私達は自分達がしたことを他の人達に知らせるべきではない. We shouldn't let other people know what we did. We shouldn't let others know what we have done. 私は彼女が幸せであってほしい. I wish her happiness. I want her to be happy. 彼はまったく一人で森に住んでいる. He lives in the woods all by himself. He lives in the forest all by himself. 一通り読み終えたところで,あんぐり口を開けた. As his eyes ran over the paper, his jaw fell. I had just finished reading it and opened my mouth. その男は銃で3羽の鳥を撃った. The man shot three birds with a gun. The man shot three birds with a gun. 私は聞きあきた. I am tired of hearing that. I've heard a lot about you. 彼は仕事の事で頭がいっぱいで他は何も頭に入らない. His work occupies his mind to the exclusion of all else. He is so preoccupied with his work that he can't think of anything else. 彼のきざな態度は頭にくる. His affectations are annoying. His awkward manner gets on my nerves. 彼は空腹と疲労で気を失ったが,しばらくして意識を取り戻した. He fainted with hunger and fatigue, but came to after a while. He fainted from hunger and fatigue, but after a while he came to. もし君が自分の夢を実現させようと思うなら,もっと懸命に働かなければならない. If you are to realize your dream, you must work harder. If you want to make your dream come true, you must work harder. 彼女は少しもいらいらしていなかった. She wasn't a bit impatient. She was not at all irritated. 市長はもったいぶった男だ. The mayor is a stuffed shirt. The mayor is a tough man. 良心を欠いた学問は魂の廃墟以外のなにものでもない. Science without conscience is only the ruin of the soul. Learning without conscience is nothing but the ruins of the soul. 父は60歳で退職するでしょう. My father will retire at the age of sixty. My father will retire when he is sixty. 普通は,id属性とname属性に同じ値を割り当てます. (訳注:異なっていても構わないが便宜上同じ値を割り当てるという事) Usually the id and name attributes have the same value applied. (N.B. Not because it matters if they differ but just as a matter of convenience.) Usually it assigns the same value to an id attribute and name attribute. 彼は料理がまずいと文句を言った. He complained of the dish tasting bad. He complained that he didn't cook well. 彼は一所懸命勉強した,そうでなかったら,試験に落ちていただろう. He worked hard; otherwise he would have failed in the examination. He studied hard, otherwise he would have failed the exam. 火が消えかかっています. 木を加えてくれますか. The fire is going out; will you add some wood? The fire is going out. Will you add a tree? 春と秋ではどっちが好き? Which do you prefer, spring or autumn? Which do you like better, spring or fall? 宇宙空間に冒険してどんな地球の人々は十分好奇心がありますか? Which peoples of Earth are curious enough to want to venture into outer space? What kind of adventures in space are Earth's people fully curious? 彼女ににらみつけられてぞくっとした. She froze me in her stare. I was embarrassed when she caught me. 兄弟とも"妻と飛行機の両方は養えない"との理由で,生涯独身を通した. The reason both brothers gave for remaining bachelors was that they couldn't support both airplanes and a wife. Both brothers remained single all their lives because they said, "I can't support both my wife and my plane." 真面目では有りません. He's not serious. I'm not serious. カントリークラブに入った. We joined the country club. I joined the country club. 最近は世間から2年遅れてPerfumeにはまってる. I've recently become crazy about Perfume too, but 2 years later than everyone else. I've been in Parfare two years behind the world lately. 彼は外見が大層変わってしまったので,あなたには彼だとわからないでしょう. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him. His appearance has changed so much that you won't recognize him. たいていのプログラマーはデバッグが嫌いだ. バグは取り除くよりも生み出す方がずっと楽しい. Most developers hate debugging; it's more fun to create bugs than to correct them. Most programmers don't like debugging. It's much more fun to produce a bug than to remove it. サウサンプトンからリバプールまではどれぐらいですか How far is Liverpool from Southampton? How far is it from Southampton to Riverpool? 彼女は本にたくさんの金を使う. She spends much money on books. She spends a lot of money on books. 私たちの計画は天気次第であることは言うまでもない. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. It goes without saying that our plan depends on the weather. 蝮の子は蝮. Like breeds like. A man's child is a man's wife. このホールは2000人収容できる. This hall holds 2,000 people. This hall can hold 2,000 people. 彼はきっと入学試験に合格するだろう. He is bound to pass the entrance examination. He is sure to pass the entrance examination. 彼は50ドル持っていました. He had fifty dollars. He had $50. 彼はもう仕事をやめたのだから,彼に頼ることはできない. Now that he has quit his job, I can't depend on him. You can't rely on him now that he's quit his job. 私は開会の辞を言った. I gave an opening address. I gave the opening speech. かわいそうに少女は涙をこぼした. The poor girl shed tears. The poor girl wept. そんな無茶はよせ. Don't beat your head against a stone wall. Don't do that kind of thing. 彼の助けが欲しい. I want his help. I need his help. 美しいということは,無視することがほとんど不可能な推薦状のようなものである. Beauty is a letter of recommendation which it is almost impossible to ignore. Beauty is like a recommendation that is almost impossible to ignore. どのようにしてこの問題を解きましたか. How did you figure out this problem? How did you solve this problem? ケンは彼の名前を思い出せなかった. Ken couldn't remember his name. Ken couldn't remember his name. その犬はおれを見たとたん吠え出した. As soon as the dog saw me, it began to bark. The dog barked as soon as he saw me. どんなに空腹でも,ゆっくり食べなければならない. However hungry you are, you must eat slowly. No matter how hungry you are, you must eat slowly. トムは来週の月曜日に戻ってくると言った. Tom said that he'd be back next Monday. Tom said he'd be back next Monday. 昨日パーティーに来ればよかったのに. とても面白かったよ. We missed you very much at the party yesterday. We had a very good time indeed. You should've come to the party yesterday. It was very interesting. 私は,あの人たちみたいにはなりたくない. I don't want to become like those people. I don't want to be like them. 彼の魅力はルックスではなく性格だ. His attraction lies in his character, not his looks. His charm is, not his looks, but his character. これはその砂漠で見つけられた動物だ. This is an animal found in that desert. This is an animal found in the desert. 飲み物は無料ですか. Are drinks free? Is the drink free? 彼女はまもなくここにくるだろう. She will come to this place soon. She will come here before long. 私達は町外れに小さなホテルに泊まった. We stayed at a small hotel just outside of town. We stayed at a small hotel on the outskirts of town. もうすぐ渡り歩く時間だと思う. I think it's time for me to change jobs. It's almost time to walk around, I think. 彼は善悪の区別が付かない. He can't tell right from wrong. He can't tell right from wrong. 日本は天下第一の国である. Japan is the best country under the sun. Japan is the first country under heaven. 彼は我を張ってきかない. He will have his own way. He doesn't get along with me. 私はほしい人なら誰にでもこの本をあげます. I will give this book to whoever wants it. I will give this book to whoever wants it. 彼は明白な英語で演説した. He made a speech in plain English. He made a speech in clear English. 旅行どうでしたか? How was the trip? How was your trip? 眠っているようだったが,本当は死んでいた. He looked asleep, but he was really dead. He looked asleep, but he was really dead. 部屋の中に一人づつ入ってください. Please come into the room one by one. Please enter the room one by one. がきにしては,随分大人びたことを言ったな. For a brat, you've said something very mature. You said a lot of grown-up things when you were a kid. 企業の好業績発表を受けて株価は活発な取引の中で値を上げた. Stock prices soared in active trading as corporations announced good financial results. When the company announced its success, the stock price rose in an active transaction. 男の子達はどの子もその競争に参加したがっていた. Each of the boys was eager to join in the race. All the boys wanted to take part in the race. 私たちが少なくとも一年に一回は集まるようにしている. We all try to get together at least once a year. We make sure that we get together at least once a year. その程度の金額では我々がどうかなるということはない. That sum of money won't make or mar us. That amount of money doesn't mean anything to us. 彼は決して権力に屈しなかった. He never lay down under the power. He never gave in to power. あなたはすっかり変わりましたね. You changed a lot. You've changed a lot, haven't you? あなたくらいの年齢の人によくある症状です. People of your age often have this problem. It's a common symptom for people your age. 先日彼に会った. I met him the other day. I met him the other day. 御中元や御歳暮の習慣はなかなかすたれない. The gift-giving custom dies hard. The customs of your old age and old age do not improve. うつ病だから,何を言っても無罪放免さ. It doesn't matter what you say, he'll be acquitted because of depression. Because I'm depressed, I'm free to say anything. どうぞおたちにならないで下さい. Please don't get up. Please don't join us. 彼は人前で話すのに慣れている. He's used to speaking in public. He is used to speaking in public. 私は"日もこの辞書なしでやって行けない. I cannot do without this dictionary even a day. I can't do without this dictionary for a day. 2時でいい? Would two o'clock be all right? Two o'clock? 読書は驚異にみちたゆたかな世界へみちびいてくれる. Reading will guide us to the rich world of wonder. Reading touches the world with wonder. 君は方向音痴だ. You have no sense of direction. You are devoid of direction. トムは時計をちらりと見た. Tom glanced at his watch. Tom glanced at his watch. コートを脱いでください. Please take off your coat. Please take off your coat. トマさんは小学生向けの本が読めるぐらい漢字をたくさん覚えています. Tom has memorised so many kanji that he can read books for primary school children. Toma remembers so many kanjis that she can read books for elementary school kids. 年齢は"8歳です. I'm eighteen. I'm eighteen years old. 私は第二次世界大戦後の国際紛争についての論文を書いています. I am writing a thesis about international disputes after World War II. I'm writing an article on international conflicts after World War II. 彼はおそらく私たちに悪ふざけをしたのではなかろう. He wasn't perhaps playing a practical joke on us. He probably didn't play tricks on us. どの進路を選んでも危険が待ち受けている. Whichever way we choose will involve danger. No matter what course you choose, danger awaits you. 頭が痛い. My head aches. My head hurts. 警官は君に何か言いましたか. Did a policeman say anything to you? Did the policeman say anything to you? 彼は2年間ずっと日本にいます. He has been in Japan for two years. He has been in Japan for two years. 犬は怒って毛を逆立てた. The dog's hair bristled up with anger. The dog lost its hair in anger. 私たちは車庫付きの家を捜しています. We are looking for a house with a garage. We are looking for a house with a garage. 彼らの意見は私のとは異なっている. Their opinions differ from mine. Their opinions are different from mine. キンキンに冷えた水を買った. I bought ice-cold water. I bought some cold water for Kinkin. 一番近いアメリカン・エキスプレスのオフィスの電話番号を知りたいのですが. I'd like to know the phone number of the nearest American Express office. I'd like to know the number of the nearest American Express office. 下品極まる盛り場に通いつける. He haunts the lowest resorts. I'll get to the bottom of the table. 彼はその計画についてすべて知っているわけではない. He doesn't know everything about the plan. He doesn't know everything about the plan. 風邪を引くといけないからオーバーを着て外出した. I went out with my overcoat on for fear of catching cold. I put on my overcoat and went out in case I caught a cold. 彼のすぐれたシンフォニーが演奏された. His great symphony was performed. His good Symphony was played. 君は目を閉じてさえすればよい. You have only to close your eyes. All you have to do is to close your eyes. もうこれ以上甘いものを食べたくない. I have no more desire to eat sweets. I don't want to eat any more sweets. 彼の発明品は従来の装置よりも優れている. His invention is superior to conventional equipment. His invention is superior to conventional equipment. この辺りにポストはありません. Is there a mailbox near here? There is no post around here. 彼女は子供をあやして笑わせた. She coaxed a smile from the baby. She made her child laugh. 私はそのコンクールに参加した. I took part in the contest. I participated in the contest. 全ての者を満足させることは決して容易ではない. It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. It is not easy to satisfy everyone. コーヒーショップはどこですか. Where is the coffee shop? Where is the coffee shop? いや,トムの方が奥さんを喜ばせたいと思ってやっているんだよと思う. No, I think he just does those things because he wants to please his wife. No, I think Tom's doing it because he wants to please his wife. 父は強盗と取っ組み合いをした. My father struggled with the robber. My father competed with the robbers. あなたの忠告は彼らに影響を及ぼすでしょう. I daresay your advice will have its effect on them. Your advice will affect them. この種の間違いは見逃しやすい. These kinds of mistakes are easy to overlook. This kind of mistake is easy to overlook. 外国語は短期間には習得できない. 少しずつ勉強しなければならない. You can't master a foreign language in a short time; you have to study it step by step. You cannot master a foreign language in a short time. You must study it slowly. 彼女は洋服の好みが極端だ. She is extreme in her taste in clothes. She has an extreme taste in clothes. 伊勢崎市は6月"9日から,男性職員のひげを禁止したと聞いた. タリバンのひげ強制法律と正反対ですよね. I heard that Isezaki city decided to ban beards for male city employees starting June 19. It's the complete opposite of the Taliban laws imposing the wearing of beards. Iseshima City has banned male beards since June 19. It is quite contrary to the Taliban compulsory beard law. 彼の声はその叫びでかき消された. His voice was drowned by the yells. His voice was wiped out by the cry. 正直に言いますよ,ねえあなた,私は全く興味がないのです. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. I'll be honest with you, honey, I'm not at all interested. 彼らは明日まで来ないだろう. They won't come until tomorrow. They won't come until tomorrow. これらの物体は本来は有害ではない. These substances are not poisonous in themselves. These objects are not necessarily harmful. アインシュタイン以前,科学者は宇宙に際限がないものと思っていた. Before Einstein, scientists used to think that space had no end. Before Einstein, scientists thought there was no limit to the universe. 彼女は高価な指輪をしている. She is wearing a valuable ring. She wears an expensive ring. キムは彼より二つ年上である. Kim is two years older than he is. Kim is two years older than he is. 君と同じシャツを買った. I bought the same shirt as yours. I bought the same shirt as you. 彼はわが社の代表として会議に参加しました. He attended the meeting as our company representative. He took part in the meeting as a representative of our company. 彼は金髪です. He has blond hair. He has blonde hair. これらの本は図書館から一週間借り出せます. These books can be borrowed from the library for one week. You can borrow these books from the library for a week. 自分の顔が,パスポートの顔写真のようになってきたら,旅に出た方がいい. When you start to look like the photo in your passport, it's time to go on vacation. When your face looks like the picture on your passport, you'd better go on a trip. トムは靴ひもが結べない. Tom can't tie his shoes. Tom can't tie his shoes. あなたにまた会えてうれしかったです. It was very nice seeing you again. It was nice seeing you again. 彼が先日あなたと会った人です. He is the man you met the other day. He is the man you met the other day. 泥棒はその家に窓から入った. The burglar gained access to the house through a window. The thief entered the house through the window. 君の声はよく通る. Your voice carries well. Your voice goes well. 彼女は感極まって泣いた. She wept with emotion. She was so moved that she cried. あなたは私の講義の間,ときおりうとうとと居眠りをしていた. You were nodding off at times during my lecture. You were asleep from time to time during my lecture. 他に何が欲しいですか. What else do you want? What else do you want? 遠回しに言うのは止めて要点を言ってくれ. Stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Stop talking around and tell me the point. のど渇いた. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. 諺にある通り,"嘘も方便だ" As the proverb goes, "The end justifies the means." As the proverb says, "False is the way." 私は真実を見いだした. I found out the truth. I found the truth. 嵐の間停電した. The electricity failed during the storm. The power went out during the storm. それを下に置きなさい. Put it down. Put it down. 日本はその交渉で一杯くわされたと感じています. Japan feels it got shafted in the negotiations. Japan feels full of the negotiation. 彼はトロフィーを高々と差し上げた. He held the trophy on high. He gave the trophy high. 彼の勇気をたたえずにいられない. We cannot help but admire his courage. I can't stand his courage. 彼はただおもしろがってそれをしただけだ. He did it just for fun. He did it just for fun. その事故は彼の家の近くで起こった. That accident happened near his house. The accident happened near his house. その老人は大きな魚を捕まえた. The old man caught a big fish. The old man caught a big fish. トムさんはいつもみんなに彼がどれだけ忙しいか言っています. Tom keeps telling everyone how busy he is. Tom always tells everyone how busy he is. ケイちゃんはとても運がいいのよ. お産の時から,そうだったわ. Kei's very lucky! He has been since his birth. Kay's very lucky. She's been there since birth. 知識そのものは目的ではなく,充実した人間らしい生活を送るという目的のための手段である. Knowledge in itself is not an end, but a means to an end: to live a full and humane life. Knowledge itself is not a means to an end, but a means to a satisfying human life. 彼女は園芸の手引書を読んでいた. She was reading a gardening manual. She was reading a gardening manual. 私はあまりワインを飲まない. I don't drink much wine. I don't drink much wine. 学校が終わるまでにそれを終えてしまいたかったのだが. I wanted to have finished it by the time school was over. I wish I had finished it by the end of the school. ご親切に甘えているようで気掛かりです. I'm afraid I'm imposing on your hospitality. I'm worried that you're being kind to me. 本気で離婚を考えているんですか? Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce? Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce? 彼は,森の中に一人ぼっちで住んでいる. He lives by himself in the woods. He lives alone in the woods. 私はサイフを盗まれた. I had my wallet stolen. I had my wallet stolen. 大雨のせいで予定がすっかり狂ってしまった. Due to the rain, my plans were completely mixed up. The heavy rain drove me crazy. 昨日の夜は家にいるつもりなのだと思っていました. I thought you were going to be at home last night. I thought you were going to stay at home last night. 私は何をして良いのか途方にくれた. I was at a loss as to what to do. I was at a loss what to do. 欠席した生徒は一人もいなかった. There wasn't one student who was absent. None of the students were absent. 私たちはもう少し早く出発してもかまいませんか. Do you mind our leaving a little earlier? May we start a little earlier? 警察が逮捕した男はもう釈放されている. The man the police arrested has now been released. The man arrested by the police has already been released. 私は祖国を愛している. I love my motherland. I love my country. この間はカンガルーの皮の財布を土産に買ってきてくれた. The other day he bought a wallet made of kangaroo leather for me. The other day, he bought a kangaroo leather wallet for me. 彼に任せておけば大丈夫だ. If you leave it to him, it'll be all right. You'll be all right if you leave it up to him. この部屋に椅子がありません. There are no chairs in this room. There is no chair in this room. その少年を説得しようとしても無駄だ. It's no use trying to persuade the boy. It is no use trying to persuade the boy. 彼は誰ですか. Who is he? Who is he? 私は6行に6個の誤りを発見した. I found six mistakes in as many lines. I found six mistakes in six lines. 国家は人間社会が到達可能な最終段階でしょうか? Are nations the last stage of evolution in human society? Is state the final step that human society can reach? すごい,見違えたよ. God, this place looks great. Oh, my God. I didn't recognize you. 君は彼女にだまされたのだ. You were taken in by her. You were deceived by her. 私はその知らせに驚いた. I was surprised at the news. I was surprised at the news. ローマを訪れたことがありますか. Have you ever visited Rome? Have you ever visited Rome? 彼はその詩を読んでアルカデイアを心の中に思い浮かべた. He conjured up Arcadia reading the poem. He thought of the poem in his mind. ついに彼は泣きはじめた. At length, he began to cry. At last, he began to cry. 出来るだけ早くあなたに手紙を書きます. I will write to you as soon as I can. I'll write to you as soon as I can. 散髪した方がよい. You had better have your hair cut. You had better cut your hair. as may be の文法解釈を教えてください. Please explain the grammar of 'as may be'. Please tell me what the grammar is for as may be. 快い笑顔で彼女は私に挨拶した. She greeted me with a pleasant smile. She greeted me with a pleasant smile. 朝晩はだんだん冷えてきました. It is getting colder and colder morning and evening. It was getting colder and colder morning and evening. アラスカには何百万もの野生動物が生息している. Millions of wild animals live in Alaska. Millions of wild animals live in Alaska. 彼はなんと速く走るんだ. How fast he runs! How fast he runs! 卒業して久しぶりに彼女に会ったが彼女は全く主婦になりきっていた. I met her a long time after graduation, and she had totally become a housewife. I met her after school for the first time, but she was quite ready to become a housewife. この橋は鉄製です. This bridge is made of iron. This bridge is made of iron. 空に一体何個の星があるか考えてみたことがあるか? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the sky? 彼が住んでいる町を知っていますか. Do you know the town where he lives? Do you know the town where he lives? 私は人の外見にはほとんど重要性を置かない. I attach little importance to a person's appearance. I give little importance to a person's appearance. 我々はその決議案に賛成投票をした. We balloted for the resolution. We voted for the bill. 彼はその組の首席だ. He is at the head of the class. He is at the head of the team. バンドの演奏は何時に始まりますか. What time will the band start playing? What time does the band start? 招待してくれてありがとう. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for inviting me. 同時に2つのことをするな. Don't do two things at a time. Don't do two things at once. 過去のことは水に流せ. Let bygones be bygones. Let your past go. 車はそこに行く途中で故障した. Our car broke down on our way there. The car broke down on the way there. その電気器具は輸送中にこわれたのにちがいない. The electrical appliance must have been damaged in transit. The electric device must have been broken into during transport. では,確認させていただきます. Let's see if I've got that right. I'll make sure of that. お待ち下さい. 彼を電話口に出しますから. Please hang on. I'll put him on the phone. Please wait. I'll put him on the phone. 東北・秋田新幹線が運転を見合わせるなど交通も混乱した. Traffic was also disrupted including the suspension of the Akita, Tohoku bullet train. Traffic was also confused when the Tohoku-Akita Shinkansen Line saw to it that they drove together. ミーティングやスケジュールなどの詳細については,直接,私にお問い合わせ下さい. Please feel free to contact me for details about the meeting or the schedule. Please contact me directly on such details as the meeting and schedule. 彼の学校の成績はいい. He has a good school record. His grades at school are good. 尚,会社説明会後でも,会社見学は随時受け付けております. Furthermore, even after the company information session, we sometimes hold company tours. However, I still accept my company tour after the debrief. 彼女が死んで5年たちます. She has been dead five years. I have been dead for five years. 肌荒れがひどいですね. Your skin is breaking out. You have a bad skin. 彼は私が出会った堕落した人たちの中でもっともひどい人の"人だ. He is one of the rottenest fellows that have ever crossed my path. He is one of the worst people I've ever met. 彼は一番背が高い少年です. He is the tallest boy. He is the tallest boy. 当大学では身体障害者の受け入れを検討しているところだ. Our university authorities are considering the admission of handicapped students. We are considering accepting the disabled at this university. これが私たちのやり方です. This is how we do it. This is how we do it. 祖母はこの町で最高齢です. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. 暖かい日には手足を伸ばしたり,仰向けになって足を宙に上げたまま寝ることもある. On warm days, bears stretch out or lie on their backs with their feet in the air. Sometimes I sleep with my arms stretched out on warm days or with my legs up in the air on my back. 兄は野心に取り付かれていた. My brother is consumed with ambition. My brother was obsessed with ambition. 新聞によればメキシコで地震があったそうだ. According to the paper, there was an earthquake in Mexico. According to the newspaper, there was an earthquake in Mexico. 彼女が話している人はアレンさんです. The person she's talking to is Allan. The man she is talking to is Mr Allen. もっと賢明に振る舞いなさい. You must act more wisely. You must behave more wisely. ボディビルを行う人をボディビルダーと呼ぶ. People who do bodybuilding are called bodybuilders. People who do bodybuilding are called bodybuilders. 彼らは先月アメリカへ行った. They went to America last month. They went to America last month. 過ぎ去った時代には,事態は違っていた. In days gone by, things were different. By the time things were gone, things were different. 熱があるせいで,なんか頭がぼーっとしている. I'm really out of it today. It must be because of my fever. The fever is driving me crazy. 帰宅したいなら帰宅してもいいですよ. You can go home if you like. You may go home if you want to. 私はその前日にカメラをなくしてしまった. I had lost a camera the previous day. I lost my camera the day before. お花を習っています. I take lessons in flower arrangement. I'm studying flowers. トムがしようと言っていたことについて,彼と話す必要がある. I need to talk to Tom about what he said he would do. I need to talk to Tom about what he was going to do. トムは勇敢な男だった. Tom was a brave man. Tom was a brave man. 彼はただ野心に動かされているだけだ. He is actuated solely by ambition. He is simply motivated by ambition. もう"点付け加えてもいいですか. May I add a point? May I add another point? 教育委員会委員長に動議の確認を願います. And I call on the chairman of the Education Committee to support the motion. I'd like the head of the school board to confirm the motion. 彼女は夫の振る舞いに我慢ならない. She cannot stand what her husband does. She can't put up with her husband's behavior. 細やかなお心遣いに感謝いたします. I appreciate your attention to detail. Thank you for your tender attention. 彼は時々私の息子に会いに来る. He comes to see my son now and then. He comes to see my son from time to time. お年寄りは敬わなければならない. You have to respect the old. Old people must be respected. クリスマスの時期にはあっという間に満席になるから早く飛行機の予約をしなさい. Book your flight early as it fills up quickly during Christmas. You should make a reservation for the plane as soon as it fills up at Christmas. 彼はとてもけちだ. He's very stingy. He is very mean. 濡れ衣を着せられた. I was falsely accused. I was framed. 今のところ思い出せない. I can't remember for the moment. I can't remember at the moment. この部屋のどこかに隠れていることは分かっているぞ. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. またその一方ではその経験から学んだものも大きかった. On the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience. On the other hand, I learned a great deal from the experience. その歌を聞くといつも子供の頃を思い出す. The song always reminds me of my childhood. That song always reminds me of my childhood. 彼は午前中は決して事務所にいません. He is never in the office in the morning. He is by no means in the office in the morning. 彼の兄はその活動に命を捧げた. His brother dedicated his life to the activity. His brother dedicated his life to the activity. 彼らは旅行者に近付いていって金をくれと頼んだ. They approached the tourists and asked them for money. They approached the traveler and asked for money. 彼は次のバス停で降りた. He got off at the next bus stop. He got off at the next bus stop. 何を考えてんだ? What are you thinking? What are you thinking? かわいそうにその少年はどうしたらよいのか途方にくれていた. The poor boy was at a loss what to do. The poor boy was at a loss what to do. そういうことは単独でやるべきではない. You should not do that kind of thing by yourself. You shouldn't do such a thing by yourself. "帰ろ""マックよってかない?" "Let's head back." "Shall we drop by McDonald's?" "Go home." "Isn't it Mac?" 君はここからすぐに逃げたほうがよい. You had better get away from here at once. You had better get out of here at once. 家畜を飼育する. I rear cattle. They raise livestock. トムは裕福な男だ. Tom is an affluent man. Tom is a wealthy man. 私は彼が会社を辞めた理由がわからない. I don't know why he quit the company. I don't understand why he left the office. シカゴのあたりでは雨が降っていました. It was raining around Chicago. It was raining around Chicago. あなたの苗字はどのように綴るのですか? How do you spell your last name? How do you spell your last name? 彼は腹黒い. He has a black heart. He has a black belly. 暑さにやられた. I was affected by the heat. I was affected by the heat. 彼女は今度の日曜,すなわち"0日に帰ります. She will return home next Sunday, that is, the tenth. She will return next Sunday, that is, ten days. 猫が机の上に座る. There's a cat on the desk. A cat sits on the desk. 太鼓の音は遠のいていった. The drum faded away. The sound of drums went far away. 彼のシャツにはソースのしみがついていた. On his shirt there was a sauce stain. There was a sauce on his shirt. ごめんなさい,遅れています. あと"0分で着きます! Sorry - I'm running late. I'll be there in 10 minutes! Sorry, we're late. We'll be there in ten minutes! 多くの本を読むことが大切です. It is important for you to read many books. It is important to read many books. 彼はまず,兄弟のシモンを見つけて言った. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him. He first found his brother Simon and said, このコルクの栓はどうしてもぬけない. This cork won't come out. This cork can't run. 彼は手にペンを持っていた. He was holding a pen in his hand. He had a pen in his hand. 彼は腹を立てて私に怒鳴った. He lost his temper and shouted at me. He shouted at me in anger. やることはもうほとんど残っていない. Little remains to be done. There is little left to do. それは私にとっていい知らせだ. That's good news to me. That's good news for me. トムはメアリーと別れた. Tom split up with Mary. Tom broke up with Mary. 彼女は誘惑に負けた. She gave way to temptation. She gave in to temptation. まもなく夕食の準備が出来るでしょう. Dinner will be ready soon. It won't be long before dinner is ready. ええ,その,面白い男性にぜんぜんめぐり合えなくてねぇ. Oh, it's just that I never meet any interesting men. Yeah, I can't get along with that funny man at all. 私達はみんな彼の無罪を確信している. We are all convinced of his innocence. We are all convinced of his innocence. この靴はイタリア製です. These shoes are made in Italy. These shoes are made in Italy. 痩せる必要がないというのは残念だ. It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight. It's a pity that you don't need to lose weight. カナダは木材に富む. Canada abounds in timber. Canada is rich in wood. 明日はやるべき仕事がたくさんある. I have lots of work to do tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. 衛星は今軌道に乗っている. The satellite is now in orbit. The satellite is in orbit now. トムが気にするとは思えない. I don't think that Tom will mind. I don't think Tom will care. 私たちは親をあてにしてはいけない. We should not depend on your parents. We must not rely on our parents. この国では東西の文化が交じり合っている. Cultures of the East and the West are mixed in this country. The culture of the east and the west is mixed up in this country. 禎子は弱々しくうなずいた. Sadako gave a weak nod. Sadako nodded weakly. トムは私より賢い. Tom is more intelligent than I am. Tom is smarter than I am. 彼女をキャシーと呼んだ. I called her by the name of Cathy. I called her Kathy. 彼は危険を前にしても冷静だった. He remained calm even in the presence of danger. He was calm in the face of danger. 彼は柔らかい粘土で小さな塑像を作った. He made a little statue out of soft clay. He made a small statue of soft clay. 彼はいろいろな本から知識を拾い集めた. He has gleaned knowledge from various books. He collected knowledge from various books. ホールには人がいっぱいいた. There were many people in the hall. The hall was filled with people. その言葉は初めて聞きました. It's the first time I hear this word. I heard that word for the first time. 彼女の一家はブラジルへ移住して行った. Her family moved to Brazil. Her family migrated to Brazil. モデルは魅力のある体をしていなければならない. A model must have an attractive body. A model must have a charming body. 彼はまだ元気盛んだ. He is still full of energy. He is still in good spirits. イルカは人間に次いで最も知能が高く,やがては彼らとの対話も夢ではないと考えている科学者もいる. Some scientists think that dolphins are the most intelligent animals in the world except for man, and that we may be able to talk with them one day. Some scientists believe that dolphins are the most intelligent next to humans, and in the long run, communication with them is not a dream. 悪事千里を走る. Ill news comes too soon. Bad luck runs fast. 彼はどこかその辺りにいるはずです. He must be somewhere about. He should be somewhere around. 何人死んだの? How many died? How many people died? あなたが昨日そこで会った人はブラウン氏でした. The man that you saw there yesterday was Mr Brown. The man you met there yesterday was Mr Brown. トムはどこにいるかわからない. I don't know where Tom is. I don't know where Tom is. 彼の言ったことは本当かも知れない. What he said may well be true. What he said may be true. それ以上は望む方が無理ですよ. You can't expect more than that. You can't ask for more than that. 店にあるのは,これ一つだけです. It is the only one there is in the shop. This is the only one in the store. 長い間手紙を書かなかったことを許してください. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. Forgive me for not writing for a long time. 私は偶然にも京都で旧友にあった. I met an old friend by chance in Kyoto. It happened that I met an old friend of mine in Kyoto. 私は彼の誕生日パーティーに行けなかった. I was unable to go to his birthday party. I couldn't go to his birthday party. 我々の統合は完璧にできうる. Our union can be perfected. Our integration can be complete. 私はもうじき"4歳になります. I am going to be fourteen. I will soon be fourteen years old. 宿題を手伝ってくれてありがとうございます. It is very nice of you to help me with my homework. Thank you for helping me with my homework. トムは大きな家で一人暮らしをしている. Tom lives alone in a big house. Tom lives alone in a large house. 彼女がアメリカ人のように流暢に英語を話しているのを聞きました. I heard her speaking English as fluently as a citizen of the USA. I heard her speaking English fluently like an American. 彼の書斎は公園に面している. His study gives on the park. His study faces the park. しゃべらずに聞きなさい. Hold your tongue and listen to me. Don't talk. 何千人もの人々がそこに集まった. Thousands of people gathered there. Thousands of people gathered there. じゃあね! I'll see you later. Bye! 金はないけど夢はある. I don't have any money, but I have dreams. I don't have money, but I have dreams. 私は彼女が病気だとは知らなかった. I didn't know she was ill. I didn't know that she was sick. 美術館の東の陳列棟は清掃のため閉鎖されていた. The museum's eastern gallery was closed for cleaning. The building to the east of the museum was closed for cleaning. 私たちは食料と水の蓄えがもつかぎりここにいられる. We can stay here for as long as our supplies of food and water hold out. We can stay here as long as we have food and water. あの人はどうもイメージが悪い. He makes a bad impression. He is very ill-imaged. 彼は金持ちであるように思われる. He seems to be rich. He seems to be rich. 彼らは,カルカッタからニューヨーク市に至るまで,世界中に支部を持っている. They have branches all over the world, from Calcutta to New York City. They have offices all over the world, from Carcatta to New York City. あなたに教えたこれらのことは私が経験で知っている. I have experienced the things I taught you. I know these things I taught you by experience. 私も. Me, too. Me, too. 私はこの辞書は初心者には役に立つと思います. I think this dictionary is useful for beginners. I think this dictionary is useful to beginners. いいかげんな話はやめろ. Don't give me that! Don't talk like that. 君はそのシャツを着るとしゃれてみえる. You look smart in the shirt. You look nervous when you put on the shirt. 彼はとても速く歩いたので,私はついていけなかった. He walked so fast this I couldn't keep up with him. He walked so fast that I couldn't keep up with him. 彼はいつもコーヒーを濃くして飲む. He always takes his coffee strong. He always drinks his coffee heavily. どこに駐車できますか. Where can I park? Where can I park? 彼は今,勉強していますか. Is he studying now? Is he studying now? きみはひどい病気にかかるかもしれない. You may get a serious disease. You may get a bad disease. 犬はその魚を骨も尾も全部食べた. The dog ate the fish, bones, tail and all. The dog ate the fish and all its tail. これ触ってもいいですか? Is it OK if I touch this? Can I touch this? もちろんですとも,どんどんやってください. Sure, go right ahead. Of course. Go ahead. トムの友達は彼のことを"マネーバッグ"と呼んだ. Tom's friends called him Money Bags. Tom's friends called him "The Money Bag." 日本は米国と多額の貿易を行っている. Japan has much trade with the USA. Japan has a large trade with the United States. 作者は恋人に対する情熱を表現している. The author expresses his passion for his love. The author expresses his passion for his lover. 彼を一人にしておいてやりなさい. Leave him alone. Leave him alone. 私の祖母は八十二歳でまだ元気である. My grandmother is still vigorous at 82 years old. My grandmother is only forty-two years old and is still healthy. ホワイト氏にはたくさんの友達がいるようです. Mr. White seems to have many friends. Mr White seems to have a lot of friends. 私の手紙はスージーを怒らせてしまった. My letter made Susie angry. My letter made Susie angry. 久しぶりに会ったんだから,酒でも飲みながら,昔話にでも花を咲かせるとするか. It's been so long since we've met, let's have a drink or two and talk about the good old days. It's been a long time since we've met, so let's drink and let the old stories bloom. 彼女はきっとくると思う. I'm sure she will come. I'm sure she'll come. 妹にあきらめるように説得してもだめだった. It was no good persuading my sister to give up. You couldn't persuade your sister to give up. そこにお座り. Sit there. Sit there. パスポートは外国に行ったときなしではすまされないものだ. A passport is something you cannot do without when you go to a foreign country. Your passport can't do without it when you go abroad. トムは一番遅れて着きました. Tom was the very last to arrive. Tom arrived last. ジャンボ尾崎ほど人気のあるプロゴルファーは日本にいない. No pro golfer in Japan is as popular as Jumbo Ozaki. No one in Japan is as popular as Jumbosaki. ホワイト氏にはたくさん友達がいるようです. Mr White seems to have many friends. Mr White seems to have many friends. あなたは自分の主義に従って行動をとらなければならない. You must act according to your principles. You must act according to your principles. 私の望むのは安らぎと静けさだけです. All I want is peace and quiet. All I want is calm and quiet. 生きるためには食べねばならない. 食べるために生きるのではない. You must eat to live. You must not live to eat. You must eat to live; you must not live to eat. 落第しないように一生懸命に勉強しなさい. Study hard so you don't fail. Study hard so as not to fail. あまり出かける気分じゃなかった. I didn't really feel like going out. I didn't feel like going out much. ボストンにはどれくらい滞在したのですか. How long did you stay in Boston? How long did you stay in Boston? 彼女は先月アメリカにいました. She was in the United States last month. She was in America last month. 彼にそれをさせられなかった. I couldn't get him to do it. I couldn't make him do it. 元気です. ありがとう. あなたはどうですか. I'm fine, thank you. And you? I'm fine. Thank you. How are you? 彼は商売で成功するだけの押しの強さがない. He is not aggressive enough to succeed in business. He is not strong enough to succeed in business. 私の肩を軽く叩いて彼は私の助力に感謝した. Patting me on the shoulder, he thanked me for helping him. He thanked me for my help by lightly beating me on the shoulder. ルールに背いてはいけない. You should not go against the rules. Don't go against the rules. みんな彼のことを褒めたたえる. Everyone speaks highly of him. Everybody praises him. 明日彼とその事を話し合うことになっている. I am to talk over the matter with him tomorrow. I am to discuss the matter with him tomorrow. 一杯いかがですか. Do you want a drink? Would you like a drink? トムはその歌手をそっくりまねできる. Tom can imitate that singer perfectly. Tom can imitate the singer. この車は乱暴な使い方をされてきたに違いない. This car must have had tough usage. This car must have been used roughly. 私は裏庭に小さな小屋を建てた. I put up a small hut in the backyard. I built a small hut in the backyard. 君のこと心配したよ. I was worried about you. I was worried about you. 脈がはやいです. My pulse is fast. My pulse is slow. その会社には遅刻に対する厳しいきまりがある. The company has hard and fast rules against lateness. The company has a severe tradition of being late. 蒸気ボイラーは爆発する可能性がある. Steam boilers may explode. The steam boiler is likely to explode. この川の幅が"マイルある. This river is one mile across. This river is a mile wide. わたしはあなたの健康をとても心配している. I am much concerned about your health. I am very anxious about your health. 今回は見逃してくれよ. Will you get me off the hook this time? Let it go this time. 彼らは正義のために戦った. They fought in the cause of justice. They fought for righteousness. 人間は感情の動物である. Man is a creature of emotion. Man is an animal of emotion. 彼女は本の絵をノートに書き移した. In her notebook, she drew a copy of the picture that was in the book. She put the picture of a book in her notebook. 花瓶には何本の花が入っていますか. How many flowers are there in the vase? How many flowers are in the vase? 彼はアメリカに行ってしまった. He has gone to America. He has gone to America. 私はそれが本当だと思う. I think it true. I think it's true. そんな高い車を買うのは,とても無理な話だ. Buying such an expensive car is out of the question. It is very difficult to buy such an expensive car. 2ちゃんねるって大半が低能じゃないですか? Don't you think that most people on 2chan are idiots? Don't you think that two-by-one is mostly unskilled? ジョージがどこでテニスのラケットを買ったのか知っていますか. Do you know where George bought his tennis racket? Do you know where George bought a tennis racket? パーティー楽しめた? How did you enjoy the party? Did you have a good time at the party? この美しい家はとても高くて買えない. This beautiful house is so expensive that we can't buy it. This beautiful house is too expensive to buy. 何より大切なのは,英語をマスターしようという強い意欲である. What is most important is your strong will to master English. Most important of all is a strong desire to master English. ご婚約おめでとうございます. I congratulate you on your engagement. I congratulate you on your engagement. 新しい車を買おうかと思っている. I have a mind to buy a new car. I am thinking of buying a new car. トムは手を振った. Tom waved. Tom waved. "pretty"の綴りは? How do you spell "pretty"? How do you spell "pretty"? 彼女は試験に失敗しないように,一生懸命に勉強した. She studied hard lest she should fail her exam. She studied hard so as not to fail in the examination. 私は,彼に写真を撮ってもらった. I got him to take my picture. I had him take my picture. 学校サボったことある? Have you ever played hooky? Have you ever missed school? 今夜,映画でも見に行かない? Would you like to go to a movie tonight? Why don't we go see a movie tonight? 断水になった. The water supply has failed. We're out of water. 左に曲がったら,白いビルが見えてきます. If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building. Turning left, you will see the white building. トムは何も欲しくない. Tom doesn't want anything. Tom doesn't want anything. この風は嵐の前兆だ. This wind is a sign of a storm. This wind is a sign of the storm. 机の上には本がなかった. There wasn't any book on the desk. There were no books on the desk. 彼女は私を枕元にくるようにと頼んだ. She asked me to come to her bedside. She asked me to come to her pillow. 男はぴたりと止まった. The man came to a dead stop. The man stopped for a moment. 河を泳いで渡ると考えただけでも私はふるえた. The mere idea of swimming across the river made me tremble. The mere thought of swimming across the river helped me to behave. 私達は休暇中ずっと叔母の家に滞在した. We stayed at my aunt's during the vacation. We stayed at our aunt's house throughout the vacation. 金は使っても使われるな. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. No matter how much money you spend, you won't be used. 今日はとても疲れました. I was very tired today. I'm very tired today. ここに来て,それまでは一度も海にはいろうと思わなかった私は,この時,何となく,着物が脱ぎたくなった. I had not once thought about going into the sea since I came here, but at this moment, for some reason, I wanted to remove my clothes. I had never thought of going to the sea before when I wanted to come here. At this point, somehow, I wanted to take off my kimono. あいにく私はあなたの申込書を今持ち合わせていない. I don't happen to have your application on hand at the moment. Unfortunately, I don't have your application form with me now. 彼女はそのことで喜んでいるどころか,とても怒っている. She is far from being pleased about it and she is very angry. Far from being happy about it, she is very angry. アンカラはトルコの首都です. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. 女性は職場や地域社会でますます重要な責任を担うようになっているので,育児と仕事の両方からストレスを感じている人の数が増えているといわれている. Since women are taking on more responsibilities at work and in the community, it is said that the number of women with stress from both child-rearing and work is increasing. Since women are taking on more and more important responsibilities in the workplace and in the community, it is said that the number of people who suffer from stress from both child care and work is increasing. 僕にはそんなに金は出せない. I can't afford to pay so much. I can't afford to pay so much. 彼らは大人になってからの同輩に受け入れられるだろう. They will be accepted by their peers in adulthood. They will be accepted by their peers when they grow up. マユコは音楽に合わせておどっている. Mayuko is dancing to the music. Mayuko keeps it to the music. どこにいたの,トム? Where have you been, Tom? Where have you been, Tom? その車は何週間も放ってある. The car has been kicking around the roadside for weeks. The car has been on its way for weeks. 信じてくれよ. Take my word for it. Trust me. 彼女は無事を祈っていますよ. She's worrying for your safety. She is praying for safety. デザートは何がよいですか. What would you like for dessert? What would you like for dessert? 夕食の後テレビを見てもいい. You can watch TV after supper. You may watch TV after dinner. 心配だわ. I'm worried. I'm worried. 彼に一人でそれをさせてはいけません. Don't let him do it by himself. Don't let him do it by himself. どうぞお乗り下さい. Please get into the car. Please take a seat. 自分の手を汚すようなことだけはごめんだ. I don't want to get my hands dirty. I don't want anything to get my hands dirty. 何事であろうとも,忍耐しなくてはならない. No matter what it is, we must persevere. You must be patient, whatever it may be. 私たちの先祖は百五十年前この国にたどり着きました. Our ancestors arrived in this country 150 years ago. Our ancestors arrived in this country a hundred and fifty years ago. 僕の兄の正夫を知ってるかい. Do you know my brother Masao? Do you know my brother, Masao? 彼女の親切な行為に私は強くこころを動かされた. Her kind action strongly impressed me. I was strongly moved by her kindness. 私は高熱があった. さもなければキャンプに行くことができただろう. I had a high fever; otherwise I could have gone camping. I had a high fever, otherwise I could have gone camping. 彼女は,彼女の母と同じほど美しい. She is no less beautiful than her mother. She is as beautiful as her mother. 私はトムを待った. I waited for Tom. I waited for Tom. 目やにが出ます. I have mucus coming out of my eyes. I have eyes and eyes. 彼女がどこに住んでいるか知っていますか. Do you know where she lives? Do you know where she lives? 幸福になりたいなら人生における境涯に満足することを学びなさい. If you wish to be happy, learn to be content with your condition in life. If you want to be happy, learn to be content with the boundaries of life. 食事中は行儀よくしてもらいたい. I would like you to behave yourself at table. I want you to behave yourself during meals. 彼女は毎朝一時間の散歩をすることにしている. She makes it a rule to take an hour's walk every morning. She makes it a rule to take an hour's walk every morning. トムは猫を飼っていない. けれども犬を飼っているのですよね? Tom doesn't have a cat. However, Tom does have a dog, doesn't he? Tom doesn't have a cat, but he does have a dog, does he? 免許証を見せていただけますか. Can I see your license, please? May I see your driver's license? 前よりまた一段ときれいになったね. You're much prettier than I remember. You look even cleaner than you used to be. 彼女の才能に関しては疑問の余地が無い. There is no question as to her talent. There is no doubt as to her ability. 私はポテトチップスを食べました. I ate some crisps. I ate potato chips. 彼は彼らに援助の手を差し伸べるつもりだと言った. He said he would give a helping hand to them. He told them that he was going to help them. 彼は来客攻めにあった. He was besieged by callers. He was attacked by visitors. 個人には権利と義務がある. An individual has rights and responsibilities. The individual has a right and a duty. 老人のばかほどばかなものはない. There is no fool like an old fool. There is nothing so foolish as an old fool. 私はこれをやってはいけないと思う I feel like we shouldn't be doing this. I don't think I should do this. 彼はそのお金を口座に払い込んだ. He paid the money into his account. He put the money into his account. 計画はできた. Our plan is made. We've got a plan. それの感想は? What do you think of it? How do you feel about that? 彼はうぬぼれが強過ぎるのでだれからも嫌われる. He is so full of conceit that everybody dislikes him. He's too vain to be liked by everybody. 彼はベンが犯行と何らかの関連があることを疑わなかった. He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime. He had no doubt that Ben had any bearing on the crime. 錦あやなす木々で山が染まっていた. The mountainside was ablaze with the autumn colors of the trees. The mountain was stained with rich trees. 母は父より年上です. Mom is older than Dad. My mother is older than my father. トムはすでにそれをしている. Tom is already doing that. Tom is already doing that. 君は彼に借金を払ってくれるように頼みさえすればよい. All you need to do is ask him to pay the loan. You have only to ask him to pay your debts. 彼の従姉妹は,名前は忘れたが,看護婦だった. His cousin, whose name I have forgotten, was a nurse. His cousin, whose name was forgotten, was a nurse. 困ったことに私の息子は学校に行きたがらない. The trouble is that my son does not want to go to school. The trouble is that my son doesn't want to go to school. 彼は彼女と結婚できるという希望を捨て切れなかった. He was unable to completely give up on his hopes of marrying her. He could not give up hope of marrying her. ジョー以外は全員パーティーに行きました. We all went to the party except Joe. All but Joe went to the party. その鶏は最近卵を産んでいない. That chicken hasn't laid any eggs lately. The chicken hasn't laid eggs recently. 彼女は小川をひょいとまたいだ. She strode over the brook. She ran across the stream. いぬ達は月に向かって遠吠えしていた. The dogs were howling at the moon. The wildlings were howling toward the moon. さあ,そろそろ本気で勉強を始めなくちゃ. It's time to hit the books. It's about time I started to study. 私は仕事をたいぶためてしまった. I still have a lot of work to do. I've got a lot of work to do. 集団生活を営む動物は全て,情報を交換したり秩序ある集団を維持するため何らかの伝達方法を持っている. All social animals use some methods of communication to exchange information and to maintain an orderly community. All the animals that live in groups have some kind of communication to exchange information and maintain orderly groups. 夫は今日はとても機嫌がいい. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband is in a very good mood today. 私は今朝六時におきようと思いました. I tried to get up at six this morning. I thought I'd get up at six this morning. 痛くも痒くもない. Don't care a hang about it. It doesn't hurt or it doesn't hurt. この飛行機は楽に400人運ぶことができる. This airplane accommodates 400 passengers quite comfortably. This plane can carry 400 people easily. 私はその問題に関してはあなたに同意できません. I can't agree with you as regards that matter. I can't agree with you on the matter. 私の父は金にまったく無頓着だ. My father doesn't care about money at all. My father is quite careless about money. この橋は長さがどのくらいありますか. How long is this bridge? How long is this bridge? この薬で君の頭痛は治るよ. This medicine will take care of your headache. This medicine will cure your headache. ジムは車を修理中だ. Jim is at work on his car. Jim is repairing his car. 自由すぎると人はみなだめになる. Too much liberty spoils all. Too much freedom spoils everyone. 彼は私たちと一緒に来たがった. He wanted to come with us. He wanted to come with us. 彼は境遇に満足している. He is contented with his lot. He is satisfied with his circumstances. 読む時間を見つけることさえできない. I can't even find time to read. I can't even find time to read. お前と俺は,今回のプロジェクトでは車の両輪ということだろう. 仲良くしないことにはうまくいかないよ. It seems you and I are essential to this project. We'd better get along or it'll go badly. You and I will be two wheels on this project. It won't work out if we don't get along. サー・ウィンストン・チャーチルは偉大な政治家であっただけでなく,偉大な作家でもあった. Besides being a great statesman, Sir Winston Churchill was a great writer. Ser Winston Church was not only a great statesman but also a great writer. 人間が月へ旅行できるようになるのも遠いことではないだろう. It will not be long before man can travel to the moon. It won't be long before man can travel to the moon. ぼくはどうにかそこに間に合った. I managed to get there in time. I managed to get there. 猫はとてもきれい好きな動物だ. Cats are very clean animals. Cats are very beautiful animals. 私たちはその試合を見て楽しんだ. We enjoyed watching the game. We enjoyed watching the game. おまえは若すぎてひとりでは旅行できない. You are too young to travel alone. You are too young to travel alone. 薬を飲まなければなりません. I need to take medications. I have to take my medicine. あの劇場ではPを上演している. They are putting P on at that theater. We're playing P in that theater. 君が頂上まで登るのはむずかしい. It is difficult for you to climb to the mountaintop. It is difficult for you to climb to the top. 彼には新車を買うゆとりがない. He can't afford a new car. He can't afford to buy a new car. トムとジョンは仲良しです. Tom and John are good friends. Tom and John are good friends. 彼は実際のところマネージャーではない. He isn't actually the manager. He is not really a manager. 手が放せないんです. My hands are tied. I can't let go. 私たちのチームが勝つのは確かだと思う. I think it certain that our team will win. I'm sure our team will win. 彼女はその知らせを聞いてただ泣くばかりだった. She did nothing but weep at the news. She did nothing but cry when she heard the news. 彼は時折母親に手紙を書く. He writes to his mother every now and then. He sometimes writes to his mother. そんなこと誰でも知ってるよ. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. 麻里子はエステティック・サロンに行きました. Mariko went to the aesthetic salon. Mariko went to Estetic Saron. 彼女は美しいというよりはむしろ立派な女だ. She is handsome rather than beautiful. She is not so much beautiful as a good woman. 二度とそれをしてはいけない. Don't do it again. You must not do it again. さあ,中内さん. 一杯つぎましょう. Let me fill up your glass, Mr Nakauchi. Come on, Nakanami. Let's have a drink. 私の参謀としてついたからには,危機感を持って任にあたって貰わねば困ります. If you're with me as a staff officer then I need you to bring a sense of danger with you to your work. I'm afraid you'll have to be in my position with a sense of danger when I'm working as a participator. 彼はかなり大量の蜂蜜を使った. He used a lot of honey. He used quite a lot of honey. 彼女はとても私の助けになった. She was a great help to me. She was very helpful to me. ジムはカメラを盗まれた. Jim had his camera stolen. Jim had his camera stolen. 彼の家族は彼のことを敬愛していた. そしてある意味で彼は彼らに甘やかされていた. His family adored him and in a sense he was spoiled by them. His family respected him. In a sense, he was spoiled by them. 大変多くの人に会ったので私はその人達の顔さえ覚えていない. I met so many people that I do not even remember their faces. I have met so many people that I don't even remember their faces. 人間は考える葦である. Man is a thinking reed. Man is a thinker. 急いでいる時は,そんなことって起こるものです. That kind of thing can happen when you're in a hurry. That happens when you're in a hurry. 天使にでもなってしまったの? Have you become an angel? Have you become an angel? 私達はみな,その映画を見たいと熱望しています. We are all eager to see the movie. We are all eager to see the movie. おばあちゃんのやり方を見ながら,羊毛の紡ぎ方を覚えました. I learned how to spin wool from watching my grandmother. Looking at my grandmother's way of doing things, I learned how to spin wool. 彼は無罪だったと一般に信じられている. It is generally believed that he was innocent. It is generally believed that he was innocent. 私の仕事には手助けがいる. I need some help with my work. I need help in my work. 彼が髪を刈ってもらうのに3,000円かかった. It cost him 3,000 yen to get a haircut. It cost him 3,000 yen to have his hair cut. 鹿児島には一度も行ったことがありませんが,今年の夏行くつもりです. I've never visited Kagoshima, but I intend to this summer. I've never been to Kagoshima, but I'm going this summer. 百セントは一ドルになります. One hundred cents makes one dollar. A cent will be a dollar. 金は実際に支払われたのですか. Was the money actually paid? Was the money actually paid? 1959年9月26日に,史上最大の台風が名古屋を襲った. On September 26, 1959, the strongest typhoon in Japan's recorded history hit Nagoya. On September 26, 1959, the largest typhoon in history struck Nagoya. 私達が何処に行くかが貴方にとって重要? Do you care where we go? Does it matter to you where we're going? 彼らは6月に結婚することになっています. They are to be married in June. They are to get married in June. あなたはあなたの計画を彼に話したことを後悔するようになるかもしれない. You may come to regret having told him about your plan. You may regret telling him of your plan. フィレンツェはイタリアのもっとも美しい都市です. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is Italy's most beautiful city. 机の上のカルキュレーターは私のです. The calculator on the table is mine. The Calculator on the desk is mine. それは事情をかなりうまくまとめている. It sums up the situation pretty well. It puts things quite well together. おそくまで外出していた言い訳をする. To make an excuse for having stayed out late. I will make an excuse to stay out till late. 私は煙草をやめればいいのだが. I wish I could give up smoking. I wish I had stopped smoking. 彼は私に嘘をつきました. もう彼を信頼できません. He lied to me. I cannot trust him any longer. He lied to me. I can't trust him anymore. トムは私の親友だ. Tom is a good friend of mine. Tom is my best friend. 彼は免許試験を三度落ちた. He flunked his driving test three times. He failed his driver's test three times. 彼の発言は慎重だった. He was guarded in his remarks. His words were careful. 彼の級友達は彼を見てすぐに笑った. His classmates laughed at him at once. His classmates laughed at him at once. このようにして事故がおきたのだ. This is how the accident happened. This is how the accident came. 雪さえ降らなければね! As long as it doesn't snow! As long as it doesn't snow! その男が間違っているのは明らかだ. It is evident that the man is wrong. It is clear that the man is wrong. 私は約束には決して遅れないことにしている. I make it a rule never to be late for appointments. I make it a rule never to be late for my appointment. 時計が止まって,時間がわからなくなった. My watch ran down and I didn't know the time. The clock stopped and I lost track of time. この踊りのお相手を願えますか. May I have this dance? May I have someone to dance with? 私はあまり食べないのに,半年で5キロも太ってしまった. I haven't eaten very much but have gained as much as five kilos in a half year. I ate less than five kilograms in six months. トムは誰からも好かれている. Tom is liked by everyone. Tom is liked by everybody. 彼は最終稿に忙しく取り組んでいる. He is busy with the final draft. He is busy working on the final draft. それを皮切りとして欧州の詩や文学を多数紹介するようになりました. With that as a start many European poems and much literature came to be introduced. I began to introduce a lot of European poetry and literature to cut through it. 早急に彼らの釈放に手をうっていただきます. You must take action for their release quickly. I'll have my hand at their release as soon as possible. 7時半には起きなければいけないんじゃなかったの? I thought you had to get up by 7:30. Didn't you have to get up at 7:30? 食生活変えた方がいいよ. You'd better change your eating habits. You should change your diet. 彼女はしきりにオーストラリアで暮らしたがっています. She is eager to live in Australia. She is anxious to live in Australia. 私があなたにできることは本当に他に何もないんですね? Are you sure there's nothing else I can do for you? There's really nothing else I can do for you, isn't it? その音で私は目覚めた. That noise woke me up. The noise woke me up. 入浴してもいいですか. May I take a bath? May I take a bath? 彼に電話連絡できなかった. I couldn't get him on the phone. I couldn't get in touch with him. その爆発は不注意によって起こったという可能性を否定できない. The possibility that the explosion was caused by carelessness can't be ruled out. There is no denying the possibility that the explosion was caused by carelessness. ウイグル語はテュルク諸語のひとつである. Uyghur is a Turkic language. Wigur is one of the Tulu languages. 彼女は少し皮肉っぽく話した. She spoke with a suggestion of sarcasm in her voice. She spoke a little ironic. その野球チームが次の試合に勝つのは確かだ. The baseball team is certain to win the next game. It is certain that the baseball team will win the next game. そのうち私に電話をして日にちを決めてください. Please call me and set up a date sometime. Please call me later and set a date. 彼はまったく満足していなかった. He was not at all satisfied. He was not at all satisfied. 私の弟は夏になると毎日泳いでいます. My younger brother swims every day in the summer. My brother swims every day in the summer. 君はハリーを起こすのに失敗した. You failed to wake Harry up. You failed to wake Harry up. 彼らは急に泣きだした. They burst into tears. They burst into tears. その話題は話し合う価値がある. The topic is worth discussing. The subject is worth discussing. 耳を貸して下さい. Lend me your ears! Give me your ear. あなたは何をしようとしているのですか. What are you trying to do? What are you trying to do? 無関係の人を殺るな! Don't kill off bystanders! Don't kill innocent people! そのくらい誰でもできる. Anyone can manage that. Anyone can do it. これは,私が今までに見た中で最も美しい光景だ. This is the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen. This is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. 彼は会に出席できないと電話を入れてきた. He called in to say he could not attend the meeting. He called in that he couldn't attend the meeting. ここでは天気は変わりやすい. The weather is changeable here. The weather is easy to change here. みんな彼女に親切です. Everyone is friendly to her. Everyone is kind to her. 先ごろのサービス上の不備について釈明したかった. We wanted to explain the recent service failure. I wanted to explain my last service inconvenience. 彼のほうに分がある. The odds are in his favor. He has his share. ウイスキーには重税が課せられていた. A heavy tax was imposed on whiskey. A heavy tax was imposed on whiskey. 若者は普通老人よりも精力がある. Young people usually have more energy than the old. Young people are usually more energetic than old people. トムに会いに来ました. I came here to see Tom. I came to see Tom. あの小さい星が一番明るい. That small star is the brightest. That little star is the brightest. 被告人は法廷で事実と違う話をでっち上げた. The accused made up a false story in the court. The accused made up a story that was not true in the court. いやぁ!あきちゃんのチャイナ,可愛かった. あぶなく,理性のタガが外れるとこだった. Oh man! Aki in a china dress was so cute. I almost lost it then. Oh! Akira's Chinaa was cute. It was so easy to get rid of her reason. へいにペンキを塗る必要はなかった. I didn't need to paint the fence. There was no need to paint the wall. 指にやけどをしました. I got a burn on my finger. I burned my finger. 監督はその映画でハムレットを活動的な人物に描いている. In the film, the director makes Hamlet an active person. The director portrays him as an active person in the movie. 彼は会社を辞めると本気で言った. He said in earnest that he would quit the company. He meant it when he said that he would quit the company. 私は,彼らが平和的和解に達する事を望む. I hope they can reach a peaceful compromise. I hope they will reach a peaceful reconciliation. 私の叔父の字は読みにくい. My uncle's handwriting is hard to read. My uncle's handwriting is difficult to read. この船の目的地はどこですか. What's the destination of this ship? What is the destination of this ship? 彼は実際その事故を見てはいない. He actually didn't see the accident. He hasn't actually seen the accident. 彼は明日会おうと言って別れたが,それから何の音沙汰もない. He parted from me saying that he would see me the next day, but I have not heard from him since. He broke up with me to meet tomorrow, but I haven't heard from him since. はい,おつりです. Here's your change. Here's your change. いつか"0時以降に訪ねてこられませんか. Why don't you come by sometime after ten? Will you be able to come after ten someday? メアリーはフランス語を読むことさえできない,まして話すことはできない. Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. Mary can't even read French, much less speak it. 郵便配達人は一軒づつ郵便を配る. The mail carrier delivers mail from door to door. The mailman distributes mail one by one. 聞かないでくれ. Please don't ask. Don't ask. 彼は政治家というよりは小説家である. He is not so much a politician as a novelist. He is not so much a politician as a novelist. パリは世界で最も美しい街である. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. 彼は,自分の不幸をつくづく考えた. He brooded over his misfortunes. He thought of his misfortunes. 水がなければ,何者もこの地球上には生きられないだろう. Without water, nothing could live on this earth. Without water, no one could live on this earth. 彼のことなら誰よりも分かってる. I know him better than anybody. I know him better than anyone. それは完全にあなた次第です. It is entirely up to you. It's entirely up to you. 2002年:国土安全保障省設立法にブッシュ大統領がサインし正式な省となる. 2002: President Bush signs the Homeland Security Act and it becomes an official Cabinet agency. 2002: President Bush signed the National Security Act and became the official Ministry. その本を持っていってよい. You may take the book. You may take the book. 観客たちは彼女の優雅な演技に感動した. The spectators were moved by her graceful performance. The audience was moved by her elegant performance. コンピューターのおかげで多くの時間と手間が省ける. Computers save us a lot of time and trouble. Computers save us a lot of time and trouble. 徳川幕府は"868年に終わりを告げた. The Tokugawa Shogunate came to an end in 1868. The Tokugawa Order came to an end in 1868. 娘は目に入れても痛くない. My daughter is the apple of my eye. It doesn't hurt to see my daughter. 血液型何型? What is your blood type? What type of blood type? 話では腹は張らぬ. The belly is not filled with fair words. I don't like to talk about it. 彼の英語は最近著しく進歩した. He has recently made remarkable progress in English. His English has made remarkable progress recently. 彼はけがのためにぎこちない足取りで歩く. He walks with an awkward gait because of an injury. He walks on awkward feet because of his injury. このドレスは私にはずっと大きすぎる. This dress is much too large for me. This dress is much too big for me. その会議はうまく終わった. The conference passed off well. The meeting ended well. どこが間違っているか言ってください. Will you tell me where I am wrong? Tell me what's wrong. スタッフの人たちともうまくいっています. I get along well with all the staff. I'm getting along with the staff. どの席もいっぱいであった. Every seat was full. Every seat was full. iPhoneは来月新しいのが出るから,今買うのは得策じゃないと思うよ. There's a new iPhone coming out next month so I think that it's not such a bright idea to buy one now. The iPhone will get a new one next month, so I don't think it's a good idea to buy it now. 私には,スケートよりもスキーのほうがずっと面白いです. To me skiing is far more interesting than skating. Skiing is much more interesting to me than skating. あなたのアドバイスは大いに役に立ちました. Your advice counted for much. Your advice has helped me a lot. 私はその会合に出席しなかったし,彼も出席しなかった. I didn't attend the meeting, and he didn't either. I didn't attend the meeting, and he didn't. あなたはいつ生まれましたか. When were you born? When were you born? 車を運転する時はいくら注意してもしすぎることはない. You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 家の後ろに庭があります. There is a garden at the back of my house. There is a garden behind the house. そろそろ家へ帰る時間だ. It's about time I was going home. It's about time we went home. 父の小言が私の胸にしみじみとこたえたのはその時だった. It was then that my father's reproof had come home to me. It was then that my father's complaints touched my heart. そんなことを言うべきではない. You ought not to say such a thing. You shouldn't say such a thing. 私は市場でリンゴを3個にブドウを二房,デザート用に買った. I bought three apples and two bunches of grapes for dessert at the market. I bought three apples, two pairs of grapes, and a dessert at the market. どこに行っても,歓迎されるよ. Wherever you go, you'll be welcomed. Wherever you go, you will be welcomed. イエスは嘆き悲しまれた. Jesus wept. Jesus was grieved. この番組見る? Do you want to watch this program? Do you want to watch this show? このことで彼女の名声は,大いに損なわれた. Her reputation was hurt a lot by this. This greatly damaged her reputation. "動くな,みんな"と銀行強盗は叫んだ. The bank robber shouted, "Stay where you are, all of you!" "Don't move, everybody," shouted the bank robber. 彼はつまらない男だ. He's nothing. He is a boring man. 彼女はそれを聞いた時,ただ泣いていた. When she heard it, she just cried. She was just crying when she heard it. 丸田さんたちの騒がしさにはほんとうに嫌気がさした. I'm getting sick and tired of Ms. Maruta and her noisy friends. I was really disgusted by the noise of Ms. Koda's noise. 車を運転することは本当は簡単なことである. Driving a car is really very simple. It is really easy to drive a car. 町中で,珍しい物を見つけました. I found something interesting in the town. I found something unusual all over town. いつどこであなたに会ったか私は覚えていない. I don't remember when and where I met you. I don't remember when and where I saw you. 牛乳は,酸っぱくなった. The milk turned sour. The milk turned sour. 日本車は海外でよく売れる. Japanese cars sell well overseas. Japanese cars sell well abroad. その植物は遅霜で被害を受けた. The plants were damaged by the late frost. The plant was damaged by the late frost. トムはそれをすることを目指している. Tom intends to do that. Tom is trying to do that. ジェーン,どうしたの. 具合が悪そうだね. What's the matter, Jane? You look like you aren't feeling well. Jane, what's wrong with you? You look sick. 彼らはピクニックの打ち合わせをした. They arranged for the picnic. They arranged a picnic. 二度とお前とは会いたくない. I don't want to see you again. I never want to see you again. 生徒達が教室をそうじすることはよいことだと思います. I think it is good for students to clean their classroom. I think it's good for students to clean up their classrooms. 彼女が私の部屋を掃除する. I had her sweep my room. She cleans my room. 彼が優勝しそうだ. He is likely to win the championship. He is likely to win the championship. 彼は粘土で像を形作った. He shaped the statue from clay. He shaped a statue of clay. 地球は月よりもずっと大きい. The earth is far bigger than the moon. The earth is much larger than the moon. お金が十分にあれば,このカメラを買えるのに. If I had enough money, I could buy this camera. If I had enough money, I could buy this camera. なんてひどい行為だろう! What vile behavior! What a terrible act! 向こうで新聞を読んでいる人は私のおじです. The man reading a paper over there is my uncle. The man reading a newspaper over there is my uncle. 500ドルなんてかれにとってははした金だ. Five hundred dollars is a small sum for him. Five hundred dollars is a lot of money for him. 雇用が停滞し続けた. Employment continued to lag. The employment continued to stand still. 今の私は昔の私ではない. I am not the person I used to be. I am not what I used to be. ペンを貸してもらえますか. Can you loan me a pen? Can I borrow your pen? フランス語は全く話せません. I can't speak French at all. I can't speak French at all. 英語は簡単ではないが,面白い. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English is not easy, but it is interesting. お金を貯めて頭金を作れますか. Can you save enough money for the down payment? Can you save money to make a down payment? 彼は一人で森に住んでいる. He lives in the forest alone. He lives alone in the woods. お電話ください. Call us. Please call me back. ここでは,一年で今ごろが寒くなる. It gets cold here at this time of the year. It is now cold here in a year. 彼女は私に会うためにここにきた. She came here to see me. She came here to see me. 世界には4000以上の言葉がある. There are more than 4,000 languages in the world. There are more than 4,000 words in the world. トムが自動車修理工場で働いているなんて想像できますか. Can you see Tom working in a garage? Can you imagine Tom working at a garage? この辞書は学生に非常に役に立つ. This dictionary is of great use for students. This dictionary is of great use to students. イメージチェンジをしたい. I'd like to change my image. I want to change my image. 僕はクラブで彼にあいます. I meet him at the club. I see him at the club. 彼の土地は道路に接している. His land abuts on the road. His land borders on the road. 彼は助けを求めた. He asked for help. He asked for help. 席を詰めてくれませんか. Will you make room for me? Will you make room for me? やれるだけのことはやりました. I did all I could. I did what I could. ミラーさんとかいう人がご面会です. A Mr. Miller wants to see you. A Mr. Miller wants to see you. 私は彼に雑誌を買ってあげた. I bought him a magazine. I bought him a magazine. 社会というものは信用の上に成り立っている. Society is built on trust. Society is founded on trust. 私の犬の世話をお願いしたいのですが. I'd like you to look after my dog. I'd like you to look after my dog. 予約を取るためには,彼女の名前を使わなければいけない. In order to get a reservation, you must use her name. I must use her name in order to make an appointment. 私は兄と映画に行きました. I went to the cinema with my brother. I went to the movies with my brother. 彼は,ガスの供給を止められた. He had the gas cut off. He was cut off from the gas supply. 私の自転車は修理の必要がある. My bicycle needs fixing. My bicycle needs to be repaired. どうして僕たちと一緒に来たいと思わないの? Why don't you want to come with us? Why don't you want to come with us? 過去を買い戻せるほど裕福なものはいない. No man is rich enough to buy back his own past. Nothing is rich enough to buy back the past. 噂では勉強が嫌いだそうだ. They say that he hates to study. The rumor is that I don't like studying. シートベルトを締め,"禁煙"のサインが消えるまで喫煙はご遠慮下さい. Please fasten your seat belt and observe the "no smoking" sign until it is turned off. Please fasten your seat belts and refrain from smoking until the "no smoking" sign is out. そうするといやが上にも美しく見える. That makes you even more attractive. If you do, you look beautiful on top of it. 試合は雨のために中止になった. The game was called off on account of the rain. The game was called off because of the rain. 私は遺産を病院に贈ろう. I shall will my money to a hospital. I will present my legacy to the hospital. 学問は強いられるべきではない. 学問は奨励されるべきだ. Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged. Learning should not be forced; it should be encouraged. 今日仕事が終わってから,いっぱいやりませんか. How about having a drink after we finish our work today? Having finished work today, why don't you do a lot of it? 彼らは泣いてばかりいる. They do nothing but cry. They do nothing but cry. "00年あるいは50年前事情はどうであったか私は知らない. I don't know how things were a hundred or fifty years ago. I don't know what happened a hundred or fifty years ago. その日その日を生き抜くのがやっとだ. I'm just living from day to day. I can barely survive that day. 僕は君の言葉を信じる. I believe you. I believe you. 彼は朝の4時に出発した. He set out at four in the morning. He left at four in the morning. 直紀は貧しくして小屋に住んでいた. Naoki was poor and lived in a small cabin. Naoki was poor and lived in a hut. 彼女はパーティーに姿を見せなかったが,誰にもその理由は分からない. She didn't show up at the party, but nobody knows why. She didn't show up at the party, but nobody knows the reason. その靴を干しておきなさい. Air those shoes! Keep the shoes dry. あの男の子は誰? Who is that boy? Who's that boy? 七年ぶりに帰省しました. After an absence of seven years, I went home. I went home for the first time in seven years. どこへ行ったらよいか電話して. Tell him where he should go. Call me where to go. ブラウンさんは子供の扱いに不思議なほど巧みだ. Mr Brown has a magical way with children. Mr Brown is quite clever in dealing with children. 私は昨日生まれたわけではない. I wasn't born yesterday. I wasn't born yesterday. ソファーに座ってくつろいで下さい. Sit on the sofa and make yourself comfortable. Please sit on the sofa and relax. 彼はコンサートに行くことで楽しみを見出す. He derives pleasure from attending concerts. He finds pleasure in going to the concert. みながみな満足していたわけではない. Not all were satisfied. Not everyone was satisfied. 濃いコーヒーより,うすいコーヒーの方が好きです. I like weak coffee better than strong. I prefer strong coffee to strong coffee. 君さえオッケーなら僕はいい. I'm quite all right if you have no objection to it. If you're even OK, I'll do it. 予約の確認はすみました. Your reservation is reconfirmed. I'm sorry for making sure of my appointment. 私は海で泳ぎたい. I want to bathe in the sea. I want to swim in the sea. 日増しに暖かくなっている. It's getting warmer day by day. It's getting warmer and warmer day by day. その貧しい一家は毎月その日暮らしで生活している. That poor family lives from hand to mouth every month. The poor family lives from hand to mouth every month. 髪染めたことある? Have you ever dyed your hair? Have you ever dyeed your hair? 最近の研究が証明していることは,エメット理論を適用することが常に欠陥なしとはいえないということである. Recent investigations have demonstrated that the application of Emmet's theory is not always without defects. What recent research has proved is that applying Emmet's theory is not always without defect. かりに"00万円もらったら,それをどうするかね. If you were to be given a million yen, what would you do with it? If I get a million yen, what will I do with it? 数を表す文字を演算した結果を式と呼ぶ. A character that represents an number which is operated to a result is called an equation. I'm going to call it an expression. 母はクリスマスケーキを作ってくれた. My mother made me a Christmas cake. My mother made me a Christmas cake. 買い物客で通りは混んでいた. Shoppers crowded the streets. The street was crowded with shoppers. "ヶ月"5万円では生活できない. We can't live on 150,000 yen a month. You can't live on 150,000 yen a month. ほかの意見もある. There's also another meaning. There are other opinions. 困ったことは,私は一銭も持ち合わせていない. The trouble is that I have no money with me. The trouble is that I have no money with me. 良識のある人ならそんな風に君に話しかけないだろう. A man of sense wouldn't speak to you like that. A sensible person wouldn't talk to you like that. たとえ雨でも,彼はゴルフをします. He'll play golf even if it rains. Even if it rains, he plays golf. 夢にも彼女にまた会えるとは思わなかった. Little did I think that I would ever see her again. I didn't expect to see her again in my dream. この時計は絶対に狂わないこと請け合いだ. I guarantee this watch to keep perfect time. This watch is certain that it will not go mad. その腫れから判断すると,その人はきっと蛇にかまれたに違いありません. Judging by the swelling, the man must have been bitten by a snake. Judging from the swelling, he must have been bitten by a snake. 夢にも彼女にまた会えるとは思わなかった. I never dreamed that I would meet her again. I didn't expect to see her again in my dream. 私はまだこの自転車に愛着がある. I still love this bicycle. I'm still attached to this bicycle. 彼は時々わたしに手紙をくれる. He writes to me once in a while. He sometimes writes to me. 彼女はその知らせを聞くと喜びのあまりわっと泣き出した. She burst out crying with joy when she heard the news. She burst into tears with joy when she heard the news. 残りを持って来てください. Please bring the others. Bring me the rest. 僕は牛乳がダメだ. I can't drink milk. I can't eat milk. 彼は酔っぱらっていて裏戸を閉め忘れた. He was drunk and forgot to shut the back door. He was drunk and forgot to shut the back door. 彼はとても詩人と呼べたものでない. He is anything but a poet. He couldn't be called a poet. 君と一緒に行きたいけれど文無しなんだ. I'd like to go with you, but I'm broke. I want to go with you, but I have no money. 彼のマナーは感じのよいものとはとても言えなかった. His manners were far from pleasant. His manners were anything but pleasant. 会議で彼の提案が採用された. His proposals were adopted at the meeting. His proposal was adopted at the meeting. それはこの件に関する最大の問題点です. This is the biggest issue in this matter. That's the biggest problem in this matter. 他人の欠点をさがすな. Don't find fault with others. Don't look for the faults of others. 途中で車のエンジンが故障した. Our car developed engine trouble on the way. The car's engine broke down on the way. あなたはどんな結果を予想していますか. What results do you anticipate? What results do you expect? 歯をくいしばってください. Bite together, please. Please brush your teeth. ユーザー名にハイフンが使えたらいいのに. It would be great if I could use a hyphen in my username. I wish I could use a hyphen for a user name. この齧歯動物は冬に木の実を貯える. These small rodents store up nuts in the winter. This rodent can store nuts in the winter. トムは少年の名前です. Tom is a boy's name. Tom is the boy's name. 彼は欠点があるからかえって私は彼が好きなのだ. I like him all the better for his faults. I like him all the better for his faults. 彼女が書いたことはある意味真実です. What she wrote is true in a sense. What she wrote is true in a sense. 病気で病院に入院した. He's sick and was hospitalized. I was in the hospital because I was sick. トムはやあと言った. Tom said hi. Tom said hi. 彼女は英語だけでなくフランス語もしゃべることができます. She can speak not only English but also French. She can speak French as well as English. ねえ,カーナビの取説,どこにやった? Hey, where did you put the car navigation system's user's manual? Hey, where'd you get the Carnaby editorial? お話があるのですけど. I have something to tell you. I need to talk to you. この小説は三部から成っている. This novel consists of three parts. This novel consists of three parts. 彼は必ず約束を守った. He never failed to keep his promise. He kept his promise without fail. 会いたい奴は会えるもんさ. Those who want to meet, will meet. If you want to see him, you can see him. 彼の努力は全て無駄であった. All his efforts were useless. All his efforts were in vain. その指輪はどこにも見つからなかった. The ring was nowhere to be found. The ring was nowhere to be found. 日本ではしばしば魚を生で食べる. We often eat fish raw in Japan. In Japan, fish are often eaten raw. "ページ足りない. It's a page short. One page is missing. 彼は文学者である. He is a man of letters. He is a writer. 私の友達を待っています. I'm waiting for my friend. I'm waiting for my friend. 彼の事務所は町の中心部に位置している. His office is located in the center of the town. His office is in the center of the town. 曽根崎には心中が多いと聴きました. I heard there were many double suicides in Sonezaki. I heard that Sazaki has a lot of heart. 彼の観察は正確だ. He is accurate in his observation. His observation is accurate. 私の部屋には雑誌がある. I have a magazine in my room. There are magazines in my room. 私は放課後しばしばサッカーをする. I often play soccer after school. I often play soccer after school. 何でもかんでもメモをしますがあとで使い物になりません. I note down absolutely everything, but they're no good to me afterwards. I'll write everything down, so I won't be useful. 痛みはやがて治まってくるでしょう. The pain will eventually go away. The pain will soon heal. 電話したらよかったのに. You should've phoned. You should have called. 私たちはもう一度やってみるべきだと思います. I think that we should try again. I think we should try again. うちは2階に寝室が4つある. We have four bedrooms upstairs. We have four bedrooms upstairs. 新鮮な魚が食べたい. I want to eat fresh fish. I want to eat fresh fish. 最低価格と一番早い納期を見積もってくださるようお願いいたします. Please estimate your best price and the earliest delivery date. I'd like you to estimate the minimum price and the fastest term. 少し安くなりませんか. Can't you discount it a little? Wouldn't it get a little cheaper? ここでタバコを吸ってはいけません. You shouldn't smoke here. You must not smoke here. 最初のうち,速く話されると理解するのが大変だった. At first, I had difficulty understanding people when they spoke too fast. At first, it was hard to understand when people spoke fast. 今日は何もする仕事がない. I have nothing to do today. I have nothing to do today. 大抵の人は僕を気違いだと思っている. Most people think I'm crazy. Most people think I'm crazy. この冬は降雪量の記録を更新した. This winter the record for snowfall was broken. We have updated our record of snowfall this winter. 彼女は背が高くありません. She is not tall. She is not tall. 彼は私にとても厳しいようですが,本当は大変親切な人なのです. He seems very hard on me, but he is really a very kind man. He seems very strict with me, but really he is very kind. 地球的規模の気候の変化が原因で恐竜が絶滅したのかもしれない. Global climatic changes may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. The change of global climate may have resulted in the extinction of dinosaurs. 彼らは2人を結婚させるつもりだ. They intend to join the two in marriage. They are going to get them married. 彼はついに健康をそこねた. He ruined his health in the end. He finally lost his health. 今朝夜明け近くに地震があった. There was a weak earthquake toward dawn this morning. There was an earthquake near dawn this morning. 私は自分の意図を両親に知らせた. I made known my intentions to my parents. I informed my parents of my intentions. すぐ医者に電話しなさい. Call the doctor right away. Call the doctor at once. 農業は多量の水を消費する. Agriculture consumes a great amount of water. Agriculture consumes a lot of water. その選手は勝利に貢献した. The player contributed to the victory. The player contributed to the victory. 日本旅行は中止しなければいけない. We have to cancel our trip to Japan. We must cancel our trip to Japan. 彼の教育法には,良い面と悪い面の両方ある. I think his method of teaching cuts both ways. His method of education has both a good side and a bad side. 彼女はついに北極に到達した. She has finally reached the Arctic. She reached the North Pole at last. 明かりが消えて,私たちは闇の中に取り残された. The light went out and we were left in the dark. The light went out and we were left in the dark. ただ,この恐ろしいところから出られたらと思うだけです. I just wish we could leave this horrible place. I just wish I could get out of this terrible place. 寝坊しないように注意しなさい. Take care not to oversleep. Take care not to oversleep. あなたの自慢話はもうたくさんだ. I've had enough of your boasts. I've had enough of your boast. これだけの量の食料で一週間のキャンプに足りるでしょうか. Will this much food do for a week's camping? Can this much food be enough for a week's camp? 妹が朝食を用意するでしょう. My sister will prepare breakfast. My sister will prepare breakfast. 彼はたいへん雄弁だったので,聴衆はみんな感動して涙を流した. He spoke so eloquently that the audience were all moved to tears. He was so eloquent that everyone in the audience was moved to tears. この小説は難しすぎて,私には読むことができない. This novel is too difficult for me to read. This novel is too difficult for me to read. 父は桜の花が満開のころ亡くなった. My father died when the cherry trees were in full bloom. My father died when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. 彼女は次第に回復している. She is getting better by degrees. She is getting better by degrees. 空に美しい虹がかかっている. A beautiful rainbow is spanning the sky. There is a beautiful rainbow in the sky. 米価は政府によって統制されている. Rice prices are regulated by the government. The price of rice is controlled by the government. 冬が近づくにつれて昼間は短くなる. The days grow shorter as winter approaches. The day gets shorter as winter approaches. ここの学生は大部分がまじめである. Most of the students here are diligent. Most of the students here are serious. 医者は患者を生きたまま霊安室へ送った. The doctor sent the live patient to the morgue. The doctor sent the patient to the morgue alive. あなたをしかっても,それは私が怒っているからではない. If I scold you, it is not that I am angry. Even if I scolded you, it's not because I'm angry. 彼は紅茶に砂糖とミルクを少し加えた. He added a little sugar and milk to his tea. He added some sugar and milk to his tea. 彼女は普通8時間眠ります. She usually sleeps for eight hours. She usually sleeps eight hours. 一般に今週の天気はよかった. The weather this week has been good on the whole. Generally speaking, the weather was fine this week. 彼は壁の上に直線を書いた. He drew a straight line on the wall. He drew a straight line over the wall. 良い国だけどあっちに住みたいほどじゃない. It's a nice country to visit, but I wouldn't live there. A good country, but not as much as I would like to live there. ここで休憩にしましょう. Let's take a break now. Let's take a break here. 彼はわたしたちを教えているイギリス人教師だ. He is the Englishman that is our teacher. He is our English teacher. 曇っています. It's cloudy. It's cloudy. 彼はびくびくしている. He is afraid of his own shadow. He is scared. トムが眼鏡外したとこ見たことある? Have you ever seen Tom without his glasses on? Have you ever seen Tom take off his glasses? 私はその危険に十分気付いている. I was fully alive to the danger. I am well aware of the danger. 批判に敏感になりすぎてはいけない. Don't be too sensitive to criticism. Don't be too sensitive to criticism. 男だって泣くことくらいあるさ. Men cry, too. Even men sometimes cry. 彼女が素晴らしいピアニストであるということは言うまでもない. It goes without saying that she is an excellent pianist. It goes without saying that she is a wonderful pianist. 母語はフランス語です. My native language is French. My mother tongue is French. 彼女は甘いものには目がない. She loves sweets. She has no eye for sweets. マイクの誕生日にあなたは何をプレゼントしたの? What did you give Mike on his birthday? What did you give Mike for his birthday? わたしは,独身です. I'm a bachelor. I'm single. 彼女が来るまで待つつもりだ. I will wait until she comes. I will wait until she comes. 人生は楽しい. Life is fun. Life is fun. 葡萄は葡萄酒につくられる. Grapes are made into wine. Grapes are made in wine. 壁に耳あり. The walls have ears. There's ears on the wall. 彼女はほんの子供です. She is a mere child. She is only a child. 彼は夜更かしをするのに慣れている. He is used to sitting up late at night. He is used to staying up late at night. 外国人旅行者には免税の特権がある. We give foreign tourists the privilege of tax exemption. Foreign travelers have the privilege of tax free. トム,手袋してください. Tom, put these gloves on. Tom, give me a pair of gloves. ただの主婦にはなりたくありません. I would hate to become just a housewife. I don't want to be just a housewife. この写真を見るといつも昔を思い出す. These pictures always remind me of the old days. This picture always reminds me of the old days. こんちくしょう. God damn it. Son of a bitch. 彼は数人の村人と知り合いになった. He got acquainted with some villagers. He got acquainted with several villagers. あなたは子供を世話しなければならない. You must look after the child. You must take care of your children. 決してあなたはスウィッチに触れていない. On no account must you touch that switch. You never touched a fly. 彼女は夫にいつも不平ばかり言っている. She is always finding fault with her husband. She is always complaining to her husband. 私達は20歳になると投票権が与えられる. We are entitled to vote at the age of twenty. We are given the right to vote when we reach twenty. その国は天然資源がある. That country has natural resources. The country has natural resources. そういう休暇は私には事情が許さない. Circumstances do not permit me such a holiday. There is no excuse for me to take such a vacation. ボブは終電に乗りそこね,タクシーに乗らねばならなかった. Bob missed the last train and had to take a taxi. Bob missed the last train and had to take a taxi. まだ時間がある. We still have more time. There's still time. この規則には例外は認められない. There are no exceptions to this rule. There is no exception to this rule. ぼくは父に会いたい. I wish to see my father. I want to see my father. あなたは私に昔知っていた少年のことを思い出させる. You remind me of a boy I used to know. You remind me of a boy I used to know. アッ,太郎!久しぶり!元気? Hey Taro! It sure has been a while! How're you doing? Hey, Taro! It's been a while! How are you? 実験は失敗に終わった. The experiment ended in failure. The experiment ended in failure. 二人は幸せに暮らしました,めでたしめでたし. They lived happily ever after. They lived happily ever after. 彼が真実を告げていたものと私は認めます. I accept that he was telling the truth. I admit that he was telling the truth. 私は恐怖で気も狂わんばかりだった. I almost went crazy with fear. I was beside myself with fear. 彼女はオシャレだ. She's fashionable. She's gorgeous. 昨日私は自転車を盗まれた. My bike was stolen yesterday. Yesterday I had my bicycle stolen. その女の子は,数冊の本を抱えていた. 教科書じゃなく,分厚い上製本. The girl was carrying several books, not textbooks but thick hardback books. The girl had several books, not textbooks, but thick books. 彼は子供たちに立派な教育を受けさせた. He gave his children a good education. He gave his children a good education. もう何をするか決めましたか. Have you decided what to do yet? Have you decided what to do now? アンは根気よく編み物をしている. Anne is patiently knitting. Ann is busy knitting. 子供たちは既に疲れています. The children are already tired. The children are already tired. 私は指定の日までに仕事を片づけなければならない. I had to finish the job by the stated date. I must finish my work by the appointed date. "私は疲れていない""私もそうです" "I am not tired." "Neither am I." "I'm not tired." "So am I." 彼女は狭い範囲でしか物が見えない. Her viewpoint is limited. She can only see in a narrow range. 彼の微笑みが彼女をくつろがせた. His smile put her at ease. His smile made her feel at home. 遠くの物が望遠鏡で見える. We can see things in the distance using a telescope. Far away things can be seen with a telescope. 彼はその古い写真を大事にしている. He cherishes the old photographs. He takes care of the old picture. この地区で日本人観光客に出くわすことはよくあります. We often come across Japanese tourists in this area. I often encounter Japanese tourists in this area. 彼女に説教しても無駄である. There is no use talking to her. It is no use preaching to her. 今日も遅刻ギリギリだね You were almost late again today. It's too late for today, isn't it? 一度ここを発つと,再び戻ることはできない. Once you leave here, you can't come back again. Once we're out of here, we can't go back. 私たちは案内人の後から中へ入った. We went in after the guide. We went inside after our guide. 飛行機は山の上を飛んだ. The plane flew over the mountain. The plane flew over the mountain. 試験などなければいいのになあ. I wish there were no examination. I wish there were no examinations. 人生とはそんなものさ. That's life. That's how life works. スタッフに交渉事がうまいのがいます. We have a good negotiator on the staff. I have a good negotiation with my staff. インドに行ったことがありますか. Have you ever been to India? Have you ever been to India? 彼女は私の部屋をきれいにすると約束した. She promised me to clean my room. She promised to clean my room. そのニュースを聞いて彼女はうれしくなった. The news made her happy. She was delighted at the news. 彼女はすぐぷんとなる. She easily flames up. She is quick to think. この薬は君によく効くと思う. I think this medicine will do you a lot of good. I think this medicine will do you good. さあ,できたての温かいうちに食べてください. Please eat it while it's still hot. Come on, eat while you can. 英語の単語を暗記することになると,誰も彼にはかなわない. When it comes to learning English words by heart, nobody can beat him. No one can match him when it comes to learning English words. 彼の仲間は明らかに彼の裕福さを妬んでいた. Obviously, his companions were jealous of his wealth. His companions were clearly jealous of his wealth. 私は自分では意識しなかったが,彼の成功に嫉妬していたかもしれない. I myself was not conscious of it, but I may have been jealous of his success. I didn't realize it myself, but I may have been jealous of his success. その2人の姉妹はとてもよく似ているので,どっちがどっちだか見分けるのはかなり難しい. The two sisters are so much alike that we find it rather difficult to tell one from the other. The two sisters are so alike that it's pretty hard to tell which is which. そのとき彼らはひなぎくを飛んだり,クローバーを通り抜けたりしてあそんだ. Then they played Jump The Daisies and Run Through The Clover. Then they flew through the crawler and through the crawler. 貴方がどうやってそれをやるかはどうでもいい. ただやりなさい. I don't care how you do it. Just do it. It doesn't matter how you do it. Just do it. パーティーの開始に間に合うでしょうか. Will we be in time for the beginning of the party? Will we be in time for the start of the party? 比較的難しいジグソーだと感じました. I felt it was a relatively difficult jigsaw puzzle. I feel like it's a relatively difficult zigsaw. 私たちは彼の年齢を考慮に入れなければなれない. We must allow for his age. We must take his age into account. すべての人々の権利を尊厳すべきだ. You should regard the rights of all. All people's rights should be dignified. 彼の頭脳の働きは活発だった. The functions of his brain were very active. His brain was active. 神光あれと言給ひければ光ありき. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. There is light when we are told, "Let God be light." それを信じるなんて君は単純だね. It's naive of you to believe that. It is simple for you to believe it. 彼はこの仕事に慣れた. He got used to the work. He got used to this job. 私に物理的な利益には関心はない. I'm not interested in material gain. I am not interested in physical gain. 昨夜,大地震があった. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. 遠くに町の灯りが見えた. We could see the lights of the town in the distance. I saw the lamp of the town in the distance. 昨夜はラジオを聞いていた. Last night, I listened to radio. I was listening to the radio last night. この河で泳ぐのは危ない. It's dangerous to swim in this river. It is dangerous to swim in this river. あなたは日本人ではありません. You are not Japanese. You are not Japanese. あらゆる物品の価格が上昇した. The price of everything increased. Prices of everything went up. 彼女はそれが好きでした. She liked it. She liked it. 彼はたいてい成功した. He usually succeeded. He usually succeeded. もうこれ以上はできません. I can't go any further. I can't do any more. 昨日彼女から手紙をもらった. I had a letter from her yesterday. I received a letter from her yesterday. 頑張れよ. Good luck! Good luck. それは全然気にいらない. I don't like it at all. I don't like that at all. お年寄りは敬わなければならない. You must respect senior citizens. Old people must be respected. 私のサンドイッチに触るな. Don't touch my sandwich. Don't touch my sandwich. かつてはロードローラーは馬が曳いていたが,蒸気機関の発明により,スチームローラーが現れた. Horses used to pull road-rollers, but the steamroller arrived with the invention of the steam engine. The road roller used to be full of horses, but by the invention of steam engines, a steam roller appeared. 彼女は私にただのひとこともいわなかった. She didn't say even one word to me. She didn't say a single word to me. 私達は交通事故を避けるために裏道を通った. We took a back road to avoid the traffic accident. We took a back road in order to avoid a traffic accident. 氷は日なたで溶けてしまった. The ice has melted in the sun. The ice melted in the sun. ここの地理的特徴は私達の県のそれと似ている. The geographical features here are similar to those of our prefecture. The geographical feature here is similar to that of our province. 彼はその子供がついてこられるようにゆっくり歩いた. He walked slowly so the children would be able to follow. He walked slowly so that the child could follow him. あなたに恥をかかせるつもりはありませんでした. I didn't mean to embarrass you. I didn't mean to embarrass you. それはたいへんで,きたない仕事なのだ. It's a hard, dirty job. It's a very bad job. 私はフランス語を読めないし,または話すこともできない. I can't read French, nor can I speak it. I can neither read nor speak French. 私は疲れていたので,早く寝た. I was very tired, so I went to bed early. I was tired, so I went to bed early. スコットは,非常に厳しい教育を受けた. Scott received a very strict education. Scott received a very strict education. 本当に暇なら本を読め. 区立図書館で借りて. If you really have free time, read a book. Borrow one from the ward library. If you're really free, read a book. Take it to the local library. 我々は辛うじて困らないというだけだ. We have just enough to live. We have nothing to worry about. 碁を打つのが私の唯一の娯楽だ. My only distraction is the game of Go. It's my only amusement to hit the ball. 彼女は十年間今の地位に居すわっている She has remained in her present position for ten years. She's been in her position for ten years now. 彼の医者は彼にタバコをやめるよう忠告した. His doctor advised him to give up smoking. His doctor advised him to give up smoking. 私は彼にその危険を警告した. I admonished him of the danger. I warned him of the danger. 彼の父も母もともに死んでしまった. Both his father and mother are dead. Both his father and mother died. 教授はついにその問題を解き明かした. The professor solved the problem at last. The professor finally interpreted the problem. 彼女は心臓がどきどきするのを感じました. She felt her heart beat quickly. She felt her heart beating. 扇風機がほしい. I want an electric fan. I want a fan. この橋は重さ"0トンしか支えられません. This bridge bears only ten tons. This bridge weighs no more than ten tons. 私からトムにお願いしておきます. I'll ask Tom. I'll ask Tom. 責任はコックにある. The blame rests with the cook. The cook is responsible. 私の言いたいことをはっきりとさせてください. Let me make plain what I mean. Let me be clear about what I'm trying to say. 私は,空気のきれいな静かな町に住みたい. I want to live in a quiet city where the air is clean. I want to live in a quiet town with clean air. フランス語のCHATは英語のCATを意味する. The French word 'chat' means 'cat'. French CHAT means English CAT. 急がないと遅れますよ. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up, or you'll be late. 本当ですか. Really? Are you sure? 妻は外食をするのが好きなので,料理をする必要がない. My wife likes to eat out and so she doesn't have to cook. My wife likes to eat out, so she doesn't have to cook. 私はでかけることでは気が変わり,家にいた. I changed my mind about going out and stayed home. I changed my mind by calling at home. 費用に値するだけの価値を提供する. I'll provide value for money. They offer the value of the expense. 政府は国家財政の建て直しを迫られている. The government is compelled to reconstruct national finance. The government is being forced to rebuild its national finances. ニューヨークの郵便番号を教えていただけますか. Can you tell me what the zip code is for New York? Can you give me the post code for New York? オーストラリアには美人が多いと思う (当社比). I think there are a lot of beautiful women in Australia (YMMV). I think there's a lot of beauty in Australia. 風邪を引いて本調子ではない. I am not myself, my usual self having caught a cold. I have a cold and I don't feel right. トムは私たちに嘘をついたと思います. I think Tom lied to us. I think Tom lied to us. 床が揺れるのを感じた. I felt the floor shake. I felt the floor shake. このソファーで誰か寝ていた. Somebody has been sleeping on this sofa. Someone was sleeping on this sofa. さあ,君の番だ. Now it's your turn. Now it's your turn. 話すのは簡単だが,実行の困難な事は多くある. Many things are easy to talk about, but difficult to actually carry out. It's easy to talk, but there are many things that are difficult to carry out. ジョージ,ラジオを聴いていないのなら消してくれよ. George, if you are not listening to the radio, turn it off. George, if you're not listening to the radio, turn it off. たいていの人は自宅にいるとき最もくつろげる. People feel most at ease when they are at home. Most people are at home most at home. 彼の命は判決いかんにかかっている. His life hangs on the judge's decision. His life depends on it. その一節を一語ずつ訳しなさい. Translate the passage word for word. Translating the passage one word at a time. 彼は健康のために酒をやめた. He gave up drinking for the sake of his health. He gave up drinking for his health. 我々は30分以上前に彼らを見失った. We lost sight of them over half an hour ago. We lost sight of them over half an hour ago. 私はその列車に間に合うために早く起きた. I got up early so as to be in time for the train. I got up early so as to be in time for the train. 早くこの世を去ったのも彼女の因縁だ. It was her fate to die young. It was her fault that she left the world early. 彼は私にその計画が大成功することを期待した. He expected great success in the project from me. He expected me to succeed greatly in the plan. 率直に言うと,彼は良い上司だと思う. Frankly speaking, I think he's a good boss. Frankly speaking, I think he is a good boss. 彼は私と同じくらい年をとっている. He is as old as I. He is as old as I. 先日先生と通りで出会いました. I met my teacher on the street the other day. I met my teacher on the street the other day. 彼女はいわゆる学者馬鹿だ. She is what is called a learned fool. She is what is called a learned fool. htmlは,基本的ルールとして開始タグと終了タグでマークアップして要素とすると説明しました. We have explained that HTML is, as a basic rule, elements marked up with open and close tags. We explained that html is an element by marking it with start and closing tags as a basic rule. "じつは自由研究で相談したいことがあって・・・""どれ・・・. ふーん,被子植物について調べてるのね" "Well, there's something I'd like your advice on about my research project ..." "Let's see... Hmm, you're investigating flowering plants then." "There's something I'd like to discuss with you in a free study..." "I don't know. Um, I'm looking into fertilizers." あなたは今歌を歌っています. You are singing now. You are singing a song now. 私達はその問題を詳しく論じた. We discussed the problem at length. We discussed the problem in detail. 私が面倒をみます. I will see to it. I'll take care of it. トムは頭のネジが飛んでいる. Tom is crazy. Tom has a screw on his head. どなたかセキュリティを呼びましたか? Did anybody call for security? Has anyone called security? 私はどうなっても構いません. I don't care what will become of me. I don't care what happens to me. 近い将来私達が再会する時があるかも知れません. We might meet again in the near future. There may be a time when we will see each other again in the near future. わたしたちは,モーセが律法に記し,預言者たちも書いている方に出会った. それはナザレの人で,ヨセフの子イエスだ. We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. We found the man whom Moses wrote in the Torah and the Prophets. This is the man of Nazareth, Jesus the son of Joseph. もしも私が一言にして生命の定義を下さなければならないとするならば,生命とは創造であるということである. If I had to define life in a word, it would be: Life is creation. If I had to make a definition of life in a single word, it means that life is creation. その仕事を一時間で終えるのは,私には無理です. It is impossible for me to finish the work in an hour. It is impossible for me to finish the work in an hour. 私が今もっているお金はこれだけです. This is all the money that I have now. This is the only money I have. 明言はしなかったが,彼は私が嘘をついていると暗にほのめかした. He hasn't said so explicitly, but he's let it be understood that I was lying. I didn't make a point, but he hinted at me when I was lying. 母親の忠告なら友人の助言よりも大切だ. A mother's advice would outweigh a friend's. Your mother's advice is more important than that of your friend. 船は無事に目的地に着いた. The ship reached its destination in safety. The ship arrived safely at its destination. トムが窓を壊したのは昨日だ. It was yesterday that Tom broke the window. It was yesterday that Tom broke the window. パスワードを "password" なんかにするんじゃなかった. I shouldn't have used the word "password" as my password. I shouldn't have made the password "password." 健康に気をつけないので,彼は病気になった. Not being careful of his health, he fell ill. Not taking care of his health, he fell ill. 問題の解答を見るには,問題をクリックしてください. To see the answer to the question, simply click on the question. Click on the problem to see the solution. 体調はいつもけっこういいんだけど,ちょっと今太っちゃってるんだ. I'm usually in pretty good shape, but now I'm a little overweight. I'm always fine, but I'm just getting fat. 私は彼の安否を尋ねに病院へ行った. I went to the hospital to ask about his health. I went to the hospital to ask after him. その問題を解くのは易しいとわかった. I found it easy to solve the problem. I found it easy to solve the problem. 列車の後部3両はひどい損傷を受けた. The last three coaches of the train were badly damaged. The rear three of the train were badly damaged. 勘定書を頼むよ. Check, please. Give me your bill, please. 彼女は私に専門的な事について忠告する. She advises me on technical matters. She advises me on technical matters. もう長いことビルとは会っていない. I haven't seen Bill for a long time. I haven't seen Bill for a long time. 私はあなたの宿題を手伝いたい. I want to help you with your homework. I want to help you with your homework. 明日は大切な日だ. It'll be a big day. Tomorrow is a big day. 使い捨ての箸を使うよりもプラスチックの箸を洗って使う方がいい. It's better to carry plastic chopsticks and wash them than to use disposable chopsticks to throw away. It would be better to wash and use plastic chopsticks than to use disposable chopsticks. 中庭に小さい池がある. There is a small pond in the court. There is a small pond in the courtyard. 捕まってしまった. I was captured. I got caught. 超音波検査をしましょう. I'd like you to have an ultrasound. Let's do an ultrasound. 私はその図書館へいった. そして偶然,アンにあった. I went into the library; where I happened to meet Ann. I went to the library and met Ann by chance. 今日は何時に帰るの? What time will you be home this evening? What time are you leaving today? その男は少女の手首をつかんだ. That man grabbed the young girl's wrist. The man grabbed the girl by the wrist. 私はここに六十年余り住んでいる. I have lived here a little over 60 years. I have lived here for over sixty years. その2つをよく比べてみなさい. そうすれば違いがわかります. Compare the two carefully, and you will see the difference. Compare them well, and you'll see the difference. 機械はグリースで動きが悪くなった. The machine was clogged with grease. The machine was in bad shape in Glysses. この池は夏でも干上がらない. This pond doesn't go dry even in the summer. This pond will not dry even in summer. ハバロフスク市が極東ロシアで大都会の一つです. Khabarovsk is among the largest cities of the Russian Far East. The city of Havalovsk is one of the largest cities in Eastern Russia. "世紀は"00年です. A century is one hundred years. The first century is a hundred years. もしそれが本当なら,中川は有罪であるということになる. If it is true, it follows that Nakagawa is guilty. If that is true, that means that Nakagawa is guilty. 私たちは暗くならないうちにテントを張った. We pitched our tents before it got dark. We set up the tent before it got dark. これとあれの中から選んで下さい. Choose between this and that. Please select this and that from amongst them. 遅かれ早かれ,君は困ったことになるだろう. Sooner or later, you will be in trouble. Sooner or later, you will be in trouble. 2桁のIQがある人間なら誰でも,この選択が政治的に偏ったものだって分かってるよ. Anybody with at least a two-digit IQ knows this was a politically biased choice. Anyone with a two-digit IQ knows that this choice is politically biased. 太郎は"0年前から帯広に住んでいます. Taro has lived in Obihiro for ten years. Taro has lived in the valley for ten years. ここから公園までどれくらいありますか. How far is it from here to the park? How far is it from here to the park? 彼は果物のほかなにもたべない. He eats nothing else but fruit. He is nothing but fruit. 彼はあなたが何をしたのか知っていますか. Does he know what you did? Does he know what you did? この手紙には署名がない. This letter is not signed. This letter is not signed. 彼女にお茶を出させよう. She shall serve tea. Let her serve tea. 私たちは家路についた. We set out for home. We went home. 時間をかけてゆっくりやってください. さもないとミスをしますよ. Take your time, or you may make some mistake. Take your time, or you'll make a mistake. 由香は新任の英語の先生に紹介されたとたん,恋におちた. Yuka fell in love the moment she was introduced to the newly-appointed English teacher. As soon as I was introduced to her new English teacher, I fell in love with her. 状況は思っていたより悪い. The situation is worse than I thought. The situation is worse than I had expected. 彼らはその旅行者をあたたかく歓迎した. They accorded a warm welcome to the traveler. They welcomed the traveler very much. 授業は8時40分から始まる. School starts at 8:40. School begins at 8:40. できるだけたくさんの本を読みなさい. Read as many books as possible. Read as many books as you can. 子供たちを見ていてくれる? Can you watch the kids? Can you keep an eye on the kids? ある偉大な詩人がここに住んでいたと言われていた. It was said that a great poet had resided here. A great poet was said to have lived here. 今は生きるか死ぬかのせとぎわです. It's a do-or-die situation. Now it's a fairy tale whether you live or die. このホテルは千人を収容する設備がある. This hotel has accommodations for 1000 guests. This hotel is equipped to accommodate 1,000 people. 抗議のデモ隊が入り口にバリケードを築いた. The protesters barricaded the entrance. The protest demonstrators set up a barricade at the entrance. 道化師はこっけいな顔をした. The clown made a funny face. The clown looked funny. 脚がこんなに痛まなければいいのに. I wish my leg didn't hurt so much. I wish my leg didn't hurt so much. 空港には非常に多くの人がいた. There were a great many people at the airport. There were a great many people at the airport. その話を聞かせなさい. Tell me the story. Tell me the story. もし水がなければ,誰も地球上に住む事はできないだろう. If it were not for water, no one could live on earth. If it were not for water, no one could live on earth. この共同体においても変化への刺激が一連の変化を示していた点に注目してみよう. Note that the impetus for change has undergone a series of transformations in this community. Let's note that even in this community, the stimulus to change was showing a series of changes. あなたの両親が私たちを見守ってくれました. Your parents kept an eye on us. Your parents watched over us. 各部門の優勝候補が集まった. The top favorites of each section were gathered together. The candidates for victory in various sectors came together. 私はチョコレートが好きです. I like chocolate. I like chocolate. 去年と比較して,今年の収穫はずっといい. Compared with last year, this year's crops are much better. Compared with last year, the harvest is much better this year. どのくらい私をお待ちになっていましたか. How long have you been waiting for me? How long have you been waiting for me? ロンドンでは,かなり多くのミュージカルや演劇が毎晩劇場で催されています. In London, quite a few musicals and plays are presented at the theaters every night. There are quite a few musicals and plays at the theater every night in London. 桜の花は,せいぜい"週間しかもたない. Cherry blossoms last only for days, a week at the most. The cherry blossoms last at least a week. 男の子はみんな野球をするのが好きだ. All boys like to play baseball. All boys like playing baseball. 水は凍ると固体になる. Water becomes solid when it freezes. Water becomes solid when it freezes. 泳ぎに行きたいものです. I'd like to go for a swim. I would like to go swimming. 忘れずに私の手紙を出してね. Please remember to mail my letter. Don't forget to mail my letter. みんなが聞こえるように,もっと大きな声ではなしてください. Please speak louder so everybody can hear you. Please speak louder so that everyone can hear you. やっとあなたに連絡がついてよかった. I'm glad I've finally caught you. I'm glad I finally got in touch with you. 間違えてかかっています. You have the wrong number. I'm on the wrong side. もう行かなくちゃ. I have to leave now. I have to go now. この靴はこの白いスカートに良く合います. Those shoes go well with this white skirt. These shoes go well with this white skirt. 頭の上の磁石がその原因だった. The magnets on their heads were responsible for that. The magnet above her head was the cause. ビルはバイクをとても欲しがった. Bill was crazy for a motorbike. Bill wanted a motorcycle very much. お肉は食べられません. I can't eat meat. I can't eat meat. "お茶でも入れようか?""うん,お願い" "Would you like some tea?" "Yes, please." "Shall I make some tea?" "Yes, please." 時計がどこか故障した. Something went wrong with my watch. There's something wrong with the clock. 日本で核の危機が起きたのは大変です. It is dreadful that a nuclear crisis has hit Japan. The nuclear crisis in Japan is hard. トムはメアリーと恋に落ちた. Tom fell in love with Mary. Tom fell in love with Mary. 彼は自分の無実を彼らに納得させようとした. He tried to convince them of his innocence. He tried to convince them of his innocence. トムは約束を守らないことがよくある. Tom often doesn't keep his promises. Tom often doesn't keep his promise. トムとメアリーはすごく親しいです. Tom and Mary are extremely close. Tom and Mary are very close. 彼は同じ間違いを繰り返した. He repeated the same mistake. He repeated the same mistake. その雑誌の最新号は来週月曜日にでます. The latest issue of the magazine will come out next Monday. The magazine's latest issue will be next Monday. 君は約束を守るべきだ. You should keep your promise. You should keep your promise. もどっているか見てまいります. I'll see if he is in. I'll see if he's back. 彼はその変化に気がつかなかったが,私は気がついた. He didn't notice the change, but I did. He didn't notice the change, but I noticed it. 彼はカシの木の枝を何本か切り取った. He cut some branches off the oak tree. He cut off some branches of the oak tree. 彼は間違って違うバスに乗った. He took the wrong bus by mistake. He got on the wrong bus by mistake. 私はときどき草の上に横になる. I sometimes lie on the grass. I sometimes lie on the grass. 私たちに写真を"枚撮っていただけませんか. Would you mind taking a picture of us? Could you take us a picture? 私は時計を無くしました. I lost my watch. I lost my watch. 彼は今日はとても気分がよい. He feels a lot better today. He feels very well today. 私は8年前に結婚しました. I married eight years ago. I got married eight years ago. 子供たちは元気? How are the kids? How are the kids? 光陰矢のごとし. How time flies! It's like a shadow arrow. どうか助けてください. Help me, please. Please help me. 太陽は光りと熱を与えてくれる. The sun furnishes heat and light. The sun gives light and heat. パリに留学する間に,フランス語をやり直さなくてはならない. Before going to study in Paris, I must brush up on my French. I have to start French again while I study abroad in Paris. 悪い習慣を取り除くのは容易ではない. It's not easy to get rid of a bad habit. It is not easy to get rid of bad habits. あなたは,勉強が好きですか. Do you enjoy studying? Do you like studying? そのウェイターは大変いい人だったので私達は食事についての不満を言いたくなかった. The waiter was such a nice man we didn't like to complain about the meal. The waiter was such a nice person that we didn't want to complain about eating. 大学生です. I'm a university student. I'm a college student. 私は,そういった音はすべて我慢できない. I cannot put up with all that noise. I can't put up with all those sounds. とても魅力的な人に初めて会って,話の糸口を見つけるのは,たいていかなり難しいものだ. People usually find it very difficult to break the ice when they meet someone extremely attractive for the first time. It is usually quite difficult to meet a very attractive person for the first time and find the beginning of a story. 彼女は子供の扱いを心得ている. She is good with kids. She knows how to deal with children. 彼はスポーツが好きではない. わたしはどちらでもない. He is not fond of sports, and I am not either. He doesn't like sports. I'm neither. 天然物中に利用しえるものがたくさんあります. There are many natural objects that we can put to use. There are a lot of things that can be used in nature. それをテーブルの上に置きなさい. Lay it on the table. Put it on the table. 人々はますますオレンジジュースを飲むようになった. People came to drink orange juice more and more. People began to drink more and more orange juice. 幸運にも彼女は死ななかった. Luckily she did not die. Fortunately, she didn't die. 私はコンタクトレンズを使っています. I wear contact lenses. I use contact lenses. 私は全部の戸を閉めて寝た. Locking all the doors, I went to bed. I went to bed with all the doors closed. 彼は自己の主義に忠実でいる. He remains loyal to his principles. He is true to his principles. 君に遅刻を謝らなくはならない. I must offer you an apology for coming late. I must apologize to you for being late. 最近はみんなが幸せそうに見える. Everybody is happy nowadays. Everybody looks happy these days. 小麦粉はケーキの主な材料だ. Flour is the main ingredient in cakes. The flour is the main ingredient of the cake. 私は通りで偶然旧友に出会った. I ran across an old friend in the street. I ran across an old friend of mine on the street. 処方箋をもらうために医者に行きなさい. To get a prescription, go to a doctor. Go to the doctor for a prescription. お母さんの身になってごらんなさい. Try putting yourself in your mother's shoes. Try to put yourself in your mother's shoes. 私には以下の品物が必要である. I need the following items. I need the following items. 彼女は秘密をあかしてくれなかった. She didn't let me in on her secret. She didn't reveal her secret. 『ねえ』って,僕を見ながら言われても・・・もしかして,またダブルブッキングですか? It's no good saying 'Isn't it?' to me ... have you double-booked again? Even if they say, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. この道を行けば,琵琶湖の岸に降りられるでしょう. This road will take you down to the edge of Lake Biwa. This road will lead you down to the shore of Lake Sakura. トムは傘をバスに置いてきてしまった. Tom left his umbrella on the bus. Tom left his umbrella on the bus. 光るもの必ずしも金ならず. All that glitters is not gold. What shines isn't always gold. 私はこの6年間学校で英語を勉強してきたのに,英語を話す事が得意ではない. Even though I studied English for 6 years in school, I'm not good at speaking it. Even though I have been studying English at school for the past six years, I'm not good at speaking English. 息子が何とか勉強する気になってくれることを願うよ. I hope my son will bring himself to study hard. I hope that my son will somehow feel like studying. 先生がその文を我々に解釈してくれた. The teacher interpreted the sentence for us. The teacher interpreted the sentence to us. 自分のことを考える前に人のことを考えるのはまさに彼女らしい. It is just like her to think of others before thinking of herself. It is quite She who thinks of others before thinking of herself. 私は自分の人生とお金を愛していた. I loved my life and my money. I loved my life and money. 先生はクラスを掌握しており,ふつうは,クラスの前に立って,授業の間じゅう生徒に講義をしています. The teacher controls the class, usually standing in front of the students and lecturing to them during the lesson. The teacher has control of the class, usually standing in front of the class and giving lectures throughout the class. 明日は10月20日. Tomorrow is October 20th. Tomorrow is October 20th. あなたは自分の言ったことに対して謝らなければならない. You must apologize for what you said. You must apologize for what you said. 医者に行って注射を打ってもらったほうがいいよ. You'd better see a doctor and get a shot. You had better go to the doctor and have him give you a shot. あの人はどんな人物か教えて下さい? Tell me what that man is like. Can you tell me who he is? 本学に入学したい理由は何ですか. What is the reason you want to enter this college? What's the reason you want to enter this school? 今日の新聞を見せて下さい. Show me today's paper. Please show me today's paper. お願い,私にケーキの話はしないでくれる?ダイエット中なのに食べたくなっちゃうでしょ! Could you please not talk to me about cakes? I'm in the middle of a diet, and you're making me want one, you know! Please don't talk to me about cake. I'm on a diet and I'm going to want to eat it! 昨日の今頃は何をしていましたか. What were you doing about this time yesterday? What were you doing this time yesterday? 私にとっては冬は楽しむというよりはむしろ耐える季節だ. For me winter is rather something to be put up with than to be enjoyed. To me winter is more a season of endurance than of pleasure. 私たちは隣近所とは仲良くしている. We get on well with our neighbors. We are on good terms with our neighbors. 当時私は赤ん坊だった. I was a baby in those days. I was a baby then. それは雲をつかむような話だ. It's a vague story. It's like taking hold of a cloud. 帰る途中でお豆腐買ってきてよ. Buy some tofu on your way home. Buy some tofu on your way home. トムとメアリーは新年会で知り合った. Tom and Mary met at a New Year's party. Tom and Mary met at the New Year's party. 彼は福祉事務所で働いている. He works at the welfare office. He works at the welfare office. 上司が私の現実的な計画に賛成してくれることを希望する. I hope my boss will agree to my realistic plan. I hope my boss will approve of my practical plan. この件につきましては,考えるお時間をいただけますか. こちらからまた改めてご連絡申し上げます. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you. Could you give me some time to think about this? I'll be in touch again. 私は病院まで自分で運転せねばならなかった. I had to drive myself to the hospital. I had to drive myself to the hospital. 彼は大望を抱いていた. He had ambition. He was ambitious. 彼女はのこぎりを使うのがとてもうまい. She handles a saw very well. She is very good at using saws. 牛乳には水が混ぜてあった. The milk was adulterated with water. The milk was mixed with water. 大人にフランス語を教えている. I teach French to adults. I teach French to adults. トムはどう見ても初心者だ. Tom is obviously a beginner. Tom is, by all accounts, a beginner. 彼らは抽象的な推論に興味を持っている. They are interested in abstract reasoning. They are interested in abstract reasoning. ここでは決して,レンガは鉄筋コンクリートの代わりになりません. Bricks never take the place of ferro-concrete here. A brick never replaces steel concrete here. トムのいない人生なんて考えられない. I can't imagine life without Tom. I can't think of life without Tom. 彼は君の安否を尋ねていたよ. He was asking about your health. He was asking after you. 日航のチケットがあまりにも高いので,国外在住者たちはイラク航空をつかった. With JAL tickets so expensive, expatriates flew Air Iraq. It was so expensive to travel by sea that those who resided out of the country closed down the Iraqi airspace. 彼らはその事実を知っているらしい. They appear to know the fact. They seem to know the fact. 母は"0分前に出かけました. My mother left home ten minutes ago. My mother left ten minutes ago. 技術者は自然を知ろうとするよりはむしろ利用しようとする. Engineers try to take advantage of nature rather than try to understand it. Engineers try to make use of nature rather than try to know it. その時私は良い考えが浮かんだ. I hit upon a good idea then. A good idea occurred to me then. めったにないこの機会を利用しさえすれば良い. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. All you have to do is take advantage of this rare opportunity. どうも熱がありそうだ. I seem to have a fever. I think I have a fever. 私は普通日曜は"日ぼんやりやり過ごします. I usually spend the whole day idly on Sunday. I usually spend a day off on Sundays. 君も一緒に来たいか. Would you care to come with us? Would you like to come with me? 彼はなかなか自信が強い. He has great confidence in himself. He is quite confident. 人間はしゃべることができるが,動物はしゃべることができない. People can talk but animals cannot. Man can speak, but animals can't. その老婦人はまゆをひそめた. The old woman knitted her brows. The old lady frowned. 私の新しい靴は革製です. My new pair of shoes are made of leather. My new shoes are made of leather. 国家の名誉は最高の価値ある国家的財産である. National honor is national property of the highest value. The honor of a nation is the most valuable national property. 彼女は背後から自分の名前を呼ばれてびっくりしているようであった. She seemed surprised to hear her name called from behind. She seemed surprised to be called her name from behind. 彼は一日働いては次の日ぶらぶらしている. He will work one day and loaf the next day. He works all day and is out the next day. 2週間前に初めてディズニーランドを訪れた. Two weeks ago, I visited Disneyland for the first time. I visited Disneyland for the first time two weeks ago. 月に三ないし四回映画を見に行く. I go to the movies three or four times a month. I go to the movies three or four times a month. 彼女が来た時,彼はちょうど家を出ようとしていた. He was going to leave the house when she came. He was just about to leave home when she came. 私たちは水無しでは一日もやっていけない. We can not do without water even for a day. We can't do without water for a day. トムのケチ! Tom, you're so cheap! Tom's shitty! 君の援助が無かったなら私は事業に成功しなかっただろう. If it had not been for your aid, I would not have succeeded in my business. Without your help, I would not have succeeded in my business. 彼は自分で行かないで,代わりに弟を行かせた. Instead of going himself, he sent his brother in his place. Instead of going himself, he made his brother go instead. 昨日,閑静な住宅街にある猫のひたいほどの売り地を見つかって,すぐ買うことに決めた. Yesterday, I found a tiny piece of land for sale in a quiet residential area and I immediately decided to buy it. Yesterday, when I found a small market for cats in a quiet residential area, I decided to buy it right away. 怠け者の節句働き. In the evening the idle man begins to be busy. Lazy verbs. 空気と水は両方とも生命にとって欠くことができない. Both air and water are indispensable for life. Both air and water are essential for life. 彼は貧乏の味がどんなものであるか,よくわかっている. He knows quite well what it is like to be poor. He knows well what it tastes like to be poor. 召し使いは徐々に新しい環境に慣れていった. The servant gradually adjusted to his new surroundings. The servant gradually became accustomed to the new environment. 飢饉の見通しが世界の多くの地域に迫っている. The prospect of famine hangs over many areas of the world. The prospect of famine is approaching many parts of the world. 彼がめちゃ暑がりで私は冷え性です. 寝室はどうしましょう. He's really sensitive to heat and I'm sensitive to the cold. What should we do about our bedroom? I'm cold because he's hot. What about the bedroom? 私はあなたに会いたい. I hope to see you. I want to see you. メアリーが入ってきた. In came Mary. Mary came in. この魚は食べるのに適さない. This fish is unfit to eat. This fish is not fit to eat. 君はもう成人に達したからには,自分の行動に責任を持たねばならない. Now that you have come of age, you should be responsible for what you do. Now that you have reached adulthood, you must be responsible for your actions. その歌手は私たちの学校のみんなに知られている. The singer is known to everybody at our school. The singer is known to everyone in our school. 恋愛は,はしかのようなものだ. みんな一度はかからなければならない. Love is like the measles. We all have to go through it. Romantic love is like measles. Everyone has to do it once. 彼は自分が無実だと言ったが,彼らは彼を投獄した. He says he's innocent, but they put him in jail. He said he was innocent, but they imprisoned him. 今お話ししてもよろしいですか. May I talk to you now? May I speak with you now? ケンは家に帰る途中彼女に会った. Ken met her on his way home. Ken met her on his way home. 私は,経営コンサルタントです. I'm a management consultant. I'm a management consultant. ボブは高校生のころ内気だった. Bob was shy when he was a high school student. Bob was shy when he was in high school. ファストフードはもう飽きた. I'm tired of eating fast food. I'm tired of fast food. 政府は工業の振興計画を開始した. The government started a program to promote industry. The government began a project to promote industry. 彼の仕事は時計を作ることです. His work is making watches. His job is to make a watch. 彼は努力が足りないので失敗した. He failed due to lack of effort. He failed because he didn't make enough effort. 一事が万事. He who steals a pin will steal an ox. One thing is all. メーターの数字を読んでください. Please read the numbers on the meter. Please read the meter number. 彼の状態はどちらかといえば午前中よりもよくなっている. His condition is if only, better than in the morning. His condition is, if anything, better than in the morning. 彼は何か気にかけることがあるようだ. He seems to have something on his mind. He seems to have something to worry about. 明日も晴れるでしょう. It will be fine tomorrow, too. It will clear up tomorrow as well. お前を娘の夫にしよう. You shall be my daughter's husband. I'll make you my daughter's husband. 今から行くよ. I'm leaving now. I'm coming. 私のピアノレッスンの値段は,ピアノの使用料を含んでいます. The price of my piano lessons includes the use of the piano. The price of my piano lessons includes the cost of using the piano. 気がくるいそうなほど悲しかった. He was so sad that he almost went mad. I was so sad that it made me feel sad. 預けていた貴重品を返却してください. Could you give me back my valuables? Please return the valuables you left with. これはとても重要なポイントです. This is an extremely important point. This is a very important point. 今度の日曜日にピクニックに行こうと私たちは彼女に言った. We suggested to her that we should go on a picnic the following Sunday. We told her that we would go on a picnic next Sunday. 英語は世界の多くの地域で話されている. English is spoken in many parts of the world. English is spoken in many parts of the world. 人にはそれぞれ外国旅行に行く理由がいろいろある. Each person has various reasons for going on a trip abroad. Each person has many reasons for going abroad. この仕事はその砲兵中隊のみんなにできるものではない. This job is not for every person in the battery. This job is not something every member of the gun squad can do. もっと経験のある弁護士なら,その件は違ったやり方で処理しただろう. A more experienced lawyer would have dealt with the case in a different way. A more experienced lawyer would have handled the matter differently. すべての会員は本規則を遵守しなければならない. All members need to observe these rules. All members must abide by the rule. 彼は,私の提案を拒絶した. He declined my proposal. He rejected my proposal. 私の家はテムズ川の南岸にある. My house is on the south bank of the Thames. My house is on the south bank of the Thames. 私を憎むな! Don't hate me. Don't hate me! 君によいニュースが一つある. There is a piece of good news for you. I have a good news for you. お体を大切にしてくださいね. Take care of yourself. Please take care of yourself. 私は先月学校に行きませんでした. I didn't go to school last month. I didn't go to school last month. 働かざるものは食うべからず. If you don't work, you shouldn't eat. Don't eat anything that doesn't work. 君から手紙が届くのが楽しみです. I'm looking forward to getting your letter. I'm looking forward to receiving your letter. 彼は彼女と親密だ. He is close with her. He is close to her. 私の妹は料理に慣れていない. My sister isn't used to cooking. My sister is not used to cooking. トムは片方の目が見えない. Tom is blind in one eye. Tom can't see one eye. 忙しそうですね. You look busy. You look busy. クリスマスの当日になっても,トムの右足には依然としてギブスがあてがわれたままであった. On Christmas Day, Tom's right leg was still in a cast. Even on Christmas day, Tom still had a cast on his right leg. 彼は彼女のたよりを待ち望んでいる. He is anxious for her news. He expects more of her than he does. この手紙を速達で送っていただけませんか. Won't you please send this letter by Express Mail? Would you please send this letter by fast mail? 私がどうしても手助けをしないので彼は怒った. He was angry because I wouldn't give him any help. He got angry because I wouldn't help him. 悪くないね. Not bad. Not bad. この貯金には三分の利子が付く. This deposit bears three percent interest. There is a third of interest on this savings. こんなことが起こると,なぜ言ってくれなかったの? Why didn't you tell us this was going to happen? Why didn't you tell me this was going to happen? 経験とは誰もが自分の失敗に付ける名前である. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Experience is a name that makes everyone fail. とても暑かったので上着を脱いだ. It was so hot I took my coat off. It was so hot that I took off my coat. 彼女はその見知らぬ人を胡散臭そうに見た. She eyed the stranger suspiciously. She smelled the stranger. 彼は"0時きっかりに帰宅した. He came home exactly at ten. He came home at exactly ten o'clock. 君といたら,彼はきっと感づくだろう. He'll be sure to smell a rat if I'm with you. He is sure to feel it when he comes with you. 私達の街は今週2回爆撃を受けた. Our town was bombed twice this week. Our town was bombed twice this week. ピラミッドは古代に建造された. The pyramids were built in ancient times. The pyramids were built in ancient times. 電車に乗ってウトッとしてたら,駅を寝過ごしてしまった. I dozed off in the train and slept right past my station. I was asleep on the train, and I overslept the station. 彼女が落ちないようにつかんでいなければならなかった. I had to grab her to keep her from falling. I had to make sure she didn't fall. テーブルの上にはまだたくさんの料理がある. There are still a lot of dishes on the table. There is still a lot of food on the table. 身体は精神と共に発達しなければならない. The body must be developed along with the mind. The body must develop with the mind. 彼はその賞をとられるように何でもやった. He did everything he could to get the prize. He did everything so that he could win the prize. 彼は困難に打ち勝った. He got over his difficulties. He got over the difficulties. 彼女の声にうっとりとした. We were fascinated by her voice. I was fascinated by her voice. そして,電車はキーッという音を立てて止まった. Then, the train screeched to a halt. Then the train stopped, clattering. 次の便に乗ることができますか. Is it possible to get on the next flight? Can I take the next flight? 僕の飛行機の便が欠航になって,明日まで出発できないんだ. My flight was canceled and I can't leave until tomorrow. My flight is suspended, so I can't leave until tomorrow. テーブルの上の猫は眠っている. The cat on the table is sleeping. The cat on the table is asleep. 彼は芝居を見に行くのが大好きだ. He loves going to the theater. He likes to go to the play. 彼は私がうそつきであるかのように言った. He made me out to be a liar. He said as if I were a liar. 彼女はその結果に全然満足出来なかった. The result was far from being satisfactory to her. She was not satisfied with the result at all. 彼は足を組んでそこに座った. He sat there with his legs crossed. He sat there with his legs crossed. 彼女はインクを机の上にこぼした. She spilt ink on the desk. She spilled the ink on the desk. 彼らは歓呼して彼を指揮官に迎えた. They acclaimed him as their leader. They hailed him as their commander. 民主党は選挙運動のために民放テレビの放送枠を買いました. The Democrats bought space on commercial television for the campaign. The Democratic Party bought a free television set for the campaign. 彼はなぜ事業に失敗したのですか. Why did he fail in business? Why did he fail in business? 僕は彼を相手にして英語を練習した. I practiced my English on him. I practiced English against him. ネズミは走り,ネコはそれを追いかけた. The mouse ran and the cat ran after him. The mouse ran, and the cat ran after it. あの映画は見る価値がある. That movie is worth seeing. That movie is worth watching. 誕生は,ある意味では,死の始めである. Birth is, in a manner, the beginning of death. Birth, in a sense, is the beginning of death. この例文は削除されました. This example sentence was deleted. This example sentence has been deleted. 写真を撮ってもらおう. Let's have our picture taken. I'll have my picture taken. 彼は日本の文化に詳しい. He is familiar with Japanese culture. He is familiar with Japanese culture. もう若くないと思うと悲しいです. I weep for my lost youth. I'm sad to think that I'm no longer young. それは時間とお金の浪費だ. It's a waste of time and money. It is a waste of time and money. 彼女は痛風を病んでいる. She is affected with the gout. She is suffering from a painful wind. 写真を見て知っていたので,すぐ彼だと分かった. Having seen him in the picture, I recognized him at once. Having seen the picture, I recognized him at once. 我々は感動して泣いた. We were moved to tears. We were moved to tears. 両親にお客さんがいる時は,いつもベスは大人たちの会話に入りたがります. Whenever Beth's parents have guests, she wants to join their adult talk. Whenever there are guests in her parents' house, Beth likes to enter into adult conversation. わたしはシェラトンホテルに泊まっています. I'm staying at the Sheraton Hotel. I'm staying at the Sheraton Hotel. 彼は笑った. He laughed. He laughed. キリスト教とイスラム教は異なった2つの宗教だ. Christianity and Islam are two different religions. Christianity and Islam are two different religions. 何年か前の冬,彼女と出会った. I met her in the winter several years ago. I met her in the winter some years ago. 戸は内側から鍵がかけられていた. The door was locked from within. The door was locked from the inside. 彼の忠告を肝に銘じて忘れるな. Bear his advice in mind. Remember his advice and don't forget it. 彼の気持ちを変えさせようとしたけれど,むだだった. We tried in vain to make him change his mind. I tried to make him change his mind, but it was in vain. もし明日雪がたくさん降れば,雪だるまを作ろう. If it snows a lot tomorrow, let's make a snowman. If it snows a lot tomorrow, let's make a snowman. 競馬って見に行ったことある? Have you ever gone to see a horse race? Have you ever been to see a horse? トムはメアリーが金目当ての女だと知ってがっかりし,メアリーはトムが貧乏だと知ってがっかりした. Tom was sad when he discovered that Mary was a gold digger and Mary was sad when she discovered that Tom was poor. Tom was disappointed to learn that Mary was a monetary woman, and Mary was disappointed to find out that Tom was poor. いつも授業をサボって友人に代返を頼むような人は嫌いです. I hate those who always skip class and ask their friends to answer the roll call for them. I don't like people who always skip classes and ask their friends to replace them. 鹿は命懸けで逃げた. The deer ran for its life. The deer ran for its life. 気合いを入れて頑張れ. Roll up your sleeves and get busy. Good luck with that. 予定通りに,その業者は,時間がもう少し欲しい,と言ってきた. Right on schedule, that contractor came around today, begging for more time. As planned, the dealer said he wanted a little more time. たばこをやめないとジョージは肺ガンにかかる危険を冒すことになる. If George doesn't stop smoking, he will run the risk of developing lung cancer. If he doesn't stop smoking, George is in danger of getting lung cancer. 私はこの三日間,傷んだサンドイッチと腐ったりんご,だめになったヨーグルトの他は食べていません. I haven't had anything to eat for three days other than a stale sandwich, a rotten apple, and some spoiled yogurt. I haven't eaten anything other than damaged sandwiches and rotten apples, ruined yogurt in the last three days. そろそろ試験勉強を少しはやらないといけないような感じです. I think I have to get moving with some work for the exams. I feel like I'm about to have to do some homework for the exam. どうしてここへ来たのですか. What did you come here for? Why did you come here? 博物館の入り口はどこですか. Where is the entrance to the museum? Where is the entrance to the museum? 私がそれを信用していたら,最後は私が負けていただろう. I trust that, in the long run, I will not be a loser. If I had trusted it, I would have lost in the end. トムはメアリーに金を手渡した. Tom handed the money to Mary. Tom handed the money to Mary. いったいどうしてそれが見つかったのですか. How ever did you find it? How on earth did you find it? どこか機構が悪いに違いない. Something must be wrong with the machinery. There must be something wrong with the mechanism. 私達は大阪からロサンゼルスまで直通で飛んでいった. We flew nonstop from Osaka to Los Angeles. We flew straight from Osaka to Los Angeles. 昨日からずっと寒い. It has been cold since yesterday. It has been cold since yesterday. 私たちはその報道は嘘だと思った. We considered the report as false. We thought the report was a lie. 彼は技術者になるべく生まれてきた. He was born to be a technician. He was born to be an engineer. 時間どおりに着くために彼は走った. He ran, so as to arrive on time. He ran so as to arrive on time. その計画は一般に受け入れられている. The plan has been generally accepted. The plan is generally accepted. その人々は鳥が嫌いである. The people don't like the birds. Those people don't like birds. 私の趣味は写真撮影です. My hobby is taking pictures. My hobby is taking pictures. 君の息子も青年になったね. Your son has come of age. Your son has become a young man, hasn't he? 彼女は彼より上手に歌った. She sang better than him. She sang better than he did. 彼は事業に成功することを確信している. He is sure of succeeding in his undertaking. He is sure of success in business. 机の上にある辞書はトムのです. The dictionary that is on the desk is Tom's. The dictionary on the desk is Tom's. 番号をお間違えのようですが. I'm afraid you have the wrong number. I'm afraid you have the wrong number. その会社は広告にたくさんお金をかけている. The company spends a lot of money on advertising. The company spends a lot of money on advertising. 鳥は普通,朝早く起きる. Birds usually wake up early in the morning. Birds usually get up early in the morning. 私は"週間たてば,すなわち5月5日にその仕事を終えます. I'll finish the work in a week, that is, on May fifth. I will finish the work in a week, that is, on May 5. コメントをするつもりが間違って翻訳としてポストしてしまったことはありますか? Have you ever wanted to make a comment, but posted it as a translation by mistake? Have you ever been in the wrong place to post a comment as a translation? 日本の漫画は大規模なブームを起こした. Japanese comics have boomed on a large scale. Japanese comics caused a large boom. 彼が真相を知らなかったのは本当です. It is true that he couldn't know the truth. It is true that he didn't know the truth. 私は知らない人の中にいてもぜんぜん緊張しない. I feel quite at ease among strangers. I'm not at all nervous in the company of strangers. 青年時代の忍耐と努力によって,彼は現在の身分になれたのである. His perseverance and diligence in his youth have made him what he is today. The patience and hard work of his youth brought him into his present position. クリスマスがじきにまためぐってくる. Christmas will soon come around. Christmas will soon come around. 実際,彼女は誰かと付き合っているけれども,僕は彼女を諦めない. Even though she is seeing someone else, I won't give her up. In fact, although she is dating someone, I won't give up on her. 人は何事にも最善をつくすべきだ. One must do one's best in everything. People should do their best in everything. 空気は数種の気体の混合物である. Air is a mixture of several gases. Air is a mixture of several gases. 彼が部屋を出ていったとたんみんなどっと吹き出した. He had no sooner gone out of the room than all of them burst out laughing. As soon as he left the room, everyone burst out. もしあした雨が降ったとしてもピクニックに行きますか. Suppose it rains tomorrow, shall we still go on the picnic? Even if it rains tomorrow, will you go on a picnic? ちょっと待ってくれる? Could you please wait a minute? Can you hold on a second? こないだ,カメラをなくしてしまった. I lost my camera the other day. The other day, I lost my camera. 彼は名声を守ろうと必死だった. He was desperate to defend his reputation. He was desperate to protect his reputation. 彼は賢者だ. He is a man of wisdom. He is a wise man. 旅に出ることには慰めがある. We find comfort in traveling. There is comfort in going on a journey. 私は彼の運転の技術は素晴らしいと思う. I admire his skill at driving. I think his driving technique is wonderful. 彼は永久にここには戻らないでしょう. He will leave here for good. He won't be back here forever. この猿は,きちんと仕込めばいろいろな芸ができるようになるだろう. The monkey, trained properly, will be able to do a lot of tricks. If this monkey is properly planted, he will be able to perform many tricks. 彼は父親の会社の経営を引き継いだ. He has taken charge of his father's company. He took over the management of his father's company. これは私の机です. This is my desk. This is my desk. この文法の説明,ややこしくてよくわからないよ. I don't understand this confusing grammar question. This grammar is complicated and I don't get it. 彼は正義だ. He is justice. He is righteous. 好きな撮影者は誰ですか. Who's your favorite photographer? Who's your favorite photographer? 新しい法律は,その長年の慣習を廃止した. The new law has done away with the long-standing custom. The new law did away with the long-term custom. 彼は私が最も尊敬している小説家だ. He's the novelist I admire the most. He is the novelist that I respect most. 犬は囲いを跳び越えて庭に入ってきた. The dog jumped over the fence into the garden. The dog jumped over the fence and entered the garden. 彼の家はこの店から遠くありません. His house isn't far from this store. His house is not far from this store. 太陽は頭上でぎらぎら輝いていた. The sun was blazing overhead. The sun was shining above us. タトエバにもっと日本語話者を呼び込む方法はないものでしょうか. I wonder if there's some way of attracting more Japanese speakers to Tatoeba? Is there no way to introduce more Japanese speakers to Tatoeba? 私ならすぐに出発することをすすめる. I'd advise starting at once. I advise you to start at once. 数年が過ぎ去った. Several years went by. Years have passed. お手数ですが,駅までの道を教えていただけますか. Please be so kind as to show me the way to the station. Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the station? ジェーンは私にウェンディがくれたのと同じプレゼントをくれました. Jane gave me the same present as Wendy did. Jane gave me the same present that Wendy gave me. あなたが私にしてほしいことを何でもしてあげます. I'll do whatever you want me to do. I'll do whatever you want me to do. 彼は今ほかの電話に出ています. He is on another phone at the moment. He is on the other phone now. 英語で用が足せますか. Can you make yourself understood in English? Can I help you in English? それを聞かせてくれ. Let me hear it. Let me hear it. 私を手伝ってください. Please help me. Please help me. この天気が日曜日まで持てばいいなあ. I hope the weather will hold until Sunday. I wish I had this weather till Sunday. たくさんの人が列をつくって待っていた. Many people were waiting in line. Many people were waiting in line. 手紙を入れたガラスびんを持っている . I am holding a glass bottle with a letter inserted. I have a glass bottle with a letter in it. 君に手紙を書くつもりだったんだが,忙しすぎてね. I was going to write to you, but I was too busy. I intended to write to you, but I'm too busy. なぜ彼女はあんなに悲しそうなのだろう. Why does she look so sad? I wonder why she looks so sad. トムは自分は遅くなると思った. Tom thought he would be late. Tom thought he was going to be late. 自然の姿を見るだけで,それは一つの喜びである. The simple perception of natural forms is a delight. Just seeing nature is a joy. 私の意見では全く不適当です. In my opinion, it's quite unsuitable. In my opinion, it is entirely inappropriate. 皆さん,今夜は無礼講で行きましょう. それでは,乾杯. All right, everyone, let's not stand on ceremony tonight. Cheers! Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a rude walk tonight. あの人達は私が盗みをしたと疑ったにちがいない. They must have suspected me of stealing. They must have suspected me of stealing. トム,頭に蜂がとまってる! Tom, there's a bee on your head! Tom, there's a bee in your head! おはよう. 起きる時間だよ. Good morning. It's time to wake up. Good morning. It's time to get up. 彼には愛想が尽きた. I am disgusted with him. I am tired of him. ひょっとしてブラウンという名前の男性をご存じありませんか. Do you happen to know a man by the name of Brown? Do you happen to know a man named Brown? リンカーンの名前は自由で関係する. We associate the name of Lincoln with freedom. Lincoln's name involves freedom. 経験がなくて,株に手を出せば簡単に破産して,全財産を失うことになろう. An inexperienced stock speculator could easily let his business go to pot and lose his entire fortune. Without experience, it would be easy to go bankrupt and lose all your money. 私は弟に部屋を掃除してもらった. I had my brother clean the room. I had my brother clean my room. アインシュタインの相対性理論は俺にはわけわかめだ. Einstein's theory of relativity is Greek to me. Einstein's theory of relativism makes sense to me. どちらにお住まいですか. Where do you guys live? Where do you live? 彼は大統領選挙に出馬しないことに決めた. He chose not to run for the presidential election. He decided not to run for president. アメリカ人はその件にはなんの関係もなかった. The Americans had nothing to do with the matter. The Americans had nothing to do with the matter. 生まれつき実にのんきな男だ. He is by nature quite an easy-going man. He is a very gentle man by nature. 私は日本の習慣を書いた本がほしい. I want a book telling about Japanese customs. I want a book on Japanese customs. 彼女に会ったことを覚えている. I remember seeing her. I remember seeing her. 日曜日でも,働きます. I work even on Sunday. Even on Sunday, I work. 東京駅で列車を乗り換えなさい. Change trains at Tokyo Station. Change trains at Tokyo Station. 封筒に切手を貼りなさい. Stick a stamp on the envelope. Put a stamp on the envelope. 晴れてきたので,彼は散歩に出かけた. The weather clearing, he went out for a walk. It being sunny, he went out for a walk. 砂糖とクリームを少し入れてください. Add a little sugar and cream. Please put some sugar and cream in. もう一度会合をもってはどうかと思うよ. I propose that we should have another meeting. I think we should have another meeting. そんないつまでもわがままを言うんじゃない. おまえが欲しかった赤い靴は売り切れで,青しかなかったんだ. Stop being so selfish. The red shoes you wanted are sold out, and only the blue ones are left. Don't be so selfish. The red shoes you wanted were sold out and they were only blue. エヴァンス一家には子供が6人いました. There were six children in the Evans family. The Evans family had six children. 我が家の赤ちゃんも8ヶ月になり元気いっぱいすくすくとそだっていますよ. My baby is also eight months old, is healthy and is growing by leaps and bounds. Our baby has been alive and healthy for eight months. どんなお金持ちでも真の愛を買うことはできない. The richest man cannot buy true love. No rich man can buy true love. ジョンはたぶん試験に受かるだろう. Probably John will pass the examination. John will probably pass the examination. 友達がいる必要がありますか? Does this require me to have friends? Do you need a friend? 貴女は,子供好きですね. You love children, don't you? You like children, don't you? 青銅は銅とすずから成り立っている. Bronze is composed of copper and tin. Bronze is made up of copper and tin. 私の妻は普通は夜にコーヒーを飲まないし,私も飲まない. My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I. My wife doesn't usually drink coffee at night, nor do I. 彼女は朝寝坊だ. She is a late riser. She overslept in the morning. 何もかもが私には新鮮でした. Everything was new to me. Everything was fresh to me. 彼女には会いたくない. I don't want to see her. I don't want to see her. 姉はとても早く泳げる. My sister can swim very fast. My sister can swim very fast. 悪い風邪をひいていて,さらに悪いことには,雪が降ってきました. I had a bad cold, and to make matters worse, it began snowing. I have a bad cold, and what's worse, it began to snow. 二重焦点レンズは"バイフォーカル"とも呼ばれる. Lenses with two distinct optical powers are also called "bifocals." The double focal lens is also called the bifocals. 6時に写真を取りに行きます. I'll pick up the photographs at six o'clock. I'm going to get a picture at six. 明日までに仕上げる必要はありません. You needn't finish it by tomorrow. You don't have to finish it by tomorrow. その村にはたった20人しか残っていない. It is just my recollection that there remained no more than 20 people in the village. There are only twenty people left in the village. 正夫君といっしょにそこへ行ってもいいですか,おとうさん. May I go there with Masao, Father? May I go there with Masao, father? 彼は輸入にかかる税を減らしたかった. He wanted to reduce the tax on imports. He wanted to reduce the tax on imports. 違いはいったい何ですか? What exactly is the difference? What's the difference? 彼は50才近かった. He was along toward fifty. He was close to fifty. 私はピアノをひくことが好きだ. I like playing the piano. I like playing the piano. 彼女は一人でアパートに住んでいる. She lives in an apartment alone. She lives in an apartment by herself. 女ながらも彼女は勇敢だった. Woman as she was, she was brave. Even though she was a woman, she was brave. 彼らは何年間か部屋,風呂,台所を他人と共有して,暮らせるところで暮らしてきた. They had been living where they could, sharing flats and baths, and kitchens, for some years. They have shared rooms, baths, and kitchens with others for years and have lived in a place where they could live. "マイルは約"600メートルにあたる. A mile is equal to about 1600 meters. A mile is about 1,600 meters. 彼の車は会社への途上で,故障した. His car broke down on the way to work. His car broke down on the way to the office. この件につき,銀行にご確認いただけますか. Would you please check this matter with your bank? Can you check with the bank on this? ちょっと待って. 靴ひもほどけた. Wait a second. My shoe is untied. Wait a minute. I took off my shoelaces. トムは電話に出た. Tom answered the phone. Tom answered the phone. ひと眠りするのは良いアイディアかもしれない. It might be a good idea to get some sleep. It may be a good idea to fall asleep. 我々の計画は失敗した. Our project failed. Our plan failed. その国はフランスの貴族によって統治されていた. The country was governed by a French noble family. The country was ruled by the French noblemen. 彼女はいつも子供たちにやりたいことをやらせる. She always lets her children do what they want to. She always makes her children do what they want to do. ヨットを一定の所へ停止させておくために普通は碇を使う. They usually use an anchor to hold a yacht in place. A yacht is usually used to keep it in place. その山は神話や伝説でよく知られている. The mountain is famous in myth and legend. The mountain is well known for its myths and legends. 新しい仕事を探す際に,必ず新聞の求人情報を見なくてはならない. When looking for a new job, do not forget to read the want ads in the newspaper. When looking for a new job, be sure to look for newspaper information. フルーツドリンクは夏の間大成功を収めると思うな. I think that a new fruit drink will go over big during the summer. I don't think fruit drinks will have a great success during the summer. クズリは地面で動くのが得意であり,木に登るのも同じ位得意だ. Wolverine climbs trees no worse than moves on the ground. Kuzuris are good at moving on the ground, and they are as good at climbing trees as they are at climbing trees. 皆さん,よろしいでしょうか? May I have your attention, please? Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? こんな甘いものを飲めやしない. I can't drink such sweet stuff. I can't drink such sweets. 遅くてもしないよりはまし. Better late than never. Better than not late. そんなに沢山パンに乗るんか? You really put that much in the sandwich? Why don't you take that much bread? 私はどの日曜日も暇でない. I am never free on Sundays. I'm not free every Sunday. 僕等の中国旅行が楽しいものになるといいな. Hopefully, we'll enjoy our China trip. I hope our trip to China will be fun. 人々はハンググライディングは危険だと考えがちである. There is a tendency for people to think that hang gliding is dangerous. People are apt to think that hang-grazing is dangerous. 今夜は気分が最高だ. I feel first-class tonight. I feel great tonight. 外国で言葉が通じなかった. I couldn't make myself understood in a foreign country. I couldn't make myself understood in a foreign country. 離婚率はやがて頭打ちになるでしょう. Divorce rates might reach a plateau soon. The divorce rate will soon come to a head. 冷たい雨がわたしの身体を骨まで凍えさせる. Cold rain makes me chilled to the bone. The cold rain freezes me to the bones. その依頼人は事務所へかけこんだ. The client went running into the office. The client called at the office. 殺人は邪悪な犯罪である. Murder is a wicked crime. Murder is an evil crime. 君のお母さんの病気をきづかってやって来ました. We came on account of your sick mother. I came to see that your mother was ill. 私は前もって十分な準備もせずに冬山に登るようなばかではない. I'm not stupid enough to climb a mountain in the winter without first making adequate preparations. I am not such a fool as to climb the Winter Mountain without sufficient preparation in advance. その知らせに彼の顔から血の気が引いた. He turned pale when he heard that news. The news drew blood from his face. その申し出を受けることにしたよ. I accept the offer. I've decided to accept the offer. 彼は独力でその仕事をした. He did the work on his own. He did the work on his own. 私は狂っている. I'm crazy. I'm crazy. その知らせを聞いて彼の重荷が取れた. The news was a load off his mind. When I heard the news, I took his burden off me. われわれの世界は宇宙の小部分にすぎない. Our world is only a small part of the universe. Our world is but a small part of the universe. まもなく月がでた. Before long, the moon came out. It was not long before the moon came to light. いつでも好きな時に帰って構いません. You are free to leave any time you wish. You may go home whenever you like. 嵐を避けて近くの納屋に逃げ込んだ. We took refuge from the storm in a nearby barn. I ran away from the storm into a nearby barn. トムがこの絵を描きました. Tom drew this picture. Tom painted this picture. 私の好きな魚は鮭です. My favorite fish is salmon. My favorite fish is chicken. 降伏するより死んだほうがましだ. I would rather die than surrender. I would rather die than surrender. 伝記を書くことが難しいのは,それが半ば記録であり,半ば芸術であるからだ. The difficulty with biography is that it is partly record and partly art. It is difficult to write a portrait because it is half a record and half an art. 彼らは結婚式の日取りと場所を決めた. They set the time and place of the wedding. They decided on a date and a place for their wedding. 他に何かして欲しいことある? Is there anything else you want me to do? Is there anything else you want me to do for you? そのとき初めてそれを悟った. Only then did I realize it. It was not until then that I realized it. 門のすぐ内側に犬がいた. I found a dog just inside the gate. There was a dog just inside the gate. ジェーンが教室に入るとすぐに生徒たちが彼女のまわりに集まりました. Jane had hardly entered the room when the students gathered around her. As soon as Jane entered the classroom, the students gathered around her. ちょっと,どこへ行くの. Hey, where are you going? Hey, where are you going? 触るな! Hands off. Don't touch me! 親の言動を,決してしないと誓ったとしても,あなたはするでしょう. You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them. Even if you swear never to do what your parents do, you will. 俺は外国語,好きだよ. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. その一見真実らしいことは実は嘘だった. The apparent truth was really a lie. The seemingly true thing was really a lie. 言い過ぎですよ. You are going too far. That's too much to say. 私は仕事で疲れていた. I was tired from the work. I was tired from work. 私は非常に古い切手を持っている. I own some very old stamps. I have a very old stamp. 50人の応募者のうち20人が不合格となった. There were 20 failures among 50 applicants. Of the 50 applicants, 20 were failed. 明日ゴルフをしたらどうですか. How about playing golf tomorrow? Why don't you play golf tomorrow? さあ,すっかり打ち明けなさい. Come on, get it off your chest. Come on, tell me everything. 私はこの歌をよく知っている. This song is familiar to me. I am familiar with this song. そうとはまず思えない. I scarcely think so. I don't think so. 彼女はそのリンゴからジャムを作った. She made jam from the apples. She made jam from the apple. 彼の妻は私の友達のひとりだ. His wife is one of my friends. His wife is one of my friends. 健康が富にまさるのは言うまでもない. It goes without saying that health is above wealth. It goes without saying that health is above wealth. 彼は昨日カナダへ出発した. He set out for Canada yesterday. He left for Canada yesterday. 御依頼により本をお送りしました. We sent you the book at your request. I sent you a book at your request. お祖母さんに何かがいるかどうかと聞くために電話をします. I will call my grandmother to see whether or not she needs anything. I'll call my grandmother to ask if there is anything there. 彼女の母は来週大きな手術を受けることになっている. Her mother is going to undergo a major operation next week. Her mother is to have a major operation next week. 私は知事に立候補した. I ran for the governor. I ran for Governor. 生徒たちはその詩を暗記するように言われた. The students were told to learn the poem by heart. The students were told to learn the poem by heart. そのころうちにはテレビがなかった. We didn't have TV in those days. There was no TV in those days. 私達は台風で屋根をとばされた. We got our roof blown off in the typhoon. We were pulled off the roof by the typhoon. その旅は私たちに尽きせぬ楽しみを与えてくれた. The trip gave us no end of pleasure. The trip gave us endless enjoyment. 今日は天気が異常だ. The weather is unusual today. The weather is unusual today. この絵はピカソの作品だと考えられている. This painting is attributed to Picasso. This picture is thought to be the work of Picasso. 去年より今年のクラスには学生が少ない. I have fewer students in my class this year than last year. There are fewer students in this class than last year. その動物は餓死した. The animal died from hunger. The animal starved to death. 彼はヘビみたいな変わった動物が好きなんだよ. He likes strange animals, like snakes. He likes strange animals like snakes. 垣根の向こう側の芝生はいつも緑が濃い. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. The grass across the fence is always thick with green. 手元にあるお金はこれだけです. This is all the money I have. This is the only money I have. 新聞は2党間の抗争を報じた. The newspaper reported friction between the two parties. The newspaper reported a dispute between the two parties. この上着は私の体に合わない. This coat doesn't fit me. This coat doesn't suit me. チューリップは,私たちの県の県花です. Tulips are our prefecture's official flower. Tulip is a prefecture of our county. 疲れていようといまいと,私たちは歩き続けねばならなかった. Whether we were tired or not, we had to walk on. Whether we were tired or not, we had to keep walking. それは記録に残っている最大の地震だった. It was the greatest earthquake on record. It was the biggest earthquake on record. 健康の価値はどれほど評価しても評価しすぎることはない. The value of health cannot be overestimated. No matter how much you value your health, you cannot value it too much. このペン,私が使いおわったら君に貸してあげるよ. When I've done with this pen, you can use it. If I use this pen, I'll lend it to you. ほとんど雨は降っていない. It is hardly raining. It has hardly rained. 成功は努力いかんによる. Success depends on your efforts. Success depends on failure. 荷物を二階に運んでいただけませんか. Would you carry my luggage upstairs? Could you carry your baggage upstairs? 彼女がライバル会社に転職しそうだったからね. She was ready to jump ship. She was about to change into a rival company. 明日の朝6時に起こしてください. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. 人は義務を果たさなければならない. One should do one's duty. One must do one's duty. 防御が崩れた. Their defense came apart. Our defenses are broken. 手数料はいくらですか. How much is the handling charge? How much is the commission? ぼくはかれをそう考えてはいないのです. That is not my idea of him. I don't think so. 今,停電があったらどうなるだろう. What will happen if there's power failure now? What if there's a power outage now? 愛は文明の奇跡だ. Love is the miracle of civilization. Love is a miracle of civilization. 何が問題なの? What is the problem? What's the problem? 彼女はオレンジが好きですか. Does she like oranges? Does she like oranges? トムは米国に行きたがっていた. Tom wanted to visit America. Tom wanted to go to the United States. 私は息子が留学することに反対だ. I object to my son studying abroad. I object to my son's studying abroad. 電話では,ありがとうございました. Thank you very much for your time on the phone. Thank you on the phone. 毎朝必ず天気予報をみてから外出します. I always watch the weather report before going out in the morning. I never fail to watch the weather forecast every morning before going out. 彼の演説の意味がわからなかった. His speech made no sense to me. I didn't understand the meaning of his speech. 彼は刑に処せられた. He was sentenced to death. He was put in prison. 弁償させてくれよ. Allow me to replace it. Let me make up for it. 手の下しようが無い. There's nothing to be done about it. There's nothing we can do. 彼女は5つの誤りを5行のうちでおかした. She made five mistakes in as many lines. She made five mistakes in five lines. どこかおかしいと一目で私にはわかります. I could tell at a glance that something was wrong. I can tell at a glance what's wrong with me. 我々は資源が限られている. We have limited resources. We have limited resources. 何度も何度も同じことを言わせるなよ. Don't make me say the same thing over and over again! Don't make me say the same thing over and over again. 同情は人間特有の感情である. Sympathy is a feeling characteristic of mankind. Sympathy is a human emotion. 彼女は夕食前にいつもピアノを練習する. She always practices the piano before dinner. She always practices the piano before supper. 彼女は6月4日にジョンソンさんと結婚する予定です. She is going to marry Mr Johnson on June 4. She is going to marry Mr Johnson on June 4. 私は彼女の愚痴にはうんざりしている. I'm fed up with her complaints. I'm fed up with her complaints. 衣ばかりで和尚はできぬ. The dress does not make the fair. You can't keep up with your clothes. あなたは窓を開けっぱなしにしておいたのですが? Did you leave the window open? You left the window open? トムはピアノを弾いて失恋の悲しみを紛らそうとした. Tom tried to forget his love sorrow by playing the piano. Tom tried to lose his love for him by playing the piano. しかし,当日買える決勝戦の安い立見席券が必ずいくらかある. But there are always some cheap standing tickets for the finals that you can buy on the day. But there are always some cheap tickets for the finals that we can buy this day. 雨のため,ピクニックは体育館で行われた. Because of the rain, the picnic was held in the gymnasium. Because of the rain, the picnic was held in the gym. ケン,大好きだよ. Ken, I love you. I love you, Ken. 地震はいつ何時起こるか分からない. You never know when an earthquake will happen. There is no telling when an earthquake will occur. 熊は岩の下にいる,肥った虫をさがして,石という石をひっくりかえした. The bear left no stone unturned in his search for fat bugs under the rocks. The bear searched for the fat worm under the rock and turned the stone upside down. 日本は大都市の勤勉なサラリーマンによって支えられている経済だ. Japan has an economy that is supported by hard-working company employees in big cities. Japan is an economy supported by the industrious Salalyman of large cities. 私は彼が通りを横断するのを見た. I saw him cross the street. I saw him cross the street. ピカソはこの絵を"950年に書いた. Picasso painted this picture in 1950. Picasso wrote this picture in 1950. あなたは家を買う時は調査しなければならない. You should go over a house before buying it. You must investigate when you buy a house. 彼は正体を見破られないように仮面をつけていた. He wore a mask so that no one could recognize him. He wore a mask so as not to be detected. 彼は彼らにその情報を提供するのを拒否した. He refused to give them the information. He refused to provide them with the information. 私はジョンの隣に座った. I sat next to John. I sat next to John. メグは新しいドレスがお気に入りのようだ. Meg looks pleased with her new dress. Meg seems to like her new dress. ちょっとした事故が原因で,2,3便に遅れが出た. A couple of flights were delayed on account of a minor accident. A slight accident caused a few flights to be delayed. ふとりすぎることは健康によくない. Becoming too fat is not good for one's health. It is not good for your health to take too long. 私はここからその煙を見ることが出来た. I was able to see the smoke from here. I could see the smoke from here. ジムは凍った道で滑って怪我をした. Jim slipped on the icy road and got hurt. Jim slipped on the frozen road and got hurt. 彼はよくできない,自分の能力を最大限に利用していないからだ. He doesn't do well because he doesn't make the most of his ability. He can't do well, because he doesn't make the most of his abilities. 私の家の上で静かになった. It became quiet on top of my house. It became quiet on my house. 彼女には息子が2人いる. "人は医者で,もう"人は歯科医だ. She has two sons; one of them is a doctor, and the other is a dentist. She has two sons. One is a doctor and the other a dentist. 私より彼のほうが三才年上です. He's three years older than I am. He's three years older than I am. 私たちは想像力を使うように奨励されています. We are encouraged to use our imagination. We are encouraged to use our imagination. あなたは北海道出身ですよね. You are from Hokkaido, aren't you? You're from Hokkaido, aren't you? 冬は私の一番好きな季節です. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season. 愛は愛が好きです. Love loves love. Love likes love. 今までにトムがメアリーに花を贈ったことがあるのか疑問だなあ. I wonder if Tom ever gives Mary flowers. I wonder if Tom has ever given Mary flowers. 君はそれを終えましたか. Have you finished it? Have you finished it? 息子は年の割には小柄だ. My son is small for his age. My son is small for his age. ダンは模型自動車を作ることが好きだ. Dan likes to make model cars. Dan likes to build model cars. トムはフランス語を教えている. Tom is teaching French. Tom is teaching French. 彼女に手紙を書かなければならないことを覚えていてください. Please remember to write to her. Please remember that you have to write to her. 彼は新しい車を買った. He has bought a new car. He bought a new car. コンピューターは最近の発明です. The computer is a recent invention. Computers are a recent invention. 昨夜は-10℃まで冷え込んだ. The temperature went down to minus ten degrees centigrade last night. Last night it was cold as far as -10 ° C. ある意味ではそれは正しい. In a sense, it is true. In a sense, it is right. この本は大いに君の役に立つはずだ. This book should help you a lot. This book should be of great use to you. ドアの取っ手をつかんだらはずれた. The handle came away from the door when I grasped it. I grabbed the handle of the door and got lost. 我々は無力感を克服しなければならないであろう. We will have to get over the feeling of helplessness. We will have to overcome our feelings of helplessness. 彼女はその小説が真実に基づいていることをつきとめた. She ascertained that the novel was based on facts. She realized that the novel was based on truth. 彼はバスで学校に通っている. He is going to school on a bus. He goes to school by bus. 私は両親と一緒に住んでいます. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. 私は読書しているときが一番幸福だ. I am happiest when I am reading. I am happiest when I am reading. 我が家の前には狭い庭があります. There is a small garden in front of my house. There is a small garden in front of our house. 彼の頭は新しいアイディアであふれている. His brain bubbles with new ideas. His mind is full of new ideas. 万事好都合にいった. Everything went smoothly. Everything went well. 辞書はすぐそこにある. The dictionary is close at hand. The dictionary is near there. 私は毎朝30分散歩をすることにしている. I make it a rule to take a walk for half an hour every morning. I make it a rule to take a walk for half an hour every morning. これらの語をノートに書きなさい. Write these words in your notebook. Write these words in your notebook. 今や兄は大学生になったから,おおいに読書をしなければなりません. Now that my brother is a university student, he has to do a lot of reading. Now that my brother has become a college student, he has to read very much. その事件は彼の名声に汚点を残した. The incident left a spot on his reputation. The incident left a stain on his reputation. この本の価値は半減した. The value of this book has been halved. The value of this book has been cut by half. もう,泣きたいよ. I feel like crying. I want to cry now. たぶんね. だけど,今すぐにやめなさいだって. Maybe, but he wants me to stop cold turkey. Maybe, but I'm telling you to stop right now. 母は私に食べ物を少し残してくれた. Mother left some of the food for me. Mother left me some food. わたしは,あなたより美しい. I am more beautiful than you. I am more beautiful than you. 変装すれば,分かりませんよ. If you disguise yourself, they won't be able to tell. If you disguise yourself, you won't know. 彼女は自動車事故で亡くなった. She was killed in an automobile accident. She was killed in a car accident. 彼にはそれはすることができない. He can't do it. He can't do it. もうすっからかんだ. I'm all out of money. I've had enough of this. 彼女は有給休暇を利用して,スキーに行った. She took advantage of her paid vacation and went skiing. She took advantage of her paid vacation to go skiing. 私はつらい仕事でとても疲れています. I am very tired from the hard work. I am very tired from hard work. 友人を選ぶにはどんなに注意してもしすぎることはない. You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends. You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends. この物質は水と混ざる. This substance will mix with water. This substance is mixed with water. どんな医者も患者を喜ばす為に何か言うものだ. All doctors say something to please their patients. Every doctor would say something to please his patient. 彼は腹のそこまで腐っている. He is a thoroughly dishonest character. He is as rotten as his belly. 青天白日の身となる. He was completely cleared of the charge against him. It will be a day of blue light. 最近引っ越した部屋は日当たりが良い. The room I've moved into recently gets plenty of sunshine. The room where we've moved recently is sunny. もしあなたが明日釣りに行くなら私も行きます. If you go fishing tomorrow, I'll go, too. If you go fishing tomorrow, I will go too. 彼女は私の手を取った. She took my hand. She took my hand. 飛行機は父の農場に着陸した. The plane landed on my dad's farm. The plane landed on my father's farm. お金がないのでそれが買えない. I can't buy it for lack for money. I can't buy it because I have no money. 私達は順番に自己紹介をした. We introduced ourselves in turn. We introduced ourselves in turn. 彼はいつ戻りますか. When is he expected back? When will he come back? 私は,朝シャワーを浴びることにしている. I am in the habit of taking a shower in the morning. I make it a rule to take a shower in the morning. 彼が彼女と結婚できないのは残念だ. It's a pity that he can't marry her. It is a pity that he can't marry her. 風が凪いだ. The wind has fallen. The wind set in. すべての言語は話されている限りは変化する. Every language continues to change as long as it is spoken. All languages change as long as spoken. 牛に乾草をやって,昼の仕事はおわりです. I give the cows hay, and midday's work is over. I don't have time to work the day after I dry the cattle. 私が彼女に初めて会った時,彼女は30に間近だった. She was approaching thirty when I first met her. When I first met her, she was close to thirty. 家族はまだ仕事しているからすぐにはテキサスに行けないのだよ. My family is still working, so they can't go to Texas right away. My family is still working, so I can't go to Texas right away. 日本に行くことに決めましたか. Did you decide to go to Japan? Have you decided to go to Japan? 私たちは,これから3日の間に,皆さんがすべての人たちに公平で,環境問題に積極的な配慮を示す決定をするよう要求いたします. We insist that during the next three days you make decisions which are fair to all generations and which show an active concern for the environment. In the next three days, we're asking you to make decisions that will be fair and will give an active attention to environmental issues. スレタイ間違ってるぞ. The thread title's wrong. You're making a mistake. 彼はまだ音楽に興味を持ちつづけています. He still keeps up his interest in music. He is still interested in music. 今夜雨が降るかもしれない. It may rain tonight. It may rain tonight. あなたにもう一度会いたいな. I want to see you again. I'd like to see you again. 私たちの学校では制服を着る. We wear uniforms at our school. We wear uniforms at our school. ディビッドは今まで安定したくらしはなかった. 彼はいつもやりくり算段の生活をしてきた. David has never had a steady job, but he's always managed to make ends meet. David hasn't been stable till now. He's always been able to make ends meet. 警察は彼をスピード違反で告発した. The police charged him with speeding. The police charged him with speeding. 君の彼女に会ったよ. I ran into your girlfriend. I met your girlfriend. なぜ要点を書き留めなかったのか. Why didn't you note down the points? Why didn't you write down the point? あなたのスキーを逆V字型にしなさい. Place your skis in an inverted V. Put your skis in reverse V style. 我々は予測される変化に即応して計画を立てることが必要である. It is important that we make plans in relation to anticipated changes. It is necessary for us to plan as soon as possible for the predicted change. 木はたとえあってもほとんどない. There were few, if any, trees. There are few, if any, trees. この機械は当てにできません. You can't rely on this machine. I can't rely on this machine. 彼が回復する見込みはほとんどない. There is little hope of his recovery. There is little hope of his recovery. 塩は味付けに使われる. Salt is used to season food. Salt is used for flavoring. その池はとても深い. The pond is very deep. The pond is very deep. それはある夜に起こった. It happened one night. It happened one night. このことはわれわれの財産となるだろう. This is a fortune for us. This will be our property. 一生懸命勉強しなさい,そうすれば成功します. Study hard, and you'll succeed. Work hard, and you will succeed. 彼らは食中毒の危険に注意を怠らない. They are alert to the dangers of food poisoning. They are alert to the danger of food poisoning. 社長は僕たち全員に一日休みをくれた. The boss gave us all a day off. The boss gave us all a day off. その申し出を断るなんて君はばかだ. It was stupid of you to have turned down the offer. It is foolish of you to refuse the offer. その子供は菓子をつかんだ. The child grabbed the candy. The child caught hold of the candy. 出てすぐ電話が鳴った. I had scarcely gone out before the phone rang. The telephone rang as soon as I answered. わからないことを言うのではありません. Don't be unreasonable. I'm not saying what I don't understand. 私達のすべてが彼の考えに反対しているわけではない. Not all of us are against his idea. Not all of us are against his idea. 彼が来るのを心待ちにしている. I've been looking forward to him coming. I'm looking forward to his coming. さあ,仕事を始めよう. Now, let's begin our job. Let's get to work. 彼女は彼氏からプレゼントをもらった. She got a present from her boyfriend. She got a present from her boyfriend. トムは私にいつもフランス語で話す. Tom always speaks French to me. Tom always speaks French to me. 彼は学識を鼻にかけていた. He put on airs with his learning. He was proud of his learning. 彼は"戦争と平和"の原典を研究した. He studied the original text of War and Peace. He studied the original text of War and Peace. 彼は息子達と一緒に遠くまでハイキングに出かけた時,体調が思わしくなかったので,その翌日,足腰が痛くて思うように動けなかった. He was out of shape when he took a long hike with his sons, and he was stiff and sore the next day. When he went on a long hike with his sons, he was not feeling well, so the next day he couldn't move as he felt his back hurt. 皆さんどうぞお楽に. Make yourselves comfortable. Please make yourself at home. 私は,若いうちに禿げたくない. I don't want to go bald when I'm still young. I don't want to get bald while I'm young. 今日のテストどうだった? How was today's test? How was today's test? 私たちは多摩動物園に行った. We went to the Tama Zoo. We went to the Tama Zoo. 東京へ来てからこんなに暑い日は初めてです. This is the hottest day I have had since I came up to Tokyo. I've never had such a hot day since I came to Tokyo. 今日の田中君が休んだ理由は,おばあさんが亡くなったって?確か先月も先々月もそう言ってなかったか?ずる休みするにしても,もう少しましな理由はないのかね. So the reason that Tanaka stayed home today was because his grandmother died? Didn't he say that last month, and the month before that, too? Skipping is one thing, but I'd like him to at least come up with a better excuse than that. The reason for Tanaka's absence today is that his grandmother died? Didn't she say that the last month or the last month? 彼は気が短い. He has a bad temper. He has a short temper. もし明日雨が降れば,家にいますか. If it rains tomorrow, will you stay at home? If it rains tomorrow, will you stay home? 彼は私の目のあたりを殴った. He hit me in the eye. He hit me in the face. 以前とは人生観も変わった. I now view life differently than I used to. My outlook on life has changed. ルーシーは少年に近づいてきて,少年の頭の上に手を置いた. Lucy came closer to the boy and laid her hand on his head. Lucy approached the boy and laid her hand on his head. 明日の朝一番に彼に電話しよう. I'll call him first thing in the morning. I'll call him first thing tomorrow morning. 若者は何に関しても文句を言うものだ. Young people tend to complain about everything. Young people often complain about everything. トムさんは彼がメアリーさんを殺したことを認めました. Tom admitted that he had killed Mary. Tom admitted that he killed Mary. 彼のことはこれ以上知りません. 顔を合わせれば会釈する程度の知り合いですから. I don't know any more about him. I know him, but only to say hello to. I don't know him any more. I know him enough when I face him. 頑張って下さい. Please do your best. Please do your best. こんなおふざけはいかにもベーカー氏らしい. Such playfulness is characteristic of Mr Baker. It seems that such a joke is Mr Baker. あなたはいつも朝食にコーヒーを飲みますか. Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always have coffee for breakfast? とにかく始めよう. Anyhow, let's begin. Anyway, let's get started. 橋本先生はケンの質問に当惑した. Mr Hashimoto was confused by Ken's question. Mr. Hashimoto was puzzled by Ken's question. 彼女はまだ彼を愛していた. She still loved him. She still loved him. 彼女は子供に,素敵なおもちゃを買ってやりました. She bought a nice toy for her child. She bought a nice toy for her child. 了解. Understood. Copy that. 体の具合がよくなかったので,彼は学校を休んで家にいた. Since he was feeling sick, he stayed home from school. Not feeling well, he stayed home from school. あなたはもっと一生懸命に英語を勉強すべきです. You should study English harder. You should study English harder. 彼女が来られなかった理由を知っていますか. Do you know the reason which prevented her from coming? Do you know why she couldn't come? ここでタバコを吸ってもよろしいですか. Would you mind my smoking here? May I smoke here? 赤ん坊は口を開けた. The baby opened his mouth. The baby opened its mouth. 彼女は男の服を着て変装していた. She was disguised in men's clothes. She was dressed as a man. わたしにはテレビを見る時間が無い. I don't have any time to watch TV. I don't have time to watch TV. その店は必要なすべてのものを供給することができる. The store can supply us with anything we need. The store can supply all that is needed. 彼女は彼に何か耳打ちをした. She whispered something into his ear. She put something in his ear. 物理学を専攻したい学生は,数学の知識が十分になければならない. Students who want to major in physics ought to have a sufficient knowledge of mathematics. Students who want to major in physics must have a good knowledge of mathematics. そんな言葉を信じては駄目. You can't believe a word of it. Don't believe those words. そのラジオ,今すぐ小さくしてくれ. Turn that radio down at once. Turn that radio down right now. どなたかセキュリティに連絡できますか? Can someone call security? Can anyone contact security? 彼はまだ事実を知らない. He doesn't yet know the truth. He still doesn't know the truth. 学校に間に合わないよ. You are not going to make it in time for school. You won't be able to get to school in time. 彼は何でも知っていると思っているが,実際はひどく無知である. He thinks he knows everything but, as a matter of face, he is very ignorant. He thinks he knows everything, but in fact he is very ignorant. 悪い風邪が抜けない. I can't get rid of a bad cold. I can't get rid of my bad cold. 船は海岸沿いに航行していた. The ship sailed along the coast. The ship was sailing along the coast. 彼はエースピッチャーです. He is an ace pitcher. He's an ace picker. 彼女はその仕事にうんざりしている. She is disgusted with the job. She is tired of the work. まるでなんでも知っているような口ぶりだね. You talk as if you knew everything. You talk like you know everything. 知っていることと教えることはまったく別だ. To know is one thing, to teach is another. It is one thing to know and another to teach. トムさんは頭を順序立てられませんでした. Tom couldn't put his thoughts in order. Tom couldn't put his head in order. 私たちは彼らの住所の変更を知らされていない. We have not been notified about their change of address. We are not informed of changing their address. ビルは冗談を言ってばかりいた. Bill did nothing else but joke. Bill was always joking. 多くの先進国が財政危機に直面している. Many developed countries are faced with financial crises. Many developed countries are facing a financial crisis. 彼女は"0時までの帰ることを条件にディスコに行くことを許された. She was allowed to go to the disco on condition that she was back by ten. She was allowed to go to the disco on condition that she should return by ten. Cannibal Corpseはアメリカのデスメタルバンドです. Cannibal Corpse is an American death metal band. Cannibal Corpse is an American death metal band. タイタニックが沈んだ時にどれくらいの死者が出たかあなたは見当がつきますか? Do you have any idea how many people died when the Titanic sunk? Do you have any idea how many people died when the Titanic sank? 鳥が空を高く飛んでいる. Some birds are flying high in the sky. Birds are flying high in the sky. 彼女はハーバード大学に受かった. She was accepted by Harvard. She passed Harvard. 明日授業に辞書を持ってくる必要がありますか. Need we bring our dictionaries to class tomorrow? Do you need to bring a dictionary to class tomorrow? 彼らは彼を慎重に運び込んだ. They lifted him carefully into the ambulance. They brought him in carefully. 我々は敵の不意をついた. We took the enemy by surprise. We took the enemy by surprise. 私はあなたに会おうとは夢にも思わなかった. I never dreamed that I would meet you. I never dreamed I'd see you. そんな悲しい目で見ないで. Don't look at me with such sad eyes. Don't look at me that sad. 身長と体重を教えていただけますか? Could you please tell me your height and weight? Can you tell me your height and your weight? "お願い"って言えよ. Say please. Say "please." 彼か私のどちらかが間違ってる. Either he is wrong or I am. Either he or I am wrong. 私がその部屋に入るとすぐに彼は部屋を出ていった. He left the room as soon as I entered it. As soon as I entered the room, he left the room. 彼らはホワイト氏を支配人に指名した. They appointed Mr. White as manager. They appointed Mr White manager. 彼女はこの会社の正社員ではありません. She's not a full-time employee of this company. She is not a regular employee of this company. あの宗教団体はかなりいかがわしい教義にとりつかれている. That religious cult has got some pretty off the wall ideas. That religious group is obsessed with a rather dirty doctrine. 今は散歩に出たくありません. I don't feel like taking a walk now. I don't want to go for a walk now. 彼を知っている誰がそれを信じるだろうか. Who that knows him will believe it? Who who knows him will believe it? どの席でもかまいません. Any seat will do. Any seat will do. ここに野菜のいっぱいはいったかごがあります. Here is a basket full of vegetables. Here are baskets full of vegetables. 東アフリカの種族の中には,乳製品を主食にしているのがあるそうだ. I hear some tribes in eastern Africa live on milk products. Some East African species are said to depend on dairy products. 別にムキムキになれって言うんじゃないけど,ある程度は筋肉鍛えとかないとそのうち寝たきりになっちゃうよ. I'm not saying you have to become totally ripped, but you should at least do some muscle training or you'll probably end up bedridden before you know it. I don't mean to tell you to be Maki, but if you don't exercise to some extent, you'll end up in bed. 漁火が島影に瞬く. Fires for luring fish at night flicker on the silhouette of an island. A fishing fire blinks in the shadow of an island. オリーブの枝は平和を象徴する. An olive branch symbolizes peace. Olive branches symbolize peace. その話を聞いて泣かない人はいなかった. There was no one but wept to hear the story. There was no one who didn't cry when he heard the story. どこで切手を手に入れられますか. Where can I get stamps? Where can I get a stamp? その映画で彼女はすごい人気となった. The movie gained her great popularity. The movie made her very popular. これは首まわりがすこしきつすぎる. This is a bit too tight around my neck. This is a little too tight around the neck. それは夢のように思われます. It sounds like a dream. It seems like a dream. この橋はもっとも長い橋だ. This bridge is the longest bridge. This bridge is the longest. 彼は新しい辞書を買いたいと思っています. He wants to get a new dictionary. He wants to buy a new dictionary. そんなつまらないことで両親に面倒をかけてはいけない. Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing. Don't bother your parents with such a trivial thing. 彼は健康がすぐれず,辞職せざるをえなかった. He was compelled to resign on account of ill health. His health was short and he was forced to resign. トムはメアリーにクリスマスプレゼントを贈った. Tom gave a Christmas present to Mary. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. なぜこうなったのかしら. Why did this happen? I wonder why this happened. 私のペンは古い. 新しいものが欲しい. My pen is old. I want a new one. My pen is old. I want a new one. 外国,たとえばアメリカへ行ったことがありますか. Have you visited foreign countries, say America? Have you ever been to foreign countries, such as America? 早く出発したほうがよいだろうか. Would it be better to start early? Should I start early? トニーと母親は町の真ん中で,バスに乗りました. Tony and his mother got on a bus in the middle of the town. Tony and his mother took a bus in the middle of town. その事故はある十字路で起こった. The accident took place at a crossroads. The accident happened on a crossroad. 彼女は私たちにおいしい夕食を作ってくれました. She cooked us a delicious dinner. She made us a good dinner. 選挙の結果その党は政権の一角を占めた. The election gave the party a role in the government. The election resulted in the party's taking over of the regime. 担当者とかわります. I'll transfer you to the right person. I'll replace the man in charge. 何をすべきか私は迷っている. I'm not sure what I should do. I am at a loss what to do. 申し訳ありません,全席予約済みです. Sorry, but we're booked up. I'm sorry, all seats are reserved. ちょうど手紙を書き終えたところです. I've just finished writing a letter. I have just finished writing a letter. お昼いつもどこで食べてるの? Where do you usually eat lunch? Where do you usually eat lunch? 英語ではクラスで彼の右に出る者はいない. He is second to none in English in his class. In English, no one comes to his right hand in class. その公園には200本もの木がある. There are no less than two hundred trees in the park. There are as many as two hundred trees in the park. 彼は来る日も来る日も熱心に勉強した. He studied hard day after day. He studied hard day after day. 彼女は息子を深く愛している. She loves her son dearly. She loves her son deeply. 彼は率直に私の欠点を指摘した. He frankly pointed out my faults. He pointed out my faults frankly. 彼の父親が大変がっかりしたのは,彼がその計画に失敗したことだった. He failed in the scheme, much to the disappointment of his father. His father's great disappointment was that he failed in the plan. 彼は店に行った. He's gone to the shops. He went to the store. これらのレコードは"枚2千円です. These records are 2,000 yen each. These records are 2,000 yen each. 高知の気候は京都の気候よりも暖かい. The climate of Kochi is warmer than that of Kyoto. The well-known climate is warmer than that of Kyoto. 旱魃は食糧不足を招いた. The drought led to an insufficiency of food. Zhao led to a shortage of food. 添削していただいてありがとうございました. Thank you for the corrections. Thank you for sharpening it. 救援作戦はオペレーション・トモダチと名付けられた. The rescue operation was called "Operation Tomodachi." The rescue operation was called an operating friend. あなたの名前に聞き覚えがあります. Your name sounds familiar to me. Your name sounds familiar. 後になって,やめておけばよかったなんて,思ったりしない? I know you want to marry me now, but don't you think you'll have second thoughts afterward? Don't you think I shouldn't have done that later? 先生は私に質問を浴びせ始めた. The teacher began to shoot questions at me. The teacher began to ask me questions. 新しい彼氏できたら教えてね. Tell me if you find a new boyfriend. Let me know when you have a new boyfriend. アメリカでは何語が話されていますか. What language is spoken in the USA? What languages are spoken in the United States? このアパートは一人には広すぎる. This apartment is too big for one person. This apartment is too large for one person. 銃をしまえ. Holster your weapon. Put the gun down. すこし落ち着け吉祥,おのぼりさん丸出しだぞ. Calm down a little, Kissho, your bumpkin nature is standing out! Take it easy, Yoshimi. It's the first time in a while. 日本の実質GNP成長率は5%だった. Japan's inflation-adjusted GNP growth rate was 5%. Japan had a real GNP growth rate at 5%. 彼はアルコールを一切飲まない. He never drinks alcohol. He doesn't drink at all. 彼は住むところを探しています. He's looking for a place to live. He is looking for a place to live. 悲しい出来事は忘れなさい. Forget the sad affair. Forget the sad event. 彼女は試験にトップで合格した. She passed first in the exam. She passed the examination at the top. 地下鉄の入り口を教えていただけますか. Can you tell me where the subway entrance is? Could you tell me the entrance to the subway? 彼女はよく私にいたずらをしたものだった. She would often play tricks on me. She would often play tricks on me. 田中さんに電話をつないでください. Please put me through to Mr Tanaka. Please put me through to Mr Tanaka. アレックスは,たとえその物体を以前に見たことが無くとも,正確にその物体と色を説明した. Alex would correctly describe the object and color, even if he had never seen that object before. Alex explained exactly the color of the object, even though he had never seen it before. 私はそれら2つの違いが説明できない. I can't explain the difference between those two. I can't account for the two differences. ぼくは,空手部に所属しています. I belong to the karate club. I belong to the Air Force. 天気がいいときはここから島がみえます. In clear weather, we can see the island from here. We can see the island from here when the weather is good. 調子にのって危険を冒すなよ. Don't push your luck. Don't put yourself in danger. 誰が迷子の犬を見つけたのですか. Who has found a lost dog? Who found the lost dog? もう寝る時間だぞ. It's time to go to bed. It's time to go to bed. これは思ってたより難しかった. This was more difficult than I thought it would be. This was harder than I thought. ドアを閉められるように,もう少し前に進んでもらえますか. Could you move forward so we can close the door? Could you move forward a little longer so you can close the door? 手紙を書いた方がいいと思いますか. Do you think I should write? Do you think you should write a letter? こんな自分から抜け出せるのか. Will I make it through? Can you get out of yourself like this? ロンドンの地下鉄には,プラットホームから地下鉄に乗る際の"溝に注意"という警告がある. In the London underground there is a warning to "mind the gap" when boarding the train. London's subway has a warning warning against a ditch when taking the subway from the platform. 私は鳥ではないが,鳥になりたい. I am not a bird, but I'd like to be. I'm not a bird, but I want to be a bird. トムって頑固だと思う. I think Tom is obstinate. I think Tom is stubborn. トムが正しいと信じています. I believe Tom is right. I believe Tom is right. あなたはすぐにそこの食べ物や飲み物の楽しみ方がわかってくるでしょう. You'll soon come to enjoy the food and drink here. You will soon learn how to enjoy food and drink there. ちょっとした裏話を聞かせてあげよう. Let me tell you a little bit of the inside story. Let me tell you a bit of a back story. 私は昨晩レストランで偶然先生に会った. I happened to run into my teacher at the restaurant last night. I ran into my teacher at a restaurant last night. 混雑していたので道に迷った. I lost my way in the crowded street. As it was crowded, I lost my way. お腹がぺこぺこです. I'm very hungry. I'm hungry. あなたは"0時に家にいましたか. Were you home at ten? Were you at home at ten? 昨日は沢山料理をした. スープでしょ,ビスケットでしょ,それか. I had a very productive day of cooking yesterday; I made soup, biscuits, and two pies. I did a lot of cooking yesterday. It's soup, biscuits, that's it. 音楽といえば,君はどんな音楽がすきなの. Talking of music, what kind of music do you like? Speaking of music, what kind of music do you like? どんな犠牲を払っても,彼女を助けなければならない. I must help her at any cost. No matter what the cost, we must help her. この機械は,誰によって発明されたのですか. By whom was this machine invented? By whom was this machine invented? 不幸が彼の身に起こった. A misfortune befell him. Misfortunate happened to him. ジョーンズ先生はコンピューターを教えています. Mrs. Jones is teaching computer science. Mr Jones teaches computers. 私はスキーの仕方を知っています. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. 昨夜ここで子供がひかれた. A child was run over here last night. A child was run over here last night. 実際のところ,完全に筋が通っている. Actually, it makes perfect sense. In fact, it makes perfect sense. 試合は中止になった. The game was called off. The game was called off. 彼は警官を見るとすぐ,逃げた. As soon as he saw a policeman, he ran away. As soon as he saw the policeman, he ran away. 私の息子は,高校に入学した. My son entered high school. My son entered high school. アリスは長い滑り台を滑った. Alice slid down the long slide. Alice slipped on a long slide. 変わりはないかい. What's new? Is everything all right? このメディアには記録することができない. It is not possible to record in this media. This media can't be recorded. この雑誌の発行部数はどのくらいですか. How many subscribers does this magazine have? What is the number of copies of this magazine? 生きていることを実感する. I feel alive. I feel alive. お呼びする相手方のお名前は? What's the name of the party you're calling? What's the name of the person you're calling? 彼の書斎には少なくとも"000冊の本がある. He has not less than 1,000 books in his study. There are at least 1,000 books in his study. 食べ物にお金を全部使うようなことはするな,と私は彼に忠告した. I advised him not to spend all his money on food. I advised him not to spend all his money on food. 朝,7時までに新聞は配達されなくてはならない. The newspaper should be delivered by 7 o'clock in the morning. The paper must be delivered by seven in the morning. 私はこの上なくさびしく,孤独だ. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I am as lonely and lonely as ever. 彼女は会社ではおじさんで通っている. She is known as auntie at the office. She goes by uncle at the office. 両親には従わねばなりません. You are to obey your parents. You must obey your parents. 私は論文を書き終えるつもりであったのだが. I meant to have finished writing the paper. I intended to have finished writing the paper. お釣りは取っておいて. Keep the change. Keep the change. 彼女の美しさに魅せられて彼は彼女と結婚した. Her beauty drew him on to marry her. He married her because of her beauty. ここから動くな. Don't move from here. Don't move from here. 素直に言って君は最善を尽くしていない. Frankly speaking, you haven't tried your best. Frankly speaking, you are not doing your best. 何か悪いことでもあったの? What is the matter with you? What's wrong with you? あるアメリカの科学者ウィリアム・キートンはこの謎を説くために非常に面白い実験をしました. One American scientist, William Keeton, used a very interesting experiment to solve this mystery. One American scientist, William Keeton, made a very interesting experiment to explain this mystery. 子供には愛情が必要だ. A child needs love. Children need love. 彼らは昨日銀行から金を奪った. They robbed the bank of some money yesterday. They robbed the bank yesterday. 秋には山全体が紅葉する. In autumn all the leaves on the mountain change color. The whole mountain turns red in autumn. 彼女は年金で生計を立てなければならない. She has to live on the pension. She has to earn her living on her pension. 会議で使った書類の片づけを頼まれた. I was asked to put away all the papers we used at the meeting. I was asked to clean up the papers I had used at the meeting. 彼女は息子の安否を大変気づかった. She became agitated about her son's safety. She was very conscious of her son's safety. 彼女はピアノを弾くことができますか. Does she play the piano? Can she play the piano? ちょっと休んだほうがいいよ. You should get some rest. You should take a rest. 何も見えなかったです. I saw nothing at all. I couldn't see anything. 月に旅行ができる日がすぐにやってくることを望んでいます. I hope the day will soon come when we can travel to the moon. I hope the day will soon come when I can travel on the moon. かくして僕らはたくさんの時間を空費する. In this way, we waste a lot of time. So we waste a lot of time. 父方の祖母は百歳になった. My grandmother on my father's side has turned one hundred. My grandmother on my father's side turned 100. 彼がひとりでその仕事を完成したはずがない. He cannot have completed the work by himself. He cannot have finished the work by himself. 私とタトエバ,どっちが大事なの? Which is more important, me or Tatoeba? Which is more important, me or Tatoeba? この生活に疲れた. I'm tired of living this life. I'm tired of this life. ジルとジョンは来月結婚する. John and Jill will take their vows as husband and wife next month. Jill and John will get married next month. それが濡れている That is wet. It's wet. 私は眼鏡なしで読書できる. I can read without glasses. I can read without glasses. この建物は程なく完工だ. This building is near completion. This building is soon a carpenter. 時がどんどんたってゆく. Time is going by very quickly. Time goes on and on. たくさん働いたおかげで彼は成功した. He succeeded because he worked hard. A lot of work enabled him to succeed. なんてよい天気なのだろう. What a lovely day! What fine weather! 医者はすぐ手術することにした. The doctor decided to operate at once. The doctor decided to operate at once. どのスポーツが好きですか? Which sports do you like? Which sport do you like? 魂の吐息を感じ始めた. I'm feeling the breath of life. I began to feel the breath of my soul. お元気ですか. お久しぶりですね. How are you doing? I haven't seen you for an age! How are you? It's been a long time. 彼女には欠点がいくつかあるけど,そのため一層ぼくは彼女が好きなのだ. She has some faults, but I love her all the more because of them. She has some faults, which is why I like her all the more. 私にできることが何かありますか. Is there anything I can do for you? Is there anything I can do? 時限爆弾が大音響とともに爆発した. The time bomb exploded with a loud noise. The time bomb exploded with a loud noise. 彼女はそのドレスが気に入っている. She is pleased with the dress. She is pleased with the dress. 訴訟は未決である. The lawsuit remains undecided. The case is still open. 何もすることがないなら,寝た方がいい. There's nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed. If you have nothing to do, you had better go to bed. この老人が本当に川を泳ぎ渡ったんだ. This old man actually swam across the river. This old man really swam across the river. タバコを吸わなければ,長生きできるだろう. You will live longer if you don't smoke. If you don't smoke, you'll live long. 彼は心を鬼にして同情心を押さえた. He steeled himself against compassion. He was a demon of his mind and held back his sympathy. 彼女はいとこのために誕生日を祝う食事を計画した. She planned a birthday dinner for her cousin. She planned a meal for her cousin to celebrate his birthday. 彼は今でも故国を恋しく思っている. He is still aching for his home. He still misses his native country. 昔この習慣は日本中で普及していた. These customs used to prevail all over Japan. In times past, this custom was popular all over Japan. あの建物は何ですか. What's that building? What is that building? 夢は必ずしも実現しないものだ. One's dreams do not always come true. Dreams do not always come true. 今夜は満月が見られる. A full moon can be seen tonight. We can see the full moon tonight. うまく行った! It worked. It worked! 彼は顎鬚を生やしている. He has a beard. He is growing his chin. 人生は楽しい. Life is enjoyable. Life is fun. 優れた教育の価値は金銭でははかれない. The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money. Money is not the value of a good education. これは私が家で撮った写真です. This is the picture I took in my house. This is a picture I took at home. 大麦と小麦を一目見て見分けられますか. Can you tell barley and wheat apart by just quickly looking at it? Can you tell barley from wheat at first sight? 彼女はとても穏やかだ. She is as modest as anything. She is very calm. 私は英語にみがきをかけたい. I would like to brush up my English. I want to brush up my English. 彼女に傘をさしかけた. I held the umbrella over her. I gave her an umbrella. 彼らを見送る必要は無い. There's no need to see them off. You don't have to see them off. 誰かがドアをたたいている. Someone's knocking on the door. Someone is knocking at the door. ラジオでその土地の短いニュース番組がある. There is a short program of local news on the radio. There is a short news program on the radio on the land. 彼は理性的な人だ. He is a man of reason. He is a man of reason. 彼は私にひどい仕打ちをした. He did me a great wrong. He treated me badly. ある4月の天気の良い日に,私は散歩に出かけた. One sunny day in April, I went out for a walk. On a fine April day, I went out for a walk. その宇宙船は2度と地球に戻れない運命になった. The spaceship was never to return to the earth. The spaceship was never to return to the earth. スープを飲むとき音をたてるな. Don't make noises when you eat soup. Don't make a noise when you drink soup. 熱帯雨林は一日数万ヘクタールの割合でなくなっている. The rainforests are disappearing at the rate of tens of thousands of hectares a day. The rain forest is no more than tens of thousands of hectares a day. 良いフライトを! Have a nice flight. Have a good flight! 私はピアノを弾くのが好きです. I like playing the piano. I like playing the piano. 冬でもなおアスパラガスが食べられる. You can still get asparagus in the winter. Asparagus can still be eaten in the winter. その議員は政治資金に関する法案を提出したが通らなかった. The member of the Diet brought in a bill on political contribution, but it didn't pass. The senator turned in a bill for political funding but failed to pass. 彼は60歳のとき定年で会社を辞めた. He retired from the company at the age of 60. He left his office at the age of sixty. はしで食べるのは難しいですか. Is eating with chopsticks difficult? Is it difficult to eat with chopsticks? 悲しい知らせをお聞きになっているでしょう. You will have heard the sad news. You must have heard the sad news. 彼女はトルコ人の彼がいる. She's got a Turkish boyfriend. She has a Turkish boyfriend. 物理は私の苦手な学科です. Physics is my weak subject. Physics is a subject that I don't like. トムは政治に関する話は好まない. Tom doesn't like talking about politics. Tom doesn't like talking about politics. ちょっと話がわからないんですが. I don't quite understand what you are saying. I don't understand a word. ゲームを中断しさえしなければいいですよ. As long as it doesn't interrupt the game! You have only to interrupt the game. 勝利の報道はいささか早まったということが判明した. The report of victory turned out to be a little premature. The news of the victory turned out to be rather early. 学校に着いたとき,競争は終わっていました. Arriving at school, I found the race was over. The race was over when I got to school. 彼女は何か利己的な動機で行動している. She is acting from some selfish motive. She is acting with some selfish motive. 今日彼女が来るような気がする. I have a feeling that she will come today. I feel like she's coming today. 料理では私は彼女にかなわない. I am no match for her in cooking. I can't match her in cooking. あなたの行くところどこまでも参ります. I will follow you wherever you go. I will come wherever you go. 自分が約束したことはちゃんと実行するように最善を尽くすべきだ. You should do your best to carry out your promises. You should do your best to carry out what you have promised. 彼らは新領主を尊敬できなかった. They were not able to respect their new lord. They couldn't look up to their new lord. 彼の両親は上京する予定です. Both of his parents are coming to Tokyo. His parents are going to Tokyo. 当地の気候は英国と非常に似ている. The climate here is very similar to that of England. The climate here is very similar to that of England. トム,死なないでね. Tom, don't die. Don't die, Tom. 午後6時30分に帝国ホテルのロビーで会いましょう. Let's meet in the lobby of the Imperial Hotel at 6:30 p.m. I'll meet you at the lobby of the Imperial Hotel at 6:30 p.m. 私は,この旅で心底共に戦った,スクラントン通りで育ち,デラウエアの自宅へ帰る電車に揺られるような人々に演説をしてきたパートナーに感謝したい. 合衆国副大統領のジョー・バイデン氏だ. I want to thank my partner in this journey, a man who campaigned from his heart, and spoke for the men and women he grew up with on the streets of Scranton, and rode with on the train home to Delaware, the vice president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. I'd like to thank my partner for giving a speech to people who have been raised on Scranton Street and who have been shaken by the train back to their homes in Delaware, the vice president of the United States, Joe Baiden. ご友情は私にはたいそう尊いものです. Your friendship means a lot to me. Your friendship is very precious to me. トムはあなたの友達です. Tom is your friend. Tom is your friend. 一介の学生にすぎないので,私は結婚する余裕がない. Being only a student, I can't afford to get married. I can't afford to get married because I'm just a student. 彼は骸骨のようにやせている. He looks just like a skeleton. He is thin as a skeleton. 夜空にUFOがちらりと見えた. I had a glimpse of a UFO in the night sky. I could see a UFO in the night sky. 旅行に行く暇もないし,また金もない. I can afford neither the time nor the money for a trip. I don't have time to travel, nor do I have any money. 私たちはみな収穫の手伝いをした. We all helped with the harvest. We all helped with the harvest. 私は新しい家に完全に満足している. I am fully satisfied with my new house. I am completely satisfied with my new house. 私が彼の家へ行ったらすでに彼は連れて行かれたあとだった. When I got to his house, he had already been taken away. When I went to his house, he had already been taken. イギリス式の朝食はイギリス帝国の建設者たちによって流行らせたものだ. The English breakfast was made popular by the architects of the British Empire. English breakfast was popular with the builders of the British Empire. 夕食ができたよ. Dinner is ready! Dinner is ready. トムはリストラされた. Tom was made redundant. Tom was rejected as a list. 彼が現れた時,私達は彼のうわさをしていた. We were talking about him when he appeared. We were gossiping about him when he showed up. 私の知る限りでは,彼らはいつも約束を守る. As far as I know, they always keep their word. As far as I know, they always keep their promises. あなたはそんな大金をどうやって手に入れたのですか. How did you get such a large amount of money? How did you come by such a large sum of money? この病気を治すことは今のところ医学的に不可能だ. At present it is medically impossible to cure this disease. It is now medically impossible to cure this disease. 私たちは身動きもしなかったし,物音一つ立てなかった. We neither moved nor made any noise. We didn't even move, nor did we make a noise. ちょっと待って,何しようとしてるの? Hold up, what do you think you're doing? Wait a minute. What are you doing? あなたは横断歩道ではもっと注意すべきだ. You should be more careful at a crosswalk. You should be more careful on the crosswalk. 私は学校でめったに彼に会ったことがなかった. I rarely saw him at school. I had seldom met him at school. トムはメアリーがどのように暮らしを立てているのか知らない. Tom doesn't know what Mary does for a living. Tom doesn't know how Mary makes her living. 戦争はその国に破滅をもたらした. The war brought ruin to the country. The war brought destruction to the country. まさか惚れたんですか. 認めん,認めんぞ. あの男を義弟になるなんて,僕は絶対いやです! You haven't fallen in love have you!? I won't have it! Having that man become my brother-in-law; I absolutely hate that! Did you ever fall in love with him? No, I won't admit it. I certainly wouldn't want him to be my brother-in-law! 間食はよくない習慣だ. Eating between meals is a bad habit. It's a bad habit to eat between meals. 彼女は先週旅行に出かけた. She set off on a trip last week. She set out on a trip last week. 何か弁解する事があるか. What have you got to say for yourself? Do you have any excuses? トムはいつもメアリーのお金の使い方について愚痴をこぼしている. Tom is always complaining about how much Mary spends. Tom is always complaining about Mary's spending money. トムはボートから転落して行方不明になった. Tom fell from the boat and was lost. Tom fell off the boat and went missing. 何時にその店が閉められるか知っていますか. Do you know what time the shop is closed? Do you know what time the store can be closed? その彫刻家は木で仏像を刻んだ. The sculptor carved wood into an image of Buddha. The sculptor carved a Buddhist statue from a tree. 彼は銀行に行き両替した. He went to the bank and changed his money. He went to the bank and exchanged money for money. この家は火事でも燃えない. This house is fireproof. This house won't burn even if it burns. 彼らは贅沢三味の暮らしをしているぜ. They're eating high on the hog. They live in luxury. 今週メアリーは期末試験の準備のために夜遅くまで起きている. Mary is sitting up late this week to prepare for her finals. Mary has been up late this week to prepare for her term exams. ちょっ,お前なんでここにいんの? Wait, why are you here? Hey, why are you here? あの少年は走っています. That boy is running. That boy is running. 車を修理するのに大変金がかかった. It cost me a fortune to get my car repaired. It cost me a lot of money to repair the car. 速すぎてついていけないよ. I can't keep pace with you. I can't keep up with you because you're too fast. 最近虫が多くなった. Recently the number of worms increased. Recently there have been more bugs. ねずみが鳥でないのと同様に蝙蝠は鳥ではない. A bat is no more a bird than a rat is. A squirrel is no more a bird than a mouse is. 日本行きの費用を大学が出してくれた. The university paid my way to Japan. The university paid for the trip to Japan. 2日間,雨が降り続いている. It has been raining for two days. It has been raining for two days. そのころメキシコはまだスペインから独立していなかった. At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. At that time, Mexico was not yet independent of Spain. 昨日,ひょんなことで父親の戸籍抄本のコピーを見てしまいました. Yesterday I stumbled across a copy of my father's family register. I saw a copy of my father's book yesterday for some reason. 私が例文を作ったら,訂正していただけますか. If I create an example, will you correct it for me? If I make an example sentence, will you correct it? 彼は外科医である上に著名な作家であった. Besides being a surgeon, he was a famous writer. He was not only a surgeon but also a famous writer. 彼は物思いにふけっていると,名を呼ばれた. While he was lost in thought, he heard his name called. When he was absorbed in thought, he was called by his name. まさか彼女がそんな事をやるとはおもえない. I hardly think she'd do that. I can't believe she will do such a thing. 私の父は食べ物には大変やかましい. My father cares much about food. My father is very particular about food. あなたが試験に合格したことを喜んでいます. I am pleased that you have passed the exam. I am glad that you passed the examination. 彼は歩きながら口笛を吹いた. He whistled as he walked. He whistled as he walked. あなたは上手に踊れるようになるだろう. You will be able to dance well. You will be able to dance well. 彼女は病気から回復した. She has got over her illness. She recovered from her illness. 地震では地面は上下,そして横に揺れる. In an earthquake, the ground can shake up and down, or back and forth. In an earthquake, the ground shakes up and down. 苦あれば楽あり. You have to take the good with the bad. It's easy when you have a hard time. 私は私達自身でそれをした. We did it ourselves. I did it ourselves. 彼の職業は弁護士です. He is a lawyer by profession. He is a lawyer in his profession. 私は昨日映画を見に行きました. I went to see the movies yesterday. I went to see a movie yesterday. 今夜は私におごらせてください. Let me pay tonight. Let me buy you a drink tonight. 電話番号を教えてくれませんか? May I have your phone number? Can you give me your phone number? 音楽ほどの喜びを与えてくれるものはほとんどない. Few things give us as much pleasure as music. Few things give as much pleasure as music. 私は昨日空港で旧友に偶然出会った. Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport. I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport yesterday. 彼はベンチに腰を下ろしていません. He is not sitting on a bench. He isn't sitting on the bench. 王子と道化師は共通点が多かった. The prince and the jester had a lot in common. The prince and the clown had much in common. トムはバスを降りた. Tom got off the bus. Tom got off the bus. ここだけの話だが彼は上司ににらまれている. Between you and me, he's in trouble with the boss. Between ourselves, he is in love with his boss. 充分母乳を飲んでくれません. She doesn't drink enough breast milk. I don't drink enough breast milk. 交通手段なら彼に任せておけば大丈夫です. I know you can rely on him for transportation. You can leave it to him for transportation. 彼のコンサートは素晴らしかった. His concert was very good. His concert was wonderful. りんごはいくつ入っている? How many apples are there? How many apples do you have? 私は家賃に週に50ドルしか払えない. I can pay no more than $50 a week for rent. I can pay only fifty dollars a week for my rent. この橋はあの橋より長さが2倍だ. This bridge is two times the length of that bridge. This bridge is twice as long as that one. 彼女の答えは,優等生的で,面白みに欠けていた. Her answer was straight out of the textbook - nothing interesting. Her answer was esoteric and uninteresting. ここが彼が死んだ場所だと信じられている. This is believed to be the place where he died. It is believed that this is where he died. 子どもの時さ,長靴をはいて水たまりの中をバシャバシャ入って遊ばなかったか? Didn't you ever put on rubber boots as a kid and have fun splashing water in puddles? When I was a child, didn't you wear boots and play in the water? 彼は私たちの学校の先生です. He is a teacher at our school. He is our school teacher. 悪友は避けるべきだ. You should keep away from bad company. You should avoid bad friends. 太郎は彼女の父親の容態を尋ねた. Taro asked after her father. Taro asked after her father. 彼は来れば必ず人の悪口を言う. He never comes without complaining of others. He never comes but speaks ill of others. どうして私のと同じカメラを買ったのですか. Why did you buy the same camera I have? Why did you buy the same camera as mine? あなたはテニスが上手ですか. Are you good at tennis? Are you good at tennis? 彼女は寝る前に祈ったものだ. She used to pray before going to bed. She used to pray before going to bed. "何にやにやしてんの?""今すれ違ったJKめっちゃかわいかった" "Why are you grinning?" "The high school girls we just passed are really cute." "What are you doing so hard?" "I was really cute for JK that I just lost." 旅行はどうだった? How was your trip? How was your trip? 彼を見ると必ず兄を思い出す. I cannot see him without thinking of my brother. I never see him without thinking of my brother. 商社はアジアの新しい市場に目をつけています. Trade companies aim at a new market in Asia. Business companies are looking at a new market in Asia. 彼は私に,私が何を必要としているかを尋ねた. He asked me what I needed. He asked me what I needed. 私はオランダ語分かりませ ん. 難しいです. I don't understand Dutch. It's difficult. I don't understand Dutch, it's difficult. 彼は両手をこすりあわせた. He rubbed his hands together. He rubed his hands together. 私は何が起こったのか知りたかった. I wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know what had happened. 私は今手紙を書いています. I am writing a letter now. I'm writing a letter now. 彼女は子供達の間に立っていた. She was standing among children. She stood among the children. 彼女の意見は正しい. She is right in her opinions. She is correct in her opinion. お金持ってる? Do you have any money? Do you have any money? 泥棒は窓から侵入したらしい. The thief seemed to break in through a window. It seems that the thief broke through the window. 彼女は時々母に髪をカットしてもらう. She sometimes has her mother cut her hair. She sometimes has her mother cut her hair. 私はその川を泳いで渡ることが出来た. I was able to swim across the river. I was able to swim across the river. 疲れていてもう歩けなかった. I was too tired to walk any farther. I was too tired to walk any longer. 私の計画はスコットランドの古城を訪れることです. My plan is visiting old castles in Scotland. My plan is to visit the old castle of Scotland. 考え直してみるわ. I'll think it over. I'll think it over. ボストンに来ています. I'm in Boston. I'm coming to Boston. 先の事など誰にも予想できない. You never can tell what'll happen in the future. No one can foresee the future. 特に大都会では排気ガスの抑制が必要だ. The control of exhaust gas is especially needed in big cities. It is necessary to control exhaust gases, especially in large cities. 英国人は概して保守的である. Englishmen are, on the whole, conservative. Englishmen are generally conservative. 試験が近づいている. The examination is approaching. The examination is approaching. ちょっとその辺をブラブラしました. I wandered around for a while. I'm kind of out of my mind. おじさんが私に時計を買ってくれた,そしてそれは時間が正確だ. My uncle bought me a watch, which keeps good time. My uncle bought me a watch, and it's time right. 彼女はその結婚に同意した. She gave her assent to the match. She agreed to the marriage. 彼は私たちの期待をおおいにかきたてたが,落胆させただけだった. He raised our expectations only to disappoint us. He was very excited about our expectations, but he only let us down. この事件は会社のいい宣伝になった. This event was good publicity for the company. This case became a good publicity for the company. 彼女に一筆書いてみたらどうですか. Why don't you drop her a line? Why don't you write to her? 木村さんという人からあなたにお電話です. There is a Mr. Kimura on the line for you. A Mr Kimura calls you. 東京で歌舞伎を見た. I saw a kabuki play in Tokyo. I saw Kabuki in Tokyo. 彼はもっと分別があってもよい年だ. He is old enough to know better. He is old enough to know better. トムはラケットを地面に置いた. Tom laid the racket on the ground. Tom put the racket on the ground. 生産て言うのもおこがましいな. 処理くらいじゃないか. It's presumptuous to say that it's "production." Isn't it more processing? It's not just how we process it, it's also what we produce and say it's really cool. あなたがたの学校祭はいつですか. When is your school festival? When is your school festival? 彼らはカレー経由でパリにいった. They went to Paris by way of Calais. They went to Paris by way of curry. 同性をセクハラで訴えることできないのかしら. I wonder if you can sue someone of the same sex for sexual harassment? Can't you sue me for sexual harassment? 今日は弟の二十二歳の誕生日です. Today is my little brother's twenty-second birthday. Today is my brother's 22nd birthday. 彼の今日のテストの点は昨日取った点の二倍だ. His score on the test today is twice what he got yesterday. His test today is twice as good as I took yesterday. うちの庭は猫の額ほどの狭さなんですよ. We have just a tiny bit of garden. Our garden is as small as a cat's forehead. 私たちは8時半に学校に着きました. We reached school at eight-thirty. We got to school at half past eight. トムの胸は悲しみでいっぱいだった. Tom's heart was filled with sorrow. Tom's heart was filled with sorrow. このサイトでは日本語はふりがながついてスペースを取るので,関心のない人にとっては結構ジャマなんじゃないかと心配してしまう. I worry that, because the Japanese lines in this site are written with furigana, they take up a lot of space, and the people who don't even care about them in the first place might find them annoying. Because this site pretends to be Japanese and takes up space, I'm afraid it's a little out of the way for those who don't care. 塩を回してくださいませんか. Can you pass me the salt, please? Could you pass me the salt, please? 私にはコンピューターを修理することができない. I can't repair the computer. I can't fix my computer. 私は彼が無実であると確信しています. I am convinced of his innocence. I am sure of his innocence. どのくらい洋行していたのですか. How long have you been abroad? How long have you been out in the sea? 医者が私に当分の間は酒を控えるように助言した. My physician advised me to refrain from alcohol for the time being. The doctor advised me to refrain from drinking for the time being. 子供達の一団が戯れていた. A group of children were playing. A group of children were playing. 彼女はいつも私に素っ気ない. She always gives me the cold shoulder. She is always away from me. 彼女はまだここに来ていない. She hasn't come here yet. She hasn't come here yet. "9世紀には産業革命が起こった. The 19th century saw the Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution took place in the 19th century. 私が帰宅したとき,トムは勉強していました. When I came home, Tom was studying. Tom was studying when I came home. 彼には三人の息子がいる. He has three sons. He has three sons. "泊50ドルくらいのダブルの部屋を一室,今晩から4泊お願いします. I'd like a double for four nights from tonight for about fifty dollars a night. I'd like a double room, about $50 a night, for four nights from tonight. レポートを提出する前に必ずもう一度目を通しなさい. Be sure to look over your paper again before you hand it in. Be sure to look again before handing in your report. ギターをひいている少年は僕の弟です. The boy playing the guitar is my younger brother. The boy playing the guitar is my brother. 昭二は軍人上がりの教師です. Akiji is a soldier turned teacher. Akiko is a teacher from the military. 彼女の新しい小説は前作とは対照的にとても面白い. Her new novel is really interesting as opposed to her last one. Her new novel is very interesting in contrast with her previous one. "親父これって・・・真剣?""当たり前だろう,決闘なのだからな" "Dad, this a real sword?" "Of course, it is a duel after all." "Father, is this... serious?" "Of course, it's a duel." 彼は健康のため禁煙した. He has given up smoking for the sake of his health. He gave up smoking for his health. あなたの予約の確認はこちらで行います. We'll reconfirm your reservation for you. I'll make sure of your reservation here. 理科のテストでDをもらった. I got a D on my science test. I got a D on my science test. トムはその写真を見た. Tom looked at the photograph. Tom saw the picture. 彼はその危険に気がつかなかった. He was not aware of the danger. He was unaware of the danger. 君はいつも私のあら捜しをしている. You are always finding fault with me. You are always finding fault with me. あした父が帰る. Dad is coming home tomorrow. My father will come home tomorrow. 人間は複雑な有機体だ. Man is a complex organism. Man is a complex organism. 彼女の声は震えていた. There was a tremble in her voice. Her voice was trembling. 戦争後,イギリスは多くの植民地を得た. After the war, Britain had many colonies. After the war, England gained many colonies. 彼の答案にはまちがいが"つもない. There isn't a single mistake in his paper. There is nothing wrong with his paper. 坂を下りるときに彼女のおんぼろ自転車はキーキー音を立てた. Her old bike squeaked as she rode down the hill. Her old bicycle made a key sound as she went down the hill. 彼女は庭の小道を歩いていた. She was walking along a garden path. She was walking along the path of the garden. あの娘のことが本当に気に入っている. I really like that girl. I really like that girl. 彼の妻は彼のためにドアを開けた. His wife opened the door for him. His wife opened the door for him. 只で得られる助言は,常に良い助言であるとは限りません. Free advice isn't always good advice. Counsel that comes only by itself is not always good advice. 監督は打者にバントのサインを送った. The manager sent the bunt sign to the batter. The director sent the hiter a bant sign. 家族で一週間留守にします. My family will be away for a week. My family is away for a week. 私達はどうにか時間どおりにそこについた. We managed to get there on time. We managed to get there on time. その写真は法廷内の緊張を非常によくとらえている. The photo catches the tension in the court very well. The picture captures the tension of the court very well. ラジオの音量を下げてもらえませんか. Will you please turn down the radio? Could you turn down the radio? 髪を切ってもらった方がいいよ. You had better have your hair cut. You had better have your hair cut. 厄介事は御免だよ私は. I don't want any trouble. I don't want any trouble. トムはただの学校の友達だよ. Tom is just a friend from school. Tom is just a school friend. そのボートは犬が運転している. The boat is run by the dog. The boat is driven by a dog. 彼らは思ったよりうまいでした. They were better than I expected. They were better than I thought. 僕はここに来れて嬉しいよ,トム. I'm happy to be here, Tom. I'm glad I came here, Tom. 彼は少年時代わんぱくだった. He was naughty when a boy. He was lazy when he was a boy. 彼女はブラインドを降ろした. She pulled the blinds down. She put down her blinds. 彼は即答を得た. He won an immediate response. He got an immediate answer. これとあれとの違いは何ですか. What is the difference between this and that? What's the difference between this and that? 弁護士は裁判官に被告人達の年齢を考慮するように求めた. The lawyer asked the judge to make allowance for the age of the accused. The lawyer asked the judge to consider the age of the accused. 川が町の中を流れている. The river runs through the town. A river flows through the town. 人はよく私を私の兄と間違える. People often take me for my brother. People often take me for my brother. 突然野ウサギが畑を走って横切っていくのを見た. All of a sudden, I saw a rabbit running across the field. All of a sudden, I saw a rabbit running across the field. 彼の死は私たちみんなを驚かさせた. His death surprised us all. His death surprised us all. トムはそれを知りません. Tom doesn't know that. Tom doesn't know that. 君はその本を買う必要がなかったのに. You need not have bought the book. You need not have bought the book. 正直が最上の策であることは言うまでもない. It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy. It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy. 良質の果物が冬には不足し,値段も高くなる. Good fruit is scarce in winter, and costs a lot. Good fruit is scarce in winter and prices are high. 輝くものすべてが金とは限らない. All that glitters isn't gold. Everything that shines is not gold. 彼女は赤ん坊を泣かせたままにしておいた. She left the baby crying. She left her baby crying. 砂糖は全て甘い. All sugar is sweet. All sugar is sweet. サッカーの試合で3-0のスコールは,勝利でなくて何だろう. A soccer score of 3 to 0 is definitely a victory. I wonder what a 3-0 squall is, not a victory, in a soccer game. 彼女は急に笑い出した. She burst into laughter. She burst into laughter. 誰かが玄関に来ているよ. 誰だか見に行ってきて. Someone is at the front door. Go and see who it is. Someone is at the door. Go and see who it is. 彼らはうまくその仕事に就いた. They succeeded in getting that job. They succeeded in getting the job. 彼女は今が青春の盛りだ. She is in the bloom of youth. She is in the bloom of youth now. 彼は来年の選挙に立候補するだろう. He will run for the next year's election. He will run for next year. 私たちは誰でも歴史にはある程度の興味を持っている. ある意味では,みんな歴史家なのである. All of us have some interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians. We all have some interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians. 私は彼が誰か知っている. I know who he is. I know who he is. ダイヤモンドほど硬いものはない. Nothing is as hard as a diamond. Nothing is as hard as a diamond. 彼は若い頃多くの困難を経験した. He went through many hardships in his youth. He went through many difficulties when he was young. 二人の少年の中では彼の方がより有能だ. He is the more able of the two boys. Of the two boys, he is more capable. 私はテニスをします. I play tennis. I play tennis. 彼は私にあなたの名前を言いました. He mentioned your name to me. He told me your name. 中には耐え難いものもある. Some of them are too much to bear. Some things are hard to bear. 母の死は私の生涯に大きな空白を残した. The death of my mother left a big blank in my life. My mother's death left a great void in my life. 私は祖母のことをかすかに覚えている. I have a dim memory of my grandmother. I remember my grandmother a little. 来て下さい. 君にぜひ会いたいから. Please come. I'm anxious to see you. Come and see me. I really want to see you. 私に一回だけ言わせてくれ. Let me say it once for all. Let me just say it once. なすべきことがまだたくさんある. There's still so much to be done. There's still a lot to do. 重力が物を地球の中心に引っ張っている. Gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth. The force of gravity pulls things to the center of the earth. 皆が笑っていた. Everyone laughed. Everyone was laughing. トイレはどこですか. Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? すぐにわかるところにある. It's in plain sight. It's where you'll soon find it. どちらの道をいけば良いのか全く分からなかった. We were quite at a loss which way to go. I had no idea which way to go. 我々は彼におおいに期待している. We expect much of him. We expect much of him. コンサートが始まる前に,その有名なピアニストにインタビューしたいと思っていました. I want to talk to the famous pianist before his concert. Before the concert began, I wanted to interview the famous pianist. 奥さんはお元気? How is the wife? How's your wife? 彼は,彼らに親切そのものだった. He was kindness itself to them. He was all kindness to them. 横浜は日本で最大の都市の一つだ. Yokohama is one of the largest cities in Japan. Yokohama is one of the largest cities in Japan. 彼女はピアノでバイオリン独奏の伴奏をした. She played the piano accompaniment for a violin solo. She accompanied her violin solo on the piano. 私は今の給料を受け入れないといけなかった. I had to come to terms with my present salary. I had to accept my present salary. それをどうするつもりですか. What are you going to do with it? What are you going to do with it? 彼はナイフを研いでいました. He was sharpening a knife. He was sharpening his knife. あの建物の前に立っている人は誰ですか. Who's that standing in front of that building? Who is the man standing in front of that building? その式典は最長で30分になる予定です. That ceremony is scheduled to be no longer than 30 minutes. The ceremony is going to be the longest in thirty minutes. 彼女は自分の意見をなかなか言おうとしない. She is backward in expressing her opinion. She is reluctant to express her opinion. この国では多くの子供たちがその日暮らしをしている. A lot of children live from hand to mouth in this country. Many children live from hand to mouth in this country. 彼はずいぶんため込んだようだ. He seems to have saved a lot of money. He seems to have saved a lot of money. 私はその絵を二万円で売った. I sold the picture for 20,000 yen. I sold the picture for 20,000 yen. 彼らは待った. They waited. They waited. 風邪早く治るといいね. I hope you'll get over your cold soon. I hope you get over your cold early. 動かないで! Don't move! Don't move! 彼は不注意のせいで,足の骨を折った. His carelessness cost him a broken leg. He broke his leg because of carelessness. 雨が降ると彼女はバスに乗る. When it rains, she takes the bus. When it rains, she takes the bus. 来週の日曜までにはその小説を読んでしまっているだろう. By next Sunday, I'll have read through the novel. I will have read the novel by next Sunday. 母が言うには,日本人の子どもは良い子にしているのだが,住んでいるところが非常に遠いので,サンタクロースがプレゼントを持って行かないそうだ. スペインに生まれてよかった. My mother says Japanese kids aren't naughty, but they live very far away, so Santa Claus doesn't bring them gifts. Thank goodness I was born in Spain. Mother says Japanese children are good kids, but they are so far away from where they live that Santa Claus doesn't bring presents. I'm glad I was born in Spain. そして,彼らは,かくれんぼをしてあそんだ. And they would play hide and go seek. And they were playing hide and seek. 私は子供のころ,松田聖子のようなタレントになりたかった. When I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming a star like Seiko Matsuda. When I was a child, I wanted to be a person like Seiko Matsuda. そのケーキはすぐに売り切れるでしょう. The cakes may be sold out soon. The cake will sell out soon. 我々は抵抗か隷属か二者択一をせまられている. We are faced with the alternative of resistance or slavery. We are being made to choose between resistance and slavery. 君は今夜彼の家に彼と連絡をとることができます. You can get in touch with him at his home tonight. You can get in touch with him at his house tonight. あのときトムが電話してくれなかったら,私自殺してたかも. If Tom had not called me then, I might have killed myself. If Tom hadn't called me back then, I would have killed myself. その提案に同意したくなかったが,選択の余地はないように思われた. I was unwilling to agree to the proposal, but it seemed that I had no choice. I didn't want to agree to the proposal, but it seemed that I had no choice. 彼らはここへ来ませんでしたね. They didn't come here, did they? They didn't come here, did they? 彼は新しい月刊誌を出版するつもりだ. He intends to bring out a new monthly magazine. He is going to publish a new monthly magazine. この問題が解けないなら,あなたの先生に尋ねなさい. If you can't solve this problem, ask your teacher. If you can't solve this problem, ask your teacher. 彼は明日ピクニックには行かないでしょう. 私も行きません. He probably won't go on the picnic tomorrow. I won't either. He won't go on a picnic tomorrow. Neither will I. 全員が例外なくその試験を受けなくてはならない. Everybody without exception must take the test. All must take the examination without exception. この前みたいに私をがっかりさせないでね. Don't let me down as you did the other day. Don't let me down like you did last time. 彼のスピーチに失望しました. I was disappointed with his speech. I was disappointed at his speech. 私は子供達を守るのが私の義務だと信じる. I believe it's my duty to protect these children. I believe it my duty to protect the children. 彼女の異常な行動が私たちの疑いを引き起こした. Her unusual behavior caused our suspicions. Her unusual behavior aroused our suspicion. このように話していては話は前に進まない. Talking like this, we are getting nowhere. I can't go on talking like this. トムはフランス語を話す必要はなかった Tom didn't have to speak French. Tom didn't have to speak French. これは塩ではない. This is not salt. This isn't salt. さっきの話はなかったことにしてください. Please forget what we talked about earlier. Please make it clear that we didn't talk about that earlier. これは確かに大ニュースです. This is, indeed, a great piece of news. This is certainly great news. 夏は知らない間に過ぎていた. The summer had gone before I knew. The summer passed before I knew it. 彼らは私をそこへ行かせた. They made me go there. They made me go there. 子供は母の腕にしっかりしがみついていた. The child hung on his mother's arm. The child held fast to his mother's arm. とてもキレイでした. It was very beautiful. It was so beautiful. 日本での売り上げはヨーロッパに比べて少ない. The sales in Japan are small in comparison with those in Europe. Sales in Japan are small compared with those in Europe. 君が思っているほど,トムはフランス語が上手くはないよ. Tom isn't as good at French as you think he is. Tom doesn't speak French as well as you think. 彼は我々の科学研究に大変重要な役割を果たした. He played a very important part in our scientific research. He played a vital role in our scientific research. 今夜のうちに勘定を出しておいてください. Please get my account ready by tonight. Please send out the bill before tonight. 君のワークブックの最初の例題をしなさい. Do the first example in your workbook. Give the first example of your workbook. 親は自分の子供の健康に気を付ける義務がある. Parents have responsibilities to look to their children's health. Parents are obliged to take care of their children's health. この建物内ではたばこを吸ってはいけません. You must not smoke in this building. You must not smoke in this building. この人形は私のです. This doll belongs to me. This doll is mine. 塩で味を付ける. We season with salt. Taste with salt. 彼女はハンドバッグを盗まれた. She had her handbag stolen. She had her handbag stolen. 彼は若いころスキーがうまかった. He could ski well when he was young. He was good at skiing when he was young. 彼は,いわば迷える子羊だ. He is, as it were, a stray sheep. He is, so to speak, a lost lamb. テーブルの下には黒猫がいた. Under the table was a black cat. There was a black cat under the table. 門は6時に閉められる. The gate is closed at six. The gate is shut at six. 私の父は私の金銭的問題を助けてくれた. My father helped me out of my financial difficulties. My father helped me with my financial problems. 今日の世界は食糧生産を促進する必要がある. The world today needs to advance its production of food. The world today needs to promote food production. この銃には弾が入っていません. This gun is out of bullets. There is no bullet in this gun. この自転車は私のものです. This bicycle belongs to me. This bicycle is mine. 私は電話を受けました. I catch the telephone. I got a phone call. 金持ちで自分自身の財産を所有している人は,わずかしかいない. Few rich men own their own property. Few rich people own their own property. 現場に野次馬が集まった. A crowd gathered at the scene. A crowd gathered at the scene. もし万一彼に君を助ける気持ちがあれば,すぐにやってくるだろう. If he would help you, he might come to you at once. If he were willing to help you, he would come at once. お目にかかれて幸いです. I'm very happy to know you. I'm glad to see you. 突然彼女の顔は青くなった. Suddenly, her face was pale. Suddenly, her face turned pale. 彼女の使い走りをしようと一人の少年が待機した. A boy stood by to run errands for her. A boy waited to run for her. 私は300ドル以上のカメラを買う余裕はない. I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can't afford to buy more than 300 dollars of a camera. トムは数字に強い. Tom has a good head for numbers. Tom is strong with numbers. 私が学校に着いたときベルはすでに鳴っていた. The bell had already rung when I got to school. The bell had already rang when I got to school. 少数意見も尊重しなければならない. You must also respect the opinions of the minority. You must respect a minority opinion. 昨日は一日中忙しく働いた. I worked hard all day long yesterday. I was busy all day yesterday. 母親の怒りの厳しさにびっくりした. We were shocked by the intensity of our mother's anger. I was surprised at the severity of the mother's anger. 彼は英国史を勉強した. He studied English history. He studied English history. 彼は列車に乗り遅れないように駅へ急いだ. He hurried to the station so he wouldn't miss the train. He hurried to the station lest he should miss the train. 彼はその知らせを聴いてまっさおになった. He turned pale at the news. He died listening to the news. これを食べたくありません. I won't eat it. I don't want to eat this. その犬が好きです. I like the dog. I like that dog. 目を開けなさい. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. 君たちいつ準備は完了するつもりだい. When will you complete the preparations? When are you going to get ready? 俺らの勝ちー! We won. We won! 彼はきっと成功する. He'll succeed for sure. He is sure to succeed. 批評にそんなに神経質になるな. Don't be so sensitive to criticism. Don't get so nervous about criticism. 鹿は"頭だけで走っていた. The deer was running by itself. The deer was running alone. 残念ながら,冗談ではないんです. I'm afraid not. I'm afraid I'm not joking. 彼は怒気を顔に表した. He looked black with anger. He expressed his anger on his face. 太陽がなければ,我々は生きてゆけないだろう. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. If it were not for the sun, we could not live. 彼女はピアニストで,妹は歌手です. She is a pianist and her sister is a singer. She is a pianist and her sister is a singer. 女兄弟を何人お持ちですか? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? 彼は明治維新からとき起こした. He began his lecture with the Meiji Restoration. He woke me up when I was new. 彼は自動車事故で"人息子を亡くした. He had his only son killed in an automobile accident. He lost his only son in a car accident. 理論的には,私は数学をしている. Theoretically, I'm doing math. Theoretically, I'm doing math. 雨が激しく降っていたが,彼は外出することに決めた. In spite of the heavy rain, he decided to go out. It was raining hard, but he decided to go out. 彼女は彼に大いに腹を立てたので,もう少しで頬をたたくところだった. She got so angry with him that she came very close to hitting him on the cheek. She was so angry with him that she almost hit her cheek. ミルクを一杯いかが. Would you like a cup of milk? How about a glass of milk? 何かあなたにしてあげられることはありますか. Is there anything that I can do for you? Is there anything I can give you? このバラちょうだい. I'll take these roses. Give me this rose. この端午の節句と関係の深いしょうぶは,花は美しくありません. The iris deeply associated with the Boys' Festival does not have a beautiful flower. The flowers are not beautiful in the deep bumps associated with this verb at the end. 面と向かい合って立ちなさい. Stand face to face. Stand face to face. 彼がミスをしないことはまずありえない. It is hardly possible for him not to make any mistake. It is hardly possible that he should not make a mistake. おそらく君は旨く行くさ. Maybe you'll succeed. You're probably going to be okay. 編集者はささいな事実を読者に提供するのに極端に走ることがよくある. Editors often go to extremes in providing their readers with unimportant facts. Editors often go too far to provide their readers with little facts. ピカソの絵を買いたいものだ. I'd like to buy a Picasso. I would like to buy a Picasso picture. 私達は家に帰った後で昼食を食べるつもりです. We'll eat lunch after we get home. We are going to have lunch after we get home. 人柄のほうが財産よりも重要である. What you are is more important than what you have. A person's character is more important than his wealth. この布はもめんでできている. This cloth is made of cotton. This cloth is bound up. 車を洗っているのはジョーンズさんです. The man washing the car is Mr Jones. It is Mr Jones who is washing the car. もはやローンは必要ではない. I no longer need a loan. I don't need a loan anymore. 彼を訪問するつもりでいたができなかった. I expected that I would visit him, but I couldn't. I intended to have called on him, but I couldn't. 私達は,自らの問題について話し合った. We talked over our problems. We discussed our own problems. 彼女は今にも卒倒しそうだった. She was on verge of fainting. She was about to lose her head. あいつってちょっと単純だよな. He's a bit naive. He's a little simple, isn't he? 僕はパースにいます. I'm in Perth. I'm in Pars. 遠くから見るとそれは人の顔のように見えた. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. Seen from a distance, it looked like a man's face. 眠ることができなかった. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. 中国人の友達は何人いますか? How many Chinese friends do you have? How many Chinese friends do you have? 死なない程度の苦労は君を強くする. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. The trouble of not dying makes you strong. 誰が勝とうとたいした事ではない. It makes no matter to me who wins. It doesn't matter who wants to win. ビールもう一杯いかがですか? Would you care for another glass of beer? Would you like another beer? 今年は雪がほとんど降らなかった. We have had little snow this year. We had little snow this year. 彼女は夕食後食卓の上を片付けた. After supper, she cleared the table. She cleared the table after dinner. 私はそのように教えられた. That's what I was told. That's what I was taught. それが見えないようなら明盲だ. You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it. If I can't see it, I'm blind. その町を色にたとえていうと,ワインレッドかな,こう,なんか気品があって,落ち着くのよね. If that city were a color, it would be a color with a quiet sort of dignity ... wine red, say. If you think of that town as a color, it's a little red wine, and it's kind of fancy, so it calms down, isn't it? その基本的な意味は変わらない. The basic meaning of it remains the same. The basic meaning doesn't change. 昼メシにしよう. Let's do lunch! Let's have lunch. 彼女は遅刻をしたためにしかられた. She was told off for being late. She was scolded for being late. 水泳大会が中止になった. The swimming event was called off. The swimming contest was called off. この秋には"ロミオとジュリエット"が上演されます. They are going to bring out "Romeo and Juliet" this coming fall. There will be "Romeo and Juliet" in this fall. ジョンは良き夫,良き父親になるだろう. John will make a good husband and father. John will be a good husband and a good father. 試合に4連勝するのは難しい. It is hard to win four successive games. It is difficult to win four matches in a game. 彼女は4部屋のアパートを借りた. She rented a four-room apartment. She rented a four-room apartment. その家の維持にはずいぶんとお金がかかる. The maintenance of the house costs a lot. It costs a lot of money to keep the house. 私はパイプを吹かしながら座っていた. I sat smoking a pipe. I was sitting playing the pipe. トムさんとメアリーさんはまだ結婚しています. Tom and Mary are still married. Tom and Mary are still married. それぞれのスタイルがあるんだろうね. Everyone has their own style. I'm sure they have their own style. 私はアメリカ文学に興味がある. I am interested in American literature. I am interested in American literature. 招待客の中には市長とその夫人がいた. Among the guests were the mayor and his wife. Among the guests were the mayor and his wife. 彼の噂は聞いているが個人的には知らない. I know of him, but I don't know him personally. I've heard of him, but I don't know him personally. 体が丈夫な限りはがんばりたいです. I want to try my best for as long as I am physically able to. I want to do my best as long as I'm strong. 私ガンガン男狙ってまっせ〜 I am really aggressively looking for a boyfriend. I'm going after the gun guy. トムは他人を操る癖のある者が気に食わない. Tom doesn't like people who manipulate others. Tom doesn't like those who have the habit of manipulating others. 自分は無実だと言い張っている. She maintains her innocence. He claims to be innocent. 彼女はきっと試験に合格する. She is certain to pass the exam. She is sure to pass the examination. あまり無理するなよ. Don't work yourself too hard. Don't push yourself too hard. 今日とても大きな地震がありましたが,おかげさまで家族全員無事でした. There was a huge earthquake today, but thankfully everyone in the family is safe and well. There was a very big earthquake today, but thanks to you, the whole family was safe. この潜水時計は少し値段が高すぎます. This diver's watch is a little too expensive. This diving clock is a little too expensive. 私にそんなにたくさん質問するな. 自分の頭を使え. Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head. Don't ask me so many questions. Use your head. 彼女に会えるチャンスを逃して残念だ. I regret missing the chance to meet her. I'm sorry that I missed my chance to see her. 船は波のなすがままになっている. The ship is at the mercy of the waves. The ship is at the mercy of the waves. 最も力の強い種や,最も知能の高い種が生き残るのではなく,変化に最も良く適応できる種が生き残るのです. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Not the most powerful species, or the most intelligent species, survive, but the species that are best adapted to change. 彼らは彼に金を要求した. They demanded money from him. They demanded money from him. 彼は父親の言うことをちっとも聞かない. He never listens to what his father says. He doesn't listen to his father at all. アンに送る本はどちらにしたんだい. Which book did you pick out to send to Anne? Which book did you send to Ann? 親友は何人いる? How many close friends do you have? How many best friends do you have? 疲れているならそんなに一生懸命勉強しなくてもよいです. You don't have to work so hard if you're tired. If you are tired, you don't have to study so hard. それは信じるものはみな,人の子にあって永遠の命を持つためです. That every one who believes in him may have eternal life. It is because all those who believe are in union with the Son of man and have everlasting life. 事前に予約を取っておくべきだ. We'd better make a reservation beforehand. You should make a reservation in advance. 彼女には,分別がない,と私たちは思った. We all thought she was devoid of sense. We thought she had no sense. 生卵はだめ. 調理しないと. I can't eat a raw egg; it must be cooked. No raw eggs. We have to cook them. シンディは卒業試験の最中にうとうとしてしまった. Cindy dozed off in the middle of her graduation examinations. Cindy fainted during her graduation exam. 私たちは,この国を永遠に去ります. We are leaving this country for good. We will leave this country forever. どちらかと言えば出かけたい. I would rather go out. If anything, I'd rather go out. 彼は上流階級に属する. He belongs to the upper class. He belongs to the upper class. 私は彼の仕事を手伝うことを承諾した. I agreed to help him in his work. I agreed to help him with his work. アンソニーはエジプト人に尊敬された. Anthony was esteemed by the Egyptians. Anthony was respected by the Egyptians. それで,その金はどこから出るんだね? And where is the money coming from? So where's the money coming from? 5人の選手でローテーションを組んだ. Five pitchers are to take the mound in rotation. We arranged the rotation with five players. このマッチは湿っていて火がつかない. This damp match won't light. This match is damp and unfired. 彼は日本に三年います. He has been in Japan for three years. He has been in Japan for three years. 月曜日にエヴァンス夫人はブリキの風呂桶で全員の衣類を洗いました. Every Monday Mrs. Evans washed all the family's clothes in the tin bath. On Monday, Mrs. Evans washed everyone's clothes in a tin bath. 辛くない韓国料理が食べたい. I want to eat some Korean food that isn't spicy. I want to eat Korean food that isn't bitter. 今日の朝も子供の泣き声で目が覚めた. This morning, I woke up yet again to the sound of crying children. I was awakened by the cry of the child this morning. 朝になると布団を片づけます. We put the futons away in the morning. In the morning, I clean up the bed. 生徒の年齢は"8歳から25歳にわたっている. The students range in age from 18 to 25. Students are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. 男性は男らしく見せたがる. Men like to look masculine. Men want to look like men. 新聞によれば明日は雪だそうです. According to the paper, it will snow tomorrow. According to the newspaper, it will snow tomorrow. ご注文をどうぞ. May I have your order, please? Please order. 私たちはたくさんの自動車をその国に輸出している. We export a lot of automobiles to that country. We export many cars to the country. もし都合がよかったら今夜ここに来てください. If it's convenient come here tonight. If it is convenient, please come here tonight. おじは気前よく金を出す. My uncle is generous with his money. My uncle is generous with his money. 何か伝言はありますか. Would you like to leave a message? Do you have any messages? それは悲惨だな. What a shame! That's tragic. 私には君が自ら危険を冒そうとしているように見える. I assume that you're willing to take the risk. It seems to me that you are willing to take the risk of your own. ジョンは月に一度両親に手紙を書く. John writes a letter to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. 結局我々のチームは決勝戦で負けた. In the end our team lost the final game. In the end, our team lost the finals. むりやりサインをさせられたのなら,その契約は無効です. The contract, if you were forced to sign it, is invalid. If you were forced to sign, the contract is invalid. 新しい税制は,来年から実施される. The new tax system comes into effect next year. The new tax system will take place next year. 彼女は普段ジーンズをはいている. She usually wears jeans. She usually wears jeans. 私は長崎を案内するために彼らといっしょに行きました. I went with them so that I could guide them around Nagasaki. I went with them to show them Nagasaki. 下がって. Step back. Stand back. 新しい出生政策は人口増加ゼロをめざしています. The new birth policy is aimed at achieving zero population growth. The new birth policy is headed for population growth zero. やわらかな息が聞こえる. I can hear the soft breathing. I can hear a soft breath. 何故メアリーが彼といっしょにピクニックに行くの. Why is Mary going on a picnic with him? Why is Mary going on a picnic with him? 冗談にしろ,恐怖からにしろ,決してうそを言うな. Never tell a lie, either for fun or from fear. Come on, don't lie to me out of fear. 速く走りなさい,そうすれば列車にまにあうよ. Run fast, and you will catch the train. Run fast, and you will catch the train. 左手を上げなさい. Raise your left hand. Raise your left hand. 私と彼は十年来のつきあいだ. I have been associated with him for ten years. I've known him for ten years. 私たちは笑いに笑った. We laughed and laughed. We laughed with laughter. ジェーンはギターは言うまでもなく,バイオリンもひける. Jane can play the violin, not to mention the guitar. Jane can play the violin, not to mention the guitar. 自分がここで何をするのか全然分からない. I have no idea what I'm going to do now. I have no idea what I will do here. バケツに水を"杯くんで持って来なさい. Bring me a bucket of water. Take a glass of water to the bucket and bring it to me. 大丈夫だ. I am okay. It's okay. 彼女は稲妻の閃光を見て悲鳴をあげた. She screamed at the flash of lightning. She screamed at the sight of the lightning flash. 母は私の誕生日のケーキにろうそくを"3本立てた. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. Mother set up 13 candles on my birthday cake. すみません,冷房をちょっと弱めていただけませんか? Excuse me, would you mind turning the AC down a little? Excuse me, could you turn off the air conditioning for a minute? ジェーンは運動会の前に髪を短く切ってもらいました. Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meet. Jane had her hair cut short before the athletic meeting. 息子の見舞いに来たのですが. I'd like to see my son. I've come to see my son. エミリーは茶道と花道にたいへん興味を持っています. Emily is very interested in tea ceremony and flower arrangement. Emily is very interested in tea and flowers. 彼は私がいることに気づかない様子だった. He seemed unconscious of my presence. He didn't seem to notice me. 私の夢はかないます. My dream comes true. My dream will come true. 彼女が部屋に帰ってみると,ダイヤの指輪は消えていた. When she returned to her room, the diamond ring was gone. When she came back to the room, she found the diamond ring missing. 私達は書物から大きな楽しみを得ることができる. We can derive great pleasure from books. We can derive great pleasure from books. 自分たちの悪事がばれないようにするなんて,なんて悪どい奴等! Those guys are ruthless, covering up their tracks like that after all their wrongdoing. How mean it is to keep our evils out of the way! 彼は貧乏であることがいやだった. He didn't like being poor. He didn't like being poor. 彼は天の助けを得た. He got assistance from above. He got the help of heaven. もっと安いものはありますか. Do you have anything cheaper? Do you have anything cheaper? この規則はその場合には当てはまらない. This rule does not apply to the case. This rule doesn't apply in that case. 子供は好奇心が強いので色々と質問するものだ. Children are very curious and ask many questions. Children are curious and often ask questions. 私は彼の勝利を確信している. I am sure of his victory. I am sure of his victory. 彼は人格者だ. He is a man of character. He is a person. あいにくですが本日は予約でいっぱいです. I'm sorry, today is fully booked. I'm afraid I'm full of reservations today. 私にはたくさんの友達がいる. I have a lot of friends. I have many friends. 彼らは戦争中田舎に住んでいた. They lived in the countryside during the war. They lived in the country during the war. 彼女が働く必要はない. She doesn't need to work. She doesn't have to work. メアリーは彼ほど背が高くない. Mary is not as tall as he. Mary is not as tall as he is. 彼は青い海に着いた. He reached the blue sea. He reached the blue sea. ハワイは地上の楽園とよばれている. Hawaii is known as an earthly paradise. Hawaii is said to be a paradise on earth. 彼はその気になれば秘密を守る事が出来る. He is capable of keeping a secret when he wants to. He can keep a secret if he wants to. バラック・オバマは,国際的な核兵器禁止を目指しているが,すべての戦争に対して否定的なのではない. Barack Obama is aiming for an international ban on nuclear weapons, but is not against them in all wars. Barack Obama aims to ban international nuclear weapons, but he is not negative about all wars. 先生が試験の結果を発表しているとき,みんなは沈黙していた. Everyone was silent as the teacher was announcing the results of the examination. Everyone was silent when the teacher announced the results of the examination. ぼくはうっかり電柱にぶつかった. I carelessly ran into the telegraph pole. I bumped into a telephone pole. 警察当局はその犯罪が重大であると考えた. The police considered the crime to be serious. The police authorities took the crime seriously. 君のおかげで,全財産を使っちゃったよ. Thanks to you, I spent all my money. Thanks to you, I've spent all my money. しかし,これは死にたいと思っているある老人の物語です. But this is the story of an old man who wants to die. But this is the story of an old man who wants to die. 彼は小型トラックとよれよれの大きな芝刈り機をもっていた. He had an old pickup truck and a big, battered mower. He had a large lawn mower called a small truck. 今日は雨が降るでしょう. It is supposed to rain today, isn't it? It will rain today. 底まではとても距離があるように思える. It seems a long way to the bottom. It seems that there is a great distance to the bottom. デーヴィスさんはとても疲れているように見える. Mr. Davis looks very tired. Mr Davis looks very tired. 日本はカナダより小さい. Japan is smaller than Canada. Japan is smaller than Canada. 食べ物に触れる前に手を洗いなさい. Wash your hands before you handle the food. Wash your hands before touching food. 解決しなければならない問題が多い. There are many problems to solve. There are many problems to be solved. 彼らはオリンピックに参加したいと思っている. They want to participate in the Olympic Games. They want to take part in the Olympics. 私どもには数えられないほどたくさんのお得意先がございます. We have more customers than we can count. We have more customers than we can count on. いい球を放るようになったな,恵一君. You throw a good ball nowadays, Keiichi. You're starting to release a good ball, Megichi. 貧しいということがどんなことなのかあなたは知らない. You don't know what it is to be poor. You don't know what it is like to be poor. 彼はフルートを吹くことが出来る. He can play a flute. He can play the flute. 彼の言葉は,彼の真の意図に関する疑いを生み出した. His words gave rise to doubts concerning his true intentions. His words raised doubts about his true intentions. iPod nano は音質がいいらしい. Apparently the iPod nano has good sound. The iPod nano seems to have good sound quality. 彼はまるで何事も起こらなかったかのように話し続けた. He went on talking as though nothing had happened. He went on talking as if nothing had happened. 私は彼に靴を修理させよう. I will have him mend my shoes. I will have him repair my shoes. 彼女は夫が戻る前に"週間入院していた. She had been in the hospital for a week before her husband came back. She was in the hospital for a week before her husband returned. 最近はみんなが幸せそうに見える. Lately everyone seems happy. Everybody looks happy these days. 彼女はさびしい生活を送った. She lived a lonely life. She lived a lonely life. 芭蕉はもっとも偉大な詩人だった. Basho was the greatest poet. Aoi was the greatest poet. 彼はついさっき帰宅した. He came home just now. He came home just now. 卵を盗む奴は牛も盗む. He that will steal an egg will steal an ox. He who steals eggs also steals cattle. 何の用でここまできたのですか. What brings you here? What brings you all this far? 私は将来父の仕事の後を継がなければならないだろう. I'll have to take over my father's business in the future. I will have to succeed my father in the future. 万一明日雨が降れば,彼らは行かないだろう. If it should rain tomorrow, they will not go. If it should rain tomorrow, they wouldn't go. 日本人は"94"年"2月7日パールハーバーを襲撃した. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. 馬車は今では完全に時代遅れだ. The horse and buggy is now definitely out of date. The carriage is now completely out of date. 正直に言うと彼は孤独だった. To tell the truth, he was lonely. To be honest, he was lonely. さあ今度は僕の番だ. It's now my turn. Now it's my turn. 必ずうかがいましょう. I'll definitely come. Let's make sure that we do. 明日雨が降ったら,遠足は中止になるでしょう. If it rains tomorrow, the excursion will be canceled. If it rains tomorrow, the trip will be canceled. その中心的な言葉は"平等"である. The key word is equality. The central word is "equality. " 年を取れば取るほど,眠る必要がなくなる. The older you get, the less sleep you need. The older you get, the less you need to sleep. この機会を与えてくださり深く感謝しております. I'm so grateful to you for this opportunity. I am very grateful to you for giving me this opportunity. 少々おまちください. Hold on just one second. Hold on a second, please. 彼はとても楽しそうに話す. He talks very cheerfully. He speaks with great pleasure. 彼女は事の真相を知っていたようである. She seems to have known the truth of the matter. It seems that she knew the truth of the matter. 彼はタコスやピザのような食べ物が好きだ. He likes such foods as tacos and pizza. He likes foods such as tacos and pizza. 野球は見るよりやる方が面白い. It's more fun to play baseball than to watch it. It is more interesting to play baseball than to watch it. アイルランドとイギリスは海によって隔てられている. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. Ireland and England are separated by the sea. 私以外の誰もが知っていた. Everyone except me knew it. Everyone knew except me. 3月3日はひな祭りです. March 3 is the day of the Dolls' Festival. March 3rd is a festival. 一人で大勢は助けられないが,大勢は一人が助けられる. One can't help many, but many can help one. I can't help a lot by myself, but a lot can help one. 私にはその仕事をやるだけの力がない. I am not equal to the task. I don't have the strength to do the work. 私は早朝に散歩をしていた. I went for a walk early in the morning. I was taking a walk early in the morning. 彼女は痛いほどやせこけていた. She was painfully skinny. She was struggling to the point of pain. 母親の機嫌が悪いのは一過性だ. My mother's bad mood is transient. The mother's bad mood is a minor. コヨミちゃんは弓と矢を買った. Koyomi bought a bow and arrows. Koyumi bought a bow and an arrow. うんとお金があればいいのに. I wish I had much money. I wish I had some money. 氷のような冷気が車内に忍び込んできた. An icy chill stole into the car. The ice-cold air came into the car. 子供たちに何かあそぶ物を持たせることが必要だと思う. I think it necessary for children to have something to play with. I think it necessary for children to have something to eat. これはトムのです. This is Tom's. This is Tom's. あなたの英語は人に通じますか. Can you make yourself understood in English? Can you make yourself understood in English? トムはトラブルに巻き込まれたんだよね? Tom got in trouble, didn't he? Tom was in trouble, wasn't he? 太陽が家並みの上に出る. The sun rises above the houses. The sun rises on top of the house. 彼についてはまるっきり分からない. I don't know anything about him at all. I don't know anything about him at all. ここではスリにご注意ください. Beware of pickpockets here. Please be careful of your pickpockets here. 彼はついに現れた. He appeared at last. He showed up at last. 幸運な事に,彼らは途中で嵐に遭わなかった. Fortunately they had no storms on the way. Fortunately, they weren't caught in a storm on their way. 彼女は彼に到着をしらせた. She informed him of her arrival. She made him arrive. 彼は日本のピカソとみなされていた. He has been regarded as Japan's answer to Picasso. He was regarded as a Japanese Picasso. その企業はトンネル会社を設立しました. The corporation set up a dummy company. The company founded a tunnel company. トムはしばらくボストンにいた. Tom was in Boston for a while. Tom stayed in Boston for a while. この透明な液体は毒のようなものを含んでいる. This transparent liquid contains a kind of poison. This transparent liquid contains something like poison. 彼女は嘘のつけない人だ. She is incapable of deceit. She is a person who cannot tell lies. 少なくとも"00人は出席していた. There were at least 100 people present. At least 100 people were present. 核戦争は地球上の生命を終わらせるだろう. Nuclear war will bring life on this planet to an end. The nuclear war will bring an end to life on earth. 彼は私に親切な助言をしてくれた. He gave me a piece of friendly advice. He gave me kind advice. 列車は6時に出る. The train starts at six. The train leaves at six. 私は手紙を書いています. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. 予約番号は"003です. The reservation number is 1003. The reservation number is 1003. メロスは,決してうそつきではない. Meros is certainly not a liar. Meros is no liar. 信濃川は日本のほかのどの川よりも長い. The Shinano is longer than any other river in Japan. The Shikoku River is longer than any other river in Japan. 君は急速をとったほうがいいよ. I think you had better take a rest. You had better hurry. トムは重要な地位を与えられました. He gave Tom an important position. Tom was given an important position. 彼は父を尊敬している. He respects his father. He looks up to his father. 電車に傘を忘れた. I left my umbrella on the train. I left my umbrella on the train. 他人のあらばかり探す嫌な人である. He is a very irritating critic of others. He is always finding fault with others. 彼女は青くなったり赤くなったりした. She became pale and flushed by turns. She turned blue and red. 私は肉を食べるのを控えた. I don't eat as much meat as I used to. I refrained from eating meat. 彼女は生まれ故郷に埋葬された. She was buried in her hometown. She was buried in her hometown. 田中さんの教えるのは歴史の流れに逆らう. Tanaka's teaching goes against the stream of history. What Mr Tanaka teaches is against the course of history. 今日はすばらしい日だ. It's a lovely day today. Today is a wonderful day. 私は夕食に招待された. I was invited to dinner. I was invited to dinner. 何が要りますか. What do you need? What do you want? 私はこれまでずっと健康に恵まれてきた. I've enjoyed good health all my life. I have been blessed with good health all my life. ここは禁煙です. Refrain from smoking here. Smoking isn't allowed here. 私の頭が古いと言われるかもしれないが,結婚前に男女の関係を持つべきではないと思う. People might say I'm old-fashioned, but I think that one shouldn't have sexual relationships before marriage. You may call me old-fashioned, but I don't think I should have a relationship with a man or a woman before getting married. 彼はその仕事をやり終えるのに速い方法を考えだした. He has worked out a quicker way to get the job finished. He thought of a quick way to finish the work. 私はこのテレビを分割で買った. I bought this TV on the installment plan. I bought this TV in divided form. ついに彼は目的を達成した. He reached his goal at last. At last, he achieved his goal. 困ったときは躊躇せず助言を求めなさい. If you get into difficulties, don't hesitate to ask for advice. Don't hesitate to ask for advice when you are in trouble. 君にこのカメラをあげよう. I'll give you this camera. I'll give you this camera. 普通でいいですか. Would you like regular prints? Is it normal? 消費は心持ち伸びる程度でしょう. Spending will grow only a touch faster. The consumption is likely to increase the amount of energy you spend. ウエストのサイズはいくつですか. What's your waist size? What size is the waist? 一番近くの教会はどこにあるか教えていただけませんか? Can you please tell me where the nearest church is? Could you tell me where the nearest church is? 彼が平等を勝ち取るための運動に献身していた期間に,いくつかの新しい法律が議会を通過していた. In the years he had worked so hard for equality, new laws had been passed. Some new laws passed Congress during the period during which he devoted himself to the movement for equality. ごめん,ぼーっとしてた. Sorry, I zoned out. I'm sorry, I was upset. 彼の発明は注目に値するものだ. His invention deserves notice. His invention is worthy of attention. この橋を渡るたびに,必ず子供時代のことが思い出される. I never cross this bridge without being reminded of my childhood. Every time I cross this bridge, I am reminded of my childhood. 私が会ったとき,あなたは駅へ行くところでしたか. Were you going to the train station when I saw you? Were you going to the station when I met you? トムは教養がない. Tom is a philistine. Tom doesn't have any education. 彼は"ヶ月前に足を骨折して以来何も出来ないでいる. He has been out of action since breaking his leg a month ago. He hasn't been able to do anything since he broke his leg a month ago. 彼女の父は銀行で働いている. Her father works at the bank. Her father works at a bank. 職業の安定が主要な関心事となった. Job security became a major worry. Job stability became the main concern. 女の子たちから目を離さないように,泳ぎがあまり得意ではないのです. Keep an eye on the girls; they are poor swimmers. I'm not very good at swimming to keep an eye on the girls. 彼の言うことには疑いは全くない. There is no doubt whatever about what he says. There is no doubt in what he says. 赤ちゃんをお風呂に入れてくれない. Bathe the baby, won't you? Will you take the baby for a bath? あの少年は試しに重いソファーを動かした. The boy tried moving the heavy sofa. The boy moved the heavy sofa to try. 彼は選挙で苦戦している. He is fighting with his back to the wall in the election. He is struggling with the election. 夏休みはバリへ行った. I went to Bali for summer vacation. I went to Bali during the summer vacation. 彼はもっとくれと手をさし出した. He held out his hand for more. He reached out for more. シャワーを浴びてくる. I'm going to take a shower. I'm going to take a shower. 東北地方は旅行する価値があります. The Tohoku district is worth traveling to. It is worth traveling in the Tohoku region. 食事は母に作ってもらっている. My mother prepares my meals. My mother cooks the food. 人に初めて会うときには,必ず自分と相手との距離に注意を払いなさい. When you meet someone for the first time, be careful about how close you stand to that person. When you meet someone for the first time, be sure to pay attention to the distance between you and your partner. 彼は娘にたくさんのお金を与えた. He gave his daughter quite a lot of money. He gave his daughter a lot of money. 彼女はめをとじたままであった. She kept her eyes closed. She stood still. 彼女はハンバーグの肉をたたいて平たくした. She patted the hamburger meat into a flat shape. She beat the hamburger meat flat. 彼がレースに勝ったと言うのは本当ですか. Is it true that he won the race? Is it true that he won the race? 家の後ろに小屋がある. There is a hut at the back of our house. There is a hut behind the house. 何かつまむものある? Do we have anything I can snack on? Do you have anything to stick with? あなたにはわからないかもしれないけど,あなたは私にとってかけがえのない存在なのよ. Maybe you don't know this, but nobody could ever take your place. You may not understand, but you are beyond me. 彼女が物事をてきぱきできないのを驚いた. I was surprised at her inability to do things promptly. I was surprised that she couldn't make things right. 喜んで私の義務を果たしましょう. I'm quite agreeable to doing my duty. I will gladly do my duty. 彼は仕事を終えてから道具を片づけた. He put his tools away after he had finished. He put away his tools after he finished his work. 何より大事なことは,自分の頭で考えることだ. The most important thing is thinking for oneself. The most important thing is to think for yourself. 彼は時々出張することは別としてあまり旅をしない. He doesn't travel much apart from occasional business trips. He doesn't travel much, apart from traveling from time to time. この鳥が何と言いますか? What is this bird called? What does this bird say? 工場からの煙が町に漂っていた. The smoke from factories hung over the town. Smoke from the factory was floating in the town. 彼はテニスが得意です. He is good at playing tennis. He is good at tennis. イギリスと日本の車はハンドルが右側にある. British and Japanese cars have steering wheels on the right side. The cars in England and Japan have steering wheel on their right. 人々はみな彼の英雄的行為をたたえた. Everybody praised his heroism. All the people praised his heroism. 彼には以前一度会ったことがあったので,彼だとすぐわかった. Since I had met him once before, I recognized him right away. Having seen him once before, I recognized him at once. その知らせが本当か嘘かはほとんど問題ではない. Whether the news is true or false makes little difference. It matters little whether the news is true or not. その会社では,男も女もみなよく訓練されている. Every man and woman in the company is well trained. All men and women are well trained in the company. あなたはその問題の重要性を彼にはっきりとわからせなければならない. You must bring home to him the importance of the matter. You must make it clear to him the importance of the matter. 彼は私の警告に全く注意を払わなかった. He paid no attention to my warning. He paid no attention to my warning. 今晩から三泊,予約をしてあります. I have a reservation for three nights from tonight. I've booked three nights since tonight. 気がつくと逃げ場はどこにもなかった. Now that I notice it, I have nowhere to run. When I realized it, I had nowhere to run. もうすぐ私の誕生日だ. It'll be my birthday soon. It will soon be my birthday. 何か悪いことが起ころうとしていた. Something wrong was about to happen. Something bad was about to happen. 男はレストランで食い逃げした. The man left the restaurant without paying. The man ran off to eat at the restaurant. これはポケット型の辞書だ. This is a pocket dictionary. This is a pocket dictionary. 彼女はたいしたべっぴんだぜ. She is a regular beauty. She doesn't know what she's talking about. それはよくあることだよ. That's the way. It happens all the time. 彼の姉は医者になった. His sister became a doctor. His sister became a doctor. 困難に,彼は両親に助けを求めた. When he got into trouble, he turned to his parents for help. In difficulty, he turned to his parents for help. 彼の顔を見て,高校時代の友達の"人を思い出した. His face reminded me of one of my friends in my senior high school days. His face reminded me of one of his high school friends. お後がよろしいようで. OK, so that's it for me. Now I'll hand things over to the next speaker. I think you'll have a good time. そのカップは素敵だ. The cup is nice. The cup is nice. ビルは溺れている子供を助けるために川に飛び込んだ. Bill dived into the river to save the drowning child. Bill jumped into the river to help the drowning child. Facebookやってる? Are you on Facebook? Do you do Facebook? 彼女はとても魅力的だと思う. I find her appearance attractive. I think she is very attractive. トムは昇進の機会を逃した. Tom missed the opportunity for a promotion. Tom missed the chance to get promoted. 彼はあの仕事を何十年もしている. He has had that job for decades. He has been doing that work for decades. わたしたちはみんな教授は当然英語が話せるものと思っていた. We all took it for granted that the professor could speak English. We all took for granted that the professor could speak English. 彼は4時に行くと約束した. He promised me to come at four. He promised to go at four. 昨日,母とセールに出かけて,服をおねだりした. I went to a sale with my mother yesterday and kept hounding her to buy me a dress. Yesterday I went out on a sale with my mother and asked for clothes. かたまって行動するなと言ったんだ. I told you never to move in a group. I told you not to act over your shoulder. 私は彼と同じくらいお金を持っている. I've got as much money as he has. I have as much money as he does. 私はやむを得ずその計画をやめた. I was forced to abandon the plan. I was forced to give up the plan. 私はマーサーと何ヶ月も会っていなかったので,昨日会いに行った. Yesterday, I went to see Martha as I hadn't seen her for several months. Since I hadn't seen Mercer for many months, I went to see her yesterday. 彼は明日の午後に来るかも知れません. He may come tomorrow afternoon. He may come tomorrow afternoon. 大人になるまでの間に身につけなかった言語について,ネイティブスピーカーのレベルに達することは難しい. If a person has not had a chance to acquire his target language by the time he's an adult, he's unlikely to be able to reach native speaker level in that language. It is difficult to reach the level of native speakers when it comes to languages that they didn't learn before they grew up. 貴方は顔色が悪い. You look sick. You look pale. 彼らは幼稚すぎて学ぶことの必要性を理解できなかった. They were too naive to understand the necessity of studying. They were too young to understand the need to learn. プレインイングリッシュは語学習得の近道です. Plain English is a shortcut to the goal of language learning. Plain English is a shortcut to learning the language. 彼女はその人形を実の妹のようにかわいがる. She loves the doll like her own sister. She likes the doll like her own sister. トムはその列車に乗れなかったかもしれない. まだ来ていないから. Tom may have missed the train. He hasn't come yet. Tom may not have been able to catch the train. He hasn't come yet. 私はあなたの番が来ると確信しているよ. I firmly believe that your time will come. I'm sure your turn will come. 彼はUCLAで日本文学に関して一連の講義をした. He gave a series of lectures on Japanese literature at UCLA. He gave a series of lectures on Japanese literature in UCLA. その日たまたま彼は外出していた. It happened that he was out that day. It happened that he was out that day. もう少し牛乳をいただけますか. Can I have some more milk? Could I have some more milk, please? 理由がわかりかねます. I fail to see the reason. I don't understand why. 彼が本を読むことはまずない. He seldom, if ever, reads a book. He seldom, if ever, reads a book. すぐにあなたの代理人に連絡を取りなさい. Get in touch with your agent right away. Contact your agent at once. きのうその窓をこわしたのは彼だった. It was he that broke the window yesterday. It was he who broke the window yesterday. それは彼にとってはあまりにも易しすぎる仕事だ. It is too easy a task for him. It is too easy for him to do. 困ったことに私たちにはお金がたりない. The trouble is that we do not have enough money. The trouble is that we don't have any money. 彼にはどうしても勝てない. まだまだ甘いな. I just can't seem to outdo him. I've got a lot to learn. I can't beat him. It's still sweet. 高度に専門的な話題で,多分に誤った情報が含まれる可能性があることはあらかじめお断りしておきます. Because this is such a highly technical subject, I would like to point out in advance the likelihood that some of what I'm about to say may include information that is incorrect. I'll leave it out in advance if it's a highly technical subject, and maybe it's misinformed information. 私は英語で先生に手紙を書いた. I wrote to my teacher in English. I wrote a letter to my teacher in English. ちょっぴり退屈だ. I'm just a little bored. I'm a little bored. 先生は早退の許可をくれた. The teacher granted me permission to go home early. The teacher gave me permission to leave early. マリアは彼の名前も電話番号も知らなかった. Maria knew neither his name nor his phone number. Maria didn't know his name or his phone number. その夜遅くに彼女に会った. I met her late that evening. I met her late that night. 私は彼女の年を40歳と見当をつけた. I guessed her to be 40. I thought that she was forty years old. 歯をきれいに磨きなさい. Brush your teeth clean. Brush your teeth clean. わたしはあなたの健康をとても心配している. I'm very worried about your health. I am very anxious about your health. 日常の運動は体に良い. Moderate exercise is good for your health. Every day's exercise is good for you. 私は,城が好きです. I like castles. I like castles. 劇中の俳優さんが好きな方は買って損はないと思います. I think those who like the actors in the play won't lose anything by buying it. I don't think it's worth buying if you like the actor in the play. 彼はバスで奈良を訪れた. He visited Nara on a bus. He visited Nara by bus. 近くに住んでいるが,めったに彼女に会わない. Although she lives nearby, I rarely see her. I live nearby, but I seldom see her. 彼にはそのお金を借りる友達がいなかった. He had no friend from whom he could borrow the money. He had no friends to borrow the money. 僕は彼女の手を掴んだ. I caught her by the hand. I grabbed her hand. こちらの用紙に記入してください. Please fill out this form. Please fill out this form. 彼を訪ねたとき,彼は忙しく働いていた. When I called on him, he was hard at work. When I called on him, he was busy working. お誕生日はいつですか. What is your date of birth? When is your birthday? 彼女はスピーチコンテストで"等賞を獲った. She won first prize in the speech contest. She won first prize in the speech contest. 君はすぐにそれをすべきだ. You are to do it at once. You should do it at once. 母は早起きです. My mother is an early riser. My mother gets up early. 私は祖国を愛している. I love the fatherland. I love my country. 彼はデジタルを買った. He purchased a digital one. He bought digital. ジャネットが昇進するみたいよ. It looks like Janet's going to be kicked upstairs. It looks like Janet's getting promoted. とてもいい天気だったので,私たちはピクニックに行くことに決めた. It was such a fine day that we decided to have a picnic. It was such a nice day that we decided to go on a picnic. 彼はまた動物たちに優しかった. He was also kind to animals. He was kind to the animals again. もっとも速いランナーでも"00メートルを9秒では走れない. The fastest runner can't run 100 meters in 9 seconds. Even the fastest runner can't run 100 meters in nine seconds. 彼は門のところに立っていた. He was standing at the gate. He was standing at the gate. 幸運をお祈りいたします. I wish you good luck. I wish you good luck. 彼は彼女に"お母さんはどこ?"と尋ねた. He asked her where her mother was. He asked her, "Where is your mother?" ここがあなたのお母さんが働いている所ですか. Is this the place in which your mother works? Is this where your mother works? このGジャンはもう"5年着ている. I've been wearing this denim jacket for 15 years now. This G-Jang has been on for fifteen years. 私はトムに信じてもらえなかった. Tom didn't believe me. I couldn't get Tom to believe me. "そっか"ウィリーはようやく納得した. "Well, OK," Willie finally agreed. "Isn't it?" Willie finally convinced. 彼女は金に糸目をつけずにほしい物を買う. She buys what she wants regardless of the cost. She buys what she wants without keeping an eye on money. 彼女の旧姓はブラウンだ. She was a Brown before her marriage. Her maiden name is Brown. 彼はその戦争は正義のための戦争だと信じていた. He believed that the war was fought in the cause of justice. He believed that the war was a war for justice. 世界で最も美しい場所はどこですか. Where is the most beautiful place in the world? What is the most beautiful place in the world? 私が間違ってました. I was wrong. I was wrong. 母は何か怪しいと感づいたに違いない. Her mother must have smelled something fishy. My mother must have found something suspicious. トムはバスで通勤している. Tom commutes to work by bus. Tom goes to work by bus. 私は以前君にまずお母さんに頼むべきだと言ったよ. I told you before that you should ask your mother first. I once told you that you should ask your mother first. おぼれかけた人は息を吹き返した. The man who nearly drowned began to breathe. The drowning man came back to life. 私はいま彼の独奏をきいている. I am listening to his recital. I'm playing his solo now. 私はこの本を書くのに3年かかった. It took me three years to write this book. It took me three years to write this book. 水曜日は空いていますか. Are you free on Wednesday? Are you free on Wednesday? あなたは,何時に帰宅しますか. What time do you go home? What time do you come home? 木を折るな. Don't break the branches. Don't break the tree. 昔々,冥王星がまだ惑星だったころ,トムという男の子がいました. A long time ago when Pluto was still a planet, there was a boy named Tom. Once upon a time, when Pluto was still a planet, there was a boy named Tom. 何と言ったらよいかおしえていただけませんか. Let me have your suggestion as to what I am to say. Could you tell me what to say? トムは楽しくなさそうにしている. Tom is not looking happy. Tom doesn't seem to enjoy himself. 彼は使い切れないほどのお金持ちだ. He has more money than can be spent. He is too rich to use. エンパイアステートビルの高さはどのくらいですか. What's the height of the Empire State Building? How high is the Empire State Building? 信濃川より長い川はありません. No other river is longer than the Shinano. No river is longer than the Shikoku River. アラビア語は右から左に読まなければならない. Arabic is read from right to left. Arabic must be read from right to left. 彼女に追いつくために私は歩を速めた. I quickened my steps to catch up with her. I ran to catch up with her. もし来られたら来なさい. Come if possible. Come if you can. どれくらいの規模の会社なの? How big is the company? How big is this company? 長いことお待たせいたしました. Have I kept you waiting long? I've been waiting a long time. その仕事は私には無理だ. This task is impossible for me to accomplish. I can't do the job. 僕らは仕事を探しています. We're looking for jobs. We're looking for a job. 彼は水泳が出来ない. He can't swim. He can't swim. 何が起きようとしているかをトムが悟ったことは,その表情を見て知れました. I could tell by the look on Tom's face he knew what was going on. When Tom realized what was about to happen, he could see the look on his face. ジョンは間違いをおかしそうだ. John is likely to make a mistake. John is likely to make a mistake. 誰も私の言うことを支持してくれなかった. Nobody bore me out. No one supported what I said. シングルルーム,それともダブルルームですか. Single or double room? Is it a single room or a double room? 彼はボストン行きの往復切符を買った. He bought a round-trip ticket to Boston. He bought a round-trip ticket to Boston. 父はいそがしすぎて散歩もできません. My father is too busy to take a walk. My father is too busy to take a walk. 彼女は8"才になった. She turned eighty-one. She reached the age of 81. 彼女は普通9時に寝る. She usually goes to bed at nine. She usually goes to bed at nine. 手をきれいにしておかなければならない. We must keep our hands clean. You must keep your hands clean. あなたに役に立つような本を読みなさい. Read such a book as will be useful to you. Read such books as will be useful to you. 翌朝,彼はバスで旅していた. The next morning found him traveling by bus. The next morning, he was traveling by bus. 彼は日本を理解させるのに非常に力があった. He was greatly instrumental in making Japan understood. He was very powerful in getting Japan to understand. あんまり天気予報をあてにしたらだめ. You shouldn't rely too heavily on the weather report. Don't rely too much on the weather forecast. 知っている人のうち誰にだって好きな人に. Well you can imitate everyone you know. Everybody I know likes. 私が我慢できないことは,黒板でキーキーとチョークが音を立てることだ. What I can't bear is the sound of chalk squeaking on a chalkboard. What I can't put up with is that the key keys and chalk make a sound on the board. 時間どおりに着いて運がよかった. I was lucky to be there on time. I was lucky to arrive on time. 君の計画に賛成するよ. I approve of your plan. I agree with your plan. 寒くなるとどうしてこんなに人恋しくなるんだろう. I wonder why I feel so lonely when it gets cold. I wonder why I miss people so much when it's cold. 通りで学生の一行にあった. I met a party of students on the street. I met a group of students on the street. 私は行きたいからそこへ行ったのだ. I went there because I wanted to. I went there because I wanted to. 彼は年のわりには立派な判断力がある. He has good judgement for his age. He has a good judgment in his old age. 彼女はすっかり本に夢中になっている. She is completely absorbed in a book. She is completely absorbed in books. ボーラの扱いはとても難しいが,古代インカ族はそれがとてもうまかった. It is very difficult to handle the bola, but the ancient Incas were very good at it. Bora was very difficult to handle, but the ancient Incas were very good at it. 人類が環境を保護しなければ環境から人類は締め出されるだろう. If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind. Without man's protection of the environment, he would be excluded from the environment. 左を下にして横になってください. Lie down on your left side. Lie on your left. このイヤホンは壊れています. These earphones don't work. This earphone is broken. その金を盗んだという彼の自白に家族はおどろいた. His admission that he had stolen the money astonished his family. The family was surprised at his confession that he had stolen the money. あの女の人は誰ですか. Who's that woman? Who is that woman? 魚はまだ生きているの. Is this fish still alive? Is the fish still alive? あなたの夢が現実のものとなった. Your dreams have come true. Your dream has become a reality. まず発声練習から始めましょう. Let's begin practicing voice projection. Let's start with voice practice. 問題はいかにして我々が現在の困難を切り抜けるかである. The problem is how we cope with the present difficulties. The problem is how we can get through the present difficulties. 一人で行くのはいやです. I don't want to go alone. I don't want to go alone. 児童はみんなその新しい先生が好きになった. Every child took to the new teacher. All the children came to like the new teacher. 彼はこれ以上待っても何にもならないと思った. He saw no advantage in waiting any longer. He thought nothing of waiting any longer. お前はまだ"青い" You're still green. You're still blue. きのうは"2時間寝た. I slept twelve hours yesterday. I slept for twelve hours yesterday. 男子生徒のめいめいが帽子に学校のバッジをつけています. Each boy student has a school badge on his cap. Each of the boys wears a school badge on his hat. 私の祖母は85歳でまだとても活動的だ. My grandmother is still very active at eighty-five. My grandmother is 85 years old and is still very active. 彼女の夫はたいてい酔っぱらっている. Her husband is usually drunk. Her husband is usually drunk. 我々はそのミスについて謝罪するとともに,二度と繰り返さないことを約束いたします. We apologize for the mistake and promise that it won't happen again. We apologize for that mistake and promise never to do it again. トムはメアリーに興味がないと言っていたが,いつも彼女の方ばかり見ているようだった. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he seemed to always be looking towards the side of the room where she was. Tom said he wasn't interested in Mary, but he was always looking at her. 彼は絵には目が利く. He has a sharp eye for painting. He has a good eye for paintings. 今日は別の所に行って食事してみよう. Let's try another place to eat today. Let's go and eat somewhere else today. トムは昨年の夏,九死に一生を得る経験をした. Tom had a near death experience last summer. Tom had a nine-life experience last summer. 料金には調査をするのに必要な専門的な仕事に対する支払いも含まれています. The fee includes the payment for professional services needed to complete the survey. The fee also includes payment for the professional work required to do research. 彼女が田舎道を車で走って行った. She drove a car down a country road. She drove along the country road. 私は目上として敬っている人を訪問しようと思う時には,まず最初に手紙を書いて面会したい理由を述べる. When I am going to visit someone I look up to, I first write to him and tell him why. When I think of visiting people I respect, I write to them first and explain why I want to see them. 君は字をもっときれいに書く必要がある. There is need for improvement in your handwriting. You need to write better. 私のレポートに目を通してくれませんか. Will you look over my report? Will you look over my report? 講演者はその問題をきわめて簡潔に論じた. The speaker treated the subject very briefly. The speaker discussed the matter very briefly. よく彼女の名前を忘れる. Her name often escapes me. I often forget her name. もう一度やってみる. I'll try again. I'll try again. 過ちを過ちと認めずに過ちを繰り返すことが最大の過ちである. Repeating a mistake without recognizing it as one, is the biggest mistake of all. It is the greatest mistake to repeat a mistake without admitting it. あなたが私に貸してくれた雑誌はとてもおもしろい. The magazine which you lent me is very interesting. The magazine that you lent me is very interesting. 私たちはみなその音楽に合わせてハミングした. We all hummed to the music. We all hummed to the music. 頭がいっぱいです. I've been preoccupied. My head is full. 彼女はその党の指導的任務につくことを承認した. She has consented to take the leadership of the party. She approved of taking part in the party's leadership mission. 刺し身は好きではないのでしょう. You don't like sashimi, do you? You don't like stabbings, do you? お金を少し貸してくれませんか. Will you lend me some money? Will you lend me some money? 彼はその機会を最大限に活用した. He made the most of the chance. He made the most of the opportunity. 彼女はうまく弟からその手紙を取り上げた. She coaxed the letter out of her brother. She managed to take the letter away from her brother. 私が演説をしなければならないのですか. Do I have to make a speech? Do I have to make a speech? 木はその実によってわかる. A tree is known by its fruit. A tree is known by its fruit. 今晩小さなパーティーをひらくことになっている. We are giving a small party this evening. I'm going to have a small party tonight. 三人の中で,ビルが最も行儀が良い. Of the three boys, Bill behaves most politely. Of the three, Bill has the best manners. 私の物理の先生は授業をサボっても気にしない. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip class. 金曜日には外で食事する予定です. We're going out for a meal on Friday. I plan to eat out on Friday. もっと時間があったら,もっとうまくやることが出来たのだが. I could've done better if I'd had more time. If I had had more time, I could have done better. 委員会の一つは8人のメンバーで構成されています. One of the committees is composed of eight members. One of the committees is made up of eight members. 私は二度とそれをしないつもりです. I will never do it again. I'm not going to do it again. 人をからかわないで. Don't kid me! Don't make fun of people. その調子でがんばって. Keep it up. Good luck with that. もう教会に行かないです. I don't go to church anymore. I don't go to church anymore. 軍部は全領土を占領した. The armed forces occupied the entire territory. The military occupied all the territory. 友を選ぶときにはどれだけ注意してもしすぎではない. You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends. You cannot be too careful in choosing your friends. この文は文法的に正しい. This sentence is grammatically correct. This sentence is grammatically correct. 父を見かけませんでしたか? Did you see my father? Have you seen my father? その通りの向こう側にホテルがある. There's a hotel across the street. There is a hotel across the street. 彼が若いのだと言う事をしんしゃくしてやる方がよい. You had better take his youth into account. You had better apologize for saying that he is young. すみませんが,おっしゃったことをもう"度繰り返してくださいませんか. I beg your pardon, but would you repeat what you said? Excuse me, but would you please repeat what I said again? あの人には欠点があるが,やはり私は好きだ. I do not love him the less for his faults. I like him none the less for his faults. 利口な学生であればそのような事はしないだろう. A clever student would not do such a thing. A clever student would not do such a thing. そろそろ床についてもいいころだ. It's your bedtime. It's about time you went to bed. 化学にエメット理論を応用する事の意味を考察したい. I would like to consider the implications we can draw from the application of Emmet's theory to chemistry. I would like to consider the meaning of applying Emmet's theory to chemistry. 東京の人口は,ニューヨークの人口より多い. The population of Tokyo is larger than that of New York. The population of Tokyo is larger than that of New York. 彼はアメリカ人ではない. He is not an American. He is not an American. 石けんで手を洗いなさい. Wash your hands with soap. Wash your hands with soap. 彼女は茨城に行った. She went to Ibaraki. She went to the castle of Tsubagakure. 君はああいった男たちと交際しないほうがいい. You shouldn't associate with men like that. You had better not associate with such men. 私この歌が好き. ビートがあって踊れるし. I like this song; it's got a strong beat and you can dance to it. I like this song. I have a beat so I can dance. 風邪をひきました. I caught a cold. I have caught a cold. 僕の靴がどこにあるかわからない. I don't know where my shoes are. I don't know where my shoes are. 今後旅行の際はぜひ当社をご検討ください. Please consider us in the future for all your travel needs. Please be sure to consider our company on your next trip. 同じような人々からなる私たちの地域社会では,体裁に従おうとする意識は不可欠な要素である. Conformity is an essential element of our homogeneous community. In our community of similar people, it is essential that we submit to corporal law. 彼女はとても美しい. その上,とても賢い. She is very beautiful, and what is more, very wise. She is very beautiful. On top of that, she is very clever. 私は初めて日本に来た. I came to Japan for the first time. I came to Japan for the first time. 僕は彼の無実を堅く信じている. I have a firm belief in his innocence. I firmly believe his innocence. 鉛筆で書いて下さい. Please write with a pencil. Please write with a pencil. 彼はインフルエンザで寝込んでいる. He's in bed with the flu. He is in bed with the flu. 駅着いたら電話するね. I'll call you when I get to the station. I'll call you when I get to the station. トムは試したの? Did Tom try? Did Tom try it? ジョニーはアリスに結婚を申し込み,彼女は承諾した. Johnny proposed to Alice and she accepted. Johnny asked Alice to marry him, and she accepted. 学校は九月に再開される. School reopens in September. School is resumed in September. ニュースはソ連崩壊のものばかりだった. The news was all about the collapse of the Soviet Union. The news was all about the collapse of the Soviet Union. 彼女がその赤ちゃんを見つけたとき,赤ちゃんはもう"時間も泣きっぱなしだった. The baby had been crying for an hour when she found it. When she found the baby, the baby had been crying for an hour. 彼らは高齢者特有のニーズを考慮に入れるのを怠った. They failed to take into account the special needs of old people. They neglected to take into account the specific needs of the elderly. 私はまだ行きたいと思っています. I still want to go. I still want to go. 井戸から水をくんできてください. Please draw water from the well. Please remove water from the well. スイスは風光明媚なことでよく知られている. Switzerland is famous for its scenic beauty. Switzerland is well known for its beauty. 私は彼女に2度とそんなことをさせないようにした. I made sure to not let her do such a thing again. I tried not to let her do that again. 彼女は私たち一人一人にアイスクリームをおごってくれた. She treated each of us to an ice cream. She bought us ice cream. 喉がひりひりして,ちょっと熱があるんです. I have a sore throat and a slight fever. I have a sore throat and I have a slight fever. 私たちは駅に時間どおりに着いた. We reached the station on time. We arrived at the station on time. 彼女ははしごに登ってペンキを塗っていた. She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling. She was painting on the ladder. 画像のアップロードの仕方が分かりません. I can't figure out how to upload an image. I don't know how to upload images. 私はさっさと彼の手紙に返事を書いてしまうつもりだ. I plan to reply to his letter right away. I am going to answer his letter quickly. シャワーが壊れています. The shower doesn't work. The shower is broken. うわ,最悪なタイミングで電池切れやがった. Ugh, the battery just had to die at the worst time. Wow, the battery ran out at the worst of times. 俺は人事課の馬鹿野郎にあごで指図されるつもりはない. I will not be dictated to by some idiot in the personnel department. I'm not gonna let you tell me what to do with my chin. あんなことを人に言われたのは初めてだ. It's the first time that anybody said something like that to me. I've never been told such a thing before. 彼女は秘書となる訓練を受けた. She was trained to be a secretary. She was trained to be a secretary. ギャング仲間の間ではダンで通っていた. Among the gangsters he went by Dan. I went by Dan among gang members. 私は夕食後,弟の宿題を手伝ってやることにきめている. I make it a practice to help my brother with his homework after supper. I am prepared to help my brother with his homework after dinner. さあ楽しんで. Now have fun. Have a good time. 税金を払ったら実生活の始まりだ. Life begins when you pay taxes. Paying taxes is the start of a real life. 私は鞄と傘を一時預かり室に預けた. I checked my briefcase and umbrella in the cloakroom. I left my bag and umbrella in the room for a while. 空港へタクシーで行った. I went to the airport by taxi. I took a taxi to the airport. 彼は彼女を騙したが,今でも彼女は彼を愛している. He deceived her, but even now she loves him. He deceived her, but she still loves him. マイクさんいらっしゃいますか. May I speak to Mike, please? Is Mike in? その船は波のなすがままになっている. The ship was at the mercy of the waves. The ship is at the mercy of the waves. 議長は少数意見を考慮に入れるべきだ. The chairman should take the minority opinion into account. The chairman should take into account the minority opinion. 条項に承諾した方が良いです. It would be better to agree to the terms. You had better accept the terms. 彼は病気で衰弱していた. He was wasted away by illness. He was weak from illness. あなたはお母さんを手伝わなければならない. You must help your mother. You must help your mother. 昨日,何年も会っていなかった山田にばったり会った. Yesterday I ran into Yamada, whom I hadn't seen in years. Yesterday I ran into Yamada I hadn't seen in years. 悪天候にもかかわらずお年寄りたちは御機嫌だった. The senior citizens' spirits were high in spite of the bad weather. In spite of the bad weather, the old people were in a good mood. この列車に乗って次の駅で乗り換えなさい. Take this train and make a change at the next station. Take this train and change trains at the next station. その位置に誰を選ぶか考えがありますか. Do you have any idea who we should single out for the position? Do you have any idea who to choose in that position? その医者は,僕の足にいい治療をしてくれた. The doctor did a good job on my leg. The doctor treated my leg well. 万一気が変わったら,知らせて下さい. If you change your mind, let us know. If you should change your mind, let me know. イタリア人はコーヒーを飲まない. The Italians never drink coffee. Italians don't drink coffee. 海が見えてきた. The sea came into sight. The sea came into view. 明日どこで会おうか? Where should we meet tomorrow? Where shall we meet tomorrow? 事故のために交通が妨げられた. The accident held up traffic. The traffic was blocked by the accident. なぜあなたは彼にそんなに批判的なのか,私には理解できない. I can't understand why you are so critical of him. I can't understand why you're so critical of him. その湖はどれくらい深いか知りません. I don't know how deep the lake is. I don't know how deep the lake is. ジェーンは怒っている. Jane was angry. Jane is angry. 新宿で乗り換えなさい. Change trains at Shinjuku. Change trains in Tokyo. あなたが私に代わってそのことについて話してくれるとはご親切に. It is kind of you to talk about it for me. It is kind of you to tell me about it on my behalf. この公園へ来ると私は子供の頃を思い出す. This park reminds me of my childhood. This park reminds me of my childhood. 彼女は臆することなく王の面前に出た. She boldly went up to the king. She did not hesitate to appear before the king. 君のジョークはひどすぎた. You went too far in your joke. Your joke was too bad. うちの会社にも何人か外国の人がいます. There are some foreign workers in my company as well. There are some foreigners in our company. ホーク氏は親切な紳士だ. Mr Hawk is a kind gentleman. Mr Hawk is a kind gentleman. なんであれ物事の本体を捕らえる事が肝心だ. No matter what the problem is, it's essential to get at the heart of the matter. Whatever it is, it is important to catch the body of things. 彼はクラスの中で一番背が高い. He's the tallest in the class. He is the tallest in the class. 7時に電話します. I'll call at seven. I'll call you at seven. トムはめったに質問をしない. Tom hardly ever asks questions. Tom seldom asks questions. その著名な心理学者は,見た目が私の叔父に似ている. The prominent psychologist resembles my uncle in appearance. The famous psychologist resembles my uncle in appearance. バスで旧友にばったり会った. I bumped into an old friend on the bus. I ran into an old friend of mine on the bus. その商品は無料で配送されます. The goods will be delivered free of charge. The goods will be delivered free of charge. あの人とかかりあいにならないようにしなさい. Don't get mixed up with those people. Try not to get in touch with him. 彼は結婚前の彼ではない. He is not the man he was before he married. He is not the man he was before he got married. 裕子はとてもすばやくレースをスタートした. Yuko started the race very quickly. Yuko started the race very quickly. それは愚問ですよ. That's a stupid question. That's a stupid question. こうもりはたいてい暗闇で飛ぶ. Bats usually fly in the dark. Fish usually fly in the dark. 水を"杯持ってきましょうか. Shall I bring you a glass of water? Shall I bring you a glass of water? 私は全精力をそのプロジェクトに使い果たした. I spent all my energy on that project. I spent all my energy on the project. 彼女は足が小さい. She has small feet. She has small legs. 我々はそのビル全部を自由に使ってきた. The whole building has been put at our disposal. We have used the whole building at our disposal. 自分の信念を隠すくらいなら死んだほうがましだ. I would rather die than conceal my belief. I would rather die than hide my beliefs. アルバムが欲しいんですけど. いくつか見せてもらえますか. I want some albums. Please show me some. I'd like to have some albums. May I see some? 君の声は聞こえるが,姿は見えないよ. I hear you, but I don't see you. I can hear you, but I can't see you. 列車は待ってはくれない. The train didn't wait for me. The train doesn't wait for me. あなた本人が彼女に話さなければならない. You must talk to her in person. You must speak to her in person. 彼は私にタクシーを呼んでくれた. He called a cab for me. He called me a taxi. 我社の年間売り上げは"0億円である. Our company has annual sales of a thousand million yen. Our company's annual sales amount to one billion yen. 医者に診てもらうほうがよい. 単なる風邪ではないかもしれない. You had better see a doctor; it may not be just a cold. You had better see a doctor. It may not be just a cold. 彼らはその計画を実行した. They carried out the project. They carried out the plan. "847年,彼らは独立を宣言した. In 1847, they declared independence. They declared their independence in 1847. その習慣は中国で始まった. The custom originated in China. The custom began in China. 一度に一つのことをせよ. Do one thing at a time. Do one thing at a time. 一週間雨が降り続いた. It rained for a week. It kept raining for a week. "男に守られるとか絶対いや"などとは言っていたが,こうやって好みの男性にエスコートされると彼女もまんざらではないらしい. "I'll never let myself be protected by a man" is what she said, but she seems to be perfectly fine letting herself get escorted around by a guy that she likes. She said she wouldn't want to be protected by men, but when she's escorted like this, she doesn't seem to like her. いいかげんにして. Cut that out! Come on. 判事には時間を止めれない. The judge can't stop. The judge can't stop time. 私は今日の午後,家に帰る途中でジョージを見かけた. I caught sight of George on my way home this afternoon. I saw George on my way home this afternoon. 彼女は弟に腹を立てていた. She was out of temper with her brother. She was angry with her brother. 勉強と部活動を両立させるのは難しい. It is hard to be successful at both study and club activities. It is difficult to combine study with club activity. 犯罪が増加していることは紛れもない事実だ. It cannot be denied that crime is on the increase. It is a fact that crime is on the increase. バスはどのくらい前に出ましたか. How long ago did the bus leave? How long ago did the bus leave? ネコは暗がりでも物が見える. Cats can see things even when it's dark. Cats can see in the dark. 時間がどんどん経った. Time went quickly. Time went on and on. やらなくてはならないことが多かったので,私は気が重い. I feel depressed because there were a lot of things I had to do. I was depressed because I had so much to do. 雲がだんだん黒くなって,雨が降りそうです. The clouds are getting darker; it's going to rain. The clouds are getting darker and darker, and it looks like it's going to rain. オタワはカナダの首都です. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. 時勢に遅れずに付いて行きなさい. Keep abreast with the times. Keep up with the times. 日本語で話してはいけません. Don't speak in Japanese. Don't speak Japanese. 彼はやっと復讐心を抑えた. He managed to forbear his revenge. He finally held back his revenge. 父親ががっかりしたことには,彼は失敗した. He failed, to his father's disappointment. To the disappointment of his father, he failed. 何と空が青いのでしょう. How blue the sky is! How blue the sky is! 健康ほど貴重な物はない. Nothing is so precious as health. Nothing is more precious than health. 司祭は彼らを夫婦であると宣言した. The priest pronounced them man and wife. The priest declared them husband and wife. トムのためなら何でもするよ. I'd do anything for you, Tom. I'll do anything for Tom. 彼女はだれにでも愛される. She is beloved by everyone. She is loved by everybody. 彼女はほのかな恋心を知るようになる. She has come to know something like love. She gets to know a tender heart of love. 昨夜早めにねるべきだった. I should have gone to bed earlier last night. I should've dropped in early last night. そのレースに参加するために新しいチームが作られた. A new team was formed in order to take part in the race. A new team was formed to take part in the race. それから,最後の恐ろしい叫び声とともに,怪物は山から下方の岩に身を投げて死んだ. Then, with a final, terrible scream, the monster flung itself off the mountain to its death on the rocks below. Then, with the last terrible cry, the monster lay dead from the mountain on the rocks below. 勉強することが学生の仕事です. It is a student's business to study. It is a student's job to study. 彼には欠点が有りますが,それでも私は彼が好きです. I love him none the less for his faults. I like him none the less for his faults. 彼女はかなりの洋服を持っている. She has quite a lot of clothes. She has quite a dress. 彼はその日暮らしの生活をしている. He lives from hand to mouth. He lives from hand to mouth. 反対 I disagree. No. くそ,家の鍵はいったいどこにあるか? Shit, where the fuck did I put my home keys? Shit, where the hell are the keys to the house? 私には話をする友達がいない. I have no friend to talk with. I have no friends to talk to. 落ち着いて,ゆっくり息を吸って Relax and breathe slowly. Take a breath. Take a breath. あなたはトムの友達なんですよね. You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? 彼はアンと三ヶ月付き合っている. He has been keeping company with Ann for three months. He has been dating Ann for three months. そのジェット機は稲光より速かった. Those jets were faster than lightning. The jet was faster than the lightning. 今日の天気予報はあたった. Today's weather forecast proved right. Today's weather forecast came true. ここから郵便局はゆうに5キロあります. The post office is a good five kilometers away from here. It's like five kilometers from here. 飲みすぎると健康を害するよ. Drinking too much is bad for your health. You will ruin your health if you drink too much. シンガポールでは,刑罰の一つに鞭打ちがある. In Singapore, one way to punish criminals is to whip them. In Singapore, one of the punishments is a whip. それは法律が定めていることである. It is what the law ordains. That's what the law says. "トム,ご飯冷めちゃうよ?""ちょっと待って,今行く!" "Tom, your dinner's getting cold." "Just a minute. I'll be right there." "Tom, it's getting cold, isn't it?" "Wait a minute, I'm coming!" トムは一晩中泣き明かした. Tom cried all night. Tom cried all night. 驚くこと,不思議に思うことは理解し始めるということなんだ. To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand. What is surprising, what is strange, is that you start to understand. 私はすべき企画があるよ. I have a project to do. I have a plan to make. 父は昨日入院しました. Father was sent to the hospital yesterday. My father was in the hospital yesterday. 今は,来月の海外旅行のことでもう頭がいっぱいよ. だって,久々なんだもん. All I can think about is next month's vacation. I haven't been on one in so long. I'm already thinking about my trip abroad next month, because it's been a long time. 私が成功したのは彼のアドバイスのおかげです. I succeeded thanks to his advice. I owe my success to his advice. あなたに私といっしょに帰宅してもらいたい. I would like you to go home with me. I want you to come home with me. この木はあの木と高さがほとんど同じだ. This tree is about as tall as that one. This tree is about the same height as that one. 広瀬氏に連絡をとっていただければ幸いです. We would appreciate your contacting Mr Hirose. I'd appreciate it if you could get in touch with Mr. Hase. ペン借りてもいい? Can I borrow your pen? Can I borrow your pen? ギリシャ人はかつていくつかの神を崇拝していた. The Greeks used to worship several gods. The Greeks used to worship some gods. 事の次第はどうなんですか. What's the story? What's the matter with you? トムは死んだ? Did Tom die? Is Tom dead? 彼女はとても慌てていたので電車に傘を置き忘れてしまった. She was in such a hurry that she left her umbrella behind on the train. She was in such a hurry that she left her umbrella on the train. ジーパンはみんな売り切れました. We are sold out of jeans. All the jeans have been sold out. トムはメアリーと結婚したがっている. Tom wants to marry Mary. Tom wants to marry Mary. ロンドンは発展してヨーロッパの一般市場になった. London developed into the general market of Europe. London developed into the general market in Europe. この映画は大人向けであり,子供向けではない. This movie is for adults, not for children. This movie is intended for adults and not for children. ばかなことを言うな! Don't talk nonsense! Don't be ridiculous! 屋根から落ちてきたタイルは粉々に砕けた. The tiles that fell from the roof broke into very small pieces. The tiles that fell from the roof broke to pieces. 私はこの3日間なにも食べていない. I have not eaten anything for the last three days. I haven't eaten anything in the last three days. 何人の子どもがいますか. How many children do you have? How many children do you have? 彼らは9月までローマに滞在した. They stayed in Rome till September. They stayed in Rome until September. 先月その町では生まれたものが死んだものより20人多かった. There were 20 more births than deaths in the town last month. There were twenty more born in the town last month than there were dead. 嘘を付くのは悪いことだ. It is wrong to tell a lie. It is wrong to tell a lie. 住宅は相当な値段を払えば手に入るだろう. Housing could be obtained at a price. Houses will be obtained at a considerable price. 彼の申し込みがやっと受理された. His application went through. His offer was finally accepted. 私たちはその番組が終わるとラジオを切った. When the program finished, we switched the radio off. We cut off the radio when the program was over. 明日,東京へ行ってこようと思うの. I have plans to go to Tokyo tomorrow. I'm thinking of going to Tokyo tomorrow. 変化が欲しいんだ. "つ場所にいるのがいやなんだ. They like variety; they don't like to stay in just one place. I want a change. I don't like being in one place. この銃は誰の物だろう. Who does the gun belong to? Whose is this gun? そのことは問題にしたくない. I don't want to make an issue of it. I don't want to put the matter into question. なぜ君はニューヨークにいることを知らせてくれた. Why didn't you let me know you were in New York? Why did you inform me that you were in New York? 明日の課題は何ですか. What's the assignment for tomorrow? What's your assignment tomorrow? 頭の毛は灰色だった. His head was gray. The hair on the head was gray. 彼女はお母さんに似ている. She takes after her mother. She takes after her mother. 彼女は彼に時計をやった. She gave him a watch. She gave him a watch. 週末はどうするんだい. What'll you be doing over the weekend? What are you going to do for the weekend? 20代の若い女性の中には,夏休みに海外旅行にでたいと思う人も多い. Many young women in their 20s plan to go abroad during their summer holidays. Many young women in their 20s want to travel abroad during summer vacation. コーヒーは濃いのが好きだ. I like my coffee strong. I like strong coffee. 彼は立派にふるまった. He acquitted himself well. He acted well. 君はその本をそんなに早く読み終わってしまうことはできない. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You cannot finish reading the book so quickly. 私が当地へ来てからちょうど5年です. It is five years to a day since I came here. It is just five years since I came here. 大規模な表面の潮流が存在していることがすでに知られているが,表面下の大きな潮流も発見されつつある. Large-scale surface currents are already known to exist, and major currents below the ocean surface, too, are being found. It is already known that there is a large surface current, but there are also great currents under the surface. 私の連れは疲れすぎていて走るのはおろか,歩くこともできない,と言った. My companion said that she was too tired to walk, let alone run. My companion said he was too tired to run or walk. 母鳥が雛に虫を持ってきた. The mother bird brought worms for her young ones. The mother bird brought a worm to the duck. 私に君の名前を教えてください. Please tell me your name. Please tell me your name. 大騒ぎした割には,大山鳴動して鼠一匹ということになったようだね. Everybody was so up in arms but it seems they got all panicky about nothing. For all the fuss, I'm afraid I'm going to have to have one mouse. 父はガンの手術を受けるべきであったのに. My father ought to have had an operation for cancer. My father should have had cancer surgery. 彼女に話すのが親切というものでしょう. It would be nice to tell her. It would be kind to tell her. 私の最も悪い習慣はタバコを吸うことです. My worst vice is smoking. My worst habit is smoking. 彼らはトーナメントでの勝利を過大に評価した. They made much of the victory of their team in the tournament. They overvalued their victory at the tournament. ダンは慎重に,しかしやすやすとそれをした. Dan did it with care but with ease. Dan did it carefully, but easily. 彼からはまだ何とも言ってきていない. I have not heard a word from him as yet. I haven't heard anything from him yet. 金沢は静かな町です. Kanazawa is a quiet city. Kanzawa is a quiet town. 彼は,言わば,陸に上がった魚のようなものだ. He is, so to speak, a fish out of water. He is, as it were, a fish on land. 私は映画が大好きです. I love movies. I love movies. ローマはローマ人のするようにせよ. Do in Rome as the Romans do. Do as the Romans do. その雑誌を見せてくれますか. May I look at that magazine? Will you show me the magazine? 彼の息子は服役中である. His son is serving his sentence. His son is in prison. 50歳を過ぎてから新しい言語を習うのはそんなに簡単ではない. It's not that easy to learn a new language after fifty. It is not so easy to learn a new language after the age of 50. その知らせは本当だと信じられています. We believed that the news is true. The news is believed to be true. 要するに,花がはちみつを作るのだ. In effect, flowers are the creators of honey. In short, flowers make honey. 私たちは2時30分にトムと会うことになっていると思っていました. I thought we were supposed to meet Tom at 2:30. I thought we were supposed to meet Tom at 2:30. 夏と冬とどちらが好きですか? Which do you like better, summer or winter? Which do you like better, summer or winter? それはこんな次第だった. It was like this. It was in this manner. 人生で成功の道は勤勉と用心深さにある. Success in life lies in diligence and vigilance. The course of success in life is in diligence and caution. 私たちはバルセロナに行きました. We went to Barcelona. We went to Barcelona. 私は泣きたいような気がした. I felt like crying. I felt like crying. 彼の家は貧しく,貧しい人々はあまり音楽を聞かなかったのです. His family was poor, and poor people did not often hear music. His house was poor, and the poor people didn't listen to music very much. 会議は中止になったよ. The meeting was canceled. The meeting was called off. 一般的に言って,預金は増加している. Generally speaking, savings are increasing. In general, deposits are on the increase. ちょっと鏡を見てごらん. Just look in the mirror. Look in the mirror. 彼は事故で失明した. He lost his eyesight in an accident. He lost his sight in the accident. アメリカ人にはよくあることだが彼はなまの魚を好かない. As is often the case with Americans, he does not care for raw fish. As is often the case with Americans, he doesn't like common fish. 彼はその先生が好きです. He likes that teacher. He likes the teacher. 私は神戸の郊外に住みたい. I'd like to live in the suburbs of Kobe. I want to live in the suburbs of Kobe. 英語は私にはやさしくない. English is not easy for me. English is not easy for me. なぜ教師になったの? Why did you become a teacher? Why did you become a teacher? 彼女は彼に帰ってもらいたいとほのめかした. She hinted that she would like him to leave. She suggested that he come back. あの飛行機に乗っていたら,今頃はもう死んでいるだろうね. If we'd taken that plane, we'd be dead now. If I had gotten on that plane, I would be dead by now. 私の記憶は間違っていた. My memory was at fault. My memory was wrong. あなた方は年齢に関係なく,その話し合いに参加できる. You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age. You can participate in the discussion regardless of your age. 遊びに来いよ! Come over! Come on, come on, come on! 私は夏北海道に行きます. I am going to Hokkaido in the summer. I'm going to Hokkaido in the summer. 彼らは彼の決定に腹が立った. They were angered at his decision. They were angry at his decision. 彼は秘書を解雇した. He let his secretary go. He dismissed his secretary. 専門用語で書いてあるため,この本は実に読みにくい. Written in technical terms, this book is very difficult to understand. This book is really difficult to read because it is written in technical terms. 彼女は洋服にたくさんお金を使う. She spends a lot of money on clothes. She spends a lot of money on clothes. トムは昨日夕食を食べませんでした. Tom didn't have dinner last night. Tom didn't have dinner yesterday. 母はその知らせを喜んでいましたし,私もそうでした. My mother was happy about the news, and so was I. My mother was pleased with the news, and so was I. 彼女は転んでひざを痛めた. She fell down and hurt her knee. She fell and hurt her knee. 子供はふつう両親を信頼している. Children usually have faith in their parents. Children usually trust their parents. 彼には子供と触れ合う時間がなかった. He didn't have time to spend with his children. He had no time to get in touch with his children. 苦しむことは人間の定めである. It is man's lot to suffer. It is the decree of man that he should suffer. お米は湿気を嫌います. 保管にはご注意ください. Rice does not like moisture. Be sure to store it well. Rice doesn't like humidity. Please be careful in storing it. 論文のテーマはもう決まったの? Have you decided the subject of your thesis? Have you decided on the subject of the paper yet? 私は一人で旅行するのが好きだ. I like to travel alone. I like traveling alone. この家は彼が育った家です. This is the house where he was brought up. This house is where he grew up. 君は馬に乗ることができない. You can't ride a horse. You can't ride a horse. 彼はやり続けた. He went on doing it. He went on doing it. トムは歩くのが遅い. Tom walks slowly. Tom walks slowly. やめた. You quit. I quit. この窓がどうしても開かないんだよ. 動かせるかどうかやってみて. This window won't open. See if you can get it to move. This window won't open. Try to see if you can move it. 彼のジョークで笑った. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. 彼女は大学へ入学する準備をしている. She is preparing for college. She is preparing to enter college. その建物の入り口を探すのはたいへんだった. It was difficult for me to find the entrance to that building. It was hard to find the entrance to the building. お金のことはジェーンにあたってみるよ. I'll try Jane for some money. I'll talk to Jane about money. 森を抜ける小道があります. There is a path through the wood. There is a path through the woods. 今日は月曜日です. Today, it's Monday. Today is Monday. 手伝ってくれてありがとうね. Thanks for the help. Thank you for your help. この子の知能は平均以上だ. This boy's intelligence is above average. His intelligence is above average. その絵のどちらも好きではない. I don't like either of the pictures. I don't like either of the pictures. あの黒雲を見てごらん. Look at those black clouds. Look at those black clouds. ボートは湖の底に沈んだ. The boat sank to the bottom of the lake. The boat sank to the bottom of the lake. 久しぶりです. Long time, no see. It's been a long time. 最初は彼のことを信じなかった. I didn't believe him at first. I didn't believe him at first. この商品は免税品です. The goods are exempt from taxes. This product is free from tax. 恥ずかしがり屋過ぎる彼は好きな人と喋る自信がない. Easily embarrassed, he chatted without any self-confidence with the person he liked. He is too shy to talk to anyone he likes. 我々はテニスを楽しんだ. We enjoyed playing tennis. We enjoyed playing tennis. 今,彼女と文通している. I am in communication with her now. I'm corresponding with her now. その携帯いつ買ったの? When did you buy that phone? When did you buy that phone? あの人は,見た目はこわそうだけど,フレンドリーな人ですよ. 心配しないで. Don't worry. He may look intimidating at first glance, but he's actually a very friendly person. He looks terrible, but he's friendly. Don't worry. トムはとてつもなく頭がいい. Tom is incredibly brilliant. Tom is quite clever. それらの作品には優劣をつけがたい. I can't tell which work is better than the other. There is no advantage in those works. 彼女は30歳未満だと思いますが. I should think she is under thirty. I think she is under thirty. 彼はその就職の面接を受けたが就職できなかった. He was interviewed for the job, but couldn't get it. He was interviewed for the job, but he couldn't get one. 恋は自由に始められるが,恋を終わらせるにはそうはいかない. A man has free choice to begin love, but not to end it. You can start love free, but you can't end it. 彼女が結婚したという知らせは彼にとって大きなショックだった. The news that she had married was a great shock to him. The news of her marriage was a great shock to him. 嬉しいことに娘が試験に合格した. To my joy, my daughter passed the examination. To my joy, my daughter passed the examination. 事情にあわせて,貴社の記録も調整してください. We suggest you adjust your records accordingly. Depending on your circumstances, make adjustments in your company's records. 今泣きたい気分です. I feel like crying now. I feel like crying now. ここでテレビを見ましょう. Let's watch TV here. Let's watch TV here. 彼女の微笑を見れば,君は魅了されるだろうに. To see her smile, you would be charmed. Her smile will attract you. 彼らはその変化に素早く順応した. They adapted themselves to the change quickly. They adapted quickly to the change. ルーシーに私の犬の面倒を見てもらった. My dog was taken care of by Lucy. Lucy took care of my dog. 幸いにも彼らは危険から逃れた. Fortunately, they escaped the danger. Fortunately, they escaped danger. 彼はロープにしっかりつかまっていた. He held on to the rope. He was holding fast to the rope. ひょっとしたら僕が君を助けられるかもしれないよ. I may be able to help you. Perhaps I can help you. もちろん彼女はその招待に応じた. She naturally accepted the invitation. Of course she accepted the invitation. 現在の失業率はどのくらいですか. What is the unemployment rate at the moment? What is the current rate of unemployment? 私の命令には従ってもらうようお願いいたします. I must request you to obey my orders. I ask you to obey my orders. 彼は教育の面では極端な意見を持っている. He holds an extreme opinion on education. He has an extreme opinion in the field of education. 帰国後その問題を調査してみるつもりだ. I will inquire about the matter after I return home. I will look into the matter after I return home. あの子は20まで数えられる. That child can count to twenty. He can count to twenty. ちょっと,頼むから少し静かにしててくれるかな? Hey, can you please be a bit quieter? I need you to be quiet for a second, okay? この研究における患者は男性30名,女性25名であった. The patients in this study consisted of 30 males and 25 females. In this study, there were 30 men and 25 women. 私はあなたの動作からヒントを得ることにします. I'll take my cue from you. I'll take a hint from your movements. この欠点さえなければ,さっそく彼を雇うのだが. If it were not for this defect, I should hire him at once. If it were not for this fault, I would hire him. これらの諸州は統合して"つの国になった. These states were united into one nation. These states united into one country. 彼女は財産はあるが幸せそうではない. For all her wealth, she does not look happy. She has wealth, but she doesn't look happy. トムがブログに私のサイトへのリンクを貼ってくれた. Tom linked to my website from his blog. Tom linked my blog to my site. 私は音楽に関しては門外漢だ. I have no ear for music. I'm a stranger to music. トムにはユーモアのセンスがない. Tom doesn't have a sense of humor. Tom has no sense of humor. 正午前にそこにつきたかったら,朝早く出発しなくてはいけない. If you are to arrive there before noon, you must start early in the morning. If you want to get there before noon, you have to leave early in the morning. 君の言うことは認めるが,やはり私の方が正しいと思う. While I accept what you say, I still think I'm right. Admitting what you say, I still think I'm right. 私は週末までに済まさなければならない仕事がたくさんある. I have a lot of work to finish up before the end of the week. I have a lot of work to do by the weekend. グレースは階上の内線電話のところへ行く. Grace goes upstairs to the extension telephone. Grace goes to the telephone upstairs. 人込みの中で彼とあった. I met him in the crowd. I met him in the crowd. 寛大すぎることが彼の最大の欠点です. Being overly generous is his greatest fault. It is his greatest fault to be too generous. 私はある程度フランス語を理解できる. I can understand French to a certain extent. I can understand French to a certain extent. 景気後退は賃金生活者を苦境に追い込みました. The recession has put the crunch on wage laborers. The recession has put the wage earners into trouble. 彼は胸中に愛国心が湧き上がるのを感じた. He felt patriotism rise in his breast. He felt patriotism well up in his heart. 彼は漫画を見てくすくす笑った. He chuckled at the comics. He smiled at the comics. 三人とも,すごくラッキーだね. You three are very lucky. You're all very lucky. 当店は年中無休です. Our company has no holidays year round. We're free all the year round. 落石が道路をふさいだ. Fallen rocks blocked the road. A fallen stone blocked the road. 私ははずかしくて彼女の顔がまともににられなかった. I was too shy to look her in the face. I was too embarrassed to keep her face straight. その父親と息子は良く似ていた. The father and his son were very alike. The father and son looked alike. 彼が気がつくと,公園で横になっていた. When he came to, he was lying in the park. He found himself lying in the park. 賢者はひと言にして足る. A word to the wise is sufficient. A wise man adds to a word. 彼は金持ちなのに,幸福ではない. With all his wealth, he is not happy. Even though he is rich, he is not happy. お前は床を掃きさえすればよい. All you have to do is sweep the floor. All you have to do is sweep the floor. 六時はどうですか. How about six o'clock? How about six? この案件をどう処理するか,君に下駄を預けるよ. I'm just going to leave it up to him to figure out how to clean up this mess. I'll leave it up to you how to handle this case. 書かねばならない手紙があります. I have letters I need to write. I have a letter to write. 持っていたお金は全部彼にあげた. I gave him all the money I had. I gave him all the money I had. 彼の妻は2人の娘と"人の息子を産んだ. His wife bore him two daughters and a son. His wife gave birth to two daughters and a son. 彼は研究の対象を広げた. He expanded his research. He expanded his research. 妻への贈り物を探しているんです. I'm looking for a gift for my wife. I'm looking for a present for my wife. 彼が欲しかったのは金よりもむしろ名声だ. It is not so much money as fame that he wanted. What he wanted is more fame than money. メンツ丸つぶれだ. I have lost face completely. I've lost my mind. 旅行の準備は全て整いましたか. Are you all set for the trip? Are you all set for the trip? この機械は故障中だ. This machine is out of order. This machine is out of order. 彼はドアを開け放しにしていた. He left the door open. He left the door open. 先週弟が貸してくれた"0ドル,借りたままだ. I still owe my brother the ten dollars that he lent me last week. I owe my brother ten dollars last week. その老人は遺言を作成した. The old man made out his will. The old man made a will. 我々のチームは3対"で試合に勝った. We won the game by three goals to one. Our team won the game three to one. 私は損失も病気も回復しなければならない. I must get over a loss, and my illness as well. I must recover from both loss and illness. 彼女は手厳しい人です. She's a tough woman. She is a hard man. その男の子は心配して病気になった. The boy got sick from anxiety. The boy got sick because he was worried. ここは何度も来たことがある. I've been here many times. I have come here many times. お名前をお伺いしてもよろしいでしょうか. Might I ask your name? May I ask your name? 私は海に泳ぎにいった. I went swimming in the sea. I went swimming in the sea. まだ決めてないです. I'm still undecided. I haven't decided yet. 彼は目を閉じて彼女にキスをした. He kissed her, with his eyes closed. He kissed her with his eyes closed. トムがどこに行ったのかあなたが知っているかもしれないと思いました. I thought you might know where Tom went. I thought you might know where Tom went. 彼は機嫌が悪い. He is in a bad mood. He is in a bad mood. 他の文化について十分な知識を持っていなければ,色々な問題が容易に起こりうる. If we don't obtain an adequate knowledge of their culture, a lot of problems could easily arise. If you don't have sufficient knowledge of other cultures, problems can easily arise. オバマさんが大阪から東京に転入したいです. Mr. Obama wants to move to Tokyo from Osaka. Mr Obama wants to transfer from Osaka to Tokyo. 彼は金を稼ごうと一生懸命働いたが結局は失敗だった. He worked hard to make money only to fail. He worked hard to make money, only to fail in the end. その摩天楼はまわりの他の建物の上方にそびえていた. The skyscraper rose above the other buildings around. The skyscraper stood high above the rest of the building around it. 攻撃的な行動に出やすい人は,危険な人間になり得る. People who are prone to aggression can be dangerous. Anyone prone to aggressive behavior can be dangerous. 君がピザを好きじゃないってことを忘れてた. I forgot you didn't like pizza. I forgot that you don't like pizza. その伝言を彼女にわからせなかった. I can not get the message through to her. I couldn't make her understand the message. これがあなたの面白い本ですか. Is this your interesting book? Is this your interesting book? 夕方ごろには雪になりそうだ. It looks like it's going to snow tonight. It looks like it's going to snow in the evening. トムは馬から落ちた. Tom fell from his horse. Tom fell off his horse. 古いつぼが掘り出された. An antique pot was dug out. An old pot was dug out. 誰もが長生きしたがるが,誰も年寄りにはなりたがらない. Every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old. Everybody wants to live long, but nobody wants to grow old. 彼は父親に似ていると思いますか. Do you think he resembles his father? Do you think he takes after his father? ココは雌のゴリラである. Koko is a female gorilla. Koko is a female gorilla. これは急行ですか. Is this an express? Is this an express? 家に投資することにはいくらかの利点がある. いざ売却するという時高く売れるからだ. Investing money in your home has some merit; when it is time to sell it you can get more money. There are some advantages to investing in a house because when you sell it, you sell it at high prices. これは本です. This is a book. This is a book. 私はその子をなだめようとした. I tried to soothe the child. I tried to get rid of the child. 支配人はドアを開いて身分を名乗った. The manager opened the door and identified himself. The manager opened the door and identified himself. 彼女はお風呂にいます. She is in the bathroom. She is in the bath. すみません. I'm sorry. Excuse me. 彼女の礼儀作法は決して感じの良いものではなかった. Her manners were anything but pleasant. Her manners were by no means pleasant. 私の荷物はどうしましたか. What did you do with my luggage? What did you do with my baggage? その本を読み終えたら私に貸して下さい. Please lend me the book when you have finished reading it. Please lend me the book when you have finished reading it. 少々おまちください. Just a minute. Hold on a second, please. 休憩は短いから十分に活用しなさい. You have only a short rest, so make the best of it. Take full advantage of the short break. 芝生に腰を下ろしましょう. Let's sit on the grass. Let's sit down on the grass. ただ口先ばかりでは何の役にも立たない. Fine words butter no parsnips. It's no use talking at all. オレンジはビタミンCが豊富だ. Oranges have a lot of vitamin C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. 彼女は耳のつけ根まで赤くなった. She colored up to her temples. She turned red to the bottom of her ear. ファランプはケーキを二つに切り分けました. Pharamp cut the cake in half. The lamp cut the cake in two. 反対に直面してそうせざるを得なかった. He couldn't help doing so in the face of opposition. I had no choice but to do so in the face of opposition. たいていのヨーロッパ人は日本人と中国人の区別が付かない. Most Europeans cannot tell a Japanese from a Chinese. Most Europeans can't tell Japanese from Chinese. その馬はなんという名前ですか? What's the horse's name? What's the name of that horse? 彼女は支配人にサービスが悪いと苦情を言った. She complained to the manager about the service. She complained to the manager that the service was bad. マイクは野球が上手にできない. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike can't play baseball well. どのくらい遠い? How far? How far is it? 彼は結果を聞いてがっかりした様子だった. He seemed disappointed at the results. He looked disappointed at the result. あなたがどんな理由をつけようと,私はあなたの言う事を信じる事が出来ません. I can not believe you, whatever reasons you may give. Whatever reason you give me, I can't believe you. 彼は演説を途中で突然中止した. He broke off in the middle of his speech. He suddenly called off his speech. 5年に及ぶ,つらかったガンの治療期間中,彼は何とか弱音をはかず毅然とした態度を崩さなかった. Throughout the five years of painful cancer treatments, he managed to keep a stiff upper lip. During his five years of hard cancer treatment, he managed to remain sound and firm. 去年は雪が多かった. There was a lot of snow last year. We had a lot of snow last year. 私は彼にペンをあげるつもりです. I'll give him a pen. I will give him a pen. 私はハワイへ船で行きます. I'll go to Hawaii by ship. I'm going to Hawaii by boat. 彼は一流歌手として認められた. He was recognized as a first-class singer. He was recognized as a leading singer. 確かに七十はすぎてる. He really is over seventy. I'm sure it's past seventy. 約束はきちんと果たすべきだ. You should deliver on your promises. You should carry out your promise. "5分までにユニオン駅にいてもらえるかしら. Do you think you can get me to Union Station by a quarter after? Will you be at Union Station by 15 minutes? ホワイト氏と私とは友人ではありません. 単なる知り合いです. Mr White and I are not friends, only acquaintances. Mr. White and I are not friends. We just know each other. 彼はコインの歴史に関する本を出した. He took out a book about the history of coins. He published a book on the history of coins. 彼はあらゆる反対をはねのけた. He rejected all the objections. He stood up for all the opposition. ビルは一番列車に乗るために早起きした. Bill got up early in order that he might catch the first train. Bill got up early so as to catch the first train. それらはその地震の前兆だった. They were symptoms of the earthquake. They were a sign of the earthquake. 大気汚染は我々の生存を脅かすものになるだろう. Air pollution will be a threat to our survival. Air pollution will threaten our survival. ドアを閉めて下さい. Shut the door, please. Please close the door. 路線の変更はできますか. Can I change the route? Can you change the line? 父がついでに私を飛行場まで送ってくれることになっている. My father is dropping me off at the airport along the way. My father is going to send me to the airport. 何をするにも最大限の努力をすべきだ. You should make as much effort as possible in whatever you do. You should do your best in everything. トムは酷く寂しくなった. Tom felt very lonely. Tom got very lonely. 美術館に行くならこのバスだよ. If you want to go to the art gallery, get this bus. This is the bus if you want to go to the museum. よかれあしかれ,この問題は彼に委せるほかはない. For better or worse, there is nothing to do but to leave the matter in his hands. For better or for worse, we have no choice but to leave this matter to him. スポーツに国境はない. Sport transcends borders. Sports have no borders. 私は正直は最良の策だと思います. I think that honesty is the best policy. I think honesty is the best policy. 他に何か知りたいことはある? Is there anything else you want to know? Is there anything else you want to know? コーヒーが飲みたい. I want to drink a coffee. I want to drink coffee. 朝食をとりながら,私たちはその日の計画を立てた. While having breakfast, we made a plan for the day. Having breakfast, we made plans for the day. 裁判所は彼が無罪であると判決を下した. The court adjudged him not guilty. The court ruled that he was innocent. じきにまたお会いするでしょう. It will not be long before we meet again. I'll see you again soon. サルは2,3歳で成熟する. A monkey is mature at a few years old. Monkeys mature when they are two or three years old. 彼は予備の部品を次々と調べていった. He examined the spare parts one after another. He examined the spare parts one after another. 良い一日を. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. 誰もそんな人とはうまくやっていけない. Nobody can get along with such a person. No one can get along with such a man. 英語には50万語以上の単語があると見積もられた. It is estimated that there are over half a million words in English. It was estimated that there are more than half a million words in English. 今月の家賃を払うのを忘れた. I forgot to pay my rent this month. I forgot to pay my rent for this month. 小さいおうちはみすぼらしく見えるようになってしまいました・・・まだまだもとの通りしっかりとしているのに. The small house had come to look shabby, though it was just as good as ever underneath. Our small house has grown to look dull... even though it's still firm as it was before. 私は家具を3点買った. I bought three pieces of furniture. I bought three pieces of furniture. 25歳までに,彼女は五つの異なる国で暮らしてきた. By the age of 25, she had lived in five different countries. By the time she was twenty-five, she had lived in five different countries. ドジャースとジャイアンツが呉越同舟でやってきた. The Dodgers and Giants, traditional rivals, arrived together. The Dojas and the Giants came on the river with us. その船にはレーダーが装備されていた. The boat was equipped with radar. The ship was equipped with radar. 車を運転する為には免許証が必要である. You need a license to drive a car. You need a license to drive a car. ここには道路が混んでいる. The roads here are congested. Roads are crowded here. われわれの飛行機は雲の上を飛んでいた. Our plane was flying above the clouds. Our plane was flying above the clouds. 彼女はラジオを消した. She turned off the radio. She turned off the radio. 彼のスピーチは心を打った. His speech appealed to us. His speech touched my heart. 肩が痛い. I have a pain in the shoulder. My shoulder hurts. 永遠にあなたを愛します. I will always love you. I will love you forever. 害になるような雑誌を読んではいけない. You shouldn't read magazines that are harmful to you. Don't read such magazines as are harmful. 我々に今必要なのは行動することであって話し合うことではない. What we need now is action, not discussion. What we need now is to act, not to talk. 彼女はとても運転がへただ. She is a very poor driver. She was very slow driving. その老人はふと立ち止まって振り返った. The old man stopped suddenly and looked back. The old man stopped to look back. 彼女は彼の求婚に負けた. She yielded in his proposal. She was defeated by his proposal. 私は英語で手紙を書き終えた. I finished writing a letter in English. I finished writing a letter in English. 私がこの退院承諾書にサインしたら,もう帰ってもいいですか. After I sign these release papers, you'll be on your way. If I sign this consent form, may I go home now? 彼はしばしば恋に落ちる. He often falls in love. He often falls in love. 彼らは一時間前にその町を去った. They left the town an hour ago. They left the town an hour ago. トムはメアリーを信頼していなかったし,メアリーもトムを信頼していなかった. Tom didn't trust Mary and she didn't trust him. Tom didn't trust Mary, and neither did she. コンピューター産業ではいろいろな働き口がある. There are many jobs available in the computer industry. There are various jobs in the computer industry. 彼は日が暮れてからそこに登場した. He arrived there after dark. He appeared there after dark. トレーシーはそのときまでお箸を使ったことが無かった. Tracy had never used chopsticks before then. Tracy had never used chopsticks until then. これは彼女のTシャツだ. あのTシャツも彼女のものだ. This is her T-shirt. That T-shirt is hers, too. This is her T-shirt. That T-shirt is hers. その芝居はとても面白かった. The play was a lot of fun. The play was very interesting. 私達は,悪天候のため,会議をキャンセルせざるを得なかった. On account of bad weather, we were forced to call off the assembly. We had to cancel the meeting because of the bad weather. 農園主はトニーを見て,"君,いくつだね"と尋ねました. The farmer looked at Tony, "How old are you, boy?" he asked. The farmer saw Tony and asked, "How old are you?" 彼女はかなりうまく歌った. She sang pretty well. She sang quite well. 地上の鳥や動物をあまり大量に殺してはいけない. Don't kill too many birds and animals on earth. Don't kill too many birds and animals on earth. 僕は君の成功を確信しているよ. I'm confident that you'll succeed. I'm sure of your success. バスは何分おきに出ていますか. How often do the buses run? How often does the bus leave? 私達は,地球のエネルギー資源をまるで無尽蔵であるかのように使ってきた. We have used earth's energy resources as if they were limitless. We have used earth's energy resources as if they were unlimited. この道はとてもせまいので車は通れません. This road is too narrow for cars to pass. This road is too difficult for a car to pass. 彼女は私の成功をねたんでいる. She is envious of my success. She is jealous of my success. 警察官は最終バスは"0時に出ると教えてくれた. The policeman told me that the last bus leaves at ten. The policeman told me that the last bus leaves at ten. この賞をいただいき光栄に存じます. I am honored to be awarded this prize. I've always been honored by this prize. メアリーは若いころ立派な歌手だったと言われている. They say that Mary was a great singer when she was young. It is said that Mary was a good singer when she was young. 日本の中学生の約半数が携帯電話を所有しているが,高校生になると97%が所有している. Around half of middle-school students in Japan have mobile phones, but if you look at those in high school then 97% have them. About half of Japan's junior high school students own a mobile phone, but in high school, 97 percent own a cell phone. どの科目を選ぶべきかアドバイスください. Please advise me which subject I should choose. Please advise me which subject to choose. 政治について討論しよう. I suggest we discuss politics. Let's discuss politics. ポール,8冊までなら借りられるからね. Paul, we can borrow up to 8 books. I can borrow as many as eight books as Paul can. 東ドイツには多くのヌーディストビーチがある. There are many nudist beaches in East Germany. There are many nudist beaches in East Germany. これ取っておいて. Take it. Keep this. 私は数学が苦手だ. I am weak in math. I'm not good at math. この事は私自身の体験から言っているのです. I say this from my own experience. This is what I'm saying from my own experience. 運転は下手だが,彼はどうにか運転免許に合格した. He managed to pass his driving test even though he was a poor driver. Although he was bad at driving, he managed to pass his driver's license. 理解していただきたい. I would like you to understand. I want you to understand. ビルには多くの友達がいる. Bill has many friends. Bill has many friends. 都会の文化は若い世代には魅力的に見える. Urban culture appears to be attractive to the younger generation. The culture of the city looks attractive to the younger generation. したくない. I don't want to. I don't want to. 彼はその大学に多額のきふをした. He endowed the college with a large sum of money. He gave a lot of money to the university. 彼の言うことは絶対正しい. What he says is absolutely correct. What he says is absolutely true. 運の良いことに,その治療法に害はなく,効果が無いだけだった. Luckily, the treatment was only ineffective instead of harmful. Fortunately, the treatment was harmless and just ineffective. 法律を犯す者は罰せられる. People who break the law are punished. He who violates the law will be punished. 彼は握力がとても強い. He has a grip of steel. He has a very strong grip. 昨日電話したとき,彼女が家にいてくれていたらな. If only she had been home when I called yesterday! If only she had been at home when I called yesterday. 手を洗いなさい. Wash up. Wash your hands. あなたはあの車をどう処理したのですか? What did you do with that car? What did you do with that car? 彼女は一人でそのテーブルを運んだ. She carried that table by herself. She carried the table by herself. その学校は外見が刑務所に似ている. The school looks like a prison. The school resembles prison in appearance. 家へ入る前に靴を脱がなければなりません. One must take off one's shoes before entering houses. You must take off your shoes before entering the house. "時間歩いてから,私たちは止まって休息した. After walking for an hour, we stopped to take a rest. After an hour's walk, we stopped for rest. 近ごろは物価が高い. Prices are high these days. Prices are high these days. アメリカ人は思っている事を率直に言う. Americans are frank enough to say what they think. Americans speak up about what they think. ポーラは今日のテストのために勉強しましたか. Did Paula study for today's test? Did Paula study for today's test? 猫はネズミを追いかけたが,捕まえる事はできなかった. The cat chased the mouse, but couldn't catch it. The cat ran after the mouse, but couldn't catch it. その貧しい若い男はついに偉大な芸術家になった. The poor young man finally became a great artist. The poor young man finally became a great artist. 誰が一番速く行くだろうか. Who'll get there the quickest? Who will go the fastest? 例によって彼は新聞を読みながら食事をしている. As is his way, he eats reading a newspaper. As is often the case with him, he eats while reading a newspaper. この川を泳いで渡れますか. Can you swim across this river? Can you swim across this river? この旅行にだれかいっしょに行ったのですか. Who were your companions on this trip? Did anyone go on this trip with you? 喀血しました. I coughed up blood. I'm bleeding. 角を曲がると,湖が見えてきた. As we went around the corner, the lake came in sight. Turning the corner, I saw a lake. 東京は今何時ですか. What time is it in Tokyo? What time is it in Tokyo now? 私たちは来週,新車を買います. We'll buy a new car next week. We will buy a new car next week. 彼はよく時間を無駄に過ごす. He often spends his time idly. He often wastes his time. 何故そこへ行ったのですか. What did you go there for? Why did you go there? その本から大いに得るところがあった. I got much benefit from that book. I gained a lot of money from the book. 彼はいかなる困難に出会っても,気を落とすようなことはない. He is never discouraged, no matter what difficulties he may face. No matter what difficulties he may encounter, he will not be discouraged. その犬を恐れる必要はない. 彼は全く危害を加えない. There's no need to be frightened of the dog; he is quite harmless. There is no need to be afraid of the dog. He does not do any harm. これをどこへ置いたらよいのか,よくわからない. I'm not certain where this ought to be put. I don't know where to put this. その墜落事故で400人もの乗客が死亡した. As many as 400 passengers were killed in the crash. As many as 400 passengers were killed in the crash. 彼は忘れっぽい. He is apt to forget. He seems to forget. 硬貨が彼のポケットから落ちた. A coin dropped out of his pocket. A coin fell from his pocket. 私たちは学生時代以来ずっとお互いに会っていない. We have not seen each other since our school days. We haven't seen each other since our school days. この棚はそんなにたくさんの本は支えられません. These shelves cannot support so many books. This shelf doesn't hold so many books. 彼の作品を審査するときには,彼の経験不足を考慮に入れなければならない. In judging his work, we must take account of his lack of experience. In assessing his work, we must take his lack of experience into account. もう2週間かそこらで梅雨も終わるでしょう. The rainy season will be over in another two weeks or so. The rainy season will be over in another two weeks or so. トムは絵を描いている. Tom is coloring a picture. Tom is drawing pictures. 遠くから見ると,その石は人間の顔のように見える. From a distance, that stone looks like a person's face. Seen from a distance, the stone looks like a human face. 私はどうしてよいかわからずに途方にくれた. I was at a loss what to do. I was at my wit's end not knowing what to do. 彼女はトムと同じくらい忙しい. She's as busy as Tom. She is as busy as Tom. 私はトムにその窓を開けるように頼みました. I asked Tom to open the window. I asked Tom to open the window. パスポートを拝見できますか. May I see your passport, please? May I see your passport? 私の聞いたところによれば,英語は金を稼ぐために,フランス語は愛を交わすために,スペイン語は神に祈るために必要だという. I've heard it said that English is for making money, French for making love, and Spanish for praying to God. According to me, English is needed to make money, French to make love, and Spanish to pray to God. 私はそのことについて何も知りません. I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about it. 彼はハーバードの生物学教授だ. He's a professor of biology at Harvard. He is a professor of biology at Harvard. 君がもらう給料の点からこれはいい仕事かね. In terms of the pay you will get, is this a good job? Is this a good job from the point of view of your salary? "なんで君はいつもメアリーの側に立つんだ?""私は別に誰の側にも立っていないよ. " "Why are you always taking Mary's side?" "I'm not taking anyone's side." "Why do you always stand by Mary?" "I don't stand by anyone else." マイクをお願いします. May I speak to Mike, please? Mike, please. それは重要だから僕が引き受けましょう. It's important, so I'll do it. Since it's important, I'll take it. ちなみに,来週は大学の卒業式です. By the way, next week will be our university graduation ceremony. By the way, it will be a college graduation next week. 一言で言えば彼女は役立たずなのだ. In a word, she isn't any use. In a word, she is useless. 男女ともテニスに優勝した. Both men and women won the tennis championship. Both men and women won the tennis championship. 赤い糸と白い糸,どっちがいいですか. Which is better, red thread or white thread? Which is better, red or white? トムはもう起きました? Is Tom awake yet? Has Tom gotten up yet? グリム兄弟はドイツ中の童話を収集した. The Brothers Grimm collected fairy tales all-over Germany. The Grimm brothers collected fairy tales from all over Germany. 良薬は口に苦し. The advice you find the hardest to take is often the most useful. Good medicine hurts the mouth. 待った. 彼女って言った?それても彼氏って言った? Wait, did you say girlfriend or boyfriend? Wait. Did you say she was your boyfriend? 彼は全身泥まみれだった. He was covered with mud from head to foot. He was covered in mud. スイッチは時間通りに働かなかった. The switch didn't work on time. The switch didn't work on time. われわれの彼に対する感情は複雑だ. Our feelings towards him are mixed. Our feelings for him are complex. 雨で遠足は延期しなければならなくなった. The rain necessitated a postponement of the picnic. The rain forced us to put off our trip. この地方の若い女性は美しいことで有名だ. The young women of this district are well known for their beauty. Young women in this area are famous for their beauty. バラの香りほど私の好きなものはない. There's nothing I like as much as the smell of roses. There is nothing that I like better than the smell of roses. このなぞの真相をつきとめなければならない. We must get to the bottom of this mystery. We must find out the truth of this riddle. 彼は,このことを僕の面前でやった. He did this before my face. He did this in front of me. 霜はまだ溶け始めていない. The hoarfrost has not begun to thaw yet. The frost hasn't begun to melt yet. 彼はその知らせにすっかり失望した. He was very much disappointed at the news. He was quite disappointed at the news. 私たちは,あなたの旅行の話を聞くのを楽しみにしています. We are looking forward to hearing about your trip. We are looking forward to hearing about your trip. バンドエードか包帯,ありますか. Can I have a Band-Aid? Do you have a Band-Ead or a bandage? めまいがします. I feel dizzy. I'm dizzy. 彼はしばらくの間歩きつづけました. He walked on for some time. He went on walking for a while. トレイシーは眼鏡をなくした. Tracy lost her glasses. Tracy lost her glasses. 船はテムズ川を上った. The ship sailed up the Thames. The ship went up the Thames. 貸し金庫はありますか. Do you have safety deposit boxes? Do you have a safe deposit box? ベンチに腰かけたとたんに,ペンキが塗りたてなのに気づいた. I had hardly sat down on the bench when I found it had just been painted. As soon as I sat on the bench, I noticed that the paint had been painted. 委員会の目的は子供の音楽の才能を伸ばすことにあります. The purpose of the committee is to develop children's musical talent. The purpose of the committee is to enhance the child's musical talent. それらは重要な問題だ. They are important matters. They are important matters. 彼女は悲しみを胸に秘めていた. She kept her sorrow in her bosom. She had grief in her heart. 出席者は予想したよりは少なかった. Those present were fewer than we had expected. The attendance was less than expected. 牛乳は私の身体に合わない. Milk does not agree with me. Milk doesn't suit me. これは私が思っていたのと違う. This is different from what I expected. This isn't what I thought. どうして私の好きな色が緑だと思ったのですか. What made you think that my favorite color was green? Why did you think my favorite color was green? 彼女は気難しいので,彼女とうまくやっていくのは我々には難しい. It is difficult for us to get along with her, because she is hard to please. She is difficult to get along with, so it is difficult for us to get along with her. 明日授業に辞書を持ってくる必要がありますか. Do we need to bring our dictionaries to class tomorrow? Do you need to bring a dictionary to class tomorrow? 彼は,死んだも同然である. He is practically dead. He is as good as dead. クープ氏は決して賄賂を受け取るような人ではない. Mr Koop would be the last person to take a bribe. Mr Koop is the last person to take bribes. 事態はよくなると期待していたが,実際はますます悪化している. I hoped things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse. I was hoping things would get better, but in fact it is getting worse. 彼の話はあまりにおかしかったのでみな笑わざるを得なかった. His story was so funny that everyone could not help laughing. His story was so funny that everyone had to laugh. 彼はそのとき着ていたもの以外に服を持っていなかった. He had no other clothing than that which he was wearing then. He had no clothes other than what he was wearing. 彼は他人につらく当たることができない性格です. It is not in his nature to be hard on other people. He is incapable of dealing hard with others. 彼は虎が好き. He likes tigers. He likes tigers. トムがフランス語を話せるとは知らなかった. I didn't know that Tom could speak French. I didn't know Tom could speak French. そうしていただければ,貴社の製品を効果的に販売することが出来ます. This would help us promote your products in the most effective way. If you do that, you can effectively sell your product. 後で電話するよ. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. 時間がたつにつれて我々の希望は消えた. As time went on, our hopes sank. As time passed, our hopes disappeared. いったいぜんたいなぜ,彼にそんな名前をつけたんですか. Why on earth did you give him such a name? Why on earth did you give him such a name? 僕はこの色もまた好きだ. I like this color as well. I like this color again. 近々お会いできるのを楽しみにしております. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. 今行ってくれ,放っておいてくれ. Now, please, leave ... leave me alone! Go now. Leave me alone. 定価から5%値引きいたします. We'll allow a 5 percent discount off list prices. We're going to subtract 5% from the fixed price. その起源を突き止めるには中世にさかのぼらなくてはいけない. To determine its origin, we must go back to the middle ages. We must go back to the Middle Ages to find out the origin of it. 注意して聞かないと,後で困りますよ. Unless you listen carefully, you'll be in trouble later. If you don't listen carefully, you'll be in trouble later. 雪だるまを作りたい? Do you want to make a snowman? Do you want to make a snowman? バスが完全に止まるまで席に着いていて下さい. Please remain seated until the bus stops completely. Please take a seat until the bus stops completely. リンゴの木が美しい花を咲かせている. The apple tree has a beautiful blossom. The apple trees have beautiful flowers. 凍るように冷たい. It is freezing cold. It's freezing cold. あなたはいつ佐渡にたちますか. When do you start for Sado? When will you go to Sado? トムはパンに苺ジャムを塗った. Tom spread some strawberry jam on a slice of bread. Tom painted the bread with jam. 雨が降れば彼は来ないだろう. He won't come if it rains. If it rains, he will not come. 楽しんでいってください. Enjoy yourself! Have fun. 彼が重要な役を果たした. He played an important part. He played an important part. 決勝戦で負けるほど悔しいものはない. Nothing is more disappointing than to lose in the finals. Nothing is so bad as to lose the finals. トムは普段,月曜日の午後は仕事をしなくてもいい. Tom usually doesn't have to work on Monday afternoons. Tom usually doesn't have to work on Monday afternoons. どんなに一生懸命やっても,"日ではそれは終われない. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to finish that in a day. No matter how hard you try, you can't finish it in a day. トムは馬鹿な質問をした. Tom asked a stupid question. Tom asked a stupid question. 祖母の年齢は,あなたの3倍半である. Grandma is three and a half times your age. My grandmother's age is three and a half times as great as yours. いつでもオフィスに遊びに来てください. Come to my office any time. Please come to my office any time. 私たちはスペリオル湖まで景色のよい自動車動をドライブした. We went for a scenic drive as far as Lake Superior. We drove a fine car ride to Lake Superior. 雨がふらなければ出かけよう. Let's go out unless it rains. If it doesn't rain, let's go out. 彼はその石をぽいとなげた. He gave the stone a fling. He licked the stone. トムがどれだけ宿題をやっていないかを知ったら,君もびっくりするだろうよ. You'd be amazed how often Tom doesn't do his homework. If you knew how much Tom wasn't doing his homework, you would be surprised. 訂正しろ,今すぐ. Take that back, right now! Correct it now. 彼が解雇されたといううわさが広まっている. There are rumors in the air that he was fired. There is a spread of the rumor that he was fired. 私がいるのは父のおかげです. I owe what I am to my father. I owe it to my father that I am here. 君がはいている靴は,かなり高い値段がするように見える. The shoes you are wearing look rather expensive. The shoes you are wearing look quite expensive. もう少しお時間をいただけますか. Could you give me a few more minutes? Could you give me a little more time? トムに会いに行ったが,彼は不在だった. I went to see Tom, but he wasn't there. I went to see Tom, but he was out. 手伝ってくれてありがとう. Thank you for your assistance. Thank you for your help. 多数の会員が総会に出席した. A lot of members assisted at the general meeting. A large number of members attended the general meeting. 彼らは電話した. They called. They called. 彼は大学院で勉強を続けた. He continued his studies at graduate school. He continued his studies at the university. 一緒に行こうか? Do you want to go together? You want me to come with you? 生徒だけでなく先生も休暇を欲しがっている. Not only the students but also their teacher wishes for holidays. The teacher as well as the student wants a holiday. 留守中スミスさんという方が来ました. A Mr. Smith came while you were out. A Mr Smith came while I was away. 彼はよい少年なので私は好きだ. He's a good boy so I like him. I like him because he is a good boy. 君がそんなに僕をじっと見ているのにどうしてリラックスできるんだい? How can I feel relaxed, with you watching me like that? How can you relax when you're staring at me so hard? 彼は何も伝言を頼んでいなかった. He hasn't left any message. He hadn't asked for any messages. この店はレンタルビデオ店です. This shop is a rental video shop. This store is a rental video store. 犬はよく骨を地面に埋める. Dogs often bury bones. Dogs often bury their bones in the ground. 彼は親切な人です. He is kind. He is a kind man. トムもメアリーも料理がとても上手というわけではない. Both Tom and Mary aren't very good at cooking. Neither Tom nor Mary is very good at cooking. あなたの安定的な支援がなければ,私の任務は失敗に終わっていたでしょう. But for your steady support, my mission would have resulted in failure. If it had not been for your steady support, my mission would have been a failure. 手術後,彼女の容態は快方に向かっている. Her condition is improving after the operation. Her condition is improving after the operation. 宝塚でショーを見物しましたか. Did you see the show at Takarazuka? Did you see the show in the treasure chest? 彼女はとおりをちょっといった所にすんでいる. She lives just down the street. She lives on the street. 彼は"00mを""秒フラットで走った. He ran 100 meters in 11 seconds flat. He ran 100 meters flat for 11 seconds. 切らないで! Don't hang up. Don't hang up! 私が死んだら娘の教育は君に頼む. I'll leave my daughter's education to you, after I'm gone. When I die, I ask you for my daughter's education. そのキルトは本当によく技巧が凝らされていていいものですね. That quilt is really quite a piece of work with all its fine craftsmanship. It's good that the kilt is really well crafted, isn't it? 米国の核廃棄物,テロ攻撃の標的になりうる. America's radioactive waste may be targeted in terrorist attacks. U.S. nuclear waste could be the target of terrorist attacks. 彼は今朝からずっと詩を書いている. He has been writing poems since this morning. He has been writing poems since this morning. 良心が彼をとがめた. His conscience pricked him. His conscience condemned him. 彼は出世して最後には大統領になった. His career culminated in the presidency. He was elected president at the end of his career. 私たちが求めているのは,一語一語の直訳ではなく,自然な翻訳です. We want natural-sounding translations, not word-for-word direct translations. What we're looking for is not a direct translation of each word, but a natural translation. 歩ける? Can you walk? Can you walk? "ありがとうございました""どういたしまして" "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "You're welcome." 雨が降るような気がする. I have a hunch that it will rain. I feel like it's going to rain. 白タクには乗らないように. Keep away from the unlicensed taxis. Don't play white. 火がすぐに付いた. The fire started immediately. The fire soon caught on. 暴動は南部の国民によって先導された. The revolt was led by the southern citizenry. The riot was led by the southern people. バーンズ先生に賛成しますか,それともローランドさんに賛成しますか. Do you agree with Mr. Burns or do you agree with Mr. Roland? Do you agree with Dr. Barnes or Mr. Roland? タオルは全く役に立たなかった. The towel counted for nothing. The towel didn't help at all. ショパンはピアノに向かってすわり,ひき始める. Chopin sits at the piano and begins to play. Chopin sits at the piano and begins to play. 聞きましたわよ. ご両親が借金を残して蒸発したそうですわね. I've heard about it. Your parents disappeared, running out on their debt didn't they? I heard that your parents left your debt and evaporated. 我々のチームは赤シャツを着ていた. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team wore a red shirt. 彼女はピアノをみごとにひいた. She played the piano beautifully. She played the piano at once. 鯨は海に住む巨大な哺乳類である. The whale is a very large mammal which lives in the sea. Whales are huge mammals living in the sea. 今の負けは御愛嬌さ. Why, I've let him win just to please him! I love losing now. 劇場の裏に駐車場がある. There is a parking lot behind the theater. There is a parking lot behind the theater. 君は危機に直面していることを知らねばならんよ. You must know you're faced with a crisis. You must know that you are in danger. 我が家の庭は甘い香りの花で満ちている. My garden is filled with sweet-smelling blooms. Our garden is full of sweet flowers. 彼が入って来たとき,私は2時間英語を勉強しつづけていた. I had been studying English for two hours when he came in. When he came in, I had been studying English for two hours. 彼らはその薬を自由に取って飲んだ. They helped themselves to the medicine. They took the medicine and took it freely. 大幅な値上げをOPECのせいにしようとしたってそうはいかない. とても納得できないね. You can't cop out on explaining a price increase of that size by blaming OPEC; that won't wash. It's not like you're trying to blame the OPEC for a huge increase in prices. 誰かが私の車を盗みました. 私が駐車した所にありません. Someone stole my car. It's not there where I parked it. Someone stole my car. It's not where I parked it. 男の子はいたずらが好きである. Boys are fond of mischief. Boys like to play tricks. 車の中にいるようにあなたに言ったはずです. I thought I told you to stay in the car. I told you to stay in the car. 彼らは空襲を受けたとき敵の飛行機を2機撃墜した. They shot down two enemy planes during the raid. They shot down two enemy planes when they were air raided. キャロルはレンタカーを運転しています. Carole is driving a rental car. Carol is driving a rental car. 各隊は少なくとも十五人以上で構成すること. Each party shall consist of not less than fifteen people. Each unit is made up of at least fifteen men. 私たちは金銭的に彼を援助した. We helped him financially. We helped him financially. 彼女は姉とは一から十まで性格が違う. She is different from her sister in every way. She is different from her sister in character from one to ten. このワイン口当たりが良くて飲みやすいわ. This is a smooth wine, which goes down easy. This wine is good and easy to drink. 私は明日学校へ行きません. I will not go to school tomorrow. I won't go to school tomorrow. 彼は飲酒癖が治った. He was cured of his drinking habit. He has recovered from his drinking habit. その問題では記憶がぜんぜんない. My memory is blank on the subject. I have no memory of the problem. もしそのお金があれば,世界一周旅行をするのだが. If I had the money, I would make a trip around the world. If I had the money, I would travel around the world. 彼女は何か趣味を持っていますか. Does she have a hobby? Does she have any hobbies? ジェーンはメアリーほど背が高くない. Jane is not as tall as Mary. Jane is not as tall as Mary. 明日歯医者さんに診てもらおうと思っています. I am going to see the dentist tomorrow. I'm going to see the dentist tomorrow. 明日は雨天ではなかろうかと思う. I'm afraid it will be rainy tomorrow. I'm afraid it won't rain tomorrow. トムはパソコンの使い方が分かりません. Tom doesn't know how the computer works. Tom doesn't know how to use a computer. 彼は医者のようにはぜんぜん見えない. He looks nothing like a doctor. He doesn't look at all like a doctor. 事故は避けられない. Accidents are inevitable. Accidents are inevitable. 知らぬ者がいようか. Who doesn't know? Is there a stranger? 白い制服を着た少女が,私の体温を計った. The girl in a white uniform took my temperature. A girl in a white uniform measured my temperature. 彼らは私の名前を知りません. They don't know my name. They don't know my name. 私は普段,昼食をたっぷり取る時間がない. I usually don't have time to eat a large lunch. I usually don't have enough time to eat lunch. 子供はおとなの父である. The child is father of the man. The child is a father to the child. 彼はそれをひとりで,しかも見事にやってのけた. He did it by himself, and admirably. He did it alone, and he did it well. 母親は赤ちゃんをベッドにそっと寝かせた. The mother laid her baby on the bed softly. The mother gently laid her baby to bed. トムは自分の息子の失礼な発言について,メアリーに謝罪した. Tom apologized to Mary for his son's impolite remarks. Tom apologized to Mary for his son's rude remark. 彼は月面に着陸した最初の人だった. He was the first man to land on the moon. He was the first person to land on the moon. 大きな台風が接近している. A big typhoon is approaching. A big typhoon is approaching. 新しい計画の詳しいことについてよく研究しなければならない. I must acquaint myself with the details of the new plan. You must study hard about the details of your new plan. "何しにこんな処へ来なすつた"主人は私の顔を見るたんびに,かう訊ねかけたものです. Everytime her husband looked at me, he almost asked me: "For what purpose have you come here?" "Why did you come here?" My husband would ask as soon as he looked at me. どちらの時計も好きではありません. I don't like either watch. I don't like either watch. あなたを解雇する十分な理由があります. There is a good argument for dismissing you. There's good reason to fire you. 元総理大臣の鈴木氏が,委員会の議長になるだろう. Mr Suzuki, who is a former Prime Minister, will be chairman of the committee. Mr Suzuki, former prime minister, will be chairman of the committee. あの人たちは同じ世代です. Those men are of a generation. They are the same generation. 彼はとても熱心にそれをやった. He did it with great zeal. He did it with great zeal. 給料に関するかぎり,それはよい仕事である. It's a good job, as far as the pay goes. As far as salary is concerned, it is a good job. その山には木がない. The hill is bare of trees. There are no trees in the mountain. 自分の能力に応じて働かなければならない. You must work according to your ability. You must work according to your ability. 実際にこれらの目標を実現するのに欠くべからざる役割を果たしてきた. These bodies have actually played indispensable roles in attaining these goals. I've actually played a vital role in fulfilling these goals. 生きている犬は死んでいるライオンにまさる. A living dog is better than a dead lion. A live dog is better than a dead lion. ウイスキーを"本持っています. I have a bottle of whiskey. I have a whiskey. 滞在期間はどのくらいですか. How long will you stay? How long are you staying? 彼は眼鏡をかけていた. He wore glasses. He was wearing glasses. 自由にクッキーをお取り下さい. Please help yourself to the cookies. Please help yourself to the cookies. その解釈は学者を待つまでもない. It doesn't require a scholar to interpret. The interpretation goes beyond waiting for a scholar. それは全くウソというわけではない. That's not altogether false. That is not altogether false. 図書館に新しい本が備え付けられた. They furnished the library with new books. A new book was prepared for the library. チャンピオンは大観衆の歓迎を受けた. The champion was welcomed by large crowds. The champion was welcomed by the large audience. 彼はいつも同じこと言ってるよ. He always says the same thing. He always says the same thing. 野球シーズンが始まった. The baseball season has opened. The baseball season has begun. いつもあらゆる問題に答える事ができたわ. She was always able to answer all the questions. I was always able to answer every problem. トムはそのコンサートが上手くいったかどうか知らない. Tom doesn't know whether the concert went well or not. I don't know if the concert worked out well, Tom. 初めて彼女の手を握ったのは,お化け屋敷の中でした. The first time I held my girlfriend's hand was in the haunted house. The first time I held her hand was in a haunted house. 私は小説より詩の方が好きです. I prefer poetry to novels. I prefer poetry to novels. 私は日本に来て初めて刺身を食べた. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate a knife. 私はチェックアウトします. I'm checking out. I'll check out. あの若者はサイクリングに夢中である. That young man is very keen on cycling. That young man is absorbed in cycling. 行きたくなければ,君はダンスパーティーに行く必要はない. You do not have to go to the dance unless you want to. If you don't want to go, you don't have to go to the dance. その騒音がますます大きくなってきている. The noise is getting louder and louder. The noise is getting louder and louder. トムは満足げに笑みを浮かべた. Tom had a satisfied smile on his face. Tom smiled happily. テッドはその野球チームの2番手選手だ. Ted is the second pitcher on the baseball team. Ted is the second player on the baseball team. 私は金輪際カラオケバーでは歌わない. I'll never ever sing in a karaoke bar. I don't sing in karaoke bar at all. 地震はその国がそれまでに経験したことのない大災害をもたらした. The earthquake was the greatest disaster the country had ever experienced. The earthquake brought about a disaster the country had never experienced before. 今何時ですか. 私の時計は狂ってしまいました. What's the time? My watch has gone wrong. What time is it? My watch has gone mad. 肌がヒリつくどころか,使う前より肌が安定してるんです. Far from irritating my skin it was better than before I used it. My skin is not sore, my skin is more stable than it was before I used it. 僕はベジタリアンだ. I'm vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. 文字はそれが半ば商売,半ば芸術であるとき最高に栄える. Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art. Letters thrive best when they are half business, half art. 大抵の人はそれをしたがらないことだろう. Most people wouldn't want to do that. Most people wouldn't want to do it. 彼はロサンゼルスとシカゴに途中立ち寄った. He stopped over at Los Angeles and Chicago. He dropped in on Los Angeles and Chicago. 悲しいことに多くの日本人が亡くなりました. Sadly, many Japanese people died. Sadly, many Japanese people died. 日本語は学習するのに難しい言語だとよく言われる. Japanese is often said to be a difficult language to learn. It is often said that Japanese is a difficult language to learn. 彼は至極冷静だった. He kept quite calm. He was extremely calm. 長い目で見ると良い品物を買った方が得だ. It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality. In the long run, it's better to buy good things. 彼はおいしい食事を出してくれる場所に直行した. He went straight to a place where good food was served. He went straight to the place where he served a delicious meal. 私の知っている限りでは彼女は親切な少女である. As far as I know, she is a kind girl. As far as I know, she is a kind girl. 塩は一日もかかすことが出来ない. We cannot do without salt even for a single day. Salt cannot cool for a day. 昔の日々は過ぎ去ってしまい決して帰って来ない. The old days have gone never to return. The old days are gone and never come back. タバコは健康に悪い. Smoking is harmful to your health. Smoking is bad for your health. 昨日これをするべきだった. I should've done this yesterday. I should have done this yesterday. 何でもやる気が無ければできない. Without motivation, nothing can be achieved. If you don't want to do anything, you can't do it. 私見では,彼の意見は正しい. From my personal point of view, his opinion is right. In my opinion, his opinion is correct. 昔は日曜日に教会へいったものでした. I used to go to church on Sundays. I used to go to church on Sunday. なんて不覚! What a blunder! Oh, my God! 暴動が治まった. The riot was put down. The riot has ended. 今日の日本は世界最強の経済大国の一つに考えられている. Japan is today considered to be one of the greatest economic powers of the world. Japan today is considered one of the world's greatest economic powers. あなたのご親切に対し深く感謝の意を表します. I wish to express my deep appreciation for your kindness. I deeply appreciate your kindness. 以前よりずっと背が高くなりましたね. You are much taller than you used to be. You're much taller than before, aren't you? 止まらないと撃つぞ. Stop, or I'll shoot. If you don't stop, I'll shoot you. 彼らは抱きしめることで彼らの愛情を表している. They're expressing their love by hugging. They express their affection by hugging. チョコレートほしい? Do you want some chocolate? You want some chocolate? 仕事に精を出しなさい. Attend to your business. Give attention to your work. なぜ彼はいつも自分の息子を悪くいうのだろうか. Why does he always run his son down? Why does he always speak ill of his son? 今私たちに必要なのは休養です. What we need now is a rest. What we need now is rest. 彼女は私の手を取りそしてその手をきつく握り締めた. She took hold of my hand and held it tightly. She took my hand and held it tight. ワクワクするなあ. I'm excited. I'm excited. 二週間後に治らなければ,確実に診察を受けないといけません. If it doesn't get better after two weeks, you definitely must get a medical exam. If you don't get better in two weeks, you have to be sure to have an examination. 楽しみにしています. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. メアリーと私は仲良しになりました. Mary and I became good friends. Mary and I became friends. 彼はホテルに2,3日泊まった. He stayed at a hotel for a couple of days. He stayed at the hotel for a few days. ローマ人は古代ブリトン人の文明化を試みた. The Romans tried to civilize the ancient Britons. The Romans attempted to civilize the ancient Britons. ほら彼がこちらに来るよ. Here he comes. Here he comes. 人間は理性的な存在である. Man is a rational being. Man is a rational being. 船で旅行するのはたいへん面白いですね. Traveling by boat is a lot of fun, isn't it? Traveling by boat is very interesting, isn't it? 彼は,ほおに涙を流して,その手紙を読んだ. He read the letter with tears running down his cheeks. He read the letter with tears running down his cheeks. 日本に行ったことはありますか? Have you ever been to Japan? Have you ever been to Japan? その学生はカンニングの現場をみつかった. The student was caught in the act of cheating. The student found the scene of cheating. 彼は有罪と宣告された. He was declared guilty. He was found guilty. このブラウスは好きですか. Do you like this blouse? Do you like this blouse? 一緒にもっと遊べばいいと思います. We should hang out more. I think we should play more together. 式が終わるとタンカーは進水した. The tanker was launched after the ceremony. After the ceremony, the tanker moved on. 田舎で暮らしているので彼には,訪ねてくる人がほとんどいなかった. Living in the country, he rarely had visitors. Living in the country, he had few visitors. あなたが行こうがとどまろうと私にとってはまったく変わりがない. It's all the same to me whether you go or stay. It makes no difference to me whether you go or stay. 勉強,進歩がないから楽しくないんだよな. I don't enjoy studying because I don't make any progress. You don't enjoy studying and making progress, do you? 彼なら何をしても誉められるであろう. No matter what he may do, he will be praised. No matter what he may do, he will be praised. 我々はボロ勝ちした. 何せ相手の選手ときたら弱いのなんの. We won hands down, because the other players were weak. We lost the game. We're weak when we're against the players. その研究に使える金はほとんどない. We have little money available for the research. There is little money available for the study. 彼らは新方針を採用した. They adopted a new policy. They adopted a new policy. 彼は怒っている男をなだめようとした. He tried to soothe the angry man. He tried to calm the angry man. 私の妻は掃除のことばかり考えている. My wife is obsessed with cleaning. My wife is thinking about cleaning. 知らなかったの? Didn't you know? You didn't know? ここで食べます. I eat here. I'll eat here. まったく偶然に,私は空港で旧友に会った. Quite by chance, I met my old friend at the airport. Just by chance, I met an old friend of mine at the airport. フランス語も,さらにスペイン語も話せる. I can speak French and also Spanish. You can speak both French and Spanish. 彼らは声をそろえて言った. They answered in chorus. They said with one voice. バスから降りましょう. Let's get off the bus. Let's get off the bus. ずっと遠くに船が見える. A ship is seen a long way off. I see a ship far away. その機械は先月から故障している. The machine has been out of order since last month. The machine has been out of order since last month. 私の新しいアルファ・ロメオのオープンカーは明るい赤色だ. My new Alfa Romeo convertible is light red. My new Alpha Romeo's open car is bright red. 彼らは子供たちのためだけに別れないでいた. They only stayed together for the sake of their children. They stayed together only for the sake of their children. あの方は私たちの先生です. She's our teacher. He is our teacher. これが彼らに一番気に入らなかった. This pleased them worst of all. This was the last thing I liked about them. あれが貴方の探している鍵ですか? Is that the key you are looking for? Is that the key you're looking for? 私達の不和は子供時代にまでさかのぼる. Our feud traces back to our childhood. Our unhappiness goes back to our childhood. あの巨大な建物はなんですか. What is that huge building? What is that huge building? 彼女は道化師の仕草を見ていまにも笑い出しそうだった. She was on the point of laughing at the clown's actions. She looked at the clown and seemed to laugh at him. 夏休みの間,私は夜中に夕食を食べていた. During summer breaks, I ate dinner at midnight. During the summer vacation, I was having dinner at night. 彼はベンチでタバコを吸いながらすわっていた. He sat smoking on the bench. He was sitting on the bench smoking. 私は彼に親しみを込めた返事を書いた. I wrote him a friendly reply. I wrote him a friendly reply. 彼女は"週間病気で寝ているそうだ. They say that she has been ill in bed for a week. It is said that she has been sick in bed for a week. 彼女は販売員としての仕事に応募した. She applied for a job as a saleswoman. She applied for a job as a salesman. 朝食前にいつも体操をします. I always take some exercise before breakfast. I always exercise before breakfast. きっと彼は私たちの招待に応じてくれると思います. I am sure of his accepting our invitation. I'm sure he will accept our invitation. あの人によって,大統領が戯画化され,政権の権威と綱紀が乱されてはなるまい. According to him, the president must not be turned into a caricature, the loss of authority and public order cannot be borne. Don't let that man play on the president and disturb the authority of the regime. 船が波に浮かんでいた. The ship rode over the waves. A ship was floating in the waves. トムは中日辞典を買った. Tom bought a Chinese-Japanese dictionary. Tom bought a medium dictionary. "月30日,3"日は葬式のため休みます. I'm taking bereavement leave on Jan. 30 and 31. January 30th, 31st, is off for the funeral. 理恵と私は同じ学校に通いました. Rie and I went to the same school. Rie and I went to the same school. 彼の理論は,全く現実的ではなかった. His theory was absolutely unrealistic. His theory was far from realistic. これらのティーカップは対になっている. These teacups make a pair. These tea cups are paired up. 彼はまもなく病気から回復するだろう. It will not be long before he recovers from his illness. It will not be long before he recovers from his illness. ここはとても寒い. It's very cold here. It's very cold here. フランス語の宿題を手伝ってくれない? Will you help me with my French homework? Can you help me with my French homework? この手の冗談にはもういい加減,うんざりだ. Enough with this sort of joke already! It's tedious. I'm sick of this kind of joke. 教室には何人かの生徒がいました. There were some students in the classroom. There were some students in the classroom. 彼が支配人だというのは事実でない. He is actually not the manager. It is not true that he is the manager. 彼の回復に少なからず望みがある. There is not a little hope of his recovery. There is not a little hope for his recovery. 暇な時は何をしていますか. What do you do in your spare time? What do you do in your spare time? お安い御用です. No problem! It's no trouble. あなたが金持ちでも貧乏でも,私にとっては同じ事です. It makes no difference to me whether you are rich or poor. Whether you are rich or poor, it is the same to me. 古きよき時代は去り,二度と戻らない. The good old days have gone, never to return. The good old days are gone, never to return. 彼は背中を掻いたり,爪を噛んだりする癖がある. He has a habit of scratching his back and biting his nails. He tends to scratch his back or bite his nails. 彼らは一列に並んで立っていた. They were standing in a row. They stood in line. 彼は仕事の鬼だ. He is an eager beaver. He is a work demon. 万物が静まり返っている. All is still. Everything is quiet again. ジョンは話が大きい. John talks big. John talks big. 7時に帰るよ. I'll be back at seven o'clock. I'll be back at seven. 彼女はたいへんじょうずにピアノをひく. She plays the piano very well. She plays the piano very well. すみませんが,私はこの知らせを彼に直接会って話してあげたい. Sorry, but I want to tell him this news face to face. I'd like to speak to him directly about this news. トムの誕生日いつか知ってる? Do you know when Tom's birthday is? Do you know when Tom's birthday is? ナンシーは膝の上に両肘をついた. Nancy put her elbows on her knees. Nancy put her elbows over her knee. 私の妻は料理がまるきりへたです. My wife is anything but a good cook. My wife is very well cooked. 彼は自分の利益には敏感だ. He is alive to his own interests. He is sensitive to his own interests. 彼はスタイルがいい. He has a nice build. He has a good style. 車が欲しいがそれを買う金がない. I want a car, but I have no money to buy one. I want a car, but I have no money to buy one. 彼は5ヶ国語を話すことができる. He is able to speak five languages. He can speak five languages. 明日は暑くなるでしょう. It will be hot tomorrow. It will be hot tomorrow. "600年代に紅茶はインドからヨーロッパに伝えられた. In the 1600s, tea was introduced into Europe from India. Tea was passed from India to Europe in the 600s. 彼からはっきりした返事はもらえなかった. I couldn't get a definite answer from him. I couldn't get a clear answer from him. 手に入らなかった. I couldn't get it. I didn't get it. 私は数学を,君よりも熱心に勉強する. I study math harder than you do. I study math harder than you. 私の友人に大学を卒業して立派な官吏となっておる者がある. ある時この人が私に曰うに,僕は学校に於て教ったことは何も役に立たなかった,しかし少しばかり学んだ哲学が僕に非常な利益を与えたと. I have one of my friends who graduated from university and became a fine public servant. Once he told me that what he had learned from school had been useless. However, what little philosophy he had learned proved to be of great benefit. There is a friend of mine who has graduated from college and has become a fine official. He once asked me, "What I taught at school didn't help me at all, but a little learned philosophy did me a great deal. 私の妻を紹介します. Let me introduce my wife. I'd like you to meet my wife. 彼は私たちに"すぐ出発しなさい"と言った. He told us, "Set off at once." He told us to start at once. これは若い人たちが解決すべき問題だ. This is a problem for young people to solve. This is a problem for young people to solve. いくら金を積んでも彼の気持ちは変わらないでしょう. No amount of money will change his mind. No amount of money will change his mind. 学校に全てを求めることはできない. One can't expect everything from schools. You can't ask for everything in school. いや算盤やってるから暗算得意なのかと思って. No, I just thought that since you can use an abacus, you might be good at doing calculations in your head. No, I'm playing on the calculator, so I thought you were good at arithmetic. 床からペンを取ってください. Please pick up the pen from the floor. Please take a pen from the floor. この部屋はほぼ十分な広さだ. This room is just about big enough. This room is almost large. 彼女は,私が勘定を支払うように言い張った. She insisted on my paying the bill. She insisted on my paying the bill. 誰か戸をたたいている. Someone is knocking on the door. Someone is knocking at the door. 彼は親切にも私を助けてくれた. He was kind enough to help me. He was kind enough to help me. これはとても大切な会合だ. This is a very important meeting. This is a very important meeting. この自転車はひどい. 重すぎる. This bike is awful; it's too heavy. This bicycle is terrible. It's too heavy. 探していた珍本を見つけた. I found a rare book I had been looking for. I found the rare book I was looking for. 僕は言語を勉強するのが好きだ. I like to study languages. I like studying languages. 彼らは住むべき家がなかった. They had no house to live in. They had no house to live in. 物理学は物質,運動,エネルギーの科学であると定義することができる. Physics can be defined as the science of matter, motion, and energy. Physics can be defined as the science of matter, motion and energy. 合衆国は50の州から成り立っている. The United States is composed of 50 states. The United States consists of fifty states. 私は彼らの誰も知らない. I know none of them. I don't know any of them. 太陽がなければ何も生きられないだろう. If it were not for the sun, nothing could live. Without the sun, nothing could live. 彼女は,"000円も持っている. She has no less than one thousand yen. She has no less than 1,000 yen. トムは川に落ちた. Tom fell into the river. Tom fell into the river. 彼は"同じ"とか"違う"のような考えを理解する. He understands ideas such as "same" and "different." He understands such ideas as "the same" and "not." 彼らは先生にしかられた. They were scolded by the teacher. They were scolded by their teacher. 全身に痛みがある. My body aches all over. I have pain all over me. ヘレンはいつもクラスでは首席だ. Helen is always at the top of her class. Helen is always at the top of her class. 明日は雨かしら. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. Will it rain tomorrow? 私はあの歌のメロディーが思い出せない. I can't remember the tune of that song. I can't remember the melody of that song. 出かけようとしている所へ彼が訪ねてきた. I was about to go out, when he came to see me. I was about to leave when he called on me. ここ最近すぐに疲れてしまうんです. Recently, I've tired quickly. I get tired very soon these days. 果物を自由にとって食べて下さい. Please help yourself to some fruit. Please help yourself to fruit. 私は彼を誉めずにはいられない. I cannot but admire him. I cannot help praising him. 彼は職業として画家を選んだ. He elected painting as a career. He chose to be a painter as a profession. 私はどこへでも,あなたに行くところへ付いて行きます. I'll follow you wherever you go. I will follow you wherever you go. あの国では,私は外国人だったのでそれなりに扱われた. In that country I was a foreigner and was treated as such. Being a foreigner in that country, I was treated accordingly. 彼らは敵の無線通信を受信した. They monitored the enemy's radio communications. They received enemy radio transmission. 彼はそれまで約束を取り消したことがなかった. He had never canceled an appointment before. He had never canceled his promise before. 国王は権力を奪われた. The king was deprived of his power. The king was deprived of his power. その試験に合格し,彼は喜んだ. He was happy to have passed the examination. He was pleased to pass the examination. 騒ぐなと先生はその少年に言った. The teacher told the boy not to make noise. The teacher told the boy not to make any noise. 彼女はあなたに本を貸すだろう. She'll lend you a book. She will lend you a book. 彼女のふるまいは正しくない. She is not playing straight. Her behavior is not right. その海は青い. The sea is blue. The sea is blue. 彼に忠告しても意味がない. There is no point in giving him advice. It makes no sense to advise him. 私たちは川で泳ぐ事を楽しんだ. We enjoyed swimming in the river. We enjoyed swimming in the river. 私は彼にどこへ駐車したら良いか尋ねた. I asked him where I should park my car. I asked him where to park his car. ジョージは私より5つ年上です. George is five years senior to me. George is five years older than I am. 50ポイントのテレホンカード The 50 unit phone card. 50-point phone card. 津波警報は解除されました. The tsunami alert was cancelled. The tsunami alarm has been lifted. 彼はそんな短い時間で遠くへ行ったはずがない. He cannot have gone so far in such a short time. He cannot have gone far in such a short time. 私は幸福です. I'm happy. I'm happy. 驚かせるなよ. Don't surprise me like that. Don't be surprised. 私はあなたの計画に反対はありません. I have no objection to your plan. I have no objection to your plan. 来週の月曜日にもう一度お寄りになってみて下さい. Try us again next Monday. Please stop by again next Monday. 学生たちは夏休みが来るのが待ち遠しい. Students are impatient for the summer holidays to come. The students can't wait for summer vacation to come. 実際に飛行機を操縦したのですか. Did you really fly the plane? Did you actually fly a plane? 僕の実験方法は,これとは違う精神を示していた. My method displayed a different spirit. My experiment showed a different spirit. 彼は退役軍人ではないかと思った. I guessed that he was an ex-serviceman. I thought he was a veteran. めん鳥がひなをかえしている. The hen is hatching her chicks. The birds are turning their wings. 今いる市民が逃げ出すという事態が危惧されます. It is feared that those citizens now present will run away. It is feared that the citizens of this city will flee. たとえ何か他のことを考えようとしても,死についてのいろいろな考えが頭に浮かぶのだった. Even when she thought about something else, ideas of death returned to her mind. Even if I tried to think of something else, I could think of many ideas about death. ノートとペンを出しなさい. Get out your notebooks and pens. Put out your notebook and pen. ギリシア人もよく魚を食べる. The Greeks, too, eat a lot of fish. The Greeks often eat fish. あなたは"0時まで仕事をしているつもりですか. Are you going to carry on your work until ten? Are you going to work until ten? 私はその通りで偶然スミスさんに会った. I met Mr. Smith on the street by accident. I met Mr Smith on the street by chance. 被告は無罪になった. The accused was found not guilty. The accused was acquitted. われわれはいくつかの点で彼らと違う. We differ from them in some respects. We differ from them in some respects. 彼女は関心のないような顔をしているが,内心はとても喜んでいるようだ. She looks indifferent but deep down she's very pleased. She looks uninterested, but she seems to be very happy inside. このみすぼらしい教会は我が国最古の建築物だ. This miserable old church is the oldest building in our country. This poor church is the oldest building in our country. 彼は正直者なのでいつも約束を守る. He is so honest that he always keeps his word. He is an honest man, so he always keeps his word. 誰も私を助けにこなかった. Nobody came to my rescue. No one came to help me. 彼女は音楽が大好きだ. She likes music very much. She loves music. 彼は私が着いたとき今にも死にそうだった. He was at the point of death when I arrived. He was about to die when I arrived. 生徒たちは先生に金時計を贈った. The students presented their teacher with a gold watch. The students presented the teacher with a gold watch. この専門紙は私には理解できない. This technical journal is above me. This technical paper is beyond my grasp. 彼らはこの町に住んでいる. They live in this town. They live in this town. 散歩に出かけてもよろしいですか. May I go out for a walk? May I go for a walk? その信心深いキリスト教徒は自分の信念を断固として貫く. The devout Christian persists in his belief. The devout Christian persists in his belief. その部屋の人々は,みんな互いに知り合いだった. The people in the room all know one another. The people in the room all knew each other. トムに歩き方がペンギンみたいって言われた. Tom told me I walked like a penguin. Tom told me how to walk like a penguin. 危うく車がぶつかりそうになり,彼女は怪我こそしなかったが,ぞっとして鳥肌がたった. She wasn't hurt, but she got goose bumps when her car nearly crashed. The car almost hit her, and she didn't get hurt, but suddenly she had bird skin. 人間は鳥や動物を支配しているだろうか. Does mankind have dominion over animals and birds? Does man control birds and animals? 彼には知識があり,また経験もある. He has knowledge and experience as well. He has both knowledge and experience. 彼女はその若者のことを考えないように努めたが無理だった. She tried to put the young man out of her mind, but it was impossible. She tried not to think of the young man, but couldn't. さようなら! Bye! Goodbye! まいた種は自ら刈り取らなければならない. You must reap what you have sown. The seed that you sow must reap by itself. たいていの親は自分の子供の将来が気になるものです. Parents are usually concerned about their children's future. Most parents care about their children's future. スミスさんはその計画を上手くやった. Mr Smith carried out the plan successfully. Mr Smith did well in the plan. 列車が脱線すると,たちまちパニック状態になった. The train was derailed, and panic ensued. As soon as the train derailed, I was in a state of panic. あなたは好きなものを何でもとってよい. You can take whatever you like. You may take whatever you like. その方は,私の後から来られる方だ. He is the one who comes after me. He can come after me. あなたのスーツケース,運んであげますよ. I can carry those suitcases for you. I'll carry your suitcase. 彼は私を見て危ないといいました. He looked at me and said, "Watch out." He said he was dangerous to look at me. ホテルが見えてきた. The hotel was in sight. The hotel came into view. 私は今日は仕事がたくさんある. I have a great deal to do today. I have a lot of work today. エレベーターが故障しているので階段を使わなければならない. We have to use the stairs because the elevator is out of order. The elevator is out of order, so we have to use the stairs. 私はいろいろな国の人形を集めています. I collect dolls from different countries. I collect dolls from various countries. この服は私にはあまりにも大きすぎる. This dress is much too large for me. This dress is too big for me. 私たちは目的地に着かなければならない. We must get to our destination. We must reach our destination. パーティーにお金を持ってきてはいけません. 体だけできなさい. Don't bring any money to the party; just bring yourself. Don't bring money to the party. Just take care of yourself. トムってちょっと変わってるよね. Tom is a bit strange. Tom is a little weird, isn't he? 先日彼が私に話したことは全然意味をなさないね. What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it? What he told me the other day doesn't make any sense. 助けてあげられなくてごめんね. Sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry I couldn't help you. ジョンには二人の息子がいます. John has two sons. John has two sons. その試合はますます面白くなった. The game got more and more exciting. The game became more and more interesting. 自転車を持っていないのですか. Don't you have a bicycle? Don't you have a bicycle? 飲み物を作りましょう. I'll fix a drink. Let's make a drink. 現在私たちは,検討すべき多くの社会問題を抱えている. We have a lot of social problems to think about today. We now have many social problems to consider. 彼女はおこりっぽい. She has a hot temper. She looks like a lump. 彼は殺人犯だ. He is guilty of murder. He is a murderer. テレビを見ていて眠ってしまった. Watching TV, I fell asleep. I fell asleep watching TV. この魚は腐った匂いがする. This fish smells bad. This fish smells rotten. この本があなたの想像力を喚起してくれるでしょう. This book will awaken your imagination. This book will arouse your imagination. 飛行機は頭上をゆうゆうと飛んで行った. The airplane sailed over our heads. The plane flew overhead. それは私の領分ですよ. That's my province. That's my area. 車はいつ戻ってきますか? When will I get my car back? When will the car be back? 彼女は彼の申し出を取り上げた. She took up his offer. She took up his offer. 彼らは私をボブと呼びます. They call me Bob. They call me Bob. 賭け事はもうやめなよ. Quit gambling. Stop gambling. 彼は目を閉じたままじっと立っていた. He stood still with his eyes closed. He stood still with his eyes closed. 私は時計を買いました,そして次の日それをなくしました. I bought a watch, and I lost it the day after. I bought a watch and lost it the next day. 彼女はいつも兄達と口論していた. She was always quarreling with her brothers. She was always arguing with her brothers. 体重が5キロ増えた. I've gained five kilograms. I have gained five kilograms. 壁に耳あり,障子に目あり. Walls have ears, shoji have eyes. He has ears on the wall, eyes on the broken child. 当地に住み着いてから"0年以上になる. It's been more than ten years since we came to live here. It has been more than ten years since we settled here. 彼女は美しいだけでなく,みんなに優しい. She is not only beautiful but also kind to everybody. Not only is she beautiful, but she is kind to everyone. この本は君たちに非常に役立つと信じています. I am sure this book will be of great use to you. I believe this book is very useful to you. 博多までの通し切符を買いましょう. I'll buy a through ticket to Hakata. Let's buy a ticket to Takara. 外国語を勉強しているほとんどの人達は,ネイティブスピーカーのように話すことなどできないだろう. Most people studying a foreign language will never be able to speak like a native speaker. Most people who study a foreign language will never be able to speak like a native speaker. その歌を聞くといつも子供の頃を思い出す. Whenever I hear that song, I think of my childhood. That song always reminds me of my childhood. それは50ドルもしませんでした. It was less than fifty dollars. It didn't even cost $50. スタイン先生がすぐに診察します. Dr. Stein will be with you shortly. Dr. Stein will see you soon. 私は彼に約束を守るようにいった. I told him to keep his promise. I told him to keep his promise. ポールが成功したというのは作り話だった. Paul's success was a myth. Paul's success was a fiction. 私がその計画を実行するのは全く簡単だった. I had no difficulty in carrying the plan out. It was quite easy for me to carry out the plan. 彼女は恋に破れた. She was disappointed in love. She fell in love. その2人の先生には等しい数の生徒がいた. The two teachers had an equal number of students. The two teachers had an equal number of students. 彼は会社を設立した時,まだ"0代だった. He was still in his teens when he founded a company. He was still in his teens when he founded the company. 正解に印をつけてください. Please check the correct answer. Please mark the correct answer. トムは何も言わなかった. Tom didn't say anything. Tom didn't say anything. この赤ちゃんは男の子? 女の子? Is this baby a boy or a girl? Is this baby a boy or a girl? 文は武に勝る. The pen is mightier than the sword. A sentence is superior to a sword. 健康はあらゆる富にまさると言っても過言ではない. It is not too much to say that health is above wealth. It is no exaggeration to say that health is above all wealth. 貴方は,筑紫川に行く. You go to the Chikushi river. You go to Sakura River. 捕まえろ. Grab him. Get him. バスの運転手は今日ストライキをしている. The bus drivers are on strike today. The bus driver is on strike today. 父の急死の知らせを聞いて,私は気が転倒してしまった. I was beside myself when I heard the news of my father's sudden death. I was upset at the news of my father's sudden death. "8歳以上の人は車を運転できる. People over the age of 18 are able to drive. People over eighteen can drive a car. その木は風でなぎ倒された. The tree was blown down. The tree was knocked down by the wind. 正直に言うと,私は孤独だった. To tell the truth, I felt lonely. To be honest, I was alone. この件についてご協力いただけたら,ありがたいと思います. Your help would be appreciated on this matter. I would appreciate your help in this matter. 編集者と出版者がそのパーティーに出席していた. The editor and the publisher were present at the party. The editor and publisher were present at the party. 彼女の冗談のためみんな笑った. Her jokes made us all laugh. Her joke made everybody laugh. 多くの外国人が働くために日本にやって来る. Many foreign people come to Japan to work. Many foreigners come to Japan to work. キング牧師は,それに続く数年間にわたって,アメリカ中で行われた抗議運動やデモを指導した. Rev. King led protests and demonstrations all over the country during the next few years. Reverend King directed protests and demonstrations throughout the United States over the years that followed. 私たちは5時間の旅でぐったりしてしまった. We were totally exhausted from the five-hour trip. We were exhausted from our five-hour trip. 彼は英語をしゃべると必ず間違える. He never speaks English without making mistakes. He never speaks English without making a mistake. もうその騒音には我慢できない. I can't bear the noise any longer. I can't put up with the noise any longer. 何処か行ってた? Have you been away? Where have you been? 彼はその部屋でひとりだった. He was alone in the room. He was alone in the room. 腕相撲しようか. You wanna arm wrestle? Do you want me to sum up my arm? 彼は報告書にざっと目を通した. He skimmed through the report. He looked over the report. ラップは屑だ. Rap is crap. Rap is a piece of crap. 散歩をしながら,トムは鮮やかな赤とオレンジ色の紅葉を堪能しました. While taking a walk, Tom enjoyed the autumn leaves in vibrant red and orange. As Tom went for a walk, he tasted bright red and orange leaves. 私はできるだけ速く走ったが,バスに乗り遅れた. I ran as fast as I could, but I missed the bus. I ran as fast as I could, but I missed the bus. 今更悔やんでも後の祭りだ. It is too late to repent. I regret it now, but it's a later festival. 私はヨーロッパへ二度行った事があります. I have been to Europe twice. I have been to Europe twice. この見地から歴史は2つの主要な時期に分けられる. From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. History is divided from this scene into two major periods. 彼に何という名前かを尋ねた. I asked him what his name was. I asked him what his name was. 脱いだ靴は下駄箱にお入れください. Please put your shoes in the getabako when you take them off. Please put your shoes in the bottom box. その映画はどうだった. How did you like the film? How was the movie? 彼は自動車を買う余裕はない. まして家は買えない. He cannot afford to buy a car, much less a house. He can't afford to buy a car, much less a house. このように効率が悪いのは,熊の体が大きく,足が太いからである. このため,歩くと体が横に揺れるのだ. This inefficiency is a result of the animal's large body and massive legs and feet, which contribute a sideways motion to its walk. This inefficiency is due to the large body of a bear and the fat leg of a bear. This is why it shakes side by side when it walks. 僕の行為でかれはきげんを損じた. My behavior put him out of humor. My conduct offended him. たとえ雨が降ろうとサイクリングにいくぞ. I will go cycling even if it rains. Even if it rains, we'll go cycling. 彼の作品は何世紀間も残るだろう. His works will endure for centuries. His work will remain for centuries. ところで君何語取ってたの? By the way, which language did you learn? By the way, what language did you get? 公平に言って,彼は自分の限られた部下と物資で最善を尽くした. To do him justice, he did his best with his limited men and supplies. To do him justice, he did his best with his limited men. 彼は都会生活の便利な面を強調した. He stressed the convenient aspects of city life. He emphasized the convenience of city life. 彼女は食べ物の好みがうるさい. She is very particular about her food. She is particular about food. その男は私を無責任だと非難した. The man charged me with being irresponsible. The man accused me of being irresponsible. 我々は困難な仕事に従事している. We're engaged in a difficult task. We are engaged in hard work. そんな事だと思った. I thought as much. That's what I thought. "彼は昨日手紙を書きましたか""はい" "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes, he did." "Did he write a letter yesterday?" "Yes." 泣いたことがない若者は野蛮人であり,笑おうとしない老人は愚者である. The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool. A young man who has never cried is a savage, and an old man who refuses to laugh is a fool. 彼は毎年北海道でスキーをする. He skis in Hokkaido every winter. He skis in Hokkaido every year. すみません. そこは私の席だと思うのですが. Excuse me, I think you're sitting in my seat. Excuse me. I think that's my seat. 私は大阪までの往復航空券を持っています. I have a round-trip ticket to Osaka. I have a round-trip ticket to Osaka. 彼が家を出るとすぐ,雨が降り出した. As soon as he went out of the house, it began to rain. As soon as he left home, it began to rain. 私はあなたにお会いしたい. I want to see you. I want to see you. 彼女のこと,どれぐらい好き? How much do you like her? How much do you like her? 同じ事がほかの多くの人についても言える. The same thing could be said about many other people. The same can be said of many others. 君は私が帰るのを待ちさえすればよい. All you have to do is to wait for me to return. All you have to do is wait for me to return. 若いうちに楽しみなさい. Gather roses while you may. Enjoy yourself while you are young. 橋の上流に滝がある. There is a waterfall above the bridge. There is a waterfall above the bridge. 彼に打診して,賛成してくれるかどうか確かめてみなさい. Try sounding him out and see if he'll come around. See him and see if he agrees. どんなに忙しくても新聞ぐらいは読むべきです. No matter how busy you are, I think you should at least read a newspaper. No matter how busy you are, you should read the newspaper at least. 彼の最近作の小説は以前のに比べて長足の進歩を示している. His latest novel marks a great advance on his previous ones. His recent novel shows great progress than before. それはその前日に借りたものです. I had rented it the day before. That's what I borrowed the day before that. 彼はとても感じのいい人だ. He is a very agreeable person. He is a very pleasant person. どうですか,仕事は? How's everything at work? How's work? それを"日で終わらせるのはほとんど不可能だ. It's next to impossible to finish it in a day. It is almost impossible to finish it in a day. 彼の借金は合計"000ドル以上になる. His debts amount to over $1000. His debts amount to over $1,000. 外国人は富士山を賛美する. Foreigners admire Mt. Fuji. Foreigners praise Mt. Fuji. 誰の場合でも割り当ての仕事を,さぼらせないようにすることが大切である. It is important to avoid having anyone absent from his assignment. In everyone's case, it is important not to cut down on assigned work. トニー君がそれを壊しました. Tony broke it. Tony destroyed it. 平和の反対は戦争である. The opposite of peace is war. The opposite of peace is war. 彼は町中のうわさの的です. He is the talk of the town. He is the target of gossip all over the town. 弾丸は的をかすめた. The bullet glanced off the target. The bullet missed the point. 彼は気難しい人である. He is hard to please. He is hard to please. 大学生になった今,兄はたくさん本を読まなければいけない. Now that my brother is a university student, he has to do a lot of reading. Now that my brother has become a university student, he has to read a lot. 多くの国民が陸軍に入隊した. A great number of citizens went into the army. Many citizens joined the army. こんなきれいな夕陽見たことないよ. I've never seen such a beautiful sunset. I've never seen a beautiful sunset like this. この地域では狩猟は禁止されている. Hunting is prohibited in this area. Hunting is forbidden in this area. あいつの多芸は無芸のたぐいだ. He is a jack-of-all-trades. His skill is unskilled. フランスの全人口はどのくらいですか. What's the total population of France? What is the total population of France? 彼には,何も文句の言うべき所がない. I have no fault to find with him. He has nothing to complain about. 君には何も不自由させない. You shall want for nothing. I will do nothing for you. 誰にも一緒に行ってもらえなかったので,私は一人で行きました. I could not get anybody to go with me, and so I went by myself. Since no one went with me, I went alone. ジムはドアロックに鍵を差し込んだ. Jim put the key into the lock. Jim put the key into the door lock. 私はコンピューターについてあまり知識がない. I don't know much about computers. I don't know much about computers. 息子に新しい背広を買ってやらなければならない. I must buy a new suit for my son. I have to buy my son a new suit. このCDを借りてもいいですか. May I borrow this CD? May I borrow this CD? 彼らは先週富士山に登った. They climbed Mt. Fuji last week. They climbed Mt. Fuji last week. 彼女が来なかったので,楽しみがなくなってしまった. Her absence robbed us of our pleasure. She didn't come, so I ran out of fun. これを使っても良いですか. May I use this? May I use this? その裁判官は厳粛な顔をして,怖そうに見えた. The judge was grave and forbidding. The judge looked stern and scared. 私はその映画監督を高く評価している. I have a high opinion of the film director. I have a high opinion of the movie director. 戦争中多くの残虐行為が行われた. Many atrocities were committed during the war. Many atrocities were committed during the war. 彼女はたった今外出しました. She went out just now. She went out just now. 彼女に事実を隠すことはできない. There's no hiding the fact from her. You can't hide the fact from her. ひどく疲れていてね. I'm extremely tired. I'm very tired. 何人か遅刻した. Some were late. Some were late. 探してる鍵って,これ? Is this the key you are looking for? Is this the key you're looking for? 彼女の夫は新しい月刊雑誌を出版するつもりだ. Her husband intends to bring out a new monthly magazine. Her husband is going to publish a new monthly magazine. あなたは一体何をしているんですか. What on earth are you doing? What on earth are you doing? 何か聞きたいことがあったら遠慮せずに聞いてね. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. 彼は人見知りする. He is shy of strangers. He is a stranger to the world. 物理は私の好きな科目だ. Physics is my favorite subject. Physics is my favorite subject. 新聞を読むとき,彼はめがねをかけることにしています. He makes it a rule to wear glasses when he reads a newspaper. He makes it a rule to put his glasses on when he reads the newspaper. 彼女は私を困らせるためにわざと花瓶を割った. She broke the vase on purpose to bother me. She broke the vase on purpose to bother me. トムはどこに行くにもカメラを携帯する. Tom always carries a camera with him wherever he goes. Tom carries a camera wherever he goes. 彼の努力にも関わらず,事故は起こった. With all his efforts, the accident happened. In spite of his efforts, the accident happened. 彼は研究に夢中だ. His study absorbs him. He is absorbed in his study. 貴重品を預かってください. Could you hold these valuables? Please keep your valuables. 彼女は二度と話しかけないと誓った. I vowed that I would never speak to her again. She vowed never to speak to me again. もう十一時よ. It's already 11. We're almost 11. 戸を叩く音がした. I heard a knock at the door. I heard a knock at the door. 食生活は生存に必要である. Food is necessary for life. A diet is necessary for survival. 町を案内しましょう. I will show you around the city. Let me show you around town. 彼は高校3年間無遅刻無欠席だった. He attended the high school for three years without missing a single day or being late. He was not late for three years in high school. それを彼女に与えなさい. Give it to her. Give it to her. 彼にはよくあることだが,彼は遅れてやって来た. He came late, as is often the case with him. As is often the case with him, he came late. 経済学は経済の仕組みを研究する学問である. Economics is the study of economic mechanisms. Economics is the study of how the economy works. 欲しいものがあれば遠慮なく言いなさい. Don't hesitate to ask if you want anything. If you want anything, don't hesitate to say it. 私は疲れているけれども一生懸命勉強しよう. Though I am tired, I will work hard. Even though I am tired, I will study hard. 現在のパスワードは"eosdigital"です. The present password is "eosdigital." The current password is "Eosdigestion." フットボールの試合は雨のために中止されるかもしれません. The football game might be called off on account of rain. The football game may be called off because of rain. 科学は観察に基づいている. Science rests upon observation. Science is based on observation. 彼にチャンスを与えてやれ! Give him a break! Give him a chance! 寛大さが生まれながら身についている人もいる. Generosity is innate in some people. There are some born with generosity. テープレコーダーは有用な教具です. The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. A tape recorder is a useful teaching tool. 帰宅の途中で彼に会った. I met him on my way home. I met him on my way home. 母は縫いものをやめ,本を拾い上げた. My mother stopped her sewing and picked up her book. Mother stopped sewing and picked up the book. 彼は莫大な財産を相続するだろう. He will come into a large fortune. He will inherit a large fortune. 彼女は私にそれを最後にさよならを言った. She said good-by to me for good. She said good-bye to me for the last time. 通話の申し込みを取り消しましょうか. Should I cancel the call? Shall I cancel my call? 勤勉さが彼の素晴らしい昇進の主要因だった. Diligence was the principal factor in his remarkable promotion. Diligentness was the main factor in his great promotion. 彼らはスミスさんを議長に任命した. They appointed Miss Smith chairperson. They appointed Mr Smith chairman. 彼は昔の彼とは違う. He is different from what he used to be. He is not what he used to be. 私は彼が言っている事を理解できなかった. I couldn't make out what he was saying. I couldn't make out what he was saying. 永久に日本を去るわけではないですよね. You aren't leaving Japan for good, are you? You're not leaving Japan forever, are you? 人間はあまりにも野心的になりすぎると,自分を滅ぼしてしまうことになる. Man may well, in his attempt to be too ambitious, destroy himself. Man destroys himself if he becomes too ambitious. 老いも若きも戦争にいった. Young and old went to battle. Old and young alike went to war. 彼女は自分の手当について騒ぎ立てました. She made a fuss about her benefits. She made a fuss about her care. トムはさっき見たことが信じられなかった. Tom can't believe what he's just seen. Tom couldn't believe what he saw just now. 私の名前が呼ばれるのが聞こえました. I heard my name called. I heard my name called. 普通科目の他に機械についての基礎的な事柄を学習し, 各種の機械の使用法や技術を身につける実習などを行います. In addition to the general curriculum there are tutorials in the essentials of machinery, training is also carried out for skills in and learning how to use the various types of machinery. They learn basic things about machines, not just normal subjects, they learn basic things about machines, they learn how to use various kinds of machines, they learn skills, and so on. 春はあけぼの,夏はよる. Behold! The beauty of the seasons. Spring is dawn and summer is early. 私は質問するために手を上げた. I raised my hand to ask a question. I raised my hand to ask a question. その催し物にはかなり多くの人が出た. Quite a few people turned out for the event. There were quite a few people for the event. 彼女はいつも他人のあら探しをしている. She is always finding fault with others. She is always finding fault with others. この料理を食べると,おふくろの味を思い出します. These dishes remind me of my mother's cooking. This dish reminds me of my mother's taste. 真相を知っておいたほうがいい. You may as well know the truth. You had better know the truth. 彼女は富豪と結婚する. She will get married to a rich man. She marries a rich man. 彼はすっかり私に腹を立てた. He entirely lost his temper with me. He was quite angry with me. 明日のパーティーにはケータリングを手配しました. I arranged catering for tomorrow's party. We have arranged for the party tomorrow. 彼はみんながわかるようにゆっくりしゃべった. He spoke slowly enough for everyone to understand. He spoke slowly so that everyone could understand him. この本の値段は,4ドルです. The cost of the book is 4 dollars. The price of this book is four dollars. 彼は全く思いがけなく着いた. He arrived quite out of the blue. He arrived quite unexpectedly. 彼は人参が嫌いです. He hates carrots. He doesn't like carrots. 彼女は彼の顔をひっぱたいた. She slapped him in the face. She slapped him in the face. あの,ちょっとお願いしたいことがあるんですけど. Um, there's something I want to ask you about. Um, I have a favor to ask of you. 日本は初めてですか. Is this your first time in Japan? Is this your first time in Japan? 私のお父さんはとてもよい人です. My father is very nice. My father is a very good man. 彼女は会社を辞めると心に決めている. She's made up her mind to quit the company. She is determined to quit her company. 我々は読み書きをならう. We learn to read and write. We learn to read and write. この会社には派閥があります. This office is divided up into camps. This company has factions. だれもその間違いに気づかなかったとはおもしろい. It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake. It is interesting that no one noticed the mistake. 私たちはその騒音に慣れた. We have got used to that noise. We were accustomed to the noise. 英語を学び始めてから6年です. It has been six years since I started to study English. It's been six years since I started studying English. このテーブルは木製である. This is a wooden table. This table is made of wood. 私は彼女のカクテルパーティーに行く予定です. I'm going to her cocktail party. I'm going to her cocktail party. 洋子は,切手の収集に興味がある. Yoko is interested in collecting stamps. Michiko is interested in collecting stamps. 私たちはその問題について討論した. We discussed the problem. We discussed the problem. いまどきそんなことは子供だってしないだろう. A child today would not do that. None of them will be able to do such a thing today. 国債発行が高水準なので,それらの元利支払コストが増加するだろう. Given a high level of bond issues, the cost to service them will increase. The high level of debt issues will increase the cost of those former interest payments. 他人には私の仕事はできないでしょうに. I don't think that anyone else could do my job. You won't be able to do my work to others. 航空便でお願いします. Airmail, please. I'd like an airmail, please. 私は入院中たばこをやめなければならなかった. I had to abstain from smoking while I was in the hospital. I had to give up smoking while I was in the hospital. その映画をそちらでやっていたら,ぜひ見た方がいいですよ. If the film is on at your place, do go and see it. If you were doing the movie over there, you should see it. 彼女は腰に革のベルトをしている. She is wearing a leather belt around her waist. She has a leather belt on her waist. 俺達に愛を説いたって無駄さよけい憎しみをあおるだけなのだから. Don't fall in love because we hate you still. It's just a waste of hatred to tell us love. おはよう!どこ行きたい? Good morning! Where do you want to go? Good morning! Where do you want to go? 久美子さんにすっごく会いたいよ. I really want to meet Kumiko. I really want to see Kumiko. かばんの中に数枚の切手があります. I have some stamps in my bag. There are several stamps in the bag. 彼が出かけると雨が降り出した. It began to rain when he went out. When he went out, it began to rain. トムはいません. Tom isn't in. Tom isn't here. 僕は英語の試験の準備をしなくてはならない. I have to prepare for the English test. I have to prepare for the English examination. その洗濯機は故障している. The washing machine is out of order. The washing machine is out of order. 歩きながら本を読んではいけない. Do not read while walking. Don't read a book while walking. 急いでやってミスするよりは,じっくり時間かけた方がいいよ. It is better to take your time than to hurry and make mistakes. It's better to take a long time than to hurry and make a mistake. この教科書は,急いで印刷したためにミスプリントがたくさんある. This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes. This textbook has a lot of misprints because it was printed quickly. コーヒーポットが沸騰している. The coffeepot is boiling. The coffee pot is boiling. 春には家を徹底的にきれいにしたい. In spring, we like to give the house a thorough cleaning. I want to clean up my house thoroughly in spring. 健康を保つためにはたくさんの果物を食べるのがよい. You had best eat plenty of fruit to keep healthy. It is good to eat a lot of fruit in order to stay healthy. 彼はいわゆる文化人である. He is what we call a man of culture. He is what is called a culture. 彼女はカップにミルクを注いだ. She poured milk into the cup. She poured milk into the cup. ついさっき夕立に遭った. I was caught in a shower just now. I just met with a shower. 彼女にはよくあることだが,きょうの午後の会合に遅れた. As is often the case with her, she was late for the meeting this afternoon. As is often the case with her, she was late for the meeting this afternoon. やあ,トム. 元気? Hi, Tom. How are you? Hi, Tom. How are you? 彼は資産のおかげでそのクラブの会員になれた. Because of his wealth, he was able to become a member of that club. His assets made him a member of the club. パーティーに来ますか. Are you coming to the party? Are you coming to the party? 電話が鳴った時,私達は外出するところだった. We were all set to leave when the phone rang. When the telephone rang, we were about to go out. あなたは私のことを信じていないのですか. Don't you believe me? Do you not believe me? 彼女はモルヒネ注射によって無痛の状態になった. She was kept under with morphine injections. She was in a state of no pain from a morphine shot. どう見ても彼らの行動は実を結んでいない. To all appearances, their actions haven't borne fruit. To all appearances, their conduct has not borne fruit. 彼はシモンをイエスのもとにつれてきた. イエスはシモンに目を留めて言われた. Then he brought Simon to Jesus, who looked at him and spoke. He brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at Simon and said: 私はあの騒音にはもう我慢できない. I cannot put up with the noise any longer. I can't put up with that noise any longer. 難しくはない. It's not hard. It's not hard. 私はその時以来,彼女から便りをもらっていません. I haven't heard from her since then. I haven't heard from her since then. 行動は言葉よりも声高く語る. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words. 彼から招待状をもらったがそれに応じなかった. I received an invitation from him, but didn't accept it. I received an invitation from him, but I refused to accept it. 彼女は才能豊かな画家さ. She is a gifted artist. She's a talented painter. 彼は息子が着いた日に亡くなった. He died on the day his son arrived. He died the day his son arrived. トムはメアリーのすぐそばに立っている. Tom is standing right next to Mary. Tom is standing right beside Mary. 両親は無理に私をそこへ行かせた. My parents made me go there. My parents forced me to go there. 小さなあやまりを除いては,これはかなりよい. This is fairly good except for minor mistakes. This is pretty good, except for a little bellows. 彼女は愛敬のある顔をしている. She has a charming face. She has a respectful face. 彼女は運転免許を持っていません. She doesn't have a driver's license. She doesn't have a driver's license. ビル君,ここに来なさい. Come on, Bill. Come here, Bill. お風呂に入ってくるよ. I'm going to take a bath. I'm going to take a bath. 人は付き合っている人間でわかる. A man is known by the company he keeps. A person is known by the person he is dating. 私は五日間でその仕事を終えます. I will finish the work in five days. I will finish the work in five days. 彼はいつかは帰ってくるだろうか. Will he ever come back? Will he ever come back? 君か彼女かどちらかそこに行かなければならない. Either you or she has to go there. Either you or she must go there. その一撃は彼の腹部をとらえた. The blow caught him in the stomach. The blow caught him by the belly. 皿が彼女の手から滑り,床に落ちて割れた. The plate slipped from her hand and crashed to the floor. The plate slipped from her hand, fell to the floor, and broke. 喜んで! With pleasure! I'd be happy to! 考えを実行に移すのは,難しい. Putting ideas into practice is difficult. It is difficult to put an idea into practice. ゆっくり運転して. 事故を起こしかねませんよ. Drive slowly. You might have an accident. Drive slowly. You may have an accident. まだ先は長い. We have a long ways to go. We have a long way to go. 子供のころ,私は一人,自室で何時間も本を読んで過ごしたものだった. When I was a child, I would spend hours reading alone in my room. When I was a child, I used to spend hours reading books in my room. 30ページから始めましょう. Let's begin at page 30. Let's start with page 30. 懐炉を持ってくればいいのに. 冬の必需品だよ. I wish that you had brought a kairo. It's a necessary article in winter. I wish I had brought a flashlight. It's a necessity for the winter. 私達の立っているところから琵琶湖が見えた. Lake Biwa could be seen from where we were standing. Lake Sakura was seen from where we stood. 私はメガネがなくては読めない. I can't read without glasses. I can't read without my glasses. 彼らは自分たちの見通しと計画の変更を希望した. They hoped to change their outlook and plans. They wanted to change their outlook and plan. 彼はいつも学校のネクタイをしています. He always wears his school tie. He always wears a school tie. 彼は要求の上を行く働きをした. He went above and beyond the call of duty. He worked at the top of his request. この証書は完全に無効である. This bond is null and void. This certificate is completely invalid. 大きな旅客機を操縦するには,長時間の訓練と経験が必要である. To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience. It takes a long period of training and experience to fly a large passenger plane. しばらくして小さい黒いウサギが座り込んでしまいました. そしてとても悲しそうに見えました. After a while, the little black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad. After a while, a little black rabbit sat down and looked very sad. そんなに彼の悪口を言うべきではありません. You shouldn't speak so ill of him. You shouldn't speak so ill of him. もうお昼を食べに出かけてしまいました. He has gone out for lunch already. I've already gone out for lunch. 彼女は会社で解雇通知を受けました. There was a pink slip waiting for her at the office. She was dismissed from her job at the office. その患者は重態だ. The patient is in critical condition. The patient is ill. 小さすぎる? Is it too small? Too small? 石鹸がありません. There's no soap. There's no soap. 私はそう望みます. I'm hoping that that'll happen. I hope so. 私は疲れていた. I was tired. I was tired. 邪魔をしてはいけないよ. Don't interfere. Don't interfere. これは今年出版された断然最高の小説です. This is by far the best novel that has been published this year. This is by far the best novel published this year. 彼のつかの間の休息は彼女がきて中断された. His brief repose was interrupted by her arrival. The rest of his time was interrupted by her coming. あなたに歌ってほしい. I want you to sing. I want you to sing. 彼はクッキーを作っている. He is making cookies. He is making cookies. 毎晩ここにいます. I'm here every night. I'm here every night. その儀式は悪霊を追い払うためのものである. The ceremony is to turn away evil spirits. The ritual is intended to ward off evil spirits. とうとう彼は殺された. He was put to death finally. At last, he was killed. 私はこの本に八百円を払った. I paid 800 yen for this book. I paid eight hundred yen for this book. 彼女は昨夜とんでもない時間に電話してきた. She called me at an unearthly hour last night. She called me at a great time last night. 列車はたった今ついたばかりです. The train has just arrived here. The train just arrived. なんでトムは私と話をしたかったんだろう? Why did Tom want to talk to me? Why would Tom want to talk to me? その悪い知らせを聞いたとたん,彼女は突然泣き出した. On hearing the bad news, she burst into tears. As soon as she heard the bad news, she burst into tears. 我々は祖父の名前を息子に名付けた. We named my son after my grandfather. We named our grandfather by his name. 風が強くなった. The wind picked up. The wind has grown strong. 君が作る料理ほどおいしいものはない. Nothing tastes as good as the food that you make. There is nothing more delicious than the food you make. 洗濯機から変な音がしてるよ. The washing machine is making a strange sound. There's a strange noise coming from the washing machine. 私はあなたを学校の前で待っているよ. I'll wait for you in front of the school. I'll be waiting for you in front of the school. 突然の計画変更に面食らった. I was quite upset at the sudden change in the plan. I was taken aback by the sudden change of plans. 六時間おきに体温を測った. I took my temperature every six hours. I measured my temperature every six hours. 私は音楽に興味があります. I'm interested in music. I am interested in music. あ,茶柱が立ってる. 何かいいこと起きるかも. Oh, the rice stalk is sticking up in the tea. Something good might happen. Oh, there's tea poles standing. Something good might happen. ケイトはドイツ語を専攻している. Kate is majoring in German. Kate majors in German. 来週ジョーンズ氏と会うことになっている. I'm scheduled to see Mr. Jones next week. I am to see Mr Jones next week. 彼はほとんどだれとでも調子を合わせることができた. He could make himself agreeable to almost anyone. He was able to get along with almost everybody. 彼はうだつがあがらないようさ. He is not going to get ahead. He doesn't seem to grow old. 私の好きなサッカー選手は小野伸二です. My favorite soccer player is Shinji Ono. My favorite soccer player is Konobu Kono. ひょっとしたらしないほうが良かったかもしれない. Maybe it would've been better if I hadn't done it. Maybe I shouldn't have. 彼はわざわざその本を送ってくれた. He took the trouble to send me the book. He went out of his way to send the book to me. この市で最も高い建物です. It's the highest building in this city. It is the tallest building in this city. そのスーパーには行ったことがある. I've been to the supermarket. I've been to the supermarket. 病気のために,彼はそのパーティーに参加できなかった. He was sick, so he couldn't attend the party. Illness prevented him from taking part in the party. 彼女は母親に全くよく似ている. She really takes after her mother. She looks quite like her mother. 彼は自分なりの理論を発展させた. He developed his own theory. He developed his theory. 強盗達が木陰から出てきて彼に襲い掛かった. The robbers fell on him from behind the trees. The robbers came out from behind the trees and attacked him. これは古い本です. This is an old book. This is an old book. 見知らぬ人には心を許すな. You have to beware of strangers. Don't forgive strangers. 川の始まるところが,水源である. The place where a river starts is its source. Where the river begins, it is the source of water. 私の父はハーバード大学を卒業しました. My father graduated from Harvard University. My father graduated from Harvard. "ここから駅までどのくらい距離がありますか""約2マイルです" "How far is it from here to the station?" "It is about two miles." "How far is it from here to the station?" "It's about two miles." ニューヨークにはたくさんの商社がある. There are many commercial firms in New York. There are many commercial companies in New York. メアリー好き! I love you Mary! I like Mary! 彼女はわたしのおくりものを大変喜んだ. She was very delighted with my gift. She was very pleased with my appearance. 舟は行方不明だ. The boat is lost. The boat is missing. 息子たちが東京へ行ってしまいました. Her sons have gone to Tokyo. My sons have gone to Tokyo. どんなスポーツでも彼にはわけなく出来る. Sports always come naturally to him. He can do whatever sport he wants. 私の名前と住所はこれに書いてあります. My name and address are on it. My name and address are on this. この人はお父さんです. He is my father. This is his father. 私の両親は両方とも亡くなりました. Both of my parents have passed away. Both my parents died. 獲物がいなければ,猟師は存在することができない. The hunter cannot exist without the hunted. If it were not for game, a hunter could not exist. 彼は相当数の蔵書を集めた. He has accumulated quite a collection of books. He collected quite a few books. ボブはたびたびタバコを止めようとしている. Bob often tries to give up smoking. Bob often tries to stop smoking. 彼女は大人だから,それ相応に扱うべきだ. She is an adult, so you should treat her accordingly. As an adult, she should be treated as she should be. 日本人は一日三食です. Japanese people take three meals a day. The Japanese eat three meals a day. 泣くことは悲しみを和らげる. To weep is to make less the depth of grief. Crying relieves grief. 王は処刑された. The king was executed. The king was executed. メアリーは服を脱ぎ始めた. Mary started taking her clothes off. Mary started taking off her clothes. 通り沿いに木が植えられている. Trees are planted along the street. Trees are planted along the street. たとえ雨が降っても,サッカーの試合は行われる. The soccer game will be played, even if it rains. Even if it rains, a soccer game will be played. 私は思わず吹き出した. I burst out laughing in spite of myself. I burst out in spite of myself. 私たちはたまたま同じ誕生日だ. It happens that we have the same birthday. It happened that we were on the same birthday. それを欲するのは私の中の獣性だ. It's the animal in me that wants it. It is the beast in me that wants it. もう一度それをやってみた. I tried it over again. I tried it again. 私を殺さないでください. Please do not kill me. Don't kill me. トムはメアリーと同い年. Tom is the same age as Mary. Tom is the same age as Mary. 問題はどうして難局に当たるかである. The question is how we will bell the cat. The question is how to get to the trouble. 台風で稲作は大きな被害を受けた. The typhoon did great damage to the rice crop. The typhoon caused much damage to rice crops. そのような事が起きるだなんて予想はできませんでした. I couldn't anticipate that that would happen. I couldn't expect such a thing to happen. 私は彼に対抗して入札した. I bid against him. I bid against him. ドルは日本の通貨に対し"ドル360円から308円に切り下げられた. The dollar was devalued against the Japanese currency from 360 yen to 308 yen. The dollar was cut from one dollar to thirty-eight yen against the Japanese currency. 王さんは日本語を勉強するために日本へ来ました. Mr. Wang came to Japan to study Japanese. Mr. King came to Japan to study Japanese. 日本料理を作るのはお好きですか. Do you like to cook Japanese foods? Do you like to cook Japanese food? 私はその結果にがっかりした. I was disappointed at the result. I was disappointed with the result. ジャックが頼りになるよ. You can count on Jack. You can count on Jack. 彼女はその小包にしっかりと紐をかけた. She tied up the parcel with string. She tied the parcel tightly. 母親は自分の子供のよいところを見せびらかそうとする. Mother will show off her children. The mother tries to show off the good in her child. ビルは旅行のために"00ドルたくわえた. Bill put aside a hundred dollars for his trip. Bill spent 100 dollars on his trip. 結局彼はそれを買わなかった. He did not buy it after all. He didn't buy it after all. 所有する喜びは,私の思うところでは,手に入れる為の苦労に対して割に合わない. The pleasure of possessing is not in my estimation worth the trouble of acquiring. The joy of owning is, in my opinion, not worth the effort to obtain. 英語の先生がこういう本を読むように薦めてくれました. My English teacher recommended that I read these books. My English teacher recommended that I read this kind of book. デパートの試食コーナーへ行くと,いろいろな物がただで食べられるよ. You can get all kinds of things to eat if you go to the free samples area in a department store. If you go to the department store's eating corner, you can eat all sorts of things for nothing. 彼女は私に食事の勘定を払うように言い張った. She insisted on my paying the bill for the dinner. She insisted that I pay the bill for the meal. その講義はとても長かったが,それにもかかわらず私はその講義を楽しんだ. The lecture was very long, but I enjoyed it none the less. The lecture was very long, but nevertheless I enjoyed it. ほとんど誰も彼女の言うことを信じなかった. Almost no one believed her. Almost no one believed her. タクシーと地下鉄とどっちが速いですか. Which is quicker, a taxi or the subway? Which is faster, a taxi or a subway? 今ではお金がないと何も買えません. Today we can't get anything without money. I can't buy anything now without money. メアリーは昼食代を五ドル払った. Mary paid five dollars for her lunch. Mary paid five dollars for her lunch. 君は生まれながらの詩人だ. You are made to be a poet. You are a poet by birth. ネコは掃除機が大嫌い. A cat abhors a vacuum. Cats hate vacuum cleaners. トムさんはメアリさんが首にしたことに関係なかったんだ. Tom had nothing to do with getting Mary fired. Tom had nothing to do with what Mary fired. 5ドルぐらいしか持ち合わせがない. I have little more than 5 dollars. I have only about five dollars with me. 教育は進歩をもたらす力だ. Education is the agent of progress. Education is the power of progress. 列車は"0番ホームに到着します. The train will come in at platform ten. The train will arrive at platform 10. 留学することは素晴らしい経験になるでしょう. To study abroad will be a wonderful experience. It will be a wonderful experience to study abroad. 自分がやったと思ってるんだろ? You think I did it, don't you? You think you did it, don't you? あなたはどの季節が一番好きですか. Which season do you like the best? Which season do you like best? "2歳といえば犬は年寄りだ. Twelve years is old for a dog. When it comes to twelve years of age, dogs are old. 明日の会合に来てもらえますか? Could you come to tomorrow's meeting? Can you come to the meeting tomorrow? そのままでお待ち下さい. Please hold on. Please hold still. 私達は下等動物の生き延び方についていろいろと知っている. We have learned much about survival from lower forms of animal life. We know a lot about how to survive lower animals. もう"度人生をやり直すとすれば音楽家になりたい. If I were to live again, I would like to be a musician. I would like to be a musician if I had my life over again. 彼女に話しかけようとするとき,私はいつでもとても恥ずかしくて,口ごもるとか,何かばかげたことを言う以上のことはできなかった. When I tried to speak to her, I always found myself too shy to do more than stammer or say something stupid. When I tried to talk to her, I was always so ashamed that I couldn't do more than talk and say something stupid. 仕事なければ,お金をためられません. Since I don't have a job, I can't save money. If you don't work, you can't save money. あなたがくれたお茶はとてもおいしいです. The tea you gave me was really good. The tea you gave me is very good. バレエ音楽の指揮者として彼にかなうものはいない. He stands alone as a conductor of ballet music. No one can match him as director of ballet music. あともう少し物事に前向きになることを学んだら,きっとトムももうちょっと人から好感をもたれるのだが. If Tom would learn to be a little more positive about things, people would probably like him a bit more. If I had learned to be a little more positive about things, I'm sure Tom would get a little more favor from others. 突然の物音に彼女はおびえた. The sudden noise frightened her. She was frightened by the sudden noise. その女優はせりふを台なしにした. The actress murdered her lines. The actress ruined her temper. それらの提案は非常に似ているように思える. Those proposals seem very much alike to me. Those proposals seem very similar. 僕がオオカミだという理由だけで,誰も僕を悪いやつだと思っている. Just because I'm a wolf, everyone thinks I'm the bad guy. Everybody thinks I'm a bad guy just because I'm a wolf. それは私が今まで読んだ中で最高の本だ. It's the best book that I've ever read. It is the best book I have ever read. 彼は大統領の資格で訪日した. He visited Japan in the character of President. He visited the president's office on a date. ジョージは,最近3時間の格闘の末に釣った,重さ30ポンドのバスの話をしていた. George was describing a 30 pound bass he'd caught recently after fighting it for three hours. George was talking about a 30-pound bus that he caught at the end of a recent three-hour struggle. 彼は臆病だと非難された. He was accused of cowardice. He was accused of being a coward. 彼は全ての棚の寸法を測った. He measured all his shelves. He measured every shelf. そのホテルは300人の客を収容できる施設がある. The hotel can accommodate 300 people. The hotel has a facility that can accommodate 300 guests. 彼は普通現金のかわりにクレジットカードを使います. He usually uses credit cards instead of cash. He usually uses credit cards instead of cash. タクシーが使われていますか?はい,使われています. "Are the taxis being used?" "Yes, they are." Is a taxi in use? Yes, it is. どのくらいで東京に到着できますか. How soon can I get to Tokyo? How soon can you reach Tokyo? 私はイギリスへ行ったことがありません. I have never been to England. I've never been to England. 天候が良ければ,川に行くつもりだ. Weather permitting, I'll go fishing in a river. I will go to the river if the weather is good. 私たち,おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんのことが心配だったの. We're worried about Grandma and Grandpa. We were worried about Grandpa and Grandma. 大多数の若者は戦争の恐怖を知らない. Most young people don't know the terror of war. The majority of young people don't know the fear of war. 毎週田中さんは万一に備えて少しずつお金をためている. Each week, Mrs. Tanaka saves a little money for a rainy day. Every week Mr Tanaka saves a little money in preparation for the event. 彼女が彼の申し出を断るのは当然だと思う. I think it natural for her to decline his offer. I take it for granted that she will refuse his offer. 彼は一時解雇にされた. He was laid off. He was laid off. 幾度も読んでみて初めてその詩のよさが分かる. You can not appreciate the poem until you have read it many times. It is not until I read the poem again and again that I understand it. お風呂の用意ができました. Your bath is ready. The bath is ready. 新二は九つのココナッツを食べました. Shinji ate nine coconuts. Shinji ate nine coconuts. これは一押しのレストランなんだ. This is a highly recommended restaurant. This is a hit-and-run restaurant. あなたはそんなにたくさんのお金をくれるなんて気前がいい. How generous you are to give me so much money. You are willing to give me so much money. 私はそれまでにこれほど罵倒にみちた手紙を受け取ったことはなかった. I had never received such an abusive letter before. I had never before received such a critical letter. 人生はきわめて短いから,時間を浪費すべきではない. Life being very short, you ought not to waste your time. Life is so short that you shouldn't waste your time. 昨日の晩ご飯何食べた? What did you have for supper last night? What did you have for dinner last night? 家まで送ってくださいませんか. Could you please drive me home? Could you give me a ride home? 彼は最近飲みすぎだ. He has taken to drinking recently. He's been drinking too much lately. 僕は君の成功を確信しているよ. I'm sure you'll succeed. I'm sure of your success. 私は私たちの計画について何も話しませんでした. I didn't say anything at all about our plan. I didn't say anything about our plan. よく一緒に魚つりに行ったあの友人は,今どうなっているだろうか. I wonder what has become of the friend I used to go fishing with. What's going on with that friend who went fishing together so often? 彼は女性に扮装した. He disguised himself as a woman. He dressed up as a woman. 私たちはトムに親切にしなければいけないのですか. Do we have to be nice to Tom? Must we be kind to Tom? 怖くてどきどきしたよ. I was terribly frightened. I was so scared that I didn't feel like it. 僕は金のためというよりは仕事そのものが好きで働くのだ. I work not so much for money as for the work itself. I work not so much for money as for work itself. お祖母さんの昔話は耳にたこができるほど聞かされた. I've heard my grandma's stories so often that I'm heartily sick of them. I could hear the old stories of my grandmother. 彼女は彼と結婚するのを嫌がっている. She is reluctant to marry him. She is reluctant to marry him. 彼はケイトにワインを飲ませない. He doesn't let Kate drink wine. He doesn't let Kate drink wine. 私たちの最善の努力もほとんど役に立たなかった. Our best efforts weren't of much help. Our best efforts were of little use. 少し忙しい. I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy. その説は一般に認められるだろう. The theory will find general acceptance. The theory will be accepted. 食べ物はよくなかったが,少なくとも値段が安かった. The food wasn't good, but at least it was cheap. The food was bad, but at least it was cheap. 君は確かに約束を守る人だ. He is, indeed, a man of his word. You certainly are a man of your word. うん,私はただのんびり過ごすつもりよ. Oh, I'm just going to take it easy. Yeah, I'm just gonna take it easy. フォード氏がこの土地を所有している. Mr Ford owns this land. Mr Ford owns this land. 今は私のだんなさんとなった彼とはメールで知り合い,ひょんなことで付き合うようになってから"ヶ月もしないうちにあれよあれよと私たちは結婚する決心をしました. I came to know the man who is now my husband through e-mail; from an acquaintanceship started in that odd way, before a month had passed, we found ourselves resolving to get married. We decided to get married within a month after we got to know him by e-mail that he had become my husband. キーを取って. Get me the key. Take the keys. 彼には結婚するゆとりはない. He can't afford to get married. He has no choice in getting married. メアリーにヒントをいくつか教えてもらってから,トムはそのパズルを解いた. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him a few hints. Tom solved the puzzle after Mary gave him some tips. お勘定をお願いね. Please let me have my bill. May I have the bill, please? あなたは本を何冊読みましたか. How many books did you read? How many books did you read? 彼はできる限りのことをした. He did all there was in his power. He did what he could. これが平和条約の草案だ. This is the rough draft of the peace treaty. This is the draft of the peace treaty. 彼はその事実を軽く見て失敗した. He made nothing of the fact and failed. He took the fact lightly and failed. 私たちはその会合に出席しないほうがいい. It would be better if we didn't attend that meeting. We had better not attend the meeting. あなたの本を車の中に置いてきてしまいました. I left your book in the car. I left your book in the car. 夕食ができたよ. Dinner is ready. Dinner is ready. いつもそばにいるよ. I will always be there for you. I'll always be there. それは遺憾ながら本当だ. That, while regrettable, is true. It is true in spite of what is left of it. 率直に言うと,彼は作家というよりはむしろ批評家だ. To put it frankly, he is a critic rather than a writer. Frankly speaking, he is not so much a writer as a critic. 明日の晩テーブルを4人分予約したいのですが. I'd like to book a table for four for tomorrow night. I'd like to reserve a table for four people tomorrow evening. 私の猫の世話をしてくれませんか. Will you look after my cat? Will you look after my cat? その少女は大きな赤い帽子をかぶっていた. The girl had a large red hat on. The girl was wearing a big red hat. GMは7万6000人の従業員を解雇した. General Motors laid off 76,000 of its workers. GM laid off 76,000 employees. 君のやることには判断に苦しむよ. I don't know what to make of your actions. I can't judge what you do. あなたはどうしたいの? 家に帰る? What do you want to do? Go home? What do you want to do, go home? トムは問題を抱えているんだと思う. I think Tom is in trouble. I think Tom has a problem. 日本の夏は経験したことある? Have you experienced a Japanese summer? Have you ever been to Japan in summer? 芝居の切符はどこへ行けば買えますか. Where can I get tickets to a play? Where can I buy a play ticket? 9時20分の電車にようやく間に合った. I barely made the 9:20 train. I was finally in time for the 9:20 train. 私たちは彼が困っていることはよくわかる. We appreciate his difficulties. We well know that he is in trouble. あなたはどのCDを聞きたいですか. Which CD do you want to listen to? Which CD would you like to hear? この物質は主に水素と酸素から出来ている. This substance is mostly composed of hydrogen and oxygen. This substance consists mainly of hydrogen and oxygen. 彼は内気で,気持ちを彼女に伝えられなかった. His modesty prevented him from making his feelings known to her. He was shy and couldn't tell her how he felt. それが,こんなに多数の人が饑饉で苦しんでいる理由です. That is why so many people are suffering from famine. That's why so many people are suffering from war. ジュディーさんが彼を好きです. Judy likes him. Judy likes him. 彼女に期待することが出来ます. We can count on her. I can expect her. 私はあなたと意見が一致しています. I agree with you. I agree with you. 彼を批判する前に彼の立場をよく考えなければならない. You ought to walk a mile in his shoes before you criticize him. You must consider his position before you criticize him. 私は以前に彼女と会った事が無い事を確信した. I was sure I had never seen her before. I was sure that I had never met her before. テストどうだった? How was your test? How was the test? この文はもう少し短くしてください. Make this sentence a little shorter. Please make this sentence a little shorter. 私の娘は6月に結婚する予定です. My daughter is to get married in June. My daughter is to get married in June. 私達は二本の柱の間に針金を張った. We extended a wire between two posts. We put a wire between the two pillars. その旅人は空腹のために気を失ったが,すぐに正気づいた. The traveler fainted from hunger, but soon he came to. The traveler fainted from hunger, but soon he realized it was right. どこでも好きなところに座っていいよ. You can sit at any place that you like. You can sit wherever you like. 何を考えているの. What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? トムはパンにバターを塗っている. Tom is spreading butter on the bread. Tom is wearing butter on his bread. もう5日間待ちましょう. I will give you five days' grace. Let's wait another five days. 私にその本を見せてくれませんか. Will you show me the book? Will you show me the book? その物語はハッピーエンドだ. The story ends happily. The story is a happy ending. 嘘をつく人には我慢ならない. I can't stand liars. I can't put up with a liar. 彼女は私を止められない. She can't stop me. She can't stop me. その夢は私には神秘だった. The dream was a mystery to me. The dream was a mystery to me. トムはほぼ私と同程度にフランス語が話せる. Tom can speak French almost as well as me. Tom can speak French almost as well as I can. 問題はこうなるのだ. つまり誰が彼女に電話をかけたかだ. The question is this: who called her on the phone? The problem comes up this way. That is who called her up. 彼をとめるな. Don't stop him. Don't stop him. 彼はいい選手にならないだろう. He won't be a good player. He won't be a good player. 彼の仕事は申し分なかった. His work was satisfactory. His work left nothing to be desired. 今では病気を少しずつよくなっています. Now she is gradually getting well. Now I'm getting better little by little. 日増しに涼しくなっていく. It's getting cooler day by day. It's getting cooler and cooler day by day. 数分歩くと公園に着いた. A few minutes' walk brought me to the park. A few minutes' walk brought me to the park. ブラウン氏は上流階級の人だ. Mr Brown belongs to the upper class. Mr Brown is of the high class. 彼はいわば歩く百科事典だ. He is, so to speak, a walking encyclopedia. He is, so to speak, a walking encyclopedia. 入れるとは思っていなかったのです. I never thought they would accept me. I didn't think I'd let you in. 誰でもいいのです. Anybody will do. It doesn't matter who you are. 彼女は怒ったように私の顔をまともに見た. She looked me angrily in the face. She looked me in the face with anger. パンダは中国にしかいません. Giant pandas live only in China. Pandas are found only in China. 彼が言ったことは決して本当ではない. What he said was by no means true. What he said is by no means true. これ以上待つことは時間の無駄だ. It's a waste of time to stay longer. It is a waste of time to wait any longer. あれはナイフじゃないよ. これがナイフだよ. That's not a knife. THIS is a knife. That's not a knife. This is a knife. 十中八九彼が選ばれるだろう. It's very likely that he'll be chosen. Ten to one he will be chosen. 私が出発した後に彼が到着した. He arrived after I had left. He arrived after I left. 物音一つ聞こえなかった. Not a sound was heard. I didn't hear a sound. 私は君にそれをさせるわけにはいかない. I can't let you do that. I can't let you do it. ミツバチは,においのサンプルを巣に持ち帰ることによって食糧のありかを伝える. Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive. Bees tell us where to find food by taking a sample of smell back to the nest. その公園は市の中央に位置している. The park is located in the center of the city. The park is located in the center of the city. 永遠に失われた,わからないのか,俺が苦境に陥っているのが. I'm forever lost, can't you see? I'm in a bind! You've lost me forever. You don't know I'm in trouble. 友情は,他の何よりも大切だ. Friendship is more precious than anything else. Friendship is more important than anything else. コーヒーのお代わりはいいですか. Would you like another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? 一行のリーダーは有名な科学者です. The leader of the party is a famous scientist. The leader of the group is a famous scientist. 私の兄はずいぶんたばこを吸う. My brother smokes a great deal. My brother smokes a lot. 試験に通るように一生懸命勉強しなさい. Study hard so that you can pass the exam. Work hard so that you can pass the exam. リチャーズさんの奥さんに指名通話をお願いします. I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Mrs. Richards. I'd like to contact Mr Richards' wife. 私はラブストーリーが好きです. I like love stories. I like love stories. すぐれた書物はどんなに注意深く読むにしても,一度読むだけでは充分でない. It is not enough to read great books once only, however carefully. No matter how carefully you read a good book, it is not enough to read it once. それは道徳に反する. It is contrary to the morals. It is immoral. 彼は車の具合がおかしいことを確認した. He confirmed that something was wrong with his car. He made sure his car was out of order. 彼の考え方は彼の生きていた時代より,はるかに進んでいた. His ideas were far in advance of the age in which he lived. His way of thinking was far ahead of his time. 彼は帰国したら私と結婚すると誓った. He pledged to marry me when he returned home. He vowed to marry me when he returned home. さあ家に帰りなさい. Now go on home. Now go home. 彼はひと月に一回ここに来る. He comes here once a month. He comes here once a month. 一緒に行かない? Don't you want to come along? Why don't you come with me? 仕事はすらすらと運んだ. The work progressed smoothly. I carried the work with ease. 道が濡れていたので,車は横にスリップしたにちがいない. As the road was wet, the car must have slipped sideways. Since the road was wet, the car must have slipped by. あなたを私の両親に紹介したい. I want you to meet my parents. I'd like to introduce you to my parents. 彼の作品はたとえようもないほど素晴らしい. His work is beyond comparison. His work is almost beyond description. 彼は商用で大阪に出かけて留守だ. He's not here because he's on a business trip to Osaka. He is away from Osaka on business. 私の学生たちの皆は野球好きです. We students all like baseball. All my students like baseball. "ちょっとトイレ行ってきていい?""いいよ. じゃあここで待ってるね" "Is it OK if I go to the restroom?" "Sure. I'll wait here for you then." "Can I go to the bathroom for a minute?" "No problem. I'll wait here then." この派手な服は私には向きません. This showy dress isn't appropriate for me. This fancy dress doesn't suit me. そんなに遅くまで起きていない方がいいよ. You had better not sit up so late. You had better not stay up so late. 大変忙しいので新しい仕事は引き受けられない. I'm too busy. I can't take on any new work. I'm too busy to take on a new job. 彼は車を買った. He bought a car. He bought a car. 私はズボンのしわをアイロンで伸ばした. I ironed out the wrinkles in my pants. I ironed out my pants. "順路→"といったかんじの看板を設置したいと思うんですけど,これを英語で作るとどうなるでしょうか? I'd like to set up a sign like, "This Way ->," but what would it be if I made it in English? I'd like to set up a sign that says "toward" or "toward," but what happens if I make this in English? 彼女が私に微笑んだ. She smiled at me. She smiled at me. 雲に隠れて月が見えない. The moon is invisible behind the clouds. I can't see the moon in the clouds. 問題は来月彼が私たちを訪ねてくるかどうかだ. The question is whether he will come to visit us next month. The question is whether he will call on us next month. アラビア語はあんまり上手に話せません. I'm not very good at speaking Arabic. I can't speak Arabic very well. 僕は君の言っていることがわかりません. I can't make out what you're saying. I can't make out what you're saying. かりに核戦争が起こったとすれば,人類は滅亡するだろう. If a nuclear war were to break out, mankind would perish. If a nuclear war were to take place, mankind would be destroyed. 自転車で通勤しています. I ride a bike to work. I go to work by bicycle. メニューにはいろいろ多彩な料理があった. There was a great variety of dishes on the menu. There were many different dishes on the menu. 私たちの学校の記事が新聞に出た. An article about our school appeared in the newspaper. An article from our school appeared in the newspaper. 彼は階段を転げ落ちた. He tumbled down the stairs. He fell down the stairs. 噂話のお相手をしている暇はない. I have no time to engage in gossip. I don't have time for gossip. 私はよく冬にスキーに出かけたものだった. I used to go skiing in the winter. I would often go skiing in the winter. 彼女はきっと驚く. She is certain to be surprised. I'm sure she'll be surprised. おでこから血出てるよ. Your forehead's bleeding. You're bleeding from a baby. 2階へ上がると赤城山がよく見える. There's a good view of Mt. Akagi from upstairs. Up to the second floor, you can see a lot of red castles. キャンパスを案内してもらえますか. Could you show me the campus? Can you show me the campus? 紀元前776年,最初のオリンピック競技大会は,ギリシャ人の主神ゼウスをたたえるため,オリンポス山のふもとで開催された. In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus. In 776 B.C.E., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympia to win the Greek god Zeus. このバッグには一週間分の衣類がじゅうぶん入る. The bag will easily carry enough clothes for a week. This bag contains a full week's worth of clothing. このところほのかな不安感がある. I've had a vague uneasiness. I have a mild feeling of anxiety these days. この犯罪については時効が成立している. The statute of limitations has already passed for this crime. There is a schedule for this crime. 誰だって自尊心を傷つけられるのは嫌だ. Nobody wants his sense of worth to be damaged. Everybody doesn't like to be hurt by their self-worth. その男性はパンを食べました. That man ate bread. The man ate bread. 私は全くあなたに同意見です. I am wholly in agreement with you. I quite agree with you. 何で君はそれを信じる気になったの. What led you to believe it? Why did you come to believe it? トムは日本で買ってきた炊飯器を愛用している. Tom always uses the rice cooker that he brought back from Japan. Tom loves the rice cooker he bought in Japan. そう. Yes. Yeah. 彼に会うたびごとに,彼の頭の良さに圧倒された. Every time I saw him, I was overcome with his brilliance. Every time I saw him, I was overwhelmed by his intelligence. 赤ん坊はすぐに眠った. The baby went to sleep at once. The baby soon went to sleep. 私も同じこと考えてた. I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking the same thing. ボストンの地図はあるの? Do you have a map of Boston? Do you have a map of Boston? 彼は怖がっているような行動をした. He behaved like he was afraid. He acted as if he were afraid. なるほど,君の言うとおりかもしれない. Well, you may be right. Well, maybe you're right. 謝った. I apologized. I'm sorry. ジョーンズさんは偉大な学者として尊敬されています. Mr Jones was looked upon as a great scholar. Mr Jones is looked up to as a great scholar. 洗濯物を持っていくために誰かよこしてくださいますか. Could you send someone up to pick up some laundry? Could someone send me some laundry? その家族は病気で苦しんでいる. The family has been cursed with poor health. The family is suffering from illness. 手伝ってくれてありがとう. Thanks for helping me. Thank you for your help. お父さんはカメラを買った. Dad bought a camera. Father bought a camera. どうかそこで起こっていることをいつも私に知らせてください. Please keep me informed of what is happening there. Please always let me know what is happening there. 彼の誕生日のために彼に何を買ったら良いのかわからない. I am at a loss what to buy him for his birthday. I don't know what to buy him for his birthday. もう疲れた,寝たいよ. I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired. I want to go to bed. お酒を飲むと影響が出るものだ. Liquor will have an effect on a person. Drinking will affect you. 家に入るときは靴を脱ぐのが私たちの習慣です. It is our custom to take off our shoes when we enter the house. It is our custom to take off our shoes when we enter the house. 台風は発達しながら九州方面に向かっています. The typhoon is gaining strength as it heads for Kyushu. The typhoon is developing toward Kyushu. コーヒーをお願いします. Coffee, please. I'd like some coffee, please. 誰だってそんなことはできる. Anybody can do that. Everyone can do such a thing. トムはその牛乳を飲まなかった. Tom didn't drink that milk. Tom didn't drink the milk. ヤンキースは優勝へ独走態勢を整えている. The Yankees are running away with the pennant race. The Yankees are on their own to win the championship. 私の父はたいてい日曜日には家にいます. My father is usually at home on Sunday. My father is usually at home on Sundays. 恋人たちは自分たちの頭文字をかしの木に刻んだ. The couple carved their initials in an oak tree. The lovers carved their initials into a oak tree. 彼はいつも彼女の味方をする. He always takes sides with her. He always takes her side. 警察がその殺人事件を調べ始めた. The police started to look into the murder case. The police began to look into the murder case. 人々,そうこの世界を引き裂こうとしている者へ告ぐ,我々はお前たちを打ち負かす. To those - to those who would tear the world down: We will defeat you. People, those who are about to tear this world apart, we will defeat you. はじめてスペインに行ったとき,私にとってすべてがわくわくさせるものでした. Everything was exciting to me when I visited Spain for the first time. When I first went to Spain, everything was exciting to me. 彼はテレビで国民に演説した. He gave an address to the nation on TV. He made a speech to the nation on TV. 1週間以内にお届けします. We are able to deliver within a week. I'll deliver it within a week. 彼の負担を軽くしてやった. I relieved him of his burden. I relieved him of his burden. 英語は私の母国語です. English is my mother tongue. English is my mother tongue. 委員会は反対という結論を出した. The commission concluded that the answer was no. The committee concluded against it. あれは私が昔働いていた店だ. That is the shop where I used to work. That is the store where I used to work. これが私が生まれ育った家です. This is the house in which I was born and brought up. This is the house where I was born and raised. お手伝いさんはすぐに食卓から食器をかたづけた. The maid immediately cleaned the dishes from the table. The maid soon cleaned the dishes from the table. 割れたガラスを踏むな. Don't step on the broken glass. Don't lean on broken glass. 運動が健康の鍵であるのを私たちはとかく忘れがちだ. We tend to forget that exercise is a key to good health. We are apt to forget that exercise is the key to health. 彼は他人の悪口を決して言いそうにない人物だ. He is the last person to speak ill of others. He is the last person to speak ill of others. どうやってあの契約を成立させたんですか. How did you pull off that agreement? How did you get that contract made? 私の瓶が壊れてしまった. My bottle broke. My bottle has broken. 君たちの不道徳な行いは我が校の名を汚すものだ. Your wrongdoing is a disgrace to our school. Your immoral conduct defiles the name of our school. 彼がその要求を拒絶したのは当然だ. It is natural that he should refuse that request. It is natural that he should have refused the request. 君のジョークは何度聞いてもおかしい. Your joke bears repeating. Your joke is funny no matter how many times I ask it. この本は何回も繰り返して読む価値がある. This book is worth reading over and over again. This book is worth reading over and over again. 彼はそこへ行きましたか. Did he go there? Did he go there? 私達はこの橋から約3マイル上流に住んでいる. We live about three miles above this bridge. We live about three miles above this bridge. みんな独自の個性を持っている. Everyone has a character of his own. Everyone has his own personality. 掲示板には"危険!"万ボルト"と書いてある. The notice says, "Danger! 10,000 VOLTS." The sign board says, "Dangerous!" 彼は純粋の貴族だ. He's a genuine aristocrat. He is a pure nobleman. めでたい事じゃ. It's a happy thing. It's a big deal. 彼は打ち切って,ひとまず休息しようという動議を出した. He made a motion that we stop and rest awhile. He cut it off and made a move to rest at once. 彼女は世界中を旅した. She has traveled all over the globe. She traveled all over the world. 明日は休みます. I'll be absent tomorrow. I'm taking a day off tomorrow. "砂糖を取ってくれませんか""はい,どうぞ" "Will you pass me the sugar?" "Here you are." "Will you pass me the sugar?" "Yes, please." 50円です. That's 50 yen. It's fifty yen. 何時まで開いてますか. What time do you close? How long is it open? 私にはまだその映画を見る機会がありません. I have not had a chance to see that movie. I haven't had the chance to see the movie yet. 私は2年ぶりで故郷の村に帰った. I returned to my native village after two years' absence. I returned to my village after two years. 彼に電話したらどうですか. Why don't you call him up? Why don't you call him? あなたに会いたがっているアメリカ人の女の子がいます. There's an American girl who wants to see you. There is an American girl who wants to see you. 自分の考えを言葉にするのは,私には難しい. It's hard for me to put my thoughts into words. It is difficult for me to put my ideas into words. 今度郵便局に行くときに,この手紙を出しておいてください. Please mail this letter the next time you go to the post office. Please mail this letter the next time you go to the post office. その問題は自然に論議を呼びました. That question naturally invited debate. The problem naturally called for discussion. 後で憂き目をみる. This will bring you to grief. I'll see you later. 何人かの人々が公園のベンチでくつろぎながら時間をつぶしている. Some people are killing time relaxing on park benches. Some people are killing time while relaxing on a park bench. 彼が来ることはありうると思う. I think it possible that he may come. I think it possible that he should come. トムは幽霊でも見たかのような顔をしていた. Tom looked as if he'd seen a ghost. Tom looked as if he had seen a ghost. 彼は私に,私が期待しているとおりのことを尋ねた. He asked me what I expected. He asked me what I was expecting. 彼は完璧主義者だ. He is a person who never cuts corners. He is a perfectionist. トムは乗る電車を間違えた. Tom took the wrong train. Tom took the wrong train. ヘンリーは多くても6ドルしか持っていない. Henry has no more than six dollars. Henry has no more than six dollars. あなたの友だちによろしく. Say hello to your friends. Give my best regards to your friends. 大きな声を出して,それからすべてが間違った方へ行く. Raise a loud voice, then all goes wrong. A loud voice, and then everything goes wrong. そのドレスにいくら払いましたか. How much did you pay for the dress? How much did you pay for the dress? 彼女の美貌は全校の賛美のまとだ. Her beauty is the admiration of the whole school. Her beauty is the praise of the entire school. 部屋を整頓しなさい. Put your room in order. Keep your room in order. 彼は決心を下すのに長く時間がかかるということで有名だ. He has a reputation for taking a long time to make a decision. He is famous for taking a long time to make up his mind. われわれの文明の黄昏に. We find ourselves in the twilight of our civilization. To the jaundice of our civilization. 彼は奥さんを大事にすべきだ. He ought to take good care of his wife. He should take good care of his wife. 派手すぎるよ. It's too flashy. It's too loud. 私は一人でそれができる. I can do it by myself. I can do it by myself. 私は帽子にブラシをかけた. I gave my hat a brush. I brush my hat. あんな寒い夜に,彼女を待たせておくべきでなかった. You ought not to have kept her waiting on such a cold night. I shouldn't have kept her waiting on such a cold night. 最初からその危険を十分認識しておくべきだった. We should have been fully aware of this risk all along. You should have known the danger well from the start. 日本人は季節や天候の変化を大変気にするが,これは日本人が米作りを非常に大事なことと考え,どうやって効率よく米を生産するかが,日本人の生活の仕方や考え方に強い影響を与えてきたことと関係があると言われている. It's said that Japanese people's strong interest in seasonal climate changes is related to the influence in their thinking of how to effectively cultivate rice. The Japanese are very concerned about the changes in seasons and weather, but they are said to be of great importance to rice making and that the efficient way in which rice is produced has had a profound effect on the way and way of life of the Japanese. 会合は先月行われた. The meeting was held last month. The meeting took place last month. どうぞ急いでやってください. Please do it quickly. Please hurry up. トムは助けを申し出なかった. Tom didn't offer to help. Tom didn't offer help. このペンはいくらですか. How much is this pen? How much is this pen? 結愛と悠真は朝から終電まで1日中歩き続けた. Yua and Yuma walked from morning until the last train. They walked all day from morning till last train. あの男は徹底的なエゴイストだ. That man is an egotist through and through. That man is a thorough egoist. 彼はテレビのスイッチを入れて,テレビの前に座ったまま,すぐに眠り込んでしまった. He turned on the TV, and promptly fell asleep sitting before the set. He turned on the TV, sat in front of it, and soon fell asleep. 彼らはそのニュースを聞いたらびっくりするでしょう. They will be surprised to hear the news. They will be surprised at the news. 彼女が彼との出会いを面白く話してくれた. She gave me a humorous account of her encounter with him. She told me an interesting story about her meeting with him. ドアに鍵をかけたままにしておけ. Keep the door locked. Leave the door locked. 彼は指導員としてみんなに尊敬されている. He is looked up to by all as their leader. He is looked up to by everyone as a teacher. スーザンとボブはロンドンからオーストラリアのシドニーまで飛行機でやって来た. Susan and Bob have flown from London to Sydney, Australia. Susan and Bob flew from London to Sydney, Australia. 父の成功は私に何の価値も無い. My father's success counts for nothing to me. My father's success is of no value to me. 彼は会社の仲間です. He works with me at the office. He is a member of the company. どの程度までそのそのうわさは本当だったか. To what extent was the report true? To what extent did the rumor come true? 凧を揚げるのは危険かもしれない. Flying a kite can be dangerous. It may be dangerous to fly a kite. 彼と一緒に撮った写真を,びりびりに破いた. I tore to pieces the picture I took with him. I broke at ease the picture I took with him. 私は他人の前で嘲笑されるのに耐えられない. I can't stand being laughed at in front of others. I can't stand being ridiculed in front of others. 心機一転して出直すのが一番だね. You'll have to turn over a new leaf. It's best to change your mind and get back on your feet. 寝ている子供を起こすな. Don't wake up the sleeping child. Don't wake the sleeping child. 幸福なるかたおのれの限界を知る者は. Happy is the man who knows his limits. Who knows his limit of happiness. きのうまで,私はそのことを何もしらなかった. I didn't know anything about that until yesterday. I didn't do anything about it until yesterday. 彼の借金は合計十万円になる. His debts amount to 100,000 yen. His debts amount to hundreds of thousands of yen. 仕事を捜し始めました. He began to look for a job. I started looking for work. あいつは嫌な奴だ. He is nasty. He's a jerk. 私は毎晩風呂に入る. I take a bath every night. I take a bath every night. 彼らは我々のチームを3ゴール差で打ち負かした. They defeated our team by three goals. They beat our team by three goals. テニスに首をつっこんでみようか. I think I'll go in for tennis. Let's stick our heads to tennis. 彼は一言も聞きもらすまいとたいへん注意して聞いた. He listened very carefully in order not to miss a single word. He listened very carefully to every word. 彼は昔ほど裕福ではない. He is not as well off as he used to be. He is not as rich as he used to be. 彼は頭痛がした. His head ached. He had a headache. その少年は大人びて見えた. The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy looked mature. 少しの間,休んでもよろしいですか. May I take a rest for a while? May I rest for a while? 好きなものを取れ. Take anything you like. Take what you like. 学校にはどうやって来ているのですか. How do you come to school? How do you come to school? 君は自分でそれを完成しなければならない. You yourself have to finish it. You must finish it yourself. 散歩してきた. I went out for a walk. I went for a walk. 車を修理するのに300ドルかかった. It cost $300 to get the car fixed. It cost 300 dollars to repair the car. 蜘蛛は蝿やその他の昆虫を食べる. Spiders prey on flies and other small insects. Spiders eat flies and other insects. 午前中に部屋をきれいに掃除しなさい. Clean out the room in the morning. Clean up your room in the morning. みんなあなたに会いたがってる. あなたは有名なのよ! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everyone wants to see you. You're famous! ケイトはとても速く英語を話します. Kate speaks English very fast. Kate speaks English very fast. 私は駅で座っている. I'm sitting in the railway station. I am sitting at the station. その詩人はここに20年と少し住んでいた. The poet lived here twenty years odd. The poet lived here for a little 20 years. 私は彼女よりあなたのほうを愛している. I love you more than her. I love you more than she does. 犬はセールスマンに噛み付いた. The dog snarled at the salesman. The dog bit the salesman. 修理代は少なくとも二〇ポンドはかかりそうだ. The repairs will cost at least 20 pounds. The cost of repairs is likely to cost at least two pounds. 彼は借りた本を図書館に返すのを忘れることがある. He sometimes forgets to take books back to the library. He sometimes forgets to return his borrowed book to the library. "どうぞ,座って下さい"と言われてから,椅子に座る. After being told, "Please, sit down," I sit in the chair. I was told to sit down and then sit in the chair. 彼のマナーの悪さには参ったよ. I was embarrassed by his bad manners. I've given up on his bad manners. 気持ちを変えるなよ. Don't change your mind. Don't change your mind. その3人の少年達のめいめいが賞を取った. Each of the three boys got a prize. Each of the three boys won the prize. 彼は石を犬に投げつけた. He threw a stone at a dog. He threw a stone at the dog. その子供は,何かがガチャンと落ちるのを聞いた. The child heard something fall with a crash. The child heard something crash. 彼はぼくたちに興味ぶかい考えを提案した. He put an interesting idea before us. He proposed an idea of interest to us. 宿題が終わったので,トムは床についた. Since he'd finished his homework, Tom went to bed. Tom went to bed after he finished his homework. 犬と猫どっちが好き? Which do you prefer, dogs or cats? Which do you like better, a dog or a cat? アルメニアで撮った写真を見せてください. Show me your pictures in Armenia. Please show me the picture taken in Armenia. 私は水泳に興味があります. I am interested in swimming. I'm interested in swimming. 彼は二つの考えを一つに結び付けた. He combined two ideas into one. He combined two ideas with one. ここ数年,コンピューターは仕事に限らず広く利用されるようになりました. Recently, the increasing diversity of computer use has extended far beyond the realms of the office. Computers have become widely available in recent years as well as in business. 彼の話し方から分かることだが,彼は先生だ. He is a teacher, as is clear from his way of talking. As can be seen from his way of speaking, he is a teacher. 彼は留学という目的を達成した. He achieved his aim of studying abroad. He achieved his goal of studying abroad. 少年は犬をめがけて小石を投げつけた. The boy threw a stone at the dog. The boy threw a pebble at the dog. 彼は泳ぎを教えてくれた. He taught me how to swim. He taught me how to swim. これじゃあまるで四面楚歌だ. I see that I am surrounded by hostile faces. It's as if there's nothing left of it. 少しでも手伝ってくれたらよかったのに. It would have been nice if you had helped me a little. You should've helped me at least. その猫の一方は黒で,もう一方は茶だ. One of the cats is black, the other is brown. One of the cats is black and the other is tea. 私たちは彼らとは関係を断っている. We have broken off relations with them. We are cut off from them. コンパスは北を示す. Compasses point north. The compass points north. チェスのやり方を教えますよ. I will teach you to play chess. I'll teach you how to play chess. 君の知ったことか. Mind your own business! It's none of your business. このビルはとても大きい. This building is very large. This building is very large. 奇妙に思われるかもしれないが,これは本当のことだ. Strange as it may sound, this is true. Strange as it may seem, this is true. 扁桃腺がはれている気がするのですが. I'm afraid my tonsils are swollen. I feel that my tonsils are swollen. いいことを思いついたんだが,それには金が要る. I've got some great ideas but I need money. I got a good idea, but I need money. 六時きっかりにここへ来なさい. Come here at six, not before. Come here at exactly six o'clock. 私の父さんはとても年寄りなので働けません. My father is so old that he can't work. My father is too old to work. 彼女は自分の美しさに気づいていない. She is not aware of her beauty. She is not aware of her beauty. だれしも世の風潮には抵抗しがたいものだ. Everyone of us will have to accept the current of the times. Everyone is hard to resist the tide of the world. 物事を中途半端に知っているより,全く知らない方がましだ. One may as well not know a thing at all, as know it but imperfectly. I would rather not know at all than to know half of things. 幸いにも作物は台風の被害を受けなかった. Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon. Fortunately, the crop was not affected by the typhoon. 涼しくなってきた. The weather got cold. It's getting cooler. 私は開会式には沢山の客を招待しようと計画している. I plan to invite a lot of guests to the opening ceremony. I plan to invite many guests to the opening ceremony. そこに車をおいておきたいのだ. I'd like to keep the car there. I want to leave my car there. 私はペンをなくしました. 捜すのを手伝ってくださいませんか. I have lost my pen. Will you help me look for it? I've lost my pen. Will you help me find it? その山の頂上は雪で覆われていた. The mountain peak was covered with snow. The top of the mountain was covered with snow. 夏休みにはゆっくり休むつもりです. I'm just going to rest during the summer vacation. I'm going to take a rest for the summer vacation. それはりんごに似ています. It looks like an apple. It looks like an apple. 彼の正直さは疑いの余地が無い. His honesty does not have the room of doubt. His honesty leaves no room for doubt. 人々はパレードをもっとよく見ようとして立ち上がった. The people stood up so as to see the parade better. People stood up to see the parade better. 私にショパンを弾いてください. Play Chopin for me. Please play a Chopin for me. 彼女はいつも人の悪口を言う. She always speaks ill of others. She always speaks ill of others. サイを振れ. Roll the dice. Shake the rhino. 少年たちはひそひそ話していた. 何かをたくらんでいるのがわかった. The boys were whispering; I knew they were up to something. The boys were muttering. They saw that they were doing something. 彼は大統領を辞任した. He resigned as president. He resigned from the President. わたしは,あなたがまちがっているように思います. It seems to me that you're wrong. I think you're wrong. その警察は探している. The police are searching. The police are looking. 彼女は恐怖心を隠すため笑った. She laughed to cover her fear. She laughed to hide her fear. ボタンがコートから外れている. A button has come off the coat. The button is off the coat. 今度やったら許さないからね. If you try that again, I won't tolerate it. If you do it again, I won't forgive you. 我々はその計画について彼と話し合った. We talked over the plan with him. We discussed the plan with him. バツイチ子持ちは汚点ですか? Is it a disgrace to be divorced with children? What's the stain on the batitzi? 国連は一つの国際的機能である. The United Nations is an international organization. The UN is an international function. 明日の朝は六時に起きます. I'm getting up at six o'clock tomorrow morning. I'll get up at six tomorrow morning. トムの顔が赤い. Tom's face is red. Tom's face is red. あなたの国ではお茶を飲みますか. Do people drink tea in your country? Do you drink tea in your country? 彼がそんなばかなことをしたはずがない. He cannot have done such a silly thing. He cannot have done such a foolish thing. 他に何を持ってるの? What else do you have? What else do you have? 気をつけて運転してください. Drive safely. Please drive carefully. うちの猫って甘えん坊で,どこでも私のあと付いて来るのよね. My cat is such a baby, she follows me around wherever I go. My cat is a sweet boy, and she follows me everywhere, doesn't she? 彼女が何を言ったって構わない. It makes no difference what she said. It doesn't matter what she says. 私達は絵を使ってその話を説明した. We have illustrated the story with pictures. We explained the story with a picture. トムは昨夜劇場へ行けばよかったのにと思っている. Tom wishes he had gone to the theater last night. Tom wishes he had gone to the theater last night. わたしはいかにこの問題を解決するかわかっている. I understand how to solve the problem. I know how to solve this problem. ビルは驚くほど流暢に日本語を話した. It's astonishing how fluently Bill spoke Japanese. Bill spoke Japanese surprisingly fluently. 経済情勢は流動的である. Economic conditions are in a state of flux. The economic situation is fluid. そのコラムニストは古い醜聞を蒸し返した. The columnist raked up some old gossip. The pianist rescinded the old scandal. お前なにメアリーのことずっと見てんだよ. You're looking at Mary all the time! What have you been looking at Mary for? 私達はそれを実行不可能だと思ったことはない. We never thought of it as impossible to carry out. We never thought it impossible to carry it out. あなたが自分でそれをやりなさい. Do it yourself. Do it yourself. 彼女は強い風で帽子を吹き飛ばされた. She had her hat blown off by the strong wind. She was blown off her hat with a strong wind. その城は修復され市民に公開されている. The castle has been restored and is open to the public. The castle has been repaired and open to the public. 学校は幼いものが社会生活に備える手助けをするために始められた. Schools were started to help young people prepare for living in the world. School was started to help small ones prepare for social life. パトロールカーはその地区の全体を警備する. The patrol cars cover the whole of the area. The patrol car guards the entire area. それはいわゆる"お年玉"でした. That's what we call an "otoshidama." It was what we call an "year-old." 私もまた何をすればよいかわからない. I don't know what to do either. I don't know what to do either. 彼らはいつものようにのらくらしている. They are idle as usual. They are wandering as usual. 私は来年自転車で四国を一周するつもりです. I plan to go around the island of Shikoku by bicycle next year. I'm going to cycle around Shikoku next year. 彼らは帽子をかぶると外へ出た. They put their hats on and went outside. They put on their hat and went out. 私は昼にホットドッグを食べた. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I ate a hot dog at noon. ドライビングスクールに行っています. I go to a driving school. I'm going to dry school. 彼はテレビを見るときは,この椅子に座ります. He sits in this chair when he watches television. He sits in this chair when he watches TV. 彼は故郷を去って2度と戻らなかった. He left home never to return. He left his hometown never to return. 長いことバスを待った. We had a long wait for the bus. I waited for a bus for a long time. この都市は海抜"600メートルにある. This city is 1,600 meters above sea level. This city is 600 meters above sea level. このメールを見たらすぐに返信をください. As soon as you see this E-mail please reply right away. Please reply as soon as you see this email. この語はフランス語から借用したものだ. This word was borrowed from French. This word is borrowed from French. 洋服店を開こうというトムの努力は水の泡になった. Tom's efforts to open a clothing store went up in smoke. Tom's efforts to open a dress shop were in vain. こないだ貸した本,返してほしいんだけど. I want you to return the book I lent you the other day. I want you to return the book I lent you the other day. 川に橋が架けられています. They're constructing a bridge over the river. There is a bridge across the river. 彼は今長い手紙を書いている最中だ. He's writing a long letter. He is now writing a long letter. 私は猫がその犬を追いかけているのをみた. I saw a cat running after the dog. I saw a cat chasing the dog. 私はバスより汽車が好きです. I like trains better than buses. I prefer trains to buses. 少年はしきりに自転車を欲しがった. The boy was anxious for a bicycle. The boy was anxious for a bicycle. 急がなくてもいいよ. You don't need to hurry. You don't have to hurry. 彼は作法がぎこちない. He is awkward in his manners. He is uncomfortable with manners. 富でその地位を買おうと言うのか. Do you want to buy the position with your wealth? Are you going to buy that position with wealth? まだ眠いです. I'm still sleepy. I'm still sleepy. トムは自転車を盗んだことを認めた. Tom admitted that he had stolen the bike. Tom admitted that he had stolen his bicycle. 払えるかどうか分かりませんわ. I'm not sure I can afford it. I don't know if I can pay you. もう少し早く出ていれば,最終列車に間に合ったのに. If I'd left a little earlier, I would've caught the last train. If I had left a little earlier, I would have been in time for the last train. めいめいが自分の荷物を持って行った. Each of them carried their own pack. Each one took his baggage with him. 私はベルが鳴るのを聞いた. I heard the bell ring. I heard the bell ring. 貴方は,明日学校に行くだろう. You'll go to school tomorrow. You will go to school tomorrow. いきなり入って来て威張ってもらってもこまる. You can't just come in here and start ordering people around. You can come in all of a sudden and have him lord it over you. そんな目で見つめないでよ. Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like that. 彼らがいつ着くか知ってますか. Do you know when they will arrive? Do you know when they will arrive? 君に見せたいものがあるんだ. I have something to show you. I want to show you something. 誰がそう言おうとも,それは真実ではない. No matter who says so, it's not true. Whoever says so, it is not true. 今は朝の9時"5分だよ. It's a quarter after nine in the morning. It's 9:15 in the morning now. 来てくださればとてもうれしい. I'd be happy if you'd come. I'd be very happy if you would come. 私たちは畑全体に種をまいた. We scattered seeds all over the field. We planted seed all over the field. もし水が無ければ,人間は生存できないだろう. If it were not for water, human life would be impossible. If it were not for water, man could not survive. メイラー氏は明日までここに滞在の予定です. Mr Mailer is to stay here till tomorrow. Mr. Mayer is going to stay here until tomorrow. この文は現在完了形です. haveは動詞ではなく,助動詞. This sentence is in the present perfect. 'have' is not a verb, but an auxiliary verb. This sentence is currently completed. Having is not a verb, but a helper verb. トムはいい人だ. Tom is a good person. Tom is a good man. 水はここがいちばん深い. The water is deepest here. The water is deepest here. 今,何時ですか. What time is it now? What time is it now? それは私たちがそのときまでに見た中でいちばんおもしろい映画だった. That was the most interesting film that we had ever seen. It was the most interesting movie that we had ever seen. 晩ご飯は食べましたか. Have you eaten dinner? Have you eaten dinner? それはどれほど価値があるのですか. Of what value is it? How much is it worth? トムは冗談を言っている. Tom is joking. Tom is joking. その起源を突き止めるには中世にさかのぼらなくてはいけない. We must go back to the Middle Ages to trace the origin. We must go back to the Middle Ages to find out the origin of it. 彼がいつ来るかわからないが,来れば最善を尽くすだろう. I don't know when he'll come, but when he does, he'll do his best. I don't know when he will come, but if he comes, he will do his best. ゆうべは楽しかったですか. Did you enjoy yourself last evening? Did you have a good time last night? すみません,お待たせしました. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. 陸上部は僕が唯一ありのままの自分でいられる場所でした. The track club was the only place where I could be myself. The top of the land was where I could be the only person I could be. 彼を説得しても無駄だ. I don't see any point in persuading him. It is no use trying to persuade him. バイクはいいなあ,渋滞の中でもすいすいと通り抜けられて. Motorbikes are nice. You can move smoothly even through a traffic jam. I like motorcycles, but I can't stand them in the traffic. たくさんのイヌが生きています. Many dogs are alive. A lot of dogs are alive. 私たちは祖先をうやまうべきだ. We should worship our ancestors. We should praise our ancestors. ウラウラとした日差しに誘われて,眠りに落ちた. The soft gentle sunlight beckoned me off to sleep. I fell asleep because I was lured by the sun. マリガンは,今度の試合については何の問題はないという. Mulligan says he'll sleep easy until the fight. Marigan says he doesn't have a problem with this game. この部屋用の新しいカーペットを買わなくちゃ. I have to buy a new carpet for this room. I have to buy a new carpet for this room. トムはフランス語を話せない. Tom doesn't speak French. Tom can't speak French. 吐血しました. I coughed up blood. I vomited. それを思い悩んだって無駄だよ. It is no use worrying about it. It is no use worrying about it. 彼らは音楽に合わせて踊っていました. They were dancing to the music. They were dancing to the music. 私は若いときよくサッカーをした. I often played soccer when I was young. I often played soccer when I was young. あなたは私の2倍の力がある. You are twice as strong as me. You are twice as powerful as I am. 出席者の中に市長もいた. Among those present was the Mayor. Among those present were the mayor. どうしても習慣から抜けきれないんだね. I'm just a creature of habit, I guess. I can't break the habit, can I? 再び彼に会う望みはない. There is little chance of my meeting him again. I don't want to see him again. 裁判官が有罪の判決を下した以上,いさぎよく服役しなければならない. The judge pronounced him "guilty," and now he must face the music of a sentence in prison. Since the judge is found guilty, he must serve time well. 彼が無事に帰宅したか確かめなさい. Make certain that he returned home safely. Make sure that he came home safely. 地震が来たら,真っ先に何をしますか. When an earthquake occurs, what will you do first? What will you do first when an earthquake strikes? お名前の綴りを教えてください. How do you spell your name? Please tell me how to spell your name. 原宿は東京の中で最も活気のある場所の一つである. Harajuku is one of the hottest places in Tokyo. Haro is one of the most active places in Tokyo. 私は考えられる候補者としてポールの名を挙げた. I put Paul's name forward as a possible candidate. I named Paul a possible candidate. この規則は外国人にのみ適用されます. This rule is applied to foreigners only. This rule applies only to foreigners. 彼は何度か試みたが,失敗した. He tried several times, but failed. He tried several times but failed. 私たちは注意してみたが何も見えなかった. We looked, but saw nothing. We tried to be careful, but we couldn't see anything. 林檎は幾つですか? How many apples are there? How many apples are there? そんな事できないのあなた知ってでしょう. You know I can't. You know I can't do that. そのパーティーではだれもがネクタイをすることになっている. Everybody is supposed to wear a tie at the party. Everyone is supposed to wear a tie at the party. その試合の後半はとてもおもしろかった. The latter half of the game was very exciting. The latter part of the game was very interesting. この単語はラテン語に由来している. This word is derived from Latin. This word comes from Latin. 私はその講義に出席すべきであった. I ought to have attended the lecture. I should have attended the lecture. トムがちょうど仕事場に姿を見せた. Tom just showed up at work. Tom just showed up at work. トムは二十四歳になる前に大学から卒業したい. Tom wants to graduate from college before he turns 24 years old. Tom wants to graduate from college before he is twenty-four. 駅前には銀行がある. There is a bank in front of the station. There is a bank in front of the station. 彼女は十時に明かりを全部消した. She turned off all the lights at ten. She turned off all the lights at ten. メモリが足りないのかなぁ. I don't have enough RAM. I don't think I have enough memory. いくら払えばいいのですか. How much should I pay? How much do I have to pay? 実数の集合は加法について閉じている. The set of real numbers is closed under addition. The set of real numbers is closed about addition. あの少年は頭がいい. That boy has good brains. That boy is smart. 顔色が悪いですね. 医者を呼びましょうか. You look pale. Shall I call the doctor? You look pale. Shall I call a doctor? そのような事件の場合,証拠をどのように保存するかについては一致した見解はないようである. There seems to be little agreement as to how to preserve the evidence in such cases. In such cases, there seems to be no agreement as to how to preserve the evidence. 彼女はあなたを憎んでいる. She seems to hate you. She hates you. こんなに暑い日に走るなんて,だれだってつらい. Anyone would find it hard to run on such a hot day. It's hard for anyone to run on such a hot day. その病院は先月開業した. The hospital opened last month. The hospital opened up last month. 彼はポケットに手を入れてライターをさがした. He felt in his pocket for his lighter. He looked for a lighter with his hand in his pocket. "誰が一番早く来ると思う?""トムじゃないのは確かだね" "Who do you think's gonna get here first?" "Definitely not Tom." "Who do you think will come first?" "I'm sure Tom isn't." 彼はなんて親切なんだ. こんなひどい雨の日にぼくたちの引っ越しを手伝ってくれるなんて. How kind of him to help us move on such a rainy day! How kind of him to help us move on such a rainy day. 彼に会う前にピサロは町の近くに部下と銃をたくさん隠した. Before meeting him, Pizzaro hid many of his men and guns near the town. Before meeting him, Pizarro hid a lot of his men and guns near the town. 彼女とのおしゃべりを楽しんだ. I enjoyed talking with her. I enjoyed talking with her. 両親はスキーヤー向けのペンションを経営している. My parents run a pension for skiers. My parents run a pension for skiers. 彼は"いやだ"といいたげに首を振った. He shook his head as if to say No. He shook his head and said, "No." あなたは両親から独立してもよい年だ. You are old enough to be independent of your parents. You are old enough to be independent of your parents. その子は突然わけのわからない病気に襲われた. He was suddenly attacked by a mysterious disease. The child was suddenly struck by a mysterious disease. アンはどのように脱出したのかを説明してくれた. Ann gave an account of how she had escaped. Ann explained how she got out. メグは四つ葉のクローバーを見つけた. Meg found a four leaf clover. Meg found a four-leaf couch. 昨日のテストはうまくいったかもしれないが,まだその結果はわからない. I might've done well on yesterday's test, but I don't know the results yet. I may have done well in yesterday's test, but I still don't know the result. その囚人は獄舎につながれている. The prisoner is in chains. The prisoner is tied to the prison. 私は何年も何年も生きてきました. I lived for years and years. I have lived for years and years. ついに両者の間の不和は終わりになった. Finally, the discord between them came to an end. At last, the conflict between the two ended. 彼女は植木鉢に新しい土を入れた. She put new soil in the flower pot. She put new soil in the pot. 彼女は動物虐待に関する本を読んだ後,肉を食べることをやめた. She gave up eating meat after reading a book about cruelty to animals. After reading a book on animal abuse, she stopped eating meat. 私の名前を知っていますかと彼にたずねた. I asked him if he knew my name. I asked him if he knew my name. 私はパーティーに行くように説得された. I was prevailed upon to go to the party. I was persuaded to go to the party. まだ怒ってる? Is she still mad? Are you still mad at me? 私の父は早寝早起きを主義としていた. My father made it a principle to keep early hours. My father made it a rule to keep early hours. そのことは確信する. I'm quite sure of that. I'm sure of that. どうかお願いがあるのですが. Would you please do me a favor? May I ask a favor of you? 私は冬にいつも風邪をひく. I always catch a cold in the winter. I always catch colds in winter. どうすれば長距離電話がかけられますか. How can I make a long-distance call? How can I get a long-range telephone call? たった50ドルで,しかも靴クリームを2缶おまけいたします. They're only $50 with two cans of shoe polish free of charge. Only $50, and two cans of shoe cream. 泣き出さなければならないことを恐れて,私は素早く何ものをも笑ってしまう. I quickly laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry. Fearing that I must cry, I quickly laugh at anything. そのダイヤモンドは5千ドルの価値があった. The diamond was valued at 5,000 dollars. The diamond was worth five thousand dollars. ケアプランの作成等の居宅介護支援事業については,介護保険により負担されます. Nursing insurance covers drawing up the care plan and other work supporting home nursing. Care insurance will bear on home care projects such as making care plans. 日本人ですか. Are they Japanese? Are you Japanese? 君の犬はどうなりましたか. What's become of your dog? What has become of your dog? そのベルは8時になる. The bell rings at eight. The bell comes at eight. ジムは夜遅くまで勉強する. Jim studies far into the night. Jim studies late into the night. 彼は彼女の心無い言葉に感情を傷つけられた. He was very hurt by her cruel words. He was hurt emotionally by her empty words. 彼の自慢話はまったく聞き飽きた. I'm tired of listening to his boasts. I am quite tired of hearing his boast. 速達で送ってください. Please send it by express mail. Please send me a quick mail. 彼が来てからパーティーを始める. After he came, the party started. We start the party after he comes. 彼女は流行にとらわれている. She is a slave of fashion. She is caught up in fashion. 彼らは新しい政党を作った. They formed a new political party. They formed a new party. 少々おまちください. Please wait a bit. Hold on a second, please. ケンという名の背の高い人に会いました. I met a tall man named Ken. I met a tall man named Ken. 事故はどこで起こったのですか. Where did the accident take place? Where did the accident happen? 健はビルと同じくらいの背丈です. Ken is as tall as Bill. Ken is as tall as Bill. 8時に私の家に来て下さい. Come to my house at eight. Please come to my house at eight. その花は,よく見えるところならどこにでも置いてください. Put those flowers wherever we can see them well. Please put the flower anywhere you can see it well. 車を返却したいのですが. I'd like to return a car. I'd like to return my car. この部屋は狭苦しい. This room is cramped. This room is cramped. 当店にはいろいろな種類の本がございます. We have a wide choice of books. We have various kinds of books. 彼は子供が夜更かしすることを許しません. He will not permit his children to sit up late. He won't allow his child to stay up late. うだるような暑さだ. It's boiling hot. It's very hot. 冬になると気がふさぐ. I suffer from depression during the wintertime. I feel anxious in winter. 私は彼女に規則を説明した. I explained the rules to her. I explained the rules to her. 燃料としては石油が石炭に代わりつつあった. Petroleum was replacing coal as fuel. Oil was replacing coal as fuel. そんな審判員はやめてしまったほうがよい. Such a judge may as well retire from his job. You had better stop being such a judge. 7時30分ごろに電話をください. Please call me at about 7:30. Please call me around 7:30. 警官はトムに銃を向け,"動くな!"と大声を上げた. The policeman aimed his gun at Tom and yelled, "Hold it right there!" The policeman pointed a gun at Tom and shouted, "Don't move!" 口の周りにご飯粒がついてるよ. You have grains of rice stuck around your mouth. There's a grain of rice around your mouth. 説明してくれてありがとう. Thank you for your explanation. Thank you for explaining. 嘘吐きものにされちゃった. I was made out to be a liar. I've been made a liar. 父は時には子供じみたことをいったり,します. My father can be terribly childish, but he means well. My father sometimes makes childish things happen. 私はとても彼女に会いたい. I want to see her very much. I want to see her very much. 妙な話だが,私は何の痛みも感じなかった. Strange to say, I didn't feel any pain. Strange to say, I felt no pain. 私は喫煙は好まない. 健康に悪いからだ. I don't care for smoking; it's bad for the health. I don't like smoking. It's bad for my health. ここでストロボ撮影をしてもいいですか. Is it all right to use a flash here? May I shoot a speedlight here? 健康を害してはじめてその価値がわかるものだ. It isn't until you have lost your health that you realize its value. It is not until you have lost your health that you realize its value. 彼女は 会社について 満足している. She is pleased with the company. She is content with her company. 全力でやれ. Give it all you've got. Do your best. 彼女は彼に自分をささげた. She devoted herself to him. She dedicated herself to him. ブライアンは岡を越えたところに住む. Brian lives over the hill. Brian lives above the lake. 出発する前に必ず火を消しなさい. Be sure to put out the fire before you leave. Be sure to put out the fire before you leave. デオキシリボ核酸は,遺伝子を作っている複雑な化学物質である. DNA is a complex chemical that makes up a gene. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a complex chemical making genes. パレードは私のいたところからはよく見えなかった. I couldn't see the parade well from where I was. The parade didn't look good from where I was from. 私は彼を無理にも行かせた. I made him go. I forced him to go. 彼がどうやってゲットしたのか教えて. Tell me how he got it. Tell me how he got it. 昨日私の男性の友人が私を訪ねてきた. A male friend of mine called on me yesterday. A friend of mine called on me yesterday. トム・スケレトンは手足をぶるぶる震わせていた. Tom Skeleton was shaking and trembling in every limb. Tom Skeleton was shaking his hands and feet. 帽子をなくしてしまった. I have lost my cap. I've lost my hat. 彼はけがのため仕事ができなくなった. His injury incapacitated him for work. His injury prevented him from working. その情報は私のコンピューターのファイルに入っている. The information is in a file in my computer. The information is in my computer file. 彼はいくつかの情報を集めた. He collected various information. He collected some information. 僕は毎日フランス語を使わなければいけない. I have to use French every day. I have to use French every day. 追い剥ぎが通行人から金を奪った. A highwayman robbed a foot passenger of his money. Slaying robbed the passerby of his money. その取り引きは我々に有利に働くかもしれない. The business deal may tell in our favor. The deal may work in our favor. この分野では多くの科学者たちが研究している. Many scientists are working in this field. Many scientists are studying this field. 損害は千ドルと見積もりしています. We estimate the damages to be one thousand dollars. The damage is estimated at $1,000. 靴が痛くてとてもつらい. My shoes hurt. I'm in agony. My shoes are painful and very painful. タイヤがパンクした. I got a flat tire. The tire was flat. トムはあした早く朝食を食べるでしょう. Tom will have breakfast early tomorrow. Tom will eat breakfast early tomorrow. 金を選ぶべきだった. I should've chosen the money. You should have chosen money. もう寝なくちゃ. I have to go to bed. I have to go to bed. 大丈夫だって!仮に飲んだとしても,そんなの私の運転には影響ないから. Don't worry! Even if I drink, it doesn't have an effect on my driving. It's okay! Even if I had a drink, it wouldn't affect my driving. 私はその話に感動して涙した. I was much moved to tears at the story. I was moved to tears by the story. 晩年になってそのけちは気前がよくなった. Late in life the miser learned to be generous with money. In the latter part of his life, the misdemeanor was well-natured. ちょうど今,帰ってきたところです. I've only just come back. I've just come home. 私の腕時計は少し進む. My wristwatch is running a bit too fast. My watch goes a little forward. 彼らは怪我人を病院まで車で運んだ. They carried the injured man by car to the hospital. They drove the injured man to the hospital. 通りを渡るな Don't cross the street! Don't cross the street. ランチボックスからは,色んなオカズの匂いが,立ちのぼっている. The smell of various foodstuffs drifted up from the lunch box. There is a wide range of scents coming from the lunch box. 改革者たちは支配層からのあらゆる非難にさらされた. The reformers were subject to every attack from the Establishment. The reformers were exposed to all the accusations from the ruling elements. 私は彼がきっと成功すると思う. I'm sure of his success. I am sure of his success. 彼らは彼が他人の悪口を言うのをよく耳にした. They often heard him speak ill of others. They often heard him speak ill of others. 彼は犬に骨をやった. He gave the dog a bone. He gave his dog a bone. その歌は人々の間で流行した. The song caught on with the public. The song became popular among the people. その双子はまったく似ている. The twins look exactly alike. The twins are quite alike. 交換手です. 内線番号をどうぞ. Operator. Which extension would you like? I'm the operator. Please give me your internal number. メアリーは親切にも私を手伝ってくれた. Mary was so kind as to help me. Mary was kind enough to help me. なんでドアを閉めなかったの? Why didn't you shut the door? Why didn't you close the door? 冬になると夜が長くなり昼がみじかくなり,子供たちがスケートをしたりそりにのったりするのをみました. In the winter, when the nights were long and the days short, she watched the children coasting and skating. In the winter, the night grew longer and the day began to fade, and I watched the children skate and sneak. パリでの生活に満足していなかった. I was not satisfied with life in Paris. I wasn't satisfied with my life in Paris. では,CGを作る場合はどのように光源を使用すればよいのであろうか. Then, when you're making CG, how should you use light sources? So how do we use light to make CG? 私たちの乗った船は港に近づいて行った. Our ship was approaching the harbor. Our boat drew near the harbor. 彼女は風邪で学校を休んだ. She was absent from school with a cold. She was absent from school because of a cold. 資本,土地,労働は生産の三大要素である. Capital, land and labor are the three key factors of production. Capital, land, and labor are three major factors in production. 当機は間もなく離陸いたします. We will soon take off. Our plane will take off soon. ロックは若者が好きな音楽である. Rock is the music of the young. Rock is a music that young people like. なんでもっと早くここに来なかったのだ. Why didn't you get here sooner? Why didn't you come here earlier? 彼女は私よりトムの方を愛している. She loves Tom more than she loves me. She loves Tom more than I do. 私の後援者は喜んで私の提案に同意してくれた. My sponsor was willing to agree to my suggestion. My sponsor was glad to agree to my proposal. 彼は机の中を空にした. He cleared out his desk. He emptied his desk. 天気予報は雨が降るかどうか報じている. The weather forecast predicts whether it will rain or not. The weather forecast tells us whether it will rain or not. 彼女は娘をクラシック音楽に慣れ親しませた. She acquainted her daughter with classical music. She made her daughter accustomed to classical music. 昔そこにはスギの大木があった. There used to be a large cedar tree there. There used to be giant cedar trees there. 彼女は去年,長い髪をしていた. She had long hair last year. She had long hair last year. その少女は父親の腕にしがみついていた. The little girl clung to her father's arm. The girl was clinging to her father's arm. これだけ禁煙,禁煙といわれる以上,喫煙というのは公序良俗に反する行為なんだろうね. When you are constantly told no smoking, no smoking like that, you start thinking, maybe smoking really is a threat to public morals or something. Since smoking is said to be such a bad habit, and smoking, it's probably against the standards of the public. フランスとスペインはピレネー山脈によって分かたれている. France is separated from Spain by the Pyrenees. France and Spain are divided by the Pyrenees. この店では清爽でお願いします. At this shop, we expect a well-groomed appearance. I'd like to clean up at this shop. 今の子供は,発達中の未来の大人である. The child of today is the man of the future in the making. Today's child is a developing adult in the future. ローザ・パークスは白人乗客に席を譲ることを拒否した. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger. Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to white passengers. 彼がそう考えるのは当然です. That he should think so is quite natural. It is natural for him to think so. 彼は今日から"週間後,つまり"2月"0日に帰ってくる. He will be back a week from today, that is, on December 10. He will come back a week from today, that is, on December 10. その警官の姿を見かけるや否や,彼は逃げ出した. The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away. No sooner had he seen the policeman than he ran away. そのバスは十分遅れで到着した. The bus arrived ten minutes behind time. The bus arrived ten minutes late. 落ち着いて. Calm down. Calm down. この辞書は私たちには大変価値がある. This dictionary is of great value to us. This dictionary is of great value to us. 人はどんなに金持ちでも,必ずもっと多くを望む. No matter how rich people are, they always want more. No matter how rich a man may be, he is sure to want more. 新しいチームには優勝する力がある. The new team has the capability to win. The new team has the power to win the championship. 私は彼より年をとっている. I'm older than he is. I am older than he is. トムは今幸せ? Are you happy now, Tom? Is Tom happy now? それにはかなりの時間と費用がかかります. It will require substantial time and financial resources. It costs a lot of time and money. この弓は張りが強いです. This bow has a strong draw. This bow is strong. その悲しい知らせを聞いて,彼女はなかずにはいられなかった. She could not but cry at the sad news. When she heard the sad news, she couldn't help it. この肉はおいしい. This is good meat. This meat is delicious. その事件が彼を有名にした. That affair made him famous. The incident made him famous. 時代が変わると祈ろう. Let's hope times change. Let's pray that times will change. この文章を暗記するのに2時間かかった. It took me two hours to memorize this sentence. It took me two hours to memorize this sentence. 彼は彼女からの手紙を怒って引きさいた. He angrily tore up the letter from her. He pulled the letter from her in anger. あなたはまだ行く必要がありません. There is no need for you to go yet. You don't have to go yet. 彼女は親の世話を受けていない. She is independent of her parents. She is not taken care of by her parents. 彼は昼寝をして睡眠不足を補おうとした. He tried to make up for his lack of sleep by taking a nap. He tried to compensate for his lack of sleep by taking a nap. その姉妹は二人ともブロンドだ. The sisters are both blondes. Both sisters are blonde. 彼は元気そうだ. He looks well. He looks well. 私はコーヒーより紅茶のほうが好きです. I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer tea to coffee. それは私たちの日常生活のしきたりの"つだ. That's one of the conventions of our daily life. It is a custom of our daily life. その写真を見ると私は楽しかった昔の日々を思い出す. The picture reminds me of my happy old days. The picture reminds me of the happy old days. 今日雨が降りますか. Is it going to rain today? Will it rain today? 私は彼を彼の兄と取り違えた. I mistook him for his brother. I took him for his brother. 城の創建は""世紀にさかのぼると伝えられる. It is said that the castle dates back to the 11th century. It is reported that the castle dates back to the 11th century. 日本語のできる人,この指とまれ. Let the moving finger stop on - someone who understands Japanese. You who speak Japanese, hold on to this finger. 火はぱっと明るく燃え上がった. The fire burned up brightly. The fire burst into flames. 彼女は一体どこに住んでいるのかしら? I wonder where she lives. Where the hell does she live? この川の"キロほど上に橋がある. There is a bridge about one kilometer up this river. There is a bridge about a kilometer above this river. その試験を受けたことを決して忘れないだろう. I'll never forget taking the exam. I'll never forget having taken the examination. 母は私にもっと野菜を食べろと言う. Mother insists that I should eat more vegetables. My mother tells me to eat more vegetables. トムは約束を守った. Tom kept his promise. Tom kept his promise. 大丈夫この道でいいですから. Believe me, this is the right way. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. "アー"といってください. Say 'ahhh'. Say "ah." 彼はその女性を容疑者から除外した. He excluded the woman from the suspects. He excluded the woman from the suspect. 図書館には彼らしかいなかった. They were alone in the library. They were the only ones in the library. 彼はその難しい行為をごく簡単にやって退けた. He brought off the difficult act quite easily. He dismissed the difficult act with great ease. トムが何を目論んでいるのか分からない. I don't know what Tom is planning to do. I don't know what Tom is trying to figure out. 急げば,学校に間に合いますよ. Hurry up, and you'll be in time for school. If you hurry, you'll be in time for school. コンピューターのキーボードの操作は,手動タイプライターほど努力を要しない. The operation of a computer keyboard requires less effort than that of a manual typewriter. Operation of a computer keyboard requires less effort than manual typewriters. お前だったら何て言う? What would you say then? What would you say? 彼女は彼を尊敬している. She thinks highly of him. She looks up to him. どんなことをするにも注意深くなければならない. One must take care in whatever one does. You must be careful in whatever you do. 私はテニスをしました. I played tennis. I played tennis. その知らせを聞いて私たちはとてもうれしい. We are delighted at the news. We are very glad to hear the news. 人々は近くの出口へと向かった. The crowd made for the nearest door. People headed for a nearby exit. 明かりがついているから彼は家にいるにちがいない. He must be at home as the light in on. Since the light is on, he must be at home. あの自転車は私たちの学校のものです. That bicycle belongs to our school. That bicycle belongs to our school. 医者が来るまで彼は激しい苦痛で横になっていた. He lay in agony until the doctor arrived. He lay in great pain until the doctor came. 彼の言ったことは,ある程度,この場合に当てはまる. What he said applies, to a certain extent, to this case. What he said applies to this case to some extent. たまたまその日は私の誕生日でした. It happened that the day was my birthday. It happened that that day was my birthday. トムは30分程前にここを去った. Tom left here about thirty minutes ago. Tom left here about half an hour ago. 彼女の目を開かせたのはその音だった. It was that sound that brought her eyes open. It was the sound that opened her eyes. 私は明日その男に会う予定だ. I am to meet the man tomorrow. I'm going to meet the man tomorrow. 今日は晴れそうもない. The weather does not look like clearing up today. It is unlikely that it will clear up today. 夕食の時間ですよ. It's supper time. It's dinner time. 今日のフットボールの試合が中止にならなければいいんだが. I hope today's ball game won't be canceled. I hope the football game isn't canceled today. 彼は彼女が好きになった. He came to like her. He fell in love with her. 最近,彼は私を非難している. Lately, he reproaches me. Recently, he blames me. 環境を汚染する工場がある. Some factories pollute the environment. There are factories that pollute the environment. 学生は自分の主体性を見失ってはならない. A student should not lose sight of his own identity. Students must not lose sight of their principality. この写真を見ると子供の頃を思い出す. This picture reminds me of my childhood. This picture reminds me of my childhood. 私たちの先生に話しかけている女性のことは知りません. I don't know the woman talking to our teacher. I don't know the woman talking to our teacher. 統合医療 とは,個人差を重視して,現代西洋医学を基にした科学的な先端医療から伝統医学,自然療法といったさまざまな治療法を積極的に取り入れ,多面的に組み合わせた医療です. Integrative medicine refers to a many faceted medical approach that emphasises individual differences and aggressively includes the latest scientific techniques based on modern Western medicine as well as various other medical systems like traditional medicine and natural medicine. Integrated medicine is a multi-sided combination of treatments from advanced sciences based on modern Western medicine and traditional medicine. あなたは有名ですか? Are you famous? Are you famous? ヴァンホーン家は裕福だった. The Van Horns are rich. The Van Horn family was wealthy. 人間はこれまでに最も高い山々に登ったこともあるし,海底を歩いたこともある. They have climbed the highest mountains and walked on the floor of the seas. Man has climbed the highest mountains ever, and has walked on the bottom of the sea. oleandersのことは お手入れが 少し要ります Oleanders require little care. We're gonna need a little help with the rangers. 君の夢物語にお金をつぎ込む気なんてないよ. I have no interest in putting my money into your dreams. I don't want to spend money on your dreams. ここにおかけになって暖まってください. Sit down here and warm yourself. Please sit here and warm yourself. なんで? Why? Why? たいていの学生は徒歩で通学する. Most students walk to school. Most students go to school on foot. あなたと私は男です. You and I are men. You and I are men. 彼の答案には間違いは一つもない. There is not a single mistake in his paper. There is no mistake in his paper. 彼はテレビを見ています. He's watching TV. He is watching TV. 寒い季節がやってくるよ. Cold weather is coming. The cold season is coming. 私はカードゲームがしたい. I want to play cards. I want to play a card game. 私もあなたがここにいらっしゃるとは知りませんでした. I didn't know that you were coming here either. I didn't know you were here either. 一日中勃ちっぱなしっていうのは,やっぱり可笑しいよね. After all, having an erection the entire day is strange, isn't it? It's still funny to have a erection all day long. 月は雲の陰に隠れています. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is hidden behind the clouds. 彼女は書く事ができず,読む事もできない. She can't write or read. She can't write or read. 彼女はいつか結婚するだろう. She will probably marry one day. She will get married some day. 第一に,それは正義の問題である. Firstly, it is a matter of justice. First of all, it's a matter of justice. 汽車は駅を離れて,まもなく見えなくなった. The train left the station and was soon out of sight. The train left the station and was soon out of sight. 暖流が四国の沖を流れている. A warm current runs off the coast of Shikoku. The warm current runs off the coast of Shikoku. 私は決して怠けてこの授業を欠席しているのではない. I am by no means absent from this class because I am lazy. I'm by no means absent from this class. もう宿題を済ませてしまったのですか. Have you finished your homework already? Have you finished your homework yet? 彼女は美容院を経営している. She runs a beauty shop. She runs a beauty school. 私の最初の推測ははずれた. My first guess was wide off the mark. My first guess was off. 彼女はその美しい光景に驚いて立っていた. She stood astonished at the sight. She was amazed at the beautiful sight. このジッパーはきつい. This zipper doesn't zip smoothly. This zipper is tough. あなたは私の息子がバイオリンを弾くのを聞きましたか. Did you hear my son play the violin? Did you hear my son play the violin? 混雑したバスの中で私は誰かにつま先を踏まれた. Someone stepped on my toe in the crowded bus. I got on my toes in the crowded bus. ガイドは観光客に博物館の案内をした. A guide conducted the visitors round the museum. The guide showed the visitor a tour of the museum. お酒は一杯いかがでしょうか. How about we have a glass of wine? Would you like a drink? 彼女は帰宅した. She went home. She came home. 部屋には家具が4点あった. There were four pieces of furniture in the room. There were four pieces of furniture in the room. 親類も足が遠のきはじめた. His relatives began to keep away from him. Even my relatives began to run far. 琵琶湖は日本最大の湖です. Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan. Lake Zhao is the largest lake in Japan. ベンは両手をポケットへつっこんだ. Ben put his hands in his pockets. Ben put his hands in his pocket. 戦後の日本はいくつかの力強い長期繁栄を経験し,その中には神武景気や岩戸景気がある. The postwar has experienced several long periods of continuous strong prosperity, among which are the Jinmu Boom and the Iwato boom. After the war, Japan experienced some strong long-term prosperity, among which are the kamikaze and Iwaji recession. その問題には困難がつきまとった. The problem was beset with difficulties. The problem came to be difficult. 私の誕生日を覚えているなんて,あなたって本当にすてきだわ. It is really marvelous of you to remember my birthday. It's really nice of you to remember my birthday. 助けが必要だったら呼んでくれ. Call on me if you need my assistance. Call me if you need help. 自分の考えを言葉に表すのは,私には難しいことです. It's hard for me to put my thoughts into words. It is difficult for me to express my thoughts in words. 質問はありますか? Do you have any questions? Do you have any questions? これらの国々はヨーロッパ文明発祥の地である. European civilization had its birth in these lands. These countries are the cradle of European civilization. なんと厳しい風だろう. What a strong wind! What a wind! ビルは分からせることができなかった. Bill was unable to get Mary to understand what he said. Bill couldn't make out. 西欧の思考はすべて等質です. Western thought is consistent. All thoughts of Western Europe are of equal quality. 会合は先月あった. The meeting was last month. The meeting was held last month. 雲が月を過った. A cloud passed across the moon. Clouds passed the moon. 僕の留守中に部屋を掃除しておいて下さい. Please put my room in order while I am out. Please keep my room clean while I am away. 血圧計の数値は? What's the reading on the blood pressure monitor? What's the blood pressure count? 彼は80歳まで生きた. He lived to be eighty years old. He lived to be eighty. 以上ですか. Is that all? Is that it? 私はその理由を詳しく説明できます. I can tell you the reason at full length. I can explain the reason in detail. うちの従業員はほとんどが若い人たちだ. Most of our employees are young. Our employees are mostly young people. ニューヨーク市の警官は紺色の制服を着ている. New York City policemen wear navy blue uniforms. New York City policemen wear blue uniforms. その会合はここで明日行われることになっている. The meeting is to be held here tomorrow. The meeting is to be held here tomorrow. 建物がとっても小さく見えるよ. The buildings look so tiny. The building looks very small. 彼女は髪を短く刈ってもらった. She had her hair cut short. She had her hair cut short. テリー・テイトさんにお会いしたいのです. I would like to see Mr Terry Tate. I'd like to see Terry Tate. 彼は経済学に相当な貢献をした. He made a substantial contribution to economics. He made a considerable contribution to economics. 物価がそんなに安いと聞いて私たちはびっくりした. It amazed us to hear that things were so cheap. We were surprised to hear that prices were so low. キリスト教徒でもない人がバレンタインデーにチョコレートを送るのはくだらない習慣だ. It is a silly practice for non-Christians to send chocolates on St. Valentine's Day. It is a silly habit for non - Christian people to send chocolate to Valentine's Day. この図書館にはたくさんの本があります. There are a great many books in this library. There are many books in this library. 私たちの中で"人としてあなたを助けたいと思わない者はありません. There is not one of us who does not want to help you. There is no one among us who doesn't want to help you. あなたは間もなく元気になるでしょう. You will soon get well. You will get well soon. トムはおさまっています. Tom is calm now. Tom is lying. 列車は五時ちょうどに発車した. The train left at five o'clock to the minute. The train left at exactly five o'clock. 辞書はことばの意味を調べるのに使う. We use a dictionary to look up the meaning of words. A dictionary is used to examine the meaning of words. 今俺は新しい生活を楽しんでいる. Now I am enjoying my new life style. I'm enjoying a new life now. 私はこの辞書なしで済ますことはできない. I cannot do without this dictionary. I cannot do without this dictionary. 警察はその事件の容疑者を逮捕した. The police arrested the suspect in the case. The police arrested the suspect in the case. 彼らは大部分が若者であった. They were for the most part young people. They were mostly young people. タイの料理はどう? How about Thai food? How's Thai cooking? 遠近法がとられてないので,その絵は変にみえる. The picture looks strange because it has no perspective. The picture looks strange because there has not been a direct approach. 彼は歩いて森を通り抜けた. He walked through the forest. He walked through the woods. さよならを言わなければなりません. I must say good-bye to you. I have to say good-bye. イルカは好奇心旺盛である. Dolphins are curious. The dolphin is curious. その考えは実に魅力的だ. The idea is very attractive. The idea is very attractive. だれも,彼がどうなったか知らない. Nobody knows what has become of him. No one knows what has become of him. 彼女は人前で話したがらない. She doesn't like to speak in public. She doesn't want to talk in public. 彼はその秘密を知っているらしい. He seems to know the secret. It seems that he knows the secret. 彼は彼らにすべてをしゃべらされた. He was made to tell them everything. He was told everything to them. アンは遅刻したので先生に謝った. Ann apologized to her teacher for coming to school late. Ann apologized to her teacher because she was late. 彼女と6月に結婚する事になったんだ. I'm getting married to her in June. I was to get married to her in June. その光景は彼女に母性愛を呼び起こした. The scene brought out the mother in her. The scene aroused her mother's love for her. 君は恋するには若すぎる. You are too young to be in love. You're too young to fall in love. トムは八方ふさがりの状態だ. Tom is caught between a rock and a hard place. Tom is in a tight spot all over the place. 喉に刺さった棘の如く. Like a thorn stuck in your throat. Like a thorn in the throat. それどういう意味? What does that mean? What does that mean? 彼は海底で新しい生活を楽しんだ. He enjoyed a new life under the sea. He enjoyed his new life at the bottom of the sea. 誰かいる? Anybody in here? Anybody home? マフィアは隠れみのに合法的な事業を展開している. The Mafia uses legitimate business operations as a front. The Mafia is running a legitimate business of hiding. 私は助けを求める呼び声を聞いた. I heard a call for help. I heard a call for help. 彼女はバスケットボールをして息を切らしている. She is panting from playing basketball. She is out of breath by playing basketball. 彼女は彼と結婚すると約束した. She promised to marry him. She promised to marry him. "ジュテーム"はフランス語で"愛してる"という意味です. "Je t'aime" means "I love you" in French. "Jotem" means "I love you" in French. 私はインドに行ったことがある. I have been to India. I have been to India. どのバスも満員だ. Every bus is full. Every bus is full. その物語は驚くべき事でいっぱいでした. The story was full of marvelous happenings. The story was full of amazing things. あなたはあの勤め口に申し込むべきだ. You should apply for that post. You should apply for that job. あなたは,勉強が好きですか. Do you like to study? Do you like studying? ご両親によろしく伝えて下さい. Please remember me to your parents. Please give my best regards to your parents. 死亡により人口は減少しつつある. The population is dying off. The population is decreasing as a result of death. 去年の冬,彼女と出会った. I met her in the winter of last year. I met her last winter. その新しい学校は若者の特別な要求を考慮に入れることに失敗した. The new school failed to take into account the special needs of young people. The new school failed to take into account the special demands of young people. なんでトムは台所にいるの? Why is Tom in the kitchen? Why is Tom in the kitchen? 何か補助はありませんか? Is there any help available? Is there anything I can do to help? ハワイでは一年中海で泳ぐ事ができます. In Hawaii you can swim in the sea all year. In Hawaii, you can swim in the middle of the year. 子供に自由で良い教育をすることをいいものと信じている. We all believe in good, free education for our children. I believe in free and good education for children. わざわざ迎えに来るようなことはしないで下さい. Don't take the trouble to come and meet me. Don't bother to pick me up. キリンってなんて鳴くんだろう? What noise do giraffes make? What does a giraffe sound like? トムはテストに受かったの? Did Tom pass the test? Did Tom pass the test? その詩人は常に何よりも人間性を大事に考える. The poet always takes account of humanism before everything. The poet always values humanity above all else. 彼は交わるにはむずかしい人だ. He is a hard man to deal with. He is a hard man to deal with. いつ降りたらよいか教えて下さい. Would you please tell me when to get off? Please tell me when to get down. 彼女はうそをつくことさえできる. She can even tell lies! She can even tell a lie. その問題を解決するのはもうすぐだった. The resolution to the problem was close at hand. The problem was soon to be solved. 森の先,美しい湖がある. A beautiful lake lay just beyond the forest. There is a beautiful lake beyond the woods. 彼は現在は暮らし向きがよい. He is well off now. He is well off now. 場所は西バージニア州の遠く離れた小さな山村. The scene was a tiny mountain village in a remote section of West Virginia. The place is a small mountain village far away from West Virginia. あなたは正直に答えなければなりません. You must answer honestly. You must answer honestly. 日本では話をしたらアイヅチをうたないと聞いていないのかと思われてしまいます. When speaking in Japan, it may seem like you're not listening if you do not respond while somebody speaks to you. When I talk to people in Japan, they think I'm not listening. わたしは彼が逃げていくのを観た. I saw him run away. I saw him run away. あなたは一人っ子ですか? Are you an only child? Are you an only child? 酒を飲むのはほどほどにするように. Try to be moderate in drinking. Take it easy to drink. 一度にたくさんの食物を食べてはいけません. You must not eat too much food at one time. Don't eat a lot of food at once. 彼は病気で来られなくなった. He could not come on account of his illness. He couldn't come because he was sick. 兄は大学にいけるように奨学金を狙っている. My brother has his eye on a scholarship so he can go to college. My brother is looking for a scholarship so that he can go to college. 彼は親切な人のようです. He seems to be a kind person. He seems to be a kind man. あの人達には何の心配事も不安もない. They are free from care and anxiety. They have nothing to worry about. あなた方の助け,新しい奉仕や犠牲なしにはそれは起こることができない. It can't happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice. It can't happen without your help, new service and sacrifice. 百年は一世紀と呼ばれる. A hundred years is called a century. A hundred years is called a century. 私は富や名声はほしくない. I don't care for wealth and fame. I don't want wealth or fame. 私の方には意見はない. I have nothing to add on my part. I have no opinion. 彼は泳ぎをこわがっている. He is afraid of swimming. He is afraid of swimming. その町の東の方に古い城があった. There was an old castle to the east of the town. There was an old castle in the east of the town. タクシーで行こうよ. Let's go by taxi, shall we? Let's go by taxi. この近くにはいいレストランがたくさんあるんだ. There are a number of nice restaurants near here. There are many good restaurants near here. コピーするページに付箋をつけておいてください. Put a tag on the pages you want copied. Please leave a note on the page to copy. 我々は明日の野球の試合に行くだろう. We'll likely go to the ball game tomorrow. We will go to the baseball game tomorrow. 彼は5時までに学校から戻るでしょう. He will get back from school by five. He will be back from school by five. なにちんたら歩いてんだ. Get a move on! What's wrong with you? You're walking. イスがこわれています. 誰かに修理してもらったほうがいいですよ. The chair is broken. You'd better get someone to fix it. The chair is broken. You had better get someone to fix it. 私は英語で自分の言うことを他人に理解させるのは難しいと思った. I found it difficult to make myself understood in English. I found it difficult to make myself understood in English. 私たちは夜中の2時まで話していた. We talked until two in the morning. We talked until two in the morning. 考えられるすべての理由の中で,彼は最も予期しなかった理由を選んだ. Of all the possible reasons, he chose the least expected one. Of all possible reasons, he chose the reason he didn't expect most. 彼は息子を先生とした. He made his son a teacher. He made his son a teacher. あなたは仕事が気に入っていると思います. I believe you like your job. I think you like your job. マッターホルンに登るのは難しい. Climbing the Matterhorn is difficult. It's hard to climb a Matterhorn. 君に話したい事がある. I have something to tell you. I need to tell you something. いったいどうして私にそんなことが言えるんだ! How dare you speak to me like that! How the hell can you say that to me? 彼はとても学問があるが,常識に欠けている. Though he is very learned, he lacks common sense. He is very learned, but he lacks common sense. ラジオを彼に修理させた. I had my radio repaired by him. I had him fix the radio. 彼女の目標は教師になることだ. Her goal is to become a teacher. Her aim is to become a teacher. あの生徒は走るのが速いんだよね? That student is very fast at running isn't he? That student runs fast, doesn't he? 彼は車の下から出てきた. He got out from under the car. He came out from under the car. 地下鉄の駅にはどのように行けばよいですか. Could you tell me the way to the subway station? How can I get to the subway station? いない者の話をすると現われる. Talk of the absent and he will appear. Talk about the absent and they show up. 食事が済んだら行きます. We'll go after we eat. I'll go after the meal. ニューヨークの道路はとても広い. The streets of New York are very wide. The road in New York is very wide. 彼は一本のロープをつかみ助かった. He caught hold of a rope and saved himself. He caught hold of a rope. 彼は言語学の分野にはよく通じている. He has a great knowledge of the linguistic field. He is familiar with the field of linguistics. 何を見ているのですか. What are you looking at? What are you looking at? 最近彼とよくあっているのかい. Have you been seeing a lot of him recently? Do you get along well with him these days? 私はその車の速いのにびっくり仰天した. I was amazed at the speed of the car. I was surprised at the fast car. それを盗んでいる現場を捕らえられた. He was caught in the very act of stealing it. I was caught stealing it. おっぱいがお椀型で羨ましいなあ. I'm so jealous of your bowl-shaped boobs. I envy my sour tits. 君は戦争に賛成か反対か. Are you for the war or against it? Are you for or against the war? 飛行機はまさに離陸せんとしていた. The plane was on the point of taking off. The plane was about to take off. 彼女は色白金髪だ. She has fair skin and hair. She has dark hair. 困り果てて言葉につまった. I was at a loss for words. I was at a loss for words. それは私にはほとんど取るに足らない. It is of little consequence to me. It means little to me. 彼女は皆から好かれている. She is loved by everyone. She is liked by everyone. 私は正午に昼食をとる. I have lunch at noon. I have lunch at noon. "中川さんをお願いします""私ですが" "May I speak to Mr Nakagawa?" "Speaking." "Please take Mr. Nakakawa." "It's me." イギリス国会は下院と上院とに分かれている. The British Parliament is divided into the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The British Parliament is divided between the House of Representatives and the Senate. 彼は私の三倍も稼いでいる. He makes three times more money than I do. He earns three times as much as I do. テレビはできるだけ録画じゃなくてオンエアで見ることにしている. I try to watch live TV as much as possible instead of recordings. I make it a rule to watch TV on - not on - air as much as possible. 黙って聞け! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen to me! 新聞のさまざまな虚偽や卑俗さにも関わらず. Reject all its lies and vulgarity. Despite all the lies and humiliation in the newspaper. 意志の弱い人は身を滅ぼしやすい. だが,意志の強い人は失敗を成功にかえる. The weak-willed are prone to go to the dogs; the strong-willed turn failure into success. A man with weak will can destroy himself, but a man with strong will can make a mistake. 以上のように,実にシンプルな誰でも出来るノウハウで十分な利益と顧客は確保できるのです! As shown above, it is possible to obtain ample profit and customers with truly simple know-how that anyone can do! This is how simple a know-how can be enough to secure sufficient profits and customers! 私は落とした鍵を探すのに何時間も費やした. I spent hours looking for the key that I had dropped. I spent hours looking for the key I dropped. 彼は財を成した. He has accumulated wealth. He made a fortune. あしたは家に居るつもりだ. I will stay home tomorrow. I'm going to stay at home tomorrow. 悲しい思い出がいつもその子につきまとっている. Sad memories always haunt the child. A sad memory always clings to the child. 私の部屋にはあまり家具がありません. There isn't much furniture in my room. There isn't much furniture in my room. ヒルトン氏は家を売りたくなって新聞に広告をだした. When Mr. Hilton wanted to sell his house, he advertised it in the newspaper. Mr Hilton advertised his house in the newspaper because he wanted to sell it. 今日では都会の暮らしより田舎の暮らしを好む人がますます多くなっている. Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life. Today more and more people prefer country life to city life. 青いのはありますか. Do you have any in blue? Do you have any blue ones? これが住所です. Here's the address. This is the address. 握手しようぜ! Shake my hand. Let's shake hands! 雨が上がったので,子供達はまた野球をやり始めた. When the weather had cleared, the children began to play baseball again. The rain went up, so the children began playing baseball again. なお悪いことに車の流れが悪かった. To make matter worse, the traffic was bad. To make matters worse, the flow of the car was bad. 彼はジョンを閑職に祭り上げた. He kicked John upstairs. He gave John up for a holiday. 彼の好きなように研究を続行させたらいいではないか. Why not let him pursue his studies as he likes? Why don't you let him continue his research as he likes? トムと一緒にやりたくなかった. I didn't want to play with Tom. I didn't want to do it with Tom. 今年は雨が多かった. We have had plenty of rain this year. We have had a lot of rain this year. 受験に落ちた. I failed the tests. I failed the exam. アナウンサーは英語を話した. The announcer spoke English. The announcer spoke English. 君が行きたいなら,行きなさい. 行きたくないなら,それはそれで構わない. If you want to go, go. If you don't want to, that's OK, too. If you want to go, go. If you don't want to go, that's fine. 彼は中国語が流暢である. He is fluent in Chinese. He is fluent in Chinese. 人はその人の真の姿を見せてやる以外に欠点を直させる方法はない. Men can only be corrected by showing them what they are. There is no other way to correct a person's faults but to show him what he really is. 寒いです. どうか窓を閉めてくださいませんか. It's cold. Could you close the window? It's cold. Would you please close the window? 彼は裏切った. He turned traitor. He betrayed me. 彼が私を現在の私にしてくれた. He has made me what I am. He made me what I am. 彼らは幼い時から逆境と闘ってきたにちがいない. They must have struggled against adversity from their early days. They must have struggled with adversity since they were young. 昨夜はよく眠れましたか. Did you have a good sleep last night? Did you sleep well last night? 二階に行く途中で,私は有名なピアニストのことを考えていました. On my way upstairs I thought of the famous pianist. On my way upstairs, I was thinking of a famous pianist. お金をもっと持っていたらいいのにと思う. I wish I had more money with me. I wish I had more money. 私は独立記念日にはいつもここに来るの. I come here every Fourth of July. I always come here on the anniversary of my independence. ジェーンは大変困っている. Jane is in serious trouble. Jane is in great trouble. 年をとるにつれて記憶力は段々衰える. As we grow older, our memory becomes weaker. As you get older, your memory deteriorates. 私は偶然にリバプールに来たのだった. I came to Liverpool by chance. I came to Riverpool by chance. その学生は哲学を専攻している. The student majors in philosophy. The student majors in philosophy. トムは新し物好きだ. Tom likes trying out new things. Tom likes new things. この4月に会えるのを楽しみにしています. I'm looking forward to seeing you this April. I'm looking forward to seeing you this April. 彼らは彼女の有罪を立証しようとしている. They sought to prove her guilt. They are trying to prove her guilt. 明日晴れるといいと思います. I hope it will be fine tomorrow. I hope it will clear up tomorrow. コンピューターを使えば情報を保持することができる. If you use a computer, you can retain information. By means of a computer, you can keep information. その議論で彼を論破した. I had him in that discussion. I argued against him in the argument. 彼はまもなく到着した. It was not long before he arrived. He arrived soon. 彼はサッカーの選手として有名だ. He is noted as a soccer player. He is famous as a soccer player. 私は別の仕事を手掛けている. I have other matters on hand. I'm working on another job. 必要は発明の母とはよく言ったものだ. It is aptly said that necessity is the mother of invention. The need is often said to be the mother of invention. 彼らは次の朝公園に行った. They went to the park the next morning. They went to the park next morning. 私は,レズです. I am lesbian. I'm a lesbian. 私達の税は今まではたやすかった,しかしこれからはきびしいだろう. Our task has been easy so far, but it will be difficult from now on. Our tax has been easy until now, but it will be hard from now on. 民間機が軍事的領域を侵犯したとのことです. A commercial airplane allegedly violated military airspace. I'm told that civilian planes have invaded military territory. 彼は缶詰をあけているうちに指を切った. He cut his finger in opening a can. He cut his finger while opening the can. タクシーに傘を忘れてしまった. I left my umbrella in the cab. I left my umbrella in the taxi. 病人の容態は変わりかけている. The condition of the patient is on the turn. The condition of the sick is changing. 毎月どのくらい本を読みますか. How many books do you read per month? How many books do you read every month? どうも風邪をひいたようです. I'm afraid I caught a cold. I seem to have caught a cold. 彼はアメリカ人ではなくフランス人です. He is not an American but a Frenchman. He is not an American but a French. 彼はがけっぷちに立っていた. He stood on the edge of the cliff. He stood on his heels. 会議は"0日後. The meeting is ten days away. The meeting will be held in ten days. その犬は外に出たがってます. The dog wants to go outside. The dog wants to go out. 彼はささいなことでよく腹を立てる. He often gets angry at small things. He often gets angry at small things. 私は夏に北海道に行きます. I am going to Hokkaido in the summer. I go to Hokkaido in the summer. 自然がいつもそこにあって私たちを助けてくれることを当然だと思ってはいけない. Don't take it for granted that the nature is always there to help us. Don't take it for granted that nature is always there to help us. トムは今年卒業できないのではないだろうか. I've got a feeling that Tom won't graduate this year. I don't think Tom can graduate this year. タクシーを使えば,少なくとも2000円はかかる. It'll cost at least 2,000 yen to take a taxi. A taxi costs at least 2,000 yen. リンダはチョコレートが好きだ. Linda loves chocolate. Linda likes chocolate. 彼は庭の手入れをするのをお兄さんに手伝ってもらった. He had his brother help him with the gardening. He had his brother help him with the garden. 心配するな. Don't worry about it! Don't worry. 彼は10分で戻ります. He'll be back in ten. He'll be back in ten minutes. 誰の場合でも割り当ての仕事を,さぼらせないようにすることが大切である. It is important that no one is allowed to slack off on their assigned work. In everyone's case, it is important not to cut down on assigned work. なかなか寝つけなかった. I couldn't get to sleep. It wasn't easy to get to bed. そのような技術は多くの実用が可能であろう. Such skills could be put to many practical uses. Such technology could be used in many practical ways. 日本語を勉強していたので,ジェニーは日本で全く困らなかった. Since Jenny had studied Japanese, she had no trouble in Japan. Because of her study of Japanese, Jenny was in no trouble in Japan. この絵とまったく同じ景色を見つけるだろう. You will find the scene just as you see it in this picture. You will find the exact same view as this picture. 君の言うことは問題にならない. What you say is neither here nor there. What you say doesn't matter. 私は始発電車に乗るために早起きした. I got up early in order to catch the first train. I got up early so as to catch the first train. 私は旅行が好きです. I like to travel. I like traveling. カレーライスは,彼女の大好物です. Curry and rice is her favorite food. Curry rice is her favorite. 紅茶かコーヒーはいかがですか. Care for tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? 状況がもっとはっきりわかるまで,トムは何も言わないことに決めた. Tom decided not to say anything until he knew more about the situation. Tom decided not to say anything until he was more sure of the situation. ロバートは利益のほんの一部しかもらわなかった. Robert got a small proportion of the profit. Robert didn't get a small share of his profits. そこは一年中暖かい. It is warm there all the year round. It is warm there all the year round. 彼の食べ方といったら,胸が悪くなるね. Speaking of his eating habits, they're revolting aren't they? I'm sick of the way he eats. 彼は"0年前にそうであったような少年ではない. He is not the boy that he was ten years ago. He is not such a boy as he was ten years ago. 私は,甲子園球場に行く. I go to Koshien stadium. I'm going to Sachiko Stadium. このラジオはあなたのですか. Is this radio yours? Is this radio yours? 熱帯雨林は地球に多くの恩恵を与える. Rainforests provide the earth with many benefits. The rain forest gives the earth many benefits. 彼は大変ねむくて,夕刊も読めなかった. He was too sleepy to read the evening newspaper. He was so upset that he couldn't read the evening paper. 山頂の空気はとても薄かった. The air on top of the mountain was very thin. The air at the top of the mountain was very thin. 彼が自分の利益のために彼らを援助したことは確かだ. It is certain that he helped them for the benefit of himself. It is certain that he helped them for his own good. 私は短編小説を書くのに忙しい. I have been busy writing a short story. I'm busy writing short stories. 安心しなさい. At ease. Don't worry. 何につけても終わりを意識するべきだ. In everything, one should consider the end. You should be conscious of the end at all costs. 私は友達に話しかけた. I talked to friends. I spoke to my friend. これはなんて興味深い小説なんでしょう. What an interesting novel this is! What an interesting novel this is! 会議の席で常務は,開口一番何を言ったと思う. 大規模なリストラ計画を発表したんだよな. Guess what the managing director started off the meeting by saying. The first thing out of his mouth was an announcement of some major restructuring. What did the Executive Director say first of all at the meeting? He announced a massive listra project. 彼は水準を満たしていなかった. He didn't meet the standards. He didn't meet the standard. 私は日本が憲法を守るのを望む. I hope that Japan will abide by its Constitution. I want Japan to keep the Constitution. 今この本を読んでしまったところだ. I've just read this book. I have just read this book. お金ないのにまた本買っちゃった. Even though I don't have any money, I bought a book again. I didn't have any money, but I bought another book. 庭を通っても構いませんか. Do you mind if we cross your garden? Do you mind if I pass through the garden? この近くにATMはありますか? Is there an ATM around here? Is there an ATM near here? 急いで内容紹介パンフレットを仕上げて下さい. Please hurry and finish the prospectus. Please hurry up and finish the brochure. 私は日本語を勉強しています. I'm learning Japanese. I am studying Japanese. その場にいた人々は,その知らせを聞いてとても喜んだ. Those who were present were very glad at the news. The people present were very happy to hear the news. トムは死んだ. Tom is dead. Tom is dead. 私はそんなに眠れなかった. I haven't been sleeping that well. I couldn't sleep so much. 彼は質問するために手をあげた. He raised his hand to ask a question. He raised his hand to ask a question. 最近恋愛してないなあ. I haven't been in a relationship recently. I haven't been in love lately. 私たちは毎朝食前にジョギングをする. We jog before breakfast every morning. We jog before eating every morning. 仕事は仕事だ! Business is business! Work is work! 尾羽打ち枯らした彼の姿を見るのは忍びないね. It's really unbearable to see him looking so down-and-out. I can't bear to see him die down. 私は服についてはたいていそのデパートで買います. I usually buy my clothes at the department store. I usually buy clothes at the department store. 彼はまだ手紙を書いていない. He still has not written the letter. He hasn't written a letter yet. 落ちついて. Stay calm. Calm down. 彼はあるギャングに脅されている. He's being threatened by a certain gangster. He is threatened by a gang. 日本語の話せる人を呼んでください. Call someone who speaks Japanese, please. Please call a person who speaks Japanese. 彼にはそれはすることができない. He is unable to do it. He can't do it. 私は無料で切符を手にいれた. I got the tickets for free. I got the ticket for free. 虚心坦懐に申し上げる. 今から言うことは,言葉どおりに受け取ってほしい. I'm going to speak to you with utmost candor so I want you to take everything I'm about to say at face value. I want you to accept what I'm about to say. 彼ははしごの途中まで登った. He ascended the ladder halfway. He climbed to the end of the ladder. ゆっくりはっきりと話しなさい. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak up slowly and clearly. 彼らは彼が階段から降りてくる音を聞いた. They heard him come downstairs. They heard him come down the stairs. クレームがないからといってお客さまが満足しているとは限らないのです. Just because there aren't any complaints, doesn't necessarily mean your customers are content. Just because you don't have a crescendo doesn't mean you're satisfied. 政治屋は次の選挙のことを考えるが,政治家は次の世代のことを考える. A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation. The politician thinks about the next election, but the politician thinks about the next generation. 私に駅への道を教えて下さいますか. Could you direct me to the station? Can you tell me the way to the station? 私は今度の日曜日にテニスをするつもりです. I am going to play tennis next Sunday. I'm going to play tennis next Sunday. この椅子が本当に好き. I really like this chair. I really like this chair. 次の駅で降りるつもりだ. I'll get off at the next station. I'm going to get off at the next station. イギリスで一番優れた詩人は誰ですか. Who is the greatest poet in England? Who is the best poet in England? ボストンに住みたいです. I want to live in Boston. I want to live in Boston. マリコの両親は,彼女がアメリカ人と結婚することに強く反対している. Mariko's parents are strongly opposed to her marrying an American. Mariko's parents strongly object to her marrying an American. 努力すれば,先生は彼に合格点を与えるつもりです. The teacher will give him a passing grade if he shows effort. If you try, the teacher will give him a grade. トムはボストン本社に転勤になった. Tom was transferred to the head office in Boston. Tom was transferred to Boston headquarters. 新しいビルを建てるために5年が費やされた. Five years have been spent building the new building. Five years were spent building a new building. さらに私は今晩,アメリカで生きた100年以上の間にクーパーさんが目にした,ありとあらゆる出来事を思っています. 心を破られるほどの悲しみ,そして希望. 困難と,そして進歩. そんなことはできないと言われ続けたこと. にもかかわらず,ひたむきに前進し続けた人たちのこと. あのいかにもアメリカ的な信条を掲げて. Yes we can. 私たちにはできる,と. And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America. The heartache and the hope, the struggle and the progress. The times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes, we can. I also have in mind all kinds of events that Mr. Cooper saw in more than 100 years of his life in the United States tonight - grief, hope, broken hearts, difficulties, and progress. 毛布はありますか. Do you have blankets? Do you have any blankets? 当時彼は音楽に没頭していた. He devoted himself to music in those days. At that time, he was absorbed in music. 電話を貸してください. Could I borrow your phone? Please lend me your phone. 冬は暖かい衣服を着なさい. Wear warm clothes in winter. Wear warm clothes in the winter. きっと愛しているね. They must love you. I'm sure you love me. トムは何か忘れた気がすると言っていた. Tom said he thought that he had forgotten something. Tom said he thought he had forgotten something. メアリーはどうしようかと独り言をいった. Mary said to herself "What shall I do?." Mary asked herself what to do. 私達は昨夜彼をたずねた. We called on him last night. We visited him last night. 彼は時計が壊れていたと言い訳した. He made the excuse that his watch was wrong. He made an excuse that his watch had been broken. その病人がどれだけ持ちこたえるかは,誰にもわからない. Nobody knows how long the sick man can hold on. No one knows how long the patient will last. "そうね,たしかに今日の春樹ちゃんは乗ってなかった感じ""げ. そういうのって分かるのか?" "You're right, certainly you don't seem to have been into it today." "Eh! You can tell that sort of thing?" "Well, I feel like you didn't ride today." "You know that?" メアリーは私に"あなたは病気ですか"といいました. Mary said to me, "are you ill?" Mary said to me, "Are you sick?" 彼の依頼は命令に等しかった. His request was equivalent to an order. His request was as good as his order. 軽い風邪です. It's only a slight cold. I have a mild cold. 労働者は3週間一時解雇された. The workers were laid off for three weeks. The workers were laid off for three weeks. 2時間も待たされた. I was kept waiting for as long as two hours. I was kept waiting for two hours. テレビは私たちから家庭での夕食時の会話の楽しみを奪ってしまった. TV has robbed us of our enjoyment of conversation at dinner at home. Television has deprived us of the pleasure of our dinner conversation at home. 私はお母さんより早く起きたかった. I wanted to get up earlier than Mother. I wanted to get up earlier than my mother. 私は彼を親友と見なしている. I look on him as my best friend. I regard him as my best friend. その事故で多くの人が死んだ. Many people were killed in the accident. Many people were killed in the accident. このロボットは多くの人手を省く. This robot dispenses with many hands. This robot saves a lot of people. 彼は信頼できる. He can be relied on. He can be trusted. 彼はどうしても言葉が出なかった. Words failed him. He was at a loss for words. 論点の中心は,近代化という問題である. Central to this issue is the problem of modernization. The central point of the subject is the question of modernization. 御両親によろしく. Remember me to your parents. Give my regards to your parents. 十二時間の旅行は私をへとへとにした. The twelve-hour journey had tired me out. The 12-hour trip bored me. 彼は走りながら助けを呼んでいた. He was running and calling for help. He was running and calling for help. 彼をはるばる訪ねて行ったがあいにく不在だった. I went all the way to see him only to find him not at home. I visited him all the way, only to find him absent. うさぎはかめに追い越された. The hare was outdistanced by the tortoise. The rabbit was run over by a cage. 石田盗塁で3塁に進む. Ishida advances to third on a stolen base. We're going to third base on the Ikita plating. 前世紀の中頃まで日本が封建国家であったことは,よくしられている. It is well known that up to the middle of the last century Japan was a feudal state. It is well known that until the middle of the last century Japan was a seal country. 彼の英語はいい線いってるよ. His English is coming along pretty well. His English is good. 泥棒がその家に押し入った. A burglar broke into the house. A thief broke into the house. どんな事情があってもこの事を人に漏らしてはならない. Under no circumstances should you repeat this to anyone. Don't tell others about this under any circumstances. 私は3日間,ここに滞在する予定です. I plan to stay here for three days. I'm going to stay here for three days. どんなに努力しても,金曜日までに報告書を用意しておけないだろう. Despite all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to get a report by Friday. 彼らは神の手の中にいるのである. They are in the hands of the gods. They are in God's hands. 彼らは非常口から出ようともみ合った. They jostled one another to get out of an emergency exit. They tried to get out of the fire exit. このクラスには何人の男の子がいますか. How many boys are there in this class? How many boys are there in this class? 祖父は年の割にはまだ元気である. Grandfather is still very active for his age. My grandfather is still healthy for his age. 際どいところを辛うじて助かった. I had a close shave. We had a hard time making ends meet. 夕べ彼の家は泥棒に入られた. His house was broken into last night. His house was robbed last night.