivi musinke ga kara nawo. God's spirit can qualify people for a work or a service privilege regardless of their previous circumstances or experience. Do all anointed Christians make up the faithful slave? 4: 34; 17: 4) Mokulifana, sirugana esi va tu pa naso kuyererepeka Jehova. Similarly, the work assigned to us today glorifies Jehovah. This article will also strengthen our confidence that Jehovah is our Creator and our Creator. Nye kutunda posiruwo sina, Vakriste navenye, kukwatera mo " nonzwi dapeke ' kwa gwanena mo uwa moyirongwa yomoMatjangwa. - Johanesa 10: 16; 2 Timoteusa 3: 1. However, since that time, all Christians, including the "other sheep, " have benefited from the lessons found in the Scriptures. - John 10: 16; 2 Timothy 3: 1. Since we cannot see what is in our heart, we cannot judge others for what they do. - Read James 4: 12. 10: 2; Mara. 4: 5, 6) Pomuhowo Jesus kwa horowere varongwa 12 ano konyima 70, age kwa va pere mapukururo nokuvatuma mokukazuvhisa mbudi zononkondo asi: "Untungi waKarunga pepi una kara. " Jesus selected first 12 then 70 from among his disciples, gave them specific instructions, and sent them out to preach the stirring message: "The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " Jesus did not ignore this problem. Nove no va honena ndi, nampili ngomu ono diva asi kuvhura gu ku verure? Would you go along with them, even though you had convincing evidence that the cure really worked? The "Eureka Drama " proved to be an expression of no electricity, using only using the legs of iron. Mwenyo gwanarunye pevhu kuna kara ehuguvaro eli ga tu pa Karunga Everlasting Life on Earth - A God - Given Hope (b) How did one sister realize that she needed to return to his family? Kudeura ezwi lyokomutjima kutuvatera tu ture po matokoro gomawa kuhamena yirugana A trained conscience helps us to resolve employment questions 9 / 1 Lirongera ko kougomoki waJesus Learn From Christ's Mild Temperament This insight also gave them boldness to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Sifanekeso sovantu namumbyendi wovakadi kudidilika hena ukaro umwe ou nau kundama evango eli ngatu kara nalyo mombungakriste. An illustration of two young fleshly sisters highlights another factor that comes into play in determining the place we will occupy in the congregation. This attitude can help us to put up with feelings of affection and concern for others. Apa atu zuvhisire vantu, kapisi tu va resere tupu Matjangwa. Of course, more is needed than merely reading Bible texts to those we are conversing with. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses use Romans 5: 12? Eli yilyo erongo tuna hepa naina. This is the kind of education that is needed today. Many became close friends. (Genesis 24: 39, 41) Betuwere kwa here kuzuvha ko etokoro lyaRepeka. In the house of Bethuel too, the young woman's preferences mattered. We are not born with joy, and this quality is not enough. 1: 24 - 32; 2 Tim. 3: 1 - 5) Awo kuncenuna asi nonkwara uhwi wokutunda kwaKarunga, ano pokudira kufumadeka uhwi owo awo kapi ava fumadeke Mugavi, Jehova Karunga. They ignore the fact that marriage is a gift from God, and by disrespecting that gift, they also disrespect the Giver, Jehovah God. " God wants you to be rich, to be rich, to have a lot of cars, and to a large business. (1 Pet. 3: 4) Mukadi gomuwa kuhetekera ko kukwama yihonena yoyiwa yovakadi wovalimburukwi womoyiruwo yanare, ngwendi Sara naAbigali naRutu naMariya zinyaJesus. (1 Pet. A good wife tries to follow the fine examples of godly women of former times, such as Sarah, Ruth, Abigail, and Jesus ' mother, Mary. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED 4: 8, 9; Ehor. 12: 12) Yirugana yokufuta nawa kapi ayi tu retere ruhafo ngwendi oru atu gwana pokuronga vantu kuhamena Karunga ntani meho zongwa. Compared to the lasting joy that comes from helping people to benefit from God's wisdom so that they can gain everlasting life, a secular career can provide only limited satisfaction. But what did Jesus think? Ndaniyera kwa twikilire kukara nepuro nokulimburukwa dogoro konomfa dendi. Daniel stayed faithful and obedient to the very end of his life. How did God's love help him to cope with mistakes? Awo kwa va kundurukidire " mbunga zonene zonondipo, ' ezi ya tompokere melirombero. Surrounding them were a " great cloud of witnesses, ' who had successfully completed the race. What are these benefits? Yisinke eharo lyosili lyokuhara Jehova ali tu tumangeda tu rugane? Loving God fully will move us to do what? The psalmist wrote about Jehovah: "Let your loving - kindness be comforted me. " Ngapi omu natu mu honena? How can we imitate him? And books, magazines, and Internet sites can be found on the Internet. Tani ya dimburura asi nani mauyungo govantu yigo ga ninkisire nge ni va tekure momudona. " I soon came to the realization that my attitude was based on ignorance and hearsay, not on facts. " When she was 15, she was appointed to play a national team. Awo kuzuvhisira pepi napa adi sikamekere nombesa mokuhanesa yimbapiratjangwa. They take their place near a bus stop and offer our Bible literature to passersby. Many are baptized each year because Jesus ' followers are busy doing their best. Jesus kwa tente asi: "Muntu simpe a vhuru kukerera ohekuru vavali, morwa na nyenga po gumwe, ta hara po mukwawo, ndi na korera kwagumwe, ta nusa po mukwawo. Jesus said: "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. Samantha: I never thought of that before. Apa ga dilire kuteza po ulimburukwi wendi, tava mu kumbagere asi tava mu roya. When that failed to break his resolve, guards staged a mock execution. The rider has caused death through sickness, disease, and other factors. Varugani vakwetu nawo va yi mwene kuvhura va kwatese nge ko asi eyi nina kuuyunga usili. All my companions who were harvesting with me in the heat of the sun will testify... that what I have said is true. Lefèvre did not allow people to distract his work from his translation of the Bible. Morwa va hara Jehova, nokumuhuguvara ntani kumulimburukwa. Because we love Jehovah, we are loyal to him, and we obey him. To strengthen our conviction that those who get baptized are baptized and have more adjustments in a special way. Novelise murongo dokuhova kwa demenena koyirugana nokoyikara yaJehova. The first ten verses focus exclusively on Jehovah's works and qualities. While on earth as a perfect human, Jesus did the work that Jehovah had given him. Kuvhura tu lipure asi, " Ngapi nani twikira kukura pampepo yipo ni gwane mauwa aga vana tumbura? ' As a result, we may be moved to ask ourselves, " How can I grow as a spiritual person and enjoy more fully the benefits described above? ' Because she was focusing on her material things. 13: 17, 24. 13: 17, 24. This publication is not for sale. Ndi ame kuna kudemenena yininke yopampepo? ' (Mat. Or do I strive to maintain an eye that is focused on spiritual matters? ' Because he knows what is good for us and wants to protect us. Apa Karunga ga tokwere kuzonagura po vantu noruhanzo, vaengeli owo kwa sigire marutu gopanyama nokutengura meguru. When God brought a global deluge to sweep the earth clean, they dematerialized and returned to the spirit realm. This may not always be easy. Ntani nyokera po kulihuguvara nyamoge, pasihonena pokugazara asi kuvhura o kohonone po maudigu wa hana kurugana ko mapaparo. Also, avoid becoming overconfident - perhaps thinking that you have so much experience that you can handle any situation without doing careful research. 6, 7. Ezuva limwe ose kwa rorokere apa twa zuvhisire tunda embo zende embo nokurugana malirongo goBibeli. One day, a month later, we were tired after walking from door to door in the summer heat and conducting Bible studies. I WAS born on December 10, December 10, 1994, U.S.A., and we brought ten children in the Philippines. (Epis. 118: 6) Mesiku lyokuhulilira apa pevhu, Jesus kwa zire naPeturusa novapositoli vavali mosikunino saGesemani. On the final night of His earthly life, Jesus took Peter and two other apostles with him deep into the garden of Gethsemane. • Why is humility important? Age kwa uyungire asi: "Sinene tupu ni guma nampili kosikoverero sendi, nyame kuveruka. " She kept saying: "If I touch just his outer garments I shall get well. " How do we know that it is not enough for a Christian to avoid serious sins? Emuwato va hepere kulitunga nokuhwilida mo yikorama mokuyiparura koRuhanzo. The colossal task of building the ark had to be completed and the animals had to be safely loaded on board before the floodwaters fell. For example, the slave Eliezer was assigned to oversee the work of Abraham's entire career. (Episarome 78: 69) Yipo nye, Jesus kwa here kunkondopeka sitwa asi nkenye nkango va uyunga moVeta ngazi sika mo. So this striking statement indicated that not even the smallest detail of the Law would go unfulfilled. On the other hand, the Bible says: "Do not follow the evil, even if many have done so. " William ogu ga kara mukuronambunga ure wonomvhura 20, kukorangeda vakuronambunga vakwawo novakwafimbunga "va hare vapuli vakwawo. William, a respected elder for over 20 years, advises newly appointed men: "Love the brothers. Christ is the only one under the rule of all enemies under his feet. 2: 5. 2: 5. We might well ask ourselves, " God didn't ask us to do such things! ' Yosili, Johanesa Mukuhwi kwa tumbwire Jesus asi: "Nzwigona zaKarunga ezi azi gusa po nonzo douzuni. " Indeed, John the Baptizer called Jesus "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. " After Saul was on high school, he wanted to go to high school with fellow Christians in their homes and even to share in the Sanhedrin. Nye Josefa ta duka. But Joseph managed to run away from her. My family and friends do not believe that I had made changes. Vagwavekwa navenye apa pevhu kwa hamena mombunga zomukareli gokulimburukwa ndi? Do all anointed ones on earth make up the faithful slave? Is it possible for them to be based on false teachings? Sirongwa esi ngasi ka nkondopeka hena ehuguvaro lyetu asi Jehova yige Musiti gwetu gonondunge gononkondo. SIRONGWA SELIRONGO 2 [ Footnote] Mokumona asi ose kapi atu mono eyi ya kara komutjima gomuntu, kapi tatu vhuru kupangura vakwetu pokuvagazarera konda zeyi vana ruganene yininke. - Resa Jakopo 4: 12. Since we cannot read hearts, it is both wise and loving to avoid jumping to conclusions about other people's motives. - Read James 4: 12. How did people feel about the New World Translation? [ Picture on page 13] How God's people were released from Babylon the Great in 1919. Jesus kapi ga ncenwinine udigu owo. For example, his disciples argued many times about who was the greatest among them. I asked them if I would be brought up a Bible study with me in a Catholic program that would replace the apostles. Sidanauka "Eureka Y " ngava si likida nampili kwato rutjeno, pokuruganesa tupu ramba zohasi. The "Eureka Y " slide projector could be run without electricity by using a carbide lamp. Then your peace would become just like a river, a river, and a river like a river. (b) Ngapi munazinyetukadi gumwe ga yi dimbwilire asi ga hepere kutengura kepata lyendi? (b) How did one sister come to realize that she should rejoin her family? How grateful we are that "the whole association of brothers " of the world loves us! 9 / 1 12 / 1 The Way to destruction Ekwatogano eli kwava pere hena upampi mokuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa. This understanding filled them with renewed zeal for preaching the good news of the Kingdom. I was devastated because I was only 20 years old. Nkareso ezi kuvhura kutuvatera tu ture malizuvho neyi va hara wopeke muhowo. (Fil. An unselfish spirit can help us to place our feelings and personal preferences after those of others. Jehovah promises that he will help his servants. Morwasinke Nombangi daJehova adi ruganesere unene Varoma 5: 12? Why is Romans 5: 12 of interest to Jehovah's Witnesses? We gave us some of the small food we had together with my wife before the books of the Bible. Wovanzi kwa ya kere vakaume wovanene. In fact, many were close friends regardless of color. Some names have been changed. Kapi vatu reta nehafo, ntani sikara esi kapi asi wiza po tupu. We are not born with such joy; nor does it develop automatically. On the other hand, if they do not have to be influenced by the Israelites, they need someone else to spend more time with them. " Karunga kuna ku harere o ngawope, mokukara nomatuwa gomanzi ntani nongesefa zonene. " God wants you to be rich - cars in the garage, a prosperous business. In some cases, money is often used rather than what they have received. MAPURO GAMWE VA LIMBURURA OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED The father and Father discussed together to cultivate a close relationship with him for many years. Nye yisinke ga gazarere Jesus? But what was Jesus thinking? Because all of us need God's help to remain faithful. Ngapi omu eharo lyaKarunga lya vaterere Lily a lididimikire mapuko gaCarol? How did God's love help one sister to put up with the imperfections of another sister? Those words show that she was sad. Mauwa musinke ogo? What is that advantage? Moreover, Jesus ' throne will last forever. " Muepisarome kwa tjenge kuhamena Jehova asi: " Siga eharo lyoge lyonkenda li hengagwide nge. ' The psalmist wrote of Jehovah: "May your loving - kindness serve, please, to comfort me. " " I was paid for more money and now, " she says, "and now I have added more time to train children and to train my family than 50 years. Nobuke noyifo nonosaitunga kuvhura kuyigwana koInterneta. Many books, magazines, and newspapers can be read online. After his sacrificial death, his apostles continued to expand the preaching work. Apa ga ya kere nonomvhura 15, yipo va mu horowere a dane mosipana sosirongo. By the time Eric was 15, he had been selected to play on a national team. A young sister came to her brother and said: "Let a wife go home from her home to rest. Wovanzi kuna kugwana ekuho nkenye mvhura morwa vasikuli vaJesus kuna kurugana unene. Because of the hard work that is being done by all of Jesus ' followers, hundreds of thousands of people are getting baptized each year. No. Martha: Kapi nayi gazadara rumwe oyo. Samantha: I never thought of it that way before. During the Memorial season, it is good time to meditate on all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us. Murondi kwa retesa po nomfa kupitira momauvera ntani nayimwe hena ngoso. The rider brings premature death due to disease and other factors. This means that they received the final sealing of the harvest and its olive tree. Lefèvre kapi ga pulisilire nompata dovantu di donganese sirugana sendi sokutoroka Bibeli. Lefèvre did not allow heated debates on his works to distract him from translating the Bible. 27 Our Readers Ask... Mokuyinkondopeka asi ava ava gwana ekuho lyomomema neli lyomompepo kupita merunduruko lyokulikarera. To underline that those baptized with water and spirit would undergo a remarkable change. We must heed Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you. " Apa ga kere pevhu ngomuntu gokusikilira mo, Jesus nga rugana noruhafo sirugana esi ga mu pere Jehova. While on earth as a perfect human, Jesus joyfully performed the work Jehovah had given him to do. Imagine how Martha and Mary rejoiced when Jesus resurrected Lazarus. - Read John 11: 20 - 24, 38 - 44. Morwa kudemenena unene konondya age ga zumbanesere yininke yomulyo po. So focused was she on her elaborate meal that she lost sight of what mattered most. Will people now learn to look back on people who have died years ago and see how they view them today? Simbapiratjangwa esi kapisi sokurandesa. This publication is not for sale. Later, they began to study the Bible. Morwa age ga diva yoyiwa po kwetu ntani ana hara kutupopera. Because he knows what is best for us and he wants to protect us. When God instructed Noah to build an ark, Noah was only 40 years old and 50 years old. (Vahebeli 13: 7, 17) Eyi kapisi ureru kuyisikisa mo. This is not always easy to do. Instead, he said: "It is written, " It is written, O Jehovah your God and you must serve him. ' " 6, 7. 6, 7. They said: "We are very grateful to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. AME kwa hampuruka nge 10 Sindimba 1968 momukunda gwaIlocos Norte moPhilippines, ntani ose kwa tu reta murongo nye ame gwauntambali. I WAS born in Ilocos Norte, Philippines, on December 10, 1968, the seventh of ten children. (Read 1 John 4: 9, 10, 19.) • morwasinke ya karera nomulyo mokulikida elinunupiko? • why is it essential to display humility? Imagine that Jehovah had set a law sentence on the innocent man who killed him. Ngapi twa yi diva asi kapi ya gwanena po koMukriste kunyokera po tupu kutura nonzo dononene? How do we know that being a Christian involves more than leaving behind the practice of serious sins? See the article "How to Make Money " in The Watchtower of September 2011, issue of Awake! Pasihonena, mukareli Eliasera yige va pere sirugana sokugendesa emona lyaAbirahamu nalinye. We can see this in the case of Eliezer, who was entrusted with the care of Abraham's extensive belongings. At first, we bought the government in order to provide literature for our congregation meetings. Mokulisiga, Bibeli kutanta asi: "Walye o kwama yoyidona, nampili va hame ko wovanzi. " In contrast, the Bible states: "You must not follow after the crowd for evil ends. " By relying on God through prayer, Aquila and Priscilla are able to endure his illness. Kristusa yige tupu kupangera dogoro noku nga tura nonkore nadinye konhi zonompadi dendi. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. The answers to these questions will help us to draw closer to Jehovah and to serve him wholeheartedly. Kuvhura tu gazare asi: " Karunga kapi ga tu pura rumwe nomulikwali gwange tu rugane yininke yangoso! ' We might think, " Well, God has never asked me or my spouse to do anything like that! ' What did Jehovah make at Pentecost 33 C.E., and who became his new nation? Konyima Sauru kwa here kuza koDamasikusi a ka bubure Vakriste momambo gawo nokuvapurututa ava gave kosigongi somasimbi. Explain how Saul was converted from persecuting Jesus ' followers to preaching about Christ. He wrote about how he felt about the Jews: "The love of my heart is what the Israelites should live. Ekoro lyange novakaume vange vanare kapi vana kuyipura asi na tura po marunduruko. My relatives and former friends cannot believe how much I have changed. He knew that his motives were looking for him, not because he wanted them to hear what he taught, but because he loved food. 2: 2, 3) Kuvhura sininke va tatekera koyimpempa si karerere ndi? Can anything founded on falsehood stand forever? Many times Jehovah answers our prayers through the Bible. [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnotes] Illustrate. Ngapi va lizuvhire vantu kuhamena Bibeli New World Translation zemeraka lyawo? How do people feel about the New World Translation in other languages? David knew what the Law meant for the blood of the blood was not to eat, but he poured it out to Jehovah on the ground. Eyi kusingonona omu vantu vaKarunga va va mangwilire mo moBabironi zonene mo - 1919. This described the way that God's people were released from Babylon the Great in 1919. My husband, Eunice, was baptized in 1979, and my mother began to study the Bible before she died. Yipo na va pulire nsene kuvhura va retere nge elikwamo lyoMatjangwa gerongo lyoVakatolika lyokupinganena po vapositoli. So I asked if they could just bring me a list of scriptures on the Catholic doctrine of apostolic succession. Is your conduct "the entire inhabited earth " and" the things in the world " manifest your confidence in God? Matungiko ngano ngaga ku powomokera ngwendi mukuro ogu agu dili kupwira! 5: 12, 13; Heb. Ayo kutuhafesa pokudiva asi " vapuli vakwetetu mouzuni naunye ' kwa tu hara. (1 Pet. What a blessing it is to be loved by " the entire association of our brothers in the world '! Some people in our time have tried to do so, but they do not succeed. Nzira zokutwara kezonauko A Path Leading to Disaster This does not mean that Christians no longer offer sacrifices. Eyi kwa tukukisire nge morwa ame kwa kere tupu nonomvhura 20. This shocked me, as I was only 20 years old. Being concerned about our meeting places Jehova kwa tumbwidira asi nga vatera vakareli vendi. Jehovah promises to be with his servants. Yet, Jesus continued to show mercy and peace, without losing the hope of being like a lesser one. - Phil. Ose ngava tu pe nondya donontenda edi ngatu li kumwe namukadange komeho tu dumbuke. I was permitted to help her at one place so that she could get done in half the time. Regarding the end of this system of things, the Bible says: "The wicked will be cut off, and those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth. " Madina gamwe kwa ga rundumuna. Some names have been changed. Are they more important than making sacrifices to serve Jehovah? " Nye nsene kapi tayi ka va rerupa mokukara velik1e, va hepa gumwe ogu na kara nawo siruwo nasinye. However, if they are not going to be safe on their own, more permanent assistance would be in order. He worked on my mind and counsel. Poyiruwo yimwe yimaliwa yoyinzi kwa yi ruganesa kupitakana eyi va gwana. At times, this resulted in more money going out than coming in for a period of time. Some problems in marriage can protect one another. Guhya noMunwa ngava zogere kumwe nokutunga po elikwatakano lyenene nomvhura dononzi. (Joh. The Father and Son must have communicated extensively and developed deep affection for each other over aeons of time. Of course not! Morwa natuvenye twa hepa evatero lyaKarunga yipo tu kare valimburukwi. Because we all need God's help to remain faithful to him. We studied the Bible with our sister. Nonkango odo kulikida asi age kwa guvire siruwo sosire. The expression "began to " suggests that it took some time for him to cope with his loss. How does the example of Timothy show that Jehovah is willing to give up our fellow Christians? Ntani hena, sipundi saJesus souhompa ngasi karerera "narunye - narunye. " Moreover, Jesus ' throne will last "forever and ever. " Jehovah Is Our Place of refuge Age kwa tanta asi: "Ame nare ngava futu nge yimaliwa yoyinzi ano ngesi kuna kugwana tupu yoyisesu, ngesi va gwederera nge ko mazuva 50 momvhura gokukara kumwe nepata lyange nokudeura vanona. " I get 20 percent less pay than before, " he says, "but now I have an extra 50 days a year to be with my family and train the children. Jesus ' disciples learned that faith is needed to forgive others 3: 21 - 23; 4: 14, 15, 43) Konyima zonomfa dendi, vapositoli vendi kwa twikilire kutamununa sirugana sokuzuvhisa. (Yirug. After his death, his apostles took the lead in the expansion of this preaching work. ANSWER: Jehovah, Jesus, is God, and the Creator of all things. Muhakuli gomukurona kwa wizire kwaGrace nokutanta asi: "Mugolikadi Allen, zende kembo o ka pwizumuke ko. The head nurse came to Grace and said: "Mrs. Allen, go home and get some rest. What contrast is there between the Governing Body and religious leaders? Hawe. No. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 68, 6 Mosiruwo soMurarero, kuna kara siruwo sosiwa mokuteda ko kwanayinye eyi ga tu ruganena Jehova naJesus. The Memorial season is an excellent time to meditate on all that Jehovah and Jesus have done for us. He also thought about how he would affect his children. Eyi kutanta asi awo kwa gwene yiumurongo yomuzangu neyi yoyimuna. They would receive 10 percent of Israel's produce and of the increase of the domestic animals. Indeed, those things "were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come. " - 1 Cor. 27 Matungiko "posiruwo sosiwa nesi sosidona " 27 Blessings "in Favorable Times and Difficult Times " This school has helped over seven million publishers to learn and teach them to help people. " - Read 1 Corinthians 9: 20 - 23. Yiyo twa hepera kulimburukwa erondoro lyaJesus eli asi: "Omu litakamese nyamweni! Walye omu lizumbilire moyipito nomoyinwa yononkondo noyinka youzuni ou, ezuva olyo neisi ngali mu gwana hararasi. " So we should obey Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. " 17: 22; Ezek. Gazara tupu omu Malita naMariya va hefe apa Jesus ga vhumbwire Rasarusa. - Resa Johanesa 11: 20 - 24, 38 - 44. Can you imagine the joy of Martha and Mary when Jesus raised Lazarus back to life? - Read John 11: 20 - 24, 38 - 44. Today, we do not invite us to go to war, but we have been assigned to preach with zeal and zeal. Vantu vantaantani ngava ka lironga kutara vantu ava va fa nare monkedi zapeke nomu vana kuvatara naina ndi? Might the younger generations have to learn to view their ancestors in a way far different from the way they view them today? How can many others benefit from helping them? Konyima yipo va tamekere kulironga Bibeli. A regular Bible discussion began. (b) What did David expect from Jehovah? (Gen. 6: 9 - 18) Apa Karunga ga pangerere Nowa a tunge emuwato, ado kwa hupire ko tupu nomvhura 40 ndi 50. It is possible, therefore, that when Noah received the commission to build the ark, only 40 or 50 years remained before the Flood. 48: 17, 18. Nye age kwa tente asi: "Kwa tjanga asi, " O tongamene Hompa Karunga goge gelike oku to mu kerere, makura! ' " Instead, He said: "It is written, " It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service. ' " Jonathan became David's friend and continued to trust in him. Awo kwa tente asi: "Ose kuna kupandura unene Jehova naJesus Kristusa. They have invited us to be part of this truly united nation. Think about the most important things you can make for yourself or your relationship with Jehovah? (Resa 1 Johanesa 4: 9, 10, 19.) (Read 1 John 4: 9, 10, 19.) It is common for people when they reach their goal. Gazara ko tupu asi Jehova yige ga tulisire po veta zokudipaga ogu ana dipaga mukwawo. Think of it: Jehovah - the very One who had mandated capital punishment for willful murderers - gave unintentional manslayers ample opportunity to receive compassion and protection! In Bible times, if a person is unfair, it will show that he is not worthy of God's favor. - Jeremiah 25: 32, 33. Tara sirongwa "Omu no ruganesa nawa yimaliwa " mosifo Awake! Sitarara 2011, moRuingilisa. See the series "How to Manage Money " in the September 2011 issue of Awake! On one occasion when Jesus prayed, he called Jehovah "my Father. " (1 Vakolinte 1: 28, 29) Pomuhowo, ose kwa rende ehina lyokukurupa kepangero yipo tu nduruke komawoko yimbapiratjangwa yokomapongo. At first, we bought an old machine from the government to print literature by hand for our meetings. Nathan told David: "You will not build a temple for me. " (Fil. 4: 6, 7) Pokuhuguvara mwaKarunga kupitira mekanderero, Magdalena kuna kulididimikira uvera wendi. By relying on God through prayer, Magdalena copes with her debilitating disease. 6: 3, 4; Phil. Malimbururo komapuro aga ngaga tu vatera tu hedere pepi naJehova nokumukarera nomutjima nagunye. The answers to these questions will move us to draw closer to Jehovah and worship him with all our heart. For more information on how loving - kindness differs from love and kindness, see The Watchtower, May 15, 2002, pages 12 - 18, 19. Yisinke ga tulisire po Jehova poPentekoste 33, ntani wolye va ya kere muhoko gwendi gomupe? What change took place at Pentecost 33 C.E., and who became members of Jehovah's new people? However, the elders told me that when my mother spoke to others about our situation, they gave a witness. Age kwa tjenge omu ga lizuvhire kuhamena Vajuda asi: "Eharo lyomutjima gwange lyeli asi Vaisraeli ngano va paruke. Note what he further said in his letter to the Christians in Rome about his feelings toward those Jews: "The goodwill of my heart and my supplication to God for them are indeed for their salvation. All of us ask Jehovah to do what we can and benefit from it, even if we make sacrifices. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. (Johanesa 6: 22 - 24) Age ga yi divire asi konda zeyi va mu paparere, kapisi asi morwa kwa here va purakene kweyi ga rongere, nye kwa here nondya. He realized that the main reason they were there was, not because they wanted to listen to him teach, but because they wanted food. He was thrilled to see his father come from the battle without an angel. (Episarome 25: 4) Yikando yoyinzi Jehova kulimburura makanderero getu kupitira moBibeli. Many times Jehovah provides the answers to our prayers in the Bible. He did just so. " Gava sihonena. Give an example. Since 1919, the faithful and discreet slave has accomplished his assignment to "make sure of men. " Ndafita ga divire eyi za tente Veta asi honde kapisi va zi lye nye va zi tjisire pevhu ngonzambo kwaJehova. David knew from the Law that blood should be poured out to Jehovah and not eaten. (a) In what way did the faithful slave stay awake and explain some Bible accounts? (Vahebeli 4: 12) Mugara gwange, Bienvenido, ogu ga kere muporosi, kwa gwene ekuho mo - 1979, ntani onane va ya tamekere kulironga Bibeli komeho va fe. My husband, Bienvenido, who had been a policeman, got baptized in 1979, and my mother began to study the Bible not long before she died. The second article considers several reasons why we should preach with endurance. Nkareso zoge " kouzuni ' ntani " nokoyininke eyi ya kara mouzuni ' kulikida ehuguvaro lyoge lyenene mwaKarunga ndi? Does your attitude toward "the world " and" the things in the world " reflect your complete trust in God? They took me out in school because I remained loyal to my faith in the Bible. 5: 12, 13; Heb. 5: 12, 13; Heb. He and Mary regularly took their children in the synagogue, where they read and read the Law. Vantu vamwe womosiruwo setu kwa hetekera ko kuyirugana oyo, nye kapi ya va tompoka. Many men in modern times have attempted to do just that but have failed. Why did Jesus use this illustration? Eyi kapi yina kutanta asi Vakriste kapi ava gava hena nonzambo. That is not to say that Christians are no longer interested in sacrifices. What is the day of God's day, and why was that "day " in this day? Kufira sinka mavango getu gokupongera Take Good Care of Our Meeting Places Since the first human pair sinned in the garden of Eden, this was a hope for mankind who had faith. (Ruk. 22: 24 - 27) Nye, Jesus ga twikilire kuvapukurura nombili, ga hana kuzumbanesa ehuguvaro asi komeho nawo ngava likida nkareso zelinunupiko ngwendi yige. - Fil. Yet, Jesus kept on reproving them with kindness, without ever losing hope that they would eventually learn to imitate his own humble mental attitude. - Phil. How can you speak respectfully? Kombinga zouhura wouzuni, Bibeli kutanta asi: "Vadinikarunga ngava va mana po, ano ava va huguvara HOMPA ngava tunga sirongo mompora. " And the one seated on it is called Faithful and True. " It moves us to benefit from God's Word because we love our neighbor. Ago mulyo kupitakana malizambero aga atu tura po mokukarera Jehova ndi? " How? " [ Credit Line] Age nga penge ko magano nomapukururo. He offered suggestions and guidance. It is good for us to meditate on how Jehovah is using his organization to support the preaching work. Maudigu gamwe mononkwara, kuvhura kugafunda po. Some challenges in a marriage are inevitable, but they are not insurmountable. I decided that I would never abandon him. " Hawe! Not one! The doctors and teachers bought her with good clothes because she knew her well. Ose ngatu lirongo Bibeli namukurwendi gomukadi. We had been conducting a Bible study with her sister. (Read Acts 2: 29 - 32.) Ngapi omu sihonena saTimoteusa a si likida asi Jehova ga kara neharo lyokugava yitumbikira kovadinkantu? How does Timothy's example show that Jehovah is willing to entrust young people with responsibilities? When we face problems, there is much more to do than we need. Jehova yige epopero lyetu Jehovah - Our Place of Dwelling Making your goals can make you wise? Varongwa vaJesus va lirongere asi pwa hepa epuro mokudongwenena po wopeke Jesus ' disciples learned that faith is needed to forgive others All who believe in Jesus will live forever in peace with Christ, whether they will rule with Christ in heaven or on earth. ELIMBURURO: Jehova, GuhyaJesus, age Karunga gwanarunye ntani Musiti goyininke nayinye. ANSWER: Jehovah, the Father of Jesus, is the eternal God and the almighty Creator of all things. Also available at Malisigo musinke ga kara po pokatji koMbungagendesi novampitisili womaukarelikarunga? What contrast exists between the Governing Body and Christendom's leaders? He also restored life to life, including a 12 - year - old girl. EPENUNO 21 • MARUSUMO: 68, 6 PAGE 21 • SONGS: 68, 6 Death was not his purpose. Age ga gazadarere ko hena omu ngayi kundama malizuvho govana vendi. She also weighed the potential emotional damage to little ones who during their formative years are separated from their parents. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Yosili, yininke oyo "kwa yi tjangera yi kare erondoro lyetu, ose tuna ya karere pouhura wouzuni ou. " - 1 Kol. In fact, those things "were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived. " - 1 Cor. According to Jehovah's due time, "all Israel " means that the entire nation of Israel would be kings and priests in heaven. Sikora ezi kwa vatera vazuvhisi wokupitakana pomamiliyona ntambali va dive kuzuvhisa nokuronga yipo va vatere vantu "navenye. " - Resa 1 Vakolinte 9: 20 - 23. By taking advantage of this instruction, more than seven million preachers are now equipped to preach and teach in a way that appeals to "people of all sorts. " - Read 1 Corinthians 9: 20 - 23. This shows that we can contribute to our happiness. 17: 22; Hes. 15: 30; Ezek. To help us strengthen our faith, let us consider what is recorded at Hebrews 11: 26 - 26. Naina kapi ava tu zigida tu ze tu ka rwe yita, nye ose kwa tu pa situmbukira sokuzuvhisa noupampi. Today, we are not called on to engage in physical warfare, but we are privileged to show courage by our zealous preaching activity. How? Pokuvatera varupirankondo, ngapi wovanzi nava gwanena mo mauwa? How does assisting those who feel weak bring blessings to many? And Rebekah did not say that she had come home or that they had sent someone to her for her. (b) Yisinke Ndafita ga ndindilire kwaJehova? (b) What did David expect from Jehovah? He does not use his authority in a way that features his gift. 48: 17, 18. 48: 17, 18. Name has been changed. Jonatana kwa ya kere kaume kaNdafita nokutwikira kumuhuguvara. Jonathan became David's friend and stayed loyal to him. Follow Jesus ' counsel: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your Yes, your " No. ' " Gazara kuhamena yininke yomulyo po koge. Yimaliwa yoyinzi ndi elikwatakano lyoge naJehova? In weighing your decision, what would you consider to be foremost - how the overtime work would affect your bank account or how it might affect your spirituality? What is one way that we can take the lead in showing honor to all in the congregation? Sinzi sovantu kukumbagera apa ava tura mo mahundiro goyirugana. When applying for a job, many resort to outright lies. Charles Darwin, who is the theory of evolution, does not believe that God exists. Moyiruwo yanare, nsene muntu kapi vana mu vhumbike monaruwa, ayo ngayi likida asi Karunga kapi ana mu hafere. - Jeremiya 25: 32, 33. In Bible times, to be denied a decent burial was seen as an expression of divine displeasure. - Jeremiah 25: 32, 33. I never read what he had told me, and I was happy to know God's name and purpose. Sikando simwe apa Jesus ga kanderere, age kwa tumbwire Jehova asi: "Tate goKupongoka. " (Joh. In another prayer, Jesus addressed Jehovah as "Holy Father. " (a) What attitude can we have toward those whom we teach in the ministry? Ta tantere Natana a ka tantere Ndafita asi: "Ove kapisi nyove ngo tungira nge ntembeli ngani kare mo. " He told Nathan to tell David: "You are not the one who will build the house for me to dwell in. " Many young people think about getting baptized benefit from their goals. 6: 3, 4; Fil. 6: 3, 4; Phil. If we continue to serve him joyfully, we will be like the psalmist who said: "I will give Jehovah my right hand before my right hand, just as I have not seen. Komauzera gomanzi omu eharo lyonkenda lya lisiga neharo ntani nonkenda, tara Ruhungu romazuva 15 rwaKudumonkuru 2002 pepenuno 12 - 13, 18, 19. For further discussion of how loving - kindness differs from loyalty, love, and kindness, see the May 15, 2002, issue of The Watchtower, pages 12 - 13, 18 - 19. (See footnote.) Nye komapongo, vakuronambunga ngava tantere nge asi apa onane ngava uyunga nava wopeke kuhamena ukaro wetu, awo ngava gava umbangi. But at the meetings, the elders reminded me that when Mom talked to others about our situation, she was actually witnessing to them. Christians understood this: The gods of the nations were "the god of the temple " rather than the sacred temple. Nkenye eyi atu pura Jehova tu rugane ose kugwanena mo uwa ntani kuturetera ruhafo, nampili yi kare asi twa hepa kutura po malizambero. - Resa Jesaya 48: 17. Whatever he requires of us is for our benefit and ultimately results in our greatest joy. That is so even if his requirements involve our making some sacrifices. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. Josephus wrote that Anna's worship was "a violent man who was forced to give a kingdom of priests and to those who refused to give it. " Age kwa hefe sili pokumona oguhwe kuna ka tunda koyita va hana kuremana. She was very happy to see him come back safely from fighting a battle. 68: 11. (Neh. At times, we may say a silent prayer - as Nehemiah did - and come to realize that it is being answered. My parents and sisters have benefited from them, since I don't care about them. 24: 45 - 47; Joh. 10: 16) Kutundilira 1919, mukareli ogu gokulimburukwa gonondunge kwa sikisa mo situmbukira sendi noulimburukwi sokugava nondya " kovantu. ' Since 1919, a small group of anointed brothers have loyally carried out the weighty responsibility to feed the "domestics. " The spirit of the sea can also cause us to envy. (a) Monkedi musinke mukareli gokulimburukwa ana vangarara kefatururo lyoyihorokwa yimwe yomoBibeli? (a) In what way is the faithful slave more cautious when explaining certain Bible accounts? The girl was very beautiful. Sirongwa sauvali kwa zogera nokonda dokulisiga - siga edi adi tu tumangeda tu zuvhise nedidimiko. The second article examines several Scriptural reasons that motivate us to carry out the preaching work with endurance. Jehovah's Witnesses are invited to invite you and your family to listen to a talk that will explain why Jesus ' death and how you can benefit from it. Yipo va gusire nge mo mosure morwa kukwaterera kwange kepuro lyange lyomoBibeli. I was eventually expelled from school because of holding to my Bible - based beliefs. How did Jesus react when he appeared to his disciples? Nage naMariya nkenye apa ngava twara vana vawo kosinagoge, oku ngava resa Veta nokuzifaturura. He and Mary regularly took them to the local synagogue, where the Law was read aloud and explained. What can we learn from this? Morwasinke Jesus ga ruganesere sifanekeso esi? Why did Jesus use this illustration? She knew the grief that I had suffered because of my divorce. Yisinke ezuva lyepwizumuko lyaKarunga, ntani morwasinke ga " pongwerere ' ezuva olyo? What is God's rest day, and why did he "make it sacred "? What God gave through Jesus Christ Kutunda tupu apa ga zonene muntu gokuhova mosikunino saEdeni, eli kwa kere ehuguvaro lyovantu ava va kara nepuro. This has been the hope of believing mankind ever since human perfection was lost in the garden of Eden. What choice did some Christians make, and why? Ngapi omu no uyunga nefumadeko? How can you communicate respectfully? The Bible foretold that the United Nations will be replaced by the United Nations, and this will lead to temporary peace. Ayo kututumangeda tu gwanene mo uwa moNonkango daKarunga morwa twa di hara unene. It is only sensible to conclude that because we appreciate God's Word, we will want to derive full benefit from it. But the Bible mentions some faithful men, such as Jephthah and Hannah, Hannah, and Samuel. [ Ntundiliro zefano 14] [ Credit Line] Imagine that a long journey is a long journey and you don't know the right way to follow. Ayo ya wapa kwetu tu tede ko omu Jehova ana kuruganesa mbunga zendi mokukwatesa ko sirugana sokuzuvhisa. Meditating on what Jehovah is accomplishing through his organization is good for us. They help our efforts to do good, and they benefit us just as we do. Ame kwa tokwere asi kapi ngani mu siga. " I pray that I will never let him go. " Do you feel the same way? Vandokotora novamitili ngava randa yidwara kwendi morwa ga divire nawa kuhonza. Because she was skilled in her craft, such professionals as doctors and teachers ordered clothes from her. Knowing God's name involves more than just knowing the word "Jehovah. " (Resa Yirugana 2: 29 - 32.) (Read Acts 2: 29 - 32.) Parents, you can be happy when your children see your children dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized. Apa atu ligwanekere nomaudigu, yinzi ya hamena mo kupitakana tupu kuhepa. When we have trials, there is more involved than our suffering. This illustration can help us to understand how our faith can make us more patient. Kuwapukurura yitambo yoge kuvhura kukupulisira o gwane unongo ndi? Would adjusting your focus or goals allow you to acquire more wisdom? It would be unwise if we were to lose sight of what we have accomplished. (Jesaya 25: 7, 8; 1 Vakolinte 15: 22, 26) Navenye ava ava pura mwaJesus ngava paruka narunye mombili noruhafo, yi kare asi ngava ka pangera naKristusa meguru ndi ngava parukira apa pevhu. All who show faith in Jesus will live in peace and be happy forever, either as kings with Christ in heaven or as subjects of God's Kingdom on earth. What is doing? Ntani kuzigwana ko - / kwn Also available at Because poverty is near to most people in many countries. Ntani ga tengwidire hena keparu vanona kukwatera mo mukadona gonomvhura 12. He also resurrected young people, including a 12 - year - old girl. The world is "the best gift " that our heavenly Father has given us. Nomfa kapi da kere sitambo sendi. Human death was not part of his original purpose. Young Ones - Be Guided by God's Word MAPURO KUHAMENA NOMBANGI DAJEHOVA - Mwa kara novampitisili veni ava omu futu ndi? In addition, some governments have tried to trick them so that they could benefit themselves. (Rom. 11: 26) Kuliza nosiruwo esi ga tura po Jehova, " Vaisraeli navenye ' kutanta asi sivaro nasinye soVaisraeli wopampepo, ngava ka kara ngovahompa novapristeli meguru. In Jehovah's due time, "all Israel " - that is, the complete number of spiritual Israelites - will serve as kings and priests in heaven. Jesus will destroy the three horsemen and will undo the damage caused by them. 15: 11) Eyi kulikida asi kuvhura tu gwederere ko koruhafo rwetu. Does this not indicate that we can grow in joy? PATIENCE (Heb. 10: 38, 39) Mokutuvatera tu nkondopeke epuro, tu konakoneni eyi va tjanga moVahebeli 11: 24 - 26 kuhamena Mosesa. To help us strengthen our faith, let us examine what is written about Moses at Hebrews 11: 24 - 26. He was not bringing him to a poor family, but he was a poor man when he lived on earth. 15: 28) Monkedi musinke? How so? She says: "I don't enjoy seeing the sinner die. Ntani kapi azi tanta asi Repeka kwa ka sikire kembo awo vantu vana rara ndi asi awo va tumine ko gumwe ketope a ka mu papare. It does not imply that her family was asleep by the time she finished or that anyone came to see why her errand was taking so long. For example, if a disciple is afraid of what his friends or friends might think about, you might decide to serve Jehovah at Isaiah 51: 12, 13. - Read Isaiah 51: 12, 13. Age kapi a ruganesa nonkondo dendi monkedi omu nayi limbikisa uhwi wendi. He does not exercise his sovereign authority in a way that nullifies his gift. What should you do? Edina kwa li rundumuna. Name has been changed. This article will answer these questions and will show us how to honor those whom we deserve. Kwama epukururo lyaJesus eli asi: "Omu ninke tupu asi " Nhi ', ndi asi " Hawe. ' " Follow Jesus ' advice: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No. " How Elders Can Help You Nkedi musinke zonene ezi natu vhura kugava sihonena mokufumadeka navenye mombungakriste? What is a major way in which we can take the lead in showing honor, and why is that so? Many times I was arrested and thrown into prison. Charles Darwin, ogu ga totere po erongo lyelisinto, kapi ga patana asi yipo ga kara Karunga. They attribute all the wonders of creation to blind chance. Each time she begged me to forgive him. Kapi nayi resa rumwe eyi ga tanterere nge, ntani ame kwa hefe pokudiva edina lyaKarunga nositambo sendi. I had never read it, and I was excited to learn about God's name and his purposes. In this way, there is no difference in the congregation. (a) Nkareso musinke natu kara nazo kovantu ava atu rongo moyirugana yokuzuvhisa? (a) What should be our attitude toward the people we teach in our ministry? As they walked, they thought about how they would live. Vadinkantu wovanzi ava ava gazara kugwana ekuho va gwanena mo uwa pokutjanga yitambo yawo. Many young ones who think about getting baptized have seen that this worksheet is a valuable tool. According to God's prophecy, those who obeyed Jehovah's direction "will save their lives, ' but those who ignore that warning. - Jer. Nsene tu twikira kumukarera noruhafo, ngatu kara ngwendi muepisarome Ndafita ogu ga tente asi: "Ame kupaka HOMPA nkenye apa komeho zange; moomu ga kara korulyo rwange, neisi hena ngayi nyunganga nge. If we keep on serving him with joy, we will be like the psalmist David, who said: "I keep Jehovah before me constantly. Because he is at my right hand, I will never be shaken. Courage helps us to have a positive viewpoint. (Tara nonkango dokonhi.) (See also footnote.) A widow named Jesus met a man who was bringing him back to life and raised his mother from the dead. - Luke 7: 11 - 15. Vakriste va yi kwete egano: vakwayita wovapagani noyikarunga yawo ("ezonauko lyedona ") kwa kere montembeli (" mevango lyokupongoka "). For alert Christians, the meaning was plain to see: A pagan army with its idolatrous standards ("the disgusting thing ") got as far as the temple wall (" a holy place "). Because our group was violent, and we gradually became known. Josephus kwa tjenge asi Anasi kwa kere "novakareli wonyanya ava ngava sininike vantu va gave siumurongo sovapristeli ntani awo ngava toona ava ngava nyoka kugava. " Josephus states that Ananus (Ananias), the son of Annas, had "servants who were utter rascals and who [would] take by force the tithes of the priests; nor did they refrain from beating those who refused to give. " 12 / 1 68: 11. 68: 11. Jehovah himself had chosen Moses. Vakondi vange novakuru vange va gwanena mo nawo uwa, morwa kapi hena nina kuvapa sinka. My family has also benefited - they no longer worry about me. How will that affect my family? (Gar. 5: 26) Nkareso somarumbasano kuvhura kutuninkisa hena tu kare nomfudu. The spirit of competition can make our imperfect leanings toward envy even worse. Joseph was determined not to complete his addiction. Mukadona nage kwa kere muwa unene. What about the Shulammite girl? He does not try to do it. Nombangi daJehova kuna kukuzigida nepata lyoge ngomu ka kare po nokukapurakena kosiuyungwa esi ngasi ka faturura eyi nomfa daJesus da karera nomulyo ntani nomu no gwanena mo uwa. Jehovah's Witnesses invite you and your family to attend and to listen to a talk that will explain why Jesus ' death is so important and how it can benefit you. Indeed, their faith and relationship with God helped them to run the race with endurance and endurance. (1 Peturusa 3: 18; Yirugana 10: 40) Ngapi ga fene Jesus apa ga monekerere varongwa vendi? How did Jesus look when he appeared to his disciples then? However, the people of Israel and Judah did not repent, even though Jehovah continued to send prophets to deliver them from their bad conduct. Yisinke natu lirongera ko kweyi? What can we learn from this account? If so, you are following the course of many who belong to him. Age ga divire ruguwo oru na kere naro morwa kwa lizumbire na yange. " He knew how depressed I was as a result of my husband's filing for a divorce. Also available at Eyi ga geve Karunga kupitira mwaJesus Kristusa What God Provided Through Jesus Christ The last book of the Bible is found in the Bible: "He [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Etokoro musinke va tura po Vakriste vamwe ntani morwasinke? What choice have some Christians made, and why? Kenneth, who has stopped his job, spent 50 years in California, U.S.A., moved to work in a bank. Bibeli kwa pumba asi mbunga zElipakerero lyoNomuhoko ngava zi pinganesera po, ano eyi ngayi twaredesa kombili zopokaruwogona. The Bible foretold that the League would be replaced, leading to a time of relative peace. By trying to start a conversation with someone, you may be distracted by what he thinks. Nye Bibeli kwa tumbura valimburukwi vamwe, ngwendi Jefuta namunwendi naElikana naHana ntani Samwere. However, the Bible mentions that there were faithful ones, such as Jephthah and his daughter as well as Elkanah, Hannah, and Samuel. July 11 - 17, 2011 Gazadara asi morugendo rorure ono kara ntani kapi ono diva nzira zouhunga ezi no vyuka. In taking a long journey, what would you do if you felt unsure about which way to go? If a person went outside the city outside the city and on the roads, he could steal or steal him. Awo kutuvatera mekondjo lyetu lyokurugana yoyiwa ntani kuturetera mauwa ngwendi moomu ya fira. It supports us in the struggle to do what is right and brings out the best in us. immediately left his altar on the altar, leaving peace with your partner Nove yimo o lizuvhu ngoso ndi? Can you identify with her? This helped me to make an effort to understand why my parents are concerned about me. Kudiva edina lyaKarunga kwa hamena mo yoyinzi kupitakana kudiva tupu nkango "Jehova. " To know God's name involves much more than merely being acquainted with the word "Jehovah. " What she learned from Paris helped her to break free from her bad course. Vakurona, ngano mu hafe pokumona vana veni kuna kuligava kwaJehova nokuvakuhwa. May you parents experience the joy and satisfaction that result from seeing your children become dedicated, baptized servants of Jehovah. (Read Acts 17: 2, 3.) Sifanekeso esi kuvhura si tu vatere tu kwate egano omu epuro lyetu nali tu ninkisa tu likide elididimikiro. This process is similar to the cycle in the natural world of sowing, cultivating, and reaping. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. Ayo tayi kara ugova nsene tu likangangera yininke eyi twa tompora. It would be foolish for us to boast of our own accomplishments. The apostle Paul explained: "God is the one who does the same things for you, that you may have the power to do according to his will. " Pokurugana yisinke? To do what? " From that convention, the Kingdom has been preached worldwide. " Morwa ruhepo vantu wovanzi kufa konzara nokomauvera gomanzi. Extreme poverty kills millions every year through malnutrition and disease. In what situations should we wait for the right time to speak? Uzuni kuna kara "uhwi wouwa " ga tu pa Guhyetu gemeguru. Yes, our planet is a "good gift " from our heavenly Father. Since 1996, I and I have been serving at Patterson, New York, about 110 miles (U.S.A. Vadinkantu, di mu pitisire Nonkango daKarunga Young Ones - Be Guided by God's Word My mother was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and she always took me to Christian meetings, where I learned that God loved me and cares for me. Momapangero, vamwe kufukira yipo va gwanene mo uwa wavene. Government corruption has been defined as the abuse of public power for private gain. Doing so will help him to strengthen his relationship with Jehovah. (Ehororo 20: 1 - 3) Jesus nga ka zonagura po varondi vatatu wononkambe ntani nokukawapukurura ezonauko eli va retesa po. Jesus will not only terminate the ride of the other three horsemen but even reverse the effects of their destructive ride. But parents who do all they can can can can can have a clean conscience. NTUNDILIRO PROFILE By looking at what he created, we learn that he is powerful and wise. Age kapi tupu va mu reterere nokumurerera mepata lyoruhepo, nye age hepwere ga kere apa ga parukire pevhu. Not only was he born and brought up in humble surroundings but he was poor throughout his life on earth. (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's direction? Age kwa tanta asi: "Ame kapi na hafera kumona munzoni ana kufa. This illustration helps us understand how Jehovah feels when someone repents. How can we show that we view "the undeserved kindness of our Lord as salvation "? Pasihonena, nsene murongwa kuna kara nowoma eyi nava mu gazarera vakaume ndi vekoro lyendi, kuvhura o mu vatere a tokore kukarera Jehova pokuruganesa nonkango domwaJesaya 51: 12, 13. - Resa. Consider another situation: If an interested person fears the reaction of friends or family, you might strengthen his or her resolve to worship Jehovah by reasoning on Isaiah 51: 12, 13. - Read. He wanted to be a leader. Yisinke wa hepa kurugana? What Must You Do? Does Proverbs 6: 30 excuse stealing? Sirongwa esi nasi ka limburura mapuro ogo ntani nasi ka likida mauwa natu gwana pokupa mfumwa ava za fira. This article will help us to answer those questions, and it also highlights the benefits of rendering honor to those to whom it is due. After considering copies of the revision, Peter's doctor's letters were found in Egypt, the doctor's doctor's doctor. Omu vakuronambunga nava vatera When Called Upon to Help 8 / 1 Yikando yoyinzi ngava kwata nge nokutura nge modorongo nokupwagesa nge mo. I was arrested several times, and I spent years in and out of prison. She did not give Ruth what she needed. Nkenye apa nga likwambere nge asi ni mu gusire po. In what became a pattern, he begged me to forgive him. These things can make big changes in a marriage 3: 11) Monkedi zangesi kulikida asi mombungakriste kwato ogu ava tara asi munayirongo. But Jesus gave the principle found at Matthew 28: 19, 20. Ngomu va gendere, awo kwa gazadarere ko omu ngava ka paruka. As the Jews traveled along, they no doubt spent many hours thinking about their new home. God "made out of every nation the entire inhabited earth for one man. " Mokuliza nouporofete waKarunga, ava va limburukwire kevyukiso lyaJehova va " parwire nomwenyo dawo, ' nye vadinikarunga ava va ncenwine erondoro olyo va fire. - Jer. In harmony with divine prophecies, those who obeyed Jehovah's direction " received their souls as spoil, ' whereas the prosperous wicked ones ignored the warning and perished. - Jer. In his second letter, Peter referred to Paul as "my friend whom we love. " Uradi kutuvatera tu kare nomutaro gouhunga. This courage helps us to have a positive attitude. If they had come to heaven, they would have told others about it. Muna gomufisayendi moNayini Jesus kwa ligwanekerere nombunga ezi za simbire simpu somugara makura ta mu pindura koufe nokumugava kozina. - Rukasa 7: 11 - 15. The son of the widow of Nain Jesus interrupted a burial procession outside Nain to resurrect a young man and restore him to his grieving mother. - Luke 7: 11 - 15. (3) How can having "the mind of Christ " help us to become mature ones? Morwa mbunga zetu kwa kere nonyanya nemoneko lyokutjilisa, makura tatu ya divikwa kanunu - kanunu. Because our band was aggressive and had a wild appearance, we gradually received much publicity. The anointed receive "the new birth " Yilye ga sita Muzonaguli, 3 / 1 The brother explained the prophecy in Revelation chapter 17 and shows that Armageddon is still coming. (Num. 11: 14, 15) Jehova mwene yige ga horowere Mosesa. Jehovah himself had appointed Moses. Just imagine! Ngapi omu ngayi kundama epata lyange? What effect would the wrong action have on my family? Myth 5: Where did Mary's story come from? Josefa kwa tokomenene kudira kumuliharesa. Joseph was determined never to respond to her flirting, and he did not flirt with her. Elders appreciate it by helping a brother to care for his responsibilities because they know that others will be happy in the congregation. Age kapi ana hetekere ko kusirugana. Actually, he did not even try. We should not allow worldly thinking to influence our thinking and cause us to trust in Jehovah. 11: 13) Yosili, epuro nelikwatakano lyawo naKarunga lya va vaterere va duke melirombero nelididimiko. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Nye vantu womoIsraeli nomoJuda kapi va litezwilire, nampili ngomu Jehova ga twikilire kutuma vaporofete va va rondore konkareso zawo zondona. Often, however, the inhabitants of Israel and Judah did not repent. Jehovah said: "Take your son Isaac, your only son whom you loved and offered him a burnt offering. " He tried to stop her from going to meetings and ordered her never to say God's name. Like Peter's attitude, the Governing Body moves elders to succeed in carrying out their difficult role as shepherds of God's flock. Nsene yimo, ove ngoso kuna kukwama yoyidona oku vana hama wovanzi. Would that not, in effect, amount to following after the crowd? We have a choice that allows us to resist sin or to rule over sin. Kuvhura kuzigwana koIntaneta / kwn Also available at The Song of Solomon is full of "the words of the shepherd " and the shepherd of Solomon. Etumbwidiro kuligwana mobuke zokuhulilira moBibeli: "Karunga nga kokota mahodi nagenye komeho gawo. Assurance is found in the last book of the Bible: "[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. 1, 2. (a) What challenge do many face today? Kenneth, ogu ga hageka yirugana yendi yokutunga, naMaureen, wonomvhura dokoyiha 50 ngoso, kwa diruka moKalifoniya va ka rugane ketungo lyaWarwick. Kenneth, a retired builder, and Maureen, who are in their mid - 50 ' s, moved from California to serve on the Warwick project. Jehovah knows what happens when humans do not control their emotions. Pokuhetekera ko kutameka nzogera nomuntu, kuvhura nampo o donganese eyi ana kugazara. By attempting to start a conversation with someone, you may have interrupted his thoughts. Some say that they sometimes call their mate by name. 11 - 17 Pembankuru 2011 July 11 - 17, 2011 [ Picture on page 26] Nsene muntu a pwaga ponze zositata oku ava gendagura vanamahaka novakorokotji, age kuvhura va mu vake ndi va mu dipage. If a person went outside the gate when bandits and marauders were roaming about, he could be robbed or killed. What help did they need? Ta sigi tanko nzambo zendi posizambero, a ka lipe mbili namukwawo Leaving his gift at the altar, he goes to make peace with his brother [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Eyi ya vaterere nge ni liture ntani ni kwate egano asi eyi vana kurwanesera nge vakurona vange morwa kuna kara nosinka kuhamena nge. This helped me to be more positive and to understand that my parents opposed me because they were worried about me. We can be joyful when we do what David said: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in your heart you keep silent. " Eyi ga lirongere Dalídio ya mu ninkisire a zumbe nkareso zendi zondona. Dalídio's newfound knowledge led him to abandon his harmful habits. For more information, see chapter 3 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. (Resa Yirugana 17: 2, 3.) (Read Acts 17: 2, 3.) Before we discuss how we can do so, let us consider how those words have power. Omu dongwenene po vakweneni moomu ga mu dongwenena po Hompa. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same. We do well to ask ourselves: " Do I believe that there is more to be taught than teaching? Mupositoli Paurusa kwa fatwilire asi: "Karunga yige a rugana mweni, mu kare neharo nononkondo dokusikisa mo eyi ga panga. " The apostle Paul explains: "God is the one who for the sake of his good pleasure energizes you, giving you both the desire and the power to act. " (a) According to Psalm 110: 3, what kind of worship does Jehovah please? 6: 8) Ralph Leffler kwa tanta asi: "Kutunda posigongi sina, Uhompa kwa u divisa unene mouzuni mudima. " " That celebrated day, " said Ralph Leffler, "was the real beginning of the Kingdom advertising campaign that today has encircled the earth. " The Bible - based examples we need to follow Momaukaro musinke gamwe twa hepa kundindira siruwo souhunga kuuyunga? In what other situations should we wait for the right time to speak? Why should we examine our love for others? Kutundilira mo - 1996, Marjorie name kwa karera koWatchtower Educational Center moPatterson, New York, nokilometa 110 koMuzogo gwaBrooklyn. Since 1996, Marjorie and I have been serving at the Watchtower Educational Center in Patterson, New York, located about 70 miles (110 km) north of Brooklyn. Does God approve of religion? Onane morwa kwa kere Mbangi zaJehova, nkenye apa ngava pitura nge komapongo, oku na ka lirongere asi Karunga ga hara nge nokupakera nge mbili. Mum, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, regularly took me to Christian meetings, where I learned that God loved me and cared for me. His life comes from him and without hypocrisy. Kurugana oyo ngayi mu vatera a pameke elikwatakano lyendi naJehova. (Epis. He can thus be strengthened spiritually. AUGUST 6 - 12, 2012 Nye vakurona ava va rugana ko paapa va hulira kuvhura kukara nezwi lyewa lyokomutjima. Nonetheless, parents who have tried their best to impress the truth on a child's heart have a good conscience. When Jehovah fulfills his will, he does not make any effort to change but does not change the purpose that will come true in time. Pokutara kweyi ga sita, ose kudimburura asi age nonkondo ntani nondunge. When we look at the things he created, we learn that he is powerful and wise. Ana wants to know how they feel because he cares about them. (b) Ngapi omu epata limwe lya limonenene unongo wokukwama epitisiro lyaJehova? (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's guidance? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: Ngapi omu natu likida asi ose " kugazara asi ufenkenda waHompa gwetu kuna tu pe evega lyokutuparura '? How do we demonstrate that we "consider the patience of our Lord as salvation "? A fourth reason why we keep preaching is that we love people. Age kwa here kukara mupitisili gomusika. In fact, he progressed so well in his studies that on several occasions he was invited to conduct a symphony orchestra. As the Scriptures indicate, this means that the opportunity to produce a royal priesthood will serve as kings. - 1 Pet. For example, let's turn back a couple of chapters. Jesus, however, indicated that "the things [God's] way, " our worship and worship, did not give up on any government. Ngoso Yisewe 6: 30 kugava konda zokulipopera zokuvaka ndi? Does Proverbs 6: 30 Excuse Stealing? Years later, he moved to Europe in Europe and later said: "I began to believe that the Bible was from God because of the fulfillment of the prophecies and the promises of Jehovah. " Konyima zokukonakona matjangururo aga va gwene moOxyrhynchus, moEgipite, Ndokotora Peter M. After examining a collection of manuscript fragments discovered at Oxyrhynchus, Egypt, Dr. Susan felt that the widows who had spent many years in death had lost their mate's loss. 150 887 150,887 10 / 1 (Rutu 2: 2 - 18) Age kapi tupu ga pere Rutu eyi ga hepere. He also did much more than just provide for Ruth materially. " You heard wars of wars and wars. Yininke eyi yonunu kuvhura kureta marunduruko gomanene mononkwara Little things make a big difference in a marriage It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. (1 Vahompa 8: 41 - 43) Nye Jesus kwa geve mpango ezi za kara mwaMateusa 28: 19, 20. But then Jesus gave the command that we find at Matthew 28: 19, 20. During the time that Paul wrote those words, most people who saw Jesus lived. Karunga "yige ga panga asi nomuhoko nadinye depevhu nalinye di tunde momuntu gumwe tupu. " God "made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth. " And when Paolo came home, he would have a job, even if he was with him and assisted with his family at work. Mombilive zendi zauvali, Peturusa kwa tumbwire Paurusa asi "mukwetu ogu twa hara. " Notably, in his second letter, Peter refers to Paul as "our beloved brother. " The earthly part of Jehovah's organization puts priorities first! Jehovah could have stressed his power or his wisdom. He lived long before Jesus was born on earth, saying: "When Abraham was still a son of Abraham, I was still with him. " Ngano awo kwa zire meguru, ngano va ya yi tanterere vakwaawo. If the people who were resurrected had gone to such a place when they died, would they not have told people about it? We had served for many years and enjoyed working together with our brothers and sisters. (3) Ngapi kukara "nomatedo gaKristusa " nayi tu vatera tu kare vantu ava va kura pampepo? (3) How will our effort to have "the mind of Christ " help us to be spiritual people? Their encouragement makes me feel better. " Vagwavekwa kuvapa "mwenyo gomupe " Anointed Christians undergo "a new birth to a living hope " Think also of how it must have affected them in a vision that saw those three apostles. Munazinyetu ogo kwa fatwilire uporofete wemEhororo egaununo 17 nokuyilikida asi Harumagedoni simpe tazi wiza. Brother Knorr explained the prophecy of Revelation chapter 17 and proved from it that Armageddon was not coming just yet. David loved God's law with a complete heart. (Ex. Why? Many people think that the Bible is the book of human wisdom. Esanseko 5: Mariya zinyaKarunga Kupi lya tundilira esanseko olyo lyoyimpempa? But most of your friends are growing healthy. Vakuronambunga kuyihafera pokuvatera munazinyetugara ogu a pakere mbili yitumbukira yendi morwa va yi diva asi kuruganena vapeke mombungakriste ngaku mu retera ruhafo. - Yirug. Rather, the elder kindly points out the specific areas of concern and reviews the goals and procedures. They needed praise to praise one another and make known his name known to them. Twa ha pulisira magazaro gouzuni ga pukise magazaro getu nokutuninkisa tu dire kuhuguvara mwaJehova. So we must make sure that we do not allow the world to seduce us and make us stop relying on Jehovah. Why? MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO HENA ALSO IN THIS ISSUE That Kingdom will bring Paradise on earth. Jehova kwa tente asi: "Gusa munoge Isaka, empogwe lyoge, ogu wa hara,... o ka mu gave nzambo zeswakerero. " Jehovah said: "Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and... offer him up... as a burnt offering. " Some are comforted by using it in a kind and gentle way. (Gar. 2: 9) Nonkareso ngwendi zaPeturusa, Mbungagendesi kutumangeda vakuronambunga mokukondja va sikise mo situmbukira sawo sosidigu sokukara vasita wosiunda saKarunga. With a spirit like Peter's, the Governing Body today exhorts congregation elders to strive to fulfill the heavy responsibility of shepherding God's flock. What was his idea? Ose twa kara netokoro lyokuvhura kupulisira ndi kunyokera po nzo zi tu pangere. Because we can "let " sin rule or refuse to let it rule, the question is, What do we really want at heart? A brother in Turkey said: "It was a young man who was sentenced to death because he refused to join Roman soldiers. Rusumo rwaSaromo kwa zura " nonkango deharo ' domukadona nomusita. The Song of Solomon abounds in "expressions of affection " between the young woman and the shepherd. Micah also made it possible for true worship to be united by those already enemies. 1, 2. (a) Udigu musinke ava ligwanekere nawo vantu wovanzi? 1, 2. (a) What difficulty do many people experience? Those words can strengthen us in order to enjoy the great tribulation and enjoy life in Paradise on earth. Jehova ga diva eyi ayi vhuru kuhoroka apa vantu ava dili kupangera malizuvho gawo. Jehovah has observed human relations since mankind's beginning. He takes note of our emotions and actions. Consider three examples. Vamwe va uyunga asi awo pamwe kuzigida mulikwali gwawo kedina lyogu va kwere nare. In fact, some people admit that they have accidentally called their mate by the name of their previous spouse! During the 16th century, only 14 percent of the "Photo - Drama " were used as a regular presentation. [ Efano pepenuno 26] [ Picture on page 26] I learned to see the positive qualities of others and avoid focusing on their mistakes. " Evatero musinke va hepere? What assistance did they seek? This was the good news he wanted to hear any faithful Jew, that the Messiah would come and fulfill prophecies. [ Ntundiliro zomafano gepepenuno 2] [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] " You are my God, my delight. " - PS. Ose kuvhura kukara noruhafo nsene tu rugana eyi ga uyunga Ndafita asi: "Kankameni, one hena mwa ha zona; omu uyunge nonomutjima pomauro geni, tomu mwena. " (Epis. We can remain joyful if we do what David says: "Be agitated, but do not sin. Have your say in your heart, upon your bed, and keep silent. " Today, we know that we must preach, although we do not hear Jesus ' voice tell us to do this work. Komauzera gomanzi, tara egaununo 3 mobuke ezi Yinke azi rongo Bibeli sili?, va nduruka Nombangi daJehova. For more information, see chapter 3 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus ' words at Acts 20: 35 help us find the answer, which says: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " Komeho tu ka zogere omu natu vhura kuyirugana oyo, tu zeni tanko tu tarurure omu Nonkango odo da kara nononkondo. Before considering how we can do so, let us reflect on just how powerful that Word is. I thought that there was someone who created all good things. Twa hepa kulipura asi: " Ame na yi pura asi yinzi ya hamena mo kapisi erongo tupu ndi? It would be good to ask ourselves: " Am I convinced that this is more than just some religious teaching? As we have read, Jesus taught us to pray for those who are persecuted. (a) Kuliza nEpisarome 110: 3, ukareli musinke ou au hafesa Jehova? (a) According to Psalm 110: 3, what form of worship is pleasing to Jehovah? He said that when he began ruling, conditions in the world would become worse. Yihonena yomoBibeli eyi twa hepa kukwama Bible Examples to Follow And that paradise came from the four rivers of the Euphrates, "the Euphrates River, " and" the sea, " and "the sea of the four parts of the wild beast " could be likened to four different parts of the garden. Morwasinke natu konakonena eharo lyetu lyokugusira po vakwetetu? Why is it appropriate to consider your willingness to forgive? For example, suppose a brother is prepared to give a talk in front of a large crowd. Karunga kuhafera elipakerero lyomaukarelikarunga ndi? Interfaith - Is It God's Way? Beware of anxiety and problems prevent you from learning how you can show love for God. Eparu kwendi lya tunda, pwa hana age kapi tatu ligumagura. (Yirug. We owe him our very life, for without him we would not even move or exist. 9: 7. 6 - 12 SIWOGEDI 2012 AUGUST 6 - 12, 2012 The Bible says: "God proceeded to create man in his image; he created him male and female. " Apa Jehova a sikisa mo mpango zendi, age kapi a tura po egano lyokudira kurundurura nye kutura po sitambo esi ngasi sika mo mwaza siruwo. When it comes to carrying out his will, Jehovah has, not a fixed plan, but an unfolding purpose. Jehovah told Abraham: "By means of your seed all nations will certainly bless themselves because you listen to my voice. " Ana hara kudiva omu vana kulizuvha morwa age kuvapakera mbili. He wants to know how they feel because he deeply cares about them. At times, they may be persecuted, for they see whether they are different or not. EYI ZA UYUNGA KO BIBELI: WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: 11 / 1 Konda zaune zeyi atu twikilire kuzuvhisa kuna kara asi morwa twa hara vantu. (Mat. Here is another important reason for continuing with our preaching work: We preach because we love our neighbor. Being a poor parent in this wicked system brings comfort, but fathers and fathers can find comfort in knowing that the Bible refers to the problems they face. Ngomu ga yi likida Matjangwa, eyi kutanta asi mpito zokutulisa po vapristeli wopasiuhompa, vahompa ava ngava kara hena vapristeli. - 1 Pet. As inspired writings later indicated, this meant the opportunity to furnish a royal priesthood, kings who would also be priests. - 1 Pet. The answer is that no one could do nothing of the law because it was forbidden to gather white whites together. Nye, Jesus ga yi likidire asi " eyi ya tumbukira Karunga, ' eparu noukareli wetu, kapi tatu yi gava kwankenye epangero. Yet, Jesus showed that "God's things " - our life and worship - cannot be claimed by any human institution. It says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Konyima zonomvhura dongandi, ta dirukire koEuropa yipo ga ka tamekere hena elirongo lyendi lyoBibeli. Konyima kwa tente asi: " Ame na ya pulire asi Bibeli kwa tunda kwaKarunga morwa esikiliromo lyomauporofete nelizo lyazo nevyuko lyazo ntani neharo lyovakareli vaJehova. ' Years later, he moved to Europe, where he resumed his Bible study and came to this conclusion: "The fulfillment of Bible prophecies, the internal harmony of the Holy Scriptures, the absence of contradiction in the Bible, and the love among Jehovah's worshippers convinced me that the Bible is God's Word. " Because of the problems they faced in life and others cause them to believe in God. Susan nga lizuvhu asi vafisavayawo ava ngava guwu nomvhura dononzi morwa kufisa valikwali vawo, ngava pitakanesa kuguva. Susan used to feel that widows who for years mourned the loss of their husband expressed excessive grief. About the Messiah, Zechariah foretold: "Look! 10 / 1 7 / 1 Why is it important to remain vigilant during such trials, and how can we do so? " One ngomu zuvha yita nonomukukumo dayo. " You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars. " Your Leader Is One, the Christ " Aso kwa si wapaikira si kare ruha rwerongo lyoBibeli lyomouzuni mudima nevatero lyoyigava yokutunda komutjima. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Why may it sometimes be difficult to make decisions? Posiruwo apa Paurusa ga tjenge nonkango odo, sinzi sovantu ava va mwene Jesus kwa parukire. The majority of the eyewitnesses were still alive at the time Paul penned those words. He does not agree with the torment of people in hellfire. - Read Jeremiah 7: 31. Ano masiku apa Paolo nga wiza kembo, age nga kara noyirugana, nampili ngoso age nga kara kumwe nendi nokudanauka nendi nokumuvatera koyiruganenambo yendi yokosure. In the evening when Paolo got home, he often had work to finish; yet, he spent time with her, playing with her and helping her with homework. He is the man who keeps watch and blesses his flock. Ruha rwepevhu rombunga zaJehova kutura muhowo yininke yomulyo po! Has the earthly part of Jehovah's organization remained focused on the more important things? Why is this important? Age kwa parukire komeho va ya mu hampuruke pevhu Sikando simwe Jesus kwa tente asi: " Abirahamu age simpe nokumureta si, ame ponili. ' He lived before he was born on earth Jesus once said: "Before Abraham came into existence, I have been. " How different it is from those who receive true wisdom - the wisdom from Jehovah God! Ose kwa rugene sirugana oso nomvhura dononzi ntani twa haferere kurugana kumwe novanavazinyetu. We had been in unassigned territory for some years, and now it was a wonderful blessing to be among so many brothers and sisters. Would you have agreed to do that great work? Ekorangedo lyawo kuninkisa nge ni lizuvhe nawa. " Their encouragement makes me feel so much better! " The Bible says: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " 14: 33 - 38) Gazara hena omu lya va kundamene elisitunuko eli va mwene vapositoli owo vatatu. (Mar. Think, too, of the impact that the transfiguration must have had earlier on the three. Then we will not allow negative speech to mold others from Jehovah. - Ps. Ndafita kwa here veta zaKarunga nomutjima nagunye. David tried to be completely absorbed in God's law. What dangers do many people focus on today? Vantu wovanzi kugazara asi Bibeli kuna kara buke zounongo wovantu. Many maintain that the Bible is nothing more than a book of human wisdom. The Bible also gives the answer similar answer to the father's example. Nye sinzi sovakaume woge vana vawo vakanguki. Yet, most of your friends have healthy children. The brother and his children were gathered in the kitchen, and they went to find many money in New York City to earn enough money to earn enough money to earn enough money to support the New York. 2: 9, 10) Awo va hepere kuhamberera ogu va karerere po nokudivisa edina lyendi kwankenye ogu. They were to sound forth the praises of the One they represented and publicly glorify his name. • " Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, and she was filled with holy spirit. " - Luke 1: 41. Morwasinke? Why not? What can move us to " encourage wicked people to change their ways '? (Ehororo 11: 15) Uhompa owo yilyo epangero ngali ka reta Paradisa pevhu. That Kingdom is a real government that will restore Paradise to the earth. During Israel's reign, the high priest would remain under his death. Vamwe kuvahengagwida pokuvakwata mokuwoko nokuvauyungisa monkedi zombili. Many people are comforted when a family member holds their hand and speaks softly to them. All those in the grave will cry out joyfully and cry out joyfully. " Egano musinke ga kere nalyo? What plan did she come up with? The offspring of the woman needed to protect themselves from destroying it or destroying it. Munazinyetu gumwe gomoTurkia kwa tanta asi: "Franz Reiter kwa kere mudinkantu ogu va pangwilire konomfa morwa kunyoka kulipakerera novakwayita vaHitler. One brother from Turkey said: "Franz Reiter was a young brother who was executed because he refused to join Hitler's army. Let us continue to return to those who show interest in them, study the Bible, and help them to get baptized. Mika ga sigwenene hena omu ukareli wousili ngau reta mouumwe ava va kare nare nonkore. Micah also described how true worship would unite former enemies. She wondered: " Does Maria get baptized? Nonkango odo kuvhura di tu nkondopeke yipo ngatu vhure kupita moudigu wounene nokukahafera eparu moParadisa. Those words can strengthen us too so that we can make it through the great tribulation and contribute to the Paradise to come. How can each of us take the lead in showing honor? Tu konakonene yihonena yitatu. Consider three examples. The cities of refuge included six cities of refuge. Mo - 1915 monombunga 86 edi ngadi likida sidanauka, 14 yido tupu ngadi gava marapoto gosivaro. Yet, in 1915 only 14 of 86 "Drama " teams reported regularly. Jesus was the beginning of his earthly ministry. Ame na lirongere kumona yikara yoyiwa mwava wopeke nokunyokera po kudemenena komapuko gawo. " I learned to see the good in others and to treat them as if that were all that I could see. " Jesus knew that he was the King who made God's name. Ezi kwa kere mbudi zongwa ezi ga here kuzuvha nkenye Mujuda gomulimburukwi, asi Mesiyasa ga wiza ntani ga sikisa mo mauporofete gokumuhamena. Here at last was the news that every faithful Jew longed to hear - the Messiah had come and had fulfilled many prophecies written about him in the Scriptures! With my wife in 55 years of death " Ove nyove Karunga gwange, ronga nge mpango zoge. " - EPIS. " Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. " - PS. From the third creative day onward, he created other marvelous things. (Yirugana 8: 4; 1 Peturusa 1: 8) Naina, nose twa yi diva asi twa hepa kuzuvhisa, nampili ngomu twa dira kuzuvha ezwi lyaJesus lina kututantera tu rugane sirugana esi. Today, too, we know that we must preach, even though we have not heard Jesus ' voice telling us to do this work. The psalmist looked at the sky and said that Jehovah "made out of the stars " and" all their names. " Nonkango daJesus domoYirugana 20: 35 kutuvatera tu gwane elimbururo, ado kutanta asi: "Kugava kwa kara nerago, kwa pitakana kutambura. " We find the answer in Jesus ' words recorded at Acts 20: 35: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " However, it must be based on heartfelt prayer. Tani gazadara asi pwa kara ogu ga sita yininke nayinye eyi yoyiwa. I remember thinking that Someone must have created all those wonderful things. Scientists have found that using a variety of tools has a special ability to heal. Ngwendi moomu tuna yi resa, Jesus kwa tu ronga tu kanderere po owo vana kutuhepeka. As we already read, Jesus taught us to pray for those persecuting us. But he was disappointed when he heard that someone in the congregation was doing sexually immoral but that the elders did not do anything. Age kwa tente asi apa nga tameka kupangera, maukaro gomouzuni ngaga donapa. He said that at the beginning of his rule, world conditions would take a decisive turn for the worse. ▪ How does Kingdom rule affect you? Ano moparadisa ozo kwa tundire mo nomukuro ne domadina "Tigilisi, "" Efurata, " "Pisoni " ntani" Gihoni " edi da pupire di vyuke komaruha gane gosikunino, mokufanekesa nampo omu ukarelikarunga wa lihene komaruha gane pevhu. From there flow four rivers, labeled "Tigris, "" Eufrates, " "Pison, " and" Geon, " each to one of its four corners, supposedly representing the spread of Christianity to the four corners of the earth. And as the Bible says, "keep on asking Jehovah to bless your plans, and you will succeed. " - Prov. Pasihonena, tu ninke nye asi munazinyetugara kwa liwapaikira nawa mokukagava siuyungwa komeho zombunga zonene. For example, a brother may have worked hard to prepare a talk and give it before a large audience. Jehovah is the happy God that his servants serve him joyfully. Takamesa asi yinka ntani nomaudigu kapisi yi ku ninkise o dire kulironga omu no likida eharo lyoge kwaKarunga. Take care that anxieties and problems do not prevent you from learning how to demonstrate your love for God. Instead of following the bad example of singleness, strive to communicate with your parents regularly. 9: 7. 9: 7. If we sin against sin, we need to ask Jehovah for forgiveness. Bibeli kutanta asi: "Karunga ta ungu nye vantu; muntu kwa mu ungire a fane Karunga. Age kwa va ungire mugara nomukadi. " " God proceeded to create the man in his image, " states the Bible, "in God's image he created him; male and female he created them. " In all these cases, Jehovah would have prayed for Aaron's name. Jehova kwa tanterere Abirahamu asi: "Moruvharo roge yimo ngava tungikira nombunga nadinye domouzuni, morwa ono purakene ezwi lyange. " (Gen. Jehovah told Abraham: "By means of your seed all nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves due to the fact that you have listened to my voice. " Paul said that everyone who eats the bread and drink the cup of Jehovah "the blood of Jehovah, " Jesus Christ. Ano poyiruwo yimwe kuvahepeka, morwa kuvatara asi va lisiga ndi asi vanzoni. Simply because they differ from their neighbors, they may even be viewed as if they were evildoers. Do you do the same? Nsene ono ya kwara hena, 9 / 1 Hancock), 8 / 1 (b) What are you determined to do? Kukara mureti mouzuni ou woudona kureta " mpwagetjima, ' nye vaguhya novazinya kuvhura kugwana ehengagwido pokudiva asi Bibeli za tumbura maudigu aga vana kuligwanekera nago. Parenting in today's dangerous world can bring untold "mental distress, " but fathers and mothers can take comfort in knowing that the Bible acknowledges the challenge they face. 18, 19. Elimbururo kuna asi kwato eyi va vhulire kurugana ko morwa veta kwa silikire yirumbu mokuponga kumwe novasovagani. There were laws in place to make it illegal for the races to mix, and there was also the very real threat of violence. They pray for different places. Ado kutanta asi: "Huguvara HOMPA nomutjima goge nagunye. Wa ha hama konondunge danyamoge. That passage says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Similarly, we need to thank Jehovah and Jesus for giving us the ransom. Morwa maudigu aga aga va rorora meparu vamwe kuvaninkisa va dire kupura mwaKarunga. Some feel that they have no need for God because they find many puzzling issues in life incompatible with belief in a loving God. David had all these things, but he humble himself for the rest of his life. Kuhamena Mesiyasa, Sakaliya kwa pumbire asi: "Hafeni unene, vantu one womoSiyoni! Regarding the Messiah, Zechariah prophetically wrote: "Be very joyful, O daughter of Zion. But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo mokuvangarara mosiruwo somaheteko, ntani ngapi omu natu yi rugana oyo? Why is it important that we keep on the watch when under trial, and how can we do so? Those soldiers were to protect themselves from falling asleep in death or death. " Mupitisili gweni gumwe tupu, Kristusa " 27 Draw Close to God - "Lift Up Your Son " Although we are far away from our children, we are grateful that we always communicate with them. " Morwasinke poyiruwo yimwe ya karera udigu kutura po matokoro? Why is it sometimes so difficult to make them? 7 / 15 Age kapi a kwatesa ko egano lyokuhepeka vantu momundiro. - Resa Jeremiya 7: 31. The idea of tormenting people in fire is disgusting to him. - Read Jeremiah 7: 31. How did Jesus train the apostles to preach the good news? Age kuna kara muntu ogu a takamesa nokulisa nokugamena siunda sendi noupenda. (Epis. He is someone who faithfully and courageously tends, feeds, and guards his flock. Because he views us as precious. Morwasinke sa karera nomulyo? Why is it necessary? The judgment of the ten virgins shows that Jesus was loyal to the anointed. Ee, omu tupu ya lisiga novantu ava ava gwana unongo wousili, ou au tundu kwaJehova Karunga! How different it is with those who acquire true wisdom, the Source of which is Jehovah God! The slave left his king with a debt of debt, but the king forgave him. Ngano wa kwatesere ko sirugana oso sosinene ndi? Would you have been moved to support this great work? Lamech's goal was to do a single person for a short time. Bibeli kutanta asi: "Nonkango daKarunga kwa kara nomwenyo nononkondo. " In fact, the Bible states: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " Indeed, Jehovah "gives power to all his strength. " - Read Isaiah 40: 26. Makura ose kapi ngatu pulisira mauyungo gomadona gava wopeke ga tu guse ko kwaJehova. - Epis. As a result, we will not allow the negative ideas of others to drive a wedge between us and Jehovah. - Ps. Some have been guilty of guilt, especially when it is painful. Koyininke musinke vana kudemenena sinzi sovantu naina? With what things are most people occupied today? Moreover, he needed to cultivate spiritual qualities. Bibeli nazo kwa gava elimbururo lyokulifana ngwendi lyeeli ana gava guhya gomosihonena setu. Essentially, in much the same way as did the father in our example. But there was a change in that country, so we needed to go to the mountains. Munazinyetu ogo kumwe novana vendi ngava menekere nkenye ngurungura komapya va ka zangure katuni nokulima mo wayi va gwane ko yimaliwa yoyinzi yipo ni zise ko koNew York. She and several of her young children had been getting up very early in the morning to go out in the fields and chop cotton - removing the weeds growing between the rows - in order to earn enough money so that I could take the trip to New York. Elders today need to guard against the attacks of the Devil. • "Elisabeta kwa zuvha tupu emororo lyaMariya, makura munona ta vatauka mezimo lyendi. Elisabeta ta zura Mpepo zoKupongoka. " - Rukasa 1: 41. " As Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the infant in her womb leaped, and Elizabeth was filled with holy spirit. " - Luke 1: 41. But in that same letter, Paul urged Timothy to "go on walking in him all things. " Yisinke nayi tu tumangeda tu " korangede vantu wovadona va rundurure nonzira dawo '? What moves us to "warn the wicked one to turn from his wicked course "? Daniel's knowledge about Jehovah and how he dealt with the Israelites, reflected in his prayer recorded at Daniel 9: 3 - 19. Apa Vaisraeli va kere moupangeli wavene, mupristeli gomunene nga kara ngorooro mosirugana sendi dogoro konomfa. As long as Israel functioned as an independent nation, the high priest held his office for life. It is a privilege to bear God's glory. Navenye ava vana rara monontoko dawo, ngava pinduka tava dimbi dehafo. " Awake and cry out joyfully, you residents in the dust! " At the same time, by showing honor to a small group of small members of the small group, they did not use any small group of fellow Christians. (Epis. 83: 2 - 4) Ruvharo romukadi va hepere kurupopera va dire kuruzonagura po ndi kurunyateka. The line of descent of the offspring of the woman had to be protected from extermination and contamination. Many accounts in the Scriptures show Jehovah's loving care for his servants. Tu twikireni ngorooro kutengwira ko kowo vana kulikida elituromo nokulironga nawo Bibeli ntani nokuvavatera dogoro ngava gwane ekuho. May we be diligent to call back on interested ones and, if possible, conduct Bible studies with them, helping them to progress toward dedication and baptism. How did Satan destroy "the minds of the unbelievers "? Awo kwa lipulire asi: " Maria ana fire kumukuhwa pepupi olyo ndi? She had asked herself: " Is Maria too young to get baptized? 6: 10. Ngapi omu nkenye gumwe gwetu na gava sihonena sokulikida efumadeko? [ Picture Credit Line on page 2] Ayo kwa kwaterere mo yitata ntazimwe yorugami. These included the six cities of refuge. If the person is chosen by another person, the brother will answer the tract What the Bible says about the question. Jesus yige ga varekere sirugana esi apa ga kere pevhu. Jesus set this work in motion when he was here on earth. Such love is made known by Jesus ' disciples. Jesus ga yi divire asi age yige Hompa ogu ga tura po Karunga. Jesus was thereby acknowledging that he is the King appointed by God. What was published in the book Did Man Get From Creation? Kumwe namukadange monomvhura 55 dononkwara detu My dear wife has been by my side for over 55 years (b) What methods have you used when discussing hellfire? 1: 9) Kutundilira mezuva lyautatu lyesito yi tware komeho, age kwa sitire ko hena yininke yimwe yokutetukisa. There would be other astounding developments on the third day and during later creative periods. When I told her, she encouraged me: "That is the right time for the full - time ministry. Mutjangi gepisarome kwa tere keguru nokuuyunga asi Jehova "yige ga panga sivaro sonombungururu " ntani" kuditumbura nadinye madina gado. " (Epis. The psalmist then turns his attention to the heavens above, telling us that Jehovah "counts the number of the stars " and" calls all of them by name. " Why? 4: 29) Nye ayo ya hepa kutundilira komutjima. However, we must be sincere. 24: 45 - 47; Heb. Vadiviunsitwe vanaina va yi dimburura asi rupatji rwa kara nevhuliko lyokulikarera lyokuveruka. Interestingly, modern medical science has found that the rib has an unusual capacity to heal. Like first - century Christians, anointed ones are "the sons of the Kingdom " who are witnesses of Jehovah. (1 Kol. 1: 1, 2) Nye ya mu guvisire apa ga zuvhire asi gumwe mombungakriste kuna kurugana yirugana yoruhonda nye vakuronambunga kwato eyi va rugene ko. But how troubling it must have been for him to have to address the problem of sexual immorality that was being tolerated in that congregation! She says: "I love the good news because it is the will of Jehovah. ▪ Nomvhura 100 doupangeli woUhompa - Ngapi omu da ku kundama? ▪ 100 Years of Kingdom Rule - How Does It Affect You? Over 20 years, I have enjoyed serving Jehovah as a regular pioneer. Ntani ngomu za uyunga Bibeli, " hundira HOMPA a tungike nompangera doge, ntani ngo ragopa mokudisikisa mo. ' - Yis. And, as the Bible says, "commit to Jehovah whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. " - Prov. Paul wrote: "Let us see that we are slaves of Christ, so that we may gain God's approval. " 144: 15) Jehova, Karunga goruhafo eyi yiyo vakareli vendi va karera nawo noruhafo. Jehovah is a happy God, and his people reflect that quality. (3) How can we show that unity? (1 Vah. 12: 1 - 17) Mevango lyokukwama sihonena sosidona saRehabiyamu, kondja unene mokuuyunga kumwe novakurona woge nkenye apa. Rather than imitating Rehoboam's unwise course, work hard to keep the lines of communication with your parents open. Others too could have Jehovah as their share Nsene tuna zono, twa hepa kuhundira Jehova a tu gusire po. When we do give in to sin, we will ask Jehovah for his forgiveness. Do we show our faithfulness to him and accept Christ's example, or do we want to obey Jesus ' commands that are easy to obey? Moyihorokwa nayinye oyo, Jehova ngano ga futisire Arona. In each of these situations, Jehovah could have punished Aaron on the spot. Some changes were easy to make, such as those in the past were not easy to quit smoking. Paurusa kwa uyungire asi nkenye ogu a li komboroto nokunwa monkinda zaHompa "ponkedi zondona, age kutura nzo zokudipaga Hompa, " Jesus Kristusa. Paul pointed out that anyone who partakes of the loaf and drinks from the cup unworthily is "guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord, " Jesus Christ. Or you may find it difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you. Nove kurugana yokulifana ndi? [ Mafano pepenuno 20] Like locusts, Christian ministers show perseverance When Saul said that he was going to kill David, Jonathan had to decide. (b) Yisinke ono tokomene kurugana? (b) What is your determination? Only a few people who imitate Noah's faithful course, Daniel, and Job were willing to survive. 18, 19. 18, 19. Rather, he does so with genuine love for others so that they can benefit from it. Awo kukanderera komavango gokulisiga - siga goukareli. They pray in churches, in temples, in synagogues, in mosques, at shrines. Read Romans 12: 20. Mokulifana, twa hepa kupandura unene Jehova naJesus mokutupa sizoweseso. In a similar way, we should be very grateful to Jehovah and Jesus for the ransom. 3: 6, 7. Ndafita ga kere noyininke nayinye oyo, nye age kwa linunupikire meparu lyendi nalinye. David had not just one of these assets but all of them; yet, he remained humble throughout his life. 7: 15; 2 Tim. Kareni neharo eli lya kwata nayinye kumwe, nomalikwata - kano gene - gene. " Clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " So they told me to go home. Mukindiro ogo ngagu va popere va dire kugwa ko va fe ndi va remane. The wall prevented the family and others from falling and being injured or killed. (See opening picture.) Nampili ngomu twa likara ure novana vetu, ayo kutuhafesa kweyi atu uyunga nawo nkenye apa. " Although we now live far away from our children, we are glad that we are able to have frequent conversations with them. " What examples can we imitate by imitating Christ's zealous followers? 7 / 15 7 / 1 (b) How did Paul overcome the situation, and what lesson do we learn from this? Ngapi Jesus ga dewire vapositoli va zuvhise mbudi zongwa? How did Jesus train proclaimers of the good news? On the other hand, the other side of the uterus began to rain. - 2001. Morwa age kututara asi ose mulyo. Allow his view to influence your sense of self - worth. Why should we recognize that in our lives, we need to make decisions? Erondoro lyomosifanekeso sovakadona murongo kulikida asi Jesus ga huguvara vagwavekwa. The warning in the parable of the ten virgins reveals that Jesus had similar confidence in the anointed. His great work since 1914 will be considered in the next article. Mukareli kwa lililire hompa gwendi makongo gomayovi gonoranda, nye hompa ga mu gusilire po. The slave owed his master the equivalent of a laborer's wages for 60,000,000 days; yet, his master canceled the debt. Why? Where Did Cain Find Wife? That is why we need to be patient and willing to forgive our brothers and sisters. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 8. Sitora sokulikurwira somoSteinach kwa hepere muntu gokurugana mo karuwogona. The barber in Steinach needed temporary help in his shop. By considering the examples of faithful servants of old, we will see how we can rely on Jehovah to help us deal with problems and help others. Yosili, Jehova "nonkondo dendi nonene unene. " - Resa Jesaya 40: 26. Without a doubt, Jehovah is "vigorous in power. " - Read Isaiah 40: 26. It helped me to keep serving Jehovah. " Vamwe kulipa unzoni, unene po nsene asi nomfa dohararasi. And what about guilt? Illustrate. What Makes Marriage Last? 2 / 1 And he wanted his fellow Israelites to have the same faith. Ntani hena ga hepa kutunga po yikara yopampepo. More than abilities or accomplishments, he must have spiritual qualities. " Stop throwing me out of your face; do not take me out of your holy spirit. " Nye ukaro wopapolitika mosirongo oso kwa rundurukire makura twa hepere kuza koVietnam. However, the political situation changed, and we had to relocate to South Vietnam. How important it is to be united with fellow believers as the end approaches! Naina vakuronambunga va hepa kutakamesa mahomokero goMuzonaguli. Today, elders need to be on guard against the lionlike attacks of the Devil. 5: 28, 29. Nye mombilive zoozo, Paurusa kwa tumangedere Timoteusa asi " kukura kwendi va ku mone navenye. ' Yet, in the same letter, Paul exhorted Timothy to " make his advancement manifest to all persons. ' However, that is why the Israelites were "no longer interested in hearing. " (Ndan. 9: 1, 2) Ediwo eli ga kere nalyo Ndaniyera kuhamena Jehova nomu nga ruganene kumwe noVaisraeli, kwa yi likida mekanderero lyendi eli va tjanga mwaNdaniyera 9: 3 - 19. Daniel's intimate knowledge of God, including God's dealings with Israel, is beautifully reflected in the prophet's heartfelt and contrite prayer recorded at Daniel 9: 3 - 19. If we want to be good teachers, we too must continue to strengthen our love for God. 2: 1 - 3) Azo kuna kara mfumwa mokuturonga Karunga. What a privilege it is to be taught by God! In the third century C.E., Jehoshaphat sent five priests, five priests, and two priests. Nye posiruwo sooso, pokufumadeka mukareli ngombunga, vemukurumbunga kapi ava zerura nkenye gumwe gomukareli kupitakana Vakriste vapeke. But at the same time, while respecting the slave as a class, members of the great crowd are careful not to elevate any individuals who claim to be part of that slave. What Is "the End "? (Epis. 119: 64, NW) Mwa kara yihorokwa yoyinzi moMatjangwa eyi ayi likida omu Jehova ga likidire eharo lyonkenda kovakareli vendi. The Scriptures contain numerous accounts of how Jehovah showed loving - kindness to his worshippers. 9: 26; John 14: 19. Ngapi Satana ga "zonagura nondunge dava va dira kupura "? How has Satan "blinded the minds of the unbelievers "? " I use the Internet only when there are members of the family " 6: 10. 6: 10. To whom must we display such love? [ Ntundiliro zomafano gepepenuno 2] [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] 4 / 1 Nsene muntu ogo a horowora po limwe, munazinyetu ta penuna sitratate nokuzogera eyi za uyunga ko Bibeli kepuro olyo. If the householder chooses one, the brother opens the tract and discusses what the Bible says about that question. Why? Eharo lyangoso kutumbwilisa asi tu varongwa wosili vaJesus. (Joh. Such love identifies us as Jesus ' true followers. There was one brother who served wherever we could preach. Eyi va tjanga mobuke Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? The arguments in Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? The brothers and sisters in the Bethel family helped the lawyer who served together as a couple. (b) Nonkedi musinke wa ruganesa apa wa zogerere kuhamena mundiro gwanarunye? (b) What reasoning have you found to be effective when discussing hellfire? 4: 1. Apa na mu tantere, age kwa korangedere nge asi: "Nawa ngoso, tameka tupu nosirugana sosiruwo nasinye. When I told him, he urged me: "Yes, get right into the full - time ministry. Why should we be determined to imitate our God and his Son? Morwasinke? Why? In most cases, grief is a loss of grief for many years. 24: 45 - 47; Heb. 24: 45 - 47; Heb. When I was born, my parents had only three children and two daughters. Ngwendi Vakriste wokuhova, vagwavekwa "ava va hamena koUntungi " yiwo vana kara nombangi daJehova. Just like the early Christians, the anointed "sons of the Kingdom " were to be witnesses of Jehovah. What did the Law accomplish? Age kwa tanta asi: "Ame kwa hara kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa morwa azo kuna kara mpango zokutunda kwaJehova. He says: "I like preaching the good news because it is what Jehovah asks us to do. God told them: "Take into your covenant with me, " and take away the bad things of your heart. - Jer. Kupitakana nomvhura 20, ame kwa kara noruhafo rokukarera Jehova ngomuzuvhisi gokukarerera. And for more than 20 years, I have found special joy serving Jehovah as a pioneer. Recall the needy widow, who called Jesus. (Mat. 28: 19, 20) Paurusa kwa tjenge asi: " Ano omu tu tare asi tu vakereli vaKristusa, yiyo va tu tura tu kare woyihoramo yaKarunga. ' Paul wrote: "Let a man so appraise us as being subordinates of Christ and stewards of sacred secrets of God. " That meeting brought good results, after 15 percent of those families became Witnesses. (3) Ngapi natu kwatesa ko uumwe owo? (3) How can we personally contribute to that unity? 9: 27, 28, 34, 34; Ezek. Vapeke nawo ga vhulire kukara Jehova upingwa wawo Others Could Have Jehovah as Their Share Note the words given by Job, we find at Job 33: 24, 25. Ose kuyilikida moulimburukwi wetu womomutjima asi twa fumadeka nokutambura sihonena saKristusa ndi ose kwa hara kuhorowora nompango daJesus edi dina kara ureru ndi edi tuna hara tupu kulimburukwa? Do we demonstrate by our heartfelt obedience that we respect and appreciate Christ's example, or are we inclined to choose from among Jesus ' commands only those that are easy or convenient to obey? This experience illustrates that even among God's dedicated servants, at times, there may be some disagreements. Marunduruko gamwe ga kere ureru kugatura po, pasihonena kapi ya digoperere nge kuhageka kukoka epangwe. Some changes were easy to make; I quit taking drugs without much difficulty. A positive view of mistakes will help us to endure when we suffer trials. Ndi nampo kukudigopera kugusira po gumwe ogu ga ku koresere. Or someone may have hurt you in the past, and you find it hard to forget. The account of Job also shows that there will be a resurrection. - Job 14: 14, 15. Apa Sauru ga tente asi ta zi a ka dipage Ndafita, Jonatana ga hepere kutokora. When Saul said that he was going to kill David, Jonathan had a difficult decision to make. He has begun that time when people became sinners. Vantu wovasesu tupu ava va honenene nkareso zoulimburukwi zaNowa naNdaniyera ntani Joba yiwo va tulire yidiviso mokuparuka. (Hes. Only relatively few individuals reflected the qualities of Noah, Daniel, and Job and were thus marked for survival. Why might a person be disloyal to his mate, and why is that not the reason for divorce? Nye, age kuyirugana neharo lyousili yipo vakwawo va gwanene mo mauwa. Instead, he is filled with an unselfish desire to benefit others. Young ones, make friends in your family and learn how Jehovah has helped them. Resa Varoma 12: 20. Read Romans 12: 20. Moreover, it was the command to "make disciples ' because they needed genuine love in new circumstances. 3: 6, 7. 3: 6, 7. That helped me to strengthen my faith. " 7: 15; 2 Tim. 7: 15; 2 Tim. The earth was designed to be a home for humans who were created in God's image. Yipo va ninkire nge ni ze kembo. They let me go home. Why? (Tara efano pepenuno 9.) (See opening picture.) On the other hand, if you choose to drink alcohol, it would not be wise to set specific limits that could lead to the air. Yihonena yolye natu vhura kutemwinina mokukara vasikuli womupampi vaKristusa? Whose examples can we imitate in being zealous followers of the Christ? Many were women. (b) Ngapi Paurusa ga u kohwenene po, ntani yisinke tuna lirongere ko? (b) How did Paul resolve matters, and what does this teach us about the rights of others? (See endnote.) Ano nkwawo ezi za kara nononkondo dokukandanesa euta mokuliforoma, kwa tamekere kuzirandesa mo - 2001. In addition, IUDs that release a hormone came on the market in 2001. 31 Do You Remember? Morwasinke natu yi tambwira asi meparu twa hepa kutura po matokoro? Why should we accept that making decisions is part of life? He has also given us a conscience that helps us to avoid doing wrong and to make changes if we have changed. - Rom. Sirugana sendi sosinene kutundilira mo - 1914 ngatu ka si konakona mosirongwa sokukwama ko. His intense activity since 1914 will be examined in the following article. We will also make the earth a paradise. Morwasinke? What was the basis for their stand? (Compare Luke 12: 6, 7.) Eyi yiyo twa hepera kulididimikira maudigu ntani nokukara neharo lyokufira vanavazinyetu. - 1 Vatesaronika 2: 8. So we should be willing to endure difficulties and even die for our brothers and sisters. - 1 Thessalonians 2: 8. A steward can have good qualities, but if they are not loyal or submissive to the master, the master would not have any value. Pokukonakona yihonena yovakareli vanare vepuro, natu ka mona omu natu huguvara mwaJehova a tu vatere siruwo oso nose kuna kurugana ko yuma mokukohonona po maudigu ntani nokuvatera wopeke. Using faithful examples from the past, we will examine how we can trust in Jehovah to support us while taking whatever action we can to solve problems and help others. How can you care for your family when you return home? " Ayo ya tumangeda nge ni twikire kukarera Jehova. " In fact, I have been motivated to keep on making spiritual progress. " 8: 12. Gava sihonena. Illustrate. When did God's Kingdom begin? Ntani kwa here Vaisraeli vakwawo va kare nepuro lyokulifana. And Moses wanted his fellow Israelites to have that same conviction. Many brothers and sisters lost their homes or possessions. " WA HA tjida nge ko kosipara soge; ove wa ha zi gusa nge mpepo zoge zokupongoka. " " DO NOT throw me away from before your face; and your holy spirit O do not take away from me. " Because Jehovah foretold that his people would attack them. 4: 25) Ayo ya kara nomulyo unene mokukara mouumwe novapuli vakwetu ngomu uhura una kuhedera pepi. As we approach the end of this old world, working together unitedly will become ever more important. Jehoshaphat still associated with a bad friend. 5: 28, 29. They will need a resurrection, a returning to life on earth. - John 5: 28, 29. In this article, we will answer the following questions: How can we read the way we meditate on it? 17: 8 - 16) Kuvhura yi kare ngoso, nye zi kare asi konda zawo musinke za kere, Vaisraeli " kapi va here kuzuvha. ' That is possible, but whatever the case, the Israelites "refused to become obedient. " According to those words, although God is kind and compassionate, he has a time to hate and a time to hate. Nsene tuna hara kukara varongi wovawa, nose twa hepa kutwikira kunkondopeka eharo lyetu kwaKarunga. If we want to be truly effective teachers, we too need to make sure that we continue to strengthen our love for God. Marcus: But there is no death in heaven. Momvhura zautatu zepangero lyendi, Jehosafata kwa tumine vakurona vatano noVarevhi vatano - navane ntani novapristeli vavali. Interestingly, in the third year of his reign, Jehoshaphat sent for five princes, nine Levites, and two priests. However, he did not discipline them well. Yisinke " uhura wouzuni '? " The End " - What Does It Mean? Young ones who love Jehovah and understand what it means to be dedicated to God and get baptized. 9: 26; Joh. 14: 19. 9: 26; John 14: 19. Then he showed genuine repentance and asked for forgiveness. " Ame kuruganesa tupu Interneta nsene vemepata poveli " " I go online only while others are around " In Bible times, soldiers were surrounded by soldiers when they wanted to illustrate the campaign. Kwalye twa hepa kulikida eharo lyangoso? And to whom must we remain steadfast in our loyalty? Jehovah's family on earth will enjoy life. 4 / 1 YIHOROKWA YEMEPARU Preserving Gems From Our Past, 1 / 15 The wild beast mentioned at Revelation 13: 1 and its olive tree will be destroyed. Morwasinke? Why so? Since 1930, it became clear that Christ began gathering millions of "other sheep, " who would make up" a great crowd. " Pwa kere munazinyetu gumwe ogu nga wapaike oku natu ka zuvhisira. There was a brother who would organize our territory. Asa was blessed for his determination and courage. Vanavazinyetu vemepata lyoBeteli kwa vaterere vahahende ava va karerere po valikwali owo. Brothers and sisters in the Bethel family assisted the lawyers who represented the Christian parents. He learned about Jehovah from his parents who taught him that Jehovah would free the Hebrews from the Roman Empire and be released from the Roman Empire, just as Moses had learned about Jehovah. 4: 1. 4: 1. One sister said: "I don't like anyone who views matters as an elder. Morwasinke twa hepera kutokomena mokuhonena Karunga gwetu gomuzavereli ntani naMunwendi? Why should we be determined to imitate our gracious God and his Son? When I feel better, I want to preach from house to house, someone who has a brain with a brain that has a brain. " - Barbara. Rorunzi, ruguwo rovafisavayawo kugusa nomvhura dononzi. Widows and widowers often feel the pain of loss for years. Jesus ' mother and his half sisters were called at that time but not Joseph's offspring. Apa va ya hampurukire nge, vakondi vange kwa kere novanona vatatu tupu gumwe gomumati ano vavali wovakadona. My parents already had three children when I came along - my older brother and two sisters. FROM OUR COVER Yisinke za sikisa mo Veta? What did the Law accomplish? " You do not belong to yourselves. " - 1 COR. Karunga kwa va tanterere asi: " Sikiseni mo egwanekero lyeni name, ' ntani guseni mo yininke yoyidona monomutjima deni. - Jer. God told them: "Get yourselves circumcised to Jehovah, and take away the foreskins of your hearts. " - Jer. How do elders protect God's flock? Diworoka mufisayendi gomuhepwe ogu ana tumbura Jesus. Remember the needy widow described by Jesus. John and I were happy to serve Jehovah together. Epongo olyo kwa retere yitundwamo yoyiwa, konyima zosiruwo vantu 15 womomapata ogo kwa ya kere Nombangi. Yes, that meeting proved to be a turning point. In time, some 15 members of those families became Witnesses. Therefore, our images harmonize with the ancient writings of the apostle Paul. 9: 27, 28, 34, 35; Hes. 9: 27, 28, 34, 35; Ezek. (b) What can we learn from the sacrifice of sacrifices? Koneka nonkango edi lya uyungire esimbi Joba, atu gwana mwaJoba 33: 24, 25. Notice the words spoken to the patriarch Job, found at Job 33: 24, 25. As time passed, I found a good friend more than anyone else. 15: 36 - 39) Sihorokwa esi kulikida asi nampili mokatji kovakareli vaKarunga wokuligava, poyiruwo yimwe kuvhura kuhoroka madiro kulizuvha. This incident underscores that even among devoted servants of God, disagreements will at times arise. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2015) She poured out her heart. Kukara nomutaro gouhunga komapuko ngayi tu vatera tu lididimikire nsene gana horoka. Having a proper view of mistakes will help us to cope constructively when they occur. Moreover, Asa urged the people to "work Jehovah and to observe his commandments and to observe his commandments. " Buke zaJoba nazo kulikida hena asi ngaku kara evhumbuko. - Joba 14: 14, 15. The book of Job also shows that there will be a resurrection. - Job 14: 14, 15. But some anointed ones were able to stay awake without doing the Master's work, Jesus. Age kwa tameka kuyirugana oyo apa vantu va ya kere vananzo. Immediately after the rebellion in Eden, he gave Adam's future descendants reason to take courage. But when he completed the Christian Greek Scriptures, the gifts of the promise that would be understood by means of a miraculous light. Morwasinke nampo muntu na karera noyineya komulikwali gwendi, ntani morwasinke nomvhura kapisi yizo konda zokuzumbira mulikwali goge? How might betrayal find a niche in a marriage, and why is a person's age not an excuse for that to happen? Even in this troubled world, you can find happiness in accurate Bible knowledge about God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Vadinkantu, tuliseni po ukaume novakurona wovalimburukwi mepata lyeni ntani mombungakriste yipo mu lirongere ko kwawo omu Jehova ga va vatera. Young ones, draw close to faithful older ones in your family and in the congregation and learn how good Jehovah has been to them. 3, 4. (a) When did the Law covenant begin to be fulfilled, and what did the nation of Israel do? Ntani hena sipango esi kwa kere " sipe ' morwa varongwa va ya hepere kulikida eharo lyosili momaukaro gomape. But it was also "new " in that it called for self - sacrificing love, which the disciples might need as they faced new circumstances. Jesus wants all his disciples to be prepared and watchful. Oyo ya vaterere nge ni nkondopeke epuro lyange. " This was a turning point in my spiritual growth. " Cristina and her husband explained that the family are honest because they are studying the Bible. Evhu kwa lisitire li kare embo lyovantu ava va unga mosihwi saKarunga. (Gen. The earth was to be an ideal home for men and women created in God's image. Kindness is part of love. Morwasinke? And why? He listens to many prayers at just one time, and he hears their prayers regardless of their language. Nye nsene ono tokora kunwa, kapi ya wapa mokulitulira po mayereko gepuko aga naga kutwaredesa kokukorwa. Hence, if you choose to drink, it is not wise to set a vague limit that hovers between sobriety and drunkenness. Doing so will bring glory to our heavenly Father. Sinzi sawo kwa kere vakadi. In most lands, the majority of those present are women. What fear do many people have? (Fil. Paul was writing from Rome. Baptism and baptism opens the way for us to have a spiritual paradise. 31 To diworoka ndi? 31 Do You Remember? I adds: "We thought that we would be only seven years old, but we're not thinking! (Fil. 2: 13) Age ga tu pa hena ezwi lyokomutjima eli ali tu vatere tu nyokere po kurugana yoyidona nokutura po marunduruko nsene tuna zono. - Rom. He also created us with a conscience - an inborn sense of right and wrong - that can help us avoid wrongdoing and correct our mistakes when we fall short. - Rom. (b) What will happen to the foolish virgins? Ntani ngatu ka ninka evhu li ka kare paradisa. We will also work to make the earth into a paradise. Some have grown up in an environment where they do not believe in God. (Hetakanesa Rukasa 12: 6, 7.) (Compare Luke 12: 6, 7.) But is that true? Erenga kuvhura li kare noyikara yoyiwa nediwo, nye nsene va dira kulihuguvara ndi li dire kulimburukwa kwahekurwalyo nayinye oyo kapi tayi kara nomulyo. A steward may have many fine qualities and abilities, yet none of them would matter if he was irresponsible or disloyal to his master. What about people who do not serve Jehovah even if they do not worship him? Ngapi omu ngo pakera mbili epata lyoge nsene o tengura kembo? " " How will you make ends meet if you go back home? " Who are preaching the good news of the Kingdom to people? 8: 12. 8: 12. Many people live in countries. Siruwoke wa tamekere kupangera Uhompa waKarunga? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Moyimpagwa oyo vanavazinyetu wovanzi kwa zumbanesere mambo ndi yiweka yawo. Many of our brothers lost their homes or material possessions in those disasters. They focus more on material things. Morwa Jehova kwa pumba asi vantu vendi ngava va homona. Because Jehovah has foretold that attack on God's people. The first time they arrived, they lived on the altar and offered sacrifices to Jehovah. Jehosafata simpe ga likwete ukwawo nomuntu gomudona. Jehoshaphat forged another unwise alliance. POPULATION (Johanesa 17: 3) Mosirongwa esi tatu ka limburura mapuro gana kukwama ko: Ngapi omu natu resa monkedi omu nayi tu rerupira kuteda? In this article we will answer the following questions: How can we read in a way that makes it easier to meditate? Perhaps the teachers were forced to pursue riches and prominence. (Muudisi 3: 1, 8) Kuliza nononkango odo, nampili ngomu Karunga ga kara neharo nonkenda, ga kara nosiruwo sokunyenga. According to this principle, although God is very loving and kind, there are times when he hates. Tell you to Jehovah about your problems. Marukusa: Nye meguru kapi mwa kara rumwe nomfa. Marcus: But there has never been death in heaven, has there? We do not want to forgive sin, so we do well to remember what Paul said about the spirit. Nampili ngoso, kapi ga va piswire nawa kwa va twere seke. Even so, he did not discipline them enough. For example, he allowed Adam to name animals. Vadinkantu ava va hara Jehova nokukwata egano eyi ali tanta eligawo kapi ava likata - kata mokuligava kwaKarunga nokugwana ekuho. Young ones who love Jehovah and who understand what dedication means do not hesitate to dedicate their lives to God and get baptized. I have enjoyed part - time copies of "the word of the word. " Makura age ta likida eliverero lyousili ntani nokuhundira egusiropo. He expresses true sorrow and asks for forgiveness. Jehovah has given us the honor to choose whether we want to serve him or not. Moyiruwo yanare, sitata ngava si kundurukida vakwayita nsene kuna hara kusihomona. In ancient times, a city was under siege when an army surrounded its walls, ready to attack it. Had no hope in the resurrection, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would not be resurrected. Epata lyaJehova lyepevhu ngali hafera eparu. Jehovah's earthly family will enjoy the best that the earth has to offer. DURING ANOTHER B. Sikasama esi va tumbura mEhororo 13: 1 nefano lyaso ntani nosikasama sonombinga mbali, ngava yi zonagura po. The wild beast mentioned at Revelation 13: 1, its image, and the two - horned wild beast will be destroyed. Ezekiel 31: 18 points out that "the tree of the trees of the land " in the seventh century B.C.E. Kutundilira 1930, kwa ya divikwire asi Kristusa ga tamekere kupongaika mamiliyona " gononzwi dapeke, ' ava ngava tulisa po "emukurumbunga. " From the mid - 1930 ' s onward, it became evident that Christ had started to gather millions of his "other sheep, " who would make up a multinational" great crowd. " If these wicked people refuse to improve their attitude, what can you do? (1 Vah. 15: 13) Asa kwa mu tungikire morwa etokomeno nouradi wendi. Asa was blessed for his resolve and courage. Many Jewish religious leaders were obedient to the Mosaic Law, but when Jesus came to earth, they did not want to ask that he was the Messiah. Age kwa lirongere kuhamena Jehova kovakurona vendi woVahebeli ava va mu rongere asi Jehova nga mangurura Vahebeli moupika nokuvatwara koSirongo sEtumbwiro. (Genesis 13: 14, 15; Exodus 2: 5 - 10) Ngomu Mosesa ga gazarere matumbwidiro ogo, yimo ga ya here unene Jehova. He had learned about Jehovah from his Hebrew parents, who taught him that Jehovah promised to free the Hebrews from slavery and give them the Promised Land. The destruction will start against all false religion, which the Bible calls "Babylon the Great, " or Babylon the Great. 12: 3) Munazinyetukadi gumwe kwa tente asi: "Ame kapi na hara mukuronambunga ogu a tara nkenye yininke ngwendi muteu. One sister said: "I don't want an elder to take everything as a joke. Use the tools found in the Bible. Apa ani lizuvhu ko hansa, ame kwa hara kuzuvhisa tunda embo zende embo. " - Barbara, ogu ga kara nokankera zomouruvi. On my better days, I like to witness from house to house. " - Barbara, who has a brain tumor. Do not be afraid. ' Ozina vaJesus novamumbya vendi wovagara nava wovakadi navenye kwa va tumbura asi posiruwo sina awo simpe vazuni nye kapisi Josefa. Jesus ' mother, brothers, and sisters are all mentioned as living at that time but not Joseph. Although Jesus did not explain why he called material things "the deceptive power of truth, " the Bible makes it clear that it was not part of God's purpose. MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO FROM OUR COVER Although Jesus had many evidence that the Messiah was the Messiah, most Jews rejected him. " One kapi mwa liweka nyamweni. ' - 1 KOL. " You do not belong to yourselves. " - 1 COR. The Devil said that Eve did not need to obey God and live. Ngapi vakuronambunga ava popere siunda saKarunga? How do the elders defend the flock of God? Whether they are rich or poor, all "will receive everlasting life. " Name naJohn kwa kere noruhafo mokukarera Jehova kumwe. John and I had so enjoyed serving Jehovah together. The Scriptures state that Abraham "continued to wait " for Jehovah's promises, which he told him that Jehovah would bless and bless his offspring. Yipo nye, mafano getu ga liza nomauzera gamwe ganare kuhamena omu ga fene mupositoli Paurusa. - The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church zomo - 1997. Thus, our artistic presentations are in line with some ancient indications of what the apostle looked like. (2) Worship sessions. (b) Yisinke natu vhura kulirongera ko kononzambo dombili? (b) What relevance do communion sacrifices have to modern - day pure worship? COVER IMAGE: Ngomu sa pitire siruwo, ame kwa gwene kaume gomuwa unene kupitakana nkenye kaume. In the process, I have gained a precious friendship that I value more than any other. Have I made plans about my health? MARIYA ta tongeke nongoro, morwa ana guwu unene. MARY sank to her knees, her agony too deep for words. In all these cases, we read about angels who appeared to strangers who were valuable to them. 15: 11 - 13) Ntani hena Asa kwa korangedere vantu va " ruganene HOMPA, oku tava limburukwa komarongo nokonompangera dendi. ' Furthermore, Asa urged his people "to search for Jehovah... and to observe the Law and the commandment. " What do we learn about authority from reading? Nye vagwavekwa vamwe kwa ya va gwene va hana kuvangarara ntani kapi vana kurugana sirugana esi ga va sigilire Hekurwawo, Jesus. Some, however, failed that inspection and consequently lost their privilege to continue in the King's "business. " • How does the Bible's description of faith differ from many people when speaking about faith? Nye apa ga pwire kutjanga Matjangwa goSikriste, mauhwi gouporofete naga gokudiva yininke kupitira pasitetu kwa hege. (1 Kol. But at some point after the Christian Scriptures were completed, gifts of prophesying and miraculously revealed knowledge ceased. Jehovah used Daniel to reveal how governments would be fulfilled. Nampili mouzuni ou womaudigu, kuvhura o gwane ruhafo rokutunda mediwo lyousili lyoBibeli lyokuhamena Karunga, Uhompa wendi ntani sitambo sendi sokutetukisa kovantu. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Yes, we want to imitate Jehovah. 3, 4. (a) Siruwoke egwanekero lyoVeta lya tamekere kusika mo, ntani yisinke gwa rugene ko muhoko goVaisraeli? 3, 4. (a) When did the Law covenant go into effect, and what did the nation of Israel agree to do? This makes him happy because he serves God fully and is always with fellow believers. (Marukusa 13: 37) Jesus kuna harere varongwa vendi navenye va liwapaikire nokuvangarara. Jesus requires that all his disciples be prepared and watchful. [ Blurb on page 30] Haykanush namugara gwendi tava fatwilire epata olyo asi awo kuna hungike morwa kuna kulironga Bibeli. Haykanush and her husband explained that they were honest because of what they were learning from the Bible. He warned them: "Jehovah is not watching! Nkenda kuna kara ruha rosiyimwa seharo. Tenderness is an expression of love and is similar to emotions such as compassion and mercy. She also moved to Togo. Age kupurakena komakanderero govantu wovanzi posiruwo simwe tupu, ntani kuzuvha makanderero gawo yi kare asi eraka musinke vana kuuyunga. He is able to listen to the prayers of millions of people at the same time, and he understands their prayers no matter what language they are spoken in. Satan will also try to turn humans away from Jehovah, but those who will reject Satan's influence will enjoy everlasting life on earth. - Read Isaiah 25: 8 - 9. Pokurugana ngoso, ngayi retera mfumwa Guhyetu gemeguru gedina eli twa simba. By doing so, you will bring honor to our loving heavenly Father, whose glorious name we are privileged to bear. For example, The Watchtower in more than 2 languages, explains Bible prophecies that undermine our knowledge of the truth, and allows us to live by Bible principles. Yisinke va tjira vantu wovanzi? What Do Many Fear? One way is by asking yourself such questions as: " Can I explain Bible teachings to others? Eligawo nekuho nayo kutupa mpito tu kare moparadisa zongwa zopampepo. Dedication and baptism also open the way for us to dwell in the blessed spiritual paradise. How can we use patience and kindness to " set things straight '? Amelia kwa gwederera ko asi: "Ose kwa gazarere asi ngatu kara mo tupu mvhura zimwe, nye ngesi ose kuna kara mo nomvhura ntambali, ntani kapi tuna kugazara kutengura! Adds Amelia: "We thought we could stay for one year only, but we have been here for seven years now, and we're not thinking of leaving! 14, 15. (b) Yisinke ngayi horokera ava va fana vakadona womagova? (b) What will happen to those who are like the foolish virgins? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Vamwe kwa kulira monkarapamwe omu va dira kupura mwaKarunga. Others grow up in an anti - God climate. Like Jesus, these slaves often understand the faults of others. Nye owo usili ndi? Is that true? How did Jesus prove himself to be a liar? Ngapi kuhamena vantu ava va dira kukarera Jehova nampili rumwe? What about people who never served Jehovah? 1, 2. Wolye vana kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa kovantu? So who are preaching the good news of the Kingdom today? 8, 9. Vantu wovanzi kwa tunga moyirongo yoruhepo. Many live in areas where hardships or poverty are the order of the day. • How can a brother's family help him to serve others in the congregation? MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO HENA ALSO IN THIS ISSUE But I remind myself that I love him more than my thinking. Awo kudemenena tupu kweyi yopanyama. They are focused on the flesh. Now I can help good people to make the decision at the Lord's Evening Meal. - Matt. Sininke sokuhova va rugene apa va ka sikire, awo kwa tungire sinzambero makura tava zamba nonzambo dawo dankenye ezuva kwaJehova. (Esir. The first thing they did upon arriving was set up an altar on the site of the former temple, and they began to offer daily sacrifices to Jehovah. Let us, therefore, be willing to put on our concerns, knowing that in his new world, Jehovah will allow us to enjoy "the real life. " - 1 Tim. SIVARO SOVATUNGIMO POPULATION • Genesis 22: 18? Nampo varongi womoEgipite va mu kondjesere a kondjere ungawo nokudivikwa. What pressure he must have felt to do so from his Egyptian family, teachers, and counselors! In what way did Eli discipline his children? 18: 1) Tantera Jehova maudigu goge. (Epis. Pour out your feelings to Jehovah in prayer. Remember that Paul described Christian parents as " using their perceptive powers to distinguish both right and wrong. " Ose kapi tuna hara kutura nzo zokudira kudongwenena po, yipo nye natu hepera kudiworoka eyi ga uyungire Paurusa kuhamena kudira kuguvisa mpepo. Since we do not even want to come close to committing unforgivable sin, we need to remember what Paul said about not grieving the spirit. Satan also says a false promise: "You will be like God, knowing good and bad. " Pasihonena, age kwa pulisilire Adamu a ruke yikorama. For example, he allowed Adam to name the animals. From then on, he had been thrown into two cases, and the disease that caused him to lose his body on the torture stake and did not even see it well. Ame kwa hafera ruha rosiparatjangwa " Mafatururo gamwe gononkango. ' She added: "I love how you have the section " Some Expressions Explained. ' Russell, who led Bible Students, sought fine ways to spread Bible truth. Jehova kwa tu pa mfumwa pokutupulisira tu tokore nsene tuna hara kumukarera ndi hawe. In fact, not knowing dignifies us, allowing us to use our free will in manifesting our loyalty to Jehovah. In this year, let us reflect on the blessings we receive so that we can follow our yeartext for 2015: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good. " - Ps. Ngano kwato ehuguvaro lyevhumbuko, Abirahamu naIsaka ntani naJakopo ngano kapi ngava va vhumbura. If there were no resurrection, then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would remain forever in the clutches of death. Our comments can help us to improve our heart. ELIPANGERO SELF - CONTROL COVER SUBJECT YOU CAN BE CLOSE TO GOD Hesekiyeli 31: 18 kwa kulikida asi "yitji yomoEdeni " mouye wountambali K.S.N., ayo nare kapi ya kere po hena. Ezekiel 31: 18 suggests that "the trees of Eden " were already long out of existence by the seventh century B.C.E. Judas did not use these coins, but he threw off the temple and struck them in the temple. - Matt. Nsene vantu owo wovadona va nyoka kuwapukurura nkareso zawo, yisinke ngomu rugana ko? Now, if those bad tenants refused to clean up their act, what would you do? They offered many teachers to tell them what they would say. Vampitisili wovanzi womaukarelikarunga goVajuda kwa limburukwire nkenye aka komoVeta zaMosesa, nye apa ga wizire Jesus pevhu, kapi va here kumupura asi yige ga kere Mesiyasa. Many leaders among the Jews scrupulously observed the Mosaic Law, but when the Messiah arrived, they failed to recognize him. ▪ "Give Our Faith " Ezonauko ngali tameka nehomokero lyomaukarelikarunga nagenye goyimpempa, aga za tumbura Bibeli asi "Babironi zonene " ndi" hondedi. " (Ehor. The first phase of this "sudden destruction " is the attack against" Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, also known as "the harlot. " The next article will help you. Ruganesa yiruganeso yelirongo lyoBibeli. Use Bible study tools. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In New York Nokuvatjira si. ' Do not be afraid. " Clearly, Jehovah is taking the lead in the new world. Nampili ngomu Jesus ga dilire kufaturura eyi ga tumbwilire emona asi " yimpempa, ' Bibeli za yi zeresa asi unangesefa kapi wa kere ruha rositambo saKarunga. Although Jesus does not explain why he calls riches "unrighteous, " the Bible makes clear that commercialism was not part of God's purpose. 1, 2. (a) How will we gain life? Nampili ngomu Jesus ga kere nomaumbangi gomanzi asi yige Mesiyasa, sinzi soVajuda womouye wokuhova kwa mu nyokere. Although Jesus had overwhelming credentials proving that he was the Messiah, the vast majority of the first - century Jews did not acclaim him. Jehovah sometimes changed his decision when he changed. 2: 9) Muzonaguli kwa tente asi Eva kapi ga hepa kulimburukwa Karunga yipo a paruke. The Devil thus insinuated that Eve did not need to be obedient to God in order to live. This is especially true in lands where the government is organized. Va kare asi nongawo ndi nohepwe, navenye " ngava ka gwana mwenyo gwanarunye gosili. ' (1 Tim. Both those rich and those poor could "get a firm hold on the real life. " For more information, see chapter 6 and 7 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Matjangwa kwa tanta asi " Abirahamu ga mwene pokulididimika a ndindire, ' matumbwidiro aga ga mu tanterere Jehova asi nga mu tungika nokuvhukisa ruvharo rwendi. (Heb. The Scriptures tell us that "after Abraham had shown patience, " he obtained the promise that Jehovah would bless him and multiply his offspring. How can we apply the counsel found at Philippians 2: 1 - 4? (2) Eliyombereso. (2) Exercise. Whether you hope to live forever in heaven or on earth, Jehovah will give you "the power beyond what is normal " so that you can maintain your reward. EFANO LYOPONTUNDA: COVER IMAGE: If we are not careful, it can affect us. Na tura po mawapaiko kuhamena uhaku wange ndi? Have I taken measures to safeguard my health? We can talk to him regularly or in any way. Moyihorokwa nayinye eyi, ose kuresa kuhamena vaengeli ava va monekerere vantu ngovageni ava va kere nonombudi domulyo. In both cases, we read about angels appearing to them as strangers with important messages. There, they met a woman named Hannah, "" God, " and Jehovah opened his heart to understand. " - Acts 16: 9 - 15. Yisinke tuna lirongere ko kuhamena upangeli pokuresa... What Did We Learn About Rulership From Reading... These include the benefits of suffering and injustice, and it can lead us to speak to wicked people. • Ngapi omu esingonono lyoBibeli lya lisiga kweli lyovantu wovanzi apa ava uyunga kuhamena epuro? • How is the Bible's definition different from what many refer to when they talk about faith? Illustrate. (Ndan. 1: 1 - 6) Jehova kwa ruganesere Ndaniyera a horore omu ngaga likwama mapangero. Jehovah used him to reveal the succession of kingdoms that would follow that world power. To help us do so, we will consider some aspects of the new personality. 16: 9) Yimo, tuna hara kuhonena Jehova. 16: 9) Of course, we wish to imitate Jehovah. PAGE 9 Eyi ayi mu retere ruhafo, morwa age kukarera Karunga ntani kukara nkenye apa novapuli vakwaawo. This is possible only because his life revolves around God and around his Christian friends. When the book of Hebrews was written in the Bible book of Hebrews, the Greek word translated "the solid hope of hope " was used in the Philippines. [ Nonkango depepenuno 30] [ Blurb on page 23] In all countries, they do not take sides in political matters because they are "no part of the world, " and they continue preaching the good news. - John 15: 19; Acts 8: 4. Malipopero gawo gaga asi: " HOMPA kapi ana kutumona! For they are saying, " Jehovah is not seeing us. The early Christians knew that Jehovah God used the governing body through their leadership. Nage kwa dirukilire koHollywood. She too had moved to Hollywood. Table of Contents Satana nga ka hetekera ko hena kukagusa vantu kwaJehova, nye ava ngava ka nyokera po epukiso lyaSatana ngava ka hafera mwenyo gwanarunye pevhu. - Resa Jesaya 25: 8; Ehororo 20: 7 - 9. Satan will again try to turn people away from Jehovah, but those who reject Satan will enjoy life on earth forever. - Read Isaiah 25: 8; Revelation 20: 7 - 9. Making Wise Choices 65: 13) Pasihonena, Ruhungu oru rwa kara momaraka gokupitakana 210, kufaturura mauporofete goBibeli aga aga kulike ediwo lyetu kousili, ntani nokututumangeda tu paruke kuliza nonompango doBibeli. For instance, The Watchtower, available in over 210 languages, explains Bible prophecy, increases our comprehension of deep spiritual truths, and motivates us to live by Bible principles. " When I moved to another country, I found a lot of money and a lot of money. Nkedi zimwe kuna kara pokulipura nyamoge mapuro gangesi: " Ame kuvhura ni faturure marongotamekero goBibeli kwava wopeke ndi? One way is to ask yourself such questions as: " Can I explain basic Bible teachings to others? Have you ever been in such a situation? Ngapi omu natu ruganesa elididimikiro nonkenda " mokuvyukisa ' yininke? How, then, can we use patience and kindness in "setting things straight "? Love motivates Jehovah to guide us and teach us to stay close to him and to receive everlasting life. 14, 15. 14, 15. He was a friend of Jesus and was entrusted with weighty responsibilities. MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO HENA ALSO IN THIS ISSUE And the words he told the workers who complained to them may seem strange. Ngwendi Jesus, vakareli owo awo nkenye apa kukwata egano mapuko gava wopeke. Like Jesus, these usually show understanding of others ' imperfections. With the help of our heavenly Father and with the help of those in Thessalonica, we can be like faithful anointed Christians in Thessalonica, who endured trials of persecution. - Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 - 5. Ngapi omu Jesus ga ya likidire nawa - nawa asi Satana munayimpempa? How did Jesus give a complete answer to Satan's challenge? (b) Who can encourage us today? 1, 2. 1, 2. Toward the end of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Everyone who hears my words, and he has built up his house. 8, 9. 8, 9. Some early Christians wanted the world. • Ngapi omu epata lyamunazinyetugara nali mu vatera a ruganene vakwawo mombungakriste? • What part does a man's family play in helping him to reach out? Be determined not to get puffed up, but to love one another Nye ame kulidiworokesa asi na mu hara unene kupitakana magano gange. But I remind myself that I love her much more than I love my opinion. Such feelings can lead to negative feelings. Yimbapira oyo yina ku hupire po kuvhura yi vatere vantu wovawa va ture po etokoro lyokuyakara poMurarero gwaHompa. - Mat. One of the remaining invitations that you have might help a deserving one to make the decision to attend the Memorial. Who knows? - Matt. Christians care for you, but because of negative feelings, you may realize that you are not aware of them. Tu kareni neharo lyokutulira ntere yinka yetu, pokudiva asi mouzuni wendi woupe, Jehova nga ka tu pulisira tu ka hafere "mwenyo gwanarunye gosili " moukaro wombili. - 1 Tim. Thus, we should be willing to postpone the pursuit of many of our personal interests, knowing that in his new world, Jehovah will allow us to enjoy "the real life " - everlasting life in happy, peaceful conditions. - 1 Tim. The Greek word translated "zeal " means" freedom. " • MwaGenesis 22: 18? • Genesis 22: 18? After listening to the talk he gave to a pioneer sister, four clergy of the clergy who announced: "We are not Jehovah's Witnesses but are not Witnesses. " Monkedi musinke Eli ga piswire vana vendi? In what sense did Eli fail to discipline his sons? The religion that supports people is only one of Jehovah's Witnesses, who have preached the truth. ' Diworoka asi Paurusa kwa singonona vakurona asi " va yika kuruganesa nondunge dawo mokuhangura uwa koudona. ' Recall that the apostle Paul described mature people as "those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " I knew that it was wrong and that I would try to correct my sick ones. Satana ta uyunga hena etumbwidiro lyoyimpempa asi: " Ngomu fana Karunga, mokudiva yoyiwa neyi yoyidona. ' Further, Satan made this false promise: "You will be like God, knowing good and bad. " But before that day comes, God gives all mankind an opportunity to gain "the knowledge of the truth " so that they can learn what they learn. Kutunda opo, age kwa mu tawire ruvali, ano uvera owo wa ya mu sigilire urema ou wa ninkisire ruha rwendi rorutu rorumoho ru fe ntani kapi nga mono nawa. Since then, she has undergone surgery twice, received radiation treatment, and suffered two more strokes, which left her with limited movement on her left side and limited vision. [ Picture on page 31] Russell, ogu ga pitisilire Valirongi woBibeli, nga papara nonkedi donongwa po mokuhanesa usili woBibeli pangenderera. Russell, who took the lead among the Bible Students, constantly searched for the most effective and fastest means possible to spread Bible truth. In that sense, many would think that humans could rule themselves without God. 3: 17, 18) Mvhura ezi, ngano tu gazadare ko komatungiko aga twa gwana yipo yi tu tumangede tu kwame epukururo lyemetjangwa lyetu lyomvhura 2015: "Pandureni Jehova, yeeyi age muwa. " - Epis. Yes, throughout the coming year, may we reflect joyfully on our blessings and be moved to follow the admonition of our 2015 yeartext: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good. " - Ps. Indeed, we need to " keep busy in activities that will help us to cultivate godly qualities. Malimbururo govanavazinyetu nago kutuvatera tu wapukurure mutjima gwetu. (Yis. In refining our inner person, the comments of our brothers and sisters are also valuable. Jehovah "will pay attention to those who obey him ' SIRONGWA SOKUHOVA | KARUNGA KUVHURA A KARE KAUME KOGE COVER SUBJECT | YOU CAN BE CLOSE TO GOD Reflecting on all the information that can lead to our viewpoint about the householder. Judasa kapi ga ruganesere yimaliva oyo, nye kwa yi zuguminine montembeli makura ta ka lidipaga mwene. - Mat. Judas never spent his ill - gotten sum, for he threw the money into the temple and went off and committed suicide. - Matt. Who should be in need of help? Ngava lipongaikira varongi wovanzi wokuvatantera eyi yina kuvatovarera. The foregoing may remind Bible readers of a prophecy penned by the apostle Paul in the first century C.E. You will experience how Jehovah will care for you. " ▪ "Tu gwederera ko kepuro lyetu " ▪ "Give Us More Faith " " You have strong faith, " said one woman in our territory. Sirongwa sokukwama ko ngasi ku vatera. The next article will help you. However, in order to encourage our brothers and sisters, we need to know their circumstances and qualities, their relationship with Jehovah, and their weaknesses. 3 Awo kwa ligeve vene - moNew York 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In New York Let us remember that spiritual growth is fully accomplished by Jehovah's blessing. - Prov. 119: 40, 41) Yosili, Jehova mokutupitisira mouzuni woupe kapi ana kuruganesa ngundi zeremo. True, Jehovah has not supplied a pillar of cloud nor one of fire to guide us into the new world. What is humility? 1, 2. (a) Ngapi omu ngatu gwana eparu? 1, 2. (a) How can we gain everlasting life? In the Christian congregation, mildness, and long - suffering promote peace. Jehova nage pamwe nga rundurura etokoro lyendi apa ngau runduruka ukaro. It could be when the prevailing circumstances change. Their goal was to help readers to get to know the truths recorded in the Bible. Eyi kuhoroka unene po moyirongo omu epangero ali gendesa nombudi. This is especially true in countries where the news is controlled by the government. I used for several years in school but did not teach me the truth, and I was influenced by it. Komauzera gomanzi, tara egaununo 6 ntani 7 lyobuke Yinke azi rongo Bibeli sili? ezi va rugana Nombangi daJehova For more information, see chapters 6 and 7 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses (b) How is our situation similar to Noah's and Noah's descendants? Ngapi natu tura pasirugana epukururo lyomoVafilipi 2: 1 - 4? In what positive ways can we apply the advice given at Philippians 2: 1 - 4? At that time, he killed wild animals. - 1 Samuel 17: 34 - 36; Isaiah 31: 4. Yi kare asi wa kara nehuguvaro lyokukaparukira meguru ndi pevhu, Jehova nga ku pa " nonkondo dononene ' o twikire kukara noulimburukwi yipo ngo ka gwane mfeto zoge. (2 Kol. So whether your God - given hope is that of everlasting life in heaven or on earth, Jehovah can supply you with "power beyond what is normal " in order for you to maintain your integrity and receive your reward. But David did not think that. Nsene kapi tuna kutakamesa, nose kuvhura zi tu kundame. If we are not careful, that spirit can easily rub off on us. The people began to enjoy our literature. Ose kuvhura kuuyunga nendi nkenye siruwo ndi pwankenye evega. We can speak to God at length at any time or place. Today, the world is full of violence, and many children force their parents into their family. Oko, awo kwa ka ligwene nomukadi gedina Lidiya " ogu nga kerere Karunga, ' makura Jehova "ta zegurura mutjima gwendi, a kwate egano. " - Yirugana 16: 9 - 15. There, they met "a worshipper of God " named Lydia, and" Jehovah opened her heart wide to pay attention. " - Acts 16: 9 - 15. It discusses what it means to maintain integrity. Maruha ogo kwa kara mo mauwa nomaudona, kuvhura ga tu twaredesere dogoro tu ka uyunge novantu wovadona. But these sites, known as social networking Web sites, also have the potential for being destructive. Did Mary ask Jesus for help because he knew that he had the power to make wine? Gava sihonena. Give an example. How does Jesus ' parable of the talents encourage us? Mokutuvatera tu sikise mo oyo, tatu ka konakona yikara eyi ya hamena mo mokukara muntu gomupe. To strengthen our desire to reach that goal, we will consider several aspects of the new personality that the apostle Paul was inspired to write about. Why did David need comfort, and whom did he ask? EPENUNO 9 PAGE 9 " Let these things be taken away from you. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Posiruwo apa va tjenge buke zomoBibeli zoVahebeli, ntanto zoRugereka va toroka asi "ehuguvaro lya pama, " ngava zi ruganesa monodokumente dounangesefa. At the time of the writing of the Bible book of Hebrews, the Greek term translated "assured expectation " was commonly used. When Jehovah God gave Moses the privilege of bringing his people out from Egypt to Egypt, he described his name, using the word. Moyirongo nayinye oyo, awo kapi ava lihameke moupolitika morwa kapi va " hamena kouzuni ' ntani awo kutwikira " kuudisa mbudi zongwa, ' noupampi. - Joh. 15: 19; Yirug. 8: 4. In both countries, they remain politically neutral, being "no part of the world, " and continue zealously" declaring the good news of the word. " - John 15: 19; Acts 8: 4. Some of these people, live in peace, and take care of your home. Vakriste momazuva govapositoli va yi divire asi Jehova Karunga kwa ruganesere mbungagendesi kupitira momupitisili gwawo Jesus. Christians in the first century recognized that the governing body was directed by Jehovah God through their Leader, Jesus. Before I explain what makes him happy, let me tell him about his life. Yikaramo Table of Contents We will consider this assignment in the next article. Alisa Alisa What did Solomon say about foreigners? EDUARDO * kwa tanta asi: "Apa na ka ruganene kosirongo nasopeke, ame kwa gwene yirugana yoyiwa nokutambura yimaliwa yoyinzi. " WORKING abroad, I had a responsible job and made good money, " recalls Eduardo. The truth of God's Word has also set us free from the traditional practices of the dead and of the dead. " - See the box "Where Are the Dead? " Wa kara rumwe moukaro wangoso ndi? Ndi wa diva ko gumwe ogu ana kuligwanekera nomakondjeso gangoso? Have you found yourself in such a situation, or do you know someone who faces such pressure? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Eharo yilyo ali tumangeda Jehova a tu pukurure nokuturonga ntani nokutudeura yipo tu kare pepi nendi ntani tu ka gwane mwenyo gwanarunye. Motivated by love, Jehovah corrects, educates, and trains us so that we can remain in his love and on the path to life. It became easier for you to dedicate yourself to God and to "not to serve yourself, but to serve him who died for you. " Age kwa kere kaume kaJesus ntani kwa mu pere yitumbukira yomulyo. (Mat. He was a personal associate of Jesus and had been entrusted with significant responsibilities. We will do all we can to be happy and happy and glorify Jehovah. Ntani nonkango edi ga tanterere varugani ava va sivanene kuvhura di moneke asi donyanya. Even his answer to those workers who complained could appear to be an arbitrary abuse of authority. Each day you invite a sheep and sit down and see if he is injured. 3: 12) Nevatero nehengagwido lyaGuhyetu gemeguru, kuvhura tu kare ngwendi Vakriste wovagwavekwa vanare womoTesaronika, ava va lididimikilire mahepeko nomaudigu pokukara nepuro lyokupama. - Resa 2 Vatesaronika 1: 3 - 5. Helped and comforted by our heavenly Father, however, we can be like anointed Christians of ancient Thessalonica, who bore persecutions and tribulations with endurance and faith. - Read 2 Thessalonians 1: 3 - 5. Then he led up to a pleasant conversation about God. (b) Wolye hena natu korangeda naina? (b) Who today deserve similar encouragement? I thought that Bible principles would take control of my freedom, but now I could see it as a protection. Pepi nehagero lyEudiso lyendi lyopoNdundu, Jesus kwa tente asi: "Nkenye ogu a purakene kononkango dange edi, makura ta di sikisa mo, kwa lifana nomunandunge ogu ga tungilire nzugo zendi pemanya. Near the end of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus stated: "Everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock - mass. Some scholars say that after Josephus wrote this text, another author added: "I was added to the codex. Vakriste vamwe wokuhova kwa here uzuni. Some early Christians loved the world. Peter also wrote: "The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire. " Kapisi komusininiko, nye neharo Not Under Compulsion but Willingly The jailer was happy because he wanted me to be "a jailer. " Nkareso nomalizuvho goruguwo kuvhura kutwaredesa komagazaro gomadona. A gloomy disposition and despondent feelings can lead to negative thinking. How can we cultivate such zeal? Vakriste vakweni kukupakera mbili, nye morwa malizuvho gomadona kuvhura o dire kuyidimburura. In fact, fellow Christians have provided exceptional care, even when their help has not initially been noticed. Comfort From God's Word, 1 / 15 Nkango zoRugereka va toroka "mupampi " kutanta asi" kumanguruka kuuyunga. " The Greek word translated "boldness " means" outspokenness, frankness, plainness. " Filip and Ida, a pioneer couple in their mid - 50 ' s, were eager to move to an area where there was a greater need for publishers. Konyima zokupurakena kosiuyungwa esi ga geve munazinyetu gumwe gomuzuvhisi gokukarerera, vampitisili wonongereka vane ava va kere po kwa divisire asi: "Ose ngesi kapisi vampitisili hena wonongereka nye Nombangi daJehova. " After listening to a talk given by a pioneer brother on another occasion, four clergymen who were present turned their collars around and declared: "We are no longer clergymen but are now Jehovah's Witnesses. " For those who were enslaved to slavery, he was a Savior, a Savior, and a Provider of material things and material things. Ukarelikarunga ou au pakere mbili vantu kuna kara tupu woNombangi daJehova, edi adi zi kovantu di ka va zuvhisire usili. ' The only religion that seems to care are the Jehovah's Witnesses, who go out and meet people and are genuinely involved in preaching the truth. " 7: 4 - 16. Na yi divire asi epuko ntani ngani pukurura vaveli vange asi va hageke nkareso ozo. I knew it was wrong, and I advised my patients to give up the habit. Jesus knew that his teaching would bring an end to people in general and that they needed courage to endure such opposition. (Yirug. 17: 31) Nye komeho li wize ezuva olyo, Karunga kuna kupa vantu navenye mpito zokugwana " ediwo lyousili ' va sikise mo eyi vana kulironga yipo ngava paruke. But before then, God is giving all sorts of people the opportunity to gain "an accurate knowledge of truth, " to act on that knowledge, and to be saved. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. [ Efano pepenuno 31] [ Picture on page 31] If your mate has different opinions, do not focus on yourself. Mepopero lyangoso, wovanzi ngano va ya gazara asi vantu kuvhura va lipangere vene pwa hana Karunga. Under such protection, many might assume that humans can rule themselves successfully without God. Of course, past mistakes are necessary. Yosili, tuna hepa " kukondja ' mokulihameka moyirugana eyi nayi tu vatera tu tunge po yikara yoSikriste. True, it takes "earnest effort " to share in activities that help us cultivate godly qualities. I left two children, and I needed to have a father's mother. " Jehova " mwene nga ragopeka ava ava mu limburukwa ' " Jehovah Himself Will Bless Anyone Righteous ' Why was one family convinced that Jehovah helped others? Mokutara komauzera nagenye aga kuvhura kurundura magazaro getu kuhamena mwenyasikunino. Taking into consideration these extra details may change our view of his actions. How did God's servants feel about this world, and what protection exists? Wolye va hepa unene evatero lyetu? Who in particular may need our attention? First, we do not know exactly when the end comes to reveal what is in our heart. Ove ngo limonena omu Jehova nga ku pakera mbili. " You really feel Jehovah's care more than ever. " Despite Satan's attempts to discourage us, he will not fail to "be vigilant with a view to prayers. " Mukadi gumwe ogu twa zuvhisilire kwa tente asi: "One kwa kara nepuro lyokupama, yiyo muna kugendera moutenda wangesi. " One housewife said, "You must have real faith, since you have voluntarily ventured out in this kind of weather. " All the people ate and ate! (1 Tim. 5: 13) Nye mokuninka asi tu korangede vanavazinyetu, twa hepa kudiva nawa ukaro wawo weparu noyikara yawo nelikwatakano lyawo naJehova nounankondo wawo ntani upirankondo wawo. Nevertheless, if we want to encourage our brothers, we truly need to get to know them - their situation in life, their qualities, their spirituality, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Indeed, having "all things " does not mean that we will have everything we like. Tu diworokeni asi ekuro lyopampepo kutompoka tupu metungiko lyaJehova. - Yis. Let us remember that spiritual prosperity is possible only with Jehovah's rich blessing. - Prov. The Bible Changes Lives Yisinke ya kwatera mo mokulinunupika? What is modesty, and what is it not? Yes, Jehovah gives all people the opportunity to give. - Luke 6: 35. Mombungakriste ugomoki nezaverero kuruganena kumwe mokuretesa po mbili. In the congregation, mildness and long - suffering work hand in hand to promote peace. Loving - kindness should also strive to control the tongue of a woman. Sitambo sawo kwa kere sokuvatera varesi va dive usili womoMatjangwa ou va tjanga moBibeli. The first of such tracts offered "further reading matter to assist in Bible study, with a view to getting rid of all false traditions of men and to the full recovery of the old theology of our Lord and the apostles. " - The Old Theology, No. 25 Our Readers Ask... Ame kwa ruganesere nomvhura dange dononzi kosure zoBibeli nye kapi va rongere nge usili, kwa pukisire nge. I had spent many years in that Bible school, but I was not taught the truth there; I had been blinded. According to such ideas, it is clear that the new birth can make decisions for a person. (b) Ngapi ukaro wetu una lifana nou waNowa? (b) How are we in a situation similar to Noah's? The Bible gives us information that we need to know Jehovah better. Yikando nayinye oyo, age kwa dipagere yikasama. - 1 Samwere 17: 34 - 36; Jesaya 31: 4. Both times, he single - handedly killed the ferocious wild beast! - 1 Samuel 17: 34 - 36; Isaiah 31: 4. Remember, too, that people differ from their grief. Nye Ndafita kapi ga yi gazarere oyo. But David did not think that way. A traveling overseer said: "The morning were to be slaughtered at morning morning, but they enjoyed doing so, and they enjoyed working longer than one day. " Vantu kwa ya tamekere kuhafera yimbapiratjangwa yetu. Demand for our publications rose dramatically. Every morning you got tired and looked forward to the day. Naina, mouzuni kuna zura mo nyanya ntani vanona wovanzi kukulira mepata omu vakondi vawo ava dili kuvalikida eharo. The world today is cruel and unloving, and many children grow up without loving and caring parents. 2 Prophecy 8 Kwa zogera eyi ayi tanta kukara noulimburukwi. Keep drawing closer to Jehovah. Mariya kwa pulire evatero kwaJesus morwa ga divire asi ga kara nononkondo dokuninka vhinyu ndi? Did she ask Jesus to help because she believed that he had the power to do so? It is a burden that causes tobacco to find medical treatment. Ngapi sifanekeso saJesus sonoranda nasi tu korangeda? How does the parable of the talents provide encouragement? [ Footnote] Morwasinke Ndafita ga hepererere ehengagwido, ntani kwalye ga li pulire? Why did David need comfort, and to whom did he turn? They wanted me to see what the Bible teaches. O likare ure nava vangoso. " - 2 Timoteusa 3: 1 - 5. Moreover, each privilege from Jehovah will give you a sign that you have. Apa Jehova Karunga ga pere Mosesa situmbukira sokupitisira vantu vendi va tunde mo moEgipite, age kwa singwenene edina lyendi, pokuruganesa nkango AME. When commissioning Moses to lead God's people out of Egypt, Jehovah revealed an aspect of his personality by using a related verb to describe his name, this time in the first person. How do full - time servants feel about the support and encouragement of others? Real Estate: Salable real estate donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses, either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live in the residence during his or her lifetime. Each evening, my sister and I traveled to visit one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Vamwe wovantu owo, kutunga kumwe mombili ntani nokutakamesa nawa embo lyeni. Some of the tenants lived peaceably with one another and took good care of your home. God's Son will continue to show humility. Komeho ni faturure eyi ayi mu retere ruhafo, tanko ni mu simwitire eparu lyendi. Before I explain why he has found his life to be worth living, let me tell you his story. (b) How does a person react to counsel? (Yirug. 20: 24) Ngatu ka konakona situmbukira oso mosirongwa sokukwama ko. [ 1] (paragraph 2) See "Undeserved kindness " in the" Glossary of Bible Terms " in the revised New World Translation. I always have a lot of work. Yisinke ga uyungire Saromo mekanderero lyendi kuhamena vanayirongo? Solomon expressed what view that extended beyond the Israelites? Do you give up because of your age and you want to share in the ministry? Usili womoNonkango daKarunga kwa tu mangurura hena konompo ntani kokutjira vafe. - Tara kakende "Kupi va kara vafe? " Moreover, the truth in God's Word sets us free from the shackles of the traditions and superstitions associated with death. - See the box "Where Are the Dead? " What do I show about my goals? VA DIVA NAWA GETTING BETTER ACQUAINTED Rather than allowing negative feelings to weigh you down, remember that Jehovah knows exactly what he will do for the unfaithful Israelites in the wilderness. - Heb. Ayo ya kutumangedere o ligave nyamoge kwaKarunga ntani nokudira " kulikerera po nyamoge, nye o kerere po ogu ga ku fira. ' That helped to move you to dedicate your life to God and to " live no longer for yourself, but for him who died for you. ' If Jesus had not been raised, he could say: "Let us be sanctified, for we are to die. " 24: 15) Ose ngatu ka rugana unene nokukara noruhafo ntani nokukayererepeka Jehova. Our lives will be full of activity that will contribute to our joy and to Jehovah's praise! You too can benefit from considering the evidence about Jesus. Nkenye ezuva kuzigida nkenye nzwi ntani nokuzifirura ntani nokutara nsene zina remana. Daily he calls each sheep to him and lovingly strokes it and looks for injuries. What could cause a marriage to become stronger, and why? Makura ta yi twaredesa konzogera zongwa kuhamena Karunga. A lively conversation about the true nature of God then ensued. * Ame ngani gazara asi nompango doBibeli ngadi silike umanguruki wange, nye ngesi ame kudimona asi kupopera nge. I used to think that Bible principles are too restrictive, but I now regard them as an invaluable protection. But what about those who are being released from money? Valirongi vamwe kwa tanta asi konyima zapa Josephus ga tjenge etjango eli, mutjangi gumwe gwapeke kwa ya gwederere ko ketjango lyendi. Could it be that the text was embellished by a later forger imitating Josephus ' style? What is this covenant that allows others to rule with Christ? Peturusa kwa tjenge hena asi: " Eguru eli lyantaantani nevhu eli lyantaantani nayo kwa yi ndindilisa ngayi pye komundiro. ' Peter then added: "The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire. " Later he wrote: "This is not a human. " Munomeni godorongo ozo kwa hefe morwa ga here ni kare "pastore " godorongo. The warden of that prison was happy that I came because he wanted me to be the "pastor " for the prison. Matthew said: "They went into the house, and they found Mary and her mother. " 2: 3) Ngapi omu natu tunga po mupampi gwangoso? How can we develop such zeal? Consider what Jehovah will do for mankind: God's Kingdom will eliminate all corrupt organizations, such as false religion, and Satan. Hengagwida wokufisa, 12 / 1 Comfort the Bereaved, 11 / 1 (b) How can a wife speak respectfully to her husband, and what can a husband do? Filip naIda, awo valikwali wovazuvhisi wokukarerera wokosirongo saDenmark wonomvhura dokupitakana 50. Awo kwa kere neharo lyokudirukira komukunda oku kwa hepere vazuvhisi. Filip and Ida, a middle - aged pioneer couple from Denmark, always dreamed of moving to a territory where the need is greater. Where can we find answers? © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. How do those who wage war war end? KoVaisraeli ava va kere moupika, age kwa kere Muzowoli noMupopeli noMupitisili ntani noMugavi ogu ga va pere yihepwa yawo yopanyama neyi yopampepo. To the once - enslaved Israelites, he proved to be a Deliverer, a Protector, a Guide, and a Provider who satisfied all their material and spiritual needs. • How can you live up to your dedication? 7: 4 - 16. 7: 4 - 16. However, I have found a great treasure, my relationship with my Creator, Jehovah God. Jesus ga yi divire asi erongo lyendi ngali reta maligaunuko movantu ntani wokumukwama ngava hepa uradi mokulididimikira marwaneso ogo. Jesus knew that his teachings would divide people and that those who follow him would need courage to do so in the face of opposition. In Moses ' day, their forefathers had promised that they would belong to Jehovah. Building Projects of Nebuchadnezzar, 11 / 1 Do not let that happen to us! Aso kwa si wapaikira si kare ruha rwerongo lyoBibeli lyomouzuni mudima nevatero lyoyigava yokutunda komutjima. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. He wrote: "Do not be afraid. " Nsene mulikwali goge kuna kara nomagano gokulisiga naga goge, wa ha demenena tupu kouwa wanyamoge. When your mate has a different opinion or reaction than you do, focus not just on your own interests. The Praetorians were to keep on the watch because their lives were in their hands. - Ezek. Mapuko ganare. Past mistakes. David's answer shows how faith is important. Kwa sigilire nge vanona vavali, ntani na hepere kukara zinya naguhya. " Left with two young children, I had to become both mother and father to them. " In today's world, people are friendly and made fun of them. Morwasinke epata limwe lya yi pulilire asi Jehova kwava vaterere? Why did one family believe that Jehovah had exercised compassion toward them? Such a new personality seemed to be realized. Ngapi vakareli vaKarunga va lizuvhire kuhamena uzuni ou, ntani epopero musinke va kara lyalyo? How have God's servants felt toward the present system of things, and in what sense do they have a home? Jehovah told Jehu that " you are doing all that I told you to do. ' Nkedi zokuhova, kudira kudiva kwetu uhura apa ngau wiza kutuninkisa tu horore eyi ya kara monomutjima detu. First, our not knowing when the end will arrive allows us to reveal what is really in our heart. Thus, one way you can remember our "gifts in men " is by referring to your prayers. Nampili ngomu Satana a twikire mokuhetekera ko kutudompesa nomutjima, age ngayi mu sumpira nsene tu " lididimikira oku tatu vangarara, tu wape kukanderera. ' Though Satan will not stop trying to discourage us, he will fail if we remain "sound in mind " and" vigilant with a view to prayers. " On the other hand, if a person offering a sacrifice to Jehovah and he has a good relationship with Jehovah, he feels greater joy. - Read 1 Chronicles 29: 9. Vantu navenye kwa lire tava kuta! Miraculously, there is more than enough for everyone to eat! A new change of using the " coordinator of the body of elders " instead of using" the body " to help all elders view as one body. Yosili, mokukara " noyininke nayinye ' kapi ya kutanta asi ngatu kara nanayinye eyi twa hara kukara nayo. To be sure, "all these things " may be different from what we personally are inclined to like or want. But I asked for a fire so that I could raise it up. Bibeli kurundurura eparu lyovantu The Bible Changes Lives When Katherine was 26 years old, she moved to São Paulo, in July 2007, about 10 miles (800 km) north of the Dead Sea. 14: 17) Yosili, Jehova kugava kovantu navenye. - Ruk. 6: 35. Clearly, Jehovah is generous toward all humans. - Luke 6: 35. But there are laws. Eharo lyonkenda lya hepa kupangera hena eraka lyomukadi. The law of loving - kindness should also govern the tongue of the wife. Association with such friends was dangerous and needed to avoid them today. - Prov. 21 - 27 Pembagona 2010 Whether Judas's background was viewed as an act of prejudice or an act of prejudice, this scholar did not say that the text was wrong. Kuliza nomagano gangoso, ayo kulikida asi ehampurukururo kuvhura kulilitokwera muntu mwene. According to such reasoning, the new birth is a matter of personal choice. Jehovah's name includes all his qualities and his glory. Bibeli kutupa nombudi edi twa hepa yipo tu dive nawa Jehova. The Bible contains plenty of information that helps us to get to know God better. Those questions include yourself and your loved ones. Diworoka hena asi vantu va lisiga omu ava likida ruguwo rwawo. Remember, too, that not everyone experiences and expresses grief in the same way. Moreover, we should not become discouraged if we do not see the results of our preaching work. Mutareli gokudingura nombungakriste kwa tente asi: "Vazuvhisi va hepere kupinduka povili zautano kongurangura va ze kepongo nye awo va yi hafererere mokuyirugana ngoso, ntani awo ngava yi rugana kupitakana pomvhura zimwe. " " To attend, the publishers had to get up at five o'clock, " related a traveling overseer, "but they did so willingly for more than a year. " To help, he always uses his faithful servants to carry out his word to others, just as Elijah did. Nkenye ngurangura apa no pinduka to lizuvhu uwaawa nokundindira nononkondo ezuva li pume. Each morning, you awake feeling rested and eager to begin your day. The same is true of us. 2 858 2,858 It helps us to develop positive qualities. Twikira kuhedera Jehova pepi. Keep drawing close to him. However, when the woman remained faithful, Jesus said to him: "In the beginning, the dogs are not right to give their little food to the flock. " - Mark 7: 24 - 27. Ayo kureta mudigo mokufutira ogu a koko makanya a gwane uhaku. The burden spreads to everyone in the form of rising health - care costs. Whatever the case, they were thrown into prison. [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnote] What is love, and how can we cultivate it each day? Awo kwa here ni limonene nyamwange eyi azi rongo Bibeli. They wanted me to prove the truth to myself. Remember that in order for you to enjoy God's favor, you need to endure. - Romans 5: 3 - 5; James 1: 12. Ntani hena, tara nkenye situmbukira sokutunda kwaJehova ngosidiviso koge asi nove ga kara. Finally, view each assignment from Jehovah as proof that he is with you. What should we remember when choosing entertainment? Ngapi ava lizuvhu vazuvhisi wosiruwo nasinye kuhamena evatero nokomakorangedo gava wopeke? How do those who serve full - time feel about assistance and encouragement that others give? Some in the congregation wanted us to make decisions so that they could take the apostles. Nkenye Mapeu name namukurwange gomukadi ngatu zi tu ka dingure epata limwe lyoNombangi daJehova. Back then, each Saturday my sister and I went to visit a family of Jehovah's Witnesses. 13: 6. MunwaKarunga nga twikira ngorooro kulikida ulinunupiki. Humility will continue to characterize the activities of the Son of God. Yes, the ransom is the greatest gift ever given to all mankind! (b) Ngapi omu muntu gelinenepeko a tara mapukururo? (b) How might pride affect one's view of counsel? Those offering such sacrifices to God, Jehovah, freely forgiving them as his friends. Ame nkenye apa kwa kara noyirugana yoyinzi. I have always had a lot of work at Bethel. You might discuss what you have experienced. Ove wa hageka yirugana morwa nomvhura doge ntani ono hara kulihameka mokuzuvhisa ndi? Are you retired, having a lifetime of valuable experience to share with others? So I set aside time to study the Bible and our publications in our language. " Yisinke adi likida nonzogera dange kuhamena yitambo yange? What do my conversations show about my desires? What can help you? Nye mevango lyokupulisira malizuvho gomadona ga ku rorore, diworoka asi Jehova ga diva nawa - nawa eyi nga vhura kurugana owo ava ncenuna nompango dendi, ngamoomu ya horokerere Vaisraeli wokudira kulimburukwa momburundu. - Heb. However, rather than allowing dark thoughts to cloud your thinking, remember that Jehovah knows best how to deal with those who deliberately disregard his standards, even as the faithless Israelites in the wilderness discovered. - Heb. He "did not become quick to anger. " 5: 12; 6: 23) Ngano Jesus kapi ga vhumbuka, ngano kuvhura kutanta asi: "Tu lyeni nye oku tatu nu, yeeyi mungura tatu fu. " (1 Kol. If Jesus was not resurrected, we might as well say: "Eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " Thus, elders must be humble and cooperate with one body. (Johanesa 1: 43 - 51) Nove ngo gwanena mo uwa mokulitarera ko nyamoge maumbangi gokuhamena Jesus. You too will benefit from examining for yourself the evidence regarding Jesus. Every evening, we spent two trees in the evening to read and make a difference so that we could be ready to sleep. Yisinke nayi ninkisa nonkwara di nkondopare, ntani morwasinke? What is a key to marital stability, and why? I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him. " * * Cain could change his thinking, but he ignored God's counsel. Nye ngapi kuhamena vantu vena va pungwisa mo yimaliwa? But what about the innocent victims? They said that humans would never know God. Egwanekero musinke eli ali pulisire wopeke mokukapangera naKristusa? What covenant in the Bible allows others to rule with Christ? How? Konyima ta ya tjanga hena asi: "Esi kapisi sirugana somuntu. " He later stated: "This is not man's work. " " Your work is great, O God. " - REV. Mateusa kwa tente asi: "Tava hwilire monzugo, tava gwana mo munona nozina Mariya. " The Gospel writer Matthew says: "When they went into the house they saw the young child with Mary its mother. " SONGS: 112, 89 Tu tareni eyi Jehova nga ka ruganena vantu. Yita: Uhompa waKarunga ngau ka gusa po eyi ayi retesa po yita ngwendi ufuki, ukarelikarunga woyimpempa ntani Satana. (Epis. War: God's Kingdom will eliminate such deep - seated causes of war as selfishness, corruption, patriotism, false religion, and Satan himself. To avoid viewing pornography, a person must pray to Jehovah before coming to the Internet. (b) Ngapi omu mukadi na uyunga nonondunge namugara gwendi, ntani yisinke mugara na rugana ko? (b) How can a wife show discernment, and what effort should a husband make? Seeking God's Kingdom Kupi natu gwana malimbururo gokuhuguvara? Where can we find reliable and satisfying answers? Similarly, a person without a conscience might lose hope if he wants to make the right decisions and in life. Ngapi ava ava ru yita mokuhagekesa po ehepeko? And what about those who resort to warfare to bring an end to their oppression? First, we need to be clean in harmony with God's moral standards and to live up to it. • Ngapi omu no vhura kusikisa mo eligawo lyoge? • How can you live up to your dedication? 7 / 1 Nye, ame na gwana ungawo wounene, elikwatakano noMusiti gwange, Jehova Karunga. On the other hand, I have found the greatest treasure - a personal relationship with my Creator, Jehovah God. We can see the seventh head of the wild beast when it compares John chapter 13 and Daniel chapter 13 about the wild beast of the wild beast. Mosiruwo saMosesa, vazinyakurwawo kwa tumbwidilire asi ngava hama kwaJehova. And in Jeremiah's day, the people confirmed being dedicated to God. The ransom is the reward of receiving deliverance or receiving what they sold. Ya ha tu horokera oyo! Never may that be! And like those nations will be destroyed at Armageddon, Gog and Magog will be destroyed. (Rom. In fact, it is a life - and - death matter. When James used a Greek word that refers to a Greek word that says or carefully examines it. (Jes. 62: 6) Vanomeni va hepere kuvangarara morwa eparu lyovantu kwa kere momawoko gawo. - Hes. It was a life - and - death matter that the watchmen remain awake and attentive at their posts. - Ezek. If I say that he has a job, we might say that we do not have a long time, and we need to keep our promise. Elimbururo lyaNdafita kwa likida omu epuro lya kara nomulyo. To this day, David's response stands as a great statement of faith. • Why was Peter encouraging fellow elders to shepherd the flock of God? Mouzuni ou, vantu wokugomoka ntani wokulididimika kuvatara asi vagova. In today's world, people who are mild and patient are often considered weak. Of course, it is not easy to be different from the world. Sa dwere mbamba kusidimburura mundambo. Last Saturday's hero is next season's has - been. I am now drawn to 80 years of age, which makes me happy when younger brothers and sisters work for many years. Jehova kwa tanterere Jehu asi " ove kuna rugana nayinye eyi na ku tantera asi o yi rugane. ' Jehovah commended Jehu because " he acted well in doing what was right in God's eyes. ' Later, in March 1923, George Young, who served as a traveling overseer, arrived in Rio de Janeiro, where he met people who were eager to love. Yipo nye, nkedi zimwe omu no vhura " kudiworoka vapitisili vetu ' kuna kara pokutumbura momakanderero goge Mbungagendesi. Therefore, one way you can "remember those who are taking the lead " is by mentioning the Governing Body in your prayers. Would you invite the police to escape them? " 7: 20, 21) Nye nsene muntu ogu ana kugava nzambo a kara nelikwatakano lyewa naJehova ntani eyi ana kugava kuna kara ya hana sipo, age kulizuvha ruhafo rorunene. - Resa 1 Histoli 29: 9. On the other hand, when the person making the sacrifice had a good standing with Jehovah and the offering was without defect, the giver could rejoice with satisfaction. - Read 1 Chronicles 29: 9. Even so, I wanted to get high school. Erunduruko lyepe lyokuruganesa "muwapaiki gombunga zovakuronambunga " mevango lyokuruganesa" mutareligendesi " kutuvatera tu tare vakuronambunga navenye asi ngorutu rumwe tupu. The recent adjustment to employ the designation "coordinator of the body of elders " helps us to view all the elders as members of a unified body. Of course, we must listen to him or obey who is chosen. Nye ame ngani hundire ekuva yipo ni tetagure yitare yokuterekesa. In the meantime, I would borrow an ax to chop firewood for cooking. Jesus said that "there is something that we need to do in order to save us. " Apa Katherine ga kere nonomvhura 26, yipo ga dirukilire koSaipan mwaPembankuru 2007, kosirudi sEfuta lyaPacific, esi sa kara ure wonokilometa 10 000. In July 2007, at age 26, Katherine moved to Saipan, an island in the Pacific Ocean, some 6,000 miles (10,000 km) from her home. The Bible says: "The love of your life is everlasting, but if you lose sight of your final sealing, you will lose your final test. " - Prov. (Gen. 1: 26) Nye pwa kara noveta. However, we have limitations. Like Paul, view circumstances as an opportunity to show your trust in Jehovah. Kukara ukaume novantu vangoso kwa kere siponga ntani va hepere kuvanyokera po, ano yina lifana nanaina. - Yis. Yes, close association with such individuals back then was especially dangerous and was to be avoided - and that is also true today. - Prov. (b) How did the Israelites know that the time was time for the Israelites to spend together? Yi kare asi Judasa gevangeli eli kwa mu tere ngependa ndi ngompepo zondona, kwato mulirongi ogu ga rugene ekonakono lyetjango eli lya uyunga asi Evangeli eli kwa kara nonombudi douhunga. Whether they viewed the Judas of this gospel as a hero or a demon, none of the scholars who analyzed this text claim that it contains accurate historical information. That made him happy. Edina lyaJehova kwa kwatera mo yikara yendi nayinye nefumano lyendi ntani upongoki wendi. Jehovah's name embraces the full scope of His excellence, majesty, and holiness. (b) In what ways can we help foreigners in our congregation? Mapuro ogo kwa hamena mo nyamoge novahali woge. Those questions involve you and your loved ones. Karen: Here's something you don't agree with whether Jesus is God. Ntani hena, twa ha dompa mutjima nsene kapi tuna kumona usimbu yitundwamo yosirugana setu sokuzuvhisa. Additionally, we should not be discouraged if we do not at first see results from our work. Rather, follow the Bible's advice: "Do not be like this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over and doing good. " Mokutuvatera, age nkenye apa kuruganesa vakareli vendi wovalimburukwi mokutwara nonkango dendi kovantu vakwaawo, ngwendi Eliya. To help us, he often uses his friends - faithful humans who, like Elijah, bear God's words to their fellow humans. 12, 13. (a) At Malachi's time, how did some men treat their wives? 113: 5 - 7) Ya lifana nose. Is it any different with us? Can we count the Messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures? Ntani azo kutuvatera tu tunge po yikara yoyiwa. It can help us to cultivate other beautiful and endearing qualities. 4 Nye apa mukadi ga twikilire ngorooro, Jesus ta mu tantere asi: "Pomuhowo kusiga tanko vana va kute, kapisi uhunga kuhokora vana nondya va di pe nombwagona. " - Mar. 7: 24 - 27. But when she kept on insisting, Jesus said to her: "First let the children be satisfied, for it is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs. " - Mark 7: 24 - 27. For example, avoid distractions: Do not read e - mail in your day during the week. Yi kare asi konda musinke, awo kwa ya va tulire modorongo va hana unzoni. Whatever the case, here they are, unjustly thrown into prison. The Bible mentions Jesus for 12 years: "We will hear [Jesus]. " (1 Kol. 13: 2) Yisinke eharo ntani ngapi natu li tunga po nokulilikida nkenye ezuva? But just what is love, and how can we develop it and show it every day? Why did first - century Christians need to remain close friends? Diworoka asi mokuninka Karunga a ku hafere, wa hepa kulididimikira. - Varoma 5: 3 - 5; Jakopo 1: 12. Remember: To have God's approval, we must endure. - Romans 5: 3 - 5; James 1: 12. But we know that only God's Kingdom can solve mankind's problems and remove injustice. Yisinke natu diworoka kombinga zokuhorowora yilihafeso? As to our choice of entertainment, what should we keep in mind? THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: What does the Mosaic Law represent? Vamwe mombungakriste kwa here kutulira po vakwawo matokoro yipo va va guse ko kovapositoli. Some in the congregation wanted to make personal choices for others in order to alienate them from the apostles. A married brother who was baptized soon had three children. 13: 6. 13: 6. Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? 10: 11, 14 - 15) Yosili, sizoweseso kuna kara uhwi wounene po kovantu navenye! What a blessing Christ's ransom sacrifice is for mankind! The Bible says: "Each one loves God, " and one way we show love for others is by showing compassion toward all. (Hos. 14: 4) Owo va geve nonzambo dehamberero dangoso, Jehova kwa va dongwenena po nokuvatambura va kare vakaume vendi. To those offering such sacrifices of praise, Jehovah granted his forgiveness, approval, and friendship. They are not disciples or followers of Christ. Kuvhura mu zogere eyi wa limonena. Perhaps you can share some of your own experiences. Jehovah loves life, but he hates "the blood of all men. " Makura yiyo ani litulire po siruwo sokulironga Bibeli noyimbapiratjangwa meraka lyetu. " That is why I regularly set aside time to study the Bible and other publications in my mother tongue. " Abigail wondered, " How would you feel if Jehovah asked you only if you ask him for more and everything you need? ' Yisinke nayi vhura kuvavatera? What can help? I was impressed to see the brothers, who walked on the earth without religion. (Yisewe 11: 12, 13) Age kapi a " handuka usimbu. ' He is "slow to anger. " Cornelius and his household were baptized. Yipo nye, vakuronambunga va hepa kukara nelinunupiko nokuruganena kumwe ngorutu rumwe. Thus, elders need to cultivate humility and work together as a unified body. My mother was busy in the ministry and had a interest in them. Nkenye ngurova, ngatu goresa sitafura noyipundi yivali yipo tu ture po mbete tu wape kurara. Every night, we had to move our table and two small chairs out of the way to let down the wall bed. Jehovah told Jonah: "Go up the great city of Nineveh and declare to the people of Nineveh. " " When Are We Going to Have Another Assembly? " Is there a difference between being baptized with holy spirit and being baptized in the name of the holy spirit? Tani mu ruganene ko gokumuhamena, mukwafi gwendi. " I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him. " Clearly, Jehovah loves us and wants us to protect him. Kaini ga vhulire ngano kurundurura nkareso nomagazaro gendi nye age kwa ncenwine epukururo lyaKarunga. Cain could have changed his attitude and his mind, but he chose to ignore God's counsel. God has high moral standards, and we work hard to fulfill it. Awo kwa tente asi vantu kapi ngava diva Karunga. They implied that we could never know God at all because he is completely incomprehensible. Jehovah God was pleased with David's son Solomon. Monkedi musinke? How so? That meant making changes in their lives. " Yirugana yoge yinene, ayo hena kutetura, ove Hompa Karunga... gonomuhoko nadinye! " - EHOR. " Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God,... King of eternity. " - REV. Follow the counsel Timothy gave to Timothy. MARUSUMO: 112, 89 SONGS: 12, 135 She turned out to the water by getting baptized at the feet of her disciples, jumped into the feet of his disciples. Mokunyokera po kutarera mafano goruhonda, muntu ga hepa kukanderera kwaJehova komeho zokutameka kupaturura Interneta. To resist temptation to view pornography, a person needs to seek Jehovah's help in prayer before starting to go down that route on the Internet. One day, I was born six times before I wanted to die. " Zuvhisa Uhompa waKarunga Advocate God's Kingdom Today, brothers who want to be "reaching out " in the congregation need to examine why they want to be appointed. Mokulifana, muntu ga hana ezwi lyokomutjima narunye kuzumbanesa ehuguvaro nsene ana hara kutura po matokoro gokukuhuka ntani gouhunga meparu. Similarly, a human without a conscience would often be hopelessly lost when trying to make moral, ethical, and righteous choices in life. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 3: 17) Muhowo, twa hepa kukuhuka. Kukuhuka kutanta asi kukwaterera konompango dokukuhuka daKarunga dopamukaro nokudisikisa mo. Being peaceable is secondary to chasteness, that is, upholding God's clean moral standards and meeting his righteous requirements. JULY 1 - 7, 2013 7 / 1 Pilgrims, 8 / 15 How Would You Answer? Ose kuvhura tu dimburure mutwe gwauntambali gosikasama nsene tu hetakanesa emoneko lyaJohanesa lyemEhororo egaununo 13 neli lyaNdaniyera kuhamena sikasama sokutjilisa sonombinga murongo. We can identify the seventh head of the wild beast of Revelation chapter 13 by comparing John's vision with Daniel's vision of the frightening ten - horned beast. It can hurt people when they make bad decisions and stop serving him. Sizoweseso kuna kara mfeto zokufuta mokuzowora ndi mokutengwida eyi va randesere. A ransom is a price paid to buy back something forfeited or to bring about release from bondage. That is not possible! Ntani ngwendi nomuhoko odo ngava zonagura poHarumagedoni, Gogo naMagogo nage ngava mu zonagura po. And just like those nations that will be destroyed at Armageddon, Gog and Magog will also be destroyed. What did Christ endure, and what motivated him to endure? Apa, Jakopo kwa ruganesere nkango zoRugereka ezi azi tanta asi kukonakona ndi kutarurura mo nawa. Here, James used a Greek word that denotes scrutiny or careful consideration. At that time, our country was involved in the second world war. Nsene na uyunga asi ana kara noyirugana, kuvhura tu uyunge asi kapi natu gusa siruwo sosire, ntani twa hepa kusikisa mo etumbwidiro lyetu. If he says he is busy, we can state that we will be brief - and we should keep our promise. Even though she loved her son, she could not see her day seeing how she progressed. • Morwasinke ya waperere Peturusa mokutumangeda vakuronambunga vakwawo mokutakamesa siunda saKarunga esi va va pere? • Why was it appropriate for Peter to admonish fellow elders to shepherd the flock of God in their care? He learned the condition of the dead, and he also learned from the condition of those who are wicked. Yosili, kapi ya kara ureru kulisiga nouzuni. That, of course, does not mean that being different from the world will always be easy. The next day, he and Barnabas left their assignment to preach. Ngesi ame kuna kukokera konomvhura 80, ayo kuhafesa nge pokumona vadinkantugara ava na rugana nawo nomvhura dononzi kuna kurugana yitumbukira eyi ngani rugana. Now that I am nearing 80 years of age, it gives me great pleasure to see younger men with whom I have worked over the years take on the responsibilities that I used to have. 1, 2. (a) What did Jesus tell his disciples to be killed before his death? Konyima zokaruwogona, mwaNsinano 1923, George Young ogu ga kere mutareli gokudingura, yipo ga ka sikire koRio de Janeiro, omu ga ka gwene vantu ava va kere neharo. Not long thereafter, in March 1923, George Young, who was a pilgrim, or traveling overseer, arrived in Rio de Janeiro, where he found interested ones. Notice that no matter how many people will react to that promise. Ngoso tomu ka zigida vaporosi va ya tu tjide mo ndi? " Are you going to have the police chase us out? " Allen, who found strength to overcome alcohol by studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, said: "I could not believe that I would never be able to overcome my drinking and standards now. " Nampili ngoso, ame kwa here unene sure nomaudano. I did, however, enjoy school and sports. How can a carpenter protect his family from powerful King? 9: 35) Yimo, twa hepa kumuzuvha ndi kumulimburukwa ogu va horowora. Yes, listen to, or obey, this Chosen One. The idea of the clouds of the heavens is a misunderstanding. Nonkango edi ga uyungire Jesus asi "nsene mu kwaterera mononkango dange " kulikida asi koyili eyi twa hepa kurugana yipo nga ka tu zowore. Jesus ' statement "if you remain in my word " implies that there are certain requirements or boundaries for being set free by him. What should we remember when preaching to refugees? Bibeli kwa tanta asi: "Eharo lyoge lyokukara nomwenyo kuvhura li ku kwafe nsene to vere, nye nsene o li zumbanesa, makura endindiro lyoge lyokuhulilira nalyo tali dongonoka po. " - Yis. The Bible states: "The spirit of a man can put up with his malady; but as for a stricken spirit, who can bear it? " - Prov. Moreover, we see the sign of the presence of Jesus or of the sign of this system of things. - Matt. Ngwendi Paurusa, tara maudigu ngompito zokulikida ehuguvaro lyoge mwaJehova. Instead, like Paul, think of the trial as an opportunity to trust in Jehovah completely. Try to work with your son. (b) Ngapi omu va divire Vaisraeli asi siruwo sokuponga kumwe? (b) How were the Israelites called to assemble together? When Potiphar's wife did so in Potiphar's household, he succumbed to the pressure he faced. Ano oyo kapi ya mu reterere ruhafo. But this brought him no happiness. Are You Reflecting Jehovah's glory? (b) Mononkedi musinke natu vhura kuvatera vanayirongo womombungakriste zetu? (b) In what practical ways can we assist immigrants in our congregation? The answer will be discussed in the next article. Victoria: Poyili yimwe yina dili kuliza nsene asi Jesus Karunga. Karen: There is something else that is rather puzzling if Jesus truly is God. He must strive to "put forth every false step, that is, to be obedient to Christ. " - 2 Cor. Nye, kwama epukururo lyomoBibeli asi: " Mwa ha lifana nouzuni ou. Nye sigeni Karunga a rundurure magazaro geni, mu situnuke nawa - nawa. Ntani mu diva kukoneka mpango zaKarunga neyi yoyiwa ya mu wapera ayo ya sikilira mo. ' Instead, follow the Bible's advice: "Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Moreover, it is important for Christians to do what is required of Christians, the preaching work, and the following event that Jesus called "the end. " The Bhagavad Gita, a book containing moral instructions, is a part of the Mahabharata. Before David died, Jehovah assured him that his kingship would continue until he said: "I will raise your son up, and his throne will become king. " 12, 13. (a) Posiruwo somuporofete Marakiya, ngapi omu vagara vamwe ngava tekura vakadi vawo? 12, 13. (a) How were some men treating their wives in Malachi's day? Being zealous in the ministry can have a positive effect on us. Kuvhura kuvarura mauporofete goUmesiyasa gomoMatjangwa goRuhebeli ndi? Is it possible to say exactly how many Messianic prophecies are contained in the Hebrew Scriptures? 1: 10. 4 4 In Japan, Jehovah saved millions of Israelites by providing food and water. Nyokera po madonganeso: Pasihonena, wa ha resa nombudi koselefoni zoge mosiruwo sepongo. Avoid distractions. For example, read electronic text messages after, not during, the meetings. That day, Cornelius received a vision in which an angel told him to invite Peter. Bibeli kwa tumbura Jesus age nomvhura 12 asi: "Nga va zuvhu [vakurona vendi]. " (Ruk. The Bible states about 12 - year - old Jesus: "He continued subject to [his parents]. " Satan used a trap of Satan to seduce many angels. Morwasinke Vakriste womouye wokuhova va hepere kukara ngorooro vakaume wovanene? Why did first - century Christians need to remain close friends? They did not accept the Messiah's fulfillment by stating that he would be reviled, the man who abandoned him, and the man who killed him. Nye ose twa yi diva asi Uhompa waKarunga yiwo welike ngau kohonona po maudigu govantu ntani nokugusa po udona. But we realize that only Jehovah's Kingdom can solve mankind's problems and remove all injustice. Moreover, we do not want to "do what might cause others to do. " PAPARA MALIMBURURO KOMAPURO AGA: Yisinke da fanekesere nonzambo domoVeta zaMosesa? What did the sacrifices stipulated by the Mosaic Law foreshadow? He kept thinking about those words. Munazinyetugara gokukwara ogu ga gwene ntaantani ekuho, nage namukadendi kwa kara novanona vatatu. A newly baptized brother is married, and he and his wife have three small children. Paul and Barnabas risked their lives when they returned to other places. Wa resa nawa yifo yoyipe yoRuhungu ndi? Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? 5, 6. Bibeli kutanta asi: " Nkenye ogu ga hara mukwawo age ga diva Karunga, ' ano nkedi zimwe omu natu likida eharo lyetu kuna kara pokulikida nkenda kovantu navenye. The Bible says: "Everyone who loves... gains the knowledge of God, " and one way our love is displayed is by being kind to others. When we prepare for the Watchtower Study or the Watchtower Study, we need to remember the need to meditate on what we read. Awo kapisi varongwa ndi vasikuli womuntu. They are not disciples or followers of any man. Karen: Yes. (Deut. 19: 10) Jehova kwa hara eparu, nye age kwa nyenga "mawoko gokudipaga vantu vahana nzo. " (Yis. Jehovah loves life, and he hates murderous "hands that shed innocent blood. " Imitate Their Faith, No. Abigail kulipura epuro eli ga zuvhire sikando simwe asi: " Ngapi no lizuvha nsene Jehova a ku pa yeeyi tupu o hundire yelike, kuvhura o kare nanayinye eyi wa hepa ndi? ' I once heard an excellent reminder: If we woke up tomorrow with only the things we thanked Jehovah for today, what would we end up with? " * Instead, they tell him what they need to qualify for a suitable place. Ame kwa tetukisire nge pokumona vanavazinyetu, ava va gendere mompompa pwa hana ezogerero. I was quite moved to see these brothers, who were so quiet and orderly. A regular pioneer should be careful not to interfere with the importance of his time and priorities. Koroneliusa nembo lyendi kwa gwene ekuho. Cornelius and his household were baptized. In what way was Psalm 78: 2 fulfilled? Onane ngava litura mo mokuzuvhisa ntani va kere novarongwa velituromo. She was very active in preaching the good news and conducted several Bible studies with interested people. One pioneer named Marilou says: "The pioneers have found that they have a strong relationship with Jehovah, but they still need encouragement. " Jehova kwa tanterere Jona asi: "Zende kositata sosinene Ninivhe o ka si udisire; udinikarunga wovantu vamo nina u mono. " His word occurred to Jonah, saying: "Get up, go to Nineveh the great city, and proclaim against her that their badness has come up before me. " When we see those events, we are convinced that we are nearing the end. Pwa kara malisigo pokatji kokukuhwira nompepo zokupongoka ntani kokukuhwira medina lyompepo zokupongoka ndi? However, is there any difference between being baptized with holy spirit and being baptized in the name of the holy spirit? Teach Your Children Yosili, Jehova kwa tu hara ntani ana hara kutupopera. Clearly, Jehovah loves us and wants to protect us. The second article shows how we can live in harmony with Jesus ' prayer. Karunga kwa kara nonompango dokukuhuka, ntani ose kukondja tu di sikise mo. He has high standards, and we happily strive to reflect those standards. Therefore, we should ask Jehovah to prepare our thoughts and give us his holy spirit. Jehova Karunga kwa haferere munwaNdafita, Saromo. David's son Solomon was greatly favored by Jehovah God. " Just as two people are not like marriage, " says Louise, a husband who has married couples, "for these are not the same is the same. " 6: 9, 11) Ayo kutanta asi awo kwa tulire po marunduruko meparu lyawo. Their way of life was not as it once was. 18, 19. 1: 10) Kwama epukururo eli va pere Timoteusa. Follow the advice given to the young man Timothy. * Age makura ta tjire mema porupasa rokulikuhwira, ta vareke kukuhwa nompadi dovarongwa vendi, ta di kokotesa kekehe. Before that happens, Jehovah told his people not to obey what the Babylonian Empire would do. Ezuva limwe kwa rwene makura tava tu nge nombere yikando ntazimwe dogoro kuhara kufa. " In a brawl, I received six stab wounds and almost bled to death. " " I want my wife to help her with chores because I love her, " she says. Naina vanavazinyetugara ava vana " hara kukara vapitisili mombungakriste ' va hepa kulikonakona eyi vana harere kukara vapitisili. Today, brothers who are "reaching out for an office of overseer " do well to examine themselves as to why they are reaching out. My sister and I were released whenever they worked. KANDERERA UNONGO NOMUTJIMA GOULIMBURUKWI PRAY FOR A WISE AND OBEDIENT HEART Yet, all who do so are blessed with Jehovah's blessing. - Prov. 1 - 7 PEMBANKURU 2013 JULY 1 - 7, 2013 • What truth do we need to help others understand? Ngapi omu no kulimburura? How Would You Answer? To understand those prophecies, we need to understand the meaning of Bible prophecy. Ayo kumukoresa apa vantu ava tura po matokoro gomadona nokuhageka kumukarera. It pains him to see people giving in to bad influences and losing their way. They use the word "Lord " or" King " in their language. Kapi tayi vhuru kukara ngoso! Neither conclusion is feasible! This has helped me to have a happy life. Yisinke ga lididimikilire Kristusa, ntani yisinke ya mu tumangedere a lididimikire? What did Christ endure, and what motivated him? Esau also showed that he did not want to seek sacred things and worship two women, which made them angry. Posiruwo sina, sirongo setu kwa lihamekere moyita yauvali youzuni. At the time, the country was embroiled in World War II. 6 The Bible Changes Lives Nampili ngomu ga here munwendi, kapi ga vhulire kumumona nkenye ezuva a tare omu ana kukura. She dearly loved her little boy, but now she would not be able to have everyday contact with him during his boyhood. Today, in many congregations, sing songs that help people to sing well. Age ga lirongere ukaro wovafe ntani hena nontundiliro zondona zowo ava likisaukire asi vafe. He had learned the real condition of the dead and also the evil source of those who pretend to be dead ancestors. Jesus poured out this spirit on the early Christians at Pentecost 33 C.E. Ezuva lya kweme ko nage naBaranabasa tava tundu mo va ze koDerube va ka zuvhise. The next day, he and Barnabas left for the town of Derbe to continue their preaching. Michaeln't have been born in 17 - century C.E. 1, 2. (a) Yisinke ga tanterere Jesus varongwa vendi komeho va ka mu dipage? 1, 2. (a) Shortly before his death, what information did Jesus share with his disciples? What helped Job to cope with his trials? (Ehororo 21: 4) Koneka asi vantu wokusika kupi ngali ka kundama etumbwidiro olyo. Consider the scope of that promise. They had four children, and three of them wanted to know the truth. Allen ogu ga gwene nonkondo mokufunda po makurunwa kupitira melirongo lyoBibeli noNombangi daJehova kwa tente asi: "Ame na yi pura asi ngano kapi na gwene evatero lyomoBibeli ntani nonompango damo mokuhageka kunwa, ame ngesi ngano na fa. " Allen, whose Bible study with Jehovah's Witnesses gave him the strength to conquer alcohol abuse, says, "I'm convinced that if it were not for the Bible and Bible principles that helped me stop drinking, I'd be dead. " Let us see four reasons why we can say that. Ngapi omu muhongi goyikungu na vhura kupopera epata lyendi kwahompa gononkondo? How could a lowly carpenter protect his family against forces so powerful? By this time we cannot imitate God's love perfectly. - Read Psalm 32: 8. Egano lyomukadonagona kuhamena oku aga tundu maremo kuna kara kukwata egano mepuko yininke yongandi. A little girl's fanciful ideas about where clouds come from may be just a small misunderstanding. This will help us to remain close to Jehovah. Yisinke twa hepa kudiworoka nsene kuna kuzuvhisira vatjwayuki? What should we keep in mind when preaching to refugees? He said that "they begged us to accept their contribution. " Ntani hena, ose kuna kumona sidiviso sekaropo ndi sewizo lyaJesus nehagero lyouzuni ou woudona. - Mat. Furthermore, we now see evidence of the sign of Jesus ' presence and of the conclusion of this wicked system of things. - Matt. (Read Philippians 3: 12, 13.) Hetekera ko kurugana kumwe namunoge. Whenever possible, include your son in your daily activities. Consider what you say and do. Apa nga rugana membo lyaPotifara, age kwa pitire mezedo eli ga nyokerere po. He showed restraint when he was serving in the house of Potiphar, the chief of Pharaoh's guards. The congregation knew exactly what to do. Ove kulikida uyerere waJehova ndi? Are You Reflecting the Glory of Jehovah? 1, 2. (a) How is Jesus ' love unique? Elimbururo ngava ka li zogera mosirongwa sokukwama ko. The answer will be discussed in the following article. How can you learn Genesis 3: 15? Age ga hepa kukondjera mokuninka "nkenye egazaro lyosintu, asi li limburukwe kwaKristusa. " - 2 Kol. He needs to strive to bring "every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ. " - 2 Cor. Moses liberated the nation of Israel from Egypt. Ntani hena azo mulyo morwa kwa tumbura eyi va hepa kurugana Vakriste, sirugana sokuzuvhisa esi ngava hova tanko kudivisa mouzuni mudima ntani ngaku kwama sihorokwa esi ga tumbwire Jesus asi "uhura. " And it is important because it points to what Christians should be doing - a preaching work that would precede and herald the momentous and far - reaching event that Jesus called "the end. " How can that be done? Komeho Ndafita a fe, Jehova kwa mu tumbwidilire asi uhompa wendi ngau twikira dogoro narunye pokutanta asi: "Ngani tumba munoge gwaamoge nga kare hompa, ano uhompa wendi ngani u koreka. " (2 Sam. Before David died, Jehovah promised him that his kingship would continue indefinitely: "I will raise up your offspring after you, your own son, and I will firmly establish his kingdom. " What did David do even though he was a boy? Kukara nomupampi moyirugana yokuzuvhisa kutukundama monaruwa. Increased boldness in witnessing has a positive effect on us. Riley took a second choice. 1: 10. 1: 10. What do we need to keep focused on our reward? (Epis. 136: 13 - 15) Momburundu, Jehova kwa parwire mamiliyona goVaisraeli pokuvapa nondya nomema. In the "great and fear - inspiring wilderness, " Jehovah proved to be a Preserver of life as he provided food and water for his people, perhaps numbering from two to three million or more! The author says that these individuals refer to the nations who join Abraham and Sarah in serving Jehovah. Ezuva lyoolyo, Koroneliusa nage kwa gwene emoneko omu muengeli ga mu tanterere a ka zigide Peturusa. Unknown to Peter, a day earlier, Cornelius had also received a vision, in which an angel directed him to summon Peter. The king of Jael walked about 250 miles (1,600 km) to test the wisdom of Solomon's wisdom. Satana kwa ruganesere siraha mokupukisa vaengeli wovanzi. Consider how effective Satan was in using bait to trap a large number of his angelic brothers. Gary and I enjoyed our family life. Awo kapi va tambwire Mesiyasa ogu ga ya sikisire mo mauporofete aga ga tente asi vantu ngava mu swaura, tava mu zumbu, mugara gorunyando ogu ga yova ntani moruhura ngava mu dipaga. (Jes. Thus, they could not accept the Messiah who fulfilled the prophecies that said he would be despised, avoided by men, meant for pains and for having acquaintance with sickness, and finally killed. Then you will walk in your own way, and you will walk in the right direction. ' Ntani hena, kapi tuna hara tu rugane "udona " ou nau retera vapeke madowo gomadona. On the other hand, we certainly would never want to become, in a sense, a "good - for - nothing thing " to others by tempting them to contemplate wrongdoing. While on earth, Jesus showed how his Father would be with them by raising children and blessing them. Age kwa twikilire kugazara nonkango odo. " His death wasn't for the best, " she kept repeating to herself. 21: 43. Paurusa naBaranabasa kwa tulire eparu lyawo mosiponga apa va tengwire komavango oku va va homokerere. Paul and Barnabas risked their lives by going back to places where they had suffered violent attacks. 3: 28. 5, 6. 5, 6. But Paul said to him: "Do not destroy it. " Nsene tatu liwapaikire elirongo lyoRuhungu ndi Elirongo lyoBibeli lyoMbunga, twa hepa kudiworoka hepero zokuteda ko konombudi edi tuna kuresa. When preparing for the Watchtower Study or the Congregation Bible Study, we ought to bear in mind the need to meditate on the information presented. Kim says: "I learned that the right thing to do is my best to make peace. Victoria: Yimo. Karen: That's right. David's son David, however, was not a serious problem. De la Fuente), No. De la Fuente), No. It contains literature in over 700 languages. Nye awo kuna mu tantere yihepwa eyi ya hepa po mokuwapera kuranda evango. Of course, the principal's words are not a command. He is not ordering the student, "Be a native! " With my wife and our eight children in 1989 Muzuvhisi gokukarerera ga hepa kulipangera yipo yininke yokudira mulyo yi dire kudonganesa siruwo sendi esi ga litulira po koyininke yomulyo. (Fil. Accordingly, a pioneer needs self - discipline so that less important activities do not encroach on the time he has set aside for those essential things. Others were eager and wanted to know more. Monkedi musinke Episarome 78: 2 ga li sikisire mo Jesus? In what way was Psalm 78: 2 fulfilled by Jesus? The article in this article concluded: "Everyone who wants to use such IUDs should meditate deeply on the Scriptural principles ahead of life. " - Ps. Muzuvhisi gumwe gokukarerera gedina Shari, kwa tanta asi: "Vazuvhisi wokukarerera kumoneka asi va kara nelikwatakano lyokupama naJehova, nye simpe va hepa ekorangedo. " One pioneer sister named Shari observed: "Pioneers look strong, being out in service every day. Ahab's joy in which he said: "You have found me a enemy, O my enemy! " - 1 Kings 21: 20. Apa atu mono yihorokwa oyo, ose kuyipura asi pepi nouhura tuna kara. As we see those landmark events unfolding, we become convinced that we are in the time period leading up to the end. He called them and said: "You know that the kings of the nations have rule over their nations, and they have the power to use their power. Ronga vana woge But he did not do that. Sirongwa sauvali kulikida omu natu paruka kuliza nekanderero lyaJesus. The second article shows how we can act in harmony with one of Jesus ' loving prayers. What else will the ransom do for those who died? Yipo nye, twa hepa kuhundira Jehova a wapaike magano getu ntani a tu pe mpepo zendi zokupongoka. (Ruk. Therefore, we need to ask Jehovah to put us in the proper frame of mind and to give us his holy spirit. 20: 1 - 3, 7 - 10; 1 John 20: 1 - 3, 7; 1 John 20: 1. (Vagarata 6: 4) Mugara gedina Edmond ogu ga ya kwara hena kwa tente asi: "Moomu tupu vantu vavali kapi ava lifana, nonkwara nado kapi adi lifana. " A man named Edmond, who has been married twice, puts it this way, "Just as no two friendships are the same, so no two marriages are the same. " Try to understand the support our brothers need, whether encouragement or encouragement from the Bible. 18, 19. 18, 19. Who was Jesus? * * Around the world, people believe that the dead can help the living. Komeho yi ka horoke oyo, Jehova kwa tanterere vantu vendi wokudira kulimburukwa eyi ngali va rugana epangero lyaBabironi. (2 Vah. Before permitting this humiliation, though, Jehovah warned the rebellious Israelites that such a tragedy would strike them. 27 Working With God is a source of joy Kweku, ogu a pakere nawa mbili mukadendi kwa tente asi: "Ame kwa hara kuvatera mukadange noyirugana yemembo morwa na mu hara unene. " In contrast, a man named Kweku, who has a good marriage, says: "I often ask my wife how I can share the load. Because I love her, I often take the initiative to help her with household chores. " Peter's last words in his book were directed to his brother Jephthah's sister. Name namukurwange Dorothy ngava tu pwagesa mo monkondwarongero apa ngava rugana ukareli owo. My eldest sister, Dorothy, and I were dismissed from the classroom during these sessions. " He went on to complete his conquest. " - REV. 110: 3; Yis. 27: 11) Navenye ava ava rugana ngoso, Jehova kuvatungika. - Yis. All such willing workers, in turn, experience Jehovah's rich blessing. - Prov. When he rebelled against God's law, he started to grow old and died. • Usili musinke twa hepa kuvatera vapeke va u kwate egano? • What fact do we need to help others to understand? They saw God's hand. Mokukwata egano mauporofete ogo, twa hepa tanko kukwata egano uporofete wokuhova womoBibeli. We can decipher those prophecies, as we understand the very first prophecy recorded in the Bible. I wanted to be a soldier, but I did not accept my schooling. Ago kwa ruganesa situmbwisiso "Hompa " ndi omu ava tumbura Karunga meraka lyawo. Instead, they use the title "Lord " or the name of a local god. They have served Jehovah full - time for over 20 years. Eyi kwa vatera nge ni kare noruhafo meparu. Gratefulness has made a big difference in my outlook. Identify things that you do not use, and do not pay your debt. (Gen. 15: 13) Esau kwa likidire hena asi kapi ga here yininke yokupongoka pokukwara vakadi vavali wovapagani, eyi kwa guvisire vakurona vendi. (Gen. Esau also showed himself inclined toward the profane, lacking appreciation for sacred things, by marrying two pagan women, to his parents ' grief. " When we arrived in a town where we arrived in town, we were assigned to a small town in the North Sea. 6 Kudira kukwara sihepwa mokukara mupitisili goMukriste ndi? No. And do they hear and look forward to seeing the young man say: "Who will I live? Naina, monombungakriste dononzi, nonsumo kudi dana konotivi eyi kuvatera vantu va vhure kudimba nawa. Rather, hold your songbook up high, lift your head, and sing with heartfelt expression! Although Brother Erich Frost had knowledge of the fruit, he still had to respect the brothers who were taking the lead. 15: 26) Jesus kwa poomwene mpepo ezi koVakriste wokuhova poPentekoste 33 S.N. Jesus poured out this spirit upon the early Christians at Pentecost 33 C.E. Although I feel that I didn't know God, I am happy that I have come to know who I am serving God. Michael Faraday Mudivi unsitwe ogu goMuiingilisa va hampurukire mo - 1791 yige ga totere po ehina eli ali rugana korutjeno ntani neli ali retesa po rutjeno ava tumbura asi genereta. Michael Faraday Born in 1791, this English physicist was the inventor of the electric motor and the dynamo. For example, Jesus wanted his disciples to be confident that they should not be anxious about every day. (Joba 37: 14) Yisinke ya vaterere Joba a lididimikire maudigu gendi? What helped Job to endure his trials? 8, 9. Awo kwa kere novana vawo vane gumwe gomugara ano vatatu wovakadi, navenye kwa here kudiva usili. They along with their son and three daughters were interested in the truth. A blind person find information in many ways that causes him to know that these things are bad. Tu zeni tu tare nokonda ne eyi natu uyungira ngoso. Let us consider four reasons why we may draw that conclusion. Moreover, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy shows that the time is near to rule over the earth. Posiruwo esi kapi tatu vhuru kuhonena nawa - nawa eharo lyaKarunga. - Resa Episarome 32: 8. At present, though, we cannot imitate God's love perfectly. - Read Psalm 32: 8. We can do the same. Eyi ngayi tu vatera tu twikire kukara pepi naJehova. If we do, we will continue to draw closer to Jehovah. Imagine that you are traveling on a car by using a car. Age kwa tente asi awo "kwa tu likwamberere unene " asi tu tambure yigava yawo. He stated that they "kept begging us with much entreaty for the privilege of kindly giving. " Lot and his two daughters were willing to leave the city. (Resa Vafilipi 3: 12, 13.) (Read Philippians 3: 12, 13.) 3: 9, 10. Kara sihonena kweyi o uyunga ntani neyi o rugana. Be an example in what you say and in what you do. It is not easy to see gold. Mbungakriste za divire nawa - nawa eyi nazi rugana. The congregation knew exactly what to do. Paragraph 6: Christ's Thousand Year Reign, which differs from his presence. 1, 2. (a) Ngapi omu eharo lyaJesus lya likarera? 1, 2. (a) How does Jesus ' love stand out? Just as a person keeps looking for gold, do you put forth your personal study of the Bible? Ngapi omu no vhura kulironga Genesis 3: 15? How might you study Genesis 3: 15? They followed Jesus ' example and accepted Jehovah's way of ruling. Mosesa kwa mangwilire muhoko goVaisraeli moEgipite. Moses freed the nation of Israel from Egypt. But that is not the race for everlasting life. (1 Peturusa 3: 7) Ngapi nayi rugana oyo? How can a husband do that? He also honors the privileges that Jehovah has given to others. Yisinke ga rugene ko Ndafita nampili ngomu ga kere mumati? But what could David, a mere youth, do about it? Early in the 19th century, Watch Tower sent slaves to visit the organization. Aurele kwa gusire etokoro lyauvali. Aurele did the latter. Of course, belonging to God is a great privilege. eyi twa hepera kudemenena komfeto zetu zokomeho? why we need to look intently toward our reward? How should we view our stewardship? Mutjangi gumwe kwa tanta asi vantu owo kwa tamba vapagani ava va ya lipakerere kumwe naAbirahamu naSara mokukarera Jehova. Some ancient Jewish paraphrases thus say that the people referred to in this verse were also proselytes, people who had joined Abraham and Sarah in worshipping Jehovah. 7: 9. Hompa gomukadi gwaSeba kwa gendere nokilometa 2 400 mokukaheteka unongo waSaromo " nomapuro gomadigu. ' " Be courageous and strong. Name naArne naGary kwa haferere eparu mepata lyetu. Arne, Gary, and I basked in the contentment of happy family life. May 30, 2011 Makura ngo gende nawa monzira zoge, nokupunduka si. ' (Yis. Then you will walk on your way in safety, and your foot will never stumble. " Will you ask Jehovah to help you know what you can do in that situation? Apa Jesus ga kere pevhu, kwa likidire omu va kara oGuhwe pokukambeka vanona mawoko nokuvatungika. When Jesus was on earth, he showed what the Father is like by taking little ones into his arms and blessing them. As he awaits, he is helping people to accept God's approval and to accept "the waters of life. " - Rev. 21: 43. 21: 43. And it will be easier for the child to ask for help from her parents. 3: 28. 3: 28. The Bible foretold that there would be a time when people would "bring to ruin the earth. " Nye Paurusa ta ziguruka kumutantera asi: "Wa ha lizonagura. " But Paul called out: "Do not hurt yourself! " Whatever our place in the family, all of us can benefit from following Jesus ' example. Kim kwa tanta asi: "Mevango lyokufunduka, ame na lironga asi yoyiwa po kwange kurugana ko yuma mokuhetekera ko kuretesa po mbili. " Rather than remain upset, " says Kim, "I've learned that it is best to take the initiative in trying to make peace. At first, I had a few Bible studies, but I moved to another village, and I did not receive a month course of Bible studies. KwaNdafita, owo kapi wa kere udigu wounene. To David, the situation was not tolerable. Herd, who has been supported by this fact. Ako kwa kara ko yimbapiratjangwa yomomaraka gokupitakana 700. The site features literature explaining that message in over 700 languages. In the 1930 ' s, it is beautiful and quite beautiful. Namukadange ntani vana vetu ntantatu mo - 1989 With my wife and eight of our children in 1989 Could Jehovah have already done away with or eliminate suffering forever? Ano vamwe kwa kere neharo ntani va here kudiva yoyinzi. Other times a householder was interested and wanted to learn more. Satan is really "a roaring lion. " Sirongwa somoRuhungu oro kwa ya hagesere asi: "Mukriste ogu ana hara kuruganesa IUD ga hepa kuteda ko unene konompango domoBibeli kuhamena mulyo gweparu komeho zokuziruganesa. " - Epis. That article concluded: "The sincere Christian concerned about the propriety of using an IUD should seriously weigh such information in the light of a Bible - based respect for the sanctity of life. " - Ps. Why? Ruhafo rwaAhaba taru litjindji ru kare ehandu nonyengo, ngomu ga uyungire nonkango edi asi: "Ono ya di gwana nge tupu, ove nkore zange "! - 1 Vahompa 21: 20. Ahab's blissful countenance changed, twisted with rage and hatred, as he spat out the words: "So you have found me, O my enemy! " - 1 Kings 21: 20. Only Jehovah can foretell this work and use humans "in order " to accomplish it. Age tava zigida nokutanta asi: "Mwa diva asi, ohompa wonomuhoko kupangera nomuhoko dawo, ano vanene kudiruganesa nononkondo dawo. Calling them to him, he said: "You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them and the great men wield authority over them. 9, 10. (a) Why does Jehovah tell us about himself? Nye kapisi yiyo yelike ga mu ruganenene. Jehovah blessed Ruth with a husband and a son. Job told God: "You will certainly enjoy the work of your hands. " - Job 14: 14, 15, 15 (1 Johanesa 1: 7; 5: 13) Yisinke hena sizoweseso ngasi ruganena ava va fa? And what will the ransom do for our dead loved ones? If that happens, everyone would know that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. 20: 1 - 3, 7 - 10; 1 Joh. And if he had not prepared for the end, he would have lost his life. Hetekera ko kukwata egano evatero eli vana hepa vanavazinyetu, li kare asi lyopamalizuvho ndi ekorangedo lyokutunda moBibeli Try to understand what practical help, emotional support, and encouragement from the Bible your brothers and sisters need How can we strip off the old personality? Yilye sili ga kere Jesus? Who really was Jesus? Jesus was empowered to be perfect humans. Mouzuni mudima vantu kwa pura asi vafe kuvhura kuvatera vanamwenyo. Across the globe, the belief that the dead can help the living persists. Egypt 27 Kurugana kumwe naKarunga, ayo kureta ruhafo 27 Working Together With God - A Cause for Rejoicing Would that surprise us? Nonkango daPeter dokuhulilira mobuke zendi kwa di tambesere kwa mumbyendi namukurwedi gomukadi. Peter's last comments were addressed to his siblings. This does not mean that we try to get to know everything in life, but we should try to understand what our brothers need. " Ta pwaga ngwendi mufundi ta ka funda. " - EHOR. " He went forth conquering and to complete his conquest. " - REV. This begins with what we look at. Apa ga zonene pokuteza po veta zaKarunga, yipo ga tamekere kukurupa ano moruhura ta ya fu. When he committed sin by breaking divine law, he began to die. 5: 4; Rev. Awo va mwene kuwoko kwaKarunga. They saw God's hand. Or will you realize that Jehovah is merciful and may be waiting for the person to repent? Na here kukara mukwayita nye kapi va tambwire nge morwa kapi na mene sure. I tried to get into the army but was rejected because of my lack of secular education. 10: 15 - 17, 19. Awo kwa karera Jehova mosirugana sosiruwo nasinye nomvhura dokupitakana 20. They have each served Jehovah full - time for more than 20 years. Moreover, he did what was right in Jehovah's eyes. Zuguma ndi gava yininke eyi o dili kuruganesa ntani futa makongo goge. Dispose of things you do not use, and pay off debts. Those verses refer to Christ's coming as Judge. Mupioniri Ikumatsu Ota, kwa tanta asi: "Apa twa ka sikire modoropa, ose kwa tulire karukara ketu konontere domukuro. Colporteur Ikumatsu Ota stated: "When we arrived in a town, we set up our Jehu on a riverbank or in an open field. The Bible says: "God gave the wicked system of things. " - Job 9: 24; read Genesis 3: 23, 24. Ntani ngwendi kuna kuzuvha nokumona vamati vana kulikwambera nge asi: "Nani paruka ndi? It was as if I could hear and see the young men begging me: "Am I going to make it? I am glad that you are coming to know what I want to do for you today. Nampili ngomu Etta nga kere nediwo lyokurongera enyango noyikwahidi moyindoronhwa, nye simpe ga fumadeke vanavazinyetugara ava ngava pitisire pofarama. Though Etta played a key role in the canning process, she was careful to set a fine example of respect for the brothers in oversight on the farm. David did not expel the wild animals, but he was able to protect his father's flock. Nampili ngomu ani livere asi nomvhura dononzi kapi na divire Karunga, nye ngesi nina hafa asi nina diva Karunga ogu nina kukarera. [ Nonkango dokonhi] Although I regret that for many years I didn't really know God, I am very happy that now I know the God I worship. As he examined, he was also a victim of greed. Pasihonena, Jesus kwa here varongwa vendi va kare nehuguvaro asi kapisi va kare nosinka kuhamena nondya dankenye ezuva. For example, Jesus wanted to assure his disciples that they did not need to worry about what they would eat each day. SONGS: 37, 57 8, 9. 8, 9. 1 / 1 Mutwiku kugwana nombudi mononkedi dokulisiga - siga edi adi mu ninkisa a dive asi ava vantu, eyi yininke. A blind person receives information in various ways that enable him to perceive the people, objects, and activities that surround him. He instructed Moses not to become two of the sons of Israel when they died, and when the Israelites were to come out of "the tent of the tent of Israel. " Mokugwederera ko, esikiliromo lyomauporofete goBibeli kuna kulikida asi siruwo pepi sina kara yipo Uhompa u ka pangere mouhungami evhu nalinye. What is more, fulfilled Bible prophecies show that the time is near for the Kingdom to establish its righteous rule over all the earth. Do you view congregation meetings as precious, or do you apply whatever Jehovah tells you through the Christian congregation? - Heb. 13: 17. Nose kuvhura ngayi tu horokere. We might find ourselves in a similar situation one day. Similarly, parents and children have much lessons to teach their children. Gazadara asi nove namukweni kuna kuza morugendo pokuruganesa etuwa. Imagine that you and a friend are going to take a trip by automobile. 4: 4. 19: 12 - 22) Roto novana vendi vavali wovakadona kwa limburukwire nokutunda mo mositata. Lot obeyed, and his two daughters cooperated with him in leaving the city. (The heavens Daniel and Allen; Daniel 17: 17.) 3: 9, 10. 3: 9, 10. (b) What will we consider in this article? Kapisi ureru kumona ngorodo momanya. At first glance, the gold may not be visible in the ore. When I was seven years old, I was diagnosed with a brain gift, and I was disfellowshipped and chased from the United States. Paragarafu 6: Ewizo lyaKristusa (Rugereka, erikomayi) kwa lisiga nekaropo lyendi (parousiya). Paragraph 6: Christ's "coming " (Greek, erʹkho·mai) is different from his" presence " (pa·rou·siʹa). Jehovah's purpose was for the 12 apostles to become "the ten horns " of the new birth in Jerusalem. Ngwendi moomu muntu a litura mo mokupapara ngorodo, nove kulitura mo unene mokulironga ugawo womoBibeli ndi? Like a prospector who exerts himself to find gold, do you work hard to learn precious Bible truths? But it is not always easy. Awo ngava kwama sihonena saJesus ntani ngava tambura nelinunupiko upangeli waJehova. They will follow Jesus ' example and humbly and willingly acknowledge Jehovah's sovereignty. 8 / 1 Nye kapisi yimo ga fana marumbasano gokomwenyo gwanarunye. That is not so in the race for life. Jehovah sent an angel to tell the prophet Daniel about "the coming of the Leader, " or Messiah. Age hena kufumadeka yitumbukira eyi Jehova ga pa wopeke. At the same time, he sincerely respects the role or place that Jehovah has given to others. Jael took up the ark of the tent of Baal. Ketamekero lyomvhura 1894, Watch Tower Society kwa tumine vakarelipo vazo va ka dingure nombunga edi da hundilire edinguro. Beginning about 1894, the Watch Tower Society sent out traveling representatives to meet with groups requesting a visit. We love him and put faith in him. Kusimba edina lyaKarunga kuna kara situmbukira sosinene. The privilege of bearing God's name comes with responsibility. Only Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the good news of the Kingdom Ngapi omu twa hepa kulizuvha kukara marenga gaKarunga? How should we view the stewardship entrusted to us? Then the final lie would occur, but the former things have passed away. " 7: 9. 7: 9. I was 21 years old, but the brothers and sisters welcomed me. " Likorerera o kwate mutjima. " Be courageous and strong and go to work. Names have been changed. 30 Kudumonkuru 2011 - 5 Pembagona 2011 And in his work as "Jehovah's covenant, " Jesus came to examine his Father and Father's spiritual temple. See also the article "Do All Have an Equal Opportunity to Come to Know God? " The lame will rise up, and the deaf will shout joyfully. " - Isaiah 35: 5, 6. Ove ngo pura Jehova a ku vatere o dive eyi no rugana moukaro owo ndi? You ask Jehovah to direct you and help you discern the best way to handle the situation. " Understanding " involves recognizing something that is invisible. Ngomu ana kundindira, age kuna kuvatera vantu yipo ava tambure Karunga nokuvatwara " komema gomwenyo. ' - Ehor. Meanwhile, Jesus patiently works with people and leads them to "waters of life. " - Rev. 6 Ntani nga yi mu rerupira munona mokupura evatero kovakondi vendi. Now the stage is set for the child to ask for help when important matters come up later. Like Paul, you can give "the spiritual gift " by discussing a Scriptural verse, even one verse. Bibeli kwa pumbire asi ngapa kara siruwo apa vantu ngava " zonagura evhu. ' The Bible foretold a time when man would " ruin the earth. ' They had no solid knowledge of God's Law and did not rely on him. Si kare asi situmbukira musinke twa kara naso mepata, natuvenye kuvhura kugwanena mo mauwa mokukwama sihonena saJesus. All of us, whatever our role in the family, can benefit from following his example. My father, Ryan, was working on the Shinto Churchn River and took us in Northern Ontario. Pomuhowo kapi na kere novarongwa woBibeli, nye konyima tani dirukire komukunda gwapeke, kapi pwa pitire kwedi tani gwana varongwa woBibeli. At first, I couldn't start any Bible studies, but later I moved to another territory, and within a month I started several studies. Regarding King David, the apostle Peter said: " David did not go to heaven. " Danny naTrina va yi kwatesa ko oyo. Danny and Trina agree. But when one man asked Jesus: "Who really is my neighbor? " Nombya daso donongwa kuvareka kutemuna posiruwo sokufu. Its lovely pink or white flowers can be seen as early as the end of January or the beginning of February. You may find additional information on our website, Jehova ngano nare ga gusa po ndi ga kandana po ruhepo narunye. Jehovah could have acted long ago to eliminate or even prevent all suffering. And why did Jesus obey the loving - kindness he sent him? Satana sili "nyime gokununga. " Satan truly is "a roaring lion. " In the roof of the money he carried out, he poured out what they had been assigned. " Morwasinke? Why does that make a difference? The Bible's message translated "to be an overseer " is translated into a Greek word that refers to a Greek word that uses a Greek word that is eager to pay attention to a hand. 24: 14) Jehova gelike gokuvhura kupumba sirugana esi ntani nokuruganesa "vantuuntu tupu " yipo va si sikise mo. Who else but God Almighty could foretell such a work, see that it is done, and use many "unlettered and ordinary " people to accomplish it? 40: 5; Zech. 9, 10. (a) Morwasinke Jehova a tu tanterere kuhamena mwene? 9, 10. (a) Why does Jehovah tell us about himself? I am a bus driver who spoke to you about the bus driver. Woman's Sins Forgiven, 8 / 15 What will help us to analyze whether we love Christ more? Joba kwa tanterere Karunga asi: "Ngo hafere nge ame siungwa soge. " - Joba 14: 14, 15 Job said to God: "You will long for the work of your hands. " - Job 14: 14, 15 (See opening picture.) (b) Why should we know the parable of the sheep and the goats? (Ehororo 7: 14) Nsene ngayi horoka oyo, nkenye ogu ngano nga diva asi uporofete womoBibeli kuna kusika mo. But if that happened, it would be obvious to everyone that Bible prophecy was being fulfilled. Jehovah's Witnesses now translate and distributed more Bible literature in more than 500 languages. Ntani ngano kapi ga liwapaikilire apa wa wizire uhura, ngano ga zumbanesere eparu lyendi. And if he had not been ready when the end came, he could have lost his life. If we treat our enemies as our enemies, how much better it is when we preach, especially those "rightly disposed for everlasting life! " - Acts 13: 48. Ngapi natu hutura muntu gomukuru - kuru noyikara yendi? How can we strip off and keep off the old personality? Even king, king, or leader, work together as a group, along with a group of soldiers, will be able to cope with any obstacles. (1 Pet. 2: 22) Jesus ya mu vhulikire mokukara guhya govantu wokusikilira mo. Jesus thus had the potential for fathering a perfect human race. (b) What can we do to make sure that our conscience can help us? Egipite Egypt Among the mountains, they had to flee from the mountains when they saw the sea and the power of the sea, and they did not expect to return. Oyo kuvhura yi tu tetukise ndi? Should that surprise us? (Read Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 8; Luke 6: 45.) (Vahebeli 10: 24) Eyi kapi yina kutanta asi tu hetekere ko kudiva nayinye eyi yina kuvahorokera meparu, nye asi twa hepa kuhetekera ko kukwata egano vanavazinyetu neyi vana hepa. This does not mean that we should try to learn details about the personal lives of others. It means that we should try to understand our brothers and sisters and what they need. But if you are not careful, recreation and entertainment can distance you from Jehovah. Ayo kutameka neyi atu tara. The disastrous path of immorality often starts with the eyes. Who is "the Lamb's wife "? 5: 4; Ehor. 5: 4; Rev. In 1950, a small group of students began studying the Bible in the French language. Ndi ngo dimburura asi Jehova munankenda ntani nampo kuna kundindira muntu ogo a litezurure? Or will you realize that Jehovah is merciful and that he may be waiting for a person to repent? 8, 9. (a) What challenges may refugees face in places that are fleeing to refugees? 10: 15 - 17, 19. 10: 15 - 17, 19. Hans says: "Jehovah wanted us to do other things. " Age hena nkenye eyi nga rugana, HOMPA ta yi wapeke. ' (Gen. Joseph, through those trialsome times, waited patiently on his God. When Jehovah's angel appeared to him, Gideon humbly accepted his situation. 24: 30, 42, 44; 25: 31) Novelise ne odo kwa tamba kewizo lyaKristusa lyokomeho ngoMupanguli. Each of these four references applies to Christ's future coming as Judge. When we think about the time when Jehovah will fulfill what he has promised, our love for him grows. Bibeli kutanta asi: "Karunga kwa gava uzuni kovadinikarunga. " - Joba 9: 24; resa Genesis 3: 23, 24. The Bible says: "Earth itself has been given into the hand of the wicked one. " - Job 9: 24; read Genesis 3: 23, 24. 30 "The Truth That Leads to All Your Faith " Nina hafa kweyi ono wiza naina morwa koyili eyi nina hara kukupura. Actually, I'm glad you came by today because there is something I want to ask you. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it. Archangel Michael? Every Sunday, they are happy when they tell their neighbors about God's goodness and explain how "all those calling on the truth " will" be saved. " - Psalm 145: 7, 20. Ndafita kapi ga tjidire yikasama oyo age ure ana kara, nye kwa rwene nayo yipo a popere siunda soguhwe. David did not simply try to drive off those predators from a safe distance. Rather, he leaped right into the fray to defend his father's helpless sheep. MAY 28, 2012 - JUNE 3 - JUNE 2012 Ngomu ga si tarwilire unene yimo hena ga kere nedowo. The more Eve looked at it, the more the forbidden fruit became attractive to her. Jesus was not harsh, but he was kind, reasonable, humble, and humble. - Matt. MARUSUMO: 37, 57 Immediately after the war of World War II broke out, the Roman Empire began to attack the Roman Empire and its wars. 3 / 1 " Lady, Even Ladies ," 3 / 15 I wanted to be part of the happy brotherhood of the Witnesses Age kwa pangerere Mosesa a hambure nombendo mbali dosisiliveli, ano apa ngava di fuda Vaisraeli va hepere kuponga "pevero lyoNkongoronzugo zoMagwanekerero. " (Num. On that thrilling occasion, which participants no doubt never forgot, Jehovah gave the Israelites a demonstration of his power when he gave them his Law. How can we help new disciples to avoid fear of man? Ove kutara mapongo gomombungakriste asi mulyo ndi? Ove kutura pasirugana nkenye eyi a ku tantere Jehova kupitira mombungakriste ndi? - Heb. 13: 17. But of this we can be sure: Like the Israelites at the time of the Exodus, the "great crowd " will remain organized, ever alert to divine direction. Do not give up. (Mateusa 17: 24, 25; Marukusa 8: 27 - 29) Mokulifana, vakurona va kara noyirongwa yoyinzi yomulyo yokuronga vana vawo. Similarly, parents have many important lessons to teach their children. Yes, if we prove that we are part of Christ's true followers, God will be pleased with our eyes and will be based on the eternal future. 4: 4. 4: 4. Because humans are imperfect and are imperfect. (Keguru) Daniel naMarina Sydlik; Grant naEdith Suiter; Theodore naMelita Jaracz (Top) Daniel and Marina Sydlik; Grant and Edith Suiter; Theodore and Melita Jaracz First, they moved to a foreign - language congregation in French. (b) Yisinke natu ka konakona mosirongwa esi? (b) What will we consider in this article? " Let anyone put away his hands; let him do his own hand. " - Ephesians 4: 28. Apa na kere nonomvhura ntambali, na kere noudigu wosihuhwiro, makura tava taura nge nokutura nge singumi yipo masitamo ga pitire mo nokupwaga. At age seven, I had a urostomy, an operation performed to create an artificial opening in my body so that I could pass urine. But does God promise riches to those who serve him? Sitambo saJehova kwa kere asi vapositoli 12 va kare etatateko " lyomamanya murongo nagavali ' goJerusarema zompe. (Ehor. Evidently, Jehovah purposed to have 12 apostles form the future "12 foundation stones " of New Jerusalem. 15, 16. 2: 15 - 17) Nye kapi ya kara nkenye apa ureru. Taking such a stand has not always been easy. Think about this: Jesus fed several through his disciples. 8 / 1 5 / 1 He and his wife were first missionaries in the Dominican Republic and went to Puerto Rico in 1957. Jehova kwa tumine muengeli Ngabiliyera mokukatantera muporofete Ndaniyera kuhamena ewizo " lyomuhoroworwagendesi gwaKarunga, ' ndi Mesiyasa. (Ndan. Previous to this incident, Jehovah had sent his angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel to convey to him a prophecy concerning the coming of "Messiah the Leader. " Perhaps you have set goals, such as serving as a ministerial servant or a ministerial servant, serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers, at Bethel, or at Bethel. Jayeli ta gusa hamara nontungo zotenta. Jael then took a pair of household implements that tent - dwelling women used often and skillfully - a tent pin and a mallet. When we rely on our own ideas, especially when we have serious problems, we may need to put ourselves in danger. Ngatu mu hara nokutura epuro mwendi. And we will love him and have faith in him. I asked him, and he gave me some books to read. Nombangi daJehova delike dina kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa zoUhompa Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones preaching the good news of God's Kingdom However, Egypt's Egyptians could not have been able to obtain Israel because Jehovah had fought for his people. Makura yimpempa yokuhulilira ngano ngayi donapa nye unene, kupita yomuhowo. " Then this last deception will be worse than the first. " The resurrections in other resurrections were marvelous and miraculous, but Jesus ' miracles were far greater than that. Ame kwa kere nonomvhura 21, nye vanavazinyetu kwa tambwire nge neharo. I was only 21 years of age, but the brothers accepted with warmth my youthful enthusiasm. Like the prophet Zechariah, Jesus said that God's people would be united. Madina kwa ga rundumuna. The names have been changed. At times, a trap may become a stone or a huge stone on the road where his animals are on the road. 12: 7 - 9) Ano mosirugana sendi " ngontumi zegwanekero ' lyaJehova, Jesus kwa wizire noGuhwe mokuyakonakona ntembeli zopampepo. (Mara. Then, in his role as Jehovah's "messenger of the covenant, " Jesus came with his Father to carry out an inspection of the spiritual temple. But what if he tells you those things before you ask why you are sick? Yirema yomondambo ngayi lidinkura tayi dana, ano yipurupuru ngayi dimba unene. " - Jesaya 35: 5, 6. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness. " - Isaiah 35: 5, 6. So I left guests in the room, and my wife and said: "Do not be afraid. " Kukwata egano " kwa kwatera mo kudimburura sininke esi asi dili kumoneka. (Heb. " To perceive " means to recognize something that may not be immediately visible or obvious. QUESTION: Does this religion follow Jesus ' example and avoid political warfare, whether members of the country will be hated? 6 6 But when they start to rely on Jehovah's wisdom, they benefit. " Ngwendi Paurusa, kuvhura o gave " uhwi wopampepo ' pokuzogera egano lyemEtjangwa, nampili velise zimwe. Like Paul, you can impart a "spiritual gift " by sharing a Scriptural thought, even from a single verse. Rather than focus on them, focus deeply on their good qualities, just as you want you to be treated. Kapi va kere nediwo lyokupama monoveta daKarunga ntani kapi va huguvarere mwendi. They had not built a foundation of accurate knowledge or godly wisdom; nor did they trust in Jehovah. The more you appreciate Jehovah, the more your love for him grows, and your love for him will grow. - Josh. Otate Hendrik ngava rugana nonkaku ntani nomosikunino moDonderen, mukundagona gokoMuzogo gwaDrenthe mosirongo saHoranda. My father, Hendrik, worked as a shoemaker and gardener in Donderen, a small village in north Drenthe, in the Netherlands. It is vital for us to support discipline. Kuhamena hompa gomuwa Ndafita, mupositoli Peturusa ga vyukililire kuuyunga asi: "Ndafita mwene kapi ga ronda meguru. " About good King David, the apostle Peter plainly said: "David did not ascend to the heavens. " Solomon said: "After all these things, you have the only reason to say: " I have put faith in God and obey his commandments, for this is the whole world. " - Eccl. Christ's Presence - What Does It Mean to You? Remember, Paul encouraged us to imitate the faithful ones whom Jehovah promised through "with faith and truth. " 27: 10) Nye apa mugara gumwe gokulihungameka ga pulire Jesus asi: "Mwene ogo mukwetu yilye? " But consider what Jesus said when a certain self - righteous man asked him: "Who really is my neighbor? " His point was: When we read God's Word in the ministry, we allow Jehovah to communicate with people. Kuvhura o gwane mauzera gamwe koIntaneta zetu / kwn. You can also receive helpful information by visiting our website, How did Jesus describe his feelings regarding his Father? Ntani morwasinke Jesus ga limburukwilire kurugana eharo lyogu ga mu tumine? And why did Jesus yield to the will of that One? Others show great boldness by supporting the preaching work and pioneering. Nga simbi kandjato koyimaliva, age nga hora ko kweyi ngava tura mo. " Motivated by a bad heart and outright greed, Judas went from bad to worse. But Jesus warned them about things that could lead to immorality. Nkango zomoBibeli "kuhara kukara mupitisili " kwa zi toroka konkangorugano zoRugereka ezi azi tanta asi kutokomena ndi kugonyonona ewoko. The Bible phrase "reaching out " translates a Greek verb that has the sense of desiring earnestly, stretching out. (b) Why did Jehovah choose the priests of Israel? 40: 5; Sak. 40: 5; Zech. One way is by obeying those taking the lead. Nyame musingi gozina mbesa ogu ga uyungire nove kuhamena kufuta kombesa. I'm the bus driver who talked to you about paying for the ticket. The Bible says: "If the lowly one is loving to Jehovah, he will repay you. " Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu likonakone nsene twa hara Kristusa unene? What will help us to examine the depth of our love for Christ? STUDY ARTICLES (Tara efano.) (b) Morwasinke natu divira sifanekeso sononzwi noyikombo? (See opening picture.) (b) What do we need to know about the parable of the sheep and the goats? While in that group, there were "seven men to take up wives and children. " Nombangi daJehova ngesi kuna kutoroka nokugavera yimbapiratjangwa yoBibeli momaraka gokupitakana po - 500. The great scope of this preaching work can best be appreciated by noting that Jehovah's Witnesses now translate and distribute Bible literature in over 500 languages. Therefore, Jehovah's people have made spiritual food available to the people. Nsene asi ose kutekura nonkore detu kuliza nononkango odo, omu tupu ya wapa kudikwama apa atu zuvhisire vantu, unene po "ava gwa tumbukira mwenyo gwanarunye "! - Yirug. 13: 48. If we are to apply the Golden Rule toward our enemies, how much more should we follow it when witnessing to people - many of whom may be "rightly disposed for everlasting life "! - Acts 13: 48. 121: 1, 2. Nampili pa pire hompa ndi mpitisili, mbunga zasimbonde kuruganena kumwe ngwendi mbunga zovakwayita, nokupita pwankenye silimbikiso. Even without a king or a leader, a locust swarm operates like a well - organized army, overcoming virtually any obstacle. At times, we may find it difficult to see God notice our problems. (b) Yisinke natu vhura kurugana mokudivilisa asi ezwi lyokomutjima li vhure kutuvatera? (b) What can we do to make sure that our conscience is truly useful to us? Our children say that they do not remember the words I used in those prayers. Vatungi womoSimeulue kwa dukilire konondundu apa va mwene enkupi kuna kutengura mefuta nononkondo, awo kapi va ndindilire li ka tengure. Recall that the residents of Simeulue's coastal villages fled to higher ground for safety the moment they saw the tide receding; they did not wait until it returned. " They know that they have come to know God, but they have come to know him. " - Titus 1: 16 (Resa Deuteronomium 6: 5 - 8; Rukasa 6: 45.) (Read Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 8; Luke 6: 45.) They heard God's word in their native language not again! (Muud. 3: 4; 4: 6) Nye nsene kapi ono kutakamesa, yilihafeso kuvhura yi ku guse ko kwaJehova. If you are not careful, however, recreation and entertainment could distance you from Jehovah. As told by Gerri Smith Yilye "mukadaNzwigona "? Who is "the Lamb's wife "? Jesus taught the greatest happiness of mankind, but he not only told his disciples. Momvhura 1950 yi tware komeho, yipo ka tamekere kukura kambunga kokuhova kava ngava lirongo Bibeli meraka lyoRukannada mositata saBombay. By the early 1950 ' s, a small study group had grown into the first Kannada - language congregation in Bombay. LIFE STORY 8, 9. (a) Maudigu musinke nampo ava ligwanekere nago vatjwayuki komavango aga ava tjwayukire? 8, 9. (a) What challenges may refugees face in a new land? God's name in some parts of Jesus ' day 17: 1 - 4, 11, 12; 22: 5 - 11) Brook kwa tanta asi: "Jehova kwa here tu rugane yapeke. " Adds Brook, "Jehovah wanted us to knock on another door. " [ Pictures on page 20] Apa muengeli gwaJehova ga mu monekerere, Ngidiyona ga tambwire nelinunupiko ukaro wendi. (Vap. When Jehovah's angel first appeared to him, Gideon readily acknowledged his modest background and credentials. The resurrection of Jesus was the most important thing in Jehovah's purpose and had the good news that will be preached worldwide. (Vahebeli 11: 26) Nsene tu gazara siruwo apa Jehova nga ka sikisa mo eyi ga tumbwidira, epuro neharo lyetu kwendi kunkondopara. When we imagine the time when Jehovah will do all that he has promised, our faith and love for Jehovah become stronger. First, forgiveness was extended to Jesus ' anointed brothers and "all sorts of men. " 30 "Mugova kupura nkenye eyi " 30 "The Naive Person Believes Every Word " What command did God give the Israelites? Siyimwa saso nokanunu si asi o si lye. " Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: " From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. 1, 2. (a) How did people become familiar with the physical heavens and the earth? Nkenye Sondaha awo kuhafa unene, apa ava tantere ko vamusinda vawo yokuhamena uwa waKarunga ntani nokufaturura omu nga ka kutika navenye "ava ava mu zigida mousili " ntani nomu nga ka popera" navenye ava va mu hara. " - Episarome 145: 7, 18, 20. Every Sunday they "bubble over " when they speak to their neighbors about God's goodness and explain how he will satisfy" all those who call upon him in trueness " and will guard "all those loving him. " - Psalm 145: 7, 18, 20. (a) What principle did the apostle Paul write about caring for parents? 28 KUDUMONKURU 2012 - 3 PEMBAGONA 2012 MAY 28, 2012 - JUNE 3, 2012 He said: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth has been given me. Jesus kapi ga kere nonyanya, nye kwa kere nonkenda neharo nougomoki ntani ga linunupikire momumtjima. - Mat. Jesus was never tyrannical or harsh but was always loving, kind, reasonable, mild - tempered, and lowly in heart. - Matt. Jesus had confidence and understood what he taught people to build faith. Apa tupu ya hege yita yauvali youzuni mbunga zimwe zovarwanesi yipo za tamekere kurwisa epangero lyaGereka nokuretesa po yita mosirongo. Just as World War II was ending, Greek communists rebelled against the Greek government, triggering a bitter civil war. There is a parallel between those Christians and God's people today. Name kwa here kuhamena kombunga zoNombangi zoruhafo I wanted to be part of the happy brotherhood that the Witnesses enjoy During the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, people learn how family heads, fathers, and children. Ngapi omu natu vatera varongwa wovape va dire kutjira vantu? In what ways can we help new ones to overcome fear of man? John's words made the people more confident about the Messiah. Ya ha ku fisa unye. Do not give up! In June 1966, there was a serious judgment against Jesse's brothers in June 1966. (Mat. 7: 24) Yimo, nsene tu yi likida asi ose tu vasikuli vaKristusa wousili, Karunga ngatu hafera ntani meho zetu ngazi kara zina koro ngwendi zezi va tatekera pemanya. Yes, if we prove to be real followers of Christ, we will receive God's favor, and our future will be secure, as if founded on rock! The Bible says that even our sins "will be made white like blood. " Morwa vantu ava ava tu pangere kapi va sikilira mo. For one thing, humans in positions of authority are imperfect. Why was that so? Pomuhowo, awo kwa dirukilire kombungakriste zemeraka lyoRufransa. First, they joined a French - speaking congregation. Then, near the end of the late 1800 ' s, it was like bones and flesh. (Vahebeli 13: 18) "Muwidi a zumbe widi wendi, a rugane nomawoko gendi. " - Vaefeso 4: 28. " Let the one who steals steal no more; rather, let him do hard work. " - Ephesians 4: 28. They lacked faith in God. Nye sili Karunga kutumbwidira ungawo kovantu ava ava mu kerere ndi? But does God really promise riches to those who serve him? As used in the Bible, "the word of faith " is solidly based on evidence. 15, 16. 15, 16. We will not fight this battle. Gazara tupu: Jesus kwa kutikire mayovi kupitira movarongwa vendi wovasesu. Just think: Jesus has fed thousands through the hands of a few - his disciples. The Bible has used mountains and mountains to illustrate the number of groups that seemed to be strong. Nage namukadendi yiwo vatumwa wokuhova moDominican Republic ano koPuerto Rico kwa zire ko momvhura 1957. He and his wife were the first Witnesses of Jehovah in the Dominican Republic, and they had arrived in Puerto Rico in 1957. Indeed, people could see what we did. Nampo wa litulira po yitambo, ngwendi kukara mupioniri ndi mukwafimbunga, nokukakarera komukunda oku kuna kara hepero zonene zovazuvhisi woUhompa, ndi koBeteli. Perhaps you have set certain goals for yourself, such as becoming a pioneer or a ministerial servant, serving in a territory where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers, or becoming a Bethelite. You might help your child to respond to three ways in which God's discipline is directed: (1) Be loving - kindness, (2) not to change, and (3) to change. 14: 12; 16: 25) Nsene tu huguvara magano ganyamwetu, unene po apa atu kara nomaudigu gomanene, ose ngatu litura nyamwetu mosiponga kumwe nava twa hara. If we rely on our own thinking, especially when we face serious problems, we are likely to endanger ourselves and those we love. Hezekiah's background was different from Ruth's background. Tani mu pura, makura ta pe nge ko nobuke dimwe ni ka rese. I talked to him, and he gave me some books to read. For example, Proverbs 5: 8, 9 urges young ones to avoid sexual immorality so that others might "not take hold of the glory that belongs to them. " Nampili ngoso, Vaegipite kapi ya va vhulikire mokugwana Vaisraeli morwa Jehova kwa rwililire mo vantu vendi. Yet, there was no possibility that the Egyptians would overtake them, for Jehovah was fighting for Israel. Jesus taught us how to listen. (1 Pet. 3: 18 - 22) Mavhumbuko gapeke kwa kere gokutetukisa ntani gopasitetu, nye lyaJesus lya pitakana. The previous resurrections were both marvelous and miraculous, but none compared to this supreme miracle. His great love was evident when he gave his perfect human life so that he could save mankind. Ngwendi muporofete Sakaliya, Jesus kwa tente asi vantu vaKarunga ngava kara mouumwe. Like the prophet Zechariah, Jesus said that God's people would be united. He was honest and ready to follow the Mosaic Law under Jehovah's Law. Poyiruwo yimwe siraha kuvhura kukara emugogwa ndi emanya lyemunene eli ava tege monzira omu ayi gendi nkenye apa yikorama. Sometimes an animal trap consists of a heavy log or stone suspended over a path where prey often move about. At that time, he gave this command: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Nye ngapi nsene a ku tantera yininke oyo komeho a ku pure eyi ono kuvera? But what if he makes that promise even before he asks you any questions about your health? After all, they say that the owner did not expect it anymore. Yipo na sigire vagenda monzugo zokuhingira, nokusikura mukadange monzugo zokuterekera nokumutantera asi: " Wa ha kara ugova. So, leaving the visitors in the front room, I got my wife into the kitchen and told her, " Don't be foolish. 3: 14. It is easy to take for granted the musical accompaniment that we enjoy at our special assembly days, circuit assemblies, and district conventions. To learn the name of the entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office that serves your country. EPURO: Ukarelikarunga ou kukwama sihonena saJesus ntani nokunyokera kulihameka moupolitika, nampili yi kare asi vahamenimo vamo ngava va nyenga vanapolitika ndi? QUESTION: Does this religion follow Jesus ' example and avoid becoming involved in politics, even if that means that its members will be hated by some politicians? ▪ What is a high regard for the great crowd? Nye apa ava tameke kuhuguvara mounongo waJehova, awo kugwanena mo mauwa. " But when they start relying on Jehovah's wisdom, the benefits begin right away. " 6: 14 - 17. Mevango lyokuvapangura, demenena po unene koyikara yawo yoyiwa ngamoomu no hara nove va ku tekure. Focus on their positive traits, just as you want them to focus on yours. Instead of curing the shepherd, the shepherd, and others, they were expelled from their congregation. Moomu rupandu roge kwaJehova runa kunkondopara yimo hena eharo lyoge lyokumuhedera nokumuhonena ngali nkondopara. - Jos. In turn, the deeper our appreciation for Jehovah, the stronger our desire to draw close to him and to imitate him. - Josh. This will help us to learn to make peace with one another. Ayo mulyo kwanatuvenye tu kwatese ko episuro. It is important that all of us allow the discipline to work. Showing good manners is one of the things Jesus Christ learned from his Father. Saromo kwa tente asi: "Konyima zeyi nayinye, simwe tupu selike sokuhepa kuuyunga asi: Tjira Karunga, ove o limburukwe koyipango yendi, yeeyi yangesi, yiyo va mu ungira muntu. " - Muud. Solomon rightly stated: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. " - Eccl. How do we know? Diworoka asi Paurusa kwa tu korangeda tu honene valimburukwi ava ga tumbwidilire Jehova kupitira " mepuro nomoudidimiki wawo. ' (Heb. Remember that Paul urged us to become imitators of those faithful ones who received promises from Jehovah "through faith and patience. " One of Satan's temptations is Satan's challenge. Sitwa sendi kwa kere asi: Apa atu resa Nonkango daKarunga moyirugana yokuzuvhisa, ose kuna kupulisira Jehova a uyunge novantu. His point was: When we read directly from God's Word in the ministry, we are letting Jehovah speak to the householder. Most of our brothers had no cars, so they couldn't wash me in the train. Ngapi Jesus ga singwenene malizuvho gendi kuhamena kurugana kumwe noGuhwe? How did God's firstborn Son describe how he felt about working beside his Father? Yet, Jehovah blesses them very much. Ano dimwe kulikida upampi wounene wokukwatesa ko sirugana sokuzuvhisa nesi souzuvhisi wokukarerera. Others are exceptional in their zealous support of the Kingdom - preaching work and in showing high regard for the full - time ministry. 2: 9. Why Jesus gave way to tears (Joh 11: 35), 9 / 15 He began working full - time in the full - time ministry for over 71 years. Nye Jesus ga va rondwere kuhamena eyi ayi twaredesa koruhonda. But Jesus warned them about what could lead to immorality. September 2013, issue of The Watchtower. (b) Morwasinke Jehova ga horowerere vapristeli moVaisraeli? (b) Why did Jehovah establish a priesthood within Israel? During the Thousand Year Reign, "the wonderful things unseen " will be fulfilled. Nkedi zimwe pokulimburukwa ava ava tu pitisire. (Heb. One way is by being in subjection to those taking the lead. (a) What will Satan cause the wild beast to do, and with what result? Bibeli kuuyunga asi: "Nsene o gava konohepere kuna fana ngwendi kwaHOMPA ono kuheheda, nye HOMPA nga ku tengwida kuwoko. " (Yis. " The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah, and He will repay him for what he does. " No one of those taking the lead among us or to be loyal to one another YIRONGWA YELIRONGO REGULAR FEATURES Do You Trust in Jehovah? Mombunga ozo, kwa kere mo "mayovi gane govagaragara mokugusa ko vakadi novanona. " Included were "four thousand men, besides women and young children. " He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matt. Yipo vantu vaJehova va gwane nondya dopampepo. (Jes. So that Jehovah's people are well - fed spiritually. Jehovah does not force us to serve him. 121: 1, 2. 121: 1, 2. (b) What can help us to preach the good news? (Joba 42: 3 - 6) Poyiruwo yimwe, nose kutudigopera kumona Karunga morwa maudigu getu. Sometimes, we too may find it hard to see God because of our problems. What must we do to have true freedom? Vana vetu kuuyunga asi kapi ava diworoka nonkango edi ngani tumbura momakanderero ogo. Our daughters often say that they do not remember the exact words of those nightly prayers. And I wanted to help her and buy Jimmy, which was good for her classmates. " " Awo kulikoreka asi va diva Karunga, nye awo kumupatana moyirugana yawo. " - Titusa 1: 16 " They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works. " - Titus 1: 16 * Many people, however, gave them the determination to avoid that habit. Awo kwa zuvhire nonkango daKarunga meraka lyawo lyoRufransa kapisi moRuratina hena! They had listened to the reading of the Gospels in their mother tongue - in French instead of Latin! WHY MANY TO GOD'S MANY Eyi ga simwitira Gerrit Lösch As told by Gerrit Lösch Children who learn the true God and follow his counsel can be a source of comfort in the family. (Jes. 48: 17, 18; Mat. 5: 3, NW) Jesus kwa rongere ntundiliro zoruhafo rovantu, nye kapisi yiyo yelike ga tanterere varongwa vendi. Jesus taught religious truths that form a basis for mankind's happiness, but that was not all that he conveyed to his disciples. At that time, ask Jehovah to help the brother, so to forgive him. ESIMWITITI LIFE STORY Since Satan had influenced Adam and Eve, he continued to influence people today. - John 8: 44. Edina lyaKarunga momaruha gamwe goSepetuagente momazuva gaJesus The divine name in a Septuagint manuscript fragment from Jesus ' day I would say to him: " Just as your father has seen you, you will also see your father again. [ Mafano gepepenuno 20] [ Pictures on page 20] And now we want to work hard to strengthen our faith in Jehovah, no matter what trials we face. Evhumbuko lyaJesus kwa kere sininke somulyo kositambo saJehova ntani kwa kere mbudi zongwa ezi ngava divisa uzuni mudima. Jesus ' resurrection was central to Jehovah's purpose and to the good news they boldly proclaimed far and wide. We are different from animals, for we know our Creator and serve him. Pomuhowo edongwenenopo lyononzo kwa mangurukilire vamumbya vaJesus wovagwavekwa ntani " kovantu navenye. ' Complete forgiveness became available, first for the sins of Christ's anointed brothers, then for "the whole world's. " Instead, he warned anointed Christians not to be like that slave. Mpangera musinke zokukwara ga geve Karunga koVaisraeli? What command about marriage did God give the Israelites? (b) What can help us to endure the trials of "the last days "? 1, 2. (a) Ngapi omu vantu va ya kara nediwo lyenzi kuhamena eguru nevhu? 1, 2. (a) How has man's knowledge of the heavens and the earth increased over time? For more information about the last days, see chapter 9 of "The conclusion of the system of things "? (a) Mpango musinke ga tjenge mupositoli Paurusa kuhamena kupakera mbili vakurona? (a) The apostle Paul set out what principle about providing for parents? I did not believe that God exists Age kwa tente asi: "Nonkondo nadinye demeguru, nedi depevhu nyame va di pa. He said: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 7 Prophecy 4. Jesus ga kere nehuguvaro ntani eyi nga rongo vantu ya va vaterere va tunge po epuro. Jesus was convinced of it, and his teaching built faith in his listeners. At times, what our brothers say or do may hurt our words or actions or do something that they may offend them. Pwa kara malifano pokatji koVakriste vena novantu vaKarunga vanaina. We can draw a parallel between those Christians and God's people today. Could it be that love was moved by an accurate knowledge of truth? (Sefaniya 2: 3) KoYinyanga yoUhompa yoNombangi daJehova, vantu kulironga ko omu nava kara vanturagumbo novaguhya novagolikadi novazinya wovawa. At Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses, people learn how to be better husbands and fathers and how to be better wives and mothers. But according to what we have considered, he may have revealed himself to others. 3: 11) Nonkango daJohanesa da ninkisire vantu va kare nendindiro lyenene kuhamena Mesiyasa. John's modest comment would not fail to heighten Messianic expectations. People who have a true worship understand and understand that since Jehovah created all things, he is the Universal Sovereign. Momvhura 1966 mwaPembagona, yipo mwa kere mpanguro zonene moLisbon. In June 1966, an outstanding court case was held in Lisbon. Listen to Jehovah in all your ways. 1: 6, 7) Bibeli kutanta asi nampili nonzo detu "di gehe ngwendi honde, ngadi zera ngwendi yiterengenze. " Jesus replied: "I tell you, I cannot see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. " (Ex. 21: 5, 6) Morwasinke ya karerere ngoso? It is of significance that this procedure involved the ear. How can we imitate Jesus ' example of watchfulness and maintain a balanced view of the ministry? Makura, pepi nehagero lyonomvhura 1800, ayo kwa kere ngwendi yisupa kuna kuhokera ko nonyama nosipapa. Then, near the end of the 1800 ' s, it was as if flesh and skin were coming on the bones. Since then, they preached the good news during "the last days, "" in times hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Kapi va kere nepuro mwaKarunga. They did not have faith in God. [ Footnote] Ngomu va zi ruganesa moBibeli, nkango "epuro " kuna kara ehuguvaro lyokupama va tatekera koumbangi. As used in the Bible, "faith " involves firm belief based on solid evidence. Because Abraham always obeyed Jehovah, his friendship was strengthened. (Ehor. 16: 14 - 16) Ose kapi ngatu rwa moyita eyi. In this war, God's servants on earth will not need to defend themselves against aliens from another planet. What else did John write about Christ's enemy? Bibeli kwa ruganesa nondundu noyirudi mokufanekesa nombunga edi adi moneka ngwendi kwa pama. The Bible uses mountains and islands to picture many of the organizations and institutions that seem so solid to mankind today. As a result, Jehovah "gives to the truth. " - 2 Tim. Yosili, vantu va dimbwilire eyi twa rugene. Yes, the campaign was noticed. Jehovah feels regret when he sees such evil. - Read Genesis 6: 5, 6. (Yisewe 4: 13) Kuvhura o vatere munoge a tambure mavyukiso pokutemwinina nonkedi ntatu omu Karunga a vyukisa: Episuro lya hepa kukara (1) lyeharo, (2) lyehetakano, ntani (3) lyokudira kurundurura. They "hold on to discipline " and" do not let it go. " You can help your child to respond positively by imitating closely three key elements of God's discipline: It is (1) loving, (2) reasonable, and (3) consistent. During World War I, God's people were particularly persecuted and ban their literature in prison. Ntundiliro zaHisikiya kwa lisigire unene nezi zaRutu. Hezekiah's background was very different from Ruth's. A brother named Roald, who lives in Mexico, says: "I was addicted to work, even though I did not need it. Pasihonena, Yisewe 5: 8, 9 kuna kutumangeda vadinkantugara va nyokere po ruhonda yipo asi " vapeke ngava dire kugusa efumano eli va kere nalyo. ' For example, Proverbs 5: 8, 9 urges young men to shun fornication "that you may not give to others your dignity. " That publication announced that in 2007, nearly 27 million of us are still on the road to Babylon. " - 2 Thess. Jesus kwa tu ronga omu natu purakena. Jesus taught us how to listen. Tim: No, I agree. Eharo lyendi lyenene kwa lilikidire apa ga geve eparu lyendi lyokusikilira mo yipo a vhure kuzowora vantu. His greatest expression of love was to surrender his perfect human life so that others might be saved. They do all they can to help us preach the good news, make progress, and help many people to become servants of Jehovah. (Rutu 1: 16, 17) Age nga hungike nokurugana unene mokupupura nombuto kuliza noVeta ezi ga tulire po Jehova kovahepwe. She was honest and worked hard to glean, following the Law's arrangement for the poor. You are not anxious, and you have no physical health or pain. Posiruwo oso nampo yipo ga geve mpangera ezi asi: "Yipo nye nomu zira konomuhoko nadinye, mu ka di ninke di kare varongwa vange, mu ka di kuhwire medina lyaGuhwe neli lyoMuna neli lyoMpepo zoKupongoka. Ka di rongeni, di ka limburukwire nayinye eyi na mu rekera. " (Mat. 28: 19, 20; 1 Kol. It may have been on that occasion that he said: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " He spoke with those who preached in isolated areas. Mwanayinye, awo kutanta asi mwenyayo kapi ta ndindire hena asi a si gwane. After all, they reason, the owner has undoubtedly written it off as a loss. This prophecy refers only to human governments, or governments, that are part of the immense image. - 6 / 15, page 17. 3: 14. 3: 14. Last year, more than 7 million copies were given, and the number of people came to 607 B.C.E. - 607 B.C.E. Mokudiva edina lyoaderesi ezi adi ruganesa Nombangi daJehova mosirongo seni, gwanekera ndi toonena mberewa zomutayi zomosirongo seni. To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office that serves the country. Jehovah was so disappointed when he saw how badly the Egyptians treated the Israelites; even if they were affected by grief and grief. ▪ Meharango musinke ali karere emukurumbunga? When Moses sent them to them, they replied: "We don't come. " 6: 14 - 17. 6: 14 - 17. " They will certainly build up your fields and eat their fields. Mevango lyokumuhengagwida, musita ntani navamwe womongereka zawo, awo kwa mu tjidire mo mombunga zawo. Instead of giving him comfort, his pastor and other members of his church expelled him from the congregation. This publication is not for sale. (Varoma 15: 4) Eyi ngayi tu vatera tu lironge kutulisa po mbili novakwetetu. This can help us learn how to keep peace with others. Like Carol, you may face severe problems that you see as you do not have to change. Kulikida nonkedi donongwa kuna kara simwe soyininke seyi Jesus Kristusa ga lirongerere ko koGuhwe. Among the many things that Jesus Christ learned from his Father was courtesy. Moses then wrote God's laws "in the book of Revelation " so that the whole nation could hear it again. Ngapi twa yi diva? How do we know? " Why were the wild beast likened to the wild beast? " Ehomono limwe eli a ruganesa Satana a li mu tompoka kuna kara edompeso mutjima. One of the most effective subtle tactics Satan uses is discouragement. Jehovah's Witnesses preach to glorify God and make known his name. Sinzi sovanavazinyetu kapi va kere nomatuwa, makura kwato ogu nga vhuru kuyasimba nge kositasi zomahina gorutenda. Most brothers did not own a car, so no one was able to pick me up at the train station. Did God ignore Habakkuk's concerns? Nye, Jehova kuvatungika unene. Yet, they are richly blessed by Jehovah. 4: 29 - 31; 7: 8 - 13. 2: 9. 2: 9. Show that you want to listen to and think carefully before making a decision. Yipo ga tamekere nosirugana soUhompa sosiruwo nasinye esi sa gusa nomvhura 71. Thus began a career of full - time service that spanned 71 years. How will it affect us if we see others in others? mosifo saSitarara - Sikukutu 2013. in the July 1, 2013, issue of this magazine. What can we learn from these events? 1: 9, 10) MEpangero lyoNomumvho Eyovi, yininke yokutetukisa " eyi ayi dili kumoneka ' ngayi ka sikilira mo. During the Thousand Year Reign, marvelous things presently "unseen " will be brought to reality. Jesus used the illustration carefully. (a) Yisinke Satana nga ninkisa sikasama si rugane, ntani yitundwamo musinke ngayi kara? (a) What will the wild beast do, and with what outcome? Later, I worked with two groups who helped to repair Kingdom Halls and assist with Kingdom Halls. Kwato gokutuvangarera po ndi gokutulimburukwira po No one can be faithful for us or stay watchful for us ▪ What attitude am I showing by participating in such activities? Ove erenga eli va huguvara ndi? Some of these things were diagnosed with the Christian congregation. Age kwa tente asi: "Mbudi zoNgwa ezi zoUntungi waKarunga tanko ngava zi divisa mwa za uzuni mudima, zi kare umbangi wonomuhoko nadinye, ntani nye ngaku kwama uhura. " - Mat. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matt. In time, the message may appear again, even though they have rejected lies. Jehova kapi a tu sininike tu mu karere. Jehovah does not force anyone to worship him. 16: 10. (b) Yisinke nayi tu vatera yipo yi tu rerupire kuzuvhisa mbudi zongwa? (b) What can help us be more comfortable when declaring the good news? To illustrate: If someone asks you the best way to go home, what can you do to help you? Yisinke twa hepa kurugana yipo tu kare noumanguruki wousili? What is the secret to gaining true freedom? The priests also gave them "all the glory of God " that the Israelites brought to worship in worship. Ano ame kwa here kumuvatera nokurandera munetu, Jimmy, yininke yimwe yoyiwa eyi ngava hafere vanasure vakwawo. " * "I wanted to lighten his load and to help buy our son, Jimmy, some of the nice things his schoolmates enjoyed. " It causes a slave to become enslaved to a slave. * Vantu wovanzi, ediwo olyo kwa va pere etokomeno eli va hepere mokunyokera po nkareso ozo. * For many, that knowledge provided the incentive they needed to resist or quit the habit. They go to Canada to preach in order to preach EYI VA ZI PULIRA VANTU WOVANZI EVIDENCE THAT HAS CONVINCED MANY All rights reserved. Vanona ava ava lirongo kuhara Karunga gosili nokukwama mapukururo gendi kuvhura kureta ehengagwido mepata. Young ones who learn to love the true God and to follow his counsel can become a source of comfort in a family. " Many brothers and sisters have spent more time in the ministry, " wrote a 12 - year - old brother who has spent more time in the ministry, "and they have few Bible studies because they do not get involved. " Posiruwo oso, hundira Jehova a vatere munazinyetu ogo, yipo mu ligusire po. In the meantime, pray for your brother; ask Jehovah to bless him. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES teach us how to think about good things and show us how we can improve our personality. Kutunda apa Satana ga pukisire Adamu naEva, age kwa twikira simpe kupukisa vantu dogoro naina. - Joh. 8: 44. After turning Adam and Eve away from God, Satan the Devil has continued to mislead mankind until today. - John 8: 44. With zealous disciples of God's Word and participating in congregation meetings can contribute to that progress. (Johanesa 5: 28, 29) Ame ngani mu tantere asi: "Gazara tupu, ngo ka mona hena oguho. " Imagine seeing your father again, " I would say. In 1962 we were thrilled to enjoy a convention entitled "The Publishers and courageous. " 2: 9) Ano ngesi tuna hara kurugana unene tu nkondopeke epuro lyetu yipo tu kwaterere koulimburukwi wetu kwaJehova, ga kare asi maheteko musinke tuna kuligwanekera nago. Meanwhile, we want to use every opportunity to strengthen our faith so that we will be able to keep our integrity to Jehovah no matter what tests we may face. Professor Professor noted that there are other things that must be rooted (1) to protect the physical creatures, (2) to use the facts, (3) to make it available. Ose vantu kwa lisiga noyikorama, morwa ose kuvhura kudiva Musiti gwetu nokumukarera. In contrast with animals, we can come to know our Creator and serve him faithfully. He had the power to compare the human race to the human race. Nye, age kwa rondwere vagwavekwa asi kapisi va kare ngwendi mukareli gwina gomudona. Instead, he was warning those anointed ones that they should not become like the evil slave. Moreover, the Thousand Year Reign of Christ will be no part of Christ's Millennial Reign. - Rev. (b) Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu lididimikire maudigu " gopomazuva gopouhura '? (b) Our realizing what will help us to cope with conditions "hard to deal with "? What can single Christians learn about marrying and choosing a marriage mate? Komauzera gomanzi kuhamena mazuva gopouhura tara egaununo 9 "Uhura wouzuni pepi una kara ndi? " For a detailed discussion of the sign of the last days, see chapter 9, "Are We Living in the " Last Days '? " Yes, " Jehovah himself will see to those who obey him, and his love for him will grow. ' Kapi na yi pulire asi Karunga pweli For Me, God Did Not Exist Marie - year - old sisters from a foreign country have been serving in West Africa. 7 Uporofete 4. 7 Prophecy 4. Brother Hughes, who obeyed God and supported his organization, wrote: "I thank you for knowing what Jehovah's purpose was in 1914. Poyiruwo yimwe, eyi ava uyunga ndi ava rugana vanavazinyetu kuvhura yi tu handukise ntani nonkango ndi yirugana yetu nayo kuvhura yi va handukise. Accordingly, there will be times when we will be irritated by the words or actions of fellow believers - or when they will be annoyed by ours. Each of us is determined to follow the direction we receive from God's organization. Kuvhura yi kare asi eharo lyovantu kwa li tumangedere egano lyousili ndi? Is it possible that mankind's "collective consciousness " is imprinted with the memory of something real? Like the Samaritan in Jesus ' illustration, let us help people who suffer, even if Jehovah's Witnesses are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Nye kuliza neyi tuna zogere, age nampo ga ya lidivisire mwene kovantu. In the light of the foregoing, however, there is a strong likelihood that he openly declared himself to be a Christian. Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31. Vantu ava va kara moukareli wousili awo va yi kwata egano ntani nokuyitambura asi morwa Jehova yige ga sita nayinye, age ga wapera kukara Mupangeli gwanayinye. People who practice true worship recognize that because Jehovah created all things, he is the rightful Sovereign of the universe. It was the first time that there were over 15 million people of God. 26: 24, 25) Purakena kwaJehova nokumuhuguvara mwanayinye eyi o rugana. Shut your ears, then, to Satan's propaganda. We got married in 1983 and got baptized soon thereafter. Jesus ta mu limburura asi: " Yosili nina kukutantera, muntu nokuvhura si kumona Untungi waKarunga, ntudi kuna mu hampurukurura ntani. ' In answer Jesus said to him: " Most truly I say to you, Unless anyone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. ' 14, 15. (a) What did Zechariah see in his vision? Ngapi omu natu temwinina sihonena saJesus sokuvangarara nokukara nehetakano mosirugana sokuzuvhisa? How can we imitate Jesus ' example of watchfulness and balance when it comes to our Kingdom - preaching work? How can we do that? (Ehororo 12: 12) Kutundilira pena, awo kwa zuvhisa mbudi zongwa " momazuva aga gopouhura, ' " moyiruwo eyi yoyidigu. ' - 2 Timoteusa 3: 1. And since that time, they have been preaching during these "last days " that are" hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. 7, 8. [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnotes] Sometimes I thought I would find it a hand to use it to use it. Morwa Abirahamu nga limburukwa Jehova nkenye apa nampili mweyi yoyinunu, ukaume wawo kwa nkondoparere. Because Abraham always obeyed Jehovah even in little things, their friendship became stronger. What, though, if the farmer sows seeds during the season or the season? Yisinke hena ga tjenge Johanesa kuhamena nkore zaKristusa? What else did John write regarding the antichrist? 1, 2. (a) What situations may we face? Ngoyitundwamo, Jehova "kuvhura a va tezwilise va dive usili. " - 2 Tim. In turn, Jehovah "may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth. " - 2 Tim. What does the chapter "Keep on the watch " mean? Jehova kumuguvisa apa a mono udona wangoso. - Resa Genesis 6: 5, 6. It hurts Jehovah to see such injustice. - Read Genesis 6: 5, 6. It appears that a steward was eager and humble. (Ehor. 13: 3, 7) PoYita yoPomuhowo yoUzuni, kwa hepekere vantu vaKarunga nokusilika yimbapiratjangwa yawo nokutura vapitisili vawo modorongo. During World War I, it oppressed God's people, banned some of their publications, and threw representatives of the faithful slave class into prison. Prayer: The model prayer that Jesus used to teach us how to pray. Munazinyetugara gedina Jesús, gomoMeksiko, kwa tanta asi: "Ame kwa kere mupika koyirugana yange, ngani rugana rutayima nampili ngomu ya dilire kukara hepero. A brother named Jesús, who lived in Mexico, said: "I was a slave to my job, at times working five consecutive shifts even though it was not obligatory to do so. All of us will receive everlasting life by exercising faith in Christ, by putting forth effort to resist wrong desires and by walking in harmony with the spirit. Simbapiratjangwa oso kwa divisire asi mo - 2007, noboma odo dokusika konyara 27 000 simpe ha da karera po ano dimwe donoboma odo dokusika po - 2 000 "kwa kere monzira zokudituma di ka hanuke. " The Bulletin reported that in 2007, some 27,000 nuclear weapons still remained and that 2,000 of those were "ready to launch within minutes. " What should we avoid showing appreciation for God's undeserved kindness? Timo: Hawe, yosili. Tim: Well, there you go. * Ayo kuyiruganena va tu vatere tu zuvhise mbudi zongwa, nokutura po ezokomeho nokuvatera vantu wovanzi va ya kare vakareli vaJehova. To facilitate the preaching of the good news, to enhance the spiritual welfare of those carrying out this work, and to advance true worship. As we have seen, we imitate Jehovah when we use our ability to understand how others feel. Kapi ono kara noyinka ano rutu roge ruwaawa kwato mauvera ndi kukora. Better yet, your mind is clear of worries, your body untroubled by any trace of illness, allergies, or pain. You can be sure that you will do so. Age kwa uyungire kumwe nowo ngava zuvhisire konomukunda dokoure. She also spoke with those who serve in an isolated area. Many of these are evidence that you are mature and give a measure of glory and a reward for righteousness. Uporofete ou kwa tamba tupu koyirongo ndi mapangero aga ga kara ruha rosinhwi sefano lyenene lyosivera. - 6 / 15, epenuno 17. The reference is to the kingdoms, or governments, pictured by the various parts of the metal image explained by Daniel. - 6 / 15, page 17. in The Watchtower of October 15, 1995. Mvhura za piti, mamiliyona gokusika pontambali kwa gaverere yimbapira yezigido, ano sivaro sovantu ava va wizire kwa sikire po - 17 790 631! Why, last year, some seven million of us distributed invitations, and a total of 17,790,631 people attended! This required adjusting publishers in territories and congregations of the Governing Body. Jehova ya mu guvisire sili pokumona omu Vaegipite ngava tekura momudona Vaisraeli ngovapika; nampili naina simpe elininkiliromo eli lina kuhoroka kumuguvisa. Jehovah God felt grieved by the harsh treatment of Israelite slaves in Egypt; he must feel the same way about similar injustice today. I was very discouraged. Apa Mosesa ga va tuminine va wize, awo kwa limbwilire nelinenepeko asi: "Kapi natu wiza ko ose. " (Num. When called to appear before Moses, they responded arrogantly: "We are not going to come up! " Jehovah was clearly not pleased with their spirit. 104: 33. " Vanayirongo ngava lima mapya geni, oku tava wapeke yikunino yeni yomandjembere. " Foreigners will be your farmers and your vinedressers. Even if prayer does not seem to be easy, elders can be confident that Jehovah will answer the right time. Simbapiratjangwa esi kapisi sokurandesa. This publication is not for sale. He wrote: "Let us pursue things that leads to peace and things that are related to one another. " Ngwendi Carol, kuvhura o ligwanekere nomaudigu gomanene aga ono kumona ngwendi kapi ngapa kara po marunduruko. Like Carol, you may be facing some severely stressful situations with little chance of improvement. How comforting it is to know that our loved ones who are asleep in death will return to life in a righteous new world! 24: 3) Makura Mosesa ta tjanga noveta " mobuke zomalikwatakano " nokudiresa kuziguruka yipo muhoko nagunye gu zuvhe ko hena. Then Moses wrote down the laws in "the book of the covenant " and read them aloud so that the whole nation could hear them again. Yes, Jehovah God created all the universe, stars, and stars. " Morwasinke va gugikilire nomutayi domuzwe gomowiza komuzwe gokutapeka "? Grafting Wild Olive Branches - Why? Many of Jehovah's people in ancient times thought what they had promised. Nombangi daJehova kuzuvhisa mokuyererepeka Karunga nokudivisa edina lyendi. Jehovah's Witnesses preach to glorify God and to make known his name. " Reading the truth, " says Ana, a 15 - year - old in Brazil, "I don't know how to start talking with my parents about sex. " Karunga ga ncenwine sinka saHabakuku ndi? Did God belittle Habakkuk's concerns? What will help us to " carefully understand everything " necessary to please our Father? 4: 29 - 31; 7: 8 - 13. 4: 29 - 31; 7: 8 - 13. He is ready to listen carefully to our prayers. Yi likida asi ono hara kupurakena nokugazadara ko komeho zokutura po etokoro. Show that you are willing to listen and weigh all factors involved before making a decision. As they grew up, they did not enjoy family study. Ngapi ngayi tu kundama nsene tu mona uwa movakwetu? What effect will learning to look for the good in others have on us? Yes, we can acquire wisdom. Yisinke natu lirongera ko koyihorokwa oyo? What do we learn from these events? A person who " hides himself ' shows that he still did not sin in his heart. - Read Ephesians 5: 3, 4, 12; Col. (Mateusa 24: 46, 47, 50, 51; 25: 19, 28 - 30) Jesus kwa ruganesere sifanekeso mokuyizeresa nawa. Jesus used an illustration to explain this in more detail. (b) How do Psalm 32: 8 encourage those who lack confidence? Konyima tani ya rugana nomvhura mbali kumwe nombunga ezi azi vatere poyimpagwa mokuwapukurura Yinyanga yoUhompa ntani nomambo govanavazinyetu. Later, I spent two years with a hurricane relief team, rebuilding Kingdom Halls and homes for the brothers. 64: 8; Matt. ▪ Nkareso musinke nina kulikida pokulihameka moyininke oyo? ▪ What kinds of attitudes are you exposed to when you engage in those activities? What will help us to make such changes? (Yirug. 2: 33) Pepoomweno olyo, yipo va zi tatekere po mbungakriste. That outpouring of the holy spirit marked the founding of the Christian congregation. Those who receive God's approval will benefit from that ransom. Mwaza siruwo, mbudi kuvhura zi ya moneke hena nampili ngomu va zi nyokerere po asi yimpempa. Every now and again, a story might reappear even though it was exposed as false in the past. For more information on what God permits the weak, see the article "Our Readers Ask... 16: 10. His wife, Krista, spoke fondly of being influenced by older members of the Bethel family who proved to be "faithful in what is least, " as Jesus recommended. - Luke 16: 10. In some cultures, guests may be stumbled in some cultures. Mokuyifanekesa: Nsene gumwe na ku pura nzira zongwa po zokuza kembo lyoge, yisinke wa hepa kudiva yipo o mu vatere? To illustrate: If someone called you and asked for the best way to get to your home, what would you need to know in order to help? However, Jehovah did not allow Abraham to do what he had done later. 18: 25 - 29) Vapristeli nawo kwa va pere "nonzambo nadinye dokupongoka " edi ngava reta Vaisraeli kwaKarunga kevango lyoukareli. * The priests were also given "all the holy contributions " that the sons of Israel brought to God at his place of worship. For example, researchers have found that a baby can hear and hear what happens to his mother. Ago kuninkisa muntu a kare mupika gwago. It makes the user a slave to the damaging habit. Paul did not say a few years later when he gave this counsel: "Everyone among us will render an account to God. " - Rom. Awo kuna kuza kevango lyokoure va ka zuvhise They are going to a remote area of the country to preach Those who examine the Bible carefully view the building of Titus as precious. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Table of Contents Mutumwa ogu ga kara mosirugana oso nomvhura dokupitakana 12 kwa tjanga asi: "Vanavazinyetu wovanzi va kara nosiruwo sosinzi sokuzuvhisa nokutulisa po malirongo goBibeli morwa kapi va kara noyininke eyi ayi va donganesa. " A missionary serving for over 12 years in a land where every publisher conducts, on average, more than three Bible studies writes: "Since many of the publishers have a simple lifestyle with few distractions, they generally have more time for the field ministry and Bible study work. " Or perhaps we may feel that we are not content to keep our goals or that we do not expect them or because we have made mistakes. UKARELIKARUNGA wouwa kuturonga omu natu gazara kuhamena yininke yoyiwa po ntani kutulikida omu natu vhura kuwapukurura nkareso zetu. GOOD religion elevates our thinking and shows us how to improve our conduct. We read: "The people stood by Moses until the evening. " (Koros. 1: 9) Pokukara varongwa womupampi woNonkango daKarunga ntani nokulihameka momapongo gomombungakriste nayo kuvhura kugwederera kezokomeho olyo. Being diligent students of God's Word and having an active share in congregation meetings will certainly contribute to that end. Table of Contents Mo - 1962 ose kwa haferere sigongi sosiparatjangwa "Vazuvhisi wouradi. " In 1962 we enjoyed the "Courageous Ministers " District Assembly. As you contemplate those words, ask yourself: " Do I have the same attitude toward people? Profesora gumwe kwa uyunga asi pwa hepa hena yininke yimwe ngwendi (1) sipapa sokupopera sinamwenyo oso, (2) sa hepa kugwana nonkondo nokuvhura kudiruganesa (3) pwa hepa mauzera omu nasi fana nomu nasi kura ntani (4) nononkondo yipo si vhure kutwikira kuvhara ko yinamwenyo yokusifana. One professor of chemistry said that among the things needed would be (1) a protective membrane, (2) the ability to get and process energy, (3) information in the genes, and (4) the ability to make copies of that information. Why? Age kwa kere nononkondo edi no dira kuvhura kuhetakanesa novagara ava ava limono asi awo nonkondo unene. He had strength and physical power that would make any " macho man ' pale in comparison. One factor is love for what we do to be known as Jehovah's name. 21: 1) Ntani hena, Epangero lyoNomumvho Eyovi lyaKristusa ngano kapi ngali kara po morwa pwato vapangerwa. - Ehor. Then, too, Christ's Thousand Year Reign could not become a reality without any earthly subjects. - Rev. She began studying the Bible with the Witnesses, after six months, she dedicated her life to God and got baptized. Yisinke Vakriste wovadike nava lirongera ko kuhamena kulivandekera nokuhorowora mulikwali? What can single Christians learn about courtship and choosing a mate? [ 1] (paragraph 5, 6.) According to Psalm 87: 5, God will reveal all the names of those who will rule in heaven with Jesus in heaven. 25: 34) Yimo, Jehova " mwene nga ragopeka ava ava limburukwa kwendi, ano eharo lyendi ngali va kudumika ngwendi silikandwiso. ' (Epis. Yes, " Jehovah himself will bless anyone righteous; as with a large shield, with approval he will surround them. ' In what ways can we imitate Mary's faith? Marie - Thérèse nage gumwe govanavazinyetukadi 20 wovadike va tunda kosirongo sapeke va ya zuvhisire koUtokero waAfrika. Marie - Thérèse is one of the some 20 single sisters from abroad who serve as "need greaters " in West Africa. Jehovah knows more than anyone else. Munazinyetugara Pryce Hughes, ogu ga limburukwire kwaKarunga nokukwatesa ko mbunga zendi, kwa tjenge asi: "Ame kupandura kweyi na ya divire sitambo saJehova komeho tupu zomvhura 1914... Brother Pryce Hughes, who resolutely stuck to God and kept in step with His organization, once wrote: "I am so thankful that I have lived in the knowledge of Jehovah's purposes from those early days just prior to 1914... 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Brazil Nkenye gumwe gwetu a tokomene mokukwama mavyukiso aga atu gwana kombunga zaKarunga. Let each of us be resolved to stick closely to the instruction we receive from God's organization. God's New Birth - What Does It Mean for You? Ngwendi Musamaliya gomosifanekeso saJesus, tu vatereni vantu ava vana kuhepa, nampili kapisi Nombangi daJehova. (Ruk. Like the neighborly Samaritan in Jesus ' illustration, we want to help suffering people, including those who are not Witnesses. I look forward to learning so many truths each night! " Resa 1 Vakolinte 10: 31. Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31. How can we gain that understanding and understanding? Kwa kere sikando sawo sokuhova sokuponga novantu vaKarunga wokupitakana po - 15 ndi 20. For some, it was the first time they had attended a gathering of more than 15 or 20 of God's people. During the six years that they have been serving in that area, they say: "It is wonderful to see how new ones are becoming part of the congregation. Ose kwa likwere mo - 1983 nokugwana ekuho mo - 1985, ano konyima tupu zoyo yipo twa tamekere nouzuvhisi wokuvatera. We were married in 1983, got baptized in 1985, and immediately thereafter commenced auxiliary pioneering. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. 14, 15. (a) Yisinke Sakaliya ga mwene memoneko lyendi lyauntambali? 14, 15. (a) In his seventh vision, what does Zechariah see? 6: 16. Ngapi natu yi rugana? How can we do that? What work do Bethelites work with Assembly Halls, and how can we assist them? 7, 8. 7, 8. " When I am content with using my power of spiritual things, " she says, "I feel better in my mind and mind. " - Phil. Poyiruwo yimwe ngani gazara ngwendi ni gwane ko mawoko goyivera yipo ni ruganese ko. Sometimes I imagined having high - tech arms that would allow me to do everything. (b) What is one way to strengthen our faith and courage? Ngapi nsene munandima a kuna mbuto posiruwo ndi posinema sepuko? What if a farmer ignores that simple fact and plants a crop at the wrong time or season? However, many young people have made such changes. 1, 2. (a) Maukaro musinke natu vhura kuligwanekera nago? 1, 2. (a) What situations may confront us? What else can we learn from the Bible? Yisinke ali tanta egaununo " lyondundu zomauzwe '? In what sense does "the Mount of Olives " split? Some people may give an important advice on the subject, but this time the counsel does not take on the subject. Ayo kwa moneka asi Erenga kwa resere nelituromo ntani nelinunupiko. Evidently, he was reading with an eager, meek attitude. " The United Nations gathered together on May 20, May 32 C.E. Ekanderero lyosihonena: Ekanderero eli ga ruganesere Jesus mokuturonga omu natu kanderera. Model prayer: The prayer that Jesus used to teach us how to pray. This shows how Jehovah has wisdom. Natuvenye nga tu gwana mwenyo gwanarunye kupitira mokulikida epuro mwaKristusa nokulitura mo unene mokunyokera po madowo gomadona ntani nopokuparuka kuliza negendeso lyompepo. All of us gain life by exercising faith in Christ, by exerting ourselves to deaden improper desires, and by living in accord with the spirit's direction. The contrast between true Christians and early during World War I, which led to "the secondary part of the earth, " which led to the secondary part of the" other sheep, " the other sheep. Yisinke twa hepa kunyokera po mokulikida rupandu konkenda zaKarunga? God's undeserved kindness should move us to what extent? What if your child does not like with sports? * * [ Footnote] Ngomu tuna lirongo, ose kuhonena Jehova apa atu ruganesa evhuliko lyetu lyokukwata egano malizuvho gava wopeke. As we have learned, we imitate Jehovah when we use our ability to understand how other people feel. Children would like to enjoy some of them, but those who want to serve in their race, often use most hours each day. Kara nehuguvaro asi ngayi rugana. Be sure that at some point, he will do so! " In our way to go to one of the Kingdom Hall, soldiers drove us up before we go to the Kingdom Hall. Magonye ogo kulikida asi muntu ono kuru ntani kugava mfumwa nomfeto zouhungami. Those signs can be evidence of maturity, dignity, and inner beauty. Second, if we pray and live in harmony with Jehovah's will, he will care for us now and will take care of all our needs ahead of all our desires. moRuhungu 15 Sikukutu 1995. in the October 15, 1995, issue of The Watchtower. 1: 5; 1 Cor. Eyi kwa hepere kurundurura vazuvhisi nonomukunda donombungakriste noyitumbukira yovanavazinyetu wokupitisira. This required reassigning publishers to different congregations as well as adjusting congregation territories and the responsibilities of brothers having oversight. Some may need advice how to prepare for the responsibilities of a husband or wife. Ame kwa dompere unene mutjima. I became very depressed. How did the testimony card help publishers? 104: 33. 104: 33. The book of Daniel also indicates that God's Kingdom will replace all human governments; it will not be replaced by human rulership. 11: 9) Nampili ekanderero li moneke ngwendi kapi vana kulilimburura usimbu, vakuronambunga kuvhura va kare nehuguvaro asi Jehova nga li limburura posiruwo souhunga. Even if an answer to prayer seems delayed, overseers can be assured that Jehovah will respond in his own due time. When asked an elder why he waited for a long time without repentance. Age kwa tjenge asi: "Atu kondjereni eyi ayi reta mbili neyi ayi tu koraike - koraike. " (Rom. In his letter to the Romans, he writes: "Let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another. " It seems that after his resurrection, Jesus announced to the demons about the judgment that is set before them. - 6 / 15, page 23. Ee, omu tupu ayi tu hengagwida pokudiva asi vahali vetu ava vana rara ngesi monontoko ngava ka va tengwidira hena keparu mouzuni woupe omu ngamu ka pira nayinye eyi ayi reta ruguwo! How comforting it is to know that our loved ones now asleep in mankind's common grave have the prospect of resuming life in a wonderful new world free of all the present - day causes of distress! I developed friendships with those who did not love Jehovah and were influenced by my parents. 9: 6) Yosili, Jehova Karunga kwa sita nayinye yomouzuni, nonombungururu dokudira kuvhura kuvarura. Equally marvelous, he created everything on our beautiful planet with its amazing ability to sustain an astonishing variety of life - life that keeps reproducing according to its kind. 24: 13. Sinzi sovantu vaJehova womosiruwo sanare ngava gazara eyi ga va tumbwidilire. Many of Jehovah's people in Bible times could imagine what he had promised. You can be sure that when we live by the Bible's high moral standards, the sacrifices that God makes for us bring us "with great joy and joy. " Ana gomoBrasilia gonomvhura 15 kwa tente asi: "Kutanta usili, kapi na diva omu nani vhura kutameka nzogera novakondi vange kuhamena eligwanekero panyama. " " Frankly, I have no idea how to start a conversation with my parents about sex, " says 15 - year - old Ana from Brazil. The parents told their parents to meet with them before they met. Yisinke ngayi tu vatera tu " kwate egano nawa - nawa ' nayinye ya hepa po mokuhafesa Guhyetu? What will enable us to "understand everything " we need to know to please our heavenly Father? Jesus encouraged his disciples to have a physical eye. Age ga liwapaikira kupurakena nawa komakanderero getu. He is able to listen attentively to all our prayers. In the area of C.E., almost 1 Tim., many of them crossed the Jordan River and crossed the Euphrates River. Apa va ya kulire pamwe kapi ngava hafere elirongo lyepata. As they got older, they complained at times about having the family study. Who will follow that sign? " Household of Caesar ," 3 / 1 This is especially so because the sheep are not alive. - Gen. 2: 1 - 6) Yosili, kuvhura tu gwane unongo. Clearly, we can gain wisdom. 7. Muntu ogu a " tarurura ' mowina yininke yokunyata kulikida asi age simpe kapi ga dipaga madowo gomadona momutjima gwendi. - Resa Vaefeso 5: 3, 4, 12; Koros. Worse yet, someone who deliberately "keeps on looking " needs to have his illicit desires deadened. - Read Ephesians 5: 3, 4, 12; Col. But it is not God who has appointed us as a slave. (b) Ngapi nonkango demEpisarome 32: 8 adi korangeda ava va dira kulihuguvara? (b) Why are the words at Psalm 32: 8 reassuring to those who may lack self - confidence or skills? Because of inherited sin, we are born with God's enemies. 64: 8; Mat. 64: 8; Matt. The result? Yisinke nayi tu vatera tu ture po marunduruko gangoso? What can help us in that way? Not one word of them has failed. " (Mat. 20: 28) Ava ga tambura Karunga yiwo ngava gwanena mo mauwa mosizoweseso oso. Soon the full benefits of that ransom payment will accrue to those who gain God's approval. Jehovah promised not to give up, saying: "I am your share. " Komauzera kuhamena eyi Karunga ga pulisilira vanankondo va hepekerere mo varupiranonkondo, tara sirongwa "Varesi tava pura " mosifo esi. For a discussion of why God allows such acts of oppression, see the article "Our Readers Ask " in this issue. But if we trust in God, we can cope with these challenges. Monompo dimwe, vagenda wokuwiza hararasi kuvhura kuvatambura. Ano monompo dimwe va hepa kudivisa komeho zosiruwo. In some cultures, unexpected guests are welcome; in others, prior arrangements are preferred. Jesus said that if a sinner refused to repent after being betrayed by a fellow believer or to invite a brother to a brother or to accept it, the elders would be "like a tax collector or a tax collector. " Nampili ngoso, Jehova kapi ga pulisilire Abirahamu a rugane eyi ga ya rugene mwene konyima zosiruwo. However, Jehovah did not allow Abraham to do what He himself would do one day. His goals were replaced by spiritual goals. Pasihonena, vakonakoni va nongonona asi mukeke ana kara mezimo kuvhura kuzuvha nokuligumagura kweyi ayi horoka kozina. For example, researchers have learned that a baby in the womb is able to sense and respond to external stimuli. 10 / 1 11: 9) Paurusa kapi ga tumbwire mapupi gongandi apa ga geve epukururo eli asi: "Nkenye ogu mokatji ketu yige kuzeresa yirugana yendi kwaKarunga. " - Rom. And with no exception as to age, Paul gave this reminder: "Each of us will render an account for himself to God. " - Rom. Mankind's government has led to war against many people. Ava ava konakona nawa Bibeli kutara etungo lyaTitus asi mulyo unene. Careful readers of the Bible, however, view the Arch of Titus as having even greater significance. Speak with your spouse or with a trusted friend about how you feel. Yikaramo Table of Contents We were raised to some sisters. Ndi nampo kuvhura tu guve morwa kapi tuna kusikisa mo yitambo yetu ndi eyi twa ndindira kapi yina kusika mo ndi morwa mapuko aga twa tura po. Or we may be struggling with feelings of inadequacy, with unfulfilled expectations, or with personal failings. [ Credit Line] Tatu resa asi: "Vantu tava sikama pwaMosesa, kutunda ngurangura dogoro ngurova. " We read: "The people kept standing before Moses from the morning till the evening. " However, as Christians, we should view others as "a superior thing " to forgive them. Yikaromo Table of Contents You may need to deal with this difficult situation. 3: 18) Ngomu no gazadara ko kononkango odo, lipura nyamoge asi: " Ame na lifana novantu womouzuni ndi na lisiga nawo? As you reflect on those words, ask yourself: " Do I blend in with the world, or do I stand out as different? (b) What two aspects of spiritual growth should be needed? Morwasinke? Why not? We can make him happy by singing out joyfully and by singing out all our heart regularly in worship. Zimwe kuvhura kukara eharo lyokuhara kuninka yininke eyi atu rugana yi divikwe. One could be that we desire to make our own accomplishments more noticeable. Are we taking the lead in focusing on our choices and choices in worship? ' Age ga tamekere kulironga Bibeli noNombangi, konyima zomakwedi ntazimwe, ga ligeve kwaKarunga nokumukuhwa. She accepted a Bible study with the Witness, and in less than six months, she dedicated her life to God and was baptized. That article was published in the August 8, 1937, issue of December 1937, issue of The Watchtower, which says: "This has been changed for ten years. " [ 1] (paragarafu 3) Kuliza nEpisarome 87: 5, 6, nampo komeho Karunga nga ka horora madina nagenye gowo ngava ka pangera naJesus meguru. [ 1] (paragraph 3) According to Psalm 87: 5, 6, in the future, God may reveal the names of all those who are ruling with Jesus in heaven. - Romans 8: 19. For example, when Jim knew that I was sleeping in the car, he announced a sister who rented a house. Mononkedi musinke natu honena epuro lyaMariya? In what ways can we imitate Mary's faith? God chose his Son, Jesus, to be King of that Kingdom. Jehova ga ku diva kupitakana nkenye ogu. Jehovah understands you better than any human does. 11: 10. 3 Awo kwa ligeve vene - moBrasilia 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In Brazil PAGE 14 • SONGS: 83, 57 Gene Smalley Gene Smalley This group wanted people to leave Egypt because it was forbidden to steal from Israel's firstborn walls and to bring reproach upon the Roman Empire. " - The Bible - The International Bible Students. Ame kuna kundindira nononkondo mokulironga mausili gomanzi nkenye Etivali masiku! " I really look forward to discovering many more of such gems on Tuesday nights! " 110: 3. Ngapi omu natu vhura kugwana ekwatogano lyangoso ntani nediwo lyousili? How, though, can we acquire such assurance and accurate knowledge? We do not want to be like the religious leaders of Jesus ' day. Nomvhura nadinye ntazimwe edi va zuvhisira momukunda ogo, awo kwa tanta asi: "Ayo kutuhafesa sili mokumona omu wovape vana kuyakara ruha rombungakriste. Today, looking back over six years of serving in that isolated region, they say: "Nothing compares to the joy that comes from seeing spiritual growth. (b) How did one sister feel about some people, and what helped her to change? " Nagumwe si gomosirongo esi twa kara nga sivana asi ta vere. " - Jesaya 33: 24. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. God will punish us, for he says: "I will repay them, and I will repay them. " - Deut. 6: 16. 6: 16. I would wait for him. Yirugana musinke ava rugana Vabeteli nava ava tungu Yinyanga yoYigongi, ntani ngapi natu vhura kuvavatera? What services do those in the Bethel family and at Assembly Halls provide, and how can we be of support? Clearly, the first part of the prophecy was referring to the birth of the Messiah. Age kwa tanta asi: "Apa a yi gwanene nge po nokuruganesa nonkondo dange koyininke yopampepo, ame kukara nomagazaro gomawa nombili zomomutjima. " - Fil. He says: "When I am satisfied with the basics and at the same time give of myself spiritually, I have peace of mind and a calm heart. " - Phil. (Read 2 Timothy 2: 7.) (b) Nkedi musinke zimwe natu nkondopeka epuro lyetu nokukwata mutjima? (b) What is one way to strengthen our faith and courage? Just a little while, his anxiety began to grow, and his flesh began to suffer. Nampili ngoso, vadinkantu wovanzi kwa tura po marunduruko gangoso. Still, many young ones have chosen to do just that. Consider some examples. Yisinke hena natu lirongera mo moBibeli? What else can we learn from the Bible? (Read.) Vantu vamwe kuvhura kugava epukururo lyomulyo kosirongwa songandi, nye siruwo oso epukururo olyo kapi tali wapere kosirongwa sapeke. Yet, they can also give harmful advice. An expert may give helpful suggestions on one subject while his advice on a different subject may actually make things worse. He added: "Thanks to Jehovah! " " Mbunga zaNicaea kwa pongere momazuva 20 gaKudumonkuru 325 [S.N.]. " The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325 [C.E.]. Centuries after David's death, an angel declared to the sheep who were created near Bethlehem about the Messiah's birth. - Luke 2: 4, 13, 14. Eyi kulikida omu Jehova ga kara nounongo. This shows how wise Jehovah is. I felt free. " Malisigo pokatji koVakriste wousili nava woyimpempa kwa ya monekere nawa - nawa konyima zoYita yoPomuhowo yoUzuni, eyi kwa twaredesere kepongaiko lyoruha rwauvali " romuzangu gouzuni, ' lyononzwi dapeke. The distinction between true and false Christians became ever more apparent after World War I, so much so that it has contributed to the second part of "the harvest of the earth " - the ingathering of the other sheep. But Sisera was wrong. Ngapi nsene munoge kapi ga hara maudano? What if your son does not like sports? A few months after his death, he found him like a man who wrote it. [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnote] Still, they die. Vanona va hara kudanauka nokuhafera yininke yimwe, nye vaduki ava va hara kukarera po sirongo sawo momarumbasano gomanene, kuruganesa novili dononzi nkenye ezuva mokuliyomberesa. While their peers play and have fun, young athletes who aspire to represent their country in the Olympics spend several hours every day strenuously practicing and training. * As a result, David may at times be fleeing from other countries or in battle. François kwa tanta asi: "Monzira zetu zokuza koSinyanga simwe zoUhompa, vakwayita kwa royere komeho zetu. " On the way to one Kingdom Hall, snipers opened fire on our van, " says François. No. Sauvali, nsene tu kanderera nokuparuka kuliza nompango zaJehova, age ngatu pakera mbili ngesi ntani komeho nga sikisa mo yihepwa yetu nomadowo getu nagenye. Second, if we pray and work in harmony with Jehovah's will, he will care for us now and will satisfy our future needs and desires completely. The Bible says that "the last days " of this system of things will become abundant. 1: 5; 1 Kol. 1: 5; 1 Cor. Consider what they have said. Vamwe va hepa mavyukiso omu nava liwapaikira koyitumbukira yokukara nturagumbo ndi mugolikadi. Some need direction on how to prepare for the responsibilities of being a husband or a wife. At that time, Jehovah gave Jesus the power to flee. Ngapi sikarata soumbangi sa vaterere vazuvhisi? How was the testimony card helpful? They taught us the truth about Jehovah and his purpose for mankind. Buke zaNdaniyera kwa likida hena asi Uhompa ngau tura po Karunga, awo ngau gusa po mapangero nagenye govantu ano awo kapi ngava u pinganesera po. The Bible book of Daniel also shows that the Kingdom would be firmly established by God, that it will put an end to all human governments, and that it will never be overthrown. By means of the resurrection, he will receive everlasting life on earth. Apa ga mu pulire mukuronambunga eyi ga ndindilire siruwo sosire ga hana kulitezurura. Recently, an elder asked him why he waited so long before applying for reinstatement. How did you feel when you discussed prophecies about the Messiah and heard how the brothers feel about him? Kumoneka asi konyima zevhumbuko lyendi, Jesus kwa divisire konompepo donondona kuhamena mpanguro zado ezi zina kudindindira. - 6 / 15, epenuno 23. It seems that some time after Jesus was resurrected, he proclaimed to the wicked spirits that due punishment would come on them. - 6 / 15, page 23. Over 23 years ago, I have worked for 70 hours each month in the preaching work. Ta ni ya tulisa po ukaume novantu ava va kere vakondi kwange ava va dilire kuhara Jehova ntani awo kwa pukisire nge unene. I formed friendships with people much older than I who did not love Jehovah, and they had a negative influence on me. And think of the direction we receive in order to build homes of Kingdom Halls, our homes, and prepare for disasters. 24: 13. 24: 13. Even if we feel that they were permitted to live in our own country, we would not do anything that would cause us to stumble because of our love for our brothers. - 1 Cor. (1 Kol. 9: 26, 27) Kara nehuguvaro asi apa atu paruka kuliza nonompango doBibeli, malizambero aga a tu tura po kuturetera ruhafo ntani Karunga " kugapanda ' unene. Be assured, though, that when we live up to Bible standards, our sacrifices bring much joy and satisfaction to us, and they are "especially acceptable " to Jehovah. What should elders be determined to make in their mind (a) When giving counsel? Makura tava tantere vakondi vaMilan va kunduruke mururani va ka ligwane komeho. The newcomers then told the parents to walk around the back of the border post and meet them on the other side. * Jesus kwa korangedere varongwa vendi va kare nomeho gokukanguka. Jesus encouraged his disciples to have a simple eye. • What do we learn from the book of Job about Satan? Momukunda gwaHétin, sinzi somambo kugatungisa koyitji yoyire yipo ga likare ure nomema. In the village of Hétin, people build most houses on poles to keep them above water. People were encouraged by their teachings based on their own ideas, which were published in the first century C.E. until the first century B.C.E. Yilye gwetu na kwama sidiviso oso? Who of us would heed such a sign? * These programs can help us in personal study and family worship and in our ministry. For Life and Peace, Walk in Accord With the Spirit, 11 / 15 " When I was 17 years old, I tried to read the Bible. Unene po nonzwigona morwa ado kapi da pama. - Gen. They gave special attention to the lambs because they were delicate and lacked the strength of full - grown sheep. - Gen. He has given us "every good thing " to help us preach. 7. 7. For example, many elders today take the lead in a congregation. (Genesis 4: 19; 16: 1 - 4; 29: 18 - 30: 24) Nye Karunga kapisi yige ga tulisa po masupareko. But God did not originate the practice of polygamy. 7, 8. Morwa kwa pinga nzo, apa ava tu hampuruka ose kukara nonkore daKarunga. In our sinful state, from birth we were enemies of God. Jesus knew that Jehovah would send angels to accomplish God's will. - Matt. Yitundwamo musinke ya kere? The results? That is why being one of Jesus ' disciples became known as the yoke of the yoke of the blood. (Jos. Jehovah is with us too. It is vital that you make a wise decision in this regard. Jehova kwa tumbwidilire mokudira kuvazumba pokutanta asi: "Ame HOMPA, nyame ruha roupingwa woge. " (Num. Underlining the fact that they were not being abandoned, Jehovah said to them: "I am your share and your inheritance in the midst of the sons of Israel. " How wonderful it must have been for faithful angels when they saw the rebellion in God's heavenly family! Nye nsene tu huguvara mwaKarunga ose ngatu vhura kulididimikira maudigu ogo. Such trials are not beyond our capacity to bear - provided we rely on God. 10, 11. (a) In what ways is "the Christ " used to describe Jesus? Jesus kwa tente asi nsene munzoni a nyoka kulitezurura konyima zokumuvyukisira kompengi ndi zokuzigida ko mukweni ndi zokuyisikisa kovakuronambunga, ogo ngoso a kare koge "ngwendi mupagani ndi mufutisi gomutero. " Jesus said that if the sinner refused to repent after talking to his brother, to witnesses, and to responsible brothers, he should be treated "just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector. " For many years, church leaders thought that God's vineyard was on another location. Yitambo yendi yopanyama kwa yi pinganesere po yitambo yopampepo. His material goals were replaced by spiritual interests. After speaking to three of Job's three companions who falsely refused to be comforted, Elihu began speaking "with rejoicing. " 10 / 15 12 / 15 When he arrives, do doctors and those who use their time to blame them for what happened? Epangero lyovantu kwa twaredesa koyita eyi ya dipagesa vantu wovanzi. Human rule has led to wars that have killed millions. For example, he did not tell them to seek first God's Kingdom and what he needed to do. Uyunga nomulikwali goge ndi nagumwe gekoro ndi kaume ogu wa huguvara omu ono kulizuvha. Avoid denying the feeling or judging yourself harshly for feeling the way you do. " The Watch Tower said that traveling overseers ' goal was to strengthen their faith by visiting fellow believers in their homes. Ose kwa puragera vanavazinyetukadi vamwe. We interviewed several of these experienced sisters. We must wait for it to see them. [ Ntundiliro zefano] [ Credit Line] Because humans did not have a relationship with God. Nye ngoVakriste, twa hepa kutara wopeke asi " va tu pita mekuto ' nokuvagusira po. As Christians, however, we must humbly "consider others superior " to us, as worthy of our forgiveness. They do this through religious teachings, such as the Trinity and the Trinity. Kuvhura o kare noudigu wounene ou nau kuguvisa. You may have a difficult problem that upsets you. The four of them were so happy that their marriage was full of joy. (b) Maruha musinke gavali ga hepa elituromo mokukura pampepo? (b) Pressing on to maturity requires effort in what two areas? Just as a soldier can protect the head of a soldier, "the hope of salvation " can protect our thoughts. Ose kuvhura kuhafesa mutjima gwendi pokudimba nonomutjima detu nadinye nkenye apa natu ponga moukareli. We can make his heart glad by singing out with all our heart whenever we meet for worship. They are no longer two, but one flesh. Ose kuna kugava sihonena pokudemenena eparu nomatokoro getu kuliza noukareli wousili ndi? ' Are we setting a good example by centering our lives and our decisions on true worship? ' When I started studying the Bible, the situation was much worse. " (Sirongwa oso kwa pwege mosimbapira Informant, * Sindimba 1937, London edition) Amo kwa uyungire mo hena asi: "Kwata eyi ya runduruka monomvhura murongo da ka pita. " (Informant, * December 1937, London edition) The sobering subtitle added: "No Outstanding Increase in Ten Years. " A priest named Stephen, who became an older elder, was put into the chapter of the Bible in the Bible. Pasihonena, apa ga yi divire Jim asi ame kuna kurara metuwa yipo ga divisire nge kwamunazinyetukadi ogu nga heheresa nonzugo. For example, the day Jim found out that I was living in my car, he introduced me to a sister who rented rooms in her home. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) Karunga kwa horowere Munwendi, Jesus, a kare Hompa goUhompa owo. God has chosen his Son, Jesus, to be King of the Kingdom. The Pharisees wore a white horse. - Matt. 11: 10. 11: 10. Use the Bible now and allow it to guide you in life. EPENUNO 14 MARUSUMO: 83, 57 PAGE 14 • SONGS: 83, 57 Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. Mbunga ozo kwa zi here vantu momomukunda morwa azo ngazi vaka emona lyoVaisraeli wonongawo nokuretera maudigu epangero lyoVaroma. " - The Anchor Bible Dictionary " These brigands were popular with the common people because they preyed upon the wealthy establishment of Israel and created havoc for the Roman government. " When I went to a meeting, he told me that I should stop studying the Bible or leave home. 110: 3. 110: 3. " The Bible says that people of all nations are like brothers, " says the publication of The United States. Ose kapi tuna hara kukara ngwendi vampitisili womaukarelikarunga womomazuva gaJesus. Never would we want to be like the religious leaders in Jesus ' day. Rather than causing a person to make decisions, God's organization has benefited from the goodness of all the elders, or Jehovah. " - Ephesians 4: 8; Proverbs 24: 6. (b) Ngapi munazinyetukadi ga lizuvhire kuhamena vantu vamwe, ntani yisinke ya mu vaterere a litjindje? (b) How did one sister feel about some people, and what helped her to change? When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they offered them a place wherever they lived. 17: 5) Karunga nga tu tengeka, morwa age kwa tanta asi: " Ngani va tengwidira kuwoko, ni va futise. ' - Deut. God may deal with us accordingly, for he says: "Vengeance is mine, and retribution. " - Deut. It may seem hard to apply that counsel. Ngani mu ndindira. I would like that. When we recognize the efforts of their children and commend them, they encourage them to make progress in serving Jehovah. 7: 14, 15, 16) Yosili, ruha rokuhova rouporofete kwa tembe kehampuruko lyaMesiyasa. The first part of that prophecy is often applied to the birth of the Messiah, and rightly so. A Christian who has " grown up with maturity " develops strong appreciation for Jehovah and maintains strong friendships. - 1 Cor. (Resa 2 Timoteusa 2: 7.) (Read Romans 12: 1.) Jehovah rewards those who earnestly seek him, No. Karuwogona tupu, sinka sendi tasi tameke kumupwa. Soon, his stress - induced ailments began to disappear. Many Israelites are looking for themselves and proselytes. Tarurura yihonena yimwe. Consider some examples. After that, Jesus referred to his requirements, saying: "Father, glorify me with the glory that I have with you, and you are with me. " (Resa.) (Read.) Satan will use every opportunity to compromise the integrity of Jesus ' disciples. Ta uyunga hena asi: "Mpandu Jehova! " She added: "Thank you, Jehovah! " Then, in the war of Armageddon, there will be a final step in the future, and Jehovah will remove all Satan's wicked system of things. - Rev. Mauye murongo ga pitire po konyima zonomfa daNdafita, muengeli kwa ya divisire kovasita ava va kungire nonzwi dawo mezana pepi naBeterehema kuhamena ehampuruko lyaMesiyasa. - Ruk. 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. Interestingly, ten centuries after David's death, a host of angels announced the birth of the Messiah to shepherds who were keeping watch over their flocks in the fields near Bethlehem. - Luke 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. Paul wrote: "Do not be afraid. " Nkenye apa ngani lizuvhu emanguruko. " I always felt welcome. " There are other factors that help us in our service. Nye Sisera mepuko ga kere. Sisera obviously did not know Jael! In what way did Jehovah "because he first loved us "? Konyima zomakwedi gongandi kutunda apa ga fire, kwa gwene mutango ngwendi ogu ga tjenge. After her death just a few months later, a poem that she had written was found. He obeyed because he had faith. Nye simpe awo kufa. Yet, death is far from vanquished. For example, Jehovah designed us with a beautiful home. * Ngoyitundwamo, Ndafita poyiruwo yimwe nga tjwayukire koyirongo nayopeke ndi kukavanda momakombombo. * As a result, David had to live as a fugitive, at times in a foreign country and at other times in caves in the wilderness. Does God please those who worship him in these places? No. No. The Law ended Jesus ' death, so God made a new arrangement. Bibeli kuuyunga asi "pomazuva gopouhura " udona wovantu ngau vhuka. The Bible says that people will become more and more wicked "in the last days. " For "the mind of all the wicked ones " that Satan uses to mislead humans, especially the strong desire of" the eyes of the eyes. " Tu tareni eyi va uyunga ko. Read what these people have to say. If we are guided by God's spirit, we will have the opportunity to learn the honor and honor of having been given forever. Posiruwo sina, Jehova kwa pere Jesus nonkondo a pwage ngwendi " mufundi a ka funde. ' (Ehor. At that time, he granted Jesus authority to go forth "conquering and to complete his conquest. " However, they were able to carry along with computers, which they traveled to the refugee camp. Awo kwa tu rongere usili kuhamena Jehova nositambo sendi kovantu. These sisters introduced us to the amazing truths about Jehovah and his purpose for mankind. David may have asked the question based on what he had experienced in life. Kupitira mevhumbuko, age nga ka gwana mwenyo gwanarunye pevhu. Everlasting life on earth will be possible for him through the resurrection. " You must not give up. " - PS. Ngapi wa lizuvhire apa mwa zogere mauporofete kuhamena Mesiyasa napa wa zuvhire omu vanavazinyetu ava lizuvhu kumuhamena? How did you feel when we discussed Jehovah's qualities and when you heard how your brothers feel about him? Why are some who struggle with negative feelings? Monomvhura 23 da ka pita, ame kwa rugana novili 70 nkenye kwedi mosirugana sokuzuvhisa. I have had the privilege of serving as a full - time minister for the past 23 years. The Law that God gave to Israel showed mercy to the Israelites, not to sin. Ntani gazara mavyukiso aga atu gwana yipo mambo noYinyanga yoUhompa nomatuwa getu yi kare ya ndjewa - ndjewa nokukara tuna liwapaikire yimpagwa. And think of the safety reminders we have received as to our homes, automobiles, Kingdom Halls, and preparing for possible emergencies. No, genuine repentance is the only Source of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Nampili tu lizuvhe asi va yi pulisira mosirongo setu kuweka uta, ose kapi ngatu rugana eyi ngayi vhura kupundukisa vanavazinyetu morwa twa va hara. - 1 Kol. Love moves us to put others ' interests ahead of our own, even when that means putting aside what we may feel is a legal right. - 1 Cor. If we do not know whether such activities are necessary or not, we should seek Bible principles that are appropriate and pray about those principles. Vakuronambunga yisinke nava tokomena kutura momagano (a) Nsene tava gava mapukururo? Elders ought to keep what in mind (a) when giving counsel? This means that we should not only avoid sexual immorality but also avoid falling into wrong thoughts and desires. - Matthew 5: 27, 28. * * In what ways does God comfort us? • Yisinke tuna lirongo mobuke zaJoba kuhamena Satana? • What do we learn about Satan from the book of Job? [ Picture on page 4] May this article help us to keep strengthening our friendship with God and be determined to do his will. Vantu ava kwa korangedere marongo gawo kuliza nomatjango gavene, aga va pwagesere momvhura 100 dogoro 200 konyima zokuwiza Kristusa. Gnostics advanced interpretations based on their own writings, which proliferated during the second century C.E. To find congregations from refugees, elders need to write the branch office at * Malikwamo ogo kuvhura kutuvatera nokutukorangeda melirongo lyanyamwetu neli lyepata ntani nomoyirugana yetu yokuzuvhisa. * These lists can be of assistance and encouragement to us in our personal and family study and in our public ministry. A husband in her 60 ' s said: "I read many times and comforted me. " Apa na kere nonomvhura 17, ame kwa hetekerere ko kuresa Bibeli. " When I was 17, I tried to read the Bible. When she began to study, she stopped smoking, refused to accept money, and to pay money for her. Age kwa tu pa "yininke nayinye yoyiwa " a tu vatere tu zuvhise. He has given us "every good thing " to help us preach. How can we strengthen our love for Bible truth? Pasihonena, sinzi sovakuronambunga naina kupitisira mbungakriste zimwe. For example, most Christian overseers today serve one congregation. Each day, we must try to live in harmony with the spirit. 7, 8. 7, 8. What valuable lesson can we learn from Hebrews 11: 13? (Ruk. 22: 43) Jesus ga yi divire asi Jehova na tuma vaengeli va ya mu vatere mokusikisa mo mpango zaKarunga. - Mat. Jesus was confident that Jehovah would send angelic help whenever he needed it to accomplish God's will. - Matt. For 14 years, Timothy worked with Paul, his friend Paul. Eyi yiyo kukara murongwa gwaJesus ya karera ngwendi kulikambeka ndjoko. That is why Jesus compared Christian discipleship to a yoke. Hebrew and Greek - speaking languages are different from the original language of ancient times. Ayo mulyo asi o ture po etokoro lyewa moyuma eyi. It is important that you decide correctly on this matter. You will be happy because you are doing God's will. Yosili ayo kwa tetukisire vaengeli wokulimburukwa apa va mwene urwanesi ou wa horokere mepata lyaKarunga lyemeguru. Surely the holy angels must have been appalled when they witnessed the beginning of revolt in God's household. But at this time, we have many opportunities to support Jehovah's sovereignty and courage. 10, 11. (a) Mononkedi musinke ntumbwisiso "Kristusa " va zi ruganesa mokutamba kwaJesus? 10, 11. (a) In what ways is the title "Christ " used with reference to Jesus? We also want to obey Jesus Christ, who commanded: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Monomvhura dononzi, vapitisili wonongereka kwa gazarere asi sikunino saKarunga kosili kevango lyapeke. For centuries, theologians speculated that God's garden was still in existence somewhere. Jesus told them that he was speaking about the government when he tried to force someone to commit adultery. Apa va mene kuuyunga vakwawo vaJoba vatatu ava va lininkisire asi kuna kumuhengagwida, Elihu yipo ga " tamekere kuuyunga. ' After Job's three so - called comforters had finished speaking, "Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite proceeded to answer. " All of us enjoy eating the food we prefer and keep going. Apa na ka sika, vandokotora novanesa kuvhura va ruganese siruwo sawo mokumupa usima kweyi yina horoka ndi? To illustrate: When a motorcyclist injured in a traffic mishap arrives at the emergency ward, do those on the medical team try to determine whether he caused the accident? Jehovah said to Samuel: "Be anointed, for that is he is. " Pasihonena, kapi tupu ga va tanterere va hove kupapara Uhompa waKarunga neyi ga hepa ko kwawo. For example, he did not just tell them to seek first the Kingdom and God's righteousness. " He that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life. Ruhungu kwa tente asi sitambo sovatareli wokudingura kwa kere sokunkondopeka epuro pokudingura vapuli vakwaawo momambo gawo. The Watch Tower stated that the "chief good " of pilgrim visits was to build up" the household of faith " by means of parlor meetings in the homes of believers. And your seed will certainly die. " Twa hepa kundindira tu ka yi mone. Having a grudge against what others have done, it can lead to slavery. Morwa vantu kapi va kere nelikwatakano naKarunga. Spiritually, they were far from well. That was like a witness. Awo kwa yi rugana eyi kupitira momarongo gokuswawisisa Karunga goyininke " yokupukisisa, ' ngwendi erongo lyomundiro gwanarunye neli lyaKarunga Mutatu gumwe. They have done this by means of God - dishonoring teachings, "things that cause stumbling, " such as the doctrine of eternal punishment in hellfire and the confusing and mysterious Trinity. How grateful we are that they change their thinking and lifestyle! Moune wawo, nonkwara dawo kwa ya peme ntani va gwanenene mo ruhafo. Four strong and happy marriages resulted. To learn more about the Bible's promise of a resurrection in the new world, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ngomu tupu ekoli ngali popere mutwe gomukwayita, "ehuguvaro lyeparu " kupopera magazaro getu. (1 Tes. 5: 8; Yis. Just as a helmet protects a soldier's brain, our "hope of salvation " protects our mind, our thinking ability. It does not involve any individual or an individual member of the Christian congregation. Awo kapisi vavali hena, hawe, awo rutu rumwe tupu. So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. How can we cope? Apa na tamekere kulironga Bibeli, ukaro owo kwa ligwederere unene. " When I started studying the Bible, this characteristic intensified. " We also found something that I couldn't read and read. " Muruti gedina Stephen Langton ogu ga ya kere mukondi goVabisofi moCanterbury, yige ga tura mo magaununo moBibeli. English cleric Stephen Langton, who later became Archbishop of Canterbury, is credited with adding the chapter divisions to the Bible. • Why did Satan try to tempt Job? (Resa Joba 1: 7 - 10.) (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) What are some things that are taking place among Jehovah's organization? Vafalisayi ngava dwara tundjato koyipara yawo omu ngava tura matjangwa. - Mat. The Pharisees wore scripture - containing cases. - Matt. George, who lives in the United States, has been married for 59 years. Tameka kuresa Bibeli ngesi nokuzipulisira zi ku pitisire meparu. Why not pick up a Bible today and let it guide you to a better life? However, I had doubts if someone listened to him, but I wanted to believe that God exists. Resa 1 Vakolinte 13: 4 - 7. Read 1 Corinthians 13: 4 - 7. You promised him that you would love him and serve him whole - souled. Apa na zire kepongo, ta tantere nge asi na hepa kutokora asi tani hageke kulironga Bibeli ndi tani tundu membo. When I attended one of their meetings, she gave me an ultimatum - stop my Bible study or leave the family. Which government will come until Armageddon? Simbapiratjangwa The Races of Mankind kwa tanta asi: "Bibeli kwa uyunga kuhamena marudi govantu asi kwa fana ngwendi vantu namumbyendi. " The publication The Races of Mankind states: "The races of mankind are what the Bible says they are - brothers. " People around the world believe that humans began living in a place rather than that. Mevango lyokuninka muntu gumwe a ture po matokoro, mbunga zaKarunga kwa gwanena mo uwa moyikara yoyiwa yovakuronambunga navenye, ndi vantu ava Jehova ga pa "mauhwi. " - Vaefeso 4: 8; Yisewe 24: 6. Instead of having one person making all the decisions, the organization benefits from the good qualities of all the elders, or "gifts in men, " provided by Jehovah. - Ephesians 4: 8; Proverbs 24: 6. Or we might use our time to listen to a brother how he conducted his talk. Apa Vaisraeli va hwililire moSirongo sEtumbwidiro, kwa va pere mavango oku nava tunga. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they were assigned where to live. Think about this situation. Kuvhura yi moneke ngwendi udigu kusikisa mo epukururo olyo. It may, however, seem difficult to follow that advice. How can spiritual goals help family members? Nsene tu dimburura elituromo lyovanavanzinyetu nokuvapandadeka, ngayi va korangeda mokutura po ezokomeho mokukarera Jehova. Likewise, when we acknowledge the value of our fellow believers, we help them to thrive and grow spiritually. Who in particular may need our attention? In the Gospel of Luke's Gospel, Mary's name is mentioned 12 times and 3 times of Joseph. (Rom. 3: 24) Mukriste ogu " a kara sikurona monondunge, ' kutunga po rupandu rwangoso nokukara nomalikwatakano gomanene naJehova. - 1 Kol. A Christian who is "full - grown in powers of understanding " develops such gratitude and enjoys intimacy with Jehovah. - 1 Cor. And you realized that you had found something more than gold. Jehova kufuta owo ava mu papara, Dec. Pool of Bethzatha "stirred up ," May But does this event require a custom that Christians should celebrate? Vaisraeli wovanzi kuna kulikwarera novapagani. Many Israelites are marrying non - Jews. If they remain faithful to Jehovah for a thousand years and survive the final test, their names will be written in "the book of Eden. " Konyima zoyo, ntani nye Jesus ga tumbwire yihepwa yendi pokutanta asi: "Tate, yererepeka nge pwamoge neyererepeko eli na kere nalyo poge, awo uzuni simpe patupu. " After that, Jesus makes a personal request, saying: "Father, glorify me alongside yourself with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was. " Let us examine Matthew 14: 14 - 21. 5: 8) Satana nga ruganesa nkenye mpito mokuhetekera ko kuteza po ulimburukwi wovarongwa vaJesus. Satan will use any means he can to try to break the integrity of Jesus ' disciples. Each week, we went out in the field service and attended meetings. 17: 5, 16; 18: 8) Makura poyita yaHarumagedoni, ngazi kara ntambo zokuhulilira zomahepeko gomanene, ano Jehova nga komba po uzuni naunye waSatana. - Ehor. Then, in the war of Armageddon, the final phase of the great tribulation, Jehovah himself will wipe out the rest of Satan's world. - Rev. Because of the king of Syria, Sarah did not know that Sarah was Abraham's wife, he tried to force her to become his wife. (2 Kol. (2 Cor. However, the greatest way that Jehovah draws us to him is by means of the ransom. Pwa kara hena maugendero gamwe aga aga tu vatere mosirugana setu. We also use other kinds of transportation. For example, in October 2012, a strong storm was destroyed in New York City. Monkedi musinke Jehova ga "hova kutuhara "? In what way has Jehovah shown that he "first loved us "? 4, 5. Age kwa limburukwire morwa ga kere nepuro. He obeyed because he had true faith. Also, a modest person knows that "God will judge all the things we do, whether we do good or bad. " Pasihonena, Jehova kwa tu wapaikira embo lyewa. For example, Jehovah prepared a beautiful home for us. Then he appeared to upward of five hundred brothers, most of whom were still alive, but some have died. Karunga kumuhafesa ukareli wowo ava zi komavango ogo ndi? Will God be pleased by the devotion of those who make pilgrimages to shrines? Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but he did not have the courage to acknowledge himself. 3: 23, 24) Veta kwa ya hege ponomfa daJesus, makura Karunga yipo ga tulire po ewapaiko lyepe. With the cancellation of the Law at Jesus ' death, God began a new arrangement. I had no authority to answer, so I left the head. " Komagano ' nagenye aga a ruganesa Satana mokupukisa vantu, lyononkondo po unene kuna kara " edowo lyomeho. ' (2 Kol. 2: 11; 1 Joh. Of all the "designs " used by Satan to mislead mankind, the appeal to" the desire of the eyes " is most powerful. It helped to identify the chariots. Ano ose nsene zi tu pitisira mpepo zaKarunga, ngatu ka kara nompito nomfumwa zokukamulironga narunye. (Gar. In our own case, if we continue to be led by God's spirit, we will be privileged to learn about him forever. When a person comes back to another country or does not go to another country because of his family, he may even hurt relatives who rely on him to be loyal to him. Nye awo va vhulire kusimba nokompiutagona dawo, edi va zire nado konokamba dovatjwayuki. However, they manage to grab their laptop computers, which they take with them to the refugee camps. Even if we think that we have all the facts, Jehovah alone sees a person's heart. 8: 3, 4) Ndafita nampo kwa pulire epuro eli kuliza neyi ga limonenene meparu. Perhaps this question was prompted by David's own experience. [ 1] (paragraph 13) See the book Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pages 136 - 136. " Omu fe ekuto vantu wokukurupa oku tomu va fumadeke. " - LEV. " You must show honor to an older man. " - LEV. The Gospels recorded almost 2,000 years ago. Morwasinke vamwe ava kondjere nomalizuvho gomadona? Why do some struggle with a negative viewpoint? When Jesus told his disciples to seek first God's Kingdom, he promised them: "All these things will be added to them. " - Matt. Veta ezi ga pere Karunga Vaisraeli kwa likidire nkenda komuntu ogu ga " gendererere kugana, nye kapisi mowina. ' (Lev. In God's Law to Israel, there was a merciful provision for someone who was guilty of "speaking thoughtlessly with his lips. " His wisdom was "in the eyes of the wild beast. " Hawe, elitezururo yousili yilyo lyelike ali ninkisa Jehova a likide nkenda zangoso. No, only true repentance would have elicited such divine mercy. Today, most of the world is surrounded by Roman soldiers, such as the police and the soldiers. Nsene kapi yina tu zerere asi yirugana oyo yina wapere ndi hawe, twa hepa kupapara nompango doBibeli edi dina wapere ukaro owo ntani nokugazadara ko nokukanderera kuhamena nompango odo. When the answer to an employment question is not clear - cut, however, Bible principles should be noted and considered prayerfully. He did not expect the time to do anything, but he worked hard to do his Father's work. Eyi kutanta asi kapisi tu nyokere po tupu ruhonda nye hena twa hepa kunyokera po magazaro nomadowo gomadona. - Mateusa 5: 27, 28. So not only do we need to avoid the act of adultery but we also need to reject immoral thoughts and desires. - Matthew 5: 27, 28. 17, 18. Mononkedi musinke a tu hengagwida Karunga? In what ways does God comfort us? Even his enemies have said: "Teacher, we know that you are righteous and that you are walking in the way of God. " (1 Tes. 5: 17) Ngano sirongwa esi si tu vatere tu twikire kunkondopeka ukaume wetu naKarunga nokutokomena kurugana mpango zendi. May this study strengthen our precious relationship with God and our determination to comply with his righteous requirements. The ransom sacrifice Jesus Christ is "the undeserved kindness of God. " - Romans 3: 24. Mokugwana nombungakriste oku va tundilira vatjwayuki, vakuronambunga va hepa kutjangera mberewa zomutayi pokuruganesa Elders can contact congregations in other lands by sending correspondence to their own branch using But he did not receive him, for his wife was the mother of Jael. Mugara gonomvhura dokoyiha 60, kwa tanterere muzuvhisi gumwe asi: "Na zi resa yikando yoyinzi ntani kwa hengagwida nge. A man in his 60 ' s told one publisher: "I read it many times over and was comforted. Since Jehovah takes care of his servants when others blame him, will he not help them again? Apa tupu ga tamekere kulironga ta hageke kukoka makanya nokunyoka kutambura yimaliva noyininke yokuvaka eyi ngani mu retere. After her first study, she stopped smoking, refused to accept any more stolen money, and gave me back her jewelry. What did the merchant do in Jesus ' illustration to find that pearl? Ngapi natu nkondopeka eharo lyetu lyokuhara usili womoBibeli? How can we deepen our love for Bible truth? This article emphasizes that Jehovah is the King of eternity and reveals how he has revealed his sovereignty in heaven and on earth. (1 Tim. 4: 15) Nkenye ezuva, twa hepa kuhetekera ko kuparuka kuliza nomu zina kutupitisira mpepo. Day by day and to the best of our ability, we must endeavor to walk, or live our lives, in accord with the leading of the spirit. Of course, when God condemned the unfaithful Jews to defeat the land of Babylon and to deliver some people from captivity to Babylon, such as Jeremiah and Jeremiah. Sirongwa musinke somulyo natu lirongera mo metjangwa lyoVahebeli 11: 13? What important lesson can we draw from Hebrews 11: 13? " Those reaching out " may be like Those who are" reaching out " Konyara nomvhura 14 Timoteusa kwa rugene kumwe naPaurusa, kaume kendi. Over a period of about 14 years, Timothy spent a great deal of time working with the apostle Paul, his friend. NOT FROM OUR COVER Ruhebeli noRugereka oru vana kuuyunga naina rwa lisiga noru ngava uyunga mosiruwo sanare. Modern Hebrew and Greek are quite different from those languages back in Bible times. Hence, this illustration shows that the seed that is born does not refer to a new birth. Ngo gwanena mo ruhafo morwa ove kuna kurugana mpango zaKarunga. (Rom. Jehovah's holy spirit will produce in you such godly qualities as peace and faith. If those who smoke tobacco tobacco cause tobacco harm to family members in different ways, some 2,000 people die every year. 20: 17) Nye posiruwo esi, tuna kara nonompito dononzi mokukwatesa ko upangeli waJehova nouradi noupampi. But in the meantime, there are many opportunities for us to support Jehovah's cause with courage and zeal. " [God] has set all things under Christ's feet, and he has made him head over all things. " (Vahebeli 13: 15) Ose hena kwa hara kulimburukwa Jesus Kristusa ogu ga geve mpangera asi: "Yipo nye nomu zira konomuhoko nadinye,... Ka di rongeni, di ka limburukwire nayinye eyi na mu rekera. " - Mateusa 28: 19, 20. We also want to obey Christ Jesus, who commanded: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Shortly after explaining that there are two ways, Jesus said: "Be afraid of false prophets who come to him in sheep's care, but in their homes they eat. " (Mateusa 5: 41) Ava ga tanterere Jesus va yi divire asi age kwa uyungire kuhamena nsene epangero kuna kusininika muntu a rugene sirugana komusininiko. Jesus ' listeners likely recognized that statement as a reference to compulsory service, which an authority could demand from citizens. When an angel touched those food and burned it out, Gideon knew that Jehovah's angel was Jehovah's angel. 104: 14, 15; Muud. 3: 12, 13) Natuvenye kuhafera kulya nondya edi twa hara nokupwizumuka po. Who would not delight in taking an invigorating breath of fresh air, eating his favorite food, or awakening from a restful night of sleep? He asked why he could write: "Jehovah will rescue me in all things. " HOMPA makura ta tantere Samwere asi: "Katuka o mu gwaveke, morwa yige googo. " Then Jehovah said: " Get up, anoint him, for this is he! ' Do you not appreciate being with them but also love your ethnic group? Offered Selves in Mexico, 4 / 15 " Do you give thanks to your faith? " - Matthew 14: 31. " Ogu a pura Muna, kukara nomwenyo gwanarunye. I look forward to the time when Paolo will be resurrected, along with Jesus ' words recorded at John 5: 28, 29. Ano ruvharo roge naro yipo ngaru hura. " (Gen. Then he said to him: " So your offspring will become. ' " 19: 10 - 12; 1 Cor. Pokukara nonkoko zokudiworoka maudona aga va tu rugana vakwetu, kuvhura kututwaredesa kokukaguvisa mpepo. The same is true if we kept score of wrongs committed against us, manifested a resentful attitude, and refused to become reconciled to the offender. Similarly, " remembering that sin can be done, " says Jeremiah 14: 10. Eyi kwa kere ngwendi ame kwa geve umbangi. You might say I started witnessing right away. " We don't believe that our past experiences did not happen. " Ayo kutuhafesa mokuvamona kuna kurundurura magazaro gawo nomparukiso zawo. We are excited to see them change their thinking and their way of life. Each year, about three million children die of death. Mokulironga ko yoyinzi kuhamena etumbwidiro lyomoBibeli lyevhumbuko mouzuni woupe wouhungami, tara egaununo 7 mobuke Yinke azi rongo Bibeli sili? To learn more about the Bible's promise of a resurrection to life in a righteous new world, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? How will this affect them? Kapi sa hamena kwankenye muntu ndi kombungakriste zongandi. It does not belong to any person or congregation. These two articles will explain how a person knows if he is invited to go to heaven and what it means if he is anointed. Ngapi natu vhura kulididimikira? How can we cope? Jesus knew that choosing questions not only helps a teacher but also a student to get involved in a conversation. Ntani twa gwene hena nombayikisa nononkaku nonondjato ntani nomudwaro gokuraresa. " In addition, we received coats, shoes, bags, and pajamas. " Can we be close friends of Jehovah? • Morwasinke Satana Muzonaguli ga hetekerere Joba? • Why did Job attract the attention of Satan the Devil? The Shulammite woman has built up the Jordan River; it is Jehovah my God, my God, and my God. " Yininke musinke zina kusikisa mo mbunga zaJehova? What are some things being accomplished by Jehovah's organization? To avoid a meal: In ancient times, showing hospitality to guests would also be sold. George ogu ga tunga moAmerika, kwa kara mononkwara nomvhura 59. George lives in the United States and has been married for 59 years. God's servants are not self - centered. Nampili ngoso na kere nomasinganyeko nsene pweli gumwe ogu nga ga purakene, nye na here kuyipura asi Karunga pweli. I was unsure if anyone was listening, but I must admit that I did hope that someone was out there. But many will be resurrected to life on earth. Ono mu tumbwidire asi ngo mu hara nokumukarera nomutjima goge nagunye. You promise that you will love him and serve him forever with your whole heart. That is why Jehovah chose that family to feed his Son on earth. Epangero musinke ngali pangera dogoro ngazi wize Harumagedoni? Which world power will be the dominant one when Armageddon strikes? The 69 - year - old congregation attended a new meeting, and 13 served as pioneers. Vantu mouzuni mudima kwa pura asi vantu kwa tamekere kuparuka mevango lyokufana ngoso. People around the world believe that mankind had its start in a place like that. No one comes to the Father except through me. ' " Ndi kuvhura tu ruganese siruwo setu mokupurakena munazinyetu omu ana kuliyomberesa siuyungwa sendi. We can also spend time after a meeting helping someone, such as listening to a brother practice his talk. Also consider how you can imitate Jehovah. - Read Ephesians 5: 1, 2. Gazadara ko kosihorokwa esi. Imagine this situation. 10 / 1 You can find it under BIBLE TEACHINGS. What are some benefits of having dedicated themselves to serve where the need is greater? Ngapi yitambo yopampepo nayi vatera epata? What can the pursuit of spiritual goals do for a family? But I say, " If Jehovah wants me to do so, I will try to do it. ' (Ruk. 2: 19, 34, 35, 48, 51) Momagaununo gavali gokuhova mEvangeli lyaRukasa, edina lyaMariya kwa litumbura mo yikando 12 ano lyaJosefa yikando 3 tupu. In the first two chapters of Luke's Gospel, Mary's name is mentioned 12 times, but Joseph's, only 3. Christ's Love motivates us to love one another 2: 23) Ano wa dimbwilire asi ono gwana eyi ya pitakana ngorodo. And you may have been eager to find more spiritual nuggets. " [God] gave him the blood of the Christ] so that he might give you forgiveness for those exercising faith in him. Nye aso silika esi va hepa kudana Vakriste ndi? However, is it a Christian celebration? Similarly today, Jehovah's people differ from Satan's world. Nsene ngava kara ngorooro valimburukwi kwaJehova monomumvho eyovi nokukapita meheteko lyokuhulilira, madina gawo ngava ga tjanga " mobuke zomwenyo. ' If they remain faithful to Jehovah throughout the Millennium and during the final test that will come at the end of it, their names will be permanently written in "the scroll of life. " As a study, you can do research on questions that people believed. Tu konakoneni Mateusa 14: 14 - 21. Let us discuss Matthew 14: 14 - 21. ▪ Enjoy what you learn. Nkenye sivike, ngatu zi mokuzuvhisa kumwe ntani komapongo. However, because of the way Mama Ritsuko treated me, I came to feel close to her. ▪ Be thankful to Jehovah, and he will bless you Morwa hompa Abimereki gwaGerara kapi ga divire asi Sara kwa kere mukadaAbirahamu, age kwa mu gusire negano lyokumutura a kare mukadendi. Not knowing that Sarah was Abraham's wife, Abimelech, the king of Gerar, took Sarah with the intention of making her his wife. Jesus also said that he came "to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many. " (1 Joh. 5: 14) Nye, nkedi zonene omu Jehova a tu kokere kwendi kuna kara pokutulikida eharo kupitira mosizoweseso. However, the foremost way in which God draws us to himself and we are drawn to him is through the love he expresses by means of the ransom. Because they were condemned according to the appearance of the carpenter, they saw only the carpenter's carpenter. (2 Tim. 3: 1 - 3) Pasihonena, mwaSikukutu 2012, ekundungu lyononkondo kwa zonagure maruha goSitata saNew York. Especially is this so in these critical "last days " when multitudes have no natural affection, are fierce, and lack a love of goodness. (b) How does Jehovah demonstrate love today? 4, 5. 4, 5. But when she was born, Rachel died. 5: 28, 29) Ntani hena muntu gokulinunupika ga diva asi "Karunga nga pangura nayinye eyi atu rugana, nsene yoyiwa ndi yoyidona, rambangako neyi atu rugana mehoramo. " Furthermore, a humble person remembers that "the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad. " Clearly, church leaders do not know what Jesus will do as King of God's Kingdom. Makura ntani ana kuyamonekera pwarumwe tupu vakwetetu wokupitakana mafere gatano, sinzi sawo simpe poveli, nye vamwe va fa. After that he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still with us, though some have fallen asleep in death. David later married Abigail. - 1 Sam. Josefa kwa kere murongwa gwaJesus, nye kapi ga kere nouradi mokulidivisa mwene. Joseph, though, was a disciple, but he could not bring himself to say so openly. NO MORE FROM OUR COVER Ame kapi na kere nononkondo dokulimburura, yipo na ngumwine mutwe. I had no strength to answer, so I just nodded. [ Footnote] Ayo kwa vaterere mokudimburura varondi woturukara oto. This would help to distinguish one rider from the next. The congregations appreciate the example of faithful servants who have been serving Jehovah for a long time. Apa muntu a ka tengura ndi a dili kuza kosirongo nasopeke morwa epata lyendi, kuvhura kunyegenyesa nokuhandukisa vanekoro ava va mu huguvarere mokuvarera. Returning emigrants as well as those who decline opportunities to leave their family to go abroad often face the anger, scorn, and disappointment of relatives who may have looked to them as breadwinners. Although I did not understand everything they said, I enjoyed sitting close with my father as they discussed the preaching work in these situations. Nampili tu gazare asi ose twa diva mauzera nagenye, Jehova gelike a mono momutjima gomuntu. (1 Sam. No matter how much we know of a situation, only Jehovah can read a person's figurative heart. Whether we have already been baptized or not, we should thank Jehovah for the privilege of being part of the worldwide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. [ 1] (paragarafu 13) Tara buke Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, epenuno 134 - 136. [ 1] (paragraph 13) See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, pp. 134 - 136. (b) What challenges do those who learn another language, and what questions arise? Mavangeli kwa ga tjenge konyara nomvhura 2 000 da ka pita. For one thing, the Gospels were written almost 2,000 years ago. Second, we must "put faith in " God's" reward. " Apa Jesus ga tanterere varongwa vendi va hove tanko kupapara Uhompa waKarunga, age kwa va tumbwidilire asi: "Yininke eyi nayinye, " ngwendi nondya ndi yidwara, " ngava yi va gwederera ko. ' - Mat. When Jesus told his disciples to keep on seeking first the kingdom, he assured them: "All these other things " - such as what to eat, drink, or put on - " will be added to you. " - Matt. ▪ Serve Jehovah, the King of eternity Ukonentu wendi kwa " pitakanene vakonentu wokoUpumezuva nava womoEgipite. ' His wisdom was "vaster than the wisdom of all the Orientals and than all the wisdom of Egypt. " It is a great honor to honor Jehovah and Jesus. Naina sinzi soyirongo kuna kara novanomeni ponomururani, ngwendi vaporosi ntani novakwayita. Most nations today have "watchmen " in the form of border patrols and high - tech surveillance systems. For example, many Japanese people were threatened by the Jordan River. Syriac Peshitta, 9 / 1 It can help a person to see how important it is to do his personal study, meditation, and prayer. Age kapi tupu ga ndindilire siruwo oso ga hana kurugana ko yuma, nye age kwa rugene unene mosirugana esi ga mu pere Guhwe. He was not passively waiting all that time; rather, he was occupied with the work that his Father assigned him. But will she show deep respect for her husband if she is not present? 17, 18. 17, 18. In 1945, the war ended in 1945. Nampili nonkore dendi nado da uyungire asi: "Murongi, twa diva asi ove kwa hungama, makura yiyo o rongo nzira zaKarunga mouhunga. " (Mat. Even his enemies acknowledged: "Teacher, we know you are truthful and teach the way of God in truth. " Jehovah Leads You to True Freedom Sizoweseso esi ga futire Jesus Kristusa kuna kara "nkenda " zaKarunga. - Varoma 3: 24. " The ransom paid by Christ Jesus " is an expression of God's "undeserved kindness. " - Romans 3: 24. And he will be in the future. Nye kapi ga ka mu gwene po, mukadendi Jayeli yige ga kere po. He found that Heber was not at home. But the man's wife, Jael, was there. Read each day Mokumona asi Jehova kupakera mbili vakareli vendi apa ava va yokeke wopeke, ngoso kapi nga va vatera hena momaudigu gapeke ndi? Since Jehovah is ready to support his servants when others desert them, would he not also sustain them during any other sort of tribulation? The Bible says that "the desire of the flesh " and" the desire of the wicked one " will not inherit God's Kingdom. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9; Revelation 21: 8. Yisinke ga rugene murandi gomosifanekeso saJesus mokugwana mbamba zina zomulyo gomunene? What was the merchant in Jesus ' illustration willing to do to gain the priceless pearl? At that time, David pleaded with God: "Look! Sirongwa esi kupameka asi Jehova yige Hompa gwanarunye ntani kuhorora omu ga likida upangeli wendi koyisitwa yendi yemeguru neyi yepevhu. This article will confirm that Jehovah has always been King and will reveal how he has expressed his kingship to his heavenly and earthly creatures. Later, King David had similar action before building the temple. Yimo, apa Karunga ga pangwire Vajuda wovahalimburukwi pokupulisira Vababironi va funde sirongo nokutwara vantu kounkwate, vamwe kwa va parwire ngwendi Jeremiya naBaraku naAbedemileki. Yes, when God punished faithless Judah by allowing the Babylonians to conquer the land and take her people captive, some individuals, such as Jeremiah, Baruch, and Ebed - melech, were spared. Why was the bride explained to her that she was so precious? Kutukisa " komavava ngwendi makuvi ' Mounting Up "With Wings Like Eagles " After that, everyone who tried to fight the rightfulness of God's sovereignty will be destroyed. LIWAPAIKA ANTICIPATE AND PLAN Faithful older ones can be confident that God will answer their prayers. (Mat. 13: 23; 21: 43) Yipo nye, sifanekeso esi kulikida asi mbuto ezi atu reta kapi za tamba kokutulisa po varongwa. Hence, in this illustration, the fruitage that each Christian must bear cannot refer to new disciples whom we may be privileged to make. Or would you avoid temptation, such as Joseph's wife, who attempted Potiphar's wife? - Read Genesis 39: 10 - 12. Nsene ogu a koko makanya ana fu ayo kukundama vemepata mononkedi dokulisiga - siga, ntani vantu 600 000 kufa nkenye mvhura morwa musi gomakanya. Included are the surviving family members, who suffer emotional and financial loss, as well as the 600,000 nonsmokers who die each year from breathing secondhand smoke. Jesus told his followers: "The eyes of Jehovah are conscious of what they see. Karunga "kwa tura yininke nayinye konhi zonompadi daKristusa, makura yiyo ga mu tura a kare mutwe [gombungakriste, NW]. " (Efe. God "subjected all things under [Jesus '] feet, and made him head over all things to the congregation. " The territory also helped the people to preach the good news. Konyima tupu zokufaturura asi pwa kara nonzira mbali, Jesus kwa uyungire asi: "Omu tjire vaporofete woyimpempa, ava ava mu wizire monomudwaro dononzwi, ano nye monda zawo mambungu aga aga kwata, taga papagura. " Immediately after stating that there are only two roads, Jesus said: "Be careful of false prophets. If so, imitate King David who begged Jehovah: "O Jehovah, please, let me go. " - Ps. Apa muengeli ga gumine konondya odo makura di rungwinine komundiro, Ngidiyona yipo ga divire asi age muengeli gwaJehova. When the food was miraculously consumed by fire at the touch of the angel's staff, Gideon realized that the angel was indeed Jehovah's representative. Her heart did not belong to Jehovah God, just as David was a father of his father. " Age ga yi pulire eyi yipo ga tjenge asi: "Hompa nga yoworora nge mo moudona naunye. " He was so sure of this that he wrote: "The Lord will rescue me from every wicked work. " The teacher of B.C.E. Ove kapi o hafere kukara nawo nye kwa hara tupu kukara nava worudi roge ndi? Do you avoid them and mainly spend time with those you have things in common with? But when we pray, we need to focus on certain forms of prayer. " O munepurogona ove, wa singanyekera yisinke? " - Mateusa 14: 31. " You with little faith, why did you give way to doubt? " - Matthew 14: 31. In five years, the number of pioneers spent more than 1,000 years in the full - time ministry. Ame kuna kundindira nononkondo apa ngava ka vhumbura Paolo, kuliza kumwe nononkango daJesus domwaJohanesa 5: 28, 29. And I eagerly look forward to Paolo's being resurrected, in line with Jesus ' words at John 5: 28, 29. Paul and Stephany sent us back to the Philippines. 19: 10 - 12; 1 Kol. 19: 10 - 12; 1 Cor. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Mokulifana, "kudiworoka nonzo " kuvhura kutanta asi, kurugana ko yuma o" futise " vananzo. - Jeremiya 14: 10. Similarly, "to remember sins " can mean" to take action against sinners. " - Jeremiah 14: 10. " Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. Kapi nayi pulire asi nyose yina kuhorokera morwa kapi nayi ndindilire. " I was not prepared. " God examines our heart with important reasons. Ayo kwa yi ngungunyikira asi nkenye mvhura, vanona wokusika pomamiliyona gatatu kufa kouvera wonzara. It is estimated that each year some three million children die from hunger. In 1962 I was invited to attend the Kingdom Ministry School in South Lansing, New York. Ngapi omu ngazi va kundama? What kind of influences did it exert on our brothers and sisters back then? However, I didn't succeed right away. Yirongwa eyi yivali tayi ka faturura omu muntu na yi diva nsene va mu zigida a ze meguru ntani neyi ayi tanta nsene va mu gwaveka. These two articles will explain how someone knows that he or she has been invited to go to heaven and what it means for that person to be anointed. 12 Kings Jesus ga yi divire asi kuhorowora nawa mapuro kapi tupu aku vatere murongi a dive murongwa nye hena kuninkisa murongwa a lihameke mo monzogera. Jesus knew that well - chosen questions not only help a teacher learn about a student but also get the listener involved in the discussion. Why is it important to learn to use your mind skillfully when you are still young? Kuvhura tu kare vakaume wovanene naJehova ndi? Can we be close friends with Jehovah? We too can apply this principle so that we have enough time to do Kingdom interests. Nomanzunge gaaga ga tunga sikorogo, yisampamema ya kara nembo lyayene; ayo kutura vana vayo popepi noyizambero yoge, HOMPA Munankondo nadinye, Hompa gwange naKarunga gwange. " Even the bird finds a home there and the swallow a nest for herself, where she cares for her young near your grand altar, O Jehovah of armies, my King and my God! " The disciple James asked: "Is it wise for you to become wise? Yikunwa ndi nondya: Posiruwo sanare, kutambura vagenda ngamu hamene hena kuvazumbura. (Gen. 18: 1 - 8; Vap. 13: 15; Ruk. For refreshments or a meal: In Bible times, hospitality normally included inviting someone to one's home for a meal. How good it is for us to read the Bible daily and Christian publications to provide comfort to us during difficult times! Vakareli vaKarunga kapi ava ligazara tupu vene. God's servants go beyond simply thinking about themselves. (Read Zephaniah 3: 9, 10.) (Ehororo 5: 9, 10) Nye wovanzi ngava va vhumbwira keparu lyepevhu. Most, though, will be brought back to life on the earth. (See endnote.) Eyi yiyo Jehova ga horowerere epata olyo li rere Munwendi Jesus apa ga ya kere pevhu. It is no wonder that Jehovah had chosen them to care for his Son during the first part of Jesus ' earthly life. 15, 16. Mbungakriste zovazuvhisi 69 ava ngava pongere moSinyanga sosipe, ano 13 kwa kere vazuvhisi wokukarerera. A congregation of 69 publishers, 13 of whom were regular pioneers, all meeting in a new Kingdom Hall. Jehovah sees what is in the heart, and he saw something good in him. Nagumwe si a wiza kwaTate, age ga hana kupitira pwange. ' " No one comes to the Father except through me. ' " Second, we must display Jehovah's qualities, especially his love. Ntani tarurura omu no vhura kuhonena Jehova. - Resa Vaefeso 5: 1, 2. In each case, look for ways that you can imitate your heavenly Father. - Read Ephesians 5: 1. The desire for riches can cause us to fall short of materialism. Epongo lyokudira kudivara, 8 / 15 What Should Children Learn? In that way, you may be moved from the heart to do all you can in his service. Mauwa musinke gamwe hena ava hafere ava ava ligava vene mokukazuvhisira oku kuna hepa vazuvhisi? What other rewards are received by those who offer themselves willingly to serve where the need is greater? If we ask Jehovah for help but not give up on us right away, we need to endure. Nye tani uyunga momutjima asi: Nsene Jehova yiyo ana harere nge ni yi rugane tani hetekera ko. ' But I thought, " If Jehovah thinks I can do it, I will try. ' And God's spirit will help you to remember things you have learned, which will help you remain faithful. - John 14: 26. Eharo lyaKristusa kututumangeda tu hare vakwetu EPENUNO 19 19 "What Are We to Eat? " None of us can have a close relationship with God unless we allow ourselves to do so. " Karunga kwa mu gavera [Kristusa] asi, monomfa dendi a vhure kufundira mo edongonono lyononzo ava va mu pura. " God set [Christ] forth as an offering for propitiation through faith in his blood. STUDY ARTICLES Mokulifana nanaina, vantu vaJehova va lisiga nava womouzuni waSatana. Similarly today, Jehovah has separated for himself a people who are markedly different from Satan's world. Therefore, we should not be confronted with a mental attitude that differs from Jehovah. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. [ Footnote] Ngelirongo, kuvhura o rugane epaparo komapuro aga ka va ku pulire vantu. As a study project, why not do research to find answers to questions that have been posed to you recently? Paul invited "many Jews and many others " to come in his house ' to witness. ▪ Hafera eyi ono kulironga. ▪ Value what you learn. " I am! I am! " - Isa. ▪ Pandura Jehova, nga ku tungike ▪ Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed If a Christian takes offense when he speaks to a fellow believer, it may be wise to apply the counsel found at James 1: 20, which says: "Let no man hearing what is acceptable to God. " Jesus kwa tente hena asi age kwa wizire a " ya gave mwenyo [ndi eparu] lyendi, li kare sizoweseso sovanzi. ' Jesus also said that he came "to give his soul [or, life] a ransom in exchange for many. " But what I read in the Bible helped me. Morwa awo kwa mu pangwire kuliza nemoneko, awo kwa mwene tupu munamuhongi goyikungu. Basing their opinions on outward appearances, all they saw was the son of a country carpenter. Should we pray only whenever we are at any time? (b) Ngapi Jehova ana kutulikida eharo naina? (b) What remarkable work is Jehovah accomplishing today? Consider the experience of 44 - year - old Ida, who had cancer and told him that he was leaving for ten days and then died. Nye apa ga hampurukire Benyameni Rakera ta fu. But Rachel died giving birth to that second son. A couple in the United States talk to their children about Jehovah when they consider the beauty of creation, food, or food. (Ehororo 19: 11 - 21) Yosili, vampitisili wonongereka kapi va diva eyi nga ka rugana Jesus ngaHompa goUhompa waKarunga. Clearly, Christendom's leaders do not know what Jesus will do as King of God's Kingdom. They left the old personality and went into the new personality. Konyima Ndafita ga ya kwere Abigayili. - 1 Sam. David later married Abigail. - 1 Sam. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. YITA KAPI NGAYI KA KARA KO NO MORE WAR It is difficult for a Christian to serve Jehovah if he has chosen to continue to pursue a secular career in this world. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 23. [ Nonkango dokonhi] [ Footnote] Some place places in their homes. 21: 2 - 4) Nombungakriste kuhafera sihonena sovakareli wovalimburukwi ava va karera Jehova siruwo sosire. Congregations appreciate the faithful example of the long - time servants in their midst. He treated them with love, and James and John needed to be like Jesus. Nampili ngomu ngani dili kukwata egano nayinye eyi ngava uyunga, ame ngani hafere kuhingira pepi notate ngomu mouvali vawo ngava zogere omu nava gendesa sirugana sokuzuvhisa momaukaro ogo. While I did not understand everything they were talking about, I enjoyed being at Father's side as the two discussed how best to carry on the preaching work under the existing circumstances. 5: 15, 16. Yi kare asi twa gwana nare ekuho ndi kuna kukondja tu ka li gwane, twa hepa kupandura Jehova kositumbukira esi twa kara naso sokuhama kombungakriste zoNombangi daJehova uzuni mudima. Whether we are baptized Christians or we are working toward that goal, we have every reason to be thankful for the privilege of associating with the worldwide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. In what ways can elders make themselves available? (b) Maudigu musinke ava ligwanekere nago ava ava lirongo eraka lyapeke ntani mapuro musinke ayi retesa po? (b) What specific challenges do those learning a new language face, and what questions does this raise? I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents. Sauvali twa hepa " kupura ' asi Karunga "yige a futu. " Second, we "must believe that " God is" the rewarder. " During the following years, enemies used laws, violence, or imprisonment, to end the preaching work. - Ps. ▪ Karera Jehova, Hompa gwanarunye ▪ Worship Jehovah, the King of Eternity So the Devil is not mere story of a person or a person's heart. Ayo hepero unene kupa mfumwa Jehova naJesus. Honoring Jehovah and Christ is not optional. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 1, 2.) Vayapani kwa homokerere Vaphilippines. The Japanese army invaded the Philippines. 12: 24, 25. Ayo kuvhura kuvatera muntu a dimburure omu ya kara nomulyo kurugana elirongo lyoBibeli lyanyamwendi nokuteda ko ntani kukanderera. A loss of privileges, for example, can help a person realize how important it is for him to focus more on personal Bible study, meditation, and prayer. We have seen Jehovah's support and direction in the way we should not have been able to do in the world. Nye mukadi nga kara neharo lyokufumadeka yendi nsene age pwato ndi? Yet, would she be inclined to respect him when he is not there? I was impressed by the Bible's answers to my questions. Yita yoVayapani kwa hege mo - 1945. The Japanese occupation ended in 1945. 18, 19. Jehova a ku pitisire koumanguruki wousili Let Jehovah Lead You to True Freedom When Potiphar's wife told her news, she was delighted. Ntani age nga kara ko nokomeho oko. And he will always exist in the future. He did not need to fear. Resa mo nkenye ezuva Read it regularly They may feel that they are better than foreigners, but they do not think so. Bibeli kwa uyunga asi "vanaruho " ndi vedowo ntani" novanayimpempa " kapi ngava pinga Uhompa waKarunga. - 1 Vakolinte 6: 9 - 11; Ehororo 21: 8. The Bible says that "greedy people " and" liars " will not qualify to inherit the Kingdom. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11; Revelation 21: 8. The serpent replied: "You will not die. Posiruwo sina, Ndafita kwa likwamberere Karunga asi: " Komba po nonzo dange, morwankenda zoge zonene! At that time, David begged God: "According to the abundance of your mercies wipe out my transgressions.... What problems may arise in a marriage, and what help can a Christian find? Konyima, hompa Ndafita nage kwa rugene yokulifana komeho va ya tunge ntembeli. (Ex. 35: 5; 1 Hist. For example, Moses called for donations for the construction of the tabernacle, as did King David for the building of the temple. We might believe that a generous person will be "a generous person. " Morwasinke mufuko va mu fatwilira asi muwa unene? Why is it appropriate that the bride is described as being "absolutely magnificent "? People may realize that we have wisdom through our actions. Ano konyima zoyo, nkenye ogu nga hetekera ko kurwanesa uhunga waKarunga wokupangera ngava mu zonagura po poopo. After that, if anyone ever questions his loving way of ruling, God will act right away. Why? Vakurupe wovalimburukwi kuvhura va kare nehuguvaro asi Karunga nga limburura makanderero gawo. Such faithful older ones can be sure that God will answer their prayers. We came to understand the words "at the Memorial " mentioned in verse 46 that when Jesus came to examine the spiritual condition of the anointed in 1918 and asked for his belongings all the things that occurred in 1919. Ndi ngo nyokera po eheteko nokuduka ngwendi munwaJakopo Josefa, ogu ga hetekere mukadaPotifara? - Resa Genesis 39: 10 - 12. Or would you resist the temptation and flee from it, as did Jacob's son Joseph, who was tempted by Potiphar's wife? - Read Genesis 39: 10 - 12. Poverty is common in many lands. Jesus kwa tanterere vasikuli vendi asi: "Meho aga gana kumona eyi muna kumona kwa ragopa. It is easy for us to relate to what Jesus told his disciples: "Happy are the eyes that behold the things you are beholding. The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Radio nazo za vaterere vantu va zuvhise mbudi zongwa. The radio was also used effectively to preach the good news. When Jehovah gives us holy spirit, we are strengthened. Nsene yimo, honena Hompa Ndafita ogu ga likwamberere Jehova asi: "Likida nge nzira ezi nani genda. " - Epis. If so, why not imitate King David, who implored Jehovah: "Make known to me the way in which I should walk. " - Ps. Let us consider some Bible principles that can help us to recognize "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God " when we choose what we wear. - Rom. Mutjima gwendi kapi gwa hamenene nawa - nawa kwaHOMPA Karunga gwendi, moomu gwa kere gwaguhwe Ndafita. " (1 Vah. But if we put Kingdom interests first in our lives, Jehovah will care for us. Murongi gouhaku Debra W. In her book Beyond the Big Talk, health educator Debra W. The key to success 65: 2) Nye nsene tatu kanderere, twa hepa kudemenena komarupe gamwe gekanderero. However, we should also endeavor to focus on other forms of prayer. Gerri worked 20 Bible students each week, and many whom we studied made progress until I was baptized. Monomvhura ntano sivaro sovazuvhisi wokukarerera kwa pitakana po - 1 100 000. Records show that in the last five years, the average number of regular pioneers has grown to over 1,100,000 and more than a quarter of a million worldwide have been added to the ranks of full - time preachers. Our spiritual paradise is a precious possession and needs to preserve it. 9: 22) Name naPaul Bruun naRaymond Leach kwa tu tumine koFilipine. Three of us - Paul Bruun, Raymond Leach, and I - were assigned to the Philippines. It meant that Noah obeyed God and loved him. MOSIFO ESI KUNA KARA MO HENA: What lesson do we learn from this account? " Babironi zonene, " epangero lyomouzuni lyomaukarelikarunga goyimpempa, ngava zi zonagura po. Furthermore, the rest of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. As we will see in the next article, "the season " has arrived. Karunga kukonakona nomutjima detu nokonda zomulyo. Finally, God examines our life for a most reassuring reason. Elders help all in the congregation to make such shepherding visits, and they try to understand such problems by trying to understand Scriptural counsel and encourage them to understand the Bible's counsel. Mo - 1962 kwa zigidire nge koSikora zoYirugana yoUhompa koSouth Lansing moNew York. In 1962, I was invited to attend the Kingdom Ministry School at South Lansing, New York. Those published by this magazine want you to know more about Jehovah, the true God, and his Son, Jesus Christ. Nampili ngoso, kapi ya tompokere nge ni hageke poopo kutuka. Even so, I didn't succeed immediately in cleaning up my language. 8: 14 - 21. 12 Vahompa ntantatu 12 Eight Kings Revealed For example, what would you do if an elder spoke the words expressed by an elder? Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo mokulironga kuruganesa nawa nondunge doge ove simpe mudinkantu? Why is it important for you to learn to use the "power of reason " early in life? Two women whose thoughts were released 5: 16) Nose kuvhura tu ture mpango ezi pasirugana yipo tu kare nosiruwo sokugwanena po mokurugana yirugana yoUhompa. Can we apply this principle so as to have more time to assist with work in behalf of the Kingdom? Human thinking has changed, but Jehovah has not changed. Jakopo kwa pulire asi: "Opo muna kara, yilye po munongo ndi mukonentu? " Who is wise and understanding among you? " How long will the preaching work continue? 17: 2, 10, 11) Ee, omu tupu ya wapa asi tu rese nkenye ezuva Bibeli ntani noyimbapiratjangwa yoSikriste eyi va wapaika mokutupa ehengagwido nehuguvaro moyiruwo eyi yomaudigu! How appropriate it is that we read the Bible daily, benefiting from it and from Christian publications designed to bring us comfort and hope in these troublesome times! But the Samaritans did not want Jesus and his apostles to stay with them in their city. (Resa Sefaniya 3: 9, NW. (Read Zephaniah 3: 9.) Yes, Jesus died and died, but what evidence was raised from the dead? (Mat. 9: 36; resa Marukusa 6: 34.) How did he react to their pitiful state? The relationship between the Father and the Son was stronger. 15, 16. 15, 16. Although we are imperfect, we can be happy if we continue to make changes and follow what the Bible teaches. Jehova kumona eyi ya kara momutjima, ano ga mwene sininke sosiwa mwendi. Jehovah sees what the heart is, and evidently he saw something very precious in this youth. He promises in his Word: "The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth. 10: 13) Sauvali, twa hepa kulikida yikara yaJehova, unene po eharo lyendi. Second, we need to reflect Jehovah's qualities, especially his love. Even though these brothers are different from one another, they are still brothers and sisters. Edowo lyemona nosinka kuvhura yi tu ninkise si tu kwate siraha sokudowokera emona. That element combined with anxiety can choke the word. Second, the Bible does not say that Jesus or his disciples are Christmas. Monkedi ozo, ove ngayi kutumangeda kutundilira komutjima o rugane paapa wa hulira mosirugana sendi. - Ruk. Set aside time to study and meditate on his appealing qualities - his love, patience, and mercy. 43: 10 - 13. Nsene tu hundira Jehova evatero nye a dire kulitupa poopo, twa hepa kulididimikira. If we pray for help from Jehovah but he does not answer us right away, let us be patient. (a) What temptations must refugees avoid? (Yirugana 16: 25) Ntani mpepo zaKarunga ngazi ku vatera o diworoke yininke eyi wa lironga, eyi ngayi ku vatera o kare mulimburukwi. - Johanesa 14: 26. And God's spirit will help you remember the things you have learned, which will help you remain faithful. - John 14: 26. Jesus later spoke about his Father and showed us their qualities. Kwato gokuvhura kutugusa mo melikwatakano lyetu naKarunga ntudi tu yi pulisire nyamwetu. Nobody can take away our friendship with God unless we allow that to happen. " Honor your father and your mother, " and show them that you love them just as they love you. Efuta lyoMungwa Salt Sea The apostle Paul wrote to them: "Do not become impatient with unbelievers. " Yipo nye, kapisi yi tu tekukise asi magazaro getu ga lisiga unene naga gaJehova. We should not, therefore, be surprised that our thinking is far different from that of Jehovah. How can peer pressure come from some who claim to be Christian? [ Nondanda dokonhi] ▪ Job 16 - 37 [ Footnote] In view of the report of the Watch Tower Publications Index, about a half billion - year - old United States believe that the world will end "the war of Armageddon. " Paurusa kwa zigidire "Vajuda womakuto " navamwe " wovanzi ava ngava wiza monzugo zendi ' nokuvazuvhisira. Vanomeni nawo va gwene umbangi. Paul's rented accommodations are large enough for him to receive "the principal men of the Jews " and to witness to them as well as to " greater numbers of others who came to him in his lodging place. ' Disfellowshipping leads people in certain areas of technology and its environment. muporofote kwa limbwilire asi: "Nyame ogu, tuma nge! " - Jes. Send me. " - Isa. Hence, the apostle Paul could say: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " Nsene Mukriste ayi nongonona asi kuna kuhara kuhanduka apa ana kuzogera yuma nomupuli mukwawo, nayi wapa kwendi mokutura pasirugana epukururo lyomwaJakopo 1: 19, 20 asi: "Nkenye muntu a genderere kuzuvha, nye mokuuyunga nomokuhanduka ta liwora. Yeeyi muntu kapi a rugana mehandu eyi ya hungama kosipara saKarunga. " If a Christian senses that he is becoming angry when discussing a matter with a fellow believer, he is wise to heed the counsel found at James 1: 19, 20: "Every man must be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath; for man's wrath does not work out God's righteousness. " When he was king of Israel, it would have been wise for him to do so. Nye eyi na resere moBibeli ya vaterere nge. Here again, what I read in the Bible helped me. (Read 2 Timothy 1: 7, footnote.) Kuvhura tu kanderere tupu nkenye siruwo nankenye oku tuna kara ndi? Does it matter when and where we pray? It is not always easy to forgive others. Tarurura sihorokwa saCharlene gonomvhura 44, ogu ga kere nokankera ntani kwa mu tanterere asi age kuna mu hupire ko tupu mazuva murongo makura a fe. Consider the case of 44 - year - old Charlene, who had cancer and was told she had ten days to live. Jesus showed his followers the way of life when he said: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and disown himself. " Valikwali womoAmerika kuzogera novana vawo kuhamena Jehova apa ava tara omu wa fuura unsitwe ndi pokulya nondya donontovara. A couple in the United States reflect on Jehovah when the family enjoy an aspect of nature or certain foods. 4: 6. Awo kwa zumbire muntu gomukurukuru nokudwara muntu gomupe. They put away their old personality and put on the new. God's Kingdom will rule over all mankind. Aso kwa si wapaikira si kare ruha rwerongo lyoBibeli lyomouzuni mudima nevatero lyoyigava yokutunda komutjima. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Jehovah has given us details through his Word, the Bible. Ayo kuyadigopera Mukriste mokukarera Jehova nsene a horowora kutwikira nelirongo lyokuzeruka mouzuni ou. - Resa 1 Vakolinte 7: 23. Continuing one's education to promote a career in this world could curtail one's freedom to pursue full - time service. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 23. She felt that God answered her prayer and wanted to find Jehovah's Witnesses right away. Vamwe kutura mavango ogo momambo gawo. Some set up a shrine in their home. How Would You Answer? Age nga va tekura neharo, ano Jakopo naJohanesa nawo va hepere kukara ngwendi Jesus. He treats them kindly, as James and John should too. Because of her secular work, we often traveled to the congregations. 5: 15, 16. 5: 15, 16. 3: 1. Mononkedi musinke vakuronambunga nava ligava vene? To what extent should the elders give of themselves? How can we do so? Ame ngani hafere kukara nomama wovagara. As I grew up, I enjoyed Grandfather's attention. One hundred children in the United States asked such a question. Monomvhura edi da kweme ko, nonkore doUhompa kwa ruganesere noveta, nyanya, eturo modorongo, ndi edipago mokuhetekera ko kuhagekesa po sirugana sokuzuvhisa. - Epis. In the decades to follow, the enemies of the Kingdom resorted to "framing trouble in the name of the law. " They also resorted to physical violence, imprisonments, and even executions by hanging, shooting, or beheading our brothers. - Ps. We also had to cope with the steady victory that was built in London. (Mateusa 4: 1 - 4) Yipo nye, Muzonaguli kapisi esimwititi tupu ndi udona ou wa kara momutjima gomuntu. So the Devil is not imaginary, nor is he just a symbol of evil. It was one of the four Hebrew manuscripts written in the 19th language spoken earlier in Egypt. " The bread that I shall give is my flesh, " he said. (Read John 3: 16.) (Resa 2 Vatesaronika 2: 1, 2.) (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 1, 2.) What have some done to help pioneers in their congregation? 12: 24, 25. 12: 24, 25. Since a Jew was a Jew, he did not need to explanation about Paradise. Ose twa limonena epopero nevyukiso lyaJehova monkedi omu nkare tu dire kuligwana ngano twa rugene mouzuni. We have felt Jehovah's protection and direction over and over again and in ways that would never have happened had we stayed in our own little comfort zone. (See opening picture.) Kwa tetukisire nge malimbururo gomoBibeli komapuro gange. I was impressed by the Bible's clear, logical answers to my questions. Appreciating the Holy Spirit's Role 18, 19. 18, 19. Whether we are at home or at work, we need to put forth effort to glorify Jehovah by our good conduct. Apa mukadaManowa ga tanterere yendi mbudi ezi, age kwa mu hafesere. When she told Manoah the news, he was very excited. They are happy to serve Jehovah with their fellow believers. Kapi ga hepere kukara nowoma. Moses did not need to be afraid. As Jehovah draws us closer to him, we must remain in his love. Awo kulizuvha asi mulyo kupitakana vanayirongo, nye kapi ya wapa kugazara ngoso. It is disrespectful to consider those of another nation to be inferior to people in one's own country. How can we show that we have God's spirit? Ezoka tali limburura asi: Ndangako asi ngomu fe one. At this the serpent said to the woman: " You certainly will not die. We work hard to serve Jehovah. Maudigu musinke aga horoka mpamwe mononkwara, ntani evatero musinke na vhura kugwana Mukriste? What unexpected problems may arise in a marriage, but of what may a Christian be certain? When Paul visited Lystra in 47 C.E., Timothy may have been able to accept the truth. Kuvhura tu yi pure asi muntu gougavi " ngava mu tungika. ' We can be assured that "the generous person will be blessed. " At the same time, you will live forever. Vantu kuvhura va nongonone asi ose twa kara nounongo nediwo kupitira moyirugana yetu. Others may note the wisdom, or good sense, in our actions. Today, our conventions are not like many days of old, and many of our brothers and sisters can listen carefully to the program because each convention is provided and available at the convention. Morwasinke? Why? Let your kingdom come. Ose kwa kwete egano nonkango edi "nsenesi a ya mu gwana " va tumbura movelise 46 asi kwa likwatakana nosiruwo apa Jesus ga wizire mokuyakonakona mukaro gopampepo govagwavekwa 1918 nokuyatumba mukareli a kare mukungi gemona lyendi mudima eyi ya horokere 1919. We understood that the "arriving " mentioned in verse 46 was linked to the time when Jesus came to inspect the spiritual condition of the anointed in 1918 and that the appointment of the slave over all the Master's belongings occurred in 1919. If we do so, we will find true happiness and satisfaction. Ruhepo kuna lihanene nampili moyirongo youngawo. Poverty is widespread, even in affluent lands. (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) Bibeli kutanta asi: "Hedeni Karunga pepi, nage a mu hede pepi. " The Bible says: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " What did Solomon realize about those who qualify to do? Apa Jehova a tu pe mpepo zokupongoka, ose kunkondopara. If the strength we have comes from Jehovah, we will be strong indeed! What power did God use? Tu konakoneni nompango dimwe domoBibeli edi nadi tu vatera tu koneke " mpango zaKarunga neyi yoyiwa ya tu wapera ayo ya sikilira mo ' nsene tatu horowora eyi natu dwara. - Rom. Let us consider some Bible principles that can help us determine "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God " when we are deciding what to wear. - Rom. Yet, the majority of mankind are still captives of false religion. Nye nsene tu tura muhowo yirugana yoUhompa meparu lyetu, Jehova nga tu pakera mbili. Instead, we can be ever confident that if we do what we are supposed to do - give spiritual interests priority in our life - Jehovah will not hold back what is good from us. Many of them thought that "the Israel of Israel " would deliver them from Roman oppression. Nsapi ezi azi twaredesa ketompoko The Secret to Success Some years later, in Germany, one man learned about the Festival of Thousand Year Reign and studied law. Gerri nga rugana varongwa woBibeli 20 nkenye sivike, ano wovanzi ava ngatu lirongo nawo kwa tulire po ezokomeho dogoro kekuho. Often Gerri would conduct 20 weekly Bible studies, and many with whom we studied progressed to baptism. This has helped him to stop smoking, which has helped millions to break free. 6: 10) Mbili zetu zoparadisa zopampepo kuna kara sininke sosiwa unene ntani twa hepa kuzipopera. Our peaceful spiritual paradise is something to be treasured and safeguarded. As a result, publishers preach only a few people. (Genesis 6: 9) Kutanta asi Nowa nga limburukwa Karunga ntani ga mu here. Not that God walked on earth, nor that Noah somehow went to heaven. Above all, Jesus Christ, who came from Jehovah's heavenly organization. Sirongwa musinke tuna lirongere ko kosihorokwa esi? What lesson can we learn from this account? SEED OF GOD'S THEME (Habakuku 2: 3) Ngomu natu ka yi mona mosirongwa sokukwama ko asi, " ruveze ' runa siki mo. It will not be late. " As we will see in the next article, that "appointed time " is near. That made me happy, for I know that Jehovah draws people to him. (2 Tim. 2: 22) Vakuronambunga kuvatera navenye womombungakriste pokurugana edinguro lyokukagava ekorangedo, ano pedinguro lyangoso awo kuhetekera ko kukwata egano maudigu govanavazinyawo nokugava ekorangedo lyomoBibeli. Shepherding thus involves visiting members of the congregation periodically with a view to understanding the situations they are facing and encouraging them with appropriate Scriptural counsel. He spent ten hours on the Internet. Ava va tjanga sifo esi vana hara o dive ko yoyinzi kuhamena Jehova, Karunga gosili, ntani naMunwendi, Jesus Kristusa. The publishers of this magazine invite you to learn more about Jehovah, the true God, and about his Son, Jesus Christ. Have we been able to spend time together? 8: 14 - 21. 8: 14 - 21. Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth, was his father. Pasihonena, yisinke ngo rugana nsene mukuronambunga nga uyunga nonkango edi ngadi likida elitondororo? For example, how will you respond if an elder makes a remark that hints at a degree of prejudice? How did Isaac show that he wanted peace when the Philistine king made peace? Vakadi vavali ava va pwagesere magano gawo Two Women Who Spoke Up Yet, like Joseph, he did not lose his faith in God. (Yisewe 2: 1 - 5) Magano govantu kurunduruka, nye Jehova kapi a runduruka. The ideas and plans of humans change, but Jehovah never changes. Will they benefit from this arrangement? Siruwo sokuhura kupi ngasi twikira sirugana sokuzuvhisa? How long would the preaching work continue? These qualities are like situations that may cause you to build a house. Nye Vasamaliya kapi va here Jesus novapositoli vendi va rare mositata sawo. But the Samaritans say they don't want Jesus and his apostles to stay overnight with them in their city. According to the laws that God gave to Israel, the priests were to be born from the womb of the tribe of Judah and of Judah. Yosili, Jesus kwa parukire makura ta fu, nye umbangi musinke wa kara po asi kwa mu pindwire koufe? There is no doubt that Jesus lived and died, but what evidence is there that he was raised from the dead? This day, we grow in marriage each day. Elikwatakano pokatji kaGuhya noMunwa kwa nkondoparere. The relationship between the Father and the Son kept developing. Elders strive to imitate Jesus when they give counsel. Nampili ngomu twa dira kusikilira mo, ose kuvhura tu mu hafese nsene tu twikira kukondja kutura po marunduruko ntani nokukwama eyi azi tu rongo Bibeli. Although we are imperfect, we can please him if we continue to work hard to make changes and follow what he teaches us in the Bible. 1 (Ehororo 11: 18) Age kwa tumbwidira moNonkango dendi asi: "Vantu wovahungami - vantuzuni - yiwo ngava kara omu mosirongo setu. In his Word, he makes this promise: "The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. Brother Lett referred to many remarkable changes in the earthly part of Jehovah's organization in recent years. Nampili yi kare asi vantu namumbyendi kwa lisiga, nye awo simpe vantu namumbyendi. Brothers are often quite different, but they are brothers nonetheless. What did Choong Keon do? Konda zauvali, Bibeli kapi za uyunga ko asi Jesus ndi varongwa vendi nawo va dene Krismesa. Second, the Bible does not record that Jesus or any one of his disciples celebrated Christmas. To adjust our thinking, we need to change what is in our heart. 43: 10 - 13. 43: 10 - 12. The prophet Habakkuk and the prophet Habakkuk, Jesus ' disciples waited forward to seeing the end of the wicked. (a) Maheteko musinke va hepa kunyokera po vatjwayuki? (a) What temptation do refugees need to resist? They fled one of the greatest disasters that was written by Jerusalem's brothers and sisters in general. (Vafilipi 2: 7) Jesus kwa ya uyungire kuhamena oGuhwe ntani ga ya tu likidire yikara yawo. Jesus not only talked about his Father but also showed us what God is like. May 1, 2010 " O fumadeke oguho nonyoko, " ntani va likida asi wa va hara ngwendi moomu va ku hara awo. " Honor your father and your mother, " and show them that you love them as they love you. We always told them, "Be single even until I was 23. " Mupositoli Paurusa kwa va tjangerere asi: "Walye omu kambadara kurugana kumwe nava va hana kupura. " The apostle Paul wrote them: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " Notice that Paul used the word "Father. " Ngapi omu makondjeso naga kuvhura kutunda kwavamwe ava ava litumbura asi Vakriste? How might pressure come from some who claim to be Christians? Yet, he was confident that his disciples would be courageous despite family opposition. Mokuliza nepaparo lyombunga Princeton Survey Research Associates, konyara harufa zoVaamerika kwa pura asi uzuni ngau haga "poyita yaHarumagedoni. " A poll conducted in the United States by Princeton Survey Research Associates found that 40 percent of the adults surveyed believe that the world will end in "a battle at Armageddon. " What can you do if your family has a problem in the language of language? Yigenderwa kuna kutwara vantu komavango goyirugana nokomarandesero. The mototaxis are busy transporting people to work and to the market. We feel happy because Jehovah guides us and helps us to do good things. (Rukasa 11: 13) Yipo nye, mupositoli Paurusa ga vhulire kutanta asi: "Ame kuvhura nayinye nononkondo dogu a pameke nge. " Thus, the apostle Paul could say: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " He knew that God would bless him because of his faith. Apa ga kere hompa goVaisraeli, ngano kwa kweme mapukururo gomawa gomasimbi ngano ya mu tompokere. When he became the king of Israel, it would have been wise for him to follow the counsel of the older men. Korah and his associates abandoned God because of their pride, pride, and lack of faith. (1 Kol. 2: 7, hetakanesa NW.) Daniel says: "We cried and complained to Spain. Kapisi ureru nkenye apa kudongwenena po wopeke. Of course, it is not always easy to forgive. But because he loved people and considered life's life to be precious. Jesus kwa likidire vasikuli vendi kuhamena nzira zokutwaredera keparu lyoruhafo apa ga tente asi: "Muntu ogu ga hara kukwama nge, a lidine ntani. " (Mat. Thus, Jesus pointed his followers toward a satisfying way of life when he said: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself. " He allowed me and paid me the same amount of money. 4: 6. 4: 6. At first, they traveled about nine miles (100 km) through the Jordan River and crossed the Euphrates River. Uhompa waKarunga ngau ka pangera vantu navenye. God's Kingdom will rule all mankind. * In view of the tabernacle and the temple in which the Israelites worshipped God, it represented the steps that the Messiah fulfilled from his sacrificial death. - See box on page 7. Jehova ga tu pa mauzera kupitira moNonkango dendi, Bibeli. Jehovah has provided this. Soon God will bring the new world into a righteous new world, and only those who exercise love for one another will be allowed to live in harmony with God's will. Age kwa lizuvhire asi Karunga ana limburura ekanderero lyendi makura yipo ga here kugwana poopo Nombangi daJehova. That, she felt, was a reply from God, and she wanted to meet with Jehovah's Witnesses as soon as possible. The prophecy of the psalmist sang: "The power of your hand will keep you strong. " Ngapi omu no vhura kulimburura? How Would You Answer? For example, in 2010, one reference work said that "the Armageddon " took place in Egypt. Morwa yirugana yendi, nkenye apa ngatu dirauka, kapi ngani vhuru kuponga nombungakriste. Because of his job, we were constantly moving, so I was unable to associate with a congregation. One day, my father and I were close to the Kingdom Hall near the Kingdom Hall. 3: 1. 3: 1. " The Word of Our God Endures Forever. " Ngapi omu natu vhura kuyirugana oyo? How can we do so? God's holy spirit empowered the prophet to perform miracles far more than Elijah performed. Vanona efere womoAmerika kwa va pulire epuro lyangoso. That was a question put to hundreds of children in the United States. Paragraph 12: Although some of the apostles had received a gift from holy spirit, many events seemed that this gift was paid by the apostles or by means of the apostles. Ntani ngatu lididimikire nondira doyita edi ngadi zuguma noboma moLondoni. We also had to cope with air raids and German V - 1 missiles that flew quite low over Kent to bomb London. At that time, Jesus gained greater knowledge about Jehovah and was called "the image of the invisible God. " Alyo kwa kere limwe lyomatjango gane aga va tjenge meraka lyoRucoptic eli ngava uyunga nare moEgipite. It was one of four separate texts contained in a codex (a type of ancient book) written in Coptic (a language derived from ancient Egyptian). How can parents imitate the Great Shepherd, Jehovah? (Resa Johanesa 3: 16.) (Read John 3: 16.) What Jehovah views is very important from what people view. Yisinke vamwe va rugana mokuvatera vazuvhisi wokukarerera womombungakriste zawo? What have some done to help pioneers in their congregation? No. Mokumona asi mugara ogu kwa kere Mujuda, age kapi ga hepere efatururo kuhamena Paradisa. He knew about the hope of everlasting life on earth in a world to come. May they be obedient to that purpose and to fill the earth with their offspring. (Tara efano pepenuno 28.) (See opening image.) They may allow their children to make some decisions and commend them if that decision is made. Kunongonona sirugana sompepo zokupongoka Acknowledging the Role of Holy Spirit Paul was so grateful for God's undeserved kindness, and he loved his appreciation for it. (1 Pet. 2: 12) Yi kare asi membo tuna kara ndi koyirugana ndi kosure ndi kuna kulihafesa ndi moyirugana yokuzuvhisa, twa hepa kulitura mo unene mokuyererepeka Jehova kupitira monkareso zetu zongwa. Whether we are at home, at work, at school, at play, or in the ministry, we make every effort to bring glory to Jehovah through our fine conduct. The special preaching work was to reach more people during the short time of that preaching. Ado kuhafa mokukarera Jehova novapuli vakwaawo. Ado kwa " hara vapuli vakwawo. ' Therefore, it is only natural for them to "have love for the whole association of brothers. " 6: 31, 32; Luke 21: 34, 35. Ngomu Jehova ga tu hedera pepi, twa hepa kukara ngorooro meharo lyendi. Once Jehovah has drawn us, we should be concerned with remaining in his love. Explain why this will strengthen us during the great tribulation. Ngapi omu natu yi likida asi twa kara nompepo zaKarunga? How might we give proof that we have God's spirit? We accepted a small amount of money. Ose kurugana unene mokukarera Jehova. Our home is a hub of activity, all centered on the worship of Jehovah. Set goals for yourself. Apa Paurusa ga ka dingwire moLisitira momvhura 47, age nampo Timoteusa ntani ana kutambura usili. It was likely in 47 C.E., during the apostle Paul's first visit to Lystra, that Timothy was introduced to Christianity. Have you ever used a portion of the table, or used it? Ntani hena ngo ka paruka narunye nanarunye. On the contrary, you will remain - alive and joyful - for all eternity! Angels assisted God's representatives. Naina yigongi kapi yina kara hena yomazuva gomanzi ngwendi yanare, ano sinzi sovanavazinyetu kuvhura kupurakena nawa kelikwamo morwa nkenye gumwe kuwapaika nondya damwene nokudipitira kosigongi. Now the schedule provides for shorter convention days, and food preparation done by families and individuals ahead of time allows them to give more attention to the spiritual feeding program. It can be likened to a magnet's appearance. Uhompa woge au wize. Let your Kingdom come. Of course, marriage is acceptable if only one mate does something else. Nsene tu yi rugana, ngatu gwana ruhafo rousili ntani norufuwo. In doing so, we will find true happiness and refreshment! You might understand that after divorce, a person does not want to talk about divorce. (Resa Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) (Read Genesis 3: 1 - 5.) On the other hand, those who refuse to obey God's counsel can become "the temporary enjoyment of wrath. " - Rom. Yisinke ga dimbwilire Saromo kuhamena ava ayi wapere? What did Solomon conclude about those who are successful before God? Samuel took the horn and anointed him before his brothers. 1: 1, 2) Nonkondo musinke ga ruganesere Karunga? What was at work? The name [Jesus Christ] has taken away from the Roman ruler Pontius Pilate, who had been put to death before him in the Roman Empire. " 6: 1) Nye vantu wovanzi simpe kuna kara mounkwate womaukarelikarunga goyimpempa. They need to be shown the way out. The illustration can help parents to see how wrong it would be for God to allow the Devil to punish people in hellfire. Sinzi sawo yipo va gazarere asi "yige gokuyazowora Israeli " kehepeko lyoVaroma. Not surprisingly, many "were hoping that this man was the one who was going to deliver Israel " from their Roman oppressors. " These stories of stories are not mentioned in the Bible, " says The book The Wall Street Journal. Konyima zonomvhura dongandi, moNdovesiranda, mugara gumwe ga lirongera yokuhamena vakorokotji kwa rugene ekonakono kumwe novarongwa 500 wokulirongera veta. A few years ago, in Germany, a professor of criminology conducted an experiment that involved 500 law students. The congregation is a place of spiritual protection, so we need to bless the elders when someone has committed a serious sin. Eyi ya mu vatera a hageke kukoka kwa lifana neyi ya vatera mamiliyona govantu va manguruke ko konkareso ezi. She found the motivation to overcome her smoking habit in the same source that has helped millions remain free of tobacco. 2 / 1 Ngoyitundwamo, vazuvhisi kuzuvhisira tupu vantu wovasesu. As you can imagine, the publishers have been able to contact only a small number of the inhabitants of this country. [ Picture on page 23] Unene po, kuna tamba Jesus Kristusa, ogu ga tundire mombunga zaJehova zemeguru. Primarily Jesus Christ, who came out of the heavenly part of Jehovah's organization. No, for the Bible says: "He did what was right in Jehovah's eyes. " - Gen. SIPARATJANGWA SOMOUTANO FRIDAY'S THEME • How can we "be clean and unblemished "? Oyo kwa reterere nge ruhafo, morwa na yi diva asi Jehova yige a koko vantu kwendi. That brought me joy, though I know that it is not us but Jehovah who draws a person to him. J. Nga ruganesa novili murongo koInterneta mezuva. He sometimes spent up to ten hours a day on the Internet. Think of the consequences of doing bad things. In the end, though, Absalom's arrogance led to his own downfall. Doing so shows that they want God and his Son to teach them. Ose kulitulira po siruwo sokukara kumwe ndi? Do we make time for each other? Elders who think about the congregation and strive to train others, assisting them, and all of us. Josefa, muhongi goyikungu gomoNasareta kwa kere oguhwe vaJesus. Joseph, the carpenter of Nazareth, was the adoptive father of Jesus. 10, 11. (a) Why did Jesus tell his followers to "keep on the watch "? Ngapi omu Isaka ga likidire asi age kwa here kutulisa po mbili apa hompa goVafilisiti ga tulisire po malizuvho nage? How did Isaac prove himself to be a peacemaker when the Philistine king sought to make a covenant of peace with him? Many idols worshipped false gods, and Solomon lost God's favor. - Read 1 Kings 4: 11 - 8. Nye, ngwendi Josefa, age kapi ga zumbanesere epuro nelikwatakano lyendi naKarunga. Like Joseph, though, she neither stumbled spiritually nor wavered in her integrity. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Does the Bible Say? Ngava ka gwanena mo uwa ndi? How will they benefit? When he faced such wrong desires, Timothy needed to "follow the course of disobedience. " Yikara eyi kwa fana ngwendi nongundi edi adi ninkisa nzugo zi kore. These qualities are like strong pillars that keep a house standing. He forgives all of us. - Acts 3: 19. Kuliza noveta ezi ga pere Karunga Vaisraeli, vapristeli va hepere kutunda mezimo lyoVarevhi ano vahompa mezimo lyoVajuda. In Israel the kingship and priesthood were completely separate. The priests were from the tribe of Levi, and the kings were from the tribe of Judah. How will the attack "the wild beast " begin? Ezuva eli atu gwanesa mononkwara, kuyakara nkenye apa mezuva lyosigongi. Many a year on our wedding anniversary, we were at a convention. 3 Do the Answers Matter? (Ehor. 3: 19) Vakuronambunga kuhetekera ko kuhonena Jesus apa ava gava mapukururo. Elders would do well to imitate Christ's example when they need to give counsel. The preaching work was very satisfying. 1 1 In the next article, we will consider how Jehovah assures us that he will reward us. - Heb. Munazinyetu Lett kwa tumbwire marunduruko gomanzi gokutetukisa moruha rwepevhu rombunga zaJehova monomvhura edi dantani. Brother Lett noted a number of exciting developments in the visible part of God's organization in recent years. How did it seem to be a leader in the royal court? Yisinke ga rugene Keith naErika? What did Keith and Erika do? The following articles will consider some important information about alcohol. Mokurundurura magazaro getu, kwa hamena mo kurundurura eyi ya kara momutjima gwetu. The transformation involves what we are inside, so to bring it about, we need something that can penetrate the surface, reaching deep inside us. Like kindness, goodness is a quality that produces good results for others. NGWENDI muporofete Habakuku, varongwa vaJesus kwa ndindilire nononkondo mokumona uhura womaruhepo. LIKE the prophet Habakkuk, the disciples of Jesus yearned to see an end to suffering. When you are anxious, Jehovah will help you feel better. Awo kwa tjwayukire simpagwa sosinene saJerusarema esi va tjanga mehisitoli. They thereby avoided the worst disaster for Jerusalem in recorded history. The last article will answer these questions. 1 Kudumonkuru 2010 April 1, 2010 I realize that people are willing to listen to us when we see that we love God's Word and that we want to help them. " Ose nkenye apa ngatu va tantere asi: "Kareni vadike dogoro nampili nomvhura 23. " We coined the phrase "Stay free until you are at least 23. " As we missed our material things, we heard him say, "The children were growing up. " Koneka asi Paurusa kwa ruganesere nkango "Tate! " Note that Paul used the Aramaic word "Abba, " which means" O Father! " What is the primary purpose of marriage? Nye, age ga kere nehuguvaro asi varongwa vendi ngava kara nouradi mokumulimburukwa nampili momarwaneso govanekoro. Yet, he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to maintain their loyalty to him despite family opposition. Pray with them and pray for them. Yisinke no rugana nsene mepata lyeni kwa kara mo udigu weraka? What can you do if there is a language barrier in your family? 1, 2. (a) To whom did Jesus ' words apply at Matthew 24: 12 apply? Ose kulizuvha ruhafo morwa Jehova kutupitisira nokutuvatera tu rugane yininke yoyiwa. We are truly happy because Jehovah guides us and helps us to do many good things. For example, Riana's efforts were to cover the women's wives. - Esther 2: 3, 14. Age ga yi divire asi Karunga nga mu tungika morwa epuro lyendi. Asa knew that God rewards acts of faith. You look forward to the future, but the Devil is no! Kora novakwawo kwa sigire Karunga morwa elinenepeko lyawo nokulihuguvara vene ntani nokudira epuro. Korah and his associates alienated themselves from God by their overconfidence, pride, and lack of faith. " Do not let any use of the term which is using. " - Lev. Daniel kwa tanta asi: "Ose kwa lilire nokugazara kutengura koSipanye. Daniel recalls: "With tears in our eyes, we began thinking about our return to Spain. Similarly, an overseer needs to remember that his work is being answered in ways that he does not speak more. Nye morwa age kwa here vantu ntani kwa tere eparu lyovakwawo asi mulyo. (1 Kol. Rather, he loved people, and their lives were precious to him. Teach Children Age ga pulisilire nge ntani nokufuta nge simpe mfuto zokulifana. He granted my request and paid me the same wage. Perhaps you have wondered: " How much time has death taken it? Pomuhowo awo kwa gendere sinano sonokilometa 960 nokukwama mukuro gwaEufurata va ze koHarani. The caravan journeyed first to Haran, some 600 miles (960 km) to the northwest, following the course of the Euphrates. What shows that God's Son will continue to show humility? * Omu za fene nkongoronzugo ntani nontembeli omu Vaisraeli ngava karere Karunga, ayo kwa fanekesere nontambo edi ga ya sikisire mo Mesiyasa, kutundilira konzambo zonomfa dendi dogoro apa ga ya rondere meguru. - Tara kakende pepenuno 7. * The very layout of the tabernacle and temple at which the Israelites worshipped prefigured the steps that the future Messiah would take, from his sacrificial death to his ascension to heaven. - See the chart on page 7. " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAMES 4: 8. Karunga ntaantani nga ka rete uzuni woupe wouhungami, ano woowo tupu ava tura po matokoro gokulilikida vene navene eharo ntani naKarunga, yiwo velike ngava ka pulisira va ka tunge mo. (1 Pet. Our problems may be weighed down or too much of our time, and we do not have time to enjoy the things we have already done or that others do. Uporofete wemepisarome asi: "Nonkondo doge nadi ka ku fundisisa momunene. " (Epis. The psalmist prophesies: "Your right hand will accomplish awe - inspiring things. " Why did Jesus call "the righteous one "? Pasihonena, momvhura 2010, gumwe kwa uyungire asi "" Harumagedoni ' kwa horokere moHaiti. " For example, in 2010, one report spoke about "" Armageddon ' in Haiti. " Because he was eager to see the fulfillment of events foretold by the older men, the apostle John cried out: "You will call. Ezuva limwe, name notate wositumbwena kwa pitire pepi noSinyanga soUhompa. One day, my stepfather and I passed by a Kingdom Hall. How did Jehovah reward his servants in the past? " Nonkango daKarunga gwetu ngadi kara dogoro narunye " Sept. " May He... Give Success to All Your Plans, " July Hence, the number includes those who think that they too are anointed. Mpepo zaKarunga zokupongoka kwa nkondopekere muporofete a rugane yitetu 16, yinzi kupitakana eyi ga rugene Eliya. In fact, God's holy spirit enabled the prophet to perform 16 miracles - twice as many as those attributed to Elijah. His disciples realized that he had made sacrifices to serve Jehovah and to help others learn from them. Paragarafu 12: Nampili ngomu vamwe kugusa ko vapositoli va gwene uhwi wompepo zokupongoka pasitetu, moyihorokwa yoyinzi kwa moneka asi uhwi owo kwa u gwene pokuvakambeka mawoko ndi pokukara kumwe novapositoli. - Yirug. Some of the apostles ' teaching was permanently recorded in the inspired books that are now part of the Christian Greek Scriptures. How sad it must have been to see his friends deal with grief! - John 11: 33, 35. Posiruwo oso, Jesus kwa gwene ediwo lyenene lyangoso kuhamena Jehova yiyo va mu singwenena asi "sihwi saKarunga ogu a dili kumoneka. " (Koros. During that time, Jesus acquired such a thorough knowledge of Jehovah that he could be described as the very "image of the invisible God. " What do we need to remember about it? Ngapi vakurona nava honena Musita goMunene, Jehova? How can parents imitate Jehovah, the Supreme Shepherd? Because of our faith, we join ourselves in this work, using our belongings. Eyi a tara Jehova asi mulyo ya lisiga neyi ava tara vantu asi mulyo. Yes, what Jehovah views as precious is different from what most people value. Was that command a problem difficult? Hawe. No. Over the years, some people who loved God's Word continued to translate and spread the people despite opposition. 2: 15 - 17) Ngano va limburukwire ngano va sikisire mo sitambo sokuzwida evhu noruvharo rwawo. Only under those circumstances could they fulfill God's purpose for them. So when we forgive others, we show that we trust in Jehovah. Kuvhura va pulisire vana vawo va ture po matokoro gamwe pwavene ntani nokuvapandadeka nsene etokoro olyo lina zire mo. They may also want to allow their children to make some decisions for themselves and then commend them when the decision works out well. Keep in mind, though, that they may not be used in a language that is used in your area. Paurusa kwa hefe unene kweyi Karunga ga mu likida nkenda, ntani nage ga here kulikida rupandu rwendi. Paul deeply appreciated the merciful way in which he was treated, and he wanted to make sure that God's undeserved kindness had not been extended to him in vain. Modern - day physicians shut the doors. Sitambo sezuvhiso olyo lyokulikarera kwa kere sokuzuvhisira vantu wovanzi mosiruwo sosisupi. The aim of the special preaching campaign was to reach as many people as possible in a short time. Many people around the world believe that God views them as his friends. 6: 31, 32; Ruk. 21: 34, 35. 6: 31, 32; Luke 21: 34, 35. David was a shepherd and a king of Israel. Faturura eyi ngayi tu nkondopeka posiruwo soudigu wounene. Explain why we can be steadfast during the great tribulation. What are some ways that we show that we love God? Ose ngatu tambura yimaliwa yoyisesu. Most of our jobs paid three dollars a day. This is not true. Litulira po yitambo. Set specific goals. Now their conduct has changed, and I can regularly contact them. " - Read Proverbs 29: 25. Wa ruganesa rumwe sitoroli nositafura ndi? Have you ever used literature display carts? For more information, see pages 21 - 21 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses on page 16] Vaengeli kwa kwa vaterere vagara ava va karerere po Karunga. Angels assisted God's representatives. Jesus spoke to people about the Kingdom. Etjingiso lina kara nefano lyokukoka muntu kuvhura li moneke hararasi pokompiuta. An ad with an enticing picture may suddenly appear on one's computer screen. It would not be wise. Yosili, nonkwara nokutompoka si nsene gumwe tupu govalikwali ana kurugana ko yuma. Without a doubt, a marriage will not function at its best if only one mate contributes to its success. What benefits come from being humble? Kuvhura o yi kwate egano asi konyima zelizumbo, muntu kapi ga hara kuuyunga kuhamena eyi ya twaredesa kelizumbo. You can understand that after a divorce, a person might not want to talk about the details leading up to the divorce. There are many good things we can help them about their service to Jehovah. Nye ava ava nyoka kulimburukwa epukururo lyaKarunga kuyakara "yipako yemehandu, kuninka asi vantu ava va fira kuvazonagura po. " - Rom. On the other hand, those who stubbornly oppose God end up as "vessels of wrath made fit for destruction. " - Rom. Our ministry does not depend on how much we spread our literature, where we study the Bible or how we help people to become servants of Jehovah. Samwere makura ta gusa ruvinga romagadi, ta mu gwavekere komeho zovakuru vendi. Accordingly Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: Edina [Mukriste] kwa li gusa konkango Kristusa, ogu mupangeli Pontius Piratusa ga geve va mu dipage mouhompa waTibeliusi. " Christus [Christ], from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus. " We drank water from water and fell down in front of ourselves. Sifanekeso kuvhura kuvatera vakurona va dimburure omu nayi dira kuwapa kwaKarunga mokuninka Muzonaguli a hepeke vantu momundiro gwanarunye. An illustration may help a parent to see how illogical it would be for God to have the Devil torment people in hellfire. This is another way that our Father has done wonderful things. Buke A Lawyer Examines the Bible kwa tanta asi: "Masimwititi aga va tjanga vantu kapi ga tumbura siruwo nomavango gousili,... nye yihorokwa yomoBibeli kwa tumbura siruwo nomavango gousili oku ya horokerere. " The book A Lawyer Examines the Bible remarks: "While romances, legends and false testimony are careful to place the events related in some distant place and some indefinite time,... the Bible narratives give us the date and place of the things related with the utmost precision. " How do we know that? Mbungakriste kuna kara evango lyepopero pampepo, yipo nye twa hepera kuzipopera pokudivisa vakuronambunga nsene gumwe ana tura nzo zonene. The Christian congregation is a spiritual haven, and we must help to protect it by reporting serious wrongdoing. Following the Bible's advice on a "simple " was said that there were many obstacles to serve Jehovah today. - Matt. 2 / 15 2 / 1 Was it good to say that God sees you? [ Efano lyepepenuno 23] [ Picture on page 23] That was Pentecost of the year 33 C.E. - Leviticus 23: 15 - 20. Hawe, Bibeli kutanta asi: " Nkenye eyi nga rugana Josefa, HOMPA nga yi wapeke. ' - Gen. On the contrary: "Jehovah made whatever [Joseph] did successful. " - Gen. Imagine that your friend warns you that there is a wicked man who has changed the sign so that he attacked the front of the world. • Ngapi omu natu kara tuna " zere twa hana sivadi '? • How can we remain "spotless and unblemished "? At such times, we might ask ourselves, " What will Jesus do? ' Ngaramafona. Phonograph. As a result, I had a lot of money, and many viewed me as a privilege. 22: 3) Gazadara ko koyitundwamo yokurugana yininke yoyidona. A further help is to admit your own need for advice. He established a foundation for the worldwide preaching work and teaching campaign that would continue today. Pokuyirugana oyo, kulikida asi vana hara Karunga naMunwendi a va ronge. Indeed, their doing so reflects their desire to be molded by God and his Son. In Paris, serving as a regular pioneer, she served as a regular pioneer for 20 years. Vakuronambunga ava ava gazadara ko meho zombungakriste nokulitura mo mokudeura wopeke, awo vakareli wovawa ntani mulyo kovanavazinyetu navenye. Elders who are interested in the future of the congregation and who take the time to train others are wise servants and valuable to their brothers and sisters. During those moments, I found comfort in reading about how Jehovah forgave King David from serious sin. - 2 Samuel 11: 1 - 13. 10, 11. (a) Morwasinke Jesus ga tanterere vasikuli vendi asi va " rungarare '? 10, 11. (a) Why did Jesus tell his disciples to "keep on the watch "? * (1 Vah. 11: 1) Sinzi sawo ngava tongamene yikarunga yoyimpempa, ano eyi kwa pukisire Saromo, ntani ga zumbanesere ehafero lyaKarunga gwetu gelididimiko. - Resa 1 Vahompa 11: 4 - 8. He went astray and lost the favor of our patient God. - Read 1 Kings 11: 4 - 8. It is clear that Jesus was not present to God after he was resurrected to heaven, but he was a spirit creature. MAPURO KUHAMENA NOMBANGI DAJEHOVA - Morwasinke omu dilire kudana mavhumbukiro? OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Is the Will of God for My Life? We were delighted to see David again. Apa ga ligwanekerere nomadowo gangoso, Timoteusa ga hepere " kugatjwayuka. ' When confronted with such desires, Timothy was to "flee " from them. Yes, Job was wrong when "he saw righteousness in the eyes of God. " (Jesaya 38: 17) Age kuditudongwenena po nadinye. - Yirugana 3: 19. It is as if he wipes out the record of those sins. - Acts 3: 19. We can also help to provide money to care for the needs of the brothers or sisters in the congregation. In time, she became inactive. I realized that I was going to take me away. Ngapi omu ngali tameka ehomokero " lyosikasama '? What will trigger the attack by the "wild beast "? It wasn't easy, but Jehovah strengthened me. 3 Malimbururo ga kara nomulyo ndi? 3 Does the Answer Matter? One of them is one of the boys, who told two families what she was learning. Sirugana sokuzuvhisa kwa kere sokuhafesa. The ministry was very productive. 20: 4, 5. Mosirongwa sokukwama ko ngatu ka konakona omu Jehova atu nkondopeke pokututumbwidira asi nga tu futa. - Heb. The next article will discuss how Jehovah further sustains us by providing us with the hope of a reward. - Heb. Some time later, two sisters, including Richard and Richard, were arrested. Ngapi omu ya fene kukara mepangero lyomupitisili goMukanani novakwayita vendi? What was it like to have a Canaanite general and his army dominating the land? " At first, I was shocked, " says Jane. 6 / 1 Know Your Heavenly Father? 9 / 1 Why did Paul use those words? Yirongwa yokukwama ko ta yi ka zogera nombudi domulyo kuhamena yikorwesa. The following articles will consider helpful information on this subject. Many religious leaders say that their enemies live as if they do not believe in God. Ngwendi nkenda, uwa kuna kara sikara esi ava likida moyirugana eyi ayi retere mauwa wopeke. Goodness, like kindness, is a positive quality that is expressed in actions that benefit others. Later, he wrote: "I thought that these books would help me to teach myself Sunday. " Nsene kuna kara nosinka sosinene, Jehova nga ku vatera o lizuvhe ko hansa. Jesus said that his disciples would be rewarded for their sacrifices (See paragraph 5) Sirongwa sokuhulilira tasi ka limburura mapuro ogo. The final article in this series will answer those questions. I was very happy to be a member of the Bethel family and to become mature brothers and sisters. Na yi dimburura asi vantu kupurakena nelituromo apa ava mono asi ose kwa hara Nonkango daKarunga ntani asi tuna hara kuvavatera. " I've found that people respond well when they see that you are passionate about the Bible and are doing your best to help them. " They exercise faith in Christ's ransom and follow their invitation to "make sure of them firm. " Ngomu twa rongwerere yininke yetu, tatu mu zuvhu age kuna kuuyunga koterefona asi: "Vanona vana ya siki. " As we were unloading our things, we overheard her say on the telephone, "The children are here. " By imitating Jesus ' words, that person " disowns himself and keep making a vow to God's will. ' Sitambo musinke sosinene sononkwara? What was an important purpose of marriage? Paul, who has been married for eight years, says that he and his wife are still angry. 6: 4) Kanderereni kumwe nawo ntani va kanderereni po. Also, pray with them and for them. Meditate on what baptism is important. 1, 2. (a) Kwalye da tembe pomuhowo nonkango daJesus domwaMateusa 24: 12? 1, 2. (a) To whom did Jesus ' words at Matthew 24: 12 initially apply? So Samson told Delilah that his hair would not be broken but that his hands would be cut away from him. Pasihonena Hegayi naSasigasi kwa va rutwire tava va tura va takamese vakadi noyihora yahompa goVaperesiya, Serekesesi. - Esitera 2: 3, 14. For example, the eunuchs Hegai and Shaashgaz served as guardians of the wives and concubines of Persian King Ahasuerus, who is thought to be Xerxes I. - Esther 2: 3, 14. Cameron: Nebuchadnezzar saw an immense tree that grew up until we were brought to heaven. (Ehororo 20: 7 - 10) Ove kuna kundindira meho zongwa, nye Muzonaguli kwato! Although the Devil has no future, you do! (Read Hebrews 11: 19.) Because men are four times more likely to become alcoholics than are women, the male pronoun is used throughout this series of articles. Think also of the pain that God felt when Adam and Eve, his earthly creation rejected him. " Walye omu rugana nkenye tupu eyi ya hamena koumpure. " - Lev. " I cannot put up with the use of uncanny power. " - Isa. Being "one flesh " does not mean that we live together. Mokulifana, mupitisili ga hepa kudiworoka asi sirugana sendi kuna kara sokutovareka malimbururo govantu, kapisi a uyunge yoyinzi. Similarly, the one who conducts needs to keep in mind that his role is, not to overwhelm, but to complement the expressions of praise that are offered by the congregation. Is that true? Ronga Vana Woge TEACH YOUR CHILDREN The sacrificial death of a successful sacrifice Nampo wa lipura asi: " Siruwo sokuhura kupi ayi gusa mokulira nomfa? Perhaps you have wondered: " How long does it take to get over grief? Jesus knew the concerns of people in this world. Yisinke ayi likida asi MunwaKarunga nga twikira ngorooro kulikida ulinunupiki? What shows that humility will continue to characterize the activities of God's Son? Then he read verses 15 and meditated on it. " Hedeni Karunga pepi, nage a mu hede pepi. " - JAKOPO 4: 8. " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAMES 4: 8. Similarly, marriage would not be able to prevent a person from accepting that invitation. Maudigu kuvhura ga tu rorore ndi kuvhura tu liture mo unene mokukondjera yininke yanyamwetu makura kapi tatu kara nosiruwo sokuhafera eyi twa kara nayo nare ndi tu hafere eyi ava tu ruganene vakwetu. We could become so burdened by problems or engrossed in pursuing our own interests that we do not have time to appreciate what we already have or to express appreciation for what others do for us. People who are organized by recreation and entertainment cause people to think that sexual immorality is not wrong and that it can result from bad consequences. Morwasinke Jesus ga tumbwilire "vahungami " asi nonzwi? Why did Jesus call the sheep "righteous "? He added: "Keep looking. " - Matt. 1: 7, 8) Morwa kwa ndindilire nononkondo mokumona esikiliromo lyoyihorokwa yokutetukisa eyi va pumbire, mupositoli Johanesa gokukurupa kwa zigilire asi: "Amen. Eager to see the fulfillment of all the wonderful events that were foretold, the aged apostle John exclaimed: "Amen! From the time that David was born some 3,000 years ago, millions of people who live in different areas, and millions of people who are reading the songs each day. - Psalm 34: 7, 8; read Psalm 46: 7, 8; read Psalm 46: 7, 5. Ngapi omu Jehova ga tungikire vakareli vendi vanare? How did Jehovah bless his servants in the past? This prophecy shows that those who study the Scriptures will receive wonderful blessings to gain accurate knowledge of God's Word. Yipo nye sivaro oso kwa kwatera mo ava ava ligazara asi nawo vagwavekwa. So the number includes those who think that they are anointed but are not. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, and is now available in whole languages. Varongwa vendi va yi dimbwilire asi ga tulire po malizambero mokukarera Jehova ntani nokuvatera wopeke, makura nawo va lirongerere ko. His apostles saw that he made sacrifices to serve Jehovah and help others, and they learned to do the same. 32 Did You Know? Ayo ya mu guvisire unene mokumona vakaume vendi omu vana guwu. - Joh. 11: 33, 35. It greatly saddened Jesus to see his beloved friends stricken with grief. - John 11: 33, 35. The last days will end when the wicked will be destroyed. - 1 John 2: 17. Yisinke twa hepa kudiworoka kuhamena... What Should We Remember About... 30 Our Readers Ask... Morwa epuro, ose kulihameka mo paapa twa vhulira mosirugana oso, pokuruganesa yiweka yetu. In faith, we participate in this work to the best of our ability, using whatever resources are at our disposal. Then the message reached the whole world. 2: 17) Mpangera ozo kwa kere udigu kuzikwama ndi? So they needed perfect life, Jesus ' sacrificial death, which provided a ransom sacrifice for us to be released from slavery to sin. Ngomu da pitire nomvhura, pwa kere vantu vamwe ava va here Nonkango daKarunga, awo kwa twikilire kuditoroka nokudigavera kovantu nampili ngomu ngava va rwanesa. Although it has not always been easy, over the centuries sincere individuals have persevered in translating and distributing the Scriptures. During the music of the royal court, the psalmist sang: "Keep on the watch, O Jehovah! (Rukasa 11: 4) Yipo nye, nsene tu dongwenena po wopeke, tayi likida asi twa huguvara Jehova. So when we forgive others, we are trusting in Jehovah. Therefore, there is a difference between receiving God's spirit and God's spirit. Diworoka asi pomuhowo kuvhura va dire kuyika nondya domomukunda gweni. Remember that - especially at first - they may not be used to some local foods. In 1951, they got baptized, and six months later they began pioneering. Nombanga kwa pete. Banks failed by the thousands. John and his wife, John, wrote: "My family Bible study sometimes worked hard because we had more work in the congregation. Vantu wovanzi mouzuni mudima va yi pura asi Karunga kuvatara ngovakaume vendi. Many people from all around the world are convinced that God views them as his friends. To be acceptable to Jehovah in our sacred service, our conduct must be based on his high standards. Ndafita kwa kere musita ntani nahompa ogu ga fundire nonkore doVaisraeli. David was a shepherd and a king who conquered Israel's enemies. How did Jesus direct God's people to be in heaven? Mononkedi musinke dimwe atu likida asi twa hara Karunga? What are some ways that we can show our love for God? SONGS: 14, 92 Eyi kapisi usili. But is that true? No doubt, you can cultivate a bad spirit. Ngesi nkareso zawo za runduruka, ntani ame kuvhura kukavadingura nkenye apa. " - Resa Yisewe 29: 25. Now their attitude has softened, and I can visit them regularly. " - Read Proverbs 29: 25. The following article will consider some Bible points that can help Christians to cope with "the trials of the last days " and how men and women can demonstrate the qualities that result from marriage. Komauzera gomanzi, tara epenuno 213 - 215 mobuke Yinke azi rongo Bibeli sili?, ezi va rugana Nombangi daJehova. [ Efano pepenuno 16] For more information, see pages 213 - 215 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Why did God help women who were faithful and discreet? Jesus nga uyunga novantu nkenye apa kuhamena Uhompa. Jesus often spoke to individuals about the Kingdom. Mary sat in the synagogue when Jesus spoke to the crowds in Nazareth. Kapi ya wapa. Surely not. What can we learn from Paul's example when he was imprisoned? Mauwa musinke ngatu gwanena mo nsene tu linunupika? What are the rewards for being humble? Of course, there were reasons for being fearful. Pwa kara yininke yoyiwa eyi natu vhura kuvavatera kuhamena sirugana sawo kwaJehova. Doubtless there are positive things that we can say about their service to Jehovah. We are giving people free. Etompo lyetu mosirugana sokuzuvhisa kapi lya korera asi yimbapiratjangwa yokuhura kupi atu hanesa, novarongwa wokuhura kupi atu lirongo nawo Bibeli ndi omu atu vatere vantu va ya kare vakareli vaJehova. What makes us successful in our preaching work? It is not how many publications we place, how many Bible studies we conduct, or how many people we help to become Jehovah's Witnesses. 11: 2. NOMPANGO DOBIBELI: BIBLE PRINCIPLE: Many scholars have found evidence that Egypt's Egyptians would be removed from their wives and kill their wives. Ose ngatu nu mema gokunyata nokulya makunde ntani nontururu. We drank putrid water and ate mostly lentils and eggplants. STUDY ARTICLES Ezi kuna kara nkedi zimwe omu Guhyetu ga tu ruganena yininke yokutetukisa. The provision of that ransom is yet another one of the amazing works of our Father. Do you appreciate the privilege of working with Jehovah on earth? Ngapi omu twa yi diva eyi? How do we know that? We cooperate with holy spirit when we keep busy in following the instructions found in the Scriptures. - Rev. Mokukwama mapukururo gomoBibeli " kukara nomeho gokukanguka ' kwa tente asi yilimbikiso kapi ya kere yoyinzi mokukarera Jehova ngwendi naina. - Mat. Following the Bible's advice to keep " a simple eye ' meant that there were fewer distractions from serving Jehovah than there are today. - Matt. Thus, they will enter into their heavenly Kingdom "to leave them " and prove their Christian qualities. Ya wepe kwaNdafita mokuuyunga asi Karunga kumugazara ndi? Was it reasonable for David to expect God to pay attention to him? The tribes of Israel ruled two tribes and the priests who worked at the temple in Jerusalem were also associated with Judah. Ezi kwa kere Pentekoste zomvhura 33. - Levitikus 23: 15 - 20. This was Pentecost of the year 33. - Leviticus 23: 15 - 20. God's Word encourages you to use your "power of reason " to know what God loves. Gazara asi kaume koge ga ku rondora asi pweli mugara gomudona ogu ga rundurura sidiviso somonzira yipo a homokere vanarugendanzira. Imagine that a friend warned you that an evil man had deliberately changed a sign in order to cause harm to unwary travelers. Tim: Yes. Poyiruwo yangoso kuvhura tu lipura asi: " Ngano Jesus, yisinke na rugana? ' At such times, a good question to ask ourselves is, " What would Jesus do? ' The Bible encourages us to have a waiting attitude. Ano yitundwamo, ame kwa kere noyimaliwa yoyinzi ano vantu wovanzi ngava tara nge asi na tompora. As a result, I was financially comfortable, and many people considered me successful. King David reminded Solomon: "Be wise, my son, to know your God, to love him with a complete heart. " Age ga tulisire po etateko lyosirugana sokuzuvhisa uzuni mudima ntani nesi sokuronga esi sina kutwikira nanaina. (Mat. Thus, he laid the foundation for a global preaching and teaching campaign that is still continuing. When Jehovah's people started preaching in the United States, there was a challenge to travel. Kyung - sook gomoAsia, kwa rugene uzuvhisi wokukarerera namugara gwendi nomvhura 20. Kyung - sook, who lives in Asia, pioneered with her husband for more than 20 years. Suppose a fellow believer speaks to us about what is bad. One way that we can heed Paul's inspired advice is by making a serious self - examination. " JEHOVAH'S WORD is described as a "Photo - Drama " that describes most people as" do not forget. " Poyiruwo yangoso ame ngani gwana ehengagwido pokuresa kuhamena omu Jehova ga gusilire po hompa Ndafita ogu ga tulire nzo zonene. - 2 Samwere 11: 1 - 12: 13. In those moments I found a lot of comfort in reading about Jehovah forgiving King David after he had committed serious sins. - 2 Samuel 11: 1 - 12: 13. Just think of Isaiah's response: "Here I am! Send me! " - Isa. * * He sacrificed everything to stop him, including his life so that he could run the race. Ayo ya zera asi Jesus kapi ga kere Karunga konyima zokumuvhumbwira meguru, nye kwa kere sisitwa sopampepo sokulikarera. Clearly, then, Jesus did not become God again after his resurrection to heaven but, rather, a distinct spiritual being. What questions will we consider in this article? Ose kwa hefe pokumona hena David. It is good to see David again. WHEN people hear the word, what do they think? Yimo, Joba ga kere mepuko apa ga "limwene uhungami a pe Karunga usima. " True, he could be faulted when he turned to "declaring his own soul righteous rather than God. " The apostle Paul said: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " Kuvhura hena tu vatere mokugava ko yimaliwa yipo va ka ruganese ko koyihepwa yosigongi ndi kuvatera vanavazinyetu vana kupita moyimpagwa. We may be made aware of financial needs with regard to renovations to our local branch office, a convention we are attending, or assistance to our brothers after a natural disaster. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly Ame tani yi nongonona asi kuna kutwara nge ure. " I realized that I had gone too far. Paul also commended other congregations as well as their fine works. Kapi ya kere ureru, nye Jehova ga nkondopekere nge. It was not easy, but Jehovah gave me the strength. We are living in a time of distress. Gumwe gwawo kuna kara Adriana, ogu ga tanterere ko mapata gavali eyi nga lirongo. One study was with Adriana, who spoke to two other families about what she was learning. " When we think about how Paul dealt with Christians, we can understand the grief and how others rebelled against him. 20: 4, 5. 20: 4, 5. Among them was another person who sought the truth. Konyima zosiruwo, vagazarerwa vavali, kukwatera mo Richard Rudolph kwa va kwete. Soon afterward, two more suspects, including Richard Rudolph, were arrested. We look forward to the time when God's will will will will will be done on earth. Jane kwa tente asi: "Sikando sokuhova ga toonene nge nyongo, ame kwa tukukire ntani kwa lifire nomuga. " The first time he punched me, " says Jane, "I was stunned, embarrassed, and humiliated. How did he become God's friend? (2 Vakolinte 9: 15) Morwasinke Paurusa ga ruganesere nonkango odo? Why did Paul use that expression? The soldier who carried his weapons may have fled. Vapitisili wovanzi kwa uyunga noruguwo asi vantu womonongereka dawo kuparuka ngwendi vantu wokudira kupura mwaKarunga. Clergymen of many denominations lament that their congregants behave like "practical atheists. " At this time, you are in your household, which is your responsibility. - Eph. Konyima, age kwa ya tjenge asi: "Ame kwa gazarerere asi nobuke odo ngadi vatera nge mokuronga moSondaha. " " I thought the books would help me to teach Sunday school, " he later wrote. As a youth, I enjoyed teaching people God's Word. Jesus kwa uyungire asi varongwa vendi ngava va futa morwa elizambero lyawo (Tara paragarafu 5) Jesus showed that his disciples would be rewarded for their sacrifices (See paragraph 5) In 2000, my parents invited me to the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses for three days. Ame kwa hefe unene mokukara gumwe gepata lyoBeteli nokukara novanavazinyetu ava va kulire pampepo. In the Bethel family there, I was thrilled to be surrounded by many spiritually mature older brothers and sisters. 9, 10. (a) What good example did Jehovah set? Awo kulikida epuro mosizoweseso saKristusa nokumukwama yipo " ezigido lyawo nehoroworo lyawo li kore. ' (2 Pet. They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and follow him continually, thus " making their calling and choosing sure. ' Perhaps before death, God showed him a vision of a paradise. Pokutemwinina nonkango daJesus, muntu ogo " kulidina nyamwendi, ' nokutura po mugano gokurugana muhowo mpango zaKarunga. (Mat. To use Jesus ' words, a person thus " disowns himself, ' gives up all rights to himself, and vows to put God's will above everything else in his life. He also wrote: "Thanks to God regularly in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. " (Vakorosi 4: 6) Phil ga kara mononkwara nomvhura ntantatu, kwa uyunga asi nage namukadendi simpe kulitangwisa. Phil, married for eight years, admits that he and his wife still have disagreements. " I didn't look for pornography. Teda ko kweyi ekuho lya karera nomulyo. Take time to think about why baptism is so important. Remember the context of this Bible account. Yipo Simisoni ga tanterere Delira asi nohuki dendi kapi va di kurura rumwe nye nsene va di kurura ngano nonkondo dendi tadi mu tundu. So he told her that his hair had never been cut and that if it was, he would lose his power. ▪ What the Bible teaches: "The children, be in subjection to your parents, because he loves God. " - Colossians 3: 20. Timo: Nebukadenesara kwa mwene monzodi etji lyenene eli lya kulire dogoro tali ka twa keguru. Cameron: In the dream, Nebuchadnezzar saw an enormous tree that reached all the way to heaven. 4: 18 - 22. (Resa Vahebeli 11: 19.) (Read Hebrews 11: 19.) Apocryphal Gospels - From God Gazadara ko hena kukora oku ga lizuvhire Karunga apa oAdamu naEva, yisitwa yendi yepevhu yokulikarera ya mu nyokere. Think, too, of the pain felt by God when Adam and Eve, the masterpieces of his physical creation, turned their backs on him. If we are sick or crushed, we avoid any treatment that God makes. (Mateusa 19: 5) Kukara "rutu rumwe " kapi tupu ayi tanta asi kutunga kumwe. Being "one flesh " implies more than merely living together. Jehovah showed a great honor to the prophet by accepting his right will. Lugarà), 7 / 1 The Bible also shows that Jesus will continue to carry out his commission from heaven as the Messiah. Ayo usili ndi? Is that really so? Therefore, we should pray that Jehovah will protect us from Satan. - Revelation 12: 12, 17. Nzambo zonzuni A Living Sacrifice We should not imitate their attitude toward lying. Jesus ga divire yinka ava ligwanekere nayo vantu mouzuni ou. Jesus was keenly aware of the pressures associated with the anxieties of this system of things. This list would be just one hour, including a talk that will explain the value of Jesus ' death and how people will benefit in the future. Makura ta resa velise 15 nokuteda ko. Then he reads verse 15 in an undertone. Think about what that will mean for you. Mokulifana, nonkwara ngano kapi tadi vhuru kukondera muntu mokutambura ezigido lyangoso. And why should a recent marriage prevent one from accepting such an important invitation? However, when God examined Asa's heart, Asa realized that he "kept sticking to Jehovah all his ways. " (Juda 7) Vantu ava ava wapaike yilihafeso eyi, kuninkisa vantu va gazare asi ruhonda kapisi epuko ntani kapi ayi reta yitundwamo yoyidona. Industry leaders promote their ideas on morals by presenting sexual immorality as normal behavior, free of painful consequences. The Bible does not say that there is a time to pray for help. Age kwa gwedererere ko asi: "Rungarareni. " - Mat. He added: "Keep on the watch. " - Matt. They had enough money to make a beautiful home for about 19 miles (100 km) east of eastern eastern B.C.E. Kutunda apa va hampurukire Ndafita kuna piti po konyara nomvhura 3 000, ano mamiliyona govantu naina ava va kara nomaukaro gokulisiga - siga ntani va tunga komaruha nagenye gepevhu awo kuresa nkenye apa nonsumo daNdafita va gwane ehengagwido nehuguvaro. - 2 Hist. 7: 6; resa Episarome 34: 7, 8; 139: 2 - 8; Amosa 6: 5. Today, more than 3,000 years after David's birth, millions of people from all walks of life and living in all parts of the earth regularly turn to the psalms of David for comfort and hope. - 2 Chron. 7: 6; read Psalm 34: 7, 8; 139: 2 - 8; Amos 6: 5. All true worshippers are referred to Jehovah as "our Father. " 12: 4) Uporofete ou kulikida asi owo ava konakona Matjangwa ngava gwana matungiko gomawa pokukara nediwo lyousili lyoNonkango daKarunga. Viewed metaphorically and in harmony with the facts of our day, the Hebrew verb here translated "rove about " conveys the idea of a careful examination. Pray: By following the example of faithful servants of God in ancient times, you too can praise our heavenly Father by means of prayer. Bibeli New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, kwa zi toroka nokuzinduruka nokuzigavera Nombangi, ano ngesi kuvhura kugwana ruha rwazo ndi nazinye momaraka 96. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - translated, printed, and distributed by the Witnesses - is now available in whole or in part in 96 languages. About 30 years after becoming a slave and a slave, it began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. 32 Wa yi diva ndi? 32 Did You Know? However, Jesus always was happy and self - control. Mazuva gopouhura ngaga haga apa ngava ka zonagura po vadinikarunga. - 1 Johanesa 2: 17. The last days will end with the removal of all wickedness. - 1 John 2: 17. ▪ Read God's Word daily and meditate on what you read. - Ps. 30 Vadinkantu - Likungeni konompepo donondona! Jehovah knows that all of us are part of his organization. 10: 9 - 48) Makura mbudi tazi lihanene mouzuni mudima. Now the field was the whole world. " Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire, " says the Bible. Yiyo nye va heperere eparu lyokusikilira mo, eparu lyaJesus, eli ga geve ngonzambo a tu zowore mo moupika wononzo. Hence, it took the surrendering of another perfect human life - Jesus ' life - given as a sacrifice to make release from bondage possible. (a) How did Absalom become angry with David, and what did this show about Absalom? Musika goruhafo ngagu hagara mombara zaHompa kumwe nombunga zonene zina kudimba asi: "Hamberereni Hompa! Now the time is rapidly approaching when the bridegroom will be united with his bride. On one occasion, Herod "ripped his garments apart. " Yipo nye, pwa kara malisigo pokatji kokugwana mpepo zaKarunga nokukugwaveka nompepo zaKarunga. Let us, therefore, not confuse having God's spirit with being anointed with God's spirit, the latter being just one special operation of the spirit. 11, 12. Momvhura 1951, mwaPembagona yipo va gwene ekuho ano konyima zomakwedi ntazimwe tava tameke nouzuvhisi wokukarerera. In June 1951, both were baptized, and six months later, they began pioneering. In Jesus ' case, all the scriptures found at Matthew 19: 19 and John 13: 13 speak about Pontius Pilate speaking against his group. - Acts 12: 21. John namukadendi JoAnn, vapioniri wokukarerera kwa tjenge asi: "Elirongo lyetu lyoBibeli lyepata ngatu li rugana pamwe - pamwe morwa twa kere noyirugana yoyinzi yomombungakriste. John and JoAnn, a married couple serving as regular pioneers, wrote: "Our family Bible study has often been sporadic because we had to sandwich it in between various congregation activities. We were like slaves of "the slaves of disobedience " - that is," slaves of sin. " Mokuninka asi Jehova a tambure sirugana setu sokupongoka, nkareso zetu zankenye ezuva za hepa kuliza nonompango dendi dokuzeruka. For our sacred service to be acceptable to Jehovah, our everyday conduct must harmonize with his high standards. Many nations of ancient times were killed by some of them on a stake. 28: 18 - 20) Ngapi omu Jesus na pitisira vantu vaKarunga age opo kuna kara meguru? But as an invisible spirit in heaven, how would Jesus lead God's people on earth? The prisoners had worked hard, and Jehovah blessed Joseph's work. MARUSUMO: 142, 92 SONGS: 142, 92 What do we learn from Jehovah's example of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph? Wa hana kuyindindira, kuvhura o tunge po nkareso zondona. With no bad intention, a person could develop a habit that is in reality ill - mannered. [ Footnote] Sirongwa sokukwama ko ngatu ka zogera yitwa yomoBibeli eyi nayi vhura kuvatera Vakriste ava va kwara va lididimikire maudigu " gopomazuva gopouhura ' omu vagara novakadi vana kulikida yikara eyi ayi zonagwisa po nonkwara. The following article will discuss Scriptural points that can help married Christians face the challenges of living deep in "the last days " when so many men and women have traits that work against success in marriage. Worldwide, there are over 2,000 million Witnesses throughout the world, each year, and the Lord's Evening Meal is over 100 million people. Morwasinke Karunga ga vaterere vakadi womasimbi gokulimburukwa? Why did God - fearing wives of faithful patriarchs have Jehovah's backing? If you have a pleasant conversation, you will likely find it easier to communicate well. Mariya age kwa hingilire mombunga zovantu apa Jesus ga uyungire mosinagoge zaNasareta. Is it not possible, then, that she was sitting in the audience when Jesus spoke at the synagogue in Nazareth? They also had to hurt themselves, and they too had to deal with the effects of a serious sin that we encounter. Yisinke natu lirongera ko kosihonena saPaurusa apa ga kere monomango membo lyendi? What can we learn from Paul's example when he was under house arrest? Table of Contents 3: 1, 2; 19: 38) Pwa kere konda zeyi va karererere noutjirwe. This fear was not imaginary. Later, it explains what it means to be part of that verse. Ose kuyigavera kovantu mawoko - woko. We offer these to people free of charge. Those enemies included the scribes and Pharisees, who were wise and wise. 11: 2. 11: 2. Millions of people of all nations are learning about God's standards. Vasimaguli kwa gwana umbangi ou wa likida asi Vaegipite ngava gusire vakadi kononkondo nokudipaga vagara vawo. What is more, archaeological evidence has shown that it was not unheard of for men of power in Egypt to abduct a man's wife and kill the husband. Since we are evangelizers, let us consider these two important questions: Why is it important for people today to hear the good news today? Sifo Selirongo STUDY ARTICLES In fact, parents were regular pioneers, and they worked some days on a farm. Ove kulikida rupandu kositumbukira sokurugana kumwe naJehova mokumuyererepeka apa pevhu ndi? Do you appreciate the privilege of working with Jehovah to bring glory to him on the earth? That is an excellent invitation. 4: 16; Juda 3) Ose kuruganena kumwe nompepo zokupongoka apa atu litura mo unene mokukwama mapukururo aga ga kara momatjangwa. - Ehor. We cooperate with the holy spirit when we do our best to follow the recommendations provided. - Rev. Keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " (2 Pet. 1: 10, 11) Ehwiliro lyawo meguru ngali va pa "epulisiro lyene - lyene, " oku tava likida yikara yawo yoSikriste. Their entrance into their heavenly reward will be "richly supplied, " their Christian qualities reflecting radiantly. How can what we say help others to learn about Jehovah? Vahompa vemezimo lyaJuda kwa pangerere mazimo gavali ntani vapristeli ava ngava rugana kontembeli zomoJerusarema kwa lipakerere kumwe noVajuda. The kings in the line of Judah had ruled these two tribes, and the priesthood was associated with them, for the priests served at the temple in Jerusalem. In Japan, in Japan, in Japan, and in the latest ' s, we can hand it in France, France, U.S.A. Nonkango daKarunga kuna kukukorangeda o ruganese " nondunge doge ' yipo o dive eyi ga hara Karunga. God's Word encourages you to use your "power of reason " to prove to yourself what is acceptable to him. Hans and Hans moved to a foreign - language country when they heard experiences of friends who moved to another foreign land. Timo: Yimo. Cameron: Precisely. When she went into her room, she prayed to Jehovah and asked for help. Bibeli kutukorangeda asi twa hepa kukara nonkareso zokundindira. Additionally, the Bible urges us to accept willingly the need to wait. Rather, we will view it as precious, and we will be happy and happy. - Matt. Hompa Ndafita kwa diworokesere Saromo asi: "Munwange, tani ku pangere o dive Karunga goguhwo, o mu ruganene nomutjima nagunye neharo lyewa. " Regarding the heart, King David reminded Solomon: "My son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. " Like us, he made mistakes. Apa vantu vaJehova va tamekere kuzuvhisa moAmerika, pwa kere udigu woyikwamaugendero. When Jehovah's people began preaching in the United States, it was not easy for them to travel. 12: 22. 11: 4) Tu tante nye asi mupuli mukwetu kuna uyunga yoyidona yokutuhamena. Suppose a fellow believer has said something negative about us. He described him as being haughty, not jealous. " CREATION DRAMA " kuna kara sidanauka esi va singwenene sinzi sovantu asi "sokudira kudivara. " That is how many described the "Creation Drama. " Without God, no one has the power to speak and answer those questions. Gazadara ko tupu kelimbururo lyaJesaya lyokuhafesa asi: "Nyame ogu, tuma nge! " - Jes. Imagine Isaiah's satisfaction in responding: "Here I am! Send me. " - Isa. Then the Israelites reside in peace for 40 years. According to one scholar, the Greek verb rendered "continued devoting themselves " can mean having" a steadfast and singleminded fidelity to a certain course of action. " The Bible calls them "gifts in men, " and God has used them to care for his people. (Yirug. 20: 24) Age kwa lizamberere mokusiga nayinye, kukwatera mo eparu lyendi yipo a ka tjiure elirombero. For Paul, all his efforts and hard work in connection with the good news would amount to nothing if he should somehow fail to finish the course. They sang songs, prayed, and discussed the Scriptures. Mapuro musinke natu ka zogera mosirongwa esi? What questions will this article answer? A father came to Jesus and said: "This is the death of your son, but he suffered whenever he caused you to be thrown into a fiery hell. " APA vantu ava zuvhu nkango mukareli, yisinke ava gazara? The world in general has what view of independence? All of us can agree with what Elaine said about a pioneer for 25 years: "The ministry is difficult. Mupositoli Paurusa kwa tente asi: "Karunga kapisi muhahungami, asi a divare yirugana yeni, neharo lyokufumadeka edina lyendi. " (Heb. This brings you even closer to him. The apostle Paul promised: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " I tried to keep my mind fixed on the good thoughts and thoughts of the Bible. 3 Awo kwa ligeve vene 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly When the apostles were thrown into prison, an angel arrived in front of the jailer and urged them to continue preaching in the temple. - Acts 5: 17 - 21. Paurusa ga pandadekere hena nombungakriste dimwe koyirugana yado yoyiwa. (Rom. 1: 8; Fil. Paul expressed similar sentiments to other congregations. Gift Annuity: Property or money may be donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement. Ose kuna kuparuka mosiruwo somaudigu. We live in a time of great adversities. Only a brief response can meet the person. Farrar kwa tjenge asi apa atu gazara kuhamena omu Paurusa ga hepekere unene Vakriste, ose kuvhura kukwata egano ruguwo oru ga lizuvhire nomu vapeke va mu rwanesere. Farrar added that it is only when we weigh the terrible significance of this sad period in Paul's life that "we feel the load of remorse which must have lain upon him, and the taunts to which he was liable from malignant enemies. " A girl witnesss to her classmates and gave a tract. Lidia nage gumwe ogu ga kondjerere usili. Lidia too was a real fighter for the truth. Jehovah promised them: "Do not be afraid. I will help you. " - Isa. Ose kuna kundindira nononkondo siruwo apa mpango zaKarunga ngazi sika mo pevhu. We very much look forward to the day when God's will is done on earth. Just as the eagle can "keep on looking " can see, Jehovah can see the future in the future. Ngapi omu ga ya kere kaume kaKarunga? How did he become God's friend? We can explain how Adam's sin caused all humans to become sinners. Ogu ga mu simbilire yirwiso yendi nampo kwa dukire. The shield - bearer likely fled in terror. 1: 20. Posiruwo esi ono kara membo lyovakurona woge, aso situmbukira soge sokuvalimburukwa. - Efe. While at home, though, you have an obligation to obey your parents. - Eph. Ngomudinkantu ngani hafere kuronga vantu Nonkango daKarunga. As a teenager, I enjoyed giving people hope from God's Word. Momvhura 2000, vakurona vange kwa zigidire nge kosigongi somazuva gatatu soNombangi daJehova. In the year 2000, my parents invited me to attend a district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. 9, 10. (a) Sihonena musinke sosiwa ga tura po Jehova? 9, 10. (a) What fine example does Jehovah set? Nampo komeho zokufa, Karunga ga mu likidire emoneko lyoparadisa. Just before his death, Enoch may have received a vision from God, perhaps one showing him the earth as a paradise. (Vakorosi 1: 3) Age kwa tjenge hena asi: "Omu pandwire nkenye apa Karunga Guhyetu nkenye kaninke, medina lyaHompa gwetu Jesus Kristusa. " Paul also wrote to his fellow believers about "always giving thanks to our God and Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. " " Ame kapi na paparere mafano goruhonda. " I didn't set out to look for pornography. Tu diworokeni yikaramo yosihorokwa esi somoBibeli. Remember the context of the Bible account. ▪ Eyi azi rongo Bibeli: "Vanona, omu limburukwe kovakurona veni mwankenye eyi, yeeyi yimo ga hara Karunga. " - Vakorosi 3: 20. ▪ What the Bible teaches: "Children, be obedient to your parents in everything, for this is well - pleasing in the Lord. " - Colossians 3: 20. 4: 18 - 22. 4: 18 - 22. Mulyo goMavangeli gokutunda kwaKarunga The Superiority of the Canonical Gospels (2 Vakolinte 1: 3, 4; 1 Vatesaronika 4: 13) Nsene tatu vere ndi tuna remana kuzuvha kukora, nye ose kunyokera po nkenye uhaku ou nau guvisa Karunga. If we are depressed, "our hearts may condemn us, " but we do not give up. Jehova kwa likidire mfumwa komuporofete pokunongonona unankondo wendi wokutura po matokoro. By recognizing the prophet's right to decide, Jehovah dignified him. Bibeli kwa likida hena asi Jesus nga twikira ngorooro kusikisa mo sirugana sendi kutundilira meguru ngaMesiyasa. (1 Kol. 15: 22; Joh. The Bible also shows that Jesus would continue to fulfill from heaven his role as Messiah. Yipo nye twa hepera kukanderera asi Jehova a tu popere kwaSatana. - Ehororo 12: 12, 17. So we must keep praying that Jehovah will protect us from Satan. - Revelation 12: 12, 17. Kapisi tu honene nkareso zawo zokutanta yimpempa. (Joh. We do not want to imitate such ones - we avoid lying. Elikwamo ngali kara vili zimwe, kukwatera mo siuyungwa esi ngasi faturura mulyo gonomfa daJesus ntani nomu vantu ngava ka gwanena mo mauwa komeho. The program, which lasts about one hour, will include a discourse explaining the significance of Jesus ' death and how it brings present and future benefits. Gazadara ko eyi esikiliromo olyo ngali tanta koge. Can you imagine what the fulfillment of that will mean for you personally? (1 Vah. 15: 16 - 22) Nampili ngoso, apa Karunga ga konakonene mutjima gwaAsa, ga dimbwilire asi age "kwa limburukwire ngorooro kwaHOMPA ukaro wendi naunye. " How can we imitate Asa in doing good? - 1 Ki. Bibeli kapi za uyunga asi pwa kara siruwo sokuwapera sokuvhura kukanderera. The Bible does show that there are fitting occasions for prayer. Awo kwa kere noyimaliwa yipo va tokwere kutungisa embo morukanda roruwa konyara nokilometa 19 koUpumezuva waManila. In fact, things were going so well financially that the couple decided to build their dream house in a prime location some 12 miles (19 km) east of Manila. Vakareli navenye wousili kutumbura Jehova asi "Guhyetu. " (Jes. All true worshippers properly address Jehovah as "Father. " Kukanderera: Pokukwama sihonena sovakareli vaKarunga wovalimburukwi vanare, nove kuvhura kutwika Guhyetu gemeguru udigu woge kupitira mekanderero. (Epis. Prayer: Following the pattern of God's faithful servants of old, you can throw your burden on our heavenly Father in prayer. Konyima zonomvhura 30 dokukara mupika gepangwe, Alonso ta tameke kulironga Bibeli kumwe noNombangi daJehova. After 30 years of slavery to drugs, Alonso began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Nampili ngoso, Jesus nkenye apa kwa kere noruhafo nelipangero. Yet, Jesus always maintained his joy and self - control. ▪ Resa Nonkango daKarunga nkenye ezuva ntani teda ko kweyi ono kuresa. - Epis. ▪ Read God's Word daily, and meditate on what you read. - Ps. Jehova ga yi diva asi natuvenye kwa hamena kombunga zendi. He knows those who belong to him. Bibeli kutanta asi: "Nkenye ogu kumuzeda edowo lyendi lyedona, eli ali mu koko tali mu kumbagere. The Bible states: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. (a) Ngapi omu Abisaromo ga kere noyineya kwaNdafita, ntani yisinke ya likidire eyi kuhamena Abisaromo? (a) How did Absalom prove disloyal to David, and what did that expose about him? Posilika simwe, Herodesa kwa dwere "mudwaro gwendi gosiuhompa. " At a diplomatic function, Herod clothed himself "with royal raiment. " 11, 12. 11, 12. Mosihorokwa sompanguro zaJesus, matjangwa nagenye goRugereka mwaMateusa 27: 19 ntani Johanesa 19: 13 kwa uyunga kuhamena Pontius Piratusa ana kuuyungisa mbunga pobema zendi. - Yirugana 12: 21. In their accounts of Jesus ' trial, the Greek texts of both Matthew 27: 19 and John 19: 13 refer to Pontius Pilate's addressing the crowd from his beʹma. - Acts 12: 21. Ose kwa fene ngwendi " vapika wonyata novahezuvhu, ' kutanta asi "vapika wononzo. " We were like "slaves to uncleanness and lawlessness. " Nomuhoko dononzi mosiruwo sanare ngadi dipaga vakorokotji vamwe pokuvazenzeresa koyitji. Many nations in ancient times executed certain criminals by impaling them on a stake or a pole. Vanadorongo ngava rugana, ano Jehova kwa tungikire yirugana yaJosefa. The prisoners were evidently given work to do, and Joseph again gave Jehovah something to bless. (Rom. 15: 4) Yisinke tuna lirongere ko kosihonena saJehova nesi saAbirahamu naIsaka naJakopo naJosefa? How have we benefited from considering not only the superlative example of Jehovah but also the Scriptural accounts of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph? [ Nondanda dokonhi] [ Footnote] Mouzuni mudima kwa kara mo Nombangi dokupitakana mamiliyona 7 900 000, ano nkenye mvhura, poMurarero gwaHompa kukara po vantu wokupitakana mamiliyona. Worldwide, there are now well over 7,900,000 Witnesses, with millions more associating with them, especially during the annual observance of the Memorial. Offered Selves in Norway, 1 / 15 Nsene mu kara kumwe ngomu kara neuyungokumwe lyewa. Time spent together promotes communication. (Gen. 3: 16 - 19) Ntani awo hena va lireterere vene ntani nose uvera wosiponga unene ou tuna kuzogera. At the same time, they inflicted on themselves and on us the terrible "disease " we have been discussing. Yikaramo Table of Contents Konyima, faturura eyi runa kutanta ruha rovelise ozo. Then, explain the meaning of that part of the scripture. Nonkore odo, kwa hamenene mo valirongi womatjangwa noVafalisayi, ava va kere vakonentu novanandunge. These enemies included the scribes and Pharisees, who were very educated and smart. (Jesaya 11: 9) Mamiliyona govantu womonomuhoko nadinye kuna kulironga nompango daKarunga. In fact, millions of people today from all walks of life are already learning about God's elevated standards. (Jes. 65: 17) Mokumona asi ose vaudisi, tu konakoneni malimbururo komapuro aga gavali gomulyo: Morwasinke ya karera nomulyo asi vantu va zuvhe mbudi zongwa naina? Since we are evangelizers, let us consider the answers to two important questions: Why is it vital that people hear the good news today? Vakondi kwa ka kere vazuvhisi wokukarerera ntani ngava rugana mazuva gamwe kofarama. We settled near Grand Junction, where my parents pioneered and worked part - time at farming and ranching. Olyo kuna kara ezigido lyewa. We may pray anytime and anywhere Rungarareni, one mu vangarare, yeeyi kapi mwa diva apa ngasi sika mo siruwo. " Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " Ngapi eyi atu uyunga na yi vatera wopeke va hare kulironga kuhamena Jehova? How may our speech and conduct benefit others spiritually? Vadinguli pevango lyokupongoka moYapani, ntani ekero lyaMassabielle, Lourdes, moFransa Visitors at the Grand Shrine of Ise, Japan, and the Grotto of Massabielle, Lourdes, France Hans naBrook kwa va tumangedere va dirukire kosirongo sapeke ngovazuvhisi wokukarerera apa va zuvhire yihorokwa yokuhafesa kovakwawo ava va dirukilire koyirongo nayopeke va ka vatere. After hearing fascinating experiences from their friends who served in other countries, Hans and Brook were motivated to try pioneering abroad. Apa ga zire monzugo zendi zomundema, ta ka kanderere kwaJehova nokuhundira evatero. When she went back to her dark room, she prayed to Jehovah and asked for help. Nye ngatu si tara asi mulyo ntani ngatu si rugana noruhafo. - Mat. Instead, we will consider it a great privilege and will carry it out joyfully. - Matt. Ngwendi nyose, nage ga tulire mapuko. Like all of us, she made mistakes. 12: 22. 12: 22. Age kwa mu singonwene asi katongotongo ntani kapisi munambili. She described her as unfair and unkind. Pwa hana Karunga, kwato muntu ogu na kara nononkondo dokuuyungira po Karunga nokulimburura mapuro ogo. Without divine revelation, no human can rightly speak for God and answer those questions. Makura Vaisraeli tava kara mompora nomvhura 40. Peace prevailed for 40 years. Bibeli kuvatumbura asi "mauhwi, " ntani Karunga kuvaruganesa va pakere mbili vantu vendi. (Efe. The Bible refers to them as "gifts in men, " and they are a key part of God's arrangement to care for the needs of his people. Awo ngava dimbi nonsumo nokukanderera ntani nokuzogera Matjangwa. They sang songs, prayed, and discussed the Scriptures. Guhyamunona ta wiza kwaJesus nokutanta asi: " Munwange kwa kara nehamba lyosihegani, nye yiko sa kuhepa komu. Nkenye apa age kugwira - gwira momundiro nomomema. Kovarongwa woge yiko na mu retere, nye awo kapi va vhulire kumuverura. ' The son's father came to Jesus and said: "[My son] is an epileptic and is ill, for he falls often into the fire and often into the water; and I brought him to your disciples, but they could not cure him. " Natuvenye kuvhura tu kwatese ko eyi ga uyunga Elena ogu ga rugana uzuvhisi wokukarerera nomvhura 25 asi: "Sirugana sokuzuvhisa udigu. Elena, a pioneer for over 25 years, speaks for many of us when she says: "I find the preaching work difficult. Ame ngani hetekere ko kuzwida nondunge dange nomagazaro gomawa gomoBibeli. I tried to fill my mind with positive thoughts from the Bible. Apa va tulire vapositoli modorongo, muengeli kwa ya zegwilire mavero godorongo a va pwagese mo va ka twikire kuzuvhisira montembeli. - Yirugana 5: 17 - 21. An angel opened the doors of a prison and directed the apostles imprisoned there to continue preaching in the temple. - Acts 5: 17 - 21. Evango ndi etungo: Evango ndi etungo kuvhura kuyigava ngosigava ndi kugava nonkondo kogu lina tumbukire ogu na li ruganesa eparu lyendi nalinye. Gift Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. Elimbururo lyesupi kuvhura ligwanene po. Perhaps a firm, simple answer will suffice. Mukadona ana kuzuvhisira vanasure vakwawo ntani nokugava sitratate. A young girl talks with her schoolmates about the good news and offers them a tract. Jehova kwa va tumbwidira, ngamoomu ga tumbwidilire Vaisraeli vanare asi: " Mwa ha tjira, ame tani mu kwafa. ' - Jes. In effect, as in the case of the ancient Israelites, Jehovah grasps their right hand and says: "Do not be afraid. I will help you. " - Isa. Ngwendi moomu ekuvi ali " tarere koure, ' Jehova nage kumona yokomeho. Just as the eagle can "look far into the distance, " Jehovah is able to look far into the future. Ose kuvhura nye tu mu fatwilire omu nzo zaAdamu za ninkisa vantu navenye va kare vananzo. We might explain that by his sin, Adam caused the entire human race to be born as sinners. 1: 20. 1: 20.