책상 위에 책이 있어요. The book is on the desk. There's a book on the desk. 언제쯤 올거야? When will you come? When will you be back? 더이상 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. 그걸 해서 내 자신이 싫었어. I hated myself for doing that. I hated myself for doing that. 와, 너 완전 가수같다. Wow, you totally look like an artist. Wow, you're like a singer. 그 문장은 틀렸습니다. That sentence was wrong. That sentence was wrong. 그것은 실망스러웠다. It was disappointing. It was a disappointment. 나는 잠이 많지 않아요. I don't sleep a lot. I don't sleep much. 악기를 연주해요? Do you play an instrument? Play a musical instrument? 핸드백 속에 너무 많은 것을 넣었군. You carry too much stuff in your purse. You put too much in your purse. 영국 영화가 미국 영화보다 낫다. British films are better than American films. British films are better than American films. 사실 검정은 색깔이 아니야; 색이 없는 거지. In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color. In fact, it's not color; it's colorless. 여자가 침실에서 잠을 잔다. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. The woman sleeps in the bedroom. 너는 톰이 거짓말을 하고 있다고 생각하니? Do you think Tom is lying? You think Tom's lying? 좋아하는 가수는 누구예요? Who is your favorite singer? Who's your favorite singer? 존이 공항에 있어요. John is at the airport. John's at the airport. 매리 크리쓰마쓰 Merry Christmas! Mary Kritsumatsu. 나는 톰을 잘 안다. I know Tom well. I know Tom well. 톰이 그렇게 어리지 않았다면 그걸 함으로써 용서받지 못했을 거야. I think Tom wouldn't be forgiven for doing that if he weren't so young. If Tom hadn't been that young, he wouldn't have been forgiven for doing that. 톰은 획기적이지는 않지만 좋은 영화는 잘 만든다. Tom doesn't innovate, but he does make good movies. Tom is not a landmark, but he makes good movies. 지베르니에는 모네의 집이랑 정원을 보러 온 사람들이 많다. There were many people at Giverny to see Monet's house and gardens. There are a lot of people in Gibraltar who have come to see Monet's house and garden. 네가 어제 톰에게 말했지? You talked to Tom yesterday, didn't you? You told Tom yesterday, didn't you? 제가 좀 도와 드릴까요? Can I help you? Can I help you? 이것은 사전이다. It's a dictionary. This is a dictionary. 안녕히 계세요! Goodbye! Good-bye! 나도 만나서 반가워요. It's nice to meet you too. Nice to meet you, too. 커피 어때? How does coffee sound? How's your coffee? 차 좋아해요? Do you like tea? Do you like tea? 택시로 안 왔어. I didn't come by taxi. I didn't come in a cab. 이건 누구 사전입니까? Whose dictionary is this? Whose dictionary is this? 지금처럼 좋은 때는 없다. There is no time like the present. There's no such thing as good times now. 명확하고 적절한 표현을 사용하여 해당 외국어로 번역하시오. Translate into the foreign language using clear and appropriate words. Use clear, appropriate language to translate into that foreign language. 아직 10 분 안 됬어요. It hasn' been 10 minutes yet. It's not 10 minutes. 이 약이 좀 편하게 해줄거에요. This medicine will give you some relief. This drug will make you feel better. 한 단어는 수정처럼 투명한 변하지 않는게 아니라 의미의 한 표현일 뿐이며 사용되는 상황과 시간에 따라서 매우 다양하게 변화 될수 있다. A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used. One word isn't as transparent as a crystal, it's just an expression of meaning, and it can vary greatly, depending on the circumstances and time used. 죄송하지만 못하겠어요. I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm sorry, I can't. 더 이상 경제적이지 않아서 여객선 운항을 멈췄다. They closed down the ferry service since it was no longer economical. No longer economical, they stopped airships. 고생했어요 You've worked hard. It's been a long time. 원문에 충실하기 보다는 노어권 독자의 이해를 위해 가독성과 작품성을 고려하며 번역했다. The translation was made in favour of readability and literary style, as opposed to a more faithful one for the Russophonic readers' understanding. Rather than being faithful to the original text, it was translated with toxicity and writing in view of the reader's understanding. 나는 신의 존재를 믿지 않는다. I do not believe in the existence of God. I don't believe in God. 외국에서 살면서 좀 불편한 건 없었어? Don't you feel any inconvenience living abroad? Didn't you feel a little uncomfortable living abroad? 나는 다음주에 시카고로 갈거야. I'm leaving for Chicago next week. I'm going to Chicago next week. 우리 실험은 그의 보고가 정확하하지 않았음을 밝혀내었다. Our experiment has revealed that his report was inaccurate. Our experiment revealed that his report was not accurate. 오늘 집에 있겠습니까, 학교에 가겠습니까? Will you stay at home or go to school today? Do you want to go home today? Do you want to go to school? 나를 그렇게 대하지 마. Don't treat me like that. Don't treat me like that. 방해해서 죄송합니다. I'm sorry for interrupting. Sorry to interrupt. 씨발! Fuck! Fuck! 모두 그녀를 사랑한다. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. 그녀를 찾아야 한다. I have to find her. We need to find her. 로비에서 기다려 주세요. Wait for us in the lobby. Please wait in the lobby. 나는 아직 메리를 사랑해. I'm still in love with Mary. I still love Mary. 나는 너처럼 가난했었다. I used to be poor like you. I was as poor as you. 어제는 좋은 날이었다. Yesterday was a good day. Yesterday was a good day. 몇시에 일하러 가? What time are you going to work? What time are you going to work? 톰은 정말 세게 공을 찼다. Tom kicked the ball really hard. Tom hit the ball really hard. 너무 걱정하지 마. 잘될거야. Don't worry much. It'll be OK. Don't worry too much. It'll work. 어떻게 누군가가 톰이 말하는 것을 믿을 수 있지? 그는 병적인 거짓말쟁이야. How can anyone trust anything Tom says? He's a pathological liar. He's a sick liar. 내가 어릴 때는 바다에 수영하러 가곤 했었지. I used to go swimming in the sea when I was a child. I used to swim in the ocean when I was a kid. 너의 연구는 열매를 맺을 거야. Your study will bear fruit. Your research will produce fruit. 더이상 아무도 듣지 않는다. No one listens anymore. No one's listening anymore. 그들은 다음달에 결혼하기로 결정했다. They decided to get married the next month. They decided to get married next month. 보통 영화를 볼 때 팝콘이랑 코카콜라를 먹는데 이번엔 사탕을 먹으려해. Normally I eat popcorn and drink Coke when I watch a movie, but this time I'll eat candy. I usually eat popcorn and Coca-Cola when I watch a movie, but this time I'm going to eat candy. 그의 회사가 생산하는 기계가 우리것보다 뛰어나다. Machines that his company produces are superior to ours. His company produces machines that are superior to ours. 나는 열쇠를 찾기 위해 현관 매트 아래와 근처 화분 안을 뒤졌다. I looked for the key under the welcome mat and in the nearby flower pot. I searched under the porch mat and within the nearby flowerpot to find the key. 유미 씨는 갈수록 한국어를 잘 해요. Yumi keeps getting better at Korean. You speak Korean more and more. 난 집에 이런 쓰레기 들여놓지 않는다, 대놓고 말하마. 꺼져! I do not take shit home, I tell straight away. Fuck off! I don't put this garbage in the house. Don't talk about it. Get out of here! 봄에 피는 꽃은 여러 가지가 있습니다. In spring, there are various blooming flowers. There are many kinds of flowers that bloom in the spring. 폭풍이 불 것이라고 생각한다. It seems that there will be a storm soon. They think the storm is going to blow. 이스마엘이라고 부르세요. Call me Ismaël. Call me Ishmael. 사랑해 - 나도. I love you - I love you too. I love you, too. 힘이 정의다. Might is right. Force is justice. 톰은 전화기를 쾅 놓았다. Tom slammed down the phone. Tom banged the phone. 톰은 상당히 졸려 보인다. Tom looks pretty sleepy. Tom looks pretty sleepy. 너 존나 멍청하냐? Are you fucking stupid? Are you fucking stupid? 너는 아마 성공할 것이다. Maybe you'll succeed. You'll probably succeed. 그는 매일 면도한다. He shaves himself every day. He shaves every day. 차로 몇 시간이나 걸려요? About how many hours does it take by car? How many hours will it take to get in the car? 나는 (언어?) 모국어 사용자가 아닙니다. I am not a native speaker. I'm not a native speaker. 내 생각에는 이게 가장 좋은 방법 같아. I think it's the best way. I think it's the best way. 말 해. Say it. Tell me. 완전 말도 안돼! That can't be! That's ridiculous! 지금 바빠요. I'm busy now. I'm busy. 네 입장이라면 나는 그 일을 하지 않겠다. If I were in your position I wouldn't do that job. If you're in your position, I won't do it. 절대 아니야. No way! Absolutely not. 베티는 그녀를 죽였다. Betty killed her. Betty killed her. 런던행 열차를 시간표 확인하세요. Look up the trains to London in the timetable. Check the schedule for the train to London. 나는 톰에게 내 일 좀 맡아달라고 부탁했다. I've asked Tom to take my place. I asked Tom to take over my job. 사용설명서 자세히 읽으시요. Please read the instructions in detail. Read the instructions carefully. 오늘 오후 두시에서 세시 사이에 여기로 와 주세요. Please come here between two and three this afternoon. Please come here between two and three o'clock this afternoon. 오늘은 6월 18일, Muiriel의 생일입니다! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18, Muriel's birthday! 너는 아빠랑 똑같다. You're just like your father. You're just like him. 여섯시에 여기로 와, 그 전엔 말고. Come here at six, not before. Come here at six, not before. 기름이나 석탄과 같은 원자재의 가격이 계속 상승하고 있다. The prices of raw materials such as oil or coal continue to rise. The price of raw materials, such as oil and coal, continues to rise. 주소하고 집 전화 번호를 쓰세요. Write the address and the home phone number. Give me your address and your phone number. 내 (여행용) 가방 어디에 두었니? Where did you put my suitcase? Where'd you put my bag? 이해되지 않는 부분이 있다. Something doesn't make any sense. There's a part that doesn't make sense. 그녀는 의학을 전공하고 있습니다. She majors in medicine. She specializes in medicine. 너에게 줄 돈이 있다. I have money for you. I have money for you. 도망 친다. They're escaping. Run. 나는 김밥을 먹고십어요 I want to eat kimbap. I eat breakfast. 겉모습에 속지 않도록 주의하라. Beware of the appearance. Be careful not to be deceived by outward appearances. 영어는 언어다. English is a language. English is language. 주장을 증명할 수 있습니까? Can you prove the allegations? Can you prove the argument? "허리가 아퍼?" "아니, 별로" "그래, 그게 불행 중 다행이야" "Does your back hurt?" "No, not really." "Oh, that's something then, isn't it?" "Absorbs?" "No, I don't like them." "Yeah, that's a good thing." Muiriel은 지금 20살입니다. Muiriel is 20 now. Muriel is 20 years old. 할아버지가 팔십 구 세 돼셨어요. My grandfather turned 89 years old. Grandpa's eighty-nine years old. 정말 궁금해서 그러는데, 두 사람 무슨 사이야? I am really curious, how do you two know each other? I'm really curious. What are you two doing? 이 영어 책은 내가 읽기엔 너무 어렵다. This English book is too difficult for me to read. This English book is too difficult for me to read. 꺼져. Get lost. Get out of here. 류샤는 모든 것을 포기하고 시베리아에 가기로 했다. Lyusya decided to give up on everything and leave for Siberia. Ryusha decided to give up everything and go to Siberia. 나는 돈이 별로 없지만, 그럭저럭 지낼 수 있다 I don't have much money, but I can get along somehow. I don't have much money, but I can get along. 네 혈액형이 뭐지? What is your blood type? What's your blood type? 저기 봐. Look at that. Look. 톰은 남은 인생을 감옥에서 보내고 싶어하지 않아. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in jail. 남한은 한국어로 "한국"이라고 불린다. South Korea is called "Hanguk" in Korean. South Korea is called Korea. 톰은 당장 할일이 있어. Tom has something to do right now. Tom has work to do right now. 탐은 메리와 뽀뽀하고 싶었지만 시도할 용기가 없었다. Tom wanted to kiss Mary, but he didn't have the nerve to try. Tom wanted to kiss Mary but had no courage to try. 나는 건축을 얼어있는 음악이라고 부른다. I call architecture frozen music. I call architecture frozen music. 시간이 다 되었읍니다. It's about time. Time has run out. 날 좀 가만히 내버려 둬. Why don't you leave me alone? Leave me alone. 무슨 일입니까? What's going on? What's going on? 오늘은 어제만큼 덥지않다. It is not so hot today as yesterday. It's not as hot today as yesterday. 시간을 할애 버렸어. You lost time. I'm running out of time. 그 책은 세일 중이 아니야 That book's not available for purchase. That book isn't on sale. 그녀는 기분이 아주 좋다. She is in a very good mood. She feels great. 나 유괴 당한 적 있어. I've been kidnapped. I was kidnapped. 일본의 인구는 약 1억 2000만명이다. The population of Japan is about 120 million. Japan has about 120 million people. 나는 뭔가가 잘못되었다고 생각했다. I thought something was wrong. I thought something was wrong. 자야겠어요. I have to go to bed. I need to sleep. 누가 우릴 보러 버밍험에 와요? Who came to see us in Birmingham? Who's coming to Birmingham to see us? 제일 가까운 병원이 어디에요? Where is the closest hospital? Where's the nearest hospital? 비밀번호는 "Muiriel" 입니다. The password is "Muiriel." The password is "Muiel." 무엇이 문제입니까? Where is the problem? What's the problem? 저는 Tom Hunter입니다. I'm Tom Hunter. I'm Tom Hunter. 목격자가 한 명 있었다. There was one witness. There was one witness. 신의 존재를 믿니? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? 창문을 닫지 마. Don't close the window. Don't close the window. 당산이 잘못했읍니다 You're wrong. He didn't do it right. 그리스는 오래된 나라이다. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. 2, 4 그리고 6은 짝수이다. Two, four, six, etc. are even numbers. Two, four, and six are even. 가까운가요? Is it near here? Are you close? 강물이 잔잔히 흐릅니다. The river flows calmly. The river flows gently. 나는 내가 말하고 싶은 것은 거의 다 말할 수 있을 정도로 불어를 잘 한다고 생각한다. I think I can speak French well enough to say pretty much anything I want to say. I think I'm good at French enough to say almost everything I want to say. 이건 쉬워요. This is easy. It's easy. 너가 모두는 이것을 읽어야 해요. All of you have to read it. You all have to read this. 이것은 텔레비전입니다. This is a television. This is television. 톰은 우리 윗방에 살아. Tom lives in the room above us. Tom lives in our upper room. 2 곱하기 13은 26이다. 2 times 13 is 26. Two times thirteen is twenty-six. 저는 미국사람 이에요 I am American. I'm American. 일부 애들은 야채를 안좋아해. Some children do not like vegetables. Some kids don't like vegetables. 당신은 내일 출발하는 것을 원해요? Do you want to leave tomorrow? You want to leave tomorrow? 하늘은푸른이에요. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. 교육이야말로 성공으로 가는 길이야. Education is the key to success. Education is the way to success. 나중에 호텔로 연락 바랍니다. Please call me at my hotel later. Call the hotel later. 이 사전은 비싸다. This dictionary is expensive. This dictionary is expensive. 난 공원에 가요. I go to the park. I'm going to the park. 그의 새로운 소설은 읽을만한 가치가 있다. His new novel is worth reading. His new novel is worth reading. 나는 못 생겼다. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. 오랫동안 편지를 못 써서 죄송해요. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. I'm sorry I haven't written you in a long time. 5분만 더 있어 Please stay for 5 more minutes. Five more minutes. 1941년에 전쟁이 일어났다. War broke out in 1941. War broke out in 1941. 나는 집에서 뛰쳐나갔다. I rushed out of my house. I ran out of my house. 한국에 언제까지 계실 겁니까? Until when will you be in South Korea? How long will you stay in Korea? 에취! Achoo! Hitch! 이제 내가 책임을 지고 있다. I'm in charge now. Now I'm in charge. 제게 거짓말 하지 마세요. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to me. 하마는 아프리카에 산다. Hippos live in Africa. The hippo lives in Africa. 전화기 좀 빌려도 돼? Can I borrow your phone? Can I borrow your phone? 그 여자애가 큰 소리로 울면서 어머니를 찾고 있었다. The little girl was crying at the top of her lungs trying to find her mom. The girl was crying loudly and looking for her mother. 그들은 나한테 아직도 아무것도 갚지 않았는데. They haven't paid me anything yet. They still haven't paid me anything. 그는 그의 서재에 있다. He is in his library. He's in his library. 그는 모든 메시지를 외워야 했다. He had to commit the whole message to memory. He had to remember all the messages. 겨울에 이 모자를 쓰고 다녀야 될 것 같아. It seems that I'll have to wear this hat for winter. I think we should wear this hat in winter. 좀 더 찾아봐. 분명히 답이 있을거야. Try harder to find the answer; there must be one. I'm sure there's an answer. 나에게는 나의 4자녀가 언젠가는 그들의 피부색이 아닌 그들의 인격으로 평가받는 나라에서 살게 될 것이라는 꿈이 있다. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have the dream that my four children will one day live in a country judged not by their skin color but by their character. 그렇게 빨리 갈 필요는 없었잖아. You didn't have to cum so early. You didn't have to go that fast. 변호사들은 모두 거짓말쟁이다. Lawyers are all liars. The lawyers are all liars. 여기 계산서 입니다. Here is the bill. Here's the bill. 나는 매일 2시간 동안 운동을 한다. I exercise for two hours every day. I exercise for two hours every day. 그녀는 의학 전공이다. She majors in medicine. She's a medical major. 여자는 아름답습니다. The woman is beautiful. Women are beautiful. 자리 있어요? Are seats available? Do you have a seat? 세탁기가 고장났다. The washing machine is out of order. The washing machine's broken. 더 크게. Louder. Bigger. 입장은 무료입니다. Entrance is free of charge. The position is free. 모두가 영원한 평화를 원한다. Everybody wants permanent peace. Everyone wants eternal peace. 헌혈하세요. Donate blood. I need you to donate blood. 일기예보는 거의 맞지 않는다. Weather forecasts are rarely accurate. Weather forecasts hardly fit. 왜 그렇게 생각해? Why would you think like that? Why do you think that? 아는분이 없을겁니다. No one will know. You don't know anyone. 가방이 꽉 찼습니다. The bag is full. The bags are full. 나는 양심의 가책을 느끼고 있다. I have a guilty consciousness. I feel guilty of conscience. 이해가 안돼. I don't understand. I don't understand. 예를 들어 주시겠습니까? Could you give me an example? Can you give me an example? 그녀는 무서워서 떨고 있었다. She was trembling with fear. She was trembling out of fear. 왜 안되는지 설명할려면 시간 너무 많이 걸리겠다. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. It'll take too much time to explain why not. 우리는 대학생입니다. We're university students. We're college students. 상황은 우리가 생각했던 것보다 나쁘다. The situation is worse than we believed. The situation is worse than we thought. 그여자 결혼햿는지 궁금한데. I wonder if she is married. I wonder if she's getting married. 미안, 이름이 뭐였지? I am sorry, but what's your name again? Sorry, what was your name? 걔 괜찮아. He is nice. She's okay. 톰은 고혈압이다. Tom has high blood pressure. Tom is high blood pressure. 양복을 한 벌 맞췄다. I had a suit tailored for me. I got a suit. 그가 모든 책임을 맡았다. He took all the responsibilities. He took all the responsibility. 멈춰! Stop it! Stop! 게임 팩을 게임기에 꽂았을 때 게임 팩의 금속 단자가 더러우면 게임이 잘 시작되지 않을수도 있다. If the metal plate terminal of the game cassette is dirty it may be difficult for the game to start when the cassette is inserted into the game console. When the game pack is inserted into the game, if the metal piece of the game pack is dirty, the game may not start well. 타토에바는 SNS가 아닙니다. Tatoeba is not a social network. Tatoeva is not social media. 일부러 그랬구나! You did it on purpose! You did it on purpose! 네가 저리 갔으면 좋겠어. I'd like you to go away. I want you to go away. 신참이 가장 포부가 크다. Newcomers are the most ambitious. The new recruit is the biggest. 밤새 비가 내렸다. It rained throughout the night. It rained all night. 기분이 어때? What does it feel like? How are you feeling? 아무나 할 수 있는 것이 아닙니다. It's not something anyone can do. It's not something anyone can do. 이 사전이면 될까요? Will this dictionary do? Can I get this dictionary? 한가지만 빼면 그녀는 완벽해요. To be perfect she lacked just one defect. Except for one thing, she's perfect. 우리는 그 사슴의 발자국을 따라갔다. We followed the deer's tracks. We followed the deer's footprints. 사랑은 사랑을 사랑해요. Love loves love. Love loves love. 머리가 길어져요 My hair is getting long. It's getting longer. 나는 네게 해야 할 일을 알려 주려고 하고 있어. I'm trying to tell you what needs to be done. I'm trying to tell you what to do. 나는 이 소설을 읽을 때마다, 매번 이 소설에 흥미를 느낀다. Every time I read this novel, I find it very interesting. Every time I read this novel, I get interested in it every time. 이 번호로 전화해. Call this number. Call this number. 그 빨래 건조대는 항상 걸리적거린다. The clothes horse is always in the way! The laundromat always gets caught. 난 눈이 정말 좋아. I really like snow. I love eyes. 나는 여기서 유행 (경향) 을 본다. I'm seeing a trend here. I see fashion here. 오늘은 날씨가 매우 덥다. It is very hot today. Today the weather is very hot. 어제 술을 너무 많이 마셔서 오늘 머리가 깨질 것처럼 아파요. I drank so much alcohol yesterday that my head feels like it will explode. I drank too much last night, and it hurts like I broke my head today. 그 두 남자들은 마치 불과 물 같다. The two men were like fire and water. Those two men are like fire and water. 5시에 만나자. Let's meet at five. Meet me at 5:00. 너한테 모든 걸 좀 더 빨리 얘기했어야 했는데. I should have told you everything earlier. I should've told you everything sooner. 그는 울기만 했다. He did nothing but cry. He was crying. 같이 춤 좀 출까요? Shall we dance a bit? Can I dance with you? 그녀가 화나서 방에서 나갔다. She went out of the room in anger. She got mad and left the room. 그는 내일 오후에 떠날 예정이다. He is going to leave tomorrow afternoon. He'll leave tomorrow afternoon. 그가 재능있는 예술가인 것은 확실하다. It is clear that he is a great artist. I'm sure he's a talented artist. 우리는 요금을 올릴 것을 제안합니다. We suggest raising the fees. We suggest that you raise the bill. 그녀는 관리자를 비난했다는 소식을 듣게 되었다. She was heard to criticize the manager. She was informed that she had condemned the manager. 나는 갈 거에요. I'm going to go. I'm going. 그넘은 버릇 없는 넘이야. She is an ill-mannered individual. He's a spoiled man. 키를 어디다 뒀는지 다시 얘기해 주시겠어요? Could you please tell me again where you put the key? Can you tell me again where the keys are? 네가 톰한테 집에 가라고 할거야, 아니면 내가 해야 돼? Are you going to tell Tom to go home, or do I have to? You're gonna tell Tom to go home, or should I? 이 나라에는 일자리가 적다. There are few jobs in this country. There are fewer jobs in this country. 물고기 좋아해? Do you like fish? Do you like fish? 이 컵 가져도 돼요? Can I have this cup? Can I have this cup? 우리는 같은 배를 탔다. We're in the same boat. We're on the same boat. 내 실수 때문에 내 자신이 싫어. I hate myself for my mistakes. I hate myself for my mistakes. 음악 소리를 좀 줄이세요. Please turn the music down a bit. Cut down on the music. 헤더는 자신의 생활방식을 아주 좋아한다. Heather loves the way she lives her life. Heather likes her way of life very much. 나한테 신경 쓰지마 Please don't mind me. Don't give a shit about me. 나는 릭을 그가 뉴질랜드로 돌아간 뒤에는 못 봤어. I haven't seen Rick since he returned from New Zealand. I haven't seen Rick since he went back to New Zealand. 인간은 아프리카에서 기원했다. Humans originated in Africa. Humans originated in Africa. 일본에 갈 수 있었으면 좋겠어요. I wish I could go to Japan. I wish I could go to Japan. 나는 수학에 있어서 최고다. I'm best at math. I'm the best in math. 나는 당신의 질문에 답할 수 없어요. I can not answer your question. I can't answer your question. 톰이 싫어서 내 자신이 싫어. I hate myself for hating Tom. I hate myself because I hate Tom. 케이트는 매일 우유를 많이 마신다. Kate drinks lots of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. 무대에서 쓰러지는 한이 있더라도 공연을 취소할 수는 없습니다. I cannot cancel the show even if I would collapse on the stage. You can't cancel the performance even if you fall on the stage. 공중전화를 왜 사용하지 않았니? Why didn't you use a pay phone? Why didn't you use the phone? 너는 내 것을 가질 수 있다. You can have mine. You can have mine. 톰은 친구들에게 고기를 먹은 적이 한 번도 없다고 했다. Tom told his friends that he never ate meat. Tom told his friends that he had never eaten meat before. 거기에 논리가 어디 있지? Where is the logic in that? Where's the logic? 남한은 북한보다 훨씬 더 아름답다. South Korea is much more beautiful than North Korea. South Korea is much more beautiful than North Korea. 나는 1972년 10월 10일에 태어났다. I was born on October 10, 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. 디마는 하룻밤에 25 남자와 자고 그다음에 그들을 죽였다. Dima slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. Demas slept with 25 men in one night and then killed them. 슬퍼. I'm sad. Sad. 피가 여기저기 있었다. Blood was everywhere. Blood was everywhere. 오늘 밤에 일해야 하니? Do you have to work tonight? Do you have to work tonight? 어떤 종류의 일을 하세요? What kind of work do you do? What kind of work are you doing? 솔직하고 투명한 정보와 대화가 상호 신뢰의 기초이다. Candidness and transparency, information and communication are the basis of mutual trust. Open, transparent information and conversation are the foundation of mutual trust. 그는 우울하다. He is depressed. He's depressed. 저도 음악을 좋아합니다. I like music as well. I love music. 그녀는 교육생이다. She's a trainee. She's an education student. 그 신발은 너무 비싼 것 같아요. I find those shoes too expensive. I think those shoes are too expensive. 나는 1979년에 태어났다. I was born in 1979. I was born in 1979. 신이 세상을 창조하였다. God created the world. God created the world. 호박은 녹색입니다. Courgettes are green. It's green. 이 사전은 내 것이다. This dictionary is mine. This dictionary belongs to me. 유감스럽게도 저는 당신의 초대를 거절해야 합니다. Unfortunately I must decline your invitation. Unfortunately, I have to say no to your invitation. 나는 새 차를 살 여유가 없다. I can't afford a new car. I can't afford a new car. 저는 중간쯤에 앉고 싶어요. I would like to sit around the middle. I want to sit in the middle. 캐나다의 인구는 약 2600만명이다. The population of Canada is about 26 million. Canada's population is about 26 million. 너 결혼한거 톰한테 말 안했구나, 그치? You haven't told Tom you're married, have you? You didn't tell Tom that you were married, did you? 난 사랑을 믿는다. I believe in love. I believe in love. 미안하다고 했잖아. I said I'm sorry. I told you I'm sorry. 엄마, 난 이걸 입고 싶지 않아요. Mom, I don't want to wear this. Mom, I don't want to wear this. 저 고양이가 갈색입니다. That cat is brown. That cat is brown. 맛있게 드세요! Have a good meal! Enjoy your meal! 누가 설거지를 해요? Who's doing the dishes? Who's washing dishes? 톰이 도움 없이 그걸 잘 해낼 수 있을지 모르겠다. I doubt Tom can do that without some help. I don't know if Tom can do it without help. 오늘밤은 보름달이 떴어. There's a full moon tonight. There was a full moon tonight. 네가 본 사람에 대해 더 말해줄래? Can you tell me more about the person you saw? Can you tell me more about the person you saw? 그는 최선을 다한다. He's doing his best. He'll do his best. 당신이 날 필요하면, 난 어딘가에있을거야. If you need me, I'll be somewhere around. If you need me, I'll be somewhere. 그 연주회는 몇 시에 시작하니? What time is the concert? What time does the concert begin? 그 제안은 매우 좋게 들린다. That sounds like a fairly good proposal. The offer sounds very good. 토마스가 영화를 보고 있어요 Thomas is watching a movie. Thomas is watching a movie. 내 생각엔 그의 제안을 고려해 볼 만하다. I think his suggestion is worth considering. I think it's worth considering his offer. 반품을 하는 데 2시간이나 걸려서 다른 가정 용품을 사봤어. It takes 2 hours or so to go make a return so I bought some different housewares. It took me two hours to make a return, so I bought another household item. 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯, 일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 망할 놈아! Fuckin' asshole! Son of a bitch! 우리는 다 톰이 탈출한 줄 알았다. We all thought that Tom had escaped. We all thought Tom escaped. 나는 많이 자지 않아요. I don't sleep a lot. I don't sleep much. 포르투갈은 이웃이 하나 있고 그건 스페인이다. Portugal has only one neighbor and it's Spain. Portugal has one neighbor, and that's Spain. 당신은 그녀의 아버지를 알고 있나요? Do you know her father? Do you know her father? 짚신도 짝이 있다 There's someone for everyone. She's got a mate. 우리는 체제를 바꿔야 한다. We need to change the system. We have to change the system. 정말 수영할 줄 몰라? Can you really not swim? You really can't swim? 그에게 내가 말해야 하나? Should I tell him? Should I tell him? 톰은 외롭고 불행해. Tom is lonely and unhappy. Tom is lonely and unhappy. 네 Yes. Yeah. 너무 다그치지말고 여유를 좀 줘봐, 오늘이 처음 일하는 날이잖아. Cut him some slack, John. It's his first day on the job. Don't get too tired. Give me some space. It's my first day at work. 내가 틀렸나? Was I wrong? Am I wrong? 나는 열쇠를 찾기 위해 현관 매트 아래와 근처 화분 안을 뒤졌다. I searched under the mat and in the nearby flower pot to find the key. I searched under the porch mat and within the nearby flowerpot to find the key. 우리 누나는 날마다 피아노를 친다. My older sister plays the piano every day. My sister plays the piano every day. 우리들은 노래방에서 소주를 마셨어요. We drank soju at the karaoke bar. We drank soda in the singing room. 살인자는 살인을 자백했다. The murderer confessed his crime. The killer confessed to the murder. 1, 3 그리고 5는 홀수이다. One, three, and five are odd numbers. One, three and five are odd. 정말 부드러웠어! It's really soft. It was so soft! 너는 분명히 재능이 있는데 더 많이 못 배워서 아쉽구나. You have talent, no doubt; it's just a pity that you haven't learned more. You're obviously talented, but I'm afraid you're not learning much. 사랑받아라! Be loved! Be loved! 수원에서 인천까지 정류장이 없어요. There is no stop between Suwon and Incheon. We don't have a hold from water source to water stream. 어리광 부리지 마. Stop acting like a spoilt child. Don't be ridiculous. 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전까지는 그런 꼴 못 보오이다! Over my dead body shall I witness such a shameful sight. I can't see it until the dirt is in my eyes! 왜 거짓말했어? Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie? 운에 맡길 수 없는 것들이 있다. There are things that can't be left to chance. There are things you can't leave behind for luck. 다리 하나만으로는 뛰기 어렵다. One leg is not enough for running. It's hard to jump with just one leg. 모두가 공짜를 좋아한다. Everyone loves a freebie. Everybody likes free. 보고 싶어. I miss you. I miss you. 스포츠는 누구나 좋아한다. Everyone loves sports. Sports are everyone's favorites. 눈은 햇빛에 녹았다. The snow melted in the sun. Snow melts in the sunlight. 선생님을 만나고 싶어요. I want to meet the teacher. I want to meet you. 모든 일에는 끝이 있다. All good things come to an end. There's an end to everything. 당신의 생각은 전적으로 옳습니다. You're completely right. You're absolutely right. 일하고 싶어요. I want to work. I want to work. 그녀는 발이 작다. She has small feet. She's short. 난 공수도 1단이다. I'm a black belt in karate. I'm an official. 갑자기 머리가 아프다. I've got a headache all of the sudden. My head hurts all of a sudden. 나는 결코 너에게 말하지 않을 것이다. I'll never tell you. I will never tell you. 언어를 좋아합니다. I like languages. I love language. 우리는 톰이 올수 있을지 없을지 모릅니다. We don't know whether Tom can come or not. We may not be able to get Tom. 오늘은 존나 춥다. Today is fucking cold. It's freezing today. 나는 사나이다. I am a man. I live. 운전 조심하세요. Drive carefully. Be careful driving. 우린 거짓말 안해. We don't lie. We don't lie. 난 뭔가 마시고 싶다. I'd like something to drink. I want to drink something. 탐을 메리를 위해서 설거지를 했다. Tom did the dishes for Mary. Tom was washing dishes for Mary. 당신 미쳤군요! You're crazy! You're crazy! 왜냐하면 당신은 혼자가 되고 싶지 않기 때문이에요. It's because you don't want to be alone. Because you don't want to be alone. 내가 그것에 대한 너의 말을 믿어도 되겠니? Can I take your word for it? Can I believe your words about it? 일찍 일어났어요. I got up early. I woke up early. 시작이 반이다. Starting is half the battle. It's half a start. 너 왜 생각을 바꿨니? Why did you change your mind? Why did you change your mind? 비가 올 것 같네요. It looks like it's going to rain. It's going to rain. 나는 톰에게 경고해야 해. I need to warn Tom. I have to warn Tom. 톰은 때때로 같이 운동하자고 졸라댔지만 나는 정말 운동에 관심이 없다. Tom occasionally prods me to work out with him, but I'm really not interested. Tom sometimes begged me to work with him, but I'm not really interested in sports. 이 근처에 약국 있어요? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Is there a pharmacy around here? 연필을 입에 넣지 마세요, 실수로 입천장을 찌를 수 있습니다. Don't put a pencil in your mouth. You might accidentally stab your palate. Don't put pencils in your mouth, you can accidentally stab your mouth ceiling. 이 카메라가 어떻게 작동하지? How does this camera work? How does this camera work? 그건 무슨 언어였지? What language was that? What language was that? 그 소년들은 북쪽으로 갔다. The boys have gone north. The boys went north. 그걸 누가 가르쳐 줬어요? Who taught you that? Who taught you that? 무엇이 그들을 죽였나? What killed them? What killed them? 한국 음식을 먹고 싶어요. I want to eat Korean food. I want to eat Korean food. 톰은 어지러움을 느꼈다. Tom felt lightheaded. Tom felt dizzy. 카드로도 지불할 수 있어요? Can I pay with a credit card? Can you pay with a card? 너의 반에 한국에서 온 학생이 있니? Are there any students from Korea in your class? Is there a student in your class from Korea? 너 목욕했니? Did you take a bath? Did you take a bath? 간밤에 잘 잤으므로 오늘 아침 기분이 좋다. Having slept well last night, I feel very fine this morning. I have a good night's sleep, so I feel good this morning. 아까 한 말 취소야. I take back what I said. That's what I said. 쉬고 싶어요. I want to rest. I want to rest. 어떻게 작동하지? How does this work? How does it work? 그의 노력 덕분에 그는 목적을 달성했다. Thanks to his efforts, he attained his object. Thanks to his efforts, he achieved a purpose. 이미 그녀에게 당신의 번호를 전했어요. I already gave her your number. I already gave her your number. 모나리자는 레오나르도 다빈치가 그렸어. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa drew Leonardo da Vinci. 당신은 내일 축구를 할 것입니다. You are going to play football tomorrow. You're going to play soccer tomorrow. 여기서 뭘 좀 먹어도 될까요? Can I stay here to eat something? Can I have something to eat here? 톰은 한국에서 만들어진 기타를 가지고 있다. Tom has a guitar that was made in Korea. Tom has a guitar made in Korea. 뉴욕에서부터 런던까지는 거리가 얼마나 됩니까? How far is it from New York to London? How far is it from New York to London? 혼자 노래방에 간 적도 있어요? Have you ever been to karaoke alone? Have you ever been to a singing room by yourself? 더 시간이 필요해요. I need more time. I need more time. 천리길도 한 걸음부터. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. One step at a time. 상황에 따라 달라요. It depends. Depends on the situation. 한 과목 듣긴 했는데, 실전 경험이 훨씬 더 유용한 것 같더라구요. I took one class, but I've found that real-life experience is much more useful. I've listened to one subject, but I think the experience is much more useful. 우리 새벽에 일어났어요. We woke up at the crack of dawn. We woke up at dawn. 4 곱하기 4는 16이다. 4 times 4 is 16. Four times four is sixteen. 3년전 당신은 어디에 있었습니까? Where were you 3 years ago? Where were you three years ago? 네가 결정한 걸 알려줘 봐. Let us know what you decide. Let me know what you've decided. 톰은 그만두고 싶어 한다. Tom wants to quit. Tom wants to stop. 나는 도서관에서만 공부해요. I only study in the library. I only study in the library. 우연히 옛날 친구를 만났어. I met an old friend by chance. I happened to meet an old friend. 톰은 대부분의 흡혈귀와는 달리 관에서 자지 않는다. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin, unlike most vampires. 내일 낮에는 네가 바쁠 것이다. You'll be busy tomorrow afternoon. You'll be busy by day tomorrow. 이것들 네 것이지, 맞지? These are yours, right? These are yours, right? 그는 이웃주민의 행운을 부러워했다. She was jealous of her neighbor's good fortune. He was envious of the luck of his neighbors. 저작권이 있는 출처의 문장을 추가하지 마십시오. Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources. Do not add sentences from copyrighted sources. 그건 니가 앉아있는 가지를 쳐내는 꼴이야. That would be like sawing off the branch you're sitting on. It's like cutting off a branch where you're sitting. 난 조심성이 있는 사람이다. I'm a careful man. I'm a man of caution. 테니스는 재미있다. Playing tennis is fun. Tennis is fun. 우리는 거짓말을 하지 않아요. We don't lie. We don't lie. 한국은 떠오르고 있다. Korea is now up and coming. Korea is coming to mind. 뭐가 좋아? What do you like? What do you like? 천국과 지옥을 선택하는 것이 그렇게 어렵나요? Is it so difficult to choose between heaven and hell? Is it so hard to choose heaven and hell? 그 망할 손 치워, 후레자식아! Take your fucking hands off me, you bastard! Get your fucking hands off me, motherfucker! 탐에게 돌아오자 마자 전화해 달라고 물어봐 주세요. Ask Tom to call me as soon as he returns. Ask Tom to call me when he's back. 사랑합니다. I love you. I love you. 걔는 반에서 꼴찌였어. He was at the bottom of the class. She was the last one in the class. 이 나사는 느슨해요. This screw is loose. This screw is loose. 언어를 배우는 것은 재미있다. Learning languages is interesting. Learning a language is fun. 화장실이 어디죠? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? 제 사과를 받아 주세요. Please accept my apology. Please accept my apology. 톰은 메리의 감정을 상하게 했다. Tom hurt Mary's feelings. Tom hurt Mary's feelings. 회사원입니다. I am an office worker. I'm a company member. 마시고 싶어요. I want to drink it. I want to drink. 망해라! Fuck that! Fuck you! 오늘 숙제가 너무 많아요. Today, I have a lot of homework. I have a lot of homework today. 뻥이야. Just kidding. It's a lie. 시 정부는 특별한 자전거 도로를 설치하려고 하나, 많은 운전자들은 그 구상에 반대한다. The city government wants to set up special cycle lanes. However, a lot of drivers oppose the idea. The city government wants to install a special bicycle road, but many drivers disagree with the idea. 지금 나는 뭘해야 하지? What should I do now? What am I supposed to do now? 문장에 틀렸거나 어색하다면 꼭 고쳐주시기 바랍니다! Please edit the sentence if it is wrong or awkward. If it's wrong or awkward, please correct it! 내가 모르는 의미를 가진 단어가 많이 있습니다. There are many words with meanings I don't know. There's a lot of words that I don't know. 나는 새로운 사람들을 만나는 것을 좋아한다. I love meeting new people. I like to meet new people. 저는 일본어 선생님이 되고 싶어요. I want to become a teacher of Japanese. I want to be a Japanese teacher. 나는 파이어폭스를 사용해. I use Firefox. I use firefly. 톰은 그것을 이미 했어. Tom did that already. Tom already did it. 그것은 자살입니다. That's suicide. It's suicide. 누가 그들을 죽였나? Who killed them? Who killed them? 이 씨디들은 내 꺼야. Those are my CDs. These ceddies are mine. 은행 문은 닫혀 있었어요? Was the bank closed? Was the bank door closed? 걔는 참 친절하다. She's a total sweetheart. She's so nice. 걔하고 나는 사촌이야. Him and me are cousins. She and I are cousins. 나에게 사전이 있다. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. 예약하셨나요? Do you have a reservation? Do you have a reservation? 이 상자를 열어도 될까요? May I open this box? Can I open this box? 이 타워의 꼭대기에 회전하는 식당이 있다. There is a rotating restaurant at the top of this tower. There's a restaurant spinning at the top of this tower. 그는 그때 돈이 없었다. He had no money with him then. He had no money then. 나도 몰라. I don't know either. I don't know. 아이와 술취한 사람은 거짓말 하지 않는다. Children and drunks don't lie. A child and a drunk don't lie. 좋은하루 되세요. Have a good day. Have a good day. 너는 왜 사니? Why do you live? Why do you live? 출발은 몇 시에 합니까? At what time does it leave? What time does it start? 이게 쓸모가 있을거라고 생각해? Do you believe this has any use? You think this could be useful? 저는 최근에 그분한테서 연락이 업서요. I don't have contact recently from him. I haven't heard from him lately. 오해하지 마. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong. 톰은 표적을 겨눴다. Tom aimed at the target. Tom aimed at the target. 톰은 보통 버스를 타고 일하러 간다. Tom generally takes the bus to work. Tom usually takes a bus to work. 내 룸메이트는 중국어를 공부하고 있어요. My roommate is studying Chinese. My roommate is studying Chinese. 씨발 누가 상관해? Who the fuck cares? Who the fuck cares? 당신이 번역할 문장에 충실하게 번역하십시오. 다른 언어로 번역된 문장의 영향을 받지 마십시오. Make a good translation of the sentence that you are translating. Don't let translations into other languages influence you. Do not be influenced by sentences translated into other languages. 내가 사랑 오크어 언어입니다. I like the Occitan language. I love the Orc language. 엄마, 난 이걸 입고 싶지 않아. Mom, I don't want to wear this. Mom, I don't want to wear this. 그의 보고서를 검토했지만 실수를 찾을 수 없었다. I went over his report, but couldn't find any mistakes. I checked his report, but I couldn't find a mistake. 고양이한테 우유를 줬어요. I gave the milk to the cat. I gave milk to the cat. 난 정말 부끄러웠다. I was feverish with embarrassment. I was so ashamed. 사랑해요. I love you. I love you. 톰은 이것에 익숙하다. Tom is just getting used to this. Tom's used to this. 그는 노어를 완벽하게 구사한다. He speaks Russian perfectly. He's perfectly squirming the mule. 룩은 체스 말 중 하나야. A rook is a chess piece. He's one of the chess horses. 안녕하세요, 저는 낸시예요. Hello, I am Nancy. Hi, I'm Nancy. 오늘은 학교에 가지 않는 날이다. There is no school today. Today is the day you don't go to school. 너 산책하고 싶니? Do you want to go on a walk? Do you want to go for a walk? 피는 붉다. Blood is red. Blood is red. 저에게는 프랑스어를 말하는 많은 친구들이 있습니다. I have many French-speaking friends. I have a lot of French-speaking friends. 우리 헤어졌어. We broke up. We broke up. 베티는 어머니를 살해했다. Betty killed her mother. Betty killed her mother. 제 시계는 당신의 것과 다르다. My watch is different than yours. My watch is different from yours. 우린 포기할 수 없어. We can't give up. We can't give up. 별명 있어요? Do you have a nickname? Do you have a nickname? 도와 주셔서 아주 고맙습니다. I really appreciate all your help. Thank you very much for your help. 목사가 결혼에 대해 대체 뭘 알겠어? What the hell does a priest know about marriage? What the hell does a pastor know about marriage? 우리는 부엌에 간다. We're going to the kitchen. We're going to the kitchen. 걔는 가끔 와인을 좀 마셔. She drinks a little wine at times. She drinks some wine from time to time. 이것이 고기 들어가요? Does this food contain any meat? Is this what's in the meat? 우리는 직원이 문으로 들어오는 걸 봤다. We saw the waiter coming through the door. We saw employees coming through the door. 비와? It's raining? Rain? 짚신도 짝이 있다 Every Jack has his Jill. She's got a mate. 내가 좋아하는 가수는 탈리아야. Thalia's my favorite singer. My favorite singer is Talia. 톰은 너말고는 아무와도 말하려 하지 않는다. Tom just would not speak to anyone but you. Tom doesn't want to talk to anyone but you. 이산화탄소는 석탄, 석유, 천연가스 같은 연료를 태울 때마다 나오는 기체이다. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is produced every time a fuel such as coal, oil, or natural gas is burned. Carbon dioxide is a gas that comes out every time you burn fuel, such as coal, oil and natural gas. 그는 예를 들어 문제를 설명했다. He illustrated the problem with an example. He explained, for example, the problem. 네가 생각한 바에 난 개의치 않는다. I don't care what you thought. I don't care what you think. 정말 섭섭해. I am so disappointed. I'm so sorry. 존은 나의 가장 친한 친구야. John is my best friend. John is my best friend. 우리는 그 사건을 검토할 필요가 있다. We need to review the case. We need to review the case. 저는 먹은 것이 없습니다. I haven't eaten anything. I didn't eat anything. 그는 반에서 꼴찌였습니다. He was at the bottom of the class. He was the youngest in class. 걔가 딱이야. 내가 알아. He is the one. I know it. He's perfect, I know. 경고 고마워. Thanks for the warning. Thanks for the warning. 이 문장은 완벽해요. This sentence is perfect. This sentence is perfect. 톰은 음악가이다. Tom is a musician. Tom is a musician. 에볼라는 체액을 통하여 사람에서 사람으로 전파된다. Ebola spreads from person to person through bodily fluids. It's spread from person to person through the body fluids. 안녕히 가십시오 Good night! Goodbye. 나는 박지성이다. I am Jisung Park. I'm Park intelligence. 그는 그림에 재능이 있었다. He had a talent for painting. He was talented in painting. 나는 사과를 먹고 있어요. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apples. 나도. Me, too. Me, too. 피가 말해 줄 것이다. Blood will tell. Blood will tell you. 톰은 앞 줄에 앉았다. Tom sat in the front row. Tom sat in the front row. 너희 둘 무엇에 관하여 논쟁하고 있니? What are you two arguing about? What are you two arguing about? 랩 좋아해요? Do you like rap? Do you like rap? 호주에서는 인기가 있어요. It's popular in Australia. Australia is popular. 뻥이야. Just joshing. It's a lie. 그는 의사가 아니라, 박사다. He's a Phd-doctor, not a doctor-doctor. He's not a doctor, he's a doctor. 파리는 프랑스의 수도다. Paris is the capital of France. Paris is the capital of France. 어떤 사람들은 람세스 2세는 6명의 아내와 100명 이상의 자녀가 있었다고 말한다. Some say that Ramses II had six women and more than 100 children. Some say Ramses II had six wives and more than 100 children. 당신은 당신의 어머니를 사랑합니까? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? 알파벳은 몇 개의 글자로 되어 있습니까? How many letters are there in the alphabet? How many letters does the alphabet contain? 누가 보면 어떡해? What if someone sees it? What if someone sees you? 진짜로 걱정 안 하지? You're not really worried, are you? You're not really worried, are you? 입을 조심해라. Watch your language. Watch your mouth. 눈이 와요. It's snowing. It's snowing. 여기 좋은 식당이 어디 있어요? Where's a good restaurant around here? Where's this nice restaurant? 언어 공부하는 것을 좋아합니다. I love learning languages. I like to study language. 그는 지루한 소설을 읽어요. He read a boring novel. He reads boring novels. 너를 들을 수 있지만, 볼 수 없어요. I can hear you, but I can't see you. I can hear you, but I can't see you. 내친구는 한국어를 공부해요. My friend studies Korean. My friend studied Korean. 불행하게도, 우리는 귀하의 참여를 기록 할 수 없습니다. 이것은 아마도 귀하께서 이미 이 기회에 참여하셨거나, 또는 이용약관의 위반으로 의심되는 사실이 있기 때문일 것 입니다. 귀하께서는 해당 사이트의 플랫폼으로 이동 될 것입니다. Unfortunately we were unable to record your participation. This may be due to the fact that you already participated in this opportunity or there was a suspected violation of our terms and conditions. You will be redirected to your panel platform. Unfortunately, we can't record your participation, and this is probably because you've already been involved in this opportunity, or you've been suspected of breaking the drugstore, and you're going to move to the platform. 황소바람이 들어오니 창문을 닫아라! A strong draft is getting in, close the window ! The bull wind is coming in. Close the window! 갈색 드레스와 어울리는 모자를 찾고 있어요. I'm looking for a hat to match a brown dress. I'm looking for a hat that matches a brown dress. 제 생각은 당신과 다릅니다. My ideas are different from yours. I think you're different. 나는 그녀를 다시 보고 싶어 미치겠다. I am dying to see her again. I'm crazy to see her again. 그들을 죽여라. Kill them. Kill them. 나는 몰라요. I don't know. I don't know. 그녀는 그 소식을 듣자마자, 울음을 터뜨렸습니다. Upon hearing the news, she broke down crying. As soon as she heard the news, she burst into tears. 이 이야기는 해피앤딩이야? Does the story have a happy ending? Is this a happy ending? 매년 겨울에 내 입술이 튼다. I get chapped lips every winter. Every winter my lips float. 질문해도 되겠습니까? Do you mind if I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question? 톰은 계단을 향해 걸어갔다. Tom walked towards the stairs. Tom walked towards the stairs. 지난달에 이와 똑같은 일이 일어났는데. I had the same thing happen to me last month. The same thing happened last month. 그는 사과를 훔치다가 잡혔다. He was caught stealing apples. He was caught stealing an apple. 커피를 못 마십니다. I can't drink coffee. He can't drink coffee. 이런... 아무도 내가 만든 문장을 번역 안 해. Ouch, nobody translates my sentences... God, no one translates my sentence. 정말 서운해요. I am very disappointed. I'm so sorry. 그녀는 그 소식을 듣자마자 울음을 터뜨렸다. Upon hearing the news, she broke down crying. As soon as she heard the news, she burst into tears. 충격이야. I'm shocked. It's a shock. 이것은 DVD이에요. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. 안녕! Hello! Hi! 축하합니다! Congratulations! Congratulations! 유남생? You know what I'm saying? You're married? 새미는 두 어린 아이의 아버지이다. Sami is the father of two young children. Sammy is the father of two young children. 흥! 아무도 내가 만드는 문장을 번역 안하고 있어! Hey! Nobody is translating my sentences! Nobody's translating the sentence I'm making! 여긴 날씨가 변덕스러워. The weather is changeable here. The weather here is capricious. 나 향수병 걸렸어. I am homesick. I have a homesickness. 그녀를 놀라게 해줄 거야. I'll surprise her. I'm gonna surprise her. 인간은 이성이 있는 동물이에요. Man is a rational animal. Humans are intelligent animals. 안녕하세요. Good morning. Hello. 우리는 우리가 생각하는 것이다. We are what we think we are. We're what we think. 자야 합니다. I have to go to sleep. You have to grow. 목초지에 양이 많이 있다. There are a lot of sheep in the pasture. There's plenty of sheep in the pasture. 못 믿겠는데. I can hardly believe it. I don't believe it. 사랑과 우정 사이에 경계선을 긋는 것은 매우 어려운 일이다. It is very difficult to draw the boundary between love and friendship. It's very difficult to draw boundaries between love and friendship. 그 여자는 그 남자의 사생활에 대해 전혀 알고 싶어하질 않던데. She didn't want to know anything about his personal life. She didn't want to know anything about his privacy. 다음 관광 여행이 언제예요? When is the next guided tour? When's your next tour? 왜 거짓말을 해요? Why do you lie? Why are you lying? 그는 작년에 유언장을 썼습니다. He made his will last year. He wrote his will last year. 톰은 이해하려고 노력하고 있다. Tom is trying to figure things out. Tom's trying to understand. 너는 걔처럼 빨리 수영할 수 있어? Can you swim as fast as he can? Can you swim as fast as she does? 그는 그녀를 다시 만날 정도로 어리석다. He is foolish to meet her again. He's stupid enough to meet her again. 그건 너의 책임이다. That's my responsibility. It's your responsibility. 너 똑똑하다. You're smart. You're smart. 물고기를 잡은다음애는 미끼가 필요없어. Once you've caught the fish, you no longer need the bait. After catching a fish, he doesn't need bait. 날 도와주겠다는 그의 제안은 거절할 생각이다. I intend to decline his offer to help me. His offer to help me is to refuse. 언어가 좋습니다. I like languages. Languages are good. 그녀는 머리를 금발로 염색했다. She dyed her hair blonde. She dyed her hair blonde. 돈이 더 많으면 좋겠다. I wish I had more money. I wish I had more money. 구천구백구십구 더하기 일은 만이다. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine plus one is one thousand. Nine hundred ninety nine hundred ninety nine hundred ninety nine plus one is ten thousand. 나는 말다툼하는 것을 싫어한다. I hate to get into arguments. I don't like arguing. 일어났을 때 슬펐어. When I woke up, I was sad. I was sad when I woke up. 저건 뭐야? What's that? What is that? 저이 채식주의 예요. I am a vegetarian. I'm vegetarian. 당신 책을 읽어봤었어요. 꽤 흥미롭더라구요. I read your book. It's quite interesting. I read your book. It was pretty interesting. 우리 몸 속에는 칼륨이 들어 있다. We have potassium in our bodies. There's potassium in our bodies. 아마 내일 일찍 일어날 거예요. I will probably get up early tomorrow. He's gonna wake up early tomorrow. 저것은 무엇입니까? What is that? What's that? 내가 좋아하는 가수는 카일리 미노그야. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kyle Minog. 극제비갈매기라는 새를 들어 본 적 있습니까? Have you heard of a bird called the Arctic Tern? Have you ever heard of a bird called the tern? 향수병은 당신이 있던 곳으로 돌아가고자하는 갈망입니다. Homesickness is a longing to go back to where you are from. Homesickness is your desire to go back to where you were. 그의 상처에서 피가 흘러 나왔다. Blood ran from his wound. Blood flowed out of his wound. 너는 어떻게 그렇게 인기가 많니? Why are you so popular? How are you so popular? 나는 무신론자이다. I'm an atheist. I'm an atheist. 개구리가 우는 소리는 내가 잠드는 데 도움이 됐다. The frogs' croaking helped me fall asleep. The sound of the frog crying helped me sleep. 돌아올 때 슈퍼마켓에서 계란 사 와. Buy eggs at the store on your way home. I'll get eggs from the supermarket when I get back. 망할 창년아. Fucking whore. Fuck you, bitch. 엘리자베스가 알리스터를 냉혹하게 죽였다. Elizabeth killed Alister in cold blood. Elizabeth killed Alister coldly. 이 농담은 이미 들어봤어. I've heard this joke already. I've heard this joke before. 내가 뭐든 알거라고 생각하지 마. You can't expect me to always think of everything! Don't think I know anything. 난 비벤디 파일을 더 이상 못 찾겠다. I can no longer find the Vivendi file. I can't find Vivendi files anymore. 우리 아파트는 조용하고 깨끗해요 My apartment is quiet and clean. Our apartment is quiet and clean. 톰은 여기서 일을 잘 해왔다. Tom has done well here. Tom's been doing a good job here. 가스 냄새가 난다. I smell gas. I smell gas. 오해 하지 마세요. Don't misunderstand me. Don't get me wrong. 제가 그러다가 다쳤었어요. I got injured doing that. And then I got hurt. 톰은 방 한가운데 있었다. Tom was in the center of the room. Tom was in the middle of the room. 톰은 피를 토했다. Tom vomited blood. Tom threw up his blood. 나는 너의 계획에 맞춰줄 수 없어. I can't keep pace with your plan. I can't live up to your plan. 숲은 매우 고요했다. The forest was very tranquil. The forest was very quiet. 그것은 무엇입니까? What is it? What is it? 친구는 도서관에 공부하러 돌아와요. Friends come back to the library to study. A friend comes back to study in the library. 잔돈을 잊어버리셨네요. You've forgotten your change. You forgot the change. 학교에 지각했다. I was late to school. I was late for school. 제 마음이 아파요. I'm heartbroken. My heart hurts. 그날 밤 그는 무시무시한 꿈을 꾸었다. That night he dreamed a horrible dream. That night he had a terrifying dream. 톰은 자주 밤새 논다. Tom often stays out all night. Tom often plays all night long. 조금만 더 기다려 줘. Please wait just a little more. Just give me a second. 톰은 외바퀴 손수레를 모래로 채웠다. Tom filled the wheelbarrow with sand. Tom filled the wheel cart with sand. 네 생일 선물로 펜 하나를 샀어. I bought a pen for your birthday present. I bought a pen for your birthday. 영화가 나빠도 친구랑 같이 있으니 즐거울 테지. Although the film is bad, I will enjoy it because I'm with friends. Even if it's a bad movie, it'll be fun being with a friend. 나는 남을 돕는 것을 좋아한다. I like helping others. I like to help others. 동물원은 동물에게 감옥 같다. Zoos are like prisons for animals. Zoos are like cages to animals. 이것은 우리 사업을 다치게 할 수도 있다. This could hurt our business. This could hurt our business. 물 좀 끓여. Boil some water. Boil some water. 슬퍼하지 마라. Don't be sad. Don't be sad. 그의 학생들 중 누구도 그 문제를 풀 수 없었다. No one in his class were able to solve the problem. None of his students could solve that problem. 이곳은 눈이 거의 내리지 않습니다. It rarely snows here. There's hardly any snow in this place. 나는 네 질문에 답할 수 없어. I can not answer your question. I can't answer your question. 그 망할 문 닫아라! Close the fucking door! Close the damn door! 중요하지 않다. It's not important. It doesn't matter. 이게 승선권이야? Is this the embarkation card? Is this your ticket? 오늘 좋은 영화를 상영해요. There's a good movie screening today. I'm going to show you a great movie today. 아이티의 수도는 이름이 무엇입니까? What is the capital of Haiti? What is Haiti's capital name? 아침에 베이건이랑 달걀 먹었잖아, 그치? You had bacon and eggs for breakfast, didn't you? You ate bacon and eggs this morning, didn't you? 그는 영어를 모국어로 사용한다. He is a native English speaker. He uses English in his native language. 그는 새벽에 왔다. He came at dawn. He came in the morning. 지금 뭐하는 건데요? What are you doing right now? What are you doing? 난 톰을 말릴거야. I will stop Tom. I'm gonna stop Tom. 연구실로 돌아가. Get back to the lab. Go back to the lab. 톰이 너를 만나러 거기에 갈 거야. Tom will be there to meet you. Tom's going there to see you. 난 잘못한 거 없어. I did nothing wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. 탐에게 여유를 좀 주자. Let's cut Tom some slack. Let's give Tom some space. 나는 생각한다. 고로 나는 존재한다. You doubt, so you exist. I think I am. So I am. 톰은 메리가 그에게 준 와인 한 병에 대하여 메리에게 감사함을 표시했다. Tom thanked Mary for the bottle of wine she gave him. Tom thanked Mary for a bottle of wine Mary gave him. 그 책 9쪽을 펴시오. Open your book to page nine. Open the ninth page of that book. 그녀는 그녀의 수입으로는 생활을 꾸릴 수가 없었다. She could not make both ends meet on her income. She couldn't live with her income. 저녁은 뭘 만들까요? I wonder what I should make for dinner. What do we make for dinner? 당신은 의사입니까? Are you a doctor? Are you a doctor? Tom은 Mary가 남동생이 있는 줄 몰랐어. Tom didn't know Mary had a brother. Tom didn't know Mary had a brother. 나는 인터넷에 들어가 서핑하기를 좋아한다. I like surfing on the internet. I like to go online and surf. 이 건물은 현대적으로 보인다. This building looks very futuristic. This building looks modern. 그는 일자리에 만족하고 있다. He is satisfied with the job. He's content with his job. 시야가 미치는 범위에는 라벤더가 피어 있었다. There was lavender as far as the eye could see. The range of vision was that of Lavender. 조용한 고양이가 쥐를 잡는다. The quiet cat caught the mouse. A quiet cat catches a mouse. 탐은 그 것에 푹 빠져 있었다. Tom was totally into it. Tom was obsessed with that. 다다익선. The more, the better. It's full. 전등이 꺼졌다. The light went out. The lights are out. 난 내 집이 좋아. I love my home. I like my house. 톰에게 물어볼 것이 있습니다. I have to ask Tom a question. I have a question for Tom. 그가 그것을 내게 줬어요. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. 오늘의 날씨가 어제보다 더 아름다워요. The weather today is more beautiful than yesterday's. Today's weather is more beautiful than it was yesterday. 그 여자는 오빠가 다섯명 있어. She has five older brothers. She has five brothers. 포기할 수 없어요. We can't give up. I can't give up. 나오꼬만 커피를 마셔요. Only Naoko drinks coffee. Here's your coffee. 톰은 손을 뻗어서 지팡이를 잡았다. Tom reached for his cane. Tom reached out and grabbed the cane. 그것은 배우기 어렵습니다. It's hard to learn. It's hard to learn. 얼마나 멀어요? How far? How far? 영어를 할 줄 아세요? Do you speak English? Do you speak English? 난 거의 죽을 뻔 했다. I was almost killed. I almost died. 그는 모든 실패를 극복했다고 주장한다. He claims that he's gotten over all his failures. He claims to have overcome all failures. 한국에서는 무슨 언어로 말합니까? What languages do they speak in Korea? What language do you speak in Korea? 겨울 방학은 어떻게 지냈나요? How did you spend your winter vacation? How was your winter vacation? 톰은 파이를 세개 구웠어. Tom baked three pies. Tom baked three pies. 오늘은 더 이상 물어보지 않겠어요. I won't ask you anything else today. I'm not gonna ask you any more today. 그들은 침묵을 지켰다. They kept silence. They kept the silence. 걔 데리고 올거지, 그치? You'll bring him, won't you? You're gonna bring her back, aren't you? 프랑스어로 자기소개를 하는 것은 내게 어려운 일이다. It's difficult for me to express myself in French. It's hard for me to introduce myself in French. 터키에 살아요. I live in Turkey. I live in Turkey. 바다에는 섬이 있다. There are islands in the sea. There's an island in the sea. 이것은 고딕 양식의 교회이다. The church is built in Gothic style. This is a Gothic church. 톰은 이제는 게으른 소년이 아니다. Tom is not an idle boy any longer. Tom is no longer a lazy boy. 지금 당장 밖으로 나가는 것은 위험하다. It's dangerous to go outside right now. It's dangerous to get out of here right now. 나한테 개수작 부리지 마 Don't fuck with me! Don't do anything to me. 불쌍한 고아인 과부와 그녀의 어린 애들 2명은 온갖 역경에 맞서 용감하게 싸웠다. The poor widow with her two young children - herself an orphan - struggled bravely for a while against the fearful tide of adversity. The poor orphan widow and her two young children bravely fought against all kinds of adversity. 거의 다 왔어요 We're almost there. We're almost there. 떨려요. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. 그는 학급에서 가장 둔한 아이이다. He is the dumbest kid in the class. He's the slowest kid in the class. 뭐든 잘 이해안되는게 생기면 나한테 와. If anything comes up that you don't understand, come to me. If you don't understand anything, come to me. 톰이 불어를 공부한대. I heard that Tom is studying French. Tom's studying French. 그녀가 케이크를 여섯 조각으로 잘라서 애들에게 한조각씩 줬다. She cut the cake into six pieces and gave one to each of the children. She cut the cake into six pieces and gave each one to the children. 톰은 시력을 잃어버렸다. Tom lost his eyesight. Tom lost his sight. 나는 해야할 일을 했다. I did what had to be done. I did what I had to do. 이 세상은 미치광이들의 소굴이다 The world is a den of crazies. This world is a shithole for crazy people. 한국에는 무슨 일로 오셨습니까? Why did you come to Korea? What brings you here in Korea? 그 사람 작년에 담배 끊었어. He stopped smoking last year. He quit smoking last year. 씨발놈아! Fuck you! Son of a bitch! 제발 날 죽여 줘. Please kill me. Please kill me. 내가 할 수 있는게 더 있었으면 좋았을 걸. I wish there was more I could've done. I wish I could do more. 톰은 메리의 변화를 눈치챘다. Tom noticed a change in Mary. Tom noticed the change in Mary. 당신은 그분들을 아십니까? Do you know them? Do you know them? 세상은 넓고, 그 안엔 다양한 삶과 언어, 문화들이 존재한다. In our wide world, there exist countless lifestyles, languages and cultures. The world is vast, and there are many lives, languages, and cultures. 니가 언제부터 아버지 말을 들었어? How long have you listened to your father? How long have you been listening to your father? 그녀는 원하는 걸 얻는 데 익숙해 있다. She's used to getting what she wants. She's used to getting what she wants. 이건 저의 컴퓨터예요. This is my computer. This is my computer. 나는 그 여자의 제안을 거절해야만 했어. I had to refuse her offer. I had to refuse her offer. 나는 좋다! I'm good! I love it! 제가 도와드릴게요. Let me help you with that. Let me help you. 키예프는 우크라이나의 수도입니다. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Kiev is the capital of Ukraine. 미국 대사관이 어디입니까? Where is the American embassy? Where's the U.S. Embassy? 간호사가 열을 쟀다. I am Ji Sung Park. The nurse got a fever. 이 카메라는 쌉니다. This camera is cheap. This camera is cheap. 가져도 될까요? Can I have it? May I have it? 숨울 깊이 들이마십시오. Please take a deep breath. Take a deep breath. 저기에 놓으십시오 Put it there. Put it over there. 즐거운 성탄절! Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas! 그녀를 찾아야 한다. We have to find her. We need to find her. 그 밭은 들꽃이 가득하다. The field is full of wild flowers. The field is full of wildflowers. 피가 있었다. There was blood. There was blood. 옳습니다 That is right. That's right. 집주인이 집세를 올리고 싶어한다. The landlord wants to raise the rent. The landlord wants to raise the rent. 난 아기를 안 낳고 싶어, 절대로. I don't want to have a baby, ever. I don't want to have a baby, never. 오늘 날씨가 어제보다 더 좋다. The weather today is more beautiful than yesterday's. Today's weather is better than yesterday. 전쟁은 우리 모두와 연관된다. War concerns us all. War is related to all of us. 이 학생들이 한국사람이다. These students are Korean. These students are Korean. 저도 이제서야 도착했어요. At last I finally arrived too. I just got here. 고생하셨어요. You worked hard. It's been a long time. 축하 합니다! Congratulations! Congratulations! 무엇이 문제입니까? What is the problem? What's the problem? 우리는 네가 그 노래를 불렀으면 좋겠다. We'd like you to sing the song. We want you to sing that song. 지갑을 잃어버렸어. I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. 깃발에 불이 붙었다. The flag got on fire. The flag is on fire. 언제까지나 친구로 지내자. Let's stay friends forever. Let's stay friends forever. 여자들은 아름다워요. Women are beautiful. Women are beautiful. 그는 나에게 그 책은 재미있다고 했어요. He told me that the book was interesting. He told me that book was fun. 그건 실수였어. It was a mistake. That was a mistake. 그것을 너는 후회할 것이다. You will yet regret it. You'll regret it. 긴장이 풀리는데요. This is so relaxing. I feel relaxed. 이것은 누구의 책입니까? Whose book is this? Whose book is this? 올해는 발렌타인 데이가 일요일이다. This year, Valentine's Day falls on a Sunday. This year Valentine's Day is Sunday. 그는 하루 종일 편지를 찾고 있었다. He was looking for a letter all day long. He was looking for letters all day long. 이제 우릴 도와줄 거야? Will you help us now? Are you gonna help us now? 가을이 제일 좋아. I like autumn most. The fall is the best. 모든 노랑머리는 바보가 아니야. Not all blondes are dumb. All yellow hair isn't stupid. 톰은 움직이지 않았다. Tom didn't move a muscle. Tom didn't move. 그녀는 작은 아파트에서 그와 함께 살고 있어요. She lives with him in a small apartment. She lives with him in a small apartment. 열쇠는 내 가방에 있었다. The keys were in my bag. The key was in my bag. 시도하지 않는 것이 실패하는 것이다. Not trying is failing. If you don't try, you fail. 그들은 널 원하지 않고 톰을 원한다. They don't want you. They want Tom. They don't want you. They want Tom. 너 어딘가 세뇌당한 것 같아. I think that you have been brainwashed. I think you've been brainwashed somewhere. 나는 왜 항상 이 시간에 일어날까? Why do I always get up at this time? Why do I always wake up at this hour? 2월에 이런 따뜻한 날씨는 비정상이야. This warm weather is abnormal for February. In February, this warm weather is abnormal. 나는 여자가 됐어. I became a woman. I became a woman. 너무 까다롭게 고르면 아무것도 못 받는다. You won't get anything if you're too picky. If you pick too hard, you won't get anything. 우리 마을에 도서관이 하나 있다. There is a library in our city. There's a library in our village. 그녀는 스무 살에 선생님이 되었다. She became a teacher when she was twenty. She became a teacher at the age of 20. 진짜로, 우리가 이 문제에 대해 뭔가 해야 된다. Seriously. We're going to have to do something about this. Seriously, we have to do something about this. 톰은 화를 참을 수 없었다. Tom couldn't hold back his anger. Tom couldn't stand his anger. 톰은 자신이 좋은 후보라고 생각한다. Tom considers himself a worthy candidate. Tom thinks he's a good candidate. 고양이가 발톱을 감춘다. The cat hides its claws. Cat hides its claws. 이 방은 너무 커요. This room is too big. This room is too big. 바나나 달콤한이다. The banana is sweet. The banana is sweet. 나는 그 책을 좋아했어. I loved that book! I loved that book. 너 나랑 지금 춤출래? Will you dance with me right now? You want to dance with me now? 내가 절박해 보이냐? Do I look desperate to you? Do you think I'm jealous of you? 너의 동의 없이는 난 아무도 고용하지 않을 것이다. I won't hire anyone without your approval. I wouldn't hire anyone without your consent. A와 B의 차이가 뭐예요? What is the difference between A and B? What's the difference between A and B? 엄마, 미안해요. I'm sorry Mother. Mom, I'm sorry. 진짜로 도와줄 마음이 있어? Are you really willing to help? Do you really want to help? 우리에게 거짓말 하지 마. Don't lie to us. Don't lie to us. 사는게 쉽지가 않아. Life is never easy. Life isn't easy. 쉬고 싶다. I want to rest. I want to rest. 내 피가 끓고 있었다. My blood was boiling. My blood was boiling. 머리가 아파요. I have a headache. My head hurts. 정육면체의 부피를 어떻게 계산합니까? How do you calculate the volume of a cube? How do you calculate the volume of a cube? 좋은 하루! Good day! Good day! 탐은 메리에게 줄 선물을 골랐다. Tom picked out a gift for Mary. Tom picked a present for Mary. 톰은 우리에게 약간의 음식과 물을 남겨주었다. Tom left us some food and water. Tom left us some food and water. 가지고 있읍니다 I've got it. I have it. 네 탓은 아니야. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. 그는 왔어! He has come! He's here! 우리 도시에는 축구 경기장이 있어요. There is a soccer stadium in the city where I live. There's a football stadium in our city. 나는 사랑을 고수하기로 했다. 증오는 짊어지기에 너무 큰 짐이다. I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. I've decided to hold on to love. Hate is too much to bear. 아니오, 두 번쨉니다. No, this is my second time. No, twice. 가격을 깎을 수 있나요? Can the price be discounted? Can you cut the price? 인간은 이성이 있지만 동물은 없다. Man has reason, animals do not. Human beings are rational, but no animals. 5814를 반올림한 가장 가까운 천 단위 숫자가 뭐지? What is 5814 rounded to the nearest thousand? What's the nearest thousand units that round up to 5814? 엄마는 운동하는 걸 안 좋아한다. Mom doesn't like to exercise. She doesn't like to exercise. 나는 세부 사항들까지 수정했다. I corrected even the smallest details. I had corrected all the details. 꺼져, 멍청한 저능아야! Fuck off, you stupid idiot! Get the fuck out of here, you idiot! 난 톰한테 그걸 쓰지 말라고 말했다. I told Tom not to use those. I told Tom not to use it. 자살은 고통스럽지 않아. Suicide isn't painful. Suicide is not painful. 톰은 직업을 바꾸는 것을 고려했다. Tom considered changing his job. Tom considered changing jobs. 그들은 왜 그것을 할 수 없죠? Why can't they do it? Why can't they do that? 작은 시골마을이나 섬에는 전쟁 중에도 조용할 수도 있어요. Small rural villages or islands could be peaceful even in wartime. It can be quiet in small rural villages and islands of the sea during the war. 언제 전화할 거예요? When are you going to call? When are you gonna call me? 내 일을 어떻게 하면 되는지 나한테 말하고 있는거에요? Are you telling me how to do my job? Are you telling me how to do my job? 사각형은 각이 4개다. A square has four angles. A quadrilateral has four angles. 좋은데에 데려가줄게. I'm taking you to somewhere nice. I'll take you with me. 설거지 끝내고 티비 봤어. I watched TV after I washed the dishes. I finished the dishes and watched the TV. 너 어디 가고 싶니? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? 너한테 도와달라고 안했거든. I didn't ask for your help. I didn't ask you to help me. 그 기간동안 나는 오직 빠리에서만 짧게 머물렀기 때문에 그 기간이 매우 아쉬웠다. Each time I spent only a short time in Paris, and this has given me much to regret. During that time, it was very sad that I stayed only a short time in Pari. 마지막 경고다! This is your last warning! Last warning! 이 학생들이 한국사람이다. Those students are Korean. These students are Korean. 더 이상 거짓말 하지마, 알았어? Don't lie anymore, OK? Don't lie to me anymore, okay? 그 남자에게 사실대로 말해. I urge you to tell him the truth. Tell him the truth. 우리는 다양한 종류의 커피를 구비하고 있어. We have many varieties of coffee. We have a variety of coffees. 너희들의 결혼을 축하해요. Let me congratulate you on your marriage. Congratulations on your marriage. 나는 작년에는 별로 한 일이 없다. I didn't do much last year. I didn't do much last year. 나는 탐이 하고 있는 일이놀랍다고 생각한다. I think what Tom is doing is amazing. I think what Tom's doing is amazing. 그 모습 그대로 사물을 보지 않고, 우리 자신의 모습으로 그것을 바라본다. We don't see things as they are, but as we are. Instead of looking at things the way they are, we look at them as we are. 다른 할 말이 없으면, 나한테 인사할 필요가 없어. There's no point saying "Hi, how are you?" to me if you have nothing else to say. If you don't have anything else to say, you don't have to say hello to me. 우리가 톰을 도울 필요가 있을 수도 있다. We might need to help Tom. We might need to help Tom. 군인 세명이 부상을 당했다. Three soldiers were wounded. Three soldiers were injured. 아이들은 들어올 수 없습니다. Children are not allowed in. They can't come in. 그 회사가 작년에 십억엔의 손실을 보았다. The company suffered a loss of one billion yen last year. The company saw a billion yen loss last year. 나에겐 경치 좋은 산이 보이는 방이 있었다. I had a room with a beautiful view of the mountains. I had a room where I could see a nice mountain. 톰에게 그가 틀렸다고 말해. Tell Tom that he's wrong. Tell Tom he's wrong. 그녀의 신앙심은 흔들림이 없다. Her faith in God is unshaken. Her piety is not wavering. 이것을 뭐라고 불러요? What do you call this? What do you call this? 그는 분명히 올 것이다. He will definitely come. He'll definitely come. 이 책이 저거보다 훨씬 흥미롭다. This book is way more interesting than that one. This book is much more interesting than that. 나비 빨라. The butterfly flutters. Come on, come on, come on, come on. 저는 학생입니다. I'm a student. I'm a student. 요리 좋아해요? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? 톰이 언제 여기 왔지? When did Tom get here? When did Tom get here? 리비아는 북아프리카에서 두번째로 큰 국가이다. Libya is the second largest country in North Africa. Libya is the second largest country in North Africa. 톰은 메리를 도우려고 애써왔다. Tom has been trying to help Mary. Tom's been trying to help Mary. 난 절대 농담하는게 아냐. I'm dead serious. I'm not kidding. 오해 하지 마세요. Do not misunderstand this. Don't get me wrong. 중국에 가고 싶었어요 I wanted to go to China. I wanted to go to China. 너희 모두 거짓말쟁이다. They're all liars. You're all liars. 그는 처음 헬스클럽에 갔을때는 정말 열심이었지만 몇 달이 지난후 게으름을 피우기 시작했고 결국 관두고 말았다. He was really gung-ho when he started at the gym but after a few months he started slacking off and then stopped coming altogether. He was very zealous when he first went to the gym, but after a few months he began to be lazy and quit. 메리는 보스턴으로 이사가면 더 행복할 것이라고 확신했다. Mary was convinced that she'd be happier if she moved to Boston. Mary was convinced that moving to Boston would make her happier. 나는 의사가 아닙니다. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. 나일강은 아프리카에서 가장 긴 강이다. The Nile is the largest river in Africa. The Nile is the longest river in Africa. 그 사람만큼 자격을 갖춘 직원은 대체하기가 어렵다. It is difficult to replace an employee that is as qualified as he is. It's hard to replace employees who are as qualified as he is. 히메쿠사 유리코는 자살했다. Yuriko Himekusa committed suicide. Himekusa Yuriko committed suicide. 피곤해 보이니까 일찍 자는 것이 좋겠다. You look tired, so you should go to bed early. You look tired, so you better sleep early. 이 근처에 휴대폰 충전할 수 있는 곳이 있나요? Is there a place where I can charge my cellphone around here? Is there anywhere you can charge your cell phone around here? 우리는 모두 같은 배를 탔다. We're all in the same boat. We're all on the same boat. 딸기가 있는데 너 먹고 싶니? I have some strawberries. Do you want some? I have strawberries. Do you want to eat? 와, 눈이다! Wow, it's snow! Wow, it's snow! 여기에 있는 동안 뭘 하고 싶으세요? What do you want to do while you're here? What do you want to do while you're here? 대단히 감사합니다! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! 난 불어를 할 줄 아는 사람이 필요하다. I want a person who can speak French. I need someone to speak French. 저 남자 아이가 저기에 얼마나 오래 앉아 있었는지 얘기 좀 해줘. Tell me how long that boy has been sitting there. Tell me how long he's been sitting there. 그는 빚을 지게 되었다. He has gone into debt. He was going into debt. 난 6시 반에 돌아올 거야. I'll come back at six thirty. I'll be back at 6:30. 책을 읽고 싶었어요 I wanted to read a book. I wanted to read it. 첨부파일을 확인해 주십시오. Please check the attached file. Please check attachments. 톰은 더 큰 할인을 원했습니다. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Tom wanted a bigger discount. 나는 네가 돌아올 때까지 여기에 있을 것이다. I'll stay here till you get back. I'll be here until you come back. 환영합니다. Welcome. Welcome. 이거 똥 아니고 진흙이야. It's not shit. It's mud. This isn't shit. This is mud. 통화해서 고객 서비스 상담원에게 말하기 전까지 연결 대기 큐에서 20분이나 기다렸어야 했어. I had to wait 20 minutes on the phone before reaching the customer service rep. I should've waited 20 minutes on the line before I spoke to the customer service consultant on the phone. 부르즈 할리파는 현재 세계에서 가장 높은 고층건물이다. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest building in the world. Burges Halifa is now the tallest skyscraper in the world. 당신 책을 읽어봤었어요. 꽤 흥미롭더라구요. I've read your book. It was very interesting. I read your book. It was pretty interesting. 아프리카는 가장 가난한 대륙이다. Africa is the poorest continent. Africa is the poorest continent. 폭풍이 불 것이라고 생각한다. I think it will storm soon. They think the storm is going to blow. 탐은 메리가 어디에 있었는지 알고 싶었다. Tom wanted to know where Mary had been. Tom wanted to know where Mary was. 그 어떤 것도 그의 신념을 꺾을 수 없었다. Nothing could sway his conviction. Nothing could break his faith. 나는 음악듣고 있어. 넌? I'm listening to music, and you? I'm listening to music. 천천히 운전하세요. Please drive slowly. Drive slowly. 이 슈트는 방화복입니다. This suit is fire-resistant. This suit is an intrusion suit. 망해라! Get fucked! Fuck you! 수면 부족이 점차 건강에 영향을 미친다. Lack of sleep can gradually affect health. Sleep deprivation gradually affects health. 톰은 정학을 당했다. Tom is suspended. Tom was expelled from school. 그녀는 그 병을 열 수 없었다. She couldn't open that bottle. She couldn't open the bottle. 난 유럽에 가지 않기로 했다. I decided not to go to Europe. I decided not to go to Europe. 1939년에 제2차 세계 대전이 일어났다. World war two broke out in 1939. World War II broke out in 1939. 아시겠어요? Do you understand? Do you understand? 그 말을 들은 후부터 나는 프랑스의 도시들과 시골을 여행하고 싶어졌고, 아름다운 언어인 프랑스어를 배우고 싶어졌으며, 무엇보다도, 프랑스 음식을 내 손으로 직접 만들고 싶어졌다.또한 프랑스의 분위기를 느끼고 싶다. Since I heard this, I want to travel french cities and provinces, learn beautiful French, and more than anything prepare French cuisine with my own hands. And feel the atmosphere of France. Ever since I heard that, I wanted to travel through French cities and countryside, to learn French, a beautiful language, and, above all, to make French food myself. 제가 양상추를 씻을까요? Should I wash the lettuce? Do you want me to wash the lettuce? 우리는 영화관에 가고 싶어요. We want to go to the cinema. We want to go to the movie theater. 나는 작은 아파트에 살아요. I live in a small apartment. I live in a small apartment. 영어 알파벳은 몇 개의 글자로 되어 있습니까? How many letters are there in the English alphabet? How many letters does the English alphabet contain? 나는 귀먹지 않았어. I am not deaf. I wasn't deaf. 부뚜막의 소금도 집어넣어야 짜다. No pain, no gain. You're gonna have to put the salt in the bubble. 톰이랑 존은 형제인 척 했다. Tom and John pretended to be brothers. Tom and John pretended to be brothers. 수건 좀 주시겠습니까? Can you pass me the towel? Can I have your towel, please? 그는 1분 차이로 기차를 놓쳤다. He missed the train by a minute. He missed the train a minute apart. 실례합니다. 대전에 가는 다음 기차가 몇시에 있습니까? Excuse me. What time is the next train to Taejon? Excuse me. What time is the next train to the Great War? 그래서 나는 프랑스에 오래 머무르고 싶고, 그러기 위한 돈이 필요하다. This is why I would like an extended visa as well as as funds for my stay. So I want to stay in France for a long time, and I need money to do that. 나는 물이 많아요. I have a lot of discharge. I have plenty of water. 오늘은 9월 1일이다. Today is September 1st. Today is September 1st. 저녁을 5 시에 막을까 해요. I'm thinking of having dinner at 5. I'm going to stop the evening at 5:00. 3 더하기 5는 8이다. 3 plus 5 is 8. Three plus five is eight. 이것이 정글의 법칙이야. This is the law of the jungle. This is the law of the jungle. 나는 화장실에 가야 합니다. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. 그는 한 가지 언어만 말할 수 있다. He only speaks one language. He can only speak one language. 일어날 때 마다 어지러워. I feel dizzy every time I get up. I get dizzy every time I get up. 거짓말 하지 마세요. 솔직해지세요. Don't lie. Be honest. Don't lie to me. Be honest. 무슨 영화를 보고 싶어요? What kind of movie do you want to watch? What movie do you want to see? 나는 이 편지를 그에게 쓰고 있어. I'm writing this letter to him. I'm writing this letter to him. 오늘은 이렇게 힘들었어서 깊게 잘 잘 것 같다. Today was so hard I think I'll sleep well tonight. I think I'm going to sleep very well today because I'm having such a rough day. 봉투 필요하세요? Do you need an envelope? Do you need an envelope? 자고 있어? Are you sleeping? Are you asleep? 그 사람은 이상하다고 생각합니다. I think he is strange. I think he's weird. 한국에 너희들을 만나요! I'll meet you guys in Korea! I'll meet you guys in Korea! 내주 금요일 오전 내내 시간이 있습니다. I will be free all morning next Friday. There's time all Friday morning next week. 톰이 셔츠를 뒤집어 입었어. Tom put his shirt on inside out. Tom's got his shirt upside down. 우리는 집에 가는 중입니다. We are on the way home. We're going home. 그걸 하려고 몇 시간이 걸렸어요. It took me several hours to do that. It took me hours to do that. 뛰어라, 네가 할 수 있는 만큼 빨리. Run as fast as you can. Run, as fast as you can. 네 침실 좀 정리해라. Please tidy up your bedroom. Clean up your bedroom. 잔디를 밟지 마세요. Please don't walk on the grass. Don't step on the lawn. 없다. There aren't any. No. 이 나비종은 이미 멸종됐다. This species of butterfly has already gone extinct. This butterfly species is already extinct. 니가 좀 외로울 것 같아서 내가 와인 한 병을 들고 왔지. I thought you might be lonely, so I came over with a bottle of wine. I thought you'd be a little lonely, so I brought you a bottle of wine. 나는 역으로 들어오는 기차를 봤다. I saw the train come into the station. I saw a train coming into the station. 내가 찾아 볼게. I'll find them. I'll see what I can find. 이 히터는 가스를 사용한다. This heater burns gas. This heater uses gas. 문제는 우리는 시간이 충분하지 않다는 것이다. The problem is that we don't have enough time. The problem is we don't have enough time. 그는 딸을 위해 돈을 모았다. He saved up his money for his daughter. He collected money for his daughter. 나는 포기하지 않을 것이다. I'm not going to give up. I won't give up. 걔는 항상 반에서 꼴찌야. She is always at the bottom of the class. She's always in class. 그는 타인의 기분은 전혀 존중하지 않는다. He has absolutely no respect for other people's feelings. He has no respect for the feelings of others. 사람들이 생각하는 것 만큼 쉽지는 않아요. It's not as easy to do that as people think. It's not as easy as people think. 마지막으로 그를 봤을때 그는 파란 셔츠에 흰색 바지를 입고 있었다. When I last saw him, he was wearing a blue shirt and white slacks. Last time I saw him, he was wearing white pants in a blue shirt. 쓸 수 있어요? Can you write? Can you write it? 내가 학교에 간다. I go to school. I'm going to school. 우린 톰이 학교를 중퇴하려 한다는 말을 들었다. We were told Tom wanted to drop out of school. We heard Tom was about to drop out of school. 나는 일찍 자기 때문에 일출을 보려 일찍 일어날 수 있다. I go to bed early so I can get up to capture the sunrise. I can wake up early to see the sunrise because of you. 월트 디즈니가 뭘 그렸나? What did Walt Disney draw? What did Walt Disney draw? 그 커피는 냄새가 좋다. That coffee smells good. That coffee smells good. 이 CD 는 10 달러 입니다. This CD costs $10. This CD is $10. 숙제 다 끝냈니? Have you finished your homework? Did you finish your homework? 그 사람은 음악에 대한 재능이 있다. He has something of the musician in him. He has a talent for music. 저는 중간에 앉고 싶어요. I want to sit in the middle. I want to sit in the middle. 의심해서 미안. I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry I doubted you. 실례합니다. Excuse me. Excuse me. 그 규칙들은 학생들간에 불평을 야기한다. Those rules foster discontent among students. Those rules cause complaints between students. 톰은 지금 모임에 참석 중이다. Tom is in a meeting right now. Tom is now attending a meeting. 당연하지. Of course. Of course. 난 네가 최고라고 생각한다. I think you're the greatest. I think you're the best. 소는 "음메," 닭은 "꼬꼬댁 꼬꼬," 돼지는 "꿀꿀," 오리는 "꽥꽥," 고양이는 "야옹." The cow goes "moo," the rooster goes "cock-a-doodle-doo," the pig goes "oink, oink," the duck goes "quack, quack" and the cat goes "meow." The cow is "mme," the chicken is "cooky, the pig is honey," the duck is "suck," and the cat is "Yaon." 푸에르토리코의 위치를 지도 위에 보여주세요. Show me where Puerto Rico is on the map. Show us where Puerto Rico is on the map. 기다리세요 Wait for me! Wait. 나는 동물원에서 일해. I work at a zoo. I work at the zoo. 어째서 알고 있는 거야? How did you know this? Why do you know that? 돈을 사랑하는 마음이 모든 악의 근원이다. Love of money is the root of all evil. Love of money is the source of all evil. 마음대로 생각해. Think whatever you want. Think whatever you want. 그 아이의 자유 시간이 제한된다. That child's free time is circumscribed. The child's freedom time is limited. 이 편지를 등기로 보내고 싶어요. I want to have this letter registered. I want to send this letter to my back. 기름과 물은 혼합되지 않는다. Oil and water do not mix. Oil and water don't mix. 나는 항상 아침 6시 30분에 일어난다. I always get up at 6:30. I always wake up at 6:30 a.m. 몇 번을 반복해야 해? How many times do I need to repeat it? How many times do I have to repeat it? 시청 앞에는 큰 주차장이 있다. There is a large parking lot in front of the city hall. There's a big parking lot in front of the city hall. 메세지를 전해 드릴까요? Can I take a message? Can I get you a message? 그녀는 목소리가 아주 좋다. She has a very good voice. She's a great voice. 여기는 이주 전부터 비가 하나도 오지 않았다. There has been no rain here for the past two weeks. There was no rain here this week. 우리 안에 들어와 있어. We're inside. Stay inside of us. 여름에 돈 많이 벌었어요. I made much money during the summer. I made a lot of money in summer. 댐 밑에 물방앗간이 있었다. There was a watermill under the dam. Under the dam there was a water mill. 네 애미랑 씹해라. Fuck your mom. Fuck your mother. 안녕히 주무세요. Goodnight! Good night. 이야기를 마저 들어 봅시다. Let's hear the rest of the story. Let's go back to the story. 효고 대학생입니다. I am a student at Hyogo University. I'm a rich and college student. 산타 할아버지, 크리스마스 선물로 여자친구를 받고 싶어요 Santa Claus, I want to receive a girlfriend for Christmas. Santa Claus, I want my girlfriend for Christmas. 썩 꺼져버려! Go fuck yourself! Get the fuck out of here! 그게 네가 하고 싶은 말 전부니? Is that all you want to say? Is that all you want to say? 켄이에요. 그는 정말 그의 개를 좋아해요. This is Ken. He loves his dog. Ken. He really likes his dog. 그의 목소리는 전화에서 매우 피곤하게 들렸다. He sounded very tired on the phone. His voice sounded very tired on the phone. 모르겠어요. I don't know. I don't know. 톰은 개를 무서워한다. Tom is scared of dogs. Tom's scared of dogs. 라디오를 켜세요. Turn on the radio. Turn on the radio. 문화가 언어를 망친다. Culture destroys language. Culture destroys language. 그 여자는 낙태를 했다. She had an abortion. She had an abortion. 전 죽음이 두렵지 않습니다. I do not fear death. I'm not afraid of death. 1950년에, 북한은 남한을 침공했다. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. 나는 아침으로 과일을 먹는 것을 좋아합니다. I like eating fruit for breakfast. I like to eat fruit in the morning. 이 짓이 지겨워 죽겠어. This task was incredibly boring. I'm sick of this. 소년은 노예로 팔렸다. The boy was sold into slavery. The boy was sold as a slave. 유감입니다. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 그들은 죽은 후의 삶이 있다고 믿는다. They believe in a life after death. They believe there's a life after death. 재판부가 보충적으로 피고인에게 몇 가지를 물어보겠습니다. The bench will ask some additioinal questions to the defendant. I'm going to ask the judge for a few additional questions. 서류를 읽기 전에는 사인하지 마세요 Don't sign the document until you've read it. Don't sign until you read the papers. 걔네 초짜야. They're amateurs. They're new. 나 내년에 입학시험을 봐야 돼. I have to take the entrance exams next year. I have to go to school next year. 어제 그녀는 자살했다. She committed suicide yesterday. Yesterday she committed suicide. 세계는 너를 중심으로 돌아가지 않는다. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't go around you. 나는 어제 단지 출근할 수 없었어. Yesterday, I simply couldn't go to work. I just couldn't get back to work yesterday. 좋아하는 가수는 누구예요? Who's your favorite singer? Who's your favorite singer? 생선 좋아해? Do you like fish? Do you like fish? 그들의 설명은 모호했다. Their explanation was confusing. Their explanation was vague. 그 남자는 자가용이 있다. He has his own car. He's self-respecting. 그거 피야? Is that blood? Is that blood? 당신이 내일 아침에 일어나서 우주가 사라졌다는 것을 알게 된다면 수학은 당신이 계속해서 연구할 수 있는 과학의 한 부분입니다. Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone. If you wake up tomorrow morning and realize that the universe is gone, math is part of the science that you can continue to study. 그 사람은 시베리아를 거쳐서 런던에 왔어. He came to London by way of Siberia. He came to London through Siberia. 너는 우리 가족에게 정말 큰 도움이 되고 있어. You've been a great help to our family. You're being very helpful to my family. 너의 적들을 죽여라. Kill your enemies. Kill your enemies. 톰은 우리의 옆집 이웃이다. Tom is our next-door neighbor. Tom is our neighbor next door. 이것 참 믿을수 없는 놈이네. What a dishonest fellow! This is unbelievable. 넌 내 거야. You're mine. You're mine. 얼마에요? How much is it? How much? 너희 둘다 취했다. You were both drunk. You're both drunk. 네가 그에게 준 것을 얘기해 줘. Tell me what you gave him. Tell me what you gave him. 문법은 매우 복잡하다. Grammar is very complicated. Syntax is very complicated. 고슴도치에 놀란 호랑이 밤송이 보고 절한다. A tiger surprised by a hedgehog will bow before the chestnut burrs. Surprised by the hedgehog, the tiger nightlights and bows down. 나는 내가 몇살인지 모르겠다. I don't know how old I am. I don't know how old I am. 톰은 마르지 않았다. Tom isn't skinny. Tom didn't dry up. 우리는 7층에 산다. We live on the 7th floor. We live on the seventh floor. 내일 널 만나고 싶어. I'd like to see you tomorrow. I want to see you tomorrow. 저는 수상스키를 타고 싶어요. I want to water ski. I want to ride a water ski. 우리 엄마는 그렇게 열심히 공부하지 말래. My mother told me not to study so hard. My mom doesn't want me to study so hard. 그에 관한 모든 것이 잿빛이었다. Everything about him was grey. Everything about him was gray. 괜찮은 거예요? Is that OK? Are you okay? 당신의 실패를 당신의 부모님 탓으로 돌리는것은 옳지 않습니다 It's not fair to attribute your failure to your parents. It's not right to blame your parents for your failure. 술 말고 내가 제일 좋아하는 음료수는 아보카도 쉐이크야. 흑, 너무 맛있어! My favorite nonalcoholic drink is an avocado shake. Yum, it's so delicious! My favorite drink, not alcohol, is a avocado shake. 티켓은 각각 20엔 입니다. The tickets are 20 yen each. Each ticket is 20 yen. 돈이 필요해요. I need money. I need money. 당신은 무엇을 씻고 있습니까? What are you washing? What are you washing? 그건 몰랐어요. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. 죽는 일보다 고통 받는 일이 더 많은 용기를 필요로 한다. It requires more courage to suffer than to die. It takes more courage to suffer than to die. 5 곱하기 20은 100이다. 5 times 20 is 100. 5 times 20 is 100. 나는 이것이 어디에서 왔는지 모른다. I don't know where this came from. I don't know where this came from. 어떤 동물들은 야행성이야. Some animals are active at night. Some animals are nocturnal. 지구상의 인구는 60억 이상이야. There are more than six billion people in the world. There's more than six billion people on the planet. 슬론 스퀘어로 가는 다음 기차가 언제 있습니까? When is the next train to Sloane Square? When's the next train to Sloan Square? 집은 추위입니다. The house is cold. Home is cold. 와! 정말 크다. Wow, that's so big. Wow! It's so big. 제 이름은 제임스입니다. My name is James. My name is James. 그는 힘든 삶을 사랐다. He lived a hard life. He had a hard life. 이 세상의 교육이 나를 실망시켜요. Education in this world disappoints me. The education of this world disappoints me. 유감스럽게도 사실이네요. It is unfortunately true. I'm afraid it's true. 톰은 부유한 집안에서 자랐다. Tom grew up in a rich family. Tom grew up in a wealthy family. 전 한국 요리가 좋아요. I like Korean cuisine. I like Korean cooking. 나는 그녀를 기다리고 있어요. I'm waiting for her to come here. I'm waiting for her. 그녀는 털실로 스웨터를 짠다. She knits a wool sweater. She spins a sweater in the wool. 우리에게 필요한 것이 무엇인지 하나님께서는 아신다. God knows what we need. God knows what we need. 그 여자는 무엇을 원해요? What does she want? What does she want? 안녕히 주무십시오 Good night! Good night. 이제 가도 되나요? Can I go now? Can I go now? 그 약을 먹으세요. Take the medicine. Take that pill. 더 빨리할수록 좋다. The sooner you do it, the better it is. The faster the better. 잠깐 실례합니다. Excuse me a minute. Excuse me for a moment. 증거가 있습니까? Is there any proof? Do you have proof? 한 상자에 얼마예요? How much is it per box? How much is it in a box? 고생했어요 You worked hard. It's been a long time. 물고기 좋아하나요? Do you like fish? Do you like fish? 내 생각은 너와 달라. My ideas are different from yours. I don't think you are. 아이들은 바닷가에서 모래로 성을 쌓고 있다. Kids are building sand castles on the beach. Children are building castles on the beach with sand. 그녀는 항상 반에서 꼴찌입니다. She is always at the bottom of the class. She's always in half. 평화가 깃들기를! Peace be with you! Peace be upon you! 나는 추운 날씨를 싫어한다. I dislike cold weather. I hate cold weather. 톰이 나한테 봉투를 내 생일 때까지 열지 말래. Tom told me to not open the envelope up till it was my birthday. Tom doesn't want me to open an envelope until my birthday. 나는 너에게 내가 하려고 했던 일을 말했다. I told you what I was going to do. I told you what I was going to do. 꺼져! Fuck off! Get the fuck out of here! 어떻세요? What's going on? What do you think? 나한테서 손 떼, 이 새끼야. Take your fucking hands off me, you bastard! Get your hands off me, you son of a bitch. 설마 일이 이렇게 될 줄이야. How could things have happened this way? I don't think that's what's going to happen. 썅 어떤 병신이 한밤중에 감히 전화를 해? Fucking hell, what idiot dare phone me in the middle of the night? What asshole dares call me in the middle of the night? 당신은 어디든 가도 돼요. You may go anywhere. You can go anywhere. 오늘을 즐겁게 보내셔요 Have a nice day. He's having fun today. 요리 좋아해? Do you like cooking? Do you like cooking? 그 여자가 파티에 입고 온 드레스가 사람들의 눈길을 끌었지. Her dress attracted everyone's attention at the party. The dress that she wore at the party attracted people's attention. 공부 시작 할까요? Shall we start studying? Shall we start studying? Emily가 편지를 쓰고 있다. Emily is writing a letter. Emily's writing a letter. 맞아요. Yes. That's right. 방의 규격이 얼마입니까? What are the dimensions of the room? What's the size of the room? 우리 아버지는 집에 계신다. My father is home. My father is home. 네 혈액형은 뭐야? What's your blood group? What's your blood type? 1914년에 제1차 세계 대전이 일어났다. World War I broke out in 1914. World War I broke out in 1914. 금이 은보다 더욱 가치가 있다. Gold is more valuable than silver. Gold is more valuable than silver. 그는 보통 8시에 출근한다. He usually goes to work at 8 a.m. He usually goes to work at 8:00. 이 기계가 잠시 고장났었다. This machine was out of order for a while. This machine broke down for a while. 그 약은 쓰다. The medicine tastes bitter. It's used. 나는 내가 들은 걸 너에게 말해주는 것뿐이다. I'm just telling you what I heard. I'm just telling you what I heard. 거짓말 하지 마세요. Don't lie. Don't lie to me. 그것은 도덕적인 문제이다. It is a moral question. It's a moral issue. 저는 학생이에요. I am a student. I'm a student. 당신은 물에 얼음을 넣어 마셔요? Do you drink iced water? Do you drink ice in the water? 아이를 살아 있는 채로 찾을 희망이 빠르게 사라지고 있다. Hope of finding the child alive is fading rapidly. The hope of finding a child alive is rapidly disappearing. Tom은 교외에서 자랐다. Tom grew up in the suburbs. Tom grew up in the suburbs. 저는 북한에서 왔습니다. I am from North Korea. I'm from North Korea. 이 책을 읽는 것은 나에게 쉽다. Reading this book is easy. It's easy for me to read this book. 저는 강아지가 정말 좋아요. I really like puppies. I love dogs. 그분은 학교에 버스로 갑니다. He goes to school by bus. He goes to school. 내 방에는 책이 정말 많아. There are many books in my room. There are so many books in my room. 압력이 낮으면, 끓는 점도 낮다. When pressure is lower, the boiling point is lower. If the pressure is low, the boiling point is low. 죄송하지만, 이해하지 못하겠어요. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I'm sorry, I don't understand. 내 인생 망했다. Fuck my life. My life is ruined. 숙제 하세요 Do your homework. Do your homework. 어떻게 말해요? How do you say it? How do you say that? 이 방은 적당히 크다. This room is just about big enough. This room is big enough. 좀 놀랐어요. I'm kind of surprised. I'm surprised. 난 그 아이가 길을 잃까봐 걱정 하고 있어요. I'm worried that he'll get lost. I'm worried he's lost. 조심해서 운전 하세요. Please drive carefully. Drive safely. 이 지역에 사세요? Do you live in the area? Do you live in this area? 톰이랑 매리는 뒤뜰에 닭을 기른다. Tom and Mary have chickens in their backyard. Tom and Mary raise chickens in the backyard. 오늘 비가 올까요? Is it still going to rain today? Do you think it'll rain today? 그것이 그렇게 쉽지는 않아. It's just not that easy. It's not that easy. 네 직업이나 취미를 알려주고 다른 사람의 직업과 취미를 물어봐도 되지만, 대화가 지나치게 사적으로 흐르지 않도록 조심해. It is acceptable to mention your job and interests and to ask the other person about his, but be careful not to let the conversation become too personal. You can tell me about your job or your hobby and ask me about other people's jobs and hobbies, but be careful that the conversation doesn't go too personal. 탐은 내 비디오 카메라를 쓰고 싶으면 쓸 수 있다. Tom may use my video camera if he wants to. Tom can use my video camera if he wants to. 그녀의 신앙심은 견고하다. Her faith in God is unshaken. Her faith is strong. 갈수록 추워요. It's got cold. It's getting colder. 이게 와인이야? Is this wine? Is this wine? 지출총액은 200,000엔 이었다. The expenditure totaled 200,000 yen. The total spent was 200,000 yen. 톰은 가난한 사람을 도와주는 것에 그의 인생을 바쳤다. Tom dedicated his life to helping the poor. Tom devoted his life to helping the poor. 북한과 남한은 이웃이다. North Korea and South Korea are neighbors. North Korea and South Korea are neighbors. 그 사람은 거기서 휴가를 보냈다. He stayed there during the vacation. He spent his vacation there. 우리가 집에서 너에게 보내줬으면 하는 거 없니? Is there anything you want us to send you from home? What do you want us to send to you at home? 여름방학을 어디서 보내셨어요? Where did you spend your summer? Where did you spend your summer vacation? 사랑받고 있는 사람 중에 가난한 사람이 누가 있나? Who, being loved, is poor? Which of the loved ones is poor? 그건 네 책임이야. That's your funeral. That's your responsibility. 의미를 정확하게 전달하는 것은 어렵다. It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly. It's hard to convey meaning correctly. 톰이 도와주리라는 것을 어떻게 알았니? How did you know Tom would help? How did you know Tom was gonna help you? 톰은 저혈압이다. Tom has low blood pressure. Tom's hypotensive. 내가 부엌에서 물을 마시고 있어요. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. I'm drinking water in the kitchen. 곧 사촌의 결혼식이 있어서, 내일 아침에 난 엄마랑 누나랑 같이 웨딩드레스를 사러 가야 돼. I have to go shop for a wedding dress with my mom and my sister tomorrow morning because it's my cousin's wedding soon. I have a cousin's wedding, so I have to go get a wedding dress with my mom and my sister in the morning. 이것은 신문입니다. This is a newspaper. This is a newspaper. 지하철을 갈아타는 중에 문자를 써서 실수한 것 같아요. It seems I made a mistake in the text message because I wrote it while transferring lines in the underground. I think I made a mistake by texting while I was changing the subway. 왜 나를 따라오세요? Why are you following me? Why are you following me? 단 하나의 진실은 현실이다. The only truth is reality. The only truth is reality. 이 책을 읽으세요. Read this book. Read this book. 음란물 게시하는 것이 불법이며 적발 시 차단하겠습니다. Posting porn is against the rules and when discovered will get you blocked. It's illegal to post pornography, and I'm going to shut it down. 나 좀 내버려 둬. Cut me some slack. Leave me alone. "룩"이란 단어는 산스크리트어에서 유래했고, "마차"란 뜻이야. The word "rook" comes from Sanskrit and means "chariot." The word "look" comes from the Sanskrit language, which means "cart." 어디서 전화를 걸 수 있죠? Where can I make a phone call? Where can I call you? 네가 한 일은 기대에 못 미쳤어. Your work didn't come up to our expectations. What you did was unexpected. 그들이 그렇게 외설적인 언어를 쓰다니 정말 역겹다. To think they would use such indecent language! It's really disgusting. It's disgusting that they use such obscene language. 톰은 그의 차를 메리에게 팔았다. Tom sold his car to Mary. Tom sold his car to Mary. 나는 바나나를 별로 좋아하지 않아요. I don't like bananas that much. I don't like bananas. 헌혈해 본 적이 있니? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? 냉장고에 있는 거 아무거나 편하게 마음껏 드세요. Please feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge. Make yourself comfortable with whatever's in the fridge. 나는 준비됐읍니다 I'm ready. I'm ready. 나는 기부를 하고 싶다. I want to donate money. I want to make a donation. 우리는 고객의 만족을 위해서 최선을 다한다. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We do our best to satisfy our customers. 우리에게 몹시 힘든 일이에요. It is a very difficult job for us. It's very hard for us. 아직 메리랑 키스 못 해봤어. I haven't kissed Mary yet. I haven't kissed Mary yet. 그가 때때로 우릴 위해 저녁을 차려 준다. He sometimes makes dinner for us. He sometimes prepares dinner for us. 공항에서부터 호텔까지는 거리가 얼마나 됩니까? How far is it from the airport to the hotel? How far is it from the airport to the hotel? 공원은 글을 쓰기 딱 좋은 곳이야. Parks are ideal for writing. Park is a great place to write. 우린 안에 있어요. We're inside. We're inside. 아파. It hurts. It hurts. 너희 둘 다 거짓말쟁이다. You're both liars. You're both liars. 톰은 매리한테 거기서 수영하지 말라고 말했다. Tom told Mary not to swim there. Tom told Mary not to swim there. 그들이 톰을 다치게 하도록 놔두지 마. Don't let them hurt Tom. Don't let them hurt Tom. 브라질은 남미에서 제일 큰 나라야. Brazil is the biggest country in South America. Brazil is the largest country in South America. 모든 메달은 양면이 있다. All medals have two faces. Every medal has two sides. 나는 톰에게 이 책을 줘야 합니다. I have to give Tom this book. I have to give this book to Tom. 나도 내 자신을 싫어해. I hate myself as well. I hate myself. 아, 신기합니다. Oh, that's fascinating. Oh, that's amazing. 나는 미국문학에 관심이 있다. I am interested in American literature. I'm interested in American literature. 그녀는 행복한 유년시절을 보냈다. She had a happy childhood. She spent her happy childhood. 톰이랑 나는 집을 구하고 있어. Tom and I are house hunting. Tom and I are saving the house. 아마 내일은 날씨가 나아질 거예요. The weather will probably clear up tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow the weather will be better. 너 그 사람을 오빠-동생으로 생각하니? 아니면 애인으로 사랑하니? Do you love him like a brother or do you love-love him? Do you think of him as your brother-in-law or do you love him as your lover? 일본과 남한은 이웃 국가다. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. 올림픽은 4 년마다 열린다. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympics are held every four years. 수상해요. It is suspicious. It's weird. 사랑해요 - 나도 I love you - I love you too. I love you, too. 난 나를위해서만 말을할수있어. I can only speak for myself. I can only speak for myself. 이 사과들은 전부 맛있다. These apples are so delicious! All these apples are delicious. 그는 노래하기를 좋아한다. He loves singing. He likes to sing. 이 접시는 그다지 깨끗하지 않아. This plate isn't very clean. This plate isn't very clean. 네? What? What? 일본의 날씨는 영국보다 따듯하다. The climate of Japan is milder than that of England. Japan's weather is warmer than Britain. 서부전선 이상없다 All is quiet on the western front. The Western Front is clear. 대답하기에 너무 긴장되어서, 그는 바닥을 응시했다. Being too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor. I was too nervous to answer, and he stared at the floor. 세상에, 감히 나한테 한밤중에 전화거는 놈이 누구야?! Holy crap, who's the asshole who dares call me in the middle of the night?! Oh, my God, who's calling me in the middle of the night? 그는 생각에 잠겼다. He was lost in thought. He thought it over. 그는 두 시간 동안 더 걸었다. He went on walking for two hours. He walked for two more hours. 저 산에 오르려면 좋은 장비가 있어야 돼. You need good equipment to climb that mountain. You need good equipment to climb that mountain. 우리 애들은 동물을 정말 좋아해요. Our children really like animals. Our kids really like animals. 그걸 어디에 숨겼어요? Where did you hide them? Where did you hide it? 이거 정말 기분 좋다. This is so relaxing. This feels really good. 사람 많은 게 싫어요. I hate it when there are a lot of people. I don't like a lot of people. 그 약은 써요. The medicine tastes bitter. I'll use it. 그의 용감한 행동은 메달을 받을 만한 가치가 있다. His brave actions are worthy of a medal. His brave actions deserve medals. 주의하세요. Take care. Be careful. 대통령은 경찰이 석궁을 사용하는 것을 승인했다. The president approved the use of crossbows by the police. The president approved the police use of the horoscope. 10에서 2를 빼면 8을 얻는다. 10 take away 2 is 8. If you subtract 2 from 10 you get 8. 저는 남은 인생을 그것에 대해 후회하면서 지내고 싶지 않아요. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. 45 곱하기 2는 90이다. 45 times 2 is 90. 45 times 2 is 90. 나는 내년에 호주에 간다. I'm going to Australia next year. I'm going to Australia next year. 일년은 십이개월이다. A year has twelve months. One year is twelve months. 내가 좋아하는 가수는 카일리 미노그입니다. My favorite singer is Kylie Minogue. My favorite singer is Kyle Minog. 그만큼 북한이 (중국도) 교활한 것이다. That's just how cunning North Korea (and China) is. That's how subtle North Korea is. 저도 한국에 갈까 해요 I'm also thinking of going to Korea. I'm going to Korea, too. 어찌나 사랑스러운지! How lovely! How lovely! 이건 터키 전통이야. This is a Turkish tradition. This is Turkish tradition. 괜찮으세요? Are you alright? Are you okay? 뭘 좋아해? What do you like? What do you like? 이 타워의 맨 위에 회전하는 식당이 있다. There is a rotating restaurant at the top of this tower. There's a restaurant at the top of this tower that rotates. 그녀는 꽃을 좋아한다고 말했다. She says she likes flowers. She said she likes flowers. 날씨가 추워졌어요. The weather got cold. It's getting cold. 거울 속을 들여다보아라. Just look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. 나는 6층에 산다. I live on the 6th floor. I live on the sixth floor. 저희에게 거짓말 하지 마세요. Don't lie to us. Don't lie to us. 이 짓이 지겨워 죽겠어. This task was dead tedious. I'm sick of this. 짚신도 짝이 있다 Even a straw shoe belongs to a pair. She's got a mate. 그넘은 버릇 없는 넘이야. He's very rude. He's a spoiled man. 경찰은 시신을 찾지 못했다. Police didn't discover the body. The police couldn't find the body. 1분만 도와주시겠어요? Can you help me for just a minute? Can you help me with one minute? 난 내일 빌이 앤을 만나도록 했다. I have arranged for Bill to meet Ann tomorrow. I had Bill meet Ann tomorrow. 그 대통령은 경찰의 석궁 사용을 승인했다. The president approved the use of crossbows by the police. The president approved the use of police horoscopes. 나는 그 사람을 좋아한다. I like that person. I like him. "스웨덴 사람이세요?" "아니요, 스위스 사람이예요." "Are you Swedish?" "No, I'm Swiss." "Are you Swedish?" "No, I'm Swiss." 여자들은 자주 외모로 평가된다. Women are often judged by their looks. Women are often judged by appearance. 개 눈에는 똥만 보인다 The dog's eye can only see shit. (literal) I see shit in the dog's eye. 여긴 거의 눈이 안 와. It rarely snows here. There's hardly any snow in here. 하지마! Stop it! Don't! 그는 게으름 때문에 직장에서 짤렸다. He got the sack for slacking off at work. He was fired from work because he was lazy. 난방이 고장났다. The heating system broke down. The heating's down. 만약 그 일이 일어나면 너는 뭘 할꺼니? If that happened, what would you do? What are you going to do if that happens? 거의 다 헸습니다. I'm almost done. We're almost there. 이제 충분히 했습니다. Now I've had enough. Now we've done enough. 극장 앞에서 만납시다. Let's meet in front of the theater. Meet me in front of the theater. 집 칠하는 것을 도와줘! Help me paint the house! Help me paint the house! 저는 학생이 아닙니다. I am not a student. I'm not a student. 아냐. No. No. 너 도쿄 타워 본적 없지? You have seen Tokyo Tower, haven't you? You've never seen a Tokyo Tower, have you? 당신 좀 자야겠어요. You should sleep. I need you to sleep. 너의 일에 간섭하는 게 내 일이 아니다. It is not my part to meddle in your affairs. It's not my job to interfere with your work. 나도 너랑 같은 처지야. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm in the same position as you. 즐거운 추석 되시기 바랍니다. Happy wishing you a Thanksgiving. I hope you'll enjoy your visit. 너는 날 천천히 죽이고 있어. You are killing me slowly. You're killing me slowly. 탐은 메리에게 아무런 기회도 주지 않았다. Tom didn't cut Mary any slack. Tom gave Mary no chance. 왜 거짓말 하는거야? Why are you lying? Why are you lying? 그는 유엔 대사 였습니다. He was ambassador to the United Nations. He was the U.N. ambassador. 나는 손가락을 베었다. I have cut my finger. I cut my finger. 이 책은 내 것입니다. This book is mine. This book is mine. 우리는 톰과 즐거운 시간을 가졌다. We had fun with Tom. We had a good time with Tom. 산책하고 싶어? Do you want to take a walk? You want to go for a walk? 우리는 당초의 목표를 달성하지 못했다 We couldn't reach the initial goal. We didn't achieve our first goal. 톰은 불 옆에 앉았다. Tom sat down by the fire. Tom sat next to the fire. 회의는 잘 진행되었어요. The meeting went pretty well. The meeting went well. 우리집은 깨끗해요. Our house is clean. Our house is clean. 테드가 어느 대학을 갈까요? Which university do you think Ted will go to? Which university does Ted go to? 무엇을 공부합니까? What do you study? What do you study? 재미 있는 제안이야. 그게 좀 고려야겠다. An interesting proposal. Need to think it over. That's a good offer, and I'm gonna consider it. 할머니는 구수한 옛날 얘기를 들려주시곤 했다. My grandmother used to tell me pleasant fairy tales. Grandma used to tell me old stories. 그의 혼에 평화를! Peace to his ashes! Peace in his soul! 커피 마실래? Do you want to drink coffee? Do you want some coffee? 너 스타크래프트 진짜잘하더라. You play Starcraft really well. You're really good at Starcraft. 정말 서운해. I really feel hurt. I'm so sorry. 누구를 채용해야 할지 확신이 안 서. I'm not quite sure who we should hire. I'm not sure who to hire. 그들은 피곤하다. They're tired. They're tired. 내가 이 것을 톰에게 줄거야. I'll give this to Tom. I'll give this to Tom. 그건 억울합니다. That is unfair. That's unfair. 어제 내 컴퓨터는 고장났어요. My computer broke yesterday. My computer broke yesterday. 그가 올때 우리는 경기를 시작 할거에요. We will begin the match when he comes. We'll start the game when he comes. 난 거짓말쟁이가 싫어. I hate liars. I don't want to be a liar. 실례합니다만, 우체국을 찾고 있습니다. Excuse me, but I'm looking for the post office. Excuse me, I'm looking for the post office. 죄송합니다, 어머니. I'm sorry Mother. I'm sorry, Mother. 문장은 단어들의 맥락을 제공한다. 문장은 개성을 가지고 있다. 재밌기도 하고 영리하기도 하며 바보 같음과 통찰력도 가지기도 하고 감동과 상처를 주기도 한다. Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful. A sentence provides the context of words: sentences have personality; they are fun, they are smart, they have stupidity, they have insights, they give impression and hurt. 너 그 사람에게 아무말도 안했지? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't say anything to him, did you? 부뚜막의 소금도 집어넣어야 짜다. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You're gonna have to put the salt in the bubble. 그것이 그의 목적이라고 생각해요. I think it is his intention. I think that's his purpose. 자비를 베푸소서! Grant us peace! Be merciful! 집이 흔들리는거 같지 않아? Don't you feel the house shaking? Doesn't it sound like the house is shaking? 새미는 치명적인 실수를 저질렀다. Sami made a fatal mistake. Sammy made a fatal mistake. 톰은 청바지를 입고 카우보이 모자를 썼어. Tom wore jeans and a cowboy hat. Tom wore jeans and cowboy hats. 먹지 마. Don't eat it. Don't eat. 나는 그것을 거의 매일 한다. I do that almost every day. I do it almost every day. 나는 새 직장에서 잘 할 수 있을지 걱정이다. I'm anxious whether I'll do well at this new job. I'm afraid I'll be good at my new job. 그것은 보스턴에서 일어났습니다. It happened in Boston. It happened in Boston. 안녕하세요. Good afternoon. Hello. 이 편지를 할아버지께 보냈습니다. I sent this letter to grandfather. I sent this letter to my grandfather. 아이들이 자전거를 타고 있다. The children are riding their bikes. They're riding a bicycle. 메리는 탐과 콘치타가 손잡고 있는 걸 보았다. Mary saw Tom and Conchita holding hands. Mary saw Tom and Conchita holding hands. 나는 학생일 때 영어로 일기를 쓰곤 했다. I used to keep a diary in English when I was a student. I used to write a journal in English when I was a student. 다 끝냈어. I've finished the job. It's over. 왜 이걸 지금 말해? Why are you telling this to me now? Why are you telling me this now? 그녀는 개발자입니까? Is she a computer programmer? Is she a developer? 난 일어 교사다. I'm a Japanese language teacher. I'm a teacher. 여우가 닭을 죽었다. The chickens were killed by a fox. Foxes killed chickens. 가톨릭교를 믿지 않는 사람들조차 교황을 상징적인 리더로 우러러본다. Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader. Even non-Catholics view the pope as a symbolic leader. 책을 제자리에 놔 두세요. Leave the book where it is. Keep the book in its place. 위험 부담이 너무 크다. The risk is too great. The risk is too high. 관광하러 왔어요. I came as a tourist. I'm here for a tour. 자살은 위험하다. Suicide is dangerous. Suicide is dangerous. 그녀는 그에게 행복하냐고 물었다. She asked him if he was happy. She asked him if he was happy. 저를 좀 도와 주실래요? Can you help me? Can you help me? 잭은 우표를 모은다. Jack collects stamps. Jack collects stamps. 유남생? Do you know what I'm saying? You're married? 나는 톰을 매니저에게 소개시켜줘야 합니다. I have to introduce Tom to the manager. I have to introduce Tom to the manager. 스페인어를 어쩜 그렇게 잘하게 됐어? How come your Spanish is that good? How did you do so well in Spanish? 비가 오니까 우산을 가지고 오세요. It's raining, so please bring your umbrella. Take your umbrella with you because it's raining. 덕으로 나라를 다스리면, 백성들이 편안히 잘살 수 있다고 했습니다. It is said that people could live comfortably if the nation is ruled with virtue. If you rule your country by virtue of virtue, the people can live comfortably. 그 비극은 내 마음속 깊이 아로새겨 졌다. That tragedy was etched in my mind. The tragedy was deeply impressed on me. 많은 서양 작곡가들에게 유감스럽게도 스틸 드럼과 스틸 팬 드럼은 완벽한 반음계가 아니다. To the chagrin of many Western composers, steel drums, or steelpans, tend not to be fully chromatic. Unfortunately for many Western composers, steel drums and steel pan drums are not perfect negatives. 당신을 너무 오래 기다리게 해서 죄송합니다. I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry I let you wait too long. 톰은 뭐가 잘못됐는지 알아챘어. Tom found out what went wrong. Tom found out what was wrong. 새미는 그의 아름다운 아내와 지금도 같이 살고 있다. Sami is still living with his beautiful wife. Sammy lives with his beautiful wife today. 톰은 할인을 요청했습니다. Tom asked for a discount. Tom asked for a discount. 라일라는 자살했다. Layla committed suicide. Lila committed suicide. 그는 흠잡을 데 없다. He is impeccable. He's impeccable. 정말이에요? Really? Are you serious? 바로 지금 난 내 자신이 싫어. I really hate myself right now. Right now I hate myself. 그 일은 내일 해도 돼? Can the matter wait till tomorrow? Can I do that tomorrow? 못 믿어. I don't buy it. I don't believe you. 그는 게으름 때문에 회사에서 짤렸다. He got fired for slacking off at work. He was fired from the company because he was lazy. 그녀의 신앙심은 굳건하다. Her faith in God is unshaken. Her faith is firm. 오늘은 진짜 여름이 끝난 것 같은 느낌이야. Here it really feels today like summer has ended. I really feel like summer's over today. 늦어서 미안합니다. Sorry, I'm late. Sorry I'm late. 이건 존나 대단하다. This is fucking awesome. This is awesome. 톰에게 사과하려고 했어. I tried to apologize to Tom. I tried to apologize to Tom. 너 바보 아냐! You are not an idiot! You're not an idiot! 나는 네가 착하고 성실할 수 있도록 북돋워준다. I encourage you to be good and diligent. I encourage you to be good and honest. 이것은 책입니다. It is a book. This is a book. 톰은 조금의 피를 토해냈다. Tom coughed up some blood. Tom vomited a little blood. 일본에 온 지 2년 되었다. It has been two years since he came to Japan. I've been in Japan for two years. 겨울에는 입술이 튼다. In winter our lips get chapped. In the winter, they have lips. 이것은 날 행복하게 만들지 못한다. This does not make me happy. This doesn't make me happy. 많이 사람이 있었어. There were lots of people. There was a lot of people. 하늘을 마주해서 보면 그 산은 참 예뻐 보였다. Seen against the sky, the mountain looked really beautiful. If you look up to the sky, the mountain looks pretty. 세상에 네가 뭘 하고 있다고 생각하는 거니? What in the world do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? 남자들은 남성적으로 보이고 싶어한다. Men like to look masculine. Men want to be male. 삼성은 큰 회사입니다. Samsung is a big company. Samsung is a big company. 크리스는 운전할 차가 없었어요. Chris didn't have a car to drive. Chris had no car to drive. 너는 더 능률적으로 공부해야 된다. You should study in an efficient manner. You have to study more efficiently. 탐은 그 문서에 서명했다. Tom initialed the document. Tom signed the document. 저를 내버려 두세요! Leave me in peace! Leave me alone! 이 에디션은 7000 카피 한정판이다. This edition is limited to seven thousand copies. This action is a limited edition of 7,000 copys. 무엇을 마십니까? What would you like to drink? What do you drink? 그분은 어디에 겨십니까? Where is he? Where is he? 먹을래요. I will eat it. I want to eat. 나는 니가 일을 계속하게 도와주고 싶어. I'm trying to help you keep your job. I want to help you keep working. 그들은 새 집으로 이사갔어요. They moved into a new house. They moved into a new house. 톰은 암시장에서 몇 개를 샀다. Tom bought some things on the black market. Tom bought some on the black market. 우리는 당신이 필요해요. We need you. We need you. 내가 7시경에 오면 되겠습니까? Would it suffice if I came around 7? Would you mind if I come by around seven? 나 왜 웃고 있는거지? Why am I laughing? Why am I smiling? 전화는 성가실 수 있다. The telephone can be a nuisance. Calls can be bad. 그는 의사예요. He's a doctor. He's a doctor. 이건 허리가 좀 너무 크네. This is a bit too loose around my waist. It's a little too big. 피카소 같은 화가는 드물다. Such painters as Picasso are rare. It's rare to have a pykaso-like artist. 엄마 설겆이 하시나 봐. It seems Mom is doing the dishes. It looks like you're washing your mother's dishes. 우리는 좀비들에게 공격당했다. We were attacked by zombies. We were attacked by zombies. 색깔없는 녹색의 관념은 분노하며 잠잔다. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. The colorless green idea sleeps in anger. 히로시는 이것 재미 있을 것 같다고 말한다. "This looks pretty interesting," Hiroshi says. Hiroshi says this might be fun. 내 사생활 좀 그만 캐물어. Don't pry into my private life. Stop looking at my personal life. 연락하고 지내요. Let's keep in touch. I'm in touch. 내 개는 큽니다. My dog is big. My dog is big. 답장을 아직도 못 받아서 혹시 내 우편물이 너한테 배달되지 않은 건지 궁금했다. Since I haven't received an answer, I was wondering if maybe my mail never got delivered to you. I still hadn't heard back, so I wondered if my mail hadn't been delivered to you. 메리 크리스마스! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! 여보세요? Hello! Hello? 나는 1960년에 태어났다. I was born in 1960. I was born in 1960. 너가 파티에서 입을 것을 사자. Let's buy something for you to wear to the party. The lion you're going to wear at the party. 미안해요. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 최선을 다하다 I have to do my best. I'm doing my best. 요즘 딸기가 제철입니다. Strawberries are in season now. The strawberries are in season these days. 아니오. No! No. 네가 이렇게 자랑스러운 적은 없었다. I've never been so proud of you. I've never been so proud of you. 작년에 눈이 엄청 내렸어. Last year there was a lot of snow. Last year, I got a lot of snow. 탐은 현재 작은 아파트에서 혼자 살고 있다. Tom currently lives alone in a small apartment. Tom now lives alone in a small apartment. 나는 그녀가 안됀다고 말하는 걸 들어 본적이 없다. I have never heard her say 'No'. I've never heard her say no. 아직 저녁을 안 드셨나요? Have you eaten dinner yet? You haven't had dinner yet? 도쿄는 야경이 끝내줘. The night view of Tokyo is wonderful. Tokyo is awesome. 이야기를 마저 들어보자. Let's hear the rest of the story. Let's hear the end of the story. 톰이 우리한테 뭔가 중요한걸 얘기하고 싶다는데. Tom says he needs to talk to us about something important. Tom wants to tell us something important. 언어는 의식을 만든다. Language creates conscience. Language creates consciousness. 달걀이 아직 뜨겁다. The eggs are still hot. The egg is still hot. 삶의 경험은 중요한 지식체계이다. Life experience is the chief body of knowledge. Experience in life is an important knowledge system. 어느것이 백화점입니까? Which one is the department store? Which is the department store? 그는 스페인어뿐만 아니라, 프랑스어도 말한다. He speaks not only Spanish, but also French. He speaks not only in Spanish, but also in France. 오늘 추우니까 두껍게 입고 다녀. It's cold today, so wear thick clothes. I'm cold today, so I'm gonna wear it thick. 전화 필요하니? Do you need the phone? Do you need a phone? 새로운 언어를 어떻게 배우기 시작하나? How do you start to learn a new language? How do you start learning new languages? 그녀는 지금 안 만나는 것이 좋았어. You had better not see her now. She liked not seeing her now. 톰은 왜 자기 집에 개가 있었는지 알고 싶었다. Tom wondered why there was a dog in his house. Tom wanted to know why he had a dog in his house. 사람들이 말하는 전부를 믿지는 마. Don't believe everything people tell you. Don't believe everything people say. 저는 그리스 사람입니다. I'm from Greece. I'm Greek. 그녀를 죽여라. Kill her. Kill her. 카나다는 너무 크고 사람이 많아요. Canada is really big and there are lots of people. He's too big and he's got a lot of people. 우리는 이달 말에 보스턴으로 이사를 합니다. We're moving to Boston at the end of this month. We move to Boston at the end of this month. 나는 친구가 적다. I don't have many friends. I have fewer friends. 톰은 열정적인 애지? Tom is passionate, isn't he? Tom is passionate, isn't he? 그 금발 소녀는 정말 멋진 가슴 골을 가지고 있다. The blonde girl has a really nice cleavage. The blonde girl has a really cool chest bone. 그는 자살했다. He committed suicide. He killed himself. 선생님은 학생들을 심하게 꾸짖었다. The teacher scolded his students severely. The teacher severely rebuked the students. 망할 걸레야. Fucking whore. It's a fucking mop. 저는 탬파에 살고 싶어요. I want to live in Tampa. I want to live in Tampa. 바닷가로 가자. Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. 봉사활동을 하고 싶습니다. I'd like to volunteer my services. I want to serve. 나는 고양이 두 마리를 가지고 있다. I have two cats. I have two cats. 오늘 누가 왔었는지 알면 넌 아마 깜짝 놀랄걸. You won't believe who came by today. You're probably surprised who's here today. 입조심해라. Watch your language. Watch your mouth. 어찌나 평화로운지! How peaceful! How peaceful! 새로운 계획에 반대하는 사람있습니까? Does anyone oppose the new plan? Who's against the new plan? 상관없어요. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. 난 네가 보스턴에서 한 일을 알고 있다. I know what you did in Boston. I know what you did in Boston. 미안하다고 했잖아요. I said I'm sorry. I told you I'm sorry. 톰은 더 할인해 주기를 원했다. Tom wanted a bigger discount. Tom wanted more discounts. 프랑스 빵은 맛있습니다. French bread is delicious. French bread is delicious. 톰은 애들이 3명 있다. Tom has three children. Tom has three kids. 씨발. Fuck. Fuck. 다음 분 오세요. Next please. Next. 술 취했었다. I was intoxicated. I was drunk. 친구한테 얘기하는 중이라고 생각해봐. Suppose you are talking to your friend. Imagine you're talking to a friend. 사랑과 평화. Love and Peace. Love and peace. 그 일은 내일까지 기다려도 돼? Can the matter wait till tomorrow? Can I wait till tomorrow for that? 겨울방학 어떻게 보냈어? How did you spend your winter vacation? How'd you get your winter break? 네 애미랑 씹해라, 개새끼야. Fuck your mom, bitch. Fuck your mother, you son of a bitch. 동물원은 동물들을 위한 감옥 같다. Zoos are like prisons for animals. Zoos are like cages for animals. 톰은 이해하고 있다는 듯이 고개를 끄덕였다. Tom nodded understandingly. Tom nodded as if he understood. 3시간 안에 거기에 도착할 겁니다. We'll get there in three hours. We'll be there in three hours. 톰은 여전히 실업 상태일 것이다. I think Tom is still unemployed. Tom would still be unemployed. 지구는 하나의 행성입니다. Earth is a planet. Earth is a planet. 예술은 우리를 단조로운 일상에서 벗어나게 해준다. Art breaks the monotony of our life. Art frees us from the monotony of everyday life. 어머니가 케이크를 만들고 계세요. Mom is making a cake. She's making cake. 3달전에 학생이 너무 적어서 수업이 없어졌던 거다. Three months ago there were so few students we stopped the class. Three months ago, there were so few students that the class disappeared. 저사람좀 잡아주세요. Catch that person. I need you to hold him. 자동차를 차고에 놓어두었다. I left the car in the garage. I put the car in the garage. 저한테 신경 쓰지마세요 Please don't mind me. Don't give a shit about me. 톰은 심각한 부상을 당할 수도 있었다. Tom could be seriously injured. Tom could have been seriously injured. 나는 한국에 들르고 싶다. I want to visit Korea. I want to go to Korea. 민주주의가 없는 곳에 신뢰는 없다. There is no trust where there is no democracy. There is no trust in democracy. 나는 네 고양이가 좋은데, 네 고양이는 나를 싫어하네. I like your cat, but she doesn't like me. I like your cat, but your cat hates me. 이 노래 알아? Do you know this song? Do you know this song? 무엇을 원하십니까? Do you want something? What do you want? 그 아이는 보통 여자들과 행동이 달랐다. She did not act like a normal girl. She didn't usually do things with women. 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스의 배만큼 두껍고 세 배나 넓은 크기를 가진 신화 속 괴물인 크라켄은 그의 함선을 공격했고, 결국 콜럼버스는 그 괴물을 먹을 수 밖에 없었어. The mythical Kraken, thick as a ship and three times as wide, once made an attack on Christopher Columbus's fleet... giving Columbus no choice but to eat him. The mythic monster Kraken, three times the size of Christopher Columbus, attacked his ship, and Columbus finally had to eat it. 꿈자리가 사나워 잠을 설쳤다 I couldn't sleep well because of a harsh dream. The dream took its toll, and I fell asleep. 나는 내 자신이 싫어. I hate myself. I hate myself. 저는 일본어를 못 해요. I don't speak Japanese. I can't speak Japanese. 뭔가 해보자! Let's try something. Let's do something! 일 때문에 왔어요. I'm here for work. I'm here for work. 그는 살인죄로 기소되었다. He was accused of murder. He was charged with murder. 오류를 범하는 것은 인간의 속성이다. To err is human. It's human nature to make errors. 난 퇴근 후 톰을 만났다. I met Tom after work. I met Tom after work. 톰은 그의 턱수염을 땋았다. Tom has braided his beard. Tom braided his beard. 저는 춤을 잘 못 춰요. I'm not good at dancing. I'm not good at dancing. 넌 너의 역할을 받아들일 필요가 있어. You need to accept your role. You need to accept your role. 나는 지금 가야해요. I've gotta go. I have to go now. 아홉시 십분 전이에요. It's ten to nine. It was nine o'clock, ten minutes ago. 졸업 후에 무엇을 할래? What will you do after graduation? What do you want to do after graduation? 사직할 것을 생각해 본 적이 있나요? Have you ever thought about quitting your job? Have you ever thought about resigning? 톰은 몽상에 잠겨 있었다. Tom was daydreaming. Tom was in a dream. 탐은 메리에게 선다형 시험에 통과하는 방법에 대해 조언했다. Tom gave Mary some advice on how to pass multiple-choice tests. Tom advised Mary how to pass a multiple test. 피터는 의사가 되고 싶어했어요. Peter wanted to become a doctor. Peter wanted to be a doctor. 아무도 없읍니다 There's nobody here. No one. 겨울 방학은 언제 시작하나요? When does your winter vacation begin? When does winter vacation start? 천천히 하세요. Don't hurry. Take your time. 저는 여자가 됐어요. I became a woman. I became a woman. 토마스한테 전화해요. I phone Thomas. Call Thomas. 나는 몇 시간 동안 집안 일을 미뤘다. I postponed doing my housework for a few hours. I've been in the house for hours. 요점은 그들이 너무 어리다는 것이다. The point is they're too young. The point is they're too young. 일은 어때? How's work? How's work? 우리의 결혼식은 내일이다. Our wedding is tomorrow. Our wedding is tomorrow. 안녕하세요세계 Hello, world! Hello, world. 네가 오늘 가나 내일 가나 마찬가지야. It makes no difference whether you go today or tomorrow. You're either today or tomorrow. 개는 잘 짖는 다고 좋은 개가 아니다. A dog who is a good barker is not a good dog. Dogs aren't good dogs because they bark. 톰은 메리가 과다체중이라고 했다. Tom said Mary was overweight. Tom said Mary was overweight. 수아 씨, 요즘 요가 하신다더니 정말 날씬해지셨네요. Miss Sua, she's been doing yoga recently and really lost a lot of weight! Sua, you've been doing yoga lately, and you've become really thin. 가! Go! Go! 산타는 북극에 산다. Santa lives at the North Pole. Santa lives in the Arctic. 우리는 비행기로 한국에 갔다. We went to Korea by plane. We flew to Korea. 톰도 안왔고, 제인도 안왔어. Tom didn't come and neither did Jane. Tom's not here, Zero's not here. 엿 먹어! Fuck you! Fuck you! 이 문장이 무슨 뜻인 것 같아? What do you think this sentence means? What do you think this sentence means? 갖고 다니지 않으면 잃을 것도 없다. He who carries nothing loses nothing. There's nothing to lose if you don't carry it. 톰은 내가 들렸을 때 없었다. Tom wasn't in when I dropped by. Tom wasn't there when I heard him. 다음은 없어. There isn't going to be a next time. There's no next. 한국말을 공부합니다. I study Korean. I study Korean. 빨리 갔다 올게. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. 나의 사촌이 아직 어려서, 그들은 그에게 좀 더 기회를 줬다. Because my nephew was still young, they cut him some slack. My cousin is still young, and they gave him a little more chance. 그는 살인죄로 종신형을 선고 받았다. Having been convicted of murder, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was sentenced to life in prison for murder. 빠른 답변 감사합니다. Thank you for your prompt reply. Thank you for the quick answer. 그 회의는 정오에 끝났다. The meeting came to an end at noon. The meeting ended at noon. 당신이 세계를 여행하는 동안, 항상 잘먹는 것이 가능하지는 않습니다. It's not always possible to eat well when you're traveling in this part of the world. While you're traveling around the world, it's not always possible to eat well. 그는 그의 성공을 그가 열심히 일한것에 대해 공을 돌렸다 He attributes his success to hard work. He blamed his success for his hard work. 그 축구팀은 일주일에 몇 시간이나 연습을 하나요? How many times a week does the soccer team practice? How many hours a week does that soccer team practice? 친구들이 슬퍼하는 여자를 위로해 주었다. The grieving woman was consoled by her friends. My friends comforted the grieving woman. 다른 사람을 귀찮게 할 수 있다. The others can't be bothered. You can bother other people. 은행 문 닫혀 있었어? Was the bank closed? Was the bank door closed? 흡연은 사람을 죽인다. Smoking kills. Smoking kills people. 나는 그가 자신의 인생 경험에 대해 열변을 토하는 것을 참을 수가 없다. I can't stand him holding forth about his life experience. I can't wait for him to vent his life experience. 경찰서는 어디있어요? Where is the police station? Where's the police department? 오늘 동료 한명이 본인 직장에 대해서 애기해줬어. Today one of my colleague told about his job. A colleague told me about her job today. 관이 땅속으로 내려질 때 목사님께서 성호를 그으셨다. The priest made the sign of the cross as the casket was lowered into the ground. When the coffin came down to the ground, the minister drew the Holy Lake. 나는 중세 스페인에 관한 책을 찾고 있다. I'm looking for a book about medieval Spain. I'm looking for a book about medieval Spain. 콜럼버스가 아메리카 대륙을 발견했다. Columbus discovered America. Columbus discovered the Americas. 톰은 같은 처지다. Tom is in the same boat. Tom's in the same position. 나는 톰에게 왜 프랑스어를 배우고자했는지 물어봤다. I asked Tom why he wanted to study French. I asked Tom why he wanted to learn French. 누가 그를 죽였나? Who killed him? Who killed him? 멀거나 기억 속의 물건을 가르켜 이름. A name indicating something far away or in distant memory. Name of a distant or memory object. 그녀의 눈에 눈물이 고였다. Her eyes welled up with tears. There was tears in her eyes. 시끄러워! Shut up! Shut up! 경단 있어? Do you have some dango? Do you have a fleet? 난 그에게 동의하지 않아. I don't agree with him. I don't agree with him. 저는 안드레아 입니다. My name is Andrea. I'm Andrea. 메세지 전해 드릴께요. I can take a message. I'll give you a message. 신발끈을 묶으세요. Tie your shoelaces. Tie your shoelaces. 지혜로운 리더는 언제 들어야 할지를 안다. A wise leader knows when to listen. A wise leader knows when to listen. 최대한 세게 차. Kick as hard as you can. As hard as you can. 가끔 나는 언제 세계 제 일회 사이버 폭력 챔피언 대회가 열릴지 궁금해한다. Sometimes I wonder when the first world championship in cyberbullying will take place. Sometimes I wonder when my world's cyber violence championships will be held. 늦어서 죄송합니다. Sorry for being late. Sorry I'm late. 어디에 가요? Where are you going to? Where are you going? 차표는 자동판매기에서도 구할 수 있습니다. You can buy the ticket from the vending machine too. You can also find a car ticket on a vending machine. 너 새차 색깔이 뭐야? What color is your new car? What's your new color? 우리 모두가 같은 한 배를 탔다는 걸 기억해라. Remember that we're all in the same boat. Remember, we're all on the same boat. 피 냄새가 납니다. I smell blood. It smells like blood. 내 인생 개 같다. Fuck my life! It's like a dog in my life. 수영을 거의 매일 합니다. I swim almost every day. I swim almost every day. 정부는 의회의 통제하에 놓여있다. The government is in control of the assembly. The government is under the control of Congress. 이런 일이 일어난다니 믿을 수가 없어요. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this happened. 우리는 집에 갑니다. We are going home. We go home. 나 빼고 여기에 있는 사람 모두 그것을 했다. (한 적이 있다.) Everybody here except me has done that. Everyone here has done it except me. 문은 자동으로 닫힌다. The door locks automatically. The door closes automatically. 둘이 어떻게 된건데? What happened between the two? What happened to you two? 안타까워요. It's a pity. I'm sorry. 나는 이 소음을 참을 수 없다. I cannot stand this noise. I can't stand this noise. 신께서 당신을 지켜주시길. May God keep you! May God protect you. 내 방에서 전화가 있어. There's a telephone in my room. There's a phone in my room. 저놈 잡아라! Catch him! Get him! 축하해! Congratulations! Congratulations! 그 남자는 많은 대출업자에게서 돈을 빌리는 사람이다. That man borrows money from many lenders. He's the guy who borrows money from a lot of lenders. 우리가 전에 한 말은 그냥 잊어버려. Please forget what we talked about earlier. Just forget what we said before. 죽어! Screw you! Die! 톰은 연구 개발을 하고 있어요. Tom works in research and development. Tom is working on his research. 가만히 있어. Hold still. Stay still. 이 셔츠 얼마에요? How much is the shirt? How much is this shirt? 돈을 환전할 곳이 어디에요? Where can I find a place to change money? Where are you going to exchange money? 그는 코트를 뒤집었다. He turned his coat inside out. He turned his coat over. 두렵습니다. I'm afraid. I'm afraid. 장례식은 어제였다. The funeral was yesterday. The funeral was yesterday. 밀리는 사과를 먹고 있어요. Millie is eating an apple. Millie's eating apples. 그는 평화 속에 살고 있다. He lives in peace. He lives in peace. 작년 여름에 몇 번이나 수영을 하러 갔었습니까? How often did you go swimming last summer? How many times did you go swimming last summer? 옷장을 뒤져서 기부할 옷들을 찾아봐야겠어. I'm going through my closet to find clothes to give to charity. I'm gonna go through the closet and find clothes to donate. 난 널 용서한다. I forgive you. I forgive you. 너 언제 론돈에서 돌아 왔어죠? When did you return from London? When did you get back from Rondon? 나는 아직 학교에 다녀. I'm still in school. I'm still in school. 날 죽여. Kill me. Kill me. 사자는 정글의 왕이다. The lion is the king of the jungle. Lions are kings of the jungle. 나는 꿈이 있어. I have a dream. I have a dream. 나는 선택권이 없구나. I see I have no choice. I don't have a choice. 톰은 운동하는 걸 싫어한다. Tom doesn't like to exercise. Tom doesn't like to exercise. 뱀들은 냉혈동물이다. Snakes are cold-blooded creatures. Snakes are cold-blooded. 나는 영어를 못합니다. I don't understand English. I can't speak English. 내가 모로코에서 만난 프랑스 친구가 나에게 빠리의 공기 (분위기) 가 프랑스의 전부를 나타내는 것이 아니며, 다른 도시들과 시골이 아주 아름답다고 말했다. I found a French friend in Morocco. She told me that the atmosphere in Paris is not that of the rest of France, and that other cities and provinces are very beautiful. A friend of French, whom I met in Morocco, told me that the air of Parry didn't represent all of France, but that other cities and countryside were very beautiful. 그는 항상 자기 자신에게 집중을 받고 싶었다. He always wanted to call attention to himself. He always wanted to be focused on himself. 여기 자주 와? Do you come here a lot? You come here often? 미남이시라구요 I said you are handsome. You're a handsome man. 톰은 그들을 못 들어 가게 했다. Tom wouldn't let them in. Tom didn't let them in. 한국은 절대 지루하지 않는다. 항상 신난다. Korea is never boring, it's always exciting. Korea is never boring. It's always exciting. 동물을 학대해서는 안 된다. One must not abuse animals. You shouldn't abuse animals. 그는 우리 앞에서 선물을 공개할꺼야. He'll present the present in our presence. He'll release a gift in front of us. 나는 사학을 전공하고 싶다. I want to study history. I'd like to major in private school. 이건 정말 못 믿겠다. This is difficult to believe. I can't believe this. 카드 돼요? Does my card work here? Can I get a card? 그가 바쁘지만, 올 수 있다. Although he is busy, he can come. He's busy, but he can come. 그는 자전거가 하나도 없다. He didn't have any bicycle. He doesn't have a bicycle. 집에서 TV나 볼 거예요. I'll watch TV at home or something. I'm going to watch TV at home. 톰에게 더는 하지 말라고 부탁했다. I asked Tom not to do that anymore. I asked Tom not to do it anymore. 어디 가고싶어요? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? 나는 메리의 향수 냄새를 맡을 수 있다. 그녀는 좀 전에 여기에 있었음에 틀림없다. I can smell Mary's perfume. She must have been here earlier. I can smell Mary's perfume. She must have been here a while ago. 그는 종종 그의 성공을 그의 아내의 공으로 돌리곤 한다 He often attributes his success to his wife. He often turns his success into the ball of his wife. 이 사진 최근 거에요? Is it a recent picture? Is this picture recent? 나는 도서관에서 종종 책을 빌린다. I often borrow books from the library. I often borrow books from libraries. 저 여자는 정말 수줍음을 잘 탄다. That woman gets shy easily. She's very shy. 놀라워 하고, 궁금해 하는 것이 이해의 시작이다. To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand. It's the beginning of understanding to wonder and wonder. 목요일 밤엔 맥주가 공짜야. Thursday night is free beer night. There's free beer on Thursday night. 난 학교에 가기 싫어. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. 너 후회할거야. You'll regret it. You're gonna regret it. 와인 한 병 더 주세요. One more bottle of wine, please. One more bottle of wine. 나는 한국말을 공부해요. I study Korean. I study Korean. 당신은 담배를 너무 많이 피워요 - 너무 많이 담배를 피우지 마세요! You smoke too much. Don't smoke so much! You smoke too much - don't smoke too much! 내가 외동이었으면 좋았을 텐데. I wish I were an only child. I wish I was an outsider. 감사하는 빛이 그의 얼굴에 역력하다. His face clearly shows gratitude. Thankful light backs up his face. 나는 유죄 판결을 받았다. I was convicted. I was convicted. 나는 여기 온 뒤로 한 번도 바다에 들어가고 싶다는 생각을 안 했지만 지금 이 순간에 어쩐 일인지 옷을 벗어 버리고 싶었어요. I had not once thought about going into the sea since I came here, but at this moment, for some reason, I wanted to remove my clothes. I've never thought of going into the ocean since I was here, but I wanted to take off my clothes at this moment. 저 두 명은 사이가 안 좋다. Those two don't get along. Those two guys don't get along. 학생 할인이 있어요? Is there a student discount? Do you have a student discount? 당신이 오면 만나기를 고대하고 있습니다. I am looking forward to meeting you when you come. I'm looking forward to meeting you when you come. 돈은 별로 없지만, 당신과 함께라서 행복해요. You don't have much money but I'm happy because I'm with you. I don't have much money, but I'm happy to be with you. 하루에 이메일을 몇 개씩 보내니? How many e-mails do you write every day? How many e-mails did you send each day? 내 호버크라프트는 장어로 가득 차 있어요. My hovercraft is full of eels. My hovercraft is full of boots. 8시간 동안 운전을 한 후에 톰은 더이상 운전을 할 수 없었다. After driving for eight hours, Tom just couldn't drive any longer. After eight hours of driving, Tom couldn't drive anymore. 천천히 말씀해 주실수 있읍니까? Can you speak slowly, please? Can you speak slowly? 이렇게 콜렉션의 확실한 예를 보여줘서 정말 감사합니다. Many thanks for this illustrative collection of examples. Thank you so much for showing me this concrete example of the collection. 괜찮은 거예요? Is that okay? Are you okay? 내 독일인 친구 이름은 한스예요. My German friend's name is Hans. My German friend Hans. 어른들을 존경해야한다. You have to respect your elders. You have to respect adults. 우린 용서하는 능력을 키우고 지속해야 한다. 용서를 하는 능력이 없는 자는 사랑을 할 능력이 없다. 우리안에는 최악 일때도 선함이 있고, 최고일때도 악함이 우리 안에 있다. 우리가 이것을 발견할때, 우리는 상대방을 증오하는 경향이 낮아진다. We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. We have to cultivate and endure the ability to forgive, and those who lack the ability to forgive have no ability to love, there is goodness in us, there is evil in us, there is evil in us when we find this, and when we find it, we tend to hate the other. 그 여자애 좀 어리지 않아? Isn't she a little young? Don't you think she's a little young? 그들은 3번 적중을 했다. They hit the mark three times. They've been hit three times. 저는 단순한 소녀에요. I'm a simple girl. I'm just a girl. 한국에 언제까지 계실 겁니까? How long will you be in Korea? How long will you stay in Korea? 톰은 매우 무례했다. Tom was very disrespectful. Tom was very rude. 군인들은 아무 희망 없이 마을에 돌아갔다. The soldiers went back to the town without any hope. Soldiers went back to town without hope. 우리 집을 제외하고는 우리 집이 있는 거리의 모든 집들이 모두 파란색이다. Every house on our street was blue except ours. All the houses on the street, except ours, are blue. 물과 무기염은 무기물이다. Water and mineral salts are inorganic substances. Water and minerals are minerals. 그에게 여자친구가 있다는 것은 아주 가능성이 높아요. There is a good chance of him having a girlfriend. It's very likely that he has a girlfriend. 그 아빠에 그 아들. Like father, like son. The father, the son. 그게 내가 하고 싶은 말이었다. You took the words right out of my mouth. That's what I wanted to say. 당신의 얼굴에 축하합니다. Congratulations on your face. Congratulations on your face. 오늘이 며칠이지? What is the date today? What day is it? 슬퍼하는 여자가 친구들에게서 위안을 받았다. The grieving woman was consoled by her friends. A grieving woman was comforted by her friends. 그림은 문맹자의 책이다. Images are the books of the illiterate. Pictures are books of illiterates. 너는 아르바이트를 해요? Do you have a part-time job? You do a part-time job? 무엇을 원하세요? What do you want? What do you want? 나는 내년에 중국어를 배우고 싶다. I want to learn Chinese next year. I want to learn Chinese next year. 나는 산에 가길 원합니다. I want to go to the mountain. I want to go to the mountains. 얼마나 많이? How much? How many? 중요한 건 누구도 맡겨진 일에서 게으름을 피울수 있게 허락되지 않았다는 것이다. It is important that no one is allowed to slack off on their assigned work. The point is that no one was allowed to be lazy in the work entrusted to him. 이곳에서 모든 것이 시작됐다. This is where it began. Everything started here. 그것은 좋은 생각이야! That's a good idea! That's a good idea! 그 일은 많은 힘이 필요하다. That job takes a lot of strength. It takes a lot of power. 이건 사고가 아냐. This is no accident. This isn't an accident. 제가 많이 일찍 왔어요. I came very early. I've been here a long time. 우리는 지금 떠나야 한다. We ought to leave now. We have to leave now. 새로운 재봉틀을 샀다. I bought a new sewing machine. I bought a new sewing machine. 놀고 싶어요. I want to play. I want to play. 그녀는 누구보다도 아름다워요. She is more beautiful than any other girl. She's more beautiful than anyone. 이거 내꺼니? Is this mine? Is this mine? 사공이 많으면 배가 거꾸로 간다. Too many cooks spoil the broth. If there's a lot of balls, the ship goes backwards. 닥쳐. Shut up. Shut up. 제 말이 들리세요? Do you hear me? Can you hear me? 믿음과 신뢰의 차이점은 무엇입니까? What's the difference between faith and trust? What's the difference between faith and trust? 나타샤는 러시아 이름이다. Natasha is a Russian name. Natasha is a Russian name. 전부가 맛있어요! Everything tastes good! It's all good! 아무도 일하고 싶어하지 않는다. Nobody wants to work. No one wants to work. 나는 저녁을 준비했다. I made supper. I've got dinner ready. 충분한 RAM 메모리가 없어요. I don't have enough RAM. I don't have enough RAM memory. 내가 메리를 싫어하는 만큼 그녀도 나를 싫어한다. Mary hates me as much as I hate her. She hates me as much as I hate Mary. 이 병은 온수 2리터를 담을 수 있다. This bottle is able to contain two liters of hot water. This bottle can contain two liters of hot water. 수잔의 음식 솜씨가 훌륭하다. Susan is a good cook. Susan's food skills are excellent. 이 음식점 토요일에는 더 붐벼. This restaurant is busier on Saturdays. This restaurant is more crowded on Saturday. 아테네는 그리스의 수도야. Athens is the capital of Greece. Athens is the capital of Greece. 그가 아니라, 그녀가 나에게 키스를 했다. She kissed me, not him. She kissed me, not him. 우리 중 하나가 선택될꺼야. Either one of us will be chosen. One of us will be chosen. 난 야구 시합을 티비로 보는 것보다 좋아하는 것이 없다. I like nothing so much as to watch baseball games on television. I don't like baseball more than watching baseball as a TV. 경험적 삶이란, 많은 시련들을 겪는 여정이다. Experience Life is a journey in which one often faces lot of hardships. Experienced life is a journey through many trials. 숨은 코로 쉬어라. Please breathe through your nose. Breathe with your breathing nose. 5 더하기 2의 합계는 7이다. The sum of 5 and 2 is 7. The sum of 5 plus 2 is 7. 그 말의 이름이 뭐야? What's the horse's name? What's the name of that horse? 양치기로 사는 건 나에게 맞지 않는 일이다. I was not made for the life of a shepherd. Being a shepherd isn't right for me. 아침에 무슨 일이 있었니? What was the matter this morning? What happened this morning? 저는 내일 오전 6시에 체크아웃 하겠습니다. I want to check out at 6 tomorrow morning. I'll check out tomorrow at 6 a.m. 그걸 어디에 숨겼니? Where did you hide them? Where did you hide it? 그사람들이 뭐 해요? What are those people doing? What are they doing? 사과 주스 두 잔 주세요. Two glasses of apple juice, please. Two apple juices, please. 황소를 잡을 때는 뿔 부분을 잡아야 한다. You have to take the bull by the horns. You have to catch the horn when you're catching the bull. 요즘에는 운동을 별로 안 해요. I don't exercise a lot these days. I don't exercise very much these days. 그는 불어로 말하고 쓸 수 있다. He can speak and write French. He can speak in French. 우리는 18살에 고등학교를 졸업해. We graduate from high school at eighteen. We graduated from high school at the age of 18. 세 사람이 약간 다쳤다. Three people were slightly injured. Three people were a little hurt. 그는 내가 만났었던 사람중에 가장 멋진 사람입니다. He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He's the coolest person I've ever met. 낮에 이케아에 양탄자를 반품하러 갔어. During the day I went to Ikea to return the rug. I went back to Ikea during the day. 우리 한동안 못 봤지! We haven't seen you in a while. We haven't seen each other in a while! 바다에는 섬들이 있다. There are islands in the sea. There are islands in the sea. 여권을 보여 주세요. Show me your passport, please. Show me your passport. 끝났읍니다. It's over. It is over. 나는 그녀를 미치도록 다시 보고 싶다. I am dying to see her again. I want to see her crazy again. 그 호수가 얼어붙었다. The pond has frozen over. The lake was frozen. 신께서 당신을 축복하시길. May God bless you. God bless you. 경찰에 신고는 하셨습니까? Have you reported it to the police? Did you call the police? 잘 해낼 수 있니? Can you handle it? Can you make it work? 언제든지 우리 집에 와. Come to my house whenever you like. Come to my house anytime. 톰은 요즘 들어 꽤 바빴다. Tom has been rather busy these days. Tom's been pretty busy lately. 혹시 불분명한 점이 있을 경우 연락 주십시오. In case something is not clear, please contact us. Please contact me if there is any uncertainty. 이것은 테이블입니다. This is a table. This is the table. 선선하게 불어오는 가을바람에 계절이 변화함을 느낍니다. With this cool autumn wind blowing, we can feel the change of season. I feel a change of seasons in the autumn wind. 존을 사랑해라. Love John. Love John. 그녀가 마음을 바꿀 것 같다. It appears that she might change her mind. I think she'll change her mind. 그 때는 꽤 어렸었는데. I was pretty young back in those days. I was pretty young at the time. 더 깎아 주세요. I wanted a bigger discount. I'm going to need more cuts. 이 책은 테이블에. The book is on the table. This book is on the table. 밤에 혼자 산책하는 것은 위험해요? Is it dangerous to go out for walks at night? Is it dangerous to walk alone at night? 집에 가십시오. Please go home. Go home. 일석이조 (一石二鳥). To kill two birds with one stone. A monolith. 뭐하고 살았냐? How have you lived? What did you do? 아이에게 이치를 말해도 소용없다 It is no use reasoning with a child. It doesn't matter if you tell him you don't understand. 저는 잘지내요. I am well. I'm good. 고르셨습니까? Have you chosen? Did you choose? 이 티비는 한국에서 만들어졌습니다. This TV is made in Korea. This TV is made in Korea. 부시는 바보가 아니다. Bush is not an idiot. Bush is not an idiot. 만약 신이 존재하지 않았다면, 만들어 낼 필요가 있겠지. If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. If God didn't exist, we would need to make it up. 그 회사 회장은 리베이트를 지불한 혐의로 기소되었다. The company president was indicted for paying kickbacks. The company's president was charged with paying a resort. 영어 좋아해? Do you like English? Do you like English? 시간이 단지 조금밖에 없어요. I do not have much time. There's only a little bit of time. 숙박 시설을 찾고 있습니다. We are looking for lodging accommodations. We're looking for accommodations. 내가 말하고자 하는 바는 이거야. What I mean is this. This is what I'm talking about. 그는 큰 바위 뒤에 숨었다. He hid himself behind a large rock. He hid behind a large rock. 그가 여기에 오면 저한테 말해주세요. Please tell me when he arrives here. Tell me when he's here. 아잉 몰라요. Oh, I don't know. I don't know. 그의 여동생뿐 아니라 그도 파티에 초대 되었다. He, as well as his sister, are invited to the party. Not only his sister, but he was invited to the party. 이 기숙사에는 미국인 학생 두 명이 살고 있다. Two American students live in this dorm. Two American students live in this dormitory. 어디에 가고 싶으세요? Where do you want to go? Where do you want to go? 톰은 아직 결정하지 못했다. Tom hasn't decided yet. Tom hasn't decided yet. 탐은 나보다 2줄 앞에 앉았다. Tom sat two rows ahead of me. Tom sat two lines ahead of me. 난 쇼핑 가야되요, 한 시간 안에 돌아올게요. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. 완벽해! Perfect! Perfect! 먹을래요. I want to eat it. I want to eat. 성능은 좋은데 디자인이 별로라서. It's because it doesn't have a very good design, despite having good performance. I'm good at it, but I don't have a lot of design. 톰은 뭔가를 걱정하는 것 처럼 보여. Tom seems to be worried about something. Tom seems worried about something. 이 사과들은 전부 맛있다. All these apples are very sweet. All these apples are delicious. 넌 끈질긴 사람이야, 맞지? You're persistent, aren't you? You're persistent, aren't you? 독서는 더 이상 소수의 전유물이 아니게 되었다. Reading books ceased to be a privilege of a minority. Reading is no longer a handful of artifacts. 나는 책을 읽을 거예요. I will read a book. I'm going to read a book. 톰은 메리에게 키스할 것이라고 말했다. Tom said he was going to kiss Mary. Tom said he'd kiss Mary. 이 영화는 좋은 비평을 받았다. The film received favourable criticism. This film was well criticized. 그는 자기 일을 잃었다. He has lost his job. He lost his job. 종교를 가지고 계십니까? Do you believe in any religion? Do you have a religion? 문장을 외워야 합니다. You have to memorize this sentence. You have to memorize the sentences. 그녀가 돌아오면 나는 떠날거야. I'll leave when she comes back. I'll leave when she comes back. 톰 별로 안 바빠 보이던데. Tom didn't seem to be so busy. Tom doesn't seem too busy. 상관없는 거 알잖아. You know it doesn't matter. You know it doesn't matter. 나는 그녀에게 긴 편지를 썼다. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. 뭐래? What the fuck? What did he say? 톰은 전기 기사다. Tom is an electrical engineer. Tom is an electrical engineer. 기쁨은 나누면 배가 되고 슬픔은 나누면 반이 된다. Happiness shared returns many-fold, sadness shared comes back halved. Joy becomes double, grief becomes half. 독서를 좋아합니다. I like reading. I love reading. 네가 어제 산 것을 내게 보여줄 수 있어? Will you show me what you bought yesterday? Can you show me what you bought yesterday? 그 남자는 작은 목소리로 말했다. The man spoke with a small voice. The man said in a little voice. 나는 너의 가장 친한 친구도 가장 나쁜 적도 될 수 있어. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy. I could be the worst of your best friends. 미루는 것은 일종의 예술이다. Procrastinating is an art. Procrastination is a kind of art. 죽여! Kill! Kill him! 아침 먹을래? Do you want some breakfast? Do you want some breakfast? 너의 피는 붉다. Your blood is red. Your blood is red. 내가 있었으니 망정이지 당신 혼자였으면 어쩔 뻔했어요? You're lucky I was here. What would you have done all by yourself? What would you have done if you hadn't been alone? 톰은 많은 도움을 받았다. Tom had plenty of help. Tom got a lot of help. 이게 무슨 뜻이에요? What does this mean? What does that mean? 내게 거짓말 하지 마. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to me. 이건 내 경험으로 안다. This I know from my own experience. I know this from my experience. 나는 행복한 삶을 살고 싶어요. I want to live a happy life. I want to live a happy life. 이젠 끝장이야! We are done for! It's over! 가스 냄새가 난다. It smells like gas. I smell gas. 하늘의 무지개를 볼 때 내 마음은 설렌다. When I see a rainbow in the sky, my heart flutters with joy. When I see a rainbow in the sky, my heart is troubled. 그 여자아이는 버스 안에서 노부인에게 자리를 내주었다. The girl gave her seat to an old woman in the bus. She gave her seat to the old lady in the bus. 뻥이야. Only joking. It's a lie. 벽에 걸려있는 그림을 좀 봐. Look at the picture on the wall. Look at the picture on the wall. 우리가 그것을 맡겠다. (처리하겠다.) We'll take care of that. We'll take care of it. 이 시계는 정확하다. This clock is accurate. This clock is accurate. 수잔은 그 때 피아노를 치고 있지 않았다. Susan was not playing the piano then. Susan wasn't playing the piano at the time. 택시 한 대만 불러 주시겠습니까? Would you like me to call a taxi? Can you call me a cab, please? 톰이랑 톰네 형은 진짜 닮았어. Tom and his brother look quite similar. Tom and Tom's brother really look alike. 그건 내가 할 소리야. I said I would do that! That's what I'm talking about. 초등 학교가 점점 사라지고 있다. Elementary schools are gradually disappearing. The elementary schools are disappearing. 네가 나를 사랑하는 것 보다 내가 너를 더 사랑해. I love you more than you love me. I love you more than you love me. 요즘 해외여행 가는 학생들이 늘고 있다. The number of students traveling abroad has been increasing recently. More students are traveling abroad these days. 나는 달에 가고 싶다. I want to go to the moon. I want to go to the moon. 새미는 축구 선수였습니다. Sami was a football player. Sammy was a football player. 아무도 내 말을 지지해주지 않았다. Nobody backed up what I said. No one supported me. 저기 봐. Look over there. Look. 기름 가격은 이번 주에 떨어졌다. The price of oil is down this week. The price of oil dropped this week. 그녀는 일곱 개의 언어를 말한다. She speaks seven languages. She speaks seven languages. 에이미는 지금 음악을 듣고 있어요. Aimee is listening to music now. Amy's listening to music right now. 그렇다면 돌아가야지. Then we should go back. Then we'll go back. 톰은 많이 아파보여. Tom looks very sick. Tom looks really sick. 나는 사계절 중에 여름을 제일 좋아해. I like summer best of the four seasons. I like summer the most during the four seasons. 너무 어두워서 잘 볼 수 없다. It's too dark so I can't see very well. It's too dark to see. 소고기를 조금 더 굽는건 어때? How about some more roast beef? Why don't you bake some more beef? 우리 여동생은 날마다 피아노를 친다. My younger sister plays piano every day. My sister plays the piano every day. 내내 어딨었니? Where were you that whole time? Where have you been all day? 안녕히 가세요! Goodbye! Bye-bye! 벌써 우리가 만난 지 4년 이에요. 시간이 참 빠른 것 같아요. It's already been 4 years since we met. How time flies. It's been four years since we met. 벌써 저녁이네. 피곤해서 글쓰기는 그만 끝내야겠다. 잘자! It's already evening, I'm tired and have to finish writing. Good night! It's already evening. I'm tired and I have to finish writing. Good night! 지금은 바빠서 못 가. I'm too busy to go there. I'm busy right now. I can't go. 톰은 메리에게 베개를 던져서 정확히 얼굴을 맞았다. Tom threw a pillow at Mary and the pillow hit her squarely in the face. Tom threw a pillow at Mary and hit her face exactly. 그녀가 미소지을 땐, 녹아내릴 것만 같아. When she smiles, I feel like melting. When she smiles, it just melts. 난 전혀 모르겠어. I don't know at all. I have no idea. 그를 죽여라. Kill him. Kill him. 공항까지 가는 버스가 있나요? Is there bus service to the airport? Is there a bus to the airport? 그것은 나의 책임이다. That's my responsibility. It's my responsibility. 누구? Who? Who? 만약 물이 없었다면, 인간은 살아남지 못했다. If it were not for water, humans could not survive. If it weren't for water, humans wouldn't survive. 지난 번에 말했던 것처럼, 수요일은 베를린 장벽이 무너진 지 22년 되는 날이었어요. As I said the last time, Wednesday was the 22nd anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. As I said last time, Wednesday was 22 years after the Berlin Wall fell. 그는 아주 성실해요. He is very honest. He's very sincere. 앤드류가 학교에서 린다를 만나요. Andrew meets Linda at school. Andrew meets Linda at school. 나는 매우 안전하다고 느꼈다. I felt very safe. I felt very safe. 난 톰이 의리있다고 생각한다. I think Tom is loyal. I think Tom's right. 톰이 안경 벗은 거 본 적 있어? Have you ever seen Tom not wearing glasses? Have you seen Tom take off his glasses? 작고 흰 토끼는 "무슨 일 있니?" 라고 물어봤습니다. "What's the matter?" asked the little white rabbit. The little white rabbit said, "What's going on?" 주운 사람이 임자! Finders keepers! The guy you picked is here! 뭐? What? What? 나한테 전화 할 필요 없어. You don't need to give me a call. You don't have to call me. 여기서 썩 꺼져! Get the fuck out! Get the fuck out of here! 모두들 내가 틀렸대. Everyone said that I was wrong. Everyone says I'm wrong. 뭔가 들린 사람 있어? Did someone hear something? Anybody hear anything? 농담이겠지요 You're kidding! You must be kidding me. 비가 와요. It's raining. It's raining. 밖은 아직 환해요. It's still bright outside. It's still fresh out there. 먹으러 갈만한 괜찮은 식당을 골라주세요. Choose a good restaurant to go to eat at. Please pick out a nice restaurant to go to for dinner. 난 말하다가 목이 쉬었다. I talked myself hoarse. I was talking and my neck was relaxed. 짙은 안개때문에, 우리는 도로표시를 잘 볼 수 없었다. Because of the thick fog, we could not see the signs clearly. Because of the thick fog, we couldn't see the road mark very well. 보통 몇 시에 아침에 드셔요? What time do you usually eat breakfast? What time do you usually eat breakfast? 메리가 톰의 누나다. Mary is Tom's older sister. Mary is Tom's sister. 톰은 대부분의 흡혈귀처럼 관에서 자지 않는다. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. 나는 자살하고 싶지 않다. I'm not suicidal. I don't want to kill myself. 조선왕조의 당쟁사가 문화적으로 외국 독자에게 이해되게 하기는 어려운 과제이다. It is a difficult task to make the history of political power struggles during the Joseon Dynasty culturally understandable to foreign readers. It is a difficult task for the Zoun dynasty to understand culturally foreign readers. 와줘서 고마워. I'm so glad that you're here. Thanks for coming. 여러 모로 바쁘신데도 흔쾌히 도와 주셔서 감사드립니다. Thank you very much for being so willing to help me being so busy with so many things. Thank you very much for helping me out in all kinds of busy places. 전 한국 요리를 좋아해요. I like Korean cuisine. I love Korean cooking. 나는 정말 피곤해지고 있다. I'm getting really tired. I'm getting really tired. 만약 내가 죽어도 이 반지는 지니고 싶다. If I die, I want to keep this ring. I want this ring if I die. 예를 들어서, 이게 펜이다. For example, this is a pen. So for example, this is a pen. 잘자. Good night. Good night. 어제 너무 많이 먹어서 이제 난 병이 나요. Yesterday I ate too much and now I feel sick. I ate too much yesterday, and now I'm sick. 그들은 서로 몹시 사랑한다. They love each other deeply. They love each other dearly. 그 약은 효과가 있었다. That medicine worked. It worked. 시험을 더 잘 봤어야 했는데. I should've done better on the test. I should've taken the test better. 우린 애가 한 명 있다. We have one kid. We have a kid. 난 지난 금요일부터 아파서 누워있어. I have been ill in bed since last Friday. I've been in bed since Friday. 곧 충분히 알게 될거야. You will know soon enough. You'll find out soon enough. 닥쳐. 안그러면 쫓아낼거야. Shut up. If you don't, you'll be thrown out. Shut up or I'll kick you out. 저 케익 맛있어요. That cake is delicious. I like cake. 우리가 당신의 요구를 충족시켜 드릴 수 있을지 모르겠네요. I am not quite sure if we can meet your requirements. I don't know if we can meet your demands. 소음때문에, 우리는 잠들수 없다. We cannot sleep due to the noise. Because of the noise, we can't sleep. 한국말을 이해하시지요? You understand Korean, don't you? You understand Korean, don't you? 나는 이러한 조건에서 일하고 싶지 않다. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work on these conditions. 글쓴이들은 저 집에 있다. The writers are in that house. The writers are in that house. 결과가 좋으면 모든 것이 좋다. All's well that ends well. If the results are good, everything is good. 진수 씨가 저를 도와주신 것을 감사하는 뜻으로 저녁에 초대하려고 해요. I wanted to invite Mr. Jinsu this evening to thank him for helping me earlier. I'm going to invite you to dinner to thank you for helping me. 물이 없었다면 인류의 생존은 가능하지 않았을 겁니다. If it were not for water, human life would be impossible. Without water, human survival would not have been possible. 버스를 놓쳤어요. I missed the bus. I missed the bus. 이탈리아는 아주 아름다운 나라입니다. Italy is a very beautiful country. Italy is a beautiful country. 넌 가야 해요. You have to go. You have to go. 네. Yes. Yeah. 생판 모르는 사람과 저녁을 먹었다. I had dinner with a total stranger. I had dinner with a total stranger. 과거는 되돌릴 수 없습니다. 미래는 알 수 없는 것이지만 바꿀 수 있는 것입니다. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. The past can't be reversed. The future is unknown, but it can be changed. 그는 열차를 좋아한다. He loves trains. He likes trains. 사회가 변화하고 있다. Society is changing. Society is changing. 우리는 네가 그 노래를 불렀으면 좋겠다. We want you to sing the song. We want you to sing that song. 일을 안하니까, 돈을 못 모으겠어. Since I don't have a job, I can't save money. I can't raise money because I don't work. 파란 장미는 아주 아름답습니다. The blue roses are very beautiful. The blue rose is very beautiful. 살고 싶지 않아. I don't want to live. I don't want to live. 넌 정말 착하구나. You are as good as gold. You're so nice. 예를 하나 들 수 있어요? Can you give me an example? Can you give me an example? 제꿈은 작가가 되는 것입니다. My goal in life is to be a novelist. My dream is to be a writer. 톰은 자기 아이들에게 벌을 줬다. Tom punished his children. Tom punished his children. 나는 이전에 그를 만났던 걸 기억한다. I remember seeing him before. I remember meeting him before. 내 인생 조졌다. Fuck my life. My life's ruined. 엿 먹어, 씨발놈아. Fuck you, asshole. Fuck you, motherfucker. 라디오를 켜주세요. Put the radio on, please. Turn on the radio.