Sia prudente con quello. Be careful with that. Be careful with that. Non posso farlo adesso. I can't do that now. I can't do this right now. Tom le farà del male. Tom will hurt you. Tom will hurt you. Come avete trascorso le vostre vacanze? How have you spent your holiday? How did you spend your vacation? Era molto deludente. It was very disappointing. It was very disappointing. Ha danzato. You danced. He danced. Avete deciso un nome per la gatta? Have you decided on a name for the cat? Have you decided a name for the cat? Tom lo fece, vero? Tom did it, didn't he? Tom did that, didn't he? So cos'è capitato a loro. I know what happened to them. I know what happened to them. Devi prestare attenzione all'insegnante. You must pay attention to the teacher. You have to pay attention to the teacher. Io sono sempre stato molto discreto. I've always been very discreet. I've always been very discreet. Tom non sa cucinare molto bene. Tom can't cook very well. Tom doesn't know how to cook very well. Tom è sicuramente magro. Tom certainly is skinny. Tom is definitely skinny. Tom ha guardato di sbieco. Tom squinted. Tom looked gibberish. Io ho bisogno di ripagarla. I need to repay her. I need to pay you back. Tua madre è in casa? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Lui non conosce il significato della parola "paura." He doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear." He doesn't know the meaning of the word "fear." Io ero molto stanca ieri sera. I was very tired last night. I was very tired last night. Non mi è mai capitato di potere sbagliarmi. It never occurred to me that I might be wrong. I've never been able to make a mistake. Tom non sta piangendo, vero? Tom isn't crying, is he? Tom isn't crying, is he? Noi non possiamo esistere senza il cibo. We cannot exist without food. We can't exist without food. Mi serve la tua firma. I need your signature. I need your signature. Mi è sembrato un ragazzo brillante. I found him a bright boy. He seemed like a brilliant guy. I ragazzi ne hanno avuto abbastanza delle vostre regole. The kids have had enough of your rules. The kids have had enough of your rules. L'uomo porta il cavallo all'acqua. The man takes the horses to the water. The man takes the horse to the water. Mary ha chiesto alla sua famiglia un prestito. Mary asked her family for a loan. Mary asked her family for a loan. Sono un senzatetto. I'm homeless. I'm homeless. Ci insegnava l'inglese. He taught us English. He taught us English. Non ti dimenticherò, Tom. I won't forget you, Tom. I won't forget you, Tom. Lei è piuttosto soddisfatta della sua vita così com'è. She is quite satisfied with her life as it is. She is quite satisfied with her life as it is. Mettilo sul mio conto. Put it on my bill. Put it on my tab. Andrò quando torna. I will go when he comes back. I'll go when he gets back. Facciamola e basta. Let's just do it. Let's just do it. Io sarò qui stanotte. I'll be here tonight. I'll be here tonight. Lui abita a New York. He lives in New York. He lives in New York. Lo può fare per me? Can you do it for me? Can you do that for me? Cosa fate oggi? What're you doing today? What are you doing today? È un progetto meraviglioso. It is a stupendous project. It's a wonderful project. Lui è sicuro di superare l'esame. He is sure of passing the exam. He's sure to pass the exam. Io sono stata dentro tutto il giorno. I was in all day. I've been inside all day. Mi può dare una mano con questa scatola? Can you give me a hand with this box? Can you help me with this box? Ha lasciato il suo impiego per una qualche ragione. She quit her job for some reason. He quit his job for some reason. Io non ho capito niente. I didn't understand anything. I didn't understand anything. Voi cosa ne pensate di lei? What do you think about her? What do you think of her? Riuscite a indovinare la sua età? Can you guess her age? Can you guess his age? Perché non riformattiamo semplicemente l'hard disk? Hai avuto molti problemi con esso. Why don't we just reformat the hard disk? You've been having a lot of trouble with it. Why don't we just reformat the hard drive? You've had a lot of problems with it. Io mi vorrei lavare i denti. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Qual è la soluzione? What's the solution? What is the solution? Non preoccupartene! Don't worry about it! Don't worry about it! A me mancherà davvero Tom. I'll really miss Tom. I'm really gonna miss Tom. Sapevo che avrebbe sospettato di loro. I knew you would suspect them. I knew you'd suspect them. Jiro Akagawa ha scritto più di 480 romanzi. Jiro Akagawa has written over 480 novels. Jiro Akagawa has written more than 480 novels. Tom è spesso in ritardo per gli appuntamenti. Tom is often late for appointments. Tom is often late for appointments. Porti un vestito elegante per andare a teatro o a una festa. Bring one elegant dress to go to the theater or to a party. Bring an elegant dress to go to the theater or a party. Smettila di parlare forte. Stop talking loudly. Stop talking loud. Non sono riuscito a farlo smettere di fumare. I couldn't get him to stop smoking. I couldn't get him to stop smoking. Tom e Mary sono nella stessa classe? Are Tom and Mary in the same class? Are Tom and Mary in the same class? Stava cercando di essere divertente. He was trying to be funny. He was trying to be funny. I dizionari bilingue sono ammessi. Bilingual dictionaries are allowed. Bilingual dictionaries are allowed. Non parlate così di lui. Don't talk about him like that. Don't talk about him like that. Voi odiate ancora l'esperanto? Do you still hate Esperanto? Do you still hate Esperanto? Lei è scomparsa nel buio. She disappeared in the dark. She disappeared in the dark. Tom è uscito. Tom went out. Tom went out. Le ragazze parlavano di astronomia. The girls talked about astronomy. The girls were talking about astronomy. Non lo puoi comprare da nessuna parte se non là. You can't buy it anywhere but there. You can't buy it anywhere but there. La troveranno. They'll find it. They'll find her. Fuggiamo insieme. Let's elope. Let's run away together. Tom non è qua. Se n'è già andato. Tom isn't here. He's already left. Tom isn't here. He's already gone. Nessuno è venuto ad aiutarmi. No one came to help me. Nobody came to help me. So quali sono le regole. I know what the rules are. I know the rules. Dovete solo seguire le indicazioni. You have only to follow the directions. You just have to follow the directions. Sa parlare francese. He can speak French. He can speak French. Tom mi ha lasciato guidare la sua automobile. Tom let me drive his car. Tom let me drive his car. Loro sono persone molto importanti. They are very important people. They're very important people. Ecco un annuncio importante. Here's an important announcement. Here's an important announcement. Ho trovato l'orecchino che hai perso. I found the earring that you lost. I found the earring you lost. A volte gli adulti si comportano come dei bambini. Sometimes adults behave like children. Sometimes adults act like children. Tu non segui le regole. You don't follow the rules. You don't follow the rules. Io non sono mai stato un bravo nuotatore. I was never a good swimmer. I've never been a good swimmer. Sembrava strano che la porta fosse aperta quando sono arrivata a casa. It seemed strange that the door was open when I got home. It seemed weird that the door was open when I got home. Ci sono altri suggerimenti? Are there any other suggestions? Are there any other suggestions? Mi arrabbiai. I got angry. I got angry. Lui è un cittadino della Cina. He's a citizen of China. He's a citizen of China. Ho delle ottime amiche. I have great friends. I have great friends. Vai con lei. Go with her. Go with her. Progettò lui l'automobile. He designed the car. He designed the car. Questa cosa è commestibile? Is this thing edible? Is this thing edible? Il testo giornalistico non è un'opera letteraria. Journalistic text is not a literary work. The journalistic text is not a literary work. Non dovresti essere da solo. You shouldn't be alone. You shouldn't be alone. Fumò un sigaro. She smoked a cigar. He smoked a cigar. Io ho pranzato con lui. I had lunch with him. I had lunch with him. Non voglio perderla. I don't want to lose her. I don't want to lose her. Non ho nulla a che fare con i loro problemi. I have nothing to do with their troubles. I have nothing to do with their problems. Tom è il suo fidanzato, vero? Tom is your boyfriend, isn't he? Tom is your boyfriend, isn't he? Sapete se mio padre è ancora nell'ufficio? Do you know if my father is still in the office? Do you know if my dad's still in the office? Mi hai nascosto la verità. You hid the truth from me. You hid the truth from me. Ho letto ogni pagina tranne l'ultima. I've read every page except the last one. I've read every page except the last one. Lei dovrebbe affrontare la realtà. You should face the reality. You should face reality. Voi avete mai scalato il Monte Fuji? Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji? Have you ever climbed Mount Fuji? Le ho fatto male? Did I hurt you? Did I hurt you? A me piace fare cose del genere. I enjoy doing things like this. I like doing things like that. Dove l'ha fatta? Where did he do it? Where did you do it? Cos'hai fatto questa mattina? What did you do this morning? What did you do this morning? Lui dev'essere stupido a credere a una cosa del genere. He must be stupid to believe such a thing. He must be stupid to believe that. Ho 25 anni. I'm 25 years old. I'm 25 years old. Lei mi ha rubato l'idea. You stole my idea. She stole my idea. Noi non siamo piccioncini. We're not lovebirds. We're not lovebirds. Penso che sia una brutta persona. I think he's a bad person. I think he's a bad person. Pensavo li avesse riconosciuti. I thought you recognized them. I thought you recognized them. Dove andate per Natale? Where do you go for Christmas? Where are you going for Christmas? A te piace scrivere? Do you like to write? Do you like to write? Io non ho provato nulla. I didn't feel anything. I didn't feel anything. La capacità produttiva di questa fabbrica è di 250 macchine alla settimana. This factory's productive capacity is 250 cars a week. The production capacity of this factory is 250 machines per week. Voi siete perfetti per il lavoro. You're perfect for the job. You're perfect for work. Voglio fare amicizia con tua sorella. I want to make friends with your sister. I want to make friends with your sister. Sono un principiante in esperanto. I'm a beginner in Esperanto. I'm a beginner in Esperanto. L'ho pensata spesso riguardo al mio personal trainer. I've often thought that about my personal trainer. I've often thought about my personal trainer. Loro sono alte? Are they tall? Are they tall? Ha provato gli appuntamenti online? Have you tried online dating? Have you tried dating online? L'anno prossimo io andrò al mare. Next year I'll go to the sea. I'm going to the beach next year. Tom aspetterà. Tom is going to wait. Tom will wait. Ha parlato con loro? Have you talked to them? Did you talk to them? È molto timido. Dice che vuole vedervi. He's very shy. He says he wants to see you. He's very shy, he says he wants to see you. Non mettere quella nella borsa. Don't put that in the bag. Don't put that in your bag. Avete ucciso Tom. You killed Tom. You killed Tom. Non sembravate sicure. You didn't seem certain. You didn't seem sure. Tom ha catturato il ladro. Tom caught the thief. Tom caught the thief. Quello che avete detto l'ha fatta arrabbiare. What you said made her angry. What you said made her angry. Tom non parla. Tom doesn't talk. Tom doesn't talk. Dovetti aiutare Tom. I had to help Tom. I had to help Tom. Tom soffre di aviofobia. Tom suffers from aviophobia. Tom suffers from aviophobia. Sono chiacchiere. That's idle talk. It's talk. Parto la settimana prossima. I am leaving next week. I'm leaving next week. Mi lavo i denti dopo i pasti. I brush my teeth clean after meals. I brush my teeth after meals. Io ho una vicina egiziana. I have an Egyptian neighbor. I have an Egyptian neighbor. Questa sedia è leggera. This chair is light. This chair is light. Ha lanciato una pietra al cane. He threw a stone at the dog. He threw a stone at the dog. Ognuno dei fratelli ha una macchina. Each of the brothers has a car. Each of the brothers has a car. Non sono la persona che state cercando. I'm not the person you're looking for. I'm not the person you're looking for. Sembra che pioverà. It looks like it's going to rain. Looks like it's gonna rain. Chi è il tuo musicista preferito? Who's your favorite musician? Who's your favorite musician? Arriveremo lì tra un'ora. We'll arrive there within an hour. We'll be there in an hour. Tom perse metà della sua famiglia. Tom lost half of his family. Tom lost half of his family. Quanto latte ha bevuto Tom? How much milk did Tom drink? How much milk did Tom drink? Devo discutere di qualcosa con voi. I need to discuss something with you. I need to discuss something with you. Posso ordinare dal menù della colazione? Can I order from the breakfast menu? Can I order from the breakfast menu? Io sono rispettosa. I'm observant. I'm respectful. Grazie a Dio è qua. Thank God you're here. Thank God you're here. Io me ne sto andando da Boston. I'm leaving Boston. I'm leaving Boston. Questo edificio è estremamente grande. This building is extremely large. This building is extremely large. Non sono imbarazzata. I'm not embarrassed. I'm not embarrassed. Lui si è inchinato di fronte al suo professore. He bowed to his teacher. He bowed down in front of his professor. Tom cercò di impedire a Mary di arruolarsi. Tom tried to prevent Mary from joining the army. Tom tried to stop Mary from enlisting. Lui tende a dimenticarsi il nome della gente. He is apt to forget people's name. He tends to forget people's names. Dove hai comprato quel libro? Where did you buy that book? Where did you buy that book? Lei ha un cantante preferito? Do you have a favorite singer? Do you have a favorite singer? Che cosa le avete detto? What did you say to her? What did you tell her? Qualcuno ha bussato alla porta. Someone knocked on the door. Someone knocked on the door. Non l'ho afferrata. I didn't catch it. I didn't get it. È morto per aver mangiato troppo. He died from eating too much. He died for eating too much. Hitler prese il potere nel 1933. Hitler assumed power in 1933. Hitler took power in 1933. È possibile che non saremo in grado di mangiare il tonno in futuro. It is possible that we will not be able to eat tuna in the future. It is possible that we will not be able to eat tuna in the future. Le dica che il problema è risolto. Tell her the problem is solved. Tell her the problem is solved. Alcune persone non possono proprio essere salvate. Some people just can't be saved. Some people just can't be saved. Dovremmo rifare ciò domani. We should do this again tomorrow. We should do this again tomorrow. Aspettate qui. Wait here. Wait here. L'hai già detto a loro? Have you told them already? Have you told them yet? Sono stanca dei vostri commenti. I'm tired of your comments. I'm tired of your comments. Sappiamo che sta lavorando per loro. We know that you're working for them. We know you're working for them. Sono diventato sempre meno interessato alla matematica. I became less and less interested in mathematics. I've become less and less interested in math. Non posso raggiungerlo. I can't reach him. I can't reach him. Tom si arrabbierà. Tom is going to be angry. Tom will be angry. Hai divorziato, vero? You got divorced, didn't you? You got divorced, didn't you? Va bene se ti tengo la mano? Is it OK if I hold your hand? Is it okay if I hold your hand? Dammi del caffè, per favore. Please give me some coffee. Give me some coffee, please. Lo hanno aiutato. They helped him. They helped him. Io smetterò di fumare. I'm going to quit smoking. I'll stop smoking. Le probabilità sono che che sarà lui a essere battuto. The chances are that he'll be beaten. The odds are he'll be beaten. Tom ha accompagnato Mary nel suo ufficio. Tom ushered Mary into his office. Tom drove Mary to his office. Indossate le vostre maschere. Put on your masks. Wear your masks. Non sono fortunata come voi. I'm not as lucky as you. I'm not as lucky as you. "Lei ha un cane?" "No." "Does she have a dog?" "No, she doesn't." "Do you have a dog?" "No." Avete letto il rapporto, vero? You've read the report, haven't you? You read the report, didn't you? Lui studia giorno e notte. He studies day and night. He studies day and night. Voglio solo visitarla. I just want to visit her. I just want to see her. Mi dia il sale, per favore. Give me the salt, please. Give me the salt, please. Il fiume che passa attraverso Parigi si chiama Senna. The river which flows through Paris is the Seine. The river passing through Paris is called the Seine. Come potrebbe funzionare? How could it work? How could this work? Mi state nascondendo qualcosa? Are you hiding something from me? Are you hiding something from me? Quello è qualcosa di diverso. That's something different. That's something different. Io ti avrei aiutata. I'd have helped you. I would have helped you. A noi manca veramente Tom. We really miss Tom. We really miss Tom. Lasci che faccia una piccola chiacchierata con Tom. Let me have a little chat with Tom. Let me have a little chat with Tom. Io comprai due sacchetti di popcorn. I bought two bags of popcorn. I bought two bags of popcorn. Non voglio vedere Tom oggi. I don't want to see Tom today. I don't want to see Tom today. Un'automobile tagliò la strada. A car cut in. A car cut off the road. La mia città è sul mare. My town is by the sea. My town is by the sea. Mi avreste dovuto vedere correre. You should've seen me run. You should have seen me run. Tom non è un membro del nostro club. Tom isn't a member of our club. Tom isn't a member of our club. Tom continuò ad aspettare Mary per un'ora. Tom kept Mary waiting for an hour. Tom kept waiting for Mary for an hour. Per piacere, mangia. Please eat. Please eat. Perché Tom non era nella squadra? Why isn't Tom on the team? Why wasn't Tom on the team? La conosce da molto? Have you known her long? Have you known her long? Dobbiamo partire domani! We have to leave tomorrow! We have to leave tomorrow! Non penso che dovremmo farla. I don't think we should do that. I don't think we should do this. Come la trovo? How do I find you? How do I find her? Tom sembra sconvolto. Tom looks upset. Tom looks upset. Voi eravate a teatro sabato scorso? Were you at the theater last Saturday? Were you at the theater last Saturday? Avreste dovuto dire di sì. You should have said yes. You should have said yes. Non sono venuti qui, vero? They didn't come here, did they? They didn't come here, did they? L'alligatore mangiò il cane. The alligator ate the dog. The alligator ate the dog. Tom si lava i capelli senza usare shampoo. Tom washes his hair without using shampoo. Tom washes his hair without using shampoo. Vi piacciono i film? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Perché siete così irritabili? Why are you so grouchy? Why are you so irritable? Ci amiamo, però non facciamo più l'amore. We love each other, but we don't make love anymore. We love each other, but we don't make love anymore. È ciò che sto sperando. That's what I'm hoping for. That's what I'm hoping for. Il cielo era grigio. The sky was gray. The sky was gray. Stavo provando a ucciderli. I was trying to kill them. I was trying to kill them. Faccia a modo. Behave yourself. Get your shit together. Perché non avete chiesto il mio aiuto? Why haven't you asked for my help? Why didn't you ask for my help? Possa Dio proteggervi da coloro che vi odiano! May God protect you from those who hate you! May God protect you from those who hate you! Lei ha qualche amico di penna. She has a few pen pals. You have some pen friends. Ha deciso di sposarlo. She decided to marry him. He decided to marry him. Onestamente, Tom, non riesco a ricordare. Honestly, Tom, I can't remember. Honestly, Tom, I can't remember. Ha un cestino pieno di fragole. He has a basket full of strawberries. He's got a basket full of strawberries. Tom voleva sembrare più giovane. Tom wanted to look younger. Tom wanted to look younger. Non ho assolutamente alcun talento musicale. I have absolutely no musical talent. I have absolutely no musical talent. Voglio solo che mi ami. I just want her to love me. I just want you to love me. Quale di questi è suo? Which of these is yours? Which one of these is yours? Io ho deciso di non andare. I decided not to go. I decided not to go. Spero che Tom e Mary non debbano farlo. I hope Tom and Mary don't have to do that. I hope Tom and Mary don't have to do that. Lunedì sarà probabilmente una giornata piovosa. Monday will probably be a rainy day. Monday will probably be a rainy day. Ha dimenticato il denaro? Did she forget her money? Have you forgotten the money? Ti ho sognato. I dreamt about you. I dreamt about you. Io mi sono stufata di questo tempo umido. I am fed up with this wet weather. I'm sick of this damp weather. Non lo voglio abbandonare. I don't want to leave him. I don't want to abandon him. Sono nell'area. I'm in the zone. I'm in the area. Tom è tormentato dal rimorso. Tom is remorseful. Tom is tormented by remorse. Non ho voglia di guardare la televisione. I don't feel like watching TV. I don't want to watch television. Io ero al supermercato. I was at the supermarket. I was at the grocery store. Sapevo che non mi potevo fidare di lui. I knew I couldn't trust him. I knew I couldn't trust him. Tom è con i suoi amici. Tom is with his friends. Tom is with his friends. Penso che Tom stia migliorando. I think Tom is improving. I think Tom is getting better. Ieri mi sei mancato molto. I missed you very much yesterday. I missed you so much yesterday. Che altro riescono a fare? What else can they do? What else can they do? Tom e Mary dissero che non volevano litigare. Tom and Mary said they didn't want to argue. Tom and Mary said they didn't want to fight. Io gliela feci scrivere. I had him write it. I had him write it down. Loro sanno chi sono. They know who I am. They know who I am. Era in grado di leggere il libro. She was able to read the book. He was able to read the book. Tom è una persona molto piacevole. Tom is a very likable person. Tom is a very nice person. Lei non è qui in questo momento. She's not here right now. You're not here right now. Tom è impazzito. Tom got mad. Tom has gone crazy. La uccideranno. They're going to kill her. They're gonna kill her. A Tom non piacciono le verdure. Tom doesn't like eating vegetables. Tom doesn't like vegetables. Perché sei sempre così lenta? Why are you always so slow? Why are you always so slow? Trascorremmo l'intera giornata a pescare. We spent the whole day fishing. We spent the whole day fishing. La loro onestà è dubbiosa. Their honesty is questionable. Their honesty is doubtful. Voi viaggiate spesso? Do you travel often? Do you travel often? Tom dice che non voleva niente da mangiare. Tom says he didn't want anything to eat. Tom says he didn't want anything to eat. Ha studiato legge ad Harvard. He studied law at Harvard. He studied law at Harvard. La strada era buia. The street was dark. The road was dark. Non è ancora venuta qui. She hasn't come here yet. She hasn't come here yet. Io non ho mai detto che eravate noiosi. I never said you were boring. I never said you were boring. È bello essere apprezzati. It's nice to be appreciated. It's good to be appreciated. Mi hai tradita. You've betrayed me. You betrayed me. Siete intelligenti. You're intelligent. You're smart. Lei pubblicò due raccolte di racconti brevi. She published two collections of short stories. She published two collections of short stories. Io ho già mangiato abbastanza. I've already eaten enough. I've already eaten enough. Tom sembra preoccupato adesso. Tom looks worried now. Tom seems worried now. Non c'è alcuna ragione per un tale caos. There is no reason for such mayhem. There is no reason for such chaos. Non ho più di dieci libri di testo di inglese. I have no more than ten English textbooks. I don't have more than ten English textbooks. Andavo a nuotare ogni giorno. I used to go swimming every day. I used to go swimming every day. Non la conoscevo per niente. I didn't know her at all. I didn't know her at all. I bambini hanno bisogno di dormire. Kids need sleep. The children need to sleep. Sono l'avvocato di Tom. I'm Tom's attorney. I'm Tom's lawyer. Io garantisco che questa informazione è corretta. I guarantee that this information is correct. I guarantee that this information is correct. Tom non è molto affidabile. Tom isn't very reliable. Tom isn't very reliable. Noi non ci dimenticheremo mai di lei. We will never forget about you. We'll never forget her. Il mio gatto è morto da due giorni. My cat has been dead for two days. My cat's been dead for two days. Tom deve studiare il francese? Does Tom have to study French? Does Tom have to study French? Napoleone era un uomo autorevole. Napoleon was a man of authority. Napoleon was an authoritative man. Non usare slang se possibile. Don't use slang if you can help it. Do not use slang if possible. Quanti anni ha tuo figlio? How old's your son? How old is your son? Lei urlò dal terrore. She screamed with terror. She yelled at the terror. Lui si perse mentre camminava nei boschi. He got lost while walking in the woods. He got lost walking in the woods. Mi ha forzata ad uscire con lei. She forced me to go out with her. He forced me to go out with her. Io penso che lei abbia 40 anni. I think she's 40 years old. I think you're 40. Noi abbiamo portato i nostri. We brought ours. We brought ours. Le sue dichiarazioni lo mostrano come un uomo pieno di pregiudizi. His declarations show him as a man of prejudices. His statements show him as a man of prejudice. Siamo competitive. We're competitive. We're competitive. Il mondo non gira intorno a lei. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't revolve around her. Quando ritorna in ufficio? When are you coming back to the office? When are you going back to the office? Lavi tutto. Wash everything. Wash everything. Lui mi ha fatto un vestito. He made me a suit. He made me a dress. Non mi importa molto di questo tipo di bevande. I do not much care for this kind of drink. I don't care much about this kind of drink. Siamo tutte convinte della sua innocenza. We are all convinced of his innocence. We're all convinced of his innocence. Pensavo avesse detto che era suo. I thought you said it was yours. I thought you said it was yours. Io non volevo parlare con nessuno. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Taglialo a metà. Cut it in half. Cut it in half. Noi ti daremo un colpo di telefono. We'll give you a call. We'll give you a call. Tom è una persona energica. Tom is a hustler. Tom is an energetic person. Ho dei parenti a Los Angeles. I have relatives in Los Angeles. I have relatives in L.A. Lo sapevo che avreste capito. I knew you would understand. I knew you'd understand. Si ricorda di noi? Do you remember us? Do you remember us? Devi aiutarla. You must help her. You have to help her. La smetta di essere continuamente sarcastica! Stop being sarcastic all the time! Stop being sarcastic all the time! A me non piace il caffè. I don't like coffee. I don't like coffee. Si fida veramente di lei? Do you really trust her? Do you really trust her? Molti insegnanti hanno un problema con Tom. Many teachers have a problem with Tom. Many teachers have a problem with Tom. Lo smog è stato molto pesante oggi. Smog was very heavy today. The smog was very heavy today. Tu ricordi la prima volta che mi hai baciato? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Do you remember the first time you kissed me? Voi pranzate in aula? Do you eat lunch in the classroom? Do you have lunch in court? La stanza si svuotò quando suonò il gong per la cena. The room emptied when the gong for dinner sounded. The room was emptied when the gong played for dinner. Grazie di nuovo. Thanks again. Thanks again. Ovviamente. Obviously. Of course. Ho sempre sospettato che lei avesse potuto studiare il karate. I've always suspected you might have studied karate. I always suspected that you could study karate. Tu hai comprato molti gioielli. You bought a lot of jewels. You bought a lot of jewelry. Ho una donna di servizio. I have a maid. I have a woman on duty. Colombo ha scoperto l'America nel 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. Columbus discovered America in 1492. Gli devo 50.000 yen. I owe him 50,000 yen. I owe him 50,000 yen. Le è stato dato il permesso di usare la macchina. Permission to use the car was accorded to her. She was given permission to use the car. Lui mi piaceva. I liked him. I liked him. Le comprerò una birra. I'll buy her a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Tom è divertente? Is Tom fun? Is Tom funny? Ci hanno deportati. They deported us. They deported us. Sembrano loro. That looks like them. It looks like them. Io non gli ho preso niente. I didn't get anything for him. I didn't take anything from him. Tom è molto vicino a Mary. Tom is very close to Mary. Tom is very close to Mary. Lei ha mai visto un molo? Have you ever seen a pier? Have you ever seen a pier? Perché è così spaventata? Why are you so scared? Why are you so scared? Penso che sia davvero brutto. I think it's really ugly. I think it's really bad. Il postino è già venuto? Has the mailman already come? Has the mailman come yet? Ci crederanno. They'll believe that. They'll believe it. Voglio che vi comportiate bene. I want you to behave yourselves. I want you to behave. Il problema qua non sono loro. The problem here isn't them. They're not the problem here. Dovete alzarvi. You need to get up. You have to get up. Non parla giapponese a casa. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. He doesn't speak Japanese at home. Perché ci state facendo questo? Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this to us? Tom ha mai parlato di suo padre? Did Tom ever talk about his father? Did Tom ever talk about his father? Non mi comporto come lei. I don't act like you. I don't act like her. Questa medicina non ha effetti collaterali. This medicine has no side effects. This medicine has no side effects. Tom non voleva perdere. Tom didn't want to lose. Tom didn't want to lose. Non potete farmi questo. You can't do this to me. You can't do this to me. Tom si è nascosto dietro un albero. Tom hid behind a tree. Tom hid behind a tree. La lasci da sola. Leave her alone. Leave her alone. Tom sta provando a rompere il lucchetto. Tom is trying to break the lock. Tom is trying to break the lock. Siete stati avvisati. You've been warned. You've been warned. Dai, dai, dai, guarda. Come on, come on, come on, look. Come on, come on, come on, look. Ci sono sopravvissuti? Are there survivors? Are there any survivors? Gli elefanti hanno lunghe proboscidi. Elephants have long trunks. Elephants have long trunks. Wow! Wow! Wow! Noi siamo ragionevoli. We're reasonable. We're reasonable. Lo sai. You know that. You know that. Come ci andate a Milano? How are you going to Milan? How are you guys doing in Milan? Siete stati visti a cucinare. You were seen to cook. You were seen cooking. Perché non li cerchi? Why don't you look for them? Why don't you look for them? Voglio mostrarle qualcosa su cui ho lavorato. I want to show you something I've been working on. I want to show you something I worked on. Vuole dei soldi? Do you want money? Do you want money? Lui è uno sporco bugiardo. He's a filthy liar. He's a dirty liar. È riuscito a scalare la montagna. He managed to climb the mountain. He managed to climb the mountain. Come sa di loro? How do you know about them? How do you know about them? Non ci sono soldi. There's no money. There's no money. Semplicemente voglio andare. I just want to go. I just want to go. Quanto profonde? How deep? How deep? Tua mamma è così grassa che romperebbe il London Bridge. Your mamma's so fat, she'd break London Bridge. Your mom's so fat, she'd break the London Bridge. Per favore, venite. Please come. Please come. Pensavo che questo libro fosse difficile da leggere. I thought that book was difficult to read. I thought this book was hard to read. Per piacere, mi aiuti con i miei compiti. Please help me with my homework. Please help me with my homework. Tom e Mary sperano di potere vincere. Tom and Mary hope that they can win. Tom and Mary hope they can win. Abitiamo vicino all'argine. We live near the dike. We live near the embankment. Venite con me a Boston. Come with me to Boston. Come with me to Boston. È davvero fastidiosa. You're really annoying. She's really annoying. Io ho scelto bene. I chose well. I chose well. Io non ero coinvolto. I wasn't involved. I wasn't involved. Ha comprato un libro inglese in una libreria. He bought an English book at a bookstore. He bought an English book in a bookstore. Siete appassionati di golf? Are you fond of golf? Are you golf enthusiasts? È stanca, vero? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Tom e Mary si sono divertiti veramente. Tom and Mary really enjoyed themselves. Tom and Mary really enjoyed themselves. Di cosa stavo parlando? What was I talking about? What was I talking about? Io non ho niente da fare questo pomeriggio. I have nothing to do this afternoon. I have nothing to do this afternoon. Noi non siamo attive. We're not active. We're not active. Tom non ha mai ucciso nessuno. Tom never killed anybody. Tom never killed anyone. Loro hanno il cavallo. They have the horse. They have the horse. Jean mangia una banana. Jean eats a banana. Jean eats a banana. Non sono un bravo cantante. I'm not a good singer. I'm not a good singer. Tom non ti ha visto. Tom didn't see you. Tom didn't see you. Ha pranzato con Tom? Did you eat lunch with Tom? Did you have lunch with Tom? Ho mangiato una pizza. I have eaten a pizza. I ate a pizza. Sarete a casa per Natale? Will you be home for Christmas? Will you be home for Christmas? Ci rifiutammo di accettare le dimissioni di Tom. We refused to accept Tom's resignation. We refused to accept Tom's resignation. Cacciala. Throw her out. Hunt her. Odio essere da sola a San Valentino. I hate being alone on Valentine's Day. I hate being alone on Valentine's Day. Il signor Jackson è il nostro insegnante. Mr. Jackson is our teacher. Mr. Jackson is our teacher. Parlate di nuovo con lui. Talk to him again. Talk to him again. Jack si è fatto da parte per fare entrare Hitomi. Jack stood aside for Hitomi to enter. Jack stepped aside to let Hitomi in. Insegna yoga. She teaches yoga. He teaches yoga. Tom riesce a cantare? Can Tom sing? Can Tom sing? Non potete dirle di non andare. You can't tell her not to go. You can't tell her not to go. Tom si riprese. Tom recovered. Tom recovered. Tom si sbaglia. Tom is wrong. Tom is wrong. Tom commise molti reati. Tom committed many crimes. Tom committed many crimes. Ha molto tempo. You have lots of time. He's got a lot of time. Tom non ha mai perso la speranza. Tom never lost hope. Tom never lost hope. Lei ha del nastro adesivo? Do you have any tape? Do you have any duct tape? È stupido a fidarsi di lui. You're stupid to trust him. He's stupid to trust him. Tom probabilmente sarà obbediente. Tom is probably going to be obedient. Tom will probably be obedient. Lei sa dove sta andando Tom? Do you know where Tom is going? Do you know where Tom is going? Vi scrissi tre lettere. I wrote you three letters. I wrote you three letters. Io vi aiuterò. I will help you. I'll help you. Leggo i libri più interessanti nella mia biblioteca. I read the most interesting book in my library. I read the most interesting books in my library. Tom e Mary mi hanno detto che erano dispiaciuti. Tom and Mary told me they were sorry. Tom and Mary told me they were sorry. Io ho avuto un ictus. I had a stroke. I had a stroke. Lui non ha mai voluto aiutare i suoi compagni. He never wanted to help his mates. He never wanted to help his comrades. Vorreste essere un elefante? Would you like to be an elephant? Would you like to be an elephant? Mi devi una spiegazione. You owe me an explanation. You owe me an explanation. Lui sa come radersi la barba. He knows how to shave his beard. He knows how to shave his beard. Era molto fiera di suo padre. She was very proud of her father. She was very proud of her father. Io volevo andare a casa. I wanted to go home. I wanted to go home. Mi sono alzata 10 minuti fa. I got up 10 minutes ago. I got up 10 minutes ago. Stia vicino a Tom. Stay close to Tom. Stay close to Tom. Casa mia, regole mie. My house, my rules. My house, my rules. Voi non li conoscete. You don't know them. You don't know them. Non riuscii ad addormentarmi. I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't fall asleep. Tom andrà. Tom is going. Tom will go. Puoi chiudere quella finestra, per favore? Can you please close that window? Can you close that window, please? Credo che voi conosciate tutti Tom. I believe you all know Tom. I think you all know Tom. Lunga vita al Re! Long live the King! Long live the King! Tu li hai sconfitti, vero? You beat them, didn't you? You defeated them, didn't you? Non c'è bisogno di ringraziarmi. There's no need to thank me. There's no need to thank me. Sarà difficile? Will that be difficult? Is this gonna be hard? Dorma bene stanotte. Sogni d'oro. Sleep well tonight. Sweet dreams. Sleep well tonight. Siete impegnate da ieri? Have you been busy since yesterday? You've been busy since yesterday? Noi non ci fidiamo più di Tom. We don't trust Tom anymore. We don't trust Tom anymore. Prendete una decisione. Make a decision. Make a decision. Sappiamo tutti che Tom non l'ha fatto. We all know that Tom didn't do that. We all know Tom didn't. Fate parte del problema. You're part of the problem. You're part of the problem. Oh, siete a casa! Oh, you're home! Oh, you're home! Tom ha negato di averla fatta. Tom denied having done it. Tom denied that he did it. Quello che stai dicendo non ha senso. What you are saying does not make sense. What you're saying doesn't make sense. Aiutai. I helped. I helped. Dagli un po' di tempo. Give him some time. Give him some time. Ci sono molti bei posti in Giappone. There are a lot of beautiful places in Japan. There are many beautiful places in Japan. Loro lo sono. They are. They are. Non ci si può fidare di nessuno. You can't trust anybody. No one can be trusted. Tom è un martire adesso. Tom is a martyr now. Tom is a martyr now. Il telefono suonò. The phone rang. The phone rang. Tom è un adulto ora. Tom is an adult now. Tom is an adult now. Non so così tanto su di voi. I don't know that much about you. I don't know that much about you. Noi non conosciamo i nostri vicini. We don't know our neighbors. We don't know our neighbors. La mia casa si trova di fronte al mare. My house faces the sea. My house is facing the sea. Mi devi aiutare a salvarlo. You must help me save him. You have to help me save him. Dove l'ha trovato, a scuola o a casa? Where did he find it, at school or at home? Where did you find him, at school or at home? Non farebbe mai una cosa del genere. You would never do such a thing. He wouldn't do that. Tom non era famoso. Tom wasn't famous. Tom wasn't famous. Non potevo vedere altro che della nebbia. I could see nothing but fog. All I could see was fog. Risero tutti tranne me. Everyone laughed except me. Everyone laughed except me. Le suggerisco di trovare un lavoro. I suggest you find a job. I suggest you get a job. Lui attribuì il suo successo al duro lavoro. He attributed his success to hard work. He attributed his success to hard work. Ho suonato con Tony ieri. I played with Tony yesterday. I played with Tony yesterday. Venga a casa presto. Come home early. Come home early. Tutti loro vengono dall'Islanda. All of them are from Iceland. All of them are from Iceland. Va bene. That's good. Okay. Ma consente di entrare nella chiesa. But it allows you to enter the church. But it allows you to enter the church. Rimango con loro. I'm staying with them. I'll stay with them. Le cicatrici sono appena visibili. The scars are barely visible. The scars are barely visible. Sei un buon amico. You're a good friend. You're a good friend. Il Signor Jackson è il mio insegnante di storia. Mr. Jackson is my history teacher. Mr. Jackson is my history teacher. La vostra idea è assolutamente impossibile. Your idea is absolutely impossible. Your idea is absolutely impossible. Era stesa al suolo, strozzata con la corda di un'arpa. She was lying on the floor, strangled by a harp string. She was lying on the ground, choked with a harp's rope. Tom sorseggiava il suo caffè. Tom sipped his coffee. Tom was sipping his coffee. Sei andato a scuola oggi? Did you go to school today? Did you go to school today? Mi vorrei sedere qui per un momento. I'd like to sit here for a moment. I'd like to sit here for a moment. Sono qui perché ho bisogno del vostro aiuto. I'm here because I need your help. I'm here because I need your help. Sono molto riservata. I'm very reserved. I'm very private. Tu vendi molte di quelle? Do you sell a lot of those? You sell a lot of those? Ho molto da dire. I've got lots to say. I have a lot to say. Lei lo sa davvero. She does know that. You really know that. Lui pensa solamente a fare soldi. He thinks only of making money. He only thinks about making money. Quest'automobile usata è in vendita. This used car is for sale. This used car is for sale. Non è ancora stato buttato via niente. Nothing has been thrown away yet. Nothing's been thrown away yet. Lo stai chiedendo alla persona sbagliata. You're asking the wrong person. You're asking the wrong person. Ti sbagli. You're wrong. You're wrong. Parlami un po' di Tom. Tell me a little about Tom. Tell me about Tom. Io l'ho vista entrare nella stanza. I saw her enter the room. I saw her enter the room. È stato un incidente, Tom. It was an accident, Tom. It was an accident, Tom. Tom si laurea quest'anno, vero? Tom is graduating this year, isn't he? Tom graduated this year, isn't he? Hanno fatto il loro lavoro. They did their job. They did their job. Attento a quello che desidera, potrebbe avverarsi. Be careful what you wish for. It might come true. Watch out for what you want, it might come true. Lei ha rovinato tutto. You ruined everything. She ruined everything. Mi piacciono le donne, mi piace il vino. I like women, I like wine. I like women. I like wine. Diedi da mangiare alle capre. I fed the goats. I fed the goats. Ciò che Tom ha trovato era scioccante. What Tom found was shocking. What Tom found was shocking. Ho un'opinione differente. I have a different opinion. I have a different opinion. Raggiungerà Hakodate stasera. He will reach Hakodate tonight. He's coming to Hakodate tonight. Potete ancora giocare a tennis? Can you still play tennis? Can you still play tennis? Una donna nasconde quel che non sa. A woman conceals what she does not know. A woman hides what she doesn't know. Tom ha parlato con calma. Tom spoke calmly. Tom spoke calmly. Tom e Mary abitano in un furgone. Tom and Mary live in a van. Tom and Mary live in a van. Lui ha progettato l'auto. He designed the car. He designed the car. Non c'è l'aria condizionata. There's no air conditioning. There's no air conditioning. Vogliono solo divertirsi. They just want to have fun. They just want to have fun. Come si dice 'polmone'? How do you say 'lung'? How do you say "lung"? Non stancatevi. Don't tire yourselves out. Don't get tired. Bevi il tuo caffè prima che diventi freddo. Drink your coffee before it gets cold. Drink your coffee before it gets cold. Sono il suo sole. I am your sun. I'm his sun. Tom ha un braccio rotto. Tom has a broken arm. Tom has a broken arm. Tom starà bene, vero? Tom will be OK, won't he? Tom will be fine, won't he? Ogni frase presente su Tatoeba è una menzogna. Every sentence present in Tatoeba is a lie. Every sentence on Tatoeba is a lie. Tom guardava nervosamente. Tom watched nervously. Tom looked nervously. Loro sono poliziotti. They're policemen. They're cops. Vi ha avvisati. She warned you. He warned you. Asciugatevi gli occhi. Dry your eyes. Dry your eyes. Tom non è prepotente. Tom isn't bossy. Tom isn't bullying. Tutti vogliono proteggerti. Everybody wants to protect you. Everyone wants to protect you. Ho appena firmato il contratto. I just signed the contract. I just signed the contract. Avete ottenuto una risposta? Have you had an answer? Did you get an answer? Ero emozionata. I was excited. I was excited. Lui stesso si rifiutò di parlarle. He himself refused to talk to her. He himself refused to talk to her. Ti prego di farla con attenzione. I beg you to do it carefully. Please do it carefully. Tom è tornato dall'Australia. Tom came back from Australia. Tom came back from Australia. La catturai. I caught her. I caught her. Tom non si sveglierà mai. Tom is never going to wake up. Tom will never wake up. Ascoltate vostra madre! Listen to your mother! Listen to your mother! Io non so molto di lei. I don't know much about you. I don't know much about her. Può essere che un cavallo bianco non sia un cavallo? Can it be that a white horse is not a horse? Could it be that a white horse is not a horse? Perché ti piace così tanto Boston? Why do you like Boston so much? Why do you like Boston so much? È in ordine? Are you neat? Is it in order? Per favore, leggi il mio blog. Please read my blog. Please read my blog. Non penso che questa sia un'idea così buona. I don't think this is such a good idea. I don't think that's such a good idea. Perché non li chiami e basta? Why don't you just call them? Why don't you just call them? È arrabbiata con lei, vero? You're mad at her, aren't you? You're mad at her, aren't you? Ti conoscono. They know you. They know you. Tutti ti vogliono conoscere, sei famoso! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous. Non ne sono così sicuro! I'm not so sure. I'm not so sure! Cosa gli è capitato a Boston? What happened to him in Boston? What happened to him in Boston? A me piace dove vivo. I like where I live. I like where I live. Prenderò quelle. I'll take those. I'll take those. Parli interlingua? Do you speak Interlingua? Do you speak interlingual? Vorrei che lei mi aiutasse. I'd like you to help me. I'd like you to help me. Troverete una soluzione, ne sono sicura. You'll find a solution, I'm sure. You'll figure it out, I'm sure. Noi scopriremo chi ha ucciso Tom. We're going to find out who killed Tom. We'll find out who killed Tom. Ho bisogno di una borsa. I need a bag. I need a bag. Lui ha smesso di parlare all'improvviso. He ceased talking suddenly. He stopped talking all of a sudden. Stai dicendo che sono una bugiarda? Are you saying that I'm a liar? Are you saying I'm a liar? Non volevo ferire i tuoi sentimenti. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Siamo andate a fare una passeggiata al parco. We went for a walk in the park. We went for a walk in the park. Non toccate quel bottone! Don't touch that button! Don't touch that button! Vuole qualcosa? Do you want anything? Do you want something? Devo essere stata fuori di testa. I must have been out of my mind. I must have been out of my mind. Tom è in solaio. Tom is in the attic. Tom is in the loft. Lui si è morso il labbro. He bit his lip. He bit his lip. Mancano soltanto tre giorni a Natale. It's only three days till Christmas. It's only three days till Christmas. Stavo cacciando. I was hunting. I was hunting. Lui cammina lentamente. He walks slowly. He walks slowly. Gli americani chiamano le persone folli tacchini. Americans call foolish persons turkeys. Americans call people crazy turkeys. Lei lo sa perché Tom non vuole andare a Boston con noi? Do you know why Tom doesn't want to go to Boston with us? Do you know why Tom doesn't want to go to Boston with us? Non presti attenzione a Tom. Don't pay attention to Tom. Don't pay attention to Tom. Forse possiamo aiutarla. Maybe we can help her. Maybe we can help her. Io vorrei lavorare in un ospedale. I'd like to work at a hospital. I'd like to work in a hospital. Io non credo in Dio. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. Io sono afflitta. I am woebegone. I'm distressed. Noi abbiamo comprato una casa. We bought a house. We bought a house. Noi non siamo più al sicuro qui. We're not safe here any longer. We're not safe here anymore. Tom sa che deve studiare francese. Tom knows he has to study French. Tom knows he has to study French. Dia loro tutto quello che ha. Give them everything you've got. Give them everything you have. Tom, lasciami da solo, per favore. Tom, please leave me alone. Tom, leave me alone, please. Qual è la differenza fra queste? What's the difference between these? What is the difference between these? Lo amo davvero. I really love him. I really love him. Tom guadagna molti più soldi di Mary. Tom makes a lot more money than Mary. Tom makes a lot more money than Mary does. Tom ha passato una nota a Mary. Tom handed Mary a note. Tom passed a note to Mary. Sapevo nuotare. I knew how to swim. I could swim. È peggio di quanto pensa. It's worse than you think. It's worse than you think. Lui è la persona più alta nella classe. He is the tallest person in the class. He's the tallest person in the class. Lui deve cominciare domani. He is to start tomorrow. He has to start tomorrow. Scoppiò a ridere quando mi vide. She burst out laughing when she saw me. He laughed when he saw me. Chi è stato mandato a salvare la principessa? Who was sent to save the princess? Who was sent to save the princess? Gli interpreti mediano tra culture differenti. Interpreters mediate between different cultures. The middle interpreters between different cultures. Voglio renderle felici. I want to make them happy. I want to make them happy. Tom non avrebbe potuto fare di più. Tom couldn't have done more. Tom couldn't have done more. Tom e Mary se ne stanno andando? Are Tom and Mary leaving? Are Tom and Mary leaving? Va bene parlare con loro prima? Is it OK to talk to them first? Is it okay to talk to them first? Prima si assicuri che l'informazione sia corretta. First, make sure the information's correct. First make sure the information is correct. Ho visto un cane. I saw a dog. I saw a dog. Quella proposta può essere un modo per prendere due piccioni con una fava, però dobbiamo anche stare attenti a non diventare avide e rovinare tutto. That proposal may be a way to kill two birds with one stone, but we also have to be careful not to get greedy and spoil everything. That proposal may be a way to take two birds with one stone, but we must also be careful not to become greedy and ruin everything. Io devo condividere questa stanza con la mia amica al momento. I have to share this room with my friend at present. I need to share this room with my friend right now. La popolarità non ha nulla a che fare con essa. Popularity has nothing to do with it. Popularity has nothing to do with it. Non è soltanto una penna. It's not just a pen. It's not just a pen. Quali sono le condizioni? What're the terms? What are the conditions? Voglio assumere Tom. I want to hire Tom. I want to hire Tom. Gioco spesso a calcio dopo la scuola. I often play soccer after school. I often play soccer after school. Non sta bene. You're not well. She's not okay. Io non so come si scrive quella parola. I don't know how to spell that word. I don't know how to spell that word. Tom ha studiato il francese ieri? Did Tom study French yesterday? Did Tom study French yesterday? Io ho torto. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Tu hai un'alternativa. You have an alternative. You have an alternative. Per piacere, stiri questa camicia. Please iron this shirt. Please iron this shirt. A che ora si è svegliata? At what time did you wake up? What time did you wake up? Non abbiamo bisogno di lui. We don't need him. We don't need him. Penso che voi siate un po' troppo prudenti. I think you're being a little too careful. I think you're a little too careful. Penso che Tom sia malevolo. I think Tom is nasty. I think Tom is malevolent. Restano soltanto tre giorni. There are only three days left. There's only three days left. Non mi piace nuotare nell'oceano. I don't like swimming in the ocean. I don't like swimming in the ocean. L'ho fatto aspettare sufficientemente a lungo. I've made him wait long enough. I've kept him waiting long enough. Tom è abbastanza occupato al momento. Tom is rather busy at the moment. Tom is pretty busy right now. Che libro interessante che è! What an interesting book this is! What an interesting book it is! Il berbero è una lingua. Berber is a language. Berber is a language. Le toccai. I touched them. I touched them. Non mi interessa più. I can't care anymore. I don't care anymore. Soltanto il suo progetto conta. Only your project matters. Only his project counts. Tom sembra confuso. Tom looks baffled. Tom seems confused. Tom è all'ospedale adesso. Tom is in the hospital now. Tom is at the hospital now. Tu eri molto coraggiosa. You were very brave. You were very brave. Tom non è comunista. Tom isn't a communist. Tom isn't a communist. Puoi vedere quella luce tremolante? Can you see that flickering light? Can you see that flickering light? Tu sei la madre di Tom? Are you Tom's mother? Are you Tom's mother? Lei ha dormito ancora di più. She slept even more. She slept even more. Gli amanti si sono baciati. The lovers kissed. The lovers kissed. Siete d'accordo? Do you concur? Do you agree? Questa società è un burattino politico. This corporation is a political puppet. This society is a political puppet. Non andate a Boston. Don't go to Boston. Don't go to Boston. Avevate bisogno di spazio, vero? You needed space, didn't you? You needed space, didn't you? Riesci a vederlo? Can you see him? Can you see it? A me non piace questo. I don't like this one. I don't like this. Si è arresa troppo presto. You gave up too soon. She gave up too soon. Io non sono interessato alla politica come lei. I'm not as interested in politics as you are. I'm not as interested in politics as you are. È biologo. He is a biologist. He's a biologist. Sono venuta per sorprenderle. I came to surprise them. I came to surprise them. Tom ha scelto intelligentemente. Tom chose wisely. Tom chose smartly. Per piacere, firmi queste. Please sign these. Please sign these. Scelse una buona moglie. He chose a good wife. He chose a good wife. Le vedrò domani mattina. I'll see them tomorrow morning. I'll see them in the morning. Ascoltaci e basta. Just listen to us. Just listen to us. Tom aveva veramente fame. Tom was really hungry. Tom was really hungry. Voi l'avete provata? Have you tried it? Have you tried it? Si assicuri di non mangiare troppo. Be sure not to eat too much. Make sure you don't eat too much. La foto sul mio passaporto è molto recente. The photo on my passport is very recent. The photo on my passport is very recent. Da quanto tempo vive a Boston? How long have you been living in Boston? How long have you lived in Boston? Ha deciso di non andare alla riunione. He has decided not to go to the meeting. He decided not to go to the meeting. Voi cosa intendete fare quest'estate? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you going to do this summer? Perché vuoi vederlo? Why do you want to see him? Why do you want to see him? Devo imparare il francese. I must learn French. I need to learn French. Lei è una donna adesso. You're a woman now. She's a woman now. Perché non vai a prenderlo? Why don't you go get him? Why don't you go get him? Dov'è andato Marco Polo? Where did Marco Polo go? Where did Marco Polo go? Io sono sempre stato un po' geloso della sua amicizia con Tom. I've always been a little jealous of your friendship with Tom. I've always been a little jealous of his friendship with Tom. Perché ha saltato il pranzo? Why did you skip lunch? Why did you skip lunch? La prossima volta che vi vedo, datemi la vostra risposta, per favore. Next time I see you, please give me your answer. Next time I see you, give me your answer, please. Lei è davvero una leggenda, vero? She really is a legend, isn't she? You really are a legend, aren't you? L'ho fatto per la prima volta proprio ieri. I did that for the first time just yesterday. I did it for the first time yesterday. Ti sei perso la parte migliore. You missed the best part. You missed the best part. Tom e Mary hanno finito qua. Tom and Mary are done here. Tom and Mary are finished here. Io odio stare in piedi in autobus. I hate standing on the bus. I hate standing by bus. Io non avevo sete. I wasn't thirsty. I wasn't thirsty. Hai una pistola? Do you have a gun? Do you have a gun? Ho una macchina da cucire, però la uso raramente. I have a sewing machine, but I rarely use it. I have a sewing machine, but I rarely use it. Perché sono così stupida? Why am I so stupid? Why am I so stupid? Ancora! Again! Again! Io so tutto ciò. I know all this. I know all that. Tom vuole mangiare della pizza. Tom wants to eat pizza. Tom wants to eat pizza. Torniamo al motel. Let's go back to the motel. Let's go back to the motel. In questa società dove tutto è usa e getta è una virtù utilizzare qualcosa finché non si usura. In this society where everything is disposable, it is a virtue to use something until it wears out. In this society where everything is disposable it is a virtue to use something until it wears out. Sono così brutto. I'm so ugly. I'm so ugly. Tutti tranne te si sbagliano. All but you are wrong. Everyone but you is wrong. La conferenza ha avuto luogo ieri. The meeting took place yesterday. The conference took place yesterday. Enfatizzando la sua caratteristica postura pendente, il termine 'tango apilado' è stato spesso usato come sinonimo di 'tango milonguero'. Emphasizing its postural lean characteristic, the term "tango apilado' has often been used as a synonym for 'tango milonguero'. Emphasizing its characteristic pendant posture, the term 'tango apilado' has often been used as a synonym for 'tango milonguero'. Ho aspettato più di una settimana. I've waited for more than a week. I've waited more than a week. Lui è quello che si è occupato della sua ferita. He is the one who took care of his wound. He's the one who took care of his wound. Nessuno dei suoi consigli era molto utile. None of his advice was very useful. None of his advice was very helpful. Sarò felice di aiutarvi. I will be glad to help you. I'll be happy to help you. Io odio tutto di lei. I hate everything about her. I hate everything about her. Tom e Mary fanno il compost a casa. Tom and Mary make compost at home. Tom and Mary make compost at home. Io devo noleggiare una macchina. I need to rent a car. I have to rent a car. Dov'è la toilette? Where is the bathroom? Where's the toilet? Non sarò pronta a farlo fino a lunedì. I won't be ready to do that until Monday. I won't be ready until Monday. Che fa? What does he do? What are you doing? Tom non deve più preoccuparsi per me. Tom doesn't need to worry about me anymore. Tom doesn't have to worry about me anymore. Mary ha visto un topo. Mary saw a mouse. Mary saw a mouse. Io ero magro quando ero giovane. I used to be thin when I was young. I was skinny when I was young. Tom mi ha chiamato. Tom called me. Tom called me. C'è qualcosa che devo fare. There's something I have to do. There's something I need to do. Me lo darete? Will you give it to me? Will you give it to me? Stai indietro, per piacere. Stand back, please. Stand back, please. Devi aiutarlo. You have to help him. You have to help him. Tom ci porterà allo zoo. Tom will take us to the zoo. Tom will take us to the zoo. Ti sono molto grato per ciò che hai fatto per la mia famiglia. I am very grateful to you for what you've done for my family. I'm very grateful for what you did for my family. È un abuso di potere. It's an abuse of power. It's an abuse of power. È arrivato qui ora. He has arrived here now. He's here now. Promettete di non mentire più? Do you promise never to lie again? Promise you won't lie anymore? Io ho votato per Tom. I voted for Tom. I voted for Tom. Gioca davvero bene a Starcraft. You play Starcraft really well. He plays Starcraft really well. Tua madre deve essere stata bellissima quando era giovane. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Mio fratello è ingegnere. My brother is an engineer. My brother is an engineer. Dovreste preparare una stanza per il visitatore. You should prepare a room for the visitor. You should prepare a room for the visitor. Hey. Come va? Hey. How's it going? Hey, how's it going? Perché i prezzi sono calati? Why did the prices go down? Why have prices fallen? Eccellente! Excellent! Excellent! Cosa dirò a Tom? What am I gonna tell Tom? What will I tell Tom? È obiettiva. You're objective. It's objective. Lui era molto malato la settimana scorsa. He was very ill last week. He was very sick last week. Sembrano essere consci del fatto. They seem to be conscious of the fact. They seem to be aware of the fact. Tom rubò i soldi. Tom stole the money. Tom stole the money. Si sta placando. It's abating. It's calming down. Voi siete così magri. You're so skinny. You're so skinny. Qual è il tuo nome? What's your first name? What's your name? Tom lavora sodo, quindi i suoi genitori sono orgogliosi di lui. Tom works hard, so his parents are proud of him. Tom works hard, so his parents are proud of him. Chuck è insolente. Chuck is insolent. Chuck is insolent. Parla come se conoscesse tutto. He talks as if he knows everything. He talks like he knows everything. Smettila di bruciare dell'incenso! Io ho l'asma. Stop burning incense! I have asthma. Stop burning incense! Se Tom non nuota, non lo farò nemmeno io. If Tom doesn't swim, I won't either. If Tom doesn't swim, I won't either. Tom era molto orgoglioso di lei. Tom was very proud of you. Tom was very proud of you. Tom andò direttamente a letto. Tom went straight to bed. Tom went straight to bed. Tom probabilmente non mi perdonerà mai. Tom will probably never forgive me. Tom will probably never forgive me. Questa è la domanda più difficile. This is the hardest question. That's the hardest question. Aprite la porta e fate entrare il cane. Open the door and let in the dog. Open the door and let the dog in. Da dove vieni? Where do you come from? Where are you from? C'è una libreria di fronte a casa mia. There is a bookstore across from my house. There's a bookstore in front of my house. Cosa avete fumato? What did you smoke? What did you smoke? Tom ha detto che Mary era frustrata. Tom said Mary was frustrated. Tom said Mary was frustrated. Chi li vorrebbe uccidere? Who would want to kill them? Who would want to kill them? Ho tre figli a casa. I have three kids at home. I have three children at home. Lui piace a tutti qui. Everyone here likes him. Everyone here likes him. La nostra maestra ci divise in due gruppi. Our teacher separated us into two groups. Our teacher divided us into two groups. Sei un paleontologo? Are you a paleontologist? Are you a paleontologist? Tom e Mary vogliono parlare con te. Tom and Mary want to talk to you. Tom and Mary want to talk to you. Io preparerò una tazza di caffè. I'll make a pot of coffee. I'll make a cup of coffee. Lei mi ha aiutata. She helped me. She helped me. Fece entrambi in contemporanea. He did both at the same time. He did both at the same time. Dille su quale autobus salire. Tell her which bus to get on. Tell her which bus to get on. Andrò a prepararmi. I'll go and get ready. I'll go get ready. Ovviamente, Tom ha vinto. Of course, Tom won. Obviously, Tom won. C'è abbastanza cibo per tutte voi. There's enough food for all of you. There's enough food for all of you. Tom ha trascorso tre anni in prigione. Tom spent three years in prison. Tom spent three years in prison. Io sono molto stanca ora. I'm very tired now. I'm very tired now. Tom è sicuro che Mary non sia andata davvero a Boston la settimana scorsa. Tom is sure that Mary didn't really go to Boston last week. Tom is sure Mary didn't really go to Boston last week. Conosco quel suono. I know that sound. I know that sound. Sdraiatevi sul divano. Lay down on the couch. Lie down on the couch. Non ho sentimenti. I have no feelings. I don't have feelings. Tom ha iniziato a sentirsi meglio. Tom began to feel better. Tom started feeling better. Dirò loro che hai chiamato. I'll tell them you called. I'll tell them you called. È divertente imparare una lingua straniera. It's fun to learn a foreign language. It's fun to learn a foreign language. Tom dice di non avere rimpianti. Tom says he doesn't have any regrets. Tom says he doesn't have regrets. Pescare da questo ponte è permesso? Is fishing from this bridge permitted? Is fishing from this bridge allowed? Questa molecola ha una struttura cristallina. This molecule has a crystalline structure. This molecule has a crystalline structure. Alla maggior parte delle donne piace fare acquisti. Most women enjoy shopping. Most women like to shop. È vegetariano o vegano? Are you vegetarian or vegan? Is he vegetarian or vegan? Lei e Tom siete nella stessa classe? Are you and Tom in the same class? Are you and Tom in the same class? Tom ha lasciato questo per lei. Tom left this for you. Tom left this for you. Smettetela! Stop it! Stop it! Questo libro appartiene a Tom. This book belongs to Tom. This book belongs to Tom. Le ho detto dove siamo. I've told her where we are. I told her where we are. Vorrei che traduceste questo rapporto in francese. I'd like you to translate this report into French. I'd like you to translate this report into French. Tom vuole diventare ricco rapidamente. Tom wants to get rich quick. Tom wants to get rich quickly. Il mio amico l'ha fatto quando è andato lì. My friend did that when he went there. My friend did it when he went there. Tutti pensavano che Tom sarebbe stato a Boston questo weekend. Everyone thought that Tom was going to be in Boston this weekend. Everyone thought Tom would be in Boston this weekend. Quanto tempo avete? How long do you have? How much time do you have? Ho trascorso molto tempo a Boston. I spend a lot of time in Boston. I spent a lot of time in Boston. Voi conoscete Tom. You know Tom. You know Tom. Una nave cargo, diretta ad Atene, è affondato nel Mediterraneo senza tracce. A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace. A cargo ship headed for Athens sank into the Mediterranean without trace. L'unica cosa che piace veramente a Tom è giocare a scacchi con Mary. The only thing Tom really enjoys is playing chess with Mary. The only thing Tom really likes is playing chess with Mary. Voglio che lei lo sappia. I want you to know that. I want you to know that. Perché salta il pranzo ogni giorno? Why do you skip lunch every day? Why do you skip lunch every day? Lei lo tentò. She tempted him. She tried it. Paolo studia duramente in questi giorni. Paul studies very hard these days. Paul is studying hard these days. A che ora è andato a letto ieri sera? What time did you get to bed last night? What time did you go to bed last night? Assieme avevano otto figli. Together they had eight children. Together they had eight children. Per favore, di' a Tom di chiudere le finestre. Please tell Tom to close the windows. Please tell Tom to close the windows. Ho perso la mia motivazione. I lost my motivation. I lost my motivation. Loro la disprezzano. They despise her. They despise her. Ho dei contatti nella Casa Bianca. I have contacts in the White House. I have contacts in the White House. Dovrei pensare che avete ragione. I should think you are right. I should think you're right. Tuo padre è già arrivato? Has your father arrived yet? Has your father arrived yet? Tutte le mie ex-fidanzate abitano a Boston. All of my ex-girlfriends live in Boston. All my ex-girlfriends live in Boston. Non la lascerò andare là. I won't let her go there. I won't let her go there. Portale fuori da qui. Take them out of here. Get them out of here. Erano atti di guerra. They were acts of war. They were acts of war. A lei non piacciono le arance. She doesn't like oranges. She doesn't like oranges. Si è allontanato bruscamente. He backed abruptly away. He walked away abruptly. Per piacere, correggi la mia bolletta. Please correct my bill. Please correct my bill. Ditele che sono in Francia. Tell her that I am in France. Tell her I'm in France. Non si veste mai di verde. She never wears green. He never dresses in green. Pianse per ore senza cessare. She cried for hours without ceasing. He cried for hours without stopping. L'amica ricca gli voltò le spalle. The rich friend gave him the cold shoulder. The rich friend turned her back on him. Questo cappello le starà bene. This hat will become her. This hat's gonna look good on you. Io non sono un gran amante dei film hollywoodiani sui supereroi. I am not a big fan of the Hollywood superhero movies. I'm not much of a fan of Hollywood superhero movies. Vendeva scarpe, vero? You used to sell shoes, didn't you? He was selling shoes, wasn't he? Lei ha fatto lo stesso errore dell'ultima volta. She has made the same mistake as last time. You made the same mistake as last time. Cosa le ha dato Tom per Natale? What did Tom give you for Christmas? What did Tom give you for Christmas? Io odio i poliziotti come lui. I hate cops like him. I hate cops like him. Tale padre, tale figlio. Like master, like disciple. Like father, like son. Giochiamo a baseball! Let's play baseball. Let's play baseball! Tu sei la vittima di una bufala. You're the victim of a hoax. You're the victim of a hoax. Per cosa siete arrabbiati? What are you mad about? What are you angry about? Hanno raggiunto il loro obiettivo. They reached their goal. They've reached their goal. Pranzò. He had lunch. He had lunch. Immagino che lei non l'abbia comprato per conto suo. I'm guessing you didn't buy this yourself. I guess you didn't buy it on your own. Non ho mai promesso di proteggere Tom. I never promised to protect Tom. I never promised to protect Tom. L'hai ucciso? Did you kill him? Did you kill him? Tom si rifiutò di arrendersi. Tom refused to give up. Tom refused to give up. Hanno una cosa in comune. They have one thing in common. They have one thing in common. Io voglio ritornare a Boston. I want to get back to Boston. I want to go back to Boston. Veda di darsi una calmata! Get a grip! Take it easy! Voi volete venire a una festa? Do you want to come to a party? Do you want to come to a party? La teoria e la pratica non sempre vanno di pari passo. Theory and practice do not always go together. Theory and practice don't always go hand in hand. Tom non lo ha detto a nessun altro. Tom didn't tell anyone else. Tom didn't tell anyone else. Lei lo sapeva, vero? You knew, didn't you? You knew that, didn't you? Il mio sport favorito è il calcio. My favourite sport is football. My favorite sport is football. La mia risposta è ancora negativa. My response is still negative. My answer is still negative. Non riesco a guardare Tom. I can't look at Tom. I can't look at Tom. Ha mai parlato con loro? Did you ever talk to them? Have you ever spoken to them? Gli ho dato qualche libro. I gave some books to him. I gave him some books. Mi hanno rubato il portafogli in treno ieri. I got my wallet stolen in the train yesterday. They stole my wallet on the train yesterday. Io ho trovato questo libro molto difficile. I found this book very difficult. I found this book very difficult. Mi scuso per la risposta in ritardo. I apologize for the late reply. I apologize for the late reply. Tom sta soltanto fingendo di essere malato. Tom is just pretending to be sick. Tom is just pretending to be sick. Ho fatto tutto questo per voi. I've done all this for you. I did all this for you. Non lo avete detto a lei, vero? You haven't told her, have you? You didn't tell her, did you? Tom e Mary stavano ascoltando la notizia. Tom and Mary were listening to the news. Tom and Mary were listening to the news. Dov'è la nostra auto? Where's our car? Where's our car? Io tornerò a casa. I'll be coming home. I'm going home. Tom ha detto che lui non ha visto niente. Tom said he didn't see anything. Tom said he didn't see anything. Per favore, mi dia il menù. Please give me the menu. Please give me the menu. Sembri arrabbiato. You seem angry. You look angry. Datela a chiunque ne abbia bisogno. Give it to whoever needs it. Give it to anyone who needs it. Loro mi hanno rovinato la vita. They ruined my life. They ruined my life. L'incendio è spento. The fire is out. The fire's out. I cani abbandonati solitamente finiscono nei canili. Abandoned dogs usually end up in dog pounds. Abandoned dogs usually end up in kennels. Tom è mio cugino. Tom is my cousin. Tom is my cousin. Com'è possibile che le cose siano andate in questo modo? How could things have happened this way? How could things have gone this way? Il tuo destino è nelle mie mani. Your fate is in my hands. Your fate is in my hands. Per piacere, scrivete con una biro. Please write with a pen. Please write with a pen. Ci vorranno dei mesi. It'll take months. It's gonna take months. Li hai battuti. You beat them. You beat them. Tom disse che lo avrebbe fatto. Tom said that he would do that. Tom said he would. Abbiamo avuto alcuni argomenti in comune, ed è stato un legame di unione quando ho scoperto che era senza amici come me. We had some subjects in common, and it was a bond of union when I found that he was as friendless as I. We had some issues in common, and it was a bond of union when I found out it was without friends like me. A volte Meg infastidisce Ken. Meg sometimes annoys Ken. Sometimes Meg bothers Ken. Prenderò nota del tuo nome e del tuo indirizzo. I will write down your name and address. I'll take note of your name and address. Tom ha bevuto il suo caffè. Tom drank his coffee. Tom drank his coffee. Non gli dite niente riguardo al cavallo. Say nothing to him about the horse. You don't tell him anything about the horse. Voglio solamente che mi amino. I just want them to love me. I just want them to love me. Io non sapevo che Tom non sapesse parlare in francese. I didn't know Tom couldn't speak French. I didn't know Tom couldn't speak French. Avete già pagato i biglietti? Have you paid for the tickets yet? Have you already paid for the tickets? Non andate a costruire negozi in Australia. You are not going to Australia to build stores. Don't go building stores in Australia. Ho qualche commissione da sbrigare. I have a few errands to run. I have some errands to run. Cosa ne pensate della nuova insegnante? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? Tu mi ami solo perché assomiglio a Connie Nielsen? Do you love me just because I resemble Connie Nielsen? You only love me because I look like Connie Nielsen? Tom non è venuto a scuola ieri. Tom didn't come to school yesterday. Tom didn't come to school yesterday. Non fermatevi. Don't stop. Don't stop. Io non so più cosa sto facendo. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Il latte è sgradevole. Milk is nasty. The milk is unpleasant. Lui chiese una migliore retribuzione. He demanded better pay. He asked for a better pay. È divertente per voi? Is that funny to you? Is this fun for you? Ne può essere sicura? Can you be sure? Can you be sure? Lui si sente molto felice. He feels very happy. He feels very happy. Lei non sa suonare molto bene il pianoforte. She can't play piano very well. She can't play the piano very well. Passeggiavano. They walked. They were walking. Gli dissi a che ora venire. I told him what time to come. I told him what time to come. Sta succedendo stanotte. It's happening tonight. It's happening tonight. Posso prenderti qualcosa? Can I get you anything? Can I get you anything? Ci sono dodici mesi in un anno. There are twelve months in a year. It's 12 months in a year. Cos'ha preparato? What've you prepared? What did you make? Io ero un locatario. I used to be a landlord. I was a tenant. È stato commesso un errore. An error was made. A mistake was made. Tom è un po' un ribelle. Tom is a bit of a rebel. Tom is a little rebellious. Qualcuno entrò nella stanza. Someone entered the room. Someone came into the room. Chi è la persona più saggia che conoscete? Who is the wisest person you know? Who is the wisest person you know? Grazie per averci aiutate. Thanks for helping us. Thanks for helping us out. Il rumore ha disturbato il mio sonno. The noise disturbed my sleep. The noise disturbed my sleep. Hai un fratello gemello? Do you have a twin brother? Do you have a twin brother? In quale tipo di situazioni usereste quella frase? In what kind of situations would you use that sentence? In what kind of situations would you use that phrase? Le tradizioni non hanno più senso. Traditions no longer make any sense. Traditions don't make sense anymore. Non ho altre domande. I don't have any other questions. No further questions. Penso che dovresti scegliere lei. I think you should choose her. I think you should pick her. A me fa piacere mangiare con lei. I enjoy eating with you. I'm happy to eat with her. Tom sta insegnando inglese. Tom is teaching English. Tom is teaching English. Lui è di natura amichevole. He has a friendly nature. He is of a friendly nature. Lui è arrivato troppo presto. He arrived too early. He came too soon. Pronuncia le parole inglesi con accento spagnolo perché è messicano. He pronounces English words in Spanish fashion because he is a Mexican. He speaks English words with a Spanish accent because he is Mexican. Cosa ne sarà di noi? What will it be of us? What will become of us? Tom mi ha spiato. Tom has been spying on me. Tom spied on me. Muovetevi adesso. Move now. Move now. Posso non farcela. I may not make it. I can't do this. Sono un vecchio amico. I'm an old friend. I'm an old friend. Le ceneri della nonna sono in un'urna nel tempio. Grandmother's ashes are in an urn at the temple. Grandma's ashes are in a urn in the temple. Io ti darò il libro. I'm going to give you the book. I'll give you the book. Penso sia ovvio. I think it's obvious. I think it's obvious. Questo è mio figlio, Tom. This is my son, Tom. This is my son, Tom. Hai guardato la TV stasera? Have you watched television tonight? Did you watch TV tonight? È irragionevole. That's unreasonable. It's unreasonable. Non penso che vorrei farlo. I don't think I'd want to do that. I don't think I want to do this. Non mi lasciare qui da solo. Don't leave me here alone. Don't leave me here alone. Lui ha intenzione di diventare un dottore? Does he intend to become a doctor? Is he going to be a doctor? Ha piovuto lunedì scorso. It rained last Monday. It rained last Monday. Lasciacelo. Leave it to us. Let go of him. Come sei stata in grado di aiutare? How were you able to help? How were you able to help? Il primo aeroplano volò nel 1903 per dodici secondi. The first airplane flew in 1903 for twelve seconds. The first plane flew in 1903 for twelve seconds. Diventò inutile. It became useless. It became useless. Tom avvertì Mary. Tom warned Mary. Tom warned Mary. Io apprezzo il suo feedback. I appreciate your feedback. I appreciate your feedback. Non voglio rifarla. I don't want to do it again. I don't want to do it again. Appena ha aperto la porta, ha sentito odore di bruciato. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled something burning. As soon as he opened the door, he smelled burnt. Noi siamo arrivate in tempo all'ufficio. We arrived at the office on time. We got to the office in time. Dobbiamo trovarlo. We've got to find him. We have to find him. Stiamo venendo accusati di qualcosa? Are we being charged with something? Are we being charged with something? È una giornata fredda al Cairo. It's a cold day in Cairo. It's a cold day in Cairo. Piantatela di picchiare sulla porta! Stop beating on the door! Stop hitting on the door! Dobbiamo preservare la natura. We are to preserve nature. We must preserve nature. Perché siete così impegnati? Why are you so busy? Why are you so busy? Andiamo al mare d'estate. We go to the seashore in the summer. Let's go to the sea in summer. Ho chiesto chi fosse. I asked who he was. I asked who he was. Riesco a leggere. I can read. I can read. Lo lasci con me. Leave him with me. Leave him with me. Potremmo avere un tavolo nella sezione per non fumatori? Could we have a table in the non-smoking section? Could we have a table in the non-smoking section? Vengo da Tokyo, in Giappone. I am from Tokyo, Japan. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Lei non è più il benvenuto qui. You are no longer welcome here. You're no longer welcome here. Tom è tornato? Is Tom back? Is Tom back? È ancora arrabbiato con Tom? Are you still mad at Tom? Are you still angry with Tom? L'ho accettato molto tempo fa. I accepted that a long time ago. I accepted it a long time ago. Lui raggiungerà Hakodate stanotte. He will reach Hakodate tonight. He'll catch up with Hakodate tonight. Tom è molto schizzinoso riguardo a ciò che mangia. Tom is very particular about what he eats. Tom is very picky about what he eats. Tom ha perso la vista in uno degli occhi in un incidente stradale. Tom lost the sight in one of his eyes in a traffic accident. Tom lost his sight in one of the eyes in a car accident. Ho colpito il muro con un pugno. I struck the wall with my fist. I hit the wall with a punch. Tom eluse la domanda. Tom evaded the question. Tom evades the question. Io non ho mai pensato che sarei stata felice di vedervi. I never thought I'd be happy to see you. I never thought I'd be happy to see you. Lo stagno si è seccato. The pond has dried up. The pond has dried up. Tom era troppo timido per ammettere i suoi sentimenti per Mary. Tom was too shy to admit his feelings for Mary. Tom was too shy to admit his feelings for Mary. Deve essere lei? Does it have to be her? Does that have to be her? Io non voglio essere da solo per tutta la mia vita. I don't want to be alone all my life. I don't want to be alone my whole life. La città sta dormendo. The city is asleep. The city's sleeping. Tom è piuttosto superficiale. Tom is quite superficial. Tom is pretty shallow. Nulla è impossibile per gli dei. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Nothing is impossible for the gods. Studierò. I am going to study. I'll study. Fummo attaccate. We were attacked. We were attacked. Siete sicuri di volere questa? Are you sure you want this one? Are you sure you want this? Camminammo molto. We walked a lot. We walked a lot. Leghi il cane a un albero. Tie the dog to a tree. Tie the dog to a tree. C'è un grande supermercato. There is a large supermarket. There's a big supermarket. Tom vive da solo nel bosco. Tom lives alone in the woods. Tom lives alone in the woods. Devo darle la buonanotte. I have to say goodnight to her. I have to say good night. Mi piace scrivere qui. I like to write here. I like to write here. Che cosa vuoi dopo? What do you want next? What do you want next? Dove posso avere la medicina? Where can I get the medicine? Where can I get the medicine? Tom mentì riguardo alla sua età. Tom lied about his age. Tom lied about his age. Voglio le stesse. I want the same. I want the same. Fu costretto a tornare indietro a causa del maltempo. He was forced to go back because of the bad weather. He was forced to go back because of the bad weather. Ero spaventato quando lo vidi. I was frightened when I saw that. I was scared when I saw him. Saremo proprio qui. We'll be right here. We'll be right here. Sapevo che non potevo fidarmi di lei. I knew I couldn't trust her. I knew I couldn't trust her. Adoro gli elefanti. I adore elephants. I love elephants. Mi puoi vedere lì. You may see me there. You can see me there. È malese? Is he Malaysian? Is it Malaysian? Arriverà il 24 giugno. He will arrive on June 24. It will arrive on June 24th. Questa cattedrale ha un soffitto a volta. This cathedral has a vaulted ceiling. This cathedral has a vaulted ceiling. Ha divorziato da lei dopo anni di infelicità. He divorced her after years of unhappiness. He divorced her after years of unhappiness. Non sopravvivereste mai. You'd never survive. You'd never survive. È il treno più veloce al mondo. That is the fastest train in the world. It's the fastest train in the world. Sto per andarmene. I'm about to leave. I'm leaving. I prezzi saliranno di sicuro. Prices will certainly go up. Prices are definitely gonna go up. Tom camminò. Tom walked. Tom walked. Io vengo dalla Norvegia. I'm from Norway. I'm from Norway. Lei ha visto Tom provare ad accendere un fuoco? Have you seen Tom try to start a fire? Have you seen Tom try to light a fire? Loro hanno detto che sono felici. They said they're happy. They said they're happy. La nostra scuola superiore decide di adottare un nuovo metodo di insegnamento. Our high school decides to adopt a new teaching method. Our high school decides to adopt a new method of teaching. Ho assaggiato la minestra. I tasted the soup. I tasted the soup. A voi piace? Do you enjoy it? Do you like it? Non abbiamo altra scelta che uccidere. We have no choice but to kill. We have no choice but to kill. Tom è un luminare nel campo del jazz. Tom is an authority on jazz. Tom is a luminary in the jazz field. Chi lo ha fatto? Who did it? Who did? È un eccellente chirurgo cerebrale. He's an excellent brain surgeon. He's an excellent brain surgeon. Lui lavora come insegnante, però in realtà è un vampiro. He works as a teacher, but actually he's a vampire. He works as a teacher, but he's actually a vampire. Tom ha comprato a ognuno di loro una macchina fotografica. Tom bought them each a camera. Tom bought each of them a camera. Tom trovò un impiego. Tom found a job. Tom found a job. Io ero veramente felice. I was real happy. I was really happy. Voi parlate russo? Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian? Chiami i poliziotti. Call the cops. Call the cops. Tom vuole imparare. Tom wants to learn. Tom wants to learn. Io non sono uno che molla. I'm not a quitter. I'm not a quitter. Io sono ancora in giro. I'm still around. I'm still around. Stavo insegnando il berbero. I was teaching Berber. I was teaching Berber. Eravamo emozionati mentre guardavamo la partita. We were excited as we watched the game. We were excited to watch the game. Alla polizia serve qualcuno da incolpare. The police need someone to blame. The police need someone to blame. Devo almeno provare. I have to at least try. I have to at least try. Mary sta aiutando suo padre. Mary is helping her father. Mary is helping her father. Le prove stanno andando bene. Rehearsals are going well. The evidence is going well. Non sono un esperto. I'm not an expert. I'm not an expert. Ha trovato il suo passaporto? Did you find your passport? Did you find your passport? Sono tornata. I've returned. I'm back. Continuò a leggere un libro. He kept reading a book. He kept reading a book. Quanto è alto? How high is it? How tall is it? Salta i capitoli noiosi. Skip the boring chapters. Skip boring chapters. Sami non era neanche lì. Sami wasn't even there. Sami wasn't even there. Tom venne qui un'ora prima di Mary. Tom got here an hour before Mary. Tom came here an hour before Mary. Siamo avidi. We're greedy. We're greedy. Nevica a sud durante l'inverno. It snows in the south during the winter. It snows south in the winter. Uccidimi con le parole! Kill me with words! Kill me with words! Tu stai davvero bene? Are you really OK? Are you really okay? Tom sta urlando. Tom's screaming. Tom is screaming. Lei a volte beve del vino rosso col pesce? Do you sometimes drink red wine with fish? Do you sometimes drink red wine with fish? È tornato. He's back. He's back. Mi chiedo perché Tom non abbia aiutato Mary. I wonder why Tom didn't help Mary. I wonder why Tom didn't help Mary. Jack ha deciso di annullare la prenotazione. Jack decided to cancel the reservations. Jack's decided to cancel the reservation. Tom dice che non è stanco. Tom says he isn't tired. Tom says he's not tired. Dovresti andare a parlare con lui. You should go talk to him. You should go talk to him. Ha un marito e due figlie. She has a husband and two daughters. She has a husband and two daughters. Tom provò ad attraversare a nuoto il fiume. Tom tried to swim across the river. Tom tried to swim across the river. Tom non ha studiato per niente. Tom didn't study at all. Tom didn't study at all. Puoi richiamare più tardi? Can you call back later? Can you call back later? Potresti ripeterlo lentamente, per favore? Could you please repeat it slowly? Could you say it slowly, please? Io voglio parlare il francese. I want to speak French. I want to speak French. Continuo a non poter raggiungerlo. I still can't reach him. I still can't reach him. Io non riesco più a lavorare. I can't work any more. I can't work anymore. Lui era freddo. He stood aloof. He was cold. Non ci vorrà molto a leggere quel libro. It won't take long to read that book. It won't take long to read that book. Mi rimangono solamente trenta dollari. I only have thirty dollars left. I only have 30 bucks left. Tutti gli sforzi del dottore furono vani e l'uomo morì presto. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died. All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man died soon. Loro vogliono incontrarla. They want to meet you. They want to meet her. Non è ferita, vero? You're not hurt, are you? She's not hurt, is she? I miei genitori lo odiano. My parents hate him. My parents hate him. Mi sono schiantata. I crashed. I crashed. Tom ha fatto del suo meglio per salvare Mary. Tom did his best to rescue Mary. Tom did his best to save Mary. Lei pensa che io sia brutto? Do you think I'm ugly? Do you think I'm ugly? Lui possiede un'automobile sportiva gialla. He owns a yellow sports car. He owns a yellow sports car. Lei è geloso. You're jealous. You're jealous. Adesso inizia a cantare. Now start singing. Now start singing. Lei sembrava essere molto appassionata di musica. She seemed to be very keen on music. She seemed to be very fond of music. Sono pronta per mangiare un cavallo. I'm ready to eat a horse. I'm ready to eat a horse. Io non dirò niente. I won't say anything. I won't say anything. Perché non l'ha portata a casa? Why didn't you bring it home? Why didn't you take her home? Io sono gelosa di Tom. I'm jealous of Tom. I'm jealous of Tom. Non sono sicura che ci sia un problema. I'm not sure there's a problem. I'm not sure there's a problem. Dove le ha arrestate? Where did you arrest them? Where did you arrest them? Posso lasciare un messaggio? Can I leave a message? Can I leave a message? Non dovresti mangiare questo. You shouldn't eat this. You shouldn't eat this. Può non avere finito i suoi compiti. She may not have finished her homework. He may not have finished his homework. Oggi sono occupato. I am busy today. I'm busy today. Sa cucinare bene il riso? Do you know how to cook rice well? Can you cook rice well? Parlate molto bene il francese. You speak French very well. You speak French very well. Tutti li stanno osservando. Everyone is watching them. Everyone's watching them. Io ero un allenatore di pallacanestro una volta. I was a basketball coach at one time. I was a basketball coach once. Noi siamo preoccupati per il nonno e la nonna. We are worried about grandpa and grandma. We're worried about Grandpa and Grandma. Mary è agorafobica. Mary is agoraphobic. Mary is agoraphobic. Che tipo di insegnante volete essere? What kind of teacher do you want to be? What kind of teacher do you want to be? Deve essere stato rubato. It must have been stolen. It must have been stolen. Penso che stiate facendo un ottimo lavoro. I think you're doing a great job. I think you're doing a great job. Lascia che ti aiuti a mettere la giacca. Let me help you put on your coat. Let me help you put your jacket on. Perché non vieni a trovarmi domani? Why not come and see me tomorrow? Why don't you come see me tomorrow? Sto litigando con il mio amico. I'm arguing with my friend. I'm fighting with my friend. Lei non ha molto denaro. She does not have much money. You don't have much money. A me piace veramente Tom. I really like Tom. I really like Tom. Io non parlai con Tom. I didn't speak to Tom. I didn't talk to Tom. Le vostre labbra sono blu. Your lips are blue. Your lips are blue. Tom ha provato a farmi indossare un kilt. Tom tried to get me to wear a kilt. Tom tried to get me to wear a kilt. Non sembra essere felice. You don't seem to be happy. He doesn't seem to be happy. Perché Tom ti piace così tanto? Why do you like Tom so much? Why do you like Tom so much? Abbiamo giocato eccezionalmente bene. We played exceptionally well. We played exceptionally well. Sami ha lavorato lì per sei mesi. Sami worked there for six months. Sami worked there for six months. Sono cresciuta in una famiglia povera. I grew up in a poor family. I grew up in a poor family. Io ho appena venduto la mia macchina a Tom. I just sold my car to Tom. I just sold my car to Tom. Io spero che Tom abbia fatto quello che gli abbiamo detto di fare. I hope Tom did what we told him to do. I hope Tom did what we told him to do. Il mio stomaco brontola. My stomach is grumbling. My stomach is grumpy. Perché non può essere più come Tom? Why can't you be more like Tom? Why can't he be like Tom anymore? La lepre è stata superata dalla testuggine. The hare was overtaken by the tortoise. The hare was surpassed by the tortoise. Io non ho calze pulite. I don't have any clean socks. I don't have clean socks. Io sto cercando di proteggerla. I'm trying to protect her. I'm trying to protect her. Il nostro lavoro qui è finito. Our work here is almost done. Our work here is done. Capire le battute è soggettivo. Understanding jokes is subjective. Understanding jokes is subjective. Mary spruzzò dell'acqua in faccia a Tom. Mary dashed water in Tom's face. Mary sprayed water in Tom's face. Sami arrivò. Sami arrived. Sami arrived. Mary è fidanzata con Tom. Mary is engaged to Tom. Mary is engaged to Tom. Le circostanze non mi hanno permesso di aiutarti. Circumstances did not permit me to help you. The circumstances didn't allow me to help you. Sia Tom che Mary erano sorpresi. Tom and Mary were both surprised. Both Tom and Mary were surprised. Per favore, torna dentro. Please go back inside. Please go back inside. Non mi arrenderò, Tom. I won't give up, Tom. I won't give up, Tom. Tutti i cigni sono bianchi. All swans are white. All swans are white. Tom è un numismatico. Tom is a numismatist. Tom is a numismatic. Dovrete venire qui. You'll have to come here. You're gonna have to come here. Ha ignorato il consiglio di suo padre. He ignored his father's advice. He ignored his father's advice. Non sei in grado di nuotare, vero? You aren't able to swim, are you? You can't swim, can you? Tu mi ameresti ancora se non fossi un lupo mannaro? Would you still love me if I wasn't a werewolf? Would you still love me if you weren't a werewolf? Io sono piuttosto debole in questo momento. I'm pretty weak right now. I'm pretty weak right now. Questo lavoro richiede delle abilità specifiche. This work demands specific abilities. This job requires specific skills. Non deve suonare. You must not play. You don't have to play. Lui sa come interrogare le persone. He knows how to interrogate people. He knows how to question people. Sabato viene prima di domenica. Saturday comes before Sunday. Saturday comes before Sunday. Tom si aspettava di più. Tom expected more. Tom expected more. Potete dimostrarlo? Can you prove it? Can you prove it? Ramudu è venuto. Ramudu came. Ramudu came. Portatele con voi. Bring them along. Take them with you. Quel negozio ha dovuto ridurre i propri prezzi. That store had to reduce their prices. That store had to reduce its prices. Mi esplode la testa. My head is exploding. My head explodes. Lui è un musicologo. He's a musicologist. He's a musicologist. A me piacciono gli uomini. I like men. I like men. Ken fece un regalo a Tom. Ken offered Tom a gift. Ken gave Tom a gift. Nessuno l'ha chiesto a Mary. Nobody asked Mary. Nobody asked Mary. Non ho ancora visto Tom oggi. I haven't seen Tom yet today. I haven't seen Tom yet today. Tu sembri curioso. You look curious. You seem curious. Voglio essere sicuro che Tom sia innocente. I want to be sure Tom is innocent. I want to make sure Tom is innocent. Verrà perso tutto adesso. Everything will be lost now. Everything will be lost now. Hai della bresaola? Do you have dried salted beef? Do you have any Bresaola? Sono qui per cercare Tom. I'm here looking for Tom. I'm here to find Tom. L'uomo si sveglia. The man awakens. The man wakes up. Ciao, mi chiamo Tom! Hi, my name's Tom! Hi, my name is Tom! Come state oggi? How are you today? How are you today? Puoi restare con noi. You can stay with us. You can stay with us. Io penso che Tom ci odi. I think Tom hates us. I think Tom hates us. Questa parole è difficile. This word is difficult. That's a hard word. Non sono tutte povere. They are not all poor. They're not all poor. Napoleone Bonaparte aveva paura dei gatti neri. Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of black cats. Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid of black cats. Tom le odia. Tom hates them. Tom hates them. Se n'è andato da lì. He left from there. He's gone from there. Lo avete visto? Did you see him? Did you see him? Questo è difficile per me. This is hard for me. This is hard for me. Lui legge prima di dormire. He reads before bedtime. He reads before he sleeps. Lui parla molto bene il giapponese. He speaks Japanese very well. He speaks Japanese very well. Devi credermi. Sono innocente! You have to believe me. I'm innocent! You have to believe me, I'm innocent! Mi sta offrendo un lavoro? Are you offering me a job? Are you offering me a job? Ho visto Michel la settimana scorsa. È stato ammalato per una settimana. I saw Michel last week. He'd been sick for a week. I saw Michel last week, he was sick for a week. Che fai domani? What are you doing tomorrow? What are you doing tomorrow? Tom prima o poi si farà vivo. Tom will turn up sooner or later. Tom will show up eventually. Il latte è un buon alimento. Milk is a good beverage. Milk is a good food. C'è molta gente nel parco. There are many people in the park. There's a lot of people in the park. È ancora arrabbiata, vero? You're still mad, aren't you? She's still mad, isn't she? Quindi quest'uomo è vostro amico? So is this man your friend? So this man is your friend? Io non la incolpo. I don't blame her. I don't blame her. Sono tanto felice per voi! I am very happy for you! I'm so happy for you! Tom sapeva che Mary non era amichevole. Tom knew that Mary wasn't friendly. Tom knew Mary wasn't friendly. Tom, stavo giusto pensando a te. Tom, I was just thinking about you. Tom, I was just thinking about you. A Mike piace giocare a pallacanestro. Mike likes to play basketball. Mike likes to play basketball. Lo pugnalò con un coltello. She stabbed him with a knife. He stabbed him with a knife. Sia gentile con lei. Be kind to her. Be nice to her. Squillò. It rang. He rang. La luce non è meno necessaria alle piante dell'acqua. Light is no less necessary to plants than water. Light is no less necessary for water plants. Tom è molto preoccupato. Tom is very worried. Tom is very worried. Tom ha un odore terribile. Tom smells horrible. Tom smells terrible. Che cosa fate questa estate? What are you doing this summer? What are you doing this summer? Qual è il tuo cognome, Tom? What's your last name, Tom? What's your last name, Tom? Loro sono da soli ora. They're now alone. They're on their own now. Non so se dovrei dirglielo. I don't know if I should tell him. I don't know if I should tell him. Venga in Albania, facciamo sempre del buon caffè lì. Come to Albania, we always make good coffee there. Come to Albania, we always make good coffee there. È addormentata nella sua camera da letto. She's asleep in her bedroom. She's asleep in her bedroom. È successo qualcosa alla mia macchina. Something has happened to my car. Something happened to my car. Tom vive vicino alla diga. Tom lives near the dike. Tom lives near the dam. Pensavo di essere da solo. I thought I was alone. I thought I was alone. Oggi è il 18 giugno ed è il compleanno di Muiriel! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Non siamo saliti sul treno. We didn't get on the train. We didn't get on the train. Questo è molto difficile per Tom. This is very difficult for Tom. This is very difficult for Tom. L'ho aiutata a sparecchiare la tavola. I helped her clear the table. I helped her clear the table. Le conoscerò a Boston. I'll meet them in Boston. I'll meet them in Boston. Tom non sa niente sul crescere i bambini. Tom doesn't know anything about raising children. Tom doesn't know anything about raising children. Mi ricordo tutto. I remember everything. I remember everything. Lui si ricorda di voi. He remembers you. He remembers you. Tom è un pianista. Tom is a pianist. Tom is a pianist. Potete dirlo a loro. You can tell them. You can tell them. Lei è molto bella. You're very beautiful. She's very beautiful. Sapeva che su questa montagna vivevano delle volpi? Did you know that some foxes lived on this mountain? Did you know that foxes lived on this mountain? Tom continua a non piacermi. I still don't like Tom. I still don't like Tom. Con mio disappunto la sua lettera non è arrivata. To my disappointment, his letter didn't come. To my disappointment, your letter did not arrive. Sei impegnata domani pomeriggio? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Are you busy tomorrow afternoon? Cosa avremo per cena stasera? What will we have for dinner tonight? What are we gonna have for dinner tonight? Tom non mentirebbe a Mary. Tom wouldn't lie to Mary. Tom wouldn't lie to Mary. Il refettorio è già aperto? Is the cafeteria open yet? Is the refectory already open? Ti consiglio di smettere di bere. I advise you to give up drinking. I suggest you stop drinking. Perché non rimani qui? Why don't you stay there? Why don't you stay here? Il denaro sul tavolo non è il mio. The money on the table isn't mine. The money on the table isn't mine. Noi non lo rischieremo. We're not going to risk that. We won't risk it. Per quanto tempo sei stato innamorato di Tom? How long have you been in love with Tom? How long were you in love with Tom? Ha molto dolore? Are you in much pain? Are you in a lot of pain? Preghiamo per la pace. We pray for peace. Let us pray for peace. Io non ho mai incontrato i genitori di Tom. I've never met Tom's parents. I never met Tom's parents. Tom è il protetto di Mary. Tom is Mary's protege. Tom is Mary's protégé. Tom non è ricco come la gente pensa che sia. Tom isn't as rich as people think he is. Tom isn't as rich as people think he is. Hanno nuotato controcorrente. They swam against the stream. They swam against the current. È particolare. You're particular. It's peculiar. È andato a Boston, giusto? You went to Boston, right? He went to Boston, right? È bravo a tenere i segreti? Are you good at keeping secrets? Are you good at keeping secrets? Posso essere lì in 30 minuti. I can be there in 30 minutes. I can be there in 30 minutes. Lei mi ama. Ma io non amo lei. She loves me. But I do not love her. She loves me, but I don't love her. Quanti poliziotti ci sono? How many cops are there? How many cops are there? Quanto vi paga Tom? How much does Tom pay you? How much does Tom pay you? È venuto a trovarmi fin dal Pakistan. He came to see me all the way from Pakistan. He's been visiting me since Pakistan. Tom ci prese tutto. Tom took everything from us. Tom took everything from us. A che ora ti alzi di solito? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? Lo sentì. He heard it. He heard it. Uno ad uno, i membri ci hanno detto della loro strana esperienza. One by one, the members told us about their strange experience. One by one, the members told us about their strange experience. Avete ventiquattr'ore. You've got 24 hours. You have 24 hours. L'ho incontrato. I met him. I met him. Il quadrato dell'ipotenusa è pari alla somma dei quadrati degli altri due lati. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. A me piace l'uva, però non riesco a mangiarne troppa. I like grapes, but I can't eat too many of them. I like grapes, but I can't eat too much. Ma ora abito a Tokyo. But now I live in Tokyo. But now I live in Tokyo. Torniamo tutte al lavoro. Let's all get back to work. Let's all get back to work. Io so già il vostro segreto. I already know your secret. I already know your secret. Non è il problema. That's not the problem. That's not the problem. Non ho bisogno di un dottore. I don't need a doctor. I don't need a doctor. Provavamo. We tried. We tried. Ero abbastanza ignorante sul fatto. I was quite ignorant of the fact. I was pretty ignorant about it. Questa lingua ha molti casi. This language has many cases. This language has many cases. Giusto? Right? Right? Io ho grandi speranze per lei. I have high hopes for her. I have high hopes for you. La smetta di girare attorno al punto e mi dica cos'è successo. Stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened. Stop turning around and tell me what happened. State zitti! State parlando troppo. Shut up! You're talking too much. You're talking too much. Digli che mi dispiace. Tell him that I'm sorry. Tell him I'm sorry. Tom ci ha mostrato una foto di sua madre. Tom showed us a picture of his mother. Tom showed us a picture of his mother. Il criminale venne mandato al patibolo. The criminal was sent to the gallows. The criminal was sent to the scaffold. Lei è uscita ieri sera? Did you go out last night? Did you go out last night? Bill tornerà la settimana prossima. Bill will return next week. Bill's coming back next week. Non mi fido di me stessa. I don't trust myself. I don't trust myself. Ho trascorso tutta la notte a lavorare su questo rapporto. I spent all night working on this report. I spent all night working on this report. Tom non è più arrabbiato con voi. Tom isn't mad at you anymore. Tom isn't angry with you anymore. Perché siete così intelligenti? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Tom è un padre ora. Tom is a father now. Tom is a father now. Chiamerò la polizia! I'll call the police. I'll call the police! Non mi lasciate da sola con loro. Don't leave me alone with them. Don't leave me alone with them. Le hai pagate quelle scarpe? Did you pay for those shoes? Did you pay for those shoes? Nessuno investe nel mio paese. Nobody invests in my country. Nobody invests in my country. Da che pulpito viene la predica! The pot calls the kettle black! From what pulpit comes the sermon! Ehi, è pazzo? Hey, are you crazy? Hey, are you crazy? Io sono Nana. Sono la figlia di Hideki Yamauchi. I'm Nana. I'm Hideki Yamauchi's daughter. I'm Nana, I'm Hideki Yamauchi's daughter. Tom ha cominciato a camminare verso di loro. Tom began walking toward them. Tom started walking toward them. Sono già andato dal macellaio questa mattina. I already went to the butcher's shop this morning. I went to the butcher's this morning. I vostri capelli sono belli. Your hair is pretty. Your hair is beautiful. Io sarò qui da lunedì a giovedì. I will be here from Monday to Thursday. I'll be here from Monday to Thursday. Tom era infastidito. Tom was annoyed. Tom was annoyed. Non parlerò con lui. I'm not going to talk to him. I won't talk to him. Avete imbrogliato. You cheated. You cheated. La crisi dei debiti non è finita. The debt crisis is not over. The debt crisis is not over. Io singhiozzo molto. I hiccup a lot. I hiccup a lot. Imparò il russo quando era giovane. He learned Russian when he was young. He learned Russian when he was young. Verrai con me, vero? Come with me, will you? You're coming with me, aren't you? Le donne sembrano apprezzarlo per qualche motivo. Women seem to like him for some reason. Women seem to appreciate it for some reason. Non possiamo lavorare in queste condizioni. We can't work under these conditions. We can't work like this. A che ora vi siete alzate stamattina? What time did you get up this morning? What time did you get up this morning? Io non riuscivo a gestirlo. I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle it. Dove sei diretta? Where are you headed for? Where are you headed? Tom si sta emozionando. Tom is getting excited. Tom is getting excited. Sarebbe probabilmente una buona idea. It would probably be a good idea. That would probably be a good idea. Avete imparato il numero a memoria? Have you learned the number by heart? Did you learn the number by heart? Lei preferisce il francese al tedesco. She prefers French to German. She prefers French to German. Non mi piace cantare in pubblico. I don't like to sing in public. I don't like to sing in public. Le sue critiche del popolo tailandese non corrispondono affatto all'esperienza che ne ho io. His criticism of the Thai people doesn't jibe at all with my experience of them. Your criticism of the Thai people does not correspond at all to my experience. Io non l'ho mai suggerito. I never suggested that. I never suggested it. Mary e il suo amico si sono fatti un selfie assieme. Mary and her friend took a selfie together. Mary and her friend took a selfie together. Tom non vuole essere come me. Tom doesn't want to be like me. Tom doesn't want to be like me. Leggi questo libro stasera? Are you reading this book tonight? Are you reading this book tonight? Pensava che io fossi un dottore. She thought that I was a doctor. He thought I was a doctor. Non avete quasi finito qua? Aren't you almost done here? Aren't you almost done here? Non è lui oggi. He is not himself today. It's not him today. Lei piangeva mentre leggeva la lettera. She cried as she read the letter. She cried while reading the letter. Lui la stava guardando. He was looking at her. He was watching her. Le loro campagne vengono finanziate dal governo. Their campaigns are financed by the government. Their campaigns are financed by the government. Ama il giardinaggio. He loves gardening. He loves gardening. Non vantarti troppo per questo. Don't boast too much about that. Don't brag too much about it. Alcune di esse sono rosse; altre sono marroni. Some of them are red; others are brown. Some of them are red; others are brown. I fiori hanno un odore così buono. The flowers smell so good. Flowers smell so good. Lui stesso si è rifiutato di parlarle. He himself refused to talk to her. He himself refused to talk to her. Ho un cugino avvocato. I have a cousin who is a lawyer. I have a cousin lawyer. Forse posso aiutare. Perhaps I can help. Maybe I can help. Non mi sono mai sentita a mio agio nell'azienda di mio padre. I never felt at ease in my father's company. I've never felt comfortable in my father's company. Natsume Soseki è uno dei migliori scrittori in Giappone. Natsume Soseki is one of the best writers in Japan. Natsume Soseki is one of the best writers in Japan. State andando molto bene. You're doing very well. You're doing very well. Non lasci la stanza. Don't leave the room. Don't leave the room. Ci sono buone probabilità che lui vinca. There is a good chance that he will win. There's a good chance he's gonna win. Provate ad andare più lentamente. Try to go slower. Try to go slower. Non dimenticate di portare utensili da cucina come coltelli e pentole per cucinare. Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. Do not forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. Li ho già visti qua. I've seen them here before. I've seen them here before. Le piace davvero la torta. She really likes cake. She really likes cake. La licenzierò. I'll fire her. I'll fire you. Se l'avessi saputo ve l'avrei detto. If I had known about it, I would have told you. If I had known, I would have told you. Kuala Lumpur vale una visita. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting. Kuala Lumpur is worth a visit. La smetta di guardare quella ragazza. Stop looking at that girl. Stop looking at that girl. Non pioverà questa sera. It is not going to rain this evening. It won't rain tonight. È scoraggiante. That's discouraging. It's daunting. Non mi aspettavo qualcosa del genere. I didn't expect something like that. I didn't expect anything like that. Non sta facendo nulla? Aren't you doing anything? You're not doing anything? Bene, prendetela. Well, take it. All right, take it. Non ha lavoro, è pensionato. He doesn't have a job. He's retired. He doesn't have a job, he's retired. Tom vive qua vicino. Tom lives near here. Tom lives nearby. Io non perderò tempo. I'm not going to waste time. I won't waste any time. Siete sleali. You're disloyal. You're disloyal. L'arabo è una lingua molto importante. Arabic is a very important language. Arabic is a very important language. Tom vuole vendetta. Tom wants vengeance. Tom wants revenge. Sono stata più impegnata dei due ragazzi. I have been busier than the two boys. I've been more busy than the two guys. Tom non sa che cosa sta succedendo qui. Tom doesn't know what's been happening here. Tom doesn't know what's going on here. Il gatto è sdraiato sul tavolo. The cat is on the table. The cat is lying on the table. Passeresti il sale, per piacere? Would you pass the salt, please? Would you pass the salt, please? La ragazza ha lasciato in libertà l'uccello. The girl let the bird loose. The girl left the bird free. Tom sembra ansioso. Tom seems apprehensive. Tom seems anxious. Tom probabilmente sarà ancora arrabbiato. Tom will probably still be mad. Tom will probably still be angry. Sono orgoglioso di essere canadese. I'm proud to be a Canadian. I'm proud to be Canadian. Siamo andati a fare shopping a Shibuya ieri. We went shopping in Shibuya yesterday. We went shopping in Shibuya yesterday. Non può più camminare. He can't walk any more. He can't walk anymore. Ha perso di nuovo il suo ombrello. He lost his umbrella again. He lost his umbrella again. Tom sta coprendo qualcosa con la sua mano destra. Tom's covering something with his right hand. Tom is covering something with his right hand. Io non riesco a uscire a giocare oggi. I can't come out and play today. I can't go out and play today. Devo parlarti stanotte. I need to talk to you tonight. I need to talk to you tonight. Avremo bisogno di più di quello. We'll need more than that. We're gonna need more than that. Tom sarà qui tra meno di un'ora. Tom will be here in less than an hour. Tom will be here in less than an hour. Quanto spesso visita Boston? How often do you visit Boston? How often do you visit Boston? Tienila lontana da me. Keep her away from me. Keep her away from me. Non scordare di prendere un ombrello. Don't forget to take an umbrella. Don't forget to take an umbrella. Tom è uno dei miei studenti migliori. Tom is one of my best students. Tom is one of my best students. Perché non avete portato il vostro cappello oggi? Why didn't you bring your hat today? Why didn't you bring your hat today? Mangi più proteine. Eat more protein. Eat more protein. Tom dice che spera che Mary lo faccia. Tom says he hopes that Mary does that. Tom says he hopes Mary will do that. Lui ha guardato le ragazze giocare a tennis. He watched the girls playing tennis. He watched the girls play tennis. Lei è russa. She is Russian. She's Russian. Sembra che io abbia commesso molti errori. It looks like I made a lot of mistakes. Looks like I've made a lot of mistakes. Questo è irregolare. This is irregular. This is irregular. Gli ho detto quello che hai fatto. I told him what you did. I told him what you did. Era doloroso. It was painful. It was painful. Io non merito il tuo amore. I don't deserve your love. I don't deserve your love. Tom era a Boston per tutto il weekend. Tom was in Boston all weekend. Tom was in Boston all weekend. Dove sono i genitori di Tom? Where are Tom's parents? Where are Tom's parents? Sami ha imparato l'arabo al Cairo. Sami learned Arabic in Cairo. Sami learned Arabic in Cairo. Dove li avete truffati? Where did you swindle them? Where did you cheat them? Le ho detto che ero d'accordo con lei. I told her I agreed with her. I told her I agreed with her. Posso portare questo a lui. I can take this to him. I can take this to him. Tom ha annunciato che stava lasciando il calcio. Tom announced that he was quitting football. Tom announced that he was quitting soccer. Esattamente quando sei arrivata qui? When exactly did you get here? Exactly when did you get here? Tom non negozierebbe. Tom wouldn't negotiate. Tom wouldn't negotiate. È un contadino. He is a farmer. He's a farmer. Sembra che voi abbiate cambiato completamente stanza. It looks like you changed the whole room. Looks like you've completely changed your room. Sono l'unica che si sente in questo modo? Am I the only one that feels this way? Am I the only one who feels that way? Ho visto un documentario molto interessante ieri. I saw a very interesting documentary yesterday. I saw a very interesting documentary yesterday. Mi serve un'ambulanza. I need an ambulance. I need an ambulance. Sono alto come lei. I'm as tall as you. I'm as tall as you are. Oggi è lunedì. It is Monday today. Today is Monday. Qualcuno mi ha afferrato da dietro. Someone grabbed me from behind. Someone grabbed me from behind. Io non ci credo. I don't believe that. I don't believe it. Io ammiro la vostra determinazione. I admire your determination. I admire your determination. Dica loro che sono dovuto partire. Tell them I had to leave. Tell them I had to leave. Perché non è a Boston? Why aren't you in Boston? Why isn't he in Boston? I piloti collaudarono le loro pistole. The pilots tested their guns. The pilots tested their guns. Tom canta in un coro. Tom sings in a choir. Tom sings in a choir. Io sarei preoccupato se fossi in te. I'd be worried if I were you. I'd be worried if I were you. Io non ho trovato Tom. I didn't find Tom. I didn't find Tom. Posso unirmi alla squadra? Can I join the team? Can I join the team? Dov'è stato trovato il corpo? Where was the body found? Where was the body found? Tom ha problemi a svegliarsi in orario. Tom has trouble waking up on time. Tom has trouble waking up on time. Mary sa molte cose. Mary knows many things. Mary knows a lot. Sto già facendo qualcosa a riguardo. I'm already doing something about it. I'm already doing something about it. Voi avete mai visto Tom piangere? Have you ever seen Tom cry? Have you ever seen Tom cry? Perché vai a piedi quando hai una macchina? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why are you walking when you have a car? Qual era la risposta di Tom? What was Tom's reply? What was Tom's answer? Allora, cosa fareste? So, what would you do? So, what would you do? Perché sei tornato da Boston? Why did you come back from Boston? Why did you come back from Boston? Io vorrei avere molti più soldi. I wish I had a lot more money. I wish I had a lot more money. Guardi quel fumo. Quell'edificio dev'essere in fiamme. Look at that smoke. That building must be on fire. Look at that smoke, that building must be on fire. Non volevo abitare a Boston. I didn't want to live in Boston. I didn't want to live in Boston. Chi gliel'ha detto? Who said that to you? Who told you that? Abbiamo filiali ovunque. We have branches everywhere. We have branches everywhere. Lei è mia amica. You're my friend. She's my friend. Lui è bravo a basket. He is good at basketball. He's good at basketball. In quel villaggio rimane solo una famiglia. In that village only one family remains. There's only one family left in that village. Quanti dolcetti ha comprato? How much candy did you buy? How many candy did you buy? Penso che Shintaro parli bene in inglese. I think that Shintaro speaks English well. I think Shintaro speaks English well. L'ho scritta per lei. I wrote it for her. I wrote it for her. Ho dimenticato di spegnere la TV. I forgot to turn off the TV. I forgot to turn off the TV. Avete abbracciato Mary. You hugged Mary. You hugged Mary. Tom sparò al piccione d'argilla. Tom shot the clay pigeon. Tom shot at the clay pigeon. Non capisco e non sono abituato a non capire. Per favore, spiegatela ancora una volta. I don't understand and I'm not used to not understanding. Please explain it once more. I don't understand, and I'm not used to not understanding. Quando le hai viste? When did you see them? When did you see them? Quanto dista da qui al mare? How far is it from here to the sea? How far is it from here to the beach? Il francese di Tom è migliorato? Has Tom's French improved? Has Tom's French improved? Volevo che la vedeste. I wanted you to see it. I wanted you to see her. È quello che ha chiesto a Tom di aiutare? Are you the one who asked Tom to help? Is that what you asked Tom to help? Devo soltanto scoprire il perché. I just need to find out why. I just need to find out why. Tom sa parlare francese quasi bene come Mary. Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can. Tom can speak French almost as well as Mary can. Perché avete deciso di non andare in Australia? Why did you decide not to go to Australia? Why did you decide not to go to Australia? Quasi nessuno è disoccupato adesso. Almost nobody is unemployed now. Almost no one is unemployed now. Ho lasciato i soldi a sua disposizione. I left the money at his disposal. I left the money at your disposal. Qualcuno qui sa come fare ciò? Does someone here know how to do this? Does anyone here know how to do this? In Giappone ora sono le tre del mattino. In Japan, it's now 3:00 a.m. It's three o'clock in the morning in Japan. Questo è il mio indirizzo di posta elettronica. This is my email address. This is my e-mail address. Non mi aspettavo nulla. I didn't expect anything. I didn't expect anything. Io sarò nel mio ufficio. I'll be in my office. I'll be in my office. La pizza è pronta. The pizza's ready. Pizza's ready. Sta venendo dentro aria fresca. Fresh air is blowing in. It's coming in fresh air. Tom non è da incolpare. Tom is not to blame. Tom isn't to blame. Tom ha detto che sembravo infastidito. Tom said that I looked annoyed. Tom said I looked annoyed. Dopo di te. After you. After you. Sono americane? Are they American? Are they American? Tom odia la cucina di Mary. Tom hates Mary's cooking. Tom hates Mary's kitchen. Lei ha dato una mela a Tom. She gave an apple to Tom. She gave Tom an apple. Non so quale bambina sia la tua. I don't know which child is yours. I don't know what child yours is. Venite rapidamente. Come quickly. Come quickly. Io sono molto orgoglioso del lavoro che ho scelto da solo. I'm very proud of the job I chose myself. I'm very proud of the work I've chosen on my own. Tu non mi puoi controllare. You can't control me. You can't control me. C'è un gruppo di persone che non sono d'accordo. There is a group of people who don't agree. There is a group of people who disagree. Sei davvero sporco. You're really dirty. You're really dirty. Lei l'ha fatta. She has done it. She did it. Sono troppo impegnato per vederla. I'm too busy to see her. I'm too busy to see her. Non dica nulla. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Ma lei è innocente! But she's innocent! But you're innocent! Mi spiegheresti quel diagramma? Would you explain that chart to me? Would you explain that diagram to me? Signorina, ci sono delle camere disponibili per stasera? Miss, are there any available rooms for tonight? Miss, are there any rooms available for tonight? Ho dovuto aiutarlo. I had to help him. I had to help him. Tom non dovrebbe avere rimpianti. Tom should have no regrets. Tom shouldn't have regrets. Erano l'incubo degli anziani. They were the nightmare of the elderly. They were the old people's nightmare. Mary non è la mia morosa. È soltanto un'amica. Mary isn't my girlfriend. She's just a friend. Mary is not my girlfriend. She's just a friend. I suoi lunghi capelli erano completamente bagnati. Her long hair was completely wet. Her long hair was completely wet. Lei non lo ha visto. You have not seen him. You didn't see him. Lei è molto gradito. You are very welcome. You're very welcome. Dobbiamo raggiungere il nostro obiettivo ad ogni costo. We must achieve our aim at any price. We must achieve our goal at all costs. Penso che avrei dovuto aiutarla. I think I should've helped her. I think I should have helped her. Ti ricordi cos'hai detto? Do you remember what you said? Do you remember what you said? Per favore, mi ricordi l'orario della riunione. Please remind me of the time of the meeting. Please remind me of the time of the meeting. Voi avete mai visitato Roma? Have you ever visited Rome? Have you ever visited Rome? Eravamo delusi. We were disappointed. We were disappointed. Tom disse che gli servivano un po' di contanti. Tom said he needed some cash. Tom said he needed some cash. Sono a favore. I'm for that. I'm in favour. Sto solo provando a trovarla. I'm just trying to find her. I'm just trying to find her. Lo so come si scrive. I know how it is written. I know how to spell it. Sembro stanco? Do I look tired? Do I look tired? Il problema è che realizzare il suo piano costerebbe troppo. The trouble is that your plan would be too expensive to carry out. The problem is that realizing your plan would cost too much. Lui sta raramente a casa la domenica. He rarely stays home on Sunday. He rarely stays home on Sundays. Non sarà pronta. You won't be ready. She won't be ready. Mi piace di più il pane che il riso. I like bread more than rice. I like bread better than rice. Lei cosa intende fare quest'estate? What do you plan to do this summer? What are you going to do this summer? Tom trascorre la maggior parte del suo tempo libero a leggere fumetti. Tom spends most of his free time reading comics. Tom spends most of his spare time reading comic books. Abbiamo bisogno della pioggia. We need rain. We need the rain. È mio cugino? Are you my cousin? Is he my cousin? Abbiamo fatto molto. We've done a lot. We've done a lot. Penso che Tom e Mary siano troppo emotivi. I think Tom and Mary are overemotional. I think Tom and Mary are too emotional. L'ho scritto lo scorso lunedì sera. I wrote that last Monday evening. I wrote it last Monday night. Penso che faremmo meglio a informare Tom. I think we'd better inform Tom. I think we'd better inform Tom. Vorremmo ancora parlare con Tom. We'd still like to speak with Tom. We still want to talk to Tom. "Lo metterai su Kongregate?" "Sì, c'è un periodo di due settimane in cui il gioco sarà disponibile soltanto su Armor Games, visto che lo sponsorizzano, ma subito dopo lo caricherò su Kongregate." "Are you going to put this on Kongregate?" "Yes, there is a two-week period where the game will only be available on Armor Games since they're sponsoring it, but I will upload it to Kongregate after that." "Will you put it on Kongregate?" "Yes, there is a two-week period in which the game will only be available on Armor Games, since they sponsor it, but soon after I will load it on Kongregate." Siamo andate al giardino botanico. We went to the botanical garden. We went to the botanical garden. Poiché ero stanco, andai a dormire. Since I was tired, I went to bed. Because I was tired, I went to sleep. Seul è la capitale della Corea del Sud. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. Lei viene? Are you coming? Are you coming? Questa è la vostra prima visita? Is this your first visit? Is this your first visit? Partecipo a molti eventi. I attend a lot of events. I attend many events. Ora, da dove siete arrivate? Now, where did you come from? Now, where did you come from? È corretto? Is that correct? Is that correct? Sa parlare shanghainese? Can you speak Shanghainese? Can you speak Shanghainese? Dovremmo essere là ad aiutarli. We should be there helping them. We should be there to help them. Dan e Linda trascorsero l'estate assieme. Dan and Linda spent the summer together. Dan and Linda spent the summer together. Va bene se resto qui? Is it OK if I stay here? Is it okay if I stay here? Io non l'ho ucciso. I didn't kill him. I didn't kill him. Grazie di essere in orario. Thanks for being on time. Thanks for being on time. Parlerai con loro? Are you going to talk to them? Will you talk to them? L'accento di questa parola è sulla seconda sillaba. The accent of this word is on the second syllable. The accent of this word is on the second syllable. Io sto solamente aspettando Tom. I'm just waiting for Tom. I'm just waiting for Tom. Le ragioni del nostro fallimento sono le seguenti. The reasons for our failure are as follows. The reasons for our failure are as follows. Ti sei ricordata di passare in biblioteca? Did you remember to go to the library? Did you remember to stop by the library? Le dimensioni non contano. Size does not matter. Size doesn't matter. Lui è arrivato con un'ora di ritardo, il che mi ha infastidita molto. He arrived an hour late, which annoyed me very much. He arrived an hour late, which annoyed me very much. Tom scrive bene. Tom writes well. Tom writes well. Ha paura del cane. He is afraid of the dog. He's afraid of the dog. Tom ha un impiego molto stressante. Tom has a very stressful job. Tom has a very stressful job. Perché Tom è agitato? Why is Tom upset? Why is Tom upset? Ha non meno di dieci bambini. She has no less than ten children. She has no less than ten children. Mi serve una sedia più grande. I need a bigger chair. I need a bigger chair. Io non voglio che Tom si ammali. I don't want Tom to get sick. I don't want Tom to get sick. Quanti regali ricevono gli sposi? How many presents do the newlyweds get? How many gifts do the bride and groom get? Loro non sono soldati. They're not soldiers. They're not soldiers. Il suo gatto è grasso. Your cat is fat. His cat is fat. Gli alcali neutralizzano gli acidi. Alkalis neutralize acids. The alkalis neutralize the acids. Riesci a rifarlo per me? Can you re-do it for me? Can you do it again for me? Loro attraversarono l'Oceano Atlantico. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Sono passati dieci giorni da quando il mio fidanzato è andato in prigione. It's been 10 days since my boyfriend went to jail. It's been ten days since my boyfriend went to prison. Svegliatela. Wake her up. Wake her up. Ho scelto di insegnare il berbero. I chose to teach Berber. I chose to teach Berber. Tom ha seguito il mio consiglio. Tom followed my advice. Tom took my advice. Sono nel pozzo. They're in the well. I'm in the well. Tom non sa guidare una macchina. Tom can't drive a car. Tom can't drive a car. Tom non poteva cantare le note alte. Tom couldn't sing the high notes. Tom couldn't sing the high notes. Pensiamo che sia molto pericoloso che stiate scalando la montagna da sole. We think it is very dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone. We think it's very dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone. Tom ha finalmente confessato. Tom finally confessed. Tom finally confessed. Noi siamo felici. We are happy. We're happy. Io mi sbrigherò. I'll hurry. I'll hurry. La incontrai a Londra per la prima volta. I met her in London for the first time. I met her in London for the first time. La sua spiegazione non è convincente. His explanation is unconvincing. Your explanation is not convincing. Lei non sta mangiando niente. You are not eating anything. She's not eating anything. Io avevo la tua età una volta. I was your age once. I was your age once. Studiate inglese? Do you study English? Do you study English? Un'auto ha colpito Tom. A car hit Tom. A car hit Tom. Mi incolpi per tutto. Blame me for everything. You blame me for everything. Sono scivolata e sono caduta dalle scale. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I slipped and fell down the stairs. Abbiamo imparato il francese. We learned French. We learned French. Tom non indosserà una cravatta. Tom won't be wearing a tie. Tom won't wear a tie. È abbastanza atletico. He is quite athletic. It's pretty athletic. Ho un'amica che è andata a scuola con Tom. I have a friend who went to school with Tom. I have a friend who went to school with Tom. Non l'hanno trovato. They didn't find it. They didn't find him. Loro sono nervosi. They're jittery. They're nervous. Tom stava leggendo il giornale. Tom was reading the newspaper. Tom was reading the newspaper. A che ora è abituata ad andare a letto? What time are you used to going to bed? What time are you used to going to bed? Perché non va ad aiutarli? Why don't you go help them? Why don't you go help them? Chiesi a Tom del suo impiego. I asked Tom about his job. I asked Tom about his job. Cosa ha fatto lui oggi? What did he do today? What did he do today? L'albero è malato. The tree is sick. The tree is sick. Tutto ciò che ho mangiato ieri è stato una mela. All I ate yesterday was one apple. Everything I ate yesterday was an apple. Tom negò di sapere qualcosa a riguardo. Tom denied knowing anything about it. Tom denied that he knew anything about it. Sanno cosa vogliono vedere. They know what they want to see. They know what they want to see. Andiamo a taccheggiare il supermercato. Let's go shoplift from the supermarket. Let's go shoplift the supermarket. Morì senza figli. She died childless. He died without children. Ho solo una cosa da chiederti. I have just one thing to ask of you. I just have one thing to ask you. Perché siete imbarazzati? Why are you embarrassed? Why are you embarrassed? Tom probabilmente non ha ancora fame. Tom probably isn't hungry yet. Tom is probably not hungry yet. Obiezione! Objection! Objection! Cosa vuoi fare per lavoro? What do you want to do for work? What do you want to do for work? Sappiamo che non l'avete uccisa. We know you didn't kill her. We know you didn't kill her. Lui ordinò una tazza di tè. He ordered a cup of tea. He ordered a cup of tea. Non è così economico. It's not so cheap. It's not that cheap. Dice che non smetterà di fumare. He says he will not give up smoking. He says he won't stop smoking. Cosa vuole? What do you want? What do you want? Loro sono spaventose. They're dreadful. They're scary. È ancora lì. It's still there. He's still there. Una delle tigri è fuggita dallo zoo. One of the tigers has escaped from the zoo. One of the tigers escaped from the zoo. Hai visto Tom questa mattina? Have you seen Tom this morning? Have you seen Tom this morning? Non voglio abitare con lei. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with her. Tutti sono concentrati. Everybody is focused. Everyone's focused. Lui era malato, quindi non poteva venire. He was sick, so he couldn't come. He was sick, so he couldn't come. Lei era felice con il vestito nuovo. She was happy with the new dress. She was happy in the new dress. Le due strade sono parallele. The two streets run parallel to one another. The two roads are parallel. È discretamente difficile farlo. It's fairly difficult to do that. It's pretty hard to do that. Lei diventa sempre più carina giorno dopo giorno. She gets prettier day by day. She gets prettier every day. L'ultima volta che ho visto Tom stava indossando uno smoking. The last time I saw Tom he was wearing a tuxedo. The last time I saw Tom was wearing a tuxedo. Voi siete impegnati oggi, vero? You're busy today, aren't you? You're busy today, aren't you? Tu dovresti andare a casa. You should go home. You should go home. Sono grassa? Am I fat? Am I fat? Noi speriamo che Tom non lo faccia. We hope Tom doesn't do that. We hope Tom doesn't do that. Devi assolutamente guardarlo. You absolutely must watch it. You have to look at him. Spende molti soldi in scarpe. She spends a lot of money on shoes. He spends a lot of money on shoes. Qual è la tua canzone folk australiana preferita? What's your favorite Australian folk song? What's your favorite Australian folk song? Non riesco davvero a ricordare i nomi delle persone, però non dimentico le facce. I really can't remember people's names, but I don't forget faces. I can't really remember people's names, but I don't forget faces. C'è un ristorante in albergo? Is there a restaurant in the hotel? Is there a restaurant at the hotel? Tom si tolse la giacca. Tom took his jacket off. Tom took off his jacket. Dammelo ora. Give it to me now. Give it to me now. Per cosa usi la tua macchina fotografica? What did you use your camera for? What do you use your camera for? Puoi pensare che gli animali riescano a dormire in qualsiasi posizione. You may think that animals can sleep in any position. You can think that animals can sleep in any position. Prova a farlo. Try and do that. Try it. Mi baciò sulla guancia. He kissed me on the cheek. He kissed me on the cheek. È malvagio da parte tua fare queste cose. It is wicked of you to do such things. It's evil of you to do these things. Chi pensa che l'abbia aiutato? Who do you think helped him? Who do you think helped him? A me è mancato così tanto viaggiare. I've missed travelling so much. I missed traveling so much. Noi dobbiamo indossare delle scarpe. We have to wear shoes. We have to wear shoes. Tom non è molto spontaneo, vero? Tom isn't very spontaneous, is he? Tom isn't very spontaneous, is he? Faremmo meglio a pensare a qualcosa. We'd better think of something. We'd better think of something. Tom chiuse il baule. Tom shut the trunk. Tom closed the trunk. Qualcosa spaventò Tom. Something frightened Tom. Something scared Tom. Tom è di qui, vero? Tom is from here, isn't he? Tom is from here, isn't he? I movimenti di questo robot sono sgraziati. The movements of this robot are awkward. The movements of this robot are ungracious. Il mio amico ha una grande famiglia. My friend has a large family. My friend has a big family. Potete abbassare il prezzo? Can you lower the price? Can you lower the price? Lei scambiò una tazza di tè per una bottiglia di vodka. She confused a cup of tea with a bottle of vodka. She exchanged a cup of tea for a bottle of vodka. Mi piacciono le bistecche a media cottura. I like my steak medium. I like steaks on medium cooking. Tom non mi ha vista. Tom didn't see me. Tom didn't see me. Non è niente. It's nothing. It's nothing. Ho chiesto a Nancy di stare a casa. I asked Nancy to stay at home. I asked Nancy to stay home. Verrò domani. I will come tomorrow. I'll come tomorrow. Sono sistematica. I'm methodical. I'm systematic. Non lo prendere in giro. Don't tease him. Don't make fun of him. L'anno scorso avevo cinque macchine. Last year I had five cars. I had five cars last year. Il sud dell'Italia si chiama il Mezzogiorno. The south of Italy is called the Mezzogiorno. The south of Italy is called the Mezzogiorno. Tom pensa che io sia geloso. Tom thinks I'm jealous. Tom thinks I'm jealous. Tom e Mary hanno fatto i loro compiti. Tom and Mary have done their homework. Tom and Mary did their homework. Dovresti dare a Tom un po' di spazio. You should give Tom some space. You should give Tom some space. Sumatra è un'isola. Sumatra is an island. Sumatra is an island. Sto imparando l'inglese con l'idea di andare in America. I am learning English with the idea of going to America. I'm learning English with the idea of going to America. Lei non ha mai chiesto il perché. You never asked why. She never asked why. Le uniche che mi piacciono in questo momento sono le sorelle italiane, però non vinceranno. Now the only ones I really like are the Italian sisters, but they won't win. The only ones I like right now are the Italian sisters, but they won't win. Imparare una lingua straniera richiede perseveranza. Learning a foreign language requires perseverance. Learning a foreign language requires endurance. Mi perdonerai? Will you forgive me? Will you forgive me? Perché sembra scontroso? Why does he look grumpy? Why does he look grumpy? Devo andare a casa ora. I must go home now. I have to go home now. Non mi sento bene. I feel unwell. I don't feel well. Spero che questo ne valga la pena. I hope this is worth it. I hope this is worth it. Tutto okay? Everything okay? You okay? Tom ha la mia età, o forse è un po' più giovane. Tom is my age, or maybe a little younger. Tom is my age, or maybe he's a little younger. La Terra è la nostra oasi nello spazio. Earth is our oasis in space. Earth is our oasis in space. Ci racconterà una storia? Will you tell us a story? Will you tell us a story? Tra me e te, non mi piace il nostro nuovo capitano della squadra. Between you and me, I don't like our new team captain. Between you and me, I don't like our new team captain. Lo vedo di tanto in tanto. I see him from time to time. I see him from time to time. Ho dimenticato tutto su di te. I forgot all about you. I forgot everything about you. Tu non sei ricco. You aren't rich. You're not rich. Penso di sapere come trovarli. I think I know how to find them. I think I know how to find them. Tom mi ha detto che tu eri sposata. Tom told me you were married. Tom told me you were married. Qual è il prezzo di questo? What's the price of this? What is the price of this? Lei è solo una mignotta. You are just a whore. She's just a whore. Lei è aggressiva. She is aggressive. She's aggressive. Chi ci crede? Who believes that? Who believes that? Lascerei un messaggio. I'd leave a message. I'd leave a message. Tu sai chi è. You know who he is. You know who he is. Lo sa cos'è la vivisezione? Do you know what vivisection is? Do you know what vivisection is? Non ne possiamo parlare con lui? Can't we tell him about it? Can't we talk to him about it? Li hai visti sul palco? Have you seen them on stage? Did you see them on stage? Ha dei sentimenti per Tom? Do you have feelings for Tom? Do you have feelings for Tom? Non dimenticatevi il denaro. Don't forget your money. Don't forget the money. Tom ha detto che vi conosceva. Tom said he knew you. Tom said he knew you. Ho dei piani per stasera. I have plans tonight. I have plans for tonight. La Spagna è chiamata "Espanya" in catalano. Spain is called "Espanya" in Catalan. Spain is called "Espanya" in Catalan. Grazie di essere restato con lei. Thanks for staying with her. Thank you for staying with her. La mia specializzazione è la religione comparata. My major is comparative religion. My specialty is comparative religion. Sei sempre piaciuto a Tom. Tom always liked you. Tom always liked you. Avete già vinto. You've already won. You've already won. Gli dica che questo è urgente. Tell him this is urgent. Tell him this is urgent. Molti giovani giapponesi viaggiano all'estero in questi giorni. Many young Japanese travel overseas these days. Many young Japanese travel abroad these days. Tom non aveva una fidanzata. Tom didn't have a girlfriend. Tom didn't have a girlfriend. Lei vive in un quartiere residenziale chiuso. She lives in a gated community. She lives in a closed neighborhood. Tom ha ancora delle opportunità. Tom still has opportunities. Tom still has opportunities. Io ho comprato un laptop per Tom. I bought Tom a laptop. I bought Tom a laptop. Loro erano qui? Were they here? Were they here? Le persone cattive non nascono cattive. Bad people aren't born bad. Bad people aren't born bad. Tu ti sei divertito a Boston? Did you have fun in Boston? Did you have fun in Boston? Faccio sempre un bagno prima d'andare a coricarmi. I always take a bath before going to bed. I always take a bath before I go to bed. I miei studi mi tengono piuttosto occupata. My studies keep me pretty busy. My studies keep me pretty busy. Aoi balla molto bene. Aoi dances very well. Aoi dances very well. Tom ha deciso di intraprendere un'azione legale. Tom decided to take legal action. Tom has decided to take legal action. Siamo pronti. We're ready. We're ready. Spero lei non sia arrabbiato. I hope that you are not angry. I hope you're not angry. Cerca di non disturbarmi. Try not to disturb me. Try not to bother me. Io sono una straniera qui. I am a stranger here. I'm a foreigner here. A me non piacque il suggerimento di Tom. I didn't like Tom's suggestion. I didn't like Tom's suggestion. Si immagini sulla cima di una montagna. Imagine yourself on a mountaintop. Imagine it on the top of a mountain. Spero davvero che domani non pioverà. I do hope that it won't rain tomorrow. I really hope it won't rain tomorrow. La scatola rossa contiene un cubo verde. The red box contains a green cube. The red box contains a green cube. Io volevo ucciderla. I wanted to kill her. I wanted to kill her. Dove li ha riparati? Where did you repair them? Where did you fix them? Non lavora al refettorio? Don't you work in the cafeteria? You don't work at the refectory? La incontrerai. You'll meet her. You'll meet her. Questo paese ha una storia ricca. This country has a rich history. This country has a rich history. Non commenterò nulla riguardo a questo. I'm not going to make any comment about this. I won't comment on that. Si deve concentrare. You have to focus. It has to focus. Non c'è niente di sbagliato. Nothing is wrong. There's nothing wrong with that. Ho avvisato Tom. I warned Tom. I warned Tom. Tom è il migliore amico del marito di Mary. Tom is Mary's husband's best friend. Tom is Mary's husband's best friend. È stato accusato di riciclaggio di denaro. He was accused of money-laundering. He's been charged with money laundering. Quello fece arrabbiare Theodore Roosevelt. That made Theodore Roosevelt angry. That angered Theodore Roosevelt. Io voglio andare a New York. I want to go to New York. I want to go to New York. Tom si è seduto e ha letto il giornale. Tom sat down and read the paper. Tom sat down and read the newspaper. Mi scusi, ho una richiesta. Excuse me, I have a request. Excuse me, I have a request. Mi manca l'Italia. I miss Italy. I miss Italy. Devo mangiare con Tom? Do I have to eat with Tom? Do I have to eat with Tom? Tom ci ha macchiati. Tom has spotted us. Tom stained us. Tom non lo farebbe. Tom wouldn't do that. Tom wouldn't do that. Dovrebbe essere facile. That should be easy. It should be easy. Non bevete questo. Don't drink that. Don't drink this. Beh, da dove comincio? Well, where do I begin? Well, where do I start? Per piacere, apri la bocca! Please, open your mouth! Please open your mouth! Io ero disposto a farlo. I was willing to do that. I was willing to do it. Disse che non avrebbe danzato. He said he wouldn't dance. He said he wouldn't dance. Tom mi tratta come una bambina. Tom treats me like a child. Tom treats me like a child. Lei aveva poco ritardo. She was a bit late. She was a little late. Non ho avuto tempo di fare colazione stamattina. I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning. I didn't have time to have breakfast this morning. Costerà circa 10000 yen. It will cost around 10,000 yen. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. Portalo lontano da qui. Get him away from here. Get him away from here. Lui abita in una mela. He lives inside an apple. He lives in an apple. Sono convinto che Tom non sia colpevole. I'm convinced Tom isn't guilty. I'm convinced Tom isn't guilty. Cosa stavi bevendo? What were you drinking? What were you drinking? A voi piace il giapponese o l'inglese? Do you like Japanese or English? Do you like Japanese or English? Fare soldi è il suo scopo principale nella vita. Making money is his main purpose in life. Making money is its main purpose in life. Voi dovete togliervi le scarpe sulla porta. You're supposed to take your shoes off at the door. You guys need to take your shoes off the door. Era con mio padre oggi? Were you with my father today? Were you with my dad today? Tom e Mary dissero a John che non volevano studiare il francese. Tom and Mary told John that they didn't want to study French. Tom and Mary told John they didn't want to study French. È un po' come suo padre. He is a bit like his father. He's kind of like his father. Qual è il tuo posto preferito in cui mangiare a Boston? What's your favorite place to eat in Boston? Where's your favorite place to eat in Boston? A Tom può servire una nuova casa. Tom may need a new house. Tom can serve a new home. I fiori nel suo giardino sono appassiti. The flowers in his garden have withered. The flowers in his garden are withered. Tom è sleale. Tom is disloyal. Tom is disloyal. Voi avrete bisogno di una scorta armata. You will need an armed escort. You're gonna need an armed escort. Tom fu preso in custodia. Tom was taken into custody. Tom was taken into custody. Canta! Sing! Sing! È sbagliato, Tom. It's wrong, Tom. It's wrong, Tom. Le vuole lì? Do you want them there? Do you want them there? Le racconterò una storia. I'll tell you a story. I'll tell you a story. Tu sei sarcastica. You're sarcastic. You're sarcastic. Tom è ancora molto arrabbiato. Tom is still very upset. Tom is still very angry. I negoziati di pace inizieranno questa settimana. The peace negotiations will start this week. The peace negotiations will begin this week. Non sono soddisfatta della qualità del suo lavoro. I'm not satisfied with the quality of your work. I am not satisfied with the quality of your work. Ho letto quei messaggi in berbero. I read those messages in Berber. I read those messages in Berber. Siamo stupefatti. We're flabbergasted. We're amazed. Di che cosa volete parlare? What do you want to talk about? What do you want to talk about? Tu ti meriti il premio. You deserve the prize. You deserve the prize. Siete la band di spalla. You are the backing group. You're the wingband. Tom mi spaventa. Tom scares me. Tom scares me. Tom non parla il francese fluentemente come lei. Tom doesn't speak French as fluently as you. Tom doesn't speak French fluently like you do. Cosa ci è capitato? What's happened to us? What happened to us? Io non sono sulla difensiva. I'm not being defensive. I'm not defensive. Amo l'occitano. I love Occitan. I love Occitan. Dovremo morire tutti un giorno. We shall all die some day. We'll all have to die one day. Noi abbiamo un supermercato grande. We have a big supermarket. We have a big supermarket. Non sta interrompendo nulla. You're not interrupting anything. He's not interrupting anything. Li conosceva personalmente? Did you know them personally? Did you know them personally? Sono felice di sentire la tua voce. I am happy to hear your voice. I'm happy to hear your voice. Vorrei avere più energia. I wish I had more energy. I wish I had more energy. Che piacere! What a pleasure! Nice to meet you. Tom vuole semplicemente qualcosa da mangiare. Tom just wants something to eat. Tom just wants something to eat. Hai già catturato quell'Unicorno? Have you caught that Unicorn yet? Have you captured that Unicorn yet? Io studio matematica. I study mathematics. I study math. Appoggi la scala contro il muro. Put the ladder against the wall. Stand the ladder against the wall. Riguardo a cosa? What about? About what? Tom deve cambiare il suo piano. Tom has to change his plan. Tom needs to change his plan. Sta piovendo che Dio la manda. It is raining cats and dogs. It's raining that God sends her. Laurie sa nuotare. Laurie knows how to swim. Laurie can swim. Non è in servizio stasera. She is off duty tonight. He's not on duty tonight. Dormirai. You are going to sleep. You'll sleep. Loro sono di sopra. They're upstairs. They're upstairs. Non mi piace l'insalata. I don't like salad. I don't like salad. Sei pronto a cominciare la tua avventura? Are you ready to start your journey? Are you ready to start your adventure? Dov'è il suo orologio? Where's your watch? Where's your watch? Penso che siamo vicini. I think we're neighbors. I think we're close. Non sono un codardo. I'm not a coward. I'm not a coward. Tom è sospeso. Tom is suspended. Tom is suspended. Avete la mia garanzia personale. You've got my personal guarantee. You have my personal warranty. Penso che sia sicura. I think it's safe. I think it's safe. La sento forte e chiaro. I can hear you loud and clear. I can hear you loud and clear. Perché non hai letto la rivista? Why didn't you read the magazine? Why didn't you read the magazine? Tu avevi bisogno di spazio, vero? You needed space, didn't you? You needed space, didn't you? Ecco la cartina. Here is the map. Here's the map. La morte di suo padre lo ha riempito di dolore. The death of his father filled him with sorrow. His father's death filled him with grief. Ha dei gusti costosi. He has expensive tastes. He has expensive tastes. Ehi, di cosa stai ridendo? Hey, what are you laughing at? Hey, what are you laughing at? Voi avete mai sentito Tom minacciare Mary? Did you ever hear Tom threaten Mary? Have you ever heard Tom threaten Mary? Datemi lo stesso, per favore. Give me the same, please. Give me the same, please. Dove la stanno portando? Where are they taking you? Where are they taking her? È in ritardo. You are late. You're late. Non ho niente da dirgli. I have nothing to say to him. I have nothing to say to him. L'amore troverà sempre una strada. Love will find a way. Love will always find a way. Digli dove siamo andate. Tell him where we've gone. Tell him where we went. Tom lo mise nella scatola. Tom put it in the box. Tom put it in the box. Entrate! Come in. Come on in! Sfortunatamente, quella non è un'opzione. Unfortunately, that's not an option. Unfortunately, that's not an option. Mi rende la vita un vero inferno. He makes my life a living hell. It makes my life a real hell. Io non mento mai. I never lie. I never lie. A che ora sei andato a letto ieri sera? What time did you get to bed last night? What time did you go to bed last night? Hai veramente bisogno di una donna. You really need a woman. You really need a woman. Io non sono mai stato su un aereo. I've never gotten on a plane yet. I've never been on a plane. Preferirei non sapere. I'd rather not know. I'd rather not know. Ho letto il tuo rapporto. I read your report. I read your report. Non ho sentito alcuna lamentela da Tom. I've heard no complaints from Tom. I didn't hear any complaints from Tom. Gli ho ceduto il lavoro. I passed on the job to him. I gave him the job. Vi ho viste al parco ieri. I saw you in the park yesterday. I saw you at the park yesterday. Non c'è nessuno come voi. There is no one like you. There's no one like you. Per peggiorare le cose, non si rende neanche conto di infastidire i suoi vicini. To make matters worse, he isn't even conscious of annoying his neighbors. To make things worse, he doesn't even realize he's annoying his neighbors. Perché non renderla ufficiale? Why not make it official? Why not make it official? Datemi la chiave. Give me the key. Give me the key. L'ho visto colpire l'animale. I saw him beating the animal. I saw him hit the animal. Lei ha scosso la testa. She shook her head. She shook her head. Sono felice di rivederti. I'm happy to see you again. It's good to see you again. Cosa vuole fare nel pomeriggio? What do you want to do in the afternoon? What do you want to do this afternoon? Sarebbe così figo se potessi parlare dieci lingue! It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! La ragazza è abile con le dita. The girl is skillful with her fingers. The girl is skillful with her fingers. Era vestito di nero. He was dressed in black. He was dressed in black. Vivevo da sola. I lived alone. I lived alone. I cavi trasportano l'elettricità. Wires carry electricity. Cables carry electricity. Io mi sento bene, grazie. I'm feeling fine, thanks. I feel good, thank you. Perché Tom aveva bisogno di un cacciavite? Why did Tom need a screwdriver? Why did Tom need a screwdriver? Il sogno diventò realtà. The dream came true. The dream became reality. Io conosco tua sorella. I know your sister. I know your sister. Voglio passare del tempo con lei. I want to spend time with you. I want to spend time with her. Avrei voluto vivere in Svizzera. I wish I lived in Switzerland. I wanted to live in Switzerland. Loro andranno lì con me. They will go there with me. They're going there with me. Io ho visto Tom farla. I saw Tom doing it. I saw Tom do it. Io faccio quello che fanno tutti gli altri. I do what everybody else does. I do what everyone else does. Non ho niente di particolare da dire ora. I have nothing particular to say now. I have nothing special to say now. Bill ha smesso di fumare. Bill stopped smoking. Bill quit smoking. Come la avete trovata? How did you find her? How did you find her? Perché è così disorganizzata? Why are you so disorganized? Why are you so disorganized? Pensavo viveste in una roulotte. I thought you used to live in a trailer. I thought you lived in a trailer. È scritto in un inglese semplice. It is written in simple English. It's written in a simple English. Il ragazzo parla come se fosse una ragazza. The boy talks as if he were a girl. The boy talks like he's a girl. Sono andato d'accordo con tutti. I got along with everybody. I got along with everyone. Come sapevate che ero a Boston? How did you know I was in Boston? How did you know I was in Boston? La conoscete? Do you know her? Do you know her? Io devo pulire la casa. I have to clean the house. I have to clean the house. Perché vi vergognate? Why are you ashamed? Why are you ashamed? Portiamola fuori da qui. Let's get her out of here. Let's get her out of here. Non ho così tante abilità. I don't have so many skills. I don't have that many skills. Tom ha lavorato duramente tutto il pomeriggio. Tom worked hard all afternoon. Tom has worked hard all afternoon. Tom mi ha attaccato. Tom attacked me. Tom attacked me. Io sto pensando di trasferirmi in una nuova città. I'm thinking of moving to a new city. I'm thinking about moving to a new city. Io non mi sto aspettando che ci aiuti. I'm not expecting you to help us. I'm not expecting you to help us. Io sono sicuro che Tom salterà fuori alla fine. I'm sure Tom will turn up eventually. I'm sure Tom will turn up in the end. Sapete giocare a scacchi? Do you know how to play chess? Can you play chess? Non mi distraete. Don't distract me. Don't distract me. Io ho comprato un libro. I bought a book. I bought a book. Non tornate. Don't come back. Don't come back. Non parlo il francese bene come Tom. I don't speak French as well as Tom does. I don't speak French as well as Tom. Siete in contatto con Tom? Do you keep in touch with Tom? Are you in touch with Tom? Mi infastidisce. That bothers me. It annoys me. Tom è in buona salute, vero? Tom is in good health, isn't he? Tom is healthy, isn't he? Un virus ha infettato il computer di Tom. A virus infected Tom's computer. A virus infected Tom's computer. Siete più piccoli di lui. You're smaller than him. You're younger than him. Io non sono uscita domenica scorsa. I didn't go out last Sunday. I didn't go out last Sunday. Dove li avete bolliti? Where did you boil them? Where did you boil them? La vostra ragione è molto buona. Your reason is very good. Your reason is very good. Non riesco proprio a classificare il suo accento straniero. I can't quite place his accent. I just can't classify his foreign accent. Devo ciò che sono oggi a mio zio. I owe what I am today to my uncle. I owe what I am today to my uncle. Dovresti prendere il bus navetta. You should take the shuttle bus. You should take the shuttle bus. Lo analizzeremo. We'll look into it. We'll analyze it. Tom sta preparando del caffè. Tom is preparing coffee. Tom is making coffee. Non interferisco lì. I do not interfere there. I don't interfere there. Io sto aspettando che Tom mi dica cosa fare. I'm waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. I'm waiting for Tom to tell me what to do. Hanno detto che erano davvero felici. They said they were really happy. They said they were really happy. Se non per me, fallo per lui. If not for me, do it for him. If not for me, do it for him. Io devo prestare un po' più di attenzione. I have to pay a little more attention. I need to pay a little more attention. So cos'è successo con loro. I know what happened with them. I know what happened with them. Tom non ci lascerà partire. Tom won't let us leave. Tom won't let us go. Ci sono dei gatti sul banco? Are there some cats on the desk? Are there cats on the counter? Io resto con loro. I'm staying with them. I'm staying with them. Impeditegli di mangiare troppo. Keep him from eating too much. Stop him from eating too much. Vi posso dare questo? Can I give you this? Can I give you this? La sua vita è in pericolo. His life is in danger. His life is in danger. Noi siamo in ritardo. We're late. We're late. Tom era muto. Tom was speechless. Tom was mute. Stavo solamente scherzando. I was only joking. I was just kidding. Ha appeso il suo cappotto. He hung up his coat. He hung his coat. Il mondo cambia ogni minuto. The world is changing every minute. The world changes every minute. A prescindere da come consideri la cosa, le probabilità si ammassano contro di noi. No matter how you look at it, the odds are stacked against us. No matter how you consider it, the odds are stacking up against us. Non abbiamo altro tempo. We don't have more time. We don't have any more time. Io non ricordo di averlo chiesto. I don't remember asking for it. I don't remember asking. È soddisfatta. You're satisfied. She's satisfied. Le ragazze sperano di incontrare dei ragazzi bianchi a Blackpool. The girls hope to meet white boys in Blackpool. The girls are hoping to meet some white guys in Blackpool. Tom è un po' strano, vero? Tom is a little weird, isn't he? Tom is a little weird, isn't he? Tom farà la cosa giusta. Tom will do the right thing. Tom will do the right thing. Ho detto a Tom che poteva essere il mio assistente. I told Tom he could be my assistant. I told Tom he could be my assistant. Non me ne preoccuperò. I'm not going to worry about it. I won't worry about it. Loro volevano prima firmare l'accordo. They wanted to sign the agreement first. They wanted to sign the deal first. Ti piace il basket? Do you like basketball? Do you like basketball? Non saluta le sue vicine. He doesn't greet his neighbours. He doesn't greet his neighbors. Sono molto impaziente di vedere la nuova versione di Tatoeba. I'm very impatient to see the new version of Tatoeba. I'm very eager to see the new version of Tatoeba. Avete il vaccino? Do you have the vaccine? Do you have the vaccine? Devi mettere delle calze pesanti per tenere i piedi al caldo. You need to wear thick socks to keep your feet warm. You need to wear heavy socks to keep your feet warm. Ehi, cosa sta facendo? Hey, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? Le dispiace se attraversiamo il suo giardino? Do you mind if we cross your garden? Do you mind if we cross your garden? Ho bisogno di trovare un distributore di benzina. I need to find a gas station. I need to find a gas station. La raggiungerò presto. I'll soon catch up with you. I'll catch up with her soon. Io penso di avere ferito i sentimenti di Tom. I think I hurt Tom's feelings. I think I hurt Tom's feelings. Ti manca tua moglie, vero? You miss your wife, don't you? You miss your wife, don't you? Per favore, la apra. Please open it. Please open it. Qualcuno li ha contattati? Did someone contact them? Has anyone contacted them? Penso che Tom sia inaffidabile. I think Tom is untrustworthy. I think Tom is unreliable. Sami sta leggendo quel libro. Sami is reading that book. Sami's reading that book. Quanto è grande il suo giardino? How big is your yard? How big is your garden? Dica loro che non l'ho letta. Tell them I didn't read it. Tell them I didn't read it. Sono più anziani di lui. They're older than him. They're older than him. Tom mi disse che non ci si poteva fidare di Mary. Tom told me Mary couldn't be trusted. Tom told me that Mary couldn't be trusted. Ho bruciato la torta. I burned the cake. I burned the cake. Non ci vedo niente di sbagliato. I see nothing wrong with it. I don't see anything wrong with that. La ferita è profonda. The wound is deep. The wound is deep. Come va? How are you? How's it going? Posso darci un'occhiata? May I have a look at it? Can I take a look at it? So che ti aspettavi Tom qui. I know you were expecting Tom to be here. I know you were expecting Tom here. Possiamo usare la chiesa come punto di riferimento. We can use the church as a point of reference. We can use the church as a point of reference. Conosco un posto che ti piace. I know of a place that you like. I know a place you like. Londra è la città che ama di più. London is the city he loves the most. London is the city he loves the most. La porti da qualche parte. Take her somewhere. Take her somewhere. Il piccolo zoticone comprò una grande zucca. The little bumpkin bought a big pumpkin. The little redneck bought a big pumpkin. Le dissi che avevate fame. I told her you were hungry. I told her you were hungry. Ha tempo? Do you have time? Do you have time? Tom non è dell'umore. Tom isn't in the mood. Tom isn't in the mood. C'era un mulino ad acqua sotto la diga. There was a watermill under the dam. There was a watermill under the dam. Lui l'ha abbracciata. He hugged her. He hugged her. Io sono stata licenziata senza giusta causa. I was fired without cause. I was fired without cause. Tom non è disposto ad accettare il fatto che lui ha bisogno di aiuto quando traduce. Tom is unwilling to accept the fact that he needs help when translating. Tom isn't willing to accept the fact that he needs help when translating. Un uomo deve lavorare. A man must work. A man has to work. Come arrivo a casa tua? How do I get to your house? How do I get to your house? Non sarà così semplice. It won't be that easy. It won't be that simple. Io sono gay. I am gay. I'm gay. Cosa state cercando di nascondere? What are you trying to hide? What are you trying to hide? È improbabile che Tom lo farà. It's unlikely Tom will do that. Tom is unlikely to do that. Si scordi di Tom. Forget Tom. Forget Tom. Quali erano i risultati? What were the results? What were the results? Compro sempre oggetti costosi a credito. I always buy expensive items on credit. I always buy expensive items on credit. Abbiamo tutti superato il test. We all have passed the test. We've all passed the test. Ci vendete del pesce. You sell us fish. You sell us fish. Tu non farai niente del genere. You'll do nothing of the kind. You're not gonna do anything like that. Lui non può più camminare. He can't walk any more. He can't walk anymore. Tutti sanno che le odiamo. Everybody knows we hate them. Everyone knows we hate them. Questa lezione è interminabile! This lesson is endless! This lesson is endless! Puoi guardare la televisione. You can watch television. You can watch television. Li avete rapiti? Did you kidnap them? Did you kidnap them? Tom si stava dando delle arie. Tom was bragging. Tom was giving himself airs. Lavi il tuo cane ogni giorno? Do you wash your dog every day? Do you wash your dog every day? Dite loro che non voglio andare. Tell them I don't want to go. Tell them I don't want to go. Provo sempre a dire la verità. I always try to tell the truth. I always try to tell the truth. La sua auto è stata appena riparata. His car has just been repaired. His car has just been repaired. Io amo i tramonti. I love sunsets. I love sunsets. Ero estremamente emozionata. I was extremely excited. I was extremely excited. Hai ucciso la persona sbagliata. You killed the wrong person. You killed the wrong person. Fa caldo oggi. It's warm today. It's hot today. Non ci crederò finché non lo sento da Tom. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. I won't believe it until I hear it from Tom. Tom è disponibile. Tom is available. Tom is available. Io non rompo una decorazione di Natale da anni. I haven't broken a Christmas ornament in years. I haven't broken a Christmas decoration in years. Tom era andato. Tom was gone. Tom was gone. È scivolata mentre stava attraversando la strada. She slipped in crossing the road. She slipped across the street. Lui ha offerto il suo posto a una donna anziana. He offered his seat to an old woman. He offered his place to an elderly woman. Ci sono alcuni negozi vicino a casa mia. There are a few shops next to my house. There are some shops near my house. Molte persone rifiutarono l'invito alla festa di benvenuto. Many people rejected the invitation to the welcome party. Many people refused the invitation to the welcome party. Il ballerino in mezzo alla stanza è pronto a cominciare. The dancer in the middle of the room is ready to begin. The dancer in the middle of the room is ready to begin. Tom ebbe successo? Did Tom succeed? Did Tom succeed? Io non vedo niente di speciale. I don't see anything special. I don't see anything special. Tom e Mary sono gli studenti migliori della vostra classe, vero? Tom and Mary are the best students in your class, aren't they? Tom and Mary are the best students in your class, aren't they? Io suonerò una sonata per lei. I'll play a sonata for you. I'll play a sonata for you. Prometti di non dirlo? Do you promise not to tell? Promise you won't say that? Tom sa di avere ragione. Tom knows he's right. Tom knows he's right. Qual è la vostra città preferita negli Stati Uniti? What's your favorite city in the United States? What's your favorite city in the United States? Questa erba ha bisogno di essere tagliata. This grass needs cutting. This weed needs to be cut. Io ho un altro impiego ora. I have another job now. I have another job now. Ciao a tutti, sono Mary. Hi everyone, I'm Mary. Hi, everybody. It's Mary. Mi sono appena ricordato qualcosa. I just remembered something. I just remembered something. Lei deve prestare attenzione ai suoi consigli. You must pay attention to his advice. You must pay attention to your advice. Tom e Mary sono stati utili? Have Tom and Mary been helpful? Have Tom and Mary been helpful? Il suo bebè sa camminare. Your baby can walk. Her baby can walk. È piuttosto buono. He's rather good. It's pretty good. Lui era impegnato a copiare il quaderno del suo amico. He was busy copying his friend's notebook. He was busy copying his friend's notebook. Si romperà. It will break. It's gonna break. È inutile rimpiangerla adesso. It's no use regretting it now. It's no use regretting her now. Non l'hai detto prima. You didn't say that before. You didn't say that before. Mi serve una segretaria che sappia parlare francese. I need a secretary who can speak French. I need a secretary who can speak French. Ha un cancro al seno. She has breast cancer. She has breast cancer. Io non lo sto mettendo in discussione. I'm not disputing that. I'm not questioning it. Io lo sapevo che avrebbero sospettato di lei. I knew they would suspect her. I knew they'd suspect you. Si ricordi di spegnere le luci. Remember to turn out the lights. Remember to turn off the lights. Sapevo che Tom era un insegnante di francese a Boston, quindi non credetti a Mary quando mi disse che era un tassista a Chicago. I knew that Tom was a French teacher in Boston, so I didn't believe Mary when she told me that Tom was a taxi driver in Chicago. I knew Tom was a French teacher in Boston, so I didn't believe Mary when she told me he was a cab driver in Chicago. Nessuno individuo potrà essere arbitrariamente arrestato, detenuto o esiliato. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. No individual may be arbitrarily arrested, detained or exiled. Lei dev'essere stanco. You must be tired. You must be tired. Tu ne compreresti una? Would you buy one? Would you buy one? Non comprendo le donne. I don't understand women. I don't understand women. Ve ne ho parlato ieri. I told you about it yesterday. I told you about it yesterday. Non datemi quella. Don't give me that. Don't give me that. Non sia come Tom. Don't be like Tom. Don't be like Tom. È così grande! She's so big! It's so big! Un metro non equivale a una yarda. A meter is not quite equivalent to a yard. A meter doesn't equal a yard. La mia famiglia è molto orgogliosa di me. My family is very proud of me. My family is very proud of me. Sono andati al parco la mattina seguente. They went to the park the next morning. They went to the park the next morning. Io scesi al parco. I got off at the park. I'm going down to the park. Tom e Mary non lavorano questa settimana. Tom and Mary aren't working this week. Tom and Mary don't work this week. Volete questa roba, vero? You want this stuff, don't you? You want this stuff, don't you? È stato nel 1989 che il Muro di Berlino è stato abbattuto. It was in 1989 that the Berlin Wall was taken down. It was in 1989 that the Berlin Wall was demolished. Non sono sempre impegnati, vero? They aren't always busy, are they? They're not always busy, are they? Io ho una partita di calcio domani. I've got a soccer game tomorrow. I have a soccer game tomorrow. Noi vogliamo soltanto parlare con loro. We just want to talk to them. We just want to talk to them. Me lo avete già chiesto tre volte. You've asked me that three times already. You've already asked me three times. Non siate così stupidi. Don't be so stupid. Don't be so stupid. Perché vuoi questo impiego? Why do you want this job? Why do you want this job? Il ragazzo cominciò a gridare. The boy began to cry. The boy started screaming. Li conosciamo tutte. We all know them. We all know them. Quando me lo direte? When are you going to tell me? When will you tell me? I miei fratelli sono tutti più alti di me. All my siblings are taller than me. My brothers are all taller than me. Sì, padrone. Yes, master. Yes, master. Chi le ha chiesto di venire? Who asked her to come? Who asked you to come? Perché è così fastidiosa? Why are you so annoying? Why are you so annoying? Quanto spendi in cibo ogni mese? How much do you spend on food every month? How much do you spend on food every month? Noi stiamo risolvendo i problemi. We are resolving the problems. We're solving the problems. A Tom non piace Mary? Doesn't Tom like Mary? Does Tom not like Mary? Non è difficile per me. It's not hard for me. It's not hard for me. Ciò è eccellente. This is excellent. This is excellent. Lui è disperatamente romantico. He is hopelessly romantic. He's desperately romantic. Non mi diedero scelta. They gave me no choice. They gave me no choice. Non parlare di questo a Tom. Don't talk to Tom about this. Don't talk about this to Tom. Non beva l'acqua. Do not drink the water! Don't drink the water. Questa camera ha una vista sull'oceano. This room has a view of the ocean. This room has an ocean view. Riesco a leggerli tutti. I can read them all. I can read them all. Tom mi ha insultata. Tom insulted me. Tom insulted me. Non posso semplicemente ignorarli. I can't just ignore them. I can't just ignore them. Sto solo cercando di essere realistica. I'm just trying to be realistic. I'm just trying to be realistic. Aspettate qui, per piacere. Please wait here. Wait here, please. Era nel suo letto addormentato. He was in his bed asleep. He was in his sleeping bed. John mi ha mandato una lettera scritta in tedesco. John sent me a letter written in German. John sent me a letter in German. La vidi prendere le vostre chiavi. I saw her take your keys. I saw her take your keys. Beve caffè? Do you drink coffee? Do you drink coffee? Vada ad aiutare Fadil. Go help Fadil. Go help Fadil. Ha incrociato le braccia. He crossed his arms. He crossed his arms. Tom ha la metà degli anni di Mary. Tom is half Mary's age. Tom is half Mary's age. Quest'auto è un'auto elettrica. This car is an electric car. This car is an electric car. Lei comprerà qualcosa? Will you buy something? Will you buy something? Perché lo volete fare? Why do you want to do this? Why do you want to do this? Ho intenzione di andare a teatro oggi. I'm planning to go to the theater today. I'm going to go to the theater today. Abita sopra di me. He lives above me. He lives above me. Io non so neanche il suo indirizzo. I don't even know your address. I don't even know his address. Lui entrò nella stanza. He entered the room. He went into the room. Conoscono tutte la verità. They all know the truth. They all know the truth. Tom ha il denaro, ma io no. Tom has money, but I don't. Tom has the money, but I don't. Io mi sentivo molto solo. I felt very lonely. I felt very lonely. Io sto andando a prendermi una birra. Ne vuole una anche lei? I'm going to get myself a beer. Do you want one, too? I'm going to get a beer. Quello di cui abbiamo bisogno adesso è qualcosa da mangiare. What we need now is something to eat. What we need now is something to eat. Pensate che smetterà presto di piovere? Do you think it'll stop raining soon? Do you think it'll stop raining soon? Lei è stata battezzata Mary. She was baptized Mary. She was baptized Mary. Loro si sono abbracciati. They embraced. They hugged. Io sono una sospettata. I'm a suspect. I'm a suspect. Chi è quel tipo con i baffi? Who's that guy with the mustache? Who's that moustache guy? Sia lei che suo fratello vi sbagliate. Both you and your brother are wrong. You and your brother are both wrong. Tom sa andare a cavallo? Does Tom know how to ride a horse? Does Tom know how to ride a horse? Abbiamo prenotato dei posti per la recita. We booked seats for the play. We've booked seats for the play. Io seguirò Tom. I will follow Tom. I'll follow Tom. Ho incontrato Tom solamente tre volte. I only met Tom three times. I only met Tom three times. Vorrei una stanza con una bella vista, per piacere. I'd like a room with a good view, please. I'd like a room with a nice view, please. Mi hanno detto che sono scoraggiate. They told me they're discouraged. They told me they're discouraged. Tom non aveva nient'altro da fare. Tom had nothing more to do. Tom had nothing else to do. Tom non vuole andare in pensione. Tom doesn't want to retire. Tom doesn't want to retire. Mi dia il sale, per piacere. Give me the salt, please. Give me the salt, please. Vorreste un po' di succo d'arancia? Would you like some orange juice? Would you like some orange juice? Ho bisogno del vostro aiuto per qualcosa. I need your help on something. I need your help with something. Tom è andato a Las Vegas. Tom went to Vegas. Tom went to Vegas. Lo fareste per Tom? Would you do that for Tom? Would you do that for Tom? Io ho fatto un test di gravidanza. I got a pregnancy test. I took a pregnancy test. Aveva poca vita sociale. He had little social life. He had little social life. Porta il titolo di Baronetto. He bears the title of Sir. It bears the title of Baronetto. Tom sembra più anziano. Tom looks older. Tom looks older. Devo partire ora. I must go now. I have to leave now. Io pensavo che avremmo fatto qualche domanda a Tom. I thought we'd ask Tom a few questions. I thought we'd ask Tom a few questions. Io ero piuttosto ubriaca. I was pretty drunk. I was pretty drunk. Io non lo chiamerei un miglioramento. I wouldn't call that an improvement. I wouldn't call it an improvement. Cosa state insinuando? What are you implying? What are you implying? Ho suonato la chitarra. I played guitar. I played the guitar. Mia madre mi ha tagliato i capelli troppo corti. My mother cut my hair too short. My mom cut my hair too short. L'obiettivo di Tom all'università è laurearsi. Tom's purpose in college is to get a degree. Tom's goal at university is to graduate. Ieri non è rientrato alla base. He didn't come back to the base yesterday. He didn't get back to base yesterday. Io voglio un cellulare. I want a cellular phone. I want a cell phone. Fumai. I smoked. I smoked. Potresti dirmi di nuovo perché in ritardo? Could you please tell me again why you are late? Could you tell me again why I'm late? Segui il suo esempio. Follow his example. Follow his example. Credo che Tom la stia cercando. I believe Tom is looking for you. I think Tom is looking for you. Mettetevi della protezione solare e portate gli occhiali da sole. Wear sunscreen and bring sunglasses. Put on sunscreen and wear sunglasses. Non la voglio in casa mia. I don't want her in my house. I don't want her in my house. Noi dovremmo adottare delle tattiche flessibili per il momento. We should adopt flexible tactics for the moment. We should adopt flexible tactics for the time being. È stato impressionante. It was impressive. It was impressive. Forse dovresti andare a chiedere a Tom. Maybe you should go ask Tom. Maybe you should go ask Tom. Lo so che lei mi ama. I know that you love me. I know she loves me. San Pietroburgo è una città russa. St. Petersburg is a Russian city. St. Petersburg is a Russian city. Qualcuno di voi ha visto Tom oggi? Have any of you seen Tom today? Has any of you seen Tom today? Confidi in me. Confide in me. Trust me. Lei aggiunse dello zucchero al suo caffè. You added sugar to your coffee. She added sugar to her coffee. C'è un cinema qua vicino? Is there a movie theater near here? Is there a movie theater nearby? Voglio ringraziarla per quello. I want to thank you for that. I want to thank you for that. Dovreste parlare con lei e basta. You should just talk to her. You should just talk to her. Tom è un oratore fluente del francese. Tom is a fluent French speaker. Tom is a fluent speaker of French. Sarò con lei tra un secondo. I'll be with you in a sec. I'll be with you in a second. La nostra squadra ha un giocatore marocchino. Our team has a Moroccan player. Our team has a Moroccan player. Io non vi odio più. I don't hate you anymore. I don't hate you anymore. Non avremmo dovuto lasciarle andare. We shouldn't have let them go. We shouldn't have let them go. Lei aveva paura di viaggiare da sola. She was afraid to travel alone. She was afraid to travel alone. Io ero stupefatto. I was dazzled. I was amazed. Noi dovremmo lavorare adesso. We should work now. We should work now. Che giornata incredibile! What an incredible day! What an incredible day! Spero che mi aspetti. I hope he'll wait for me. I hope you wait for me. Ho un po' di febbre oggi. I have a slight fever today. I have a little fever today. Io sono arrivato qui qualche minuto prima di te. I arrived here a few minutes before you. I got here a few minutes before you. I bambini dovrebbero stare lontani dal pericolo. Children should keep away from the danger. Children should stay away from danger. Lei infranse il record mondiale. She broke the world record. She broke the world record. Tu hai dei problemi. You've got problems. You have problems. Tom ha detto che era dispiaciuto. Tom said that he was sorry. Tom said he was sorry. Voi non sapete quanto sono preoccupata. You don't know how worried I am. You don't know how worried I am. Perché Tom era in Australia? Why was Tom in Australia? Why was Tom in Australia? Il dottore sta provando a risolvere molti degli indovinelli del cancro. The doctor is trying to solve many of the riddles of cancer. The doctor is trying to solve many of the cancer riddles. A Tom sanguina il naso. Tom has a bloody nose. Tom's nose bleeds. Non deve preoccuparsi di niente. You don't have to worry about anything. You don't have to worry about anything. Lui è un esperto in astronomia. He is an expert in astronomy. He's an expert in astronomy. Siamo solo amici. We're only friends. We're just friends. Io non lo sapevo che Tom avesse un soprannome. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. I didn't know Tom had a nickname. Chi lo dirà a lei? Who's going to tell her? Who's gonna tell her? Queste automobili sono grandi. These cars are big. These cars are big. Io stavo suonando qui. I was playing here. I was playing here. Il gioco comincia a essere interessante. The game is starting to be interesting. The game begins to be interesting. Siete gelose di lui? Are you jealous of him? Are you jealous of him? Tom probabilmente sta dormendo. Tom is probably sleeping. Tom is probably sleeping. Tom e Mary hanno passato l'estate assieme. Tom and Mary spent the summer together. Tom and Mary spent the summer together. Io sono stanco di camminare. I am tired with walking. I'm tired of walking. Sembrate arrabbiati. You look angry. You look angry. È probabile che Tom venga scelto. Tom is likely to be chosen. Tom is likely to be chosen. Tutti sono presenti. All are present. Everyone is present. L'ipocrisia è l'apice di tutti i mali. Hypocrisy is the height of all evil. Hypocrisy is the apex of all evils. Sono felice, perché sto imparando un po' di olandese. I'm happy, 'cause I'm learning some Dutch. I'm happy, because I'm learning a little Dutch. La nonna sta sorridendo. The grandmother is smiling. Grandma's smiling. Che cos'avete fatto ai miei pantaloni? What did you do with my pants? What did you do to my pants? Lo puoi fermare? Can you stop him? Can you stop him? Oggi Tom è di cattivo umore. Tom is in a bad mood today. Tom is in a bad mood today. Questa è una penna. This is a pen. This is a pen. Perché non vuoi andare per prima? Why don't you want to go first? Why don't you want to go first? Parla lentamente e chiaramente. Speak slowly and clearly. Speak slowly and clearly. Io non riesco ad addormentarmi. I can't fall asleep. I can't fall asleep. Non voglio ciò. I don't want this. I don't want that. Tom ci ha detto di studiare francese. Tom told us to study French. Tom told us to study French. Tom è sporco. Tom's filthy. Tom is dirty. Non vi dovreste fidare di lei. You shouldn't trust her. You shouldn't trust her. Io non ho figli. I don't have kids. I don't have kids. Qual è l'argomento della vostra lezione? What's the subject of your lecture? What is the subject of your lesson? Lei pensa che io voglia fare del male a Tom? Do you think I want to hurt Tom? Do you think I want to hurt Tom? Lei ha chiamato Tom? Have you called Tom? Did you call Tom? Ho provato a farmi aiutare da Tom, ma non ha voluto. I tried to get Tom to help me, but he wouldn't. I tried to get Tom to help me, but he wouldn't. Sono sudata. I am sweaty. I'm sweaty. Le devo avvertire. I have to warn them. I have to warn them. Dove le ha vendute? Where did you sell them? Where did you sell them? Lei quand'è arrivata a casa? When did you get home? When did you get home? Voglio che tu faccia qualcosa per me. I want you to do something for me. I want you to do something for me. Non la sto negando. I'm not denying it. I'm not denying it. Sono sceso alla stazione sbagliata. I got off at the wrong station. I got off at the wrong station. Ho trascorso quasi una settimana in Australia. I spent almost a week in Australia. I spent almost a week in Australia. Le chiavi, per piacere. The keys, please. Keys, please. Il francese viene insegnato nelle scuole elementari? Is French taught in elementary schools? Is French taught in primary schools? Voi avete della protezione solare? Do you have any sunscreen? Do you have sunscreen? Penso che la zuppa abbia bisogno di un po' di sale. I think the soup needs a bit of salt. I think the soup needs some salt. Tom mi ha insegnato molte cose. Tom taught me many things. Tom taught me many things. Tom ha decisamente molta più esperienza di me. Tom is way more experienced than I am. Tom definitely has a lot more experience than I do. Non tutto è bianco e nero. Not everything is black and white. Not everything is black and white. Facciamo questo. Let's do this. Let's do this. Per cambiare le unità da metrica ad anglosassone e viceversa, si deve cliccare il pulsante 'menù'. To change the units from metric to imperial and vice versa, the 'menu' button must be clicked. To change the units from metric to Anglo-Saxon and vice versa, click the 'menu' button. Perché si vergogna? Why are you ashamed? Why are you ashamed? Questa frase non è mai stata tradotta. This sentence was never translated. This sentence has never been translated. Hai intenzione di aiutarlo? Do you intend to help him? Are you going to help him? Io l'ho visto solo una volta. I've only seen him once. I only saw him once. Allora non mi passò per la testa nessun'idea di pericolo. No idea of danger crossed my mind then. Then I didn't get any idea of danger. Come posso installare WhatsApp sul mio telefono? How can I install WhatsApp on my cellphone? How can I install WhatsApp on my phone? Ha continuato a lavorare. He went on working. He kept working. Io gli dissi che ero interessato. I told him I was interested. I told him I was interested. Io rimarrò qui. I'm going to stay here. I'll stay here. Non voglio che partano. I don't want them to leave. I don't want them to leave. Tom mi ha detto che tutto era pronto. Tom told me that everything was ready. Tom told me everything was ready. Li ho osservati. I watched them. I've been watching them. Tre persone sono morte. Three people died. Three people are dead. Le avete uccise. You killed them. You killed them. Abbiamo un prigioniero. We have a prisoner. We have a prisoner. Lascia perdere quello che ha detto. Never mind what she said. Forget what he said. La nave sta per affondare! The ship's going to sink! The ship is about to sink! Mi dispiace di avergli fatto del male. I'm sorry I hurt him. I'm sorry I hurt him. È improbabile che Tom aspetti. Tom is unlikely to wait. Tom is unlikely to wait. Io ho un cane. I have a dog. I have a dog. Abbiamo entrambi la stessa età. We're both the same age. We're both the same age. Non capisce. She doesn't understand. You don't understand. Mi deve dire la verità. You must tell me the truth. You have to tell me the truth. Lei non deve preoccuparsi. You don't need to worry. You don't have to worry. Sono sull'altra ambulanza! I'm in the other ambulance! I'm on the other ambulance! È aggraziata. She is graceful. She's graceful. Piace a tutti qui. Everyone here likes her. Everyone likes it here. Le due Regine sono molto diverse. The two Queens are very different. The two Queens are very different. Faccia attenzione a ciò che dice. Pay attention to what he says. Be careful what you say. Io vorrei avere la vostra fortuna. I wish I had your luck. I wish I had your luck. Non c'è niente di sbagliato con noi. Nothing's wrong with us. There's nothing wrong with us. Conosco quel posto. I know that place. I know that place. La volpe si è nascosta nell'albero cavo. The fox hid in the hollow tree. The fox hid in the hollow tree. Tom parla molto raramente in francese. Tom very seldom speaks French. Tom speaks very rarely in French. Ho ripetuto quello che ha detto parola per parola. I repeated what he said word for word. I repeated what he said word for word. Sono venuta in Giappone l'anno scorso. I came to Japan last year. I came to Japan last year. Perché è così capricciosa oggi? Why are you so moody today? Why are you so capricious today? Questo negozio non alza i prezzi da anni. This store hasn't raised prices in years. This store hasn't raised prices in years. Mi promise che in futuro sarebbe stato più prudente. He promised me that he would be more careful in the future. He promised me that he would be more cautious in the future. Io mangio dei tagliolini. I eat noodles. I eat noodles. Tom e Mary dicono che hanno seguito le regole. Tom and Mary say they followed the rules. Tom and Mary say they followed the rules. Voglio che ti piacciano. I want you to like them. I want you to like them. Volete tenere qualcuno lontano da voi? Do you want to keep somebody far from you? Do you want to keep someone away from you? Ci parli di lei. Tell us about her. Tell us about her. Mi aiuterà con i miei compiti d'inglese? Will you help me with my English homework? Will you help me with my English homework? Pensavo che fosse buono. I thought it was good. I thought it was good. L'ho visto giusto stamattina. I saw him just this morning. I just saw him this morning. Che bella coppia! What a beautiful couple! What a lovely couple! Come la tradurresti? How would you translate it? How would you translate it? Sono arrivata a casa tardi. I came home late. I got home late. Tre canadesi furono uccise. Three Canadians were killed. Three Canadians were killed. È molto più sicuro adesso. It's a lot safer now. It's much safer now. Ditele che sto semplicemente scherzando con lei. Tell her that I am just joking with her. Tell her I'm just messing with her. Non ricordo come l'ho riparata. I don't remember how I fixed it. I don't remember how I fixed it. Abbiamo speso troppo denaro. We've spent too much money. We spent too much money. Ero troppo impegnata per scriverti. I was too busy to write you. I was too busy to write to you. A Tom non importa che cosa succede. Tom doesn't care what happens. Tom doesn't care what happens. Ho un fratello che è architetto. I have a brother who's an architect. I have a brother who's an architect. Tom e Mary lo faranno. Tom and Mary will do that. Tom and Mary will do that. Mi piace la matematica. I love math. I like math. Guarda, Tom, non abbiamo tempo per questo. Look, Tom, we don't have time for this. Look, Tom, we don't have time for this. Dov'è il barista? Where's the bartender? Where's the bartender? Tu hai paura di dormire, vero? You're afraid to sleep, aren't you? You're afraid to sleep, aren't you? In realtà sono piuttosto stanco. I'm actually pretty tired. I'm actually pretty tired. Quindi cosa pensavate di questo pony qui? So what did you think of this pony here? So what did you think of this pony here? Gli ho appena venduto la mia automobile. I just sold my car to him. I just sold him my car. Datelo a chiunque ne abbia bisogno. Give it to whoever needs it. Give it to anyone who needs it. Come in Europa orientale, l'inquinamento in Cina è sempre peggio. As in Eastern Europe, pollution in China is getting worse and worse. As in Eastern Europe, pollution in China is getting worse and worse. Tom sembra spappolato. Tom looks crushed. Tom looks smashed. Tom riesce a nuotare, ma io no. Tom can swim, but I can't. Tom can swim, but I can't. Voi state mentendo. You are lying. You're lying. Tom spense la sua sigaretta. Tom put out his cigarette. Tom turned off his cigarette. Io conosco un negozio dove lo si può comprare. I know a store where you can buy that. I know a store where you can buy it. Io vorrei che Tom fosse qui. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom was here. L'ha fatto piangere. You made him cry. She made him cry. Noi apprezziamo la tua pazienza. We appreciate your patience. We appreciate your patience. A me serve un altro lavoro. I need another job. I need another job. Non ci vedo sopra il suo nome. I don't see your name on it. I can't see his name on it. Perché non libereranno Mary? Why won't they release Mary? Why won't they release Mary? Loro non vi mancano? Don't you miss them? Don't you miss them? Riesco a dormire ovunque. I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. Avete giocato. You've been playing. You played. Perché viene qui così spesso? Why do you come here so often? Why do you come here so often? Ti piacerà Tom. You'll like Tom. You'll like Tom. Non potrei mai votare per quell'uomo. I could never vote for that man. I could never vote for that man. Il mio cliente non dice un'altra parola. My client isn't saying another word. My client doesn't say another word. Pharamp augura una buona notte a Trang anche se sa che lei non è a letto a quest'ora. Pharamp wishes Trang good night even though she knows that she is not in bed at this hour. Pharamp wishes Trang a good night even though he knows you're not in bed at this hour. Noi non abbiamo molta pioggia. We don't get much rain. We don't have much rain. Le sto richiamando. I'm calling them back. I'm calling them back. Sto cercando Tom. I'm looking for Tom. I'm looking for Tom. Pensate che Tom sia a Boston? Do you think Tom is in Boston? Do you think Tom is in Boston? Sono le otto di sera. It's 8:00 p.m. It's 8:00 at night. Tutti i presenti hanno applaudito. Everyone present applauded. Everyone in attendance applauded. Sei pronta per le brutte notizie? Are you ready for the bad news? Are you ready for the bad news? Tom non lo sa che Mary è a Boston. Tom doesn't know Mary is in Boston. Tom doesn't know Mary is in Boston. Chi è la tua migliore amica? Who is your best friend? Who's your best friend? Tu non la pensi così? Don't you think so? Don't you think so? Non lo sapevo che non riusciva a cantare. I didn't know you couldn't sing. I didn't know he couldn't sing. Lasciate che parli con lui. Let me speak to him. Let me talk to him. Aspetterò per una settimana. I'll wait for a week. I'll wait for a week. Il bagno caldo l'ha rilassata. The hot bath relaxed her. The hot bath relaxed her. Ho appena parlato con loro. I just spoke with them. I just talked to them. Mangiando troppo si ingrassa. If you eat too much, you'll become fat. Eating too much gets fat. Mangiatemi. Eat me. Eat me. Risparmiò soldi per la sua vecchiaia. He saved money for his old age. He saved money for his old age. La sua grande conoscenza mi sorprende. His extensive knowledge surprises me. Your great acquaintance surprises me. Io non sono preoccupata. I'm not worried. I'm not worried. Perché volete che la abbiamo? Why do you want us to have it? Why do you want us to have it? Posso già farlo. I can already do that. I can do that already. Proverò a cercarli per lei. I'll try to find them for you. I'll try to find them for you. Ha dimenticato il suo nome. He forgot her name. You forgot your name. Siete più piccole di lei. You're smaller than her. You're smaller than her. I miei sentimenti per lei non sono cambiati. My feelings for you haven't changed. My feelings for her haven't changed. Ha un ragazzo? Does she have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend? Tom sta dicendo qualcosa. Tom is saying something. Tom is saying something. Loro ti fanno il sandwich proprio sotto gli occhi. They make the sandwich right in front of your eyes. They make you a sandwich right in front of your eyes. È venuta a Tokyo all'età di diciotto anni. She came to Tokyo at the age of eighteen. She came to Tokyo at the age of 18. Io ho portato un amico. I brought a friend. I brought a friend. Lei si è imbattuta in Jack ieri. She came across Jack yesterday. She ran into Jack yesterday. Quanto spesso comprate dei vestiti nuovi? How often do you buy new clothes? How often do you buy new clothes? Non riuscirei a vivere a Boston senza di te. I couldn't live in Boston without you. I couldn't live in Boston without you. Lei si è lavata via il sangue dalle mani. She washed the blood off her hands. She washed the blood off her hands. Noi siamo modelli. We're models. We're models. Tom ci ha chiesto aiuto. Tom asked us for help. Tom asked us for help. Islamabad è la capitale del Pakistan. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. Non ho resto. I don't have any change. I don't have any rest. Lei non sta indossando i suoi occhiali oggi. She isn't wearing her glasses today. She's not wearing her glasses today. Noi facciamo affari da anni. We've been doing business for years. We've been doing business for years. Io voglio farmi dei nuovi amici. I want to make new friends. I want to make new friends. Ho trovato questo libro interessante. I found this book interesting. I found this book interesting. Ha un figlio che è dottore. She has a son who is a doctor. He has a son who is a doctor. Ha giocato a baseball ieri? Did you play baseball yesterday? Did you play baseball yesterday? "Come va?" "Non posso lamentarmi." "How are you?" "I can't complain." "How's it going?" "I can't complain." Non posso raccontarti tutto quel che mi è accaduto ieri. I cannot tell you everything that happened to me yesterday. I can't tell you everything that happened to me yesterday. Tom sta ancora mentendo? Is Tom still lying? Is Tom still lying? Io non ho mai mentito a loro. I've never lied to them. I never lied to them. Le disgrazie non vengono mai sole. Misfortune never comes singly. Disgrace never comes alone. Sa cosa abbiamo fatto? Do you know what we did? You know what we did? Io ho spintonato Tom. I shoved Tom. I pushed Tom. Tom ha ingannato tutti. Tom fooled everybody. Tom tricked everyone. Loro sono arrivati a New Delhi il 9 luglio. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9th. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9. Sii prudente adesso. Be careful now. Be careful now. Io non ero responsabile. I wasn't responsible. I wasn't responsible. Si calmerebbe? Would you calm down? Would you calm down? Abbiamo a malapena tempo di mangiare la colazione. We hardly have time to eat breakfast. We barely have time to eat breakfast. Tom non pensa che funzionerà. Tom doesn't think it'll work. Tom doesn't think it'll work. Il futuro era migliore prima. The future was better before. The future was better before. Resta tutto uguale. Everything stays the same. It's all the same. Questo verbo è in qualche modo simile a "bere." This verb is somewhat similar to "to drink." This verb is somewhat like "drinking." Scrive una lettera. He writes a letter. He writes a letter. Tom ha pulito la sua camera lo scorso weekend. Tom cleaned his room last weekend. Tom cleaned his room last weekend. Il cielo promette bel tempo. The sky promises fair weather. The sky promises good weather. C'è un buon mercato per questi articoli. There is a good market for these articles. There is a good price for these articles. La tempesta si placò. The storm abated. The storm calmed down. Questo la può sorprendere. This may surprise you. That may surprise you. È dove l'ho conosciuta. That's where I met her. That's where I met her. Non sono sicura di provare la stessa cosa. I'm not sure that I feel the same. I'm not sure I feel the same way. Che fardello! What a millstone! What a burden! A lei non piace nemmeno il pesce. You don't even like fish. She doesn't even like fish. Tutti sanno che Tom non vincerà. Everyone knows Tom won't win. Everyone knows Tom won't win. Tom ha sussultato. Tom flinched. Tom whispered. Io possiedo un'automobile. I own a car. I own a car. Un vecchio con una cuffia da notte aprì la finestra e guardò fuori. Rimproverò con rabbia: "Che cosa volete a quest'ora della notte?" An old man in a nightcap opened the window and looked out. He called down angrily: "What do you want at this hour of night?" An old man with a night cap opened the window and looked out. He rebuked with anger: "What do you want at this time of night?" Eravate sposati con lui? Were you married to him? Were you married to him? La tua risposta è tutto tranne perfetta. Your answer is anything but perfect. Your answer is everything but perfect. Non sono nei guai. I'm not in any trouble. I'm not in trouble. Mi ha parlato di un posto dove potevo stare a buon mercato. She told me about a place where I could stay for cheap. He told me about a place where I could stay cheap. La famiglia Baker ha una fattoria a monte del fiume. The Bakers have a farm upstream. The Baker family has a farm upstream of the river. Ha avuto notizie dal suo amico di recente? Have you heard from your friend lately? Have you heard from your friend lately? Loro sono soddisfatte? Are they satisfied? Are they satisfied? Tom cominciò a lavorare. Tom began working. Tom started working. L'acido ha corroso il metallo. The acid ate into the metal. The acid corroded the metal. Tom dovrebbe parlare meno. Tom should talk less. Tom should speak less. L'avete vista, vero? You saw her, didn't you? You saw her, didn't you? Lei si è leccata le labbra. She licked her lips. She licked her lips. Voi avete la tendenza ad essere smemorate. You are apt to be forgetful. You have a tendency to be forgetful. Ero freddo. I was cold. I was cold. Possiamo passeggiare? Shall we walk? Can we go for a walk? Hai fratelli e sorelle? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have brothers and sisters? Quali posti volete? What seats do you want? Which places do you want? Tutti sono molto orgogliosi di lei. Everyone is very proud of you. Everyone's very proud of her. Tom è molto asociale, vero? Tom is very unsociable, isn't he? Tom is very unsocial, isn't he? Abbiamo già cominciato. We've already begun. We've already started. Quando inizia la proiezione? When does the screening start? When does the projection start? Ci vedremo la settimana prossima. I'll see you next week. I'll see you next week. Siamo stati fortunati, penso. We've been lucky, I think. We got lucky, I think. Non sono preparati per questo. They're not prepared for this. They're not prepared for this. Qual è il nostro orario di arrivo? What's our arrival time? What's our arrival time? Mi perdoneresti? Would you forgive me? Would you forgive me? Tom e Mary sono tirocinanti. Tom and Mary are interns. Tom and Mary are interns. Lui ha continuato a lavorare. He continued to work. He kept working. Tom sospirò. Tom sighed. Tom sighed. A Tom piacerà questo. Tom is going to enjoy this. Tom will like this. Tom sa che dovrebbe fare. Tom knows what he should do. Tom knows what he should do. L'arabo non è difficile. Arabic isn't hard. Arabic is not difficult. Posso vedere il vostro passaporto? May I see your passport? Can I see your passport? Tutti sapevano che parlava molto bene l'inglese. Everybody knew that she spoke very good English. Everyone knew he spoke English very well. Noi speriamo che non succeda. We hope that doesn't happen. We hope that doesn't happen. Tom non ha mai detto nulla a nessuno. Tom never said anything to anybody. Tom never told anyone anything. Laura sta seguendo il telegiornale. Laura is watching television news. Laura's following the news. Lui vive in Marocco. He lives in Morocco. He lives in Morocco. Senelerce sürebilir. It might take years. Senelerce sürebilir. Dite a Tom che non ho bisogno del suo aiuto. Tell Tom that I don't need his help. Tell Tom I don't need his help. Tom e Mary hanno detto che non hanno imparato niente a scuola oggi. Tom and Mary said they didn't learn anything at school today. Tom and Mary said they didn't learn anything at school today. Il vecchio uomo sembrava felice. The old man seemed happy. The old man seemed happy. Sei qui per spiarmi? Are you here to spy on me? Are you here to spy on me? Tom è andato ad aiutare Mary. Tom went to help Mary. Tom went to help Mary. Io avrò la mia vendetta. I'll have my revenge. I'll have my revenge. Perché non leggi un libro? Why don't you read a book? Why don't you read a book? Sapete chi ha inventato la macchina? Do you know who invented the machine? Do you know who invented the car? Quella borsa è mia. That bag is mine. That bag is mine. Io penso che siamo ancora troppo giovani. I think we're still too young. I think we're still too young. Non sia terrorizzato. Don't be terrified. Don't be terrified. Datemelo adesso. Give it to me now. Give it to me now. Sono fiera di averlo come amico. I'm proud to have him as a friend. I'm proud to have him as a friend. Perché Tom te l'ha chiesto? Why did Tom ask you that? Why did Tom ask you that? Non saremo in grado di scappare. We won't be able to escape. We won't be able to escape. Non pensiamo che il lavoro sia completato. We don't think the job is done. We don't think the job is done. Tom capisce quello che lei non capisce. Tom understands what you don't. Tom understands what you don't understand. Ho intenzione di vedere la regina. I intend seeing the queen. I'm going to see the queen. Tom è in casa sua. Tom is in your house. Tom is in his house. Tom ha una bella voce. Tom has a beautiful voice. Tom has a nice voice. Ho una domanda da porle. I have a question to pose you. I have a question for you. Voi eravate ammalati. You were sick. You were sick. A me non serve il tuo aiuto. I don't need your help. I don't need your help. Ci sono spesso conflitti di confine tra questi due paesi. There are often border conflicts between these two countries. There are often border conflicts between these two countries. È sicuro che passerà l'esame. It is certain that he will pass the examination. You're sure he'll pass the exam. Tom disse a Mary che era disoccupato. Tom told Mary that he was unemployed. Tom told Mary he was unemployed. Sto cercando una banca. Ce n'è una qua vicino? I'm looking for a bank. Is there one near here? I'm looking for a bank. Tom partirà presto. Tom is going to leave soon. Tom will leave soon. Quello funziona? Does that work? Does that work? Quella era una bugia. That was a lie. That was a lie. Lui ha il raffreddore. He has a cold. He has a cold. Spero veramente che Tom abbia ragione. I really hope Tom is right. I really hope Tom is right. Non avevo mai visto un panda finché non sono andata in Cina. I had never seen a panda until I went to China. I've never seen a panda before until I went to China. Per quanto hai lavorato per me? How long did you work for me? How long did you work for me? L'hanno fatta davvero. They really did it. They really did. Sami stava tremando dal freddo. Sami was shaking from the cold. Sami was shaking from the cold. Pensavo fosse fiero di me. I thought you'd be proud of me. I thought you were proud of me. Mi è piaciuta molto. I liked it a lot. I loved it. La avete lasciata fuggire. You let her get away. You let her escape. È vero che non eravate qui ieri? Is it true that you weren't here yesterday? Is it true you weren't here yesterday? Scusami, non ti ho capito. Excuse me, I didn't understand you. I'm sorry, I didn't get you. Abbiamo ancora bisogno di più tempo. We still need more time. We still need more time. Noi andiamo a Boston per una settimana. We're going to Boston for a week. We're going to Boston for a week. Non so perché mi sento più vivo di notte. For some reason I feel more alive at night. I don't know why I feel more alive at night. Al mio insegnante di fisica non importa se io salto le lezioni. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. Lui guarda dall'alto in basso tutti gli altri. He looks down on everybody else. He looks down on everyone else. Aggiustate i freni. Adjust the brakes. Fix the brakes. Ciò è difficile per loro. This is difficult for them. This is difficult for them. Io spero che piova domani. I hope it rains tomorrow. I hope it rains tomorrow. Tom è stato catturato. Tom was caught. Tom was caught. Mi ha chiesto se riuscivo a fargli un favore. He asked me if I could do him a favor. He asked me if I could do him a favor. Noi abbiamo tre cani. We have three dogs. We have three dogs. Ho abitato anche a Boston. I've also lived in Boston. I also lived in Boston. Tom è piuttosto divertente. Tom is quite funny. Tom is quite funny. Perché era con lei? Why were you with her? Why were you with her? Qualcuno ha visto Dio? Has anybody seen God? Has anyone seen God? Tom fa almeno tre bagni la settimana. Tom takes a bath at least three times a week. Tom takes at least three baths a week. Siete ancora malate. Dovete restare a letto. You are still sick. You have to stay in bed. You're still sick. Noi vogliamo che i nostri figli siano al sicuro. We want our kids to be safe. We want our children to be safe. Sarà più conveniente a lungo termine usare della vera pelle. It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather. It will be more convenient in the long term to use real skin. Io mi sono divertita. I had fun. I had fun. A che ora vi alzate di solito? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? Questo è normale per me. This is normal to me. This is normal for me. Metta giù il fucile. Put the rifle down. Put the gun down. Facebook trova sempre un modo per infastidire i promotori. Facebook always finds a way to annoy promoters. Facebook always finds a way to annoy promoters. Tutti noi siamo canadesi. All of us are Canadians. We're all Canadians. Perché hai scelto Tom? Why did you pick Tom? Why did you choose Tom? C'è un messaggio da loro. There's a message from them. There's a message from them. Che le è successo? What happened to you? What happened to her? Ti fidi davvero di loro? Do you really trust them? Do you really trust them? Quando sei tornata dalla Germania? When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? Non la volevo uccidere. I didn't want to kill her. I didn't mean to kill her. Ha detto che non era colpevole. She said that she wasn't guilty. He said he wasn't guilty. Io spero che l'autobus arrivi presto. I hope the bus comes soon. I hope the bus arrives soon. La rivoglio indietro. I want it back. I want her back. Però non ci siete. But you're not there. But you're not there. È un'altra differenza. That's another difference. It's another difference. Avete firmato qualcosa? Did you sign anything? Did you sign something? Non partirò mai. I'll never leave. I'll never leave. Tom non lo vuole provare. Tom doesn't want to try it. Tom doesn't want to try it. Noi abbiamo un accordo? Do we have a deal? Do we have a deal? Perché sono così da solo? Why am I so alone? Why am I so alone? La fortuna non è dalla mia parte. Luck is not on my side. Luck isn't on my side. La odiamo tutti. We all hate her. We all hate her. Noi siamo andate a Boston la scorsa estate. We went to Boston last summer. We went to Boston last summer. So cosa può succedere qui. I know what can happen here. I know what can happen here. Immagino di non essere d'accordo con voi. I guess I don't agree with you. I guess I don't agree with you. Dov'è l'ambasciata australiana? Where's the Australian embassy? Where's the Australian embassy? La pizza era fantastica. The pizza was fantastic. The pizza was great. Tom si fece una doccia veloce. Tom took a quick shower. Tom took a quick shower. In quale università è andata? What college did you go to? Which university did you go to? Tom è molto insicuro. Tom is very insecure. Tom is very insecure. Non arrendetevi adesso. Don't give up now. Don't give up now. Come mi avete chiamato? What did you call me? What did you call me? Io ho una domanda. I have got a question. I have a question. Tom sentì qualcuno urlare. Tom heard someone scream. Tom heard someone screaming. Io sono in servizio adesso. I'm now on duty. I'm on duty now. È favorevole o contrario al progetto? Are you for or against the project? Are you for or against the project? Due terzi degli studenti sono venuti alla riunione. Two-thirds of the students came to the meeting. Two thirds of the students came to the meeting. Siete gelosi, vero? You're jealous, aren't you? You're jealous, aren't you? Un idiota come Dan non ha posto in questo team. An idiot like Dan has no place on this team. An idiot like Dan has no place in this team. Tom era un pessimo studente. Tom was a bad student. Tom was a bad student. Io non penso che qualcuno sappia la risposta. I don't think that anybody knows the answer. I don't think anyone knows the answer. Lui è stato messo in prigione per aver scritto il libro. He was put in jail for writing the book. He was put in prison for writing the book. Non faccia errori! Don't make mistakes! Don't make mistakes! Tu pensi che abbia avuto qualcosa a che fare con Tom? Do you think it had something to do with Tom? Do you think he had anything to do with Tom? Sami mi ha parlato di Layla. Sami talked to me about Layla. Sami told me about Layla. Tom si confuse. Tom got confused. Tom got confused. L'ho incontrato solo una volta. I met him only once. I only met him once. Quando farà il viaggio a Parigi? When will you travel to Paris? When will you travel to Paris? Non sto indossando le calze. I'm not wearing socks. I'm not wearing socks. Io non ne comprerò una. I won't buy one. I'm not buying one. Noi ci siamo divertiti molto al ballo. We had a lot of fun at the dance. We had a lot of fun at the dance. So che le piace il caffè. I know you like coffee. I know you like coffee. Può usare anche la scorciatoia da tastiera Ctrl+Alt+R. You can also use the Ctrl+Alt+R keyboard shortcut. It can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R. Io non dimenticherò mai questo incidente. I'll never forget this incident. I'll never forget this incident. Come ha reagito alla notizia? How did he respond to the news? How did you react to the news? Ho sentito che stavi cercando me. I heard that you were looking for me. I heard you were looking for me. Riprenditi. Get a hold of yourself. Take it back. Io l'ho fatta senza consultare nessuno. I did it without consulting anyone. I did it without consulting anyone. Tom è sposato con un insegnante. Tom is married to a teacher. Tom is married to a teacher. Perché Tom sta ridendo? Why's Tom laughing? Why is Tom laughing? Tom lasciò il suo cappello in macchina. Tom left his hat in the car. Tom left his hat in the car. Mi avete tradito. You betrayed me. You betrayed me. Andare in bici è un buon esercizio. In più, non inquina l'aria. Cycling is good exercise. Moreover, it doesn't pollute the air. Cycling is a good exercise. Plus, it doesn't pollute the air. La palla è rotolata dall'altra parte della strada. The ball rolled across the road. The ball rolled across the street. Dato che nessuno aveva altro da dire, la riunione è stata chiusa. Nobody having anything more to say, the meeting was closed. Since no one had anything else to say, the meeting was closed. Io ho quasi fatto un punteggio perfetto. I almost got a perfect score. I almost scored a perfect score. Gliela darò gratis. I'll give it to you for free. I'll give it to you for free. Lui ha studiato duramente e ha superato l'esame. He studied hard and passed the test. He studied hard and passed the exam. Tom parlò. Tom talked. Tom spoke. Avete capito tutto? Did you understand everything? Do you understand everything? Vorresti parlare con un avvocato? Would you like to talk to a lawyer? Would you like to talk to a lawyer? Contattatemi tramite posta ordinaria. Contact me by ordinary mail. Contact me by ordinary mail. Non so se lui lo sa. I don't know if he knows it. I don't know if he knows. Penso che Tom odi aspettarmi. I think Tom hates waiting for me. I think Tom hates waiting for me. Guardi quella montagna. Look at that mountain. Look at that mountain. Ho un'amica. I have one friend. I have a friend. Era debole per via delle perdite di sangue. He was weak from the loss of blood. He was weak because of the blood loss. Presto sarà il compleanno di Mary. Io le farò una torta. Mary's birthday will be soon. I am going to bake a cake for her. It's gonna be Mary's birthday soon, and I'm gonna make her a cake. Sembrate un po' depresse oggi. You seem a little depressed today. You seem a little depressed today. Deve essere molto fiero di suo figlio. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. Tom non riusciva a decidere se andare o rimanere. Tom couldn't decide whether to go or stay. Tom couldn't decide whether to go or stay. Quello che dice è falso. What you say is false. What he says is false. Questo è pesante come il piombo. This is as heavy as lead. This is as heavy as lead. Ero tentato. I was tempted. I was tempted. Puoi fornirci dei riferimenti? Can you provide us with references? Can you give us references? Sei molto aperto. You're very open. You're very open. Di colpo si è spenta la luce. Suddenly, the light went out. Suddenly the light went out. Tutte le donne sono belle. All women are beautiful. All women are beautiful. Ha comprato un cappotto costoso. You bought an expensive coat. He bought an expensive coat. Mi dispiace, devo andare. I am sorry, I've got to go. I'm sorry, I have to go. Io ho un terribile mal di testa. I have a terrible headache. I have a terrible headache. Perché non va a trovarle? Why don't you go find them? Why don't you go see them? Chiunque dica così è un bugiardo. Whoever says so is a liar. Anyone who says that is a liar. Non dovevo lavorare lunedì scorso. I didn't have to work last Monday. I didn't have to work last Monday. Io non sarò ricattata. I won't be blackmailed. I won't be blackmailed. Tom cercò di convincere Mary a non andarsene. Tom tried to talk Mary out of leaving. Tom tried to convince Mary not to leave. Guida molto veloce. She drives very fast. He drives very fast. OK, capisco l'idea. OK, I get the idea. Okay, I get the idea. Ero seduta di fianco a lei. I sat beside her. I was sitting next to her. Hanno tutti fame? Is everyone hungry? Everyone's hungry? Era sorpreso dalla notizia. He was surprised by the news. He was surprised by the news. La giovane donna reggeva un neonato in braccio. The young woman was carrying an infant in her arms. The young woman held a baby in her arms. Ritorno stanotte. I'm coming back tonight. I'll be back tonight. Io sto studiando la grammatica francese. I'm studying French grammar. I'm studying French grammar. Tu mi aiuterai con Tom? Will you help me with Tom? Will you help me with Tom? Tom non ebbe mai l'occasione di conoscere Mary. Tom never got to meet Mary. Tom never had a chance to meet Mary. È un grande problema? Is it a big problem? Is that a big problem? Stai cercando questo? Are you looking for this? Are you looking for this? Voi sarete orgogliose di me. You're going to be proud of me. You'll be proud of me. Abbiamo perso di vista Tom tra la folla. We lost sight of Tom in the crowd. We lost sight of Tom in the crowd. Lei è cresciuto. You've grown. You've grown up. Non so cosa faremmo senza di lei. I don't know what we would do without you. I don't know what we'd do without her. Non posso fare una fotografia a questo edificio. È vietato. I cannot take a picture of this building. It's forbidden. I can't take a picture of this building. Ho mangiato le mele verdi. I ate the green apples. I ate the green apples. Giuro che questo è vero. I swear this is true. I swear this is true. Perché tu pensi che i pesci non possano provare dolore? Why do you think fish can't feel pain? Why do you think fish can't feel pain? Sei veramente una pessima barista. You're a really bad bartender. You're a really bad bartender. Io sono emozionata. I'm excited. I'm excited. Le tempeste di fulmini sono sia spaventose che emozionanti. Thunderstorms are both scary and exciting. Lightning storms are both frightening and exciting. La smetta di peggiorare le cose. Stop making matters worse. Stop making things worse. Tom è un surfista. Tom is a surfer. Tom is a surfer. Tom non aveva abbastanza soldi per noleggiare un'auto. Tom didn't have enough money to rent a car. Tom didn't have enough money to rent a car. Loro la cattureranno. They will catch you. They'll catch her. Tu hai ancora paura? Are you still afraid? Are you still scared? Non conosci mio fratello. You don't know my brother. You don't know my brother. Si è comportato male. He behaved badly. He misbehaved. Io non riuscivo a ricordare il titolo di quella canzone. I couldn't remember the title of that song. I couldn't remember the title of that song. Svegliami presto domani mattina. Wake me up early tomorrow morning. Wake me up early in the morning. Capisco. I understand. I see. Sto venendo licenziato? Am I being fired? Am I getting fired? Tom non voleva parlare con me. Tom didn't want to talk to me. Tom didn't want to talk to me. Questo biglietto è valido per tre giorni. This ticket is valid for three days. This ticket is valid for three days. Giochiamo spesso a tennis insieme. We often play tennis together. We often play tennis together. Odio vivere a Boston. I hate living in Boston. I hate living in Boston. Potrei avere un cuscino e una coperta? Could I have a pillow and blanket? Could I have a pillow and a blanket? Vorremmo prenotare un viaggio per l'Australia. We would like to make reservations for a trip to Australia. We'd like to book a trip to Australia. Fatemi finire questa partita. Let me finish this game. Let me finish this game. Tom aveva paura di ferire i sentimenti di Mary. Tom was afraid of hurting Mary's feelings. Tom was afraid to hurt Mary's feelings. Dovreste mangiare più verdure. You should eat more vegetables. You should eat more vegetables. A volte mi serve mio padre. Sometimes I need my father. Sometimes I need my dad. Dovete andare a parlare con loro. You have to go talk to them. You have to go talk to them. Quelle persone sono pericolose. Those people are dangerous. Those people are dangerous. Oh, guarda! C'è un grande serpente laggiù! Oh, look! There's a big snake over there! Oh, look, there's a big snake over there! Non posso stare qua da sola. I can't stay here alone. I can't be here alone. Voi non dovete cambiare. You don't have to change. You don't have to change. Tom ha detto che stavi bevendo. Tom said you were drinking. Tom said you were drinking. Riusciamo a fare questo se lavoriamo assieme. We can do this if we work together. We can do this if we work together. È segreto. It's secret. It's secret. Perché avete parlato con Tom? Why did you talk to Tom? Why did you talk to Tom? È stato in grado di giocare a mahjong la scorsa estate? Were you able to play mahjong last summer? Were you able to play mahjong last summer? Ti sei divertito a Boston? Did you have fun in Boston? Did you have fun in Boston? Tom non può avere più di trent'anni. Tom can't be over thirty. Tom can't be more than thirty years old. Mi hanno rubato la bicicletta ieri. Yesterday I had my bicycle stolen. They stole my bike yesterday. Quando inizia la primavera? When does spring start? When does spring begin? Spegnerebbe la TV, per favore? Would you please turn off the TV? Would you turn off the TV, please? Sembri meraviglioso. You look amazing. You look wonderful. Chiedetemi qualsiasi cosa difficile oggi. Ask me something hard today. Ask me anything difficult today. Speriamo che Tom non vinca. We hope Tom doesn't win. Let's hope Tom doesn't win. È sicura ora? Is it safe now? Are you sure now? Sta a te, Tom. It's up to you, Tom. It's up to you, Tom. Non preoccuparti per i dettagli minori. Don't worry about the minor details. Don't worry about minor details. Vorrei che si riposasse. I'd like him to rest. I'd like you to rest. Qual è la popolazione dell'India? What is the population of India? What is the population of India? L'hai sconfitta. You beat her. You defeated her. Loro non sono sempre impegnati, vero? They aren't always busy, are they? They're not always busy, are they? Sa chi sono. She knows who they are. He knows who I am. C'è ancora del caffè in cucina? Is there any coffee in the kitchen? Is there still coffee in the kitchen? Io ho imparato molte lezioni. I've learned many lessons. I've learned a lot of lessons. Tom accese la luce. Tom turned on the light. Tom lit the light. Vennero uccisi molti soldati nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Many soldiers were killed in World War II. Many soldiers were killed in World War II. Non l'ho mai detto a nessuno. I've never told anyone that. I've never told anyone. Avete un aspetto magnifico. You look wonderful. You look great. Tom ha segnato un goal! Tom scored a goal! Tom scored a goal! Sbrighiamoci. Let's hurry. Hurry up. Io credo che Tom vi stia cercando. I believe Tom is looking for you. I think Tom is looking for you. Facebook ha chiuso la sua pagina. Facebook closed her page. Facebook has closed its page. Le nuvole coprirono il sole. The clouds hid the sun. The clouds covered the sun. Sono sicurissimo che vi sbagliate. I'm absolutely certain you're wrong about that. I'm sure you're wrong. Tom ha impostato il timer. Tom set the timer. Tom set the timer. Tom sa che non vinco spesso. Tom knows that I don't often win. Tom knows I don't win often. Siamo abbastanza a nostro agio. We're quite comfortable. We're quite comfortable. Per favore, mi dia un po' di sale. Please give me some salt. Please, give me some salt. Io non merito di vivere. I don't deserve to live. I don't deserve to live. Avete perso. You lost. You lost. Qual è il vostro rapporto con lei? What's your connection to her? What is your relationship with her? Tom è giusto. Tom is fair. Tom is right. Lei ama ascoltare la musica classica. She loves listening to classical music. She loves to listen to classical music. Non parla molto, vero? You don't talk a lot, do you? He doesn't talk much, does he? Riesco a trovarti su Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Can I find you on Facebook? Tom ha detto di non averlo fatto. Tom said he didn't do it. Tom said he didn't do that. Il tenente Dan Anderson non poteva collegare Linda al crimine. Lieutenant Dan Anderson couldn't link Linda to the crime. Lieutenant Dan Anderson couldn't link Linda to the crime. Metta la corda nella scatola. Put the rope in the box. Put the rope in the box. Lui finse di non vedermi. He pretended not to see me. He pretended not to see me. Tom notò un altro dettaglio. Tom noticed another detail. Tom noticed another detail. Stava male per aver mangiato troppo. He was sick from eating too much. He was sick for eating too much. Sta mangiando. He's eating. He's eating. Ritornerà presto a casa. He will soon return home. He'll be home soon. Appena ritorna ce ne andiamo. Let's leave as soon as he gets back. As soon as he gets back, we're leaving. Ho bisogno di andare al lavoro. I need to go to work. I need to get to work. Devo ancora sbarazzarmi di questo tappeto. I still have to get rid of this carpet. I still have to get rid of this rug. Tom dove ha studiato? Where did Tom study? Where did Tom study? Devo cambiare la batteria della mia macchina. I have to charge the battery of my car. I need to change my car battery. Lui dovette ricorrere a tutta la sua esperienza per realizzare il piano. He had to call on all his experience to carry out the plan. He had to resort to all his experience to realize the plan. Io sto provando a ripararla. I'm trying to fix it. I'm trying to fix it. Questo visone costa 3000 dollari. This mink cost $3,000. This mink costs $3,000. Voglio che faccia il lavoro difficile. I want her to do the difficult work. I want you to do the hard work. Io voglio visitare l'Egitto un giorno. I want to visit Egypt some day. I want to visit Egypt one day. Siamo tutti canadesi qui. We're all Canadians here. We're all Canadians here. Conoscevo suo fratello. I knew your brother. I knew his brother. È situato a Boston. It's located in Boston. It is located in Boston. Tom mangiò come un maiale. Tom ate like a pig. Tom ate like a pig. È ancora annoiata? Are you still bored? Are you still bored? Siamo troppo in ritardo per la festa? Are we too late for the party? Are we too late for the party? Io non ho mai mangiato della carne di cavallo. I've never eaten horse meat. I've never eaten horse meat. Può scrivere in braille? Can you Braille? Can you write in Braille? Adesso non ha niente per cui vivere. Now he has nothing to live for. Now he has nothing to live for. Noi la conosciamo. We know it. We know her. Dove passerà le vacanze? Where are you going to spend the vacation? Where will you spend your vacation? Quello che intendevo dire era che non lo dovresti fare. What I meant to say was that you shouldn't do that. What I meant was that you shouldn't do it. Impazzisce per te. He's crazy about you. He's going crazy for you. Hai conosciuto delle canadesi qui a Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Tom voleva tingersi i capelli. Tom wanted to dye his hair. Tom wanted to dye his hair. Non mi manca Tom. I don't miss Tom. I don't miss Tom. È in hotel adesso. She's at the hotel now. He's at the hotel now. Perché Tom dovrebbe visitare Boston? Why should Tom visit Boston? Why should Tom visit Boston? Sono qui in vacanza. I'm here on vacation. I'm here on vacation. Io ho risposto. I answered. I answered. Tom ha già firmato il contratto? Has Tom already signed the contract? Has Tom signed the contract yet? La sto salvando. I'm saving it. I'm saving her. Tom deve essere a casa. Tom must be home. Tom must be home. Io soffro di vertigini. I'm afraid of heights. I suffer from vertigo. Lui non è un bambino. He is not a child. He's not a child. Ciò è molto utile. This is very useful. This is very useful. Io non ero per niente sicuro. I wasn't confident at all. I wasn't sure at all. Io non voglio sembrare debole. I don't want to look weak. I don't want to look weak. Non dovevi scendere così presto. You didn't have to get off so early. You shouldn't have come down so early. Potreste chiedere a Tom di chiamare Mary? Could you ask Tom to call Mary? Could you ask Tom to call Mary? Stia lontano da noi. Keep away from us. Stay away from us. Io ne sono molto compiaciuta. I'm very pleased with it. I'm very pleased. Anche questa è una mela. This is an apple, too. This is an apple too. Per una parola delirante non c'è risposta. For a delirious word there is no answer. For a delusional word there is no answer. La sconfitta fu una delusione. The loss was a disappointment. The defeat was a disappointment. Inviti il suo amico per cena. Invite your friend for dinner. Invite your friend for dinner. Tom li ha osservati attentamente. Tom watched them carefully. Tom watched them carefully. Lei ha dei giornali russi? Do you have Russian newspapers? Do you have any Russian newspapers? È una giornata piacevole, vero? It's a pleasant day, isn't it? It's a nice day, isn't it? Io non sono mai stato su una nave. I've never been on a ship. I've never been on a ship. Io penso che dovrebbe perdere un po' di peso. I think you should lose some weight. I think you should lose some weight. Mi spoglio. I'm undressing. I'm undressing. Dove sta andando? Where are you going? Where are you going? Mary è stata arrestata per aver ucciso suo marito. Mary has been arrested for killing her husband. Mary was arrested for killing her husband. Siete impegnati da ieri? Have you been busy since yesterday? You've been busy since yesterday? Io ne sono convinto. I'm convinced. I'm convinced. Capita soltanto nei film. That only happens in the movies. It only happens in movies. Che strada è questa? What street is this? What road is this? Lo avrei potuto usare. I could've used that. I could have used it. Hai avvertito Tom? Did you warn Tom? Did you warn Tom? Lui non riesce a vedere niente senza i suoi occhiali. He cannot see anything without his glasses. He can't see anything without his glasses. Tom e Mary stanno cercando qualcuno che li aiuti. Tom and Mary are looking for somebody to help them. Tom and Mary are looking for someone to help them. Che viaggi sta pianificando? What trips are you planning? What are you planning? Lei ha diviso la torta in cinque pezzi. She divided the cake into five pieces. She divided the cake into five pieces. Pensavo la amasse. I thought you loved it. I thought he loved her. A causa del maltempo, la partenza del aereo era in ritardo di due ore. Because of the bad weather, the plane's departure was delayed by two hours. Due to the bad weather, the departure of the plane was two hours late. Io spero solo che voi non siate troppo in ritardo. I only hope you're not too late. I just hope you're not too late. Lui era ambasciatore alle Nazioni Unite. He was ambassador to the United Nations. He was ambassador to the United Nations. Perché Tom mi sta prendendo di mira? Why is Tom picking on me? Why is Tom targeting me? Ha molti amici qui. She has a lot of friends here. He's got a lot of friends here. Sono stato sorpreso da uno scroscio serale. I was caught in an evening shower. I was surprised by a night break. Perché non ce lo direte? Why won't you tell us? Why won't you tell us? Sono stravolto. I am exhausted. I'm upset. Può allungare le sue vacanze di qualche giorno? Can you extend your holiday by a few days? Can you extend your holiday for a few days? Tom pensa che Mary sia carina? Does Tom think Mary is pretty? Does Tom think Mary is cute? Dove mi lascia? Where does that leave me? Where are you leaving me? Tom non sa quando tacere. Tom doesn't know when to shut up. Tom doesn't know when to shut up. Tom vuole essere un vincitore. Tom wants to be a winner. Tom wants to be a winner. Io non sono il solo canadese nella squadra. I'm not the only Canadian on the team. I'm not the only Canadian on the team. Smith era un uomo onesto. Smith was an honest man. Smith was an honest man. Che ne pensi del suo suggerimento? What do you think of his suggestion? What do you think of your suggestion? Tom l'ha fatto nel modo sbagliato. Tom did that the wrong way. Tom did it the wrong way. I maiali non sanno volare. Pigs can't fly. Pigs can't fly. È incurabile. That's incurable. It's incurable. Non ho potuto proteggerli. I couldn't protect them. I couldn't protect them. Non riesco a venire perché sono a Londra. I can't come because I'm in London. I can't come because I'm in London. È preparato a farlo? Are you prepared to do that? Are you prepared to do that? Il conducente svoltò a destra. The driver turned the wheel to the right. The driver drove to the right. Io non ero impegnato come Tom. I wasn't as busy as Tom was. I wasn't as busy as Tom was. Farlo è stata una buona idea. Doing that was a good idea. It was a good idea to do that. Non migliora. It doesn't get better. It doesn't get better. Lui è fluente in mandarino. He is fluent in Mandarin. He is fluent in Mandarin. Tom è ancora di sopra. Tom is still upstairs. Tom is still upstairs. Tom non ha ammesso il suo errore. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Tom didn't admit his mistake. Potrebbe abbassare il volume della televisione? Could you lower the volume of the television? Could you turn down the volume of the television? Tom è irremovibile. Tom is inflexible. Tom is unmoved. La chiave deve essere qui da qualche parte. The key has to be here somewhere. The key has to be here somewhere. Riesco a parlare in esperanto come un madrelingua. I can speak Esperanto like a native. I can speak Esperanto like a native speaker. Io non penso che Tom fosse arrabbiato. I don't think Tom was angry. I don't think Tom was angry. A noi è ancora permesso farlo? Are we still permitted to do that? Are we still allowed to do that? Dov'è la sua mammina? Where is your mommy? Where's your mommy? Sarò con voi tra un secondo. I'll be with you in a sec. I'll be with you in a second. Sono tutti molto impegnati. Everybody is very busy. They're all very busy. Mi ha aiutata molto. That helped me a lot. It helped me a lot. Ci scuserebbe per un minuto, per piacere? Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Would you excuse us for a minute, please? Dovremmo aspettarla qua? Should we wait here for her? Should we wait here for her? Li ho rifiutati. I turned them down. I turned them down. Io ho una casa grande. I have a big house. I have a big house. Devo andare a dare da mangiare ai polli. I need to go feed the chickens. I have to go feed the chickens. Non sono interessata agli sport. I am not interested in sports. I'm not interested in sports. Hai detto che la amavi. You said you loved her. You said you loved her. Sto per abbandonare la scuola. I'm going to leave school. I'm about to drop out of school. Io non vengo invitato spesso alle feste. I'm not often invited to parties. I don't get invited to parties often. Le dissi di non usare quelle. I told her not to use those. I told her not to use those. Io non sono malata. I am not sick. I'm not sick. La Finlandia è sulla mappa. Finland is on the map. Finland is on the map. Io non ho rispetto per Tom. I have no respect for Tom. I have no respect for Tom. Toccò i suoi capelli. Erano bagnati. She touched her hair. It was wet. He touched his hair. They were wet. Non ho ancora imparato a guidare una macchina. I still haven't learned to drive a car. I haven't learned how to drive a car yet. È stato filmato in Australia. It was filmed in Australia. It was filmed in Australia. Ho finalmente trovato una casa. I finally found a home. I finally found a house. Ho bisogno di una cartina. I need a map. I need a map. Che cosa sta succedendo con i bambini in questi giorni? What's going on with kids these days? What's going on with the kids these days? Pesava forse trecento chilogrammi. It weighed perhaps 300 kilograms. It weighed maybe 300 kilograms. La plastica non si rompe facilmente. Plastic does not break easily. Plastic doesn't break easily. Quelle regole favoriscono il malcontento fra gli studenti. Those rules foster discontent among students. Those rules favor discontent among students. Ha fatto un lavoro splendido. You did a splendid job. He did a great job. Mi hai mai vista ballare? Have you ever seen me dance? Have you ever seen me dance? Tutti ci stanno guardando. Everyone is watching us. Everyone's watching us. Vorremmo chiedervi di ridurre del 5% il prezzo di listino di STL@3456. We would like to ask you to reduce the prices quoted for STL#3456 by 5%. We would like to ask you to reduce the list price of STL@3456 by 5%. Io non ne ho la più pallida idea. I don't have the faintest idea. I have no idea. Ogni famiglia ne ha una. Every family has one. Every family has one. Io non posso darvi la colpa. I can't blame you. I can't blame you. A me piace il sushi. I like sushi. I like sushi. Lui rimase bloccato al lavoro. He got bogged down at work. He got stuck at work. Tom mi diede un passaggio a casa. Tom drove me home. Tom gave me a ride home. Tom avrà bisogno di aiuto, vero? Tom is going to need help, isn't he? Tom will need help, won't he? Tom abitava in un monolocale. Tom lived in a one-bedroom apartment. Tom lived in a studio apartment. Tom vuole aiutare. Tom wants to help out. Tom wants to help. Io morirei per voi. I would die for you. I'd die for you. Quando è venuto a trovarvi Tom? When did Tom come see you? When did Tom come to see you? Tom ha comprato due copie del libro. Tom bought two copies of the book. Tom bought two copies of the book. Era tranquillo. It was peaceful. It was quiet. Non ti piacciono le ragazze? Do you not like girls? You don't like girls? Le incontreremo più tardi. We'll meet them later. We'll meet them later. Noi ci alleniamo assieme. We train together. We train together. È soltanto la mia opinione. That's just my opinion. That's just my opinion. A Tom non piaceva la scuola. Tom didn't like school. Tom didn't like school. Credo che diventerà ricco un giorno. I believe he is going to be rich one day. I think he'll get rich someday. Tom non può essere salvato. Tom can't be saved. Tom can't be saved. Sembra sveglia. Look alive. She looks smart. Correndo il più velocemente che ho potuto, sono stato in grado di raggiungere il mio amico. Running as fast as I could, I was able to catch up with my friend. Running as fast as I could, I was able to reach my friend. Mentre stavo leggendo, il telefono suonò. While I was reading, the phone rang. While I was reading, the phone rang. Perché Tom non lo fa mai? Why doesn't Tom ever do that? Why doesn't Tom ever do that? Sarò con te tra un secondo. I'll be with you in a sec. I'll be with you in a second. Non fa bene mangiare tra i pasti. It is not good to eat between meals. It's not good to eat between meals. Lui morì per una ferita al petto dopo una settimana. He died from a wound in the chest after a week. He died of a chest injury after a week. Potreste andare, per favore? Could you please go? Could you please go? Io ho trascorso molto tempo in Australia. I spent a lot of time in Australia. I spent a lot of time in Australia. Che ne dite di giocare a tennis? How about playing tennis? How about playing tennis? Non sapevo foste così brave in francese. I didn't know you were so good at French. I didn't know you were so good at French. Guarda il neonato dormire nella culla. Look at the baby sleeping in the cradle. Watch the baby sleep in the crib. Ha parlato con lei, vero? You talked to her, didn't you? You spoke to her, didn't you? Io consigliai a Tom di andare lì. I advised Tom to go there. I advised Tom to go there. Funziona ancora? Does it still work? Does it still work? Mi darete un passaggio fino alla stazione? Will you give me a lift to the station? Will you give me a ride to the station? Sia specifico. Be specific. Be specific. Tom sapeva che la storia non era vera. Tom knew that the story wasn't true. Tom knew the story wasn't true. Non sono morte, vero? They aren't dead, are they? They're not dead, are they? Rimarrete a casa? Will you stay at home? Will you stay home? Tom mi scrive una volta la settimana. Tom writes to me once a week. Tom writes to me once a week. Devo lavarmi le mani. I have to wash my hands. I need to wash my hands. Tom ha sete. Tom's thirsty. Tom is thirsty. Devo portarlo a casa. I have to get him home. I have to take him home. Tom non farà del male a nessun altro. Tom won't hurt anyone else. Tom won't hurt anyone else. Io ho dato un sacco di soldi a Tom per farlo. I paid Tom a lot of money to do that. I gave Tom a lot of money to do that. Tom si è esposto al pericolo. Tom exposed himself to danger. Tom exposed himself to danger. Volevo parlare con lei di qualcosa. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to you about something. Voglio che chiamiate ogni giorno. I want you to call every day. I want you to call every day. Partecipò alla riunione. She attended the meeting. He attended the meeting. Pensavo che Tom fosse in pensione. I thought Tom was retired. I thought Tom was retired. Hai un fiammifero? Do you have a match? Do you have a match? C'era un ponte là. There was a bridge there. There was a bridge there. A Tom probabilmente piacerebbe farlo. Tom would probably like to do that. Tom would probably like to do that. Quando è la vostra prima lezione? When's your first class? When is your first lesson? Sono appassionata di auto. I am fond of cars. I'm passionate about cars. Tom non ha neanche provato ad aiutare Mary. Tom didn't even try to help Mary. Tom didn't even try to help Mary. Mettete da parte tutte le cose che sono inutili. Put aside all those which are useless. Put aside all the things that are useless. Non era il mio primo bacio. It wasn't my first kiss. It wasn't my first kiss. Io non avevo tempo di leggere. I didn't have time to read. I didn't have time to read. Non discuteremo i nostri piani con lei. We won't discuss our plans with you. We're not gonna discuss our plans with her. Sto preparando dei popcorn. Ne vuole un po'? I'm making popcorn. Do you want some? I'm making popcorn. Tom finirà in prigione. Tom is going to end up in prison. Tom will end up in jail. Tom è giovane e forte. Tom is young and strong. Tom is young and strong. Io ero lì con loro. I was there with them. I was there with them. Lei gli ha consigliato di smettere di fumare. She advised him to stop smoking. She advised him to stop smoking. Stimo le sue opinioni. I value your opinions. I estimate his views. Voi mi mancate già. I miss you already. I miss you already. Ha perso la chiave. He lost the key. He lost the key. Penso che sia attratta da lei. I think she's attracted to you. I think she's attracted to you. Suo cugino, di cui mi sono scordata il nome, era un infermiere. His cousin, whose name I forget, was a nurse. His cousin, whose name I forgot, was a nurse. Tom sapeva esattamente dove doveva andare. Tom knew exactly where he needed to go. Tom knew exactly where he was going. Ha bevuto tre tazze di caffè. You've drunk three cups of coffee. He drank three cups of coffee. Lui era sorpreso alla vista del sangue. He was surprised at the sight of blood. He was surprised at the sight of the blood. Tom disse che non aveva denaro. Tom said he had no money. Tom said he had no money. Come risolvo questo problema? How do I solve this problem? How do I solve this problem? Mio nonno morì poco dopo la mia nascita. My grandfather died shortly after my birth. My grandfather died shortly after I was born. Alcuni dicono che lui era un musicista in gioventù. Some say that he was a musician in his youth. Some say he was a musician in his youth. Non ci può essere sollievo senza dolore. There can be no relief without pain. There can be no relief without pain. La fidanzata di Tom lo minacciò di lasciarlo. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Avete aggiunto un commento, non una traduzione. Per aggiungere una traduzione, cliccate sul il simbolo "あ→а" sopra la frase. You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click on the "あ→а" icon above the sentence. You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click on the symbol "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Era più sorpreso di quanto mi fossi aspettata. He was more surprised than I had expected. He was more surprised than I expected. Lo riuscite a guardare? Can you watch him? Can you look at him? Ho visto Tom in biblioteca. I saw Tom at the library. I saw Tom in the library. Io mi sento molto tradita. I feel very betrayed. I feel very betrayed. Lei cosa pensa che stia succedendo? What do you think is going on? What do you think is going on? Sto provando ad aiutarla. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help her. Noi nuotammo nel lago. We swam in the lake. We swam in the lake. Le auto di Tom e Mary sono sempre sporche. Tom's and Mary's cars are always dirty. Tom and Mary's cars are always dirty. Siete stati online? Have you been online? Have you been online? Perché Tom lo avrebbe fatto? Why would Tom have done that? Why would Tom do that? Le usi con saggezza. Use them wisely. Use them wisely. Lei l'ha perdonato. She forgave you. She forgave him. Qual è il vostro animale preferito? What's your favorite animal? What's your favorite animal? Tom possiede tutto ora. Tom owns everything now. Tom owns everything now. Li vidi salire su un autobus. I saw them get on a bus. I saw them get on a bus. Tom e Mary hanno detto che non lo farebbero fino a lunedì. Tom and Mary said they wouldn't do that until Monday. Tom and Mary said they wouldn't do that until Monday. È stato un equivoco! That was a misunderstanding! It was a misunderstanding! Alcune cose è meglio non dirle. Some things are better not said. Some things are best not to say. Quand'è venuta in Giappone? When did you come to Japan? When did you come to Japan? Questo è il mio ufficio. This is my office. This is my office. Sembrate un po' depresse. You seem a bit depressed. You look a little depressed. Eravamo a Londra lo scorso inverno. We were in London last winter. We were in London last winter. Quando parti per Roma? When are you leaving for Rome? When are you leaving for Rome? Tom sa che io non posso venire oggi. Tom knows I can't come today. Tom knows I can't come today. Mi piace davvero il modo in cui pensi. I do like the way you think. I really like the way you think. Preferisco l'inverno all'estate. I like winter better than summer. I prefer winter to summer. Hanno mangiato e hanno bevuto. They ate and they drank. They ate and drank. Io spero che Tom sia preparato. I hope Tom is prepared. I hope Tom is prepared. Tutti lo fanno. Everyone does it. Everyone does. Lui riesce anche a parlare il russo. He can also speak Russian. He can also speak Russian. La domanda difficile è dove. The difficult question is where. The hard question is where. Tom non è ancora sicuro. Tom is still not sure. Tom isn't sure yet. Si dovrà alzare presto domani mattina. He will have to get up early tomorrow. You'll have to get up early in the morning. Imbuca questa lettera. Mail this letter. Enter this letter. Gli alberghi sono più economici in bassa stagione. Hotels are cheaper in the off season. Hotels are cheaper in low season. Perché non la scrivete in francese? Why don't you write it in French? Why don't you write it in French? Do dei soldi a Tom ogni settimana. I give Tom money every week. I give Tom money every week. Io ho un amico di penna in Australia. I have a pen pal in Australia. I have a pen pal in Australia. Ah, aspetti un momento. Mi si è slacciata la scarpa. Ah, hold a mo. My shoelace's come undone. Oh, wait a minute, my shoe's untied. L'italiano è la mia madrelingua. Italian is my native language. Italian is my mother tongue. Dovrei studiare inglese, ma preferirei guardare un film. I should be studying English, but I'd rather watch a movie. I should study English, but I'd rather watch a movie. Se trasforma 48 ore in minuti, quanti minuti ci sono? If you convert 48 hours into minutes, how many minutes does that make? If it turns 48 hours into minutes, how many minutes are there? Non ti ho detto di chiudere la porta? Didn't I tell you to close the door? Didn't I tell you to close the door? Probabilmente a Tom non importa. Tom probably doesn't care. Tom probably doesn't care. Ha visto qualcuno? Did you see anyone? Did you see anyone? Voi siete potenti. You're powerful. You're powerful. John è un veterinario. John is a veterinarian. John's a vet. Poi siamo andati al teatro. Then we went to the theater. Then we went to the theater. Tom odia studiare il francese. Tom hates studying French. Tom hates studying French. Io abito con i miei genitori. I live with my parents. I live with my parents. Tom è un tipo molto creativo. Tom is a very creative guy. Tom is a very creative guy. Quel bambino si è fatto male. The kid got hurt. That baby got hurt. Non abbiamo trovato un'arma. We didn't find a weapon. We didn't find a weapon. È difficile essere onesti. It's hard to be honest. It's hard to be honest. Tom e Mary sono gli amici di John. Tom and Mary are John's friends. Tom and Mary are John's friends. Mi ha fatto un sorriso di riconoscimento. He gave me a smile of recognition. He gave me a smile of recognition. Noi siamo marito e moglie. We are husband and wife. We're husband and wife. Mary si arrabbiò quando Tom le fece notare il suo peso. Mary became angry when Tom mentioned her weight. Mary became angry when Tom pointed out her weight. Tom mandò a Mary una cartolina da Roma. Tom sent Mary a postcard from Rome. Tom sent Mary a postcard from Rome. Sono buoni. They're good. They're good. Lei sta bevendo del tè. She is drinking tea. She's drinking tea. Il signor Tanaka è un uomo galante. Mr Tanaka is a chivalrous man. Mr. Tanaka is a gallant man. Vivrò a Sasayama l'anno prossimo. I will live in Sasayama next year. I'll live in Sasayama next year. Io non sono venuta qui per una bevanda. I didn't come here for a drink. I didn't come here for a drink. Io ero sorpresa che Tom non fosse qui ieri. I was surprised Tom wasn't here yesterday. I was surprised Tom wasn't here yesterday. Qual è il nome della signora che deve rimanere senza nome? What is the name of the lady who must not be named? What is the name of the lady who must remain nameless? L'ho fatta lunedì. I did it on Monday. I did it on Monday. Vi lascerò tornare al lavoro. I'll let you get back to work. I'll let you get back to work. Potrebbe sentire qualcosa. You might hear something. He might feel something. Pensi di essere fotogenica? Do you think you're photogenic? You think you're photogenic? Ripensandoci, credo che prenderò una fetta di quella torta. On second thought, I think I will have a slice of that pie. On second thought, I think I'll get a slice of that cake. Ho sempre mantenuto la mia parola. I have always kept my word. I've always kept my word. Tom sta cercando qualcosa. Tom is looking for something. Tom is looking for something. Non sto studiando. I am not studying. I'm not studying. Non è ancora stata presa nessuna decisione. No decision has been made yet. No decision has yet been made. Pensa che sarà difficile finire di leggere questo libro in una settimana? Do you think it'll be difficult to finish reading this book in a week? Do you think it'll be hard to finish reading this book in a week? Io voglio che siamo amici. I want us to be friends. I want us to be friends. Devo prepararmi per il test. I've got to prepare for the test. I have to get ready for the test. Nessuno fuggì. No one escaped. Nobody escaped. Dovresti andare a casa. You've got to go home. You should go home. Io posso farlo. I can do it. I can do that. Tom ha trascorso il weekend a casa nostra. Tom spent the weekend at our place. Tom spent the weekend at our house. Ha mai sentito Tom suonare il clarinetto? Have you ever heard Tom play the clarinet? Have you ever heard Tom play the clarinet? Tom non può essere corrotto. Tom can't be bribed. Tom can't be corrupt. Perché è così carina con me? Why is she so nice to me? Why is she so cute to me? Stai qui con noi. Stay here with us. Stay here with us. Chi comprerebbe questo? Who would buy this? Who would buy this? Voi non siete grassi. You're not fat. You're not fat. Dovreste fare lo stesso. You should do the same. You should do the same. Avete tutto? Do you have everything? Do you have everything? Non ti guardare mai indietro. Never look back. Never look back. Leggo quei messaggi in berbero. I read those messages in Berber. I read those messages in Berber. Tom è di pessimo umore in questo momento. Tom is in a bad mood right now. Tom is in a bad mood right now. La sua macchina è stata appena riparata. His car has just been repaired. His car has just been repaired. Perché non cena più con me? Why doesn't he eat dinner with me anymore? Why don't you have dinner with me anymore? Hai avuto rapporti con uomini? Have you had dealings with men? Have you had relations with men? Tom probabilmente non sarà lento. Tom won't likely be slow. Tom probably won't be slow. Le prove sono indiscutibili. The evidence is indisputable. The evidence is indisputable. Tom sta compilando un modulo di domanda di lavoro. Tom is filling out a job application form. Tom is filling out a job application form. Noi dovremmo sempre obbedire alle leggi. We should always obey laws. We should always obey the laws. Deve essere innamorata. You must be in love. She must be in love. Pensavo fossimo d'accordo. I thought we agreed. I thought we agreed. Tom voleva che Mary fosse felice. Tom wanted Mary to be happy. Tom wanted Mary to be happy. Glielo chiederai? Are you going to ask him? Are you gonna ask him? Non l'ho dato a lui. I didn't give it to him. I didn't give it to him. Avanti, andiamo a prendere qualcosa da bere. Come on, let's go get a drink. Come on, let's go get a drink. Può prendere il libro. You may take the book. You can take the book. Tom non vuole lottare. Tom doesn't want to fight. Tom doesn't want to fight. Non posso convincerlo. I can't convince him. I can't convince him. "Grazie per avermi aiutato." "Non c'è di che." "Thanks for the help." "Don't mention it." "Thank you for helping me." "You're welcome." Non feci niente per loro. I didn't do anything for them. I didn't do anything for them. Ho trent'anni. I'm thirty. I'm 30 years old. Non ho mai voluto farti del male. I never wanted to hurt you. I never meant to hurt you. Stò cercando la mia chiave. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. Stia alla larga da quel posto. Stay away from that place. Stay away from that place. Mi piacerebbe aiutarlo a dimostrarlo. I'd like to help him prove it. I'd like to help him prove it. So che ti piace essere un insegnante. I know you like being a teacher. I know you like being a teacher. Mai ho sognato di sposarti. Never have I dreamed of marrying you. I never dreamed of marrying you. La menopausa è la cessazione definitiva delle funzioni primarie delle ovaie. Menopause is the permanent cessation of the ovaries' primary functions. Menopause is the definitive cessation of primary functions of the ovaries. Questo è enormemente ottimistico. This is wildly optimistic. This is enormously optimistic. Il sole è tramontato. The sun has set. The sun's set. Vi ho detto che era una perdita di tempo. I told you it was a waste of time. I told you it was a waste of time. Loro figlia è un'infermiera. Their daughter is a nurse. Their daughter is a nurse. Voglio sapere quando Tom ha iniziato a studiare il francese. I want to know when Tom began studying French. I want to know when Tom started studying French. Dove sono i nostri soldi? Where's our money? Where's our money? La rimpiango già. I already regret it. I already regret it. Spero che Tom riesca ad aiutarvi. I hope Tom can help you. I hope Tom can help you. Non sono andato a nuotare oggi. I didn't go swimming today. I didn't go swimming today. Non abbiamo potuto capire la sua logica. We couldn't understand her logic. We couldn't understand his logic. Il cane rintracciò il coniglio nel bosco. The dog traced the rabbit into the forest. The dog tracked the rabbit in the woods. Vorreste qualcosa da bere? Would you like something to drink? Would you like a drink? Mi è costata dieci dollari. It cost me 10 dollars. It cost me ten dollars. Io non sono l'unico canadese nella stanza. I'm not the only Canadian in the room. I'm not the only Canadian in the room. A me piace un albero da giardino. I like a garden tree. I like a garden tree. I cosmonauti indossano delle tute spaziali. Cosmonauts wear spacesuits. The cosmonauts are wearing space suits. Me ne mostri una migliore. Show me a better one. Show me a better one. Io pregherò per la tua famiglia. I'll pray for your family. I'll pray for your family. Noi abbiamo trascorso tre giorni a Boston. We spent three days in Boston. We spent three days in Boston. Tom ha una connessione ad Internet veloce. Tom has a fast internet connection. Tom has a fast Internet connection. Bisogna esserci per Tom. You need to be there for Tom. You have to be there for Tom. Pensavo che Tom avesse detto che era un cane. I thought Tom said it was a dog. I thought Tom said he was a dog. Tom pensa che sia tutto una barzelletta. Tom thinks it's all a joke. Tom thinks it's all a joke. Preferisce i cereali integrali. She prefers whole-grain cereals. He prefers whole grains. Non sono andata lì. I didn't go there. I didn't go there. Per cosa utilizzi la tua macchina fotografica? What did you use your camera for? What do you use your camera for? Forse dovremmo chiamare Tom. Perhaps we should call Tom. Maybe we should call Tom. Prenda un cucchiaio. Grab a spoon. Take a spoon. Non c'è alcuna prova. There's no proof. There's no evidence. Eccone una buona per lei. Here's a good one for you. Here's a good one for you. Farebbe meglio a portarla a casa. You'd better take her home. You'd better take her home. Potremmo venire catturate. We could get caught. We could get caught. Tom ci ha ingannate ancora. Tom tricked us again. Tom tricked us again. Vorrei vederlo alle due e mezza. I'd like to see him at 2:30. I'd like to see him at 2:30. Stringiamoci la mano. Let's shake hands. Let's shake hands. Tom non sapeva cosa aspettarsi. Tom didn't know what to expect. Tom didn't know what to expect. Mi aiuterete a trovarlo? Are you going to help me find it? Will you help me find him? Vai ad aiutarle. Go help them. Go help them. Ho fatto qualche chiamata. I made a few calls. I made some calls. Io penso di aver fatto la cosa giusta. I think I did the right thing. I think I did the right thing. Non mi ci sono ancora abituato. I haven't yet gotten used to it. I haven't gotten used to it yet. Tutto è diventato nero. Everything went black. Everything went black. Tom ha provato a ingannare Mary. Tom tried to trick Mary. Tom tried to trick Mary. Lei viene dall'Austria o dall'Australia? Do you come from Austria or Australia? Are you from Austria or Australia? Perché non le ha fermate? Why didn't you stop them? Why didn't you stop them? Mi piace il suo atteggiamento. I like his attitude. I like your attitude. Rompo spesso delle cose quando sono arrabbiata. I often break things when I'm angry. I often break things when I'm angry. Tom è il padre biologico di Mary. Tom is Mary's biological father. Tom is Mary's biological father. Voglio cavalcare un pony! I want to ride a pony! I want to ride a pony! Io non riesco a smettere di guardare Tom. I can't stop looking at Tom. I can't stop looking at Tom. Mi piacerebbe camminare come una persona normale. I'd like to walk like a normal person. I'd like to walk like a normal person. Tom non voleva fare gli straordinari la Vigilia di Natale. Tom didn't want to work overtime on Christmas Eve. Tom didn't want to do overtime on Christmas Eve. Apprezzo le tue intuizioni. I appreciate your insights. I appreciate your insights. Lui è così pieno di merda. He's so full of shit. He's so full of shit. Tom ha annuito in silenzio. Tom nodded silently. Tom nodded in silence. Tom sta baciando Mary. Tom is kissing Mary. Tom is kissing Mary. Lo avete suggerito a loro? Did you suggest that to them? Did you suggest that to them? Mary può parlare con Tom se vuole. Mary may talk to Tom if she wants to. Mary can talk to Tom if she wants to. Io parlo inglese, esperanto, francese e giapponese. I speak English, Esperanto, French and Japanese. I speak English, Esperanto, French and Japanese. È stato folle da parte di Tom. That was foolish of Tom. It was crazy of Tom. Prova a vedere quanto salti lontano. Try to see how far you can jump. Try to see how far you're jumping. Ci sono dei fiumi grandi in Germania? Are there big rivers in Germany? Are there big rivers in Germany? Io non ho alcuna cosa da indossare. I don't have a thing to wear. I don't have anything to wear. Si è leccata le labbra. She licked her lips. She licked her lips. Benvenuto in questo mondo! Welcome to this world! Welcome to this world! È successo troppo velocemente. It happened too fast. It happened too fast. Dove stai studiando l'italiano? Where are you studying Italian? Where are you studying Italian? La scienza mi ha cambiato la vita. Science has changed my life. Science changed my life. Dan sarà sempre qui per lei. Dan will be always here for you. Dan will always be here for you. Vediamo un po' d'azione. Let's see some action. Let's see some action. Parlando di passatempi, collezionate francobolli? Speaking of hobbies, do you collect stamps? Speaking of hobbies, do you collect stamps? Ce l'ha un telefono? Do you have a phone? Do you have a phone? Ha comprato una macchina nuova? Did you buy a new car? Did you buy a new car? OK, lasciatemi guidare. OK, let me drive. OK, let me drive. È evidente che hai mentito. It's obvious that you told a lie. It's obvious you lied. Perché siete a casa? Why are you at home? Why are you home? Tom a volte cucina la cena per noi. Tom sometimes cooks dinner for us. Tom sometimes cooks dinner for us. Sono così felice quando mi scrivete! I'm so happy when you write to me! I'm so happy when you text me! Lavorate con Mary. You work with Mary. Work with Mary. I genitori di Tom erano avvocati. Tom's parents were lawyers. Tom's parents were lawyers. Ho fatto un errore e mi dispiace. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. Ha giocato. You've played. He played. Noi abbiamo rispetto per il nostro professore. We have respect for our teacher. We have respect for our professor. Aiuterò Tom se vuole che lo faccia. I'll help Tom if he wants me to. I'll help Tom if he wants me to. Mio padre dovrebbe essere a casa ora. My father may be at home now. My dad should be home now. Lei ha chiesto a suo marito di andare a prendere un po' di latte. She asked her husband to go and fetch some milk. She asked her husband to go get some milk. Sono veramente felice per lui. I'm really happy for him. I'm really happy for him. Tom ha detto a Mary che era bella. Tom told Mary she was beautiful. Tom told Mary she was beautiful. È costato meno di quindici dollari. It cost less than fifteen dollars. It cost less than $15. Mi racconti di più del suo viaggio. Tell me more about your trip. Tell me more about your trip. Cercate di non preoccuparvi. Try not to worry. Try not to worry. Cosa le piace in Germania? What do you like in Germany? What do you like in Germany? Mio figlio sta studiando economia. My son is studying economics. My son is studying economics. Voi avete dei pregiudizi. You're prejudiced. You're prejudiced. Dobbiamo seguirli. We need to follow them. We have to follow them. Tom è veramente impegnato, vero? Tom is really busy, isn't he? Tom is really busy, isn't he? Quello è un triciclo. That is a tricycle. That's a tricycle. Lei non sarà mai felice. You'll never be happy. She'll never be happy. Io sono in India. I am in India. I'm in India. Perché non sei turbato? Why aren't you upset? Why aren't you upset? Lei è una donna ora. You're a woman now. She's a woman now. Perché Tom non ti ha lasciata guidare? Why didn't you let Tom drive? Why didn't Tom let you drive? Li tenga fuori da qui. Keep them out of here. Keep them out of here. Tom è ancora nella sua adolescenza. Tom is still in his teens. Tom is still in his teens. Tom avvitò la lampadina. Tom screwed in the light bulb. Tom screwed the light bulb. Siete migliorati. You've gotten better. You've improved. La mia ragazza ha perso l'ultimo treno per la fine del mondo, e ciò è abbastanza problematico. My girlfriend missed the last train to the world's end, and that's quite a problem. My girlfriend missed the last train to the end of the world, and that's pretty problematic. Tu devi leggere tutto. You have to read everything. You have to read everything. Inviterà Tom? Are you going to invite Tom? Will you invite Tom? Tom mangia qualunque cosa. Tom eats anything. Tom eats anything. Tom ha viaggiato sotto falso nome. Tom traveled under an assumed name. Tom traveled under a false name. Il drogato morì per un'overdose di droga. The addict died from a drug overdose. The junkie died of a drug overdose. Devo leggere molti libri da aggiungere alla mia conoscenza. I must read many books to add to my knowledge. I have to read many books to add to my knowledge. Tom arrivò. Tom arrived. Tom arrived. Tatoeba è risuscitato dai morti. Tatoeba has risen from the dead. Tatoeba has risen from the dead. Tom non è sicuro di cosa dovrebbe fare. Tom isn't sure what he should do. Tom isn't sure what he should do. Tu sei eccentrica? Are you eccentric? Are you eccentric? Guardateci. Watch us. Look at us. Queste persone parlano con facilità l'esperanto, vero? These people speak Esperanto effortlessly, don't they? These people talk Esperanto easily, don't they? Nessuno me l'ha chiesto. Nobody asked me. Nobody asked me. Stavo per cenare quando mi chiamò. I was about to have dinner when she called me. I was about to have dinner when he called me. Dovremmo fare come suggeriscono Tom e Mary. We should do as Tom and Mary suggest. We should do as Tom and Mary suggest. Tu devi essere di sotto. You're supposed to be downstairs. You must be downstairs. Qualcuno sa darmi una risposta sensata a questo quesito? Can someone give me a sensible answer to this question? Can anyone give me a sensible answer to this question? Che bravo ragazzo! What a nice guy! What a good boy! Non c'erano testimoni oculari. There were no eyewitnesses. There were no eyewitnesses. Dovrebbero essere ignorate. They should be ignored. They should be ignored. Digli che siamo impegnate. Tell him we're busy. Tell him we're busy. È fatta di pelle. It's made of leather. It's made of skin. Lui sta imparando l'inglese. He's learning English. He's learning English. È venuto a denunciare un crimine? Have you come to register a crime? Have you come to report a crime? Tu sei la proprietaria. You're the owner. You're the owner. Tom ama ancora Mary? Does Tom still love Mary? Does Tom still love Mary? Nessuno resterà deluso. No one will be disappointed. No one will be disappointed. Io sono davvero desolato. I am truly sorry. I'm really sorry. Voi mi avete tradita. You've betrayed me. You betrayed me. Lo incontrai alla Stazione di Tokyo. I met him at Tokyo Station. I met him at Tokyo Station. Non è come pensa. It's not like you think. It's not what you think. Sceglierò una di loro. I will choose one of them. I'll pick one of them. Siamo organizzate. We're organized. We're organized. Noi eravamo così felici di vederle. We were so happy to see them. We were so happy to see them. Lui andò a stare da sua cugina. He went to stay with his cousin. He went to stay with his cousin. In questo mondo tutti sono governati dai soldi. In this world everyone is ruled by money. Everyone in this world is governed by money. Non vuoi fermare Tom? Don't you want to stop Tom? Don't you want to stop Tom? Noi visitammo tutte le città maggiori. We toured all the major cities. We visited all major cities. Tom vuole comprare una casa. Tom wants to buy a house. Tom wants to buy a house. Noi eravamo molto felici. We were very happy. We were very happy. Tom ha divorziato da Mary tre anni fa. Tom divorced Mary three years ago. Tom divorced Mary three years ago. Gli agnelli sono molto belli. Lambs are very cute. The lambs are very beautiful. Lo farò, ma a una condizione. I'll do it, but there's one condition. I will, but on one condition. Lei chiede il vostro parere. She asks for your opinion. She asks your opinion. L'abbiamo presa per lei. We got it for her. We got it for her. Io indosso vestiti alla moda e occhiali da sole alla moda. I wear cool clothes and cool sunglasses. I wear fashionable clothes and fashionable sunglasses. Voi avete qualche obiezione? Do you have any objection? Do you have any objections? Faccio sempre cadere le cose. I'm always dropping things. I always drop things. Avete letto le domande frequenti? Have you read the FAQ? Have you read the frequently asked questions? Ditemi quello che le avete detto. Tell me what you told her. Tell me what you told her. Tutti dovrebbero esercitare il loro diritto di voto. Everyone should exercise their right to vote. Everyone should exercise their right to vote. Tom è estremamente divertente. Tom is extremely funny. Tom is extremely funny. Sarò di ritorno in un batter d'occhio. I'll be back in a jiffy. I'll be back in the blink of an eye. Probabilmente sono americane. They're probably Americans. They're probably American. Quante canzoni di Stephen Foster conosci? How many Stephen Foster songs do you know? How many Stephen Foster songs do you know? Io preferirei essere a casa. I'd prefer to be at home. I'd rather be home. Tom probabilmente non sarà depresso. Tom won't likely be depressed. Tom probably won't be depressed. Ti dispiacerebbe farmi un panino? Would you mind making me a sandwich? Would you mind making me a sandwich? È soltanto una puttana. You are just a whore. She's just a whore. Io ero una professoressa di scienze. I was a science teacher. I was a science teacher. Conoscete l'orario di arrivo del suo aereo? Do you know the time of arrival of his plane? Do you know the time of arrival of his plane? Grazie mille per il tuo regalo. Thank you very much for your present. Thank you so much for your present. Lei chiese dei consigli al suo insegnante. She asked her teacher for advice. She asked her teacher for advice. Mi disse che non gli piaceva pescare. He told me he didn't like fishing. He told me he didn't like fishing. Un test del DNA ha dimostrato che lei era innocente. A DNA test proved she was innocent. A DNA test proved you were innocent. Farò dei popcorn. I'll make popcorn. I'll make popcorn. "Quando è arrivato il sig. Ogawa?" "Dieci minuti fa." "When did Mr Ogawa arrive?" "Ten minutes ago." "When did Mr. Ogawa arrive?" "Ten minutes ago." Lei aveva giocato. You had played. She had played. Si offese per quel che avevo detto e girò i tacchi. He took offense at what I said and turned on his heels. He was offended by what I said and turned his heels. Lui ha sposato una ragazza ricca. He married a rich girl. He married a rich girl. Che altro aggiungeresti? What else would you add? What else would you add? Io lo sapevo che vi avrei trovate con Tom. I knew I'd find you with Tom. I knew I'd find you with Tom. Quanti fratelli e sorelle avete? How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many brothers and sisters do you have? Perché non le stiamo aiutando? Why aren't we helping them? Why aren't we helping them? Non esponetelo alla pioggia! Don't expose him to the rain! Don't expose him to the rain! La potete lasciare andare. You can let her go. You can let her go. Era inevitabile. It was inevitable. It was inevitable. L'unica ragione per cui sono stato incolpato è stata che il capo aveva bisogno di qualcuno da incolpare. The only reason I got blamed was that the boss needed someone to blame. The only reason I was blamed was because the boss needed someone to blame. Mi piace la vostra macchina. I like your car. I like your car. È un crimine contro la natura. It's a crime against nature. It's a crime against nature. Nessuno ha votato contro. Nobody voted against it. Nobody voted against. Sei come loro. You're like them. You're like them. Devo svegliare Tom presto. I have to wake Tom up soon. I have to wake Tom up early. Le scatole sono dei regali. Cosa contengono? The boxes are gifts. What do they contain? The boxes are gifts. Abbiamo raggiunto Londra a mezzanotte. We reached London at midnight. We reached London at midnight. Noi abbiamo finito il lavoro. We finished the work. We're out of work. Per favore, non firmi il contratto. Please don't sign the contract. Please don't sign the contract. Deve mancarti molto. You must miss her a lot. You must miss him a lot. Tom è divertente. Tom's funny. Tom is funny. Tom ha detto a Mary che lui è sposato? Has Tom told Mary that he's married? Did Tom tell Mary that he's married? Mamma, Tom può restare per cena? Mom, can Tom stay for dinner? Mom, can Tom stay for dinner? Lei non ha la patente? Don't you have a driver's license? You don't have a driver's license? Io non sono sicuro del perché Tom lo voglia fare. I'm not sure why Tom wants to do that. I'm not sure why Tom wants to do that. Lei bussò alla porta. She knocked on the door. She knocked on the door. Perché pensate che questo succeda? Why do you think this happens? Why do you think this happens? Jimmy non era a casa, com'è spesso il caso con lui. Jimmy was not at home, as is often the case with him. Jimmy wasn't home, as is often the case with him. Perché sembra sempre che volete litigare? Why do you always seem to want to argue? Why does it always seem like you want to fight? Saremo perdonati. We'll be forgiven. We'll be forgiven. Li dovetti licenziare. I had to fire them. I had to fire them. Tom dovrebbe andare in palestra. Tom should go to the gym. Tom should go to the gym. Ha delle buone amiche. You have good friends. She has good friends. Qui a Boston, le cose sono diverse. Here in Boston, things are different. Here in Boston, things are different. Mi conosci? Do you know me? Do you know me? C'è un giardino dietro la mia casa. There is a garden behind my house. There's a garden behind my house. Ci insegnò che Colombo scoprì l'America. He taught us that Columbus discovered America. He taught us that Columbus discovered America. Mary ha tirato fuori le uova una ad una. Mary took out the eggs one by one. Mary pulled out the eggs one by one. È molto gentile da parte tua aiutarmi. It is very kind of you to help me. It's very kind of you to help me. Lei è una principiante. She is a beginner. You're a beginner. È improbabile che quel film faccia molti soldi. It's unlikely that that movie will make a lot of money. That movie is unlikely to make a lot of money. Andai lì da sola. I went there by myself. I went there alone. Sono sempre stata fiera di Tom. I've always been proud of Tom. I've always been proud of Tom. Volevo ucciderle. I wanted to kill them. I wanted to kill them. Ce l'avete un blog? Do you have a blog? Do you have a blog? Chiudete bene tutte le porte e le finestre. Shut all the doors and windows. Close all doors and windows well. Le sue figlie sono andate a Tokyo. Her daughters have gone to Tokyo. His daughters went to Tokyo. Pensa che possiamo aiutare Tom? Do you think we can help Tom? Do you think we can help Tom? Fu la migliore notte della mia vita. It was the best night of my life. It was the best night of my life. Dovete essere molto orgogliose di me. You must be very proud of me. You must be very proud of me. Chieda a Tom com'è arrivato qui. Ask Tom how he got here. Ask Tom how he got here. Tom ha sposato Mary. Tom married Mary. Tom married Mary. È la prima volta che saluto Marika in finlandese. This is the first time I've ever greeted Marika in Finnish. This is the first time I've ever said goodbye to Marika in Finnish. Il suo silenzio mi ha sorpreso. Her silence surprised me. His silence surprised me. Cosa gli diciamo? What do we tell him? What do we tell him? Canto bene! I sing well. I sing well! Non hai visto le mie chiavi? Didn't you see my keys? Haven't you seen my keys? Li prenderò. I'll get them. I'll get them. Perché Tom non è tornato? Why didn't Tom come back? Why didn't Tom come back? Non lo so e non mi interessa. I don't know and I don't care. I don't know and I don't care. Tom ha un messaggio per Mary. Tom has a message for Mary. Tom has a message for Mary. Dal punto di vista del compratore, il prezzo di questi lettori CD è troppo alto. From the buyer's point of view, the prices of these CD players are too high. From the buyer's point of view, the price of these CD players is too high. Io dubito che Tom sia ancora povero. I doubt Tom is still poor. I doubt that Tom is still poor. Quali sono i lati positivi? What are the positive aspects? What are the positives? Quello che ha detto ci ha convinti. What you said convinced us. What he said convinced us. Immagino che loro parlino il francese. I guess they speak French. I guess they speak French. Non l'ho pagata abbastanza? Haven't I paid you enough? Didn't I pay you enough? Mi scusi per un minuto. Excuse me for a minute. Excuse me for a minute. Tom riprese conoscenza. Tom regained consciousness. Tom regained consciousness. Il poliziotto notò un uomo entrare di nascosto. The policeman noticed a man sneak in. The cop noticed a man sneaking in. Tom e Mary guidano macchine sportive, vero? Tom and Mary drive sports cars, don't they? Tom and Mary drive sports cars, don't they? Sei veramente un talento con ago e filo. You're a magician with a needle and thread. You really are a talent with needle and thread. Perché non glielo date? Why don't you give it to him? Why don't you give it to him? Il signor Suzuki è arrabbiato per la beffa di Tom. Mr. Suzuki is angry about Tom's prank. Mr. Suzuki is angry at Tom's mockery. Con chi sta parlando? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? Noi di solito mangiamo prima delle sette. We usually eat before seven. We usually eat before seven. Loro sono andati in Italia per la loro luna di miele. They went to Italy for their honeymoon. They went to Italy for their honeymoon. Non devi assentarti da scuola. You must not be absent from school. You don't have to leave school. Tom è l'unico che può risolvere questo problema. Tom is the only one who can solve this problem. Tom is the only one who can solve this problem. Ero spaventata quando l'ho visto. I was frightened when I saw that. I was scared when I saw him. Non chiamare dolce quel che dà luogo ad amarezza. Don't call sweet that which gives rise to bitterness. Do not call sweet what gives rise to bitterness. Sì, sono venuta da Sapporo. Yes, I came from Sapporo. Yes, I came from Sapporo. Tom è depresso e solo. Tom is depressed and lonely. Tom is depressed and lonely. Solo gli umani possono ridere. Only humans can laugh. Only humans can laugh. Come lo descrivereste? How would you describe him? How would you describe it? Non voglio essere distratta. I don't want to be distracted. I don't want to be distracted. Io lavoro perfino la domenica. I work even on Sunday. I work even on Sundays. Insegno ancora il berbero. I still teach Berber. I still teach Berber. È un tizio strano. He's a strange guy. He's a weird guy. Ora sono un vero anziano. Now I'm a real old man. Now I'm a real old man. Se ne sono andati tutti tranne noi. Everyone left except us. Everyone's gone but us. Lavorai duramente per poter superare la prova di matematica. I worked hard in order to pass the math test. I worked hard to pass the math test. Li abbiamo umiliati. We've humiliated them. We humiliated them. Non hanno mai detto di no. They never said no. They never said no. Lei aveva molta paura di lui. She was very afraid of him. She was very afraid of him. La situazione è peggiorata. The situation worsened. The situation has worsened. Ho detto a Tom che non volevo il suo aiuto. I told Tom I didn't want his help. I told Tom I didn't want his help. Non stavo ballando! I wasn't dancing! I wasn't dancing! Abbiamo condiviso momenti felici e importanti. We shared happy and important moments. We shared happy and important moments. Ci sono molti libri nella mia stanza. There are many books in my room. There's a lot of books in my room. Io non voglio rimanere. I don't want to stay. I don't want to stay. Loro fanno molte cose insieme. They do many things together. They do a lot of things together. Pensavo non ti sarebbe dispiaciuto. I thought you wouldn't mind. I thought you wouldn't mind. Lui ha ottenuto i soldi da lei con un trucco. He got the money from her by a trick. He got the money from her with a trick. Suona bene lo stesso! The same sounds well! It still sounds good! Tom e Mary hanno venduto la loro casa. Tom and Mary sold their house. Tom and Mary sold their house. A Tom mancava. Tom missed it. Tom was missing you. Di' a Tom che il problema è risolto. Tell Tom the problem is solved. Tell Tom the problem is solved. Sono sicuro che Tom non lo vuole. I'm sure Tom doesn't want that. I'm sure Tom doesn't want that. Tom è troppo ubriaco. Tom is too drunk. Tom is too drunk. Controllala ora. Check it now. Check her now. Non andrò a Boston con te. I'm not going to go to Boston with you. I'm not going to Boston with you. È una distrazione. It's a distraction. It's a distraction. Io vorrei che andassero tutti a casa. I wish everyone would go home. I'd like everyone to go home. L'ufficio postale è qua vicino? Is the post office near here? Is the post office nearby? Voi siete fidate. You're dependable. You're trusted. Stai attento. Be attentive. Be careful. Tu lavori con lui? Do you work with him? Do you work with him? Non parlo dei miei insegnanti. I don't talk about my teachers. I'm not talking about my teachers. Dove li avete morsi? Where did you bite them? Where did you bite them? Io penso che lei sia troppo ubriaca per guidare. I think you're too drunk to drive. I think you're too drunk to drive. Qualcuno deve pagare per questo. Someone has to pay for this. Someone has to pay for this. Non voglio cambiarla. I don't want to change it. I don't want to change it. È quello che ha detto Tom? Is that what Tom said? Is that what Tom said? Tom sarebbe stato arrabbiato. Tom would've been angry. Tom would have been angry. Ho parlato soltanto in berbero. I only spoke Berber. I only spoke Berber. Io ho sempre voluto un figlio, I've always wanted a child. I've always wanted a child, Ciò è vero? Is this real? Is this true? Tom sembra veramente impegnato. Tom looks really busy. Tom seems really busy. La riesci a rifare per me? Can you re-do it for me? Can you do it again for me? Dove le avete chiamate? Where did you call them? Where did you call them? Jack Dorsey mi odia. Jack Dorsey hates me. Jack Dorsey hates me. L'amore ferisce. Love hurts. Love hurts. Parigi è caduta nel 1940. Paris fell in 1940. Paris fell in 1940. Voglio andare in America un giorno. I want to go to America some day. I want to go to America someday. Tom sta suonando il violino. Tom is playing the violin. Tom is playing the violin. Calciai il cane. I kicked the dog. I kicked the dog. Tom non lo farà oggi. Tom won't do that today. Tom won't do that today. Conto su di lei. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on you. Tu hai cominciato a imparare l'esperanto. You began to learn Esperanto. You started learning Esperanto. Mary ha lavorato a maglia questa sciarpa. Mary knit this scarf. Mary knit this scarf. Tom e Mary sono arrivati in contemporanea. Tom and Mary arrived at the same time. Tom and Mary arrived at the same time. A Tom piace il pollo fritto. Tom likes fried chicken. Tom likes fried chicken. Perché non ti compro un cappello e basta? Why don't I just buy you a hat? Why don't I just buy you a hat? Voi non farete nulla del genere. You'll do nothing of the kind. You're not gonna do anything like that. Tom non ha ancora dato da mangiare al cane. Tom still hasn't fed the dog. Tom hasn't fed the dog yet. Lavori troppo duramente in questi giorni. Non sei stanco? You work too hard these days. Aren't you tired? You work too hard these days, aren't you tired? Boston vincerà. Boston is going to win. Boston will win. Mi fu detto di non farlo mai. I was told never to do that. I was told never to. È un circolo vizioso. It's a vicious cycle. It's a vicious circle. Ha lasciato il suo lavoro. He quit his job. He quit his job. Tutti loro non sono poveri. All of them are not poor. All of them are not poor. Perché non le lasciate decidere? Why don't you let them decide? Why don't you let them decide? Io non ho lamentele con Tom. I have no beef with Tom. I don't have complaints with Tom. Mi sento depressa. I feel blue. I feel depressed. Probabilmente pesa sui trenta chili. It probably weighs about thirty kilograms. Probably weighs 30 kilos. Non si preoccupi. Non le farò del male. Don't worry. I won't hurt her. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Non sarò libero domani. I will not be free tomorrow. I won't be free tomorrow. Mio zio ritorna dall'America lunedì prossimo. My uncle comes back from America next Monday. My uncle's coming back from America next Monday. Tom è morto tragicamente. Tom died tragically. Tom died tragically. Tom sembra una ragazza. Tom looks like a girl. Tom looks like a girl. Ho assaggiato il pesce. I tasted the fish. I tasted the fish. Utilizza una bici a scatto fisso. She rides a fixed gear bike. Uses a fixed click bike. Abbiamo del lavoro per Tom. We have work for Tom. We have work for Tom. Devo vestirmi ora. I have to get dressed now. I have to get dressed now. Che cosa sta facendo Tom nel parco? What's Tom doing in the park? What is Tom doing in the park? Chiamami se hai bisogno di me. Call me if you need me. Call me if you need me. Fai come ti ho detto di fare. Do as I told you to do. Do what I told you to do. Può stare qui se vuole. You may stay here if you want to. You can stay here if you want. Ha comprato un mobile al negozio. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. He bought a piece of furniture at the store. Noi abbiamo perso molto tempo. We've been wasting a lot of time. We've wasted a lot of time. Era un uomo ammalato quando è arrivato a New Orleans. He was a sick man when he got to New Orleans. He was a sick man when he arrived in New Orleans. Gli italiani bevono solamente cappuccino la mattina. Italians only drink cappuccino in the morning. Italians only drink cappuccino in the morning. Tom è sceso dal cavallo. Tom dismounted the horse. Tom got off the horse. Non si deve preoccupare per me. You don't need to worry about me. You don't have to worry about me. Sono piuttosto sicuro che a Tom piaccia il suo impiego. I'm pretty sure that Tom likes his job. I'm pretty sure Tom likes his job. I rapporti fondati sul denaro terminano quando il denaro non c'è più. Relationships built on money will end when the money runs out. Money-based relationships end when the money is gone. Noi attraversammo il lago con una barca. We crossed the lake in a boat. We crossed the lake with a boat. Se avrò molti soldi, comprerò una nuova automobile. If I have a lot of money, I'll buy a new car. If I get a lot of money, I'll buy a new car. Ho delle difficoltà a capirlo. I have difficulty in understanding him. I'm having a hard time figuring that out. Posso avere un sacchetto di carta? Can I have a paper bag? Can I have a paper bag? Ho avuto tutto quello che volevo. I got everything I wanted. I got everything I wanted. Scusami, quanto vengono questi? Excuse me, how much are these? Excuse me, how much are these? Ha abbandonato il suo bambino. She abandoned her child. He abandoned his baby. Io sono libera stanotte. I'm free tonight. I'm free tonight. Il ghiaccio diluì il succo. The ice watered down the juice. The ice diluted the juice. So di essere sovrappeso. I know that I'm overweight. I know I'm overweight. Wikipedia è la migliore enciclopedia su Internet. Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet. Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet. Berlino è una città tedesca. Berlin is a German city. Berlin is a German city. Assomiglia a suo padre. He takes after his father. He looks like his father. Perché Tom ti ha attaccata? Why did Tom attack you? Why did Tom attack you? I suoi genitori mi amavano. Her parents loved me. Her parents loved me. Dove ci sta portando il viaggio? Where is the journey taking us? Where's the trip taking us? È stata così difficile. It was so difficult. It was so hard. Tom non partecipò all'evento. Tom didn't attend the event. Tom didn't attend the event. Qualcuno potrebbe avermi seguito. Somebody might've followed me. Someone might have followed me. Lui non ha la morosa. He has no girlfriend. He doesn't have a girlfriend. Lui è un eroe ignoto. He is an unsung hero. He's an unknown hero. Tom e Mary fecero la loro parte. Tom and Mary did their part. Tom and Mary did their part. Sono una persona cattiva. I'm a bad person. I'm a bad person. È un reato incoraggiare qualcuno a suicidarsi? Is it a crime to encourage someone to commit suicide? Is it a crime to encourage someone to commit suicide? Mangio del pane ogni giorno. I eat bread every day. I eat bread every day. Mi piacciono le mie amiche. I like my friends. I like my friends. Mi serve la firma di Tom. I need Tom's signature. I need Tom's signature. Devi dormire abbastanza. You have to get enough sleep. You have to sleep long enough. La tua risposta non è ancora corretta. Your answer is still incorrect. Your answer is still not correct. Io apprezzo tutto quello che Tom ha fatto per me. I appreciate everything Tom has done for me. I appreciate everything Tom has done for me. Chi ha detto a Tom di abbracciare Mary? Who told Tom to hug Mary? Who told Tom to hug Mary? Non apra quelle finestre. Don't open those windows. Don't open those windows. Prendine soltanto uno. Take only one. Just take one. Amo le lingue slave. I love Slavic languages. I love Slavic languages. Sono leale. I'm faithful. I'm loyal. In quale scuola superiore sei andato? What high school did you go to? Which high school did you go to? Ho atteso più di due ore. I waited more than two hours. I've waited over two hours. Metterò il suo coraggio alla prova. I'll put his courage to the test. I'll put his courage to the test. Sono ancora a Boston. I'm still in Boston. I'm still in Boston. Sono andato a vederle. I went to see them. I went to see them. Mi piacerebbe andare alla festa. I'd like to attend the party. I'd like to go to the party. Non ho mai sentito questa canzone prima d'ora. I've never heard this song before. I've never heard this song before. Sei sicura di avere abbastanza soldi? Are you sure that you have enough money? Are you sure you have enough money? Gliela presterò. I'll lend it to you. I'll lend it to him. Perché state chiudendo a chiave la porta? Why are you locking the door? Why are you locking the door? La amo con tutto il mio cuore. I love her with all my heart. I love her with all my heart. Io e Tom siamo fratelli. Tom and I are brothers. Tom and I are brothers. Layla fu sedotta. Layla was seduced. Layla was seduced. Mi piace il gusto dell'anguria. I love the taste of watermelon. I like the taste of watermelon. Non le conosco così bene. I don't know them that well. I don't know them that well. Sto imparando l'arabo. I am learning Arabic. I'm learning Arabic. Non voglio che si preoccupi. I don't want you to worry. I don't want him to worry. Cosa ne hai fatto? What did you make of that? What did you do with it? Gli amici di Tom ridevano di lui. Tom's friends laughed at him. Tom's friends laughed at him. Conosce il signor Takahashi? Do you know Mr Takahashi? Do you know Mr. Takahashi? Perché nessuno ha detto niente? Why didn't anyone say anything? Why didn't anyone say anything? Tom non le rispetta. Tom doesn't respect them. Tom doesn't respect them. Lo riparerò. I will fix it. I'll fix it. Lo puoi spiegare, Tom? Can you explain it, Tom? Can you explain that, Tom? Come osi comportarti così maleducatamente? How dare you behave so rudely! How dare you behave so rudely? Tom ha il torcicollo. Tom has a stiff neck. Tom has a stiff neck. Soltanto in pochi hanno capito cos'ha detto. Only a few understood what he said. Only a few people understood what he said. Tom si abituò a vivere a Boston, sebbene fosse cresciuto in una piccola città. Tom got used to living in Boston even though he'd grown up in a small town. Tom got used to living in Boston, though he grew up in a small town. Io non tradirei mai la sua fiducia. I'd never betray your trust. I would never betray his trust. Tom ha sorpreso Mary. Tom surprised Mary. Tom surprised Mary. Hanno trovato una misteriosa città in rovina nel deserto. They found a mysterious city in ruins in the desert. They found a mysterious ruined city in the desert. Spenga la TV prima di andare a letto, OK? Turn off the TV before you go to bed, OK? Turn off the TV before you go to bed, okay? Io vi devo la vita. I owe you my life. I owe you my life. Alcuni scienziati sostengono che l'effetto serra sia frutto dell'immaginazione. Some scientists believe that the greenhouse effect is imaginary. Some scientists claim that the greenhouse effect is a figment of imagination. Mary è stata la mia prima morosa. Mary was my first girlfriend. Mary was my first girlfriend. Tom danza anche. Tom also dances. Tom dances too. Tom ha lasciato questo per voi. Tom left this for you. Tom left this for you. Perché non ti unisci al nostro partito? Why don't you join our party? Why don't you join our party? Macha non conosceva i suoi genitori. Masha didn't know her parents. Macha didn't know her parents. So che puoi capirmi! I know that you can understand me! I know you can understand me! Non ci sono messaggi. There is no message. There are no messages. Cos'è plausibile? What is plausible? What's plausible? Sono partiti tutti tranne noi. Everyone left except us. Everyone left except us. Tu sei il benvenuto qui in qualsiasi momento, Tom. You're welcome here anytime, Tom. You're welcome here anytime, Tom. È stato ricoverato in ospedale. He has been hospitalized. He was hospitalized. Siamo praticamente una famiglia. We're practically family. We're practically family. Sei complessa. You're complex. You're complex. Loro avevano una vita meravigliosa. They had wonderful lives. They had a wonderful life. Vorrei poterla aiutare. I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you. Lui è uno scemo. He's a dimwit. He's a fool. Avete già iniziato a leggere il libro? Have you started reading the book yet? Have you started reading the book yet? Vuole un dinosauro da mangiare? Do you want a dinosaur to eat? Would you like a dinosaur to eat? Lei non gioca a calcio. She doesn't play soccer. She doesn't play soccer. È un paleontologo? Are you a paleontologist? Is he a paleontologist? Seguila e basta. Just follow her. Just follow her. Tom venne assassinato? Was Tom murdered? Was Tom murdered? Io non sono completamente d'accordo con voi. I don't agree with you completely. I don't completely agree with you. Cosa c'è adesso, Tom? What is it now, Tom? What now, Tom? Loro sono andate allo zoo. They went to the zoo. They went to the zoo. Tom non è molto diligente. Tom isn't very hardworking. Tom isn't very diligent. Sono vostre. They're yours. They're yours. Tom darà le dimissioni. Tom will resign. Tom will resign. È quello che gli avete fatto? Is that what you did to him? Is that what you did to him? Non c'è niente da fare. There's nothing to do. There's nothing to do. Io sto caricando le foto di Capodanno. I'm uploading pictures from New Year's Eve. I'm uploading New Year's photos. Lei doveva condividere una camera da letto con sua sorella. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. She had to share a bedroom with her sister. Penso sia inevitabile adesso. I think it's inevitable now. I think it's inevitable now. Io ho ancora intenzione di non farlo. I'm still planning not to do that. I'm still not gonna do that. È necessario che lei vada. It's necessary for you to go. You need to go. Tom vuole essere rispettato. Tom wants to be respected. Tom wants to be respected. Sembra che lei stia mantenendo quel segreto. It seems that she is keeping that secret. Looks like you're keeping that secret. Vogliono insorgere. They want to riot. They want to rise. Tu mi stai dicendo cosa fare? Are you telling me what to do? Are you telling me what to do? Questa non è casa sua. This isn't your house. This isn't his house. Chi ha dato loro tutti quei soldi? Who gave them all that money? Who gave them all that money? Voti il suo posto preferito. Vote for your favourite place. Vote for his favorite place. Proviamo a fare ridere Tom. Let's try to make Tom laugh. Let's try to make Tom laugh. A te piace cucinare? Do you like to cook? Do you like to cook? L'insegnante ha fatto fare agli studenti molti compiti. The teacher made the students do a lot of homework. The teacher had the students do a lot of homework. Internet Explorer è il browser Web più popolare del mondo. Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Internet Explorer is the most popular web browser in the world. Me l'ha detto prima. You've told me that before. He told me earlier. Non mi riesci a sollevare? Can't you lift me? Can't you lift me? È l'Union Jack! It's the Union Jack! It's Union Jack! Noi eravamo così preoccupati. We were so worried. We were so worried. Il suo discorso la distrasse dal dolore. His talk distracted her from grief. Your speech distracts you from pain. Le ha insegnato il berbero. She taught her Berber. He taught her Berber. Adesso restituiscila. Now give it back. Now give it back. Preferisci le banane verdi o mature? Do you prefer green or ripe bananas? Do you prefer green or mature bananas? Non so cosa stia tramando Tom. I don't know what Tom is plotting. I don't know what Tom is up to. È così piacevole. That's so nice. It's so nice. Sono italiano. I'm Italian. I'm Italian. Mi mostri il suo ematoma. Show me your bruise. Show me your hematoma. Tutto è pronto. Everything's ready. Everything's ready. L'hai appena mancata. You just missed her. You just missed her. Ce l'avete fatta! You made it! You did it! Ci hanno trovati. They found us. They found us. Tom non le rivuole. Tom doesn't want them back. Tom doesn't want them back. Tom non ha ucciso nessuno. Tom didn't kill anybody. Tom didn't kill anyone. È capitato qualcosa di terribile il 20 ottobre. Something terrible happened on October 20. Something terrible happened on October 20th. Ti serve una macchina? Do you need a car? Do you need a car? Non sei stanca? Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? Perché non provate a rilassarvi? Why don't you try to relax? Why don't you try to relax? Hai il passaporto siriano? Do you have a Syrian passport? Do you have a Syrian passport? La caldaia venne fortemente ridimensionata. The boiler was heavily scaled. The boiler was heavily resized. Penso che Tom sia un buon cuoco. I think Tom is a good cook. I think Tom is a good cook. Quello sarebbe inappropriato. That would be inappropriate. That would be inappropriate. Io ho molti talenti. I have many talents. I have many talents. Lo sono. I am. I am. Tom ha continuato a fare pratica. Tom kept practicing. Tom continued practicing. Tom sta sorridendo. Tom's smiling. Tom is smiling. Non c'è nulla di sbagliato. Nothing's wrong. There's nothing wrong with that. Io non conosco nessuno nella sua scuola. I don't know anyone at your school. I don't know anyone at his school. È capitato di recente? Did that happen recently? Has this happened recently? Vi scriverò la settimana prossima. I'll write to you next week. I'll write to you next week. Tu non hai il diritto di partecipare alla riunione. You are not entitled to attend the meeting. You have no right to attend the meeting. Io parlo, tu ascolti. I speak, you listen. I talk, you listen. Lei riceve un salario alto. She gets a high salary. She gets a high salary. Dovete aiutarlo. You need to help him. You have to help him. Le mie amiche dicono sempre che io sono troppo calma, però la mia famiglia dice sempre che sono troppo fastidiosa. My friends always say I'm too calm, but my family always says I'm too annoying. My friends always say I'm too calm, but my family always says I'm too annoying. Tom è molto umile. Tom is very humble. Tom is very humble. Tornare a casa?! Preferisco rimanere qui! Return home?! I prefer to stay here! I'd rather stay here! Cosa avresti fatto al suo posto? What would you have done in his place? What would you have done in his place? Loro hanno dodici figli. They have twelve children. They have 12 children. Per piacere, accendete la TV. Please turn on the TV. Please turn on the TV. È andaluso? Are you Andalousian? Is it Andalusian? Io pensavo che Tom fosse confuso. I thought Tom was lost. I thought Tom was confused. Tom è scoppiato a piangere. Tom broke down crying. Tom burst into tears. Li dovreste arrestare. You should have them arrested. You should arrest them. È andato a scuola solo per pochi anni. He went to school only for a few years. He only went to school for a few years. Sami è interessato a tutto. Sami is interested in everything. Sami is interested in everything. Abbiamo la neve in gennaio. We have snow in January. We have snow in January. Tu devi andare a casa subito. You must go home at once. You have to go home now. Io ho dei bisogni. I have needs. I have needs. Questa è la prima volta che lo assaggia? Is this the first time you have tasted it? Is this the first time you've tasted it? Io le prestai 500 dollari senza interessi. I lent her 500 dollars free of interest. I lent her 500 bucks without interest. Qualcuno ha parlato con lei? Has anyone spoken to her? Has anyone talked to you? Forse dovrei parlare con Tom e basta. Maybe I should just be talking to Tom. Maybe I should just talk to Tom. Tu vuoi abitare a Boston? Do you want to live in Boston? Do you want to live in Boston? Mi sento abbandonata dall'unica donna che amo. I feel abandoned by the only woman I love. I feel abandoned by the only woman I love. Io penso che Tom e Mary si piacciano a vicenda. I think Tom and Mary like each other. I think Tom and Mary like each other. Loro pranzarono insieme. They ate lunch together. They had lunch together. Lei si vergogna a parlare più forte. She is ashamed to speak up. She's ashamed to speak louder. Non riesco a capirla. I can't understand you. I can't understand her. Sia obiettivo. Be objective. Be objective. Si è divertito con lei. He had fun with her. He had fun with her. Lui ha ammesso la sua colpa. He's admitted his guilt. He admitted his guilt. Dovremmo aiutarla. We should help her. We should help her. Nessuno mi viene a trovare. Nobody visits me. No one visits me. L'ho messo in imbarazzo? Did I embarrass you? Did I embarrass him? Aiutarla fu un errore. Helping her was a mistake. Helping her was a mistake. Tokyo è più grande di Yokohama. Tokyo is bigger than Yokohama. Tokyo is bigger than Yokohama. Suppongo che lei non sia sorpreso. I take it you're not surprised. I suppose you're not surprised. Mary ha visto uscire Tom dall'hotel con Conchita. Mary saw Tom exiting the hotel with Conchita. Mary saw Tom leave the hotel with Conchita. Ho imparato una cosa nuova. I learned a new thing. I learned something new. Cosa sta succedendo qua? What's happening here? What's going on here? Siete state in piedi? Did you stand up? Have you been up? Tom non aveva occasione. Tom didn't have a chance. Tom had no chance. Siete sicure che Tom stia arrivando? Are you sure Tom is coming? Are you sure Tom is coming? Quale squadra vincerà? Which team will win? Which team will win? Non ho mai avuto l'opportunità di usarla. I never had the opportunity to use it. I never had the opportunity to use it. Ha uno zio che lavora in banca. He's got an uncle who works in a bank. He has an uncle who works at the bank. Le dica che non l'ho letto. Tell her I didn't read it. Tell her I didn't read it. Avevo un'insegnante razzista. I had a racist teacher. I had a racist teacher. Non ho nulla in comune con lei. I have nothing in common with her. I have nothing in common with her. Lo lasci andare. Let him go. Let him go. Perché sei arrabbiata con lei? Why are you mad at her? Why are you mad at her? Io voglio la sua analisi. I want your analysis. I want your analysis. Io non ero neanche qui. I wasn't even here. I wasn't even here. Perché volevi che Tom se ne andasse? Why did you want Tom to leave? Why did you want Tom to leave? Non voglio abbandonarla. I don't want to leave you. I don't want to leave her. Tom è un uomo impegnato. Tom is a busy man. Tom is a busy man. Ripeté la sua domanda. He repeated his question. He repeated his question. Raggiunsero il loro obiettivo. They reached their goal. They reached their goal. Tom ha paura dei cani, vero? Tom is scared of dogs, isn't he? Tom is afraid of dogs, isn't he? Non c'è alcun dubbio a riguardo. There is no doubt about it. There is no doubt about that. So che sono entrambe felici. I know they're both happy. I know they're both happy. Questa è una foto di un aeroporto. This is a picture of an airport. This is a picture of an airport. Pensa che mi ami ancora? Do you think she still loves me? Do you think he still loves me? Il nostro professore sembrava arrabbiato. Our teacher seemed angry. Our professor seemed angry. Il parco è aperto oggi? Is the park open today? Is the park open today? Quindi, l'hai comprato per lei? So, did you buy it for her? So, you bought it for her? La vita è troppo breve per cercare la perfezione nelle cose materiali. Life is too short to seek perfection in material things. Life is too short to seek perfection in material things. Non volevo rivederle. I didn't want to see them again. I didn't want to see them again. Tom ha cominciato a cantare. Tom began singing. Tom started singing. Tom sarà molto felice di averlo fatto. Tom is going to be very happy he did that. Tom will be very happy to have done that. Lei ha dormito troppo. She overslept. She slept too much. Lui non ha attivato niente. He activated nothing. He didn't activate anything. Tom mi invitò a sedermi con la sua famiglia. Tom invited me to sit with his family. Tom invited me to sit down with his family. Mostrategli la rivista. Show him the magazine. Show him the magazine. Mia sorella Susan si alza presto ogni mattina. My sister Susan gets up early every morning. My sister Susan gets up early every morning. La vittoria sembrava a portata di mano. Victory seemed within easy reach. Victory seemed within reach. Li state rendendo nervosi. You're making them nervous. You're making them nervous. Gli disse di andare via. She told him to go away. He told him to leave. Quanto ha vinto? How much did you win? How much did he win? Noi non saremo in grado di mangiare tutto questo. We won't be able to eat all this. We won't be able to eat this. Tom le sta dando sui nervi, vero? Tom is getting on your nerves, isn't he? Tom is getting on your nerves, isn't he? Le manca ancora. She still misses you. She still misses him. Un gatto ha nove vite. Cats have nine lives. A cat has nine lives. Vuoi giocare a calcio con noi? Do you want to play football with us? You want to play soccer with us? Perché state tremando? Why are you shaking? Why are you shaking? Perché li sta difendendo? Why are you defending them? Why are you defending them? Parteciperò alla riunione. I'm going to attend the meeting. I'll take part in the meeting. Non siete grassi. You're not fat. You're not fat. Non usare la mia penna. Don't use my pen. Don't use my pen. Mary bisticcia spesso con suo marito. Mary often quarrels with her husband. Mary often quarrels with her husband. Tom si merita questa opportunità. Tom deserves this opportunity. Tom deserves this opportunity. Sembra che tu stia aspettando qualcuno. You seem to be waiting for somebody. Looks like you're waiting for someone. Gli scorpioni sono pericolosi. Scorpions are dangerous. Scorpions are dangerous. Io preferisco uscire che stare a casa. I prefer going out to staying at home. I'd rather go out than stay home. Ma sono quasi le undici e mezza. But it's almost half past eleven. But it's almost 11:30. Io li ho ancora. I've still got them. I still have them. Quello che ha detto non è vero. What you said is not true. What he said wasn't true. Per favore, completare in lettere maiuscole. Please fill in using block letters. Please complete in capital letters. Io contattai Tom. I contacted Tom. I contacted Tom. Nessuna di loro è pilota. None of them are drivers. None of them are pilots. Ah, magnifico. Ah, wonderful. Oh, great. Nulla ci disturba. Nothing bothers us. Nothing's bothering us. Chi pensi che siano? Who do you think they are? Who do you think they are? Devo proprio andare a letto? Do I really have to go to bed? Do I have to go to bed? La ragazza non disse nulla. The girl did not say anything. The girl didn't say anything. Ora Tom ha un lavoro. Now, Tom has a job. Now Tom has a job. È una bella casa. It's a pretty house. It's a nice house. Puoi trovarlo? Can you find it? Can you find him? Lei è disgustosa! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Qualcuno la sta aspettando? Is someone waiting for you? Is someone waiting for you? Lei ha mentito ai suoi genitori. She lied to her parents. She lied to her parents. Mia mamma lo disapprova. My mom disapproves of him. My mom disapproves of it. La guerra è iniziata tre anni più tardi. The war began three years later. The war began three years later. Felice Giornata internazionale della donna! Happy International Women's Day! Happy International Women's Day! Perché non avete cercato di chiamarla? Why didn't you try calling her? Why didn't you try to call her? Tom ha aiutato Mary a fare i suoi compiti. Tom helped Mary do her homework. Tom helped Mary do her homework. Perché non l'ha venduta e basta? Why didn't you just sell it? Why didn't he just sell it? Tom ha visto Mary cadere. Tom saw Mary fall down. Tom saw Mary fall. Ti farò vedere qualcosa. I'll show you something. I'll show you something. Sarò felice di andare. I'll be happy to go. I'll be happy to go. Vivono in paesi differenti. They live in different countries. They live in different countries. I conigli hanno le orecchie lunghe. A rabbit has long ears. Rabbits have long ears. Tom non sa molto sulle pistole. Tom doesn't know much about guns. Tom doesn't know much about guns. Tom sapeva che ero spaventato. Tom knew that I was scared. Tom knew I was scared. Ve l'ho già detto. I already told you. I already told you. Quando è stata l'ultima volta che avete visto il gatto? When was the last time you saw the cat? When was the last time you saw the cat? Io riesco a parlare molte lingue africane. I can speak many African languages. I can speak many African languages. È vero che ha chiuso il negozio alle nove? Is it true that you closed the shop at nine? Is it true you closed the store at 9:00? Dove andremo dopo? Where are we going after? Where are we going next? Non vuole fare qualcosa a riguardo? Don't you want to do something about that? Don't you want to do something about it? Io le credo. I believe her. I believe her. Forse Tom non ti dice tutto. Maybe Tom doesn't tell you everything. Maybe Tom doesn't tell you everything. Voglio lavorare con voi. I want to work with you. I want to work with you. Qual è il tuo Pokémon preferito? What is your favorite Pokémon? What's your favorite Pokémon? Tom non vi ha detto nulla? Hasn't Tom said anything to you? Didn't Tom tell you anything? Mary è la nostra figlia adottiva. Mary is our foster daughter. Mary is our foster daughter. Io ho compreso. I understood. I understand. Voglio davvero rifare questo. I really want to do this again. I really want to do this again. Non mi piace parlare di Tom. I don't like talking about Tom. I don't like talking about Tom. Tom non crede a Mary. Pensa che stia mentendo. Tom doesn't believe Mary. He thinks she's lying. Tom doesn't believe Mary. He thinks I'm lying. Perché non provate addosso questo cappello? Why don't you try on this hat? Why don't you try this hat on? Sei favorevole o contrario all'aborto? Are you for or against abortion? Are you for or against abortion? Voi lo fate sembrare così facile. You make it look so easy. You make it look so easy. Cerca di evitare il cibo spazzatura. Try to avoid junk food. Try to avoid junk food. Loro sono sposati. They're married. They're married. Ho perso la mia matita. I have lost my pencil. I lost my pencil. OK. Procedi. OK. Go ahead. Okay, go ahead. Voglio batterle. I want to beat them. I want to beat them. Penso che tu abbia mangiato abbastanza. I think you've eaten enough. I think you've eaten enough. Non posso farla entrare lì. I can't let you in there. I can't let you in there. Lottiamo in continuo. We fight all the time. We fight all the time. Non si può contattare Tom direttamente. You can't contact Tom directly. You can't contact Tom directly. Sono ancora molto attivo. I'm still very active. I'm still very active. Allora, l'hai già detto a loro? So, have you told them yet? So, have you told them yet? Penso che voi due diventerete buone amiche. I think you two are going to become good friends. I think you two are gonna be good friends. Tu sei affamata? Are you hungry? Are you hungry? L'idea non è male. The idea is not bad. It's not a bad idea. Non sei troppo vecchia per lei. You're not too old for her. You're not too old for her. Lo morse. She bit him. He bit him. Noi acconsentimmo ad aiutarli. We agreed to help them. We agreed to help them. L'amico ricco gli voltò le spalle. The rich friend gave him the cold shoulder. The rich friend turned his back on him. Abbiamo soltanto due dollari. We have only two dollars. We only have two dollars. Vuole andare a Boston con Tom, vero? You want to go to Boston with Tom, don't you? You want to go to Boston with Tom, don't you? Chi è il suo attore o attrice preferito? Who's your favorite actor or actress? Who's your favorite actor or actress? Tom provò a ingannare Mary. Tom tried to trick Mary. Tom tried to trick Mary. Sarò il cuoco stasera. I will be the cook tonight. I'll be the cook tonight. Lui ha un aspetto molto migliore ora. He looks much better now. He looks much better now. Non penso che sia sbagliata. I don't think it's wrong. I don't think that's wrong. La strada è danneggiata. The road is damaged. The road is damaged. Voi avete letto tutto? Did you read everything? Have you read everything? Loro vogliono combattere. They want to fight. They want to fight. Io amo tua figlia. I love your daughter. I love your daughter. Che tipo di frutto vuole? What kind of fruit do you want? What kind of fruit do you want? Ha provato invano ad aprirmi gli occhi. He tried in vain to pull the wool over my eyes. He tried in vain to open my eyes. Io non sono per nulla impegnato. I'm not at all busy. I'm not at all busy. Tu hai mai mangiato le uova con il ketchup? Have you ever eaten eggs with ketchup? Have you ever eaten eggs with ketchup? Voi ci credete ancora? Do you still believe that? Do you still believe that? Avevo un gatto chiamato Cookie. I had a cat named Cookie. I had a cat called Cookie. Tu sei un tossicodipendente? Are you a drug addict? Are you a drug addict? Il futuro era cinque minuti fa. The future was five minutes ago. The future was five minutes ago. Tom è una guardia di sicurezza disoccupata. Tom is an unemployed security guard. Tom is an unemployed security guard. Come avete saputo che è sposato? How did you know that he is married? How did you know he was married? Sono sicuro che Tom chiamerà. I'm sure Tom will call. I'm sure Tom will call. Le sue guance cominciarono a brillare di vergogna. Her cheeks began to glow with shame. His cheeks began to shine with shame. Tu sei una stacanovista. You're a workaholic. You're a workaholic. Abiti da queste parti? Do you live near here? Do you live around here? Io amo il mio lavoro. I love my work. I love my job. Tu sei sincero? Are you sincere? Are you being honest? Pensavo che Tom e Mary si fossero lasciati. I thought Tom and Mary broke up. I thought Tom and Mary broke up. Sei già confuso? Are you confused yet? Are you already confused? Loro fecero un elenco. They made a list. They made a list. Pensavo di essere un bravo allenatore. I thought I was a good coach. I thought I was a good coach. Devi andare con Tom ora. You need to go with Tom now. You have to go with Tom now. Questo libro sembra interessante. This book looks interesting. This book looks interesting. Che versione di Windows stai utilizzando? What version of Windows are you using? What version of Windows are you using? Riuscite a parlare con lei? Can you talk to her? Can you talk to her? Vorrei morire di vecchiaia. I'd like to die of old age. I'd like to die of old age. Tom sembra essere tollerante. Tom seems to be tolerant. Tom seems to be tolerant. Controlla tutti. Check everyone. Check everyone. Lui è una persona molto pensierosa. He is a very thoughtful person. He's a very thoughtful person. Tom ha fatto aspettare Mary. Tom kept Mary waiting. Tom kept Mary waiting. Lo informerò. I'll inform him. I'll let him know. Ho aiutato un po' Tom. I helped Tom a little. I helped Tom a little. Io ho il diritto di sapere. I have the right to know. I have a right to know. Quanto durerà? How long will it last? How long will it last? È vero che hai assemblato il motore da solo? Is it true you assembled the engine by yourself? Is it true you assembled the engine yourself? Ho difficoltà a masticare. I have difficulty chewing. I'm having trouble chewing. Riesco a raggiungere lo scaffale più alto. I can reach the top shelf. I can get to the tallest shelf. Tom non sa quando si è sposata Mary. Tom doesn't know when Mary got married. Tom doesn't know when Mary got married. A me piace davvero la sua musica. I really like your music. I really like his music. Domani io andrò a Shanghai. Tomorrow I'm going to Shanghai. I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow. Sostituiscila. Replace it. Replace her. Hai ricevuto la mia lettera? Did you receive my letter? Did you get my letter? L'infermiere mi ha misurato la pressione. The nurse has taken my blood pressure. The nurse measured my blood pressure. Tom in realtà non sta dormendo. Tom is actually not asleep. Tom isn't actually sleeping. Andiamo da qualche parte. Let's go somewhere. Let's go somewhere. Loro sono sbirri. They're cops. They're cops. Dov'è vostro fratello? Where is your brother? Where's your brother? Tom era da solo. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Lo aspettò per ore. She waited for him for hours. He waited for him for hours. Non ce la faremo mai a questo ritmo. We'll never make it at this rate. We'll never make it at this rate. Io sono uno studente, ma Tom non lo è. I'm a student, but Tom isn't. I'm a student, but Tom isn't. Lasci rispondere Tom. Let Tom answer. Let Tom answer that. Amo le lingue turciche. I love Turkic languages. I love turkish languages. Buongiorno. Lei è Jackie Scott? Hello. Are you Jackie Scott? Morning, are you Jackie Scott? La vostra amica è noiosa. Your friend is tiresome. Your friend is boring. Non sapendo cosa fare, chiesi aiuto. Not knowing what to do, I asked for help. Not knowing what to do, I asked for help. Io ero intrigata. I was intrigued. I was intrigued. Lei accettò la sua offerta. She accepted her offer. She accepted his offer. Ve l'ho sicuramente detto! I definitely told you that! I definitely told you! Ci mandi le foto. Send us the photos. Send us the photos. La fame fa avere un buon sapore a qualsiasi cosa. Hunger makes anything taste good. Hunger makes anything taste good. Tom è ragionevole. Tom is sensible. Tom is reasonable. Tom ha cercato di farmi indossare un kilt. Tom tried to get me to wear a kilt. Tom tried to get me to wear a kilt. Ha fatto lo stesso errore dell'ultima volta. She has made the same mistake as last time. He made the same mistake as last time. Tom ha qualcosa nella mano destra. Tom has something in his right hand. Tom has something in his right hand. Voglio imparare. I want to learn. I want to learn. Io penso che la sua teoria di base sia sbagliata. I think your basic theory is wrong. I think your basic theory is wrong. Sono una donna, non una ragazza. I am a woman, not a girl. I'm a woman, not a girl. Non ha senso per me. It makes no sense to me. It doesn't make any sense to me. Ho sognato che stavo comprando questa chitarra. I dreamed that I was buying this guitar. I dreamt I was buying this guitar. Non ti preoccupare per me. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. So che ci ha aiutate. I know you helped us. I know he helped us. Tom non sa leggere in francese. Tom can't read French. Tom can't read French. Ora mi sento stanca. Now I feel tired. Now I feel tired. Quando è finita la guerra? When did the war end? When did the war end? Noi abbiamo qualche domanda per lei. We've got some questions for you. We have some questions for you. Ti è caduta una tetta. One of your boobs fell down. You dropped a boob. Non stai mangiando niente. You don't eat anything. You're not eating anything. Io ho una festa stasera. I've got a party tonight. I have a party tonight. Tom è preparato per qualunque emergenza. Tom is prepared for any emergency. Tom is prepared for any emergency. Di che colore sono le sue unghie? What color are your nails? What color are your nails? Io vorrei qualcosa da bere. I would like something to drink. I'd like a drink. Chi ha addestrato gli addestratori? Who trained the trainers? Who trained the trainers? Dice che ha aspettato. He says he's waited. He says he waited. Siamo sei persone. We are six people. We're six people. Tom è una persona difficile con cui avere a che fare. Tom is a difficult person to deal with. Tom is a difficult person to deal with. Piace a tutte. Everyone likes him. Everyone likes him. È molto arrabbiata con lui. She is very cross with him. She's very angry with him. Come sta la vostra famiglia ospitante? How is your host family? How is your host family? Layla si suicidò. Layla committed suicide. Layla committed suicide. Il suo francese lascia molto a desiderare. Your French leaves a lot to be desired. His French leaves much to be desired. Mi sono imbattuto nella tua fidanzata. I ran into your girlfriend. I ran into your girlfriend. Avreste dovuto vederli correre. You should've seen them run. You should have seen them run. Posso utilizzare il telefono per un po'? May I use the telephone for a while? Can I use my phone for a while? Mary non disse a Tom che era dispiaciuta. Mary didn't tell Tom she was sorry. Mary didn't tell Tom she was sorry. Loro furono costretti a ritirarsi. They were forced to withdraw. They were forced to withdraw. Tom e Mary mi dissero che avevano paura. Tom and Mary told me they were afraid. Tom and Mary told me they were afraid. Cos'hai fatto con quel denaro? What did you do with that money? What did you do with that money? Tom non è sano di mente. Tom isn't sane. Tom isn't sane. La nostra auto finirà la benzina tra 2 minuti. Our car will run out of petrol in 2 minutes. Our car will run out of gas in two minutes. Sta tirando. He is towing. He's pulling. Non voglio partire. I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave. Voi pensate che Tom sia ragionevole? Do you think Tom is sensible? Do you think Tom is reasonable? Voglio che voi conosciate il mio amico, Tom. I want you to meet my friend, Tom. I want you to meet my friend, Tom. Voi avete dei sentimenti per lei? Do you have feelings for her? Do you have feelings for her? Tom ha la stessa opinione. Tom has the same opinion. Tom has the same opinion. La trattativa si è conclusa con un fallimento. The negotiation ended in failure. The negotiation ended with a failure. I piranha sono pesci grandi e voraci con denti affilati. Piranhas are big, voracious fish with sharp teeth. Piranhas are large and voracious fish with sharp teeth. Tom non conosce ancora la verità. Tom doesn't yet know the truth. Tom doesn't know the truth yet. Non vi preoccupate dei risultati. Don't worry about the results. Don't worry about the results. Nel New Jersey ci sono molti edifici riservati. In New Jersey are many unobtrusive buildings. There are a lot of classified buildings in New Jersey. Voglio sapere cosa gli è capitato. I want to know what happened to him. I want to know what happened to him. Io non avevo altra scelta che accettare l'offerta. I had no choice but to accept the offer. I had no choice but to accept the offer. Adesso non è il momento. Now isn't the time. Now is not the time. Fate bollire un po' d'acqua. Boil some water. Boil some water. Gli ho dato il suo indirizzo. I gave him your address. I gave him his address. Io ho detto a Tom che non la avrei fatta. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. I told Tom I wouldn't do it. Io sono una cheerleader. I'm a cheerleader. I'm a cheerleader. Tom non ha pranzato. Tom didn't have lunch. Tom didn't have lunch. Vuoi una banana? Do you want a banana? You want a banana? Tom perse la chiave della sua stanza d'hotel. Tom lost the key to his hotel room. Tom lost the key to his hotel room. Ero seduta accanto a lei. I was sitting next to her. I was sitting next to her. Perché non è riuscita a venire lunedì? Why couldn't you come on Monday? Why couldn't she come on Monday? Non mangio da due giorni. I haven't eaten for two days. I haven't eaten in two days. Guardavo molto questo anime quando ero bambino, ma non riesco a ricordare cos'è successo all'eroe nell'episodio finale. I used to watch this anime a lot when I was a kid, but I can't quite remember what happened to the hero in the final episode. I watched this soul a lot when I was a kid, but I can't remember what happened to the hero in the final episode. Mi può dare un passaggio in stazione? Can you give me a lift to the station? Can you give me a ride to the station? Mi chiedo cosa sia. I wonder what it is. I wonder what that is. Noi teniamo una festa stanotte. We're having a party tonight. We're having a party tonight. Io non voglio che lo veda. I don't want him to see it. I don't want him to see it. Immagino che stessero tutti mentendo. I guess everyone was lying. I guess they were all lying. Noi abbiamo avuto un'ottima relazione. We had a great relationship. We had a very good relationship. Come ha potuto fare questo? How could you do this? How could he do this? Avrei aspettato. I would've waited. I would've waited. Ha mangiato una torta di banane? Have you eaten a banana pie? Did you eat a banana cake? La sua amica è una brava persona. Your friend is a good person. Your friend is a good person. Ti piacerebbe uscire a bere qualcosa dopo il lavoro? Would you like go out for a drink after work? Would you like to go out for a drink after work? Non può portarla con se. You can't take it with you. You can't take her with you. Io abito nelle Figi. I live in Fiji. I live in Fiji. Sami si è vestito da ragazza per Halloween. Sami dressed up as a girl for Halloween. Sami dressed as a girl for Halloween. Tom dev'essere il padre di Mary. Tom must be Mary's father. Tom must be Mary's father. L'infermiere ha preso la sua temperatura con il termometro. The nurse took his temperature with the thermometer. The nurse took his temperature with the thermometer. Perché lei non capisce? Why don't you understand? Why don't you understand? Non ha catturato nulla. He caught nothing. He didn't catch anything. Viaggiare è uno dei piaceri più tristi della vita. Travelling is one of the saddest pleasures of life. Traveling is one of the saddest pleasures of life. Se i soldi non fanno la felicità, allora li dia a me. Io sarò felice. If you're not happy with the money, give it to me. I will be happy. If money doesn't make happiness, then give it to me. I'll be happy. Io ti sono grata per la tua gentilezza. I'm thankful for your kindness. I'm grateful for your kindness. Che ape l'ha punto? Which bee has bit you? What bee stung it? Mi piace sedermi alla finestra. I like sitting by the window. I like sitting at the window. Tom non ci sarà. Tom won't be there. Tom won't be there. Ditemi come posso aiutarvi. Tell me how I can help you. Tell me how I can help you. Diedi la mia metà a loro. I gave my half to them. I gave my half to them. Spero che non le dispiaccia. I hope you don't mind. I hope you don't mind. Parlate, per favore. Speak, please. Speak, please. Non si preoccupi. Parlerò con lui. Don't worry. I'll talk to him. Don't worry, I'll talk to him. Riesco a difendermi da solo. I can defend myself. I can defend myself. Ci penserò. I'm going to think about it. I'll think about it. Fiducioso come sono che lei non scherzi con questo appello, il mio cuore affonda e la mia mano trema al pensiero nudo e crudo di una tale possibilità. Confident as I am that you will not trifle with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles at the bare thought of such a possibility. Trusting as I am that you do not mess with this appeal, my heart sinks and my hand trembles with the naked and raw thought of such a possibility. Siamo finalmente libere. We are finally free. We're finally free. Aspetta un momento. Hang on a moment. Wait a minute. Tom può farlo più tardi. Tom can do that later. Tom can do that later. Lei è troppo ubriaca. She's too drunk. You're too drunk. Vi è piaciuto? Did you enjoy it? Did you like it? Jason non è un tizio cattivo, ma piuttosto un patetico perdente. Jason is no bad guy, but rather a pitiable loser. Jason's not a bad guy, but rather a pathetic loser. A te piace la tua auto? Do you like your car? Do you like your car? Lei è moralistica. She is prudish. She's moralistic. Lui non è vecchio come sembra. He is not as old as he seems. He's not as old as he looks. Tom e Mary si detestano. Tom and Mary detest each other. Tom and Mary hate each other. Siamo giocatori di pallacanestro. We're basketball players. We're basketball players. Non lo scordare. Don't forget it. Don't forget that. Perché dovrei darti dei soldi? Why should I give you any money? Why should I give you money? C'è molto di cui discutere. There's a lot to discuss. There's a lot to discuss. Vi ho appena lasciato un messaggio. I just left you a message. I just left you a message. Ho fatto così tanto che mi sono sentita stanca. I did so much that I felt tired. I've done so much that I've felt tired. Non erano loro. That wasn't them. It wasn't them. Mio zio abita a Boston. My uncle lives in Boston. My uncle lives in Boston. Questo è ciò che voglio fare. This is what I want to do. That's what I want to do. Tu mi stai nascondendo qualcosa. You're hiding something from me. You're hiding something from me. È solamente l'inizio. It's just the beginning. It's just the beginning. Tom lavora per una società commerciale a Boston. Tom works for a trading company in Boston. Tom works for a trading company in Boston. Tom prende delle lezioni di pianoforte una volta alla settimana. Tom takes piano lessons once a week. Tom takes piano lessons once a week. Io ho tre cani. I have three dogs. I have three dogs. Ha minacciato Tom? Did you threaten Tom? Did you threaten Tom? C'è un album sul banco. There is an album on the desk. There's an album on the counter. Io devo riposarmi. I must rest. I have to rest. Ehi, siete in anticipo! Hey, you're early! Hey, you're early! Non è divertente? Isn't that funny? Isn't that funny? Lei ha detto che era stata felice. She said that she had been happy. She said she was happy. Disse di non preoccuparsi per lei. She said not to worry about her. He said not to worry about her. A lui non piaceva essere povero. He didn't like being poor. He didn't like being poor. Ecco la lettera da parte loro. Here's the letter from them. Here's the letter from them. Perché è andato lì ieri? Why did you go there yesterday? Why did you go there yesterday? "Sono Layla, la donna con cui tuo marito ti tradisce." - "Lasciaci in pace!" "I'm Layla, the woman your husband is cheating on you with." "Leave us alone!" "I'm Layla, the woman your husband is cheating on you with." - "Leave us alone!" La vidi saltare nella piscina. I saw her jump into the pool. I saw her jump into the pool. La vita è difficile. Life is hard. Life is hard. Io sono molto più pesante di te. I'm much heavier than you. I'm a lot heavier than you are. Parli con loro e basta. Just talk with them. Just talk to them. È un ananas. It's a pineapple. It's a pineapple. Tom dice che non è abbastanza. Tom says that's not enough. Tom says that's not enough. Missione compiuta. Mission accomplished. Mission accomplished. Non potevamo vedere la cima della montagna. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. We couldn't see the top of the mountain. Io non sono mai libera la domenica. I am never free on Sundays. I'm never free on Sundays. È un bravo cuoco, vero? You are a good cook, aren't you? He's a good cook, isn't he? Penso che Tom sia generoso. I think Tom is generous. I think Tom is generous. Questo pomeriggio potrebbe nevicare. It may snow in the afternoon. This afternoon, it might snow. L'America è un posto gradevole in cui essere, se sei qui per guadagnare soldi. America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. America is a nice place to be if you're here to make money. Tom si grattò la barba. Tom scratched his beard. Tom scratched his beard. Cercate e troverete! Search and you will find! Search and you will find! Io resterò fino alla fine. I will stay until the end. I'll stay until the end. Sono pronto a perdonarle. I'm ready to forgive them. I'm ready to forgive them. Io ho una laurea in biologia. I have a degree in biology. I have a degree in biology. Mi voglio sedere vicino all'uscita di emergenza. I want to sit next to the emergency exit. I want to sit by the emergency exit. "Tu eri amico di Tom alle superiori?" "Non esattamente." "Were you friends with Tom in high school?" "Not exactly." "Were you friends with Tom in high school?" "Not exactly." Siamo soltanto amici? Are we just friends? Are we just friends? Non verrà, vero? He won't come, will he? He's not coming, is he? Questa sentenza ha diversi significati. This sentence has various meanings. This sentence has several meanings. Noi siamo energiche. We're energetic. We're energetic. Allacci la cintura della bambina. Buckle the child's belt. Buckle up the baby's belt. Io mi fido davvero di te, Tom. I do trust you, Tom. I really trust you, Tom. Non ho idea di cosa voglia dire questo. I have no idea what this means. I have no idea what that means. Lasciatemi stare! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Io vado sempre a piedi. I always walk. I always walk. Trovai un nuovo lavoro. I found a new job. I got a new job. Sami era veramente nervoso. Sami was real nervous. Sami was really nervous. Dove ha trovato quella strana cosa? Where did she find that strange thing? Where did you find that weird thing? Io sto cercando di ripararla. I'm trying to fix it. I'm trying to fix it. Non dissi nulla a loro. I didn't say anything to them. I didn't say anything to them. La sto ancora vedendo. I'm still seeing her. I'm still seeing her. Ero con lui la settimana scorsa. I was with him last week. I was with him last week. Io non sono il fidanzato di Mary. Sono solamente un amico. I'm not Mary's boyfriend. I'm just a friend. I'm not Mary's boyfriend. I'm just a friend. Tom ha piegato le coperte. Tom folded the blankets. Tom folded the blankets. Deve incontrare Tom di fronte al suo albergo tra circa un'ora. You're supposed to meet Tom in front of his hotel in about an hour. You have to meet Tom in front of your hotel in about an hour. Falla il prima possibile. Do it as soon as possible. Do it as soon as you can. Sei spericolata. You're reckless. You're reckless. Tom e Mary erano compagni di classe. Tom and Mary were classmates. Tom and Mary were classmates. Tom dice che sono egoista. Tom says I'm selfish. Tom says I'm selfish. Lui sta diventando cieco. He's going blind. He's going blind. C'è molto caldo in questa stanza. It's very warm in this room. It's very hot in this room. Si sentirà meglio ora. You'll feel better now. You'll feel better now. Tutti sapevano che Tom era infelice. Everyone knew that Tom was unhappy. Everyone knew Tom was unhappy. Ha sorseggiato il suo tè. He sipped his tea. He sipped his tea. Le uova sono molto fragili. Eggs are very fragile. The eggs are very fragile. Danzerete con me? Are you going to dance with me? Will you dance with me? Tu sei la prima ragazza che io abbia mai baciato. You're the first girl I ever kissed. You're the first girl I've ever kissed. Questa automobile appartiene a loro. This car belongs to them. This car belongs to them. Ha detto che l'ha apprezzato. He said he appreciated that. He said he appreciated it. L'ha suggerito da solo. You suggested it yourself. He suggested it himself. Tom ha invitato Mary a cena. Tom invited Mary to dinner. Tom invited Mary to dinner. Ieri ho comprato un cane. Purtroppo mia zia lo ha cucinato per cena. Yesterday I bought a dog. Sadly my aunt cooked it for dinner. I bought a dog yesterday, but my aunt cooked it for dinner. La sua idea è assolutamente impossibile. Your idea is absolutely impossible. His idea is absolutely impossible. Il cavallo ha quattro piedi. The horse has four feet. The horse has four feet. Siete sicure di quel rapporto? Are you positive of that report? Are you sure about that report? Tom si sarebbe dovuto scusare con Mary. Tom should have apologized to Mary. Tom should have apologized to Mary. Dove li hai corretti? Where did you correct them? Where did you correct them? Non deve pagare tutto. You don't have to pay for everything. You don't have to pay for everything. Noi abbiamo del vino. We have wine. We have wine. Questo è l'albergo dove siamo state l'anno scorso. This is the hotel where we stayed last year. This is the hotel we stayed in last year. Questa è la mia opinione, non la sua. This is my opinion, not yours. That's my opinion, not yours. Mi fido di loro. I trust them. I trust them. Ho imparato una scienza. I have been learning a science. I learned a science. Non mi sarei dovuta fidare di voi. I should not have trusted you. I shouldn't have trusted you. Piaccio a Tom. Tom likes me. Tom likes me. Questa medicina ha un gusto orribile. This medicine tastes horrible. This medicine has a horrible taste. Il vecchio cottage aveva un certo fascino in sé. The old cottage has a certain charm about it. The old cottage had a certain charm in it. Questa medicina aiuta ad alleviare il dolore muscolare. This medicine helps relieve muscle pain. This medicine helps to relieve muscle pain. Lei nuotò abbastanza velocemente per vincere una medaglia. She swam fast enough to win a medal. She swam fast enough to win a medal. Mi disse che suo padre era un insegnante. He told me that his father was a teacher. He told me his father was a teacher. Posso rivederlo? Can I see it again? Can I see him again? Ho fatto un buon lavoro. I have done a good job. I did a good job. Non capita più. That doesn't happen anymore. It doesn't happen anymore. Tom era sul punto di piangere. Tom was on the verge of tears. Tom was about to cry. Lui sta giocando a poker con loro. He is playing poker with them. He's playing poker with them. Non abbaiare! Don't bark! Don't bark! Ti manderò il link al mio sito web. I'll send you the link to my website. I'll send you the link to my website. A me non piacciono le feste in costume. I don't like costume parties. I don't like costume parties. Come avete conosciuto Tatoeba? How did you learn about the Tatoeba Project? How did you meet Tatoeba? Tom non è più malato. Tom isn't sick anymore. Tom isn't sick anymore. Per favore, rispondi in francese. Please answer in French. Please answer in French. I libri adesso sono alla portata di tutti. Books are now within the reach of everybody. Books are now within everyone's reach. Qual è il nome dell'edificio di cui si riesce a vedere il tetto? What is the name of the building whose roof you can see? What is the name of the building you can see the roof of? Non può essere Mary. Lei è all'ospedale in questo momento. It can't be Mary. She's at the hospital right now. You're in the hospital right now. Tom non verrà alla riunione di oggi. Tom won't come to today's meeting. Tom won't come to the meeting today. Siamo in orario. We're on time. We're on time. Ho sentito dire che è sepolta sotto tutta quella neve. I hear it's buried under all that snow. I heard she's buried under all that snow. Tutte le mie piante morirono. All my plants died. All my plants died. Non diventate emotivi. Don't get emotional. Don't get emotional. L'insegnante è entrata. The teacher came in. The teacher came in. Io sono sempre a casa alla domenica. I am always at home on Sundays. I'm always home on Sundays. Non sto sognando. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. Puoi sederti qui. You can sit here. You can sit here. È stato fortunato a trovare le sue chiavi. He was lucky to find his keys. He was lucky to find his keys. Tom ha un piano, giusto? Tom has a plan, right? Tom has a plan, right? Non c'era nessuno in spiaggia. There was nobody on the beach. There was no one on the beach. Tom non lo sta facendo nel modo giusto. Tom isn't doing it the right way. Tom isn't doing that the right way. Portatela fuori da qui. Get her out of here. Get her out of here. Oggi è giorno di paga. It is a payday today. Today's payday. Raccontò la sua storia in lacrime. He told his story in tears. He told his story in tears. Tom sembrava un po' sorpreso. Tom looked a bit surprised. Tom seemed a little surprised. Sta dicendo che Tom l'ha fatta? Are you saying Tom did it? Are you saying Tom did it? Ecco il mio numero di acconto. Here's my account number. Here's my down payment number. Ho un flauto. I have a flute. I have a flute. Qual è il salario minimo? What's the minimum wage? What's the minimum wage? Non abbiate paura. Non vi farò del male. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Che cosa si mangia nel suo paese? What do you eat in your country? What do you eat in your country? Kane era un vecchio amico del presidente. Kane was an old friend of the president. Kane was an old friend of the president's. Vive in economia. He lives frugally. He lives in economics. Voglio baciarla. I want to kiss you. I want to kiss her. Tom ringraziò Mary per il regalo. Tom thanked Mary for the gift. Tom thanked Mary for the gift. Mi passi la saliera. Pass me the salt cellar! Hand me the saltbox. Io amo il mio gatto. I love my cat. I love my cat. Non hai ancora conosciuto Tom, vero? You haven't met Tom yet, have you? You haven't met Tom yet, have you? Keiko mi informò dell'arrivo del suo aereo. Keiko informed me of the arrival of his plane. Keiko informed me of the arrival of his plane. Tom mi assisterà. Tom is going to assist me. Tom will assist me. Da quanto tempo vivete a Boston? How long have you been living in Boston? How long have you been living in Boston? È uno sgobbone. He is an eager beaver. He's a scumbag. Il campeggio finisce domani. Camp ends tomorrow. Camping ends tomorrow. I fagioli rossi non dovrebbero essere mangiati crudi. Kidney beans shouldn't be eaten raw. Red beans should not be eaten raw. Le devo spiegare questo. I have to explain this to her. I have to explain this to you. Lei è una persona molto interessante. You're a very interesting person. You're a very interesting person. Lei non sposò l'uomo. She didn't marry the man. She didn't marry the man. Da lontano si può vedere la guglia di una chiesa. A church spire could be seen in the distance. From a distance you can see the spire of a church. Non ci inimichi. Don't antagonize us. You don't inimidate us. Lavoreremo tutte assieme. We'll all work together. We'll all work together. Gli darò metà della mia quota. I'll give him half of my share. I'll give him half my share. Io non ho cibo. I have no food. I don't have food. Colsi ogni opportunità per migliorare il mio esperanto. I took every opportunity to improve my Esperanto. I seized every opportunity to improve my Esperanto. È organizzata? Are you organized? Is it organized? Devo sbrigarmi! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! Mary è venuta da sola. Mary came on her own. Mary came alone. Tom va a fare jogging ogni mattina. Tom goes jogging every morning. Tom goes jogging every morning. Tom sapeva cosa dire. Tom knew what to say. Tom knew what to say. Vogliono il meglio. They want the best. They want the best. Lei sa che ora è a Boston? Do you know what time it is in Boston? Do you know what time it is in Boston? L'ego di Tom è stato ferito. Tom's ego has been bruised. Tom's ego was hurt. Potrebbe anche noleggiare una macchina. You could also hire a car. He could even rent a car. Hai fatto i tuoi acquisti di Natale? Have you done your Christmas shopping? Did you do your Christmas shopping? Abbiamo contato gli anelli della crescita dell'albero che abbiamo abbattuto e abbiamo scoperto che aveva trent'anni. We counted the growth rings on the tree that we cut down and found out that it was thirty years old. We counted the tree growth rings we knocked down and found out he was 30 years old. Benvenute in Columbia! Welcome to Columbia! Welcome to Columbia! Tom ha emesso un sospiro di sollievo. Tom let out a sigh of relief. Tom breathed a sigh of relief. Il signor Jones ha fatto andare Mary dal dentista. Mr. Jones had Mary go to the dentist. Mr. Jones had Mary go to the dentist. Ti ho detto che ero sposata. I told you I was married. I told you I was married. Dove l'ha fatto? Where did you do it? Where did you do that? Chi lo dovrebbe fare? Who should do that? Who should do that? Ho alcuni libri in francese. I have some French books. I have some books in French. Voglio scambiare due parole con voi nel mio ufficio. I want a word with you in my office. I want to have a word with you in my office. Ieri sera ero così stanco che mi sono addormentato con il televisore acceso. Last night, I was so tired that I fell asleep with the TV on. Last night I was so tired, I fell asleep with the TV on. Ha un testamento? Do you have a will? Do you have a will? Noi ci siamo incontrati ieri sera. We met last night. We met last night. L'ingenuità è il suo unico merito. Naivete is his only merit. Ingenuity is his only merit. Siamo solo nervose. We're just nervous. We're just nervous. Penso che voi abbiate l'influenza. I think you've got the flu. I think you have the flu. Io odio aspettare. I hate to wait. I hate waiting. Quando andrete in Germania? When will you go to Germany? When are you going to Germany? Tom è scomparso senza lasciare traccia. Tom disappeared without a trace. Tom disappeared without a trace. Lui è bello e intelligente. He's smart and beautiful. He's handsome and smart. Gli scoiattoli saltavano di ramo in ramo. The squirrels jumped from branch to branch. Squirrels would jump from branch to branch. Sono estroversa. I'm extroverted. I'm extroverted. Vi dovete occupare del cane. You must take care of the dog. You have to take care of the dog. Ebbi un ictus. I had a stroke. I had a stroke. Tom non era consapevole del problema. Tom wasn't aware of the problem. Tom wasn't aware of the problem. Tom ha trovato l'esperienza frustrante. Tom found the experience frustrating. Tom found the experience frustrating. Amo i telefoni Android. I love Android phones. I love Android phones. Madison e Jayden sono migliori amiche. Madison and Jayden are best friends. Madison and Jayden are best friends. È ciò che le è successo. That's what happened to her. That's what happened to her. Videro Tom. They saw Tom. They saw Tom. La scienza è basata su osservazioni molto accurate. Science is based on very careful observations. Science is based on very accurate observations. Chi è che non conosce un detto così comune? Who doesn't know such a common saying? Who doesn't know such a common saying? Per secoli, gli astronomi credevano che la Via Lattea costituisse l'intero universo. Hubble fu tra i primi a dimostrare che le macchie sfocate nel cielo viste attraverso i telescopi erano altre galassie, non parti distanti della Via Lattea. For centuries, astronomers believed that the Milky Way made up the entire universe. Hubble was among the first to show that the fuzzy patches in the sky seen through telescopes were other galaxies, not distant parts of the Milky Way. For centuries, astronomers believed that the Milky Way constituted the entire universe. Hubble was among the first to prove that the blurry spots in the sky seen through the telescopes were other galaxies, not distant parts of the Milky Way. Lei domina suo marito. She dominates her husband. She dominates her husband. Io sono andata in campeggio con la mia famiglia. I went camping with my family. I went camping with my family. Nessuno gli crede. Nobody believes in him. Nobody believes him. Nemmeno a me piace. I don't like it, either. I don't like it either. Il Codice di Hammurabi è uno dei codici legislativi più antichi al mondo. The Code of Hammurabi is one of the world's most ancient code of laws. The Hammurabi Code is one of the oldest legislative codes in the world. Imbuchereste questa lettera per me mentre andate a scuola? Would you mail this letter for me on your way to school? Would you mail this letter to me on your way to school? Non mi piace il teatro, ma ci vado comunque perché piace a te. I don't like the theater, but I go nevertheless because you like it. I don't like the theater, but I still go because you like it. Che cos'ha fatto con quel denaro? What did you do with that money? What did you do with that money? Sembravano tutti soddisfattti dalle sue risposte. They all appeared satisfied with your answers. Everyone seemed satisfied with his answers. Non sei più il benvenuto qui. You are no longer welcome here. You're no longer welcome here. Perché la odi così tanto? Why do you hate her so much? Why do you hate her so much? È celibe. He is unmarried. He's single. Perché non ci provate un'altra volta? Why don't you give it another try? Why don't you try again? No, non sarà in grado. No, he won't be able. No, he won't be able to. Posso invitarti a cena? May I invite you to dinner? Can I invite you to dinner? Ti sei scusata con loro? Did you apologize to them? Did you apologize to them? Non avrebbe dovuto mangiare il pesce crudo. You shouldn't have eaten the fish raw. He shouldn't have eaten raw fish. Tom ha invitato personalmente Mary. Tom personally invited Mary. Tom personally invited Mary. Ha del denaro? Does she have money? Do you have any money? Perché siete sempre in ritardo per la scuola? Why are you always late for school? Why are you always late for school? Adesso è al sicuro. Now you're safe. She's safe now. Non dimentichi il latte. Don't forget the milk. Don't forget the milk. Sono venuta a Liverpool per caso. I came to Liverpool by chance. I came to Liverpool by accident. Gli darete questo? Will you give this to him? Will you give him this? Nel 1969 Roger Miller registrò una canzone chiamata "You Don't Want My Love." Oggi questa canzone è meglio conosciuta come "In the Summer Time." È la prima canzone che scrisse e cantò ad essere diventata popolare. In 1969, Roger Miller recorded a song called "You Don't Want My Love." Today, this song is better known as "In the Summer Time." It's the first song he wrote and sang that became popular. In 1969 Roger Miller recorded a song called "You Don't Want My Love." Today this song is better known as "In the Summer Time." It's the first song he wrote and sang to become popular. Volete ancora andare a pranzare? Do you still want to go to lunch? Do you still want to go to lunch? Dicci tutto quello che sai. Tell us everything you know. Tell us everything you know. Tom e Mary sembrano preoccupati. Tom and Mary seem worried. Tom and Mary seem worried. Aiutatemi con i miei compiti. Help me with my homework. Help me with my homework. Tu sei egoista. You're selfish. You're selfish. Non comprare quella. Don't buy that. Don't buy that. Nick non ha bisogno di venire nel mio ufficio. Nick doesn't need to come to my office. Nick doesn't need to come to my office. Parlavo soltanto in berbero. I only spoke Berber. I was just speaking Berber. Siete molto brave a cucire. You are very good at sewing. You're very good at sewing. Mi richiami immediatamente. Call me right back. Call me right back. Che malattia ho? What disease do I have? What disease do I have? Karl Valentin era un filosofo. Karl Valentin was a philosopher. Karl Valentin was a philosopher. Chi stavi proteggendo? Who were you protecting? Who were you protecting? Il libro è mio. The book is mine. The book is mine. Non prendetevi gioco di me. Don't make fun of me. Don't make fun of me. Ciò che avete detto non ha senso. What you said does not make sense. What you said doesn't make sense. Non siamo così disperate. We're not that desperate. We're not that desperate. Loro sono. They are. They are. Nessuno ci crederà. Nobody's going to believe that. Nobody's gonna believe this. Ha mai pregato in una moschea? Have you ever prayed in a mosque? Have you ever prayed in a mosque? Cosa pensi di fare stasera? What are your plans for tonight? What do you think you're doing tonight? Pensavo che Tom stesse tenendo una festa. I thought Tom was having a party. I thought Tom was having a party. Le scatole sono regali. Cosa contengono? The boxes are gifts. What do they contain? The boxes are gifts. What do they contain? Tom cominciò a ballare. Tom started dancing. Tom started dancing. Sono abituata a vivere da sola. I am accustomed to living alone. I'm used to living alone. Noi dobbiamo essere prudenti. We need to be prudent. We have to be careful. Tom entrò in casa di Mary. Tom entered Mary's house. Tom entered Mary's house. Nessuno ha mai messo in dubbio la mia lealtà prima. No one's ever questioned my loyalty before. No one's ever questioned my loyalty before. Perché non ceni con me stasera? Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? Why don't you have dinner with me tonight? Non voglio andare a Boston. I don't want to go to Boston. I don't want to go to Boston. La nostra faida risale agli anni dell'infanzia. Our feud traces back to our childhood. Our feud dates back to childhood. Tutti sono sospetti. Everybody's a suspect. Everyone's suspicious. Qual è la sua relazione con lei? What's your connection to her? What's your relationship with her? Ha detto che non era malata. She said she wasn't sick. She said she wasn't sick. Voi non la pensate così. You don't think so. You don't think so. Lui beve del tè ogni mattina. He has tea every morning. He drinks tea every morning. Ha un animale domestico? Does he have a pet? Do you have a pet? Ho tentato il suicidio due volte. I have attempted suicide two times. I tried to kill myself twice. Tom è un ragazzino brillante. Tom is a bright kid. Tom is a brilliant kid. Come può aiutarvi Tatoeba nella traduzione? How can Tatoeba help you in translation? How can Tatoeba help you in the translation? Tom chiese a Mary come spegnere il computer. Tom asked Mary how to turn off the computer. Tom asked Mary how to turn off the computer. Tom si rifiutò di rispondere. Tom refused to answer. Tom refused to answer. Non ho cercato di ucciderlo. I didn't try to kill him. I didn't try to kill him. Lui è andato in Gran Bretagna. He has gone to Britain. He went to Britain. Tom si è fatto estrarre i denti del giudizio. Tom had his wisdom teeth taken out. Tom got his judgment teeth pulled out. Cosa le hai fatto? What did you do to her? What did you do to her? Io vivo in Azerbaijan. I live in Azerbaijan. I live in Azerbaijan. Tu sei disposto ad aiutarlo? Are you willing to help him? Are you willing to help him? Tom è un veterano della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Tom is a World War II veteran. Tom is a World War II veteran. Io non li posso pagare. I can't pay them. I can't pay them. Tom andrà. Tom will go. Tom will go. Non ti fidare troppo di Tom. Don't trust Tom too much. Don't trust Tom too much. Io ho lasciato la mia chiave nella mia stanza. I left my key in my room. I left my key in my room. Quanto ci vuole ad alterarlo? How long does it take to alter it? How long does it take to alter him? Tom è orgoglioso dei suoi figli. Tom is proud of his children. Tom is proud of his children. Verrete a vederci? Will you come to see us? Will you come and see us? Io non sono completamente d'accordo con te. I don't agree with you completely. I don't completely agree with you. Tom e Mary parlarono di John. Tom and Mary talked about John. Tom and Mary talked about John. Lasciai un messaggio per loro. I left a message for them. I left a message for them. Parla come se conoscesse tutto. He talks as if he knew everything. He talks like he knows everything. Tom ha fatto un buon suggerimento. Tom has made a good suggestion. Tom made a good suggestion. Tu sei una cattiva influenza per me. You're a bad influence on me. You're a bad influence to me. È molto importante per noi. It's very important to us. It's very important to us. Loro non sono pronti per nulla. They aren't ready for anything. They're not ready for anything. "Guardi quello!," disse, trionfante. "Look at that!" he said, triumphantly. "Look at that!" he said, triumphant. È successo qualcosa di molto strano a Tom. Something very weird happened to Tom. Something very strange happened to Tom. Non ho i fianchi larghi. I don't have wide hips. I don't have wide hips. Tom è assonnato. Tom is sleepy. Tom is sleepy. Quale birra è la tua? Which beer is yours? Which beer is yours? Che tipo di computer usa Tom? What kind of computer does Tom use? What kind of computer does Tom use? Sono affascinata. I'm intrigued. I'm fascinated. Tom lavora come medico interno. Tom works as an intern. Tom works as an internal doctor. Tom è di supporto. Tom is supportive. Tom is supportive. Tom pensava che il letto fosse troppo morbido. Tom thought the bed was too soft. Tom thought the bed was too soft. Il dottor Smith ha molti pazienti. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. Dr. Smith has a lot of patients. Lui sposò un'attrice. He married an actress. He married an actress. Lei non è un barbiere, vero? You're not a barber, are you? You're not a barber, are you? Va tutto bene, non preoccupatevi. Everything is OK. Don't worry. It's okay. Don't worry. Siamo soddisfatte. We're satisfied. We're satisfied. La sua amica è noiosa. Your friend is tiresome. Her friend is boring. Mi serve un passaggio. I need a ride. I need a ride. Tom era soddisfatto. Tom was satisfied. Tom was satisfied. Tom sta prendendo del caffè. Tom is getting some coffee. Tom is having coffee. Questo vaso rotto è irreparabile. This broken vase is irreparable. This broken vase is irreparable. Tom è docile. Tom is docile. Tom is docile. A lei non piace il sushi. She does not like sushi. She doesn't like sushi. È anziano. You're old. He's old. Ho detto che non era colpa sua. I said it wasn't your fault. I said it wasn't his fault. Mio zio vive accanto alla scuola. My uncle lives next to the school. My uncle lives next to the school. Mi dica dove posso trovarlo. Tell me where I can find him. Tell me where I can find him. Noi laveremo i piatti. We will wash dishes. We'll wash the dishes. Incolpo loro. I blame them. I blame them. Tom sarà con noi fino a lunedì prossimo. Tom will be with us until next Monday. Tom will be with us until next Monday. Obama ha detto che Romney sta dimenticando quali sono le sue posizioni - "e sta scommettendo che lo dimenticherete anche voi." Obama said that Romney is forgetting what his own positions are - "and he's betting that you will too." Obama said that Romney is forgetting what his positions are - "and he's betting you'll forget it too." Lei lo voleva. She wanted it. She wanted it. Tutte le sue speranze sono svanite. All his hopes have vanished. All his hopes are gone. Voglio leggere un libro in treno. I want a book to read on the train. I want to read a book by train. Posso continuare ad andare. I can keep going. I can keep going. Sto aspettando una chiamata da loro. I'm expecting a call from them. I'm waiting for a call from them. L'attore ha un rifugio in Colorado. The actor has a hideaway in Colorado. The actor has a shelter in Colorado. C'è nebbia. It is foggy. There's fog. L'ho comprata in un negozio dell'usato. I bought it at a thrift shop. I bought it in a used shop. Lui è seduto sullo steccato. He's sitting on the fence. He's sitting on the fence. Perdonatemi per avere interrotto l'altro giorno. Forgive me for interrupting the other day. Forgive me for interrupting the other day. Bob non era d'accordo con il piano. Bob did not agree to the plan. Bob didn't agree with the plan. Andrò all'inferno se non vado in chiesa? Will I go to hell if I don't go to church? Will I go to hell if I don't go to church? Non rischi insultando il suo capo. Don't risk insulting your boss. You don't risk insulting your boss. Non ci vedo alcun complotto. I see no conspiracy there. I can't see any conspiracy. Perché non li hai avvertiti? Why didn't you warn them? Why didn't you warn them? Il sole ha sciolto la neve. The sun melted the snow. The sun melted the snow. Perché non possiamo nuotare qui? Why can't we swim here? Why can't we swim here? Tom si sfregò le mani. Tom rubbed his hands together. Tom rubbed his hands. Ha scelto un nome? Have you picked a name? Did you pick a name? Io ho due gatti. I have two cats. I have two cats. Posso parlarti? Can I talk to you? Can I talk to you? Tom si ferì? Did Tom get hurt? Did Tom hurt himself? La sta aspettando adesso. He is waiting for you now. He's waiting for you now. Questa non è la mia specialità. This is not my specialty. This isn't my specialty. Questo è capitato prima? Has this happened before? Did this happen before? Avete sete. You are thirsty. You're thirsty. È occupata a imparare l'inglese. She is busy learning English. She's busy learning English. L'inglese è studiato anche in Cina. English is also studied in China. English is also studied in China. Io devo prendere un po' di cibo. I have to get some food. I gotta get some food. Voi volete dormire sul divano? Do you want to sleep on the couch? Do you want to sleep on the couch? Non so il suo indirizzo. I don't know her address. I don't know his address. Se fossi in lei, lo seguirei fino alla fine del mondo. If I were you, I would follow him to the end of the world. If I were you, I'd follow him to the end of the world. Perché sta guardando Tom? Why are you looking at Tom? Why are you looking at Tom? Mio nonno dice che è troppo anziano per nuotare. My grandfather says he's too old to swim. My grandfather says he's too old to swim. Io non capisco molto a riguardo. I don't understand much about it. I don't understand much about that. Devi tenere gli occhi aperti. You must keep your eyes open. You need to keep your eyes open. Semplicemente voglio vederla. I just want to see her. I just want to see her. Sei andato al funerale di Tom? Did you go to Tom's funeral? Did you go to Tom's funeral? "Questo è cinese o giapponese?" "È coreano." "Is this Chinese or Japanese?" "It's Korean." "Is this Chinese or Japanese?" "He's Korean." Hai chiesto aiuto a Tom? Have you asked Tom for help? Did you ask Tom for help? Tom era da solo in casa. Tom was alone in the house. Tom was alone in the house. Oggi compio venticinque anni. Today, I turn twenty-five years old. I'm turning 25 today. Avete lasciato la porta aperta. You left the door open. You left the door open. Mio figlio è ora alto quanto me. My son is now as tall as I am. My son is now as tall as I am. Condannato a morte. Condemned to death. Convicted to death. Io ero spaventata da lui. I was scared of him. I was scared of him. Tom ha aiutato Mary a fuggire di prigione. Tom helped Mary to escape from prison. Tom helped Mary escape from prison. Povero Pinocchio! Cercò anche di strapparsi i capelli, ma dato che erano soltanto dipinti sulla sua testa di legno, non riusciva neppure a tirarli. Poor Pinocchio! He even tried to tear his hair, but as it was only painted on his wooden head, he could not even pull it. Poor Pinocchio! He also tried to rip his hair, but since they were only painted on his wooden head, he couldn't even pull them. Tom sarà a Boston per le prossime tre settimane. Tom will be in Boston for the next three weeks. Tom will be in Boston for the next three weeks. Non lascerò andare Tom. I'm not going to let Tom go. I won't let Tom go. Tom non fece una promessa del genere. Tom made no such promise. Tom didn't make such a promise. Il tuo tappeto è completamente bianco. Your carpet is completely white. Your carpet is completely white. Vorrei vederlo. I'd like to see that. I'd like to see him. Ha degli amici che la possono aiutare, vero? You have friends who can help you, don't you? You have friends who can help you, don't you? Non potete entrare. You can't come in. You can't go in there. Ho scordato il tuo numero di telefono. I forgot your phone number. I forgot your phone number. Sono tua amica, giusto? I am your friend, right? I'm your friend, right? Franklin creò un fornello ecologico. Franklin created an ecological stove. Franklin created an ecological stove. Tom è ancora single? Is Tom still single? Is Tom still single? Lo sapevano tutti tranne me. Everyone except me knew it. Everyone knew it except me. Io ero molto felice di vedere la mia vecchia amica. I was very happy to see my old friend. I was very happy to see my old friend. Ci sono ventisette alunni nella mia classe. There are twenty seven pupils in my class. There are 27 students in my class. Significa molto per me. That means a lot to me. It means a lot to me. Tom è troppo stanco per lavorare. Tom is too tired to work. Tom is too tired to work. Cos'ha fatto Tom per lei? What did Tom do for you? What did Tom do for you? L'Islanda si deve unire all'Unione Europea? Does Iceland have to join the EU? Should Iceland join the European Union? Ho parlato con Tom. I talked with Tom. I talked to Tom. Sono abbastanza d'accordo con te. I quite agree with you. I quite agree with you. Ci avete mai visti danzare? Have you ever seen us dance? Have you ever seen us dance? Non dirmi come guidare. Don't tell me how to drive. Don't tell me how to drive. Noi abbiamo abbastanza soldi. We have enough money. We have enough money. Tom sembra davvero preoccupato. Tom seems really worried. Tom seems really worried. Bilal andò a scuola. Bilal went to school. Bilal went to school. Dove ha comprato quei pantaloni? Where did he buy those pants? Where did you buy those pants? Era a Boston la settimana scorsa? Were you in Boston last week? Were you in Boston last week? Continuai a mangiare. I went on eating. I kept eating. Non dovete lasciare questa stanza. You are not to leave this room. You don't have to leave this room. Questa è musica per le mie orecchie. This is music to my ears. This is music for my ears. Quanti libri avete letto l'anno scorso? How many books did you read last year? How many books did you read last year? È interessato ai computer. You are interested in computers. He's interested in computers. Si sono sposati la Vigilia di Natale. They married on Christmas Eve. They got married on Christmas Eve. Odio la domenica! È un giorno orribile! I hate Sunday! It's a horrible day! I hate Sunday, it's a horrible day! Tu sai di chi è questo ombrello? Do you know whose umbrella this is? Do you know whose umbrella this is? Mia nonna perse la memoria. My grandmother lost her memory. My grandmother lost her memory. Nel 1600, è stato introdotto il tè in Europa dall'India. In the 1600s, tea was introduced into Europe from India. In 1600, tea was introduced in Europe from India. Mi occuperò di tutto. I'll take care of everything. I'll take care of everything. Voi avete visto quel film, vero? You saw that movie, didn't you? You saw that movie, didn't you? Non ho ancora lavato i piatti. I haven't done the dishes yet. I haven't washed the dishes yet. Tom non sa niente sulla situazione. Tom doesn't know anything about the situation. Tom doesn't know anything about the situation. Mangio del riso ogni giorno. I eat rice every day. I eat rice every day. Posso contare su di loro? Can I count on them? Can I count on them? Io sono così depressa. I'm so depressed. I'm so depressed. Tom sa cosa state facendo? Does Tom know what you're doing? Does Tom know what you're doing? Non mi tratti come se fossi una bambina. Don't treat me as if I were a child. Don't treat me like I'm a child. Ci scusi un momento, per piacere. Excuse us a moment, please. Excuse us for a moment, please. Ieri io e mia moglie siamo andate a teatro. Yesterday my wife and I went to the theatre. My wife and I went to the theater yesterday. Penso che voi siate troppo schizzinose. I think you're too picky. I think you're too picky. Non so se possiamo aiutare Tom questa volta. I don't know if we can help Tom this time. I don't know if we can help Tom this time. Perché non ha funzionato? Why didn't it work? Why didn't it work? Mary è vostra figlia? Is Mary your daughter? Mary is your daughter? Tom vide Mary cadere. Tom saw Mary fall. Tom saw Mary fall. Tom provò ad attirare l'attenzione di qualcuno. Tom tried to attract someone's attention. Tom tried to draw someone's attention. C'era qualcosa che volevi dire? Was there something you wanted to say? Was there something you wanted to say? Questo fiume è poco profondo? Is this river shallow? Is this river shallow? Il vostro consiglio mi ha portato al successo. Your advice led me to success. Your advice has led me to success. Non siamo stupidi. We're not stupid. We're not stupid. Ha bevuto del latte oggi? Did you drink some milk today? Have you been drinking milk today? Tom non aveva abbastanza esperienza per fare bene il lavoro. Tom didn't have enough experience to do the job well. Tom didn't have enough experience to do the job well. Dopo di lei. After you. After you. Mi sono trasferito. I moved. I moved in. Odia i serpenti. He has an abhorrence of snakes. He hates snakes. Noi siamo preparate al peggio. We're prepared for the worst. We're prepared for the worst. Stiamo ancora lavorando. We're still working. We're still working. Partecipa! Participate! Come in! I greci sono dei bravi cuochi. Greeks are good cooks. The Greeks are good cooks. Tom e Mary sono stati lasciati da soli. Tom and Mary were left alone. Tom and Mary were left alone. Tu sei competitiva. You're competitive. You're competitive. Lui decise di vendere l'auto. He decided to sell the car. He decided to sell the car. Abiti in Turchia? Do you live in Turkey? Do you live in Turkey? Non date alcuna idea a Tom. Don't give Tom any ideas. Don't give Tom any idea. Lodate il Signore! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Perché è così appiccicoso? Why are you so clingy? Why is it so sticky? Chi mai può essere? Who ever can it be? Who could that be? Tom chiese un po' di soldi a Mary. Tom asked Mary for some money. Tom asked Mary for some money. Sono intrappolate. They're trapped. They're trapped. I genitori di Mary vivono in una villa. Mary's parents live in a mansion. Mary's parents live in a mansion. Se ne vada dalla casa. Get it out of the house. Get out of the house. Ho voglia di parlare italiano! I feel like speaking Italian! I want to speak Italian! Non ti preoccupi per Tom? Don't you worry about Tom? Don't you worry about Tom? Tom è molto energico, vero? Tom is very energetic, isn't he? Tom is very energetic, isn't he? Ci incontreremo domani alle due e mezza. I'll meet you tomorrow at 2:30. We'll meet tomorrow at 2:30. Volevo solo parlare con lui. I only wanted to talk to him. I just wanted to talk to him. Lui visse una vita semplice. He lived a simple life. He lived a simple life. Devo andare adesso? Need I go right now? Do I have to go now? Le volevo chiedere qualcosa. I wanted to ask you something. I wanted to ask you something. Non lo vidi. I didn't see it. I didn't see him. Ci amiamo, ma non facciamo più l'amore. We love each other, but we don't make love anymore. We love each other, but we don't make love anymore. Io non passo mai una giornata senza pensarti. I never spend a day without thinking of you. I never spend a day without thinking about you. A lui piace la matematica, però a me no. He likes mathematics, but I don't. He likes math, but I don't. Lei ha gli occhi color nocciola. She has hazel eyes. She has hazel-coloured eyes. Mi hai ferita. You've hurt me. You hurt me. Non voglio che vi ammaliate. I don't want you to get sick. I don't want you to get enchanted. Tom ha ragione al 100%. Tom is 100% correct. Tom is 100% right. Io riceverò un aiuto finanziario? Will I receive financial aid? Will I receive financial aid? Fermati qui. Stop here. Stop right there. Tom parlò con Mary. Tom spoke to Mary. Tom spoke to Mary. Avevo un figlio. I had a son. I had a son. Tom sapeva che ero fuori. Tom knew that I was outside. Tom knew I was out. Ci porti con lei! Bring us with you! Take us with you! Un po' di pioggia non ha mai fatto del male a nessuno. A little rain never hurt anyone. A little rain never hurt anyone. Quanto spesso vedi Tom? How often do you see Tom? How often do you see Tom? Tu sei energica. You're energetic. You're energetic. Io vengo il prima possibile. I come as soon as I can. I'll come as soon as I can. Io stavo festeggiando. I was celebrating. I was celebrating. Tom non sembra nervoso. Tom doesn't look nervous. Tom doesn't seem nervous. Libera gli animali dalla gabbia. Free the animals from the cage. Get the animals out of the cage. Perché non l'ha fatto ieri? Why didn't you do that yesterday? Why didn't you do it yesterday? Mi farebbe spazio? Would you make room for me? Would you give me some room? Ci potremmo provare. We could give it a try. We could try. Lui ha avuto successo. He succeeded. He was successful. Sto parlando con loro in questo momento. I'm talking to them right now. I'm talking to them right now. Certe persone pensano che i gatti neri portino sfortuna. Some people believe that black cats bring bad luck. Some people think black cats are bad luck. Vi ho detto che avrei aiutato. I told you I would help. I told you I'd help. Mi ha dato il permesso di usare il suo dizionario. She gave me permission to use her dictionary. He gave me permission to use his dictionary. Devo vedere qualcuno. I've got to see someone. I need to see someone. Tom e Mary sembrano tristi. Tom and Mary look sad. Tom and Mary look sad. Io studierò il francese questo pomeriggio. I'm going to study French this afternoon. I'm going to study French this afternoon. La state turbando. You're upsetting her. You're disturbing her. Cosa sta facendo? What is he up to? What are you doing? Chi vuole lavorare un venerdì sera? Who wants to work on a Friday night? Who wants to work on a Friday night? A me piace mangiare il cibo greco. I like to eat Greek food. I like to eat Greek food. Ho aperto tutte le mie valigie. I opened all my suitcases. I opened all my bags. Il medico ha esaminato i pazienti. The doctor examined the patients. Your doctor has examined the patients. Perché non guardi la TV? Why don't you watch TV? Why don't you watch TV? Tom parte domani. Tom is leaving tomorrow. Tom leaves tomorrow. È solo lui. It's only him. It's just him. Gli dissi che stavate arrivando. I told him you were coming. I told him you were coming. Sei mai stata in Cina? Have you ever been to China? Have you ever been to China? Questo non è interessante per nessuno. This is interesting to no one. This isn't interesting to anyone. La radio era attaccata alla corrente. The radio was plugged in. The radio was attached to the current. Io sono orgogliosa di lavorare su questo progetto. I'm proud to be working on this project. I'm proud to work on this project. A chi importa del tempo atmosferico? Who cares about the weather? Who cares about weather? Siete energici? Are you proactive? Are you energetic? Guarda quel koala laggiù. Look at that koala over there. Look at that koala over there. Sei nei guai adesso, vero? You're in trouble now, aren't you? You're in trouble now, aren't you? Io non sono scontrosa. I'm not cranky. I'm not grumpy. La Terra gira attorno al Sole. The earth centers on the sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun. Per favore, non siate arrabbiati con me! Please, don't be angry at me! Please don't be mad at me! L'avete cambiata? You changed it? Have you changed her? Perché sei così sorpreso? Why are you so surprised? Why are you so surprised? Grazie per aver accettato la mia richiesta di amicizia su Facebook. Thanks for accepting my friend request on Facebook. Thank you for accepting my request for friendship on Facebook. Non so perché Tom stia bisbigliando. I don't know why Tom is whispering. I don't know why Tom is whispering. Tom amava pescare. Tom loved fishing. Tom loved fishing. Questo non sarebbe mai successo se fossi rimasto a casa. This would never have happened if you'd stayed home. This would never have happened if I stayed home. Dobbiamo essere caute. We have to be cautious. We need to be careful. Il latte proviene dalle vacche. Milk comes from cows. Milk comes from cows. Vi ringrazio per la vostra esistenza. I thank you for your existence. Thank you for your existence. Non avrei dovuto dire nulla? Should I have not said anything? Shouldn't I have said anything? Siate prudenti. La scatola è fragile. Be careful. The box is fragile. Be careful. The box is fragile. Io ho provato a fingere di essere qualcosa che non ero. I tried to pretend I was something I wasn't. I tried to pretend to be something I wasn't. Mi aiuti a trovarle. Help me find them. Help me find them. L'hai capito male. You've got it wrong. You misunderstand that. Io sono egoista. Lo ammetto. I'm selfish. I admit it. I'm selfish, I admit it. Anche se comune nei prodotti per la pulizia, l'ammoniaca è caustica. Though common in cleaning products, ammonia is caustic. Although common in cleaning products, ammonia is caustic. Sto cercando un albergo economico. I'm looking for a cheap hotel. I'm looking for a cheap hotel. Dille che sto semplicemente scherzando con lei. Tell her that I am just joking with her. Tell her I'm just messing with her. Tom ha visto Mary aspettare. Tom saw Mary waiting. Tom saw Mary wait. Devi essere gentile con gli altri. You must be kind to others. You have to be nice to the others. Io sono diventata famosa perché il mio nome è Kardashian. I became famous because my name is Kardashian. I became famous because my name is Kardashian. È una ragazza carina. She is a pretty girl. She's a pretty girl. Dovrebbe andare ad aiutare Tom. You should go help Tom. You should go help Tom. Non mi piace l'esperanto perché è troppo difficile. I don't like Esperanto, because it is too difficult. I don't like Esperanto because it's too hard. Chiamò gli studenti nella stanza. She called the students into the room. He called the students in the room. A voi servono degli amici. You need friends. You need friends. Perché non li posso amare entrambi? Why can't I love them both? Why can't I love them both? Sai già contare? Do you already know how to count? Do you know how to count? Lui è morto da tre anni. He has been dead for three years. He's been dead for three years. Tom ti perdonerebbe. Tom would forgive you. Tom would forgive you. Tom ha vissuto qui per molto tempo. Tom has lived here a long time. Tom lived here a long time. È uno studente povero. He's a poor student. He's a poor student. Lascia che parli con loro da sola. Let me talk to them alone. Let me talk to them alone. Chi ti ha assunta? Who hired you? Who hired you? Voi avete mai pulito la vostra cucina? Have you ever cleaned your kitchen? Have you ever cleaned your kitchen? Abbiamo dei pregiudizi. We're prejudiced. We're prejudiced. Non ci sono piatti puliti. There are no clean plates. There are no clean dishes. Tom sembra agitato. Tom seems upset. Tom looks agitated. Sono molto grato per il tuo aiuto. I'm very grateful for your help. I'm very grateful for your help. Tom ha chiesto a Mary di spiegarlo. Tom asked Mary to explain it. Tom asked Mary to explain it. Io stavo per andare. I was about to go. I was gonna go. Volevo solo sapere. I just wanted to know. I just wanted to know. Tom ha legato il suo cane a un albero. Tom tied his dog to a tree. Tom tied his dog to a tree. Parliamo in turco. We speak Turkish. Let's speak Turkish. Parla molto bene il francese. You speak French very well. He speaks French very well. Sono qui, vuole chiacchierare? I'm here. Do you want to chat? I'm here. Would you like to chat? Tom non è ricco. Tom isn't rich. Tom isn't rich. Questo è veramente scioccante. This is really shocking. This is really shocking. Lei è creativa. You're creative. She's creative. Non potrei mai farle del male. I could never hurt her. I could never hurt her. Se non lo faccio adesso, non lo farò mai. If I don't do it now, I never will. If I don't do it now, I never will. Sono stata via troppo a lungo. I've stayed away too long. I've been gone too long. Non sapevo che Tom fosse in pensione. I didn't know Tom was retired. I didn't know Tom was retired. Dirò a Tom che sei pronta. I'll tell Tom that you're ready. I'll tell Tom you're ready. Il cavallo marrone è veloce. The brown horse is fast. The brown horse is fast. Il suo consiglio mi ha portata al successo. Your advice led me to success. Your advice has led me to success. Siete mai stati a Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Questo bambù è troppo sottile per sopportare molto peso. This bamboo is too thin to bear much weight. This bamboo is too thin to bear a lot of weight. Voi pensate che Tom abbia creduto alla vostra storia? Do you think Tom believed your story? Do you think Tom believed your story? Non perdere troppo tempo. Don't waste too much time. Don't waste too much time. Sono piuttosto impegnato in questo momento, Tom. I'm kind of busy right now, Tom. I'm pretty busy right now, Tom. Che cos'avete detto? What did you say? What did you say? Tom ha sempre fatto bene in ogni lavoro che ha avuto. Tom has always performed well in every job he has had. Tom has always done well in every job he has had. Io sono quasi d'accordo con lei. I almost agree with her. I almost agree with her. Tom stava bene. Tom was OK. Tom was fine. Questa è una violazione della legge. This is a violation of the law. This is a violation of the law. Deve andare a parlare con lui. You have to go talk to him. You need to go talk to him. Sono andato là dozzine di volte. I went there dozens of times. I've been there dozens of times. Come hai fatto a ottenere quel soprannome? How did you get that nickname? How did you get that nickname? Non ha visto nulla. He didn't see anything. He didn't see anything. Potete portarmi all'aeroporto, per favore? Can you take me to the airport, please? Can you take me to the airport, please? Quanto tempo è abbastanza? How much time is enough? How long is that enough? Voglio sposarmi con Heather. I want to marry Heather. I want to get married to Heather. Fumatori o non fumatori? Smoking or non smoking? Smokers or non-smokers? Voi non la amate, vero? You don't love her, do you? You don't love her, do you? È un mio problema, non vostro. That's my problem, not yours. It's my problem, not yours. Dobbiamo seguirla. We need to follow her. We have to follow her. Sono meschino. I'm mean. I'm mean. Non sono sicura di cosa farà Tom. I'm not sure what Tom will do. I'm not sure what Tom will do. Siete preoccupati che possa succedere? Are you worried that that might happen? Are you worried this is gonna happen? Non mi piace più la pizza. I don't like pizza anymore. I don't like pizza anymore. Io dovetti aprire la mia valigia. I had to open my suitcase. I had to open my suitcase. Tu sei medico? Are you a doctor? You're a doctor? Tom vuole che lo aiuti? Does Tom want me to help him? Does Tom want me to help him? Tom ha perso un dito. Tom lost a finger. Tom lost a finger. La stavamo cercando. We were looking for her. We've been looking for her. È per te che sono venuta. I came for you. That's why I came. Sono usciti a mangiare. They went out to eat. They went out to eat. Ditele che non è colpa sua. Tell her it's not her fault. Tell her it's not her fault. Farò partire la macchina. I will get the machine running. I'll get the car started. Tom è astuto. Tom is smart. Tom is smart. Dice che le piacciono i fiori. She says that she likes flowers. She says she likes flowers. Tom non mi dirà nulla. Tom won't tell me anything. Tom won't tell me anything. Guadagna 30.000 yen al mese. He earns 300,000 yen a month. Earn 30,000 yen a month. Guardate i vostri vestiti! Look at your clothes! Look at your clothes! Ci trovarono. They found us. They found us. Perché le piace così tanto? Why do you like that so much? Why do you like her so much? Tom possiede davvero molte macchine. Tom does own a lot of cars. Tom really has a lot of cars. Si sono accorti tutti di lei. Everyone noticed her. Everyone noticed her. Sono piuttosto sicuro che Tom non fosse lì. I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't there. I'm pretty sure Tom wasn't there. Se lui viene corretto troppo, smette di parlare. If he is corrected too much, he will stop talking. If he gets corrected too much, he stops talking. Così sia. So be it. So be it. Tom dove ha conosciuto tuo padre? Where did Tom meet your father? Where did Tom meet your father? Io non ho neppure visto Tom. I didn't even see Tom. I didn't even see Tom. Chiese molto denaro. He asked for a lot of money. He asked for a lot of money. Stava dormendo? Were you asleep? Was he asleep? Io ho discusso con lui sulla pace nel mondo per un'ora. I disputed with him about world peace for an hour. I've been arguing with him about world peace for an hour. Loro sono stupende. They're gorgeous. They're gorgeous. A Tom serve un ombrello. Tom needs an umbrella. Tom needs an umbrella. Voi pensate che sia divertente farlo? Do you think it's fun to do that? Do you think it's fun to do that? Io sto per morire, e voglio che voi stiate qui con me. I'm going to die, and I want you to stay here with me. I'm going to die, and I want you to stay here with me. Noi dobbiamo fermare questo pericoloso contagio. We must stop this dangerous plague. We must stop this dangerous contagion. Tom, dove sei? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? Quanta torta avete mangiato? How much cake did you eat? How much cake did you eat? Allevo cavalli arabi. I raise Arabian horses. I raise Arab horses. Entrò con le lacrime agli occhi. She came in with tears in her eyes. She came in with tears in her eyes. Vorresti prenotare un viaggio per l'Australia? Would you like to book a trip to Australia? Would you like to book a trip to Australia? Apparentemente io non piaccio a Tom. Apparently, Tom doesn't like me. Tom apparently doesn't like me. È stato il giorno più bello della mia vita. That was the best day of my life. It was the best day of my life. Di chi ci possiamo fidare? Who can we trust? Who can we trust? State messaggiando con Tom? Are you texting Tom? Are you texting Tom? Voi dovete smettere di bere. You have to stop drinking. You must stop drinking. Nessuno vuole essere intorno a lei. Nobody wants to be around her. No one wants to be around her. Nessuno vi ha visti farlo. Nobody saw you do it. Nobody saw you do that. La festa è terminata alle dieci. The party ended at ten o'clock. The party ended at 10:00. Non ero da sola. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. La conosci personalmente? Do you know her personally? Do you know her personally? Lei dove viaggia quest'anno? Where are you traveling to this year? Where are you traveling this year? Vai a prenderle. Go pick them up. Go get 'em. Non parlate di noi. Don't talk about us. Don't talk about us. Sapevo che Tom e Mary erano qui. I knew Tom and Mary were here. I knew Tom and Mary were here. Qualcosa puzza qui. Something stinks here. Something smells here. Costa troppo. It costs too much. It's too expensive. Faccia festa tutta la notte e dorma per tutto il giorno. Feast all night and sleep all day. Party all night and sleep all day. Sapete dove abita Tom? Do you know where Tom lives? Do you know where Tom lives? Non guardarmi. Don't look at me. Don't look at me. Non ho bisogno di te qui. I don't need you here. I don't need you here. Voi siete dei tali mascalzoni! You're such rascals! You're such rascals! I capelli di Sami sono cambiati. Sami's hair has changed. Sami's hair has changed. Tu non sei mai stato a Okinawa, vero? You have never been to Okinawa, have you? You've never been to Okinawa, have you? La determinazione è tutto. Determination is everything. Determination is everything. Potreste sbucciare questa arancia per me? Could you peel this orange for me? Could you peel this orange for me? E se qualcuno lo vedesse? What if someone sees it? What if someone sees it? Sei sicuro che Tom suoni il violino? Are you sure that Tom plays the violin? Are you sure Tom plays the violin? Grazie per la cena, è così deliziosa. Thank you for the dinner, it's so delicious. Thanks for dinner. It's so delicious. Vorresti andare al cinema stanotte? Would you like to go to a movie tonight? Would you like to go to the movies tonight? Lo vorrei dare a loro. I'd like to give it to them. I'd like to give it to them. Abbiamo promesso. We promised. We promised. La sai? Do you know it? You know? Dopo il suo incidente lui è felice di essere vivo. After his accident, he is happy to be alive. After his accident he is happy to be alive. Mi prendo sempre il raffreddore d'inverno. I always catch colds in the winter. I always catch a cold in the winter. Conosco quella voce. I know that voice. I know that voice. Possiamo parlare con lei? May we speak with you? Can we talk to her? Tom ha molte pecore. Tom has a lot of sheep. Tom has many sheep. Ehi, cosa sta succedendo? Hey, what's going on? Hey, what's going on? Lei è in un gruppo? Are you in a band? Are you in a group? Siamo tutti preoccupati per lui. We're all worried about him. We're all worried about him. Pensate che io sia un dittatore? Do you think I'm a dictator? You think I'm a dictator? Io sono sufficientemente felice. I'm happy enough. I'm happy enough. Smettila di corrucciarti. Stop frowning. Stop frowning. Si baciarono. They kissed. They kissed. Che cosa vuole ora? What do you want now? What do you want now? Quella battuta non era divertente. That joke wasn't funny. That joke wasn't funny. Era una ragazza molto esigente. She was a very demanding girlfriend. She was a very demanding girl. Io sto diventando grassa! I am getting fat! I'm getting fat! Qual è il programma per domani? What's your schedule for tomorrow? What's the plan for tomorrow? Lo odi, vero? You hate him, don't you? You hate him, don't you? Smettetela di spaventare Tom. Stop scaring Tom. Stop scaring Tom. Noi dobbiamo adattare il nostro piano a queste nuove circostanze. We must adapt our plan to these new circumstances. We must adapt our plan to these new circumstances. Mancano ancora più di cento persone. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Ho la stessa opinione. I have the same opinion. I have the same opinion. Ha lasciato questo. He left this. He left this. Che cosa sta succedendo oggi? What's happening today? What's going on today? Io non ho mai avuto l'opportunità di usarla. I never had the opportunity to use it. I never had the opportunity to use it. È più bassa di me. You're smaller than me. He's shorter than me. Io penso che Tom non vincerà. I think that Tom won't win. I think Tom won't win. Mia madre ha dimenticato di mettere il sale nell'insalata. My mother forgot to add salt to the salad. My mother forgot to put salt in the salad. Mi sono addormentato prima che mio padre venisse a casa. I fell asleep before my father came home. I fell asleep before my dad came home. Quanto ci vuole per andare in spiaggia? How long does it take to get to the beach? How long does it take to go to the beach? Ha perso i suoi genitori in un incidente aereo. He lost his parents in a plane accident. He lost his parents in a plane crash. Dove è parlato l'interlingua? Where is Interlingua spoken? Where is the interlanguage spoken? Ti piace la compagnia di Mary? Do you enjoy Mary's company? Do you like Mary's company? Lei sarà orgogliosa di me. You're going to be proud of me. You'll be proud of me. Non sono così coraggioso. I'm not so brave. I'm not that brave. Io suono lo xilofono. I play the xylophone. I play the xylophone. Tom è un capitalista clientelare. Tom is a crony capitalist. Tom is a client capitalist. Li hanno arrestati. They've arrested them. They've been arrested. Penso che Dante sia meglio di Milton. I think Dante is better than Milton. I think Dante's better than Milton. Noi giochiamo spesso a scacchi. We often play chess. We often play chess. Non ho più fame. I'm no longer hungry. I'm not hungry anymore. Ho una fame da lupo. I'm as hungry as a bear. I'm hungry as a wolf. Eri amata da questa persona per via della tua ricchezza. You were loved by this person because of your wealth. You were loved by this person because of your wealth. Lui è uno zuccone. He's a bonehead. He's a pumpkin. Tom mi ha chiesto di uscire questo fine settimana. Tom asked me out this weekend. Tom asked me out this weekend. Tom è in Australia, vero? Tom is in Australia, isn't he? Tom is in Australia, isn't he? Ha parlato con Tom? Did you speak with Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Dividiamoci una bottiglia di vino. Let's split a bottle of wine. Let's split up a bottle of wine. Io amo la tua generosità. I love your generosity. I love your generosity. Vi ho sentite la prima volta. I heard you the first time. I heard you the first time. Conosci un bravo dentista? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Loro non sono stupidi. They're not stupid. They're not stupid. Rimanga dentro. Stay inside. Stay inside. Tom sta andando a Boston. Tom is going to Boston. Tom is going to Boston. Il pavimento era pitturato di verde, mentre le pareti erano gialle. The floor was painted green, while the walls were yellow. The floor was painted green, while the walls were yellow. Perdoni l'intrusione. Forgive the intrusion. Forgive the intrusion. Non può fare niente a riguardo. You can't do anything about that. There's nothing you can do about it. Tom la riesce a sentire. Tom can hear you. Tom can hear it. Emily ha scritto una lettera. Emily wrote a letter. Emily wrote a letter. C'è uno zoo in città? Is there a zoo in the city? Is there a zoo in town? Tom si è arrabbiato. Tom got angry. Tom got angry. Mentirebbe per me? Would you lie for me? Would you lie for me? Non puoi avere entrambi. You can't have both. You can't have both. Ha del latte? Got milk? Do you have any milk? Perché devo fare questo da solo? Why do I have to do this by myself? Why do I have to do this alone? Ho già fatto tutto quello che mi ha chiesto di fare Tom. I've already done everything Tom asked me to do. I've already done everything Tom asked me to do. Tom deve essere pronto entro le due e mezza. Tom needs to be ready by 2:30. Tom must be ready by 2:30. Mi sono sposata il primo giugno. I married on the 1st of June. I got married on June 1st. Vorrei qualcosa di dolce da mangiare. I want something sweet to eat. I'd like something sweet to eat. Questo libro appartiene a Paolo. This book belongs to Paolo. This book belongs to Paul. Noi non siamo state in grado di comprare i biglietti, per cui non siamo andate al concerto. We weren't able to buy tickets, so we didn't go to the concert. We weren't able to buy tickets, so we didn't go to the concert. Voglio bere del caffè. I want to drink coffee. I want to drink coffee. Lascia che le parli da solo, OK? Let me talk to her alone, OK? Let me talk to her alone, okay? Io sono felice che lei sia qui. I'm happy you're here. I'm glad you're here. Non mi batterà. You won't beat me. He won't beat me. Non puoi fumare in ascensore. You may not smoke in the elevator. You can't smoke in the elevator. Quando si naviga sul web, si può essere monitorati dai siti web. When you surf the web, you may be tracked by websites. When you browse the web, you can be monitored by websites. Non vogliamo il vostro denaro. We don't want your money. We don't want your money. Non fidatevi di nessuno. Trust no one. Don't trust anyone. Sarebbe soltanto una perdita di tempo. It would only be a waste of time. It would just be a waste of time. Lei è interessata ai computer. You are interested in computers. You're interested in computers. Stavo guardando la TV quando arrivò Tom. I was watching TV when Tom came. I was watching TV when Tom arrived. Io penso che Tom sia arguto. I think Tom is sharp. I think Tom is witty. Disse che voleva essere un'insegnante. She said she wanted to be a teacher. He said he wanted to be a teacher. Una volta la Francia aveva molte colonie in Africa. France used to have many colonies in Africa. France once had many colonies in Africa. Dove pensate che possa trovare Tom? Where do you think I can find Tom? Where do you think I can find Tom? Ha lavorato molto questa settimana. You worked a lot this week. He worked a lot this week. I libri banditi sono dei libri il cui accesso libero ad essi non è permesso. Banned books are books to which free access is not permitted. Banned books are books whose free access to them is not permitted. Non possiamo cambiare il passato. We cannot change the past. We can't change the past. Deve iniziare da qualche parte. You have to start somewhere. He's got to start somewhere. Dove posso prendere l'autobus per Obihiro? Where can I catch the bus for Obihiro? Where can I get the bus to Obihiro? Dove si trova suo padre? Where is your father? Where's your father? È così ovvio? Is it that obvious? Is it that obvious? Usciamo da qui velocemente. Let's get out of here fast. Let's get out of here fast. Guarda cos'ho trovato in giardino. Look what I found in the garden. Look what I found in the garden. Dev'essere stata ricca all'epoca. She must have been rich in those days. She must have been rich back then. Tu pensi che io sia cieca? Do you think I'm blind? You think I'm blind? Vorrei aver seguito il consiglio di Tom. I wish I'd followed Tom's advice. I wish I had taken Tom's advice. Loro non sono buone. They're not good. They're not good. Ci sto dando un'occhiata. I am having a look at it. I'm taking a look at it. Lei chiuse gli occhi perché la luce era molto forte. She shut her eyes because the light was so strong. She closed her eyes because the light was very strong. La filosofia non è una cosa che si può imparare in sei mesi. Philosophy is not a thing one can learn in six months. Philosophy is not something you can learn in six months. Non riesco a capire cosa dice Tom. I can't make out what Tom says. I don't understand what Tom says. Tom è alto quasi quanto te. Tom is almost as tall as you are. Tom is almost as tall as you are. Io sono terribilmente stanca. I'm awfully tired. I'm terribly tired. Quanto peso hai preso? How much weight have you gained? How much weight did you take? È così pervertita. You're such a perv. She's so perverted. Si dovrebbe sempre fare del proprio meglio. You should always do your best. You should always do your best. Avrei potuto fare di meglio. I could've done better. I could have done better. Quando avete visto quel film? When did you see that movie? When did you see that movie? Il letame biologico di pollo ha un'alta quantità di azoto. Organic chicken manure is high in nitrogen. Organic chicken manure has a high amount of nitrogen. Voi avete salvato la vita a Tom due volte. You've saved Tom's life twice. You saved Tom's life twice. La perseveranza pagherà. Persistence will pay off. Perseverance will pay. Lei alzò le mani. She raised her hands. She raised her hands. Il caffè fa male al tuo stomaco. Coffee hurts your stomach. Coffee hurts your stomach. Sto venendo usato. I'm being used. I'm being used. Questa è la macchina di Tom? Is this Tom's car? Is this Tom's car? Voi siete piene di voi. You're full of yourselves. You're full of yourselves. Quando siamo di fretta prendiamo una scorciatoia attraverso il parco. When we're in a hurry, we cut through the park. When we're in a hurry, we take a shortcut through the park. Tu sei veramente fastidiosa. You are really annoying. You're really annoying. Tom sta nuotando, vero? Tom is swimming, isn't he? Tom is swimming, isn't he? Tom non ha ancora mandato la lettera. Tom hasn't sent the letter yet. Tom hasn't sent the letter yet. Io non lo vedo da allora. I haven't seen him since. I haven't seen him since. A volte esco per bermi una birra. I go out sometimes for a beer. Sometimes I go out for a beer. Io non penso che sia successo. I don't think that happened. I don't think that happened. Il nome di Tom non è in elenco. Tom's name isn't on the list. Tom's name isn't listed. L'ho trovata! I found it! I found it! Stai vicino a Tom. Stay close to Tom. Stay close to Tom. Sami mi guardò. Sami looked at me. Sami looked at me. Ho appena ricevuto un messaggio da lei. I just got a message from her. I just got a message from you. Quand'è nata Lucia? When was Lucia born? When was Lucia born? Perché non farlo domani? Why not do that tomorrow? Why not do it tomorrow? Io e lei siamo buone amiche. You and I are good friends. She and I are good friends. Non ha nulla a che fare con la fortuna. It has nothing to do with luck. It has nothing to do with luck. Mi sono scordato di dirvi qualcosa. I forgot to tell you something. I forgot to tell you something. Questo libro è il mio. Dov'è il vostro? This book is mine. Where is yours? This book is mine. Where's yours? Potete trovare la stessa cosa da qualsiasi parte. You can find the same thing anywhere. You can find the same thing anywhere. Pensavo di avere riconosciuto questa macchina. I thought that I recognized this car. I thought I recognized this car. I ragazzi imitano spesso i loro eroi dello sport. Boys often imitate their sports heroes. Kids often imitate their sports heroes. Tom è prudente, vero? Tom is being careful, isn't he? Tom is careful, isn't he? Fatemi vedere. Show me. Let me see. Io lessi molti libri in inglese. I read a lot of books in English. I read many books in English. Posso darle questo? Can I give you this? Can I give you this? Ha dimenticato i soldi? Have you forgotten your money? Have you forgotten the money? Tu ti adatterai presto a questa nuova vita. You will soon adapt yourself to this new life. You will soon adapt to this new life. Mi sento sempre cupa. I always feel gloomy. I always feel dark. Odio il Natale. I hate Christmas. I hate Christmas. Lui diede del cibo a molte persone. He gave food to many. He gave food to many people. Loro non hanno riso, vero? They didn't laugh, did they? They didn't laugh, did they? Il fiume inondò tutta la regione. The river flooded the whole region. The river flooded the entire region. Trovammo qualcosa. We found something. We found something. La notte è così buia. The night is so dark. The night is so dark. Preferisco le auto inglesi a quelle straniere. I prefer English cars to foreign ones. I prefer English cars to foreign cars. Tom non sapeva neppure che Mary era partita. Tom didn't even know Mary had left. Tom didn't even know Mary had left. Chi è il fotografo? Who is the photographer? Who's the photographer? La follia deve ancora incominciare. The madness has yet to begin. Madness has yet to begin. La Principessa è stata liberata dall'incantesimo. The Princess was freed from the spell. The Princess was released from the spell. È razionale. You're rational. It's rational. Questa stanza non riceve molto sole. This room does not get much sun. This room doesn't get much sun. Io sono più che contento. I'm more than happy. I'm more than happy. È dalla nostra parte. He's on our side. He's on our side. Non le ho viste farlo. I didn't see them do that. I didn't see them do it. Siamo all'università. We're in college. We're in college. Voi parlate troppo. You talk too much. You talk too much. Io ho saltato le prime pagine del libro. I skipped the first few pages of the book. I skipped the front pages of the book. Lei nacque a El Toboso. She was born in El Toboso. She was born in El Toboso. Questi sono i miei occhiali da lettura. These are my reading glasses. These are my reading glasses. Mi ha licenziato. He fired me. He fired me. Qualcuno può aprire una finestra? Can someone open a window? Can someone open a window? Lo sapevamo. We knew that. We knew it. Sembra che Tom abbia fatto un grande errore. Tom seems to have made a big mistake. It looks like Tom made a big mistake. Tom è nella vostra automobile. Tom is in your car. Tom is in your car. Io sono pelato? Am I bald? Am I bald? Sentii un suono insolito. I heard an unusual sound. I heard an unusual sound. Io li porterò a cena. I'll take them to dinner. I'll take them to dinner. L'orologio non funziona. The watch doesn't work. The watch doesn't work. A me è piaciuto lavorare con voi. I liked working with you. I enjoyed working with you. Voi siete bravi a mantenere i segreti? Are you good at keeping secrets? Are you good at keeping secrets? Hey, ascoltate tutti. Hey, everybody, listen up. Hey, everybody, listen up. Non devo più portare gli occhiali. I don't have to wear glasses any more. I don't have to wear glasses anymore. Avete spento le luci? Did you turn off the lights? Did you turn off the lights? Amiamo i tuoi libri. We love your books. We love your books. Per favore, venga. Please come. Please come. Tom disse che non era convinto. Tom said he wasn't convinced. Tom said he wasn't convinced. Perché siete così arrabbiate? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Mary alleva cavalli arabi. Mary raises Arabian horses. Mary raises Arab horses. È pronto ad ascoltarmi? Are you ready to listen to me? Are you ready to listen to me? Mi è stata rubata la penna. I had my pen stolen. My pen was stolen. Io vengo molto in Australia. I come to Australia a lot. I come a lot to Australia. Tom non è ancora qui. Tom is still not here. Tom isn't here yet. Tom andò alla festa di Mary. Tom went to Mary's party. Tom went to Mary's party. La penna che ho perso ieri era una penna nuova. The pen I lost yesterday was a new one. The pen I lost yesterday was a new pen. Dovremmo assumere Tom? Should we hire Tom? Should we hire Tom? Io ho trascorso le mie vacanze in Australia. I spent my vacation in Australia. I spent my vacation in Australia. Tom ama quello che fa. Tom loves what he does. Tom loves what he does. Ci incontreremo domenica. We'll meet on Sunday. We'll meet on Sunday. Parli direttamente con noi. Talk to us directly. Talk directly to us. Non hai la patente? Don't you have a driver's license? You don't have a driver's license? Non sono interessato alla storia. I'm not interested in history. I'm not interested in history. Incontrerai Tom. You'll meet Tom. You'll meet Tom. Li hai spaventati. You frightened them. You scared them. A Mary piace comprare da Macy. Mary likes to shop at Macy's. Mary likes to buy from Macy. Sono i denti falsi di mia nonna. These are my grandmother's artificial teeth. It's my grandmother's fake teeth. Perché le ha lasciate da sole? Why did you leave them alone? Why did you leave them alone? Una cosa del genere non può essere trovata dappertutto. Such a thing cannot be found everywhere. Something like that can't be found anywhere. Un'organizzazione ed i suoi fornitori sono interdipendenti ed un rapporto di reciproco beneficio migliora la capacità di entrambi di creare valore. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a relationship of mutual benefit improves the ability of both to create value. Lui abitava da solo con il suo cane. He lived alone with his dog. He lived alone with his dog. Suonerò la chitarra per voi. I will play the guitar for you. I'll play the guitar for you. Non sono troppo stanca. I am not too tired. I'm not too tired. Questa è una lettera dal mio vecchio insegnante. This is a letter from my old teacher. This is a letter from my old teacher. Non è necessaria. You're unnecessary. That's not necessary. Fui forzato a imparare lo spagnolo. I was forced to learn Spanish. I was forced to learn Spanish. Noi siamo uscite nonostante la pioggia. We went out in spite of the rain. We went out in spite of the rain. Cosa può trattenerla? What can be keeping her? What can hold you back? Non leggete durante il pasto. Do not read during the meal. Do not read during the meal. Discutiamo le nostre opzioni. Let's discuss our options. Let's discuss our options. Tom non rispose mai. Tom never responded. Tom never answered. Tom non è da incolpare. Tom isn't to blame. Tom isn't to blame. Devi studiare duramente. You must study hard. You have to study hard. Io non so quanto denaro abbiano speso Tom e Mary. I don't know how much money Tom and Mary have spent. I don't know how much money Tom and Mary spent. Tom non sembra molto ottimista. Tom doesn't sound very optimistic. Tom doesn't seem very optimistic. Lo so che mi state guardando. I know you're looking at me. I know you're looking at me. Fai qualunque cosa vuoi fare. Do whatever you want to do. Do whatever you want to do. Tu sei mai stato in Canada? Have you ever been to Canada? Have you ever been to Canada? Ero così impressionato. I was so impressed. I was so impressed. Hai già fatto domanda per un passaporto? Have you applied for a passport yet? Have you applied for a passport yet? Preferirebbe giocare a tennis o a golf? Would you rather play tennis or golf? Would you rather play tennis or golf? Tom è nell'altra stanza che beve delle vodka. Tom is in the other room drinking vodka. Tom is in the other room drinking vodka. Questa decisione non renderà nessuno felice. This decision won't make anybody happy. This decision won't make anyone happy. Io lavoro come professoressa. I work as a teacher. I work as a teacher. Gli telefonerò. I'll phone him. I'll call him. Perché non parli in berbero con i berberi? Why don't you speak Berber with Berbers? Why don't you talk Berber to Berbers? Pensa che legga ancora i miei messaggi? Do you think he still reads my messages? Do you think I still read my messages? I piatti della cucina creola sono piuttosto piccanti. Creole cookery is rather spicy. Creole dishes are pretty spicy. Avete la stessa età di Tom? Are you the same age as Tom? Are you the same age as Tom? Tom si è fatto riparare l'orologio. Tom got his watch fixed. Tom got his watch fixed. Sono sorpreso che abbia accettato l'offerta. I'm surprised that he accepted the offer. I'm surprised you accepted the offer. Tieni gli occhi aperti! Keep your eyes peeled! Keep your eyes open! Per caso sai di cosa si tratta? Would you happen to know what this is? Do you know what this is about? Gli abitanti del villaggio hanno paura di lui. The villagers fear him. The villagers are afraid of him. Per piacere, non vi dimenticate le lettere maiuscole. Please do not forget capital letters. Please don't forget your capital letters. Li ho invitati a cena. I invited them to dinner. I invited them to dinner. Ci sono molti dipinti sul muro. There are many paintings on the wall. There are many paintings on the wall. Mi dà gioia. That gives me joy. It gives me joy. Il caffè le fa bene? Is coffee good for you? Is coffee good for you? Voglio sentirla da Tom. I want to hear it from Tom. I want to hear it from Tom. Io devo ancora provare. I still have to try. I still have to try. Tom non capiva perché lei volesse studiare il francese. Tom couldn't understand why she wanted to learn French. Tom didn't understand why you wanted to study French. Perché non eri in classe ieri? Why weren't you in class yesterday? Why weren't you in class yesterday? È a casa Tom? Is Tom at home? Is Tom home? Non posso mangiare la mela. I can't eat the apple. I can't eat the apple. Mi aspettavo che Tom vincesse. I expected Tom to win. I expected Tom to win. Noi stiamo aspettando un bambino. We are expecting a baby. We're waiting for a baby. Io sono stupito di vederla. I'm surprised to see you. I'm surprised to see you. A Tom non piace il modo in cui parla Mary. Tom doesn't like the way Mary talks. Tom doesn't like the way Mary speaks. Perché hai paura di Tom? Why are you afraid of Tom? Why are you afraid of Tom? Io ne ho avuto abbastanza dei suoi scherzi. I have had quite enough of his jokes. I've had enough of your jokes. Ho trovato della bresaola. I found some dried salted beef. I found some Bresaola. Le potete salvare? Can you save them? Can you save them? È incredibile! Tua madre parla sei lingue. How amazing that your mother speaks six languages! Your mother speaks six languages. La pioggia mi ha impedito di uscire. The rain prevented me from going out. The rain stopped me from going out. Eravamo amici. We used to be friends. We were friends. Tu hai ancora paura che possa succedere qualcosa? Are you still afraid something might happen? Are you still afraid something's gonna happen? È inutile ragionare con un bigotto. It is useless to reason with a bigot. It's useless to reason with a bigot. Lui restò in silenzio. He remained silent. He remained silent. Cercai di spiegarlo a Tom. I tried to explain that to Tom. I tried to explain it to Tom. Tom sembra distratto. Tom seems careless. Tom seems distracted. Questo li ferirà. This is going to hurt them. This will hurt them. Io non sono più la tua professoressa. I'm not your teacher anymore. I'm not your teacher anymore. Lui ha pagato 1000 yen per questo libro. He paid 1,000 yen for this book. He paid 1000 yen for this book. Perché hai un aspetto così strapazzato? Why do you look so worn out? Why do you look so scrambled? Amo litigare con lei. I love arguing with her. I love fighting with her. Lo conobbi a casa di Tom. I met him at Tom's house. I met him at Tom's house. Non voglio vederle nude. I don't want to see them naked. I don't want to see them naked. Tom vuole farla. Tom wants to do it. Tom wants to do it. A proposito, a che ora andrà lì? By the way, what time will you go there? Speaking of which, what time are you gonna go there? Persi di vista i miei amici. I lost sight of my friends. I lost sight of my friends. Ti ricordi di lei? Do you remember her? Do you remember her? Hai vissuto qui? Have you lived here? Did you live here? Lui camminerà. He will walk. He'll walk. Abbiamo commesso decisamente troppi errori. We've made way too many errors. We've made way too many mistakes. Le dissi di non utilizzare quelli. I told her not to use those. I told her not to use those. L'orologio si ruppe. The watch broke down. The clock broke. Sto attraversando dei cambiamenti. I'm going through changes. I'm going through some changes. Era inevitabile. It was unavoidable. It was inevitable. Che cosa ti sta preoccupando? What's worrying you? What are you worried about? Tu non mi devi baciare. You don't have to kiss me. You don't have to kiss me. Forse Tom sa qualcosa. Maybe Tom knows something. Maybe Tom knows something. Non ho interesse a farlo. I have no interest in doing that. I'm not interested in doing that. Sono già abituata al caldo dell'estate. I'm already accustomed to the heat of summer. I'm already used to the heat of summer. Tom si arrabbiò per ciò che disse Mary. Tom got angry because of what Mary said. Tom got angry at what Mary said. Non hai ancora lavato i piatti? Haven't you washed the plates yet? Haven't you washed the dishes yet? Ho deciso di dirgli che la amo. I decided to tell him that I love her. I decided to tell him I love her. Ha ancora molto da imparare sulle relazioni. You still have a lot to learn about relationships. He still has a lot to learn about relationships. Pensa che sia un film spaventoso. You think it's a scary film. He thinks it's a scary movie. Perché tu non mi ascolterai? Why won't you listen to me? Why won't you listen to me? Tom non sa come mi sento. Tom doesn't know how I feel. Tom doesn't know how I feel. Non dica troppo. Don't say too much. Don't say too much. Non avevo idea che li conoscessi. I had no idea you knew them. I had no idea you knew them. Tom diventerà un insegnante. Tom is going to become a teacher. Tom will become a teacher. Tutto andrà bene. Everything is going to be OK. Everything's gonna be okay. Oggi sono andato dal dentista. Today I went to the dentist's. I went to the dentist today. Se potessi spiegarlo, lo farei. If I could explain it, I would. If I could explain it, I would. La persi. I lost it. I lost her. Voglio trascorrere più tempo con la mia famiglia. I want to spend more time with my family. I want to spend more time with my family. Qual è il nome dell'assistente? What's the assistant's name? What's the assistant's name? Il nostro piano è cosa fatta. Our plan is made. Our plan is done. A te piacciono le donne? Do you like women? Do you like women? Tom ha dei riflessi eccellenti. Tom has excellent reflexes. Tom has excellent reflexes. Tu ti sei mai sposata? Did you ever get married? Have you ever gotten married? Non ti aiuterò. I won't help you. I won't help you. Ho acceso le candele. I lit the candles. I lit the candles. Mi sono presa la colpa. I took the blame. I took the blame. Tu come hai trovato Tom? How did you find Tom? How did you find Tom? Presto andrai alle superiori. Soon, you'll be going to high school. You're going to high school soon. Hanno giocato con il loro cane. They played with their dog. They played with their dog. Mi sono svegliato presto stamattina. I woke up early this morning. I woke up early this morning. Dove ha comprato la sua auto? Where did he buy his car? Where did you buy your car? È piuttosto facile da fissare. That's pretty easy to fix. It's pretty easy to stare at. Io amo vivere nel campus. I love living on campus. I love living on campus. Loro non lo rispettano. They don't respect him. They don't respect him. Era un'esperienza nuova per tutti. It was a new experience for everyone. It was a new experience for everyone. Sono rimasto dentro. I stayed inside. I stayed inside. Li abbiamo dimenticati. We forgot them. We forgot them. Per favore, sviluppate questa pellicola. Please develop this film. Please develop this film. Tom e Mary iniziarono a litigare. Tom and Mary began to argue. Tom and Mary started fighting. Sai cosa vuol dire questa parola? Do you know what this word means? You know what that word means? Le endorfine sono analgesici naturali. Endorphines are natural analgesics. Endorphins are natural analgesics. La mia scuola è sulla sinistra. My school is on the left. My school is on the left. Mi fece un'offerta che non potei rifiutare. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Tom ha ucciso il drago. Tom slew the dragon. Tom killed the dragon. È venuto di persona. He came in person. He came in person. Hai un dizionario? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a dictionary? Non andrò a vederla. I won't go to see it. I'm not going to see her. Mi dia un minuto. Give me one minute. Give me a minute. La sua era meglio. Yours was better. Yours was better. L'infermiere misurò la sua temperatura con un termometro. The nurse took his temperature with a thermometer. The nurse measured his temperature with a thermometer. Tu hai già letto il libro? Have you read the book already? Have you read the book yet? Non mi piace la primavera. I don't like spring. I don't like spring. Ho trascorso tutta la giornata con lui. I spent all day with him. I spent the whole day with him. Non corra. Don't run. Don't run. Io devo sapere dove siete. I need to know where you are. I need to know where you are. La richiesta di Tom è stata rifiutata. Tom's request was refused. Tom's request was rejected. Penso che ci vorrà più di un anno per finire di costruire la nostra casa. I think it'll take more than a year to finish building our house. I think it will take more than a year to finish building our house. Vuole del vino? Do you want wine? Would you like some wine? Ha un umore strano oggi. You're in a strange mood today. She's in a weird mood today. Lei pensa ancora che io sia pazza? Do you still think I'm crazy? Do you still think I'm crazy? Lui mi ha comprato una macchina molto veloce. He bought me a very fast car. He bought me a very fast car. Il Marocco si chiama "Al-Maghrib" in arabo. Morocco is called "Al-Maghrib" in Arabic. Morocco is called "Al-Maghrib" in Arabic. Mi direte il vostro nome? Are you going to tell me your name? Will you tell me your name? Lo rimpiangerai! You will regret it! You'll regret it! Noi vogliamo andare a Pechino e a Shanghai. We want to go to Beijing and Shanghai. We want to go to Beijing and Shanghai. Sa cos'è la vivisezione? Do you know what vivisection is? Do you know what vivisection is? Tom si è avvicinato a loro. Tom approached them. Tom approached them. Loro hanno due gatte. They have two cats. They have two cats. Cosa vi tiene alzate fino a così tardi? What keeps you up so late? What keeps you up so late? Non l'ho mai incontrata. I never met her. I never met her. Io devo andare a casa. I must go home. I have to go home. Qual è l'utilità della bellezza? How does it benefit a person to be beautiful? What is the utility of beauty? L'insegnante ha affermato che lui ci avrebbe fatto tutti parlare fluentemente il francese in tre mesi. The teacher claimed that he'd have us all speaking fluent French in three months. The teacher said he would let us all speak French fluently in three months. Amate la musica? Do you love music? Do you love music? Tutti gli occhi erano puntati su di lei. Everyone's eyes were fixed upon her. All eyes were on her. Lui si è intromesso nella sua vita privata. He intruded on her privacy. He meddled in his private life. Sa che le hanno mentito. She knows that she's been lied to. You know they lied to you. È orgogliosa di suo padre? Are you proud of your father? Are you proud of your father? Io vorrei migliorare il mio spagnolo. I'd like to improve my Spanish. I'd like to improve my Spanish. Vorrei partecipare al campo estivo. I would like to join the summer camp. I'd like to join the summer camp. C'è un problema con la stampante, proverò ad aggiustarla. There's a problem with the printer, I'm gonna try and fix it. There's a problem with the printer. I'll try to fix it. Loro di cosa hanno bisogno? What do they need? What do they need? Aveva molta fretta. She was in a great hurry. He was in a hurry. Ai giovani piace la musica popolare. Young people like popular music. Young people like popular music. Io sono abbastanza occupato in questo momento. I'm pretty busy right now. I'm pretty busy right now. Il municipio è situato nel centro della città. The city hall is located at the center of the city. The town hall is located in the city center. Capisci cosa sta succedendo? Do you understand what's going on? Do you understand what's going on? Le guardie li hanno afferrati. The guards grabbed them. The guards grabbed them. I vostri genitori vivono ancora in Germania? Do your parents still live in Germany? Do your parents still live in Germany? Tom ha il cuore infranto. Tom is heartbroken. Tom has a broken heart. Tom è chiuso. Tom is uncommunicative. Tom is closed. Dov'è il mio bicchiere? Where's my cup? Where's my glass? Sono senza parole. I'm at a loss for words. I'm speechless. Io ho solo una sorella. I have only one sister. I only have one sister. Sono con amiche. I'm with friends. I'm with friends. Io ti ho detto quello che penso. I told you what I think. I told you what I think. Guardi questa foto. Look at this photo. Look at this picture. Tom mi diede un po' di scotch. Tom gave me some scotch. Tom gave me some scotch. Io sono molto triste. I am very sad. I'm very sad. Le dica che ho una gamba rotta. Tell her I have a broken leg. Tell her I have a broken leg. Devi farlo immediatamente. You should do that right away. You need to do this right now. Io vorrei qualcosa da leggere. I would like something to read. I'd like something to read. Non vi voglio nella mia auto. I don't want you in my car. I don't want you in my car. Dove compra i libri? Where does she buy books? Where do you buy the books? Voi avete mantenuto la vostra promessa. You've kept your promise. You kept your promise. Noi siamo pronte ad andare se voi lo siete. We're ready to go if you are. We're ready to go if you are. La nostra città non ha un corpo dei vigili del fuoco. Our town does not have a corps of firemen. Our city doesn't have a firefighter body. La foto mi ricorda la mia famiglia. The picture reminds me of my family. The picture reminds me of my family. Penso che lei mi abbia mandato un ordine sbagliato. I think you have sent me a wrong order. I think you sent me a wrong order. Io penso di essermi persa qualcosa. I think I missed something. I think I missed something. Qual è la terza città più grande dell'Australia? What's Australia's third largest city? What is Australia's third largest city? Lei non si è ancora lavata le mani, vero? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? You haven't washed your hands yet, have you? Ti auguro la felicità. I wish you happiness. I wish you happiness. Tom è tornato nella sua stanza. Tom went back to his room. Tom went back to his room. Dove si trova il concerto? Where is the concert? Where's the concert? Ho sempre voluto conoscerti. I've always wanted to meet you. I always wanted to meet you. Io vedo Marika quasi ogni giorno. I see Marika almost every day. I see Marika almost every day. Dove avete messo il ketchup? Where did you put the ketchup? Where did you put the ketchup? Sono meglio di lui. I'm better than him. I'm better than him. Non dimenticate il vostro cappello. Don't forget your hat. Don't forget your hat. Salii sull'automobile di Tom. I got into Tom's car. I got in Tom's car. Abbiamo bisogno di pulire la cucina. We need to clean the kitchen. We need to clean the kitchen. La nostra professoressa è una perfetta idiota. Our teacher is a real idiot. Our teacher is a perfect idiot. Io non voglio Tom alla mia festa. I don't want Tom at my party. I don't want Tom at my party. Lei rimane lì. You stay there. She stays there. Mi ricorda lei. It reminds me of her. She reminds me of you. Che sta scrivendo? What are you writing? What's he writing? Puoi usare la mia penna. You can use my pen. You can use my pen. Ubbidisci ai tuoi genitori. Obey your parents. Obey your parents. Li può chiamare? Can you call them? Can you call them? Fece sorridere la gente. It made people smile. He made people smile. State calmi e comportatevi bene! Keep quiet and behave well! Stay calm and behave yourself! Adesso sta a Parigi. He is now staying in Paris. He's in Paris now. Io dubito che Tom sia ancora lì. I doubt Tom is still there. I doubt that Tom is still there. Perché non scrive con il nuovo font? Why don't you write with the new font? Why don't you write with the new font? Tom e Mary sembrano preoccupati. Tom and Mary look worried. Tom and Mary seem worried. So come gestirli. I know how to handle them. I know how to handle them. Perché non può farlo? Why can't you do it? Why can't you do that? Qualcuno le ha contattate? Did someone contact them? Has anyone contacted them? Non mi aspetto che tu capisca questo. I don't expect you to understand this. I don't expect you to understand that. Sono gelosi di noi. They are jealous of us. They're jealous of us. Tom fa fatica a giudicare le distanze. Tom has trouble judging distances. Tom struggles to judge distances. Che ne pensi del nuovo insegnante? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? Le direzioni sono semplici. The directions are simple. The directions are simple. Come la avete trovata? How did you find it? How did you find her? Non chiedetemi dei soldi. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. L'ho comprato a 10 dollari. I bought it for 10 dollars. I bought it for $10. Il ragazzo sembra saperne molto sulle piante. The boy seems to know a great deal about plants. The boy seems to know a lot about plants. Dia questa copia a Tom. Give this copy to Tom. Give this copy to Tom. Quel maglione rosso ti sta bene indosso. That red sweater looks good on you. That red sweater looks good on you. Lui è così perfetto. He's so perfect. He's so perfect. Va bene abbracciarvi? Is it OK to hug you? Is it okay to hug you? Stai bene, immagino! You're well, I imagine! You're okay, I guess. Tu non hai mangiato niente. You haven't eaten anything. You didn't eat anything. Tutta questa merda casuale mi sta facendo girare la testa. All this random shit is making me dizzy. All this random shit is spinning my head. So che mi amate ancora. I know you still love me. I know you still love me. Noi non vogliamo che vada. We don't want him to go. We don't want her to go. Mi dia un po' di caffè. Give me some coffee. Give me some coffee. Come si è bruciato la mano? How did you burn your hand? How did he burn his hand? Io non sono qui per farti del male. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not here to hurt you. Lui crede di essere ricco. He believes that he is rich. He thinks he's rich. Lui è bravo con le carte. He's good at cards. He's good with cards. Hanno avvertito sul serio Tom. They did warn Tom. They really warned Tom. Voi eravate impegnate ieri? Were you busy yesterday? Were you busy yesterday? I bambini sono già andati a scuola. The children already went to school. The children have already gone to school. Prendete un cornetto. Have a croissant. Get a croissant. Non avrete bisogno di un cappotto oggi. You won't need a coat today. You won't need a coat today. Stai dicendo che Tom l'ha fatta? Are you saying Tom did it? Are you saying Tom did it? Vengo dalla Cina. I come from China. I'm from China. Ha abbattuto un ciliegio. You cut down a cherry tree. He knocked down a cherry tree. L'ho sentito quando suonava il violino. I heard him while he was playing the violin. I heard it when he played the violin. Ora vada a casa. Now go home. Now go home. Quell'articolo ridicolizza i vegetariani. That article makes fun of vegetarians. That article ridicules vegetarians. Tom probabilmente sarà ragionevole. Tom will likely be reasonable. Tom will probably be reasonable. Spero che migliorerà presto. I hope he'll get better soon. I hope it gets better soon. Io mi sbagliavo su quello. I was wrong about that one. I was wrong about that. Non sapevi che ero di Boston? Didn't you know I was from Boston? Didn't you know I was from Boston? Tom mangia ancora carne? Does Tom still eat meat? Does Tom still eat meat? Tom finì il suo caffè. Tom finished his coffee. Tom finished his coffee. Il nonno non riesce più a trattenere l'urina. Grandpa cannot hold urine anymore. Grandpa can't hold the urine anymore. Ho dieci penne. I have ten pens. I have ten pens. Non sapevo che Tom sapesse suonare il trombone così bene. I didn't know Tom could play the trombone so well. I didn't know Tom could play the trombone that well. Cerca di imparare un po' di grammatica. Try to learn some grammar. Try to learn some grammar. Voi sembrate più giovani di lei. You look younger than her. You look younger than her. Lei trova sempre qualcosa di cui incolparmi. She is always finding fault with me. You always find something to blame me for. Dovete solo stare là senza fare nulla. You have only to stand there doing nothing. All you have to do is stand there and do nothing. Ieri sera ho ascoltato la radio. Last night, I listened to radio. I listened to the radio last night. Non ha detto di sì, vero? You didn't say yes, did you? He didn't say yes, did he? Gli scarabei stercorari sono insetti. Dung beetles are insects. Dung beetles are insects. L'ho incontrato soltanto tre volte. I only met him three times. I only met him three times. Noi abbiamo giocato molto a golf insieme. We played a lot of golf together. We played a lot of golf together. Abbiamo volato senza soste da Osaka a Los Angeles. We flew nonstop from Osaka to Los Angeles. We flew without stops from Osaka to Los Angeles. Eravamo solamente amiche. We were just friends. We were just friends. Penso di sapere cosa dire. I think I know what to say. I think I know what to say. Tom dice che parla il francese. Tom says he speaks French. Tom says he speaks French. Lasciarono questo. They left this. They left this. Sono stato in banca. I've been to the bank. I've been to the bank. Voi siete ricchi. You are rich. You're rich. Voi avete conosciuto dei canadesi qui a Boston? Have you met any Canadians here in Boston? Have you met Canadians here in Boston? Io pensavo che Tom dovesse essere qui per tre settimane. I thought Tom was supposed to be here for three weeks. I thought Tom was supposed to be here for three weeks. Questo fiore è bello, vero? This flower is beautiful, isn't it? This flower is beautiful, isn't it? Tom sta parlando in francese. Tom is speaking French. Tom is speaking French. Dobbiamo muoverci. We have to move. We have to move. Hai venduto delle mele al mercato. You sold some apples at the market. You sold apples at the market. Perché siete così infelici? Why are you so unhappy? Why are you so unhappy? I biglietti per la festa vanno dai dieci dollari in su. The party tickets go for ten dollars and upward. Party tickets go from ten bucks up. Tom ha perso il suo tocco. Tom has lost his touch. Tom lost his touch. Tom pensava che Mary fosse troppo lenta. Tom thought Mary was too slow. Tom thought Mary was too slow. Siamo commossi. We're touched. We're touched. Il computer viene spesso paragonato al cervello umano. The computer is often compared to the human brain. The computer is often compared to the human brain. Io ho appena letto il tuo post. I just read your post. I just read your post. Lavatevi le mani, per piacere. Wash your hands, please. Wash your hands, please. Sono molto interessata a quello che hai da dire. I'm very interested in what you have to say. I'm very interested in what you have to say. Vivo giusto dietro l'angolo. I live right around the corner. I live just around the corner. Mary stava indossando un bel vestito. Mary was wearing a pretty dress. Mary was wearing a nice dress. Io sono imbarazzato. I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed. Ho un alito pesante. I have bad breath. I have a heavy breath. Tom non deve andare a scuola domani. Tom doesn't need to go to school tomorrow. Tom doesn't have to go to school tomorrow. Sto facendo un favore a Tom. I'm doing Tom a favor. I'm doing Tom a favor. Io sono un uomo d'affari. I'm a businessman. I'm a businessman. Io mi scuso con tutti. I apologize to everyone. I apologize to everyone. Tom comprò un regalo di Natale per se stesso. Tom bought a Christmas present for himself. Tom bought a Christmas present for himself. Dica loro di smetterla di fissarmi. Tell them to stop staring at me. Tell them to stop staring at me. Tu mostri Tatoeba alle tue amiche? Do you show Tatoeba to your friends? Do you show Tatoeba to your friends? La ragazza sembra essere ricca. The girl seems to be rich. The girl seems to be rich. Questa è una frase casuale da Tatoeba. This is a random sentence from Tatoeba. This is a random phrase from Tatoeba. Tu preferiresti non fare nulla? Would you prefer to do nothing? Would you rather not do anything? È andata in America. She went to America. She went to America. Le dia qualcosa da bere. Give her something to drink. Give her something to drink. Lui ha bisogno di voi. He needs you. He needs you. La barca si schiantò contro il molo. The boat crashed into the pier. The boat crashed into the pier. Ho iniziato a leggere dei romanzi in francese. I've started reading novels in French. I started reading novels in French. Voglio andare nel Minnesota. I want to go to Minnesota. I want to go to Minnesota. Cantava e cantava. He sang and sang. He was singing and singing. Muoviamoci! Let's move. Let's move! Lei sta filando della lana. She is spinning wool. She's spinning wool. Non ci deve ringraziare. You don't have to thank us. You don't have to thank us. Era imbarazzante. It was embarrassing. It was embarrassing. Conosco il ragazzo. I know the boy. I know the boy. Lei pensa che abbia avuto qualcosa a che fare con Tom? Do you think it had something to do with Tom? Do you think he had anything to do with Tom? Tom ha sentito il desiderio di uccidere Mary. Tom felt an urge to kill Mary. Tom felt the desire to kill Mary. Clicca qui per i dettagli. Click here for details. Click here for details. Io non ho voglia di parlare con nessuno. I don't feel like talking to anybody. I don't want to talk to anyone. A voi piacciono le fragole? Do you like strawberries? Do you like strawberries? Tutto importa. Everything matters. It all matters. I suoi occhi erano pieni di lacrime. His eyes were full of tears. Her eyes were full of tears. Tu sei molto brutto. You're very ugly. You're very ugly. Io sono felice che Tom sia qui. I'm happy that Tom is here. I'm glad Tom is here. Le ragazze corrono e giocano. The girls run and play. Girls run and play. La sua calligrafia è illeggibile. Your handwriting is illegible. His handwriting is illegible. Non la aiuterò. I'm not going to help her. I won't help you. Qual è la tua nazionalità? What's your nationality? What's your nationality? Tom sembra triste. Tom looks sad. Tom looks sad. Sei una bambina. You're a child. You're a child. Voi non avete paura di me, vero? You aren't afraid of me, are you? You're not afraid of me, are you? Scriverò una lettera. I am going to write a letter. I'll write a letter. Tom ha comprato una macchina fotografica che era troppo cara. Tom bought a camera that was over-priced. Tom bought a camera that was too expensive. Mi manca davvero mia moglie. I really miss my wife. I really miss my wife. Tom era subdolo. Tom was sneaky. Tom was sneaky. Sono qui come amico. I'm here as a friend. I'm here as a friend. "Quanti anni hai?" "Sedici." "How old are you?" "Sixteen years old." "How old are you?" "Sixteen." Si deve scusare con lui. You've got to apologize to him. You have to apologize to him. Le sue azioni l'hanno dannato. His actions damned him. His actions damned him. Io ho speranza. I have hope. I have hope. Lui iniziò a cantare. He began to sing. He started singing. Come lo scrivi? How do you spell that? How do you write that? La colazione verrà fornita. Breakfast will be provided. Breakfast will be provided. È fiera del suo lavoro? Are you proud of your work? Are you proud of your work? Lei vince sempre le discussioni. She always wins arguments. She always wins arguments. È il maglione che hai comprato ieri? Is that the sweater you bought yesterday? Is that the sweater you bought yesterday? Il sole è appena tramontato all'orizzonte. The sun has just sunk below the horizon. The sun just set on the horizon. Le manderò una cartolina. I'll send her a postcard. I'll send you a postcard. Ti suggerirei di essere più prudente. I'd suggest you be more careful. I'd suggest you be more careful. Ho sentito dire che a Tom piace davvero il basket. I hear that Tom really likes basketball. I heard Tom really likes basketball. L'ho detta a Tom ieri. I told Tom about it yesterday. I told Tom yesterday. Lo vedi spesso? Do you see him often? Do you see him often? Lei pensa che Tom abbia fatto questo? Do you think Tom did this? Do you think Tom did this? A te piacciono le ragazze, vero? You like girls, don't you? You like girls, don't you? Quand'è stata l'ultima volta che avete spedito una lettera all'estero? When was the last time you sent a letter abroad? When was the last time you sent a letter abroad? Io farò una breve passeggiata. I am going to take a short walk. I'll take a short walk. Sono le undici meno dieci. It is ten minutes to eleven. It's 11:10. Come avrei potuto sapere? How could I have known? How could I have known? Sono un abitante di città. I'm a city dweller. I'm a city dweller. Non l'ho conosciuto prima. I haven't met him before. I haven't met him before. Dov'è il tè col latte? Where is the tea with milk? Where's the milk tea? Penso che stia nascondendo qualcosa. I think that he's hiding something. I think he's hiding something. Tom lo voleva fare. Tom wanted to do it. Tom wanted to do that. Perché non c'è nessuno qui? Why isn't there anyone here? Why isn't anyone here? Mi sono risposato. I've remarried. I remarried. Ho degli amici fantastici. I have great friends. I have great friends. Non era lui. It wasn't him. It wasn't him. Io ne ho uno per lei. I've got one for you. I have one for you. Datemi la mia porzione. Give me my portion. Give me my portion. Ho pagato per Tom. I paid for Tom. I paid for Tom. Pensa che Tom si sia suicidato? Do you think Tom killed himself? Do you think Tom killed himself? Mary cambia il colore delle unghie quasi ogni giorno. Mary changes her nail color almost every day. Mary changes the color of her nails almost every day. Come sono andate in città? How did they go to town? How'd it go in town? Chiederò a Mary di uscire. I'll ask Mary out. I'll ask Mary out. Qual è il serpente più velenoso al mondo? Which is the most venomous snake in the world? What is the most poisonous snake in the world? Che cosa stanno guardando tutti? What's everybody looking at? What is everybody looking at? Tom sa cos'ha fatto? Does Tom know what you did? Does Tom know what he did? Spero di riuscire a trovare Tom prima che la polizia lo faccia. I hope I can find Tom before the police do. I hope I can find Tom before the police do that. Tom dovrebbe trarre vantaggio da questa opportunità. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Io sono sposato con Tom. I'm married to Tom. I'm married to Tom. Stiamo respirando aria pura. We are breathing pure air. We're breathing pure air. Non ho voglia di giocare a golf. I don't feel like playing golf. I don't want to play golf. Tom si è svegliato con un dolore nel fianco. Tom woke up with a pain in his side. Tom woke up with a pain in his side. Fadil è semplicemente scomparso. Fadil just disappeared. Fadil just disappeared. Ti amerò sempre. I will love you always. I'll always love you. L'ha sentito. She heard that. You heard him. Quando lo diremo a lui? When are we going to tell him? When are we gonna tell him? Tale era la sua paura che lei chiuse gli occhi. Such was her fright that she closed her eyes. Such was her fear that she closed her eyes. Qualcuno sa il nome del defunto? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Fermatevi! Stop! Stop! Io lo odio ora. I hate him now. I hate him now. Voglio solo finire questo e andarmene. I just want to finish this and leave. I just want to finish this and leave. Sta tenendo in mano un fiore rosso. She is holding a red flower. He's holding a red flower. Io non sono stata in Nuova Zelanda. I have not been to New Zealand. I haven't been to New Zealand. Sono il padre di Tom. I'm Tom's father. I'm Tom's father. È a meno di tre ore di distanza da qui. It's less than three hours from here. It's less than three hours away from here. Mary sta tessendo un tappeto. Mary is weaving a carpet. Mary is weaving a carpet. Ho bisogno di dirlo a lui. I need to tell him. I need to tell him. Perché i calabroni ronzano? Why do bumblebees buzz? Why are hornets buzzing? Lei era in coma. You were in a coma. She was in a coma. Ha suonato con i suoi gatti. He played with his cats. He played with his cats. Mi aiuterai a lavare i piatti? Will you help me wash the dishes? Will you help me wash the dishes? Perché lei e Tom non cantate assieme? Why don't you and Tom sing together? Why don't you and Tom sing together?