Makelele na yo vandaka kupesa bantu boma mingi. We were terrified to hear the whistling sound the bombs made as they fell. Its voice frightened people. Boloko yina bo kotisaka bo sambu bo fwa lukwikilu na bo, kukumisaka bo dyaka ngolo mingi na kimpeve! - Yakobo 1: 17; Bisalu 20: 35. So the very experience that was intended to break their faith actually made them stronger spiritually! - James 1: 17; Acts 20: 35. What strengthened them spiritually! - James 1: 17; Acts 20: 35. Drame yai ya mpa vandaka mpi ya bangunga nana bonso "Photo - Drame, " mpi bantu vandaka kutala kitini na yo mosi mosi na bankokila ya kulandana. The new Drama was the same length as the "Photo - Drama " - eight hours - and was shown in several installments on consecutive evenings. This new drama was also eight hours such as "Photo - Drama, " watching its own portion on a series of evenings. Sambu ngogo "moyo " lenda tendula" luzingu yina beto kele ti yo, " nsa "moyo na nge " lenda tendula" nge. " Since the term "soul " can mean" the life that we possess, " the phrase "your soul " means" you. " Since the word "soul " can mean" life, " the phrase "your soul " can mean "you. " Makwela kele ngidika ya Nzambi. Marriage is God's arrangement. Marriage is God's arrangement for marriage. Inki mambu tamonisa nde beto kele ti mayele ya mutindu yai? What actions will reveal that we possess such wisdom? What will show that we have such wisdom? Disolo ya Bukristu ya ntete, yina kele na mukanda ya Bisalu, kesonga pwelele nde Kristu kusadilaka kiyeka yina Nzambi kupesaka yandi sambu na kutwadisa dibundu ya mpa yina kusalamaka ntama mingi ve. The history of early Christianity, as recorded in the Bible book of Acts, shows beyond a doubt that Christ used the authority given him to lead the newly formed congregation. The first Christian article, recorded in the book of Acts, clearly shows that Christ used his God - given authority to lead a newly formed congregation. Zola ya Yehowa me sadisaka mono na kununga mambu ya bitumba yina mono vandaka kuyindula, yina vandaka kuyangisa mono. Diaka, yo me sadisaka mono na kununga bampasi ya nkaka. - Yez. That love for Jehovah has helped me to deal with painful wartime memories and many other trials. - Isa. Jehovah's love has helped me to overcome my struggle, which troubled me, and it has helped me to cope with other problems. - Isa. Ata Nisani vandaka zina yina Ba - ebreo kumaka kubinga ngonda ya ntete na nima ya kubasika na kimpika, sambu na kutendula mambu pwelele, na disolo yai beto ta binga ngonda ya ntete ya kalandrie ya Bayuda, Nisani. Although Nisan was the postexilic name for the Hebrew month, for simplicity we will refer to the first month of the Jewish Hebrew calendar as Nisan. Although Nisan was the name of the Hebrew Hebrews as the first month after their release, to explain matters clearly, in this article, the first month of the Jewish calendar, Nisan. " Kana yandi ke tuba, yandi ke tuba na mayele; [mpi nsiku ya ntima ya mbote kele na ludimi, NW] na yandi. " - BING. " Her mouth she has opened in wisdom, and the law of loving - kindness is upon her tongue. " - PROV. " His mouth is wise, and the law of loving - kindness is upon his tongue. " - PROV. Kuvanda bantu ya masonga lenda benda bantu na kulonguka kieleka. The fact that we lead an honest life may also attract people to the truth. Being honest can attract people to the truth. Kubika fioti mpasi ya nene ta kumina bantu yonso. Soon mankind will face the greatest tribulation that will ever occur here on earth. Soon the great tribulation will come upon all mankind. Nge ke monaka mono ntangu mono ke tambula ti ntangu mono ke pema, nge zaba mambu yonso ya mono ke salaka. My journeying and my lying outstretched you have measured off, and you have become familiar even with all my ways. You see my way of walking and my rest, and you yourself know all the things I do. Mbala yankaka beto kezolaka kuzitisa Bansiku Kumi to bansiku yankaka ya bikalulu ya mbote, kansi beto zola yo to ve, ata muntu mosi ve lenda sala yo kukonda kubwa. Perhaps we desire to live by the Ten Commandments or by some other standard of conduct, but like it or not, we all fall short. Perhaps we want to observe the Ten Commandments or other moral laws, but we love them or do not, no one can do so without falling. Ntangu Getrude (mpangi - nkento mosi ya mesadilaka Yehowa tuka bamvula mingi) kuvandaka leke, bo kusilaka yandi makambu nde yandi vandaka ve Mukristu ya kyeleka, mpi nde yandi vandaka ve nsamuni ya ntangu yonso. When Gertrud, a longtime worshipper of Jehovah, was a young woman, she was falsely accused of being a fraud and not a full - time Kingdom proclaimer. When a sister who has served Jehovah for many years was young, she was falsely accused of being an unbeliever, and she was not a full - time evangelizer. Ngemba yina fwete yala ntima na beto. That peace should be a controlling influence in our hearts. That peace must control our heart. Biblia kele ti malongi mingi yina ketadila kiyeka na kati ya dibuta. The Bible contains a fund of information regarding family authority. The Bible contains many lessons about authority within the family. Yo yina Polo tubaka nde: "Mono ke sala mambu yonso sambu na nsangu ya mbote, sambu na kuzabisa yo na bantu ya nkaka. " Knowing this, Paul said: "I do all things for the sake of the good news, in order to share it with others. " That is why Paul said: "I do all things for the sake of the good news, to share it with others. " Ya kieleka Yozefi bakisaka nde bampangi na yandi vandaka kuwila yandi kimpala. Joseph surely sensed his brothers ' animosity. Yes, Joseph realized that his brothers were jealous of him. Mutindu mosi, Satana kuvandaka muyibi. Similarly, Satan was a thief. Similarly, Satan was a thief. Ziku na masolo yango, nge me sepela na balusakumunu yina Kimfumu ya Nzambi ta nata. And perhaps you were intrigued by some of the future blessings of God's Kingdom that were discussed. Perhaps in these articles, you appreciate the blessings that God's Kingdom will bring. Bubu yai, na bansi 236, Bambangi ya Yehowa kelemfukaka na ntuma ya Yezu ya kusamuna nsangu ya mbote ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi. Today, in 236 lands, Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Today, in 236 lands, Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Keti ntima na beto ke vandaka na "kiese " sambu na nsangu ya Kimfumu? Is our heart "stirred " by the Kingdom message? Is our heart "happy " for the Kingdom message? Ata bantu me vwezaka zina na yandi, Yehowa ke vingila na ntima - nda yonso ntangu yina me fwana sambu na kuyidika mambu. Despite the reproach people heap on his name, Jehovah has waited patiently for the right time to act. Despite the reproach of Jehovah's name, he patiently waits for the right time to handle matters. Beno tapesa mpi kyese na bantu ya dibuta na beno yina kebakaka dezia ntinu na nzila yina mpi na banduku na beno yina kele na dibundu ya Bukristu. You will also bring joy to your family members who are already in the race and to your friends in the Christian congregation. You will also bring happiness to your family members who are already running through that race and from your friends in the Christian congregation. [ Noti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Sambu na kuguluka, yo lombaka kusala kumosi ti kimvuka yai mpi kundima na luzolo yonso lutwadisu yina Nzambi kupesaka na Noa. Survival depended on being part of this close - knit group and on being willing to accept God's direction given to Noah. To survive, this group would need to cooperate with this group and willingly accept the direction God gave to Noah. Kansi bibuti ya Nadia monaka nde kusoba dibundu ta bebisa kinduku na bo ti Yehowa. But her parents knew that such a move would not be in their children's best spiritual interest. But my parents noticed that changing the congregation would damage their relationship with Jehovah. LIFE STORIES What sacrifices have many made, and why? Bantu mingi me salaka nki bibansa, mpi sambu na nki? What sort of sacrifices do many individuals make, and why? We gladly greet them. Beto kepesaka bo mbote na kyese yonso. We smile and greet them. Reading these accounts will move you to say, " This is what I want to live! ' Kutanga masolo yai tapusa nge na kutuba nde, " Yai mpenza luzingu ya mu kezola kuzinga! ' Reading such stirring accounts will move you to say, " That is the kind of life I want to live! ' However, these laws are not the same everywhere. Kansi, bansiku yango kevandaka ve mutindu mosi na bisika yonso. Such laws, of course, vary from place to place. " Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations,... baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - MATTHEW 28: 19, 20. " Beno kwenda mpi beno kumisa bantu ya makanda yonso balongoki, beno botika bo..., beno longa bo na kuzitisa mambu yonso ya mono songaka beno. " - MATAYO 28: 19, 20. " Go,... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - MATTHEW 28: 19, 20. We stood on the window and looked outside. Beto telamaka na fenetre mpi vandaka kutala na nganda. I walked over to a tall, broad - shouldered prisoner, and we stood there looking out a window. Why have some Christians come to appreciate the value of maps? Sambu na nki Bakristu yankaka mekumaka kumona mfunu ya bakarte? Why have some Christians come to appreciate maps? In some lands, Jehovah's worshipers suffer physically and lose their possessions. Na bansi yankaka, bo kepesaka bantu yina kesambilaka Yehowa mpasi na nitu mpi bo keyokaka bima na bo. In others, fanatics physically assault Jehovah's worshipers and burn their property. [ Picture on page 16, 17] [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 21, 22] [ Picture on page 8, 9] Her faith grew, and she quit smoking, alcohol, immorality, and drug abuse. Lukwikilu na yandi kuyelaka, ebuna yandi yambulaka kunwa makaya, malafu ya ngolo, mansoni, mpi kusadila khat (dititi mosi ya ketedimisaka mawi). As he grew in faith, he gave up smoking, heavy drinking, immorality, and the use of khat (an addictive stimulant). I am afraid because he comes against us and kills us all, including the women and the children. Mono ke mona boma sambu yandi ke kwisa kunwanisa beto, sambu na kufwa beto yonso, ti bankento ti bana. Deliver me, I pray you, from my brother's hand, from Esau's hand, because I am afraid of him that he may come and certainly assault me, mother together with children. ▪ Strengthen others and be spiritually strong ▪ Pesa bankaka kikesa mpi ngolo na kimpeve ▪ Be a source of encouragement and spiritual refreshment to others Realizing her feelings that may have caused her to become angry, Nicole showed empathy and encouraged her to call her friend for forgiveness. Sambu Nicole kubakisaka mawi yina kunataka mbala yankaka Gabrielle na kuwa makasi, yo sadisaka yandi na kuditula na kisika ya Gabrielle mpi yo syamisaka yandi na kubingaka nduku na yandi na telefone sambu na kulomba ndolula. Nicole's newfound insight into what might have led to Gabrielle's outburst helped her to develop fellow feeling and motivated her to phone Gabrielle to apologize. They were rich and had their flocks. Bo vandaka bamvwama mpi bo vandaka ti banseke na bo. For instance, both men lived in the land of Judah. [ Footnote] For more information on how to pray, see chapter 17 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? [ Noti na Nsi ya Lutiti] Sambu na kuzaba mambu mingi ya metala mutindu ya kusamba na mpila nde Nzambi kuwa bisambu na nge, tala kapu 17 ya mukanda Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza? For more information about how to pray and be heard by God, see chapter 17 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Such responsibilities help determine whether they " accomplish what the brothers ought to accomplish in order to become ministerial servants. ' Mikumba ya mutindu yina kesadisaka na kuzaba kana bo " kelungisa mambu ' yina bampangi ya babakala fwete lungisa sambu na kukuma bansadi ya kisalu. Such assignments may " test as to fitness ' brothers who are reaching out to serve as ministerial servants. Do you pray? Keti nge ke sambaka? Do you pray? Four sisters were living in the midst of Esther Tract Society, B.C. Bampangi - bankento iya vandaka kuzinga na kati: Esther Tracy, Ramona Bauer, Luiza Schwarz, mpi Lorraine Brookes (bubu yai Wallen). When we arrived, there was only one isolated group in the city as well as a missionary home with four sisters: Esther Tracy, Ramona Bauer, Luiza Schwarz, and Lorraine Brookes (now Wallen). This verse shows that Jehovah gives his strength to those whose heart is complete toward him, kind, and honest. Verse yai kemonisa nde Yehowa kepesaka ngolo na yandi na bantu yina kekudipesaka na yandi mpenza, na ntima ya mbote mpi ya kele ti bikuma ya masonga. Note that Jehovah uses his strength in behalf of those who serve him with a complete heart, a heart that is pure and sincere in motive. Do you see why Jesus, who deeply loved his Father, prayed that His name be sanctified? Keti nge mebakisa sambu na nki Yezu, yina vandaka kuzola Tata na yandi mingi, kusambaka nde zina na Yandi kusantisama? (The New English Bible) Can you see why Jesus, who truly loved his Father, prayed that His name be sanctified? An effective home Bible study is a way to let our light shine Kutwadisa mbote kulonguka ya Biblia na nzo kele mutindu mosi ya kupedisa nsemo na beto Conducting effective home Bible studies is one way to let our light shine The apostle Paul set a fine example in this regard. Ntumwa Polo kupesaka mbandu ya mbote na dyambu yai. The apostle Paul was a fine example in this regard. There will be no more sickness, death, and death. Maladi tavanda dyaka ve, nkutu lufwa mpi tavanda dyaka ve. Sickness will be gone, and even death will be no more. If I feel that way, I am doing something to help someone else, and this helps me. " Kana mono kudiwa mutindu yai, mono ke salaka kima mosi sambu na kusadisa muntu ya nkaka; mpi kusala mutindu yai ke sadisaka mono. " When I do, I try to do something to help someone else, and that always helps me too. " Rather, as the Bible says, "faith " basically means having confidence, not doubting God and his purposes. Kansi, mutindu Biblia ketubila yo, "lukwikilu " ketendula ntetentete kutula ntima yonso, kukonda kutula badute na Nzambi mpi na balukanu na yandi. As used in the Bible, however, "faith " basically means total trust - complete, unshakable confidence in God and his promises. (Read Colossians 4: 5.) (Tanga Kolosai 4: 5.) (Read Colossians 4: 5.) And what benefits come from serving Jehovah faithfully as slaves? Mpi inki mambote beto ta baka kana beto ke sadila Yehowa na kwikama yonso bonso bampika? And what are the rewards for faithful service as a slave of Jehovah? Finally, God gave them a long and upright life, and they even received their own possession of the earth. Nsukansuka, Nzambi kupesaka bo luzingu ya nda ti mamvimpi ya mbote, mpi bo bakaka nkutu ndambu na bo mosi ya ntoto. Finally, they enjoyed an abundance of life and health and even received their own personal inheritances. Zechariah next saw two women with strong wings like a bird's wings. Na nima, Zekaria monaka bankento zole ti mapapu ya ngolo bonso mapapu ya ndeke mosi (mubila). Next on the scene appear two women who have strong wings like those of a stork. He was loyal to God throughout his life, and Jehovah helped him. Yandi kangamaka ngolo na Nzambi luzingu na yandi ya mvimba, mpi Yehowa sadisaka yandi. At one point, an angelic messenger urged Daniel, that "very precious man, " to" have peace " and "be strong. " - Dan. The temple was completed in the sixth month of his reign, or 515 B.C.E. Bo manisaka kutunga tempelo na ngonda ya sambanu ya luyalu na yandi, to na mvu 515 N.T.B. The temple was completed in the sixth year of his reign, or 515 B.C.E. Not at all. Ata fioti ve. Not at all. Indeed, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning. " Ya kieleka, katuka kilumbu yina ba - nkaka na beto me fwaka, mambu yonso kele kaka mutindu yo vandaka katuka luyantiku ya lugangu. " Yehowa ta lungisa balusilu na yandi. Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as they were from creation's beginning. " If young ones in the Christian congregation remember Jesus ' example, this will help them to find opportunities to " answer those who cry out for help. ' - 1 Pet. Kana batoko yina kele na dibundu ya Bukristu kuyibuka mbandu ya Yezu, yo tasadisa bo na kuzwa mabaku ya " kupesa mvutu na bantu yina ke yulaka bo sambu na nki bo ke tulaka ntima na Nzambi. ' - 1 Pie. Bearing in mind Jesus ' example will help youngsters in the Christian congregation to take full advantage of opportunities to " make a defense before everyone demanding a reason for their hope. ' - 1 Pet. Our prayers to God reveal our thoughts, interests, and desires. Bisambu na beto na Nzambi kemonisaka bangindu na beto, mambu ya kesepedisaka beto, mpi bampusa na beto. Our prayers to God reveal our motives, interests, and desires. Being with older, mature Christians is a blessing to God's people today, especially because there are many new ones. Kuvanda ti Bakristu ya kele bonso bambuta, ya kuyela kele lusakumunu sambu na bantu ya Nzambi bubu yai, mingimingi sambu bantu ya mpa kele mingi mpenza. The presence of mature, full - grown Christians is a blessing to God's people today, particularly because there are so many new ones. Some have rejected recreation or entertainment that is not very wrong but that may damage some of their good habits. Bankaka me buyaka bansaka ya kulutisila ntangu yina kele kibeni mbi ve kansi yina lenda bebisa bikalulu na bo ya nkaka ya mbote. Others avoid certain types of entertainment that are not in themselves wrong but that can fuel personal moral weaknesses. 86: 5. 86: 5. 86: 5. We imitate Jesus by applying his counsel and by taking our teachings from the Scriptures. Beto kelandaka mbandu ya Yezu na ntangu beto kesadilaka bandongisila na yandi mpi ntangu beto kebakaka malongi na beto na Masonuku. We imitate Jesus by applying his counsel and adhering to the Scriptures. Because of their repentance, they were " washed clean " in Jesus ' blood;" God sanctified them, " or set them apart, for his service; and "he accepted them ' in the name of Christ and God's spirit. Sambu bo balulaka ntima na bo, Nzambi " sukulaka ntima na bo ' na menga ya Yezu; " Nzambi kitulaka bo bantu na yandi, ' to yandi tulaka bo na kingenga, sambu na kisalu na yandi; mpi " yandi ndimaka bo ' na zina ya Kristo ti ya mpeve ya Nzambi. Because of their repentance, they were "washed clean " in Jesus ' blood; were" sanctified, " or set apart, for God's service; and were "declared righteous " in Christ's name and with God's spirit. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Ndinga ya Yehowa Kele ya Moyo Jehovah's Word Is Alive What a lesson for Elijah, who endured years under that wicked king's rule! Yo vandaka mpenza dilongi mosi ya nene sambu na Eliya yina kangaka ntima bamvula mingi na nsi ya luyalu ya ntotila yina ya mbi! What a powerful lesson that was for Elijah, who had endured for decades under the rule of that wicked king! God's Word in Old Spain 12 Bo Zabisaka Ndinga ya Nzambi na Espania ya Ntama 12 Making Known the Word of God in Medieval Spain 12 What are they asking for in prayer? Inki bo kelombaka na bisambu? What do they pray for? Some do not accept the truth or become opposers. Bantu yankaka kendimaka ve kyeleka to kekumaka bambeni. Some remain indifferent or become unrelenting opposers. The resurrection is an ancient hope Lufutumuku kele kivuvu mosi ya ntama Resurrection - A Long - Standing Hope What does the Bible promise those who meditate on God's Word daily and apply it? Inki Biblia ke sila bantu yina ke yindululaka Ndinga ya Nzambi konso kilumbu mpi ke sadilaka mambu yango? What does the Bible promise to those who meditate on God's Word daily and who apply what they learn? He will hold them accountable for all their ungodly deeds when they refused to obey him, and he will punish them for all their ungodly deeds. " Yandi ta pesa bo ndola sambu na mambu yonso ya mbi ya bo vandaka kusala ntangu bo buyaka na kulemfuka na yandi, yandi ta pesa bo mpi ndola sambu na mambu yonso ya mbi ya bo vandaka kutuba sambu na yandi. " Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him. " Do not criticize your mate's weaknesses, and do not do them even in sports. Kumonisa ve bifu ya nkwelani na nge na mpenza, kusala yo mpi ve ata na nsaka. Do not expose your mate's weaknesses or harp on his idiosyncrasies - not even jokingly. Christians are admonished to " abstain from idols and from fornication. ' Biblia kelongisila Bakristu na " kubuya bima yina bo mepesa ntete makabu na biteki mpi buya menga mpi kusala ve pite. ' The Bible directs Christians to " abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from fornication. ' The link between these two psalms is seen in the way it was written and in its contents. Kuwakana ya bankunga yai zole kemonana na mutindu yina bo sonikaka yo mpi na mambu yina kele na kati. The complementary nature of these two psalms is seen in their structure as well as in their content. For example, you might ask: " How do you think that everyone knew this about Jehovah? Mu mbandu, nge lenda yula nde: "Inki beno keyindula kana bantu yonso kuzabaka dyambu yai ya metadila Yehowa? For example, you might ask: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if more people knew this about Jehovah? We urge many of us to give prompt attention to serving where the need is greater! Beto ke lomba bampangi mingi na kudipesa kukonda kusukinina na kukwenda kusamuna bisika yina mpusa kele mingi! May many more willing workers start that training soon! I have learned that there are many ways to act. Mono me bakisaka nde mitindu ya kusala mambu kele mingi. I learned that there are different ways of doing things. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE MASOLO YA KULONGUKA 1, 2 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE This is well illustrated by the apostle Paul's illustration recorded in Romans chapter 11 of the book of Romans. Dyambu yai kemonana mbote - mbote na mbandu yina ntumwa Polo kusadilaka ya kele na kapu 11 ya mukanda ya Roma. This is beautifully illustrated by the apostle Paul in chapter 11 of the book of Romans. Whether we have been serving Jehovah for only a few years or have faithfully served him for decades, we have built a life of Christian activities. Ata beto meyantika kusadila Yehowa kaka na bamvula yai to beto kesadilaka yandi na kwikama yonso tuka bamvula mingi, beto metungaka luzingu mosi ya bisalu ya Bukristu. Many of us have suffered persecution, be it imprisonment, ban, brutality, or loss of property. Earth's Earth - A Earthly Authority Bamfumu Yina Tayala Ntoto ya Mvimba The Future Rulers of All the Earth Although he preached at an earlier time, in his teaching, he was able to impress his message on the minds and hearts of his listeners. Ata yandi vandaka kulonga na ntangu yina bantu vandaka kusala ntete ve babuku, na kulonga na yandi, yandi kukaka kukotisa nsangu na yandi na mabanza mpi na ntima ya bawi na yandi. In the era before printed books, he thus imprinted his message indelibly on the minds and hearts of his listeners. Study? Kulonguka? Learned? Today, the earth's inhabitants wholeheartedly agree with David's words: "How good it is to be near to you "! Bubu yai, mafuku ya bantu na ntoto ya mvimba kendimaka na ntima na bo ya mvimba mambu yai ya Davidi kutubaka: "Mbote mpenza na kuvanda penepene na nge Nzambi! " Today, millions worldwide wholeheartedly agree with the psalmist who said: "The drawing near to God is good for me. " I did not want you to commit a sin against me, so I did not allow you to touch him. Mono muntu zolaka ve nde nge sala masumu na meso na mono, yo yina mono pesaka nge nzila ve na kusimba yandi. That is why I did not allow you to touch her. Jesus ' disciples also saw the man, but they saw him as a sinner. Balongoki ya Yezu kumonaka mpi muntu yina, kansi bo monaka yandi bonso muntu ya masumu. Jesus ' disciples also noticed the man but saw him as a sinner. He asked him to study the Bible with my mother. Mpangi Hardaker lombaka na kulonguka Biblia ti mama. He offered my mother a Bible study. He is the ideal Ruler who understands the limitations of his people and gives them a measure of honor. Yandi kele Mfumu ya ntima mbote yina kebakisaka bandilu ya bantu na yandi mpi kepesaka bo mwa lukumu. Just the opposite - he is a compassionate Ruler who understands the limitations of his subjects and affords them a measure of dignity. Rather, it is dignified and self - sacrificing love. Kansi, yo kele ya luzitu mpi ya zola ya kuditambika. Rather, it is one marked by respect and self - sacrificing love. You did not try to make the student return the answers just as you said it would. Nge longi kusosaka ve kutuba mambu na mpila nde longoki kuvutula bamvutu na kuvutukilaka kaka mutindu nge tubaka yo. As a teacher, you do not want merely to present facts for the student to repeat by rote. Jesus spoke of the attitude that his followers should have toward their neighbors. Yezu tubilaka nkadilu yina balongoki na yandi fwete vanda ti yo na bamfinangani na bo. Jesus described the attitude his followers should have toward the world. Similarly, after the resurrection, Jesus commissioned only a few disciples to preach. Mutindu mosi, na nima ya lufutumuku, Yezu pesaka mukumba ya kusamuna na balongoki fioti mpamba. Similarly, Jesus commanded only a relatively small number of his followers - those to whom he appeared after his resurrection - to preach. The Bible provides satisfying answers to life's most important questions Biblia ke pesaka bamvutu ya mbote na bangiufula ya kuluta mfunu ya luzingu The Bible offers satisfying answers to life's most important questions From that momentous day onward, millions of people of all nations have become reconciled to God on the basis of faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Banda na kilumbu yina ya mfunu tii bubu yai, bamilio ya bantu ya makanda yonso mekumaka ti bangwisana ti Nzambi na nsadisa ya lukwikilu na kimenga ya nkudulu ya Yezu. From that historic day until now, millions of people from all nations have been drawn into a relationship with God on the basis of faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Satan is well aware of the weaknesses of imperfect humans, and his evil wisdom is not evident. Satana mezaba mbote kulemba ya bantu ya kukonda kukuka, mpi mayele na yandi ya mbi kemonanaka ve pwelele. Satan knows the weaknesses of the fallen flesh, and his machinations are insidious. Why is the preaching work so urgent today? Sambu na nki kusamuna Kinfumu kesalama kukonda kusukinina bubu yai kuluta bantangu ya ntama? Why is Kingdom preaching more urgent now than ever? If we view God's spirit as something we really need, we will keep asking for it with persistence. Kana beto kemona mpeve ya Nzambi bonso kima yina beto kele mpenza na mfunu na yo, beto talanda na kulomba yo kukonda nsoni. If we view God's spirit as something we urgently need, we are more likely to persist in asking for it. What did Enoch foretell about the wicked? Inki mambu Enoki bikulaka sambu na bantu ya mbi? Enoch foretold what for the ungodly? But Jehovah saw all of this. Kansi Yehowa vandaka kumona mambu yina yonso. But Jehovah was watching. " If you keep busy in congregation activities, you are " about to reach out ' " Kana nge ke kudipesa na bisalu ya dibundu, yo ke monisa nde nge " ke zola ' kubaka mikumba " Reach out ' by sharing with the congregation in various ways 53: 2 - How is a person who does not believe that God exists? 53: 2 - Inki mutindu muntu yina kendima ve nde Nzambi kele, kele " zoba '? 53: 1 - How is the person who denies God's existence "senseless "? Zechariah and Elizabeth, who were privileged to become parents of John the Baptizer, "was righteous before God and keeping all the commandments of Jehovah. " Zakaria ti Elizabeti, yina kuvandaka na dibaku ya kukuma bibuti ya Yoane - Mbotiki, "vandaka bantu ya [lunungu, NW] na meso ya Nzambi. Bo vandaka kulanda mbote - mbote bansiku yonso ya Mfumu Nzambi. " Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had the joyous privilege of becoming the parents of John the Baptizer, "were righteous before God because of walking blamelessly in accord with all the commandments and legal requirements of Jehovah. " No wonder the Bible rejects false religion! Mpila ya kuyituka kele ve na kumona nde Biblia kebuya mpenza dibundu ya luvunu! No wonder the Bible strongly condemns false religion! José María José María José María [ Picture Credit Line on page 10] [ Kifwanisu / bangogo ya kemonisa kisina ya foto ya kele na lutiti 10] [ Picture Credit Line on page 25] insight? mayele ya kubakisa mambu? insight? [ Pictures on page 15] [ Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 25] [ Pictures on page 15] We also draw close to Jehovah when we consider the good things that he has set before mankind in the future. Beto kekwendaka mpi penepene ya Yehowa ntangu beto ketadilaka mambu ya mbote yina yandi kebumbila bantu na bilumbu kekwisa. We are also drawn to Jehovah when we consider what he has in store for humankind. Jesus was soothing to those who were like doves or to a lamp that was about to shed or die. Yezu vandaka kulembika ntima ya bantu yina vandaka bonso bakengi (tubanti) ya kukonika to mwinda ya mafuta yina ke zola kuzima to kufwa. Jesus spoke in a way that lifted the spirits of those who were figuratively like a bruised reed or the wick of an oil lamp about to go out. When we give gifts, we show that we love God and our neighbor. - Matt. Ntangu beto ke pesaka makabu, beto ke monisaka nde beto ke zolaka Nzambi mpi bamfinangani na beto. - Mat. We thus show our love for God and for our neighbors. - Matt. This will help your children to think deeply about what you teach them, to understand it, and to remember it. Yo ta sadisa bana na kuyindula dilongi ya nge ke longa bo, kubakisa yo mbote, mpi kuyibuka yo. This will help them to think about the lesson you are teaching them, to understand it clearly, and to remember it. In time, we had our first son, faith, and 17 months later we were born. Na nima, beto butaka mwana na beto ya ntete, Kimberly, mpi bangonda 17 na nima, beto butaka Stephany. Soon after, our first daughter, Kimberly, was born, and 17 months later, we had Stephany. Jehovah does not want his people to live in extreme poverty; they have long been able to move to a foreign country to leave poverty. Yehowa ke zolaka ve nde bansadi na yandi kuzinga na kinsukami ya ngolo kibeni. Tuka ntama, bantu ke kwendaka na bansi ya nzenza sambu na kukatuka na kinsukami. Jehovah does not want his servants to live in abject poverty, and migration is one of the oldest remedies for poverty. If you have been diagnosed with a blood therapy, ask yourself: Kana yo kelomba nde bo pasula nge to bo sansa nge ti nkisi mosi ya kusala ti menga, kudiyula mutindu yai: If you face surgery or a treatment that might involve a blood product, ask: The conscience makes humans superior to animals. Kansansa ke salaka nde bantu kuluta bambisi. That has been true ever since man has been on the earth. A vision of Isaiah of the Dead Sea Scrolls 2000. Rulo mosi ya Yezaya ya Nzadi - Mungwa ya Kufwa ya bamvula 2000. A 2,000 - year - old Dead Sea Isaiah Scroll. (Read Matthew 5: 39, 44, 45.) (Tanga Matayo 5: 39, 44, 45.) (Read Matthew 5: 39, 44, 45.) Did the ridicule show that Sarah lacked faith? Keti kuseka yina monisaka nde Sara kondaka lukwikilu? Was Sarah's laughter evidence that she lacked faith? Perhaps you wonder if Jehovah has chosen you to live in heaven. Ziku nge ke kudiyulaka kana Yehowa me ponaka nge sambu na kuzinga na zulu. Perhaps you are wondering whether Jehovah has invited you to go to heaven. What symbols did Jesus use, and what does this mean? Inki bidimbu Yezu kusadilaka, mpi nki yo ketendula? What symbols, or emblems, did Jesus use, and what do they mean? The Bible tells Christians not to say "what is bad. " Biblia ke lomba Bakristu na kutuba ve " mambu ya mbi. ' The Bible commands Christians not to use "abusive speech. " So let us always seek the light of the Scriptures, pray for Jehovah's holy spirit, and strive to do his wonderful and perfect purpose when we face difficult circumstances. Yo yina, bika beto sosa ntangu yonso nsemo ya Masonuku, beto lomba mpeve santu ya Yehowa na kisambu, mpi beto sala ngolo sambu na kusala lukanu na yandi ya mbote mpi ya kukuka ntangu ya beto kekutana ti mpasi. As we face new challenges, then, let us seek light from the Scriptures, pray for Jehovah's holy spirit, and do our very best to carry out his good and perfect will. When Apollos arrived in Ephesus, he had already been a zealous preacher of the good news. Ntangu Apolo kumaka kuzinga na Efezo, yandi vandaka dezia nsamuni ya kikesa. When Apollos took up residence in Ephesus, he was already a zealous evangelizer. This force enables Christians to produce "the fruitage of the spirit, " that is, moral cleanness and" holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " Ngolo yai kesadisaka Bakristu na kubuta "mbuma ya mpeve, " disongidila, bikalulu ya mbote ti" bisalu ya bikalulu ya santu mpi bisalu ya kukangama na Nzambi. " This powerful force enables Christians to produce "the fruitage of the spirit " - fine qualities - and" holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion. " Yet, Jesus will work with others to make us perfect. Ata mpidina, Yezu ta sala kumosi ti bantu ya nkaka sambu na kukumisa beto bantu ya kukuka. Jesus will not be alone in raising mankind to perfection, however. It is heartwarming to know that Jehovah will soon arrest Satan so that he can no longer tempt humans. Yo ke pesa kiese mpenza na kuzaba nde, ntama mingi ve Yehowa ta kanga Satana sambu yandi kupukumuna diaka ve bantu. How thankful we can be that Jehovah will soon restrict Satan, preventing him from influencing humans. " Just as a runner does not look for clothes on the feet of a Christian, " said one scholar named Albert Christian, "and should not let anything stop him from running the race for life. " Muntu mosi ya mayele na zina ya Albert Barnes, kutubaka nde: "Kaka mutindu muntu yina kebakaka ntinu kekebaka na kulwata ve bilele yina mekulumuka tii na makulu ntangu yandi kebaka ntinu, Mukristu mpi fwete bika ve nde konso kima yina kukanga yandi nzila sambu na kubaka ntinu ya luzingu. " Scholar Albert Barnes observed: "As a runner would be careful not to encumber himself with a garment which would be apt to wind around his legs in running, and hinder him, so it should be with the Christian, who especially ought to lay aside everything which resembles this. " Today, we have ample opportunity to show brotherly love before the start of the great tribulation. Bubu yai, beto kele ti mabaku mingi ya kumonisa zola ya kimpangi na ntwala nde mpasi ya nene kuyantika. We have many opportunities to show brotherly love even today, before the great tribulation begins. So I had a good meeting, and I was happy to understand the Bible's teachings better! Yo yina, mono landaka lukutakanu mbote mpi mono vandaka na kiese ya kubakisa mbote kibeni malongi ya Biblia! Finally, I could enjoy the program, and it was wonderful at last to understand Bible truth clearly! HOW DOES God's Word help us to understand what it means to be like? INKI MUTINDU ABRAHAMI MONISAKA KIKESA? HOW DID ABRAHAM DISPLAY COURAGE? Jesus did not remain friends of these imperfect humans because he was blind to their shortcomings. Yezu kubikalaka ve nduku ya bantu yai ya kukonda kukuka sambu yandi vandaka kukanga meso na bifu na bo. Jesus did not remain friends with these imperfect men because he was overly indulgent or blind to their imperfections. Read Psalm 45: 4. Tanga Nkunga 45: 4. Read Psalm 45: 3. Now be assured that I am happy and at peace. " Ntangu yai, beno tula ntima nde mu kefwa na kyese mpi na ngemba. " But now you have the assurance that I leave this world in happiness and peace. " We hope that Armageddon will not be destroyed. Beto ketula kivuvu nde bitumba ya Armagedoni tafwa ve bantu bisakasaka. We have the assurance that the destruction at Armageddon will not be random. Then Jesus will be happy to give the slave a second responsibility - to appoint him over all his belongings. Na nima, Yezu ta vanda na kiese ya kupesa mpika mukumba ya zole - kutula yandi na zulu ya bima na yandi yonso. Jesus will then delight in making the second appointment - over all his belongings. • What fruitage does our good conduct produce? • Bikalulu na beto ya mbote kebutaka nki mbuma? • Our good conduct has what effect? As a result, they fled and moved to countries that could be easy for them to study the Bible. Yo yina, bo tinaka mpi kwendaka na bansi yina bo lendaka kulonguka Biblia kukonda mpasi. They wanted to read and study and converse with one another without being told what to think. I continued to attend congregation meetings, where I met a teenager named Stéphane, who was so interested in me. Mono landaka kukwenda na balukutakanu ya dibundu, kisika mono kutanaka ti toko mosi na zina ya Stéphane, yina tudilaka mono dikebi ya mingi. I continued to attend Christian meetings, where one young Witness, Stéphane, took me under his wing. Have you been told that some changes have to make? Keti bo mesongaka nge nde nge fwete sala mwa bansoba? Were you told that you need to make some adjustments? (See box on page 19.) (Tala lupangu yina kele na lutiti 19.) (See box on page 17.) Another key to maintaining peaceful relationships is to use good speech. Kima yankaka ya mfunu ya kesadisaka na kutanina bangwisana ya ngemba ti bankaka kele kusadila kutuba ya mbote. Another key to maintaining peaceful relations with others is using gracious speech. The prophet Isaiah foretold that "in the final part of the days, " all nations would unite themselves to worship Jehovah. Profete Yezaya tubaka nde, "na kitini ya nsuka ya bilumbu, " bantu ya makanda yonso ta vukana sambu na kusambila Yehowa. The prophet Isaiah said that "in the final part of the days, " people from all nations would come together to worship Jehovah. REGULAR FEATURES MASOLO YA KULONGUKA REGULAR FEATURES That spirit is a force from God and is active in men or things to accomplish his will. Mpeve yango kele ngolo yina kekatukaka na Nzambi mpi yo kesalaka na kati ya bantu to bima sambu na kulungisa luzolo na yandi. This spirit is energy from God projected and exerted on people or things to accomplish his will. 15 Did You Know? LUTITI 15 BANKUNGA: 36, 94 15 A Letter From Haiti Jehovah's eyes, who look around everywhere, saw the good in them. " You too exercise patience. " - JAS. Hence, we should not waste our precious time. Meso ya Yehowa yina ke talaka bisika yonso monaka mambu ya mbote yina bo salaka. Their good deeds did not escape Jehovah's roving eyes. He is fully aware of any suffering we suffer. Yo yina, beto fwete bebisa ve ntangu ya mfunu yai ya beto kele na yo. Therefore, let us not waste this precious commodity. " [Jesus] said to them: " Look! Yandi kezabaka mbotembote konso mpasi yina beto kemonaka. He is keenly aware of any suffering we may undergo. How can an elder serve as an example to the flock? " [Yezu] tubilaka bo nde: ..." " [Jesus] said to them: ..." Mary and I enjoy the lessons we have learned from faithful brothers and sisters. Inki mutindu nkuluntu lenda vanda mbandu sambu na kibuka? How may an elder be an example to the flock? They were righteous before God and gave them the hope of a resurrection. Mono ti Mary ke sepelaka mingi na malongi yina beto me bakaka na bambandu ya bampangi ya kwikama. Over the years, association with faithful brothers has greatly enriched our lives. May all of us, young and old, carefully study God's Word, meditate on what we learn, and regularly endeavor to draw close to Jehovah. Bo vandaka bantu ya lunungu na meso ya Nzambi mpi yandi pesaka bo kivuvu ya lufutumuku. They enjoyed a righteous standing with God and were given the hope of a resurrection. So when everyone bowed down, they kept standing. Yo yina, bika beto yonso, baleke ti bambuta, kulonguka Ndinga ya Nzambi na dikebi yonso, kuyindulula na mambu ya beto kelonguka, mpi kusala mbala na mbala bisambu ya masonga sambu na kupusana penepene na Yehowa. Therefore, let us, young and old, apply ourselves diligently in studying God's Word, meditating on what we learn, and drawing close to Jehovah in regular and heartfelt prayers. It was not easy for Jacob to give them Benjamin to go with him to Egypt. Yo yina ntangu bantu yonso kufukamaka, bo bikalaka kaka ya kutelama. So when everyone else bowed down, they remained standing. Clearly, he made the right choice, even though he at times faced physical hardships in his life. Yo vandaka pete ve sambu bo ndimisa Yakobi na kupesa bo Benyamini sambu bo kwenda ti yandi na Ezipte. He also had money concealed in the bags of food that they took home. The next day, a caring soldier gave me bread, water, and cold clothing. Yo ke pwelele nde yandi salaka nsola ya mbote, ata bantangu yankaka yandi vandaka kukutana ti bampasi ya kinsuni na luzingu na yandi. He clearly made the right choice, although his life was sometimes hard from a material standpoint. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. (Bafil 4: 7) Kilumbu yina landaka, soda mosi ya ntima - mbote pesaka mono dimpa, masa mpi lele ya madidi. The following day, a kindly soldier gave me bread and water and an overcoat. During family worship, you can mention what we read in Exodus chapters 12 - 15 and show how Jehovah delivered his people. yina Bambangi ya Yehowa me basisaka. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. How courageous it would have been to write such a letter! Na Lusambu ya Dibuta, nge lenda tubila mambu yina beto ke tangaka na Kubasika bakapu 12 - 15 mpi kumonisa mutindu Yehowa gulusaka bansadi na yandi. You certainly can include in a Family Worship discussion what we read in Exodus chapters 12 - 15 and stress how Jehovah delivered his people. He is everlasting life in heaven for anointed Christians and on earth for others who are running the race. Yo lombaka kuvanda kikesa mpenza sambu na kusonikila prezida mukanda ya mutindu yai! Bold words those! In addition to our secular activities, we have many spiritual things. Nsendo kele luzingu ya mvula na mvula na zulu sambu na Bakristu yina bo me tulaka mafuta, mpi na ntoto sambu na bantu ya nkaka yina ke baka ntinu. The prize is everlasting life, either in heaven for anointed Christians or on earth for the rest of the participants. 6: 9. Katula bisalu na beto ya kinsuni, beto kele ti mambu ya kimpeve mingi ya kusala. In addition to our secular obligations, we have many things of a spiritual nature to attend to. The Kingdom Hall is organized and cleaning. 6: 9. 6: 9. Are Jesus raised up in Heavenly Heaven? Bo ke yidikaka Nzo ya Kimfumu mpi ke tulaka bunkete. They also work hard to repair the Kingdom Hall and keep it clean. 1, 2. (a) Why does Satan not feel sorry for the anointed and the "other sheep "? Keti Yezu Fwaka na Zulu ya Kulunsi? Did Jesus Die on a Cross? ▪ Do You Have "the Meaning "? 1, 2. (a) Sambu na nki Satana kevandaka ve na mawa sambu na bapakulami mpi "mameme yankaka "? 1, 2. (a) Why does Satan not have compassion for the anointed and the "other sheep "? He recalls this about his father: "The Father was mild - tempered. ▪ Keti Nge Ke "Bakisa Ntendula "? ▪ Do You "Grasp the Meaning "? [ Picture on page 29] Yandi keyibuka mambu yai sambu na yina metala tata na yandi: "Tata kuvandaka muntu ya mawete. I don't ever remember having an argument with him - even when I was a teenager. Yes, our firm resolve to live up to our dedication will protect us from the snares of Satan's world, which are spiritually sick, mentally, and physically. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 29] [ Picture on page 21] It is important to trust in God, not only when a family member wants to die but also under the death of a loved one. Ya kyeleka, lukanu na beto ya ngolo ya kuzitisa kudipesa na beto tatanina beto na mitambu ya inza ya Satana, yina kele ya kubela na kimpeve, na mabanza, mpi na nitu. Indeed, our firm determination to live up to our dedication will protect us from the trappings of Satan's world that is sick spiritually, morally, and physically. YEAR BORN: 40, 40 Yo kele mfunu na kutudila Nzambi ntima, kaka ve ntangu muntu mosi ya dibuta ke zola kufwa kansi mpi na ntangu ya mpasi yina ke vandaka na nima ya lufwa ya muntu yango. Relying upon God is essential - not only during the terminal illness of a family member but also during the grief that comes following death. Paul told congregation members how they should view such brothers. MVULA: 40 AGE: 40 Worldwide, Jehovah's Witnesses offer their lips free of charge Polo zabisaka bampangi ya dibundu mutindu bo fwete tadila bampangi ya mutindu yina. How was the congregation to deal with such a person? These articles are designed to help you pray - to help you start praying or to make God hear your prayers. Na ntoto ya mvimba, Bambangi ya Yehowa kepesaka makabu ya bikobo na bo kukonda kulomba mbongo Worldwide, Jehovah's Witnesses freely offer sacrifices of praise A brother named Bill encouraged me to do the same and to work along with my brothers and sisters. Masolo yai kele ti lukanu ya kusadisa nge na kusamba - kusadisa nge na kuyantika kusamba to kusala na mpila nde Nzambi kuwa bisambu na nge. These articles are designed to help you to pray - to begin praying or to make your prayers more effective. Of course, it means that we must always have our literature - whether at home, at work, at school, in store, or where we go. - 1 Peter 3: 15. Mpangi Bill Yacos siamisaka mono na kusala mutindu mosi mpi kusamuna kumosi ti bampangi ya babakala ti ya bankento. Bill Yacos encouraged me to do the same and to work along with the brothers and sisters in the field ministry. Let us strive to imitate faithful Christians in helping people to break free. Ya kyeleka, yo ketendula nde beto fwete vandaka ntangu yonso ti mikanda bisika yonso ya beto kele, yo vanda na nzo, na kisalu, na nzo - nkanda, na magazini, to na bisika ya beto kekwendaka kulenga. - 1 Piere 3: 15. Of course, this would recommend that we always have some form of literature with us no matter where we may be - at home, at work, in school, at the store, or at places of recreation. - 1 Peter 3: 15. We too feel Jehovah's command to preach. Bika beto sala bikesa sambu na kulanda mbandu ya Bakristu ya kwikama na yina me tala kusadisa bantu na kukatuka na kimpika. We can guide them. By all means, then, in imitation of our brothers in the past century, let us do all we can to help them get free! 24: 21. Beto mpi kewaka mutindu Yehowa kelombaka beto na kusamuna. We too hear Jehovah's commission to preach. What did Jesus require of people to do, and what did their answers reveal? 24: 21. 24: 21. Unlike the Bible examples we have considered, consider the positive attitude that the apostle Paul had: "I run toward the goal for the prize, namely, that we should live in the heavens with the help of Christ Jesus. " Inki mambu Yezu lombaka bantu na kusala mpi bamvutu na bo monisaka nki? What invitation did Jesus extend to some men, and what was revealed by their reactions? He took two teachers to train his son Nero to become a run. Na kuswaswana ti bambandu ya Biblia ya beto mekatuka kutanga, tadila nkadilu ya mbote yina ntumwa Polo kuvandaka na yo: "Mono [kelanda na kubaka, NW] ntinu sambu na kubaka matabisi, matabisi yango yo yai: Nzambi ke sosaka beto na kuzinga na zulu, na lusadisu ya Yesu Kristo. " In contrast to the above Biblical examples, consider the positive attitude that the apostle Paul had: "I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus. " But "Jehovah's day will come as a thief. " Agrippine bakaka balongi zole sambu na kupesa mwana na yandi Nero formasio sambu na kukuma ntinu. Agrippina groomed her young son, Nero, for the role of emperor under the direction of two tutors. How I do love your law! Kansi " kilumbu ya Yehowa takwisa mutindu muyibi kekwisaka. ' But "Jehovah's day will come as a thief. " For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. " Mono ke zolaka bansiku na nge mingi! How I do love your law! (Read Ephesians 2: 2, 3; 1 John 2: 16.) Kansi beno, Tata na beno yina kele na zulu kuzaba nde beno ke na mfunu ya bima yina yonso. " For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. " 1 - 3. (a) What is a symbol of fear during these last days, and what does this mean? (Tanga Baefezo 2: 2, 3; 1 Yoane 2: 16.) (Read Ephesians 2: 2, 3; 1 John 2: 16.) Noah's warnings were ignored 1 - 3. (a) Inki kele kidimbu ya kepesa boma na bilumbu yai ya nsuka mpi yo ketendula nki? 1 - 3. (a) What is an ominous sign of the times, and what does it involve? 14, 15. (a) How have many shown that they cherish their privilege of service? Bantu tulaka ve dikebi na balukebisu ya Noa People gave no heed to Noah's warning We need to turn to Jehovah in prayer "with a complete heart and with firm conviction. " 14, 15. (a) Inki mutindu bampangi mingi me monisaka nde bo ke bakaka na mbalu dibaku na bo ya kusala konso kisalu yina Yehowa ke pesa bo? 14, 15. (a) How have many shown that they cherish the privilege of working with Jehovah, whatever that work may be? Others respond favorably only when they are under pressure. Mbala na mbala, beto fwete pusanaka na Yehowa na nzila ya kisambu "ti ntima mosi ya kieleka, ti lukwikilu ya ngolo. " We must regularly approach Jehovah in prayer "with true hearts in the full assurance of faith. " Hence, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world know that Nisan 14, April 14, 2014, after sundown. Bantu ya nkaka ke ndimaka bandongisila kaka kana bantu me pusa bo na ngolo. Some listen to advice only because they have to. Our goal, Jehovah's Witnesses, is to preach the good news to as many as possible before the end comes. Yo yina, mabundu ya Bambangi ya Yehowa na ntoto ya mvimba me zaba nde kilumbu ya 14 Nisani ta yantika na Kintete, Aprili 14, 2014 na nima ya kudinda ya ntangu. Hence, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses around the earth have been informed that Nisan 14 will begin at sunset on Monday, April 14, 2014. Since "all Scripture is inspired of God, " you will find God's answers to his Word, the Bible. Lukanu na beto, Bambangi ya Yehowa, kele ya kusamuna nsangu ya mbote na bantu mingi kibeni na ntwala nde nsuka kukwisa. As Jehovah's Witnesses, our goal is to preach the good news to as many people as possible before the end comes. IMITATE THEIR FAITH IMITATE THEIR FAITH Sambu "Masonuku yonso kele ya kupemama na Nzambi, " nge ta mona bamvutu yina Nzambi ke pesa na Ndinga na yandi, Biblia. Since "all Scripture is inspired of God, " you will find the answers God gives in his Word, the Bible. I have read many things about them and are seen in my eyes as if they were still alive. LANDA MBANDU YA LUKWIKILU NA BO | ABELE IMITATE THEIR FAITH | ABEL Joel saw in a vision a vision of the bones, the locusts, and the human family. Mono metangaka mambu mingi ya metala bo mpi bo kemonanaka na meso na mono bonso nde bo kele dyaka na luzingu. I have read so much about them that they seem almost alive to me. We should strive to find the courage to speak to people wherever we may encounter them. Yoele kumonaka na mbonameso mikwati, bampasu, mpi bampese mekotila bantu. Invasion by the caterpillar, the locust, and the cockroach is what Joel sees in vision. (b) What will we consider in this article? Beto fwete sala ngolo sambu na kuzwa kikesa ya kutuba na bantu na konso kisika yina beto lenda kutana ti bo. We might find it necessary to muster up extra boldness to speak to people in informal settings. You, the one preaching " Do not steal, ' do you steal? (b) Inki beto ta longuka na disolo yai? (b) What will we consider in this article? Why should we pay attention to the messages of Haggai and Zechariah? Nge muntu ke longaka nde muntu lenda kuyiba ve, sambu na nki nge ke yibaka? You, the one preaching " Do not steal, ' do you steal? Over the years, Jehovah's Witnesses today have become a ministerial servant in the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sambu na nki beto fwete tudila bansangu ya Agai ti Zakaria dikebi? Why should Haggai and Zechariah's messages be of interest to us? 4, 5. Bamvula mingi meluta, mpi bubu yai Marc mekumaka nsadi ya kisalu na dibundu ya Bambangi ya Yehowa. Many years have passed, and Marc is now serving as a ministerial servant in the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. 2, 3. 4, 5. 4, 5. Referring to false prophets, John warned: "Every inspired word that believes that Jesus Christ came into the flesh, comes from God. 2, 3. 2, 3. But how should he do so? Ntangu Yoane tubilaka baprofete ya luvunu, yandi kebisaka nde: "Konso ngogo ya kupemama yina ke ndimaka nde Yezu Kristu kwisaka na nitu ya kinsuni, me katuka na Nzambi. Speaking about false prophets, he warned: "Every inspired statement that acknowledges Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with God. (b) Why can it be said that Jonah eventually viewed the Ninevites as Jehovah? Kansi nki mutindu yandi fwete sala yo? But how should he go about it? Our gratitude for the ransom will also move us to serve Jehovah joyfully. (b) Sambu na nki beto lenda tuba nde nsukansuka, Yonasi kutadilaka bantu ya Ninive bonso Yehowa? (b) Why can we assume that Jonah eventually adopted Jehovah's view of the Ninevites? For example, a parent wrote to us that our son speaks badly at the Kingdom Hall. Ntonda na beto sambu na nkudulu ta pusa beto mpi na kusadila Yehowa na kiese. And our gratitude for the ransom will motivate us to serve Jehovah joyfully. But imagine how Abraham felt when he was told: "Go, please, and see the whole earth that I have given you! " - Genesis 13: 17. Mu mbandu, kibuti mosi sonikilaka beto na mukanda nde mwana na beto ke tuba mambu ya mbi na Nzo ya Kimfumu. For example, a parent wrote us a note informing us that one of our boys was saying bad words in the Kingdom Hall. Highlights From Mark, 2 / 15 Kansi yindula mutindu Abrahami kudiwaka ntangu Nzambi kuzabisaka yandi nde: "Ntangu yai, kwenda nge tala ntoto yonso sambu mono me pesa nge yo "! - Kuyantika 13: 17. But imagine how Abraham must have felt after God told him: "Get up, go about in the land through its length and through its breadth, because to you I am going to give it "! - Genesis 13: 17. " Your heavenly Father gives them food " Bangindu ya Mfunu ya Marko, 2 / 1 Highlights From Mark, 2 / 15 Jehovah's organization is made up of his heavenly creatures. " Tata na beno yina kele na zulu ke pesaka bo madia " " Your heavenly Father feeds them " (b) What has caused some Christians to lose their faith? Organizasio ya Yehowa ya mesalama na bigangwa na yandi ya zulu. Jehovah's organization of heavenly creatures. Because during the reign of David and Solomon, the king of Tyre enjoyed good relations with Israel. (b) Inki mesalaka nde Bakristu yankaka kuvidisa lukwikilu na bo? (b) What has caused some to lose their faith? Peter, John, and James saw the transfiguration. Sambu na nsungi ya luyalu ya Davidi ti Salomo, ntotila ya Tire kuvandaka ti bangwisana ya mbote ti Izraele. Because during the reigns of David and Solomon, Tyre's king was friendly toward Israel. 1: 3. Piere, Yoane, mpi Yakobo kumonaka lukituku. Peter, John, and James witnessed the transfiguration. SONGS: 127, 101 1: 3. 1: 3. Our parents worked hard, and they were sincere people who loved others. BANKUNGA: 127, 101 SONGS: 127, 101 Without fear, John said: "I obey my mother. " Bibuti na beto vandaka kusala kisalu ya ngolo mpi bo vandaka bantu ya masonga yina vandaka kuzola ba nkaka. My parents were hardworking, honest people with a love for others. • How does the prophecy of Amos show that Jehovah's judgment strikes only deserving ones? Kukonda boma, Yoane kutubaka nde: "Mu fwe lemfukila mama na munu. " John, although unafraid, said, "I just have to listen to my mother. " He gives you advice through principles you can apply in your life. • Inki mutindu mbikudulu ya Amosi kemonisa nde ndola ya Yehowa kekuminaka kaka bantu yina mefwana na kubaka yo? • How does the prophecy of Amos show that Jehovah's adverse judgments are always deserved? If we do not, we will pursue a course of life that will only cause us much sorrow. - 2 Tim. Yandi ke pesaka nge bandongisila na nzila ya minsiku yina nge lenda sadila na mambu yina nge ke kutanaka ti yo na luzingu na nge. He provides advice in the form of principles that you can apply in your unique circumstances. Joshua was appointed by God. Urim and Thummim, 6 / 1 How can a watchman keep on the watch? Kana beto sala mpidina ve, beto ta landa mutindu ya luzingu yina ta pesaka beto kaka mawa mingi na ntima. - 2 Tim. Otherwise, we could be continuing in a way of life that may result in even more regrets. - 2 Tim. What a happy marriage that will be! Nzambi kuponaka Yozue. Joshua was chosen. So no matter how difficult it may be, why not reflect on what is right and what is good when it is possible? Inki mutindu santinele lenda vanda kaka meso ya kukangula? How can a watchman stay awake? Each lesson contains a number of scriptures. Makwela yai ta vanda dibaku mosi ya kiese kibeni! What a joyful occasion that marriage will be! But where can we be confident? Yo yina, ata yo lenda vanda mpasi, sambu na nki ve kuyindula mambu ya mbote mpi ya kitoko kana mpila kele? So, hard though it may be, why not try to dwell on positive, pleasant things whenever possible? Paul identified one reason when writing to the Christians in Rome. Konso dilongi kele ti baverse mingi na kati. Each lesson contains numerous scriptures. Remember Jesus ' words about how we can distinguish right from wrong. Kansi na wapi dyaka beto lenda tula ntima? But where else can we look? Will we continue to love Jehovah more? Polo kumonisaka kikuma mosi ntangu yandi sonikilaka Bakristu ya mbanza Roma. Paul revealed one reason when writing to fellow Christians in the city of Rome. These articles discuss the role that the holy spirit plays in our ministry. Kuvila ve bangogo ya Yezu ya ketadila mutindu beto lenda swaswanisa dibundu ya mbote ti ya mbi. Keep in mind Jesus ' words regarding how we can distinguish good religion from bad. In the second article, we will discuss how to strengthen spiritual armor in marriage. Keti beto ta landa kuzola Yehowa mingi? Will our love for Jehovah stay strong? This underscores the importance of causing our understanding of the truth to be equal to the truth that Jehovah reveals through his Word and the faithful and discreet slave class. Masolo yai ketubila mukumba yina mpeve santu kelungisaka na kisalu na beto ya kusamuna. In fact, Satan, "the ruler of the authority of the air, " has completely damaged the whole world with the spirit of disobedience. Na disolo ya zole, beto ta tubila mutindu ya kukumisa binwaninu ya kimpeve ngolo na kati ya makwela. The second article will examine how to fortify the spiritual defenses of a marriage. They feel that everything has been going on as long as it had been. Dyambu yai kemonisa mfunu ya kusala nde mutindu na beto ya kubakisa kyeleka kuvanda nivo mosi ti kyeleka yina Yehowa kemonisa na nsadisa ya Ndinga na yandi mpi ya kimvuka ya mpika ya kwikama mpi ya mayele. This points to the importance of keeping up with our understanding of the truth as revealed by Jehovah through his Word and through the faithful and discreet slave class. Christians Reflect Jehovah's Glory Ya kyeleka, beto lenda tuba nde Satana, "mfumu yina ke yalaka bampeve kele na mupepe, " mebebisa mpenza nsi - ntoto ya mvimba ti mpeve ya kukonda kulemfuka. Others taught that the expression "the friend " and" brother " were to be used only to Jews, hating non - Jews. Bo keyindula nde mambu yonso kelanda na kusalama mutindu yo vandaka kusalama banda ntama. They reason that everything is continuing on as it did in the past. Today, there are many people with the attitude that these three brothers had toward becoming Witnesses. Bakristu Kemonisaka Lukumu ya Yehowa These writings show not only Jehovah's purpose to produce a seed who will undo harm but also the Law that God gave to the nation of Israel through Moses in 1513 B.C.E. Bankaka vandaka kulonga nde bo fwete sadila bangogo "nduku " mpi" mpangi " kaka na Bayuda, mpi kuyina bantu yina kuvandaka Bayuda ve. Some taught that the terms "friend " and" neighbor " applied only to Jews. Non - Jews were to be hated. He wants us to become his slaves by tempting us to follow his wicked world. Bubu yai, bantu mingi ke vandaka ti bikalulu yina bampangi yai tatu vandaka na yo na ntwala ya kukuma Bambangi. A sister living in central Europe admits: "I was prejudiced, and I hated anyone who was of a different nationality or who had a religion that was different from mine. " Lessons for Us: Mikanda yai kemonisaka kaka ve lukanu ya Yehowa ya kubasisa nkuna yina takatula mambi, kansi mpi Bansiku yina Nzambi kupesaka na dikanda ya Izraele na nzila ya Moize na mvu 1513 N.T.B. Besides revealing Jehovah's purpose to produce a seed that would do away with evil, these books set out the Law given by God to the nation of Israel through Moses in 1513 B.C.E. The Bible shows that God's Kingdom began ruling in heaven in 1914. Yandi ke zola nde beto kuma bampika na yandi na mutindu yandi ke pukumunaka beto na kulanda nsi - ntoto na yandi ya mbi. He seeks to enslave us by tempting us to give in to his corrupting influence. Moreover, he supports her husband when he gives counsel and discipline to children. Malongi Sambu na Beto: Lessons for Us: Is that not true? Biblia ke monisa nde Kimfumu ya Nzambi yantikaka kuyala na zulu na 1914. The Bible shows that God's Kingdom began to rule in heaven in 1914. That approach is not only fine enough but it alone teaches many lessons, even causing children to ask questions. Dyaka, yandi kesadisaka bakala na yandi ntangu bakala kepesaka bana ndongisila mpi disipline. Moreover, she is supportive of her husband when he gives counsel and discipline to their children. Who is the true prophet, and why was Moses one of those prophets? Keti dibanza yai kele kieleka? But does that argument make sense? They may also have added details to what was stated by the laws, as did Jesus ' contemporaries, by promoting false stories and traditions. - Mark 7: 2, 3, 5, 15; 1 Timothy 4: 3. Bifwanisu yango kele kaka kitoko ve kansi yo mosi kelongaka malongi mingi, to nkutu yo kepusaka bana na kuyula bangyufula. " Not only are the pictures appealing but they teach lessons on their own, or at least cause children to ask questions. Nevertheless, Jesus helps us to understand that more than ever before speaking "with long prayer " and repeated words in Jehovah's eyes. Profete ya kyeleka kele nani, mpi sambu na nki Moize kuvandaka mosi na kati ya baprofete yango? What is a true prophet, and why was Moses one? Despite the joy of sharing in spiritual conversations and appreciation for what he learns, he asks: "I'm not really able to spend all the time on it. Yo lenda vanda mpi nde bo vandaka kuyika mambu yankaka na mambu yina bansiku vandaka kutuba, mutindu bantu ya ntangu ya Yezu vandaka kusala, na mpila bo vandaka kusyamisa masolo ya luvunu ya Bayuda mpi bansiku ya bantu. - Marko 7: 2, 3, 5, 15; 1 Timoteo 4: 3. They may even have been embellishing what the Law said, as did their predecessors in Jesus ' day, as well as advocating Jewish fables and human commandments. - Mark 7: 2, 3, 5, 15; 1 Timothy 4: 3. I will cry out in my distress, and my heart is sick. " - Lamentations 1: 12, 22. Kansi, bo kekudikusa. Ata mpidina, Yezu kesadisa beto na kubakisa nde kutuba mambu mingi na " bisambu ya nda ' mpi kuvutukila bangogo mbala na mbala kele na mfunu ve na meso ya Yehowa. But Jesus helps us to realize that the "use of many words " in long and repetitious prayers is of no value from Jehovah's standpoint. (b) Why may Matthew 10: 29 refer to the type of Greek word meaning "little sparrows "? Ata Jerry kesepelaka na kuta masolo ya mambu ya kimpeve mpi kebakaka mambu ya yandi kelongukaka na valere, yandi kebokuta nde: "Mu kezwaka mpenza ve ntangu ya kudipesa na yo mvimba. While Jerry enjoys conversations on spiritual subjects and values what he learns from them, he laments: "I just do not have the time to engage in them consistently. Artaxerxes F. - 475 - 24 B.C.E. Mono ke dila ngolo na mpasi na mono, ntima na mono ke bela. " - Mawa 1: 12, 22. For my sighs are many, and my heart is ill. " - Lamentations 1: 12, 22. After he was arrested, Jesus has been accused of being accused of law - abiding judges, Pontius Pilate's execution, the priests and the mob. (b) Yo kemonana nde sambu na nki Matayo 10: 29 kesadila mutindu ya ngogo ya Kigreki yina ketendula "bamwano ya fyoti kibeni "? (b) Why, evidently, does Matthew 10: 29 use the diminutive form of the Greek word for "sparrows "? All humans get sick, grow old, and die. Artazeresesi Diboko - Nda 475 - 24 N.T.B. Artaxerxes Longimanus 475 - 24 B.C.E. As dedicated Witnesses, we recognize that we have the truth and know that we have the privilege of preaching to others about the good news of God's Kingdom. Na nima ya kukanga yandi, bo mefunda Yezu na bikuma ya luvunu, bazuzi ya kukonda masonga mendima nde yandi mevweza nsiku, Ponce Pilate mezengila yandi nkanu ya lufwa, banganga - Nzambi ti kibuka ya bantu keseka yandi, basoda mpi keseka mpi kebula yandi. Following his arrest, Jesus is accused by false witnesses, convicted by biased judges, sentenced by Pontius Pilate, derided by priests and mobs, and mocked and tortured by soldiers. WHAT he said about him is that he is "the son of Caesar. " Bantu yonso ke belaka, ke nunaka mpi ke fwaka. All mankind is mortal, subject to the scourge of sickness, old age, and death. People felt drawn to Jesus. Sambu beto kele Bambangi yina me kudipesaka na Yehowa, beto ke ndimaka nde beto kele na kieleka mpi beto ke zabaka nde beto kele na dibaku ya kulonga bantu ya nkaka nsangu ya mbote ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi yina ke yala. As dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah, we are convinced that we have the truth and are aware of our privilege to teach others the good news of God's Kingdom rule. He and Philip "went off into the water " and then" came up into the water. " MAMBU ya yandi tubaka kaka sambu na yandi kele nde yandi kele "Yoele mwana ya Petuele. " ALL he tells about himself is that he is "Joel the son of Pethuel. " Christendom's clergy provide a wide range of information about God's Kingdom. Bantu vandaka kuwa nzala ya kukwenda mfinama na Yezu. People felt drawn to Jesus. • How can we benefit from Jesus ' training to his disciples? Yandi ti Filipo " kukotaka na masa ' mpi na nima bo "basikaka " na masa. He and Philip "went down into the water " and then came" up out of " it. For years, I loved sports, but my new friends have moved me to love it even more. Bamfumu ya mabundu ya Kikristu kepesaka bantendula ya kuswaswana, ya kevwalangasaka mabanza, mpi ya mpasi na yina metala Kimfumu ya Nzambi. Christendom's leaders offer conflicting, confusing, and complicated explanations as to what the Kingdom is. " The crowds are in darkness... because of their hard heart. " - 4: 18, 19. • Inki mutindu beto lenda baka mambote ya formasio yina Yezu kupesaka balongoki na yandi? • How can we benefit from the training Jesus gave his disciples? (b) How is the Sermon on the Mount a fine example of Jesus ' simple words? Banda ntama, mono vandaka kuzola nsaka ya nkweso, kansi banduku na mono ya mpa pusaka mono na kuzola yo diaka mingi. I had always liked soccer, but under the influence of my new associates, I became a true fanatic. Branch offices were appointed to take the lead in the preaching work in their territories. " [Makanda] kele na mudidi na mabanza,... sambu na bantima na bo ya ngolo. " - 4: 18, 19. " [The nations] are in darkness mentally,... because of the insensibility of their hearts. " - 4: 18, 19. " To the older man in Bethel, " says the Bible, "his sons came to tell him everything " that happened on that morning. (b) Inki mutindu Disolo na zulu ya Ngumba kele mbandu ya mbote ya kesonga bangogo ya kukonda mpasi yina Yezu kulongilaka? (b) How is the Sermon on the Mount an example of the simplicity with which Jesus taught? But what can we learn from all the offerings and sacrifices found in the Law? Bo ponaka Bakomite ya Bafiliale sambu bo twadisa kisalu na bateritware na bo. (Read Romans 1: 20.) Biblia ketuba nde: "Kuvandaka na profete ya mbuta na bwala Betele. Bana na yandi kwisaka kusonga yandi mambu yonso " yina kusalamaka na kilumbu yina na suka. " A certain old prophet was dwelling in Bethel, " states the Bible, "and his sons now came in and related to him " all that had taken place earlier that day. What a shameful situation! Kansi, ngyufula kele nde, inki " malongi ' mpi "kikesa " beto lenda baka na kati ya mambu yonso ya ketala makabu ti bimenga yina kele na Nsiku? The question, then, is, What "instruction " and" comfort " can we glean from that body of information in the Law regarding offerings and sacrifices? Illustrate. (Tanga Roma 1: 20.) (Read Romans 1: 20.) When we symbolize our dedication to God by water baptism, we die in harmony with our former circumstances, not our will. Yai dikambu ya nsoni mpenza! What a disgrace! We have seen that the early Christians were already persecuted because they refused to stop preaching in Jesus ' name. Pesa mbandu. Illustrate. The Great Potter is our Father. Ntangu beto kemonisaka kidimbu ya kudipesa na beto na Nzambi na mbotika ya masa, beto kefwaka na kuwakana ti luzingu na beto ya ntama kansi luzolo na beto kefwaka ve. When we symbolize our dedication to God by undergoing water baptism, we die with respect to our past course of life but not with respect to our own will. Angels help those who engage in spiritual harvest Beto memona dezia nde Bayuda kumonisaka Bakristu ya ntete mpasi sambu bo buyaka kuyambula kusamuna na zina ya Yezu. We have already seen that the early Christians were persecuted because they refused to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. Today, many prayers of God's people go to Jehovah daily. Muwumbi ya Nene kele Tata na beto. The Great Potter is our Father. Regarding this love, Paul said: "Love is long - suffering and kind. " Bawanzio kesadisaka bantu yina kesalaka kisalu ya kukatula bambuma ya kimpeve We plant and water, but God makes it grow We often wait for it if we know that what we long for is more important, even when and that eventually we will find it. Bubu yai, bisambu mingi ya bansadi ya Nzambi ke kwendaka na Yehowa konso kilumbu. Today, the acceptable prayers of God's servants ascend to Jehovah daily. (Psalm 13: 1 - 35: 10) Sambu na yina metala zola yai Polo kutubaka nde: " Zola kekangaka ntima mpi yo kevandaka mbote. ' And concerning this love, Paul said: "Love is long - suffering and kind. " In some cultures, respect should be avoided when the invitation is first and second. Mbala mingi beto kekingaka kukonda mpasi kana beto kezaba nde kima ya beto kekinga kele mfunu mingi, ata ntangu kuluta mpi nde nsukansuka beto tazwa yo kaka. We normally find waiting easier if we are convinced that what we are waiting for is worth the delay and that it really will come eventually. 4 2016. (Yezaya 13: 1 - 35: 10) (Isaiah 13: 1 - 35: 10) For example, he promised Abraham that his descendants would live in the Promised Land. Na bisika ya nkaka, bantu fwete buya na luzitu yonso ntangu muntu me bingisa bo na mbala ya ntete mpi ya zole. And in some cultures, it is expected that guests politely decline the first invitation or two; in others, to decline comes across as unappreciative. We didn't have a lot of goods. For I shall without fail furnish you an escape...; and you will certainly come to have your soul as a spoil, because you have trusted in me. " 11: 41, 42; Ps. No. 4 2016 ya Kifalansa. No. 4 2016. Because I wanted to see each other, I learned to work, fight, and use weapons. Mu mbandu, yandi silaka Abrahami nde bantekolo na yandi ta zinga na Ntoto ya Lusilu. For example, he promised Abraham that his descendants would live in the Promised Land. Very likely, that symbolic sign remained in their minds like something beautiful. - Genesis 9: 12 - 17. Beto vandaka ve kudisosila bima ya nene. We never looked for great things for ourselves. We can rely on the only One in authority to explain this, our Creator. 11: 41, 42; Nk. We too can have confidence that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer. " - John 11: 41, 42; Ps. Of course, it is normal to grieve the deceased. Sambu mono zolaka kumonina bantu ya nkaka, mono longukaka kusala bokse, kunwana mpi kusadila minduki. Since I liked to dominate others, I learned boxing, wrestling, and martial arts, as well as how to use weapons. (b) What have certain branch offices said about those from abroad who moved to serve in their territory? Ntembe kele ve nde, kidimbu yina ya mikubu mingi bikalaka na mabanza na bo bonso kima mosi ya kitoko. - Kuyantika 9: 12 - 17. That memorable and colorful symbol must have stood out in their minds as strikingly beautiful. - Genesis 9: 12 - 17. For example, the church head John Wycliffe, from the fourth century, saw the Bible as "a perfect law. " Beto lenda tula ntima na Muntu mosi kaka yina kele na kiyeka ya kufwana na kutendula dyambu yai, Ngangi na beto. The only one who can speak on the matter with reliable authority is our Creator. They took wives, producing children called Nephilim. Ya kyeleka, yo kele mbi ve na kumonisa mawa sambu na muntu yina mefwa. Of course, grieving over a person who has died is normal. First, we need to bear in mind the words of Proverbs 27: 11: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " (b) Inki mambu bafiliale yankaka kutubaka sambu na bampangi ya bansi ya banzenza yina mekwendaka kusala na bateritware na bo? (b) What did some branch offices say about those from abroad who serve in the branch territory? He was talking about the head of the family, especially the father. Mu mbandu, mfumu ya dibundu John Wycliffe, muntu ya Angleterre ya mvu - nkama ya kumi na iya, kumonaka Biblia bonso "nsiku ya kyeleka ya kukonda kifu. " Fourteenth - century English cleric John Wycliffe, for example, viewed the Bible as "the infallible rule of truth. " He may have felt abandoned by Jehovah. Bo bakaka bankento, yina kubutaka bana ya bo bingaka nde Banefilime. They took wives, who gave birth to hybrid offspring called Nephilim. When God's Kingdom began ruling in 1914, war broke out in heaven. Ntetentete, beto fwete vila ve bangogo yina kele na Bingana 27: 11: "Mwana na mono, vanda mayele, ebuna mono ta mona kiese; mpidina konso muntu yina ta tonga mono, mono ta zaba kupesa yandi mvutu. " First and foremost, we should keep in mind the words of Proverbs 27: 11: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " (Read Isaiah 65: 21 - 25.) Yandi vandaka kutubila mfumu ya dibuta, mingimingi tata. It was the family head, usually the father. Some 6,000 people carefully listened to Brother Knorr's discourse: "The King of Older of All Nations " at an area where there was more trees. Yo lenda vanda nde yandi monaka bonso Yehowa meyambula yandi. It may have seemed to him that Jehovah had abandoned him. In what sense was the Devil "a manslayer " originally" from the beginning "? Ntangu Kimfumu ya Nzambi yantikaka kuyala na mvu 1914, bitumba kubasikaka na zulu. Following the establishment of God's Kingdom in the year 1914, war broke out in heaven. These articles also discuss how each of us can benefit from that clear explanation. (Tanga Yezaya 65: 21 - 25.) (Read Isaiah 65: 21 - 25.) • What examples show that Jehovah reveals his glory to humble ones? Bantu kiteso ya 6 000 landaka na dikebi yonso diskure ya Mpangi Knorr yina vandaka ti ntu - diambu: "Ntotila Mosi ya Kimakulu Sambu na Makanda Yonso, " na kisika mosi yina vandaka ti banti mingi. Standing in a muddy field, some 6,000 of us listened attentively to Brother Knorr's encouraging talk, "Permanent Governor of All Nations. " " Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " - ECCL. Na nki mutindu Dyabulu kuvandaka "muntu ke fwaka bantu "" katuka na luyantiku "? In what way was the Devil "a manslayer when he began "? What will help us to discern how to treat our brothers? Masolo yai ke tubila mpi mutindu konso muntu na kati na beto lenda baka mambote na bantendula yina ya pwelele. The articles also consider how we can personally benefit from these clarifications. The apostle John prayed that Gaius might be healthy physically and spiritually. • Inki bambandu kemonisa nde Yehowa kesongaka lukumu na yandi na bantu ya kudikulumusa? • What examples show that Jehovah reveals his glory to humble ones? What songs will we consider? " Yo yina beno yindula Muntu yina salaka beno ntangu beno kele kaka baleki. " - LO. " Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood. " - ECCL. I had the privilege of serving in his office for the next 20 years. Inki ta sadisa beto na kuzaba mutindu ya kusadila bampangi na beto mambu? What will help us to know how to treat our brothers? Therefore, the main reason for such obedience is that it conforms to God's standards of what is right. Ntumwa Yoane kusambaka sambu Gayusi kuvanda ngolo na nitu ti na kimpeve. The apostle John prayed that Gaius continue well physically and spiritually. Why do we repeat people regularly in their homes? Inki bankunga beto tatadila? Which psalms are we going to discuss? (b) What will help an elder to give spiritual gift while making shepherding calls? Mono zwaka dibaku ya kusala na biro na yandi bamvula 20 yina landaka. As it turned out, I was privileged to work in his office for the next 20 years. Is there any fear of punishment that causes us to lie? Yo yina, kikuma ya ntete ya bulemfu ya mutindu yina kele nde yo kewakana ti bansiku ya Nzambi ya mambu yina kele ya mbote. Thus, the primary reason for such obedience is that it is in harmony with the divine standard of what is right. What can you do to promote peace in the congregation? Sambu na nki beto kevutukilaka bantu mbala na mbala na banzo na bo? Why do we repeatedly call at people's homes? What will we now consider, and why? (b) Inki ta sadisa nkuluntu na kupesa dikabu ya kimpeve ntangu yandi ke sala baviziti ya kingungudi? (b) What will help an elder to impart a spiritual gift when making shepherding calls? The evidence is that those words apply to spiritual sons of God. Keti kele boma ya ndola kima kepusaka beto na kukusa? Was fear of punishment the reason? What if you are told that there are methods that can help you to read them in a way that may appeal to you? Inki nge lenda sala sambu dibundu kuvanda na ngemba? What can you do to contribute to the congregation's peace? You cannot be sure that the garment is broken on its sides, and you know that it was not built properly. Inki beto ta tadila ntangu yai, mpi sambu na nki? What will we now examine, and why? 13, 14. (a) How do some fail to speak truth to their employer? Nzikisa ke monisa nde bangogo yai ke tadila bana ya Nzambi ya kimpeve. The evidence is that this expression refers to spirit sons of God. Jesus also lived in harmony with what he taught people. Ebuna kana bo songa nge nde kele ti bametode yina lenda sadisa nge na kutanga yo na mutindu yina lenda sepedisa nge? And what if you found out that there are some approaches to reading it that can make it more interesting? The power itself has grown to the poor; the mighty one has fallen! Nge meyituka kibeni na kumona nde lele yango kele ya kupasuka na balweka na yo, mpi nge mebakisa nde bo tungaka yo ve mbote. Much to your surprise, you notice that the fabric is frayed at the edges, and the stitching is somewhat shoddy. He complained: "I have made the law turn back from me, and have my hands taken away from it, and are it not in vain that I have done it? " 13, 14. (a) Inki mutindu bantu yankaka ketubaka ve kyeleka na bamfumu na bo ya kisalu? 13, 14. (a) How do some people fail to be truthful with their employer? For Christians, therefore, refusing to abstain from blood also meant "to abstain from blood. " Yezu zingaka mpi na kuwakana ti mambu yina yandi longaka bantu. Jesus also lived in harmony with what he taught about Jehovah. He did God's will and kept his commandments. Kiyeka me kuma na bansukami! Bantu ya ngolo me suka! Mayumbu na mayumbu! Put on high even what is low, and bring low even the high one. Choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God and by listening to him with your whole heart and by means of your offspring, in order that you may dwell on the earth that Jehovah had made known to your forefathers Abraham. " Yandi bokutaka nde: "Mono me tulaka ngolo nde nsiku kusimba mono ve, mono me katulaka maboko na mono na kusala mambu ya mbi, keti mambu yai yonso ya mono salaka kele mpamba? " He lamented: "It is in vain that I have cleansed my heart and that I wash my hands in innocence itself. " How do the book of Hebrews and Malachi show that Jehovah values your service? Yo yina, sambu na Bakristu, kubuya menga vandaka kutendula mpi kukonda kusadila yo bonso "nkisi. " Hence, for Christians, shunning blood included not taking it in for "medical " reasons. Those "will inherit, " or deliver, when God brings this wicked system to its end are those who will be prepared. Yandi salaka luzolo ya Nzambi mpi zitisaka bansiku na yandi. He thought, felt, and acted like Jehovah and lived in harmony with God's will and standards. God's purpose was for man to live forever on a paradise earth. Beno sola luzingu sambu beno zinga, beno ti bana na beno. Beno zola Mfumu Nzambi, Nzambi na beno, beno lemfuka na yandi, beno ndima yandi mpi na ntima na beno yonso, mpidina beno ti bana na beno ta vandaka na luzingu ya nda na ntoto yina ya Mfumu Nzambi zengaka na kupesa bankaka na beno Abrahami, Izaki ti Yakobi. " Before they entered the Promised Land, Moses told them: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him; for he is your life and the length of your days, that you may dwell upon the ground that Jehovah swore to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give to them. " 3: 7. Inki mutindu mukanda ya Biblia ya Baebreo mpi ya Malashi kemonisa nde Yehowa kebakaka kisalu na nge na valere? How do the Bible books of Hebrews and Malachi show that Jehovah appreciates your service? How did forgiveness benefit Job? Bantu yina bo "ta baka, " to tagulusa, ntangu Nzambi tafwa inza yai ya mbi kele bayina tavanda ya kuyilama. Those who prove themselves ready will be "taken along, " or saved, when the ungodly world is destroyed. [ Chart on page 10] Lukanu ya Nzambi kuvandaka nde muntu kuzinga mbote kimakulu na ntoto yina tavanda Paladisu. God's purpose was that humans would live on earth forever amid Paradise conditions. Rather than focusing on what Mary did not do, Jesus appreciated what she had done. Beto fwete landa kupesa bantu kikesa tii ntangu mpasi na bo ta mana. - Tanga 1 Batesalonika 3: 7. Fellow Christians can be a source of profound comfort for someone for as long as it takes him or her to deal with grief. - Read 1 Thessalonians 3: 7. These worldly goals include "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life. " Inki mutindu kikalulu ya kulolula kunatilaka Yobi mambote? How did showing mercy prove beneficial for Job? I know that Jehovah is with me, so I am no longer afraid. " [ Tablo ya kele na lutiti 24] [ Chart on page 11] (Read Revelation 21: 3 - 6.) Na kisika ya kutula dikebi na mambu yina Maria kusalaka ve, Yezu kumonisaka ntonda sambu na mambu yina yandi salaka. Rather than focus on what Mary did not do, Jesus expressed appreciation for what she did do. Yes, those who died and those who escaped that difficult situation especially considered the good news - but the main reason for "tribulation " that was the human conflict. Na kati ya balukanu yai ya bantu kelutaka kuvanda na yo na inza, beto lenda tanga mpusa ya ngolo ya "bima yina ya nitu na beto [ya masumu] ti meso na beto ke monaka nzala na yo ti bima yina ya beto ke tulaka lulendo sambu na yo. " Among this world's common goals is a craving for satisfying "the desire of the [sinful] flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life. " And he did more than just tell them what he was thinking but also focused on listening and understanding what they were thinking and listening. - Matt. Mu zaba nde Yehowa kele ti mono, yo yina mu kewaka dyaka boma ve. " I know Jehovah is with me, so I am not afraid anymore. " That person should reflect Jehovah's view of himself. (Tanga Kusonga 21: 3 - 6.) (Read Revelation 21: 3 - 6.) Thus, a perfect, wise creature can choose to do good or to do bad. Ya kyeleka, bantu yina kufwaka ti bayina kugulukaka na dyambu yina ya mpasi kutadilaka mingimingi shanse - kansi kikuma ya ntetentete ya "mpasi " yina kuvandaka kukonda kuwakana ya bantu. True, exactly who died and who survived in that tragedy was largely a matter of chance - but the fundamental cause of those "bad times " was human conflict. (b) What blessings await those with an earthly hope? Mpi yandi tulaka kaka ve dikebi na kusonga bo mambu yina yandi vandaka kuyindula kansi yandi tulaka mpi dikebi na kuwidikila mpi kubakisa mambu ya bo vandaka kuyindula mpi kuwa. - Mat. And he was interested not just in telling them what he thought but also in hearing and understanding what they thought and felt. - Matt. Who should take the initiative? Muntu yango fwete kuditadila mutindu Yehowa ketadilaka yandi. He needs to view himself as Jehovah does. Some Bible translations have added other passages, such as John 7: 53 - 8: 11, which were not in the original Bible. Yo yina, kigangwa ya kukuka mpi ya mayele lenda pona na kusala mambu ya mbote to ya mbi. Hence, a perfect, intelligent creature can choose to do good or to do evil. To make a donation, please visit (b) Inki balusakumunu kevingila bantu yina kele ti kivuvu ya kuzinga na ntoto na bilumbu kekwisa? (b) What future blessings await those with an earthly hope? He wants those who worship him to be honest and kind and to walk modestly with him. Nani fwete sala kitambi ya ntete? Who should take the initiative in this? Modesty will also help us to be reasonable in our expectations of others and to consider their needs. Bambalula ya nkaka ya Biblia me yikaka baverse ya nkaka, mu mbandu Yoane 7: 53 - 8: 11, yina vandaka ve na Babiblia ya kisina. Many people do not realize that the passage found in some Bibles at John 7: 53 - 8: 11 is an addition that was not part of the original inspired writings. " The Light Has come into the world " Sambu na kuzaba mutindu ya kupesa makabu ya luzolo, kota na To make a donation, please visit Who, then, can do so, and why can we be sure that such a person is a person who can foretell the future? Yandi kezolaka nde bantu yina kesambilaka yandi kumonisa masonga ti bumbote mpi kutambula ti yandi na mutindu mosi ya kukonda lulendo. He wants his worshipers to exercise justice and to be kind and modest as they walk with him. For many, this means making changes in life. Kukonda lulendo tasadisa beto mpi na kuvanda na bukatikati na mambu ya beto kekinga nde bantu yankaka kusala mpi na kutadila bampusa na bo. Modesty will also move us to be reasonable in our expectations of others and to be considerate of their needs. Have You Found the Truth Your Own? " Nsemo kwisaka na inza ' " The Light Has Come Into the World " Paul spoke with persuasion, and so should we. Ebuna, nani lenda sala yo, mpi sambu na nki beto fwete ndima nde muntu ya mutindu yina kele, yina lenda tuba mambu yina tasalama na bilumbu kekwisa? Well, who can, and why should we be optimistic about the future? However, honesty will help us to cope with illness, enabling us to know better so that we can improve matters. Sambu na bantu mingi, yo ketendula kusala bansoba na luzingu. For many, that means a change in lifestyle. Over the years, more than any of us can endure in this system of things, Noah's faith saved him through the Flood. Keti Nge Mekumisaka Kyeleka Kima na Nge Mosi? Have You Made the Truth Your Own? He protected Isaac and Rebekah in a similar way. Polo kutubaka ti kundimisa, mpi beto fwete sala mutindu mosi. Paul spoke with "persuasion, " and so should we. All of us, young and old, need to be loyal to Jehovah regardless of our circumstances. - James 1: 12 - 14. Kansi, masonga, tasadisa beto na kununga ntima ya kubela, yo tasadisa beto na kudizaba mbote na mpila nde beto tomisa mambu. Honesty, however, will help us to gain the victory over a treacherous heart by assisting us to face the truth about ourselves so that we can improve. 31: 6 Na nima ya bamvula mingi kibeni, mingi kuluta yina konso muntu na kati na beto lenda kangila ntima na ngidika ya bima yai, lukwikilu ya Noa kugulusaka yandi na Mvula ya Ngolo. After a great many years - longer than any one of us will have to endure in this system of things - the faith of Noah led to his salvation through the Flood. He made all things in the world so that we could live well, and he prepared the earth so that we could truly enjoy life. Yandi taninaka Izaki mpi Rebeka na mutindu mosi. He protected Isaac and Rebekah in a similar manner. To help us, he has given us "gifts in men, " that is, the elders. Beto yonso, bambuta mpi baleke, fwete kangama na Yehowa na konso mambu yina beto ke kutana ti yo. - Yakobo 1: 12 - 14. Really, everyone, regardless of his or her age, will encounter situations that require faithfulness to Jehovah. - Jas. 1: 12 - 14. We strive to avoid doing what we know is contrary to Jehovah's will. 31: 6 31: 6 Now consider these dead ones as well as two mid - Christian women, Shiphrah and Puah, who lived in Egypt under a cruel Pharaohic rule. Yandi tulaka bima yonso na ntoto sambu beto zinga mbote. Diaka, yandi yidikaka ntoto mbote sambu beto sepela kibeni ti luzingu. He made the earth to be man's everlasting home, a place where man does not just survive but enjoys life to the full. For example, at least one day Sambu na kusadisa beto, yandi me pesaka beto " makabu ya bantu, ' disongidila bankuluntu. Consequently, appreciate Jehovah's provision of "gifts in men, " congregation elders. Now my life has a purpose. Beto kesalaka kikesa sambu na kukonda kusala mambu yina beto mezaba nde yo kewakana ve ti luzolo ya Yehowa. Our love for Jehovah and for his Son moves us to live our lives "no more for the desires of men, but for God's will. " Why is that so? Ntangu yai beto fwanisa bantu yai ya kufwaka bantu ti bankento zole yina vandaka kubutisa, Shifra ti Pua, yina kuzingaka na Ezipte na nsi ya luyalu ya Farao mosi ya nku yina zina na yandi mezabanaka ve. Now compare these individuals with two Israelite midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, who lived in ancient Egypt during the reign of an unnamed but tyrannical Pharaoh. What a privilege and privilege you have! Gandhi Gandhi Such faith will help us to endure despite intense opposition. Ntangu yai, luzingu na mono me kumaka ti lukanu. Now my life is full of purpose. THE Author of Jesus ' teachings, and known as the Golden Rule, is the Creator, Jehovah God, who sent Jesus to the earth. Sambu na nki yo kele mpidina? Why is that so? On the other hand, God's spirit moves those who acquire godly devotion, peace, and compassion. Yai kele kibeni mukumba mpi dibaku mosi ya nene nge kele na yo! What an awesome responsibility and privilege is yours! Now there was a new way to focus on them - the use of motion pictures. Lukwikilu ya mutindu yina tasadisa beto na kukanga ntima ata beto kele na kati ya kimbeni ya ngolo. Faith of that kind will help us to endure even the worst opposition. • How was God's righteousness challenged? YA KYELEKA, Munkwa malongi yina Yezu kulongaka, ti yina ya bantu mekumaka kubinga nde Nsiku ya Wolo, kele Ngangi, Yehowa Nzambi, muntu yina kutindaka Yezu awa na ntoto. YES, the Originator of what Jesus taught, including what came to be known as the Golden Rule, is the one who sent Jesus, namely, the Creator, Jehovah God. God assured this doubting servant that He would always be with him. Na ndambu yankaka, mpeve ya Nzambi kepusaka bayina kebakaka yo na kuvanda ti kinzambi, ngemba, mpi mawa ya mingi. On the other hand, God's spirit moves those who receive it to be chaste, peaceable, and full of mercy. It brings us joy to wait patiently for our God, to rejoice with all his blessings, and to be confident that in his due time, we will receive all that he has promised and many other things. Ntangu yai, mutindu mosi ya mpa bendaka dikebi na bo - kusadila bafilme ya bifwanisu yina ke nikana. Now a new possibility caught their attention - motion pictures. The following day came to complain against Moses and Aaron. • Inki mutindu bo tulaka ntembe na lunungu ya Nzambi? • How was God's righteousness challenged? In answer to that question, wise and rich King Solomon wrote some 3,000 years ago: "He that loves money will not be satisfied with silver. Nzambi kusongaka nsadi na yandi yai ya kuvandaka ti badute na ntima nde Yandi tavanda ti yandi ntangu yonso. God was telling his hesitant servant that He would constantly be with him. And that was exactly what happened. Yo kepesaka beto kyese ya kukinga Nzambi na beto na kukanga ntima yonso, mpi ya kuyangalala ti balusakumunu yonso ya yandi kepesaka beto. Beto ketulaka mpi ntima nde na ntangu yina yandi mosi metulaka, beto tabaka mambu yonso yina yandi mesilaka mpi mambu mingi yankaka. It makes us content to wait patiently upon our God, satisfied with whatever blessings he gives and confident that in his due time we will receive everything that he has promised - and more. What do we really need? Na kilumbu yina kulandaka bantu yonso kumaka kubokutila Moize ti Aroni. The following day the entire assembly murmurs against Moses and Aaron. What responsibility do family members have when deciding whether a man is qualified as a ministerial servant or an elder? Ntangu yandi pesaka mvutu na ngyufula yai, Salomo, Ntotila ya mayele mpi ya mvwama mpenza, kusonikaka bamvula 3 000 meluta nde: "Muntu yina ke zolaka mbongo, yandi ta mona kiese ve na yo. Answering that question, wise and very wealthy King Solomon wrote 3,000 years ago: "A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, neither any lover of wealth with income. Gradually, however, we became more interested in the truth. Ebuna, dyambu yango kusalamaka kibeni mutindu yina. And this is precisely what happened. Would Jehovah be pleased if we trust what people look to? Inki kima beto kele na yo mpenza mfunu? What basic need do we have? This miracle, however, had this command: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant. " Inki mukumba bantu ya dibuta kele na yo na ntangu bo kesosa kuzaba kana bakala mosi mefwana na kuponama bonso nsadi ya kisalu to nkuluntu? What role do family members play if a man is to qualify for appointment as a ministerial servant or an elder? Jehovah said to him: "He will make your way successful. Kansi, malembe - malembe, beto kumaka kusepela mingi ti kieleka. Still, gradually the truth took root in our hearts. It sends someone to change, turn away from the world's way of life, and pursue a way of life that pleases God. - Acts 3: 19. Keti Yehowa ta sepela kana beto tula ntima na bima yina bantu ke tudilaka ntima? Will he be pleased if we try to save ourselves with "the power of the horse, " that is, where humans turn for help? No! 10 / 15 Kansi, dyambu yai ya kuyituka vandaka ti ntuma yai: "Kana beno wila mono ti kulanda bansiku ya kuwakana ya mono wakanaka na beno. " This awesome prospect came with a condition, though: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant. " In the strength of our loving God, Jehovah, and for his glory, let us keep on displaying strong faith. Yehowa kutubilaka yandi nde: "Mpidina mambu yonso ya nge ta sala yo ta bonga. " Then you will make your way successful and then you will act wisely, " said Jehovah. We can show " humility ' and sincerely seek forgiveness by ignoring something we have agreed with because of things we cannot rule. Yo ketindaka muntu na kusoba mpenza, na kuyambula mutindu ya luzingu ya inza mpi ya bwimi, mpi na kulanda mutindu ya luzingu yina kesepedisaka Nzambi. - Bisalu 3: 19. This leads to a complete turnabout - abandoning a selfish, worldly way of life and pursuing a course pleasing to God. - Acts 3: 19. But if I do, how can the Scriptures be fulfilled? Nge Lenda Vanda na Lukwikilu ya Kyeleka, 10 / 1 Copying computer software, 2 / 15 Entering Jehovah's rest, 10 / 1 Preaching involves preaching, but teaching people about Jehovah and his purposes often requires that the publisher have a good relationship with them. Na ngolo ya Nzambi na beto ya zola, Yehowa, mpi sambu na lukumu na yandi, bika beto landa na kumonisa lukwikilu ya ngolo. In the strength of our loving God, Jehovah, and to his glory, let us continue to exercise strong faith. We too should show love for our brothers in the way we view each day. Beto lenda monisa " kudikulumusa ' mpi kulomba ndolula na masonga yonso kana beto me zitisa ve diambu mosi yina beto wakanaka ti muntu ya nkaka sambu na mambu yina beto lenda yala ve. We may need to " humble ourselves ' by sincerely apologizing to another person if we are unable to honor an agreement because of circumstances beyond our control. In fact, one of them died because he spent all those things. Kansi kana mono sala mpidina, nki mutindu mambu yina ya bo sonikaka na Mukanda ya Nzambi lenda kwisa kulunga? In that case, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must take place this way? " Jesus Was a Good Man Kusamuna kelombaka kuzabisa nsangu, kansi kulonga bantu mambu ya metala Yehowa ti balukanu na yandi kelombaka mbala mingi nde nsamuni kusala bangwisana ya mbote ti bantu yango. Whereas preaching involves proclaiming a message, teaching people about Jehovah and his purposes usually requires that a disciple - maker build a relationship with them. Brothers and sisters put the magazines in their car or in their presence. Beto mpi, beto fwete monisa zola ya bampangi na beto na mutindu ya beto ketadilaka konso muntu ya beto kekutana ti yandi konso kilumbu. Similarly, we show love for our neighbor by the way we deal with the individuals with whom we come in contact day by day. Do You See "the One Who Is Invisible "? Nkutu, mosi na kati na bo kufwaka sambu yandi lutisaka ndilu na kusadila bima yina. In fact, one of my brothers died of an overdose. He genuinely cares for you. Yezu Kuvandaka Nsadi ya Mbote Jesus - A Good Worker It will also help us to protect ourselves against the deceptive tactics he uses to mislead people. Bampangi - babakala mpi bampangi - bankento yankaka ketulaka bazulunalu na poshe to na lupaya na bo. Many brothers and sisters carry some literature in their pocket or handbag. Today, there are other diseases that are not very common with medicine. Keti Nge Ke Monaka "Muntu Yina Ke Monanaka Ve "? Do You See "the One Who Is Invisible "? Faith is so important that in the Bible, Jehovah has provided us with many examples of faith. Yandi ketudilaka nge dikebi ya masonga. He is keenly interested in you. The clear evidence of Satan's anger and Christ's presence is deep in our time. Yo ta sadisa beto mpi na kuditanina na mayele ya mbi yina yandi ke sadilaka sambu na kukusa bantu. They will also show us how we can protect ourselves from his deceptive tactics. Such treatment does not involve the primary components of blood; blood fractions are often used with primary components or parts of it. Bubu yai, kele ti bimbefo ya nkaka yina ke vandaka ve kibeni ti bankisi. Today, there may be no known cure for some illnesses. Jesus Christ said: "No, ' or " No, ' what else you can say is from the wicked one. " Lukwikilu kele mfunu mingi, yo yina na Biblia, Yehowa me pesaka beto bambandu mingi ya lukwikilu. Because faith is so important, Jehovah has given us many examples of faith in the Bible. By means of God's Kingdom, the Bible's promise will come true: "Trust in Jehovah and keep his commandments, and you will see when he takes away the wicked. " Banzikisa ya pwelele ya kemonisa kudasuka ya Satana mpi kuvanda ya Kristu kele mingi mpenza na ntangu na beto. Such visible evidence of Satan's rage and of Christ's presence has been abundant in our time. Sarah was the only woman mentioned in the Bible when she died. Kusansa muntu ti bankisi yai kelombaka ve kutula yandi bima ya ntetentete yina kevandaka na menga; mbala mingi bo kesadilaka tubima yina kekatukaka na bima ya ntetentete ya kevandaka na menga to na bitini na yo. Such therapies are not transfusions of those primary components; they usually involve parts or fractions thereof. What did the physician Luke say about the young man who fell away, and what was the feelings of those present? Yezu Kristu kutubaka nde: "Tuba kaka nde: " E ' to " Ve, ' mambu yina ya nkaka ya nge lenda tuba, yo ke katukaka na Muntu ya Mbi. " Jesus Christ said: "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No; for what is in excess of these is from the wicked one. " (See opening image.) Na nzila ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi, lusilu yai ya Biblia ta lungana: " Tula ntima na Yehowa, mpi landa bansiku na yandi; nge ta mona ntangu yandi ta kula bantu ya mbi. ' By means of God's Kingdom, the Bible's promise will come true: "Hope in Jehovah and keep his way... When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see it. " Thus, Abraham and all his descendants were circumcised. Sara kele nkento mosi kaka yina Biblia ke tubila mvula yina yandi vandaka ti yo ntangu yandi fwaka. Sarah is the only woman in the Bible whose age at the time of her death is included in the inspired record. From an early age, he knew that he should "not be ashamed of the good news " at school, and he really wanted to witness to their classmates. Munganga Luka tubaka nki sambu na leke yina bwaka, nki vandaka mawi ya bantu yina vandaka pana? What did the physician Luke report happened to a young man, and how did that affect others? Why was the counsel at 2 Timothy 2: 24 relevant to an elder living in ancient Ephesus, and how can all Christians benefit from it? (Tala kifwanisu yina kele na luyantiku ya disolo.) (See opening image.) They do not return the water that has been poured out in a bottle. Yo yina, Abrahami ti babakala yonso ya dikanda na yandi salaka luyotisu. Accordingly, Abraham and all the male members of his household were circumcised. Consider the words found at Judges 2: 11 - 18. Banda na bumwana, yandi zabaka nde yandi fwete " mona nsoni ve na kuzabisa nsangu ya mbote ' na nzo - nkanda, mpi yandi vandaka mpenza ti mpusa ya kuta kimbangi na bana ya nzo - nkanda na bo. From an early age, she knew that she should not be "ashamed of the good news " in school, and she really wanted to give a good witness to her fellow students. " Go On Walking in Your Name ' Sambu na nki ndongisila yina kele na 2 Timoteo 2: 24 kuvandaka mfunu sambu na nkuluntu yina vandaka kuzinga na Efezo ya ntama, mpi nki mutindu Bakristu yonso lenda bakila yo mambote? Why was the counsel found at 2 Timothy 2: 24 appropriate for an elder in ancient Ephesus, and how can it benefit all Christians? Even animals inside the ark survived the Flood just because it was with that group. Bo kevutulaka ve masa yina metyamuka na mulangi. What has happened cannot be undone. Like a two - edged sword, it can enter into a person's mind and heart. Beto tadila bangogo yina kele na Bazuzi 2: 11 - 18. Consider the words recorded at Judges 2: 11 - 18. Jehovah spoke to the people by means of an angel, and he gave them laws that are called the Ten Commandments. " Yala Munoko ' na Nge " Bridle the Tongue ' If you were a disciple at that time and knew what Peter had done, would you continue to rely on Jehovah? Ata bambisi yina kuvandaka na kati ya maswa kugulukaka na Mvula ya Ngolo kaka sambu yo vandaka kisika mosi ti kimvuka ya bantu yina. Even the animals in the ark that survived the Flood did not do so apart from this group. The Law did not mean that a person who would not be called to account was to be punished. Bonso mbele ya makasi zole, yo lenda kota na mabanza ti na bangindu ya ntima ya muntu. Like a sharp, two - edged sword, it can penetrate a person's deepest thoughts and intentions. COVER: God's Word says: "It is good for you to believe that your life is near. Yehowa kutubilaka bantu na nsadisa ya wanzyo, mpi yandi pesaka bo bansiku yina bo kebingaka nde Bansiku Kumi. Jehovah spoke to the people through an angel, providing what has come to be known as the Ten Commandments. The Bible foretold: "[Jehovah's King] will prove to be with people from one sea to another, from the river of the Euphrates to the ends of the earth. " Kana nge vandaka longoki na ntangu yina mpi nge zabaka mambu yina Piere salaka, keti nge zolaka kulanda kutudila Yehowa ntima? If you had been a disciple at that time and had known what Peter did, would you have continued to trust in Jehovah? This man was blessed for his long - suffering that was evident in his dealings with his family. Nsiku vandaka kutuba ve nde bo fwete pesa ndola na muntu yina tapesa ve ndambu ya kumi. The Law did not include any penalty for an Israelite who failed to tithe. Jesus went to the tomb with Martha and Mary and Mary the dead. COVER: Beetle: Entom Pictures / Paul Eekhoff COVER: Snowflakes:; beetle: Entom Pictures / Paul Eekhoff; page 32: Earth: Based on NASA photo The same word could be used for another feast that is not a wedding. - Esther 9: 22. Biblia kutubaka na ntwala nde: "[Ntotila ya Yehowa] ta vanda [ti bantu] katuka nzadi mosi tii na nzadi ya nkaka, katuka nzadi ya Efrate tii na nsuka ya ntoto. " The Bible foretold: "[Jehovah's King] will have subjects from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. " It was fitting that Jesus reproved those wicked people. Bakala yai kubakaka balusakumunu sambu na kukanga ntima na yandi yina kumonanaka na mutindu na yandi ya kuzinga ti dibuta na yandi. His patience in lovingly dealing with family members was rewarded. Think of this: Nothing motivated Jehovah to offer his Son as a ransom. Yezu kukwendaka na mazyamu ti Marta mpi Maria bampangi ya muntu yina kufwaka. Jesus went to the grave site with Martha and Mary, the sisters of the deceased man. The resurrection hope enables you to find peace in the hearts and strength of those who do not know the truth. Bo lenda sadila ngogo mosi yina sambu na feti yankaka yina kele ve feti ya makwela. - Estere 9: 22. The same word might be used for a feast that was not connected to a marriage. - Esther 9: 22, Septuagint. " The faithful and discreet slave " has done much to publish literature even in other languages spoken by only a few people. Yo fwanaka mpenza nde Yezu kunganina bantu yina ya mbi. Jesus rightly condemned those reprehensible men. Linda admits: "I was able to encourage her by using the Bible. Yindula diambu yai: Kima mosi ve pusaka Yehowa na kupesa Mwana na yandi bonso nkudulu. Jehovah was not obliged to have his Son come to earth to provide the ransom. In addition to teaching us in the preaching work through his organization, Jehovah provides us with fine teaching tools. Kivuvu ya lufutumuku kesadisa nge na kuzwa ngemba na ntima ti ngolo yina bantu ya mezaba ve kyeleka kele na yo ve. The resurrection hope helps you to gain an inner calm and strength that those who do not know the truth fail to obtain. Then read the whole phrase in a loud voice. " Mpika ya kwikama mpi ya mayele " mesalaka mpenza kikesa sambu na kubasisa mikanda ata na bandinga yankaka yina bantu fyoti mpamba ketubaka yo. " The faithful and discreet slave " has spared no effort in providing literature even for some whose language is spoken by relatively few people. How Would You Answer? Linda kendima nde: "Mu kukaka kupesa yandi kikesa na kusadilaka Biblia. Linda acknowledges: "I was able to give comfort by using the Bible. ▪ Follow the Golden Rule in the Ministry Katula kulonga beto sambu na kisalu ya kusamuna na nzila ya organizasio na yandi, Yehowa kepesaka beto bisadilu ya mbote ya kulongila. Besides training us for the ministry, Jehovah, through his organization, equips us with excellent teaching tools. Think of it this way: A loving father can punish an erring child, perhaps avoiding certain opportunities. Na nima, tanga nsa ya mvimba na ndinga ya ngolo kukonda kupema. Next, using the same volume, say all the words from a single phrase of the song in one breath. As a result of the opposition and anger that have been preserved for many years, according to one reference work conducted in Japan, women often seek to divorce their marriage because of the hostility and frustration that has been preserved for decades. Inki Mutindu Nge Tavutula? How Would You Reply? With great joy, he joined Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary tour and assisted them. ▪ Sadila Munsiku ya Wolo na Kisalu ya Kusamuna ▪ Follow the Golden Rule in Your Ministry Mother joined her, and I was raised in a good family. Yindula yo mutindu yai: Tata ya zola lenda pesa mwana yina mesala kifu ndola, mbala yankaka na kupimisaka yandi mabaku yankaka. Think of it this way: A loving father may discipline an erring child, perhaps by withholding some privilege. On the other hand, some who have known as witchcraft often refer to themselves as wrong. Hitoshi Kato, yina kusonikaka mukanda mosi ya ketubila pansio, ketuba nde na kati ya bantu ya Japon yina mekwelaka ntama, mbala mingi bankento bantu kesosaka kufwa makwela sambu na kimbeni mpi makasi ya bo mebumbaka na ntima tuka bamvula mingi. Hitoshi Kato, who wrote a book on retirement, says that among older couples in Japan, many divorce proceedings are initiated by wives because of deep - rooted resentments accumulated over the years. So when children were brought to see him, Jesus ' disciples tried to throw the children away, perhaps to protect Jesus from harm. Yo yina, na kyese yonso, yandi vukanaka ti Polo mpi Barnabasi na nzyetelo na bo ya ntete ya kimisionere mpi vandaka kusadisa bo. So he eagerly joined Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary tour and served as their attendant. How did he do so? Mama mpi landaka yandi, mpi bo sansaka mono na dibuta mosi ya mbote. My mother soon followed in his footsteps, and they raised me in a warm family environment. JEHOVAH is the Greatest Person making decisions. Kansi, bantu yina mezabanaka nde bo kele banganga - nkisi bo kebingaka bo mbala mingi nde bantu ya Wicca. In fact, Amos shows us (1) what we should teach, (2) how we should teach, and (3) why opposers cannot stop our preaching work. Yo yina, ntangu bantu kunataka bana ya fyoti sambu bo mona yandi, balongoki ya Yezu kumekaka na kukula bana yango, mbala yankaka sambu na kutanina Yezu na mpila nde bantu kuyangisa yandi dyaka ve. So when people brought little ones to see him, Jesus ' disciples, perhaps in an effort to protect Jesus from further stress, tried to turn the children away. The Bible says that "from Moses and all the Prophets, [Jesus] related to them the things pertaining to him in all the Scriptures. " Inki mutindu yandi salaka yo? How? 7 / 15 YEHOWA kele Muntu ya Nene ya kebakaka Balukanu. JEHOVAH is the Great Purposer. They place governmental authorities "in their relative positions by God " because they are ruled by God's permission, and at times God foresaw their rulership. Na kutuba ya mbote, Amosi kemonisa beto (1) inki beto fwete longa, (2) inki mutindu beto fwete longa, mpi (3) sambu na nki bambeni lenda kangisa ve kisalu na beto ya kusamuna. In fact, Amos shows us (1) what we should preach, (2) how we should preach, and (3) why opposers cannot stop our preaching work. David humbly prayed to God for help. - Ps. Biblia ke tuba nde "yantika na Moize ti na Baprofete yonso, [Yezu] tendudilaka bo mambu ya ke tadila yandi yina kele na Masonuku yonso. " " Starting with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures. " In what sense did Paul's trials " mean glory ' for Ephesians? Rightly Value Gift of Life, 6 / 15 11, 12. (a) How does Jehovah view our efforts to please him in our worship? " Nge Me Monisaka Yo na Bana ya Fioti, " 1 / 1 Jehovah - Our Place of Dwelling, 3 / 15 For example, "the power of the prophet Daniel " was completed when he saw a vision that he could not understand. Bo ketulaka bamfumu ya luyalu "na bisika na bo ya kuswaswana na nzila ya Nzambi " sambu bo keyalaka na nswa ya Nzambi, mpi bantangu yankaka Nzambi kumonaka na ntwala luyalu na bo. Secular authorities "stand placed in their relative positions by God " in that they rule by God's permission, and in some cases their rulership was foreseen by God. This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Na kudikulumusa yonso, Davidi sambaka Nzambi sambu na kusadisa yandi. - Nk. Yes, David humbly prayed to God for help. - Ps. What are some ways in which Satan uses Satan to undermine our dedication to God? Na nki mutindu bampasi ya Polo " tendulaka nkembo ' sambu na Baefezo? In what sense did Paul's tribulations "mean glory " for the Ephesians? We can be confident that he will continue to bless us now and in the future, and he will reward those who finish their race. - Jas. 11, 12. (a) Inki mutindu Yehowa ketadilaka bikesa ya beto kesalaka sambu na kusepedisa yandi na lusambu na beto? 11, 12. (a) How does Jehovah view our efforts to please him in our worship? Romans 8: 6 says: "The minding of the spirit means life and peace. " Mu mbandu, "ngolo manaka " profete Daniele ntangu yandi monaka mbona - meso yina yandi lendaka ve kubakisa. For instance, the prophet Daniel "felt exhausted " when he received a vision that he could not understand. Our mind is there and guides many physical bodies. Disolo yai kepesaka bamvutu na bangyufula yina ziku nge mekudiyulaka mpi kemonisaka kisika nge lenda baka bamvutu na Biblia na nge. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. We can be sure that when Jesus was young, Joseph was bringing him to the synagogue to hear how they read and explain the Scriptures. Inki mitindu Satana kesadilaka sambu na kulembisa kudipesa na beto na Nzambi? In what ways does Satan try to weaken our dedication to God? The following article will address this question. Beto lenda tula ntima nde, yandi ta landa kusakumuna beto bubu yai mpi na bilumbu ke kwisa, yandi ta pesa balusakumunu ya mingi na bantu yina ta manisa ntinu na bo. - Yak. We can be confident of his continued blessings now and unending blessings to come for all who finish the race. - Jas. All Spanish Bibles were used to burn them in fire. 2 / 15 We Shall Walk in Our Integrity! What will we consider in this article and in the next? Baroma 8: 6 ke tuba nde: "Kutula mabanza na mpeve ke tendula luzingu mpi ngemba. " Romans 8: 6 answers clearly: "Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace. " What enabled Jesus to endure immoral things, and what can help us to do the same? Mabanza na beto ke vandaka kuna mpi yo ke twadisaka mambu mingi ya ke salamaka na nitu. It is the seat of thought and memory and the control center for many bodily functions. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " Beto lenda tula ntima nde ntangu Yezu kuvandaka leke, Yozefi vandaka kunata yandi na sinagoga sambu na kuwa mutindu bo vandaka kutanga mpi kutendula Masonuku. We can be sure that Joseph took young Jesus to the synagogue to hear the Scriptures read and discussed. Look! Disolo ya kelanda tapesa mvutu na ngyufula yai. The next article will answer this question. Furthermore, Paul called attention to the unity that existed between Jewish and non - Jews. Babiblia yonso ya Espagnol na bamfumu ya mabundu sambu na kuyoka yo na tiya. Church authorities were not pleased with this translation. PUBLISHERS Inki beto ta tadila na disolo yai mpi na disolo yina ta landa? What will we examine in this article and in the one that follows? What if two countries fight and then say that we have to make peace because one nation has failed or because both countries have not seen the need to continue fighting, what kind of peace will be gone? Inki kusadisaka Yezu na kukanga - ntima na mambu ya nsoni, mpi nki lenda sadisa beto na kusala mutindu mosi? What helped Jesus to endure humiliating situations, and what can help us to do the same? I was convinced that only Almighty has power over life and death, so I prayed to him daily for my father. Muntu ke katulaka bambuma yina ya yandi ke kunaka. " For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " The Source of Things Tala! Look! We should do this with our whole heart, soul, and strength. Dyaka, Polo kubendaka dikebi na bumosi yina kuvandaka na kati ya Bakristu yina kuvandaka Bayuda ti bayina kuvandaka ve Bayuda. Furthermore, Paul highlighted the unity of Jewish and Gentile Christians and also reminded the brothers of their common origin. Similarly, Jehovah's name assures us that Jehovah is fully capable of carrying out his will in behalf of all those who serve him, regardless of what may happen in the future. BANSAMUNI PUBLISHERS Think of the following questions: Inki beto lenda tuba kana bansi zole kenwana mpi na nima bo tuba nde beto tula ngemba sambu insi mosi menunga ve bitumba to sambu bansi yango yonso zole memona ve mfunu ya kulanda kunwana, ngemba ya nki mutindu bo tatula? If two nations are at war and then peace is declared either because one nation is defeated or because both nations can see no further advantage in fighting, what kind of peace is that? Be Long - Suffering but Stand Firm Mono vandaka kundima nde kaka Nkwa - Ngolo Yonso muntu kele na kiyeka na zulu ya luzingu mpi ya lufwa, yo yina mono vandaka kusamba yandi konso kilumbu sambu na papa. I thought, " It is a small thing for God to fulfill a little girl's heartfelt wish. ' What will we consider in the next article? Kisina ya Mambu The Root of the Problem They have found a number of pieces of stones containing the names of just one family's own family. Beto fwete sala yo na ntima ya mvimba, na moyo ya mvimba mpi na ngolo na beto yonso. Jesus said that this is the most important commandment. What an expression of trusting in Jehovah! Mutindu mosi, zina ya Yehowa kendimisa beto nde Yehowa mekuka mpenza na kulungisa luzolo na yandi sambu na mambote ya bantu yonso yina kesadilaka yandi, ata konso nki mambu yina lenda salama na bilumbu kekwisa. In the same way, the name Jehovah assures us that God is fully able to carry out his will to the blessing of all who serve him, come what may. For example, Jehovah's people endured brutal persecution in Germany and West Europe before and during World War II. - 45: 45 - 45) Yindula Mbotembote Bangyufula Yai: Give Thoughtful Consideration to These Questions: Since then, anointed Christians could become members of the Governing Body, even though they were not directors of the Watch Tower Society. Zaba Kukanga Ntima Kansi Vanda Ngolo Be Patient but Firm " I want to use my remaining years wisely and to be valuable in Jehovah's service, " she says. Inki beto ta longuka na disolo ya ke landa? What will we consider in the next article? Suffering comes in many ways. Bo me monaka bitini ya matadi mingi ya cunéiforme yina kele ti zina ya Tatenai na bima ya ntama ya dibuta mosi. A number of cuneiform tablets bearing the name Tattenai have survived as part of what may have been a family archive. What makes humans different from animals? Nsa yai kemonisa mpenza kutula ntima na Yehowa! What a statement of trust in Jehovah! When a small sprout grows in this soil, it is confronted with "the thorn in the thorn. " Mu mbandu, bansadi ya Yehowa kukangaka ntima na minyokudi ya ngolo kibeni ya ba Nazi na Allemagne mpi na Europa ya Westi na ntwala mpi na ntangu ya Mvita ya Zole ya Inza ya Mvimba (1939 - 45). For example, Jehovah's people were able to withstand the onslaught of Nazism in Germany and Western Europe before and during World War II (1939 - 45). As God's servants, we are determined to heed Jesus ' warning. Banda na ntangu yina, Bakristu yina bo me tulaka mafuta lendaka kukuma bampangi ya Nto - Kimvuka, ata bo kele ve bantwadisi ya Société Watch Tower. The Governing Body henceforth included anointed brothers who were not Society directors. * Yandi ketuba nde: "Mu kezolaka kusadila na mayele yonso bamvula na munu yina mebikala mpi kuvanda mfunu na kisalu ya Yehowa, kana mpila kele. " Fred, mentioned earlier, finds great satisfaction in caring for his Bethel assignment. Hosea pleaded: "O Israel, go back to Jehovah your God, for you have sinned. " Bampasi ke kwisaka na mitindu mingi. Trouble comes in many forms. Doing so will help us to make changes in order to remain in Jehovah's love. Inki ke swaswanisaka bantu ti bambisi? What makes humans different from animals? Joseph gladly accepted this assignment. Ntangu kimenina ya fyoti keyelaka na ntoto yai, yo kenwanaka ti " bamwa - nti ya nsende. ' As the young plant rises from this soil, it faces competition from " thorns that grow up with it. ' In order to repeat a matter regularly helps older ones to keep in mind what is important, how much more so will the children! Sambu beto kele bansadi ya Nzambi, beto mebakaka lukanu ya kulanda lukebisu ya Yezu. As servants of God, we are determined to heed Jesus ' warning. The psalmist wrote that God "is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " * * 4, 7. Ozea kubondilaka nde: "Bantu ya Israele, beno vutuka na Mfumu Nzambi, Nzambi na beno, sambu masumu na beno me bwisaka beno. " Hosea pleads: "Do come back, O Israel, to Jehovah your God, for you have stumbled in your error. " There he was named as "a man of awe - inspiringness " Kusala mpidina ta sadisa beto na kusala bansoba sambu na kubikala na zola ya Yehowa. This can help us to make the necessary adjustments in order to remain in Jehovah's love. Now is the time for us to stop thinking without doing other things that could rob us of spiritual happiness and protection. Yozefi kundimaka mukumba yai na kyese yonso. Joseph gladly accepted this responsibility. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul mentioned a positive attitude. Sambu kuvutukila diambu mosi mbala na mbala ke sadisaka bambuta na kuvila ve mambu ya mfunu, ntembe kele ve nde yo ta sadisa bana! Since repetition helps adults to remember important matters, it will surely help young children! The Bible tells us about Joseph, the young man who understood his personality better. Muyimbi - Bankunga sonikaka nde Nzambi "ke belulaka bantu yina kele na mawa; yandi ke sansaka bamputa na bo. " The psalmist wrote of God: "He heals the brokenhearted; he binds up their wounds. " Give an example. When we spend time studying the Bible and Bible - based publications, reflecting on what we learn, we can draw closer to Jehovah. 4, 5, 7. 4, 5, 7. On the other hand, those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah enjoy long - lasting benefits. Kuna, bo pesaka yandi zina ya "Mbuta - muntu ya Diboma ya 1914! " There he was nicknamed "Old Mad 1914! " " Applying Bible principles in your day - to - day life, " says Laura, quoted earlier. Yai kele ntangu ya beto fwete yambula kikalulu ya kukonda kuyindula na ntwala ya kusala mambu yankaka yina lenda katula beto kyese ti lutaninu ya kimpeve. Now is the time to avoid rash acts that can rob us of our joy and spiritual security. 1: 7; 2: 24. Na mukanda ya yandi sonikilaka bantu ya Filipi, Polo tubilaka kuvanda ti mabanza ya mbote. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul spoke about having the right attitude. For example, if you are an unmarried and qualified Christian, have you taken decisive action to avoid flirting with anyone who is not a baptized Christian? Biblia ke songa beto mambu ya me tala Yozefi, toko ya bakala yina vandaka kubakisa mbote kimuntu na yandi. The Bible tells us about Joseph, a young man who had a strong sense of identity. He says: "Even where people do not live up to business laws, a person can be honest. Pesa mbandu. Ntangu ya beto kelutisaka na kulonguka Biblia ti mikanda ya ketendulaka yo, mpi na kuyindula na mudindu mambu ya beto kelongukaka, lenda sadisa beto na kukwenda penepene ya Yehowa. Periods spent studying the Bible and related publications, as well as thinking deeply about their message, can help us to draw closer to Jehovah. Yes, they were given the ability to teach. Kansi, bantu yina kekudipesaka na Yehowa kezwaka mambote ya kezingaka mingi. However, those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah find long - lasting happiness. Describe David's situation. Jürgen yina beto tubilaka na zulu ke tuba nde: "Sadila minsiku ya Biblia na luzingu na nge ya konso kilumbu. " Be consistent in applying Bible principles in everyday life. We all long for a long life. 1: 7; 2: 24. 1: 7; 2: 24. The apostle Paul explains: "If you belong to Christ, you are also the seed of Abraham. " Mu mbandu, kana nge kele Mukristu ya mekwelaka ntete ve mpi ya melunga na kukwela, keti nge mebakaka lukanu ya ngolo ya kubuya kusala bangwisana ya zola ti konso muntu yina kele ve Mukristu ya mebakaka mbotika? For example, if you are a single Christian of marriageable age, are you completely resolved to avoid forming any romantic attachment to someone who is not a baptized Christian? Such trials give us opportunities to display Christian qualities as respect and attention when we answer questions and give a witness. Yandi ke tuba nde: "Ata na bisika yina bo ke zitisaka ve bansiku ya mumbongo, muntu lenda vanda masonga. He says: "Even in a permissive business environment, it is possible to be honest. Unlike Aaron, however, the proud people were seeking the authority of the priesthood. Ya kyeleka, Nzambi kupesaka bo makuki ya kulonga. Yes, God put it into their hearts to teach. NO MORE PEOPLE WILL BE NO MORE Tubila luzingu ya Davidi. Overall, David's life course was one of faithfulness. What situation did the Israelites face after their deliverance from Egypt, and what question arises? Beto yonso ke zolaka luzingu ya nda. Deep down, practically all of us want to keep living. Solomon concludes with these sobering words: "He did not know that his life was in danger. " Ntumwa Polo ketendula nde: "Kana beno kele bantu ya Kristo, beno kele bantu [to, nkuna] ya dikanda ya Abrahami. " The apostle Paul explains: "If you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham's seed. " 10: 24, 25. Mimekamu ya mutindu yai kepesaka beto mabaku ya kumonisa bikalulu ya mbote ya Bukristu bonso luzitu mpi dikebi na mutindu ya kutuba, ntangu beto kepesa bamvutu na bangyufula mpi keta kimbangi. Yet, such tests afford us opportunities to manifest fine Christian qualities, such as respect and tact, when we answer questions and give a witness. Doing so shows that we are grateful and loved the Bible, and Jehovah God, who gave it to us. Kansi, na kuswaswana ti Aroni, bantu yina ya nkaka vandaka bantu ya lulendo yina vandaka kusosa kubaka kiyeka ya kinganga - nzambi. Unlike Aaron, however, the others were arrogant renegades attempting to usurp the priesthood. Of course, we do not expect miraculous deliverance from Jehovah's servants today. NZALA TA VANDA DIAKA VE NO MORE FOOD SHORTAGE How can you show your appreciation for "gifts in men "? Inki dyambu bantu ya Izraele kukutanaka ti yo na nima ya kubasika na Ezipte, mpi inki ngyufula kebasika? In what circumstance did the Israelites find themselves after the Exodus, and what question arose? 15, 16. Salomo kesukisa ti bangogo yai ya kepusa beto na kuyindula: "Yandi zabaka ve nde luzingu na yandi kele na kigonsa. " Solomon concludes with the sobering words: "He has not known that it involves his very soul. " We must obey the command: "Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. 10: 24, 25. 10: 24, 25. The influence of Paul's ministry was not limited to those whom he personally helped to become Christians, the effect of our work is not limited to those to whom we preach. Kusala mpidina ta monisa nde beto ke vandaka na ntonda mpi ke zolaka Biblia, mpi Yehowa Nzambi, yina pesaka beto yo. We thereby show our love and appreciation not only for this divine treasure but, most important, for its Author, Jehovah God. That war was not part of Jehovah's purpose, so Jehovah miraculously saved his loyal people when he destroyed those armies. - 2 Ki. Ya kyeleka, beto kevingilaka ve nde Yehowa kugulusa bansadi na yandi na mutindu ya kuyituka bubu yai. Of course, we do not expect Jehovah to deliver us miraculously at this time. This approach may be appropriate at times. Inki mutindu nge lenda monisa ntonda na " makabu ya bantu '? How may you show appreciation for the "gifts in men "? How does a course of respect for the laws or standards that violate them affect Jehovah God, and why is this important? 15, 16. 15, 16. " I prayed to God to help me learn about him. Yo ta lomba nde beto lemfuka na ntuma yai: "Beno kwenda, beno bantu na mono, beno kota na basuku na beno ya kati, mpi beno kanga bakielo na beno. We will need to obey the counsel: "Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Today, it is vital that we follow the direction we receive through "the faithful and discreet slave. " Bupusi ya kisalu ya Polo kusukaka ve kaka na bantu yina yandi mosi kusadisaka na kukuma Bakristu, bupusi ya kisalu na beto kesukaka mpi ve kaka na bantu yina ya beto kelongaka. The effect of Paul's ministry was not limited to those whom he directly helped to become Christians; nor is that so in our case. (b) The king's disobedience led him to do what? Mvita yina vandaka ve na lukanu ya Yehowa, yo yina na mutindu ya kuyituka, Yehowa gulusaka bantu na yandi ya kwikama ntangu yandi fwaka basoda yina. - 2 Bant. That assault was not part of Jehovah's purpose, and he miraculously delivered his faithful people by destroying the invaders. - 2 Ki. As a result, they endeavor to declare the good news by means of... Metode yai lenda vanda mbote bantangu yankaka. In some cases, that may be fine. For one thing, you might ask, " Is it enough for me to make this promise from the Almighty? ' Inki mutindu luzingu ya kezitisa bansiku to ya kezitisa yo ve kesimbaka kimuntu ya Yehowa Nzambi, mpi sambu na nki yo kele mfunu na kukonda kuvila dyambu yai? How does good conduct or misconduct reflect on Jehovah God, and why is it helpful to bear this fact in mind? As she became a teenager, she learned to play a machine. Raymonde: "Mono sambaka Nzambi sambu yandi sadisa mono na kulonguka mambu ya me tala yandi. Raymonde: "I prayed to God for help to learn about him. What has been done to prevent such a tragedy? Bubu yai, yo kele mfunu kibeni nde beto landa lutwadisu yina beto kebakaka na nzila ya "mpika ya kwikama mpi ya mayele. " Today, it is so important that we follow the guidance that comes to us through "the faithful and discreet slave "! We likely had a similar view in the past. (b) Kukonda bulemfu ya ntotila kunataka yandi na kusala inki? (b) What did the king's disobedience eventually lead him to do? For example, the prophet Daniel clearly stated that the Leader "will be put to death. " Yo yina, bo kesalaka bikesa sambu kusamuna nsangu ya mbote na nzila ya... Therefore, they try to recommend the good news... It was Jehovah who made that spiritual progress. Ntete - ntete nge lendaka kudiyula nde: " Keti mono mefwana sambu nde Nkwa - ngolo yonso kupesa mono lusilu yai? ' Your first reaction might be, " Am I worthy of such an assurance from the Almighty? ' Just think of the bread and the wine in such an unacceptable way that they could not have God's approval. Ntangu Louise kumaka toko, yandi longukaka kubula masini. In her early teens, Louise learned touch - typing. Reflecting on such questions can help inactive ones to see that since they no longer associate with the congregation, they are spiritually clean and happy. Inki bantu mesalaka sambu dyambu ya mpasi ya mutindu yai kusalama ve? What has been done to prevent such a disaster? John 5: 28, 29. Ntembe kele ve nde, na bilumbu meluta, beto tadilaka dezia mambu ya mutindu mosi. Likely, we have considered similar information before. Babylon fell, and God's people soon returned to their homeland. Mu mbandu, mbikudi Daniele kutubaka pwelele nde bo " tafwa Mesia Ntwadisi ' sambu na "kulolula bifu. " For example, the prophet Daniel stated directly that "Messiah the Leader " would be" cut off, " or executed, in order "to make atonement for error. " No, for he is "love. " Yehowa muntu kusalaka nde kisalu yina ya kimpeve kuyela. Jehovah was the one responsible for spiritual growth. SONGS: 65, 52 Kudia dimpa mpi kunwa vinu na mutindu yai ya me fwana ve salaka nde Nzambi kundima bo ve. Partaking of the emblems in such an unworthy manner brought God's disapproval on them. Jephthah's daughter had to serve Jehovah daily at the tabernacle to keep his father's promise. Kuyindulula bangyufula yai lenda sadisa bantu ya kesalaka dyaka ve bisalu ya Bukristu na kumona nde, sambu bo kevukanaka dyaka ve ti dibundu, kimpeve na bo kele dyaka ve mbote mpi kyese na bo mekulumukaka. Reflecting on such questions may help the inactive ones to see that because of their lack of association with the congregation, their spirituality and happiness have diminished. David's words are comforting: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " Yoane 5: 28, 29. John 5: 28, 29. Later, in 1919 something unexpected happened. Babilone bwala ya ngolo kubwaka, mpi ntama mingi ve, bantu yina vandaka kuzinga na kuwakana ti Nzambi kuvutukaka na bwala na bo. Mighty Babylon fell, and God's covenant people were soon able to return to their homeland. When making decisions, on what must we be on guard? Ve, sambu yandi "kele zola. " No, indeed, for "God is love. " 1: 6 - 9. BANKUNGA: 65, 52 And the number of our brothers who are struggling with severe economic problems continues to increase. Yo lombaka nde mwana ya Yefte kusadila Yehowa konso kilumbu na nzo - tenta sambu na kulungisa lusilu ya tata na yandi. To pay her father's vow, Jephthah's daughter had to serve Jehovah full - time at his sanctuary. She should strive to be kind to her husband, not to do anything that might cause others to feel disrespectful toward her husband. Bangogo yai ya Davidi kepesa mpenza kikesa: "Mfumu Nzambi kele penepene na bantu yina ke na kikesa ve, yandi ke gulusaka bantu yonso yina me katulaka ntima. " David's words convey true comfort: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " Who in heaven support the arrangements of Jehovah's organization, and how can we show that we support the arrangements being made on earth? Na nima, na mvu 1919 kima mosi kusalamaka na kintulumukina. Then in 1919 something unexpected happened. JEHOVAH has united his people, anointed Christians and their companions, in order to worship him "in his holy mountain. " Ntangu beto kebaka balukanu, beto fwete keba na nki? When it comes to making decisions, what caution must we exercise? PUBLISHERS 1: 6 - 9. 1: 6 - 9. If Jehovah is real to us as Enoch, Noah, Job, and Moses saw him, we will " remember him ' in all aspects of our life, and he "will make our paths straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Mpi ntalu ya bampangi na beto yina kenwana ti bampasi ya ngolo ya kuzwa mbongo kelanda kaka na kukuma mingi. And a growing number of us struggle through severe economic hardships. Although Jehovah is described as "the First and the end " at Revelation 22: 13, since no one is before or after him, the events mentioned in Revelation show that the title" First and Last One " in chapter 13. Yandi fwete sala ngolo na kutuba mambu ya mbote sambu na bakala na yandi, mpi kusala ve ata kima mosi yina lenda pusa bantu yankaka na kukonda bakala na yandi luzitu. She will endeavor to speak well of her husband and thus do nothing to cause others to disrespect him. sinful humans are in dire straits and are in desperate need of help. Banani na zulu ke pesaka maboko na bangidika ya organizasio ya Yehowa, mpi nki mutindu beto lenda monisa nde beto ke pesaka maboko na bangidika yina ke bakama awa na ntoto? Who are supporting Jehovah's arrangements in the heavens, and how can we show similar support on earth? No one can make sure that others observe such a law, for no one can know what is in the heart of others. YEHOWA mevukisaka bantu na yandi, Bakristu bapakulami ti banduku na bo, sambu bo samba yandi na " ngumba na yandi ya santu. ' JEHOVAH has gathered his people, anointed Christians and their companions, to worship him at his "holy mountain. " After the discussion of the fiery furnace, they decided. BANSAMUNI PUBLISHERS When Jesus ascended to heaven, he did not begin to rule over the world immediately. Kana Yehowa kele muntu ya kyeleka sambu na beto mutindu Enoki, Noa, Yobi, ti Moize vandaka kumona yandi, beto " tayindula yandi ' na mambu yonso ya luzingu na beto, mpi yandi "ta songa [beto] nzila ya mbote. " - Bingana 3: 5, 6. If Jehovah is as real to us as he was to Enoch, Noah, Job, and Moses, we will "take notice of him " in all our ways, and he will" make [our] paths straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. I love the book of Philippians 4: 6, 7: " Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers. ' Ata bo ketubila Yehowa bonso "muntu ya ntete ti ya nsuka " na Kusonga 22: 13, sambu ata kigangwa mosi ve kele na ntwala to na nima na yandi, mambu ya bo ketubila na kapu ya ntete ya Kusonga kemonisa nde titre " Muntu ya Ntete mpi Muntu ya Nsuka ' na kapu yina ketadila Yezu Kristu. Although Jehovah is referred to as "the first and the last " at Revelation 22: 13, in that there is none before or after him, the context in the first chapter of Revelation shows that the title" the First and the Last " there applies to Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus tells them that because they have a bad life, they will be wiped out forever. Bantu ya masumu kele na mpasi kibeni mpi bo kele mpenza na mfunu ya lusadisu. Sinful humankind is in a pitiable state and is desperately in need of help. Yes, paying attention to God's standards when we read the Bible is an important thing. - See the box. Ata muntu mosi ve lenda zikisa kana bantu yankaka kezitisa nsiku ya mutindu yai, sambu ata muntu mosi ve lenda zaba mambu yina kele na ntima ya bankaka. No human could enforce such a commandment, since no one can read hearts. Despite their imperfections and imperfections, they sincerely want to show love to all mankind by teaching them not only the good news but also by helping them when possible. Na nima ya disolo ya tiya - tiya, bo bakaka desizio. After much lively discussion, they arrived at a decision. They are already busy, but there is more work to do! Ntangu Yezu kumataka na zulu yandi yantikaka ve kuyala bantu ya inza na mbala mosi. When Jesus ascended to heaven, he did not immediately take up the scepter of rulership over the peoples of the world. In a touching song, David answers: "I cry to Jehovah for help, and I beg Jehovah to show me favor. Mono ke zolaka mingi mukanda ya Bafilipi 4: 6, 7 ya ke tubaka nde: " Beno kudiyangisa ve sambu na kima ata mosi, kansi na mambu yonso na nzila ya kisambu mpi ya dodokilu kumosi ti kupesa matondo, beno zabisa balombilu na beno na Nzambi; mpi ngemba ya Nzambi yina me luta mambu yonso yina bantu lenda bakisa ta tanina bantima na beno mpi mabanza na beno. ' A favorite passage of mine is Philippians 4: 6, 7: " Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers. ' If you look forward to something wrong, you may be comforted by the idea that it will not happen; but if you look forward to something good, you may be discouraged if it does not happen. (NW) Ya kyeleka, Yezu kezabisa bo nde sambu bo kele na luzingu mosi ya mbi, bo tafwa kimakulu. Yes, Jesus is telling them that for pursuing their wicked course, they will suffer everlasting destruction. The earth in the Nhhhhhh part Ya kyeleka, kutula dikebi na minsiku ya Nzambi na ntangu beto ketanga Biblia kele kima mosi ya mfunu mingi. - Tala lupangu. Yes, taking special note of godly principles when reading the Bible is well worth the effort. - See box. " All of them have become wicked, and they have done terrible things. " Ata bo kele bantu ya kukonda kukuka mpi kesalaka bifu bantangu yankaka, bo kevandaka na mpusa ya masonga ya kumonisa zola na bantu yonso na kulongaka bo kaka ve nsangu ya mbote kansi mpi na kusadisaka bo kana mpila kele. Though they are imperfect and sometimes fall short, they sincerely desire to act in a loving way toward all people not only by sharing the good news but also by extending a helping hand whenever possible. (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham dealt with Lot? Bo me sala dezia mingi, kansi kisalu mingi me bikala! They had come a long way, but they had a long way to go! So when attending the Memorial, we need to meditate on what Jesus ' death means for us. Na nkunga mosi ya ke simba ntima, Davidi ke pesa mvutu nde: " Mono ke binga Yehowa sambu yandi sadisa mono, mono ke bondila Yehowa sambu yandi monisila mono ntima - mbote. In a touching psalm, David answers: "With my voice I call to Jehovah for help; with my voice I plead with Jehovah for favor. Paul wrote: "Many became sinners, because the man Adam did not obey God's command, and he will also be declared righteous through this man Jesus Christ. " - Romans 5: 19. Kana nge ke vingila kusalama ya diambu mosi ya mbi, yo lenda lembika ntima na nge na kuzaba nde yo ta salama ve; kansi kana nge ke vingila kusalama ya diambu mosi ya mbote, nge lenda lemba nitu kana yo me salama ve. Depending on what you expected, you might be relieved, disappointed, or indifferent. However, with regard to God, we have much to know and learn about our welfare and happiness. Ntoto ya Zelo na Zelo ya Parani Wilderness of Paran Rather than focusing solely on just one event or on just one event, do you see that the sign has a wide range of events being fulfilled around the world? " Bo yonso me kumaka bantu ya mbi, bo me salaka mambu ya mbi mpenza. " " They have acted ruinously, they have acted detestably in their dealing. " In 48 C.E., they returned to Antioch where "the people said to them: " God will watch over you just as he loves you, that you should do also. ' " - Acts 14: 26. (b) Mutindu Abrahami yidikaka mavwanga ti Loti ke longa beto nki? (b) What can we learn from the way Abraham dealt with a dispute? Of course, Christian husbands need to be careful and critical. - Proverbs 10: 19. Yo yina, ntangu beto kekwendaka na Lusungiminu, beto fwete yindululaka mambu yina lufwa ya Yezu ketendula sambu na beto. So when we attend the Memorial, we should contemplate what Jesus ' death means for us. Knowledge of Jehovah means recognizing his power. Polo kusonikaka nde: "Bantu mingi kumaka bantu ya masumu sambu muntu mosi yai Adami landaka ve nsiku yina ya Nzambi pesaka yandi; mutindu mosi mpi Nzambi ta ndima bantu mingi sambu muntu mosi yai Yesu Kristo lemfukaka na yandi. " - Roma 5: 19. Paul wrote: "Through the disobedience of the one man [Adam] many were constituted sinners, likewise also through the obedience of the one person [Christ Jesus] many will be constituted righteous. " - Romans 5: 19. • How can fear affect us, and how can we overcome our fears? Kansi, na yina metala Nzambi, beto kele ti mambu mingi ya kuzaba mpi ya kulonguka sambu na mambote mpi kyese na beto. There is, however, much more about him for us to know and to discover - to our benefit and delight. Peter immediately " caught [Jesus] up from the distance and began to rebuke him, saying: " O Jehovah, you will not be found by him. ' " Na kisika ya kutula dikebi kaka na dyambu mosi - mosi to na dyambu mosi buna ya kesalama kaka na kisika mosi, keti nge kebakisa nde kidimbu yina kele ti mambu mingi na kati kelungana na bisika mingi, na inza ya mvimba? Looking beyond single events or isolated incidents, do you see a pattern, a composite sign of global importance? They serve Jehovah full - time and in many places, even when they are under difficult circumstances. Na mvu 48 T.B., bo vutukaka na Antioshe kisika "bantu tubilaka bo nde: " Nzambi kukeba beno kaka mutindu yandi ke zolaka beno, sambu na kusala kisalu yina ya beno fweti sala. ' " - Bis. 14: 26. In 48 C.E., they return to Antioch, "where they had been entrusted to the undeserved kindness of God. " - Acts 14: 26. How can we show our gratitude to Jehovah for allowing us to come to know the truth? Ntembe kele ve nde, babakala yina kele Bakristu fwete keba mpi na kutonga. - Bingana 10: 19. Of course, Christian men must also guard against harmful gossip. - Proverbs 10: 19. This translation has been made available in other languages. Kuzaba Yehowa ketendula kundima ngolo na yandi. To know Jehovah is to recognize his power. Consider the apostle Paul's words. - Read Acts 14: 16, 17. • Inki mutindu boma lenda vanda na bupusi na zulu na beto, mpi nki mutindu beto lenda nunga boma na beto? • How might fear affect us, and how can we overcome our fears? What did the nations do? Na mbala mosi Piere "nataka [Yezu] na lweka fioti, yandi yantikaka kunganina yandi nde: " Mfumu, Nzambi kukeba nge na mambu yina! Yo ta bwila nge ve! ' " Peter immediately "took [Jesus] aside and commenced rebuking him, saying: " Be kind to yourself, Lord; you will not have this destiny at all. ' " Whether we are part of a large congregation or a group that is growing up to become a congregation, may all of us build for the future. Bo ke sadilaka Yehowa bisalu mingi mpi na bisika mingi, ata ntangu bo ke kutana ti bampasi. And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. " Inki beto lenda sala sambu na kumonisa nde beto ke tondaka Yehowa na mutindu yandi me sadisaka beto na kuzaba kieleka? How can we show appreciation for knowing the truth? God has exalted him to the heavens by means of him, and the Father has poured out his holy spirit upon us how you see and how you feel now. " Bo me baka bangidika sambu mbalula yai ya bo me tomisa kubasika mpi na bandinga ya nkaka. Preparations are under way to make the revised edition available in other languages as well. Did humans evolution? Beto tadila bangogo ya ntumwa Polo. - Tanga Bisalu 14: 16, 17. Consider the words of the apostle Paul. - Read Acts 14: 16, 17. Although the Bible is a book of old, it contains details and many more. Bantu ya makanda salaka nki? How did the nations respond? Eric: That's right. Ata beto kele na dibundu mosi ya nene to na kimvuka yina ke yela sambu na kukuma dibundu, bika nde beto yonso kutunga sambu na bilumbu ke kwisa. Whether we belong to a well - established congregation or to a small group that is progressing toward becoming a congregation, let us build for the future. From 170 to 1711 C.E., parts of the Bible were printed. Bisambu yina ya bo ta samba ti lukwikilu, yo ta belula muntu yina ya maladi, ebuna Mfumu Nzambi ta vutula ngolo na nitu na yandi. " And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. " When he returned and opened it again, people came to buy more. Nzambi me tombula yandi na zulu na ngolo na yandi. Tata Nzambi me pesa yandi Mpeve na yandi mutindu yandi silaka. Yesu me panza Mpeve - Santu na zulu na beto mutindu beno ke mona ti mutindu beno ke wa ntangu yai. " Therefore because he was exalted to the right hand of God and received the promised holy spirit from the Father, he has poured out this which you see and hear. " 1, 2. (a) What will help us to survive? Keti bantu kudibasikilaka? Did the human race evolve? Yet, he changed. Ata Biblia kele mukanda mosi ya ntama, yo ke tubilaka mambu yai mpi mingi ya nkaka. As old as it is, the Bible addresses those needs and more. Highlights From God's Word, 6 / 15 Eric: Yo ke mutindu yina. Eric: Sure. What can guide us in our decision to follow certain customs? Yantika na mvu 1705 tii na mvu 1711, bo niemaka mikanda ya nkaka ya Biblia. Between 1705 and 1711, parts of the Bible were printed. Clearly, " Abraham put faith in Jehovah first, and he came to be called Jehovah's friend. ' Ntangu yandi vandaka kuvutuka mpi kukangula yo diaka, bantu vandaka kukwisa mingi sambu na kusumba. When she reopened her store after a few hours, customers flocked in to buy. How Jesus Was With People 1, 2. (a) Inki ta sadisa beto na kuguluka? 1, 2. (a) How can we come in line for salvation? He loved them so much that he understood their physical and spiritual needs even before they said their needs. Ata mpidina, yandi sobaka. 2: 6 - 8. Moreover, when we come to trust in the Bible, it can help us more than any other book to take the second step to maintain strong faith. Bangindu ya Mfunu ya Bankunga, Kitini ya Ntete, 6 / 1 Highlights From Psalms, Book One, 5 / 15 Highlights From Psalms, Book Two, 6 / 1 These women were not like a bad woman in a basket. Inki lenda twadisa beto Bakristu na kubaka lukanu ya kusadila nsiku mosi buna ya bambuta to ve? What can guide us as Christians in deciding whether to observe a certain custom or not? 18, 19. Yo ke pwelele nde " Abrahami tulaka ntete lukwikilu na Yehowa, ebuna bo kumaka kubinga yandi nduku ya Yehowa. ' Significantly, it was after "Abraham put faith in Jehovah " that" he came to be called Jehovah's friend. " First, he loved Jehovah and did not want to hurt him. Mutindu Yezu Vandaka Kuzinga ti Bantu How Jesus Dealt With People Sadly, Adam and Eve rebelled. Yandi vandaka kuzola bo mingi, yandi vandaka kubakisa kisika ngolo na bo ya kinsuni ti ya kimpeve vandaka kusuka na ntwala nkutu nde bo tuba bampusa na bo. He cherished them, taking into consideration their physical and spiritual limitations even before they voiced their needs. Consider why the Bible assures us that Jehovah alone is the rightful Sovereign of the universe. Dyaka, kana beto mekuma kutula ntima na Biblia, yo lenda sadisa beto kuluta mikanda yonso yankaka na kusala kitambi ya zole ya kesadisaka na kuvanda ti lukwikilu ya ngolo. In addition, once we gain confidence in the Bible, it can help us as no other book can in taking the next step toward having stronger faith. This time, he wore his wedding dress. Bankento yai vandaka ve bonso nkento ya mbi yina vandaka na kitunga. How different these women are from the woman in the container! What a privilege it is to please Jehovah in this way! 18, 19. 18, 19. How did Priscilla and Aquila "seek the interests of others "? Ya ntete, yandi vandaka kuzola Yehowa mpi zolaka ve kupesa yandi mpasi na ntima. First of all, he loved Jehovah and feared displeasing him. Even if people do not help us, Jehovah always helps us. - Ps. Yo kele mawa mingi na kumona nde Adami ti Eva kukolamaka. Sadly, Adam and Eve rebelled. So Jesus may have performed that miracle when he left the Jewish city and was near the city of Rome or from the second city to the first city. Beto tadila bikuma yina Biblia ke pesa, ya ke ndimisa nde Yehowa mpamba me fwana na kuyala zulu ti ntoto. And it deserves our wholehearted support. The Bible provides a basis for such conviction. According to Greek - speaking scholars, the Greek words translated "keep on perceiving " can mean" keep on perceiving " and "keep getting to know. " Na mbala yai, yandi lwataka lupetu na yandi ya makwela. This time he was wearing his wedding ring. While there is little change, you will find that there is little anxiety, or you will be better able to fight anxiety, one way that will help you to continue doing so. Kupesa Yehowa kyese na mutindu yai kele dibaku ya mbote mpenza! What a wonderful privilege it is to give Jehovah pleasure in this way! Those who watch pornography and pornography develop "a strong desire for sex that they cannot control. " Inki mutindu Prisila ti Akilasi vandaka "kusosa " mambote ya bantu yankaka? How were Prisca and Aquila "keeping an eye " on the interests of others? See Revelation 12: 9. Ata bantu ke sadisaka beto ve, Yehowa ke sadisaka beto ntangu yonso. - Nk. Even if we are beyond the reach of human help, Jehovah is always there. - Ps. Researchers have found that millions of people died in the 20th century. Yo yina, ziku Yezu kusala kimangu yango ntangu yandi vandaka kukatuka na mbanza ya Bayuda mpi kukumaka penepene ya mbanza ya bantu ya Roma to yandi katukaka na mbanza ya zole sambu na kukwenda na mbanza ya ntete. So perhaps Jesus performed the miracle while leaving the Jewish city and approaching the Roman city or vice versa. Moreover, the loss of the large toes made it difficult for a man to get up. Bantu ya mayele ya ke longukaka ndinga ya Kigreki ke monisa nde, bangogo ya Kigreki ya bo ke balulaka na " kulonguka na kuzaba ' lenda tendula "fwete landa na kuzaba " mpi" fwete fula na kuzaba. " According to Greek - language scholars, the Greek expression translated "taking in knowledge " can also be translated" should keep on knowing " or "should continue knowing. " Thus, a good neighbor is eager to get to know them well. Ata kusoba kele mingi ve, nge tamona nde susi mekuma fyoti, to mpi nge tazaba mbote kunwanisa basusi, nge tazaba metode mosi yina tasadisa nge na kulanda kusala mutindu yina. Even if you make only a little improvement, you will likely feel less stress, or at least you will be handling stress better, and you will have a method for continuing. A person may listen to us when we complain, but he certainly does not appreciate us. Bantu yina ke talaka bifwanisu mpi bafilme yina ke monisaka bantu kinkonga ke kumaka ti "nzala ya ngolo ya kuvukisa nitu ya bo lenda yala ve. " Those who habitually view pornography nurture "uncontrolled sexual passion, " which may result in their becoming addicted to sex. 7: 13, 14. Tala Kusonga 12: 9. See Revelation 12: 9. When the Philistines forced the Israelites to arrest Samson, their brother, "the spirit of Jehovah kept hold on him, and the cords of fire began to be poured out as if they were burning in fire. " Bantu ya mayele me monaka nde bamilio mingi ya bantu fwaka na mabobo na mvu - nkama ya 20. Experts estimate that hundreds of millions died of smallpox during the 20th century. It would be difficult to rely on such a powerful God. Dyaka, kuvidisa misapi ya nene ya makulu vandaka kusala nde muntu kukuka dyaka ve na kutelama mbote. And the loss of the big toes would result in inability to maintain one's balance properly. Shem had strong faith, and he likely taught his brothers about Jehovah. Yo yina, muntu ya mbote ya kezingaka penepene na bankaka kesalaka ngolo na kuzaba bo mbote. Therefore, a good neighbor endeavors to make an effort to acquaint himself with people around him. He realized that Jehovah had done good to him. Muntu lenda widikila beto kana beto kebokuta, kansi ntembe kele ve nde yandi tasepela ve na beto. Growling might capture someone's attention, but it will certainly not win anyone's heart. Rather, listen to him encouraged him to listen to us. " 7: 13, 14. 7: 13, 14. Jesus himself said that there would be "the conclusion of the system of things. " Ntangu Bafilistia kupusaka bantu ya Izraele na kukanga Samsoni, mpangi na bo, "mpeve ya Mfumu Nzambi simbaka yandi, ebuna bansinga ya bo kangisaka yandi na maboko yo zenganaka na mbala mosi bonso nde nsinga ya lino ya bo me tula tiya. " When the Philistines persuaded Samson's fellow Israelites to capture him, "Jehovah's spirit became operative upon him, and the ropes that were upon his arms came to be like linen threads that have been scorched with fire, so that his fetters melted off his hands. " In what way did Jehovah reveal something about himself in harmony with its meaning? Yo tavanda mpasi na kutula ntima na Nzambi ya ntima ngolo ya mutindu yai. It would be difficult to put confidence in such a hardhearted God. (Read Nehemiah 13: 23, 24.) Semi vandaka ti lukwikilu ya ngolo, mpi ziku yandi longaka bampangi na yandi mambu ya Yehowa. Shem was a man of great faith, and he probably talked to his relatives about Jehovah. Let us consider some of these principles. Yandi bakisaka nde Yehowa kusadilaka yandi mambu ya mbote. He recognized that Jehovah had dealt well with him. 13: 5, 15, 22; 14: 1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 20. Kansi, kuwidikila yandi kusyamisaka yandi na kuwidikila beto. " On the other hand, listening to her encouraged her to listen to us. " We have come to know Jehovah, and we can see his hand because we know his qualities, so by means of " the eyes of our heart, ' we see what he does. Yezu yandi mosi kutubaka nde bamvita, banzala ti maladi tavanda na "nsuka ya ngidika ya bima. " Jesus himself said that "the conclusion of the system of things " would be marked by wars, famines, and pestilences. First, he said that the gifts of the spirit would end and that the Christian congregation would grow. Na nki mutindu Yehowa monisaka diambu mosi ya me tala kimuntu na yandi na kuwakana ti ntendula na yo? In what way did Jehovah reveal an aspect of his personality as reflected in the meaning of his name? Jesus himself gave a witness before Herod and Pontius Pilate. (Tanga Nehemia 13: 23, 24.) (Read Nehemiah 13: 23, 24.) Although Christ's early followers suffered persecution and other tests of faith, the Christian congregation grew up in the first century. Bika beto tadila ndambu ya minsiku yango. Let us consider a few of these. Some 50 years later, the apostle John was able to write a reliable account about Jesus ' last days on earth. Na nima, bo nwanaka bo na bo mpi fwaka bampangi na bo mosi; bantu ya Izraele nungaka bitumba yina. - 1 Samuele 13: 5, 15, 22; 14: 1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 20. Then they attacked and killed one another, and the Israelites won the battle. - 1 Samuel 13: 5, 15, 22; 14: 1, 2, 6, 14, 15, 20. Because he is interested in us, he shows that he knows exactly how we are formed, our needs, and what we want to do. Beto me zabaka Yehowa, mpi beto lenda mona diboko na yandi sambu beto ke zabaka bikalulu na yandi; yo yina, na nsadisa ya " meso ya ntima na beto, ' beto ke monaka mambu yina yandi ke salaka. As we come to know Jehovah and his qualities, we see his hand with " the eyes of our heart. ' We can be confident that Jehovah will take vengeance on those people's blood when he destroys those who kill them. - Psalm 37: 9 - 11; 145: 20. Ntetentete, yandi tubaka nde makabu ya mpeve zolaka kumana mpi nde dibundu ya Bukristu zolaka kuyela. First, he pointed out that gifts of the spirit would pass away and that the Christian congregation would grow out of its infancy stage and reach maturity. How does his death benefit us? Yezu yandi mosi kutaka kimbangi na ntwala ya Erode mpi Ponse Pilate. Jesus himself bore witness before Herod and Pontius Pilate. Willing giving is beneficial, and it carries heavy shoulders on the shoulders of the poor, such as Jairus, mentioned earlier. Ata balongoki ya ntete ya Kristu kutanaka ti mbangika mpi mambu ya nkaka yina mekaka lukwikilu na bo, dibundu ya Bukristu yelaka mingi na mvu - nkama ya ntete. Despite the hardships, persecution, and other tests of faith experienced by Christ's followers, Christianity flourished in the first century. As Daniel foretold, God's Kingdom "will crush and put an end to all these [now] kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " - Dan. Kiteso ya bamvula 50 na nima, ntumwa Yoane kukaka kusonika disolo mosi ya kutudila ntima yina kutubilaka na bunda mambu yina metala bilumbu ya nsuka ya luzingu ya Yezu na ntoto. More than 50 years later, the apostle John was able to write a reliable account filled with extensive details about the last few days of Jesus ' earthly life. What is the goal for children to make? Sambu yandi ketudilaka beto dikebi, yandi kemonisaka kibeni nde yandi mezaba mutindu beto salamaka, bampusa na beto, mpi mambu ya beto kezolaka kusala. As he directs his attention to us, he shows an intimate understanding of our makeup, our desires, and our aspirations. Many today would agree. Beto lenda tula ntima nde Yehowa tavutula mbela sambu na menga ya bantu yina ntangu yandi tafwa bantu yina kufwaka bo. - Nkunga 37: 9 - 11; 145: 20. We can be confident that Jehovah will avenge innocent blood by destroying those responsible for shedding it. - Psalm 37: 9 - 11; 145: 20. Yes, God's Word foretold that Jehovah would destroy the wicked. Inki mutindu lufwa na yandi kenatila beto mambote? How does his death benefit us? Many of them attended the meetings. Kupesa na luzolo yonso kele mbote, mpi yo kekatulaka kilo na mapeka ya bansukami, bonso Genival, ya beto tubilaka na luyantiku. As well as being effective, contributing on a voluntary basis takes a load off the shoulders of those with limited means, such as Genival, mentioned earlier. Hence, Jesus said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " Mutindu Daniele kutubaka yo, Kimfumu ya Nzambi "ta fwa bantotila yonso [ya bilumbu yai] ebuna [yo] ta yalaka tii kuna. " - Dan. As Daniel foretold, God's Kingdom "will crush and put an end to all these [present - day] kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " - Dan. It summarizes God's purpose to end all suffering. Inki lukanu bana fwete baka nsukansuka? What decision do children eventually have to make? How did Abraham and his family keep their faith strong? Bubu yai bantu mingi tandima dibanza yai. Many today would agree. (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) Ya kyeleka, Ndinga ya Nzambi bikulaka nde Yehowa tafwa bantu ya mbi. In fact, God's Word long foretold that Jehovah will destroy the wicked. Should we not strive to use them skillfully? Mingi na kati na bo vandaka kukwisa na balukutakanu. Most of them have attended meetings. The apostle Peter wrote: " honor the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect. " Yo yina, Yezu kutubaka nde: "Muntu yina me mona mono, yandi me mona mpi Tata. " Hence, Jesus said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " However, Jimmy felt that her mother had thrown him away. Yo ketubila na bunkufi lukanu ya Nzambi ya kumanisa bampasi yonso. It summarizes God's purpose to bring an end to all suffering. How Would You Answer? Abrahami ti dibuta na yandi salaka nki sambu lukwikilu na bo kuvanda kaka ngolo? How did Abraham and his family keep their faith strong? He knows us so well that he even knows our "perceptive powers. " (Tanga 1 Korinto 10: 13.) (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13.) But these wonderful things do not always happen to anointed Christians. Keti beto fwete sala ve kikesa sambu na kusadila yo na mayele yonso? Should we not strive to wield it skillfully? Yes, death is a painful reality, and fear of death is everywhere. PONTIAC, MI, Silverdome, 1200 Featherstone Rd. What I learned about God gave me a strong desire to change my lifestyle. Ntumwa Piere kusonikaka nde: "Beno zitisa Kristo na ntima na beno, bonso Mfumu na beno. Konso ntangu beno fweti vanda ya kuyilama na kupesa mvutu na bantu yina ke yulaka beno sambu na kuzaba nki mutindu beno ke tulaka ntima na Nzambi. " The apostle Peter wrote: "Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect. " In the face of war, people have done many bad things. Kansi, Jimmy monaka nde mama na yandi losaka yandi. But to Jimmy, it felt as if his mother had abandoned him. I have good and bad qualities, like everyone else. " Inki Mvutu Nge Tapesa? How Would You Answer? Although there may be times when you have to be alone, it is not good to be alone and to avoid contact with people. Yandi zaba beto mbote mpenza na mpila nde yandi zaba nkutu "bangindu " na beto. He knows us so well that he is aware even of the "inclination of [our] thoughts. " The psalmist said that "his heart was high above " because God judges justice. Kansi mambu yai ya kuyituka ke salamaka ve ntangu yonso yina Nzambi ke tulaka Bakristu mafuta. But these spectacular things do not happen to all Christians when they are anointed. I wondered, " Did he go to heaven or die forever? ' Ya kyeleka, lufwa kele kima mosi ya kepesaka mpasi, mpi boma ya lufwa kevandaka na bisika yonso. At any rate, death is a troubling, frightening event, and the fear of death is universal. " My adversary, my enemy, have you found me? " Mambu ya mu longukaka na yina metala Nzambi kupesaka mu mpusa ya ngolo ya kusoba luzingu na munu. What I learned about God gave me a strong desire to change my lifestyle. Note that this is one way to ask yourself. Ntangu bantu ke nwanaka mvita, bo ke salaka mambu mingi ya mbi. In war, people do terrible things. Man loved me to read the book of Daniel chapter two, and I was impressed by what I read. Mu kele ti bikalulu ya mbote ti ya mbi, bonso bantu yankaka yonso. " A Christian woman put it this way: "I'm not the epitome of evil; nor am I God's gift to others. Parents can learn much about unselfish love from Jesus ' words to God's wayward people: "How often I would put your people together as a mother lifts his wings under her wings! " (Bingana 18: 1) Ata yo ke lomba bantangu ya nkaka nde nge vanda nge mosi, yo kele mbote ve na kuvanda na kingenga mpi na kubuya kusolula ti bantu. (Proverbs 18: 1) While there are times when you may want to be alone, avoid becoming isolated and withdrawn. • With what attitude should we display loving - kindness? Muyimbi - bankunga kutubaka nde " ntima na yandi kuvandaka zulu - zulu ' sambu Nzambi kezengaka makambu na lunungu. The psalmist said that he was "crushed with longing " for God's righteous judicial decisions. Will we strive to do this and enjoy it? Mono vandaka kudiyula nde: " Keti yandi me kwendaka na zulu to yandi me fwaka kimakulu? ' I wondered: " Has he gone to heaven? Or has he ceased to exist forever? ' Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said: "It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it. " - Isaiah 55: 10, 11. " A nge, mbeni na mono, keti nge me zwa mono? " " So you have found me, O my enemy! " The important thing is that we cannot rely on human wisdom to eliminate death. Simba nde kutuba yai kele mutindu mosi ya kudiyula. Note that this is an exclamatory statement. 12, 13. (a) What is the spiritual paradise? Mandy songaka mu na kutanga mukanda ya Daniele kapu ya zole, mpi mambu yina mu tangaka yitukisaka mu. Mandy directed me to Daniel chapter 2, and what I read there stunned me. [ Picture on page 12] Bibuti lenda longuka mambu mingi ya metala zola ya kukonda bwimi na bangogo yina Yezu kutubilaka bantu ya Nzambi yina vandaka ntu - ngolo nde: "Mbala mingi mono zolaka kutula bantu na nge kisika mosi mutindu nsusu ke kutikisaka bana na yandi na nsi ya mapapu na yandi! " Parents can learn much about selfless love from Jesus ' words to God's wayward people: "How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! " The storehouses of snow • Ti nki mabanza beto fwete monisa ntima ya mbote? • With what attitude should we display loving - kindness? (1) We should try to make peace with our fellow believers. Keti beto ta sala kikesa sambu na kusala yo mpi kusepela ti kisalu yango? Would we do our best to fulfill and enjoy our assignment? " What I appreciate most is when my brothers and sisters are willing to go out with me and my children in the field service. " Na nzila ya profete Yezaya, Yehowa kutubaka nde: "Mambu yina ke katukaka na munoko na mono, yo ke vutuka ve mpamba na mono kana yo me sala ve ntete luzolo na mono, kana yo me lungisa ve bangindu na mono. " - Yezaya 55: 10, 11. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah declared: "My word that goes forth from my mouth... will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it. " - Isaiah 55: 11. Toward the end of his second letter, Peter wrote to fellow believers: "You must take hold of the patience of our Lord as salvation. " Diambu ya mfunu kele nde beto lenda tula ve ntima na mayele ya bantu sambu na kumanisa lufwa. The good news is that we do not have to rely on human ingenuity to solve this long - standing problem. The branch in Benin oversees the work of four countries, where they speak French. 12, 13. (a) Paladisu ya kimpeve kele inki? 12, 13. (a) What is the spiritual paradise? The lie to harm others is a lie that offends someone; its intent is to hurt or hurt someone. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 22] [ Picture on page 12] " The congregation continued to be peaceful and strong. " - ACTS 9: 31. Ditadi ya neze [ Picture on page 13] And there is no place where they can attend congregation meetings that are held in their mother tongue. (1) Beto fwete sosa kutula ngemba ti mpangi kukonda kukotisa bampangi ya nkaka. (1) We should try to make peace with our brother without involving others. What can fear of man do to us, but why does that fear not go distant? Margarita ketuba nde: "Kima ya mu kesepelaka na yo mingi kele ntangu bampangi ya babakala mpi ya bankento kendimaka na kubasika ti mono mpi bana na mono na kisalu ya bilanga. " " What I really appreciate, " relates Margarita, "is when brothers and sisters offer to accompany me and my children in the field ministry. " Why? Penepene ya nsuka ya mukanda na yandi ya zole, Piere kusonikilaka bampangi na yandi Bakristu nde: " Beno fweti baka kukanga ntima yina ya Mfumu na beto bonso nzila ya kuguluka. ' Near the end of his second letter, Peter wrote to his fellow believers: "Consider the patience of our Lord as salvation. " Jacob realized this. Filiale ya Bénin ke twadisaka kisalu ya bansi yai iya, kisika bo ke tubaka Kifalansa. The Benin branch oversees the work in all four lands, where French is spoken. (b) What questions should we ask ourselves? Luvunu sambu na kukota bankaka nsoki kele luvunu yina muntu ketaka sambu na kusala muntu mbi; lukanu na yo kele ya kumonisa muntu mpasi to ya kupesa yandi mawa. A malicious lie is told with a view to harming someone; its purpose is to make the person suffer in some way or experience distress. Explain. (b) Why is pride wrong, and what Scriptural examples illustrate? " Into All the Earth Their Sound Went Out, " 1 / 1 However, when Daniel was referring to that image, he did not mention the number of fingers. " Dibundu vandaka kuzinga na ngemba mpi yo vandaka kukuma ngolo. ' - BISALU 9: 31. " The congregation... entered into a period of peace, being built up. " - ACTS 9: 31. Instead of helping the common people to understand the Bible, the Latin Vulgate made it difficult for the Bible to become a book that was harder for many people to understand. Mpi, kele ve ti bisika yina bo lenda kwenda na balukutakanu ya dibundu ya kesalamaka na ndinga na bo. Moreover, they cannot attend congregation meetings conducted in their mother tongue. When we teach people how to pray, how to pray, and what to pray for, we help them to become Jehovah's friends and to approach him during difficult times. - Psalm 4: 1; 145: 18. Boma ya bantu lenda sala beto inki, kansi sambu na nki boma yango kekwendaka ve ntama? What can fear of men do to us, but why is such fear shortsighted? 10 Sambu na nki? Why? In Bible times, many had the opportunity to see or hear God's dealings with the Israelites. Yakobi kubakisaka dyambu yai. The patriarch Jacob understood this. What were some forms of full - time service in the first century, and how were full - time servants helped materially? (b) Inki bangiufula beto fwete kudiyula? (b) What questions should we consider? As a result, Saul protected the Gibeonites. Tendula. (b) Sambu na nki lulendo kele mbi, mpi nki bambandu ya Masonuku ke monisa yo? Explain. (b) What kind of pride is dangerous, and what Scriptural examples illustrate this? Loving - kindness is pleasant in the tongue of the wise and all others who want to please Jehovah God. Kansi, ntangu Daniele vandaka tubila kiteki yina, yandi tubilaka ve ntalu ya misapi ya makulu. However, when describing the image, Daniel does not mention the number of toes. (Read Acts 18: 1, 5 - 8.) Na kisika ya kusadisa bantu yonso na kubakisa Biblia, mbalula Vulgate salaka nde Biblia kukuma mukanda yina bantu lenda bakisa ve sambu bantu mingi zabaka ve Kilatini ata fioti. Instead of helping ordinary people to understand the Bible, the Vulgate made it a closed book because eventually most people knew no Latin at all. Faith also helped Moses to decide what he would do in his life. Kana beto ke longa bantu mutindu ya mbote ya kusamba, Muntu yina bo fwete samba, mpi mambu ya bo fwete lomba na kisambu, beto ta sadisa bo na kukuma banduku ya Yehowa mpi ntangu bo ta sambaka yandi na bantangu ya mpasi, yandi ta sadisaka bo. - Nkunga 4: 1; 145: 18. When we teach people how to pray in the right way, to the right Person, and for the right things, we help them to become Jehovah's friends and to find comfort when they suffer. - Psalm 4: 1; 145: 18. Assyria 10 10 Yet, many employers did not want to take me to work. Na ntangu ya ntama, bantu mingi vandaka ti dibaku ya kumona to kuwa mutindu Nzambi sadisaka bantu ya Izraele. In the past, many people had the opportunity to see and hear how God helped Israel. If you have returned to your privilege of serving as an elder, pray for Jehovah's encouragement, patience, and joy. Inki vandaka mitindu ya kisalu ya ntangu yonso na mvu - nkama ya ntete, mpi nki mutindu bo vandaka kusadisa bansadi ya ntangu yonso na kinsuni? What were some fields of service in the first century, and how were those serving in those fields helped financially? However, Jeremiah's secretary Baruch did not understand things clearly. Yo yina kusalaka nde Saule kutanina bantu ya Keni. For good reason, then, Saul spared the Kenites. He will give us the necessary strength to remain faithful. - 2 Cor. Ntima ya mbote kevandaka kitoko na ludimi ya nkento ya mayele mpi ya bantu yonso yankaka yina kezolaka kusepedisa Yehowa Nzambi. Loving - kindness is desirable upon the tongue of a wise woman as well as all others who want to please Jehovah God. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it. (Tanga Bisalu 18: 1, 5 - 8.) (Read Acts 18: 1, 5 - 8.) • What connection is there between God's purpose and our willingness to accept Scriptural counsel? Lukwikilu sadisaka mpi Moize na kupona diambu yina yandi ta sala na luzingu na yandi. Moses ' faith also shaped his choice of career. I had left some time with Tony, the young man I had come with him. Protected, Provided, Persevered (Joseph), 4 / 1 But I would pay for lying, sell, and sell it without permission. Asiria Assyria Then, if he feels that he could make himself feel that his conduct is good, it will not be of any other people. " - Galatians 6: 4. Ata mpidina, bamfumu mingi ya kisalu buyaka na kubaka mono na kisalu. At times, I explained that I was studying the Bible and that my desire was to become a better citizen. People will grow up and grow up in the morning; in the evening they will perish. " Kana nge me vutukila mukumba na nge ya nkuluntu, samba sambu Yehowa kupesa nge kikesa, ntima - nda mpi kiese. If you are again privileged to serve as an elder, look to Jehovah for strength, patience, and joy. Jehovah wants us to know that he " knows what the blameless are. ' Kansi, Baruki sekretere ya Yeremia bakisaka ve mambu pwelele. However, for a time Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch, did not see things clearly. The Sanhedrin did not love Jesus. Yandi tapesa beto ngolo ya mefwana sambu na kulanda kuvanda ya kwikama. - 2 Kor. He will give us the strength required to continue on faithfully. - 2 Cor. They use God's name in their private conversations. Ebuna Nzambi ke salaka kaka mambu yina ya yandi me tubaka, sambu yandi ta bika beno ve nde Satana kumeka beno na kumeka yina me luta ngolo na beno. No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. He quoted from Revelation chapter 17, which refers to "the wild beast, " not to the abyss, but to" come out of the abyss. " • Inki kuwakana kele na kati ya lukanu ya Nzambi mpi luzolo na beto ya kundima bandongisila ya Masonuku? • What connection is there between God's purpose and our willingness to accept Scriptural counsel? Each Christian must do his part for the unity of the brotherhood, just as each member of our body builds up other parts of the material things needed. - Read Ephesians 4: 15, 16. Mu kwendaka kuzinga mwa ntangu ti Tony, mwana - bakala yina mu vandaka kubasika ti yandi. For a while, I stayed with my boyfriend, Tony, who was Rastafarian. In the original language, the word used for "to greet " can mean more than" an openness " or "a good day. " Kansi, mono vandaka kufuta amande sambu mono vandaka kukusa bantu, kutekila bo bima ya luvunu mpi kuteka yo kukonda nswa. However, I did pay many hefty fines for fraud, false representation, and selling without a permit. What a shock those visions must have been! Ebuna, kana yandi mona nde yandi lenda kudikumisa yandi mosi nde bikalulu na yandi kele ya mbote, yo ta tadila yandi mosi kansi bantu ya nkaka ve. " - Galatia 6: 4. Therefore, we do well to apply Paul's counsel: "Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. " - Galatians 6: 4. What should prevent Christians from taking decisive action to divorce? Bantu kele bonso matiti; yo ke mena na suka, yo ke yela, na nkokila yo ke fwa ka yo. " In the morning it puts forth blossoms and must change; at evening it withers and certainly dries up. " Would You Welcome a Visit? Yehowa ke zolaka nde beto zaba nde yandi "me zaba mambu yina bantu ya kukonda kifu ke kutanaka ti yo. " And the psalmist assures us: "Jehovah is aware of what the blameless go through. " Would you not agree that the interested owner had to cut down all those words in order to sustain his family's health and family? Bantu ya Sanedreni vandaka ve kuzola Yezu. As a group, the Sanhedrin was hostile to Jesus. How can we cultivate the fruitage of the spirit? Bo kesadilaka zina ya Nzambi na masolo na bo mosi. They use the divine name in private conversations. Let us consider four examples of what he has produced at Proverbs 30: 24 - 28 says it is "very wise. " Yandi tubilaka mambu yina kele na Kusonga kapu 17, yina ke tubila "mbisi ya mfinda " yina" vandaka, kansi yo kele ve, ata mpidina yo ke zola kubasika na dibulu ya nda. " He discussed Revelation chapter 17, which describes a "wild beast " that" was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss. " What, though, about the Israelites? Konso Mukristu fwete sala kitini na yandi sambu na bumosi ya kimpangi, kaka mutindu konso ndambu ya nitu na beto ya kinsuni ketungaka bandambu yankaka na kupesa bima yina kele mfunu. - Tanga Efezo 4: 15, 16. Every Christian should contribute to the unity of the brotherhood, just as every member of our physical body builds up the others by helping to supply what is needed. - Read Ephesians 4: 15, 16. What about the results of a good decision? Cope With Discouragement! By means of printed printing methods, Jehovah's Witnesses now printed millions of books in the Braille text in over ten languages each year, distributing them to more than 70 countries. Na ndinga ya kisina, ngogo ya bo kesadilaka sambu na "kupesa mbote " lenda tendula mambu mingi kuluta" ebwe " to "kilumbu ya mbote. " The original - language word for "greeting " may mean more than a mere" hello " or "good - day. " entitled "What Do You Think? " Bambona - meso yai pesaka yandi boma kibeni! How those visions frighten him! " See there! " Cultivate Good Conduct To Your Children Inki fwete buyisa Bakristu na kubaka ve nswalu lukanu ya kufwa makwela? What should restrain Christians from making hasty decisions regarding divorce? Rather, they indicated what would happen during the last days of this system of things. Keti Nge Tazola nde Muntu Mosi Kwisa Kutala Nge? Would You Welcome a Visit? How important it is, then, that we avoid anything - movies, books, video games, and so on - qualities that God hates - such as pride and violence! Keti nge kendima ve nde munkwa - nzo ya dikebi fwete fwa bansalafwa yina yonso sambu na kutanina mavimpi mpi luzingu ya dibuta na yandi? Would you not agree that a conscientious homeowner should safeguard the health and well - being of his family by exterminating the pests? In fact, I will make this city a ruin. Inki mutindu beto lenda kuna mbuma ya mpeve? How can we cultivate the fruitage of the spirit? The desire for more material things. Bika beto tadila bambandu iya ya bima yina yandi megangaka yina Bingana 30: 24 - 28 ketuba nde yo kele "mayele mingi. " Let us consider four examples of created things that are described at Proverbs 30: 24 - 28 as "instinctively wise. " Although these faithful men and women mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 had strong faith in God's promises, they did not know all the details about how God would fulfill his promises through the Messiah and the Kingdom. Kansi, nki beto lenda tuba sambu na bantu ya Izraele? What about the ancient nation of Israel? [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. Inki beto lenda tuba sambu na bambuma yina desizio mosi ya mbote lenda buta? What can be said about the outcome of a good decision? If the nature of Christmas conflicts with Christ, how should true Christians remember the birth and life of Christ? Na nsadisa ya bametode ya mpa ya kunyema mikanda, ntangu yai Bambangi ya Yehowa kenyemaka bamilio ya mikanda na Bisono ya Bifwa - meso na bandinga kuluta kumi konso mvula, mpi bo kekabulaka mikanda yango na bansi kuluta 70. By using advanced methods, Jehovah's Witnesses ' printeries presently emboss millions of pages each year in over ten languages and distribute these to more than 70 countries. Show "the Fruit of the Spirit " ya kevandaka ti ntu - dyambu "Que répondriez - vous? " magazine, entitled "How Would You Answer? " Hosea appears to have lived in the territory of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel, known as Ephraim, its greatest tribe. Kuna Bikalulu ya Mbote na Bana na Nge Keys to Family Happiness We need to know that when the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures, they often applied the Septuagint. Kansi, yo monisaka mambu yina zolaka kusalama na bilumbu ya nsuka ya ngidika yai ya bima. Rather, it highlights what would happen during the last days of this wicked system. Children need to be obedient to their parents. Yo yina, yo kele mfunu mingi nde beto buya konso kima - bafilme, mikanda, bansaka ya video, mpi buna na buna - yina lenda buta na kati na beto bikalulu yina Nzambi kemengaka, mu mbandu lulendo mpi kuzola mubulu! How important, then, that we reject anything - movies, books, video games, and so on - that may engender within us traits that are detestable to God, such as pride and the love of violence! At Armageddon it will lift the image and make it dust. Ya kieleka, mono ta kumisa bwala yai mayumbu. A ruin, a ruin, a ruin I shall make it. • How can we imitate Enoch? Mpusa ya bima mingi ya kinsuni. Materialism. Then things changed in a wonderful way. Ata babakala mpi bankento yai ya kwikama ya bo ketanga na Baebreo kapu ya 11 kuvandaka ti lukwikilu ya ngolo na balusilu ya Nzambi, bo zabaka ve mambu yonso ya ketadila mutindu Nzambi zolaka kulungisa balusilu na yandi na nzila ya Mesia mpi ya Kimfumu. Although those faithful men and women listed in Hebrews chapter 11 had strong faith in God's promise, they did not know all the details of how God would fulfill his promise through the Messiah and the Kingdom. " When you offer me an animal for the communion sacrifice, " says Leviticus 19: 5. [ 1] (paragrafe 5) Beto me soba bazina. [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. Above all, let him become great among you as a young man, and let him be like a slave to you. Kana mutindu bantu ketaka nkinsi ya Lubutuku kewakana mpenza ve ti Kristu, inki mutindu Bakristu ya kyeleka fwete yibuka lubutuku mpi luzingu ya Kristu? If traditional Christmas has little to do with Christ, how should true Christians remember the birth and life of Christ? To make this article easier, we will invite elders who are training "those who are being trained " and who are being trained" disciples. " Monisa "Bambuma ya Mpeve " Manifest "the Fruitage of the Spirit " Many people do not know how to honor others. Yo kemonana bonso nde Ozea kuzingaka na teritware ya kimfumu ya bikanda kumi ya Izraele. Bo vandaka kubinga teritware yango nde Efrayimi, zina ya kikanda na yo ya kuluta nene. Hosea apparently lived in the territory of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel (also called Ephraim, for its dominant tribe). He has the power to solve any problem. Beto fwete zaba nde ntangu bansoniki ya Masonuku ya Kigreki ya Bukristu vandaka kuvutukila mambu ya Masonuku ya Kiebreo, mbala mingi bo vandaka kusadila la Septante. It is interesting that when writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures, they often used the Septuagint. In December 21 M.C.E., an island in the Philippines was built and more than 100,000 homes were broken, many of our brothers ' homes were broken. Bana fwete lemfukila bibuti na bo. Children are to be obedient to their parents. Do You Have reason to Hope in Paradise? Na Armagedoni ditadi yango tabwisa kiteki yina mpi kukumisa yo putulu. At Armageddon that stone will strike the image and grind it to powder. No wonder Ezekiel must have been surprised when he saw this vision! • Inki mutindu beto lenda landa mbandu ya Enoki? • How can we imitate Enoch? How does preparation for meetings help us to understand deep things of God? Na nima, mambu kusobaka na mutindu mosi ya kuyituka. Next, there is an amazing turn of events. Focus on their good qualities, as you also want them to focus on your good qualities. Levi 19: 5 ketuba nde: "Ntangu beno ke pesa mono mbisi sambu na makabu ya kinduku, beno sala yo mutindu nsiku ke tuba na mpila nde mono ndima yo. " " In case you should sacrifice a communion sacrifice to Jehovah, " says Leviticus 19: 5, "you should sacrifice it to gain approval for yourselves. " He sings: "I think of your reminders, and I look at them as they are. Kuluta mbote nde na kati na beno muntu yina me luta nene yandi kuvanda bonso leki, muntu yina ke yalaka beno yandi kuvanda bonso muntu yina ke sadilaka beno. But let him that is the greatest among you become as the youngest, and the one acting as chief as the one ministering. However, we do not know who had been part of the wheat during that extended period. Sambu na kukumisa disolo yai pete, beto ta binga bankuluntu yina ke pesa formasio "balongi " mpi bampangi yina ke baka formasio" balongoki. " For the sake of simplicity, the articles will refer to those giving training as "teachers " and those receiving it as" learners. " In the United States, U.S.A., U.S.A., there will be a mountain of Persia in 16th - century Persia. Bantu mingi ke zabaka ve mutindu ya mbote ya kupesa bantu lukumu. The world is full of people whose sense of how to bestow honor is distorted. Yet, Pharaoh stubbornly replied: "O Jehovah, whom shall I listen to him? Indeed, the Bible contains many accounts of people, even among God's servants, who did wrong and suffered the consequences. What woe does Habakkuk hear? Yandi kele ti ngolo ya kumanisa konso dikambu yina lenda kumina bo. He is equal to any situation that may confront them. Hebron Na Desembri 2 011 na Mindanao, kisanga mosi ya Philippines, mvula mosi ya ngolo nokaka mpi banzo kuluta 40 000 dindaka, banzo ya bampangi mingi mpi dindaka. In December 2011, a tropical storm caused severe flooding on the Philippine island of Mindanao. Overnight, more than 40,000 homes were inundated, including dozens of our brothers ' homes. Hence, we might deceive ourselves into thinking that we are accepting all kinds of people. Keti Nge Kele ti Kikuma ya Kutula Kivuvu na Paladisu? Paradise - For You? Only to exercise justice, to love integrity, and to walk modestly with your God! " - COL. 6: 8. Ntembe kele ve nde, Ezekiele yitukaka ngolo ntangu yandi monaka mbona - meso yai! How awe - inspiring it must have been for Ezekiel to see this vision! We too can thank God for giving us the things that help us to live and to fight against weaknesses and to keep in mind the wonderful hope of everlasting life. - Romans 6: 23. Inki mutindu kudibongisa sambu na balukutakanu kesadisaka beto na kubakisa mambu ya mudindu ya Nzambi? What role does preparing for meetings play in understanding the deep things of God? Perhaps they are very young and inexperienced. Tula dikebi na bikalulu na bo ya mbote, mutindu nge mpi ke zola nde bo tula dikebi na bikalulu na nge ya mbote. Focus on their positive traits, just as you want them to focus on yours. He put the chapters we find in several Bibles today. Yandi keyimba nde: "Mono ke yindulaka malongi na nge, mono ke talaka mbote - mbote mutindu yo kele. He sings: "With your orders I will concern myself, and I will look to your paths.... Second, elders help repentant ones to regain God's favor and not to repeat the mistake. Kansi, sambu Bakristu yina me fwanana ti matiti ya mbi kumaka mingi, beto ke zaba ve mbote banani vandaka na kimvuka ya ble na nsungi yina ya nda. However, since they were overgrown by weedlike Christians, we do not know for certain who belonged to the wheat class during that long period of time. Later, Anne and his wife, Anne and their two sons attended Gilead School and were assigned to serve as missionaries. Na Musée d'Art de Philadelphie, na États - Unis, na Pennsylvanie, kele ti tapi mosi ya Persia ya mvu - nkama ya 16; tapi yango ke songaka kilanga mosi ya kukanga, yina kele ti banti mpi bintuntu yina bo me tungaka. A 16th - century Persian carpet, in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., shows a walled garden with trees and flowers woven into its design. Respect for law helped him to have peace and a clean conscience. - Psalm 119: 1, 9, 65, 98, 98, 98. Kansi, Farao kuvutulaka na lulendo yonso nde: "[Yehowa, NW] yango nani? Sambu na nki mono fweti wila yandi na kubika bantu ya Israele bo kwenda? But Pharaoh arrogantly said: "Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice to send Israel away? Similarly today, before a person gets baptized, he first needs to take in accurate knowledge of God's purpose as found in his Word, the Bible. Inki nsangu ya mawa Habakuki kewa? Habakkuk hears what shocking news? When it comes to the destruction of false religion, it would cause them much distress. Ebroni Hebron Moreover, this account is found in God's inspired Word, that is, from the true God, who "cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2; 2 Timothy 3: 16. Yo yina, beto lenda kudikusa na kuyindulaka nde beto ke ndimaka bantu ya mitindu yonso. Thus, we might deceive ourselves into believing that we are tolerant of people of all types. We can help such ones to realize that even though Jehovah is perfect, he does not expect us to be perfect enough to accept us. Kaka kusala mambu na lunungu, kuzola kwikama, mpi kutambula kukonda lulendo ti Nzambi na nge! " - MIKA 6: 8. Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God! " - MICAH 6: 8. The small water that "came out " at that temple became huge water. Beto mpi lenda pesa Nzambi mersi na zina ya Kristu sambu yandi kepesaka beto bima yina kesadisaka beto na kuzinga mpi kunwana ti bifu ya nitu na beto mpi kulanda na mabanza ti kivuvu ya kitoko ya luzingu ya kukonda nsuka. - Roma 6: 23. We too can thank God through Christ for providing the means to cope with human weaknesses and keep on minding the spirit with the wonderful hope of everlasting life. - Romans 6: 23. Strive to discuss important matters. Ziku bo kele baleke kibeni mpi bo kele na eksperiansi ve. They may be too young and inexperienced. There is no doubt that everyone loves it. Yandi tulaka bakapu ya beto ke mona na Babiblia mingi bubu yai. He gave us the chapter numbering we find in most Bibles today. One day, a young woman saw me and began to laugh, and she was better off selling fruit. Ya zole, bankuluntu ke sadisaka bantu yina me balula ntima sambu Nzambi kundima bo diaka mpi bo vutukila diaka ve kifu yina. Second, this arrangement fortifies repentant wrongdoers to remain in God's care and to avoid a pattern of sin. Then we will consider how they can do the fine work of shepherding. Na nima, Harvey Conrow ti nkento na yandi Anne mpi bana na bo zole ya babakala kotaka na Nzo - nkanda ya Gileade mpi bo tindaka bo bamisionere na Pérou. The four Conrows later attended Gilead School and were assigned to Peru as missionaries. Referring to another situation in Noah's day, the Bible says: "The earth was being ruined in the sight of [God], and the earth became filled with violence. " Kuzitisa nsiku kusadisaka yandi na kuvanda na ngemba mpi ti kansansa ya mbote. - Nkunga 119: 1, 9, 65, 93, 98, 165. Obeying the law gave him peace and a good conscience. - Psalm 119: 1, 9, 65, 93, 98, 165. He may have remembered Hannah's prayer, but Jehovah gave her a son, Samuel, to Jehovah, because "he was thrown down in the Grave, and he raises himself up. " Mutindu mosi bubu yai, na ntwala nde muntu kubaka mbotika, yandi fwete baka ntete nzayilu ya sikisiki ya lukanu ya Nzambi mutindu yo kele na kati ya Ndinga na yandi, Biblia. Likewise today, an accurate knowledge of God's will as found in his Word, the Bible, is essential before one takes the step of baptism. ▪ The diseases caused by sexual immorality Ntangu bantu tamona nde mabundu ya luvunu mefwa, yo tapesa bo mpasi mingi. It will be a great shock for people to see false religion destroyed. Therefore, do not be quick to send information to anyone you know. Diaka, disolo yai kele na Ndinga ya kupemama ya Nzambi, disongidila nde yo me katukaka na Nzambi ya kieleka, Nzambi yina "lenda kusa ve. " - Tito 1: 2; 2 Timoteo 3: 16. More important, it is part of God's inspired Word, so it comes from the God of truth, the One who "cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2; 2 Timothy 3: 16. When we are sick, depressed, or under some circumstances, we need to believe that Jehovah and Jesus are "a strengthening aid " when we need help. Beto lenda sadisa bantu ya mutindu yai na kubakisa nde ata Yehowa kele ya kukuka, yandi kesosaka ve nde beto mpi kuvanda ya kukuka sambu na kundima beto. Such ones can be comforted in knowing that Jehovah, while perfect, is not a perfectionist. How will Zephaniah 1: 17, 18 be fulfilled in our day? Masa ya fyoti yina "vandaka kubasika " na tempelo yango kukumaka masa ya nene. " Going forth " from the temple is a stream of water that becomes a torrent. 7 / 15 Beno sala ngolo na kutubila mambu ya mfunu. Strive to make it practical. In general, the expression "holy spirit " appears 41 times in the book of Acts. Ntembe kele ve nde bantu yonso kezolaka yo. Does not everyone want it? Before God created Adam and Eve, God trusted that humans would fulfill his purpose for the earth, reflect his qualities and praise. Kilumbu mosi, mwana - nkento mosi monaka mono mpi yandi yantikaka kuseka; yandi vandaka kuluta mpi kuteka bambuma. One day, a nice young girl smiled at me as she passed out advertisements for a fruit stand. Let us take advantage of these occasions to encourage one another in the true worship of Jehovah, who has allowed us to " render sacred service sacred service without fear and righteousness. ' - Luke 1: 74; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Na nima, beto tatadila mutindu ya mbote yina bo lenda sala kisalu ya kugungula. Thereafter, we will reflect on the proper way of carrying out the shepherding work. Living in Satan's world is not easy. Ntangu Biblia ketubila dyambu yankaka ya kusalamaka na ntangu ya Noa, yo ketuba nde: "Nzambi monaka mbi [ya bantu], mbi ti nku na bo mpi panzanaka na nsi - ntoto yonso. " Pointing to yet another characteristic of Noah's day, the Bible states: "The earth came to be ruined in the sight of the true God and the earth became filled with violence. " In many poor countries, Kingdom proclaimers are busy in the preaching work. Ziku yandi yibukaka kisambu ya Ana. Ana vandaka mukobo kansi Yehowa pesaka yandi mwana, Samuele. Na nima, Ana kumisaka Yehowa sambu "yandi ke kulumusaka na Maziamu, mpi yandi ke tombulaka. " She might well have recalled what formerly barren Hannah had prayed when she brought Samuel to serve at the tabernacle: "Jehovah... brings down to the Grave, and he raises up. " Jehovah allows events to happen for a while, but he ultimately supports them, and he will execute judgment upon those who cause harm to his people. ▪ Bamaladi yina kekatukaka na kuvukisaka nitu ▪ Sexually transmitted diseases Although we do not know whether any of us will yet face the future, by faith we can meet any challenge. Yo yina, kuvanda ve ti kikalulu ya kutinda bansangu nswalu mpi na konso muntu yina nge me zaba. So resist the temptation to forward information quickly and to everyone you know. Recall, for example, that when the Pharisees accused Jesus ' disciples of breaking up and eating seeds while they were still in the field. Kana beto ke bela, me lemba nitu, ke kudiyangisa na mabanza, kele bansukami to ke kutana ti bampasi ya nkaka, beto fwete kwikila nde Yehowa ti Yezu ke " sadisaka beto na ntangu beto ke vandaka ti mfunu ya lusadisu. ' When we are sick, discouraged, depressed, poor, or have other problems, we must have faith that Jehovah and Jesus will "help us at the right time. " " The holy spirit " prevented the apostle Paul and his associates from " making known God's word in the district of Asia, ' which did not allow them to go to Bithynia. Inki mutindu Sofonia 1: 17, 18 talungana na ntangu na beto? How will Zephaniah 1: 17, 18 be fulfilled in our day? 5: 19. " Bangibusa na Nge Kepesaka Mono Kiese, " 7 / 1 Gilead Graduations, 1 / 1, 7 / 1 Guinea, 10 / 15 Haiti, 12 / 15 IN THE past time, most people need compassion for such suffering as famine, sickness, poverty, crime, war, and natural disasters. Na kimvuka, bo mesadila bangogo "mpeve santu " mbala 41 na mukanda ya Bisalu. In all, the expression "holy spirit " occurs 41 times in the book of Acts. Soon his baby was captured, and he was sent to the concentration camp in the concentration camp where many people were killed. Na ntwala ya kuganga Adami ti Eva, Nzambi tulaka ntima nde bantu talungisa lukanu na yandi sambu na ntoto, tamonisa bikalulu na yandi mpi takumisa yandi. Before Adam and Eve were created, God was confident that humans would be able to carry out his will for them, reflect his qualities, and bring him glory. As the god of this system of things, the Devil knows how he can use our imperfect inclinations by allowing temptations that tempt imperfect humans. Bika beto sadilaka baokazio yai sambu na kupesana kikesa na kati ya lusambu ya kyeleka ya Yehowa, yina mepesaka nzila nde beto " sadila yandi kisalu ya santu kukonda boma na kwikama yonso mpi na lunungu. ' - Luka 1: 74, 75 NW; Baebreo 10: 24, 25. Let us use these occasions to encourage one another in the true worship of Jehovah, who has granted us "the privilege of fearlessly rendering sacred service to him with loyalty and righteousness. " - Luke 1: 74, 75; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Rather than force people to obey him, God tells them how they can benefit from doing what is right. - Read Isaiah 48: 18, 19. Kuzinga na nsi - ntoto ya Satana kele mpasi. Tribulation is a by - product of living in Satan's world. What about Nebuchadnezzar's successor? Na bansi mingi ya kinsukami, bansamuni ya Kimfumu kekudipesaka mingi na kisalu ya kusamuna. In a number of lands where living conditions are challenging, Kingdom proclaimers are often markedly active. While they were still strong, these older ones did their best to welcome the visitors. Yehowa kepesaka nzila nde mambu yina kubwila bo sambu na ntangu fyoti, kansi nsukansuka yandi kesadisaka bo, mpi yandi tasambisa bantu yina kepesaka bantu na yandi mpasi. Jehovah allows such things for a time, but eventually he brings relief, and those causing the tribulation face his judgment. Who can give him advice? Ata beto kezaba ve kana nki tabwila mosimosi na kati na beto na bilumbu kekwisa, na nsadisa ya lukwikilu beto lenda nunga konso dyambu yina ya mpasi. Although we cannot say what a day will bring forth for us individually, by faith we can meet any challenge. In fact, it applies to anything that can draw us closer to Jehovah and to others. Mu mbandu, yibuka ntangu Bafarize kufundaka nde balongoki ya Yezu kufwaka nsiku ya Sabala sambu bo vandaka kubuka mpi kudya bankeni ntangu bo vandaka kuluta na kati ya bilanga. Recall, for instance, when the Pharisees charged that Jesus ' followers had violated the Sabbath law by plucking a few heads of grain in a field and eating them while passing through. Learning the truth about Jehovah and his purpose to remove wickedness from the earth is the first step toward salvation. " Mpeve - Santu " kubuyisaka ntumwa Polo mpi bankundi na yandi na "kwenda kuzabisa mambu ya Nzambi na provense ya Azia ," mpi yo pesaka bo ve nzila ya kukwenda na Bitinia. The apostle Paul and his companions were "forbidden by the holy spirit to speak the word in the district of Asia "; nor were they permitted to go into Bithynia. • What did the Passover lamb represent? 5: 19. On one occasion, the apostle Peter told Jesus: "Look! 5: 17. BUBU yai, kuluta bantangu yankaka, bantu mingi kele na mfunu nde bo wila bo mawa sambu na bampasi bonso nzala, maladi, kinsukami, mubulu, bitumba, mpi bisumbula yina bo kekutana ti yo. NEVER before have so many of our fellow humans been in such dire need of compassionate help as they face famine, sickness, poverty, crime, civil strife, and natural disasters. It includes our beliefs - our beliefs. Ntama mingi ve, bo botulaka bebe na yandi, mpi bo tindaka yandi na camp ya konsatrasio ya Auschwitz kisika bo vandaka kufwa bantu mingi. Before long, her baby was taken from her, and she was sent to the extermination camp at Auschwitz. So I became known as a liar. Sambu yandi kele nzambi ya ngidika yai ya bima, Diabulu me zaba mutindu yandi lenda sadila bampusa na beto ya kukonda kukuka na kutulaka na nzila na beto bampukumuna yina ke bwisaka bantu ya kukonda kukuka. As the god of this wicked system of things, the Devil knows how to exploit our imperfect desires by putting in our path temptations common to imperfect humans. Not only did Paul encourage first - century Hebrew Christians to continue to make progress but he also told them what spiritual growth means. Na kisika ya kupusa bantu na kulemfukila yandi na kingolo - ngolo, Nzambi ke zabisaka bo mambote ya bo lenda baka kana bo ke sala mambu ya mbote. - Tanga Yezaya 48: 18, 19. But rather than force people to obey, he teaches them how to benefit from doing what is right. - Read Isaiah 48: 18, 19. The account says: "It began to say to them: " Our hearts were performed for joy, while he was speaking to us on the road and when he sat down and when he sat down in the Scriptures. ' " - Luke 24: 32. Inki beto lenda tuba sambu na Evile - Merodaki, yina yingaka Nabukodonozore? What about the existence of Nebuchadnezzar's successor, Evil - merodach? Prayer can protect us from "the machinations of the Devil. " Ntangu vandaka ngolo, kansi minunu yai salaka yonso sambu na kuyamba banzenza yina. It was during the heat of the day, but this elderly couple immediately hurried to welcome these guests. Ahaz removed his subjects by means of the pure worship of Jehovah. Nani me lenda pesa yandi bandongisila? Does Integrity Benefit? Na kutuba ya mbote, yo ketadilaka mambu yonso yina lenda wakanisa beto ti Yehowa mpi ti bantu yankaka. In fact, it involves our entire relationship with God and with fellow humans. Finally, Jesus ' faithfulness until death proved Satan a liar and his false accusations. - Rev. Kulonguka kyeleka ya metala Yehowa ti lukanu na yandi ya kukatula mambi na ntoto kele kitambi ya ntete sambu na kuguluka. Learning the truth about Jehovah and his purpose to rid the earth of wickedness is a first step toward salvation. No wonder people feel that way because of death. • Mwana - dimeme ya Paki kuvandaka kifwani ya inki? • What was foreshadowed by the Passover lamb? Jehovah does not promise to give his servants a life of wealth, and they sometimes endure trials. " Yo yina, beno bika kuvanda bazoba. " - 5: 17. " On this account cease becoming unreasonable. " - 5: 17. Heeding God's Standards in Life Yo ketadila mpi mambu ya beto kekwikilaka, disongidila malongi yina beto kendimaka. They also involve our beliefs - the teachings to which we adhere. The same is true today. Yo yina mono zabanaka bonso muntu mosi ya luvunu. As a result, I had the reputation of being dishonest. His works reveal, however, that he challenged the Trinity's teaching in secret before he met it. Polo kusyamisaka kaka ve Bakristu ya Ebreo ya mvu - nkama ya ntete na kulanda na kuyela, kansi yandi songaka bo mpi dyambu yina kuyela ya kimpeve ketendula. Paul not only encouraged the first - century Hebrew Christians to press on to maturity but also told them what spiritual maturity involves. For example, when he was fleeing from Saul. Disolo yango ketuba nde: "Bo yantikaka kutuba bo na bo nde: " Si ntima na beto vandaka kubula sambu na kiese, ntangu yandi vandaka kwenda kusolula ti beto na nzila, ti ntangu yandi vandaka kutendu [di] la beto mambu yina kele na Mukanda ya Nzambi. ' " - Luka 24: 32. The account tells us: "They said to each other: " Were not our hearts burning as he was speaking to us on the road, as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us? ' " - Luke 24: 32. Moreover, as all of them, the rich and the poor, lived on a similar scale, reminding them that during that festival, they were all equal. - Nehemiah 8: 14 - 16. Kisambu lenda tanina beto na "mayele ya Satana. " Prayer can also safeguard us against "the machinations of the Devil. " How did Jehovah help his people in the wilderness? Ahazi kukatulaka bantu ya kimfumu na yandi na nzila ya lusambu ya bunkete ya Yehowa. Ahaz led his subjects away from Jehovah's pure worship. Luke focuses primarily on Mary, such as when Mary visited Elizabeth and how Mary felt about Jesus ' staying at the temple. - w THESS. Keti Kwikama Kenataka Mambote? Does It Pay to Be Loyal? Megan: As a parent, think of how Jesus ' heavenly Father, Jehovah God, heard the death of Jesus. Nsukansuka, kwikama ya Yezu tii na lufwa kumonisaka nde Satana kele muntu ya luvunu mpi mambu yina yandi tubaka kele ya luvunu. - Kus. Jesus ' faithfulness to the death conclusively demonstrated that Satan is a liar and that his accusations are false. - Rev. Some Christians have given up a full - time service to pursue secular work so that they can earn a higher wedding. Mpila ya kuyituka kele ve kana bantu kewaka susi mingi mutindu yina sambu na lufwa. All of this is undeniable. However, I learned from the Bible that God hates those who worship "the god of Good blood " and greedy people. Yehowa kesila ve na kupesa bansadi na yandi luzingu mosi ya kimvwama mingi, mpi bantangu yankaka bo kekangaka ntima na bampasi. Jehovah does not promise a life of luxury, and sometimes his servants endure hardships. At a number of countries held in 1950 in New York City, the kings mentioned at Isaiah 32: 1, 2 were well understood. Kuzitisa Bansiku ya Nzambi na Luzingu Living by God's Standards They told their children: "A bird is like a bird. Bubu yai mpi mambu kele mutindu mosi. The same is true today. The love shown by these brothers and sisters is an expression of God's undeserved kindness expressed by these brothers and sisters. - Read 1 Peter 4: 11. Kansi, mikanda na yandi ke monisa nde yandi tudilaka dilongi ya Butatu ntembe na kinsweki na ntwala nkutu ya kukutana ti Servet. However, his writings suggest that he had privately questioned the Trinity doctrine even before he met Servetus. A true Christian clings to goodness so that it becomes part of his personality. Mu mbandu, ntangu yandi vandaka kutina Saule. One such time was when he was fleeing from Saul. I realized that my eyes were open! Dyaka, mutindu bo yonso, bamvwama ti bansukami, vandaka kuzinga na bisasa ya mutindu mosi, yo vandaka kuyibusa bo nde na nsungi ya ntangu yina ya nkinsi, bo yonso kuvandaka kiteso mosi. - Nehemia 8: 14 - 16. And since all, wealthy and poor alike, dwelled in booths that were similar, the Israelites were reminded that in relation to the festival, they were all equal. - Nehemiah 8: 14 - 16. Can he not feel sorry for the unborn child? Inki mutindu Yehowa kusadisaka bantu na yandi na ntoto ya zelo na zelo? How did Jehovah sustain his people in the wilderness? How can I draw close to God? Luka tubilaka mingi - mingi Maria; mu mbandu ntangu Maria kwendaka kutala Elizabeti mpi mutindu Maria kudiwaka ntangu Yezu bikalaka na tempelo. - w17.08, lut. Luke is more focused on Mary; for example, her visit to Elizabeth and her reaction when the boy Jesus remained at the temple. - w17.08, p. One month later, I was sent to a legal office for I learned to work in a machine. Megan: Sambu nge kele kibuti, yindula mutindu Yehowa Nzambi, Tata ya Yezu yina kele na zulu, waka kilumbu yina bo fwaka Yezu. Megan: As a parent, stop and think about how Jesus ' heavenly Father, Jehovah God, must have felt on the day that Jesus died. Others, for example, value the time they spend with their relatives. Bakristu mingi meyambulaka kisalu ya ntangu yonso sambu na kusosa bisalu ya kinsuni na mpila nde yo sadisa bo na kuzwa mbongo ya kusadisa nkinsi ya makwela ya nene. Some Christians have chosen to leave the full - time ministry and get secular jobs in order to cover the expenses of an elaborate wedding. Like a loving father, Jehovah gives us his holy spirit to help us understand the Bible Kansi, mu longukaka na Biblia nde Nzambi ke buyaka bantu yina ke sambilaka "nzambi ya Menga ya Mbote " mpi bantu ya bwimi. However, I learned from the Bible that God condemns worshippers of the "god of Good Luck, " as well as greedy persons. (b) What danger can come from? Na lukutakanu ya bansi mingi yina bo salaka na mvu 1950 na Mbanza New York, bo bakisaka mbote bantotila yina Yezaya 32: 1, 2 ketubila. At the 1950 international convention in New York City, the princes of Psalm 45: 16 were precisely identified. Parents should strive to instill the truth in their children's hearts and minds. Bo songaka bana nde: "Avio ke vandaka bonso ndeke. They said: "Airplanes look just like birds. What evidence, then, would humans see on earth to see that Christ's presence had begun? Zola yina bampangi yai ya babakala ti ya bankento kemonisaka, mpi lusadisu yina bo kepesaka, kele mitindu yina Nzambi kemonisaka " mambote na yandi yina beto mefwana ve na kubaka yina kemonanaka mutindu na mutindu. ' - Tanga 1 Piere 4: 11. The tender affection and practical assistance rendered by such caring brothers and sisters are all manifestations of "God's undeserved kindness expressed in various ways. " - Read 1 Peter 4: 11. People come from ships that are leading to faith who come to worship Jehovah in Jerusalem. Mukristu yina kele ti zola ya kyeleka kekangamaka ngolo na kikalulu ya bumbote na mpila nde yo kekumaka kitini ya kimuntu na yandi. A Christian who has genuine love is so firmly glued, or attached, to the quality of goodness that it becomes an inseparable part of his personality. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Mono bakisaka nde meso na mono me yantika kukanguka! But I now felt that my eyes were being opened! On the trip, Sarah was reminded of the many good things her wife had done for her. Keti yandi lenda wa mawa ve sambu na mwana yina me basika na divumu na yandi? To Israel, God said: "Can a wife forget her suckling so that she should not pity the son of her belly? God's Love and Sin Nki mutindu mu lenda pusana penepene na Nzambi? How can I draw close to God? At other times, though, God sent his people, the ancient Israelites, to wage war against their Promised Land. - Deuteronomy 7: 1, 2; Joshua 10: 40. Na nima ya ngonda mosi, bo tindaka mono na biro ya bo ke yidikaka bazulunalu na ndonga sambu mono zabaka kusonika na masini. After about a month in the Bindery, I was sent to the Magazine Department because I knew how to type. A sister who was not a Witness said: "All members of the congregation killed their fellow worshipers. Mu mbandu, ba - nkaka ke bakaka na valere mingi ntangu yina bo ke lutisaka ti bantu ya dibuta na bo. For example, grandparents often value spending time with family. Imagine the joy Barnabas felt when the apostle Paul asked Mark to help him. - 2 Tim. Bonso tata ya zola, Yehowa kepesaka beto mpeve santu na yandi sambu yo sadisa beto na kubakisa Biblia Like a loving father, Jehovah gives holy spirit to help us understand the Bible So parents need to ask Jehovah for help. (b) Kigonsa lenda katuka wapi? (b) Where does danger lurk? Thus, the only way we can enjoy true happiness and peace is by not relying on money but on our caring Father, Jehovah. - Read Matthew 6: 24, 25, 31 - 34. Bibuti fwete sala bikesa sambu na kukotisa kieleka na ntima mpi na mabanza ya bana na bo. Christian parents do well to make sure that God's Word gradually reaches their children's minds and hearts. However, there are other important reasons why one man could gain God's approval for some time. Ebuna, inki kidimbu bantu zolaka kumona na ntoto sambu na kubakisa nde kuvanda ya Kristu meyantika? How, then, would the sign show those on earth that Christ's presence had begun? (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 20.) Bantu kekatuka ntama na bamaswa yina ketambula ntinu kibeni sambu na kunata bantu ya lukwikilu yina kekwisa kusambila Yehowa na Yeruzalemi. From distant ports, the fleet is traveling at top speed, bringing believers to Jerusalem to worship Jehovah. We have every reason not to be afraid, for no matter how hard opposers may try, they will never be able to stop us! Yina Bambangi ya Yehowa mebasisaka. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 4: 15. Ntangu bo kwendaka kuzika Sara, yandi vandaka kuyibuka mambu mingi ya mbote yina nkento na yandi sadilaka yandi. His beloved wife, Sarah, has died. A myriad of fond memories fill the aged man's head while he says his final good - byes. What might that be? Zola ya Nzambi mpi Disumu God's Love Versus Sin He felt that I had " cut down ' the education I worked on as I accepted the cleaning work to help me pursue the full - time ministry. Kansi na bantangu ya nkaka, Nzambi vandaka kutinda bantu na yandi, disongidila bantu ya Izraele ya ntama, na kukwenda kunwana bitumba sambu na kutanina Ntoto na bo ya Lusilu. - Kulonga 7: 1, 2; Yozue 10: 40. At other times, God commanded his people in ancient Israel to fight in wars that he approved, namely, those that involved securing and defending their Promised Land. - Deuteronomy 7: 1, 2; Joshua 10: 40. Even those who have died and who are in God's memory will be resurrected so that they too may have the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth. Mpangi na bo mosi ya nkento yina vandaka ve Mbangi kutubaka nde: "Bantu ya mabundu yonso kufwaka bampangi na bo ya bo kesambilaka na bo. A non - Witness relative commented: "Members of all religions betrayed their fellow worshipers. Table of Contents Yindula kiese yina Barnabasi waka ntangu ntumwa Polo lombaka nde Marko kukwenda kusadisa yandi. - 2 Tim. Imagine the feeling of satisfaction that Barnabas must have had when Paul even requested Mark's assistance. - 2 Tim. My decision has not changed. Yo yina bibuti fwete lombaka Yehowa na kusadisa bo. That is why we need to rely on Jehovah to help us. Luke says: "Jesus gave them an illustration in order to teach them: " Pray continually. ' " Yo yina, mutindu mosi kaka yina beto lenda vanda na kiese ya kieleka mpi na ngemba, kele na kutulaka ve ntima na mbongo kansi na Yehowa, Tata na beto yina ke lungisaka bampusa na beto. - Tanga Matayo 6: 24, 25, 31 - 34. Indeed, the only way to attain true happiness and security is to trust in our caring Father rather than in money. - Read Matthew 6: 24, 25, 31 - 34. How did this happen? Kansi, beto lenda bakisa bikuma ya nkaka ya mfunu yina salaka nde Nzambi kundima sambu na mwa ntangu nde bakala mosi kuvanda ti bankento mingi. The Jewish temple was a tangible structure at a specific geographic location. " Then I looked back, and I saw a great crowd; no one was able to number. (Tanga Longi 7: 20.) (Read Ecclesiastes 7: 20.) Jehovah's organization uses some of the gifts they receive to help people physically, but we do well to know that there is an offering first to promote Kingdom interests and spread the good news. Beto kele ti bikuma ya mbote ya kuwa ve boma, sambu ata bambeni kusala bikesa ya nki mutindu, bo ta kuka ve ata fioti kukanga beto nzila! We have every reason to be fearless, for try as they may, our enemies will never silence us! (Read 2 Peter 2: 4, 5.) 4: 15, NW. 4: 15. And be assured that Jehovah will listen carefully and forgive you! - Ps. Yo lenda vanda inki? What might that be? Jesus again reminded his disciples of Jehovah's dealings with his creatures. Yandi monaka nde mu " mebebisa ' banzo - nkanda ya mu salaka na mutindu mu ndimaka kisalu ya kuyobisa bima sambu yo sadisa munu na kusala kisalu ya ntangu yonso. He felt that I had " wasted ' my education by taking a job as a cleaner to support me in my ministry. 19, 20. (a) Why do Christians have no reason to be afraid or terrified? Ata bantu yina mefwaka mpi ya kele na mabanza ya Nzambi, yandi tafutumuna bo na mpila nde bo mpi kubaka dibaku ya kuzinga mvula na mvula na paladisu ya ntoto. Even those who have died and are in God's memory will be brought back to life, so that they too will have the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth. Jesus said: "If you want to pray, enter your room, get up the door, and pray to your invisible Father. Mambu Ke na Kati Table of Contents (a) Peter, Andrew, Jacob, and John did what when Jesus invited them to become fishermen? Lukanu na mono me sobaka ve. My determination has not changed. True Christians, who know this, have the responsibility to warn Babylon the Great. Luka ketuba nde: "Yesu telaka bo kingana sambu na kulonga bo nde: " Beno fweti sambaka Nzambi ntangu yonso kukonda kulemba. ' " Luke reports that Jesus "went on to tell them an illustration with regard to the need for them always to pray and not to give up. " What Bible examples can help us to examine our circumstances? Inki mutindu mambu yai salamaka? How was that possible? Many neighboring towns had the custom of going to their city with their horses carrying many goods. " Na nima mono talaka diaka, ebuna mono monaka ndonga mosi ya bantu mingi; ata muntu mosi ve lungaka kutanga bantu yina yonso. [ Picture on page 18] Organizasio ya Yehowa ke sadilaka ndambu ya makabu yina bo ke bakaka sambu na kusadisa bantu na kinsuni, kansi beto fwete zaba nde makabu ke pesamaka ntete - ntete sambu na kunata mambote ya Kimfumu na ntwala mpi kumwanga nsangu ya mbote. As an organization, we use some donated funds to provide material help, but donations are used chiefly to promote Kingdom interests and spread the good news. Why? (Tanga 2 Piere 2: 4, 5.) (Read 2 Peter 2: 4, 5.) For example, as you prepare before you can conduct a Bible study with your students, take time to meditate. Mpi na nima, vanda ti kivuvu nde Yehowa ta widikila bisambu na nge na dikebi yonso mpi ta lolula nge! - Nk. If past wrongs trouble you, rectify them to the extent that you can and then believe Jehovah's assurance that he has forgiven you! - Ps. The Light Becomes progressively Yezu yibusaka diaka balongoki na yandi mutindu Yehowa ke sadisaka bigangwa na yandi. Once again, Jesus reminded his disciples how Jehovah takes care of his creation. We see his concern and love in these words to Moses: "If only they [the Israelites] would develop their heart to fear me and to keep my commandments always, in order that all things may be good for them and for them and for their offspring forever. " - Deuteronomy 5: 29, 29. 19, 20. (a) Sambu na nki Bakristu kele ve na kikuma ya kuwa boma to kutekita? 19, 20. (a) Why do Christians have no reason to be afraid or terrified? (a) To whom might Jesus have made Passover journey with whom? Yezu kutubaka nde: "Kana nge ke zola kusamba, kota na suku na nge, kanga kielo, ebuna samba Tata na nge yina ke monikaka ve. In the Bible, we find a record of God's servants praying anytime, anywhere. In contrast with what happened at Babel, this cleansing of the pure language has brought Jehovah's people honor and unity. (a) Piere, Andre, Yakobi, mpi Yoane kusalaka nki ntangu Yezu kubingaka bo na kukuma balobi ya bantu? (a) How did Peter, Andrew, James, and John respond when Jesus invited them to become fishers of men? They immediately attended Christian meetings with their mother and "persevere in prayer. " Bakristu ya kyeleka, yina kezaba dyambu yai, kele na mukumba ya kukebisa bantu ya Babilone ya Nene. True Christians, who know this, have an obligation to warn members of Babylon the Great. Noah had much to build the ark, gather the animals for his family and for the animals, warn people about the Flood, and help his family to have strong faith in Jehovah. Inki bambandu ya Biblia lenda sadisa beto na kutadila mambu ya luzingu na beto? Considering what Scriptural examples can help us to reappraise our lifestyle? Although not in a physical paradise, Jehovah's people today enjoy life in a spiritual paradise. Bantu mingi ya babwala ya nziunga vandaka ti kikalulu ya kukwisa na mbanza ti bampunda na bo yina vandaka kunata bima mingi. It was common to see people from nearby villages bringing their donkeys to town loaded with things to sell. In the new world, we will have everything necessary to enjoy life. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 32] [ Picture on page 18] He wanted to tell people that those who would follow him would face trials. Sambu na nki? Why? Since it can " cause us to stumble in the forest, ' Paul clearly mentioned lessons that undermine our spiritual balance. Mu mbandu, ntangu nge ke kudibongisa na ntwala ya kukwenda kulonguka Biblia ti balongoki na nge, baka ntangu ya kuyindulula. For example, you need time to meditate when you prepare for a Bible study. Although the priests taught the people not to read the Bible, and even very few people were able to buy the Bible, many were hungering for the truth. Nsemo kekuma mingi malembe - malembe The Light Gets Progressively Brighter serve as a result of his death. Beto kemona susi mpi zola na yandi na bangogo yai yandi songaka Moize: "Kana kaka bo [bantu ya Izraele] yidika ntima na bo sambu na kuwa mono boma mpi na kuzitisa ntangu yonso bansiku na mono, sambu mambu yonso kuvanda mbote sambu na bo ti bana na bo mvula na mvula. " - Kulonga 5: 29, NW. We note his loving concern in his words to Moses: "If only they [the Israelites] would develop this heart of theirs to fear me and to keep all my commandments always, in order that it might go well with them and their sons to time indefinite! " - Deuteronomy 5: 29. Nehemiah could not spend long hours in that silent prayer. (a) Yo lenda vanda nde Yezu kusalaka nzyetolo ya Paki ti banani? (a) With whom may Jesus have traveled to the Passover? What is "the modest course "? Na kuswaswana ti mambu yina kusalamaka na Babele, nsoba yai ya ndinga ya kukonda mvindu mesalaka nde bantu ya Yehowa kukumisa zina na yandi mpi kuvanda na bumosi. Unlike the events of Babel, this change to the pure language has resulted in praise to Jehovah's name and unity for his people. Thus, Jehovah repeated his promises to Abraham. - Genesis 22: 1 - 18. Kukonda kusukinina bo kumaka kukwenda na balukutakanu ya Bukristu ti mama na bo mpi "kukwamina na kisambu. " Soon, they were at Christian meetings with their mother, "persisting in prayer. " The only tent of meeting that was brought into Solomon's temple was the ark of the Ark. Noa kuvandaka ti mambu mingi ya kusala - kutunga maswa, kuvukisa bambisi, kubumba madya sambu na dibuta na yandi mpi sambu na bambisi, kukebisa bantu sambu na Mvula ya Ngolo, mpi kusadisa dibuta na yandi na kuvanda ti lukwikilu ya ngolo na Yehowa. Considering all that Noah had to do - building the ark, gathering the animals, stocking the ark with food for humans and animals, preaching a warning message, and keeping his family spiritually strong - it was no small task to do "just so. " There is no real proof that this ancient account is true. Ata bo kele ve na paladisu ya kinsuni, bubu yai, bansadi ya Yehowa ke na kuzinga na kyese na paladisu ya kimpeve. Though far removed from a physical paradise, Jehovah's servants today relish living in a spiritual paradise. do you think that it is something you can do. Na nsi - ntoto ya mpa, beto ta vanda ti bima yonso yina kele mfunu sambu na kuzinga mbote. In the new world, we will have everything we need to enjoy life. (b) What must we be on guard against? Yandi zolaka kuzabisa bantu nde bayina ta landa yandi ta kutana ti bampasi. His message could divide people. 1: 6, 9; 3: 12; 5: 1. Sambu yo lenda " bwisa beto na mfinda, ' yo ke pwelele nde Polo kutubilaka malongi yina kelembisaka bukatikati na beto ya kimpeve. Since they can " carry us away, ' it is clear that Paul refers to teachings that undermine our spiritual balance. Just a few years later, my mother began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, so I learned Bible teachings at an early age. Ata mimpe zabisaka bantu na kutanga ve Biblia, mpi ata bantu fioti mpamba vandaka na makuki ya kusumba Biblia, bantu mingi vandaka kaka na nzala ya kieleka. Even though the clergy had warned people not to read the Bible and few could afford to own a copy, many were hungry for the truth. These are slaves of sin and practice " every sort of flesh ' and are evil in the flesh. Wendy Wendy Many have listened to the thinking of Judas of Galilee, who lived near Jesus ' day. Nehemia lendaka ve kubaka ntangu mingi na kisambu yina ya nsi ya ntima. Nehemiah could not linger in that apparently silent prayer. If he was sleeping, he would sleep: "Look! " Kudikulumusa ya luvunu " kele inki? What is "mock humility "? How were Jesus ' disciples blessed for their efforts as harvest workers? Yo yina, Yehowa tubilaka dyaka balusilu yina yandi pesaka na Abrahami. - Kuyantika 22: 1 - 18. Jehovah then repeated his earlier promises to Abraham. - Genesis 22: 1 - 18. So I am happy that Jehovah has shown his long - suffering. Kima mosi kaka ya tenta ya lukutakanu yina bo kotisaka na tempelo ya Salomo kuvandaka Sanduku ya Kuwakana. The only item from the original tent of meeting that was kept in Solomon's temple was the Ark. John also saw an awe - inspiring animal that came out of the sea and gave it great authority. Yo kele ve ti nzikisa ya kieleka ya ke pusa beto na kubuya nde disolo yai ya ntama kele ya kieleka. There is no real basis for doubting the truthfulness of this historical account. They worship a true God, whose name is Jehovah. Gerald J. J. It was as if Jehovah had made a mistake for him to give a bad wife. (b) Beto fwete keba na nki mambu? (b) Against what do we need to be on guard? Foretelling the Future 1: 6, 9; 3: 12; 5: 1. 1: 6, 9; 3: 12; 5: 2. What a grand number! Bamvula fioti mpamba na nima, mama yantikaka kulonguka Biblia ti Bambangi ya Yehowa, yo yina mono zabaka malongi ya Biblia na bumwana. Just a few years later, my mother began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, so the Bible's teachings formed part of my earliest memories. In fact, the Bible uses these well - chosen words to describe those who leave behind their children: "A good man will give many things to his descendants. " Bantu yango kele bampika ya masumu mpi kesalaka " konso mambu yina ya nitu na bo kezolaka ' mpi nitu kele mfumu mosi ya mbi. They also are slaves of sin, driven to do "the things willed by the flesh, " which is a cruel master. As he examined it, he found some portions of the Georgian text under the Hebrew text. Bazeloti mingi landaka bangindu ya Yudasi muntu ya Galilea, yina zingaka pene - pene ya ntangu ya Yezu. Many of those extremists followed the ideas of Judas the Galilean. Jehovah, the most powerful, expressed his loving - kindness, or loyal love, toward David, who was suffering. Kana yandi ke na mpongi, yandi vandaka kutata: "Keba! While asleep, he would scream: "Watch out! Another reference work says that this expression means "to take me away as a treasure. " Inki mutindu balongoki ya Yezu kubakaka balusakumunu sambu na bikesa na bo bonso bansadi ya kisalu ya kukatula bambuma? How were Jesus ' disciples blessed in their efforts as harvest workers? Similarly, it is wise to consider your religion carefully. Yo yina mono kele na kyese na kumona nde Yehowa memonisaka kukanga ntima na yandi. So I am glad that Jehovah has exercised patience. " Among Jehovah's endearing qualities, we can include humility, love, and compassion. Yoane monaka mpi mbisi mosi ya kuyituka yina basikaka na nzadi - mungwa mpi Dyabulu pesaka yo kiyeka ya nene. John also saw a strange beast rise from that sea and receive great authority from the Devil. 2: 2. Bo ke sambilaka Nzambi mosi ya kieleka, yina zina na yandi na Biblia kele Yehowa. They worship the one true God, whose name is Jehovah, as revealed in the Bible. Because of their pride, they made their own arrangements to worship Jehovah. Yo vandaka bonso nde, Yehowa salaka kifu sambu yandi pesaka yandi nkento ya mbi. In effect, he said that Jehovah had given him a bad wife. What "good news " did Paul preach, and how did that message reflect Jehovah's undeserved kindness? Bo Tubaka na Ntwala Sambu na Mambu Yina Takwisa Foretelling a Grand Future Who can be sure that he is placed on his feet? Yai ntalu ya nene mpenza! What a large number that was! Eve did not respect Adam as family head when she ate of the fruit of the tree without contact with her husband. Nkutu, Biblia kesadila bangogo yai ya mbote sambu na kutubila bantu yina kebikilaka bana na bo kimvwama: "Muntu ya mbote ta bikila batekolo na yandi bima mingi. " Yet, the Bible speaks approvingly of those who provide an inheritance when it says: "One who is good will leave an inheritance to sons of sons. " BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Quit being fashioned after this system of things. " - Romans 12: 2, The Bible. Ntangu yandi vandaka kufimpa yo, yandi monaka na nsi ya masonama ya Kiebreo mwa bitini ya masonama ya ndinga Géorgien yina bo me vwansa. As he examined it, he could see under the Hebrew text some partially erased writing in Georgian characters. We must also accept the guidance of God's inspired Word when it comes to making important decisions in life. Yo lombaka nde Yehowa, ya kele ngolo mingi, kumonisa ntima na yandi ya mbote, to zola ya kwikama, na Davidi, yina vandaka kumona mpasi. Jehovah, the powerful one, is asked to show loving - kindness, or loyal love, to the needy one, David. How do the anointed receive "a new birth to a living hope " and what is that hope? Mukanda yankaka ketuba nde bangogo yai ketendula "bumba mono bonso kimvwama. " Another source says that these words suggest "hide me as a treasure. " He brought bread and wine to him. Mutindu mosi, yo kele mayele na kutadila dibundu na nge na dikebi yonso. Similarly, it is wise to examine religion carefully. Do you not agree that these prospects give us reasons to love the God who cares for us with all our heart, soul, and mind? - Luke 10: 27. Na kati ya bikalulu ya mbote ya Yehowa yina Yezu kumonisaka, beto lenda tanga kudikulumusa, zola, mpi mawa. Among the fine qualities of Jehovah that Jesus reflected were humility, love, and compassion. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. " 2: 2. 2: 2. The city of Jerusalem will be destroyed, and its inhabitants will be taken captive. Sambu na lulendo na bo, bo bakaka bangidika na bo mosi sambu na kusambila Yehowa. Because of pride, the rebels made independent arrangements to worship Jehovah. One year after I studied the Bible, I dedicated my life to Jehovah and got baptized to imitate my wife. Inki "nsangu ya mbote " Polo longaka, mpi nki mutindu nsangu yango monisaka ntima ya mbote ya nene ya Yehowa? What "good news " did Paul preach, and how did it show Jehovah's undeserved kindness? During those hours before Jesus ' death, "an angel came down from heaven and strengthened him. " Nani lenda ndima nde bo tula yandi musapi na disu? How long will anyone permit his eyeball to be touched? • What opportunities do single Christians have to draw close to Jehovah and open their love for one another? Eva zitisaka ve Adami mfumu ya dibuta ntangu yandi diaka mbuma ya nti kukonda kusolula ti bakala na yandi. Eve did not show respect for Adam as the head of the family when she decided to eat the fruit without talking to him about it first. • When confronted with criticism, what scriptures can help you? MUNSIKU YA BIBLIA: "Beno landa bikalulu ya bantu ya nsi - ntoto yai ve. " - Baroma 12: 2, Bible de Jérusalem. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "Do not model your behaviour on the contemporary world. " - Romans 12: 2, New Jerusalem Bible. For example, if you are tempted to engage in sexual immorality, do not fall into temptation! Beto fwete ndima mpi lutwadisu ya Ndinga ya kupemama ya Nzambi ntangu yo kelomba nde beto baka balukanu ya mfunu na luzingu. We must also accept the guidance of God's inspired Word when we are called upon to make important decisions in life. How did Jehovah show his glory to humble shepherds of the first century? Radio Dr. FORT WORTH, TX, Fort Worth Convention Center, 1111 Houston St. Similarly, spirit - begotten Christians are spoken of as "the first of all the things he created. " Inki mutindu bapakulami kebakaka " moyo ya mpa sambu na kivuvu ya moyo ' mpi kivuvu yango kele inki? How do anointed Christians undergo "a new birth to a living hope, " and what is that hope? Finally, Jesus Christ identified himself as "the branches " of God's people. Yandi natilaka yandi mampa ti vinu. The Thousand Year Reign will be also permanent; hence, the need for a government between Jehovah and obedient mankind will no longer exist. Keti nge ke ndima ve nde bivuvu yai ke pesa beto bikuma ya kuzola Nzambi yina ke kudibanzaka sambu na beto na ntima na beto yonso, na moyo na beto yonso mpi na mabanza na beto yonso? - Luka 10: 27. Do you not agree that such prospects give us reason to love our caring God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind? - Luke 10: 27. He promotes faith that God does not love us and that he will never forgive our sins. Sambu muntu yina ke zolaka ve mpangi na yandi yina ya yandi ke monaka, nki mutindu yandi lenda zola Nzambi yina ya yandi me monaka ntete ve? " For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. " As a result, he killed some, perhaps because they were forced to worship the golden calf. Mbanza ya Yeruzalemi, bo ta fwa yo, mpi bantu na yo, bo tanata bo na kimpika. The city of Jerusalem will be destroyed, and its inhabitants will be taken captive. How different the king's act was from what he had done some 40 years before he refused to take vengeance on Dathan and others who helped him to conquer the throne! Mvula mosi na nima ya kulonguka Biblia, mono pesaka luzingu na mono na Yehowa mpi mono bakaka mbotika sambu na kulanda mbandu ya nkento na mono. After studying the Bible for one year, I dedicated my life to Jehovah and got baptized, following my wife's example. True, a liar has the intention of lying another person. Na bangunga yina yitaka lufwa ya Yezu, "wanzio mosi katukaka na zulu, kwisaka kumonika na yandi, mpi pesaka yandi kikesa. " Hours before his death, "an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. " 9 Peace - How Can You Find It? • Inki mabaku Bakristu ya bampumpa kele na yo ya kupusana penepene na Yehowa mpi ya kudikangula na zola na bo? • What opportunities do single Christians have to draw closer to Jehovah and widen out in love? [ Pictures on page 18] (b) How does godly wisdom differ from the wisdom of the world? • Ntangu nge mekutana ti muntu ya kevweza nge, inki baverse lenda sadisa nge? • When you are confronted with insolent speech, what scriptures can help you? (Read Hebrews 13: 7, 17.) Mu mbandu, kana mabanza ya kusala pite ke kwisila nge, kubwa ve na mpukumuna yina! For example, if you struggle with immoral thoughts, do not give in to temptation! He also inspired some 40 writers to write his thoughts in the Bible. Inki mutindu Yehowa kusongaka lukumu na yandi na bangungudi ya mameme ya kudikulumusa ya mvu - nkama ya ntete? How was Jehovah's glory revealed to humble shepherds in the first century? However, Uriah did not go to his home. Mutindu mosi, Biblia kebingaka Bakristu yina mebutukaka na mpeve nde "bantu ya ntete na kati ya bima yonso ya yandi salaka. " Correspondingly, those spirit - begotten Christians are called "certain firstfruits of his creatures. " Since the man engaged in deeds of repentance, Paul showed in his second letter to the congregation that he had been sent back to the congregation. Nsuka - nsuka, Yezu Kristu monisaka yandi mosi nde yandi kele "Ntwadisi " ya bansadi ya Nzambi. Finally, Jesus Christ identified himself as "the Leader " of God's people. The Bible contains Jehovah's perfect standards, his perfect reminders, and his clean standards. Luyalu ya Kimfumu ya Mvu - Funda tavanda mpi mesuka kimakulu; yo yina mfunu ya luyalu yina fwete vanda na kati ya Yehowa ti bantu ya bulemfu tavanda mpi dyaka ve. The Millennial Rule of the Kingdom will also have been fully accomplished; so there will no longer be a need for a subsidiary government to remain between Jehovah and obedient mankind. [ Pictures on page 12] Yandi ke pusaka bantu na kukwikila nde Nzambi ke zolaka beto ve mpi nde yandi ta lolula ve ata fioti masumu na beto. He would have us believe that from God's standpoint we are unlovable and our sins are unforgivable. Why? Yo yina, yandi fwaka bantu 3000, ziku sambu bo bantu kupusaka bankaka na kusambila ngombe ya wolo. Rather, 3,000 were destroyed, probably for the prominent role they played in the rebellious action of worshiping the golden calf. Jehovah has given us the gift of the ransom so that "we may gain life. " Dyambu yina ntotila kusalaka kuvandaka ya kuswaswana mpenza ti yina yandi salaka kiteso ya bamvula 40 na ntwala ntangu yandi buyaka na kuvutula mbela na Adonia mpi bantu yankaka yina vandaka kusadisa yandi na kubotula kiti ya kimfumu! How different the king's response was some 40 years earlier when he refused to seek revenge against Adonijah and other conspirators! Like Isaiah and Micah, we go together in "the mountain of Jehovah. " Ya kyeleka, muntu ya ketuba luvunu kevandaka ti ngindu ya kukusa muntu yankaka. Yes, lying includes the intention to deceive someone. Rather, he teaches that "godly devotion is a promise of life now and that which is to come. " - 1 Timothy 4: 8. 9 Ngemba - Inki Mutindu Nge Lenda Zwa Yo? 9 Peace - How Can You Find It? The Israelites repented. (b) Inki mutindu mayele ya Nzambi meswaswana ti mayele ya nsi - ntoto? (b) How does godly wisdom differ from the wisdom of the world? Of course, no communication with them can be correct. " Freeness of Speech, " 5 / 15 Yet, that did not mean that some of the disciples were well fed spiritually; neither did they receive the spiritual food they needed. - Eph. (Tanga Baebreo 13: 7, 17.) (Read Hebrews 13: 7, 17.) 14: 13, 14; Deut. Yandi pesaka mpi mpeve yina na bansoniki kiteso ya 40 sambu na kusonika mabanza na yandi na Biblia. He also used it to inspire about 40 writers to record his thoughts in the Bible. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Why should I pray? Kansi, Uria kukwendaka ve na nzo na yandi. But Uriah did not go to his home. They may have done so, but they do not understand Jehovah and his wonderful wisdom. Sambu bakala yango kusalaka bisalu ya kemonisa kubalula ntima, Polo kumonisaka na mukanda ya zole ya yandi sonikilaka dibundu yina nde bo vutula bakala yango na dibundu. On the basis of the man's works befitting repentance, Paul indicated in his second letter to that congregation that the man should be reinstated. How do elderly Christians " show that Jehovah is good "? Biblia kele ti bansiku ya kukuka mpi ya mbote ya Yehowa, bangibusa na yandi ya mefwana kutudila ntima mpi bansiku na yandi ya bunkete. The Bible contains Jehovah's perfect laws and upright orders, his trustworthy reminders and clean commandments. So I went to the cold room that I had mentioned at the outset. [ Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 12] [ Pictures on page 9] 13 - 15. (a) How can we overcome differences involving racial and racial differences? Sambu na inki? Why? What questions can help us to determine whether we are spiritual people? Yehowa me pesaka beto dikabu ya nkudulu sambu "beto baka luzingu. " Jehovah gave us the gift of the ransom so that "we might gain life. " Teach children moral principles Kaka bonso Yezaya mpi Mika tubaka, beto ke tombukaka kumosi na "ngumba ya Yehowa. " Just as Isaiah and Micah prophesied, we are going up to "the mountain of Jehovah " together. Yes, he wages war with anointed Christians and their companions. Kansi, yandi kelongaka nde " kukangama na Nzambi kele ti lusilu ya moyo ya bubu ti ya moyo ke kwisa na ntwala. ' - 1 Timoteo 4: 8. Rather, he teaches that " godly devotion holds promise of the life now and that which is to come. ' - 1 Timothy 4: 8. In a sense, human imperfection can play a role in the corrupting effects of their lives. Bantu ya Izraele balulaka ntima. The Israelites were repentant. 8, 9. Na kutuba ya kyeleka, ata mutindu mosi ve ya kusolula ti bo lenda vanda ya mbote. Logic tells us that not all approaches can be correct. If he had already come to know that Jehovah was better than his god, would it not be a privilege for him to be on Jehovah's side? Ata mpidina, yo tendulaka ve nde balongoki ya nkaka vandaka kudia ve mbote na kimpeve; sambu bo mpi vandaka kubaka madia ya kimpeve yina bo vandaka na yo mfunu. - Baef. Even so, the other disciples were not spiritually undernourished; they received what they needed. - Eph. How comforting the last words of Isaiah 60: 10 are! 14: 13, 14; Kul. 14: 13, 14; Deut. He also taught such principles, when family members apply them, will help them to avoid practices and ways of doing things that could undermine the marriage or the happiness of their families. BAMVUTU YA NKAKA NA BANGIUFULA YA BIBLIA - Sambu na Nki Mono fwete Samba? OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Why Pray? What can help us to be loyal to God? Yo lenda vanda nde bo kesala yo ve ti bangindu ya mbi, kansi bo kebakisa ve Yehowa mpi mayele na yandi ya kuyituka. They might not do so out of a wicked motive, but they do not have an understanding of Jehovah and his awe - inspiring wisdom. A Russian military officer rebuked me: "You are a cruel father, and you have left the woman and the womb and your daughter. Inki mutindu Bakristu yina menuna " kesongaka nde Mfumu Nzambi kele mbote '? How do elderly Christians "tell that Jehovah is upright "? (b) What does this indicate about the preaching work? Yo yina mono kwendaka na nzo ya fioti ya madidi mingi, yina mono tubilaka na luyantiku. I then made the pioneer ministry my goal. In his day, most people in England had never heard the Bible's message in their mother tongue. 13 - 15. (a) Inki mutindu beto lenda nunga na kukatula mavwanga yina kebasikaka sambu na luswaswanu ya mpusu ya nitu mpi ya bikalulu? 13 - 15. (a) How can we overcome racial and cultural differences? She had one child, but her husband was far older than she was. Inki bangiufula lenda sadisa beto na kubakisa kana beto kele bantu ya kimpeve to ve? What questions can help us analyze ourselves? Your answers can accurately reveal what is in your heart, and that can have a powerful effect on your choices and decisions that you pursue. - Luke 6: 45. Longa bana minsiku ya bikalulu ya mbote Raising responsible children I WAS born in the United States, Ohio, U.S.A. Ya kyeleka, yandi kenwanisaka Bakristu ya kupakulama ti bampangi na bo. Indeed, he wages war on anointed Christians and their companions. The eagle uses the air to fly. Na kiteso mosi buna, kukonda kukuka ya bantu lenda vanda na kisina ya kubeba ya luzingu na bo. To some extent, this ever - deteriorating situation can be attributed to human imperfection. Among them are the names of anointed Christians still on earth, who have the heavenly hope. 8, 9. 8, 9. • How was Nebuchadnezzar's dream image depicted, and what did this foreshadow? Kana yandi zabaka dezia nde Yehowa vandaka Nzambi ya mbote kuluta nzambi na yandi, keti yo zolaka ve kuvanda dibaku sambu na yandi na kuvanda na lweka ya Yehowa? If she already knew that Jehovah was a far better God than her own, might this be her opportunity to take a stand on Jehovah's side? In the midst of the ark, he saw the sun set in the city of faith and may have reminded him of the material that his parents had told him about their homeland. Bangogo ya nsuka ya Yezaya 60: 10 kepesa beto mpenza kikesa! How encouraging are the final words of Isaiah 60: 10! The king refused to accept and thought that he was being deceived by an angel. Yandi longaka mpi minsiku yina, kana bantu ya dibuta kusadila yo, yo tasadisa bo na kubuya bikalulu mpi mitindu ya kusala mambu yina lenda bebisa makwela to kyese ya mabuta na bo. He taught principles that when applied would help family members to avoid attitudes and conduct that threatened their marriage or the happiness of their family. Jesus, whose eyes are "like a fiery furnace, " sees all things better so that he understands more than we can see. Inki lenda sadisa beto sambu na kuvanda ya kwikama na Nzambi? What can help us to be faithful to God? In order not to destroy famine, Jacob, the patriarch Jacob, sent his sons out of Egypt to buy food. MFUMU mosi ya basoda ya Russie nganinaka mono nde: "Nge kele tata ya nku, nge me yambulaka nkento ti divumu mpi mwana na nge ya nkento. " YOU are such a cruel father, " scolded the KGB officer. * "You've abandoned your pregnant wife and baby daughter. AUGUST 12 - 18, 2013 (b) Dyambu yai kemonisa nki na yina metala kisalu ya kusamuna? (b) What does this indicate about the preaching work? He said: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " Na bilumbu na yandi, bantu mingi na Angleterre vandaka me wa ntete ve nsangu ya Biblia na ndinga na bo. Why not? For one thing, most could not afford to own a Bible, as copies were handwritten and very expensive to produce. Moreover, the majority of people were illiterate. Today, there are many congregation elders among the other sheep. Yandi vandaka ti mwana mosi, kansi bakala na yandi vandaka mbuta kibeni kuluta yandi. She had a child, but her husband was much older than she was. " The people we spoke to made us very happy, " says Eva. Bamvutu na nge lenda monisa mbote - mbote mambu yina kele na ntima na nge, mpi yina lenda vanda ti bupusi ya ngolo na bansola yina nge ke sala mpi na balukanu yina nge ke landa. - Luka 6: 45. The answers may well reveal what is in your heart, and that can profoundly influence the choices you make and the goals you pursue. - Luke 6: 45. Keeping a measure of respect helps us to make wise decisions and avoid compromising our moral standards. MONO butukaka na 1926 na bwala Crooksville, na provense ya Ohio na États - Unis. I WAS born in 1926 in Crooksville, Ohio, in the United States. If you understand what you cannot do and do, you will not feel overwhelmed by anxiety, for you will have complete confidence in God. - Micah 6: 8. Ngo - zulu ke sadilaka mupepe ya tiya yina ke tombuka sambu na kupumbuka. An eagle soars by using thermals, or columns of rising warm air. But if anyone tries to buy riches into his riches, he will get shame. " Na kati na yo kele mpi bazina ya Bakristu ya kupakulama yina kele ntete na ntoto, bayina kele ti kivuvu ya kuzinga na zulu. It includes the names of anointed Christians still on earth, who have the hope of receiving life in heaven. Fourth, Jehovah does not look forward to anything that happens to us. • Inki mutindu kiteki yina Nabukodonozore kumonaka na ndosi kuvandaka, mpi yo vandaka kifwani ya nki? • Nebuchadnezzar's dream image had what features, and what did these symbolize? Its members regularly met to study the Scriptures. Na kati ya maswa, yandi monaka mutindu ntangu ke dinda na mbanza Queenstown mpi ziku yo yibusaka yandi masolo yina bibuti na yandi vandaka kutela yandi sambu na insi na bo. Aboard the City of Chicago, he viewed the sunset over the approaching coastline at Queenstown and may well have remembered his parents ' description of their homeland. That attitude was deceptive in Job's day and is similar today. - Job 4: 18, 19. Ntotila buyaka kundima mpi yindulaka nde ambasadere vandaka kukusa yandi. The king rejected the idea and felt that the ambassador was lying to him. Throw all your anxiety upon [God], because he cares for you. Yezu, yina meso na yandi kele "bonso tiya ya ke pela " ke monaka mambu yonso mbote - mbote mpidina yandi ke bakisaka mambu mingi kuluta yina beto lenda mona. Jesus, whose eyes are "as a fiery flame, " views everything in proper perspective and thus sees much more than we ever could. Jehovah and Jesus hated the heart of the shepherds, or leaders of Israel, who were never caring for their sheep but were under pressure to do what they wanted. Sambu na kufwa ve nzala, Yakobi, tata ya mabuta tindaka bana na yandi na Ezipte sambu na kusumba madia. To avoid starvation, the patriarch Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food. But Jesus taught us to pray: "Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " AUGUSTI 12 - 18, 2013 AUGUST 12 - 18, 2013 Those on the road may see the sign of JW Broadcasting, which has been set in the wall since the construction work Beno katula mabanza yonso ya kuzola kimvwama. Sambu luzingu ya kieleka ya muntu yo kele ve sambu na bima na yandi, ata na ntangu yina ya yandi kele mvwama. " We may also recall Jesus ' warning: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses. " We often learn deeper when we do research in things that please us. Bubu yai, bankuluntu mingi ya dibundu kele na kati ya mameme yankaka. Today, most congregation elders are of the other sheep. Fear of God can rob people of fear of man. Nadia ke tuba nde: "Bantu yina beto vandaka kusolula ti bo pesaka beto kiese mingi. " Says Nadia, "The people we meet give us so much joy. " Jehovah will help us to develop a balanced, balanced view of ourselves, and he will bless us for our humble attitude. Kudipesa mwa luzitu ke sadisaka beto na kubaka balukanu ya mayele mpi na kubuya kufwa minsiku ya bikalulu ya mbote. A healthy measure of self - respect helps us to make good decisions and to avoid lowering our moral standards. Because Jesus taught mankind God's Kingdom, such as something that will permanently solve mankind's problems. Kana nge ke bakisa mambu yina nge lenda sala mpi yina nge lenda sala ve, nge ta kuditudila ve ntima. Nge ta kudiyangisa mingi ve, sambu nge ta tula ntima ya mvimba na Nzambi. - Mika 6: 8. By maintaining a realistic estimate of your physical, mental, and emotional abilities, you will be less likely to become overwhelmed by anxiety, for you will be relying on God. This will help us to have peace now and in the future. Kansi kana muntu kumeka kusumba amure na kimvwama na yandi, yandi ta baka kaka nsoni. " If a man would give all the valuable things of his house for love, persons would positively despise them. " What can help us to do so? Ya iya, Yehowa ke sosaka ve kuzaba na ntwala konso mambu yina ta kumina beto. But such a view is not Scriptural. God certainly can foreknow the future. However, when his long - suffering is accomplished, God will destroy the wicked, and he will bring an end to the present wicked system of things. - 2 Peter 3: 7. Bantu ya mabundu yango vandaka kukutana mbala na mbala sambu na kulonguka Masonuku. The members of those congregations regularly met together to study the Scriptures. We would also not want to "put away the faith " because of the love of money or the love of money. Mabanza yina vandaka luvunu na bilumbu ya Yobi mpi yo kele mutindu mosi bubu yai. - Yobi 4: 18, 19. That was a lie in Job's day as it is today. - Job 4: 18, 19. What women " cleansed their path and kept on the word of God '? Beno katula mabanza na beno yina yonso ke yangisaka beno, ebuna beno pesa yo na Nzambi " sambu yandi kekebaka beno. Because Jehovah cares for you, he will not abandon you. For example, he spoke of his own death, prophesied how he would die, where he would die, and who would kill him. Yehowa ti Yezu kuyinaka ntima - ngolo ya bangungudi, to bamfumu ya Izraele, yina vandaka kutala mameme na bo ve ata fyoti, kansi vandaka kupusa yo na kingolo - ngolo na kusala mambu ya bo vandaka kuzola. Both Jehovah and Jesus deplored the ruthlessness of the shepherds, or leaders, of Israel, who shamelessly neglected and exploited their flocks. If he were not in prison, he could look for food. Kansi Yezu kulongaka beto na kusamba nde: "Kimfumu na nge kwisa, luzolo na nge kusalama awa na ntoto bonso na zulu. " Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " For example, Jesus said that during the last days, his followers would proclaim the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. Bantu ya ke luta na nzila yina lenda mona mbote kidimbu ya JW.ORG yina bampangi me tulaka na kibaka banda bo yantikaka kutunga An eye - catching JW.ORG sign has been on the site since early in construction Yes, he fearlessly spoke in faith, and God "took him " to end his life, perhaps making it possible for him not to suffer before he died. Mbala mingi beto kelongukaka na mudindu ntangu beto kesalaka bansosa na mambu yina kesepedisaka beto. It is often when we pursue matters that intrigue us that we delve the deepest. (a) What organizational adjustments have been accomplished? Kutina Nzambi boma lenda katula boma ya bantu. The fear of God can overpower the fear of man. James wrote: "If you do not receive it, you do not practice sin, but you do not follow it. " Yehowa tasadisa beto na kuyedisa mutindu ya mayele mpi ya bukatikati ya kuditadila, mpi yandi tasakumuna beto sambu na mabanza na beto ya kudikulumusa. Jehovah will help us to develop a sensible, balanced view of ourselves, and he will bless us for our humble attitude. How does Satan fight the anointed remnant in our day? Sambu Yezu kulongaka bantu Kimfumu ya Nzambi, bonso kima yina tamanisa kimakulu bampasi yina bantu kemonaka. Because Jesus taught people about the permanent solution to mankind's problems - God's Kingdom. Today, however, when we endure persecution, our loyalty to Jehovah shows that we support his sovereignty. Fighting My Own War Against Injustice and Violence (A. Our enemies see our spiritual heritage but refuse to acknowledge that it is Jehovah who gives it. Yo ta sadisa beto na kuzinga na ngemba bubu yai mpi na bilumbu ke kwisa beto ta zinga na kiese mpi na ngemba mingi. Individuals also feel truly loved, valued, and secure - a foretaste of the blessings to come. • What factors contribute to a strong marriage? Inki lenda sadisa beto na kusala yo? What can help us in that way? He said: "People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you. Kansi, ntangu kukanga ntima na yandi talungisa lukanu na yo, Nzambi tafwa bantu ya mbi, ebuna yandi tasukisa ngidika ya bima ya mbi ya ntangu yai. - 2 Piere 3: 7. But when his long - suffering has achieved its purpose, God will take action against willful wrongdoers, bringing the present wicked system to an end. - 2 Peter 3: 7. 4: 13. Beto tazola mpi ve " kuvidisa lukwikilu ' sambu na nzala to zola ya mbongo. We will also avoid being "led astray from the faith " by greed or the love of money. 41: 10. Inki bankento " kukumisaka nzila na bo bunkete mpi kulemfukaka na ndinga ya Nzambi '? What women " cleansed their path and kept on guard according to God's word '? Among them was the widow and needy residents in Zarephath. Mu mbandu, yandi tubilaka lufwa na yandi mosi, kubikulaka mutindu yandi tafwa, kisika yandi tafwa, mpi banani tafwa yandi. For example, he spoke about his own death, foretelling how he would die, where he would die, and at whose hands he would die. The apostle Paul urged us to "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Kana yandi vandaka ve na boloko, yandi lendaka kusosa madya. Had he been free, he could have searched for it. Yes, when God punished Judah by allowing the Babylonians to conquer her and carry its inhabitants into exile, he protected others like Jeremiah, Baruch, and Ebed - melech. Mu mbandu, Yezu tubaka nde na bilumbu ya nsuka, balongoki na yandi ta zabisa nsangu ya mbote ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi na ntoto ya mvimba. For example, Jesus foretold that in the last days, his disciples would preach the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. Satan and his demons will be cast into a abyss for a thousand years. Ya kyeleka, yandi tubaka na lukwikilu kukonda boma, mpi Nzambi "bakaka yandi " na kusukisaka luzingu na yandi. Ziku Nzambi kusalaka na mpila nde yandi kunyokwama ve na ntwala ya kufwa. Yet, he boldly spoke out in faith, and God "took him " by putting him to sleep in death, apparently without allowing him to suffer its pangs. We can be confident that when Jehovah destroys this wicked system, he will save the "great crowd " of true worshipers, who have" washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. " (a) Inki lukanu bansoba ya kesalamaka na organizasio melungisaka? (a) What purpose have organizational adjustments served? Stand still for a while until the anger is over. " Yakobo kusonikaka mutindu yai sambu na kukebisa beto na kifu mosi ya kesalaka nde muntu kuwila ve bankaka mawa mpi kusadila ve zola yina kele nsiku ya kimfumu: "Kana beno ke baka bantu kiteso mosi ve, beno ke sala masumu, ebuna bansiku ke simba beno, sambu beno ke landa yo ve. " Warning about a characteristic that works against mercy and "the kingly law " of love, James wrote:" If you continue showing favoritism, you are working a sin, for you are reproved by the law as transgressors. " Because many young people lack the wisdom and experience of older ones, they see little and cannot fully understand the consequences of some of their present - day actions. Inki mutindu Satana kenwanisaka bapakulami yina mebikalaka na bilumbu na beto? How have the remaining anointed ones been a target of Satan in modern times? Or if you are a brother, how can you know that you will save your wife? " Kansi bubu yai, ntangu beto kekanga - ntima na mbangika, kwikama na beto na Yehowa kemonisa nde beto kepesaka maboko na luyalu na yandi. Meanwhile, as we face foretold persecution, our integrity to Jehovah is at stake as supporters of his universal sovereignty. It was one of the four books containing a codex in ancient Egypt. Bambeni na beto kemonaka kimvwama na beto ya kimpeve kansi bo kebuyaka na kundima nde Yehowa muntu kepesaka beto yo. Our enemies observe our spiritual prosperity but refuse to attribute it to Jehovah. 10: 22. • Tanga mambu yina kesadisaka bantu na kuvanda na makwela ya ngolo. • What factors help stabilize a marriage? [ Picture on page 12] " I have always been worried about certain things that were too difficult for me, more than they really were, " says Ian. Yandi tubaka nde: "Bo ta kanga beno, bo ta pesa beno na maboko ya bantu sambu bo monisa beno mpasi, ebuna bo ta fwa beno. " People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, " he said. For centuries, the Bible foretold that the earth would become a paradise. 4: 13. 4: 13. How did the brothers react to reproach, and with what result? 41: 10. 41: 10. Let us, then, imitate the Greater David, Jesus Christ, who had outstanding courage to serve Jehovah faithfully to the end. Na kati ya bankento yango, mosi kuvandaka mufwidi mpi nsukami yina vandaka kuzinga na bwala Sarepta na insi ya Fenisia. One of those women was a poor widow in the Phoenician town of Zarephath. If so, you need to improve your communication skills. Ntumwa Polo kulongisilaka beto na kusadila bantu yonso mambu ya mbote, kansi mingimingi "bampangi na beto bakristo. " The apostle Paul recommended that we "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith. " Let us consider three ways that Jehovah uses to communicate with us today. Ee, ntangu Nzambi kupesaka ndola na Yuda ya kukonda kwikama na kubikaka nde bantu ya Babilone kubotula bwala na bo mpi kunata bantu na yo na kimpika, yandi taninaka bantu yankaka bonso Yeremia, Baruki, mpi Ebedi - Meleki. Yes, when God punished faithless Judah by allowing the Babylonians to conquer the land and take her people captive, some individuals, such as Jeremiah, Baruch, and Ebed - melech, were spared. How did King David want his son to feel about God? Bo talosa Satana ti bademo na yandi na dibulu ya nda sambu na bamvula funda. Satan and his demons will be abyssed for a thousand years. Continue putting up with one another in love. Beto lenda tula ntima nde ntangu Yehowa tafwa ngidika yai ya mbi, yandi tagulusa "kibuka ya nene " (NW) ya bansambidi ya kyeleka, yina " meyobisaka bamvwela na bo mpi mekumisaka yo mpembe na menga ya Mwana - dimeme. ' We can be confident that when Jehovah executes his judgment upon the present wicked system of things, the "great crowd " of true worshippers, who" have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb, " will be spared. Although you have not witnessed such wonderful things as Joshua, have you seen the truthfulness of God's promises in your life? Beno bumbana sambu na ntangu fioti tii kuna makasi ta luta. " Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by. " 1, 2. Sambu baleke mingi ke kondaka mayele mpi eksperiansi yina bambuta kele ti yo, bo ke monaka ve ntama mpi bo lenda bakisa mpenza ve malanda yina mambu ya nkaka yina bo ke sala bubu yai lenda basisa. Lacking the wisdom and experience of older ones, most young people do not have a long - term view of things and may not be able to discern the consequences of certain actions. What sets humans apart from other creatures on earth, giving them what opportunity? To nge mukristo ya bakala, nki mutindu nge lenda zaba nde nge ta gulusa nkento na nge? " Or, husband, how do you know but that you will save your wife? " How have I done all these things to me? ' Yo vandaka mosi ya mikanda iya yina mukanda mosi mosi vandaka ti kodeksi na yo (mutindu mosi ya mukanda ya ntama) yina bo sonikaka na Copte (ndinga yina katukaka na Ezipte ya ntama). It was one of four separate texts contained in a codex (a type of ancient book) written in Coptic (a language derived from ancient Egyptian). (b) Describe the role of the high priest on Atonement Day. 10: 22. 10: 22. When Christ arrives in glory before the final part of the great tribulation, he will gather faithful anointed ones in heaven. Rosie ke tuba nde: "Mono kumaka ntangu yonso kudiyangisa sambu na mambu ya nkaka yina kumaka mpasi mingi na mabanza na mono kuluta mutindu yo vandaka kibeni. " Rosie says, "I got hung up on certain worries by making things worse in my mind or imagining the worst - case scenarios. " Other places of false gods may also have been rebuilt during the last years of Asa's reign, and his son Jehoshaphat removed them. Banda ntama kibeni, Biblia kusilaka nde ntoto takuma Paladisu. Long ago, the Bible promised the restoration of Paradise on earth. María Isabel, a young person, and a zealous publisher living in Srio in South America. Inki bampangi kusalaka ntangu bo sosilaka bo, mpi nki mbuma yo butaka? How did the brothers respond to provocation, and with what result? Let us consider some areas in which we need to be vigilant. Yo yina, bika nde beto landa mbandu ya Davidi ya Nene, Yezu Kristu, yina kuvandaka ti kikesa mpenza ya kupusaka yandi na kusadila Yehowa na kwikama yonso tii na nsuka. May we, then, imitate the Greater David, Christ Jesus, whose zeal for Jehovah motivated him to serve faithfully to the end. Like David, how should we feel when we see heaven? Kana yo kele mutindu yina, nge fwete tomisa makuki na nge ya kusolula. If so, you need to improve your communication skills. He had to make another journey that would discourage him - perhaps about 1,500 miles (50 km) on a horse. Bika beto tadila mitindu tatu yina Yehowa kesadilaka sambu na kusolula ti beto bubu yai. Let us consider three ways in which Jehovah communicates with us today. Even if those years are true, it is not enough to know the age of Jehovah's firstborn Son! Inki mutindu Ntotila Davidi kuzolaka nde mwana na yandi kudiwa sambu na Nzambi? How did King David want his son to feel toward God? Those who, in the heart, are dead as if they were aware of it by the fire. " Beno sadisana beno na beno na ntima mosi ya kuzolana. It helps us to be considerate and forgiving. Thus, we draw ever closer to Jehovah, and our love for God motivates us to keep following Jesus even under difficult circumstances. Ata nge memonaka ve mambu ya kuyituka bonso Yozue, keti nge memonaka bukyeleka ya balusilu ya Nzambi na luzingu na nge? Though you have not witnessed the miracles Joshua did, have you experienced the truthfulness of God's promises in your lifetime? When All Children Come From the House 1, 2. 1, 2. Although Jesus taught James, perhaps later born to care for the family, leaving the firstborn son from the family was not easy. Inki keswaswanisaka bantu ti bigangwa yankaka ya kezingaka na ntoto, mpi yo kepesaka bo nki dibaku? What sets humans apart from earth's other creatures, and what possibility does this open up? Jesus also foretold that a miraculous work would occur during this difficult time. Inki mu mesala sambu bampasi yai yonso kubwila munu? ' What have I done to deserve all this calamity? ' The questions that translators asked showed that certain Bible texts are not easy for us to understand. (b) Tendula kisalu yina nganga - nzambi ya nene vandaka kusala na Kilumbu ya Ndolula. (b) Describe the actions of the high priest on Atonement Day. Let us consider some prophecies found in the book of Daniel. Ntangu Kristu ta kwisa na nkembo na ntwala ya kitini ya nsuka ya mpasi ya nene, yandi ta vukisa Bakristu ya kwikama yina bo me tulaka mafuta na zulu. When Christ comes in his glory near the end of the tribulation, he will gather his faithful anointed ones to heaven. Today, many sincere people choose to become disciples of Jesus. - Read Acts 8: 26 - 31, 35 - 38. Yo lenda vanda mpi nde bantu kutungaka dyaka bisika yankaka ya kusambila banzambi ya luvunu na bamvula ya nsuka ya luyalu ya Aza, ebuna mwana na yandi Yozafati kukatulaka bisika yango. It could also be that high places were built again in the latter part of Asa's reign. These his son Jehoshaphat removed. MANY couples engage in sports that require a precious treasure, while others must go to search for it. María Isabel, kele toko mpi nsamuni ya kikesa yina ke zingaka na mbanza ya San Bernardo na Chili na Amerika ya Sudi. María Isabel is a zealous young publisher in the city of San Bernardo in the South American country of Chile. I was born in C.E. Bika beto tadila mwa mambu ya kelombaka nde beto kangula meso. Let us consider some situations that call for us to be sober - minded. Why did many Jews not believe in the Messiah? Bonso Davidi, inki mutindu beto fwete kudiwa na ntangu beto ketala zulu? Like David, how should we feel when we contemplate the heavens? Hence, he submitted to the authority of the first - century governing body of Christians. Yo lombaka nde yandi sala dyaka nzyetelo mosi yina zolaka kulembisa yandi, ziku ya bakilometre kiteso ya 1 500 na zulu ya mpunda. A tiring chariot ride of perhaps a thousand miles [1,500 km] lay ahead. Two world wars, a number of small wars, and a deliberate deaths have caused many to wonder if good manners are still important. Ata bamvula yai kele ya kyeleka, yo mefwana ve na kuzaba bamvula ya Mwana ya Ntete ya Yehowa! Yet, even if this estimate is correct, it would not be long enough to represent the life span of Jehovah's firstborn Son! Will You Not Give Up? 12 / 15 Christians in Peter's day needed to strengthen their friendship with him because of the increasing of trials. Bantu yina, mabanza na bo na ntima kele ya kufwa bonso nde bo me zikisaka yo na kibende ya tiya. " A conscience marked "as with a branding iron " is like seared flesh covered with scar tissue and devoid of feeling. Does the Bible Really Teach? Yo yina kesalaka nde beto kangama dyaka ngolo na Yehowa, mpi zola na beto sambu na Nzambi kepusaka beto na kulanda kaka Yezu ata na ntangu ya mpasi. Consequently, our attachment to Jehovah is strengthened, and our love for God impels us to continue following Jesus even under challenging circumstances. How glad we are that Jehovah is our invisible Ruler, Jesus Christ is our High Priest, the anointed high priest, our teachers, and faithful Christian elders give us advice! Kana Bana Yonso Me Katuka na Nzo When the Children Are Gone Therefore, it means "to know " God means to continue to learn more about him. Ata Yezu longaka Yakobo, ziku yina butukaka na nima na yandi kisalu sambu na kulungisa bampusa ya dibuta, kukatuka ya mwana ya ntete na dibuta vandaka ve diambu ya pete. Even if Jesus had been training James - likely the next oldest son - to carry on the trade, the departure of the eldest would not be easy for the family. Regarding humility, and for all other things, Jesus had good reason to say: "I set the pattern for you. " - John 13: 5 - 15; Matthew 20: 25; Mark 9: 34 - 37. Yezu tubaka mpi nde kisalu mosi ya kuyituka tasalama na ntangu yai ya mpasi. Jesus also said that during this time of great difficulty, an extraordinary work would be accomplished. Consider how we can apply this illustration. Bangiufula yina bambaludi vandaka kuyula monisaka nde bantu ke bakisaka ve mbote baverse ya nkaka ya Biblia. Questions from translators revealed other possible misunderstandings of the Bible text. How does the memory help to learn a new language? Bika beto tadila mwa bambikudulu yina kele na mukanda ya Daniele. Let us now pick up some prophetic strands in the book of Daniel. Clearly, humans are limited in what they can do. Bubu yai, bantu mingi ya masonga meponaka na kukuma balongoki ya Yezu. - Tanga Bisalu 8: 26 - 31, 35 - 38. Today, many sincere people have chosen to become Jesus ' followers. - Read Acts 8: 26 - 31, 35 - 38. But it can also give bad advice. BANA mingi kesalaka nsaka mosi ya kelombaka kubumba kima mosi ya ntalu, ebuna bana yankaka fwete kwenda kusosa yo. [ Picture on page 2] Mu butukaka na Paddington. I was born in Paddington, a densely populated area of London, England. • What new directions have come at the proper time to take the lead among Jehovah's people? Sambu na nki Bayuda mingi kukwikilaka ve na Mesia? Why did many Jews not put faith in the Messiah? Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you start studying the Bible. Yo yina, yandi vandaka kulemfuka na kiyeka ya nto - kimvuka ya Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete. As such, he was humbly submitting to the authority of the first - century Christian governing body. To accomplish our ministry fully, we need to rely on God - given strength. Bamvita zole ya nsi - ntoto ya mvimba, bamvita mingi ya fyoti, mpi kufwa na luzolo yonso bimvuka ya bantu ya mesalamaka mbala mingi, mepusaka bantu mingi na kudiyula kana bikalulu ya mbote kele kaka mfunu. The two world wars, countless minor wars, and various genocides have left many questioning the worth of traditional values. And those knowing you will trust in Jehovah, and you will not leave the one coming to you. " - Ps. Batolotolo ya Bo Tasala Sambu na Kufwa Nge Tanunga Ve No Weapon Formed Against You Will Succeed For a discussion of some prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus, see page 200 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yo lombaka nde Bakristu yina zingaka na bilumbu ya Piere kukumisa kinduku na bo ngolo sambu bampasi kumaka mingi. Christians in Peter's day needed to draw ever closer as conditions grew worse. For example, think about why you should put God's Kingdom first in your life. Keti Bikalulu ya Biblia Kelongaka Meluta Mbote? Is Bible Morality the Best? So I took away my shame, and then I got baptized. " Beto kele na kyese kibeni sambu Yehowa kele Mfumu na beto ya kemonanaka ve, Yezu Kristu kele Nganga - Nzambi na beto ya Nene, banganga - Nzambi ya kupakulama ya kimfumu kele balongi na beto, mpi Bakristu ya kwikama yina kele bankuluntu kepesaka beto bandongisila! How happy we are to have Jehovah as our invisible Ruler, Jesus Christ as our High Priest, members of the anointed royal priesthood as our teachers, and faithful Christian older men as our counselors! For example, it takes effort to attend congregation meetings, to read the Bible daily, and to maintain a good schedule for personal study. Yo yina, " kulonguka na kuzaba ' Nzambi ke tendula kulanda kulonguka mambu mingi ya me tala yandi. The footnote to John 17: 3 in the Reference Bible gives the alternative rendering "their knowing you. " Because of his godly devotion, faithful Abraham sought to please God when choosing a wife for his son Isaac. Na yina metala kudikulumusa, mpi sambu na mambu yankaka yonso, Yezu vandaka na kikuma ya mbote ya kutuba nde: "Mono me songa beno mbandu. " - Yoane 13: 5 - 15; Matayo 20: 25; Marko 9: 34 - 37. In this matter of humility, as in all other things, Jesus could rightly say: "I set the pattern for you. " - John 13: 5 - 15; Matthew 20: 25; Mark 9: 34 - 37. We do well to ask older ones and those who know more than we do. Beto tadila mutindu beto lenda sadila mbandu yai. Consider how this illustration might be applied. Grief, danger, and a distance will not hold him back. Inki mutindu kukanga mambu na ntu kesadisaka na kulonguka ndinga ya mpa? How is memorization involved with learning a new language? That is what Paul said when Jesus appeared to him in a vision. Yo ke pwelele nde bantu ke vandaka ti bandilu na mambu yina bo lenda sala. Human limitations play a large role. We must obey Jehovah and his Kingdom. Kansi, yo lenda pesa mpi bandongisila ya mbi. Yet, they can also give harmful advice. 1: 15 - 17; John 1: 1 - 3. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 2] [ Picture on pages 2, 3] The original - language word translated "I believe " is the word used in the law. • Inki bansiku ya mpa mekwisa na ntangu ya mbote sambu na kutwadisa organizasio ya bansadi ya Yehowa? • What timely adjustments have been made in organizational procedures among Jehovah's servants? Isaac is bringing a sword, and he brings a sword and other materials for fire. Bambangi ya Yehowa tavanda na kyese ya kusadisa nge na kuyantika kulonguka Biblia. Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you with that study. I told her what kind of literature they wanted to print. Sambu na kulungisa mbotembote kisalu na beto ya kusamuna, beto fwete tula ntima na ngolo yina Nzambi kepesaka. So if we are to learn love, we must learn about Jehovah. Bantu yina kuzaba nge Mfumu Nzambi, bo ta tula nge ntima; nge ke buyaka ve muntu yina ke kwisa na nge. " - Nk. And those knowing your name will trust in you, for you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah. " - Ps. 25: 31 - 33, 46. Sambu na kuzaba mwa bambikudulu yina lunganaka na Yezu, tala lutiti 200 ya mukanda Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza? on pages 20 - 22. For a list of some of the prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus, see page 200 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 15: 13. Mu mbandu, yindula bikuma yina fwete pusa nge na kutula Kimfumu ya Nzambi na kisika ya ntete na luzingu na nge. For instance, reflect on reasons that you have for putting the Kingdom first in your life. Because we are imperfect, we may lack the courage needed to reflect on how we can apply the principles we have been given. Yo yina, mu katulaka nsoni na munu, mpi na nima mu bakaka mbotika. " As a result, I overcame my self - consciousness, and in time I was baptized. " 8: 10 - 12. Mu mbandu, yo kelombaka bikesa na kukwenda na balukutakanu ya dibundu, na kutanga Biblia konso kilumbu, mpi na kutanina manaka ya mbote ya kulonguka na beto mosi. For example, it takes effort to attend all Christian meetings, to read the Bible daily, and to maintain a good personal study program. Of course, we may have many questions about life in the new world. Sambu yandi vandaka kukangama na Nzambi, Abrahami, muntu ya kwikama ya ntama, sosaka kupesa Nzambi kyese na ntangu ya kupona nkento sambu na mwana na yandi Izaki. Because of his godly devotion, the faithful patriarch Abraham sought to please God when it came time to select a wife for his son Isaac. When the Israelites offered a sacrifice to Jehovah, they had to pay fruit that was "the firstfruits " of their fields," the best result. " Yo kele mbote na kulomba bandongisila na bambuta mpi na bampangi yina me zaba mambu mingi kuluta beto. It is wise to seek and consider carefully the advice of older, experienced ones. On one occasion, a Samaritan woman said to Jesus: "I know that the Messiah (my name and Christ) will come. " Mpasi, kigonsa, mpi kitamina tavutulaka yandi nima ve. Hardship, danger, and distance do not hold him back. Paul allowed Christ's love to guide him. Yai kele diambu yina Polo tubaka ntangu Yezu monanaka na yandi na mbona - meso. With these sincere words, Paul, then known as Saul, responded to the direction of the glorified Lord Jesus, who had appeared to him in a vision to stop him from persecuting Christ's disciples. To understand better the meaning of the Scriptures, how should we view information, and what can we do to find it? Beto fwete lemfuka na Yehowa mpi na Kimfumu na yandi. Our allegiance belongs to Jehovah God and his arrangement. (a) What happened to the entire nation of Israel because they did not repent? 1: 15 - 17; Yoa. 1: 1 - 3. 1: 15 - 17; John 1: 1 - 3. However, like that ancient sunset, many ancient books have become distorted. Ngogo ya ndinga ya kisina ya bo kebalulaka nde "muwakanisi " kele ngogo ya bo kesadilaka na nsiku. The original - language word translated "mediator " is a legal term. 9, 10. (a) How did Jesus ' enemies attempt him to pay taxes? Izaki ke nata bankuni, Abrahami ke nata mbele ti bima ya nkaka ya kupedisila tiya. Isaac carried firewood, and Abraham carried a knife and the things needed to start a fire. (Read Mark 7: 20 - 23.) Mono ta tangilaka yandi mikanda yina bo ke zola kubasisa. I would regularly read material to him before it was printed. A Christian youth needs to be careful not to follow such ones. Yo yina, kana beto kezola kulonguka zola, beto fwete longuka mambu ya Yehowa. Hence, if we want to learn about love, we must learn about Jehovah. Draw Close to God - His "He Causes to Become " 11 25: 31 - 33, 46. 25: 31 - 33, 46. See Ephesians 5: 17. Nge lenda vanda ti mawi ya mutindu mosi! - Roma 15: 13. You can experience the same feeling! - Rom. 15: 13. " I never feel alone, since Jehovah is always there for me, " recalls Christian parents. Sambu beto kele bantu ya kukonda kukuka beto lenda konda kikesa yina kele mfunu sambu na kuyindula mutindu beto lenda sadila minsiku yina bo mepesaka beto. As imperfect humans we may shy away from the effort required to reason on principles. What can we learn from Israel's victory over the Amalekites? 8: 10 - 12. 8: 10 - 12. The key to finding the answer is found at 1 Kings 18: 36, 37, which Elijah did. Ya kieleka, beto lenda vanda ti bangiufula mingi na yina me tala luzingu na ntoto ya mpa. Understandably, we may have many questions about life in the new world. Hence, the King James Version translated Sheol from time to time, as well as "the grave " and 3 as" the grave, " thus pointing out that this expression means the same. Ntangu bantu ya Izraele vandaka kupesa makabu ya bambuma na Yehowa, yo lombaka nde bo pesa bambuma yina bo vandaka "katula ntete na bilanga " na bo, bambuma" ya kuluta mbote. " When the Israelites offered fruits or grains to Jehovah, they needed to be the "firstfruits, "" the very best " of their harvests. That certainly is wisdom. Na dibaku mosi buna, nkento mosi ya bwala Samaria zabisaka Yezu nde: "Mono zaba nde Mesia (zina na yandi mpi Kristo), yandi ta kwisa. " On one occasion, a certain Samaritan woman told Jesus: "I know that Messiah is coming, who is called Christ. " How would you explain the words found at Ephesians 4: 30? Polo kubikaka nde zola ya Kristu kutwadisa yandi. Christ's love controlled Paul. In the following article, we will consider some of these illustrations. Sambu na kubakisa mbote - mbote ntendula ya Masonuku, inki mutindu ya bansangu beto fwete tadila, mpi nki beto lenda sala sambu na kuzwa yo? To understand the meaning of the Scriptures accurately, what type of information should we consider, and how may we go about obtaining it? The apostle Paul spoke of mature ones as "those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " (a) Inki kukuminaka dikanda ya mvimba ya Izraele sambu bo balulaka ve ntima? (a) For the nation of Israel as a whole, what were the consequences of their being unrepentant? It may not bring you material prosperity but will give you the peace of heart and the peace of the world cannot buy. Kansi, bonso bamonima yina ya ntama ya kubeba, mikanda mingi ya ntama me bebaka ngolo. But like eroded old monuments, most old writings have been badly damaged by the passage of time. To be honest with God's standards, Jehovah does not expect that humans are beyond human reach. 9, 10. (a) Inki mutindu bambeni ya Yezu mekaka yandi na yina me tala kufuta mpaku? 9, 10. (a) How did Jesus ' enemies try to get him involved in a political issue? If you are both dedicated to Jehovah God, your marriage will be abundant and united; there is nothing else that can unite you in this way. (Tanga Marko 7: 20 - 23.) (Read Mark 7: 20 - 23.) Of course, immorality, loose conduct, and the abuse of children are not all involved. Leke yina kele Mukristu fwete keba na mpila nde yandi kulanda ve bantu ya mutindu yina. A young Christian has to beware that he or she does not imitate those individuals. Having insight into the many good results of humility should move us to cultivate and maintain this vital quality. Kwenda Pene - Pene na Nzambi - "Bikalulu na Yandi ya Ke Monanaka Ve Ke Monanaka Pwelele " 11 Draw Close to God - "His Invisible Qualities Are Clearly Seen " 11 For more information about the sign of the last days, see chapter 9 "Are We Living in " the Last Days '? " Matter How We Worship? Jehovah sees what is seen in the eyes of the eyes, but he sees what the heart is. " Tala Baefezo 5: 17. See Ephesians 5: 17. When Making Decisions Noé keyibuka nde: "Mono kekudiwaka ve ata fyoti nde mono kele mono mosi, sambu Yehowa kevandaka ntangu yonso penepene na mono. Noé recalls: "I have never felt alone, as Jehovah has always been very close to me. How fitting, then, that we imitate Christ and be zealous evangelizers! Mutindu bantu ya Izraele nungaka bantu ya Amaleki ke longa beto nki? What can we learn from Israel's victory over the Amalekites? The officials who visited their home saw something that could not happen in the past, and they found a happy family living in a clean home, a place in which to raise children. Kima ya mfunu ya kesadisa na kuzwa mvutu kele na kisambu yina kele na 1 Bantotila 18: 36, 37, yina Elia kusalaka. There is one vital clue in Elijah's prayer itself, recorded at 1 Kings 18: 36, 37. Jesus urged his followers: "Give gifts to one another, and you will also give gifts to one another. " Yo yina, mibaludi ya Kingelesi ya Biblia yai King James Version kubalulaka ngogo Sheole mbala 31 nde "bilungi, " bo balulaka yo mpi nde" maziamu " mbala 31 mpi mbala 3 nde "dibulu, " mpidina yo kesongaka nde bangogo yai ketendula kima yo yina mosi. Thus, while the English translators of the King James Version translated Sheol 31 times as "hell, " they also rendered it 31 times as" grave " and 3 times as "pit, " thereby showing that these terms mean basically the same thing. Clearly, they were influenced by the environment around them. Ntembe kele ve nde kusala mutindu yai kele mpenza mayele. There can be no valid question about the wisdom of doing that. Furthermore, Jesus knew that the Pharisees had cast their wine into a garment. Inki mutindu nge lenda tendula bangogo yina kele na Efezo 4: 30? How would you explain what is meant by the words recorded at Ephesians 4: 30? How do all Christians support the disciple - making work? Na disolo yina kelanda, beto tatadila bingana yankaka na kati ya bingana yai. We will analyze some of these illustrations in the next article. Our Christian Unity Ntumwa Polo tubilaka bantu ya kuyela bonso "bantu yina, na kusadilaka mayele na bo ya kuswaswanisa mambu, me longaka yo na kuswaswanisa mambu ya mbote mpi ya mbi. " Recall that the apostle Paul described mature people as "those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " What a silence that was for all the rest of the people! Ziku yo tanatila nge ve kimvwama ya kinsuni kansi yo tapesa nge ngemba ya ntima mpi kyese yina mbongo yonso ya nsi - ntoto lenda sumba ve. It may not bring material wealth, but it will result in an inner peace and contentment that all the money in the world cannot buy. A couple who were already baptized were arrested and 30 interested in the truth and attending our meetings. Na kuta masonga bantu lenda kuka na kuzitisa bansiku ya Nzambi, sambu Yehowa kelombaka bo ve mambu yina bantu lenda kuka ve na kusala. The fact is that humans can keep God's commands, for Jehovah does not expect of them what they cannot produce. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: God's Word Kana beno zole mekudipesaka na Yehowa Nzambi, yo tasala nde makwela na beno kuzinga mingi mpi beno tavanda na bumosi; kele ve ti kima yankaka yina lenda vukisa beno mutindu yina. Mutual devotion to Jehovah God fashions a lasting bond and promotes unity in a way that no other factor does. Can we communicate with the dead? Ya kyeleka, mansoni, bikalulu ya mbi, mpi mambu ya kenyokulaka bana, kesalamaka kaka ve na bakampisi. Of course, immorality, bad behavior, and pressures are by no means limited to the college or university campus. Do You Recall? Kana beto bakisa mambote mingi yina kikalulu ya kudikulumusa kenataka, yo fwete pusa beto na kuyedisa mpi kutanina kikalulu yai ya mfunu. Understanding the many benefits that humility brings should move us to cultivate and maintain this precious quality. Who was JESUS like? Sambu na kuzaba mambu mingi ya me tala kidimbu ya bilumbu ya nsuka, tala kapu ya 9 "Keti Beto Kezinga na " Bilumbu ya Nsuka '? " For a detailed discussion of the sign of the last days, see chapter 9, "Are We Living in the " Last Days '? " Names have been changed. Muntu ke talaka yina ke monika na meso, kansi Mfumu Nzambi ke talaka ntima. " Mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is. " Hence, spiritual things took priority in his life. Ntangu Beto Kebaka Balukanu When Making Decisions " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " Yo yina, yo mefwana mpenza nde beto landa mbandu ya Kristu mpi kuvanda baevanzelizatere ya kikesa! How fitting it is, then, that we imitate Christ as zealous evangelizers! In what ways can elders help others? Bamfumu yina kwendaka kutala mambu yina vandaka kuluta na nzo na bo kumonaka kima mosi ya lendaka kusalama ve na bilumbu yina kulutaka. Bo kutaka dibuta mosi ya kyese ya vandaka kuzinga na nzo mosi ya bunkete, kisika mosi ya kufwana sambu na kusansa bana. The authorities who inspected their household found something that would have seemed impossible a short time before - a happy family in a clean home, an acceptable place in which to bring up children. They also feel anxious about what they can do in the future. Yezu kulongisilaka balongoki na yandi nde: "Beno pesa makabu na bantu ya nkaka, mpidina [bantu] mpi ta pesa beno makabu. " Jesus urged his disciples: "Practice giving, and people will give to you. " The congregation in Sardis needed help so quickly that it was dead. Yo kele pwelele nde bantu yina kulandaka bupusi ya bantu ya nzyunga na bo. Clearly, those people were very susceptible to community pressure. Regarding those who are loyal to Jehovah and live in harmony with his righteous standards, the Bible promises: "They are as trees planted in the house of Jehovah; and they are growing up in the temple, and they will bear fruit even if they are old. " Dyaka, Yezu kuzabaka nde Bafarize vandaka kuyungula malafu na bo na lele. Also, Jesus knew that the Pharisees strained their wine through a cloth sieve. These weeds are more likely to be likened to wheat when it is time for a fire, before it grows. Inki mutindu Bakristu yonso kepesaka maboko na kisalu ya kukumisa bantu balongoki? How do all Christians contribute to the making of disciples? The following article will answer that question and show how we too can successfully conquer any thorn in our flesh. Bumosi na Beto ya Bukristu Our Christian Unity Try to see, though, how you can apply what you read. Bo kangaka mpenza bantu yonso yina bikalaka! Any who had lingered were trapped! Our happiness is further strengthened when we think, with eyes of faith, that God is the one who made such things. Bo kangaka bankwelani mosi yina bakaka dezia mbotika mpi bantu ya nkaka 30 yina vandaka kusepela na kieleka mpi kukwisa na balukutakanu na beto. Two baptized Witnesses and 30 interested individuals who were attending our meetings were rounded up. Elders, see that you should serve younger brothers who strive to avoid "the desires incidental to youth " and who are" striving to do good in faith, love, peace, " along with other fine qualities. INSI YA KISINA: ZAMBIE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: ZAMBIA What steps did David take to show that he had Jehovah's view of matters? Keti beto lenda solula ti bafwa? Can we speak with the dead? Indeed, many want God's answer to their prayers by means of a miracle. Do You Share in Making Christian Meetings Upbuilding? What do our conversations with God reveal about our heart? Keti Nge Keyibuka? Do You Recall? But what contributed to the restoration of God's covenant? YEZU vandaka bonso nani? WHAT did Jesus look like? On the other hand, those who obey God's command to love their neighbor as themselves, "become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, and forgiving. " Beto me soba bazina. Name has been changed. Would You Welcome a Visit? Yo yina, mambu ya kimpeve vandaka kubaka kisika ya ntete na luzingu na yandi. So spiritual things came first in her life. Nevertheless, with Jehovah's help, we fulfilled that temporary responsibility. " Nzambi ya zulu ta tula ntotila mosi yina ta yalaka tii kuna; ntotila yina bantotila ya nkaka ta bedisaka yandi ve, kansi yandi ta fwa bantotila yonso ebuna yandi ta yalaka tii kuna. " " The God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " In both cases, heartfelt speech caused you to continue talking. Na nki mitindu bankuluntu lenda sadisa bampangi yankaka? What are some ways in which Christian elders can make themselves available to others? Yes, God used the price of Jesus ' life to buy or redeem all mankind from slavery to sin and death. Bo ke kudiyangisaka mpi sambu na maladi yina bo lenda bela na bilumbu ke kwisa. They also worry about health issues that may arise in the future. Moreover, among the things that Jehovah does not love, we also read "a false witness that belongs to lie. " Yo vandaka mfunu nde dibundu ya Sarde kubaka lusadisu nswalu mpenza sambu kimpeve na yo kuvandaka ya kufwa. The congregation in Sardis needed urgent help because it was dead spiritually. Salvation is near. Sambu na yina metala bantu yina kekangamaka na Yehowa mpi kezingaka na kuwakana ti minsiku na yandi ya lunungu, Biblia kesila nde: "Bo kele bonso banti ya bo kunaka na nzo ya Mfumu Nzambi na beto; yo ke yela kuna na Nzo - Nzambi, yo ke buta bambuma ata yo me nuna, yo kele kaka ya mubisu ti ngolo. " Regarding those who stay close to Jehovah and live by his righteous ways, the Bible promises: "They will still keep on thriving during gray - headedness, fat and fresh they will continue to be, to tell that Jehovah is upright. " Some sisters even attend Gilead School. Matiti yai ya ndikila kefwananaka mpenza ti ble ntangu yo kevandaka ya ndendi, na ntwala nde yo yela. This poisonous plant closely resembles wheat in its early stages before it reaches maturity. In time, Joseph met a man who eventually mentioned his name to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Disolo ya melanda tapesa mvutu na ngyufula yai mpi yo tamonisa nki mutindu beto mpi lenda nunga na ntwala ya konso kima yina kele bonso nsende na kati ya nitu na beto. The next article will answer this question and show us how we too can cope with anything that is like a thorn in our flesh. Why can we say that Jehovah is the Grand Provider? Kansi, sosa na kubakisa mutindu beno zole lenda sadila mambu ya beno ketanga. Rather, try to see how both of you can put into practice what you read. 14: 6, 7. Kyese na beto kekumaka dyaka mingi kana beto yindula, ti meso ya lukwikilu, nde Nzambi muntu kusalaka bima ya mutindu yai. This feeling is heightened when we discern, with eyes of faith, the hand of God behind such creative works. 17, 18. Beno bankuluntu, beno bakisa nde beno fwete sadila bampangi - babakala ya baleke yina kesalaka bikesa sambu na kutina "nzala ya kileki " mpi bayina " ketulaka ngolo na kusala mambu ya mbote ti kuvanda na lukwikilu, kuzola na ntima, ti na ngemba, ' kumosi ti bikalulu yankaka ya mbote. Elders, be conscious of putting to work young brothers who are endeavoring to "flee from the desires incidental to youth " and who are pursuing" righteousness, faith, love, peace, " along with other serious traits. Clearly, Adam and Eve did not have any reason to doubt God. - Genesis 1: 28. Inki mambu Davidi salaka sambu na kumonisa nde yandi vandaka kutadila mambu mutindu Yehowa ketadilaka yo? What incidents in David's life show that he was concerned about how Jehovah viewed matters? For such children, it may not be easy for them to see the truth as something worthless. Ya kyeleka, bantu mingi kezolaka nde Nzambi kupesa mvutu na bisambu na bo na nzila ya kidimbu ya nkumbwa. Of course, many want God to answer their prayers with a miracle. Matthew 8: 8) Inki mambu masolo ya beto kesolulaka ti Nzambi kemonisa sambu na yina metala ntima na beto? What do our communications with God reveal about our heart? He defends those who believe in him and trust in him like Deborah, Barak, and the courageous army of ancient Israel. Kansi, nki salaka nde Nzambi kusala diaka bangwakana? How, then, did the need for covenants arise? What did the parts of the image represent? Kansi, bantu yina kelemfukaka na ntuma ya Nzambi, ya kuzola nkweno bonso bo mosi, " kevandaka mbote, kewilaka bampangi na bo mawa, mpi kelolulaka. ' By contrast, those who obey God's command to love their neighbor as themselves are "kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another. " In the 21st century, more than seven million Christians demonstrate zeal for God's house. Keti Nge Tazola Mvutukilu Mosi? Would You Welcome a Visit? Jehovah evidently accepted Samuel's course. Ata mpidina, ti lusadisu ya Yehowa, beto lungisaka mukumba na beto yina ya ntangu fioti. With Jehovah's help, though, we settled into our temporary assignments. What else can you do to stay spiritually alert and strengthen your relationship with God? Na bambandu yonso zole, kutuba ya masonga ya kemonisa nde nge mewa mpasi na ntima kepesaka nzila nde beno landa na kusolula mbote. In both instances, honest expressions of regret opened the way for further communication. The peaceable are happy because "they will be called sons of God. " Ee, Nzambi kusadilaka ntalu ya luzingu ya Yezu sambu na kusumba to kukatula bantu yonso na kimpika ya masumu mpi lufwa. In effect, God used the value of Jesus ' life to buy back, or redeem, the human race from slavery to sin and death. The seed that is sown in the field is different from what it is under way. Dyaka, na kati ya mambu yina Yehowa kezolaka ve, beto ketanga mpi "temwe yina ke tubaka luvunu na luvunu. " Moreover, things detestable to Jehovah include "a false witness that launches forth lies. " Similarly, if there is nothing that violates Bible principle, Jehovah's servants are careful not to draw close to such things, "for the slave of the Lord is not to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all. " - 2 Tim. Luguluku mekuma penepene. Relief is now in sight. What helped Joseph not to commit sin? Nkutu, bampangi - bankento ya nkaka ke kotaka Nzo - Nkanda ya Gileade. Some are even able to attend Gilead School. It also helps us to pray and sing praises to Jehovah. (Verse 22) Na nima, Yozefi kukutanaka ti muntu mosi yina kutangaka nsukansuka zina na yandi na Farao, ntotila ya Ezipte. They wanted to "all the peoples " who were more likely to" find them. " Sambu na nki beto lenda tuba nde Yehowa kele Mupesi ya Nene? Why can we say that Jehovah is the Grand Provider? How did Asa respond when he became king? 14: 6, 7. 14: 6, 7. (Read Acts 18: 2 - 4; 20: 20, 21, 34, 35.) 17, 18. 17, 18. * Yo kele pwelele nde Adami ti Eva vandaka ve ata ti kikuma mosi ya kubuya kutudila Nzambi ntima. - Kuyantika 1: 28. Adam and Eve certainly had no reason to be disappointed in God. - Genesis 1: 28. 1 / 15 Sambu na bana ya mutindu yina, yo lenda vanda ve mpasi sambu bo mona kyeleka bonso kima ya mpamba. For such, it might be easy to take the light for granted. The death of these two elderly ones was a tragedy. 28 824 28,824 What is "the sin that easily entangles us, " and how can it prevent us? Yandi ke nwaninaka bantu yina ke kwikilaka na yandi mpi ke tudilaka yandi ntima bonso Debora, Baraki mpi basoda ya kikesa ya Izraele ya ntama. He still comes to the defense of those who, like Deborah, Barak, and the brave soldiers of ancient Israel, put their faith and trust in Him. How did Abraham respond? Bitini ya kiteki yai yonso vandaka kifwani ya nki? What did the various parts of the image represent? Jehovah urged the Jews that from that time on, they should not dwell on what they did by abandoning the temple work, but they resumed the rebuilding of the temple. Na mvu - nkama ya 21 yai ya beto kezinga, Bakristu kuluta bamilio nsambwadi kemonisa kikesa sambu na nzo ya Nzambi. In this 21st century, over seven million Christians manifest concern for God's house. We have seen how the covenants we have learned about the Messianic Kingdom and how it shows that God has made good arrangements for that Kingdom. Yo kemonana nde Yehowa kundimaka mambu yina Samuele kusalaka. These actions were apparently approved by Jehovah. (See endnote.) Inki kele mambu yankaka yina beno lenda sala sambu na kukangula meso na kimpeve mpi kukumisa ngolo bangwisana na beno ti Nzambi? What else can you do to remain spiritually alert and strengthen your relationship with God? Perhaps you have wondered whether you will be able to do what Jehovah requires of you. Bantu yina kekotisaka ngemba na kati ya bantu kele na kyese sambu "Nzambi ta binga bo bana na yandi. " The peaceable are happy because "they will be called " sons of God. ' " Most people today do not understand what the Bible teaches. Mbutu ya bambuma yina bo kekunaka na bilanga keswaswanaka na kutadila mutindu yo meyedila. Grain sown in a field may vary in production according to circumstances. Did he give up or continued to preach God's word with courage? Mutindu mosi, kana kele ve ti diambu mosi yina ke fwa munsiku ya Biblia, bansadi ya Yehowa ke sadilaka mayele sambu na kusosa ve kubendana na mambu ya mutindu yai, "sambu mpika ya Mfumu fwete nwana ve, kansi yandi fwete vanda muntu ya mawete na bantu yonso. " - 2 Tim. Accordingly, if no Scriptural principle is being violated, Jehovah's people wisely abstain from arguing over such matters, "for a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle [tactful, ftn.] toward all. " - 2 Tim. A large religious organization says that its activities are carried out in 76 lands and there are over 200 members of more than 200 different religions. Inki sadisaka Yozefi na kusala ve disumu? What prevented Joseph from succumbing to her repeated advances? Of course, it is not always easy to remain calm when what your children say to you. Diaka, yo ke sadisaka beto na kusamba mpi na kuyimba sambu na kukumisa Yehowa. All of this makes us different from animals. The steward in the illustration spoke to people in order to benefit from it. Bo vandaka kuzola nde "bantu yonso " yina vandaka kuluta na bampambu yina" kumona bo. " They wanted to be "visible to men " who were passing through those intersections. Paul encouraged his anointed followers to keep in mind that they are in heaven and that they should not keep their minds fixed on the things on the earth. Aza salaka nki ntangu yandi kumaka ntotila? How did John describe Psalm 69: 5? (Tanga Bisalu 18: 2 - 4; 20: 20, 21, 34, 35.) (Read Acts 18: 2 - 4; 20: 20, 21, 34, 35.) David added: "Let death be instantly upon my enemies, and they go down to Sheol, because their houses and their hearts are filled with badness. " * * However, because of some responsibilities, many adult children do not live with their parents. " Yandi Ke Landa Kutuba " (Abele), 1 / 1 In his prayers, the apostle Paul well demonstrated the faith of his brothers, their love, and endurance. Lufwa ya minunu yai zole kuvandaka dyambu mosi ya kepesa mpasi. There, just outside a plush residential complex, he came upon two lifeless bodies - an elderly married couple who had leaped from the window of their eighth - floor apartment. " To get me out of this place, " says Joseph. " Masumu yina kekangaka beto nzila konso ntangu, ' kele nki mpi inki mutindu yo lenda kanga beto nzila? What is "the sin that easily entangles us, " and how might it entangle us? Jehovah's love for humans is like that of parental love for their children. Inki Abrahami salaka? Abraham's reaction? Jehovah shut the door, and the rain begins. Yehowa kulongisilaka Bayuda nde, banda na ntangu yina, bo fwete yindula ve mambu ya bo salaka na mutindu bo yambulaka kisalu ya tempelo, kansi bo vutukila kisalu ya kutunga dyaka tempelo. Jehovah urged the Jews to set their hearts from that day forward, not on their past negligence, but on the rebuilding work. Ask yourself: " Will I continue to do what pleases God, whether people ridicule me or persecute me? Beto me mona mutindu bangwakana yina beto me longuka ke tadila Kimfumu ya Mesia mpi mutindu yo ke monisa nde Nzambi me bakaka bangidika ya mbote sambu na Kimfumu yina. As we look at the covenants we have considered, we can see how they relate to the Messianic Kingdom and how the Kingdom arrangement is solidly based on legal contracts. His appreciation for God moved him to share in the preaching work. (Tala noti na nsuka ya disolo.) (See endnote.) Happily, we do not need to fall into Satan's trap. Ziku nge mekudiyulaka kana nge takuka kusala mambu yina Yehowa kelombaka sambu na nge. You may have wondered if you will be able to do what Jehovah expects of you. Where Can You Find Peace of Mind? Bantu mingi bubu yai ke bakisaka ve malongi ya Biblia. Because many have little or no understanding of the Bible. When it comes to providing information of salvation based on the Scriptures, we want to teach "what is written in the law. " - 1 Cor. Keti yandi yambulaka to yandi landaka kulonga ndinga ya Nzambi ti kikesa? Did he give in to the demand, or did he continue to speak God's word with boldness? The Bible speaks of "the tongues of men and of angels, " showing that spirit creatures are in language and speaking. Organizasio mosi ya kuluta nene ya ke vukisaka mabundu ke tuba nde bisalu na yo ke salamaka na bansi 76 mpi bantu ya mabundu ya kuswaswana kuluta 200 kele na kati. One of the largest of the interfaith organizations boasts that it has members representing over 200 different faiths and that it is active in 76 countries. What encouragement did Paul give to the Philippians? Ya kieleka, yo ke vandaka ntangu yonso pete ve na kuvanda pima kana mambu yina bana ke zabisa nge ke pesa nge mpasi. True, it is not always easy to keep quiet when your children tell you something distressing. (a) How can you reason with someone who believes that all good people will go to heaven? Kapita yina Yezu tubilaka na kingana taka kinduku ti bantu sambu yandi bakila yo mambote. The steward in Jesus ' illustration made friends for personal benefit. Do You Know That You Have the Truth? Polo siamisaka Bakristu yina bo me tulaka mafuta na kuyibuka ntangu yonso nde bo kele bantu ya zulu mpi nde bo fwete tula ve mabanza na bo na bima yina kele na ntoto. Paul urged anointed Christians to focus on their heavenly citizenship rather than on earthly things. He added: "Jehovah your God is the God of heaven and earth. " Inki mutindu Yoane kutubilaka Nkunga 69: 5? John made what application of Psalm 69: 4? Why, though, does God continue to provide these things to all, whether they care for him or not? Davidi kuyikaka nde: "Mbote lufwa kubwila bambeni na mono na kintulumukina, bo kulumuka na [Sheole, NW] ti moyo, sambu banzo ti bantima na bo me fuluka na mambu ya mbi. " It was not an intense hater of me that assumed great airs against me; otherwise I could conceal myself from him. " David continued: "Desolations be upon them! Since God's spirit produces true peace, we must follow the direction of holy spirit in order to find it. Kansi sambu na mikumba ya nkaka yina bo kele ti yo, bana mingi yina me kuma bambuta ke zingaka ve kisika mosi ti bibuti na bo. Because of other obligations, however, many grown children do not live near their parents. However, the Bible clearly shows that we cannot make the exact date of the date of the end. Na bisambu na yandi, ntumwa Polo monisaka mbote lukwikilu ya bampangi na yandi, zola na bo, mpi kukanga - ntima. In his prayers, the apostle Paul rightly highlighted his brothers ' faith, love, and endurance. And he will remember your work and the love you showed for his name. " - Hebrews 6: 10. Yozefi ke tuba nde: "Sambu na kubasisa mono na kisika yai. " He explained his goal: "In order to get me out of this place. " How can the preaching work strengthen your faith? Zola ya Yehowa sambu na bantu kele bonso zola yina bibuti ke vandaka na yo sambu na bana na bo. Jehovah's love for mankind is like that of loving parents for their children. Jehovah used holy spirit to empower these men to perform miracles, not to go to heaven. Yehowa mekanga kyelo, mpi mvula meyantika. Jehovah shuts the door, and it begins to rain. * He wrote it just a few years before Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. Kudiyula nde: " Keti mono ta landa kusala mambu yina ke sepedisaka Nzambi, ata bantu ke seka mono to ke bangika mono? Will you keep " walking with God, ' even when others mock or criticize you or when economic pressures test your faith in your Provider? Regarding the lands east of the Jordan, however, the book The Holy of the Holy Land of George Smith says: "All the nations were being gathered together, without anything that could cause it to be distributed on the vast sea. Ntonda yina yandi vandaka na yo sambu na Nzambi pusaka yandi na kusala kisalu ya kusamuna. The resulting gratitude that he felt spurred him on in his ministry. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we praise him for his great deeds, including the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage and the wonderful works he performed his beloved Son. Diambu ya kiese kele nde, beto kele ve na mfunu ya kubwa na mutambu ya Satana. Happily, we do not need to fall into Satan's trap. No wonder Jehovah loved him so much! Wapi Nge Lenda Zwa Ngemba ya Mabanza? Where Can You Find Inner Peace? Do You See Jehovah's Loving Guidance? Ntangu yo kelomba kupesa bansangu ya luguluku ya kele na Masonuku, beto kezolaka kulonga "kaka mambu yina ya bo sonikaka na bansiku. " - 1 Kor. When it comes to conveying the lifesaving message in the Scriptures, we do not want to "go beyond the things that are written. " - 1 Cor. When we become angry, it is wise to silence our tongue so that we do not say something that will hurt us later. - Ephesians 4: 26. Biblia ke tubilaka "bandinga ya bantu mpi ya bawanzio. " Diambu yai ke monisa nde bigangwa ya kimpeve ke vandaka na ndinga mpi ke tubaka. The Bible speaks of "the tongues of men and of angels, " indicating that spirit persons have language and speech. One couple who served as special pioneers in Norway began to study the Bible with a family from Zambia. Inki kikesa Polo kupesaka Bakristu ya Filipi? What encouragement did Paul provide for the Philippians? 13, 14. (a) Inki mutindu nge lenda yindula ti muntu yina ke kwikilaka nde bantu yonso ya mbote ta kwenda na zulu? (a) What is one way to reason with someone who believes that all good people go to heaven? Consider Obadiah, a household servant of King Ahab, who lived a period of time with the prophet Elijah. Keti Nge Ke Ndimaka nde Nge Kele na Kieleka? Are You Convinced That You Have the Truth? We can be sure that the Bible contains many accounts that are worthy of our confidence that Jehovah always does what is right. Yandi yikaka nde: " Yehowa Nzambi na beno kele Nzambi ya zulu mpi ya ntoto. ' She added: "Jehovah your God is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath. " When an elder assigns a baptized brother a spirit of responsibility, he should kindly explain how matters take the lead in the congregation and provide appropriate instruction. Kansi, sambu na nki Nzambi ke landaka kupesa bima yai na bantu yonso, yo vanda bo ke tudilaka yandi dikebi to ve? But why has God continued to make such provisions for all people, whether they give thought to him or not? (b) How can we avoid being deceived by such ideas? Sambu mpeve ya Nzambi ke pesaka ngemba ya kieleka, beto fwete landa lutwadisu ya mpeve santu sambu na kuzwa yo. Since true peace is produced by God's spirit, we must yield to the influence of the holy spirit to develop true peace. Explain. Kansi, Biblia kemonisa pwelele nde beto lenda sala ve bakalkile ya dati ya sikisiki ya nsuka. But the Bible clearly indicates that we cannot calculate the specific date for the end. How does loving - kindness differ from integrity? Yandi ta vila ve kuzola ya ntima yina ya beno ke songaka yandi na bisalu ya beno salaka ti ya beno ke sala diaka na bampangi na beno bakristo. " - Baebreo 6: 10. The apostle Paul wrote: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name. " - Hebrews 6: 10. Pharaoh's haughtiness led to dishonor Inki mutindu kisalu ya kusamuna lenda kumisa lukwikilu na nge ngolo? How can the ministry help you to strengthen your faith? Yes, it will become your share only if you accept it. Yehowa sadilaka mpeve santu sambu na kupesa bantu yai ngolo ya kusala mambu ya kuyituka, kansi yandi ponaka bo ve sambu na kukwenda na zulu. Jehovah used his holy spirit to give these ones the power to do amazing things, but he did not use it to invite them to live in heaven. Men, women, and children having money or not to learn or to love each other are united in serving Jehovah today. * Yandi sonikaka yo bamvula fioti na ntwala nde bo fwa Yeruzalemi na 607. * Apostate Jerusalem was nearing its foretold destruction, which occurred in 607 B.C.E. The next morning, one of Jehovah's Witnesses called at my home. Kansi, sambu na bantoto yina kuvandaka na esti ya Yordani, mukanda The Historical Geography of the Holy Land ya George Adam Smith ketuba nde: "[Bantoto] yonso vandaka ya kuvukana, kukonda ata kima mosi yina lendaka kukabisa yo na ntoto ya nene ya Arabia. However, concerning the lands east of the Jordan, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, by George Adam Smith, says: "[They] all roll off, with almost no intervening barrier, upon the great Arabian plateau. These meetings do not only make us happy but also give us opportunities to show that we trust in Jehovah. Beto Bambangi ya Yehowa kekumisaka yandi sambu na mambu ya nene ya yandi mesalaka, mu mbandu, kukatula bantu ya Izraele na kimpika na Ezipte mpi mutindu ya kuyituka ya yandi salaka Mwana na yandi ya yandi kezolaka. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we laud him for such great deeds as the freeing of Israel from Egyptian bondage and the miraculous conception of his dear Son. What problem do we face, "a large door, " and how do many Witnesses give of it? Mpila ya kuyituka kele ve kana Yehowa kuzolaka yandi mingi mutindu yina! No wonder Jehovah loved him so! Think of Asa's efforts when he removed his grandfather from the position of the king's mother. Keti Nge Talanda Lutwadisu ya Zola ya Yehowa? Will You Follow Jehovah's Loving Guidance? Our prayers should be in harmony with God's will. Kana beto mewa makasi, yo kele mayele na kukanga munoko na beto na mpila nde beto tuba ve kima mosi yina tasala beto mpasi na ntima na nima. - Efezo 4: 26. He sees a picture on his computer depicting a garden with animals and people of all races living in peace. Bakala mosi ti nkento na yandi yina kuvandaka bapasudi - nzila ya nene na Norvège yantikaka kulonguka Biblia ti dibuta mosi ya kukatukaka na Zambie. A special pioneer couple in Norway started a Bible study with a family from Zambia. Loving parents will allow their child to suffer persecution if they know that this would have lasting benefits. 13, 14. 13, 14. For example, in 2002, I met Cheri, a friend I knew about Hong Kong. Beto tadila mbandu ya Abdiasi, nsadi ya nzo ya Ntotila Akabi, yina kuzingaka nsungi mosi ti profete Elia. Consider King Ahab's household steward Obadiah, a contemporary of the prophet Elijah. (Read Matthew 10: 8.) Beto fwete zaba nde Biblia kele ti masolo mingi yina me fwana na kundimisa beto nde Yehowa ke salaka ntangu yonso mambu ya mbote. Or would you reason that the Bible contains enough information to assure us that Jehovah always does what is right and is, in fact, the very standard of what is right and what is wrong? Today, Jehovah gives holy spirit to his dedicated servants who ask for it in prayer and want to do his will. Ntangu nkuluntu mepesa mpangi - bakala yina mebaka mbotika mukumba, yandi fwete tendudila yandi na mawete yonso mutindu mambu ketwadisamaka na dibundu mpi kupesa yandi malongi yina mefwana. When giving a baptized brother an assignment, an elder gladly explains the relevant organizational procedures and provides needed instruction. But the sin is serious, so it may be necessary for someone to be disfellowshipped. (b) Inki beto lenda sala na mpila nde bangindu ya mutindu yai kukusa beto ve? (b) How can we avoid being deceived by such lies? These rebel angels are called demons. Tendula. Explain. That is why the Bible says that everyone who is married "will have tribulation. " Inki mutindu ntima ya mbote meswaswana ti kwikama? How does loving - kindness differ from loyalty? Years later, although he lived in an area where man's thinking was strained, young King Josiah decided to change many aspects of worship. Lulendo ya Farao kunatilaka yandi nsoni Pharaoh's haughtiness led to his humiliation As "the end of [the Jewish system of things] approached, " Peter urged his brothers to" set matters straight, keep awake, and pray to God. " Ya kyeleka, yo takuma dikabu na nge kaka kana nge ndima yo. Really, it does not become your gift until you reach out and accept it. Why? Babakala, bankento, mpi bana ya kele na mbongo to ve, ya melongukaka to ve mpi ya bampusu ya nitu yonso ke na kusadila Yehowa na bumosi bubu yai. Men, women, and children of all economic levels as well as educational and racial backgrounds are unitedly serving Jehovah today. In some cultures, men seem to be more important than women because they feel that husbands will continue to use the family and raise aging parents and their grandparents. Na suka ya kilumbu yina landaka, Mbangi ya Yehowa mosi kwisaka kutala mono na nzo. The next morning, one of Jehovah's Witnesses came to my home. Those who suffer from corruption and corruption are certainly poor - those who have no control over corruption. Balukutakanu yai ke pesaka beto kaka ve kiese kansi mpi mabaku ya kumonisa nde beto ke tudilaka Yehowa ntima. These are much more than happy gatherings; they are occasions for us to demonstrate trust in Jehovah. In fact, many have preached about the Bible's message. Inki dyambu ya beto kekutana ti yo mekangudila beto "kyelo mosi ya nene, " mpi inki mutindu Bambangi mingi kekudipesa na yo? What development has opened "a large door " for us, and how have thousands of Witnesses responded? What can you say? Yindula bikesa yina Aza monisaka ntangu yandi katulaka nkaka na yandi ya nkento na kiyeka ya mama ya ntotila. Think how much courage Asa had to muster to stand up to Maacah, who was "queen mother " in the land! They did not engage in eating cattle or sleeping in teeth's teeth. Bisambu na beto fwete wakana ti luzolo ya Nzambi. Our prayers need to be in harmony with God's will. He was convinced that his followers would be courageous and remain loyal to him despite opposition from family members. Yandi ke talaka kifwanisu mosi na ordinatere na yandi ya ke monisaka kilanga mosi ti bambisi mpi bantu ya bampusu yonso ke zinga na ngemba. One way he does this is by clicking a pictogram that portrays a garden where animals and people of all races live in peaceful conditions. The writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures did not explain Psalm 91 to the fulfillment of the prophecy regarding the Messiah. Bibuti ya zola tapesa nzila nde mwana na bo kumona mpasi kana bo zaba nde yo tanata mambote ya ntangu mingi. Loving parents will allow their child to undergo hardships if they know that this will bring long - term benefits. As we make known God's name without partiality, we " exercise justice. ' Mu mbandu, na 2002, mono kutanaka ti Cheri, nduku mosi ya mono zabaka ntama na Hong Kong. For example, in 2002, I met up with Cheri, an old acquaintance from Hong Kong. He was a slave who made his garments, and in the wilderness he would collect manna in order to obtain his daily bread. (Tanga Matayo 10: 8.) (Read Matthew 10: 8.) To this day, this humble, godly quality is seen among anointed Christians. Bubu yai, Yehowa kepesaka mpeve santu na bansadi na yandi ya mekudipesaka yina kelombaka yandi yo na kisambu mpi kezolaka kusala luzolo na yandi. Today, Jehovah gives holy spirit to his dedicated servants who pray for it and who want to do his will. Some Jews in Babylon may have felt that Jehovah did not know or see their suffering. Kansi disumu yango kele nene, yo yina kana bo yidika yo ve, yo lenda lomba nde bo basisa muntu na dibundu. But the sin is serious enough to merit disfellowshipping if the matter is not settled. We decided to have a full share in the Kingdom work. Bo kebingaka bawanzyo yai ya bankolami bademo. Disobedient angels are called demons. One of God's spiritual sons did not make good use of the gift of free will, so he rebelled and decided to prevent Jehovah's decision. Yo yina Biblia ke tuba nde konso muntu yina ke kwela "ta kutana ti bampasi. " That is why the Bible says that married people "will have tribulation " at times. Two trees became one tree, July Bamvula mingi na nima, ata yandi vandaka kuzinga na kisika mosi yina mabanza ya bantu kubebaka mingi, Ntotila ya leke Yoziasi, kubakaka lukanu ya kusoba mambu mingi ya lusambu. Years after that, young King Josiah, despite being in a corrupt environment, enacted long - term religious reforms, repaired God's temple, and led the nation back to Jehovah. However, after hearing that the Israelites conquered Jericho and Ai, the Gibeonites tried to seduce Joshua to make a peaceful covenant with them. Sambu " nsuka ya [ngidika ya bima ya Bayuda] kukumaka penepene, ' Piere kulongisilaka bampangi na " kuyindula mambu mbote - mbote, na kukangula meso, mpi na kusamba Nzambi. ' Since "the end of [the Jewish system of] things has drawn close, " Peter counsels the brothers to " be sound in mind and vigilant with a view to prayers. ' He knew that Jehovah is a loving God who protects and fulfills promises. Sambu na nki? Why? In other words, the judges of the court will ask the man who has relations with the woman to pay a gift to the owner. Na bisika ya nkaka, bantu ke monaka babakala mfunu mingi kuluta bankento sambu bo ke yindulaka nde babakala bantu ta landaka kusadila zina ya dibuta mpi kusansa bibuti yina me kuma bambuta mpi ba - nkaka na bo. Males are favored in some societies because it is thought that they will grow up to continue the family line and care for their aging parents and grandparents. (Read Matthew 23: 27, 28.) Ntembe kele ve nde bantu ya kemonaka mpasi mingi sambu na kikalulu ya kufuta avoka mpi kubeba ya mambu ya mumbongo yina yo kenataka kele bansukami, disongidila bantu yina kele ve na mpila ya kupesa avoka. Inevitably, the ones who suffer most from corruption and the economic devastation it spawns are the poor - the ones who are rarely in a position to bribe anyone. What can we learn from Abraham's prayers to God? Ya kyeleka, bantu mingi mesamunaka mambu ya metala nsangu ya Biblia. True, many have preached something about the Bible's message. Fearing that their enemies were fighting against them, the Syrian army fled to the feet. Inki nge lenda tuba? What about you personally? Though they were often subjected to self - control, Isaiah wrote regarding Jehovah: "In all their trials it was distressing for him. " Bo vandaka kusala ve bankinsi ya kudya bangombe to kulala na bumolo yonso na bambeto ya meno ya nzyoku. They had not feasted on manger - fed bulls or sprawled sluggishly on couches of ivory. Yet, Jehovah saw that Job was not realistic, so he helped Job to change his mind. Yandi vandaka kundima nde balongoki na yandi ta vanda kikesa mpi ta landa kukangama na yandi ata bantu ya mabuta na bo ke telemina bo. Yet, he was confident that his disciples would have the courage to maintain their loyalty to him despite family opposition. ◆ that. Bantu yina kusonikaka Masonuku ya Kigreki ya Bukristu kutendulaka ve Nkunga 91 na kutadilaka mutindu yo lungisaka mbikudulu yina metala Mesia. Writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures did not discuss Psalm 91 from the standpoint of Messianic prophecy. Consider how their obedience in three areas is a fine example for us today. Mutindu beto kezabisaka bantu zina ya Nzambi kukonda kupona - pona, beto " kesalaka mambu yina kele ya masonga. ' By making known God's name to everyone without partiality, we "exercise justice. " Jesus ' qualities are the second way he taught his followers the truth about the Father. Yandi vandaka mpika yina vandaka kusala babriki, mpi na ntoto ya zelo na zelo yandi vandaka kulokuta mana sambu na kubaka madya na yandi ya konso kilumbu. But if he had to state his previous work experience to qualify for that mission, what could he have listed? Slave laborer? Straw mixer? Manna gatherer? What did Jesus teach people about the Law? Tii bubu yai, nkadilu yai ya kudikulumusa mpi ya kukangama na Nzambi kemonanaka na Bakristu bapakulami. This attitude of humility and devotion still characterizes the Lord's anointed. In the illustration of the sower, Jesus explained that the seed is "the word of God, " or message of God's Kingdom. Yo lenda vanda nde Bayuda yankaka ya vandaka na Babilone vandaka kuyindula nde Yehowa vandaka kuzaba ve to kumona ve bampasi ya bo vandaka kumona. Some Jews in Babylon may have felt that the injustices they were suffering were concealed from Jehovah or unseen by him. If their parents are Jehovah's Witnesses, they surely need their children to continue in the full - time service. Beto bakaka lukanu ya kudipesa mingi na kisalu ya Kimfumu. We were determined to press on in our Kingdom activity. But Noah was different. Mwana mosi ya kimpeve ya Nzambi kusadilaka ve mbote dikabu ya kimpwanza ya kupona yina Nzambi kupesaka yandi, yo yina yandi kolamaka mpi yandi bakaka lukanu ya kukanga lukanu ya Yehowa nzila. A spirit son of God rebelled and set out to thwart Jehovah's purpose, abusing the divine gift of free will. But what does that involve? Banti zole yina kumaka nti mosi, Yuli Life in this world can be a challenge. Kansi, na nima ya kuwa nsangu nde bantu ya Izraele kunungaka bantu ya Yeriko ti Ai, bantu ya Gabaoni kwendaka kukusa Yozue sambu na kusala kuwakana mosi ya ngemba ti bo. Upon hearing of Israel's success against Jericho and Ai, however, the men of Gibeon trick Joshua into making a covenant of peace with them. 3: opening words - What is significant about the setting of certain songs? Yandi zabaka nde Yehowa kele Nzambi ya zola yina ke taninaka mpi ke lungisaka balusilu. He knew Jehovah as a loving Protector and a Keeper of promises. * Thus, God's Kingdom is a heavenly government. Na kikongo ya nkaka, bazuzi na tribinale ta lomba muntu yina me tutana ti nkento na kufuta amande na munkwa - nkento. In other words, the judges in court would make the striker pay a fine to the husband of the injured mother. If we were to give our best to obtain food and clothing, we would not stay focused on serving Jehovah, then we would lose the very purpose of life. - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. (Tanga Matayo 23: 27, 28.) (Read Matthew 23: 27, 28.) According to one reference work known as the Golden Rule and the United States, many centuries ago, professed Christians "were more violent than [the]. " Inki dilongi beto lenda baka na bisambu yina Abrahami kusalaka na Nzambi? What can we learn from Abraham's approach to God? They have dedicated their lives to Jehovah and his service, not to some advantage, but to love him and to show their loyalty to him and to his Son. Sambu bo yindulaka nde bambeni ke na kunwanisa bo, basoda ya Siria kutinaka na makulu. Concluding that they were being attacked, the Syrians fled on foot. Most important of that purpose was that marriage mates have children and fill "the earth. " - Gen. Ata bo vandaka kumona mpasi mbala mingi sambu na ntu ngolo na bo mosi, Yezaya kusonikaka mutindu yai sambu na yina metala Yehowa: "Na ntangu ya bampasi na bo yonso, yo vandaka mpasi sambu na yandi. " Even though their suffering was often a result of their own stubbornness, Isaiah wrote concerning Jehovah: "During all their distress it was distressing to him. " To enjoy the privilege of having a friend, you must accept responsibilities that lead to friendship. Ata mpidina, Yehowa bakisaka nde Yobi ke tadila ve mambu na mutindu ya mbote, yo yina yandi sadisaka Yobi na kusoba mabanza. Yet, God saw the need to correct Job's thinking. Even so, I resolved to strengthen my relationship with Jehovah. ◆ kutubaka yo. ◆ speaking it. Unlike those who would become Jesus ' followers, we wisely accepted Jesus ' invitation to become his followers and serve Jehovah daily. Beto tadila mutindu bulemfu na bo na mambu yina tatu kele mbandu ya mbote sambu na beto bubu yai. Let us consider how their positive response to these three functions of Kingdom rule sets a good example for us today. To this day, I still have a positive attitude. Bikalulu ya Yezu kele mutindu ya zole yina yandi longaka balongoki na yandi kyeleka ya metala Tata. The second way in which Jesus revealed the Father to his disciples was by means of his conduct. 13, 14. (a) What is one important aspect of Christ's presence? (b) What should we bear in mind, especially when preaching in less responsive territories? Inki Yezu kulongaka bantu sambu na yina metala Nsiku? What did Jesus teach people about the Law? Jehovah is slow to anger, for he allows his servants to overcome their weaknesses that could prevent them from entering into his righteous new world. - 2 Peter 3: 9, 13, 14. Na kingana ya muntu ya ke kunaka, Yezu tendulaka nde nkeni kele "ndinga ya Nzambi, " to nsangu ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi. In the illustration of the sower, the seed is "the word of God, " or the Kingdom message. After teaching five years in the islands, we moved to Puerto Rico to buy a new boat. Kana bibuti na bo kele Bambangi ya Yehowa, ntembe kele ve nde bo ke vandaka na mfunu nde bana na bo kulanda kusala kisalu ya ntangu yonso. When parents are Witnesses, likely their fondest wish is for their children to stay in their assignments. On the day of his resurrection, he appeared about five times to different disciples. - Matt. Kansi Noa vandaka ve bonso bantu yai. " Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah.... A lack of "fellow feeling " is in opposition to" the law of love. " Spiritual Paradise, 3 / 1 This shepherd's example assures us that we can trust in God. Kansi, yo kelombaka kusala inki? What, though, might this involve? According to one study, "the energy is used (13 percent in any town of Australia to build water in all houses, but all the energy that is used in all houses, the energy drops of energy drops. " Luzingu lenda vanda mpasi na nsi - ntoto yai. Life in this world can be distressing. How many silver drops have you come to know? " 3: bangogo yina kele na luyantiku - Inki kele mfunu ya bantu - dyambu yina bo tulaka na luyantiku ya bankunga yankaka? 3: superscription - What is the purpose of the heading given to some of the psalms? The time I was preparing for people in the hotel was past. * Yo yina, Kimfumu ya Nzambi kele guvernema ya zulu. * God's Kingdom, therefore, is a heavenly government. [ Picture on page 9] Kana beto kudipesa ya mvimba kaka sambu na kuzwa madya ti bilele, ebuna beto bikala ve ata ti kima mosi sambu na kusadila Yehowa, pana beto kevidisa lukanu mpenza ya luzingu. - Longi 12: 13. If we devote all our efforts merely to feed and cover ourselves, with nothing substantial left for serving Jehovah, we miss the very purpose of living. - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. 10 / 15 Mukanda mosi ya bo kebingaka Histoire du déclin et de la chute de l'Empire romain (1837) monisaka nde bamvu - nkama mingi kuluta, bantu yina vandaka kudibinga Bakristu "kudisalanaka mpenza nku kuluta yina [mimpani] vandaka kusala. " The book The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1837) observed that over the centuries those who professed to be Christians "have inflicted far greater severities on each other, than they had experienced from the zeal of infidels [unbelievers]. " Hence, those words can make a patient feel comfortable, unable to help another patient. Bo me kudipesaka ya mvimba na Yehowa mpi na kisalu na yandi, bo ke salaka yo ve sambu na kusosa mambote mosi buna, kansi sambu bo ke zolaka Yehowa mpi ke monisaka kwikama na yandi mpi na mwana na yandi. They devote themselves exclusively to Jehovah and serve him, not with some date or deadline in mind, but out of love and loyalty to him and to his Son. She and her mother were warmly welcomed and asked several questions about her beliefs and full - time service. Kima ya kuluta mfunu na lukanu yina kuvandaka nde bankwelani kubuta bana mpi kufulusa "nsi - ntoto. " - Kuy. A key element of that purpose was for married people to have children and "fill the earth. " - Gen. Noah, Daniel, and Job faced many of the challenges we face today. Sambu na kusepela na dibaku ya kuvanda ti nduku, nge fwete ndima mikumba yina kuvanda nduku kenataka. To enjoy the privilege of having a friend, you have to accept the responsibility of being a friend. What do we look forward to in the new world? Ata mpidina, mono bakaka lukanu ya kukumisa ngolo bangwisana na mono ti Yehowa. Nevertheless, I decided to fortify myself spiritually. Ruth showed that she was not merely a physical brother of Naomi. Na kuswaswana ti bantu yina zolaka kukuma balongoki ya Yezu, beto mendimaka na mayele yonso kubinga yina Yezu bingaka beto sambu na kukuma balongoki na yandi mpi beto kesadila Yehowa konso kilumbu. Unlike those would - be disciples, we have wisely accepted Jesus ' invitation to be his followers and are now serving Jehovah every day. Others invited me to their homes so that we could eat together, and they continue to do so. " Tii bubu yai, mono ke vandaka kaka na mabanza ya mbote. Still, I try to keep a positive outlook. However, this raises several important questions that call for careful consideration, such as: Why are sacrifices important in worship? 13, 14. (a) Tanga dyambu mosi ya mfunu ya kidimbu ya kuvanda ya Kristu. (b) Inki beto fwete vila ve, mingimingi na ntangu beto kesamuna na bateritware yina bantu fyoti mpamba kendimaka? 13, 14. (a) What is an outstanding feature of the sign of Christ's presence? (b) What should we keep in mind, especially when preaching in less responsive territories? Hence, Jesus was not saying that we can see Jehovah with our physical eyes. Yehowa kewaka ve makasi nswalu, sambu yandi kepesaka bansadi na yandi ntangu ya kununga bifu na bo yina lenda kangisa bo nzila ya kukota na inza na yandi ya mpa ya lunungu. - 2 Piere 3: 9, 13, 14. Jehovah is also slow to anger, for he grants his servants opportunity to overcome weaknesses that could bar them from his new world of righteousness. - 2 Peter 3: 9, 13, 14. The Israelites "were putting God to the test " and hurt him. Na nima ya kulonga bamvula tanu na bisanga yina, beto kwendaka na Porto Rico sambu na kusumba maswa ya mpa ya kele ti motere. After five years preaching on the islands, we sailed to Puerto Rico to get a new boat, one with engines. Thus, this new nation is made up of anointed Christians, who have the heavenly hope. Na kilumbu ya lufutumuku na yandi, yandi monanaka mbala kiteso ya tanu na balongoki ya kuswaswana. - Mat. On the very day of his resurrection, he made at least five appearances to different disciples. - Matt. [ Picture on page 10] Kukonda " kubaka bantu kiteso mosi ' kewakana ve ti " nsiku ya kimfumu ' ya zola. " Showing favoritism " is contrary to "the kingly law " of love. If we follow the parable of the wheat and the weeds, the harvest would be fulfilled "in the time of the end. " Mbandu yai ya ngungudi kendimisa beto nde, beto lenda tula ntima na Nzambi. These pastoral images reassure us that we can trust in God. What example did Christ and his early disciples set in the preaching work? Na kutadila nsosa mosi yina bo salaka, "bo ke sadilaka kura fioti (1,3%) na konso mbanza ya Australie sambu na kukumisa masa tiya na banzo; kansi na kura yonso yina bo ke sadilaka na banzo yonso, masa ya tiya ke bakaka kura mingi (27%). " According to one study, "residential hot water heating consumes on average 1.3% of total energy used in Australian cities or 27% of total household energy use. " The people began calling on Jehovah's name, but it was not to worship him in a dignified manner. Nge me zaba bambongo ya arza ikwa mono me bakaka dezia? " Do you know how many silver coins I have collected? " You can use the time of that day to study a few Bible study. Ntangu yina mono vandaka kuyidikila bantu madia na otele me lutaka. The times when I served as a waiter in a hotel are long gone. For example, consider Revelation 21: 4. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 9] [ Picture on page 15] (New International Version) One of the three gods of Egypt worshipped as a god, a god, I - god, and their son. 2 / 1 " Ntangu na Yandi Me Lunga, " 10 / 1 " Charming Mountain Goat, " 10 / 1 If our conscience is in harmony with Jehovah's ways, we surely make decisions that are in harmony with his will. Yo yina, bangogo yina lenda sala nde mbefo mosi kudiwa mbote, lenda sadisa ve mbefo yankaka. Thus, what may make one sick person feel better may not be helpful to another. Jesus, our Exemplar, knows everything about his sheep. Elke ti mama na yandi yambaka Lana mbote mpi bo yulaka yandi bangiufula mingi ya me tala balukwikilu na yandi mpi kisalu na yandi ya ntangu yonso. Elke and her mother were hospitable to Lana and kept asking questions about her beliefs and her work as a full - time evangelizer. It is especially evident through overseers, or "gifts in men. " Noa, Daniele mpi Yobi kutanaka ti bampasi mingi yina beto ke kutana ti yo bubu yai. Noah, Daniel, and Job experienced many of the same kinds of problems we face today. Table of Contents Inki beto ke vingila kumona na nsi - ntoto ya mpa? What can we look forward to in the new world? It is true that Jehovah used Assyria to punish the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel because of their rebellion and idolatry. Ruti kumonisaka nde yandi vandaka kaka ve mpangi ya kinsuni ya Noemi. Ruth proved to be more than a relative to Naomi. (a) What aspects of heaven and earth did Jesus address in his prayer? Bankaka dyaka vandaka kubinga munu na banzo na bo sambu beto dya kumosi, mpi bo kelanda na kusala mutindu yina. " Still others invited us to their homes for meals, and they continue to do so. " I read all our publications about young people. Kansi, dyambu yai kebasisa bangyufula mingi ya mfunu yina kelomba nde beto tadila yo na dikebi yonso, bonso: Sambu na nki kupesa makabu kele mfunu na lusambu? But this brings up some important questions worthy of our careful consideration, such as: Why is sacrifice needed in worship? In order to destroy all rebels, righteous ones will be raised up before Jehovah because they faithfully pass the final test. Yo yina, Yezu vandaka kutuba ve nde beto bantu beto lenda mona Yehowa ti meso na beto ya kinsuni. Hence, Jesus was not saying that we humans could actually see Jehovah with our physical eyes. 11: 16; 22: 1. Bantu ya Izraele "vandaka kumeka Nzambi " mpi kupesa yandi mpasi, yo vandaka kupesa yandi mawa. The Israelites "put God to the test " and pained him, making him feel hurt. 5, 6. Walk by Spirit and Live Up to Your Dedication, 3 / 15 Martin, however, did not want to hear. " Yo yina, dikanda yai ya mpa mesalama na Bakristu ya kupakulama, bayina kele na kivuvu ya kukwenda na zulu. So this new nation is made up of anointed Christians, who have the heavenly hope. From 1950 to 1960, this committee was published in six parts of the Bible. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 24] [ Picture on page 20] Like Jeremiah, we may well ask ourselves whether we should continue in our ministry. Kana beto landa mambu yina kele na kingana ya ble ti matiti ya mbi, ntangu ya kukatula bambuma zolaka kulunga na "ntangu ya nsuka ya ntoto. " According to the illustration of the wheat and the weeds, harvesttime would come at "the conclusion of the system of things. " In so doing, children can pay attention to the predictions. Certificate of Excellence (Congo [Kinshasa]), 8 / 15 If a person received an unchristian computer program, it is the same as making a copy of the books, even when offering it to others without cost. Inki mbandu Kristu ti balongoki na yandi ya ntete kupesaka na kisalu ya kusamuna? Christ and his early followers set what example in the ministry? When we arrived, we did not defend ourselves and say that we were Witnesses. Bantu yantikaka kubinga zina ya Yehowa, kansi yo vandaka ve sambu na kusambila yandi na mutindu ya luzitu. People began calling on the name of Jehovah, but not as a reverent act of worship. A century and a half later, Jeremiah recorded Jehovah's words concerning those unfaithful servants: "I planted you as a perfect vine, but as for you, look! Nge lenda sadila ntangu ya kilumbu yina sambu na kulonguka Biblia mwa mingi. You could use the time on that day for increased Bible study. How can we imitate them? Mu mbandu, beto ke tadila ti yandi Kusonga 21: 4. For example, suppose we were to consider with him Revelation 21: 4. We may even work hard to prevent that from happening. (New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology) Mosi ya banzambi tatu yina bantu ya Ezipte vandaka kusambila kele nzambi Osiris, nzambi - nkento Isis, mpi mwana na bo ya bakala Horus. (New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology) One Egyptian triad consisted of the god Osiris, the goddess Isis, and their son Horus. Thus, "all other things " that God restores to his peaceful relationship are" the things in the world and the things in the heavens. " Kana kansansa na beto kele na kuwakana ti banzila ya Yehowa, ntembe kele ve nde beto tabaka badesizio ya kewakana ti luzolo na yandi. When our conscience is thus attuned to Jehovah's ways, we are more likely to make decisions that are in harmony with his will. 16 Learn From God's Word - What Is God's Kingdom? Yezu, Mbandu na beto kezabaka mambu yonso ya metala mameme na yandi. Nothing about his sheep escapes the notice of our Exemplar. " My years in Jehovah's service have brought me great joy. " - way. Yo kemonanaka ntetentete na nsadisa ya bankengi, to " makabu ya bantu. ' One way is through Christian overseers, the "gifts in men. " How Would You Answer? Mambu ya Ke na Kati Table of Contents What is the yeartext for 2003, and what will we often ask for throughout the year? Yo kele kyeleka nde Yehowa sadilaka Asiria sambu na kupesa ndola na kimfumu ya bikanda kumi ya Izraele sambu bo kolamaka mpi sambilaka biteki. True, Jehovah used Assyria as his instrument to punish the ten - tribe kingdom for their idolatry and rebellion. What impresses you about how Jesus fulfilled his unique role in Jehovah's purpose? (a) Inki mambu ya kuluta mfunu ya me tala zulu mpi ntoto Yezu tubilaka na kisambu na yandi? (a) What matters of universal importance are found in Jesus ' prayer? They "will die and die forever. " Mono ke tangaka mikanda na beto yonso yina ke tubilaka baleke. I make sure that I've read all the material published for young people. From the beginning, Jehovah has set limits on his creatures. Sambu yandi tafwa bankolami yonso, bantu ya mbote tatelama na ntwala ya Yehowa sambu bo menunga kumekama ya nsuka na kwikama yonso. With every rebel annihilated, the righteous will stand before Jehovah, having passed the final test of loyalty. Abraham had faith that Jehovah could resurrect Isaac to fulfill all his promises 11: 16; 22: 1. 11: 16; 22: 1. Faithful servants of Jehovah are further identified by their zeal and by using every opportunity to speak about the true God to those who are not his worshippers. 5, 6. 5, 6. He wrote to them: "Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? Kansi, Martin zolaka ve kuwa. " But he wouldn't listen. " Yet, he was confident that Jehovah would raise Isaac from the dead. Banda na 1950 tii na 1960, bampangi ya komite yai basisaka Biblia na bitini sambanu. So the New World Bible Translation Committee was formed, and the brothers on this committee released portions of the Bible from 1950 to 1960. The lame one will climb up just as a shepherd does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out joyfully. Bonso Yeremia, beto lenda kuma kudiyula kana beto fwete landa na kusala kisalu na beto. Like Jeremiah, we may come to the point of wondering whether we can carry on. In what ways did Jesus ' disciples allow his teaching to affect them? Kana bo kesala mpidina, bana lenda tula makutu na mambu yina mitubi ketuba na ntwala. In this way, children can learn to concentrate on what is being said from the platform. Jehovah showed great love for Adam's offspring by sending his Son to earth and choosing those who would rule with his Son in Kingdom rule over mankind. Kana muntu mosi kubakaka programe mosi ya ordinatere kukonda kufutila yo mbongo, yina kele kukonda kuzitisa nsiku, yo kele mutindu mosi mpi sambu na yina metala kusala fotokopi ya babuku, ata ntangu nge kepesa yo na bantu yankaka kukonda kulomba bo mbongo. If someone took or copied a software package without paying, that would be illegal, as would the wholesale photocopying of books, even when giving such away free. She adds: "I know that Jehovah could use different ways to draw this mother to him, but because we moved to serve where the need was greater, we had the opportunity to meet and help this sheep come to know Jehovah. Ntangu beto kumaka, beto nwaninaka ve kumonana na bampangi mpi kutuba nde beto kele Bambangi. In view of this, it was best that we arrive without any welcome and avoid contact with the local Witnesses. The anointed and the great crowd continue to shine Mvu - nkama mosi ti ndambu na nima, Yeremia sonikaka mambu yina Yehowa zabisaka yandi sambu na bansadi ya Yehowa yina ya kukonda kwikama: "Si mono kunaka nge bonso nti ya vinu ya mbote, mono kunaka nge bonso mbuma ya kitoko mpenza. Kansi tala mutindu nge me kuma! About a century and a half later, Jeremiah recorded these words of Jehovah to His unfaithful people: "I planted you as a choice red vine, all of it pure seed; so how have you turned into the degenerate shoots of a foreign vine before me?... Jeremiah wrote that the unfaithful Jews of his day had "a heart broken and crushed. " Inki mutindu beto lenda landa mbandu na bo? And how can all of us benefit by considering the examples of such faithful men of old as Abraham and Moses who despite personal hardships kept their minds fixed on the things above? • What will move us not to retaliate? Nkutu beto lenda sala bikesa sambu diambu ya mutindu yina kubasika ve. And if we highly esteem Jehovah's own Book, we will live by its instructions. - Ps. How is it related to the theme of the Bible? " Taught Us to Respect Her Religion ' (Italy), 6 / 15 The Bible says that "he is the same as there is not a shadow of the turning of the shadow; and he cannot give a night. " Yo yina, "bima yonso " yankaka yina Nzambi kevutulaka na bangwisana ya ngemba ti yandi kele " bima yina kele na nsi - ntoto mpi yina kele na zulu. ' " All other things " that God thus brings into a peaceful relationship with him are "the things in the heavens " and" the things upon the earth. " Furthermore, while a telephone may sometimes help us to do our best, we need to make sure that the phone does not interfere with our personal study when people call. BANKUNGA: 39, 76 Oktobri 17 - 23, 2011 Landa na Kutanina Ngemba 18 Imitate Their Faith - He Took Comfort in His God If Paul continued to worship Judaism, he could have found a place similar to that of Simeon, a son of Gamaliel, who was a teacher of Paul. " Bamvula ya mono me lutisaka na kisalu ya Yehowa ke pesaka mono kiese mingi. " - Jaime " The happiest years of my life have been those spent serving Jehovah. " - Jaime I decided to test her to see if she displayed those qualities. Inki Mutindu Nge Tavutula? How Would You Answer? In what way is being obedient related to holiness? Inki kele mukapu ya mvula sambu na mvu 2003, mpi nki beto takudiyulaka mbala na mbala na mvula ya mvimba? What is the yeartext for 2003, and what might we ask ourselves from time to time throughout the year? 10, 11. Inki keyitukisa nge na yina metala mutindu Yezu melungisaka kisalu na yandi ya kuswaswana na lukanu ya Yehowa? What impresses you about the way Jesus has fulfilled his unique role in Jehovah's purpose? They imitate Jesus, who said to God: "I have made your name known. " Bo " tabwa ti tafwa kimakulu. ' They will surely "fall to ruins. " If someone asks: "Why do these wounds occur in your body? ' Banda na luyantiku, Yehowa me tudilaka bigangwa na yandi bandilu. That, in fact, was what Jehovah God did with his human creation right from the beginning. Note how Achan's greed grew rapidly. Abrahami vandaka ti lukwikilu nde Yehowa lenda futumuna Izaki sambu na kulungisa balusilu na yandi yonso Abraham had faith that if needed, Jehovah would resurrect his son so that all of God's promises would come true He saw how Jehovah blessed their self - sacrificing spirit, saying, " I want to become like them. ' Bansadi ya kwikama ya Yehowa kezabanaka dyaka na kikesa na bo mpi na mutindu bo kesadilaka mabaku yonso sambu na kutubila Nzambi ya kyeleka na bantu yina kele ve bansambidi na yandi. Jehovah's loyal servants can also be identified by their courage and initiative in speaking to people who are not worshipers of the true God. Many of our brothers and sisters preach in territories where people are not interested in the Bible's message, ridicule them, or persecuted. Yandi sonikilaka bo nde: "Nge muntu ke longaka bantu ya nkaka, sambu na nki nge ke kudilongaka ve nge mosi? To them he wrote: "Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? * Ata mpidina, yandi ndimaka nde Yehowa ta futumuna Izaki. But he trusted that Jehovah would resurrect Isaac. He suffered the pain he experienced when he found a newspaper who mentioned the worst acts of the officials who had just done today. Bantu ya makulu - kifu ta pumbuka bonso mbambi, bababa ta kuma kutuba na ndinga ya ngolo ti kiese. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness. In recent years, the branch office worked hard to produce more literature in French sign language. Na nki mambu balongoki ya Yezu kupesaka malongi na yandi nzila ya kuvanda ti bupusi na luzingu na bo? Jesus ' disciples allowed his teachings to affect them in what ways? However, today's situation makes it clear that it takes much effort to help wholesome and balanced gatherings. Yehowa kumonisaka zola na yandi ya nene sambu na bana ya Adami na mutindu yandi tindaka Mwana na yandi na ntoto mpi na mutindu yandi ponaka bantu yina tayala ti Mwana na yandi na luyalu ya Kimfumu na kati ya bantu. Jehovah showed his great love for Adam's descendants by having his Son come to the earth and by selecting from among mankind those who would be the Son's joint heirs in the Kingdom government. The Bible shows how God's people can pursue peace even when problems arise. Hanna ke yika nde: "Mono ke zaba nde Yehowa lendaka kusadila mitindu ya nkaka sambu na kubenda mama yai na lweka na yandi, kansi sambu beto kwendaka kusamuna na kisika yina mpusa vandaka mingi, beto zwaka dibaku ya kukutana mpi kusadisa dimeme yai na kuzaba Yehowa. Adds Hannah: "I know that Jehovah would have drawn this woman to himself in one way or another, but because of serving where the need is greater, we were able to find and help this sheeplike one to get to know Jehovah. On the other hand, if her husband dies, he can get married again. Bapakulami mpi kibuka ya nene kelandaka na kusemisa nsemo The anointed and the "great crowd " continue to let their light shine After all, the employer of what kind of service treats you with deep respect, one who accepts his mistakes or who does not even apologize? Yeremia sonikaka nde, Bayuda ya kukonda kwikama ya bilumbu na yandi vandaka " na ntima ya ntu - ngolo mpi ya mubulu. ' Jeremiah wrote that unfaithful Jews in his day had "a stubborn and rebellious heart. " That deliverance allowed Jehovah to accept Israel as his chosen nation. • Inki tapusa beto na kuvutula ve mbi na mbi? • What will motivate us not to retaliate? Why do many not encourage others today? Inki mutindu yo kewakana ti ntu - dyambu ya Biblia? How does it relate to the Bible's theme? He wanted to get well, but he did not know how to get well because he could not have someone to put him at the pool. Biblia ketuba nde, "Yandi kele kaka kiteso mosi, ata mambu mosi ke sobaka ve, yandi ke balukaka mpi ve; yo yina yandi lenda pesa mpimpa ve. " " With him, " the Bible says, "there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow. " In 1919, Babylon the Great became evident. Dyaka, ata telefone lenda sadisa beto bantangu yankaka sambu na kusala mbote kisalu na beto, beto fwete zikisa nde telefone yina tayangisa ve kulonguka na beto ntangu bantu tabinga. Also, although a cell phone may sometimes help us to be effective in our ministry, we should take steps to be sure that a phone call will not disrupt our conversation with a householder. Then make definite decisions in order to reach them. Kana Polo kulandaka na kusambila na dibundu ya Bayuda, yandi zolaka kubaka kisika yina mefwanana ti yina Simeoni, mwana ya Gamaliele yina kuvandaka longi ya Polo kuvandaka na yo. If Paul had continued to practice Judaism, he may well have risen to a position similar to that of Simeon, the son of Paul's educator, Gamaliel. This spiritual nation is made up of 144,000, and the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 60 applies to those alive on earth during "the last days. " Mono bakaka lukanu ya kumeka yandi sambu na kuzaba kana yandi ke monisaka bikalulu yai. I decided to test her to see if she showed those qualities herself. " I will sing to my God all day long. " - PS. Na nki mutindu kuvanda bulemfu kele na kuwakana ti kuvanda santu? How is our obedience related to proving ourselves holy? (See opening picture.) JEHOVAH But what will they do later [the end]? " 10, 11. 10, 11. Like the apostle Paul, do you know that you have the responsibility to preach to others? Bo kelandaka mbandu ya Yezu, yina kutubaka na Nzambi nde: "Mono longaka bo na kuzaba [zina na, NW] nge. " They follow the example of Jesus, who said to God: "I have made your name known to them. " The preceding article explained that the Devil showed that Jehovah is incapable of governing mankind. Kana muntu kuyula yandi nde: " A sambu na nki bamputa yai na nitu na nge? ' And if someone asks him, " What are these wounds between your shoulders? ' However, a wise person " does not look beyond the perfect law ' but " keeps on looking at it. ' Tala mutindu bwimi ya Akani yelaka nswalu. Note how quickly Achan's greed progressed. How happy we are, then, to receive forgiveness and to live forever! Yandi monaka mutindu Yehowa sakumunaka mpeve na bo ya kuditambika, mpi yandi tubaka nde, " Mono ke zola kukuma bonso bo. ' She saw how Jehovah blessed their self - sacrificing spirit, and she thought, " I want to be like them. ' There is food everywhere. Bampangi na beto mingi ke samunaka na bateritware yina bantu ke tulaka ve dikebi na nsangu ya Biblia, ke sekaka bo, to ke bangikaka bo. Many of our brothers work in territories where there is a lot of apathy, ridicule, or outright persecution. " Keep on bringing them up in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " - EPHESIANS 6: 4. * * Before choosing a game, you need to ask yourself, " What do I want to do? ' Yandi monisaka ntima mpasi ya yandi waka ntangu yandi monaka zulunalu mosi yina kuvandaka ti ntu - dyambu ya kutubilaka bisalu ya kukonda masonga ya kuluta mbi yina bamfumu ya leta mekatuka kusala bilumbu yai. He was bemoaning recent cases of gross dishonesty by public officials that made the headlines. Today, all sorts of people are learning God's high standards. Na bamvula yina me luta, biro ya filiale salaka kisalu ya ngolo sambu na kubasisa mikanda mingi na ndinga ya bidimbu ya France na DVD. In recent years the branch has been working very hard to produce several publications in FSL on DVD. When we look at the things Jehovah has created, we recognize how much he loves us. Kansi, mambu ya kesalama bubu yai kemonisa pwelele nde yo kelombaka bikesa mingi kibeni sambu na kusadisa bafeti ya makwela ya mbote mpi yina kemonisa bukatikati ya Bukristu. In recent times, however, experience has clearly shown that planning the social activities linked to weddings calls for special effort if they are to reflect good judgment and Christian balance. When I arrived at an airplane, I felt extremely cold and started going to bed. " Biblia ke monisa mutindu bansadi ya Nzambi lenda landa kuzinga na ngemba ata ntangu mavwanga me basika. The Bible shows how God's servants can keep peace when there are disagreements. Keep it in "the pattern of healthful words " that you have understood. Kansi, kana bakala na yandi mefwa, yandi lenda kwela dyaka. But if her husband died, she was free to remarry. What challenges would they face, and how would they handle them? Nkutu, mfumu ya kisalu ya nki mutindu nge ke zitisaka mingi, yina ke ndimaka bifu na yandi to yina ke lombaka ve pardo ata fioti? After all, whom do you respect more? A boss who admits when he is wrong or one who never says he is sorry? Those who shepherd God's flock must do so "not under compulsion. " Luguluku yina kupesaka Yehowa nzila ya kundima Izraele bonso dikanda ya yandi ponaka. That deliverance opened the way for Jehovah to adopt Israel as his chosen nation. By your faith in Christ's shed blood, you have God's approval, and by your endurance, your faith will be "without fail. " Sambu na nki bantu mingi bubu yai ke pesaka ve bankaka kikesa? Who needs encouragement, but why is it scarce today? 18, 19. (a) What benefits will come from coping with trials? Yandi vandaka na mfunu ya kubeluka, kansi yandi vandaka kuzaba ve nki mutindu yandi ta beluka sambu yandi vandaka ve ti muntu yina lenda kotisa yandi na kiziba yina. The man wanted to be healed but he could not see how, for he had no one to help him into the pool. Donations of cash, jewelry, or other valuable personal property. Na 1919, yo monanaka pwelele nde Babilone ya Nene me bwa. By 1919, it became evident that Babylon the Great had fallen. However, for three and a half years, he also performed many miracles. Na nima, beno baka balukanu ya sikisiki sambu na kulungisa yo. Then set specific goals to achieve that aim. The following article will consider these questions. Dikanda yai ya kimpeve kele na kimvuka ti bantu 144 000, mpi mbikudulu ya Yezaya kapu 60 kelungana bubu yai na bayina kele na luzingu na ntoto na "bilumbu ya nsuka. " This spiritual nation comes to have a total of 144,000 members, and the modern fulfillment of Isaiah chapter 60 centers on those alive on earth during "the last days. " It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. " Mono ta yimbilaka Nzambi na mono bankunga bilumbu yonso. " - NK. " I will make melody to my God as long as I am. " - PS. If you help him to see clearly why he is wanting to serve God, then you will build things that will not prevail against the tests of faith. (Tala kifwanisu ya luyantiku ya disolo.) (See opening picture.) Before making these decisions, we need to think carefully about our circumstances and ask Jehovah to help us. Kansi nki bo ta sala na nima [ntangu nsuka ta kwisa]? " But what will you do when the end comes? " I didn't really have the right goals, and I never wanted to make spiritual progress. " Bonso ntumwa Polo, keti nge kezabaka nde nge kele ti mukumba ya kulonga bantu yankaka? Like the apostle Paul, do you feel a responsibility to preach to others? But at Psalm 37: 29, we read: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " DISOLO ya me luta tendulaka nde Diabulu monisaka nde Yehowa me fwana ve na kuyala bantu. AS DISCUSSED in the preceding article, the Devil contends that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in an unworthy way and that mankind would be better off ruling themselves. Or are you preparing for the full - time ministry? Kansi, muntu ya mayele ke " tulaka kaka ve meso na nsiku ya kukuka ' kansi yandi ke " kwaminaka na kutala yo. ' In contrast, the successful man not only "peers into the perfect law " but also" continues in it. " © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Yo yina, beto ke vandaka na kiese kibeni na mambu yina bo me salaka sambu na kulolula beto mpi sambu beto zinga mvula na mvula! We should highly value the gift of God's undeserved kindness and let it affect our life daily. I enjoy my ministry, and I am very spiritually strong now. Nzala kele bisika yonso. There is widespread famine. We Can Maintain a Strong Heart " Beno landa na kusansa bo ti malongi mpi balukebisu ya Yehowa. " - EFEZO 6: 4, NW. " Go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " - EPHESIANS 6: 4. The Bible does not say whether he had a valid reason to complain about what his father had said. Na ntwala ya kupona nsaka mosi buna, nge fwete kudiyula nde: " Nsaka yina mono kezola kusala kele ti inki mambu? ' Before engaging in a form of entertainment, the first question to ask yourself is, What? - that is, " What is the nature of the leisure activity to which I feel attracted? ' • What should we consider when deciding whether to send children to higher education? Bubu yai bantu ya mitindu yonso ke longuka dezia minsiku ya kuzanguka ya Nzambi. In fact, millions of people today from all walks of life are already learning about God's elevated standards. He was a man of faith and courage because he knew that it was dangerous to reject Ahab's actions. Ntangu beto ke talaka bima yina Yehowa me gangaka, beto ke ndimaka nde yandi ke zolaka beto mingi. When we look at Jehovah's creation, we learn how much he loves us. We also helped many who attended the meetings. Ntangu mono kumaka mpi basikaka na plene ya avio, mono waka madidi ya ngolo kibeni mpi mono yantikaka kutata. " When I left the airport and felt the cold for the first time in my life, I started crying. " Even after Elisha's death and after his burial, God empowered his bones with holy spirit. Tula yo na kati ya "mbandu ya mambu ya kieleka " ya nge mebakisa. Fit them into "the pattern of healthful words " you have come to recognize. 13 Inki mambu ya mpasi bo zolaka kukutana na yo, mpi nki mutindu bo zolaka kumanisa yo? What problems will they encounter, and how should they deal with them? The nations and their actions will be removed from God's people. Bantu yina ketalaka mameme ya Nzambi fwete sala yo " na kingolo - ngolo ve. At times, make arrangements to invite friends to their home. Sambu na lukwikilu na beno na menga ya Kristu yina kutyamukaka, Nzambi kendimaka beno, mpi sambu na kukanga ntima na beno, lukwikilu na beno tavanda "kaka ata na ntangu ya mpasi. " Because of your faith in Christ's shed blood, you enjoy an approved standing before Jehovah, and because of your record of endurance, your faith has acquired a "tested quality. " Two couples decided to give up some of their recreation and other unnecessary jobs. 18, 19. (a) Inki mambote kunwana ti mimekamu tapesa beto? 18, 19. (a) How will coping with trials benefit us? 16 Learn From God's Word - How Can You Be Happy? Leta ta kulumusa ntalu ya mpaku yina yandi fwete futa banda na mvula yina yandi me pesa makabu yina. The information covered in this brochure may not apply fully to your situation because of tax laws or other laws in your country. And remember that reasonableness reflects "the wisdom from above. " - James 3: 17. Kansi, na nsungi ya bamvula tatu ti ndambu ya kisalu na yandi, yandi salaka mpi bimangu mingi mpenza. However, during his three - and - a - half - year ministry, he also performed a number of powerful works. Think, too, of the courage Moses displayed when he spoke to Pharaoh, a ruler who was considered to be a representative of gods not only as a god but as a god, a god when he spoke with Pharaoh. Disolo yina kelanda tatadila bangyufula yai. The following article will discuss these questions. 2: 7; 3: 5 - Why did the Shulammite girl ask the court maiden to cut down "in the name of the king "? Kubasika na yo kele mosi ya mitindu ya kisalu ya kulonga bantu Biblia na ntoto ya mvimba ya me simbama na makabu ya luzolo ya mbote. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. One factor that has contributed to the worldwide preaching work is that many people have copies of the Bible. Alcoholic Beverages in Bible Times, 2 / 1 Such open attacks are like a violent storm that beats your home at once and suddenly destroys your home. Kana nge sadisa yandi na kubakisa mbote kikuma ya kepusa yandi na kusadila Nzambi mutindu yina, pana nge tatunga ti bima yina kepyaka ve na tiya yina tanunga mimekamu ya lukwikilu na yandi. By helping him to develop such a pure motive, you will be building with fire - resistant materials that will survive tests of his faith. What does it mean to give "the minding of the spirit "? Na ntwala ya kubaka balukanu yai, beto fwete tadila mbote - mbote mambu ya luzingu na beto mpi kulomba Yehowa na kusadisa beto. Some Christians face decisions about whether to marry and whom to marry. How much better it would have been for everyone to say not only to take drugs but also to get drunk, to lead an unwise or immoral lifestyle, to be dishonest, and to "the desire of the flesh "! Mu vandaka mpenza ve ti balukanu ya mbote, mpi mu vandaka ve ata ti mpusa ya kuyela na kimpeve. " My goals were unclear, and I had no desire to make any spiritual advancement. " Others have become discouraged because of a serious illness that limits what they can do in Jehovah's service. Kansi na Nkunga 37: 29, Biblia ke tuba nde: "Bantu ya lunungu ta baka ntoto, mpi bo ta zinga kimakulu na zulu na yo. " Yet the Bible says at Psalm 37: 29: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " When evil is seen in all human society, it indicates that there will be still more governmental rule. To keti nge keyilama sambu na kusala kisalu ya ntangu yonso? Or are you working toward a career in the full - time service? One wife, whom we say, made such a decision. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Shortly after the resurrection of anointed ones who died to go to "the paradise of God " in heaven, a remnant of spiritual Israelites left out of" Babylon the Great, " a world empire of false religion. Mu kesepelaka na kisalu na munu ya kusamuna, mpi mu kele ngolo mingi na kimpeve sesepi yai. I find joy in my ministry, and I am spiritually stronger now. However, the Bible teaches that we were created with free will and the ability to make wise decisions. Beto Lenda Vanda Kaka na Ntima ya Kikesa You Can Maintain a Steadfast Heart IMITATE THEIRING OF JEHOVAH Biblia ketuba ve kana yandi vandaka ti kikuma ya mfunu ya kubokuta sambu na bima ya tata na bo yina yandi tubilaka. Whether he had a legitimate cause for grievance in connection with the inheritance is not stated. Let us first discuss the difference between love for God and the love described in the Bible at 2 Timothy 3: 2 - 4. • Inki beto fwete tadila na ntangu beto kesosa kubaka lukanu ya kutinda bana na ba iniversite ya nene? • What must be considered when counting the cost of pursuing higher education? His teaching was not a threat to humans, such as that of the haughty ones. Yandi vandaka muntu ya lukwikilu mpi ya kikesa sambu yandi zabaka nde yo vandaka kigonsa na kubuya mambu ya Akabi. He was a man of faith and courage, for he surely knew that it was dangerous to stand up to Ahab. Whether we have learned those truths recently or decades ago, its value is still priceless. Beto vandaka mpi kusadisa bantu mingi yina vandaka kukwisa na balukutakanu. We also reached out to help others at our meetings. It will also help you to identify what you can do to " throw your bread upon water, ' that is, to help those who have not yet accepted the truth. - Eccl. Nkutu ata na nima ya lufwa ya Elisa mpi na nima ya kuzika yandi, Nzambi pesaka mikwa na yandi ngolo na nsadisa ya mpeve santu. Even after Elisha's death and burial, God made his bones powerful by holy spirit. He says: "Do not be afraid of the things you suffer. 13 13 Scriptural Questions Answered: Nzambi tafwa makanda ti mambu yina yo kesalaka sambu na kukabula bantu. The nations and their divisive ways will be put out of existence. Another way is by taking seriously all our brothers and sisters in the congregation. Bantangu ya nkaka, baka bangidika ya kubinga banduku na nzo. Take the initiative to invite friends over occasionally. Though materially rich, the Laodiceans were spiritually poor. Bankwelani zole kubakaka lukanu ya kuyambula mwa ndambu ya bansaka yankaka ya kulutisila ntangu ti bisalu yankaka ya kukonda mfunu yina bo vandaka kukana na kusala. One married couple decided to eliminate some of their hobbies and nonessential personal projects. Why? BANKUNGA: 132 [171], 133 [195] 26 King David and Music Clearly, Jeremiah's God - given message to Jeremiah was urgent! Mpi kuvila ve nde bukatikati kemonisaka "mayele yina ke katukaka na zulu. " - Yakobo 3: 17. And remember, reasonableness reflects "the wisdom from above. " - James 3: 17. How did Abraham react to that difficult situation? Yindula mpi kikesa yina Moize kumonisaka ntangu yandi tubaka ti Farao, mfumu yina bantu vandaka kubaka bonso mumonisi ya banzambi kaka ve, kansi bonso nzambi yandi mosi, mwana ya nzambi - ntangu Ra. Think, too, of the boldness that Moses showed in speaking to Pharaoh, a ruler who was viewed, not as a mere representative of the gods, but as a god himself, the son of the sun god Ra. She says that only marriage mates have the right to have sexual relations. 2: 7; 3: 5 - Sambu na nki mwana - nkento ya Shunemi lombaka bana - bankento ya nzo ya ntotila na kuzenga "na zina ya bambambi ti bambuluku "? 2: 7; 3: 5 - Why are the court ladies put under oath "by the female gazelles or by the hinds of the field "? Rather than being embarrassed, he said: "Many people don't know about Jehovah's Witnesses. Diambu mosi ya me salaka nde kisalu ya kusamuna kusalama na ntoto ya mvimba kele nde bantu mingi kele ti Babiblia. One factor that has favored our proclamation of the good news is the widespread availability of the Bible. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: Kunwanisa na mutindu ya pwelele kele bonso mupepe ya ngolo yina me bula na bwala yina nge ke zingaka mpi me bebisa nzo na nge na mbala mosi. Frontal attacks are like a tornado that blows into town and destroys your house instantly. In September 2008, Brother He attended the School for Branch Committee members and later served as a member of the Philippines Branch Committee. Kutula "mabanza na mambu ya kimpeve " ke tendula nki? Setting our minds on the spirit involves our doing what? Even today, those who sincerely seek Jehovah enjoy rich blessings. Mambu zolaka kuvanda mbote kibeni kana bantu yonso ketubaka nde ve na bima yina kelausaka mpamba ve kansi mpi na kulauka malafu, na kuzinga luzingu mosi ya kukonda mayele to ya nsoni, na kukonda masonga na mumbongo, mpi na "nzala ya kimuntu "! How much better things would be if everyone would just say no not only to drug abuse but also to overdrinking, to unwise or immoral life - styles, to dishonest business practices, and to "the desires of the flesh "! 22: 9, 10. Bankaka melembaka nitu sambu maladi mosi ya ngolo ketula bandilu na mambu yina bo lenda sala na kisalu ya Yehowa. Others are frustrated because a serious illness limits what they are able to do in Jehovah's service. The fulfillment of these prophetic words is very near. Kana mambu ya mbi ke monanaka na bimvuka yonso ya bantu, yo ke monisa nde yo ta vanda diaka mingi na baluyalu. While corruption can exist in any human organization, it seems that corruption in government is the worst. These too are privileged to teach as many as possible the true law. - John 10: 16; Revelation 7: 9. Nkento mosi ya beto kebinga nde Irene kubakaka lukanu ya mutindu yai. That is what a woman whom we will call Irene resolved to do. How did the Israelites feel about Cyrus ' deliverance from captivity, and why? Ntangu fyoti na nima ya lufutumuku ya bapakulami yina kufwaka sambu na kukwenda na "paladisu ya Nzambi " na zulu, ndambu ya bantu ya Izraele ya kimpeve yina kubikalaka na ntoto kubasikaka na" Babilone ya Nene, " ya kele kimvuka ya mabundu ya luvunu ya inza ya mvimba. Shortly after faithful dead anointed ones were resurrected into the heavenly "paradise of God, " the remnant of spiritual Israel on earth was liberated from" Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. He poured out his thoughts to Moses, telling the sons of Israel his wonderful works. " Kansi, Biblia ke longaka nde Nzambi gangaka beto ti kimpwanza mpi mayele ya kubaka balukanu ya mbote. It reveals that Jehovah created us with free will; that is, the capacity and freedom to make our own intelligent choices. Others say that for us to be fully convinced that humans have freedom, they must have absolute freedom. LANDA MBANDU YA YEZU NA KUSADISAKA BANKAKA NA KUZABA YEHOWA IMITATE JESUS BY HELPING OTHERS TO KNOW JEHOVAH How difficult it would be for humans to translate the Bible into 2,000 languages if it were not the will of Jehovah, the great God we cannot understand! Beto tubila ntete luswaswanu yina kele na kati ya zola yina ke sepedisaka Nzambi mpi zola yina Biblia ke tubila na 2 Timoteo 3: 2 - 4. Let us contrast godly love with the love described at 2 Timothy 3: 2 - 4. Today, we have been persecuted, Jehovah's Witnesses, often because we zealously preach the good news of the Kingdom. Malongi na yandi vandaka kubangisa ve bantu, bonso yina ya bantu ya lulendo. His teaching was never intimidating to people, unlike that of prideful humans. Jehovah then revealed that he had that organization when he began to draw "people of the nations " to the Christian congregation. - Read Acts 10: 44, 45. Yo vanda beto longukaka bakyeleka yai ntama mingi ve to bamvula mingi meluta, valere na yo kemanaka ve, yo kele kaka bimvwama ya mfunu mingi. Whether we learned such truths in recent times or long ago, they never fade in value. Old or new, such truths are, indeed, priceless treasures. Why Does the Bible Happen in Modern times? - Luke 21: 10, 11. Yo ta sadisa nge mpi na kuzaba mambu yina nge lenda sala sambu na " kulosa dimpa na nge na zulu ya masa, ' disongidila kusadisa bantu yina me ndima ntete ve kieleka. - Lo. You will also see what you might do to "send out your bread upon the surface of the waters, " so to speak, in order to help those who have not yet responded to the truth. - Eccl. Yes, Jehovah "is near to all those... calling upon him in trueness. " - Psalm 145: 18. Yandi ketuba nde: "Kuwa boma ve sambu na mpasi yina ya nge ta mona. He says: "Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. Look! Yes, much work is being done in heaven. Bangyufula ya Masonuku Mezwa Bamvutu: Scriptural Questions Answered: Still, he remained active until he was no longer serving as a priesthood. Mutindu yankaka kele ya kubaka bampangi na beto yonso ya dibundu na mfunu mingi. Another way is by highly esteeming all our brothers and sisters in the faith. He offered sacrifices to Jehovah so that he could forgive sins - first for the sins of the priests and then for the sins of the nonpriestly tribes. Ata bo vandaka bamvwama na kinsuni, Bakristu ya Laodisea vandaka bansukami na kimpeve. Though materially rich, Laodicean Christians were bankrupt spiritually. The same is true of us. Sambu na inki? Why? What is the source of this joy? Yo kemonana pwelele nde, nsangu yina Nzambi kupesaka Yeremia na kuzabisa kuvandaka ya nswalu - nswalu! Clearly, the message that Jeremiah was commissioned to deliver was urgent! Moses told the nation of Israel: "I am the heavens and the earth as witnesses to you today, that I have put life and death before you, blessing and death; and you must choose life, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by loving your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to his voice, and by sticking to him. " Abrahami kusalaka inki na ntwala ya dyambu yina ya mpasi? How would Abraham deal with this delicate situation? Would you be willing to make sacrifices in order to devote more time to Jehovah's service? Yandi ke tuba nde kaka bankwelani kele ti nswa ya kuvukisa nitu. The law of God that permits sexual relations only between a man and a woman who are married to each other is part of what defines the marriage arrangement. Until God's wrath is over. Na kisika ya kuwa nsoni, yandi tubaka nde: "Baleke mingi ke zabaka ve mambu ya me tala Bambangi ya Yehowa. Rather than give too much thought to her fears, Olivia reasoned: "A lot of young people don't know anything about Jehovah's Witnesses. If we are truly interested in the sanctification of Jehovah's name, we will endeavor to avoid doing anything that would bring reproach upon that name. MAMBU YINA BIBLIA KE TUBAKA: That is why these words were written in their Law are fulfilled, " They hated me with nothing. ' " Na Septembri 2008, Mpangi Sanderson kotaka Nzo - Nkanda Sambu na Bampangi ya Komite ya Filiale mpi na nima, yandi kumaka kusala na Komite ya Filiale ya insi Philippines. In September 2008, Brother Sanderson attended the School for Branch Committee Members and thereafter was appointed as a member of the Philippines Branch Committee. Jesus is "the Amen, " or" Amen, " through whom all the promises of Jehovah God will be fulfilled! Ata bubu yai, bayina ke sosaka Yehowa na masonga yonso ke bakaka balusakumunu mingi. Even now, those who earnestly seek Jehovah experience rich blessings. Perhaps you could agree with this young man, who sent a letter to the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Europe, wrote: "It is a challenge to maintain good conduct, especially for young ones. 22: 9, 10. 22: 9, 10. As Greek teachings began to spread, many Jews became convinced that demons could do good or harm people. Ntangu ya kulungana ya bangogo yai ya mbikudulu mekuma penepene mpenza. The time for the fulfillment of these prophetic words is very near. • How should we view fellow worshipers? Bantu yai kele mpi na dibaku ya nene ya kulonga bantu yankaka mingi nsiku ya kyeleka. - Yoane 10: 16; Kusonga 7: 9. These, in turn, have the privilege of teaching the law of truth to yet other millions. - John 10: 16; Revelation 7: 9. • How does Jesus measure greatness? Inki mutindu bantu ya Izraele kudiwaka ntangu ntotila Sirusi katulaka bo na kimpika mpi sambu na nki? When King Cyrus liberated the exiled Israelites, how must they have felt, and why? PAGE 7 • SONGS: 110, 15 Yandi songaka bangindu na yandi na Moize, yandi songaka bantu ya Israele mambu na yandi ya kuyituka. " He made known his ways to Moses, his dealings even to the sons of Israel. " Satan claims that he can influence anyone to do what he wants. Bankaka ke tubaka nde sambu beto ndima kibeni nde bantu kele ti kimpwanza, bo fwete vanda ti kimpwanza na mambu yonso. However, to understand this matter properly, we must turn to God's Word, the Bible. Why? He said: "He will not judge by his eyes or by his ears, but he will judge the poor, and he will judge the poor. " Yo kele kyeleka nde bantu zolaka kukuka ve na kubalula Biblia na bandinga 2 000 kana yo vandaka ve luzolo ya Yehowa, Nzambi ya nene ya beto lenda bakisa ve bunene na yandi! To be sure, Bible translation into over 2,000 languages could not have been accomplished if this had not been the will of the unsearchably great God, Jehovah! The gift would be of great value, would it not? Bubu yai, bantu kemonisaka beto, Bambangi ya Yehowa, mpasi mbala mingi sambu beto kesamunaka nsangu ya mbote ya Kimfumu na kikesa yonso. Today, we as Jehovah's Witnesses are often persecuted because we are zealous in preaching the good news of the Kingdom. He says: "I continued to hear the love they showed for me and helped me to draw strength from my grief. " Na nima, Yehowa monisaka nde yandi vandaka ti organizasio yina ntangu yandi yantikaka kubenda "bantu ya makanda " na dibundu ya Bukristu. - Tanga Bisalu 10: 44, 45. Later, Jehovah gave similar evidence of his backing when he started to bring "people of the nations " into the Christian congregation. - Read Acts 10: 44, 45. What is Gehenna? Sambu na Nki Biblia Ke Tubilaka Mambu ya Ke Salama na Ntangu na Beto? - Luka 21: 10, 11. Why does the Bible describe events of our time? - Luke 21: 10, 11. We should remember that not everyone grieves in the same way. Ya kyeleka, Yehowa "kele penepene na bantu yonso yina... ke bingaka yandi na ntima ya mbote. " - Nkunga 145: 18. Yes, "Jehovah is near to all those... who call upon him in trueness. " - Psalm 145: 18. (b) What dangers and challenges do Christians face? Ee, bisalu mingi ke na kusalama na zulu. So a lot of work is being done in heaven. Self - control in small ways strengthens us to do the same in the greatest way. Ata mpidina, yandi bikalaka kaka na kisalu na yandi tii kuna mpila kuvandaka dyaka ve nde yandi kusala kisalu ya kinganga - Nzambi. The other held on to his post until he had to leave because he had reached the age of compulsory retirement. Yet, Simeon and Levi tried to prove themselves innocent, saying: "We cannot let our sister be treated like a prostitute. " Yandi vandaka kupesa Yehowa bimenga sambu yandi lolula masumu - ntete sambu na masumu ya banganga - Nzambi, mpi na nima sambu na masumu ya bantu ya vandaka ve na makanda ya banganga - Nzambi. He offered sacrifices to Jehovah to provide for the atonement of sins - first those of the priestly class, then those of the nonpriestly tribes. It also refers to customs and traditions. Mambu kele mutindu mosi sambu na beto. Our situation is similar. If we humbly submit ourselves to the welfare of Jehovah's dedicated servants, we treat them with dignity and respect. Inki kele nto ya kyese yai? What is the source of this joy? Highlights From the Book of First Chronicles Moize zabisaka dikanda ya Izraele nde: " Mono ke baka zulu mpi ntoto bonso bambangi na ntwala na beno bubu yai, nde mono me tula luzingu mpi lufwa na ntwala na nge, lusakumunu mpi lusingu; nge fwete pona luzingu sambu nge zinga, nge ti bana na nge, na kuzolaka Yehowa Nzambi na nge, na kuwidikilaka ndinga na yandi, mpi na kukangamaka na yandi; sambu yandi kele luzingu na nge mpi na nzila na yandi, nge ta zinga mingi na insi yina Yehowa zengaka kieleka na kupesa ba - nkaka na nge, Abrahami, Izaki, mpi Yakobi. ' Moses told the Israelites: "I take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the curse; and you must choose life so that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice, and by sticking to him, for he is your life and by him you will endure a long time in the land that Jehovah swore to give to your forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. " 10, 11. Keti nge ta ndima kusala bibansa sambu na kudipesa mingi na kisalu ya Yehowa? Would you be able to make sacrifices to serve Jehovah more fully? Indeed, "the invisible qualities of God are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made - his eternal power and Godship. " - Romans 1: 20. Beno bumbana fioti tii kuna makasi ya Nzambi kumana. Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over. Paul taught Christian elders in the house - to - house ministry when he preached to unbelievers and put faith in Jesus. Kana beto kele mpenza na mpusa nde zina ya Yehowa kusantisama, beto tasala kikesa na kubuya kusala konso kima yina tapesa zina yango nsoni. If we deeply desire that Jehovah's name be sanctified, or held sacred, we will strive to avoid doing anything that would bring reproach upon it. (See the box "From the outset of Joy. ") Mambu yina me bwa mpidina sambu mambu yai ya bo sonikaka na mikanda na bo ya Bansiku, yo kulunga: " Bo mengaka mono mpamba. ' " But it is that the word written in their Law may be fulfilled, " They hated me without cause. ' " If we are to succeed in maintaining our integrity to God, we must be sure that God instructs us and earnestly prays about his teachings. Yezu kele kipiku to "Amen, " yina na nzila na yandi balusilu yonso ya Yehowa Nzambi ta lungana! Jesus is the personal guarantee, or the "Amen, " that every promise Jehovah God makes will come true! But he could not exist too. Ziku nge lenda ndima dibanza ya mwana - bakala yai na zina ya Olaf yina tindaka mukanda na biro ya filiale ya Bambangi ya Yehowa ya Eropa. Yandi sonikaka nde: "Yo ke mpasi na kuvanda ntangu yonso na bikalulu ya mbote, mingimingi sambu na beto baleke. Perhaps you find yourself agreeing with a youth named Olaf who wrote to a European branch of Jehovah's Witnesses: "It is very hard to remain morally upright, especially for us young ones. May we continue to consider what will draw us closer to Jehovah. Sambu malongi ya Bagreki yantikaka kuyalumuka, Bayuda mingi kumaka kundima nde bademo lenda sala bantu mambu ya mbote to ya mbi mpi kuniokula bo. As Greek concepts made inroads, many Jews became vulnerable to demonic control because they adopted the view that demons could be evil or good. What should parents do even when their children act in a way that shows their faith in Jehovah? • Inki mutindu beto fwete baka bampangi ya beto kesambilaka na bo? • How should you view fellow worshipers? " THAT is more than 2,400 years ago than the Jewish psalmist asked: "How can a young man have good mistakes in his life? " • Inki mutindu Yezu kutesaka kimuntu ya nene? • How did Jesus measure greatness? [ Picture on page 12] LUTITI 7 • BANKUNGA: 110, 15 PAGE 7 • SONGS: 110, 15 Shortly after this girl's death, Jesus resurrected her. - Luke 8: 41, 42, 49 - 56. Satana ke tubaka nde yandi lenda pusa muntu yonso na kusala mambu yina yandi ke zola. Satan says he can get everyone to do what he wants them to do. It takes strength and determination for young people to learn the truth and to stick to it. Yandi tubaka nde: "Yandi ta zengaka ve makambu mutindu ya yandi ke mona na meso to sambu na bituba - tuba ya yandi ke wa; kansi yandi ta sambisaka bansukami na masonga, yandi ta nwaninaka bantu ya mawa. " He will judge the lowly with fairness, and with uprightness he will give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. " The land was to be robbed of Egypt's goods. Dikabu yina ta vanda mfunu mingi kibeni, mpidina ve? That gift would be priceless indeed, would it not? We may face a situation that requires that we adjust our thinking and way of doing things. Yandi ke tuba nde: "Mono landaka kuwa zola yina bo monisilaka mono mpi yo sadisaka mono na kubaka kikesa na mpasi na mono. " " The warm feeling continued with me and helped me find relief from my depression, " says Alice. Resist present - day Trials With Boldness Gehena kele inki? What does Gehenna represent? Jehovah promised him a son, but Abraham waited long for his son Isaac. Beto fwete vila ve nde bantu yonso ve ke monisaka mpasi mutindu mosi. Remember, too, that not everyone experiences and expresses grief in the same way. " The wisdom from above " helps us to understand the mystery of "the woman and the red - colored beast. " (b) Inki kigonsa mpi mambu ya mpasi Bakristu fwete nwana ti yo? (b) What challenge and danger must Christians face? 1 Kudiyala na mambu ya fyoti kepesaka beto kikesa ya kuvanda ti ngolo ya kusala mutindu mosi na mambu ya kuluta nene. Exercising self - control in small things strengthens our ability to do so in larger matters. Think of how much time the distractions can be taken. Ata mpidina, Simeoni ti Levi kusosaka kumonisa nde bo salaka ve mbi, mpi bo tubaka nde: "Beto lenda ve kubika mpangi na beto ya nkento bo baka yandi bonso nkento ya ndumba. " Simeon and Levi still tried to justify their actions, saying: "Ought anyone to treat our sister like a prostitute? " How do we demonstrate that we love God? Yo ketubilaka mpi binkulu ti malongi ya ba Buda. Another volume deals mostly with Buddhist doctrines. Early in the 1930 ' s, my grandfather and father became Jehovah's Witnesses. Kana beto kekuditadila bonso bampika yina kesala na kudikulumusa yonso sambu na mambote ya bansadi ya Yehowa ya mekudipesaka, beto tasadilaka bo mambu ti lukumu mpi luzitu. If we view ourselves as slaves working humbly in behalf of Jehovah's dedicated servants, we will treat them with dignity and respect. R. Bangindu ya Mfunu ya Mukanda ya Ntete ya Bansangu Highlights From the Book of First Chronicles John later felt deeply hurt by what he could not do if wine did not diminish his self - control. 10, 11. 10, 11. Faith saved Noah through the Flood. Ya kieleka, "bikalulu [ya Nzambi] ya ke monikaka ve ke monanaka pwelele tuka lugangu ya nsi - ntoto, sambu yo ke monanaka na bima yina yandi salaka, disongidila ngolo na yandi ya kukonda nsuka mpi Kinzambi na yandi. " - Baroma 1: 20. Yes, God's "invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " - Romans 1: 20. What a blessing it is to be among those who are "God's fellow workers "! Polo kulongaka Bakristu ya Efeso yina kuvandaka bankuluntu na kisalu ya nzo na nzo ntangu yandi vandaka kulonga bantu yina kuvandaka ve Bakristu na kubalula ntima mpi na kutula ntima na Yezu. Paul trained the Christian elders of Ephesus in the house - to - house ministry while he taught unbelievers about repentance and faith. After the release of Judas Iscariot, who accepted to betray his Master in 30 pieces of silver, the price of slaves in the Mosaic Law, Jesus makes for the first time of his death. - Exodus 21: 32; Matthew 26: 14, 26 - 29; John 2: 28 - 30. (Tala lupangu "Yantika ti Kuseka ya Kyese. ") (See the box "Start With a Warm Smile. ") Anna, president of the U.S. Human Rights of the United Nations, speaks of what many scientists believe. Kana beto kezola kununga na kutanina kwikama na beto na Nzambi, beto fwete ndima nde Nzambi kulonga beto mpi kusamba na masonga yonso sambu na malongi na yandi. If we are going to succeed in maintaining our integrity to God, we must be teachable and pray earnestly for his instruction. Yes, rather than deciding for himself about Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate allowed others to make a decision. Kansi yandi kukaka ve kuvanda mpima. But he could not keep quiet. Happy are those hoping in him. " - Isaiah 30: 18. Bika nde beto landa na kutadila mambu yina tanata beto na kukwenda penepene na Yehowa. May we always choose to consider things that will draw us closer to Jehovah. Instead of giving up hope, he was determined to endure and deal with these serious trials. - James 1: 4. Inki bibuti fwete sala ata bana ke sala mambu ya ke monisa nde bo ke kwikila na Yehowa? Even if children seem to have faith in Jehovah, what should parents do? In this regard, Jesus used the illustration of a slave who owed a debt. " BAMVULA kuluta 2 400 meluta muyimbi - bankunga yina kuvandaka Muyuda kuyulaka nde: "Nki mutindu mwana - bakala lenda vanda na bifu ya mbote na luzingu na yandi? " " HOW will a young man cleanse his path? " asked a Hebrew psalmist thousands of years ago. Bad traits can discourage us, but they should not surprise us. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 22] [ Picture on page 12] Jehovah's sovereignty and Kingdom Ntangu fioti na nima ya lufwa ya mwana - nkento yai, Yezu futumunaka yandi. - Luka 8: 41, 42, 49 - 56. Jesus resurrected her shortly after she died. - Luke 8: 41, 42, 49 - 56. What quality do we especially need to avoid murmuring? Yo kelombaka ngolo mpi lukanu na baleke sambu na kulonguka kyeleka mpi kukangama na yo. It is a challenge for young people to learn the truth and stick to it. Why not try to finish it? Bantu fwete yiba bima ya Ezipte. Egypt is to be plundered. Appreciate Your Gift of Working With Jehovah! Beto lenda kutana ti diambu yina ke lomba nde beto soba mabanza na beto mpi mutindu na beto ya kusala mambu. We may find ourselves in a situation that requires that we change our mind and our course. 24: 29, 30; Luke 21: 25 - 28. Nunga Bampasi ya Bubu Yai ti Kikesa " The Son of man is coming at an hour that you do not think to be it. " Yehowa silaka na kupesa yandi mwana - bakala, kansi Abrahami vingilaka bamvula mingi sambu na kubuta Izaki. Jehovah promised him that he would have a son, but he had to wait for many years before Isaac was born. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8. " Mayele yina ke katukaka na zulu " kesadisa beto na kubakisa diswekamu ya "nkento yina ti mbisi [ya mbwaki] yina ke nata yandi. " " The wisdom from above " helps us to understand "the mystery of the woman and of the [scarlet - colored] wild beast that is carrying her. " " Let the peace of the Christ control in your hearts.... 1 1 This government is made up of Christ Jesus and his 144,000 corulers, and most of whom have already received their heavenly reward. Yindula kiteso ya ntangu yina mambu ya kekatulaka dikebi lenda baka. Think of the amount of time that distractions can consume. " You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Inki mutindu beto kemonisaka nde beto kezolaka Nzambi? How do we show that we love God? In obedience to this command, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world gather each year to commemorate Jesus ' death. Na luyantiku ya bamvu 1930, nkaka mpi tata na mono kumaka Bambangi ya Yehowa. In the early 1930 ' s, they had become Jehovah's Witnesses. 14, 15. (a) Why is setting goals in your personal study so important? R. R. Our love for him will help us to hate what is bad. Na nima, John kuwaka mpasi mingi mpenza na mutindu yandi salaka dyambu yina yandi lendaka kusala ve kana malafu kulembisaka ve makuki na yandi ya kudiyala. Afterward, John deeply regretted doing something he would never have contemplated had his inhibitions not been lowered by alcohol. Young people grow rapidly and grow older. Lukwikilu gulusaka Noa na Mvula ya Ngolo. Noah survived the Deluge because of his faith. What are some factors that may cause problems at the workplace, and how can kindness be solved? Yo kele lusakumunu mosi ya nene na kuvanda na kati ya bantu yina "ke sadilaka Nzambi na kimvuka "! What a blessing it is to be counted among God's "fellow workers "! 7: 16. Na nima ya kubasika ya Yudasi Iskariote, yina kundimaka na kuyekula Mfumu na yandi na bibende 30 ya palata, ntalu ya bo vandaka kutekila bampika na Nsiku ya Moize, Yezu mesala sambu na mbala ya ntete Nkinsi ya Lusungiminu ya lufwa na yandi. - Kubasika 21: 32; Matayo 26: 14, 15, 26 - 29; Yoane 13: 2 - 30. After dismissing Judas Iscariot, who has agreed to betray his Master for 30 pieces of silver - the price of a mere slave according to the Mosaic Law - Jesus introduces the Memorial of his death. - Exodus 21: 32; Matthew 26: 14, 15, 26 - 29; John 13: 2 - 30. What can we do to deepen our interest at Christian meetings? Anna Tibaijuka, direktere ya programme des Nations unies pour les établissements humains, ketubila mambu yina bantu mingi ya siansi kendima. Anna Tibaijuka, executive director for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, expresses what is a growing consensus among researchers. The Bible says: "Every man must be swift about hearing..., slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " Ee, na kisika ya kubaka yandi mosi desizio na yina metala Yezu Kristu, Ponse Pilate kubikaka nde bantu yankaka kubakila yandi desizio. Yes, instead of shouldering his responsibility to make a decision regarding Jesus Christ, Pontius Pilate lets others decide for him. 38: 9, 18. Kiese na bantu yina ke tulaka yandi ntima. " - Yezaya 30: 18. 30: 18. Consider, for example, the experience of a single sister from France who has been serving as a pioneer in Benin. Na kisika ya kuvidisa kivuvu, yandi bakaka lukanu ya kukanga ntima mpi nungaka bampasi yai ya ngolo. - Yakobo 1: 4. Rather than giving in to despair, he was determined to endure, and he emerged from that trying time all the stronger. - James 1: 4. They enjoyed speaking in public, and some of them enjoyed praising them for their talks. Sambu na kumonisa bukatikati ya diambu yai, Yezu sadilaka mbandu ya mpika mosi yina vandaka ti mfuka. In order to illustrate the reasonableness of this requirement, Jesus used an illustration about a slave who was a debtor. Some may feel that we are sick because we teach that this world is coming to an end. Bikalulu ya nku lenda lembisa beto nitu, kansi yo fwete yitukisa beto ve. Unkind attitudes may disappoint us, but they should not surprise us. When the Jews returned to Babylon, it was clear that "the house of David " had fallen. Luyalu mpi Kimfumu ya Yehowa Let the Congregation Be Built Up, 4 / 15 Throughout history, the ranks of Jehovah's witnesses have remained. Inki kikalulu mpenza beto ke na yo mfunu sambu na kubuya kubokuta? To keep free from murmuring, what quality is especially needed? When it broke out, it killed him and destroyed me. Sambu na nki ve kusala yonso na kumanisa yo? Why not try to settle the matter? But those hearing say: "Come! " Baka na Mbalu Dibaku na Nge ya Kusala Kumosi ti Yehowa! Offered Selves in Micronesia, 7 / 15 When that fire is destroyed, it does not go to the same place. 24: 29, 30; Luka 21: 25 - 28. 24: 29, 30; Luke 21: 25 - 28. Christians are no longer under that law. " Mwana ya muntu ta kwisa na ngunga yina beno ke yindula ve. " " At an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " What might cause us to view the brothers in the congregation who need help? Yo yina zina na mono. " - Yezaya 42: 8, NW That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8 Paul here adapts to life as Jehovah wants to do "what is good " and" come to know God more. " " Ngemba ya Kristo kuyala ntima na beno.... " Let the peace of the Christ control in your hearts... How? Guvernema yai mesalama na Kristu Yezu ti bantu 144 000 yina tayala ti yandi, mpi bamingi na kati na bo mebakaka dezia lufutu na bo na zulu. This royal government is made up of Christ Jesus and his 144,000 corulers, most of whom have received their heavenly reward. When the eagle looks down and carries a long wings, they are more than his own energy. " " Nge fwete zola Yehowa Nzambi na nge na ntima na nge yonso, na moyo na nge yonso, mpi na mabanza na nge yonso. ' " " You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' How can we acquire a good name and respect? Sambu na kulemfukila ntuma yai, Bambangi ya Yehowa na ntoto ya mvimba ke vukanaka konso mvula sambu na kusungimina lufwa ya Yezu. In obedience to that command, Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide gather annually on the anniversary of Jesus ' death. That is why we can understand how we should display it in our everyday life and then strive to display those qualities to a proper degree. 14, 15. (a) Sambu na nki kuvanda ti balukanu na ntangu ya kulonguka na nge mosi kele mfunu mingi? 14, 15. (a) Why are goals important when it comes to personal study? Avoiding unnecessary limits on recreation and moderation in this matter is avoiding acting wisely. - Romans 13: 13. Zola na beto na yandi tasadisa beto na kumenga mambu ya mbi. Our love for him will help us to hate what is bad. How happy she must have been when she learned that Jehovah answered her prayer! Baleke ke yelaka nswalu mpi ke kumaka bambuta. No one remains young for long. REGULAR PIONEERS Tanga mwa mambu yina lenda basisa mavwanga na kisika ya kisalu, mpi monisa nki mutindu kusala mambote lenda manisa yo. Describe some problems that can arise in the workplace, and comment on how they may be handled with kindness. It also applies when we spend time with unbelieving relatives, especially our husband or wife. 7: 16. 7: 16. The Bible shows that Paul corrected these two brothers and encouraged them to make peace. Inki kima beto lenda sala sambu na kuyedisa mpusa na beto na balukutakanu ya Bukristu? What can we do to deepen our appreciation for Christian meetings? Although he was well - versed in the Scriptures, he was so happy when he was entrusted with the responsibility of "to make provisions " so that the apostles could devote themselves" to prayer and to declare the good news. " Biblia ketuba nde: "Konso muntu fweti vanda ya kuyilama na kuwa... kansi yandi fweti yindula ntete ebuna yandi tuba; yandi mpi lenda kuwa makasi nswalu ve. " " Be swift about hearing, " says the Bible, "slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " We can be sure that Christ, who has been empowered by God, will rule over the forces of nature during the thousand years of his reign. 38: 9, 18. 38: 9, 18. Similarly, Moses went to Sheol, even though people do not know where his grave was. Mu mbandu, beto tadila mambu yina kuminaka Saphira, mpangi - nkento mosi ya mpumpa ya me lutisa bamvula 20 yina katukaka na France mpi ke salaka bonso mupasudi - nzila na Bénin. To illustrate: Consider what happened to Saphira, a single sister from France who is in her late 20 ' s and serves as a pioneer in Benin. He needed discernment to see that this thought was reflected in what the son said and did. Bo vandaka kusepela na kutuba na ntwala ya bantu, mpi bankaka na kati na bo vandaka kusepela mingi ntangu bantu vandaka kukumisa bo sambu na badiskure na bo. They enjoyed public speaking, and some of them fairly basked in the warm adulation of their listeners. Over 50 million publishers had learned Bible truth in recent years. Bantu ya nkaka lenda yindula nde beto me bela kilawu mutindu beto ke longaka nde nsi - ntoto yai me kuma na nsuka. Others may tell us that we are foolish to believe that we are living in the last days of this world. I am now in full - time service for ten years. Ntangu Bayuda kwendaka na kimpika na Babilone, yo vandaka pwelele nde " nzo ya Davidi ' bwaka. When the Jews were taken into captivity in Babylon, it was clear that "the booth of David " had fallen. It is a life of futility. Banda ntama, ndonga ya bambangi ya Yehowa kevandaka kaka. Throughout history, there has been a succession of witnesses of Jehovah. We apply this principle to our family, congregation, and neighbors, at work, at school, and in our ministry. Ntangu grenade yango panzanaka, yo fwaka yandi mpi yo fwaka mono meso. I lost my sight as a result of that accident; sad to say, my brother lost his life. Is there any hope, then, to end poverty? kansi bantu yina ke wa ke tuba mpi nde: "Kwisa! " but those hearing say, "Come! " To help your student develop needed qualities to cope with the challenges he may encounter, you need to help him build and build a fire. Kana bo mefwa tiya yina, yo kekwendaka ve ata kisika mosi. When the flame is extinguished, it does not go anywhere. Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. Bakristu kele dyaka ve na nsi ya nsiku yina. 27 I Wanted to Be Like Jephthah's Daughter It means that Hosea served as a prophet for nearly 59 years. Inki lenda pusa beto na kutadila na mutindu ya mbi bampangi ya dibundu yina kele na mfunu ya lusadisu? What might influence our view of those who need assistance in the congregation? Yes, since "God is love " and made us in his image, we can conclude that he created us to show love. Awa Polo kewakanisa kuzinga mutindu Yehowa kezolaka ti " kusala mambu ya mbote ' mpi " kuzaba Nzambi diaka mingi. ' Here Paul relates being worthy of Jehovah to "bearing fruit in every good work " as well as" increasing in the accurate knowledge of God. " The first resurrection of those who go to heaven began shortly after Christ's presence. Inki mutindu? How? Grace also played a part in the printing, writing, and Writing work. 11 / 1 Remarkable Printery (Watchtower Farms, U.S.A.), 7 / 1 Do You Recall? Kana ngo - zulu ke pumbukaka mpi ke salaka bitamina ya nda mapapu ya kutandula, yo kele kaka ve sambu na ngolo na yandi mosi. The eagle does not depend on its own strength to soar and glide long distances. Moreover, many people were deeply disturbed by the need to become reconciled to Jesus and to imitate the qualities he displayed. Inki mutindu beto lenda kuma ti zina ya mbote mpi kusala nde bantu kuzitisa beto? How can we earn both a good name and the respect of others? 19, 20. Yo yina beto lenda bakisa mutindu beto fwete monisa mbuma yango na luzingu na beto ya konso kilumbu mpi na nima kusala bikesa sambu na kumonisa bikalulu yango na kiteso ya kufwana. Thus we can discern how the spirit's fruitage should be manifested in our everyday life and then work to cultivate it to a greater extent. 1, 2. (a) How do parents who have younger children feel? Kubuya kutula bandilu na bansaka ya kulutisila ntangu mpi kukonda kusadila bukatikati na dyambu yai kele kubuya kusala mambu na mayele. - Roma 13: 13. To shed restraint and moderation in one's choice of recreation is to refuse to act according to knowledge. - Romans 13: 13. We have no reason to doubt that Jehovah can protect us from anything that could cause us to lose his favor. Mama yai waka kiese mingi ntangu yandi bakisaka nde Yehowa pesaka mvutu na kisambu na yandi! They say that when the School of pioneers began in 1957, students were encouraged to move to areas where the need is greater. BAPASUDI - NZILA YA NTANGU YONSO REGULAR PIONEERS Like Gaius, however, we can help those who move to different parts of the good news and encourage them, such as traveling overseers and their wives. Yo ke tadila mpi ntangu yina beto ke lutisaka ti bampangi ya dibuta yina kele ve Bambangi, mingi - mingi bakala to nkento na beto. This includes time spent with family members, especially mates, who do not share our faith. The newspaper magazine explains why and says, "In comparison to the number of children or women who are suffering with the care of the elderly, the elderly are characterized by depression, since they blame themselves when their children suffer persecution, and the prime authorities have not found the right solution to this matter. " Biblia ke monisa nde Polo sungikaka bampangi yai zole mpi siamisaka bo na kutula ngemba. The Bible does not tell us the outcome, but these sisters may have responded well to the apostle Paul's loving counsel. - Phil. He had a clear understanding of the meaning of those words at that critical time. Ata yandi vandaka kuzaba Masonuku mbote, yandi vandaka na kyese mingi na ntangu bo pesaka yandi mukumba ya "kukabisaka madia " na mpila nde bantumwa kudipesa na" kusamba Nzambi ti na kuzabisa Nsangu ya Mbote. " Although well - versed in the Scriptures, he was more than happy to be given an assignment to "distribute food to tables " so that the apostles could devote themselves" to prayer and to the ministry of the word. " If available online and computer programs are available in your language, you can use them to understand more; such as the Watchtower Library on the Internet, the Watchtower Library on the Internet, and the computer. Beto fwete vanda ti kivuvu nde Kristu, yina Nzambi me pesaka ngolo, ta yala bangolo ya lugangu na nsungi ya bamvula funda ya luyalu na yandi. We can be assured that the power of God exercised through Christ will control the forces of nature during the Millennium. He told Don: "I will read your letter to Peter, for it has touched my brother's heart, and it must have great things. " Mutindu mosi, Moize mpi kukwendaka na Sheole, ata bantu mezabaka ve kisika mazyamu na yandi kuvandaka. Accordingly, Moses too went to Sheol, although no one knew where his grave was. It would be wrong for him to avoid any contact with him or to become reconciled to him. Yo vandaka kulomba nde Jerry kuvanda ti luswasukusu sambu na kubakisa nde ngindu yai vandaka kumonana na mambu yina mwana yai vandaka kutuba ti kusala. Jerry needed discernment to see that this attitude affected what the girl said and did. Still, we do our best and trust in Jehovah. Bansamuni kuluta 50 000 na kati na bo kulongukaka kyeleka ya Biblia na bamvula tanu yina mekatuka kuluta. More than 50,000 of these have learned Bible truth during the past five years. LONG BEACH, CA (Spanish only), Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Mono me lungisa bamvula kumi ntangu yai na kisalu ya ntangu yonso. I have been a full - time minister for ten years now. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, rebuked the winds, and even raised the dead. Yo kele luzingu mosi ya kukonda mfunu. It was an empty way of life. In order to conduct a Bible study with those who could easily be taught the local language. Beto kesadilaka munsiku yai na dibuta, na dibundu, ti bamfinangani, na kisalu, na nzo - nkanda, mpi na kisalu na beto ya kusamuna. This applies in the family circle, within the congregation, with neighbors, at work, at school, and in our public ministry. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Yo yina, keti kivuvu kele sambu na kumanisa kinsukami? So, what hope is there of an end to poverty? Accept Help From Others Sambu na kusadisa longoki na nge na kuyedisa bikalulu yina kele mfunu sambu na kununga bampasi yina yandi lenda kutana ti yo, nge fwete sadisa yandi na kutunga ti bitungilu yina kepyaka ve tiya. To help your Bible student develop the qualities required in order to stand up to the tests that he may encounter, you need to assist him by building with fire - resistant materials. Our Kingdom Ministry encouraged us to avoid doing things that might cause us to worry, especially at our conventions. Kansi beno landa kaka na kusosa [ntete] Kimfumu na yandi ti mambu yina ya yandi ke zolaka, ebuna yandi ta yika beno bima yina yonso. Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. (Read.) Yo ketendula nde Ozea kusalaka kisalu ya kiprofete kiteso ya bamvula 59. So Hosea prophesied for at least 59 years. Every second, the sun produces the same energy as hundreds of millions of nuclear weapons. Ya kyeleka, sambu "Nzambi kele zola " mpi yandi mesalaka beto na kifwani na yandi, beto lenda tuba nde yandi salaka beto sambu na kumonisa zola. In fact, since "God is love " and has made us in his own image, it can be said that he designed us to show love. Regarding the word here rendered "hope, " one Bible scholar says that" in the original language it means a close bond. " Lufutumuku ya ntete ya bantu yina ta kwenda na zulu yantikaka ntangu fioti na nima ya kukala ya Kristu. 4: 13 - 17. The first resurrection would take place sometime after "the presence " of Christ began. Rather than being self - centered, I have devoted myself to the full - time ministry and teach people how God's Word can benefit them. Grace salaka mpi na departema ya Bazulunalu, ya Kusonika Mikanda, mpi ya Kubasisa Bakasete. Grace also enjoyed working in the Magazine, Correspondence, and Tape Duplicating departments. How did Paul and other Christians break free from sin and death? Keti Nge Keyibuka? Do You Recall? Jehovah is "the One seated on the throne. " Dyaka, bantu mingi vandaka kudipesa mpasi mingi sambu na mfunu ya kuwakana ti Yezu mpi ya kulanda bikalulu yina yandi vandaka kumonisa. Moreover, many were deeply impressed with the importance of remaining in union with Christ and adopting the spirit he showed. Starting in verse 10, Malachi chapter 2 mentions a life of lawlessness. 19, 20. 19, 20. God called faithful Abraham "my friend, " and King David wrote:" The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearing him. " - Isaiah 41: 8; Psalm 25: 14. 1, 2. (a) Inki ke yangisaka bibuti yina kele ti bana ya batoko? 1, 2. (a) What do some parents of teenagers worry about? Centuries after the Flood, Judah's kingdom had become a reality. Beto kele ve na kikuma ya kutula ntembe nde Yehowa lenda tanina beto na konso kima yina lenda sala nde yandi ndima beto dyaka ve. We have no reason to doubt that Jehovah can protect us from anything that could cause us to lose his approval. If they were not quick to act, how would many of us have heard about the Kingdom message? - Read Psalm 119: 60? Bo ke tuba nde ntangu Nzo - Nkanda ya Bapasudi - Nzila yantikaka na 1977, bo siamisaka bana ya nzo - nkanda na kukwenda kusamuna na bisika yina mpusa kele mingi. They recall that when the Pioneer Service School began in 1977, the emphasis was placed on being willing to move and serve where the need was greater. Let them go. Kansi, bonso Gayusi, beto lenda sadisa bampangi yina ke kwendaka na bisika ya nkaka sambu na nsangu ya mbote mpi kupesa bo kikesa, mu mbandu bankengi ya nziunga ti bankento na bo. However, like Gaius, we can in some way support and encourage those who do travel, such as the circuit overseer and his wife. Through the prophet Malachi, Jehovah said: "I loved Jacob very much, but I hated Esau. " - Mal. Zulunalu Times, kepesa kikuma mpi ketuba nde, "kana bo fwanisa ntalu ya bana to bankento yina bo kenyokula ti ntalu ya minunu yina kenyokwama, ntalu ya minunu kezabanaka na mpasi sambu, minunu bo mosi kekudipesaka foti kana bana na bo bantu kenyokula bo, dyaka sambu bamfumu ya leta memonaka ntete ve mutindu ya mbote ya kumanisa dyambu yai. " One reason, says the Times, is that "compared with child or spouse abuse, abuse of the elderly tends to take longer to surface, in part because the elderly feel responsible when the violence is inflicted by their offspring, and also because the government and local administrators have so far failed to address the problem. " " The cloud " that led the Israelites back to stop Pharaoh's army and came into darkness. Yandi bakisaka mbote - mbote ntendula ya bangogo yai kaka na ntangu yina ya mpasi. Only now, in this tragic hour, did she fully grasp the truth of those words. Do you know why the bulls represent the large jar of copper? Kana baprograme ya kusala bansosa na Internet mpi na ordinatere kele na ndinga na beno, nge lenda sadila yo sambu na kubakisa mambu mingi; mu mbandu Watchtower Library na DVD, Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. Also, use the research tools that you have in your language to help you understand what you read. What brought such pain? Ummi songaka Don nde: "Mono ta tanga mukanda yina nge pesaka Piere, sambu yo me simba ntima ya mpangi na mono, yo fwete vanda ti mambu ya mfunu mingi na kati. " She told Don: "I will read the book because anything that could reach my brother must be something special. " How do Bible accounts help us? Yo ta vanda mbote ve na kubuya kuwakana ti yandi to kukangama diaka ve ti yandi. Perhaps there is in your congregation a brother whose speech and actions irritate you. The Devil's goal is to corrupt our heart. Ata mpidina beto kesalaka bikesa mpi ketulaka ntima na Yehowa. Yet, we exert ourselves vigorously and put our trust in Jehovah. Jehovah's Witnesses have already established or rebuilt more than 5,300 homes and Kingdom Halls. ANKORO (Kiluba). Oglethorpe Blvd. But the King and only one government - God's Kingdom - will rule over them. Yandi belulaka bantu ya maladi, kudisaka bantu ya nzala, kunganinaka mipepe, mpi kufutumunaka nkutu bafwa. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, tamed the elements, even raised the dead. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 11, 12.) Sambu na kulonguka Biblia ti bantu yina kukonda mpasi, Elsebeth yantikaka kulonguka ndinga ya Lapon. So to make it easier to reach these indigenous people, Elsebeth took a course in the Sami language. Imagine how we would have felt if we were there! Sambu mbeni na beno Satana ke kwendaka kuzieta bonso ntambu yina ke dila; yandi ke sosa muntu ya kudia. " " Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " The apostle Peter reminds us: "As obedient children, quit being molded by the desires you formerly had. Ndima Lusadisu ya Bankaka Accept Help From Others They do not cause anyone to rebel against the authorities and want peace, just as those who worship God must be. " Kisalu na Beto ya Kimfumu siamisaka beto mingi na kusala ve mambu yina lenda yangisa bampangi, mingi - mingi na balukutakanu ya distrike. Special consideration has been urged particularly in regard to regional conventions, since it is generally not possible to provide fragrance - free areas at the venues used. What is "the great day of Jehovah "? (Tanga.) (Read.) Consider another reason why we can be sure that Jehovah will remove wickedness. Na konso segonde, ntangu kebasisaka ngolo yina kele kiteso mosi ti bankama mingi ya bamilio ya babombi nikleyere. Every second, the sun emits energy equivalent to the explosion of many hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs. How did Jehovah prove to be a long - suffering God during the reign of Judges and kings? Sambu na yina metala ngogo ya bo mebalula awa nde "kutula ntima, " muntu mosi ya ketendulaka Biblia ketuba nde" na ndinga ya kisina ngogo yai ketendula kinduku mosi ya ngolo mpenza. " With regard to the word here translated "cling, " one Bible scholar states that" the language indicates a very close and intimate relationship. " What should be our resolve today? Na kisika ya kusosa kaka mambote na mono mosi, mono me kudipesaka na kisalu ya ntangu yonso mpi kulonga bantu mutindu Ndinga ya Nzambi lenda natila bo mambote. Instead of pursuing a selfish course of life, I now volunteer as a full - time minister, teaching people how they too can benefit from God's Word. But they did not appreciate it, and they chose to do what was bad. Inki mutindu Polo ti Bakristu ya nkaka katukaka na kimpika ya disumu mpi ya lufwa? How were Paul and others set free from sin and death? May we never let that happen! " Muntu yina me vanda na kiti ya kimfumu " kele Yehowa. We note in chapter 4 of the same Bible book one reason why Jehovah deserves to be honored. Do you ever think that I will accept such gifts from a thief or a sick animal? Yantika na verse 10 kulumuka, Malashi kapu 2 ketubila mingi luzingu ya kukonda kuzitisa bansiku. From Mal 2 verse 10 onward, Malachi chapter 2 highlights treachery even more directly. When Some Choose a Few Nzambi kubingaka Abrahami, muntu ya kwikama "nduku na mono, " mpi Ntotila Davidi kusonikaka nde:" Mfumu Nzambi ke songaka kinsweki na yandi na bantu yina ke lemfukaka na yandi. " - Yezaya 41: 8; Nkunga 25: 14. God described the faithful man Abraham as "my friend, " and King David of Israel wrote:" The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him. " - Isaiah 41: 8; Psalm 25: 14. What did Jesus say? Bamvu - nkama mingi na nima ya Mvula ya Ngolo, mambu ya mbi mpenza kukotaka na kimfumu ya Yuda. Centuries after the Deluge, the kingdom of Judah faced a serious state of affairs. I decided to pioneer, and I prayed every day to Jehovah to help me reach my love for the ministry. " Kana bo vandaka ve ti kikalulu ya kusala mambu kukonda kusukinina, inki mutindu bantu mingi na kati na beto zolaka kuwa nsangu ya Kimfumu? - Tanga Nkunga 119: 60. If they had not had a sense of urgency, how many of us would have heard the Kingdom message? - Read Psalm 119: 60. In Bible times, Enoch and Noah walked with God. Beno bikisa bo bo kwenda. This loving provision is based on a principle that says that more than on what others have, than on what others do, "to be equal. " Na nzila ya profete Malashi, Yehowa tubaka nde: " Mono zolaka Yakobi mingi kansi mono mengaka Ezau. ' - Mal. By means of the prophet Malachi, Jehovah said: "I loved Jacob, and Esau I have hated. " - Mal. We may feel the need to talk to someone we think he has hurt us. " Dituti " yina vandaka kutwadisa bantu ya Izraele vutukaka na nima sambu na kukanga basoda ya Farao nzila mpi bo kumaka na mpimpa. " The pillar of cloud " that was leading the Israelites moved to their rear, blocking the approach of Pharaoh's army and throwing them into darkness. Thus, eight years after Jesus ' death, Matthew was able to write the first Gospel, where he wrote the Sermon on the Mount, many of his illustrations about the Kingdom, and his record of the record of his presence in detail. Keti nge mezaba sambu na nki bangombe ya babakala kuvandaka kifwani ya mbote ya nsi ya dilonga ya nene - nene ya bronze? Do you know why bulls were a fitting representation in the base of the molten sea? They are eager to convince people that what the Bible says is false. Inki kupesaka bo mpasi ya mutindu yina? What had caused them such grief? 12, 13. Inki mutindu masolo ya Biblia ke sadisaka beto? Reading and meditating on real - life Bible accounts can help us to do what? Why? Lukanu ya Dyabulu kele ya kubebisa ntima na beto. The Devil's objective is to corrupt our hearts. Your right hand is so strong that it kills enemies. Bambangi ya Yehowa meyidikaka dezia to metungaka dyaka banzo kuluta 5 300 mpi Banzo ya Kimfumu mingi. Jehovah's Witnesses have already repaired or rebuilt more than 5,300 homes and numerous Kingdom Halls. Yet, at Jehovah's appointed time, their three lies were divided, and "those who do not know nothing, " will not be able to speak. Kansi, Ntotila mpi guvernema mosi kaka, disongidila Kimfumu ya Nzambi, tayala bo. Instead, they will be ruled by one King and one government - the Kingdom of God. The book of Psalms contains many prayers and songs from the heart to praise Jehovah. (Tanga 1 Tesalonika 2: 11, 12.) (Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 11, 12.) Scriptural Questions Answered: Yindula mutindu beto zolaka kudiwa kana beto vandaka pana! Imagine what it must have been like to experience it! " Go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength, " exhorts Paul. Ntumwa Piere ke yibusa beto nde: " Bonso bana ya bulemfu, beno bika ve nde banzala yina beno vandaka na yo ntete kuwumba beno. The resulting new Christian personality will help to protect us against Satan's cunning machinations. Jehoiada certainly succeeded in giving this young ruler the courage to learn and obey God's Law. Bo kepusaka ve bantu na kukolama na bamfumu mpi bo kezolaka ngemba mutindu bantu yina kesambila Nzambi fwete vanda. " " They are as non - subversive and peace - loving as a religious body can be. " The second, like it, is this: " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' " - Matthew 22: 37 - 39. " Kilumbu ya nene ya Nzambi ' kele inki? What is "the great day of Jehovah "? © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Beto tadila kikuma yankaka ya kendimisa beto nde Yehowa takatula mambi. Consider another reason why we can be sure that Jehovah will remove wickedness. (2 Samuel 11: 1 - 20: 15) Inki mutindu Yehowa kumonisaka nde yandi kele Nzambi ya kekangaka ntima na ntangu ya luyalu ya Bazuzi mpi na ntangu bantotila vandaka kuyala? How did Jehovah prove to be a God of long - suffering during the time of the Judges and during the monarchy? Is such an attempt to catch the wind? Inki desizio konso muntu fwete baka bubu yai? What decision faces everyone today? As part of the inspired Scriptures, Ezekiel's letter contains a message that "is alive and exerts power. " - Hebrews 4: 12. Kansi, bo monaka ve mfunu na yo, mpi bo solaka kusala mambu ya mbi. However, they did not appreciate this, and they turned out to be bad. Thus, if we are loyal and obedient when others do not see us, it is a fine evidence that we serve Jehovah "with a complete heart " that is" complete and firm for what is right. " Beto bika ve ata fyoti nde dyambu yai kusalama! May we never allow that to happen! Good friends, prayer, good study habits can help us to remain spiritually strong. Beno ke bakaka mbisi ya muyibi to yina ke tambula kifu to mbisi ya maladi sambu na kwisa kupesa mono makabu keti beno ke yindula nde mono ta ndima makabu ya mutindu yina? Can I take pleasure in it at your hand? ' Not surprisingly, then, Jesus often sought his own place of prayer. Ntangu Bantu Fyoti Mpamba Kendimaka When People Are Unresponsive • Whom does a person who commits fornication disregard for his rights? Inki Yezu kutubaka? What did Jesus say? See "The Truth About God's Kingdom, " pages 58 - 59. Mono bakaka lukanu ya kukuma mupasudi - nzila, mpi mono kumaka kusamba konso kilumbu sambu Yehowa kusadisa mono na kukuma kuzola kisalu ya kusamuna. " I decided to pioneer, but I also began to pray daily that Jehovah would make me like field service. " Do You Recall These Examples? Na ntangu ya ntama, Enoki ti Noa kutambulaka ti Nzambi. In Bible times, Enoch and Noah " walked with God. ' Still others fell into the love of the country. Ngidika yai ya zola me simbamaka na munsiku mosi ya Biblia yina ke tuba nde, bima mingi kuluta yina bampangi kele na yo kufika bima yina bampangi ya nkaka me konda, sambu bo yonso "kuvanda kiteso mosi. " This loving provision is based on the Scriptural principle that the surplus of some might offset the deficiency of others, in order that "there may be an equalizing. " Regarding the King of that Kingdom, Jesus Christ, the Bible foretold: "He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. Beto lenda mona mfunu ya kusolula ti muntu yina beto keyindula nde yandi muntu kusalaka beto mbi. We may see the need to talk with the individual who we feel has wronged us. 6: 1 - 7. Yo yina kusalaka nde bamvula nana na nima ya lufwa ya Yezu, Matayo kukaka kusonika Evanzile ya ntete, kisika yandi sonikaka Disolo na Zulu ya Ngumba yina kesimbaka ntima ya bantu, bingana na yandi mingi yina vandaka kutubila Kimfumu, mpi disolo na yandi ya ketendula na bunda kidimbu ya kuvanda na yandi. Thus, some eight years after Jesus ' death, Matthew was able to write the first Gospel, in which he recorded Jesus ' heartwarming Sermon on the Mount, his numerous illustrations concerning the Kingdom, and his detailed discussion of the sign of his presence. So be absorbed in the vital work of preaching the Kingdom message and making disciples. Bo kevandaka na mpusa ya ngolo ya kundimisa bantu nde mambu yina Biblia ketubaka kele ya luvunu. They are eager to promote the idea that what the Bible says is untrue. Their gift is still alive. 12, 13. 12, 13. Adam and Eve were created as intelligent creatures who had free will. Sambu na nki? Why so? Clearly, true Christians should not look for privileges in order to satisfy themselves or to gain prominence, authority, and rulership. Mfumu, diboko na nge ya [kitata] kele ngolo mingi mpenza, yo ke fwaka - fwaka bambeni. Your right hand, O Jehovah, can shatter an enemy. We rejoice when many respond favorably to the good news. Ata mpidina, na ntangu yina Yehowa metulaka, luvunu na bo tatunguluka, mpi " bantu yina me zaba kima ve, ' tamona ve mpila ya kutuba. Still, in Jehovah's due time, their lies are always exposed, and their "ignorant talk " is effectively muzzled. Rather, it is the only fulfillment of prophecies. Mukanda ya Bankunga kele ti bisambu mpi bankunga mingi ya me katuka na ntima sambu na kukumisa Yehowa. The Psalms contain a collection of heartfelt prayers and songs to Jehovah. When Caesar ordered the people to " name themselves, ' Mary and Joseph obeyed the command and go to Bethlehem" make their name known. " - Luke 2: 1 - 5. Bangyufula ya Masonuku Mezwa Bamvutu: Scriptural Questions Answered: That number indicates that almost 3,000 individuals get baptized each day! Polo kelongisila beto nde: "Beno vanda ngolo sambu na kimvuka na beno ti Mfumu Yesu ti sambu na ngolo na yandi ya nene. " Paul counsels us: "Go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. " Jerusalem was "the city of the Great King, " Jehovah, being the center of pure worship. Ntembe kele ve nde Yoyada kunungaka na kupesa na ntotila yai ya toko kikesa ya kulonguka mpi kuzitisa Nsiku ya Nzambi. Evidently, Jehoiada had succeeded in encouraging the young king to study and obey God's Law. How can we do our best in times of distress? Ya zole, ya me fwanana ti yo, yo yai: " Nge fwete zola nkweno na nge bonso nge mosi. ' " - Matayo 22: 37 - 39. The second, like it, is this: " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' " - Matthew 22: 37 - 39. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Jehovah's Witnesses - "I Am With You, " 9 / 15 (2 Samuele 11: 1 - 20: 26) (2 Samuel 11: 1 - 20: 26) How would he respond? Keti kumeka na kusala mutindu yina kele bonso muntu ya kezola kukanga mupepe? Or would attempting to do so be like trying to sweep back the tide with a broom? If you want to know it, go to another location where the expression "new heavens and a new earth " is mentioned. Mutindu yo kele kitini ya Masonuku ya kupemama, mukanda ya Ezekiele ke na nsangu yina "kele ya moyo mpi ya ngolo. " - Baebreo 4: 12, NW. As part of the inspired Scriptures, the book of Ezekiel has a message that "is alive and exerts power. " - Hebrews 4: 12. " I threw my burden upon Jehovah, " she says. Yo yina, kana beto kele ya kwikama mpi kelemfuka ntangu bantu yankaka kemona beto ve, yo kele kidimbu ya mbote ya kemonisa nde beto kesadila Yehowa "na ntima mosi " yina kele ti bangindu ya mbote mpi yina kekangamaka ngolo na mambu yina kele ya mbote. Indeed, our being faithful and obedient when we are alone is a good indication that we have "a complete heart " toward Jehovah, one that is pure in motive and that is firm for what is right. At the same time, God promised that those who repented would return to him would be set free! Banduku ya mbote, kisambu, bikalulu ya mbote ya kulonguka lenda sadisa beto na kuvanda kaka ngolo na kimpeve. Good association, prayer, and good study habits can help us to remain spiritually strong. She kept the magazines of The Watchtower in her midst. Yo yina, beto fwete yituka ve na kumona nde mbala mingi Yezu vandaka kusosa kisika ya yandi mosi sambu na kusamba. Hence, it comes as no surprise that Jesus often sought out private places to pray. Abraham had such faith. • Muntu yina kesala pite kebotula banswa ya banani? • A fornicator might be encroaching on whose rights? We do not know how the Roman congregation began. Tala mukanda "Rends pleinement témoignage au sujet du Royaume de Dieu, " balutiti 58 - 59. See "Bearing Thorough Witness " About God's Kingdom, pp. 58 - 59. How do we view that assignment? Keti Nge Keyibuka Bambandu Yai? Do You Remember These Illustrations? So in the house - to - house ministry, we need to think about what we should do or not do in their homes. - Acts 1: 19. Bankaka dyaka kubwaka na zola ya mingi ya insi na bo. Still others were seduced by nationalism. 4: 12. Na yina metala Yezu Kristu, Ntotila ya Kimfumu yango, Biblia bikulaka nde: " Yandi ta gulusa bantu ya mawa yina ke didila mpi bantu yina me konda muntu ya kusadisa bo. Concerning the Ruler of that Kingdom, Jesus Christ, the Bible foretells: "He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. They have prayed to Jehovah, their favorite God, often in this house. 6: 1 - 7. 6: 1 - 7. Job, Peter, and Nehemiah had strong faith Yo yina, kudipesa ya mvimba na kisalu ya mfunu ya kusamuna nsangu ya Kimfumu mpi ya kukumisa bantu balongoki. Therefore, share fully in the vital work of Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making. However, the Bible does not teach that way. Dikabu na bo kele kaka na luzingu yai. Their share is in this life only. (b) Why is maintaining integrity a privilege? Nzambi kugangaka Adami ti Eva bonso bigangwa ya mayele ya vandaka ti kimpwanza ya kupona. God created Adam and Eve as intelligent creatures and free moral agents. She said that I should stop studying the Bible and miss meetings. Yo kele pwelele nde Bakristu ya kyeleka fwete sosaka ve mikumba sambu na kulungisa bampusa na bo mosi ya kuyala to ya kubaka lukumu, kiyeka, mpi kuyala bantu yankaka. Clearly, true Christians should never seek responsibility in order to satisfy personal ambition or to gain prominence, power, and control over others. But in the past, such a thing seemed impossible. Beto ke waka kiese kana bantu mingi ke ndima nsangu ya mbote. We are happy to see more and more people accepting the good news. For example, ask a sister, " How do you feel if you feel that your husband will not be with you in Paradise? ' Kansi, yo kele kaka mosi ya bambikudulu yina kele na kulungana. Yet, they are only one prophecy that is being fulfilled. Jehovah thus provided Jesus for us to be set free from sin and death so that we could serve him for the rest of our life. Ntangu Kaisali Augusti kulombaka bantu na "kusonikisa bazina, " Maria ti Yozefi kulemfukaka na nsiku yina mpi bo kwendaka na Betelemi sambu na" kusonikisa bazina na bo. " - Luka 2: 1 - 5. When Caesar Augustus required a "registration, " Mary and Joseph complied, traveling to Bethlehem" to get registered. " - Luke 2: 1 - 5. To reap what was bad, they would need to reap what was bad. Ntalu yina kemonisa nde konso kilumbu, bantu kiteso ya 680 kebaka mbotika! That represents an average of 680 new ones every day! What can hinder us from helping those in need? Yeruzalemi vandaka "mbanza ya Ntotila ya Nene, NW " Yehowa, sambu yo vandaka kisika ya nene ya lusambu ya bunkete. Jerusalem was "the town of the grand King, " Jehovah, for it was the center of pure worship. Rather, God's people as a group will be saved because they are concealed in Jehovah. - Rev. Inki mutindu beto lenda sala yonso yina beto lenda sala na ntangu beto kekutana ti mambu ya mpasi? What brings us true happiness and prosperity? Yo ta bedisa mpi ta sukisa bimfumu yina yonso, mpi yo mpamba ta bikala kimakulu. " It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever. " Abishai's reputation was like that of that of the three most powerful soldiers, for he acted as hard as that of Goliath. Bansadi ya Yehowa Kele na Kivuvu ya Kyeleka (Mishe), 9 / 1 Czech Republic, 8 / 1 Executed, Remembered (Hungary), 1 / 15 Knowing that Satan is causing us to suffer because he truly wants to break our integrity to God should help us to stand firm and to be courageous. Inki mvutu yandi zolaka kupesa? What would he say? Others do not meet these requirements and do not accept Christian baptism. Kana nge kezola kuzaba mambu yango, kwenda na kisika yankaka ya bo ketubila bangogo "zulu ya mpa ti ntoto ya mpa. " You can see this by moving to another occurrence of the phrase "new heavens and a new earth. " We find the answer at Habakkuk 3: 3, 4. Yandi ketuba nde: "Mu losaka kilo na mono na Yehowa. " I threw my burden on Jehovah, " she says. A third reason why we should willingly cooperate with overseers is that they are keeping watch over us "for this purpose. " Kaka na ntangu yina, Nzambi silaka nde bayina ta balula ntima mpi ta vutukila yandi, yandi ta katula bo na kimpika! At the same time, God promised that he would free those who would repent and return to him! Mildness and discernment also helped Jesus to maintain a balanced view of himself. Yandi vandaka kubumba Banzozulu ya Nkengi na kati. Hidden in the heels of the boots were recent copies of The Watchtower. What can interfere with what the holy spirit can do for us? Abrahami vandaka ti lukwikilu ya mutindu yina. Such is the nature of Abraham's faith. In addition to listening to them, Moses also prayed for them. Beto mezaba ve mutindu dibundu ya Roma kuyantikaka. We do not know how the Roman congregation started. Those events took place two years before I was born. Inki mutindu beto ketadilaka mukumba yina? How do we view that responsibility? Bible Principles Guided by God's Word Yo yina, na kisalu ya nzo na nzo, beto fwete yindula na mambu yina beto fwete sala to ve na banzo na bo. - Bis. We should show our neighbors the same respect. E. 4: 12. 4: 12. God's Way of Salvation Bo me sambaka Yehowa, Nzambi ya bo ke zolaka mingi, mbala mingi na nzo yai. Here they had prayed countless times to their beloved God, Jehovah. At first, God warned the people that if they rebelled against him, the consequences would be disastrous. Yobi, Piere, mpi Nehemia kuvandaka ti lukwikilu ya ngolo Job, Peter, and Nehemiah had strong faith [ Pictures on page 23] Kansi, Biblia kelongaka ve mutindu yina. However, that is not what the Bible teaches. Have I ever asked for forgiveness for those whom I sent bad news or even false? (b) Sambu na nki kutanina kwikama kele dibaku? (b) Why is keeping integrity a privilege? When I opened my eyes, they took me to a cold, cold, water, and shade. Yandi tubaka nde mono fwete yambula kulonguka Biblia mpi kukwenda diaka ve na balukutakanu. She demanded that I stop studying the Bible and attending meetings. Often, we experience the truthfulness of what is stated at Proverbs 11: 17: "He that is doing good is well. " Kansi na bamvula yina me luta, yo vandaka kumonana bonso nde diambu ya mutindu yai lenda salama ve ata fioti. Some years ago this seemed impossible. In a vision, Daniel saw a bear with four wings and represented Greece that would soon conquer other countries. Mu mbandu, kuyula nkento ya mpangi mosi nde, " nge ke waka nki mutindu kana nge yindula nde bakala na nge ta vanda ve ti nge na Paladisu? ' For example, we would not ask the wife of an anointed brother how she feels about living forever on earth without her husband. • Why were the Israelites given many moral standards? Yo yina Yehowa pesaka Yezu sambu na kukatula beto na kimpika ya disumu mpi ya lufwa sambu beto sadila yandi luzingu na beto ya mvimba. Thus, the real purpose for which Jehovah, through Jesus, has freed us from the law of sin and of death is for us to live a life of dedication "as slaves of God. " As the first creation of "all creation, " Jesus lived long alongside Jehovah in heaven - above all other spirit creatures. Sambu bo kunaka mambi, yo lombaka nde bo katula bambuma ya mbi. Because they sowed what was bad, they would reap what was bad. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies proves that we are living in "the last days " of this system of things. Inki lenda kanga beto nzila na kusadisa bantu yina kele na mfunu ya lusadisu? What might hold us back from assisting those in need? A few thousand died sometime before Joshua brought God's people to the Promised Land. Kansi, bantu ya Nzambi na kimvuka taguluka sambu bo kebumbanaka na Yehowa. - Kus. Yet, God's people as a group will survive because they are taking refuge in Jehovah. - Rev. The legs of the two criminals were cut off, "but when they came to Jesus, they did not break his legs. " Inki kenatilaka beto kyese mpi kimvwama ya kyeleka? What leads to true satisfaction and true riches? To do this, it usually cost money. Lukumu ya Abishai kuvandaka bonso yina ya basoda tatu ya kuluta ngolo, sambu yandi salaka mambu ya ngolo bonso yina Yashobami kusalaka. Abishai's reputation rivaled that of the three principal mighty ones because he performed a mighty act similar to that of Jashobeam. Jehovah is keenly interested in us, but that does not mean that he expects us to make mistakes in order to punish us. Kuzaba nde Satana kemonisaka beto mpasi sambu yandi kezolaka mpenza kufwa kwikama na beto na Nzambi fwete sadisa beto na kuvanda ngolo mpi kikesa. Knowing that the Devil brings persecution upon us because he desperately wants to break our integrity to God can actually help us to be courageous and strong. 2: 18. Bantu yankaka kelungisaka ve mambu yai mpi bankuluntu kendimaka ve nde bo baka mbotika ya Bukristu. Some do not qualify and therefore are not accepted for Christian baptism. If you are a preacher of the good news, you too are carrying out this warning work. Beto kebaka mvutu na Habakuki 3: 3, 4. We find the answer at Habakkuk 3: 3, 4. He also knows that Jehovah is responsible for their privileges of service. - Romans 12: 10. Kikuma ya tatu ya beto fwete sala na luzolo yonso kumosi ti bankengi kele nde bo kelangidilaka beto "sambu bo fweti futa rapore na Nzambi. " A third reason for our willingly cooperating with the overseers is that they keep watch over us "as those who will render an account. " Whether people respond favorably to our message or not, the quality we show is an important factor that will help us to enjoy the ministry. Luswasukusu sadisaka mpi Yezu na kuvanda ti bukati - kati. Discernment also enabled Jesus to be reasonable. Yet, Jehovah accepted Paul and wanted Paul to know it. Inki kima lenda kanga nzila na mambu yina mpeve santu lenda sadila beto? What could impede the activity of holy spirit in our behalf? Jesus gave his followers what instructions to remember? Katula kuwidikila bo, Moize vandaka mpi kusamba sambu na bo. Besides listening to them, Moses also prayed for his loved ones. Since children are quick to grasp what is not true, what you teach them should go along with life and habits that show that you truly value spiritual things. Mambu yai salamaka bamvula zole na ntwala nde mono butuka. That was a couple of years before I was born. " THE TRUE PEOPLE OF GOOD " ARE BEING OUR US Minsiku ya Biblia Kesadisa Bible Principles at Work / Roberts E. E. The answer to that question will be discussed in the following article. Nzila ya Nzambi Meyidikaka Sambu na Lugulusu God's Means of Salvation These articles highlight an important way in which older ones can have a good influence on fellow believers. Na luyantiku kibeni, Nzambi kebisaka bantu nde kana bo kolama na yandi, yo ta nata malanda ya mbi disongidila lufwa. Well, in the very beginning, God warned mankind that rebellion against him would bring a grim result - death. Brother Felix interpreted the subject of Albert's speech to the congregation. [ Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 23] [ Pictures on page 15] Many of them enjoy talking about their beliefs and traditions. Keti mono me lombaka dezia ndolula na bantu yina mono me tindilaka bansangu ya mbi to nkutu ya luvunu? Have I ever had to apologize to my contacts for sending them wrong information or even lies? Because you have deep love for your children, use your ears to see clearly what he tells you and your tongue to heal. Ntangu mono kangulaka meso, bo vandaka me nata mono na kasho mosi ya madidi, kukonda madia, masa mpi lele ya madidi. I awoke in an icy cell without bread, water, or a blanket. At age 16, I began to drink 10 or 15 a day. Mbala mingi, beto kemonaka bukyeleka ya mambu yai ya kele na Bingana 11: 17: "Kana nge sala mbote, nge ke kudisosila mbote. " We often see the truth of what is written at Proverbs 11: 17: "A man of loving - kindness is dealing rewardingly with his own soul. " If he has not done well, do not just try to blame the teacher. Na mbonameso mosi, Daniele monaka nkoi yina vandaka ti mapapu iya mpi yo vandaka kumonisa Grese yina zolaka kununga bansi yankaka kukonda kusukinina. In one vision, Daniel saw Greece depicted as a leopard with four wings, indicating that this empire would conquer swiftly. How should we respond to our zeal for the ministry? • Sambu na nki Nzambi kupesaka bantu ya Izraele bansiku mingi ya bunkete? • Why were the Israelites given the many laws on cleanness? Why did Jesus give such a thorough witness? Sambu yandi kele kigangwa ya ntete na bingangwa "yonso ya Nzambi salaka, " Yezu kuzingaka bamvula mingi na lweka ya Yehowa na zulu - kuluta bingangwa yonso ya kimpeve. As "the firstborn of all creation, " Jesus lived alongside Jehovah in heaven longer than any other spirit creature. Do you reflect Jehovah's glory in such ways? Kulungana ya bambikudulu ya Biblia ke monisa nde beto ke zinga na "bilumbu ya nsuka " ya ngidika yai ya bima. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies indicates that we are living in "the last days " of this system of things. Referring to the attitude of the weeds, Jesus said: "At that time they will weep and break their teeth. " Bantu 23 000 fwaka mwa ntangu fyoti na ntwala nde Yozue kunata bantu ya Nzambi na Ntoto ya Lusilu. Twenty - three thousand lost Jehovah's favor shortly before Joshua was to lead God's people into the Promised Land. THE Bible is not a science book, but it is precisely when it touches on God's creative works. Basoda bukaka makulu ya bangondi yina zole, "kansi ntangu bo kumaka na Yezu, sambu bo monaka nde yandi vandaka me fwa dezia, bo bukaka ve makulu na yandi. " Soldiers broke the legs of the two impaled criminals, "but on coming to Jesus, as they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. " Consider, for example, what some Christians who have a close relationship with God say. Sambu na kusala mambu yai, yo kelombaka mbala mingi kubasisa mbongo. This often involves spending some money. However, if you consider the differing views of those who claim to be Christians, you will face unscriptural teachings, which are contrary to what the Originator of Christianity, Jesus Christ, taught. Yehowa ketulaka mpenza dikebi mingi na beto, kansi yo ketendula ve nde yandi kekingaka nde beto sala bifu sambu yandi pesa beto ndola. Jehovah is keenly interested in us, but that does not mean that he is waiting for us to make mistakes so that he can punish us. Wicked people are also in spiritual darkness, and such darkness can be powerful. 2: 18. 2: 18. JEHOVAH likens himself to a shepherd. Kana nge kele nsamuni ya nsangu ya mbote, nge mpi ke na kusala kisalu yai ya kukebisa bantu. If you are a publisher of the good news, you are having a share in this warning work. The disciple James wrote: "This is why you, therefore, obey God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - James 4: 7. Yandi ke bakisaka mpi nde Yehowa muntu me pesa bampangi ya nkaka mikumba yina bo kele ti yo. - Baroma 12: 10. 12: 10. Even his true worshippers have hurt him emotionally. Yo vanda bantu ke sepela na nsangu na beto to ve, kikalulu yina beto ke monisa kele kima ya mfunu yina ta sadisa beto na kusepela na kisalu ya kusamuna. Whether people show interest in our message or not, our attitude plays a key role in our finding delight in the ministry. " O God, Send Your Light " Ata mpidina, Yehowa ndimaka Polo mpi yandi zolaka nde Polo kuzaba yo. If you are sincerely repentant of past sins and have confessed them to the extent necessary, you can rest assured that Jehovah will be merciful. It is vital to study the Bible with your children. Yezu pesaka balongoki na yandi bantuma ya kuyibuka inki mambu? What event did Jesus instruct his disciples to commemorate? The tabernacle was raised in the territory of Ephraim. Sambu bana kesukininaka ve na kubakisa mambu yina kele ve kyeleka, malongi ya beno kelonga bo na kutuba fwete kwenda nzila mosi ti luzingu mpi bikalulu yina kemonisa nde beno kebakaka mpenza mambu ya kimpeve na valere. Since children are quick to note inconsistencies, oral instruction must be backed up by conduct and attitude that demonstrate your own deep appreciation for spiritual things. • In what way can husbands honor their wives? " MAMBU YA BANTU YA MAYELE " KELE SAMBU NA KUTWADISA BETO " THE WORDS OF THE WISE ONES " TO GUIDE US On earth, there are no two living things, so we can wisely conclude that Jehovah has created each of the millions of his angels different from others. / Robert Bridges / Robert Bridges In fact, a few study can help a person find employment. Beto ta baka mvutu ya ngiufula yai na disolo yina ke landa. That question will be the subject of our next article. I feel worthless. " Masolo yai yonso kebenda dikebi na mutindu ya mfunu yina minunu lenda vanda ti bupusi ya mbote na Bakristu yankaka. All of this highlights an essential way that aged ones can exert an influence for good on fellow servants of Jehovah. Hence, he encouraged them to be united in faith, to keep learning about Jesus to become "a full - grown man, to a full - grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " - Ephesians 4: 13. Mpangi Felix ke balula diskure ya mpangi Albert Schroeder Interpreting a talk for Brother Albert Schroeder Of course, if we are faced with anxiety or other injustices, it may be difficult to wait on God's answer. Mingi na kati na bo ke sepelaka kutubila balukwikilu mpi bansiku ya ba - nkaka na bo. Many of them enjoy discussing their religious beliefs and customs. When was this to happen? Sambu nge ke zolaka mingi bana na nge, sadila makutu na nge sambu na kuzaba mbote - mbote mambu yina yandi ke zabisa nge mpi ludimi na nge sambu na kubelula. As loving parents, use your ears to gain understanding and your tongue to heal. What do many Bible texts reveal? Ntangu mono kumaka ti bamvula 16, mono kumaka kunwa milangi ya malafu 10 to 15 konso kilumbu. By 16 years of age, I was drinking between 10 and 15 bottles of beer each day, and before long I started taking drugs. The book says that her wife refused to join the congregation, and before she was put to death, she received comfort from the Scriptures. Kana yandi me sala mbote ve, kusosa ve kaka kupesa longi foti. If she gets a low grade, do not automatically blame the teacher. 5, 6. Inki beto fwete sala kana kikesa na beto sambu na kisalu ya kusamuna mekuma fyoti? What should we do if our zeal for the ministry has diminished? Israel begins to conquer Canaan Sambu na nki Yezu kutaka kimbangi mbotembote mutindu yina? Why did Jesus give such an effective witness? Soon, thousands of angels came to the earth and materialized human bodies. Keti nge kemonisaka lukumu ya Yehowa na mitindu yai? Are you reflecting Jehovah's glory in these ways? What, though, will God consider to be forgiving? Ntangu yandi vandaka kutubila nkadilu ya kimvuka ya matiti ya mbi, Yezu tubaka nde: "Kuna bo ta dilaka mpi ta kwetisaka meno. " Speaking about the condition of the weed class, Jesus states: "There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. " Read Matthew 6: 33. ATA Biblia kele ve mukanda ya siansi, yo kele ya sikisiki ntangu yo ke tubilaka bima yina Nzambi me gangaka. ALTHOUGH the Bible is not a science textbook, it is accurate when it discusses the natural world. The fiery coals of the fire will be renewed, but the warm water can burn it down. Beto tadila fyoti mambu yina mwa ndambu ya Bakristu yina kele ti kinduku ya ngolo ti Nzambi ketuba. Consider the expressions of a few Christians who have a close relationship with God. That is why he invites all of his servants to " speak the truth ' and not to " speak twisted things. ' Yo lenda vanda kyeleka. Kansi, kana nge tadila bangindu ya kuswaswana yina bantu ya mezabanaka nde bo kele Bakristu kevandaka na yo, nge takutana ti malongi ya kewakanaka ve ata fyoti, mpi yina kewakana ve na mambu yina Muntu yina kusalaka Bukristu, Yezu Kristu, vandaka kulonga. Yet, when you consider the diversity of views held by today's professed Christians, you see beliefs that are poles apart and that frequently contradict what the Founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, taught. How can we follow God's counsel to the kings of Israel? Bantu ya mbi kevandaka mpi na mpimpa ya kimpeve, ebuna mpimpa ya mutindu yina lenda vanda ya ngolo kibeni. Wrongdoers are also in spiritual darkness, and such darkness can be overpowering. Since he had to use the Internet for his activities, he decided to use it only if his wife was there. YEHOWA ke kudifwanisa ti ngungudi. JEHOVAH compares himself to a shepherd. No pain or persecution, or even the death of his firstborn, assured him that Moses was speaking in Jehovah's name. Longoki Yakobo kusonikaka nde: "Yo yina beno lemfuka na Nzambi; beno vanda bambeni ya Satana, ebuna yandi ta tina beno, yandi ta kwenda ntama. " - Yakobo 4: 7. The disciple James wrote: "Subject yourselves, therefore, to God; but oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - James 4: 7. Many of the meaning of the word "soul " is found in the New World Translation - Without reason. Ata nkutu bansambidi na yandi ya kyeleka mepesaka yandi mpasi na mawi. Even God's own true worshippers have on occasion hurt his feelings. She adds: "Jehovah is my Father and dear friend, and he has always helped me. " O Nzambi, Tinda Mwinda na Nge ' " O God, Send Out Your Light ' However, God's view was not that one had more than one wife. Yo kele mfunu mingi na kulonguka Biblia ti bana na nge. The importance of studying the Bible with your children cannot be overemphasized. Samson's example is of great encouragement to us. Bo tedimisaka nzo - tenta na Shilo na teritware ya Efrayimi. The tabernacle is set up at Shiloh in the territory of Ephraim. This time again, the primary issue was the Christian balance. • Na nki mutindu babakala lenda zitisa bankento na bo? • In what way can husbands honor their wives? Is it the course of wisdom to control? Na ntoto, kele ve ti bima zole ya ke na luzingu ya mefwanana mpenza, yo yina beto lenda sukisa na mayele yonso nde Yehowa mesalaka konso wanzyo na kati ya bamilio ya bawanzyo na yandi ya kuswaswana ti yankaka. No two living things on earth are completely alike, so we can reasonably conclude that Jehovah has blessed each one of his millions of angels with uniqueness. By means of the training we receive. Na kutuba ya mbote, kulonguka mwa ndambu lenda sadisa muntu na kuzwa kisalu. Granted, a certain level of schooling may be useful to obtain employment. Why do we value God's Word, and how do we show our appreciation for it? Mu ke monaka nde mono kele mfunu ve. " I feel that I'm worthless. " God does not need any other powerful source. Yo yina, yandi siamisaka bo na kuvanda na bumosi ya lukwikilu, mpi na kulanda kulonguka mambu ya me tala Yezu sambu na kukuma " na nkadilu ya bantu yina me yela kibeni, mpi kuyela na bo kukuma kibeni kiteso mosi ti kuyela ya Kristu. ' - Baefezo 4: 13. He encouraged them to be united in the faith and to keep learning about Jesus in order to become "a full - grown man, attaining the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " - Ephesians 4: 13. When Jesus did something else that could not be called into question, they cried out: "What are we to do? Ya kieleka, kana beto ke kutana ti diambu mosi ya ke yangisa beto to mambu ya nkaka ya kukonda lunungu, yo lenda vanda mpasi na kuvingila mvutu ya Nzambi. True, if we have been enduring a nagging problem or some sort of injustice, we may find it hard to wait for God's answer. 10 - 12. (a) What counsel did the apostle Peter give to Christians who are unbelieving mates? Inki ntangu mambu yai zolaka kusalama? When would this happen? When I was nine years old, my family and several other Witness families were taken captive in Siberia. Baverse mingi ya Biblia kemonisaka inki? What is revealed in various portions of the Bible? Where would that man be? Mukanda yina ke tuba nde, nkento na yandi buyaka kukota na dibundu yina, mpi na ntwala nde bo fwa yandi, yandi vandaka kubaka ndembikilu na Masonuku. According to the book, she refused to renounce her beliefs and found comfort from the Scriptures during her final days. Satan is. 5, 6. 5, 6. Later, the pioneer replaced the lamp and moved away. Izraele meyantika kununga Kanana Israel's conquest of Canaan begins The lives of many are like that of a sick woman who lived in Jesus ' day. Ntangu fyoti na nima, bawanzyo mingi kukwisaka na ntoto mpi kulwataka nitu ya kimuntu. Some time later, a number of angels came to earth and took on human form. Throughout the Bible, the expression "born again " is found at John 3: 1 - 12, which refers to an exciting account between Jesus and one of the head of the congregation in Jerusalem. Kansi, inki mambu Nzambi tatadila sambu na kulolula muntu? On what basis, though, would forgiveness be granted? " I still see God as the Creator of all things, " says Christa, a woman from Ireland who go to church every week. Tanga Matayo 6: 33. Read Matthew 6: 33. Because his relationship with Jehovah was the most important thing possible. Kulosa petrole na tiya tapedisa yo dyaka ngolo, kansi kulosila yo masa ya madidi lenda fwa tiya yango. Pouring oil on the fire would make matters worse, whereas dousing it with cool water would likely bring the desired result. How Jehovah Guides Us Yo yina yandi ke lombaka bansadi na yandi yonso na " kutuba kieleka ' mpi " kutuba ve luvunu. ' Therefore, he requires that "each one " of his worshippers" speak truth with his neighbor " and "not lie. " By sincerely asking people and by means of logical reasoning, Paul reasoned with others from the Scriptures to reassure them. Inki mutindu beto lenda landa ndongisila yina Nzambi kupesaka na bantotila ya Izraele? How can we follow the counsel given to the kings of Israel? Thus, wise parents wisely apply God's Word, the Bible, to help their children develop a desire to please God and to imitate his qualities. Sambu yo vandaka kulomba nde yandi sadila Internet sambu na bisalu na yandi, yandi bakaka lukanu ya kusadila yo kaka kana nkento na yandi kele pana. Because he had to use the Internet for his business, he resolved to access it only when his wife was beside him. Moreover, though the State would send them to kill others, they refused to do so, as they themselves did not want others to kill them. Ata mpasi to kimpa mosi ve, to nkutu lufwa ya mwana na yandi ya ntete, kundimisaka yandi nde Moize vandaka kutuba na zina ya Yehowa. No plague or miracle - not even the personal loss of his firstborn - was able to persuade Pharaoh that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah. We do not know why Solomon received so many women that we do not know how he viewed this situation. Bantendula mingi ya ngogo "moyo " kele na Appendice ya Traduction du monde nouveau - avec notes et références. An explanation of the various meanings of the word "soul " can be found in the appendix of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - With References. How grateful we can be that God has made known our figurative heart! Yandi ke yika nde: "Yehowa kele Tata mpi nduku na mono ya ngolo, yandi ke sadisaka mono mbala mingi. She adds: "Jehovah is not only my Father but also my close Friend, whom I get to know better under different circumstances. We praise our Father and give evidence that we are acting in harmony with the prayer: "Let your name be sanctified. Kansi, dibanza ya Nzambi kuvandaka ve nde muntu kukwela bankento mingi. But God did not originate the practice of polygamy. When the enemies persecuted the Israelites, Nehemiah, a faithful servant of God, urged them: "Do not be afraid of our enemies. Mbandu yai ya Samsoni kepesa beto kikesa ya mingi. Still, these historical events are of great encouragement to us. Some brothers have been given the gift of teaching publicly, while others are in a position to take the lead. Mbala yai dyaka, kikuma ya ntetentete vandaka bukatikati ya Bakristu. Once again, the main issue was Christian neutrality. Having done this and lied to Jehovah's prophet, what happened to him? Keti yo kele mayele ya kuzaba kutwadisa? Management skills? However, there is another important responsibility that is more important than honoring secular authorities and even the love we should show toward our brothers. Na nsadisa ya malongi yina beto kebakaka. By means of the instruction we receive. The guidance Christians give their children can protect them if they are willing to follow it. Sambu na nki beto ke bakaka Ndinga ya Nzambi na mbalu, mpi nki mutindu beto ke monisaka ntonda na beto sambu na yo? Why do we highly esteem God's Word, and how do we show our appreciation for it? Why? Nzambi kevandaka ve na mfunu ya konso nto yankaka ya ngolo. God does not have to depend on any external source of energy. 11, 12. (a) What opportunity do we have when we preach? Ntangu Yezu kusalaka dyaka dyambu yankaka ya kuyituka yina muntu lendaka kutudila ve ntembe, bo tubaka na makasi yonso nde: "Nki beto fweti sala? After Jesus performed yet another undeniable miracle, they said in frustration: "What are we to do, because this man performs many signs? " 1, 2. 10 - 12. (a) Inki ndongisila ntumwa Piere pesaka Bakristu yina kele ti bankwelani yina kele ve Bakristu? 10 - 12. (a) What counsel did the apostle Peter give to Christians who have unbelieving mates? Moses was directing matters in the Law covenant, in the new covenant, Jesus takes the lead. - Eph. Ntangu mono kumaka ti bamvula uvwa, bo nataka dibuta na beto mpi mabuta mingi ya nkaka ya Bambangi ya Moldavie na kimpika na Sibérie. When I was nine, our family and hundreds of other Moldovan Witnesses were exiled to Siberia. What is another important way in which elders can show love for their brothers and help them to be truly happy? asked the king. Therefore run the race for success. " - 1 Cor. Muntu yina zolaka kuvanda na wapi? Where would the man be? We must speak "the truth and reason " even though it is foolish to" the one who does not have the spirit of God. " - 1 Cor. Kele Satana. It is Satan. Do not allow unnecessary things to become a place for family worship. Na nima, mupasudi - nzila yina yingisaka ampule yina mpi kwendaka. The pioneer then changed the bulb and went on his way. Thus, their father arranged for them to decide one day each day for the family study. Luzingu ya bantu mingi kele bonso ya nkento mosi ya mbefo yina kuzingaka na bilumbu ya Yezu. Many individuals find themselves in a situation similar to that of a sick woman in Jesus ' day. How did Jehovah view the repentant attitude of the Ninevites? Na Biblia ya mvimba, bangogo " kubutuka diaka ' kele kaka na Yoane 3: 1 - 12, yina ketubila disolo mosi ya kebenda dikebi yina kulutaka na kati ya Yezu ti mfumu mosi ya dibundu na Yeruzalemi. The only place in the entire Bible where the expression "born again " is found is at John 3: 1 - 12, which describes an intriguing conversation that took place between Jesus and a religious leader in Jerusalem. Indeed, Amos 7: 14 says that he was "a mirror not only " but also" a shadow of the figs. " Christina, nkento mosi ya Irlande ya ke kwendaka na nzo - nzambi konso mposo ke tuba nde: "Mono ke monaka Nzambi kaka bonso Ngangi ya bima yonso. " I just viewed him as the God who created everything, " admits Christina, a woman from Ireland who attended church every week. The second article discusses how Jehovah's example can help us to forgive others, respect life, and act in righteousness. Sambu kinduku na yandi ti Yehowa vandaka kima mosi ya kuluta mfunu kibeni. Because his friendship with Jehovah was always the most important thing to him. Still, the Messiah was born in David's line. Mutindu Yehowa Ketwadisaka Beto How Jehovah Is Leading Us Peter was loyal when some disciples did not understand what Jesus said and abandoned him. Na kubondilaka bantu na masonga yonso mpi na nsadisa ya bangindu ya kele na ndonga, Polo kuyindulaka ti bankaka na nsadisa ya Masonuku sambu na kundimisa bo. Using heartfelt entreaty and sound logic, Paul convincingly " reasoned with others from the Scriptures. ' Jehovah's Witnesses - "I Am With You, " 2 / 15 Yo yina, bibuti ya mayele kesadilaka Ndinga ya Nzambi, Biblia, na mayele yonso sambu na kusadisa bana na bo na kuyedisa mpusa ya kusepedisa Nzambi mpi na kulanda mbandu ya bikalulu na yandi. Thus, wise parents skillfully use God's Word, the Bible, to instill in their children the desire to please God and to imitate his qualities. [ Blurb on page 5] Dyaka, ata Leta vandaka kutinda bo na kubaka minduki sambu na kufwa bantu yankaka, bo buyaka na kusala yo, mutindu bo mosi vandaka kuzola ve nde bantu yankaka kufwa bo. Furthermore, though commanded by the State to take up arms to kill others, they refused to do so, just as they did not desire to be killed by others. Verse 24 states that "the hand of those who violence [Jehovah] " would prove to be a guarantee that He would bring reproach upon mankind. Beto kezaba ve sambu na nki Salomo kubakaka bankento mingi mpidina, beto kezaba mpi ve nki mutindu yandi vandaka kutadila dyambu yai. We do not know why Solomon took so many wives, nor do we know how he justified doing so. This quality is part of the fruitage that the holy spirit can produce in you. Beto fwete monisa ntonda mingi na mutindu Nzambi me sadisaka beto na kuzaba ntima na beto ya kifwani! How thankful we can be that God offers us insight into the figurative heart! The Pharisees decided to ask Jesus this question. Beto ke kumisaka Tata na beto mpi ke monisaka mpenza nde, beto ke salaka mambu na kuwakana ti kisambu yai: "Bika nde zina na nge kusantisama. We honor our Father and show that we really mean it when we pray: "Let your name be sanctified. The continued preaching work is just as Jesus ' anointed brothers on earth and their companions light spiritual light and help people to exercise faith in Jesus, who is "a light of the world. " Ntangu bambeni vandaka kumonisa bantu ya Izraele mpasi, Nehemia yina kuvandaka nsadi ya kwikama ya Nzambi kulongisilaka bo nde: "Beno tina bambeni na beto boma ve. God's faithful servant Nehemiah urged his fellow Israelites, who were under pressure from opposers: "Do not be afraid on their account. The brothers in the congregation recently referred to the older men and older men in that famous word, using the same word for others. Bampangi - babakala ya nkaka me butukaka ti dikabu ya kulonga mbote na ntwala ya bantu, kansi bankaka ke vandaka ngolo na kutwadisa mambu. Some brothers are gifted at public speaking, whereas others excel at organizing matters. This should not surprise us, for Jehovah is a God of order and peace. Sambu Gehazi salaka diambu yai mpi taka luvunu na profete ya Yehowa, inki kuminaka yandi? What happened because Gehazi did this and lied to Jehovah's prophet? Just as you remain in union with me cannot bear fruit, so also you can bear fruit if you remain in union with me. " Kansi, beto kele ti mukumba yankaka ya mfunu yina meluta kupesa lukumu na bamfumu ya leta mpi ya meluta nkutu zola yina beto fwete monisa na bampangi na beto. There is, though, a more important responsibility than the honor we owe to any secular authority and even than the love we owe our brothers. We prepared soldiers who had been lame so that we could quickly take them to the steps designed to save the lives of the people. Lutwadisu yina Bakristu kepesaka bana na bo lenda tanina bo kana bana yina kele ti luzolo ya kulanda yo. The guidance of Christian parents can be a protection for youngsters, provided they are willing to follow it. Of course, men and women think and even speak in different ways. Sambu na inki? Why? With Jehovah's help, we can also help those who listen to us. 11, 12. (a) Inki dibaku beto ke vandaka ti yo ntangu beto ke samunaka? 11, 12. (a) What satisfaction do you get from the ministry? As in the first century, Jehovah teaches us important lessons through the Christian congregation. 1, 2. 1, 2. Faith is a precious possession. Moize vandaka kutwadisa mambu na kuwakana ya Nsiku, na kuwakana ya mpa, Yezu ke twadisaka mambu. - Baef. And the nation of Israel was organized through the Law covenant under Moses; those in the new covenant are organized under Jesus - the Head of the congregation. - Eph. IMITATE THEIR FAITH Inki kele mutindu ya nkaka ya mfunu yina bankuluntu lenda monisila bampangi na bo zola mpi kusadisa bo na kuvanda na kiese mingi? What is an especially vital way in which elders show personal interest in their brothers and add to the congregation's joy? 1: 1 - 3: 18) Yo yina, beno baka ntinu sambu na kununga. " - 1 Kor. Run in such a way that you may attain it. " - 1 Cor. " The King's heart is in the hand of Jehovah as waters " Beto fwete tuba " mambu ya kieleka, mpi ya kuyindula mbote ' ata yo kele buzoba sambu na "muntu yina ke na mpeve ya Nzambi ve. " - 1 Kor. We should declare "sayings of truth and of soundness of mind " even though they are foolishness to" a physical man. " - 1 Cor. What will we consider in this article? Beno pesa ve nzila na bima ya kukonda mfunu nde yo baka kisika ya Lusambu ya Dibuta. Do not allow minor things to interfere with family worship. All of this was bad news. - Matthew 24: 4 - 13; Luke 21: 11. Yo yina, tata na bo kuyidikaka programe nde bo pona kilumbu mosi na kati ya bilumbu yina sambu bo tasalaka kulonguka ya dibuta na bo. The father therefore arranged to have the family study on one of those nights. How can God's people find refuge even now in this time of the end? Inki mutindu Yehowa kutadilaka mabanza ya kubalula ntima ya bantu ya Ninive? How did Jehovah view the repentant attitude of the Ninevites? The soul dies. - Genesis 3: 19; Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. Ya kyeleka, Amosi 7: 14 ketuba nde yandi vandaka " kutala bambisi ' kaka ve kansi yandi vandaka kutala mpi "banti ya bafige. " In fact, Amos 7: 14 says that he was not only "a herdsman " but also" a nipper of figs of sycamore trees. " Does this prophecy refer only to a time when animals and humans will enjoy peace? Disolo ya zole ta monisa mutindu mbandu ya Yehowa lenda sadisa beto na kulolula bankaka, kuzitisa luzingu mpi kusala mambu na lunungu. In the second article, see how Jehovah's example helps us to forgive others, respect life, and act justly. • How can we make "a mighty nation with Jehovah "? Ata mpidina Mesia butukaka na ndonga ya bana ya Davidi. Yet the line of the Messiah was through David. How can a Bible - trained conscience help us when we are faced with decisions? Piere bikalaka ya kwikama ntangu balongoki yankaka bakisaka ve ntendula ya mambu yina Yezu tubaka mpi bo yambulaka yandi. Peter remained loyal when other disciples did not grasp the meaning of what Jesus said and abandoned Him. The Pharisee who went up to awaken himself and prayed: "I publicly thank you, O God, for I am not a thief, hypocrites, and adulterers. Sadila "Mbele ya Mpeve " na Mayele Yonso, 2 / 1 Rebekah, 2 / 1 How can we draw comfort from meditating on Jehovah's forgiveness? [ Bangogo sambu na kubenda dikebi ya kele na lutiti 5] [ Blurb on page 5] Greed and selfish ambition are the motives that impel many people to lie And in Britain, 32 percent believed in hell. Verse 24 ketuba nde "bamvumbi ya bantu yina salaka mubulu [na Yehowa] " tavanda dyambu yina tandimisa nde Yandi mesambisa bantu. Isa 66 Verse 24 foretells that "the carcasses of the men that were transgressing against " Jehovah will be proof of his judgment. How do shepherds avoid seeking glory for themselves? Kikalulu yai kele kitini ya mbuma yina mpeve santu lenda buta na kati na nge. That quality is part of the fruitage that God's holy spirit can produce within you. Lessons for Us: Jaracz), 11 / 15 How do we know that love is the most important thing in Christ's law? Bafarize bakaka lukanu ya kuyula Yezu ngyufula yai ya kubasisaka ntembe. The Pharisees decided to put the controversial question to Jesus. One who strives to achieve this purpose is in harmony with the description of the happy man Jesus spoke about. Kisalu yina kelanda kaka na kusalama mutindu bampangi ya kupakulama ya Yezu yina kele na ntoto ti banduku na bo kepanza mwini ya kimpeve mpi kesadisa bantu na kukwikila na Yezu, yina kele "mwini na kati ya bantu ya nsi - ntoto. " That work is still being pursued as Jesus ' anointed brothers on earth and their companions spread spiritual light and help people to put faith in Jesus, the "light of the nations. " As King of God's Kingdom, Jesus will lead that judgment in Jehovah's name, not himself. Ntama mingi ve, bampangi na dibundu vandaka kubinga bankuluntu mpi bantu yina kele minunu na ngogo yina ya bantu ya lukumu mingi, ebuna bo vandaka kusadila ngogo yina yankaka sambu na bampangi yankaka. Until recently, congregation members addressed elders and those who are older with the honorific term, using the ordinary term for others. Yes, Jehovah will hold an unrepentant sinners accountable. Yo fwete yitukisa ve, sambu Yehowa kele Nzambi ya ndonga mpi ya ngemba. Most people are drawn to things that are clean and beautiful. Soon he became involved in drug abuse, and he started to steal money to buy drugs. Lutangu ya nti ya vinu yo mosi lenda buta bambuma ve, kana yo me vukanaka ve na nti yina; mutindu mosi, beno mpi lenda buta bambuma kaka kana beno ke zinga na kimvuka ti mono. " Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remains in the vine, in the same way neither can you, unless you remain in union with me. " Will the earth be destroyed? Beto vandaka kuyidika basoda yina vandaka ti bamputa sambu na kukotisa bo nswalu na bakontenere yina beto yidikaka sambu na kupasula bantu. The wounded were prepared and then rushed to the small air - conditioned metal containers that served as operating rooms. This is evident from what the Bible foretold for many rulers. Ya kyeleka, babakala ti bankento keyindulaka mpi nkutu ketubaka na mitindu ya kuswaswana. Indeed, men and women think and even speak differently. " Do you know the statutes of the heavens? Ti lusadisu ya Yehowa, beto lenda sadisa mpi na kugulusa bayina kewa beto. With Jehovah's backing, we may also help to save those who listen to us. What conclusion has this article helped you to make? Bonso na mvu - nkama ya ntete, Yehowa kelongaka beto malongi ya mfunu na nzila ya dibundu ya Bukristu. As in the first century, Jehovah gives us valuable training through the Christian congregation. (a) What moves Nicodemus to visit the Messiah? Lukwikilu kele kima mosi ya mbalu. Faith is something precious. What can we do to show our brotherly love? TYNDALE TYNDALE However, that need is urgent. 1: 1 - 3: 18) 1: 1 - 3: 18) (Read Romans 8: 1, 2, 20, 21.) " Ntima ya Ntotila kele na maboko ya Mfumu Nzambi bonso masa " " A king's heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah " 5, 6. (a) Why should we meditate on what we read in the Bible? Inki beto ta tadila na disolo yai? What will we discuss in this article? The spirit of the world promotes selfishness, materialism, and "the desire of the eyes. " Mambu yai yonso kuvandaka bansangu ya mbi. - Matayo 24: 4 - 13; Luka 21: 11. All of this was bad news. - Matthew 24: 4 - 13; Luke 21: 11. What happened after 70 years. Inki mutindu bantu ya Nzambi lenda zwa kisika ya kubumbana ata bubu yai na ntangu yai ya nsuka? How can God's people find refuge even now during this time of the end? Today, too, Jehovah's servants support the arrangements for worship made available in Jehovah's earthly organization. Kana muntu mefwa, disongidila moyo mefwa. - Kuyantika 3: 19; Longi 9: 5, 10. When man dies, the soul dies. - Genesis 3: 19; Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. So when his brothers came to Egypt and made peace with him, Pharaoh offered them "the best of all the land. " - Genesis 45: 16 - 20. Keti mbikudulu yai ketubila kaka ntangu yina bambisi ti bantu tazinga na ngemba? Is this prophecy merely foretelling a time when animals will live in harmony with humans? Some may feel that only the governing body commanded Christians to eat or drink blood itself or to eat meat that has not been shed with blood. • Inki mutindu beto lenda sala "kinduku ya ngolo ti Yehowa "? • How can we come to enjoy "intimacy with Jehovah "? Later, Jehovah invited his Son to help him to create all other things. Inki mutindu kansansa yina me longama na Biblia lenda sadisa beto ntangu beto ke zola kubaka balukanu? How can a well - trained conscience help us when we need to make decisions? Why Do People Die? Mufarize yina kwendaka kutelama mwa - ntama yandi mosi, ebuna yandi sambaka mutindu yai nde: " Nzambi, mono ke pesa nge mersi, sambu mono kele ve bonso bantu yonso yina kele bamiyibi, bantu ya luvunu ti bantu ya pite. The Pharisee stood and began to pray these things to himself, " O God, I thank you I am not as the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. Throughout history, many believe that they will leave the earth to go to heaven. Inki mutindu beto lenda baka kikesa na kuyindululaka na ndolula ya Yehowa? How can we gain comfort from meditating on Jehovah's forgiveness? Am I tempted to have authority now or to rule with Christ in the future? ' Mpi na Grande - Bretagne, bantu 32 na kati ya nkama kundimaka nde bilungi kele. And in Great Britain, 32 percent were sure that hell exists. All who have the responsibility of caring for older ones can strive to enjoy that work. Inki mutindu bangungudi kebuyaka kusosa lukumu na bo mosi? How do shepherds avoid seeking their own glory? Jehovah values those opportunities for worship and encouragement, so he inspired the apostle Paul to encourage us not to give up. Malongi Sambu na Beto: Lessons for Us: What will help us to be willing to wait patiently, and what will help us to think of faithful men and women of old who waited patiently for the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises? Inki mutindu beto kezaba nde zola kele kima ya kuluta mfunu na nsiku ya Kristu? 6 Muntu yina kesala kikesa sambu na kulungisa lukanu yai kefwanana ti ntendula ya muntu ya kyese yina Yezu kutubilaka. A person who strives to attain this will fit Jesus ' description of a happy person. But we understand why we do not stay neutral. Sambu Yezu kele Ntotila ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi, yandi tatwadisa kusambisa yina na zina ya Yehowa, kansi yandi tavanda ve yandi mosi. Jesus will preside over it in Jehovah's name as King of God's Kingdom, but he will not be alone. If our secular work always takes us in such a way that it spend more time and effort, we should pray to Jehovah about this matter. Ya kyeleka, Yehowa tapesa ndola na bansumuki yina kebalulaka ve ntima. Of course, Jehovah does bring punishment upon unrepentant sinners. Jehovah alone is capable of waging a righteous war that will destroy only the wicked but who will save righthearted ones no matter where they are on earth. Ntama mingi ve, yandi kumaka kunwa dyamba, yo yina yandi kumaka kuyiba bantu mbongo sambu na kusumba dyamba na yandi. Before long he was a drug addict, robbing people to pay for his vice. [ Picture Credit Line on page 29] Keti Ntoto Tafwa? REGULAR FEATURES When she finished her second prayer, she heard a young man say to her: "Yes, what are you doing here? " Dyambu yai kemonana pwelele na mambu yina Biblia kutubaka na ntwala sambu na bamfumu mingi. This is made evident by what the Bible foretold about a number of rulers. Shepherd my little sheep. " " Keti nge zaba bansiku yina ya bambwetete ke landaka kuna na zulu? " Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens, or could you put its authority in the earth? Although we had little money, we learned to make good use of it, and we always had what we needed. Disolo yai me sadisa nge na kubaka nki lukanu? What determination has this article given you? Cain said: "I don't know. (a) Inki mepusa Nikodemo na kukwenda kutala Mesia? (a) What prompts Nicodemus to visit the Messiah? God's spirit helps those who receive it to imitate Jehovah's generosity. Inki beto lenda sala sambu na kumonisila bampangi zola? What are some ways in which we can show love? The Bible does not tell us when it will last, but Jesus said: "There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. Kansi, mpusa yango kusukininaka ve na kumana. However, that interest soon withered away. John also warned against "the liar and the antichrist. " - 2 John 5 - 7. (Tanga Baroma 8: 1, 2, 20, 21.) (Read Romans 8: 1, 2, 20, 21.) Among them is what he has discussed or leads to something else that follows. 5, 6. (a) Sambu na nki beto fwete yindula mingi mambu ya beto ke tanga na Biblia? 5, 6. (a) Why is meditation important? Most have no names and homes. Mpeve ya inza kesyamisaka kikalulu ya bwimi, mpusa ya kuvanda ti bima mingi ya kinsuni, mpi " nzala ya bima yina meso kemonaka. ' The spirit of the world promotes greed and materialism - "the desire of the eyes. " How? Mambu yina kusalamaka na nima ya bamvula 70. That happened after the 70 years. 12, 13. (a) In what ways do Christian meetings require self - control? Bubu yai mpi, bansadi ya Yehowa kepesaka maboko na bangidika ya lusambu ya bo mebakaka na organizasio ya Yehowa yina kele na ntoto. As present - day servants of Jehovah, we similarly support provisions for worship within the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. Commenting on what is happening in the United States, the magazine stated: "Many religious leaders, which weigh one another to find, feel that they should teach only what is pleasing to humans. " Yo yina, ntangu bampangi na yandi kwisaka na Ezipte, mpi tulaka ngemba ti yandi, Farao pesaka bo "kitini ya kuluta mbote ya insi ya mvimba. " - Kuyantika 45: 16 - 20. In fact, when his brothers came to Egypt and were reconciled with Joseph, Pharaoh welcomed them and invited them to make their home in Egypt and to enjoy "the best of all the land. " - Gen. 45: 16 - 20. The Bible book of this young man wrote that the Bible truly is "a living and exerting power " for all, young and old. - Hebrews 4: 12. Bantu yankaka lenda yindula nde nto - kimvuka kubuyisaka Bakristu kaka na kudya to kunwa menga yo mosi to kudya mbisi yina ya bo mebasisa ve menga to madya yina ya bo mevukisa ti menga. Some may imagine that the governing body simply meant that Christians were not to eat or drink blood directly nor to eat unbled meat or food mixed with blood. How Would You Answer? Na nima, Yehowa bingaka Mwana na yandi na kusadisa yandi sambu na kuganga bima yonso ya nkaka. Then, Jehovah allowed his Son to help him create all other things. Upon hearing this, "many of [Jesus '] disciples... said: " This speech is shocking; who can listen to it? ' " Sambu na Nki Bantu Ke Fwaka? Why Do People Die? Note Jesus ' sobering words: "No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven. " DISOLO ya luzingu ya bantu kemonisa nde, bantu mingi kekwikilaka nde bo takatuka na ntoto sambu na kukwenda na zulu. THROUGHOUT history, millions of people have believed that they would eventually leave the earth and go to heaven. Rather than thinking that many Bible accounts apply to just one group of people; that is, anointed Christians or other sheep, God's people try to learn from them. Keti mu kewaka mpusa ya kukuma ti kiyeka bubu yai to muntu yina tayala ti Kristu na bilumbu kekwisa? ' Am I ambitious for authority now or as a future joint heir with Christ? ' I felt discouraged and disappointed because I felt that God did not listen to my prayers. Bantu yonso yina kele ti mukumba ya kusadisa minunu lenda sala bikesa sambu na kusepela na kisalu yina. All involved in the caregiving process can endeavor to make the experience as pleasant as possible. If we have made a complete dedication to Jehovah, surely we are eager to imitate his goodness. Yehowa ke bakaka na mbalu mabaku yina ya lusambu mpi ya kupesana kikesa, yo yina na nzila ya mpeve santu yandi zabisaka ntumwa Polo na kusiamisa beto na kuyambula ve balukutakanu. Jehovah considers such occasions for worship and mutual encouragement so important that he inspired the apostle Paul to urge us not to forsake our meeting together. He has given us gifts like a body, wisdom, a measure of good health, and a large miracle. Inki ta sadisa beto na kuvanda ti luzolo ya mingi ya kuvingila? Yindula babakala mpi bankento ya ntangu ya ntama yina vingilaka ti ntima - nda kulungana ya balusilu ya Yehowa. We will be more willing to wait if we remember faithful men and women of old who waited patiently for Jehovah to fulfill his promises. The Babylonian king invaded Jerusalem 18 months earlier. 6 6 (Read Titus 2: 3 - 5.) Kansi beto ke bakisaka bikuma yina ke pusaka beto na kukota ve na mambu ya nsi - ntoto yai. For us, though, these are matters of utmost importance. For example, in the 19th century when gold was discovered in Australia, Canada, and the United States, people in many countries were willing to leave their homes and people who were willing to go to places where they had never visited and enjoy strangers. Kana kisalu na beto ya kinsuni kebaka beto ntangu yonso na mpila nde, yo kedya ntangu ti kikesa mingi, beto fwete sambaka Yehowa sambu na dyambu yai. If our secular work is overly demanding, consuming too much of our time and energy, we should make it a matter of prayer to Jehovah. Talk about the happy times you may have enjoyed in Jehovah's service. Yehowa mpamba mefwana na kunwana bitumba yina kele mpenza ya lunungu mpi yina tafwa kaka bantu ya mbi, kansi yina tagulusa bantu ya ntima ya mbote ata bo kele na konso kisika yina na ntoto. Only Jehovah is capable of waging a truly just and truly selective war during which righthearted individuals, wherever they may be on earth, will be preserved. 91: 2. [ Bangogo ya kemonisa kisina ya foto ya kele na lutiti 29] Thus, a Christian makes sacrifices when he makes sacrifices to Jehovah or when he dedicates himself to him. Ntangu Lana manisaka kisambu na yandi ya zole, yandi waka toko mosi ya bakala ke tubila yandi nde: "Mbote Lana, inki nge ke sala awa? " Hardly had Lana finished the second prayer when she heard someone say, "Hello, Lana, what are you doing here? " They do not see these things. Keba mameme na mono. " Feed my little sheep. " The Bible tells us that Jehovah " gives wisdom " to his servants. Ata beto vandaka mpenza ve ti mbongo mingi, beto longukaka na kusadila yo mbote, ebuna beto vandaka ntangu yonso ti bima ya beto vandaka na yo mfunu. Though we rarely had extra funds, we learned to economize, and we always had what we needed. Resist negative thoughts. Kaini kutubaka nde: "Mono zaba ve. Cain retorted: "I do not know. That is one of the two questions raised by baptism candidates at the end of the baptism talk. Mpeve ya Nzambi kesadisaka bantu yina kebakaka yo na kulanda mbandu ya kikalulu ya Yehowa ya kukaba. God's spirit helps those who receive it to reflect Jehovah's generous personality. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Biblia kezabisa beto ve ntangu yina yo tazinga, kansi Yezu kutubaka nde: "Na bilumbu yina, mpasi [ya nene, NW] ta vanda. Yo ta vanda mpasi mosi ya ngolo yina me bwaka ntete ve katuka kuna ya Nzambi salaka bima yonso tii bubu yai. The Bible does not tell us how long that will last, but Jesus said: "Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. " Our relationship with Jehovah is strengthened as we learn about him and when we see how he helps us. - 2 Chronicles 14: 11. Yoane kukebisaka mpi na yina metala " muntu ya luvunu mpi Mbeni ya Kristo. ' - 2 Yoa. 5 - 7. John also warns about "the deceiver and the antichrist. " - 2 John 5 - 7. Although Ruth's response to "now " was to marry Boaz was an act of loving - kindness that had taken place earlier. Na kati ya mambu yango, konso kima yina yandi metubila mesimbama to kenata na kima yankaka yina melanda. The fifth chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans explains beautifully how sinners, who had not known God, saw Jehovah's love. Babalabala mingi me konda bazina mpi banzo kele ve ti banimero. Many streets have no names, and the houses have no numbers. Antonio received the help he needed, and he eventually abandoned that bad habit. Inki mutindu? How so? How did the hope given to Moses help him make wise decisions? 12, 13. (a) Na nki mitindu balukutakanu ya Bukristu kelombaka kudiyala? 12, 13. (a) In what ways do Christian meetings involve self - control? In Noah's day the people were violent and immoral, but Noah and his family worshipped Jehovah. Ntangu yo tubilaka mambu ya kesalama na États - Unis, zulunalu mosi (Newsweek) kutubaka pwelele nde: "Bamfumu mingi ya mabundu, yina ketesanaka sambu na kuzwa bantu mingi, kemonaka nde bo fwete longa kaka mambu yina kesepedisa bantu. " Commenting on the situation in the United States, Newsweek magazine candidly stated: "Many clergy, who are competing in a buyer's market, feel they cannot afford to alienate. " 4: 15. Mukanda ya leke yai ya ketangaka Biblia kusonikaka kemonisa nde Biblia kele mpenza "ya moyo mpi ya ngolo " (NW) sambu na bantu yonso, baleke ti bambuta. - Baebreo 4: 12. This letter of a young Bible reader well illustrates that the Bible truly "is alive and exerts power " on people, both young and old. - Hebrews 4: 12. He did not join Satan's rebellion. When Jesus came to earth, he decided to reject Satan's temptations. Inki Mvutu Nge Tapesa? How Would You Answer? [ Picture on page 12] Na ntangu bo waka mambu yina, "balonguki ya Yesu mingi... tubaka nde: " Malongi yai me luta ngolo mingi! Nani lenda ndima yo? ' " Upon hearing these words, "many of his disciples... said: " This speech is shocking; who can listen to it? ' " 17, 18. (a) What can help you to be courageous when witnessing in public areas? Tala bangogo yai ya Yezu ya kepusa na kuyindula: "Ata muntu mosi ve me tombukaka na zulu, kaka Mwana - muntu yina katukaka na zulu, yandi muntu me tombukaka kuna. " Note Jesus ' thought - provoking statement: "No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man. " [ Picture on page 15] Na kisika ya kuyindula nde masolo mingi yina kele na Biblia ke tadila kaka kimvuka mosi buna ya bantu; disongidila, Bakristu yina bo me tulaka mafuta to mameme ya nkaka, bansadi ya Nzambi ke sosaka kubaka malongi na masolo yango. Instead of viewing most of these accounts as finding their application to only one class, whether the anointed or the great crowd, and to only one time period, God's people of either class and from any time period can apply to themselves many of the lessons the accounts teach us. Asaph later went to God's sanctuary and prayed about that. Mono lembaka nitu mpi waka mpasi sambu mono monaka nde Nzambi waka ve bisambu na mono. Aghast at God's seeming indifference, I was devastated. Each of us can take time to reflect on the points discussed in this article. Kana beto mekudipesaka na ntima ya mvimba na Yehowa, ntembe kele ve nde beto kele mpenza na mpusa ya ngolo ya kulanda mbandu ya bumbote na yandi. If we are wholeheartedly dedicated to Jehovah, undoubtedly we keenly desire to imitate his goodness. Jesus gave the reason when he said: "God is a Spirit. " - John 4: 24. Yandi mepesaka beto makabu bonso nitu, mayele, mwa mavimpi ya mbote, ti bingangu mingi. Thanks to him, we have such gifts as a body, a mind, a measure of health, and various abilities. It is heartwarming to hear that someone has shown generosity to strangers, and it is certainly true that all members of the congregation and those who do not share the same things. Ntotila Nebukodonozore ya Babilonia kuzyungaka Yeruzalemi na bangonda 18 na ntwala. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has laid siege against Jerusalem for the past 18 months. Should not those who are given authority show respect for those entrusted to them? (Tanga Tito 2: 3 - 5.) (Read Titus 2: 3 - 5.) Imagine that you are getting up each morning without worrying about partiality, oppression, or economic hardships. Mu mbandu, na mvu - nkama ya 19 ntangu bo sengumunaka wolo na Australie, na Afrika ya Sudi, na Canada mpi na États - Unis, bantu ya bansi mingi kundimaka na kubika banzo na bo mpi bantu ya bo vandaka kuzola sambu na kwenda kusosa matadi ya ntalu na bansi yina bo mekwendaka ntete ve mpi yina bantangu yankaka bo vandaka kuyamba ve banzenza mbote. For example, the gold rush of the 19th century in Australia, South Africa, Canada, and the United States attracted people from far away who were willing to leave home and loved ones to seek fortunes in strange, sometimes hostile, lands. Maria explained that they could talk about the Bible on a telephone. Beno tubila bantangu ya kyese yina beno vandaka kulutisa mbala yankaka ti yandi na kisalu ya Yehowa. Comment on the happy times you may have had together in Jehovah's service. Was Paul's concern still his own life? 91: 2. 91: 2. Evidently Joshua did the same. Yo yina, Mukristu kesalaka bibansa ntangu yandi kepesaka makabu na Yehowa to ntangu yandi kekuditambikaka na yandi. So, then, a Christian makes sacrifices for Jehovah, either by offering up certain things to him or by giving up certain things for him. ▪ " Stand Firm in the Faith " Bo ke monaka ve bima yai. The nature of these remains unknown. When a sister learned that she had learned to speak Greek language more than English, she phoned a Greek brother in another congregation to help them. Biblia kezabisa beto nde Yehowa "ke pesaka mayele " na bansadi na yandi. The Bible tells us that Jehovah "gives wisdom " to his servants. Do you really know who gives that counsel? Nwanisa bangindu ya mbi. Fight negative thinking. And they want to convince you that you can find its pleasure more readily. Yai kele mosi na kati ya bangyufula zole yina bakandida ya mbotika kepesaka mvutu na nsuka ya diskure ya mbotika. This is one of the two questions answered by baptismal candidates at the conclusion of a baptism talk. All who oppose God and oppose his people. Yuli 26, 2010 - Augusti, 2010 26 The Bible Changes Lives 25: 4, 5. Kinduku na beto ti Yehowa kekumaka ngolo na ntangu beto kelongukaka mambu yina metala yandi mpi na ntangu beto kemonaka mutindu yandi kesadisaka beto. - 2 Bansangu 14: 11. The same is true when we lean on Jehovah and experience his help. - 2 Chronicles 14: 11. That can happen to us. Polygamy standard changed? Learn From David's sin Ata kundima ya Ruti ndimaka "ntangu yai " na kukwela Bozi kuvandaka mutindu mosi ya kumonisa ntima ya mbote yina kulutaka dyambu ya yandi salaka ntete. Even that act was surpassed by "the last instance " of loving - kindness - Ruth's willingness to marry Boaz. 5: 27, 28; Hebrews 4: 13. Kapu ya tanu ya mukanda ya Polo na bantu ya Roma ketendula na bangogo ya kitoko mutindu bansumuki, yina kuzabaka ntete Nzambi ve, kumonaka zola ya Yehowa. The 5th chapter of Paul's letter to the Romans beautifully describes how sinners, once alienated from God, became acquainted with Jehovah's love. (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) Antonio bakaka lusadisu yina yandi vandaka na yo mfunu, mpi nsuka - nsuka yandi me yambulaka kikalulu yina ya mbi. Antonio received the help he needed, and at last he has put his bad habit behind him. The man accepted and attended the meeting. Inki mutindu kivuvu yina Nzambi pesaka Moize kusadisaka yandi na kubaka badesizio ya mayele? How did his God - given hope help Moses to make wise decisions? Still, a Christian should take a closer look at any situation before making a decision. Na bilumbu ya Noa bantu vandaka nku mpi bo vandaka kusala mansoni, kansi Noa mpamba ti dibuta na yandi vandaka kusambila Yehowa. With violence and sexual perversion rampant all around him, Noah could have become discouraged. • Show it in small ways JERSEY CITY, NJ (American Sign Language only), Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 2932 Kennedy Blvd. Does this mean that Jesus ' words about the faithful slave will come true in two ways? 4: 15, NW. 4: 15. By doing so, we will benefit from and show Jehovah that we are grateful for all that he has taught us. - Isaiah 48: 17. Yandi vukanaka ve ti Satana yina kolamaka. Ntangu Yezu kwisaka na ntoto, yandi bakaka lukanu ya kubuya bampukumuna ya Satana. Later, when Jesus was on earth, he exercised his free will to reject the temptations of the great Adversary. Why should we not govern ourselves? [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 12] [ Picture on page 6] Acts 13: 38 - 41 shows that Paul told the Jews in Antioch against Jesus and his ransom sacrifice. 17, 18. (a) Inki lenda sadisa nge na kuvanda kikesa ntangu nge ke ta kimbangi na bisika ya bantu mingi? 17, 18. (a) How might you become more confident in public witnessing? Do research. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 21] N. [ Picture on page 29] Let us now consider how the Bible can help all of us to make spiritual progress. Na nima, Asafi kukwendaka na kisika ya santu ya Nzambi mpi yandi sambaka sambu na dyambu yina. Later, Asaph went to God's sanctuary and prayed about the matter. Regardless of our activity in the Christian ministry, all of us need to bear in mind Jesus ' humble words: "That is also true of you. Konso muntu na kati na beto lenda baka ntangu ya kuyindula mambu ya beto metubila na disolo yai. Each of us can reflect on situations mentioned in this article. There I was glad that many of my Bible students were baptized. Yezu kupesaka kikuma ntangu yandi tubaka nde: "Nzambi kele Mpeve. " - Yoane 4: 24. Jesus explained why when he said: "God is a Spirit. " - John 4: 24. As we read Hosea's words, what does it teach us about repentance and mercy? Yo ke pesa kiese na kuwa nde muntu me monisila banzenza kikalulu ya kukaba, mpi ntembe kele ve nde bantu ya mabundu yonso mpi bantu yina ke sambilaka ve ke salaka mambu ya mutindu mosi. It is heartwarming to hear of generosity toward strangers, and doubtless, similar acts are performed by people of all religions and by people who have no religion. Some 6 years later while Peter was in Dothan, he was told to travel north to northern Caesarea in the household of Cornelius, the chief officer of the army. Keti, bantu yina ya bo mepesa kiyeka fwete zitisa ve bantu yina bo mepesa bo na kutala? Should not those who are put in a position of authority respect the ones who are placed in their care? [ Pictures on page 6] Yindula diaka nde nge ke telama konso suka kukonda kudiyangisa sambu na kukabula - kabula bantu, kuniokula bantu yankaka to bampasi ya mbongo. Imagine waking up every morning without having to worry about discrimination, oppression, or economic uncertainty. • What reasons do we have for accepting Jehovah's judgments? Maria kutendulaka nde bo lendaka kusolula masolo ya Biblia na telefone. Maria explained that they could consider Bible topics over the telephone. This helps us to preach the good news throughout the earth. Keti susi ya Polo kuvandaka kaka ya kugulusa luzingu na yandi mosi? Was Paul interested in saving only his own life? Nevertheless, God - fearing Job was right when he said: "Man, born of woman, is short - lived and glutted with agitation. " Yo kemonana pwelele nde Yozue kusalaka mutindu mosi. Evidently, Joshua did something similar. He heard that there was a difference between brothers and sisters. ▪ "Beno Telama Ngolo na Lukwikilu " ▪ "Stand Firm in the Faith " When you start to understand your mate's feelings, attitudes, and desires, a few problems may arise! Ntangu mpangi - nkento mosi bakisaka nde Kyriacos zabaka kutuba Kigreki kuluta Kingelesi, yandi bingaka na telefone mpangi - bakala mosi ya Mugreki yina vandaka na dibundu ya nkaka sambu na kukwisa kusadisa bo. Upon realizing that Kyriacos spoke better Greek than English, a sister phoned a Greek brother in another congregation to come and help. How important it is if we are to survive! Keti nge kezaba mpenza banani kepesaka bandongisila yina? Do you really know who is giving you advice online? " BEING TO BE MUST IN ALL TO BEING ME " Mpi yo kezolaka kundimisa nge nde nge lenda zwa byese na yo kukonda mpasi. And it wants you to believe that you can have its form of fun without pain. She says that her mother, now in her mid - 80 ' s, had been able to preach regularly by telephone, and this helped her to study with an 92 - year - old mother! Bantu yonso yina kemengaka Nzambi mpi ketelaminaka bantu na yandi. All those who imitate Satan's hatred of God and oppose God's people. Also available at 25: 4, 5. 25: 4, 5. At Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter urged his listeners: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins. " Dyambu yai lenda kumina beto. That is to be expected. Cultivate Love for God Beto baka dilongi na disumu ya Davidi Learning From the Sins of David Why is it fitting that we pray for God's Kingdom to come? Kuzaba mambu yai ta sadisa beto na kusala bikesa ya kusepedisa yandi mpi kukangama kaka ti nkwelani na beto. - Tanga Matayo 5: 27, 28; Baebreo 4: 13. This will help us to strengthen our desire to please him and to remain loyal to our mate. - Read Matthew 5: 27, 28; Hebrews 4: 13. The most expensive clothing was evidently the fact that only commercial merchants brought it to the Middle East. - Revelation 18: 11, 12. (Tanga Yezaya 37: 15 - 20.) (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) One of the reasons for this was their price. Bakala yango kundimaka mpi yandi kwendaka na lukutakanu. The man accepted the invitation and attended the convention. I was raised as a child because my parents worked late at night and wanted to save more money to buy an attractive home. Ata mpidina, Mukristu fwete tadila mbote mambu yonso yina tasalama na ntwala ya kubaka desizio. In any case, a Christian must carefully weigh all the factors involved. What good results are being experienced by Kingdom proclaimers in their ministry, and how do you feel? • Monisa yo ata na mambu ya fyoti • Cultivate it even in little things There may be other ways in which we can easily find ourselves. Keti yo ke tendula nde bangogo ya Yezu ya ke tadila mpika ya kwikama ta lungana mpi na mitindu zole? Does this mean that Jesus ' words about the faithful slave would also have two fulfillments? On the contrary, those who have not been born are neither seen nor seen the badness of this earth; they are better than the two men. " Kana beto sala mpidina, beto ta baka mambote mpi beto ta monisa Yehowa nde beto kele na ntonda sambu na mambu yonso yina yandi ke longaka beto. - Yezaya 48: 17. If we do that, we will benefit and will show Jehovah that we are grateful for all of his provisions. - Isaiah 48: 17. How Would You Answer? Sambu na nki beto fwete kuditwadisa ve? And why not? Some 40 years after Christ's heavenly rule began in 1914, the Bible Students were freed from many of Christendom's unscriptural teachings, such as baptism for young children, immortality, hellfire, and the Trinity. Bisalu 13: 38 - 41 kemonisa nde Polo songaka Bayuda yina vandaka na Antioshe mbi ya bo salaka na kubuya Yezu ti na kulosa nkudulu ya kimenga na yandi. According to Acts 13: 38 - 41, the apostle Paul showed Jews in Antioch what it would mean to reject Jesus and thus spurn his ransom sacrifice. (a) What promise did Jesus make to the congregation in Philadelphia? Sala bansosa. Do research. It may be helpful to study the Bible with him in an appropriate Christian book. Beto tadila ntangu yai mutindu Biblia lenda sadisa beto yonso na kuyela na kimpeve. Let us see how the Bible can help all of us to keep making progress. We need to be humble when we make decisions or when others make decisions that affect us too. Ata beto kesalaka kisalu ya nki mutindu na kisalu ya Bukristu, beto yonso fwete yibuka bangogo ya kudikulumusa ya Yezu: "Yo kele mutindu mosi mpi na beno. There is no need for us to make comparisons with others in regard to our time in God's service, our placements of Bible literature, or the number of Bible studies we conduct. I had already written a letter to the Galatians to urge them not to observe the Law. Kuna, mono vandaka na kiese ya kumona nde balongoki na mono mingi ya Biblia vandaka kubaka mbotika. While I was in that assignment, I was happy to see several of my Bible students get baptized. As heavenly King, Jesus will undo all wickedness - sickness, old age, and death - when humans rebelled against Jehovah, "the source of life. " Ntangu beto ketanga bangogo ya Ozea, yo kelonga beto nki na yina metala kubalula ntima mpi kulolula? As we read Hosea's words, what do we learn about repentance and mercy? Yes, discernment helped Jesus to act kindly! Kiteso ya bamvula 6 na nima ntangu Piere vandaka na Yope, bo zabisaka yandi na kukwenda na nordi ya Sezarea na dibuta ya Korneye, mfumu ya basoda. About six years later when Peter was staying in Joppa, he was invited to travel northward to Caesarea to visit the house of Cornelius, an army officer. Researchers in the United States, New York, Paris, and London were using color and sounding them alone. [ Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 6] [ Picture on page 6] An elder serving at the branch office who looks at special pioneers says: "The elders need to talk to them, know how they can help them. • Inki bikuma fwete pusa beto na kundima bandola yina Yehowa kepesaka? • For what reasons should we accept Jehovah's judgments? Peter maintained his devotion: "Although all these others leave you, I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " Mambu yai ke sadisaka beto na kusamuna nsangu ya mbote na ntoto ya mvimba. What convinces you that Jehovah is the incomparable Organizer? Christian parents can also show similar appreciation by seeing their children "keep walking in the truth. " Ata mpidina, Yobi yina vandaka kutina Nzambi boma, vandaka na raison ntangu yandi tubaka nde: "Muntu yonso me butuka na ntoto yai ke na luzingu mosi ya nkufi ti ya mpasi. " Yet, God - fearing Job was right when he said: "Man, born of woman, is short - lived and glutted with agitation. " Jesus ' love for his heavenly Father moved him to endure these trials. Yandi waka nde bampangi vandaka kuwakana ve. He has heard that there are dissensions among the brothers there. Wise King Solomon wrote: "Do not be content with the next day, for you do not know what will happen to you today. " Ntangu nge me yantika kubakisa mawi, bikalulu mpi bampusa ya nkwelani na nge, mwa mavwanga lenda basika! " As you come to terms with your wife's feelings, habits, and needs - and she with yours - things can get a bit wobbly! Of course, God saw that Baruch's desires were not harsh. Yo kele mfunu kana beto ke zola kuguluka! Why, our very salvation is at stake! How can we use illustrations when preaching? " SALA ATASIO NA MAMBU YONSO YA MONO KESONGA NGE ' " SET YOUR HEART UPON ALL THAT I AM SHOWING YOU " In his blessing, we use the vast freedom we enjoy, not to improve our own life, but to serve Jehovah publicly and effectively. Yandi ke tuba nde, mama na yandi yina vandaka ti bamvula 86 yina vandaka mbefo, kumaka kusamuna mbala na mbala na nzila ya telefone, mpi yo sadisaka yandi na kulonguka ti mama mosi ya bamvula 92! She reported that her 86 - year - old mother, who had many health problems, regularly shared in this form of sacred service and was gaining great joy from conducting a Bible study by telephone with a 92 - year - old! However, there was no way for the Egyptian army to seize them because Jehovah was fighting for them. Nge lenda baka yo na Available for download at Others may also choose to take advantage of every opportunity that was present at that time, which could distract them from serving Jehovah. Since his ascension to the invisible heavens, no man on earth "can see " him with literal eyes. One factor that the Devil promotes is that there is a great name in the world, a glory that comes from humans, and a source of happiness and happiness. Na Pantekoti ya mvu 33 ya T.B., ntumwa Piere kusyamisaka bawi na yandi nde: "Mbote konso muntu na kati na beno kubalula ntima, yandi kubaka mbotika na zina ya Yesu Kristo sambu Nzambi kulolula beno. " At Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter urged his listeners: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins. " The Bible explains: "The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 6: 23. Yedisa Zola Sambu na Nzambi Cultivating Love for God How can we be sure that Jesus loved the Scriptures as his forefather David? Sambu na nki yo mefwana mpenza nde beto samba nde Kimfumu ya Nzambi kukwisa? Why is it appropriate for us to pray for God's Kingdom to come? William and Jennifer Bilele ya swa vandaka bilele ya ntalu mingi, yo ke monana nde kaka bantu ya mumbongo yina vandaka kukatuka na Extrême - Orient bantu vandaka kunata yo. - Kusonga 18: 11, 12. Silk was a costly luxury material, likely imported only by traveling merchants from the Far East. - Revelation 18: 11, 12. Indeed, when such ones see that our faith is solidly based on the Scriptures and that it applies to our entire life course, they can rightly say to anointed ones: "We want to go with you because we have heard that God is with you people. " - Zech. Mosi ya bikuma ya dyambu yai kuvandaka ntalu na yo. The reason, in part, was the cost. 3 / 15 Ba - nkaka sansaka mono na buleke sambu bibuti na mono vandaka kusala kisalu mpimpa ntangu mpi bo vandaka ti lukanu ya kubumba mbongo mingi sambu na kusumba nzo mosi ya kitoko. My grandparents took care of me in my early years because my parents were working day and night, hoping to save enough money to buy a decent home. By doing so, he shows that he values his place in the congregation. Inki mbuma ya mbote bansamuni ya Kimfumu ke na kubaka na kisalu na bo ya kusamuna, mpi nge kekudiwa nki mutindu? What results are being obtained today by Kingdom proclaimers in their preaching activities, and how does that make you feel? Or have I lost the courage I had at first in the years that followed? ' Banzila yankaka lenda monana ya kukonda mpasi. Other paths may seem easier. 7 - 9. (a) What basis did David have for trusting in God's saving power? Nkutu bantu yina me butukaka ntete ve, me monaka mpi ntete ve mbi ya ntoto yai, bo bantu me luta bantu yina yonso zole na mbote. ' So better than both of them is the one who has not yet come to be, who has not seen the calamitous work that is being done under the sun. " Such parents feel that their children should pursue higher education. Inki Mvutu Nge Tapesa? How Would You Answer? The Bible says: "Continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation. " Kiteso ya bamvula 40 tii na ntangu luyalu ya zulu ya Kristu kuyantikaka na 1914, Balongoki ya Biblia kukatukaka na kimpika ya malongi mingi ya Kikristu yina kele ve na Biblia, bonso kupesa mbotika na bana ya fyoti, kukonda kufwa ya moyo, kombelo, kumona mpasi na bilungi ya tiya, mpi Nzambi mosi ya Butatu Busantu. During some 40 years up until Christ's heavenly rule began in 1914, the Bible Students had been freed from many of the non - Biblical doctrines of Christendom, such as infant baptism, immortality of the human soul, purgatory, hellfire torment, and a Trinitarian God. The center of all the entertainment was as clean as it was before. (a) Inki lusilu Yezu kupesaka na dibundu ya Filadelfia? (a) What promise did Jesus give the congregation in Philadelphia? On Jesus ' final night on earth, he told his disciples: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. Yo lenda vanda mfunu na kulonguka Biblia ti yandi na mukanda mosi ya Bukristu yina mefwana na yandi. A personal Bible study in an appropriate Christian publication may be just what is needed. What did Jesus give up in heaven, and what must we do to be his followers? Beto fwete monisa kudikulumusa ntangu beto ke baka balukanu to ntangu bantu ya nkaka ke baka balukanu yina lenda tadila mpi luzingu na beto. Another test of our modesty might come when decisions are made. SONGS: 73, 73 Mono sonikaka dezia mukanda na bantu ya Galatia sambu na kulongisila bo nde bo yambula kuzitisa Nsiku. I've already written a letter to the Galatians advising them to keep free from observing the Law. 9 "A Good Name Is Better " Sambu yandi kele Ntotila na zulu, Yezu takatula mambu yonso ya mbi - maladi, kinunu mpi lufwa - yina basikaka ntangu bantu kolamaka na Yehowa, "nto ya moyo. " As heavenly King, Jesus will undo the damage - including sickness, aging, and death - that resulted when humans rebelled against Jehovah, "the source of life. " In the following pages, we will discuss key questions that will answer those questions. Ya kieleka, luswasukusu sadisaka Yezu na kusala mambu na mawete yonso! How touching that Jesus ' discernment moved him to show such kindness! Many religious people believe that the Bible teaches that the world will be destroyed. Bantu yina ke salaka mbote bafilme na Philadelphie, New York, Paris mpi Londres vandaka kutula badiapozitive mukubu mpi vandaka kulutisa yo mosi mosi. Professional artists in Philadelphia, New York, Paris, and London hand painted the glass slides and the films, frame by frame. [ Picture on page 18] Nkuluntu mosi yina ke salaka na biro ya filiale, yina ke talaka mambu ya bapasudi - nzila ya nene ke tuba nde: "Bankuluntu fwete solulaka ti bo, kuzaba mutindu bo ke zinga sambu na kuzaba mutindu bo lenda pesa bo lusadisu. An elder in a branch office who is in touch with many of them explains: "The elders need to speak to them, find out what their circumstances are, and then determine how they can assist them. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Piere kukangamaka kaka nde: "Ata bantu ya nkaka yai yonso kubikisa nge, kansi mono ta bikisa nge ve. " Peter insisted: "Even if all the others are stumbled, yet I will not be. " How encouraging! - Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Bibuti ya Bakristu lenda monisa mpi ntonda ya mutindu mosi ntangu bo ke mona bana na bo "ke landa kutambula na kieleka. " Christian parents can express similar gratitude when they see their children "go on walking in the truth. " Of course, all Christians have the responsibility to listen to God's Son. Zola ya Yezu sambu na Tata na yandi ya zulu kupusaka yandi na kukanga ntima na bampasi yai. Jesus ' love for his heavenly Father motivated him to endure those trials. But when anger fails, we often realize that the counsel was very good. Ntotila ya mayele Salomo kusonikaka nde: "Kusepela ntete ve sambu na mambu ya mbasi, nge zaba ntete ve nki ta bwila nge katuka bubu tii mbasi awa na kati. " " Do not make your boast about the next day, " wrote wise King Solomon, "for you do not know what a day will give birth to. " Similarly, the prophet Isaiah was impressed: "Do you not know? Ya kyeleka, Nzambi kumonaka nde bampusa ya Baruki vandaka kumonisa ve nde yandi vandaka ti ntima ya mbi. Evidently, God saw that the man's desires did not reflect a wicked or devious heart. They were not citizens of a land on earth but were subjects of God's Kingdom. Inki mutindu beto lenda sadila bambandu ntangu beto ke longa? How can we use illustrations in our own teaching? Thus, the apostle Peter said: "If, when you are doing good and you suffer, you endure it, this is God's will. " Na lusakumunu na yandi, beto kesadilaka kimpwanza ya mingi yina beto kevandaka na yo, sambu na kutomisa luzingu na beto mosi ve, kansi sambu na kusadila Yehowa na meso ya bantu yonso mpi mbotembote mpenza. With his blessing, we use the greater freedom, not to improve our personal life - styles, but to serve Jehovah openly and fully. [ Footnotes] Kansi, basoda ya Ezipte vandaka ve ti mpila ya kukanga bo sambu Yehowa vandaka kunwanina bo. Yet, there was no possibility that the Egyptians would overtake them, for Jehovah was fighting for Israel. How can we have the opportunity to see what lies ahead for Christ and the 144,000? Yo lenda vanda mpi nde bankaka kuponaka na kusadila mabaku yonso yina vandaka kumonana na ntangu yina, ya vandaka kukatula dikebi na bo na kusadila Yehowa. Others may have chosen to make the most of the opportunities available in the first - century world and were thus distracted from serving Jehovah. Hence, we can be sure that Jehovah uses angels in a vital way to accomplish his will. Dibanza mosi yina Dyabulu kesyamisaka kele nde kuvanda na zina ya nene na inza, lukumu yina kekatukaka na bantu, mpi mbongo mingi kenataka mbala mosi luzingu ya kyese. One idea that the Devil promotes is that a big name in the world, accolades from men, and pockets full of money automatically result in a happy life. (b) What action has the faithful and discreet slave class taken to satisfy the ongoing spiritual needs of those who speak other languages? Biblia ketendula nde: "Nsuka ya masumu kele lufwa; kansi makabu yina ya Nzambi ke pesaka beto na luzolo na yandi, yo kele moyo ya mvula na mvula ya beto ke na yo na kimvuka ti Mfumu na beto Yesu Kristo. " - Roma 6: 23. " The wages sin pays is death, " the Bible explains, "but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " - Romans 6: 23. Perhaps you do not have more money and worry that you will not be able to extend hospitality to deserving ones. Inki mutindu beto lenda ndima mpenza nde Yezu vandaka kuzola Masonuku mingi bonso nkaka na yandi Davidi? How can we be sure that Jesus like his forefather David had an interest in the Scriptures? 12, 13. (a) What is Jesus ' new commandment? William ti Jennifer William and Jennifer The Lord Jesus Christ said: "Look! I am coming as a thief. Ya kyeleka, ntangu bantu ya mutindu yai kemonaka nde lukwikilu na beto mesimbama mpenza na Masonuku mpi nde yo ketadila luzingu na beto ya mvimba, bo lenda zabisa mpenza bapakulami nde: "Beto ke zola kwenda ti beno sambu beto me wa nde Nzambi kele ti beno. " - Zak. Indeed, when such individuals observe that our faith is firmly rooted in the Scriptures and involves our whole way of life, they may respond by, in effect, saying to the anointed: "We will go with you people, for we have heard that God is with you people. " - Zech. Each time we tell others about God's Kingdom, it is as if we are praising and spreading seeds of our heart. 3 / 1 12 / 15 However, it seems that David continued to "see " him until his feelings became stronger than his fear of God. Na kusalaka mpidina, yandi kemonisaka nde yandi kebakaka na valere kisika na yandi na dibundu. He thus shows that he treasures his place in the congregation. They leave their homes to find a place where they can live in peaceful conditions in a neighboring land. To keti mu mevidisaka kikesa ya mu vandaka na yo ntete na bamvula yina kulandaka? ' Or have I lost some of my initial zeal in the years since then? ' What an earthly paradise! - 2 Peter 3: 13; Revelation 21: 4. 7 - 9. (a) Inki kikuma Davidi kuvandaka na yo na kutula ntima na yandi na ngolo ya Nzambi ya kugulusa? 7 - 9. (a) What reason did David have for placing his trust in God's saving power? Without the guidance and support of God's holy spirit, such a thing could not happen in Satan's world. Bibuti ya mutindu yai keyindulaka nde bana na bo fwete sala ba iniversite ya nene. To such parents, a good education often means higher education. We will allow Jehovah's spirit to operate freely in the congregation, and it will help each one to develop the fine fruitage of the spirit. Biblia ke tuba nde: "Beno landa na kuzola bankento na beno, kaka mutindu Kristu mpi zolaka dibundu. " " Continue loving your wives, " the Bible says, "just as the Christ also loved the congregation. " Jehovah has always provided teachers for his people in Bible times. Kisika ya bansaka yonso kubikalaka bunkete kibeni kuluta mutindu yo vandaka ntete. The showgrounds are left cleaner than before. How did Jesus deal with a leper? Na mpimpa ya nsuka ya Yezu na ntoto, yandi songaka balongoki nde: "Mono ke pesa beno nsiku mosi ya mpa, nde beno zolana beno na beno; mutindu mono zolaka beno, beno mpi beno zolana beno na beno. On his last night on earth, Jesus said to his disciples: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. See the chart on pages 14 - 15. Inki Yezu kuyambulaka na zulu, mpi nki beto fwete sala sambu na kuvanda balongoki na yandi? What did Jesus leave behind in heaven, and what must we do in order to be his followers? Jehovah wants you to be happy when you are young. BANKUNGA: 53, 73 29 Did You Know? * If we spend too much time in things that are not truly important, we will not have more time to focus on important matters - Jehovah's worship. - Read Ephesians 5: 15 - 17. 9 "Zina ya Mbote Kele Mbote Kuluta Kimvwama Mingi " 9 " A Good Name Is Better Than Great Wealth ' In 2008 we were in our 50 ' s serving as special pioneers. Na balutiti yina ke landa, beto ta tubila mambu ya mfunu yina ta pesa bamvutu na bangiufula yai. In the following pages of this publication, you will find helpful information that answers those questions. Eventually, her husband accepted a Bible study, dedicated himself to God, became an overseer and had many privileges in the congregation. Bantu mingi ya kesambilaka kekwikilaka nde Biblia kelongaka nde nsi - ntoto tafwa. Many religious people believe that the Bible teaches that the literal earth will be destroyed. 19, 20. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 18] [ Pictures on page 13] Although he was about 60 years old, he had to move to an unknown territory and live in a life full of danger and suffering, and he did not hope to return to his home. YO ME KATUKA NA MIKANDA NA BETO YA NTAMA FROM OUR ARCHIVES He even delights in writing the names of those "who are meditating on his name. " - Malachi 3: 16. Mbandu yai kepesa beto yonso kikesa mpenza! - Baebreo 10: 24, 25. What an encouraging example for all! - Hebrews 10: 24, 25. When Bezalel and Oholiab are resurrected in the new world, they will surely have the satisfaction of knowing that the tabernacle had been used for some 500 years in true worship! Na kutuba ya mbote, Bakristu yonso kele na mukumba ya kuwila Mwana ya Nzambi. Of course, all Christians need to listen to God's Son. Not everyone believes. Kansi na nima ntangu makasi kemanaka, beto kebakisaka mbala mingi nde ndongisila yina kuvandaka ya mbote mpenza. But after we calm down, we usually concede that the counsel was appropriate. However, the Greeks were not the first to believe that the souls of the dead were suffering in the land, for the Babylonians too believed that "a place of fire... is a place of fear,... which is the fear of the powerful gods and the demons in the land. " Mutindu mosi, profete Yezaya yitukaka nde: "Keti beno zaba ve? Likewise, the prophet Isaiah exclaimed: "Do you not know? No, but being a world frees us from our freedom. Bo vandaka ve bantu ya insi mosi buna ya kele awa na nsi - ntoto, kansi bo vandaka bantu ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi. They were citizens, not of a mere human empire, but of God's Kingdom. [ Picture on page 8] Yo yina, ntumwa Piere kutubaka nde: "Kana bantu ya nkaka kupesa beno mpasi na mambu ya mbote ya beno me sala, ebuna beno ke kanga ntima na mpasi yina, yina kele mambu ya Nzambi ke zolaka. " In this regard, the apostle Peter said: "If, when you are doing good and you suffer, you endure it, this is a thing agreeable with God. " It is our goal to lose our spirituality so that we can lose Jehovah's favor and miss out on the hope of everlasting life. [ Banoti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnotes] It is time to draw close to fellow believers, to overlook the imperfections of others, and to show that we trust in Jehovah's guidance. Inki mutindu beto lenda zwa dibaku ya kumona mambu yina tasalama na bilumbu kekwisa sambu na Kristu ti bantu 144 000? How can we find out what the future holds for Christ and the 144,000? So even if we are not in the full - time service or are unable to move to serve where the need is greater, we can still continue to help others. Yo yina, beto lenda tula ntembe ve nde Yehowa kesadilaka bawanzyo na mutindu mosi ya mfunu sambu na kulungisa luzolo na yandi. Thus, there can be no doubt that Jehovah uses angels in an important way in carrying out his will. Thus, death "has entered into the world " through Adam. (b) Inki dyambu kimvuka ya mpika ya kwikama mpi ya mayele mesalaka sambu na kulungisa mpusa ya madya ya kimpeve ya kelanda na kuyela ya bantu yina ketubaka bandinga yankaka? (b) How has the faithful slave class responded to the growing need for spiritual food in different languages? Despite much suffering, Job finally realized that Jehovah had cared for him Mbala ya nkaka nge kele ve ti mbongo mingi mpi ke kudiyangisaka nde nge ta kuka ve kupesa bantu yina nge me bingisa bima yina me fwana. Some are shy and fear that conversation would lag or that guests might not feel entertained. (b) How is it being fulfilled in our day? 12, 13. (a) Nsiku ya mpa ya Yezu kele inki? 12, 13. (a) What is Jesus ' new commandment? Showing concern for such individuals can help us to win over them. Mfumu Yezu Kristu kutubaka nde: "Tala, mono ta kwisa bonso muyibi! " Look! I am coming as a thief, " says the Lord Jesus Christ. He tries to convince us that material possessions bring happiness, even if they often lead to disaster. Konso ntangu yina beto ke songaka bantu mambu ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi, yo kele bonso nde beto ke kumisa mingi mpi ke mwanga nkeni yina vandaka na ntima na beto. Each time we in one way or another proclaim the Kingdom message, we duplicate and scatter, so to speak, the seed that was planted in our heart. Jehovah will continue to give us everything we need to serve him faithfully. Kansi, yo kemonana nde Davidi kulandaka na " kutala ' yandi tii ntangu mawi na yandi kukumaka ngolo kuluta boma ya Nzambi. Instead, David evidently " kept on looking ' at her until passion overpowered his fear of God. And Psalm 34: 21 states: "He is taking refuge in Jehovah, that no bones might stumble him. " Bo mebika banzo na bo sambu na kukwenda kusosa kisika ya bo lenda zinga na ngemba na insi mosi ya nzenza ya kele penepene. Some have repeatedly been forced to leave their dwellings. A YOUNG man wanted to expand his service in his congregation. Mambu yai ketendula mpenza nde paladisu tavanda dyaka na ntoto! - 2 Piere 3: 13; Kusonga 21: 4. This means that an earthly paradise will exist again! - 2 Peter 3: 13; Revelation 21: 4. As a result, many, like David, work hard to provide for their family whatever they think is needed. Kukonda lutwadisu mpi lusadisu ya mpeve santu ya Nzambi, dyambu ya mutindu yai lendaka kusalama ve na nsi - ntoto yai ya Satana keyala. Without the direction and help of God's powerful holy spirit, it would be impossible for such a thing to take place in this world that is under Satan's control. In my ten - year - old and five ' s, I was reading a book about the persecution of the Jews during World War II. Beto tapesa mpeve ya Yehowa nzila na kusala kukonda mpasi na dibundu, ebuna yo tasadisa konso muntu na kuyedisa mbuma ya mbote ya mpeve. Jehovah's spirit will be able to operate freely in the congregation, producing the spirit's good fruitage. Two living couples who live together, including their children, cannot truly enjoy true security. Banda na ntangu ya ntama Yehowa kepesaka bantu na yandi balongi. Jehovah has always provided teachers for his people. We were like "slaves to uncleanness and lawlessness, " that is," slaves of sin. " Inki mutindu Yezu kusadilaka muntu mosi ya lepre mambu? How did Jesus deal with a certain leper? And it can bring us great happiness. Tala lupangu yina kele na balutiti 14 - 15. See the chart on pages 12 - 13. How do we conduct ourselves "in the sight of all men "? Yehowa ke zola nde nge vanda na kiese ntangu nge kele leke. Yes, Jehovah wants you as a young person to have a joyful heart. Reports from branch offices show that people in some lands do not have the tendency to take care of their homes or other property. * Kana beto ke lutisa ntangu mingi na mambu yina kele kibeni mfunu ve, beto ta vanda ve ti ntangu mingi ya kudipesa na mambu ya kuluta mfunu: lusambu ya Yehowa. - Tanga Baefezo 5: 15 - 17. * (See footnote.) If we use a lot of our time on things that are not essential, we might not give enough attention to what is most important, our worship of Jehovah. - Read Ephesians 5: 15 - 17. According to those high standards, one longtime elder says: "For me, the most important thing is our nature. Na 2008, beto lungisaka bamvula 50 na kisalu ya bapasudi - nzila ya nene. We enjoy field service even on rainy days In 2008, we completed 50 years of special pioneer service. In 2008, they moved to Russia. Nsukansuka, bakala na yandi kundimaka kulonguka Biblia, kudipesaka na Nzambi, kukumaka nkengi mpi yandi vandaka ti mikumba mingi na dibundu. Her husband eventually accepted a Bible study, dedicated his life to God, and later served as an overseer with many responsibilities. Why? 19, 20. 19, 20. " You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. ' " - 1 PET. Ata yandi vandaka ti bamvula kiteso ya 60, yo lombaka nde yandi kwenda na bisika yina yandi zabaka ve mpi yandi zinga luzingu ya me fuluka ti bigonsa mpi bampasi, mpi yandi vandaka ve ti kivuvu ya kuvutuka na bwala na yandi. Though perhaps about 60 years old, she would travel to parts unknown and take up a life fraught with danger and hardship, with no prospect of coming back. If we forgive someone, we should stop thinking about his wrong course, "love does not matter what they have done. " Bloodless Surgery, 3 / 1 What choices may not involve too much thought, but how do dedicated Christians view these things? Nkutu yandi ke sepelaka kusonika bazina ya bantu yina "ke yindululaka zina na yandi. " - Malaki 3: 16. He even takes favorable note of those "meditating on his name. " - Malachi 3: 16. Hence, as Jesus did, Jehovah's Witnesses keep their focus on bearing witness to the truth about that Kingdom. Ntangu Besalele ti Oholiabi ta futumuka na nsi - ntoto ya mpa, ntembe kele ve nde bo ta vanda na kiese ya kuzaba nde bantu ya Izraele sadilaka nzo - tenta yina na lusambu ya kieleka bamvula kiteso ya 500! When they come back to life in the new world, Bezalel and Oholiab will no doubt be thrilled to learn that the tabernacle was used in true worship for some 500 years! God Is "the Way of Good People " Bantu yonso ve ke kwikilaka. Not all people do. Although the Jews despised the Jews, the Samaritan took the man's wounds and brought him to a foreign home where they could raise him. Kansi, Bagreki vandaka ve bantu ya ntete yina vandaka kukwikila nde mioyo ke niokwamaka na insi ya bafwa, sambu bantu ya Babilone mpi vandaka kuyindula nde "bilungi ya tiya... kele kisika mosi ya boma mpenza,... yina banzambi mpi bademo ya ngolo mingi mpi ya nku ke kengilaka. " The Greeks did not originate the idea of an underworld full of suffering souls, for the Babylonians thought of "the nether world... as a place full of horrors,... presided over by gods and demons of great strength and fierceness. " He does not constantly eliminate persecution. Ve, kansi kuvanda bantu ya nsi - ntoto kekatulaka kimpwanza na beto. On the contrary, belonging to the world would rob us of freedom. Take, for example, two of his sisters who live with their mother in a place that is so expensive that it is difficult to find work that you can do without giving up. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 8] [ Picture on page 12] King David knew this. Lukanu nandi kele ya kufwa kimpeve na beto sambu Yehowa kubuya beto mpi beto vidisa kivuvu ya luzingu ya mvula na mvula. His goal is to destroy our spirituality so that we lose Jehovah's favor and the prospect of everlasting life. Yes, those who are truthful are acceptable to God. - John 9: 35 - 37. Yo kele ntangu ya kukwenda pene - pene ya bampangi - Bakristu, kukanga meso na kukonda kukuka ya bankaka, mpi kumonisa nde beto ke tula ntima na lutwadisu ya Yehowa. Now is the time for us to draw close to one another, to overlook the imperfections of others, and to display confidence in Jehovah's leadership. Not at all. Yo yina, ata beto ke sala ve kisalu ya ntangu yonso to ke kuka ve kukwenda kisika mpusa kele mingi, beto lenda landa kusadisa bampangi. It allows us to take advantage of our circumstances to help others. 32: 4. Ebuna, lufwa "me kotaka " na ntoto ya mvimba na nzila ya Adami. Thus, death "entered " the world of mankind through Adam. The voluntary donations that contribute to the worldwide preaching and teaching work. Ata Yobi kumonaka bampasi mingi, yandi bakisaka na nsuka nde Yehowa kusungiminaka yandi In spite of his trials, Job came to appreciate that Jehovah cared for him They were guided by the military commander and chief authorities, and they made sure that the situation was in place of entertainment, and they supported those who had died. (b) Inki mutindu yo kelungana na ntangu na beto? (b) What is the modern - day fulfillment? He eventually came to hate that life. Kutudila bantu ya mutindu yina dikebi lenda sadisa beto na kununga bo. Showing a caring attitude may help in this. (a) How did Jesus set a fine example in praying? Yandi kesosaka kundimisa beto nde bima ya kinsuni kepesaka kyese, ata mbala mingi yo kenataka mpasi. He tries to convince us that material possessions bring happiness and satisfaction, yet the opposite often proves true. The marriage of the Lamb will appeal to "the virgin companions " (See paragraph 16) Yehowa ta landa na kupesa beto bima yonso yina beto kele na yo mfunu sambu beto sadila yandi na kwikama yonso. He will continue to provide everything we need to serve him faithfully. in the November 1, 2012, issue of The Watchtower. Mpi Nkunga 34: 21 ketuba nde: "Mfumu Nzambi ke kebaka yandi mbote - mbote na mpila nde ata mukwa mosi kubukana yandi ve. " And Psalm 34: 20 states: "[God] is guarding all the bones of that one; not one of them has been broken. " Though he thought so, he did what he could to do for true worship. MWANA - BAKALA mosi vandaka kuzola nde bo sadila yandi mingi na dibundu na bo. A YOUNG man wanted to be more useful in his congregation. All of us will benefit from learning how God views the elderly. Yo yina, bantu mingi bonso David kesalaka ngolo sambu na kupesa dibuta na bo bima yonso yina bo keyindulaka nde bantu ya dibuta na bo kevandaka na yo mfunu. Like David, many are working hard to give their family everything that they think their loved ones need. Should it be used in a family, at work, at school, or in the ministry? Amber, yina kele na bamvula kumi mpi ya kelongukaka na mvu - tanu vandaka kutanga mukanda mosi ya ketubila bampasi yina bantu ya Nazi kumonisaka Bayuda na Mvita ya Zole ya Inza ya Mvimba. Ten - year - old Amber's fifth - grade class was reading a book on the Nazi assault on Jews during World War II. Note how Jesus told Christians of that time who were about to act promptly: "The man sitting down at the roof of the house will not enter into his house, but he must not enter into the house and take what is in it. Bantu zole yina kezinga kumosi kukonda kukwelana, bo ti bana na bo lenda vanda ve ata fyoti na lutaninu ya kyeleka. Two people who merely live together without getting married can never enjoy real security; neither can their children. Daniel 2: 44. Beto vandaka bonso "bampika ya mambu ya mvindu mpi ya kufwa bansiku, " disongidila," bampika ya disumu. " It could be said that we "were slaves of sin. " Jehovah's Witnesses - "I Am With You, " 3 / 15 Ebuna yo lenda natila beto kyese ya mingi. That will likely produce in us a deep happiness. • How did the Bible Students understand the importance of witnessing to all nations? Inki mutindu beto kesalaka mambu "na meso ya bantu yonso "? In what way do we conduct ourselves "in the sight of all men "? The Golden Rule, silver, and other valuable things will not provide a measure of security. Barapore ya babiro ya filiale ke monisa nde na bansi ya nkaka bantu ke vandaka ve ti kikalulu ya kutanina banzo na bo to bima ya nkaka. Branch offices report that in some countries, people do not generally give priority to the maintenance of buildings or equipment. Clearly, those who do not see them and refuse to believe in God "does not have anything to say. " Na kutadila minsiku yina ya kuzanguka, Raymond, nkuluntu yina me salaka bamvula mingi ke tuba nde: "Sambu na mono, diambu ya kuluta mfunu kele kimuntu na beto. Regarding those high standards, a longtime elder named Raymond explains: "To me, what matters most is what we are. 18, 19. (a) What should we do if we realize that we have left God? Na 2008, bo kwendaka na Russie. In 2008, they moved to Russia. The book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 19 chapters 19 with an appendix to explain correctly, and it is written in a simple, simple language. Sambu na nki? Why? 1 " Beno kele " bantu yina ya Nzambi solaka, beno kele banganga - Nzambi ya Mfumu ya nene, beno kele bantu ya santu mpenza. ' " - 1 PIE. " You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. ' " - 1 PET. Mount Carmel Kana beto me lolula muntu, beto fwete yindula diaka ve mbi yina yandi salaka. Zola ke "bumbaka ve mbi yina bo me sala yo. " For our forgiveness to be genuine, we must control our thinking so that we do "not keep account of the injury. " (Read Genesis 2: 20 - 24.) Inki bima ya beto keponaka ya lenda monana bonso nde yo kelombaka ve kuyindula mingi, kansi nki mutindu Bakristu ya mekudipesaka ketadilaka bima yina? What choices may be considered trivial, yet how do dedicated Christians view such? This makes it possible for an unrepentant person to gain everlasting life under the rule of God's Kingdom. - Galatians 5: 19 - 21. Yo yina, mutindu Yezu kusalaka, Bambangi ya Yehowa ketulaka dikebi na bo yonso na kuta kimbangi na kyeleka yina metala Kimfumu yango. Hence, Jehovah's Witnesses concentrate, as Jesus did, on bearing witness to the truth about that Kingdom. The Jews who followed Jehovah's instructions lived well in Babylon. Nzambi Kesakumunaka "Nzila ya Bantu ya Mbote " The Blessed "Way of Righteous Ones " Because Jesus will imitate God's love, peace and happiness will prevail under his rule. Ata Bayuda vandaka kuvweza Basamaria, Musamaria yango bakaka bakala yina ya Muyuda, kukangaka bamputa na yandi mpi kunataka yandi na nzo ya banzenza kisika bo lendaka kusansa yandi. Even though Jews in general despised Samaritans, the Samaritan dressed the man's wounds and brought him to the safety of an inn, where he could recover. HOW YOU ARE concerned: The pattern we see in the way Jehovah disciplined the people of ancient times gives us hope. Yandi kekatulaka ve ntangu yonso mambu yina kenyokulaka beto. He does not necessarily remove the cause of our suffering. Take courage, and see how Jehovah will deliver you today.... Beto baka mbandu ya Guoming mpi bampangi na yandi zole ya bankento yina kezingaka ti mama na bo na kisika yina banzo kele ntalu mingi mpi yo kevandaka mpasi na kuzwa kisalu yina nge lenda sala kukonda kuzenga. For instance, Guoming and his two sisters live with their mother in an area where housing costs are high and steady employment can be hard to find. Jehoshaphat needed to know that "the eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength toward those whose heart is complete toward him. " Ntotila Davidi bakisaka diambu yai. King David recognized this. People who are proud are not like that but who are trying to justify themselves. Ya kyeleka, Nzambi kendimaka bantu yina ketubaka kyeleka. - Yoane 9: 35 - 37. Surely divine favor rests upon those who speak the truth. - John 9: 35 - 37. Blessings Through God's Spirit - Guided King! Ata fyoti ve. Hardly. In his prophecy about the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus Christ said to his followers: "Keep ready. " " Mfumu Nzambi kele ditadi, kisalu na yandi kele ya kukuka. " - KULONGA 32: 4, NW. " The Rock, perfect is his activity. " - DEUTERONOMY 32: 4. By doing so, we show that we love Jesus more than material things. Makabu ya luzolo ya mbote yina bo kepesaka kesalaka nde kisalu ya kusamuna mpi ya kulonga kusalama mingi na inza ya mvimba. Freely given financial contributions help to make possible a great international preaching and teaching work. Remember, Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. " Bakomanda mpi bamfumu ya basoda vandaka kutwadisa bo; bo vandaka mpi kuzikisa nde mambu kusalama na ndonga na bisika ya bansaka, mpi bo vandaka kupesa maboko na bantu yina ke fwaka tiya. Commanded by tribunes and centurions, they also maintained order at the games and in the theaters and reinforced the firefighting service. When we do all we can to seek and apply it, we are more likely to draw closer to Jehovah, the Giver of it. Nsukansuka yandi kumaka kuyina luzingu yina. He eventually comes to abhor the debauched life he has been leading. Did Ahab do the same? (a) Inki mutindu Yezu kupesaka mbandu ya mbote na yina metala kusamba? (a) How was Jesus a fine example in the matter of prayer? Yes, God has the power to restore a person to life. Makwela ya Mwana - Dimeme ta sepedisa " bamwense yina kele banduku ' ya nkento ya makwela (Tala paragrafe 16) The marriage of the Lamb brings joy to "the virgin companions " of the bride (See paragraph 16) Jehovah cares about us. na Nzozulu ya Nkengi ya Novembri 1, 2012. in the October 1, 2012, issue of The Watchtower. As the Creator, Jehovah God fully understands how our circumstances, our blood, and our upbringing affect our conduct and feelings. Ata yandi yindulaka mutindu yina, yandi salaka mambu yina yandi lendaka kusala sambu na lusambu ya kieleka. Even if she had such feelings, she still did what she could in behalf of true worship. [ Picture on page 30] Beto yonso ta baka mambote kana beto longuka mutindu Nzambi ke tadilaka minunu. It will benefit all of us to examine God's view of the elderly. Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Let your Kingdom come. Keti yo ke lomba kusadila yo na dibuta, na kisalu, na nzo - nkanda, to na kisalu ya kusamuna? Could we use it in the family, at work, at school, or in the ministry? In what way are Jehovah's Witnesses already in a foreign land? Simba mutindu Yezu kumonisaka Bakristu ya ntangu yina mfunu ya kusala mambu kukonda kusukinina: "Muntu yina ta vanda na ludi ya nzo, mbote yandi kutuluka, kansi yandi kukota diaka ve na nzo sambu na kubaka bima yina kele na nzo. Notice how Jesus highlighted the need for urgency on the part of Christians back then: "Let the man on the housetop not come down to take the goods out of his house; and let the man in the field not return to the house to pick up his outer garment. " We urge young people to learn these things carefully and to give more comments during the Watchtower Study. Daniele 2: 44. Daniel 2: 44. We should thank him and praise him every day, for he has given us so much! Lutwadisu ya Mayele Sambu na Bankwelani, 3 / 1 Marriage Can Succeed in Today's World, 3 / 1 His older sons were feeding the flock to the north, some of whom later became enemies. • Inki mutindu Balongoki ya Biblia kubakisaka mfunu ya kuta kimbangi na makanda yonso? • How did the Bible Students come to understand the need to bear witness to all the nations? What a sure victory! Wolo, arza, mpi bima yankaka ya mbalu tapesa ve lutaninu na kiteso mosi buna. Gold, silver, and other valuable things will provide no security whatsoever. Then he must decide for himself how his conscience asks him to do. Yo kele pwelele kibeni na mpila nde, bantu yina ke monaka yo ve mpi ke buyaka kukwikila na Nzambi "kele ve ti kima ya kutuba. " It is so clear that those who do not see it and who thus refuse to believe in God "are inexcusable. " Where does prayer play in trying to restore a friendship with Jehovah? 18, 19. (a) Inki beto fwete sala kana beto ke bakisa nde beto me yambulaka Nzambi? 18, 19. (a) What should we do if we have allowed some distance to develop between God and us? You can learn more about their work in the article "All We Can Do What We Can Do! " Mukanda Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza? kele ti bakapu 19 ti appendice ya kutendula mbote, mpi yo kele ya kusonika na ndinga ya pwelele mpi ya pete. With its 19 chapters, in - depth appendix, and clear, simple language, the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? How did Jesus refuse to succumb to the Devil's chief temptation? 1 July 11: 35 - 40. Ngumba Karmele Mt. Carmel But now they taught me about the resurrection. (Tanga Kuyantika 2: 20 - 24.) (Read Genesis 2: 20 - 24.) (b) How does Jesus ' illustration apply to Christians today? Loop 121. CLEVELAND, OH, Cleveland State University Convocation Centre, Prospect & E. 21st Sts. At first, it was a praise to everyone, but now it becomes like a widow! Yo kesalaka nde muntu yina kezola ve kubalula ntima kubaka ve luzingu ya kukonda nsuka yina tavanda na nsi ya kiyeka ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi. - Galatia 5: 19 - 21. Such practices disqualify any who are unrepentant from inheriting everlasting life under the rule of God's Kingdom. - Galatians 5: 19 - 21. 5: 32; Isa. Bayuda yina landaka bantuma ya Yehowa vandaka kuzinga mbote na Babilone. Those who submitted to the will of God lived a relatively normal life in Babylon. Many will enjoy life in Paradise on earth Sambu Yezu talanda zola ya Nzambi, ngemba mpi kyese tavanda mingi na nsi ya luyalu na yandi. Because Jesus will imitate God's love, great will be the peace and happiness under his rule. All should recognize that each individual has a responsibility, but at times it may be necessary to change and discuss how others can do so. KIKUMA YINA YO KE TADILA NGE: Mbandu yina beto ke mona na mutindu Yehowa pesaka ndola na bantu ya ntangu ya ntama, ke pesa beto kivuvu. HOW YOU ARE INVOLVED: The pattern we see in Jehovah's past judgments gives us hope. THE END OF THE WORLD: Beno vanda na kikesa, ebuna beno tala nki mutindu Mfumu Nzambi ke gulusa beno bubu yai;... Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today.... Paul fully understood the truthfulness of those words. - 2 Cor. Yo lombaka nde Yozafati kuzaba nde "meso ya Yehowa ke tambula - tambulaka na ntoto ya mvimba sambu na kusonga ngolo na yandi na bantu yina ntima na bo kele ya mvimba na yandi. " Jehoshaphat should have borne in mind that Jehovah's eyes look for those whose heart is complete toward him. " Where did you prove to be when I created the earth? Bantu ya lulendo ke vandaka ve mutindu yina kansi bo ke sosaka kudinungisa. The proud are not like that but instead are quick to take offense. This was a challenge that could have divided the congregation. Baka Balusakumunu na Nzila ya Ntotila Yina Mpeve ya Nzambi Ketwadisaka! 7 / 1 " Hearer of Prayer, " 10 / 1 Impartial, 9 / 1 Know God by Name? 7 / 1 Thus, we cannot view them as a sudden event. Na mbikudulu na yandi ya metala nsuka ya ngidika ya bima, Yezu Kristu kutubaka na balongoki na yandi nde: "Beno yilama. " In his prophecy regarding the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus Christ said to his disciples: "Prove yourselves ready. " That verse really helped me to think about where temptations come from. Kana beto sala mpidina, beto ta monisa nde beto ke zolaka Yezu mingi kuluta bima ya kinsuni. By doing so, we show Jesus that we love him more than any material thing. Rather than being jealous of them, Jesus ' other sheep are happy, and this also shows that all true Christians on earth today are truly united. Kuvila ve nde Yezu longaka balongoki na yandi na kusamba nde: "Tata na beto yina kele na zulu, bika nde zina na nge kusantisama. " Recall that Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. " To whom should Christians love? Kana beto ke sala bikesa sambu na kusosa yo mpi ke sadila yo, ntembe kele ve nde beto ta kwenda pene - pene na Yehowa, Muntu yina ke pesaka yo. The more we look for them and use them, the closer we will be drawn to the Giver, Jehovah. Moses was alone on Mount Sinai, and God allowed him to see something special he asked for. Keti Akabi salaka mpi mambu ya mutindu mosi? Do we see such actions on Ahab's part? In describing the violence of the day, Lamech composed a song showing how he had killed a young man in order to protect himself. Ee, Nzambi kele na ngolo ya kuvutula muntu na luzingu. Yes, God can bring a person back to life. The two powerful prophets of King David of ancient Israel were composed of Second Samuel. Yehowa kekudibanzaka sambu na beto. Jehovah personally cares for us. After that, John got off from a bank and worked part - time in the garden. Sambu yandi kele Ngangi, Yehowa Nzambi ke bakisaka mbote mutindu mambu ya beto me kutanaka ti yo na luzingu, menga na beto, mpi mutindu beto me yelaka ke vandaka ti bupusi na bikalulu mpi mawi na beto. As our Creator, Jehovah God fully understands how our upbringing, experiences in life, and genetic makeup influence our outlook and emotions. (b) Relate an experience that shows how Jehovah sustains us in times of distress. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 30] [ Picture on page 28] IT IS a real gift to express gratitude to Jehovah, for he gives us "every good gift and every perfect present. " Yezu longaka balongoki na yandi na kusamba nde: "Bika nde Kimfumu na nge kukwisa. Recall that Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Let your Kingdom come. The world is in harmony with Satan as its god. Na nki mutindu Bambangi ya Yehowa kele dezia na nsi - ntoto yina ata muntu mosi ta vanda nzenza? In what sense do we already experience a world without foreigners? In the future, your children must decide whether to choose whom they will serve. Yo yina, beto kesyamisa batoko na kulonguka mambu yai mbotembote mpi kupesa bakomantere mingi ntangu beno talonguka yo na Kulonguka ya Nzozulu ya Nkengi na dibundu. Therefore, we encourage young ones to study this material carefully and to comment freely when it is considered at the congregation Watchtower Study. According to their culture, the daughters of Zelophehad had the right to take possession of the land, but she still had daughters. Beto fwete tonda yandi mpi kukumisa yandi konso kilumbu, sambu yandi muntu me pesaka beto bima mingi ya kitoko! " Too numerous to recount " are the "wonderful works " we can thank and praise Jehovah for daily! 8 / 15 Bana na yandi ya bambuta vandaka kudisa mameme na nordi pene - pene ya Sikemi, bantu yina kumaka bambeni na bo na nima. The older sons were tending the flocks up north near Shechem, where they had recently made bitter enemies. Keep doing this, not just as you prepare for the meetings or engage in family worship. Yai kununga ya kieleka mpenza! That indeed is real success! • How did the house - to - house ministry begin in modern times? Na nima, yandi fwete baka desizio yandi mosi mutindu kansansa na yandi kelomba yandi na kusala. Then he must decide according to what his conscience permits. Since all of us are imperfect and make mistakes, we surely want others to be patient with us, and they endure when we make mistakes. Inki kisika kisambu kevandaka na yo na ntangu muntu kesosa kuvutula kinduku ti Yehowa? What part does prayer play in restoring an erring one's relationship with Jehovah? * Nge lenda zaba mwa mambu mingi ya metala kisalu na bo na disolo "Beto Salaka Yonso Yina Beto Lendaka Kusala! " Why not get a glimpse of that special service by reading the article "We Do the Best We Can! " I began to realize that after several months, these Witnesses had developed a close bond with the mother who had lost her strength to leave. Inki mutindu Yezu kubuyaka kubwa na mpukumuna ya ntete ya Dyabulu? How did Jesus resist the Devil's first temptation? And he humbly accepted the correction he received. 11: 35 - 40. 11: 35 - 40. Zealous Witness in Judea and Galilee Kansi ntangu yai bo longaka mono malongi ya Yezu ya me tala lufutumuku. Yet now I discovered Jesus ' teaching about the resurrection! " Look up your eyes high up and see. (b) Inki mutindu kingana ya Yezu kelunganaka na Bakristu bubu yai? (b) How does Jesus ' illustration apply to Christians today? In Jehovah's Edenic promise, he condemned a serpent - Satan the Devil - the sentence of death along with his offspring - all who follow Satan's challenge to rule God's right to rule. Ntete bantu yonso vandaka kukumisa yo, kansi ntangu yai yo me kuma bonso mufwidi ya nkento! How she that was a princess among the jurisdictional districts has come to be for forced labor! " If so, you are truly in good blood. 5: 32; Yez. 5: 32; Isa. To this day, there are still anointed Christians, who will rule with Jesus in the Messianic Kingdom. Bantu mingi tabaka luzingu na Paladisu na ntoto Many will gain life in Paradise on earth However, humans were subjected to God's authority. Bantu yonso fwete zaba nde konso muntu kele ti mukumba, kansi bantangu ya nkaka mukumba yina lenda soba mpi bo fwete solula na mutindu bankaka lenda sala yo. All should realize that everyone has a role; however, that role may change as time goes on and some rotation of duties may have to be considered. Much of the violence of the Nephilim could be mentioned in ancient myths and history LUNUNGU TAVANDA NA NTOTO YA MVIMBA: JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL: " Look! During the 30 years of Jesus ' work as a carpenter, he had no fine tools available today. Polo kubakisaka mpenza bukyeleka ya bangogo yai. - 2 Kor. Paul personally experienced the truthfulness of these words. - 2 Cor. What will help us to continue to appreciate the Bible as a precious gift from God? " Nge vandaka wapi ntangu mono salaka ntoto? " Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth? In fact, both are "one flesh, " and the actions of a mate hurt and other spouse. - Matt. Yo vandaka diambu ya mpasi yina lendaka kukabisa dibundu. This was a sensitive issue, one that threatened to cause divisions in the congregation. No, Jehovah "does not rejoice in the power of the horse. " Yo yina, beto lenda mona yo ve bonso mambu ya kesalamaka kaka na kintulumukina. Jesus Christ is leading lovers of truth through the path that leads to everlasting life on a paradise earth. Hear What the Spirit Has to Say, 5 / 1 When he was to be disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation, he took steps to restore his relationship with Jehovah. On the contrary, it is totally reasonable to believe that it will happen. However, because I started to look at pornography again, my view of pornography changed. Verse yai sadisaka mono kibeni na kuyindula kisika bampukumuna yina ke katukaka. That verse really helped me to think about the source of these temptations. The little boy is weeping when he needs help. Na kisika nde mameme ya nkaka ya Yezu kuwila bo kimpala, bo ke waka kiese mpi yo ke monisaka diaka nde Bakristu yonso ya kieleka yina kele bubu yai na ntoto kele kibeni na bumosi. This causes rejoicing, not envy, on the part of Jesus ' other sheep and is further proof of the unity that exists among all true Christians on earth today. In times of peace, we should do all we can to strengthen our faith through study and meditation. Bakristu fwete zola nani? Whom Should Christians Love? Thus, researchers estimate that this number is very small, perhaps about 10 percent of the elderly. Moize kuvandaka yandi mosi na zulu ya Ngumba ya Sinai, ebuna Nzambi kupesaka yandi nswa ya kumona kima mosi ya kuyituka ya yandi lombaka. Alone, high up on Mount Sinai, Moses was granted an unusual request. On the other hand, Kings of Israel, Si undeserved kindness, and a lack of right to rule over the land in which they ruled. Sambu na kumonisa mubulu yina bantu vandaka kusala na bilumbu yina, Lameki kusonikaka nkunga mosi ya kemonisa mutindu yandi fwaka mwana - bakala mosi sambu na kuditanina. Reflecting the violent spirit of the day, Lamech composes a poem about how he killed a young man, allegedly in self - defense. For example, make a good schedule in order to have a full share in Christian activities. Gadi ti Natani, baprofete zole yina kuvandaka banduku ya ngolo ya Ntotila Davidi ya Izraele ya ntama, bantu kusonikaka mukanda ya Zole ya Samuele. Second Samuel was written by Gad and Nathan, two prophets who were close to King David of ancient Israel. One way is by helping those in need. Na nima, John bakaka pansio mpi yandi kumaka kusala mwa bisalu ya masamba. In time, John retired and took on some gardening work. Second, children learn from their parents how a husband and wife should work together to reach important goals. (b) Ta eksperiansi mosi ya kemonisa mutindu Yehowa kesadisaka beto na ntangu ya mpasi. (b) Relate an experience to show how Jehovah helps us in times of trial. The Jewish day began at sunset. YO ME FWANA kibeni na kumonisila Yehowa ntonda, sambu yandi ke pesaka beto "konso dikabu ya mbote mpi konso kado ya kukuka. " JEHOVAH, the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present, " is indeed worthy of our thanks. No. No. Inza kewakanaka ti Satana sambu yandi kele nzambi na yo. The world is in harmony with Satan because he is its god. As he looked at the opening door in heaven, John saw 24 elders seated on thrones as kings. Na bilumbu ke kwisa, yo ta lomba nde bana na nge bo mosi kubaka lukanu ya kupona muntu yina bo ta sadila. In time, your children will have to make a personal decision as to whom they will serve. (a) What methods does Satan use to mislead "the entire inhabited earth "? Na kutadila binkulu na bo, bana - babakala ya Selofadi vandaka ti nswa ya kubaka ntoto, kansi yandi vandaka kaka ti bana - bankento. According to custom, the right to take possession of the land would be passed to Zelophehad's sons, but he had only daughters. We are poised to enter into a righteous new world. (Lu 20: 34 - 36), 8 / 15 Resist Temptation, 4 / 1 Who has created these things? Salaka yo ntangu yonso, kansi ve kaka ntangu beno ke yidika balukutakanu to ke sala lusambu ya dibuta. Do this anytime you are with them, not only when preparing for meetings or during family worship. He said: "We cannot forget the house of our God. " • Inki mutindu bo yantikaka kutubila mingi kisalu ya nzo na nzo na ntangu na beto? • How was the house - to - house ministry given emphasis in modern times? He said: "I always do the things pleasing to him. " - John 8: 29; Prov. Sambu beto yonso kele bantu ya kukonda kukuka mpi kesalaka bifu, beto kezolaka mpenza nde bantu yankaka kuvanda ntima ya nda sambu na beto, mpi bo kanga ntima kana beto mesala bifu. Since all of us are imperfect and make mistakes, surely we want people to be patient with us, to be long - suffering when we err in our dealings with them. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE IN religions * * How can we benefit from thinking like Christ? Mu yantikaka kubakisa nde na nima ya bangonda mingi, bankento yai ya Bambangi kusalaka kinduku ya ngolo ti mama yina ya kuvandaka dyaka ve ti ngolo ya kubasika na nganda. " I began to realize that over several months these JW women knitted meaningful relationships with this young shut - in mother. He said: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " Mpi yandi ndimaka na kudikulumusa yonso ndola yina bo pesaka yandi. And he humbly accepted the discipline he received. He explained, "The Bible's teachings have changed my ways, so I am right now. " Kimbangi ya kikesa na Yudea ti na Perea Witnessing Courageously in Judea and Perea Christian parents should strive to imitate Jehovah in this regard. " Beno tala na zulu, beno tala mbote! " Raise your eyes high up and see. Jesus said that the angels of his disciples always look at God's face. Na lusilu yina Yehowa salaka na Edeni, yandi zengilaka nioka, disongidila Satana Diabulu, nkanu ya lufwa kumosi ti bana na yandi, disongidila bigangwa yonso yina ta landa Satana na ntembe yina yandi basisaka na nswa ya Nzambi ya kuyala. By means of the Edenic promise, Jehovah passed judgment on the serpent and its offspring representing Satan the Devil and all those who would take his side on the issue of God's right to rule. Jehovah is always ready to help us do things that we cannot do, but he wants us to do what we can. Kana mpidina, nge kele mpenza na menga ya mbote. If so, you are truly privileged. When they returned to give him a report of their good work by preaching the good news, Jesus experienced great joy. Tii bubu yai na ntoto, kele kaka ti Bakristu ya kupakulama yina mebikalaka, yina tayala ti Yezu na Kimfumu ya Mesia. There still is on earth today a remnant of anointed Christians, who are heirs of the Messianic Kingdom with Jesus. (b) What do we think about choosing whom we will listen? Kansi, bantu vandaka na nsi ya kiyeka ya Nzambi. But humankind was under God's sovereignty. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Yo lenda vanda nde masapu ti masolo ya ntama ketubilaka nsangu ya mambu ya nku ya Banefilime The violent exploits of the Nephilim may have been echoed in ancient legends What can we learn about riches from Jesus ' parable of the sower? Na nsungi ya bamvula 30, Yezu vandaka kusala kisalu ya mabaya ata yandi vandaka ve ti bisadilu ya mbote yina beto kele ti yo bubu yai. For the better part of 30 years, Jesus was a carpenter, working without the benefit of modern power tools. Yes, even resurrected ones will need more instruction, and we will have many questions to ask them. Inki tasadisa beto na kulanda kumonisa ntonda sambu na Biblia bonso dikabu ya mbalu ya mekatuka na Nzambi? What will help us to maintain our appreciation for the Bible as a precious gift from God? The Bible shows that only humans were created "in God's image " and" be like him. " Nkutu, bo zole kele "nsuni mosi, " mpi mambu yina ke lwadisa nkwelani mosi ke lwadisaka mpi nkwelani ya nkaka. - Mat. After all, the two of them are "one flesh, " and what hurts one hurts the other. - Matt. 16 WAS IT DESIGNED? Ve, Yehowa "ke monaka ve kiese na ngolo ya mpunda. " Neither are we to rely on "the strong legs of a man, " acting as if we or some other human could bring salvation. Since the 14th century, the scholars of Judah have translated many Spanish translations by using the original Hebrew Scriptures. Yezu Kristu ke na kutwadisa bantu yina kele na nzala ya kyeleka na nzila yina kenataka na luzingu ya kukonda nsuka na paladisu ya ntoto. Jesus Christ is guiding truth - hungry people along the way that leads to everlasting life in an earthly paradise. The Bible does not say whether Jehovah killed the old man. Yo lombaka nde bo basisa yandi na dibundu ya Bukristu. Ntangu yandi vutukilaka mabanza ya mbote, yandi salaka yonso yina kuvandaka mfunu sambu na kuvutula bangwisana ti Yehowa. Coming to her senses, Sonja did everything necessary to repair her relationship with Jehovah. When we forgive others, we show our faith in Jehovah. Kansi, sambu mono kumaka kutala diaka mingi bifwanisu yina ya mbi, mutindu na mono ya kutadila pornografi sobaka. But as my exposure to lewd images steadily increased, my attitude toward pornography changed. You will succeed in teaching your children to be peaceable just as you imitate the qualities of God and Christ. - Romans 2: 21. Mwana - fyoti kedilaka ntangu yandi kevandaka na mfunu ya lusadisu. A baby uses its vocal cords to let us know when it needs comfort. Perhaps it wants to be held or it is hungry. Jesus taught the truths he taught about mankind's happiness, but they were not all that he had told his disciples. Trees That Stand Test of Time, 7 / 1 You can use a book that shows how to work with them. Na bantangu yina beto ke ti mwa ngemba, beto fwete sala yonso na kukumisa lukwikilu na beto ngolo na nzila ya kulonguka mpi kuyindulula. During relatively peaceful times, we should strive to fortify our faith through study and meditation. For example, the elders may ask an elderly sister to give advice on how to dress, how to do so, an elderly sister. Yo yina, bantu ya kusalaka nsosa yai ketuba nde ntalu yai kele fyoti, yo lenda vanda kiteso ya minunu 10 na kati ya nkama ya kenyokwama. The true figure may be closer to 10 percent, experts say. " I was willing to go to show that I loved Jehovah, and my love for him is stronger than the love of the country, nationality, or some other opportunity, " says a Christian sister. Kansi, Bantotila ya Amore, Sihoni mpi Ogi, kuvandaka ve na kimpangi ti Izraele, mpi bo vandaka ve ti nswa ya kuvanda bantotila na insi yina bo vandaka kuyala. However, the Amorite Kings Sihon and Og had no such claims to the land under their control. A serious illness or the anxiety of past experiences can cause us pain. Mu mbandu, sala manaka ya mbote sambu na kusala mingi bisalu ya Bukristu. For instance, follow a healthy program of Christian activity. This article will deepen our appreciation for what the Messianic Kingdom has done for the past 100 years. Mutindu mosi kele ya kusadisa bantu yina ke kutana ti bampasi. One way is by taking action in behalf of those who are facing difficult circumstances. What scriptures show that all anointed Christians on earth make up "the faithful and discreet slave "? Ya zole, bana kelongukaka na mbandu ya bibuti na bo mutindu bakala mpi nkento fwete sala kumosi sambu na kulungisa balukanu ya mfunu. Second, the children learn by example how a husband and wife should cooperate to reach important goals. For example, scholars at one time did not believe that the Assyrian King Ezekiel of Assyria, described at Isaiah 20: 1, was a real person. Kilumbu ya Bayuda vandaka kuyantika na kudinda ya ntangu. A Jewish day begins at sundown. Can you benefit from the Bible's advice? Kisono ya Kuluta Fioti ya Kiebreo, No. Hebrew's Smallest Letter, No. Thus, we can say that "the wages sin pays is death. " Ntangu yandi talaka na kyelo yina vandaka ya kukangula na zulu, Yoane kumonaka bankuluntu 24 ya kuvanda na bakiti ya kimfumu ti bampu bonso bantotila. Through that opened door in heaven, John saw 24 elders, enthroned and crowned like kings. Some pioneers serve where they live, while others move to other congregations. (a) Inki bametode Satana kesadila sambu na kukusa "bantu yonso "? (a) What methods does Satan use to mislead "the entire inhabited earth "? 13, 14. Beto me kuma pene - pene ya kukota na nsi - ntoto ya mpa ya lunungu. We are at the threshold of the righteous new earth. What did Paul mean by that? Nani muntu salaka bambwetete yai yonso? Who has created these things? And during the early ten years of the 20th century, the Witnesses worked hard to meet the Russian brothers. Yandi tubaka nde: "Beto lenda vila ve nzo ya Nzambi na beto. " He stated: "We should not neglect the house of our God. " Who would not enjoy drawing close to such a person? Yandi tubaka nde: "Ntangu yonso mono ke salaka mambu yina ke pesaka yandi kiese. " - Yoa. 8: 29; Bing. Jesus said: "I always do the things pleasing to him. " - John 8: 29; Prov. Who would be the wise, and who would shine? MABUNDU POPULATION Humble, modest people are aware of their limitations and rely on God's help as they engage in the field ministry. Inki mambote beto ta baka kana beto ke yindula bonso Kristu? How will learning to think like Christ help us? * Yandi tubaka nde: "Nzambi me pesaka mono kiyeka yonso na zulu mpi na ntoto. " " All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth, " he said. Soon after the period of bowing down to their priestly duties, Jehovah prevented the priests from drinking or drinking wine at the tabernacle. Yandi tendulaka nde, "Malongi ya Biblia mesobaka bikalulu na mono, yo yina mu kele muntu ya masonga ntangu yai. " She explained, "Bible teaching has transformed me, so I am an honest person now. " These reminders include not only many prophecies about the coming of Jehovah's day but also the many blessings that will result from that day to "keeping close in expectation " of Jehovah. - Zephaniah 3: 8. Bibuti yina kele Bakristu fwete sala ngolo na kulanda mbandu ya Yehowa na dyambu yai. Christian parents do well to imitate Jehovah in this regard. What can hinder us from understanding God's Word? Yezu tubaka nde bawanzio ya balongoki na yandi ke talaka ntangu yonso luse ya Nzambi. Jesus spoke of his disciples ' angels looking upon the face of God. (b) What kind of bread must we make or burn in using the Lord's Evening Meal? Yehowa ke vandaka ntangu yonso ya kuyilama sambu na kusadisa beto na mambu yina beto mosi lenda sala ve, kansi mpusa na yandi ke vandaka nde beto sala yina beto lenda. Jehovah is always willing to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, but he does expect us to do what we can. They refer to the people who live on this island as the next one, and the island is made up of one another. Ntangu bo vutukaka sambu na kupesa yandi lapolo ya kisalu ya mbote yina bo salaka na ntangu bo kwendaka kuzabisa bantu nsangu ya mbote, Yezu kuwaka kyese mingi. When they returned to report the success of their evangelizing tour, Jesus was overjoyed. Be assured that such love also repeats it. (b) Inki beto ke tadilaka sambu na kupona muntu yina beto ta widikila? (b) What determines to whom we listen? On another occasion, religious leaders tried to force the local rulers to attack Christ's followers, saying: "These men have fallen into confusion, and they are now breaking down the royal law of Rome. " INKI MVUTU NGE TAPESA? Like Jesus, his disciples showed deep affection for those to whom they preached. Inki beto lenda longuka na yina metala kimvwama na kingana ya Yezu ya muntu yina kukunaka bankeni? What can we learn about riches from Jesus ' illustration of the sower? Evelyn also stayed loyal to me. Ya kyeleka, ata bantu yina tafutumuka tavanda na mfunu nde beto longa bo mambu mingi, beto mpi tavanda ti bangyufula mingi ya kuyula bo. Of course, while the resurrected ones will have much to learn from us, we will have many questions to ask them. Should God's command to "love one another as their brothers " only during peaceful times, not when a political or a king chooses to attack a neighbor who is close to him? - Matthew 22: 39, New Testament. Biblia ke monisa nde Nzambi salaka kaka bantu na "kifwani " na yandi mpi sambu bo" vanda bonso " yandi. The Bible indicates that humans alone were created in God's "image " and" likeness. " Consider some examples. 16 KETI YO KUDIBASIKILAKA? 16 WAS IT DESIGNED? Regarding forming false worship, the Bible says: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. Yantika na mvu - nkama 14, bantu ya mayele ya Yuda balulaka Babiblia mingi na Espagnol na kusadilaka Masonuku ya Kiebreo ya kisina. Starting in the 14th century, Jewish scholars produced several Spanish translations of the Hebrew Scriptures directly from the Hebrew. He acknowledged that having come to know God's laws, they had the privilege of gaining "the first knowledge and truth of the Law " regarding Jehovah and his righteous standards. Biblia ketuba ve kana Yehowa kufwaka profete ya mbuta. The Bible does not say whether Jehovah brought about the death of the old prophet. There are many obstacles to strengthening our faith. Ntangu beto ke lolulaka bantu ya nkaka, beto ke monisaka lukwikilu na Yehowa. We show our faith in Jehovah when we forgive others. ▪ "See how you should pray to God: " Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. ' " Beno tanunga na kulonga bana na beno na kuzinga na ngemba ti bankaka kaka na kiteso yina beno kelanda mbandu ya bikalulu ya ngemba ya Nzambi ti Kristu. - Roma 2: 21. Your effectiveness in teaching your children to be peaceable depends largely on the extent to which you imitate the peaceful ways of God and Christ. - Romans 2: 21. Although Jehu did what was bad in his life, Jehovah values all that he had done. Yezu kulongaka bakyeleka yina kele fondasio sambu na kyese ya bantu, kansi mambu yina kuvandaka ve mambu yonso ya yandi zabisaka balongoki na yandi. Jesus taught religious truths that form a basis for mankind's happiness, but that was not all that he conveyed to his disciples. " You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 32. Nge lenda sadila mukanda yina ke monisaka mutindu ya kusala bagato sambu na kusala gato ti bo. You could bake a cake with your child using a recipe. Yes, if we truly love people and are interested in them, we will choose appropriate words when we speak to them. Mu mbandu, bankuluntu lenda lomba mpangi - nkento mosi ya mununu na kupesa leke mosi ya nkento ndongisila na mutindu na yandi ya kulwata, sambu na kusala yo, mpangi - nkento ya mununu fwete monisa kikesa. For example, an older sister needs courage if she is asked to talk to a younger sister about modest dress. She was amazed at the faith and courage of the sister. Mpangi - nkento Grethel ke tuba nde: "Mono ndimaka kukwenda sambu na kumonisa nde mono ke zolaka Yehowa, mpi nde zola na mono sambu na yandi kele ngolo kuluta zola ya insi, ya nzo, to ya dibaku mosi buna. " Grethel says: "I accepted the invitation because it was my way of showing Jehovah that my love for him went beyond a country, a building, or a certain privilege. " Moreover, we can ask Jehovah for his holy spirit, especially in what we are unable to do in a loving way. Maladi mosi ya ngolo to basusi ya mambu yina beto mekutanaka na yo ntama lenda natila beto mpasi. A serious illness or a past trauma could be the cause. Indicating date of issue in which article appears Disolo yai ta yedisa ntonda na beto sambu na mambu yina Kimfumu ya Mesia me sala na nsungi ya bamvula 100 yina yo me yala. This article will deepen our appreciation for what the Messianic Kingdom has accomplished during its first 100 years. 3, 4. Inki baverse kemonisa nde Bakristu yonso ya kupakulama yina kezinga na ntoto kesala kimvuka ya "mpika ya kwikama ti ya mayele "? What scriptures show that all anointed Christians on earth constitute "the faithful and discreet slave "? 29: 13, 14. Mu mbandu, na ntangu mosi buna bantu ya mayele vandaka kundima ve nde Ntotila Sargoni ya Asiria, yina bo ketubila na Yezaya 20: 1, kuvandaka muntu ya kyeleka. For example, at one time scholars doubted the existence of Assyrian King Sargon, mentioned at Isaiah 20: 1. Does this mean that they cannot find help? Keti nge lenda baka mambote ya bandongisila yina kekatukaka na Biblia? Can you benefit from the Bible's advice? Can We Be Honest in a Positive World? Yo yina, beto lenda tuba nde "lufutu yina disumu ke futaka kele lufwa. " Thus, it can be said that "the wages sin pays is death. " Did Jesus give a witness in the truth about everything? Bapasudi - nzila ya nkaka ke samunaka na bisika ya bo ke zingaka, bankaka ke kwendaka kusadisa mabundu ya nkaka. Some of them serve within their local territories; others move to where the need is greater. Therefore, let each of us, clothe ourselves with "the helmet of our hope, " and we will keep in mind that" we were called, not to condemn us, but to our Lord Jesus Christ. " 13, 14. 13, 14. This article will show how true Christians have proved for decades that God's Word was guiding them. Inki Polo zolaka kutubila mpenza? What did Paul have in mind? In fact, his disciples urged him: "Yes, eat. " Mpi na luyantiku ya bamvula kumi ya nsuka ya mvu - nkama ya 20, Bambangi salaka kikesa mingi sambu na kukutana ti bampangi ya Russie. And at the start of the final decade of the 20th century, efforts were under way to make personal contact with the brothers in Russia. What is the first aspect of Hezekiah's reign? Nani ta sepela ve na kukwenda pene - pene ya muntu ya mutindu yina? Who would not be drawn to someone like that? Jehovah is not only a powerful Deliverer but also a loving Provider. Bantu yina kele na mayele zolaka kuvanda banani, mpi banani zolaka kupela? Who would be the ones having insight and who would shine? And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. " Bantu ya kudikulumusa, ya kukonda lulendo kezabaka kisika mayele na bo mesuka mpi bo ketulaka ntima na lusadisu ya Nzambi na ntangu bo kekwendaka na kisalu ya bilanga. Humble, modest people acknowledge their limitations and depend on God's help as they engage in the field ministry. We can spend more time studying God's written Word and put forth effort to apply what we learn. * * Although their circumstances are based on time, many do not think about the work when the sun works. Ntama mingi ve na nima ya nsungi yina Nadabi ti Abihu vandaka kulungisa dyaka ve mikumba na bo ya kinganga - Nzambi mbote, Yehowa kubuyisaka banganga - Nzambi na kunwa malafu to vinu ya kelausaka na ntangu bo kesala na nzo - tenta. Soon after Nadab and Abihu took liberties in performing their priestly duties, Jehovah forbade priests to use wine or intoxicating liquor while serving at the tabernacle. Obedience is an expression of love for all eternity. Na kati ya bangibusa yina, beto lenda tanga bambikudulu mingi yina kutubilaka kaka kukwisa ya kilumbu ya Yehowa mpamba ve, kansi mpi balusakumunu mingi yina kilumbu yango tanatila bantu yina kelanda na " kuvingila ' Yehowa. - Sofonia 3: 8. Included in these reminders are the numerous prophecies that foretell not only the arrival of Jehovah's day but also the bounteous blessings that will be bestowed upon those who " keep in expectation of Jehovah. ' - Zephaniah 3: 8. However, we will continue to benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness and to "go on walking in the truth, " only if we remain focused on spiritual things. Inki lenda kanga beto nzila na kubakisa Ndinga ya Nzambi? What might hinder us from understanding God's Word? Our love for God grows and as we share in the preaching work and proclaim "the good news of salvation. " (b) Dimpa ya nki mutindu beto fwete sala to kuyoka sambu na kusadila Madya ya Nkokila ya Mfumu? (b) What kind of bread can be obtained or baked for use at the Lord's Evening Meal? That was in harmony with what I read in the Bible. Bo ke bingaka bantu ya ke zingaka na kisanga yai nde bantu ya ke diaka bantu, mpi kisanga yango ke vandaka ti ba volkan. This means knowing Jehovah's glory, his qualities, and his purpose as well as what he has done in the Bible, such as what he did for his people. Zaba nde zola ya mutindu yina kevutukilaka mpi muntu yina mesonga yo. Yes, its message is alive and exerts power. - Hebrews 4: 12. Na dibaku yankaka, bamfumu ya mabundu yina kuvandaka bambeni kusosaka kupusa bamfumu ya bwala na kunwanisa balongoki ya Kristu, mpi bo tubaka nde: "Bantu yai me tula bansi yonso kisakasaka, ebuna ntangu yai bo me kwisa kukuma awa! [ Mpi bo] ke fwaka bansiku ya ntotila ya nene ya Roma. " On another occasion, religious opposers tried to incite the city rulers to act against Christ's followers, asserting: "These men that have overturned the inhabited earth are present here also, [and they] act in opposition to the decrees of Caesar. " " Jehovah the God of truth " blesses his truthful Witnesses. Bonso Yezu, balongoki na yandi kumonisaka zola ya ngolo sambu na bantu yina bo vandaka kulonga. Like Jesus, his disciples displayed deep love and affection for those to whom they preached. When we spend more time with a family in our country, we will be able to get to know them and appreciate their efforts to adapt to our country. Evelyn bikalaka mpi ya kwikama na mono. Evelyn has also loyally stuck to me. 4, 5. Keti bantu fwete sadila nsiku ya Nzambi ya " kuzola bampangi na bo bonso bo mosi ' kaka na ntangu ya ngemba kansi ve ntangu muntu mosi ya politiki to ntotila mosi mepona na kunwanisa dikanda mosi ya kele na nzyunga na yandi? - Matayo 22: 39, Kuwakana ya Mpa. Should God's command to "love thy neighbour as thyself " be applied in times of peace but be suspended when a politician or a king chooses to fight a neighbor nation? - Matthew 22: 39, King James Version. Do you long to try new ways to witness in your territory? Beto tadila mwa bambandu. Consider a few examples. To determine whether it is wrong or not that a woman frees her from having relations with rape, see Awake! Sambu na yina metala kusala kuwakana ti lusambu ya luvunu, Biblia ketuba nde: "Beno kwenda kuvukana ve ti bamimpani, sambu mambu ya mutindu yina lenda salama ve. Regarding connections with false religion, the Bible commands: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. If we remain in that rage, we will give the Devil the opportunity to misunderstanding in the congregation or to cause us to do bad things. Yandi ndimaka nde sambu bo zabaka bansiku ya Nzambi, bo vandaka ti dibaku ya kubaka "nzayilu mpi kieleka ya ntete - ntete yina kele na Nsiku " na yina metala Yehowa mpi minsiku na yandi ya lunungu. He acknowledged that because of their familiarity with that divine Law, such ones had the advantage of possessing a "framework of the knowledge and of the truth " concerning Jehovah and his righteous principles. Jesus ' example and teaching show that fear of Jehovah brings happiness. Kele ti mambu mingi ya lenda kanga beto nzila na kukumisa lukwikilu na beto ngolo. There are many challenges to developing strong faith. After many years, he wrote to Christians: "I wrote a short letter to you, to encourage you and assure you that this undeserved kindness of God is indeed great. ▪ "Tala mutindu beno fweti samba Nzambi: " Tata na beto kele na zulu, zina na nge ya santu kuvanda ya lukumu. ' " ▪ "You must pray, then, this way: " Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. ' " Such a wave of strength leads to deep respect, which leads us to express thanksgiving and praise to Jehovah for all that he does for us. Ata Yehu kusalaka mpi mambu ya mbi na luzingu na yandi, Yehowa kubakaka na valere mambu yonso ya yandi salaka. Though Jehu's record was not flawless, Jehovah showed appreciation for all that he did. Who is more qualified than Jesus Christ, who died for those under Kingdom rule? " Beno ta zaba mambu yina kele ya kieleka, ebuna mambu yina ta katula beno na kimpika. " - YOANE 8: 32. " You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 32. Being overly concerned about all the bad deeds of people will rob us of happiness in life. Ya kieleka, kana beto ke zolaka bantu mpi ke tudilaka bo kibeni dikebi, beto ta ponaka bangogo ya me fwana ntangu beto ke solula ti bo. So if we love people and truly care about them, we will likely choose the right words to say to them. It would be said that it would be foolish to ask for nuclear weapons to do so or to reduce its value. Sambu yandi yitukaka ngolo na kumona lukwikilu ti kikesa ya mpangi - nkento. Because she was deeply moved by our sister's faith and courage. AS JEHOVAH'S servants, we know that we will face trials and trials. Dyaka, beto lenda lomba Yehowa mpeve santu na yandi, mingimingi na mambu yina beto kekukaka ve kusala na zola yonso. Further, we can ask Jehovah for holy spirit, especially in situations that make it difficult for us to act in a loving way. Jesus said: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery. " Ke monisa dati ya nimero ya zulunalu yina disolo kele Debt, 11 / 1 Declaration Pledging Faithfulness, 12 / 15 It would be easy to reject a person's witnessing or two, not to give a public witness or to what had happened in their eyes. 3, 4. 3, 4. As we get closer to the end of this world, we may face many trials. 29: 13, 14. 29: 13, 14. 2: 26, 35. Keti yo ke tendula nde bo lenda baka ve lusadisu? But does that mean that such ones are beyond help? First, ask God for holy spirit to show love. Keti Beto Lenda Vanda Masonga na Nsi - Ntoto ya Me Fuluka ti Madesu ya Bana? Such powerful works made the people of ancient Spain responsive to the Bible and its message. (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) Keti Yezu kutaka kimbangi na kyeleka ya ketala bima yonso? (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) However, did Jesus bear witness to truth in general? The Law mentioned at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 was merely for areas in which the Israelites lived. Yo yina, bika nde konso muntu na kati na beto, kulwata " mpu ya ntima ya beto ketulaka nde beto taguluka, ' ebuna yo tasadisa beto na kuvila ve nde "Nzambi solaka beto ve sambu na kusonga beto makasi na yandi, kansi yandi solaka beto sambu Mfumu na beto Yesu Kristo kugulusa beto. " May each of us, then, put on "as a helmet the hope of salvation, " thus remembering that" God assigned us, not to wrath, but to the acquiring of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. " 7, 8. Disolo yai tamonisa mutindu Bakristu ya kyeleka memonisaka na nsungi ya bamvula nde Ndinga ya Nzambi vandaka kutwadisa bo. No one can say that he alone knows what is right. Nkutu, balongoki na yandi siamisaka yandi nde: "Rabi, dia. " In fact, his disciples had urged him: "Rabbi, eat. " Jehovah sees what is seen in the eyes of the eyes, but he sees what the heart is. " Inki diambu ya ntete Ezekiasi fwete sala na luyalu na yandi? As the young king ascended the throne, what would his priority be? 32 Did You Know? Yehowa kele kaka ve Ngulusi mosi ya ngolo, kansi yandi kele mpi Mupesi - matabisi ya zola. Jehovah is not only a powerful Savior but also a loving Rewarder. Why was it wrong to conclude that a person should observe the Mosaic Law in order to survive? Mpi Nzambi ta kusula mansanga yonso na meso na bo. " And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. " Understanding why Jehovah invites us to live in a certain way strengthens our determination to obey him. Beto lenda lutisa ntangu mingi na kulonguka Ndinga ya Nzambi ya bo mesonikaka mpi beto lenda sala kikesa mingi na kusadila mambu ya beto kelonguka. We may spend more time studying God's written Word and may make greater effort to apply it. Still, we always praise God whenever we give attention to his great deeds. Ata luzingu na bo mesimbamaka na ntangu, bantu mingi keyindulaka ve kisalu yina ntangu kesalaka. Although their very lives depend upon the sun, many people take it for granted. At times, we may feel that we are too busy. Bantu ya bulemfu ta monisaka zola mvula na mvula. It will be displayed by obedient humans throughout all eternity. Increased Spiritual Light Becomes in Organization Kansi, beto talanda na kubaka mambote ya Yehowa yina bantu mefwana ve na kubaka mpi " kulanda mambu ya kieleka, ' kaka kana beto ketula ntangu yonso dikebi na mambu ya kimpeve. But only by remaining spiritually vigilant can we continue to enjoy Jehovah's undeserved kindness and "go on walking in the truth. " Also, do not let the world cause you to lose sight of your goals. Zola na beto sambu na Nzambi tayela mpi ntangu beto kesala kisalu ya kusamuna mpi kezabisa "bantu nsangu ya mbote nde yandi ke gulusaka. " Then, too, our love for God will grow as we engage in the ministry and declare "the good news of salvation by him. " Regularly reading a portion of God's Word allows its message to "do all the time " in our life. Mambu yai vandaka kuwakana ti yina mono tangaka na Biblia. That was in harmony with what I already knew from the Bible. The congregation was with people of different nations but was not divided. Yo ke tendula kuzaba lukumu yina Yehowa kele ti yo, bikalulu na yandi, lukanu na yandi mpi mambu yina yandi me salaka ya Biblia ke tubilaka, mu mbandu mambu yina yandi sadilaka bansadi na yandi. It includes knowing Jehovah's reputation, as well as his qualities, purpose, and activities as revealed in the Bible, such as his dealings with his servants. Martha, who helped a zealous sister after her divorce, says: "We regularly preach together. Ya kyeleka, nsangu na yo kele ya moyo mpi ya ngolo. - Baebreo 4: 12. Its message is indeed alive and exerts power. - Hebrews 4: 12. Finally, three of those who accepted a Bible study. " Yehowa Nzambi ya kezolaka kyeleka " (NW) kesakumunaka Bambangi na yandi ya ketubaka kyeleka. " Jehovah the God of truth " blesses only his truthful Witnesses. [ Picture on page 17] Kana beto ke lutisa ntangu mingi ti dibuta mosi yina me kwisa kuzinga na insi na beto, yo ta sadisa beto na kuzaba bo mpi kusepela ti bikesa yina bo ke sala sambu na kuyikana ti insi na beto. (See paragraphs 16, 17) By spending time with an immigrant family, we will better appreciate the extent of their efforts to adjust to our culture. What do you do when neighbors, workmates, schoolmates, or relatives ridicule Jehovah or his Witnesses? 4, 5. 4, 5. I did this in order to teach myself first and teach the student. Keti nge ke vandaka na mpusa ya kumeka kusadila mitindu ya mpa ya kuta kimbangi yina bansamuni ke sadilaka na teritware na beno? Are you eager to try new witnessing initiatives that are developed in your territory? For example, in many lands, their wealth becomes abundant, and it is easy to focus on the pursuit of riches. Sambu na kuzaba kana yo kele mbi to ve nde nkento kukatula divumu sambu bo ladisaka yandi na kingolo - ngolo, tala Réveillez - vous! For a discussion of whether a rape victim would be justified in seeking an abortion, see Awake! Despite the challenge of making such sacrifices, this couple is delighted to support this vital work in the history of Jehovah's people. Kana beto bikala kaka ti makasi yina, beto tapesa Dyabulu shanse ya kubasisa mavwanga na kati ya dibundu to ya kupusa beto na kusala mambu ya mbi. Our having this frame of mind would give the Devil a chance to promote discord in the congregation or incite us to engage in evil deeds. [ Picture on page 18] Mbandu ti malongi ya Yezu kemonisa nde kutina Yehowa boma kenataka kyese. Jesus ' example and teachings show that there is joy in the fear of Jehovah. Although they entered the Promised Land, what did the Israelites fail to see? Na nima ya kusala bamvula mingi, yandi sonikilaka Bakristu nde: "Mono me sonikila beno mukanda ya nkufi, sambu na kupesa beno kikesa mpi sambu na kundimisa beno nde yai ntima ya mbote ya nene ya kieleka ya Nzambi. Toward the end of his long ministry, he wrote to fellow Christians. Explaining why, he stated: "I have written you in few words in order to encourage you and to give an earnest witness that this is the true undeserved kindness of God. Then, what did he do? Matekita ya ngolo ya mutindu yai kenataka beto na kumonisa luzitu ya ngolo, ya kenataka beto na kupesa mersi mpi kukumisa Yehowa sambu na mambu yonso ya yandi kesalaka sambu na beto. David also wrote: "I shall laud you because in a fear - inspiring way I am wonderfully made. 27: 23. Katula Yezu Kristu, yina kufwaka sambu na bantu yina tavanda na nsi ya luyalu ya Kimfumu, nani yankaka mefwana mpenza na kuvanda Ntotila ya Kimfumu yango? Who is better suited to be King of that Kingdom than Jesus Christ, the one who died for his future subjects? Carefully consider the recommendations of those who receive and choose those who qualify for responsibility. Kudiyangisa mingi sambu na mambu yonso ya mbi ya bantu kesala takatula beto kyese na luzingu. Worrying about all the wrongs that have been committed will only rob us of enjoyment in life. [ Picture on page 18] Bantu ketubaka nde yo tavanda buzoba na kulomba na bansi yina kele ti ba stoki ya nene ya minduki ya nikleyere na kusala yo dyaka ve to na kufyotuna ntalu na yo. Critics say that it would be naive to expect heavily armed nations to eradicate or even reduce their stockpile. We also share in the preaching work in our love for people and in avoiding bloodguilt. SAMBU beto kele bansadi ya Yehowa, beto mezaba nde beto takutana ti bampasi mpi mimekamu. AS Jehovah's servants, we expect trials and tests to come our way. Today, we need to settle matters quickly because of the increase, lack of living, pollution, and poverty that are common to us now, and we need to view them as being quick to pay attention. " Yezu tubaka nde: "Konso muntu yina ta bikisa nkento na yandi kana nkento yina me sala pite ve, ebuna muntu yina kukwela nkento ya nkaka, muntu yango me sala pite. " Jesus said: "Whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery. " Wherever possible, we help others to understand our work, and we use whatever means we find to explain to them. Yo lendaka kuvanda pete na kubuya kimbangi ya muntu mosi to ya bantu zole, kansi ve kimbangi ya bantu 500 to kuluta yina monaka diambu yina na meso na bo. One or two witnesses might be easy to dismiss, but not the testimony of 500 or more eyewitnesses. We are very close to the great day when God's Kingdom will bring peace and perfection to all faithful humans. Sambu nsuka ya nsi - ntoto yai me finama, beto lenda kutana ti bampasi mingi. As this system nears its end, we can expect the pressures of life to increase. Why, then, should we blame our Creator for our errors? 2: 26, 27, 35. 2: 26, 27, 35. But he was safe if a friend fought near him at his right hand. Ya ntete, lomba Nzambi mpeve santu sambu na kumonisa zola. First, ask God for his spirit, which produces love. How could our teaching bear fruit that we cannot know? Bisalu yai ya ngolo ya bantu ya mayele salaka nde bantu ya Espania ya ntama kundima Biblia mpi nsangu na yo kumwangana. The tireless work of many scholars enabled the Bible to take root and spread in medieval Spain. 3 / 15 Nsiku yina bo ketubila na Levi 25: 23, 24 vandaka kaka sambu na bisika yina bantu ya Izraele vandaka kuzinga. The Law as stated at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 could have been regarded as applying only to an area occupied by the Israelites. For more information, see chapter 9, "Are We Living in " the Last Days '?, " of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 7, 8. 7, 8. Sometimes I wondered if she could love me like him. " Ata muntu mosi ve lenda tuba nde yandi mpamba muntu mezaba mambu yina kele ya mbote. No one has a monopoly on moral truth. Other people's values are just as valid as yours. ' Such research proves that the Bible is truthful! Muntu ke talaka yina ke monika na meso, kansi Mfumu Nzambi ke talaka ntima. " For not the way man sees is the way God sees, because mere man sees what appears to the eyes; but as for Jehovah, he sees what the heart is. " He blessed your offspring with the inheritance that he gave to Abraham, and he gave you the land that you are dwelling in to Abraham. " 32 Keti Nge Zabaka Yo? 32 Did You Know? Hence, the work of these imperfect translators has joined us in the modern - day Bible. Sambu na nki yo vandaka mbi na kutuba nde muntu fwete zitisa Nsiku ya Moize sambu na kuguluka? Why was it wrong to assert that observance of the Mosaic Law was necessary for salvation? Barr, who is also members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, said: "One of the billions on earth, we know and believe that Jehovah has appointed his beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to rule as king in heaven, and rule as his enemies. " Kubakisa sambu na nki Yehowa kelomba beto na kuzinga na mutindu mosi buna kekumisaka ngolo lukanu na beto ya kulemfukila yandi. Understanding why Jehovah asks us to live in a certain way fortifies our resolve to obey him. He wondered if it would be difficult for him to do so. Ata mpidina, ntangu yonso beto kumisaka Nzambi konso ntangu ya bo mebenda dikebi na beto na mambu ya nene ya yandi mesalaka. But let us always praise God when any of his great deeds are brought to our attention. At that time, Christ's presence began. Bantangu yankaka, beto lenda mona bonso nde beto kesala mingi ve. At times, we may feel that we are accomplishing little. " Even time indefinite [God] has put it in their hearts, " says the Bible. - Ecclesiastes 3: 11. Nsemo ya Kimpeve ya Kekuma Kaka Mingi Menata Bansoba na Mambu ya Organizasio Enlightenment Leads to Organizational Refinements Take a Family Worship evening. Diaka, beno ke bika ve nde nsi - ntoto kupusa beno na kuvila balukanu na beno. Peter entered the courtyard of the priest's house without knowing him. Kutanga mbala na mbala kitini mosi ya Ndinga ya Nzambi kepesaka nsangu yina kele na kati na yo nzila ya " kusala konso ntangu ' na luzingu na beto. Regularly reading a portion of God's Word allows its message to " exert power ' on us. Love " endures all things, " even in the bad things that others do for us, persecution, or other difficulties. Dibundu yango vandaka ti bantu ya bansi ya kuswaswana kansi bo vandaka ve ti kikalulu ya kukabula - kabula. The congregation was made up of many nationalities, but it was obvious that there were no racial divisions. They knew that Babylon was a wicked city full of immorality and false religion. Marta, yina sadisaka mpangi - nkento mosi ya kikesa yina lembaka nitu na nima ya kufwa ya makwela na yandi, ke tuba nde: "Beto ke samunaka kumosi mbala na mbala. Marta, who has supported a zealous sister who felt crushed after her divorce, says: "We regularly share in the ministry together. The apostle Paul encouraged us to "make sure of the more important things to be found in the day of Christ. " - Philippians 1: 10. Na nsuka, bantu tatu na kati ya bantu yina kundimaka kulonguka Biblia. As a result, three of the men accepted Bible studies. For with him we shall also be glorified, because we suffer together. " - Romans 8: 14 - 17. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 27] [ Picture on page 29] There is another important factor. Inki nge ke salaka ntangu bamfinangani, bantu ya kisalu, bana nzo - nkanda to bampangi na nge ya dibuta ke vwenzaka Yehowa to Bambangi na yandi? How do you react when neighbors, colleagues, classmates, or relatives speak ill of Jehovah and make fun of his Witnesses? May we never give up in doing what is fine in this fine way. Mono vandaka kusala mutindu yina sambu na kudilonga ntete mpi kulonga longoki yina. In a sense, I did so first to teach myself and then so that I could teach my student! As you consider that experience, he may find help to see the need for him in the congregation. Mu mbandu, na bansi mingi, kimvwama na bo kekuma kaka mingi mpenza, ebuna yo kele mpasi ve na kutula mabanza yonso kaka na kusosa kimvwama. For example, in some lands, economies are booming and it is easy to get sidetracked into a single - minded pursuit of wealth. Jehovah restored Job's health, overturned his possessions twice, and blessed him with a better life, happy, and happy people whom he loved. Ata yo vandaka mpasi na kusala bibansa yina, bankwelani yai ke sepelaka na kupesa maboko na kisalu yai ya mfunu na disolo ya bansadi ya Yehowa. Even though these sacrifices were not easy to make, the couple feel privileged to be involved in such a historic project. José For his part, prayed fervently and asked for help. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 18] [ Picture on page 15] • The real person who lives among Christ's followers. Ata bo kotaka na Ntoto ya Lusilu, inki mambu bana ya Izraele kumonaka ve? Though they entered the Promised Land, what did the Israelites fail to experience? For example, obeying God's reminders helps us not to commit immorality. Na nima, yandi salaka nki? What did she do? 52: 11, 12. 27: 23, NW. 27: 23. Jehovah forgave the disfellowshipped man because he had committed adultery but was later repentant. Ke tadilaka na dikebi yonso mpi na bisambu bazina ya bampangi yina bankuluntu me pesa mpi kupona bayina me fwana na kubaka mikumba. Carefully and prayerfully considers the recommendations made by the elders and then appoints the men who qualify. Why did Hagar need to be humble? [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 32] [ Picture on page 32] No doubt you also explain that God's Kingdom will restore Paradise to the earth so that there will be more peace and happiness. Beto kesalaka mpi kisalu ya kusamuna sambu na zola yina beto kele na yo sambu na bantu mpi sambu beto vanda ve na mfuka ya menga. We also preach out of love for people and in order to avoid bloodguilt. She had several questions about the Bible. Bubu yai dezia, yo kelomba kumanisa nswalu mambu ya kebasika sambu ntalu ya bantu kekuma mingi, kukonda ya bima ya kuzingila, kubeba ya mupepe, ti bunsukami yina mekuma mingi kenyokula beto dezia, mpi beto fwete tadila yo bonso mambu ya kutudila dikebi nswalu - nswalu. " The problems of population growth, resource limitation, environmental pollution, and widespread poverty are already upon us and have to be grappled with as a matter of urgency. " All Christians must obey the command to preach the Kingdom message and make disciples. Na bisika yonso yina mpila kevandaka, beto kesadisaka bantu yankaka na kubakisa kisalu na beto, mpi beto kesadilaka konso mwaye yina memonana sambu na kutendudila bo. Wherever possible, we help others to be enlightened about our work, using whatever means are available. What about today? Beto me pusana kibeni na kilumbu ya nene yina Kimfumu ya Nzambi ta tula ngemba mpi bantu yonso ya kwikama ta kuma bantu ya kukuka. We are ever closer to the glorious day when God's Kingdom will establish peace and restore all faithful humans to perfection. The Christian congregation of anointed ones is sacred before Jehovah. Ebuna, sambu na nki beto fwete pesa Ngangi na beto foti sambu na bifu na beto? So why would we blame our Creator for our own mistakes? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Kansi yandi vandaka kubaka lutaninu kana nduku mosi vandaka kunwana penepene ti yandi na diboko na yandi ya kibakala. Yet, he was protected if a friend fought near him on his right. He urged David not to kill David. - Read 1 Samuel 19: 1 - 6. Inki mutindu kulonga na beto lendaka kubasisa mbutu yina beto lenda zaba ve? How could our bearing witness have results we may not know about? Paul warned Timothy: "You know that all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " 3 / 1 Wa Mambu Yina Mpeve ya Nzambi Ketubila Mabundu! But then he adds: "I can be sure that Jehovah knows what I need more than I am, helping me draw close to him. Sambu na kuzaba mambu mingi, tala kapu ya 9, "Keti Beto Kezinga na " Bilumbu ya Nsuka '?, " ya mukanda Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza? For more information, see chapter 9, "Are We Living in " the Last Days '?, " of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Among the offerings of the burnt offering, the communion sacrifice, and the communion sacrifice were voluntary offerings, such as a gift or a drawing close to God for friendship with him. Bantangu ya nkaka mono vandaka kudiyula kana Herman lendaka kuzola mono bonso yandi. " Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be as close to him as she was. " Our hope in the resurrection will surely be strengthened as we read Bible accounts about those who returned to life. Bansosa ya bantu yai ke ndimisa nde Biblia ke tubaka kieleka! Some think that it was a name unique to that specific time period. Because both of them were not alone in helping one another during difficult times, Marilyn and James developed a close bond with others, and they remained too soon to fall into adultery. Yandi sakumuna ti bana na nge, mutindu yandi pesaka Abrahami. Yandi pesa nge ntoto yai ya nge ke zingaka, ya yandi pesaka Abrahami. " And he will give to you the blessing of Abraham, to you and to your seed with you, that you may take possession of the land of your alien residences, which God has given to Abraham. " (a) What does Psalm 56 reveal about David's experience in Gath? Yo yina, kisalu ya bambaludi yai ya kukonda kukuka me kotaka na Biblia yina beto kele na yo bubu yai. So the work of imperfect translators became part of the Bible we have today. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? Barr, yina kele mpi mambre ya Nto - Kimvuka ya Bambangi ya Yehowa, kutubaka nde: "Na kati ya bamiliare ya bantu yina kele na ntoto, beto mpamba bantu kuzaba mpi kekwikilaka nde Yehowa metulaka Mwana na yandi ya yandi kezolaka mingi, Kristu Yezu, mfumu na zulu, mpi yandi keyala na kati ya bambeni na yandi. " Barr, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, stated: "Out of all the earth's billions, we know and believe that Jehovah's beloved Son, Christ Jesus, is now enthroned in the heavens, ruling amid his enemies. " Jesus said that those who were dishonored God's holy spirit committed sins that would not be forgiven "even now. " - Matthew 12: 22 - 32. Yandi vandaka kudiyula kana kusala mpidina ta vanda mpasi sambu na yandi. She wondered, though, if she would be able to handle it. Clearly, Paul meditated on the blessings he received, and he repeatedly thanked God. Na ntangu yina, kuvanda ya Kristu kuyantikaka. That was when Christ's presence began. How does Jesus ' illustration of the sower and the various types of soil illustrate what Kingdom fruitage and what does that not mean? Biblia ketuba nde: "Ata ntangu ya kukonda nsuka [Nzambi] metulaka yo na ntima na bo. " - Longi 3: 11, NW. " Time indefinite [God] has put in their heart, " says the Bible. - Ecclesiastes 3: 11. Furthermore, the book of Galatians 6: 8, assures us: "He who is sowing with a view to his spirit will reap everlasting life from his flesh. " kusalaka nkokila ya Lusambu ya Dibuta. maintaining a Family Worship evening. Later, he began to enjoy life in this world. Piere kotaka na kibansala ya nzo ya nganga - nzambi kukonda nde bantu kuzaba yandi. Peter gets into the courtyard of the priest's home without being recognized. It was not a day of food and rejoicing. Zola "ke kangaka ntima na mambu yonso, " ata na mambu ya mbi yina bantu ya nkaka ke sadila beto, mbangika to bampasi ya nkaka. Love "endures all things, " whether these are sins committed against us, persecution, or other trials. (Look at 11: 1 - 15: 33) Bo zabaka nde Babilone vandaka mbanza ya mbi ya kufuluka ti mansoni mpi lusambu ya luvunu. Zechariah and his fellow Jews could confirm that Babylon was a place of wickedness in their day. At a convention held in the 15th year of Asa's reign (in 437 B.C.E.), the inhabitants of Judah "have made public declaration to Jehovah. " Ntumwa Polo kusyamisaka beto na " kusola mambu yina ya kuluta mfunu sambu na kuvanda bantu ya kieleka ti ya kukonda kifu na kilumbu yina ya Kristo ta kwisa kuvutuka. ' - Filipi 1: 10. " Make sure of the more important things, " admonishes the apostle Paul, "so that you may be flawless and not be stumbling others up to the day of Christ. " - Philippians 1: 10. What is godly devotion, and what does it move us to do? Beto ta baka makabu na beto yina na kimvuka ti Kristo; beto ta vanda na ndambu ya lukumu na lukumu na yandi, sambu beto ke monaka mpasi nzila mosi ti yandi. " - Roma 8: 14 - 17. 8: 14 - 17. 5: 22, 23. Kele ti diambu ya nkaka ya mfunu. Another factor is worth noting. The fine example of our brothers encouraged us to attend the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses in a nearby village. Bika nde beto lemba ve na kusala mambu ya mbote na mutindu yai ya mbote. May we never fail to manifest goodness in this vital way. 15) evidently had a close relationship with many. Ntangu beno ke tadila mbandu yina, yandi lenda baka lusadisu na kumona nde yandi kele mfunu na dibundu. By your discussing that illustration, she could be helped to see that she is a valuable part of the Christian congregation. Of course, a successful wedding is remembered with joy. Yehowa kuvutulaka mavimpi ya Yobi, kufokulaka kimvwama na yandi mbala zole, mpi kusakumunaka yandi ti luzingu mosi ya mbote, mpi ya kyese ti bantu yina yandi zolaka. Jehovah restored Job's health, doubled his wealth, and blessed him with a full, happy life with his loved ones. You can study a chapter or a chapter on your speed. José Ángel kusambaka mpi ti kikesa yonso sambu na kulomba lusadisu. José Ángel also prayed fervently for help. What Will You Give to Keep Living? • Muntu ya kyeleka yina kezingaka na kati ya balongoki ya Kristu. • A real person who lives inside Christ's disciples. We have only one example among many young Christians who honor Jehovah by applying what they have learned from his Word. Mu mbandu, kulemfuka na bangibusa ya Nzambi kesadisaka beto na kukonda kusala mansoni. For instance, heeding God's reminders prevents us from engaging in sexual immorality. Henry C.E. not only used God's name but also recognized that the name had to be despised and that it had to be printed. 52: 11, 12. 52: 11, 12. To make progress, you need to work hard at personal study. Yehowa lolulaka bakala yina bo basisaka na dibundu sambu yandi salaka pite kansi na nima yandi balulaka ntima. Jehovah forgave the man who was expelled from the congregation in Corinth for flagrant immorality but who later repented. Let us continue to be full of spiritual maturity, that is what we ought to be. " - Phil. 3: 12 - 15. Sambu na nki yo lombaka nde Agare kumonisa kudikulumusa? Why did Hagar have to display humility? In general, these anointed ones are "the generation " of people now living and will not pass" until all these things occur. " Ntembe kele ve nde, nge ketendulaka mpi nde Kimfumu ya Nzambi tavutula paladisu na ntoto na mpila nde ngemba mpi kyese kuvanda mingi. You probably also highlight that God's Kingdom will reestablish Paradise on earth so that peace and happiness can flourish. THAT THAT THAT true worship is not the only one who ever lived but also has to do with God's will. Yandi vandaka ti bangiufula mingi na yina me tala Biblia. He was full of questions about the Bible. Chapter 8 describes the value and value of wisdom in a beautiful way. Bakristu yonso fwete lemfuka na ntuma ya kusamuna nsangu ya Kimfumu mpi kukumisa bantu balongoki. All Christians must obey the command to preach the Kingdom message and to make disciples. What is one of the best ways to "keep on doing good "? Ebuna bubu yai? What about today? Why, though, should we be willing to do that? Dibundu ya Bukristu ya bapakulami kevandaka santu na meso ya Yehowa. The Christian congregation of anointed ones is sacred in Jehovah's eyes. Can they affect you? Kansi ata ndeke mosi lenda bwa ve na ntoto kana Tata na beno me ndima ntete ve. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. Self - examination rather than regular attendance at Christian meetings can have a negative effect. Yandi songaka Davidi na kubumbana; na nima, yandi bondilaka Saule na kufwa ve Davidi. - Tanga 1 Samuele 19: 1 - 6. He warned David to hide and then told Saul why he should let David live. - Read 1 Samuel 19: 1 - 6. He often used it even though it was not enough to tell his listeners what he wanted to teach. Polo kukebisaka Timoteo nde: "Nge fweti zaba nde bantu yonso yina ke zolaka kulemfuka na Nzambi na kimvuka ti Yesu Kristo, bo ta monisaka bo mpasi. " Paul warned Timothy: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Let us remember these reassuring words: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower and a place of concealment from the righteous ones. " - Prov. Kansi na nima yandi keyika nde: "Kutula ntima nde Yehowa mezaba mambu ya mu kele na yo mfunu kuluta mono mosi, kesadisaka mono na kupusana penepene na yandi. But then she adds: "Trusting that Jehovah knows what I need better than I do helps me to draw closer to him. It is easy to put up with people's heart, and when it takes place, it is difficult to remove it. Makabu ya kuyoka, makabu ya bima ya bilanga, ti makabu ya kinduku vandaka na kati ya makabu yina bantu vandaka kupesa na luzolo na bo mosi bonso kado to sambu na kukwenda penepene na Nzambi sambu na kusala kinduku ti yandi. Among the offerings made voluntarily as gifts or as an approach to God to gain his favor were the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and communion offerings. (Read Revelation 17: 16, 17.) Ntembe kele ve nde, kivuvu na beto na lufutumuku takuma dyaka ngolo na ntangu beto ketanga masolo ya Biblia yina ketubila bantu ya kuvutukaka dyaka na luzingu. Likely, our resurrection hope will be strengthened as we consider restorations to life recorded in the Bible. Shortly thereafter, Jesus made it clear when he said: "This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you. Sambu bo zole vandaka ve kisika mosi sambu na kusadisana na ntangu ya mpasi, Marilyn ti James kumaka na bangwisana ya ngolo ti bantu ya nkaka mpi yo bikalaka fioti sambu bo bwa na bizumba. With no mate nearby to lean on when facing problems, both Marilyn and James became emotionally involved with others and nearly gave in to sexual immorality. Parents too should be very encouraging to their children. (a) Nkunga 56 kemonisa beto nki sambu na mambu yina Davidi kukutanaka ti yo na Gati? (a) What does Psalm 56 tell us about David's experience in Gath? 7: 13, 14, 18. Keti nge ke zola kuzaba balukwikilu to malongi ya Bambangi ya Yehowa? Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? Paul explained that those words were fulfilled in Jesus ' life. Yezu tubaka nde bantu yina vandaka kuvweza mpeve santu ya Nzambi mutindu yina vandaka kusala masumu yina Nzambi lendaka kulolula ve "ata na ntangu yai ata na ntangu ke kwisa. " - Matayo 12: 22 - 32. According to Jesus, those who thus blasphemed against God's holy spirit were thereby committing a sin that would not be forgiven in the present "system of things nor in that to come. " - Matthew 12: 22 - 32. They want to help us to be happy and to remain faithful. - 2 Cor. 1: 24. Yo kele pwelele nde Polo vandaka kuyindulula na balusakumunu yina yandi bakaka; yo yina mbala na mbala, yandi monisilaka Nzambi ntonda. Evidently, he meditated on his blessings, for he frequently expressed heartfelt thanks. 3: 28. Inki mutindu kingana ya Yezu ya muntu yina kekunaka bankeni mpi bantoto ya kuswaswana kemonisa nki bambuma ya Kimfumu ketendula mpi nki yo ketendula ve? How does Jesus ' illustration of the sower and the different types of soil show what Kingdom fruitage is and what it is not? Jehovah has given men the responsibility to teach his Word in the congregation. Dyaka, mukanda ya Galatia 6: 8, kendimisa beto nde: "Muntu yina ke kunaka bambuma ya kimpeve, yandi ta katula bambuma ya kimpeve, disongidila nde moyo ya mvula na mvula. " Moreover, Galatians 6: 8 assures us: "He who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit. " How can we show that our love for God is genuine? Na nima, yandi kumaka kusepela ti luzingu ya nsi - ntoto yai. As a teenager, though, he became attracted to the ways of this world. 10: 18 - What did Jesus mean when he told 70: "I saw Satan coming down from heaven like lightning "? Yo vandaka ve kilumbu ya kudia mpi ya kusepela. This was not a festival day of feasting. He gave this command to our first parents. (Levi 11: 1 - 15: 33) (Leviticus 11: 1 - 15: 33) 11, 12. Na lukutakanu mosi ya nene yina kusalamaka na mvula ya 15 ya luyalu ya Asa (na mvu 963 ya N.T.B.), bantu ya Yuda "zengaka na meso ya bantu yonso nde bo ta sambaka Mfumu Nzambi. " At a great assembly in the 15th year of Asa's reign (963 B.C.E.), Judah's inhabitants "entered into a covenant to search for Jehovah. " What did David say about God's wonderful works? Kukangama na Nzambi ketendula inki, mpi yo kepusaka beto na kusala inki? What is godly devotion, and what does it impel us to do? From World War I until now, Jehovah's worship of those bearing his name goes ahead with strength and power. 5: 22, 23, NW. 5: 22, 23. 6: 3, 4. Wickedness is deposited in "the land of Shinar, " or Babylon. Who laid the cornerstone? " - Job 38: 4 - 6. Mbandu ya mbote ya yaya na beto yina siamisaka beto na kukwendaka na balukutakanu ya Bambangi ya Yehowa yina vandaka kusalama na bwala mosi ya pene - pene. Our brother's fine example encouraged us to go to the meetings that the Witnesses were holding in a neighboring village. I felt that I was a bribe that would be punished and that Jehovah's Witnesses had done something bad. 15) Yo kele pwelele nde yandi salaka kinduku ya ngolo ti bantu mingi. Obviously, he too developed many enduring friendships. Please give, give away, or throw away what you do not use. Maybe However, we should pay attention to the important things we have not seen before. Ya kyeleka, bantu keyibukaka ti kyese feti ya makwela yina bo meyidika mbote. Yes, a well - arranged wedding can be fondly remembered. How is Micah 5: 6 now being fulfilled? Nge lenda longuka kapu mosi to bakapu yonso na vitesi ya nge me zola. You can cover any or all of the lessons at a pace that suits you. The life course of many faithful servants mentioned by Paul is similar to ours. Inki Nge Tafuta Sambu na Kulanda na Kuzinga? 24 For Our Young People - Jesus Astounds His Listeners 8, 9. (a) What counsel did the apostle Peter give in the way we should exercise our freedom? Beto metanga kaka mbandu mosi na kati ya baleke mingi ya kele Bakristu yina kepesaka lukumu na Yehowa na kusadilaka mambu yina ya bo melongukaka na Ndinga na yandi. She is just one of many young Christians who bring praise to Jehovah by practicing the things they have learned from his Word. • How did God glorify man? Henry Grew (1781 - 1862) sukaka kaka ve na kusadila zina ya Nzambi kansi yandi bakisaka mpi nde bantu vwenzaka zina yango mpi yo lombaka nde yo santisama. Henry Grew (1781 - 1862) not only used God's name but also recognized that it had been reproached and must be sanctified. In the article "Have Love for Those Who Listen to You, " published in The Encyclopædia J. 18, Jr., pointed to some small things we can do to build a good relationship with those around us. Sambu na kuyela, yo kelombaka kusala ngolo mpenza na kulonguka ya nge mosi. Improvement requires diligent personal study. Now I pick up some wood, and I will go and do something for myself and my son. Beto yonso yina me kuma bambuta na mambu ya kimpeve, beto fweti vanda kaka na mabanza yo yina. " - Beto bantu metengimisa bisono; Filipi 3: 12 - 15. Let us, then, as many of us as are mature, be of this mental attitude. " - Philippians 3: 12 - 15. It contains teachings about God, Jesus Christ, mankind's suffering, the resurrection, and many other teachings. Na kimvuka, bapakulami yai kele "mbandu " ya bantu yina kezinga ntangu yai mpi yina taluta ve" kana mambu yina yonso me bwa ntete ve. " As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern - day "generation " of contemporaries that will not pass away" until all these things occur. " How did first - century Christians feel when they read the letter sent by the governing body? BAMBONA - MESO YA KIFWANI NANA YA ZAKARIA ZECHARIAH'S EIGHT ALLEGORICAL VISIONS I found what I was looking for. " Kapu ya 8 ketendula valere mpi mfunu ya mayele na mutindu mosi ya kitoko kibeni. In chapter 8, the value and appeal of wisdom is presented in a fascinating way. We want a sense of urgency. Inki kele mutindu mosi ya kuluta mbote ya " kulanda na kusala mambu ya mbote '? What is one especially significant way to "keep doing good "? Paul wrote to fellow believers: "We have a wrestling... against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " Kansi, sambu na nki beto fwete ndima kusala diambu yina? Why, though, should we be willing to grant such a favor? 11 / 15 Keti bo lenda vanda ti bupusi na luzingu na nge? Can they affect you? Bible scholars agree that por·neiʹa, the Greek word translated "fornication, " has much to say. Kudivandila na kisika ya kukwendaka mbala na mbala na balukutakanu ya Bukristu lenda vanda ti bupusi ya mbi. Isolating ourselves instead of enjoying regular Christian fellowship at meetings can be damaging to us. It seems that he had little materially. Mbala mingi yandi vandaka kusadila yo ata yo vandaka kubaka ntangu mingi ve kaka sambu na kusonga bawi na yandi dyambu ya yandi kezola kulonga. He often did so even when it would have been less time - consuming just to tell his listeners the point. Love and long - suffering further contributes to a peaceful environment within the Christian congregation. Bika beto yibuka konso kilumbu bangogo yai ya kupemama ya kebwisa ntima: "Zina ya Mfumu Nzambi kele bonso nzo ya ngolo, kisika ya bantu ya mbote lenda kwenda kubumbana. " - Bing. Let us daily keep in mind this inspired assurance: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection. " - Prov. Jehovah's Witnesses conduct themselves as "temporary residents " in the present system of things, but they do so in opposition to human governments or authority; they realize that others have their opinions about who must be ruled by human rule or human rule. Yo keyelaka kukonda mpasi na ntima ya bantu, mpi kana yo mebaka kisika, yo kevandaka mpasi na kukatula yo. It easily takes root in human hearts, and once there, it is hard to remove. If the person is willing to talk, the publisher might discuss something from the Bible and ask himself what he thinks. (Tanga Kusonga 17: 16, 17.) (Read Revelation 17: 16, 17.) How God Sees Evil Ntangu fyoti na nima na nkokila yina, Yezu kumonisaka pwelele mambu yonso ntangu yandi tubaka nde: "Nsiku na mono yo yai: Beno zolana beno na beno, mutindu mono ke zolaka beno. A little later that evening, Jesus clarified matters, stating: "This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you. (b) How did Jehovah reward Joseph for his faithfulness? Bibuti mpi fwete pesaka bana na bo kikesa mingi. That is especially true when we are growing up. (b) Why should we understand how God fulfills his purpose and cooperate with it? 7: 13, 14, 18. 7: 13, 14, 18. Paul preached with zeal and set a fine example for Christians today. Polo tendulaka nde bangogo yai lunganaka na luzingu ya Yezu. Those words proved to be true in his own case. However, Jewish Christians had a clear understanding of the Mosaic Law since 70 C.E. Bo ke zolaka kusadisa beto na kuvanda na kiese mpi kubikala ya kwikama. - 2 Bakorinto 1: 24. That is as it should be, for these elders are not "masters " over the faith of others but" are fellow workers " for the joy of their brothers. - 2 Cor. 1: 24. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: 3: 28. 3: 28. If you feel that the sun is passing away, try to cope with these concerns and the tendency to be impatient. Yehowa me pesaka bampangi - babakala mukumba ya kulonga Ndinga na yandi na dibundu. Jehovah has given men the responsibility to teach God's Word to the congregation. • How did Abram and Sarai set a fine example for men and women today? Inki mutindu beto lenda songa nde zola na beto na Nzambi kele ya kyeleka? In what way can we show that our love for God is genuine? I am about to receive the crown of righteousness from the Lord Jesus that he will give me in that day, not only to me but also to all those who are waiting for him to come. " - 2 Tim. 10: 18 - Yezu vandaka kutubila nki ntangu yandi songaka balongoki 70 nde: "Mono monaka Satana ke katuka na zulu, ke kwisa kubwa na ntoto bonso nzasi "? 10: 18 - What was Jesus referring to when he told the 70 disciples: "I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven "? He simply said how I felt. Yandi pesaka ntuma yai na bibuti na beto ya ntete. Jehovah gave the following command to our original parents. How do we know that Jehovah does not automatically forgive sinners? 11, 12. 11, 12. The way to treat this illness was not known. Inki Davidi kuvutulaka sambu na mambu ya kuyituka ya Nzambi? How did David of old respond to God's wonderful works? If you decide to resolve such a situation, at first your friend may not appreciate your efforts to help him. Banda na Mvita ya Ntete ya Inza tii bubu yai, lusambu ya Yehowa yina bantu ya kenataka zina na yandi kesalaka, kekwenda kaka na ntwala ti ngolo yonso na lutwadisu na yandi. Since World War I and right up to this day, the worship of Jehovah by those who bear his name has moved ahead mightily under his direction. 12: 22. 6: 3, 4. 6: 3, 4. Those words should lead us to think about our own deliverance from Egypt's modern - day bondage - the present wicked system of things. Nani muntu tulaka ditadi ya ntete ya fondasio? " - Yobi 38: 4 - 6. Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down, or who laid its cornerstone? " - Job 38: 4 - 6. Only by living in your home and doing things as you did can you do much good, but the most important thing is to maintain a good relationship with God in your family, reading the Bible and engaging in family worship. - Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9. Mono salaka bonso nde mono kele avoka yina ta sambisa makambu mpi ta tuba nde Bambangi ya Yehowa me sala diambu mosi ya mbi. In line with the resurrection, the Bible says: " Death and Hell raised up those dead in it. " Teka, kaba, to losa bima yina nge ke sadilaka ve. Prepare a realistic budget. For example, in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, this verse reads: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Kansi, beto fwete tula dikebi na mambu ya mfunu yina beto memonaka ntete ve. We need to focus on significant events that are as yet unseen. Although I believed that God exists, there were things that disturbed me. Inki mutindu Mishe 5: 6 kelungana ntangu yai? What is now happening in fulfillment of Micah 5: 7? The same is true today. Luzingu ya bansadi mingi ya kwikama yina Polo kutubilaka mefwanana ti ya beto. Many of the faithful ones whom Paul mentioned had circumstances similar to ours. Children who love their parents, obey, honor them, and do not say unkind things to them. 8, 9. (a) Inki ndongisila ntumwa Piere pesaka na mutindu beto fwete sadila kimpwanza na beto? 8, 9. (a) What warning did the apostle Peter give about using our freedom? [ Picture on page 12] • Inki mutindu Nzambi kuzangulaka Muntu? • How was the Servant elevated? Those enemies caused Jesus much physical, emotional, and physical pain. Na disolo "Beno Zola Bantu Yina Kezingaka Penepene na Beno, " yina kubasikaka na zulunalu mosi (The Nation Since 1865), nsoniki Lise Funderburg kutubilaka mwa mambu ya fyoti yina beto lenda sala sambu na kuvanda na bangwisana ya mbote na bantu yina kezingaka penepene na beto. In the article "Loving Thy Neighborhood, " appearing in the magazine The Nation Since 1865, journalist and author Lise Funderburg mentioned some simple things that can be done to encourage neighborliness. 3: 10 - 15; 4: 17. Ntangu yai mono ke lokuta ndambu ya bankuni, mpi mono ta kwenda mpi ta sala kima mosi sambu na mono mosi mpi mwana na mono ya bakala. Now I am gathering a few pieces of wood, and I will go in and make something for me and my son. Elihu's words expressed the marvelous hope of everlasting life. Yo kele na malongi ya me tala Nzambi, Yezu Kristu, bampasi ya bantu, lufutumuku, kisambu mpi malongi mingi ya nkaka. It includes lessons on God, Jesus Christ, human suffering, the resurrection, prayer, and many more subjects. With my goals in mind, I fervently prayed to Jehovah for help, and this helped me to progress spiritually. " Inki mutindu Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete kudiwaka ntangu bo tangaka mukanda yina nto - kimvuka tindaka? What effect did the letter sent by the governing body have on the early Christian congregation? For example, when telling Adam and Eve about his sentence, Jehovah spoke of a "seed " who would attack the rebellion, Satan the Devil. Mono mezwaka kima ya mono vandaka kusosa. " I found what I was looking for. " To receive God's blessing, we must pay attention to all the instructions he provides through the congregation. Beto kezolaka nde mambu kusalama kukonda kusukinina. We want things to happen quickly. KING of ancient Israel was "the assured expectation of Jehovah, " and this moved him to declare that Jehovah" heard him and heard his cry for help. " Polo sonikilaka bampangi na yandi Bakristu nde: "Beto ke nwanaka... ti bampeve yina ke yalaka nsi yai ya mpimpa, ti bampeve ya mbi yina kele na zulu. " Paul wrote to fellow Christians: "We have a wrestling... against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. " Instead, Jesus dealt with her with goodness. 11 / 1 4 / 1 I will visit people on other occasions, but on the evening of Tuesday and Tuesday, I should attend the most important meetings. " Bantu ya mayele yina kelongukaka Biblia kendimaka nde por·neiʹa, ngogo ya Kigreki ya bo mebalulaka nde "pite, " ketendulaka mambu mingi. The Greek word por·neiʹa, translated "fornication, " has a fairly broad meaning. Both of them serve as regular pioneers. & Buchanan St. AMHERST, MA, The Mullins Center, University of Massachusetts, Commonwealth Ave. In 1919, the time had come for the wheat of the Christian wheat to be separated from the weeds. Yo kemonana nde yandi vandaka ve ti bima mingi ya kinsuni. Materially, it seems, he had very little. But in today's world, a good house is indeed a challenge. Zola ti kukanga ntima kesadisaka beto mingi dyaka na kuzinga na ngemba na kati ya dibundu ya Bukristu. Love and long - suffering still contribute greatly to the peace of the Christian congregation. It does not happen suddenly. Bambangi ya Yehowa ke kuditwadisaka bonso "bantu yina ke zinga ntangu fioti " na ngidika ya ntangu yai, kansi bo ke salaka yo ve sambu na kutelamina luyalu to kuvwenza bantu ya nkaka. Bo ke bakisaka nde bantu ya nkaka ke vandaka ti bangindu na bo sambu na muntu yina fwete vanda na luyalu to mutindu ya kumanisa bampasi ya bantu. When Jehovah's Witnesses conduct themselves as "temporary residents " in the present system, they are not doing so as part of some silent civil protest; neither do they oppose or interfere with others who make their own political or social decisions. Not surprisingly, many no longer want to talk about religion. Kana muntu yango me ndima kusolula, nsamuni lenda tubila diambu mosi na Biblia mpi kuyula dibanza na yandi. If the person seems to be enjoying the conversation, the publisher may mention a point from the Bible and ask what the person thinks about it. The nine conventions were held in July 2006, on July 2006, the capital of Central African Republic; at C.E., as well as in Poland; and * in the five cities of Germany. Inki Mutindu Nzambi Kemonaka Mambi How God Views Wickedness Jesus gave his anointed brothers this assurance: "The one who conquers and follows my duties to the end will be given him authority over the nations, and he will shepherd them with an iron scepter, just as I have received my Father. " (b) Inki mutindu Yehowa kusakumunaka Yozefi sambu na kwikama na yandi? (b) How did Jehovah bless Joseph for his faithfulness? Jesus promised that God's spirit will help us in our witnessing work. (b) Sambu na nki beto fwete bakisa mutindu Nzambi kelungisa lukanu na yandi mpi kusala na kuwakana ti yo? (b) Why should we be attuned to the unfolding of Jehovah's purpose? Jesus set a fine example for us in using the Scriptures to teach and help others. Polo longaka ti kikesa mpi yandi kele mbandu ya mbote sambu na Bakristu bubu yai. Paul preached with zeal and set a good example for Christians today. The apostle Peter was probably over 50 years old when he moved to serve where the need was greater. Kansi, Bayuda yina kukumaka Bakristu kubakisaka dyambu ya Nsiku ya Moize pwelele kaka banda na mvu 70 ya T.B. However, it was not until the year 70 C.E. that the proper view of the Mosaic Law became unmistakably clear to all Jewish Christians. What prevented Christians in Paul's day from entering into God's rest? MUNSIKU YA BIBLIA: BIBLE PRINCIPLE: So each of us should ask himself, " Is my love true or false? ' Kana nge ke mona nde ntangu ke luta, sala bikesa na kununga basusi yina mpi kikalulu ya kuvanda ntima zulu - zulu. If time seems to pass slowly, fight anxiety and impatience. Therefore, not knowing how well or how difficult it must have been for a person to die quickly. • Inki mutindu Abrami ti Sarai kupesaka mbandu ya mbote na babakala ti bankento ya bubu yai? • How did both Abram and Sarai set a good example for husbands and wives today? Why Is False Today? Kubika fioti mono ke baka matabisi yina ke songa nde mono me nunga: matabisi yina kele mambu ya mbote yina ya Mfumu Yesu, zuzi ya kieleka, ta pesa mono na Kilumbu yango yina. Yandi ta pesa yo kaka na mono ve, kansi yandi ta pesa yo mpi na bantu yonso yina ke vingilaka ngolo sambu na kumona yandi na Kilumbu yina ya yandi ta kwisa kumonika. " - 2 Tim. From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give me as a reward in that day, yet not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his manifestation. " - 2 Tim. While I was in the Far East, I studied history; and with my father, I had much to talk about the beginning of religion and Bible accounts that we thought were wrong and myth. Yandi tubaka kaka mutindu mu vandaka kuyindula. He confirmed my suspicions. Ocean Blvd. Inki mutindu beto me zaba nde Yehowa ke lolulaka ve bansumuki na mbala mosi? How do we know that Jehovah's forgiveness is not automatic? The anointed "will receive the crown of glory that is not last forever, " along with Christ in heaven. Mutindu ya kusansa maladi yai zabanaka ve. There was no known cure for leprosy. Like Jesus ' early disciples, Jehovah's Witnesses are obedient to the extent that they can be given to "the superior authorities. " Kana nge mebaka lukanu ya kumanisa dyambu ya mutindu yina, na luyantiku nduku na nge lenda sepela ve na bikesa ya nge kesala sambu na kusadisa yandi. If you ever have to handle such a situation, your friend may not at first appreciate your efforts to help. To do so, however, takes courage and self - determination. 12: 22. 12: 22. He first spoke to the older men who helped his father. Bangogo yai fwete nata beto na kuyindula mutindu beto mosi mekatukaka na kimpika ya Ezipte ya ntangu yai, disongidila, ngidika ya mbi ya bima ya ntangu yai. Those words should make us reflect on our own deliverance from slavery to modern - day Egypt, this present wicked system of things. 8, 9. (a) Why did Jewish religious leaders ask for Jesus ' tomb? Kuzinga kaka na nzo yina beno vandaka mpi kusala mambu kaka mutindu beno vandaka kusala, ke sadisaka mingi; kansi diambu ya kuluta mfunu kele kulanda kuvanda ti bangwisana ya mbote ti Nzambi na dibuta na beno, kutanga Biblia mpi kusala lusambu ya dibuta. - Kulonga 6: 6 - 9. Maintaining the same residence and schedule is helpful, but even more important is keeping a good spiritual routine, including Bible reading and family worship. - Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9. 19, 20. Na kuwakana ti lufutumuku, Biblia ketuba nde: "Lufwa ti Bilungi vutulaka bantu ya kufwa ya vandaka na kati na yo. " In connection with the resurrection, the Bible says: "Death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. " (b) What evidence is there that alcohol is drunk? Mu mbandu, na Biblia - Mbalula ya Nsi - Ntoto ya Mpa, verse yai ke tubaka nde: "Nge, ya kele na zina Yehowa, nge mpamba kele Muntu ya Kuluta Kuzanguka na zulu ya ntoto ya mvimba. " For example, in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, that verse says: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " We use personal names when we talk with those we love, such as our close friends Our heavenly Father is pleased to accept all these forms of prayer. Ata mono vandaka kukwikila nde Nzambi kele, mambu ya nkaka vandaka kuyangisa mono. Although I never questioned God's existence, there were issues that puzzled me. Who pay the tax to the rulers of the earth? Yo kele mpi mutindu mosi bubu yai. The same is true today. Jehovah is also the One who "from the beginning speaks, telling from long ago the things that have not been done. " Bana yina kezolaka bibuti na bo, kelemfukaka, kepesaka bo lukumu mpi ketubaka ve mambu ya mbi sambu na bo. Children who love their parents obey and honor them and do not speak negatively about them. As described in Genesis chapter 47, Jacob lived at the time of his death, "and he was about to die. " [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 12] [ Picture on page 16] This reminds us that we should give our best to Jehovah. - Proverbs 3: 9, 10; Colossians 3: 23, 24. Bambeni yai kupesaka Yezu mpasi mingi na mabanza, na mawi, mpi na nitu. These enemies caused Jesus intense mental, emotional, and physical pain. How does self - discipline help us to reach goals in Jehovah's service? 3: 10 - 15; 4: 17. 3: 10 - 15; 4: 17. What is the best way to conquer evil? Bangogo ya Elihu kumonisaka kivuvu ya kitoko ya luzingu ya mvula na mvula. Elihu's words presented the wonderful prospect of everlasting life. Illustrate. " Ships of Kittim, " 10 / 15 For one thing, the trials we face "some men have experienced. " Ti balukanu na mono na mabanza, mu sambaka Yehowa na kikesa yonso sambu yandi sadisa mono, mpi yo sadisaka mono na kuyela na Kimpeve kukonda kusakana. " With my goals in mind, I earnestly prayed to Jehovah for guidance, and I was able to make progress without being distracted. " (a) What did Moses do with Korah and his men? Mu mbandu, ntangu yandi zabisaka Adami ti Eva nkanu yina yandi zengilaka bo, Yehowa kutubilaka "nkuna " yina tanwanisa Nyoka, Satana Diabulu. When pronouncing judgment on Adam and Eve, for example, Jehovah foretold the coming of a "seed " who would stand in opposition to the Serpent, Satan the Devil. But I didn't take my life for granted. Sambu Nzambi kusakumuna beto, beto fwete tula dikebi na bantuma yonso yina yandi ke pesa beto na nzila ya dibundu. To receive God's blessing, we need to pay attention to all the directions he gives us through the Christian congregation. Under divine inspiration, David's son Solomon wrote about those who hope to have God's approval: "The wisdom of thinking will guard you. " NTOTILA DAVIDI ya Izraele ya ntama vandaka "kutula mpenza kivuvu na Yehowa, " (NW) mpi yo pusaka yandi na kutuba nde Yehowa " kuwaka yandi, yandi waka kudila na yandi. ' KING DAVID of ancient Israel "earnestly hoped in Jehovah " and was moved to say that Jehovah" inclined his ear to [him] and heard [his] cry for help. " Why should you keep learning about the Bible? Tuvalu, 12 / 15 (b) Why should we realize that we can easily lose our faith? Kansi, Yezu kusadilaka yandi mambu ti bumbote. But Jesus was kind to her. Love for Jehovah and for our neighbors will move us to preach this "good news of the kingdom. " Mono ta kwendaka kutala bantu bankokila ya nkaka, kansi na nkokila ya Kizole mpi ya Kiya, mono fwete kwenda na balukutakanu ya kuluta mfunu. " I'll make some evening calls, but on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, I need to attend very important meetings. " " When a couple don't work to strengthen their relationship and limit their time, " explains Gabriel's European professor. Bana na bo yonso zole kele bapasudi - nzila ya ntangu yonso. Both their children are now serving as full - time evangelizers. We will also consider what we need to do when we receive direction from Jehovah's organization. Na mvu 1919, ntangu kulungaka sambu bambuma ya ble ya bunkete ya Bukristu kukabwana ti bambuma ya matiti ya mbi. In 1919, it was time for the pure Christian wheat to be separated from the weeds. This is only some of the bad things that Nehemiah saw when he returned to Jerusalem, shortly after 437 B.C.E. - Neh. Kansi na nsi - ntoto ya bubu yai, nzo ya mbote kele dyambu ya mpasi mpenza. In today's world, however, adequate housing is a serious problem. There is no doubt that Jehovah is blessing the greatest Bible educational work being done on an unprecedented scale so that people of all nations will hear it. Yo ke salamaka ve na kintulumukina. That is not a coincidence. If we are zealous for fine works, we will reap rich blessings and find true happiness now. Beto lenda yituka ve na kumona nde bamingi kezolaka dyaka ve kutubila mambu yina ketadila mabundu. It is no wonder that religion has become a topic that many are reluctant to talk about. How will Jehovah show his loving - kindness in the new world? Balukutakanu uvwa yango kusalamaka na Yuli ti Augusti 2006, na Prague, ntu - mbanza ya République tchèque; na Bratislava, ntu - mbanza ya Slovaquie; na Chorzów ti na Poznań, na Pologne; * mpi na bambanza tanu ya Allemagne - Dortmund, Francfort, Hambourg, Leipzig, mpi Munich. They were held during July and August 2006, in Prague, capital of the Czech Republic; in Bratislava, capital of Slovakia; in Chorzow and Poznan, Poland; * and in five German cities - Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Munich. Although Jehovah has the authority to mold us, how does he respect our right to choose? Yezu pesaka bampangi na yandi yina bo me tulaka mafuta lusilu yai: "Muntu yina ta nunga mpi ta landa bisalu na mono tii na nsuka, mono ta pesa yandi kiyeka na zulu ya makanda, mpi yandi ta gungula bantu ti nti ya kibende na mpila nde bo ta pasula bo bonso mabungu ya tuma, kaka mutindu mono me bakaka kiyeka na Tata na mono. " Jesus made this promise to his anointed brothers: "To the one who conquers and observes my deeds down to the end, I will give authority over the nations, and he will shepherd the people with an iron rod so that they will be broken to pieces like clay vessels, just as I have received from my Father. " But Jehovah and Jesus do not have such limitations. - Prov. Yezu kusilaka nde mpeve ya Nzambi tasadisa beto na kisalu na beto ya kuta kimbangi. Jesus promised that God's spirit would back our witnessing work. " We prayed to Jehovah regularly so that we could not give up, and we kept preaching with confidence that Jehovah would help us. Yezu kubikilaka beto mbandu ya mbote na yina metala kusadila Masonuku sambu na kulonga mpi kupesa bankaka lusadisu. Jesus set us a fine example by using the Scriptures to instruct and comfort others. 17, 18. Yo lenda vanda nde, ntumwa Piere vandaka ti bamvula kuluta 50 ntangu yandi kwendaka kusamuna kisika mpusa vandaka mingi. The apostle Peter may have been over 50 when he moved to where the need was greater. During the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt, Pharaoh issued a decree that if the Israelite woman had a son, she would be killed. Inki kukangaka Bakristu ya bilumbu ya Polo nzila ya kukota na kupema ya Nzambi? What was preventing some Christians in Paul's day from entering into God's rest? What type of warfare do Christians have? Yo yina konso muntu fwete kudiyula nde, " Keti zola na mono kele ya kieleka to ya luvunu? ' However, we do well to ask ourselves, " Is my love always genuine, not tainted by selfishness or deception? ' He dignifies us by creating us with insight into spiritual matters and by helping us to reach them. Yo yina, kukonda kufulumuna mbote to mpasi ya ngolo yina yandi vandaka kuwa vandaka kusala nde muntu kufwa nswalu. Death by asphyxiation - if not from shock - would quickly ensue. Rather than taking sides with someone, he can discuss with the couple Bible principles, such as the principles found in chapter 3 of the book The Secret of Family Happiness. Sambu na Nki Luvunu Kele Mingi Bubu Yai? Why So Much Deception Today? The Bible clearly reveals Jehovah's feelings about this. Ntangu mu vandaka na secondaire, mu longukaka istware ya ntama; mpi munu ti tata na munu, beto vandaka kusolula mingi na yina metala luyantiku ya mabundu mpi masolo ya kele na Biblia yina beto vandaka kuyindula nde yo vandaka luvunu mpi masapu. Throughout high school, I studied ancient history, and my father and I had long conversations about the origin of religion and what we considered to be the myths and legends contained in the Bible. However, we are convinced that we are imperfect, and we must avoid judging our fellow believers. Ng. " A few months earlier, my mother became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Bankengi - bapakulami "ta baka mpu ya lukumu yina ya kitoko na yo ke manaka ve, " kumosi ti Kristu na zulu. The anointed overseers "will receive the unfadable crown of glory " with Christ in heaven. For a discussion of your view of success, you might write a list of those whom you feel successful and who are highly respected. Bonso balongoki ya ntete ya Yezu, Bambangi ya Yehowa kelemfukaka na kiteso ya bo lenda na "bamfumu ya leta. " Like Jesus ' early followers, Jehovah's Witnesses are in relative subjection to governmental "superior authorities. " I think that Jesus ' words have real experience for me. Kansi, sambu na kusala yo, yo kelombaka kikesa ti kuditudila lukanu. And doing so does take courage combined with determination. When spiritually - minded individuals help a Christian, "in a spirit of mildness, " they strive to speak in a kind, loving manner. - Galatians 6: 1. Yandi solulaka ntete ti bambuta yina sadisaka tata na yandi. The new king first consulted with the older men who had been counselors to Solomon. Modesty involves what we can do and what we cannot do. 8, 9. (a) Sambu na nki bamfumu ya mabundu ya Bayuda lombaka nde bo kengila maziamu ya Yezu? 8, 9. (a) Why did the Jewish religious leaders ask that Jesus ' grave be made secure? We know exactly what the Scriptures condemn. 19, 20. 19, 20. Among them are the Communists, Nazi, Communists, Communists, or so - called Communists. (b) Inki bidimbu kesongaka nde muntu melauka malafu? (b) What are some of the symptoms of drunkenness? These matters will be considered in the following article. Tata na beto ya zulu kevandaka na kyese ya kundima mitindu yai yonso ya bisambu ya beto kesalaka. Our heavenly Father is happy to accept our approach to him in any of these ways. 19, 20. Banani ke futaka mpaku na bamfumu ya nsi - ntoto? From whom do the kings of the earth receive duties or head tax? They dedicated their lives to Jehovah and showed that for them, doing Jehovah's will was far more important. Yehowa kele mpi Muntu yina " tuka luyantiku ketubaka mambu yina fweti kubwa, kezabisaka mpi ntama na ntwala mambu yina me bwa ntete ve. ' Jehovah is also "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done. " (Read Galatians 5: 13.) Mutindu Kuyantika kapu 47 ketuba, Yakobi vandaka kuzinga na Ezypte na ntangu yina, ebuna " yandi kumaka penepene na kufwa. ' As Genesis chapter 47 relates, Jacob was then living in Egypt, and "the days approached for [him] to die. " (b) How does reflecting on the account of the Red Sea benefit us today? Dyambu yai keyibusa beto nde beto fwete pesa Yehowa bima na beto ya kuluta mbote. - Bingana 3: 9, 10; Kolosai 3: 23, 24. This reminds us that we should give our very best to Jehovah. - Proverbs 3: 9, 10; Colossians 3: 23, 24. It is the same example, but it shows that a positive viewpoint involves more than merely doing what we or others think is right. Inki mutindu kudilonga ke sadisaka beto na kulungisa balukanu na kisalu ya Yehowa? 4: 15. How can self - discipline help us to reach a spiritual goal? Paul also encouraged his brothers "just as a father does his children. " - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 11, 12. Inki kele mutindu ya kuluta mbote ya kusala mambu ya mbote sambu na kubedisa mambu ya mbi? What is the best way to conquer evil with good? Relate some experiences that illustrate the power of Christian love. Pesa mbandu. Illustrate. Let the right time to explain your beliefs Kikuma ya ntete kele nde bampasi yina beto ke kutanaka ti yo "bantu ya nkaka [mpi] me kutanaka na yo. " First, the trials we face are "common to men. " But the brothers knew that most of them were a thriving church and did not really know the Bible. (a) Inki Moize kusalaka Kore ti bantu na yandi? (a) How did Moses deal with Korah and his men? When they come to Bethel, they may begin to think about where they lived, for they are alienated from their family and friends. Kansi, mono vandaka kumona luzingu na mono mpamba. But the remainder of my life seemed empty. Did Jehovah organize from the beginning that Adam and Eve would commit sin? Na nsadisa ya mpeve ya Nzambi, Salomo, mwana ya Davidi, kusonikaka mutindu yai sambu na bantu yina ketulaka kivuvu nde Nzambi kundima bo: "Mayele ya kuyindula tasungimina nge, luswasukusu tatanina nge. " To those hoping to gain God's approval, David's son Solomon was inspired to write: "Thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment itself will safeguard you. " ON the evening before his death, Jesus Christ gave his apostles the unleavened bread and the cup of wine and commanded them to eat and drink it. Sambu na nki nge fwete landa kulonguka mambu yina kele na Biblia? Why do you want to continue to learn from the Bible? In fact, only the wicked were executed on a torture stake, or their bodies were impaled. (b) Sambu na nki beto fwete bakisa nde beto lenda vidisa lukwikilu na beto kukonda mpasi? (b) Why must we understand that it is possible to lose our faith? But if the child feels deeply saddened, the father may decide to remove the punishment. Zola sambu na Yehowa mpi sambu na bamfinangani na beto tapusa beto na kusamuna "Nsangu yai ya Mbote ya Kimfumu. " First, that is the fight between Paul and Paul. Gabriella Turnaturi yina kele profesere ya Sosiolozi ketendula nde: "Kuyekula kebasikaka kana bankwelani kesala ve mambu sambu na kukumisa bangwisana na bo ngolo mpi kelutisa mpenza ve ntangu kumosi. " Professor of Sociology Gabriella Turnaturi explains that alternating "between being fully present in a relationship and not being fully present is where betrayal finds its niche. " Later, he did the same when offering a goat's sacrifice to forgive the sins of the 12 tribes of Israel. Beto ta tubila mpi mambu yina beto fwete sala ntangu dibundu ya Yehowa ke pesa beto bantuma. We will also consider how we should respond to the direction we receive from Jehovah's organization. [ Credit Line] Yai kele kaka mwa mambu ya mbi yina Nehemia monaka ntangu yandi vutukaka na Yeruzalemi, ntangu fioti na nima ya mvu 443 N.T.B. - Neh. These are just some of the disturbing developments that Nehemiah discovers when he returns to Jerusalem sometime after 443 B.C.E. - Neh. I continued praying for understanding. Ntembe kele ve ata fyoti nde Yehowa ke na kusakumuna kisalu ya kuluta nene ya kulonga Biblia yina kesalama na kiteso mosi ya mesalamaka ntete ve na inza ya mvimba na mpila nde bantu ya makanda yonso kuwa yo. Jehovah's blessing is clearly evident on the greatest Bible educational work that has ever been done in all the world as a witness to the nations. What will be considered in this article? Kana beto kele kikesa sambu na bisalu ya mbote, beto ta baka balusakumunu mingi mpi ta vanda na kiese ya kieleka bubu yai. If we are zealous for fine works, we will be richly rewarded with joy and satisfaction now. The key is found at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. Inki mutindu Yehowa ta monisa ntima na yandi ya mbote na nsi - ntoto ya mpa? How will Jehovah show his undeserved kindness in the new world? Ádám continued to suffer until the mid - 1970 ' s, 35 years after the Bible Students first visited them at his parents ' home. Ata Yehowa kele ti kiyeka ya kuwumba beto, nki mutindu yandi ke zitisaka nswa na beto ya kupona? Though having authority over the clay, how does Jehovah show respect for our free will? What helps us to know when David was sick about Psalm 41? Kansi Yehowa ti Yezu kele ve ti bandilu ya mutindu yai. - Bing. In contrast, both Jehovah and Jesus have no such limitations. - Prov. Now she kissed him. " Yury ke tuba nde: "Beto vandaka kusamba Yehowa mbala na mbala sambu yandi sadisa beto na kulemba ve, mpi beto landaka kusamuna ti kivuvu nde Yehowa ta sadisa beto. Says Yury: "We often prayed that we not get discouraged, and then we continued in the preaching work, trusting in Jehovah for support. What will happen to those who hope in this world? 17, 18. 17, 18. How grateful we are that God helps us not to succumb to Satan's attacks! Na nsungi ya kimpika ya bantu ya Izraele na Ezipte, bo kumaka mingi, mpi Farao basisaka nsiku nde kana nkento ya Izraele me buta mwana bakala, bo fwete fwa mwana yina. During their years of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites increased greatly in number, and Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew male babies were to be destroyed at birth. How can Jehovah's reminders help Christians today? Bitumba ya nki mutindu Bakristu kenwanaka? In what sort of fight do Christians engage? It will also help us to overcome doubts, fear, and prejudice, allowing us to act quickly and unwisely. - Ps. Yandi me pesaka beto lukumu na mutindu yandi me gangaka beto ti mayele ya kuzaba mambu ya kimpeve mpi ke sadisaka beto na kulungisa yo. He has also elevated and dignified us by giving us spiritual capacity and helping us to satisfy it. In fact, God's Word says that false religion has a debt to "the blood of the world. " Na kisika ya kukotila muntu mosi, yandi lenda tadila ti bankwelani yina minsiku ya Biblia, mu mbandu minsiku yina kele na kapu ya 3 ya mukanda Kinsweki ya Kyese ya Dibuta. Without taking sides, he can reason with the couple on Bible principles, perhaps using those found in chapter 3 of the book The Secret of Family Happiness. His keen desire to see Hebrews with freedom was evident in his defense of a persecuted slave in Israel. Biblia kemonisa pwelele mawi ya Yehowa sambu na dyambu yai. The Bible makes clear Jehovah's feelings in this regard. " These things hurt Abraham deeply " - not God. Kansi, beto tandima nde beto kele bantu ya kukonda kukuka, ebuna beto fwete buya kusambisa bampangi na beto Bakristu. Instead, we will acknowledge that we are imperfect and should therefore avoid being judgmental and critical of our fellow believers. Those who were hungry for harvesting were raised in darkness to think about how the fields and the houses of others would be covered. " Bangonda fyoti na ntwala mambu yai yonso kubwila mono, mama na mono kukumaka Mbangi ya Yehowa. " A few months earlier, my mother had become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and I began to read their literature. Praise Jehovah, you people, and be joyful in praising him. " Sambu na kuzaba dibanza na nge na yina me tala kununga, nge lenda sonika bazina ya mwa bantu yina nge ke monaka nde bo me nungaka, bayina nge ke sepelaka ti bo mpi ke zitisaka mingi. To identify your personal view of success, you might write down the names of a few people whom you consider to be successful - those whom you most admire and respect. What meaning do Christians draw from Elihu's words? Mu keyindula nde bangogo ya Yezu memonaka ya kyeleka sambu na mono. I feel that Jesus ' words have proved true in my case. " All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. ' " Kana bantu yina kele na bikalulu ya mbote ya kimpeve kesadisa Mukristu mosi na kimpeve, "na malembe yonso, " bo kesalaka ngolo sambu na kutuba na mawete, mpi na zola. - Galatia 6: 1. When those having spiritual qualifications readjust a fellow believer "in a spirit of mildness, " they try to be gentle, gracious. - Galatians 6: 1. 14: 10 - 15. Kuzaba bandilu ke tendula kuzaba mambu yina beto lenda sala mpi yina beto ta kuka ve kusala. Modesty involves having a proper estimate of ourselves and an awareness of our limitations. Clearly, many realize that the new millennium cannot solve our problems, making all things new. Beto mezaba mbote - mbote mambu yina Masonuku kebuyisaka. Matters that the Scriptures condemn have been made clear to us. Would that " prophet " be able to heal with a healing or to provide food for those who would mourn? Na kati ya bangolo yango beto lenda tanga ba Fasciste, ba Nazi, ba Koministe, to bayina bo kebingaka nde ba demokrate. If the sacrificial person truly appreciates Jehovah for all his goodness, would he not be happy to choose the best gift he has? Beto tatadila mambu yai na disolo ya kelanda. We will consider that next. The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses oversees the translation of the Bible through the Writing Committee. 19, 20. 19, 20. Did your Creator say that you believed only because your parents believed in it? Bo kudipesaka na Yehowa mpi yo monisaka nde sambu na bo, kusala luzolo ya Yehowa vandaka mfunu kuluta. They had made a dedication to our heavenly Father, Jehovah, so doing God's will was their first priority. Or is there anything we can do to overcome corruption? (Tanga Galatia 5: 13.) (Read Galatians 5: 13.) " You must love your neighbor as yourself. " - MATTHEW 22: 39. (b) Inki mutindu kuyindula disolo ya Nzadi Mungwa ya Mbwaki na nzila ya kisambu kenatilaka beto mambote bubu yai? (b) How can prayerful reflection on the Red Sea account benefit us today? The Bible clearly refuses to misuse blood. Yo kele mbandu mosi kaka, kansi yo ke monisa nde kuvanda ti mabanza ya mbote ke tendula kaka ve kusala mambu yina beto mosi to bantu ya nkaka ke yindula nde yo kele mbote. That is just one case, but it illustrates that using the spirit of a sound mind does not mean just going by what we or others think or feel is reasonable or expedient. He did not tell us to " keep on seeking first the kingdom. ' Polo pesaka mpi bampangi kikesa "mutindu tata ke salaka na bana na yandi. " - Tanga 1 Batesalonika 2: 7, 11, 12. He became like "a nursing mother " to those in the Thessalonian congregation; he was also like a spiritual father. - Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 11, 12. [ Picture on page 29] Ta mwa baeksperiansi yina kemonisa ngolo ya zola ya Bukristu. Relate some experiences that show the power of Christian love. " Your kings Will Make You Peace " Sola ntangu ya mbote sambu na kutendula balukwikilu na nge Choose the right time to explain your beliefs Jesus called him "the manslayer. " Kansi bampangi zabaka nde mingi na kati ya bantu yango vandaka ya dibundu ya Buda mpi bo zabaka kibeni ve Biblia. But they knew that many of those people were Buddhists and knew little about the Bible. He has never used it, and he will never do so. Ntangu bo ke kwisaka na Betele, bo lenda yantika kuyindula bisika yina bo vandaka kuzinga, sambu bo me kabwana ti dibuta mpi banduku na bo. When they first arrive at Bethel, they may experience some homesickness, for they have left family and dear friends. Even though the earth was destroyed some time later, Jehovah's Witnesses and neighbors were safe there. Keti Yehowa kuyidikaka na ntwala banda luyantiku nde Adami ti Eva tasala disumu? Did Jehovah predetermine from the beginning that Adam and Eve would sin? There are many conflicting ideas on this subject. NA nkokila yina kuyitaka lufwa na yandi, Yezu Kristu kupesaka bantumwa na yandi dimpa ya kukonda kifunisu ti dikopa ya vinu mpi yandi songaka bo na kudya mpi kunwa yo. THE evening before he died, Jesus Christ passed a loaf of unleavened bread and a cup of red wine to his apostles and instructed them to eat and to drink. He became a servant of Naaman, chief of the Syrian army officer of Syria. Na kutuba ya mbote, bo vandaka kufwa kaka bantu ya mbi na zulu ya nti ya mpasi, to bo vandaka kukangisa bamvumbi na bo na zulu ya nti. Normally, only criminals were executed on a torture stake or had their dead bodies hung on a stake. Jesus, the King of God's Kingdom, will fulfill this prophecy. Kansi kana yandi mona nde mwana kewa mpenza mawa, tata lenda baka lukanu ya kukatula ndola yina. But upon seeing that the child is truly sorry, the father decides to end the punishment. Parents need to apply Bible principles when bringing up their children "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Ya ntete, yo kele mvita yina Polo mpi nwanaka. First, there is the conflict Paul faced. All Christians need to imitate the Great Shepherd. Na nima, yandi vandaka kusala mpi mutindu mosi, na ntangu ya kupesa kimenga ya nkombo sambu na kulolula masumu ya bikanda 12 ya Izraele yina kuvandaka ve banganga - nzambi. Then, following the same procedure, he offered up a goat to atone for Israel's 12 nonpriestly tribes. 2: 14. [ Bangogo ya kemonisa kisina ya foto] [ Credit Line] Jehovah's will is that all sorts of people repent and be saved. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Mu landaka na kusamba sambu na kubakisa. I continued to pray for understanding. What miracle did Elisha perform in the city of Shunem? Inki beto tatadila na disolo yai? What analysis will be made in this study? 15: 5, 6. Malombo yina bo fwete lungisa kele na 1 Timoteo 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. The requirements that they must meet are found at 1 Timothy 3: 8 - 10, 12, 13. The Canaanites were so vicious that they could burn their alive children in fire for sacrifice. Ádám kulandaka na kumona mpasi tii na katikati ya bamvu 1970, bamvula 35 na nima ya ntangu Balongoki ya Biblia kwendaka kutala bo mbala ya ntete na nzo ya bibuti na yandi. Ádám continued to experience discrimination until the mid - 1970 ' s, over 35 years after the Bible Students first called at his parents ' home. We have done everything we can to follow Jehovah's direction, and it was the best way of life. Inki kesadisa beto na kuzaba nki ntangu Davidi kubelaka maladi yina Nkunga 41 ketubila? What helps us to determine when David may have experienced the sickness mentioned at Psalm 41? Having been too busy to meditate on important aspects of life, he began to ask himself, " Have humans ever gone through or have they created for a reason? ' Ntangu yai yandi pesaka Yesu beze. ' and kissed him very tenderly. " For one thing, their appreciation for Jehovah by delivering them out of Egypt and delivering them out of the red Sea moved them to sing praises to him. Inki mambu ta kumina bantu yina ke tula ntima na nsi - ntoto yai? What future awaits those who trust in the present world? The secretary write it, and the manager puts his parents in that book. Beto kepesa Nzambi matondo mingi mutindu yandi kesadisa beto sambu beto bwa ve na mitambu ya Satana! How thankful we are that God helps us so that we are not overreached by Satan! The Ethiopian eunuch accepted Jewish teaching. Inki mutindu bangibusa ya Yehowa lenda sadisa Bakristu bubu yai? How can Jehovah's reminders help Christians today? He also showed them that he is willing to listen to their prayers. - 2 Chronicles 17: 7 - 9; Psalm 65: 2; Isaiah 1: 1 - 3, 18 - 20; Jeremiah 25: 4; Galatians 3: 22 - 24. Yo tasadisa beto mpi na kukatula badute, boma, ti bangindu ya mbi, mpi yo takanga beto nzila na kusala mambu nswalu mpi na mutindu ya kukonda mayele. - Nk. It will also allow us to rise above our doubts, fears, and negative thoughts and prevent us from reacting rashly and unwisely. - Ps. It is the Bible book of Ephesians 5: 33. Nkutu Biblia, Ndinga ya Nzambi ketuba nde mabundu ya luvunu kele na mfuka ya " menga ya bantu yonso yina bo mefwaka na nsi - ntoto. ' In fact, God's Word, the Bible, holds false religion responsible for "the blood... of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth. " He said: "Your Father knows what you need even before you ask him. " Mpusa na yandi ya ngolo ya kumona Baebreo na kimpwanza, kumonanaka mutindu yandi nwaninaka mpika mosi ya Izraele yina bo vandaka kunyokula. His strong desire to see the Hebrews set free was manifested by his defending an Israelite slave who was being abused. You can invite them to your family worship regularly. " Mambu yai pesaka Abrahami mpasi mingi na ntima " - kansi Nzambi ve. " The thing proved to be very displeasing to Abraham " - but not to God. Their baptism at Christ's death ends when they die and are resurrected to heavenly life. Bantu yina kuvandaka na nzala ya kubotula bima ya nkani vandaka kutelama na mpimpa sambu na kuyindula nki mutindu bo tabotula bilanga ti banzo ya bantu yankaka. Greedy individuals lie awake at night scheming how to seize their neighbors ' fields and houses. These questions will help us to draw close to Jehovah and to worship him wholeheartedly. beno kumisa Mfumu Nzambi! Kele mbote na kuyimbila Nzambi na beto bankunga, kiese na kukumisa yandi. " The psalmist aptly said: "Praise Jah, you people, for it is good to make melody to our God; for it is pleasant. " What can we learn from the prophet Jeremiah about taking courage? Bakristu kebaka inki ntendula na bangogo ya Elihu? Christians find what meaning in Elihu's words? Jehovah's Witnesses - "I Am With You, " 9 / 15 " Bantu yonso tubaka mbala mosi nde: " Beto ta sala mambu yonso ya Mfumu Nzambi me tuba. ' " " All the people answered with one voice and said: " All the words that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do. ' " It also required respect for pregnant women. 14: 10 - 15. 14: 10 - 15. God sent an angel to prevent Abraham from sacrificing his son. Yo kele pwelele nde bantu mingi kebakisa nde mvu funda ya mpa lenda manisa ve bampasi na beto, na mpila nde yo sala mambu yonso ya mpa. Clearly, most sense that a new millennium cannot banish our problems, making all things new. You may wonder, " How can I plan time to do this? ' Keti "profete " yango zolaka kuvanda ngolo na kubelula na kimpa to kupesa madya na bantu yina tavanda na nzala na mawa yonso? Was "the prophet " to be famous for performing miraculous healings or compassionately producing food for the hungry? Their Bible - based hope is that Jesus Christ will resurrect them from the dead and allow them to be brought to perfection before God with great joy. Kana muntu yina ketambika kimenga kemonisa mpenza ntonda na Yehowa sambu na bumbote na yandi yonso, keti yandi tavanda ve na kyese na kupona dikabu ya kuluta mbote yina yandi kele na yo? If the person making a sacrifice was truly grateful to Jehovah for all of His goodness, then would he not be happy to select the very best that he possessed? Who is their ruler? Nto - Kimvuka ya Bambangi ya Yehowa ke twadisaka kisalu ya kubalula Biblia na nsadisa ya Komite Sambu na Kusonika. By so doing, they begin to "walk in [God's] paths " and enjoy his favor and protective care. Myth 5: Death means the lasting end of our lives. Keti Ngangi na nge kutubaka nde nge kwikila na mambu kaka sambu bibuti na nge kekwikilaka na yo? But did your Creator mean for you to believe things simply because your parents believe them? Later, I moved to the Publications Index; there were few publishers in the country where there was a greater need. To keti kele na kima ya beto lenda sala sambu na kununga kikalulu ya kufuta avoka? Or can something be done to curb corruption? It says: "The Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trials. " " Nge fwete zola nkweno na nge bonso nge mosi. " - MATAYO 22: 39. " You must love your neighbor as yourself. " - MATTHEW 22: 39. 13, 14. (a) What things did Jesus not distract himself from the focus of his ministry? Biblia kebuyaka na pwelele yonso kusadila menga na mutindu ya mbi. The Bible clearly condemns the misuse of blood. She was a widow named Ruth, the Israelite mother - in - law, Naomi. Yandi zabisaka beto ve na " kulanda kusosa kaka kimfumu. ' He did not tell us to " keep on seeking only the kingdom. ' And when opposers came to arrest Jesus, Peter poured out a sword to protect his Master. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 29] [ Picture on page 25] If we were to sin willfully, our conscience will be corrupted and we will no longer cleanse ourselves for God's service. " Bamfumu na Nge Tayala Nge na Ngemba ' " Peace as Your Overseers " 13, 14. Yezu bingaka yandi "muntu ya ke fwaka bantu. " He is what Jesus called him - "a murderer. " Then he added: "For him I have taken the loss of all things and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ. " Yandi mesadilaka yo ntete ve, mpi tasadilaka yo ve ata fyoti. He never has, and he never will. He even changes his way of life, his thinking, and his way of doing things. Ata ntoto nikanaka diaka mwa fioti na nima, Bambangi ya Yehowa mpi bantu yina ke zingaka pene - pene ti bo vandaka na lutaninu kuna. Jehovah's Witnesses and neighbors took refuge in Kingdom Halls In what ways did the Mosaic Law set standards regarding cleanness in Israel? Kele ti bangindu mingi ya kuswaswana na dyambu yai. There are many variations of this idea. How can elders imitate Jehovah in helping those in need? Suffering, 5 / 15 Why did Jehovah guard the Bible for all ages, and what does he want his people to do? Yandi kumaka nsadi ya nkento ya Namani, mfumu ya basoda ya Siria yina vandaka na maladi ya lepre. She became the maidservant of the wife of a leprous Syrian army chief, Naaman. Why? Yezu, Ntotila ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi muntu ta lungisa mbikudulu yai. This prophecy will be fulfilled through Jesus as God's Messianic King. The Bible says: "He began to feel sorry for Sarah and to cry for her. " Bibuti fwete sadila minsiku ya Biblia ntangu bo ke sansa bana na bo na " disipline mpi na balukebisu ya Yehowa. ' In raising their children "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah, " parents must apply Bible principles. That answer moved Pedro to take the initiative to study the Bible. Bakristu yonso fwete landa mbandu ya Ngungudi ya Kuluta Nene. All true Christians want to be imitators of the Supreme Shepherd. When Jephthah saw his daughter, his heart was broken. 2: 14. 2: 14. How can the Golden Rule help us to respect the time of those to whom we preach? Luzolo ya Yehowa kele nde bantu ya mitindu yonso kubalula ntima mpi kuguluka. - 1 Timoteo 2: 3, 4. It is Jehovah's will that people of all sorts should repent and be saved. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. What did Jesus know about holy spirit, and how did it help him? Inki dyambu ya kuyituka Elisa kusalaka na bwala ya Shunemi? What miracle did Elisha perform in Shunem? If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. 15: 5, 6. 15: 5, 6. When he attended the wedding, they were likely playing music, singing, and shouting - evidently not there to end the happiness of the occasion. Bantu ya Kanana vandaka kusala mambu ya nku mpenza, mu mbandu kuyoka bana na bo ya moyo na tiya sambu na kupesa kimenga. The Canaanites were notorious for their cruelty, which included burning children alive in sacrificial fires. What Others Do Beto me salaka yonso yina beto lendaka kusala sambu na kulanda lutwadisu ya Yehowa, mpi yo vandaka luzingu ya kuluta mbote. We have endeavored to accept whatever we perceived to be Jehovah's will, and this has been a most satisfying way to live. Abraham arranged for Isaac to marry Rebekah, a woman who believed in Jehovah. Sambu yandi kumaka ti ntangu mingi ya kuyindulula mambu ya mfunu ya luzingu, yandi yantikaka kudiyula nde: " Keti bantu me basikaka na kintulumukina to keti bo me gangamaka sambu na kikuma mosi buna? ' With his mind freer to think about the deeper questions of life, he began pondering, " Are we here because of a series of accidents, or were we created for a purpose? ' Most important, having full trust in our heavenly Father. Ntetentete, ntonda na bo sambu na Yehowa na mutindu yandi basisaka bo na Ezipte mpi kugulusaka bo na Nzadi - Mungwa ya mbwaki kupusaka bo na kuyimbila yandi bankunga. Initial gratitude for their release from Egypt and deliverance through the Red Sea had moved them to sing praises to Jehovah. [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] Sekretere yina kesonikaka yo mpi mfumu ketulaka siniatire na yandi na mukanda yina. The secretary types it, and the letter bears the businessman's signature. 5 / 15 Muntu ya Etiopia yina vandaka tongu vandaka kundima malongi ya Bayuda. The Ethiopian eunuch was a convert to Judaism. They come down to the idea of B.C.E. Yandi monisaka bo mpi nde yandi kele na luzolo ya kuwa bisambu na bo. - 2 Bansangu 17: 7 - 9; Nkunga 65: 2; Yezaya 1: 1 - 3, 18 - 20; Yeremia 25: 4; Galatia 3: 22 - 24. He also showed a willingness to hear their prayers. - 2 Chronicles 17: 7 - 9; Psalm 65: 2; Isaiah 1: 1 - 3, 18 - 20; Jeremiah 25: 4; Galatians 3: 22 - 24. Pray to 6 Are We to Benefit? Yo kele mukanda ya Baefezo 5: 33. Ephesians 5: 33. Learning through it can prevent us from doing what is bad. Yandi tubaka nde: "Tata na beno ke zabaka mambu yina beno kele na yo mfunu na ntwala nkutu nde beno lomba yandi yo. " And we do need to ask him. They studied the Bible and endeavored to reveal what they knew. Nge lenda bingisa bo mbala na mbala na Lusambu na beno ya Dibuta. You might invite single brothers or sisters to your family worship from time to time. Finding peace in this troubled world is a unique blessing. Mbotika na bo na lufwa ya Kristu kekumaka na nsuka ntangu bo kefwaka mpi kefutumukaka sambu na kuzinga na zulu. This baptism into Christ's death is completed when they die and are resurrected to life in heaven. When she returned, she kindly asked, "What do you want to eat? " Bamvutu na bangiufula yai ta sadisa beto na kukwenda pene - pene na Yehowa mpi na kusambila yandi na ntima ya mvimba. The answers to these questions will move us to draw closer to Jehovah and worship him with all our heart. Before we get older, we are still young. Inki dilongi beto lenda baka na profete Yeremia na yina metala kubaka kikesa? What can we learn from the prophet Jeremiah about acquiring boldness? And what effect should the congregation have on our lives and our hopes? " Beno Landa Mono Kukonda Nsuka, " 9 / 1 (G. Allen), 9 / 1 I was happy to meet some who were still serving Jehovah faithfully in foreign lands. Yo vandaka mpi kulomba bantu na kuzitisa bankento ya mavumu. It also required that due consideration be shown to pregnant women. At that time, the wicked " swept away ' in Judah. Nzambi kutindaka wanzyo mosi sambu na kukanga Abrahami nzila na ntwala nde yandi tambika mwana na yandi. God sent an angel to stop Abraham just before sacrificing his son. No, but he left all things and became a slave and a slave. " - Phil. Nge lenda kudiyula mutindu yai, " Inki mutindu mu lenda yidika ntangu sambu na kusala yo? ' " How, ' you may wonder, " could I arrange time for that? ' What will be considered in the following article? Kivuvu na bo yina mesimbamaka na Biblia kele nde Yezu Kristu tafutumuna bo na lufwa mpi tapesa bo nzila ya kumonika na nitu ya kukuka ya kimpeve na ntwala ya Nzambi ti kyese ya mingi. Their Bible - based hope is that Jesus Christ will resurrect them from the dead, allowing them to appear in spiritual perfection before the presence of God with great joy. After all, our teaching is based on God's Word, and God's Word has great power. Nani kele mfumu na bo? Who is their head? Many lost everything, but no one died. Dilongi ya Luvunu ya 5: Lufwa ketendula nsuka ya kimakulu ya luzingu na beto. Myth 5: Death means the permanent end of our existence. Jesus urged his disciples: "Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your fine works and give glory to your heavenly Father. " - Matthew 5: 16. Na nima, mono kwendaka na dibundu ya Buxton; bansamuni vandaka fioti kuna mpi mpusa vandaka mingi. Later, I was invited to transfer to the Buxton Congregation, which had very few publishers and needed help. He said: "If you are happy now and enjoy life, in the future you will enjoy good health. " Yo ke tuba nde: "Tata ya mawa mingi mpi Nzambi yina ke lembikaka bantu yonso; yandi ke lembikaka beto na bampasi na beto yonso. " The householder was so moved by those words that he asked our brother to read the scripture a second time. This will help us to see how God views war today and if there is a future war. 13, 14. (a) Inki mambu kuvalangasaka ve dikebi yina Yezu vandaka kutula na kisalu na yandi ya kuluta mfunu? 13, 14. (a) What failed to distract Jesus from his focus? Rather, they "forsook their own proper dwelling place " in heaven. Yandi vandaka mufwidi, zina na yandi Ruti, bokilo ya nkento mosi ya Izraele, Noemi. She was a widow named Ruth, the daughter - in - law of an Israelite woman, Naomi. How does a humble person feel about the spiritual food we receive, and why does doing so make him more important? Mpi ntangu bambeni kwisaka kukanga Yezu, Piere basisaka mbele sambu na kutanina Mfumu na yandi. And when enemies came to arrest Jesus, Peter used a sword to defend his Master. 10 / 15 Kana beto sala masumu na luzolo yonso, kansansa na beto tabeba mpi beto tavanda dyaka ve bantu ya bunkete yina mefwana sambu na kisalu ya Nzambi. If we were to sin willfully, our conscience would become defiled and we would no longer be clean people fit for God's service. That was his first mistake, when the night was to fall, "his heart sent him, " not to another street, but to the place that he knew he could see a prostitute. 13, 14. 13, 14. Parents ' words and beliefs will influence their children. Na nima yandi yikaka nde: "Sambu na yandi, mono me ndimaka kuvidisa bima yonso mpi ke tadilaka yo bonso kita ya mvindu, sambu mono zwa Kristu. " Then he added: "On account of him I have taken the loss of all things and I consider them as a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ. " For example, differing views regarding entertainment may lead to " foolish and unnecessary debates. ' Yandi ke sobaka nkutu mutindu na yandi ya kuzinga, ya kuyindula, mpi ya kusala mambu. He even changes the way he lives, thinks, and acts. [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] Na nki mambu Nsiku ya Moize kupesaka bansiku ya metala bunkete na luzingu ya bantu ya Izraele? To what extent did the Mosaic Law regulate cleanness in the Israelites ' life? We should thank God for everything because he is our Creator and Life - Giver. Inki mutindu bankuluntu lenda landa mbandu ya Yehowa na ntangu bo kesadisa bantu yina kele na mfunu ya lusadisu? How can elders imitate Jehovah in readjusting those who need help? the one who spoke to Jehovah * before the burning tree? Sambu na nki Yehowa kutaninaka Biblia na bamvula yonso, mpi yandi kezolaka nde bantu na yandi kusala na yo inki? Why has Jehovah preserved the Bible through the ages, and what does he expect his people to do with it? But the one listening to me will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity. " Sambu na nki? With what goal in mind? What helped the apostle Paul to stop feeling regret over past mistakes? Biblia ke tuba nde: "Abrahami yantikaka kuwa mawa sambu na Sara mpi kudila yandi. " The Bible says that "Abraham began to mourn and to weep over Sarah. " 1: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. Mvutu yai kupusaka Pedro na kubaka lukanu ya kulonguka Biblia. At that, Pedro resolved to have a Bible study. Among them are the following: Ntangu Yefte monaka mwana na yandi, ntima na yandi pasukaka. When he saw her, Jephthah "ripped his garments " and said that his heart was broken. The truth further became reality when Daniel's prophetic words about the Messiah's appearance at the end of "the days. " Inki mutindu Munsiku ya Wolo lenda sadisa beto na kuzitisa ntangu ya bantu yina beto ke longa? Bearing in mind the Golden Rule, how can we show that we respect those to whom we preach? " God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is readily to be found during distresses. " - PSALM 46: 2. Yezu kuzabaka inki na yina metala mpeve santu, mpi inki mutindu yo sadisaka yandi? What expectation did the only - begotten Son of God have regarding holy spirit, and what did he experience? SONGS: 66, 150 634 Limete, Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo, to na mosi na adresi mebonga na nge yina kele na lutiti 2. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Such changes in life may cause a child to worry if he does not understand what happens to him. Ntangu yandi kwendaka na feti ya makwela, ntembe kele ve nde bo vandaka mpi kubula miziki, bankunga, mpi kutula milolo. Yo kele pwelele nde yandi kwendaka ve kuna sambu na kumanisa kyese ya bantu na feti yina. When he attended a wedding feast - typically an event marked by music, singing, and rejoicing - it is clear that he was not there to cast a pall over the occasion. Humility helped him to accept sound counsel. Mambu Yina Bantu Yankaka Kutubaka Comments From Onlookers He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Abrahami kuyidikaka mambu sambu Izaki kukwela Rebeka, nkento yina vandaka kwikila na Yehowa. Abraham arranges for Isaac's marriage to Rebekah, a woman having faith in Jehovah. She was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Diambu ya kuluta mfunu kele kutula ntima ya mvimba na Tata na beto ya zulu. The most important thing is that we lean on our heavenly Father. Convention trip to Kuopio in 1952. Do Not Show Jehovah's Holy Spirit The building was to be "exceedingly magnificent, so that its fame and beauty [would] be known in all lands. " However, ask yourself: " How should I prepare for that evening? [ Bangogo ya kemonisa kisina ya foto ya kele na lutiti 3] [ Picture Credit Line on page 3] Do You Recall? 5 / 1 Gjerde), 5 / 15 Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Bo ke kwisaka kubwa na dibanza yina Amir D. They carry on what science author Amir D. I was happy to explain my beliefs to them. Samba 6 Keti Beto Tabaka Mambote Kana Beto? What do you think? Kulonguka na nsadisa na yo lenda kanga beto nzila ya kusala mambu ya mbi. Learning from them can prevent us from taking a step in the wrong direction. (b) What questions will we now consider? Bo longukaka Biblia mpi bo salaka bikesa sambu na kusonga bantu mambu yina bo zabaka. They studied the Bible and did all they could to tell people what they were learning. Jesus said: "Let your petitions be made known to you, and whatever you want to do will be done for you. " Kuzwa ngemba na nsi - ntoto yai ya mavwanga kele lusakumunu mosi ya kuswaswana mpenza. Finding calm in this troubled world is a rare blessing indeed. Another lesson we can learn from this account is that we should show compassion for those who mourn. Ntangu yandi vutukaka, Agnes kuyulaka yandi na mawete yonso nde: "Nge kezola kudya inki? " When he returned, she kindly asked: "Would you like something to eat? " " Those at the Kingdom Hall gladly welcomed me, even though they knew my former ways, " she says. Na ntwala ya kukuma bambuta, beto kevandaka ntete baleke. We pass from childhood to adulthood. • From Pentecost 33 C.E. onward, what did Jews and non - Jews need to do to become spiritual Israelites? Mpi nki bupusi dibundu fwete vanda na yo na luzingu mpi na bivuvu na beto? And what bearing should this have on our life and prospects? Clearly, Job did not forget the painful consequences of his relationship with him and his family. Mono vandaka na kiese ya kukutana ti bampangi ya nkaka yina yantikaka Nzo - Nkanda ya Gileade, bo vandaka kaka kusadila Yehowa na kwikama na bansi ya nzenza. What a joy it was to meet some who had graduated from the early classes of Gilead School and were still serving faithfully in their foreign assignments! In line with the apostle Peter's wise counsel, we should (1) do our utmost to be holy, and (2) make sure that our zealous deeds in Jehovah's service show that we love him deeply. Na ntangu yina, bantu ya mbi " kufwaka ' na Yuda. At that time, there was a " finishing off ' of wicked ones in Judah. Zephaniah pointed out the reproach of the religious leaders, saying: "The prophets are false, and the priests are breaking up every law against the sons of God. " Ve, kansi yandi yambulaka bima yonso mpi kumaka bonso mpika mpi kumaka muntu. " - Bafi. No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. " - Phil. Mildness is especially important in a religiously divided home Inki beto tatadila na disolo yina melanda? What are we going to consider in the next article? He will give us the wisdom needed to cope with temptation and will help us to keep our focus on the big issue - Jehovah's sovereignty, as long as we read his servants without cause. Na kutuba ya mbote, malongi na beto kekatukaka na Ndinga ya Nzambi, mpi Ndinga ya Nzambi kele ti ngolo mingi. After all, our teaching is based on God's Word, and it has great power. Yet, he wants God to help him change his thinking. Bampangi mingi vidisaka bima na bo yonso, kansi ata mpangi mosi ve fwaka. Although none of the brothers died, many lost everything they owned. Each year, the high priest offered these fearsome offerings. Yezu siamisaka balongoki na yandi nde: "Bika nde nsemo na beno kusema na ntwala ya bantu, na mpila nde bo mona bisalu na beno ya mbote mpi bo pesa nkembo na Tata na beno yina kele na zulu. " - Matayo 5: 16. Jesus encouraged his followers: "Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " - Matthew 5: 16. [ Picture on page 15] Yandi tubaka nde: "Kana nge kele na kiese bubu yai mpi ke sepela ti luzingu, na bilumbu ke kwisa nge ta vanda na sante ya mbote. " Yes, as you increase your joy, you are likely to have better physical health. And he alone has the right to establish his sovereignty over all the earth, for it is his creation. - Revelation 4: 11. Yo ta sadisa beto na kuzaba mutindu Nzambi ke tadilaka bitumba bubu yai mpi kana bitumba ta vandaka na bilumbu yina ke kwisa. That will help us to see how God views war today and whether war will be a part of mankind's future. Then he must continue to exercise justice, including other spiritual qualities. Kansi, bo "bikisaka kisika ya bo vandaka kuzingila " na zulu. Instead, they "forsook their own proper dwelling place " in the spirit realm. Because we did not agree, we could not communicate the matter properly, so I wrote to them many books about my goals. Muntu ya kudikulumusa ke kudiwaka nki mutindu sambu na madia ya kimpeve yina beto ke bakaka, mpi sambu na nki kusala mpidina ke kumisaka yandi muntu ya kuluta mfunu? What attitude does a humble person have toward the spiritual food we receive, and why does that make him more valuable? Choose youths who can accompany them in the ministry. Where dove find olive leaf?, 2 / 15 Will they prove to be absorbed in Jehovah's day when he executes judgment upon Baal worshippers? " Beno Vanda Ngolo Sambu na Kimvuka na Beno ti Mfumu, " 10 / 1 " Tent of Upright Will Flourish ', 11 / 15 Waiting Attitude, 10 / 1 " You daughters of Jerusalem, " he said, "let the daughters of you not be anxious, and you will not put up with me in love until its time. " Yai kifu ya ntete ya yandi salaka. Na nkokila, ntangu mpimpa zolaka kubwa, "ntima " na yandi kutindaka yandi ve na balabala yankaka, kansi kaka na kisika ya yandi mezaba nde yandi lenda mona ndumba mosi. In the twilight hours, his "heart " has directed him, not to just any street, but to one where he knows a prostitute can usually be found. (b) Why is Jesus accused of breaking the Sabbath? Bangogo mpi malongi ya bibuti tavanda ti bupusi na bana na bo. The parents ' words and teachings will carry weight. 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. Mu mbandu, mabanza ya kuswaswana na yina me tala bansaka ya kulutisila ntangu, lenda basisa "bantembe ya buzoba mpi ya kukonda mfunu. " For instance, differences of opinion regarding entertainment can result in "foolish and ignorant debates. " In what ways are we similar to others? Kisalu ya Kievanzelizatere Kepesaka Beto Mambote Evangelizing Benefits Us Personally Yet, no religion provided satisfying answers to my questions. Yo me fwana nde beto tonda Nzambi na mambu yonso sambu yandi kele Ngangi mpi muntu yina ke pesaka beto bima ya kuzingila. We do well to thank God for all these things, for he truly is our Maker and Sustainer. When Jesus was tired and hungry, Satan tried to tempt him. muntu yina solulaka ti Yehowa * na ntwala ya mwa - nti yina vandaka kupela tiya? the man who had a conversation with Jehovah * in front of a burning bush? Sadly, the conflict arose over food - material things. Kansi muntu yina kewilaka mono, yandi ta vanda mbote, yandi ta zinga na ngemba, boma ve. " As for the one listening to me, he will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity. " She had another house in Jezreel some 30 miles [100 km] away. Inki sadisaka ntumwa Polo na kuyambula kuwa mawa na ntima sambu na bifu ya ntama? What helped the apostle Paul to overcome his regrettable past? Just think! 1: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. 1: 1 - 3; 1 Tim. They also wrote talks and articles, and they sent them to hundreds of magazines. Na kati na yo, beto lenda tanga: It is true that at times, Jesus wanted to be in private for prayer. Kyeleka kukumaka dyaka masonga ntangu mambu ya mbikudulu ya Daniele kutubaka ya metala kumonana ya Mesia na nsuka ya " bamposo 69 ya bamvula ' kulunganaka. The truth also became reality at the fulfillment of Daniel's prophetic words about the Messiah's appearance at the end of 69 " weeks of years. ' Help him to reason on such questions as these: " What convinces me that God exists? " Nzambi kele kisika ya beto ke tininaka, yandi muntu ke pesaka beto ngolo; konso ntangu kana mpasi kele yandi ke sadisaka beto. " - NKUNGA 46: 2. " God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is readily to be found during distresses. " - PSALM 46: 1. The temple work will not be completed by "the mighty force or power of men, but by God's spirit. " BANKUNGA: 126, 150 SONGS: 126, 150 Those words indicate that a person can develop a desire only after he sees it. By choosing to do so, you will be richly rewarded. They looked forward to the new world and felt as if they were already inside. Bansoba yai ya luzingu lenda yangisa mwana kana yandi kebakisa ve mambu yina kekumina yandi. These life - altering events can be very disturbing if children do not understand what is happening. Jehovah has decided to settle matters quickly. Kudikulumusa sadisaka Christoph na kundima bandongisila ya mbote. Humility moved Christoph to accept good advice. How did Paul use Habakkuk 1: 5 to expose the injustice of the Jews ' refusal to reject Jesus? Yandi ta sepela na kusolula ti nge mambu yina. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Moreover, we lack sufficient drinking water. Zina ya nkento yango Apun Mambetsadykova, yandi vandaka Mbangi ya Yehowa. Her name was Apun Mambetsadykova, and she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. A footnote on Genesis 2: 17 explains "good and bad knowledge " as" the power to choose... and what is good and to do, to decide for themselves what was right and what was wrong. " Beno Monisa Ve Mpeve Santu ya Yehowa Mawa Do Not Grieve Jehovah's Holy Spirit Therefore, we should treat each individual as our neighbor, even showing love to those who treat us as enemies. - Matt. Kansi, kudiyula na ntwala nde: " Inki mutindu mono fwete kudibongisa sambu na nkokila yina? In advance, ask yourself: " How should I prepare for that evening? We may find it difficult to judge matters in the right direction and thus deceive ourselves into believing that something wrong is wrong. - Compare John 16: 2. Keti Nge Keyibuka? Do You Remember? Knowing that I would be in a convent for a time made me happy, because I loved God so much. Yezu tubaka nde: "Nzambi zolaka nsi - ntoto mingi kibeni yo yina yandi pesaka Mwana na yandi mosi kaka ya kubutuka, na mpila nde konso muntu yina ke monisa lukwikilu na yandi kufwa ve kansi yandi baka luzingu ya mvula na mvula. " Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Eric: Yes, I've found it. Mono vandaka na kiese ya kutendudila bo balukwikilu na mono. But soon, guards and prisoners began asking why I was there, and I was glad to explain my faith to them. He " cannot slave for God and for Riches. ' Inki kele dibanza na nge? What do you think? The apostle Peter admonishes us: "Continue putting up with one another in the faith. " (b) Inki bangyufula beto tatadila ntangu yai? (b) What questions will we now consider? He does not force them to change, but he gives them his holy laws. Yezu tubaka nde: "Beno lomba konso kima yina beno ke zola mpi yo ta salama sambu na beno. " Jesus stated: "No matter what you ask the Father in my name, he [will] give it to you. " He heard the Israelites weeping over their sins. Dilongi ya nkaka ya beto lenda baka na disolo yai kele nde beto fwete monisa mawa sambu na bantu yina me fwila bantu yina bo vandaka kuzola. Another lesson we can learn from this account is that we should have compassion for those who are grieving over the death of their loved ones. Although the apostle Paul, a faithful Christian, acknowledged: "When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " - Romans 7: 21. Yandi ketuba nde: "Bantu yina kuvandaka na Nzo ya Kimfumu kuyambaka munu ti kyese yonso, ata bo zabaka bikalulu na munu ya ntama. " " Those at the Kingdom Hall welcomed me warmly, even though they knew of my past behavior, " he says. Yes, Jesus Christ was the greatest example of someone who displayed courage. • Banda na Pantekoti 33 T.B. tii kuna, yo lombaka nde Bayuda mpi bantu yina kele ve Bayuda kusala nki sambu na kukuma bantu ya Izraele ya kimpeve? • From Pentecost 33 C.E. on, what did both Jews and Gentiles have to do to become members of spiritual Israel? [ Picture on page 21] Zambia is a paradise regarding the preaching work. Yo kele pwelele nde Yobi vilaka ve bampasi ya ngolo yina kuminaka yandi ti dibuta na yandi. For some time, he likely experienced vivid memories of his suffering. As we adjust our lives, some of our brothers may also encourage us. Na kuwakana ti ndongisila ya mayele ya ntumwa Piere, beto fwete (1) salaka yonso sambu na kuvanda ti bikalulu ya santu, mpi (2) kuzikisa mbotembote sambu na kuzaba kana bisalu ya kikesa ya beto kesalaka ntangu yonso na kisalu ya Yehowa kemonisaka nde beto kezolaka yandi mingi. In harmony with Peter's wise advice, we need (1) to keep close watch on our conduct in order to be sure that it is holy and (2) to make sure that our zealous deeds in Jehovah's service always reflect our deep love for him. If you want to win the battle against Satan, you must regularly feed on spiritual food. Sofonia kutubilaka kukonda nsoni ya bamfumu ya mabundu, ntangu yandi tubaka nde: "Baprofete ke [lulendo, NW], bo kele bantu ya luvunu; banganga - Nzambi ke bebisaka konso kima ya nsiku, bo ke fwaka bansiku ya Nzambi. " Zephaniah decried the shamelessness of the religious leaders, saying: "Her prophets were insolent, were men of treachery. Her priests themselves profaned what was holy; they did violence to the law. " When Jesus ' disciples tried to prevent children from coming to him, how did Jesus respond? Mawete kele mpenza mfunu na kati ya nzo yina bantu yonso ve kele Bakristu Mildness is especially important in a religiously divided home On our farm, we prepared crops and vegetables. Yandi tapesa beto mayele ya beto kele na yo mfunu sambu na kunwana ti mumekamu mpi yandi tasadisa beto na kutula dikebi yonso na dyambu ya nene, disongidila kimfumu ya Yehowa, yina bantu kemengilaka bansadi na yandi kukonda kikuma. He will give us the wisdom we need to cope with the trial and help us to keep in focus the great issue, Jehovah's sovereignty, that is behind the unjustified hatred brought against his servants. Teaching others to observe Jesus ' instructions also involves helping them to follow the command to make disciples. Ata mpidina, yandi kezola nde Nzambi kusadisa yandi na kusoba mabanza na yandi. Our heavenly Father will give us the holy spirit we need in order to make wise decisions. - Read Luke 11: 9, 13. Konso mvula, nganga - nzambi ya nene vandaka kupesa makabu yai ya kunikisa. Every year, for hundreds of years, the high priest made this wave offering. By word and example, he taught them what it means "to trust in Jehovah, " and to obey Jehovah. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 15] [ Picture on page 15] 5, 6. Mpi yandi mosi mpamba kele na nswa ya kutula kimfumu na yandi na ntoto ya mvimba, sambu yo ke lugangu na yandi. - Kusonga 4: 11. And only he has the right to impose his sovereignty over all the earth, for it is his creation. - Revelation 4: 11. They cleaned her for "the Future " Na nima, yandi fwete landa na kumonisa lunungu, ti bikalulu yankaka ya kimpeve. Then, one must continue to pursue righteousness, as well as other spiritual qualities. Why? Sambu beto vandaka kuwakana ve, beto kukaka ve kusolula mbote diambu yango; yo yina mono sonikilaka bo mikanda mingi ya ke tendula balukanu na mono. We were all too upset to talk about this matter in a calm way, so I wrote them several letters to explain my goals. God's Word helped Jesus. Pona baleke yina lenda samuna ti bo. In some cases, you may choose to assign them to work with a younger companion who can provide physical support. That question arises because Jesus promised a criminal who was dead with him, life in a future paradise. Keti bo tavanda ya kudipesa ya mvimba na Yehowa ntangu kilumbu yina yandi tapesa bansambidi ya Baale ndola takuma? Would they be giving exclusive devotion to Jehovah when his day of judgment against Baal worshippers came? They wonder: " How could Lot give his daughters to immoral people, trying to protect his guests? Yandi tubaka nde: " Beno bana - bankento ya Yeruzalemi, beno zenga nde beno ta yangisa beto ve, beno ta tedimisa ve mawi ya zola na kati na mono tii ntangu na yo talunga. ' She said: "I have put you under oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you try not to awaken or arouse love in me until it feels inclined. " King Jeroboam, the first king, placed the golden calf in the city of Dan and Bethel, and he forced humans to worship the young bulls instead of all pure worship at his temple in Jerusalem. (b) Sambu na nki bo mefunda Yezu nde yandi mefwa nsiku ya Kisabatu? (b) Why is Jesus accused of breaking the Sabbath? One of our brothers, Ian, was able to force it to the best of our ability. Kusala mpidina ta sadisa beto na kulanda kubuta bambuma mpi kulemba ve na kimpeve na bilumbu yai ya nsuka mpi ya mpasi. - Tanga Nkunga 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. Doing so will help us to continue to bear fruit and not wither spiritually in these difficult last days. - Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. The name Jehoshaphat means "Jehovah Is Judge. " Na nki mambu beto me fwanana ti bankaka? What do all of us have in common? When we strive to show love and kindness, we will not become jealous of others. Kansi, ata dibundu mosi ve pesaka bamvutu ya mbote na bangiufula na mono. But no one could give me satisfying answers. The elders are not alone in showing justice; neither should they exercise justice in their dealings with fellow believers, with those outside the congregation, and on business matters. - Read Micah 6: 8, 11. Ntangu Yezu vandaka ya kulemba mpi na nzala, Satana kumekaka yandi. When Jesus was fatigued and hungry, Satan sought to tempt him. Later, the brother made clear that he did not accept the decision that the elders had made, and he wrote several letters to the elders and even moved some in the congregation to do the same. Diambu ya ke yitukisa kele nde mavwanga yina basikaka sambu na madia - bima ya kinsuni. Ironically, the matter involved food - material food. The evildoer we can learn is what you see in this picture, which Jesus speaks to him. Yandi vandaka ti nzo ya nkaka na Yizrele na kitamina ya bakilometre kiteso ya 37. He also had a palace in Jezreel, some 23 miles (37 km) away. An appropriate elder will also explain in a clear and effective way what the Bible says about the Memorial. Yindula fyoti! Just imagine! In a similar way, we cannot fully benefit from keeping Jehovah's family members without making a vow of dedication. Bo sonikaka mpi badiskure ti masolo, ebuna bo tindaka yo sambu bo nyema yo na bazulunalu mingi. They also prepared syndicated sermons and articles for thousands of newspapers. Christian ministers persevere in the preaching work like locusts Yo kele kieleka nde na bantangu ya nkaka, Yezu vandaka kuzola kuvanda na kingenga sambu na kusamba. It is true that Jesus sometimes wanted to be alone with his thoughts and to pray. To what extent did Paul give of himself? Sadisa yandi na kuyindula na nsadisa ya bangiufula yai: "Inki ke ndimisa mono nde Nzambi kele? Help him or her to reason on such questions as: "How do I know that God exists? Many faithful servants of Jehovah read each new publication before they put it in their midst. Kisalu ya kutunga tempelo tamana ve na " ngolo ya basoda to na ngolo ya bantu, kansi na ngolo ya mpeve ya Nzambi. ' The building work will come to completion, "not by a military force, nor by power, but by [Jehovah's] spirit. " A great crowd gathered before the house. Bangogo yina ke monisa nde muntu lenda kuma ti mpusa ya kima mosi kaka na nima ya kutala yo. The expression suggests that one can begin desiring something by simply looking at it. According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, William E. Bo vandaka kuvingila nsi - ntoto ya mpa mpi bo vandaka kudimona bonso nde bo kele dezia na kati. One of these was Abraham. Paying attention to the things just mentioned can truly help you to make sacrifices that are pleasing to others. Yehowa mebakaka lukanu ya kuyidika mambu kukonda kusukinina. Jehovah purposes to reverse the situation soon. What about us today? Inki mutindu Polo sadilaka Habakuki 1: 5 sambu na kumonisa mbi yina Bayuda salaka na kubuya Yezu? How did Paul use Habakkuk 1: 5 with regard to rejection of Jesus? In fact, his research revealed that "the earth that had once been a paradise to shepherd. " Diaka, beto me konda masa ya mbote ya kunwa. And we are running out of fresh water. (Read 2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 20.) Noti mosi ya nsi ya lutiti ya Kuyantika 2: 17 (La Bible de Jérusalem) ketendula "nzayilu ya mbote ti ya mbi " bonso" kiyeka ya kupona... nki kele mbote mpi nki kele mbi mpi kusala na kuzabaka yo, kimpwanza ya kupona bo mosi mambu ya mbote ti ya mbi yina muntu kulombaka sambu na kumonisa nde yandi buyaka na kundima nde kele ti muntu kugangaka yandi. " In its footnote to Genesis 2: 17, The Jerusalem Bible explains "the knowledge of good and evil " as" the power of deciding... what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence by which man refuses to recognise his status as a created being. " He will fortify you, and he will sustain you in your old age, and your precious mother - in - law he will sustain you, and he will help you more than seven sons. " Yo yina, beto fwete tadila muntu yonso bonso mpangi na beto, mpi kumonisa zola ata na bayina kesadilaka beto mambu bonso bambeni. - Mat. We, therefore, should regard all people as our neighbor, extending love even to those who act like enemies. - Matt. 41: 13. Beto lenda kuma kumona mpasi na kuzenga mambu na nzila ya mbote mpi beto lenda kudikusa beto mosi na kukwikilaka nde dyambu mosi ya mbi kele mbote. - Fwanisa ti Yoane 16: 2. We may prove unable to judge matters correctly and could even deceive ourselves into believing that a bad act is actually good. - Compare John 16: 2. * Kuzaba nde mono ta kuma kuvanda na kuvan na nsungi mosi buna pesaka mono kiese, sambu mono vandaka kuzola Nzambi mingi. I looked forward to spending some time at a convent because I loved God. Moreover, as Mark shows himself and his well - trained conscience, he is moved to reject the programs he had once seen. Eric: Ee, mono me mona yo. Eric: Yes, I see it. This may involve a decisive battle. Yandi "lenda sadila bamfumu yai zole ve, Nzambi ti kimvwama. " He "cannot slave for God and for Riches. " What did that involve? Ntumwa Piere kelongisila beto nde: "Beno yika na lukwikilu na beno... kukanga ntima. " The apostle Peter urges us: "Supply to your faith... endurance. " The Bible says: "The inexperienced one believes every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. " - Proverbs 14: 15. Yandi ke pusaka bo ve na kusoba na kingolo - ngolo, kansi yandi ke songaka bo bansiku na yandi ya santu. He does not force them to change, but instead, he shows them his clean standards. Although Jehovah chose the Israelites to be his people, he did not allow any other non - Israelites to be with them. Yandi waka ntangu bantu ya Izraele vandaka kudila sambu na masumu na bo. He heard the Israelites as they lamented the effects of their sinful course. We imperfect humans are like clay. Ata ntumwa Polo yina kuvandaka Mukristu mosi ya kwikama, kundimaka nde: "Ntangu mono ke zola kusala mambu ya mbote, mono ke sala yo ve, mono fweti sala kaka mambu ya mbi. " - Roma 7: 21. Even the apostle Paul - a stalwart Christian - admitted: "When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " - Romans 7: 21. It is a vital way to avoid a life that could undermine our spirituality. Ya kyeleka, Yezu Kristu kuvandaka mbandu ya kuluta nene ya muntu yina monisaka kikesa. The supreme example of courage and boldness was, of course, Jesus Christ. Now When We Need to Keep on the Watch Zambie kele paladisu na yina metala kisalu ya kusamuna. Zambia is a preaching paradise. Those Christians had a negative attitude, thinking that their brothers would follow them rather than follow the apostles. Na ntangu luzingu na beto kesoba, bampangi na beto yankaka lenda pesa beto mpi kikesa. And as circumstances change in our lives, we ourselves may be the recipient of strengthening acts by our brothers. 2: 25. Kana beno kezola kununga bitumba yina Satana kenwanisa beno, beno fwete dyaka madya ya kimpeve mbala na mbala. If you are to resist Satan's assaults, you must take in spiritual food regularly. Are they not in a position to instill affection in their minor children? Ntangu balongoki ya Yezu sosaka kukanga bana nzila sambu bo kwenda ve na yandi, inki Yezu kusalaka? When Jesus ' disciples tried to prevent children from coming to him, what was his response? It is good to wait patiently and see the outcome. Na ferme, beto vandaka kuyidika bambuma ti bandunda. The farm produce was processed at an on - site cannery. The Bible offers principles and counsel that have helped many to overcome those feelings. Kulonga bankaka na kulanda bantuma ya Yezu kelombaka mpi kusadisa bo na kulanda ntuma ya kukumisa bantu balongoki. Teaching others to observe Jesus ' commands includes helping them to heed the command to make disciples. Jesus had a beard, even though it was not the custom of the Romans. Tata na beto ya zulu tapesa beto mpeve santu ya beto kele na yo mfunu sambu beto baka badesizio ya mbote. - Tanga Luka 11: 9, 13. Our heavenly Father will give us the holy spirit we need so that we can make good decisions. - Read Luke 11: 9, 13. Malachi's prophecy foretold our day Na kutuba mpi na kupesa mbandu, yandi longaka bo mambu yina yo ketendula " kutula ntima na Yehowa, ' mpi kulemfuka na Yehowa kelomba kusala nki. By word and example, he taught them what is meant by " trusting in Jehovah ' and what obedience to Jehovah involves. He "has all things and believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. " 5, 6. 5, 6. A present - day anointed Christians recognize that they too must do this work, and the "great crowd " is happy to share in it. - John 10: 16. Bo Kebisaka Yandi Sambu na "Mambu Yina Ta Bwa na Ntwala " Warned of "Things Not Yet Beheld " He protects us and teaches us to benefit ourselves - to benefit fully from our lives. Sambu na nki? Why? Everyone's group benefits greatly if its members sincerely walk as a principle but not only if they wish to do so. Ndinga ya Nzambi sadisaka Yezu. God's Word guided Jesus. Paul, who was deeply concerned about what he was doing in the congregations, said: "I don't know anything that I have done. Ngiufula yai ke basika sambu Yezu silaka muntu mosi ya mbi yina bo fwaka kumosi ti yandi, luzingu na paladisu na makwisa. The question arises because Jesus promised the criminal who was being executed alongside him a future life in Paradise. Just as Jesus was resurrected to heavenly life, others will also be resurrected. Bo kekudiyulaka nde: " Inki mutindu Loti lendaka kupesa bana na yandi ya bankento na bantu ya pite sambu na kusosa kutanina banzenza na yandi? They wonder: " How could Lot seek to protect his guests by offering his daughters to a lustful mob? All Christians, young and old, are deeply grateful for these timely reminders. - Psalm 119: 14, 24, 119, 129, 129 Yeroboami, ntotila ya ntete, tulaka bana bangombe ya wolo na mbanza ya Dani mpi ya Betele. Yandi pusaka bantu na kusambila bana ya bangombe na kisika ya kusambila Yehowa Nzambi na bunkete yonso na tempelo na yandi na Yeruzalemi. Their first king, Jeroboam, placed golden calves in the cities of Dan and Bethel and induced the people to worship these rather than to worship Jehovah God properly at the temple in Jerusalem. So there is nothing better for us than to pray for them. Mpangi mosi na kati na beto, Gust Maki, zabaka kupusa yo mbote. Gust Maki, one of the graduates, was an experienced sea captain. According to the Mosaic Law, they were to be put to death. Zina Yozafati ke tendula "Yehowa Kele Zuzi. " The name Jehoshaphat means "Jehovah Is Judge. " Note, though, what Jesus himself said about the purpose of the new birth. Kana beto ke sala bikesa ya kumonisa zola mpi ntima ya mbote, beto ta wila ve bantu ya nkaka kimpala. If we cultivate love and kindness in our heart, we will not easily become jealous. Think of Abel's hair as he looked at his Creator in heaven. Bankuluntu mpamba ve fwete monisa lunungu. Bakristu yankaka mpi fwete monisa lunungu na bangwisana na bo ti bampangi na bo Bakristu, ti bayina kele ve Bakristu, mpi na mambu ya metala mumbongo. - Tanga Mishe 6: 8, 11. Justice is required not only of elders but also of other Christians in their dealings with one another and with unbelievers, including in business matters. - Read Micah 6: 8, 11. Perhaps we were reading the Bible, but we did not understand it because it was hidden, as it was for many today. Na nima, mpangi yango monisaka pwelele nde yandi ndimaka ve lukanu yina bankuluntu bakaka. Yandi sonikila biro ya filiale mikanda mingi sambu na kufunda bankuluntu mpi nkutu yandi pusaka bampangi yankaka na dibundu na kusala mutindu mosi. Afterward, the brother made it widely known that he did not agree, repeatedly writing letters critical of the elders to the branch office and even influencing others in the congregation to do the same. Jehovah himself entrusted Melchizedek with that authority. Muntu ya mbi yina beto lenda bakila dilongi kele yina nge ke mona na kifwanisu yai, yina Yezu ke solula ti yandi. The criminal we can learn from is the one you see Jesus speaking to in the picture. They helped the Israelites when they left Mount Sinai. Nkuluntu ya kufwana ta tendula na pwelele yonso mpi na mutindu ya mbote mambu yina Biblia ke tuba sambu na Lusungiminu. A qualified elder will consider in a clear and dignified manner what the Bible says about the occasion. To endure, how important it is to overcome any physical weakness, such as weakness from sickness or old age, with spiritual strength! Na mutindu mosi, beto lenda baka mpenza ve mambote yonso ya kuvanda bantu ya dibuta ya Yehowa kukonda kusala lusilu ya kudipesa. In a similar way, we cannot fully enjoy the benefits of being a member of Jehovah's family without making a vow of dedication. To save "those having a heart " from the fire of eternal death, mature Christians in the congregation, especially Christian overseers, provide spiritual help. Baministre Bakristu kekwaminaka na kisalu ya kusamuna bonso bampasu Like locusts, Christian ministers show perseverance Moreover, understanding these truths will help us to stand firm against our enemies. - 1 Peter 3: 15. Polo kudipesaka tii na nki kiteso? To what extent did the apostle Paul give of himself? A person's reaction to sin should not stop him from praying to Jehovah because he personally invites those who make serious mistakes to approach him. Bansadi mingi ya kwikama ya Yehowa ke tangaka konso mukanda ya mpa yina ke basikaka na ntwala ya kutula yo na biblioteke na bo. magazines. Like many other faithful servants of Jehovah, he may make it a practice to read each new publication before putting it away on a bookshelf in his personal library. Later, at the end of their unselfish prayer, the Levites promised that the entire nation would obey God's Law. Kibuka mosi ya nene kuvukanaka na ntwala ya nzo. A large crowd gathered in front of the house. Furthermore, we do not practice what the Bible condemns, such as heavy drinking, sexual immorality, and stealing. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. Na kutadila diksionere mosi (An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words) ya William E. According to An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. See the article "The Man of Wisdom Will Be Obedient. " Kutula dikebi na mambu yai ya beto me tubila lenda sadisa nge kibeni na kupesa makabu yina ke pesa bantu ya nkaka kiese. Giving attention to the factors we have discussed can contribute greatly toward your giving gifts that make others happy. Therefore, we do well to ask ourselves such questions as: " Have I allowed the anxieties of life to rob me of the right path? Ebuna beto bubu yai? But what about us today? In 2001, what factors contributed to the need to comfort mourning ones? Ya kyeleka, bansosa ya yandi salaka kumonisaka nde "ntoto yina kuvandaka ntete paladisu ya kugungula. " In fact, his studies indicated that "this land was once a pastoral paradise. " That would be the best thing they could do for mankind. (Tanga 2 Korinto 5: 18 - 20.) (Read 2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 20.) Gift or property: A person can send his property or money to his home if it is a house in which he lives, he will have the right to use it while he is still alive. Yandi ta pesa nge kikesa, yandi ta sadisa nge na kimbuta na nge. Bukilo na nge yina me buta yandi, yandi ke zolaka nge mingi; yandi me sadisa nge mingi kuluta bana - babakala nsambwadi. " He has become a restorer of your soul and one to nourish your old age, because your daughter - in - law who does love you, who is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him. " Observing God's laws and love for our neighbor motivates us to be honest in the matter of insurance 41: 13. 41: 13. To the Israelites, he said: " tested me, Jehovah, the God of armies, and you will certainly bring forth treasures in heaven, and I will bless you even forever. " * * God's name is already holy. Dyaka, mutindu Marko meyikana ti minsiku ya Biblia mpi kezola kulemfuka na kansansa na yandi ya melongamaka mbote, yo kepusa yandi na kubuya baprograme ya televisio yina yandi vandaka kumona ntete mbote. Furthermore, being more attuned to Bible principles and willing to respond to his well - trained conscience, Mark is now moved by his conscience to avoid programs that he earlier felt were acceptable. I placed the magazines and tracts when I drive around a bus near my home. Yo lenda lomba kunwana bitumba mosi ya ngolo mpenza. It can be a struggle, a hard fight. What Rahab of the Canaanites heard about Jehovah's works moved her to act in harmony with his faith. Inki mambu yo lombaka? What did it cost? When we learn how much we benefit from doing Jehovah's work, we will increase our joy and joy. - Acts 20: 35; Philippians 1: 3 - 5. Biblia ke tuba nde: " Muntu ya kukonda mayele ke ndimaka bindima - ndima kansi muntu ya mayele ke yindulaka ntete. ' - Bingana 14: 15. But the Bible warns us: "The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step. " - Proverbs 14: 15. However, the conclusion of the talk is when the speaker comes from the platform. Ata Yehowa solaka bantu ya Izraele mpamba na kuvanda dikanda na yandi, yandi buyaka ve nde bantu ya nkaka yina vandaka ve bantu ya Izraele kuzinga kumosi ti bo. Although Jehovah now had a chosen nation on earth, he did not forbid the presence of non - Israelites among his people. In time, my mother was surrounded by a violent man. Beto bantu ya kukonda kukuka kele bonso mabungu ya ntoto. He described the ministry of the new covenant as a "treasure in earthen vessels. " What happened when Jesus fed a crowd? Kuyambula kikalulu ya kulutisa ndilu na kudya kele mutindu mosi ya mfunu ya kubuya luzingu mosi yina lenda bebisa kimpeve na beto. Avoiding overindulgence in food is one important way to shun a spiritually damaging life - style. " in the October 1, 2003, issue of The Watchtower. Yai Ntangu ya Beto Fwete Kangula Mpenza Meso Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency After three years, when our first daughter was born, I reviewed what was needed in my life. Bakristu yai vandaka ti bangindu ya mbi, bo vandaka kuzola nde bampangi kukuma kulanda bo na kisika ya kulanda bantumwa. Those selfish ones were seeking prominence. What should we remember about ourselves? 2: 25. 2: 25. Happily, though, a "great crowd " will survive this global tribulation. Keti bo kevandaka mpenza ve ya kufwana na kulonga zola na bana na bo ya fyoti? Are they at a serious disadvantage in teaching love to their little ones? Will we show him mildness? Yo kele mbote na kuvingila mpi kumona mutindu mambu ta salama. Is it not better just to wait and see? One day, José met his company with a company. Biblia kepesa minsiku ti bandongisila ya mesadisaka bantu mingi na kununga kumanisa mawi yina. The Bible sets out principles and practical advice that have helped many to succeed in the struggle. Their faithful course may have moved fellow believers to do the same. Yezu vandaka ti mandefu, mutindu vandaka kikalulu ya Bayuda ata yo vandaka ve kikalulu ya bantu ya Roma. Jesus wore a beard, as was customary among Jews in contrast to Romans. The greatest commandment Jesus gave his followers is to show love. Mbikudulu ya Malashi kutubilaka bilumbu na beto Malachi's prophecy pointed forward to our day 17 - 19. (a) What godly qualities are encouraged to pursue in this area? Yandi "ke fikaka mambu yonso, ke kwikilaka mambu yonso, ke tulaka ntima na mambu yonso, ke kangaka ntima na mambu yonso. " Also, it "rejoices with the truth, " and it" bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. " 8: 22 - 26 - Why did Jesus heal blind people on two occasions? Bakristu ya kupakulama ya ntangu yai kendimaka banda ntama nde bo mpi fwete sala kisalu yai, mpi "kibuka ya nene " (NW) kele na kyese na kuvukana ti bo na kisalu yango. - Yoane 10: 16. Modern - day anointed Christians have long recognized that this commission also applies to them, and the "other sheep " gladly join them in that work. - John 10: 16. He felt pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd. Yandi ketaninaka beto mpi kelongaka beto sambu na mambote na beto mosi, disongidila, sambu na kubaka mambote mingi na luzingu na beto. We have come under his protective care, and he teaches us to benefit ourselves - to get the most out of life. I showed patience, at times, Jehovah answered my prayers after days or months. Kimvuka yonso ya bantu kebakaka mambote mingi kana bantu yina kele na kati na yo ketambula na masonga yonso bonso nde bo kezitisa munsiku, kansi bo kesalaka yo ve kaka kana bo mosi mezola na kusala yo. The community benefits greatly when its members behave honestly as a matter of principle, not just when it is expedient for them to do so. They mistakenly concluded that their worship would be acceptable to God. Polo, yina vandaka kudiyangisa mingi sambu na mambu yina yandi vandaka kusala na mabundu tubaka nde: "Mono ke zaba ve ata diambu mosi ya mbi ya mono me sala. Paul, who was very concerned about his actions in the congregations, said: "I am not conscious of anything against myself. This is what the Bible says at Isaiah 14: 7. Kaka mutindu Yezu futumukaka sambu na kukwenda kuzinga na zulu, bantu ya nkaka mpi ta futumuka. Just as Jesus was resurrected from earth to life in heaven, others will be too. Jehovah values that endurance. Bakristu yonso, batoko mpi bambuta, kele na ntonda mingi sambu na bangibusa yai ya kekuminaka bo na ntangu ya mbote. - Nkunga 119: 14, 24, 99, 119, 129, 146. Christians, both young and old, are grateful for such timely reminders. - Psalm 119: 14, 24, 99, 119, 129, 146. They will use their hands, or "burning missiles, " to destroy their own soldiers. Yo yina, kele ve ti kima ya nkaka ya kuluta mbote ya beto lenda sala sambu na bantu yina beto ke zolaka kuluta kusamba sambu na bo. Really, then, what better thing could we do for our loved ones than to pray for them? Jesus gave them the honor and responsibility that surpasses any human or responsibility. Na kutadila Nsiku ya Moize, yo lombaka nde bo fwa bo. According to the Mosaic Law, they deserved to be executed. Illustrate. Kansi, tala mambu yina Yezu yandi mosi kutubaka na yina metala lukanu ya lubutuku ya mpa. Note, though, what Jesus himself said about the purpose of the new birth. If you do not understand something well, look up other scriptures related to whether your Bible contains such scriptures. Meka kumona na mabanza mutindu mupepe ya nkokila ke nikisa nsuki ya Abele ntangu yandi ke tala na zulu mpi ke yindula Ngangi na yandi. Picture the late afternoon breeze ruffling Abel's hair as he turned his gaze upward and thought about his Creator. It says: "Let your name be sanctified. " Ziku na ntwala beto vandaka kutanga Biblia, kansi beto vandaka kubakisa ve mambu yai sambu yo vandaka ya kubumbana, mutindu yo kele ya kubumbana sambu na bantu mingi bubu yai. We may have looked into the Bible before that, but these things were hidden from us, as they are from most of mankind. The brother explained that there was one reason why the new songbook had been published is that the New World Translation had been refined. Yehowa yandi mosi pesaka Melkizedeki kiyeka yina. He was directly appointed by Jehovah to do so. Those who do not share Jehovah's Witnesses may invite us to join them in doing something that is not appropriate for Christians. Bo sadisaka bantu ya Israele ntangu bo katukaka na Ngumba ya Sinai. They assisted the Israelites after these pulled away from Mount Sinai. For example, a business may begin well, but the business may not succeed because of national problems or " unexpected circumstances. ' Sambu na kukanga ntima, yo kele mfunu mingi na kununga konso kulemba ya kinsuni ya beto kele na yo, mu mbandu kulemba yina mekatuka na maladi to na kimununu, ti ngolo ya kimpeve! How important it is to counteract any physical weakness - perhaps caused by disease or old age - with spiritual strength! Why not talk to those whom you know and ask them how Jehovah has helped them? Sambu na kugulusa "bantu yina ke na ntima zole " na tiya ya lufwa ya mvula na mvula, Bakristu ya kuyela na dibundu, mingimingi bankengi, kepesaka bo lusadisu ya kimpeve. In an effort to save "some that have doubts " out of the fire of everlasting destruction, mature ones in the congregation - especially appointed overseers - provide them with spiritual help. 2 Corinthians 12: 1 - 4 refers to a vision that Paul saw. Diaka, kana beto ke bakisa mbote bakieleka yango, yo ta sadisaka beto na kutelamina bambeni na beto. - 1 Piere 3: 15. In addition, when we have a clear understanding of the truths from God's Word, we can confidently stand our ground and defend them against opposers. - 1 Pet. Like Enoch and Noah, however, we can proclaim such a message of faith and comfort from God. Nsoni ya muntu kewaka sambu yandi mesala disumu fwete kanga yandi ve nzila na kusamba Yehowa sambu yandi mosi kebingisa bantu ya mesala bifu ya nene na kusamba yandi. Shame over sin should not stop one from speaking with Jehovah. More than 50 years later, in 2003, the number of publishers in Japan reached 218,000! Na nima, na nsuka ya kisambu na bo ya kukonda bwimi, Balevi silaka nde dikanda ya mvimba ta lemfukilaka Nsiku ya Nzambi. Then, this unselfish prayer concludes with a solemn promise that the nation will henceforth obey God's Law. See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 97 published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Diaka, beto ke salaka ve mambu yina Biblia ke buyisaka, mu mbandu kulawuka malafu, kusala bizumba mpi kuyiba. - 1 Bakorinto 6: 9 - 11. We also avoid practices specifically condemned in the Bible, such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, and stealing. - 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. Married couples have to do much to keep their love strong and to live all their lives alive. Tala disolo " Muntu ya Kukonda Mayele Ke Ndimaka Bindima - Ndima. ' See the article "The Naive Person Believes Every Word. " 6, 7. Yo yina, beto fwete kudiyula bangyufula yai: " Keti mono mebikaka nde basusi ya luzingu kukatula mono na nzila ya mbote? Therefore, we do well to ask ourselves: " Have I allowed the anxieties of life to push me off course? How did Jesus demonstrate his love for his disciples? Na mvu 2001, inki mambu kusalaka nde mfunu ya kupesa kikesa na bantu yina kele na mafwa kukuma mingi? In the year 2001, what events gave rise to a widespread need for giving comfort to mourning ones? Jesus said that one of God's greatest commandments is "to love your neighbor as yourself. " Yina zolaka kuvanda dyambu ya kuluta mbote ya bo zolaka kusala sambu na bantu. That would be the very best that they could do for people. Jehovah's Witnesses often gather in simple homes called Kingdom Halls. Kupesa Lupangu to Nzo: Muntu lenda pesa lupangu to nzo na yandi bonso makabu, kana yo kele nzo yina yandi ke zingaka, yandi ta vanda ti nswa ya kusadila yo ntangu yandi kele ntete na luzingu. Stocks and Bonds: Stocks and bonds donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as an outright gift or by means of a written agreement to transfer on death. (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) Kuzitisa bansiku ya Nzambi mpi zola ya nkweno kepusaka beto na kuvanda masonga na mambu ya metala asiranse Respect for God's law and love of neighbor move us to be honest in insurance matters Esau did not cherish his birthright and sold it to Jacob, who later received his father's blessing. Yandi tubilaka bantu ya Izraele nde: "Beno meka mono Mfumu Nzambi, Nzambi [ya mikangu, NW], sambu na mambu yai, ebuna beno ta mona nde mono ta basisa bimvwama yina kele na zulu, mono ta nokisila beno mambote mingi - mingi bonso mvula. " He told the Israelites: "" Test me out, please, in this respect, ' Jehovah of armies has said, " whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want. ' " Since no imperfect human can say that wrong desires do not come upon him, we do well to heed Paul's warning and resist temptation, unless we fall. - Jeremiah 17: 9. Zina ya Nzambi ke vandaka dezia ya santu. In what way does our preaching work sanctify God's name? Our use of our conscience demonstrates whether our relationship with Jehovah is strong or not, and it shows whether we want to please him or not. Mono kekabulaka baperiodike ti batrakiti na ntangu mono kefongaka na kisika bisi ketelamaka penepene ya nzo na mono. I place magazines and tracts while sitting at the bus stop near my home. What about young people who need help? Mambu yina Rahabi, muntu ya Kanana, kuwaka sambu na bisalu ya Yehowa kupusaka yandi na kusala mambu yina kumonisaka lukwikilu na yandi. What Canaanite Rahab heard of Jehovah's actions stirred her to act in faith. In time, slavery did not become easy. Ntangu beto ta mona mambote ya mingi yina beto ke baka kana beto me sala kisalu ya Yehowa, beto ta kuma na kiese mingi mpi bantu yina ke mona beto lenda kuma mpi na kiese. - Bisalu 20: 35; Bafilipi 1: 3 - 5. When we see the good that this accomplishes, we will grow in joy, experience a greater sense of well - being, and add to the happiness of others. - Acts 20: 35; Phil. 1: 3 - 5. 1, 2. (a) What do you look forward to in Paradise? Kansi, nsuka ya diskure kele ntangu mutubi kekatuka na estrade. The end of the talk is when the speaker walks off the platform. Sadly, Hannah was ridiculed "for the year " because she was unable to bear children. Na nima, mama kumaka kuzinga ti bakala mosi ya nku. After that, my mother lived with a man who was cruel. Moreover, we cannot underestimate those "little days. " Inki mambu kusalamaka ntangu Yezu kudisaka kibuka mosi ya bantu? What happened after Jesus miraculously fed a crowd? These promises include the prophecy recorded in Isaiah chapter 35, mentioned in the first paragraph. " na Nzozulu ya Nkengi ya Kifalansa ya Oktobri 1, 2003. in the October 1, 2003, issue of The Watchtower. Indeed, their destruction will be extremely shameful, for God will use human bodies, including those of the wicked ones on earth, "like green grass. " Na nima ya bamvula tatu, ntangu mwana na beto ya ntete ya nkento butukaka, mono tadilaka diaka mambu yina vandaka mfunu na luzingu na mono. Our first daughter was born three years later, and I reconsidered what was important in my life. She left her family's affairs in Jehovah's hands. Inki diambu beto fwete vila ve na yina me tala kimuntu na beto? All of us, of course, must face the reality that we are sinners. Micah 3: 9 - 12 shows that those rulers whose hands are full of corruption, priests teach only for money, and false prophets about money. Kansi, diambu ya kiese kele nde "kibuka mosi ya nene " ya bantu ta guluka na mpasi yai ya ta salama na ntoto ya mvimba. In fact, the good news is that "a great crowd " of people will survive this worldwide catastrophe. Does this prevent me from helping others who are in need? Keti beto ta monisila yandi mawete? Will we be considerate? (Read Psalm 103: 20, 21.) Kilumbu mosi, José kukutanaka ti Francesc yina kusalaka ti yandi kompani mosi. One day José met Francesc, who worked for the same company. I felt as if a breath were dry, and I did not want to talk to anyone. Ziku, luzingu na bo ya kwikama kupusaka bampangi na bo Bakristu na kusala mutindu mosi. Their faithful course must have influenced their fellow Christians to do the same. Mamasisssssss Nsiku ya kuluta nene yina Yezu pesaka balongoki na yandi kele kumonisa zola. Foremost among Jesus ' teachings is that his followers should display love. Of course not! I could not help but feel that her phone call was the answer to a prayer for help. " [ Box on page 9] 9, 10. 17 - 19. (a) Inki bikalulu ya Nzambi bo kesyamisa beto na kulanda na kisika yai? 17 - 19. (a) What qualities of God are we here urged to imitate? God's Kingdom - Why So Important to You? 8: 22 - 26 - Sambu na nki Yezu kubelulaka kifwa - meso na ba etapi zole? 8: 22 - 26 - Why did Jesus restore the blind man's sight in two steps? When making a decision, it would be wise for him to consider prayerfully the Bible - based counsel. Yandi wilaka bo mawa, sambu bo vandaka bonso mameme yina me konda ngungudi ya kutala bo. And he started to teach them many things. " Have you expressed similar sentiments after attending a meeting at the Kingdom Hall? Mono monisaka ntima - nda, bantangu ya nkaka, Yehowa vandaka kupesa mvutu na bisambu na mono na nima ya bilumbu to ya bangonda. Then I patiently waited - sometimes for days, sometimes for months - for my prayers to be answered. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: Bo kudikusaka na kuyindulaka nde, Nzambi ta ndima lusambu na bo. They had deluded themselves into thinking that God would accept their worship. Why did Cain decide what was wrong, and with what consequences? Yai kele mambu yina Biblia ke tuba na Yezaya 14: 7. That is what the Bible says at Isaiah 14: 7. It especially involves upholding Jehovah God's sovereignty. Yehowa ke bakaka na mbalu kikalulu yina ya kukanga - ntima. Jehovah greatly values such faithful endurance. He healed the blind, the lame, and the deaf. Bo tasadila maboko na bo, to "batolotolo " na bo mosi sambu na kufwa basoda na bo mosi. They will use their arms, or "rods, " against their own warriors. Why is it important to reflect on our dedication to Jehovah? Yezu kupesaka bo lukumu mpi mukumba yina meluta konso lukumu to mukumba yina muntu lenda baka. They were being offered the highest honor and privilege that any human could have. Jesus himself suffered persecution and was executed, and his enemies eventually tried to bring him to death a humiliating and painful death. She concluded: "I'm telling everyone, " Please read it. ' " It can benefit from getting to know and apply it. Pesa mbandu. Illustrate. How does a betrayal arise in a marriage, and why is spending many years in a marriage not a reason for allowing a betrayal? Kana nge kebakisa ve mbote kima mosi, sosa na baverse yankaka ya ketubila dyambu yango yina bo metinda na kutala kana Biblia na nge kele ti baverse ya mutindu yina. When intrigued by a certain point, look up the cross references if your Bible contains such. A regular reading of this inspired book will help us to maintain the peace of the Christ in our hearts. Yo ketuba nde: "Zina na nge ya santu kuvanda ya lukumu. " It states: "Let your name be sanctified. " David was deeply distressed that his sin brought disaster upon the nation. Mpangi Lett tendulaka nde kikuma mosi ya salaka nde bo basisa mukanda ya mpa ya bankunga kele nde bo me tomisaka Mbalula ya Nsi - Ntoto ya Mpa. Brother Lett explained that one objective of the revision was to bring the songs into harmony with the revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. A Christian with discernment, speaking, and acting in a way that pleases God. Bantu yina kele ve Bambangi ya Yehowa lenda bingisa beto na kuvukana ti bo sambu na kusala mambu yina mefwana ve na Bakristu. We may be asked to do something that violates upright principles. Why Do We Show great respect for Jesus? Mu mbandu, muntu mosi lenda yantika mumbungu na yandi mbote, kansi na nima, mumbungu yango lenda nunga ve sambu mambu ya insi mebeba kibeni to " mambu ya kukonda kukana lenda bwila yandi. ' What starts out as a so - called wonderful business opportunity may end up in failure because of an economic downturn or unforeseen occurrences. (Read Ecclesiastes 9: 11.) How do they try to deceive people? Sambu na nki nge solula ve ti bayina nge mezaba mpi nge yula bo nde nki mutindu Yehowa mesadisaka bo? Why not speak to ones you know and ask how Jehovah has helped them? (Read Luke 11: 9 - 13.) 2 Bakorinto 12: 1 - 4 ke tubila mbona - meso yina Polo monaka. We find Paul's vision described at 2 Corinthians 12: 1 - 4. All of us can learn valuable lessons from David's example! - Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Kansi, bonso Enoki ti Noa, beto lenda zabisa nsangu ya mutindu yai sambu na lukwikilu mpi kikesa yina Nzambi kepesaka beto. Like Enoch and Noah, however, we can deliver such a message because of our God - given faith and courage. Solomon's reign was a period of peace and prosperity, and it foreshadowed the rule of God's Kingdom, when Satan also destroyed God's sovereignty. " THE Romans ' greatest... bequest to those who succeeded them [was] their law and their sense that life should be lived according to law. " On the other hand, those who have come to know the beginning of the Bible can make a wise decision. Bamvula kuluta 50 na nima, na mvu 2003, ntalu ya bansamuni na Japon kukumaka 217 508! Over 50 years later, in the year 2003, Japan reported a peak of 217,508 publishers! However, Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. " Tala Étude perspicace des Écritures, Buku ya 1, lutiti 972, yina Bambangi ya Yehowa mebasisaka. See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 906, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. He spoke of those who had a meal with Christ and then said: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and drink the cup of demons. Yo ke lombaka nde bankwelani kulungisa mambu mingi sambu zola na bo kuvanda ngolo mpi kuzinga luzingu na bo ya mvimba. The love between the opposite sexes has other characteristics besides its potential for being constant and enduring. The elders love us and want us to draw close to God. 6, 7. 6, 7. To answer these questions, let us consider Jeremiah's words. Inki mutindu Yezu kumonisaka zola na yandi na balongoki na yandi? How did Jesus demonstrate his love for his disciples? 8, 9. (a) How does integrity strengthen a marriage? Yezu tubaka nde mosi ya bantuma ya kuluta nene ya Nzambi kele " kuzola nkweno na nge bonso nge mosi. ' Jesus said that one of the greatest commandments of God is to "love your neighbor as yourself. " They also make others happy when they are assured that God blesses them with religious festivals and images. Mbala mingi, Bambangi ya Yehowa ke vukanaka na banzo ya kukonda mindondo ya bo ke bingaka Banzo ya Kimfumu. Jehovah's Witnesses commonly meet in modest buildings called Kingdom Halls. How do elders benefit from paying attention to what Christ says to the congregations? (Tanga Yobi 1: 7 - 12.) (Read Job 1: 7 - 12.) Why do young ones need courage? Ezau kubakaka ve nswa na yandi ya kimbuta na valere mpi yandi tekaka yo na Yakobi, yina kubakaka balusakumunu ya tata na yandi na nima. Esau despises his birthright and sells it to Jacob, who later receives his father's blessing. For more information, see chapter 6 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Sambu ata muntu mosi ve ya kukonda kukuka lenda tuba nde bampusa ya mbi kekwisilaka yandi ve, beto fwete simba mbote lukebisu ya Polo mpi kunwana ti mpukumuna, kana ve beto lenda bwa. - Yeremia 17: 9. Since no imperfect human is immune to corrupt appetites, we need to take Paul's warning seriously and resist temptation, or we take the risk of falling. - Jeremiah 17: 9. (Read.) Mutindu beto ke sadilaka kansansa na beto ke monisaka kana bangwisana na beto ti Yehowa kele ngolo to ve, mpi yo ke monisaka kana beto kele ti mpusa ya kusepedisa yandi to ve. How we use our conscience proves how close our relationship with Jehovah is and shows how much we want to please him. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Inki beto ta tuba sambu na batoko yina kele na mfunu ya lusadisu? What, though, about you young ones whose help is needed? He reads and meditates on Bible verses that we read during the Memorial season. Na nima, kimpika kumaka ve pete. As time went on, slavery did not get kinder. 1: 19. 1, 2. (a) Inki mambu nge ke vingila kumona na Paladisu? 1, 2. (a) What do you look forward to in Paradise? Are we imitating their faith? Kima ya mpasi mingi kele nde Penina vandaka kuseka Ana "konso mvula " sambu yandi vandaka ve kubuta. Hannah was taunted by Peninnah "year after year. " 15, 16. Diaka, beto lenda mona ve mpamba " bilumbu yina ya luyantiku ya fioti. ' We should never despise "the day of small beginnings. " PAGE 7 • SONGS: 106 46 Na kati ya balusilu yai kele mpi mbikudulu yina kele na Yezaya kapu 35, yina beto tubilaka na paragrafe ya ntete. These promises include the prophecy in Isaiah chapter 35, mentioned in the opening paragraph. What have we discussed at Psalm 119: 1 - 88, and what can we ask ourselves when we look forward to studying Psalm 119: 89 - 38? Ya kyeleka, lufwa na bo tavanda ya nsoni kibeni, sambu Nzambi tapanza banitu, nkutu ti misopo ya bantu yai ya mbi na ntoto, "bonso matiti. " Theirs will be a disgraceful end indeed, for God will strew the bodies - even the entrails - of these wicked ones upon the earth, "like the dung. " It is vital to safeguard the heart in order to maintain chastity. Yandi bikaka mambu ya dibuta na yandi na maboko ya Yehowa. He had to leave the matter in Jehovah's hands. ▪ Jehovah - Our Place of Salvation Mishe 3: 9 - 12 kemonisa nde bamfumu yina maboko na bo kele ya kufuluka na menga kesambisa bantu sambu na kubaka avoka, banganga - Nzambi kelonga kaka sambu na mbongo, ebuna baprofete ya luvunu ketuba mambu yina takwisa na ntwala sambu na mbongo. According to Micah 3: 9 - 12, the bloodguilty rulers judge for a bribe, the priests instruct for a price, and the false prophets practice divination for money. Their thoughts are set aside until the day the doctors will find the medicine to treat the disease, to end old age, and to restore them to life and health. Keti mambu yai kekangaka mono nzila ya kukonda kusadisa bantu yankaka ya kele na mpasi ya mono mekutana na bo? Do such factors limit my obligation to help any fellowman whom I see in trouble? I am tired of the flock and of the fat of your young bulls; because of the blood of the bulls and the goats I have taken no delight.... (Tanga Nkunga 103: 20, 21.) (Read Psalm 103: 20, 21.) The Role of Your Conscience Mu vandaka kudiwa bonso nde mpema ke zengana, mpi mu vandaka kuzola ve kusolula ata ti muntu. I felt as if I were suffocating, and I didn't want to talk to anyone. Above all, we are happy to see how people respond when we teach them. Clemens Vollnhals Clemens Vollnhals We need to pay close attention to the answer to that question, for it will help us to survive. Sukadi mpila ve! What sweetness! What is your determination regarding the use of your free will? 9, 10. 9, 10. Do What is Ask of the King Kimfumu ya Nzambi - Sambu na nki Yo Kele Mfunu Sambu na Nge? Be of Good Courage - Jehovah Is Your Helper! 4 / 15 Scriptural Questions Answered: Ntangu yandi kebaka desizio, yo tavanda mayele nde yandi tadila na kisambu bandongisila ya mekatuka na Biblia. In making her decision, it will be wise for her to give prayerful consideration to Bible - based counsel. • What responsibilities do we have toward the world in which we live? Keti nge memonisaka mawi ya mutindu mosi na nima ya kukwenda na lukutakanu mosi na Nzo ya Kimfumu? Have you expressed similar sentiments after attending a meeting at the Kingdom Hall? Cain became disobedient and compassionate. MUNSIKU YA BIBLIA: BIBLE PRINCIPLE: What practical steps can you make to become more effective in the ministry? Sambu na nki Kaini bakaka lukanu ya mbi, mpi nki mpasi yo natilaka yandi? What affected Cain's ability to make a wise decision, and with what result? Dedication is the most important vow a Christian makes. Yo ketadila mingimingi kunwanina luyalu ya Yehowa Nzambi. Especially does it relate to the vindication of Jehovah God's sovereignty. For more information about why God permits suffering, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yandi belulaka bifwa - meso, bantu ya makulu kifu mpi bifwa - makutu. He cured the blind, the lame, the lepers, and the deaf. Yet, he found great comfort in the words of the psalmist at Psalm 94: 19: "When anxieties overwhelmed me, you comforted me and soothed me. " Sambu na nki yo kele mfunu na kuyindula kudipesa na beto na Yehowa? Why is it good to reflect on our dedication to Jehovah? In his letters, he greeted many, reading their names. Yezu yandi mosi bantu kunyokulaka yandi na nku mpi bo fingaka yandi, mpi nsukansuka bambeni na yandi kusalaka yonso sambu yandi kufwa lufwa mosi ya nsoni mpi ya mpasi. Jesus himself was the object of cruel persecution and reproach, and his enemies finally succeeded in putting him to a most disgraceful and painful death. We must always show love for God's laws because we do not want to associate with wicked people from the dangers of death! Bantu lenda bakila yo mambote kana bo zaba yo mbote mpi kusadila yo. Mankind can benefit from being acquainted with his teachings and putting them into practice. He is pleased to see humans reject God's sovereignty and stop serving him. Inki mutindu kuyekula kebasikaka na kati ya makwela mpi sambu na nki kulutisa bamvula mingi na makwela kele ve kikuma ya kupesa nzila na kikalulu ya kuyekula? How might betrayal find a niche in a marriage, and why is a person's age not an excuse for that to happen? Consider another experience. Kutanga Mukanda yai ya kupemama mbala na mbala tasadisa beto na kutanina ngemba ya Kristu na ntima na beto. Regularly consulting that inspired Book will help to preserve the peace of the Christ in our hearts. [ Blurb on page 10] Davidi kuwaka mpasi na ntima na kumona nde disumu na yandi kunatilaka dikanda ya mvimba mpasi. David felt regret that his sin brought suffering upon the entire nation. Similarly today, some willingly choose to remain single so that they can accomplish their ministry well. Mukristu yina kele ti luswasukusu, ke tubaka mpi ke salaka mambu na mutindu yina ke sepedisaka Nzambi. A discerning worshipper speaks and acts in ways that please God. Those taking the lead should do the same in a loving way. Sambu na nki Beto Kezitisaka Yezu Mingi? Why We Have Deep Respect for Jesus Nearly a century ago, some well - organized Bible students thought that talks were the best way to carry out the preaching work. Inki mutindu bo kesalaka sambu na kukusa bantu? How do they operate? Those who are worthy of trust among the other sheep have been appointed to replace them. (Tanga Luka 11: 9 - 13.) (Read Luke 11: 9 - 13.) Jesus first chose 12 people and then 70 of his disciples, giving them specific instructions, and sent them forth to preach this encouraging message: "The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " Beto yonso lenda baka malongi ya mfunu na mbandu ya Davidi! - Longi 12: 1. What outstanding lessons for all of us to learn! - Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Can sinful humans learn from the example of a perfect man? Luyalu ya Salomo kuvandaka nsungi mosi ya ngemba ti ya kimvwama mingi kibeni, ebuna yo vandaka kumonisa luyalu ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi, ntangu yina Satana tafwa mpi kimfumu ya Nzambi tasantisama. The reign of Solomon was in particular a time of peace and prosperity beyond compare, providing a prophetic glimpse of the rule of God's Kingdom when Satan's influence will be completely removed and Jehovah's sovereignty vindicated. " What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " - MICAH 6: 8. Kansi, bantu yina ke bakaka nzayilu ya luyantiku ya Biblia lenda baka lukanu ya mbote. People who gain a basic knowledge of the Bible, however, can make an informed choice. No. Kansi ya kieleka, Nzambi tedimisaka Kristu na bafwa, mbuma ya ntete ya bantu yina me lalaka na lufwa. " But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in death. " However, in some parts of the courts, we have done so with major courts involving international matters. Yandi tubilaka bantu yina vandaka kudya na kimvuka mosi ti Kristu mpi na nima yandi tubaka nde: "Beno lenda nwa ve dikopa ya Mfumu Yesu ebuna na nima beno kwisa kunwa dyaka dikopa ya bampeve ya mbi. He spoke of the partakers sharing together in Christ and then said: "You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of " the table of Jehovah ' and the table of demons. " Do you hesitate to accept an assignment in the congregation because you think that others will carry it out more effectively than you do? Bankuluntu ke zolaka beto mpi ke sepelaka nde beto kwenda pene - pene na Nzambi. Remember, the elders love us and want us to grow spiritually. Some of God's servants will receive the heavenly reward; others will receive the reward of everlasting life on a paradise earth, which is also reason to "rejoice and rejoicing. " Sambu na kubaka bamvutu na bangyufula yai, bika beto tadila bangogo yina Yeremia tubaka. To answer those questions, let us examine words recorded by Jeremiah. If we are unable to do all we can in Jehovah's service, how will a waiting attitude help us to endure it? 8, 9. (a) Inki mutindu kwikama kekumisaka ngolo makwela? 8, 9. (a) How does loyalty strengthen a marriage? Do Jesus ' sayings Affect Your Prayers? Mimpe mpi bapastere kesepedisaka bantu yankaka ntangu bo kendimisaka bo nde Nzambi kesakumunaka kusala bankinsi ya dibundu mpi kusambila bifwanisu. Priests and pastors tickle the ears of others by convincing them that ceremonies, Masses, fiestas, and images have God's blessing. I still have those notes. Inki mambote bankuluntu kebakaka na ntangu bo ketulaka dikebi na mambu yina Kristu ketubilaka mabundu? How do elders benefit from paying attention to what Christ says to the congregations? " Jesus approached them and spoke to them. " Sambu na nki baleke fwete monisa kikesa? Why do Christian youths need courage? You know that the manslayer has everlasting life. " Sambu na kuzaba mambu mingi, tala kapu ya 6 ya mukanda yai, Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza?, yina Bambangi ya Yehowa me basisaka For more information, see chapter 6 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Thus, the separating of the sheep from the goats will take place before the Thousand Year Reign begins. (Tanga.) (Read.) This will help us to receive that reward. Kubasika na yo kele mosi ya mitindu ya kisalu ya kulonga bantu Biblia na ntoto ya mvimba ya me simbama na makabu ya luzolo ya mbote. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. " What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " - MATT. Yandi ke tangaka mpi ke yindulaka mingi baverse ya Biblia ya beto ke tangaka na nsungi ya Lusungiminu. On occasion, he updates his collection with an article or two. [ Picture on page 18] " Bo ta nwanisa nge kansi bo ta kuka ve kubedisa nge. " - YEREMIA 1: 19. " They will be certain to fight against you, but they will not prevail against you. " - JEREMIAH 1: 19. Have you ever prayed to Jehovah for help during difficult times? Keti beto kelandaka mbandu ya lukwikilu na bo? Do we imitate their faith? Baptism is a great and joyful occasion 15, 16. 15, 16. Choose the right time and place to discipline them, and do so in a kind way. LUTITI 7 • BANKUNGA: 106, 46 PAGE 7 • SONGS: 106, 46 5, 6. Inki mambu beto metubila na ntangu beto metadila Nkunga 119: 1 - 88, mpi nki beto lenda kudiyula ntangu beto kevingila na kyese yonso na kulonguka Nkunga 119: 89 - 176? What have we considered in reviewing Psalm 119: 1 - 88, and what might we ask ourselves as we look forward to studying Psalm 119: 89 - 176? 10 / 15 Yo kele mfunu na kutanina ntima sambu na kulunda kikalulu ya bunkete. The key to maintaining chastity is to safeguard the heart. Later, some began to study. ▪ Yehowa - Kisika na Beto ya Kuzingila ▪ Jehovah - Our Place of Dwelling As the number of computers and personal pursuits have increased, many need computer programs. Bangindu na bo kevandaka ya kubumba yo tii kilumbu badoktere tazwa nkisi ya kusansa maladi yina kufwaka bo, ya kukatula kimununu, mpi kuvutula bo na luzingu mpi na mavimpi ya mbote. The idea is to preserve them until medical breakthroughs enable doctors to cure diseases, reverse the effects of aging, and restore both life and health to the dead. " Look up your eyes high up and see. Mono me lemba na mameme ya beno ke yokilaka mono ti na mafuta ya bana - bangombe na beno; menga ya bangombe ti ya mameme ti ya bankombo mono ke zola yo diaka ve.... " I have had enough of whole burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well - fed animals; and in the blood of young bulls and male lambs and he - goats I have taken no delight.... That is something all of us can and should do. Kisalu ya Kansansa na Nge The Role of Your Conscience What does that mean for you and your family? Kuluta diaka, beto ke vandaka na kiese na kumona mutindu bantu ke sepelaka ntangu beto ke longaka bo. Most of all, it's a joy to see people's happy faces when we preach to them. Since Jehovah God created man "out of dust from the ground, " the word" mother " is figuratively used in this verse to describe the earth. - Genesis 2: 7. Beto fwete tula dikebi ya mingi na mvutu ya ngiufula yai, sambu yo ta sadisa beto na kuguluka. We should be keenly interested in the answer, for our very salvation is involved. For example, religious leaders who considered themselves to be good - minded in the first century claimed that they were God's children and that they believed that they were doing God's will. Inki kele lukanu na nge na yina me tala kusadila kimpwanza na nge ya kupona? What is your resolve when it comes to your use of free will? This helps him to respect others and treat them kindly. Salaka Mambu Yina Bo Lombaka Ntotila Follow the Royal Pattern But he realized that these things have resulted in much suffering for mankind. Bangyufula ya Masonuku Mezwa Bamvutu: Scriptural Questions Answered: ● Iba, who lives on a island far away from the island of Pacific, on the Pacific island coast. • Inki mikumba beto kele na yo na ntwala ya inza yai ya beto kezinga? • What responsibilities do we have toward the secular world? • What benefits come to those who practice what they learn from God's Word? Kaini kukumaka mufwi - bantu ya kukonda bulemfu ti mawa. Cain thus became a disobedient, cold - blooded murderer. 6 / 15 Inki mambu nge lenda yidika sambu na kukuma kusamuna mbote? What adjustments might make you more effective in the ministry? Jesus will then bruise Satan and his demons in "the abyss. " - Rev. Kudipesa na Yehowa kele lusilu ya ntete ya mfunu yina Mukristu ke salaka. That would not be an expression of "love without hypocrisy. " Sambu na kuzaba mambu mingi na yina metala kikuma yina Nzambi mepesaka nzila na bampasi, tala kapu 11 ya mukanda Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza? For more information about why God permits suffering, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Moreover, when Jehovah allowed opposers to destroy Christ, Jehovah no doubt suffered at the execution of his chosen Servant. Ata mpidina, yandi zwaka kikesa ya mingi na mambu yina muyimbi - bankunga songaka Nzambi na Nkunga 94: 19: "Ntangu basusi lutilaka mono, nge pesaka mono kikesa mpi nge lembikaka mono. " She found great comfort, though, in the words of Psalm 94: 19, wherein the psalmist said to God: "When anxieties overwhelmed me, you comforted and soothed me. " You will never get sick anymore. " - Mark 5: 25 - 34. Na mikanda yina yandi sonikaka, yandi pesaka bampangi mingi mbote, yandi tangaka bazina na bo. His letters contain many specific greetings. We continue to believe that there is a God who created all things. Beto fwete monisa ntangu yonso zola na bansiku ya Nzambi sambu beto kezola ve ata fyoti kuvukana ti bantu ya mbi na mvindu ya lufwa! May we always display love for God's reminders, for we surely do not want to join the wicked on the slag heap of destruction! PUBLIS 1 Yandi ke sepelaka na kumona bantu ke buya luyalu ya Nzambi mpi ke yambula kusadila yandi. He is eager to see us reject God's right to rule and stop serving Him. No wonder Jehovah said: "I have heard that the sons of Israel are taunting me. Tala eksperiansi yankaka. Consider another experience. Some have used it, but it had no success, and many of these brothers were angry with them. [ Bangogo sambu na kubenda dikebi ya kele na lutiti 10] [ Blurb on page 15] The Only Source of Spiritual Education Mutindu mosi bubu yai, bantu yankaka meponaka na luzolo yonso na kubikala bampumpa na mpila nde bo lenda lungisa mbote kisalu na bo ya kusamuna. Today, some have likewise made the conscious choice to remain single so that they can better pursue their ministry. The Devil is "the ruler of this world. " Bankengi yina yandi ketwadisaka fwete sala mutindu mosi na zola yonso. Overseers under him must with tenderness do the same thing. It was not until the body was touched. Na kiteso ya bamvula nkama yina meluta, balongoki yankaka ya Biblia yina vandaka kusala badiskure mbote mpenza kuyindulaka nde kusala badiskure kuvandaka mutindu ya kuluta mbote ya kusala kisalu ya kusamuna. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, certain Bible Students who were excellent public speakers felt that they could best carry out the commission to preach by delivering well - prepared talks to appreciative audiences. The Philistines set camp between the two cities, one in the mountains you see. 100 Years of Kingdom Rule - How Does It Affect You? Jesus told his followers to go to all. Bo mepona bampangi ya mefwana na kutudila ntima na kati ya mameme yankaka sambu bo yinga na bisika yango. Responsible brothers of the other sheep class were elected as replacements. Because David loved Jehovah. Yezu kuponaka ntete bantu 12 mpi na nima bantu 70 na kati ya balongoki na yandi, ebuna yandi pesaka bo bantuma ya sikisiki, mpi kutindaka bo na kukwenda kusamuna nsangu yai ya kepesa kikesa: "Kimfumu ya Nzambi me kuma penepene! " Jesus selected first 12 then 70 from among his disciples, gave them specific instructions, and sent them out to preach the stirring message: "The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. " We will speak encouraging and encouraging things. Keti bantu ya masumu lenda longuka na mbandu ya muntu ya kukuka? Is a perfect example helpful for sinful humans? To do so requires that a child love God's Word. " Mambu ya [Yehowa] ke zola nde beto sala yo yai: Sala mambu yina kele ya masonga, [zola mambote mpi tambula na mutindu mosi ya kukonda lulendo ti Nzambi na nge, NW]. " - MISHE 6: 8. " What is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God? " - MICAH 6: 8. 9 Did You Know? Ve. No. The apostle Paul wrote: "Christ gave himself in exchange for our sins, in order to deliver us from this wicked system of things, as is the will of our Father. " Kansi, na bansi ya nkaka batribinale me ndimaka ve kupesa beto nswa yina, beto me nataka mambu yango na batribinale ya nene yina ke tadilaka mambu ya bansi mingi. In some lands, we have lost court battles, but we have applied to international courts. What will help us to endure? Keti nge kewaka boma na kundima mukumba mosi na dibundu sambu nge keyindulaka nde bankaka talungisa yo mbote - mbote kuluta nge? Have you held back from accepting an assignment in Jehovah's service, feeling that others were more qualified than you? They love him deeply and really believe in his promises. Bansadi ya nkaka ya Nzambi ta baka matabisi na zulu. Bankaka ta baka matabisi ya luzingu ya mvula na mvula na ntoto yina ta kuma paladisu. Mambu yai kele mpi kikuma ya " kuyangalala mpi ya kuvanda na kiese mingi. ' Aside from those who will receive a reward in heaven, the prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth is indeed reason to "rejoice and be overjoyed. " Did You Know? Kana beto kekuka ve kusala mambu yonso ya beto lenda sala na kisalu ya Yehowa, inki mutindu kikalulu ya kukinga tasadisa beto na kukanga ntima na dyambu yango? If we are limited in what we can do in Jehovah's service, how will a waiting attitude help us endure the situation? • How can Habakkuk's prayer affect us? Keti Mambu ya Yezu Kutubaka Kele ti Bupusi na Bisambu na Nge? Do Jesus ' Sayings Influence Your Prayers? God's will for Jesus was not simply to give his soul as a ransom in order to "make many people captive to sin, " but also to make a covenant with his followers for the sake of the Kingdom. Tii bubu yai mu ke ti banoti na munu yina yonso. I still have all my notes. In order to maintain peace, however, Isaac usually chose to remove his camp instead of fighting. " Yesu kwisaka penepene na bo, ebuna yandi tubilaka bo. " " Jesus approached and spoke to them. " ▪ Answer: Some people hold free stories about sex or listen to news about sex. FORT WORTH, TX (Spanish only), Fort Worth Convention Center, 1111 Houston St. (See footnote.) (b) Why did Satan focus his attention on the nation of Israel? Beno zaba nde muntu yina me fwa muntu ya nkaka, yandi lenda vanda na moyo ya mvula na mvula ve. " A manslayer could find safety in an Israelite city of refuge only if he did not hate the one slain. What convinces you that God always does what is right? Yo yina, kukabula mameme ti bankombo ta salama na ntwala nde Luyalu ya Bamvula Funda kuyantika. Therefore, the separating of the sheep from the goats would have to take place before the Millennial Rule begins. It may involve cleaning such practices as throwing the waste of waste, washing, washing, and cleaning the again - all the humble activities involved! Yo tasadisa beto na kubaka lufutu yango. That will help us to attain it. They may say that belief in a person or in something without evidence is believed. " Nki tavanda kidimbu ya kuvanda na nge ti ya [kemonisa nde] ngidika yai ya bima kekwenda na nsuka? " - MAT. " What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " - MATT. What sort of body will they have? " [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 18] [ Picture on page 18] Yes, God's loyal ones are " declaring abroad his wonderful works and the glory of his kingdom. ' Keti nge mesambaka dezia Yehowa na kusadisa nge na ntangu mosi ya mpasi? Have you ever called out to Jehovah in a time of desperate need? Are you making spiritual progress? Mbotika kele okazio mosi ya nene mpi ya kyese Baptism is both a serious and a joyous occasion 1, 2. (a) Why did Job feel abandoned by God? Pona ntangu mpi kisika ya mbote sambu na kupesa bo disipline, mpi sala yo ti mawete. Choose the right time and place to discipline them, and do so in a kind way. How, though, do you view this ungodly world that does not know God? 5, 6. 5, 6. Others feel discouraged because they are depressed. 10 / 1 11 / 1 What will result if we trust only in Jehovah? Na nima, bantu ya nkaka yantikaka kulonguka. Soon others also began to study. After bringing the child's body to the upper room, Elijah repeatedly prayed that God would restore the child to life. Mutindu ntalu ya baordinatere ya kisalu ti ya kusadila bisalu ya muntu yandi mosi mekuma mingi, bantu mingi mekuma na mfunu ya baprograme ya baordinatere. With the soaring number of personal and business computers, many people have needed software. (See opening image.) (b) How do you make it easy for your children to approach you? " Beno tala na zulu, beno tala mbote! " Raise your eyes high up and see. In this way you will be able to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him. " Yo kele diambu yina beto yonso lenda mpi fwete sala. This is something all of us can and should do. 1, 2. Dyambu yai ketendula nki sambu na nge mpi bantu ya dibuta na nge? What significance does that have for you and your immediate family? (b) What will help us to make return visits that can produce fruit? Sambu Yehowa Nzambi kusalaka muntu na "putulu ya ntoto, " bo kesadila ngogo" mama " na verse yai na mutindu ya kifwani sambu na kutubila ntoto. - Kuyantika 2: 7. Since Jehovah God formed man "out of dust from the ground, " the term" mother " is here used figuratively to refer to the earth. - Genesis 2: 7. [ Picture on page 31] Mu mbandu, bamfumu ya mabundu yina vandaka kudimona nde bo kele bantu ya mbote ya mvu - nkama ya ntete, tubaka nde bo vandaka bana ya Nzambi mpi nde bo vandaka kukwikila nde bo vandaka kusala luzolo ya Nzambi. For example, self - righteous religious leaders of the first century asserted that they were, in a way, sons of God and believed that they were doing the will of God. When a Ethiopian eunuch heard Philip's words to him that Jesus was the Messiah, the man asked Philip: "What prevents me from getting baptized? ' Yo ke sadisaka yandi na kuzitisa bantu ya nkaka mpi kusadila bo mambu na mawete yonso. When might we start to think or act immodestly? (b) What questions might we ask ourselves if we find it difficult to control some weakness? Kansi yandi bakisaka nde bima yai ke natilaka bantu bampasi mingi. Often, those pursuits are unattainable and bring only stress and heartache. As a teenager, she thought about keeping busy in her ministry. ● Vaiatea, kezingaka na kisanga mosi ya kele ntama ti kisanga ya Pacifique, na Tuamotu. ● Vaiatea lives on a remote Pacific island in the Tuamotu Archipelago. After what happened at the temple, when 12 - year - old Jesus remained for three days, "Jesus returned with [his disciples] to Nazareth. • Inki mambote bantu yina kesadilaka mambu ya bo kelongukaka na Ndinga ya Nzambi kebakaka? • What benefits come to those who practice the things they learn from God's Word? Ask Jehovah to help you learn what to do. Tanina " Zola ya Nge Vandaka na Yo Ntete, ' 6 / 1 Be Yielding, Be Balanced, 3 / 15 Luke also said that "some women " were with Jesus and his disciples," by giving their belongings to Jesus and his disciples. " Na nima, Yezu takanga Satana mpi talosa yandi ti bademo na yandi na "dibulu ya nda. " - Kus. Then Jesus will bind Satan and cast him and his demons into "the abyss. " - Rev. Our home was also a place for meetings. Kusala mutindu yina tavanda ve kumonisa zola "ya kieleka. " Doing so would be the opposite of having love "without hypocrisy. " Consider how husbands and wives can apply this counsel in the matter of speaking. Dyaka, ntangu Yehowa pesaka nswa nde bambeni kufwa Kristu, ntembe kele ve nde Yehowa kumonaka mpasi ntangu yandi monaka bo kefwa Muntu na yandi yina yandi solaka. Thus, while Jehovah permitted Christ to be killed by his enemies, there can be no doubt that Jehovah suffered when he saw his chosen Servant being put to death. His Scriptural evidence confirmed that "many peoples, both Jews and proselytes, followed Paul and Barnabas " to learn more. Maladi yai nge ta bela yo diaka ve. " - Mar. 5: 25 - 34. Go in peace, and be in good health. " - Mark 5: 25 - 34. THE END WILL BE NO MORE. ke landaka kundimisa beto nde kele ti Nzambi yina gangaka bima yonso. magazine strengthens our belief that there is a Creator. * - Isaiah 33: 24. NSAMUNI 1 SAMBU NA BANTU PUBLISHERS RATIO " We were very young, " he says, "and we were thinking too much about our country. Mpila ya kuyituka kele ve kana Yehowa kutubaka nde: "Mono me wa nde bantu ya Israele ke bokutila mono. Murmuring was thus an expression of lack of proper appreciation for Jehovah's provisions. What responsibility has God given all Christians, and how should we view it? Bampangi ya nkaka sadilaka yo kansi yo butaka ve mbuma ya mbote, ebuna mingi na kati ya bampangi yai wilaka bo makasi. When the supplements and diet did not have good results, many brothers and sisters were upset. Secret 1 Nto Mosi Kaka ya Malongi ya Kimpeve The One Source of Spiritual Instruction Others contributed funds to supporting the war, and a small number of them went to war. Diabulu kele "mfumu ya nsi - ntoto " yai. He is "the ruler of this world. " Someone had to give or sacrifice his life, a life comparable to that of Adam - a perfect human life. Kuyobila na nima ya kusimba mvumbi. Washing after touching a dead body. First, by imitating the Great Teacher, Jesus. Bantu ya Filistia tulaka camp na kati - kati ya bambanza yina zole, kisika mosi buna na bangumba yina beno ke mona. The Philistines camped between those towns, somewhere on the hillsides facing you. They are among the sources that distract them when they drive a car. Yezu songaka balongoki na yandi na kukwenda na bantu yonso. Jesus told his disciples to "go " to all people. Satan will be punished with death, but that does not apply to you! Sambu Davidi vandaka kuzola Yehowa. Because David loved Jehovah. Is it not clear that Jehovah blessed the arrangement that his Son used to feed congregations? Beto ta tubaka mambu ya ke tunga mpi ya ke pesa kikesa. The things we say will be positive and encouraging. Thus, friendship can take time and patience. Sambu na kusala yo, yo kelombaka kusadisa mwana na kuzola Ndinga ya Nzambi. To do so, a young person must be helped to cultivate a taste for the Word of God. These divine judgments destroyed unrepentant wrongdoers, but they protected those who were upright in God's eyes. Bika Mambu ya Yezu Kutubaka Kuvanda ti Bupusi na Nkadilu na Nge LUTITI 9 9 Mary's Role in God's Purpose If they do not appreciate our message, can we try to understand why they do so? Ntumwa Polo kusonikaka nde: "Kristo kudipesaka sambu na kukatula masumu na beto, sambu na kukatula beto na ntangu yai ya mbi, bonso kele luzolo ya Tata na beto Nzambi. " The apostle Paul wrote: "[Jesus] gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from the present wicked system of things according to the will of our God and Father. " The local brothers wrote the names and address of those attending meetings and then arranged for people to gather in a house to open up "the new rooms. " Inki tasadisa beto na kukanga ntima? What will help us to endure? Where, then, do they come from? Bo ke zolaka yandi mingi mpi ke kwikilaka mpenza na balusilu na yandi. They fight hard to resist being tempted to live a materialistic, self - centered lifestyle. What is it that enables them to do this? 7, 8. Keti Nge Zabaka Yo? Did You Know? * This was the kind of faith that their father had taught them when they fled. • Inki mutindu kisambu ya Habakuki lenda tadila beto? • How may Habakkuk's prayer affect us? Priscilla and Aquila no doubt noticed that the people in that area had really changed their thinking and had a good effect on them as they became a disciple. Luzolo ya Nzambi sambu na Yezu kuvandaka kaka ve nde yandi kupesa moyo na yandi bonso nkudulu sambu na "kukatula bantu mingi na kimpika ya masumu, " kansi mpi sambu na kusala kuwakana ti balongoki na yandi sambu na Kimfumu. God's will for Jesus included that he not only would "give his soul a ransom in exchange for many " but also would make a covenant with his followers for a Kingdom. How can Jehovah provide needed help through the congregation? Kansi, sambu na kutanina ngemba, mbala mingi Izaki kuponaka na kukatula kan na yandi na kisika ya kunwana. Still, for the sake of peace, Isaac had more than once opted to move rather than fight. 13: 14 - 19. ▪ Mvutu: Bantu yankaka kebulaka masolo ya mefwana ve ya ketubilaka mambu ya kuvukisa nitu to kewidikilaka na telefone bansangu yina ketedimisaka mpusa ya kuvukisa nitu. ▪ Answer: Phone sex involves talking inappropriately about sex or listening to explicit erotic messages on the phone. Consider the case of an elderly woman in South Africa, who lost a desire to live. (Pesa bambandu.) (b) Sambu na nki Satana tulaka dikebi ya mingi na dikanda ya Izraele? (Give examples.) (b) Why did Satan have special reason to focus his attention on ancient Israel? Yes, God's Kingdom will rule over all the earth, bringing an end to all wickedness, and it "will stand forever. " Inki ke ndimisaka nge nde Nzambi ke salaka kaka mambu ya mbote? Why do you trust that God is always just? Jehovah gives those who "keep on asking " for the wisdom needed to endure trials. - Jas. Yo lenda lomba kusala bisalu bonso kulosa bamvindu yina kele na ba pubele, kuyobisa sima, kikoso ti wc: bisalu yonso ya kelombaka kudikulumusa! That can involve such things as emptying trash cans, mopping floors, and cleaning washrooms - all humble tasks! (a) When it comes to study, what danger is there for Christians? Bo lenda tuba nde, kukwikila na muntu to na kima mosi buna kukonda nzikisa kele bindima - ndima. To have faith in someone or something for which there is no evidence is pure gullibility, they may say. Make Your Advancement Manifest Nki mutindu ya nitu bo ta vanda na yo? " Yes, with what sort of body are they coming? " As you continue to study, you will find that those publications clearly indicate that Paul's words are true. Ya kyeleka, bantu ya kwikama ya Nzambi " kezabisaka bantu yonso mambu na yandi ya nene ti lukumu ya kimfumu na yandi. ' Indeed, God's loyal ones "make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glory of the splendor of his kingship. " Soon Philip accepted the invitation to go to work as volunteers at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Macedonia. Keti nge ke yela na kimpeve? Have you been making spiritual progress? When he was " walking by spirit, ' it was no doubt easy for him to resist temptation to sin. 1, 2. (a) Sambu na nki Yobi kudiwaka bonso nde Nzambi kuyambulaka yandi? 1, 2. (a) Why did Job feel abandoned by God? The spirit of the world is powerful and cannot be overcome by everything. Kansi, inki mutindu nge ketadilaka nsi - ntoto yai ya bantu ya mbi yina mezaba Nzambi ve? How, then, do you view the world of unrighteous human society alienated from God? Hence, the Bible says: "Those knowing your name will trust you. " Bankaka kelembaka nitu sambu bo kenyokwamaka ngolo na mabanza. Some experience despair because of clinical depression. We too need to imitate our righteous God by striving to fulfill our promises. - Matt. Inki tasalama kana beto ketula ntima na beto kaka na Yehowa? If we trust unwaveringly in Jehovah, what will be the result? Such a course requires careful consideration. Na nima ya kunata mvumbi ya mwana na shambre ya zulu, Elia kusambaka mbala mingi sambu Nzambi kuvutula mwana yina na luzingu. After carrying the dead child to the roof chamber, Elijah prays repeatedly for the child's life to be returned. What can you write to him? (Tala kifwanisu yina kele na luyantiku ya disolo.) (b) Inki nge ke salaka sambu bana na nge kusolula ti nge kukonda mpasi? (See opening image.) (b) What have you done to make it easier for your children to talk to you? In fact, he had a new beginning, like a new birth. Mpidina, beno ta mona mpila ya kuzinga mutindu [Yehowa] ke zolaka ti kupesa yandi kiese na mambu yonso. " Our maintaining a good relationship with Jehovah results in his blessing now and in the future everlasting life in perfection. 1, 2. 1, 2. Help Men to Take up Authority (b) Inki tasadisa beto na kusala bamvutukilu ya mpa yina lenda buta bambuma? (b) What will help us to make successful return visits? False prophets were being misled. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 31] [ Picture on page 24] To avoid temptation, they even avoided knowing the price. Ntangu muntu mosi ya Etiopia kuwaka nsangu ya mbote yina Filipo kuzabisaka yandi nde Yezu kele Mesia, muntu yango kuyulaka Filipo nde: " Inki mambu kekanga mono nzila na kubaka mbotika? ' " What prevents me from getting baptized? " Job is another fine example of a man who feared God. (b) Inki bangiufula beto lenda kudiyula kana beto ke kuka ve kuyambula bifu ya nkaka? (b) When making progress is harder than we expected, what questions might we ask? God's promises are trustworthy. Ntangu yandi vandaka toko, yandi vandaka kuyindula mutindu ya kudipesa mingi na kisalu na yandi ya kusamuna. While still a teenager, she often thought about expanding her ministry. Lessons for Us: Na nima ya dyambu yina kulutaka na tempelo, ntangu Yezu ya kuvandaka ti bamvula 12, kubikalaka bilumbu tatu ya mvimba, "Yesu vutukaka ti [bibuti na yandi] na Nazareti. Following the temple incident when 12 - year - old Jesus was left behind for three days, "he went down with [his parents] and came to Nazareth, and he continued subject to them. " When husband and wife act in a loving way, their marriage will be successful and both will enjoy happy relationships. Lomba Yehowa na kusadisa nge na kuzaba mambu yina nge fwete sala. Pray to Jehovah to help you decide what you need to do. 22: 1, 17. Luka kutubaka dyaka nde "bankento ya nkaka " vandaka ti Yezu mpi balongoki na yandi, " [bankento] vandaka kupesa bima na bo sambu na kusadisa Yesu ti balonguki na yandi. ' Luke also reported that "certain women " were with Jesus and his disciples," ministering to them from [the women's] belongings. " Of course, we may have to contend with a mistake for years. Nzo na beto vandaka mpi kisika ya kusala balukutakanu. Our home also served as a meeting place. Since Uzzah's Word indicates that Uzzah did something "without respect, " Jehovah must have noticed some trace of Uzzah's greed that was not accurately mentioned in the account. Beto tadila mutindu babakala ti bankento lenda sadila ndongisila yai na dyambu ya metala kutuba. Consider how husbands and wives can heed this admonition with regard to their speech. Yes, people often give more attention to the beauty of the eyes, leading them to failure to value the good qualities of the heart. Banzikisa ya Biblia yina yandi vandaka kupesa, kundimisaka mpenza na mpila nde "bantu mingi, bayina butukaka Bayuda ti bayina me kitukaka Bayuda landaka Paulo ti Barnabasi " sambu na kulonguka dyaka mambu mingi. His Biblical arguments were so persuasive that "many of the Jews and of the proselytes who worshiped God followed Paul and Barnabas " in order to learn more. Yes, we can rely on Jehovah's power, which helps us to pray to him regularly, "day after day, " and we meditate on his superlative qualities and promises. NSUKA TA KWISA VE NA KINTULUMUKINA. THE END IS NOT A RANDOM, UNSCHEDULED EVENT. Just think! * - Yezaya 33: 24. * - Isaiah 33: 24. Explain how the writer of Psalm 73 faced a challenge. Busy and Joyful in God's Service, 12 / 15 Praying for forgiveness often brings peace Yandi ke tuba nde: "Beto vandaka batoko, beto zabaka mambu mingi ve mpi beto vandaka kuyindula mingi insi na beto. One evening my wife was particularly homesick, and my efforts to help were not working. Tell them to do good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, to be ready to share, to build a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19. Inki mukumba Nzambi me pesaka Bakristu yonso, mpi nki mutindu beto fwete tadila yo? What responsibility is given to all Christians, and how should we view it? The U.S. U.E. is a beautiful color on the surface of the earth; some 15 nations were gathered to do so. Kinsweki ya 1 Secret 1 Yet, "Noah took a righteous standing before Jehovah " because he was" faultless among his contemporaries. " Bampangi ya nkaka pesaka mbongo sambu na kupesa maboko na mvita yina; bampangi fioti kumaka basoda mpi kwendaka na bitumba. Some brothers purchased bonds to provide financial assistance to the war effort, and a few even went into the trenches with guns and bayonets. The message that Jesus preached was a hope that cannot be compared to something else. Yo lombaka nde muntu mosi kupesa to kutambika luzingu na yandi, luzingu yina me fwanana ti yina ya Adami vidisaka disongidila luzingu ya kukuka. The answer: Someone had to offer up, or sacrifice, a life of equal value to Adam's - a perfect human life. He said: "Moses thoroughly proclaimed the message of a burning tree, that those who died would be raised up from the dead. Ntetentete, na kulandaka mbandu ya Longi ya Nene, Yezu. Primarily, it is by imitating the Great Teacher, Jesus. If we do not endure, we will not receive everlasting life. - Romans 2: 6, 7; Hebrews 10: 36. Batelefone kele na kati ya bima yina kekatulaka bo dikebi ntangu bo kenataka kamio. Cell phones are among the devices that can distract the motorist from the one thing he or she is supposed to be doing - driving. What can we do to make our sure hope that Jehovah's promises will never fail? Satana ta baka ndola ya lufwa, kansi ndola yai ke tadila nge ve! Satan faces certain doom, but that is not true of you! But Alexander failed when he was in Babylon. Keti yo kele ve nzikisa ya ke monisa nde, Yehowa sakumunaka ngidika yina Mwana na yandi vandaka kusadila sambu na kudisa mabundu? Is that not proof of Jehovah's blessing on the arrangement by means of which his Son fed the congregations? What will you do? Yo yina, kusala kinduku lenda baka ntangu mpi kukanga ntima. Thus, establishing friendly relations may take time and patience. Some spices, however, came from other countries. Bandola yai ya Nzambi kufwaka bantu ya mbi yina kubalulaka ve ntima, kansi yo taninaka bantu yina kuvandaka ya mbote na meso ya Nzambi. Those divine judgments swept away incorrigibly wicked populations but preserved alive people who were righteous in the eyes of God. 10, 11. (a) Why do we need to fight for God's blessing? Kana bo kesepila ve na nsangu ya beto kenatila bo, keti beto lenda sosa kubakisa kikuma ya bo kesala mutindu yina? If they seem apathetic toward the message we bring them, do I seek to understand why they feel as they do? I read the Bible in one year. " Bampangi yai vandaka kusonika bazina ti ba adresi ya bantu yina vandaka kukwisa na balukutakanu mpi na nima bo vandaka kusala bangidika sambu bantu kuvukana na nzo mosi sambu na kukangula "banzo - nkanda " ya mpa. These brothers obtained the names and addresses of interested people who attended the lectures and organized them to meet together in private homes to form new "classes. " Do you remember how you were before you came to know Jehovah? Kana mpidina, bo me katukaka na wapi? If they are, where do they come from? Why is this part of John's Gospel so important to lovers of the Bible today? 7, 8. 7, 8. The reader made it easier for readers to read scriptures. * Lije, yina beto tubilaka na luyantiku, ti bampangi na yandi ke yibukaka malongi ya lukwikilu yina papa na bo longaka bo ntangu bo vandaka kutina. * Lije, quoted earlier, and his siblings remember the lessons of faith their father taught them even as they were fleeing. 1: 17. Ntembe kele ve nde, Prisila ti Akilasi kumonaka nde bantu ya teritware yina kusobaka mpenza mabanza na bo mpi mbuma ya mbote kubutukaka na ntangu Krispusi kukumaka longoki. Very likely, Priscilla and Aquila noted that the making of that one disciple had a profound and fruitful effect on the territory. The source of Nehemiah's joy was not his dignified act of giving wine to the king's cup, but it was to promote true worship. Inki mutindu Yehowa lenda pesa beto lusadisu yina beto kele na yo mfunu na nzila ya dibundu? How can Jehovah use the Christian congregation to mold us according to our individual needs? Joshua must have gained greater strength when he heard Jehovah's words to him: "Be courageous and strong. 13: 14 - 19. 13: 14 - 19. If you live in an environment where people are not at peace, you might ask the householder: " Do you know that in the future " there will be no one anxious and there will be a cry lacking in all the earth? ' Beto tadila mbandu ya Oreanna, nkento mosi ya mununu na Afrika ya Sudi, yina kuvandaka dyaka ve ti mpusa ya kuzinga. Consider Oreanna, an elderly woman in South America, who had given up on life. Rather, they began to pray to other gods when they felt that they would benefit them. Ya kyeleka, Kimfumu ya Nzambi tayala na zulu ya ntoto ya mvimba, yo takatula bantu yonso ya mbi mpi yo "ta yalaka tii kuna, " Disongidila mvula na mvula. Yes, God's Kingdom will take complete control of the earth, ridding it of all the wicked and ruling "to times indefinite, " that is, forever. 21, 22. Yehowa kepesaka bantu yina kelandaka " kulomba ti kutula ntima ' mayele yina bo kele na yo mfunu sambu na kukanga ntima na bampasi. - Yak. To those who "keep on asking in faith, " Jehovah grants wisdom needed to endure trials. - Jas. Hence, Paul wrote: "If we die, we die for Jehovah. (a) Sambu na yina metala kulonguka, inki kigonsa kele sambu na Bakristu? (a) What danger as to study exists for Christians? What was the woman's place under it? Beno Sepila na Buleke na Beno Enjoy Your Youth During that time when there is no energy, 20 Bible Students invited 2,000 people to the public talk entitled "Our Readers Ask - What Will End? " Kana nge landa na kulonguka, nge tabakisa nde mikanda yina kemonisa mpenza nde mambu yina Polo ketuba kele ya kyeleka. Pursuing the study, you will see that those publications show how true Paul's words are. 6, 7. Ntama mingi ve Philippe mekatuka kundima imvitasio yina mebingisa yandi na kwenda kusala kisalu ya luzolo ya mbote na biro ya filiale ya Bambangi ya Yehowa na Masedonia. Recently, Philip was able to accept an invitation to work as a volunteer at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Macedonia. The prophet makes a decision: "I shall prove to be in my holy place, and I shall rise up in the heavenly wall; and I will keep my eyes open to see what he will say on my way, and what will I repay when he strikes me. " Ntangu yandi vandaka " kutambula na mpeve, ' (NW) ntembe kele ve nde yo vandaka pete sambu na yandi na kunwana ti bampukumuna ya kusala masumu. When he " walked by spirit, ' it was no doubt easier for him to resist temptations to sin. " As soon as this young girl grew older, she did not end her anger to God, so she suffered from depression after one of her three - year - old son died for three years, " added the psalmist. Mpeve ya nsi - ntoto kele ngolo mpi beto lenda nunga yo ve na mambu yonso. The spirit of the world is strong, and we cannot avoid it altogether. So when choosing entertainment, we do well to ask ourselves: " Do I live by the principles I teach others? Yo yina, Biblia ke tuba nde: "Bantu yina me zaba zina na nge ta tudila nge ntima. " That is why the Bible states: "Those knowing your name will trust in you. " He will still see that he is in a better place where the sun's light does not shine. Beto mpi fwete landa mbandu ya Nzambi na beto ya lunungu na kusalaka yonso sambu na kulungisa balusilu na beto. - Mat. May we too imitate our righteous God by always striving to be true to our word. - Matt. Like drops of rain on earth and contribute to growth, many in the congregation help Christians who live in a divided household to be happy. Luzingu ya mutindu yina kelomba mpenza nde beto tadila yo mbotembote. Such a prospect surely merits our examination. Reading and meditating on these heartfelt words can help us feel the same way about God. Inki mambu nge lenda sonikila yandi? What can you write about? [ Picture on page 10] Ya kyeleka, yandi kumaka ti luyantiku ya mpa, yo kele bonso lubutuku ya mpa. Indeed, he experienced a new beginning - a new birth, so to speak. The Bible says: "The builders are weak, but they keep their house on rock. " Mutindu beto ketaninaka bangwisana ya mbote ti Yehowa kesalaka nde yandi sakumuna beto bubu yai mpi na makwisa beto tabaka luzingu ya mvula na mvula na nitu ya kukuka. Maintaining this approved relationship with God guarantees us Jehovah's blessing now as well as the future benefits of perfection and everlasting life. Time speeds up when we give of ourselves in God's service Sadisa Babakala na Kubaka Mikumba Train Others to Reach Out " We all make mistakes, and when I make a mistake, I feel bad, " says Eduardo, * who has been married for about three years. Bo metungulula baprofete ya luvunu. False prophets and prophetesses are denounced. But Jesus gave his life in order to demonstrate love. Sambu na kubuya kubwa na mpukumuna, bo buyaka nkutu kuzaba ntalu ya mbongo yango. In order to avoid temptation, they decided not even to count the money. These girls made fine spiritual progress. Yobi kele mbandu yankaka ya mbote ya muntu yina kutinaka Nzambi boma. Job was another outstanding example of one who feared God. Why? Balusilu ya Nzambi kevandaka mpenza ya kutudila ntima. God's promises are completely reliable and trustworthy. And now he sitting at the right hand of God. " - Hebrews 12: 2. Malongi Sambu na Beto: Lessons for Us: Just as you are bringing my people away from the wrong path, so I will speak to you in a vision, that you may not prophesy in a vision. Kana bakala ti nkento kesala mambu na mutindu mosi ya zola, makwela na bo tavanda ya mbote mpi bo yonso zole tavanda na bangwisana ya kyese. When both husband and wife act in such a loving way, their marriage will succeed and both will find joy in the relationship. Just as the almond tree is " raised up, ' as it were, Jehovah raised up early in the morning to send his prophets to warn his people about what would happen to them for disobedience. 22: 1, 17. 22: 1, 17. (See opening image.) Ya kieleka, beto lenda nwana ti kifu mosi bamvula mingi. In fact, we may have to fight the same weakness for many years. It is extremely discouraged. ' Sambu Ndinga na yandi kemonisa nde Uza kusalaka dyambu mosi ya kukonda "luzitu, " yo fwete vanda nde Yehowa kumonaka mwa ngindu ya bwimi ya Uza kuvandaka na yo yina disolo yango ketubila ve na sikisiki. Since his Word calls Uzzah's deed an "irreverent act, " Jehovah may have seen some selfish motive that is not expressly revealed in the account. 15, 16. Ya kyeleka, mbala mingi bantu ketulaka dikebi mingi kuluta na kitoko ya meso, ebuna yo kenataka bo na kukonda kupesa valere na bikalulu ya mbote ya ntima. Yes, man has long tended to place undue emphasis on external beauty, often leading to the misjudgment of inner values. Learn Jesus ' model prayer with respect, and you will see that its main features are the sanctification of Jehovah's name, the coming of his Kingdom, and the outworking of his will. Ya kyeleka, beto lenda tula ntima na ngolo ya Yehowa yina kesadisaka kana beto kesamba yandi mbala na mbala, "konso kilumbu, " mpi beto keyindulula bikalulu ti balusilu na yandi ya kuluta nene. We can indeed count on Jehovah's sustaining power if we regularly, yes "from day to day, " pray to him and meditate on his lofty qualities and his promises. (a) Who are "the things in the heavens " mentioned by Paul? Yindula fyoti! Just think! At the end of the second month in the womb, your most important organs were already formed. Tendula dyambu ya mpasi yina nsoniki ya Nkunga ya 73 vandaka kunwana ti yo. Describe the struggle faced by the writer of Psalm 73. WHO do you think he really is wise? Mbala mingi, kulomba ndolula kevutulaka ngemba Apologizing often restores peaceful relations Sadly, in Africa, famine has grown in all parts of the world in recent years. Songa bo na kusala mambu ya mbote, na kuvanda bamvwama na bisalu ya mbote, na kukaba, na kuvanda ya kuyilama sambu na kukabila bankaka, na kudibumbila fondasio ya mbote sambu na bilumbu ke kwisa, sambu bo simba ngolo luzingu ya kieleka. " - 1 Timoteo 6: 17 - 19. Tell them to work at good, to be rich in fine works, to be generous, ready to share, safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19. What can be done to buy out the opportune time when secular work or chores are always in place? Station spatiale internationale kele apareyi mosi ya kitoko yina ke vandaka na zulu mpi ke balukaka na nziunga ya ntoto; bantu ya bansi kiteso ya 15 vukanaka sambu na kusala yo. The International Space Station - a technological wonder orbiting the earth - is the result of the united efforts of some 15 nations. Even under extreme pressure, you can find a measure of joy in life now if you are working hard and honest. Kansi, " Noa ndimamaka na meso ya Yehowa ' sambu yandi "vandaka muntu ya mbote " yina " vandaka ya kukonda kifu na kati ya bantu ya ntangu na yandi. ' However, "Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah " because he" was a righteous man " who "proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. " Putting Kingdom interests first in your life; having a full share in the ministry and in spiritual activities will serve as a protection for you. Nsangu yina Yezu kusamunaka kuvandaka nsangu mosi ya kivuvu yina beto lenda fwanisa ve ti kima yankaka. The message that Jesus preached was one of incomparable hope. What example did first - century Christians learn from Paul? Yandi tubaka nde: "Moize songaka mbote - mbote, na nsangu ya mwa - nti yina vandaka kupela tiya, nde bantu yina me fwaka ta telama na lufwa. Jesus was having a discussion with some Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection. 3: 13. Kana beto kekanga ve ntima, beto tabaka ve luzingu ya mvula na mvula. - Roma 2: 6, 7; Baebreo 10: 36. Without endurance, we will not gain everlasting life. - Romans 2: 6, 7; Hebrews 10: 36. You cannot eat from [Jehovah's] table and come to the table of demons. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 20, 21. Inki beto lenda sala sambu kivuvu ya ngolo ya beto kele na yo nde balusilu ya Yehowa talungana kulemba ve? What can we do to make sure that our firm confidence in the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises does not weaken? Husbands and parents do well to follow Jehovah and Jesus Christ by exercising their God - given authority. Kansi Alexandre kunungaka ve mvita ya nsuka ntangu yandi vandaka na Babilone. But Alexander lost his final battle while in Babylon. He translates Christian literature into Christian literature! Inki nge ta sala? What will you do? ON July 2000, a group of law - abiding people in California, U.S.A., have been given a rule not to punish those who show compassion for anyone who has been injured in an accident. Kansi, bima ya nkaka ya nsudi ya kitoko vandaka kukatuka na babwala ya nkaka. Other spices, however, had to be imported. Although our meetings are not miraculous, we study the Bible, which is our main book. 10, 11. (a) Sambu na nki beto fwete nwana sambu Nzambi kusakumuna beto? 10, 11. (a) Why may we have to wrestle for God's blessing? World events since 1914 have proved that the Bible's already understood above is indeed true. Mu tangaka Biblia ya mvimba na mvula mosi. " I read the Bible in one year. " Jehovah Is "the Secret Secret " Keti nge ke yibuka mutindu nge vandaka na ntwala ya kuzaba Yehowa? Do you remember what your life was like before you came to know Jehovah? How can Christian parents show that they share the same feelings with Jehovah? Sambu na nki kitini yai ya Evanzile ya Yoane kele mfunu mingi sambu na bantu ya ke zolaka Biblia bubu yai? Why is this fragment of John's Gospel so important to lovers of the Bible today? This ingathering of people is described in Isaiah's prophecy when it says: "As regards your light, kings will see. " Kodeksi vandaka kusadisa batangi na kusosa baverse kukonda mpasi. Look at your congregation! 1: 17. 1: 17. Starting with the anointing of Cornelius, the first uncircumcised uncircumcised Gentile in 36 C.E., God gave an opportunity to uncircumcised Gentiles who were not Jews to adapt to this symbolic olive tree. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. Nto ya kyese ya Nehemia kuvandaka ve kisalu na yandi ya lukumu ya kutula malafu na dikopa ya ntotila, kansi yo vandaka kunata lusambu ya kyeleka na ntwala. Nehemiah's main source of joy was not his prestigious position as a cupbearer. It was the advancement of true worship. Moreover, we can show that we respect the sacred nature of our meetings by the way we wear. Yo fwete vanda nde Yozue bakaka ngolo ya mingi ntangu yandi waka diaka bangogo yai Yehowa zabisaka yandi: " Vanda ngolo mpi kikesa. Joshua must have been greatly strengthened when he heard Jehovah's further words: "Be courageous and strong. Although he was zealous to help others apply God's Law, he did not rule over them for selfish reasons. Kana nge ke zingaka na kisika yina bantu ke vandaka ve kibeni na ngemba, nge lenda yula muwi nde: "Keti nge me zaba nde na bilumbu ke kwisa " ntoto ya mvimba ta zinga na ngemba, kukonda muntu ya ke yangisa yo mpi bantu ta tulaka milolo ya kiese? ' If you live in a region where peace is often disrupted, you might ask a person: "Could you ever imagine this as being the lead news story of the day: " The whole earth now rests, free of disturbance. People cry out for joy '? Second, Satan the Devil's influence. Kansi, bo yantikaka kusamba banzambi yankaka ntangu bo monaka nde yo tanatila bo mambote. Yet, they turned to other gods when they thought this would be to their advantage. Evidently, some of them were among the exiles from Babylon and helped to build the temple. 21, 22. 21, 22. When we endure in the ministry, we remain friends of Jesus. Yo yina, Polo kusonikaka nde: "Kana beto ta fwa, beto ke fwaka sambu na [Yehowa, NW]. Hence, Paul wrote: "Both if we live, we live to Jehovah, and if we die, we die to Jehovah. (b) How did God bless Dorcas for her goodness and kindness? Inki vandaka kisika ya nkento na nsi ya Nsiku yango? What was the woman's place under the Law? But they changed. Na nsungi yina ntangu ke vandaka ngolo ve, (Printemps) Balongoki 20 ya Biblia bingisaka bantu 2 000 na Belfast yina landaka diskure ya vandaka ti ntu - diambu "L'au - delà. " In the spring, 20 Bible Students in Belfast hosted 2,000, who heard the talk "Hereafter. " Although both were involved in activities that required more time and effort, they were not able to look for other activities. 6, 7. 6, 7. Each of us does well to ask himself: " Do I know exactly what responsibilities I should take in the Christian congregation? Profete yai kebaka desizio nde: "Mono tavanda na kisika na mono ya kisantinele, mono tatelama na kibaka ya zulu; ye mono takangula meso sambu na kumona nki yandi tatuba na nzila na mono, mpi nki mono tavutula ntangu yandi tanganina mono. " The prophet resolutely states: "At my guard post I will keep standing, and I will keep myself stationed upon the bulwark; and I shall keep watch, to see what he will speak by me and what I shall reply at the reproof of me. " Let us diligently study his humility so that we can imitate him. Kübler - Ross kuyikaka nde: "Tii ntangu leke yai ya nkento kukumaka mbuta, yandi manisaka ve makasi ya yandi wilaka Nzambi, yo yina kusalaka nde yandi kubela maladi ya kenyokulaka bantu na basusi ntangu mwana na yandi mosi ya bakala kufwaka bamvula makumi tatu na nima. " Kübler - Ross continued: "When this little girl grew up to be a woman she never solved her anger at God, which resulted in a psychotic depression when she lost her own little son three decades later. " As noted at Amos 7: 9, though, Amos declared: "I [Jehovah] shall war against the kingdom of Jeroboam. " At Captain's Table (R. The teaching that only a few will go to heaven when millions are brought to perfection on earth, distinguishing Bible Students from many churches of Christendom. Yo yina ntangu beto ke pona bansaka ya kulutisa ntangu, beto fwete kudiyula nde: " Keti mono ke zitisaka minsiku yina mono ke longaka bantu ya nkaka? We could ask ourselves: " Will my choice of entertainment make me seem hypocritical? What a fine way to reflect Christ's mental attitude! Yandi ta bakisa kaka nde yandi kele na kisika mosi ya mbote yina nsemo ya ntangu ke kota ve. A blind person may perceive a shadow, not as a dark area without sunlight, but as a cool area shielded from the sun's warmth. No matter how old we are, all of us do not want to die. Bonso matonsi ya mvula yina kebwaka na ntoto mpi kesadisaka banti na kuyela, bantu mingi na kati ya dibundu kesadisaka Bakristu yina kezingaka na dibuta yina nkwelani mosi kele Mukristu na kuvanda na kyese. Like gentle drops of rain that soak the ground and help plants to grow, many individuals in the congregation contribute to the happiness of Christians in divided households. It will also help you to avoid thinking or feelings that could cause your heart to become haughty. Kutanga mpi kuyindulula bangogo yai ya masonga lenda sadisa beto na kudiwa mutindu mosi sambu na Nzambi. Reading and meditating on these heartfelt words can help us to feel the same about God. The father, or mother, may have lost his backs, or he has lost his head, or the doctor sees that he has serious health problems. BIRMINGHAM, AL, Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex Arena, One Civic Center Plaza. • Make God's judgments against what he loves [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 16] [ Pictures on page 10] 6: 9. Biblia ketuba nde: "Ba daman kele bantu yina kele ve ngolo, kansi bo ketulaka nzo na bo na zulu ya ditadi. " (Read Proverbs 30: 26.) We will see how things will be discussed in this series of articles. Ntangu kelutaka nswalu kana beto kekudipesa na kisalu ya Nzambi Here are three important reasons. Fiona, * yina me kwelaka kiteso ya bamvula tatu me luta, ke tuba nde: "Beto yonso ke salaka bifu, mpi kana mu sala kifu, mu ke kudiwaka mbi. Fiona, * who has been married for about three years, says: "We all make mistakes, and when I do, I feel bad about myself. Jehovah has given his beloved Son the authority to rule and judge. Kansi Yezu kupesaka luzingu na yandi sambu na kumonisa zola. But Jesus gave his life as an expression of love. Soon one of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on their door, and they began to study the Bible. Bana - bankento yai yelaka mbote na kimpeve. Not surprisingly, the brother's little girls went on to make fine spiritual progress. According to The Book of I, because of this "false stories, it became a selling of expensive value. " Sambu na nki? Why? Many of them were human ideas and traditions. Ebuna ntangu yai, yandi me vanda na diboko ya [kitata, NW] ya kiti ya kimfumu ya Nzambi. " - Baebreo 12: 2. Years later the apostle Paul said about Jesus: "For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. " - Hebrews 12: 2. This harmonizes with what the Bible foretold centuries ago: "A joyful heart is like a healing, but a stricken heart is like a poison. " - Proverbs 17: 22. Mutindu beno ke nataka bantu na mono na nzila ya mbi, mono ta songa beno diaka ve mambu na mbona - meso, beno ta kuka diaka ve kutuba mambu yina ke kwisa na ntwala. " Therefore, " says Jehovah, "you men will have night, so that there will be no vision; and darkness you will have, so as not to practice divination. How can we show that we have God's spirit? Kaka mutindu nti ya amandier " ketelamaka ' na luyantiku, na mutindu mosi ya kifwani, Yehowa telamaka na sukasuka sambu na kutinda baprofete na yandi na kukebisa bantu na yandi na mambu yina zolaka kukumina bo sambu na kukonda bulemfu. Just as the almond tree " awakened ' early, so Jehovah was figuratively "getting up early " to send his prophets to warn his people about the consequences of disobedience. How can we make our advancement manifest in our lives? (Tala kifwanisu yina kele na luyantiku ya disolo.) (See opening image.) In his letter to the Romans, Paul addressed a large event. Yo kelembisaka mpenza nitu. ' It's overwhelming. ' Their choice of what is true will lead them to destruction when God destroys all wicked ones. - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. 15, 16. 15, 16. What will help me to be content? Longuka kisambu ya mbandu yina Yezu kusalaka ti luzitu, ebuna nge tamona nde mambu na yo ya mfunu mingi kele kusantisama ya zina ya Yehowa, kukwisa ya Kimfumu na yandi, mpi kulungana ya luzolo na yandi. Study Jesus ' reverential model prayer, and you will see that particularly significant features of it are the sanctification of Jehovah's name, the coming of his Kingdom, and the accomplishment of his will. However, there is a spiritual temple that honors Jehovah more than any temple built by men. (a) Banani kele " bima yina kele na zulu ' ya Polo kutubilaka? (a) Who are "the things in the heavens " mentioned by Paul? He executed that Egyptian man. Na nsuka ya ngonda ya zole na kati ya divumu, binama na nge ya kuluta mfunu vandaka mesalama dezia. By the end of your second month in the womb, your major organs were already formed. What questions should we ask ourselves about eating and drinking? NANI nge keyindula nde yandi kele mpenza mayele? WHOM do you think of as truly wise? Why? Yo kele mawa mingi na kumona nde na Afrika, nzala mekotaka na bisika yonso na bamvula yai ya mekatuka kuluta. Sad to say, famine in Africa has become almost commonplace during recent decades. Absalom, brother of a father and a mother, killed him to take vengeance. Yo lenda lomba kusala nki sambu na kusumba ntangu ya mbote kana kisalu ya kinsuni to bisalu ya nzo kebaka ntangu yonso? What can buying out the opportune time involve when it comes to secular work or housework? The box entitled "How to Get Return " provides suggestions that we can use to develop such a desire. Ata na nsi ya bampasi ya ngolo, nge lenda vanda na mwa kyese bubu yai na luzingu kana nge kesala kisalu ya ngolo mpi na masonga yonso. Even in the direst of circumstances, you can enjoy a measure of satisfaction in life right now from working diligently and honestly. That type of protection comes from the earth. Tula mambu ya Kimfumu na kisika ya ntete na luzingu na nge; kudipesa mingi na kisalu ya kusamuna mpi na mambu ya nkaka ya kimpeve; kusala mpidina ta vanda lutaninu sambu na nge. Seek first the Kingdom by having a full share in the preaching work and other Christian activities; your doing so will be a protection. For God to answer a prayer, it must harmonize with what he asks of the Bible. - 1 John 5: 14. Inki kele mbandu ya mambu ya kyeleka yina Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete kulongukaka na Polo? What is the pattern of healthful words that first - century Christians learned from Paul? Ur 3: 13. 3: 13. Husbands Need to Be Long - Suffering Beno lenda dia ve na mesa ya [Yehowa] ebuna na nima beno kwisa kudia diaka na mesa ya bampeve ya mbi [bademo]. " - 1 Korinto 10: 20, 21. You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of " the table of Jehovah ' and the table of demons. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 20, 21. He commanded us to do so; he guides it by means of his Son; and he empowers those who do so by means of holy spirit. Babakala mpi bibuti tasala mbote na kulanda Yehowa ti Yezu Kristu ntangu bo kesadila kiyeka yina Nzambi mepesaka bo. Husbands and parents do well to imitate Jehovah and Jesus Christ in exercising God - given authority. Noah appreciated what he learned, moved him to serve Jehovah. - Genesis 6: 9. Yandi kebalulaka mikanda ya Bukristu na Kipendjabi! She translates Christian publications into Punjabi! Those who promote peace do nothing that "is dead. " NA Yuli 2000, Kimvuka ya Bantu yina Kele na Kiyeka ya Kutula Bansiku na État ya Californie na États - Unis kuvotaka nsiku mosi sambu na kukonda kupesa ndola na bantu yina memonisa mawa na konso muntu yina melwala na aksida yina bo mesadisa yandi. IN July 2000, the California State Legislature in the United States passed a bill designed to relieve people of liability if they express sympathy to an individual who was injured in an accident in which they themselves were involved. 18, 19. (a) What would it be clear that we hate? Ata balukutakanu na beto kevandaka ve ya kuyituka bonso yina, beto kelongukaka Biblia, yina kele mukanda na beto ya ntete. Though our meetings are not as spectacular as that one, the Bible, our basic textbook, is discussed. It is not surprising, then, that we will find the key to happiness from God's Word, the Bible. - Revelation 1: 3; 22: 7. Mambu ya kesalama na inza banda na mvu 1914 kendimisa nde kronolozi ya Biblia ya beto mekatuka kubakisa awa na zulu kele mpenza ya kyeleka. World events from 1914 onward confirm that the above understanding based on Bible chronology is correct. • Geneling at a bed allows wicked spirits to curse that bed Yehowa Kele Mumonisi ya "Mambu ya Kinsweki " Jehovah Is "a Revealer of Secrets " 3 - 5. Inki mutindu bibuti - Bakristu lenda monisa nde bo kele ti mawi ya kiteso mosi ti Yehowa? How can Christian parents support that purpose? Like him, we do not want anyone to be lost but want all to repent and become reconciled to Jehovah. Have You Sinned Against the Holy Spirit? 7 / 15 If we accept the guidance of God's holy spirit, our faith will be strengthened. Bo ketubila kisalu yai ya kukutika bantu na mbikudulu ya Yezaya ntangu yo ketuba nde: "Bantu yonso ya nsi - ntoto ta kwisa kutala mwini na nge, bantotila ta zola kumona nsemo na nge. " This gathering work is alluded to in Isaiah's prophecy when it says: "Nations will certainly go to your light, and kings to the brightness of your shining forth. " 12: 21. Tala na dibundu na beno! Look around in your congregation! He was willing to act as a Savior. Yantika na kupakulama ya Korneye, muntu ya ntete ya Makanda ya kukonda kuyotisa yina kukumaka Mukristu na mvu 36 T.B., Nzambi kupesaka dibaku na bantu ya kukonda kuyotisa yina kuvandaka ve Bayuda na kuyikama na nti yai ya baolive ya kifwani. - Bis. 10: 44 - 48. Starting with the anointing of Cornelius - the first uncircumcised Gentile convert - in 36 C.E., the opportunity was opened up to uncircumcised non - Jews to be grafted onto this symbolic olive tree. - Acts 10: 44 - 48. The psalmist had similar feelings. Dyaka, beto lenda monisa nde beto kezitisaka busantu ya balukutakanu na beto na mutindu beto kelwataka. Furthermore, we can show how deeply we respect the sacred nature of our gatherings by the way we dress. Yet, his actions brought suffering to him. Ata yandi vandaka kikesa sambu na kusadisa bankaka na kusadila Nsiku ya Nzambi, yandi yalaka bo ve sambu na mambote na yandi mosi ya bwimi. Though zealous in enforcing God's Law, he did not domineer over others for selfish gain. Those who obey him are happy and happy. Ya zole, bupusi ya Satana Diabulu. Second, there is the influence of Satan the Devil. Although we do not know what moved Jesus to say, his words may indicate that he knew that Jehovah had removed His protection so that the loyalty of His Son would be fully tested to the end. Ziku, bankaka na kati na bo kuvandaka na kati ya Banetinimi yina kukatukaka na Babilone mpi kusadisaka na kutunga tempelo. Likely, some of them were among the Nethinim who returned from Babylon and served at the rebuilt temple. 11 / 15 Kana beto ke kanga ntima na kisalu ya kusamuna, beto ta bikala banduku ya Yezu. As we endure in bearing fruit, we enjoy Jesus ' friendship. Give her a good name. (b) Inki mutindu Nzambi kusakumunaka Dorkasi sambu na bumbote mpi ntima - mbote na yandi? (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for her goodness and kindness? In that way, he dignified his ministry. Kansi bo sobaka yo. But they were able to make changes. Our attitude toward people as did Abraham is seen when we use opportunities to preach informally. Ata bo zole vandaka kusala bisalu yina vandaka kulomba bo ntangu mpi kikesa ya mingi, bo vandaka na mwaye ve ya kusosa bisalu yankaka. Although they both had demanding full - time jobs, they were not in a position to look for other work. How can he show this? Konso muntu na kati na beto fwete kudiyula nde: " Keti mu kezabaka mbote - mbote mikumba yina mono fwete baka na dibundu ya Bukristu? Each of us would do well to ask himself: " Do I fully recognize the responsibilities that I should shoulder within the Christian congregation? A Visit to Spain Bika beto longuka mbote - mbote kikalulu na yandi ya kudikulumusa na mpila nde beto landa mbandu na yandi. With a view to imitating him, let us carefully examine his example of humility. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those fearing Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. " Kansi, mutindu beto kemona yo na Amosi 7: 9, Amosi kutubaka nde: "Mono [Yehowa] ta nwana bitumba na dikanda ya ntotila Yeroboami. " As recorded at Amos 7: 9, however, Amos had prophesied: "I [Jehovah] will rise up against the house of Jeroboam with a sword. " In Luke chapter 18, we find Jesus ' illustration about a widow and a judge. Dilongi ya ketuba nde bantu fyoti mpamba takwenda na zulu, na ntangu bamilio ya bantu tabaka luzingu ya kukuka na ntoto, kuswaswanisaka Balongoki ya Biblia ti mabundu mingi ya Kikristu. The belief that only a few will go to heaven, whereas millions will be given perfect human life on earth, set the Bible Students apart from most of Christendom. His faith is even called "the father of all those having faith. " Yai kele mutindu ya mbote mpenza ya kumonisa mabanza ya Kristu! What an example of displaying Christ's mental attitude! They were also commissioned to invite others to "come! " Yo vanda beto kele ti bamvula ikwa, beto yonso ke zolaka ve kufwa. No matter what age we are, we usually do not want to die. God wants many, even those who lived contrary to his standards, to receive that privilege. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Yo tasadisa nge mpi na kubuya mabanza to mawi yina lenda nata ntima na nge na kukuma lulendo. This will help you to reject thoughts or feelings that could lead to a haughty heart. If we want to get well, we must do what the doctor asks us to do. Mbala ya nkaka, tata to mama bwaka mpi mukwa ya mukongo me bukana, to yandi me bela ntu, to munganga me mona nde yandi kele ti maladi mosi ya ngolo. Perhaps Mom or Dad has fallen and broken a hip, has become disoriented and wandered off, or has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition. JEHOVAH has something to tell his people, so he uses his prophet Micah. • Yingisa mambu yina ya Nzambi kebuyisaka na mambu yina yandi kezolaka • Replace what God forbids with things that he encourages What will help young ones to decide to serve Jehovah forever? 6: 9. 6: 9. Safeguard Yourself Jehovah With a Complete Heart Beto ta mona mutindu mambu salamaka na disolo yina ta basika na masolo yai ya kulandana. We will see how that was so in a future article in this series. To emphasize this, the apostle John saw in vision a multitude of spirit creatures near the throne of Jehovah's Kingdom in heaven. Tala bikuma tatu ya mfunu. Here are three of the basic reasons. It also says that Jehovah has named all the stars. Yehowa mepesaka Mwana na yandi ya zola kiyeka ya kuyala mpi ya kusambisa. Jehovah has delegated to his beloved Son the authority both to rule and to judge. It is an exciting account of the joy and compassion of a family. Ntama mingi ve, Mbangi mosi ya Yehowa kukokulaka na kyelo na bo, mpi bo yantikaka kulonguka Biblia. Soon, one of Jehovah's Witnesses called at their door, and a Bible study was started. Regarding How to treat Others Mukanda mosi (The Book of Spices) ke tuba nde sambu na "bigonsa yai ya luvunu, bantu kumaka kuteka yo [sinamome] ntalu mingi. " Thus, because of the "alleged dangers of harvest, it [cinnamon] was sold at a very high price, " notes The Book of Spices. Jesus knew that good questions help the teacher not only to know his student but also to help the householder get involved. Malongi na bo mingi vandaka bangindu ya bantu ti bansiku ya bambuta. Their beliefs included much human philosophy and tradition. So if something makes you anxious, the Bible invites you to " throw your burden upon Jehovah. ' Mambu yai kewakana ti mambu yina Biblia kutubaka bamvu - nkama mingi meluta: "Ntima ya kiese kele bonso nkisi na kubelula bantu, kansi ntima ya mawa kele bonso ndikila. " - Bingana 17: 22. These findings are in harmony with a statement made in the Bible centuries ago: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. " - Proverbs 17: 22, The Holy Bible - New International Version. My years in Jehovah's service have brought me great joy. " Inki mutindu beto lenda monisa nde beto kele ti mpeve ya Nzambi? How might we give proof that we have God's spirit? How Would You Answer? Inki mutindu beto lenda sala nde kuyela na beto kumonana na luzingu na beto? How can we make our advancement manifest in our personal life? Thus, the time they spend in the ministry gives them the opportunity to " encourage one another. ' - Rom. Na mukanda na yandi na Bakristu ya Roma, Polo kutubilaka dyambu mosi ya nene. In his letter to the Romans, Paul was addressing a unique situation. What would we be like if we did not have this spiritual food? Mutindu na bo ya kupona mambu yina kele ya kyeleka tanata bo na lufwa ntangu Nzambi tafwa bantu yonso ya mbi. - 2 Piere 3: 3 - 7. Their wishful thinking will spell disaster for them when God's time comes to destroy ungodly ones. - 2 Peter 3: 3 - 7. Yet, he eventually grew old and died. Inki ta sadisa mono na kusepela ti bima yina mono kele na yo? What will help me to be truly content? • Who is responsible for sickness, and who will deliver us from the effects of sin? Kansi, kele ti tempelo ya kimpeve yina ke pesaka Yehowa lukumu mingi kuluta konso tempelo yina bantu me tungaka. There is, however, a spiritual temple, which glorifies Jehovah far more than any building. They have also become new by means of holy spirit, and this has made them "new, " spirit - begotten sons of God. Yandi fwaka muntu yina ya Ezipte. He struck down the Egyptian. We can love things and feelings. Inki mitindu ya bangyufula beto fwete kudiyula na yina metala kudya mpi kunwa? It would be fitting to ask ourselves what sort of questions about eating and drinking? How comforting it is to bear in mind the words at Psalm 130: 3: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? " Sambu na nki? Why? It focuses on God's undeserved kindness, making Christ's role in our salvation. - Heb. Absalomi, mpangi ya Tamare ya tata mosi mpi mama mosi kufwaka Aminoni sambu na kuvutula mbela. They look forward to seeing a doctor or a teeth. Lupangu yina kele na ntu - dyambu "Inki Mutindu Kubaka Mbutu na Nsadisa ya Bamvutukilu ya Mpa " kepesa bangindu yina beto lenda sadila sambu na kuyedisa mpusa ya mutindu yina. The accompanying box entitled "How to Be Successful in Making Return Visits " offers suggestions for developing such interest. What is the meaning of the illustration of the mustard grain? Lutaninu yina ke katukaka na kati ya ntoto. This shield originates deep inside the earth. What, though, does the Bible say about why God permits suffering? Sambu Nzambi kupesa mvutu na kisambu mosi, yo fwete wakana ti mambu yina yandi ke lombaka ya kele na Biblia. - 1 Yoane 5: 14. For God to answer a prayer, it must be in harmony with his requirements as found in the Bible. - 1 John 5: 14. He wrote: "You were very good. Ure Ur Why not examine yourself as the Bible can answer the most important questions people wonder about God, his purposes, and our future? Babakala Fwete Kanga Ntima Good for Husbands to Be Patient Yes! Yandi pesaka ntuma nde beto sala yo; yandi ketwadisaka yo na nzila ya Mwana na yandi; mpi yandi kepesaka bayina kesalaka yo ngolo na nzila ya mpeve santu. He commanded it; through his Son he directs it; and by means of holy spirit he empowers those who share in it. Since then, people have tried to avoid becoming old. Noa sepelaka ti mambu yina yandi longukaka, yo pusaka yandi na kusadila Yehowa. - Kuyantika 6: 9. 6: 9. Much of money would add to the happiness of life, for it gave them the hope of making money. Bantu yina ke kotisaka ngemba na kati ya bantu kesalaka ve ata kima mosi yina "ke fwaka kinduku. " Peacemakers do not do anything that " separates those familiar with one another. ' Despite the world's hatred, Jehovah's Witnesses continue to increase in 236 lands. 18, 19. (a) Kuzenga bangwisana ti muntu mosi ya kesalaka mambu ya mbi tamonisa pwelele nde beto kemengaka nki? 18, 19. (a) Cutting off contact with a practicer of lawlessness gives evidence of our hatred for what? Paul compares anointed Christians with members of a body serving together under their Head, Christ. Guide Your Steps by Godly Principles, 4 / 15 What should we do? Yo yina, yo keyitukisa beto ve na kuzaba nde beto tazwa nsapi ya kenataka na kyese na Ndinga ya Nzambi, Biblia. - Kusonga 1: 3; 22: 7. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the key to happiness is found in God's Word, the Bible. - Revelation 1: 3; 22: 7. QUESTION: Does this church leaders want them to be honored and seek prominence in their community, or do they obey Jesus ' command to avoid doing so? • Kuyekimisa kikombo na lweka ya mbeto kepesaka nzila na bampeve ya mbi na kusinga mbeto yango • A broom against a bed allows evil spirits in the broom to cast a spell on the bed The earth is full of religious doctrines and customs that promote the idea that search for true religion is futile. 3 - 5. 3 - 5. It is as if we were walking about by water; then the water draws us to some extent. Bonso yandi, beto kezola ve nde ata muntu mosi kuvila kansi beto kezola nde bantu yonso kubalula ntima mpi kuwakana dyaka ti Yehowa. Like him, we do not desire any to be destroyed but desire that people repent and become reconciled to Jehovah. Although I am no longer able to travel as I have been in the past, I still serve as a helper to the Governing Body and work on the Service Committee and on the Service Committee. Kana beto ndima lutwadisu ya mpeve santu ya Nzambi, lukwikilu na beto takuma ngolo. As we respond to the operation of God's holy spirit, our faith abounds. But I am the one ministering to you. " 12: 21. 12: 21. If so, why have many failed to live and enjoy life without success? Yandi ndimaka na luzolo yonso na kusala bonso Ngulusi ya bantu. He willingly accepted his assignment to serve as mankind's Redeemer. The prophet Jonah was angry when Jehovah determined to show mercy to the Ninevites. Muyimbi - bankunga vandaka na mabanza ya mutindu mosi. The psalmist had this kind of attitude. That sincere question, of course, was impressed with a missionary who lived in an environment in which respected the community. Ata mpidina, mambu yina yandi salaka natilaka yandi bampasi na luzingu. Even so, he has to live with the disastrous consequences of his actions. 4: 8. Bantu yina ke lemfukilaka yandi ke zingaka mbote mpi na kiese. It allows for freedom and promotes joy. The firstfruits of the firstfruits Ata beto kezaba ve kima kupusaka Yezu na kutuba yo, bangogo na yandi lenda monisa nde yandi zabaka nde Yehowa kukatulaka lutaninu na yandi na mpila nde kwikama ya Mwana na Yandi kumekama mpenza tii na nsuka. While we cannot be sure of Jesus ' motives for saying this, his words may indicate that Jesus recognized that Jehovah had taken His protection away so that His Son's integrity could be fully tested. There is no other verse as a command, such as "you must not do this or you must not do it. " Yandi "Tambulaka ti Nzambi ya Kieleka " (Noa), 4 / 1 Creation Reveals the Living God, 10 / 15 When he was in heaven, before his miraculous birth to the virgin Mary, he explained: "I was beside [God] as a master worker day by day. " Pesa yandi mbote na zina na yandi. Greet the person by name. Jesus Christ said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " Na mutindu yina mpi, yandi pesaka lukumu na kisalu na yandi. In this way too, his ministry was glorified. If you have parents who truly love you and take time and endeavor to discipline you in a loving way, you should show your appreciation. Kikalulu na beto ya kutadila bantu bonso Abrahami kemonanaka na ntangu beto kesadilaka baokazio ya kusamuna na dibaku ya mbote. Our having an Abrahamlike attitude toward people also becomes evident when we seize opportunities to witness informally. The word "Christ, " such as" Christ, " means "Anointed One. " Inki mutindu yandi lenda monisa yo? How can he do that? Describe the power to translate those who have God's Word. Viziti na Espagne A Visit to Spain However, we find the fulfillment of what is recorded at Hebrews 8: 10: "What I shall conclude with the sons of Israel after the days that I will put my law in their mind, and in their heart I will write it. Na meso na yandi bo sonikaka bazina ya bantu yina ke zitisaka yandi ti kukumisa zina na yandi sambu na kuyindula bo. " And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name. " Shortly before his death, Jesus told his apostles: "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " Na kapu ya 18 ya Luka, beto kekuta kingana ya Yezu ya metala mufwidi mosi ti zuzi mosi. In Luke chapter 18, we find Jesus ' illustration regarding a widow and a judge. His life was better and happier than it would be if he chose to live "a good life. " Lukwikilu na yandi; nkutu Biblia ke bingaka yandi "tata ya bantu yonso yina kele ti lukwikilu. " Abraham's close friendship with God was based on faith, and he is known as "the father of all those having faith. " Why can we say that love helps us to endure? Bo pesaka bo mpi mukumba ya kubinga bantu ya nkaka nde, beno "kwisa! " They too are told to say, "Come! " One way to attain happiness is to set goals. Nzambi kezola nde bantu mingi, ata bayina kuzingaka na kukonda kuwakana ti minsiku na yandi, kubaka dibaku yina. - 1 Timoteo 2: 3, 4. God wants that future for as many people as possible, even for those whose lives have gone wrong. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. 6: 2. Kana beto kezola kubeluka mbote - mbote, beto fwete sala mambu yina munganga melomba beto na kusala. If we hope to recover fully, we must do what the doctor tells us to do. Thus, Joseph took his family to Galilee, which was not under the control ofususus. - Matthew 2: 22. YEHOWA kele na kima mosi ya kusonga bantu na yandi, yo yina yandi kesadila profete na yandi Mishe. JEHOVAH has something to tell his people, and he is using Micah as his prophet. (See opening picture.) Inki ta sadisa baleke na kubaka lukanu ya kusadila Yehowa mvula na mvula? What will help young ones to be determined to serve Jehovah forever? He encouraged fellow believers to make major changes in their personality so that they could become more sympathetic and more compassionate. Tambikila Yehowa Bimenga na Ntima Mosi We were determined to leave Austria and to live forever in Australia, where my uncle was living. Sambu na kundimisa dyambu yai, ntumwa Yoane kumonaka na mbonameso bingangwa mingi ya kimpeve penepene ya kiti ya Kimfumu ya Yehowa na zulu. Confirming this, the apostle John saw in vision a number of spirit creatures near Jehovah's throne in heaven. As we regularly study the Bible and grow in knowledge of our Creator, our relationship with him becomes stronger. Yo ke tubaka diaka nde Yehowa me pesaka bambwetete yonso bazina. The Bible reveals that at least some angels have personal names. But if he merely asks his wife to go with him, the wife can go but keep all things in front of her eyes. Yo kele disolo mosi ya kitoko ya kemonisa kyese ti mawa ya dibuta mosi. It is a touching narrative of the joys and sorrows of a family. As mentioned earlier, Jesus Christ, the Head of the Christian congregation, made it clear that his followers were to be separate from the world. Na Yina Metala Mutindu ya Kusadila Bankaka Mambu About How to Treat Others By doing so, we reflect Jehovah's thinking. Yezu zabaka nde bangiufula ya mbote ke sadisaka longi na kuzaba kaka ve longoki na yandi kansi yo ke sadisaka mpi muwi na kudikotisa na disolo. Jesus knew that well - chosen questions not only help a teacher learn about a student but also get the listener involved in the discussion. At that time, Jehoshaphat was king in Judah. Yo yina kana diambu mosi ke yangisa nge, Biblia ke lomba nge na " kulosila Yehowa kizitu na nge. ' When you experience any kind of anxiety, the Bible's wise advice is to "throw your burden on Jehovah. " The love that true Christians have for Jehovah and their companions moves them to declare the good news. Bamvula yina mono me lutisaka na kisalu ya Yehowa ke pesaka mono kiese mingi. " The happiest years of my life have been those spent serving Jehovah. " Older parents may need strong care. Inki Mvutu Nge Tapesa? How Would You Answer? It was one of the most difficult events that came up after the death march. Mpidina, ntangu yina bansamuni ke lutisa na kisalu ya kusamuna ke pesaka bo dibaku ya " kupesana kikesa. ' - Bar. So time spent in the field with a fellow believer offers a fine opportunity for "an interchange of encouragement. " - Rom. Note, for example, the comments of one news in Mexico: "The majority of young people are among Jehovah's Witnesses, but what is more appealing is their color, clean, and well - dressed. " Beto zolaka kuvanda nki mutindu kana beto vandaka ve ti madya yai ya kimpeve? Where would we be without such spiritual food? To corrupt a person's reputation, to abusive speech, or to say things that hurt the heart. Kansi, nsuka - nsuka yandi nunaka mpi fwaka. But finally, he grew old and died. For example, Jehovah told the Jews: "If you search for the peace of the city that I am bringing you. " • Nani kele na kisina ya maladi, mpi nani takatula beto na malanda ya masumu? • Who is responsible for sickness, and who will relieve us of the effects of sin? Paul allowed nothing to diminish his zeal. Bo mekumaka mpi bantu ya mpa na nsadisa ya mpeve - santu, mpi yo mesalaka nde bo kuma bantu "ya mpa, " bana yina Nzambi mebutaka na mpeve na yandi. They are also made new through holy spirit, becoming "a new creation " as spirit - begotten sons of God. So while we should not seek to associate with others, we must not hold back from telling them about the hope that the Kingdom provides when the opportunity arises. Beto lenda zola bima ti mabanza. Love can be extended to things and concepts. Explain how Satan's way of governing has helped to praise Jehovah. Yo kepesa beto mpenza kikesa na ntangu beto keyibuka bangogo yina kele na Nkunga 130: 3: "Kana nge landaka masumu na beto, nani zolaka kubaka ndola ve? " It is most comforting to keep in mind the words of Psalm 130: 3: "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? " He added: "My greatest energy is to attend meetings. " Yo ketubila mingi mambote ya Nzambi yina bantu mefwana ve na kubaka, mpi yo kekumisa mukumba ya Kristu na luguluku na beto. - Baeb. The letter enriches our mind with the knowledge of God and his Word, stresses God's undeserved kindness, and exalts Christ's role in our salvation. - Heb. In fact, since the Bible speaks of the child after he spoke of Cain's division, it shows that it took a long time for him to be one of Adam's descendants and Eve. Bo kekingaka sambu na kumona munganga to muntu ya kesansaka meno. They wait to see the doctor or the dentist. 11: 28, 29; Phil. Kingana ya nkeni ya mutarde ke tendula nki? What is the meaning of the illustration of the mustard grain? Shortly before his ascension to heaven, the resurrected Jesus told his disciples: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " Kansi, inki Biblia ketuba sambu na yina metala kikuma ya Nzambi mepesilaka nzila na bampasi? What, then, does the Bible say about the reason why suffering has been permitted? Of course, not only helps us to know what is happening in the world. Yandi sonikaka nde: " Beno vandaka mindele ya mbote kibeni. Later, she wrote them a letter of appreciation, in which she said: " You were very nice and kind white people. Who Really Rules the World? Sambu na nki ve kufimpa nge mosi mutindu Biblia lenda pesa mvutu na bangiufula ya kuluta mfunu yina bantu ke kudiyulaka na yina me tala Nzambi, balukanu na yandi mpi makwisa na beto? Why not see for yourself how the Bible can answer common yet fundamental questions about God, his purpose, and our future? It involves developing a deep, close relationship with Jehovah, such as a child's relationship with a good father and a loving father. Ee! Indeed it has! The Bible says that this king killed young men by the sword; "he did not feel sorry for the young man or the virgin, for the elderly or the disabled. " Yantika ntangu yina, bantu me salaka bikesa sambu na kubuya kukuma minunu. Since then, people have tried many ways to avoid aging. Gog's attack will move God's appointed King to start the war of Armageddon. Bansaka ya mbongo vandaka kuyika bantu kyese ya luzingu, sambu yo vandaka kupesa bo kivuvu ya kuzwa mbongo kukonda mpasi. Gambling added spice to people's lives, for it offered the hope of making easy money. 10 / 15 Ata bantu ya nsi - ntoto kemengaka bo, Bambangi ya Yehowa kelanda na kukuma mingi na bansi 236. Despite the world's hatred, Jehovah's people have prospered. Today, there are many religions that call Christianity but that do not harmonize with their teachings. Polo kefwanisa Bakristu ya kupakulama ti bandambu ya nitu mosi yina kesalaka kumosi na nsi ya lutwadisu ya Ntu na bo, Kristu. Paul compares anointed Christians to members of a body serving unitedly under their Head, Christ. Wise King Solomon said: "The wisdom itself preserves alive just as money does, but the knowledge of this: Wisdom protects the lives of the one having it. " Beto fwete sala nki? What should we do? (Read 2 Timothy 3: 12.) NGYUFULA: Keti bantwadisi ya dibundu yai kezolaka nde bantu kubinga bo na batitre ya lukumu mpi kesosaka lukumu na bisika ya bo kezingaka, to keti bo kezitisaka ntuma ya Yezu ya kubuya kusala mutindu yina? QUESTION: Do leaders of this religion like to be called by honorific titles and seek prominence in the community, or do they obey Jesus ' command to avoid doing so? Hence, this world shows that it is similar to its rebel ruler, who is cruel. - Ephesians 2: 2. Ntoto me fuluka kibeni ti malongi ya mabundu yina ke wakana ve ti ya nkaka mpi binkulu yina ke tindaka bantu na kuyindula nde kusosa dibundu ya kieleka kele mfunu ve. The world is so saturated with conflicting religious teachings and doctrines that many people feel that searching for the true religion is futile. Especially in this final part of the last days, we need to know that Satan and his demons will fill the world with evil news. Yo kele bonso nde beto ke kasa na masa; ebuna masa ke benda beto na ndambu ya nkaka. It is like swimming in a river with a current that pulls us in a direction we do not want to go. Jehovah's organization has worked hard to build Kingdom Halls wherever the need is needed. Ata mono ke kuka diaka ve kusala banzietelo mutindu mono salaka na bamvula me luta, konso kilumbu mono ke landa kusala bonso nsadisi na Nto - Kimvuka mpi mono ke salaka na Komite ya Bantwadisi mpi na Komite ya Kisalu. Although I am not able to travel around the world as in former years, I am able to keep up my daily work as a helper to the Governing Body, working with the Coordinators ' Committee and the Service Committee. Such articles published in the Watch Tower Society, as well as in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses and in the Yearbook of God's Kingdom, show that God strengthens his people, so that they do not give up on him. - Galatians 6: 9. Kansi na kati na beno mono kele bonso muntu yina ke sadilaka beno. " But I am in your midst as the one ministering. " The same can be true of you! Kana yo kele mpidina, sambu na nki bantu mingi menungaka ve na luzingu mpi kevandaka ve ti luzingu ya kyese? If that is the case, though, why has a successful, happy, and fulfilling life eluded many? He also judges all four beasts, removing them from the throne and destroys them. Profete Yonasi waka makasi ntangu Yehowa bakaka lukanu ya kuwila bantu ya Ninive mawa. The prophet Jonah had a problem with Jehovah's merciful decision regarding Nineveh. (Teacher 12: 9 - 14) Ngyufula yina ya masonga, ya kesonga nde yo mekatuka na muntu yina kezingaka na kisika ya bo kezitisaka bantu na kulandaka bisika ya bo kele na yo na luzingu, kuyitukisaka misionere. That innocent question, reflecting a class - conscious culture, took the missionary by surprise. Each week, we met him to preach the good news, and we accompanied him to Christian meetings. 4: 8. 4: 14. " You have asked, " said the prophet. Makabu ya bima ya ntete ya bilanga Barley offered We too do not want anyone to die but want to repent and gain the hope of everlasting life. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Ata verse mosi ve ketuba bonso ntuma, mu mbandu "nge fwete sala ve dyambu yai to nge fwete sala ve dyambu yina. " Notice that none of the verses are set out as rules, such as "you must not... " As discussed in the preceding article, holy spirit has appointed them in harmony with Scriptural requirements. Ntangu yandi vandaka na zulu, na ntwala ya kubutuka na mutindu ya kuyituka na mwense Maria, yandi tendulaka nde: "Mono vandaka penepene na [Nzambi] bonso kapita ya kisalu, mono vandaka kupesa yandi kiese konso kilumbu. " When he was in heaven, before he was miraculously conceived by his virgin mother, as wisdom personified, he explained: "I came to be beside [God] as a master worker, and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day. " 12: 4. Yezu Kristu kutubaka nde: "Kana bo zaba nge Nzambi mosi ya kieleka, ti Yesu Kristo yina ya nge tindaka, yo ke songa nde bo ke na moyo ya mvula na mvula. " Jesus Christ himself said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " In the future, Jehovah will use his holy spirit in amazing ways to accomplish his purpose. Kana nge kele ti bibuti yina kezolaka nge mpenza mpi kebakaka ntangu ti kesalaka bikesa sambu na kupesa nge ndola na zola yonso, nge fwete monisa ntonda na nge. If you have parents who love you enough to take the time and make the effort to discipline you in a loving way, be grateful. No wonder some scholars have made the New World Translation clearer and accurate. Ngogo "Mesia, " bonso ngogo" Kristu, " ketendula "Mupakulami. " The word "Messiah, " like the word" Christ, " means "Anointed One. " So make sure that Jehovah's worship is still the most important thing in your life and that you are led by God's spirit in all your ways. Tendula ngolo ya kubalula bantu yina Ndinga ya Nzambi kevandaka na yo. Explain the transforming power of God's Word. The most important spiritual food they shared in the first century was based on letters written by the apostles and other disciples in the congregations. Kansi, beto kemona kulungana ya mambu yina bo mesonikaka na Baebreo 8: 10: "Mambu ya mono ta wakana na bantu ya Israele na nima ya bilumbu yina ke kwisa na ntwala, yo yai: Mono ta tula bansiku na mono na mabanza na bo, ebuna mono ta sonika yo na ntima na bo. Instead, we see the fulfillment of what is written at Hebrews 8: 10: "" This is the covenant that I shall covenant with the house of Israel after those days, ' says Jehovah. " I will put my laws in their mind, and in their hearts I shall write them. 19 Life Story - Jehovah Will Not End It! Ntangu fyoti na ntwala ya lufwa na yandi, Yezu kuzabisaka bantumwa na yandi nde: "Mono me songa beno mbandu, sambu beno kusala mutindu mono me sala beno. " Shortly before his death, Jesus told his apostles: "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also. " He E. Luzingu na yandi kuvandaka ya mbote mpi ya kyese mingi kuluta mutindu yo zolaka kuvanda kana yandi ponaka kuzinga luzingu ya "mbote. " His life was more thrilling and satisfying than it would have been had he chosen to live a "normal " life. Do you want to continue to reap what is good, that is, a happy life now with the prospect of living forever in God's new world? Sambu na nki beto lenda tuba nde zola ke sadisaka na kukanga ntima? Why can we say that endurance is motivated by love? Bible prophecies indicated that the Messiah would have what? Mutindu mosi ya kukuma na kiese kele kuditudila balukanu. One way is by setting goals. A borrower needs to know that he must pay off what he has to pay. 6: 2. 6: 2. * Would you like to know more? Yo yina, Yozefi kunataka dibuta na yandi na bwala Galilea yina kuvandaka ve na nsi ya luyalu ya Arkelausi. - Matayo 2: 22. So Joseph settled his family in Galilee, outside of Archelaus ' jurisdiction. - Matthew 2: 22. When the prophet Daniel was about 90 years old, he always considered sacred writings. (Tala kifwanisu ya luyantiku ya disolo.) (See opening picture.) The meek ones who did much good, but they did not have to rely on themselves. Yandi syamisaka bampangi na yandi Bakristu na kusala bansoba ya ngolo na kimuntu na bo sambu nde bo kuma kuditula dyaka mingi na kisika ya bantu yankaka mpi kuwila bo mawa mingi kuluta. He encouraged his fellow believers to make drastic changes in their personality in order for them to become more sympathetic, more compassionate. " The wisdom of Jehovah [is] not able to measure it up. " Beto vandaka ti lukanu ya kukatuka na Autriche mpi kukwenda kuzinga kimakulu na Sydney na Australie, kisika ngwashi na mono vandaka kuzinga. Our goal was to emigrate eventually to Sydney, Australia, where my uncle lived. In the Name of the Son Ntangu beto kelongukaka Biblia mbala na mbala mpi kekumaka ti nzayilu mingi ya Ngangi na beto, bangwisana na beto ti yandi kekumaka ngolo. When we spend time studying the Bible on a regular basis and grow in knowledge of the Creator, our relationship with him is strengthened. He was not a spiritually - minded person. Kansi kana yandi lomba kaka nde nkento na yandi kukwenda ti yandi, nkento lenda kwenda kansi sambu na kutala mambu yonso kaka na meso. But if he insists that she go with him, she might go as a mere observer. We need to do all we can now to prepare ourselves for life in the new world. Mutindu beto monaka yo na luyantiku, Yezu Kristu, Mfumu ya dibundu ya Bukristu kumonisaka pwelele nde balongoki na yandi fwete vanda ya kukabwana na nsi - ntoto. As shown earlier in this article, the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ, made it clear that his followers would be separate from the world, Satan's wicked system of things. " Knowing that the time left is short and that all sorts of people should hear about the Kingdom message, " he says, "I wanted to serve where there is a greater need. " Kana beto kesala mutindu yina, beto kemonisaka mabanza ya Yehowa. We thus manifest Jehovah's attitude. Throughout history, millions have died for terrorism. Na ntangu yina, Yozafati kuvandaka ntotila na Yuda. Meanwhile, Jehoshaphat is king over Judah. And our faith is strengthened when we speak to others in our ministry. - Psalm 145: 10 - 13; Romans 10: 11 - 15. Zola yina Bakristu ya kyeleka kevandaka na yo na Yehowa ti bampangi na bo kepusaka bo na kuzabisa nsangu ya mbote. Love for Jehovah and for fellowman moves true Christians to share the good news. The Bible contains many prophecies. Bibuti ya menuna lenda vanda na mfunu ya dikebi ya ngolo. Aging parents may need special care. How do corrupt organizations affect us now? Yo vandaka mosi ya mambu ya mpasi yina zabanaka na nima na zina ya nzietelo ya lufwa. This was part of a strategy later known as the death marches. Do They Have Sacred Sin? Mu mbandu, tala komantere yai ya muntu mosi ya kemwangaka bansangu kusonikaka na zulunalu mosi na Mexique: "Ya kyeleka, batoko kele mingi na kati ya Bambangi ya Yehowa, kansi kima ya kebendaka mingi dikebi ya bantu kele mutindu na bo ya kuzenga nsuki, bunkete na bo, mpi kulwata ya mbote. " For example, note this comment by a newspaper reporter in Mexico: "Truly, young people are a large part of the members of Jehovah's Witnesses, and what stand out are their haircuts, cleanliness, and proper dress. " Together, make a list of limits that you can set and how you can respect them while continuing to honor your parents. Kuvweza kele kutuba mambu ya mbi mpi ya luvunu sambu na kubebisa lukumu ya muntu, to kutuba mambu ya kepesa mpasi na ntima. Blasphemy is defamatory, injurious, or abusive speech. The psalmist sang: "You young men and also you virgins, you old men and also you virgins, praise Jehovah. Mu mbandu, Yehowa songaka Bayuda nde: "Beno sosa ngemba ya mbanza yina mono me nata beno. " For instance, Jehovah told the Jews: "Seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you. " I changed my mind and made peace with my father's family. Polo kupesaka ve nzila ata na kima mosi na kukulumusa kikesa na yandi. Paul allowed nothing to dampen his zeal. The host may want to prepare his property for you and if you do not leave, all his efforts would be futile. Yo yina, ata beto fwete sosa ve na kuvukana ti bantu yankaka, beto fwete buya ve na kusonga bo mambu ya metala kivuvu yina Kimfumu kepesa na ntangu okazio memonana. Hence, while we may not seek association with certain individuals, we do not hesitate to speak to them about the Kingdom hope as the opportunity presents itself. Others lose their joy because something that has happened continues to trouble them. Tendula mutindu luyalu ya Satana mesadisaka na kukumisa Yehowa. Explain how Satan's rule results in Jehovah's glory. During their festival, Paulsh and Elthea were volunteers at the branch office of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa. Yandi yikaka nde: "Mpusa na mono ya kuluta ngolo ke vandaka ya kukwenda na balukutakanu. " He added: "My innermost thought and desire is to attend the meetings. " He said of himself: "The Son of man must be raised up, so that everyone exercising faith in him might have everlasting life. Nkutu, sambu Biblia ketubila mwana yango na nima ya kutubila kukula ya Kaini, yo kemonisa nde ntangu mwa mingi kulutaka na mpila nde yandi lendaka kuvanda mosi na kati ya bantekolo ya Adami ti Eva. Indeed, the fact that she is mentioned after Cain's banishment indicates that enough time had passed that she could even have been one of Adam and Eve's granddaughters. THE S hand OF THE true Christians is not the only one who ever lived but also has a reputation for the future 11: 28, 29; Filp. 11: 28, 29; Phil. They had copies of other books and were written in a language that had not been spoken again. Ntangu fyoti na ntwala ya kutombuka na zulu, Yezu yina kufutumukaka kusongaka balongoki na yandi nde: "Nzambi me pesaka mono kiyeka yonso na zulu ti awa na nsi - ntoto. " Shortly before ascending to heaven, the resurrected Jesus told his disciples: "All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " SONGS: 121, 105 Ya kyeleka, meso mpamba ve kesadisaka beto na kuzaba mambu yina keluta na inza. Sight, of course, is not our only sense of communication with the outside world. True Christians reject such entertainment from the heart. Nani Mpenza Keyala Nsi - Ntoto? Who Really Is Ruling the World? When they get young, some children drink alcohol or use other drugs. Yo kelombaka kuyedisa bangwisana ya mudindu mpi ya ngolo ti Yehowa, bonso bangwisana yina mwana ya fyoti kevandaka na yo ti tata ya mbote mpi ya zola. It involves developing a deep, trusting relationship with Jehovah, not unlike the relationship a small child has with a kind and loving father. Every day before school, we prayed as the Jews prayed. Biblia ke tuba nde ntotila yai fwaka baleke ya babakala na mbele ya bitumba. " Yandi waka ve mawa sambu na leke ya bakala to mwense, sambu na mununu to muntu ya kele ti kifu. " Regarding the bloodbath that followed, the Bible says: "[Nebuchadnezzar] killed their young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary; he felt no compassion for young man or virgin, old or infirm.... It can be one of the things Solomon wrote, which are highly esteemed by humans, such as prominence and power. Bitumba ya Gogi tapusa Ntotila yina Nzambi metulaka na kuyantika mvita ya Armagedoni. Gog's attack will cause God's enthroned King to take action and wage the war of Armageddon. Will this escape bring David to the grave with grief and sorrow? " Yo Fwete Vanda Lusungiminu Sambu na Beno, ' 12 / 15 Gospel of Judas, 2 / 1 God's Word contains what knowledge that can help people to avoid harming others who differ from them? Bubu yai, kele ti mabundu mingi ya kekudibingaka ya Bukristu kansi malongi na bo kewakanaka ve. Today, there are hundreds of conflicting religions in the realm of Christendom. Jesus Christ is the primary part of Abraham's "seed. " Salomo, ntotila mosi ya mayele, tubaka nde: "Mayele ke taninaka kaka mutindu mbongo ke taninaka, kansi nzayilu me luta na diambu yai: Mayele ke taninaka luzingu ya muntu yina kele na yo. " Wise King Solomon explained: "Wisdom is a protection just as money is a protection, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves the life of its owner. " Let her beauty and love make you happy at all times. They are the direct results of the rebellion against Jehovah on the part of three wicked individuals - Satan, Adam, and Eve. But if we have negative feelings about such a territory, our efforts to start Bible studies can be weakened. (Tanga 2 Timoteo 3: 12.) (Read 2 Timothy 3: 12.) People today believe that they have an immortal soul that dies from the body. Yo yina, inza yai kemonisaka nde yo mefwanana na mfumu na yo ya nkolami, yina kevandaka ti kikalulu ya nku. - Efezo 2: 2. Thus, this world tends to resemble its rebel ruler, whose attitude is characterized by vicious behavior. - Ephesians 2: 2. In addition to counsel to engaging in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, Peter also emphasizes the need to do so that in time, Jehovah sees us cleansed by means of Jesus ' precious blood. Mingimingi na kitini yai ya nsuka ya bilumbu ya nsuka, beto fwete zaba nde Satana ti bademo na yandi tafulusa inza ti bansangu ya mbi. Especially during this final part of the last days, it is to be expected that Satan and his demons will saturate the world with harmful information. I was empty - handed, so even though some of my friends were afraid of me. Organizasio ya Yehowa ke salaka bikesa sambu na kutunga Banzo ya Kimfumu na konso kisika yina bampangi kele na mfunu na yo. Efforts are being made to support the construction of Kingdom Halls wherever they are needed. If you need to learn more to find a job that will help you to keep your balance, it is good. Masolo ya mutindu yai yina kebasikaka na mikanda ya la Société Watch Tower, ti na Annuaire des Témoins de Jéhovah mpi na Les Témoins de Jéhovah - Prédicateurs du Royaume de Dieu, kemonisaka nde Nzambi kepesaka bantu na yandi ngolo, na mpila nde bo yambula ve na kusadila yandi. - Galatia 6: 9. Such accounts appearing in Watch Tower publications, including the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses and Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, prove that God empowers his people, so that they do not give up. - Galatians 6: 9. What do we learn from the disciples in Syrian Antioch about mercy? Yo lenda vanda mutindu mosi sambu na nge! It can mean the same for you! Did Jesus Christ receive training? Yandi kesambisa mpi mebedisa bambisi yai yonso iya, yandi mekatula bo na kimfumu mpi yandi mefwa bo. Judging the beasts adversely, he took rulership away from them and destroyed the fourth beast. • Why do we maintain joy in the harvest work? (Longi 12: 9 - 14) (Ecclesiastes 12: 9 - 14) God's righteous standards affect all humans, so we must make the right choices. Konso mposo, beto vandaka kubasika ti yandi sambu na kulonga bantu nsangu ya mbote mpi beto vandaka kukwenda ti yandi na balukutakanu ya Bukristu. Every week, we went out in the evangelizing work together and went to Christian meetings together. Something similar occurs in the entire universe. Profete tubaka nde: " Nge me lomba kima mosi ya mpasi. " You have asked a difficult thing, " said the prophet. Why is repentance and adjustments always needed? Beto mpi kezola ve nde konso muntu yina kufwa kansi beto kezola nde bo balula ntima mpi kubaka kivuvu yina beto kele na yo ya kuzinga mvula na mvula. - 1 Timoteo 2: 3, 4. We too do not desire any to be destroyed but would like to see them repent and share our hope of everlasting life. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. 7: 9, 5) Mutindu beto tendulaka yo na disolo yina meluta, mpeve santu keponaka bo na kuwakana ti mambu yina Masonuku kelombaka. As explained in the preceding article, they are appointed by holy spirit in harmony with Scriptural requirements. • How do we demonstrate our submission to God's will? 12: 4, NW. 12: 4. Since he does not violate any Scriptural principle, it would be inappropriate for anyone to try to influence a Christian woman not to follow her conscience. Na bilumbu kekwisa, Yehowa tasadila mpeve santu na yandi na mitindu ya kuyituka sambu na kulungisa lukanu na yandi. In the future, Jehovah will employ his holy spirit in remarkable ways to accomplish the fulfillment of his purpose. What does the Bible say about the miracles of first - century Christians? Yo ke yitukisa ve na kumona mutindu bantu ya nkaka ya mayele me kumisaka Mbalula ya Nsi - Ntoto ya Mpa sambu bo me balulaka yo mbote - mbote mpi na siki - siki yonso. How? 1: 28 - 30. Remain Chaste in Immoral World, 7 / 15 We may be responsible for mankind's death if we do not warn them of the choices they should make. Yo yina, zikisa nde lusambu ya Yehowa kele kaka kima ya kuluta mfunu na luzingu na nge mpi nde nge kebika nde mpeve ya Nzambi kutwadisa nge na mambu yonso ya nge kesala. Hence, make sure that your worship of Jehovah remains the most important thing in your life and that you let God's spirit guide you in everything you do. The only man Jesus showed his miracle was a demon - possessed man in the world. Madya ya kimpeve ya kuluta mfunu yina bo vandaka kudya na mvu - nkama ya ntete, vandaka kukatuka na mikanda yina bantumwa ti balongoki yankaka yina vandaka kutwadisa dibundu vandaka kusonika. The fundamental spiritual food given in the first century proceeded directly from the pens of the apostles and other disciples who were taking the lead. Such self - sacrificing love may be defined, and at times it means that a Christian will be willing to risk his life rather than sell his brothers. 19 Disolo ya Luzingu - Yehowa Ke Pesaka Ve Bantu Nsoni Ata Fioti! 19 Life Story - Jehovah Has Never Failed Me! How grateful we are for the lessons we learn from Second Samuel! Ernest E. One such individual was Ernest E. How can we benefit from that help? Keti nge kezola kulanda na kukatula bambuma ya mbote, disongidila, luzingu mosi ya kyese ntangu yai ti kivuvu ya kuzinga mvula na mvula na inza ya mpa ya Nzambi? Do you want to continue reaping what is good - a satisfying life now with the prospect of everlasting life in God's new world? If there was a massive earth's heat, the kel's climate would not have been full of air, so that it would not be possible for the earth to live on it. Bambikudulu ya Biblia kumonisaka nde Mesia takutana ti nki mambu? Bible prophecy showed that the Messiah would experience what? (Read 1 Samuel 16: 7.) Muntu ya me defa mbongo fwete zaba nde yandi fwete futa mbongo yina yandi defaka. The borrower must realize that until the money is paid back, he is under obligation to the lender. We live in very difficult times. * Keti nge ta zola kuzaba mambu mingi ya nkaka? * Would you like to learn more? Consider the suggestions regarding the time to engage in important spiritual activities in the following examples. Ntangu profete Daniele kuvandaka na kiteso ya bamvula 90, yandi vandaka ntangu yonso kutadila na dikebi yonso masonama ya santu. The prophet Daniel, likely in his 90 ' s, could still be found poring over the holy writings. Today, he helps them to remain spiritually strong and assures them that he will rescue them on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice. (NW) Bantu ya kudikulumusa yina kusalaka mambu mingi ya mbote, kansi yo lombaka ve nde bo tula ntima na bo mosi. Well, those meek ones had taken positive steps, but there was no room for self - confidence. " I realized that I needed to accept any assignment, and we quit making money for unnecessary things. " - Jonathan " Mayele [ya Yehowa] mpila ya kutesa yo kele ve. " " [Jehovah's] understanding is beyond recounting. " Early in his ministry, what did Jesus say about persecution? Na Zina ya Mwana In the Name of the Son From 1935 onward, attention has been given to the gathering of members of the great crowd. Yandi vandaka ve muntu ya mebanda na kuyela na kimpeve. He was not just beginning to make spiritual advancement. [ Footnotes] Beto fwete sala yonso yina beto lenda sala bubu yai sambu na kudibongisa na kuzinga na nsi - ntoto ya mpa. We need to do everything we can now to prepare for life in the new world. Did Jesus mean that no rich person will enter the Kingdom? Yandi ke tuba nde: "Sambu mono zabaka nde ntangu yina me bikala kele nkufi mpi nde bantu ya mitindu yonso fwete wa nsangu ya Kimfumu, mono waka mpusa ya kukwenda kusamuna kisika mpusa ya bansamuni kele mingi. " She relates: "Knowing that the time left is reduced and that all sorts of people need to hear the Kingdom message, I wanted to serve where there is a greater need for preachers. " At that time, the wicked perished in a global deluge. Tuka ntama, bantu mingi mefwaka sambu na kiterorizme. For decades, terrorism has taken thousands of lives. Their ministry was so effective, so that "about three thousand " were baptized. Mpi lukwikilu na beto kekumaka ngolo na ntangu beto kesolulaka ti bantu yankaka na kisalu ya kusamuna. - Nkunga 145: 10 - 13; Roma 10: 11 - 15. And our faith is strengthened when we speak to others in the ministry. - Psalm 145: 10 - 13; Romans 10: 11 - 15. In what ways? Biblia kele ti bambikudulu mingi. Many detailed prophecies are found throughout the Bible. That is why the Bible reminds us that Jehovah's servants should " stop doing what is bad. ' Inki mutindu bimvuka ya mbi ke niokula beto bubu yai? Truly, a population of such people will make the earth a paradise! Before Jesus ' birth, an angel told his mother: "Jehovah will give him the throne of David his father. " Keti Bo Salaka Masumu ya Nene? Was Improper Conduct Involved? He well knows that discouragement can rob us of strength. Kumosi, beno sonika bandilu yina beno lenda tula mpi mutindu beno lenda zitisa bandilu yango na ntangu beno kelanda na kupesa bibuti na beno lukumu. Together, write down what boundaries you can set and how you will protect them while still showing honor for your parents. Although they were ridiculed, many who saw the resurrected Jesus Christ were still alive, and they witnessed that he was raised from the dead. Muyimbi - bankunga kuyimbaka nde: "Beno bana - bankento ti bana - babakala, beno bambuta ti baleki, beno yonso beno kumisa Mfumu Nzambi! " You young men and also you virgins, you old men together with boys, " sang the psalmist. 3, 4. (a) What challenge do all of us have regarding our speech? Mono sobaka mabanza na mono mpi salaka bangwisana ya ngemba ti dibuta ya tata na mono. I adjusted my thinking and made peace with my father's family. It also helps us to become close friends, fully convinced that God's Kingdom will soon bring us rich blessings. Mpangi yina bingisaka nge lenda yidika bima na yandi sambu na nge mpi kana nge kwenda ve, bikesa na yandi yonso ta vanda mpamba. Our host may well have made preparations, and all his effort may be for nothing if we cancel. Do you know how they can show them? - By doing what God wants. Bankaka kele diaka ve na kiese sambu diambu mosi yina salamaka ke landa kuyangisa bo. Even servants of God may become discouraged and see their joy slip away. As a result, Jehovah directed Deborah to go with them, just as Barak wanted. Na ntangu bo vandaka kusala nkinsi na bo, Welsh ti Elthea vandaka bansadi ya luzolo ya mbote na filiale ya Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society ya Afrika ya Sudi. At the time of their wedding, Welsh and Elthea were volunteer workers at the South Africa branch of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Consider an example that we can follow in order to make voluntary sacrifices, and we will find great joy. Yandi tubaka sambu na yandi mosi nde: "Bo fwete tedimisa Mwana ya muntu, sambu konso muntu yina ke kwikila na yandi kubaka luzingu ya mvula na mvula. Referring to himself, he said: "The Son of man must be lifted up, that everyone believing in him may have everlasting life. To illustrate: Suppose someone asked you to separate bread from house to house, not charge for money. TABLO YA BIFWANISU WHITEBOARD ANIMATIONS What did Jesus say? Bo vandaka ti bamaniskri ya mikanda ya nkaka mpi yo vandaka ya kulunga ve mpi bo sonikaka yo na ndinga yina bantu vandaka kutuba diaka ve. Only incomplete manuscripts for some parts were available, and the language used was not up - to - date. • What shows that Jehovah views the meetings of his servants as sacred gatherings? BANKUNGA: 121, 105 " I saw many angels... around the throne..., and their number was a thousand and thousands. " - Revelation 5: 11. Christian elders submit to Christ's leadership How can we apply Jehovah's words found at Malachi 3: 18 in our life? Bakristu ya kyeleka kebuyaka na ntima ya mvimba bansaka ya mutindu yina. True Christians say a resolute no to all such entertainment. We used swords and trees that were used to attack a crowd of 20 or more people. Ntangu bo ke kumaka batoko, bana ya nkaka ke nwaka malafu mingi to ke sadilaka bima ya nkaka ya ke lawusaka. Some turn to drugs or binge drinking during their teenage years. In a prophecy, they are called "a hiding place. " Konso kilumbu na ntwala ya kuyantika nzo - nkanda, beto vandaka kusamba mutindu Bayuda ke sambaka. Before daily classroom lessons, we had to pray according to Jewish tradition. Soon he learned that God's name is Jehovah and began to speak of "the Amen " at the end of the sincere prayers made at the Kingdom Hall in his community. Yo lenda vanda konso kima na kati ya bima yina Salomo sonikaka, yina bantu ke bakaka na mbalu mingi mu mbandu, lukumu mpi kiyeka. In a sense, it could include any of those things that Solomon wrote about that have to do with being successful in the eyes of men - prestige, fame, or power. Jehovah became angry when the Israelites murmured against Moses and Aaron. Keti kutina yai tanata Davidi na mazyamu ti mpasi mpi mawa? Will this ordeal bring David down to Sheol in grief and disgrace? COVER SUBJECT Ndinga ya Nzambi kele ti nki nzayilu yina lenda sadisa bantu na kukonda kusala mbi na bantu yankaka yina meswaswana ti bo? What knowledge does God's Word reveal that restrains people from harming those who seem to be different? To show respect, you may have a few discussions, but then you may want to give up a conversation. Yezu Kristu kele kitini ya ntetentete ya "nkuna " (NW) ya Abrahami. Jesus Christ proved to be the primary part of Abraham's "seed. " As a good teacher, he began talking about what he and Agrippa could accept. Mbote kitoko na yandi ti kuzola ya yandi ke zola nge yo kupesa nge kiese konso ntangu. With her love may you be in an ecstasy constantly. Over 39 years ago, I still pray, and now I can say: "My heavenly Father, because you have answered my prayers. " Kansi kana beto kele ti bangindu ya mbi sambu na teritware ya mutindu yina, yo lenda lembisa bikesa na beto ya kuyantika kulonguka Biblia ti bantu. But having a negative view of the territory can impede our efforts to start Bible studies. Consider the following. Bubu yai bantu kekwikilaka nde bo kevandaka ti moyo yina kefwaka ve na lufwa ya nitu. It is commonly believed today that humans have an immortal soul that survives the death of the body. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 45, 32 Katula ndongisila ya kusala bisalu ya bikalulu ya santu ti bisalu ya kemonisaka kukangama na Nzambi, Piere kemonisa dyaka mfunu ya kusala na mpila nde nsukansuka, Yehowa kumona beto bantu yina mekumaka bunkete na nsadisa ya menga ya mfunu Yezu. Going beyond his admonition to engage in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, Peter emphasizes the importance of finally being found by Jehovah to be individuals cleansed by Jesus ' precious blood. Adam was keenly aware that if he rebelled against Jehovah, he would die. Mono vandaka kuwa makasi mpamba - mpamba, yo yina ata banduku na mono ya nkaka vandaka kuwa mono boma. " My temper always used to get the better of me, so much so that even some of my friends feared my arrogant, violent reactions. He said: "I have taken the earth and the heavens as witnesses for you, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the mountains; and you must choose life so that you may keep alive, you and your grandchildren. " Kana yo kelomba nde nge longuka mwa mingi sambu na kuzwa kisalu mosi yina tasadisa nge na kuvanda na bukatikati, yo kele mbote. If you can qualify for reasonable employment with a high school education, fine. In what sense was the Law "tutor leading to Christ "? Inki dilongi beto kebaka na balongoki ya Antioshe ya Siria sambu na yina metala kuwila bankaka mawa? From the disciples in Syrian Antioch, what do we learn about displaying mercy? Although Jesus did not marry or have children, he is a fine example for Christian parents. Keti Yezu Kristu kubakaka formasio? Did Jesus Christ receive training? Luke's account says that when John the Baptizer, the father of John the Baptizer was burning in the synagogue, many of Jehovah's non - priests "were praying outside the temple. " • Sambu na nki beto kevandaka kaka na kyese na kisalu ya kukatula bambuma? • Why do we keep on rejoicing in the harvest? Mary evidently quoted Hannah's words some 20 times. Minsiku ya lunungu ya Nzambi ketadila bantu yonso, yo yina beto fwete sala bansola ya mbote. God's righteous moral standards apply to everyone; so we too need to make right choices. Among "the works that are wicked " could add to sexual relations with children and other immoral forms of conduct practiced by religious leaders and by religious leaders. Dyambu ya mutindu mosi kesalama na luyalanganu ya mvimba. A similar situation exists on a universal scale. Jehovah forgave Paul, but God's mercy and undeserved kindness moved Paul to love others and teach them the good news. Sambu na nki kubalula ntima mpi kusala bansoba kele mambu yina beto fwete salaka ntangu yonso? How are repentance and turning around an ongoing process? Life in this world is "critical times hard to deal with. " 7: 9, 0. 7: 8, 9. do you think that it is something that you can do to improve your personality. • Inki mutindu beto kemonisaka bulemfu na beto na luzolo ya Nzambi? • How do we demonstrate our submission to the will of God? What changes do they make? Sambu yandi mefwa ve ata munsiku mosi ya Biblia, yo tavanda ve mbote nde muntu mosi kumeka na kupusa nkento yina kele Mukristu na kukonda kulanda kansansa na yandi. Since no Bible principle is involved, it would not be proper for anyone to try to persuade that Christian woman to violate her conscience. 1990 13 * Inki Biblia ke tuba sambu na bimangu ya Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete? What does the Bible say about the miracles that Christians in the first century performed? When the water is filled, what many do is running toward the high places, or at the top of the house - wherever there is protection. Yo kele mbote mpenza nde beto vanda ve bilula - lula. - Roma 1: 28 - 30. We are far better off without it. - Romans 1: 28 - 30. Yet, Daniel did not become haughty or feel that all his thoughts were still positive. Beto lenda vanda na mukumba na lufwa ya bantu kana beto kekebisa bo ve na bansola yina bo fwete sala. Failure to assume the responsibility of warning people of the choice that lies before them could result in our incurring bloodguilt. (a) In Jehovah, what qualities make a person beautiful? Muntu mosi kaka yina Yezu songaka na kuzabisa bantu kidimbu ya nkumbwa ya yandi salaka kuvandaka bakala mosi ya ntoto ya Geraza, yina kuvandaka na mpeve ya mbi. An exception was the case of the formerly demon - possessed man in the country of the Gerasenes. • In what ways can we be "a strengthening aid " in the congregation? Zola ya mutindu yai ya kukonda kutala bampusa na nge mosi lenda tendula, mpi ntangu yankaka yo ketendulaka, nde Mukristu kundima na kutula luzingu na yandi na kigonsa na kisika ya kuteka bampangi na yandi. Such self - sacrificing love could mean, and sometimes has meant, that a Christian would risk his life rather than betray his brothers. However, Jehovah's Witnesses around the world willingly contribute to their having everything in common so that God's Word and Bible - based publications become everywhere needed. - 2 Corinthians 8: 14. Beto kele na ntonda mingi mpenza sambu na malongi ya beto melonguka na mukanda ya Zole ya Samuele! How grateful we can be for the lessons we learn from the book of Second Samuel! I shall not beat myself on account of my face. " Inki mutindu beto lenda baka mambote ya lusadisu yina? How can we avail ourselves of that help? It is good to show special consideration to strangers. Kana ntoto kuvandaka nene mingi, gaze ya idroziene zolaka kufuluka na mupepe, ebuna mpila ya kuzinga na ntoto zolaka kuvanda ve. If earth were much larger, hydrogen gas would not escape our atmosphere and our planet would be inhospitable to life. 1, 2. (a) What sort of cities were there? (Tanga 1 Samuele 16: 7.) (Read 1 Samuel 16: 7.) The police walked in the homes of the brothers. Beto kezinga na bantangu ya mpasi mpenza. What a joy it must have been to know who would become their security! Beto tadila bangindu ya ketubila ntangu ya kusala bisalu ya mfunu ya kimpeve na bambandu yai kelanda. Note the reference to time for important spiritual activities in the following examples. Nothing should cause such a God to explain or justify his actions for mankind. Bubu yai, yandi kesadisaka bo na kuvanda ngolo na kimpeve mpi yandi kendimisa bo nde yandi tagulusa bo na nzila ya kimenga ya Yezu. Today, he keeps them spiritually strong and assures them of salvation on the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice. By means of Family Worship, help your children to understand their problems so that they can successfully meet them. " Mono bakisaka nde mono fwete ndima konso kisalu yina, mpi beto yambulaka kubasisa mbongo sambu na mambu ya kukonda mfunu. " - Jonathan " I learned to accept any sort of work, and we cut down on all unnecessary expenses. " - Jonathan Through Jesus, the King of Peace, God will " bring an end to wars throughout the earth. ' Na luyantiku ya kisalu na yandi, inki Yezu kutubaka sambu na mbangika? Early in his ministry, what did Jesus say about persecution? She decided to follow her teacher wherever she went. Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace, June Only a limited remnant remain on earth. Banda na mvu 1935 tii ntangu yai, bo ketulaka dikebi mingi na kisalu ya kukutika bantu ya kibuka ya nene. From 1935 until now, much attention has been focused on the gathering in of the great crowd. What others say may help you to realize that after divorce, many get involved in negative thinking. [ Banoti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnotes] Let us not do so, so it helps us to receive Jehovah's holy spirit, which brings joy. Keti Yezu zolaka kutuba nde ata mvwama mosi ve takota na Kimfumu? Did Jesus mean that no wealthy person will inherit the Kingdom? For example, elders need to be courageous when they consider serious sins or help someone who is sick. Na ntangu yina, bantu ya mbi fwaka na mvula ya ngolo ya ntoto ya mvimba. At that time, wicked humans would drown in the waters of a global deluge. What should parents teach their children in modern times, and why? Kisalu na bo ya kusamuna kusalamaka mbote mpenza, na mpila nde "kiteso ya bantu mile tatu " kubakaka mbotika. Their preaching was most effective, and "about three thousand souls " were baptized. Indeed, much of the advice we find in those books is merely the wisdom of a book that is written in a very distant book than any of the world. Na nki mitindu? In what ways? We may also lack discernment if we become involved in dangerous situations, which can awaken in our sexual desires. Yo yina Biblia ke yibusa beto nde bansadi ya Yehowa fwete "bikisa kusala mambu ya mbi. " For that reason the Bible reminds us that Jehovah's people must "turn away from what is bad. " Of course, Jesus himself could not control every aspect of his birth and life because it was fulfilled as foretold. Na ntwala ya lubutuku ya Yezu, wanzyo mosi kuzabisaka mama na yandi nde: "Mfumu - Nzambi ta tula yandi ntotila bonso vandaka nkaka na yandi Davidi. " Before Jesus ' birth, an angel told his mother: "Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father. " Who can be Kingdom citizens? Yandi kezabaka mbote nde kulemba nitu lenda katula beto kikesa. He well knows that discouragement can weaken us. 3: 7. Ata bo vandaka kuseka bo, bantu mingi yina kumonaka Yezu Kristu yina kufutumukaka vandaka dyaka na luzingu, mpi bo taka kimbangi nde Nzambi tedimisaka yandi na lufwa. Many who had seen the resurrected Jesus Christ were still alive and, despite ridicule, testified that he had been raised from the dead. Our decisions can help us to uphold God's sovereignty. 3, 4. (a) Inki dyambu ya mpasi beto yonso kevandaka na yo sambu na yina metala kutuba na beto? 3, 4. (a) What problem do all of us face with regard to our speech? 10, 11. (a) Besides listening carefully, what should we do? Yo ke sadisaka beto mpi na kukuma banduku ya ngolo, mpi na kundima mpenza nde ntama mingi ve Kimfumu ya Nzambi ta natila beto balusakumunu mingi. It also helps us to build lasting friendships and strengthens our confidence in the blessings that will soon come from God's Kingdom. Rather than making decisions merely for the miracle - telling message they could hear or about other things added, Jesus wanted his followers to make a decision, to make sure that he was the Christ. Keti nge me zaba mutindu bo lenda monisa yo? - Na kusalaka mambu yina Nzambi ke zolaka. Do you know how they can prove that? - By doing what God wants them to do. [ Blurb on page 12] Yo yina, Yehowa lombaka Debora na kukwenda ti bo kaka mutindu Baraki zolaka. He allowed Deborah to go, as Barak requested. In 44 C.E., he went to Antioch, where Barnabas and Saul preached "a year. " Beto tadila mbandu yina beto lenda landa sambu na kusala bibansa na luzolo yonso, mpidina beto ta vanda na kiese mingi. Let us review a pattern that we can imitate for making such voluntary sacrifices, thus increasing our joy. It seemed that Pharaoh's life and future were in the hands of Pharaoh. Beto baka mbandu: Yindula nde muntu mosi kulombaka nge na kukabula mampa nzo na nzo, kukonda kulomba mbongo. To illustrate: Suppose someone asked you to distribute a certain type of bread from door to door, free of charge. The Out of the Light Inki mambu Yezu kutubilaka? What did Jesus discuss? Studying God's Word and preaching the good news enables one to build up by means of "holy faith, " Christian teachings. • Inki kemonisa nde Yehowa ketadilaka balukutakanu ya bansadi na yandi bonso kima ya santu? • What shows that the gatherings of Jehovah's people should be held sacred? The sign 666 clearly shows that imperfect humans are strong, so the number six times is spoken of. " Mono monaka... bawanzio mingi na nziunga ya kiti ya kimfumu..., mpi ntalu na bo vandaka bamiriade ya bamiriade mpi mafunda ya mafunda. " - Kusonga 5: 11. " I saw... many angels around the throne..., and the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands. " - Revelation 5: 11. What can we learn from this woman's strong faith? Inki mutindu beto lenda sadila bangogo ya Yehowa ya kele na Malashi 3: 18 na luzingu na beto? How can we apply Jehovah's words found at Malachi 3: 18 in our life? The former things have passed away. " Beto vandaka kusadila bambele ti banti ya bo kebudilaka base - ball sambu na kunwanisa kibuka ya bantu 20 to kuluta. We would use knives and baseball bats to attack a crowd of 20 or more people. Seeking to foretell the future is a struggle for all of us.... Na mbikudulu mosi, Biblia kebinga bo " kisika ya kubumbana ya luvunu. ' The Bible prophetically calls them a "refuge of a lie. " Their sins were clear, but Jesus loved them. Ntama mingi ve yandi longukaka nde zina ya Nzambi kele Yehowa mpi yandi yantikaka kutuba "Amen " na nsuka ya bisambu ya masonga yina bampangi vandaka kusala na ntwala ya bantu yonso na Nzo ya Kimfumu yina kele na kisika ya yandi kezingaka. She soon learned that the name of God is Jehovah and joined in saying "Amen " to the heartfelt public prayers offered at the local Kingdom Hall. However, as mentioned at the outset of this article, we do not know exactly how Satan showed Jesus the temple. Yehowa kuwaka makasi mingi ntangu bantu ya Izraele kubokutilaka Moize ti Aroni. Jehovah was greatly offended when Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron. (b) Describe some progressive adjustments. DISOLO YINA KELE NA LUTITI YA ZULU COVER SUBJECT However, giving up harsh speech was the most difficult thing you can do. Sambu na kumonisa luzitu, nge lenda solula mwa fioti ti yandi kansi na nima, ziku nge ta sosa kuzenga disolo. Out of politeness, perhaps we might briefly converse with him, but then we would likely indicate that we prefer to end the conversation. The actions of the older men of Israel show that they had doubts about Ezekiel's words. Sambu yandi vandaka longi ya mbote, yandi yantikaka na kutubila mambu yina yandi ti Agripa lendaka kundima. As a good teacher, he began by mentioning something that he and Agrippa could agree on. Why can we believe the Bible account that a person with knowledge is someone who knows. Bamvula 39 me luta, mono ke landaka kusamba mpi ntangu yai, mono lenda tuba nde: "Matondo mingi Tata na mono ya zulu sambu nge me pesaka mvutu na bisambu na mono. " Another 39 years have passed, and I am still praying - only now I can say, "Thank you, my dear heavenly Father, for answering the prayers of my childhood. " And we should seek meekness by cultivating humility and obedience. Beto tadila mambu yai ya kelanda. Consider the following. (Look at 1: 1 - 4: 49) LUTITI 3 • BANKUNGA: 45, 32 PAGE 3 • SONGS: 45, 32 However, after being baptized with the spirit and the hope of going to heaven, Peter understood what Jesus ' teachings meant. Adami zabaka mbote - mbote nde kana yandi kolama na Yehowa yandi ta fwa. Did he really believe that he could disobey Jehovah and continue living? SONGS: 83, 120 Yandi tubaka nde: "Bubu yai, mono mebaka ntoto ti zulu bonso batemwe sambu na beno nde, mono metula luzingu ti lufwa na ntwala na nge, lusakumunu ti lusingu; nge fwete sola luzingu sambu nge landa na kuzinga, nge ti bantekolo na nge. " " I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, " he declared, "that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring. " Why should we "be kind to one another "? Na nki mutindu Nsiku vandaka "ndesi sambu na kukeba [bantu] tii kuna ya Kristo kumaka "? In what sense was the Law a "tutor leading to Christ "? • What lessons and encouragement can we learn from what is stated in the Law regarding sacrifices and offerings? Ata Yezu kukwelaka ve to kuvandaka ve ti bana, yandi kele mbandu ya mbote sambu na bibuti ya Bakristu. Even though Jesus did not marry or father children, he is an excellent model for Christian parents. (Read Ecclesiastes 5: 12.) Mukanda ya Luka ketuba nde ntangu Zakaria, tata ya Yoane Mbotiki, vandaka kuyoka ndumbu na nzo ya bisambu, bansadi mingi ya Yehowa yina kuvandaka ve banganga - Nzambi "vandaka kusamba na nganda. " Luke's account tells us that when Zechariah, the father of John the Baptizer, was offering incense in the sanctuary, a multitude of nonpriestly worshippers of Jehovah were "praying outside. " Even today, though Jehovah's war has not yet gone to an end to the wicked, most people are suffering. Yo ke monana nde Maria vutukilaka bangogo ya Ana mbala kiteso ya 20. It seems that Mary quoted the Scriptures about 20 times in her speech. They are supporting, blind, and even leading up to many of the world's wars. Na kati ya " mambu yankaka ya mbi mpenza ' beto lenda yika kuvukisa nitu ti bana - fyoti mpi mitindu yankaka ya mansoni yina bantwadisi ya mabundu mesalaka mpi yina bamfumu ya mabundu kepesaka nzila. Additional "disgusting things " include acts of pedophilia and other forms of sexual immorality committed by clergymen and tolerated by the church authorities. Each sheep is precious, just as each part of the body is. Yehowa kulolulaka Polo, ebuna mawa ya Nzambi mpi mambote na yandi yina muntu mefwana ve na kubaka kupusaka Polo na kuzola bankaka mpi na kulonga bo nsangu ya mbote. Jehovah forgave Paul, and receiving such undeserved kindness and mercy moved him to show love to others by preaching the good news to them. It was the first time that the brothers in Mexico used the radio to spread the good news. Luzingu na nsi - ntoto yai "kele kaka mpasi na mpasi. " Life in this world is so often glutted with "trouble and sorrow. " Besides the Sovereign Lord, no one can give us "the life now and the life that is to come, " after destroying all who do not love what is right and reject his Kingdom government. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. (1974). (1971). An angel took the lead in preaching Christ's message to a Ethiopian man who was later baptized. Inki bansoba bo ke salaka? What changes do they make? Mark 3: 14, 15 tells us: "He selected the twelve, saying to them: " I have chosen you because you are with me, and I will send you forth to preach, and you will also have the power to expel demons. ' " 1990 13 * 1990 13 * Yes, God longs to bring back to life all good people. Ntangu masa kefulukaka, kima yina bantu mingi kesalaka kevandaka ya kubaka ntinu sambu na kukwenda kumata na bisika yina kele na zulu, to na ludi ya nzo - konso kisika yina kele na zulu sambu na kuditanina. When literal flooding occurs, a common reaction is to run to higher ground or to climb onto the roof of a building - anywhere of higher elevation. As Jesus indicated, Jehovah will generously grant his holy spirit to our heartfelt prayers. - Luke 11: 13. Ata mpidina, Daniele kumaka ve lulendo to kuyindula nde bangindu na yandi yonso vandaka kaka ya mbote. In fact, it was while Daniel was still a young man that Jehovah counted him worthy of being mentioned as an example of righteousness, along with Noah and Job. Or when we engage in our daily activities, do we hold back from saying that we are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because of our conduct or appearance? (a) Sambu na Yehowa, nki bikalulu ke kumisaka muntu kitoko? (a) What qualities are beautiful to Jehovah? Jehovah was the true God to Moses, unlike any idols pictured by the gods of Egypt. • Na nki mitindu beto lenda vanda "lusadisu ya kikesa mingi " na kati ya dibundu? • In what ways can we be "a strengthening aid " in the congregation? Friends or family members can no longer take the lead in their new family; neither should marriage mates allow themselves to become involved in their decisions or family problems. Kansi, Bambangi ya Yehowa na ntoto ya mvimba kepesaka makabu na luzolo yonso sambu bo yonso kuvanda ti bima kiteso mosi na mpila nde Ndinga ya Nzambi mpi mikanda yina ketendulaka Biblia kukuma bisika yonso ya bo kele na mfunu na yo. - 2 Korinto 8: 14. But Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide freely contribute to equalize their resources so that the Word of God and Bible - related publications are available wherever there is a need. - 2 Corinthians 8: 14. Some say that the total number of deaths and others that have occurred since 1914 has been over 100 million! Mono ke bulaka [makofi, NW] na kisika ya mpamba ve. " If you have goals, you can run with certainty. * Then, at the right time, the Lord Jesus will "bring to ruin " all who have been misled. Yo kele mbote na kutudila banzenza dikebi ntangu yonso. Remember that showing personal interest in guests is always helpful. How appropriate that Christians avoid " abstaining from blood and sexual immorality ' in our time and show love! - Acts 15: 28, 29. 1, 2. (a) Pompéi ti Herculanum kuvandaka bambanza ya nki mutindu? 1, 2. (a) What sort of cities were Pompeii and Herculaneum? Consider the example mentioned above, 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 - 7. Bapolisi vandaka kutambula - tambula na banzo ya bampangi. Because Kingdom Halls were being closed, congregation meetings were held in private homes. The widow of Zarephath must have recognized Elijah as Jehovah's prophet, so "he did just as Elijah had spoken. " Yo vandaka kyese mpenza na kuzaba muntu yina takuma kwelani na bo! How delightful it was to get to know their future mate! During the past 2,000 years, God's enemies have used apostasy, reproach, violence, opposition, and death to hinder us from preaching. Ata kima mosi ve fwete pusa Nzambi ya mutindu yai na kutendula to kusonga bikuma ya mambu yina yandi kesalaka sambu na bantu. As such, he is not obligated to explain or justify his actions to humans. What kind of love does one who looks at pornography cultivate? Na nzila ya Lusambu ya Dibuta, sadisa bana na nge na kubakisa mambu yina bo ke kutana ti yo na mpila nde bo kuka kununga yo na kikesa yonso. Use Family Worship sessions to help your children understand the issues involved so that they can meet those challenges courageously. This showed that it was not a short - term decision. Na nzila ya Yezu, Mfumu ya Ngemba, Nzambi ta " sukisa bitumba na nsi - ntoto yonso. ' Through Jesus, the "Prince of Peace, " God will bring" an end to wars throughout the earth. " How does that affect our feelings? Yandi bakaka lukanu ya kulanda longi na yandi kisika yonso yina yandi ke kwenda. He was determined to stay with his mentor as long as possible. [ They] opened up the letters, and another book was opened, and it was a living book. Kaka ndambu fyoti mpamba mebikala na ntoto. Only a relatively few remain on earth. Let us see how this happened. Mambu yina bampangi me tuba lenda sadisa nge na kubakisa nde, na nima ya kufwa ya makwela bantu mingi ke kumaka ti bangindu ya mbi. You can discern from such comments that after divorce some are engulfed by negative emotions. Similarly, those who believe that God will fulfill his promises have convincing evidence that they will receive what they hope for. Beto sala ve mutindu yina sambu, mambu yai ya mfunu yo yina kesadisaka beto na kubaka mpeve santu ya Yehowa, yina kepesaka kyese. Why, these are vital ways in which we can receive Jehovah's holy spirit, a product of which is joy. We should be very happy because we know that in Paradise, Jehovah will show generosity to us and give us good things. Mu mbandu, bankuluntu fwete monisa kikesa ntangu bo ke tadila masumu ya nene to ke sadisa mpangi mosi yina ke bela ngolo. For instance, elders need courage when caring for judicial matters or when helping those who face life - threatening medical emergencies. He heard specific accounts about Jehovah God's power and justice, and he trusted in him and exercised faith. Inki kima ya mfumu bibuti fwete longa bana na bo na bilumbu na beto, mpi sambu na nki? What is it vital that children be taught today, and why? Job wondered: "Is it not the One who created me in the womb that did not make them? " Ya kyeleka, bandongisila mingi ya beto kekuta na mikanda yina, kevutukilaka kaka mayele ya bo mesonikaka na mukanda mosi ya ntama kibeni kuluta mikanda yonso ya nsi - ntoto. Indeed, much of the advice found in these books simply echoes the wisdom recorded in one of the oldest books in the world. 11: 3. Beto lenda konda mpi luswasukusu kana beto ke kudikotisa na mambu yina kele kigonsa, yina lenda tedimisa na nitu na beto bampusa ya kuvukisa nitu. Might we at times show a similar lack of good judgment, perhaps straying into dangerous situations that could awaken wrong desires? So it is vital that Christians stay awake and stick firmly to the truth. Ya kyeleka, Yezu yandi mosi lendaka ve kutwadisa mambu yonso ya metala lubutuku mpi luyantiku ya luzingu na yandi, sambu yo lungana mutindu bambikudulu kutubilaka yo. Of course, Jesus himself could not have orchestrated any of the foretold events associated with his birth and early life. Jehovah often answers our prayers in such ways. Banani lenda vanda bantu ya Kimfumu? Who can be Kingdom citizens? Why? 3: 7. 3: 7. (a) What miracles did Moses and Jesus perform? Balukanu na beto lenda sadisa beto na kupesa maboko na luyalu ya Nzambi. We can also show our support of God's sovereignty by our personal decisions. Consider what led him to do God's will with food. 10, 11. (a) Katula kuwidikila na dikebi yonso, beto fwete sala inki? 10, 11. (a) In addition to listening carefully, what must we do? How can you show respect for God - given authority in the family? Na kisika nde bantu kubaka balukanu kaka sambu na nsangu ya bidimbu ya nkumbwa ya bo zolaka kuwa to sambu na mambu yankaka yina bantu vandaka kuyika, Yezu kuzolaka nde na ntwala ya kubaka desizio, bantu kuzikisa bo mosi mpi kubakisa nde yandi vandaka Kristu. Rather than have people reach conclusions based on sensational or possibly distorted reports, Jesus wanted them to see for themselves that he was the Christ and to make a personal decision based on that evidence. Yet, the Bible says that in a sense, some men saw God. [ Bangogo sambu na kubenda dikebi ya kele na lutiti 12] Valdès has sometimes been called Pierre Valdès or Peter Waldo, but his first name cannot be confirmed. [ Blurb on page 8] (Read Philippians 4: 11 - 13.) Na mvu 44 T.B., Agabusi kukwendaka na Antioshe, kisika Barnabasi ti Saule vandaka kulonga "mvula mosi ya mvimba. " In 44 C.E., Agabus comes to Antioch, where Barnabas and Saul have been teaching "for a whole year. " 65 ⇩ Yo vandaka kumonana bonso nde luzingu mpi makwisa na yandi vandaka na maboko ya Farao. Moses ' life, welfare, and future seemed to be in Pharaoh's hands. Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. Bima Yina Ke Taninaka Furmi ya Arza ya Sahara na Mwini The Compound Heat Shield of the Saharan Silver Ant What can we be sure that these kings will act in the time of the end? Kulonguka Ndinga ya Nzambi mpi kusamuna nsangu ya mbote kesadisaka muntu na kutunga na nsadisa ya "lukwikilu " ya santu, disongidila malongi ya Bukristu. Studying God's Word and preaching the good news help to build you up on the "most holy faith " - Christian teachings. Yes, Orpah "went back to her homeland, where she and her gods were, " but Ruth did not return. Kidimbu 666 kemonisa pwelele nde kukonda kukuka kele ya ngolo, yo yina bo mesonika ntalu sambanu mbala tatu. The mark 666 emphasizes that deficiency by repeating the number three times. How did hope strengthen Noah's faith? Lukwikilu ya ngolo ya nkento yai ke longa beto nki? What can we learn from the faith of this remarkable woman? For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. Na ntangu yina mambu ya ntama ta vanda me vila. " The former things have passed away. " Gradually, however, I realized that I could not change the world. Kusosa kutuba mambu yina tasalama na bilumbu kekwisa kele nsaka ya beto yonso kenungaka ve mbala mingi.... Trying to guess the future is a game we nearly always lose.... Why do we make mistakes? Masumu na bo vandaka pwelele, kansi Yezu kuzolaka bo. Their imperfections were obvious, yet Jesus loved them. Do religious leaders help their sheep to apply God's moral standards? Kansi, mutindu beto tubaka na luyantiku ya disolo yai, beto me zaba ve na sikisiki yonso mutindu Satana monisaka Yezu tempelo. Of course, as was said at the beginning of this article, we do not know for sure exactly how Satan showed the temple to Jesus. What will be the joy of those who remain faithful to Jehovah? (b) Tendula mwa bansoba yina mesalamaka malembe - malembe. (b) Explain some of the progressive refinements. Wise choices will help you to be happy and successful. Kansi, kuyambula kufinga vandaka diambu ya kuluta mpasi. Most challenging, though, was my struggle to quit swearing. Many scholars claim that it is not enough. Mambu yina bambuta - bantu ya Izraele kusalaka kemonisa nde bo vandaka ti badute sambu na mambu yina Ezekiele kutubaka. The response of the older men of Israel shows that they were skeptical about what Ezekiel had said. What It Means to God Sambu na nki beto lenda ndima disolo ya Biblia yina ke tuba nde DMuntu yina kele ti nzayilu, kele muntu yina me zaba mambu. A person who has knowledge takes in information, or facts. 1: 2, 6 - 8. Mpi, beto fwete sosa kudikulumusa na kuyedisaka kikalulu ya kudikulumusa mpi ya bulemfu. And we need to "seek meekness " by cultivating a meek and submissive attitude. When he was about to be beaten in Jerusalem, he asked the chief officer of the army: "Is it lawful for you to beat a Roman citizen and one whom you do not judge? " (Kulonga 1: 1 - 4: 49) (Deuteronomy 1: 1 - 4: 49) Thus, Jesus is now ruling as King. Kansi, na nima ya kubaka mbotika ya mpeve mpi kivuvu ya kukwenda na zulu, Piere kubakisaka ntendula ya malongi yai ya Yezu. Once he himself was baptized with holy spirit and given the heavenly hope, he could grasp the meaning of Jesus ' teachings on those points. Wherever we go, we see acts of oppression toward their brothers. BANKUNGA: 83, 120 In what ways did Jesus show courage before (a) religious leaders, (b) the police, (c) the high priest, (c) Pilate? Sambu na nki beto fwete " keba mbote - mbote ntima ' na beto? Why must we "safeguard [our] heart "? What do they do when they see God's glory? • Inki malongi mpi kikesa beto lenda baka na mambu yina bo ketuba na Nsiku sambu na yina metala bimenga ti makabu? • What instruction and comfort can we glean from the information in the Law about sacrifices and offerings? Those who are "seeking first the Kingdom " can be confident that Jehovah will provide for them and give them" all other things. " (Tanga Longi 5: 12.) (Read Ecclesiastes 5: 12.) 1 Avoid Pride Bubu yai nkutu, ata mvita ya Yehowa mebanda ntete ve na kufwa bantu ya mbi, bantu mingi kezinga na mpasi. Today, even before Jehovah's war against the wicked, many suffer severe distress. The Bible warns us: "If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left. Bo kepesaka maboko, bo kekangaka meso, nkutu bo ketwadisaka bamvita mingi ya kesalamaka na kati ya bansi. They have supported, condoned, even taken the lead in many wars of the nations. Furthermore, not all entertainment is desirable. Konso dimeme kele mfunu, kaka mutindu konso kitini ya nitu kevandaka mfunu. Every one of them has value, as does each member, or part, of the human body. (b) How can we determine whether our worship is acceptable to Jehovah? Yo vandaka mbala ya ntete yina bampangi ya Mexique sadilaka radio sambu na kumwanga nsangu ya mbote. For the first time, Mexican radio stations carried the good news throughout the country. But the wicked do not have a desire to get up. Katula Nkwa Kimfumu, ata muntu yankaka ve lenda pesa beto " moyo ya bubu ti moyo ya kekwisa na ntwala, ' na nima ya kufwa bantu yonso yina kezolaka ve mambu ya mbote mpi kebuyaka luyalu ya Kimfumu na yandi. - 1 Timoteo 4: 8. No one other than the Universal Sovereign can give a guarantee of "the life now and that which is to come " after he clears the earth of those who oppose what is right by rejecting Kingdom rule. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. Since Jehovah "is slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness, " we do well to remember that he" does not give exemption from punishment. " Wanzyo mosi kutwadisaka Filipe na kukwenda kusamuna nsangu ya Kristu na bakala mosi ya Etiopia ya vandaka tongu, yina kubakaka mbotika na nima. An angel directed Philip to preach about Christ to an Ethiopian eunuch, who then got baptized. Marriage can end, but later you may suffer emotional and economic hardships. Marko 3: 14, 15 kezabisa beto nde: "Yandi solaka bantu kumi na zole. Yandi pesaka bo zina nde bantumwa. Yandi nde: " Mono me sola beno sambu beno ta vandaka ti mono, mpi sambu mono ta tindaka beno na kwenda kulonga; beno ta vandaka mpi na kiyeka ya kubasisa bampeve ya mbi. ' " (Beto bantu metengimisa bisono.) Mark 3: 14, 15 tells us: "He formed a group of twelve, whom he also named " apostles, ' that they might continue with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to expel the demons. " How? Ee, Nzambi kevandaka na mpusa ya ngolo ya kufutumuna bantu yonso ya mbote. Yes, God longs to bring back to life all righteous individuals. I shall destroy their cities and their high houses; and their righteousness is to time indefinite, and their streets have become valueless. " Mutindu Yezu kumonisaka yo, Yehowa tapesa mpeve santu na yandi na luzolo yonso na bisambu na beto ya masonga. - Luka 11: 13. As Jesus indicated, Jehovah will provide his holy spirit freely at our sincere request. - Luke 11: 13. How, then, can a person find true peace of mind and purpose in life? To ntangu beto kesalaka bisalu na beto ya konso kilumbu, keti beto kemonaka nsoni na kutuba nde beto kele mosi ya Bambangi ya Yehowa, sambu na bikalulu na beto to mutindu beto melwata? Or while engaging in day - to - day activities, might we be embarrassed to identify ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses, either because of the way we behave or because of the way we dress? Consider the following Bible verses: Yehowa vandaka Nzambi ya kyeleka sambu na Moize, na kuswaswana ti biteki yonso yina vandaka kumonisa banzambi ya kukonda luzingu ya Ezipte. Unlike all the idols representing the lifeless gods of Egypt, Jehovah, the true God, was real to Moses. * We had to care for the needs of the local congregation, but we had to care for the needs of the brothers. Banduku to bantu ya dibuta lenda baka dyaka ve kisika ya ntete na dibuta na bo ya mpa; Bankwelani fwete bika mpi ve nde bibuti kudikotisaka na badesizio to mavwanga na bo ya dibuta. Friends and relatives can no longer take priority at the expense of the new family; nor should the couple allow parents to interfere in family decisions or disagreements. The "new heavens, " God's Messianic Kingdom, and" a new earth, " a righteous human society of true worshippers, will replace human governments and wicked human society today. Bantu ya nkaka ke tubaka nde ntalu ya bantu yonso yina fwaka na bitumba yai mpi ya nkaka yina salamaka banda 1914 kele bantu kuluta bamilio 100! Some estimates place the total number of deaths due to wars and armed conflicts since 1914 at more than 100 million! The city was known for its immoral lifestyle. * Na nima, na ntangu yina me fwana, Mfumu Yezu "ta fwa " bantu yonso yina kusamaka. * Thereafter, in his due time, the Lord Jesus would "bring to nothing " all those who had been deceived. They do not discern Christ's presence in Kingdom power. Ya kyeleka, ndongisila ya Biblia yina kebuyisaka Bakristu na " kunwa ve menga mpi kusala ve pite ' mefwana mpenza na ntangu na beto mpi yo kesonga zola! - Bisalu 15: 28, 29. Yes, how timely and loving is the Bible's counsel that Christians " abstain from blood and from fornication '! - Acts 15: 28, 29. How Should We " Answer Each Person "? Beto baka mbandu ya beto tubilaka awa na zulu, 1 Tesalonika 4: 3 - 7. Let us take the example cited above, 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 - 7. Some who do so try to explain the facts in such matters as animals and animals or how a man's mother grows up. Yo fwete vanda nde mufwidi yina ya Sarepta kuzabaka nde Elia kuvandaka profete ya Yehowa, yo yina "yandi salaka mutindu Elia tubaka. " The widow of Zarephath, apparently recognizing that Elijah was Jehovah's prophet, "did according to Elijah's word. " In addition to preaching, how can we let our light shine? Na nsungi ya bamvula 2 000 yai ya me luta, bambeni ya Nzambi me sadilaka apostazi, kuvweza, bimvuka ya bantu ya nku, kubuyisa kisalu ya kusamuna, kuniokula mpi kufwa bankaka na kati na beto, sambu na kukanga beto nzila ya kusamuna. For 2,000 years, God's enemies have used every sort of weapon to put an end to the good news - apostasy, ridicule, mob violence, bans, torture, and execution. Feared of what seemed to be the greatest threat, the Israelites cry out to Jehovah and Moses. Muntu yina ketalaka pornografi kekunaka zola ya nki? A viewer of pornography nurtures love for what? By choosing to sin against Jehovah, they lost both for themselves and for their offspring what Jehovah had purposed for them. Yo kesonga nde, yo vandaka ve desizio ya ntangu fyoti. Thus, it was not a temporary decision. • What are some ways in which a couple can put God first in their marriage? Yo ketedimisa mawi na beto, buna ve? It stirs our emotions, does it not? Yet, Jehovah is perfect in all things. [ Bo] kangulaka mikanda, ebuna bo kangulaka mukanda yankaka diaka, yo vandaka mukanda ya moyo. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The Israelites may not have hidden proper homes from animals to sacrifice. Beto tala nki mutindu yo salamaka. Let us see how. Flee From False Worship! Mutindu mosi, bantu yina kekwikilaka nde Nzambi talungisa balusilu na yandi kele ti banzikisa ya kendimisa nde bo tabaka mambu yina bo ketula ntima. Similarly, those who have faith that God will fulfill his promises are guaranteed to receive what they hope for. When this king acted unwisely, Jehovah's prophet said to him: "Because of your deeds you have done, Jehovah has taunted you. " Beto fwete vanda na kiese ya mingi sambu beto me zaba nde na Paladisu, Yehowa ta monisa kikalulu ya kukaba na kiteso ya mingi mpi yandi ta pesa beto bima ya mbote. May our joy overflow in anticipation of the generous supply of good things that Jehovah will provide for us in the earthly Paradise. How, then, are those who have died? Yandi waka masolo ya siki - siki na yina me tala ngolo mpi lunungu ya Yehowa Nzambi, yo yina yandi tudilaka yandi ntima mpi monisaka lukwikilu. She heard reliable reports about the power and the justice of Jehovah God, so she put her faith and trust in him. (b) What is the meaning of Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 22: 37? Yobi kudiyulaka nde: "Keti Muntu yina salaka mono na kati ya divumu salaka bo mpi ve? " " Did not the One who made me in the womb also make them? " he said. Some believe that one nation is better than another than what the Scriptures say. 11: 3. 11: 3. Indeed, "the discipline of the people is not a pleasure at that time, but it is a challenge. " Yo yina, yo kele mfunu nde Bakristu kukangula meso mpi kukangama ngolo na kyeleka. Thus, it is essential that Christians remain vigilant and hold fast to the truth. Even when appropriate, elders seek to show honor to those under consideration. Mbala mingi, Yehowa kepesaka mvutu na bisambu na beto na mitindu yina. Jehovah often answers prayers in these ways. What can help us if a fellow Christian offends us? Sambu na nki? Why? A good schedule and cooperation with our children played an important part in the full - time ministry in Jehovah's organization (a) Moize mpi Yezu kusalaka nki bimangu? (a) What miracles did Moses and Jesus perform? How do Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 28: 19, 20 apply to parents today? Beto tadila mambu yina pusaka yandi na kufwanisa kusala luzolo ya Nzambi ti madia. Consider the circumstances under which he made that comparison. Satan's entire system - what his rulership has done - has had little success over the centuries. Inki mutindu nge lenda songa luzitu na kiyeka yina Nzambi mepesaka na kati ya dibuta? How can you show respect for God - given authority in the family? It is true that "no man has seen God at any time, " that" God is the Spirit. " Ata mpidina, Biblia ke tuba nde na mutindu mosi buna, bantu ya nkaka monaka Nzambi. Yet, the Bible reports that some people have, in a sense, seen God. David next described the qualities that Jehovah wants his people to display. (Tanga Filipi 4: 11 - 13.) (Read Philippians 4: 11 - 13.) [ Footnote] 65 ⇩ 65 ⇩ Many Jews thought that they were superior to others because they were Abraham's descendants. Yezu salaka kimangu na yandi ya ntete na nkinsi ya makwela na Kana ya Galilea. At a marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Jesus performed his first miracle. Christians know that God's Kingdom has already been established in heaven, that it will crush all human governments, and it will stand to times indefinite. - Daniel 2: 44. Inki mambu beto lenda tula kivuvu nde bantotila yai tasala na ntangu ya nsuka? What can we expect of these kings in the time of the end? Likewise today, true Christians wholeheartedly obey this command to use their gifts in behalf of fellow believers. Ya kyeleka, Orpa " kuvutukaka na bwala na bo, kisika vandaka dikanda na yandi ti banzambi na yandi, ' kansi Ruti kuvutukaka ve. Orpah indeed "returned to her people and her gods, " but Ruth did not. In many countries, however, many people leave places to live in cities, where such relationships are not. Inki mutindu kivuvu kumisaka ngolo lukwikilu ya Noa? How did hope reinforce Noah's faith? " In His Power We Are Alive " Muntu ke katulaka bambuma yina ya yandi ke kunaka. Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. " They will hear about sex when they enter school, and they will not have the thought that you want them to have it, " says a mother named does. Kansi, malembe - malembe mono bakisaka nde, mono lendaka ve kusoba nsi - ntoto. I gradually realized, however, that I could not change the world. What do we now consider? Sambu na nki beto ke salaka bifu? Why do mistakes happen? The preaching work is the most important work that brings us great joy. Keti bantwadisi ya mabundu ke sadisaka mameme na bo na kusadila minsiku ya Nzambi ya bikalulu ya mbote? Have religious leaders helped their flocks to apply God's moral standards? It is not surprising to believe that we need God's wisdom to help us make decisions. Inki kyese bantu yina kebikala ya kwikama na Yehowa tabaka? What joy awaits those remaining loyal to Jehovah? For example, if we are to resist a tendency to buy things without cause, we might decide not to buy things by using the window or when shopping, we cannot afford more money. Bansola ya mayele tasadisa nge na kuvanda na kyese mpi na kununga luzingu na nge. Wise choices contribute to a happy, successful life. So when we need help, we do well to share with them. Bantu mingi ya mayele ketubaka nde yo mefwana ve. Many rationalists and moralists have concluded that it does not. In addition to these distressing situations, we also face tests that afflict all who suffer because of doing what is right. Ntendula ya Kukangama na Nzambi What Godly Devotion Means Paying attention to Malachi's words can help us to prepare for "the great and fear - inspiring day of Jehovah, " when he destroys this wicked system. - Malachi 4: 5. " Ntangu bo vandaka kutula madia ya mpamba - mpamba na zulu ya mesa - kimenga, ' mpi ntangu bo vandaka kunata "bambisi... ke tambula kifu to ke na maladi " sambu na kupesa Nzambi makabu. - Malashi 1: 2, 6 - 8. " By presenting upon [his] altar polluted bread " and by offering "a lame animal or a sick one " for sacrificing. - Malachi 1: 2, 6 - 8. He also sends writing cards and puts them in simple pictures. Ntangu bo zolaka kubula yandi fimbu na Yeruzalemi, yandi yulaka mfumu ya basoda nde: "Keti nsiku ke pesa beno nswa ya kubula muntu yina kele muntu ya Roma mpi yina beno me sambisa ve? " Faced with scourging in Jerusalem, the apostle asked a Roman officer: "Is it lawful for you to scourge a Roman who has not been condemned? " How does the prophet Isaiah describe the blessings that those who respond to the good news enjoy now? Yo yina, Yezu keyala ntangu yai bonso Ntotila. Hence, Jesus is now ruling as King. God's Word says: "In old age his wives inclined his heart to follow other gods; and he did not obey Jehovah as his father David did. Yo kemonana bonso nde na konso kisika ya beto kekwenda, beto kemona mambu ya nku ya bantu kesala bampangi na bo. It seems that everywhere we turn, we see evidence of man's inhumanity to man. For whatever reason a thief shows that his desire is more important than Jehovah's name, and his commandments. Na nki mitindu Yezu kumonisaka kikesa na ntwala ya (a) bamfumu ya mabundu, (b) kimvuka ya bapolisi, (c) nganga - Nzambi ya nene, (d) Pilate? In what ways did Jesus show boldness in front of (a) the religious leaders, (b) a band of soldiers, (c) the high priest, (d) Pilate? As told by As told by Ibiler Inki bo kesalaka ntangu bo kemonaka lukumu ya Nzambi? How do they respond to their view of God's glory? It was God's heavenly Kingdom ruled by Christ Jesus. Bampangi yina " ke sosa ntete Kimfumu ' lenda tula ntima nde, Yehowa ta lungisa bampusa na bo mpi ta pesa bo " bima yonso ya nkaka ya mfunu. ' Those "seeking first the Kingdom " can trust that Jehovah will provide them with " all other necessary things. ' In what way? 1 Buya Lulendo 1 Avoid Being Presumptuous Later, Paul was thrown into prison. Biblia kekebisa beto nde: " Kana beto me zaba ntete mambu ya kieleka, kansi beto ke sala kaka masumu na luzolo na beto, makabu yina lenda katula masumu na beto yo kele diaka ve. " Every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, " said Jesus Christ, "but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. " What It Requires to Be Happy Dyaka, bansaka yonso kevandaka ve mbote. Furthermore, not all kinds of recreation are wholesome. * (b) Inki mutindu beto lenda zaba kana Yehowa kendimaka lusambu na beto? (b) How can we make sure that our worship is acceptable to Jehovah? However, anointed Christians do not demand special attention. Kansi bantu ya mbi ke vandaka ve ti mpusa ya kutelama. The wicked do not have the same desire to get up. He showed that their hope is not based on what they do but on Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Sambu ata Yehowa "ke waka makasi nswalu ve kansi [yandi] ke songaka kaka mambote, " beto fwete vila ve nde yandi" ke nungisaka ve bantu yina ke salaka mbi, [yandi] ke vilaka ve na kupesa ndola. " Because while Jehovah is "slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness, " we must remember that" by no means will he give exemption from punishment. " He again focused on Jesus and was convinced that Jesus could help him. Makwela lenda fwa, kansi na nima nge lenda nyokwama na mawi mpi kukutana ti mpasi ya mbongo. The marriage may end, yet you may suffer emotional and financial hardship afterward. They will appreciate God's new system of things and the new earth in which "righteousness is to dwell. " Inki mutindu? How? Mildness helps us to control our thinking, so that we can "be quick to anger. " Mono me fwa - fwa babwala na bo; balupangu na bo ti banzo na bo ya nda - nda mono me panza - panza yo; babalabala na bo me kuma ya mpamba. " Their cities were laid waste. " Genesis chapters 3 and 4 provide this information: (1) Eve was "the father of all men. " Ebuna, inki mutindu muntu lenda zwa ngemba ya mabanza ti lukanu ya kyeleka na luzingu? How, then, can one find inner peace and a purpose in life? What assurance does God give us regarding the weight or temptations we face? Tadila baverse yai ya melanda na Biblia: Consider the following verses from the Bible itself: We need to have a balanced view of this purpose. * Mpila ya kusolula ti dibundu ya fyoti ya bwala yina kuvandaka ve, kansi yo lombaka nde beto lungisa bampusa ya bampangi yango. * "Communication with the little congregation there had been cut off, and we had to see to the needs of the brothers. (a) What does it mean to seek first God's righteousness? " Zulu ya mpa, " disongidila Kimfumu ya Mesia ya Nzambi, mpi "ntoto ya mpa, " disongidila kimvuka mosi ya bantu ya lunungu ya bansambidi ya kyeleka, tayinga baguvernema mpi kimvuka ya bantu ya mbi ya bubu yai. They will be replaced by "new heavens " - God's Messianic Kingdom - and" a new earth " - a righteous human society of true worshippers. It says: "When under trial, let no one say: " I am being tried by God, ' for God cannot put me to the test, nor does he himself try anyone. " Mbanza yina kuzabanaka sambu na luzingu na yo ya mansoni. That ancient city was notorious for its immoral lifestyle. Hence, to understand better his ability to use this method of teaching, we need to consider how his Jewish listeners understood what he was speaking to them. Bo keswasukisa ve kuvanda ya Kristu na kiyeka ya Kimfumu. They do not discern Christ's presence in Kingdom power. 7 / 15 Inki Mutindu Beto Lenda "Pesa Mvutu na Konso Muntu "? Anyone See Future? Jesus received all authority in heaven and on earth, and nothing can prevent him from protecting you. Bantu ya nkaka ya ke salaka mutindu yai ke sosaka bantendula na mambu bonso bima - kati ya bambisi mpi ya bantu to mutindu nsusu ya bakala ke diaka dimbuma. Some practitioners looked for meaning in such things as the entrails of animals and humans or the way a rooster pecks at its grain. But we must first learn about Jehovah as did Abraham. Katula kusamuna, nki mutindu beto lenda bika nde nsemo na beto kusema? In addition to engaging in the ministry, in what other ways can we let our light shine? In order to fulfill this wonderful assignment, our first parents had to live to time indefinite, and their offspring had to live forever. Sambu bo waka boma na diambu yina vandaka kumonana bonso kigonsa ya nene, bantu ya Izraele didilaka Yehowa mpi Moize. Terrified by what appeared to be imminent calamity, the Israelites cried out to Jehovah and to Moses. Jehovah's Witnesses - "I Am With You, " 4 / 15 Na kuponaka na kusumuka na Yehowa, bo vidisaka sambu na bo mosi mpi sambu na bana na bo luzingu yina Yehowa kukanaka sambu na bo. By choosing to sin against Jehovah, they lost for themselves and their offspring the kind of life that Jehovah intended for them. The book of Leviticus contains instructions that Jehovah gave the Israelites to protect themselves from deadly diseases and private conduct. • Inki kele mwa mitindu yina bankwelani lenda tula Nzambi na kisika ya ntete na makwela na bo? • What are some ways married people can let spirituality guide them? Since then, millions of people have become self - centered, and they have done this in an effort to mislead others and reach selfish goals. Kansi, Yehowa kele ya kukuka na mambu yonso. Jehovah, however, is perfect in the absolute sense. He immediately " sent the man to Abram. ' Ziku bantu ya Izraele vandaka kubumba ve na banzo bambisi ya mefwana na kupesa kimenga. Animals suitable for sacrifice were not likely kept in Israelite homes. Because Obadiah's godly fear moved him to show courage, it is clear that Jehovah protected him from his enemies. 9 / 15 Christian Families - "Keep Ready, " 5 / 15 (Read 1 Peter 5: 3.) Beno Tina Lusambu ya Luvunu! Determined to Serve Jehovah (R. " Christ, the power of God, " who follows his Father's example, regularly cared for the needs of his disciples. Ntangu Ntotila yai kusalaka kima mosi ya kukonda mayele, profete ya Yehowa kutubilaka yandi nde: "Sambu na mambu yai ya nge me sala, Mfumu Nzambi me wila nge makasi. " When the king committed a foolish act, Jehovah's prophet told him: "For this there is indignation against you from the person of Jehovah. " 1 Ebuna, inki mutindu bantu yina mefwaka kevandaka? What, then, is the condition of the dead? In 1914, for the first time in human history, war took place on a global scale. (b) Inki kele ntendula ya bangogo ya Yezu yina kele na Matayo 22: 37? (b) What is the meaning of Jesus ' words as recorded at Matthew 22: 37? What do many sincere people especially need to know? Kuyindula ya bantu mingi keyindulaka nde dikanda mosi kele mbote kuluta yankaka kewakana ve ti mambu yina Masonuku ketuba. The widespread feeling that one's own ethnic group is better than that of others runs counter to the facts set out in the Scriptures. This second government is Jehovah's Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. Ya kieleka, "ntangu bo ke pesaka bantu ndola, yo ke monanaka ve diambu ya kiese na ntangu yina, kansi yo ke vandaka mpasi. " Of course, "no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but it is painful. " Do you trust that you will be among them, along with your children, and those whom you study the Bible? Ata ntangu yo kelombaka kusala mpidina, bankuluntu kesosaka kupesa luzitu na bantu yina bo ketadila. Yet, even when having to take such action, the elders try to dignify the ones who are involved. Meditating on, that is, meditating on what you have learned, is vital. Inki lenda sadisa beto kana mpangi - Mukristu mosi me lwadisa beto? What can help us if we have been hurt by a fellow believer? They have also come to realize that the spirits of the dead are not. Manaka ya mbote mpi kusala na bumosi ti bana na beto sadisaka Lidasi na kuyantika kisalu ya ntangu yonso na 1960. By careful planning and with cooperation from our children, Lidasi was able to begin her full - time service in 1960. Thus, in Brazil alone, the deaf were baptized in a recent year and are now 35 deaf Witnesses in Brazil. Inki mutindu mambu yina Yezu tubaka na Matayo 28: 19, 20 ke sadisaka bibuti bubu yai? How can Jesus ' command found at Matthew 28: 19, 20 help parents as they teach their children? Clearly, Paul was interested in the congregations, knowing that in each congregation, Christians would have opportunities to honor God. Ngidika ya mvimba ya Satana - kima yina luyalu na yandi mesalaka - menungaka ve mbala mingi mpenza na nsungi ya bamvu - nkama. Satan's entire world system - a product of his way of governing - has repeatedly and consistently failed over the centuries. Clearly, they do not know well. Yo kele kyeleka nde "ata muntu mosi ve me monaka Nzambi, " mpi nde" Nzambi kele Mpeve. " It is true that "no man has seen God at any time " and that" God is a Spirit. " Why did he say that he would give his life instead of saying that they would receive it? Na nima, Davidi tubilaka bikalulu yina Yehowa ke zolaka nde bansadi na yandi kumonisa. He followed that question with a discussion of spiritual qualities that God looks for in his guests. However, I have found it a pleasure to help my brother study the Bible and to give up his drugs. [ Noti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnote] (Read 1 Corinthians 14: 33, 40.) Bayuda mingi vandaka kuyindula nde bo me luta bantu ya nkaka sambu bo vandaka bana ya Abrahami. Did the Jews have reason to be proud because they were descendants of Abraham? Many Jews had that deep - seated conviction. Of course, we cannot become perfect teachers. Bakristu mezaba nde Nzambi metulaka dezia Kimfumu na yandi na zulu, nde yo tafwa baluyalu yonso ya bantu, mpi nde yo tayalaka tii kuna. - Daniele 2: 44. Christians know that God's Kingdom has already been set up in heaven, that it will put an end to all human rulerships, and that it will stand forever. - Daniel 2: 44. Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind " and" you must love your neighbor as yourself. " Mutindu mosi bubu yai, Bakristu ya kyeleka kezitisaka na ntima ya mvimba ntuma yai ya kusadila makabu na bo sambu na mambote ya bampangi na bo Bakristu. Similarly today, the command to use one's gift in behalf of fellow believers is wholeheartedly carried out by true Christians. God was like a high - ranking leader who takes the lead among his people - but he does not care about them. " - For Canada, Canada. Kansi na bansi mingi, bantu mingi kekatukaka na babwala sambu na kwenda kuzinga na bambanza, ebuna kuna bangwisana ya mutindu yai kevandaka ve. But in many lands, a massive population shift from rural to city life has almost completely severed such close family ties. Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. " Na Ngolo na Yandi Beto Ke na Moyo " " By Him We Have Life " Finally, Jesus assured them: "The Father himself loves you. " Mama mosi na zina ya Sheila ketuba nde: "Bo tawa mambu ya metala kuvukisa nitu na ntangu bo takota nzo - nkanda, mpi bo tavanda ve ti dibanza yina nge kezola nde bo vanda ti yo. " " They will hear about sex as soon as they start school, " says a mother named Sheila, "and they will not get the viewpoint that you want them to have. " It is found in the book of Judges chapters 4 and in the song of Deborah and Barak, in chapter 5. Inki beto ke tadila ntangu yai? What will we now examine? 12: 16; 17: 14; 29: 11. Kisalu ya kusamuna kele kisalu ya kuluta mfunu mpi yo ke pesaka beto kiese ya mingi kibeni. The preaching work is the most important and the most satisfying work we could be doing. In Jesus ' day, a talent had a huge value of some 6,000 denarii. Yo kele ve dyambu ya nsoni na kundima nde, beto kele na mfunu ya mayele ya Nzambi sambu yo sadisa beto na kubaka balukanu. There is no shame in admitting that we need God's wisdom to help us make decisions. 3 / 15 Mu mbandu, kana beto kezola kunwana ti kikalulu ya kusumba - sumba bima kukonda kikuma, beto lenda baka lukanu ya kukonda kusumba bima na kusadilaka ba cartes de crédits to na ntangu beto kekwenda kusumba bima, beto lenda nata ve mbongo mingi. For example, if we desire to counteract a leaning toward uncontrolled spending, we may want to resolve not to buy on credit, or when shopping, we may take only a set amount of money. Furthermore, Jehovah is showing humility to those who are humble. - Prov. Yo yina, na ntangu beto kele na mfunu ya lusadisu, yo ke mbote nde beto zabisa bo. When we need support, therefore, it is good to let them know. What contempt! Katula mambu yai ya mpasi, beto kevandaka dyaka ti mimekamu yina kekuminaka bantu yonso yina kenyokwamaka sambu bo kesalaka mambu ya mbote. Added to these challenges are the trials peculiar to those persecuted for righteousness ' sake. Eventually, she got baptized and became a regular pioneer. Kutula dikebi na mambu yina Malashi ketuba lenda sadisa beto na kuyilama sambu na "kilumbu ya nene mpi ya kepesa boma ya Yehowa, " ntangu Yandi tafwa ngidika yai ya mbi. - Malashi 4: 5, NW. Paying attention to Malachi's words can help us to prepare for "the great and fear - inspiring day of Jehovah, " when He destroys this wicked system. - Malachi 4: 5. 8 God Accepts All Nations - Is It True? Yandi ke salaka mpi bakarti ya kusonikila mikanda mpi ke tulaka yo bifwanisu ya fioti ya kitoko. She also makes greeting cards, using small adhesive pictures. Of course, no teacher, no wise person, who provides practical counsel to teach us the truth and make us wise and make us happy. Inki mutindu profete Yezaya ketubila balusakumunu yina bantu ya kendima nsangu ya mbote kebaka sesepi yai? How does the prophet Isaiah describe the immediate blessings that come to those who accept the good news? For more information on these covenants related to Jehovah's purpose, see The Watchtower of February 1, 1989, pages 10 - 15. Ndinga ya Nzambi ke tuba nde: " Ntangu yandi kumaka mununu, bankento na yandi bendaka yandi na kusamba banzambi ya nkaka. Yandi lemfukilaka diaka ve Mfumu Nzambi, bonso tata na yandi Davidi. God's Word states: "It came about in the time of Solomon's growing old that his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father.... Keep On Serving Jehovah With a View to Love, 1 / 15 Muntu ya me yiba ata sambu na konso kikuma yina, ke monisaka nde nzala na yandi kele mfunu kuluta Yehowa, zina ya Yehowa mpi bansiku na yandi. He minimizes God's law, disregarding Jehovah and His name as being of no force or importance. What questions can we ask ourselves about the resurrection? Disolo ya Josef Mutke As told by Josef Mutke Jacob knew that his family would also benefit from that promise, so he maintained good care for his family. Yo vandaka Kimfumu ya zulu ya Nzambi yina Kristu Yezu tayala ti bantu 144 000. It was God's heavenly Kingdom made up of Christ Jesus and his 144,000 corulers. (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants you to be protected from your youth? Na nki mutindu? How so? Ezekiel saw this vision in 613 B.C.E. Na nima, bo tulaka Polo na boloko. Paul himself was put in prison. Later, when Mary heard that Jesus had come, she too quickly went to see her. Mambu Yina Yo Kelombaka Sambu na Kuvanda na Kyese Factors That Contribute to Happiness Continue applying these lessons during the third and fourth week. * * You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God's thoughts, but those of men. " - Mark 8: 32, 33; Matt. Kansi, Bakristu yina kele mpenza ya kupakulama kelombaka ve nde bo tudila bo dikebi ya sipesiali. However, Christians who have truly received this anointing do not demand special attention. God was real to him, and he knew that all of God's promises would be fulfilled so that he showed courage and endurance. Yandi monisaka nde kivuvu na bo mesimbama ve na mambu yina bo kesalaka kansi, na mambote ya Yehowa yina bantu mefwana ve na kubaka. He pointed out that their hope is not founded on their works, but on Jehovah's undeserved kindness. ● Why do you allow me to suffer? Yandi tulaka diaka dikebi na yandi na Yezu mpi ndimaka nde Yezu kusadisa yandi. He focused on Jesus again and accepted his help. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you. Empowered to Overcome Any Trial, 1 / 15 The early Christians received much help by encouraging and lovingly helping one another. Bo tasepela na mutindu ya mefwana mpenza na nzila ya ngidika ya Nzambi ya mazulu ya mpa mpi ya ntoto ya mpa yina "na kati na yo lunungu tazingaka. " They will be fully satisfied through God's arrangement of the new heavens and the new earth in which "righteousness is to dwell. " How did Paul correct Peter, and how do we know that counsel? Luswasukusu ke sadisaka beto na kuyala mabanza na beto, sambu na "kuwa makasi nswalu ve. " Discernment enables us to control our spirit, making us "slow to anger. " We do not know something that is good like what we have seen in God's Word.... Kuyantika bakapu 3 ti 4 kepesa bansangu yai: (1) Eva kuvandaka "mama ya bantu yonso. " Genesis chapters 3 and 4 present the following information: (1) Eve was "the mother of everyone living. " Before long, however, they realized that they had been wrong. Nzambi kendimisa nde yandi tapesa beto nki na yina metala kilo ya beto fwete nata to bampukumuna ya beto kekutana ti yo? What assurance does God give us regarding burdens we have to bear or temptations we face? 24: 45. Beto fwete vanda ti bukati - kati sambu na kulungisa lukanu yai. We want to make sure that we allow God's Word to reach our heart and strengthen our faith. On the other hand, a person who has learned the truth about God and love him will increase the reverential fear of God. (a) Kusosa ntete lunungu ya Nzambi ketendula inki? (a) What does it mean to seek first God's righteousness? We can be among these if we stay close to Jehovah, the Sovereign Lord. Yo ke tubaka nde: "Ntangu muntu ke kutana ti mumekamu, bika yandi tuba ve nde: " Nzambi ke meka mono. ' Sambu Nzambi lenda mekama ve na mambu ya mbi mpi yandi mosi ke mekaka ve ata muntu mosi. " " Let no man say when he is tested, I am tested by God; for it is not possible for God to be tested by evil, and he himself puts no man to such a test. " The Scriptures tell us that "God is love. " Yo yina, sambu na kubakisa mbote mayele na yandi ya kusadila metode yai ya kulonga, yo kele mfunu nde beto tadila mutindu bawi na yandi yina kuvandaka Bayuda vandaka kubakisa mambu ya yandi vandaka kutubila bo. Therefore, to appreciate more fully his skill in employing this teaching method, it is helpful to consider what his words meant to his Jewish listeners. She says: "The first time I hit my house was my last time. " Makabu ya Mawa, 6 / 1 What Birds Can Teach Us, 6 / 15 He is as powerful as that of Paul's refusal to be a Pharisee to become a powerful disciple of Jesus Christ. Yezu bakaka kiyeka yonso na zulu mpi na ntoto, mpi ata kima mosi ve lenda kanga yandi nzila ya kutanina nge. Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth, and nothing can snatch you away from his protective care - except you. I used the phonograph and the testimony card, which contained a brief, simple message from the Bible. Kansi beto fwete longuka ntete mambu ya Yehowa bonso Abrahami. Like Abraham, we need to learn about Jehovah. 1, 2. (a) Why did Paul commend Timothy? Sambu na kulungisa mukumba yai ya kitoko, yo lombaka nde bibuti na beto ya ntete kuzinga tii kuna to mvula na mvula. Yo lombaka mpi nde bana na bo kuzinga mvula na mvula. To fulfill that wonderful commission, our original parents would need to keep on living - forever - and so would their offspring. (Read Hebrews 13: 6.) Bakristu ya Ntete mpi Nsiku ya Moize, 4 / 1 Cares for Ordinary People, 4 / 15 Notice What You Do? 5 / 1 A recent medical study shows that people who have no interest in themselves and do not trust others, and their lack of knowledge damages a close relationship. Mukanda ya Levi kele ti bantuma yina Yehowa pesaka bantu ya Izraele sambu na kuditanina na maladi ya nsambukila mpi kutula muntu na kingenga. The book of Leviticus contains the instructions given to the Israelites on how they were to avoid outbreaks of contagious diseases, including the practice of quarantine. If you are a baptized brother, does your circumstances allow you to strive to qualify for extra responsibilities? Banda ntangu yina, bantu mingi me kumaka ti kikalulu ya kudibumba. Bo ke salaka mutindu yai sambu na kukusa bantu ya nkaka mpi kulungisa balukanu ya bwimi. Since then, many humans have similarly made themselves out to be something they were not, and they have done this to deceive others and to achieve selfish aims. Today, many young ones are like Timothy. Kukonda kusukinina, yandi "tindaka muntu sambu na kubinga Abrami. He responded immediately: "With that Pharaoh called Abram and said: " What is this you have done to me? Despite his greater role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose, Jesus was never proud. Sambu kutina Nzambi boma kupusaka Obadia na kumonisa kikesa, yo kele pwelele nde Yehowa kutaninaka yandi na bambeni na yandi. Because Obadiah demonstrated courage through godly fear, Jehovah evidently shielded him from his enemies. However, Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would face trials before he became King. (Tanga 1 Piere 5: 3.) (Read 1 Peter 5: 3.) PUBLISHERS " Kristu, ngolo ya Nzambi ' yina ke landaka mbandu ya Tata na yandi lungisaka bampusa ya balongoki na yandi mbala na mbala. Reflecting his Father, " Christ, the power of God, ' frequently opened his hand and satisfied the desires of his followers. In 1952, Ádám was already married to 29 years of age and had two sons, arrested him and accused him of taking part in military service. 1 1 Just think! Na 1914, sambu na mbala ya ntete na luzingu ya bantu, bitumba salamaka na ntoto ya mvimba. In 1914, for the first time in history, a global war erupted. In addition, the weeds were more abundant than wheat. Inki mambu bantu mingi ya masonga kele mpenza na mfunu ya kuzaba? In what spiritual condition do many sincere people find themselves? Indeed, "the former things have passed away. " Luyalu yai ya zole kele Kimfumu ya Mesia yina Yehowa me pesa na maboko ya Yezu Kristu. This secondary rulership is the Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. Referring mainly to Christians who are struggling with doubts, Jude wrote: "Let those who are crushed in spirit and are crushed in spirit, just as they are being delivered from the fire. " Keti nge ketula ntima nde nge tavanda na kati na bo, kumosi ti bana na nge mpi bantu yina nge kelongukaka na bo Biblia? Do you hope to be among them, along with your children and Bible students? Jehovah Sees Us for Our Benefit Kuyindulula, disongidila, kuyindula dyaka mambu yina ya nge melonguka, kele mfunu mingi. Meditation - the process of pondering over what we have learned through study - is invaluable. Yes! Bo mebakisaka mpi nde bampeve ya bafwa kevandaka ve. They have also known that spirits of the dead do not exist. Nothing can stop the growth of Jehovah's service! Yo yina, na Brésil mpamba, bababa 63 kubakaka mbotika na mvula ya mekatuka kuluta mpi ntangu yai, Bambangi 35 ya bababa ya Brésil kele bapasudi - nzila ya ntangu yonso. As a result, in Brazil alone, 63 deaf individuals were baptized in one recent year and 35 deaf Witnesses there now serve as full - time evangelizers. He wrote: "We never lose sight of your faithful service, your loving labor, and your endurance because of your hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father. " Yo ke pwelele nde Polo vandaka kutula dikebi na badibundu, sambu yandi zabaka nde na konso dibundu, Bakristu zolaka kuvanda ti mabaku ya kupesa Nzambi lukumu. Clearly, Paul was interested in the local congregations, knowing that in each of them, Christians would have opportunities to praise God. In that letter, he wrote "in the place of Deusus and uses him to represent the Supreme God alone. " Yo ke pwelele nde bo tasolula ve mbote. Likely, there would be no real communication. Christians who are not rich should avoid " being greedy, ' and they must bear in mind that pride can develop in anyone, whether poor or poor. - Mark 7: 21 - 23; James 4: 5. Sambu na inki yandi tubaka nde yandi zolaka kupesa luzingu na yandi na kisika ya kutuba nde bo zolaka kubaka yo? Why did he say that his life would be given rather than taken? But the whole world is "in the power of the wicked one. " Kansi, mu mebakaka kyese ya kusadisa mpangi na mu mosi ya bakala na kulonguka Biblia mpi kuyambula kilalulu na yandi ya kusadila bima yina kelausaka. Instead, I have had the pleasure of helping one of my brothers learn about the Bible and break free from his drug addiction. When a person drinks tobacco, he goes quickly and regularly to the brain. (Tanga 1 Bakorinto 14: 33, 40.) (Read 1 Corinthians 14: 33, 40.) A family adult often takes the lead in such a ceremony as giving a child a name. Ya kyeleka, beto lenda kuma ve balongi ya kukuka. Granted, we cannot be perfect teachers. He "went out conquering and to complete his conquest. " Yezu kutubaka nde: "Nge fweti zola Mfumu Nzambi na nge, na ntima na nge yonso, na luzolo na nge yonso ti na mabanza na nge yonso " mpi" nge fweti zola mpangi na nge bonso nge mosi. " Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind " and" you must love your neighbor as yourself. " Christian overseers should not accept such wrong teachings and influences, and a Christian does not have to engage in spiritual or physical fornication, or idolatry before realizing the existence of "the sacred secrets of Satan. " Nzambi vandaka bonso mfumu ya nene yina ke yidikaka mambu ya bantu ya yandi ke twadisaka - kansi yandi ke tudilaka bo ve dikebi. " - Raymonde, Canada. God was like a prime minister who manages the affairs of the people he leads - but who is not really interested in them. " - Raymonde, Canada. How wrong it is to choose work that promotes what the Bible clearly condemns. Nkento ya Potifare sosaka kubwisa Yozefi. Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph. But that is not always the case. Na nsuka, Yezu kundimisaka bo nde: "Tata yandi mosi ke zolaka beno. " Then Jesus reassured them: "The Father himself has affection for you. " So it is vital that all of us - including older men and women - show that we accept Christ's leadership. Yo ke tubilaka yo na mukanda ya Bazuzi kapu 4 mpi na nkunga ya Debora ti Baraki, na kapu 5. The battle that ensued is described twice in the Bible - in the historical narrative of Judges chapter 4 and in the song of Deborah and Barak in chapter 5. (a) What difficult period began in 1914? 12: 16; 17: 14; 29: 11. 12: 16; 17: 14; 29: 11. Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings. " Na bilumbu ya Yezu, talanta mosi vandaka na valere ya badenari kiteso ya 6 000. In Jesus ' day, a talent was equivalent to about 6,000 denarii. However, the book of Luke says of Jesus before he ascended to heaven: "Jesus explained [his two disciples] the things written about him in all the books of Moses and the Prophets [in the Scriptures]. " Pesa Minunu Lukumu, 3 / 15 Interfaith, 3 / 1 Being an exemplary wife can be a challenge when a husband makes a decision that a woman does not appreciate. Dyaka, Yehowa kezangulaka bantu yina kekudikulumusaka. - Bing. Moreover, Jehovah exalts humble ones. - Prov. So if you are married, ask yourself: " Do I know my spouse well? Yai kuvandaka kuvweza kibeni! What an indictment! At school, I was ordered to stop talking to other students about why I didn't know and to avoid me. Nsuka - nsuka, yandi bakaka mbotika mpi kumaka mupasudi - nzila ya ntangu yonso. Later he got baptized and then became a full - time servant. 1, 2. (a) According to Psalm 86: 2, 11, what will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah under tests or temptations? 8 Nzambi Kendimaka Mabundu Yonso - Keti Yo Kele Kyeleka? 8 God Accepts All Sincere Worship - Is It True? The overseer told us to hold all the meetings each week, whether people are present or not. Ya kyeleka, kele ti longi mosi ve, muntu mosi ve ya mayele, muntu mosi ve ya kepesaka bandongisila yina mefwana na kulonga beto kyeleka mpi kukumisa beto mayele mpi kupesa beto kyese. Indeed, there is no teacher, no expert, no counselor better equipped to teach us the truth and to make us wise and happy. A child who has been taught by this principle understands that others are superior to him in all respects. Sambu na kuzaba mambu mingi ya metala bangwakana yai ya ketadila kulungana ya lukanu ya Yehowa, tala Nzozulu ya Nkengi ya Kifalansa ya Februari 1, 1989, balutiti 10 - 15. For a detailed discussion of these covenants involved in the outworking of God's purpose, see The Watchtower of February 1, 1989, pages 10 - 15. The psalmist David highlighted the importance of integrity at times when he may have felt alone. Beto Sala Kumosi ti Santinele, 1 / 1 Jehovah Is My Refuge and Strength (M. Filteau), 2 / 1 12, 13. (a) In Jesus ' birth, how did Satan prove to be cruel? Inki bangiufula beto lenda kudiyula sambu na lufutumuku? What question about the resurrection might arise? No. Yakobi zabaka nde dibuta na yandi mpi ta baka mambote ya lusilu yina, yo yina yandi taninaka mbote bantu ya dibuta na yandi. Yet, despite being surrounded by "physical " men, Jacob was a spiritual man. What can affect our lives and our qualities? (a) Inki mutindu beto kebakisa nde Yehowa kezolaka nde nge sepila na butoko na nge? (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants you to enjoy your youth? Early in human history, the first human couple made a decision that led to tragic consequences. Ezekiele monaka mbona - meso yai na 612 N.T.B. Ezekiel had this vision in 612 B.C.E. how Jehovah forgives forever? Na nima, ntangu Maria kuwaka nde Yezu mekwisa, yandi mpi kwendaka nswalu sambu na kumona yandi. Later, when Mary heard that Jesus was present, she too hastened to see him. For example, a child may know his father as a mild, mild - tempered person. Landa kaka kusadila malongi yai na mposo ya tatu mpi ya iya. Follow through on the third week and the fourth. " When the Septuagint mentioned in the New Testament and quoted there were four Hebrew letters for God's name, " says Professor Paul, "the writers of the New Testament no doubt put it in their writings. " Nge ke zola kukanga mono nzila, sambu nge ke banza mabanza ya kinzambi ve kansi mabanza ya kimuntu. " - Mar. 8: 32, 33; Mat. You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God's thoughts, but those of men. " - Mark 8: 32, 33; Matt. To tempt us, he uses "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life. " Nzambi kuvandaka muntu ya kyeleka sambu na yandi, mpi yandi zabaka nde balusilu yonso ya Nzambi talungana yo yina yandi monisaka kikesa mpi kukanga - ntima. God and his promises were so real to Moses that he demonstrated extraordinary courage and endurance. Paul clearly wrote of such ones: "They are no longer ashamed "; many have become involved in" every sort of uncleanness. " ● Sambu na nki nge ke pesaka nzila nde mono mona mpasi? Why do you allow me to suffer? Worldwide, Jehovah's people share in the construction work. Kansi mono me solaka beno, mono me katulaka beno na nsi - ntoto, beno mpi kele bantu ya nsi - ntoto ve; yo yina bantu ke mengaka beno. Second, we have sure evidence of God's support, both in our time and in the past. Bakristu ya ntete kubakaka lusadisu mingi na kupesanaka kikesa mpi na kusadisanaka na zola. Early Christians received much support by encouraging one another and building one another up in love. Do you try to improve your share in the Kingdom - preaching work, perhaps by spending more time in the ministry or by doing so fully? Polo sungikaka Piere mpi yandi ndimaka bandongisila yina. Inki mutindu beto me zaba yo? In that case, Paul gave Peter a fitting reproof, which he evidently accepted. Paul called Timothy "the fine fight of the Christ Jesus, " telling him:" A military worker is involved in the commercial affairs of life, so that he might be accepted by the man who took him in military service. " Beto mezaba ve kima mosi ya kele mbote bonso mambu yina beto memonaka na ndinga ya Nzambi.... We know of nothing better nor half as good as what we have found in the Word of God.... The love I saw among Jehovah's Witnesses was just what I needed. Kansi, na nima ya mwa ntangu, bo bakisaka nde bo kudikusaka. But after a while, they concluded that they were fooling themselves. • How can waiting for Jehovah become a source of joy? 24: 45. 24: 45. Among them are the rebellious angels, the demons. Kansi, muntu yina melonguka kyeleka na yina metala Nzambi mpi mekuma kuzola yandi, tayedisa boma ya mbote ya Nzambi. By contrast, a person who learns the truth about God and comes to love him will develop a healthy fear of him. Let each mate, therefore, strengthen his or her marriage bond, by means of loyalty to our heavenly Father and his spouse. Beto lenda vanda na kati ya bantu yai kana beto kangama na Yehowa, yina kele Nkwa Kimfumu. We can be among them if we cling to Jehovah as our Sovereign Lord. So he sent Timothy to encourage the congregation. Masonuku kezabisa beto nde "Nzambi kele zola. " The Scriptures tell us that "God is love. " For example, you may be able to show more fully how many other aspects of the fruitage of the spirit you suffer. Yandi ketuba nde: "Mbala ya ntete ya mu bulaka piano na nzo yina kuvandaka mpi mbala na munu ya nsuka. " " My debut concert turned out to be my retirement concert, " she relates. 9 / 15 Kima tapusa yandi kele ngolo bonso yina kupusaka Polo na kubuya luzingu ya kuvanda Mufarize sambu na kukuma longoki ya ngolo ya Yezu Kristu. The same force that moved Paul to renounce the life of a Pharisee to become a stalwart follower of Jesus Christ. Giving to Jehovah is also the form of worship. Mono vandaka kusadila fono ti karti ya kimbangi, yina vandaka ti nsangu ya nkufi ya Biblia mpi ya pete. How much time should we spend in recreation? 1, 2. (a) Sambu na nki Polo kusikisaka Timote? 1, 2. (a) Why did Paul commend Timothy? [ Picture on page 9] (Tanga Baebreo 13: 6.) (Read Hebrews 13: 6.) Earlier, he focused on gathering the last members of God's nation of Israel, and then he began gathering the "great crowd " of" other sheep. " Kulonguka mosi ya minganga yina mekatuka kusalama ntama mingi ve memonisa nde bantu yina kekudiwaka mfunu ve kekuditudilaka ve ntima mpi bo ketudilaka ve bantu yankaka ntima, mpi kukonda kuzaba, bo kebebisaka bangwisana ti binduku ya ngolo. A recent medical study found that individuals with negative feelings about themselves tend to distrust themselves and others, thus unwittingly sabotaging close relationships and friendships. It teaches people to love and respect one another no matter where they come from. Kana nge kele mpangi - bakala ya mebakaka mbotika, keti luzingu na nge kepesa nge nzila ya kusala ngolo sambu na kulungisa mambu ya bo kelombaka sambu na kubaka mikumba ya ngika? If you are a baptized brother, do your circumstances allow you to reach out for these additional privileges of service? In the fifth century B.C.E., Greek scientists claimed that it was like a fruit. It was his granddaughter. When will this system of things end? Bubu yai, baleke mingi kele bonso Timoteo. Today, there are many young people like Timothy. Another young man who set a fine example even though he was far away from his family was the Israelite girl who was taken captive to the Syrian army in the days of Elisha the prophet. Ata yandi kele na mukumba ya kuluta nene na kulungana ya lukanu ya Yehowa, Yezu kuvandaka ve lulendo ata fyoti. Despite his key position in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose, Jesus was free of even the slightest hint of haughtiness. 7: 1. Kansi, Yezaya kutubaka na ntwala nde Mesia takutana ti bampasi na ntwala ya kukuma Ntotila. In the book of Isaiah, the Messiah prophetically says: "My back I gave to the strikers... (a) How does Satan deceive people today? BANSAMUNI PUBLISHERS So you can be sure that you can understand the Bible and that if you sincerely ask God for it, he will give you the help needed to understand his Word. Na mvu 1952, Ádám kukumaka ti bamvula 29, yandi vandaka mekwelaka dezia mpi ti bana zole ya babakala, bo kangaka yandi mpi bo fundaka yandi nde yandi vandaka kusala makambu ya nku sambu yandi buyaka dyaka na kukota na kisalu ya kisoda. In 1952, Ádám, who by now was 29 years of age and married with two children, was arrested and charged when he once again refused military service. First, you will make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Yindula fyoti! Just think of it! Jairo's eyes Help Him to Serve God 9 Diaka, na ntangu yina, matiti ya mbi kumaka mingi kuluta ble. Additionally, during that time, the weeds became many and the blades of wheat were few. Rather, our lives will enjoy the peace that comes from God. Ya kyeleka, "mambu ya ntama ta vanda me vila. " Truly, " the former things will have passed away. ' • What trials did Job endure, and how did he react? Ntangu yandi tubilaka mingimingi Bakristu yina kenwana ti badute, Yude sonikaka nde: "Bantu yina ke na ntima zole [kele na badute, NW], beno wila bo mawa; beno gulusa bo kaka mutindu bo ke katulaka kima na tiya. " Speaking specifically about Christians who struggle with doubts, Jude wrote: "Continue showing mercy to some that have doubts; save them by snatching them out of the fire. " What resulted from Solomon's disobedience and the disobedience of the nation of Israel? Yehowa Ketalaka Beto Sambu na Mambote na Beto Jehovah Watches Us for Our Good Jesus warned his followers about this attitude when he warned first - century Christians living in Laodicea: "You are neither cold nor hot. Ee! Indeed he did! Is that true? Ata kima mosi ve lenda kanga kuyela ya kisalu ya Yehowa! Nothing can stop the spread of Jehovah's work! Does God notice when his people suffer? Yandi sonikaka nde: "Beto ke kondaka ve ata fioti na kuyibuka kisalu na beno ya kwikama, mpi kisalu ya ngolo ya beno ke salaka ti zola, mpi kukanga - ntima na beno sambu na kivuvu yina beno kele na yo na Mfumu Yezu Kristu na ntwala ya Nzambi mpi Tata na beto. " Paul wrote: "We continually remember your faithful work, your loving labor, and your endurance because of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father. " Joshua 9: 4 states: "They proceeded to act wisely. " Na mukanda yango, yandi "sonikaka deus na kisika ya Deus mpi yandi ke sadila Deus sambu na kumonisa Nzambi ya Kuluta Nene mpamba. " Consubstantiation is Luther's teaching that the bread and the wine "coexist " with Christ's body at the Lord's Supper. " Jehovah sent me to those who gave me good counsel and listened to Jehovah even if it took a little time. " Bakristu yina kele ve bamvwama fwete buya na kuvanda ti "disu ya kulula bima, " mpi bo fwete vila ve nde lulendo lenda yela na ntima ya konso muntu, ata yandi kele mvwama to nsukami. - Marko 7: 21 - 23; Yakobo 4: 5. Those Christians who are not rich should avoid having "an envious eye, " and they should remember that haughtiness can develop in anyone - rich or poor. - Mark 7: 21 - 23; James 4: 5. 1, 2. (a) How does the Bible show that Jehovah wants us to enjoy life? Kansi nsi - ntoto ya mvimba kele "na maboko ya Muntu ya Mbi. " In contrast, the world in general is "lying in the power of the wicked one. " (b) What changes must a person make after repentance? Ntangu muntu ke nwa makaya, nicotine ke kwendaka nswalu mpi mbala na mbala na butomfu. Smoking delivers nicotine to the brain quickly and repeatedly. See the box "Is Alcohol at Hand? " Mbala mingi, mbuta mosi ya fami muntu ketwadisaka mambu na feti ya mutindu yina ya kupesa mwana zina. A senior relative of the family usually officiates during such a child - naming ceremony. It must continue to water it, making it grow and grow. Yandi "basikaka sambu na kununga mpi kununga tii na nsuka. " He "went out conquering and to complete his conquest. " First note that parents are commanded to grow up spiritually, to love Jehovah, and to endure his commandments. Bankengi fwete ndima ve malongi ti bupusi ya mbi ya mutindu yina, mpi yo kelombaka ve nde Mukristu kusala ntete pite ya kimpeve to ya kinsuni, to kusambila biteki na ntwala ya kubakisa nde "mambu ya kinsweki ya Satana " kele mpenza ya mbi. Overseers dare not yield to such wicked teaching and influence, and no Christian needs to commit spiritual and physical fornication or to engage in idolatry in order to realize that the "deep things of Satan " are totally evil. Let us work hard to forget the past, serve God more fully now, and consider the wonderful things ahead! Yo kele mbi kibeni na kupona kisalu yina kesyamisaka mambu yina Biblia kebuyisaka na pwelele yonso. Choosing a type of work that promotes what is directly condemned in the Bible is definitely wrong. That "day " began when the Messianic Kingdom began ruling in 1914. Kansi yo kesalamaka ve mbala mingi. But such is the exception, not the rule. How could they even think back on "the philosophy and empty deception " of the corrupt Jews? - Galatians 4: 9. Yo yina, yo kele mfunu nde beto yonso (baleke ti bambuta, babakala ti bankento) kumonisa nde beto kendimaka lutwadisu ya Kristu. It is vital, then, that all of us - young and old, male and female - show that Christ's leadership is real to us. On one occasion, Jesus visited Mary and Martha. (a) Inki nsungi ya mpasi yantikaka na 1914? * (a) What difficult period began in 1914? She says: "This was the first time I received the Bible. Mono ke tubila beno mambu ya kieleka: Mfumu yina ta pesa mpika kiyeka ya kutalaka bima na yandi yonso. " Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings. " Instead of feeding their flock with spiritual food to comfort and light, religious leaders have taught their subjects the philosophies of those they want to listen. Kansi, mukanda ya Luka ketuba mutindu yai sambu na yina metala Yezu na ntwala nde yandi tombuka na zulu: "Yesu tendulaka [balongoki na yandi zole] mambu yina ya bo sonikaka sambu na yandi na mikanda yonso yina kele na Mukanda ya Nzambi, yantika na mikanda ya Moize ti na mikanda yonso ya baprofete [na Masonuku ya Kiebreo]. " However, regarding Jesus just before his ascension to heaven, Luke's account states: "Commencing at Moses and all the Prophets [in the Hebrew Scriptures] he interpreted to [two of his disciples] things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures. " How can we explain how Jehovah exercises his sovereignty? Kuvanda nkento yina kele mbandu ya mbote na yina metala kupesa lusadisu, lenda vanda mpasi ntangu bakala mebaka lukanu yina nkento kesepela na yo ve. Being exemplary in a supportive role may be a challenge for a wife when her husband makes a decision she disagrees with. Some may think of Christians who were fleeing Jerusalem in 66 C.E., in obedience to Jesus ' warning: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies,... let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains; and those in Jerusalem will flee. " - Luke 21: 21, 21. Yo yina, kana nge me kwelaka kudiyula nde: " Keti mono me zaba nkwelani na mono mbote? So if you are married, ask yourself: " How well do I know my mate? This attitude is evident when a sister speaks in a kind and respectful manner. Na nzo - nkanda, bo buyisaka mono na kusolula ti bana ya nkaka sambu na kikuma yina mono zabaka ve mpi bana ya nzo - nkanda kumaka kutina mono. There, for reasons I did not fully understand, the staff prohibited me from conversing with other children and my fellow students avoided me. (See opening picture.) 1, 2. (a) Na kutadila Nkunga 86: 2, 11, inki tasadisa beto na kubikala ya kwikama na Yehowa na ntwala ya mimekamu to bampukumuna? 1, 2. (a) According to Psalm 86: 2, 11, what will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah in the face of tests or temptations? (c) How can we benefit from considering Asa's example? Nkengi songaka beto na kusalaka balukutakanu yonso konso mposo ata bantu ke kwisa mingi to ve. We were told to hold all the meetings each week regardless of how many attended. The Israelites turned their backs on the rebels! Mwana yina bo me longaka na kuzitisa munsiku yai, ke bakisaka nde bantu ya nkaka me luta yandi na mambu yonso. A child who is raised to embrace that principle is more likely to realize that everyone is superior to him in one way or another. What important requirement does Jesus make to his disciples, as recorded by John's Gospel? Muyimbi - bankunga Davidi kumonisaka mfunu ya kwikama na bantangu yina yandi lendaka kuyindula nde yandi kele yandi mosi. The psalmist David noted the importance of integrity on occasions when he may have been alone. What, though, should we include in our prayers? LONG BEACH, CA, Long Beach Convention Center Arena, 300 E. Ocean Blvd. Although the Canaanite father recognized this, he did not prevent his son from doing this but spread it. 12, 13. (a) Na lubutuku ya Yezu, inki mutindu Satana monisaka nde yandi kele muntu ya nku? 12, 13. (a) How did Satan show his vicious disposition after the birth of Jesus? For example, in the garden of Eden, Jehovah gave clear instructions that would guide all mankind and help them to enjoy eternal happiness. Ve. Not at all. Wherever they lived, Christians were to be different from those of Satan's system. Inki lenda vanda bupusi na yo na luzingu na beto mpi na bikalulu yina beto kemonisa? What effect can this have on our conduct and on the qualities we display? Of course, in the Middle Ages, many in Christendom did not even worship Almighty God. Na luyantiku ya luzingu ya bantu, bankwelani ya ntete kubakaka desizio mosi ya kunataka malanda ya mbi kibeni. Early in human history, the first couple made a decision that brought disastrous consequences. With the help of God's inspired Word, we can not only understand why wickedness is so prevalent but also see how life will be in the future. mutindu Yehowa ke lolulaka kimakulu? the completeness of Jehovah's forgiveness? In 2007, the Catholic Church "was put to death " in a book that says that" theologians and religious teachings give reasons to hope that unbaptized children will survive and find lasting happiness. " - International Version. Mu mbandu, mwana lenda zaba tata na yandi bonso muntu mosi ya pima mpi ya mawete. For instance, a son may know his father as a quiet and mild person - until an emergency occurs. Paul told the Corinthians that he was not the head of their faith. Profesere Howard ketuba nde: "Ntangu la Septante yina dibundu ya bo ketubila na Kuwakana ya Mpa kusadilaka mpi kuvutukilaka kuvandaka ti bisono iya ya Kiebreo ya kesalaka zina ya Nzambi, ntembe kele ve nde bansoniki ya Kuwakana ya Mpa kukotisaka yo na masonama na bo. " Professor Howard notes: "When the Septuagint which the New Testament church used and quoted contained the Hebrew form of the divine name, the New Testament writers no doubt included the Tetragrammaton in their quotations. " Do you strive to be part of all parts of our meetings and assemblies? Sambu na kupukumuna beto, yandi kesadilaka "bima yina ya nitu na beto ti meso na beto ke monaka nzala na yo ti bima yina ya beto ke tulaka lulendo sambu na yo. " He uses "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life " to tempt us. Jehovah's name is "in him " so that Jesus is the primary figure in defending and sanctifying his Father's name. Polo kusonikaka pwelele sambu na bantu ya mutindu yina nde: "Bo ke waka diaka nsoni ve "; bamingi mekudipesaka na kusala" mambu ya nsoni ya mutindu na mutindu bonso bantu ya kilau. " Paul graphically describes such ones as "having come to be past all moral sense "; many have given themselves over" to loose conduct to work uncleanness of every sort with greediness. " Ask yourself, " Do I obey Jehovah even when it is difficult for me to do so, but does my desire to keep his organization clean? ' Na ntoto ya mvimba, bantu ya Yehowa kevukana na kisalu ya kutunga. Jehovah's people share in a worldwide building work. Yes. Ya zole, beto kele ti banzikisa ya kieleka yina ke monisa nde Nzambi me pesaka bantu lusadisu, na bilumbu na beto mpi na ntangu ya ntama. And second, because we have convincing testimony from people whom God has comforted - real people, both from our time and the past. The book The Wars of War states: "The religion has always been involved in all wars. " Keti nge kesosaka kutomisa mutindu na nge ya kusamuna Kimfumu, ziku na kulutisaka ntangu mingi na kisalu ya kusamuna to na kusalaka yo mbote - mbote? Are you trying to improve as a Kingdom proclaimer, perhaps by spending more time in the ministry or by being more effective in it? They were among us but left us because they were not our people... Polo bingaka Timoteo "soda ya mbote ya Kristu Yezu, " mpi zabisaka yandi nde:" Muntu mosi ve ya ke salaka kisalu ya kisoda ke kudikotisaka na mambu ya mumbongo ya luzingu, sambu muntu yina bakaka yandi na kisalu ya kisoda kundima yandi. " After calling Timothy "a fine soldier of Christ Jesus, " Paul told him:" No man serving as a soldier involves himself in the commercial businesses of life, in order to gain the approval of the one who enrolled him as a soldier. " One of the benefits it brought is that the way open for 144,000 to become spirit - anointed followers of Christ. Zola ya mono monaka na Bambangi ya Yehowa vandaka kibeni kikalulu yina mono vandaka na yo mfunu. The warmth I experienced among Jehovah's Witnesses was exactly what I craved. Later, when I remembered the chapter, "I went back to tell my mother that I wanted to obey him. " • Inki mutindu kukinga Yehowa lenda kuma kima ya kepesaka kyese? • How can waiting on Jehovah be made a source of joy? This, in turn, helps us to comfort others "in every sort of tribulation. " Na kati na bo, beto ke tanga mpi kimvuka ya bawanzio yina kolamaka, disongidila bademo. That number includes a sizable group of other spirit rebels, or demons. Moreover, a sower may have little authority or power in this regard, but he rejoices when he sees that Jehovah has divided it! - Read Psalm 126: 5, 6. Yo yina, bika nde konso nkwelani kukumisa bangwisana ya makwela na yandi ngolo, na nsadisa ya kwikama yina yandi ke monisila Tata na beto ya zulu mpi nkwelani na yandi. How vital it is, therefore, that we fortify our marriage by remaining faithful to our heavenly Father and to our spouse. At that time, the entire Bethel family had 35 brothers from 19 to 80 years of age, from different lands. Yo yina, yandi tindaka Timoteo sambu na kukwenda kusyamisa dibundu. So he sent Timothy to encourage the congregation. Did Jehovah not bless your efforts? - Compare Hebrews 11: 25. Mu mbandu, nge lenda monisa na kiteso ya mingi bikalulu ya nkaka ya mbuma ya mpeve yina nge ke monaka mpasi. For instance, you might cultivate more fully some aspect of the fruitage of the spirit that you find especially challenging. " Your dead ones will live again, their bodies will live again. Baka Badesizio ya Mayele, 9 / 15 Sanderson), 7 / 15 We were assigned to serve as special pioneers in a nearby town in the city of J. Kupesa Yehowa makabu kele mpi mutindu ya kusambila yandi. Giving is also an expression of our worship of Jehovah. Since the end of this system of things is at its end, we can be sure that all of Jehovah's promises will come true during his "day and hour. " - Matt. 24: 36; read Habakkuk 2: 3. Bantangu ikwa beto fwete lutisa na bansaka? To achieve that, how much time should we spend on it? Jehovah's Word assures us: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 9] [ Picture on page 8, 9] Of course, a husband ought to provide materially for his family. Na luyantiku, yandi tulaka dikebi na kukutika bantu ya nsuka ya Izraele ya Nzambi, ebuna na nima yandi yantikaka na kukutika "kibuka ya nene " ya" mameme ya nkaka. " First, attention was given to gathering the final members of the Israel of God, and then "a great crowd " of" other sheep " began to be gathered. They enjoy helping their brothers to serve Jehovah joyfully. Yo kelongaka bantu na kuzolana mpi na kupesana luzitu ata bo mekatukaka na kisika ya nki mutindu. It teaches people to love and honor one another regardless of their background. * Did Rebekah know that she would work hard? Na mvu - nkama ya tanu N.T.B., bantu ya siansi ya Grese tubaka nde yo vandaka bonso dimbuma. In the fifth century B.C.E., Greek scientists suggested that it was a sphere. After hearing those Bible promises, some may feel that this is impossible. Ngidika yai ya bima tasuka nki ntangu? When will this system of things end? Concerning Noah, the apostle Paul said: "After he received God's warning against the things unseen, he showed godly fear and built up an ark for the saving of his household. " Leke yankaka yina kupesaka mbandu ya mbote ata yandi vandaka ntama ti dibuta na yandi vandaka mwana - nkento ya Izraele yina bo nataka na kimpika na basoda ya Siria na bilumbu ya profete Elisa. Another youth who proved exemplary while away from home was the Israelite girl captured by the Syrians in the days of God's prophet Elisha. Without God's help, the guidance and protection he provides for his people, the preaching work would not have been accomplished. 7: 1. 7: 1. What I learned changed my personality. (a) Inki mutindu Satana kekusaka bantu bubu yai? (a) How does Satan mislead people today? As a result, they lost focus on spiritual matters. Yo yina, nge lenda ndima nde nge lenda bakisa Biblia mpi nde kana nge lomba Nzambi na masonga yonso, yandi tapesa nge lusadisu yina kele mfunu sambu nge bakisa Ndinga na yandi. Thus, you can be sure that an understanding of the Bible is well within your reach and that if you ask God sincerely, he will provide the help you need to understand his Word. When she has poured herself out in Jehovah's word, Jehovah tells her of the wonderful things that will follow. Ya ntete, nge tasepedisa ntima ya Yehowa. First, you will make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Some feel that they are unable to control these negative habits on their own. Meso ya Jairo Ke Sadisaka Yandi na Kusadila Nzambi 9 Jairo's Eyes - His Way to Serve God 9 How Can I Make Bible Reading Happy? " Kansi, luzingu na beto tavanda ti ngemba yina kekatukaka na Nzambi. Rather, our lives will be marked by God - given tranquillity. God's name in a manuscripts of the Septuagint of Jesus ' day • Yobi kukangaka ntima na nki mimekamu, mpi nki yandi salaka? • What tests did Job endure, and how did he react? As the Psalms 58 - 64 show, in all his trials, David praised Jehovah for his refuge. Kukonda bulemfu ya Salomo ti ya dikanda ya Izraele kunataka nki? Disobedience by Solomon and by the nation of Israel resulted in what? Although most Bible translators have adopted God's name in such titles as "God " and" Lord, " it appears nearly 7,000 times in ancient Hebrew manuscripts. Yezu kukebisaka balongoki na yandi sambu na nkadilu yai ntangu yandi kebisaka Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete yina vandaka kuzinga na Laodisea nde: "Nge kele bonso masa ya madidi ve to bonso masa ya tiya ve. Jesus warned against such lukewarmness when he cautioned first - century Christians living in Laodicea: "You are neither cold nor hot. On the other hand, elders who have Jesus ' inspired counsel and others in the congregation respect Jehovah's loyal worshipers and the way Jesus Christ treats his faithful followers. Keti ya kyeleka yo kele mutindu yina? Is that really so? • What is involved in trusting in Jehovah? Na kutadila verse yai, keti Nzambi ke monaka ntangu bantu na yandi ke monaka mpasi? Based on this scripture, does God notice when his people suffer? Of what can we have complete confidence? Yozue 9: 4 ketuba nde: "Bo zengaka nde bo fweti [sala mambu na mayele yonso, NW]. " " They, even of their own accord, " relates Joshua 9: 4, "acted with shrewdness. " Why Should We "Praise Jah "? Christoph ke tuba nde, "Yehowa tindilaka mono bantu yina pesaka mono bandongisila ya mbote mpi mono wilaka Yehowa ata yo bakaka mwa ntangu. " " Jehovah sent me good advisers, and I listened to Him, even if it took some time. " Jehovah would carry out what he had promised his friend Abraham. 1, 2. (a) Inki mutindu Biblia kemonisa nde Yehowa kezolaka nde beto vanda na luzingu ya kyese? 1, 2. (a) How does God's Word indicate that Jehovah wants us to enjoy life? Of course, they must be careful not to misuse any authority entrusted to them. (b) Inki bansoba muntu fwete sala na nima ya kubalula ntima? (b) What changes must be made after one has repented? 6 Tala lupangu "Keti Malafu Mekuma Kuyala Munu? " See the box "Is Alcohol Taking Control? " Learn From Abraham and Isaac Yo ke lombaka kulanda kulosila yo masa sambu yo vanda mbote mpi yo yela. If deprived of sufficient water, a once healthy plant will eventually die. The Power of the House - to - House Ministry: No. Simba ntete nde bo kelomba bibuti na kuyedisa ntete kimpeve na bo mosi, na kuzola Yehowa, mpi na kukanga bansiku na yandi na ntima. Note that parents are first told to cultivate their own spirituality, building love for Jehovah and taking his words to heart. By heeding the counsel of God's Word, which says: "Be on guard against those who are divided by spirit, turning their minds away from the teachings we have given you. " Beto fwete sala bikesa sambu na kuvila mambu yina me lutaka, kusadila Nzambi mbote - mbote bubu yai mpi kutadila mambu ya kitoko yina kele na ntwala! We can strive to put the past behind us, serve God to the best of our ability now, and look ahead to the glorious future! Of course, all the sacrifices that Jehovah gives to his people are an expression of his undeserved kindness. " Kilumbu " yango kuyantikaka na ntangu Kimfumu ya Mesia yantikaka kuyala na mvu 1914. That "day " began when the Messianic Kingdom was established in 1914. They may choose to reject Christianity or to fight against it, which may cause families to separate. - Luke 12: 51 - 53. Inki mutindu nkutu bo lendaka kuyindula kuvutukila mambu ya "fyotifyoti mpi ya mpambampamba " ya dibundu ya Bayuda yina vandaka ya kubeba? - Galatia 4: 9, NW. How could they even think of shrinking back to "the weak and beggarly " things of corrupt Judaism? - Galatians 4: 9. What is involved in " seeking Jehovah ' today? Kilumbu mosi, Yezu kwendaka kutala Maria ti Marta. On one occasion, Jesus visited the home of Mary and her sister, Martha. I knew of the Bible's counsel found at Ephesians 4: 29: "Let a rotten word not proceed out of your mouth. " Yandi ke tuba nde: "Yai vandaka mbala ya ntete ya mono bakaka Biblia. " For the first time in my life, I obtained a Bible, " recalls Rogelio. Being an effective publisher does not require more Bible reading, but reasoned with him through such scriptures and explain them. Na kisika ya kudisa mameme na bo madya ya kimpeve sambu na kupesa bo ndembikilu mpi kutemuna bo, bamfumu ya mabundu melongaka bantu na bo bafilozofi ya bantu yina bo kezolaka kuwa. Rather than feeding their flock with spiritual food, thus bringing them comfort and enlightenment, the clergy have tickled the believers ' ears with human philosophy. They were slaves in Babylon for 70 years, but now they were captives! Inki mutindu beto lenda tendula mutindu Yehowa kesadilaka luyalu na yandi? What can we say about Jehovah's exercise of sovereignty? Paul encouraged baptized Timothy, who had the heavenly hope: "Go on walking in righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " Bankaka lenda yindula Bakristu yina kutinaka Yeruzalemi na mvu 66 T.B., sambu na kulemfuka na lukebisu yai ya Yezu: "Ntangu beno ta mona basoda me kwisa kuziunga bwala Yeruzalemi,... bantu yina ta vanda na ntoto ya Yudea, mbote bo tina na ndambu yina kele bangumba; bantu yina ta vanda na kati ya Yerusalemi, mbote bo kubasika sambu na kutina ntama. " - Luka 21: 20, 21. Others might think of Christians who fled from Jerusalem in the year 66 C.E., obeying Jesus ' warning: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then... let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw. " - Luke 21: 20, 21. Some are pioneers, traveling overseers, missionaries, and others serve at Bethel. Kikalulu yai kemonanaka kana mpangi - nkento ketuba na mawete mpi na luzitu yonso. This spirit is reflected in a tone of voice and a manner that are becoming rather than challenging or demanding. What fruitage has Jehovah's blessing resulted from among his people, and what conclusion did The Watchtower make in 1950? (Tala kifwanisu ya luyantiku ya disolo.) (See opening picture.) Perhaps you were an elder or a ministerial servant at some point but now you do not have that privilege. (c) Inki mutindu beto lenda baka mambote na ntangu beto ketadila mbandu ya Aza? (c) How can we benefit from considering Asa's conduct? At times, Jehovah's reminders discipline us. Bantu ya Izraele kukotilaka bankolami! The Israelites were taking the side of the conspirators! Is that true? Inki dyambu ya mfunu Yezu kelombaka na balongoki na yandi, mutindu Evanzile ya Yoane ketuba yo? What is an important requirement for discipleship, as recorded in the Gospel of John? Would our loving Father ever have to do something that would deprive us of something good? Kansi, inki beto fwete tubila na bisambu na beto? What, though, should we include in our prayers? For you are the Creator of all things and are life by your will. " - Rev. Ata Kami, tata ya Kanana kundimaka dyambu yai, kubuyisaka ve mwana na yandi na kusala dyambu yai kansi yandi mwangaka nsangu yango. Though Canaan's father, Ham, witnessed this, he did not interfere but appears to have spread the story. Who Is Leading God's People Today? Mu mbandu, na kilanga ya Edeni, Yehowa pesaka bantuma ya pwelele yina zolaka kutwadisa bantu yonso mpi kusadisa bo na kuzinga na kiese mvula na mvula. For example, in the garden of Eden, Jehovah gave clear instructions that would guide the human family to everlasting life and happiness. A Bible study was started with Jehu, and he made fine spiritual progress. Na bisika yonso ya bo vandaka kuzinga, yo lombaka nde Bakristu kuswasana ti bantu ya ngidika ya Satana. Wherever they lived, they were to distinguish themselves from Satan's system. Nevertheless, he is merciful "to his servants " and is" slow to anger " when he brings punishment upon the wicked one because of the problem or condition of their heart. Ya kieleka, na Moyen Âge, bantu mingi ya Kikristu vandaka nkutu ve kusambila Nzambi Nkwa - Ngolo Yonso. In fact, during the Middle Ages, most inhabitants of Christendom did not even pray to Almighty God. The Society released the King James Version, which contained the appendix of 500 pages. Na nsadisa ya Ndinga ya kupemama ya Nzambi, beto lenda bakisa ve kaka sambu na nki mambi kele mingi, kansi beto kebakisaka dyaka nki mutindu luzingu tavanda na bilumbu kekwisa. Through God's inspired Word, we can come to understand not only why there is so much evil but also what the future will be. What suggestions are offered regarding the use of the Bible Teach book when conducting home Bible studies? Na mvu 2007, Dibundu ya Katolika "kufwaka " dilongi ya Limbe na mukanda mosi yina kutubaka nde" teolozi mpi malongi ya dibundu kepesa bikuma ya kutula kivuvu nde bana - fyoti yina kefwaka kukonda kubaka mbotika taguluka mpi tabaka kyese ya mvula na mvula. " - International Theological Commission. In 2007, the Catholic Church officially signed Limbo's "death certificate " in a document mentioning" theological and liturgical reasons to hope that infants who die without baptism may be saved and brought into eternal happiness. " - International Theological Commission. 6, 7. Polo zabisaka Bakristu ya Korinto nde yandi vandaka ve mfumu ya lukwikilu na bo. Paul told the Corinthians that he was not the master over their faith. There is no doubt that the honey mentioned here was refreshing. Keti nge kesalaka ngolo na kuvanda na bitini yonso ya balukutakanu na beto ya fyoti ti ya nene? Are you trying your best to be on hand for every session of our assemblies and conventions? Faith is vital because " not everyone " has it. Zina ya Yehowa kele "na kati na yandi " na mpila nde Yezu kele muntu ya ntetentete yina kenwaninaka mpi kesantisaka zina ya Tata na yandi. Jehovah's name is "within him " in that Jesus is the principal one who upholds and sanctifies his Father's name. The Israelites benefited from being Jehovah's people. Kudiyula nde: " Keti mono ke lemfukilaka Yehowa ata na ntangu ya mpasi? Keti mpusa na mono ya ngolo ke vandaka nde dibundu na yandi kuvanda bunkete? ' Ask yourself, " Am I determined to please Jehovah, to defend true worship, and to protect his people from any corrupting influence? ' Many of Ephraim's tribes may have taken refuge in the cities of Judah. Ee. Of course. But it also touches the personality of the One who gave it and encourages people to observe its fine qualities. - Psalm 74: 10; James 3: 17. Mukanda mosi (The Causes of War) ke tuba nde: "Ntangu yonso mabundu ke kudikotisaka na bitumba yonso yina bantu ke nwanaka. " " Religion has always played a part in every war that was ever fought, " says the book The Causes of War. However, the commission Jesus gave them to do - to preach the good news of the Kingdom before the end comes - is now being done earth wide in the past. Bo vandaka na kati na beto kansi bo bikisaka beto sambu bo vandaka ve bantu na beto... They went out from us, but they were not of our sort... However, his actions when Jehovah disciplined him showed that despite his sin, David truly feared God. Mosi na kati ya mambote yina yo nataka kele nde nzila kukangukaka sambu bantu 144 000 kukuma balongoki ya Kristu ya kupakulama na mpeve. One result was that the way was opened for 144,000 humans to become spirit - anointed followers of Christ. 24: 3. How Faith Helped Face Tragedies (S. Whatever the family may be doing to help elderly parents, they should make sure that any decisions they make honor God's name. Na nima, ntangu mu yibukaka kapu yina ketuba nde: " Bulembu Tataninaka Nge, ' mu vutukaka sambu na kusonga mama nde mu kezola kulemfukila yandi. " Then I remembered the chapter " Obedience Protects You, ' so I went back and told her I would be obedient to her. " Jesus continues to have the title "God's Word " even after his return to heavenly glory. - Rev. Ebuna, dyambu yai kesadisaka beto na kupesa bankaka kikesa "na bampasi na bo ya mutindu na mutindu. " This then enables us to comfort others "in any sort of tribulation. " Do you see God's wisdom in the things he has made? Dyaka, mukuni lenda vanda ti kiyeka fyoti to yandi lenda vanda ve ti kiyeka na dyambu yai, kansi yandi kesepelaka ntangu yandi kemonaka nde Yehowa meyedisa yo! - Tanga Nkunga 126: 5, 6. Again, the sower may have little or no control over this, but he rejoices when he sees that Jehovah has made it grow. - Read Psalm 126: 5, 6. Take, for example, the experiences of faithful servants in Ireland throughout the course of our years, as we find in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 102 - 1988, and experiences of faithful servants who have been counted in Ireland for a long time, as we find in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Na ntangu yina, dibuta ya mvimba ya Betele vandaka ti bampangi 355, yantika bamvula 19 tii 80, yina katukaka na bansi ya kuswaswana. At the time, 355 brothers and sisters of numerous nationalities and ranging in age from 19 to 80 made up the Bethel family. Each day, Christian families should speak respectfully. Keti Yehowa kusakumunaka ve bikesa na nge? - Fwanisa ti Baebreo 11: 25. Has not Jehovah blessed your decision? - Compare Hebrews 11: 25. We can be sure that when we pray, we communicate with our Creator, the Most High in the universe. " Bantu na nge bayina me fwaka, bo ta zinga diaka, bamvumbi na bo ta vanda diaka na moyo. " Your dead will live. My corpses will rise up. The prophet Nathan stayed loyal to Jehovah and to David. Bo tindaka beto bapasudi - nzila ya nene na mbanza Walnut Ridge, na provense ya Arkansas. We were assigned to special pioneer in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. Jehovah accepted the challenge and allowed Satan to bring a series of calamities upon Job. Sambu nsuka ya ngidika ya bima yai mekuma na nsuka, beto lenda vanda ti kivuvu nde mambu yonso yina Yehowa silaka talungana na " kilumbu mpi na ntangu ' yina yandi meponaka. - Mat. 24: 36; tanga Habakuki 2: 3. As he counts down to the end of the present system of things, we can be sure that everything Jehovah has purposed will take place at his appointed time, to the very "day and hour. " - Matt. 24: 36; read Habakkuk 2: 3. Jehovah's View of Our Integrity Ndinga ya Yehowa kendimisa beto nde: "Kana muntu mosi na kati na beno ke na mayele ve, yandi lomba yo na Nzambi, ebuna Nzambi ta pesa yandi yo; sambu Nzambi ke zolaka kukaba mingi na bantu yonso na ntima ya mbote. " Jehovah's Word assures us: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " So when we talk about someone in authority, we do not need to be led by the Devil. Ya kyeleka, bakala fwete lungisa bampusa ya kinsuni ya dibuta na yandi. Indeed, a man should provide materially for his family. Today, you may have greater glory than tomorrow. Bo kesepelaka kusadisa bampangi na bo na kusadila Yehowa na kyese yonso. They are eager to help their brothers to serve Jehovah happily. How can those who love God's righteousness avoid being misled by Satan's lies? * Keti Rebeka zabaka nde yandi ta sala kisalu yina ya ngolo? * But did Rebekah know that when she made her offer? Meditating on the experiences of Jehovah's servants both past and present should help us to deepen our understanding of this divinely inspired song. Na nima ya kuwa balusilu yai ya Biblia, bantu yankaka lenda yindula nde mambu yai lenda salama ve. Upon first hearing these Bible promises, one may feel that it is not realistic. How does the counsel found at 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19 apply to the rich and the poor? Ntumwa Polo tubaka sambu na Noa nde: "Na nima ya kubaka lukebisu ya Nzambi sambu na mambu yina monanaka ntete ve, yandi monisaka boma ya Nzambi mpi tungaka maswa sambu na kugulusa bantu ya nzo na yandi. " Noah exercised his faith by building the gigantic ark. It enables them to become his friends and to have the prospect of living forever. Kukonda lusadisu ya Nzambi, mpi lutwadisu ti lutaninu yina yandi kepesaka bantu na yandi, kisalu ya kusamuna zolaka kusalama ve. Without God's support, which includes his guidance and protection of his people, the preaching work would not be possible. Instead of doing what God asked of him, Jonah fled! Mambu ya mono longukaka sobaka bikalulu na mono. What I learned made me a better person. FROM birth to death, we expect people to love us. Nsukansuka, bo vandaka kutula dyaka ve dikebi na mambu ya kimpeve. As a result, their spiritual vision dimmed. Consider the example of Philip. Ntangu nkento yango melemfuka na ndinga ya Yehowa, Yehowa mesonga yandi mambu ya kuyituka yina tasalama na nima. When the woman obeys Jehovah's command, she is assured of a wonderful result. Since then, the zealous apostles continued to grow and bear fruit. Bampangi ya nkaka ke tubaka nde bo kukaka ve kuyambula bikalulu yina ya mbi na ngolo na bo mosi. Some say that they tried to stop on their own but could not. Jesus told his Jewish listeners: "Do not think I have come to break the Law and the Prophets [that is, the Hebrew Scriptures]. Inki Mono Lenda Sala Sambu Kutanga Biblia Kupesa Mono Kiese? " How Can I Make Bible Reading Enjoyable? " Just as God is a spirit, angels are invisible; they are invisible and "not flesh and bones. " Zina ya Nzambi na maniskri mosi ya La Septante ya bilumbu ya Yezu The divine name in a Septuagint manuscript fragment from Jesus ' day Perhaps they will learn that Jehovah cares for our physical needs and should thank him for them, learning and teaching us Bible truths. Mutindu Bankunga 58 - 64 kemonisa yo, na bampasi na yandi yonso, Davidi kukumisaka Yehowa kisika na yandi ya kutinina. As expressed in Psalms 58 - 64, during all his distresses, David makes Jehovah his refuge. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Ata bambaludi mingi ya Biblia meyingisaka zina ya Nzambi na batitre bonso "Nzambi " mpi" Mfumu, " zina yango kemonana bambala penepene ya 7 000 na maniskri ya ntama ya Kiebreo. Although many Bible translators have replaced God's name with such terms as "God " and" Lord, " that name is found nearly 7,000 times in ancient Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible. (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 6 - 10.) Na ndambu yankaka, bankuluntu yina kevandaka na mpeve yina kele na ndongisila yina Yezu pesaka kezitisaka mpi bampangi yankaka na dibundu, kaka mutindu Yehowa kezitisaka bantu ya kwikama yina kesambilaka yandi mpi mutindu Yezu Kristu kezitisaka balongoki na yandi ya kwikama. On the other hand, elders living up to the spirit of Jesus ' counsel honor other members of the congregation, just as Jehovah honors loyal worshipers and Jesus Christ honors loyal followers. The Bible contains examples of spiritual and physical people. • Inki yo kelombaka sambu na kutula ntima na Yehowa? • What is involved in trusting in Jehovah? As we consider these questions, search out the answers to these questions: How did faith strengthen Moses to reject fleshly desires? Beto lenda tula ntima ya mvimba na nki? In what can we have every confidence? Of course, our deliverance is not based on anything we can do, but Jehovah saves us by means of Christ Jesus our Lord. Sambu na Nki Beto Fwete "Kumisa Yah "? Surpasses All Understanding, " Aug. You might say: "The book is written for design. Yehowa zolaka kulungisa mambu yina yandi silaka nduku na yandi Abrahami. Jehovah was being true to a promise that he had made centuries earlier to his friend Abraham. If you do, you will teach your children not only to pray to Jehovah, the Hearer of prayer, but also to love him. - Psalm 65: 2. Ya kyeleka, bo fwete keba sambu na kusadila ve konso kiyeka yina bo mepesaka bo na mutindu mosi ya mbi. Yes, they are careful not to abuse any authority entrusted to them. " When they prayed to God, " says Luke, "the place where they were gathered, they were thrown into confusion. 6 6 How did God's people in one Asian land show that Christian meetings are vital? Longuka na Mbandu ya Abrahami mpi Izaki Learning From the Ways of Abraham and Isaac Yes, we have the hope of living forever because of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Mfunu ya Bisalu ya Nzo (bibuti): No. Importance of Chores (parents): No. 17, 18. (a) What did Jesus say about judging our neighbor? Kana beto kelanda ndongisila ya Ndinga ya Nzambi, yina ketuba nde: "Beno keba sambu na bantu yina ke kabisaka bantu, bayina ke balulaka mabanza ya bantu yina ke na lukwikilu; bo ke buyaka malongi yina ya beto pesaka beno. Beno tina bo. " By heeding the advice from God's Word, which says: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. " Similarly, we need to stay spiritually alert so that we can discern the hidden dangers of Satan's world. Ya kyeleka makabu yonso yina Yehowa kepesaka bantu na yandi kele mutindu yandi kemonisilaka bo mambote na yandi yina beto mefwana ve na kubaka. Indeed, all gifts with which Jehovah entrusts his people are expressions of his undeserved kindness. If we rely on Jehovah in our everyday life and see the results, we will come to trust in him even more. Bo lenda pona na kubuya Bukristu to kunwanisa bantu yina mendimaka yo, ebuna yo lenda sala nde mabuta kukabwana. - Luka 12: 51 - 53. They may choose to reject or oppose Christianity, bringing about divisions in the family. - Luke 12: 51 - 53. Let "the law of loving - kindness " guard Your tongue Yo kelombaka kusala nki sambu na " kusosa Yehowa ' bubu yai? What is involved in " seeking Jehovah ' today? What about those who have no relationship with the living God? Mono zabaka ndongisila ya Biblia yina kele na Baefezo 4: 29 ya ke tubaka nde: "Bika nde ata ngogo mosi ve ya kupola kubasika na munoko na beno. " I knew the Bible counsel recorded at Ephesians 4: 29: "Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth. " And the feet of their chariots he shut them up so that they could walk in pain. " - Ex. Kuvanda nsamuni ya mbote ke lombaka ve kutangila muntu baverse mingi, kansi kuyindula ti yandi na nsadisa ya baverse yina mpi kutendula yo. Much of our effectiveness in the ministry depends, not on the number of scriptures we read, but on the way we reason on and explain those we do read. We live in difficult times and have much to do, so we may not feel that a fellow Christian has stopped associating with the congregation. Bo vandaka bampika na Babilone bamvula 70, kansi ntangu yai kimpika me mana! After 70 long years of captivity, they were freed from Babylon. Then they took his bones and buried them. Polo kusyamisaka Timoteo, yina kuvandaka Mukristu ya mebakaka mbotika mpi ya kuvandaka ti kivuvu ya kukwenda na zulu nde: "Landa mambu ya kieleka, mambu ya kinzambi, mambu ya lukwikilu, mambu ya kuzolana; nge fweti kanga ntima, nge fweti vanda muntu ya pima. " Timothy, a baptized Christian with the heavenly calling, was admonished by Paul: "Pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " However, God's original purpose for the righteous was not to leave the earth and go to heaven. Bankaka kele bapasudi - nzila, bankengi - ntambudi, bamisionere mpi bankaka kesalaka na Betele. Others serve as pioneers, at Bethel, in the traveling work, or as missionaries. 11: 2. Lusakumunu ya Yehowa mebutaka nki mbuma na kati ya bantu na yandi, mpi nki Nzozulu ya Nkengi kutubaka na mvu 1950 sambu na yo? What has been the result of Jehovah's blessing on his people, and what did The Watchtower in 1950 have to say about this? What helped Moses to fulfill this unique assignment? Ziku nge vandaka nkuluntu to nsadi ya kisalu na ntangu mosi buna kansi ntangu yai nge kele dyaka ve ti mukumba yina. Perhaps you were an elder or a ministerial servant at one time but are not presently serving in that capacity. What he wrote may help parents to recognize the child's problems and help him to cope with them. Ntangu yankaka, bangibusa ya Yehowa kepesaka beto disipline. At times, we are corrected by Jehovah's reminders. This definition indicates that gluttony is an act of selfishness, and God's Word tells us that "the greedy " are among those who will not inherit God's Kingdom. Keti yo kele buna? Is that the case? Above all, ask God for that spirit. Keti Tata na beto ya zola lendaka kusala nsiku mosi yina kepimisa beto kima mosi ya mbote? Would a loving heavenly Father make a law that denies us something beneficial? Throughout the centuries, various images have been made in Jesus ' own way, while others have never been able to take sides with him. Sambu nge muntu salaka bima yonso; bima yonso ke zingaka, bo ke na moyo kaka sambu na luzolo na nge. " - Kus. Therefore, let us continue to laud Jehovah, like the heavenly creatures who exclaim: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " - Rev. How to Face disputes Nani Ke Twadisa Bansadi ya Nzambi Bubu Yai? Make a Joyful Sound! These will survive the great tribulation and will enter into Christ's Millennial Reign. Tariua yantikaka kulonguka Biblia ti Beere, mpi yandi yeleka mbote na kimpeve. A Bible study was started with Beere, and he made fine spiritual progress. In that same year, I saw that a family had been fighting against another family and one died. Ata mpidina, yandi kewilaka bansadi na yandi "mawa " mpi " kewilaka bo makasi diaka ve ' mpi yandi kelembikaka ndola kana bantu ya mbi yina yandi mekebisa sambu na dyambu to kikalulu mosi ya mbi mebalula ntima na bo. Nevertheless, he does "feel regret " and " turn back ' from his anger and from meting out punishment when his warning about taking such action produces a change in attitude and conduct on the part of repentant wrongdoers. It affects our outlook on life. La Société kubasisaka mbalula ya Balongoki ya Biblia ya King James Version, yina kele ti appendice ya balutiti 500. The Society published the Bible Students ' edition of the King James Version, which included a 500 - page appendix. Always Trust in Jehovah! Inki bangindu bo kepesa sambu na yina metala mutindu ya kusadila mukanda Biblia Kelongaka ntangu beto kelonguka Biblia ti bantu? What suggestions are offered regarding the use of the Bible Teach book on Bible studies? The strong faith produced by holy spirit gave them a new view of life. 6, 7. 6, 7. I am happy to find so many wise friends among Jehovah's people that they have taught me many things. Ntembe kele ve nde bwiki ya bo ketubila awa kuvandaka masa ya bambuma. This honey was evidently the juice, or syrup, of fruits. Name the names of the kings of Judah who displayed great zeal for true worship. Lukwikilu kele mfunu mingi sambu "bantu yonso ve " kevandaka na yo. Faith of itself is precious because it "is not a possession of all people. " My Bible was the modern - language translation of U.S. Bantu ya Izraele kubakaka mambote sambu bo vandaka bantu ya Yehowa. The Israelites benefited from belonging to Jehovah. What a privilege Ruth had when she was once a Moabite god! Mbala ya nkaka, bantu mingi ya dikanda ya Efrayimi kwendaka kubumbana na bambanza ya Yuda. However, some of Ephraim's descendants may have fled to the territory of Judah. Give an example. Kansi yo kesimbaka mpi kimuntu ya Muntu yina kupesaka yo mpi yo kesyamisaka bantu na kuzitisa bikalulu yango ya mbote. - Nkunga 74: 10; Yakobo 3: 17. It also reflects on the One who provided and encourages that morality. - Psalm 74: 10; James 3: 17. Despite our imperfect nature, what should we do? Kansi, kisalu yina Yezu pesaka bo na kusala, disongidila, kusamuna nsangu ya mbote ya Kimfumu na ntwala nde nsuka kukwisa, ke na kumwangana mingi ntangu yai na ntoto ya mvimba kuluta na bilumbu ya ntama. However, the work Jesus commissioned them to accomplish - the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom before the end comes - is now more widely extended than ever. When Jesus instituted the Memorial, he told his faithful apostles to drink all of them in a cup. Kansi, mambu ya yandi salaka ntangu Yehowa kupesaka yandi disipline kumonisaka nde ata yandi salaka masumu, Davidi vandaka kutina mpenza Nzambi boma. However, his response to Jehovah's discipline showed that he was essentially a God - fearing person. It is also a thrilling account of the birth of a nation. 24: 3. 24: 3. THE king of Israel set up an altar at Bethel for false worship. Yo vanda dibuta ya Bakristu ta sadila konso mutindu yina sambu na kusadisa bibuti na bo yina me kuma minunu, bo fwete zikisa nde badesizio yonso yina bo ke baka ke pesa zina ya Nzambi lukumu. Whatever strategy a Christian family adopts to care for the needs of elderly parents, all concerned will certainly want to make sure that it reflects well on God's name. Other angels were trapped and had sexual relations with women. Yezu kelanda na kuvanda ti titre "Ndinga ya Nzambi " ata na nima ya kuvutuka na lukumu na yandi ya zulu. - Kus. Jesus continues to bear the title "The Word of God " even after his return to heavenly glory. - Rev. Husbands are admonished to stick to "the wife of their youth. " Keti nge kemonaka mayele ya Nzambi na bima yina yandi mesalaka? Do you perceive God's wisdom in the things he has made? [ Picture on page 4] Beto baka mbandu ya kisalu ya kusamuna ya Mpangi Georg Fjölnir Lindal na Islande mutindu bo ketubila yo na Annuaire de Témoins de Jéhovah 2005, balutiti 210 - 211, mpi baeksperiansi ya bansadi ya kwikama yina kukwaminaka na Irlande na nsungi ya bamvula mingi kukonda kubaka mbuma mbala mosi, mutindu beto kekuta yo na Annuaire de Témoins de Jéhovah 1988, balutiti 82 - 99. Consider the example of Brother Georg Fjölnir Lindal's ministry in Iceland, as reported in the 2005 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 210 - 211, and the experiences of faithful servants who persevered in Ireland for many years without immediate results, as found in the 1988 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 82 - 99. To overcome a tendency to be forgiving, husbands and wives should strive to show one another gratitude and commendation. Beno fweti bikisa mambu yina yonso. " Konso kilumbu, mabuta ya Bukristu fwete solulaka na luzitu yonso. Every day, Christian families should communicate with one another in a respectful manner. 3 / 1 Beto fwete zaba nde ntangu beto ke samba, beto ke solula ti Ngangi na beto, Muntu ya Kuluta Kuzanguka na luyalanganu. We have to recognize that when we pray, we are addressing our Creator, the Most High of the universe. Of course not! Profete Natani bikalaka ya kwikama na Yehowa mpi na Davidi. The prophet Nathan stayed loyal to Jehovah and was also loyal to David. The New World Translation at times renders it "a sense of devotion. " Yehowa kundimaka ntembe yango mpi yandi pesaka Satana nzila ya kunatila Yobi bampasi mingi ya kulandana. Jehovah accepts the challenge and allows Satan to bring upon Job one calamity after another. What will the elder do? Yehowa Kesambisaka Beto na Kutadilaka Kwikama na Beto The Basis for Divine Judgment These young ones strengthen their desire to worship Jehovah by reading the Bible daily, by praying, and by conducting ourselves in harmony with God's will. Yo yina, ntangu beto ke tubila muntu mosi ya kele ti kiyeka, beto fwete monisa ve nde Diabulu muntu ke twadisa yandi. So we should never give anyone the idea that a certain government official is controlled by the Devil. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8. Bubu yai nge lenda vanda ti lukumu mingi kansi mbasi yo ta vanda muntu ya nkaka. Last Saturday's hero is next season's has - been. But let your beauty be the secret person of the heart and of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God. " - 1 Peter 3: 1 - 4. Inki mutindu bantu yina ke zolaka lunungu ya Nzambi lenda sala sambu mambu ya luvunu ya Satana kuvidisa bo ve nzila? How can those who love God's righteousness avoid being swept along by today's flood of satanic propaganda? Yes, they preached everywhere. Kuyindulula na baeksperiansi ya bansadi ya Yehowa ya ntangu ya ntama mpi ya ntangu na beto fwete sadisa beto na kubakisa dyaka mbote nkunga yai ya kupemama na Nzambi. Reflecting on experiences involving Jehovah's servants past and present should enhance our appreciation for this divinely inspired song and increase our gratitude for God's written Word, the Bible. 34: 8. Wounds of War, 1 / 1 If we have concerns, we can see our brothers and sisters so that they can give us Scriptural counsel. Inki mutindu ndongisila yina kele na 1 Timoteo 6: 17 - 19 ketadila bamvwama ti bansukami? How does the counsel at 1 Timothy 6: 17 - 19 apply to both rich and poor? God has good reasons for allowing suffering. Yo kesadisaka bo na kukuma banduku na yandi mpi kuvanda ti kivuvu ya kuzinga mvula na mvula. It enables them to become a friend of God, with the hope of living forever. Jesus did not say that the temple would be rebuilt, but he said that it would be destroyed, and that prophecy was fulfilled in 70 C.E. Olie ya kusala dyambu yina Nzambi kulombaka yandi, Yonasi kutinaka! Instead of following God's direction, Jonah ran away! The iron was placed not only in the fiery furnace but also on it. Broad St. PHOENIX, AZ, Veterans Memorial Coliseum, 1826 W. McDowell Rd. Jesus Christ and the group of rulers chosen from among mankind make up God's Kingdom BANDA na lubutuku tii na lufwa, beto ke sosaka nde bantu kuzola beto. FROM the moment we are born to the moment we die, we need love. The apostles knew that Jesus ' resurrection was different from the resurrections that took place earlier. Beto tadila mbandu ya evanzelizatere Filipo. Consider the evangelizer Philip. A Christian should be concerned not only about fulfilling his promises to God but also about what he says. Banda ntangu yina, kisalu ya kusamuna yina bantumwa vandaka kusala na kikesa landaka kuyela mpi kubuta bambuma. Afterward, the zealous preaching of the apostles continued to bear more fruit. Thus, Christian ministers serve Jehovah God and Jesus Christ humbly. Yezu kuzabisaka bawi na yandi ya Bayuda: "Beno banza ve nde mono me kwisaka sambu na kufwa Bansiku ya Moize ti malongi ya baprofete [disongidila, Masonuku ya Kiebreo]. Jesus told his Jewish listeners: "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets [that is, the Hebrew Scriptures]. Regular prayer gave me "the power beyond what is normal " and" the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 7; Philippians 4: 6, 7. Kaka mutindu Nzambi kele mpeve, bawanzio mpi kele bampeve; bo ke monanaka ve mpi bo "ke vandaka ve ti nsuni mpi mikwa. " Just as God is a Spirit, angels too are invisible spirits who do "not have flesh and bones. " So you must accept the ransom. Ziku bo talonguka nde Yehowa kelungisaka bampusa na beto ya kinsuni mpi beto fwete pesa yandi mersi sambu na yo. Bo talonguka mpi nde yandi kelongaka beto bakyeleka ya Biblia. They will likely learn that Jehovah supplies our physical needs - for which he should be thanked - and that he teaches us spiritual truths. Modern translators follow the example of the early Latin, Latin, Aramaic, and Spanish. BIZUMBA - DIBULU YA KUBUMBANA ADULTERY - A CLEVERLY CONCEALED PIT Why should we be interested in Jesus ' example? (Tanga 1 Korinto 10: 6 - 10.) (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 6 - 10.) Explain. Biblia ke tubila bambandu ya bantu ya kimpeve mpi ya kinsuni. The Bible contains both types of examples. Hence, Paul's confidence in his brothers and sisters was not misplaced, unjust, or blind. Ntangu beto ke tadila mambu yina, sosa bamvutu na bangiufula yai: Inki mutindu lukwikilu pesaka Moize kikesa ya kubuya banzala ya kinsuni? As we do so, look for the answers to these questions: How did faith motivate Moses to reject fleshly desires? 3, 4. Na kutuba ya mbote, luguluku na beto mesimbama ve na konso nki kima yina ya beto lenda sala, kansi Yehowa kegulusaka beto sambu na mawa na yandi na nzila ya Kristu Yezu, Mfumu na beto. In any case, our salvation depends, not on anything we might do, but on Jehovah's undeserved kindness through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Perhaps you think of an elderly sister who was baptized years ago and who is not at meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Nge lenda tuba nde: "Bantu sonikaka mukanda ya ke monisa mutindu ya kusala bagato. You might ask: "Someone wrote the recipe for the cake. When I finished the course of my training, my mother gave me money to study at a school where I was trained to prepare meals in a hotel. Kana beno sala yo, beno talongaka bana na beno na kusuka kaka ve na kusamba Yehowa, Muntu ya kewaka bisambu, kansi mpi na kuzola yandi. - Nkunga 65: 3. If you do, you will be teaching them not only to pray to Jehovah - the Hearer of prayer - but also to love him. - Psalm 65: 2. Finally, Jesus says that the seed that is sown in the fine soil "will bear fruit of a hundred and a hundred. " Luka ketuba nde: "Ntangu bo sambaka Nzambi imene, kisika yina ya bo vandaka me kutakana, yo nikanaka. Earlier, the holy spirit had moved the disciples to preach with boldness. In fact, it is not unusual for us to do so Inki mutindu bantu ya Nzambi ya insi mosi ya Azia kumonisaka nde balukutakanu ya Bukristu kele mfunu mingi? How have God's people in one Asian land manifested appreciation for Christian meetings? (Read Psalm 95: 6.) Ya kieleka, beto kele ti kivuvu ya kuzinga kimakulu sambu na ntima ya mbote ya nene ya Yehowa. So we have the hope of living forever because of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. He made Babylon a city in the massive walls of the huge wall and the power of the day. 17, 18. (a) Inki Yezu kutubaka sambu na yina metala kusambisa mpangi na beto? 17, 18. (a) What did Jesus say about judging our brother? When we deepen our appreciation for Jehovah, our desire to draw close to him and to imitate him deepens. - Josh. Mutindu mosi mpi, beto fwete vanda meso ya kukangula na kimpeve sambu na kuswasukisa bigonsa ya kubumbana ya nsi - ntoto ya Satana. Similarly, we need to have sharp spiritual vision so that we can perceive the dangers that lurk in Satan's world. It moved Nathanael to adjust his view of Nazareth. Kana beto ketula ntima na Yehowa na mambu ya beto kesalaka na luzingu na beto ya konso kilumbu mpi beto kemona bambuma yina kebutuka, beto takuma kutudila yandi dyaka ntima mingi mpenza. The more we rely on Jehovah in our day - to - day lives and see the good results of this, the stronger our trust in him will be. Kingdom Blessings Can Become You Bika "Nsiku ya Ntima ya Mbote " Kutanina Ludimi na Nge Let "the Law of Loving - Kindness " Safeguard Your Tongue It may also be a lack of money to provide for your family. Inki beto lenda tuba sambu na bantu yina kele ve ti bangwisana ya mutindu yai ti Nzambi ya moyo? What about those who lack such a bond with the living God? Why should we avoid bad associations? [ Pictures on page 26] In the preceding article, we focused on how David's attitude and Manasseh moved Jehovah to forgive them. Makulu ya bapusupusu na bo, yandi kangisaka yo ngolo sambu yo tambula na mpasi. " - Kub. And he kept taking wheels off their chariots so that they were driving them with difficulty. " - Ex. Why do we not have a perfect mind? Beto kezinga na bantangu ya mpasi mpi ya bantu kele ti mambu mingi ya kusala, yo yina ziku beto lenda mona ve nde mpangi - Mukristu mosi ke na kuyambula kuvukana ti dibundu. We live in busy and critical times, so it is possible that we might not notice that a fellow believer is drifting away from the congregation. Because of our anxiety, we wept. Na nima bo bakaka mikwa na yandi mpi bo zikaka yo. Then they took his bones and buried them. Jehovah wants us to imitate him and treat those who suffer from depression with mildness. Kansi, lukanu ya ntetentete ya Nzambi sambu na bantu ya mbote kuvandaka ve ya kukatuka na ntoto mpi kukwenda na zulu. However, it was not God's original purpose for upright humans to leave the earth and go to heaven. Remember Paul's " thorn in the flesh. " 11: 2. 11: 2. At times, we may become discouraged and develop negative feelings. Inki sadisaka Moize na kulungisa mukumba yai ya kuluta nene? What equipped him to care for that weighty assignment? But when you get divorced, such as because someone in the congregation will help you. Mambu yina yandi me sonika lenda sadisa bibuti na kuzaba bampasi ya mwana mpi kusadisa yandi na kununga yo. Seeing this assessment on paper may identify any problems and help them to work out solutions. * May we never " put away the faith '! - 1 Timothy 1: 19. Ntendula yai kemonisa nde kudya mbiki kele mutindu mosi ya bwimi, mpi Ndinga ya Nzambi kesonga beto nde "bantu ya bwimi " (NW) kele na kati ya bantu yina takota ve na Kimfumu ya Nzambi. Thus, for one thing, gluttony is a form of greed, and God's Word tells us that "greedy persons " are the sort of people who will not inherit God's Kingdom. The Bible - It Is Alive in All Things Dyambu ya kuluta mfunu kele kulomba Nzambi mpeve yango. An important step is quite straightforward - ask God for it. When we clearly realize that our earth is made in an orderly and orderly way, it gives many reasons to believe that one of the wise men is. " Na bamvu - nkama yonso, bantu mesalaka bifwanisu ya mpila na mpila ya Yezu, yankaka kevandaka mwa fyoti ya kyeleka, kansi yankaka kekukanaka ve ata fyoti ti mpila yandi vandaka. Over the centuries, artistic representations of Jesus have varied from the reasonable to the farfetched. In the third century B.C.E., many Jews lost their understanding of Hebrew. Mutindu ya kubika kuswana How to stop arguing How do we demonstrate our submission to Christ? Bantu yai taguluka na mpasi ya nene mpi bo takota na Luyalu ya Bamvula Funda ya Kristu. These will survive the great tribulation into Christ's Millennial Reign. Consider Anne's mother, who was disfellowshipped, once told Anne that she wanted to visit her. Kaka na mvula yina, mono monaka mutindu dibuta mosi nwanaka ti dibuta ya nkaka mpi muntu mosi fwaka. The same year, I witnessed a murder during a family feud, and I was deeply shocked. MANY people have displayed commendable qualities throughout human history. Yo kevandaka ti bupusi na mutindu beto ketadilaka luzingu. It molds our very outlook on life. Jehovah himself established the physical laws of nature that humans use to do their research. Tudila Yehowa Ntima Ntangu Yonso! Always Trust in Jehovah! Jehovah's Witnesses around the world benefit from similar teachings Lukwikilu ya ngolo yina mpeve santu kubutaka na kati na bo kupesaka bo mutindu ya mpa ya kutadila luzingu. That unmistakable conviction caused by holy spirit gave them a whole new outlook on life. Many have found that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is accurate, effective, and easy to read. Mono kele na kiese ya kuzwa banduku mingi ya mayele na kati ya bansadi ya Yehowa, bo me longaka mono mambu mingi. I have done so and have truly benefited. 29 Does God Require Sin? Tanga bazina ya bantotila ya Yuda yina kumonisaka kikesa ya mingi sambu na lusambu ya kyeleka. Which Judean kings demonstrated outstanding zeal for true worship? In May 189 Brother Russell left New York City, and he traveled on his fourth trip in the boat with a brother who knew the machine, making copies of The Watchtower whenever they travel. Biblia na mono vandaka mbalula ya ndinga Nácar - Colunga. I had the Nácar - Colunga translation of the Bible. Thus, Job lost his livestock, his children, and his health were no longer healthy. Ruti kubakaka dibaku mosi ya nene mpenza ata yandi vandaka muntu ya Moabi yina vandaka kusambila ntete nzambi Kemoshi! Although she was a Moabitess and a former worshiper of the god Chemosh, what a privilege Ruth received! What should be our resolve as individuals? Pesa mbandu mosi. Give an example. Similarly, husbands need to realize that their authority is limited and that they must obey Christ. Ata beto kele bantu ya kukonda kukuka, inki beto fwete sala? Although we are not perfect, what should we do? Let us consider some of the responsibilities that Mary and others who will rule with Jesus will have in the outworking of God's purposes. Ntangu Yezu kutulaka Lusungiminu, yandi songaka bantumwa na yandi ya kwikama na kunwa bo yonso na dikopa mosi. When Jesus instituted the Memorial, he invited his faithful apostles to drink out of a common cup. So let all of us keep in mind Jesus ' words: "Keep on the watch, therefore, because you do not know the day or the hour of the Son of man. " - Matthew 25: 13. Yo kele mpi disolo mosi ya kitoko ya lubutuku ya dikanda mosi. It is also an exciting account of the birth of a nation. David also planned to mislead the Philistine king. YEROBOAMI, ntotila ya Izraele salaka mesa - kimenga na mbanza Betele sambu na lusambu ya luvunu. SOMETIME during King Jeroboam's reign, Jehovah sent a certain prophet from Judah to deliver a scathing judgment message to that apostate king of Israel. (Read 1 Timothy 5: 23.) Bawanzio ya nkaka kangamaka na mutambu mpi vukisaka nitu ti bankento. He must have studied them for a considerable time before luring them into taking sides with him. As a result, I just lost my head. Biblia kelongisila babakala na kukangama na " bankento yina bo kwelaka na kileki. ' The Bible counsels men to stick "with the wife of [their] youth. " How did some first - century Christians show themselves wrong, and why? [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 4] [ Picture on page 5] On the other hand, the eye of "wicked men " has wrong desires, greed, and greed. Sambu na kununga kifu ya kukonda kulolula, bankwelani fwete sala bikesa na kumonisana ntonda mpi kusikisana. To counteract a tendency to be unforgiving, work on having a thankful and appreciative disposition. When a Christian is well - married, it brings joy and praise to Jehovah. 3 / 15 5 / 1 The Persian king was assured to stop the work of building the temple. - Ezra 4: 10 - 21. Ata fyoti ve! Hardly! During his earthly ministry, Jesus Christ was ridiculed, ridiculed, and even ridiculed. Traduction du monde nouveau kebalulaka yo bantangu yankaka nde "ya kelombaka nde bantu kukangama kaka na. " The New World Translation sometimes renders it "exacting exclusive devotion. " Jehovah's loving - kindness, or loyal love, is expressed in many ways. Nkuluntu yina ta sala nki? What would the elder do? Yes, Jehovah blesses those who display such an attitude. - Matt. Baleke yai kekumisaka ngolo mpusa na bo ya kusambila Yehowa na kutangaka Biblia konso kilumbu, na kusalaka bisambu, mpi na kuvandaka ti bikalulu ya kewakana ti luzolo ya Nzambi. These youths strengthen their desire to worship Jehovah by daily Bible reading, by praying, and by conducting themselves in harmony with God's will. First, many brothers and sisters have come to know the truth by means of those who moved to another area to preach the good news. Yo yina zina na mono. " - Yezaya 42: 8, NW. That is my name. " - Isaiah 42: 8. • What situations can cause a person to become haughty? Kansi mbote kitoko na beno kuvanda kitoko yina kele na kati ya ntima, yina ke manaka ve, kitoko yina ke monikaka na bikalulu ya pima ti ya kukonda lulendo; yina kele mambu mosi ya mfunu na meso ya Nzambi. " - 1 Piere 3: 1 - 4. And do not let your adornment be that of the external braiding of the hair and of the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments, but let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God. " - 1 Peter 3: 1 - 4. 3 / 15 Ya kyeleka, bo vandaka kusamuna bisika yonso. Then we will discuss the hope that God's Word gives. 34: 8. 34: 8. Our keen desire to communicate with others about our faith and to uphold God's elevated qualities can reflect our godly devotion. Kana beto kele na mambu yina keyangisa beto, beto lenda kwenda kumona bampangi na beto sambu bo pesa beto ndongisila yina kekatuka na minsiku ya Masonuku. If we have problems, we can go to our brothers for sound advice based on Scriptural principles. We ourselves are determined to make a vow, not to anyone. Nzambi kele ti bikuma ya mbote yina yandi me pesaka nzila na bampasi. God allows suffering to continue at present for good reasons. During 1934, Jehovah's Witnesses realized that those who hope to live forever on earth must get baptized. Yezu tubaka ve nde bo ta tunga diaka ve tempelo, kansi yandi tubaka nde bo ta fwa yo, mpi mbikudulu yina lunganaka na mvu 70 T.B. Jesus did not say that the temple would never be rebuilt but that it would be destroyed, which it was in 70 C.E. They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and always follow him, thus showing that "the chosen ones [they] have been called and chosen " are true. Bo vandaka kutula kibende na kati ya furu ya tiya, mpi kutula makala na nsi kaka ve, kansi mpi na zulu na yo. Ore was put into a furnace, and a layer of coals was put not only underneath the ore but also on top of it. The Law provided guidance for dealing with slaves, children who have lost their fathers, and widows. Yezu Kristu mpi kibuka ya bantu yina tayala ti yandi yina bo ponaka na kati ya bantu kesala Kimfumu ya Nzambi Jesus Christ and a group of fellow rulers chosen from mankind make up God's Kingdom Eventually, though, children must decide for themselves whether they allow this world to influence their thinking or to allow Jehovah "to make their way straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Romans 12: 2. Bantumwa zabaka nde lufutumuku ya Yezu swaswanaka ti balufutumuku yina salamaka na ntwala. The apostles knew that Jesus ' resurrection was different from the resurrections that preceded it. How can disfellowshipped ones help? Mukristu fwete vanda ve kaka na susi ya kulungisa balusilu na yandi na Nzambi, kansi Nzambi mpi bantu fwete tudila mambu ya yandi ketubaka ntima. A Christian must be concerned not merely about paying vows to God but also about proving trustworthy in all his words - to God and to humans. * Yo yina, Baministre yina kele Bakristu kesadilaka Yehowa Nzambi ti Yezu Kristu na kudikulumusa yonso. Hence, Christian ministers humbly serve Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Yes, the Mosaic Law contains laws that deal with all aspects of Israel's history, revealing what was clean and acceptable and unacceptable to God. Kusamba mbala na mbala pesaka mono "ngolo yina me luta ngolo ya bantu " mpi" ngemba ya Nzambi yina me luta mambu yonso yina bantu lenda bakisa. " - 2 Bakorinto 4: 7; Bafilipi 4: 6, 7. My frequent prayers brought me "the power beyond what is normal " and" the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 7; Philippians 4: 6, 7. Observing a tree with a desire moved Eve to disobey God's command. Yo yina, nge fwete ndima nkudulu. So you must reach out and accept the ransom. Such obedience has increased much into our time because Jesus has exercised his authority, even as James foretold when he was suffering from sickness to death. Bambaludi ya ntangu na beto ke landaka mbandu ya bantu ya ntete yina balulaka Masonuku na Latini, Gothique, Kiarabi, mpi na Espagnol. Modern translators have followed in the footsteps of those pioneers who translated the Scriptures into Latin, Gothic, Arabic, and Spanish. REGULAR FEATURES Sambu na nki beto fwete tula dikebi na mbandu ya Yezu? Why should we focus on Jesus ' example? " Keep on rejoicing. Tendula. Explain. Now let me kill them in my anger; and you and your sons I shall make you a great nation. " - Ex. Yo yina, ntima ya Polo vandaka kutula bampangi na yandi ya babakala ti ya bankento vandaka ya mpamba ve, ya kukonda kikuma ve, to bonso ya kifwa meso. So Paul's confidence in his brothers and sisters was not misplaced, unrealistic, or blindly optimistic. In a vision he received, the apostle John described them as "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " 3, 4. 3, 4. Sandra, age 26, says: "When I think of the blessings I received from the truth, I realize that the world has nothing to compare it! " - Psalm 84: 12. Ziku nge keyindula mpangi - nkento mosi ya mununu, yina kubakaka mbotika bamvula mingi meluta mpi ya kekondaka mpenza ve na balukutakanu na Nzo ya Kimfumu. Perhaps an elderly sister comes to mind, one who was baptized many years ago and rarely misses a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. " What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Ntangu mono manisaka formasio na Graz, mbanza yina beto vandaka kuzinga, mama pesaka mono mbongo sambu mono longuka diaka na ekole mosi yina bo ke longukaka mutindu ya kuyidika madia na otele. After I finished my apprenticeship at the hotel in my hometown of Graz, my mother funded further education for me at a hotel management school. Thus, that nation would be the means of the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham as the descendants of Jacob, which God had given another name to Israel. Na nsuka, Yezu ketuba nde bambuma yina bo kunaka na ntoto ya mbote "ke butaka bambuma: bankaka ke butaka bambuma makumi tatu, bankaka bambuma makumi sambanu, bankaka bambuma nkama. " Finally, Jesus says that those sown on the fine soil "bear fruit thirtyfold and sixty and a hundred. " He was also "full of mildness and power. " MAWETE MILDNESS She told me about her big changes in life to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and she asked me to speak to Jehovah's Witnesses when I arrived in England. (Tanga Nkunga 95: 6.) (Read Psalm 95: 6.) As we begin to study the Bible, we can make rapid spiritual progress and then get baptized. Yandi kumisaka Babilone mbanza ya kuvandaka na bibaka ya lupangu ya kuluta nda mpi ngolo ya ntangu yina. He made Babylon the greatest walled city of the time. It also involves teaching people to observe all that Christ, the Head of the congregation, tells us to do during this time of the end. Kana beto ke yedisa ntonda sambu na Yehowa, mpusa na beto ya kukwenda pene - pene na yandi mpi ya kulanda mbandu na yandi ta kuma ngolo. - Yoz. In turn, the deeper our appreciation for Jehovah, the stronger our desire to draw close to him and to imitate him. - Josh. Whatever he or she may decide, the problem will be in the head of a bridegroom for everything he has allowed to happen at his wedding. Yo pusaka Natanaele na kusoba mutindu na yandi ya kutadila Yezu, muntu ya Nazareti. Because of the friendly way Jesus spoke to him, Nathanael changed the way he felt about Jesus, who was from Nazareth. Let us consider some of them. Balusakumunu ya Kimfumu Lenda Kuma ya Nge Kingdom Blessings Can Be Yours Since scientists and doctors have understood the value of these laws, only 200 years ago. Yo lenda vanda mpi kukonda mbongo ya kulungisa bampusa ya dibuta na nge. Or you may be struggling to care for your family in a very difficult economy. Our heartfelt desire to please God moves us to apply the counsel found in his Word and to put his Kingdom first in our lives. Sambu na nki beto fwete buya banduku ya mbi? Why must we avoid bad associations? He "is powerful in power. " Na disolo yina me luta, beto bendaka dikebi na mutindu nkadilu ya Davidi mpi ya Manase pusaka Yehowa na kulolula bo. In the preceding article, we focused on how the attitudes of David and Manasseh elicited Jehovah's forgiveness. Consider this: God told the ancient Israelites that they should not break any of the bones of the Passover lamb. Sambu na nki beto ke vandaka ve ti mabanza ya mbote ya kukuka? Why is it that by nature we do not have a perfectly sound mind? To them, "the master is one in all aspects of life. Sambu beto kudiyangisaka mingi, beto dilaka. Worn out from anxiety, we wept. Disease. - Luke 21: 11; Revelation 6: 8 Yehowa ke zola nde beto landa mbandu na yandi mpi kusadila bantu yina ke niokwama na mabanza mambu ti mawete. Jehovah expects us to follow his example and treat the depressed ones with tenderness. [ Picture on page 4] Yibuka " nsende na nitu ' yina Polo kuvandaka na yo. Recall Paul's "thorn in the flesh. " Yet, you know that there is still more important needs to care for your family. Bantangu yankaka, beto lenda lemba nitu mpi kukuma ti mawi ya mbi. At times, we may become so discouraged that we can be in danger of succumbing to the effects of negative emotions. In a vision, however, the prophet Micah saw an angel speaking to Jehovah. Kansi ntangu makwela me fwa, mu mbandu sambu nkwelani mosi me sala bizumba, bampangi ya dibundu ta pesa nge lusadisu. But when a divorce does occur, such as after a Christian's mate has proved unfaithful, brothers and sisters in the congregation are supportive. " If those signs show that we are close to the end, ' you might wonder, " Why do many people refuse to accept them? ' * Beto ndima ve ata fyoti na " kuvidisa lukwikilu na beto '! - 1 Timoteo 1: 19. * Never would we want to " experience shipwreck concerning our faith '! - 1 Timothy 1: 19. Let us consider some examples of encouragement from the first - century Christian congregation and see what lessons we can learn. Biblia - Yo Kele ya Sikisiki na Mambu Yonso The Bible - Accurate in All Respects Let us set aside more time to do these things regularly and diligently - prayer, personal Bible study, meeting attendance, family worship, and zealous in the Kingdom - preaching work. Ntangu beto kebakisa mbote nde ntoto na beto mesalamaka na ndonga mpi na mutindu mosi ya mbote, yo kepesa bikuma mingi ya kendimisa nde ngangi mosi ya mayele kele. " Evidence for an intelligent designer becomes more compelling the more we understand about our carefully crafted habitat. " And the most important feature of the festival was, reading God's Law to all mankind, "from day to day until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Neh. Na mvu - nkama ya tatu na ntwala ya ntangu na beto, Bayuda mingi vandaka kubakisa diaka ve Kiebreo. However, by the third century B.C.E., many Jews no longer understood Hebrew. Others spent a few years and then returned home. Inki mutindu beto kemonisaka bulemfu na beto na Kristu? How do we show our submission to Christ? In the original language of the Scriptures, the word "hate " or" hate " has many different meaning. Beto baka mbandu ya mama ya Anne, yina bo basisaka na dibundu. Kilumbu mosi yandi zabisaka Anne na telefone nde yandi ke zola kukwenda kutala yandi. For example, one day Anne's mother, who was disfellowshipped, called her on the phone to say that she wanted to visit her. If we allow circumstances to cause us to abandon our Christian life and spiritual activities, we could lose our faith. Jehovah's Glory Shines on His People, 7 / 1 In one article, one mother told her son, " Jehovah will protect you more than I am. ' BANTU mingi memonisaka bikalulu ya mbote na nkenda yonso ya bantu. DOWN through history many individuals have manifested admirable qualities. If you have many things to do, you seem to be very important. " Yehowa muntu kutulaka bansiku ya lugangu yina bantu kesadilaka sambu na kusala bansosa na bo. The physical laws of nature - upon which humans rely for their research - are all of Jehovah's making. Very likely, he wrote Psalm 142 in one of these ones. Bambangi ya Yehowa ya inza ya mvimba kebakaka mambote ya malongi ya mutindu mosi Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide benefit from the same program of education (a) Why should we do research? Bantu mingi me monaka nde Biblia - Mbalula ya Nsi - Ntoto ya Mpa kele ya siki - siki, ya mbote, mpi yo kele ve mpasi na kutanga. Many have found the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures to be accurate, reliable, and very readable as well. Other information may be secret. Christ has entrusted his servants with the precious responsibility of preaching (See paragraph 10) He " opened the eyes of a man born blind from birth. ' 29 Keti Nzambi Kelombaka Mfunguna ya Masumu? After discussing the matter with a brother, Michael was shocked. Na Mayi 1909, mpangi Russell katukaka na New York. Yandi salaka nzietelo na yandi ya iya na maswa Mauretania ti mpangi Huntsinger yina zabaka kusonika na mashini, sambu bo sonika masolo ya Nzozulu ya Nkengi ntangu bo ke sala nzietelo. Leaving New York in May 1909 on the Mauretania for his fourth visit, Brother Russell took along a stenographer, Brother Huntsinger, so that the time traveling across the ocean could be used to dictate Watch Tower articles. When can parents train their children? Yo yina, Yobi kuvidisaka bitwisi na yandi, bana na yandi kufwaka, mpi yandi vandaka dyaka ve ti mavimpi ya mbote. As a result, Job lost his livestock, his children, and his health. In Bible times, "the great sea " was the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean Sea, and" Zion, " Jehovah said: "I have installed my holy mountain upon my holy mountain. " Inki fwete vanda lukanu ya konso muntu na kati na beto? What should each of us be determined to do? Many enjoyed watching the "Eureka Drama " even in areas where certain movies were presented. Mutindu mosi, babakala fwete bakisa nde kiyeka na bo kele na ndilu mpi nde bo fwete lemfukila Kristu. Likewise, husbands need to recognize that their authority is limited and that they are subject to Christ. Then, at the end of the night, we would play an hour of boat. Bika beto tadila mwa mikumba yina Maria ti bantu yankaka yina tayala ti Yezu tavanda ti yo na kulungana ya balukanu ya Nzambi. Consider some of the privileges that she and Jesus ' other corulers will have in the outworking of God's purposes. Moreover, Jehovah's long - suffering allows us to "keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. " - Philippians 2: 12; 2 Peter 3: 11, 12. Yo yina, bika nde beto yonso kuvila ve bangogo yai ya Yezu kutubaka: "Beno kangula meso, sambu beno zaba ve kilumbu to ntangu ya Mwana - muntu ta kwisa. " - Matayo 25: 13. May all of us, then, take to heart Jesus ' words: "Keep on the watch, therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour. " - Matthew 25: 13. What wonderful events are yet ahead? Davidi kusalaka mpi pula mosi buna sambu na kukusa ntotila ya Filistia. David also thought out a strategy for deceiving the Philistine king. Paul wrote: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " (Tanga 1 Timoteo 5: 23.) (Read 1 Timothy 5: 23.) Young ones in the congregation can do much for their youthful vigor, and older ones can benefit from their experience and experience. Yo yina mono nikisaka kaka ntu. When a person makes a vow, he receives a responsibility or should feel that he has a responsibility to fulfill it. Inki mutindu Bakristu yankaka na mvu - nkama ya ntete monisaka nde bo vandaka ti mabanza ya mbi, mpi ziku sambu na nki? How did some in the first century reveal that they had a bad attitude, and what might have been the reason for it? Think about what this means. Kansi, disu ya "mbi " kele ti mayele ya mbi, bilula - lula, mpi kesepelaka na bima ya mpamba - mpamba. By contrast, a "wicked " eye is crafty, covetous, and drawn to things that are worthless. 6, 7. (a) What does the Bible say about the head of the family? Ntangu Mukristu kele na makwela ya mbote, yo kepesaka kyese mpi kekumisaka Yehowa. When a Christian's marriage succeeds, it is a joy and brings honor to Jehovah. Isaiah 65: 17, 18 tells us: "The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. Bo ndimisaka ntotila ya Persia na kukangisa kisalu ya kutunga tempelo. - Esdrasi 4: 10 - 21. These opposers induced the king of Persia to ban the temple construction work. - Ezra 4: 10 - 21. Abram again demonstrated that worship was the center of his life. Ntangu Yezu Kristu vandaka kusala kisalu na yandi na ntoto, bantu vandaka kuseka yandi, bo fingaka yandi, mpi nkutu bo losilaka yandi mate. During his ministry on earth, Jesus Christ was ridiculed - laughed at, sneered at, made fun of, treated insolently, and even spit upon. Do you appreciate the value of this? Ntima ya mbote ya Yehowa, to zola ya kwikama, kemonanaka na mitindu mingi. Jehovah's loving - kindness, or loyal love, is displayed in various ways. Regularly attending Christian meetings helps us to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Ya kieleka, Yehowa ke sakumunaka bantu yina ke monisaka nkadilu ya mutindu yina. - Mat. Surely Jehovah approves of such sentiments. - Matt. What Is "the fruitage of the spirit "? Ya ntete, bampangi mingi me zabaka kieleka na nsadisa ya bampangi yina kwendaka na bisika ya nkaka sambu na kulonga nsangu ya mbote. First, to some extent, most of us owe our knowledge of the truth to faithful ones who were willing to travel in order to make it known to us. The first part of this "time of sudden destruction " will begin when they attack" Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, also called "a harlot. " • Inki mambu lenda pusa muntu na kukuma lulendo? • What can cause a person to become haughty? Jesus promised him: "Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. " 3 / 1 Making Peace, 3 / 1 Perhaps Joseph was 17 years old. Na nima, beto ta tubila kivuvu yina Ndinga ya Nzambi ke pesa. Then we will discuss the hope that God's Word, the Bible, offers. However, students and students could not be able to tell anyone wherever they were mentioned in their Bibles. Mpusa na beto ya ngolo ya kusolula ti bankaka mambu ya bikalulu ya mbote ya beto kekwikilaka mpi ya kunwanina bikalulu ya kuzanguka ya Nzambi lenda monisa kukangama na beto na Nzambi. Our readiness to discuss our moral convictions with others and to speak out in defense of God's lofty standards can reveal our devotion to God. Later, the Romans persecuted Christians for rejecting their race for worship. Beto mosi ke bakaka lukanu ya kusala lusilu, muntu mosi ve ke pusaka beto. Vows are made voluntarily, of one's own free will. What lesson did Paul teach them in his letter? Na bamvu 1934, Bambangi ya Yehowa kubakisaka nde bantu yina kele ti kivuvu ya kuzinga mvula na mvula na ntoto fwete baka mbotika. By 1934, Jehovah's Witnesses realized that those hoping to live forever on earth should be baptized. Christian fathers who do not want to express their feelings should remember Jehovah's example. Bo kemonisaka lukwikilu na kimenga ya nkudulu ya Kristu mpi kelandaka yandi ntangu yonso, mpidina bo kemonisaka nde "kubinga yina ya Nzambi bingaka [bo] ti kusola yina ya yandi solaka [bo] " kele ya kyeleka. They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and follow him continually, thus " making their calling and choosing sure. ' How can we benefit from showing compassion? Nsiku kupesaka lutwadisu sambu na mutindu ya kuzinga ti bampika, bana yina mefwilaka batata na bo, mpi mifwidi. The Law gave direction on treatment of slaves, fatherless boys, and widows. Jehovah Guides His People Through Life, Mar. Kansi nsukansuka, bana fwete baka bo mosi lukanu kana bo tabika nde insi - ntoto yai kutwadisa mabanza na bo to kubika nde Yehowa " kusonga bo nzila ya mbote. ' - Bingana 3: 5, 6; Roma 12: 2. But children must eventually decide for themselves whether to let this world bend them to its will or to allow Jehovah to make their "paths straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Romans 12: 2. (b) What wars are taking place? Inki mutindu kubasisa muntu na dibundu lenda sadisa yandi? What role can disfellowshipping play in a sinner's recovery? But if we do what is right and put on spiritual armor, we will have God's holy spirit and the protection we need in order to resist Satan and his wicked angels. - Proverbs 18: 10. * * However, they have not yet found the source of water that imparts youthful vigor. Ya kyeleka, Nsiku ya Moize vandaka ti bansiku yina vandaka kutadila mambu yonso ya luzingu ya bantu ya Izraele. Yo vandaka kumonisa mambu yina kele bunkete mpi yina Nzambi kendimaka ti mambu ya mvindu ya yandi kebuyaka. Indeed, the Mosaic Law included rules and regulations on practically every aspect of the Israelites ' life, outlining what was clean and acceptable and what was not. So he patiently disciplines us or molds us Kutala nti ti mpusa kupusaka Eva na kukolama na ntuma ya Nzambi. Looking at the tree with longing led Eve to disobey God's command. Two articles published in The Watchtower of November 1, 1995 pointed to Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 24: 29 - 31, including those found at Matthew 25: 31, 32. Bulemfu ya mutindu yina mekumaka kutendula mambu mingi na ntangu na beto sambu Yezu meyalumunaka kiyeka na yandi, kaka mpila Yakobo kutubaka ntangu yandi vandaka kubela maladi ya kunataka yandi tii na lufwa. Such subjection has taken on additional significance in modern times because of Jesus ' enlarged authority, as foretold in Jacob's deathbed prophecy. Because he was wealthy and prominent among the Jews and was a Roman citizen. MASOLO YA KULONGUKA When the harvest is mature, the one who begins to work with his sword, for the harvest has arrived. " " Vanda ntangu yonso na kiese. " Always be rejoicing. SONGS: 116, 102 Ntangu yai, bika mono mono fwa bo na makasi na mono. Ebuna nge ti bana na nge, mono ta kumisa beno dikanda mosi ya nene ya bantu. " - Kub. So now let me be, that my anger may blaze against them and I may exterminate them, and let me make you into a great nation. " - Ex. 3: 17, 18. Na mbona - meso mosi yina yandi bakaka, ntumwa Yoane kutendulaka nde bo kele kibuka ya nene ya "bantu mingi; ata muntu mosi ve lungaka kutanga bantu yina yonso. Bantu yina vandaka ya makanda yonso ti ya bandinga yonso ti ya bansi yonso. " In a vision given to the apostle John, they are described as "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " 11, 12. (a) How can we remain humble even when others commend us or say good things for us? Sandra, bamvula 26, ketuba nde: "Ntangu mu keyindulaka balusakumunu ya mono mebakaka na kyeleka, mono kebakisaka nde inza kele ve ata na kima mosi ya mu lenda fwanisa na yo! " - Nkunga 84: 12. Says Sandra, aged 26: "When I meditate on my blessings in the truth, I realize that the world can offer nothing that compares with it! " - Psalm 84: 11. He said: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God. Balutiti ya kulongukila (Fiche d'étude) ya mukanda "Inki Biblia ke Longaka Mpenza? " The "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " The tiny tree produces more than half of the air that we breathe. Yo yina, dikanda yina zolaka kuvanda nzila ya kulungana ya balusilu yina Nzambi pesaka Abrahami kumaka kikanda ya Yakobi, yina Nzambi kupesaka zina yankaka nde Izraele. The nation through which God's promises to Abraham would be fulfilled descended from Jacob, whose name was changed by God to Israel. He would be unreasonable if he expected her to be perfect. Yandi vandaka mpi "ya kufuluka ti mawete mpi ngolo. " He was also "full of graciousness and power. " For example, the Awake! Yandi zabisaka mono bansoba ya nene yina yandi salaka na luzingu sambu na kukuma Mbangi ya Yehowa, mpi yandi lombaka mono na kusolula ti Bambangi ya Yehowa ntangu mono ta kuma na Angleterre. He told me about the major changes he had made in his life in order to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and he made me promise to speak to the Witnesses when I arrived in England. Ask yourself such questions as: " What qualities did the person I read reveal about him? Ntangu beto me yantika kulonguka Biblia, beto lenda yela nswalu - nswalu na kimpeve mpi na nima kubaka mbotika. During our initial period of Bible study, we may quickly grow spiritually and then get baptized. Even a temporary pornography can have disastrous consequences. Kisalu yango kelombaka mpi kulonga bantu na kulanda mambu yonso yina Kristu, Ntu ya dibundu, kesonga beto na kusala na nsungi ya ntangu yai ya nsuka. This involves teaching people to observe all the things that Christ, the Head of the congregation, commands to be done during this time of the end. • How can the peace of the Christ control in our hearts when we suffer injustice? Konso desizio yina yandi tabaka, makambu yonso tabwa na ntu ya bakala yina kekwela sambu na bima yonso yina yandi mepesa nswa nde yo salama na nkinsi na yandi ya makwela. In either case the bridegroom is responsible for what he allows to take place at his wedding. How vital that we zealously preach the Kingdom and live by its standards! Bika beto tadila mwa ndambu na yo. Let us examine just a few of them. We do not know when Jehovah will send his Son to destroy this wicked system of things. Banda bantu ya siansi mpi minganga me bakisaka mfunu ya bansiku yai, bamvula 200 mpamba me luta. It is only in the last 200 years that scientists and doctors have seen the need to set such standards. He offers the gift of everlasting life only to those who imitate his Son, Jesus. Mpusa na beto ya masonga ya kusepedisa Nzambi kepusaka beto na kusadila bandongisila yina kele na Ndinga na yandi mpi na kutula Kimfumu na yandi na kisika ya ntete na luzingu na beto. Our earnest desire to please God moves us to apply the counsel of his Word and give his Kingdom first place in our life. Yet, Jehovah must have been deeply hurt when he saw his Son suffer and die on a torture stake. Yandi "ke na ngolo yonso. " " Strength belongs to him. ' To make fine spiritual progress, each Christian had to make an effort. Beto tadila diambu yai: Nzambi songaka bantu ya Izraele ya ntama nde bo fwete buka ve ata mukwa mosi ya mwana - dimeme ya Paki. Consider this: The ancient Israelites were told that they must not break any bone of the Passover lamb. [ Box / Pictures on page 20] Sambu na bo, "ntwadisi kele kaka mosi na mambu yonso ya metala luzingu. As far as they are concerned, "there is only one guideline for all aspects of life. All these blessings will come only for Jehovah's undeserved kindness. Maladi. - Luka 21: 11; Kusonga 6: 8 Pestilences. - Luke 21: 11; Revelation 6: 8 " I don't believe that God exists, " said religion, "and I don't believe that God exists. " [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 4] [ Picture on page 4] But if Joshua had to mention what he knew to carry out his assignment, what would he have meant? Ata mpidina, beno kezaba nde kele dyaka ti bampusa yankaka ya kuluta mfunu ya beno fwete lungisa sambu na mabuta na beno. At the same time, though, you remember that there are more important ways in which to provide for your own. Because he did not want those in the ark to die for him, Jonah told them: "Take me away from the sea, that I may keep quiet from the sea. " Kansi na mbona - meso mosi, profete Mika kumonaka wanzyo mosi kesolula yandi mosi ti Yehowa. However, the prophet Micaiah had a vision in which he saw an angel communicate directly with Jehovah. Of course, treating people respectfully brings rich benefits, such as peace. " Kana bidimbu yina ke monisa nde beto me finama na nsuka kele pwelele, ' nge lenda kudiyula nde: " Sambu na nki bantu mingi ke buya kundima yo? ' " If the sign that we are near the end is so obvious, ' you might ask, " why do so many people fail to recognize it? ' The surrounding nations felt threatened by the Gibeonites. Bika beto tadila mwa bambandu ya kepesa kikesa ya mekatuka na dibundu ya Bukristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete mpi kumona malongi yina beto lenda baka. Let us consider some encouraging examples from the early Christian congregation and see what we can learn. Paul humbly acknowledged Jehovah's purpose, saying: "Most gladly, therefore, will I rather boast as respects my weaknesses, that the power of the Christ may like a tent remain over me. " Bika beto bumba ntangu mingi sambu na kusala mambu yai mbala na mbala mpi na masonga yonso: kisambu, kulonguka ya Biblia ya beto mosi, kukwenda na balukutakanu, lusambu ya dibuta, mpi kuvanda kikesa na kisalu ya kusamuna Kimfumu. Let us set aside ample time for regular and earnest prayer, personal Bible study, meeting attendance, family worship, and zealous Kingdom - preaching activity. What has motivated millions of Witnesses around the world to learn sign language of their country is truly their trust in Jehovah. Mpi diambu ya kuluta mfunu ya nkinsi yina vandaka, kutangila bantu yonso Nsiku ya Nzambi, " konso kilumbu, yantika kilumbu ya ntete tii na kilumbu ya nsuka. ' - Neh. An important feature of this festival was the public reading of God's Law, "day by day, from the first day until the last day. " - Neh. Jehovah shows us his love in many ways. Bankaka salaka mwa bamvula mpi na nima vutukaka na insi na bo. Others have been able to stay for a few years and have then returned to their country of origin. What can a Christian wife do if her good conduct does not force her husband to change? Na bangogo ya kisina ya Masonuku, ngogo " kumenga ' to " kuyina ' kele ti bantendula mingi ya kuswaswana. In the Scriptures, the word "hate " has several shades of meaning. Also, just days before the Memorial, many of us will read Bible accounts about what Jesus did and what happened on the date of 33 C.E. Kana beto pesa nzila nde mambu yankaka kupusa beto na kuyambula luzingu na beto ya Bukristu mpi mambu ya kimpeve, beto lenda vidisa lukwikilu na beto. If we allow ourselves to drift away from our Christian course and theocratic activities, the result could be the shipwreck of our faith. She adds: "I am grateful that Jehovah is my God, always providing what we need. " Na disolo mosi, mama mosi monisaka mwana na yandi nde, " Yehowa ta tanina nge mbote kuluta mono. ' In one article, a mother assured her daughter of Jehovah's care, saying, " Jehovah can take better care of you than I can. ' What problem existed between Abram and Lot's servants, and why was it urgent? Kana nge kele ti mambu mingi ya kusala, yo ke monana nde nge kele mfunu mingi. " She adds: "The busier you are the more important you seem. " (Read John 17: 16.) Yo fwete vanda nde yandi sonikaka Nkunga 142 na mosi ya mabulu yai. He may well have composed Psalm 142 in one of those caves. Rome (a) Sambu na nki beto fwete sala bansosa? (a) Why should we do research? They were like traveling overseers. Some find it difficult to preach to their peers at school. Indeed, when true love moves us to serve God, we are doing what is right and happy to do so! - Psalm 100: 2. Bansangu ya nkaka lenda vanda ya kinsweki. And some news might be confidential. Instead, their obedience to God reflected their position in the issue involving Jehovah's sovereignty. Yandi " kangulaka meso ya muntu mosi ya butukaka na meso ya kufwa. ' He "opened the eyes of one born blind. " Regarding him, God said: "Look! My servant, my servant, whom I have chosen, my servant whom I have approved. Na nima ya kutubila mpangi - bakala mambu ya mbi, Michael waka mpasi mingi. Michael felt devastated when he realized how inconsiderate and unkind he had been. So let God's Word guide you, and apply its counsel. Inki ntangu bibuti lenda longa bana na bo? When may parents instruct their children? 3: 5, 6. Na ntangu ya Biblia, " nzadi - mungwa ya nene ' vandaka Nzadi - Mungwa ya Nene, to Nzadi - Mungwa ya Mediterane, ebuna " ngumba ya santu ' vandaka Sioni, yina Yehowa kutubilaka nde: "Na zulu ya ngumba na mono [ya santu] Sioni mono me tula ntotila ya mono me sola. " In the context of the Bible, "the grand sea " was the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean, and" the holy mountain " was Zion, of which Jehovah said: "I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " Yes, we are living in "the time of the end. " Bantu mingi vandaka kusepela kutala "Eurêka - Drame " ata na bisika yina bo vandaka kusongisa bafilme ya nkaka. The "Eureka Drama " was popular even in places with movie houses. They helped us to see that we can do many good things in Jehovah's service. Ebuna, na nkokila beto vandaka kubula ngunga ya maswa. Then at dusk we rang the ship's bell. Why did first - century Christians preach without delay? Dyaka, kana Yehowa kekanga ntima ntangu ya nda, yo kepesa beto ntangu mingi ya "kulanda kaka na kusala kisalu ya Nzambi na boma ti na matekita. " - Filipi 2: 12; 2 Piere 3: 11, 12. Further, the longer Jehovah exercises patience, the more time we have to "keep working out [our] own salvation with fear and trembling. " - Philippians 2: 12; 2 Peter 3: 11, 12. In addition, books, magazines, and Web sites offer counsel that sometimes differ. Inki mambu ya kitoko tasalama yina memonanaka ntete ve? What wonderful, though still unseen, events await us? Two years after I entered Bethel, I became a member of the congregation (now called a member of the body of elders) instead of a brother named Bill, in the Soviet Union. Beno vanda na makasi ve kilumbu ya mvimba. Beno pesa Satana nzila ve na kuyala beno. " " Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " My family and I look forward to learning more about Jehovah and serving him forever. Baleke na kati ya dibundu lenda sala mambu mingi sambu na ngolo na bo ya buleke, ebuna bambuta lenda natila dibundu mambote mingi sambu na mayele mpi eksperiansi na bo. Younger members of the congregation may be able to do more physically because of their youthful energy, whereas older ones benefit the congregation greatly because of their wisdom and experience. But he knew that they really were. Kana muntu mesala lusilu, yandi mebaka mukumba to yandi fwete kudiwaka nde yandi kele ti mukumba ya yandi fwete lungisa. According to one dictionary, commitment refers to "the state of being obligated or emotionally impelled. " What are you determined to do? Yindula nki dyambu yai ketendula. Think about what that means. Unless "the disgusting thing of blood, which follows the death of another person in a provoked state, [we] cannot kill him and kill him. " - Deut. 6, 7. (a) Inki Biblia ke tuba sambu na mfumu ya dibuta? 6, 7. (a) What does the Bible say about being a head? We read: "It will become the only day that will be known to Jehovah. Yezaya 65: 17, 18 kesonga beto nde: "Makambu ya ntama bantu ta yindula yo diaka ve, yo ta kwisila bo mpi ve na mabanza. Isaiah 65: 17, 18 tells us: "The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. God foretold that those who practiced that false religion would be destroyed. Awa dyaka, Abrami kumonisaka mpenza nde lusambu vandaka kubaka kisika ya ntete na luzingu na yandi. Are family study, family prayer, and meeting attendance given high priority in your family? Without knowing it, these wicked spirits of sexual immorality are attracted to the immoral and immoral practices of the world. - Eph. Keti nge kebakisa mfunu ya mambu yai? Do you appreciate what that means? Today, Jehovah no longer communicates with humans. Kuvukana mbala na mbala na balukutakanu ya Bukristu kesadisaka beto na kusamuna nsangu ya mbote ya Kimfumu ya Nzambi. Regular participation in Christian meetings equips us to proclaim the good news of God's Kingdom. Imagine the joy of her distressed parents and how surprised they must have been for their son to return to life! MASOLO YA KULONGUKA 3, 4 " Mbuma ya mpeve kele nki "? 15 "A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey " God's Power in creation Kitini ya ntete ya " lufwa yai ya kintulumukina ' tayantika ntangu bo tanwanisa " Babilone ya nene, ' kintinu ya nsi - ntoto ya mvimba ya mabundu ya luvunu, yina bo kebingaka mpi "nkento ya ndumba. " The first phase of this "sudden destruction " is the attack against" Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, also known as "the harlot. " The important thing is to do when we are faced with temptation. Yezu kusilaka yandi nde: "Ya kyeleka mono ketubila nge bubu yai nde, Nge tavanda ti mono na Paladisu. " Jesus promised him: "Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise. " A full - time pioneer minister in the United States went to look for work that would help him and his entire family to continue in the full - time service. Ziku, Yozefi vandaka ti bamvula 17. Joseph could not have been much more than 17 years old. When we cooperate with one another, we encourage one another. Kansi, balongi ya iniversite mpi bana ya nzo - nkanda vandaka kukuka ve kusonga na konso muntu kisika yina bo vandaka kutubila na Babiblia na bo. However, lecturers and students could not share references. Why is it important to prepare well for what we learn at congregation meetings? Na nima, bantu ya Roma kumonisaka Bakristu mpasi sambu bo buyaka lusambu ya ntinu na bo. Later, the early Christians were persecuted by the Romans because of refusing to practice emperor worship. They were righteous, poor, compassionate, and lowly citizens of that land. Inki dilongi Polo longaka bo na mukanda na yandi? What lesson was Paul teaching them? This includes the life he gave as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Batata yina kezolaka ve kumonisa mawi na bo fwete yibuka mbandu ya Yehowa. Fathers who are reluctant to express their feelings do well to remember Jehovah's example. When Jesus spoke of the time when the Roman armies threatened Jerusalem in the first century, he commanded his followers to flee, not to remain in Jerusalem for war. - Luke 21: 20, 21. Inki mambote beto ta baka kana beto ke wila bantu mawa? And what good results can we obtain from doing so? It answers such questions as: Why do good people suffer? Yehowa Ke Twadisaka Bansadi na Yandi na Nzila ya Luzingu, Mar. Dealings With Lepers Unusual, No. He has promised to do all that will convince all intelligent creatures that he is Ruler, then he will save and obedient mankind. (b) Inki bitumba ke na kusalama? (b) What battle is going on? Elijah may have been surprised by what Ahab did in behalf of God's judgment. Kansi kana beto sala mambu ya lunungu mpi beto lwata binwaninu yonso ya kimpeve, beto tavanda na mpeve santu ya Nzambi mpi ti lutaninu yina beto kele na yo mfunu sambu na kunwana ti Satana mpi bademo, bawanzyo na yandi ya mbi. - Bingana 18: 10. But if we practice righteousness and have on the full suit of spiritual armor, we will have God's holy spirit and the needed protection against Satan and his wicked angels, the demons. - Proverbs 18: 10. (Read Judges 11: 36.) Kansi, bo me zwaka ntete ve nto ya masa ya ke pesaka ngolo ya kileke. And no fountain of youth has ever been found. What events in Bible times proved that God lived in harmony with the meaning of his name? Yo yina ti ntima - nda yonso, yandi ke pesaka beto disipline to ke wumbaka beto Jehovah loves us as his children, which is why he patiently disciplines us, or molds us Joseph knew God's laws regarding marriage - that is, one man for one wife and both become "one flesh. " Masolo zole yina basikaka na Nzozulu ya Nkengi ya Novembri 1, 1995 monisaka kuwakana ya bangogo ya Yezu yina kele na Matayo 24: 29 - 31 (tanga) ti yina kele na Matayo 25: 31, 32. Two articles in the October 15, 1995, issue of The Watchtower noted the similarities between Jesus ' words as recorded at Matthew 24: 29 - 31 (read) and those at Matthew 25: 31, 32. Drawing close to God through prayer is also an important way to receive holy spirit. - Read 1 John 3: 22. Sambu yandi vandaka mvwama mpi muntu ya nene na kati ya Bayuda mpi yandi vandaka muntu ya Roma. He experienced firsthand the wealth and privileges of high rank in the Jewish community and of Roman citizenship. However, God has given humans the ability to reason on what no animal has. Kana bambuma me yela imene, muntu yina ke yantika kusala ti mbele na yandi, sambu ntangu ya kukatula bambuma me lunga. " With such logical reasoning, Jesus proved that his accusations were unfair. 27 The Apostolic Fathers - Truly Apostolic? If mildness is within the family, there is a strong bond between parents and children. BANKUNGA: 116, 102 2: 9. SONGS: 95, 74 It shows us how former ones have abandoned Jehovah, and our heartfelt desire is that we continue to help any " lost sheep ' to return to the flock. 3: 17, 18. 3: 17, 18. He told them that if they sinned against Jehovah, no one could pray for them. 11, 12. (a) Inki mutindu beto lenda vanda kaka bantu ya kudikulumusa ata ntangu bantu ke sikisa beto to ke tuba mambu ya mbote sambu na beto? 3: 8, 9. 11, 12. (a) How can modesty help us to deal with flattery or excessive praise? Silas, a fellow worker of Paul, was a source of encouragement. Yandi tubaka nde: "Beno keba beno mosi, beno keba mbote - mbote mameme yina ya Mpeve ya Nzambi me pesaka beno na kutala. Paul reminded overseers living in Ephesus that they had been appointed by God through holy spirit. His servants are happy because they look for opportunities to help others. Tubanti yango ya fyotifyoti kebasisaka oxygène kuluta katikati ya mupepe ya beto kepemaka. Phytoplankton generates more than half of the oxygen we breathe. This promised Servant played a vital role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. Yandi tavanda zoba kana yandi vingila nde mwana - nkento yina kuvanda ya kukuka. He would be foolish to expect her to be perfect. When we consider what happened to Jesus shortly after his baptism, we will see the need to pray: "Do not let us fall into temptation. " Mu mbandu, Réveillez - vous! What did Charles Taze Russell write after studying the subject of perfection? Kudiyula bangiufula bonso yai: " Inki bikalulu muntu yina mu ke tanga mambu na yandi monisaka? Ask yourself such questions as these: " What qualities do I see in the person I am reading about? It is one thing to trust that God has a purpose for mankind and that even now we can gain that purpose by doing his will. Kutala pornografi ata sambu na mwa ntangu fyoti lenda vanda ti malanda ya mbi. Just a brief brush with pornography can have sad consequences. When the elder speaks to them, the couple may come to appreciate the counsel that each one needs to make the most of it. • Inki mutindu ngemba ya Kristu lenda yala ntima na beto na ntangu beto kemona mpasi ya kukonda kikuma? • How can the peace of the Christ control in our hearts when we face injustice? (b) When did Jesus ' disciples clearly understand the heavenly hope? Yo kele mfunu mpenza nde beto samuna Kimfumu na kikesa yonso mpi beto zinga na kuwakana ti minsiku na yo! How vital that we zealously proclaim the Kingdom and live by its principles! The speaker then invites the audience to comment briefly on the reading material. Beto kezabaka ve ntangu yina Yehowa tatinda Mwana na yandi sambu na kufwa ngidika ya bima yai ya mbi. We do not know just when Jehovah will send forth his Son to put an end to this wicked system of things. Those who are young or who have recently become Jehovah's Witnesses have read about these changes or have heard them from others. Yandi kepesa dikabu ya luzingu ya mvula na mvula kaka na bantu yina kelandaka mbandu ya Mwana na yandi, Yezu. He offers the gift of everlasting life only to those who imitate his Son, Jesus. Perhaps because you love God, you want to do what is right in his eyes. Ata mpidina, yo fwete vanda nde Yehowa kuwaka mpasi mingi kibeni na ntangu yandi monaka Mwana na yandi kenyokwama mpi mefwa na nti ya mpasi. Yet, seeing his beloved Son suffer and die on a torture stake must have caused Jehovah the greatest possible pain. " We all have a list of the spiritual goals we want to reach, and we regularly consider them during family study to see our progress. " Sambu na kuyela mbote na kimpeve, yo lombaka nde konso Mukristu kusala bikesa. To fare well spiritually, each Christian had to put forth personal effort. When I realized that my life was in conflict with Bible principles, I became angry and worried too much. [ Lupangu / Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 14] [ Box / Pictures on page 14] Jesus stated this principle: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Beto ta baka balusakumunu yai yonso kaka sambu na ntima ya mbote ya nene ya Yehowa. This will be possible only through Jehovah's undeserved kindness. One way is by choosing some lessons that you will study before reading the next Bible book. Sambu mabundu kekotaka na bamvita, terorizme mpi keladisaka bana - fyoti na kingolo - ngolo, yo kepusaka ata bantu yina kesambilaka na kutuba nde: "Mono kekwikilaka ve nde Nzambi kele. " Religion's involvement in war, terrorism, and the toleration of child abuse has led even prayerful people to say, "I don't believe in God. " If we want to help our brothers, we must first know them. Kansi, kana yo lombaka nde Yozue kutubila mambu yina yandi zabaka sambu na kulungisa mukumba yina, inki mambu yandi zolaka kutubila? Who knows whether we will be alive tomorrow? Sambu yandi zolaka ve nde bantu yina kuvandaka na kati ya maswa kufwa sambu na yandi, Yonasi kusongaka bo nde: "Beno baka mono, beno losa mono na nzadi - mungwa. Mpidina nzadi - mungwa ta vanda pima. " Not wanting the sailors aboard the vessel to lose their lives on his account, Jonah told them: "Lift me up and hurl me into the sea, and the sea will become still for you. " Kindness to God's Law Ya kieleka, kusadila bantu mambu na luzitu yonso ke nataka mambote mingi, mu mbandu ngemba. Indeed, treating others with respect yields many fine benefits - including peace. When do those four verses about Jesus ' coming apply? Makanda ya nzyunga kumonaka nde dyambu ya bantu ya Gabaoni kusalaka kuvandaka kigonsa sambu na bo. The surrounding nations view this defection as a threat to them. Others live in religiously divided households. Polo kundimaka lukanu ya Yehowa na kudikulumusa yonso. Yandi tubaka nde: "Mono ke lutaka kumona kiese na kuditula na mambu yina ke monikaka nde mono ke na kikesa ya kusala yo ve. Mpidina ngolo ya Kristo lenda keba mono. " Humbly accepting Jehovah's decision, Paul said: "Most gladly, therefore, will I rather boast as respects my weaknesses, that the power of the Christ may like a tent remain over me. " That word is another title of Satan, the first slanderer. - John 8: 44; Rev. Kima mepusaka Bambangi mingi na inza ya mvimba na kulonguka ndinga ya bidimbu ya bifwa - makutu ya insi na bo kele mpenza ntima yai ya bo ketulaka na Yehowa. It is precisely this trust in Jehovah that has led many Witnesses all over the world to learn the sign language of the deaf people in their country. It truly is a wonderful creation. Yehowa kemonisaka beto zola na yandi na mitindu mingi ya kuswaswana. Jehovah expresses his love for us in many different ways. Early in the 18th century, a group of Bible students began sharing in the preaching work of sincere people. Nkento yina kele Mukristu lenda sala nki kana bikalulu na yandi ya mbote kepusa ve bakala na yandi na kusoba? What can a Christian wife do if her unbelieving husband does not respond favorably to her fine conduct? When they learn that you love Jehovah deeply, they learn how important it is to serve him. Diaka, mwa bilumbu na ntwala ya Lusungiminu, bampangi mingi na kati na beto ta tanga masolo ya Biblia ya ke tubila mambu yina Yezu salaka mpi mambu yina salamaka na badati yina ke wakana ti ya mvu 33 T.B. Furthermore, in the days leading up to the Memorial, most of us will read the Bible accounts of what Jesus did and what occurred on the corresponding date in 33 C.E. Paul's expression "the especially acceptable time " and" the day of salvation " is still vital. Yandi ke yika nde: "Mono kele na ntonda mingi sambu Yehowa kele Nzambi na mono, ntangu yonso yandi ke pesaka beto bima yina beto ke vandaka na yo mfunu. " She added: "I am very thankful that Jehovah is my God. He always gives us the things we need. " WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Inki dikambu kubwaka na kati ya bansadi ya Abrami ti ya Loti, mpi sambu na nki yo lombaka nde bo yidika yo nswalu? What problem developed between the herders of Abram and Lot, and why was it important that it be resolved quickly? Moreover, if you feel that you need to make changes, do so. (Tanga Yoane 17: 16.) (Read John 17: 16.) Perhaps you have seen so many people getting baptized, perhaps your friends and relatives. Roma Rome The ENS helps to protect the body. Bo vandaka bonso bankengidi. They were like watchmen. How the "Eureka Drama Is Near! " Nkutu, ntangu zola ya kieleka ke pusaka beto na kusadila Nzambi, beto ke salaka mambu ya mbote mpi ke vandaka na kiese ya kusala yo! - Nkunga 100: 2. After all, when we serve God out of genuine love, not only will we do the right things but we will enjoy doing them! - Psalm 100: 2. * Kansi, bulemfu na bo na Nzambi kumonisaka pozisio na bo na ntembe yina ketadila kimfumu ya Yehowa. However, their obedience to God showed where they stood on the issue of Jehovah's sovereignty. What do God's friends look forward to? Nzambi kutubaka sambu na yandi nde: "Tala muntu na mono, ya mono ke pesa ngolo, muntu ya mono solaka, ya mono ke monina kiese. God says of him: "Look! My servant, on whom I keep fast hold! My chosen one, whom my soul has approved! All those who remain in darkness to drink just one cup. " Yo yina, bika nde Ndinga ya Nzambi kutwadisa nge, mpi sadila bandongisila na yo. Therefore, allow yourself to be guided by God's Word, and apply its advice. There are many other things that describe Christian morality, the Bible also contains other examples and counsel that apply to what you can learn, apply, and teach. 3: 5, 6. 3: 5, 6. However, just as students who know and write can increase their skills of reading skills, so we can grow up again by taking the lead in showing honor. Ya kyeleka, beto kezinga na "ntangu ya nsuka. " We are certainly in "the time of the end. " His God, Jehovah, told him to start war; God also revealed that he would use a woman to end war. Bo sadisaka beto na kubakisa nde beto lenda sala mambu mingi ya mbote na kisalu ya Yehowa. They brought us up to believe that we could do good things in Jehovah's service. [ Picture on page 15] Sambu na nki Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete samunaka kukonda kusukinina? Why did first - century Christians preach with urgency? What are some of the problems that anxiety so much? ' Dyaka, mikanda, masolo yina kele na bazulunalu mpi basite ya Internet kepesaka bibuti bandongisila yina bantangu yankaka kevandaka ya kuswasana. And books, magazine articles, and Internet sites offer parents a constant stream of sometimes conflicting advice. At times, though, they are being falsely accused. Bamvula zole na nima ya kukota na Betele, mono kumaka nsadi ya dibundu (bubu yai mutambusi ya kimvuka ya bankuluntu) na kisika ya mpangi Bill Yacos, na dibundu ya Shaw Unit na mbanza Toronto. Not long after I arrived at Bethel, I succeeded Bill Yacos as company servant (now known as the coordinator of the body of elders) of the Shaw Unit in Toronto. However, when the calling of "a kingdom of priests " began at Pentecost 33 C.E., there were other honesthearted Jews who accepted that opportunity. Mono ti dibuta na mono ke vingila ntangu yina beto ta longuka mambu mingi ya me tala Yehowa mpi ta sadila yandi kimakulu. How Would You Answer? Kansi yandi zabaka nde bo kele mpenza. He knew that they really existed. Sadly, some youths who serve God have become focusing on the fact that this world has only a short period of time. Inki kele lukanu na nge? What are you determined to do? So as we imitate God, we need to pay attention to the efforts of others to accept them. Kana ve "mvutudi - mbela ya menga, yina kelanda muntu ya mefwa muntu yankaka na makasi yonso, [lenda] kanga yandi mpi kufwa yandi. " - Kul. Otherwise "the blood - avenger, pursuing the manslayer in hot anger, [might] overtake him and kill him. " - Deut. How can considering this real discussion help us to make an effort to start Bible studies? Beto ketanga nde: "Yo takuma kilumbu mosi kaka yina tazabana nde ya Yehowa. We read: "It must become one day that is known as belonging to Jehovah. What makes us like that? Nzambi kutubaka nde yandi tafwa bantu ya vandaka kusala dyambu yina ya lusambu ya luvunu. God said that he would execute those who performed such an act of false worship. He gives us guidance when we need it. Kukonda kuzaba yo, bampeve yai ya mbi ya kezolaka mambu yina metala kuvukisa nitu, kesepelaka na bisalu ya mbi mpi ya mansoni yina bantu kesalaka na nsi - ntoto. - Ef. Behind the scenes, these sex perverts derive pleasure from the evil and debased actions of those whom they can corrupt on the earth. - Eph. (a) How did the Devil try Jesus three times? Bubu yai, Yehowa kesolulaka dyaka ve mbala mosi ti bantu. Jehovah does not communicate directly with anyone today. (b) How does Jehovah assure us that he is approachable? Yindula kiese yina bibuti na yandi yina vandaka na mpasi waka mpi mutindu bo yitukaka ntangu mwana na bo vutukaka na luzingu! May we be determined to avoid a snare of false deception. Ngolo ya Nzambi kemonanaka na lugangu God's Power Is Manifest in Creation Imagine that he sees a world that is very different from that of the world in which he lived. Diambu ya mfunu kele mambu ya beto ke salaka kana beto me kutana ti mpukumuna. What really matters is how we act when tempted. If you trust in Jehovah and obey him as Noah did, he will help you. - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Mupasudi - nzila mosi ya ntangu yonso ya kezingaka na États - Unis kwendaka kusosa kisalu yina zolaka kusadisa yandi mpi dibuta na yandi ya mvimba na kulanda kusala kisalu ya ntangu yonso. Mfumu ya kisalu zabisaka yandi nde, yandi tapesa yandi ve kisalu yango sambu mupasudi - nzila yina vandaka ve ti diplome ya iniversite. When a regular pioneer in the United States applied for a job that would help him to keep his entire family in full - time service, his supervisor told him that he would never get that position without a college degree. Could envy for the success of the wicked change the execution of God's judgment? Ntangu beto kesalaka na bumosi, beto kepesanaka kikesa. As we unitedly serve together, we draw strength from one another. 16 Learn From God's Word - What Is God's Kingdom? Sambu na nki yo kelombaka kuyidika mbote na ntwala mambu yina beto kelongukaka na balukutakanu ya dibundu? Why does the material we study at congregation meetings deserve careful advance preparation? While the resurrection is one of the primary teachings we have learned from the Bible, we need to learn it carefully. Bantu yango kuvandaka bantu ya lunungu, bansukami, bantu ya mawa, mpi bantu ya mpamba ya insi yina. They were the righteous, poor, lowly, and meek inhabitants of the land. Can we imagine that those present were thinking about certain things when they prayed? Dyambu yai ketadila mpi luzingu yina yandi pesaka bonso kimenga sambu na masumu ya bantu. This would include his laying down his life as a sacrifice for the sins of humankind. 6: 3. Ntangu Yezu tubilaka ntangu yina basoda ya Roma zolaka kunwanisa Yeruzalemi na mvu - nkama ya ntete, yandi pesaka balongoki na yandi ntuma ya kutina, kansi ve ya kubikala na Yeruzalemi sambu na kunwana bitumba. Balongoki salaka mambu yina yandi tubaka. - Luka 21: 20, 21. Foretelling the time when first - century Jerusalem would be attacked by Roman armies, Jesus instructed his disciples, not to stay and fight, but to flee - which they did. - Luke 21: 20, 21. When writing to the Corinthians, he commended them for their good. Yo kepesa bamvutu na bangyufula bonso: Sambu na nki bantu ya mbote kemonaka mpasi? More than that, though, it answers such questions as: Why do good people suffer? What if a person has a drinking problem but is careful not to get drunk? Yandi me silaka nde yandi ta sala mambu yina ta ndimisa bigangwa yonso nde yandi kele Mfumu, na ntangu yina yandi ta gulusa mpi bantu ya bulemfu. Hence, Jehovah will see to it that the vindication of his sovereignty includes the salvation of obedient humans! The Bible says: "It is the gift of God. " Ziku, Eliya yitukaka na mambu yina Akabi salaka sambu na lusambisu ya Nzambi. Perhaps Elijah was surprised at Ahab's reaction to the divine judgment. He said that his earthly ministry was "to be found in the truth. " - Read John 18: 37. (Tanga Bazuzi 11: 36.) (Read Judges 11: 36.) How? Inki mambu salamaka na ntangu ya ntama yina monisaka nde, Nzambi zingaka na kuwakana ti ntendula ya zina na yandi? What historic example shows that God lives up to the meaning of his name? In the meantime, any attempt to do Jehovah's people will never succeed. Yozefi kuzabaka bansiku ya Nzambi ya ketadila makwela, disongidila, bakala mosi sambu na nkento mosi mpi bo zole kekumaka "muntu mosi. " Joseph knew God's standard for marriage - one man for one woman, the two being "one flesh. " The Christians in Syrian Antioch faced situations that threatened their humble, forgiving attitude. Kukwenda pene - pene na Nzambi na nzila ya kisambu kele mpi mutindu mosi ya mfunu ya kubaka mpeve santu. - Tanga 1 Yoane 3: 22. Drawing close to God in prayer is also an important way that we obtain holy spirit. - Read 1 John 3: 22. Since our trust in Jehovah is strong in our heart, let us be determined not to give up in doing what is fine. Kansi, Nzambi mepesaka bantu mayele ya kuyindula yina ata mbisi mosi ve kele na yo. But God gave humans mental faculties that far surpass those of any animal. In fact, the primary responsibility of caring for the spiritual needs of God's people has been entrusted to them. Ti bangindu ya ndonga ya mutindu yai, Yezu kumonisaka nde mambu ya bo vandaka kufundila yandi vandaka masonga ve. With irrefutable logic, Jesus reduced their charge against him to an absurdity. He wrote: "Remember how you lived in the past. Kana mawete kele na kati ya dibuta, bangwisana kevandaka ya ngolo na kati ya bibuti ti bana. When mildness prevails in a family, close bonds between parents and children are strengthened. Yes, our heartfelt appreciation for Jehovah's marvelous creation should move us to serve him! Yo kepesaka beto mawa mutindu bantu yina kuvandaka ntete bampangi na beto meyambulaka Yehowa, mpi mpusa na beto ya masonga kele nde beto landa na kusadisa konso " dimeme yina me vila ' sambu yandi vutuka na kibuka ya mameme. It saddens us that former companions have left Jehovah, and it is our heartfelt desire to keep on helping each "lost sheep " to return to the flock. Today, there is no world peace, especially since many are "lovers of themselves, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of men. " Yandi songaka bo nde kana bo sumuka na Yehowa, ata muntu mosi ve lenda samba sambu na bo. Eli told them that if their sin was against Jehovah, there was nobody to pray for them. What a blessing it is to have good friends, who are truly blessed! - Proverbs 18: 24. Silasi, nduku ya kisalu ya Polo kuvandaka kisina ya kikesa. Paul's coworker Silas was a source of encouragement. Those who slander will suffer tribulation at the hands of a powerful man. Bansadi na yandi ke vandaka na kiese sambu bo ke sosaka mabaku ya kusadisa bantu ya nkaka. His servants are happy because they focus on helping others. When I was a teenager, I joined a violent gang, and I started to fight again. Muntu yai ya Nzambi silaka lungisaka mukumba ya nene na kulungana ya lukanu ya Yehowa. This Promised One would play a key role in fulfilling Jehovah's purpose. REGULAR FEATURES Kana beto me tadila diambu yina kuminaka Yezu ntangu fioti na nima ya kubaka mbotika, beto ta bakisa mfunu ya kusamba nde: "Kubika ve nde beto bwa na mpukumuna. " Considering what happened to Jesus shortly after his baptism can help us to understand the need for the request: "Do not bring us into temptation. " Jesus was led into the wilderness by God's spirit. How, though, does Satan destroy human wisdom? - 2 Corinthians 4: 4 - 6. Charles Taze Russell kusonikaka inki na nima ya kulonguka disolo ya ketadila kubaka dyaka luzingu ya kukuka? What did Charles Taze Russell write after examining the subject of restitution? So be determined to obey God's command to marry "only in the Lord. " Yo kele dyambu mosi ya kyeleka, yo kele kutula ntima ya kele mpenza na kikuma nde Nzambi kele ti lukanu mosi sambu na bantu mpi nde ata na ntangu yai beto lenda zwa mambote ya lukanu yango kana beto kesala luzolo na yandi. It is a real, well - founded confidence that God has a purpose for mankind and that even now we can benefit from that purpose if we do his will. At the end of the Thousand Year Reign, "the things on the earth " will be put to the final test. Ntangu nkuluntu yina ke solula ti bo, bankwelani yina lenda bakisa ndongisila yina konso muntu fwete sadila mbote - mbote diaka. As the elder guides the discussion, the husband and wife may discern what counsel each should apply more fully. Over the years, I went to the grave every day. (b) Inki ntangu balongoki ya Yezu kubakisaka pwelele kivuvu ya zulu? (b) When did Jesus ' followers gain a clear understanding of the heavenly hope? But we know that he did not humbly continue to walk with Jehovah. Na nima, mutubi kelombaka bawi na kupesa bakomantere ya nkufi na bangindu ya lutangu yina bo memona mfunu. Following the talk, the speaker invites the audience to make brief comments about aspects of the assigned reading that they found beneficial. One morning, a sister in our congregation who was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses came to my home and offered me a family. Bampangi yina kele batoko to bayina me kuma Bambangi ya Yehowa ntama mingi ve me tangaka mambu ya me tala bansoba yai to me waka yo na bampangi ya nkaka. Those who are young or comparatively new in the truth have read about the evidences of this transformation or have heard about it from others. So we can be courageous and say: " Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. ' " Ziku sambu nge kezolaka Nzambi, nge kezolaka kusala mambu yina kele mbote na meso na yandi. Perhaps because you love God, you want to do what is right in his eyes. REGULAR FEATURES Heidi keyika nde: "Beto yonso kevandaka ti listi ya balukanu ya kimpeve yina beto kezola kulungisa, mpi beto ketadilaka yo mbala na mbala na ntangu ya kulonguka ya dibuta sambu na kumona kuyela yina beto kesala. " Heidi adds: "All of us have a list with spiritual goals we want to meet, and we review these periodically during the family study to see what progress we are making. " If you are living in lands where the law allows God's teaching to be preached everywhere, do you glorify God by witnessing at school, or do you allow fear of man to stop you from preaching? Ntangu mono bakisaka nde luzingu na mono vandaka ve kuwakana ti minsiku ya Biblia, mono kudiwilaka makasi mpi kudiyangisaka mingi. When I realized how much my lifestyle contradicted Bible principles, I felt as if I had run into a brick wall. Those in the synagogue are so angry, touched, and thrown off to be thrown into the valley on top. Yezu kupesaka munsiku yai: "Muntu lenda binga beno ve nde " Longi ', sambu beno kele bampangi, beno ke kaka na Longi mosi mpamba. Jesus set out the principle: "Do not you be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, whereas all you are brothers. After saying, "Let your brotherly love continue. " Mutindu mosi ya kusala yo kele kupona mwa malongi ya nge talonguka na ntwala ya kutanga konso mukanda ya Biblia yina melanda. One way is to include selected study material prior to reading each successive Bible book. What can help you to choose good associations? Kana beto ke zola kusadisa bampangi na beto, beto fwete zaba bo ntete mbote. If we want to help our brothers and sisters, we need to know them well. SONGS: 47, 2 Nani me zaba kana mbasi beto ta vanda na luzingu? Who knows whether we will be alive tomorrow? What about reports of the encouraging Kingdom - preaching work that arise in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses? Mambote ya kuzitisa Bansiku ya Nzambi Benefiting From God's Moral Laws Then she touched the ark and said: "I say to you, Get up! " Baverse iya yai ya ke tubila kukwisa ya Yezu, ke tadila inki ntangu? To what time do these four instances of Jesus ' coming refer? Like other Bible writers, he understood what it means to believe. Bankaka diaka ke zingaka na mabuta yina kele ya kukabwana na mambu ya lusambu. Others are coping with emotional trials because of depression, panic attacks, or the aftereffects of abuse. People regularly get up in the street and invite them to study the Bible with them. " Ngogo yango kele titre yankaka ya Satana, muntu ya ntete yina kukusilaka bantu makambu. - Yoa. 8: 44; Kus. This word is used as another title of Satan, the foremost slanderer. - John 8: 44; Rev. Moses told them: "You must strike matters straight between you and older ones, even rich and poor, and you must not take sides. Yo kele mpenza kigangwa mosi ya kuyituka. It is indeed a marvel of design. Like him, we must maintain our integrity to Jehovah in big and small matters. Na luyantiku ya bamvu 1880, kibuka mosi ya balongoki ya Biblia yantikaka kusala kisalu ya kulonga bantu ya ntima masonga malongi mingi ya ntetentete ya Biblia. As early as the 1880 ' s, a group of Bible students began to engage in a Bible education work to restore many basic Bible truths to the hearts of sincere individuals. The judge judged them as being more dangerous than a German army. Kana bo me zaba nde nge ke zolaka Yehowa mingi, bo ta bakisa nde kusadila Yehowa kele mfunu. In any case, remember that you cannot force others to accept the truth. So we do not think to marry someone who does not love Jehovah! Bangogo ya Polo "ntangu ya mbote yo yai " mpi " bubu yai kele kilumbu ya luguluku ' kele kaka na mfunu. Paul's words "now is the especially acceptable time " and" now is the day of salvation " still apply. " The hand of Jehovah will be known to his servants. " - ISAIAH 66: 14. KETI YO TAVANDA MAKWELA YA KYESE TO YA MPASI? WILL IT BE A JOY OR A HEARTACHE? As a result, they were reminded that they lived at a time in the wilderness. Dyaka, kana nge mona nde nge fwete sala bansoba, sala yo. If you thus see that you should make changes, do so. And when Moses raised his hands upon the Israelites, the Israelites were victorious. Ziku nge me monaka bantu mingi ke baka mbotika, mbala ya nkaka banduku na nge mpi bantu ya dibuta. While growing up, you have probably seen many people get baptized, perhaps even some of your friends and your siblings. His parents ' training undoubtedly helped him. - Luke 2: 41 - 50. Butomfu ya divumu ke sadisaka na kutanina nitu. The ENS also supervises safety functions. When marriage mates do not get along well, there will be many problems. Mutindu Lukutakanu ya Distrike "Luguluku Mefinama! " As explained at the thrilling "Deliverance at Hand! " All rights reserved. * * In addition to the late 20th century, the brothers and sisters today Inki mambu banduku ya Nzambi ke vingila? What is in store for friends of God? • What does being baptized in the name of the Father mean to you? Bantu yonso yina kebikalaka tii na mpimpa, sambu na kunwa kaka dikopa mosi dyaka. " " Everyone who stays up late, having just one more drink. " What can help us to maintain our spiritual balance if we are severely reproached? Kele ti mambu yankaka mingi ya ketendulaka bikalulu ya Bukristu, Biblia mpi kele ti bambandu yankaka mpi bandongisila mingi ya kewakana ti mambu yango yina nge lenda longuka, kusadila, mpi kulonga. There are many other aspects of Christian morality, and correspondingly many other Bible examples and points of counsel, that you can study, apply, and teach. Why? Kansi, kaka mutindu balongoki ya mezaba kutanga ti kusonika lenda yela dyaka na kutomisaka mayele na bo ya kutanga, mutindu mosi beto lenda yela dyaka na kubakaka kisika ya ntete na kupesa lukumu. However, just as literate students can make further progress by improving their reading skills, so we can make further progress by taking the lead in showing honor. (a) What thrilling future awaits all who have God's view of righteousness? Yehowa, Nzambi na yandi zabisaka yandi na kuyantika bitumba; Nzambi monisaka mpi nde yandi ta sadila nkento sambu na kusukisa bitumba. Jehovah, her God, had told her to start this war; he had also revealed that he would use a woman to bring it to an end. For example, what did Jesus do when Satan challenged him to translate stones into bread? [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 15] [ Picture on page 20] We should not view acts of hands that are taking place in behalf of true worship that are not proper for us, as "the older men of the land " did. Really Need Others? He also knows his sheep and their deeds. Inki kele bampasi yina ke yangisa mingi? ' Which ones are the most terrifying? ' Your reminders make me happy.... Kansi, bantangu yankaka bantu kekusilaka bo makambu. At times, however, they have been misrepresented. " Jehovah's Witnesses were among the small groups of people who were persecuted repeatedly during both German rule. " Kansi, ntangu kuponama ya bantu yina tasala "kimfumu ya banganga - Nzambi " na zulu kuyantikaka na Pantekoti ya mvu 33 T.B., yo vandaka ti Bayuda yankaka ya ntima ya mbote yina kundimaka dibaku yina. However, when the selection of those who would form the heavenly "kingdom of priests " started at Pentecost 33 C.E., there were some righthearted Jews who accepted the invitation. Take, for example, one such example. Inki Mutindu Nge Tavutula? How Would You Answer? At times, though, you may recall the sin you have committed and that could cause you to feel discouraged. Kansi yo kele mawa na kumona nde baleke yankaka yina kesadilaka Nzambi keyambula kutula dikebi nde nsi - ntoto yai mebikala kaka ti ntangu fyoti. Sadly, some young servants of God have let their guard down and have allowed themselves to lose sight of how short a time this world has. We must choose whom we will listen. Yo yina, sambu beto kelandaka mbandu ya Nzambi, beto fwete tulaka dikebi na bikesa yina bankaka kesalaka sambu na kundima yo. Hence, as imitators of God, we should be alert to recognize the efforts of others. Like many parts of the world, archaeologists believe that spirits can help or harm a person. Inki mutindu kutadila disolo yai ya kyeleka lenda sadisa beto na kusala kikesa sambu na kuyantika kulonguka Biblia ti bantu? How can a review of this historical account help us focus on starting home Bible studies? Rather, it is designed to help us accomplish our ministry more fully. Inki mesalaka nde beto kuma mutindu yina? What is the cause of this condition? This will help us to resist pressure from people and to be intimidated by fear of man. Yandi ke pesaka beto lutwadisu na ntangu yina beto kele na yo mfunu. He provides ample guidance just when we need it. Regarding moral and moral standards, the Encyclopædia Britannica states: "It is not surprising that people know what is right rather than what is wrong, but they do what is good for their own. (a) Inki mutindu Dyabulu kumekaka Yezu na mbala ya tatu? (a) How did the Devil tempt Jesus for the third time? Jehovah gave the first human pair the task of expanding the garden of Eden into a global scale. (b) Inki mutindu Yehowa ke ndimisaka beto nde yandi kele muntu yina beto lenda solula ti yandi kukonda mpasi? (b) How does Jehovah assure us that he is approachable? 15 or 20 brothers at Bethel were working on the farm. Bika nde beto baka lukanu ya kutina mutambu ya kubumbana ya luvunu. May we be determined to avoid the subtle snare of self - deception. Rather, it seemed that they would " add to [him]. " Yindula nde yandi ke mona nsi - ntoto mosi ya me swaswana kibeni ti nsi - ntoto yina yandi vandaka kuzinga. Imagine that a view opened before him, showing a world wholly different from the one he knew. [ Picture on page 10] Kana nge ke tudila Yehowa ntima mpi ke lemfukila yandi bonso Noa, yandi ta sadisa nge. - Bafilipi 4: 6, 7. 4: 6, 7. Jehovah, the Grand Instructor, considers us worthy of our ministry. Keti kulula kutoma ya meso ya bantu ya mbi lenda soba ndola yina ya Nzambi tapesa bo? Does envy of the apparent advantages that the wicked enjoy alter the outcome for them? However, when Jesus told him, "the Son of man is not in his place to go to bed, " the teacher came to have another viewpoint. APRILI 30, 2012 - MAYI 6, 2012 In the Bible, only John wrote that "God is love. " Ata lufutumuku kele na kati ya malongi ya ntete - ntete yina beto longukaka na Biblia, beto fwete longuka yo diaka mbote - mbote. But the fact that the resurrection is included as a primary doctrine, one of the "elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God, " does not mean that it is a simplistic teaching. Jehovah is near, ready to listen to every prayer Keti beto lenda yindula nde bantu yina kuvandaka pana vandaka kuyindula na bima yankaka ntangu bo vandaka kusamba? Can we imagine any of those present letting their mind wander during that prayer? The wisdom of the elders is required not to take sides in judicial matters within the congregation. 6: 3. 6: 3. Eve did not accept Jehovah as the most important Person in her life. Ntangu yandi sonikilaka Bakristu ya Korinto, yandi sikisaka bo sambu na mambu ya mbote yina bo vandaka kusala. For example, he sincerely commended the Christians in Corinth regarding some aspects of their conduct. By showing love and respect for her husband, a fine wife works to make a success of their marriage and for the well - being of the entire family. Inki beto lenda tuba kana muntu kele ti kikalulu ya kunwa malafu kansi yandi kesalaka yonso sambu bantu kumona ve nde yandi melauka malafu? What if one uses alcohol but is careful not to drink to the point of being visibly drunk? Abraham's life is truly a fine example of proof of this. Biblia ke tuba nde: "Kana muntu kudia ti kunwa ti kumona kiese sambu na bima ya yandi me zwa na kisalu na yandi, yo kele matabisi ya Nzambi. " " Everyone should eat and drink and find enjoyment for all his hard work. It is the gift of God. " What Others Have Learned to Speak to Their Faith Yandi tubaka nde kisalu na yandi na ntoto vandaka ya kuta "kimbangi sambu na kieleka. " - Tanga Yoane 18: 37. He told Pilate that his work on earth was to "bear witness to the truth. " - Read John 18: 37. Why did Jesus use illustrations? Inki mutindu? How? What, though, about that sin, which differs from the original sin and anger of God? Na ntwala nde mambu yai kusalama, konso kima yina Leviatani tameka kusala bantu ya Yehowa tanunga ve ata fyoti. Meantime, nothing that Leviathan may try against Jehovah's people will have lasting success. First, be patient. Bakristu ya Antioshe ya Siria kutanaka ti mambu yina zolaka kubebisa kikalulu na bo ya kudikulumusa mpi ya kulolula. The first - century Christians in Syrian Antioch faced a situation that tested not only their humility but also their willingness to forgive. Proverbs 3: 11, 12 says: "My son, do not reject Jehovah's discipline, " adds:" Because Jehovah disciplines those whom he loves. " Sambu kivuvu yina beto kele na yo na Yehowa kele ya ngolo na ntima na beto, bika nde beto baka lukanu ya kukonda kulemba na kusala mambu ya mbote. With hope in Jehovah deeply rooted in our heart, may we be resolved not to give up in doing what is fine. How did we improve our understanding of the illustration of the sheep and the goats? Nkutu, mukumba ya ntetentete ya kulungisa bampusa ya kimpeve ya bantu ya Nzambi mepesamaka na bo. After all, the chief responsibility for caring for the spiritual welfare of God's people has been entrusted to them. Earlier, Jehovah communicated with Adam in ancient Hebrew, but he can communicate with humans in every language. Yandi sonikaka nde: "Beno yindula nki mutindu beno vandaka kuzinga ntete na bilumbu yina lutaka. He wrote: "Keep on remembering the former days in which, after you were enlightened, you endured a great contest under sufferings. " Would you like to learn more about what will help you to cope with grief? Ya kyeleka, ntonda na beto ya masonga sambu na bima ya kitoko yina Yehowa megangaka fwete pusa beto na kusadila yandi! Should not heartfelt appreciation for the wondrous creation make us want to serve him? Thus, a pioneer needs to exercise self - control in order to avoid unnecessary stealing when he should act on those important matters. Bubu yai, ngemba kele ve na nsi - ntoto, mingimingi sambu bantu mingi " kezolaka bantu ya nkaka ve, bo mekumaka nku. ' Today, the world lacks peace, in large measure because so many people have become "lovers of themselves,... having no natural affection. " The Bible adds: "For the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " Yo kesalaka nde beto vanda ti banduku ya mbote, yina kele lusakumunu mosi ya nene kibeni! - Bingana 18: 24. As a result, we will have loyal friends - a precious reward indeed! - Proverbs 18: 24. Whether people appreciate it or not, rendering sacred service to Jehovah through our ministry brings us great joy. - Ps. 71: 23; read Romans 1: 9. Bantu ya ketongaka tamona mpasi na maboko ya muntu ya ngolo mingi. Slanderers will suffer calamity at the hands of "a mighty man. " Millions of people have come to know the living God through creation. Ntangu mono kumaka toko, mono kotaka na kimvuka mosi ya bantu ya mubulu mpi mono kumaka kunwana ngolo diaka. As a teenager, I joined a notorious gang, which got me into even more violent conflicts. As time goes on, Jehovah has continued to reveal certain real meaning to us, including the clear understanding of his prophetic word. MASOLO YANKAKA YINA KE NA KATI: " I DO NOT THAT THAT HELPED IN THE TRUTH " Kansi, inki mutindu Satana kefwaka mayele ya bantu? - 2 Korinto 4: 4 - 6. How, though, does Satan blind people's minds? - 2 Corinthians 4: 4 - 6. (Read 1 John 3: 16 - 18.) Yo yina, baka lukanu ya kulemfuka na ntuma ya Nzambi ya kukwela "kaka na Mfumu. " So be determined to stick to the divine commandment to marry "only in the Lord. " 1, 2. Na nsuka ya Luyalu ya Bamvula Funda, " bima yina kele na ntoto ' tamekama na kumekama ya nsuka. At the end of the thousand years, the "things on the earth " will be subjected to a final test. How important it is to make these changes! Na nsungi ya bamvula mingi, mono vandaka kukwenda na maziamu konso kilumbu. For many years, I went to the cemetery nearly every day. We can use Bible teachings to help others to conform their thinking to the truth. Kansi beto me zaba nde yandi landaka ve kutambula ti Yehowa na kudikulumusa yonso. But it could be that he completely forgot that he was supposed to be " walking modestly with God. ' Pornography is wrong, for it nurtures improper desires and greed, damages the conscience, destroys the marriage, and robs us of respect for each individual who looks on it. - Prov. Kilumbu mosi na suka, mpangi - nkento mosi ya dibundu na beto, yina bakala na yandi vandaka ve Mbangi ya Yehowa kwisaka na nzo mpi pesaka mono amvelope. A sister in our congregation, whose husband was an unbeliever, knocked on our door early one morning and handed me an envelope. Consider the following. Yo yina, beto lenda vanda ti kikesa mpi kutuba nde: "Yehowa kele nsadisi na mono; mono ta wa boma ve. " ' " So that we may be of good courage and say: "Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. " ' " " Where, O Jehovah, are you going? " MASOLO YA KULONGUKA SAMBU NA BAMPOSO YA: Such humility is in harmony with the apostle Paul's counsel. - Read Romans 12: 17 - 19. Baleke, kana beno kezinga na bansi yina nsiku kepesa nswa nde bantu kulonga malongi ya Nzambi na bisika ya bantu yonso, keti beno kepesaka Nzambi lukumu na kutaka kimbangi na nzo - nkanda, to keti beno kebikaka nde boma ya bantu kukangisa beno nzila ya kusamuna? Young ones, if you live in a land where the law permits it, do you give God glory by witnessing in school, or do you allow fear of man to hold you back? Let us therefore consider four key questions. Bantu yina kele na sinagoga mewa makasi mingi, bo metelama, bo mesimba Yezu, mpi bo mebasisa yandi ntinu na nsongi ya ngumba sambu na kwenda kulosa yandi na dibengi ntu na nsi makulu na zulu. Filled with anger, those in the synagogue rise up, seize Jesus, and rush him out to a mountainside to hurl him headfirst over the cliff. Others choose to walk on foot so as to adjust and understand better where they see. Na nima ya kutuba nde, "mbote zola na beno ya kimpangi kuvanda kaka, " Polo tubilaka mambu mingi yina lenda sadisa Bakristu na kumonisa zola yango. After saying "let your brotherly love continue, " the apostle Paul listed several ways that Christians can do this. 9 - 11. (a) What challenges may some face? Inki lenda sadisa nge na kupona banduku ya mbote? What can help you to make good choices in this regard? He was referring to forgiveness of our sins. BANKUNGA: 47, 2 30 Our Readers Ask We should also remember that Jehovah " knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. ' - 2 Pet. Inki beto lenda tuba sambu na balapolo ya kisalu ya kusamuna Kimfumu ya kepesaka kikesa, yina kebasikaka na Annuaire des Témoins de Jéhovah? And what about the encouraging reports of the Kingdom - preaching activities that are published in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, think carefully about Jeremiah, Jeremiah's secretary, and Jehovah's loving counsel. Na nima yandi simbaka sanduku ebuna yandi tubaka nde: "Mpangi na mono, mono ke tubila nge: telama! " Then he touched the bier and said: "Young man, I say to you, Get up! " (See opening image.) (c) Why should Samuel's example teach the elders today? Bonso bansoniki ya nkaka ya Biblia, yandi mpi bakisaka ntendula ya lukwikilu. Did he appreciate the depth of meaning that other Bible writers had been inspired to explain respecting true Christian faith? Also, the conduct of the Witnesses impressed me. Mbala na mbala, bantu ketedimisaka bampangi na balabala mpi kelombaka bo na kulonguka ti bo Biblia. " The brothers are often stopped on the street and asked for a Bible study. " I enjoyed working with Brother Knorr. Moize kuzabisaka bo nde: "Beno fweti zenga makambu kiteso mosi, ata ya mbuta ata ya leki, ata ya mvwama ata ya nsukami; beno lenda kotila muntu ve. You should hear the little one the same as the great one. And you may wonder if it is worth the effort. Bonso yandi, beto fwete tanina kwikama na Yehowa na mambu ya nene ti ya fyoti. Like him, we need to maintain integrity to Jehovah in matters large and small. What important question should we ask ourselves before engaging in any assignment, and why? Zuzi yina vandaka kusambisa bo tubaka nde bo vandaka kigonsa kuluta kimvuka mosi ya basoda ya Allemagne. When passing sentence, the judge in the case declared: "The religious propaganda in which these men are engaged is more harmful than a division of German soldiers... The Greek word translated "pangs of distress " refers to all human suffering. Yo yina beto ke yindulaka ve ata fioti kukwela muntu yina ke zolaka ve Yehowa! That is why we do not even think about marrying someone who does not love Jehovah! That should not be the case. " Diboko ya Yehowa ta zabana na bansadi na yandi. " - YEZAYA 66: 14. " The hand of Jehovah will become known to his servants. " - ISAIAH 66: 14. It is a special expression of self - deception. Mpidina yo vandaka kuyibusa bo nde bo zingaka ntangu mosi na bisasa na ntoto ya zelo na zelo. They were thus reminded that at one time they had dwelled in booths in the wilderness. Then, on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., by means of Jesus, God has poured out his holy spirit, laying the foundation of the Christian congregation, which is "a new creation. " - 2 Corinthians 5: 17; Acts 2: 1 - 4. Mpi ntangu Moize vandaka kunangula maboko bantu ya Izraele vandaka kununga bitumba. The Israelites proved superior in battle when Moses raised his hands. Not surprisingly, some time later those who learned about God at the University of Mount Paris tried to stop Lefèvre from doing what he was doing. Ntembe kele ve nde, malongi ya bibuti na yandi kusadisaka yandi. - Luka 2: 41 - 50. Doubtless, he had been aided by parental training. - Luke 2: 41 - 50. The world is keenly interested in the beauty of the eyes, especially in the matter of women. Kana bankwelani ke wakana mbote, mambu mingi ya mpasi ta kumina bo ve. When Christian mates work together, many problems can be eliminated. Peter also encouraged elders to shepherd the flock "to receive, not money, but willingly. " Banswa yonso kele kaka ya bansoniki. All rights reserved. What touched Agrippa's heart? Byron ti Greg Byron and Greg This death is the end of life, as was Adam's case. • Kubaka mbotika na zina ya Tata ketendula nki sambu na nge? • What does being baptized in the name of the Father involve for you? Jesus spoke to certain Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection. Inki lenda sadisa beto na kutanina bukatikati na beto ya kimpeve kana bo kefinga beto ngolo mpenza? What can help us to maintain our spiritual balance when we face severe reproach? First, recall the time when the tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus paid the temple tax. Sambu na nki? Why? Remembering these things will help us to avoid self - examination. - Matthew 26: 33 - 35, 69 - 75. (a) Inki makwisa ya kyese kevingila bantu yonso yina Nzambi ketadilaka bonso bantu ya lunungu? (a) What happy future awaits all whom God views as righteous? • How can we hide Jehovah's name today? (Matayo 4: 24 - 11) Mu mbandu, nki Yezu kusalaka ntangu Satana kuzabisaka yandi na ntembe yonso na kubalula matadi yo kuma mampa? For example, how did Jesus react when Satan challenged him to turn some stones into loaves of bread? He added: "He is a short path to show humility. Beto fwete tadila ve bisalu ya maboko yina kesalama sambu na mambote ya lusambu ya kyeleka nde yo mefwana ve sambu na beto, mutindu "bambuta ya bwala " Tekoa kusalaka. We should not consider manual work done in the interests of true worship beneath our dignity, as did the "majestic ones " of the Tekoites. After four months, help came, but they had already died. Yandi mezaba mpi mameme na yandi ti mambu yina bo kesalaka. He also knows his sheep and their deeds. Jesus showed this when he said: "I and the Father are one person. " Malongi na nge ke pesaka mono kiese.... I shall not forget your word. What is the nature of those who "are in accord with the flesh "? Gerald Hacke ya Institut mosi (Hannah - Arendt - Institute for Research Into Totalitarianism) kusonikaka nde: "Bambangi ya Yehowa kuvandaka na kati ya mwa bimvuka ya bantu yina bo vandaka kumonisa mpasi mbala na mbala na baluyalu ya kidiktatire yonso zole ya Allemagne. " Gerald Hacke of the Hannah - Arendt - Institute for Research Into Totalitarianism writes: "Jehovah's Witnesses were one of the few social groups to be persecuted almost continually by both dictatorships on German soil. " I never felt that way, and I felt that I could no longer do anything. Beto tadila mbandu ya Selma. Consider the case of Selma. About 70 brothers and sisters - from 18 to 50 years - were assigned to serve in the Philippines. Kansi, bantangu yankaka nge lenda yibuka disumu ya nge salaka mpi dyambu yina lenda lembisa nge nitu. In either situation, your past sin may come to mind and distress you. He sees everything that is invisible. Beto fwete sola nani beto ta widikila. We have to decide whom we will listen to. Yes. Bonso na bitini mingi ya nsi - ntoto, bantu ya Bisanga ya Salomon kekwikilaka nde bampeve lenda sadisa muntu to kusala yandi mbi. As is the case of people in numerous other parts of the world, inhabitants of the Solomon Islands believe that spirits can either help or harm a person. However, we have a fight against spiritual warfare that we need to develop the wisdom needed to avoid spiritual death. Kansi, yo kele sambu na kusadisa beto na kusala mbote - mbote kisalu ya kutambula. Rather, it would serve to equip us to become more effective in the traveling work. As a result, the woman started to study the Bible at home with Linda. Yo tasadisa beto na kutelamina bupusi ya bantu mpi beto tawa bantu boma ve. This will help us to resist pressure and conquer fear of man. First - century disciples of Jesus Christ were called "Christians. " Sambu na yina metala minsiku ya bikalulu ya mbote ti ya mbi, Encyclopædia Britannica ketuba nde: "Yo keyitukisa ve na kumona nde bantu kezabaka mambu ya mbote ya bo fwete sala, kansi na kisika ya kusala yo, bo kesalaka mambu yina kevandaka sambu na mambote na bo mosi. The Encyclopædia Britannica, in discussing ethics, observes: "It does not seem surprising if people know what they ought morally to do but then proceed to do what is in their own interests instead. Paul said: "Brothers, we exhort you to show them deep respect for those who are working hard among you and who are appointed by the Lord, to guide you and to teach you, to show them extraordinary respect for their ministry. Yehowa kupesaka bankwelani ya ntete kisalu ya kuyalumuna kilanga ya Edeni sambu yo kuma na ntoto ya mvimba. Jehovah gave the first human couple the commission to expand the garden in Eden to cover the earth. He pronounced judgment on each of the Ten Plagues that plague the Egyptians. Bampangi 15 to 20 ya Betele vandaka kusala na ferme. Only 15 to 20 members of the Bethel family were assigned to the farm. They went out of the race, marching against lions. Kansi, yo monanaka nde bo vandaka " kuyika yandi mpasi. ' Nevertheless, they proved to be "troublesome comforters. " Proverbs 25: 11 states: "A word spoken at the right time is like gold in silver. " [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 16] [ Picture on page 10] Those words are simple but deep! Yehowa, Longi ya Nene, kemonaka beto nde beto mefwana na kusala kisalu ya kusamuna. The Great Educator, Jehovah, qualifies us for the ministry. He found comfort in knowing that God could help him. Kansi, ntangu Yezu kuzabisaka yandi nde, "Mwana - muntu ke na kisika ve ya yandi lenda kwenda kulala " longi yango kukumaka ti mabanza yankaka. However, when Jesus told him that "the Son of man has nowhere to lay down his head, " the scribe had second thoughts. (b) Who is Jesus ' figurative wife, and how should husbands treat their wives? Na Biblia, Yoane mpamba muntu me sonikaka nde "Nzambi kele zola. " John alone wrote that "God is love. " • How can we improve the way we conduct Bible studies at home? Yehowa kele penepene, yandi kele ya kuyilama na kuwa konso kisambu Jehovah is close, ready to hear our every prayer Our faith in Jehovah's promises can be of great comfort to us when we face trials today. Mayele ya zulu kelombaka na bankuluntu na kukonda kukotila muntu mosi na ntangu bo kesambisaka makambu na kati ya dibundu. Heavenly wisdom dictates that elders avoid partiality when judging matters in the congregation. Who will be honored for all these blessings? Eva kundimaka ve nde Yehowa kuvandaka Muntu ya kuluta mfunu na luzingu na yandi. Eve did not acknowledge Jehovah as the most important Person in her life. They look for signs of the future, the use of the fine seed, the hands of men to show them what happens, or they tell people to look at signs of what lies ahead. Ntangu yandi kemonisaka zola mpi luzitu na bakala na yandi, nkento yina kele mbandu ya mbote kesalaka mambu sambu makwela na bo kununga mpi sambu na mambote ya dibuta ya mvimba. By showing love and respect for her husband, an exemplary wife contributes much to the marital partnership and to the well - being of the entire family. Today, elders need to imitate him in this regard. Luzingu ya Abrahami kele mpenza mbandu ya mbote ya kendimisa dyambu yai. The life of Abraham certainly is a testimony to that fact. According to Revelation 11: 2, 3, 3, and 12: 6, 14, three and a half times are a period of 1,000 days. Mambu Yina Bantu Yankaka Mesadilaka Sambu na Kutubila Lukwikilu na Bo Situations Some Have Used to Speak About Their Faith After a brief study, Kingsley decided to enroll in the Theocratic Ministry School. Sambu na nki Yezu vandaka kusadila bambandu? Why did Jesus use illustrations? Many of them are full - time servants, missionaries, and members of the Bethel family. Dyaka, inki beto lenda tuba sambu na disumu yango, yina meswaswana ti disumu ya kisina - keti yo mpi kepesaka Nzambi makasi? What, now, of the idea that personal sins - as distinct from inherited sin - also offend God? What good news! Ya ntete, vanda ntima - nda. First, be patient. They view humans as "a fish or as fish " that must be put to death. Bingana 3: 11, 12 ke tuba nde: "Mwana na mono, kubuya ve ndola ya Yehowa. " Yo ke yika nde: "Sambu Yehowa ke nganinaka bantu yina yandi ke zolaka. " " My son, do not reject the discipline of Jehovah,... for those whom Jehovah loves he reproves, " says Proverbs 3: 11, 12. After celebrating this Jewish festival, Jesus told Judas Iscariot to appear and instituted the evening meal that had become the Memorial of Christ's death as a Christian. Na 1923, inki mutindu beto tomisaka mutindu na beto ya kubakisa kingana ya mameme mpi bankombo? In the 1920 ' s, how was our understanding refined? If you do, you can enjoy this new life. Na luyantiku, Yehowa vandaka kusolula ti Adami na Kiebreo ya ntama; kansi yandi lenda solula ti bantu na konso ndinga. In the beginning, he used ancient Hebrew to communicate with Adam, but Jehovah can communicate with humans in any language. • By means of the various signs he used, how did Jehovah foretell the growth of Kingdom proclaimers in our day? Keti nge ta zola kuzaba mambu mingi yina ta sadisa nge na kukanga ntima na mpasi yina lufwa ke nataka? Would you like to learn more about how to cope with grief? 15, 16. Yo yina, mupasudi - nzila fwete kudiyala sambu mambu ya kukonda mfunu kuyiba ve ntangu yina yandi fwete sadila na mambu yina ya mfunu. Accordingly, a pioneer needs self - discipline so that less important activities do not encroach on the time he has set aside for those essential things. When he received discipline, David humbly accepted his error and prepared his relationship with Jehovah. - Ps. Sambu na nki bo ta zinga na ngemba? Biblia ke yika nde: "Sambu ntoto ta fuluka kibeni ti nzayilu ya Yehowa. " Notice that this tranquil state of affairs will prevail "because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. " We realize that we should be determined not to neglect our Christian responsibilities or allow our zeal for God's service to diminish. Ata bantu kusepela na kuwa yo to ve, kusadila Yehowa kisalu ya santu na nsadisa ya kisalu na beto ya kusamuna kepesaka beto kyese ya mingi. - Nk. 71: 23; tanga Roma 1: 9. Whether we find a receptive ear or not, rendering sacred service to Jehovah by means of our preaching brings us great joy. - Ps. 71: 23; read Romans 1: 9. To learn the entity available at, contact the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in your country. me sadisa bamilio ya bantu na kuzaba Nzambi ya moyo na nzila ya lugangu. articles that especially impressed you? Says Leviticus 19: 18: "You must not take vengeance nor hold a grudge against the sons of your people, and you must love your fellow as yourself. " Mpila bamvula keluta, Yehowa kelanda na kupesa beto bantendula yankaka ya kyeleka, yika mpi mbakisa ya pwelele ya ndinga ya baprofete na yandi. As the years pass, Jehovah continues to give us further clarification of truth, including a clearer understanding of his prophetic word. Some have sought it for decades and have made great sacrifices to find it. " MONO MESOBA MUTINDU YA KUTADILA MUKANDA YA BISALU " " THE BOOK OF ACTS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME FOR ME " When we share upbuilding conversations with others, we help them to remain spiritually and emotionally healthy. (Tanga 1 Yoane 3: 16 - 18.) (Read 1 John 3: 16 - 18.) Therefore I exhort you to show him that you love him. " 1, 2. 1, 2. What should be our determination? Yo kele mfunu mingi na kusala bansoba yai! And how important these changes are! If you choose the first two ways, you will destroy your home in your own hands. Beto lenda sadila malongi ya Biblia sambu na kusadisa bantu yankaka na kuwakanisa mabanza na bo ti kyeleka. The teachings of the Bible can be used to help others bring their thinking in line with the truth. Matthew reports what happened when Jesus was judged: "He was beaten, beaten, and struck. Pornografi kele mbi, sambu yo keyedisaka bampusa ya mbi ti ya bwimi, kebebisaka kansansa, kefwaka makwela, mpi kekatulaka luzitu ya konso muntu yina ketalaka yo. - Bing. Pornography is harmful, for it inflames wrong and greedy desires, damages the conscience, erodes marriages, and degrades everyone involved. - Prov. Jehovah's servants must not be hypocrites. Kutadila gramere. Analyze the grammar. No. " MFUMU, nge ke kwenda wapi? " " LORD, where are you going? " However, Gideon's forces were small compared with the Midianites, the 4 soldiers of Midianites for 1 Israel's army. Kudikulumusa ya mutindu yai kewakana ti bandongisila ya ntumwa Polo. - Tanga Roma 12: 17 - 19. Such meekness harmonizes with the apostle Paul's counsel. - Read Romans 12: 17 - 19. (b) What does this teach us about Jehovah and Jesus? Yo yina, bika beto tadila bangyufula iya ya mfunu. Let us consider, then, four basic questions. We too cannot have a valid reason if we become forgetful hearers. Bankaka dyaka keponaka kutambula na makulu sambu na kuyikana mpi kubakisa kuluta mbote kisika yina bo ketala. Still others choose hiking as a way to get familiar with and savor an area. They were written for me! " 9 - 11. (a) Inki bampasi bampangi ya nkaka lenda kutana ti yo? 9 - 11. (a) What difficult situations may some face? When I was young, my relatives were very angry. Yandi vandaka kutubila ndolula ya masumu na beto. He had in mind the forgiveness of our sins. Women will long for their husbands to love and care for them, but husbands will have to deal with their wives, even as we do today. Beto fwete yibuka mpi nde Yehowa "kuzaba nki mutindu yandi fweti katula bantu na yandi na mpasi. " - 2 Pie. Remember, too, that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Pet. As a loving Father, he knows when we forget and is eager to see us change our ways. Kana yo kele mutindu yina, yindula dyaka mbotembote Baruki, sekretere ya Yeremia, mpi ndongisila ya zola yina Yehowa kupesaka yandi. If so, reflect on Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary, and on Jehovah's loving counsel to him. One brother explained: "When praying together, it is an act of genuine compassion, even for a minor problem. " - Eph. (Tala kifwanisu yina kele na luyantiku ya disolo.) (c) Sambu na nki bubu yai mbandu ya Samuele fwete pesa bankuluntu malongi? (See opening image.) (c) Why should this Bible account about Samuel be of special interest to elders today? In the Gospel of John, we note that Jesus spoke of three basic requirements that each person wants to be his disciple. Diaka, bikalulu ya Bambangi yitukisaka mono. I was also impressed by the conduct of the Witnesses. Seek God's Wisdom Mono vandaka na kiese ya kusala ti mpangi Knorr. Working with Brother Knorr was truly a pleasure. Yes, through Bible study, we listen to Jehovah's instructions. Mpi nge lenda kudiyula kana yo mefwana mpenza na kusadila yo bikesa. And you may wonder if it is worth it. Many older ones say that they are not harsh. But they do more than draw on God's power. Because Jehovah assures us: "My word will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted, and it will have certain success in that for which I have sent it. " Inki ngyufula ya mfunu beto fwete kudiyula na ntwala ya kusala konso kisalu yina, mpi sambu na inki? What vital question should we ask before undertaking any pursuit, and why? Realizing the meaning of this vision, Peter went with them the next day that followed Cornelius's hometown. Ngogo ya Kigreki ya bo balulaka nde "misongo " ketendula bampasi yina bantu yonso kemonaka. The original - language word rendered "pangs of distress " refers to the intense pain experienced during childbirth. Make good use of your time. Beto fwete tuba ve mpidina. We need not conclude that. The disciple James earnestly tells us: "All such pride is wicked. " Yo kele mutindu mosi ya sipesiali ya kudizaba beto mosi. It is a special kind of self - awareness. In addition to working with our local congregation, we can also find opportunities to serve where there is a greater need, whether in the territory, in language, or in another country. Ebuna, na kilumbu ya Pantekoti ya mvu 33 ya T.B., na nsadisa ya Yezu ya mebakaka lukumu mingi, Nzambi tyamunaka mpeve santu na yandi. Mpidina, yandi tulaka fondasio ya dibundu ya Bukristu, yina kele " kigangwa ya mpa. ' - 2 Korinto 5: 17; Bisalu 2: 1 - 4. And on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., through the glorified Jesus, holy spirit was poured out, establishing the Christian congregation - "a new creation. " - 2 Corinthians 5: 17; Acts 2: 1 - 4. Nevertheless, all Christian ministers share in preaching the good news. Yo ke yitukisa ve na kumona nde ntangu fioti na nima, bantu yina vandaka kulonguka mambu ya Nzambi na Iniversite ya Sorbonne na Paris salaka ngolo sambu na kukanga Lefèvre nzila ya kusala mambu yina yandi vandaka kusala. Not surprisingly, theologians at the University of Paris - the Sorbonne - soon attempted to silence Lefèvre. Let us first consider the hope of the anointed. INZA ketulaka dikebi mingi na kitoko ya meso, mingimingi sambu na yina metala bankento. THE world places great emphasis on outward appearance, especially in regard to women. Moreover, the Festival of Booths in Nehemiah's day was a joyful occasion. Piere kusyamisaka mpi bankuluntu na kugungula mameme " sambu na kubaka ve mbongo, kansi na luzolo ti kiese. ' Peter also encouraged elders to shepherd the flock, "neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly. " After delivering his people from captivity to Babylon the Great in 1919, he instituted a grand gathering before them that demonstrated success, providing them with an abundance of spiritual food. Mambu yai ya kusimbaka ntima ya Agripa kupusaka yandi na kuvutula nde inki? How did Agrippa's heart move him to answer? In the city of Doaaaaa, Mexico, in a village the clergy took up the field of 57 family members of Jehovah's Witnesses because these Christians did not participate in religious activities. Lufwa yai kele kusuka ya luzingu, kaka mutindu yo salamaka na Adami. This death is a cessation of existence, just as it was for Adam. What a fine example of zeal for Jehovah's worship! Yezu kusolulaka disolo mosi ti Basaduse yankaka yina vandaka kukwikila ve na lufutumuku. 1, 2. Ntetentete, yibuka kilumbu bantu yina vandaka kufutisa mpaku kuyulaka Piere kana Yezu vandaka kufuta mpaku ya tempelo. First, recall the occasion when tax collectors asked Peter if Jesus paid the temple tax. 10 / 15 Kana beto keyibuka mambu yai, yo tasadisa beto na kubuya kudimona. - Matayo 26: 33 - 35, 69 - 75. Remembering this will keep us from being self - assuming. - Matthew 26: 33 - 35, 69 - 75. After his death, he was resurrected to heaven. • Inki mutindu beto lenda bumbana na zina ya Yehowa bubu yai? • How can we take refuge in Jehovah's name now? 5: 10, 18 - 22. Yandi yikaka nde: "Kisambu kele nzila ya nkufi sambu na kumonisa kudikulumusa. He added: "One of the quickest shortcuts to humility is prayer. Of course, Christians are not under the Mosaic Law or simply under the Mosaic Law. Nsukansuka na nima ya bangonda iya, lusadisu kukwisaka kansi Bonzali kufwaka dezia. Four months later, assistance finally arrives, but Bonzali is dead. Yes! Yezu monisaka yo ntangu yandi tubaka nde: "Mono ti Tata beto kele muntu mosi. " Jesus explained how close that relationship was when he said: "I and the Father are one. " He was instructed by Gamaliel, who was a teacher of the Law of the Jews. Bantu yina "ke zingaka na kimuntu " kevandaka inki mutindu? What is the inclination of those "in accord with the flesh "? I remember he died at home and my grandparents there. Mu me kudiwaka ntete ve mbi mutindu yina, mpi mu vandaka kudiwa bonso nde mu lenda sala diaka ve ata kima mosi. I hadn't felt this bad in my whole life, and I didn't feel like doing anything anymore. Yet, Jehovah says that they serve him with a complete heart. Kiteso ya bampangi ya babakala mpi ya bankento 70 - yantika bamvula 18 tii 50 - ya bansi ya nzenza me kwisaka kusamuna na Philippines. About 70 brothers and sisters - mostly between the ages of 18 and 50 - from foreign countries serve in the Philippines. The fear of violating a Persian law caused nothing to happen to their enemies. Yandi ke tadilaka mambu yonso ata yina ke monanaka ve. He takes all the circumstances into account, including what is not obvious. 18, 19. (a) Why is the counsel found at Proverbs 18: 13, so important to " discipline in righteousness '? Ee. Yes. I started pioneering to help many more people learn the truth. Kansi, beto bantu kenwana bitumba ya kimpeve beto kele na mfunu ya kuyedisa mayele yina beto kele na yo mfunu sambu na kukonda kufwa na kimpeve. Still, as spiritual warriors, we need to cultivate survival skills. The disciples do not agree, saying: "Teacher, now, the Jews were trying to kill you with stones, and you would like to return there? " Disolo yina kusalaka nde nkento yina kuyantika kulonguka Biblia na nzo ti Linda. That conversation led to a regular home Bible study with the woman. Later, I was assigned to work in the mail. Bo vandaka kubinga balongoki ya Yezu Kristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete nde "Bakristu. " The early followers of Jesus Christ became known as "Christians. " For what purpose did the preceding article highlight questions? Polo kutubaka nde: "Bampangi, beto ke lomba beno na kuzitisa bantu yina ke salaka [ngolo] na kati na beno, bayina ya Mfumu Yesu solaka na kutwadisa beno ti kulonga beno. Beno songa bo luzitu ya kuluta nene, beno songa bo mpi nde beno ke zolaka bo mingi sambu na kisalu ya bo ke salaka. Paul stated: "We request you, brothers, to have regard for those who are working hard among you and presiding over you in the Lord and admonishing you; and to give them more than extraordinary consideration in love because of their work. (a) How did Satan try Jesus a second time? Yandi bikulaka konso ndola na kati ya Bandola Kumi yina kubwilaka bantu ya Ezipte. He foretold each of the Ten Plagues that befell Egypt. When will the Lord " return '? Bo lutaka bakumbi - kumbi na ntinu, bo lutaka bantambu na ngolo. Swifter than the eagles they were, mightier than the lions they were. In Malachi's day, those who refused to follow God's counsel were even proud to think that Jehovah had no valid reason to express his thinking. Bingana 25: 11 ke tuba nde: "Ngogo yina bo me tuba na ntangu ya mbote kele bonso bapome ya wolo na kati ya babolo ya arza. " Proverbs 25: 11 says: "Like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time. " What lies ahead? Bangogo yai kele ya kukonda mpasi, kansi ya mudindu mpenza! How uncomplicated, yet profound, those words are! How can parents " set things straight ' in a way that will help their children to grow spiritually? Yandi bakaka ndembikilu na kuzabaka nde, Nzambi lendaka kusadisa yandi. He found comfort in knowing that he had God's backing. (b) How did the honesty of one of Jehovah's Witnesses reach a person's heart? (b) Nani kele nkento ya kifwani ya Yezu, mpi nki mutindu babakala fwete sadila bankento na bo mambu? (b) Who is Jesus ' figurative wife, and how should husbands treat their wives? True Christians need to be careful that they do not allow the religious traditions of pure worship. • Inki mutindu beto lenda tomisa mpenza mutindu na beto ya kulonguka Biblia ti bantu na nzo? • How can we improve the effectiveness of our home Bible studies? How will our Leader, Christ, complete his conquest? Lukwikilu na beto na balusilu ya Yehowa lenda pesa beto kikesa mingi ntangu beto kekutana ti bampasi bubu yai. Our faith in God's promises can give us tremendous courage when we face trials today. The following vision likens the harlot to "the great city, " and it foretells her fall, which includes God's people immediately coming out of it. Nani tabaka lukumu sambu na balusakumunu yai yonso? To whom will credit go for all these blessings? So we should not think that we can know what is good without believing in God or living by his standards. - Psalm 146: 3. Bo ke talaka bambwetete, ke sosaka bidimbu ya ke monisa mambu yina ta salama na bilumbu ke kwisa, ke sadilaka dimbuma ya kristale, ke talaka bidimbu ya maboko ya bantu sambu na kusonga bo mambu yina ta kumina bo, to bo ke songaka bantu na kutala bidimbu ya maboko na bo sambu na kusonga bo mambu yina ta kumina bo. They look at the stars, search for omens, use a crystal ball, read the palm of a person's hand, or have their own palm read. Of course, David was not content to serve the true God. Bubu yai, bankuluntu fwete landa mbandu na yandi na dyambu yai. Christian elders today do well to imitate him in this respect. • The harvest season Na kutadila Kusonga 11: 2, 3, mpi 12: 6, 14, bantangu tatu ti ndambu kele nsungi mosi ya bilumbu 1 260. According to Revelation 11: 2, 3, and Re 12: 6, 14, three and a half times are 1,260 days long. Many religious leaders set a poor example for their subjects by engaging in immoral relationships with this world and by other examples in immoral conduct. Na nima ya kulonguka na nsungi ya mwa ntangu, Kingsley bakaka lukanu ya kusonikisa zina na Nzo - Nkanda ya Kisalu ya Teokrasi. After he had studied for some time, Kingsley decided to enroll in the Theocratic Ministry School. 16, 17. Mingi na kati na bo kele bansadi ya ntangu yonso, bamisionere, mpi bantu ya dibuta ya Betele. Many of them are full - time ministers, missionaries, and members of Bethel families. Along with them, let us keep on exercising faith and preaching the good news. Ya kyeleka, yai kele mpenza nsangu mosi ya mbote! What good news this is! Jesus is now ruling as heavenly King, and he will soon destroy all of God's enemies. Bo kemonaka bantu bonso " bambisi ya masa to bonso baniama ' ya bo fwete kanga sambu na kunyokula. They view humans as mere " fish and creeping things ' to be captured and subdued. Yet, that event was a miracle. Na nima ya kuta nkinsi yai ya Bayuda vandaka kuta, Yezu kusongaka Yudasi Iskariote na kubasika ebuna yandi tulaka nkinsi ya madya ya nkokila ya bantu tayibukaka yina kukumaka Lusungiminu ya lufwa ya Kristu yina Bakristu kesalaka. After celebrating this Jewish festival, Jesus dismissed Judas Iscariot and instituted a commemorative supper that was to become the Christian Memorial of Christ's death. (Read Acts 5: 30 - 32.) Kana beno sala mutindu yai, beno lenda sepela ti luzingu na beno yai ya mpa. In the end, this new chapter in your life can be a good one. Later, some went to Bethlehem where Mary and Joseph were. • Na nsadisa ya bidimbu ya kuswaswana yina yandi sadilaka, inki mutindu Yehowa kutubilaka na ntwala kuyela ya bansamuni ya Kimfumu na bilumbu na beto? • Using different symbols, how did Jehovah foretell today's increase in Kingdom preachers? Yes, trials can cause us pain or even discouragement. 15, 16. 15, 16. WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Ntangu yandi bakaka disipline, na kudikulumusa yonso, Davidi ndimaka kifu na yandi mpi yidikaka diaka bangwisana na yandi ti Yehowa. - Nk. When disciplined, David humbly admitted his error and reestablished his relationship with Jehovah. - Ps. Jehovah has promised to deliver his servants when he executes judgment upon the wicked. Beto kebakisa nde beto fwete vanda ti lukanu ya kumona ve mpamba mikumba na beto ya Bukristu to kupesa nzila nde kikesa na beto sambu na kisalu ya Nzambi kukita. We realize that we need to be determined never to take our Christian responsibilities lightly or to allow our zeal for God's service to diminish. " BEING LOVE IN LOVE " Sambu na kuzaba kimvuka yango, kota na site Internet mpi binga to sonikila biro ya Bambangi ya Yehowa ya nsi na beno. To find out the name of that organization, please go to and contact the local office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the threat of death could not discourage them from obeying Jesus ' command to make disciples. Mukanda ya Levi 19: 18 ketuba nde: "Kuvutula mbi ve sambu na mbi ya bantu me sala nge, kubumbila bo mpi kimbeni ve na ntima, kansi zola mpangi na nge bonso nge mosi. " Leviticus 19: 18 says: "You must not take vengeance nor have a grudge against the sons of your people; and you must love your fellow as yourself. " Yes, fear of Jehovah helps us to enjoy life now and to "get a firm hold " on the real life - everlasting life in God's new world. - 1 Timothy 6: 12, 18, 19; Revelation 15: 3, 4. Bantu ya nkaka me sosaka yo tuka bamvula mingi mpi me salaka bibansa ya ngolo sambu na kuzwa yo. Some people are searching for it and have gone to great lengths to find it. Similarly, holy spirit empowered Jesus ' apostles to obey God rather than to those whom many viewed as teachers of the true religion. Ntangu beto keta masolo ya ketungaka ti bankaka, beto kesadisaka bo na kuvanda ti kimpeve mpi mawi ya mbote. As we engage others in upbuilding conversation, we contribute to their spirituality and emotional well - being. We might ask, How did those who study the stars make a connection between "the east " and the birth of" the king of the Jews "? Yo yina, mono ke siamisa beno na kusonga yandi nde beno ke zolaka yandi. " Therefore I exhort you to confirm your love for him. " ▪ Will You "Keep on the Watch "? Inki fwete vanda lukanu na beto? What should be our determination? Many of them have died. Kana nge pona mitindu zole ya ntete, nge tafwa nzo na nge na maboko na nge mosi. If you choose either of the first two options, you will tear down your house with your own hands. James 1: 25 states: "The one who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it... will be happy to do it. " Matayo ketubila mambu yina kusalamaka ntangu bo vandaka kusambisa Yezu: "Bo losilaka yandi mate, bo bulaka yandi makofi. Matthew reports what happened when Jesus was being tried: "They spit into his face and hit him with their fists. 3, 4. (a) What is remarkable about the example of walking with God? Bansadi ya Yehowa fwete vanda ve bantu ya luvunu. Of course, Jehovah's servants would never want to display hypocritical love. Help us to preach the good news effectively, to accomplish the spiritual welfare of those who do it, and to help others come to true worship. Ve. No. The brothers and sisters in this congregation take good care of their Kingdom Hall and give glory to Jehovah Kansi, basoda ya Gedeoni vandaka fyoti kana beto fwanisa bo ti basoda ya Madiani, disongidila basoda 4 ya Madiani sambu na soda 1 ya Izraele. The army Gideon assembled, however, was outnumbered by the Midianite menace 4 to 1. Why can we be sure of this? (b) Kingana yai ke longa beto nki na yina me tala Yehowa mpi Yezu? (b) What does this teach us about Jehovah and Jesus? Many Jews lost their wealth and lifestyle. Beto mpi lenda vanda ve na kikuma ya kyeleka kana beto kuma bantu ya kewa mambu sambu na kuvila. We too would have no valid excuse if we were to become forgetful hearers. As a result, he was disfellowshipped. Bo sonikaka yo mpenza sambu na mono! " It was written just for me! " When Jesus needed help, Jehovah sent angels to strengthen him. Ntangu mono vandaka leke, bafami ya kartie na beto vandaka kuswana mingi. In our family, women were looked down on and rarely consulted by men. God and the people noticed Samuel's good qualities. Bankento ta vandaka na nzala ya ngolo nde babakala na bo kuzola bo mpi kutudila bo dikebi; kansi babakala ta yalaka bankento na bo, nkutu bantangu ya nkaka bo ta niokulaka bo, mutindu beto ke mona yo bubu yai. Women would have a deep desire for their husbands, but husbands would dominate their wives, sometimes even abusing them as we see today. What must we do to benefit when the scene of rulership ends? Sambu yandi kele Tata ya zola, yandi ke zabaka ntangu beto ke vilaka nzila mpi yandi ke vandaka na mpusa ya ngolo ya kumona beto ke soba banzila na beto ya mbi. As a loving Father, he knows when we stray from the path of what is right, and he is eager to see us change our ways. For example, his Law required that sacrifices, offerings, or offerings be offered. Mpangi mosi ya bakala kutendulaka nde: "Kulomba ndolula kukonda kusukinina sambu na bifu yina mesalama, mpi kutubila yo na ntangu beno kesamba kumosi kele mutindu ya kumonisa mawa ya masonga, ata sambu na dyambu ya fyoti yina kunataka mavwanga. " - Ef. One Christian husband explains: "Quickly apologizing for mistakes and mentioning those errors when praying together is a way of showing sincere sorrow over even a minor matter that causes upset. " - Eph. Baptism "in the name of the Son " means that they accept Jesus Christ as the Giver of the ransom, their Leader, and their King. Na Evanzile ya Yoane, beto kemona nde Yezu kutubilaka mambu tatu ya mfunu ya yandi lombaka nde konso muntu yina kezola kuvanda longoki na yandi fwete lungisa. In fact, in the Gospel of John, we find that Jesus mentioned three important requirements that anyone who wants to be his follower must meet. [ Blurb on page 6] Sosa Mayele ya Kekatukaka na Nzambi Seek Godly Wisdom [ Footnote] Ee, na nsadisa ya kulonguka ya Biblia, beto kewaka bantuma ya Yehowa. Yes, through a study of the Bible, we hear Jehovah's directions. do you have a copy of it: Minunu mingi ke tubaka nde, bo ke vandaka ve makambu ngolo. Many of the elderly make a point of not being overly demanding. Because of selfishness and rebellion, these men lost not only the great things they had but also all their descendants who were born later. Sambu Yehowa kendimisa beto nde: "Mambu yina ke katukaka na munoko na mono, yo ke vutuka ve mpamba na mono kana yo me sala ve ntete luzolo na mono, kana yo me lungisa ve bangindu na mono. " For Jehovah assures us: "So my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted. " Some ten years earlier, the governing body foretold that circumcision was no longer necessary to become a true worshiper, and the congregations were told about that. Sambu yandi bakisaka ntendula ya mbona - meso yai, Piere kwendaka ti bo kilumbu yina kulandaka na bwala ya Korneye. Having grasped the significance of this vision, Peter accompanied them the next day to the home of Cornelius. Moreover, when we feel that bad things happen, we should do all we can to avoid them. Sosa kusadila mbote ntangu na nge. Learn to be more efficient with your use of time. By maintaining our integrity, the Great Provider will give us everlasting life and perfect health. - Hebrews 11: 6. Can you explain Micah's illustration involving a cooking pot? Love Is Long - Suffering Longoki Yakobo kezabisa beto na masonga yonso nde: "Lulendo ya mutindu yina yo kele lulendo mosi ya mbi. " The disciple James tells us frankly: "All such taking of pride is wicked. " 9, 10. Katula kusala ti dibundu na beto, beto lenda zwa mpi mabaku ya kusala kisika mpusa kele mingi, yo vanda na teritware, na ndinga, to na insi yankaka. Besides working with the local congregation, we may have opportunities to serve where there is a greater need, whether in another territory, language, or country. 5: 11. Ata mpidina, baministre yonso yina kele Bakristu kesalaka kisalu ya kulonga nsangu ya mbote. However, all Christian ministers share in the preaching of the good news. It takes time to set aside time to do so. Bika beto tadila ntete kivuvu yina bapakulami kele ti yo. First, let us examine the hope set before the anointed. They become close friends of others who love the true God and serve him. Diaka, Nkinsi ya Bisasa yina bo vandaka kusala na bilumbu ya Nehemia vandaka dibaku mosi ya kiese. Moreover, such events as the special Festival of Booths in Nehemiah's day were joyful occasions. For example, they may be able to offer food that they do not eat in their land; others are not able to get enough cold in the country where they are going. Na nima ya kubasisa bantu na yandi na kimpika ya Babilone ya Nene na mvu 1919, yandi tulaka fete ya nene na ntwala na bo yina kumonisaka nde bo menunga, yandi pesaka bo madya mingi ya kimpeve. After liberating his people from Babylon the Great in 1919, he set before them a victory banquet, an abundant supply of spiritual food. 7 / 15 Na mbanza ya Chiapas, na Mexique, na bwala mosi bamfumu kubotulaka bilanga ya mabuta 57 ya Bambangi ya Yehowa sambu Bakristu yai kukotaka ve na bansaka yina mabundu kusalaka. In Chiapas State, Mexico, the authorities in one community had taken over the farmland belonging to 57 families of Jehovah's Witnesses because these Christians did not participate in certain religious festivals. To illustrate, think of a family with a father, mother, and child. Pinasi mebikilaka beto mpenza mbandu mosi ya kikesa na yina metala lusambu ya Yehowa! What an example of zeal for Jehovah's worship Phinehas set for us! [ Picture on page 11] 1, 2. 1, 2. The titles given to him prove that he is a real person. 10 / 1 10 / 15 The Law required that people observe the Mosaic Law ended when the Messiah died. Na nima ya lufwa na yandi, yandi futumukaka mpi kwendaka na zulu. After he died, Jesus was raised to heaven. Yes, God's law reflected God's concern for our lives and welfare. 5: 10, 18 - 22. 5: 10, 18 - 22. Eventually, it became apparent whom the truth was truthful and who lied. Ya kyeleka, Bakristu kele ve na nsi ya Nsiku ya Moize to mpi yo kelomba ve nde bo zitisa yo kaka. Of course, Christians are not under the Mosaic Law or bound by its decrees. Am I willing to perform tasks that are less important to others? ' Ee! Yes! To fulfill "the requirements of law, " Paul said that we must walk in accord with the spirit. Yandi longamaka na Gamaliele, yina vandaka longi ya Nsiku ya Bayuda. He was educated at the feet of the Jewish Law teacher Gamaliel. The Bible often uses parts of the body to describe a person's character or actions. Mu ke yibuka yandi fwaka na nzo mpi ba - nkaka na mu vandaka pana. I recall that she died at home and that my grandparents were there. How is this illustration being fulfilled in our day? Ata mpidina, Yehowa ke tuba nde bo sadilaka yandi na ntima ya mvimba. Yet, Jehovah viewed those kings as having a complete heart. " We must also surrender our soul in behalf of our brothers. " Boma ya kufwa nsiku mosi ya bantu ya Persia yina kesobaka ve ya Sirusi kubasisaka kusalaka nde bambeni na bo kusala ve ata kima mosi. The fear of opposing an unalterable Persian decree originally issued by Cyrus keeps their adversaries at bay. Three of their annual festivals were happy times and thanked the Creator. 18, 19. (a) Sambu na nki ndongisila yina kele na Bingana 18: 13, kele mfunu mingi sambu na "kupesa disipline na lunungu "? 18, 19. (a) Why is the counsel found at Proverbs 18: 13 so important in "disciplining in righteousness "? Later, they asked me: "How can the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses be in the Bible but not in Latin? " Mono kumaka mupasudi - nzila sambu na kusadisa bantu mingi na kuzaba kieleka. I wanted to work hard to help as many people as possible to know the truth, so I began pioneering. Your command makes me wiser than my enemies, for I have it forever. Balongoki mendima ve, bo mevutula nde: "Longi, sesepi yai awa, Bayuda vandaka kusosa mpila ya kufwa nge na matadi, ebuna nge zola vutuka diaka kuna? " Incredulously, they respond: "Rabbi, just lately the Judeans were seeking to stone you, and are you going there again? " In the eighth century, there was another language in Spain in order to steal. Na nima, mono kumaka kusala na kisika yina bo ke tindaka mikanda. A few months later, I was working in the Shipping Department. This is because we are made in God's image. Disolo ya kulutaka kubendaka dikebi na bangyufula sambu na inki? The preceding article focused on the questions why? But some find it difficult. (a) Inki mutindu Satana kumekaka Yezu na mbala ya zole? (a) How did Satan tempt Jesus a second time? Being imperfect does not mean that we are perfect, but it shows that we are striving to do Jehovah God's will. Inki ntangu Mfumu " tavutuka '? When does the Lord " arrive '? " We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " - HEBREWS 13: 18. Na ntangu ya Malashi, bantu yina vandaka kubuya na kulanda ndongisila ya Nzambi vandaka nkutu na lulendo ya kuyindula nde Yehowa kuvandaka ve na kikuma ya mbote ya kupesa bangindu na yandi. Back in Malachi's time, those who ignored divine counsel even had the audacity to feel that Jehovah was unjustified in his views. Moreover, we benefit greatly. Inki mambu tasalama na bilumbu kekwisa? What does the future hold? Humble elders help others to make their own decisions (See paragraph 11) Inki mutindu bibuti lenda "sungika " mambu na mutindu yina ta sadisa bana na bo na kukumisa kimpeve na bo ngolo? How can parents " set things straight ' in a way that strengthens their children spiritually? What should you do if you do not enjoy preaching more? (b) Inki mutindu masonga ya Mbangi ya Yehowa mosi kusimbaka ntima ya muntu mosi? (b) How was one man affected by the honest conduct of one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Such differences can be very devastating. Bakristu ya kyeleka fwete keba na mpila nde bo pesa ve nzila na bansiku ya mabundu yina bantu mesalaka kukatula bo na lusambu ya bunkete. True Christians must take care not to allow man - made religious traditions to sidetrack them from pure worship. They left a copy of it so that everyone can read it. Inki mutindu Ntwadisi na beto Kristu tanunga tii na nsuka? How will Christ our Leader complete his conquest? Making decisions that honor Jehovah is the most wise thing to pursue, but it is not easy. Mbonameso yina kelanda kefwanisa nkento yina ya ndumba ti "bwala ya nene, " mpi yo ketubila kubwa na yandi. Mbonameso yango kelomba bantu ya Nzambi na kubasika na kati na yo kukonda kusukinina. Likening the harlot to a "great city, " the subsequent vision announces her fall and issues an urgent call to God's people to" get out of her. " Since John is convinced that God had inspired John to write the book of Third John and has moved humans to "keep doing good, " this shows that Gaius was moved to continue doing what was right. Yo yina, beto fwete yindula ve nde beto lenda zaba mambu ya mbote ata beto ke kwikila ve na Nzambi to ke zitisa ve bansiku na yandi. - Nkunga 146: 3. So we should not be tempted to think that someone could fully determine what is good without believing in God and adhering to his standards. - Ps. 146: 3. In fact, we rejoice in the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty and the sanctification of his holy name. - Ps. Ya kieleka, na kati ya bansambidi ya Yehowa, Davidi mpamba ve vandaka kusepela na kusadila Nzambi ya kieleka. Amos said that his work was a collecting of sheeplike sheep and putting fruit on the wooden trees - one that was considered to be food for the poor. • Nsungi ya kukatula bambuma • The harvest season The result? Bantwadisi mingi ya mabundu mepesaka mbandu ya mbi na bantu na bo na kusalaka kinduku ya kindumba ti nsi - ntoto yai mpi na bambandu yankaka na kusalaka mpenza mansoni. Many religious leaders have set a bad example for their flocks by their adulterous friendship with this world and in some cases by their flagrant immoral conduct. Cultivating the fruitage of the spirit, such qualities as love, kindness, mildness, and self - control will help us to endure with joy. 16, 17. 16, 17. Of course, the fruit that Adam and Eve ate was not a matter of sexual relations, but it was truly the fruit that was growing by a tree. Purpose for Earth, 4 / 1 It helps us to avoid sinning and to correct our weaknesses. - Romans 2: 15. Kumosi ti bo, bika beto landa kumonisa lukwikilu mpi kusamuna nsangu ya mbote. However, the Bible says: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering. " Ntangu yai, Yezu ke yala bonso Ntotila na zulu, mpi ntama mingi ve yandi ta fwa bambeni yonso ya Nzambi. Now Jesus is ruling as King in heaven, and he will soon destroy all of God's enemies. (a) In what publication do we find a reliable account about the early Christians, and what growth is presented in this book? Kansi, ntangu yina dyambu yango salamaka vandaka kimangu. But the timing of this event was miraculous. Many brothers and sisters have left home to simplify their life, and it brings us joy to hear experiences of how Jehovah provided for their needs and for them. (Tanga Bisalu 5: 30 - 32.) (Read Acts 5: 30 - 32.) We help people to build faith in Jehovah God, the real Person they can draw closer to him. Na nima, bantu ya nkaka kwendaka na Betelemi kisika Maria mpi Yozefi vandaka. Soon others come to Bethlehem where Mary and Joseph are. The Bible tells us: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " Ya kyeleka, mimekamu lenda pesa beto mawa to nkutu kulembisa beto na mabanza. Granted, trials can sadden or even depress us. (b) What will be discussed in the next article? SAMBU NA NKI YO LENDA VANDA MPASI? WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? If we stay close to Jehovah in prayer, he will not forsake us. Yehowa mesilaka nde yandi tagulusa bansadi na yandi ntangu yandi tapesa bantu ya mbi ndola. Jehovah has guaranteed that he will deliver his servants when he executes judgment upon the wicked. 5: 5; G. " BENO LANDA NA KUTAMBULA NA ZOLA " " GO ON WALKING IN LOVE " 3: 23, 24 - Who is represented by "the Elijah "? Ata kigonsa ya lufwa kukukaka ve kulembisa bo na kulemfuka na ntuma ya Yezu ya kukumisa bantu balongoki. Not even the threat of death could dissuade them from obeying Jesus ' command to make disciples. How can meditating on the ransom help you to be grateful to Jehovah? Ya kyeleka, boma ya Yehowa kesadisaka beto na kuzinga na kyese ntangu yai mpi na " kusimba na maboko moyo ' ya kyeleka, disongidila luzingu ya mvula na mvula na inza ya mpa ya Nzambi. - 1 Timoteo 6: 12, 18, 19; Kusonga 15: 3, 4. Indeed, the fear of Jehovah makes life enjoyable now and helps us "get a firm hold on the real life " - everlasting life in God's new world. - 1 Timothy 6: 12, 18, 19; Revelation 15: 3, 4. Think about Sarah's appearance around the world, and she appreciates the beautiful and good atmosphere of that land. Mutindu mosi, mpeve santu kupesaka bantumwa ya Yezu ngolo ya kulemfuka na Nzambi na kisika ya kulemfuka na bantu yina bamingi vandaka kutadila bonso balongi ya dibundu ya kyeleka. Holy spirit likewise empowered Jesus ' apostles to obey God rather than those whom many esteemed as teachers of true religion. Similarly, when a military official, probably a new Roman official, asked Jesus to heal his slave, Jesus knew that the soldier was in error. Beto lenda kudiyula nde, inki mutindu bantu yina ke longukaka bambwetete salaka kuwakana na kati ya "mbwetete " ya esti ti kubutuka ya" ntotila ya Bayuda "? We might ask, How did the astrologers make the connection between the appearance of the "star " in the East and the birth of the" king of the Jews "? This priest's words make it very clear that we are not foolish but true Christians and are united. ▪ Keti Nge Ta "Landa na Kukengila "? ▪ Will You "Keep on the Watch "? Many husbands have concluded that their wives are simply trying to communicate at an appropriate time. Mingi na kati na bo mefwaka. Most have died. According to Haggai 1: 6, 9, what did the Jews experience? Yakobo 1: 25, NW ketuba nde: "Muntu yina ke tula mpenza meso na nsiku ya kukuka, ya kimpwanza, mpi ke kwamina na yo... ta vanda na kiese na kusala yo. " James 1: 25 reads, in part: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it... will be happy in his doing it. " The Governing Body gave this counsel: "You must appoint seven men of your fine conduct, that they may be full of knowledge and of God's spirit, to a full - grown man, to a full - grown man, to the full - grown man, to the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the spirit. " 3, 4. (a) Inki keyitukisa na yina metala mbandu ya kutambula ti Nzambi? 3, 4. (a) What is remarkable about the word picture of walking with God? Having been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, we also become his slaves and must adhere to his commandments. - 1 Peter 1: 18, 19. Kusadisa beto na kusamuna mbote - mbote nsangu ya mbote, kulungisa mambote ya kimpeve ya bampangi yina ke salaka kisalu yango, mpi kusadisa bantu ya nkaka na kukwisa na lusambu ya kieleka. To facilitate the preaching of the good news, to enhance the spiritual welfare of those carrying out this work, and to advance true worship. But Jesus did not stop there. Bampangi ya dibundu yai ke taninaka mbote Nzo na bo ya Kimfumu mpi yo ke pesaka Yehowa lukumu The well - maintained Kingdom Hall serves as a powerful witness to Jehovah But what if we focus solely on our own interests? Sambu na nki beto lenda ndima dyambu yai? Why can we be sure of this? Working in Love Makes a Great Man Bayuda mingi kuvidisaka kimvwama mpi luzingu na bo. Many Jews lost both their riches and their lives. These publications include publications published for blind and deaf people. Yo yina, bo basisaka yandi na dibundu. Hence, he was disfellowshipped from the congregation. Jesus knew well that imperfect humans have a tendency to judge others. Ntangu Yezu kuvandaka na mfunu ya lusadisu, Yehowa kutindaka bawanzyo sambu na kupesa yandi kikesa. When Jesus had need of support, Jehovah dispatched angels to strengthen him. Explain. Nzambi mpi bantu vandaka kumona bikalulu ya mbote ya Samuele. Samuel's fine conduct did not go unnoticed. God's Son, later known as Jesus, had deep love for mankind. Inki beto fwete sala sambu na kubaka mambote ntangu nsonga ya metala luyalu tasuka? To benefit personally when the drama involving sovereignty ends, what must we do? What spiritual inheritance awaits Christians? Mu mbandu, Nsiku na yandi vandaka kulomba nde bantu kupesa bimenga, to makabu. 23: 10. Mbotika " na zina ya Mwana ' kezola kutuba nde bo kendimaka Yezu Kristu nde yandi kele Muntu ya kupesaka nkudulu, Ntwadisi, mpi Ntotila na bo. Baptism " in the name of the Son ' signifies that they confess Jesus Christ as their Ransomer, Leader, and King. Those who have done so have experienced rich spiritual blessings, as these examples show. - Proverbs 19: 17. [ Bangogo sambu na kubenda dikebi ya kele na lutiti 6] But what do people want to say when they ask God to think about them? [ Noti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnote] (Read John 16: 7, 13.) LUSILU: PROMISE: The work that God has given his people changes according to the seasons and the outworking of his purpose. Sambu na bwimi ti kukolama na bo, bantu yai kuvidisaka ve kaka bima ya nene yina bo vandaka na yo, kansi yo tulaka mpi bana na bo yonso yina kubutukaka na nima na mpasi kibeni. Their selfish and rebellious action resulted not only in great loss to themselves but also in tragic consequences for all their future offspring. Most of the time we attended, we were fighting. Bamvula kiteso ya kumi na ntwala, nto - kimvuka kutubaka nde luyotisu kuvandaka dyaka ve mfunu sambu na kukuma nsambidi ya kyeleka, mpi bo zabisaka mabundu dyambu yina. Over ten years earlier, the Christian governing body concluded that circumcision was no longer required to become a true worshipper, and they informed the congregations accordingly. According to a survey published in Germany, 9 percent of those who said that integrity is a fine quality. Diaka, ntangu beto ke mona nde mambu ya mbi ke zola kusalama, beto fwete sala yonso sambu yo salama ve. In addition, when we see a bad situation developing, we do well to do what we can to defuse it. * She had been married from a full - time marriage and realized the need for making changes, but her husband and family refused to give up very much. Kana beto tanina kwikama na beto, Muntu ya Nene yina Kepesaka Makabu tapesa beto luzingu mpi mavimpi ya kukuka ya mvula na mvula. - Baebreo 11: 6. If we keep our integrity, the Great Rewarder will give us an eternity of perfect life and health. - Hebrews 11: 6. Like "the children of the light, " we express our grief and sorrow in a way that reflects spiritual light, simplicity, respect, and comfort by means of the sure hope of the resurrection. Zola Kekangaka Ntima na Mambu Yonso Love Endures All Things When their faith was weakened, according to the apostle Paul's words, they went on to "every wind of teaching. " 9, 10. 9, 10. 6 Miracles That Are About to Come 5: 11. 5: 11. When they began to work whole - souled, Jehovah supported them by means of his holy spirit. Yo ke lombaka kaka kubumba ntangu sambu na kusala yo. Often it is just a matter of setting aside time to do them. The day's birth brought big changes in our lives. Bo ke kumaka banduku ya ngolo ya bantu ya nkaka yina ke zolaka Nzambi ya kieleka mpi ke sadilaka yandi. They develop enduring friendships with others who also love and serve the true God. That will require that the months come, we will often stay after work to take up extra periods. Mu mbandu, bo lenda pesa bo madia yina bo vandaka ve kudia na insi na bo; bankaka ke kukaka ve madidi ya ngolo na bansi yina bo me kwenda. Some governments have programs to help refugees adjust to their new circumstances. In what way was Israel a nation dedicated to God? 7 / 1 Physical Barrier?, 7 / 1 14, 15. Sambu na kubakisa dyambu yai, yindula dibuta mosi yina kele ti tata mosi, mama mosi mpi mwana mosi. To put that figure in perspective, imagine a family consisting of a father, a mother, and a baby. Jesus ' authority is not limited to the living. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 11] [ Picture on page 17] They hide their identity, even as Satan used a serpent to hide his identity. Batitre yina bo me pesaka yandi, ke monisa nde yandi kele muntu ya mbi kibeni. The titles given to Satan reveal the depth of his corruption. Do You Recall? Nsiku yina vandaka kulomba bantu na kuzitisa Nsiku ya Moize kusukaka ntangu Mesia kufwaka. The obligation to keep the Mosaic Law ended when the Messiah died. A mature spiritual brother will choose to give a talk to all present the wedding talk. Ya kyeleka, nsiku ya Nzambi vandaka kumonisa nde Nzambi kekudibanza - banzaka sambu na luzingu mpi mambote na beto. Yes, God's guidance was with our life and well - being in mind. However, these principles apply to Christian women who are caring for their own families. Nsuka - nsuka yo monanaka pwelele kana nani tubaka kieleka mpi nani kusaka. Eventually, it would become clear who was telling the truth and who was lying. It says: "Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of persons you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah. " Keti mono kevandaka na luzolo ya kusala bisalu yina kele mfunu mingi ve sambu na kusadisa bantu yankaka? ' Am I willing to perform helpful tasks that are not readily noticed by others? ' Because Isaac was not to become rich as his father, the Philistines filled the land with the wells of Abraham's servants in the area. Sambu na kulungisa " mambu yina bansiku kelombaka beto na kulungisa, ' Polo kutubaka nde beto fwete zinga luzingu ya kimpeve. In connection with fulfilling "the righteous requirement of the Law, " Paul also brings out the matter of walking in accord with the spirit. (b) What questions will we consider? Mbala mingi, Biblia ke sadilaka bitini ya nitu sambu na kutubila bikalulu ya muntu to mambu yina yandi ke sala. The Bible often uses parts of the body to describe the different qualities or actions of a person. You will do all you can to strengthen the blood that is fighting with the patient and stay away from those who have a health problem. Inki mutindu kingana yai ke na kulungana na bilumbu na beto? Jehovah has allowed time for all "to be crushed " so that they will not die. - 2 Peter 3: 9. " Beto mpi fweti pesa moyo na beto sambu na bampangi na beto. " " We are under obligation to surrender our souls for our brothers. " On one occasion, Jesus took a young child and told his disciples: "If you do not become children, you will never enter into the kingdom of God. " Bafeti tatu yina bo vandaka kusala konso mvula kuvandaka bantangu ya kyese mingi mpi ya kupesa Ngangi matondo. The three annual festivals were occasions for great rejoicing and the giving of thanks to the Creator. Unlike the foolish wife, who lack respect for the headship arrangement, the wise woman shows deep respect for this arrangement. Na nima, bo yulaka mono nde: "Inki mutindu biro ya ke twadisaka kisalu ya Bambangi ya Yehowa lenda vanda na Biblia kansi ve na Amerika? " Then they asked: "How can the headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses be here in the Bible and not in America? " The way the world shows that a person needs to please himself may pose a threat to our spirituality. Ntuma na nge ke kumisa mono mayele kuluta bambeni na mono, sambu mono ke vandaka ti yo kimakulu. Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, because it is with me forever. When they took your belongings away, you were happy that they would go to them, knowing that you had the best possession of everlasting life. " Na mvu - nkama ya nana, ndinga ya nkaka kotaka na Espania sambu Bamizuluma botulaka Péninsule. By the eighth century, another language began to take root in Spain as a result of the Islamic invasion of the peninsula. " Family Worship has helped me to draw closer to my parents, " says a young sister named Jason. Yo kele mutindu yina sambu Nzambi mesalaka beto na kifwani na yandi. After all, we are created in his image. We were happy to continue serving there! " Kansi bantu yankaka kekukaka ve kumonisa yo. Others have more difficulty. Would you be able to put God's standards first in your own life? Kukonda kuvanda na bifu ketendula ve nde beto kele bantu ya kukuka, kansi yo kemonisa nde beto kesalaka ngolo na kusala luzolo ya Yehowa Nzambi. Being faultless does not mean that we are perfect, but it does indicate that we strive to do Jehovah God's will. What factors will help us to remain sanctified? " Beto ke zola kuditwadisa na masonga na mambu yonso. " - BAEBREO 13: 18. " We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " - HEBREWS 13: 18. (Read Deuteronomy 7: 3, 4.) Dyaka, beto kebakilaka yo mambote mingi. Moreover, we enjoy important benefits. • What does Jesus ' illustration about the mustard grain teach us about Kingdom growth and spiritual security? Bankuluntu ya kudikulumusa ke sadisaka bampangi na kubaka balukanu bo mosi (Tala paragrafe 11) Loving elders help others learn to make their own decisions (See paragraph 11) That is correct. Inki nge fwete sala kana nge ke sepela ve kusamuna mingi? But what if you find little joy in preaching? When it was announced to the congregation, everyone enjoyed it. Baluswaswanu yai lenda vwalangasa kibeni. Such differences would be confusing, to say the least. He also healed blind and lame people who came to him while he was at the temple. Bo bikaka kopi mosi ya kukangula na mpila nde konso muntu lenda tanga yo. The deed left open was for consultation. Pray with the student and read his name in prayer Kutula balukanu yina kepesa Yehowa lukumu na kisika ya ntete kele dyambu ya mayele kuluta, kansi yo kele ve pete. Giving priority to goals that honor Jehovah is the wisest course but by no means the easiest. On the contrary, go on weeping and being joyful, but go on weeping and being joyful. Sambu bantu ke ndimaka nde Nzambi muntu pesaka Yoane mayele ya kusonika mukanda ya Tatu ya Yoane mpi yo me pusaka bantu na " kusala mambu ya mbote, ' yo ke monisa nde yo pusaka Gayusi na kulanda kusala mambu ya mbote. The fact that Third John was preserved in the Bible canon and was passed on to encourage others to "imitate what is good " suggests that it did. All of us have inherited imperfection and die for Adam and Eve. Nkutu, beto ke sepela sambu na Armagedoni Yehowa ta nungisa luyalu na yandi mpi ta santisa zina na yandi ya santu. - Nk. Above all, we rejoice because at Armageddon, Jehovah will vindicate his sovereignty and he will sanctify his holy name. - Ps. If not, would you need to make changes and begin praising Jehovah publicly? Amosi tubaka nde, kisalu na yandi vandaka ya kukatula mameme mika mpi kutobula bambuma ya fige na banti ya sikomore - yina bantu vandaka kutadila bonso madia ya bansukami. Amos described himself as a raiser of sheep and a nipper of sycamore figs - a variety regarded as food for the poor. * Reading the Bible and praying has helped many to do so. Inki kusalamaka? What happened? Why? Kuyedisa bambuma ya mpeve, bikalulu bonso zola, kusala mambu ya mbote, ntima ya mbote, ntima ya pima, mpi kudiyala, tasadisa beto na kukanga ntima na kyese yonso. Cultivating the fruitage of the spirit - love, kindness, goodness, mildness, and self - control - will enable us to be joyfully long - suffering. Benjamin thought about that. Ya kyeleka, mbuma yina Adami ti Eva kudyaka kuvandaka ve dyambu ya ketadila kuvukisa nitu, kansi yo vandaka mpenza mbuma ya kyeleka yina vandaka kuyela na nti. Clearly, the fruit that Adam and Eve ate did not represent their having sexual relations but was literal fruit that grew on a tree. He is "the beginning of the creation by God. " Kansansa ke sadisaka beto na kusala ve masumu mpi na kusungika bifu na beto. - Baroma 2: 15. 2: 15. Did Jesus ' first - century disciples apply these instructions? Kansi, Biblia ketuba nde: "Nzambi ke salaka bantu mbi ve,... yandi ke salaka bo mbote. Yandi ta vila ve kuzola ya ntima yina ya beno ke songaka yandi na bisalu ya beno salaka ti ya beno ke sala diaka na bampangi na beno bakristo. " In contrast, the Bible says: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering. " God shut the road leading off into the garden of Eden, and humans grew old and died. (a) Na nki mukanda beto kemona disolo ya kutudila ntima yina ketubila kisalu ya Bakristu ya ntete, mpi nki kuyela bo ketubila na mukanda yango? (a) Where do we find the most reliable history of the early Christians, and what growth is described therein? 15: 26. Bampangi - babakala mpi bampangi - bankento mingi meyambulaka banzo na bo sambu na kukumisa luzingu na bo pete, mpi yo kepesaka beto kyese na kuwa baeksperiansi na bo ya kemonisaka mutindu Yehowa kulungisaka bampusa na bo mpi mutindu kisalu na bo sambu na yandi mepesaka bo kyese. Many brothers and sisters have left their homes in order to simplify their life, and it gives us joy to hear their experiences showing how Jehovah has cared for them and how their service to him has made them happy. The city of Ephesus, a congregation meeting, was held for centuries in the center of idolatry, praising the goddess of Artemis. Beto ke sadisaka bantu na kukwikila na Yehowa Nzambi yina kele Muntu ya kieleka ya bo lenda kwenda pene - pene na yandi. We want to help people build faith in Jehovah God as a real Person whom they can draw close to. 4 God Is Injustice - Is It True? Biblia kezabisa beto nde: "Beno kwenda penepene na Nzambi, ebuna yandi ta kwisa penepene na beno. " The Bible tells us: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " What about Jehovah's Witnesses today? (b) Inki beto tatubila na disolo ya melanda? (b) What will be discussed in the following article? recreation? Kana beto vanda ntangu yonso penepene na Yehowa na nsadisa ya kisambu, yandi talosa beto ve. If we remain close to Jehovah in prayer, he will never abandon us. That help saved his life. Jaracz; G. Jaracz; G. Consider the example of Timothy. - Acts 16: 1 - 3. 3: 23, 24 - "Profete Elia " kemonisa nani? 4: 5, 6 - Whom does "Elijah the prophet " represent? When Moses asked him his name, Jehovah told Moses: "I am the One whom I am. " Inki mutindu kuyindulula nkudulu lenda sadisa nge na kutonda Yehowa mingi? How can meditating on the ransom help you build your appreciation for Jehovah? But do the things God's word that you are commanding you to do. " - JAMES 1: 22. Yindula mutindu Sara ke tala na nziunga, mpi yandi ke sepela na bima mingi ya kitoko mpi na mupepe ya mbote ya nsi yina. Picture Sarah turning to look this way and that, taken by the beauty, the variety, and the pleasant climate of the land. The anointed and the other sheep will not be treated as temporary residents in this wicked world. Kiteso mosi, ntangu mfumu mosi ya basoda, ziku yandi vandaka Mumpani, muntu ya Roma, kwendaka kulomba Yezu na kubelula mpika na yandi, Yezu kuzabaka nde soda yina vandaka na bifu. Similarly, when an army officer - perhaps a Gentile, a Roman - approached and asked Jesus to cure an ailing slave, Jesus knew that the soldier had faults. Many who are not slaves of alcohol have become accustomed to drinking too much. Kutuba ya mumpe yai ke monisa kibeni nde beto kele ve bazoba kansi beto kele Bakristu ya kieleka mpi beto kele na bumosi. The priest's comment actually proves that we are not stupid but that we are united as true Christians. In this article, "the branches " primarily refer to the appearance, wine, and other alcoholic beverages. Babakala mingi mebokutaka nde bankento na bo kesosaka kusolula kaka na bantangu yina mefwana mpenza ve. Some husbands have complained that their wives seem to want to communicate at the most inconvenient times. Perhaps such jobs are in vain as some might think, but they truly help those who want to focus their lives on Jehovah's service to earn a living and to adjust their lifestyle. - 2 Thessalonians 3: 8. Agai 1: 6, 9 ketubila nki mambu yina Bayuda kukutanaka na yo? What situation among the Jews is highlighted at Haggai 1: 6, 9? What about us as God's servants today? Nto - kimvuka kupesaka ndongisila yai: "Beno sola babakala nsambwadi na kati na beno bayina ke na bikalulu ya mbote. Bo fweti vanda bantu yina me fuluka na Mpeve ya Nzambi, bo fweti vanda mpi na mayele mingi. Ebuna beto ta tula bo na kisalu yai. " The governing body gave the following direction: "Search out for yourselves seven certified men from among you, full of spirit and wisdom, that we may appoint them over this necessary business. " Even the most impressed people asked: "It was this city that was proud of man? " - Lamentations 2: 3, 11, 15. Sambu Nzambi kusumbaka beto na menga ya valere mingi ya Yezu Kristu, beto kekumaka mpi bampika na yandi mpi beto fwete zitisa bansiku na yandi. - 1 Piere 1: 18, 19. Since we have been bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, we also become his slaves and are under obligation to keep his commandments. - 1 Peter 1: 18, 19. How can Christlike love help us to cope with our trials? Kansi Yezu kusukaka pana ve. But Jesus ' commandment went further. People at all times remember and praise him. Kansi nki ta kumina beto kana beto ke tula dikebi ya mingi kaka na mambote na beto mosi? However, what if we have started to focus more on our own interests? Parents need to teach their children that a Kingdom Hall and a place for Congregation Book Study is not a place to play. Kusala Kisalu na Zola Kekumisaka Muntu, Muntu ya Nene Greatness From Service Motivated by Love Yes, Jehovah loves and cares for us. Na kati ya mikanda yango, kele mpi ti mikanda yina bo kebasisaka sambu na bifwa - meso ti bifwa - makutu. These publications include those designed for people with special needs, such as individuals with impaired vision or hearing. He has clothed us with life as a garment. " Yezu kuzabaka mbote nde bantu ya kukonda kukuka kevandaka ntangu yonso ti kikalulu ya kusambisa bankaka. Jesus was keenly aware that imperfect humans often have a tendency to be judgmental. Its heart flows gradually as it reaches out under water, and it new blood in the heart, in the brain, and in the brain. Tendula. Explain. But we are not like animals. Mwana ya Nzambi, yina kuzabanaka na nima na zina ya Yezu, vandaka na zola ya mingi sambu na bantu. God's Son, who later became known as Jesus, had a great love for mankind. Although Jesus had abundant proof that he was the Messiah, many first - century Jews rejected him. Inki difwa ya kimpeve ke vingila Bakristu? What spiritual inheritance is set before Christians? (Look at. 23: 10. 23: 10. Many people sell new clothes that most people enjoy. Bantu yina mesalaka yo mebakaka balusakumunu mingi na kimpeve, mutindu bambandu yai kemonisa yo. - Bingana 19: 17. Those who have done so have reaped rich dividends spiritually, as shown by the following experiences. - Proverbs 19: 17. What is mildness? Kansi, nki bantu kezolaka kutuba ntangu bo kelombaka Nzambi na kuyindula bo? What, though, do people have in mind when they ask God to remember them? JEHOVAH is the Originator of the family arrangement. (Tanga Yoane 16: 7, 13.) (Read John 16: 7, 13.) The apostle Paul "did not give up in prayer " for Christians in Colossae had an accurate knowledge of God's will" so that they might walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him. " Kisalu yina Nzambi ke pesaka bansadi na yandi ke sobaka na kutadila bansungi mpi na mutindu lukanu na yandi ke kwenda na kulungana. The work God gives his servants differs from time to time according to the progressive outworking of his purpose. What is the most important need of mankind, and what must Christian parents first do to satisfy this need for their children? Mbala mingi ya beto vandaka kukwenda kuna, beto vandaka kunwana. I was arrested by the police several times, but I always managed to avoid serious trouble with the law - sometimes by means of a bribe. One way is by being zealous in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Nsosa mosi yina kimvuka mosi ya kesosaka kuzaba bangindu ya bantu kusalaka na Allemagne, kumonisaka nde bantu 96 na kati ya nkama yina bo yulaka kutubaka nde kwikama kele kikalulu mosi ya mbote kibeni. In a survey carried out in Germany by the Allensbach Opinion Research Institute, 96 percent of those who responded viewed faithfulness as a desirable quality. How can we cultivate faith like that of Job? * Paulina vandaka na makwela ya kimbanda mpi yandi bakisaka mfunu ya kusala bansoba, kansi bakala mpi fami na yandi kubuyaka ngolo kibeni. * Paulina was involved in a polygamous marriage and saw the need to make changes, but her husband and all her relatives violently opposed her. Even the hopes of some of Jesus ' faithful disciples did not come true as he did not rescue them from politics. Bonso bana "ya kutemuka, " beto kemonisaka mawa mpi mpasi na beto na mutindu yina kemonisaka nsemo ya kimpeve, ya kukonda mindondo, ya luzitu, mpi na kulembikaka ntima na nzila ya kivuvu ya kyeleka ya lufutumuku. As "children of light, " we express our sorrow and grief in a way that reflects spiritual enlightenment, a way that is modest, respectful, and tempered by the sure hope of the resurrection. Many would ridicule spiritual things. Ntangu lukwikilu na bo lembaka, na kutadila bangogo ya ntumwa Polo, bo kumaka kukwenda na "konso mupepe ya malongi ke nata ndambu na ndambu. " And as foretold, when they did not put their trust in God's reminders, they reaped bitter fruitage. - Lev. What can Jehovah's name mean? 6 Bimangu Yina Tasalama Ntama Mingi Ve Hence, we joyfully tell others that all who live by Kingdom standards obey God, obey him, and practice righteousness can become his friends. Ntangu bo yantikaka kusala kisalu na ntima ya mvimba, Yehowa vandaka kusadisa bo na nzila ya mpeve santu na yandi. Once they began to work wholeheartedly again, he would back them by means of his holy spirit. missionaries, Bethelites, and circuit overseers have left behind what they wanted. Kubutuka ya Ilaria nataka bansoba ya nene na luzingu na beto. The birth of Ilaria brought on huge changes in our lives. Unlike many imperfect humans, they have come to appreciate the importance of faith, as Paul did. Yo talomba nde bangonda yina kekwisa, beto tabikalaka mbala mingi na nima ya kisalu sambu na kusala bantangu ya ngika. This will mean working overtime quite often for the next few months. After preparing the earth for a beautiful, comfortable place, Jehovah did something far higher than everything he created on earth - he created the first man, Adam, in his image. Na nki mutindu Izraele kuvandaka dikanda yina mekudipesaka na Nzambi? In what respects was Israel a dedicated nation? We too need to " pick up our burdens, that we may observe the law of the Christ. ' 14, 15. 14, 15. Although Lot is called "the righteous man, " for reasons Lot himself had not allowed Abram to choose this old man. Kiyeka ya Yezu kesuka kaka ve na bantu yina kele na moyo. Jesus ' authority is not limited to the living. The priest Ezra was "putting his heart to read Jehovah's law and to do it. " Bo kebumbaka kimuntu na bo, kaka mutindu Satana kusadilaka nyoka sambu na kubumba kimuntu na yandi. They hide who they are - just as Satan hid his identity by using a serpent. Priscilla and Aquila were very busy preaching and " explained the ways of God more correctly to the people. ' Keti Nge Keyibuka? Do You Remember? " Because God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16, New World Translation. Mpangi ya kuyela na kimpeve yina bo tapona sambu na kusala diskure tazabisa bantu yonso yina tavanda na diskure yina nde bankwelani yina mekatuka kusonikisa dezia makwela na bo na leta. The spiritually mature brother selected to give the talk will inform all attending that the couple are married by reason of the registration that just took place. Jehovah will show them, in a wonderful way, "the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness. " Kansi, minsiku yango ketadila mpi bankento yina kele Bakristu yina kelungisaka bo mosi bampusa ya mabuta na bo. However, the principles are also applicable to Christian women who serve as primary providers. Little wonder, then, that God gave Joseph the wisdom to explain the dreams that wise men and priests failed to explain. Yo ke tuba nde: "Sambu bima yai yonso fwete kuma bonso masa na mutindu yai, beno tadila mutindu ya bantu yina beno fwete vanda. Beno fwete vanda bantu ya bikalulu ya santu mpi kusala bisalu ya ke monisa kukangama na Nzambi, na ntangu beno ke vingila mpi ke yibuka ntangu yonso kukala ya kilumbu ya Yehowa. " We read: "Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of people you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah. " Why is that unwise? Sambu bo zolaka ve nde Izaki kukuma mvwama bonso tata na yandi, Bafilistia kufulusaka ntoto na mabulu ya masa yina bansadi ya Abrahami kutimunaka na bwala yina. Not wanting Isaac to prosper as his father had prospered, the Philistines stopped up the wells that Abraham's servants had dug in the region. The Bible describes Jehovah God's personality. (b) Inki bangyufula beto tatadila? (b) What questions will we consider? We cannot live without light. Nge tasala yonso na kukumisa ngolo menga yina kenwanaka ti bamikrobe (système immunitaire) mpi nge tabikala ntama ti bantu yina kele ti maladi ya kusambukila. You would likely build up your immune system and stay away from people who are contagious. Counsel From "the Wise Ones " Guard Yehowa me bikaka ntangu sambu bantu yonso "kubalula ntima " sambu bo fwa ve. - 2 Piere 3: 9. Why? Jehovah has allowed time to pass because he does not want anyone to be destroyed but "desires all to attain to repentance. " - 2 Pet. 3: 9. One way to succeed is to settle disputes quickly in harmony with Jesus ' counsel. - Matt. Kilumbu mosi, Yezu kubakaka mwana mosi ya fyoti mpi yandi songaka balongoki na yandi nde: "Kana beno soba bikalulu ve, kana beno kituka bonso bana ve, beno ta kota ata fioti ve na Kimfumu ya Nzambi. " On one occasion, Jesus singled out a young child and said to His followers: "Unless you turn around and become as young children, you will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens. " What is my attitude toward material things? Na kuswaswana ti nkento ya zoba, yina kekondaka luzitu na ngidika ya kimfumu, nkento ya mayele kemonisaka luzitu ya mudindu na ngidika yai. In contrast with a foolish woman, who shows disrespect for the headship arrangement, a wise woman has deep respect for this provision. PAGE 11 • SONGS: 73, 98 Mutindu yina nsi - ntoto kemonisaka nde muntu fwete kudisepedisa, lenda vanda kigonsa sambu na kimpeve na beto. Its emphasis on having a good time can be a threat to our spirituality. On Nisan 10, he entered the temple again. Ntangu bo vandaka kubotula bima na beno, beno vandaka kundima na kiese nde bo kwenda na yo, sambu beno zaba nde beno ke na kimvwama ya kuluta mbote yina ke zingaka mvula na mvula. " He said: "You both expressed sympathy for those in prison and joyfully took the plundering of your belongings, knowing you yourselves have a better and an abiding possession. " Indeed, they can quickly walk and move far beyond the boundaries of the earth. - Psalm 103: 20; Daniel 9: 20 - 23. Brittney, toko mosi ya nkento ke tuba nde: "Lusambu ya Dibuta me sadisaka mono na kuvanda pene - pene ti bibuti na mono. A young sister named Brittney commented: "Family worship has brought me closer to my parents. In the Scriptures, the heart is often used figuratively to reveal a person's inner person - his desires, his thoughts, feelings, and his likes. Beto waka kiese na kulanda kusala na kisika yina! " What a joy to be able to stay in our assignment! " However, two weeks after they got married, her husband prevented her from attending meetings. Keti nge takuka kutula minsiku ya Nzambi na kisika ya ntete ata kana yo tanatila nge bampasi? Would you be able to put God's standards foremost if that would result in difficulties? Clearly, to please God, we must make wise decisions and reach them. Inki mambu beto ta tadila ya lenda sadisa beto na kulanda kuvanda bantu yina bo me santisaka? We will consider what factors that can help us to remain a sanctified people? This means that we need to show kindness to those who are disabled, sick, and poor, to do what is right in order to alleviate their suffering. (Tanga Kulonga 7: 3, 4.) (Read Deuteronomy 7: 3, 4.) This may mean that Jehovah sent the enemy forces to search for the unfaithful Jews to whom he was about to punish. • Kingana ya Yezu ya ketubila mbuma ya nti ya mutarde kelonga beto nki na yina metala kuyela ya Kimfumu mpi lutaninu ya kimpeve? • What does Jesus ' illustration about the mustard grain teach us about Kingdom growth and spiritual protection? ▪ Give thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed Yo kele ngindu ya masonga. It is realistic. How would that priceless pearl benefit him? ' Ntangu bo zabisaka yo na dibundu, bantu yonso sepelaka. Thereafter, when his appointment was announced to the congregation, there were smiles on the faces of all. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Yandi belulaka mpi bantu ya kufwa - meso ti ya makulu - kifu yina kwisaka na yandi ntangu yandi vandaka na tempelo. He was also curing the blind and lame who approached him there. [ Footnote] Samba ti longoki mpi tanga zina na yandi na kisambu Pray with and for your student Why will Jehovah's servants be happy and enjoy peace when Satan's world is destroyed? Beno vanda na mawa mingi, beno dila ngolo; kana beno ke seka, beno seka diaka ve kansi beno dila; kana beno ke na kiese, beno vanda na kiese diaka ve, kansi beno vanda na mawa. Let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into dejection. It will be a time when God's people will appear helpless, just as it appeared to the Jews in Jerusalem in Hezekiah's day. Beto yonso me kumaka bantu ya kukonda kukuka mpi ke fwaka sambu na Adami ti Eva. The descendants of Adam and Eve inherited imperfection and death from their disobedient parents. What did Jesus indicate by turning water into water at a wedding? Kana mpidina ve, keti yo talomba nde nge sala bansoba mpi kuyantika na kukumisa Yehowa na meso ya bantu yonso? If not, will you make needed changes and begin praising Jehovah publicly? Because your brother's life is at stake. * Kutanga Biblia mpi kusamba me sadisaka bantu mingi na kusala mutindu yina. * Bible reading and prayer have helped many people to do just that. What he learned changed his outlook on matters in life. Sambu na nki? Why? For all these things I consider to be a lot of refuse, that I may gain Christ. " Benjamin yindulaka diambu yina. Benjamin thought about it. So know what your teenager loves, such as music, movies, or sports. Yandi kele "kisina ya bima yonso ya Nzambi salaka. " He is "the beginning of the creation by God. " However, the question remains: Will the nations of all the earth ever be united? Keti balongoki ya Yezu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete sadilaka bantuma yai? Is that how Jesus ' early disciples understood his instructions? And Jesus led Paul into Macedonia only after he arrived in Troas. Nzambi kukangaka nzila ya vandaka kunata na kilanga ya Edeni, mpi bantu kununaka mpi kufwaka. The entrance to the garden of Eden was blocked, and people grew old and died. This was reflected in the way he disciplined the Israelites when they rebelled. 15: 26. 15: 26. Our spiritual paradise differs greatly from the evil conditions in the world today. Mbanza ya Efezo kisika lukutakanu yai ya dibundu kusalamaka, kuvandaka banda bamvu - nkama mingi kisika ya nene ya lusambu ya biteki, yina vandaka kukumisa nzambi - nkento ya lubutu Artemisi. The city of Ephesus where this church council was held had for centuries been at the heart of idol worship celebrating the fertility goddess Artemis. What, though, about the "other sheep "? 4 Nzambi Kele Muntu ya Kukonda Lunungu - Keti Yo Kele Kyeleka? 4 God Is Unfair - Is It True? (a) What is your desire about following Christ? Ebuna Bambangi ya Yehowa ya bubu yai? What about the Christian congregation today? [ Footnote] bansaka ya kulutisila ntangu? recreation? Jehovah no doubt told Moses: "I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. " - Ex. Lusadisu yina gulusaka luzingu na yandi. That encouragement proved to be a lifesaver. When the lamb was slaughtered for the Passover meal, the Israelites were not to break their own bones. Beto tadila mbandu ya Timoteo. - Bis. 16: 1 - 3. Consider the example of the Christian disciple Timothy. - Acts 16: 1 - 3. How did you feel when you first entered into a spiritual paradise? Ntangu Moize kuyulaka yandi zina na yandi, Yehowa kusongaka Moize nde: "Mono kele muntu yina ya mono kele. " When asked about his name, Jehovah told Moses: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " To obey God's command to all Christians, however, they cannot give up or stop speaking about what they have heard. Kansi beno fweti sala mambu yina ya nsangu ya Nzambi ke tinda beno na kusala. " - YAKOBO 1: 22. " Become doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves with false reasoning. " - JAMES 1: 22. He said: " No, when you reap the weeds, you must not reap the wheat. Bapakulami mpi mameme yankaka tabokuta ve na mutindu bo zingaka bonso bantu yina kezingaka sambu na ntangu fyoti na nsi - ntoto yai ya mbi. Neither the anointed nor the other sheep will regret having lived as temporary residents in this wicked world. How do elders imitate God's example found at Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? Bantu mingi yina kele ve bampika ya malafu mekumaka ti kikalulu ya kunwa malafu mingi kukonda kuzaba. Many who are not alcoholics have developed excessive drinking habits without realizing it. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Na disolo yai, "malafu " ketadila mingimingi biere, vinu, mpi malafu yankaka. In this article, "alcohol " and" drink " refer broadly to beer, wine, and other spirits. There is no doubt that Jehovah caused Enoch to die before his enemies sinned against him. Ziku bisalu yai kele kwa yo ya mpamba - mpamba mutindu bantu yankaka lenda yindula, kansi yo kesadisaka mpenza bayina kezolaka kudipesa mingi na kisalu ya Yehowa na kuzwa bima ya kuzingila mpi na kusoba luzingu na bo kukonda mindondo. - 2 Tesalonika 3: 8. Perhaps they are not as glamorous as some might envision, but they do offer the means and the flexibility needed by those whose true vocation is service to Jehovah. - 2 Thessalonians 3: 8. Not only did compassion move them to help those people. Inki beto lenda tuba sambu na beto bansadi ya Nzambi bubu yai? What about us as God's people today? It is also comforting to know that Jehovah gives us the strength to endure and that, like Job, he limits our trials. - 1 Cor. Nkutu bantu yina vandaka kuluta kuyitukaka mpi kuyulaka nde: "Yo yai bwala ya bantu vandaka kutudila lulendo? " - Mawa 2: 3, 11, 15. Even those passing by have expressed amazement, saying: "Is this the city of which they used to say, " It is the perfection of prettiness, an exultation for all the earth '? " - Lamentations 2: 3, 11, 15. We too need to know that we will render an account to Jehovah. Inki mutindu zola bonso yina ya Kristu lenda sadisa beto na kunwana ti bampasi ya beto kekutanaka na yo? How can Christlike love help us to cope with personal trials? Spiritual dangers have become abundant in this time of the end. Na bansungi yonso, bantu ke yibukaka mpi ke kumisaka yandi. The king is remembered and lauded throughout all generations to come. Meetings teach us many things. Bibuti fwete longa bana na bo nde Nzo ya Kimfumu mpi kisika ya bo kesalaka Kulonguka ya Mukanda ya Dibundu kele ve bisika ya kusala bansaka. Christian parents should explain to their children that the Kingdom Hall and the Congregation Book Study location are not places to play. Jesus ' teaching is that unlike a friend who refused to stand up and open the door, God longs to answer those who pray to him in faith. Ya kieleka, Yehowa ke zolaka beto mpi ke taninaka beto. Clearly, Jehovah loves us and wants to protect us. But when the man heard that, he became sad, for he was rich. " - Luke 18: 18 - 23. Yandi me lwatisa beto kuguluka bonso lele. " For he has clothed me with the garments of salvation. " We can learn valuable lessons from these examples. Ntima na yo kebulaka malembe - malembe na ntangu yo kekitaka na nsi ya masa, mpi yo kepompaka menga na ntima, na bapumo, mpi na butomfu. Its heartbeat slows down during the dive, and blood is diverted to the heart, lungs, and brain. of March 22, 1990, page 21; August 8, 1991, page 18; and the issues of The Watchtower, January 1, 1996, page 5; August 1, 1998, page 5. Kansi beto bantu, beto kele ve bonso bambisi. We humans are different. Yes. Ata Yezu kuvandaka ti banzikisa mingi yina vandaka kumonisa nde yandi vandaka Mesia, Bayuda mingi ya mvu - nkama ya ntete kundimaka yandi ve. Although Jesus had overwhelming credentials proving that he was the Messiah, the vast majority of the first - century Jews did not acclaim him. While still awake at night, he walked at the temple to see whether the Levites were lying or not. (Tala na Kifalansa. (b) What will Daniel receive? Bamagazini mingi ke tekaka kaka bilele ya mpa yina bantu mingi ke sepela ti yo. Many stores sell only popular fashions. What snares did the early Christians avoid? Mawete kele nki? Explain the meaning of tenderness. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. YEHOWA kele na kisina ya ngidika ya dibuta. JEHOVAH is responsible for the existence of the family arrangement. Does God support them and feel that they have a basis for fighting war? Ntumwa Polo "yambulaka ve na kusamba " sambu Bakristu ya Kolosai kufuluka na nzayilu ya siki - siki ya luzolo ya Nzambi " sambu bo tambula na mutindu yina me fwana na Yehowa, sambu na kupesa yandi kiese kibeni. ' Paul "never stopped praying " that the Colossian Christians might be filled with the accurate knowledge of God's will" so as to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully. " Solomon mentioned a principle that can help you to apply your youth properly. Inki kele mpusa ya kuluta mfunu ya bantu, mpi nki mambu Bakristu yina kele bibuti fwete sala ntete sambu na kulungisa mpusa yai ya bana na bo? What is the most important of human needs, and what must Christian parents do first in order to fill this need in their children? It contains many rivers and waters that are vital for life. LONDON, London Arena, Limeharbour What should we do if someone says or does something that offends us? Mutindu ya ntete kele kuvanda kikesa na kusala kisalu ya kusamuna Kimfumu mpi ya kukumisa bantu balongoki. One way is by being zealous in the Kingdom preaching and disciple - making work. Having a full share in the work of the Lord as evangelizers helps us to avoid loving the world. - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. Inki mutindu beto lenda kuma ti lukwikilu ya ngolo bonso Yobi? How we cultivate faith like Job's. Jesus did his best. - John 18: 37. Ata nkutu bivuvu ya balongoki yankaka ya kwikama ya Yezu kulunganaka ve mutindu yandi gulusaka bo ve na nzila ya politiki. Even some of Jesus ' loyal disciples were disappointed at his not providing political deliverance. • Why should we not conclude that our problems reflect God's disapproval? Bamingi tavwenzaka mambu ya kimpeve. Some will speak disdainfully about spiritual things. Unlike Christendom, they have loyally stuck to "the pattern of healthful words " set by Jesus Christ and his faithful followers since the first century C.E. Zina Yehowa lenda tendula nki? What does the name Jehovah mean? Peter resurrected Dorcas and undoubtedly " kept on doing good and helping the poor. ' Yo yina, beto ke zabisaka na bantu ya nkaka na kiese yonso nde bantu yonso yina ke lemfukaka na minsiku ya Kimfumu, ke lemfukilaka Nzambi, mpi ke salaka mambu ya lunungu lenda kuma banduku na yandi. Therefore, we gladly tell others that all who submit to Kingdom rule, obey God, and do what is righteous can have a relationship with him as his friends. Should not appreciation for this move us to pray regularly to the God who is described in the Bible as "Hearer of prayer "? - Psalm 65: 2. Bamisionere, bampangi ya dibuta ya Betele mpi bankengi ya nziunga ti bankento na bo me yambulaka bima yina bo vandaka kuzola. The same is true of missionaries, Bethelites, circuit overseers and their wives, and those who work in remote translation offices. He wondered if he could open his mouth and speak. Bantu ya kukonda kukuka mingi ve, kana bo kele, mebakisaka mbote mfunu ya lukwikilu mutindu Polo bakisaka yo. Few imperfect humans, if any, have understood the importance of faith better than did the apostle Paul. He is the one who makes up those who will survive Na nima ya kuyidika ntoto sambu yo vanda kisika mosi ya kitoko mpi ya kuzingila, Yehowa salaka diambu mosi yina lutaka mambu yonso yina yandi gangaka na ntoto, yandi gangaka muntu ya ntete, Adami na kifwani na yandi. After preparing the earth as a beautiful, self - sustaining home, Jehovah put the crowning touch on his earthly works by creating the first man, Adam, in His own image. How is the fulfillment of the hope of the other sheep related to the fulfillment of the anointed hope? Beto mpi fwete " bakana bakilo beto na beto, mpidina beto talanda nsiku ya Kristo. ' We too must "go on carrying the burdens of one another, and thus fulfill the law of the Christ. " Many scriptures touched my heart, including Proverbs 11: 1. Ata Biblia kebingaka Loti "muntu ya mbote, " sambu na bikuma yina Loti yandi mosi kuvandaka na yo, yandi bikilaka ve Abrami nswa ya kupona ntete, yandi lombaka mpi ve bandongisila ya mununu yai. Although the Bible describes Lot as "righteous, " for some reason he did not defer to Abram in this matter, nor does it seem that he sought the older man's counsel. As we strive to do God's will, we too can become God's friends. Nganga - Nzambi Esdrasi "kuyidikaka ntima na yandi sambu na kutanga nsiku ya Yehowa mpi kusadila yo. " Ezra the priest "prepared his heart to consult the law of Jehovah and to do it. " Think, too, of the illustration mentioned in the preceding article of someone who misuses color when he was using color at a home. Prisila ti Akilasi vandaka kusamuna mingi mpi bo vandaka " kutendudila bantu banzila ya Nzambi mbote - mbote. ' And Priscilla and Aquila used their time to explain "the way of God more accurately " to others. Today, Jehovah draws us to his clean organization, and he loves and protects us. " Sambu Nzambi zolaka nsi - ntoto mingi kibeni yo yina yandi pesaka Mwana na yandi mosi kaka ya kubutuka, na mpila nde konso muntu yina ke monisa lukwikilu na yandi kufwa ve kansi yandi baka luzingu ya mvula na mvula. " - Yoane 3: 16, Mbalula ya Nsi - Ntoto ya Mpa. " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16, King James Version. Moreover, it will bring about a peaceful world, "the new earth, which [God] promised us, " where" righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. Yehowa ta monisila bo, na mutindu ya kuyituka, "kimvwama ya kukonda ndilu ya ntima ya mbote na yandi ya nene. " Jehovah will "demonstrate the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness " toward them in a special way. Soon afterward, a coworker invited me to visit their family. Yo yina, yo ke yitukisa ve na kumona nde Nzambi pesaka Yozefi mayele ya kutendula bandosi yina bantu ya mayele mpi banganga - nzambi kukaka ve kutendula. Joseph explained that Pharaoh's two dreams had the same meaning. • Give examples of God - given courage when his servants were in dire straits. Sambu na nki kusala mpidina kele kukonda mayele? Why would such a course be unreasonable? " Give gifts to Others " Biblia ke tubilaka kimuntu ya Yehowa Nzambi. The Bible portrays a clear picture of Jehovah God. * Imagine how happy he will be as he learns that he played a key role in Jehovah's purpose to produce the Messiah! Beto lenda zinga ve kana nsemo kele ve. We cannot get along without physical light. These men who had seen God's loving - kindness were those who had a good relationship with Jehovah God and who acted in ways that carried out God's purpose in various ways. Bandongisila ya "Bantu ya Mayele " Kemanaka Ngala The Rise and Fall of "Experts " But how do we know that the seven times ended in 1914? Mutindu mosi ya kununga yandi kele na kuyidikaka mavwanga kukonda kusukinina na kuwakana ti ndongisila ya Yezu. - Mat. One way to resist him is by settling disputes quickly in harmony with Jesus ' counsel. - Matt. The service of the body of overseers has not yet completed. Inki kele nkadilu na mono na yina metala bima ya kinsuni? What is my attitude toward material possessions? True Christians Reflect God's Word LUTITI 11 • BANKUNGA: 73, 98 PAGE 11 • SONGS: 73, 98 • What role did the holy spirit play in the growth of God's word? Na Nisani 10, yandi kotaka dyaka na tempelo. On Nisan 10, Jesus comes to the temple again. Centuries before the Flood, Enoch had foretold that God would destroy people in our time. Ya kieleka, bo lenda tambula nswalu kibeni, mpi kukwenda ntama kibeni kuluta bandilu ya ntoto. - Nkunga 103: 20; Daniele 9: 20 - 23. They evidently can travel at tremendous speeds, far exceeding the limits of the physical world. - Psalm 103: 20; Daniel 9: 20 - 23. Why do we consider what some faithful older ones have done? Na Masonuku, bo kesadilaka mbala mingi ntima na mutindu mosi ya kifwani sambu na kumonisa kimuntu ya kati ya muntu, disongidila bampusa na yandi, bangindu na yandi, mawi na yandi, mpi mambu ya yandi kezolaka. In the Scriptures, the heart is often used figuratively to represent what a person is inside - his desires, his thoughts, his emotions, and his affections. Rejoice and leap for joy, O daughter of Jerusalem. Kansi, bamposo zole na nima ya makwela na bo, bakala na yandi buyisaka yandi na kukwenda na balukutakanu. But two weeks after their wedding, her husband forbade her to attend Christian meetings. The Resurrection Hope - The Truth! Yo kele pwelele nde, sambu na kusepedisa Nzambi beto fwete baka badesizio ya mbote mpi kulungisa yo. Clearly, to please God, decisive action is needed. Although he was "a thorn in the flesh, " he did not show pride in the shepherd! Yo kezola kutuba nde beto fwete monisa bumbote na bantu yina kele na kifu na nitu, na bantu ya maladi, ti na bansukami, na kusalaka mambu ya mbote na kiteso yina mefwana sambu na kufyotuna mpasi na bo. This includes our being kind to the disadvantaged, sick, and poor - doing what we reasonably can to relieve their suffering. But we need to be careful. Yo lenda tendula nde Yehowa kutindaka basoda ya bambeni sambu na kusosa Bayuda ya kukonda kwikama yina yandi zolaka kupesa ndola. This may refer to the sending forth of enemy forces to look for unfaithful Jews upon whom Jehovah would execute his judgment. You may need to add to this checklist. ▪ Pesa Yehowa Mersi mpi Baka Balusakumunu ▪ Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed Why do you not help me? " Inki mambote diyaka yina ya ntalu zolaka kunatila yandi? ' What good would that precious pearl be for him? ' (b) What adds to our joy when we are conscious of our spiritual need? © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Hence, we will consider two key ways in which one's advancement and maturity are (1) progressing in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; (2) displaying the fruitage of the spirit. [ Noti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnote] Teach them not to be materialistic but to " seek first the kingdom of God. ' Sambu na nki bansadi ya Yehowa tavanda mbote mpi tazinga na ngemba ntangu nsi - ntoto ya Satana tafwa? Why will Jehovah's servants reside in security when Satan's world comes to its end? He was about 30 years old when he was baptized in order to fulfill Jehovah's purpose. Yo ta vanda ti ntangu mosi yina bansadi ya Nzambi ta monana bonso nde bo me konda lusadisu, kaka mutindu yo monanaka sambu na Bayuda yina vandaka na Yeruzalemi na bilumbu ya Ezekiasi. The time will come when God's modern - day servants will appear to be just as vulnerable as the Jews trapped inside Jerusalem in Hezekiah's day. The Israelites accepted and entered the Law covenant. Inki Yezu monisaka ntangu yandi kumisaka masa malafu na nkinsi ya makwela? What did Jesus show when he turned water into wine at a wedding feast? Those concerns brought me into serious health problems. Sambu luzingu ya mpangi na nge kele na kigonsa. Because you face an emergency. If so, how? Mambu yina yandi longukaka kusobaka mutindu na yandi ya kutadila mambu yina kele mfunu na luzingu. What he learned changed his view of what is important in life. On one occasion, Jesus ' close friends asked him: "Lord, teach us how to pray. " Mono ke monaka mambu yina yonso bonso mvindu sambu na kuvanda na Kristo. " Paul gladly said no to things of little value so that he could continue to say yes to God. Jesus said that "every tree is known by its own fruit. " Yo yina, zaba mambu yina mwana na nge ya toko ke zolaka mingi, mu mbandu miziki, bafilme, to nsaka ya nkweso. So find out what your teenager likes, such as his favorite music, movies, or sports. We often feel that only elders have the responsibility of being "a slave. " Kansi, ngyufula kele kaka: Keti kilumbu kele makanda ya inza ya mvimba tazinga na bumosi? The question remains: Will the nations of the world really be united someday? So be determined to serve him now with everlasting blessings! Mpi nsukansuka, Yezu twadisaka Polo na Masedonia kaka na nima ya kukuma na Troasi. And finally, only after Paul reached Troas did Jesus direct him to Macedonia. Because the person who is two when he asks, he is like the waves of the air that lifts up from heaven and leads to every side. Mambu yai monanaka na mutindu yandi vandaka kupesa bantu ya Izraele ndola kana bo me kolama. This is evident in the way he disciplined the Israelites, who repeatedly abandoned true worship. All of this is in harmony with Jesus ' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations, teaching them to observe all the things he commanded. " Paladisu na beto ya kimpeve meswaswana mpenza ti mambu ya mbi ya kele na nsi - ntoto bubu yai. The spiritual paradise that we enjoy stands in stark contrast with the deplorable conditions in the world today. He said that he was self - righteous because he was gambling. Kansi, nki beto lenda tuba sambu na "mameme ya nkaka "? But what about the "other sheep "? These questions will be considered in the following article. (a) Inki kele mpusa na nge na yina metala kulanda Kristu? (a) What is your desire in regard to following the Christ? Rather than merely accepting what others say, why not imitate first - century Christians living in Beroea, now in northern Greece? [ Noti na nsi ya lutiti] [ Footnote] The Bible tells us in detail about eight resurrection accounts that God gave to life here on earth. Ntembe kele ve nde na nima Yehowa zabisaka Moize nde: "Mono me mona mbote - mbote mutindu bantu na mono ke mona mpasi na nsi ya Ezipte; mono me wa mutindu bo ke diladila na maboko ya bakapita yina ke sadisa bo kisalu ya mpasi. Ya kieleka, mono me zaba bampasi na bo. " - Kub. It is little wonder, then, that Jehovah said to Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. " - Ex. He said that if poor people did not want to steal because God does not want to steal. Ntangu bo vandaka kufwa mwana - dimeme sambu na kudia madia ya Paki, yo lombaka nde bantu ya Izraele kubuka ve ata mukwa na yo mosi. When the lamb was slaughtered for the Passover meal, the Israelites were not to break any of its bones. The supply of flour. Inki mutindu nge kudiwaka ntangu nge kotaka sambu na mbala ya ntete na paladisu ya kimpeve? How did you feel when you first entered the spiritual paradise? We should never forget that we have the privilege of praising Jehovah with our valuable things. Kansi, sambu na kulemfuka na nsiku yina Nzambi mepesaka Bakristu yonso, bo lenda yambula ve mpi bo tayambula ve na kutubila mambu yina ya bo mewaka. However, in obedience to God's command to all Christians, they cannot and will not stop speaking about the things they have heard. It involves " turning away from the old personality and its practices and being made new according to God's will, in order that we may get to know him fully. ' - Colossians 3: 9, 10. Yandi nde: " Ve, ntangu beno ke katula matiti ya mbi, mbaimbai beno ta katula mpi bambuma ya ble. Finally, Manasseh was arrested and imprisoned in Babylon. Inki mutindu bankuluntu kelandaka mbandu ya Nzambi yina kele na Ezekiele 34: 15, 16? How do Christian elders follow the example set by God, as recorded at Ezekiel 34: 15, 16? Today, our willingness to learn and apply these points show that we are truly obedient to Christ's leadership, which contributes to the peace and unity of the congregation. - Romans 14: 13, 19. (b) Inki bangyufula beto tatadila na disolo yai? (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Because Jehovah said in Eden that there would be enmity between those who served God and those who served Satan the Devil. Ntembe kele ve nde Yehowa kusalaka na mpila nde Enoki kufwa na ntwala nde bambeni kusala yandi mbi. Evidently, Jehovah transferred Enoch from the land of the living to the sleep of death before opposers could lay hold of him. Do you really have a real relationship with Jehovah? Ntima ya mawa kaka ve kima kupusaka bo na kusadisa bantu yina. It was more than a compassionate impulse triggered by an emotional appeal for help. As in Jeremiah's time, there are others who oppose God by hating his servants and the work he has given them. Yo kepesa beto dyaka kikesa na kuzaba nde Yehowa kepesaka beto ngolo ya kukanga ntima mpi nde, bonso na mbandu ya Yobi, yandi ketulaka bandilu na bampasi ya beto kekutanaka ti yo. - 1 Kor. It also comforts us to know that Jehovah gives us the strength to endure and, as in the case of Job, that He sets limits to the trials we face. - 1 Cor. Second, in contrast with natural disasters taking place today and that of destroying good and bad, God did not destroy good people. Beto mpi, beto fwete zaba nde beto tasala bakonti na Yehowa. We too need to be aware of our accountability to Jehovah. Why Accept God's Standards Bigonsa ya kimpeve mekumaka mingi na ntangu yai ya nsuka. Spiritual dangers have proliferated in this time of the end. Praise Jehovah from the heavens, you who are doing his will. " Balukutakanu ke longaka beto mambu mingi. Meetings educate us. PEOPLE who teach that hell is a place of torment portrays Jehovah God and his qualities in a very corrupt way. Dilongi ya Yezu kele nde, na kuswaswana ti nduku yina vandaka kubuya kutelama mpi kukangula kielo, Nzambi ke vandaka na mpusa ya ngolo ya kupesa mvutu na bisambu ya bantu yina ke sambaka yandi ti lukwikilu. Jesus ' point is that unlike the hesitant friend, God is eager to grant the proper requests of those who pray in faith. He trusted that Jehovah would forgive him and forgive him. Kansi ntangu muntu yango waka mambu yina, yandi kumaka mawa - mawa, sambu yandi vandaka na kimvwama mingi. " - Luka 18: 18 - 23. When he heard this, he became deeply grieved, for he was very rich. " - Luke 18: 18 - 23. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and lost their close relationship with him. Beto lenda baka malongi ya mfunu na bambandu yai. We can learn valuable lessons from these examples. They render an account to show how the Master's belongings are used on earth. ya Marsi 22, 1990, lutiti 21; Augusti 8, 1991, lutiti 18; mpi banimero ya Nzozulu ya Nkengi (ya Kifalansa) ya Yanuari 1, 1996, lutiti 5; Augusti 1, 1998, lutiti 5. issues of March 22, 1990, page 21; August 8, 1991, page 18; and Watchtower issues of January 1, 1996, page 5; August 1, 1998, page 5. The Israelites may have wondered why God gave such a command; others might have felt worthless. Ee. Yes, indeed. His determination to remain loyal to his wife helps him to cultivate a sense of justice in all aspects of his life. Ntangu yandi vandaka kukengila na mpimpa, yandi vandaka kutambula na tempelo sambu na kutala kana Balevi yina vandaka kusala kisantinele kele ya kulala to ve. During the night watches, he went through the temple to see whether its Levite guards were awake or asleep at their posts. For what reason does Jehovah act with goodness? (b) Inki "matabisi " Daniele tabaka? (b) What will be Daniel's "lot "? Let us therefore do our utmost to maintain a positive spirit in the congregation. Inki mitambu Bakristu ya ntete vandaka kutina? What snares did the early Christians have to avoid? The key questions we do well to consider are: How does Christ lead us today? Yina Bambangi ya Yehowa mebasisaka. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Those in authority do not want to leave it at all. Keti Nzambi ke pesaka bo maboko mpi ke monaka nde bo kele ti bikuma ya kunwana bitumba? Does God support their efforts, viewing their warfare as justifiable? Could it be, then, that the efforts of others to find happiness exceed more than any other? Salomo kutubilaka munsiku mosi yina lenda sadisa nge na kusadila kileki na nge na mutindu mosi ya kuluta mbote. Solomon stated a principle that can help you to make the best of your youth. Think, too, of Balaam, Achan, and Judas Iscariot. Yo kele ti bamasa mingi mpi masa yango kele mfunu sambu na luzingu. It has abundant water, which is essential for life. How blessed she was for doing things Jehovah's way! Inki beto fwete sala kana muntu mosi me tuba to me sala kima yina me pesa beto mpasi? So how should we react when someone says or does something that hurts our feelings? Some had little materially, but "they distributed them to each one according to his own desires. " Kuvanda ti kisalu mingi ya kusala na kisalu ya Mfumu bonso baevanzelizatere kesadisaka beto na kuzola ve inza. - 1 Korinto 15: 58. Keeping busy as evangelizers with plenty to do in the Lord's work helps us not to love the world. - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. * After asking yourself such questions, try to have "the right attitude. " Yezu kusalaka ngolo mpenza. - Yoa. 18: 37. Jesus worked as hard as anyone possibly could. - John 18: 37. (b) Give examples of what can be done by the tongue. • Sambu na nki beto fwete tubaka ve nde bampasi na beto kemonisa nde Nzambi mebuya beto? • Why should we not conclude that our problems are evidence of God's displeasure? When David said "you are giving me comfort, " he turned to Jehovah for the help he needed. Na kuswaswana ti Kikristu yina mekolamaka, bo mekangamaka na kwikama yonso na "mbandu ya mambu ya kieleka " yina Yezu Kristu kutulaka mpi yina balongoki na yandi ya kwikama kulandaka banda na mvu - nkama ya ntete ya T.B. Unlike apostate Christendom, they have faithfully adhered to "the pattern of healthful words " that was established by Jesus Christ and upheld by his faithful followers back in the first century C.E. It was a serious problem for Europe, some of Jehovah's Witnesses in that way to turn people away from the work of the Witnesses or stop it. Piere kufutumunaka Dorkasi mpi ntembe kele ve nde yandi landaka na " kusala mambu ya mbote mpi kusadisa bansukami. ' Dorcas was brought back to life and doubtless continued to " abound in good deeds and gifts of mercy. ' Like Asa, we may at times experience persecution. Keti ntonda sambu na dyambu yai fwete pusa beto ve na kusamba mbala na mbala Nzambi yina Biblia ketuba nde " yandi kendimaka bisambu ya bantu '? - Nkunga 65: 3. Should not appreciation for this move us to pray regularly to the One who is rightly called the "Hearer of prayer "? - Psalm 65: 2. * In the past, this magazine made it clear how a Christian should continue to cooperate with a disfellowshipped relative who is not living with them. Tara vandaka kudiyula kana yandi lenda kangula munoko sambu na kutuba. Tara wondered if she should speak up. 111: 10. Yandi muntu ke tulaka bantu yina ta guluka kidimbu He is the one who marks those who will survive As a result, it brings us joy. Henry VIII and Bible, 1 / 1 As Christians, we know that people may ridicule and persecute us, and we may face other trials. Inki mutindu kulungana ya kivuvu ya mameme yankaka kewakana ti kulungana ya kivuvu ya bapakulami? How is the realization of the hope of the other sheep related to that of the anointed? What does this leaven represent, and how does it apply to Kingdom growth? Baverse mingi simbaka ntima na mono, mu mbandu Bingana 11: 1. My conscience had been affected by Bible verses such as Proverbs 11: 1, which tells us that " dishonest scales are detestable to Jehovah. ' " When I got well, I stopped playing the game. Na ntangu beto kesala ngolo sambu na kusala luzolo ya Nzambi, beto mpi lenda kuma banduku ya Nzambi. As we strive to do God's will, we too can become God's friends. The number of people in the world has grown to an ever greater number. Yindula dyaka mbandu yina beto tubilaka na disolo yina meluta ya muntu yina ketulaka mukubu yina kusadilaka mikubu ya mbi ntangu yandi vandaka kutula mukubu na nzo mosi. Think back to the illustration in the preceding article of the hired painter who used the wrong colors when painting a house. Why not consider some goals that you may have set, and how can your family be achieved? Bubu yai, Yehowa me bendaka beto na dibundu na yandi ya bunkete, yandi ke zolaka beto mpi ke taninaka beto. After we have been brought into the protective and loving care of God's clean organization, we have the responsibility to help maintain it. When Egypt's Egyptian ruler heard Alhazen's idea, he invited him to Egypt to build a wall in the Nile River. Dyaka, yo tanata nsi - ntoto ya ngemba, "ntoto ya mpa, yina ya [Nzambi] silaka beto " kisika" bantu yonso ta lemfuka kaka na Nzambi konso ntangu. " - 2 Piere 3: 13. In addition, it will usher in a peaceful world, "a new earth that we are awaiting according to his [God's] promise, " where" righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Peter 3: 13. Even angels and [love] know that message. " Ntangu fioti na nima, nduku na mono mosi ya kisalu bingaka mono sambu beto kwenda kutala dibuta na bo. Some time later, a work colleague invited me to visit her family. If we continue to study the Scriptures, apply what we learn, and apply all the spiritual provisions that Jehovah gives us, we will grow in love for his reminders. • Pesa bambandu yina kemonisa kikesa yina Nzambi kupesaka ntangu bansadi na yandi kuvandaka na mpasi ya kuluta kiteso. • Give examples of the comfort provided by God when his servants were under severe pressure. Moses did not feel that he could serve God in the royal household and then use his wealth and authority to assist his fellow Israelites. " Beno Pesa Makabu na Bantu Yankaka " " Practice Giving " What a grand house Ahab had in Samaria! * Yindula kiese yina yandi ta vanda na yo ntangu yandi ta zaba nde yandi lungisaka mukumba ya nene na lukanu ya Yehowa ya kubasisa Mesia! * Just imagine how thrilled he will be to understand for the first time his vital role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose with regard to the promised offspring! How did the Ninevites react to God's warning? Bantu yai ya kumonaka ntima ya mbote ya Nzambi ya beto mekatuka kutubila vandaka bantu ya vandaka na kinduku ya mbote ti Yehowa Nzambi mpi ya kusalaka mambu yina vandaka kulungisa lukanu ya Nzambi na mitindu mingi. The recipients of divine loving - kindness whom we have just considered were individuals who had a good relationship with Jehovah God and served the divine purpose in certain ways. (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 14 - 18.) Kansi, nki mutindu beto ke zaba mpenza nde bamvula nsambwadi sukaka na 1914? But how, exactly, do we know that these seven times ended in 1914? Yes, he is the God of nations and of the nations. " - Rom. Kisalu ya kimvuka ya bankengidi memana ntete ve. The work of the watchman class is not yet over. What did we learn from the Great Teacher? Bakristu ya Kyeleka Kezitisaka Ndinga ya Nzambi Over the years, she found work for 23 baptized brothers and students of the Bible! • Inki kisalu mpeve santu kusalaka sambu na kuyela ya nsangu ya Nzambi? • What role did holy spirit play in the growth of God's word? In recent times, did I pray about a fellow believer who is suffering? ' Bamvu - nkama mingi na ntwala ya Mvula ya Ngolo, Enoki kutubaka dezia nde Nzambi tafwa bantu na ntangu na beto. Hundreds of years before the Flood, Enoch prophesied the destruction that must come in our day. Jean - James, French philosopher of France, who lived in the middle of the eighth century, believed that anyone who sincerely sought an invitation can be given a spiritual vision. Sambu na nki beto ketadila mambu yina minunu yankaka ya kwikama mesalaka? Why consider the accomplishments of faithful older ones? We do not know where it will produce good results. Bantu ya Yeruzalemi, beno sepela, beno mona kiese na ntima! Rejoice and exult with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem! " Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Kivuvu ya Lufutumuku Kele ya Kyeleka! The Resurrection Hope Is Sure! Yet, your parents love you. Ata yandi vandaka "kintuntu na kati ya bansende, " yandi vandaka ve kumonisa lulendo na ntwala ya ngungudi! No wonder she was "like a lily among thorns, " anything but common to the shepherd! Most important of all, we have drawn close to God, and both of us have become close friends. " Kansi beto fwete keba. But we need to be careful. Of course, that did not mean leaving Jehovah, their Life - Giver. Yo lenda lomba nde nge yika mpi bima ya nkaka na lisiti yai. You might also have to include some items not listed here. 11 / 15 Sambu na nki nge kesadisa mu ve? " Why don't you help me? " When David speaks of sheep sitting in a place of peace, he shows that they were happy, peaceable, and secure. (b) Inki kima keyikaka beto kyese na ntangu beto kekudibanzaka sambu na mpusa na beto ya kimpeve? (b) What adds to our happiness when we are conscious of our spiritual need? How were two different occasions used by the Witnesses to comfort mourning ones? Yo yina, beto tatadila banzila zole ya mfunu yina kesadisaka na kumona kuyela mpi kimbuta ya muntu: (1) kuyela na nzayilu, na kubakisa, mpi na mayele; (2) kumonisa bambuma ya mpeve. We will, therefore, consider two principal ways in which advancement and maturity may be made manifest: (1) growing in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; (2) manifesting the fruitage of the spirit. The Romans used food containing blood in order to test the integrity of true Christians. Beno longa bo na kuvanda ve na susi ya bima mingi ya kinsuni kansi na " kusosa ntete Kimfumu ya Nzambi. ' You teach them not to be anxious about material things but to " seek first God's kingdom. ' 16, 17. (a) What has been accomplished by missionaries who have been trained at Gilead School? Yandi vandaka ti bamvula kiteso ya 30 ntangu yandi bakaka mbotika sambu na kulungisa lukanu ya Yehowa. At about 30 years of age, he presented himself to do Jehovah's special will for him, symbolizing this by water baptism. Was Peter removed because of his error? Bantu ya Izraele kundimaka mpi kusalaka kuwakana ya Nsiku. The people agreed and entered into the Law covenant. The Hebrew word translated "love, " or" loyal love, " is well spoken of in this love. Basusi yina natilaka mono maladi mosi ya mpasi (zona). Do we appreciatively partake of it and immediately apply what we learn? Kana yo kele mpidina, inki mutindu? In fact, the Bible foretold modern - day disasters, such as "a great earthquakes. " Kilumbu mosi, banduku ya ngolo ya Yezu kuyulaka yandi nde: "Mfumu, longa beto mutindu beto fweti samba. " Jesus ' closest followers once asked him: "Lord, teach us how to pray. " That happened soon after they left Egypt. Yezu kutubaka nde "konso nti ke zabanaka na bambuma na yo. " Jesus said that "by its fruit the tree is known. " Love should be evident in a Christian family, especially within a husband and wife. Mbala mingi, beto ke yindulaka nde bankuluntu mpamba kele ti mukumba ya "kunganina. " We often view the matter of "reproving " as a task to be carried out by Christian elders. Doing so will protect us from becoming haughty or discouraged. Yo yina, kubaka lukanu ya kusadila yandi banda bubu yai ta natila beto balusakumunu kimakulu! But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! So he wants his worshippers to worship him properly. Sambu muntu yina ke na ntima zole ntangu yandi ke lomba, yandi kele bonso kitembo ya masa yina ya mupepe ke tombulaka na zulu ti ke nataka na ndambu yonso. Wise Ones have become wise Mambu yai yonso kewakana ti ntuma yina Yezu kupesaka ya " kukumisa bantu yonso balonguki mpi kulonga bo mpi na kulanda mambu yonso ya yandi vandaka kusonga bo na kusala. ' All of this harmonizes with Jesus ' command to " make disciples, teaching them to observe all the things he had commanded. ' Ezekiel saw a vision of many evil things taking place in the city. Yandi tubaka nde yandi vandaka kudimona muntu ya luvunu sambu yandi vandaka kubula bansaka ya mbongo. She said that she felt like a hypocrite because she loved to gamble. The seventh man, Enoch, was born from Adam, walked with courage and godly devotion through the wicked in his day. Beto ta tadila bangiufula yai na disolo ya ke landa. We will consider these matters in the next article. What should we do when we see others ' weaknesses? Na kisika ya kundima kaka bindima - ndima mambu yina bankaka ketubaka, sambu na nki ve kulanda mbandu ya Bakristu ya mvu - nkama ya ntete yina vandaka kuzinga na Berea, yina kele bubu yai na nordi ya Grese? Instead of blindly accepting what others say, why not follow the example of the first - century Christians who lived in Beroea, in what is now northern Greece? How does the Bible book of 2 Timothy 1: 7 show that our boldness comes from source? Biblia ketubila na bunda masolo ya lufutumuku ya bantu nana yina Nzambi pesaka dyaka luzingu awa na ntoto. The Bible record contains detailed descriptions of eight resurrections of people brought back to life as humans on earth. In 70 C.E., the Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, and many of the remnant became slaves. Yandi tubaka nde kana ve kinsukami ta pusa yandi na kuyiba sambu Nzambi ke zolaka ve kuyiba. As he went on to explain, he did not want to be tempted to steal because theft would dishonor God. For example, rather than ask your child how the day has passed, you might talk about how you have spent the day. Mutindu ya kututa fufu. Grinding the flour. If we engage in "the works of lawlessness " and do not repent, what would we do? Beto fwete vila ve nde beto kele na dibaku ya kukumisa Yehowa ti bima na beto ya mbalu. Yes, for we are reminded that we have the privilege of honoring Jehovah with our valuable things. She immediately cleansed her life so that after six months, she began sharing in the preaching work, one of 10,000 people who shared in it. Yo kelombaka " kubikisa kimuntu ya ntama ti bikalulu na yo, ebuna kubaka kimuntu ya mpa. Nzambi muntu salaka yo, yandi mpi muntu ke kitulaka yo ya mpa sambu yo kufwanana na yandi mosi, na mpila nde beto kuzaba yandi mpenza. ' - Kolosai 3: 9, 10. This requires that you "strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe [yourself] with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it. " - Colossians 3: 9, 10. Jehovah will not perform a miracle to solve our problems. Nsuka - nsuka, bo kangaka Manase na bwala na yandi mpi kotisaka yandi na boloko na Babilone. Eventually, Manasseh was taken from his homeland and thrown into a Babylonian prison. Today, Jehovah has taught us much about him, his purpose, and his Word. Bubu yai, luzolo na beto ya kulonguka mpi ya kusadila mambu yai kemonisaka nde beto kelemfukaka mpenza na lutwadisu ya Kristu, yina kesalaka nde ngemba ti bumosi kuvanda na kati ya dibundu. - Roma 14: 13, 19. Today, our willingness to study and apply this material demonstrates that we personally are yielding to Christ's headship, which contributes to peace and unity. - Rom. 14: 13, 19. (a) Why can we be sure that the Daystar has begun? Sambu Yehowa kutubaka na Edeni nde kimbeni zolaka kuvanda na kati ya bantu yina kesadilaka Nzambi mpi bantu yina kesadilaka Satana Dyabulu. Because Jehovah had stated in Eden that enmity, or hatred, would exist between those who serve God and those who serve Satan the Devil. Trust in Jehovah's Word Keti nge kele kibeni ti bangwisana ya kieleka ti Yehowa? How real to you is your personal relationship with Jehovah? Following this counsel brings happiness because "those conscious of their spiritual need. " - Matthew 5: 3. Mutindu yo vandaka na ntangu ya Yeremia, kele ti bantu yankaka ya kenwanisaka Nzambi na mpila bo kemengaka bansadi na yandi ti kisalu ya yandi mepesaka bo. As in Jeremiah's time, there are those who fight against God by opposing his servants and their divinely assigned activities. in this issue, pages 7 - 8, paragraphs 14 - 18. Ya zole, na kuswaswana ti bisumbula ya lugangu yina kesalama bubu yai mpi ya kefwaka bantu ya mbote mpi ya mbi kumosi, Nzambi kufwaka ve bantu ya mbote. Second, unlike today's natural disasters, which kill good and bad people alike, destruction from God was selective. Jesus took a young child to teach his apostles that they should be humble. Sambu na Nki Kundima Minsiku ya Nzambi Why Accept Godly Values A loved person may die in an accident. Beno basoda ya Mfumu Nzambi kuna na zulu, beno bayina ke salaka mambu ya yandi ke tubaka, beno kumisa yandi! " Bless Jehovah, all you armies of his, you ministers of his, doing his will. " The next day, while I was preaching, two sisters told me to train their children. BANTU yina kelongaka nde bilungi kele kisika ya mpasi mingi kemonisaka Yehowa Nzambi ti bikalulu na yandi na mutindu ya mbi kibeni. THOSE who teach that hell is a place of torment promote a gross misrepresentation of Jehovah God and his qualities. Jesus not only devoted himself to the preaching work but also gave his own life as a ransom so that others could store up their heavenly inheritance. Yandi tulaka ntima nde Yehowa ta wila yandi mawa mpi ta lolula yandi. What did he do? He trusted in Jehovah's mercy and forgiveness. But Jonathan loved Jehovah and was loyal to him. Adami ti Eva kukolamaka na Nzambi mpi kuvidisaka bangwisana ya ngolo ya bo vandaka na yo ti yandi. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and lost their close relationship with him. And he added: "This is what you should say to the Israelites, " I am going to send me to you. ' " Bo kesalaka bakonti sambu na kumonisa mutindu ya bo kesadilaka bima ya Mfumu yina kele na ntoto. They must render an account for the way the Lord's belongings on earth are administered. Another way to become God's friend is by no means possible. Ziku bantu ya Izraele vandaka kudiyula sambu na nki Nzambi pesaka nsiku ya mutindu yina; ziku bantu yankaka kuyindulaka nde yo vandaka mfunu ve. Perhaps the Israelites wondered about the reason for such direction; some may have thought it unnecessary. He added: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered. " Lukanu na yandi ya kubikala ya kwikama na nkento na yandi kesadisaka yandi na kuyedisa kikalulu ya kukangama na minsiku ya lunungu na mambu yonso ya luzingu na yandi. His resolve to be loyal to his wife helps him to develop a commitment to righteous principles in all areas of his life. Who make up Jehovah's watchman today, or "the branches, " and how do they do their work? Inki kikuma kepusaka Yehowa na kusala mambu ti bumbote? On what basis does Jehovah act with goodness? For example, the Bible writer James says: "If anyone does not fall asleep in spirit, let him die. " Yo yina, bika beto sala yonso sambu na kutanina mpeve ya mbote na kati ya dibundu. By all means, then, let us work to preserve a healthy, positive spirit in the congregation. The next article will consider seven qualities. Bangyufula ya mfunu ya beto fwete tadila kele yai: Inki mutindu Kristu ketwadisaka beto bubu yai? The important questions to consider in this regard are: How does Christ lead us today? It can help you to see the proper view or way to do something. Bantu yina kele na biyeka na baluyalu kezolaka ve kubika yo ata fyoti. Those who have the advantage do not wish to give up even a little of it. However, we must do our best to find time for study. Ebuna, keti yo lenda vanda nde kikesa ya bantu yankaka kesalaka sambu na kuzwa kyese melutana mingi? Could it be, though, that some are trying too hard to find happiness? He needs to keep his energy fixed on what he considers important, such as Christian meetings and field service. Yindula mpi Balami, Akani, Gehazi, ti Yudasi Iskariote. Think, too, of Balaam, Achan, Gehazi, and Judas. What will that mean for the earth and those on earth? Yandi bakaka mpenza balusakumunu sambu yandi salaka mambu mutindu Yehowa kezolaka! What blessings she received for doing things Jehovah's way! Jehovah accepted David's prayer and gave him the courage to move ahead and to keep on doing good. Bampangi ya nkaka vandaka ti bima mingi ve, kansi "bo vandaka kukabula yo na konso muntu, na kutadila nzala na yandi. " Evidently, some had little materially, but "distribution would be made to each one according to his need. " How do we benefit by continuing to work what is good toward all? * Na nima ya kudiyula bangiufula yai, sosa kuvanda ti "mabanza ya mbote. " * (See footnote.) Then, use "good sense. " Then choose by means of your understanding. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. (b) Pesa bambandu yina kemonisa mambu ya mbi yina ludimi lenda sala. (b) Give examples to show the damage that the tongue can do. This is not just a matter of some " congregation. ' Ntangu Davidi kutubaka bangogo "nge ke pesaka mono kikesa, " yandi vandaka kulomba Yehowa lusadisu yina yandi vandaka na yo mfunu. By the words "the One lifting up my head, " David ascribes to Jehovah the help he expects to receive. Clearly, people were waiting to kill him. Yo vandaka dikambu mosi ya nene sambu na Eropa, bantu yankaka ketubilaka Bambangi ya Yehowa mutindu yina sambu na kunata bantu na kubuya bisalu ya Bambangi to kukangisa yo. This was serious because in Europe some speak of Jehovah's Witnesses in this way in order to persuade people that the activities of the Witnesses should be restricted or banned. In showing the importance of staying awake, Jesus compared his disciples to slaves waiting for their master to return from his wedding. Bonso Aza, bantangu ya nkaka beto lenda kutana ti mbangika. Like Asa, you can show that you have a complete heart by fully relying on God when you are faced with opposition, even some that may seem insurmountable. (See opening image.) * Na ntama, zulunalu yai monisaka pwelele mutindu ya mbote yina Mukristu fwete landa kusala mambu na yina me tala kuvukana ti mpangi ya dibuta yina bo me basisaka na dibundu ya ke zingaka ve nzo mosi ti bo. In the past, this magazine has clearly stated the proper attitude that a Christian should strive to maintain when it comes to association with a disfellowshipped relative who is not living at home. H. 111: 10. 111: 10. Think, too, of what happened to Joseph. Nsukansuka, yo kenatilaka beto kyese. In the end, this brings happiness. All that he had received could help him to become rich and great. Mutindu beto kele Bakristu, beto kezaba nde bantu lenda seka mpi kunyokula beto, mpi beto lenda kutana ti bampasi yankaka. As Christians, we can expect ridicule, persecution, and other trials. Imitate Our God, Jehovah, Do Not Give Up Nkisi yai ya mampa kemonisa inki, mpi nki mutindu yo ketadila kuyela ya Kimfumu? What does this leaven represent, and how does it relate to the growth of the Kingdom? When Saul saw this, he "began to take the meat and began to burn it with sacrifices. " Ntangu mu belukaka, mu yambulaka kubula nsaka yina. After recuperating, I quit playing professionally. Our conduct: The apostle Peter emphasized the value of maintaining fine conduct. Ntalu ya bantu na nsi - ntoto mekuma mingi mpenza. The world's population has increased drastically. Centuries earlier, Solomon wrote about the need to avoid pleasures for a time, so that we can value life. Sambu na nki ve kutadila mwa balukanu yina beno, mpi mabuta na beno lenda lungisa? Why not consider some goals that you and your family can pursue? [ Pictures on page 6] Ntangu mfumu ya Ezipte Caliph al - Hakim waka ngindu ya Alhazen, yandi bingaka yandi na Ezipte sambu na kutunga kibaka (barage) na Nzadi Nile. When Cairo's ruler, Caliph al - Hakim, heard of the idea, he invited Alhazen to Egypt to build the dam. We can compare joy with fire. Serving Whole - Souled in Spite of Trials (R. Young ones, do not let "the birdcatcher " deceive and ensnare you! Ata bawanzio mpi [kezolaka] kuzaba nsangu yina. " Into these very things angels are desiring to peer. " Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Kana beto landa na kulonguka Masonuku, kusadila mambu yina beto kelonguka, mpi kusadila bima yonso ya kimpeve yina Yehowa kepesaka beto, beto takuma kuzola bangibusa na yandi mingi. By continuing to study the Scriptures, applying what we learn, and taking full advantage of Jehovah's spiritual provisions, we will come to love his reminders exceedingly. Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you yourselves are. " - 2 Cor. Moize yindulaka ve nde yandi lendaka kusadila Nzambi na nzo ya ntotila mpi na nima kusadila kimvwama mpi kiyeka na yandi sambu na kusadisa bampangi na yandi ya Izraele. Moses did not reason that he could serve God as a member of the royal court and then use his wealth and privilege to help his Israelite brothers. Those precious truths heard in their tongues touched their hearts. Akabi vandaka ti nzo mosi ya nene mpenza na Samaria! Ahab had a palace in Samaria - and quite a colossal structure it was! Although "he was being reviled, [Jesus] did not go reviling in return. " Bantu ya Ninive salaka inki na nima ya kuwa lukebisu ya Nzambi? How did the Ninevites respond to divine warning? He has the right to do so because he is a wise Creator, our loving Master, and our heavenly Father. (Tanga 1 Korinto 12: 14 - 18.) (Read 1 Corinthians 12: 14 - 18.) When a person is traveling abroad, he is often asked for literature. Ee, yandi kele Nzambi ya bantu ya makanda mpi. " - Bar. Yes, of people of the nations also. " - Rom. Why should all Christians be interested in the welfare of older ones among them? Inki mambu beto longukaka na Longi ya Nene? Well, what did we learn from the Great Teacher? " Uriah was speaking about Jerusalem, just as Jeremiah was. ' Na nima ya bamvula, Roberto kuzwaka kisalu sambu na bampangi - babakala 23 ya mebakaka mbotika mpi balongoki ya Biblia 8! Over the years, Roberto found employment for 23 baptized brothers and 8 Bible students! [ Picture on page 15] Na bilumbu yina me katuka kuluta, keti mono sambaka sambu na mpangi mosi ya dibundu ya ke niokwama? ' Have I recently prayed for individuals in the congregation who are facing hardships? ' (b) What can happen if we ignore danger? Jean - Jacques Rousseau, filozofe mosi ya France, yina kuzingaka na bamvu - nkama ya kumi na nana vandaka kukwikila nde konso muntu yina kelomba na masonga yonso, Nzambi lenda pesa yandi mbona - meso ya kimpeve. Eighteenth - century French philosopher Jean - Jacques Rousseau believed that any sincere inquirer can receive a personal spiritual revelation from God. As we live in our spiritual paradise, we can add our appreciation for it and our hope for the Paradise earth. Beto kezabaka ve na nki kisika yo tabuta mbote. We do not know where they will have success. Moreover, David used his grief for his sins to counsel others. " Keti bo ke tekaka ve tubandeke zole na mbongo mosi ya kibende ya mfunu mingi ve? " Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not? Why is it important to pray with a student and read his name in prayer? Kansi, kyeleka kele nde bibuti na nge kezolaka nge. Yet, the truth is that your parents love you. Those who remained in Babylon, such as the aged prophet Daniel, could receive God's blessing only if they wholeheartedly supported true worship in Jerusalem and stayed separate from Babylon's false religion. Kima ya kuluta mfunu kele nde, beto me pusanaka pene - pene ya Nzambi mpi beto zole me kumaka banduku ya ngolo. " Above all, we have drawn closer to God and closer to each other. " Jacob had ten other children, but he loved Joseph more than they did. Ya kyeleka yo vandaka kutendula ve kuyambula Yehowa, Muntu yina kupesaka bo luzingu. It certainly was not to turn away from Jehovah, their Life - Giver. For you are the Creator of all things and are life by your will. " Of course, that does not mean that God's personal name is some kind of good - luck charm. However, he did not allow fear of what others would like to stop him from doing what he knew to be right. Bankento Yina Kusepedisaka Ntima ya Yehowa, 11 / 1 Brazil (deaf field), 2 / 1 Calendar, 11 / 15 What can articles about our heart tell us about our heart? Ntangu Davidi ketubila mutindu mameme mevanda na ngemba na kisika yina kele ti madya mingi, yandi kemonisa nde mameme yango vandaka na kyese, na ngemba, mpi na lutaninu. A flock lying down peacefully in the midst of abundance - David here paints a scene of contentment, refreshment, and security. The Hebrew word rendered "pastures " can mean" pleasant place. " JEHOVAH was the real source of the Christian congregation in the first century and the restoration of true worship in our day. Inki mutindu na baokazio zole ya kuswaswana Bambangi kusadilaka mbote baverse sambu na kupesa kikesa na bantu yina vandaka na mafwa? How were Witnesses on two different occasions able to use scriptures effectively to comfort mourning ones? Paul urged Timothy: "Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe. " Bantu ya Roma vandaka kusadila madya yina kele ti menga na kati sambu na kumeka kwikama ya Bakristu ya kyeleka. The Romans used food containing blood as a test of the integrity of real Christians. Let us consider three ways to do so. 16, 17. (a) Bamisionere yina mebakaka formasio na nzo - nkanda ya Gileade melungisaka nki na kisalu ya kusamuna Kimfumu? 16, 17. (a) What have Gilead - trained missionaries been able to accomplish in the Kingdom - preaching work? The doctor may also have to offer his blood for tests of blood in other difficult ways. Keti bo katulaka Piere mikumba sambu na kifu yina yandi salaka? Would Peter lose precious privileges because of his mistake? How, then, can you become a friend of someone you do not know by name? Ngogo ya Kiebreo ya bo mebalula nde " kuzola mingi, ' to "zola ya kwikama " ketendula mbote zola yai. Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated "loving - kindness, " or" loyal love. " Jesus Christ was described as a real man who really lived. Keti beto kedyaka yo na ntonda yonso mpi kesadilaka kukonda kusukinina mambu ya beto kelonguka? Do we gratefully partake of it and readily apply what we learn? Often, if a person makes a mistake, he spends too much time and uses his power to blame others or to justify his words or actions. Ya kyeleka, Biblia kutubilaka na ntwala bisumbula ya kesalama na ntangu na beto, mu mbandu " kunikana ya ngolo ya ntoto. ' True, the Bible foretold disasters for our day, such as "great earthquakes. " Of course, marriage is not the only gift that Jehovah has given us; nor is it the only road that leads to happiness in life. Mambu yai yantikaka ntama mingi ve ntangu bo basikaka na Ezipte. This began not long after their departure from Egypt. 7: 39. Zola fwete monana na dibuta ya Bakristu, mingimingi zola fwete vanda na kati ya bakala ti nkento na yandi. Especially should love be manifested within a Christian family and particularly between husband and wife. Jacob, mentioned earlier, still remembers the need for each individual to choose to serve Jehovah. Kusala mpidina ta tanina beto na kukuma ve lulendo to kulemba nitu. This will protect us not only from being puffed up with pride but also from being discouraged. ● Why does God allow wickedness? Yo yina, yandi ke zolaka nde mpi nde bansadi na yandi kusambila yandi na mutindu ya me fwana. Surely, then, we should expect that Jehovah wants his worshippers to be well - organized. Both I and I were baptized in July 1982, in the waters of the Holy Spirit, we were baptized as a fugitive. Bantu ya kukonda mayele mekuma mayele The Inexperienced Become Wise Since 1914, millions have willingly become Jehovah's chosen King, Jesus Christ. Ezekiele monaka na mbona - meso mambu mingi ya mbi ke salama na mbanza. In the vision, Ezekiel saw many wicked things happening there. (Read James 2: 21 - 23.) Enoki, muntu ya nsambwadi na ndonga ya kubutuka ya bantu katuka na Adami, kutambulaka ti kikesa ti Nzambi na kuvandaka ti bikalulu ya mbote na kati ya bantu ya mbi ya ntangu na yandi. Enoch, the seventh man in the genealogical line from Adam, courageously walked with God by pursuing an upright course amid his wicked contemporaries. Rejoice when you are still young. " Inki mambu beto fwete sala ntangu beto ke mona bifu ya bantu ya nkaka? We can make what analysis of our perception of human weakness? It was also the experience of one of Jehovah's Witnesses who had been distributing the magazines. Mukanda ya 2 Timoteo 1: 7 ke monisa nde kikesa na beto ke katukaka na wapi? How does 2 Timothy 1: 7 help us to identify the fundamental source of courage? How, though, can we show that we eagerly await God's new world? Na mvu 70 T.B., basoda ya Roma kufwaka Yeruzalemi ti tempelo, mpi Bayuda mingi yina kubikalaka kukumaka bampika. In 70 C.E., Roman armies devastated Jerusalem and the temple, and many of the remaining Jews became slaves. Hence, if we understand the account about Samson, we will be convinced that God's spirit can help us. Mu mbandu, na kisika ya kuyula mwana na nge mutindu kilumbu me luta, nge lenda tubila mutindu nge me lutisa kilumbu. For example, rather than asking your daughter how her day went, you could comment on how your day was. Elders gladly provide spiritual help Kana beto kesala "mambu ya mbi " mpi beto kebalula ve ntima, yo tasonga nde beto kesala inki? If we unrepentantly practice "vile things, " what attitude are we betraying? Why is it vital that we display the fruitage of the spirit if we are to progress spiritually? Yandi katulaka mvindu yonso na luzingu na yandi kukonda kusukinina na mpila nde, na nima ya bangonda sambanu, yandi yantikaka kusala kisalu ya kusamuna. Yandi vandaka mosi na kati ya bantu 10 115 yina kusalaka kisalu yina na Panama. He cleaned up his life so quickly that in less than six months, he was able to share in the evangelizing work - one of the 10,115 to do so last year in Panama. The next article will consider four areas of life in which we should take that stand. Yehowa ta sala ve kimangu sambu na kumanisa bampasi na beto. Jehovah will not miraculously make our problems disappear. Does that not mean that injustice and poverty will last forever? ' Bubu yai, Yehowa ke longaka beto mambu mingi ya me tala yandi, lukanu na yandi, bima yina yandi me gangaka mpi Ndinga na yandi. Today, Jehovah teaches us a lot about himself, his purpose, his creation, and his Word. Moreover, deep appreciation should move us to imitate Jehovah's qualities when we show them in our dealings with fellow believers and with those to whom we preach. (a) Sambu na nki beto lenda ndima nde Mbwetete ya Suka - Suka mebasikaka? (a) Why can we be sure that the Daystar has already risen? He knew that according to the Mosaic Law, the disease caused him and anyone around him to be unclean. Tula Ntima na Ndinga ya Yehowa Trust in Jehovah's Word But I will say to them: " I don't know you. Kulanda ndongisila yai kenataka kyese sambu "kyese na bantu yina kekudibanzaka sambu na mpusa na bo ya kimpeve. " - Matayo 5: 3, NW. Following this advice leads to happiness, for "happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " - Matthew 5: 3. Parents ' good influence can help a child develop good qualities and make wise decisions in life. na nimero yai, balutiti 7 - 8, baparagrafe 14 - 18. in this issue, pages 7 - 8, paragraphs 14 - 18. Jehovah's answers, often in words of encouragement, are food to meditate on us. Yezu bakaka mwana fioti sambu na kulonga bantumwa na yandi nde bo fwete kudikulumusa. Jesus used a young child to make clear to his apostles that they should be humble and modest. What advice could you give this sister? Muntu mosi ya beto kezolaka lenda fwa na aksida. An accident can take the life of someone we love. How can I imitate Jesus in this regard? Kilumbu yina landaka, ntangu mono vandaka kusamuna, bampangi - bankento zole zabisaka mono na kulonga bana na bo. The very next day, while I was in service, two different sisters offered me a job teaching their children. Like a man taking the lead in a path that does not follow law, Adam and Eve would have acted in their own way. Yezu kusukaka ve na kudipesa ya mvimba kaka na kisalu ya kulonga, kansi yandi pesaka mpi luzingu na yandi mosi kibeni bonso nkudulu na mpila nde bantu yankaka kuzwa mpila ya kudibumbila kimvwama na bo na zulu. Not only did Jesus unselfishly give of himself in his ministry but he gave his very life as a ransom so that others might have the opportunity to store up treasures in heaven. If we pursue such a course, Jehovah's rich gifts and blessings will make us rich, and they will never add pain to us. Kansi Yonatani vandaka kuzola Yehowa mpi kukangama na yandi. But Jonathan loved Jehovah and was loyal to him. The article stated: "It is true that when red is used to look at something red or red in the place of the light, it is as if it were white; whether our sins are red or red, whether we view it as Jehovah does, namely, the forgiveness of our sins. " Mpi yandi yikaka nde: " Yai mambu ya nge fwete tubila bantu ya Izraele, "Mono Ta Kuma me tinda mono na beno. " ' " And he added: " This is what you are to say to the Israelites, "I Will Become has sent me to you. " ' " The jailer thought that everyone in prison had fled, but Paul did not want to kill him. Mutindu yankaka ya kusala sambu na kukuma nduku ya Nzambi kele ve. How else could we become God's friend? Jehovah's Wisdom Is in Creation Yandi yikaka nde: "Ata nsuki na beno ya ntu, Nzambi me tangaka yo yonso. " Jesus added: "The very hairs of your head are all numbered. " Eric: I like that. Banani kele kimvuka ya santinele ya Yehowa bubu yai, to "santinele, " mpi nki mutindu bo kesala kisalu na bo? Who today make up Jehovah's watchman class, or "lookout, " and what attitude have they had? Hence, he risked his life by protecting God's chosen people and thus putting his future in their hands. Mu mbandu, nsoniki ya Biblia, Yakobo, ketuba nde: "Kana muntu ke fulumuna ve, yandi [kele na mpeve ve, NW], yandi fweti fwa. " The Bible writer James, for example, states: "The body without spirit is dead. " To exercise headship in imitation of Christ, a husband must learn to view himself as a shepherd and view those under his care as sheep. Disolo ya kelanda tatadila bikalulu nsambwadi. The next article will consider seven of these. He felt pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd. Yo lenda sadisa nge na kubakisa ngindu to mutindu ya mbote ya kusala diambu mosi. They can help you to grasp a point or emphasize a superior way of doing something. The former things have passed away. " - Revelation 21: 4. Kansi, beto fwete salaka yonso sambu na kuzwa ntangu ya kulonguka. Instead, we need to take control of the situation by making time for study. We need to identify a lesson that has been changed and that differs from the old meaning. Yo kelombaka nde Stephanie kubumba ngolo na yandi sambu na mambu yina yandi kemonaka nde yo kele mfunu mingi, bonso balukutakanu ya Bukristu mpi kisalu ya bilanga. Stephanie has to save her energy for the things that she considers more important, such as Christian meetings and field service. (Read Numbers 18: 19, 21, 24.) Dyambu yango tatendula nki sambu na ntoto mpi bantu ya kele na ntoto? What will that mean for the earth and the people on it? • What good results do we derive from using the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yehowa ndimaka kisambu ya Davidi mpi pesaka yandi kikesa ya kukwenda na ntwala mpi kulanda kusala mambu ya mbote. Jehovah answered David's prayers and strengthened him to go ahead with his life and accomplish something worthwhile. Hence, "he learned to obey God because of the suffering he suffered, " and thus he took delight in his Father. Inki mambote beto kebakaka ntangu beto kelandaka na kusadila bantu yonso mbote? How do we benefit from keeping busy doing what is good? What a fine example parents need to follow when living with their children! Na nima pona na nsadisa ya nzayilu yina nge mebaka. - Kulonga 30: 19. Then choose accordingly. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. According to Jesus, what remarkable change would take place? Yo kele kaka ve dyambu ya metadila " dibundu mosi buna. ' This is not just " some religion. ' What is one outstanding reason why children often drift away? Yo kele pwelele nde bantu vandaka kuvingila yandi sambu na kufwa yandi. He sent one final inspired letter to Timothy. He sent his servant to follow his brothers. Ntangu yandi vandaka kumonisa mfunu ya kubikala meso ya kukangula, Yezu fwanisaka balongoki na yandi na bampika yina kekinga kuvutuka ya mfumu na bo yina kukwendaka na feti na yandi ya makwela. In emphasizing the need to be watchful, Jesus compared his disciples to slaves awaiting their master's return from his marriage. Yet, he could not help many Jews to become believers. (Tala kifwanisu yina kele na luyantiku ya disolo.) (See opening image.) 16, 17. (a) Why is it important for children to get baptized? H. H. The last words of the apostle Peter say, "for there is nothing detestable to [your] prayers " show that husbands ought to treat their wives with dignity. Yindula mpi mambu yina kuminaka Sara nkaka ya Yozefi. Think, too, about Joseph's great - grandmother Sarah. Then he found strength and courage to respond kindly to a situation that could lead to disaster. Badiplome yonso ya yandi bakaka lendaka kusadisa yandi na kukuma mvwama mpi muntu ya nene. These credentials could have enabled him to become rich and famous. (Read Hebrews 4: 1.) Landa Mbandu ya Yehowa, Nzambi na Beto ya Keponaponaka Ve Imitate Jehovah, Our Impartial God But the Bible does not say that Joseph died at that time when Jesus repented of water by his first miracle, and then Joseph died at that time. Ntangu Saule monaka mpidina, yandi "bakaka mbisi, yandi yantikaka kuyoka yo sambu na kupesa makabu. " However, Samuel did not come as soon as he was expected, and the people began to disperse. Jehovah is the Author of the sheep whom he bought "in the blood of his Son, " and he requires that the elders be accountable for the way they care for his sheep, whom they should" show mercy. " Bikalulu na beto: Ntumwa Piere monisaka mfunu ya kuvanda ti bikalulu ya mbote. Our conduct: Peter recognized the importance of good conduct. Those who live on earth will benefit from this covenant forever. Bamvu - nkama mingi na ntwala, Salomo kusonikaka mfunu ya kubuya byese sambu na mwa ntangu, na mpila nde beto baka luzingu na mbalu mingi. Centuries earlier, Solomon wrote about the value of forgoing pleasures at times in order to take life seriously. Each of us has serious problems. [ Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 6] [ Pictures on page 6] 4: 24, 25 What does my attitude toward others mean? Beto lenda fwanisa kiese ti tiya. You must feed the fire to intensify the heat. Similarly, we should speak the pure language at every opportunity. Baleke, beno bika ve nde "muntu ya kekangaka bandeke " kukusa mpi kukanga beno na mutambu! Young people, do not let "the birdcatcher " lure and trap you! What is the most important thing in our life? Yina Bambangi ya Yehowa mebasisaka mpi kekabulaka. Published and distributed by Jehovah's Witnesses. We cannot win Satan's battle without Jehovah's help. Polo sonikilaka Bakristu ya Korinto nde: "Beno landa na kudimeka sambu na kuzaba kana beno kele na lukwikilu, beno landa na kuditala kana beno kele nki mutindu. " - 2 Bak. Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are. " - 2 Cor. Similarly, we as Christians can view themselves as new in the ministry. Bakyeleka ya mfunu yina bantu yango kuwaka na bandinga na bo kusimbaka bantima na bo. The hearts of the listeners were touched by the vital truths that they heard in their mother tongue. Loyalty is a quality that conveys the idea of sticking to one another, faith, and obedience. Ata "ntangu bo fingaka yandi, [Yezu] vutulaka mafingu yina ve. " Even "when he was being reviled, [Jesus] did not go reviling in return. " Just as fear robs a person of danger, fear of God helps us to avoid doing what is bad Yandi kele ti nswa ya kusala mutindu yina sambu yandi kele Ngangi ya mayele, Mfumu ya zola, mpi Tata na beto ya zulu. That is his prerogative as our wise Creator, loving Master, and heavenly Father. As a result, the hope that people have in medicine and traditions remains firm. Mbala mingi ntangu muntu kesalaka nzyetelo na nsi yankaka bo kelombaka yandi mikanda. A traveler is usually required to state his citizenship to a border official. IT WAS always possible for THAT has been born Sambu na nki Bakristu yonso fwete tula dikebi na mambote ya bampangi ya menuna yina kele na kati na bo? Why should all Christians be interested in the well - being of the elderly among them? What specific locations are involved in preaching from house to house in the Bible? Biblia ketuba nde: " Uria vandaka kutuba sambu na Yeruzalemi kaka mutindu Yeremia vandaka kutuba. ' " Urijah kept prophesying against Jerusalem with the same words Jeremiah did, ' the Bible says. They believe that the earth's goods are too difficult to understand, so much more so as to say it is designed. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 25] [ Picture on page 12] SOME years ago, a fear - inspiring group of Christians lived in a town on a mountain, eastern Europe. (b) Inki lenda salama kana beto ke buya kutula dikebi na bigonsa? (b) What can happen to us if we ignore warning signs? To make a donation, please visit Na ntangu beto kezinga na paladisu na beto ya kimpeve, beto lenda yika ntonda na beto sambu na yo mpi kivuvu na beto sambu na Paladisu ya ntoto. As we reside in our spiritual paradise, we can strengthen our appreciation of it and our hope for Paradise on earth. On average, each Witness placed 16 magazines in one month Dyaka, Davidi kusadilaka mawa yina yandi waka sambu na masumu ya yandi salaka sambu na kulongisila bantu yankaka. Moreover, David used the sad experience gained from his sinful conduct to counsel others. This does not mean that we observe the Mosaic Law or do what is right just to gain Jehovah's favor. Sambu na nki yo kele mfunu na kusamba ti longoki mpi kutanga zina na yandi na kisambu? Why is it important to pray with and for our student? We thank Jehovah every day for his life. Bantu yina kubikalaka na Babilone, mu mbandu profete Daniele yina kuvandaka mununu, lendaka kubaka lusakumunu ya Nzambi, kaka kana bo pesaka maboko na masonga yonso na lusambu ya kyeleka yina vandaka kusalama na Yeruzalemi mpi kubikalaka ya kukabwana ti lusambu ya luvunu ya Babilone. Those remaining in Babylon, such as the aged prophet Daniel, could have God's blessing, provided they wholeheartedly supported pure worship centered in Jerusalem and remained separate from Babylonian false worship. Christians need to be on guard against what? Yakobi vandaka ti bana kumi ya nkaka, kansi yandi vandaka kuzola Yozefi mingi kuluta bo. Jacob had ten other sons, but he loved Joseph more than all of them. Long before the need for the Law covenant was completed, Jehovah foretold through the prophet Jeremiah that he would make "a new covenant " with Israel. Sambu nge muntu salaka bima yonso; bima yonso ke zingaka, bo ke na moyo kaka sambu na luzolo na nge. " By reason of his Creatorship, Jehovah is worthy of our worship. Also, I have a small camp that I keep in my mouth. Kansi, yandi yambulaka ve nde boma ya mambu yina bantu yankaka tayindula kukanga yandi nzila ya kusala mambu yina yandi zabaka nde yo kele mbote. Yet, he did not let fear of what others would think hold him back from doing what he knew was right. If we are convinced that we have no right to judge, we will not be quick to speak to others or say that their motives are bad. Masolo yina beto kezolaka kuta lenda songa beto nki sambu na yina metala ntima na beto? What can the subjects we like to discuss reveal about our heart? Thus, all meetings can bless us if we pay attention and continue to our Bibles. - Acts 2: 1 - 4; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. YEHOWA muntu vandaka kibeni na kisina ya dibundu ya Bukristu na mvu - nkama ya ntete mpi ya kuvutulama ya lusambu ya kieleka na bilumbu na beto. JEHOVAH is rightly credited with the establishment of the Christian congregation in the first century and with the restoration of true worship in recent times. How did Jehovah prove to be the Great Provider in the days of Abraham and Isaac? Polo kusyamisaka Timoteo nde: "Landa kaka mambu yina ya nge longukaka, ti ya nge ke tulaka ntima. " " Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, " Paul exhorts Timothy. 11: 25; Acts 4: 13; 1 Cor. Bika beto tadila mitindu tatu ya kusala yo. Let us consider three ways. The first study article shows how important it is for husbands to be obedient to their Head, Christ, and to imitate him in their dealings with others. Minganga lenda lomba mpi nde muntu kupesa menga na yandi sambu na ba ekzame ya kelombaka kulonguka menga na mitindu yankaka ya kuluta mpasi. Other more complex procedures involving one's blood may also be recommended. worry about economic problems, child rearing, and loneliness can weaken you, and you may be weakened by chronic problems. Ebuna, nki mutindu nge lenda kuma nduku ya muntu yina nge me zaba ve zina? After all, how can you be close to someone whose name you do not know? CAN YOU ANSWER? Bo tubilaka Yezu Kristu bonso muntu ya kyeleka yina kuzingaka mpenza. They mention Jesus Christ as a historical figure. How can studying Paul's letters and his ministry help us? Mbala mingi, kana muntu me sala kifu, yandi ke lutisaka ntangu mingi mpi ke sadilaka ngolo na yandi sambu na kupesa bantu ya nkaka foti to kumonisa nde mambu yina yandi tubaka to salaka vandaka mbi ve. Often, when mistakes are made, a person spends much time and emotional energy apportioning blame or justifying what was said or done. In fact, parents want what is best for their children. - 1 Samuel 1: 11, 27, 28; Psalm 127: 3 - 5. Ya kyeleka, makwela kele kaka ve dikabu mosi mpamba yina Yehowa mepesaka beto; yo kele kaka mpi ve nzila mosi mpamba ya kenataka na kyese na luzingu. Marriage, of course, is not the only gift Jehovah has given us; nor is it the only road to happiness in life. We know that not everyone will respond to the Kingdom message we preach. 7: 39. 7: 39. Every day, we face many temptations and temptations that tempt us to do wrong. Jacob Emmanuel, ya beto tubilaka ntete, keyibuka dyaka mfunu ya konso muntu ya kusola yandi mosi na kusadila Yehowa. Jacob Emmanuel, mentioned earlier, also remembers the importance of making a personal choice to serve Jehovah. Our strong faith in God sets a fine example for those around us. ● Sambu na nki Nzambi mepesaka nzila na mambi? ● Why does God allow wickedness? (b) How do we respect "all creation "? Mono ti Mairambubu bakaka mbotika na Yuli 1982, na masa Chüy, beto bakaka mbotika ya kubumbana. When Mairambubu and I got baptized in July 1982 in the Chüy River, we had to be cautious. We need to be sure that neither the things we left behind nor Satan's schemes will undermine our resolve to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Tuka 1914, bamilio ya bantu me ndima kukuma na luzolo yonso bantu ya Yezu Kristu, Ntotila yina Yehowa me ponaka. Since 1914, millions have therefore chosen to become willing subjects of God's enthroned King, Christ Jesus. Should we not agree with that? (Tanga Yakobo 2: 21 - 23.) (Read James 2: 21 - 23.) JEHOVAH'S Word gives us joy. Beno mona kiese ntangu beno me nuna ntete ve. " So wrote wise King Solomon of ancient Israel. When a couple Are Not married Yo salamaka mpi nde Mbangi mosi ya Yehowa yina vandaka kukabula bazulunalu kulokutaka sakoshe yina. A Witness delivering newspapers found the briefcase. In fact, when we share the truth with others, we show that we love them. Kansi, nki mutindu beto lenda monisa nde beto ke vingila na kiese yonso nsi - ntoto ya mpa ya Nzambi yina me kuma pene? But how can we show that we are expecting God's new world to come soon and that we are looking forward to it? Yes, where he works at a bank, he sees a number of corruption that would be done if he went to a university. Yo yina, kana beto bakisa disolo ya Samsoni, beto tandima mpenza nde mpeve ya Nzambi lenda sadisa beto. Yes, understanding the account about Samson underscores the fact that God's spirit can help us. Although elders take the lead in seeking and helping sheep who have strayed, Christian overseers should not be concerned about such fellow believers. Bankuluntu kepesaka lusadisu ya kimpeve na kyese yonso Christian elders gladly provide spiritual assistance For example, these Bible writers: Paul, James, Peter, and Jude called themselves slaves of God and of Christ. Sambu na nki yo kele mfunu nde beto monisa bambuma ya mpeve kana beto kezola kuyela na kimpeve? Why is manifesting the fruitage of the spirit important in our quest for spiritual advancement? He has given us free will - the ability to choose our own life. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. Disolo yina ke landa ta tubila mambu iya yina beto fwete monisila lukanu yina. The next article will discuss four more areas in which you can demonstrate that resolve. Like the first - century Jews, many today view marriage as the most important thing possible. Keti yo ketendula ve nde kukonda lunungu ti kinsukami tavandaka kimakulu? ' Does that not mean that there will always be injustice and poverty? ' The Egyptians, a mighty nation, were oppressed. Diaka, ntonda ya mingi fwete pusa beto na kulanda mbote - mbote bikalulu ya Yehowa ntangu beto ke monisa yo na bangwisana na beto ti bampangi - Bakristu mpi bantu yina beto ke longaka. Deepened appreciation, in turn, ought to move us to imitate Jehovah's qualities to the full, demonstrating them in our dealings with fellow believers and with those to whom we preach. Describe the wickedness that occurred in the ancient city of Canaan. Yandi zabaka nde na kutadila Nsiku ya Moize, maladi yina vandaka kusala nde yandi ti konso muntu yina kesimba yandi kuvanda mvindu. She knew that under the Mosaic Law, her condition made her and anyone who touched her ceremonially unclean. Marriage is a lifelong commitment. Kansi mono tasonga bo nde: " Mono me zaba beno ve. For thousands of years, sin "has dominated all men " as king. Bupusi ya mbote ya bibuti lenda sadisa mwana na kuyedisa bikalulu ya kitoko mpi na kubaka badesizio ya mayele na luzingu. A positive parental influence may help a child to develop endearing qualities and to make wise choices in life. The prophet Isaiah wrote: "It is holy, holy, Jehovah. " Bamvutu ya Yehowa, yina kevandaka mbala mingi na bangogo ya kupesa kikesa, kele madya sambu na kuyindulula na beto. Jehovah's responses, which often include the use of comforting words, are food for meditation. Whatever the case, his confidence in humans was in vain. Inki ndongisila nge lendaka kupesa mpangi yai ya nkento? What advice would you have given this sister? " One of our goals was to search for a congregation with young people who are spiritually mature. Inki mutindu mono lenda landa mbandu ya Yezu na dyambu yai? How can I imitate Jesus in this regard? For example, he has appointed his Son to care for the needs of the congregation and has appointed the "faithful steward " to provide us with timely spiritual food that helps us to remain faithful. Bonso muntu yina ke nataka avio ya ke landa ve bantuma, Adami ti Eva zolaka kusala mambu na mutindu na bo. Like that pilot, Adam and Eve wanted to do things their own way. As we await that Memorial, may we show that we cherish our unity that is revealed each year when we observe the Memorial. Kana beto landa luzingu ya mutindu yai, makabu ya kitoko mpi balusakumunu mingi ya Yehowa takumisa beto bamvwama, mpi yo tayika beto ve ata mpasi fyoti. If we pursue such a course, Jehovah's priceless gifts and abundant blessing will make us rich - and that without a hint of pain. One verse is Matthew 6: 34: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Disolo yango kutubaka nde: "Yo kele kyeleka nde kana bo sadila ditensi ya mbwaki sambu na kutala kima mosi ya mbwaki to ya mbwaki mingi na kisika yina nsemo kele, kima yango kemonanaka bonso nde yo kele mpembe; mutindu mosi, ata masumu na beto kele mbwaki to mbwaki mingi, kana beto tadila yo mutindu Yehowa ketadilaka yo, disongidila na nzila ya mbalu ya menga ya Kristu, pana masumu na beto tamonana dyaka ve. " (nimero ya Yuli 1879 ya Kingelesi, lut. The article stated: "It is a singular fact, that [when] a scarlet or crimson object [is] viewed through a red glass in the light, the object appears white; so, though our sins be as scarlet or crimson, when we come where God will view them through the blood of Christ, they are accounted as white. " (July 1879, p. For example, the Watch Tower Publications Index, F. F. F. F. Muntu ya vandaka kukengila boloko yindulaka nde bantu yonso ya boloko me tina, yo yina yandi zolaka kudifwa. Kansi Polo buyisaka yandi. The jailer, fearing that the prisoners had escaped, was on the verge of committing suicide when Paul called out to him. He could never have thought of benefiting from his God - given assignment. Mayele ya Yehowa Kemonanaka na Lugangu District Convention Locations 24: 45, 46. Eric: Mono me sepela ti bafoto yai. Eric: I like the photos. One Christian woman explains why she approached an elder about her problems: "He spoke to me in a warm and loving manner. Yo yina, yandi tulaka luzingu na yandi na kigonsa na kutaninaka bantu yina Nzambi kuponaka mpi na mutindu yina yandi tulaka makwisa na yandi na maboko na bo. Yet, when she heard about the victories that Jehovah had given to Israel, she realized that Jehovah is the true God. Keep your eyes focused on the Kingdom work. Sambu bakala kusadila kimfumu na yandi na kulandaka mbandu ya Kristu, yandi fwete longuka na kudimona bonso ngungudi mpi kumona bantu yina kele na nsi ya lutwadisu na yandi bonso mameme. To exercise his headship in imitation of Christ, a husband must learn to think of himself as a shepherd and of those under his care as sheep. They were prepared to accept death because of what they believed. - Acts 7: 51 - 60. Yandi wilaka bo mawa, sambu bo vandaka bonso mameme yina me konda ngungudi ya kutala bo. " He saw a great crowd, but he was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. However, Jehovah's people choose schools that help them find practical wisdom so that they can simplify their life so that they can serve God. Mambu ya ntama me vila. " - Kusonga 21: 4. God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " - Revelation 21: 4. So he reminded his disciples that soon he would die and that all who accept him must also sacrifice their lives. Beto fwete zaba dilongi yina bo me soba mpi mambu ya nkaka ya fioti - fioti yina bo me tendula, yina me swaswana ti bantendula ya ntama. We seek to understand clearly not only the major adjustments but also the subtle differences between the old understanding and the new one. Those who try to separate themselves from sects will not inherit God's Kingdom. (Tanga Kutanga 18: 19, 21, 24.) (Read Numbers 18: 19, 21, 24.) In a respectful way, the psalmist expresses his delight in saying: "The grand works of your hands are what Jehovah has done, and I will make melody to you. " • Inki mbuma ya mbote beto ke na kubaka na kusadila mukanda Inki Biblia Kelongaka Mpenza? • What results are being obtained with the publication What Does the Bible Really Teach? That Savior was Jeroboam, who served in Solomon's reign. Yo yina, "yandi longukaka na kulemfuka na Nzambi sambu na bampasi yina " yandi monaka, mpi na mutindu yina yandi sepedisaka Tata na yandi. He thus "learned obedience from the things he suffered " and thereby made his Father's heart rejoice. It is vital to cultivate and maintain a good relationship with humans and with God. Yai mbandu ya mbote mpenza yina bibuti fwete landa na ntangu bo kezinga na bana na bo! What a fine attitude for parents to imitate in dealing with their children! One important factor that can help us is the comfort we receive from family members, friends, and fellow believers. Na kutadila mambu yina Yezu kutubaka, inki nsoba ya nene zolaka kusalama? According to Jesus, what major change was to occur? How comforting those words are! Inki kikuma ya kuluta nene ya kesalaka mbala mingi nde bana kuvila nzila? What is often the root cause of young ones ' going astray? Making the necessary changes to please Jehovah is an expression of our love for him Yandi tindaka nsadi na yandi na kulanda bampangi na yandi. He had his brothers pursued, arrested, and accused of stealing the cup. Later, we moved to areas where the white people were being beaten. Ata mpidina, yandi kukaka ve kusadisa Bayuda mingi na kukuma Bakristu. Still, he did not succeed in moving many Jews to become true worshippers. Why? 16, 17. (a) Sambu na nki yo kele mfunu nde bana kubaka mbotika? 16, 17. (a) How does baptism relate to one's future life prospects? Jesus told his disciples: "No one can slave for two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. Bangogo yai ya nsuka ya ntumwa Piere ketuba nde, sambu " ata kima mosi ve kubebisa bisambu na beno ' kemonisa nde babakala fwete sadilaka bankento na bo mambu na lukumu yonso. The necessity of a husband's treating his wife with honor is emphasized by the apostle Peter's concluding words, "in order for your prayers not to be hindered. " Soon thereafter, I realized that the freedom I was seeking would bring me trouble. Ebuna, Evan kuzwaka ngolo ti kikesa ya kupesa mvutu na mawete yonso sambu na kumanisa dikambu yina lendaka kunata matata. Evan then found the strength and courage to defuse this explosive situation by responding in a mild manner. (a) What is indicated by the expression "to the extent "? (Tanga Baebreo 4: 1.) (Read Hebrews 4: 1.) While this verse applies primarily to the group of anointed Christians, the principle in which it applies applies to all Christians today. Kansi Biblia ke tubila ve Yozefi ntangu Yezu balulaka masa na vinu na kimangu na yandi ya ntete, mpi na nima ya kimangu yai. Yo ke monana nde Yozefi fwaka na ntangu yina. When Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine, there was no mention of Joseph - then or on any subsequent occasion. 4: 6 - Who are "the dead " who have been" declaring the good news "? Yehowa kele munkwa mameme yina yandi sumbaka "na menga ya mwana na yandi, " mpi yandi kelombaka bakonti na bankuluntu sambu na mutindu bo ketalaka mameme na yandi, yina bo fwete " wila mawa. ' Jehovah is the Owner of the sheep, whom "he purchased with the blood of his own Son, " and He holds the appointed overseers accountable for the way they treat His flock, which should be" with tenderness. " How did Jesus fulfill his moral prophecies? Bantu yina ta zinga na ntoto ta baka mambote ya kuwakana yai mvula na mvula. In fact, those who will then live on earth will benefit in an everlasting way. Let us see how God's Word can help us to resolve these problems. Konso muntu kele ti mambu ya mpasi yina ke yangisaka yandi. Still others are part of a religiously divided family or a single - parent household. Faith also means "to know " God as real. 4: 24, 25 Mambu ya mono kesalaka sambu na bantu yankaka ketendulaka inki? 4: 24, 25 What is the significance of how I treat others? Jehovah's organization today imitates the same pattern. Mutindu mosi, beto fwete tuba ndinga ya kukonda mvindu na konso dibaku. We likewise need to speak the pure language at every opportunity. In fact, when confronted with the attack of the harlot, they would think that they are carrying out their own "one word. " Inki kima meluta mfunu na luzingu na beto? What is our most precious possession? Teaching Your Wisdom Through Time Beto lenda nunga ve mvita ya Satana kukonda lusadisu ya Yehowa. Without help from Jehovah, we could never win our fight against Satan. The Bible shows that God sees the little children whose parents are Christians as holy. Mutindu mosi, beto Bakristu lenda kudimona bonso bantu ya mpa na kisalu. In a similar way, we as Christians could view ourselves as new workers. [ Picture on page 17] Kwikama kele kikalulu ya zola yina ke pesaka ngindu ya kukangama, lukwikilu, mpi bulemfu ya ngolo. Loyalty is a warm quality that includes devotion, faithfulness, and unswerving allegiance. How do we cultivate a good relationship with another person? Kaka mutindu boma kekatulaka muntu na kigonsa, kuwa Nzambi boma kesadisaka beto na kubuya kusala mambu yina kele ya mbi Just as fear turns us away from danger, godly fear turns us away from what is bad That prophecy stated in a marvelous way that these good things would require that the earth produce its food, and the earth asked for heaven to produce rain. Yo yina kesalaka nde kivuvu yina bantu ketulaka na bankisi mpi na bansiku ya bambuta kuvanda kaka ngolo. Superstitious beliefs are thus kept alive. He saw the Jews holding up the walls of Jerusalem because they were trying to fight against them. TAIWAN TAIWAN Its leaves are healing the wounds of people of all nations. " Inki bisika ya sikisiki bo ketubila kusamuna nzo na nzo na Biblia? Where is house - to - house preaching specifically mentioned in the Bible? What can we learn from this? Bo kekwikilaka nde bima yina kele na ntoto kele mpasi mingi na kubakisa, yo kele mingi kibeni, mpi kitoko mingi sambu na kutuba nde yo kudibasikilaka. They believe that earth's creatures are far too complex, too varied and, you might say, too wonderful to have originated by chance. And about six million Witnesses share in this worldwide Bible study work. BAMVULA mingi meluta, kibuka mosi ya Bakristu ya kukonda boma vandaka kuzinga na kabwala mosi na zulu ya ngumba, na Eropa ya sudi ya esti. DECADES ago, in a small mountainous country in southeastern Europe, there was a fearless band of Christians. Jesus ' Endurance and Love Sambu na kupesa makabu, kota na To make a donation, please visit When speakers read scriptures in the revised edition, all in attendance found it easy to read and understand. Na mwayene, konso Mbangi ke kabulaka bazulunalu 16 na ngonda mosi On average, each Witness places 16 magazines a month Why should we imitate Gaius? Yo ke tendula ve nde beto ke landaka Nsiku ya Moize to ke salaka mambu ya mbote kaka sambu Yehowa kundima beto. We do not do this by trying to follow the Mosaic Law or by doing good things just to get Jehovah's approval. However, if you put forth effort to be a good husband or wife, your marriage will likely improve. Konso kilumbu beto kepesaka Yehowa mersi sambu na luzingu ya yandi kepesaka beto. Daily, we thank Jehovah that we are alive. There is no doubt that the enemy's desire was merely to die or to thwart Abraham's order and thwart God's purpose. Bakristu fwete keba na nki mambu? To what dangers do Christians need to be alert? Jehovah himself was their Ruler, and if they obeyed him, they would not need another government. Bamvula mingi na ntwala nde mfunu ya kuwakana ya nsiku kumana, Yehowa tubaka na nzila ya profete Yeremia nde yandi ta sala "kuwakana ya mpa " ti bantu ya Izraele. Long before the Law covenant was canceled, Jehovah foretold through the prophet Jeremiah that He would make with the nation of Israel "a new covenant. " How can we do that? Diaka, mono ke vandaka ti kanti mosi buna ya mono ke tulaka na munoko. I also have a special rod that I hold with my mouth. This harmonizes with what the apostle Paul wrote to the Romans: "You will know the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Kana beto ke ndima nde beto kele ve ti nswa ya kusambisa, beto ta tubila ve nswalu mbi ya bantu ya nkaka to kutuba nde bangindu na bo kele ya mbi. If we recognize that we are not authorized to sit in judgment, we will not be quick to criticize others for their faults or question their motives. Why? Yo yina, balukutakanu yonso lenda natila beto lusakumunu kana beto ketula dikebi mpi kelanda kumosi na ba Biblia na beto. - Bisalu 2: 1 - 4; Baebreo 10: 24, 25. Thus, every meeting can be a blessing for us if we pay attention and follow along in our Bibles. - Acts 2: 1 - 4; Hebrews 10: 24, 25. As we exert ourselves in our ministry, why should we keep in mind what is recorded at James 3: 17? Inki mutindu Yehowa monisaka nde yandi kele Mupesi ya Nene na bilumbu ya Abrahami mpi ya Izaki? How did Jehovah prove to be the Grand Provider in the time of Abraham and Isaac? 5: 29, 30; Philippians 4: 8. 11: 25; Bis. 4: 13; 1 Kor. 11: 25; Acts 4: 13; 1 Cor. Yes, Jehovah God will soon fulfill his purpose recorded by the psalmist: "Your kingdom will not be firmly established forever.... MASOLO YA KULONGUKA 1, 2 Disolo ya kulonguka ya ntete kemonisa nde yo kele mfunu mingi nde babakala kulemfuka na Mfumu na bo, Kristu, mpi nde bo landa mbandu na yandi na bangwisana na bo ti bankaka. Of course, to cultivate courage, we must cultivate certain qualities that call for effort. Kudiyangisa sambu na bampasi ya mbongo, kusansa bana, mpi kudiwa nge mosi lenda lembisa nge, mpi bampasi yina ke manaka ve nswalu. Stress related to money problems, parenting, and loneliness can be overwhelming, and the feelings do not always go away quickly. History shows that in time, one nation - one of those nations was punished. KETI NGE LENDA PESA MVUTU? Why do we want to give attention to the spirit we show? A thorough study of Romans chapters 13 and other scriptures like Titus 3: 1, 2 and 1 Peter 2: 13, 17 made it clear that the expression "the chief rulers " refers, not to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, but to human governments. Na nki mutindu kulonguka mikanda ya Polo ti disolo ya kisalu na yandi lenda sadisa beto? In what way can studying Paul's letters and the record of his ministry help us? Of course, the Bible contains illustrations. Na kutuba ya mbote, bibuti kezodilaka bana na bo kaka mambu ya kuluta mbote. - 1 Samuele 1: 11, 27, 28; Nkunga 127: 3 - 5. By and large, parents want only what is best for their offspring. - 1 Samuel 1: 11, 27, 28; Psalm 127: 3 - 5. What will we consider in this article? Beto me zaba nde, bantu yonso ve ta ndima nsangu ya Kimfumu yina beto ke longaka bo. We realize that not everyone we preach to will accept the Kingdom message. Such acts expressed loving - kindness and brought joy to my heart and to those who were taking the lead. Konso kilumbu, beto kekutanaka ti bangindu mpi bampukumuna mingi ya kepusaka beto na kusala mambu ya mbi. Every day, we are bombarded with countless suggestions and temptations to do wrong. In time, however, he began to complain too much about his decision to run the race. Lukwikilu na beto ya ngolo na Nzambi kepesaka mbandu ya mbote mpi yo lenda pesa bangindu ya mbote na bantu yina kezingaka penepene na beto. Our unwavering faith in God sets a good example and can have a positive effect on those around us. Who wants to receive the encouragement that the elders provide? (b) Inki mutindu beto kezitisaka "bantu yonso "? (b) How do we "honor men of all sorts "? [ Pictures on page 18] Beto fwete zikisa nde yo vanda bima yina beto meyambulaka to mayele ya mbi ya Satana tabebisa ve lukanu na beto ya kusadila Yehowa na ntima mosi. We want to make sure that neither the things we left behind nor Satan's wily schemes will sap our resolve to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. Parents need to communicate with their children regularly. Keti beto fwete buya kundima dyambu yai? Should "this fact " escape our notice? And you will know the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " - Romans 12: 1, 2. KISALU ya Yehowa ke pesaka beto kiese. JEHOVAH'S service brings us joy. He says: "I am waiting for [God] to save me. " Kana Bankwelani Kewakana Ve When Faced With a Disagreement But the books and movies often portray them in their intimate conversations, and the temples are full of such things. Nkutu, ntangu beto ke zabisaka ba nkaka kieleka beto ke monisaka nde beto ke zolaka bo. Sharing the truth is, after all, a loving thing to do. Our heavenly Father is a God of peace, and we are assured that Jehovah "is blessing [his] people and giving them peace. " Ee. Kisika yandi ke salaka na banki, yandi ke monaka ba avoka mingi yina ke salaka kisalu yina yandi zolaka kusala kana yandi kwendaka na iniversite. " At my workplace in the bank, I now have much contact with lawyers. • What is involved in fleeing from fornication? Ata bankuluntu kebakaka kisika ya ntete na kusosa mpi kusadisa mameme yina mevilaka, bankengi ya Bakristu mpamba ve bantu fwete kudibanza sambu na bampangi - Bakristu yina. Although the elders take the lead in searching for and helping sheep who have strayed, concern for missing fellow believers is not limited to Christian overseers. Now marriage mates need to stay close to each other. Mu mbandu, bansoniki yai ya Biblia: Polo, Yakobo, Piere, mpi Yude kudibingaka bampika ya Nzambi mpi ya Kristu. For example, the Bible writers Paul, James, Peter, and Jude identified themselves as slaves of God and of Christ. Why do we need reminders? Yandi me pesaka beto kimpwanza ya kupona - makuki ya kupona luzingu na beto mosi. - Kulonga 30: 19. He has endowed us with free will - the ability to choose our own life course. - Deuteronomy 30: 19. February 8, 1994, pages 3 - 10. Bonso Bayuda ya mvu - nkama ya ntete, bubu yai bantu mingi kemonaka nde makwela kele dyambu ya kuluta mfunu. Like Jewish society in the first century, many cultures today emphasize marriage as being most desirable. 2: 12. Bantu ya Ezipte, dikanda mosi ya ngolo mingi, bantu vandaka kuniokula bo. The oppressor was the mighty nation of Egypt. " Their conscience bears witness with them, and their own conscience is accused or even exalted. " - Romans 2: 15. Tendula mambi yina vandaka kusalama na bwala Kana ya ntama. What two things are accomplished by our preaching work? Makwela kele lusilu yina fwete zinga luzingu ya mvimba. Marriage is a lifelong commitment. Doing so is quite different from Bible teachings because it is fulfilled in the way most people think. Na nsungi ya mafunda ya bamvula, disumu "ke yala " bantu yonso bonso ntotila. For thousands of years, sin has "ruled " over mankind like a king. He prayed "more earnestly. " Profete Yezaya kusonikaka nde: "Santu, santu, Yehowa kele santu. " The prophet Isaiah wrote: "Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah. " The apostle Peter said: " shepherd the flock of God in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; neither as lording it over those who are God's flock, but becoming examples to the flock. " Yo vanda mpidina to ve, ntima ya yandi vandaka kutula na bantu kuvandaka ya mpamba. In any case, his confidence in men proved to be misplaced. How did Saul treat non - Jews? Ricky ke tuba nde: "Lukanu na beto mosi vandaka ya kusosa dibundu mosi yina kele ti batoko ya ke yela mbote na kimpeve. " One of our priorities was that of finding a congregation with young ones who were doing well spiritually, " says Ricky. In the case of Job's integrity, however, we learn that even imperfect humans can demonstrate that they put Jehovah first in life by faithfully enduring trials, even when they do not understand the cause of their suffering. Mu mbandu, yandi me tulaka Mwana na yandi sambu na kulungisa bampusa ya dibundu mpi Yezu me tulaka "kapita ya kwikama " sambu na kupesa beto madia ya kimpeve yina ke sadisaka beto na kubikala ya kwikama. For example, he has placed the congregation under the care of his Son, who appointed a "faithful steward " to provide timely spiritual food. 16: 30 - What is the meaning of the expression "to Jehovah "? Mutindu beto ke vingila Lusungiminu yina, bika beto monisa nde beto ke bakaka na valere bumosi na beto yina ke monanaka konso mvula ntangu beto ke salaka Lusungiminu. Meanwhile, may we do our utmost to be in attendance, and may we treasure the pleasant unity experienced at the Memorial. What he taught was so clear, easy, and logical that no one could challenge it. Mark Did Not Give Up, 2 / 1 13: 7, 17. Verse mosi kele Matayo 6: 34: "Beno kudiyangisa ve ata fioti sambu na kilumbu yina ke landa, sambu kilumbu yina ke landa ta vanda ti basusi na yo. One of them is Matthew 6: 34: "Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. We want to be humble servants of God. The Trinity c. 1500, Flemish School, (16th century) / H. The Trinity c. 1500, Flemish School, (16th century) / H. Then your mate will be more inclined to listen to you. Yandi lendaka kuyindula ve ata fyoti na kubaka mambote sambu na kisalu yina Nzambi kupesaka yandi na kusala. It would have been unthinkable on his part to profit from his God - appointed office. The apostle Paul and his companions were proud of the new congregation that was established and how those who faithfully endured trials. - 1 Thessalonians 1: 1, 6; 2: 19, 20; 2 Thessalonians 1: 1, 4. 24: 45, 46. 24: 45, 46. For example, the Gospel of Mark was divided into some 50 chapters but now in chapters 16. Nkento mosi yina kele Mukristu ketendula sambu na nki yandi kwendaka kuzabisa nkuluntu mosi makambu yina yandi vandaka na yo: "Yandi vandaka kusolula ti mono na mutindu mosi ya kyese mpi ya zola. One Christian woman explains why she was able to open up to a certain elder: "He spoke with me in a tender and compassionate manner. Tula meso na nge kaka na kisalu ya Kimfumu. Keep your eye on Kingdom service. Bo yilamaka na kundima lufwa sambu na mambu yina bo kwikilaka. - Bisalu 7: 51 - 60. They were willing to die for what they believed in. - Acts 7: 51 - 60. Kansi, bansadi ya Yehowa ke ponaka banzo - nkanda yina ke sadisaka bo na kuzwa mayele yina ta sadisa bo na kuvanda ti luzingu ya kukonda mindondo na mpila nde bo lenda sadila Nzambi. By contrast, Jehovah's servants choose education that helps them to develop the necessary skills so that they can maintain a simple life of service to God. Yo yina, yandi yibusaka balongoki na yandi nde ntama mingi ve yandi ta fwa mpi nde, bantu yonso yina ke ndima yandi fwete tambika mpi luzingu na bo. So he reminded his disciples that he would soon die and that all those who follow him must be willing to sacrifice their lives too. Tumabundu kezolaka kubebisa kimpeve ya Bakristu, yo yina, bantu yina kesosaka kunata kukabwana ti kusala tumabundu takota ve na Kimfumu ya Nzambi. Sectarians want to do Christians spiritual harm, and those bent on promoting divisions and sects will not inherit God's Kingdom. Na luzitu yonso, muyimbi - bankunga kemonisa kyese na yandi mutindu yai: "Mfumu Nzambi, mambu ya nene ya nge salaka, yo ke pesa mono kiese; yo yina mono ke yimbila nge bankunga. " In reverential admiration, the psalmist exclaimed: "How great your works are, O Jehovah! Very deep your thoughts are. " Ngulusi yango kuvandaka Yeroboami, muntu ya kufwana yina kusalaka na luyalu ya Salomo. That deliverer was Jeroboam, a capable man who worked in Solomon's government. Yo kele mfunu mingi sambu na kusala mpi kuvanda na bangwisana ya mbote ti bantu mpi ti Nzambi. It is fundamental in forging and maintaining good relations with people and with God. Diambu mosi ya mfunu yina lenda sadisa beto kele ndembikilu yina beto ke bakaka na bantu ya dibuta, na banduku mpi na bampangi Bakristu. One valuable aid in coping is the comfort we receive from family, friends, and fellow believers. Bangogo yai ke pesa kikesa mpenza! That is a powerful statement! Kusala bansoba na luzolo yonso sambu na kusepedisa Yehowa kele mutindu mosi ya kumonisa nde beto ke zolaka yandi When we willingly make changes to please Jehovah, we show that we truly love him Na nima, beto kwendaka na bisika yina mindele vandaka kuzinga sambu na kubula bo. Then we went to white neighborhoods, looking for more people to beat up. Sambu na nki? To do what? Yezu zabisaka balongoki na yandi nde: "Ata muntu mosi ve lenda sala bonso mpika sambu na bamfumu zole, sambu yandi ta menga mosi mpi ta zola ya nkaka to yandi ta kangama na mosi mpi ta vweza ya nkaka. Jesus warned his followers: "No one can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. Na nima ya ntangu fioti, mono bakisaka nde kimpwanza yina mono vandaka kusosa ta natila mono mambu ya mpasi. Little did I realize that the so - called freedom I desired would lead me into the clutches of addiction. (a) Bangogo "na kiteso " kemonisa nki? (a) What is indicated by the term "in proportion "? Ata verse yai ketadila ntetentete kimvuka ya Bakristu ya kupakulama, munsiku yina kele na kati na yo ketadila mpi Bakristu yonso bubu yai. While that scripture applies primarily to the body of anointed Christians, the principle it contains can apply to all Christians today. 4: 6 - Banani kele "bantu yina me fwaka " ya bo " zabisaka nsangu ya mbote '? 4: 6 - Who were "the dead " to whom" the good news was declared "? Inki mutindu Yezu kulungisaka bambikudulu yina metala bikalulu na yandi ya mbote ya kulonga? How did Jesus fulfill prophecies regarding the quality of his teaching? Beto tala mutindu Ndinga ya Nzambi lenda sadisa beto na kuyidika bampasi yai. Let us see how God's Word can help us to resolve such difficult issues. Lukwikilu ke tendula mpi "kulonguka na kuzaba " Nzambi bonso muntu ya kieleka. Faith involves "coming to know " God as a person. Organizasio ya Yehowa kelandaka mbandu ya mutindu mosi bubu yai. The same pattern is followed within Jehovah's organization today. Nkutu, ntangu bamfumu tanwanisa nkento ya ndumba, bo tayindula nde bo kelungisa "dibanza " na bo mosi. In fact, when the rulers attack, they will think that they are carrying out their own "one thought. " Longa Mayele na Nge na Mutindu Nge Meyikanaka na Kusadila Yo Konso Ntangu Train Your Perceptive Powers Through Use Biblia kemonisa nde Nzambi kemonaka bana ya fyoti yina bibuti na bo kele Bakristu nde bo kele basantu. The Bible indicates that God considers holy the young children of Christian parents. [ Kifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 27] [ Picture on page 17] Inki mutindu beto kesalaka sambu na kusala kinduku ya mbote ti muntu yankaka? How do we establish a good relationship with anyone? Mbikudulu yina kutubaka na mutindu ya kitoko nde bima yai ya mbote zolaka kulomba nde ntoto kubasisa madya na yo, mpi ntoto kulomba zulu na kunokisa mvula. In a poetic way, the prophecy states that these good things would appeal to the earth to release its nutrients, and the earth would ask the heavens for rain. Yandi monaka Bayuda me yambula kutunga bibaka ya Yeruzalemi sambu bambeni vandaka kusosa kunwanisa bo. He saw that enemies from foreign lands were threatening the Jews, so that they had stopped building Jerusalem's walls. Why was the rich man called unreasonable? Matiti na yo ke belulaka bamputa ya bantu ya bansi yonso. " And the leaves of the trees were for the curing of the nations. " Inki dilongi beto lenda longuka na dyambu yai? What is one lesson that we can draw from this? Ebuna kiteso ya Bambangi bamilio sambanu kesalaka kisalu yina ya kukabula mikanda yai ya kesadisaka beto na kulonguka Biblia na inza ya mvimba. And almost six million Witnesses share in distributing this Bible literature around the world. Kukanga Ntima ya Yezu ti Zola na Yandi Jesus ' Patience and Affection Ntangu mitubi tangaka baverse na mbalula yina bo me tomisa, bawi yonso monaka nde yo vandaka pete na kutanga mpi na kubakisa. As the speakers read verses from the revision, it was clear to all that the revised edition was easier to read and understand. Sambu na nki beto fwete landa mbandu ya Gayusi? Why do we want to imitate Gaius ' example today? Kansi, kana nge kesala bikesa sambu na kuvanda bakala to nkento mosi ya mbote, ntembe kele ve nde makwela na nge tatoma. On the other hand, if you strive to be a good husband or a good wife, your marriage will likely improve. Ntembe kele ve nde mpusa ya Mbeni yai kuvandaka kaka ya kufwa to kubebisa ndonga ya Abrahami mpi kukanga lukanu ya Nzambi nzila. That Adversary no doubt wanted nothing more than to destroy or corrupt Abraham's line of descent and thus frustrate God's purpose. Yehowa yandi mosi muntu kuvandaka Mfumu na bo, mpi kana bo lemfukaka na yandi, bo zolaka kuvanda ve na mfunu ya luyalu yankaka. Jehovah himself was their Ruler, and as long as they obeyed him, there was no need for any other rulership. Inki mutindu beto lenda sala yo? How can we do that? Mambu yai kewakana ti mambu yina ntumwa Polo kusonikilaka Bakristu ya Roma: "Beno ta zaba mambu yai ya Nzambi ke zolaka: mambu yina kele ya mbote, mambu yina ke pesaka yandi kiese, mambu yina ke na kifu ve. " This is in harmony with what the apostle Paul wrote to Christians in Rome: "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " Sambu na nki? Why not? Na ntangu ya beto ketula ngolo na kisalu na beto, sambu na nki beto fwete vila ve mambu yina kele na Yakobo 3: 17? While striving to do our utmost, why should we keep James 3: 17 in mind? Yo yina, beto fwete yambula mambu yonso yina lenda kanga beto nzila ya kulanda mbandu ya Yezu. - Matayo 5: 29, 30; Bafilipi 4: 8. So we should not keep anything that could make it difficult for us to imitate Jesus. - Matthew 5: 29, 30; Philippians 4: 8. Ya kyeleka, kubika fyoti Yehowa Nzambi talungisa lukanu na yandi yina muyimbi - bankunga kutubaka: "Kimfumu na nge ta manaka ve; nge, nge kele Mfumu tii kuna.... Indeed, soon Jehovah God will make good on his promise expressed by the psalmist: "Your kingship is a kingship for all times indefinite... Ya kyeleka, sambu na kuyedisa kikesa beto fwete kuna bikalulu yankaka yina kelombaka kikesa. Indeed, boldness calls for qualities that require much effort to cultivate. Mambu ya mesalamaka ntama kemonisa nde, nsukansuka, dikanda mosi - mosi na kati ya makanda yina kubakaka ndola. Recorded history proves that each of them later suffered calamity. Kulonguka mosi ya mudindu ya kapu ya 13 ya Roma mpi ya baverse yankaka ya Masonuku bonso Tito 3: 1, 2 mpi 1 Piere 2: 13, 17, kumonisaka pwelele nde bangogo "bamfumu ya nene " ketadila ve Yehowa Nzambi ti Yezu Kristu, kansi bamfumu ya baluyalu ya bantu. An in - depth study of the 13th chapter of Romans and Scriptural texts such as Titus 3: 1, 2 and 1 Peter 2: 13, 17 made it clear that the expression "superior authorities " refers, not to Jehovah God and Jesus Christ, but to human governmental authorities. Ya kyeleka, Biblia kele ti bingana. Of course, the Bible does contain parables. Inki beto ta longuka na disolo yai? What topics will this article cover? Mambu ya mutindu yina vandaka kumonisa ntima ya mbote mpi yo vandaka kupesa kyese na mupesi ti na bantu yina vandaka kubaka. Such acts of kindness brought joy both to the giver and to the recipients. Kansi na nima, yandi kumaka kubokuta mingi sambu na desizio ya ntinu - ntinu yina yandi bakaka. Later on in life, though, she greatly lamented her rash decision. Nani kele na mfunu ya kubaka kikesa yina bankuluntu ke pesaka? Who will benefit from receiving shepherding visits? [ Bifwanisu ya kele na lutiti 14] [ Pictures on page 12] Bibuti fwete solula ti bana na bo mbala na mbala. Their regular communication in the family is essential. Ebuna beno ta zaba mambu yai ya Nzambi ke zolaka: mambu yina kele ya mbote, mambu yina ke pesaka yandi kiese, mambu yina ke na kifu ve. " - Roma 12: 1, 2. And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " - Romans 12: 1, 2. Yandi ketuba nde: "Mono ke tula ntima [" kevingila, " NW] nde yandi [Nzambi] ta gulusa mono. " He declares: "I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. " Kansi mbala mingi mikanda ti bafilme kemonisaka yo na masolo ya zola yina bo kegangaka, mpi bazandu kele ya kufuluka ti bima mingi ya mutindu yai. But books and movies have often featured it in made - up love stories, and a glut of such material floods the marketplace. Tata na beto ya zulu kele Nzambi ya ngemba, mpi Biblia kendimisa beto nde Yehowa "ke sakumunaka [bantu na yandi] ti kupesa bo ngemba. " Our heavenly Father is the God of peace, and we are given the assurance: "Jehovah himself will bless his people with peace. " • Kutina pite kelomba kusala inki? • What is involved in fleeing from fornication? Ntangu yai bankwelani fwete vanda ya kukangama bo zole. The couple must now stick to each other. Sambu na nki beto kele ti mfunu ya bangibusa? Why do we need reminders? ya Februari 8, 1994, balutiti 3 - 10. of February 8, 1994, pages 3 - 10. 2: 12. 2: 12. " Kansansa na bo ke taka kimbangi kumosi ti bo, mpi nde mabanza na bo mosi ke fundaka bo to nkutu ke nungisaka bo. " - Baroma 2: 15. " Their conscience is bearing witness with them, and by their own thoughts they are being accused or even excused. " - Romans 2: 15. Tanga mambu zole yina kisalu na beto ya kulonga kelungisaka? What two - fold purpose does our preaching work serve? Kusala mpidina meswaswana mpenza ti kubalula malongi ya Biblia sambu yo lungana na mutindu bantu mingi keyindulaka. It is an entirely different matter to change Bible teachings to suit popular thinking. Yandi sambaka "ngolo mpenza. " He prayed "more earnestly. " Ntumwa Piere tubaka nde: "Beno gungula mameme ya Nzambi yina bo me pesaka beno, beno keba yo mbote - mbote, sambu bo ke pusa beno ve, kansi na luzolo yonso na ntwala ya Nzambi; na zola ya kubaka ve luta na banzila ya luvunu, kansi na kiese yonso; beno sala yo mpi ve bonso bantu yina ke yala na kingolo - ngolo bantu yina kele dikabu ya Nzambi, kansi beno kuma bambandu sambu na mameme. " The apostle Peter wrote: "Shepherd the flock of God under your care, serving as overseers, not under compulsion, but willingly before God; not for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; not lording it over those who are God's inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock. " To be sure, overseers who joyfully submit to God and to Christ, the head of the congregation, benefit both themselves and those under their care. - Isa. Inki mutindu Saule vandaka kusadila bantu yina kuvandaka ve na dibundu ya Bayuda mambu? How did Saul treat those outside of Judaism? Kansi, na mbandu ya kwikama ya Yobi beto melonguka nde, ata bantu ya kukonda kukuka lenda monisa nde bo ketulaka Yehowa na kisika ya ntete na kukangaka - ntima na kwikama yonso na bampasi, ata ntangu bo kebakisa ve kisina ya bampasi yango. By contrast, from Job's integrity - keeping course, we learn that even imperfect humans can show that they put Jehovah first by faithfully enduring adversities - even when the cause of such troubles is not fully understood by them. 16: 30 - Inki kele ntendula ya bangogo "tekita na meso " ya Yehowa? 16: 30 - What is the meaning of "severe pains " on account of Jehovah? Mambu ya yandi longaka vandaka ya pwelele, ya kukonda mpasi, mpi bangindu na yandi vandaka na ndonga na mpila nde ata muntu mosi ve lendaka kutudila yo ntembe. He taught with clarity, simplicity, and irrefutable logic. 13: 7, 17. 13: 7, 17. Beto kezola kuvanda bansadi ya kudikulumusa ya ketambulaka na mutindu ya Nzambi kezolaka. We want to be worthy, humble servants of God. Mpidina, nkwelani na nge ta widikila nge kukonda mpasi. Thus you will make it easier for your mate to listen to you. Ntumwa Polo ti banduku na yandi ya kisalu kuwaka lulendo sambu na dibundu ya mpa ya bo kangulaka mpi mutindu bampangi yina kukangaka ntima na kwikama yonso na ntwala ya mimekamu. - 1 Tesalonika 1: 1, 6; 2: 19, 20; 2 Tesalonika 1: 1, 4. The apostle Paul and his companions took pride in a new congregation that they had helped to establish, for the brothers faithfully endured persecution. - 1 Thessalonians 1: 1, 6; 2: 19, 20; 2 Thessalonians 1: 1, 4. Mu mbandu, bo kabulaka Evanzile ya Marko na bakapu kiteso ya 50. Kansi bubu yai yo kele na bakapu 16. In one of them, Mark's Gospel was divided into almost 50 chapters, not the 16 we have now.