Þau sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They boil fish into cans. Tom er barþjónn. Tom is a bartender. Tom's a bartender. Ég kom henni á óvart. I did surprise her. I surprised her. Vinsamlegast finndu frakkann minn. Please find me my overcoat. Please find my coat. Þau eru að bora holu. They are boring a hole. They're drilling a hole. Tom kemst að því. Tom'll find out. Tom will find out. Hún er frekar kunningi en vinur. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's more of a acquaintance than a friend. Hún er ekki með ökuskírteini. She doesn't have a driver's license. She doesn't have a driver's license. Hverju er hann svona reiður yfir? What is he so angry about? What's he so angry about? Ég verð að fá mér nýja tölvu. I have to get a new computer. I need to get a new computer. Hann er hérna ennþá. He is still here. He's still here. AGS útilokaði nokkur ný lán til landsins. The IMF ruled out any new loans to that country. AGS cut off a few new loans to the country. Ég skal sjá til þess. I'll see to it. I'll see to it. Er John búinn að velja sér starfsframa? Has John decided on a career yet? Has John chosen a career? Dragið ekki dár að útlendingum. Don't poke fun at foreigners. Do not admire foreigners. Hver er þín uppáhalds setning? What is your favorite sentence? What's your favorite phrase? Ég flýtti mér heim. I hurried home. I hurried home. Þau gengu í hjónaband. They got married. They got married. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú svarir eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether you answer or not. It doesn't matter whether you answer or not. Þeim er veitt fjárhagsaðstoð. Financial support is given to them. They are given financial support. Mig langar í mikið meira. I want a lot more. I want a lot more. Það mun snjóa. It is going to snow. It's gonna snow. Veiðar eru bannaðar á þessu svæði. Hunting is prohibited in this area. Hunts are forbidden in this area. Hvenær komumst við á leiðarenda? When do we arrive? When do we get to the destination? Veistu þú ekki? Don't you know? Don't you know? Gefðu mér sígarettu. Give me a cigarette. Give me a cigarette. Geturðu líka keypt einn fyrir mig? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one, too? Hver er uppáhalds ofurhetjan þín? Who's your favorite super hero? Who's your favorite superhero? Þetta verður að gerast. This must be done. This has to happen. Fyrri hluti bókarinnar gerist í Flórens. The first part of the book is set in Florence. The first part of the book happens in Florence. Um hvern ertu að tala? Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about? Konan mín elskar eplabökur. My wife loves apple pie. My wife loves apple pies. Ég fæ ekki skilið af hverju hann sagði ekki sannleikann? I can't figure out why he didn't tell the truth. I don't understand why he didn't tell the truth. Þú mátt ekki verða seinn í skólann. You must not be late for school. You can't be late for school. Við tengjum nafn Darwins við þróunarkenninguna. We associate Darwin's name with the theory of evolution. We associate Darwin's name with the theory of evolution. Bill var vitlaus í mótorhjól. Bill was crazy for a motorbike. Bill was crazy about motorcycles. Þrösturinn syngur hvert lag tvisvar í gegn. The thrush sings each song twice over. The deck sings every song twice through. Ég keypti rautt bindi. I bought a red tie. I got a red tie. Saltið er búið. There's no more salt. The salt is over. Dæmið hann út frá því sem hann gerir, ekki því hvernig hann lítur út. Judge him by what he does, not by his appearance. Judge him by what he does, not by what he looks like. Ekki týnast. Don't get lost. Don't get lost. Contador vann gulu treyjuna í Tour de France keppninni. Contador won the yellow jersey in the Tour de France. Contador won the yellow island in Tour de France. Hún er hörmuleg að elda. She is an appalling cook. She's a disaster at cooking. Hann vinnur alla nóttina. He works all night. He works all night. Hvenær borðum við? Ég er svöng! When are we eating? I'm hungry! When do we eat? Núna er ég frjáls. Now I am free. Now I'm free. Ég tók því sem gefnu að þú héldir með mér. I took it for granted that you were on my side. I took it out of your mind that you'd keep with me. Föllin sínus og kósínus taka gildi á milli -1 og 1 (-1 og 1 meðtalin). The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included). The domains of the sinus and cosine take effect between -1 and 1 (including-1 and 1). Ég fór í garðinn í gær. I went to the park yesterday. I went to the park yesterday. Ég hafði tækifæri til að hitta hann í París. I had a chance to meet him in Paris. I had a chance to see him in Paris. Hann hataði að ljúga. He hated lying. He hated lying. Er það satt? Really? Is that true? Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á spítalann en hann fylgdi ekki ráðum hennar. She advised him to go to the hospital, but he didn't follow her advice. She advised him to go to the hospital, but he did not follow her advice. Hvað geturðu hoppað hátt? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Afsakið en ég hugsa að þú sért með vitlaust númer. Sorry, but I think you've got the wrong number. Excuse me, but I think you have the wrong number. Ég málaði girðinguna græna. I painted the fence green. I painted the fence green. Það er rosalega auðvelt! It's super easy! It's really easy! Enginn slasaðist. Nobody was injured. Nobody got hurt. Hún er svakalega klár, ekki satt? She's really smart, isn't she? She's super smart, isn't she? Mér þykir fyrir því. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Fylgstu vel með mér. Watch me closely. Keep an eye on me. Vinnumennirnir voru stoltir af vinnunni sinni. The workers were proud of their work. The workers were proud of their work. Mennirnir eru ekki alltaf gáfaðari en dýrin. Human beings are not always wiser than animals. Humans are not always smarter than animals. Fólk sem er ekki að flýta sér stendur hægra megin í rúllustiganum. People who are not in a hurry stand on the right side of the escalator. People who are not in a hurry are on the right side of the escalator. Ég var veik í gær. I was ill yesterday. I was sick last night. Hann gaf mér það. He gave it to me. He gave it to me. Ég tapaði innblæstrinum. I lost my inspiration. I lost my inspiration. Þetta er fallegt. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. Rithönd þinni er ábótavant. There is need for improvement in your handwriting. Your handwriting is lacking. Hún er sterk. She is strong. She's strong. Ég fór yfirleitt í bíó á sunnudögum. I usually went to the movies on Sunday. I usually went to a movie on Sundays. Skaust þú Tom? Did you shoot Tom? Did you shoot Tom? Járn er nytsamlegur málmur. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is useful metal. Það mun engu breyta. It won't change anything. It won't change anything. Það er seinna en þú heldur. It's later than you think. It's later than you think. Ég veit að hún er falleg. I know that she is beautiful. I know she's beautiful. Það fer ekkert lengra, en konan hans Kadsuos er ófrísk. It's just between you and me, but Kazuo's wife is pregnant. It won't go any further, but Kadsuos's wife is pregnant. Hún er ekki góður kokkur. She's not a good cook. She's not a good cook. Það er háttatími. It's bedtime. It's bedtime. Fyrst þú hefur ekkert með þetta að gera þarftu ekki að hafa neinar áhyggjur. Since you have nothing to do with this matter, you don't have to worry. Since you have nothing to do with this, there's nothing to worry about. Þú þarft ekki að vera svona formlegur. You don't have to be so formal. You don't have to be so formal. Skellum okkur í háttinn. Let's hit the hay. Let's go to bed. Þarf ég að skipta um vagn? Do I need to transfer? Do I need to change my car? Almennt eru karlar hærri en konur. Generally, men are taller than women. Men in general are higher than women. Við búum ekki í Boston. We do not live in Boston. We don't live in Boston. Það er engin furða að þú skulir spyrja. It's no wonder you ask. No wonder you ask. Ertu ekki að grínast? Are you kidding? You gotta be kidding me. Þarna kemur hún. There she comes. Here she comes. Segður mér restina. Tell me the rest. Tell me the rest. Hún tók fréttunum með ró. She took the news calmly. She took the news calmly. Esperantó er tungumál tuttugustu og fyrstu aldarinnar. Esperanto is the language of the twenty-first century. Esperanto is the language of the 20th and first centuries. Þýskaland kom á fót velferðarkerfi á níunda áratug nítjándu aldar. Germany adopted a social security system in the 1880's. Germany established a welfare system in the 1980 ' s. Við vinnum á daginn og hvílum okkur á næturna. We work by day, and rest by night. We work all day and rest at night. Getur þú þekkt Jane og tvíburasystur hennar í sundur? Can you tell Jane from her twin sister? Can you tell Jane and her twin sister apart? Ég er með nefrennsli. My nose is running. I have a runny nose. Nú kalla ég á lögmanninn minn! Now I'll call my lawyer! Now I'm calling my lawyer! Það var okkur mikið áfall. It was a great blow to us. We were shocked. Það eru margir jarðskjálftar í Japan. There are many earthquakes in Japan. There are many earthquakes in Japan. Þú getur stólað á hann. You can rely on him. You can count on him. Rétt eftir að hafa lagt diskana frá sér heyrði Joan dyrabjölluna hringja. Just after putting away the dishes, Joan heard the doorbell ring. Just after placing the plates down, Joan heard the doorbell ringing. Vinsamlegast hringdu í hann. Please call him. Please call him. Að borða hægar mun hjálpa þér við að finnast þú saddari. Eating more slowly will help you feel fuller. Slowing down will help you feel better. Jóni og Önnu er vel við hvort annað. John and Ann like each other. John and Anna like each other. Tom var ekki eins upptekinn og Mary sagði að hann yrði. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary told me he would be. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary said he'd be. Ekki láta þennan hund koma nálægt mér! Don't let that dog come near me! Don't let that dog come near me! Hann las ákaflega áhugaverða skáldsögu í gær. He read a most interesting novel yesterday. He read a very interesting novel yesterday. Einkunnirnar mínar hafa batnað síðan á fyrstu önn. My grades have improved since first semester. My grades have improved since first semester. Upphaf alheimsins verður líklega aldrei útskýrt. The origin of the universe will probably never be explained. The origin of the universe will likely never be explained. Ég veit ekki hvernig þú gast gert okkur þetta. I don't know how you were able to do this to us. I don't know how you could've done this to us. Það vildi til að ég var ekki með neinn pening á mér. It so happened that I had no money with me. I wish I didn't have any money on me. Fáið ykkur vinsamlegast sæti dömur mínar og herrar. Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen. Please sit down, ladies and gentlemen. Við verðum að kaupa þær frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Verksmiðjur okkar eru á fullum afköstum. Our factories are working at full capacity. Our factories are fully operational. Ég ætla að fletta þessu orði upp í orðabókinni. I'll look up this word in the dictionary. I'm going to look this word up in the dictionary. Hún vill ekki að hann kaupi dýran trúlofunarhring. She doesn't want him to buy an expensive engagement ring. She doesn't want him buying an expensive engagement ring. Hún getur skautað. She is able to skate. She can skate. Ég er hrædd við að detta. I'm afraid to fall. I'm afraid I'm gonna fall. Ég ætti að fara að pakka. I should go pack. I should start packing. Það vantar klósettpappír. There's no toilet paper. There's no toilet paper. Honum finnst gaman að taka ljósmyndir. He likes taking pictures. He likes to take photographs. John er kunnugur fyrirtækinu. John is familiar with the business. John is familiar with the company. Ég er ekki ennþá búin að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Komdu þér niður! Get down! Get down! Tónlist er sál rúmfræðinnar. Music is the soul of geometry. Music is the soul of geometrics. Hann er alltaf glaðlyndur og brosandi. He is always cheerful and smiling. He's always cheerful and smiling. Ég hef ekki séð mikið af honum upp á síðkastið. I have not seen much of him recently. I haven't seen much of him lately. Vinsamlegast gríptu ekki fram í fyrir mér þegar ég er að tala. Please don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Please don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Hvaða gítar átt þú? Which guitar is yours? Which guitar do you own? Ég vona bara að enginn hafi séð mig! I just hope no one saw me! I just hope no one has seen me! Á virkum dögum eru nógu mörg stæði laus að þú ættir að geta fundið eitt nærri íbúðinni minni. On weekdays there are enough parking spots free that you should be able to get one close to my apartment. During the week, enough time is available to you to find one near my apartment. Við syntum í sjónum. We swam in the sea. We swam in the water. Eftir kvöldmat labba ég á ströndinni. After dinner, I walk on the beach. After dinner, I'll walk on the beach. Hún þarf alls ekki að vita af hverju ég gerði það. She absolutely doesn't need to know why I did it. She really doesn't need to know why I did it. Þú leggur hann í næstu kosningum. You will get the better of him in the next election. You're gonna put him in the next election. Þetta er húsið sem ég fæddist í. This is the house where I was born. This is the house I was born in. Hver sem er getur gert það ef hann reynir. Anyone can do it if they try. Anyone can do that if he tries. Kólumbus sigldi lengra í vestur til að leita að nýrri heimsálfu. Columbus sailed farther west to look for a new continent. Columbus sailed west to search for a new continent. Tom hlýddi Mary Tom obeyed Mary. Tom obeyed Mary Hefðirðu hlaupið alla leið hefðirðu komist í tæka tíð. If you'd run all the way, you would've gotten there in time. If you'd run all the way, you'd have made it in time. Himininn er fullur af stjörnum. The sky is full of stars. The sky is full of stars. Án þinnar hjálpar hefði ég ekki getað klárað verkið. Without your help, I couldn't have finished the work. Without your help, I couldn't have finished the job. Hún réðst á hann. She attacked him. She attacked him. Okkur tókst það! We succeeded! We did it! Hún ráðlagði honum að nota ekki of mikið salt, en hann hlustaði ekki á hana. She advised him not to use too much salt, but he wouldn't listen to her. She advised him not to use too much salt, but he did not listen to it. Miðlun frétta um sjónvörp og útvörp er nú mjög algeng. The communication of news by TV and radio is very common now. Media reports on televisions and radios are now very common. Hvað gerir þú? What are you doing? What do you do? Okkur til undrunar er hún farin einsömul til Brasilíu. To our surprise, she has gone to Brazil alone. To our surprise, she's gone to Brazil alone. Get ég aðstoðað þig? Could I help you? Can I help you? Við borðum morgunmat klukkan sjö. We have breakfast at seven. We're having breakfast at 7:00. Ferjan tók að hreyfast og við vorum komin yfir eftir hálftíma. The ferry started to move and we were across in half an hour. The ferry began moving, and we were over in half an hour. Mér þótti erfitt að framkvæma það. I found it difficult to put it into practice. It was hard for me to do. Við töluðum saman með látbragði. We communicated with each other by gesture. We talked with a gesture. Hverstu seint er það? How late is it? How late do you think it is? Bíllinn er mjög hraðskreiður. The car is very fast. The car is very fast. John er klárari en Bill. John is cleverer than Bill. John's smarter than Bill. Horfðu á mig. Look at me. Look at me. Úr hverju er það? What is it made of? What's that made of? Reikningurinn nemur fimm þúsund jenum. The bill amounts to five thousand yen. The bill is five thousand yen. Við gerum okkur ekki alltaf grein fyrir því að hversu miklu marki við stólum á aðra. We often fail to realize the extent to which we depend on others. We do not always realize that how much we rely on others. Ætlar þú að fjarlægja taugina? Are you going to remove the nerve? Will you remove the nerve? Heilbrigð forvitni er sannarlega góður eiginleiki. A healthy curiosity is truly a fine thing. Sound curiosity is certainly a good quality. Við höfum engan tíma. We have no time. We don't have time. Athuganir á þyngdarbylgjum munu hefja nýtt tímabil í rannsóknum á alheiminum. The observation of gravitational waves will start a new phase in the study of the universe. Weight waves checks will start a new era in the study of the universe. Fullkomið kort þyrfti að vera jafnstórt og landsvæðið sem það lýsir. A perfect map would have to be as big as the territory it represents. A perfect map would have to be as large as the territory it describes. Get ég aðstoðað yður? Could I help you? Can I help you? John snéri baki við fyrirtækinu og setti sitt eigið á fót. John turned his back on the company and started on his own. John turned his back on the company and set his own foot. Ef þú leggur snemma af stað nærð þú í tíma til að taka lestina. If you set out early, you'll be in time for the train. If you leave early, you will arrive at time to take the train. Teitin var skemmtileg. Þú hefðir átt að koma líka. The party was fun. You should have come, too. You should have come, too. Ég hitti bandaríska stelpu. I met an American girl. I met an American girl. Við töluðum við hvorn annan sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Ég hef ekkert um þetta mál að segja. I have nothing to say on this matter. I have nothing to say about this. Hann málar oft landslagsmálverk. He often paints landscapes. He often paints landscape paintings. Lestur bóka er áhugaverður. Reading books is interesting. Reading books is interesting. Hvað leggurðu til? What's your advice? What do you suggest? Afhverju eru engir leigubílar á stöðinni í dag? Why are there no taxis at the station today? Why are there no taxis at the station today? Hún æfir sig alltaf á píanóið fyrir matinn. She always practices the piano before dinner. She's always practicing at the piano before dinner. Hún frátók herbergi. She reserved a room. She took up a room. Þú gerðir sömu mistök og síðast. You made the same mistake as last time. You made the same mistake you made last time. Bjóðið þið upp á hálfs-dags ferðir. Do you offer any half-day tours? For a half-day ride, I'd like you to order. Honum var fagnað hvar sem hann kom. He was welcomed wherever he went. Wherever he came, he was welcomed. Skemmtu þér í teitinni, John. Enjoy yourself at the party, John. Have fun at the party, John. Þú verður að njóta þín og skemmta þér öðru hverju. You need to enjoy yourself and have fun once in a while. You have to enjoy yourself and have fun every once in a while. Hann er unglegur. Hann getur ekki verið eldri en ég. He looks young. He cannot be older than I. He's young, he can't be older than me. Ég borgaði 200 dollara í skatta. I paid $200 in taxes. I paid $200 in taxes. Kanntu að elda kjöt? Do you know how to cook meat? Do you know how to cook meat? Stórmarkaðurinn réð marga hlutastarfsmenn. The supermarket hired many part-timers. The supermarket hired many part - time employees. Engar fréttir eru góðar fréttir. No news is good news. No news is good news. Ég sé það sjaldan. I see it rarely. I rarely see it. Er nokkur sími hér nálægt? Can one find a telephone near by? Is there any phone around here? Allir eru tilbúnir. Everyone is ready. Everybody's ready. Hvað hefur tafið þig? What's kept you? What's been keeping you? Ég fer að sofa klukkan ellefu. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to sleep at 11:00. Höldum leiknum áfram eftir hádegismat. Let's continue the game after lunch. Let's get on with the game after lunch. Við vorum næstum því frosin í hel. We were nearly frozen to death. We almost got frozen to death. Veldu kjól sem þér líkar. Choose a dress you like. Pick a dress you like. Emily er ekki hrædd við köngulær. Emily isn't afraid of spiders. Emily is not afraid of spiders. Pablo og María voru hér. Pablo and María were here. Pablo and Maria were here. Er kvefið í Tom að skána? How's Tom's cold? Is Tom getting better? Tryggingin fyrir fiðluna hans er tvö hundruð dollarar á ári. The insurance on his violin costs $200 a year. The insurance for his violin is two hundred dollars a year. Hann á tvo blýanta. Annar er stuttur en hin langur. He has two pencils; one is long and the other short. He's got two pencils, one's short, one's long. Peter var dauðþreyttur á barnalegur stelpum og langaði til að hitta alvöru þroskaða konu. Peter was fed up with childish girls and wanted to meet a really mature woman. Peter was very tired of childish girls and wanted to meet a real mature woman. Ég missti af seinasta strætónum í gær. I missed the last bus yesterday. I missed the last bus last night. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið að nota salernið hjá ykkur? Can I use your toilet, please? Could I please get to use your bathroom? Gætirðu sett það í innkaupapoka fyrir mig? Could you put it in a shopping bag for me? Could you put it in a shopping bag for me? Þú verður að gera það sjálf. You must do it yourself. You have to do it yourself. Af hverju er enginn að hjálpa Tom? Why isn't anyone helping Tom? Why is nobody helping Tom? Ekkert er eins hart og demantur. Nothing is as hard as a diamond. Nothing's as tough as a diamond. Má bjóða þér kaffi? Would you like some coffee? Would you like some coffee? Værirðu svo væn að opna hurðina fyrir mig? Would you be so kind as to open the door for me? Would you be kind enough to open the door for me? Ef þú heldur áfram að drekka eins og þú ert að gera verðurðu veikur. If you keep on drinking like that, you'll get sick. If you continue to drink as you are doing, you will become sick. Ég skal kaupa nýtt. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy you a new one. Kemurðu á morgun? Will you come tomorrow? Are you coming tomorrow? Ég þekki ekki konuna sem er að tala við kennarann okkar. I do not know the woman talking to our teacher. I don't know the woman who's talking to our teacher. Ég vil ekki taka á mig meiri vinnu. I don't want to take on any more work. I don't want to do any more work. Þetta verk var ekki létt. That task wasn't easy. This task was not easy. Ég hef verið upptekin. I have been busy. I've been busy. Ég vissi ekki af því fyrr en tiltölulega nýlega. I didn't know about that until quite recently. I didn't know about it until a relatively recent time. Vín er kveðskapur tappaður á flöskur. Wine is poetry filled in bottles. Wine is a word on bottles. Ég er ekki með hulstur fyrir gleraugun mín. I don't have a case for my glasses. I don't have a case for my glasses. Góður sviti læknar kvef. A good sweat will cure a cold. Good sweat cures colds. Bill kom með vatnsglas handa mér. Bill brought me a glass of water. Bill brought me a glass of water. Það er auðveldara að reyna við fólk á internetinu en á götunni. It is easier to hit on people on the Internet than in the street. It's easier to hit on the Internet than on the street. Hann stökk yfir grunna skurðinn. He leaped over the shallow ditch. He jumped over the shallow ditch. Hringdu í mig seinna, ókei? Give me a call later, OK? Call me later, okay? Ég skal gera það aftur. I'll do it again. I'll do it again. Við beygðum til vinstri við gatnamótin og keyrðum norður. We turned left at the corner and drove north. We turned left at the intersection and drove north. Ég get ekki annað en hlegið að fólsku þinni. I cannot help laughing at your folly. I can't help laughing at your hidness. Ég tek bókina því að ég sé hana. I take the book because I see it. I'll take the book because I'm the one. Þetta lítur fullkomlega út. It looks perfect. It looks perfect. Við getum átt samskipti hvert við annað á marga vegu. We can communicate with each other in many ways. We can communicate with one another in many ways. Þessi blóm hafa dáið. Those flowers have died. These flowers have died. Þú getur allt eins undirbúið þig fyrir prófið. You may as well prepare for your examination. You may as well prepare for the test. Þú ert að taka stóra áhættu með því að treysta honum. You're running a big risk in trusting him. You're taking a big risk by trusting him. Hún var hissa yfir fréttunum. She was surprised at the news. She was surprised at the news. Það er flónska að leggja peninga að jöfnu við hamingju. It is foolish to equate money with happiness. To balance money with happiness is folly. Á landbúnaðar- og iðnaðarsvæðum Kína er sumt fólk enn mjög fátækt. In China's agricultural and industrial areas, some people are still very poor. In China's agricultural and industrial sectors, some people are still very poor. Mamma, mannstu ennþá hvernig á að gera það? Mom, do you still remember how to do it? Mom, do you still remember how to do that? Komist þið? Can you come? You guys gonna make it? Þessir bitar munu ekki halda þyngd þaksins. These beams will not carry the weight of the roof. These bites will not keep the roof's weight. Okkur er illa við ofbeldi. We dislike violence. We don't like violence. Við gerðum gríðarstór mistök. We made a huge mistake. We made a huge mistake. Góða nótt mamma. Goodnight, Mother. Good night, Mom. Ég hef þegar skrifað bréf. I have already written a letter. I've already written a letter. Á endanum staðnæmdist hann fyrir framan gamalt hús og sá aftur bregða fyrir bænum. At last he stopped before an old house, and caught another glimpse of the town. Eventually, he stopped in front of an old house and saw the town again. Ég þurfti að ganga heim. I had to walk home. I had to walk home. Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu komin. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Go straight down the street and when you pass the traffic lights, you're here. Trúlofuninni fylgir oft opinber tilkynning um brúðkaup. The engagement is often followed by a public announcement of marriage. The engagement is often accompanied by an official announcement of a wedding. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað einn en hann taldi það ekki góð ráð. She advised him to go there alone, but he didn't think that was good advice. She advised him to go there alone, but he did not consider that to be good advice. Hann er mikill aðdáandi vísindaskáldskapar. He's a big science fiction fan. He's a fan of science fiction. Ég gafst ekki upp. I didn't give up. I didn't give up. Philip, líkt og Andrew og Peter, kom frá bænum Bethesda. Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethesda. Philip, like Andrew and Peter, came from the town of Bethesda. Maður á að borða til að lifa en ekki lifa til að borða. One must eat to live, and not live to eat. You're supposed to eat to live, not live to eat. Hún er að fara til Frakklands í næstu viku. She is going to France next week. She's going to France next week. Þetta er minn hestur. This is my horse. That's my horse. Hvernig segir maður "bless" á þýsku? How do you say "good bye" in German? How do you say "bless" in German? Ég þarf að sinna áríðandi máli. I have an urgent matter to attend to. I have an urgent matter to attend to. Hann náði takmarkinu sínu. He reached his goal. He got his goal. Við erum frænkur. She and I are cousins. We're cousins. Í þá daga átti ég til að líta á mig sem myndarlegan mann. In those days I tended to think of myself as a nice looking guy. Back then, I thought of myself as a handsome man. Ég skal gera það. I'll do it. I'll do it. Auk borgarstjórans mættu margir aðrir virtir gestir. Beside the mayor, many other distinguished guests were present. Besides the mayor, there were many other respected guests. Keyptirðu kjöt í stórmarkaðnum? Did you buy any meat in the supermarket? Did you buy meat in the supermarket? Fjarlægðin gerir fjöllin blá og mennina mikla. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The mountains turn blue, and the great men. Klósettið er þarna. The toilet is over there. The clock's over there. Gleðilegt nýár! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Börn þurfa margt, en mest af öllu kærleika. Children need many things, but above all they need love. Children need much, but most of all love. Þú getur ekki drepið þig með því að halda niðri í þér andanum. You cannot kill yourself by holding your breath. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath. Get ég fengið þrjá? Can I have three? Can I have three? Allen er skáld. Allen is a poet. Allen is a poet. Hann át brauð með smjöri. He ate bread with butter. He ate bread with butter. Hver er stúlkan sem stendur við dyrnar? Who is the girl standing at the door? Who's the girl standing at the door? Hótelið rúmar fimmtíu gesti. The hotel can accommodate fifty guests. The hotel is about 50 guests. Dauði hans kom okkur öllum í opna skjöldu. His death surprised us all. His death caught us all off guard. Mundir þú vilja gluggasæti eða sæti á ganginum? Would you like a window seat or a seat on the aisle? Would you like a window seat or a seat in the hallway? Hún eldar illa. She is a poor cook. She cooks bad. Við hefðum ekki þurft að borða morgunmat svo snemma. We need not have eaten breakfast so early. We wouldn't have had to have breakfast so early. Farðu í skólann. Go to school. Go to school. Ég missti sjónar á honum á leiðinni. I lost sight of him on the way. I lost my sight of him on the way. Við áttum ekki í miklum erfiðleikum. We didn't have much trouble. We didn't have much trouble. Ég get ekki skilið hví John hafnaði svo góðri vinnu. I can't understand why John turned down a job as good as that. I can't understand why John turned down such a good job. Hún bauð vinum sínum í mat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends to dinner. Ósk þín mun verða að veruleika í nánustu framtíð. Your wish will come true in the near future. Your wish will be realized in the near future. Hann leit ansi þreyttur út. He looked quite tired. He looked pretty tired. Ég tala á spænsku við Guð, á ítölsku við kvenfólk, á frönsku við karlmenn og á þýsku við hestinn minn. I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. I speak in Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse. Þú ert holdvotur. You're wet through. You're soaked in flesh. Mig dreymdi um þig. I dreamt about you. I dreamt about you. Hún bakaði köku handa mér. She made me a cake. She made me a cake. Þú sagðir henni að þú hefðir lokið vinnunni þremur dögum áður. You told her that you had finished the work three days before. You told her you finished your job three days before. Þú verður að leggja harðar að þér við námið. You need to study harder. You must work harder at the study. Ekki horfa á sjónvarpið! Don't watch television! Don't watch TV! Þú mátt telja mig meðal vina þinna. You can number me among your friends. You may count me among your friends. Henni líkar að ganga einsömul. She likes walking alone. She likes to walk alone. Við sáum konuna borna í burtu á sjúkrahúsið. We saw the lady carried away to the hospital. We saw the woman drilled away to the hospital. Leiðsögumenn okkar á ferðinni á fjallið voru frumbyggjar. We had native guides on our trip to the mountain. Our guides on the trip to the mountain were natives. Ég mun aldrei segja neinum þetta. I'll never tell this to anyone. I'll never tell anyone. Ef þú skrópar í tíma hjá mér, drep ég þig. If you skip my class, I will kill you. If you ditch my class, I'll kill you. Þú varst seinn í gær. You were late yesterday. You were late last night. Ekki tala! Don't talk! Don't talk! Ég á auðvelt með að lesa þessa bók. It is easy for me to read this book. This book makes it easy for me to read. Ég elska hana vegna þess að hún er þolinmóð. I love her because she is patient. I love her because she's patient. Ég hef mínar eigin skoðanir á því máli. I have my own thoughts on that subject. I have my own opinions on that matter. Hvað þarf að gera ef áætlunin reynist ógerleg? What must be done if the plan proves unworkable? What if the plan turns out to be impossible? Já, það kemur öðru hverju fyrir. Yes, it happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens from time to time. Ertu að skrifa bréf? Are you writing a letter? Are you writing a letter? Tökum strætó. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. Skólinn byrjar á morgun. School begins tomorrow. School starts tomorrow. Það mun lækna þig af höfuðverknum á engri stundu. It will cure you of your headache in no time. It will heal you from your headache in no time. Ég er að borða epli. I'm eating an apple. I'm eating apples. Allir geta orðið vinir, jafnvel þótt tungumál þeirra og siðir eru ólík. All people can become friends, even if their languages and customs are different. People can become friends even if their language and customs are different. Þú verður að finna aðra leið út úr þessari stöðu. You need to find another way out of this situation. You need to find another way out of this situation. Haglélið gerði sprungu í gluggann. The hail cracked the window. The hatch made a hole in the window. Hvers vegna reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear the letter to pieces? Nákvæm merking frumspeki er umdeild. The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. The exact meaning of metaphysics is controversial. Hún tók af sér gleraugun og setti í sig linsurnar. She took off her glasses and put her contacts in. She took off her glasses and put her lenses on. Hún ráðlagði honum að kaupa ekki notaðan bíl. She advised him not to buy a used car. She advised him not to buy a used car. Mér þykja erlend tungumál mjög áhugaverð. I find foreign languages very interesting. I find foreign languages very interesting. Það er ekki þess virði að lesa þessa bók. This book isn't worth reading. This book is not worth reading. Það lá ekkert á. There was no hurry. There was no hurry. Hversu mikið vegur ferðataskan þín? What's the weight of your suitcase? How much distance does your suitcase go? Karlmenn eru almennt hávaxnari en konur. Generally, men are taller than women. Men in general are taller than women. Vinsamlegast greiðið honum leið. Please make way for him. Please give him a route. Mér líður ágætlega núna. I'm feeling fine now. I'm fine now. Hvers konar fólk líkar þér best? What kind of people do you like best? What kind of people do you like best? Takk samt. Thanks anyway. Thanks anyway. Hvers vegna ertu svona dapur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Það er mikilvægt að skilja að hvert land hefur sína eigin menningu. It is important to understand that each country has its own culture. It is important to understand that each country has its own culture. Er þér nógu hlýtt í svona þunnum fötum? Are you warm enough in such thin clothes? Are you warm enough in such thin clothes? John hefur 200 manns í vinnu. John employs 200 workers. John has 200 people working for him. Ólympíuleikarnir eru haldnir fjórða hvert ár. The Olympic Games are held every four years. The Olympic Games are held every four years. Hann á enga vini til að leika við. He doesn't have any friends to play with. He has no friends to play with. Mér líkar ekki við að vera í annarra manna fötum. I do not like wearing anybody else's clothes. I don't like wearing other people's clothes. Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að reykja en hann hlustaði ekki á hana. She advised him to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen to her. She advised him to stop smoking, but he did not listen. Vertu svo vænn að búa mér til mjólkurhristing. Please make a milkshake for me. Please make me a milkshake. Þess vegna var ég sein í tíma í gær. That is why I was late for class yesterday. That's why I was late for class yesterday. Það var nákvæmlega þar sem Tom sagði að það yrði. It was right where Tom said it would be. That was exactly where Tom said it would be. Ekki breyta svona oft um skoðun. Don't change your mind so often. Don't change your mind so often. Ég hitti ameríska stelpu. I met an American girl. I met this American girl. Sittu vinsamlegast kyrr. Please remain seated. Please sit still. Jón hefur gaman af skák. John likes chess. John likes chess. Ég var að spá hvort þú myndir vilja borða með mér kvöldmat annað kvöld. I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me tomorrow night. Allir í fjölskyldunni hans eru hávaxnir. Everyone in his family is tall. Everyone in his family is tall. Ég er heilsuhraust. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Mér finnst leiðinlegt að læra. I don't like studying. I'm sorry to learn. Ég mundi ekki vilja vera í hans stöðu, þrátt fyrir allan hans auð. I wouldn't like to be in his position, for all his wealth. I wouldn't want to be in his position, despite all his wealth. Það mikilvæga er ekki hversu margar bækur þú lest heldur hvaða bækur þú lest. What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read. The important thing is, not how many books you read, but which books you read. Hann sneri baki við gömlu hefðunum. He turned his back on the old traditions. He abandoned his old traditions. Það er oft vitnað til verka Feuerbach. The work of Feuerbach is frequently referred to. The actions of Feuerbach are often quoted. Ég þarfnast hjálpar. I need help. I need help. Í leikritinu lék hún hvort tveggja þjónustukonu og afgreiðsludömu. In the play she doubled the parts of a maid and shop girl. In the play, she played both a service lady and a clerk. Hún ráðlagði honum hvaða bækur hann ætti að kaupa. She advised him on which book to buy. She advised him what books he should buy. Herra Brown var þá veikur. Mr Brown was sick at the time. Mr. Brown was sick then. Í hvaða átt er ströndin? Which way is the beach? Which way is the beach? Við vorum lent á einmannalegri eyju. We were landed on a lonely island. We had landed on a lonely island. Dyrnar voru læstar svo ég komst ekki inn. The door was locked, so I couldn't get in. The door was locked, so I couldn't get in. Sendu okkur ítarlega ferilskrá á [tölvupóstfang]. Send us your detailed CV at [e-mail]. Send us a detailed CV to [e-mail address]. Dyrnar voru allan daginn áfram lokaðar. The door remained closed all day. The door was closed all day. Ég skal borga. I'll pay. I'll pay. Við vitum eitthvað um það. We know something about it. We know something about it. Henni varð ekki meint af umferðaslysinu. She was none the worse for the traffic accident. She was not harmed by the traffic accident. Hneykslismálið hefur alvarlega skaðað hreinu ímyndina hans. The scandal has badly damaged his clean image. The scandal case has seriously damaged his pure image. Förum og sjáum eins margt og við getum. Let's go and see as many things as we can. Let's go see as much as we can. Orð ársins í Danmörku eru "öskuský," "Jaðardanmörk," "vuvuzela" og "WikiLeaks." The words of the year 2010 in Denmark are "ash cloud," "Peripheral Denmark," "vuvuzela" and "WikiLeaks." The words of the year in Denmark are "sow clouds, "" Grounds, " "Vuvrezelah, " and "WikiLeaks. " Hvernig gengur? How are you? How's it going? Skipið var upp á náð aldanna komið. The ship was at the mercy of the waves. The ship was at the hands of the centuries. Hún talar frönsku. She can speak French. She speaks French. Það mun kosta að minnsta kosti tvö þúsund jen að taka leigubíl. It will cost at least 2000 yen to take a taxi. It will cost at least two thousand yen to take a cab. Hvað dettur þeim næst í hug? What'll they think of next? What will they think of next? Innsæi Freuds á mannlega hegðun leiddi til þess að hann var heiðraður sem djúpur hugsuður. Freud's insights into human behavior led to him being honored as a profound thinker. Freud's intuition of human behavior led to his being honored as deeply considered. Ég skal láta þig fá símanúmer Shiegal læknis. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's telephone number. I'll give you Dr. Shiegal's phone number. Ég slökkti á lampanum og sofnaði. I turned the lamp off and fell asleep. I turned off the lamp and fell asleep. Þú komst ekki í skólann í gær. You did not come to school yesterday. You didn't come to school yesterday. Mér líður ekki vel. I don't feel well. I don't feel well. Það eru margir fiskar í þessu vatni. There are many fish in this lake. There's a lot of fish in this water. Þér er velkomið að gera hvað sem þú langar til. You are welcome to do anything you like. You're welcome to do whatever you want. Hraðinn drepur. Speed kills. Speed kills. Klukkan hvað fer hún á fætur? What time does she get up? What time does she get up? Ferðalangurinn náði að lokum áfangastað sínum. The traveler reached his destination at last. The traveler finally reached his destination. Í gærnótt deildi ég leigubíl með Paris Hilton. Yesterday night, I shared a cab with Paris Hilton. Last night, I shared a cab with Paris Hilton. Fred fylgdi móður minni hvert sem hún fór. Fred followed my mother wherever she went. Fred followed my mother wherever she went. Ég fór á tvenna tónleika í síðustu viku. I went to two concerts last week. I went to two concerts last week. Ertu til í að opna dyrnar? Do you mind opening the door? Can you open the door? Viltu vinna með honum? Do you want to work with him? You want to work with him? Það var fyrst í gær sem John sagði mér frá áætlun sinni um að fara til Evrópu. It was only yesterday that John told me about his plan to go to Europe. It was first yesterday that John told me about his plan to go to Europe. Hvað kostar þetta bindi? How much is this tie? How much does this tie cost? Hver er uppáhalds Bítillinn þinn? Who's your favorite Beatle? What's your favorite piece of bread? Einmanna fólk viðheldur eigin einmannaleika með ótta sínum við annað fólk. Lonely people perpetuate their own loneliness through their fear of others. Single people maintain their own loneliness by their fear of other people. Ég vona að hvorugur þeirra hafi lent í umferðarslysinu. I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident. I hope neither of them had a car accident. Skilningur hans á rökfræði er skelfileg. His understanding of logic is abysmal. His understanding of logic is terrible. Ég er upptekinn. I'm busy. I'm busy. Ekki koma nærri ljósinu! Don't come near the light! Don't come near the light! Hvað með tælenskan mat? How about Thai food? What about Thai food? Nýja tölvan er tíu sinnum hraðari en sú gamla. The new computer is ten times faster than the old. The new computer is ten times faster than the old one. Þú ert ekki með hita. You don't have a temperature. You don't have a fever. Þau urðu óaðskiljanleg eftir þessa veislu. They became inseparable after that party. After that feast, they became inseparable. Bíllinn minn fer ekki í gang. My car won't start. My car won't start. Straumurinn er til suðurs. The drift of the current is to the south. The current's south. Hvern hittirðu? Who did you meet? Who did you meet? Enginn er fullkominn. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. Ég er orðinn uppiskroppa með peninga. I've run out of money. I'm running out of money. Við þurfum að fresta samkundunni vegna rigningar. We had to postpone the gathering because of rain. We need to postpone the synagogue because it rains. Ég væri til í flatböku akkúrat núna. I could go for some pizza right now. I'd like a pizza pie right now. Ritstjórinn leit yfir handritið. The editor glanced over the manuscript. The editor checked the script. Hvað heitir höfuðborg Finnlands? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the name of the capital of Finland? Þessi skáldsaga var skrifuð af amerískum rithöfundi. This novel was written by an American writer. This fiction was written by an American writer. Hann barði hundinn með priki. He beat the dog with a stick. He hit the dog with a stick. Þú hefur val á milli súpu eða salats. You have the choice of soup or salad. You have a choice between soup and salad. Hvað langar þig í eftirrétt? What would you like for dessert? What do you want for dessert? Af hverju ertu svona sein? Why are you so late? Why are you so late? Gögnin benda til kynna að hagkvæmasta lengd fyrirlestur kann að vera 30 mínútur í stað 60. The data suggest that the optimum length of a lecture may be 30 instead of 60 minutes. The data indicate that the most practical duration for reading may be 30 minutes instead of 60. Ekki sofa of djúpt. Don't sleep too deeply. Don't sleep too deep. Telurðu mig vera fífl? Do you take me for a fool? You think I'm an idiot? John færði sig fram að hliðinu. John moved forward to the gate. John moved to the gate. Við höfum ákveðið að berjast til enda. We have made up our minds to fight it out. We've decided to fight to the end. Ég get engan veginn hjálpað ykkur. I cannot possibly help you. I can't help you at all. Ég skrifa þetta bréf til konu minnar. I write this letter to my wife. I write this letter to my wife. Þau eru ofsafengin í trú sinni. They are fanatical in their beliefs. They are violent about their faith. Við erum systkinabörn. We are cousins. We're brothers and sisters. Dyrnar opnuðust sjálfkrafa. The door opened automatically. The door opened automatically. Hann er að kaupa tölvuna. He is buying the computer. He's buying the computer. Ég kannaðist undir eins við herra Jones. I recognized Mr Jones at first glance. I immediately recognized Mr. Jones. Móðir mín var dansari. My mother was a dancer. My mother was a dancer. Hringdu í mig á eftir, allt í lagi? Give me a call later, OK? Call me later, okay? Ég er á lífi jafnvel þótt ég gefi engin merki um líf. I am alive even though I am not giving any sign of life. I am alive even if I give no sign of life. Hann er hennar vinur. He is her friend. He's her friend. Könnuðirnir fundu beinagrind í helli. The explorers discovered a skeleton in the cave. The designers found skeletons in a cave. Hversu langan tíma mun það taka? How long will it take? How long will it take? Gerðu það sem þú vilt. Do what you like. Do what you want. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að fara til læknis. I think you should see a doctor. I think you should see a doctor. Ég spila oft fótbolta eftir skóla. I often play soccer after school. I often play soccer after school. Af hverju ferð þú ekki með mig? How come you aren't taking me? Why don't you take me? Brandarinn hans var frábær. His joke was great. His joke was great. Fátt er svo með öllu illt að ekki boði nokkuð gott. It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. Few things are so bad that they don't offer anything good. Gulrót eða banani? Carrot or banana? Yellow root or banana? Ég á ekki kött. I don't have a cat. I don't have a cat. Ég gleymdi að setja frímerki á umslagið. I forgot to attach a stamp to the envelope. I forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. Í dag fékk ég að hitta nýja heimspekikennarann minn. Today I got to meet my new philosophy teacher. Today I got to meet my new philosophy teacher. Hann mun verða sofandi. He will be sleeping. He'll be asleep. Hermdu hverja setningu eftir mér. Repeat each sentence after me. Emulate every sentence after me. Hún segist sjá hluti. She says she is seeing things. She says she sees things. Tom var ekki góður. Tom wasn't nice. Tom wasn't good. Hann settist við hliðina á mér. He seated himself next to me. He sat next to me. Ken ákvað að fara til útlanda. Ken decided on going abroad. Ken decided to go abroad. Vinsamlegast skilaðu foreldrum þínum bestu kveðjum frá mér. Please give my best regards to your parents. Please give your parents my best regards. Eyðimerkursólin steikti hann. The desert sun grilled him. The Desert Sun fried him. Báðar stúlkurnar eru með blá augu. Both girls have blue eyes. Both girls have blue eyes. Af hverju tökum við ekki leigubíl? Why don't we take a taxi? Why don't we take a cab? Hnetusmjör og sultu, takk. Peanut butter and jelly, please. Peanut butter and jelly, please. Ég er ekki ennþá tilbúin. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Mér líkar við Tom af því að hann er heiðarlegur. I like Tom because he's honest. I like Tom because he's honest. Sökum hvers gréstu? For what reason did you cry? Why did you cry? Hann þurfti meiri tíma til að ljúka verkinu. He needed more time to complete the task. He needed more time to complete the work. Hún býr í London. She lives in London. She lives in London. Þú getur allt eins byrjað undir eins. You may as well begin at once. You can start right away. Öll eggin úldnuðu. All the eggs went bad. All the eggs were hatched. Hverjum gafstu það? Who did you give it to? Who'd you give it to? Flestir fuglar sjá einungis á daginn. Most birds can see only by day. Most birds can only see during the day. Takk fyrir útskýringuna. Thanks for your explanation. Thanks for the explanation. Sömu sögu er að segja af atvinnumannakörfubolta. The same is true of professional baseball. The same is true of professional basketball. Komdu hingað. Come here. Come here. Þrátt fyrir vernd stjórnarinnar varð hann fórnarlamb tilræðis sem banaði honum. Despite the government's protection, he was the victim of an assassination attempt which killed him. Despite being protected by the government, he became a victim of an attack that killed him. Allir hafa einhvers konar ósk. Everyone has a wish of some kind. Everyone has some kind of wish. Þú veist að mér finnast egg ekki góð. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Fjörtíu manns voru viðstaddir. Forty people attended. Forty attended. Þessi fartölva er mjög þunn. This laptop is very thin. This laptop is very thin. Hún ráðlagði honum að borða ekki á milli mála. She advised him not to eat between meals. She advised him not to eat between meals. Allt er í lagi. Everything is OK. Everything's okay. Ég geri mitt besta. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Ég er jafn gamall. I am the same age. I'm just as old. Hættu að berja á dyrnar! Stop banging on the door! Stop hitting the door! Hann kemur ekki í tíma á morgun. He won't come to class tomorrow. He's not coming to class tomorrow. Velkomin heim. Welcome home. Welcome home. Það segja það allir. They all say that. Everybody says that. Hann er fullkomlega hunsaður. Ég er undrandi á því að hann vinni hérna enn. He's completely shunned. I'm surprised he's still working here. I'm surprised he's still working here. Veit Tom afhverju? Does Tom know why? Does Tom know why? Ég málaði grindverkið grænt. I painted the fence green. I painted the fence green. Þú hefur lag á kvenfólki. You have a way with women. You've had a good time with women. Líkar þér svartir kettir? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Talsverðir fjármunir voru settir í varnarmál. A considerable amount of money was appropriated for the national defense. Talent funds were placed in a defense case. Slökkviliðsmennirnir gátu ekki slökkt eldinn í iðnaðarverksmiðjunni. The firefighters could not put out the fire at the industrial plant. The firemen could not put out the fire in the industrial factory. Það gæti gerst á hverri stundu. It may occur at any moment. It could happen any minute. John bjó til bókahillu. John made a book shelf. John made a bookshelf. Róm er ítölsk borg. Rome is an Italian town. Rome is an Italian city. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara utan meðan hann væri enn ungur. She advised him to go abroad while he was still young. She advised him to leave while he was still young. Hann er nógu skynsamur til að gera ekki þannig lagað. He is wise enough not to do such a thing. He's smart enough not to make such adjustments. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á sjónvarpinu. Please turn the television on. Please turn on the TV. Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálf? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why not ask me, why not do it for yourself? Fuglar syngja hér og þar í almenningsgarðinum. Birds are singing here and there in the park. Birds sing here and there in the park. Ert þú líka að fara? Are you going, too? Are you going too? Ég er of gamall fyrir þennan heim. I am too old for this world. I'm too old for this world. Þú munt missa af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Ég vil koma honum á óvart. I want to surprise him. I want to surprise him. Hann tálgaði búddalíkneski úr viði. He carved a Buddhist image out of wood. He used wood to seduce a Buddhist image. Við dáðumst að fegurð útsýnisins. We admired the beauty of the scenery. We admired the beauty of the view. Hann gaf mér pening. He gave me some money. He gave me money. Ég var þreyttur. I was tired. I was tired. Ég er tölvunarfræðingur. I'm a computer scientist. I'm a computer scientist. Það sem þú sérð með augunum er ekki endilega satt. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. What you see with your eyes is not necessarily true. Hann elskaði hana áður fyrr. He used to love her. He used to love her. Svo slæmri hefð ætti að segja skilið við. Such a bad custom should be done away with. Such a bad tradition should be left behind. Það er fyrir neðan hennar virðingu að segja svona lagað. It's below her to say such a thing. It's beneath her respect to say things like that. Ég reyndi að opna dyrnar og hurðarhúnninn losnaði. I tried to open the door, and the doorknob came off. I tried to open the door, and the doorknob got loose. Hann er upptekinn maður svo þú getur einungis náð í hann símleiðis. He is a busy man, so you can only get in touch with him by telephone. He's a busy man, so you can only get him on the phone. Öllum er sama. Nobody will care. Nobody cares. Hvert fórstu? Where did you go? Where did you go? Hvað sagðistu heita? What did you say your name was? What did you say your name was? Í næstu andrá náði Herkúles taki á skrímslinu. The next instant Hercules caught hold of the monster. At the moment, Hercules got his hands on the monster. Það er hvergi nokkur öruggur staður lengur í Japan. There's not a single safe place anymore in Japan. There is no safe place in Japan anymore. Ég hef ekkert um það mál að segja. I don't have anything to say on that subject. I have nothing to say about it. Rannsókn þín mun bera ávöxt. Your study will bear fruit. Your investigation will produce fruit. Ókei, og hvað ætlar þú að gera fyrir mig? OK, and what are you going to do for me? Okay, and what are you gonna do for me? Það kemur á óvart. It's a surprise. It's a surprise. Hvernig fékkstu svona vinnu? How did you come by such a job? How did you get a job like that? Lífið byrjar þegar við gerum okkur grein fyrir því hver við erum í raun og veru.j Life begins when we realize who we really are. When we realize who we really are, life begins. Hver er uppáhalds setningin þín? What is your favorite sentence? What's your favorite phrase? Ég held engu frá þér. I keep nothing from you. I don't keep anything from you. Patty beraði bak sitt sólinni á ströndinni. Patty exposed her back to the sun on the beach. Patty carried her back the sun on the beach. Ég var rekinn. I was fired. I got fired. Ég er skítugur á höndunum. Ég er búinn að vera að laga hjólið mitt. My hands are dirty. I have been repairing my bicycle. I've been fixing my bike. Þú hlýtur að vera staurblindur ef þú sást það ekki. You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it. You must be blind as long as you didn't see it. Já, ég held það líka. Yeah. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so too. Af hverju komstu ekki? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Hversu hár ertu? How tall are you? How tall are you? Öðru hverju veldur tillaga um að rífa mikilsmetna gamla byggingu til að rýma fyrir nýrri íbúðarblokk mikilli öldu reiðra mótmæla. From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest. Occasionally, a suggestion to tear down a highly esteemed old building to make room for a new apartment block of great waves of protests. Ég fer þótt svo það rigni á morgun. I will go even if it rains tomorrow. I'll leave if it rains tomorrow. Veistu svarið? You know the answer? Can You Answer? Hvort sem þú þekkir hann eða ekki þarftu að styðja hans skoðun. Whether you know him or not, you have to support his opinion. Whether you know him or not, you need to support his view. Ég verð að fara á hárgreiðslustofuna og láta laga rótina mína. I have to go to the salon and get my root touched up. I have to go to the hair shop and get my rot fixed. Bill leikur sér oft einsamall með leikföng. Bill often plays with toys by himself. Bill often plays alone with toys. Ég er ekki fæddur í gær. I wasn't born yesterday! I wasn't born yesterday. Betra en ekkert. Better than nothing. Better than nothing. Hann blekkir aðra með útliti sínu. He deceives others with his appearance. He deceives others with his appearance. Hann lét undan. He gave in. He gave in. Ég lærði ekkert í gær. I didn't study at all yesterday. I didn't learn anything yesterday. Fjöldi nemenda sem fara til útlanda fer vaxandi. The number of students going abroad is on the increase. The number of students going abroad is increasing. Mér er sama hver vinnur. It doesn't matter to me who wins. I don't care who wins. Við verðum að leika drengilega, hvort sem við vinnum eða töpum. We have to play fair, whether we win or lose. Whether we win or lose, we must play fair. Sjáðu hvernig þær hlaupa! See how they run! Look at how they run! Farangurinn minn er horfinn. My baggage is missing. My luggage is gone. Ég virðist vera týndur. I seem to be lost. I look lost. Ég lék mér áður fyrr með systur minni í garðinum. I used to play with my sister in the park. I used to play with my sister in the park. Ég sá manneskjuna sem ég bjóst við standa þarna. I saw the person I expected standing there. I saw the person I expected standing there. Ég vil heldur leyfa honum að fá sínu framgengt. I would rather let him have his own way. I'd rather let him get his way. Bill gekk til liðs við fyrirtækið okkar fyrir þremur árum. Bill joined our company three years ago. Bill joined our company three years ago. Hver sem er getur gert það svo lengi sem hann reynir. Anyone can do it as long as they try. Anyone can do that as long as he tries. Sama hvað þú tekur þér fyrir hendur, gerðu þitt besta. No matter what you do, do your best. No matter what you do, do your best. Hvað sýnist þér um þetta? What's your take on this? What does it look like? Hún ráðlagði honum að koma fyrir klukkan 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30. Það er mjög tillitssamt af þér. How considerate of you! That's very considerate of you. Við náðum þjófinum. We captured the thief. We got the thief. Það að lifa fullnægjandi lífi veltur í raun og veru á mjög einfaldri spurningu: Þegar þú slekkur ljósin á kvöldin og leggur þig til hvílu, hvað heyrirðu? Sálu þína syngja, eða satan hlægja? Leading a fulfilling life really comes down to a simple question: When you turn off the lights at night and your head is on the pillow, what do you hear? Your soul singing or Satan laughing? Living a satisfying life really depends on a very simple question: When you turn off the lights at night and lay down, what do you hear? Your soul sings, or the satman laughs? Þakka þér kærlega! Thank you very much! Thank you so much! Þú ættir ekki að stóla á foreldra þína. You should not depend on your parents. You shouldn't count on your parents. Það verður að taka ákvörðun. A decision had to be made. A decision has to be made. Þrumur hafa verið útskýrðar vísindalega og fólk trúir því ekki lengur að þær séu tákn um að guðirnir séu því reiðir, svo þrumur eru líka svolítið minna ógnvekjandi. Thunder has been explained scientifically, and people no longer believe it is a sign that the gods are angry with them, so thunder, too, is a little less frightening. Thunder has been explained scientificly, and people no longer believe that they represent the anger of the gods, so thunders are somewhat less frightening. Hann er að borða epli. He's eating an apple. He's eating apples. Hún bakaði mér köku. She made me a cake. She made me a cake. Tíkin mín lést á miðvikudaginn var. Hún var sextán ára gömul. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16. My bitch died on Wednesday when she was 16. Ég tala ekki þýsku. I don't speak German. I don't speak German. Þú ert hávaxinn en hann er enn hærri. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's still taller. Þau settust við borðið, tilbúin fyrir hádegisverðinn. They seated themselves at the table ready for lunch. They sat down at the table, ready for lunch. Hún var átakanlega mjó. She was painfully skinny. It was patheticly narrow. Vinsamlegast víkið fyrir honum. Please make way for him. Please turn around for him. Mig dreymdi góðan draum í nótt. I had a good dream last night. I had a good dream last night. Mig dreymdi vondan draum í nótt. I had a bad dream last night. I had a bad dream last night. Ég er ekki alltaf heima á sunnudögum. I'm not always at home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Hann var steinsofandi. He was fast asleep. He was fast asleep. Þegar maður er að reyna að sanna eitthvað, hjálpar að vita að það sé satt. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know that it's true. Hvar er hægt að hringja? Where can one make a phone call? Where can you call? Þú gerir mig hamingjusama. You make me happy. You make me happy. Hvað lærðirðu í skólanum? What do you learn at school? What Did You Learn at School? Ég var neyddur til að gera þetta gegn vilja mínum. I was compelled to do this against my will. I was forced to do this against my will. Það tekur hana alltaf fleiri stundir að taka sig til. She always takes hours to get ready. It always takes her more time to clean up. Hvað gerðirðu svo? What did you do then? Then what did you do? Hann taldi sig vera snilling. He thought that he was a genius. He thought he was a genius. Hún hélt áfram að gráta. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Þú ættir að leggja eins mörg ensk orð og þú getur á minnið. You should memorize as many English words as possible. You should memorize as many English words as you can. Við leituðum þess hátt og lágt. We looked for it high and low. We searched for it high and low. Ég sagði: "Gætir þú vinsamlegast lækkað í sjónvarpinu þínu?" I said, "Could you please turn your television down?" I said, "Can you please turn down on your TV?" Yutaka á tvo eldri bræður. Yutaka has two elder brothers. Yuka has two older brothers. Stórir menn eru ekki endilega sterkir menn. Big men are not necessarily strong men. Big men are not necessarily strong men. John veit ekki hvað hann á að gera næst. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Ertu ekki að grínast? Are you fucking kidding me? You gotta be kidding me. Ég var sjanghæjaður af þessum skíthælum! I got shanghaied by those bastards! I was a quail of those bastards! Það er smám saman að dimma úti. It's getting dark little by little outside. It is gradually getting dark outside. Silvía átti strangan föður sem hældi henni aldrei. Silvia had a stern father who never praised her. Silvia had a strict father who never commended her. Brostu núna, gráttu seinna! Smile now, cry later! Smile now, cry later! Þú hefðir ekki þurft að flýta þér. Þú ert kominn of snemma. You needn't have hurried; you've arrived too early. You wouldn't have had to hurry, you're too early. Ég mundi heldur svelta en vinna undir honum. I would rather starve than work under him. I'd rather starve than work under it. Tölvur forheimska fólk. Computers make people stupid. Computers for stupid people. Þau þurfa bráðnauðsynlega að uppfæra kerfið sitt. There is an urgent need for them to update their system. They desperately need to update their system. Jill horfði á myndina með Ken. Jill saw the movie with Ken. Jill watched the movie with Ken. Get ég hjálpað? Could I help you? Can I help you? Einhver ókunnugur sást lauma sér inn í húsið. A stranger was seen to steal into his house. Some stranger was seen sneaking into the house. Ég skal sækja hann. I'll get it. I'll get him. Þetta er hebreska fyrir mér. This is Greek to me. That's Hebrew to me. Við gætum hitt Tom. We could see Tom. We could meet Tom. Hann á sitt eigið hús. He has a house of his own. He has his own house. Geturðu hringt á leigubíl fyrir mig? Can you call a taxi for me? Can you call me a cab? Þetta er ljósmynd af yngri systur minni. That's my younger sister's photograph. This is a picture of my younger sister. Leyfðu mér að athuga dagskrána mína. Let me check my schedule. Let me check my schedule. Brandarinn er á mér. The joke's on me. The joke's on me. Það er tími til kominn að þú farir í háttinn. It is high time you went to bed. It's time for you to go to bed. Það er það sem fólk segir. That's what people say. That's what people say. Þær vita ekki hverju þær eru að missa af. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know what they're missing. Ertu Japani? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Gólfið var þakið blóði. The floor was covered with blood. The floor was covered with blood. Hann hlustar á allt sem þú segir. He listens to whatever you say. He listens to everything you say. Hann er ríkur. Hann þarf ekki peninga! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He doesn't need money! Það er ekkert til að hafa áhyggjur af. It's nothing to worry about. There's nothing to worry about. Verðin hækka dag frá degi. Prices raise from day to day. Prices rise day by day. Sama hve hart hann leggur að sér mun hann ekki geta náð prófunum. No matter how hard he may work, he will not be able to pass the exams. No matter how hard he is working, he will not be able to pass the exams. Ég er með hjartavandamál. I have a heart problem. I have a problem with my heart. Þau voru í bekk Joe síðasta ár. They were in Joe's class last year. They were in Joe's class last year. Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir því sem þú gerir. You are responsible for what you do. You're responsible for what you do. Ég er ekki í skapi til að hjálpa þér. I'm not in the mood to help you. I'm not in the mood to help you. Ekki minna en þrjú hundruð dollara þurfti fyrir verkið. No less than three hundred dollars was needed for the work. No less than three hundred dollars would be needed for the project. Hann olli móður sinni oft áhyggjum. He often worried his mother. He often worried his mother. Ég sé virkilega eftir því sem ég sagði í gær. I really regret what I said to her yesterday. I really regret what I said yesterday. Ég get talað Esperantó eins og innfæddur. I can speak Esperanto like a native. I can talk Esperanto like a native. Barn er ekki ílát til að fylla, heldur eldur til að kveikja. A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light. A child is not a vessel to fill, but a fire to light. Þú ættir að fara í regnkápu. You'd better put on a raincoat. You should go to a raincoat. Þú gerðir þetta viljandi. You did this intentionally! You did that on purpose. Hann er vinur hennar. He's her friend. He's a friend of hers. Við erum sammála um þetta mál. We are in agreement on this subject. We agree on this. Úrið er framleitt í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is produced in Switzerland. Ég hata svokölluð "30 daga" tungumálanámskeið. I hate so-called "30 days" language courses. I hate so-called "30 days" language courses. Hversvegna fórstu út? Why did you go out? Why did you go out? Veist þú hvað gerðist? Do you know what happened? Do you know what happened? Mér til undrunar kvæntist hann mjög fallegri leikkonu. To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress. To my surprise, he married a very beautiful actress. Þau voru hrædd við þig. They were afraid of you. They were afraid of you. Hún er að baða barnið. She is bathing the baby. She's bathing the baby. Mér líður vel núna. I'm feeling fine now. I'm fine now. Mér finnst hljómur hörpunnar afar fallegur. I like the sound of harpsichord very much. I like the sound of the harp very beautiful. Gætirðu vinsamlegast látið mig fá farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you tell me your mobile number please? Could you give me your cell phone number, please? Uglur geta ekki séð á daginn. Owls cannot see in the daytime. Owls can't see during the day. Þetta er orðabókin sem ég nota á hverjum degi. This is the dictionary I use every day. This is the dictionary I use every day. Þú hefðir átt að kynna sjálfan þig. You should have introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. Þú ættir að eyða smá tíma á hverjum degi í að rifja upp orðaforða. You should spend a little time each day reviewing vocabulary. You should spend some time each day reviewing a vocabulary. Við munum gera undantekningu í þínu tilviki? We'll make an exception of your case. We will make an exception in your case? Ken deildi herbergi með eldri bróður sínum. Ken shared the room with his older brother. Ken shared a room with his older brother. Það var blóð út um allt gólf. There was blood all over the floor. There was blood all over the floor. Faðir, í dag ætla ég að fara út með nokkrum vinum mínum. Það er, vitanlega, ef þú gefur mér leyfi. Father, today I'm going out with some friends. That is, of course, if you give me permission. Father, today I'm going to go out with some of my friends. Ég elska að sitja á ströndinni. I love sitting on the beach. I love sitting on the beach. Dan var líka handtekinn. Dan was also arrested. Dan was arrested too. Það er ógerlegt að sanna að það sé gerlegt. It's impossible to prove that it's possible. It is impossible to prove that it is possible. Tom kemst ekki burt. Tom won't go away. Tom can't get away. Hver á þennan blýant? Whose pencil is this? Whose pencil is this? Ekki kalla mig hálfvita! Don't call me an idiot! Don't call me a moron! Geturðu hringt á leigubíl fyrir mig? Can you call me a taxi? Can you call me a cab? Ekki vekja svona hjá mér vonir. Don't raise my hopes like that. Don't raise my hopes that way. Það var ekkert baðherbergi. There was no bathroom. There was no bathroom. Peter talar við foreldra sína í Bandaríkjunum í síma að minnsta kosti einu sinni í viku. Peter talks with his parents in the United States on the phone at least once a week. Peter speaks to his parents in the United States on the phone at least once a week. Næringarríkur jarðvegur er ómissandi fyrir góða uppskeru. Fertile soil is indispensable for a good harvest. Soiling soil is essential for a fine harvest. Við ættum heldur betur að gefa okkur svolítinn tíma. We'd better make some time. We should definitely give ourselves some time. Hann er tveggja pilta maki. He is the more able of the two boys. He is the marriage mate of two boys. Þú hlustar aldrei. Ég gæti allt eins talað við vegginn. You never listen. I might as well talk to the wall. I might as well talk to the wall. Ég kom honum á óvart. I did surprise him. I surprised him. Hún gjóaði augunum til hans. She cast a glance at him. She looked at him with her eyes. Japan og Suður Kórea eru nágrannaríki. Japan and South Korea are neighbors. Japan and South Korea are neighboring countries. Það er orðið nokkuð áliðið. Ég held ég þurfi að fara að koma mér. It is getting rather late. I think I must be going now. It's getting a little late, I think I need to get going. Hagsmunir okkar stangast á við þeirra. Our interests conflict with theirs. Our interests conflict with them. Öskubuska er mun fríðari en systur hennar. Cinderella is far fairer than her sisters. Cinderella is much more beautiful than her sister. Ég fór í göngutúr. I took a walk. I went for a walk. Hreimurinn hans bendir til að hann sé útlendingur. His accent suggests he is a foreigner. His accent suggests he's a foreigner. Má ég fara heim? May I go home? Can I go home? Sýndu mér vinsamlegast myndirnar. Show me the photos, please. Please show me the pictures. Undarlegt hljóð heyrðist handan hurðarinnar. A strange sound was heard from behind the door. A strange sound was heard across the door. Af hverju? Why? Why? Það er heimskulegt. It's stupid. That's stupid. Afbrýðissemi var ástæða morðsins. Jealousy was the motive for the murder. Jealousy was the reason for the murder. Margir sem hafa hingað til eytt pening í að skemmta sér þurfa nú að spara. A lot of people who have up until now been spending money having a good time now need to be more careful with their money. Many who have so far spent money on having a good time now have to save. Hann gerði skyldu sína á kostnað heilsunnar. He did duty at the expense of his health. He did his duty at the expense of his health. Demanturinn skein bjart. The diamond shone brightly. The diamond shone bright. Við viljum öll að verð lækki. We all want prices to decline. All of us want to be relieved. Ég veit að peningar eru ekki allt. I know that money isn't everything. I know money isn't everything. Ég er með nefrennsli. I have a runny nose. I have a runny nose. Ég er bara að horfa á sjónvarpið. I'm just watching TV. I'm just watching TV. Ef þú breytir fjörtíu og átta klukkustundum í mínútur, hversu margar mínútur gerir það? If you convert 48 hours into minutes, how many minutes does that make? If you turn 40 and eight hours into minutes, how many minutes will you take? Hversu mikið sem þú reynir getur þú ekki lokið því á einum degi. However hard you try, you can't finish it in a day. No matter how much you try, you cannot finish it in one day. Þú lýgur. You lie. You're lying. Ég er honum enginn jafnoki. I am no match for him. I'm no match for him. Það hefur kólnað. It has cooled off. It's been getting cold. Mér líkar að þýða setningarnar þínar. I like to translate your sentences. I like translating your sentences. Þetta hof er sagt hafa verið byggt fyrir meira en fimm hundruð árum. This temple is said to have been built over 500 years ago. This temple is said to have been built more than five hundred years ago. Afsakaðu mig, ég er týndur. Excuse me, I'm lost. Excuse me, I'm lost. Er það ekki forvitnilegt? Isn't that curious? Isn't that interesting? John setur framann framar fjölskyldunni. John puts his career before his family. John puts the front of his family. Af hverju kemurðu ekki út að dansa með mér? Why don't you come dancing with me? Why don't you come out dancing with me? Þú mátt haga þér eins og þú vilt. You may act as you wish. You can do whatever you want. Hvað olli því að þú sagðir nokkuð jafn heimskulegt og það. What made you say such a stupid thing as that? What caused you to say something as stupid as that. Mig langar að læra erlendis, jafnvel þótt foreldrar mínir séu því mótfallnir. I want to study abroad, even if my parents are against it. I want to learn abroad, even if my parents are opposed to it. Hún veiktist nú um helgina. She got sick this weekend. She got sick this weekend. Get ég hjálpað? Can I help? Can I help you? Þú ættir að vera búin undir það versta. You should be ready for the worst. You should be ready for the worst. Hún er ekki góð að elda. She isn't a good cook. She's not good at cooking. Mætti ég kynna Hr. Johnson fyrir þér? May I present Mr Johnson to you? May I present Mr. Johnson to you? Hún fór í tíu daga ferð til Evrópu með vinum sínum. She took a ten-day trip to Europe with her friends. She went on a ten - day trip to Europe with her friends. Vinsamlegast minntu mig á að póstleggja bréfið. Please remind me to post the letter. Please remind me to mail this message. Þú átt heima á betri stað en þessum. You belong in a better place than this. You belong in a better place than this one. Þessi hraðbraut tengir Tókíó við Nagoja. This expressway connects Tokyo with Nagoya. This expressway connects Tokyo with Nagoya. Skórnir þínir eru hér. Your shoes are here. Your shoes are here. Bill fer oft í garðinn. Bill often goes to the park. Bill often goes to the garden. Bjórfroðan flæddi yfir barma glassins. The beer foamed over the top of the glass. The flushing flowed over the bottom of the glass. Þær gerðu ekkert. They did nothing. They didn't do anything. Hvar er snyrtingin? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Hversu gömul er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Hann lá á sófanum með augun lokuð. He lay on a sofa, with his eyes closed. He was lying on the couch with his eyes closed. Það er ekkert alvarlegt. It's nothing serious. It's nothing serious. Það eru allir úti í garði. Everyone's out in the back yard. Everyone's in the garden. Lífið byrjar þegar þú ert tilbúinn til að lifa því. Life begins when you're ready to live it. Life begins when you are ready to live it. Má ég fara með þér. May I go with you? Can I go with you? Allir þekktu raunverulegar tilfinningar hennar. Everybody knew her true feelings. Everyone knew her real feelings. Hann er ekki eins feitur og hann var. He is not as fat as he was. He's not as fat as he used to be. Það virðist vera að enginn viti sannleikann. It seems that no one knows the truth. It seems that no one knows the truth. Leigubíll ók upp að aðalhliðinu. A taxi drew up at the main gate. Taxi drove up to the main gate. Þú mátt ekki missa sjónar á lífsmarkmiði þínu. You must not lose sight of your goal in life. Do not lose sight of your goals in life. Maturinn er til. Dinner's ready. Dinner's ready. Ég er ekki þreyttur lengur. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Af hverju heldurðu það? What makes you think so? Why do you think so? Geturðu lýst muninum á svörtu og grænu tei fyrir mér. Can you describe to me the difference between black tea and green tea? Can you describe the difference between a black and a green tea for me? Ég mun klára það fyrir eftirmiðdaginn á morgun. I will finish it by tomorrow afternoon. I'll finish it by the afternoon. Við urðum svolítið leið hvort á öðru. We got a little bored with each other. We got a little bored with each other. Kanntu að nota tölvu? Do you know how to use a computer? Do you know how to use a computer? Ég kem að hitta þig á sunnudaginn. I will come to see you next Sunday. I'll see you Sunday. Í dag áttu afmæli. Today is your birthday. It's your birthday. Við stundum viðskipti við mörg lönd. We are doing business with many countries. We do business with many countries. Hættu að gagnrýna mig! Stop criticizing me! Stop criticizing me! Með hverjum ætlarðu að fara? Who will you go with? Who are you going to go with? Ég hef fengið nóg af öllum lygunum þeirra. I'm fed up with all their lies. I've had enough of all their lies. Heldurðu að þessar ofurhetur séu gæddar hæfileikum sem við búum ekki yfir? Do you think that those superheroes are endowed with talents we don't possess? Do you think those superheated things are talented that we don't have? Afhverju ertu þreyttur? Why are you tired? Why are you tired? John fór í eltingaleik með Dick. John played cat and mouse with Dick. John used to play tag with Dick. Ég lét einkaritarann minn taka tíu afrit. I had my secretary run off ten copies. I had my secretary make ten copies. Hún bauð vinkonum sínum í mat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends to dinner. Hversu djúpt er stöðuvatnið? How deep is the lake? How deep is the lake? Það er of flókið að velja. It is too difficult to choose. It's too complicated to choose. Þessi börn hafa engan til að sinna þeim. Those children have no one to care for them. These children have no one to care for them. Hættið að rífast. Stop arguing. Stop fighting. Peter er núna ekki við. Peter is not in now. Peter's not here now. Tónleikarnir hans voru frábærir. His concert was great. His concerts were great. Mér líður eins og þetta muni ekki enda vel. I feel like this is not going to end well. I feel like this isn't going to end well. Johhny hélt áfram að gróðursetja eplafræ í 46 ár. Johnny kept planting apple seeds for 46 years. Johny continued planting apple seeds for 46 years. Ég sá Dana. I saw Dana. I saw Dana. Ég fór á spítalann að hitta hann. I went to the hospital to visit him. I went to the hospital to see him. Forsetinn sat í stólnum með bakið að glugganum. The president was sitting in the chair with his back to the window. The president was sitting in the chair with his back to the window. Það búa um það bil 320.000 manns á Íslandi. Reykjavík er höfuðborg Íslands. About 320,000 people live in Iceland. The capital of Iceland is Reykjavik. Some 2,300,000 people live in Iceland, Iceland's capital. Geimveran skaut úr geislabyssuni sinni og gataði skrokk geimskipsins. The alien shot his ray gun and blasted a hole in the spaceship's hull. The alien blew out his laser gun and pierced the body of the ship. Ég er sein, er það ekki? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? Hann snéri sér við. He turned around. He turned around. Mér þykir það leiðinlegt, en ég er upptekinn í augnablikinu. I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now. Talið þið þýsku? Do you speak German? Did you speak German? Hættu að væla. Stop whimpering. Stop crying. Komdu strax. Come now. Come quickly. Hvað kallarðu mann sem gætir fjár í haga? What do you call a man who takes care of sheep in the field? What do you call a man who keeps sheep in the fields? Hversu gamall er ég? How old am I? How old am I? Eruð þið sammála? Do you agree? Do you agree? Hnetusmjöri og sultu, takk. Peanut butter and jelly, please. Peanut butter and jelly, please. Hvenær verðum við komin? When will we have arrived? When will we be here? Það er sagt að hann sé milljónamæringur. It is said that he is a millionaire. They say he's a millionaire. Ekki koma nálægt ljósinu! Don't come near the light! Don't come near the light! Líkurnar eru að hann muni sigra. The chances are that he will win. The chances are that he will win. Sitjið kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit tight. Þú verður að grípa gæsina meðan hún gefst. You must strike while the iron is hot. You have to grab the goose while it's ready. Ég hef svo mikið að gera að ég verð að fresta ferðinni minni. I have so much work to do that I have to put off my trip. I have so much to do that I have to postpone my trip. Ég sá júmbóþotuna taka á loft. I saw a jumbo jet take off. I saw the gum jet take off. Hún spurði hann af hverju hann væri að gráta. She asked him why he was crying. She asked him why he was crying. Geturðu leyst vandamálið? Could you solve the problem? Can you solve the problem? Allur þessi skaði er afleiðing óveðursins. All this damage is the result of the storm. All this damage is the result of the storm. Svaraðu spurningunni. Answer the question. Answer the question. Þau telja það mistök hjá Jim að ferðast aleinn í Afríku. They consider it a mistake for Jim to travel alone in Africa. They consider it a mistake for Jim to travel alone in Africa. Ég borðaði fjórðung af köku. I ate a quarter of a cake. I ate a quarter of a cake. Þú þarft ekki að biðjast afsökunar. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. Mig langar í eitthvað sætt. I want something sweet. I want something sweet. Oxford áhöfnin virtist örugg með sigur. The Oxford crew appeared secure of victory. The Oxford crew seemed secure by victory. Á sunnudaginn vorum við á ströndinni að fljúga flugdreka. On Sunday we were on the beach flying a kite. Sunday we were on the beach flying kites. "Vissirðu að dóttir nágrannans er þegar gift?" "Hvað segirðu? Hún er bara átján ára!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "What do you say? she's only eighteen years old!" Satt að segja er hann trúaður. As a matter of fact, he is a man of faith. To be honest, he's a believer. Hundurinn borðaði ekki kjötið. The dog didn't eat the meat. The dog didn't eat the meat. Ég er viss um að hann er klár. I'm sure that he is clever. I'm sure he's smart. Allir hata hana. Everybody hates her. Everybody hates her. Þú hefðir átt að segja honum sannleikann. You should have told him the truth. You should have told him the truth. Tilgátan þín er rétt. Your hypothesis is correct. Your theory is correct. Kamarinn var úti í garðinum. The toilet was outside, in the yard. The miner was out in the park. Mér datt ekki í hug að Georg mundi svindla á mér. I never dreamed that George would cheat me. I never thought Georg would cheat me. Ég þarf að fara núna. I have got to go now. I have to go now. Ég er fær um að synda. I'm able to swim. I'm capable of swimming. Lestin okkar fór á 200 kílómetra hraða. Our train went at 200 kilometers an hour. Our train left at 200 miles an hour. Hún sakaði hann um að hafa logið að sér. She accused him of having lied to her. She accused him of lying to her. Förum í keilu. Let's go bowling. Let's go bowling. Við erum úr hættu. We are free from danger. We're safe. Bókin er lítil. The book is small. It's small. Henni vöknaði um augun við góðu fréttirnar. The good news brought tears to her eyes. The good news brought tears to her eyes. Gætir þú sent það á þetta heimilisfang? Could you send it to this address? Could you send it to this address? Hvort tveggja umhverfi og erfðir hafa áhrif á okkur. We are influenced both by environment and by heredity. We are affected by both environments and genetics. Hann var mjög þolinmóður. He was very patient. He was very patient. Vinsamlegast vaknaðu klukkan sjö. Wake up at seven, please. Please wake up at 7:00. Prófessorinn kennir tékknesku. The professor teaches Czech. The professor teaches Czech. Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't lower myself to his level. I will not drop down on his level. Kannski man hún ekki eftir afmælinu mínu. Perhaps she doesn't remember my birthday. Maybe she doesn't remember my birthday. Talar hún ensku, frönsku eða þýsku? Does she speak English, French or German? Does she speak English, French, German? Kærar þakkir! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Áttu nokkur ódýrari herbergi? Do you have any cheaper rooms? Do you have any less inexpensive rooms? Það var rakur, grár sumardagur í lok júní. It was a humid, grey summer day at the end of June. It was a damp gray summer day at the end of June. Ég veit ekkert um hann. I don't know anything about him. I don't know anything about him. Hvers vegna ertu svona döpur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Það skiptir mig engu. It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. Göngumenn þurfa að hafa með sér áttavita til að rata í gegnum skóginn. Hikers need to carry a compass with them to find their way through the woods. To find its way through the forest, we need a compass. Kennarinn okkar var myndarleg en ekki sú gerð sem klæddi sig upp. Our teacher was a beautiful lady, but was not the type of person who dressed up. Our teacher was handsome, not the sort that dressed up. Gakktu á undan mér. Walk ahead of me. Walk ahead of me. Það er rétt handan hornsins. It's just around the corner. It's right around the corner. Mér líka kettir. I like cats. I like cats. Þessi búð lokar klukkan níu um kvöld. This shop shuts at nine oclock this evening. This store closes at 9:00 in the evening. Hún baðst afsökunar fyrir að hafa móðgað hann. She apologized for having offended him. She apologized for insulting him. Ég er ekki mjög tónlistarlega sinnuð. I am not very musically inclined. I'm not very musical. Hann borðaði brauð með sýrðum rjóma og osti. He ate bread with sour cream and cheese. He ate bread with leavened cream and cheese. Hvar finnurðu til? Where does it hurt? Where do you feel it? Best að þú vitir það ekki. You don't want to know. I don't think you should know. Litli ísskápurinn er skítugur. The little fridge is dirty. The little refrigerator is dirty. Hún bað hann um peninga til að kaupa nýjan kjól. She asked him for some money to buy a new dress. She asked him for money to buy a new dress. Ertu kvæntur? Are you married? Are you married? Við helguðum okkur öll þróun landsins okkar. All of us devoted ourselves to the development of our country. We devoted ourselves to all the development of our country. Hérna eru skórnir þínir. Your shoes are here. Here's your shoes. Gerðu það sem hann segir þér. Do what he tells you. Do what he tells you. Það er engin þörf á að flýta sér. There's no hurry. There is no need to hurry. Verðum við að vera sparibúin? Must we dress up? Do we have to be ready? Ég vinn í apóteki. I work in a pharmacy. I work at the pharmacy. Læknirinn krafðist þess að hann lægi í rúminu. The doctor insisted that he stay in bed. The doctor insisted that he stay in bed. Ég sat við hliðina á manni í flugvélinni sem hraut allan tímann. I sat next to a man on the airplane who snored the whole time. I was sitting next to a man on the plane who crashed all the time. Ertu búinn með hann? Have you finished it? Are you done with him? Kettir eru ekki mennskir. A cat is not human. Cats are not human. Ertu gift? Are you married? Are you married? Ég man ekki hvernig maður segir "takk" á þýsku. I can't remember how to say "Thank you" in German. I don't remember the way you say, "Thanks" to German. Hvað finnst þér um tillöguna hans? How do you feel about his suggestion? How do you feel about his suggestion? Niðurstaðan er enn óviss. The result is still in doubt. The result is still uncertain. Gjörið þeim gott, sem hata yður. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Ég er ekki alveg viss um það. I'm not too clear about that point. I'm not quite sure about that. Sá hlær best sem síðast hlær. He who laughs last, laughs best. He laughs the best he's ever to laugh. Eru þessar fréttir sannar? Is this news true? Is this news really true? Ég skil ekki. I don't follow. I don't understand. Við fórum upp og niður í lyftu. We went up and down by elevator. We went up and down in an elevator. Þetta er húsið okkar. That's our house. This is our house. Hann var á ströndinni. He was on the beach. He was on the beach. Ertu ekki þreytt? Are you not tired? Aren't you tired? Við sendum honum fréttirnar í símskeyti. We telegraphed him the news. We're sending him the news on a telegram. Kannski ætti ég ekki að segja þér þetta, en ég er algerlega dáleiddur af fegurð þinni. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I am truly mesmerized by your beauty. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I'm totally impressed by your beauty. Hann lifir enn. He is still alive. He's still alive. Ég vaknaði um sexleitið. I got up about six. I woke up on the six. Það var ákaflega heit nótt. It was a very, very hot night. It was a very hot night. Peningarnir vaxa ekki á trjánum. Money doesn't grow on trees. The money doesn't grow on trees. Ég mun neyðast til að reka þig ef þú kemur of seint svona oft. I'll have to fire you if you come late so often. I'll be forced to fire you if you come too late so often. Ritgerðin hans var einungis yfirborðskennd greining á vandamálinu svo það kom honum verulega á óvart þegar hann fékk hæstu einkunnina í bekknum. His essay gave only a superficial analysis of the problem, so it was a real surprise to him when he got the highest grade in the class. His essay was only a superficial analysis of the problem, so he was surprised when he received the highest grade in his class. Kannski þú gætir upplýst mig. Maybe you could enlighten me. Maybe you could enlighten me. Ertu að hlusta á tónlist? Are you listening to music? Are you listening to music? Mér tókst að láta kennarann skilja hugmyndina mína. I managed to make the teacher understand my idea. I managed to make the teacher understand my idea. Hvað ætlarðu að gera með þessa myndavél? What are you going to do with this camera? What are you going to do with this camera? Hvar finnurðu til? Where is the pain? Where do you feel it? Vasaþjófar kunna að starfa á þessu svæði. Pickpockets may operate in this area. This area has pickpockets that know how to operate. Ó, þið eruð skíthælar! Oh, you're pricks! Oh, you're dicks! Hann gaf mér 10 000 jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Hann spilaði á píanóið og hún söng. He played the piano and she sang. He played the piano, and she sang. Heldur þú að hundurinn sé klár? Don't you think the dog is smart? Do you think your dog's smart? Hún lifir í gnægð. She lives in abundance. She lives in abundance. Þú ert ekki Japani. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Þú ert kennari. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. Japan hefur tíða jarðskjálfta. Japan has frequent earthquakes. Japan has frequent earthquakes. Hvað með að fara út að borða til tilbreytingar? How about dining out for a change? How about we go out to dinner for a change? Hann er hræddur við dauðann. He is afraid of death. He's afraid of death. Ég horfði í kringum mig. I looked around me. I looked around. Lestin var að fara. The train just left. The train was just leaving. Vertu hljóður í smá stund. Be quiet for a moment. Just be quiet for a second. Hvar er skólinn þinn? Where is your school? Where's your school? Hann lék mikilvægt hlutverk í nefndinni. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role in the committee. Takk! Thanks. Thank you! Tókíó, sem er stærsta borgin í Japan, er vakandi allan sólarhringinn. Tokyo, which is the largest city in Japan, is awake 24 hours. Tokyo, Japan's largest city, is awake 24 hours a day. Við fengum stóran pakka. We received a large parcel. We got a big package. Ég er að tala við Tom. I am talking with Tom. I'm talking to Tom. Honum finnst gaman að hlaupa. He likes to run. He likes to run. Ég ætti að halda það. I should think so. I should think so. Þessi mynd er leiðinleg. This movie is boring. This picture is boring. Hann hataði lygar. He hated lying. He hated lying. Þú hefur gefið mér svo mörg. You have given me so many. You've given me so many. Vinátta okkar entist ekki. Our friendship did not last. Our friendship did not last. Hann er rétti maðurinn í stöðuna. He is the right man for the post. He's the man for the job. Hver ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Fimm dollara í tuttugu og fimm og tíu senta peningum. 5 dollars in quarters and a dollar in dimes. Five dollars in twenty-five and ten cents. Farðu og gáðu hver þetta er. Go and see who it is. Go see who it is. Sættum okkur við það; þetta er ómögulegt. Okkur mun aldrei takast það. Let's face it, it's impossible. We're never gonna make it. Let's face it, it's impossible, we'll never make it. Vinsamlegast ekki tala svona hratt. Please don't speak so fast. Please don't talk so fast. Gerðu það að segja mér. Please, tell me. Please tell me. Kötturinn er tuttugu daga gamall. The cat is twenty days old. The cat's 20 days old. Þess vegna mæli með honum í stöðuna. That's why I recommend him for the post. That's why you recommend him to the situation. Sonur þessarar konu er veikur. That woman's son is sick. This woman's son is sick. Var hann Tom? Was he Tom? Was he Tom? Mamma þín hlýtur að hafa verið falleg þegar hún var ung. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your mother must have been pretty when she was young. Ég heyrði símann hringja. I heard the phone ring. I heard the phone ringing. Það hlýtur að vera til leið. There has to be a way. There must be a way. Hefurðu nokkurtíma komið til Hawaii, Takuja? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takuya? Have you ever been to Hawaii, Takui? Það er skýr munur á milli þeirra tveggja. There is a marked difference between them. There's a clear difference between the two. Skrifaðu það niður áður en þú gleymir því. Write it down before you forget it. Write it down before you forget. Ég hugsa að ég kunni að slást í för með ykkur en ég hef ekki ákveðið mig enn. I think I might join you, but I haven't decided yet. I think I know how to join you, but I haven't decided yet. Lestin fer klukkan níu. The train leaves at nine o'clock. The train leaves at 9. Sumir þyngjast þegar þeir hætta að reykja. Some people gain weight when they quit smoking. Some gain weight when they stop smoking. Mig langar að skipta tíu þúsund jenum í dollara. I want to change ten thousand yen to dollars. I'd like to trade ten thousand yen for a dollar. Ég er enn þá ringlaður. I'm still dizzy. I'm still confused. Það er ekki fyrr en við missum heilsuna að við gerum okkur grein fyrir verðmæti hennar. It is not until we lose our health that we realize the value of it. Only when we lose our health can we come to appreciate its value. Þetta er í fyrsta skiptið í lífi mínu sem mér hefur fundist ég svo tengd nokkrum. It's the first time in my life I've felt so connected with someone. It's the first time in my life that I've felt so connected to a few people. Það er enn þá þarna. It's still there. It's still there. Gerðu það að segja mér söguna einu sinni enn. Please tell me the story once more. Please tell me the story one more time. Hvenær byrjar sýningin? When will the show begin? When does the show start? Gefðu henni það. Give it to her. Give it to her. Bill er besti vinur minn. Bill is my best friend. Bill's my best friend. John Wayne var einn vinsælasta kvikmyndastjarna þessarar aldar. John Wayne was one of the most popular movie stars of this century. John Wayne was one of the most popular movie stars of this century. Hann fór í handahlaup. He did a cartwheel. He went handicrafting. Við hrærðumst svo að við táruðumst. We were moved to tears. We were so moved that we wept. Geymdu peningana á öruggum stað. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money safe. Mundirðu kenna mér að búa til ost? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Jólin eru á næsta leiti. Christmas will soon come around. Christmas is coming. Af hverju ertu vakandi? Why are you awake? Why are you awake? Haltu dyrunum læstum. Keep the door locked. Keep the door locked. Ég skildi við gamla bílinn minn. I parted with my old car. I left my old car. Þú ættir að biðjast afsökunar. You should apologize. You should apologize. Skilaðu foreldrum þínum kveðju frá mér. Say hello to your parents from me. Give your parents my regards. Þú syngur fallegt lag. You sing a beautiful song. You sing a beautiful song. Allir elska hann. Everybody loves him. Everybody loves him. Nemendurnir eru uppteknir við undirbúning undir prófið. The students are busy preparing for the examination. The students are busy preparing for the test. Ókei, þetta er ekkert sem við ráðum ekki við. OK, this is nothing we can't handle. Okay, this is nothing we can't handle. Hann lagði af staði í ferð í gær. He set out on a trip yesterday. He set off on a trip yesterday. Mig vantar kort. I need a map. I need a map. Má ég bjóða þér eitthvað meira? Can I offer you anything else? Can I offer you something more? Það er stórt gat í sokkabuxunum þínum. There is a big hole in your stocking. There's a big hole in your pantyhose. Við höfum rétt næg trúarbrögð til að fá okkur til að hata, en ekki nægilega mikil svo að við elskum hvort annað. We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. We have just enough religion to make us hate each other, but not enough, so we love each other. Tom er góður strákur. Tom's a nice boy. Tom's a good boy. Ég fer ekki á skauta í dag. I won't go skating today. I'm not going to skate today. Hótelið rúmar fimm hundruð gesti. The hotel can accommodate 500 guests. The hotel is over five hundred visitors. John kann ekki á gítar. John can not play the guitar. John doesn't know how to play guitar. Þessi hattur er of lítill á mig. This hat is too small for me. That hat's too small on me. Hann keypti myndavél handa syni sínum. He bought his son a camera. He bought his son a camera. Það er möguleiki að hann nái prófinu. There is a chance that he will pass the exam. It's possible he can pass the test. Hver á þessa stílabók? Whose is that notebook? Whose stylebook is this? Að ná tökum á erlendu tungumáli krefst mikillar vinnu. Mastering a foreign language requires a lot of hard work. Reaching out in a foreign - language language requires a great deal of work. Við ræddum vandamálið. We discussed the problem. We talked about the problem. Hvað er besta leiðin til að læra frönsku? What's the best way to learn French? What is the best way to learn French? Herinn sat um kastalann í marga daga. The army besieged the castle for many days. The army was stalking the castle for days. Af hverju kemurðu ekki inn fyrir? Why don't you come in? Why don't you come in? Það er enginn kostur við að gera það. There is no advantage in doing that. There's no way to do that. Þetta er eitt lítið skref fyrir manneskju en eitt risavaxið stökk fyrir mannkynið. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. It's one small step for a human being, but one giant leap for mankind. Ég hitti hann í gær í fyrsta skipti. I met him yesterday for the first time. I met him yesterday for the first time. Ég þarf á hjálp að halda. I need help. I need help. Ertu með nokkra ferðatékka? Do you have any travelers' checks? Do you have any travel checks? Þú ættir að skammast þín fyrir fáviskuna. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. You should be ashamed of your ignorance. Kanntu að keyra bíl? Can you drive a car? Do you know how to drive a car? Hún heldur herberginu sínu alltaf snyrtilegu. She always keeps her room neat and tidy. She keeps her room neat all the time. Þessi fjölskylduvæna stórborg hefur eitthvað fyrir alla. This family-friendly big city has something for everyone. This family-friendly big city has something for everyone. Við munum hittumst aftur. We'll meet again. We'll see each other again. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sæti hérna. Please have a seat here. Please, sit down here. Hann hætti að reykja. He stopped to smoke. He quit smoking. Hún opnaði gluggann til að hleypa inn fersku lofti. She opened the window to let in fresh air. She opened the window to let in the fresh air. Þú ert of næm fyrir gagnrýni. You are too sensitive to criticism. You're too sensitive to criticism. Það er líklegt að það rigni á morgun. It is likely to rain tomorrow. It's likely to rain tomorrow. Tom er ekki ungur. Tom is not young. Tom's not young. Við erum ábyrg fyrir skaðanum. We are liable for the damage. We're responsible for the damage. Ég er ekki Bandaríkjamaður. I'm not an American. I'm not an American. Hann er að þrífa bílinn. He is washing the car. He's cleaning the car. Þvoðu upp. Wash up. Wash up. Hún borðaði varla nokkuð. She hardly ate anything. She barely ate anything. Fyrst þú lítur út fyrir að vera þreyttur ættirðu að hvíla þig. Since you look tired, you had better take a rest. If you look tired, you should rest. Hversu lengi hefurðu verið í Japan? How long have you been in Japan? How long have you been in Japan? Þau hlustuðu á kennarann með leiftrandi augum. They listened to the teacher with their eyes shining. With flashy eyes, they listened to the teacher. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri nemandi við þennan skóla. She asked him if he was a student at this school. She asked him if he was a student at that school. Ég sé sólina og tunglið. I see the sun and the moon. I see the sun and the moon. Vinsamlegast mundu að póstleggja bréfin. Please remember to mail the letters. Please remember to post the messages. Þú ert upptekinn maður svo ég mun laga mig að dagskránni þinni. You are a busy man, so I will adjust myself to your schedule. You're a busy man, so I'll adapt to your program. Ertu fokking heimskur? Are you fucking stupid? Are you fucking stupid? Þetta var málið. That hit the spot. That's what I'm talking about. Ertu búin með hana? Have you finished it? Are you done with it? Hvað mundirðu gera ef þú værir í mínum sporum? What would you do if you were in my place? If you were me, what would you do? Það er mikil þörf á vatni. Water is much needed. There is a great need for water. Hún náði prófinu á kostnað félagslífs síns. She passed the test at the expense of her social life. She passed the exam at the expense of her social life. Hún á að hafa drepið hann í sjálfsvörn. She allegedly killed him in self-defense. She's supposed to have killed him in self-defence. Sund er góð líkamsrækt. Swimming is good exercise. Dizziness is good workout. Hvers vegna? Why? Why? Tom hætti að vinna. Tom retired. Tom stopped working. Mörg tré féllu. Many trees fell down. Many trees fell. Þú mátt eiga bókina. You may keep the book. You can keep the book. Ég virkilega hata mjólkurafurðir. I really hate dairy products. I really hate dairy products. Ég fylgi ekki. I don't follow. I'm not following. Get ég fengið endurgreitt? Can I get a refund? Can I get my money back? Niðri í bæ var svo mikið af fólki að erfitt var að komast um. Downtown there were so many people that it was difficult to get around. Downtown, there were so many people that it was hard to get around. Okkur líkar ekki við rigningu. We don't like rain. We don't like rain. Það verður aðeins meira hundrað ár áður en við klárum alla olíuna. It will be little more than a hundred years before we use all the oil up. It'll be a little more than a hundred years before we finish all the oil. Þær fönguðu refinn. They trapped the fox. They captured the fox. Þú ert vinnusjúkur. You are a workaholic. You're working sick. Segirðu það vegna þess að þú ert hrædd? Are you saying that because you're afraid? You say that because you're scared? Er Hr. Brown kennari? Is Mr Brown a teacher? Mr. Brown is a teacher? Hvers vegna ertu vakandi? Why are you awake? Why are you awake? Geturðu ekki greint rétt frá röngu. Can't you tell right from wrong? Can't tell right from wrong. Ég hélt að Tom væri ekki upptekinn. I thought Tom wasn't busy. I thought Tom wasn't busy. Fallhlífastökkvarinn féll í sjóinn og druknaði. The parachutist fell into the ocean and drowned. The parachute barber fell into the sea and drowned. Þú ættir að hætta að reykja og drekka. You should give up drinking and smoking. You should quit smoking and drinking. Það kann vel að vera að það rigni. It may well rain. It may rain. Talarðu ítölsku? Do you speak Italian? You speak Italian? Þú mátt ekki færa þér sakleysi hennar í nyt. You must not take advantage of her innocence. You can't take advantage of her innocence. Ég er að senda hana til Kaliforníu. I'm sending her to California. I'm sending her to California. Áætlunin okkar hefur marga auka kosti. Our plan has many additional advantages. Our plan has many other advantages. Hvor þessara tveggja er þyngri? Which is the heavier of the two? Which of these two is heavier? Honum var augsýnilega brugðið þegar hann rakst á mig. He was evidently surprised when he came across me. He was obviously shocked when he ran into me. Hann er maður aðgerða. He is a man of action. He's a man of action. Guðmundur var kvæntur Guðrúnu. John was married to Jane. Guðmundur was married to Guðruna. Ekki vera svona reið. Don't be so angry. Don't be so angry. Af hverju höfnuðu þau tillögu þinni? Why did they turn down your proposal? Why did they reject your proposal? "Góðan daginn," sagði Tom með bros á vör. "Good morning," said Tom with a smile. "Good morning," said Tom with a smile on his face. Hann fékk mikinn pening. He got a lot of money. He got a lot of money. Ég kom til Japans fyrir tveimur árum. I came to Japan two years ago. I came to Japan two years ago. Það virtist vera besta leiðin fram á við. It seemed the best way forward. That seemed to be the best way forward. Ég er bresk stelpa frá Manchester. I'm a British girl from Manchester. I'm a British girl from Manchester. Þú þarft einungis að fylgja leiðbeiningunum. You have only to follow the directions. You only need to follow the instructions. Ég var henni sammála. I agreed with her. I agreed with her. Ég þarf hjálp. I need help. I need help. Kennarar hljóta að verða þreyttir á því að lagfæra sömu mistökin aftur og aftur í ritgerðum nemenda sinna. Teachers must get tired of rectifying the same mistakes over and over again in their students' papers. Teachers must get tired of correcting the same mistakes over and over in the essays of their students. Nemendurnir gera gjarnan sömu mistökin. The students are apt to make the same mistakes. The students often make the same mistakes. Hann þarf hjálp. He needs help. He needs help. Tilraunin okkar mistókst í síðustu viku. Our experiment went wrong last week. Our experiment failed last week. Þau hræddust við að sjá drauginn. They were scared at the sight of the ghost. They were afraid to see the ghost. Ég lýsti með vasaljósi inn í dimmt herbergið. I shone a flashlight into the dark room. I described with a flashlight into the dark room. Hann er um þrítugt. He is about thirty. He's about 30 years old. Hann nýtti námstækifærið til hins ýtrasta. He made the most of his chance to learn. He made full use of his study opportunities. Kenning og raunveruleiki fara ekki alltaf saman. Theory and practice do not always go together. Not all theories and reality go together. Hvernig var dansinn? How was the dance? How was the dance? Tom á tvo bræður sem búa í Boston. Tom has two brothers who live in Boston. Tom has two brothers who live in Boston. Ekki fara yfir götuna! Don't cross the street! Don't cross the street! Húsið hans er steinsnar frá skólanum hans. His house is within a stone's throw of his school. His house is a stone snarl from his school. Klukkan stoppaði. The clock stopped. The clock stopped. Horfðirðu á leikinn? Did you watch the game? Did you watch the game? Við komum á eyjuna tveimur dögum síðar. We arrived on the island two days later. We came to the island two days later. Ertu sáttur við nýju hárgreiðslu Jill? Do you approve of Jill's new hairstyle? Are you okay with Jill's new haircut? Það er ekki gott að borða yfir sig. It's not good to overeat. It's not good to eat your food. Hann kom með strætisvagni. He came by bus. He brought a bus. Ég hef ekki reykt í mörg ár. I haven't smoked for years. I haven't smoked in years. Ég verð að fara núna. I have to go now. I have to go now. Hann hunsaði ráðleggingar hennar. He ignored her advice. He ignored her advice. Það er lúxus fyrir mig að taka leigubíl. Taking a taxi is a luxury for me. It's a luxury for me to take a cab. Þú hefur staðið þig mjög vel. You have done very well. You've done very well. Er þetta eiginkonan þín? Is that your wife? Is this your wife? Gætum við fengið skeið? Could we have a spoon? Could we have a spoon? Við verðum af láta af svo slæmum hefðum. We have to do away with such a bad custom. We will survive such bad traditions. Við lukum samræðum okkar. We broke off our conversation. We finished our conversation. Engum með nokkra almenna skynsemi mundi detta í huga að gera svona vitleysu. Nobody that has any common sense would think of doing such nonsense. No one with any common sense would ever think of doing such a stupid thing. Reyndu það einu sinni enn. Try it once more. Try it one more time. Ég bý í Hjógó. I live in Hyogo. I live in Bogo. Það er núna eða aldrei. It's now or never. It is now or never. Pússaðu skóna þína áður en þú ferð út. Shine your shoes before going out. Wash your shoes before you go out. Chopin situr við píanóið og byrjar að spila. Chopin sits at the piano and begins to play. Chopin sits by the piano and starts playing. Hann var gerður að þjóninum mínum. He was made my servant. He was made my server. Er það satt? Is it true? Is that true? Trúirðu mér ekki? Don't you believe me? You don't believe me? Við unnum orustuna. We won the battle. We won the battle. Ef þú vilt taka, verðurðu fyrst að læra að gefa. If you wish to take, you must first learn to give. If you want to take, you must first learn to give. Í hvaða átt snýr húsið þitt? What direction does your house face? Which direction does your house turn? Strákur kom hlaupandi í áttina til mín. A boy came running towards me. A kid came running towards me. Ég man það ekki. I can't remember. I don't remember. Ég hugsa að súpuna skorti smá salt. I think the soup needs a bit of salt. I think the soup could use a little salt. Ég hruflaði hnéið á mér. I scraped my knee. I scraped my knee. Vilt þú gera það? Will you do that? Do you want to do that? Takiði strætó. Take a bus. Take the bus. Húsið hans er auðfundið. His house is easy to find. His house is easily found. Hvert leiðir þessi gata? Where does this street lead to? Where does this street go? Þér lítur út fyrir að leiðast. You look bored. You look bored. Ég er þreyttur á að hlusta á kvartanir þínar. I'm sick of listening to your complaints. I'm tired of listening to your complaints. Á erfiðisstundum leitaði hún til trúarinnar. In times of trouble, she would turn to faith. During difficult times, she turned to religion. Peter kann að þurfa nýja bleyju. Peter may need a new diaper. Peter may need a new diaper. Ég fæ mér morgunmat klukkan sjö. I have breakfast at seven. I'll have breakfast at 7:00. Pabbi minn sagði að ég gæti ekki farið einn til útlanda. My father told me I couldn't go abroad alone. My dad said I couldn't go to another country by myself. Hann tók starfinu. He accepted the job. He took the job. Vinsamlegast taktu þetta sæti. Take this seat, please. Please take this seat. Ég heyri að hún er fræg leikkona. I hear she's a famous actress. I hear she's a famous actress. Við létum algerlega gabbast af auglýsingunni. We were entirely deceived by the advertisement. We were totally fooled by the advertisement. Hún staðhæfir staðfastlega að hún muni ekki syngja fyrir framan neinn. She firmly asserts that she will not sing in front of anybody. She insists that she will not sing in front of anyone. Það var hrollur í mér, þrátt fyrir að ég sæti í sólinni. Even though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly. There was a chill in me, though I sat in the sun. Þetta hús er ekki til sölu. This house is not for sale. This house is not for sale. Hann fyrirlítur fólk úr lægri samfélagsstéttum. He despises people of a lower social class. He despises lower social groups. Ég las ekki bók í gær. I did not read a book yesterday. I didn't read a book yesterday. Flýttu þér eða þú verður seinn. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry or you'll be late. Það er bókin þín. It's your book. It's your book. Hún ráðlagði hinum um það mál. She advised the others on that matter. She counseled others on that matter. Það ætti að skýla þessum blómum fyrir regninu. These flowers should be sheltered from the rain. These flowers should be covered before the rain. Vísindamaðurinn er frægur hvort tveggja innanlands og erlendis. The scientist is famous both at home and abroad. The scientist is famous both abroad and abroad. Taktu eins mikið og þú vilt. Take as much as you want. Take as much as you want. John og Mary elskuðu hvort annað. John and Mary loved each other. John and Mary loved each other. Það er fáránlegt. That's just absurd. That's ridiculous. Bankaðu á hurðina. Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Mér til undrunar gat hún ekki svarað spurningunni. To my surprise, she could not answer the question. To my surprise, she could not answer the question. Hann var kallaður aftur úr ferðinni. He was called back from his trip. They called him back from the trip. Réttur einstaklingsins eru mikilvægustu réttindi í frjálsu samfélagi. The rights of the individual are the most important rights in a free society. The individual's rights are the most important rights in a free society. Hún ráðlagði honum að hlusta á lækninn sinn. She advised him to listen to his doctor. She advised him to listen to her doctor. Hvort sem þú trúir því eða ekki, þá er það satt. Believe it or not, that is true. Believe it or not, it's true. Dan breytti lífi Lindu. Dan changed Linda's life. Dan changed Linda's life. Borðaðu súpuna þína meðan hún er heit. Eat your soup while it is hot. Eat your soup while it's hot. Hún er vön að læra heima fyrir matinn. She is accustomed to doing her homework before dinner. She's used to studying at home before dinner. Það er ekki svo langt. It's not so far. It's not that far. Ég skal sækja eitthvað að drekka fyrir ykkur bæði. I'll get something to drink for both of you. I'll get you something to drink for both of you. Hann missti stjórn á skapi sínu og öskraði á mig. He lost his temper and shouted at me. He lost his temper and yelled at me. Hún brosir alltaf. She always smiles. She smiles all the time. Hann er hræddur við pabba. He is afraid of Father. He's scared of my dad. Trénu hafði feykt niður. The tree was blown down. The tree had hatched. Ræðan er silfur en þögnin gull. Speech is silver, but silence is golden. The speech is silver, but the silence is gold. "Kærar þakkir," sagði hún með bros á vör. "Thank you very much," she said with a smile. "Thank you very much," she said with a smile on her face. Á endanum fengum við upplýsingarnar. In the end, we got the information. Eventually, we received the information. Við nutum þess að syngja lög í teitinni. We enjoyed singing songs at the party. We enjoyed singing songs at the party. Það eru til margar stjörnur sem eru stærri en sólin okkar. There are a lot of stars larger than our own Sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. Hún spurði hann hvort hann vissi símanúmerið mitt. She asked him if he knew my telephone number. She asked him if he knew my phone number. Leyfðu mér að gera þetta. Let me do that. Let me do this. Það eru gæði en ekki magn sem skiptir máli. It is quality, not quantity that counts. It's the quality, not the quantity that matters. Ég er garðyrkjumaðurinn. I'm the gardener. I'm the gardener. Nútímavæðing þess var langt umfram væntingar mínar. Its modernization was far beyond my expectations. Its modern - day development was far beyond my expectations. Ég vil ekki fara í skólann. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Það eru slæmar fréttir. That's bad news. That's bad news. Og þú? And you? And you? Hún tók hjálp vinar síns sem gefna og var ekkert sérstaklega þakklát fyrir hana. She took her friend's help for granted and wasn't really grateful for it. She took the help of her friend, who was not particularly grateful for her. Diane er líka hálfsystir þín, George. Diane is your half-sister too, George. Diane's your half-sister, too, George. Hann sleppti reipinu. He let go of the rope. He let go of the rope. Bróðir minn er góður í tennis. My brother is good at playing tennis. My brother's good at tennis. Aldrei kenna barni neitt sem þú ert ekki sjálfur viss um. Never teach a child anything of which you are not yourself sure. Never teach a child anything that you are not sure of yourself. Það er ómögulegt að alhæfa út frá svona illa söfnuðum gögnum. It's impossible to make a generalization with such poorly obtained data. It's impossible to control it from such an evil congregations. Veðurfréttamaður er manneskja sem veðrið er ekki alltaf sammála. A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree. A weatherman is a person who doesn't always agree with the weather. Hvað fékk þig til að halda að uppáhalds liturinn minn væri grænn? What made you think that my favorite color was green? What made you think my favorite color was green? Jon er mun meira aðlaðandi en Tom. Jon is far more attractive than Tom. Jon is much more attractive than Tom. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að taka leigubíl. I think you should go by taxi. I think you should take a cab. Þú ættir ekki að líta niður á hann. You shouldn't look down on him. You shouldn't look down on him. Ég er að fara til Danmerkur þann tuttugasta maí. I am going to Denmark on the 20th of May. I'm going to Denmark on the twentieth of May. Ég pantaði pítsu. I ordered a pizza. I ordered pizza. Mig langar í pappír. I want some paper. I'd like some paper. Reykingar eru leyfðar. Smoking is permitted. Smoking is permitted. Ég veit ekki hvort ég eigi að beygja til hægri eða vinstri. I don't know whether to turn left or right. I don't know if I should turn right or left. Ég vil ekki að vinna við þessar aðstæður. I don't want to work under these conditions. I don't want to work in this situation. Hún virðist einmanna. She looks lonesome. She seems lonely. Allur asi minn var til einskis. All my haste was in vain. All my means were for nothing. Ég var að vonast til að þú mundir segja það. I was hoping you'd say that. I was hoping you'd say that. Maðurinn sem stendur við dyrnar er frægur söngvari. The man standing by the door is a famous singer. The man standing at the door is a famous singer. Ég er ekki lengur þreyttur. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Madeira er nafn á víni. Madeira is the name of a wine. Madeira's a name for wine. Það var einu sinni lítill kastali á þessari hæð. There used to be a small castle on this hill. There used to be a little castle on this floor. Halló allir! Hello everyone! Hello, everyone! Kína er stærsta landið í Asíu. China is the largest country in Asia. China is the largest country in Asia. Klipptirðu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Vinsamlegast flýttu þér. Please hurry. Please hurry. Ertu að flýta þér? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Vinsamlegast fáið ykkur sæti. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Mér leiddist ræðan hans. I was bored with his speech. I was bored with his speech. Það breytir litlu hvort þú farir í leigubíl eða fótgangandi. It will make little difference whether you go there by taxi or on foot. It doesn't make much difference whether you go to a taxi or walk on foot. Enginn hefur séð fuglinn fljúga. Nobody has seen the bird fly. No one's seen the bird fly. Hún lifði einmannalegu lífi. She lived a lonely life. She lived a lonely life. Peter var kominn með upp í kok á barnalegum stelpum. Peter was fed up with childish girls. Peter was in the middle of some childish girls. Þetta mun nægja í bili. This will do for the time being. This will do for now. Hún var blekkt af vini sínum. She was deceived by a friend. She was deceived by her friend. Hefjið vinnuna undir eins! Get the work started straight away! Start your work now! Ég lék tennis í fyrsta skipti í gær. I played tennis yesterday for the first time. I played tennis for the first time last night. Eldamennska er hennar yndi. Cooking is her delight. She loves cooking. Við áttum samtals fimm dollara eftir. We had five dollars left between us. We had a total of five dollars left. Ég þekki stelpu sem er síbrosandi. I know a girl who is always smiling. I know a girl who's always smiling. Ég kem aftur klukkan sex. I'll be back at six. I'll be back at 6:00. Hún tók pennann og skrifaði heimilisfangið. She took the pen and wrote the address. She took the pen and wrote the address. Ég þoli þennan sársauka ekki lengur. I can't stand this pain any more. I can't stand this pain anymore. Þau voru mjög æst. They were very excited. They were very excited. Það er frábært. It's wonderful. That's great. Hvenær hittumst við síðast? When was the last time we met? When's the last time we met? Ég hugsa að það sé tími á að ég haldi litla veislu. I think it's time for me to throw a little party. I think it's time for me to have a little party. Hann strauk eldspýtu. He struck a match. He ran away from a match. Það er bara minniháttar bakslag. It's only a minor setback. It's just a minor setback. Veistu hvar frú Hudson býr? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Do you know where Mrs. Hudson lives? Hann myndast vel. He is photogenic. It's good. It's good. Hver sagði Tom það? Who told Tom that? Who told Tom? Hvað segirðu, Tom? How are you, Tom? What's up, Tom? Þú ert ábyrg fyrir gerðum þínum. You should be responsible for your actions. You're responsible for your actions. Hún er eldri systir mín. She's my older sister. She's my older sister. Þeir vita ekki hverju þeir eru að missa af. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know what they're missing. Lestur gerir mig glaðann. Reading makes me happy. Reading makes me happy. Takk! Thanks! Thank you! Áttu hús á Ítalíu? Do you own a house in Italy? Do you have a house in Italy? Ég hef verið kvíðinn yfir heilsufari þínu. I have been anxious about your health. I've been worried about your health. Svona er lífið. That's life. That's life. Ég ber ekki demantshring, en ég er hamingjusöm. I'm not wearing a diamond ring, but I'm happy. I don't wear a diamond ring, but I'm happy. Það er mánudagur. It's Monday. It's Monday. Það var ekki fyrr en ég kom til Japans að ég fékk sashimi að borða. It was not until I came to Japan that I ate sashimi. It wasn't until I arrived in Japan that I had sashim eat. Ef maður einn ætti ellefu ær og allar nema níu dæju, hve margar ær ætti hann þá eftir? If a man had 11 sheep and all but 9 died, how many sheep would he have left? If one man had eleven sheep, and all but nine dead, how many stones would he have left? Ég mun þurfa að reka þig ef þú kemur svona oft of seint. I will have to fire you if you come late so often. I'll have to fire you if you come too often. Hundar geta ekki greint á milli lita. Dogs can't distinguish between colors. Dogs cannot distinguish between colours. Tom fékk litla böku. Tom got a little pie. Tom got a little pie. Hvar er Tony að spila? Where is Tony playing? Where's Tony playing? Gæfan hefur snúist mér í vil. Fortune has turned in my favor. Good has turned in my favor. Hann lagði til að leggja af stað undir eins. He suggested setting off immediately. He proposed to leave immediately. Við náum þangað líklega fyrir myrkur. We are likely to get there before dark. We'll probably get there before dark. Hann stóð upp og fór inn. He stood up to go inside. He got up and went in. Ég vil fara í bað. I want to take a bath. I want to take a bath. Ég kann vel við ensku en ég get ekki talað hana vel. I like English, but I cannot speak well. I like English, but I can't speak it well. Ég hef ekki efni á myndavél sem kostar yfir þrjú hundruð dollara. I cannot afford a camera above 300 dollars. I can't afford a camera that costs over $300,000. Hún var að búa til te. She was making tea. She was making tea. Bill og Joan skiptu sælgætinu á milli sín. Bill and Joan divided the candy between them. Bill and Joan split the candy amongst themselves. Ég nenni því ekki. I don't feel like doing it. I don't want to. Það var varla hægt að heyra rödd hennar yfir hávaðann. Her voice could hardly be heard over the noise. It was hardly possible to hear her voice over the noise. Ég er íbúi í Sapporó. I am a citizen of Sapporo. I'm a resident of Sappooro. Ég kannaðist undir eins við kennarann vegna þess að ég hafði hitt hann áður. I recognized the teacher at once, because I had met him before. I immediately recognized my teacher because I had met him before. Nancy er hæsta stúlkan í bekknum. Nancy is the tallest girl in her class. Nancy is the highest girl in class. Vinsamlegast hjálpaðu þér sjálfri. Please help yourself. Please help yourself. Ég hef ekki áhuga á íþróttum. I don't care for sports. I'm not interested in sports. Hversu gamall er elsti sonur þinn? How old is your oldest son? How old is your oldest son? Við staðfestum hótelbókunirnar símleiðis. We confirmed the hotel reservations by telephone. We confirmed the hotel reservations by phone. Þú hefðir átt að vera varkárari. You should have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Sama hversu upptekinn hann var meðan hann bjó í útlöndum, misfórst honum það aldrei að skrifa heim til foreldra sinna að minnsta kosti einu sinni í viku. No matter how busy he was while living abroad, he never failed to write home to his parents at least once a week. No matter how busy he was while living abroad, he never failed to write to his parents at least once a week. Hvað gerðirðu í dag? What did you do today? What did you do today? Þetta er svo sorgleg saga. This is such a sad story. It's such a sad story. Hún ráðlagði honum um það mál. She advised him on that matter. She advised him on that matter. Ég vil giftast þér. I want to marry you. I want to marry you. Er það ekki leiðinlegt? Isn't it boring? Isn't that boring? Tom drukknaði ekki. Tom didn't drown. Tom didn't drown. Við þurfum að komast í þjálfun. We need exercise. We need training. Þú ættir að fá þér klippingu. You should get your hair cut. You should get a haircut. Hvern langar í heitt súkkulaði? Who wants hot chocolate? Who wants hot chocolate? Gerir þú þér grein fyrir því hversu mikið hún elskar þig? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Do you realize how much she loves you? Hún kom aftur rétt þegar ég var að fara. She came back just as I was leaving. She came back just when I was leaving. Hverju misstirðu af ? What did you miss? What did you miss? Hvenær sástu hana dansa við hann? When did you see her dancing with him? When did you see her dance with him? Þú ert þegar gagnslaus. You're already useless. You're already useless. Verksmiðjan okkar þarf mikið af vélbúnaði. Our factory needs a lot of machinery. Our factory needs a lot of hardware. Þau trúðu mér ekki. They did not believe me. They didn't believe me. Bróðir minn varð verkfræðingur. My brother became an engineer. My brother became an engineer. Meira en nokkurntíma þurfum við markmið eða leiðandi hugmyndir sem munu gefa því sem við erum að gera tilgang. More than ever do we need goals or leading ideas that will give purpose to whatever we are doing. More than ever, we need goals or leading ideas that will give us meaning. Kennarinn benti á töfluna. The teacher pointed to the blackboard. The teacher pointed to the board. Næstum öllum var boðið. Almost everybody was invited. Almost everyone was invited. Orð þín verða að passa við gerðir þínar. Your words must correspond with your actions. Your words must fit your actions. Ég fer ekki í skólann á sunnudögum. I don't go to school on Sundays. I don't go to school on Sundays. Við komum á stöðina klukkan sex. We got to the station at six. We'll be at the station at 6:00. Ég finn Tim hvergi. Er hann þegar farinn? I can't find Tim. Has he gone already? I can't find Tim anywhere. Ég man ekki eftir að hafa boðið þér. I don't remember inviting you. I don't remember inviting you. Bill getur hlaupið hraðar en Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Bill can run faster than Bob. Þetta er svo sannarlega fallegt. That is indeed beautiful. It's beautiful, indeed. Það var minnst á John í blaðinu. John was mentioned in the paper. John was mentioned in the paper. Bandaríkjamenn taka þátt í flestum íþróttum. Americans participate in most sports. The United States participates in most sports. Umhverfið hefur áhrif á okkur. We are influenced by our environment. The environment affects us. John ætti að koma hvað úr hverju. John should be here any minute now. John should come from each. Hvernig kynntist þú honum? How did you get to know him? How did you meet him? Þessi hreyfing hafði mikil áhrif á hegðan kvennanna. This movement had a great impact on the behavior of women. The behavior of the women was greatly influenced by this movement. Má ég biðja þig um saltið? May I trouble you for the salt? Can I ask you for the salt? Búist er við því að eitt hundruð og fimmtíu þúsund pör muni gifta sig í Sjanghæ árið tvö þúsund og sex. One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006. It is expected that one hundred and fifty thousand couples will be married in Shanghai in two thousand and six. Takk! Cheers! Thank you! Hann er líklegur til að koma. He is likely to come. He's apt to come. Hefurðu lesið greinina um Asíu í Time? Have you read the article about Asia in Time? Have you read the article on Asia in Time? Reyndu að vera vakandi. Try to stay awake. Try to stay awake. Það er bráð þörf á skilningi á hvernig veðurfarsbreytingar munu hafa áhrif á líf okkar. There is an urgent need for understanding how climate change will affect our lives. There is a urgent need for understanding how climate change will affect our lives. Hún er hrifin af ljósgræna brjóstarhaldaranum. She likes the light green bra. She likes the light green bra. Þið eruð öll iðin. All of you are diligent. You're all busy. Það breytir engu. That makes no difference. It doesn't matter. Á hjóli kæmist ég heim til þín á tuttugu mínútum. With a bicycle, I could reach your house in 20 minutes. On a bicycle, I'd be able to get to your house in 20 minutes. Hann bjó lengi á Íslandi. He has lived in Iceland for a long time. He lived a long time in Iceland. Hann meiddi sig í vinstri höndinni. He hurt his left hand. He hurt his left hand. Ég trúi að það sem þú segir sé satt. I think what you say is true. I believe what you're saying is true. Sólin reis úr sæ. The sun rose from the sea. The sun rose out of the sea. Þú verður að vinna upp fyrir tapið. You must make up for the loss. You have to make up for the loss. Heildarskuldir okkar nema tíu þúsund dollurum. Our total debts amount to ten thousand dollars. All our debts, except $10,000. Besta leiðin til að gera þetta er að hafa öllum gjöfunum safnað sama á einn stað þar til allir eru komnir. The best way to do this is to have all the presents collected in one place until everyone has arrived. The best way to do this is to have all the gifts collected in one place before everyone comes. Hún tók sitt eigið líf. She took her own life. She took her own life. Sársaukinn hefur að mestu horfið. The pain has mostly gone away. The pain is mostly gone. Kötturinn svaf á borðinu. The cat slept on the table. The cat slept on the table. Getur þú þekkt Jane og tvíburasystur hennar í sundur? Can you tell Jane and her twin sister apart? Can you tell Jane and her twin sister apart? Peter er kátur kappi. Peter is a merry fellow. Peter's a happy guy. Ég hef það að reglu að læra Ensku í þrjá tíma á hverjum degi. I make it a rule to study English for 3 hours every day. I make it a rule to learn English for three hours every day. Ég er með þrálátann hósta. I have a persistent cough. I have a persistent cough. Bill gerði ekkert annað en að grínast. Bill did nothing else but joke. Bill did nothing but joke. Finndu rétta svarið! Find the correct answer! Find the right answer! Reikningurinn nemur 500 dollurum. The bill amounts to 500 dollars. The bill's $500. Hún hélt áfram að labba um herbergið. She kept walking about the room. She kept walking about the room. Við áttum samskipti hvort við annað með látbragði. We communicated with each other by gesture. We communicated with each other with a gesture. Desnjév-höfði er 30 mílur sunnan norðurheimskautsbaugs. Cape Dezhnev is 30 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Cape Desnjév is 30 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Ég fékk nýja myndavél. I got a new camera. I got a new camera. Reikningurinn nemur fimmtíu dollurum. The bill amounts to fifty dollars. The bill is $50. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort þú komir eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether you come or not. It doesn't matter whether you're here or not. Engin vegalengd á jörðinni er jafn fjarlæg og gærdagurinn. There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday. No distance on earth is as far away as yesterday. Ég er ástinni dauður. I'm dead to love. I'm dead in love. Þú gerðir þetta af ásettu ráði! You did this intentionally! You deliberately did this! Aldrei hefi ég séð slíkt. Never have I seen such a thing. I have never seen such things. Það er of dýrt! It's too expensive. It's too expensive! Stúlkan gerði sér grein fyrir hættunni. The girl was aware of the danger. The girl recognized the danger. Hún hélt áfram að vinna. She went on working. She kept working. Þú ættir að skammast þín. You ought to be ashamed. You should be ashamed of yourself. Auðvitað. Of course. Of course. Engum líkar vel við Tom. No one likes Tom. Nobody likes Tom. Flugfreyju var bjargað úr flaki farþegaflugvélarinnar. A flight attendant was rescued from the wreckage of the passenger plane. A stewardess was rescued from the passenger plane's wreck. Þú ert ekki japanskur. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Það er rosalega gaman að vera með þér. It's a lot of fun to be with you. It's really nice to be with you. Þú getur sjálfur sagt Tom það. You can tell Tom yourself. You can tell Tom yourself. Tom fór til læknis. Tom saw a doctor. Tom went to the doctor. Sjáðu hvernig þau hlaupa! See how they run! See how they run! Tom hleypur mjög hratt. Tom runs very fast. Tom runs really fast. Af hverju hljóp hann í burtu? Why did he run away? Why did he run away? Annar hvor okkar verður valinn. You or I will be chosen. One of us will be chosen. Dyrnar eru stundum opnar. The door is sometimes open. The door is sometimes open. Farið og gáið hver þetta er. Go and see who it is. Go see who it is. Ég sá fimm menn. I saw five men. I saw five men. Þetta er fólk. These are people. They're people. Engin er rós á þyrna. No roses without thorns. There's no rose on the thorns. Ég meina það þegar ég segi að ég elska þig. I mean it when I say that I love you. I mean it when I say I love you. Ég hef ekki séð hann. I don't see him. I haven't seen him. Nýja skólahúsið okkar er í byggingu. Our new school building is under construction. Our new schoolhouse's in a building. Þú hefur svo sannalega ástríðu fyrir mat. You really have a passion for food. You have such a true passion for food. Ég gerði það sjálf. I made it myself. I did it myself. Mér þætti betra að þú reyktir ekki svona mikið. I'd rather you didn't smoke so much. I'd appreciate it if you didn't smoke so much. Skilið? Got it? Got it? Ef ég væri ríkur, myndi ég kaupa fínt hús. If I were rich, I would buy a fine house. If I were rich, I'd buy a nice house. Geislunin lak úr kjarnorkuverinu. The radioactivity leaked out of the nuclear power plant. The radiation leaked out of the plant. Hann sat á rúminu. He sat on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Mikils vatns er þörf. Much water is needed. A lot of water is needed. Ég fór til Ecuador þegar ég var átta ára gamall. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. Það dimmdi, og það sem verra var, við týndumst. It grew dark, and what was worse, we lost our way. It got dark, and worse, we got lost. Hann þarf alls ekki að vita af hverju ég gerði það. He absolutely doesn't need to know why I did it. He really doesn't need to know why I did it. Hvað með korter í eitt? How about 12:45? How about 15 minutes to 1? Hann lék við köttinn sinn. He played with his cat. He played with his cat. Tom var ekki góður. Tom wasn't good. Tom wasn't good. Er móðir þín heima? Is your mum at home? Is your mother home? Aldrei að lofa vað áður en þú kemst yfir. Never praise a ford till you get over. Never promise before you get across. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á þetta safn. She advised him to visit that museum. She advised him to go to this museum. Himinninn lýstist upp. The sky brightened. The sky lit up. Ég þoldi ekki að húsið mitt væri rifið. I could not stand my house being torn down. I couldn't stand the tear of my house. Ég lokaði dyrunum á eftir mér. I shut the door behind me. I closed the door behind me. Setning númer 888.888 mun færa eiganda sínum áralanga heppni. Sentence Number 888,888 will bring its owner years upon years of luck. Set number 888.888 will bring his owner years of luck. Pabbi þinn er hávaxinn. Your father is tall. Your dad's tall. Auðveldara sagt en gert. Easier said than done. It's easier said than done. Þú kannt að hafa lesið þessa bók nú þegar. You may have read this book already. You may already have read this book. Pabbi minn nefndi mig eftir frænku sinni. My father named me after his aunt. My dad mentioned me after his aunt. Ekkjan þjáðist af magakrabbameini. The widow suffered from stomach cancer. The widow suffered from gastric cancer. Leit er hafin að strokufanganum. A hunt is on for the runaway. A search for the escaped prisoners has begun. Hvenær hittirðu hana? When did you meet her? When did you meet her? Hvaða ástæðu gaf hann fyrir því að vera svona seinn. What reason did he give for being so late? What reason did he give for being so late? Hefur þetta nokkurtíma verið gert áður? Has this ever been done before? Has this ever been done before? Ég er búin að vera upptekin. I have been busy. I've been busy. Opnaðu dyrnar. Unlock the door. Open the door. Ég gat ekki talað vel þann dag. I couldn't speak well that day. I couldn't speak well that day. Segirðu það vegna þess að þú ert hrædd? Do you say that because you're afraid? You say that because you're scared? Okkur langar í nýtt teppi. We want a new carpet. We want a new blanket. Ég hafði hitt hann mörgum sinnum áður. I had met him many times before then. I had met him many times before. Ég gat keyrt bíl. I was able to drive a car. I could drive a car. Ég verð að viðurkenna að ég hrýt. I must admit that I snore. I have to admit, I'm shaking. Hann getur synt mjög hratt. He can swim very fast. He can swim very fast. Vissi Tom það? Did Tom know that? Did Tom know? Ég er búin að týna myndavélinni minni. I have lost my camera. I've lost my camera. Hafðu dyrnar lokaðar. Keep the door closed. Keep the door closed. Ég verð kominn eftir smá stund. I'll be there in a minute. I'll be there in a minute. Gætirðu vinsamlegast sagt mér hvað klukkan er? Can you tell me the time, please? Could you tell me what time it is? Það er nokkuð vit í því að fjárfesta í heimilinu þínu; þegar það kemur að því að selja það getur þú fengið meiri pening. Investing money in your home has some merit; when it is time to sell it you can get more money. It makes sense to invest in your home; when it comes to selling it, you can get more money. Þetta er borð. That is a table. It's a table. Bað hann þín? Did he propose to you? He asked you to marry him? Ég furða mig á því hve auðveldlega þú leysir vandamálið. I'm amazed by the ease with which you solve the problem. I wonder how easily you solve the problem. Jón ræsti bílinn. John started the car. John started the car. Washington er höfuðborg Bandaríkjanna. Washington is the capital of the United States. Washington is the capital of the United States of America. Úr fjarlægð leit litla eyjan út eins og skjaldbaka. From a distance, the small island looked like a turtle. From a distance, the little island looked like a turtle. Það er þitt val. It's your choice. That's your choice. Hún var honum sammála. She agreed with him. She agreed. Mér er alvara. I'm serious. I'm serious. Ég er sársvangur! I'm starving! I'm starving! Hann er írskur að uppruna. He is an Irishman by origin. He's Irish. Bíllinn okkar var hraðskreiður og náði brátt fram úr hinum bílunum. Our car was fast and soon got ahead of the other cars. Our car was fast - moving and soon passed over the other cars. Hvernig ganga skriftirnar? How's the writing coming along? How's the writing going? Hver er meðalúrkoman hér í júlí? What is the average rainfall for July here? What is the average outcome here in July? Tom braut gluggarúðuna. Tom broke the window pane. Tom broke the window window window window. Þetta er frábær veisla. It's a great party. It's a great party. Mér leið illa. I felt bad. I felt bad. Þau eru búin að vera upptekin. They have been busy. They've been busy. Hann er að horfa á sjónvarpið. He is watching TV. He's watching TV. Ég hef verið að læra að keyra. I've been learning to drive. I've been learning how to drive. Ég hef séð lítið af honum undanfarið. I have seen little of him of late. I've seen little of him lately. Hversu oft ferðu til útlanda? How often do you go abroad? How many times do you go abroad? Þú verður of seinn í skólann. You won't be in time for school. You'll be late for school. Hverjum gafstu hann? Whom did you give it to? Who did you feed him to? Þessi er fegurri. This one is prettier. This one's more beautiful. M1 hraðbrautin tengir London við Leeds. The M1 motorway connects London to Leeds. M1 expressway connects London to Leeds. Skammastu þín! Shame on you! Shame on you! Enginn kom í teitina nema John og Dick. No one came to the party except John and Dick. Nobody came to the party but John and Dick. Hvernig datt þér þessi brjálaða hugmynd í hug? How did you come up with this crazy idea? How did you come up with this crazy idea? Ekki vera reið. Don't be angry. Don't be mad. Það er einmannalegt á hnakknum síðan hesturinn dó. It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died. It's lonely on the saddle since the horse died. Þegar ég var barn las móðir mín oft ævintýri fyrir mig. When I was a child, my mother would often read fairy tales to me. As a child, my mother often read me an adventure. Ég lét laga reiðhjólið mitt í gær. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. Ég er orðin uppiskroppa með fé. I've run out of money. I'm running out of money. Hefurðu nokkurntíma fengið þér ost með eplaköku? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Have you ever had cheese with an apple cake? Tom sá lækni. Tom saw a doctor. Tom saw a doctor. Ég er svo þreytt... I am so tired... I'm so tired... Við verðum að framkvæma nákvæma greiningu á slysinu. We have to make a close analysis of the accident. We have to perform a precise analysis of the accident. Ég á ekki mikinn pening. I don't have much money. I don't have much money. Mér er illt í fætinum. My foot hurts. My leg hurts. Gleðileg jól. Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas. Geturðu keypt eitt fyrir mig líka? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one too? Nei, það er það minnsta sem ég get gert. No, it's the least I can do. No, it's the least I can do. Loftið var nokkuð kalt. The air felt a little cold. The air was pretty cold. Ég hef ekki enn fundið fullkominn eiginmann. I have yet to find a perfect husband. I haven't found a perfect husband yet. Ég hjálpaði pabba mínum í gær. I helped my father yesterday. I helped my dad last night. Nú þegar þú ert orðinn háskólanemi ættirðu að læra betur. Now that you're a college student, you should study harder. Now that you're a college student, you should learn better. Hann er hræddur við að synda. He is afraid to swim. He's afraid to swim. Og hvað fæ ég? And what do I get? And what do I get? Því meiri ostur, því fleiri holur. Því fleiri holur, því minni ostur. Þar af leiðir: Því meiri ostur, því minni ostur. The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese. The more cheese, the more holes, the smaller the cheese. Flýttu þér og þú munt geta náð lestinni. Hurry up, and you will be able to catch the train. Hurry up and you'll be able to catch the train. Hjálpaðu mér að lyfta pakkanum. Help me lift the package. Help me lift the package. Það er fyrir neðan hans virðingu að segja slíkt. It is beneath him to say such a thing. It is beneath him to say such things. Sjáðu reykinn. Look at that smoke. Look at that smoke. Hann reif upp umslagið. He ripped the envelope open. He pulled up the envelope. Hegðun þín er óþolandi. Your conduct is beyond bearing. Your behavior is intolerable. Á hverjum degi notum við marga hluti sem Edison fann upp. Every day we use many things which Edison invented. Every day, we use many of the things Edison invented. Þú hlýtur að hafa vakað lengi frameftir. You must have stayed up late. You must have stayed up late a long time. Ég er ekki með miða. I don't have a ticket. I don't have a ticket. Gætirðu rétt mér hjálparhönd? Would you give me a hand? Could you give me a hand? Talaðu hægar. Talk slower. Slow down, slow down. Hagsmunir okkar virðast stangast á. Our interests seem to conflict with each other. There seems to be a conflict between our interests. Þegar halakartan stækkar hverfur halinn og fætur taka að myndast. As a tadpole grows, the tail disappears and legs begin to form. As the tail gets bigger, the tail disappears and the feet begin to form. Súpan er svo heit að ég get ekki drukkið hana. The soup is so hot I can't drink it. The soup is so hot I can't drink it. Hann tapaði trúverðuleika sínum vegna þess að hann sveik vin sinn. He lost his credibility because he betrayed a friend. He lost his credibility because he betrayed his friend. Ég þarf poka til að bera það í . I need a bag to carry it in. I need a bag to carry it in. Ég var einn í bekknum. I was alone in the class. I was alone in class. Tatsúo finnst gaman að horfa á lendingarbúnað flugvéla. Tatsuo likes looking at aircraft landing gears. Tatsuo likes to watch plane landing equipment. Áttu við þetta? Did you mean this? You mean that? Ég hugsa að ég sé bara þreyttur. I think I'm just tired. I think I'm just tired. Hann er ekki með neina atvinnu. Hann er sestur í helgan stein. He doesn't have a job. He's retired. He doesn't have a job, he's retired. John á enga vini hér. John has no friends here. John doesn't have any friends here. Svölur fljúga mjög hratt. A swallow flies very swiftly. Pain is flying very fast. Þú ættir síður að fara út eftir myrkur. You had better not go after dark. You should not go out after dark. Það var afar heitur dagur. It was a very hot day. It was a very hot day. Lífið er ráðgáta. Life is a mystery. Life is a mystery. Við staðfestum hótelbókanirnar í gegnum síma. We confirmed the hotel reservations by telephone. We confirmed the hotel books over the phone. Henni finnst gaman að taka ljósmyndir. She likes taking pictures. She likes to take pictures. Hann verður ekki ánægður. He won't be pleased. He won't be happy. Þú getur ekki beitt þessari kenningu á þetta tilvik. You can't apply this theory to this case. You cannot apply this theory to this instance. Hann gerði ekki annað en að horfa á sjónvarp allan daginn. He did nothing but watch TV all day. He did nothing but watch television all day long. Þú hlýtur að hafa verið hissa að hitta kennarann þinn á svona stað. You must've been surprised to meet your teacher in such a place. You must have been surprised to meet your teacher in a place like this. Þetta kjöt er orðið skemmt. This meat has gone bad. This meat has become damaged. Hvort þér líki það eða ekki skiptir ekki máli. Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. Whether you like it or not doesn't matter. Hann gat ekki sannfært hana um mistök hennar. He couldn't convince her of her mistake. He could not convince her of her mistakes. Norski erindrekinn hafði milligöngu um leynilegu samningaviðræðurnar sem leiddu af sér hið sögulega skjal. The Norwegian diplomat mediated the secret negotiations that produced the historic document. The Norwegian Archdeceiver was involved in the secret negotiations that led to the historical document. Mig vöknar um augun. My eyes are watering. My eyes are burning. Meg er forvitin að vita allt um Japan. Meg is curious to know everything about Japan. Meg is curious about everything about Japan. Ég kemst ekki burt. I can't get away. I can't get away. Þegar ég heimsótti vin minn í Nagoya var mér boðið upp á bragðgott sóba. When I visited my friend in Nagoya, I was treated to delicious soba. When I visited my friend in Nagoya, I was offered a tasty soba. Mundirðu vinsamlegast opna dyrnar? Would you please open the door? Would you please open the door? Íran er ekki Írak Iran is not Iraq. Iran's not Iraq Hann mun ekki sigra mig. He won't beat me. He won't beat me. Leggðu harðar að þér ef þú ætlar að ná árangri. Work harder if you are to succeed. If you are going to succeed, work harder. Þú ert fallegasta kona sem ég hef séð. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Hvað borðarðu í morgunmat? What do you have for breakfast? What are you eating for breakfast? Við fundum nagla fastan í dekkinu. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a nail stuck in the deck. Tómasi líkar ekki ostur. Tom does not like cheese. Tom doesn't like cheese. Það er of dýrt! It's too expensive! It's too expensive! Hann lítur grunsamlega út. He looks suspicious. He looks suspicious. Við fengum okkur snemma hádegismat og lögðum af stað klukkan hálf eitt. We had an early lunch and set out at 12:30. We had an early lunch and set off at 1:30. Hann er mjög hrifinn af vísindaskáldsögum. He's very fond of science fiction. He likes science fiction. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til að ég slökkvi á sjónvarpinu. I think it's time for me to turn off the TV. I think it's time for me to turn off the TV. Það var mjög loftlaust. It was very stuffy. It was very airless. Ekki hleypa hundinum inn. Don't let the dog in. Don't let the dog in. Vertu svo vænn að búa til mjólkurhristing fyrir mig. Please make a milkshake for me. Please make me a milkshake. Ég fann eitthvað hreyfast á bakinu á mér. I felt something moving on my back. I felt something moving on my back. Japan er austur af Kína. Japan is to the east of China. Japan is east of China. Ég er á móti giftingunni. I'm against the marriage. I'm against the wedding. Af hverju kemurðu ekki með okkur? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? Flýtið ykkur og þið munuð geta náð lestinni. Hurry up, and you will be able to catch the train. Hurry up and you'll be able to catch the train. Hann reiðist auðveldlega. He easily gets angry. He's easily angry. Í dag sýna þau góða bíómynd. Today they'll show a good movie. Today, they show a good movie. Vatnið er fallegt. The water is beautiful. It's beautiful. Ég kaus Ken. I voted for Ken. I chose Ken. Hún er þrjátíu og eins árs gömul. She is thirty-one. She's thirty-one years old. Kuldabylgja gekk yfir Japan. A cold wave passed over Japan. Japan was hit by a cold wave. Á landbúnaðar- og iðnaðarsvæðum Kína eru sumir enn mjög fátækir. In China's agricultural and industrial areas, some people are still very poor. In China's agricultural and industrial regions, some are still very poor. Ég talaði við strákinn sem virtist eldri en stelpan. I spoke to the boy, who seemed to be older than the girl. I talked to the boy who seemed older than the girl. Hvernig býr maður til box? How do you make a box? How do you make a box? Það var ekki hægt að opna dyrnar. The door could not be opened. The door could not be opened. Veistu hvar hún er? Do you know where she is? Do you know where she is? Hver skipulagði þetta? Whose plan is it? Who set this up? Mig langar að gera það sjálfur. I want to do it myself. I want to do it myself. Ég nenni ekki að gera það í dag. I don't feel like doing it today. I don't feel like doing it today. Takk fyrir allt. Thanks for everything. Thanks for everything. Þú ættir að eyða meiri tíma úti og minni tíma inni. You should spend more time outside and less time inside. You should spend more time outside and less time inside. Þau líta á hann sem hetju. They consider him a hero. They think he's a hero. Þú getur tekið þátt í fundinum óháð aldri. You can take part in the meeting regardless of your age. You can participate in the meeting regardless of your age. Taliði þýsku? Do you speak German? Did you speak German? Það er frábær æfing að ganga. Walking is an excellent exercise. Walking is a great exercise. Svikahrappar nýta sér trúgirni óreyndra fjárfesta og svindla út úr þeim peninga. Con artists take advantage of the credulity of inexperienced investors and swindle them out of their money. Adulterers take advantage of the credulity of inexperienced investors and cheat on them. Hvað heitir þú? What is your name? What's your name? Árinni kennir illur ræðari. It's a poor workman who blames his tools. The years teach an evil speaker. Enginn veit af hverju hann yfirgaf bæinn. Nobody knows why he left the town. Nobody knows why he left town. Enginn hérna borðar kjöt Nobody here eats meat. No one here eats meat Ertu með eða á móti stríðinu? Are you for the war or against it? Are you in or opposed to the war? Tom hafði rétt fyrir sér. Tom was correct. Tom was right. Það er epli á skrifborðinu. There is an apple on the desk. There's an apple on the desk. Það er hagnýtt að hafa ferðatölvu. It's practical to have a laptop. It's practical to have a laptop. Hvernig hefurðu það, elskan? How are you, darling? How are you, baby? Hún bað hann um að koma inn í húsið sitt. She asked him to come into her house. She asked him to come into her house. Það voru tvö morð í þessum mánuði. There were two murders this month. There were two murders this month. Gætirðu vinsamlegast lækkað í sjónvarpinu? Would you please turn down the TV? Could you please turn down the TV, please? Hvað ertu að drekka, hvítt eða rautt? What are you drinking, white or red? What are you drinking, white or red? Hann tók sér frídag. He took a day off. He took a day off. Það birti yfir himninum. The sky brightened. It's over the sky. Hvað verður um allan viðinn? What happens to all the wood? What's going to happen to all the wood? Það er ekki gott að lesa í dimmu herbergi. It's not good to read in a dark room. It's not good to read in a dark room. Sjónin mín er að versna. My eyesight is getting worse. My vision is getting worse. Hann óttast dauðann. He is afraid of death. He fears death. Við tengjum svart oft við dauðann. We often associate black with death. We often associate with death with black people. Það var áhrifaríkt. It was effective. It was effective. Hefurðu nokkurntíma séð hann synda? Have you ever seen him swimming? Have you ever seen him swim? "Guð! Hver kýs þetta fólk?" "Guð, sem kýs þetta fólk." "God! Who elects these people?" "God, who elects these people." "God! who chooses these people?" "God who chooses this people." Maður verður að vera varkár í hverju sem maður gerir. One must be careful in doing anything. You have to be careful about anything you do. Geturðu klifrað upp í tréð? Can you climb the tree? Can you climb the tree? Það er nær enginn hætta á jarðskjálfta. There is hardly any danger of an earthquake. There is virtually no danger of an earthquake. Það var kærulaust af þér að skilja dyrnar eftir ólæstar. It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. Mörg tungumál nota ensk orð. Many languages use English words. Many languages use English words. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á hrísgrjónaeldavélinni. Turn on the rice cooker, please. Please turn on the rice fire. Þetta er alvarlegt. This is serious. This is serious. Hann lagði hönd sína á öxlina mína. He placed his hand on my shoulder. He put his hand on my shoulder. Bíllinn stoppaði ekki. The car didn't stop. The car didn't stop. Við erum frændur. He and I are cousins. We're cousins. Ég gat ekki fengið mig til að sjá hryllingsmyndina aftur. I couldn't bring myself to see the horror movie again. I couldn't get myself to see the horror again. Hann á tíu kýr. He has ten cows. He's got ten cows. Þetta skrifborð er aðeins of lágt fyrir mig. This desk is a little too low for me. This desk is a little too low for me. Velkomin á Wikipediu. Welcome to Wikipedia. Welcome to Wikipedia. Ég les bók meðan ég borða. I read a book while eating. I'll read a book while I'm eating. Róm var ekki byggð á einum degi. Rome wasn't built in a day. Rome was not built in one day. Hvar er Tom í dag? Where's Tom today? Where's Tom today? Talaðu hægar. Speak slower. Slow down, slow down. Tilfinningar hennar eru auðsæranlegar. Her feelings are easily hurt. Her emotions are easily apparent. Laufin féllu til jarðar. The leaves fell to the earth. The leaves fell to the ground. Nokkrum mínútum síðar hringdi síminn. A few minutes later, the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Við tókum þátt í gleði hvers annars. We partook in each other's joy. We shared in the joy of one another. Ertu upptekinn? Are you busy? Are you busy? Í hvaða númer á ég að hringja í neyðartilfellum? What number should I call in case of an emergency? What number should I call in emergencies? Loksins gaf hann eftir. At last he yielded. Finally, he gave up. Veistu hvar stelpan býr? Do you know where the girl lives? Do you know where the girl lives? Tom var rekinn. Tom was fired. Tom got fired. Mér vil frekar fara með lest heldur en að fljúga. I prefer traveling by train to flying. I'd rather take a train than fly. Það er að flæða út. The tide is on the ebb. It's coming out. Mig langar til að deyja með Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. I want to die with Getter Jaani. Tunglið var yfir sjóndeildarhringnum. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was over the horizon. Gatan er mjög mjó. The street is very narrow. The street's very narrow. Okkur var gefið leyfi til að veiða í þessum flóa. We were granted the privilege of fishing in this bay. We were granted permission to fish for this flea. Líkar þér við allt? Do you like it all? You like everything? Allt sem hefur gerst áður, og mun gerast aftur. All that has happened before, and will happen again. Everything that has happened before, and will happen again. Hann les allt að tuttugu bækur í hverri viku. He reads as many as twenty books every week. He reads up to 20 books every week. Loksins gerði hann sér grein fyrir því að hann hafði rangt fyrir sér. At last he realized that he was mistaken. Finally, he realized that he was wrong. Við byrjuðum að kanna hvaða ályktanir við gætum dregið af því. We began to see what we can deduce from it. We began to see what conclusions we could draw from this. Farðu beint niður eftir götunni og þegar þú ferð framhjá umferðarljósunum ertu kominn. Go straight down the road, and when you pass the traffic light you're there. Go straight down the street and when you pass the traffic lights, you're here. Skyndilega rigndi. Suddenly, the rain fell. Suddenly it rained. Það var fallegt af þér að hjálpa mér. You were kind to help me. It was nice of you to help me. Náðu honum! Grab him. Get him! Tom er með skallablett. Tom has a bald spot. Tom has a bald spot. Ég er stolt af skólanum mínum. I'm proud of my school. I'm proud of my school. Af hverju ertu upptekinn í dag? Why are you busy today? Why are you busy today? Syngjandi söngva klifruðum við upp á topp. As we were singing songs, we climbed to the top. Singing songs, we climbed to the top. Snúðu aftur á byrjunarreit. Get back to where you started. Turn back to base. "Hvar býrð þú?" "Ég bý í Tókýó." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." "Where do you live?" "I live in Tokyo." Það er ekki svo langt. It's not that far. It's not that far. Segið mér sanna sögu. Tell me a true story. Tell me a true story. Gerðu það sem þú vilt. Do whatever you like. Do what you want. Það eru enn nokkur fylki í Bandaríkjunum þar sem áfengi er bannað. There are still some dry states in the U.S. There are still several states in the United States where alcohol is forbidden. Þú ert ógeðslegur! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Því fyrr sem þú snýrð aftur, því glaðari verður pabbi þinn. The sooner you return, the happier your father will be. The sooner you return, the happier your father will be. Bankinn lánaði honum 500 dollara. The bank lent him 500 dollars. The bank lent him $500. Það var í Tókíó sem ég hitti föður hennar fyrst. It was in Tokyo that I first met her father. It was in Tokyo that I first met her father. Hún verður sautján ára næsta ár. She will be seventeen next year. She'll be 17 next year. Það er mikill sannleikur í því sem þú segir. There is much truth in what you say. There is much truth in what you say. Tom er timbraður. Tom has a hangover. Tom's hung over. Gerðu það samt. Do it anyway. Do it anyway. Hún ráðlagði honum að spara. She advised him to save money. She advised him to save money. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. Hringdu undir eins í 110. Dial 110 at once. Call me right away at 110. Þú getur stólað á hann. Hann bregst þér aldrei. You can rely on him. He never lets you down. You can count on him, he'll never let you down. Flýttu þér eða þú verður sein. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry or you'll be late. Gjörið svo vel að standa á fætur. Stand up, please. Please stand up. Það var barnalegt af honum að haga sér þannig. It was childish of him to behave like that. It was naive of him to act that way. Mistök í prentun skyldi bent á undir eins. Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once. The error in printing should immediately be pointed out. Ég þarf pappír. I need some paper. I need paper. Jón er góður í stærðfræði. John is good at mathematics. John's good at math. Hún er frekar vitur en klár. She is more wise than clever. She's a little wise than smart. Ég reit þrjú bréf í gærnótt. I wrote three letters last night. I do three letters last night. Mamma mín er alltaf að kvarta yfir mér. My mother is always complaining about me. My mom's always complaining about me. Þú ert að fitna. We're getting fat. You're getting fat. Hversu hátt geturðu hoppað? How high can you jump? How high can you jump? Við gistum á hóteli við vatnið. We stayed at a hotel by the lake. We're staying at a hotel by the lake. Ég kalla á þig klukkan sjö. I will call for you at seven. I'll call you at 7:00. John er að glíma við Tom. John is wrestling with Tom. John's wrestling with Tom. Af hverju hefur fæðingartíðnin fallið svona snögglega? Why has the birthrate declined so sharply? Why has the birth rate fallen so quickly? Ég hef gaman af göngutúrum. I like taking walks. I like walking. Sama hvað gerist þá er ég reiðubúin. No matter what happens, I am prepared. No matter what happens, I'm ready. Stattu á fætur! Stand up! Get up! Hann kemur aftur klukkan sex. He'll return at six. He'll be back at 6:00. Þau borðuðu kvöldmat. They ate supper. They ate dinner. Ég er ekki í skapi til að þýða þessa setningu. I don't feel like translating this sentence. I'm not in the mood to translate this sentence. Ætlarðu að opna dyrnar? Will you open the door? Are you going to open the door? Þú verður álitinn ókurteis ef þú gerir slíkt. You will be taken for an ill-mannered person if you do so. You'll be considered impolite if you do. Vinsamlegast láttu eins og heima hjá þér og fáðu þér kaffi. Please make yourself at home, and help yourself to some coffee. Please make yourself at home and have a cup of coffee. Hafðu það gott í dag. Have a nice day. Have a good day. John var alltaf að gera mistök. John was making mistakes all the time. John was always making mistakes. Sem brúðkaupsferð fóru þau í heimsreisu. For their honeymoon they took a voyage around the world. As a honeymoon, they went on a world trip. Ég er svöng. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. Dyrnar eru að lokast. The door is closing. Door's closing. Þegar við erum lítil virðist allt svo stórt. When we are small, everything seems so big. When we're little, everything seems so big. Ég var næstum búinn með vinnuna mína þegar hún kom. I had almost finished my work when she came. When she arrived, I almost finished my work. Danny hefur ekkert fegurðarskyn. Danny has no sense of beauty. Danny doesn't have a good sense of beauty. Það er gat í frakkanum mínum. There's a hole in my coat. There's a hole in my coat. Peter líkist móður sinni frekar en föður. Peter takes after his mother more than his father. Peter is more like his mother than his father. Hvað með 12:45? How about 12:45? What about 12:45? Hvaða hljóð er þetta? What's that sound? What's that sound? Hún ráðlagði honum að keyra ekki of hratt, en hann vildi ekki hlusta. She advised him not to drive too fast, but he wouldn't listen to her. She advised him not to drive too fast, but he would not listen. Systir mín er ekki góður kokkur og ég ekki heldur. My sister is not a good cook, and neither am I. My sister's not a good cook, and neither am I. Hún fór þangað í gær. She went there yesterday. She went there yesterday. Við verðum að horfa á vandamálið frá hnattrænu sjónarhorni. We must look at the problem from a global point of view. We have to look at the problem from a global perspective. Hvernig ertu, Tom? How are you, Tom? How are you, Tom? Þessi lyfta fer ekki ofar en sjötta hæð. This elevator does not go above the sixth floor. This elevator will not go above the sixth floor. Hvenær sem besta vinkona konunnar minnar kemur í heimsókn sitja þær á sófanum og slúðra tímunum saman. Whenever my wife's best friend comes over, they sit on the couch and dish for hours. Whenever my wife's best friend comes over, they sit on the couch and gossip for hours. Viltu gjöra svo vel að koma? Would you please come? Would you come, please? Við hjálpuðum þeim einnig. We helped them as well. We helped them too. En ekkert er svo erfitt fyrir þá sem gnægð hafa fjár eins og að gera sér í hugarlund hvernig aðrir geti liðið skort. But nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches, as to conceive how others can be in want. But nothing is so difficult for those with wealth, such as to imagine how others could be lacking. Við hvíldum okkur eitt á eftir öðru. We took a rest one after the other. We rest one thing after another. Þú ættir að leggja hart að þér við vinnuna. You should work hard. You should work hard. Hann fór til Evrópu um Ameríku. He went to Europe by way of America. He went to Europe in America. Hann er tvisvar sinnum eldri en hún. He is twice as old as she is. He's twice her age. Hann var forvitinn að fá að sjá inní. He was curious to see the inside. He was curious to get to see inside. Hvernig er kvefið þitt? How's your cold? How's your cold? Við elskum þá. We love them. We love them. Hvert er besta ráðið við kvefi? What is the best remedy for colds? What's the best solution to a cold? Fjöldi japanskra nemenda á heimleið eftir að hafa búið í útlöndum hefur verið að aukast undanfarið. The number of Japanese students returning after life abroad has been increasing as of late. A number of Japanese students who have lived abroad have been increasing recently. Það er hinn algeri sannleikur. That's the absolute truth. It is the absolute truth. Ég á tvær dætur. I have two daughters. I have two daughters. Hann sefur eins og barn. He's sleeping like a baby. He sleeps like a baby. Burstaðu tennurnar. Clean your teeth. Brush your teeth. Ég vildi óska að þú hefðir sagt mér sannleikann. I wish you had told me the truth. I wish you'd told me the truth. Ég vil ekki deyja! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Má ég fara að hátta? May I go to bed? Can I go to bed? Kvenfólkið í þessum bæ mun vilja blóm til að setja í húsin sín. The women in this town will want flowers to put in their houses. The women in this town will want flowers to put in their houses. Það tók okkur hálftíma að tjalda tjaldinu. It took us half an hour to set up the tent. It took us half an hour to pitch the tent. Hleypið mér út! Let me out! Let me out! Ég á eitt par af skóm. I have a pair of shoes. I have one pair of shoes. Ég er fá París, Frakkland. I'm from Paris, France. I have Paris, France. Þú hefðir átt að kynna sjálfan þig. You should've introduced yourself. You should have introduced yourself. Þetta er staðurinn. This is the spot. This is it. Fyrir okkur var skólinn staður sem við vildum losna frá sem fyrst. To us, school was a place to get away from as soon as possible. For us, school was a place we wanted to get out of as soon as possible. Viltu sígarettu? Care for a smoke? Want a cigarette? Enska stafrófið hefur 26 bókstafi. The English alphabet has 26 letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Þú átt ekki að gera þetta. You are not to do that. You're not supposed to do this. Bróðir minn er enn sofandi. My brother is still sleeping. My brother's still asleep. Það er bráð vöntun á kennurum með bakgrunn í vísindum. There is an urgent need for teachers with science backgrounds. There's a real lack of teachers with science background. Hann svaraði með brosi. He answered with a smile. He answered with a smile. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. No man is so old he cannot learn. It's never too late to learn. Ég opnaði dyrnar og sá tvo drengi standa hlið við hlið. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. I opened the door and saw two boys standing side by side. Hún elskaði mig líkt og ég elskaði hana. She loved me, as I loved her. She loved me the way I loved her. Þetta vissi ég ekki. I did not know this. I didn't know that. Hefur íbúðin þrjú svefnherbergi? Has the flat got three bedrooms? Does the apartment have three bedrooms? Þolir þú gjörðir hans? Can you stand his deeds? Do you tolerate his work? Hann þekkir ekki muninn á réttu og röngu. He doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. He does not know the difference between right and wrong. Hljóðið vakti hana. The sound woke her up. The sound woke her up. Sólin braust í gegnum skýin. The sun broke through the clouds. The sun broke through the clouds. Þetta er frábært ljóð. That's a great poem. That's a great song. Hún er ekki við. She is out now. She's not here. Þetta blóm heitir "lily" á ensku. This flower is called a lily in English. This flower is called "lly" in English. Hún brýndi fyrir barninu að gæta sín betur. She admonished the child to be more careful. She urged the child to be more careful. Hví reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear up the letter? Takk. Gæti ég í staðinn skilað því til þín? Thanks. Could I return it to you instead? Could I return it to you instead? John hafði vaknað mun fyrr en venjulega. John had awoken much earlier than usual. John had woke up a lot earlier than usual. Þögnin er gullin; ekki heilög. Silence is golden, not sacred. The silence is gold; not holy. Hættu að láta þig dreyma. Stop dreaming. Stop dreaming. Sástu ekki hund fara í gegnum garðinn? Didn't you see a dog pass through the yard? Didn't you see a dog go through the park? Blómin vaxa í hlýjum löndum. Flowers grow in warm countries. The flowers grow in warm lands. Hvert fóru þau? Where did they go? Where did they go? Hvernig dirfistu að tala svona til þinna eldri og betri?! How dare you speak like that to your elders and betters! How dare you speak to yourself this way older and better! Ég fæddist árið nítjánhundruð áttatíu og átta í Jórvík. I was born in 1988 in York. I was born in 19 hundred and eighty - eight in York. Ertu með netfang? Do you have an e-mail address? Do you have an e-mail? Reyndu það aftur. Try it again. Try it again. Skiptu þér ekki að þessu. You keep out of this. Mind your business. Ég er ekki kennari. I am not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Hvaðan leggur hún af stað? Where does it leave from? Where does it start? Hvað kallast þetta blóm á ensku? What do you call this flower in English? What do you call this flower in English? Dyr verða að vera annað hvort opnar eða lokaðar. A door must be either shut or open. The door must be either open or closed. Hún bað hann um að koma inn í húsið sitt en hann neitaði því. She asked him to come into her house, but he refused. She asked him to come into her house, but he refused. Það eru til margar stjörnur sem eru stærri en sólin okkar. There are many stars larger than our sun. There are many stars bigger than our sun. Mig langar að fara út með þér í kvöld. I want to go with you tonight. I want to go out with you tonight. Flestir leggjast í helgan stein við sextíu ára aldur. Most people retire at the age of sixty. Most of them retire at the age of 60. Miðar eru bara gildir í tvo daga, þar með talið daginn sem þeir eru keyptir. Tickets are valid for just two days, including the day they are purchased on. Tickets are only valid for two days, including the day they are bought. Við njótum þess að ræða saman. We enjoy talking. We love to talk. Ég kynntist henni MJÖG vel. I got to know her REAL well. I met her very well. Hún ráðlagði honum að kaupa ekki notaðan bíl en hann fylgdi ekki ráðum hennar. She advised him not to buy a used car, but he didn't follow her advice. She advised him not to buy a used car, but he did not follow her advice. Lífið byrjar þegar þú borgar skatta. Life begins when you pay taxes. Life begins when you pay taxes. Mér finnst egg vond. I dislike eggs. I don't like eggs. "Hvernig komstu?" "Fótgangandi." "How did you come?" "By foot." "How did you get here?" "Secretor." Það er utan sérfræðisviðs míns. That's outside my area of expertise. It's outside my field of expertise. Ég trúi því ekki að hann sé svona þunglyndur. I can't believe that he is that depressed. I can't believe he's that depressed. Pabbi minn eyðir miklum tíma í áhugamálið sitt. My father spends a lot of time on his hobby. My dad spends a lot of time on his hobbies. Til að byrja með, eru sjóðirnir ekki nægir til að að reka verslun. To begin with, the funds are not sufficient for running a grocery. At first, the funds are not enough to run a store. Ég hef engann tíma til að útskýra þetta í smáatriðum. I have no time to explain this in detail. I have no time to explain this to you in detail. Þetta er hjólið mitt. This is my bicycle. That's my bike. Mig langar til þess að dýfa mér ofan í ána. I want to dive into the river. I'd like to dive in the river. Ertu laus seinni partinn á föstudag? Are you free on Friday afternoon? Are you free this second part of Friday? Heima er best. There is no place like home. Home sweet home. Þú ert hár en hann er enn hærri. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's still taller. Tímar byrja bráðum aftur. Classes are starting again soon. Time's about to start again. Þværðu þér áður en þú borðar? Do you wash your hands before meals? Do you wash yourself before eating? Þú hefðir ekki átt að koma svona fljótt. You shouldn't have come so soon. You shouldn't have come so soon. John stóð einn með hendurnar krosslagðar. John was standing alone with his arms folded. John stood alone with his hands crossed. Annar hundanna er lifandi. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is alive. Hresstu þig við! Cheer up! Cheer up! Við litum á hvort annað. We looked at each other. We looked at each other. Ég fór í búðaráp. I went shopping. I went to shop. Hvernig anda börn þegar þau eru í móðurkviði? How do babies breathe when they're in the uterus? How do babies breathe when they are in their mother's womb? Hvert ykkar getur gert það. Any of you can do it. Each one of you can do it. Búðin gæti þegar verið lokuð. The store might be closed already. The store may already be closed. Þú hefur frelsi til að ferðast hvert sem þú vilt. You have the freedom to travel wherever you like. You have the freedom to travel wherever you want. Hún getur ekki greint rétt frá röngu. She can't tell right from wrong. It cannot distinguish right from wrong. Þótt ég hefði viljað hætta gat ég það ekki. Even if I had wished to stop, I couldn't. Even though I wanted to quit, I couldn't. Þú veist að ég get það ekki. You know I can't. You know I can't. Mér til undrunar var ekkert fólk í þorpinu. To my surprise, there were no people in the village. To my surprise, there were no people in the village. Þú þarft alls ekki að vita af hverju ég gerði það. You absolutely don't need to know why I did it. You don't need to know why I did it at all. Hann er alltaf hjá mér. He is always with me. He's always with me. Enginn getur áorkað neinu án erfiðis. No one can achieve anything without effort. No one can accomplish anything without labor. Að kyssa reykingarmann er eins og að sleikja öskubakka. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Kissing a smoker is like licking an ass. Kennarinn fylgdist með mér af því að hún hélt að ég væri að svindla. The teacher had her eye on me because she thought I was cheating. The teacher watched me because she thought I was cheating. Hvar ætlum við að hittast? Where will we meet? Where are we going to meet? Ég get skrifað forrit í Visual Basic. I can write programs in Visual Basic. I can write a program in Visual Basic. Ég hafði aldrei áður verið seinn í skólann. I had never been late for school before. I had never been late for school before. Við töluðum hvor við aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Hann hefur sérkennilegar hugmyndir. He has strange ideas. He has peculiar ideas. Nýtum tímann okkar af skynsemi. Let's make use of our time wisely. Let's use our time wisely. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til Boston því hún taldi það vera fallegustu borg í heimi. She advised him to visit Boston, because she thought it was the most beautiful city in the world. She advised him to go to Boston because she thought it was the most beautiful city in the world. Hún trúir mér alltaf. She always believes me. She always believes me. Vinsamlegast sendu mér mynd af sjálfri þér. Please send me a picture of yourself. Please send me a picture of yourself. Þau eru að drekka te í stofunni. They are having tea in the living room. They're drinking tea in the living room. Það skiptir engu. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Það vantar sápu. There isn't any soap. There's no soap. Við verðum að hugsa um þessar áætlanir út frá því hvað þær mundu kosta. We must think about these plans in terms of what they would cost. We have to think about these plans based on how much they'll cost. Sýningin var frábær, en miðarnir voru of dýrir. The show was wonderful, but the tickets were too expensive. The show was great, but the tickets were too expensive. Tom gleymir næstum því aldrei að þvo sér um hendurnar áður en hann fer að borða. Tom almost never forgets to wash his hands before eating. Tom almost never forgets to wash his hands before he starts eating. Við höfum staðið okkur vel. We've done well. We've done well. Viljasterkum manni er ekki hætt við spillingu. A man of strong will is not subject to corruption. A strong man's will is not in danger of corruption. Árið 1900 yfirgaf hann England og kom aldrei aftur. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 1900 he left England and never returned. Nú fyrst þú ert þreytt ættirðu að hvíla þig. Now that you are tired, you'd better rest. Now that you're tired, you should rest. Mér finnst leiðinlegt að læra óreglulegar sagnir. I don't like learning irregular verbs. I find it boring to learn irregular verbs. Ég verð að biðja Ann afsökunar. I must apologize to Ann. I have to apologize to Ann. Ég elska þetta orð. I love this word. I love that word. Segðu mér hvað ég á að gera. Tell me what to do. Tell me what to do. Hún réðst á hann með skærum. She attacked him with a pair of scissors. She attacked him with scissors. Þótt Jane sé ekki góður hlaupari syndir hún hratt. Though Jane is not a good runner, she can swim very fast. Though Jane is not a good runner, she swims fast. Aðgerðin brýtur alþjóðalög. The operation violates international law. The operation violates international law. Gefðu mér eitthvað að gera. Give me something to do. Give me something to do. Ég lenti í rigningu þegar ég var að skokka. I was caught in a shower while I was jogging. I was in the rain when I was joging. Það er áhugavert að vingast við útlending. It is interesting to make friends with a foreigner. It's interesting to make friends with foreign people. Hafiði hljótt. Quiet down. Be quiet. Heldur þú að við náum heim til hans fyrir hádegi? Do you think we'll reach his house before noon? Do you think we can get to his house by noon? Hún vandi sig á að fara í göngutúr fyrir kvöldmatinn. She made it a habit to take a walk before dinner. She got used to taking a walk before dinner. Hver á þessa stílabók? Whose notebook is that? Whose stylebook is this? Segirðu það vegna þess að þú ert hræddur? Do you say that because you're afraid? You say that because you're afraid? Við notum látbragð sem og orð til að eiga í samskiptum við aðra. We use gestures as well as words to communicate with others. We use gestures as well as words to deal with others. Vinsamlegast lánaðu mér hnífinn þinn. Please lend me your knife. Please, let me borrow your knife. Hver er gítarinn þinn? Which is your guitar? Who's your guitar? Hvar er sólin? Where is the sun? Where's the sun? Ég heiti því að ég muni hætta að reykja. I give my pledge that I will quit smoking. I promise I'll stop smoking. Geturðu lokað dyrunum? Can you get the door to shut? Can you close the door? Hún náði sér af áfallinu yfir dauða föður síns. She got over the shock of her father's death. She recovered from the shock of her father's death. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi mála. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my appointment for urgent matters. Þessi er bók um stjörnur. This one is a book about stars. It's a book about stars. Þú ert þreytt og það er ég líka. You are tired, and so am I. You're tired, and so am I. Þú verður að láta lækninum þínum eftir greininguna. You must leave the diagnosis to your doctor. You must tell your doctor after the diagnosis. Við getum ekki sofið út af hávaðanum. We can't sleep because of the noise. We can't sleep because of the noise. Ég vona að þú náir þér fljótt af kvefinu. I hope you'll get over your cold soon. I hope you catch your cold quickly. Hún ráðlagðihonum að taka sér hvíld en hann fylgdi ekki ráðum hennar. She advised him to take a rest, but he didn't follow her advice. She advised her son to take a break, but he did not follow her advice. Jafnvel fólk sem trúir ekki á kaþólsku kirkjuna virðir páfann sem táknrænan leiðtoga. Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader. Even people who do not believe in the Catholic Church respect the pope as their figurative leader. Hún ráðlagði honum að taka lyfin. She advised him to take the medicine. She advised him to take the medication. Þú verður að deila kökunni jafnt. You have to share the cake equally. You have to share the cake evenly. Tökum leigubíl. Let's take a taxi. Let's take a cab. Þú dirfist ekki að borða mig! You dare not eat me! You dare not eat me! Og af hverju hugsarðu að það sé? And why do you think that is? And why do you think it is? Ég veit ekki hvers konar manneskja hann er. I don't know what kind of person he is. I don't know what kind of person he is. Hann er blindur á öðru auganu. He is blind in one eye. He's blind in one eye. Ég var að reyna að drepa tímann. I was trying to kill time. I was trying to kill time. Ég hef dregið mig í hlé. I've retired. I've retired. Bróðir minn gerðist verkfræðingur. My brother became an engineer. My brother became an engineer. Ég hef enga lyst. I have no appetite. I have no appetite. Vinsamlegast hafið þolinmæði. Það tekur tíma. Be patient please. It takes time. Please be patient, it'll take time. Hann vinnur fyrir banka. He works for a bank. He works for a bank. Ekki reiða þig um of á aðra. Don't depend too much on others. Do not rely on others too much. Hann á alls enga ættingja. He does not have any relatives at all. He has absolutely no relatives. Hver braut þetta? Who broke this? Who broke it? Fátækur er eigi sá sem á of lítið, heldur sá sem vill of mikið. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. Poor is not he who has too little, but he who desires too much. John pantaði bókina frá útgefandanum í Bandaríkjunum. John ordered the book from the publisher in the United States. John ordered the book from the publisher in the United States. Ég á einn eldri bróður og eina yngri systur. I have one older brother and one younger sister. I have one older brother and one younger sister. Tónlistarsmekkur hans er frábær. His taste in music is superb. His taste in music is great. Af hverju ætli John sé alltaf seinn í skólann? I wonder why John is always late for school. I wonder why John is always late for school. Við hlökkum til frísins. We are looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to the vacation. Segðu mér frá áætluninni þinni. Tell me about your plan. Tell me about your plan. Ég er ekki búinn að ákveða mig ennþá. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. John, hæsti strákurinn í bekknum okkar, er kallaður "herra Hár." John, the tallest boy in our class, is nicknamed "Mr High." John, the tallest boy in our class, is called "Mr. Hair. " Mig langar til að nýta tækifærið til að tala við ríkisstjórann. I want to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. I'd like to take advantage of the opportunity to speak to the governor. Þú tapaðir, ekki satt? You lost, didn't you? You lost, didn't you? Ertu einbirni? Are you an only child? Are you an only child? Kóbe er fræg hafnarborg. Kobe is famous as a port city. Cobe is a famous port city. Ertu góður á skíðum? Can you ski well? Are you sure you're good at skiing? Á hvaða stól settirðu bókina? Which chair did you put the book on? Which chair did you put the book on? Vinsamlegast segðu mér hvar þú býrð. Please tell me where you will live. Please tell me where you live. Ég keypti nýjan bíl handa henni. I bought her a new car. I bought her a new car. Joe er yfir sig ástfanginn af þessari stelpu. Joe is madly in love with that girl. Joe's in love with this girl. Ástand sjúklingsins breytist dag frá degi. The patient's condition changes from day to day. The patient's condition changes from day to day. Hún þreif herbergið. She cleaned the room. She was cleaning the room. Við söknuðum þín öll. We all missed you. We all missed you. Vinsamlegast mundu eftir því að vekja mig klukkan sjö í fyrramálið. Please remember to wake me up at seven tomorrow morning. Please remember to wake me at 7:00 a.m. Það þýðir ekki neitt. It doesn't mean anything! It doesn't mean anything. Ég sá mikið af fólki sveltandi í hel í sjónvarpinu. I saw many people starving to death on TV. I saw a lot of people starving to death on TV. Það er hagkvæmara að ferðast með strætisvagni heldur en að taka leigubíl. It's more economical to go by bus instead of taking a taxi. It is more practical to travel by bus than to take a cab. Þú getur alltaf reitt þig á Tom. You can always count on Tom. You can always count on Tom. Það eru margar stórar borgir í þessu landi. There are many big cities in this country. There are many major cities in this country. Ég er að þýða þessa setningu úr ensku yfir á íslensku. I'm translating this sentence from English into Icelandic. I'm translating this sentence from English into English. Ég er ekki svöng lengur. I'm not hungry anymore. I'm not hungry anymore. Við verðum að kaupa þá að utan. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from outside. Þau eru leikarar. They are actors. They're actors. Jafnvel þótt sólin mundi rísa í vestri mundi ég ekki skipta um skoðun. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my mind. Even though the sun would rise in the west, I would not change my mind. Bíddu til sex. Wait till six. Wait till 6:00. Þið verðið að leggja hart að ykkur við námið og læra margt. You must study hard and learn many things. You must work hard to study and learn many things. Loksins fékk hann bílinn. At last, he got the car. Finally, he got the car. Þú ættir að borga leiguna þína fyrirfram. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent in advance. Í neyðartilvikum, skal hringja í lögregluna. In case of an emergency, call the police. In case of an emergency, call the police. Þú ættir að hugsa betur um öryggi þitt. You should be more thoughtful of your safety. You should be more concerned about your safety. Tölvan virkar ekki. The computer doesn't work. The computer's not working. Mundirðu vinsamlegast ekki skilja dyrnar eftir opnar? Would you please not leave the door open? Won't you please leave the door open? Hver ykkar getur gert það. Any of you can do it. Each one of you can do that. Viltu einfalt eða tvöfalt? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want a simple or double? Það er kominn háttatími. It's time for bed. It's time for bed. Við verðum að framfylgja þeirri áætlun. We must carry out that plan. We must enforce that plan. Ég veiddi fimm fiska í gær. I caught five fish yesterday. I caught five fish last night. Tom sagði að ég væri sæt. Tom told me I was cute. Tom said I was cute. Það sem ég hef lært er ekki bara kínverska tungumálið, heldur einnig eitthvað um landið sjálft. What I have learnt is not just the Chinese language, but something about the country itself as well. What I have learned is not only the Chinese language but also something about the country itself. Ég er trúlofaður henni. I am engaged to her. I'm engaged to her. Ég er í brúðkaupsferð. I'm on my honeymoon. I'm on a honeymoon. Ég á enga peninga, en ég á mér drauma. I have no money, but I have dreams. I don't have any money, but I have dreams. Á morgun fer ég til Tyrklands. Tomorrow I will travel to Turkey. Tomorrow I'm going to Turkey. Þú hafðir nægan tíma. You had plenty of time. You had plenty of time. Hann er sekur um þjófnað. He is guilty of theft. He's guilty of stealing. Það sprakk á hjá mér. I got a flat tire. I got a flat tire. Hann hlýtur að vera yfir fimmtugt. He must be over fifty. He must be over 50. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er borð. What is this? This is a table. It's a table. Hvar er eldhúsið? Where is the kitchen? Where's the kitchen? Í dag flaug stór bíll af veginum. A big car flew off the road today. Today, a big car flew off the road. Ég þarf að biðja þig um lítinn greiða. I need to ask you for a little favor. I need to ask you a small favor. Ég náði ekki brandaranum. I didn't get the joke. I didn't get the joke. Ég vissi að dagurinn í dag yrði skemmtilegur. I knew that today would be fun. I knew today would be a fun day. Ég á engan pening. I don't have money. I don't have any money. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er bíll. What is this? This is a car. What is this? Af hverju að biðja mig? Væri ekki betra að gera það sjálfur? Why ask me? Wouldn't it be better to do it yourself? Why not ask me, why not do it for yourself? Þú ert að spurja ranga manneskju. You're asking the wrong person. You're asking the wrong person. Ég er búinn að biðja hann þrisvar sinnum um að fara út með ruslið og hann er ekki enn búinn að því! I've asked him three times to take out the trash and he still hasn't done it! I've asked him three times to take out the trash, and he hasn't yet! Hún kom rétt þegar ég var að fara. She arrived just as I was leaving. She came just when I was leaving. Hann gerði það samt. He did it anyway. He did it anyway. Ekki rífast. Please don't argue. Don't fight. Nokkrum mínútum síðar hringdi síminn. A few minutes later the telephone rang. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Okkar er ánægjan. It's our pleasure. It's our pleasure. Ég fór á hafnaboltaleik í gær. I went to see the baseball game yesterday. I went to a baseball game last night. Af hverju fórstu ekki á skrifstofuna? Why did you not go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? Hann samþykkti hugmyndina mína. He accepted my idea. He accepted my idea. Hver voru orsök deilunnar ykkar? What was the cause of your quarrel? What was the cause of your dispute? Þú ert ung. Ég er aftur á móti mjög gamall. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, on the other hand, I'm very old. Hvernig berðu "bera fram" fram? How do you pronounce "pronounce"? How do you "offer "? Ég er saddur! I'm full! I'm full! Allavegana. Anyway. At least. Er þetta rétt leið á lestarstöðina? Is this the right way to go to the railway station? Is this the right way to the train station? Emet hefur mikinn áhuga á fótbolta en veit einfaldlega ekki hvernig hann er spilaður. Emet is very interested in soccer, but simply does not know how to play. Emet is very interested in soccer, but he simply doesn't know how he's played. Snillingar geta stundum verið ókurteisir. A genius can sometimes have rude manners. Genius may at times be rude. Þú verður að taka aldur hans inn í myndina. You must take his age into account. You have to take his age into the picture. Faðir, eignast fé fé? Nei, fé eignast lömb. Father, do sheep have sheep? No, sheep have lambs. Father, gain money? No, money gets lambs. Og hvað ætlum við að gera. And what are we going to do? And what are we going to do? Bill kveikti á sjónvarpinu. Bill turned on the television. Bill turned on the TV. Hann bjó til ný jakkaföt handa mér. He made me a new suit. He made me a new suit. Er þér sama ef ég geri það seinna? Do you mind of I do it later? Do you mind if I do it later? Fimm ár eru liðin síðan þau komu til Japans. Five years have passed since they came to Japan. Five years have passed since they arrived in Japan. Ég tók eftir að þú komst inn í herbergið mitt. I noticed you entering my room. I noticed you came into my room. Hvað er tæknilega heitið yfir pappírinn með grófa áferð? What is the technical name of that paper with a rough texture? What is the technical term for the paper by means of a rough texture? Hann var upptekinn við að undirbúa sig fyrir ferðina. He was busy getting ready for his journey. He was busy preparing for the trip. Ég er komin með leið á vinnunni minni. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my job. Ég er feginn að ég gat aðstoðað þig í síðustu viku. I'm glad that I was able to assist you last week. I'm glad I could help you last week. Systir mín er yngri en ég. My sister is younger than me. My sister's younger than me. Myndin minnir mig á barnæsku mína. The photo takes me back to my childhood days. It reminds me of my childhood. Áttu það aðeins minna? Do you have one a little smaller? Do you have a little less? Það féll gaffall af borðinu. A fork fell off the table. There was a fork off the table. Páll var að hringja rétt í þessu. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Napur vindurinn nísti mig inn að beini. The cold wind cut me to the bone. The nail of the wind drove me to the bone. Afsakið klaufaskapinn. Excuse my clumsiness. I'm sorry for the clumsiness. Peningar eru mælikvarði velgengninnar. Money is the measure of worth. Money is the measure of success. Í hvaða húsi gistirðu? Which house do you stay in? What house are you staying in? Það er annað mál. That's another matter. That's different. Jón er of feitur til að hlaupa hratt. John is too fat to run fast. John's too fat to run fast. Steinar synda ekki. Stones don't swim. Rocks don't swim. Einu sinni er nóg. Once is enough. Once is enough. Fyrstur kemur, fyrstur fær. First come, first serve. First to come, first to go. Ertu búin með það? Have you finished it? Are you done with that? Þetta er það sem mig vantar. This is what I need. This is what I need. Þú berð ábyrgð á útkomunni. You are responsible for the result. You're responsible for the outcome. Hringdu í lækni. Call a doctor. Call a doctor. Sá sem hefur það að starfi að skemmta fólki sem kemur á sýningu er skemmtikraftur. The man whose work it is to amuse people who attend a show is an entertainer. A person who has the job of amuse people who come to a show is an entertainer. Það er gott á þig. It serves you right. That's good for you. Þetta er nýtt fyrir mér. This is new to me. This is new to me. Ég er hærri. I am taller. I'm taller. Geturðu haldið bókhald? Can you do bookkeeping? Can you keep an accounting? Ekkert veður var nógu vont til að halda honum innandyra. No weather was severe enough to keep him indoors. No weather was bad enough to keep it indoors. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að hvíla þig. I think you had better take a rest. I think you should rest. Hún bað hann um að lesa það fyrir sig. She asked him to read it for her. She asked him to read it to her. Gafflar voru notaðir um margra ára skeið í Evrópu og Austurlöndum nær, en bara til matargerðar. Forks were used for many years in Europe and the Near East, but only for cooking. Clans were used for many years in Europe and the Middle East, but only for cooking. Hún elskaði mig sem og ég hana. She loved me, as I loved her. She loved me like I loved her. Má bjóða þér eitthvað að drekka? Would you like something to drink? Can I get you something to drink? Safnarðu ennþá frímerkjum? Are you still collecting stamps? You still collect stamps? Lincoln dó árið 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Lincoln died in 1865. Eftir langa rökræðu ákváðum við að eyða fríinu á Spáni. After much debate, we decided to spend our holidays in Spain. After much reasoning, we decided to take up our vacation in Spain. Ég er vön hávaðanum. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. Sýndu mér leiðina til strætóstoppustöðvarinnar. Show me the way to the bus stop. Show me the way to the bus stop. Ekki leyfa neinum að koma nærri eldinum. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Don't let anyone near the fire. Hvað ætli þá hafi gert hann svo reiðan? What made him so angry then, I wonder? What, then, would make him so angry? Allt sem þú segir er fullkomlega rétt. All that you say is perfectly correct. Everything you say is absolutely right. Veðrið er svo gott! The weather is so nice! The weather is so good! Brúðkaupsferðin er búin. The honeymoon is over. The honeymoon is over. Tom gæti hjálpað þér. Tom might help you. Tom could help you. Mig langar til að vinna með fyrirtækinu þínu. I want to work with your company. I'd like to work with your company. Smá safa, takk. Some juice, please. A little juice, please. Dreptu á dyrnar. Knock on the door. Turn off the door. Ég á fjölskyldu. I have a family. I have a family. Þau eru frá Íslandi. They're from Iceland. They're from Iceland. Einn, tveir, þrír, fjórir, fimm, sex, sjö, átta, níu, tíu. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hann er kurteis gagnvart yfirmönnum sínum. He behaves respectfully toward his superiors. He's polite to his superiors. Allir eru að kalla eftir allsherjarbreytingum. Everybody is calling for sweeping reforms. Everyone's calling for an overall change. Mér þótti erfitt að framkvæma það. I found it difficult to put into practice. It was hard for me to do. Tom er miklu betri en þú. Tom is much better than you. Tom's a lot better than you. Ég er ekki enn búin að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Helen er að leika sér í garðinum. Helen is playing in the yard. Helen's playing in the park. Ég drekk ekki svo mikið af bjór. I don't drink that much beer. I don't drink that much beer. Það er nær ómögulegt að læra erlent tungumál á stuttum tíma. It is almost impossible to learn a foreign language in a short time. Learning a foreign language in a short time is almost impossible. Hann er við skrifborðið sitt. He is at his desk. He's at his desk. Mig verkjar út um allt. I ache all over. I'm hurting all over the place. Ég lagaði útvarpið fyrir hann. I've fixed the radio for him. I fixed the radio for him. Ég elska hana ekki. I don't love her. I don't love her. Hvað ertu að gera? What are you doing? What are you doing? Megi Guð vera með okkur. May God be with us. May God be with us. Hann náði ekki brandaranum. He didn't get the joke. He didn't get the joke. Við erum jafnar. We are even. We're even. Þessi dagur var bara tíma- og peningaeyðsla. This day was just a waste of time and money. This day was just a waste of time and money. Það er gott að vera sigurvegari. It is good to be a winner. It's good to be a winner. Vinsamlegast opnaðu dyrnar. Please open the door. Please open the door. Við fundum það. We found it. We found it. Tárin runnu niður vanga hennar. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Það er brjálæði að fara út í þessu veðri. It is bonkers to go out in this weather. It's crazy to go out in this weather. Er hann dauður? Is he dead? Is he dead? Lögreglan ákærði hann um rán. The police brought a charge of theft against him. The police accused him of robbery. John verður kominn eftir fimm mínútur. John will be here in five minutes. John will be here in five minutes. Ég á dóttur. I have a daughter. I have a daughter. Ég kann ekki að syngja. I can't sing. I don't know how to sing. Ég ætla að láta John gera við úrið mitt. I am going to have John repair my watch. I'm gonna make John fix my watch. Við leituðum að því hér og þar. We looked for it here and there. We looked for it here and there. Það var heppilegt. That was lucky. Well, that's a good thing. Stoppaðu, eða ég skýt. Stop, or I'll shoot. Stop, or I'll shoot. Eftir stuttan frið braust aftur út stríð. After a brief peace, war broke out again. After peace, war again broke out. Þessi tónlist er vinsæl meðal ungs fólks. This music is popular with young people. This music is popular among young people. Margur nemandinn hefur fallið á prófinu. Many students have failed the test. Many students have failed the test. Heildarupphæð reikningsins varð sjö þúsund dollarar. The total bill for drinks came up to 7000 dollars. The total sum of the bill turned seven thousand dollars. Þetta er fallegt. That is beautiful. It's beautiful. Kanntu á skauta? Can you skate? You know how to skate? Tom er mjög sterkur maður. Tom is a very strong man. Tom's a very strong man. Við ræddum margt. We talked of many things. We talked a lot. Hún ráðlagði honum að stunda líkamsrækt. She advised him to exercise. She advised him to exercise. Ég elska hana vegna þess hve þolinmóð hún er. I love her because of how patient she is. I love her because she's so patient. Skattar eru verðið sem við borgum fyrir siðmenntað samfélag. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. Taxies are the price we pay for a civilized society. Draumurinn er orðinn að veruleika. The dream has come true. The dream has become reality. Þær gengu í hjónaband. They got married. They got married. Smelltu þér í skóna þína. Slip on your shoes. Click on your shoes. Hr. Jones lét Mary fara til tannlæknins. Mr Jones made Mary go to the dentist. Mr. Jones had Mary go to the dentist. Þeir sem verða valnir munu þurfa að að ganga í gegnum ítarleg læknisfræðileg og sálfræðileg próf. Those selected will have to face extensive medical and psychological tests. Those who have been selected will need to undergo careful medical and psychological tests. Þegar ég kom fyrst til Beijing, elskaði ég að rölta um allstaðar, en Beijing var ekki eins og það sem ég hafði ímyndað mér. When I first came to Beijing, I loved to stroll everywhere, but Beijing was not like what I had imagined. When I first came to Beijing, I loved to wander all over, but Beijing wasn't like what I had imagined. Er hann japanskur? Is he Japanese? Is he Japanese? Ég var leiður. I felt sad. I was sad. Eigðu góð jól. Have a good Christmas. Have a good Christmas. Hlaðan var tóm. The barn was empty. The charge was empty. Hálfnað er verk þá hafið er. Starting is half the task. Half the works are the sea. Ég er tilbúinn að fara með þér. I am ready to go with you. I'm ready to go with you. Ég rölti um göturnar til að drepa tímann. I strolled along the streets to kill time. I walked around the streets to kill the time. Ég hef mjög gaman af bíómyndum. I like movies a lot. I love movies. Hvernig get ég sofið? How can I sleep? How can I sleep? Ef hann legði hart að sér gæti hann staðist prófið. If he studied hard, he could pass the test. If he worked hard, he could pass the test. Hungang í munni og eitur í hjarta. Honey in the mouth and poison in the heart. Diarrhea in the mouth and poison in the heart. Hver heimur sem er nógu einfaldur til að vera skilinn er of einfaldur til að búa til huga sem getur skilið hann. Any universe simple enough to be understood is too simple to produce a mind able to understand it. Any world that is simple enough to be understood is too simple to make a mind that can understand it. Skyndilega uppgötvaði Jack hvað hafði komið fyrir hann. Suddenly, Jack realized what had happened to him. Jack suddenly found out what had happened to him. Nýju höfuðstöðvar okkar eru í Tókíó. Our new head office is in Tokyo. Our new headquarters are in Tokyo. Apinn minn stakk af! My monkey ran away! My monkey ran off! John hljóp inn í herbergið. John ran into the room. John ran into the room. Góða ferð. Have a safe trip. Have a nice trip. Nú eða aldrei. It's now or never. Now or never. Gömlu húsin voru rifin til að rýma fyrir stórmarkaði. The old houses were torn down to make room for a supermarket. The old houses were torn apart to make room for supermarkets. Við gátum ekki opnað dyrnar því þær voru læstar innan frá. We couldn't open the door because it was locked from within. We couldn't open the door because it was locked from the inside. Hættu að berja á hurðina! Stop beating on the door! Stop hitting the door! Ég mun sakna ykkar. I'll miss you guys. I'm gonna miss you guys. Jafnvel eitraðir snákar munu aðeins gera árás ef þeim þykir sér ógnað. Even poisonous snakes will only attack if they feel threatened. Even poisonous snakes will attack only if threatened. Maðurinn sem hleypur þarna er frændi minn. The man running over there is my uncle. The man who runs there is my uncle. Bíllinn er Brians. The car is Brian's. The car's Brians. Við munum berjast til enda. We'll fight to the last. We will fight to the end. Þú og ég erum mjög góðar vinkonur. You and I are very good friends. You and I are very good friends. Ég hlakka til að sjá þig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you. Gætirðu hjálpað mér? Can you help me? Could you help me? Hann er vinsælli en ég á Facebook. He's more popular than me on Facebook. He's more popular than I have on Facebook. Hann kom niður. He came downstairs. He came down. Þú ert svo föl. You look so pale. You look so pale. Má ég synda í vatninu? May I swim in the lake? Can I swim in the water? Við hlökkum til að heyra frá þér. We are looking forward to hearing from you. We look forward to hearing from you. Æ, afsakið. Ég hlýt að vera með vitlaust númer. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong number. Sorry, I must have the wrong number. Ég stenst allt nema freistingu. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. Enginn getur neitað því að það er enginn reykur án elds. No one can deny the fact that there is no smoke without fire. No one can deny that there is no smoke without fire. Manst þú? Do you remember? Do You Remember? Lífið er skemmtilegt. Life is fun. Life is fun. Hann tók boðinu okkar. He accepted our offer. He accepted our offer. Þegar líkaminn er snertur senda móttakar í skinninu boð til heilans sem valda losun á efnum eins og endorfíni. When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins. When the body is touched, receptor receptors in the skin send messages to the brain, causing the release of chemicals such as endorphin. Áður var jörðin talin vera flöt. It used to be thought that the earth was flat. Previously, the earth was thought to be flat. Í gær las ég áhugaverða sögu. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Yesterday I read an interesting story. Eftir miklar samningaviðræður náðu deiluaðilarnir tveir málamiðun. After much negotiation, the two sides in the dispute reached a compromise. After much negotiations, the two debaters met two compromises. John er mjög hávaxinn. Hann er um sjö fet. John is very tall. He stands about seven feet. John's very tall, he's about seven feet. Komdu yfir og hjálpaðu til. Come over and help out. Come over and help. Þarna er Tom. There's Tom. There's Tom. Hvað kallast þetta blóm? What do you call this flower? What is it called a flower? Ertu ekki að ganga of langt með það? Aren't you pushing it too far? Aren't you going too far? Það er hrikalegt. That's terrible. That's terrible. Augnablik... Just a moment ... Wait a minute... Það er þörf á snörum aðgerðum. Prompt action is necessary. Snare action is needed. Þú verður að gera það sjálfur. You must do it yourself. You have to do it yourself. Ertu með nokkra eins dollara seðla? Do you have any one dollar bills? Do you have any $1 bills? Hún er virkilega sæt. She is really cute. She's really cute. Tom var næstum drukknaður. Tom almost drowned. Tom was almost drowned. Hún bauð honum á stefnumót. She asked him out on a date. She asked him out on a date. Hversu gömul ert þú? How old are you? How old are you? Gerðu eins og þér sýnist. Do whatever you like. Do as you please. Það er búist við því af þér að þú náir prófinu. You are expected to pass the exam. You are expected to pass the test. Áður fór ég nokkuð oft í veiði en nú fer ég sjaldan. I used to go fishing quite often, but now I rarely go. I used to go fishing a lot, but now I rarely go. Það er að fjara. The tide is on the ebb. It's getting cold. Kvöldmaturinn er tilbúinn. Dinner's ready. Dinner's ready. Ég er ekki búin að ákveða mig ennþá. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Ég ræð af þögn þinni að þú ert ekki sátt við svarið mitt. I take it from your silence that you are not satisfied with my answer. I'm determined by your silence that you're not comfortable with my answer. Stundum hrekktu strákarnir kennarann. Sometimes the boys would play a joke on the teacher. Sometimes the boys used to trip the teacher. Áætlanir mínar mistókust ein af annari. My plans failed one after the other. My plans failed one by one. Við ræktum hrísgrjón. We cultivate rice. We grow rice. Ekki skilja reiðhjólið eftir úti í rigningunni. Don't leave the bicycle out in the rain. Don't leave your bicycle out in the rain. Kröfur verkamannanna snérust um yfirvinnukaup. The workers' demands centered around overtime pay. The workers ' requirements were about overtime. Þú ert með yndisleg augu. You have wonderful eyes. You have lovely eyes. Er það nærri húsinu þínu? Is it near your house? Is it near your house? Veistu ekki að þú ert aðhlátursefni alls bæjarins? Don't you know that you are the laughingstock of the whole town? Don't you know you're the laughing stock of the whole town? Það voru áður stór tré umhverfis húsið mitt. There used to be big trees around my house. I used to have large trees around my house. Eigum við að ræða það yfir kaffibolla? Shall we talk about it over a cup of coffee? Why don't we talk about it over coffee? Hvenær verðum við komin? When will we arrive? When will we be here? Lítill skógareldur getur auðveldlega breiðst út og fljótlega orðið að stóru báli. A small forest fire can easily spread and quickly become a great conflagration. A small forest fire can easily spread and soon become a big fire. Við gerðum grín að honum út af þessu. We made fun of him about this. We made fun of him for this. Hún hikar stundum áður en hún svarar. She sometimes hesitates before answering. Sometimes she hesitates before she answers. Vinir hennar líta upp til hennar. She is looked up to by her friends. Her friends look up to her. Þær geta veitt. They can fish. They can hunt. Ég er að skrifa bréf. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Hún á enga bræður. She doesn't have any brothers. She doesn't have any brothers. Þeir gengu um. They walked around. They walked about. Ó, hann leysti vind. Oh, he broke wind. Oh, he loosened the wind. Ég þarf að skoða dagskrána mína. I'll need to check my schedule. I have to check my schedule. Þetta er ómögulegt! This is impossible! This is impossible! Slökktu á því. Turn it off. Turn it off. Skíðatímabilið er búið. The skiing season has passed. The ski period is over. Við verðum að reyna að vernda umhverfið. We must try to protect the environment. We must try to protect the environment. Þjófarnir opnuðu allar skúffurnar í leit að peningum. The thieves pulled open all the drawers of the desk in search of money. The thieves opened up all the drawers looking for money. Tom hefur gaman af því að spila hafnabolta. Tom likes to play baseball. Tom likes to play baseball. Hann lofaði að koma eftir jól. He promised to come after Christmas. He promised to be here after Christmas. Er hún japönsk? Is she Japanese? Is she Japanese? Þú ættir að fara til tannlæknis. You ought to see a dentist. You should go to the dentist. Tránum er plantað með þrjátíu metra millibili. The trees are planted at intervals of thirty meters. Twits are planted every 30 feet [30 m]. Hann getur lesið og skrifað. He can read and write. He can read and write. Þú ættir ekki að segja slíkt á almannafæri. You ought not to say such things in public. You shouldn't say that in public. Ég veit ekki hvernig ég get látið þakklæti mitt í ljós. I don't know how to express my thanks. I don't know how to express my gratitude. Mamma keypti fallegan kjól á mig á sunnudaginn var. My mother bought me a pretty dress this past Sunday. My mom bought me a nice dress Sunday afternoon. Ég kann ekki að keyra. I don't know how to drive. I don't know how to drive. Ég er að læra listasögu. I'm studying art history. I'm learning an art story. Halló. Hello! Hello. Mér finnst að páfinn ætti að selja eitthvað af feiknalegum eignum kirkjunnar til að fæða sveltandi fátæklinga. I think the pope should sell off some of the vast holdings of his church to feed the starving poor. I think the Pope should sell some of the church's disgusting possessions to feed starving poor people. Herra Johnson er eldri en ég hélt að hann væri. Mr Johnson is older than I thought he was. Mr. Johnson is older than I thought he was. Til hvers langar þig í það? What do you want it for? What would you like to do that for? Hefurðu eitthvað heitt að drekka? Do you have anything hot to drink? Do you have anything hot to drink? Ég bað hann um að hætta að tala en hann hélt samt áfram. I asked him to stop talking, but he still went on. I asked him to stop talking, but he continued. Ég vona að þú njótir flugsins. I hope you enjoy your flight. I hope you enjoy your flight. Ég er ekki fædd í gær. I wasn't born yesterday! I wasn't born yesterday. Ég fékk krampa í fótinn þegar ég hljóp niður tröppurnar til að ná lestinni og varð að setjast strax niður í miðjum tröppunum. My leg cramped up as I ran down the stairs to catch a train, and I had to sit down right there in the middle of the stairway. As I ran down the stairs to catch the train, I had to sit down immediately in the middle of the steps. First fór John í jakkann og svo tók hann upp hattinn. First John put on his coat, and then he picked up his hat. First, John put on his jacket, and then he picked up his hat. Þær töluðu ekki. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Þessum blómum ætti að skýla fyrir regninu. These flowers should be sheltered from the rain. These flowers should cover the rain. Þú er mjög hávaxin. You're very tall. You're very tall. Ef þú hlustar ekki á okkur verðum við að grípa til þvingana. If you don't listen to us, we will have to resort to coercion. If you don't listen to us, we have to resort to force. Hann er málari. He is a painter. He's a painter. Það má deila nokkuð um ákvörðun þína. Your decision is open to some debate. Your decision can be debated. Við höfum lá laun, en við komumst af. Our income is small, but we get by. We've been paying, but we've survived. Vinsamlegast hikið ekki við að spurja mig spurninga. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions. Ég sakna ykkar svo mikið! I miss you guys so much! I miss you so much! Hann er ekki eins klár og eldri bróðir hans. He is not as smart as his older brother. He's not as smart as his older brother. Líttu á þennan. Look at that one. Look at this one. Bob hitti afa hennar snemma um morguninn. Bob met her grandfather early in the morning. Bob met her grandfather early in the morning. Ég fór að heiman klukkan sjö. I left home at seven. I left home at 7:00 a.m. Þú mátt svosum alveg eins vita sannleikann. You may as well know the truth. You might as well know the truth. Þið ættuð að vita það. You should know it. You should know. Góða nótt, öllsömul! Good night, everyone! Good night, everyone! Mig langaði til að kaupa bókina, en ég komst að því að ég var með minna en 200 jen á mér. I wanted to buy the book, but I found I had no more than 200 yen with me. I wanted to buy the book, but I found out that I had less than 200 yen on me. Lífið er ánægjulegt. Life is enjoyable. Life's a pleasure. Hann vill ekki að þú segir sér frá kynlífi þínu. He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life. He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life. Gleðilega páska! Happy Easter! Happy Easter! Henni líkar að fara ein í göngutúr. She likes walking alone. She likes to go for a walk on her own. Hún ráðleggur honum hvernig hann eigi að halda sér í heilsu. She advises him on how to stay healthy. It counsels him how to stay healthy. Hringdirðu í mig í gær? Did you call me up last night? Did you call me last night? Hvernig get ég stöðvað Tom? How can I stop Tom? How can I stop Tom? Fólk sem er sífellt að apa eftir öðrum gerir það því það getur ekki hugsað fyrir sjálft sig. People who are constantly copying others do it because they can't think for themselves. People who are always trying to imitate others do that because they can't think for themselves. Finnst þér Schweppes góður? Do you like Schweppes? Do you like Schweppes? Mundirðu gjöra svo vel að læa dyrunum? Would you please lock the door? Would you please sneak the door? Hann gaf mér 10 þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Það skiptir engu máli hvort hann samþykkir eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not. It doesn't matter whether he agrees or not. Gott kvöld. Good evening. Good evening. Við John skiptumst á að keyra. John and I took turns driving. Me and John took turns driving. Þannig er það. That's the way it is. That's the way it is. Hraðbrautin var lokuð sökum meiriháttar slyss. The motorway was closed due to a major accident. The highway was closed because of a major accident. Hann er dáinn. He is dead. He's dead. Hann hefur aldrei í lífinu farið til útlanda. He's never been abroad in his life. He's never been abroad in his life. Lestin sem hann var í sást ekki lengur. The train he was on could no longer be seen. The train he was in was no longer seen. Þú getur lesið hvaða bók sem vekur áhuga þinn. You can read any book that interests you. You can read any book that interests you. Nemandinn fór án þess að segja nokkuð. The student left without saying anything. The student left without saying anything. Það var mjög ánægjulegt að hitta gamla vin minn. Meeting my old friend was very pleasant. It was a pleasure meeting my old friend. Hún var gáfuð jafnt sem falleg. She was intelligent as well as beautiful. She was smart as well as beautiful. Átt þú þessa bók? Is this book yours? Is this your book? Hann hefur skrifað margar bækur um Kína. He has written many books about China. He's written a lot of books on China. Þessir kvenmannshattar eru dýrir. The women's hats are expensive. These women's hats are expensive. Gerðu þitt besta. Do your best. Do your best. Það breytir engu. That changes nothing. It doesn't matter. Það er reglan. That's the rule. That's the rule. Púlsinn þinn er eðlilegur. Your pulse is normal. Your pulse is normal. Ég held að það sé hættulegt fyrir þig að fara yfir ána. I think it dangerous for you to cross the river. I think it's dangerous for you to cross the river. Ég er alls ekki þreyttur. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Þessi hattur er of lítill fyrir mig. This hat is too small for me. That hat's too small for me. Ríkiserindrekum eru veitt ýmis fríðindi. Diplomats are allowed various privileges. Government dragons are being given many benefits. Ég heyrði stúlkuna kalla á hjálp. I heard the girl crying for help. I heard the girl calling for help. Skíðatímabilinu er lokið. The skiing season has passed. Scoring season's over. Áttu þér uppáhaldsrithöfund og uppáhaldsbók? Do you have a favourite writer and a favourite book? Do you have a favorite writer and a favorite book? Tom og María eru það par bankaræningja sem hvað mest er leitað að í heimsálfunni. Tom and Mary are the most wanted pair of bank robbers in the continent. Tom and Maria are the couple of bank robbers most looking for in the continent. Það skiptir engu hvort liðið vinnur leikinn. It doesn't matter which team wins the game. It doesn't matter if the team wins the game. Þetta er tré. This is a tree. It's a tree. Þegar ég er í Úkraínu tala ég alltaf úkraínsku. When in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. When I'm in Ukraine, I always speak Ukrainian. Ég varð ástfanginn af henni við fyrstu sýn. I fell in love with her at first sight. I fell in love with her at first sight. Ég á geisladiskinn á borðinu. The CD on the table is mine. I own the CD on the table. Áætlunin þín er dæmd til að mistakast. Your plan is bound to fail. Your plan is doomed to fail. Það er kalt. It is cold. It's cold. Undrun gerði mig orðlausan. Astonishment deprived me of speech. I didn't know what to say. Ég hjálpaði honum í gær. I helped him yesterday. I helped him last night. Ég er í tíma á morgun. I have class tomorrow. I'm in class tomorrow. Presturinn lýsti þau hjón. The priest pronounced them man and wife. The priest described them as husband and wife. Hneykslismálið skaðaði orðspor fyrirtækisins. The scandal hurt the company's reputation. The scandal damaged the company's reputation. Verið er að byggja nýjar byggingar hér, þar og allstaðar. New buildings are being built here, there and everywhere. New buildings are being built here, there, and everywhere. Móðirin lagði barnið sitt varlega í rúmið. The mother laid her baby on the bed softly. The mother carefully put her child in bed. Morðinginn var fundinn sekur og dæmdur til lífstíðarfangelsis. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The killer was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment. Get ég fengið þrjú? Can I have three? Can I have three? Ertu fylgjandi eða gegn fóstureyðingum. Are you for or against abortions? Are you a follower of an abortion or an abortion? Ég hafði enga hugmynd um hvað hún hugðist fyrir. I had no idea of what she intended to do. I had no idea what she was thinking. John er yngri bróðir minn. John is my younger brother. John is my younger brother. Það verður að gera þetta. This must be done. It's got to be done. Hún er bara barn. She's only a child. She's just a baby. Hún sá mörg dýr á leiðinni. She saw many animals on the way. She saw a lot of animals on the way. Faðir hans hafði góð áhrif á hann. His father had a good influence on him. His father made a good impression on him. Það skiptir mig engu hver sigrar. It doesn't matter to me who wins. It doesn't matter who wins. Nafnið þitt er efst á listanum. Your name is first on the list. Your name's on top of the list. Vinsamlegast setjið stólana við gluggann. Please set these chairs by the window. Please put the chairs at the window. Ég nota hana. I use it. I'll use it. Sjáðu þennan. Look at that one. Look at this one. Ég skal sækja það. I'll get it. I'll get it. Hún ráðlagði honum að hann ætti að vera eftir heima. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him that he should stay at home. Þú ert ómótstæðileg. You're irresistible. You're irresistible. Aóí varð dansari. Aoi became a dancer. Ato became a dancer. Hann er bróðir minn. He is my brother. He's my brother. Þrettán er happatala í brasilíska ríkislottóinu. Thirteen is a lucky number in the Brazilian Federal Lottery. Thirteen is a lucky number in Brazilian State Lotto. Vinsamlegast segðu honum að bíða. Please tell him to wait. Please tell him to wait. Ég er ekki vélmenni. I'm not a robot. I'm not a robot. Strax og hurðin opnaðist hlupu þau í burtu. As soon as the door opened, they ran away. As soon as the door opened, they ran away. Eigiði góð jól. Have a good Christmas. Have a nice Christmas. Það óskiljanleglegasta við heiminn er að hann er skiljanlegur. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible. The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is understandable. Þessi hundur borðar næstum hvað sem er. This dog eats almost anything. This dog eats almost anything. Hann er undir stólnum. He is under the chair. He's under the chair. Þú ættir að eyða minni tíma í að kvarta og meiri tíma í að gera eitthvað uppbyggilegt. You should spend less time complaining and more time doing something productive. You should spend less time complaining and more time doing something upbuilding. Ef þú getur ekki átt börn geturðu alltaf ættleitt. If you can't have children, you could always adopt. If you can't have children, you can always adopt. Ég er afi. I'm a grandfather. I'm Grandpa. Fyrirgefðu. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Mig langar til að hitta þig ef það er mögulegt. I'd like to see you if possible. I'd like to see you if possible. Við hlökkuðum til veislunnar. We looked forward to the party. We looked forward to the feast. Hann er ekki kominn ennþá. He hasn't come yet. He's not here yet. Kunningi minn kynnti mig fyrir nánum vinum sínum. My acquaintance introduced me to his intimate fellows. A friend of mine introduced me to his close friends. Ef ég væri þú mundi ég sækja um starfið. If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for the job. Ég hef aldrei átt meira en fimm hundruð dollara. I have never had more than $500 in my possession. I've never had more than five hundred dollars. Ég fer með þér á flugvöllinn. I'll accompany you to the airport. I'm going with you to the airport. Hlauptu! Run! Run! Þótt svo mér þætti eitthvað undarlegt, vissi ég ekki hvað það var. Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was. Although I liked something strange, I didn't know what it was. Annað hvort okkar verður valið. Either one of us will be chosen. Either one of us will be chosen. Aðstæðurnar leyfðu mér ekki að fara til útlanda. The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad. The circumstances did not allow me to go abroad. Hún safnaði hundrað dollurum. She saved a hundred dollars. She collected a hundred dollars. Heyrirðu ekki hvað ég er að segja? Don't you hear what I'm saying? Can't you hear what I'm saying? Við erum hermenn. We are soldiers. We're soldiers. Kent er fæddur leiðtogi. Kent is a born leader. Kent is a born leader. Þéttið varnirnar! Þeir eru að koma! Tighten the defences! They're coming! They're coming! Það verður dimmt allt í einu. It will be dark all at once. It's gonna be dark all of a sudden. Þetta á einnig við í þínu tilviki. This applies to your case as well. This also applies to you. Það kann að vera að hann muni aldrei verða frægur. It may be that he will never be famous. It may be that he will never become famous. Við höfum fá tækifæri til að tala þýsku. We have few opportunities to speak German. We have a chance to speak German. Hvað gerir þetta? What does that do? What does this do? Umhverfið hefur áhrif á okkur. We're influenced by our environment. The environment affects us. Ekki hlaupa svona hratt. Don't run so fast. Don't run so fast. Lengi lifi persneska! Long live the Persian language! Long live Persians! Hann á refsingu skilið. He deserves punishment. He deserves to be punished. Reikningurinn nam 100 dollurum. The bill amounted to 100 dollars. The bill was $100. Tom tók þrjár svefntöflur. Tom took three sleeping pills. Tom took three sleeping pills. Þú átt ekki efni á að sinna ekki heilsunni. You can't afford to neglect your health. You can't afford to take care of your health. Loksins náðu þau fjallstindinum. At last, they reached the top of the mountain. At last, they reached the mountaintops. Bankinn lánaði henni 500 dollara. The bank loaned her 500 dollars. The bank lent her $500. Hafið í huga að reykingar eru ekki góðar heilsu ykkar. Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health. Bear in mind that smoking is not a good health for you. Ég horfði á hafnaboltaleikinn í gærkveldi. I watched the baseball game last night. I watched the baseball game last night. Í okkar menningu getum við ekki verið kvæntir tveimur konum á sama tíma. In our culture, we can't be married to two women at once. In our culture, we cannot be married to two women at the same time. Ef þið getið ekki átt ekki börn getið þið alltaf ættleitt. If you can't have children, you could always adopt. If you can't have children, you can always adopt. Ég var ekki virkilega í skapi til að fara út. I wasn't really in the mood to go out. I wasn't really in the mood to go out. Bill er hafnaboltamaður. Bill is a baseball player. Bill's a baseball player. Hversvegna spurðir þú? Why did you ask? Why did you ask? Hver er uppáhalds leikarinn þinn? Who's your favorite actor or actress? Who's your favorite actor? Bróðir minn og ég deildum herberginu. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Hún er farin í ferð. She's gone on a trip. She's gone for a ride. Hér eru bækurnar okkar. Here are our books. Here are our books. Tíminn líður hratt þegar þú skemmtir þér vel. Time goes by quickly when you're having fun. When you have a good time, time goes by fast. John sat með krosslagðar hendur. John sat with arms crossed. John was sitting with his hands crossed. Þú virðist hafa ruglast á mér og eldri bróður mínum. You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother. You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother. Þessir smábændur þurfa sárlega á landi að halda til að rækta hrísgrjón. Those peasants badly need land to grow rice. These small creatures desperately need land to grow rice. Ég heyrði undarlegt hljóð. I heard an unusual sound. I heard a strange sound. Dan hafði samband við systur Lindu. Dan contacted Linda's sister. Dan contacted Linda's sister. Ég heyri í þér en ég sé þig ekki. I hear you, but I don't see you. I can hear you, but I can't see you. Hverjum gafstu hann? Who did you give it to? Who did you feed him to? Gerðu svo vel að hringja í hann. Please phone him. Please call him. Hann kom aftur heim fyrir nokkru síðan. He came back home a while ago. He came home a while ago. Sittu hjá mér. Sit with me. Sit with me. Sviss er ekki Svíþjóð. Switzerland isn't Sweden. Switzerland is not Sweden. Hún er mjög góður lygari. She is a very clever liar. She's a very good liar. Hann gaf mér ekkert að borða. He didn't give me anything to eat. He didn't give me anything to eat. Það var stór gullstjarna á hurðinni. There was a big gold star on the door. There was a big golden star on the door. Þarf Tom að vera heima í dag? Does Tom need to stay home today? Does Tom have to stay home today? Er kvefið í Tom að batna? How's Tom's cold? Is Tom getting better? Ég er hættur störfum. I've retired. I'm retired. Hvaða heimspeking heldurðu mest upp á? Who's your favorite philosopher? Which philosopher do you think most of? Hann hefur auga fyrir list. He has an eye for art. He's got an eye for art. Hún virðist þekkja okkur. He seems to know us. She seems to know us. Flýttu þér. Hurry up. Hurry up. Trúirðu á tilvist Guðs? Do you believe in the existence of God? Do You Believe in God? Ég er mjög svangur. I'm very hungry. I'm very hungry. Þú getur ráðfært þig við mig hvenær sem er. You can consult with me any time. You can talk to me anytime. Hver er kennarinn þinn? Who is your teacher? Who's your teacher? Hún ráðlagði honum að vera varkárari. She advised him to be more careful. She advised him to be more careful. Þessi búð lokar klukkan níu um kvöld. This store closes at nine in the evening. This store closes at 9:00 in the evening. Við ættum ekki að setja takmarkanir á erlend viðskipti. We should not put restrictions on foreign trade. We should not place restrictions on foreign business. Liturinn á þessu bindi passar ekki við jakkafötin. The color of that tie does not match the suit. The colour of this tie does not match the suit. Hann skemmtir okkur með skondnu sögunum sínum. He amuses us with his funny stories. He'll have fun with his funny stories. Eruð þið nemendur við þennan skóla? Are you students at this school? Are you students at this school? Þú skuldar mér afsökunarbeiðni fyrir það. You owe me an apology for that. You owe me an apology for that. Þú þarft vini sem geta hjálpað þér. You need to have friends who can help you out. You need friends who can help you. Ég kem aftur eftir stutta stund. I'll be back soon. I'll be back in a minute. Þessi grænu blöð verða rauð eða gul á haustin. These green leaves turn red or yellow in fall. The green leaves turn red or yellow in the fall. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til að ég kveiki á útvarpinu. I think it's time for me to turn on the radio. I think it's time for me to turn on the radio. Ég fór snemma á fætur í gær. I got up early yesterday. I got up early last night. Við leystum vandamálið með gagnkvæmum tilslökunum. We solved the problem by mutual concessions. We solved the problem with mutual compromise. Er ég handtekin? Am I under arrest? Am I under arrest? Ég hnerra mikið. I sneeze a lot. I sneeze a lot. Eyddu peningum og njóttu lífsins! Spend money and enjoy life! Spend money and enjoy yourself! Burstaðu tennurnar á hverjum degi. Brush your teeth every day. Brush your teeth every day. Það segja það allir. Everyone's saying it. Everybody says that. Það er erfitt að fá vinnu þessa dagana. Jobs are hard to come by these days. It's hard to get a job these days. Er ég strákur eða stelpa? Hverjum er ekki sama? Am I a boy or a girl? Who cares? I'm a boy or a girl, who cares? Gjafmildi er sumum eðlislæg. Generosity is innate in some people. Giving is a natural trait. Hún er meiri kunningi en vinur. She is more of an acquaintance than a friend. She's more of a friend than a friend. Þú þarfnast frís. You are in need of a holiday. You need a vacation. Gleðileg jól. Have a good Christmas. Merry Christmas. Ertu brjáluð? Are you insane? Are you crazy? Flugvöllurinn var lokaður vegna þokunnar. The airport was closed because of the fog. The airport was shut down because of the fog. Þetta er ekki eldflaugavísindi. It's not rocket science. This isn't rocket science. Í daglegu lífi höfum við margar skyldur og mörg ábyrgðarhlutverk. In everyday life we have many obligations and responsibilities. In daily life, we have many responsibilities and many responsibilities. Bjórflöskur eru úr gleri. Beer bottles are made of glass. The beer bottles are made of glass. Farðu á markaðinn! Go to the market! Go to market! Það er mjög dónalegt af þér að segja svona lagað. It's very rude of you to say a thing like that. It's very rude of you to say things like that. Liturinn næst ekki úr. The color will not go off. The color doesn't come out. Heyrðirðu um eldsvoðann í gær? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear about the fire last night? Þú hefðir ekki þurft að leggja þetta á þig. You needn't have gone to the trouble. You wouldn't have had to go through with this. Trúirðu virkilega á drauga? You really believe in ghosts? Do you really believe in ghosts? Betra að vera hamingjusamt flón en óhamingjusamur vitringur. Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage. Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy wise man. Mér er létt. I feel relieved. I'm relieved. Finnst þér ekki flestir japanskir nemendur leggi hart að sér? Don't you think most Japanese students work hard? Don't you think most Japanese students work hard? Ég verð heima í dag. I'll stay home today. I'll be home today. Stelpan sem vinnur í bakaríinu er sæt. The girl who works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works in the bakery is cute. Hver hefur fangað hjarta hans? Who has captured his heart? Who has captured his heart? Af hverju spyrjum við hann ekki ráða? Why don't we ask his advice? Why don't we ask him for advice? Ég get synt. I'm able to swim. I can swim. Hann laumaðist inn í garðinn. He entered the garden secretly. He snuck into the garden. Nýi enskukennarinn okkar er nýbúinn með háskólann. Our new English teacher is fresh from college. Our new English teacher has just been with the university. Skokk er orðið að vinsælasta formi líkamsræktar. Jogging has become the favorite form of exercise. This has become the most popular form of exercise. Ég fór að synda í ánni í gær. I went swimming in the river yesterday. I started swimming in the river yesterday. Við deyjum öll einhvern daginn. We shall all die some day. We're all gonna die someday. Við hefðum ekki þurft að flýta okkur. We needn't have hurried. We wouldn't have had to hurry. Ég hélt áfram að lesa. I went on reading. I kept reading. Við verðum að afhenda komandi kynslóðum kunnáttu okkar. We must hand down our craft to posterity. We must give our skills to future generations. Góð bók er hinn besti vinur, eins í dag og um alla framtíð. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. A good book is the best friend, as it is today, and forever. Það er mjög áhugavert að fara á safn. It is very interesting to go to a museum. It's very interesting to go to a museum. Liturinn næst ekki af. The color will not go off. Can't get the color off. Bill bankaði laust í öxlina á mér. Bill tapped me on the shoulder. Bill knocked right into my shoulder. Það hljómar eins og þau komi ekki til með að fara. It sounds like they're not going to leave. It sounds like they're not going to. Eplin eru þroskuð. The apples are ripe. The apples are mature. Ég er enn ástfangin af honum. I'm still in love with him. I'm still in love with him. Hann skilaði inn uppsögninni sinni. He handed in his resignation. He returned his resignation. Taktu ofan hattinn. Remove your hat. Take off your hat. Hann er þó nokkur fræðimaður. He is something of a scholar. He is quite a scholar, though. Hún er sjálfselsk manneskja. She is a selfish person. She's a selfish person. Hafðu hljótt. Quiet down. Be quiet. Hún ráðlagði honum að lesa fleiri bækur. She advised him to read more books. She advised him to read more books. Hikaðu ekki við að spurja spurninga. Please feel free to ask questions. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Það jafnast ekkert á við ís um sumar. There is nothing like ice cream in the summer. There's nothing like ice cream in the summer. Við þurfum æfingu. We need exercise. We need practice. Að hverjum er komið? Whose turn is it? Who's it going to be? Hún réðst á hann með hafnaboltakylfu. She attacked him with a baseball bat. She attacked him with a baseball bat. Það var heitt í gær. It was hot yesterday. It was hot last night. Skoðanir okkar fara saman við þeirra skoðanir hvað meginatriðin varðar. Our views are in agreement with theirs as to the essential points. Our viewpoints harmonize with their viewpoints regarding key things. Ég hugsa ekki, því hugsa ég ekki. I don't think, therefore I am not. I don't think, so I don't think. Vinsamlegast komdu. Please come. Please. Þessi gaur er algerlega ruglaður! That guy is totally nuts! This guy is totally fucked up! Þessi íþrótt verður sífellt vinsælli. This sport is becoming more and more popular. This sport is becoming increasingly popular. Ég skal passa barnið þitt í kvöld. I will look after your child this evening. I'll take care of your baby tonight. Hún nýtti sér tengsl föður síns við að ná sér í núverandi starf sitt. She capitalised on her father's connections in getting her present job. She took advantage of her father's association to get her present job. Flettu því upp í orðabók. Look it up in the dictionary. Look it up in a dictionary. Það er hlutskipti mannsins að þjást. It is man's lot to suffer. Suffering is man's lot. Þú ættir að vera búinn undir það versta. You should be ready for the worst. You should be prepared for the worst. Hún er þó nokkru eldri en hann. She is a good deal older than he. She's a bit older than him, though. Það er í fleirtölu. It is plural. It's in the plural. Lítil börn eru mjög forvitin. Small children are very curious. Little children are very curious. Þú kaupir ekki hamingjuna. Money can't buy happiness. You don't buy happiness. Við hvern er ég að tala? With whom am I speaking? Who am I talking to? Pabbi minn keypti handa mér hjól. My father bought me a bicycle. My dad bought me a bike. Hún tók bónorði hans. She accepted his hand in marriage. She accepted his offer. Hvað er allt þetta? What's all that? What is all this? Kýótó fær mikið af ferðamönnum hvaðanæva úr heiminum. Kyoto gets lots of visitors from all over the world. Cycloto gets a lot of tourists from all over the world. Gerðu það aftur. Do it once again. Do it again. Bill talar smá japönsku. Bill speaks a little Japanese. Bill speaks a little Japanese. Hún var með lítið box í höndinni. She had a small box in her hand. She had a small box in her hand. Höfðustöðvar fyrirtækisins okkar eru í Tókíó. Our company's base is in Tokyo. Our company headquarters are in Tokyo. Þú skelfur. You're shivering. You're trembling. Hitamælirinn fór undir frostmark. The thermometer went down below zero. The temperature gauge went below the freezing level. Eldgosið virðist vera að réna. The eruption seems to be waning. Looks like the eruption's failing. Er sykur eitur? Is sugar a poison? Is sugar toxic? Nýja vinnan hans gaf honum fínar tekjur. His new job brought him a handsome income. His new job gave him a fine income. Við vöknuðum snemma til að geta séð sólarupprásina. We got up early so that we could see the sunrise. We woke up early to see the sunrise. Góðan daginn. Good afternoon. Good morning. Þú getur alltaf stólað á Tom. You can always count on Tom. You can always count on Tom. Halló heimur! Hello, world! Hello world! Jóni líkar skák. John likes chess. John likes chess. Þið eruð ungir drengir. You are young boys. You're young boys. Ég bý nærri sjónum svo ég kemst oft á ströndina. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. I live near the ocean, so I get to the beach a lot. Hversu lengi bjóstu þarna? How long did you live there? How long were you there? Leigubílar eru vandfundnir í úrhelli. Taxis are few and far between during a rainstorm. Cabs are hard to find in a cave. Þú lítur vel út. You do look nice. You look good. Ég er frjáls núna. Now I am free. I'm free now. Ég á eldri bróður og yngri systur. I have an older brother and a younger sister. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Hann er frá Bandaríkjunum. He is from the United States. He's from America. Þar á eftir fórum við til Betlehem til að sjá stytturnar. Afterwards, we went to Bethlehem to see the statues. Afterward, we went to Bethlehem to see the statues. Ekki láta súpuna kólna. Don't let the soup get cold. Don't let the soup cool off. Tom mun vera reiður við Mary þegar hann kemst að því að hún gerði ekki það sem hún átti að gera. Tom is going to be mad at Mary when he finds out that she forgot to do what she was supposed to do. Tom will be angry with Mary when he finds out she didn't do what she was supposed to do. Hún var nógu snjöll til að láta hann ekki blekkja sig. She was clever enough not to be deceived by him. She was smart enough not to be fooled by him. Þau eru sofandi! They're asleep. They're asleep! Hún grætur. She is crying. She's crying. Engin stúlknanna er nemandi. None of the girls are students. None of the girls are students. Ég vildi óska að ég ætti svo mikinn pening. I wish I had much money. I wish I had so much money. Ég er að fara í gegnum skápinn minn til að finna föt til að gefa til góðgerðamála. I'm going through my closet to find clothes to give to charity. I'm going through my locker to find some clothes to give to charity. John talar ekki góða frönsku. John doesn't speak good French. John doesn't speak good French. Hvað er símanúmerið þitt? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Ég er tilbúinn til að gera allt fyrir þig. I am ready to do anything for you. I'm willing to do anything for you. Bill var drepinn af þessum manni. Bill was killed by that man. Bill was killed by that man. Ég vonast til að sjá þig. I hope to see you. I'm hoping to see you. Ef hún legði hart að sér gæti hún staðist prófið. If she studied hard, she could pass the test. If she worked hard, she could pass the test. Landið okkar á landamæri að nokkrum löndum. Our country borders on several countries. Our country has several countries on its borders. Hversu gamall verðurðu á næsta ári? How old will you be next year? How old will you be next year? Af hverju slepptirðu fyrstu spurningunni á prófinu? Why did you leave out the first question in the exam? Why'd you drop your first question on the test? Ástin er nóg. Love is enough. Love is enough. Af hverju eyðirðu svona miklum tíma í að glápa á sjónvarpið? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Ég þekki stelpuna sem er að spila tennis. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who's playing tennis. Það eru fáir, mjög fáir, sem munu viðurkenna villu sinna vegu, þótt allur heimurinn sjái þá vera í hreinu og beinu rugli. There are few, very few, that will own themselves in a mistake, though all the World sees them to be in downright nonsense. There are few, very few who will know their ways, though the whole world sees them pure and confused. Hún ráðlagði honum að drekka meiri mjólk. She advised him to drink more milk. She advised him to drink more milk. Við erum að borða epli. We're eating apples. We're eating apples. Hún er í megrunarkúr. She is on a diet. She's on a diet. Við eigum ekki sykur. We don't have sugar. We don't have sugar. Það er í lagi að taka því stundum rólega. It's okay to take it easy sometimes. It's okay to take it slowly at times. Gættu þess að hringja heim áður en þú yfirgefur skrifstofuna. Be sure to call home before you leave the office. Make sure you call home before you leave the office. Reyndar, það er það sem ég hélt. Actually, that's what I thought. Actually, that's what I thought. Harka demants er tíu. The hardness of diamond is 10. The hard work of a diamond is ten. Þú ættir að passa að borða ekki of mikið. You'd better not eat too much. You should be careful not to eat too much. Ég náði að klára bókina. I managed to finish the book. I've finished the book. Sjúklingnum fer stöðugt fram. The patient is steadily recovering. The patient is stable. Dreymir þig nokkurntíma um að fljúga um himininn? Do you ever dream about flying through the sky? Do you ever dream of flying through the sky? Ástin er ofar fé. Það seinna getur ekki veitt jafn mikla hamingju og það fyrra. Love is above money. The latter can't give as much happiness as the former. Love is more than money, and later it can't bring as much happiness as the first. Það er ekki auðvelt að losa sig við slæman ávana. It's not easy to get rid of a bad habit. It is not easy to get rid of bad habits. Ég er fátæk. I'm poor. I'm poor. Ég er ekki hrifin af eggjum. I don't care for eggs. I don't like eggs. Tólf ára er hár aldur fyrir hund. Twelve years old is old for a dog. Twelve years old is old for a dog. Áhugamál mitt er að safna gömlum leikföngum. My hobby is collecting old toys. My interest is to collect old toys. Ég hugsa að þú sért með vitlaust númer. I think you have the wrong number. I think you have the wrong number. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim ofbeldisfullu. The world belongs to the violent. The world belongs to the violent ones. Tom breytist aldrei. Tom never changes. Tom never changes. Flýtið ykkur eða þið verðið seinir. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up or you'll be late. Það er mikið af sauðfé úti í haga. There are a lot of sheep in the pasture. There's a lot of sheep in the fields. Ég ætla að senda hana til Kaliforníu. I'm sending her to California. I'm gonna send her to California. Ykkur mun fara fram í hlutfalli við getu ykkar. You will progress in proportion to your abilities. You will be asked to do what you are able to do. Hvað gerirðu venjulega á sunnudögum? What do you usually do on Sundays? What do you usually do on Sundays? Þessi lönd tilheyrðu áður Frakklandi. Those countries used to belong to France. These countries formerly belonged to France. Ekki trufla mig með svona smámunum. Don't bother me with such trifles. Don't interrupt me with these little things. Það er víst að verðið á gulli muni fara upp. It is certain that the price of gold will go up. The price of gold is certain to go up. Segðu mér hvað þú vilt að ég geri. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me what you want me to do. Svona nú, segðu mér. Come on, tell me. Come on, tell me. Ég þekki ekki neina blinda menn. I don't know any blind men. I don't know any blind men. Þú átt eftir að þykja þessi bók mjög áhugaverð. You'll find this book very interesting. You will find this book very interesting. Ég mun þurfa að skoða dagskrána mína. I'll need to check my schedule. I'll have to check my schedule. Engum líkar við stríð. No one likes war. Nobody likes war. Hann talar ensku. He speaks English. He speaks English. Ég heyri tónlist. I hear music. I hear music. Þér mun brátt batna. You'll get well soon. You'll be better soon. Engin lifandi vera gæti lifað án lofts. No living thing could live without air. No living creature could live without air. Talaðu við mig! Talk to me! Talk to me! Ég sá stúlku með sítt hár. I saw a girl with long hair. I saw a girl with long hair. Hún tilheyrir tennisklúbbnum. She belongs to the tennis club. She's part of the tennis club. Ég býst við því að þú sért svangur. I suppose you're hungry. I guess you're hungry. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að skrifa móður minni annað bréf. I think it's time for me to write my mother another letter. I think it's time to write another letter to my mother. Við töluðum hver við aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Hann getur komið. He can come. He can come. Ég á erfitt með að trúa því. I find it difficult to believe. I find that hard to believe. Ég gekk á topp Fúdsjí-fjalls. I climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji. I walked to the top of Mount Fudsjyi. Þú tekur aðra götuna. You will take the second street. You're taking another street. Kærastinn hans er hálfviti. His boyfriend is an idiot. His boyfriend's an idiot. Sökum efnahagskreppunnar eru sífellt fleiri dæmi um fjársvik. Due to the economic crisis, there are more and more cases of fraud. Because of the economic crisis, there are more and more frauds. Hvernig dirfistu að segja þetta? How dare you say that? How dare you say that? Það er betra að taka sér tíma en að flýta sér og gera mistök. It's better to take your time than to hurry and make mistakes. It is better to take time than to hurry up and make mistakes. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði ykkur að fara ekki einir. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Það eru engar heimskulegar spurningar. There are no stupid questions. There are no stupid questions. Öll umferð stöðvaðist sökum slyssins. All traffic was brought to a halt because of the accident. All traffic was blocked by the accident. Mér finnst röksemdafærslan þín of flókin. Gætirðu ekki gert hana einfaldari og gagnyrtari. I find your argument too convoluted. Couldn't you try to make it simpler and more concise? I think your reasoning is too complicated, so why don't you just make it simpler and more complicated? Þið tvö eruð kjarni liðsins. You two are the nucleus of the team. You two are the core of the team. Allt sem er of heimskulegt til að vera sagt er sungið. Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung. Anything too stupid to be said is being sung. Vinsamlegast reykið ekki. Kindly refrain from smoking. Please don't smoke. Við töluðum við hvert annað sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Ég hló að brandaranum hans. I laughed at his joke. I laughed at his joke. Við náðum í allan efniviðinn. We got all the materials together. We picked up all the materials. Undir engum kringumstæðum máttu yfirgefa stöðuna þína. In no case are you to leave your post. Under no circumstances can you leave your post. Það er maður kominn til að hitta þig. There is a gentleman to see you. There's a man here to see you. Það mun örugglega rigna. It'll definitely rain. I'm sure it'll rain. Það skiptir ekki máli. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Gettu hvað hann sagði mér. Guess what he told me. Guess what he told me. Þar sem hún er skrifuð á einfaldri ensku er bókin auðlesin. Written in easy English, the book is easy to read. Since it is written in simple English, the book is easy to read. Það er bráð vöntun á kennurum með náttúrufræðimenntun. There is an urgent need for teachers with science backgrounds. There is a great lack of teachers with natural education. Hann er góður í að líkja eftir írskum hreim. He is good at imitating her Irish accent. He's good at imitating an Irish accent. Reykingar eru ekki vani heldur fíkn. Smoking is no habit but an addiction. Smoking is not a habit but an addiction. Við John erum góðir vinir. John and I are old friends. Me and John are good friends. Hvað finnst þér um hann? What do you think of him? What do you think of him? Værirðu til í að loka dyrunum? Would you mind shutting the door? Would you mind closing the door? Við höfum margar gerðir af kaffi. We have many varieties of coffee. We have a lot of coffee. Hann kemur frá Genf. He comes from Geneva. He's from Geneva. Verðið á gulli flöktir daglega. The price of gold fluctuates daily. Gold flutters are worth every day. Hún læsti dyrunum. She locked the door. She locked the door. Við hlupum til og frá. We were running to and fro. We ran to and from. Hún gegnur í næturskóla. She attends school at night. She goes to night school. Það er notalegt að sofa undir trénu. It is pleasant to sleep under the tree. It's nice sleeping under the tree. Við eigum tvö börn. We have two children. We have two children. Konan er að vinna. The woman is working. The woman's working. Ég beið í meira en tvo tíma. I waited more than two hours. I waited more than two hours. Leikkonan er að læra hlutverk. The actress is studying her role. The actress is learning a role. Burj Khalifa er í augnablikinu hæsti skýjakljúfur heims. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is currently the world's highest skyscraper. Ég ætla að panta samloku. I would like to order a sandwich. I'm gonna order a sandwich. Hver er uppáhalds rithöfundurinn þinn? Who's your favorite writer? Who's your favorite writer? Fyrirtækið varð fyrir fimmtán prósenta lækkun í sölu. The company suffered a 15% drop in sales. The company had a 15 - percent reduction in sales. Þessi tól virðast vera gagnslaus. These gadgets seem to be of no use. These tools look useless. Eftir langa fjarveru snéri hann aftur heim. After a long absence, he returned home. After a long absence, he returned home. Þú ert ekki njósnari, er það nokkuð? You aren't a spy, are you? You're not a spy, are you? Hún hélt á ungbarninu sínu í örmum sér. She held her baby in her arms. She held her baby in her arms. Þú munt bráðlega venjast því að tala opinberlega. You will soon get used to speaking in public. You will soon get used to speaking publicly. Halló. Hi. Hello. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að hitta hana þar. All you have to do is to meet her there. All you have to do is meet her there. Góðan daginn. Good morning. Good morning. Færðu mér það. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. John er ekki sami maður og hann var fyrir þremur árum. John is not the man he was three years ago. John's not the man he was three years ago. Hann kom með rútu. He came by bus. He came by bus. Hann pússaði skóna sína. He shined his shoes. He shined his shoes. Ég kældi höfuð sjúklingsins með ís. I cooled the patient's head with ice. I cooled off the patient's head with ice cream. Gjörðu svo vel að halda áfram. Please continue. Please continue. Ertu að grínast eða er þér alvara? Are you in jest or in earnest? Are you kidding me or are you serious? Póstlegðu þetta bréf undir eins. Post that letter right away. Mail this letter at once. Bankaðu á dyrnar. Knock on the door. Knock on the door. Ég hlakka til að heyra frá þér bráðlega. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Á hvaða stól settirðu bókina? On which chair did you put the book? Which chair did you put the book on? John er tveimur árum yngri en ég. John is my junior by two years. John's two years younger than I am. Hún útskýrði ástæður sínar fyrir okkur. She explained her reasons to us. She explained her reasons for us. Þau vita ekki af hverju þau eru að missa. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know why they're missing. Þið þekkir orðatiltækið: "Við yrkjum það sem við höfum sáð." Ég hef sáð vindinum og þetta er stormurinn minn. You know the phrase, we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and this is my storm. You know the saying, "We till the seed." I planted the wind, and this is my storm. Hvað er opið lengi hjá ykkur? How late are you open? How long are you opening up? Hundurinn minn lést á miðvikudaginn. Hún var sextán ára gömul. Last Wednesday my dog passed away. She was 16. My dog died on Wednesday. Viltu vinna með henni? Do you want to work with her? You want to work with her? Það var heldur erfitt fyrir mig að greina hvað hann var að segja. It was rather difficult for me to make out what he was saying. It was rather difficult for me to identify what he was saying. Gallíu allri er skipt í þrjá hluta. All Gaul is divided into three parts. The entire Gaul is divided into three parts. Þið hafið bæði rangt fyrir ykkur. You are both in the wrong. You're both wrong. Ég get beðið eftir þér. I can wait for you. I can wait for you. Ekkert ríki á jörðunni er óhult á þessari kjarnorkuöld. No country on earth is safe in this nuclear age. No Kingdom on earth is safe in this nuclear age. Hann er klárari en ég. He is cleverer than I. He's smarter than me. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður hennar við að þrífa bílskúrinn. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. Við sögðum ekkert. We said nothing. We didn't say anything. Það er synd. That's too bad. That's a shame. Þú ættir að lesa bækur sem munu koma þér til góða. You should read books that will benefit you. You should read books that will benefit you. Það er synd að þú getur ekki ferðast með okkur. It is a pity that you cannot travel with us. It's a shame you can't travel with us. Herra Johnson er ekki fræðimaður heldur skáld. Mr Johnson is not a scholar but a poet. Mr. Johnson is not a scholar. He's a poet. Tilkynntu þig til starfa í neyðarmóttökunni. Report to the emergency room. Call in the emergency room. Ég er of þreyttur til að hlaupa. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Hann kann ekki að synda. He cannot swim. He can't swim. Eigum við nægan mat? Do we have enough food? Do we have enough food? Enginn var að veita henni athygli. Nobody was paying attention to her. No one was paying attention to her. Við erum frændsystkini. He and I are cousins. We're cousins. Ég er hvorki Aþenubúi né Grikki. I'm neither an Athenian nor a Greek. I am not an Athenian or a Greek. Mætti ég fá meira kaffi? May I have some more coffee? May I have some more coffee, please? Slysin gerast. Accidents will happen. Accidents happen. Áhöfnin er upptekin við undirbúning fyrir ferðina út í geiminn. The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space. The crew are busy preparing for the trip to outer space. Dyrnar voru skyndilega opnaðar af Mike. The door was suddenly opened by Mike. The door was suddenly opened by Mike. Það er ekkert svar við spurningunni þinni. Your question has no answer. There's no answer to your question. Ég er ekki reiður/reið. Ég er bara leiður/leið. I'm not mad. I'm just sad. I'm not angry, I'm just sorry. Hann var nógu hugrakkur til að koma upp um hneykslið. He had the courage to expose the scandal. He was courageous enough to expose the scandal. Tvo bjóra, takk. Two beers, please. Two beers, please. Fólki líkar vel við hann vegna þess að hann er góðhjartaður. People like him because he is kind. People like him because he's kind. Fer hann fótgangandi eða á hjóli í skólann? Does he go to school on foot or by bicycle? Does he walk on foot or ride a bicycle to school? Hann er að vinna vinnuna sína. He is doing his work. He's doing his job. Þú verður að svara fyrir hafa ekki sinnt skyldu þinni. You must account for your neglect of duty. You have to answer for the fact that you haven't carried out your duty. Grýnið er á minn kostnað. The joke's on me. It's at my expense. Hundurinn elti hann hvert sem hann fór. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Með hverjum finnst þér skemmtilegast að hanga? Who's your favorite person to hang out with? Who do you like to hang out with? Vatnsleiðslan brast. The water pipe burst. The water main broke. Hún lék hetjuna betur en ég. She played the heroine better than I. She played the hero better than I did. Það verður ekki auðvelt að finna einhvern sem er hæfur til að taka við af honum. It won't be easy to find someone capable of taking his place. It will not be easy to find someone qualified to replace him. Ég er södd! I'm full! I'm done! Viltu horfa á mynd? Do you want to watch a movie? Would you like to watch a movie? Ertu meðvitaður um það hversu mikið hún elskar þig? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Are you aware of how much she loves you? Ungi maðurinn veit reglurnar, en sá gamli undantekiningarnar. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. The young man knows the rules, but the old reserves. Hún var eins og hún hefði séð draug. She looks as if she had seen a ghost. She was like she'd seen a ghost. Vinir: fjölskylda hverrar meðlimi við veljum. Friends: a family of which we chose the members. Friends: The family of each member we choose. Við keyptum pund af tei. We bought a pound of tea. We bought a pound of tea. Þú þarft ekki að fara í teitina nema þú viljir. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. You don't have to go to the party unless you want to. Það hefur orðið breyting á áætlunum okkar. There has been an alteration in our plans. There has been a change in our plans. Mundirðu kenna mér hvernig maður býr til ost? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Would you teach me how to make cheese? Ég leit á hann sem besta lækninn í bænum. I regarded him as the best doctor in town. I thought of him as the best doctor in town. Hún æfði vélritun á hverjum degi. She practiced typing every day. She practiced typing every day. Ég heyrði hurðir skellast. I could hear doors slamming. I heard doors knocking. Þessi veggur er kaldur viðkomu. This wall feels cold. This wall feels cold. Tom var berfættur. Tom was barefoot. Tom was bare-legged. Hún mun halda veislu í næstu viku. She will give a party next week. She'll have a party next week. Það virðist vera að enginn hafi vitað sannleikann. It seems that no one knew the truth. It seems that no one has known the truth. Þú ert ekki ég. You're not me. You're not me. Hversu langan tíma tekur að fara á skrifstofuna þína frá flugvellinum? How long does it take to your office from the airport? How long will it take to go to your office from the airport? Við ættum að vera góð við aldrað fólk. We should be kind to the aged. We should be kind to older people. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að biðjast afsökunar fyrir að vera sein. All you have to do is apologize for being late. All you have to do is apologize for being late. Áætlanir okkar eru að taka á sig mynd. Our plans are taking shape. Our plans are to take shape. Slysið eyðilagði allar hans vonir um árangur. The accident destroyed all his hopes for success. The accident ruined all his hopes for success. Finnst þér tónlist Mozarts góð? Do you like Mozart's music? Do you like Mozart's music? Ég þrábið yður í einlægri meðaumkun, sjáið þann möguleika að þér kunnið að hafa rangt fyrir yður. I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken. I beg you in heartfelt compassion, seeing the possibility that you may be wrong. Var þér ekki kennd almenn skynsemi rétt eins og vélritun í skólanum sem þú sóttir? Didn't they teach you common sense as well as typing at the school where you studied? Like typing in your school, were you not taught common sense? Ég er laus. I'm free. I'm out. Ég þarf að skrifa bréf. Áttu til pappír? I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? I need to write a letter. Hefurðu borðað bananaböku? Have you eaten a banana pie? Have you eaten a banana pie? Hjartað er vöðvi. The heart is a muscle. The heart is a muscle. Við fórum alla leið til Kjótó. We went as far as Kyoto. We went all the way to Kjoto. Hann lét mig fá 10 000 jen He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen Ég fór í gær að heiman án þess að borða morgunmat. I left home without having breakfast yesterday. I left home yesterday without breakfast. Drengirnir áttu það til að hrekkja kennarann. Sometimes the boys would play a joke on the teacher. The boys used to play the part in picking up the teacher. Ertu sammála nýju lögunum? Are you in agreement with the new law? Do you agree with the new law? Ef þú gerir nokkuð yfir höfuð, verður þú að gera þitt besta. If you do anything at all, you must do your best. If you do anything over your head, you must do your best. Ég er að læra tyrknesku. I am learning Turkish. I'm learning Turkish. Ef hurðin passar ekki í dyrnar, verðum við að hefla hana varlega þar til hún passar. If a door doesn't fit the casing, we must plane it carefully until it does. If the door doesn't fit the door, we'll have to gently tie it until it fits. Við töluðum um margt. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Ég hafði enga hugmynd hvers ég ætti til bragðs að taka. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what to do. Carol mun fara til Miami í næsta mánuði. Carol will visit Miami next month. Carol's going to Miami next month. Hvað er ég að gera? What am I doing? What am I doing? Mér er sagt að hann liggi veikur fyrir. I am told that he is ill in bed. I'm told he's weak. Þú ættir að halda þig til hægri. You should keep to the right. You should stay on the right. Hvaðan eru þau? Where are they from? Where are they from? Hvaða afsökun muntu nota ef þú getur ekki staðið við loforðið þitt? If you can't keep your promise, what excuse will you make? If you cannot fulfill your promise, what excuse will you use? Ég gæti ekki gert mig skiljanlega erlendis. I couldn't make myself understood in a foreign country. I couldn't make myself understandable abroad. Hann skemmtir okkur með fyndnu sögunum sínum. He amuses us with his funny stories. He'll have fun with his funny stories. John er fjarverandi frá skóla í gær. John was absent from school yesterday. John's away from school yesterday. Ég mundi heldur vera heima en fara út. I would rather stay home than go out. I'd rather be home than go out. Ó, veistu hvað? Oh, you know what? Oh, you know what? Hún var ættleidd sem ungbarn. She was adopted as an infant. She was adopted as a baby. Hví er það að hinn mesti glæpur og hin mesta dýrð eru að úthella mannsblóði. Why is it that the greatest crime and the greatest glory are to shed a man's blood? Why is it that the greatest crime and the greatest glory are shedding human blood? "Haldiði kjafti, öllsömul!" sagði hann. "Hold your tongues, every one of you!" said he. "Shut up, everyone!" he said. Hann kemur stundum að hitta mig. He sometimes comes to see me. He comes to see me sometimes. Síminn virkar ekki í augnablikinu. The phone doesn't work right now. The phone doesn't work right now. Um hvern ertu að tala? Whom are you speaking of? Who are you talking about? John var upptekinn við að undirbúa ferðina sína. John was busy preparing for his trip. John was busy preparing for his trip. Strákurinn er með risastóra kúlu á höfðinu. Engin furða að hann grét svona mikið! The boy has a huge bump on his head. No wonder he cried so much! The kid's got a huge bullet on his head, and no wonder he cried so hard! Þeir sögðu mér það. They told me so. They told me. Það er löng saga. It is a long story. It's a long story. Ekki stara á fólk. Don't stare at people. Don't stare at people. Heimspeki er ekki eins erfitt viðfangsefni og þú ímyndar þér. Philosophy is not so difficult a subject as you imagine it is. Philosophy is not as difficult as you imagine. Ég ætlast til að hann komi. I expect him to come. I expect him to come. Yoshio sagðist mundu borga allt að fimmtán þúsund jen fyrir nýja körfuboltaskó, ég mér þótti það ansi dýrt. Yoshio said he would pay as much as 15000 yen for a new pair of basketball shoes, but I thought that was quite expensive. Yoshio said he would pay up to 15,000 yen for new basketball shoes, I thought it was pretty expensive. Leyfðu mér að hugsa um það. Let me think about it. Let me think about it. Ég er frá Ítalíu og tala ítölsku. I come from Italy and I speak Italian. I'm Italian. I speak Italian. Hávaðinn vakti hana. The noise woke her up. The noise woke her up. Þetta fallega hús er svo dýrt að við getum ekki keypt það. This beautiful house is so expensive that we can't buy it. This beautiful house is so expensive that we cannot buy it. Hann mun líklega gleyma að skila bókinni minni. He will probably forget to return my book. He'll probably forget to return my book. Ég mun ekki tapa! I won't lose! I won't lose! Þau voru mjög spennt. They were very excited. They were very excited. Þú getur tekið hvora bókina sem er. You can take either book. You can take either book. Dekkið lekur. The tire leaks air. It's leaking. Slíkum dreng unna allir. Such a boy is loved by everybody. Such a boy, everyone loves him. Ég kann á skíði. I know how to ski. I know how to ski. Sjúklingaskrár flestra sjúkrahúsa eru geymdar í stafrófsröð. The clinical records in most hospitals are kept in alphabetical order. The patient records of most hospitals are in alphabetic order. Af hverju segirðu það? What makes you say that? Why do you say that? Á morgun verð ég að leggja fyrr af stað. Tomorrow I must leave earlier. Tomorrow I'll have to move on sooner. Ég vildi að hún myndi segja eitthvað við mig, svo að ég geti vitað hvort við séum ennþá vinir. I wish she would say something to me, so that I can know whether we're still friends. I wish she'd say something to me, so I can know if we're still friends. Ég fór hjá húsinu hennar í gær. I passed by her house yesterday. I went by her house yesterday. Við höfum notið friðar í meira en fjörtíu ár. We have enjoyed peace for more than 40 years. We've enjoyed peace for over 40 years. Bíddu þar til súpan hitnar. Wait till the soup warms. Wait till the soup warms up. Þetta epli er mjög rautt. This apple is very red. That apple is very red. Er kötturinn á stólnum eða undir stólnum? Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Is the cat on the chair or under the chair? Hún fór að tala við hundinn. She began to talk to the dog. She started talking to the dog. Það tekur okkur þrjátíu mínútur að ganga héðan á stöðina. It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station. It'll take us 30 minutes to walk from here to the station. Mig langar að panta viðtal fyrir þriggja ára gamlan son minn. I'd like to make an appointment for my three-year-old son. I'd like to order an interview for my three-year-old son. "Kærastan þín verður svo reið við þig þegar hún kamst að þessu." "Hún kemst aldrei að þessu." "Your girlfriend is going to be so mad at you when she finds out." "She'll never find out." "Your girlfriend will be so mad at you when she finds out about this." "She'll never know." Ég hef gert mitt besta. I've done my best. I've done the best I can. Dan hjálpaði Lindu að finna glæsilegan kjól í fatabúðinni. Dan helped Linda find an elegant dress at the clothing shop. Dan helped Linda find a beautiful dress in the clothes store. Fer nokkur rúta að verslunarmiðstöðinni? Is there a bus that goes to the mall? Is anyone going to the mall? Hún hvíslaði að mér að hún væri svöng. She whispered to me that she was hungry. She whispered to me that she was hungry. Mér tókst að klára bókina. I managed to finish the book. I managed to finish the book. Jafnvel þótt ég hafði rétt fyrir mér, varð hann ofaná. Even though I was right, he got the best of me. Even though I was right, he was on top. Það er enn þar. It's still there. It's still there. Bob reynir oft að hætta að reykja. Bob often tries to quit smoking. Bob often tries to quit smoking. Hver veit hvenær Hu Jintao á afmæli? Who knows Hu Jintao's birthday? Who knows when it's Hu Jintao's birthday? Hún er að gráta. She is crying. She's crying. Systir mín trúlofaðist. My sister got engaged. My sister got engaged. Ráðabruggið þitt er eins og hús byggt á sandi. Your scheme is like a house built on the sand. Your scheme is like a house built on sand. Hún bauð honum á stefnumót en hann sagði nei vegna þess að hann taldi að stelpur ættu ekki að bjóða strákum á stefnumót. She asked him out on a date, but he said no since he thought girls should not ask boys out. She asked him out on a date, but he said no because he thought girls shouldn't be asking boys out on a date. Ég fæ lánaðan penna. I will borrow a pen. I'll borrow a pen. Ég vona að það hætti að rigna. I hope it stops raining. I hope it stops raining. Mig klæjar í augun. My eyes feel itchy. My eyes are itchy. Flestir fara á eftirlaun við sextíu ára aldur. Most people retire at the age of sixty. Most of them retire at 60 years of age. Hann greip í hálsmálið á mér. He grabbed me by the collar. He grabbed my neck. Maðurinn er eina dýrið sem getur talað. Man is the only animal that can speak. Man is the only animal that can speak. Eigum við nóg af mat? Do we have enough food? Do we have enough food? Hvað gætir þú gert? What could you do? What might you do? Um hvað ertu að tala? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Gleðileg jól! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Ég vildi óska að ég væri ung aftur. I wish I was young again. I wish I was young again. Fékkstu það lánað? Did you borrow it? Did you borrow it? Það væri best ef að við færum. We'd better leave. It'd be best if we left. Eigum við að taka leigubíl? Shall we take a taxi? Shall we take a cab? Ertu að segja það vegna þess að þú ert hrædd? Are you saying that because you're afraid? Are you saying that because you're scared? Réttu upp höndina ef þú veist svarið. Raise your hand if you know the answer. If you know the answer, raise your hand. Það er að verða dimmt. Þú ættir að fara heim. It's getting dark. You'd better go home. It's getting dark, you should go home. Hún eldar ekki vel. She does not cook well. She doesn't cook well. Hilton hótelið, takk. The Hilton Hotel, please. Hilton Hotel, please. Ekki snerta þessa flösku nokkurntíma aftur! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Don't touch that bottle ever again! Hann tók klukkuna í sundur einfaldlega sér til gamans. He took the clock apart just for fun. He simply cut the clock apart for fun. Þetta efni er vatnshelt. This fabric is impermeable to water. This material is waterproof. Þessi bíll tilheyrir honum. That car is his. This car belongs to him. Ég vinn frá níu til fimm hvern dag. I work from nine to five every day. I work from nine to five every day. "Hvað er klukkan?" "Hún er tuttugu mínútur yfir þrjú." "What's the time?" "It is twenty minutes past three." "What time is it?" "She's twenty minutes over three." Tunglið er bakvið skýin. The moon is behind the clouds. The moon is behind the clouds. Ertu með einhver lyf sem eru góð við kvefi? Do you have some medicine good for a cold? Do you have any medicines that are good for a cold? Pósturinn kemur fyrir hádegi. The mail arrives before noon. The mail will be here by noon. Áætlunin þín er fyllilega gagnslaus. Your plan is of no earthly use. Your plan is useless. Hvernig fékkstu það? How did you get it? How did you get it? Sjáðu til þess að dyrnar séu læstar klukkan tíu. See to it that the door is locked at 10. Make sure the door is locked at ten o'clock. Herra og frú West eru í brúðkaupsferð sinni. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. West are on their honeymoon. Byrjum! Let's begin. Let's go! Hún þykist sofa. Þess vegna hrýtur hún ekki. She's faking sleep. That's why she's not snoring. That's why she doesn't snore. Þau trúa því að Jane sé heiðarleg. They believe that Jane is honest. They believe that Jane is honest. Dyrnar eru opnar. Ég skal fara og loka þeim. The door is open. I'll go and shut it. The door is open, I'll go close them up. John er besti vinur minn. John is my best friend. John is my best friend. Klósettið var úti í garðinum. The toilet was outside, in the yard. The clock was out in the park. Það var hætt við flugið okkar. Our flight was canceled. Our flight was canceled. Ég læt það í þínar hendur að ákveða hvað skuli til bragðs að taka. I leave it in your hands what course of action to take. I'll leave it to you to decide what to do. Ég vil ekki fara aftur heim. Ég vil djamma. I don't want to go back home. I want to party. I don't wanna go back home. Hann var að hlusta á tónlist? He was listening to music. He was listening to music? Þeir kunna að veiða. They can fish. They know how to hunt. Stoppum hér. Let's stop here. Let's stop here. Hún hreykir sér af eldamennsku sinni. She prides herself on her skill in cooking. She prides herself on her cooking. Þessi enska skáldsaga er ekki það auðveld að þú getir lesið hana á einni viku. This English novel is not easy enough for you to read in a week. This English novel is not easy for you to read in one week. Mér til undrunar féll hann á prófinu. To my surprise, he failed the examination. To my surprise, he failed the test. Við töluðum við hverja aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Þið eruð ungir strákar. You are young boys. You're young boys. Þú hlýtur að vera staurblind ef þú sást það ekki. You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it. You must be blind as long as you didn't see it. Við verðum að vera á varðbergi gagnvart hættum. We must be alert to dangers. We must be alert to dangers. Ertu búinn með hana? Have you finished it? Have you finished it? Hann þénaði meira en tíu dollara á dag. He earned no more than ten dollars a day. He made over $10 a day. Þetta fólk lagði mikið af mörkum til heimsfriðar. Those people contributed greatly to world peace. These people contributed a great deal to world peace. Þú fréttir þetta ekki frá mér. You didn't hear this from me. You're not gonna hear this from me. Hvað finnst þér um japönsku? What do you think of Japanese? What Do You Think of Japanese? Segðu mér sanna sögu. Tell me a true story. Tell me a true story. Það eru tíu meðlimir í siglingafélaginu okkar. Our yacht club has ten members. There are ten members of our shipping company. Jón nýtti sér veikleika Baldurs. John took advantage of Bill's weakness. John took advantage of Baldur's weakness. Klukkan hvað ferðu yfirleitt í háttinn? What time do you usually go to bed? What time do you usually go to bed? Mér til undrunar var mannfræðingurinn sakaður um morð. To my surprise, the anthropologist was accused of murder. To my surprise, anthropologist was accused of murder. Þau afþökkuðu boðið í veisluna okkar. They declined the invitation to our party. They canceled our invitation to our party. Kenningin þín er brjáluð, en ekki nógu brjáluð til að vera sönn. Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true. Your theory is crazy, but not crazy enough to be true. Ég komst að því að ég get ekki fundið upp á áhugaverðum setningum um kjarnorkuvopn. I found out I can't make up interesting sentences about nuclear weapons. I found out that I can't find out any interesting words about nuclear weapons. Hvers óskarðu? What's your wish? What do you want? Hún ráðlagði honum hvar hann ætti að gista. She advised him where he should stay. She advised him where to stay. Bill er mikill bardagamaður. Bill is a great fighter. Bill's a great fighter. Jón fór með Maríu á tónleikana. John accompanied Mary to the concert. John took Maria to the concert. Herra Brown er fjármálaráðgjafinn okkar. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. Mr. Brown is our financial adviser. Komdu endilega innfyrir. Do come in, please. Please come in. Er móðir þín heima? Is your mother at home? Is your mother home? Hann kom um Honolulu. He came back by way of Honolulu. He came through Honolulu. Bill er góður í stærðfræði. Bill is good at mathematics. Bill's good in math. Þú munt standa við þín orð, ekki satt? You will keep your word, won't you? You're gonna keep your word, aren't you? Hvor þykja þér betri: epli eða bananar? Which do you like better, apples or bananas? Which one do you prefer: apples or bananas? Hún kom til Japans í þeim tilgangi að læra japönsku. She came to Japan for the purpose of studying Japanese. She came to Japan in order to learn Japanese. Hundurinn gengur í kringum borðið. The dog walks around the table. The dog walks around the table. Hún fór með vinkonum sínum. She went off with her friends. She went with her friends. Förum inn. Let's go on in. Let's go inside. Bifreiðin hefur breytt lífi okkar. The automobile has changed our life. The car has changed our lives. Ég veifaði bless og labbaði svo í burtu. I waved good bye and then walked away. I waved goodbye and then walked away. Hann fór til Evrópu í gegnum Ameríku. He went to Europe by way of America. He went to Europe through America. Ég get ekki gert það vegna þess að ég á ekki næga peninga. I am not able to do that because I don't have enough money. I can't do that because I don't have enough money. Að lesa bækur er áhugamál mitt. Reading books is my hobby. Reading books is my hobby. Í hvaða húsi gistirðu? Which house are you staying in? What house are you staying in? Ég hugsa að þú ættir heldur að gista hjá okkur. I think you had better stay with us. I think you should stay with us instead. Mig langar að taka pilluna. I'd like to take the pill. I want to take the pill. Þær rifust. They quarreled. They had an argument. Kennarinn okkar mun fara til Bandaríkjanna í næsta mánuði. Our teacher will go to the USA next month. Our teacher will go to the United States next month. Ég hitti Mattias á Spáni. I met Mattias in Spain. I met Mattias in Spain. Matarbirgðirnar munu endast fram að apríl. Our food supplies will last till April. The food supply will last until April. Foreldrar Johns virtust fegin því að heyra að flugvélin hans var á réttum tíma. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that his plane was on time. John's parents seemed happy to hear that his plane was on time. Hafðu ekki áhyggjur. Þetta er allt í lagi. Don't worry. It's OK. Don't worry, it's okay. Ég fór í uppáhalds kjólinn minn fyrir teitina. I put on my favorite dress for the party. I wore my favorite dress for the party. Ég var heima. I was at home. I was home. Hún gengur í skóla fyrir heyrnarlausa. She goes to a school for the deaf. She goes to school for the deaf. Tatoeba er opinn hugbúnaður. Tatoeba is open source software. Tatoeba is an open software. Ég læt þig vita þegar það hefur verið ákveðið. I'll let you know when it has been decided. I'll let you know when it's decided. Ég sá ungfrú Smith í leikhúsinu í gær. I saw Miss Smith in the theater yesterday. I saw Miss Smith in the theatre yesterday. Sumur í Kíótó eru mjög heit. Summers are very hot in Kyoto. Some of the Conottos are very hot. Það var stór gjá milli skoðanna þeirra tveggja. There was a great gap between the views of the two. There was a big gap between the two views. Það er næstum því ekkert vatn í fötunni. There's almost no water in the bucket. There's almost no water in the bucket. Bjórflöskurnar sem ég kom með í partíið voru óþarfar; fjölskylda gestgjafans átti bruggverksmiðju. The bottles of beer that I brought to the party were redundant; the host's family owned a brewery. The beer bottles I brought to the party were unnecessary; the host's family owned a rocking factory. Hann tók þunga kassann niður af hillunni. He took the heavy box down from the shelf. He took the heavy box down from the shelf. Lýsingin var sett upp þannig að styrkleika hennar mætti stjórna með hnappi svo þú gætir myndað þá birtu sem þú vildir. The lighting was set up to have the intensity controlled by one knob so you could produce the brightness as you want. The description was set so that its strength could be controlled by a button so you could form the light you wanted. Þau gáfu mér það. They gave it to me. They gave it to me. Ég elska hana vegna þess hvað hún er þolinmóð. I love her because of how patient she is. I love her because she's so patient. Nautgripirnir eru brennimerktir. The cattle are marked with brands. Cattle are marked with a logo. Hvað sagði hann við þig? What did she say to you? What did he say to you? Við verðum að hafa það á hreinu að hvað frumeindir snertir, verður tungumálið eingöngu notað líkt og í ljóðlist. We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. We have to be clear about the fact that in terms of atoms, the language will only be used as in poetry. Hún sagði að John hlyti að vera mjög glaður að heyra fréttirnar. She said that John must be very glad to hear the news. She said that John must be very happy to hear the news. Takuja sagði mér að byrja undir eins. Takuya told me to start at once. Takui told me to start right away. Ég kann ákaflega vel við hljóm hörpunnar. I like the sound of harpsichord very much. I like the sound of the harp. Það voru of margir á tónleikunum. There were too many people at the concert. There were too many at the concert. Ég er að reyna að leysa þetta vandamál. I'm trying to work out this problem. I'm trying to solve this problem. Það er í eintölu. It is singular. It's in the singular. Við nefndum hundinn Pochi. We named the dog Pochi. We named the dog Pochi. Hún er alvarleg manneskja. She is a serious person. She's a serious person. Áin er breið. The river is wide. The river is wide. Bókin er mjög áhugaverð. The book is very interesting. It's very interesting. Kennarinn leitaði að göngustafnum The teacher looked for the walking-stick. The Teacher Searched the Walking Letter Geturðu hjálpað mér að finna lyklana mína? Can you help me find my keys? Can you help me find my keys? Ekki hlusta á hana. Don't listen to her. Don't listen to her. Þú ert eimanna, er það ekki? You feel lonesome, don't you? You're the nebulisers, aren't you? Það er ómögulegt að ná fullum tökum á ensku á stuttum tíma. It is impossible to master English in a short time. It is impossible to get full English in a short period of time. Þetta er ástæðan fyrir því að ég kom aftur. This is why I came back. This is why I came back. Það er bara afsökun fyrir aðgerðaleysi. That is a mere excuse for idleness. That's just an excuse for inactivity. Við hlupum niður að árbakkanum. We ran down to the riverbank. We ran down to the river bank. Keyptirðu það á svarta markaðinum? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy it from the black market? Takk fyrir að hafa komið. Thank you for coming. Thanks for coming. Gerðu svo vel að koma. Please come. Please come. Í Bandaríkjunum voru sett lög til að koma í veg fyrir tölvuglæpi. Laws to prevent computer crimes were enacted in the USA. In the United States, laws were made to prevent computer crime. Fáum okkur súshí. Let's eat sushi. Let's get some sashi. Læknirinn lagði áherslu á að sjúklingurinn ætti einungis fáeina daga ólifaða. The doctor emphasized that the patient had only a few days. The doctor stressed that the patient had only a few days to live. Ég er einkabarn. I'm an only child. I'm an only child. Hún ráðlagði honum að festa sætisólarnar. She advised him to fasten his seat belt. She advised him to fasten his seat belts. Það skiptir mig engu hvort þú komir eða ekki. It doesn't matter to me whether you come or not. It doesn't matter whether you're here or not. Stjórnmálamaðurinn knúði á um umbætur með því að fordæma spillingu opinberu embættismannanna. The politician pushed for reform by denouncing the corruption of the government officials. The politician was moved to reform by condemning the corruption of the official officials. Farðu! Go away! Go! Vinsamlegast kynntu mig fyrir henni. Please introduce me to her. Please introduce me to her. John er ekki sami maður og hann var fyrir þremur árum. John is not the man that he was three years ago. John's not the man he was three years ago. Það eru litlar líkur á því að hún nái sér. There is little hope of her recovery. There's little chance she'll be okay. Ég hef verið upptekinn. I have been busy. I've been busy. Þú verður að hætta að reykja. You must stop smoking. You gotta stop smoking. Þú verður að hlýða foreldrum þínum. You must obey your parents. You must obey your parents. Hann skellti skuldinni á vini sína. He fixed the blame on his friends. He blamed his friends. Ég geng í skóla. I go to school. I go to school. Vinsamlegast segðu mér söguna einu sinni enn. Please tell me the story once more. Please tell me the story one more time. Þau áttu yndislegt líf. They had wonderful lives. They had a wonderful life. Hversu djúpt er vatnið? How deep is the lake? How deep is the water? Ég vil panta hótelbergi. I'd like a hotel reservation. I'd like to order a hotel room. Faðir minn keypti mér reiðhjól. My father bought me a bicycle. My father bought me a bicycle. Ég er kvæntur og á tvö börn. I am married and have two children. I'm married. I have two children. Hundurinn er besti vinur mannsins. Dog is man's best friend. The dog is man's best friend. Deilið kökunni meðal ykkar þriggja. Divide the cake among you three. Share the pie among the three of you. Tökum okkur tíu mínútna hlé. Let's take a ten-minute break. Let's take a ten-minute break. Ég fékk þessa eyrnalokka frá ömmu minni. I got these earrings from my grandmother. I got these earrings from my grandmother. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig bráðlega. I am looking forward to seeing you soon. I look forward to seeing you soon. Hvern skiptir það annars máli? Who cares anyway? Who else does it matter? Þú ættir að læra að hafa hemil á sjálfum þér. You should learn to restrain yourself. You should learn to control yourself. Það er notalegt að fylgjast með ástríku eldra pari. It is pleasant to watch a loving old couple. It's nice to watch a loving older couple. Þessi bjórkrús rúmar hálfpott. This beer mug holds one pint. This beer can hold half a pot. Francesca er íturvaxnari en margar aðrar fyrirsæturnar á umboðsskrifstofunni. Francesca has a fuller figure than many of the other models at the agency. Francesca is more penniless than many other models at the agency. Umfram allt var Bill áhyggjufullur um að þyngjast. Above all, Bill was worried about gaining weight. More than anything, Bill was concerned about gaining weight. Dauði föður míns úr krabbameini varð mér áskorun til að hefja rannsóknir á sjúkdómnum. My father's death from cancer challenged me to take up research on it. My father's death from cancer made it a challenge for me to start studying the disease. Ég þarf að fara þótt það rigni sem hellt sé úr fötu. I have to go even if it rains cats and dogs. I need to leave if the rain is poured out. Tom er sá eini sem kann ekki að meta kryddaðan mat. Tom is the only one here who doesn't like spicy food. Tom's the only one who doesn't appreciate spicy food. Ég hata gulrætur. I hate carrots. I hate carrots. Við njótum þess að tala saman. We enjoy talking. We love talking. Þú munt brátt sannfærast um að ég hafi rétt fyrir mér. You will soon be convinced I am right. You'll soon be convinced I'm right. Sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa er enska. The common language of many Asians is English. The common language among many Asians is English. Ég er södd. I'm full. I'm done. Strákurinn breytti ekki skoðun sinni. The boy didn't change his opinion. The kid didn't change his mind. Bill kom með glas af vatni handa mér. Bill brought me a glass of water. Bill brought me a glass of water. Á fimmtándu öld blómstruðu listir á Ítalíu. The fine arts flourished in Italy in the 15th century. In the fifteenth century, Italian art was flourishing. Við leikum það eftir eyranu. We'll play it by ear. We'll play it by ear. Hann beið í tíu mínútur. He waited ten minutes. He waited ten minutes. Er hann Japani? Is he Japanese? Is he Japanese? Lögin, eins og þau eru, eru ekki svo ströng. The law, as it is, is not so severe. The laws they are are not so strict. Ég er einmanna. I'm lonely. I'm lonely. Það er fallegt af þér að segja. You are kind to say so. That's nice of you to say. Þú veist talsvert mikið um súmóglímu. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know quite a lot about slime. Langar þig í meira salad? Would you like some more salad? Want some more salad? Hvernig geturðu verið svona óvirkur? Af hverju svararðu ekki í sömu mynt? How can you be so passive? Why don't you retaliate? How can you be so inactive? Það er heitt í herberginu. The room is hot. It's hot in the room. Sársaukinn er horfinn. The pain has gone. The pain is gone. Labbaðu á undan mér. Walk ahead of me. I want you to walk before I do. Það mun ekki taka svo langan tíma. It won't take so long. It won't take that long. Það eru ekki grá hár sem ógna viskunni. It is not white hair that engenders wisdom. There are no gray hairs that threaten wisdom. Hann kom aðeins fyrr en hann var vanur að gera. He came a little earlier than he used to. He only came here earlier than he used to do. Hann gaf mér vísbendingu. He gave me a hint. He gave me a hint. Af útliti hans að dæma er hann veikur. Judging from his appearance, he is ill. From his physical appearance, he is sick. Þú mátt ekki sofna. You can't fall asleep. You can't go to sleep. Ekki hafa svona miklar áhyggjur af peningum. Don't worry about money so much. Don't worry so much about money. Á morgun ætla ég að læra á bókasafninu. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. Tomorrow I'm going to study in the library. Hún talar góða ensku. She speaks good English. She speaks good English. Ertu á Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Þau búa í nýju húsi nærri almenningsgarðinum. They live in a new house near the park. They live in a new house near the park. Mér líður mjög illa. Ég held ég þurfi að gubba. I feel very sick. I want to throw up. I think I'm gonna throw up. Kærulausu mennirnir frusu í hel í leiðangrinum á Suðurskautslandið. The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic. The careless men flew to death in the Antarctica expedition. Hefurðu einhverntíma farið á skrifstofuna þar sem pabbi þinn vinnur? Have you ever visited the office where your father works? Have you ever been to the office where your dad works? Er hún Japani? Is she Japanese? Is she Japanese? Hann brennur af ást á landinu sínu. He is burning with love of his country. He burns for love of his land. Hvaða strákur er þetta sem stendur við dyrnar? Who's that boy standing at the door? Who is this boy standing at the door? Það virðist sem aðferðirnar mínar séu nýlegri. It seems that my methods are more up to date. It seems my methods are more recent. Tom sagði góða nótt við Mary og fór. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Tom said good night to Mary and went. Hvað er opið lengi hjá þér? How late are you open? How long do you have? Það er vindur í dag. It is windy today. It's windy today. Vinsamlegast hjálpaðu þér sjálfum. Please help yourself. Please help yourself. Til hvers ertu að læra spænsku? What do you learn Spanish for? What are you learning Spanish for? Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að vinna svona mikið. She advised him to stop working so much. She advised him to stop working so hard. Sem krakki lék ég mér yfirleitt í hafnabolta eftir skóla. As a kid I usually played baseball after school. When I was a kid, I used to play in baseball after school. Hver er uppáhalds áhorfsíþróttagreinin þín? What's your favorite spectator sport? What's your favorite sports article? Skildu við skrifborðið þitt eins og það er. Leave your desk as it is. Leave your desk as it is. Takeshi heldur dagbók á ensku. Takeshi keeps a diary in English. Takeshi keeps a journal in English. Þér tókst á endanum að finna fá vinnu. You finally succeeded in getting a job. You eventually managed to find a job. Hún verður sex ára á næsta ári. She is going to be six next year. She'll be six next year. Tom sagði að ég væri sætur. Tom told me I was cute. Tom said I was cute. Þrátt fyrir "Reykingar bannaðar" skilti reykti bátsmaðurinn blygðunarlaust allan tímann. Despite "No Smoking" signs, the boat operator was brazenly smoking all the time. Despite a "No smoking " sign, the boatman smoked shamelessly the whole time. Ég er alltaf með orðabók við höndina. I always keep a dictionary close at hand. I always have a dictionary on my hand. Ég nota Twitter. I am using Twitter. I'm using Twitter. Hún líkist mjög móður sinni. She looks a lot like her mother. She looks very like her mother. Það er ekki tíma heldur vilja sem þig skortir. It's not the time but the will that you lack. It's not time. It's the will you lack. Ég er alls ekki þreytt. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Fannstu jörðina hrærast? Did you feel the earth move? Did you feel the earth moving? Hefurðu nokkurn tíma klifið Fúdsjí fjall? Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji? Have you ever climbed Mount Fudsjyi? Dag einn lagði hann af stað í langa göngu um bæinn. One day he set off on a long walk around the town. One day he set out for a long walk through town. Manstu? Do you remember? Do You Recall? Hraðbankinn át debetkortið mitt. The ATM has swallowed my debit card. The ATM ate my debet card. Ég nýt þess reglulega að hjálpa fötluðu fólki. I really enjoy helping disabled people. I enjoy helping disabled people. Segðu hvort þú mundir vilja. Say which one you would like. Tell me if you'd like. Mín væri ánægjan. I'd be glad to. It would be my pleasure. Þú ert ekki að horfa á sjónvarpið núna. You are not watching TV now. You're not watching TV right now. Hann svaf vært. He slept soundly. He slept well. Tvær stelpur ældu í rútunni á tveimur dögum. Two girls threw up on the bus in two days. Two girls picked up the bus in two days. Þú verður álitin ókurteis ef þú gerir slíkt. You will be taken for an ill-mannered person if you do so. If you do that, you will be considered rude. Róaðu þig! Cool off! Calm down! Það var mjög hljóðlátt. It was very quiet. It was very quiet. Það er ekki sanngjarnt. That isn't fair. That's not fair. Ég er alltaf til. I'm always ready. I always exist. Hvað viltu? What is it that you want? What do you want? Mamma mín er fyrir utan. My mother is outside. My mom's outside. Ég mun gera mitt besta. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Allt sem þið þurfið að gera er að læra þessa setningu utanað. All you have to do is to learn this sentence by heart. All you have to do is learn this sentence by heart. Ertu búinn með blaðið? Are you through with the newspaper? Are you done with the magazine? Það er ekki hægt að dæma fólk eingöngu út frá útliti þess. One cannot judge people only by their outward appearances. People cannot be judged solely by their appearance. Við dáðumst að því hve vel litli drengurinn kom fyrir sig orðinu. We marveled at the little boy's eloquence. We were impressed by the way the little boy put his word to himself. Ég er timbraður. I have a hangover. I'm hungover. Hver heldur þú að þekki til þessa máls? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? Who do you think knows about this case? Ég á honum líf mitt að launa. I owe him my life. I owe him my life. Hann skortir hæfileika til að vera leikari. He lacks the talent to be an actor. He lacks the ability to be an actor. Bill er á leiðinni til New York. Bill is on his way to New York. Bill's on his way to New York. Ekki blekkja hann. Don't deceive him. Don't fool him. Himininn lofar góðu veðri. The sky promises fair weather. The skies promise good weather. Ég hafði búist við honum á fundinn. I had expected him at the meeting. I had been expecting him for the meeting. Gættu hvar þú stígur. Watch your step. Watch your step. Ég útbjó morgunverð. I made breakfast. I made breakfast. Þú ert stóra ást lífs míns. You are the great love of my life. You're the big love of my life. Vitandi ekki hvað hann ætti að gera, bað hann mig um hjálp. Not knowing what to do, he asked me for help. Not knowing what to do, he asked me for help. Ég hafði ekki beðið lengi þegar vagninn kom. I had not waited long before the bus came. I hadn't waited long for the bus to come. Ég hlustaði á nokkrar plötur í gærnótt. I listened to some records last night. I listened to some records last night. Hún brýtur eitthvað í hvert skipti sem hún þrífur herbergið. She breaks something every time she cleans the room. She breaks something every time she cleans the room. Tom var að spila á gítar og elda á sama tíma. Tom was playing the guitar and cooking at the same time. Tom was playing guitar and cooking at the same time. Ég trúi því ekki! I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Var það ekki hræðilegt? Wasn't it awful? It was terrible, wasn't it? Þú ættir að eyða þeim litla tíma sem þú átt eftir með vinum þínum. You should spend what little time you have left with your friends. You should spend the little time you have left with your friends. Við bílaþvottastöðina, við hliðina á verslunarmiðstöðinni. At the car wash next to the shopping mall. At the car wash, next to the mall. Hvers vegna ætli karíóke sé svona vinsælt? I wonder why karaoke is so popular. I wonder why karioke is so popular. Eftir að ég lokaði dyrunum mundi ég að ég hafði skilið lykilinn minn eftir. After I shut the door, I remembered I had left my key behind. After I closed the door, I remembered that I had left my key. Öll önnur tungumál eru auðveldari en Úýgúrska. All the other languages are easier than Uighur. All other languages are easier than Ukrainian. Bill hætti að reykja. Bill stopped smoking. Bill quit smoking. Enginn hafði það í sér að segja að hann hefði rangt fyrir sér. No one had the heart to say he was wrong. No one had the intention of saying that he was wrong. Hún ráðlagði honum að æfa sig meira. She advised him to get more exercise. She advised him to practice more. Það er kominn tími til að þú farir í skóla. It is about time you went to school. It's time you went to school. Tama fer stundum í einn í göngutúr. Tama sometimes goes for a walk by himself. Tama sometimes takes one for a walk. Í september mun ég hafa þekkt hana í heilt ár. By September I will have known her for a whole year. In September, I've known it for a year. Þúsundir útlendinga sækja Japan heim hvert ár. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan each year. Thousands of foreigners return to Japan each year. Ég sá hann fara yfir götuna þegar ég steig úr vagninum. I saw him cross the street as I got off the bus. I saw him cross the street when I got off the bus. Ég átti í útistöðum við lögregluna í gærnótt. I was in trouble with the police last night. I had trouble with the police last night. Mundirðu fara í stórmarkaðinn að kaupa smjör? Would you go to the supermarket and get some butter? You wanted to go to the supermarket and buy some butter? Ég er að fara úr fötunum. I'm undressing. I'm taking my clothes off. Geturðu líka keypt eina fyrir mig? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one, too? Tom söng ekki. Tom didn't sing. Tom didn't sing. Hvað með að byrja að skokka? How about taking up jogging? What about starting to run? Hvar get ég fengið upplýsingar um leiðsöguferðir? Where can I get some information on tours? Where can I get information about tours? Þau höfnuðu hugmyndinni okkar. They rejected our idea. They rejected our idea. Hver leikmaður gerði sitt besta. Each player did his best. Every player did his best. Reyndar er það þér að kenna. Actually it's your fault. Actually, it's your fault. Það lítur út eins og snjór, ekki satt? It looks like snow, doesn't it? It looks like snow, doesn't it? Ég borðaði ekkert nema brauð og smjör. I ate nothing but bread and butter. I ate nothing but bread and butter. Þið gerðuð þetta viljandi! You did this intentionally! You did it on purpose! Hvert er hitastigið? What is the temperature? What's the temperature? Tom var hissa. Tom was surprised. Tom was surprised. Hann hélt áfram að gera það. He went on doing it. He continued to do so. Af hverju ertu svona harður við hann? Why are you so hard on him? Why are you so hard on him? Ég trúi ekki þeirri sögu. I don't believe that story. I don't believe that story. Ertu með eða á móti stefnunni? Are you in favor of or against that policy? Are you in or against your policy? Vinsamlegast mundu hvað hann sagði. Please remember what he said. Please remember what he said. Tölum aðeins um ástina. Let's talk about love. Let's just talk about love. Ég er strákur. I am a boy. I'm a boy. "Komið og sjáið," sagði Philip. "Come and see," said Philip. "Come and see," said Philip. Lífið er fallegt. Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful. Enginn getur fundið að nýju áætluninni okkar. No one can find fault with our new plan. No one can find out our new plan. Ef það sem þú segir er satt, fylgir að hann er með fjarvistarsönnun. If what you say is true, it follows that he has an alibi. If what you say is true, then he has an alibi. Hve vel hún eldar! How well she cooks! How well she cooks! Hún hitti frænda sinn í búðinni. She met her uncle at the shop. She met her uncle at the store. Við erum hér með börnunum okkar. We're here with our children. We're here with our kids. Það er synd að stela jafnvel svo litlu sem títuprjón. It is a sin to steal even a pin. Stealing even small ones is a sin. Það voru tíu egg alls. There were ten eggs in all. There were ten eggs all over. Ég hringdi í hann í gær. I called him up yesterday. I called him yesterday. Sjaldan fellur eplið langt frá eikinni. Like father, like son. The apple rarely falls far from the oak. Hvað þýðir "precise" nákvæmlega? What is the precise meaning of "precise"? What does "precise " mean exactly? Bíllinn hans er virkilega svalur. His car is really cool. His car is really cool. Gefðu mér vinsamlegast annað tækifæri. Please give me another chance. Give me a second chance, please. Tom lítur út fyrir að vera ákaflega hamingjusamur. Tom looks very happy. Tom looks very happy. Ég hugsa að það sé villa í reikningnum mínum. I think there's a mistake in my bill. I'm thinking there's an error in my account. Ef þú vilt ekki setja á þig sólarvörn þá er það þitt vandamál. Komdu bara ekki kvartandi til mín þegar þú brennur. If you don't want to put on sunscreen, that's your problem. Just don't come complaining to me when you get a sunburn. If you don't want to put some sunscreen on, it's your problem, just don't come complaining to me when you burn. Það sem þú átt ekki er betra en það sem þú átt. What you don't have is better than what you do have. What you have is better than what you have. Hvað er þessi fiskur kallaður á ensku? What is this fish called in English? What do they call this fish in English? Mig langar til að horfa á sjónvarpið. I'd like to watch TV. I want to watch TV. Ég er örvhentur. I'm left-handed. I'm left-handed. Hún elskar börn. She loves children. She loves children. Velkominn til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Skál! Cheers! Cheers! Maria Callas var fræg óperusöngkona. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Er þetta það sem þú ert að hugsa? Is that what you have in mind? Is that what you're thinking? Hún ráðlagði honum að minnka reykingarnar. She advised him to cut down on smoking. She advised him to reduce his smoking. Það er bráð þörf fyrir vatn. There is an urgent need for water. Water is in desperate need. Enginn getur skilið þau í sundur. No one can separate them. No one can separate them. Helen er að leika sér í garðinum. Helen is playing in the garden. Helen's playing in the park. Ég fer mjög oft á skíði. I go skiing very often. I do ski a lot. Rétt eins og matur fæðir líkamann, fæðir lestur hugann. Just as food feeds the body, so reading feeds the mind. Just as food gives birth to the body, reading the mind. Þú tókst skynsama ákvörðun. You made a wise choice. You made a wise decision. Ekki dæma fólk af útliti þess. Don't judge a person by his appearance. Don't judge people by their appearance. Vegurinn til Nagano er lokaður umferð. The road to Nagano is closed to traffic. The road to Nagano is closed round. Hann sagði mér frá slysinu. He told me about the accident. He told me about the accident. Hún verður í sjónvarpinu í kvöld. She is appearing on TV tonight. She'll be on TV tonight. Það er of stórt. It's too large. It's too big. Þér kemur það ekki við. That's none of your business. It's none of your business. Þú ert að vinna of mikið. Taktu því rólega í svolítinn tíma. You are working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You're working too hard, so take it easy for a little while. Augun mín eru aum. My eyes are sore. My eyes are weak. Ertu með eða á móti stríðinu? Are you for or against the war? Are you in or opposed to the war? Þú ættir að lesa bækur sem þú telur mikilvægar. You should read such books as you consider important. You should read books that you consider important. Ég er að fara læra íslensku í Háskóla Íslands næsta haust. I am going to study Icelandic at the University of Iceland next autumn. I'm going to Iceland's University of Icelandic next fall. Reyndu aftur. Try again. Try again. Ég er með mikið af blómum. Sum eru rauð og sum eru gul. I have a lot of flowers. Some are red and some are yellow. I have a lot of flowers, and some of them are red, and some of them are yellow. Hún æfði enskan framburð í gær. She practiced her English pronunciation yesterday. She practiced English performance yesterday. Værirðu til í að loka dyrunum? Would you mind closing the door? Would you mind closing the door? Ég er eins leið og einmanna og hægt er að vera. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I'm as lonely as I can be. Ég aflýsti tímanum mínum vegna áríðandi viðskipta. I canceled my appointment because of urgent business. I canceled my appointment for an urgent business. Hún vinnur í banka. She works in a bank. She works at a bank. Hættu að berja á dyrnar! Stop beating on the door! Stop hitting the door! Hvernig segirðu það á ítölsku? How do you say that in Italian? How's that in Italian? Fjölskyldan mín er áskrifandi að dagblaði. My family subscribes to a newspaper. My family subscribes to a newspaper. Flugvélin okkar er að fljúga yfir skýin. Our plane is flying over the clouds. Our plane is flying over the clouds. Það er neðanjarðarlest í Kazan. There is a metro in Kazan. There's a subway in Kazan. Tom var ekki með. Tom wasn't in. Tom didn't have it. Ég nota það. I use it. I use it. Af hverju fylgdirðu ekki ráðum mínum? Why didn't you follow my advice? Why didn't you follow my advice? Ég braut lásinn við það að opna dyrnar. In opening the door, I broke the lock. I broke the lock by opening the door. Ég sakna þín. I miss you. I miss you. Ég skal kaupa nýja. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy you a new one. Flýttu þér, Tom. Hurry up, Tom. Hurry up, Tom. Ekki tala svona hratt. Don't speak so fast. Don't talk so fast. Eru frátekin sæti fyrir þessa kvikmynd? Are there reserved seats for this film? Are there reserved seats for this movie? Ég er glorsoltinn! I'm starving! I'm starving! Þetta verður að ske. This must be done. This has to happen. Skuld okkar er meiri en við getum borgað. Our debt is more than we can pay. Our debt is more than we can pay. Hún ráðlagði honum að ganga frekar en að taka strætisvagn. She advised him to walk instead of taking a bus. She advised him to walk rather than to take a bus. Ég mun ekki borða morgunmat í dag. I won't eat breakfast today. I won't eat breakfast today. Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir því sem þú hefur gert. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Ef þú heldur áfram að drekka svona mikið verðurðu veikur. If you keep on drinking like that, you'll get sick. If you keep drinking that much, you'll get sick. Þú verður að halda herberginu þínu hreinu. You must keep your room clean. You have to keep your room clean. Ég er jafnaldra. I am the same age. I'm a lot of age. Þeir gengu í hjónaband. They got married. They got married. Þessi bíll getur borið fjögur tonn. This car can carry a load of 4 tons. This car can carry four tons. Klukkan hefur stöðvast. Ég þarf nýjar rafhlöður. The clock has run down. I need new batteries. I need new batteries. Segðu hvað sem er. Say what you want. Tell me anything. Séð úr flugvél er þessi eyja afar fögur. Seen from a plane, that island is very beautiful. Seed from a plane, this island is very beautiful. Móðir Jóns lítur svo ung út að fólk heldur oft að hún sé eldri systir hans. John's mother looks so young that she is often mistaken for his elder sister. John's mother looks so young that people often think she's his older sister. Heldurðu að smá salt muni bæta bragðið? Do you think a little salt will improve the flavour? Do you think a little salt will improve the taste? Vertu alltaf varkár. Always be careful. Always be careful. Slakaðu á! Relax! Relax! Við verðum að gera meira en í gær. We must do more than yesterday. We have to do more than yesterday. Ég er ekki hrifin af útliti hans. I do not fancy his appearance. I don't like his looks. Hvað gerðirðu þá? What did you do then? Then what did you do? Við fengum samstundis svar við bréfinu okkar. We received an immediate answer to our letter. We immediately received an answer to our letter. Það var eitthvað undarlegt við atvikið. There was something weird about the incident. There was something strange about the incident. Ég hugsa að þú þurfir að leggja harðar að þér við námið. I think it necessary for you to study harder. I think you need to work harder at the study. Komið mér í burtu. Get me out of here. Get me out of here. Hugmyndin er mjög freistandi. The idea is very attractive. It's a very tempting idea. Jafnvel þótt ég hafi rangt fyrir mér, hefur þú ekki alveg rétt fyrir þér. Even if I am wrong, you are not quite right. Even if I'm wrong, you're not quite right. Ég hélt það. I thought as much. I thought so. Er herra Jones á skrifstofunni? Is Mr Jones in the office? Is Mr. Jones in the office? Erlendar vörur komu á markaðinn í miklu magni. Foreign products arrived on the market in large quantities. Rich quantities of foreign goods came into the market. Við vorum þreytt eftir gönguna okkar löngu. We were tired out after our long walk. We were tired after our long walk. Það var heitt í gærnótt. It was hot last night. It was hot last night. Læstu dyrunum. Lock the door. Lock the door. Í gær keypti ég köttinn í sekknum. Yesterday I bought a pig in a poke. Yesterday I bought the cat in the bag. Þær gáfu mér það. They gave it to me. They gave it to me. Vinsamlegast láttu mig vera. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Hún málar á hverjum degi sama hversu upptekin hún er. She paints every day no matter how busy she is. She paints every day no matter how busy she is. Þótt sólin risi í vestri mundi ég ekki breyta skoðun minni. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my mind. Though the sun rise in the west, I would not change my mind. Töframaðurinn óskaði eftir sjálfboðaliða meðal áhorfenda. The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience. The Wizard requested volunteers among the audience. Dyrnar voru brotnar upp. The door was broken open. The door was broken up. Vertu viss um að taka afrit af öllum skjölunum þínum. Make sure to back up all your files. Make sure you copy all your files. Þessi regla á ekki við í neyðartilvikum. This rule doesn't apply to emergencies. This rule does not apply in emergencies. Viltu taka verkið að þér? Will you take on the job? Will you take the job? Ég þarf ennþá að losna við þetta teppi. I still have to get rid of this carpet. I still have to get rid of this blanket. Hann lánaði mér tvær bækur sem ég hef hvoruga lesið enn. He lent me two books, neither of which I have read as yet. He lent me two books I haven't read yet. Ég er búin með peningana. I've run out of money. I'm done with the money. Fer Tom, líka? Is Tom going, too? Is Tom going, too? Svona sérhæfð þekking hefur lítið með daglegt líf að gera. This kind of specialized knowledge has very little to do with daily life. Such specialized knowledge has little to do with everyday life. Það er óeðlilegt að borða svona mikið. It is abnormal to eat so much. It's unnatural to eat so much. Spurjum kennarann. Let's ask the teacher. Let's ask the teacher. John er systursonur minn. John is my nephew. John is my nephew. Ég mun aldrei gleyma því þegar ég hitti vinsæla rithöfundinn í fyrra. I will never forget meeting that popular writer last year. I'll never forget when I met the popular writer last year. Maturinn er kaldur. The food is cold. Dinner's cold. Við erum áskrifandi að dagblaði. We subscribe to a newspaper. We subscribe to a newspaper. Afsakið mig, hvað er klukkan? Excuse me, what time is it? Excuse me, what time is it? Ég þoli það ekki lengur! I can't stand it anymore. I can't take it anymore! Hann vinnur í banka. He works in a bank. He works at a bank. Ekki traðka á grasinu. Don't trample on the grass. Don't tread on the grass. Vissulega er vit í áætluninni þinni en ég held samt að það verði mjög erfitt að framfylgja henni. Admittedly your plan makes sense, but I still think it will be very hard to carry out. Of course, your plan makes sense, but I still think it will be very difficult to enforce it. Ég hugsa að flestir séu betur settir nú en áður. I think most people are better off now than they used to be. I think that most people are better now than ever before. Ef ég væri ósýnilegur mundi ég ekki þurfa að klæða mig. If I were invisible I wouldn't have to dress myself. If I was invisible, I wouldn't have to dress. Hana langaði til að skilja. She wanted to get a divorce. She wanted to understand. Á endanum sannfærði sölumaðurinn mig um að kaupa dýru vélina. Eventually the salesman persuaded me to buy the expensive machine. Eventually, the salesman convinced me to buy the expensive machine. Við búum öll á jörðinni. We all live on the earth. We all live on earth. Flest japönsk hof eru gerð úr við. Most Japanese temples are made of wood. Most Japanese temples are made of. John rannsakaði slysið gaumgæfilega. John investigated the accident thoroughly. John examined the accident carefully. Ekkert mál. No problem. No problem. Reyndu að uppfylla skyldu þína. Try to fulfill your duty. Try to fulfill your duty. Ég hlýt að vera með vitlaust númer. I must have the wrong number. I must have the wrong number. Allir hafa rétt á að vera önugir öðru hverju. Everyone is entitled to be moody once in a while. Everyone has the right to be upset from time to time. Ekki skilja dyrnar eftir opnar. Don't leave the door open. Don't leave the door open. Köln liggur á bökkum Rínar. Cologne lies on the Rhine. The river lies on the banks of the Rhines. Við getum ekki breytt dagskránni okkar. We cannot make a change in our schedule. We cannot change our schedule. Ég virðist vera týnd. I seem to be lost. I look lost. Ég get svarað spurningunni þinni. I can answer your question. I can answer your question. Ég trúi því ekki að slíkir hlutir séu til. I don't believe such things exist. I can't believe such things exist. Ég sýndi dyraverðinum miðann minn og fór inn í leikhúsið. I showed my ticket to the doorman and went into the theatre. I showed the doorkeeper my ticket and went into the theater. Ég var rekin. I was fired. I got fired. Ég ætla að kveðja hana á flugvellinum klukkan tvö. I'm going to see her off at the airport at 2:00. I'm going to say goodbye to her at the airport at 2:00. Við getum alltaf fundið tíma fyrir lesturs. We can always find time for reading. We can always find time for reading. Það er lítið, ef nokkurt, vatn í geyminum. There's little water in the tank, if any. It's small, if any water in the reservoir. Hvað ertu að læra af kennaranum? What are you learning from the teacher? What are you learning from the teacher? Vinir hennar líta upp til hennar. Her friends look up to her. Her friends look up to her. Ég er ekki lengur þreytt. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara heim snemma. She advised him to go home early. She advised him to go home early. Sagan hennar reyndist vera sönn. Her story turned out to be true. Her story proved true. Við þráum frið. We long for peace. We long for peace. Hætti Mike að drekka áfenga drykki? Did Mike stop drinking alcoholic drinks? Mike stopped drinking alcoholic beverages? Það var þögn. There was silence. There was silence. Það eru engir stólar í þessu herbergi. There are no chairs in this room. There are no chairs in this room. Leigubíllinn ók upp að mér. The taxi drew up to me. The cab ran up against me. Það gagnast ekkert að fara þangað. It is no use going there. Going there won't be any good. Spældu egg fyrir mig. Fry an egg for me. Pump some eggs for me. Hversu margir nemendur eru í skólanum þínum? How many pupils are there in your school? How many students do you have at your school? Þú ættir ekki að segja honum neitt um hana. You shouldn't tell him anything about her. You shouldn't tell him anything about her. Þessi bók er uppseld. This book is out of print. This book is a fabrication. Aóí dansar. Aoi dances. Aoi dances. Þú ættir að fara í regnfrakka. You had better put on a raincoat. You should go to a raincoat. Ég er alvarlega sólbrunninn. I have a bad sunburn. I'm seriously sunburned. Fyrirtækið hefur skipt um hendur þrisvar sinnum. The company has changed hands three times. The company's changed hands three times. Þú ert andfúl. You have foul breath. You're a breather. Ég gleymi sorglegum hlutum þegar ég sofna. I forget sad things when I fall asleep. I forget sad things when I fall asleep. Hefur þú hitt bróður minn, Masao? Have you met Masao, my brother? Have you met my brother, Masao? Ekki koma of seint í vinnuna! Don't come too late to work. Don't be late for work! Þú ert ekki japönsk. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Hættu þessu! Stop it! Stop it! Við getum ekki breytt dagskránni okkar. We can't make a change in our schedule. We cannot change our schedule. Augu þín minna mig á stjörnur. Your eyes remind me of stars. Your eyes remind me of stars. Dyr eru ekki eins slæmar og þú heldur. Doors ain't as bad as you think. Doors are not as bad as you think they are. Þið þurfið ekki að flýta ykkur. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Ertu fokking heimsk? Are you fucking stupid? Are you fucking stupid? Borgin okkar hefur fólksfjölda á við þriðjung Tókíó. Our city has one third as many people as Tokyo. Our city has a population of about one third of Tokyo. Opinberir leiðtogar okkar eru hugmyndaríkir og finna oft upp á nýjum hugmyndum. Our public leaders are imaginative and often come up with new ideas. Our public leaders are empires of ideas and often come up with new ideas. Tom var ónytjungur. Tom was a failure. Tom was useless. Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálf? Did you do your homework by yourself? Did you do your own homework? Maðurinn burstar tennurnar. The man brushes his teeth. Man brushes his teeth. Hittirðu hana? Did you meet her? Did you meet her? Þegar síminn hringdi, hljóp hann að svara honum. When the phone rang, he ran to answer it. When the phone rang, he ran to answer him. Olíuflutningaskip er skip sem flytur olíu. A tanker is a ship carrying oil. An oil carrier is an oil - carrying ship. Viðskiptavinum hans fækkaði eftir að nýja verslunarmiðstöðin hóf starfsemi. His customers dropped off after the new supermarket opened for business. After the new shopping center began to function, his customers lost their numbers. Þúsundir útlendinga ferðast til Japans á hverju ári. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of foreigners travel to Japan each year. Spurðu mig að hverju sem þú vilt. Ask me anything you like. Ask me anything you want. Ertu búinn að lesa blaðið? Are you through with the newspaper? Have you read it? Eftir kvöldmatinn tók hún af borðinu. After supper, she cleared the table. After dinner, she took off the table. Hún hét Linda og hún var ári yngri en Tony. Her name was Linda, and she was a year younger than Tony. Her name was Linda, and she was a year younger than Tony. Ég hélt að ég ætti kannski ekki að setjast niður. I thought I might not be supposed to sit down. I thought maybe I shouldn't sit down. Þú hefðir átt að koma fyrr. You should have come earlier. You should have come earlier. Ekkert getur afsakað hann fyrir svo grófa framkomu. Nothing can excuse him for such rude behavior. Nothing can excuse him for such gross behavior. Geturðu synt? Are you able to swim? Can you swim? Hún sendi þessa tölvupósta fyrir klukkutíma. She sent those e-mails an hour ago. She sent these e-mails an hour ago. Þetta hús tilheyrir herra Yamada. This house belongs to Mr Yamada. This house belongs to Mr. Yamada. Ég get skíðað. I'm able to ski. I can ski. Það er vopn án kúlna. It's a weapon without bullets. There's a weapon without bullets. Ég hræddi hann frá því að svindla á prófinu. I scared him out of cheating on the exam. I scared him not to cheat on the test. Herra Jordan vaknaði skyndilega. Mr Jordan woke up suddenly. Mr. Jordan woke up suddenly. Ég skrifaði þrjú bréf í gærnótt. I wrote three letters last night. I wrote three letters last night. Ég er svolítið upptekin akkúrat núna. I'm kind of busy right now. I'm a little busy right now. Áttu fjölskyldu? Do you have a family? Do you have a family? Hann er góð manneskja. He's a good person. He's a good person. Pabbi minn er laus á laugardaginn. My father is free on Saturday. My dad's free on Saturday. Henni datt ekkert í hug til að gefa börnunum í jólagjafir. She couldn't think what to give the children for Christmas. She had no idea of giving Christmas gifts to the children. Komum við heima hjá honum. Let's drop by his house. Let's go to his house. Ég fann bananann á bröttum fjallavegi. I found the banana on a steep mountain road. I found the banana on steep mountain roads. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til fjölskyldunnar þinnar. Please say hello to your family. Please say hello to your family. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara betur með sjálfan sig. She advised him to take better care of himself. She advised him to treat himself better. Margir nýir kennarar telja sig illa undirbúna undir að kenna grundvallar læsi og læsi á tölur. Many new teachers feel ill-prepared to teach basic literacy and numeracy. Many new teachers view themselves as poorly prepared to teach basic locks and to read numbers. Það var of auðvelt. It was too easy. It was too easy. Komdu með okkur. Come with us. Come with us. Ég lét laga hjólið mitt í gær. I had my bicycle fixed yesterday. I had my bike fixed yesterday. Það var í gærmorgun sem ég sá herra Carter. It was yesterday morning that I saw Mr Carter. It was yesterday morning I saw Mr. Carter. Það er að gera mig brjálaðan. It's driving me crazy. It's driving me crazy. Tilraun okkar hefur leitt í ljós að skýrslan hans var óáreiðanleg. Our experiment has revealed that his report was unreliable. Our efforts have revealed that his report was unreliable. Beygðu fyrir hornið og þú munt sjá búðina sem þú ert að leita að. Turn the corner and you'll see the store you're looking for. Turn around the corner and you'll see the shop you're looking for. Terry var mjög ánægð með fréttirnar. Terry was very pleased with the news. Terry loved the news. Ég er ekki vanur að vakna svona snemma. I'm not accustomed to getting up so early. I'm not used to waking up so early. Ég þoli ekki hitann lengur. I can't put up with the heat any longer. I can't take the heat anymore. Ef öll skordýr hyrfu af Jörðinni myndi allt líf á Jörðinni deyja út innan fimmtíu ára. Ef allar mannverur hyrfu af Jörðinni myndu allar gerðir lífs dafna innan fimmtíu ára. If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within fifty years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within fifty years all forms of life would flourish. If all insects disappeared from the Earth, all life on Earth would die out within 50 years, and if all humans jumped off the Earth, all forms of life would flourish within 50 years. Hann er óánægður með útkomuna. He is unsatisfied with the result. He's not happy with the outcome. Ken sagði hundinum sínum að bíða þar. Ken told his dog to wait there. Ken told his dog to wait there. Hann fæddist í Ohio. He was born in Ohio. He was born in Ohio. Hann hleypur mjög hratt. He runs very fast. He's running really fast. Þú finnur það versta við allt! You find the worst in everything! You'll find the worst part of everything! Ég týndi útidyralyklinum svo ég kemst ekki inn í húsið. I lost the door key, so I can't enter the house. I lost my door key so I can't get into the house. Hún segir alltaf fallega hluti um hann. She always says nice things about him. She always says beautiful things about him. Hann á margar sögubækur. He has many history books. He's got a lot of history books. Hvar er bróðir þinn? Where is your brother? Where's your brother? Hvað með að gefa mér stöðuhækkun úr vini í kærasta? How about giving me a promotion from just-a-friend to boyfriend? What about giving me a promotion from a friend of a boyfriend? Þau koma að sækja póstinn klukkan þrjú um eftirmiðdaginn á hverjum degi. They come to collect the mail at three in the afternoon every day. They come for their mail at 3:00 p.m. every afternoon. Við gætum séð tom. We could see Tom. We could see a tom. Þetta er mín eign. This is my property. This is my property. Í hvaða húsi gistirðu? In which house are you staying? What house are you staying in? Hann elskar fiskveiðar. He loves fishing. He loves fishing. Geturðu riðið hesti? Can you ride a horse? Can you ride a horse? Geturðu séð fyrir þér hvernig garðurinn mun líta út þegar blómin hafa sprungið út? Can you visualise how the garden will look once the flowers are in bloom? Can you imagine what the garden will look like when the flowers have exploded? Mig verkjar enn í lappirnar. My legs still hurt. My legs are still hurting. Hún bakaði handa mér köku. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. Hana langaði að fá skilnað. She wanted to get a divorce. She wanted a divorce. Þetta er hestur. This is a horse. It's a horse. Ég elska þig meira en nokkurn annan. I love you more than anyone else. I love you more than anyone else. Við höfum gengið alla leið umhverfis vatnið. We have walked all around the lake. We've been all the way around the lake. Ég mundi synda yfir sjóinn bara til að sjá brosið þitt á ný. I would swim through the ocean just to see your smile again. I would swim across the sea just to see your smile again. Við skulum vera í sambandi. Let's keep in touch with each other. Let's keep in touch. Hvar er verslunarmiðstöðin? Where's the shopping center? Where's the mall? Síminn minn er að fara að deyja. My phone is about to die. My phone is about to die. Við náum ekki að skilja merkingu orðsins. We fail to grasp the meaning of the word. We cannot understand the meaning of the word. Skjaldbakan tók framúr héranum. The hare was overtaken by the tortoise. The turtle took over from the hare. Hvítar dúfur eru fallegir fuglar. White doves are beautiful birds. White pigeons are beautiful birds. Fox missti af tækifæri til að verða kvikmyndastjarna. Fox missed a chance to be a movie star. Fox missed his chance to be a movie star. Tom er hjúkrunarfræðingur og besti vinur hans er sjúkraliði. Tom is a nurse and his best friend is a practical nurse. Tom's a nurse, and his best friend is a nurse. Þeir stríddu mér. They bullied me. They teased me. Ég fór um borð í rangan strætisvagn. I got on the wrong bus. I got on the wrong bus. Jane er að tala við einhvern. Jane is talking with somebody. Jane's talking to someone. Klukkan er núna sjö. It is seven now. It's 7:00 now. Ég veit að þú býrð hérna. I know that you live here. I know you live here. Tom borgaði reikninginn sinn. Tom paid his bill. Tom paid his bill. Hann sveik loforð sitt sem reiddi eiginkonuna hans. He broke his word, which made his wife angry. He betrayed his promise to his wife. Mætti ég nota skrifborðið þitt? Could I use your desk? May I use your desk? Ég bý á þessu hóteli. I live in this hotel. I live at this hotel. Fótboltaleikmenn þéna mikið. Soccer players make a lot of money. Football players make a lot of money. Hana syfjaði eftir kvöldmatinn. She became drowsy after supper. She got sleepy after dinner. Jólin eru að nálgast og allar búðirnar keppast um að kalla: "Kaupið! Kaupið! Kaupið!" It's coming up to Christmas here and all the shops are like "Buy! Buy! Buy!" Christmas is approaching, and all the camps are striving to call out, "Buy! Buy! Buy!" Það sama er að segja um atvinnumannakörfubolta. The same is true of professional baseball. The same is true of professional basketball. Ég hlýt að hafa týnt því. I must have lost it. I must have lost it. Hvað er að frétta? Do you have any news? What's up? Já, en það verður erfitt. Yes, but it'll be difficult. Yeah, but it's gonna be tough. Þú fórst yfir á rauðu ljósi. You ran a red light. You went over to the red light. Allt í lagi, en hvað um stjórnandann? OK, but what about the manager? All right, but what about the manager? Ég heimsæki hann annan hvern dag. I visit him every other day. I visit him every other day. Það sem þú segir er rétt. What you say is right. What you're saying is right. Hann var boðinn velkominn hvar sem hann kom. He was welcomed wherever he went. Wherever he came, he was welcomed. Hann er stoltur af því að vera tónlistarmaður. He is proud of being a musician. He's proud to be a musician. Aðgerðin er í trássi við alþjóðleg lög. The operation violates international law. The operation is in violation of international law. Ég er reið út í hana. I'm angry with her. I'm mad at her. Mér er kalt. Værirðu til í að loka glugganum? I feel cold. Do you mind closing the window? Would you mind closing the window? Hjúkrunakonan huggaði grátandi barnið. The nurse soothed the crying child. The nurse comforted the weeping baby. Það sama og alltaf. The same as usual. Same as always. Kannski liggur hann veikur í rúminu. He may be sick in bed. Maybe he's lying sick in bed. Hún greiðir sér á morgnanna. She brushes her hair in the morning. She'll pay her way in the morning. Þetta er líka í fyrsta skiptið sem ég hef komið á þetta svæði. This is also the first time I've been to this area. This is also the first time I've ever been to this area. Ég elska stjörnufræði. I love astronomy. I love astronomy. Þú verður að fylgja lögunum. You must observe the law. You have to follow the law. Ekki gleyma að opna gluggann í herberginu þínu. Don't forget to open the window in your room. Don't forget to open the window in your room. Ég hélt að hann væri upptekinn en þvert á móti var hann ekki að gera neitt. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary he was idle. I thought he was busy, but on the contrary he wasn't doing anything. Mér finnst gaman að ferðast og kynnast nýju fólki. I like to travel and meet new people. I like to travel and meet new people. Fyrirgefðu mér. Please forgive me. Forgive me. Hefurðu þvegið hendurnar? Have you washed your hands? Have you washed your hands? Við megum ekki gera of mikið úr þessu atviki. We mustn't make too much of this incident. We must not overdo this incident. Ég hafði aldrei séð jafn spennandi ruðningsleik og þann sem ég sá í gær. I had never seen such an exciting rugby match as one I saw yesterday. I had never seen such exciting football games as the one I saw yesterday. Hann gaf mér brauð og mjólk. He gave me bread and milk. He gave me bread and milk. Ég hef lagt fjórðung tekna minna til hliðar síðastliðin þrjú ár. I have put aside one fourth of my salary for the last three years. I've put out a quarter of my income for the past three years. Þú mátt halda bókinni. You may keep the book. You can keep the book. Þau töluðu ekki. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Hann er maður fárra orða. He is a man of few words. He's a man of few words. Hundarnir voru ánægðir. The dogs were happy. The dogs were happy. Sittu beinn. Sit up straight. Sit up. Amma mín sagði að regni fylgdi sólskin. Hún var alltaf bjartsýn. My grandmother said "After rain follws sunshine." She was always optimistic. My grandmother said rain came with sunshine, and she was always optimistic. Hún þarf að læra náttúrufræði. She has to study science. She needs to learn nature. Þú verður að fara að heiman klukkan sex. You have to leave home at six. You have to leave home at six o'clock. Fegurð sem hennar er sjaldgæf. Such beauty as hers is rare. Its rare beauty. Ég er glaður að þú hefur snúið heil aftur. I am glad that you have returned safe. I'm glad you've come back all right. Er þetta beint flug til Bandaríkjanna? Are we making a nonstop flight to the U.S.? Is this a straight flight to the United States? Það er undir stólnum. It is under the chair. It's under the chair. Það er góð spurning. It's a good question. That's a good question. Komdu með það til mín. Bring it to me. Bring it to me. Ekki lána bækur; enginn skilar þeim. Einu bækurnar sem ég á ennþá eru þær sem ég hef fengið lánaðar hjá öðru fólki. Don't lend books; no one gives them back. The only books that are still left in my library are ones that I have borrowed from other people. The only books I still have are the ones I've borrowed from other people. Ég er að borða hádegismat. I'm eating lunch. I'm having lunch. Ég drekk ekki mikinn bjór. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. John var svo mikið að flýta sér að hann hafði engan tíma til að spjalla. John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking. John was so quick that he had no time to talk. Hún er að deila út tveimur eplum á hvert barn. She is dealing out two apples to each child. She's sharing two apples per baby. Ég skal salta súpuna aðeins. I'll put some salt in the soup. I'll salt the soup a little. Þú lítur föl út. You look pale. You look pale. Faðir minn mun útbúa bragðgóða máltíð fyrir mig á morgun. My father will prepare a tasty meal for me tomorrow. My father will make me a tasty meal tomorrow. Hesturinn minn er hvítur. My horse is white. My horse is white. Hvíta byggingin þarna er líkhús. That white building is a morgue. The white building over there is a morgue. Þú ættir að taka regnhlíf með þér. You'd better take an umbrella with you. You should take an umbrella with you. Elskarðu mig? Do you love me? Do you love me? Það voru ekki fleiri en eitt hundrað farþegar um borð í ferjunni. There were not more than one hundred passengers on board the ferry. There were no more than one hundred passengers on the ferry. Þú lifir lengur ef þú reykir ekki. You will live longer if you don't smoke. You'll live longer if you don't smoke. Í stað þess að útbúa kvöldmat við kertaljós setti hún kærastann sinn á uppboð á eBay. Instead of preparing a dinner by candlelight, she put her boyfriend up for auction on eBay. Instead of preparing a candlelight dinner, she put her boyfriend on eBay's auction. John þolir ekki hávaðann. John can't bear the noise. John hates the noise. Það er erfitt að segja fyrir víst. It's hard to say for sure. It's hard to tell. Þvermál holunnar var svolítið stærra. The diameter of the hole was slightly larger. The hole's diameter was a little bigger. Við erum komin í þetta fasta far. We've gotten into this fixed pattern. We're here on this regular ride. Þannig varð slysið. That is how the accident occurred. That's how the accident got to be. Áttu enn í erfiðleikum með eðlisfræðina? Are you still having difficulty with physics? Are you still having problems with physics? Ég get ekki samþykkt áætlunina þar sem hún er of dýr. I cannot approve of the plan, seeing that it costs too much. I can't agree to the plan because it's too expensive. Vinsamlegast gakktu frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please close those chairs. Hvaðan komstu? Where did you come from? Where did you come from? Vélin hans fer til Hong Kong klukkan tvö eftir hádegi. His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m. His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 in the afternoon. Hversu lengi verðurðu í Japan? How long will you stay in Japan? How long will you be in Japan? Átta hobbitar mynda eitt hobbæti. Eight hobbits form one hobbyte. Eight Hobbits make one nice move. Þú ættir ekki að reykja svona mikið. You ought not to smoke so much. You shouldn't smoke so much. Hann beygði fyrir hornið. He turned the corner. He turned around the corner. Hann hefur búið lengi á Íslandi. He has lived in Iceland for a long time. He's lived in Iceland for a long time. Við börðumst fyrir lífi okkar í storminum. We fought for our lives in the storm. We fought for our lives in the storm. Hann talar fimm tungumál. He speaks five languages. He speaks five languages. Það er vindasamara í dag en í gær. It's windier today than it was yesterday. It's more windier today than yesterday. Það var að stórum hluta hans eigin sök. It was to a great extent his own fault. It was largely his own fault. Ekki gleyma því. Don't forget it. Don't forget. Fyrir hvaða tíma þarftu það? When do you need it by? What time do you need it for? Áhrif hans í nefndinni urðu minni og minni. His influence in the committee became weaker and weaker. His influence on the committee grew smaller and smaller. Það er smá vatn í fötunni. There is little water in the bucket. There's a little water in the bucket. Sögurnar í bókinni eru skrifaðar fyrir hana. The stories in the book are written for her. The stories in the book are written for it. Strax og dimmir hefjast flugeldaskotin. As soon as it gets dark, the fireworks will start. As soon as it's dark, the fireworks start. Hefur þú sýnt foreldrum þínum það? Did you show it to your parents? Have you shown it to your parents? Þú ert í hægri sokknum öfugum. You have your right sock on wrong side out. You're wearing your right socks backwards. Þú mátt bjóða hverjum sem þú vilt. You may invite whomever you like. You can invite whoever you want. Ég skal kaupa handa þér bjór. I'll buy you a beer. I'll buy you a beer. Hvaða ástæða er fyrir þessari lygi? What is the reason for that lie? What is the reason for this lie? Vinsamlegast þýddu þessa setningu á japönsku. Please translate this sentence into Japanese. Please translate this sentence into Japanese. Ég get kennt þér hvernig á að þýða. I can teach you how to translate. I can teach you how to translate. Þú ert góður nemandi. You are a good student. You're a good student. Ég vildi óska að það væri meiri fjölbreytni í vinnunni minni. I wish there was more variety in my work. I wish my work had more variety. Þú verður að ákveða þig og það strax. You must make up your mind, and that at once. I need you to make up your mind, and I need you to make up your mind right now. Viltu einfaldan eða tvöfaldan? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want a simple or double? Hvar fannstu lykilinn? Where did you find the key? Where'd you find the key? Ég fer að hátta klukkan ellefu. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to bed at 11:00. En hvað þetta er lítið sjónvarp! Virkar það í raun og veru? What a small television set! Does it really work? But how little is this TV? Í dag er 18. júní og Muiriel á afmæli! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Today is June 18th and Muirel's birthday! Franska er rík af samheitum. The French language is rich in synonyms. French is rich in agreement. Ef hlutirnir fara úr böndunum skaltu hringja í mig í númerinu sem ég lét þig fá í gær. If things get out of hand, you should call me at the number I gave you yesterday. If things get out of hand, call me on the number I gave you yesterday. Takk fyrir matinn. Thanks for the dinner. Thanks for dinner. Mér til málsbóta er ennþá gærdagurinn hér á Íslandi. In my defence, it's still yesterday here in Iceland. For my sake, it's still yesterday here in Iceland. Ég hef verið mjög upptekinn undanfarið. I've been very busy lately. I've been very busy lately. Er hún búin að læra að hjóla? Did she learn to ride a bike? Has she learned how to ride? Af hverju reyndirðu að hlaupa í burtu? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to run away? Við neyðumst til að leita að annarri leið út úr þessari stöðu. We're forced to look for another way out of this situation. We are forced to look for another way out of this situation. Þú ert mikilvæg. You are important. You're important. Ákvörðunin liggur hjá honum. The decision rests with him. The decision is with him. Miðstöðin virkar ekki. The heating doesn't work. Central station's not working. Ég er líklegast týndur. I am probably lost. I guess I'm lost. Hann sagði mér lífssögu mína. He told me the story of his life. He told me my life story. Hann fann mér leigubíl. He found me a taxi. He found me a cab. Landið er í vondu efnahagslegu ástandi. The country is in a bad economic state. The country is in poor economic condition. Ertu að grínast? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Ég vil þig. I want you. I want you. Hún dróg fram kampavínsflöskuna sem hún hafði verið að geyma fyrir sérstakt tilefni. She got out the bottle of champagne she'd been saving for a special occasion. She drew out the bottle of champagne she had been holding for a special occasion. Ertu þreyttur? Are you tired? Are you tired? Strákurinn getur talið upp á tíu. The boy can count to ten. The kid can count to ten. Hann er fljótasti hlauparinn í bekknum okkar. He is the fastest runner in our class. He's the fastest runner in our class. Vertu komin heim fyrir sex. Come home before six. Be home by 6:00. Hvernig viltu greiða fyrir það? How would you like to pay for it? How do you want to pay for it? Ég er ekki enn búinn að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Nemandinn hefur þegar leyst allt dæmið. The student has already solved all the problems. The student has already solved the whole thing. Hún bakaði handa mér köku. She made me a cake. She made me a cake. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. Nobody is too old to learn. It's never too late to learn. Pabbi minn lítur af og til inn til mín. My dad drops in on me from time to time. My dad comes to my room from time to time. John fann fyrir nærvist draugs í dimmu herberginu. John felt the presence of a ghost in the dark room. John felt the presence of a ghost in the dark room. Geturðu líka keypt eitt fyrir mig? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one too? Ég hef verið einn/ein á þessari eyju í þrjú ár. I've been alone on this island for three years. I've been alone on this island for three years. Barnið var nakið. The baby was naked. The baby was naked. Ég las bók í gærnótt. I read a book last night. I read a book last night. Hún fór með vinum sínum. She went off with her friends. She went with her friends. Hefurðu nokkurtíma hugsað um hvað þig langar til að gera við lífið þitt? Have you ever thought about what you want to do with your life? Have you ever thought about what you want to do with your life? Þau rifust. They quarreled. They had a fight. Hvað ertu komin langt? How far along are you? How far have you come? Þú ættir ekki að leita til annara um hjálp svo auðveldlega. You should not look to others for help so easily. You shouldn't turn to anyone else for help so easily. Við kusum gegn frumvarpinu. We voted against the bill. We chose against the bill. Mengunin versnar með hverju ári. The pollution worsens with each year. The pollution gets worse every year. Viltu eitthvað? Do you want anything? You want something? Flestir háskólanemar nota tölvur aðallega til að skrifa ritgerðir. Most college students use computers mainly for writing papers. Most university students use computers mainly to write essays. Það er engin furða að hún hafi fengið verðlaunin. It is no wonder that she was given the prize. No wonder she got the prize! Satt að segja elska ég hann ekki. To tell you the truth, I don't love him. To tell you the truth, I don't love him. Það er frekar að John sé vinnusamur heldur en að hann sé snillingur. John is not so much a genius as a hard worker. John's hard work is more important than being a genius. Þessi bíll tilheyrir henni. That car is hers. This car belongs to her. Þú ert ung. Ég er aftur á móti mjög gömul. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, on the other hand, I'm very old. Það hefur hlýnað umtalsvert. It has become much warmer. It has greatly warmed. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að hjálpa syni mínum með heimavinnuna sína. You need not have helped my son with his homework. You wouldn't have had to help my son with his homework. Tælenska er opinbert tungumál Tælands. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Ég skal kenna þér. I'll teach you. I'll teach you. Hver er tilgangur þess að vinna svona mikið? What's the sense of working so hard? What is the purpose of working so hard? Við verðum að flýta okkur ef við ætlum að ná á stöðina í tíma. We must hurry if we want to arrive at the station on time. If we are to reach the station in time, we must hurry. Talandi um Sviss, hefurðu nokkurntíma verið þar um vetur? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in winter? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in the winter? Útskýring Toms er mjög ítarleg. Tom's explanation is very elaborate. Tom's explanation is very thorough. Hún spurði hann hvar hann byggi en hann var of klár til að segja henni það. She asked him where he lived, but he was too smart to tell her. She asked him where he lived, but he was too smart to tell her. Strax og við komumst að einhverju verðum við í sambandi við þig. As soon as we find out anything, we will contact you. As soon as we figure something out, we'll be in touch with you. Þjónaði einhver ykkar þessum manni? Did any of you gentlemen wait on this man? Did any of you serve this man? Riffillinn minn er tómur. My rifle's empty. My rifle is empty. Viltu koma með mér? Do you want to go with me? Will you come with me? Nýliðarnir munu þurfa að keppa sín á milli um stöðuhækkun. The newcomers will have to compete with each other for a promotion. The new recruits will have to compete for promotion. Flýtið ykkur eða þið verðið seinar. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up or you'll be late. Hann málaði dyrnar bláar. He painted the door blue. He painted the door blue. Þú mátt nota nýja bílinn minn. You may use my new car. You can use my new car. Hún keypti það hjá kjötsalanum. She bought it at the butcher's. She bought it at the carnivore. Henni líkaði illa við hann. She disliked him. She didn't like him. Áætlunin okkar hefur marga kosti. Our plan has lots of advantages. Our plan has many advantages. Farðu í bað. Take a bath. Take a bath. John setti fótinn á bremsuna og við stoppuðum skyndilega. John put his foot on the brake and we stopped suddenly. John put his foot on the brakes, and we stopped all of a sudden. Tom varð að bíða. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Teitinni lauk á réttum tíma. The party finished at nine. The tea ended at the right time. Ekki gefast upp! Don't give up! Don't give up! Systir mín er ekki góður kokkur og ég ekki heldur. My sister isn't a good cook, and neither am I. My sister's not a good cook, and neither am I. Við leituðum þess hér og þar. We looked for it here and there. We searched for it here and there. Rödd hennar var mjúk og fögur. Her voice was soft and beautiful. Her voice was soft and beautiful. Mér er illt í höfðinu. My head aches. My head hurts. Það er satt af enskunámi að "æfingin skapar meistarann." It is true of learning English that "practice makes perfect." It's true from English that "train makes perfect. " Þýðingin er frumeintakinu trú. The translation is true to the original. The translation is faith for the original part. Ég þarfnast þín. I need you. I need you. Það er hávaðasamt hjá nágrannanum. It's noisy next door. The neighbor's got a lot of noise. Hann er ríkur en lifir eins og betlari. He's rich, but he lives like a beggar. He's rich, but he lives like a beggar. Hann skildi ekki brandarann. He didn't get the joke. He didn't understand the joke. Vertu blessuð. Goodbye! Good-bye. Ég hafði enga hugmynd um hvað ég ætti að gera. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what to do. Sue tók blýant upp af gólfinu. Sue picked up a pencil off the floor. Sue took a pencil off the floor. Ef öll skordýr hyrfu af jörðinni, myndi allt líf á jörðinni enda innan fimmtíu ára. Ef mannverur hyrfu af jörðinni, myndu öll lífform á jörðinni blómstra innan fimmtíu ára. If all the insects were to disappear from the Earth, within fifty years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within fifty years all forms of life would flourish. If all insects disappeared from the earth, all life on earth would end within 50 years, and if humans disappeared from the earth, within fifty years, all forms of life on earth would bloom. Gætirðu opnað bílgluggann? Could you open the car window? Could you open the car window, please? Hún hataði hann. She hated him. She hated him. Ertu þreytt? Are you tired? Are you tired? Ég er ekki svo góð í tennis. I'm not so good at tennis. I'm not that good at tennis. Hvers konar lestrarefni voru foreldrar þínir með heima hjá ykkur þegar þið voruð krakkar? What kinds of reading material did your parents have in the house when you were young? What kind of reading material did your parents have at your home when you were kids? Hún ráðlagði honum að taka peningana. She advised him to take the money. She advised him to take the money. Ég veiddi stóran fisk í gær. I caught a big fish yesterday. I caught a big fish last night. Smeygðu þér í skóna þína. Slip on your shoes. Try your shoes. Hann sat á bekknum. He sat on the bench. He was sitting on the bench. Útreikningar okkar sýna að eldflaugin er af stefnu. Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course. Our calculations show that the missile is of course. Við erum í harðri samkeppni við þetta fyrirtæki. We are in a fierce competition with that company. We're in a real competition with this company. Ég vil ekki ganga í skóla. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Við njótum þess að tala. We enjoy talking. We love to talk. Ég get beðið. I can wait. I can wait. Hvað kom til að þú gerðir svona mistök? How come you made such a mistake? What made you make such a mistake? Margir ungir menn fóru í stríð. Many young men went to war. Many young men went to war. Þú ættir að eyða meiri tíma í lærdóm en þú gerir. You should spend more time studying than you do. You should spend more time in learning than you do. Ég var heppinn að vera hér á réttum tíma. I was lucky to be there on time. I was lucky to be here on time. Nú er hún eldri og vitrari. She is older and wiser now. Now she's older and wiser. Setjumst á þennan bekk. Let's sit down on this bench. Let's sit on this bench. Jones er vel hæfur í starfið. Jones is well qualified for the job. Jones is well qualified for the job. Þegiðu meðan ég er að tala. Be quiet while I'm speaking. Shut up while I'm talking. Ég á ekki efni á að fara í onsen um helgina; ég er blankur. I can't afford to go to the onsen this weekend. I'm broke. I can't afford to go to Onsen this weekend; I'm broke. Allen var gefið vandamál sem var ómögulegt að leysa. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve. Ég mun geta lokið á einum eða tveimur dögum. I'll be able to finish in a day or two. I'll be able to finish in one or two days. Hún brosti. She smiled. She smiled. Hvað þá?! Þú ást súkkulaðistykkið mitt?! What?! You ate my chocolate bear?! What? You loved my chocolate bar! Ég er svangur. I'm hungry! I'm hungry. Ég er svangur. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Þú mátt ekki yfirgefa stöðuna þína undir nokkrum kringumstæðum. In no case are you to leave your post. Under no circumstances should you abandon your situation. Ekki láta útlitið blekkja þig. Don't be deceived by appearances. Don't let your looks fool you. Ég er orðin uppiskroppa með peninga. I've run out of money. I'm running out of money. Af hverju hafnaðirðu tilboðinu hans? Why did you turn down his offer? Why did you reject his offer? Við losuðum okkur loksins við gamal bílinn okkar. We finally got rid of our old car. We finally got rid of our old car. Hurðin læsist sjálfkrafa þegar þú ferð út. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door will lock automatically when you go out. Ég samþykki, en einungis með einu skilyrði. I accept, but only under one condition. I agree, but only one condition. Það er óhætt að borða fiskana. The fish are safe to eat. The fish are safe to eat. Mér er sama þótt þú reykir. I don't mind if you smoke. I don't care if you smoke. Þú hefðir getað gert það. You could have done it. You could've done it. Þetta er hans efsta stund. This is his eleventh hour. This is his number one moment. Það var hugsanalaust af mér að gera svona lagað. It was careless of me to do something like that. It was mindless of me to do things like that. Hvaða bygging er þetta? What's that building? What is this building? Dan spilaði í beinni útsendingu í útvarpinu. Dan played live on the radio. Dan played live on the radio. Ég mun ekki síga niður á hans plan. I won't stoop down to his level. I will not drop down on his level. Það var engin sjáanleg hætta. There was no visible danger. There was no apparent danger. Vertu svo vænn að hella upp á kaffibolla fyrir mig. Please make me a cup of coffee. Please make me a cup of coffee. Hún setti hattinn sinn á sig. She put on her hat. She put her hat on. Mér tókst að ljúka við bókina. I managed to finish the book. I finished the book. Vertu hljóð meðan ég er að tala. Be quiet while I'm speaking. Be quiet while I'm talking. Þú þekkir mig vel. You know me well. You know me well. Hún eldar ekki vel. She isn't a good cook. She doesn't cook well. Ég vona að við hittumst fljótlega aftur. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope we'll meet again soon. Ertu fylgjandi því að verkamennirnir fái meiri pening? Are you in favor of the workers getting more money? Do you agree that the workers will receive more money? Ég kemst ekki af án kaffis eftir matinn. I can't do without coffee after meals. I can't make it without coffee after lunch. Heldur mundi ég deyja en gera það! I'd rather die than do it! I would die, but I would! Hún ráðlagði honum að minnka reykingarnar en hann taldi sig ekki geta það. She advised him to cut down on smoking, but he didn't think that he could. She advised him to reduce his smoking, but he felt that he could not. Tom gæti verið veikur. Tom might be sick. Tom could be sick. Prinsinn var týndur í skóginum. The prince was lost in the woods. The prince was lost in the forest. Líkar þér tónlist Mozarts? Do you like Mozart's music? Do you like Mozart's music? Ég er líftryggð. I have life insurance. I have a life insurance policy. Ég ætla að fá John til að gera við úrið mitt. I am going to have John repair my watch. I'm gonna get John to fix my watch. Hann hefur farið Evrópu nokkrum sinnum. He has visited Europe several times. He has visited Europe several times. Eldurinn var dauður. The fire was out. The fire was dead. Finnst þér gaman að ferðast? Do you like to travel? Do you like to travel? Dökk ský eru merki um regn. Dark clouds are a sign of rain. Dark clouds are evidence of rain. Áttu barnabörn? Do you have grandchildren? Do you have grandchildren? Þú sjálf verður að ljúka því. You yourself have to finish it. You must finish it yourself. Strákurinn sem stendur við dyrnar er bróðir minn. The boy standing by the door is my brother. The boy standing at the door is my brother. Ég er að borða epplið. I am eating the apple. I'm eating the apple. Má ég nota á klósettið? May I use the toilet? Can I use it to the bathroom? Ég er frá Singapúr. I'm from Singapore. I'm from Singapore. Þessi dagur var bara sóun á tíma og peningum. This day was just a waste of time and money. That day was just a waste of time and money. Hún leit um herbergið. She looked around the room. She looked around the room. Mundirðu vinsamlegast líta á þetta skjal. Would you please have a look at this document? Please look at this document. Ég er ekki syfjuð. I'm not sleepy. I'm not sleepy. Ég er að fara til Danmerkur þann 20. maí. I am going to Denmark on the 20th of May. I'm going to Denmark on May 20th. Tom var að svitna. Tom was sweating. Tom was sweating. Bill klikkar aldrei á því að senda móður sinni afmælisgjöf. Bill never fails to send a birthday present to his mother. Bill never goes crazy when he sends his mother a birthday present. Hún brenndi sig aðeins á hendinni við eldamennskuna. She got a slight burn on her hand while cooking. She only burned herself in her hand with the cooking. Það er ekkert að honum. There is nothing wrong with him. There's nothing wrong with him. Ég var í burtu frá vinnu í gær. I was absent from work yesterday. I was away from work yesterday. Þú verður að viðurkenna að þú hafir rangt fyrir þér. You must admit that you are in the wrong. You have to admit you're wrong. Þetta er bara tíu mínútna göngutúr. This is just a ten minute walk. It's only a ten-minute walk. Ég læri á bókasafninu. I study at the library. I'll study the library. Ég ætla ekki að selja hrossin. I'm not selling the horses. I'm not selling the horses. Hann hafði verið edrú í næstum ár en féll um áramótin. He had been dry for almost a year, but he fell off the wagon around New Year's Day. He had been sober for almost a year, but he fell through the years. Í gær rakst ég á gamlan vin minn á flugvellinum. Yesterday I ran across an old friend of mine at the airport. Yesterday, I ran into an old friend of mine at the airport. Get ég fengið kvittun? May I have a receipt? Can I have a receipt? Gengi erlendra gjaldmiðla breytist daglega. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily. The walks of foreign currency change every day. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að koma svo snemma. You did not need to come so early. You wouldn't have had to come so early. Tom hefur alltaf staðið sig vel í hverri vinnu sem hann hefur haft. Tom has always performed well in every job he has had. Tom's always done well at every job he's ever had. Ég borgaði um fimmtíu dollara. I paid about fifty dollars. I paid you $50. Ég mun þurfa að skoða hvernig dagskráin mín lítur út. I'll have to see how my schedule looks. I'll have to see what my program looks like. Sjáumst aftur. See you again. See you again. Mig vantar einhvern til að tala við. I need someone to talk with. I need someone to talk to. Engar áhyggjur ef þú getur það ekki. Don't worry if you can't. Don't worry if you can't. Ég eldaði kvöldmat í gærkveldi. I cooked supper last night. I made dinner last night. Játning er góð fyrir sálina. Confession is good for the soul. A confession is good for the soul. Það rignir. It is raining. It's raining. Ég hef komið á hvorugan þessara staða. I've been to neither of those places. I haven't been to either one of these places. Ódýrt sake gerir þig veikan. Cheap sake makes you sick. Illegal sake makes you sick. Bjór, takk. A beer, please. Beer, please. John situr hjá Jack. John sits by Jack. John's sitting with Jack. Þú verður að gera þitt besta. You must do your best. You have to do your best. Vatn breytist í gufu þegar það er soðið. Water turns into steam when it is boiled. Water turns to steam when it's boiled. Mér finnst leiðinlegt að læra óreglulegar sagnir. I find it very boring to learn irregular verbs. I find it boring to learn irregular verbs. Ég mun fylgjast með ykkur. I'll be watching you. I'll be watching you. John verður að leggja hart að sér til að ná bekkjarfélögum sínum. John must work hard to catch up with his classmates. John must work hard to get his classmates. Hvar er salernið? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Þið vitið ekki hver ég er. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. Heldurðu að hann hafi gert þessi mistök af ásettu ráði? Do you think he made that mistake on purpose? Do you think he deliberately made that mistake? Þetta er lögmál frumskógarins. This is the law of the jungle. It's the law of the jungle. Ég ætti að fara að pakka. I should start packing. I should start packing. Þið munuð missa af lestinni ef þið flýtið ykkur ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Þú getur ekki verið of varkár með stafsetningu. You cannot be too careful about spelling. You can't be too careful with spelling. Þú ert mjög ríkur. You are very rich. You're very rich. Við viljum heildstæðar setningar. We want complete sentences. We want total sentences. Hann flutti ræðu. He delivered a speech. He gave a speech. Ég býst við því að ég sé heppinn. I guess I'm lucky. I guess I'm lucky. Hún sagði bless. She said goodbye. She said goodbye. Tom var mjög feiminn. Tom was very shy. Tom was very shy. Ertu með bíl? Do you have a car? You got a car? Það er nær ómögulegt að framkvæma það. It is next to impossible to carry it out. It's almost impossible to perform. Vélarnar eru mjög ódýrar. The engines are very cheap. The machines are very cheap. Ég var með slæman magaverk. I had a bad stomach-ache. I had a really bad stomach ache. Það gleður mig að sjá þig! I'm glad to see you! I'm glad to see you! Það er enginn glæpur að sleppa morgunmat öðru hverju. It's no crime to skip breakfast once in a while. It's no crime to skip breakfast every once in a while. Ég hef týnt veskinu mínu. I have lost my wallet. I've lost my wallet. Er allt í lagi með þig? Are you all right? Are you okay? Þetta gerist. These things happen. This is what happens. Ertu með eða á móti frumvarpinu? Are you for or against the bill? Are you in or against the bill? Maðurinn var undrandi yfir fréttunum. The man was surprised at the news. The man was amazed at the news. Ég seldi bók. I sold a book. I sold a book. Skrambinn! Darn it! Oh, shit! John drakk margar flöskur af víni. John drank many bottles of wine. John drank many bottles of wine. Ég á hjólið við dyrnar. The bicycle by the door is mine. It's my bike by the door. Takk! Thank you! Thank you! John er að bíða eftir Lucy en lestin er þegar farin. John is waiting for Lucy, but the train has already left. John's waiting for Lucy, but the train's already gone. Umhverfið hefur áhrif á persónuleika okkar. Our character is affected by the environment. The environment affects our personality. Tökum okkur stutt hlé. Let's take a short break. Let's take a short break. Þú ættir að vita betur en að eyða öllum peningunum þínum í föt. You should know better than to spend all your money on clothes. You should know better than to spend all your money on clothes. Hún gengur ekki í ódýrum fatnaði. She doesn't wear the cheap stuff. She doesn't wear cheap clothes. Þú verður að takast á við þessi erfiðu vandamál. You have to cope with those difficult problems. You have to deal with these difficult problems. Við töluðum hvort við annað sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Við höfum komist að þeirri niðurstöðu að þetta sé sönn saga. We've come to the conclusion that this is a true story. We have come to the conclusion that this is a true story. Gangbrautarverðir eru gerðir út á skólatímum til að leiðbeina börnum örugglega yfir götur með mikilli umferð. Crossing guards are posted during school hours to guide children safely across busy streets. Vocabularies are set out at school to guide children safely across streets with traffic. Ég er að frjósa. I'm freezing. I'm freezing. Sjáðu hvernig þeir hlaupa! See how they run! Look at how they run! Ég sá stjörnu í dag. I saw a star today. I saw a star today. Það mundi taka mig of mikinn tíma að útskýra fyrir þér hversvegna þetta er ekki að fara að ganga upp. It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work. It would take me too much time to explain to you why this is not going to work out. Ég elska að lesa bækur. I love reading books. I love reading books. Bill tók yfirlýsingu mína sem sanna. Bill accepted my statement as true. Bill accepted my statement as true. Þessir stólar eru fyrir. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are in the way. Harka demants er slík að hann getur skorið gler. The hardness of diamond is such that it can cut glass. A diamond's hard work is so great that it can cut glass. John lék á gítar og vinir hans sungu. John played guitar and his friends sang. John played guitar, and his friends sang. Ég hitti vini mína í gær. I saw my friends yesterday. I met some of my friends last night. Drífðu þig af stað. Get a move on. Come on, let's go. Jill er klár jafnt sem falleg. Jill is smart as well as pretty. Jill's smart as well as beautiful. Þú ættir að byrja eins snemma og þú getur. You should start as early as you can. You should start as early as you can. Ég vil ekki að þessu leyndarmáli verði uppljóstrað. I don't want this secret to be exposed. I don't want this secret discovered. Hvað olli því að þú skiptir um skoðun? What made you change your mind? What caused you to change your mind? Þetta er bók. That's a book. It's a book. Taktu eins mikið og þú vilt. Take as much as you like. Take as much as you want. Hvar steigstu upp í vagninn? Where did you get on this bus? Where did you get on that bus? Ég mundi heldur vilja tala við þig í einrúmi. I would prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather talk to you alone. Við það að opna dyrnar braut ég lásinn. In opening the door, I broke the lock. When I opened the door, I broke the lock. Röksemdafærslan hans var grundvölluð á staðreyndum. His argument was based on facts. His argument was based on facts. Á hverjum degi tekur bróðir minn nýja bók að láni á bókasafninu. Every day, my brother borrows a new book from the library. Every day, my brother borrows a new book from the library. Ef tungan á þér verður svört ættir þú líklegast að fara til læknis. If your tongue turns black, you should probably see a doctor. If your tongue turns black, you should probably see your doctor. Allir sem þekktu hann dáðu hann. Everyone who knew him admired him. Everyone who knew him loved him. Takk fyrir að minna mig á fundinn sem ég þarf að mæta á. Thank you for reminding me about the meeting I have to attend. Thank you for reminding me of the meeting I have to attend. Við verðum að bíða eftir honum. We have to wait for him. We have to wait for him. Jane hefur náð miklum framförum í japönsku. Jane has made great progress in Japanese. Jane has made great progress in Japanese. Hvenær byrjar það? When does it begin? When does it start? Þú hefur skyldu til að útksýra þessa hegðun fyrir mér. You have a responsibility to explain that behavior to me. You've had to do some of this behavior for me. Brátt mun himinninn verða bjartur. Soon the sky will become bright. Soon the sky will be clear. Já, það er það. Það er mikil raki í loftinu. Yes, it is. There's a lot of moisture in the air. There's a lot of moisture in the air. Má ég fara á klósettið hjá ykkur? May I use your toilet? Can I use your bathroom? Komdu innfyrir. Why don't you come in? Come on in. Fólki líður best þegar það er heima hjá sér. People feel most at ease when they are at home. People feel better when they're at home. Ég er svo þreytt að ég nenni ekki að læra í kvöld. I'm so tired that I don't feel like studying tonight. I'm so tired I don't want to learn tonight. Hún verður að gera sig klára fyrir matinn. She's got to get ready for dinner. She's got to get ready for dinner. Ég er hjúkrunarfræðingur. I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse. Eldri bróðir minn fékk stöðu í stóru fyrirtæki. My older brother got a position in a big business. My older brother got a job in a big company. John á bíl sem er framleiddur í Japan. John has a car made in Japan. John has a car produced in Japan. John mun verða góður eiginmaður og faðir. John will make a good husband and father. John will be a good husband and father. Hvar er sjúkrahúsið? Where is the hospital? Where's the hospital? Í gær keypti ég bók. Yesterday I bought a book. Yesterday, I bought a book. Hvað lásu þau ef svo er? If so, what did they read? If so, what did they read? Ég hitti hann af tilviljun. I met him by chance. I met him by chance. Taktu af þér bindið. Take off your tie. Take off the tie. Samstillum úrin okkar. Let's synchronize our watches. Let's synchronise our watches. Ég hitti pabba þinn í gær. I met your father yesterday. I saw your dad yesterday. Ókurteisin í honum gerði mig æfan af reiði. His rudeness made me burn with anger. His rudeness made me practice out of anger. Ég sá manneskjuna sem ég bjóst við standa þarna. I saw the person I was expecting standing there. I saw the person I expected standing there. Í myrkri eru allir kettir gráir. All cats are grey in the dark. In the dark, all cats are grey. Ég var seinn í skólann. I was late to school. I was late for school. Hvað sem gerir þig hamingjusama. Whatever makes you happy. Whatever makes you happy. Ertu með saumnál? Do you have a sewing needle? Do you have a needle? Hann er ríkur en eldri bróðir hans er fátækur. He is rich, but his older brother is poor. He's rich, but his older brother's poor. Góða nótt Tatoeba. Við sjáumst á morgun. Good night, Tatoeba. See you tomorrow. Good night, Tatoeba, I'll see you tomorrow. Ég hugsa að þú ættir að fara í megrunarkúr. I think you'd better go on a diet. I think you should go on a diet. Ég gat ekki gert að því að hlæja að honum. I could not help laughing at him. I couldn't help but laugh at him. Ég hafði ekki fyrr lokað hurðinni en einhver tók að banka á hana. I had no sooner closed the door than somebody started knocking on it. I had only closed the door, but someone began to knock on her. Hann féll á prófinu þar sem hann hafði ekki lært nóg. He failed the exam because he had not studied enough. He failed the test because he had not learned enough. Þegar ég var komin út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. Once out, I threw out my duck with ease. Mér líkar við þann sem er ekki fallegur. I like the one who is not beautiful. I like someone who's not pretty. Flest fólk býr í þéttbýli. Most people live in urban areas. Most people live in urban areas. Húsið er nokkuð niðurnýtt. The house is quite run down. It's a pretty new house. Ég er örvhent. I'm left-handed. I'm left-handed. Það er kjánalegt af þér að trúa honum. It's silly of you to believe him. It's silly of you to believe in him. Maður birtist handan dyranna. A man appeared from behind the door. A man appears across the door. Það eru engar sannanir. There's no evidence. There's no proof. Ég er orðinn uppiskroppa með fé. I've run out of money. I'm running out of money. Okkur bauð við skítugu diskunum á veitingastaðnum. The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us. We were invited to the dirty dishes at the restaurant. Japanskir ferðamenn í útlöndum eru eyðsluglaðir. Japanese tourists abroad are big spenders. Japanese tourists in foreign lands are happy. Betra að vera hataður fyrir það hver maður er en elskaður fyrir eitthvað sem maður er ekki. Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not. It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for something you're not. Hentar það þér að ég komi klukkan sex um kvöld. Is it convenient for you if I come at 6 p.m.? That's good for you. I'll be there at 6:00 in the morning. Þessi setning er óþýðanleg. This sentence is untranslatable. This sentence is incorrigible. Þú lítur fölur út. You look pale. You look pale. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að fara svona snemma á fætur. You need not have got up so early. You wouldn't have had to get up so early. Geturðu talað hærra? Ég heyri ekkert í þér. Can you speak up? I don't hear you. I can't hear you. John kom til Japans í gær. John came to Japan yesterday. John came to Japan yesterday. Hiroshi er að saga viðinn niður í fjalir. Hiroshi is sawing the wood into boards. Hiroshi's the story of wood down to the mountains. Ég skar grein af trénu. I cut a branch from the tree. I cut a branch off the tree. Það er kaldrifjað af honum að segja það. It is heartless of him to say so. He is cold - tempered to say that. Mig langar að búa til dagatal úr nokkrum myndum sem ég á. Hvernig ætti ég að fara að því? I'd like to turn some photos of mine into a calendar. How should I go about it? I want to make a calendar of some pictures that I have. How should I do it? Vinsamlegast farðu vel með þig. Please take care of yourself. Please take care of yourself. Eitt barnanna okkar spurði dag einn: "Hvaðan koma börnin?" One of the children asked one day: "Where do babies come from?" One of our children asked: "Where do the children come from? " Rotta er lítið dýr með langar, oddmjóar tennur og langan hala. A rat is a small animal with long, pointed teeth and a long tail. A rat is a small animal with long, pointy teeth and long tail. Árin fljúga hjá. The years pass by quickly. The years fly by. Ég er ekki neitt þreyttur. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Hún spurði eftir vini sínum. She asked after her friend. She asked for her friend. "Mun hann koma?" "Nei, það held ég ekki." "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." Svalan er sumarboði. The swallow is a sign of summer. It's a summer party. Tallinn er höfuðborg Eistlands. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Hvert er herbergisnúmerið mitt? What is my room number? What's my room number? Geturðu pantað fyrir mig? Can you order one for me? Can you order for me? Gjörðu svo vel að láta mig vera. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Blússöngvarinn og gítarleikarinn Robert Johnson hefði orðið hundrað ára gamall 8. maí 2011 hefði hann ekki dáið 27 ára gamall. Blues singer and guitarist Robert Johnson would have been 100 years old on May 8th of 2011 if he hadn't died when he was 27 years old. The blue singer and guitarist Robert Johnson would have been 100 years old on May 8, 2011, if he hadn't died at the age of 27. Þau voru svo óttaslegin að þau gátu ekki fært sig um fet. They were so frightened that they couldn't move an inch. They were so frightened that they could not move. Sviss er fallegt land. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Switzerland is a beautiful country. Komdu aftur hingað, gungan þín. Come back here, you coward. Come back here, you coward. Af hverju ertu svona döpur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Slysið átti sér stað fyrir tveimur klukkustundum. The accident happened two hours ago. The accident occurred two hours ago. Klukkan hvað skráði hún sig út af hótelinu? What time did she check out of the hotel? What time did she sign up for the hotel? Það gerist ekkert nema þú látir það gerast. Nothing happens unless you make it happen. Nothing happens unless you let it happen. Það er virkilega mikill vindur. It's really windy. There's really a lot of wind. Loksins var geimsteinninn í hans höndum. At last, the gem was in his hands. Finally, the Jewel was in his hands. Hann er sexí. He's sexy. He's sexy. Erum við alveg tilbúin? Are we all ready? Are we all set? Við höfum útskýrt hvernig HTML er, í grundvallaratriðum, liðir merktir með byrjunar- og lokunarmerkjum We have explained that HTML is, as a basic rule, elements marked up with open and close tags. We've explained how HTML is, basically, parts marked with early and closing marks Við verðum að kaupa þau að utan. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from outside. Það eru dagar þar sem mér líður eins og heilann minn langi að yfirgefa mig. There are days where I feel like my brain wants to abandon me. There are days where I feel like my brain wants to leave me. John lagði fram tilkall til málverksins? John laid claim to the painting. John proposed to the painting? Erlendis fá flest okkar menningarsjokk. In a foreign country most of us go through culture shock. We'll get most of us a cultural rock of our country. Bíllinn er til. The car is ready. The car is ready. Ég er alvarlega sólbrunnin. I have a bad sunburn. I'm seriously sunburned. Eru aðrir alheimar utan okkar eigin? Are there other universes outside our own? Are there other universes beyond our own? Það skiptir engu hvort hún viðurkenni sekt sína eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether she admits her guilt or not. It doesn't matter whether she admits to her guilt or not. Við höfum fengið alla bygginguna til afnota. The whole building has been put at our disposal. We've got the whole building for use. Ég hef ekki fengið kvef nýlega. I have not had a cold lately. I haven't had a cold recently. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að reyna þitt besta. All you have to do is try your best. All you have to do is try your best. Hann er búinn að lesa dagblaðið. He is done reading the newspaper. He's already read the newspaper. Tom er aldrei á réttum tíma. Tom is never on time. Tom's never on time. Best væri ef ég hitti hann í eigin persónu. It would be best if I met him in person. It'd be best if I met him in person. Hún var betri en ég bjóst við. She was better than I expected. She was better than I expected. Ég klæðist jakkafötum með bindi. I wear a suit and tie. I wear a suit with a tie. Það er áhugavert að lesa bækur. Reading books is interesting. Reading books is interesting. Tilraun okkar hefur leitt í ljós að skýrslan hans var ónákvæm. Our experiment has revealed that his report was inaccurate. Our efforts have shown that his report was inaccurate. Því fylgir súpa eða salat. It comes with soup or salad. It comes with soup or salad. Það sem þú segir er allt annað en það sem ég heyrði frá honum. What you say is quite different from what I heard from him. What you're saying is nothing but what I heard from him. Nú er ég frjáls. Now I am free. Now I'm free. Allnokkuð af fólki kom á fundinn í gær. Quite a few people came to the meeting yesterday. A lot of people came to the meeting yesterday. Sumir nemendanna eru á bókasafninu, en hinir í skólastofunni. Some of the students are in the library, but the others are in the classroom. Some of the students are in the library, but the rest are in the classroom. Svona er hún bara. That is just her way. That's just the way she is. Það er hundur við dyrnar. There's a dog by the door. There's a dog at the door. Við ræddum málið. We discussed the matter. We talked about it. Ég vil að þú komir hingað. I want you to come here. I want you to come here. Hann er gáfaður. He's intelligent. He's smart. Við erum ekki hræsin í svefni. We are not hypocrites in our sleep. We're not dead in our sleep. Það er ekki dæmigert af þér að segja svona lagað við hana. It is not characteristic of you to say such a thing to her. It's not typical of you to say things like that to her. Ég vona að þú eigir góða ferð. I hope you enjoy your flight. I hope you have a good trip. Það er hægt að stóla á hann. He can be counted on. You can count on it. Hún leiðbeindi honum um hvaða bækur hann ætti að lesa. She advised him on what books to read. She gave him advice on what books to read. Þú hlýtur að vera morgunsvæfur. You must be a late riser. You must be early. Gjörið svo vel að fá ykkur köku. Please help yourself to some cake. Please take some cake. Þú mátt ekki opna dyrnar. You must not open the door. You can't open the door. Þú gast talið upp á tíu þegar þú varst tveggja. You could count to ten when you were two. You could have counted to ten when you were two. Mín væri ánægjan. It would be a pleasure. It would be my pleasure. Ég neita því ekki. I won't deny that. I won't deny it. Hann segist ekki munu hætta að reykja. He says he will not give up smoking. He says he won't stop smoking. Náðu í það og settu það á eldinn. Fetch it and put it on the fire. Get it and put it on the fire. Standið á fætur! Stand up! Get up! John er að ganga í áttina að stöðinni. John is walking in the direction of the station. John's going towards the station. Þessi bók er skrifuð á ensku. This book is written in English. This book is written in English. Þetta er allt í höfðinu á manni. It's all in your head. It's all in your head. Ekki tala illa um látna. You mustn't speak ill of the dead. Don't say bad things about the dead. Bókin liggur á borðinu. The book is on the table. It's on the table. John er ekki bróðir minn heldur frændi. John is not my brother, but my cousin. John's not my brother, he's my uncle. Tom hafði ekki farið á markaðinn. Tom hadn't gone to the market. Tom hadn't gone to the market. Hann er að læra ensku en hann er líka að læra þýsku. He is studying English, but he is also studying German. He's learning English, but he's also learning German. Ég er heilsuhraustur. I'm healthy. I'm a healthy person. Hvernig er pappírinn viðkomu? How does the paper feel? What's the paper like? Ég verð að þvo þvott á meðan sólskinið varir. I have to do laundry while it's still sunny. I have to wash my laundry while the sunshine lasts. Við sáum ekki einn einasta leik. We did not see a single game. We didn't see one game. Eruð þið upptekin? Are you guys busy? Are you busy? Hún er ákveðin í að ná sér niðri á vini sínum fyrir að hafa stungið sig í bakið. She's determined to get back at her friend for stabbing her in the back. She is determined to recover from her friend for having stabbed her in the back. Draumur hennar er að fara til Parísar. Her dream is to visit Paris. Her dream is to go to Paris. Ég veit það ekki. Hvað heldur þú? I don't know. What do you think? I don't know, what do you think? Hún verður of sein í matinn. She will be late for dinner. She'll be late for dinner. Ég skil ekki hvað þú meinar. I don't get what you mean. I don't know what you mean. Í þremur orðum get ég dregið saman allt sem ég hef lært um lífið: Það heldur áfram. In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life - It goes on. In three words, I can sum up everything I have learned about life: it continues. Gerðu eins og þér er sagt. Do it as you are told. Do as you're told. Enginn sá fuglinn fljúga. Nobody saw the bird fly. No one saw the bird fly. Ef ég þarf að fara einu sinni aftur til Kjótó mun ég hafa farið þangað fjórum sinnum á þessu ári. If I have to go to Kyoto once more, I will have visited it four times this year. If I have to go back tojótto once, I'll have gone there four times this year. Mér leiðist. I'm bored. I'm bored. Hvern langar í smá heitt súkkulaði? Who wants some hot chocolate? Who wants some hot chocolate? Veturinn er uppáhalds árstíðin mín. Winter is my favorite season. Winter is my favorite season. Tom var fyrsti kærastinn minn. Tom was my first boyfriend. Tom was my first boyfriend. Sjúklingurinn var útskrifaður af sjúkrahúsinu. The patient was discharged from hospital. The patient was discharged from the hospital. Dóttur hennar er illt í maganum. Her daughter has a stomachache. Her daughter's stomach hurts. Hver á þessa bók? Whose book is it? Whose book is this? Það skiptir mig ekki máli. It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. Reikninginn, takk. The check, please. Check, please. Hún hjálpaði föður sínum með verkin í garðinum. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with her gardenwork. Ertu geðveikur? Are you insane? Are you insane? Ég þarf stöðugt að vera að snýta mér. I have to blow my nose all the time. I need to be turning around all the time. Bráðlega verðum við líklega rukkuð fyrir sorphirðingu eftir magni. We will soon most likely be charged for garbage disposal by how much of it there is. Soon we will be charged with collections of garbage collections. Þurrkaðu andlitið með handklæði. Dry your face with a towel. Wipe your face with a towel. Þessir krakkar eru hugsanlegir viðskiptavinir. Those children are potential customers. These kids are potential customers. Ég drekk ekki mikið af bjór. I don't drink much beer. I don't drink much beer. Flestir dæma fólk einungis af afrekum þeirra eða heppni. Most people judge men only by their success or their good fortune. Most people judge only by their accomplishments or good luck. Ef það eru engir leigubílar verðum við að labba heim. If there are no taxis, we'll have to walk. If there are no cabs, we have to walk home. Má ég nota þetta? May I use this? Can I use this? Hvað minnir þessi hattur þig á? What does this hat remind you of? What does that hat remind you of? Hverju sækist Tom eftir? What's Tom after? What's Tom after? Hvers vegna segirðu það? What makes you say that? Why do you say that? Þessir stólar eru í veginum. Those chairs are in the way. These chairs are in the way. Myndin hangir öfugt. The picture is hung upside down. The picture's hanging on the wrong side. Ég er með líftryggingu. I have life insurance. I have insurance. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til lögfræðings. She advised him to see a lawyer. She advised him to go to the lawyer. Hvernig gerði hann það? How did he do it? How did he do that? Kanntu að synda? Can you swim? Can you swim? Hvaðan eruð þið? Where are you guys from? Where are you from? Þetta eru mér nýjar fréttir. This is my new news. This is new news to me. Bill kom með bókina handa mér. Bill brought me the book. Bill brought me the book. Það er ískallt í þessu herbergi, Cindy. Ég þoli ekki þennan kulda. It's freezing in this room, Cindy. I can't put up with this cold. Cindy, I hate this cold. Ég hlakka til að heyra frá þér. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I can't wait to hear from you. Ég vil heldur vera heima en fara út. I'd rather stay home than go out. I'd rather be home than go out. Notaðu höfuðið til tilbreytingar. Use your head for a change. Use your head for a change. Ég er ekki með heimilisfangið núna. I don't have the address now. I don't have the address right now. Það er ekki hægt að sturta niður í klósettinu. The toilet doesn't flush. You can't flush the toilet. Shylock er fégráðugur, og það sem verra er, mjög nískur. Shylock is greedy, and what is worse, very stingy. Shylock is rich, and worse, very cheap. Sue er bandarískur nemandi. Sue is an American student. Sue is an American student. Bill stakk sér í ána til að bjarga drukknandi barninu. Bill dove into the river to save the drowning child. Bill stuck in the river to save the drowning child. Er þetta stóðhestur eða meri? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a stallion or a mare? Þú munt geta keyrt bíl eftir nokkra daga. You'll be able to drive a car in a few days. You'll be able to drive a car in a few days. Sjáumst. See you. See you later. Ég vil að þú sért hér. I want you to be here. I want you to be here. Hún var úr ríkri fjölskyldu og fékk góða menntun. She came from a wealthy family and received a good education. She was a member of a wealthy family and was well educated. Hver á þessa bók? Whose book is this? Whose book is this? Ég á erfitt með að trúa þessu. I find this hard to believe. This is hard for me to believe. Hvert fóruð þið? Where did you go? Where did you go? það væri frábært ef ég gæti talað þrjú tungumál. It would be so cool if I could speak ten languages! It would be great if I could speak three languages. Þjóðverjarnir tóku á flótta. The Germans took to flight. The Germans made a run for it. Ég fór í dýragarðinn í gær. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. Hún lagðist í rúmið. She lay down on the bed. She lay down in bed. Farðu með mig til Tom. Take me to Tom. Take me to Tom. Getið þið komið? Can you come? Can you come? Gjörið svo vel að fá yður sæti. Please have a seat. Please, sit down. Hún stóð ekki við loforðið að skrifa mér. She did not keep her promise to write to me. She didn't keep my promise to write to me. Ameríka er mjög stór. America is very large. America is very big. Ertu að grínast? Are you kidding? Are you kidding me? Hann var boðinn velkominn hvert sem hann fór. He was welcomed wherever he went. Wherever he went, he was welcomed. Hún bað hann um að lesa það fyrir sig vegna þess að hún hafði tapað gleraugunum sínum. She asked him to read it for her because she had lost her glasses. She asked him to read it to her because she had lost her glasses. Ég vil ekki trufla. I don't want to intervene. I don't want to interrupt. Þar sem ég lauk vinnunni í gær er ég laus í dag. Having finished the work yesterday, I am free today. Since I finished my job last night, I'm free today. Ég skildi eftir gjöf fyrir hana heima hjá mér. I had left a present for her at my house. I left a gift for her in my house. Hvað í fjandanum ertu að gera? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Getur þú ekki hjálpað okkur? Can't you help us? Can't you help us? Það borgar sig að vera kurteis. It pays to be polite. It's good to be polite. Hann drekkur úr hófi. He drinks to excess. He drinks too much. Ég sá hann koma upp. I saw him coming upstairs. I saw him come up. Ekki leggja hér. Don't park here. Don't park here. Lögreglan vakir yfir borginni á næturna. The police watch over the city during the night. Police are watching the city at night. Af hverju ertu svona dapur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Rússland er stórt. Russia is big. Russia is big. Ræða kennarans hvetur Mary til að leggja harðar að sér við námið. The teacher's talk stimulates Mary to study harder. The teacher's speech encourages Mary to work harder at the study. Er virkilega hægt að spá fyrir um jarðskjálfta? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Is it really possible to predict an earthquake? Hvaða lest ætlar þú að taka? What train you are going to take? Which train will you take? Þú ert ábyrgur fyrir gerðum þínum. You should be responsible for your actions. You're responsible for your actions. Flýtið ykkur! Tónleikarnir eru að byrja. Hurry up! The concert is starting. Hurry up, the concert's starting. Hvert ætlarðu að fara á stefnumótinu í kvöld? Where are you going on your date tonight? Where are you going on your date tonight? Heyrðirðu hljóðið? Did you hear the noise? Did you hear that sound? Það er fótboltaleikur á morgun. There's a soccer match tomorrow. There's a soccer game tomorrow. Við pöntuðum bleikan en fengum bláan. We ordered pink, but we received blue. We ordered pink, but we got blue. Ég er að leita að ákveðnum gömlum manni. I'm looking for a certain old man. I'm looking for a certain old man. Þú býrð í Sankti Pétursborg. You live in St. Petersburg. You live in St. Petersburg. Ég fer í háttinn klukkan ellefu. I go to bed at eleven. I'm going to bed at 11:00. Opnaðu dyrnar og gerðu svo vel að hleypa mér inn. Open the door and let me in, please. Open the door, and please let me in. Mér til undrunar var hann með fallega rödd. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice. Get ég aðstoðað? Could I help you? Can I help you? Hún hefur ekki enn komið í leitirnar. She hasn't turned up yet. She hasn't been in yet. Hún býr í London. She is living in London. She lives in London. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig í apríl. I'm looking forward to seeing you this April. I can't wait to see you in April. Mig langar til að segja þér nokkuð undarlegt. I want to tell you a strange thing. I want to tell you something strange. Nafn mitt er Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Við ættum að lesa að minnsta kosti eina bók á mánuði. We should read at least one book a month. We should read at least one book a month. Eru þetta þínar myndir? Are these your pictures? Are those your pictures? Láttu vinsamlegast vinnukonuna fara með það í herbergið mitt. Please have the maid carry it to my room. Please have the maid take it to my room. Tom er sjaldan seinn. Tom is rarely late. Tom's rarely late. Bill bjó til fallegan kjól handa mér. Bill made me a nice dress. Bill made me a beautiful dress. Allir elska hana. Everybody loves her. Everybody loves her. Hefurðu nokkurtíma farið til Bandaríkjanna? Have you ever been to the United States? Have you ever been to America? Þess vegna er strútskjöt meira en tvöfalt dýrara en nauta- og svínakjöt. That's why ostrich meat costs more than twice as much as beef and pork. That's why ostrich meat is more than twice as expensive than beef and pork. Þú hefur gefið mér svo margar. You have given me so many. You've given me so many. Hún gaf honum ráð um hvernig halda ætti sér í heilsu. She advised him on how to stay healthy. She gave him advice on how to stay healthy. Ég er viss um að muni geta fundið það. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. I'm sure I'll be able to find it. Stöðin er nærri. The station is near at hand. The station is close. Hún hljóp upp að mér, hárið flagsandi í vindinum. She ran up to me, her hair flying in the wind. She ran up to me, her hair peeling in the wind. Hringdu í mig á eftir, okei? Give me a call later, OK? Call me later, OK? Fyrirgefðu. Ég ætlaði ekki að bregða þér. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. Þau gengu um. They walked around. They walked around. Hann hittir kærustuna sína á laugardögum. He meets his girlfriend on Saturdays. He met his girlfriend on Saturdays. Við erum ætíð í einhvers kyns hættu. We are always exposed to some kind of danger. We are always in danger of some sort. Stærðfræði er sá hluti vísindanna sem þú gætir haldið áfram að stunda ef þú vaknaðir upp á morgun og uppgötvaðir að heimurinn væri horfinn. Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone. Math is the part of science that you could continue to practice if you woke up tomorrow and discovered that the world had disappeared. Hvað ertu komin langt á veg? How far along are you? How far are you? Andlit hennar minnir okkur á kirsuber. We associate her face with a cherry. Her face reminds us of cherry. Við skulum byrja. Let's begin. Let's get started. Pabbi minn elskar flatbökur. My father loves pizza. My dad loves pies. John gengur í áttina að stöðinni. John is walking in the direction of the station. John's heading towards the station. Landið leitaði til Sameinuðu Þjóðanna eftir hjálp. The country appealed to the United Nations for help. The country turned to the United Nations for help. Enginn er svo fátækur að eiga ekki efni á að vera snyrtilegur. No one is so poor that he cannot afford to be neat. No one is so poor that he cannot afford to be neat. Hjólbarðar eyðast vegna núnings milli gúmmísins og vegyfirborðsins. Tires wear down because of friction between the rubber and the road surface. A pair of wheels is destroyed because of mitigation between the rubber and the road surface. Ert þú stelpa eða strákur? Are you a girl or a boy? Are you a girl or a boy? Þú getur kallað hann lygara, en þú getur ekki kallað hann vondan mann. You may call him a liar, but you cannot call him a bad man. You can call him a liar, but you can't call him a bad man. Hvað ertu kominn langt? How far along are you? How far have you come? Þú munt læra hvernig á að gera þetta fyrr eða síðar. You'll learn how to do it sooner or later. You will learn how to do this sooner or later. Það er skelfilegt. That's terrible. It's scary. Kærastan þín verður svo reið þegar hún kemst að þessu. Your girlfriend is going to be so mad at you when she finds out. Your girlfriend'll be so mad when she finds out. Mér fannst það áhugavert. It interested me. I thought it was interesting. Ken kyssti kærustu Toms. Ken kissed Tom's girlfriend. Ken kissed Tom's girlfriend. Ég kem fyrir tíu. I'll come by 10. I'll be there by 10. "Elskan, komdu í háttinn." "Ekki alveg strax. Ég á ennþá eftir að þýða nokkrar setningar á Tatoeba." "Honey, come to bed." "No, not yet. I still have to translate some sentences on Tatoeba." "Dear, come to bed." "Not right now, I still have to translate a few sentences to Tatoeba." Ég er með vægan höfuðverk. I have a slight headache. I have a slight headache. Ertu hættur að berja konuna þína? Have you stopped beating your wife? You don't beat your wife anymore, do you? Ég var fimmtán ára á þessari mynd. I was fifteen years old in this picture. I was 15 in this picture. Afhverju ætti ég að bíða? Why should I wait? Why should I wait? Þótt ég sé búin að ákveða að fara í veisluna hlakka ég ekki til hennar. Though I have decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Although I've decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Viltu einfalda eða tvöfalda? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want a simple or double? Dyrnar eru opnaðar á hverjum morgni. The door is opened every morning. The door is open every morning. Þú ert sekur um morð. You are guilty of murder. You're guilty of murder. Tom las miðann. Tom read the note. Tom read the ticket. Skildu það eftir lokað. Leave it closed. Leave it shut. Jón er of feitur til að geta hlaupið hratt. John is too fat to run fast. John's too fat to run fast. Það snjóar. It's snowing. It's snowing. Hún kemur ekki í tímann á morgun. She won't come to class tomorrow. She's not coming in tomorrow's class. Það er dónalegt að stara á ókunnuga. It is rude to stare at strangers. It's rude to stare at strangers. Ég svaf yfir mig og missti af fyrstu lestinni. I slept late and I missed the first train. I slept over and missed my first train. Hvað ætti Tom að gera? What should Tom do? What should Tom do? Dansararnir lifnuðu virkilega við í latnesku dönsunum. The dancers really came to life during the Latin numbers. The dancers really lived on in Latin dances. Ekki stinga höndinni þinni út um gluggann. Don't stick your hand out of the window. Don't stick your hand out the window. Tom hefur enn ekki hringt í Mary. Tom hasn't called Mary yet. Tom hasn't called Mary yet. Afsakið en ég er ekki með neina smámynt. I'm sorry, I don't have change. Excuse me, but I don't have a coin. Þýddu setningu nokkrum sinnum úr einu tungumáli í annað og þú munt enda með eitthvað algerlega ólíkt þeirri upprunalegu. Translate a sentence several times from one language to another and you'll find yourself with something totally different from the original. Translate a sentence several times from one language to another, and you will end up with something completely different from the original. Þessi setning er í góðu lagi. This sentence is fine. That line's fine. Við ferðuðumst fótgangandi. We traveled on foot. We traveled on foot. Ég veit ekkert um hann. I know nothing about him. I don't know anything about him. Allt í lagi, ekkert mál. OK, no problem. All right, no problem. Hún ráðlagði honum að verða kennari. She advised him to become a teacher. She advised him to be a teacher. Hvenær sem ég kem skal ég fara að leika með þér. Whenever come, I'll play go with you. Every time I come, I'll go play with you. Sex ára gamall hafði hann lært að nota ritvél og sagði kennaranum að hann þyrfti ekki að læra skrift. At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand. By the time he was six years old, he had learned to use a typewriter and told his teacher that he did not need to learn writing. Þetta var skemmtilegt. It was amusing. That was fun. John veiddi tígrisdýr og skaut tvö ljón. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. John caught a tiger and shot two lions. Húsið seldist ódýrt. The house went cheap. The house was inexpensive. Brown fólkið er fín og glöð fjölskylda. The Browns are a fine and happy family. The Browns are a nice, happy family. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er kona. Who is that? That is a woman. What is this? Lyklarnir mínir eru horfnir. My keys are gone. My keys are gone. Það er óhætt að borða fiskinn. It's safe to eat the fish. It's safe to eat the fish. Það er engin þörf á því að biðjast afsökunar. There's no need to apologize. There is no need to apologize. Hví gréstu? For what reason did you cry? Why did you cry? Tom á enga bræður. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Tom doesn't have any brothers. Hún spurði eftir vinkonu sinni. She asked after her friend. She asked for her friend. Það er ekki hægt að lækna það að fullu. It cannot be completely cured. It cannot be completely cured. Lærðu auðmýkt. Learn humility. Learn humility. Hann vinnur ekki. Hann er farinn á eftirlaun. He doesn't have a job. He's retired. He doesn't win, he's retired. Klukkan er hálf níu. It's 8:30. It's 11:30. Frændi minn býr í Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. My uncle lives in Tashkent. "Af hverju ferðu ekki að sofa ef þú ert þreytt?" "Af því að ef ég fer að sofa núna þá vakna ég of snemma." "If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep?" "Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early." "Why don't you go to sleep if you're tired?" "Because if I go to sleep now I'll wake up too soon." Kettir eru ekki einstaklingar! A cat is not a person! Cats are not individuals! Stólarnir eru undir trénu. The chairs are under the tree. The chairs are under the tree. Líf þessarar veiku manneskju er í hættu. That sick person's life is in danger. The life of this sick person is in danger. Ég hafði verið að lesa bréf þegar hann kom inn. I had been reading a letter when he came in. I had been reading letters when he came in. Ég hlakka til að heyra frá þér mjög bráðlega. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. I look forward to hearing from you very soon. "Má bjóða þér eitthvað að drekka?" "Nei, en takk fyrir að spurja." "Would you like something to drink?" "No, but thanks for offering." "Would you like something to drink?" "No, but thank you for asking." Það er búið milli okkar tveggja. Gefðu mér hringinn minn aftur! It's over between us. Give me back my ring! Give me my ring back! Ein af annari stóðu þær upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One by one, they stood up and walked out. Hún dáir hann. She adores him. She loves him. Horfðu á þetta fjall. Look at that mountain. Look at this mountain. Ekki gleyma farmiðanum þínum. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Bill er algerlega ólíkur bróður sínum. Bill is completely unlike his brother. Bill is completely different from his brother. Lokaðu hurðinni þegar þú ferð. Close the door when you leave. Close the door when you leave. Ég hugsa að ég sé bara þreytt. I think I'm just tired. I think I'm just tired. Það eru níu leikmenn í liði. Nine players make up a team. There are nine players in the team. Það eru litlar líkur á að hún verði á réttum tíma. There is little hope that she will come on time. There's little chance she'll be on time. Þú leist á mig. You looked at me. You looked at me. Það var kærulaust af mér að gleyma að læsa dyrunum. It was careless of me to forget to lock the door. It was careless of me to forget to lock the door. Þýðir það að þú komir ekki? Does that mean you won't come? Does that mean you're not coming? Það var vegna þess að hún hafði trú á getu hans. It was because she had faith in his capabilities. It was because she believed in him. Allir lofa drenginn. Everyone praises the boy. Everybody praise the boy. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sjálf. Please help yourself. Please have your own. Ég mun búa hjá frænda mínum í mánuð. I will live with my uncle for a month. I'll be staying with my uncle for a month. Tom er hærri en Dan en Tim er hæsti gaurinn í hópnum. Tom is taller than Dan but Tim is the tallest guy in the group. Tom's bigger than Dan, but Tim is the biggest guy in the group. Fílar í Tælandi eru jafn algengir og kengúrur í Ástralíu. Elephants in Thailand are as common as kangaroos in Australia. Phils in Thailand are as common as kangaroos in Australia. Hún kann að skauta. She is able to skate. She can skate. Ég læri Kóresku. I study Korean. I'll learn Korean. Margar stjörnur glitra á himni. Many stars are twinkling in the sky. There are many stars shining in the sky. Hef ég ekki hitt þig áður? Haven't I met you before? Haven't I met you before? Ég hef ekki haldið neinum leyndarmálum frá þér. I haven't kept any secrets from you. I haven't kept any secrets from you. Gleðileg jól. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. Komdu þér í burtu! Get away! Get out of here! Eftir langa fjarveru snéri hún aftur heim. After a long absence, she returned home. After a long absence, she returned home. Ég kom hingað í gær. I came here yesterday. I came here yesterday. Nýi bíllinn hans er yndislegur. His new car is wonderful. His new car is wonderful. Peter kom ekki eftir allt saman. Peter didn't come after all. Peter didn't come after all. Ég get ekki fundið Tim. Er hann þegar farinn? I can't find Tim. Has he gone already? I can't find Tim. Ekki líta niður á fátækt fólk. Don't look down on the poor. Don't look down on poor people. Ég á orðabók. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði ykkur að fara ekki einar. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Þú hefðir átt að læra betur. You had better have studied harder. You should have learned better. Ég hef það á tilfinningunni að þú komir til með að verða afar góður lögmaður. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have the feeling that you're going to make a very good lawyer. Ég vil að mömmu minni batni skjótt. I want my mother to get well soon. I want my mom to get better quickly. Frænka mín bjót til nýtt pils handa mér. My aunt made a new skirt for me. My aunt made me a new skirt. Ég hef hlakkað til að hitta þig. I've been looking forward to meeting you. I've been looking forward to seeing you. Aumingja stúlkan brotnaði niður við að heyra fréttirnar. The poor girl broke down upon hearing the news. The poor girl got tired of hearing the news. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. You're never too old to learn. It's never too late to learn. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum við að þrífa bílskúrinn. She asked him to help his father clean the garage. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. Liðið okkar er að vinna. Our team is winning. Our team is working. Ég tók klukkutíma. It took an hour. I took an hour. Fyrir hvað er það? What is it for? For what? Ég gæti haft rangt fyrir mér. I could be wrong. I could be wrong. Ég lét hundinn minn leggjast. I made my dog lie down. I let my dog lie down. Þér getur ekki verið alvara. You cannot be serious. You can't be serious. Bananar eru auðugir af kalíum. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium. Bananas are rich in potassium. Þegar vínið fer inn koma undarlegir hlutir út. When the wine goes in, strange things come out. When the wine goes in, strange things come out. Er einhver þarna? Is somebody there? Is anyone there? Við verðum að gera eitthvað í þessu. We have to do something about this. We have to do something about this. Heyrðirðu hvað kom fyrir John? Did you hear what happened to John? Did you hear what happened to John? Ég get ekki sofið á næturna. I can't sleep at night. I can't sleep at night. Við sáum ekki einn einasta leik. We didn't see a single game. We didn't see one game. Hvernig komust þau yfir öll þessi auðæfi? How did they come by all that wealth? How did they get over all this wealth? Slepptu handleggnum mínum! Let go of my arm! Let go of my arm! Ég á vegabréf. I have a passport. I have a passport. Hún ráðlagði honum að standa við loforðin. She advised him to keep his promises. She advised him to keep his promises. Hann er fyndinn og töff. He's funny and cool. He's funny and he's cool. Enska liðið vann það brasílíska í alþjóðlega fótboltamótinu. The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international football tournament. The English team won Brazilian at the international soccer match. Hvar er járnbrautarstöðin? Where is the railway station? Where's the railroad? Dyrnar opnuðust. The door pushed open. The door opened. Ég elska þessa mynd. I love this photo. I love this movie. Hann hljóp svo hratt að ég gat ekki náð honum. He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him. He ran so fast that I couldn't catch him. Ég er mjög glaður yfir því að skólanum sé lokið. I am very glad school is over. I am very happy that school is over. Eldri bróðir minn fékk stöðu í stóru fyrirtæki. My elder brother got a position in a big business. My older brother got a job in a big company. Foreldrar Johns virtust því fegin að heyra að hann var öruggur. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe. So John's parents seemed happy to hear that he was safe. Þau báðu Kate um að passa barnið sitt. They asked Kate to baby-sit for their child. They asked Kate to watch her baby. Hún er áreiðanlega bara aftur að gera úlfalda úr mýflugu. She is probably just making a mountain out of a molehill again. I'm sure she's just making a camel out of a gnat again. Stór skógur þekur fjöllin. A vast forest covers the mountains. A large forest washes the mountains. Hún er viðurkennd sem sérfræðingur í málvísindum. She is recognized to be an expert on linguistics. She is recognized as an expert in grammatical science. Neyðin kennir naktri konu að spinna. Necessity is the mother of invention. It teaches a naked woman how to spin. Okkur veitir ekki af hjálp þína. We can use your help. We could use your help. Hann varð að halda sig í rúminu. He had to stay in bed. He had to stay in bed. Ég er hræddur við að fara. I am afraid to go. I'm afraid to go. Ég er laus í kvöld. I am free this evening. I'm free tonight. Kanntu þetta? Do you know this? Do you know how to do this? Læknirinn sagði: "Það er ekkert verra fyrir heilsuna þína en tóbak." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco." The doctor said, "There's nothing worse for your health than tobacco. " Göngin hrundu vegna jarðskjálftans um daginn. The tunnel caved in because of the earthquake the other day. The other day, the tunnel collapsed as a result of the earthquake. Það er ekki skrítið að börnum fækki líka. It isn't strange that the number of children decreases, too. It's no wonder children are getting smaller, too. Þetta er ekki mín gerð. This is not my type. It's not my type. Skilurðu núna? Do you understand now? Do you understand now? Loksins komst hún í valdastöðu. Finally she attained a position of power. Finally, she got into position of authority. Þú verður að gera skyldu þína. You must do your duty. You have to do your duty. Þú ættir ekki að tala svo illa um hann. You shouldn't speak so ill of him. You shouldn't talk so bad about him. Hvar er japanska sendiráðið? Where is the Japanese Embassy? Where's the Japanese embassy? Tom er í góðu skapi í dag. Tom is in a good mood today. Tom's in a good mood today. Í sannleika sagt laug ég. The truth is I told a lie. To tell you the truth, I lied. Hann var frekar góður vinur minn. He was a pretty good friend of mine. He was kind of a good friend of mine. Frestum kvöldmatnum. Let's postpone dinner. Let's run for dinner. Frændi minn kennir ensku við háskólann. My uncle teaches English at the university. My uncle teaches English at the university. Ég get ekki samþykkt þessa kenningu. I can't accept this theory. I can't accept this theory. Hr. Johnson er eins konar gangandi orðabók. Mr Johnson is, as it were, a walking dictionary. Mr. Johnson is a kind of walking dictionary. Ég veit ekki hvað hvatti mig til að koma hingað. I don't know what motivated me to come here. I don't know what encouraged me to come here. Það var ánægja að eyða kvöldinu með gáfaðri, fyndinni og fallegri stúlku eins og þér. It was a pleasure to spend the evening with a smart, funny and beautiful girl like you. It was a pleasure spending the evening with a smart, funny, beautiful girl like you. Passið að missa ekkert á fæturna ykkar. Be careful not to drop anything on your feet. Make sure you don't lose anything on your feet. Til að vera á réttum tíma hljóp ég. To be on time, I ran. To be on time, I ran. Drengurinn er þyrstur. The boy is thirsty. The boy's thirsty. Ég er kvæntur. I am married. I'm married. Hann mun gera sitt besta. He will do his best. He'll do his best. Hún er dáinn. She is dead. She's dead. Við ættum að láta af svo vondri hefð. We should do away with such a bad custom. We should give up such a bad tradition. Á virkum dögum eru það mörg stæði laus að þú ættir að fá stæði nálægt íbúðinni minni. On weekdays there are enough parking spots free that you should be able to get one close to my apartment. During these weekdays, there are a lot of people available that you should be standing near my apartment. Hringdu vinsamlegast í hann. Please phone him. Please call him. Orð fá því ekki lýst hve frábær þú ert. No words can express how amazing you are. Words cannot describe how wonderful you are. Hvað fékkstu þér í hádegismat í dag? What did you have for lunch today? What did you get for lunch today? John er ekki kominn enn en ég hringi þegar hann kemur. John has not come yet, but when he does, I will call you. John's not here yet, but I'll call you when he gets here. Ég fer á undan. I will go on ahead. I'll go first. Hún hlýtur að vera heimsk að segja svona lagað. She must be stupid to say such a thing. She must be stupid to say things like that. Hún spurði hann spurninga. She asked him questions. She asked him questions. Ég vil þér ekki mein. I mean you no harm. I don't want to hurt you. Við munum berjast til enda. We will fight to the last. We will fight to the end. Ég er ekki þreytt lengur. I am no longer tired. I'm not tired anymore. Við vonumst eftir góðu veðri á íþróttahátíðinni. We are hoping for good weather during the sports festival. We hope for good weather at the sports festival. Við fórum snemma til að tryggja að við gætum fengið sæti. We went early to make certain that we could get seats. We left early to make sure that we could have a seat. Þetta er geisladiskurinn minn, ekki satt? It's my CD, isn't it? That's my CD, right? Það voru margir í biðröð. Many people were waiting in line. There were a lot of people in line. Fyrirtækinu er stýrt af eldri bróður mínum. The company is managed by my older brother. The company is directed by my older brother. Mér finnst fótbolti skemmtilegri en hafnabolti. I prefer soccer to baseball. I like football more than baseball. Lokaðu dyrunum á eftir þér. Shut the door behind you. Close the door behind you. Þetta er húsið sem þau bjuggu í. That's the house they were living in. This is the house they lived in. Gerðu það að kynna mig fyrir henni. Please introduce me to her. Please introduce me to her. Það er ekki réttlátt. That isn't fair. That's not fair. Ég er stoltur af skólanum mínum. I'm proud of my school. I'm proud of my school. Þú munt ekki geta komist svo hratt í gegnum bókina. You will not be able to go through the book so quickly. You're not gonna be able to get through this book so fast. Tom var eins og ég. Tom was like me. Tom was like me. Ég sakaði hann um að svindla. I accused him of cheating. I accused him of cheating. Láttu mig vera, gerðu það. Leave me alone, please. Leave me alone, please. Hún er þögul kona. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. Ég vil meira. I want more. I want more. Ég keypti þjófavörn fyrir hjólið mitt. I bought an anti-theft system for my bike. I bought a thief's protection from my bike. Mayuko mælti fyrir áætluninni. Mayuko argued for the plan. Mayko recommended the plan. Hittirðu hann oft? Do you see him often? Did you see him a lot? Vinsamlegast bíðið í fimm mínútur. Please wait five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Foreldrar Johns virtust fegin því að heyra að hann var öruggur. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe. John's parents seemed happy to hear that he was safe. Ég hjálpaði henni með vinnuna. I helped her with her work. I helped her with her work. Ég er mjög glöð yfir því að skólinn sé búinn. I am very glad school is over. I am very happy that school has finished. Jane vissi alls ekki hvenær eða hvert hún átti að fara. Jane was quite at a loss when and where to go. Jane did not know at all when or where to go. Ábyrgðin er mín. The responsibility is mine. My responsibility. Þú varst svo almennilegur við mig og ég átti virkilega ánægjulega ferð. Þakka þér kærlega. You were so nice to me, and I had a really pleasant trip. Thanks so much. You were so nice to me and I had a really nice trip. Takk! Thank you. Thank you! Hann getur ekki hafa logið. He cannot have told a lie. He couldn't have lied. Ég er Alex. Við hittum í síðustu viku á hótelinu. I'm Alex. We met last week at the hotel. We met last week at the hotel. Ég gaf bílnum merki um að keyra hægt. I signaled the car to go slow. I gave the car a signal to drive slowly. Ég ákvað mig. I made my decision. I decided. Konan mín hefur misst alla von um að sannfæra mig um að slá grasið í dag. My wife has given up all hope of convincing me to mow the lawn today. My wife has lost all hope of convincing me to mow the grass today. Opnaðu. Open up. Open up. Stúlkan brast í grát. The girl burst into tears. The girl burst into tears. Höfuðborg Eistlands er Tallinn. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. The capital of Estonia is Tallinn. Lykilspurningin er ekki hvað ég get grætt heldur hverju ég hef að tapa. The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose. The key question isn't what I can make, it's what I've got to lose. Það er erfitt að fá vinnu í augnablikinu. It's difficult to get a job at the moment. It's hard to get a job right now. Hún seldi honum bílinn sinn. She sold him her car. She sold him her car. Ekki reiða þig of mikið á aðra. Don't depend too much on others. Do not rely too much on others. John hélt dyrunum opnum. John kept the door open. John kept the door open. Þau vonast til að geta fundið vel borgað starf. They hope to be able to find a well-paid job. They hope to find a well - paying job. Engar áhyggjur. Don't worry. Don't worry. Hefurðu nokkurn tíma borðað bananaböku? Have you ever eaten a banana pie? Have you ever eaten a banana pie? Ekki taka því bókstaflega. Hann er vanur að ýkja. Don't take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate. Don't take it literally, he's used to exaggerating. Skálum vinum okkar! Let's drink a toast to our friends! To our friends! Í Sviss er hægt að kaupa smokka úr sjálfsala. In Switzerland, you can buy rubbers from a vending machine. In Switzerland you can buy condoms from a vending machine. Ég verð komin aftur klukkan sex. I'll be back at six. I'll be back by 6:00. Hann var næstum drukknaður. He was almost drowned. He was almost drowned. Þú verður að líta eftir barninu. You must look after the child. You have to look after the baby. Ég vona að hvorug þeirra hafi lent í umferðarslysinu. I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident. I hope neither of them had a car accident. Keyptirðu nýjan síma? Did you buy a new phone? Did you buy a new phone? Ég er hræddur við birni. I am afraid of bears. I'm afraid of bears. Við fórum ekki langt. We didn't go very far. We didn't go far. Lokaðu glugganum áður en þú ferð í háttinn. Close the window before going to bed. Close the window before you go to bed. Rafmagnsbíla má hlaða heima hjá sér. Electric cars can be recharged at home. Electric cars can be loaded at home. Þið eruð öll iðin. You are all diligent. You're all busy. Ég er frá Ástralíu. I come from Australia. I'm from Australia. Klukkan er fjögur á úrinu mínu. It's four o'clock by my watch. It's 4 o'clock on my watch. Ég elska Lúther. I love Luther. I love Luther. Ég hef engann tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. I have no time to explain this in detail. I don't have time to explain it to you. Veistu ekki að hann hefur verið dauður í þessi tvö ár? Don't you know that he has been dead for these two years? Don't you know he's been dead these two years? Ég mun gera allt sem ég get fyrir hana. I will do anything I can do for her. I will do everything I can for her. Ég var að borða súshí og drekka bjór. I've just eaten some sushi and drunk a beer. I was eating sushi and drinking beer. Ég þurfti að hlaupa á brautarstöðina. I had to run to the station. I had to run to the station. Hann elskar þá. He loves them. He loves them. Hver er uppáhalds golfspilarinn þinn? Who's your favorite golfer? Who's your favorite golf player? Taktu því rólega! Take it easy! Take it easy! Maður ætti ekki að kasta steinum úr glerhúsi. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. You shouldn't throw stones out of a glass house. Bandaríkin kalla eftir viðskiptabanni á vopn gagnvart þeim sem brutu sáttmálann. The U.S. is calling for an arms embargo against violators of the treaty. The United States is calling for a military threat to those who broke the covenant. Setningin er laus við málfræðivillur. The sentence is free from grammatical mistakes. The set is free of grammar errors. Vinsamlegast lokaðu dyrunum. Close the door, please. Please close the door. Hann gat ekki svarað þeirri spurningu. He could not answer that question. He could not answer that question. Við sáum hana koma inn í herbergið. We saw her enter the room. We saw her come into the room. Ég þekki sjálfan mig. I know myself. I know myself. Við ættum að vera komin þangað fyrir hádegi. We should be there by noon. We should be there by noon. Mig langar ekki í meira! I don't want any more! I don't want any more! Er Tom eitthvað betri? Is Tom any better? Is Tom any better? Get ég hjálpað þér? Could I help you? Can I help you? Það eina sem við þurfum að gera er að reyna af fyllsta megni. All we have to do is to try our best. All we have to do is try hard. Leigubíllinn tók upp tvo farþega. The taxi picked up two passengers. The taxi picked up two passengers. Hann rekur skóbúð. He runs a shoe shop. He runs a shoe shop. Af hverju gerði hún svona nokkuð? Why did he do such a thing? Why did she do something like that? Hún keypti tylft eggja. She bought a dozen eggs. She bought a dozen eggs. Vannstu heimavinnuna þína sjálfur? Did you do your homework by yourself? Did you do your homework yourself? Ég þarf ráðleggingu. I need advice. I need advice. Skurðlæknirinn fjarlægði botnlanga sjúklings síns. The surgeon took out his patient's appendix. The surgeon removed his patient's appendix. Hann keypti nýja orðabók handa mér. He bought me a new dictionary. He bought me a new dictionary. Það er erfitt að lifa á lágum launum. Living on a small income is hard. It's hard to live on a small salary. Hún labbaði stöðugt um herbergið. She kept walking about the room. She walked through the room all the time. Ekki ganga svona hratt! Ég held ekki í við þig. Don't walk so fast! I can't keep up with you. I can't keep up with you. Gert er gert. What's done is done. It's done. Þau eru ekki lítil börn. They are not little children. They're not little children. Þú ert góður að elda. You are a good cook. You're good at cooking. Ég verð að fara í klippingu til rakarans í dag. I must have a haircut at the barber's today. I have to get a haircut to the barber today. Ekki kasta neinu út um gluggann. Do not throw anything out of the window. Don't throw anything out the window. Þetta er of lítið hús fyrir okkur að búa í. This is too small a house for us to live in. It's too small for us to live in. Hann ræktaði tómataplöntur úr fræjum. He raised tomato plants from seed. He grew tomatoes from seeds. Dyrnar köstuðust upp. The door burst open. The door just threw up. Hún ráðlagði honum hvað hann ætti að gera. She advised him about what to do. She advised him what to do. En ... átti þetta tíunda barn annan föður en þau sem á undan komu? But ... did that tenth child have a different father to the ones before him? But did this tenth child have a father other than the ones before? Óháði frambjóðandinn tók fóstureyðingarmálefnið af stefnuskrá sinni. The independent candidate took the abortion issue off his platform. The independent candidate took the abortion case from his policy sheet. Þýskaland var í bandalagi með Ítalíu í seinni heimstyrjöldinni. Germany was allied with Italy in World War II. Germany was in an alliance with Italy during World War II. Jæja, undarlegri hlutir hafa nú gerst. Well, stranger things have happened. Well, strange things have now happened. Hér er þinn hluti kökunnar. Here is your share of the cake. Here's your share of the cake. Hann geislar hamingju hvert sem hann fer. He radiates happiness around wherever he goes. Wherever he goes, it reflects happiness. Þú ert enn of ungur til að fá ökuskírteini. You're still too young to get a driver's license. You're still too young to get a driver's license. Hún ráðlagði honum að vera á réttum tíma. She advised him to be punctual. She advised him to stay on time. Þetta er strákurinn sem heitir Tom Fisher. This is the boy whose name is Tom Fisher. This is the boy named Tom Fisher. Hvar er salernið? Where's the restroom? Where's the bathroom? Herra Smith gleðst yfir velgengni sonar síns. Mr Smith is pleased at his son's success. Mr. Smith rejoices in the success of his son. Engum líkar að vera gert grín að á almannafæri. Nobody likes to be made fun of in public. Nobody likes to be made fun of in public. Keyptirðu miða í báðar leiðir? Did you buy a return ticket? Did you buy a ticket in both ways? Við töluðum um margt. We talked of many things. We talked about a lot of things. Þessa skyrtu þarf að strauja. The shirt needs ironing. This shirt needs ironing. Ég hlakka ekki til að fara í vinnuna. I don't look forward to going to work. I don't look forward to going to work. Að morgni skal mey lofa. Never praise a ford till you get over. In the morning a virgin shall promise. Hann er kjarkaður. He has guts. He's got balls. Það er erfitt að elska þegar maður veit ekki hvort maður er elskaður jafn mikið og maður elskar. It's hard to love someone when one doesn't know whether one is loved as much as one loves. It is difficult to love when you do not know if you are loved as much as you love. Mig langar ákaflega í bifhjól. I really want a motorcycle. I really want a motorcycle. Það ætti ekki að vera neitt vandamál. It should be no problem. That shouldn't be a problem. Ég skal gefa þér bók. I'll give you a book. I'll give you a book. Hún ráðlagði honum að fá ekki peninga að láni frá vinum sínum. She advised him not to borrow money from his friends. She advised him not to borrow money from friends. Það er tími til að fara í háttinn. It's bedtime. It's time to go to bed. Hann kveikti í eldspýtu. He struck a match. He lit a match. Ég þarf að biðja um greiða. I need a favor. I need to ask for a favor. Þú verður að leggja hart að þér við námið. You must study hard. You have to work hard at it. Þetta er ekki eitthvað sem ég er stoltur/stolt af. This is not something I am proud of. This isn't something I'm proud to be proud of. Við höfum upplifað margar breytingar á síðasta áratugi. We have experienced many changes over the last decade. In recent decades, we have experienced many changes. Hann býr steinsnar frá skólanum. He lives within a stone's throw of the school. He lives a stone's ass from school. Hann er mikill aðdáandi vísindaskáldskapar. He's a big fan of science fiction. He's a fan of science fiction. Það er ekki hægt að neita skaðlegum áhrifum reykinga. There's no denying the harmful effects of smoking. The harmful effects of smoking cannot be denied. Dyrnar lokast ekki. The door won't close. The door isn't closing. Á hverjum mánudegi þvoði frú Evans öll föt fjölskyldunnar í baðkarinu. Every Monday Mrs. Evans washed all the family's clothes in the tin bath. Every Monday Mrs. Evans washed all of her family's clothes in the tub. Eftir að hafa fundið símanúmerið hennar hringdi hann í hana. After he had found her phone number, he called her up. After finding her phone number, he called her. Hann þarf að gera við klukkuna. He has to repair the clock. He needs to fix the clock. Hversu lengi verðurðu í Japan? How long will you be in Japan? How long will you be in Japan? Pabbi minn heitir Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. Það er ekki Jack að kenna. That's not Jack's fault. It's not Jack's fault. Hann féll aftur fyrir sig. He fell backward. He fell back. Þau giftust. They got married. They got married. Hversvegna ætti Tom að fara? Why should Tom go? Why would Tom go? Þú vinnur of mikið. You work too hard. You work too hard. Lögreglumaðurinn stóð eins og stytta með handleggina krosslagða yfir brjóstið. The policeman stood like a statue with his arms folded across his chest. The policeman stood as a statue with his arms crossed over his chest. Góða þakkargjörðarhátíð! Have a nice Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving! Þú verður að hreinsa af borðinu. You must clear the table. You've got to clear the table. Hann var með góða fjarvistarsönnun. He had a strong alibi. He had a good alibi. Ef þér væri sama þætti mér betra af þú gerðir það ekki. I'd rather you didn't, if you don't mind. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate it if you didn't. Reykirðu ekki? Don't you smoke? You don't smoke? Afríka er vagga mannkyns. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Það eru margar ær úti í haga. There are a lot of sheep in the pasture. There's a lot of gooks in the field. Hún er farin til útlanda. She has gone abroad. She's gone abroad. Systir mín eyðir sífellt meira af frítíma sínum í nemendafélagið. My sister is volunteering more and more of her free time to the student union. My sister spends more and more of her spare time in the classroom. Of mikið ljós meiðir augun. Too much light hurts the eye. Too much light hurts your eyes. Við elskum þær. We love them. We love them. Vinsamlegast kveiktu á sjónvarpinu. Please turn on the television. Please turn on the TV. Ekki ganga yfir götuna! Don't cross the street! Don't walk across the street! Loksins varð draumur hennar um að verða læknir að veruleika. At last, her dream to be a doctor came true. Finally, her dream of becoming a doctor became a reality. Annað hvort okkar þarf að fara þangað. Either one of us has to go there. Either one of us has to go there. Sá einhver hvað gerðist? Did anybody see what happened? Did anyone see what happened? Þú hefðir getað það. You could have done it. You could've done it. Það er í um átta kílómetra fjarlægð. It's about 8 kilometers away. It's about five miles [8 km] away. Mér til undrunar var hún á lífi. To my surprise, she was alive. To my surprise, she was alive. Allir vita að tveir plús tveir eru fjórir. Everyone knows that two plus two equals four. Everybody knows two plus two is four. Vertu blessaður. Goodbye! Goodbye. Einn daginn hitti ég hann. One day I met him. One day I met him. Fuglarnir syngja. The birds are singing. The birds are singing. Þetta er meiri sagan. That's quite a story. That's a big story. Hvenær verður slökkt á reykingarbannsskiltinu? When will they turn off the no-smoking sign? When's the smoke sign gonna be shut off? Hvað sagðirðu? What did you say? What did you say? Fyrirgefið mér mína vitleysu líkt og ég fyrirgef þeim sína vitleysu sem telja sig mæla af viti. Forgive me my nonsense as I also forgive the nonsense of those who think they talk sense. Forgive me for my nonsense, as I forgive those who think they speak intelligently. Meira en þriðjungur mannkyns býr nærri strönd. More than a third of the world population lives near a coast. More than one third of mankind lives near the shore. Ef þú ætlar að fara til útlanda þarftu að hafa vegabréf. If you are going abroad, it's necessary to have a passport. If you're going to go abroad, you need a passport. Hún er enn volg. It's still warm. She's still warm. Þú ert of gamall til að sjá ekki ástæðuna. You are too old not to see the reason. You're too old to not see why. Kötturinn eltir íkornann. The cat chases the squirrel. The cat's after the squirrel. Þú verður að leggja af stað undir eins. You must set off at once. I need you to move now. Hann sat við lestur með eiginkonu sína prjónandi hanskapar við hlið sér. He sat reading, with his wife knitting a pair of gloves beside him. He was reading with his wife knit gloves beside him. Hvað langar þig til að verða þegar þú verður stór? What do you want to be when you grow up? What do you want to be when you grow up? John hefur verið að safna frímerkjum síðan hann var krakki. John has been collecting stamps since he was a child. John's been collecting stamps since he was a kid. Takk fyrir komuna. Thank you for coming. Thanks for coming. Ekki láta blekkjast af útlitinu. Don't be deceived by appearances. Don't be fooled by your looks. Læknirinn var ekki viss á því hvert vandamálið var. The doctor was not sure what the trouble was. The doctor was not sure what the problem was. Ég er laus á sunnudaginn. I'm free on Sunday. I'm free on Sunday. Þau yfirgefa Kaíró í dag á leiðinni til Tel Aviv. They are leaving Cairo today heading for Tel Aviv. They're leaving Cairo today on their way to Tel Aviv. Ég gefst ekki auðveldlega upp. I'm no quitter. I don't give up easily. Þú verður að vera á stöðinni fyrir klukkan fimm. You must be at the station by 5 o'clock. You have to be at the station by 5:00. Taktu þinn tíma. Take your time. Take your time. Ég er hér í viðskiptaerindum. I am here on business. I'm here on business. Mig skortir peninga. I'm short of money. I don't have any money. Son minn langar til að verða atvinnumaður í golfi. My son wants to become a professional golf player. My son wants to be a pro in golf. Ég hef mikla samúð með systur þinni. I feel very sorry for your sister. I have great sympathy for your sister. Ég skil ekki þýsku. I don't understand German. I don't understand German. Nei, hafðu ekki áhyggjur af því. No, don't worry about it. No, don't worry about it. Hve svalt er það? How cool is that? How cool is that? Í húsinu okkar er engin lyfta. There is no elevator in our house. There's no elevator in our house. Í hvaða framhaldsskóla ertu? Where do you attend high school? What high school are you in? Hvaða kjóll líkar þér betur? What dress do you like more? What dress do you like better? Sjáðu vinsamlegast til þess að verkinu verði lokið. Please see that the job is finished. Please make sure that the work is done. Fyrst hann vissi ekki hvað hann ætti að segja, þagði hann. As he didn't know what to say, he remained silent. If he didn't know what to say, he kept silent. Ef þig vantar blýant skal ég lána þér. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. If you need a pencil, I'll lend you a loan. Við getum borgaði tvö hundruð dollara hið mesta. We can pay 200 dollars at most. We can pay you two hundred dollars the most. Ég náði að ljúka bókinni. I managed to finish the book. I finished the book. Vilt þú te eða kaffi? Do you want tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? Jón var með slæmt kvef í síðustu viku. John had a bad cold last week. John had a bad cold last week. Strendur Huelva eru mjög fallegar. The beaches of Huelva are very pretty. Huelva's beaches are very beautiful. Talar þú Makedónísku? Do you speak Macedonian? Do you speak Macedonian? Tökum til í herberginu okkar. Let's clean our room. Let's clean up our room. Hann er ennþá ungur. He is still young. He's still young. Þú ættir að hætta að reykja vegna heilsunnar. You had better give up smoking for your health. You should quit smoking because of your health. Farðu til fjandans! Go to hell! Fuck you! John drekkur of mikið þessa dagana. Við verðum að hindra hann í að drekka lengur. John drinks too much these days. We have to stop him from drinking any more. John drinks too much these days, and we must stop him from drinking any longer. Ég skal útbúa te handa okkur. I'll make us some tea. I'll make us some tea. Ráðuneytið sér um innanríkismál. The ministry administers the internal affairs. The Ministry handles internal matters. Hittirðu hann oft? Do you meet him often? Did you see him a lot? Takk. Gæti ég í staðinn skilað þér því? Thanks. Could I return it to you instead? Could I give it back to you instead? Ég tók rútuna til að ná á áfangastað fyrir myrkur. I took the bus in order to reach the destination before it got dark. I took the bus to reach my destination before dark. Mig langar til að segja þér nokkuð undarlegt. I want to tell you something strange. I want to tell you something strange. Tom viðurkenndi það. Tom admitted that. Tom acknowledged it. Spurðu mig hvers sem þú vilt. Ask me anything you like. Ask me anything you want. Það er meiri vindur í dag en í gær. There's more wind today than yesterday. There's more wind today than yesterday. Ég lék við barnið á hné mínu. I played with the baby on my knee. I played with the baby on my knee. John vissi ekki hvernig hann ætti að útskýra fyrir konunni sinni að hann hefði hætt í vinnunni. John did not know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job. John did not know how to explain to his wife that he had quit his job. Því meira súkkulaði sem þú borðar, því feitari verðurðu. The more chocolate you eat, the fatter you'll get. The more chocolate you eat, the fatter you get. Hefurðu nokkurntíma prufað köfun? Have you ever tried scuba diving? Have you ever tried a dive? Ég heyrði börnin syngja saman. I heard the children singing together. I heard the children singing together. Komdu heim fyrir myrkur. Come home before dark. Come home before dark. Halló? Ertu þarna ennþá? Hello? Are you still here? Hello, are you still there? Ég hef ekki góða matarlyst. I have a poor appetite. I don't have a good appetite. John er ekki eins gamall og Bill. Hann er mun yngri. John is not as old as Bill; he is much younger. John's not as old as Bill, he's much younger. Það er mjög heitt í dag. It is very hot today. It's very hot today. Ég rak hnéið í. I scraped my knee. I hit my knee. Tom gaf okkur mat. Tom gave us some food. Tom gave us food. Líkurnar eru að frumvarpinu verði hafnað. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. The chances are that the bill will be rejected. Bækurnar á borðinu eru ekki allar mínar. Not every book on the desk belongs to me. The books on the table aren't all mine. Ég hafði aldrei séð hann áður. I had never seen him before. I had never seen him before. Þetta er strætóstoppustöðin. That is the bus stop. This is bus stop. Við erum ekki búin undir árásina. We were not prepared for the assault. We're not ready for the attack. Ég held að skokk sé góð líkamsrækt. I think jogging is good exercise. I think running is good exercise. Varastu vasaþjófa. Beware of pickpockets. Watch out for pickpockets. Hvar er klósettið? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Mig langar ekki í meira. I don't want any more. I don't want any more. Þetta er húsið hans. That's his house. This is his house. Þvoðu allt. Wash everything. Wash everything. Ó vissulega. Oh, sure. Oh, indeed. Komdu þér út! Get out! Get out of here! Hann er ennþá hérna. He is still here. He's still here. Þegar þú ert að reyna að sanna eitthvað, hjálpar að vita að það sé satt. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true. When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know that it's true. Ég þoli þetta ekki lengur! Ég hef ekki sofið í þrjá daga! I can't take it anymore! I haven't slept for three days! I can't stand it anymore, I haven't slept for three days! Gætirðu útskýrt nánar? Could you elaborate? Could you explain some details? Það skiptir ekki máli hvort hann kemur eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter whether he's coming or not. Leyfðu mér að sjá þetta. Let me see that. Let me see that. Hann gaf honum bók. He gave him a book. He gave him a book. Simbabve var eitt sinn bresk nýlenda. Zimbabwe was once a colony of Britain. Zimbabwe was once a British colony. Ég fór í bíó í gær. I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to the movies yesterday. Hún vandi sig á að fara í göngutúr fyrir matinn. She made it a habit to take a walk before dinner. She got used to taking a walk before dinner. Síðan nítjánhundruð hafa ellefu kvenkyns nemendur hlotið verðlaunin. Since 1990, eleven female students received the award. Since 19 hundred years, eleven female students have received the prize. Það er ekki að ég hafi ekki samúð með þér en ég get ekki hjálpað þér. It's not that I am unsympathetic, but I am not able to help you. It's not that I don't have sympathy for you, but I can't help you. Það er auðvelt fyrir mig að lesa þessa bók. It is easy for me to read this book. It's easy for me to read this book. Þú ert pirrandi. You are annoying. You're annoying. Við erum með góðar fréttir. We have good news. We have some good news. John teygði úr sér á sófanum. John stretched out on the couch. John stretched out on the couch. Byrjum. Let's begin. Let's go. Tjald skipti herberginu í tvennt. A screen divided the room into two. Ten divided the room into two. Já, það gerist öðru hverju. Yes, that happens from time to time. Yeah, it happens every once in a while. Ég hef áður farið til Kíótó. I have visited Kyoto before. I've been to Cooto before. Ég á frændfólk í Mílanó. I have relatives in Milan. I have cousins in Milan. Evangeline Lilly er kanadísk. Evangeline Lilly is Canadian. Evangeline Lilly is Canadian. Ef það væri ekkert loft mundi fólk ekki einu sinni geta lifað í tíu mínútur. If there were no air, people could not live for even ten minutes. If there was no air, people would not even be able to live for ten minutes. Þau hræddust þig. They feared you. They were afraid of you. Ég hata flugelda. I hate fireworks. I hate fireworks. Hann er eina manneskjan sem getur gert það. He is the only person that can do it. He's the only person who can do that. Við munum gera undantekningu í þínu tilviki? We will make an exception of your case. We will make an exception in your case? Gleðilegt nýtt ár! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Fjandinn hafi það! To hell with it! God damn it! Ég þarf þig. I need you. I need you. Var þessi gaur Tom? Was that guy Tom? Was that Tom's guy? Gerið ekki grín að útlendingum. Don't poke fun at foreigners. Don't make fun of foreigners. Samstillum úrin. Let's synchronize our watches. Let's synchronise our watches. Herinn bældi uppreisnina. The army quelled the rebellion. The army suppressed the rebellion. Þrífum herbergið okkar. Let's clean our room. Let's clean up our room. Hann er mjög þunglyndur. He is very depressed. He's very depressed. Ég átti í erfiðleikum með að fá leigubíl. I had trouble getting a taxi. I had trouble getting a cab. Dan spilaði á fiðlu fyrir börn með krabbamein. Dan played violin for children with cancer. Dan played a violin for cancer children. Ég er hættur að vinna. I've retired. I don't work anymore. Hefurðu nokkurntíma fengið ost með eplaköku? Have you ever had cheese with apple pie? Have you ever had cheese with an apple cake? Ég lít niður á lygara og svindlara. I look down on liars and cheats. I look down on liars and cheats. Bob hefur verið trúlofaður Mary í yfir ár. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Ef þú ætlar út í búð, geturðu keypt nokkrar appelsínur handa mér? If you're going to the supermarket, will you please bring me back some oranges? If you're going to the store, can you buy me some oranges? Mig langar að fara til Þýskalands. I want to go to Germany. I want to go to Germany. Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að taka þessi lyf en honum fanst hann þurfa þess. She advised him to stop taking that medicine, but he felt he needed to. She advised him to stop taking these medications, but he knows he needs them. Þú getur reiknað með henni. You can count on her. You can count on it. Þú verður að skila bókinni til hans. You must return the book to him. You must return the book to him. Hann getur hlaupið hraðar en ég. He can run faster than I can. He can run faster than me. Hvernig fékkstu miða á tónleikana? How did you get tickets for the concert? How did you get a note for the concert? Stúlkan lánaði vini hennar nýju ritvélina sína. The girl lent her friend her new typewriter. The girl lent her friends her new typewriter. Gerum rannsókn. Let's conduct a study. Let's investigate. Ég er búinn að fá nóg. I've had enough. I've had enough. Vitnin gátu hrakið rangan framburð hins grunaða. The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect. The witnesses could drive the suspect's wrong testimony. Fundinum lauk klukkan fjögur um eftirmiðdaginn. The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m. The meeting ended at 4:00 in the afternoon. Þú hefðir átt að hlusta á mig. You should have listened to me. You should have listened to me. Ef þú ert kvefaður ættirðu að hvíla þig vel. If you have a cold, you should get plenty of rest. If you have a cold, you should rest well. Ég sé ekki vel. I can't see well. I don't see well. Jón er glaðlyndur að eðli. John is cheerful by nature. John is cheerful in nature. Á fætur með þig! Stand up! Get up! Hún söng ansi vel. She sang pretty well. She sang pretty good. Sonur minn kom mér á óvart með því að taka til í herberginu sínu án þess að vera sagt að gera það. My son surprised me by tidying up his room without being told. My son surprised me by cleaning up his room without being told to do so. Hún lét undan freistingunni að kaupa eðalsteininn. She gave way to the temptation to buy the jewel. She succumbed to the temptation to buy the precious stone. Bankinn lánaði henni 500 dollara. The bank lent her 500 dollars. The bank lent her $500. Dyrnar opnuðust ekki. The door would not open. The door didn't open. Spegill endurkastar ljósi. A mirror reflects light. Mirror reflects light. Ekki gleyma að sturta niður. Don't forget to flush the toilet. Don't forget to flush. Jones fæddist í Bandaríkjunum. Jones was born in the United States. Jones was born in the United States. Þetta er frábært. This is awesome. This is great. Jón lifir um efni fram. John lives above his means. John lives on the subject. Hann mun ekki segja "já." He will not say yes. He won't say "yes." Sá yðar sem syndlaus er, kasti fyrsta steininum. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Okkur tókst að ljúka málinu endanlega. We were able to settle the matter finally. We managed to end the case forever. Þú ferð ekki í skólann á sunnudögum, er það nokkuð? You don't go to school on Sunday, do you? You're not going to school on Sundays, are you? Hvenær fer Sita til Eluru? When will Sita go to Eluru? When's Sita going to Ella's? Þeir eru Kanadískir. They're Canadians. They're Canadian. Hann verður góður kennari. He will be a good teacher. He'll be a good teacher. Grikkland er gamalt land. Greece is an old country. Greece is an old country. Þekktu rætur þínar. Know your roots. Know your roots. Þú ættir að skammast þín fyrir hegðun þína. You should be ashamed of your conduct. You should be ashamed of your behavior. Hefurðu jafnað þig á áfallinu? Have you recovered from the shock? Are you feeling better about the shock? Veldu eina manneskju. Choose one person. Pick one person. Naglalakk er tilgangslaust: Það horfir hvort eð er enginn á neglur. Nail polish is useless: no one looks at nails anyway. Nail polish is pointless: No one is looking at your fingernails anyway. Ég þarf ekki að skemmta mér til að drekka. I don't need to have fun to drink. I don't need to have fun to drink. Flýttu þér! Tónleikarnir eru að hefjast. Hurry up! The concert is starting. The concerts are about to begin. Jill er klár sem falleg. Jill is smart as well as pretty. Jill's smart as a beauty. Augun hennar urðu kringlótt af undrun. Her eyes become round in surprise. Her eyes became very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very Nafnið hans er ekki á listanum. His name is not on the list. His name's not on the list. Joan varð frábær leikkona þrátt fyrir að hafa átt erfiða æsku. Joan became a great actress in spite of having had a difficult childhood. Joan became an excellent actress despite a difficult childhood. Taro, gætirðu hjálpað mér? Taro, could you help me? Taro, could you help me? Hef ég ekki hitt ykkur áður? Haven't I met you before? Haven't I met you guys before? Þessi gaur er með lausa skrúfu! That guy has a screw loose! This guy's got a screw loose! Ég fór til Kíótó þar sem ég rakst á hana. I went to Kyoto, where I happened to see her. I went to Cooto, where I ran into her. Veist þú það? Do you know that? Do you? Velkomin á heimasíðu Tatoeba verkefnisins. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the Tatoebau project website. Hún er hjúkka. She is a nurse. She's a nurse. Við ákváðum að fresta fundinum þangað til næsta sunnudag. We decided to put off the meeting until next Sunday. We decided to postpone the meeting until the next Sunday. Það mun ekki taka nema smá stund. It'll just take a second. It will take only a moment. Húsið mitt er á jöðrum bæjarins. My house is on the skirts of the town. My house is on the edge of town. Við töluðum við hvort annað sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Við töluðum við hvern annan sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Á borðinu er bók. On the table is a book. There's a book on the table. Kettir eru ekki mennskir. Cats are not human. Cats are not human. Hversu dýrt er það? How expensive is it? How expensive is it? Hvernig líður þér? How are you? How are you feeling? Jörðin er um sex sinnum stærri en tunglið. The earth is about six times as large as the moon. The earth is about six times larger than the moon. Hún bölvaði honum fyrir að gleyma loforðinu. She cursed him for forgetting his promise. She cursed him for forgetting his promise. Ég er svo heimskur... Ég er að reyna útskýra fyrir þér hluti sem ég skil ekki sjálfur. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm trying to explain to you things that I don't understand myself. Læknarnir hafa ekki látið mig fá neitt annað en svefnlyf. Doctors have offered me nothing but sleeping pills. The doctors have given me nothing but sleeping pills. Ég væri til í pítsu akkúrat núna. I could go for some pizza right now. I'd like a pizza right now. Hann er ekki lengur drengur. He is no longer a boy. He's no longer a boy. Þekkir þú mig ekki? Don't you know me? Don't you know me? Hvar meiðir það? Where does it hurt? Where does it hurt? Vandamálið er að hana skortir reynslu. The trouble is that she lacks experience. The problem is, she lacks experience. Af hverju komst þú seint heim? Why did you come home late? Why did you come home late? Súmatra er eyja. Sumatra is an island. Sumatra is an island. Tom var ekki blíður. Tom wasn't nice. Tom wasn't gentle. Þú getur ekki farið á mis við það. You can't miss it. You can't miss it. Hana langar til að útvíkka reyklausa svæðið. She wants to extend the no-smoking area. She wants to expand the smoke - free area. Þú ert þolinmóð kona. You are a patient woman. You're a patient woman. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. She asked him if he was Joseph. Fyrst þú hefur gaman af því að skrifa bréf, hví sendirðu henni ekki línu? Since you like to write letters, why don't you drop her a line? Since you like to write letters, why don't you send it a line? Hver mistök gerðu mig sterkari. Every mistake made me stronger. Every mistake made me stronger. Ég veit að þú ert rík. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Ég er nálægt lestarstöðinni. I am near the station. I'm near the train station. Ég vaknaði klukkan sex í morgun. I got up at six this morning. I woke up at 6:00 this morning. Ég heyri eitthvað. I hear something. I hear something. Hver stal eplinu? Who stole the apple? Who stole the apple? Ég heiti Jack. My name is Jack. I'm Jack. Hversu gömul verðurðu á næsta ári? How old will you be next year? How old will you be next year? Hvaða ávöxtur er rauður? What fruit is red? What is a red fruit? Við erum með byrgðir af klósettpappír. We have a stock of toilet paper. We have a store of toilet paper. Hún er forvitin að komast að því hver sendi blómin. She is curious to find who sent the flowers. She is curious to find out who sent the flowers. Hún ráðlagði honum að trúa ekki öllu sem kennarinn segir. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. She advised him not to believe everything the teacher says. Fokkaðu þér! Fuck you! Fuck you! Ég veit nokkuð vel hvað hann hugsar. I know quite clearly what he thinks. I know pretty well what he's thinking. Við drekkum allt. We drink everything. We drink everything. Ég byrjaði að búa til kássu. I started to make stew. I started making stew. Það var ekki alltaf svona. It was not always this way. It wasn't always like this. Mike opnaði skyndilega dyrnar. The door was suddenly opened by Mike. Mike suddenly opened the door. Hún fékk inngöngu í Waseda háskólann. She was admitted to Waseda University. She got accepted to Caseda University. Strax og kvartanirnar byrja lýkur þeim aldrei. Once the complaining starts, it never ends. As soon as the complaints start, they never finish. Hvar vorum við? Where were we? Where were we? Af hverju komst þú ekki í teitina í gær? Why didn't you show up at the party last night? Why didn't you come to the party last night? Það sem drepur þig ekki, gerir þig sterkari. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What won't kill you makes you stronger. Þú lítur föl út. Þú ættir að leggjast í rúmið undir eins. You look pale. You had better lie down in bed at once. You look pale, you should lie down in bed right now. John er jafngamall bróður mínum. John is as old as my brother. John is just as old as my brother. Tom þekkti Mary. Tom knew Mary. Tom knew Mary. Hef ég rangt fyrir mér? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að bíða eftir að ég snúi aftur. All you have to do is to wait for me to return. All you have to do is wait for me to come back. Hvílík óvænt uppákoma! What a surprise! What a surprise! Það er augljóst að hann hefur rangt fyrir sér. It is plain that he is wrong. Clearly, he is wrong. Ég fékk góða hugmynd. I got a good idea. I got a good idea. Carol snéri aftur á hótelið sitt. Carol returned to her hotel. Carol went back to his hotel. Allir nemendurnir voru mótfallnir stríðinu. All the students were against the war. All the students opposed the war. Ertu viss um að það sé engin fyrirhöfn? Are you sure it's no trouble? Are you sure there's no trouble? Ég er hræddur um að þú sért með vitlaust númer. I am afraid you have the wrong number. I'm afraid you have the wrong number. Það er sannarlega erfitt að vita sannleikann, og enn erfiðara að segja frá honum. It is truly difficult to know the truth, and still more difficult to speak it. It is truly difficult to know the truth, and it is even more difficult to share. Ég mundi heldur vilja tala við þig í einrúmi. I'd prefer to speak to you in private. I'd rather talk to you alone. Við ættum stundum að bera sólinni líkama okkar. We should sometimes expose our bodies to the sun. At times, we should bear our bodies to the sun. Ég er með timburmenn. I have a hangover. I've got timbers. Jóni var hrósað fyrir sína góðu heimavinnu. John was praised for his good homework. John was commended for his fine homework. Ég bauð henni í bíó. I invited her to a movie. I invited her to the movies. Ég lít niður á þig! I look down on you! I look down on you! Þú drekkur te. You drink tea. You're drinking tea. Hún var honum sammála um hvað ætti að gera við gamla bílinn. She agreed with him on what to do with the old car. She agreed on what to do with the old car. Þú verður að svara fyrir framkomu þína. You must account for your conduct. You have to answer for your behavior. Hann er grófur í framkomu. He is coarse in manner. He's gross in his attitude. Fyrst þú lítur lúinn út ættirðu að hvíla þig. Since you look tired, you had better take a rest. If you look tired, you should rest. Hún byrjaði að tala við hundinn. She began to talk to the dog. She started talking to the dog. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara ekki. She advised him not to go. She advised him not to go. Ég get það ekki. I can't. I can't. Flettu upp orðinu í orðabókinni. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look up the word in your dictionary. Það er skylda Tom It's Tom's duty. It's Tom's duty Hvað er málið? What's the big idea? What is it? Hafðu ekki áhyggjur af því. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. Af hverju ertu að þurrka á þér hárið? Why are you drying your hair? Why are you drying your hair? Er mögulegt að ákvarða þvermálið frá ummálinu? Is it possible to determine the diameter from the circumference? Is it possible to determine the diameter from the discussion? Það er tíu mínútna labb að strætóstoppustöðinni. It's a ten minutes walk to the bus stop. It's a 10-minute walk to the bus stop station. Veldu eina. Choose one. Pick one. Ég man eftir því. I do remember it. I remember that. Þú ættir að taka regnhlíf með þér. You had better take an umbrella with you. You should take an umbrella with you. Flestir Japanir lifa á hrísgrjónum. Most Japanese live on rice. Most Japanese live in rice. Hann drekkur flösku af bjór með matnum. He drinks a bottle of beer at dinner. He drinks a bottle of beer with dinner. Mörg hér um bil sjö þúsund tungumála heimsins eru einungis töluð af örfáum hræðum og eru í útrýmingarhættu. Many of the world's seven thousand or so languages are spoken only by handfuls of living people and are in danger of extinction. Many of the world's approximately 7,000 languages are spoken by only a few whales and are in danger of extinction. Bill er algjört fífl. Bill is a regular fool. Bill's such an asshole. Þú getur stólað á hana. You can rely on her. You can count on it. Fimm plús þrír eru átta. Five and three is eight. Five plus three is eight. Af hverju ertu svona reið? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Ég lofa þér því að það mun ekki endast lengi. I promise you that it won't last long. I promise you it won't last long. Hún sagðist fara á fætur klukkan sex á hverjum morgni. She said that she gets up at six every morning. She said she gets up at six every morning. Ég lét setja nýja rafhlöðu í úrið mitt í gær. I got a new battery put in my watch yesterday. I had a new battery put in my watch yesterday. Það er tími fyrir stuttan snarl. There's enough time for a quick snack. There's time for a short snack. Það er bráð þörf á samfélagslegum breytingum. There is an urgent need for social change. That is an urgent need for social change. Forsetinn tilkynnti að Bandaríkin myndu setja gervihnött á braut um jörðu. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite into orbit. The president announced that the United States would set a satellite orbiting the earth. Hættu þessum látum. Stop that noise. Don't give me that shit. Þetta er bíllinn hans. That is his car. That's his car. John var of undrandi til að segja nokkuð. John was too surprised to say anything. John was too surprised to say anything. Klukkan er næstum þrjú. It is almost three. It's almost 3:00 in the morning. Þessi hundur borðar næstum allt. This dog eats almost anything. This dog eats almost everything. Hann hitti markið. He hit the mark. He hit the target. Ég á einn bróður og tvær systur. I have one brother and two sisters. I have one brother and two sisters. Höfðinn gengur út í sjóinn. There a cape pushes out into the sea. The head goes into the sea. Hann er dáinn. He's dead. He's dead. Ég reiði mig á hjálp þína. I count on your help. I'm counting on your help. Ekki umgangast svona vondan dreng. Don't keep company with such a bad boy. Don't hang out with such a bad boy. Þér líkar ekki við ástarsögur. You don't like love stories. You don't like romances. Ég mun ekki fara þangað aftur. I won't go there again. I'm not going back there. Tvær myndir sköruðust. Two pictures overlapped. Two photos overlapd. Hún tekur gagnrýni frá öllum nema foreldrum sínum. She accepts criticism from anyone but her parents. She takes criticism from everyone except her parents. Öðru hverju stoppaði hún og leit í kringum sig. From time to time she stopped and looked round. Occasionally she stopped and looked around. Við munum sjá um ferðakostnað rannsóknarferða svo farðu til hvaða lands sem þú vilt. We will arrange travel expenses for trips for research purposes, so go to whatever country you want to. We'll do the research costs, so go to any country you want. Án þinnar aðstoðar hefði mér mistekist. Without your assistance I would have failed. Without your help, I would have failed. Ég er hrædd við birni. I am afraid of bears. I'm afraid of bears. Hann meiddist í umferðaslysi. He got injured in a traffic accident. He was injured in a traffic accident. Mér líkar að hafa nóg fyrir stafni. I like having plenty to do. I like to keep busy. Afhverju var ég ekki spurður? Why wasn't I asked? Why wasn't I asked? Slysinu olli vangá bílstjórans. The accident happened because of the driver's negligence. The accident caused the driver's failure. Mér fannst þetta vera góð bók en Jim var á annari skoðun. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. Geturðu greint hveiti frá byggi? Can you tell wheat from barley? Can you distinguish wheat from barley? Hve heppin við erum að hafa fengið tækifæri til að vinna með þér! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to work with you! Ég saknaði ykkar mikið. I really missed you guys. I missed you guys a lot. Við John skiptumst á að keyra. John and I alternated in driving. Me and John took turns driving. Mótorhjólin eru mjög ódýr. The motorcycles are very cheap. The motorcycles are very cheap. Í sumarfríinu borðaði ég kvöldmat um miðnætti. During summer breaks, I ate dinner at midnight. On vacation, I had dinner at midnight. Við komumst inn í húsið gegnum gluggann. We gained access to the house through the window. We can get into the house through the window. Ég keypti henni nýjan bíl. I bought her a new car. I bought her a new car. Sumir mundu draga sanngildi slíkra sögusagna í efa. Some people would question the truth of such rumors. Some would question the truthfulness of such stories. Yndæll dagur, ekki satt? Hví ekki að fara í göngutúr? A nice day, isn't it? Why not go out for a walk? Why not take a walk? Þegiðu og taktu peningana mína! Shut up and take my money! Shut up and take my money! Ég er ekki lengur með höfuðverk. I no longer have a headache. I don't have a headache anymore. Er Tom enn þá vakandi? Is Tom still awake? Tom still awake? Það var þorp hérna áður en stíflan var byggð. There used to be a village here before the dam was made. There was a village here before the dam was built. Hún er vinsælli en ég á Facebook. She's more popular than me on Facebook. She's more popular than I have on Facebook. Þau vita ekki hverju þau eru að missa af. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know what they're missing. Nýleg hneykslismál varðandi altarispilta og trúarleiðtoga hafa grafið undan trú fólks á kirkjunni. The recent scandals involving altar boys and religious leaders have undermined the faith people have in the Church. Recent scandals involving altar corruption and religious leaders have undermined the faith of people on the church. Far vel! Farewell! So long! Veltu þér yfir á bakið. Turn on your back. Roll over on your back. Vinsamlegast aðeins hljóðlátar. A little quieter, please. Please be quiet. Sál mannsins er ódauðleg. Man's soul is immortal. The soul of man is immortal. Ég lét hann fá heimilisfangið mitt. I gave him my address. I gave him my address. Ég ber fyrir mig vanþekkingu. I plead ignorance. I don't know what I'm talking about. Þú ert fallegur. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Hættu að líta á mig sem "venjulega" manneskju! Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Stop thinking of me as a "normal" person! Hr. Johnson er ríkur maður. Mr Johnson is a rich man. Mr. Johnson is a rich man. Ég eldaði mat í gærkveldi. I cooked supper last night. I made dinner last night. Ég fann fyrir kuldahrolli þegar fór út úr húsinu. I felt a chill when I went out of the house. I felt chills as I left the house. Hvað með það? Það skiptir mig engu. So what? It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. Bjóðið þið upp á dagsferðir? Do you offer any day tours? Do you have a day out? Mörg blóm byrja að springa út á vorin. Many flowers start blooming in springtime. Many flowers start to explode in the spring. Ellen var svo þreitt að hún fór snemma að hátta. Ellen was so tired that she went to bed early. Ellen was so busy that she went to bed early. Ég vildi óska að þú ækir ekki svona hratt. Þú ert að gera barnið veikt! I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. You're making the baby sick! I wish you wouldn't drive so fast, you're making the baby sick! Hver er óskin þín? What's your wish? What's your wish? Vinsamlegast haltu áfram. Please continue. Please continue. Nei takk. Ég er bara að skoða. No, thank you. I am just looking. No, thanks, I'm just looking. Athugasemdin þín hefur ekkert með röksemdafærsluna okkar að gera. Your remark is irrelevant to our argument. Your comment has nothing to do with our reasoning. Vinsamlegast rektu út úr þér tunguna. Please stick out your tongue. Please expel your tongue. Þú sérð ekki skóginn fyrir trjánum. You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see the forest for the trees. Ég hef enga matarlyst. I have no appetite. I have no appetite. Gefðu mér fimm daga. Give me five days. Give me five days. Tom skemmti sér mjög vel. Tom had a very good time. Tom had a great time. Hann sá ekki stöðvunarskiltið við gatnamótin og keyrði á bíl sem kom á móti. He failed to see the stop sign at the intersection and hit an oncoming car. Unable to see the stop sign at the front of the road, he drove into a opposite car. Við vorum að lesa. We were reading. We were reading. Hlustaðu vandlega. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. Athöfnin var einföld. The ceremony was simple. It was simple. Hikaðu ekki við að koma með tillögur. Please feel free to make suggestions. Do not hesitate to offer suggestions. Ég er sammála þér um þessu málefni. I agree with you on this issue. I agree with you on this subject. Mér þykir auðveldast að muna orð með gagnyrtum skilgreiningum. I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember. I find it easier to remember words with comparable definitions. Hann sat umkringdur ungum stelpum. He sat surrounded by young girls. He was surrounded by young girls. Ertu með sektarkennd? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Hún ráðlagði honum hvar hann ætti að gista. She advised him where to stay. She advised him where to stay. Er það ekki ljúffengt? Isn't it delicious? Isn't it delicious? Veistu hver hann er? Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? Þessi epli líta út fyrir að vera mjög fersk. These apples look very fresh. These apples look very fresh. Vinátta endist lengur en minningar. Friendship lasts longer than memories. Friendship lasts longer than memories. Snertu þessa flösku aldrei aftur! Don't touch this bottle ever again! Don't ever touch that bottle again! Hann virtist sofa, en í rauninni var hann dauður. He looked asleep, but he was really dead. He seemed to sleep, but really, he was dead. Það er enginn reykur án elds. There is no smoke without fire. There's no smoke without fire. Þú minntist á eitthvað varðandi móður mína. You mentioned something about my mother. You mentioned something about my mother. Þurr viður brennur vel. Dry wood burns well. Drywood's a good burner. Þú ert ekki Japani. You're not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Nú man ég. Now I remember. I remember now. Kærastan hans er japönsk. His girlfriend is Japanese. His girlfriend's Japanese. Það er ógætið af þér að segja slíkt. It is careless of you to say such things. You may not be able to say such things. Hvenær keyptuð þið það? When did you buy it? When did you buy it? Ég tók tíu þrjátíu lestina sem var tíu mínútum of sein. I took the 10:30 train, which was ten minutes late. I took the ten thirty train, ten minutes late. Hve lengi bjóstu þarna? How long did you live there? How long were you there? Hún leitaði að vinum sínum en fann engan. She looked for her friends but found none. She searched for her friends, but she found none. Tom gæti neitað. Tom could refuse. Tom could say no. John dróg lykil úr vasanum. John took a key out of his pocket. John pulled the key out of his pocket. Maðurinn sem býr í næsta húsi er læknir. The man who lives next door to me is a doctor. The man who lives next door is a doctor. Hver á sinn hátt. Every man in his way. Every man in his own way. Nemendurnir hlökkuðu allir til sumarfrísins. The students were all looking forward to summer vacation. The students all looked forward to their summer vacation. Komdu ekki aftur. Don't come again. Don't come back. Allir meðlimir félagsins voru mér sammála. All the members of the club agreed with me. All members of the club agreed with me. Ég byrjaði í veggtennis bara fyrir nokkrum mánuðum. I took up squash only a few months ago. I started racquetball just a few months ago. Má ég spurja þig að nokkru? May I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Stríðinu var nú lokið. The war was now over. The war was now over. Haltu kjafti og hlustaðu! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Ertu búin? Have you finished? Are you done? Mér finnst bragðið af lauk ekki gott. I don't like the taste of onions. I don't like the taste of onions. Á hvað ertu að horfa? What are you watching? What are you looking at? Það var áður hof einmitt hér. There used to be a temple right here. There used to be a temple right here. Hvernig berðu þetta orð fram? How do you say this word? How do you pronounce that word? Hann var mjög veikur í síðustu viku. He was very ill last week. He was very sick last week. Dan finnst gaman að búa til módelbíla. Dan likes to make model cars. Dan likes to make models. Lítið á myndina þarna. Look at that picture. Look at that picture. Skemmtu þér vel. Have fun. Have fun. Ég vildi óska að ég væri ungur. I wish I were young. I wish I was young. Má bjóða þér te eða kaffi? Would you like some tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee? Ég fer á sunnudaginn. I'm leaving on Sunday. I'm leaving Sunday. Ef hurðin passar ekki í hurðakarminn, verðum við að hefla hana varlega þar til hún passar. If a door doesn't fit the casing, we must plane it carefully until it does. If the door doesn't fit the door, we'll have to gently tie it until it fits. Ég var mjög hamingjusöm. I felt very happy. I was very happy. Margir drekka vatn úr eldhúsvaskinum. Many people drink water out of the kitchen faucet. A lot of people drink water from kitchen lights. Í gærnótt las ég bók. Last night I read a book. Last night I read a book. Leyfðu mér að halda áfram. Let me continue. Let me go on. Þú ert forvitinn, er það ekki? You are curious, aren't you? You're curious, aren't you? Geturðu geymt leyndarmál? Can you keep a secret? Can you keep a secret? Pabbi kom heim fyrir um tíu mínútum. Father came home about ten minutes ago. My dad came home about 10 minutes ago. Þegar ég kom heim var systir mín að spila á gítar. When I came home, my sister was playing the guitar. When I came home, my sister was playing guitar. Ekkjan klæddist svörtu. The widow was dressed in black. The widow wore black. Valencia er mun hæfari frambjóðandi til forseta nemendafélagsins en mótframbjóðendur hennar. Valencia is a much fitter candidate for student body president than her competitors. Valencia is a much more qualified candidate for the president of the student club than her protestors. Það er laugardagur í dag. It's Saturday today. It's Saturday afternoon. Veiran gaf honum háan hita. The virus makes him very feverish. The virus gave him a high temperature. Vandamálið er að ég man ekki hvar ég lagði bílnum. The trouble is that I can't remember where I parked the car. The problem is, I don't remember where I parked the car. Þótt ég væri þreyttur gerði ég mitt besta. Although I was tired, I did my best. Despite being tired, I did the best I could. Mig langar til að kyssa ykkur. I'd like to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Hvílum okkur hérna. Let's rest here. Let's get some rest here. Þú ollir mér vonbrigðum. You disappointed me. You disappointed me. Fyrir hvern ertu að vinna? Who is it that you're working for? Who are you working for? Ég heiti Farshad. My name is Farshad. My name is Farshad. Ég var upptekin í gær. I was busy yesterday. I was busy last night. Velkominn heim. Welcome home. Welcome home. Loftið er slæmt hérna. Viltu opna gluggan? The air is bad here. Will you open the window? The air is bad here. Vinnu okkar er nærri lokið. Our work is almost over. Our work is nearing completion. Talar hann ensku, frönsku eða þýsku? Does he speak English, French or German? Does he speak English, French, German? Hann hékk í vonina að hann myndi sjá hana aftur. He clung to the hope that he would see her again someday. He hung in hope that he would see her again. Þú þarft oft meiri tíma til að gera eitthvað en þú bjóst við. You often need to spend more time doing something than you anticipated. You often need more time to do something than you expected. Það er svo langt síðan ég or síðast í Disneyland með fjölskyldunni minni. It has been so long since I last went to Disneyland with my family. It's been so long since I was last in Disneyland with my family. Ég er saddur. I'm full. I'm full. Gætirðu vinsamlegast talað aðeins hægar? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you talk a little slower, please? Tom söng fyrir Mary. Tom sang to Mary. Tom sang to Mary. Ég hafnaði tilboðinu. I rejected the offer. I turned down the offer. Þú verður að nýta fjármagnið þitt vel. You must employ your capital well. You have to make good use of your money. Aldrei hefi ég séð slíkan hlut. Never have I seen such a thing. I have not seen such a thing. Skipið var upp á náð hafsins komið. The ship was at the mercy of the sea. The ship was at sea. Við höfum ennþá nægan tíma. We still have plenty of time. We still have plenty of time. Ég geri ráð fyrir því að þú sért fyllilega kunnugur staðreyndunum. I take it that you are fully acquainted with the facts. I assume you are fully familiar with the facts. Skólinn sá okkur fyrir námsbókum. The school provided us with textbooks. School provided us with study books. Lífið er ekki nema leiftur, fegurðin endist einn enstakan dag! Hugsaðu um hauskúpur hinna dauðu sem allar eru eins. Life is but a flash of lightning and beauty lasts only a day! Think of the skulls of the dead that all are alike. Life is but lightning, beauty lasts a day but a day. Think of the skulls of the dead, all alike. Viltu lána mér hjólið þitt í klukkustund? Will you lend me your bicycle for an hour? Will you lend me your bike for an hour? Tónleikarnir hans voru mjög góðir. His concert was very good. His concerts were very good. Vissirðu ekki að hann lést fyrir tveimur árum? Didn't you know that he passed away two years ago? Didn't you know he was dead two years ago? Mætti ég færa þér þetta sem tákn um þakklæti mitt? May I present this to you in token of my appreciation? May I present this as a sign of my gratitude? Þú hefðir átt að segja mér sannleikann. You should have told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Þetta er besti kushikatsu veitingastaðurinn í Ósaka. This is the best kushikatsu restaurant in Osaka. This is the best sushi restaurant in Osaka. Hinkraðu augnablik. Ég skal sjá hvort hann sé kominn aftur. Please hold a moment. I will see if he is back. Wait a minute, I'll see if he's back. Ég er að lesa bók. I was reading a book. I'm reading a book. Ég er á sjúkrahúsinu. Það laust eldingu niður í mig. I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. I'm in the hospital. Brúðkaupið þeirra er á morgun. Their wedding is tomorrow. Their wedding is tomorrow. Ferðu með lest eða bíl? Do you go by train or car? Do you take a train or a car? Hann tók hattinn ofan. He took off his hat. He took off his hat. Það tekur tvö ár fyrir fiðrildið að þroskast. It takes two years for the butterfly to mature. It takes two years for the butterfly to mature. Tangó er lóðrétta tjáning láréttrar löngunar. Tango is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire. Tango is a vertical expression of horizontal desire. Hvernig áttu efni á öðrum jakkafötum? How can you afford another suit? How can you afford another suit? Ég get hugsað um hann sem mjög góðan vin, en ég get ekki hugsað um hann sem elskhuga. I can think of him as a very good friend, but I can't think of him as a lover. I can think of him as a very good friend, but I can't think of him as a lover. Ég er hjá NTT. I'm with NTT. I'm with the NT. Hver skaut úr byssunni? Who fired the gun? Who fired the gun? Hver er náttúrulegi hárliturinn þinn? What is your natural hair colour? What's your natural hair color? Hver er uppáhalds þátturinn þinn? What's your favorite television program? What's your favorite show? Aðalgötur margra smábæja hafa verið yfirgefnar, að stórum hluta þökk sé risum eins og Wal-Mart. The main streets of many small towns have been all but abandoned thanks, in large part, to behemoths like Wal-Mart. The main streets of many small towns have been abandoned, thanks largely to giants like Walmat. Þú getur horft á sjónvarpið eftir kvöldmat. You can watch television after dinner. You can watch TV after dinner. Já. Yes. Yeah. Við þurftum ekki að flýta okkur. We didn't need to hurry. We didn't have to hurry. Ræðarinn kennir árinni um. The rower blames his oar. The speech blames the years. Það kemur með súpu eða salati. It comes with soup or salad. It's bringing soup or salad. Reykháfurinn er gerður úr múrsteinum. The chimney is made of brick. The chimney is made of bricks. Flýtið ykkur eða þið verðið sein. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up or you'll be late. Hún sættist við vinkonu sína. She reconciled with her friend. She made up with her friend. Ég var ekki upptekinn í gær. I wasn't busy yesterday. I wasn't busy last night. Ég veit að það er rangt að hlaða tónlist niður af netinu en ég geri það samt. I know that downloading music from the internet without paying is wrong, but I do it anyway. I know it's wrong to load music off the Internet, but I do it anyway. Það er góð hugmynd. That's a good idea. That's a good idea. Tom fór niður í miðbæ. Tom went downtown. Tom went downtown. Hann elskar að ferðast. He loves traveling. He loves to travel. Tom líkar ekkert alltof vel við Maríu. Tom doesn't like Mary very much. Tom doesn't like Maria too much. Hún fékk þjálfun sem fiðluleikari hjá frægum tónlistarmanni. She was trained as a violinist under a famous musician. She was trained as a violinist by a famous musician. Það var einu sinni hávaxið tré nærri hofinu. There used to be a tall tree near the temple. There was once a tall tree near the temple. Ég hlakka til að heyra frá þér. I look forward to hearing from you. I can't wait to hear from you. Takeó er niðursokkinn í lausnir stærðfræðilegra verkefna. Takeo is engrossed in solving mathematical problems. Takoo is absorbed in the solutions of mathematical projects. Nú ætla ég að kynna þig foreldrum mínum. Now I'll introduce my parents to you. Now I'm going to introduce you to my parents. Apinn minn hljóp í burtu! My monkey ran away! My monkey ran away! Hún spurði hann spurninga sem hann gat ekki svarað. She asked him questions that he couldn't answer. She asked him questions that he could not answer. Það er engin fyrirhöfn. Í alvörunni. It's no trouble. Really. There's no trouble. Þjóðverjar eru nýtið fólk. Germans are a frugal people. Germans are new people. Er John við núna? Is John available now? Is John here now? Ástralía er rík af náttúruauðlindum. Australia is rich in natural resources. Australia is rich in natural resources. Skólinn mun sjá okkur fyrir tjöldum. The school will provide tents for us. The school will provide us with tents. Sá sem krefst mikils, fær mikið. Sá sem krefst of mikils, fær ekki neitt. The one who demands much, gets much. The one who demands too much, gets nothing. He who demands, receives much. He who demands, receives nothing. Hver er uppáhalds plötusnúðurinn þinn? Who's your favorite DJ? What's your favorite DJ? Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til lögreglunnar? She advised him to go to the police. She advised him to go to the police? Í tíma og ótíma, þá vil ég slaka á og gleyma öllu. From time to time, I want to relax and forget everything. In time and hours, I like to relax and forget everything. Gætirðu endurtekið þetta? Could you repeat that? Could you repeat that? Ég kann að meta það. I like it. I appreciate it. Vélin hans fer til Hong Kong klukkan 14:00. His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m. His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00. Það er erfitt að gera honum til geðs. He is hard to please. It's hard to please him. Við fengum fréttirnar. We got the news. We got the news. Við reynum. We try. We're trying. Ef ég hefði vitað sannleikann hefði ég sagt þér það. If I'd known the truth, I'd have told you. If I had known the truth, I would have told you. Á ég að leggja hurðina aftur? Shall I close the door? Shall I shut the door again? Ég vonast til að valda jákvæðum breytingum á heiminum. I hope to effect positive change in the world. I hope to make a positive change in the world. Tom svaf ekki. Tom didn't sleep. Tom didn't sleep. Hvað ætti ég að gera? What should I do? What should I do? Hundurinn fylgdi honum hvert sem hann fór. The dog followed him wherever he went. The dog followed him wherever he went. Það er skrýtið. It's peculiar. It's weird. Lukkan hefur snúist mér í vil. Fortune has turned in my favor. My luck has turned in my favor. Ég er að hvíla mig. I'm resting. I'm resting. Hún er með kvef og er fjarverandi frá skóla. She has a cold and is absent from school. She has a cold and is away from school. Lestu bækur sem eru þér nytsamlegar. Read such books as are useful to you. Read books that are useful to you. Hver er þessi maður? Who is that man? Who is this man? Mér þætti gaman að heyra hvað þú hefur um þetta að segja. I'd like to hear what you have to say on this. I'd like to hear what you have to say about this. Hávaðinn vakti þau. The noise woke them up. The noise woke them up. Ég er hrædd við að fara. I am afraid to go. I'm afraid to go. Tréð er grænt. The tree is green. The tree is green. Hvernig gengur? Var ferðin góð? How are you? Did you have a good trip? How's it going? Þú verður að efna þau loforð sem þú gefur. You must keep your promises. You have to keep your promises. Tölvur gera fólk heimskt. Computers make people stupid. Computers make people stupid. Veldu eitt. Choose one. Pick one. Ég snéri til hægri. I turned right. I turned to the right. Þú ert ungur. Ég er aftur á móti mjög gömul. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, on the other hand, I'm very old. Hún ráðlagði honum að tala um líf sitt í Ameríku. She advised him to talk about his life in America. She advised him to talk about her life in America. Hvert sæki ég farangurinn minn? Where do I claim my baggage? Where do I get my luggage? Hún hjálpaði þeim með farangurinn. She lent them a hand with their luggage. She helped them with their luggage. Þú verður að leggja hart að þér svo þér mistakist ekki. You must work hard in order not to fail. You have to work hard so you don't fail. Peter kom rennandi niður hæðina á sleðanum sínum. Pete came coasting down the hill on his sled. Peter came running down the hill of his sledgehammer. Hún ráðlagði honum að leggja harðar að sér við vinnuna. She advised him to work harder. She advised him to work hard. Hún þáði boð mitt um að snæða kvöldmat með mér. She accepted my invitation to have dinner with me. She accepted my offer to have dinner with me. Þvoðu þér í framan. Wash your face. Wash your face. Þetta er ekki þarna. It's not there. It's not there. Þótt sólin mundi rísa í vestri mundi ég ekki skipta um skoðun. If the sun were to rise in the west, I wouldn't change my mind. Though the sun would rise in the west, I would not change my mind. Þú verður að biðja hana afsökunar og það strax. You must apologize to her, and that at once. You have to apologize to her right away. Hermaðurinn lá kvalinn í rúminu. The soldier lay in agony on the bed. The soldier was tormented in bed. Ég gæti ekki gert mig skiljanlegan erlendis. I couldn't make myself understood in a foreign country. I couldn't make myself understandable abroad. Við urðum að selja bygginguna vegna þess að um árabil höfðum við rekið hana með halla. We had to sell the building because for years we operated it in the red. We had to sell the building because for years we had run it with a tilt. Þegar ég var á þínum aldri kunni ég Virgil og alla hina utanað. When I was your age, I knew Virgil and all the others by heart. When I was your age, I knew Virgil and everyone else. Læknirinn gaf mér sprautu. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Hversu margar samlokur eru eftir? How many sandwiches are there left? How many sandwiches do we have left? Hann hefur gaman af ljósmyndun. He likes taking pictures. He likes photography. Húsið hrundi í jarðskjálfta. The house collapsed in an earthquake. The house collapsed in an earthquake. Það er undarlegt af Ken að vera ekki sammála okkur. It is strange for Ken not to agree with us. It's strange for Ken not to agree with us. Ég kem aftur eftir klukkutíma eða svo. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in an hour or so. Það er rétt. Fyrst verðum við aftur á móti að fara í stórvörumarkaðinn. That's true. First, however, we need to go to the supermarket. First, we must go to the supermarket. Hundurinn minn situr við hliðina á mér og horfir á sjónvarpið. My dog sits next to me and watches television. My dog is sitting next to me watching TV. Það birtir úti. It is getting lighter outside. It's out there. Það var ekki fyrr en að ég las bókina að ég vissi af því. It was not until I read the book that I knew about it. It wasn't until I read the book that I knew about it. Ég vildi að ég gæti hjálpað þér. I wish I could help you. I wish I could help you. Ég ferðaðist ein míns liðs. I traveled by myself. I traveled alone. Hann fór heim í gær. He went home yesterday. He went home yesterday. Presturinn vísar oft í Biblíuna í predikun sinni. The vicar often refers to the Bible in his sermon. The priest often referred to the Bible in his sermon. Að foreldrum hans undanskildum var enginn reiðubúinn til að verja hinn ákærða. Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect. With the exception of his parents, no one was willing to defend the accused. Ef ég fer í heita sturtu kemur móða á spegilinn í baðherberginu. If I take a hot shower, the mirror in the bathroom fogs up. If I take a hot shower, there'll be a river on the mirror in the bathroom. Ég veit í alvöru ekki mikið um það. I really don't know much about that. I really don't know much about that. Ég er með orðabók. I have a dictionary. I have a dictionary. Augun hennar eru blá. Her eyes are blue. Her eyes are blue. Hann dó. He died. He died. Tom fer ekki á markaðinn. Tom doesn't go to the market. Tom won't go to market. Það er sagt að honum muni líklega mistakast. It is said that he is likely to fail. They say he'll probably fail. Hvaða klúbb langar þig til að ganga í? What club would you like to join? What club would you like to join? Tíminn flaug. Time flew. Time flew. Við höfum enn hvort annað og það er aðalatriðið. We've still got each other, and that's the main thing. We still have each other, and that's the main thing. Ég held að grundvallarkenningin þín sé röng. I think your basic theory is wrong. I think your basic theory is wrong. Þú ættir að láta gera við bílinn þinn. You should get your car fixed. You should have your car repaired. Sökum breytingar í lögum um giftingar í Kanada fóru margir samkynhneigðir Bandaríkjamenn til Kanada til að giftast. Because of the change in Canadian marriage laws, many American homosexuals came to Canada to get married. Because of changes in the law of marriage in Canada, many homosexuals of the United States went to Canada to marry. Ekki tala með fullan munninn. Do not talk with your mouth full. Don't talk with your full mouth. Býrðu hér? Do you live here? You live here? Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til tannlæknis en hann sagðist ekki hafa nægan tíma til þess. She advised him to see the dentist, but he said he didn't have enough time to do so. She advised him to go to the dentist, but he said that he did not have enough time to do so. Ljósið breyttist úr rauðu í grænt. The signal turned from red to green. The light changed from red to green. Systir mín var vön að sjá um blómabeðið. My sister used to take care of the flower bed. My sister used to do the flower bed. Jæja, ég mun vissulega spurja aftur á ný. Well, I'll surely ask again. Well, I will certainly ask again. Terry var mjög ánægður með fréttirnar. Terry was very pleased with the news. Terry was very pleased with the news. Hann bauð okkur velkomin. He bade us welcome. He welcomed us. Leggðu hurðina aftur. Shut the door. Put the door back. Hundurinn beið dag eftir dag eftir að eigandinn hans snéri aftur. The dog waited day after day for its master's return. The dog waited a day before his owner came back. Hann heyrði það. He heard it. He heard it. Sitjið vinsamlegast kyrr. Please remain seated. Please remain seated. Mér finnst gaman að lesa bækur. I like reading books. I like reading books. Ég er búin að fá nóg. I've had enough. I've had enough. Ég þekkti Tom. I recognized Tom. I knew Tom. Ég sé um reikninginn. I'll foot the bill. I'll take care of the check. Mig vantar poka til að bera það í. I need a bag to carry it in. I need a bag to carry it in. Hann lánaði mér tvær bækur. He lent me two books. He lent me two books. Hún trúir ekki á Guð. She doesn't believe in God. She doesn't believe in God. Eingin rós er án þyrna. No roses without thorns. It's like a rose without thorns. Þeir trúa á líf eftir dauðann. They believe in a life after death. They believe in life after death. Veistu svarið? Do you know the answer? Can You Answer? Þú kannt að að vélrita, ekki satt? You can type, can't you? You can type, right? Tom sofnaði í lestinni. Tom fell asleep on the train. Tom fell asleep on the train. Mamma mín er sú eina sem saumar föt í fjölskyldunni minni. My mother is the only one who sews clothes in our family. My mom's the only one making clothes in my family. Ég vona að hvorugt þeirra hafi lent í umferðarslysinu. I hope that neither of them was involved in the traffic accident. I hope neither of them had a car accident. Hann var mér reiður vegna þess að ég sagði honum upp. He was mad at me because I broke up with him. He was angry with me because I dumped him. Bókasafnið var stofnað í minningu lærdómsmannsins. The library was founded in memory of the scholar. The library was founded in memory of the learned man. Úkraína hefði ekki átt að losa sig við kjarnorkuvopnin sín. Ukraine shouldn't have disposed of its nuclear weapons. Ukraine should not have rid herself of his nuclear weapons. Þessi póstur verður borinn út á morgunn. This mail will be delivered tomorrow. This mail will be released tomorrow. Ég er að borða núðlur. I am eating noodles. I'm eating noodles. Systir mín er í vinnu. My sister has a job. My sister's got a job. Við eigum kött. Við elskum alla ketti. We have a cat. We all love cats. We have a cat, we love all cats. Deildu lengd og breidd þess með tíu. Divide its length and breadth by ten. Share its length and width with ten. Þú ert of gagnrýnin á annara manna galla. You are too critical of others' shortcomings. You're too critical of other human faults. Ég er þreyttur á að horfa á sjónvarpið. I'm tired of watching television. I'm tired of watching TV. Við horfðum á myndina og borðuðum saman kvöldmat. We saw the film and had dinner together. We watched the movie and ate dinner together. Gulrætur og næpur eru ætar rætur. Carrots and turnips are edible roots. Carrots and hairs are the root roots. Það var fallegt af þér að hjálpa mér. It was kind of you to help me. It was nice of you to help me. Væri þessi gítar ekki svona dýr gæti ég keypt hann. If that guitar were not so expensive, I could buy it. If it wasn't for this guitar, I could buy it. Enginn veit hvert Bill hefur farið. Nobody knows where Bill has gone. Nobody knows where Bill's been. Hvað kostar það? What does it cost? How much? Hvað felst í því? What does it involve? What does that involve? Kennarinn tók þátt í leikjum barnanna. The teacher took part in the children's games. The teacher participated in children's games. Þú gerir mig hamingjusamann. You make me happy. You make me happy. Hann langar að hitta þig. He wants to meet you. He wants to see you. Hvað vantar? What is missing? What is missing? Strákurinn er að borða brauð. The boy is eating bread. The kid's eating bread. Hvaðan ertu? Where are you from? Where are you from? Hvað heitir pabbi þinn? What's your dad's name? What's your dad's name? Taro, farðu og burstaðu tennurnar. Taro, go and brush your teeth. Taro, go brush your teeth. Gaffalnotendur eru aðallega í Evrópu, Norður-Ameríku og rómönsku Ameríku; matarprjónanotendur í Austur-Asíu og fingranotendur í Afríku, Mið-Austurlöndum, Indónesíu og Indlandi. Fork-users are mainly in Europe, North America, and Latin America; chopstick-users in eastern Asia and finger-users in Africa, the Middle East, Indonesia, and India. Forks are mainly in Europe, North America and Latin America; food users in East Asia and finger users in Africa, central Austria, Indonesia, India. Farið aftur í sætin ykkar. Go back to your seat. Get back to your seats. Ástæðurnar eru eftirfarandi. The reasons are as follows. The reasons are the following. Flýttu þér eða þú missir af lestinni. Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. Hurry or miss the train. Ég hef gaman af stærðfræði. I like math. I like math. Sally gaf honum jólagjöf. Sally gave him a Christmas present. Sally gave him a Christmas gift. Hér kemur rútan. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Hversu mikið ætti ég að borga í dag? How much should I pay today? How much should I pay today? Hann er með sitt eigið herbergi. He has his own room. He's got his own room. Hvað kallast þessi fiskur á ensku? What is this fish called in English? What do you call this fish in English? Ég er eins leiður og einmanna og hægt er að vera. I am as sad and lonely as can be. I'm as sad as lonely as I can be. Ég ætla með þér til Hanover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going with you to Hanover. Ekki tala um það fyrir framan hann. Don't talk about it in front of him. Don't talk about it in front of him. Þú náðir þér af því að þú gerðir allt sem læknirinn bað þig um að gera. You got better because you did everything the doctor asked. You recovered because you did all the things the doctor asked you to do. Hvaða félag langar þig til að ganga í? What club would you like to join? What company would you like to join? Ég ætti að fara burt. I'd better go away. I should go away. Vinsamlegast gleymið ekki að loka dyrunum. Please don't forget to shut the door. Please do not forget to close the door. Við þurfum að kanna orsakir og afleiðingar slyssins vel. We need to study the cause and effect of the accident closely. We need to examine the causes and consequences of the accident. John fór án þess svo mikið að kveðja. John went away without so much as saying good-by. John left without so much to say goodbye. Hvað er í því? What does it contain? What's in it? Hefurðu einhverja hugmynd um hvað þú ert að segja? Do you have any idea what you're saying? Do you have any idea what you're saying? Tom var ekki feitur. Tom wasn't fat. Tom wasn't fat. Hann ætlar að bjóða sig fram til borgarstjóra. He is going to run for mayor. He's gonna run for mayor. Bróðir minn er leikari. My brother is a doctor. My brother's an actor. Þau eru að spjalla yfir kaffibolla í mötuneytinu. They are talking over a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. They're having a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. Honum er ekki treystandi. He cannot be trusted. You can't trust him. Hún brenndi sig aðeins á höndinni við eldamennskuna. She got a slight burn on her hand while cooking. She only burned herself on the hands of the cook. Látum það gott heita í dag. Let's call it a day. Let's call it a day. Blikkandi ljós bera skilaboð milli skipa ot til ökumanna á götum borga. Flashing lights transmit messages between ships and to motorists along city streets. Blowing light carries messages from ships to drivers in the streets of cities. Jón er að bíða eftir Maríu á brautarpallinum. John is waiting for Mary on the platform. John's waiting for Maria on the platform. Bill hreykir sér af því að eiga stærsta bílinn í hverfinu. Bill boasts of owning the biggest car in the neighborhood. Bill's proud to have the biggest car in the neighborhood. Þessi ungi maður hefur mjög gaman af hjólreiðum. That young man is very keen on cycling. This young man enjoys riding bikes very much. Nemendurnir eru að tala um tungumál og menningu. The students are talking about language and culture. Students are talking about language and culture. Heilsa hans breyttist smám saman til hins betra eftir að hann fluttist út í sveit. His health gradually changed for the better after he went to live in the countryside. After moving to the countryside, his health gradually changed for the better. Hún var döpur. She felt blue. She was sad. Einungis fáir mættu á fundinn í gær. Only a few people came to the meeting yesterday. Only a handful showed up last night. Ég fer yfirleitt á fætur klukkan átta. I usually get up at eight o'clock. I usually get up at 8:00. Núll, einn, tveir, þrír, fjórir, fimm, sex, sjö, átta, níu, tíu. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Strákurinn fór a gráta. The boy began to cry. The kid started crying. Hann kemur með konunni sinni eins og tíðkast meðal útlendinga. He will come with his wife, as is often the case with foreigners. He comes with his wife, as is customary among foreigners. Það er laukbragð af þessari súpu. This soup tastes of onions. It's an onion taste of this soup. Hún fer í vinnuferð til London í næstu viku. She will make a business trip to London next week. She's on a business trip to London next week. Strákurinn byrjaði að gráta. The boy began to cry. The kid started crying. Ég er með mikið slím í hálsinum. I have a lot of phlegm. I have a lot of mucus in my neck. Hvernig býrðu til box? How do you make a box? How do you make a box? Ég er forvitin um það sem ég hef áhuga á. I'm curious about the things that I'm interested in. I'm curious about what I'm interested in. Passaðu að taka vagn númer tvö og fara úr á tuttugu og fyrsta stræti. Be sure to take the No.2 bus, and get off at 21st Street. Make sure you take the number two bus and move out to twenty-one. Ég vona að þú njótir þessa lags. I hope that you will enjoy this song. I hope you enjoy this song. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvorrar tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvora ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There's a lot of pros and cons on each of you two, so I'm not gonna decide which side I'm gonna support right away. Við erum saman. We were together. We're together. Þessi tölva er með Pentium örgjörva. This computer has a Pentium processor. This computer has the Pentium CPU. Það eru um fimm hundruð nautgripa á búgarðinum. There are about 500 cattle on the ranch. There are about five hundred cattle on the farm. Hvernig gengur Mary? How is Mary? How's Mary doing? Það býr enginn í þessari byggingu. No one lives in this building. No one lives in this building. En það fyrsta sem við segjum er "halló." But the first thing we say is "hello." But the first thing we say is "Hello. " Þú getur reitt þig á hans hjálp. You can depend on his help. You can count on him to help you. Ég var að endurlesa bréfin sem þú sendir mér. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I just reread the letters you sent me. Herbergið er heitt. The room is hot. The room's hot. Ég skil bækurnar eftir hér. I am leaving the books here. I'll leave the books here. Hvað er orðið af hundinum þínum? What's become of your dog? What's gotten by your dog? Ég hef verið að læra í Kína í tíu mánuði. I've been studying in China for ten months. I've been studying in China for ten months. Lof mér að halda áfram. Let me continue. Let me go on. Ég opnaði augun. I opened my eyes. I opened my eyes. Hver einstaklingur borgaði þúsund dollara. Each person paid a thousand dollars. Each individual paid a thousand dollars. Hún er að biðja um hið ómögulega. She's asking for the impossible. She's asking for the impossible. Þekkiru þetta? Do you know this? You know this? En mig langar til að læra meira. But I'd like to learn more. But I want to learn more. Þessi bók tilheyrir bókasafninu. This book belongs to the library. This book belongs to the library. Hún segir alltaf fallega hluti um hann, sérstaklega þegar hann er á svæðinu. She always says nice things about him, especially when he's around. She always says beautiful things about him, especially when he's in the area. Slökktu á útvarpinu. Turn off the radio. Turn off the radio. Þegar stríð brýst út hafa báðar hliðarnar rangt fyrir sér. Once a war breaks out, both sides are in the wrong. When war breaks out, both sides are wrong. Ertu nemandi? Are you a student? Are you a student? Verð ég að opna alltsaman? Must I open everything? Do I have to open it all up? Við erum svo gott sem tilbúnar fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're almost ready for the cold winter. Er nokkur möguleiki á að hann nái sér? Is there any chance of his recovery? Is there any way he can recover? John er að leita að bók um japanska sögu. John is looking for a book on Japanese history. John is looking for a book on Japanese history. Það er gaman að spila á spil. Playing cards is fun. It's fun playing cards. Hvenær verður regntímabilinu lokið? When will the rainy season be over? When will the rain season be over? Ég er of þreytt til að hlaupa. I am too tired to run. I'm too tired to run. Þótt ég sé búin að ákveða að fara í veisluna hlakka ég ekki til þess. Though I've decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Although I've decided to go to the party, I don't look forward to it. Mér detta engin orð í hug til að láta í ljós þakklæti mitt. I can't think of the right words with which to express my thanks. I can't think of words to express my appreciation. Ég vil að þú dansir. I want you to dance. I want you to dance. Hún er elskuð af vinum sínum. She's loved by her friends. She's loved by her friends. Hún spurði hann hvernig hún ætti að komast á stöðina. She asked him how to get to the station. She asked him how to get to the station. Við reyndum að útiloka alla hættu fyrirfram. We tried to eliminate all danger beforehand. We tried to eliminate all risks in advance. Hann var að hvíla sig undir tré þegar epli féll á höfuðið á honum. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. He was resting under a tree when an apple fell on his head. Hún er önnum kafin við að elda matinn. She is busy cooking dinner. She's busy cooking dinner. Rútan stoppar á Hótel Íslandi. The bus stops at Hotel Iceland. The bus stops at the Hotel Iceland. Eruði á Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Are you on Facebook? Fjarlægðin gerir fjöllin blá. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It makes the mountains blue. Náttúrulegi hárliturinn minn er ljós. My natural hair colour is blond. My natural hair color is light. Ekki hafa svona hátt. Don't make so much noise. Don't make such a noise. Fimm plús þrír eru átta. Five plus three is eight. Five plus three is eight. Fyrst við höfum klárað að borða skulum við koma okkur. Now that we have eaten, let's go. Now that we've finished eating, let's go. Standið vinsamlegast á fætur. Stand up, please. Please stand up. Bill fór svo snemma á fætur að hann náði fyrstu lestinni. Bill got up so early that he caught the first train. Bill got up so early that he got the first train. Fátækur eins og hann er, er hann gjafmildur. Poor as he is, he is generous. Poor as he is, he is generous. Hér kemur strætó. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Bíllinn bilaði. The car broke down. The car broke down. Ég hlakka til sumarfrísins. I look forward to the summer vacation. I look forward to my vacation. Ég skil þetta ekki. I don't understand this. I don't understand. Hvernig dirfistu að tala svona? How dare you speak like that? How dare you talk like that? Pabbi minn gerir ekkert annað en horfa á sjónvarpið á sunnudögum. My father does nothing but watch TV on Sundays. My dad doesn't do nothing except watch TV on Sundays. Ég get ekki haldið í við þig ef þú gengur svona hratt. I can't keep up with you if you walk so fast. I can't keep up with you if you're walking so fast. Það er óhætt að borða fiskana. It's safe to eat the fish. The fish are safe to eat. Engum nemendum er leyfilegt að fara inn í herbergið. No student is allowed to enter the room. No students are allowed in the room. Farðu rólega í bjórinn! Go easy on the beer! Take it easy on the beer! Þekkiði hann? Do you know him? Did you know him? Mig langar að tala við dóttur þína. I want to speak to your daughter. I want to talk to your daughter. Hún dáir eldri bróður sinn. She adores her older brother. She loves her older brother. Þetta er eins konar ástarbréf. This is a kind of love letter. It's a kind of love letter. Hvert fór hann? Where did he go? Where did he go? Má ég bjóða þér annan bita af kökunni? Can I offer you another piece of cake? May I offer you another piece of the cake? Ég flutti í síðasta mánuði. I moved last month. I moved in last month. Hafðu í huga að reykingar eru ekki góðar heilsu þinni. Keep in mind that smoking is not good for your health. Bear in mind that smoking is not good health for you. Ég veit að þið eruð ríkir. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Talandi um herra Ito, hvað varð af syni hans? Talking of Mr Ito, what has become of his son? Speaking of Mr. Ito, what happened to his son? Þar sem við vissum ekki hvað við hvað við ættum til bragðs að taka, hringdum við á lögregluna. Not knowing what to do, we telephoned the police. Since we didn't know what to do, we called the police. Heilbrigð sál í hraustum líkama. A sound mind in a sound body. A healthy soul in a healthy body. Mér tókst að losna við vanann að finna að öðrum. I managed to get over the habit of finding fault with others. I managed to get rid of the habit of finding someone else. Hún leit undan. She turned her eyes away. She looked away. John er strákurinn sem er að lesa bókina. John is the boy who is reading the book. John is the boy who's reading the book. Ég mun sannarlega ekki gera þetta aftur. I definitely won't do that again. I'm definitely not going to do this again. Af hverju eyðirðu svona miklum tíma í sjónvarpsgláp? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Frænka mín á von á barni í næsta mánuði. My cousin is having a baby next month. My aunt is having a baby next month. Finnurðu það ekki? Don't you feel it? Can't you feel it? Blindi hjúkrunarfræðingurinn helgaði sig umönnun aldraðra. The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly. The blind nurse devoted himself to caring for the elderly. Jarðskjálfti, 8,9 á Richterskalanum, verður í Japan og veldur gríðarmikilli flóðbylgju. An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, hits Japan and causes a massive tsunami. An earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, will be in Japan and cause a huge tsunami. Ég rakst á gamlan vin minn í teiti um daginn. I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day. I ran into an old friend of mine at a party the other day. Þú gerðir það sem þú þurftir að gera. You did what you had to do. You did what you had to do. Hún var frá sér af gleði þegar hún hitti fræga söngvarann. She was beside herself with joy when she met the famous singer. She was elated when she met the famous singer. Það er erfitt fyrir útlendinga að ná tökum á japönsku. It is difficult for foreigners to master Japanese. Japanese is difficult for foreigners to master. Augun þín minna mig á stjörnur. Your eyes remind me of stars. Your eyes remind me of stars. Hví ertu svona reiður? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Ég var fyrsta árs nemi í fyrra. I was a first year student last year. I was a first-year student last year. Þú þarft bara að standa fyrir framan dyrnar. Þær opnast sjálfkrafa. You have only to stand in front of the door. It will open by itself. All you have to do is stand in front of the door. Við spilum alltaf tennis á laugardagsmorngum. We always play tennis on Saturday morning. We always play tennis on Saturday condoms. Mierscheid var þýskur stjórnmálamaður. Mierscheid was a German politician. Mierscheid was a German politician. Þú heldur að Tom hafi ekki gert þetta, er það ekki? You think Tom didn't do that, don't you? You don't think Tom did this, do you? Það er ofgnótt af laxi í þessu vatni. This lake abounds in trout. There's too much salmon in that water. Þögnin er gullin. Silence is golden. The silence is the gold. Tom getur gefið þér ráð. Tom can advise you. Tom can give you advice. Við verðum að minnka orkueftirspurn. We must reduce energy demand. We need to reduce the demand for energy. Sumir valda hamingju hvert sem þeir fara; aðrir þegar þeir fara. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. Some make happiness wherever they go; others when they go. Líf sjúklingsins var í hættu. The patient's life was in danger. The patient's life was in danger. Ég veit að ég veit ekki. I know that I don't know. I know I don't know. Hún flutti yndislega ræðu í brúðkaupsveislu vinkonu sinnar. She made a wonderful speech at her friend's wedding reception. She gave a lovely talk at her friend's wedding. Tom lítur út fyrir að vera útkeyrður. Tom looks worn out. Tom looks exhausted. Vinsamlegast mundu að senda þetta bréf. Please remember to post this letter. Please remember to send this letter. Sástu systur mína? Did you see my sister? Did you see my sister? Gleymdirðu einhverju? Did you forget something? Did you forget something? Drullaðu þér út! Get out! Get the fuck out! Ég lagði við hlustir en heyrði ekki neitt. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. Lýðræði er hugmynd sem má rekja aftur til Forn-Grikkja. Democracy is an idea that goes back to the ancient Greeks. Democracy is an idea that can be traced back to the ancient Greeks. Ég er með vægan hita. I have a slight fever. I have a mild fever. Ó nei! Ég sleit streng í spaðanum mínum. Oh, no. I broke a string in my racket. I ripped a string in my vanes. Það væri erfitt. That would be difficult. That would be hard. Viltu vinna í Þýskalandi? Do you want to work in Germany? You want to work in Germany? Gæti ég fengið hvítvínsglas? Could I have a glass of white wine? Could I have a glass of white? Bill mun keppa við þig í tennis. Bill will take you on at tennis. Bill will compete with you in tennis. Alla vegana. Anyway. At least. Þessi strákur er bróðir hans. This boy is his brother. This kid's his brother. Er nægur matur fyrir alla? Is there enough food for everyone? Is there enough food for everyone? Eftirmiðdagstími væri hentugari fyrir mig. An afternoon appointment is more convenient for me. The afternoon would be more convenient for me. Barnið grét sig í svefn. The baby cried himself to sleep. The child cried himself to sleep. Hversu oft í mánuði skrifarðu heim? How many times a month do you write home? How many times a month do you write home? Það var kærulaust af þér að skilja regnhlífina þína eftir í leigubílnum. It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the taxi. It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the taxi. Afsakið, leyfðu mér að líta aftur á myndina. Excuse me, but let me have another look at the photo. Excuse me, let me take a look at that picture again. Hafðu samband! Keep in touch! Get back to me! Varaðu þig! Look out! Look out! Hennar orð voru eftirfarandi. Her words were as follows. Her words were as follows. Það er bara fimm um morguninn en samt er bjart úti. It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out. It's only five in the morning and it's bright out there. Mun sá dagur koma þegar við sjáum þeim steypt af stóli? Will a day come when we see them overthrown? Will the day come when we see them deposed? Þau sjóða niður fisk í dósir. They can fish. They boil up fish in cans. Ég græddi á því að lesa þessa bók. I profited from reading this book. I made money reading this book. Ah! Tölvan mín er biluð! Aaah!! My computer is broken! My computer's broken! Er þetta hestur eða meri? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is that a horse or a mare? Myndavélinni þinni kann að vera stolið ef þú skilur hana eftir hér. Your camera may be stolen if you leave it there. Your camera may be stolen if you leave it here. Það er orðið ansi haustlegt. It has become quite autumnal. It's getting pretty autumn. Það er virkilega þess virði. It's really worth it. It's really worth it. Enginn er reykur án elds. There is no smoke without fire. No one's smoke without fire. Bill var í Japan. Bill was in Japan. Bill was in Japan. Við erum ekki búin undir árásina. We weren't prepared for the assault. We're not ready for the attack. Mér líka heitar laugar sem eru úr alfaraleið. I like hot springs that are off the beaten track. I like hot pools from all over the place. Það var ást við fyrstu sýn. It was love at first sight. It was love at first sight. Vinsamlegast gangið frá þessum stólum. Please put those chairs away. Please remove these chairs. Gjörið svo vel. Viðmælandi yðar er á línunni. Go ahead. Your party is on the line. Please, your interviewer's on the line. Hann lá á grasinu. He was lying on the grass. He was lying on the grass. Ekki er allt gull sem glóir. All that glitters is not gold. Not all gold is gold. Sýndu mér vinsamlegast ljósmyndirnar. Show me the photos, please. If you'll just show me the photos, please. Ég get hlaupið. I can run. I can run. Ég hugsa, þess vegna er ég. I think, therefore I am. I think, that's why I'm here. Af hverju borðarðu ekki grænmeti? Why don't you eat vegetables? Why don't you eat vegetables? Ég er glorsoltinn. I'm starving. I'm starving. Ég er kona. I am a woman. I'm a woman. Þannig smjaður gagnast þér ekkert. That sort of flattery will get you nowhere. That flattery won't do you any good. Annað hvort okkar verður valið. You or I will be chosen. Either one of us will be chosen. Það er búið að snjóa í fjóra daga. It snowed for four days. It's been snowing for four days. Það mun gera sárið verra. It will aggravate the wound. It'll make the wound worse. Hann flaug frá London til Parísar. He flew from London to Paris. He flew from London to Paris. Ég kem brátt aftur. I'll be back soon. I'll be back soon. Thomas gat ekki haldið áfram verkefninu sínu sökum slyssins. Thomas could not carry out his task on account of an accident. Thomas could not continue his assignment because of the accident. Hún elskar ketti. She loves cats. She loves cats. Hjartað mitt slær svo hratt! My heart's beating so fast! My heart is beating so fast! Mörg heimsins hér um bil sjö þúsund tungumála eru töluð af einungis örfáum manneskjum og eru í útrýmingarhættu. Many of the world's seven thousand or so languages are spoken only by handfuls of living people and are in danger of extinction. Many of the world's approximately seven thousand languages are spoken by just a few people and are in danger of extinction. Það var nokkuð auðvelt fyrir mig að framfylgja áætluninni. It was quite easy for me to carry the plan out. It was pretty easy for me to enforce my plan. Skrifaðu niður heimilisfangið hans. Write down his address. Write down his address. Þú ættir að láta þrífa bílinn þinn. You had better have your car washed. You should have your car cleaned up. Sex þeirra snúa aftur. Six of them return. Six of them are coming back. Við erum frá Frakklandi. We are from France. We're from France. Við lærðum ensku. We studied English. We learned English. Hvar býr John? Where does John live? Where does John live? Hann hjálpaði mér að flytja. He helped me move. He helped me move. "Þú hlýtur að vera þreytt eftir langan dag." "Nei, ekki vitund." "You must be tired after a long day." "No, not in the least." "You must be tired after a long day." "No, not conscious." Hann varð að lifa ömurlegu lífi í mörg ár. He had to lead a miserable life for many years. He had to live a miserable life for years. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki ein. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Bless! Goodbye! Bye! Það er enginn glæpur að bara sóa heilum degi öðru hverju. It's no crime to just idle the whole day once in a while. It's no crime to just waste a whole day every once in a while. Hann gerði betur en seinast. He did better than last time. He did better than last. Dæmið hann af verkum sínum en ekki útlitinu. Judge him by what he does, not by his appearance. Judge him by his actions, not his appearance. Hvað amar að þér? What ails you? What's wrong with you? Ég skal kaupa handa þér drykk. I'll buy you a drink. I'll buy you a drink. Hvað telur þú vera satt þrátt fyrir að þú getir ekki sannað það? What do you believe is true even though you cannot prove it? What do you think you're right, even though you can't prove it? Hún ein getur notað tölvuna. She alone is able to use the personal computer. Only she can use the computer. Hann lagðist á bakið. He laid on his back. He lay on his back. Ég get ekki teiknað en systir mín er mikill listamaður. I can't draw, but my sister is a great artist. I can't draw, but my sister is a great artist. Hún á fáa vini. She has few friends. She doesn't have a lot of friends. Hvað gerirðu í frítíma þínum? What do you do in your spare time? What do you do in your spare time? John er klár. John is clever. John's smart. Ég aðvaraði þig. I warned you. I warned you. Herra Brown hefur undravert lag á börnum. Mr Brown has a magical way with children. Mr. Brown has an amazing song for children. Því meira sem hlutirnir breytast, því meira haldast þeir óbreyttir. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The more things change, the more they stay unchanged. Svo ég geti spilað tónlist. So I can make music. So I can play music. Ertu laus á morgun? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Á morgun er sunnudagur. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Hún bakaði mér köku. She baked me a cake. She made me a cake. Allir vita að tunglið er úr osti. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese. Everybody knows the moon's made of cheese. Það er svakalega einfalt! It's super easy! It's very simple! Það er dæmigert af honum að segja svona lagað. It is typical of him to say such a thing. It's typical of him saying things like that. Stærðfræðingar eru eins og Frakkar: Hvað sem þú segir þeim, þýða þeir það í sitt eigið tungumál og breyta því í eitthvað allt annað. Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different. The mathematicians are like the French: Whatever you tell them, they translate it into their own language and turn it into something completely different. Mig skortir fé. I'm short of money. I don't have any money. Frænka mín býr í New York. My aunt lives in New York. My aunt lives in New York. Ég ætla að koma við í stórmarkaðnum. I'm going to drop by the supermarket. I'm gonna drop by at the supermarket. Við kysstumst í myrkrinu. We kissed in the dark. We kissed in the dark. Ken á hvítan hund. Ken has a white dog. Ken's got a white dog. Tom hefur staðið sig vel. Tom has done well. Tom's been doing a good job. Hún eyddi Facebook síðunni sinni. She deleted her Facebook account. She spent her Facebook page. Ókei. Einmitt. Ég skil hvað þú meinar. OK. Right. I see what you mean. Okay, I see what you mean. Hann svaf vel í gær. He slept well last night. He slept well last night. Samkvæmt honum kemur hún ekki. According to him, she is not coming. According to him, she's not coming. Það eru margar glufur í stærðfræðiþekkingu minni. There's a lot of gaps in my knowledge of math. There are a lot of gaps in my math knowledge. Nixon fæddist í Kaliforníu. Nixon was born in California. Nixon was born in California. Liðið okkar er fimm stigum yfir. Our team is five points ahead. Our team is five points across. Reyndu að eyða ekki svona miklum tíma í að kvarta yfir hlutum sem þú getur ekki breytt. Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change. Try not to spend that much time complaining about things you can't change. Ég hef þekkt John síðan 1976. I have known John since 1976. I've known John since 1976. Ég vil að þú verðir hérna eftir með henni. I want you to stay here with her. I want you to stay here with her. Ég les gjarnan bækur. I like reading books. I'd love to read books. Hann er plötusnúður. He is a DJ. He's a DJ. Það væri í góðu lagi. That would be fine. That would be fine. Þú lítur örsmá út við hliðina á súmóglímukappa. You look tiny next to a sumo wrestler. You look very small next to a tango racer. Ekki éta eins og svín. Don't eat like a pig. Don't eat like a pig. Hann líktist lækni. He looked like a doctor. He looked like a doctor. Bill var rekinn úr vinnunni í síðustu viku. Bill was canned from his job last week. Bill got fired from work last week. Móðir mín fölnaði við fréttirnar. My mother grew pale on hearing the news. My mother hid from the news. Getum við ekki fengið okkur snakk eða eitthvað? Can't we have a snack or something? Can't we have snacks or something? Er ég handtekinn? Am I under arrest? Am I under arrest? Þau lögðu af stað við sólarupprás frá fjallsrótunum. They left at daybreak from the base of the mountain. They set out at sunrise from the base of the mountain. Hún var hissa á útlitinu á honum. She was surprised at his appearance. She was surprised at the look on his face. John þekkir til fyrirtækisins. John is familiar with the business. John knows the company. Bill grét áfram í marga tíma. Bill kept on crying for hours. Bill cried on for hours. Ég fer með þér til Hannover. I'm going to Hanover with you. I'm going with you to Hannover. Ég er ekki hrifinn af eggjum. I don't care for eggs. I don't like eggs. Fyrst líkaði mér það ekki en svo fór mér smám saman að finnast það skemmtilegt. At first, I didn't like it, but it gradually became fun. At first I didn't like it, but then I gradually began to enjoy it. Þú ferð að því á rangan hátt. You're going about it in the wrong way. You're wrong about that. Einhvern daginn munum við geta farið í ferð til Mars. Someday we will be able to go on a voyage to Mars. Someday we'll be able to take a trip to Mars. Þetta er húsið sem þau bjuggu í þegar þau voru börn. This is the house in which they lived when they were children. This is the house they lived in when they were children. Það var rétt nýlega sem hún breytti um skoðun. It was only recently that she changed her mind. She was just about to change her mind. Hann verður farinn þegar þú kemur aftur. He will have left here by the time you return. He'll be gone when you get back. Tom er ekki sonur minn. Tom is not my son. Tom's not my son. Mér til undrunar voru dyrnar ólæstar. To my surprise, the door was unlocked. To my surprise, the door was unlocked. Mun hún geta farið af sjúkrahúsinu í næstu viku? Will she be able to leave the hospital next week? Will she be able to leave the hospital next week? Bítlarnir eru vinsælir meðal ungs fólks. The Beatles are popular among young people. The Beatles are popular among young people. Ég horfði á sjónvarpið í gærkveldi. I watched TV last night. I watched TV last night. Hann lagði hart að sér í náminu til að verða vísindamaður. He studied very hard to become a scientist. He worked hard in the study to become a scientist. Hún tók inntökuprófið í gær. She took the entrance exam yesterday. She took her audition yesterday. Að lokum féll hún fyrir freistingunni og át alla kökuna. Finally she gave in to temptation and ate the whole cake. Finally, she succumbed to temptation and ate all the cake. Hún þjáist af alvarlegum sjúkdómi. She's suffering from a serious disease. She's suffering from a serious illness. Viltu gjöra svo vel að kalla á leigubíl fyrir mig? Will you please call me a taxi? Would you please call me a cab? Hver byggði snjókarlinn? Who built the snowman? Who built the snowman? Hvernig er á klappstýruæfingum? How is cheerleading practice? How's cheerleader practice? Ég kem í dag. I am coming today. I'll be there today. Farðu aftur þangað sem þú byrjaðir. Get back to where you started. Go back where you started. Hún eldar vel. She cooks well. She cooks well. Hvernig bjóstu það til? How did you make it? How did you make that up? Það er mjög áhugavert að læra esperantó. It is very interesting to learn Esperanto. It's very interesting to learn esperanto. Á hverju ætlarðu að lifa meðan þú ert hér? What will you live on while you are there? What are you going to live on while you're here? Hún spurði um vin sinn. She asked after her friend. She asked about her friend. Maturinn verður kaldur. The food becomes cold. Dinner gets cold. Hví er lífið svo fullt þjáningar? Why is life so full of suffering? Why is life so full of suffering? Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út. I'm not in a mood to go out. I'm not in the mood to go out. Hvaðan ertu? Where do you come from? Where are you from? Ísinn mun brotna undan þunga okkar. The ice will crack beneath our weight. The ice will break away from our weight. Vinsamlegast hikaðu ekki við að spurja mig spurninga. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions. Þau ætla ekki ekki að vera um kyrrt. They won't stay. They are not going to stay. Enginn getur neitað því að enginn er reykur á elds. No one can deny the fact that there is no smoke without fire. No one can deny that no one smokes a fire. Það var ekki satt. That wasn't true. That wasn't true. Ég er fullur! I'm full! I'm drunk! Við höfðum alla yfirburði yfir þá. We have every advantage over them. We had all the advantage over them. Svo heiðarlegur maður sem Jón getur ekki hafa logið. Such an honest man as John cannot have told a lie. Such an honest man John couldn't have lied. Eldri bróðir minn kláraði heimavinnuna sína mjög fljótt. My elder brother finished his homework very quickly. My older brother finished his homework very quickly. Ég skal hjálpa þér eins mikið og ég get. I'll help you as much as I can. I'll help you out as much as I can. Þarf ég að skipta um lest? Do I need to transfer? Do I need to change trains? Viltu ekki annan bjór? Wouldn't you like another glass of beer? You don't want another beer? Var hurðin opin? Was the door open? The door was open? Ég er tvöfalt eldri en þú. I'm twice your age. I'm twice your age. Við köllum þessa borg "Litlu Kíótó." We refer to this city as Little Kyoto. We call this city "Litla Kooto." Sú eldri af dætrunum tveim er í háskóla. The older of the two daughters is in college. The older one of the two girls is in college. Hann kann ekki að synda. He can't swim. He can't swim. Þetta er mynd af systur minni. That's a photo of my sister. This is a picture of my sister. Peter er kátur karl. Peter is a merry fellow. Peter's a happy guy. Flugvellinum var lokað sökum þokunnar. The airport was closed because of the fog. The fog closed the airport. Hvers vegna hljópst hann á brott? Why did he run away? Why did he run away? Flestir strákar líkjast feðrum sínum. Most boys take after their fathers. Most guys look like their fathers. Heimurinn tilheyrir þeim huguðu. The world belongs to the courageous. The world belongs to that mind. Hann er ekki eins gáfaður og eldri bróðir hans. He is not as intelligent as his older brother. He's not as smart as his older brother. Rútan tekur þig niður í miðbæinn. The bus takes you down town. The bus will take you downtown. Hann er enskur en býr á Indlandi. He's English, but lives in India. He's English, but he lives in India. Margir nemendur keyptu bókina. Many students bought the book. Many students bought the book. Ég bauð öllum vinum mínum. I invited all my friends. I invited all my friends. Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra. You cannot be too careful when driving. You can't be too careful when driving. Ég er viss um að Tom hati þig ekki. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Ég hátta mig klukkan ellefu. I go to bed at eleven. I'm gonna go to bed at 11:00. Ég er að laga útvarpið sem ég fann á leiðinni heim. I'm fixing the radio that I found on my way home. I'm fixing the radio I found on the way home. Það er óvíst að Bill komi. It is doubtful whether Bill will come. Bill may not come. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til allra í fjölskyldunnar. Please give my best to the entire family. Please say hello to everyone in your family. Hvernig var helgin? How was your weekend? How was your weekend? Þú verður að ná betri tíma. You have to beat the time. You've got to make a better time. Viðkvæm, tignarleg blómin eru í blóma. The delicate, graceful flowers are in bloom. Sensitive, graceful flowers are flourishing. Má ég hvíla mig? May I take a rest? Can I rest? Jafnvel þótt við gerum þetta munu líða önnur sextíu ár áður en gatið í ósonlaginu yfir Suðurskautslandinu lagast. Even if we do this, it will be another sixty years before the Antarctic ozone hole is repaired. Even if we do this, another 60 years will pass before the polar ozone hole gets better. Tom var með mér. Tom was with me. Tom was with me. Hvað í helvítinu ertu að gera? What the hell are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? Landið hefur milt loftslag. That country has a mild climate. The land has softened the climate. Íshokkí er spennandi íþróttagrein. Ice hockey is an exciting sport. Ice hockey is an exciting sport. Borðarðu brauð í hádegismat? Do you have bread for lunch? Do you eat bread for lunch? Til að byrja með hafði ég enga hugmynd af hverju. At first, I had no idea why. At first, I had no idea why. Áheyrendur lofuðu leikarana fyrir flutninginn. The audience acclaimed the actors for their performance. The audience praised the actors for their move. Við áttum góða stund við skák. We had a good time playing chess. We had a good time at chess. Heilbrigðisritarinn sagði konunni að hún mætti ekki koma með hundinn sinn inn, vegna þess að gæludýr máttu ekki vera inni á heilsugæslustöðinni. The health care secretary told the woman that she could not bring her dog inside, because pets were not allowed inside the clinic. The health writer told the woman that she should not bring her dog in because a pet was not allowed at the clinic. Hann kom inn í herbergið mitt. He came into my room. He came into my room. Við ættum að neita börnum okkar um of mikil sætindi. We should deny our children things too sweet. We should deny our children too much sweetness. Þetta er mjög vandræðalegt. This is really awkward. This is really embarrassing. Ég drekk ekki svo mikið af bjór. I don't drink all that much beer. I don't drink that much beer. Ég heyri að þú hafir verið veikur. I hear that you've been ill. I hear you've been sick. Það mun engu breyta. That won't change anything. It won't change anything. Hvar er bíllinn minn? Where is my car? Where's my car? Má ég fara á klósettið hjá þér? May I use your toilet? Can I go to your bathroom? Maðurinn er félagsvera. Man is a social animal. The man is a social person. Spegill endurvarpar ljósi. A mirror reflects light. Mirror reflects light. Hafðu það gott um jólin. Have a good Christmas. Have a nice Christmas. Jón spurði Maríu hvort hún vildi fara í útréttingar um efirmiðdaginn. John asked Mary whether she would like to go shopping in the afternoon. John asked Maria if she wanted to go to an exposé about the Friday afternoon. Engar áhyggjur. No worries. Don't worry. Geturðu komið? Can you come? Can you come? Herra Brown var veikur á þeim tíma. Mr Brown was sick at the time. Mr. Brown was sick at the time. Ég stóð hann að svindli í prófinu. I caught him cheating in the examination. I caught him cheating on the test. Hver er þessi strákur? Who is that boy? Who is this guy? Þú þarft ekki að hringja í mig. You don't need to call me. You don't have to call me. Gætirðu vinsamlegast bætt við punkti í lok setningarinnar þinnar? Can you add a full stop at the end of your sentence, please? Could you add a dot at the end of your sentence, please? Þú hefðir átt að kynna sjálfan þig fyrir stúlkunni. You should have introduced yourself to the girl. You should have introduced yourself to the girl. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er rúta. What is this? This is a bus. It's a bus. Er hann með eðlilegan púls? Does he have a normal pulse? Does he have a normal pulse? John er fyrirtækinu kunnugur. John is familiar with the business. John is familiar with the company. Hann tók af sér hattinn. He took off his hat. He took off his hat. Velkomin. Welcome. Welcome. Ekkert gæti verið nytsamlegra en ljósritunarvél. Nothing could be more useful than a copying machine. Nothing could be more useful than a photocopying machine. Stormur í vatnsglasi. Storm in a teacup. Storm in a glass of water. Þú náðir því í einni. Það er rétt. You've got it in one. That's right. You got it in one. Má ég nota ritvélina þína. Can I use your typewriter? Let me use your typewriter. Farðu burt. Go away. Go away. Við höfum mjög gaman af lautarferðum. We love picnics. We love picnics. Taktu hinn stólinn! Take the other chair! Take the other chair! Litlausar grænar hugmyndir sofa brjálæðislega. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Colorless green ideas sleep insanely. Ég fer í sundlaug borgarinnar á hverjum degi. I go to the city pool every day. I go to the city pool every day. Þú verður að efna loforðin þín. You must keep your promises. You have to keep your promises. Þeir sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They boil fish into cans. Þú hefur ekkert að gera með að kvarta yfir málinu. You have no business complaining about the matter. You have nothing to do with complaining about the case. Ég hugsa að það sé mjög gott að lifa venjulegu lífi. I think it is very good to lead a regular life. I think living a normal life is really good. Sex þeirra eru að brenna. Six of them are burning. Six of them are burning. Hluti eyjunnar eyðilagist af völdum þungra aldanna. A portion of the island was destroyed by the massive waves. Part of the island is destroyed by the heavy ages. Tom var ekki viss. Tom wasn't sure. Tom wasn't sure. Enginn veit. No one knows. Nobody knows. Lestur skerpir hugann. Reading improves the mind. Reading sharpens your mind. Hann kom mér til bjargar. He came to my rescue. He came to my rescue. Loksins leysti hann vandamálið. At last, he solved the problem. Finally, he solved the problem. Berðu saman staðreyndirnar. Compare the facts. Compare the facts. Þerraðu augun. Wipe your eyes. Dry your eyes. Ég þvoði skyrtuna mína. I washed my shirt. I washed my shirt. Vinsamlegast passaðu þig á því að sleppa hundinum ekki lausum. Please be careful not to let the dog loose. Please be careful not to release the dog. Þýska er ekki auðvelt tungumál. German is not an easy language. German is not a easy language. Góðar fréttir! Þetta er fjögurhundruð fjörtíu og fjórða setningin á klíngónsku. Good news! There are four hundred and forty four sentences in Klingon. Good news, it's four hundred forty-fourth sentences in Chinese. Ég er ekki alltaf heima á sunnudögum. I am not always at home on Sundays. I'm not always home on Sundays. Segðu henni að ég komi ekki í skólann í dag. Tell her that I am not going to school today. Tell her I'm not coming to school today. John er laus við áhyggjur þessa dagana. John is free from worry these days. John is free of anxiety these days. Hefur þetta verið gert nokkurtíma áður? Has this ever been done before? Has this been done ever before? Barnið er sofnað. The baby has fallen asleep. The baby's gone to sleep. En hún var ekki hrædd. But she was not scared. But she wasn't afraid. Þetta var mjög kaldur vetur. It was a very cold winter. It was a very cold winter. Klukkuna vantar tíu mínútur í átta að morgni. It's 7:50 in the morning. The clock's ten minutes to eight o'clock in the morning. Það gleður mig að heyra það. I'm glad to hear that. I'm glad to hear that. Það er ekki þar. It's not there. It's not there. Það hefur verið hellidemba síðan í morgun svo mig langar ekkert að fara neitt. It's been raining heavily since this morning, so I don't want to go anywhere. It's been pouring since this morning, so I don't want to go anywhere. Ég var að æla. I just vomited. I was throwing up. Heldur þú að Obama geti talað spænsku? Do you think Obama can speak Spanish? Do you think Obama can speak Spanish? Mennirnir litu þöglir á Jessie. The men looked at Jessie in silence. The men looked quietly at Jessie. Hr. Jordan var svolítið hissa. Mr Jordan was a little surprised. Mr. Jordan was a little surprised. Hann býr í Tókíó. He is living in Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo. Ég steig út úr leigubílnum. I got out of the taxi. I got out of the cab. Ég mun vera farinn þegar þú kemur aftur. I will have left when you return. I'll be gone when you get back. Þú kannt að hafa rétt fyrir þér en ég er á móti þinni skoðun. You may be right, but I am against your opinion. You may be right, but I'm against you. Það breytir engu fyrir mig að Max sé kominn. It makes no difference to me that Max has come. It doesn't matter to me that Max has arrived. Það er kalt. It's cold. It's cold. Ég er að leita mér að frönskum pennavini. I'm looking for a French penpal. I'm looking for a French pen friend. Ég er einn og níutíu á hæð. I'm 1.9 meters tall. I'm nine feet tall. Mér þætti gaman að fara á bát umhverfis heiminn. I'd like to go around the world on a boat. I'd love to take a boat around the world. Bill langaði bara að hugga Móniku en hún túlkaði það eins og hann væri hrifinn af henni. Bill just wanted to comfort Monica, but she interpreted it as romantic interest. Bill just wanted to comfort Martha, but she interpreted it as if he liked her. Turninn er þrjú hundruð tuttugu og einn metri á hæð. The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high. The tower is three hundred and twenty-one feet high. Við munum ræða vandamálið við þau. We'll discuss the problem with them. We'll discuss the problem with them. Hvað get ég gert til að láta þig taka eftir mér? What can I do to make you pay attention to me? What can I do to make you notice me? Ég sá manneskjuna sem ég bjóst við að mundi standa þarna. I saw the person I expected to be standing there. I saw the person I expected to stand there. Tekur það mikið lengur? Will it be much longer? Does it take much longer? Þú verður að læra meira. You must study more. You've got to learn more. Bob varð prestur. Bob became a pastor. Bob became a priest. Þessi kassi mun þjóna sem borð. This box will serve as a table. This box will serve as a level. Hún er tveimur árum yngri en ég. She is two years younger than I. She's two years younger than me. Hvað finnst þér um bókina mína? What's your take on my book? What do you think of my book? Ertu sammála? Do you agree? Do you agree? Hann er ekki nógu klár til að geta reikna í huganum. He doesn't have enough brains to do sums in his head. He's not smart enough to be able to calculate in the mind. Við ferðumst ekki til að ferðast, heldur til að hafa ferðast. We do not travel to travel, but to have traveled. We travel, not to travel, but to travel. Hún flutti yndislega ræðu í brúðkaupsveislu vinar síns. She made a wonderful speech at her friend's wedding reception. She gave a lovely talk at her friend's wedding. Af hverju er lífið svona fullt af þjáningu? Why is life so full of suffering? Why is life so full of suffering? Þessi maður getur ekki hafa framið sjálfsmorð. That man can't have committed suicide. This man cannot have committed suicide. Hann málar oft landslög. He often paints landscapes. He often paints national laws. Gerðu eins og hann segir. Do as he tells you. Do as he says. Ég hlýt að hafa tapað því. I must have lost it. I must have lost it. Haldu áfram. Please continue. Keep moving. Tom keyrði burt. Tom drove away. Tom drove off. Eru þetta bíllyklarnir þínir? Are these your car keys? Are these your car keys? Þetta er sjúkrahús. This is a hospital. This is a hospital. Blindu mennirnir gengu hægt. The blind men walked slowly. The blind men walked slowly. Húsið þitt er þrisvar sinnum stærra en mitt. Your house is three times as large as mine. Your house is three times bigger than mine. Náðu í það og settu það á eldinn. Get it, and put it on the fire. Get it and put it on the fire. Kannski kemur hann. Perhaps he will come. Maybe he'll come. Við verðum að kaupa þá frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Hvað finnst þér um tillöguna hans? What do you think of his suggestion? How do you feel about his suggestion? Ertu ekki þyrstur? Aren't you thirsty? Aren't you thirsty? John mun örugglega taka við af föður sínum í fyrirtækinu. John is sure to succeed his father in the company. I'm sure John will take over his father in the company. Velkomin til San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Welcome to San Francisco. Viðbúinn! Heads up! Stand by! Hesturinn er minn. The horse is mine. The horse is mine. Hann gaf mér tíu þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 yen. Þú hefðir átt að koma í teitina okkar. You ought to have come to our party. You should have come to our party. Ég spurði hann hvar ég gæti lagt bílnum mínum. I asked him where I could park my car. I asked him where I could park my car. Tom leit á það Tom looked at it. Tom looked at it Hann fékk kvef. He came down with a cold. He had a cold. Það hlítur að vera hér. It must be here. It must be here. Hvernig gerirðu það? How do you do that? How do you do that? Hvar er ég núna? Where am I now? Where am I now? Þetta er erfitt. This is difficult. It's hard. Þú ættir að gefa áfengi og tóbak upp á bátinn. You should give up drinking and smoking. You should give up alcohol and tobacco. Liðið okkar er tveimur stigum yfir. Our team is two points ahead. Our team is two points across. Skoðanir okkar eru hugmyndir sem við höfum; sannfæring okkar er hugmynd sem hefur okkur. Our opinion is an idea which we have; our conviction an idea which has us. Our ideas are ideas we have; our conviction is an idea that has us. Spurðu Alex. Ask Alex. Ask Alex. Hefur þú þekkt hana síðan nítjánhundruð og níutíu? Have you known her since 1990? Have you known it since 19 hundred and ninety? Væri þér sama þótt ég reykti? Would you mind if I smoke? Would you mind if I smoked? Fjörtíu manns mættu. Forty people attended. Forty people showed up. Mér finnst súkkulaðinammi voðalega gott. I like chocolate candy very much. I like chocolate treats very much. Hann hefur tvisvar flogið yfir Kyrrahafið. He has twice flown the Pacific. He's flown over the Pacific twice. Láttu ekki svona. Don't act like that. Come on. Þú ættir að hefjast handa eins fljótt og þú getur. You should start as early as you can. You should get started as soon as you can. Eigum við að fá okkur drykk á leiðinni heim? Want to grab a drink on the way home? Why don't we have a drink on the way home? Okkur til undrunar kom Tom í teitina okkar með Mary. To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary. To our surprise, Tom came to our party with Mary. Hann á þrjár eldri systur. He has three older sisters. He's got three older sisters. Þú ættir að greiða skuldir þínar. You should pay your debts. You should pay off your debts. Trúirðu á guð? Do you believe in a god? Do you believe in God? Einn af öðrum stóðu þeir upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One of them stood up and walked out. Sá tími sem konur eyða í heimilisstörfin er nú mun minni en áður fyrr. The time women spend doing housework is now a lot less than it used to be. Today, the time women spend on chores is much less than ever. Allir þurfa að vinna saman. Everyone needs to work together. Everybody has to work together. Minntist hún á niðurstöður prófsins? Did she mention the results of the exam? Did she mention the results of the test? Ég hnerra oft. I sneeze a lot. I sneeze a lot. Það skiptir mig engu að Max sé kominn. It makes no difference to me that Max has come. It doesn't matter to me that Max has arrived. Mig langar til að sýna þér stórfenglegt útsýni. I want to show you a spectacular view. I want to show you a great view. Þetta er brúða sem hún bjó til sjálf. This is a doll which she made herself. It's a doll she made for herself. Breyttirðu stærðinni? You changed the size? Did you change your size? Dagar hennar eru taldir. Her days are numbered. Her days are numbered. Hún labbaði stöðugt um herbergið. Hún virtist of óróleg til að sitja kyrr. She kept walking about the room. She seemed too uneasy to sit still. She kept walking about the room, and she seemed too nervous to sit still. Sagðirðu að ég gæti aldrei unnið? Did you say that I could never win? Did you say I could never win? Hver eyðilagði þetta? Who broke this? Who ruined this? Ég beraði henni sál mína. I bared my soul to her. I carried my soul to her. Dyrnar læsast sjálfkrafa þegar þú ferð út. The door will lock automatically when you go out. The door will lock automatically when you go out. Nemendurnir spurðu spurninga einn af öðrum. The students asked questions one after another. Students asked questions one by one. Hann fer í skólann með rútu. He goes to school by bus. He goes to school by bus. Sólin er stærri en tunglið. The sun is larger than the moon. The sun is bigger than the moon. Þarf að áríðandi að hringja. Er almenningssími hér nærri? I need to make an urgent call. Is there a public phone near here? Is there a public phone nearby? Hvað stendur á því? What does it say? What does it say? Tómasi er ekki vel við mig. Tom doesn't like me. Tom doesn't like me. Ég er að fara til Spánar í haust. I am going to Spain in the fall. I'm going to Spain in the fall. Þetta eru strákarnir mínir. These are my boys. These are my boys. Svona á að gera það. That's the way. That's how you do it. Teningunum hefur verið kastað. The die is cast. The dice have been thrown away. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að flýta þér. Þú ert kominn of snemma. You needn't have hurried. You've arrived too early. You wouldn't have had to hurry, you're too early. Milan Kundera er uppáhalds rithöfundurinn minn. Milan Kundera is my favourite writer. Milan Kundera is my favorite writer. Við grófum holu í jörðina. We dug a hole in the ground. We dug a hole in the ground. Þess vegna ætti miðstöð fyrir þróun mannauðsmála vera byggð í Japan. Therefore, a center for the development of human resources should be built in Japan. Therefore, a center for the development of human resources should be built in Japan. Þú hefðir átt að segja mér fyrir löngu. You should have told me a long time ago. You should have told me a long time ago. Mig langar virkilega ekki að fara. I really don't want to go. I really don't want to go. Hver hreyfing dansarans var fullkomin. Each movement of the dancer was perfect. Each dancer's movement was perfect. Vinsamlegast málaðu dyrnar hvítar. Please paint the door white. Please paint the door white. Þau eru með mjög skemmtilega verönd. They have a very nice veranda. They have a very pleasant porch. Ertu laus um eftirmiðdaginn á morgun? Are you free tomorrow afternoon? Are you free for the afternoon tomorrow? Ég tók því sem gefnu að þú mundir koma. I took it for granted that you would come. I took it as granted you would come. Það er ekki til nein lækning við fæðingu og dauða nema að njóta þess sem á milli er. There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. There is no cure at birth or at death unless you enjoy what is between. Krakkarnir eru að gera mig vitlausan. The kids are driving me crazy. The kids are driving me crazy. Hann er að læra við skrifborðið sitt. He is studying at his desk. He's studying at his desk. Við erum góð í að eyða tíma. We are apt to waste time. We're good at wasting time. Þér getur ekki verið alvara. You can't be serious. You can't be serious. Klukkan hvað ferðu yfirleitt á fætur? What time do you usually get up? What time do you usually get up? Strax og Jim kom heim fór hann beinustu leið á klósettið. As soon as Jim got home, he made a beeline for the rest room. As soon as Jim got home, he went straight to the bathroom. Lyndon Johnson tók við forsetaembættinu þegar John Kennedy var myrtur. Lyndon Johnson took over presidency when John Kennedy was assassinated. Lyndon Johnson took over the President's office when John Kennedy was murdered. Ekki snerta myndavélina mína. Don't touch my camera. Don't touch my camera. Hann keyrir mjög hratt. He drives very fast. He's driving really fast. Hundurinn sefur. The dog sleeps. The dog's sleeping. Hafðu með þér regnhlíf vegna þess að búist er við regni um eftirmiðdaginn. Bring an umbrella because it is expected to rain this afternoon. Bring an umbrella with you because rain is expected on the afternoon. Þau kunna að veiða. They can fish. They can hunt. Hún fer sjaldan út. She seldom goes out. She doesn't go out much. Ég bý í Hvíta-Rússlandi og er stoltur af því. I live in Belarus and I take pride in this fact. I live in White Russia, and I'm proud of it. Það er ekkert smámál. It's no small matter. It's not a big deal. Ég er glaður. I'm happy. I'm glad. Fyrst þú ert kominn gætum við allt eins byrjað. Since you're here, we might as well begin. Since you're here, we might as well start. Við verðum að horfa á vandamálið í hnattrænum skilningi. We must look at the problem from a global point of view. We have to look at the problem in a global sense. Afsakið með það. Sorry about that. Sorry about that. Hann vann ekki neitt. He didn't do any work. He didn't win anything. Ættum við að fara aftur saman að fá okkur ramen? Should we go have ramen together again? Should we go back together? Ég var í tólf tíma í lestinni. I spent twelve hours on the train. I was on the train for 12 hours. Engan langar til að lenda í slysi. Vandamálið er að fólk langar ekki nógu mikið til að lenda ekki í slysi. No one wants to have an accident. The trouble is that people do not want hard enough to not have an accident. The problem is that people do not want enough to avoid an accident. Hví gerði hún svona lagað? Why did he do such a thing? Why did she do something like that? Hann hlakkar til að hitta þig áður en langt um líður. I'm looking forward to seeing you before long. He's looking forward to seeing you before long. Ferðatölva er betri en borðtölva. A laptop is better than a desktop. A laptop's better than a table computer. Það virðist sem regntímabilinu sé loksins lokið. It seems that the rainy season is over at last. Looks like the rain season is finally over. Ekki opna hurðina. Don't open the door. Don't open the door. Jón langaði að vera algerlega óháður foreldrum sínum. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. Það var sannarlega kraftaverk. It was truly a miracle. It really was a miracle. Ég heyrði dyrnar lokast. I heard the door close. I heard the door closing. Við ættum að senda Jordan á sjúkrahús. We ought to send Jordan to the hospital. We should send Jordan to a hospital. Við erum öll ófullkomin. Við getum ekki búist við fullkominni ríkisstjórn. We are all imperfect. We cannot expect perfect government. We are all imperfect; we cannot expect a perfect government. Peningar vaxa ekki á trjánum. Money does not grow on trees. Money doesn't grow on trees. Mig langar að draga fyrri framburð minn til baka. I would like to retract my previous statement. I'd like to retract my earlier statement. Það er mjög leiðinlegt að vera veikur. Being sick is very boring. It's very boring to be sick. Mér er illt í bakinu. My back hurts. My back hurts. Lagið hennar er vel þekkt meðal ungs fólks. Her song is well known to the young people. Its song is well - known among young people. Hvers konar staði mundirðu vilja að sjá? What kind of places would you like to see? What kind of places would you like to see? Vinsamlegast festið á ykkur sætisólarnar og fylgið reykingarbannsskiltinu þar slökkt er á því. Please fasten your seat belt and observe the "no smoking" sign until it is turned off. Please stick your seat belts on and follow the smoking cessation sign. It's off. Ekki gefa loforð sem þú getur ekki staðið við. Don't make promises that you cannot keep. Do not make promises that you cannot keep. Hún sagði okkur að vegurinn væri lokaður. She told us the road was closed. She told us that the road was shut. Við vorum einmitt að tala um þig. We were just talking about you. We were just talking about you. Fyrir hvað þarftu tvö þúsund gráðu ofn? What do you need a 2000°C furnace for? What do you need two thousand degree ovens for? Ég er ekkert svo hrifinn af sterkum mat. I don't care too much for hot food. I don't like strong food that much. Það er þér fyrir bestu að fylgja ráðleggingum læknisins. It would be best for you to follow the doctor's orders. It is in your best interests to follow the advice of your doctor. Það er dimmt svo passaðu hvar þú stígur. It's dark, so watch your step. It's dark, so watch your step. Þessi er fallegri. This one is prettier. This one's beautiful. Ég er að deyja úr hungri. I am dying of hunger. I'm starving. Hún ráðlagði honum að koma aftur undir eins. She advised him to come back at once. She advised him to come back immediately. Þú ættir að reykja minna. You should smoke less. You should smoke less. Takeó er niðursokkinn í það að leysa stærðfræðileg vandamál. Takeo is engrossed in solving mathematical problems. Tako is absorbed in solving mathematical problems. Ég ólst upp í Boston. I grew up in Boston. I grew up in Boston. Við erum svo gott sem tilbúnir fyrir kaldan veturinn. We are all but ready for the cold winter. We're almost ready for the cold winter. Þvoðu þér um hendurnar. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Það verður ekki auðvelt að finna einhvern sem getur tekið við af honum. It won't be easy to find someone capable of taking his place. It will not be easy to find someone who can replace it. Flýttu þér! Tónleikarnir eru að byrja. Hurry up! The concert is starting. Hurry up, the concert's starting. Á tímanum eru engin mörk til að merkja framgang hans; það aldrei þrumuveður eða lúðraþytur til að tilkynna upphaf nýs mánaðar eða árs. Jafnvel við upphaf nýrrar aldar eru það einungis við dauðlegir sem hringjum bjöllum og skjótum skammbyssum. Time has no divisions to mark its passage, there is never a thunderstorm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols. In time, there is no limit to his progress; it never thunders or thunders to announce the beginning of a new month or year; even at the beginning of a new century, it is only with mortals who ring bells and shoot guns. Úranus, sem merkir "himinn," er sá konungur sem fyrstur réði yfir öllum heiminum. Uranus, meaning 'sky', is the king who first ruled the whole world. Uranus, meaning "heaven, " is the king who was the first to rule the entire world. Tom lét af störfum. Tom retired. Tom retired. Hvað gerðist? Það er vatn um alla íbúðina. What happened? There's water all over the apartment. There's water all over the apartment. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er maður. What is this? This is a man. What is this? John á tvo syni. John has two sons. John has two sons. Póstkortið komst loksins á leiðarenda eftir 37 ár. The postcard was finally delivered after 37 years. The mail card finally arrived at its destination in 37 years. Það er nóg af appelsínum á trénu. There are plenty of oranges on the tree. There's plenty of oranges on that tree. Til hvers eru vinir? What are friends for? What are friends for? Við fórum til Lundúna í fyrra. We went to London last year. We went to London last year. Geturðu sagt mér meira um manneskjuna sem þú sást? Can you tell me more about the person you saw? Can you tell me more about the person you saw? Ísbirnir búa á Norðurheimsskautinu. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Ice bears live in the Arctic. Þær eru ekki góðar. They're no good. They're not good. Hún á fallega brúðu. She has a pretty doll. She has a beautiful doll. Hún er með blá augu. She has blue eyes. She's got blue eyes. Að mínu mati er áfengi ekki nauðsynlega vont fyrir heilsuna. In my opinion, alcohol is not necessarily bad for your health. In my opinion, alcohol is not essential to health. Þetta er svolítið skrítið. This is a little weird. This is kind of weird. Dyrnar má ekki skilja eftir opnar. The door must not be left open. The door is not to be left open. Hún spurði mig hvað hefði orðið af honum. She asked me what had become of him. She asked me what happened to him. Ég er mjög undrandi yfir því að hún hafi orðið þingmaður á japanska þinginu. I am very surprised that she became a Diet member. I am amazed that she became a senator at the Japanese Parliament. Sjáðu sofandi barnið. Look at the sleeping baby. Look at the sleeping baby. Hættu að stara svona á mig. Stop staring at me like that. Stop staring at me like that. Við erum svöng. We are hungry. We're hungry. Hann er engu meira flón en þú. He is no more a fool than you are. He's no more of a fool than you are. Hún bauð vinkonum sínum í kvöldmat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends for dinner. Þrátt fyrir skilti sem bönnuðu reykingar reykti bátsmaðurinn blygðunarlaust allan tímann. Despite "No Smoking" signs, the boat operator was brazenly smoking all the time. Despite signs that prohibited smoking, the boatman smoked shamelessly the whole time. Það er eðlilegt að vera taugaóstyrkur þegar flugvélin tekur á loft. It's natural to be nervous when the plane takes off. When the plane takes off, it's normal to be nervous. Það var of mikið. It was excessive. It was too much. Hún ráðleggur honum um tæknileg mál. She advises him on technical matters. It counsels him on technical matters. Hvað með þig? How about you? What about you? Það er mikilvægt að muna hverjir vinir þínir eru. It is important to remember who your friends are. It is important to remember who your friends are. Hann hunsaði ráðleggingu hennar. He ignored her advice. He ignored her counsel. Þú verður að skila skýrslunum á mánudaginn. You have to turn in the reports on Monday. You have to report your reports on Monday. Ég er hraust. I'm healthy. I'm healthy. Hún brýndi fyrir barninu að vera varkárari. She admonished the child to be more careful. She urged the child to be more careful. Að sjálfsögðu hjálpa ég þér. Of course I'll help you. Of course I'll help you. Það er kjánalegt af mér að hugsa ekki fyrir því. It is foolish of me not to think of that. It's silly of me not to think about it. Hún varð ástfangin af bróður vinkonu sinnar. She fell in love with her friend's brother. She fell in love with her friend's brother. Það eru fleiri en ein leið til að drepa kött. There's more ways than one to kill a cat. There's more than one way to kill a cat. Hver á þessa bók? Whose is that book? Whose book is this? Er þér sama þótt ég reyki? Do you mind if I smoke? Do you mind if I smoke? Plönturnar hljóta að hafa dáið vegna þess að enginn vökvaði þær. The plants must have died because no one watered them. The plants must have died because no one watered them. Það besta við staðinn er grillsvæðið þar sem þau skaffa þér allt sem þú þarfnast. The best thing about that place is the barbecue area where they supply you with everything you need. The best thing about this place is the barbecue area where they feed you everything you need. Herbergi Hr. Johnsons var stórt. Mr Johnson's was a large room. Mr. Johnson's room was large. Bílnum mínum var stolið í nótt. I had my car stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. Herra Taylor vildi óska þess að hann hefði ekki komið í teitina. Mr Taylor wishes he had not come to the party. Mr. Taylor wanted to wish he hadn't come to the party. Hringið á lögregluna! Call the police! Call the police! Peter sýndi kennaranum sínum tilhlýðilega virðingu. Peter showed due respect to his teacher. Peter showed due respect for his teacher. Vinsamlegast stattu á fætur. Stand up, please. Please stand up. Ekkert er í þessum heimi sjálfu sér samkvæmt, nema ósamkvæmnin. There is nothing in this world constant, but inconstancy. There is nothing in this world as it is, but inconsistencies. Pabbi minn keyrir í vinnuna. My father drives to work. My dad's driving to work. Hunsaðu hann. Ignore him. Ignore him. Láttu nemendur lesa bækur sem láta þá hugsa meira. Have students read such books as will make them think more. Have students read books that make them think more. Við þurfum að fara æfa. We need exercise. We need to practice. Ég horfi oft á sjónvarpið fyrir kvöldmatinn. I often watch TV before dinner. I watch TV all the time before dinner. Dóttir mín er að kaupa mjólk úr búðinni. My daughter is buying milk from the store. My daughter is buying milk from the store. Hann má koma. He can come. He can come. Tom neitaði að vinna með Mary. Tom refused to work with Mary. Tom refused to work with Mary. Mér líkar vel við ketti. I like cats. I like cats. Læknar eru almennt ekki þjálfaðir í uppeldi. Doctors are not as a rule trained in child rearing. Doctors are generally not trained to train. Auldey er kínverskt merki. Auldey is a Chinese brand. Auldey's a Chinese sign. Ég verð að fara út. I've got to go out. I have to go out. Þau eru ekki góð. They're no good. They're not good. Ég hlutsaði á nokkrar plötur í gærkveldi. I listened to some records last night. I took an interest in a few albums last night. Mér líkar mun betur við hann sökum þess. I like him all the better for it. I like him much better because of that. Ég mundi heldur svelta í hel en að stela. I would rather starve to death than steal. I'd rather starve to death than steal. Ég dýrka stjörnufræði. I love astronomy. I love astronomy. Maðurinn blés reyk í andlitið á henni. The man puffed smoke into her face. The man blew smoke in her face. Leiðréttu mig ef að ég hef rangt fyrir mér. Correct me if I'm wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong. John langaði til að vera fullkomlega óháður fjölskyldunni. John wanted to be completely independent of his family. John wanted to be completely independent of his family. Ég mundi heldur labba en taka leigubíl. I would rather walk than go by taxi. I'd rather walk than take a cab. Ég beið eftir henni til myrkurs. I waited for her till it got dark. I waited for her until dark. Hann eyddi annari svefnlausri nótt við sjónvarpsgláp. He spent another sleepless night watching television. He spent another sleepless night watching television. Öll laufin á trénu urðu gul. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree turned yellow. Ég fór ekki á markaðinn. I didn't go to the market. I didn't go to market. Af hverju geturðu ekki komið? Why can't you come? Why can't you come? Hvernig sem það kann að vera, hef ég rangt fyrir mér. However that may be, I am wrong. Whatever it may be, I'm wrong. Þessi hundur er að stara á mig eins og hann langi til að éta mig. This dog is staring at me as if it wanted to eat me. This dog is staring at me the way he wants to eat me. Við erum jöfn. We are even. We're even. Ertu búinn að lesa skáldsöguna? Have you finished reading the novel? Have you read the novel? Þetta er ekki það sem ég er að leita að. That isn't what I'm looking for. This isn't what I'm looking for. Það er kominn tími til að þú kaupir þér nýjan bíl. It's time for you to buy a new car. It's time you bought a new car. Ef verðin hjá þér eru samkeppnishæf munum við leggja fyrir stóra pöntun. If your prices are competitive, we will place a large order. If your guards are competitive, we will provide a large order. Á ég að fylla í það núna? Should I fill it in now? You want me to fill it now? Það er synd að ekki sé hægt að kaupa kraftaverk eins og maður kaupir kartöflur. It's a pity that you can't buy miracles like you would buy potatoes. It's a shame you can't buy miracles like you buy potatoes. Faðir þinn er hávaxinn. Your father is tall. Your father's tall. Hún verður háskólanemi næsta vor. She will be a college student next spring. She'll be a college student next spring. Ekki hlaupa svona hart. Don't run so fast. Don't run so hard. Ég elska ykkur. I love you guys. I love you. Það er það sem það þýðir að deila þessum heimi á tuttugustu og fyrstu öldinni. Það er ábyrgðin sem við berum hvert til annars sem mannvera. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings. That is what it means to share this world in the 20th and first centuries - the responsibility we have among ourselves as humans. Þetta myndband er leiðinlegt. This video is boring. This video is boring. Þetta verður ekki gert með einstaklingsátaki. This can't be done by individual effort. This cannot be done by individual action. Við vonuðumst til að hafa lokið af vinnunni fyrir fríið. We hoped to have done with the work before the holidays. We were hoping that we would finish our job for the vacation. Það er mikilvægt að sameina eins marga verkamenn og hægt er. It's important to unite as many workers as possible. It is important to unite as many workers as possible. Ég á hund og kött. I have a cat and a dog. I have a dog and a cat. Þótt ég sé búinn að ákveða að fara í veisluna hlakka ég ekki til þess. Though I've decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Although I've decided to go to the party, I don't look forward to it. Tom skrifaði undir samninginn. Tom signed the contract. Tom signed the contract. Fólk undir átján getur ekki gifst. People under 18 cannot get married. People under 18 can't marry. Gaffalnotendur hafa sögulega verið í minnihluta. Fork-users have historically been in the minority. Forks have historically been a minority. Þessar myndir voru málaðar af honum. Those pictures were painted by him. These pictures were painted by him. Það er ekkert frelsi fyrir þá fávísu. There is no freedom for the ignorant. There's no freedom for the foolish. Bandaríski nágranninn okkar mun hafa búið í Japan í fimm ár á næsta ári. Our American neighbor will have lived in Japan for five years next year. Our American neighbor will have lived in Japan for five years next year. Hann lét mig fá 10 þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10 grand yen. Fólk tekur hluti of persónulega og góð hegðun sumra verðlaunar vonda hegðun annarra. People take things too personally and the good behaviour of some rewards the bad behaviour of others. People take things too personally, and some are prized by the bad conduct of others. Ég sofnaði við lestur. I fell asleep while reading. I fell asleep reading. Ég veit. I know. I know. Mundu eftir að læsa dyrunum. Remember to lock the door. Remember to lock the door. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum að þrífa bílskúrinn en hann sagðist vera of upptekinn til að hjálpa. She asked him to help his father to clean the garage, but he said he was too busy to help. She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help. Kærar þakkir! Thank you so much! Thank you very much! Það er hægt að reiða sig á hann. He can be relied on. You can rely on him. Hún fór ekki á fundinn af ótta við að hitta fyrrverandi eiginmann sinn. She didn't attend the meeting for fear of meeting her ex-husband. She did not go to the meeting for fear of meeting her ex - husband. Tom er með góð augu. Tom has good eyes. Tom's got good eyes. Ég kem aftur eftir svona klukkutíma. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in about an hour. Elskar þú móður þína? Do you love your mother? Do you love your mother? Ertu upptekin? Are you busy? Are you busy? Ég hitti hann um daginn. I met him the other day. I met him the other day. Þú gætir orðið næsti milljónamæringur. You could be our next millionaire. You could be the next millionaire. Það er að segja; ég hef betri skilning á kínversku þjóðinni. That's to say, I have a better understanding of the Chinese nation. That's to say, I have a better understanding of the Chinese people. Ég heyrði foreldra mína hvíslast á í gær. I heard my parents whispering last night. I heard my parents whisper yesterday. Við getum ekki mætt þörfum þínum. We cannot meet your needs. We can't meet your needs. Ég er forvitin. I am curious. I'm curious. Hún bað hann um að hætta ekki í vinnunni sinni vegna þess að þau væru fátæk og þyrftu á peningunum að halda. She asked him to not quit his job because they were poor and needed the money. She asked him not to quit her job because they were poor and needed the money. Við litum út um gluggan en sáum ekki neitt. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked out the windows, but we didn't see anything. Ég get spilað tennis. I can play tennis. I can play tennis. Ég vona að þú skilir fjölskyldu þinni mínum bestu kveðjum. I hope you will give my best regards to your family. I hope you give my family my best greetings. Ekki leyfa neinum að koma nálægt eldinum. Don't let anyone come near the fire. Don't let anyone near the fire. Hann snéri við. He turned around. He turned around. Eftir því sem Sadako varð veikari hugsaði hún meira um dauðann. As Sadako grew weaker, she thought more about death. As Sadako became weaker, she was more concerned about death. Leigubílar lágu í röð fyrir framan stöðina. Taxis stood in a rank in front of the station. Cabs were in line in front of the station. Þú verður að skila honum bókinni. You must return him the book. You have to give him the book back. Kate drekkur mikið af mjólk á hverjum degi. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Kate drinks a lot of milk every day. Ég fór til Ecuador þegar ég var átta ára gömul. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. I went to Ecuador when I was eight years old. Á hverju byggir þú kenningu þína? What do you base your theory on? On what do you base your teaching? Hjólið hans er blátt. His bicycle is blue. His bike is blue. Ég meiði mig enn í löppunum. My legs still hurt. I'm still hurting my legs. Mér til undrunar talaði hún mjög góða ensku. To my surprise, she spoke English very well. To my surprise, she spoke a very good English language. Það er alveg frábært! That's really great! That's great! Ég hef aldrei unnið með henni. I've never worked with her. I've never worked with her. Menntun er lykillinn að velgegni. Education is the key to success. Education is the key to success. Ostur og smjör eru afurðir unnar úr mjólk. Cheese and butter are products made from milk. Cheese and butter are products made from milk. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á lögreglustöðina en hann var hræddur við að fara. She advised him to go to the police station, but he was afraid to. She advised him to go to the police station, but he was afraid to leave. Hún flýtti sér á stöðina svo hún mundi ekki missa af lestinni. He hurried to the station so he wouldn't miss the train. She hurried to the station so she wouldn't miss the train. Gefðu mér eitthvað að drekka. Give me something to drink. Give me something to drink. Hægt er að flytja gögn af aðaltölvunni yfir á þína og öfugt. Data can be transmitted from the main computer to yours, and vice versa. Data can be transferred from the mainframe to yours and vice versa. Ertu japönsk? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Þér líkar ekki við mig lengur! You don't like me anymore! You don't like me anymore! Þú ert vinur Toms, ekki satt? You're a friend of Tom's, eh? You're a friend of Tom's, aren't you? John sló mig í höfuðið. John hit me on the head. John hit me in the head. Trúirðu að örlögum okkar sé stjórnað af stjörnunum? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you believe that our destiny is governed by the stars? Hún segir að hún vilji koma með mér. She says that she wants me to come with her. She says she wants to come with me. Tírana er albönsk borg. Tirana is an Albanian town. Tishranna is an Albanian city. Við gátum séð sólsetrið frá glugganum. We could see the sunset from the window. We could see the sunset from the window. Barnið er sofandi. The baby is asleep. The baby's asleep. Sagt er að Hr. Jones sé góður kennari. It is said that Mr Jones is a good teacher. They say Mr. Jones is a good teacher. Er ég ólétt? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Ég var rændur ekki meira en eitt þúsund jenum. I was robbed of no more than 1,000 yen. I wasn't robbed more than a thousand years ago. Ekki leita til mín um hjálp nema í neyðartilfellum. Don't look to me for any help except in case of emergency. Don't look to me for help unless you're in trouble. Hringdu vinsamlegast í hann. Please call him. Please call him. Gætirðu lánað mér bókina? Could you lend me the book? Could you lend me the book? Þú mundir ekki græða neitt á slíkri aðferð. You wouldn't gain anything by a method like that. You would not make any money like that. Ég tala við hana seinna. I'll talk to her later. I'll talk to her later. Útibú í útlöndum eru að gefa út vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki. Overseas subsidiaries are putting out top-of the-line products. Foreign dwellers are publishing quality products. "Treystu mér," sagði hann. "Trust me," he said. "Trust me," he said. Allt í lagi, og hvað ætlar þú að gera fyrir mig? OK, and what are you going to do for me? All right, and what are you gonna do for me? Barnabarnið mitt á afmæli í dag. Today's my grandson's birthday. It's my baby's birthday today. Hún skráði terrierhundinn sinn á hundasýningu. She entered her terrier in a dog show. She recorded her terrier dog at a dog show. Vegurinn tók að greinast í margar áttir. The road began branching off in many directions. The road began to appear in many directions. Bókin hans fjallar um umferðarslys. His book deals with traffic accidents. His book deals with traffic accidents. Við hvíldum okkur ein á eftir annarri. We took a rest one after the other. One after another, we rested. Þið verðið enga stund að venjast köldu loftslaginu. You'll all get used to the cold climate in no time. It's just a matter of time before you get used to the cold climate. Hún er með handlegginn í gifsi. She has her arm in a cast. She's got her arm in a cast. Sjúklingurinn mun brátt ná sér af veikindum sínum. The patient will soon recover from his illness. The patient will soon recover from his illness. Fólkið mótmælti lágflugsæfingunum. The people protested against the low altitude flight training. The people protested the low-fly exercises. Liðið þitt er sterkara en okkar. Your team is stronger than ours. Your team is stronger than ours. Þetta er vellagaður vasi. This is a well-formed vase. It's a well-adjusted vase. Nafn mitt er Ozymandias, konungur konunga: Berið verk mín voldug augum og örvæntið! My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Bear my works with great eyes, and despair! Þegar ég opnaði dyrnar sá ég ókunnuga manneskju standa þar. Opening the door, I found a stranger standing there. When I opened the door, I saw a stranger standing there. Hann er vel að sér í hljóðfræði sem og í málvísindum. He is at home in phonetics as well as linguistics. He is well versed in anthropology as well as in grammar. Faðir hennar kemur alltaf seint heim. Her father always comes home late. Her father always comes home late. Það gleður mig að sjá þig aftur. I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad to see you again. Einhver er að kalla á hjálp. Someone is calling for help. Someone's calling for help. Eggaldin, gulrót, tómatur. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Hann gerir hvað sem er ef þú skjallar hann. If you flatter him, he'll do anything. He'll do anything if you flatter him. Hún spurði hann hvort hann væri hamingjusamur. She asked him if he was happy. She asked him if he was happy. Kvörtun viðskiptavinarins varðaði viðkvæmt málefni. The customer's complaint was about a sensitive issue. The client's complaint was of a delicate nature. Ekki fara frá okkur. Don't leave us. Don't leave us. Hann hunsaði ráðin hennar. He ignored her advice. He ignored her advice. Mér finnst ég vera feitur. I think I'm fat. I feel fat. Hún ráðlagði honum ekki að gera það. She advised him not to do that. She did not advise him to do so. Í dag fór ég í verslunarmiðstöðina með móður minni. Today I went to the shopping centre with my mother. Today I went to the mall with my mother. Ég er ólétt. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Settu það vinsamlegast á vigtina. Please put it on the scale. Please put it on the scale. Það er leynistígur á vinstri hönd. There's a secret path on the left. There's a secret path to your left. Draumurinn var mér ráðgáta. The dream was a mystery to me. My dream puzzled me. Af hverju fórstu til Japans? Why did you go to Japan? Why did you go to Japan? Bréfin okkar fóru væntanlega hjá hvort öðru í póstinum. Our letters probably crossed in the mail. I guess our letters went by in the mail. John veit ekki hvað á að gera næst. John doesn't know what to do next. John doesn't know what to do next. Ég hlakka til þess. I'm looking forward to it. I look forward to it. Sonur minn getur lesið á klukku. My son can tell time. My son can read at the clock. Hún lokaði öllum gluggunum á herberginu. She closed all the windows in the room. She shut down all the windows in the room. Ég fer oft að sigla um helgar. I often go sailing on weekends. I often sail on weekends. Ég hef gaman af skíðum. I like skiing. I like skiing. Gefðu mér bjór. Give me some beer. Give me a beer. Þótt ég væri þreytt gerði ég mitt besta. Although I was tired, I did my best. Although I was tired, I did the best I could. Mér líkar þetta ekki. I don't like this. I don't like it. Þú ert næstur til að fá stöðuhækkun. You are the next in line for promotion. You're next for promotion. Hver ætli hafa byrjað þá sögusögn? I wonder who started that rumor. I wonder who started that story. Þessi fugl getur ekki flogið. This bird can't fly. That bird can't fly. Ég mun halda áfram að reykja hvað sem þú segir. I will keep on smoking no matter what you say. I'll keep smoking no matter what you say. Hvaða fagi heldurðu að hann hafi áhuga á? What subject do you think he is interested in? What kind of subject do you think he might be interested in? Hann vissi ekki hvað hann ætti að gera næst. He didn't know what to do next. He didn't know what to do next. Hvað getur það verið? What can it be? What might that be? Hann sagði: "Láttu mig vera." He said: "Leave me alone." He said, "Get off me." Það er ekki hægt að neita þeirri staðreynda að reykingar eru skaðlegar. There is no denying the fact that smoking is harmful. The fact that smoking is harmful cannot be denied. Ég er með einhvern pening á mér. I have some money with me. I got some money on me. Ég mun lána þér hverja þá bók sem þú þarft. I will lend you whatever book you need. I'll lend you any book you need. Hvað ertu með í töskunni þinni? What have you got in your bag? What do you got in your bag? Henni líkar þessir kettir. She likes these cats. She likes these cats. "Ertu búinn?" "Þvert á móti, ég er ekki einu sinni byrjaður." "Have you finished?" "On the contrary, I have not even begun yet." "Are you done?" "In contrast, I haven't even started." Ég braut fótlegginn minn. I broke my leg. I broke my leg. Andinn er að vísu reiðubúinn, en holdið er veikt. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. True, the spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak. Þar sem leigubíllinn okkar bilaði á leiðinni urðum við að labba á stöðina. As our taxi broke down on the way, we had to walk to the station. Since our taxi broke down along the way, we had to walk to the station. Ég hef yfirhöfuð engan áhuga á eðlisfræði. I'm not in the least interested in physics. I have no interest in physics. Þú mátt gista í nótt ef þú vilt. You can spend the night if you want to. You can stay overnight if you want. Þetta er konan sem á veika soninn. That's the woman whose son is sick. This is the woman whose son is sick. Faðir minn dó úr krabbameini. My father died of cancer. My father died of cancer. Tom er með lykilinn. Tom's got the key. Tom has the key. Þú tilheyrir næstu kynslóð. You belong to the next generation. You belong to the next generation. Hún kveikti á lampanum vegna þess að það var dimmt. She switched on the lamp because it was dark. She lit the lamp because it was dark. Þessi regla gildir ekki um neyðartilvik. This rule doesn't apply to emergencies. This rule does not apply to emergencies. Geturðu réttlætt notkun ofbeldis? Can you justify the use of violence? Can you justify the use of violence? Akið varlega. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. Frændi minn rekur hótel. My uncle runs a hotel. My uncle runs a hotel. Það er einungis lítil áhöfn um borð í olíuflutningaskipinu. The tanker has only a small crew on board. There is only a small crew aboard the oil tanker. Þau eru virkilega góð í að búa til föt. They're really good at making clothes. They're really good at making clothes. Hann bað manninn um að hjálpa sér. He asked the man to help him. He asked the man to help him. Bill skráði sig í prófið. Bill signed up for the exam. Bill signed up for the exam. Hvað með að hittast í dag? How about meeting today? How about we meet today? Ég var vanur að vaka langt fram á nótt. I used to stay up long into the night. I used to stay up late into the night. Margir nemendur líta upp til herra Browns. A lot of students look up to Mr Brown. A lot of students look up to Mr. Brown. Vertu hljóður meðan ég er að tala. Be quiet while I'm speaking. Be quiet while I'm talking. Jóni þykir skák skemmtileg. John likes chess. John likes chess. Hvað er opið lengi? How late are you open? How long is it open? Pabbi minn fór að veiða. My father went fishing. My dad started fishing. Förum á ströndina. Let's go to the beach. Let's go to the beach. Hver var að leita að plötubúðinni? Who was looking for the record shop? Who was looking for the record store? Gott að vita. Good to know. Good to know. Þegar þú talar ert þú aðeins að endurtaka það sem þú veist nú þegar. En ef þú hlustar gætir þú lært eitthvað nýtt. When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new. When you talk, you just repeat what you already know, but if you listen, you might learn something new. Hann gerði sitt besta til að bjarga henni. He did his best to rescue her. He did his best to save her. Hún er of stór. It's too large. It's too big. Ég kaupi alltaf vörur í hæsta gæðaflokki, jafnvel þótt þær séu aðeins dýrari. I always buy a top quality product even if it is slightly more expensive. I always buy best quality goods, even if they are more expensive. Það snjóaði í fjóra daga. It snowed for four days. It was snowing for four days. Ég sé illa. I can't see well. I can't see. Hann sóttist eftir atkvæðum okkar. He solicited our votes. He sought our votes. Vinsamlegast skrifaðu mér einstaka sinnum. Please write to me from time to time. Please write to me once in a while. Tatsúo finnst gaman að horfa á flugvélalendingarbúnað. Tatsuo likes looking at aircraft landing gears. Tatsuo likes to watch plane landing equipment. Flýtum okkur. Let's hurry up. Come on, let's go. Hann er ölvaður. He is drunk. He's drunk. Hann spurði mig hvert hann ætti að fara. He asked me where to go. He asked me where to go. Það eru 26 bókstafir í enska stafrófinu. The English alphabet has 26 letters. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. Þú ættir að passa að borða ekki yfir þig. You had better be careful not to overeat. You should be careful not to eat over yourself. Ekki sofna of fljótt. Don't fall asleep too soon. Don't fall asleep too soon. Útlendingurinn vandist fljótt á japanskan mat. The foreigner soon got used to Japanese food. The stranger quickly got used to Japanese food. Þessi dýr voru í hættu með að deyja út. Those animals were in danger of dying out. These animals were in danger of dying out. Hann er um fertugt. He is about forty. He's about 40. John er sá hærri af drengjunum tveimur. John is the taller of the two boys. John is the taller one of the two boys. Ef þú telur þig skilja skammtafræði, þá skilurðu ekki skammtafræði. If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics. If you think you understand math, you don't understand math. Ég er ekki norn. I am not a witch. I'm not a witch. Mér finnst Quechua fáninn fallegur. I think that the Quechua flag is beautiful. I like the Quechua flag. Hún bað hann um að hjálpa föður sínum við að þrífa bílskúrinn. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. She asked him to help her father clean the garage. Þeir eru glaðir sem gleyma öllu. Those are happy, who forget everything. They're happy to forget everything. Hún sættist við vin sinn. She became reconciled with her friend. She made up with her friend. Þú mátt ekki fyrir nokkurn mun gera svona lagað. You must on no account do such a thing. You can't do anything like that for anyone. Ég hitti hana einstaka sinnum á skemmtistaðnum. I meet her on occasion at the club. I met her at the club club every once in a while. Passaðu höfuðið! Watch your head! Watch your head! Hún hefði betur borðað morgunmat. She had better eat breakfast. She'd have better eaten breakfast. Ég hef ekki tíma til að vera veik. I don't have time to be sick. I don't have time to be sick. Ég gerði það svona. I did it like this. That's how I did it. Ákveðin trúarbrögð eru andvíg líffæragjöfum. Certain religions are against organ donation. Certain religions are against organ donors. Pakistan er múslimskt ríki. Pakistan is a Muslim country. Pakistan is a Muslim state. Hann er með eðlilegan hita. His temperature is normal. He has a normal fever. Hún setti heimsmetið í hástökki. She set the world record for the high jump. She put the world record on high speeds. Ég gisti hjá frænda mínum í síðustu viku. I stayed with my uncle last week. I stayed with my uncle last week. Hvernig finnst þér nautakjötskássan? How do you like your beef stew? How do you like the beef stew? Þú lítur alveg eins út og stóri bróðir þinn. You look just like your big brother. You look just like your big brother. Ég hef ekkert að segja þér sem stendur. I have nothing to tell you for the moment. I have nothing to tell you right now. Þetta þarna er húsið hennar. That is her house. That's her house right there. Hann tók ofan. He took off his hat. He took off. Sá er ríkastur hvers nautnir eru ódýrastar. That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. The richest individual pleasure is the cheapest. Ég beið eftir henni þar til það varð dimmt. I waited for her till it got dark. I waited for her until it got dark. Hann var svo ósvífinn að hafna tillögunni minni. He had the presumption to reject my proposal. He was so presumptuous of me to refuse my proposal. Ég býst við því að þú hafir rétt fyrir þér, Jane. I guess you're right, Jane. I guess you're right, Jane. Get ég prufað þennan jakka? Can I try on this jacket? Can I try this jacket? Kína er stærra en Japan. China is bigger than Japan. China is bigger than Japan. Kate hljóp til veitingastaðar föðurs síns. Kate ran to my father's restaurant. Kate ran to her father's restaurant. Hann er unglegur. He looks young. He's young. Það skiptir mig engu hvort hann kemur eða ekki. It makes no difference to me whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter whether he's coming or not. Ég er ekkja. I am a widow. I'm a widow. Ég er að hringja af því að ég hef týnt kreditkortinu mínu. I'm calling because I've lost my credit card. I'm calling because I've lost my credit card. Ekkert er svo hart sem demantur. Nothing is as hard as a diamond. Nothing's so hard as a diamond. Má ég leggja það hérna? May I put it here? Can I park it here? Þú ættir að vita betur en að spurja dömu að aldri. You should know better than to ask a lady her age. You should know better than ask a lady when she's old. Þorirðu að spyrja hann út í það? Dare you ask him about it? You're afraid to ask him about it? Eigandi þessa húss er herra Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr. Yamada. The owner of this house is Mr. Yamada. Önnur hvor okkar verður valin. Either one of us will be chosen. One of us will be chosen. Finnast þér epli ekki góð? Don't you like apples? Don't you like apples? Vertu með okkur. Join us. Stay with us. Við vorum öll þreytt. We were all tired. We were all tired. Af því að það er þarna. Because it is there. Because it's there. Það er skrítið að Ken sé okkur ekki sammála. It is strange for Ken not to agree with us. It's weird that Ken doesn't agree with us. Við borguðum tolla af eðalsteinum. We paid customs on jewels. We paid tolls off precious stones. Fræðilega er enginn munur á fræðum og raunveruleikanum; en í raunveruleikanum er hann til staðar. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. Theoretically, there is no difference between science and reality; but in reality, it exists. "Takk fyrir." "Verði þér að góðu." "Thank you." "You're welcome." "Thank you." "Have a good time." Það líkist snjó, ekki satt? It looks like snow, doesn't it? It looks like snow, doesn't it? Þú þarft ekki að fara í skólann á sunnudaginn. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. You don't have to go to school on Sunday. Ég fann lausn! I found a solution! I figured it out! Ég þarf að fara að pakka. I have to go pack. I need to pack. Ég held að systrum þínum muni líka þessi bók. I think your sister will like this book. I think your sisters will like this book. Viðræður okkar um að lækka útflutningsskatta urðu fyrir bakslagi. Our negotiations to lower export taxes suffered a big setback. Our discussion of reducing export taxes suffered a setback. Geymdu fé á öruggum stað. Keep money in a safe place. Keep money in a safe place. Hún tók ofan hattinn þegar hún gekk inn í herbergið. She removed her hat when she entered the room. She took off her hat when she walked into the room. Jafnvel þótt mér þætti eitthvað undarlegt, vissi ég ekki hvað það var. Even though I felt that there was something strange, I just didn't know what it was. Even if I thought something strange, I didn't know what it was. Var Tom sofandi? Was Tom asleep? Tom was asleep? Húsið hennar er nálægt almenningsgarðinum. Her house is close to the park. Her house is near the park. Ég get ekki gert það upp við mig hvort ég eigi að fara eða ekki. I cannot decide whether to go or not. I can't decide whether to leave or not. Ég veit að þið eruð rík. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Eruð þið nemendur? Are you students? Are you students? Við beygðum fyrir horn og ókum norður. We turned a corner and drove north. We turned around the corner and drove north. Hann mætti í skólann þrátt fyrir að hann væri ekki hraustur. He came to school even though he was unwell. Although he was not healthy, he attended school. Ég er laus í nótt. I'm free tonight. I'm free for the night. Ég gleymi aldrei deginum sem ég sá hann fyrst. I will never forget the day when I first met him. I'll never forget the day I first saw him. Öllum var boðið nema mér. Everyone was invited, except for me. Everyone was invited but me. Líf flestra ákvarðast af umhverfi þeirra. The lives of most people are determined by their environment. Most people's lives are determined by their environment. Ég er með færri nemendur í bekknum mínum í ár en í fyrra. I have fewer students in my class this year than last year. I have fewer students in my class this year than last year. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að kaupa bókina. You need not have bought the book. You wouldn't have had to buy that book. Ég hitti hann í gær þegar hann sagði mér fréttirnar. I met him yesterday, when he told me the news. I met him yesterday when he told me the news. Hún sagði mér frá slysinu með tárin í augunum. She told about the accident with tears in her eyes. She told me about the accident with tears in her eyes. Ég hugsa að það sé tími til kominn að við komumst að samkomulagi. I think it's time for us to come to an agreement. I think it's time we agreed. Ég er ekki lengur kennari þinn. I'm not your teacher anymore. I'm not your teacher anymore. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið reikninginn? May I have the check, please? Could I have the check, please? Hann safnaði upp skuldum. He ran into debt. He raised debt. Okkur tókst loksins að ljúka málinu. We were finally able to settle the matter. We finally finished the case. Finnst þér ekki heldur hlýtt af desember að vera? Don't you think it is rather warm for December? Don't you think it's kind of December too? Gætum við fengið gaffal? Could we have a fork? Could we have a fork? Ég get varla séð án gleraugnanna minna. I can hardly see without my glasses. I can barely see without my glasses. Fyrr eða seinna muntu sjá eftir iðjuleysinu. Sooner or later, you will regret your idleness. Sooner or later, you'll regret your idleness. Ef að heimspekingur er ekki með langt, hvítt skegg, treysti ég honum ekki. If a philosopher doesn't have a long, white beard, I don't trust him. If a philosopher doesn't have a long white beard, I don't trust him. Ég sakna hans. I miss him. I miss him. Ég spyr mig hvort ykkar muni vinna. I wonder which of you will win. I'm asking if you're going to win. Vísindamaðurinn flutti fyrirlestur um uppbyggingu alheimsins. The scientist gave a lecture on the structure of the universe. The scientist gave a lecture on the structure of the universe. Hún man kannski ekki eftir mér en ég man eftir henni. She may not remember me, but I do remember her. She may not remember me, but I remember her. Reyndu aldrei að deyja. Never try to die. Don't ever try to die. Hann er hæsti strákurinn. He is the tallest boy. He's the tallest boy. John reyndi að vekja ekki sofandi barnið. John tried not to wake the sleeping baby. John tried not to awaken the sleeping child. Komdu að hitta mig öðru hverju. Come and see me once in a while. Come see me every once in a while. Íslenska er móðurmálið mitt. Icelandic is my native language. Icelandic is my native language. Ég ætlaði að fara á ströndina í dag en þá fór að rigna. I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain. I was going to the beach today, but it started raining. Ég mundi líklegast tapa. I'd probably lose. I'd probably lose. Eitthvað virðist vera að hljómflutningstækjunum. Something seems to be wrong with the stereo set. There seems to be something going on with the sound transfers. Afsakið klaufaskapinn í mér. Excuse my clumsiness. I'm sorry for my clumsyness. Hvernig sem við förum, verðum við að vera komin þangað fyrir klukkan sjö. However we go, we must get there by seven. No matter how we go, we have to be there by 7:00. Hvar liggur svarið? Where does the answer lie? How Would You Answer? Auðvitað lærði ég um Kína í kennslubókum þegar ég var í Japan, en það sem ég upplifi sjálfur í Kína er allt öðruvísi en það sem lýst er í kennslubókunum. Of course, I learnt about China from textbooks when I was in Japan, but what I see for myself in China is completely different from what is described in those textbooks. Of course, when I was in Japan, I learned about China, but what I personally experience in China is quite different from what is described in the textbooks. Við þurfum að fylla á á næstu bensínstöð. We need to fill up at the next gas station. We need to fill in at the nearest gas station. Ég mun hringja í þig eftir klukkutíma. I will call you in an hour. I'll call you in an hour. Hún stóð og horfði á bátinn á ánni. She stood looking at a boat on the river. She stood and looked at the boat on the river. Hún spurði hann nokkurra spurninga en hann neitaði að svara. She asked him some questions, but he refused to answer. She asked him a few questions, but he refused to answer. Hvenær komstu til Japans? When did you come to Japan? When did you get to Japan? Hann var fjarverandi þann ákveðna dag. He was absent on the particular day. He was absent on that particular day. Dan var að læra að spila á gítar. Dan was learning how to play the guitar. Dan was learning how to play guitar. Við verðum ætíð að verja réttindi okkar. We must always stand up for our rights. We must always defend our rights. Hvað í andskotanum eruð þið að gera? What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing? Sem stendur hefur málamiðlun ekki verið náð. At present, consensus has yet to be reached. At present, compromise has not been reached. Ertu að grínast eða er þér alvara? Are you joking, or are you serious? Are you kidding me or are you serious? Sjúklingnum batnaði smám saman. The patient got better little by little. The patient gradually improved. Við klárum vinnuna þótt það taki okkur allan daginn. We'll finish the work even if it takes us all day. Even if it takes us all day, we finish our job. Ég gleymdi blýantinum mínum. I forgot my pencil. I forgot my pencils. Ég gat ekki gert mig vel skiljanlegan á ensku. I couldn't make myself understood well in English. I couldn't make myself understandable in English. Hann svaraði ekki spurningunni minni. He didn't respond to my question. He didn't answer my question. Fátæka stúlkan brotnaði niður við að heyra fréttirnar. The poor girl broke down upon hearing the news. Listening to the news broke the poor girl's heart. Mig dreymdi vondan draum í gærnótt. I had a bad dream last night. I had a bad dream last night. Hann gengur undir nafninu Kenchan. He goes by the name of Kenchan. He's known as Kenchan. Fullkomin þekking á nokkrum rithöfunum og nokkrum viðfangsefnum er verðmætari en yfirborðskennd þekking á mörgum. A perfect knowledge of a few writers and a few subjects is more valuable than a superficial one of a great many. Complete knowledge of some of the writers and some subjects is more valuable than a superficial knowledge of many. Jim er að vökva garðinn. Jim is watering the garden. Jim's watering the garden. Hún nýtti sér launað leyfið og fór á skíði. She took advantage of her paid vacation and went skiing. She took advantage of the pay permit and skied. Peter hefur verið að finna nýja íbúð í nokkurn tíma. Peter has been trying to find a new apartment for some time. Peter has been finding a new apartment for some time. Hún ráðlagði honum að reykja ekki. She advised him not to smoke. She advised him not to smoke. Við vinnum á hverjum degi fyrir utan sunnudaga. We work every day but Sunday. We work every day outside Sunday. Hún reifst við hann og sló hann svo. She argued with him and then hit him. She fought with him and then struck him. Hvar get ég fengið símkort? Where can I get a telephone card? Where can I get a SIM card? Svaraðu í símann. Answer the phone. Answer the phone. Englendingar eru kurteist fólk. The English are a polite people. Englishmen are polite people. Þessi kvikmyndastjarna á marga aðdáendur. That movie star has many fans. This movie star has many fans. Líður þér allt í lagi? Are you feeling OK? Are you okay? Bill stakk sér í ána til að bjarga drukknandi barninu. Bill dived into the river to save the drowning child. Bill stuck in the river to save the drowning child. Við vorum allar þreyttar. We were all tired. We were all tired. Ég syndi í sjónum á hverjum degi. I swim in the sea every day. I swim in the water every day. Ég veit að þú ert ríkur. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Við ættum að halda hverjum skóla opnum og hverjum kennara í sinni vinnu. We should keep every school open and every teacher in his job. We should keep each school open to each teacher in his work. Hún fór með vinum sínum. She left with her friends. She went with her friends. Þýskaland liggur að Hollandi. Germany adjoins the Netherlands. Germany leads to the Netherlands. Enginn meiddist. Nobody was injured. Nobody got hurt. Vinsamlegast sitjið kyrr. Please remain seated. Please remain seated. Bill kann aðeins í japönsku. Bill can speak a little Japanese. Bill knows only Japanese. Þessi börn eiga engan til að hugsa um þau. Those children have no one to care for them. These children do not have anyone to care for them. Þú ættir ekki að vera úti svona seint. You mustn't stay out that late. You shouldn't be out so late. Af svip hans að dæma er hann ekki að segja sannleikann. Judging from his expression, he is not telling the truth. From his face to judge, he is not telling the truth. Hver skildi dyrnar eftir opnar? Who left the door open? Who left the door open? Veriði komin heim fyrir sex. Come home before six. Be home by 6:00. Það sem þú varst að segja minnir mig á undarlega reynslu sem ég varð fyrir fyrir nokkrum árum. What you have said reminds me of a strange experience I had a few years ago. What you just said reminds me of a strange experience I had a few years ago. Ég er illa kvefuð. I have a bad cold. I got a bad cold. Hvenær get ég synt hérna? When can I swim here? When can I swim here? Vissiru þetta? Did you know this? Did you know? Það sem þú segir er yfirleitt satt. What you say is usually true. What you say is usually true. Hann á mjög dýrt úr. He has a very expensive watch. He's got a very expensive watch. Mér líður eins og þetta muni ekki enda vel. I feel like this isn't going to end well. I feel like this isn't going to end well. Ég starði til baka á hana í undrun. I stared back at her in surprise. I stared back at her in amazement. Hún eyðir miklu fé í bækur. She spends much money on books. She spends a lot of money on books. Hann var enn reiður vegna slyssins þrátt fyrir sáttarorð eiginkonu sinnar. He was still mad about the accident despite his wife's conciliatory words. Despite his wife's reconciliation, he was still angry about the accident. Viltu salad? Would you like some salad? You want some salad? Ertu ekki hamingjusamur? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy? Ég verð að komast út öðru hverju. I have to get out once in a while. I have to get out of here now and then. Ég afbókaði tíma með henni. I canceled an appointment with her. I canceled time with her. Þessir kjólar eru of stórir. These dresses are too large. Those dresses are too big. Afhverju má ég ekki fara? Why can't I go? Why can't I go? Ekki er vitað um neinar stórvægilegar skemmdir eða meiðsl eftir jarðskjálftann sem mældis 3,0 á Richterkvarðann. No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale. No gross damage or injury is known after the earthquake measured by 3.0 on the Richter scale. Þau eru að valda of miklum hávaða. Ég get ekki einbeitt mér. They're making too much noise. I can't concentrate. They're causing too much noise, I can't concentrate. Ég hef ekki sofið í fleiri daga. I haven't slept for days. I haven't slept in more days. Endilega líttu við hjá okkur. Please drop in on us. Why don't you take a look at us? Við kusum frambjóðandann. We voted for the candidate. We chose the candidate. Komdu hingað Jane og farðu þangað Jim. You come here, Jane, and you go over there, Jim. Come here, Jane, and go over there, Jim. Hann var of þreyttur til að halda lengra. He was too tired to go any further. He was too tired to go further. Ég er með góða hugmynd. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Hvað mundir þú gera ef þú værir í mínum sporum? What would you do if you were in my place? If you were me, what would you do? Þessi bók er í eigu skólabókasafnsins. This book belongs to the school library. This book belongs to the library. Vinsamlegast komið eins fljótt og auðið er. Please come as soon as possible. Please come as soon as possible. Meinaru þetta? Did you mean this? You mean this? Ég man daginn sem við hittumst fyrst. I remember the day when we first met. I remember the day we first met. Ekki vera of harður við mig. Don't be too hard on me. Don't be too hard on me. Faðir minn er mér reiður. Father is angry with me. My father is angry with me. Það er búið að sjá um heimferðarmiðann þinn. The ticket for your return journey has been arranged for. Your ticket has been taken care of. Við búum nærri henni. We live near her. We live near her. Loksins eigum við efni á húsi. At last we can afford a house. At last, we can afford a house. Hvernig gerðir þú það? How did you do that? How did you do that? Trúirðu að örlög okkar séu ráðin af stjörnunum? Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars? Do you believe that our destiny is determined by the stars? "Mun hann ná sér bráðlega?" "Ég vona það." "Will he recover soon?" "I hope so." "Will he recover soon?" "I hope so." Hann er rithöfundur. He's an author. He's a writer. Þú átt að biðja hana afsökunar fyrir það. You are to apologize to her for it. You should apologize to her for that. Við fórum á veiðar í skóginum og náðum tveimur dádýrum í gær. We went hunting in the forest and caught two deer yesterday. We went fishing in the woods and got two deer yesterday. Ég þýddi ljóðið eftir bestu getu. I translated the poem as best I could. I translated the poem to the best of my ability. Hún er komin út. She is out now. She's out. Ég hef lagt til hliðar einn fjórða af mínum tekjum síðustu þrjú árin. I have put aside one fourth of my salary for the last three years. I've set aside one-quarter of my income for the last three years. Ljósin hafa logað í alla nótt. The lights have been burning all night. The lights have been burning all night. Þau héldu áfram að vera í Tennessee. They remained in Tennessee. They stayed in Tennessee. Hann ætti að koma aftur hvað úr hverju. He should be back any minute now. He should come back from each. Við höfum ekki tíma. We don't have time. We don't have time. Angelica Pickles er mjög eigingjörn. Angelica Pickles is very selfish. Angelica Pickles is very selfish. Reykingar eru ekki góðar fyrir heilsuna. Smoking is not good for one's health. Smoking is not good for health. Hún er að kaupa tölvuna. She is buying the computer. She's buying the computer. Við hvern er ég að tala? Who am I talking with? Who am I talking to? Ég er með höfuðverk. I have a headache. I have a headache. Það var árið 1912 sem Titanic sökk á sinni fyrstu ferð. It was in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage. It was the year 1912 that the Titanic sank on its first trip. Byrjum. Let's get started. Let's go. Í þá tíð var ég vanur að fara í göngutúr fyrir morgunmat. In those days, I was accustomed to taking a walk before breakfast. In those days, I used to take a walk before breakfast. Það er augljóst af hverju honum er illt í maganum. It's obvious why his stomach hurts. It's obvious why his stomach hurts. Ég náði ekki alveg nafni þessa hönnuðar. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn't quite get the name of that designer. Ég verð því miður að fara núna. I'm afraid I have to go now. I'm sorry, I have to go now. Þær sjóða niður fisk í dósir. They can fish. They boil up fish in cans. Ég skal lána þér penna. I will lend you a pen. I'll lend you a pen. Mundirðu hjálpa mér við að leita að lyklunum mínum? Would you help me look for my keys? Would you help me look for my keys? Hvað mundirðu gera í mínum sporum? What would you do in my place? What would you do if you were me? Við hlupum alla leið á lestarstöðina. We ran all the way to the station. We ran all the way to the train station. Hann sat umkringdur ungum stúlkum. He sat surrounded by young girls. He was surrounded by young girls. Þú verður að taka ofan í herberginu. You must take off your hat in the room. You have to pick up the room. Heildin er meiri en summa hlutanna. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It's more than the sum of it. Ekki þennan hávaða! Don't make such a noise! Not that noise! Jill er eina stelpan í félaginu okkar. Jill is the only girl in our club. Jill's the only girl in our club. Hún talar alltaf hátt við hann. She always speaks to him in a loud voice. She always talks to him loud. John smíðaði bókahillu. John built a bookcase. John built a bookshelf. Ég er ekki í skapi til að drekka bjór í kvöld. I do not feel like drinking beer tonight. I'm not in the mood to drink beer tonight. Trúir þú að það brjótist út stríð? Do you believe war will start? Do you believe it will break out war? Hún sat fyrir hjá frægum málara. She sat for a famous painter. She was ambushed by a famous painter. Þetta er borgin sem ég sagði þér frá. This is the city I told you about. This is the city I told you about. Herra Smith kom. Mr. Smith came. Mr. Smith came. Phoenix er höfuðborg Arizona. Phoenix is the capital of Arizona. Phoenix is Arizona capital. Ertu japanskur? Are you Japanese? Are you Japanese? Það er erfitt á greina á milli þín og bróður þíns. It is hard to distinguish you from your brother. It's hard to tell between you and your brother. Við höfum rætt vandamálið nokkrum sinnum en án nokkurs gagns. We have discussed the problem several times but to no avail. We've discussed the problem a few times, but no good. Hann bankaði á lokaðar dyrnar. He knocked on the closed door. He knocked on the closed door. Hún bað hann um að hringja í sig seinna. She asked him to call her later. She asked him to call her later. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvors tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvorn ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are advantages and problems with both of you, so I'm not gonna decide immediately which side I'm gonna support. Ég keypti úr. I bought a watch. I bought a watch. Jón kom hlaupandi inn í herbergið. John came running into the room. John came running into the room. Útskýring Toms er mjög flókin. Tom's explanation is very elaborate. Tom's explanation is very complex. Ég sá aldrei rauðan ísskáp. I never saw a red fridge. I never saw a red refrigerator. John talaði við viðskiptavin sinn í síma. John talked with his customer on the phone. John spoke to his customer on the phone. Það er hár í súpunni minni. There's a hair in my soup. There's a lot of hair in my soup. Mér finnst það fyndið. I find that funny. I think it's funny. Hvað er símanúmerið hjá þér? What's your phone number? What's your phone number? Jörðin er eins og bolti sem inniheldur stórt segulstál. The earth is like a ball with a big magnet in it. The earth is like a ball containing a large magnetic star. Ég er ófrísk. I am pregnant. I'm pregnant. Sumir Sjanghæbúar halda miklar veislur þegar þeir ganga í hjónaband. Some Shanghainese hold large banquets when they get married. Some Shanghains have large parties when they get married. Ekkert mun stoppa hann. Nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop him. Ekki ganga einn eftir myrkur. Don't walk alone after dark. Don't walk alone after dark. Ertu einkabarn? Are you an only child? You're an only child? Ég fékk mér núðlur í nálægri götu. I had a bowl of noodles at a street nearby. I had noodles on the other side of the street. Krakkar, hlustið! Kids, listen! Guys, listen up! Það þýðir að þótt þau eignast bara tvö börn hvert mun fólksfjöldinn halda áfram að vaxa hratt. That means that even if they only have two children each, the population will continue to grow rapidly. This means that even though they have only two children, the population will continue to grow rapidly. Takmark mitt er að verða læknir. My goal is to become a doctor. My goal is to become a doctor. Sama hvað þú gerir, gerðu þitt besta. No matter what you do, do your best. No matter what you do, do your best. Viltu meiri bjór? Would you like some more beer? Want some more beer? Ekkert fjall í Japan er hærra en Fuji. No mountain in Japan is higher than Mt. Fuji. No mountain in Japan is higher than Fuji. Sólhæðin er tuttugu gráður. The solar altitude is 20 degrees. The sun is 20 degrees. Ferð til Ameríku jafnaði tveggja ára launum hennar. A trip to America was equivalent to a two-year salary for her. Its two - year reward was averaged by a trip to America. Þú ættir að koma strax. You should come at once. You should come right away. Kærastinn þinn verður svo reiður við þig. Your boyfriend is going to be so mad at you. Your boyfriend'll be so angry at you. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er stóll. What is this? This is a chair. It's a chair. Hann borðar oft fisk í kvöldmat. He often eats fish for dinner. He often eats fish for dinner. Hvernig er þessi kennari? How is this teacher? How is this teacher? Flýttu þér eða þú munt ekki ná honum. Hurry up, or you won't catch up with him. Hurry or you're not going to get it. Ekkert verður skapað úr engu. Nothing can be produced out of nothing. Nothing will be created out of nothing. Hvað gæti ég sagt? What could I say? What could I say? Það þarf að vökva blómabeðið. The flower garden needs watering. The flower bed must be watered. Bæ! Goodbye! Bye! Þúsundir útlendinga ferðast til Japans ár hvert. Thousands of foreigners visit Japan every year. Thousands of foreigners travel to Japan each year. Ég heyrði að fjarlægðin á milli Tókýó og Ósaka sé um tíu kílómetrar. I heard that the distance between Tokyo and Osaka is about 10 km. I heard that the distance between Tokyo and Osaka is about ten miles [10 km]. Til allrar hamingju sköðuðust uppskerurnar ekki í fellibylnum. Happily the crops were not harmed by the typhoon. Happily, our crops were not damaged by the hurricane. Eftir því sem ég veit hefur hann ekki verið viðriðinn svindlið. To my knowledge, he has not been involved in the fraud scheme. As far as I know, he hasn't been involved in cheating. Honum finnst gaman að fara í göngutúra. He likes taking walks. He likes to go for walks. Ef þú heldur áfram að drekka svona mikið, kann vel að verða að þú verðir áfengissjúklingur. If you go on drinking so much, you may well end up an alcoholic. If you continue to drink so much, you may well become an alcoholic. Hann er hræddur við föður sinn. He is afraid of his father. He's afraid of his father. Tekurðu það? Will you take it? Are you taking it? Er kvefið Tom's að skána? How's Tom's cold? Is the cold Tom's getting better? Vilt þú meira te? Do you want some more tea? Would you like some more tea? Aldrei í lífinu! Never in a lifetime! Never in life! Þetta er húsið þar sem ég fæddist. This is the house where I was born. This is the house where I was born. Hún ráðlagði honum að drekka meiri mjólk en hann taldi það ekki vera góð ráð. She advised him to drink more milk, but he didn't think this was good advice. She advised him to drink more milk, but he felt that it was not good advice. Fullkomlega umkringdur af hermönnum okkar gafst óvinurinn loksins upp fyrir okkur. Completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally surrendered to us. Perfectly surrounded by our soldiers, the enemy finally gave up for us. Mér tókst það í fyrstu atrennu. I succeeded in my first attempt. I did it at the first hour. Vinsamlegast minntu mig á að hringja í John klukkan níu. Please remind me to call John at nine. Please remind me to call John at 9:00. Það er enginn tími í dag. There's no class today. There's no time today. Húsin eru fimm hundruð ára gömul. The house is five hundred years old. The houses are five hundred years old. Ímyndaðu þér að þú sért með tímavél. Imagine that you have a time machine. Imagine that you have a time machine. Það er mjög ógætilegt af þér að skilja dyrnar eftir opnar. It is very careless of you to leave the door open. You are very unwise to leave the door open. Ég þurfti að ýta hjólinu mínu af því að það sprakk á hjá mér. I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire. I had to push my bike because my bike exploded. Af hreimnum hans að dæma hlýtur hann að vera frá Kjúshú. Judging from his accent, he must be from Kyushu. From his accents, he must be from Khuhua. Þekkir þú mig? Do you know me? You know me? Hún ráðlagði honum að þiggja peningana. She advised him to take the money. She advised him to accept the money. Hann gerði móður sína oft áhyggjufulla. He often worried his mother. He often worried about his mother. Þessi klukka er biluð. This clock is out of order. This clock is broken. Hann reyndi að hætta að reykja nokkrum sinnum en tókst það ekki. He tried to give up smoking several times, but failed. He tried to quit smoking several times, but he could not. Þið eruð læknar. You are doctors. You're doctors. Hvar ætlar þú að fá þér hádegismat í dag? Where will you have lunch today? Where are you having lunch today? Uppáhaldsliðið mitt er Inter Mílanó á Ítalíu. My favorite team is Inter Milano in Italy. My favorite team is Inter Milan, Italy. Hvernig gengur? How are you doing? How's it going? Við erum með tvo hávaxna leikmenn í hafnaboltaliðinu okkar. We have two tall players in our baseball team. We have two tall players in our baseball team. Sama hver kann að setja sig upp á móti þessari áætlun mun ég framfylgja henni. Whoever may object to this plan, I will carry it out. No matter who may oppose this program, I will enforce it. Hún ráðlagði honum að leggja harðar að sér við námið. She advised him to study harder. She advised him to work harder at the study. Það er ykkar val. It's your choice. That's your choice. Ég stóð kyrr. Öll athygli mín einbeitt á hreyfingu fingra hennar. I stood still, my whole attention fixed on the movements of her fingers. I stood still, and all my attention focused on the movement of her fingers. Hann er ákaflega sterkur. He is extremely strong. He's very strong. Hann braust inn í hús. He broke into a house. He broke into a house. Hvað fannst Tom? What did Tom think? What did Tom think? Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til útlanda meðan hann væri enn ungur. She advised him to go abroad while he was still young. She advised him to go abroad while he was still young. Tungumál er mállýska með her og flota. A language is a dialect with an army and navy. Language is an army - and - Navy dialect. Þú ættir að hætta að drekka. You should give up drinking. You should stop drinking. Ég á allar bækurnar. I own all the books. I have all the books. Ég drekk ekki svo mikinn bjór. I don't drink that much beer. I don't drink that much beer. Talar hann ensku? Does he speak English? Does he speak English? Þar sem það var enginn leigubíll varð ég að labba heim. As there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Since there was no taxi, I had to walk home. Gerðu þitt besta. Make an effort. Do your best. Ég er líftryggður. I have life insurance. I have a life insurance policy. John stóð einn í herberginu með handleggina krosslagða. John was standing alone in the room with his arms folded. John stood alone in the room with his arms crossed. Hversu lengi er opið hjá þér? How late are you open? How long do you stay open? Vindinn lægði. The wind calmed down. The wind ceased. Þú ættir að lesa eins margar bækur og þú getur. You should read as many books as you can. You should read as many books as you can. Langt síðan við höfum sést. Long time, no see. Long time no see. Af hverju skyldi hann hafa gert þetta? I wonder why he did that. Why would he do that? Það er að segja, þau áttu nokkur hundruð pund sem þau höfðu ætlað að nota til að kaupa hús strax og þau kæmu. That is to say, they had a few hundred pounds, with which they had intended to buy a house as soon as they arrived. That is to say, they had a few hundred pounds they had used to buy a house as soon as they arrived. Hún ráðlagði honum að stunda meiri líkamsrækt. She advised him to do more exercise. She advised him to exercise more. Hvar er húfan þín? Where is your cap? Where's your hat? Úrið mitt flýtir sér um fimm mínútur á dag. My watch gains five minutes a day. My watch takes off about five minutes a day. Hvað finnst þér um hann? What do you make of him? What do you think of him? Laufin á trjánum verða gul á haustin. The leaves of the trees turn yellow in fall. The leaves on the trees turn yellow in the fall. Við hvíldum okkur einn á eftir öðrum. We took a rest one after the other. We did some rest after someone else. Ég skil ekki hvers vegna fólk er hrætt við nýjar hugmyndir. Ég er hræddur við þær gömlu. I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones. I don't know why people are afraid of new ideas. Slík hugmynd er henni viðurstyggileg. Such an idea is abhorrent to her. Such an idea is disgusting to her. Þú ert veik. Þú verður að hvílast. You're sick. You have to rest. You're sick, you've got to rest. Á ákveðinn hátt hefurðu rétt fyrir þér en ég er þó enn efins. In a way you are right, but I still have doubts. In a certain way, you're right, but I still have doubts. Við búum í samfélagi; ekki bara í hagkerfi. We live in a society; not just in an economy. We live in society, not just in economy. Hún ráðlagði honum af fara fyrr. She advised him to leave earlier. She advised him to leave early. Geturðu núna lagað ónýta dekkið mitt? Can you fix my broken tire now? Now can you fix my damaged tire? Ekki lesa svona bók. Don't read such a book as this. Don't read a book like that. Ég vinn í Mílanó. I work in Milan. I work in Milan. Þessi blekblettur næst ekki úr. This ink stain will not wash out. This ink stain can't get out. Það er of seint að biðjast afsökunar núna. It's too late to apologize now. It's too late to apologize now. Hvar er pabbi þinn? Where is your father? Where's your dad? Þú verður að sjá um hundinn þinn sjálfur. You must take care of your dog yourself. You have to take care of your dog yourself. Kveðjur eru grundvöllur góðra mannasiða. Greetings are the basis of good manners. Greetings are the basis for good manners. Við töluðum saman um stund. We talked to each other for a while. We talked for a while. Þú þarft að vanda valið á bókunum. You have to make a careful choice of books. You need to be careful about the books. Þeir eru ekki góðir. They're no good. They're not good. Ég er búinn að vera upptekinn. I have been busy. I've been busy. Þú ættir að fara heim. You'd better go home. You should go home. Þú verður að yfirstíga erfiðleikana. You have to overcome the difficulties. You've got to get through the trouble. Mér þykir leitt að hafa ónáðað þig svona mikið. I am sorry that I have troubled you so much. I'm sorry I bothered you so much. Hundar geta ekki greint liti í sundur. Dogs can't tell colors apart. Dogs cannot distinguish colours. Leyfum Tom að reyna. We'll let Tom try. Let Tom try. Ég vildi óska að ég væri ung. I wish I were young. I wish I was young. Fótboltaleikurinn er á morgun. The soccer game is tomorrow. The football game is tomorrow. Komdu yfir! Come over! Come over! Hitamælar fara oft undir frostmark. Thermometers often go below zero. Thermostats are often below freezing. Þú verður að læra að vera varkárari. You must learn to be more careful. You have to learn to be more careful. Ég hef séð þennan mann nú þegar. I have already seen this man. I've seen this man already. Eitt tungumál er aldrei nóg. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Ég ferðaðist ein. I traveled by myself. I traveled alone. Hver fann upp símann? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Ekki skamma hana. Hún er of ung til að skilja það. Don't scold her. She's too young to understand. She's too young to understand that. Í því að ég var að fara út fór að rigna. Just as I went to go out, it began to rain. In that I was going out, it started raining. Ég er svolítið svangur. I'm a bit hungry. I'm a little hungry. Það er ekkert grín. It is no joke. That's no joke. Vélin vinnur á eigin spýtur. The machine works by itself. The engine's working on its own. Hvað heitir mamma þín? What's your mother's name? What's your mom's name? Ertu sátt við nýju hárgreiðslu Jill? Do you approve of Jill's new hairstyle? Are you okay with Jill's new haircut? Taktu strætó. Take a bus. Take the bus. Ég vil búa í Brasilíu. I want to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Það var stór jarðskjálfti í gærnótt. There was a big earthquake last night. There was a big earthquake last night. Hún bauð vinum sínum í kvöldmat. She invited her friends to dinner. She invited her friends for dinner. Ég er of gamall fyrir það. I am too old for it. I'm too old for that. Strákurinn tók að gráta. The boy began to cry. The kid started crying. Hún gekk tuttugu mílur á dag. She walked twenty miles a day. She walked 20 miles a day. Ég hef ekki sofið í marga daga. I haven't slept for days. I haven't slept in days. Sjáðu sportbílinn þarna. Look at the sports car over there. Look at that sports van over there. Borðarðu morgunmat heima hjá þér? Do you have breakfast at home? Do you eat breakfast at home? Það gera þrjú þúsund jen. The total comes to 3,000 yen. That's three thousand yens. Við lítum upp til hans vegna þess hve kurteis hann er. We look up to him because of how polite he is. We look up to him because he's so polite. Gerðu svo vel að hjálpa mér með heimavinnuna mína. Please help me with my homework. Please help me with my homework. Klósettið er uppi. The toilet is upstairs. The clock's up. Ég notaði tækifærið til að fara á safnið. I took the opportunity to visit the museum. I took the opportunity to go to the museum. Ég hjálpaði þeim í gær. I helped them yesterday. I helped them last night. Fáir nemendur hafa áhuga á að lesa þessa skáldsögu. Few students are interested in reading this novel. Few students are interested in reading this novel. Það virðist vera í lagi á pappír en ég er ekki viss hvort það muni virka. It seems OK on paper, but I wonder if it's going to work. It seems to be okay on paper, but I'm not sure it'll work. Hann fer aldrei út eftir myrkur. He never goes out after dark. He never leaves after dark. Hvers er þessi bók? Whose is that book? What is this book? Komdu. Come here. Come on. Hún harðsauð eggin. She hard-boiled the eggs. It's hard on the eggs. Enska er sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa. The common language of many Asians is English. English is the common language of many Asians. Það þurfa allir að vinna saman. Everyone needs to work together. Everybody has to work together. Þú hittir hann í háskólanum? You met him at the university? You met him at the university? Þú biður um of mikið. You're asking for too much. You ask for too much. Það var hrikalegur dagur. It was a terrible day. It was a terrible day. Í dag á systir mín afmæli. Today is my sister's birthday. Today's my sister's birthday. Kemur John að hitta okkur á morgun? Will John come to see us tomorrow? Is John coming to see us tomorrow? Hvar ertu, Charles? Where are you, Charles? Charles, where are you? Af hverju keyptirðu sömu myndavél og ég á? Why have you bought the same camera as I have? Why did you buy the same camera I have? Þeim líkar enska. They like English. They like English. John ætlar að segja Lucy frá uppruna ruðnings. John is going to tell Lucy about the origin of rugby. John's going to tell Lucy about the origin of football. Þú hlýtur að hafa vakað lengi frameftir. You must've stayed up late. You must have stayed up late a long time. Peningar eru allstaðar velkomnir. Money is welcome everywhere. Money is all welcome. Hvernig líkar þér Singapúr? How did you like Singapore? How do you like Singapore? Flýtum okkur svo við náum á fundinn á réttum tíma. Let's hurry to be in time for the meeting. Let's hurry up so we can get to the meeting at the right time. Þú hefðir átt að gera eins og hún lagði til. You should have acted on her advice. You should have done as she suggested. Ég á enga peninga, en ég á mér drauma. I don't have any money, but I have dreams. I don't have any money, but I have dreams. Gerðu heimavinnuna þína núna. Do your homework now. Do your homework now. Hver er þín stærsta uppspretta innblásturs? What is your greatest source of inspiration? What is your greatest source of inspiration? Henni líkar þessi bassi. She likes that bass. She likes that bass. Þú verður að passa að gera hann ekki reiðan. You must be careful not to make him angry. You have to be careful not to make him angry. Mistök hans virðast hafa haft eitthvað með persónuleika hans að gera. His failure seems to have something to do with his character. Apparently, his mistakes had something to do with his personality. Við getum hist á næsta ári. I'll be able to see you next year. We can meet next year. John varð skyndilega veikur en Bill gleymdi einfaldlega fundinum. John got suddenly ill, but in the case of Bill, he simply forgot about the meeting. John suddenly became sick, but Bill simply forgot the meeting. Samkvæmt Jóni lokar bankinn klukkan 3 e.h. According to John, the bank closes at 3 p.m. According to John, the bank closes at 3 p.m. Kennarinn getur séð þig. The teacher can see you. The teacher can see you. Er hann að drekka kaffi? Is he drinking coffee? Is he drinking coffee? Ég vissi ekkert. I didn't know anything. I didn't know anything. Ég þvæ sjálfan mig. I wash myself. I wash myself. Hví spurði hann mig allt í einu svona alvörugefinnar spurningar? Why all of a sudden did he ask me such a serious question? Why did he suddenly ask me such a serious question? Þú verður að fara heim undir eins. You must go home at once. You have to go home right now. Við munum ekki líða nokkurn sem á þátt í hryðjuverkum. We will not tolerate anyone who engages in terrorism. We will not tolerate anyone involved in terrorism. Ég er lögreglumaður. I'm a police officer. I'm a police officer. Hr. Fujimori er frægur um allan heim. Mr Fujimori is famous all over the world. Mr. Fujimori is famous all over the world. Takeshi vonast til að fara til London til að læra ensku. Takeshi hopes to go to London to study English. Takeshi hopes to go to London to learn English. Þetta er ekki mín skoðun, bara mín þýðing. This isn't my point of view, it's only my translation! It's not my opinion, it's just my translation. Hún var svo hrædd að hún gat ekki talað. She was so scared that she couldn't speak. She was so scared she couldn't talk. John kallaði á þjóninn hárri röddu. John called for the waiter in a loud voice. John called the slave with a loud voice. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er búð. What is this? This is a shop. What is this? Ég verð að leysa vandamálið á eigin spýtur. I have to solve the problem myself. I have to solve the problem on my own. Hún ráðlagði honum að leggja harðar að sér. She advised him to work harder. She advised him to work harder. Hann ætti að koma. He should come. He should come. Þetta var fögur sjón. It was a beautiful sight. What a beautiful sight! Ég er giftur og á tvö börn. I am married and have two children. I'm married. I have two kids. Ég þarf að fara sofa fyrir miðnætti. I need to go to sleep before midnight. I have to go to sleep by midnight. Ertu með eða á móti þessu? Are you for or against this? Are you in or against this? Halló, ég heiti Nancy. Hello, I am Nancy. Hello, I'm Nancy. Ef þú fylgir mér skal ég sýna þér leiðina á sjúkrahúsið. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. If you follow me, I'll show you the way to the hospital. Niðurstaðan þín er afar umdeilanleg. Your conclusion is highly arguable. Your conclusion is very controversial. Ég hef engan sem mundi ferðast með mér. I don't have anyone who'd travel with me. I have no one who would travel with me. Brandarinn þinn er fyndinn sama hversu oft ég heyri hann. Your joke is funny no matter how many times I hear it. Your joke's funny, no matter how many times I hear it. Regnið fylgir mér hvert sem er! The rain follows me everywhere! The rain will follow me anywhere! Opnaðu dyrnar. Open the door. Open the door. Mín mistök. My mistake. My bad. Farðu aftur í sætið þitt. Go back to your seat. Go back to your seat. Ég kem aftur eftir um það bil klukkutíma. I'll be back in an hour or so. I'll be back in about an hour. En þú sagðir mér þetta aldrei! But you've never told me about this! But you never told me! Lífið er banvænn kynlífssjúkdómur. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a fatal sexual disorder. Hann á tvo ketti. He keeps two cats. He's got two cats. Finndu Púertó Ríkó á korti. Locate Puerto Rico on a map. Find Puerto Rico on a map. Allt er uppselt. Everything's sold out. Everything's sold out. Robert hjálpaði áður fyrr föður sínum í búðinni um helgar. Robert used to help his father in the store on weekends. In the past, Robert helped his father at the store on weekends. Tom sagðist hafa verið að þrífa húsið allan daginn. Tom said that he had been cleaning the house all day. Tom said he was cleaning the house all day. Ég mundi glöð hjálpa þér en ég er mjög upptekin. I would be glad to help you, but I am very busy. I'd be happy to help you, but I'm very busy. John og Mary hafa þekkst síðan 1976. John and Mary have known each other since 1976. John and Mary have known each other since 1976. Ég meina það í einlægni þegar ég segi að ég elska þig. I'm being sincere when I say that I love you. I mean, honestly, when I say I love you. Ég hugsa að það sé hættulegt fyrir þig að fara yfir ána. I think it dangerous for you to cross the river. I think it's dangerous for you to cross the river. Ég kom til Tókíó um hádegi. I arrived in Tokyo at noon. I came to Tokyo at noon. Spilum fótbolta. Let's play soccer. Let's play football. Flettu því upp í orðabókinni. Look it up in the dictionary. Look it up in your dictionary. Það skiptir mig ekki nokkru máli. It doesn't matter to me one bit. It doesn't matter to me. Þú verður að fylgja henni heim. You've got to see her home. You have to take her home. "Varstu ekki á staðnum?" spurði herra Jordan. "Weren't you there?" asked Mr Jordan. "Wasn't you there?" asked Mr. Jordan. Þótt ég sé búinn að ákveða að fara í veisluna hlakka ég ekki til þess. Though I have decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Although I've decided to go to the party, I don't look forward to it. Þessi strákur er klár. That boy is smart. This kid's smart. Þú gætir allt eins haldið því leyndu. You may as well keep it a secret. You might as well keep that a secret. Hún varð ástfangin af bróður vinar síns. She fell in love with her friend's brother. She fell in love with her friend's brother. Kassinn var tómur. The box was empty. The box was empty. Það eru engin dýr að finna á eynni. No animals are to be found on the island. There are no animals on this island. Við héldum utan um öll útgjöld okkar meðan við vorum í Ástralíu. We kept track of all our expenses while we were in Australia. While we were in Australia, we covered all our expenses. Picasso hélt áfram að mála þar til hann var nítíu og eins árs gamall. Picasso kept drawing pictures until he was 91 years old. Picasso continued painting until he was ninety - one years old. Hér er svalt og notalegt. It is nice and cool here. It's cool, it's nice. Ég virkilega naut samræðunnar sem við áttum um stjórnmál. I really enjoyed the talk we had about politics. I really enjoyed the political conversation we had. Vinur hvers er hann? Whose friend is he? Whose friend is he? Kennarinn hafði auga með mér af því að hún hélt að ég væri að svindla. The teacher had her eye on me because she thought I was cheating. The teacher saw me because she thought I was cheating. Hún kom aftur í því að ég var að fara. She came back just as I was leaving. She came back in that I was leaving. Hver er þessi manneskja? Who is this person? Who is this person? Ég þarf fötin þín og hjólið. I need your clothes and bike. I need your clothes and your bike. Þú þarft að læra staðlaða ensku. You have to learn standard English. You need to learn standard English. Ég veit ekki hvað fékk mig til að koma hingað. I don't know what motivated me to come here. I don't know what made me come here. Dyrnar opnuðust. The door opened. The door opened. Hann kom aftur heim þremur dögum síðar. He came back home three days later. He returned home three days later. Hann hefur ekkert auga fyrir kvenfólki. He has no eye for women. He has no eye for women. Ég hlakka til að heyra í þér bráðlega. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. I can't wait to hear you soon. Við hittumst á sunnudaginn. We'll meet on Sunday. We met on Sunday. Hann er að gera úlfalda úr mýflugu. Þessi innsláttarvilla er engan veginn eins slæm og hann heldur fram. He's making a mountain out of a molehill. That typo really isn't as bad as he claims. He's making gnats of gnats, which is by no means as bad as he claims. Ég get ekki gert mig skiljanlega á þýsku. I can't make myself understood in German. I can't make myself understandable in German. Hvar er salernið? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Við erum hér með börnunum okkar. We are here with our children. We're here with our kids. Hann hefndi dauða föður síns. He avenged his father's death. He avenged his father's death. Öllum var sama um þig. No one cared about you. No one cared about you. Ég er ekki í skapi til að borða núna. I'm not in a mood to eat right now. I'm not in the mood to eat right now. Tom hlustaði á hljóð skógarins. Tom listened to the sounds of the forest. Tom listened to the sounds of the forest. Hvernig bjóstu það til? How did you do it? How did you make that up? "Vissirðu að dóttir nágrannans er þegar gift?" "Þú segir ekki! Hún er bara átján ára!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! She's only eighteen!" "Did you know that the neighbor's daughter is already married?" "You don't say! she's only eighteen years old!" Hún á mikið af peningum. She has a lot of money. She's got a lot of money. Ég er að stóla á þig. I'm depending on you. I'm counting on you. Hvar er veitingastaðurinn? Where is the restaurant? Where's the restaurant? Ég var voðalega vonsvikinn þegar ég frétti að ég hefði ekki náð prófinu. I was really disappointed when I found out that I hadn't passed the exam. When I heard that I had not passed the test, I was very disappointed. Ég hlæ að einfeldungshætti hans. I'm laughing at his naïveté. I laugh at his simple ways. Hvaða te drekkur þú? Er sítrónute í lagi? What tea do you drink? Is lemon tea okay? What tea do you drink? Mér þykir vanilluís mjög góður. I like vanilla ice cream very much. I love vanilla ice cream. Af útliti hennar að dæma virðist hún vera mjög rík. Judging from her appearance, she seems to be very rich. From her looks, she seems to be very rich. Hver er uppáhaldið þitt? Who's your favorite? What's your favorite? Ætlarðu að hitta einhvern hérna? Are you meeting someone here? Are you meeting someone here? Hann á þennan bíl. That car is his. This car belongs to him. Ég fór á útsölu með mömmu minni í gær og suðaði í henni að kaupa handa mér kjól. I went to a sale with my mother yesterday and kept hounding her to buy me a dress. I went to a sale with my mom yesterday and gave her a dress to buy me. Vinsamlegast segðu mér frá öllu um vandamálið þitt. Please tell me about your problem. Please tell me everything about your problem. Skurðlæknirinn sannfærði mig um að gangast undir líffæraflutning. The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an organ transplant operation. The surgeon convinced me to undergo an organ transplant. Ekki skella hurðinni. Don't slam the door. Don't tap the door. John hunsaði ráðleggingu mína. John ignored my advice. John ignored my counsel. Hún vill prófa japanskan mat. She wants to try Japanese food. She wants to try Japanese food. Forðum okkur. Löggan er að koma. We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. Let's get out of here, the cops are coming. Teiknum. Let's make a drawing. The drawing. Ég er með timburmenn í dag. I have a hangover today. I've got timbers today. Ég meiddi á mér olnbogann. I hurt my elbow. I hurt my elbow. Tom gæti andmælt. Tom might object. Tom might object. Þú getur stólað á það. You can bank on that. You can count on it. Hvort ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? John mundi ekki svíkja þig. John is not a man to betray you. John wouldn't betray you. Ég hef þekkt Taró í tíu ár. I have known Taro since ten years ago. I've known Taro for ten years. Maðurinn baðst ekki einu sinni afsökunnar fyrir að stíga á fótinn minn. The man did not so much as apologize for stepping on my foot. The man didn't even apologize for stepping on my leg. Hún fylgdi honum til Japan. She accompanied him to Japan. She took him to Japan. Gerið það sem þið viljið. Do whatever you like. Do whatever you want. Ég bað um sæti í reyklausu. I asked for a seat in the no-smoking section. I asked for seats in smoke-free. Ertu tilbúinn? Are you ready? You ready? Hvað viltu? What do you want? What do you want? Þú mátt leggja hérna. You may park here. You can park here. Hún er góð manneskja. She's a good person. She's a good person. Hversvegna fóru þau ekki? Why didn't they go? Why didn't they leave? Það er sjaldgæft að hitta jafn indælt fólk og þig. It's rare to meet nice people like you. It's rare to meet as lovely people as you are. Ég fékk það fyrir skít á priki. I got that for almost nothing. I got it for shit on a stick. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig aftur áður en langt um líður. I'm looking forward to seeing you again before long. I can't wait to see you again before long. Slysið svipti hana einkasyni sínum. The accident deprived her of her only son. The accident took her from her only son. Þú þurftir ekki að flýta þér. You didn't need to hurry. You didn't have to hurry. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig. I look forward to meeting you. I can't wait to see you. Þú ættir að leggja áherslu á þá staðreynd. You should emphasize that fact. You should emphasize that fact. Ég er jafn gömul. I am the same age. I'm just as old. Sendiherra er heiðarleg manneskja sem er send til útlanda til að ljúga landi sínu til góða. An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the good of his country. A messenger is an honest person who is sent abroad to lie his country for good. Verið þið blessuð. Goodbye! Good day to you. Hvernig get ég leyst þetta vandamál? How can I solve this problem? How can I solve this problem? Ég verð að fara núna. I have got to go now. I have to go now. Er baðið tilbúið? Is the bath ready? Is the bath ready? Vinsamlegast útskýrðu af hverju þú getur ekki komið. Please explain why it is that you can't come. Please explain why you cannot come. Við viljum nýtt teppi. We want a new carpet. We want a new blanket. Hann er góður að syngja. He is good at singing. He's good to sing. Ég hef aldrei verið ávörpuð þannig. I've never been spoken to like that. I've never been warned like that before. Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að drekka. She advised him to give up drinking. She advised him to stop drinking. Ég er útlendingur. I'm a foreigner. I'm a foreigner. Við gætum hist niðri í bæ. Væri það hentugt fyrir þig? We could meet downtown. Would that be convenient for you? We could meet downtown, would that be convenient for you? Þú ert ekki nógu gamall til að fara einn í sund. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to go swimming alone. Ætlarðu að fara eitthvert í sumar? Are you going to go anywhere this summer? Are you going somewhere this summer? Hún hjálpaði föður sínum með vinnuna í garðinum. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She helped her father with her garden job. Pabbi minn verður bráðum fertugur. My father will be forty soon. My dad's gonna be 40 soon. Þið verðið að byrja undir eins. You must start at once. You have to start now. Það var kolsvart úti. It was pitch black outside. There was a black out there. Gætirðu gjört svo vel að orða þetta einfaldar. Will you please put that in simpler words? Could you please put it simple? "Var lík í herberginu?" "Nei, þar var ekkert lík." "Was there a dead body in the room?" "No, there was no body there." "Was there a body in the room?" "No, there was no body." Það er augljóst að þú hefur gert þetta áður. It is plain that you have done this before. It's obvious you've done this before. Hún spurði um vinkonu sína. She asked after her friend. She asked about her friend. Þú lítur út fyrir að vera góð. You do look nice. You look good. Hvað þarf ég að gera svo þú veitir mér athygli? What have I got to do so that you'll pay attention to me? What do I have to do so you can pay attention to me? Herra Yamada var svo góður að keyra mig heim. Mr Yamada was kind enough to drive me home. Mr. Yamada was so good to take me home. Ég mun fylgjast með þér. I'll be watching you. I'll be watching you. Mig klæjar í allan líkamann. My body itches all over. My whole body is itchy. Kennarinn sleppti æfingunni á blaðsíðu tuttugu og eitt í bókinni. The teacher omitted the exercise on page 21 of the book. The teacher released the practice on pages 20 and 1 of the book. Hún fékk stöðuhækkun. She was promoted. She got promoted. Ég er þýðandi. I am a translator. I'm a translator. Simbalarnir skullu saman. The cymbals clashed. The Simbals slid together. Talarðu arabísku? Do you speak Arabic? You speak Arabic? Vertu sæll! Goodbye! Goodbye! Ég hugsa að það sé kominn tími á að ég þvoi bílinn minn. I think it's time for me to wash my car. I think it's time for me to wash my car. Komdu hingað niður. Come down here. Come down here. Hvað ertu með þarna? What do you have? What have you got there? Það er ekki til meira salt. There's no more salt. There's no more salt. Stundum reyki ég bara til að gefa höndunum mínum eitthvað til að gera. Sometimes I smoke just to give my hands something to do. Sometimes I smoke just to give my hands something to do. Varstu að kaupa þér nýjan síma? Did you buy a new phone? Did you just buy yourself a new phone? Þau héldu sig í burtu frá staðnum. They stayed away from the place. They stayed away. Ég get hjálpað honum ef hann þarf á því að halda. I can help him if he needs it. I can help him if he needs it. Netið flæktist í skrúfunni. The net got entangled in the screw. The Internet was caught in the propeller. Öðru hverju skilur hann regnhlífina sína eftir í lestinni. Once in a while, he leaves his umbrella on the train. Occasionally, he leaves his umbrella on the train. Já, ég hugsa að þú eigir að fara. Yes, I think you should go. Yeah, I think you should go. Við verðum saman að eilífu. We will be together forever. We'll be together forever. Ég ætla í bæinn. I'm going to town. I'm going into town. Ölstofa er vinsæll samkomustaður þar sem drukkinn er bjór. A pub is a popular gathering place in which to drink beer. A living room is a popular place of drinking beer. Enginn gat fundið hellinn. No one could find the cave. No one could find the cave. Englendingarnir mátu frelsið mikils. The English set a high value on freedom. The English loved freedom. Hún bað hann um að gefa sér pening svo hún gæti farið á veitingastað með vinum sínum. She asked him to give her some money so she could go to a restaurant with her friends. She asked him to give her money so she could go to a restaurant with her friends. Sigrið Risana! Beat the Giants! Beat the Giants! Hví ertu svo dapur? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Hver er uppáhalds spjallþáttastjórnandinn þinn? Who's your favorite talk show host? Who's your favorite chat manager? Það væri ósanngjarnt ef við færum svo illa með hann. It would be unfair if we treated him so badly. It would be unfair if we treated him so badly. Þú ættir alltaf að eyða tíma í hluti sem hjálpa börnunum þínum að komast áfram í lífinu. You should always spend time doing things that help your children get ahead in life. You should always spend time on things that help your children to get ahead in life. Mig langar til að eyða lífinu með þér. I want to spend my life with you. I want to spend my life with you. Í hvaða félagi ertu? Which club do you belong to? What partner are you in? Ég er hræddur um að ég geti það ekki akkúrat núna. I'm afraid I can't right now. I'm afraid I can't do it right now. Hún á að hafa myrt hann. She allegedly murdered him. She's supposed to have killed him. Mun sá dagur rísa er við sjáum þeim steypt af stóli? Will a day come when we see them overthrown? Will the day arise when we see them deposed? Ég er góður í tennis. I'm good at tennis. I'm good at tennis. Ég hef enga hugmynd af hverju hann gerði þetta. I have no idea why he did that. I have no idea why he did this. Taro, gætirðu rétt mér hjálparhönd? Taro, could you help me? Taro, could you give me a hand? Bob varð prestur. Bob became a preacher. Bob became a priest. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. It's never too late to learn. It's never too late to learn. Við höfum búið hérna síðan í júlí. We've been living here since July. We've been living here since July. Þau rak niður ána. They drifted down the river. They ran down the river. Frábært! Awesome! Great! Við stóluðum á dagblöðin fyrir upplýsingar um það. We depended on the newspapers for information about it. We used to consult newspapers for information about it. Sjónvarpsþáttaröðin verður sífellt áhugaverðari. The television serial is getting more and more interesting. The TV program is getting more and more interesting. Ertu með þitt eigið herbergi? Do you have a room of your own? Do you have your own room? Þú ert ábyrg fyrir því sem þú gerir. You are responsible for what you do. You're responsible for what you do. Við beygðum fyrir horn og keyrðum norður. We turned a corner and drove north. We turned for corners and drove north. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. You will never be too old to learn. It's never too late to learn. Hvenær verðum við komin? When do we arrive? When will we be here? Ég er með slæmt kvef. I have a bad cold. I have a bad cold. Sjónvarpið hjálpar okkur að breikka þekkingu okkar. Television helps us widen our knowledge. TV helps us to grow in knowledge. Hún æfir sig alltaf á píanóið fyrir kvöldmatinn. She always practices the piano before dinner. She's always practicing at the piano before dinner. Ég er þyrst. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Ég mundi heldur vilja að þú tækir þér frídag. I would rather you had a day off. I'd rather you take a day off. Hún ráðlagði honum að taka sér hvíld. She advised him to take a rest. She advised him to take a break. Verið er að gera breytingarnar í þessum töluðu orðum. The changes are being made as we speak. The changes are being made in those spoken words. Við höfðum ekki lokið vinnunni okkar áður en bjallan hringdi. We had not finished our work before the bell rang. We hadn't finished our work before the bell rang. Má ég gera það akkúrat núna? May I do it right now? Can I do that right now? Mamma er eldri en pabbi. Mom is older than Dad. My mom's older than my dad. Verð ég að læra? Do I have to study? Do I have to study? Sagan hans getur ekki verið sönn. His story cannot be true. His story cannot be true. Hvernig ferðu í skólann? How do you get to school? How do you go to school? Dyrunum er læst klukkan níu. The door is locked at nine o'clock. Doors are locked at 9:00. Til hamingju! Congratulations! Congratulations! Samkvæmt Jóni lokar bankinn klukkan þrjú. According to John, the bank closes at 3 p.m. According to Johni, the bank closes at three o'clock. Þessi kassi þarna er stærri en þessi hér. That box is bigger than this one. This box is bigger than this one. Lestin gengur á hálftíma fresti. The train runs every thirty minutes. The train walks every half an hour. Þú ert í sokkunum öfugum. You are wearing your socks inside out. You're wearing your socks backwards. Hversu margar töskur ætlarðu að taka í handfarangur? How many pieces of carry-on are you going to take? How many bags are you gonna do with a carry-on? Of seint. Too late. Too late. Hvert er símanúmer Neyðarþjónustunnar? What is the emergency telephone number? What's the number of the emergency service? Passaðu þig á Tom. Look out for Tom. Watch out for Tom. Ég elska snjó. I love snow. I love snow. Ertu þreytt núna? Are you tired now? Are you tired now? Tom er með timburmenn. Tom has a hangover. Tom's got timbers. Hann sýndi mér ljósmyndaalbúmið sitt. He showed his photograph album to me. He showed me his photo album. Hann leit út fyrir að vera ansi þreyttur. He looked quite tired. He looked pretty tired. Þið hlaupið. You run. You run. Eitt augnablik hélt ég að hann hefði brjálast. For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad. For a moment, I thought he was crazy. Annað hvort ykkar þarf að fara þangað. Either you or she has to go there. Either one of you need to go there. Veistu hver Rie Miyazawa er? Do you know who Rie Miyazawa is? Do you know who Rie Miyazawa is? Þú þarft ekki að gera það undir eins. You needn't do it at once. You don't have to do it right away. Reykingar eru vondar fyrir heilsuna. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoking is bad for health. Það var smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There was a little milk left in the bottle. There was some milk left in the bottle. Láttu ekki sjá þig hérna aftur. Don't show your face around here again. Don't come back here again. Gleymdu fortíðinni, lifðu í nútíðinni, hugsaðu um framtíðina. Forget about the past, live the present, think about future. Forget the past, live in the present, think about the future. Það hefur fengið lánað mörg orð frá erlendum tungumálum. It has a great many words borrowed from foreign languages. They have borrowed many words from foreign languages. Góðan dag! Good day! Good morning! Þú ættir að vita betur þetta gamall. You ought to know better at your age. You should know better about this old thing. Hann var fyrsti maðurinn til að fljóta um úti í geimi. He was the first man to float in space. He was the first man to float out in space. Viltu að ég kalli á leigubíl? Would you like me to call a taxi? You want me to call a cab? Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á lögreglustöðina. She advised him to go to the police station. She advised him to go to the police station. "Ég þarf að míga." "Jonny, svona á maður ekki að segja. Segðu: "Afsakið mig, ég þarf að fara á klósettið."" "I have to pee." "Jonny, that's not the right thing to say. Say, 'Excuse me. I need to go to the toilet.'" "I have to pee." "Jonny, that's not how to say." Say, "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom." Ég hef það fínt. I'm doing great. I'm fine. Skarstu blaðið? Did you cut the paper? Did you cut the paper? Hvað þýðir "Tatoeba"? What does "Tatoeba" mean? What does Tatoeba mean? Ég hata pólitík. I hate politics. I hate politics. Hefur hann ekki litið á sjálfan sig í spegli? Hasn't he looked at himself in a mirror? Has he not looked at himself in the mirror? Það sem breytir heiminum eru samskipti; ekki upplýsingar. What changes the world is communication, not information. What changes the world is, not information. Kallaðu strax á lækninn. Call the doctor in immediately. Call your doctor right away. Beiðni okkar um launahækkun var hafnað. Our request for a pay rise was turned down. Our request for a raise was refused. Ég fékk bréf frá vini mínum. I got a letter from my friend. I got a letter from a friend of mine. Það tók að rigna. It started to rain. It started to rain. Þess lags hlutir geta gerst þegar maður er að flýta sér. That sort of thing can happen when you are in haste. That kind of thing can happen when you're in a hurry. Líttu á klukkuna. Look at the clock. Look at the clock. Af hverju fer fólk í bíó? Why do people go to the movies? Why do people go to the movies? Ég faldi mig undir borðinu. I hid under the table. I was hiding under the table. Ég tókst að ná seinustu lestinni. I managed to catch the last train. I managed to catch the last train. Mundu að við erum öll á sama báti. Remember that we are all in the same boat. Remember, we are all in the same boat. Sama hver hringir, segðu að ég sé ekki við. Whoever telephones, tell them I'm out. No matter who calls, tell them I'm not here. Þú ert holdvot. You're wet through. You're fleshy. Hún giftist gegn vilja föður síns. She got married against her father's will. She married against her father's will. Mér þykir það leitt en ég get ekki komið á fundinn í eigin persónu. I'm sorry, but I can't attend the meeting in person. I'm sorry, but I can't come to the meeting in person. Vinsamlegast ákveddu þig í eitt skipti fyrir öll. Please make up your mind once and for all. Please make a decision once and for all. Tré búa til súrefni. Trees make oxygen. Trees make oxygen. Frænka mín gaf mér blóm. My aunt gave me flowers. My aunt gave me flowers. Ég er vanur hávaðanum. I'm used to the noise. I'm used to the noise. Ertu að segja það vegna þess að þú ert hræddur? Are you saying that because you're afraid? Are you saying that because you're scared? Ég hata að taka áhættu. I hate taking risks. I hate taking risks. Hvað með að taka skák í kvöld? How about playing chess tonight? What about taking chess tonight? Þessi maður er mjög, mjög gamall. This man is very, very old. This man is very, very old. Ég var átján þá. I was eighteen then. I was 18. Hverjum gafstu hana? Whom did you give it to? Who did you give it to? Við erum Arabar. We are Arabs. We're Arabs. Hver byggði það? Who built it? Who built it? Sama hversu langan tíma það tekur mun ég ljúka verkinu. No matter how long it takes, I will finish the job. No matter how long it takes, I will finish the job. Setjum saman atvinnumannalið í fótbolta fyrir Nagasaki! Let's put together a pro-soccer team for Nagasaki! Let's put a pro football team together for Nagasaki! Við Tony lékum okkur saman í gær. Tony and I played together yesterday. Tony and I played together last night. Ég verð að flýta mér í tíma. I must hurry to class. I have to hurry to class. Hann er vanur að tala við útlendinga. He is used to talking to foreigners. He is accustomed to talking to foreigners. Svangur maður er reiður maður. A hungry man is an angry man. A hungry man is an angry man. Þessi maður vissi of mikið. That man knew too much. This man knew too much. Ég er hrædd við uglur. I'm afraid of owls. I'm afraid of owls. Hann stendur enn. He is still standing. He's still standing. Hvar er klósettið? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Ég sá það. I saw it. I saw it. Þér er frjálst að fara heim. You are free to go home. You are free to go home. Mágkona mín eignaðist fjögur börn á fimm árum. My sister-in-law had four children in five years. My sister - in - law had four children in five years. Fyrirlestrarnir hans eru mjög langir. His lectures are very long. His lecturers are very long. Ég hef loksins vanist borgarlífinu. I've finally got used to urban life. I've finally gotten used to the city life. Það er lítið af mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There is little milk left in the bottle. There is little milk left in the bottle. Má ég spurja nokkrar spurningar? May I ask a few questions? Can I ask you a few questions? Hann hleypur. He runs. He's running. Jólin eru að koma. Christmas is coming. Christmas is coming. Afsakið, áttu eld? Excuse me, have you got a light? Excuse me, do you have a light? Sjúklingarnir í þessari rannsókn samanstóðu af þrjátíu körlum og tuttugu og fimm konum. The patients in this study consisted of 30 males and 25 females. The patients in this study consisted of thirty men and twenty-five women. Það er synd að þú kemst ekki. It's a pity that you can't come. It's a shame you can't make it. Eftir hverjum ertu að bíða? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Á einhver hérna þetta úr? Does somebody here own this watch? Does anyone here have this watch? Nagoja er austur af Kjótó. Nagoya is to the east of Kyoto. Nagoya is east of Cotto. Sittu bein. Sit up straight. Sit up straight. Loksins birtist hann. At last he appeared. At last he appeared. Hún las metsölubókina undir eins. She lost no time in reading a best-selling novel. She read the bestseller right away. Hversu gömul ertu? How old are you? How old are you? Til hvers er þessi stílabók? What is this notebook for? What is this style book for? Hlaupið! Run! Run! Hvað heitir hann? What is his name? What's his name? Ég er búinn að týna myndavélinni minni. I have lost my camera. I've lost my camera. Hvað ef þú flyttir ræðu og enginn kæmi? What if you gave a speech and nobody came? What if you gave a speech and no one would come? Hvaða háskóla stefnirðu á? Which college are you aiming for? Which university are you headed for? Hún er bókuð alla næstu viku. She is booked up all next week. It's booked all week next week. Þú verður að byggja upp hugrekki. You must build up your courage. You have to build courage. Þeir sem búa í glerhýsum ættu ekki að kasta steinum. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Those living in glass bottles should not throw stones. Hver tekur við af Cynthiu þegar hún fer á eftirlaun. Who'll be taking over from Cynthia when she retires? Who replaces Cynthia when she retires? Það er ekki hægt að vera of varkár þegar maður er að keyra. You can't be too careful when driving. You can't be too careful when driving. Ég man eftir að hafa hitt hann í París. I remember having met him in Paris. I remember seeing him in Paris. Við hlógum að Tom. We laughed at Tom. We laughed at Tom. Foreldrar Johns virtust fegin að heyra að hann var öruggur. John's parents seemed relieved to hear that he was safe. John's parents seemed happy to hear that he was safe. Ég elska bíómyndir. I love movies. I love movies. Ég er timbruð. I have a hangover. I'm hung over. Hún kann að keyra bíl. She can drive a car. She can drive a car. Hann var að koma. He just arrived. He just got here. Þú hefðir átt að koma að hitta mig í gær. You ought to have come to see me yesterday. You should have come to see me yesterday. Mér finnst gaman að hafa nóg að gera. I like having plenty to do. I like having a lot of work to do. Gakktu endilega í bæinn. Do come in, please. Please come in. Afhverju kom Tom? Why did Tom come? Why did Tom come? Ég er svolítið þreyttur. I'm a bit tired. I'm a little tired. Þú verður að vera kominn aftur í síðasta lagi á sunnudaginn. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. You have to be back at the latest on Sunday. Að leikstýra er það sem allir leikarar segjast vilja gera. Directing is what all actors say they want to do. It's what all actors say they want to do. Ertu í fötum? Are you dressed? Are you wearing clothes? Við gerðum eins gott og hægt var úr þessum vondu aðstæðum. We made the best of that bad situation. We did as well as possible out of this bad situation. Það mun spara mér mikil vandræði. That will save me a lot of trouble. It'll save me a lot of trouble. John drakk margar vínflöskur. John drank many bottles of wine. John drank a lot of bottles of wine. Greining á þyngdarbylgjum mun hefja nýtt tímabil í rannsóknum á alheiminum. The observation of gravitational waves will start a new phase in the study of the universe. An analysis of weight waves will start a new period in the studies of the universe. Ég hata stjórnmál. I hate politics. I hate politics. Hvað væri heimurinn án kvenfólks. What would the world be without women? What would the world be without women? Svafst þú vel í dag? Did you sleep well today? Did you sleep well today? Hún á þrjá bræður. She has three brothers. She has three brothers. Ég borða morgunmat á hverjum morgni. I eat breakfast every morning. I eat breakfast every morning. Hefurðu gengið úr skugga um að dyrnar séu læstar? Have you made sure the door is locked? Have you made sure the door is locked? Skoðaðu síðuna mína á Facebook. Visit my Facebook profile. Check my page on Facebook. Hún bjó í Híróshíma þar til hún var tíu. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. She lived in Hiroshima until she was ten. John reyndi án árangurs að leysa vandamálið. John tried in vain to solve the problem. John tried in vain to solve the problem. Hún vann áfram. She kept working. She won. Stúlkan var hrædd við að stökkva niður af þakinu. The girl was afraid to jump down from the roof. The girl was afraid to jump off the roof. Hún er hörmuleg að elda. She is terrible at cooking. She's a disaster at cooking. Útskýring Toms er afar margslungin. Tom's explanation is very elaborate. Tom's explanation is very complex. Það er kirkja nálægt húsinu mínu. There is a church near my house. There's a church near my house. Hann er frá Genf. He comes from Geneva. He's from Geneva. Gætirðu vinsamlegast gefið mér farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you tell me your mobile number please? Could you give me your cell phone number, please? Hún keypti fréttablað. She bought a newspaper. She bought a newspaper. Ég verð sífellt sannfærðari um að hamingja okkar eða óhamingja fari mun frekar eftir því hvernig við mætum atburðunum í lífi okkar en sjálfu eðli atburðanna. I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves. I become increasingly convinced that our happiness or unhappiness are far more likely to go by the way we meet the events in our lives than by the very nature of the events. Það var nóg. That was enough. That was enough. Ég var of fljótur. I was too fast. I was too quick. Tom varð ástfanginn af fallegri þýskri stelpu. Tom fell in love with a beautiful German girl. Tom fell in love with a beautiful German girl. Mér finnst gaman að spila fótbolta. I like to play soccer. I like to play soccer. Hún upplýsti hann um dagsetningu næsta fundar. She advised him of the date for the next meeting. She informed him about the date of the next meeting. Einhvers hryðjuverkamaður er annars frelsisbaráttumaður. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Some terrorist is another freedom fighter. Það var skömm. It was a disgrace. That was a shame. Við ættum að fara. We'd better leave. We should go. Eldri bróðir minn kláraði heimavinnuna sína mjög fljótt. My older brother finished his homework very quickly. My older brother finished his homework very quickly. Ég bý til hádegismat á hverjum degi. I make lunch every day. I make lunch every day. Það verður ekki auðvelt að finna einhvern sem er hæfur til að taka við af honum. It won't be easy finding someone who is qualified to take his place. It will not be easy to find someone qualified to replace him. Ég þarf ný gleraugu. I need new glasses. I need new glasses. Geturðu synt yfir? Can you swim across? Can you swim over? Hver hefur borðað allar smákökurnar? Who has eaten all the cookies? Who's eaten all the cookies? Það er mikið af peningum. There is a lot of money. That's a lot of money. Gætirðu vinsamlegast sagt mér af hverju þú elskar hana? Could you please tell me why you love her? Could you tell me why you love her, please? Matarbirgðir okkar eru þrotnar. Our supply of food is exhausted. We're running out of food supplies. Mary hefur eins aðlaðandi persónuleika og systir hennar. Mary has as attractive a personality as her sister. Mary has as attractive a personality as her sister. Ég var þreytt. I was tired. I was tired. Hún benti á hann. She pointed at him. She pointed at him. Ég er svo þreytt að ég get ekki lært. I am so tired that I can't study. I'm so tired I can't learn. Ég er leiður. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig nú í apríl. I'm looking forward to seeing you this April. I can't wait to see you this April. Gerðu skyssu af húsinu þínu. Make a sketch of your house. Make a mistake about your house. Úr hverju er það gert? What is it made of? What makes this work? Hún keypti tólf egg. She bought a dozen eggs. She bought a dozen eggs. Þú sefur í gestaherberginu. You'll sleep in the guestroom. You're sleeping in the guest room. Mig langar að kynnast þér betur. I would like to get to know you better. I'd like to get to know you better. Flugvöllurinn var lokaður sökum þokunnar. The airport was closed because of the fog. Because of the fog, the airport was closed. Verðið á þessari bók hefur verið lækkað um helming. The price of this book has been reduced by half. The price for this book has been reduced by half. Eldri systir hans er eldri en elsti bróðir minn. His older sister is older than my oldest brother. His older sister is older than my oldest brother. Þú gætir þekkt Tom. I may know Tom. You might know Tom. Berðu setninguna þína saman við þá á töflunni. Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Compare your sentence to those on the tablet. Ég er líka kennari. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher too. Það er lítið að undra að hann telji svo. Small wonder that he thinks so. Little wonder he thinks so! Ég vona það. I hope so. I hope so. Þið verðið að laga ykkur að reglunum. You must conform to the rules. You must conform to the rules. Hann er klár. He's smart. He's smart. Þú verður að viðurkenna mistök þín. You should acknowledge your failure. You have to admit your mistake. Þú nærð aldrei bröndurunum mínum. You never get my jokes. You'll never catch my jokes. Heimurinn okkar er bara einn smár hluti alheimsins. Our world is only one small part of the universe. Our world is just one small part of the universe. Læknirinn er að leita að meðali sem virkar á veikindin. The doctor is looking for medicine that is effective for this illness. Your doctor is looking for an average that works on your illness. Hver tapaði? Who's the loser? Who lost? Liðið okkar keppti við öflugan mótherja. Our team competed with a powerful rival. Our team competed with a powerful opponent. Hann er með blóðnasir. He has a nose bleed. He's got nosebleeds. Þú verður að læra að fylgja fyrirmælum. You must learn to obey instructions. You must learn to follow instructions. Hvenær komstu aftur frá Þýskalandi? When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? Í dag á ég sextán ára afmæli. Today is my sixteenth birthday. Today's my sixteenth birthday. Ég er ekki mjög tónlistarlega sinnaður. I am not very musically inclined. I'm not very musical. Hvar er herbergið þitt? Where is your room? Where's your room? Við ættum að geta klárað verkefnið á fimm dögum. We should be able to complete the work in five days. We should be able to complete the assignment in five days. Þetta gæti hjálpað þér. This may help you. This might help you. Þú hefðir átt að leggja harðar að þér við námið. You had better have studied harder. You should have worked harder to study. "Þú hefur áhuga á svona löguðu?" "Nei, eiginlega ekki." "You're interested in this sort of thing?" "No, not really." "You're interested in this kind of thing?" "No, not really." Hversu langt er til flugvallarins? How far is it to the airport? How far is the airport? Þeir töluðu ekki. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Hver er uppáhalds uppistandsgrínistinn þinn? Who's your favorite stand-up comedian? What's your favorite gig? Hún er þögull kvenmaður. She is a quiet woman. She's a quiet woman. Hr. Johnson var umhugað um fjármagnið sem tapaðist vegna lélegrar stjórnunar. Mr Johnson was concerned about the amount of money that was being lost because of careless management. Mr. Johnson was concerned about the funding lost by poor management. Hún fékk skó frá pabba. She got a pair of shoes from Father. She got a pair of shoes from my dad. Ég mun vera með það tilbúið fyrir þig fyrir morgundaginn. I'll have it ready for you by tomorrow. I'll have it ready for you before tomorrow. Þau vissu ekki. They didn't know. They didn't know. Hún hafði hreina samvisku. She had a clear conscience. She had a clean conscience. Thomas er bróðir minn. Tom is my brother. Thomas is my brother. John á bíl frá Japan. John has a Japanese car. John has a car from Japan. Það mun taka fimm til tíu ár áður en tæknin verður tilbúin. It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready. It will take five to ten years before technology is ready. Það eimir enn eftir af þessari hjátrú meðal þeirra. This superstition still lingers on among them. This superstition is still exhaling among them. Við erum læknar. We are doctors. We're doctors. Hann kynntist nokkrum þorpsbúum. He got acquainted with some villagers. He met some of the villagers. Það sem hún sagði var fullkomlega merkingarlaust. What she said was completely meaningless. What she said was completely meaningless. Hvað mundir þú gera ef heimurinn væri að farast á morgun? What would you do if the world were to come to an end tomorrow? What would you do if the world were to end tomorrow? Hver er þessi strákur sem stendur við dyrnar? Who's that boy standing at the door? Who's that kid standing at the door? Hver á þennan bíl? Whose car is that? Whose car is this? Dyrnar opnast ekki. The door won't open. The door won't open. Ég er ekki í skapi til að hjálpa þér. I don't feel like helping you. I'm not in the mood to help you. Hún elskar Tom meira en ég. She loves Tom more than I do. She loves Tom more than I do. Hversu margar mínútur færðu ef þú breytir 48 klukkutímum í mínútur? How many minutes do you get if you change 48 hours into minutes? How many minutes will you have if you change 48 hours for minutes? Orðum hans og gjörðum ber ekki saman. His words don't line up with his actions. His words and his doings are not in agreement. Ég var upptekinn í gær. I was busy yesterday. I was busy last night. Hún verður of sein í kvöldmatinn. She will be late for dinner. She'll be late for dinner. Enginn getur hjálpað mér. No one can help me. No one can help me. Margir neytendur hafa áhyggjur af heilsufarslegum áhættum erfðabreyttra matvæla. Many consumers are concerned about the health risks of genetically modified food. Many consumers are concerned about the health risks of genetically modified food. En þú? And you? What about you? Myndirnar eru mjög fallegar. The pictures are very beautiful. The pictures are very beautiful. Hið þekkta þarf að greina frá hinu óþekkta. The known must be separated from the unknown. The known must be distinguished from the unknown. Ég var vanur að vaka lengi. I used to stay up late. I used to stay up late. Tom hefur búið í Chicago í ár. Tom has lived in Chicago for a year. Tom's been living in Chicago this year. Tom er sá eini sem kann ekki að meta sterkan mat. Tom is the only one here who doesn't like spicy food. Tom's the only one who doesn't appreciate strong food. Simpansar eru gáfaðar skepnur, færar um að leysa einföld vandamál. The chimpanzee is an intelligent creature, capable of solving simple problems. chimps are intelligent creatures, capable of solving simple problems. Hundurinn tilheyrir mér. The dog is mine. The dog belongs to me. Útlit er blekkjandi. Appearance is deceptive. Looks are deceptive. Ég vildi óska að ég hefði hitt hana. I wish I'd met her. I wish I'd met her. Hér er mitt tækifæri. Here's my chance. Here's my chance. Tom var ekki þreyttur Tom wasn't sleepy. Tom wasn't tired. Setjumst niður og náum andanum. Let's sit down and catch our breath. Let's sit down and breathe. Hún á að hafa drepið hann. She allegedly killed him. She's supposed to have killed him. Ekki ganga svona hratt. Ég get ekki haldið í við þig. Don't walk so fast. I can't keep up with you. I can't keep up with you. Eldhúsdyrnar opnuðust. The kitchen door opened. The kitchen door opened. Ég hlakka til að heyra skoðanir þínar á þessu efni. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. I can't wait to hear your opinion on this subject. Tréð varpaði löngum skugga. The tree cast a long shadow. The tree threw a long shadow. Hér er lykillinn minn. Here is my key. Here's my key. Tom þarf að fara til rakara. Tom needs a haircut. Tom has to go to a barber. Þau segja að það verði byggð stór stífla. They say that a large dam will be built. They say it's going to be a big dam. Ef þú gerir það muntu gera þig að athlægi. If you do that, you're going to subject yourself to ridicule. If you do, you will make yourself a laughingstock. Heilaga rómverska keisaradæmið leið undir lok árið átján hundruð og sex. The Holy Roman Empire came to an end in the year 1806. The Holy Roman Empire ended in 18 hundred and six C.E. Við þurfum ekki að tala um þetta núna. We don't have to talk about this now. We don't have to talk about this right now. Hvernig kom þessi hættulega staða upp? How did this dangerous state come about? How did this dangerous situation develop? Ég vil vera tilbúinn. I want to be ready. I want to be ready. Maðurinn tekur hestana að vatninu. The man takes the horses to the water. The man takes the horses to the lake. Ég sinni mikilvægu hlutverki. I have an important role. I play an important role. Sannaðu það með tilraun. Prove it by experiment. Prove it with an experiment. Ég er ekki neitt þreytt. I'm not at all tired. I'm not tired at all. Láttu mig hafa eina pappírsörk. Give me a sheet of paper. Give me one of those paperbooks. Ég fer á morgun. I'm going tomorrow. I'm leaving tomorrow. Hún var frá skóla vegna kvefs. She was absent from school with a cold. She was from school because of a cold. Ég fann þig. I found you. I found you. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið að nota salernið hjá þér? Can I use your toilet, please? Could I please get to use your bathroom? Slysið átti sér stað nærri þessum gatnamótunum. The accident took place near that intersection. The accident took place near these intersections. Heilinn er bara flókin vél. The brain is just a complicated machine. The brain is just a complicated machine. Það var allt svo auðvelt. It was all so easy. It was all so easy. Hve mitt auma hjarta kvelst. How my poor heart aches! How my miserable heart hurts. Þú ert samviskusöm miðað við hana. Unlike her, you are diligent. You're conscientious about it. Það er stór almenningsgarður nálægt skólanum mínum. There is a big park near my school. There's a big park near my school. Þetta er ekki fyndið! This is not funny! It's not funny! Hvernig get ég haldið áfram? How can I go on? How Can I Continue? Kærastan mín er kínversk. My girlfriend is Chinese. My girlfriend's Chinese. Hún reifst við hann um peninga. She argued with him about money. She fought with him for money. Svín deila ákveðnum einkennum með mönnum. Pigs share certain characteristics with human beings. Pigs share specific symptoms with humans. "Af hverju getur þú ekki verið líkari mér?" "Ég vil ekki vera eins og þú!" "Why can't you be more like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" "Why can't you be more like me?" "I don't want to be like you!" Hvenær munu þau slökkva á reykingarbannsskiltinu? When will they turn off the no-smoking sign? When will they shut down the smoking cold? Kærastinn hennar er hálfviti. Her boyfriend is an idiot. Her boyfriend's an idiot. Það eru nokkrar bækur á borðinu. There are some books on the desk. There are a few books on the table. Það væri betra fyrir þig að halda þig í rúminu í dag. It would be better for you to stay in bed today. It would be better for you to stay in bed today. Ég kenni líffræði og frönsku. I teach biology and French. I teach biology and French. Skurðlæknirinn sannfærði hann um að gangast undir líffæraflutning. The surgeon persuaded him to undergo an organ transplant. The surgeon convinced him to undergo an organ transplant. Þessar myndir eru virkilega fallegar. These pictures are really very beautiful. These are really beautiful. Það þarf að bera hunda. Dogs must be carried. Dogs need to be carried. Hjólbarðinn lekur. The tire leaks air. The tire's leaking. Hún brast í grát strax og hún yfirgaf herbergið. She began to cry as soon as she left the room. She burst into tears as soon as she left the room. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara snemma heim. She advised him to go home early. She advised him to go home early. Hún kom mér til varnar þegar ég var sakaður um ritstuld. She came to my defence when I was accused of plagiarism. It protected me when I was accused of writing. Þekkirðu Tom vel? Do you know Tom well? Do you know Tom well? Þar sem ég er ekki á vakt í dag skulum við fara á ströndina. As I am off duty today, let's go to the beach. Since I'm not on duty today, let's go to the beach. Bill líkist föður sínum að skapgerð. Bill resembles his father in character. Bill looks like his father in character. Þú getur farið hvora leiðina sem er. You can take either road. You can go either way. John var þreyttur af yfirvinnu. John was tired from working overtime. John was tired of overtime. Geturðu hugsanlega hjálpað mér? Can you possibly help me? Could you help me out, please? Við erum jafnir. We are even. We're even. Ég þvæ sokkana mína. I wash my socks. I'll wash my socks. Vinsamlegast gefðu mér brauðbita. Please give me a piece of bread. Give me a piece of bread, please. Gæska hans snerti mig. His kindness touched my heart. His kindness touched me. Stundum veita spurningar okkur meiri upplýsingar en svör. Sometimes, questions provide us with more information than answers. Sometimes questions give us more information than answers. Þú brást mér. You let me down. You let me down. Afhverju ætti ég að borga? Why should I pay? Why should I pay? Ég er búinn með heimavinnuna mína. I have finished my homework. I'm done with my homework. Þegar ég opnaði dyrnar fann ég hann sofandi. When I opened the door, I found him asleep. When I opened the door, I found him sleeping. Við fundum drenginn í fasta svefni. We found the boy fast asleep. We found the boy in constant sleep. Hann á sitt eigið herbergi. He has his own room. He has his own room. Við hvaða kennara varstu að tala? Which teachers were you talking to? What teacher were you talking to? Bill gat ekki fengið Mary til að skilja hvað hann var að segja. Bill was unable to get Mary to understand what he said. Bill couldn't get Mary to understand what he was saying. Feðgarnir voru mjög líkir. The father and his son were very alike. The fathers were very alike. Hún er klædd upp á sitt besta. She is dressed in her best. She's dressed up at her best. Ókei, ekkert mál. OK, no problem. Okay, no problem. Ekki vekja hann. Do not wake him. Don't wake him up. Skurðlæknirinn sannfærði mig um að fara í aðgerð. The surgeon persuaded me to undergo an operation. The surgeon convinced me to go into surgery. Hún er undirbúin fyrir viðtalið á morgun. She is prepared for the interview tomorrow. She's prepared for the interview tomorrow. Hún ráðlagði honum gegn því. She advised him against doing it. She counseled him against it. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sæti. Please have a seat. Please, sit down. Hann er enn á lífi. He is still alive. He's still alive. Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að taka þessi lyf. She advised him to stop taking that medicine. She advised him to stop taking these medications. Hann er ennþá reiður. He is still angry. He's still angry. Tom virtist þreyttur. Tom seemed tired. Tom seemed tired. Það er rétt! That's right! That's right! Tom var nærri drukknaður. Tom almost drowned. Tom was almost drowned. Hún sannfærði mig um að allt væri í lagi. She assured him that everything was OK. She convinced me everything was okay. Hann kvæntist frænku minni. He married my cousin. He married my aunt. Keyrum. Let's go by car. Let's drive. Þú ættir ekki að segja honum neitt um kærustuna þína. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. You shouldn't tell him anything about your girlfriend. Faðir Jóns hefur einhverja frönskuþekkingu. John's father has some knowledge of French. John's father has some French knowledge. Ertu með vekjaraklukku í herberginu þínu? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Do you have an alarm clock in your room? Hún var hissa að hann skyldi mæta. She was surprised at his appearance. She was surprised he showed up. Arsine er eitruð gastegund. Arsine is a poisonous gas. Arsine is a poisonous gas species. Vinsamlegast gleymdu ekki að loka dyrunum. Please don't forget to shut the door. Please don't forget to close the door. Það er töluð enska í Singapúr. English is spoken in Singapore. It's spoken English in Singapore. Bill hélt áfram að gráta í marga tíma. Bill kept on crying for hours. Bill continued to cry for hours. Jón fylgdi Maríu á tónleikana. John accompanied Mary to the concert. John escorted Maria to the concert. Er Mike hættur að drekka? Has Mike quit drinking? Mike doesn't drink anymore? Af hverju varstu ekki hjá okkur? Why didn't you stay with us? Why weren't you with us? Það þýðir ekki neitt. It doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything. Hafið skilur Írland frá Englandi. A sea separates Ireland and England. The sea separates Ireland from England. Hann hafði ekkert svar. He was at a loss for an answer. He had no answer. Gerðu það að syngja lagið einu sinni enn. Sing the song once more, please. Do it one more time. Tom gaf Mary jólagjöf. Tom gave Mary a Christmas present. Tom gave Mary a Christmas gift. Ég var of glaður til að sofa. I was too happy to sleep. I was too happy to sleep. Hún stóð upp og gekk að glugganum. She stood up and walked to the window. She got up and went to the window. Ég veit ekki hvað ég get sagt til að láta þér líða betur. I don't know what to say to make you feel better. I don't know what to say to make you feel better. Þú virðist vera með rangt númer. You seem to have the wrong number. You seem to have the wrong number. Framherjinn skoraði. The forward kicked a goal. The front man scored. Hver hefur borðað allar smákökurnar? Who's eaten all the cookies? Who's eaten all the cookies? Þú vísaðir til föður míns. You referred to my father. You referred to my father. Það er orðið mjög hlýtt. It has become very warm. It's getting very warm. Hjólinu mínu var stolið í nótt. I had my bicycle stolen last night. My bike was stolen last night. Hver er stelpan í bleika kjólnum? Who is the girl in the pink dress? Who's the girl in the pink dress? Verkið verður að vera gert af Tómasi. The work must be done by Tom. This must be done by Thomas. Þú ert ekki nógu gamall til að fara einn að synda. You are not old enough to go swimming by yourself. You're not old enough to go swimming alone. Gjörið svo vel að fá ykkur sæti. Please have a seat. Please, sit down. Ég er ekki Ameríkani. I'm not an American. I'm not an American. Við sjáum mikið af bílum á götunni. We see a lot of cars on the street. We see a lot of cars on the street. Vinsamlegast stígið aftur á bak og haldið ykkur fyrir aftan línuna. Please step back and keep behind the line. Please step back and stay behind the line. Eftir stutta eftirför náði lögreglan honum. After a short pursuit, the police caught him. After a short chase, the police caught him. Húsið stóð í ljósum logum. The house was in flames. The house was on fire. Hvað er klukkan? What time is it? What time is it? Tom var ekki einn. Tom wasn't alone. Tom wasn't alone. Ég þarf kort. I need a map. I need a map. Tölvan er tiltölulega ný uppfinning. The computer is a relatively recent invention. The computer is a relatively new invention. Glæpamennirnir kúguðu himinháar fjárhæðir út úr ríka manninum. The gangsters extorted a vast sum of money from the rich man. The criminals oppressed huge sums of money from the rich man. Sala sígaretta ætti að vera bönnuð. The sale of cigarettes should be banned. Sale cigarette should be banned. Ég er svo þreyttur að ég nenni ekki að læra í kvöld. I'm so tired that I don't feel like studying tonight. I'm so tired I don't want to learn tonight. Án þess að sjá nokkuð í myrkrinu gátum við ekki hreyft okkur. Not seeing anything in the dark, we couldn't move. Without seeing anything in the dark, we could not move. Af skáldsögunum hans líkar mér þessi best. Among his novels, I like this best. From his novels, I like this one the best. Þeim þótti spennandi að spila körfubolta á leikvellinum. They found it exciting to play baseball on the playground. They loved to play basketball in the playground. Ég skal kalla á leigubíl fyrir þig. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call you a cab. Líttu á myndina þarna. Look at that picture. Look at that picture. Augu hennar voru full sorgar. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her eyes were full of grief. Strákurinn sem rær bátnum er vinur minn. The boy rowing the boat is a friend of mine. The boy who takes the boat is my friend. Mér þótti það auðvelt að nota tölvuna. I found it easy to operate the computer. It was easy for me to use the computer. Stærðfræðingar eru skáld, nema hvað þeir þurfa að sanna það sem hugarflug þeirra skapar. Mathematicians are poets, except that they have to prove what their fantasy creates. The mathematicians are poets, except for what they have to prove what their imaginations create. Enska er sameiginlegt tungumál margra Asíubúa. English is a common language for many Asians. English is the common language of many Asians. Takk, það er allt. Thanks, that is all. Thanks, that's all. Fred elti móður mína hvert sem hún fór. Fred followed my mother wherever she went. Fred followed my mother wherever she went. Ég var mjög hamingjusamur. I felt very happy. I was very happy. Joe er brjálaður í stelpuna. Joe's nuts about the girl. Joe's crazy about the girl. Mér kom ekki dúr á auga í gærnótt. I didn't sleep a wink last night. Last night I couldn't sleep. Það er einmitt það sem ég hafði í huga! That's just the thing I had in mind! That's exactly what I had in mind! Ég hef geymt það. I've kept it. I've kept it. Hún hreykir sér að hún sé góður kokkur. She boasts that she's good at cooking. She prides herself on being a good cook. Ég ætla að eyða vikunni í Kanazawa. I am going to spend the weekend in Kanazawa. I'm gonna spend the week in Kaazawa. Það er lítið, ef nokkurt, vatn í tankinum. There's little water in the tank, if any. It's small, if any, water in the tank. Tælenska er opinbera tungumálið í Tælandi. Thai is the official language in Thailand. Thai is the official language in Thailand. Ég skal sækja hana. I'll get it. I'll get it. Sjúklingnum fór fram dag frá degi. The patient was recovering daily. The patient was treated day by day. Mundirðu gjöra svo vel að segja mér fuglaskoðunarsöguna. Would you please tell me the story about bird watching? Will you please tell me the bird's story? Hún veit mikið um nýlegar týskusveiflur. She knows much about recent fashions. She knows a lot about recent style swings. Ég er gift og á tvö börn. I am married and have two children. I'm married. I have two kids. Hann hlýtur að vera eldri en fimmtíu ára. He must be over fifty. He must be over 50. Ég skil þetta ekki. I don't get it. I don't understand. Hún lofaði mér að þrífa herbergið mitt. She promised me to clean my room. She promised me she'd clean up my room. Hvaðan í Kanada ertu? Where are you from in Canada? Where are you from in Canada? Ekki gleyma að taka regnhlíf með þér. Don't forget to take an umbrella with you. Don't forget to take an umbrella with you. Jón fór í göngutúr meðfram ánni. John took a walk along the river. John went for a walk along the river. Góða kvöldið. Good evening. Good evening. Bökum köku. Let's make a cake. Let's make some cake. Þekktiru þetta? Did you know this? Did you know about this? Þýsk stafsetning var fyrst stöðluð árið nítján hundruð og eitt. German spelling was standardised for the first time in nineteen hundred and one. German spelling was first standard in 19 hundred and 1. Þetta er tölvan mín. This is my computer. That's my computer. Ég hef ekkert að gefa. I've nothing to give. I have nothing to give. Ég vil ekki meira. I don't want any more. I don't want any more. Þýskaland gekk í bandalag með Ítalíu. Germany made an alliance with Italy. Germany joined an alliance with Italy. Má ég opna dós? May I open a can? Can I open a can? Vertu sæl! Goodbye! Goodbye! Það er hávaðasamt í íbúðinni við hliðina. It's noisy next door. There's a lot of noise in the apartment next door. Snöggar aðgerðir eru nauðsynlegar. Prompt action is necessary. Quick action is required. Ölflöskur eru úr gleri. Beer bottles are made of glass. Bottles are made of glass. Þú ferð offari í hverju sem þú gerir. You're over-the-top in everything you do. You go higher in whatever you do. Við geymdum heyið í hlöðunni. We stored the hay in the barn. We kept the hay in the barn. Ekkjan var svartklædd. The widow was dressed in black. The widow was wearing black. Mér þykir milt kaffi betra en sterkt. I like weak coffee better than strong. I like soft coffee better than strong. Hann hlýtur að vera saklaus. He must be innocent. He must be innocent. Það hefur verið góð eplauppskera í ár. There has been a good apple harvest this year. There's been some good apple crops this year. John er frændi minn. John is my nephew. John's my cousin. Þessi bók inniheldur margar myndir. This book contains many pictures. This book contains many pictures. Ég er uppgefinn. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Við þögðum öll. All of us were silent. We were all silent. Ég vil ekki horfa á sjónvarpið. I don't want to watch television. I don't want to watch TV. Nefndin samanstendur af vísindamönnum og verkfræðingum. The committee consists of scientists and engineers. The committee consists of scientists and engineers. Sue er með stóran rass en henni stendur á sama. Sue has a big bottom, but she doesn't care. Sue's got a big ass, but she doesn't care. Það slitnaði upp úr samningaviðræðum okkar. Our negotiations broke off. Our negotiations were cut off. Hver er uppáhalds glímukappinn þinn? Who's your favorite wrestler? Who's your favorite wrestler? Stöðin er langt í burtu héðan. The station is far from here. It's a long way from here. Andlitið á Tom er rautt. Tom's face is red. Tom's face is red. Hann vinnur fyrir stórt fréttablað með mjög stórri dreifingu. He works for a big newspaper with a very large circulation. He works for a big news release, with a very large distribution. Hvernig gengur? How is it going? How's it going? Tilgangur ferðar okkar var að fara í nýja verksmiðju. The purpose of our trip is to visit a new factory. Our mission was to go to a new factory. Hann málaði hurðina bláa. He painted the door blue. He painted the blue door. Það var eina færa leiðin. It was the only way to go. It was the only possible way. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig bráðlega. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. I look forward to seeing you soon. Lestu eins margar bækur og þú getur. Read as many books as you can. Read as many books as you can. Við ræddum um margt. We talked of many things. We talked about a lot. Við rannsökuðum málið frá öllum sjónarhornum. We investigated the matter from all angles. We examined the matter from every point of view. Ég get ekki lokið verkinu á svona stuttum tíma. I can't finish the job in such a short time. I can't finish my job in such a short time. Verið þið sæl. Goodbye! Goodbye. Hringdu vinsamlegast í hann. Please give him a call. Please call him. Ég hef aldrei heyrt nokkuð því líkt. I never heard anything like that. I've never heard anything like it. Þetta hús er byggt úr múrsteinum. That house is built of bricks. This house is built of bricks. Við viljum öll að verð lækki. We all want prices to fall. All of us want to be relieved. Það er ströng regla í dagblaðagreinum að annars stigs heimildir séu skýrt merktar sem slíkar. It is a firm rule in newspaper articles that second-hand information is clearly noted as such. There is a strict rule in newspaper articles that separate sources are clearly identified as such. Einhver hefur tekið skóna mína í misgripum. Someone has taken my shoes by mistake. Someone must have mistaken my shoes. Við ættum að lesa eina bók á mánuði hið minnsta. We should read one book a month at least. We should read one book a month at least. Þú ættir að reyna að vera kurteisari. You should try to be more polite. You should try to be more polite. Ætlarðu að skilja dyrnar eftir opnar? Will you leave the door open? You're leaving the door open? Joe var talinn hafa skotið fangann. Joe was believed to have shot the prisoner. Joe was supposed to have shot the prisoner. Það leysir mig undan frekari ábyrgð. That absolves me from further responsibility. It releases me from further responsibility. Hann tók pennann og skrifaði heimilisfangið. He took the pen and wrote the address. He took the pen and wrote the address. Konan mín virkilega hatar ketti. My wife really hates cats. My wife really hates cats. Það er kirkja hinum megin við götuna. There is a church across the street. There's a church across the street. Ég kem heim eins fljótt og ég get. I'll come back home as soon as I can. I'll be home as soon as I can. Stór jarðskjálfti átti sér stað í Mexíkó síðastliðið haust. A large earthquake occurred in Mexico last autumn. A major earthquake occurred in Mexico last fall. Þau stoppuðu til að spjalla. They stopped to talk. They stopped to talk. Vinsamlegast minntu mig á að skila greininni. Please remind me to turn in the paper. Please remind me to return this article. Þú átt eftir að sjá eftir þessu. You're going to regret this. You'll regret it. John er vanur að vaka til miðnættis. John is in the habit of staying up until midnight. John is accustomed to staying up until midnight. Hún verður ekki ánægð. She won't be pleased. She won't be happy. Við höfum notið friðar í meira en fjörtíu ár. We have enjoyed peace for more than forty years. We've enjoyed peace for over 40 years. Bob verður örugglega viðstaddur fundinn. Bob will certainly attend the meeting. I'm sure Bob will be there for the meeting. Var þér sagt að gera svo? Were you told to do so? Did they tell you to do that? Hún er rík, ung, og falleg. She is rich, young, and beautiful. She's rich, young, and beautiful. Svo slæmum hefðum ætti að láta af. Such evil customs should be done away with. It should be such a bad tradition. Þótt ég sé búin að ákveða að fara í veisluna hlakka ég ekki til þess. Though I have decided to go to the party, I'm not looking forward to it. Although I've decided to go to the party, I don't look forward to it. Það er réttlæti That's justice. It Is Justice Það er nærri því ekkert vatn í fötunni. There's almost no water in the bucket. There's almost no water in the bucket. Geturðu leyst dæmið? Could you solve the problem? Can you handle this? Enginn mælti gegn því að velja hann sem formann. Nobody argued against choosing him as chairman. No one said against choosing him as president. Boeing þróaði flugbát fyrir Sjóvarnarliðið. Boeing developed a flying boat for the Maritime Self-Defense Force. Boeun developed a flight boat for the Marine Corps. Ég var að hitta föður þinn rétt í þessu. I met your father just now. I just met your father. Nýjustu tónverk hans eru bara tilbrigði við hans fyrri verk. His latest musical pieces are just variants of his earlier work. His latest works are merely variations in his previous work. Þú vannst! You've won! You won! Gæti ég fengið sneið af ostaköku? Could I have a slice of cheesecake? Could I have a piece of cheesecake? Hann líkist móður sinni. He resembles his mother. He looks like his mother. Herbergið hans er alltaf í röð og reglu. His room is always in good order. His room is always in order. Það virtist sem allir væru óþreyjufullir að ljúka jólainnkaupunum snemma þetta árið. Everyone, it seemed, was anxious to get their Christmas shopping done early this year. It seemed that early this year, everyone was anxious to finish Christmas. Hvað hefurðu verið að gera nýlega? What have you been up to lately? What have you been doing lately? Keyrið varlega. Drive carefully. Drive carefully. 1. Saxið kjúklingabringuna. 1. Finely chop the chicken breast meat. Break the chicken with the 1st. Ég fékk það fyrir næstum ekkert. I got that for almost nothing. I got it for almost nothing. Ég kvefaðist í gær. I caught a cold yesterday. I had a cold yesterday. Við megum ekki eyða orkuauðlindum okkar. We mustn't waste our energy resources. We cannot destroy our energy resources. Við erum vinir á Facebook. We're Facebook friends. We're friends on Facebook. Ef þú ert upptekinn mun ég hjálpa þér. If you're busy, I'll help you. If you're busy, I will help you. Farðu burt! Go away! Go away! Hvernig segirðu "takk" á japönsku? How do you say "thank you" in Japanese? How do you say "hi" to Japanese? Barnið grét alla nóttina. The baby cried all night. The child cried all night. Ekki eyðileggja matarlystina. Don't spoil your appetite. Don't ruin your appetite. Mig langar í tölvu. I want a computer. I want a computer. Ég hafði svo lítinn tíma að ég þurfti að borða hádegismatinn í flýti. I had so little time that I had to eat lunch in a hurry. I had so little time that I had to eat lunch in haste. Fyrirtækið er í jafnri eigu hópanna tveggja. The company is equally owned by the two groups. The company is equal to the two groups. Hún spurði mig hvað hefði orðið af honum en ég vissi það ekki. She asked me what had become of him, but I didn't know. She asked me what happened to him, but I didn't know it. Þetta er lífið. This is the life. It's life. Hvaða snákur er með lengstu vígtennurnar? Which snake has the longest fangs? What snake has the longest teeth of war? Er þetta nýleg mynd? Is it a recent picture? Is this a recent picture? Það er húsið sem þau bjuggu í. That's the house they lived in. It's the house they lived in. Hvað hefurðu verið lengi í Japan? How long have you been in Japan? How long have you been in Japan? Vinsamlegast fáið yður sæti. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Þau eru ekki tilbúin. They're not ready. They're not ready. Mundu að við erum öll á sama báti. Remember that we're all in the same boat. Remember, we are all in the same boat. Tæmdu úr skúffunum. Empty the drawer of its contents. Empty the drawers. Hún bað hann um að fara ekki en hann þurfti að fara í vinnuna. She asked him to stay, but he had to go to work. She asked him not to go, but he had to go to work. Hann sagði mér að hann væri að fara til Ameríku. He told me he was going to America. He told me he was going to America. Ég tognaði. I pulled a muscle. I pulled it. Augnablik. Just a minute. Just a minute. Það er allt í lagi með mig. I'm OK. I'm fine. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort hann kemur seint eða ekki. It doesn't matter whether he comes late or not. It doesn't matter whether he's late or not. Ég er nú búinn að vera að fara í líkamsræktina í sex mánuði en hlýt að vera að gera eitthvað rangt af því að ég sé enn enga framför. I've been going to the gym for six months now but I must be doing something wrong because I still don't see any improvement. I've been working out for six months, but I must be doing something wrong because I'm still not making any progress. Geturðu ímyndað þér ég að baka köku? Can you imagine me making a cake? Can you imagine me making a cake? Ég fer samt. I'll go anyway. I'll go anyway. Annað hvort okkar þarf að fara þangað. Either you or I have to go there. Either one of us has to go there. Þetta er góð grein, fyrir utan nokkrar stafsetningarvillur. It's a good paper, apart from a few spelling mistakes. This is a good article, except for a few spelling errors. Gettu hver er að koma í kvöld. Guess who's coming tonight. Guess who's coming tonight. Hann er ókvæntur. He is unmarried. He's not married. Bill kom alla leið frá Flórída. Bill came all the way from Florida. Bill came all the way from Florida. Ég fór í veisluna bara til að sýna smá félagslyndi. I attended the party just to be sociable. I went to the party just to show a little bit of socialism. Ég hlakka til að borða japanskan mat. I look forward to eating Japanese food. I look forward to eating Japanese food. Ég nota hann. I use it. I'll use it. Þú ert ábyrg fyrir því sem þú hefur gert. You are responsible for what you have done. You're responsible for what you've done. Ekki taka það nærri þér. Don't take it to heart. Don't take it personally. Allt er gott sem endar vel. All is well that ends well. Everything's good that ends well. Satt að segja er ég búinn að gleyma hvað hann heitir. To tell the truth, I've forgotten his name. To tell you the truth, I forgot his name. Ég þekkti samstundis röddina þína. I recognized your voice right away. I knew your voice at once. Það var líklegast það sem hafði áhrif á ákvörðunina þeirra. That was probably what influenced their decision. That was most likely what affected their decision. Fórstu ekki út? Didn't you go out? You went out, didn't you? Hvernig datt þér svona góð afsökun í hug? How did you come up with such a good excuse? How did you come up with such a good excuse? Ef þú heldur áfram að drekka svona mikið geturðu vel orðið alkóhólisti. If you go on drinking so much, you may well end up an alcoholic. If you continue to drink so much, you can become an alcoholic. Við verðum að hefjast handa undir eins. We have to start at once. We've got to get started right away. Frekar en að lifa í hundrað ár sem kanína, lifðu einn dag sem tígur. Rather than live a hundred years as a rabbit, live one day as a tiger. Rather than living for a hundred years as a rabbit, lived one day as a tiger. Mér líkar mjög vel við vinnuna mína. I like my job very much. I really like my work. Efalaust. No doubt. Without a doubt. Hamraðu járnið meðan það er heitt. Strike while the iron is hot. Beat the iron while it's hot. Þegiðu og hlustaðu! Shut up and listen! Shut up and listen! Ég sá hann. I saw him. I saw him. Ekki labba svona hratt. Don't walk so fast. Don't walk so fast. Ertu með eða á móti hugmyndinni hans. Are you for or against his idea? Do you agree or object to his idea? Þú ættir að leggja af stað undir eins. You'd better set off at once. I think you should leave now. Ég er seinn, er það ekki? I'm late, aren't I? I'm late, aren't I? Hún hitti hann fyrir þremur árum. She met him three years ago. She met him three years ago. Kennarinn þinn verður ekki ánægður. Your teacher won't be pleased. Your teacher won't be pleased. Mig langar að syngja lag. I want to sing a song. I want to sing a song. Það er góð hugmynd. That is a good idea. That's a good idea. Ef við mundum fylla textasafnið af ónáttúrulegum setningum eða röngum þýðingum mundi það ekki vera til mikils gagns, eða hvað? Were we to populate the corpus with unnatural sentences or inaccurate translations, this resource wouldn't be of much use, now would it? If we were to fill the lyric collection of unnatural sentences or wrong translations, would that not be of great benefit to us, would it? Vorið kom. Spring arrived. The spring came. Þetta kemur á óvart. This is surprising. This is surprising. Ekki þennan fýlusvip. Don't make such a sour face. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Hér er skemmtileg staðreynd. Here's a fun fact. Here's a fun fact. Þau vinna ekki hót. They are not working even a bit. They don't win a hotel. Stór steinn stóð út í ána frá bakkanum. A big rock stuck out from the bank into the river. A big stone came out into the river from the bank. Ég ætlaði að hafa sótt þig heim í gær. I intended to have called on you yesterday. I was gonna bring you home yesterday. Mér fannst bókin auðveld. I found the book easy. The book seemed easy to me. Líttu á stjörnurnar. Look at the stars. Look at the stars. Það var í fyrsta skipti sem ég fór á safnið. It was the first time that I visited the museum. It was the first time I went to the museum. Ég er góður. I'm doing great. I'm good. Systir mín vinnur hjá bandaríska sendiráðinu í London. My sister works at the United States Embassy in London. My sister works for the U.S. embassy in London. Hún er önnum kafin við að elda kvöldmatinn. She is busy cooking dinner. She's busy making dinner. Þú ferð á markaðinn. You go to the market. You're going to the market. Þú bara getur ekki unnið dag hvern frá morgni til kvölds. Þú verður að taka þér frí öðru hverju. You can't just work all day every day. You need to take a vacation once in a while. You just can't work every day from morning to night. Ég meina það. I mean it. I mean it. Vinsamlegast drepið í vindlingum áður en þið farið inn í safnið. Please put out your cigarettes before entering the museum. Please kill in cigars before entering the museum. Geturðu gert það á einum degi. Can you do it in one day? You can do that in one day. Vinsamlegst haldið ró ykkar. Please remain calm. Please remain calm. Þú verður að tilkynna yfirmönnum þínum niðurstöðurnar. You must inform your superior of the results. You must inform your superiors of the results. Gamli maðurinn var ekki eins illkvittinn og hann leit út fyrir að vera. The old man was not as mean as he looked. The old man was not as mean as he looked. Veðrið í dag er verra en í gær. The weather today is worse than yesterday. The weather today is worse than yesterday. Getum við sagt "nei" við Ameríku? Can we say "No" to America? Can we say "no" to America? Hún tekur tillit til allra kringumstæðna. She takes every circumstance into account. She takes into account all the circumstances. Einhvern daginn kaupi ég kandíflossvél. Someday I'll buy a cotton candy machine. Someday I'll buy a cotton candy machine. Hundurinn minn var alvarlega veikur. My pet dog was seriously ill. My dog was seriously ill. Ég keypti bók um dýr. I bought a book about animals. I bought a book about animals. Trúirðu á Guð? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in God? Bill hringdi í mig í gærnótt. Bill called me last night. Bill called me last night. Ég kemst yfir þig. I'll get over you. I'll get over you. Bill lagði hundrað dollara til hliðar fyrir ferðina. Bill put aside a hundred dollars for his trip. Bill set down a hundred dollars for his trip. Stærðfræði er gott fag. Mathematics is a good subject. Math is a good subject. Ég á ekki kött. I do not have a cat. I don't have a cat. Sjúklingurinn lá í rúminu með lokuð augun. The patient was lying in the bed with his eyes closed. The patient was lying in bed with his eyes closed. Hvað er þetta? What's that? What is that? Ég hugsa að sú staðreynd sé mjög mikilvæg. I think that fact is very important. I think that fact is very important. Skórnir mínir eru of litlir. Ég þarf nýja. My shoes are too small. I need new ones. My shoes are too small. Við verðum að ganga í skóla. We must go to school. We have to go to school. Hún er á mínum aldri. She is about my age. She's my age. Af hverju er hann að horfa á mig eins og hann þekki mig. Why is he looking at me as though he knows me? Why is he looking at me like he knows me? Hvert er uppáhalds forritunarmálið þitt? What's your favorite programming language? What's your favorite programming language? "Veistu hvenær þau koma?" "Klukkan hálf-tólf í kvöld." "Do you know when they will arrive?" "At eleven-thirty this evening." "Do you know when they'll be coming?" "It's half-gun tonight." Þeir geta veitt. They can fish. They can hunt. Hvernig sér hann fyrir sér? How does he gain his living? How does he support himself? Sjúklingurinn er nú úr hættu. The patient is out of danger now. The patient is now out of danger. Þú berð ábyrgð á niðurstöðunni. You are responsible for the result. You are responsible for the conclusion. Hún ráðlagði honum að eyða ekki öllum peningunum sínum á kærustuna sína. She advised him not to spend all his money on his girlfriend. She advised him not to spend all her money on her girlfriend. Ég var glaður í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy last night. Eigum við að vinna saman á morgun? Shall we work together tomorrow? Shall we work together tomorrow? Þú ert mikilvægasta manneskjan í lífi mínu. You are the most important person in my life. You're the most important person in my life. Hvað varstu að gera klukkan níu í gærkveldi? What were you doing at 9 o'clock last night? What were you doing at 9:00 last night? Fletta upp orðinu í orðabókinni. Look up the word in the dictionary. Look up the word in the dictionary. Ég gat heyrt hurðir skellast. I could hear doors slamming. I could hear doors knocking. Ég er frá Egyptalandi. I am from Egypt. I'm from Egypt. Ég á fimm syni. Tveir þeirra eru verkfræðingar, einn er kennari og hinir eru í námi. I have five sons. Two of them are engineers, another is a teacher and the others are students. I have five sons, two of whom are engineers, one is a teacher, and the other are students. Þegar stóri jarðskjálftinn átti sér stað var ég bara tíu ára gamall. When the big earthquake occurred, I was just ten. When the big earthquake struck, I was only ten years old. Vertu hljóð í smá stund. Be quiet for a moment. Just be quiet for a second. Ég spila á fiðlu. I play violin. I play the violin. Þú munt brátt venjast því að búa hér. You will soon get accustomed to living here. You'll soon get used to living here. Þú verður að taka af þér skóna áður en þú gengur inn í hús. You must remove your shoes before entering a house. You have to take your shoes off before you walk into the house. Bill hafði alltaf verið hljóðlátur, heimakær maður en eftir fáeina mánuði í starfinu breyttist persónuleiki hans. Bill had always been a quiet, home-loving man, but after a few months in the job, his personality changed. Bill had always been quiet, a native, but after a few months in the ministry, his personality changed. Þetta var nóg. That was enough. That was enough. Takk fyrir, ég skil allt saman. Thank you, I understand everything. Thank you, I understand everything. Ég veit ekki fyrir víst. I don't know for sure. I don't know for sure. Erfiðar ákvarðanir eru framundan. Tough decisions lie ahead. Tough decisions are ahead of us. Bill býr nærri sjónum. Bill lives near the sea. Bill lives near the ocean. Hann leit eftir börnunum meðan þau voru að synda. He watched after the children as they were swimming. While his children were swimming, he looked after them. Ég kynntist Tom þegar ég var á öðru ári í Harvard. I met Tom when I was a sophomore at Harvard. I met Tom when I was in Harvard the second year. Ég verð að fara, jafnvel þótt það rigni. I have to go even if it rains. I have to go, even if it rains. Þær sjóða fisk niður í dósir. They can fish. They boil fish into cans. Tökumst í hendur. Let's shake hands. Let's shake hands. Hann er að opna gluggann. He is opening the window. He's opening the window. Hann býr ekki í hverfinu mínu. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. He doesn't live in my neighborhood. Hefurðu nokkurntíma heyrt um svo undarlegan sið? Did you ever hear of such a strange custom? Have you ever heard of such a strange custom? Ég þarf að vera á stöðinni klukkan þrjú. I have to be at the station at three o'clock. I have to be at the station at three o'clock. Hún fór að gráta strax og hún yfirgaf herbergið. She began to cry as soon as she left the room. She began to cry as soon as she left the room. Láttu mig fá eina blaðsíðu. Give me a sheet of paper. Give me one page. Flóðbylgjurnar óðu yfir hrísgrjónaakrana og flæddu yfir bæina. Tsunamis swept through rice fields and flooded the towns. The tsunamis overflowed the rice fields and flowed across the towns. Stúlkan undir trénu virðist vera leið. The girl under the tree looks sad. The girl under the tree seems to be a way. Hvar er María? Where is Mary? Where's Maria? Berðu þýðinguna þína saman við þá á töflunni. Compare your translation with the one on the blackboard. Compare your translation to them on the table. Ég elska þig. I love you. I love you. Eldri systir hans er eldri en elsti bróðir minn. His elder sister is older than my eldest brother. His older sister is older than my oldest brother. Lofaðu mér að gera þetta. Let me do that. Promise me you'll do this. Þú þarft ekki að tala svona harkalega til mín. You don't have to use such a harsh tone with me. You don't have to talk so hard to me. Í gær lenti ég í rigningarskúr á leiðinni heim úr göngutúr í garðinum. Yesterday I was caught in a shower on my way home from walking in the park. Yesterday I got caught in a rain shower on my way home from a walk in the park. Ein blaðsíða af sögu er á við heilt bindi af rökfræði. A page of history is worth a volume of logic. One page of history refers to a volume of logic. Ekki gleyma miðanum. Don't forget the ticket. Don't forget the note. Það var öllum ljóst að liðið okkar var sterkara. It was apparent to everybody that our team was stronger. It was clear to everyone that our team was stronger. Gætið hvar þið stígið. Watch your step. Watch your step. Það keyrði bíll framhjá í myrkrinu. A car passed by in the dark. There was a car driving past in the dark. Ég virkilega vildi óska að ég gæti hjálpað. I really wish I could help. I really wish I could help. Hún ráðlagði honum að léttast. She advised him to lose weight. She advised him to lose weight. Þegar ég borga allar mínar skuldir á ég enga peninga eftir. When I pay all my debts, I'll have no money left. When I pay all my debts, I don't have any money left. Það væri skynsamlegra hjá þér ef þú sæir hann ekki aftur. It would be wiser of you not to see him again. You'd be more reasonable if you didn't see him again. Það er bók hérna. There's a book here. There's a book here. Risastóra byggingin virtist snerta himininn. The huge building seemed to touch the sky. The giant building seemed to touch the sky. Taktu bók og lestu hana! Take a book and read it. Take a book and read it! Það gleður mig að heyra þessar fréttir. It pleases me to hear this news. I'm glad to hear that news. Hefurðu nokkurntíma komið til Kjúshú? Have you ever been to Kyushu? Have you ever been to Khuhoo? Hann færði rök fyrir því að nýja stefnan myndi valda efnahagssamdrætti. He argued that the new policy was bound to drive the economy into recession. He reasoned that the new policy would cause economic contractions. Komdu í fyrramálið. Come tomorrow morning. Come in the morning. Hvers er þessi stílabók? Whose notebook is that? What is this style book? Ef einhver getur gert það þá ert það þú. If anyone can do it, it's you. If anyone can do that, it's you. Hann er læs og skrifandi. He can read and write. He's reading and writing. Kanntu að tala ensku? Can you speak English? Can you speak English? Jody lítur út fyrir að hafa séð draug. Jody looks as if she had seen a ghost. Jody looks like he's seen a ghost. Það sem ég er að fara að segja er einungis á milli okkar tveggja. What I'm about to say is strictly between you and me. What I'm about to say is just between you and me. Við getum öll grætt á reynslunni hans. We can all benefit from his experience. We can all profit from his experience. Hverju barni var gefin gjöf. Each child was given a present. Each child was given a gift. Ég heyrði í þér. I heard you. I heard you. Heimurinn okkar er bara lítill hluti alheimsins. Our world is only a tiny part of the universe. Our world is just a small part of the universe. Hvar getum við hist? Where can we meet? Where can we meet? Hún ráðlagði honum að festa bílbeltið. She advised him to fasten his seat belt. She advised him to fasten his seat belt. Mig langar til að kyssa þig. I'd like to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Ég er ekki með það. I haven't got it. I don't have it. Ég er svolítið ryðgaður í stærðfræði. My math is a little rusty. I'm a little rusty in math. Margar húsmæður kvarta yfir háum verðum. Many housewives complain about high prices. Many housewives complain of a high price. Bill er í ritstjórninni. Bill is on the editorial staff. Bill's in the editor's office. Ég ferðaðist einn míns liðs. I traveled by myself. I went alone. Við ráðum við þetta. We can deal with this. We can handle this. Hví reynirðu ekki að haga þér eins og herramaður? Why don't you try to behave like a gentleman? Why don't you try to act like a gentleman? Má ég sitja við hliðina á þér? May I sit next to you? Can I sit next to you? Segðu mér hverjir vinir þínir eru og ég skal segja þér hver þú ert. Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are. Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. Þú ert frjáls til að fara heim. You are free to go home. You're free to go home. Ef við bara ættum garð! If only we had a garden! If only we had a garden! Talandi um Sviss, hefurðu nokkurntíma verið þar um vor? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there in spring? Speaking of Switzerland, have you ever been there that spring? Hann gaf mér þessa bók. He gave me this book. He gave me this book. Ég sé ekki hvað þú ert að meina. I can't see what you mean. I can't see what you're talking about. Gefðu mér annað tækifæri. Please give me another chance. Give me another chance. Ég mun fara aftur til Japans eftir nokkur ár. I'll be visiting Japan again in a few years. I'll be going back to Japan in a few years. Það er erfitt að elska þegar maður veit ekki hvort maður er elskaður jafn mikið og maður elskar. It's hard to love when one doesn't know whether one is loved as much as one loves. It is difficult to love when you do not know if you are loved as much as you love. Það er svo heitt að maður gæti spælt egg á vélarhlíf bíls. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot that you can spit eggs on a car's hood. Ég sá hana ganga meðfram gangstéttarbrúninni. I saw her walking along the kerb. I saw her walk along the sidewalk. Ég kom, ég sá, ég sigraði. I came, I saw, I conquered. I came, I saw, I won. Síst af öllum færi hann að tala illa um aðra. He is the last person to speak ill of others. Most of all, he would be inclined to say bad things about others. Hann er mjög góður að leika á gítar. He's very good at playing guitar. He's very good at playing guitar. Áfengi er enn bannað í nokkrum fylkjum Bandaríkjanna. There are still some dry states in the U.S. In the United States, alcohol is still forbidden. Ég skal kaupa nýjan. I'll buy a new one. I'll buy you a new one. Hann er á þínum aldri. He is about your age. He's your age. Hún á fallega dúkku. She has a pretty doll. She has a beautiful doll. Tom bað ekki. Tom didn't pray. Tom didn't pray. Hann býr hér ekki lengur. He no longer lives here. He doesn't live here anymore. Geturðu synt eins hratt og hann? Can you swim as fast as he? Can you swim as fast as he is? Fyrir hvaða manneskju finnst þér skemmtilegast að elda? Who's your favorite person to cook for? Which person do you like to cook most? Bill talaði japönsku með undraverðri leikni. Bill spoke Japanese with surprising fluency. Bill spoke Japanese with amazing skill. Svo pirrandi... Nú fæ ég höfuðverk í hvert skipti sem ég nota tölvuna! So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer! So annoying, now I get a headache every time I use my computer! John var annar frábær leikmaður. John was another great player. John was another great player. Flýtið ykkur eða þið munuð ekki ná honum. Hurry up, or you won't catch up with him. Hurry up or you won't get it. Hleyptu mér út! Let me out! Let me out! Ég er laus í dag. I'm free today. I'm free today. Við töpuðum á því verki. We lost on that job. We lost that job. Ég banna þér að reykja. I forbid you to smoke. I won't let you smoke. Þau eru gott fólk. They are good people. They're good people. Hann lenti í slysi. He had an accident. He had an accident. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara ekki þangað einsamall. She advised him not to go there by himself. She advised him not to go there alone. Ég sé það ekki. I don't see it. I don't see it. Peter er mjög hávaxinn. Hann líkist föður sínum. Peter's very tall. He takes after his father. Peter's very tall, he looks like his father. Hún réðst á hann með hnefunum. She attacked him with her fists. She attacked him with her fists. Hún ráðlagði honum að taka fyrstu lestina um morguninn. She advised him to catch the first train in the morning. She advised him to take the first train in the morning. Það er orðrómur um að John og Sue muni giftast. There is a rumor that John and Sue will get married. There's a rumor that John and Sue will be married. Ég hata vinnuna mína. I hate my job. I hate my job. Þú varst of seinn í vinnuna. You were late for work. You were late for work. Mér er alveg skítsama um það! I don't give a damn about it! I don't give a shit about that! Hún kom heim í fyrsta skipti í fimm ár. She came home for the first time in five years. She came home for the first time in five years. Ekki spurja hvað þau hugsa. Spurðu hvað þau gera. Don't ask what they think. Ask what they do. Don't ask what they're thinking. Ask what they're doing. Hún sagði honum frá dagsetningu næsta fundar. She advised him of the date for the next meeting. She told him about the date of the next meeting. Ekki vera svona gráðugur eða þú færð á endanum ekki neitt. Don't be so greedy or you'll wind up with nothing. Don't be so greedy or you'll get nothing. Ekki bregðast mér. Don't let me down. Don't let me down. Ekkert okkar langar til að fara, en annað hvort þú eða konan þín þarf að fara. None of us want to go, but either you or your wife has to go. None of us want to go, but either you or your wife has to leave. Ég er Sapporóbúi. I am a citizen of Sapporo. I'm Saporvolio. Ísak var einn leiðtoga Gyðinga. Isaac was a leader of the Jewish people. Isaac was one of the Jewish leaders. Þú hleypur. You run. You're running. Sjóddu vatnið. Bring the water to the boil. Pick up the water. Systkini mín hafa látið mér það eftir að sjá um aldraðra móður mína. My siblings have left it to me to take care of my aging mother. My siblings have left it to me after taking care of my aged mother. Honum mistókst að vekja Harry. He failed to wake Harry up. He failed to wake Harry. Við stöndum frammi fyrir nýjum tegundum sjúkdóma. We are faced with new kinds of diseases. We face new types of disease. Skemmtið ykkur vel. Have a nice time. Have fun. Gæti ég vinsamlegast fengið annan bjór? Could I get one more beer, please? Could I have another beer, please? Hann er mikill vísindaskáldsöguaðdáandi. He is a big science fiction fan. He's a great science novelist. Ég get engan veginn hjálpað þér. I cannot possibly help you. I can't help you at all. Opnaðu flöskuna. Open the bottle. Open the bottle. Hún keypti kjúkling. She bought chicken. She bought chicken. Sama hvað þú segir, ég mun aldrei trúa þér. No matter what you say, I will never believe you. No matter what you say, I'll never believe you. Þú verður að búa um þitt eigið rúm hér. You have to make your own bed here. You have to make your own bed here. Risarnir töpuðu leiknum með tuttugu stigum. The Giants lost the game by 20 points. The giants lost the game by 20 points. Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðurinn útilokaði nokkur ný lán til landsins. The IMF ruled out any new loans to that country. The World Cash Fund excluded a few new loans to the country. Við gistum á hóteli við vatnið um nóttina. We put up at a lakeside hotel for the night. We stayed at a hotel near the lake that night. Tom olli mér vonbrigðum. Tom disappointed me. Tom disappointed me. Að tala frönsku er erfitt. To speak French is difficult. Speaking French is difficult. Það fer eftir því hvað þú meinar með því "að trúa" á Guð. It depends what you mean by "believe" in God. That depends on what you mean by " exercise faith ' in God. Allt sem má misskilja verður misskilið. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. Everything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. Hann er mjög hrifinn af vísindaskáldskap. He's very fond of science fiction. He really likes science fiction. Það var ekki hvað hann sagði heldur hvernig hann sagði það sem gerði mig tortrygginn. It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious. It was not what he said but how he said what made me suspicious. Áttu bíl? Do you have a car? You got a car? Sue skráði sig inn á Royal Hotel. Sue checked in at the Royal Hotel. Sue checked in on the Royal Hotel. Hann kom með strætó. He came by bus. He brought the bus. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig bráðum aftur. I look forward to meeting you again soon. I look forward to seeing you soon. Mig skortir heppni svo ég spila ekki í spilakössum og kaupi ekki lottómiða. I don't have good luck, so I don't play pachinko or buy lottery tickets. I don't have any luck, so I don't play cards and I don't buy a lottery. Hví ertu svona reið? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Þú hefðir átt að vita betur en að taka próf án þess að undirbúa þig. You should have known better than to take an examination without preparing for it. You should have known better than to take a test without getting ready. Þau geta veitt. They can fish. They can hunt. Bill var mjög elskaður af hinum börnunum í skólanum. Bill was much loved by the other children in his school. Bill was very loved by the other children at school. Ég veit ekki hvort þú munir eftir mér. I don't know if you remember me. I don't know if you remember me. Bandamenn gerðu mjög ósannfærandi tilraun til að hjálpa Rússum. The Allies made a very unconvincing attempt to help the Russians. The Allies made a very unconvincing attempt to help the Russians. Margar stjörnur blika á himni. Many stars are twinkling in the sky. There are many stars shining in the sky. Ég var í burtu í allan dag. I was out all day. I was gone all day. Ég hef ekkert að segja um það mál. I don't have anything to say on that subject. I have nothing to say about that. Það mundi gleðja hann að heyra það. He would be glad to hear that. It would make him happy to hear it. Það var ekki þar sem Tom sagði að það yrði. It wasn't where Tom said it would be. It wasn't where Tom said it would be. Ég er að leita að fastri vinnu. I'm looking for some regular work. I'm looking for a steady job. Ég hef einu sinni siglt upp Thames ána. I have sailed up the Thames once. I've once sailed up the Thames River. Við borðum fisk hráan. We eat fish raw. We eat fish raw. Lögreglan bar fingraförin á byssunni við þau á hurðinni. The police compared the fingerprints on the gun with those on the door. The police carried their fingerprints against them on the door. Það er engin önnur leið til að skilja setninguna. There is no other way to understand the sentence. There's no other way to understand the sentence. Ég vil helst ekki fara. I would rather not go. I'd rather not go. Hann fann leigubíl fyrir mig. He found me a taxi. He found me a cab. Dómarinn dæmdi hann í eins árs fangelsi. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge sentenced him to one year in prison. Við getum ekki farið strax. Við þurfum að bíða eftir Tom. We can't leave yet. We need to wait for Tom. We can't leave yet, we have to wait for Tom. Hún missti af tækifærinu til að sjá fræga söngvarann. She missed her chance to see the famous singer. She missed her chance to see the famous singer. Hvað heitirðu? What is your name? What's your name? Hún hringir ekki í kvöld. She won't call this evening. She won't call me tonight. Það er að birta úti. It is getting lighter outside. It's lighting outside. Hann hafði mikinn áhuga á ferðalögum. He had a great fancy for traveling. He was very interested in traveling. Það varð vinsælt meðal ungs fólks að klæðast veiðistígvélum. It became popular among young people to wear hunting boots. Wearing hunting boots became popular among young people. Ég á hund. I have a dog. I have a dog. Við leggjum af stað til Ósaka í fyrramálið. We start for Osaka tomorrow morning. We're leaving for Osaka in the morning. Tom er ekki að fara á markaðinn. Tom isn't going to the market. Tom's not going to market. Betra er seint en aldrei. Better late than never. Better late than never. Mig langar að fá að tala við herra Sató, takk. I want to speak to Mr. Sato, please. I'd like to speak to Mr. Sato, please. Hvað ertu kominn langt á veg? How far along are you? How far have you gone? Hún er alveg jafn falleg og móðir hennar. She is just as beautiful as her mother. She's just as pretty as her mother. Þú ert of klár til að leysa ekki erfiða dæmið. You are too clever not to solve the hard problem. You're too smart not to solve the difficult thing. Hún bað hann afsökunar fyrir að vera sein. She apologized to him for being late. She apologized for being late. Ég er ekki vitund þreytt. I'm not at all tired. I'm not a bit tired. Allir meðlimir hafa aðgang að þessum bókum. All members have access to these books. All members have access to these books. Maðurinn er tilfinningavera. Man is a creature of emotion. The man is an emotional being. það væri frábært ef ég gæti talað þrjú tungumál. It would be cool if I could speak three languages. It would be great if I could speak three languages. Líkar þér japanskur matur? Do you like Japanese food? Do you like Japanese food? John fer stundum yfirum í drykkju. John sometime goes overboard in drinking. John sometimes goes to drinking. Hvert ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Verð ég að fara þangað undir eins? Must I go there at once? Do I have to go there right away? Þú verður að gera það undir eins. You must do it at once. You have to do it right away. Reikninginn, takk. Check, please. Check, please. Þessu var ofgert. It was excessive. It was overworked. Þú ert hávaxin en hann er enn hærri. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's still taller. "Komdu og sjáðu," sagði Philip. "Come and see," said Philip. "Come and see," said Philip. Það er smá mjólk eftir í flöskunni. There is a little milk left in the bottle. There is some milk left in the bottle. Sólin er ekki gul á kvöldin. Hún er appelsínugul. The sun isn't yellow in the evening. It's orange. The sun isn't yellow at night. Hvað sem öðru líður er ég ósammála skoðun þinni. Anyway, I disagree with your opinion. Either way, I disagree with your opinion. Ást blindaði hann göllum hennar. Love blinded him to her faults. Love blinded her faults. Í bekknum voru fimmtán strákar og jafn margar stelpur. The class was made up of 15 boys and as many girls. In class there were 15 boys and just as many girls. Ég er ekki í skapi til að fara út. I don't feel like going out. I'm not in the mood to go out. Í dag er afmælisdagur systur minnar. Today is my sister's birthday. Today is my sister's birthday. Hann er mjög heiðarlegur. He is very honest. He's very honest. Ég reyki ekki. I don't smoke. I don't smoke. Þetta er ekki mín skoðun. Þetta er bara það sem ég hef þýtt. This isn't my opinion, it's just what I've translated. It's not my opinion, it's just what I've translated. Ég heimsótti hann í gær. I paid him a visit yesterday. I went to see him yesterday. Ég reyndi að fá vin minn ofan af því að giftast. I tried to talk a friend of mine out of getting married. I tried to get my friend down from getting married. Hann lítur svo til aldrei í bók. He hardly ever opens a book. He never looks in a book. Er nokkur endir í sjónmáli á versnandi efnahagserfiðleikunum? Is there any end in sight to the deepening economic crisis? Is there any end to the deteriorating economic problems? Geturðu losnað frá foreldrum þínum? Can you get away from your parents? Can you get away from your parents? Halló. Get ég fengið að tala við Tom? Hello. May I speak to Tom, please? Hello, can I talk to Tom? Við erum sammála. We agree. We agree. Ég er fátækur. I'm poor. I'm poor. Ég heyri frá honum öðru hverju. I hear from him once in a while. I hear from him every once in a while. Það tók heilan mánuð að ganga þessa nýju skó til. It took a whole month to break in those new shoes. It took a month to wear these new shoes. Ungfrú Brown er orðin vön japönskum mat. Miss Brown has gotten used to eating Japanese food. Miss Brown has become used to Japanese food. Þú ert of viðkvæm fyrir hávaða. You are too sensitive to noise. You're too sensitive to noise. Hún fór með vini sínum á tónleikana. She accompanied her friend to the concert. She went with her friend to the concert. Einungis John fór þangað. John alone went there. Only John went there. Taktu dyrnar úr lás. Unlock the door. Unlock the door. Mundu eftir að póstleggja bréfið á leiðinni í skólann. Remember to post the letter on your way to school. Remember that mailing the letter on the way to school. Svifnökkvinn minn er fullur af álum. My hovercraft is full of eels. My matchbox is full of eels. Hvaða ávöxtur er grænn? What fruit is green? What fruit is green? Ég kann vel við hann. I like him. I like him. Þetta hafa verið þurrustu sex mánuðirnir í þrjátíu ár. This has been the driest six months in thirty years. It's been the dryest six months in thirty years. Aðskilnaðarhreifingin er að valda átökum innan landsins. The separatist movement is creating conflict within the country. Segregation is causing conflict within the country. Eigum við að fá okkur saman drykk? Would you join me in a drink? Why don't we get a drink? Ég er á móti stríðinu. I'm against the war. I'm against the war. Má ég spurja þig að svolitlu? May I ask you something? Can I ask you something? Ég er ekki lögfræðingur. I am not a lawyer. I'm not a lawyer. Hvar býrðu? Where do you live? Where do you live? John er öruggur um að vinna leikinn. John is sure to win the game. John is confident of winning the game. John lék á gítar og vinur hans söng. John played guitar and his friend sang. John played guitar and his friend sang. Þú þarft ekki að fara úr skónum. You need not take off your shoes. You don't have to take your shoes off. Við verðum að hætta við fundinn. We have to call off the meeting. We have to cancel the meeting. Frumvarpið var samþykkt af litlum meirihluta tíu atkvæða. The bill passed by a small majority of 10 votes. The bill was adopted by the small majority of ten votes. Er þessi stigi nógu sterkur til að bera þyngd mína? Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight? Henni var ekki vel við hann. She didn't like him. She didn't like him. Hæ, hvernig gengur? Hi, how are you? Hey, how's it going? Ég hef aldrei farið til útlanda. I've never been abroad. I've never been abroad. Við verðum að laga skipulagið okkar að þessum nýju aðstæðum. We must adapt our plan to these new circumstances. We must adapt our organization to this new situation. Augu hans brostu bak við gleraugun. His eyes were smiling behind his glasses. His eyes were smiling behind the glasses. John er okkur klárastur. John is the cleverest of us all. John's the smartest man we've got. Við unnum leikinn með þremur mörkum gegn einu. We won the game by three goals to one. We won the game three times against one. Hesturinn tilheyrir mér. The horse is mine. The horse belongs to me. Mig dreymdi góðan draum í gærnótt. I had a good dream last night. I had a great dream last night. Hurðin var brotin upp. The door was broken open. The door was broken. Hvað sem gerir þig hamingjusaman. Whatever makes you happy. Whatever makes you happy. Þú gast talið upp á tíu þegar þú varst tveggja ára gamall. You could count to ten when you were two years old. You could have counted to ten when you were two years old. Þetta var nú gott. That was good. That was good. Við biðum fyrir utan. We waited outside. We're waiting outside. Paul var að lesa smásögu í gærkveldi. Paul was reading a short story last night. Paul was reading a short story last night. Get ég fengið þrjár? Can I have three? Can I have three? Húsgögnin eru í eigu móður minnar. The furniture belongs to my mother. The furniture belongs to my mother. Hann vissi það ekki. He didn't know that. He didn't know. Ég hlakka ekki til að fara í skólann. I don't look forward to going to school. I don't look forward to going to school. Hann lagði hart að sér einungis til að komast að því að hann var ekki hæfur í starfið. He tried hard only to find that he was not fit for the job. He worked hard merely to find that he was not qualified for the ministry. Hann skrifaði bréf í gær. He wrote a letter yesterday. He wrote a letter yesterday. Hrossið frá kirkjugarðinum er dauður. The horse from the cemetery is dead. The horse from the cemetery is dead. Þú verður að fara til baka. You have to go back. You have to go back. Hún ólst upp í Japan og Kína. She grew up in Japan and China. She grew up in Japan and China. Einhver kom að hitta mig meðan ég var í burtu. Somebody came to see me while I was out. Someone came to see me while I was away. Þú sjálfur verður að ljúka því. You yourself have to finish it. You must finish it yourself. Það var minnst á John í greininni. John was mentioned in the paper. John was mentioned in this article. Ég get ekki deilt þessum upplýsingum með þér. I can't share that information with you. I can't share this information with you. Java og Javascript eru eins og Indland og Indónesía, það er ekki sami hluturinn. Java and Javascript are like India and Indonesia, they aren't the same thing. Java and JavaScript are like India and Indonesia, which is not the same thing. Hver skyldi hafa byrjað þá Gróusögu? I wonder who started that rumor. Who would have started Grosse then? Dyravörðurinn hleypti mér ekki inn í leikhúsið. The doorman did not permit me to enter the theater. The doorman didn't let me into the theater. Það var hjálp. That was a help. That was helpful. Hópurinn komst á leiðarenda eftir þriggja daga göngu. The group arrived at the destination after a three day hike. After three days of walking, they arrived at their destination. Þolir þetta hús jarðskjálfta? Does this house withstand earthquakes? Is this house tolerated by an earthquake? Þau nefndu dóttur sína Helen. They named their daughter Helen. They named their daughter Helen. Ég gat ekki gert mig vel skiljanlega á ensku. I couldn't make myself understood well in English. I couldn't make myself understandably in English. Þú munt koma til með að kunna vel við hana. You'll come to like her. You're gonna make yourself comfortable with her. Það er mikilvægt að reyna að láta sér lynda við fólk frá útlöndum. It is important to try to get along with people from foreign countries. It is important to try to get along with people from abroad. Bandaríkin eru á norðurhveli jarðar. The United States is in the Northern Hemisphere. America is in the Northern Hemisphere. Hún sagði honum hversu gömul hún er. She told him her age. She told him how old she is. Klukkan hefur stoppað. The clock has stopped. The clock's stopped. Þú munt hafa heyrt þessa sögu áður. You will have heard this story before. You'll have heard this story before. Sund er góð æfing. Swimming is good exercise. Diving's good workout. Hann hlýtur að vera brjálaður að gera svona lagað. He must be crazy to do such a thing. He must be crazy to do something like that. Ég borðaði kavíar. I ate caviar. I ate caviar. Við lítum upp til hans vegna þess hve kurteis hann er. We look up to him because of his politeness. We look up to him because he's so polite. Hann setti hana viljandi í hættu. He deliberately exposed her to danger. He put her in danger on purpose. Við verðum að láta það sem við höfum nægja. We must make do with what we have got. We must give up what we have. Mundirðu ekki frekar vilja eyða tímanum þínum í eitthvað sem þér finnst skemmtilegt? Wouldn't you rather spend your time doing something you enjoy? Would you rather spend time on something that you enjoy? Það var gefið út árið 1969. It was published in 1969. It was published in 1969. Get ég freistað þín með að fá þér annan bita af kökunni? Can I tempt you to try another piece of cake? Can I tempt you to take another piece of the cake? Netið flæktist í skrúfunni. The net got entangled in the propeller. The Internet was caught in the propeller. Ég er vakandi. I'm awake. I'm awake. Hann sagðist hafa komið áður til Hawaii. He said he had been to Hawaii before. He said he'd been to Hawaii before. Auga fyrir auga og tönn fyrir tönn. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. Ég elska þig meira en nokkur annar. I love you more than anyone else. I love you more than anyone else. Þú mættir eins inna verkið af hendi núna. You may as well do the task now. You might as well do the job now. Aðstæðurnar hafa breyst í flóknara vandamál. The situation has evolved into a more complex problem. The situation has turned into a complex problem. Vinsamlegast fáðu þér sæti. Please have a seat. Please sit down. Henni var illa við hann. She disliked him. She didn't like him. Það kann vel að vera að hann rigni. It may well rain. It may rain. Hann missti sjónina í slysinu. He lost his eyesight in the accident. He lost his sight in the accident. Lögin eru eins og köngulóarvefir sem kunna að fanga litlar flugur en vespur og geitungar sleppa gegnum. Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. Laws are like spider webs that may capture little flies, but oracles and hornets escape. Á þennan hátt eyðum við miklum tíma. In this way, we waste a lot of time. This way, we spend a lot of time. Ég gæti þurft þína hjálp. I might need your help. I may need your help. Börn stóla á foreldra sýna varðandi fæði, fatnað og skjól. Children depend on their parents for food, clothing and shelter. Children depend on parents for food, clothing, and shelter Hann er þegar farinn. He's already left. He's already gone. Farðu heill! Farewell! Good-bye! Ég giftist þegar ég var 19 ára gömul. I got married when I was 19 years of age. When I was 19, I got married. Við vorum hársbreidd frá dauða. We escaped death by a hair's breadth. We were hair from death. Í ást eru bara upphöf. In love, there are only beginnings. In love, there's only head up. Ég minnist þess að hafa séð þennan herramann einhverstaðar. I remember seeing that gentleman somewhere. I remember seeing this gentleman somewhere. Veröldin er stór staður. The world is a big place. It's a big world. Jón tók þá í sundkeppninni fyrir hönd bekksins síns. John represented his class in the swimming match. John then took them in the swim contest for his class. Mike talar góða japönsku. Mike speaks good Japanese. Mike's talking Japanese good. Mig virkilega langar í mótorhjól. I really want a motorcycle. I really want a motorcycle. Ég tala ekki kínversku. I don't speak Chinese. I don't speak Chinese. Sjaldan er góð vísa of oft kveðin. Better safe than sorry. There are rare references too often. Ég trúi því ekki að þú hafir aldrei heyrt um hana. I don't believe I've ever heard of her. I can't believe you've never heard of her. Það er kominn tími til þess að tala saman. It's time to talk. It's time to talk. Þér kemur það ekki við. That is no business of yours. It's none of your business. Þú verður að hjálpa henni, og það fljótt! You must help her, and soon! You must help her, and quickly! Snaggra aðgerða er þörf. Prompt action is necessary. There is a need for some good action. Hún er að opna gluggann. She is opening the window. She's opening the window. Það eru tíðir jarðskjálftar í Japan. There are frequently earthquakes in Japan. There are frequent earthquakes in Japan. Ég fékk kveðjugjöf frá öllum. I got a farewell present from everyone. I got a farewell gift from everybody. Það er frekar satt. It's quite true. It's pretty true. Við John höfum sæst. John and I have patched up our troubles. John and I have been hit. Ég sé það. I can see that. I can see that. Þú og ég erum mjög góðir vinir. You and I are very good friends. You and I are very good friends. Gerðu þinn hluta og ég skal gera afganginn. You do your part and I'll do the rest. Do your part and I'll do the rest. Gleymdu vandamálum þínum um stund og borðaðu kvöldmat með okkur. Forget your troubles for a while and come and have dinner with us. Forget your problems for a while and have dinner with us. Þau gengu eftir götunni í þrefaldri röð. They walked along the road three abreast. They walked down the street in three ranks. Við munum kaupa nýjan bíl í næstu viku. We will purchase a new car next week. We'll buy a new car next week. Ég fékk mér pulsu í hádegismat. I ate a hot dog for lunch. I had a pizza for lunch. Liðið okkar var í rauðum treyjum. Our team were wearing red shirts. Our team was in red tars. Lífið er aldrei auðvelt. Life is never easy. Life is never easy. Þekkirðu hann? Do you know him? You know him? Við komum aðeins í dag. We came only today. We're only here today. Hann braut lög. He broke the law. He broke the law. Skilurðu mig? Do you understand me? Do you understand me? Af hverju kemur allt fyrir mig? Why does everything happen to me? Why is everything happening to me? Hann kann að hafa sagt svo. He may have said so. He may have said so. Þú komst ekki í skólann í gær, er það? You didn't come to school yesterday, did you? You didn't come to school yesterday, did you? Hvaða rugl er þetta? What is this nonsense? What the hell is this shit? Ég hef alls engan áhuga á stjórnmálum. I am not interested in politics at all. I'm not interested in politics at all. Ég vona að þessi sáttmáli komi til með að stuðla að friði í heiminum. I hope this treaty will contribute to peace in the world. I hope this covenant will bring peace to the world. Róaðu þig. Calm down. Calm down. Það þýðir ekkert að hóta mér. Ég segi ykkur samt ekkert. No point in threatening me. I'll still tell you nothing. There's nothing to threaten me, but I'm not telling you anything. Ég er öfunda þig. I'm jealous of you. I'm jealous of you. Það sést skírt í rannsókn Johnsons að óbeinar reykingar eru ákaflega skaðlegar. It is clearly shown in Johnson's investigation that passive smoking is very harmful. In Johnson's study, it is shown that indirect smoking is extremely harmful. Ég las bók meðan ég borðaði. I read a book while eating. I read a book while I ate. Hr. Jordan settist við hliðina á honum. Mr Jordan sat down beside him. Mr. Jordan sat next to him. Tom þarf að fara til hárskera. Tom needs a haircut. Tom has to go to the scalp. Athugasemdin þín eru röksemdafærslunni okkar óviðkomandi. Your remark is irrelevant to our argument. Your comments are irrelevant to our argument. Hann lítur vel út. He looks well. He looks good. Ég vonast til að komast í burtu frá Tókíó í nokkra daga. I hope to get away from Tokyo for a few days. I hope to get away from Tokyo for a few days. Þetta getur ekki verið rétt. That can't be true. This can't be right. Þú lætur mig dreyma. You make me dream. You're dreaming. Þú laugst að mér, er það ekki? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? Skipið er að fara að sökkva! The ship's going to sink! The ship is about to sink! Því miður trúa margir því sem þeim er sagt í tölvupósti sem þeim þætti ótrúlegt að heyra í eigin persónu. Sadly many people will believe things told to them via an email which they would find implausible face-to-face. Sadly, many people believe in what they are told by e - mail that they would love to hear in person. Hún ráðlagði honum að halda sér fyrir í rúminu í tvo daga í viðbót. She advised him to stay in bed for two more days. She advised him to stay in bed for two more days. Pabbi minn er enskukennari. My father is a teacher of English. My dad's an English teacher. Móðir mín fer á fætur fyrr en allir aðrir. My mother gets up earlier than anyone else. My mother gets up sooner than anyone else. Það er lítið af víni eftir í flöskunni. There is little wine left in the bottle. There is a small amount of wine left in the bottle. Talandi um herra Ito, hvað varð um son hans? Talking of Mr Ito, what has become of his son? Speaking of Mr. Ito, what happened to his son? Þú hefur góðar líkur á því að ná þér. You have a good chance to get well. You have a good chance of getting over it. Við náðum þjófinum. We caught the thief. We got the thief. Neitarðu því að hafa farið þangað? Do you deny that you went there? Do you refuse to go there? Það borgar sig ekki að spila tölvuleiki. It doesn't pay to play video games. They don't pay to play video games. Hversu margir vagnar eru í Tsúbasa lestinni? How many cars does the Tsubasa have? How many carriages are on the Tusha train? Ég þurfti að labba heim. I had to walk home. I had to walk home. Hann kom hingað aftur. He came here again. He came back here. Þetta er tyrknesk hefð. This is a Turkish tradition. It's a Turkish tradition. Þessi skyrta kostar tíu dollara. This shirt costs ten dollars. That shirt costs ten dollars. Liðið okkar vann leikinn. Our team won the game. Our team won the game. Tölvur eru vélar. Computers are machines. Computers are machines. Ég var hamingjusamur í gær. I was happy yesterday. I was happy yesterday. Ég fékk kvef í gær. I caught a cold yesterday. I had a cold last night. Þeir sjóða niður fisk í dósir. They can fish. They boil up fish in cans. Ég skil vandamálið þitt. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. Ég er þegar búinn að tala við þennan nemanda. I've already talked to this student. I already talked to this student. Frú Brown skrifaði bók um stjórnmál. Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. Mrs. Brown wrote a book on politics. Við munum ræða vandamálið við þau. We will discuss the problem with them. We'll discuss the problem with them. Við ættleiddum barn. We adopted a child. We adopted a child. Við töluðum við hvor aðra sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. Þetta var besti dagur lífs míns. That was the best day of my life. It was the best day of my life. Hún ráðlagði honum að koma fyrir hálf-þrjú. She advised him to come by 2:30. She advised him to come by 2:30. Það sem hann sagði mundu gerast hefur gerst. What he said would happen has happened. What he said would happen has happened. Ég var leið. I felt sad. I was sad. Hurðin var lokuð innanfrá. The door was locked from within. The door was closed from the inside. Veriði hljóð meðan ég er að tala. Be quiet while I'm speaking. Be quiet while I'm talking. Ég hlakka til að sjá athugasemdirnar þínar við skýrsluna. I look forward to your comments on the report. I can't wait to see your comments on the report. Ég er full! I'm full! I'm drunk! Fleiri hafa iðrast orða en þagnar. More have repented speech than silence. More have repented of words than has remained silent. Ertu með spurningu? Do you have a question? Do you have a question? Forsetinn talar eins og sannur föðurlandsvinur. The president speaks as a real patriot. The President talks like a real patriot. Hún spurði hann hvort hann vissi hvar ég byggi. She asked him if he knew where I lived. She asked him if he knew where I lived. Varaði ég þig ekki við? Didn't I warn you? I warned you, didn't I? Ég er búinn með peningana. I've run out of money. I'm done with the money. Ekki leika boltaleiki í þessu herbergi. Don't play ball in this room. Don't play ball in this room. Ég er að fara núna. I'm leaving now. I'm leaving now. Ekki fleygja rusli hérna. Don't throw trash here. Don't throw trash in here. Fórstu út í gær? Did you go out last night? You went out last night? Vinsamlegast sendu mér mynd af þér. Please send me a picture of yourself. Please send me a picture of you. Ertu viss um verðið á þessum bíl? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Are you sure this is the price of a car? Ég svaraði fyrir hann. I answered for him. I answered for him. John er vís til að vinna leikinn. John is sure to win the game. John knows how to win the game. Það tók okkur hálftíma að tjalda. It took us half an hour to set up the tent. It took us half an hour to camp. Ég kann vel við Tom vegna þess að hann er heiðarlegur. I like Tom because he's honest. I like Tom because he's honest. Við hlupum niður hólinn. We ran down the hill. We ran down that hill. Hví þá? Why? Why? Hann er að læra. He's studying. He's learning. Steinninn gerði gárur á tjörnina. The stone started ripples in the pond. The stone made straws in the pond. Þú ert enn of ung til að fá ökuskírteini. You're still too young to get a driver's license. You're still too young to get a driver's license. Leyfðu mér að sjá. Let me see. Let me see. Við erum í meiri vanda en við bjuggumst við. We have a bigger problem than we thought. We have more problems than we expected. Bill græddi talsvert á prentverksmiðjunni. The printing business made Bill a small fortune. Bill made a lot of money in the printing factory. Hafðu ekki áhyggjur af því. Don't worry about that. Don't worry about it. Það eru yfir 2500 tegundir snáka í heiminum. There are over 2,500 types of snakes in the world. There are over 2,500 kinds of snakes in the world. Ég veit að þið eruð ríkar. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. Ég klæddi mig í buxurnar. I put on my trousers. I put my pants on. Ég er hryggur. I'm sad. I'm sorry. Mér til mikillar undrunar unnum við! To my great surprise, we won! To my surprise, we worked! Hún er mjög skilvirk við ritarastörfin. She is very efficient in the secretarial work. It is very effective in the secretarial work. Hann lét mig fá tíu þúsund jen. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me ten thousand yen. Peter ætlaði ekki að brjóta vasann. Peter didn't intend to break the vase. Peter didn't mean to break his pocket. Hver kom með þetta? Who brought this? Who brought this? Ekkert okkar langar til að fara, en annað hvort ykkar hjóna þarf að fara. None of us want to go, but either you or your wife has to go. None of us want to go, but either of you and your husband have to leave. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara í langt frí. She advised him to take a long holiday. She advised him to take a long vacation. John býr í New York. John lives in New York. John lives in New York City. Það gerir 50 jen. It's 50 yen. That's 50 yen. Hugsum um það versta sem gæti gerst. Let's think about the worst that could happen. Consider the worst that could happen. John er prófessor í frönskum bókmenntum við Oxford og konan hans er frönsk. John is professor of French literature at Oxford and his wife is French. John, a professor of French literature, and his wife is French. Hvað er að mér? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Eitt af öðru stóðu þau upp og gengu út. One after another they stood up and went out. One by one, they stood up and walked out. Í Sviss kemur vorið í maí. In Switzerland, spring comes in May. Switzerland arrives in the spring of May. Gætirðu sagt mér hvað klukkan er? Can you tell me the time, please? Could you tell me what time it is? Ég vissi að þú kæmir til að bjarga mér. I knew you'd come to save me. I knew you'd come to rescue me. Það er kominn tími til að fara á fætur. It's time to get up. It's time to get up. Ég þarf að koma barninu í rúmið. I have to put the baby to bed. I gotta get the baby to bed. Það er erfitt að fá frábærar hugmyndir. It's difficult to have great ideas. It's hard to get some great ideas. Kanntu að nota orðabók? Do you know how to use a dictionary? Do you know how to use a dictionary? Séð úr lofti er þessi eyja afar fögur. Seen from a plane, that island is very beautiful. This is a beautiful island, seen from the sky. Nú vilja þau litla eða meðalstóra bíla. Now they like cars of small or middle size. Now they want small or medium-sized cars. Ég ræð mér ekki fyrir kæti. I'm beside myself with joy. I don't know what to do with cheering. Það kemur þér ekki við. That is no business of yours. None of your business. Velkominn á Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Verkfræðingnum datt nýtt líkan í hug. The engineer thought of a new model. The engineer thought of a new model. Er þetta rétta leiðin að járnbrautastöðinni? Is this the right way to go to the railway station? Is this the right way to the railroad station? Ókei, en hvað um stjórnandann? OK, but what about the manager? Okay, but what about the manager? Þú ættir að sjá um veika móður þína. You should take care of your sick mother. You should take care of your sick mother. Hann býr einn á þessum einmannalega stað. He lives in this lonely place by himself. He lives alone in this lonely place. Í Singapúr er það glæpur að skyrpa á jörðina. In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground. In Singapore, it's a crime to spit on the ground. Geturðu réttlætt gjörðir þínar? Can you justify your action? Can you justify your actions? Þú lýgur. You are lying. You're lying. Hvers er þessi stílabók? Whose is that notebook? What is this style book? Hvernig geturðu verið svona róleg? How can you be so calm? How can you be so calm? Ég get synt. I can swim. I can swim. Eitthvað slæmt var að fara að gerast. Something wrong was about to happen. Something bad was about to happen. Ég á ekki þessa lykla. These keys are not mine. I don't have those keys. Mér er kalt. I feel cold. I'm cold. Þú hefðir átt að læsa, eða að minnsta kosti loka, öllum hurðunum. You should have locked, or at least closed, all the doors. You should have locked, or at least shut, all the doors. Hvenær hittirðu hann? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Það er áhugavert að enginn tók eftir þessum mistökum. It is interesting that no one noticed that mistake. It's interesting that no one noticed the mistake. Lúður er hljóðfæri. The trumpet is a musical instrument. A bug is a musical instrument. Líkar þér enska? Do you like English? Do you like English? Við tókum okkur stutta hvíld á leiðinni. We took a short rest on the way. We took a short rest along the way. Tom senti þér þetta. Tom sent you this. Tom sent it to you. Ég kvæntist þegar ég var 19 ára gamall. I got married when I was 19 years of age. I married when I was 19 years old. Geturðu keypt einn fyrir mig líka? Can you buy one for me as well? Can you buy me one too? Hversu há ertu? How tall are you? How high are you? Ég er þreitt. I'm tired. I'm covered. Ég fór til Evrópu einu sinni. I went to Europe once. I went to Europe once. Hann gengur oft með höndina í vasanum. He often walks with his hand in his pocket. He often carries his hand in his pocket. Við verðum að kaupa þau frá útlöndum. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from abroad. Af hverju leggst fólk ekki í dvala? Why don't people hibernate? Why don't people stay? Hann drap hann til að hefna látins föður síns. He killed him to avenge his dead father. He killed him to avenge his dead father. Hverjum heldurðu með? Whose side are you on? Who do you think? Áttu enn í vandræðum með eðlisfræðina? Are you still having difficulty with physics? Are you still having problems with physics? Þjóðin lýsti nýlega yfir sjálfstæði. The nation recently declared its independence. The nation recently declared independence. Sá sem flýr fær að berjast á ný. The man who runs may fight again. Whoever flees will be able to fight again. Hunda þarf að bera. Dogs must be carried. Dogs need to be worn. Þótt þetta sé mjög erfitt verk mun ég gera mitt besta. Although it is a very difficult task, I will do my best. Though this is a very difficult task, I will do the best I can. Mig langar að vita hvort þú sért laus á morgun. I want to know if you'll be free tomorrow. I want to know if you're free tomorrow. Þú verður að hugsa um barnið. You must look after the child. You have to take care of the baby. Er hún gift? Is she married? Is she married? Hús Hr. Johnson er við hliðina á húsinu mínu. Mr Johnson's house is next to my house. Mr. Johnson's house is right next to my house. Ég vona bara að enginn hafi séð mig. I just hope no one saw me. I just hope no one has seen me. Hún var svo hissa og sorgmædd að hún kom ekki upp orði. Between astonishment and sorrow, she could not speak a word. She was so surprised and sad that she did not speak up. Þessi bæklingur er ókeypis. This booklet is free of charge. This brochure is free of charge. Ég veit ekki hvað ég mun gera. I don't know what I'll do. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Veistu þetta? Do you know this? You know this? Ég var orðlaus. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say. Hér kemur strætisvagninn. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Sigur okkar er öruggur. Our victory is secure. Our victory is certain. Það hafði snjóað í eina viku. It had been snowing for a week. It had been snowing for a week. Cathy ætlar að koma að sjá barnið okkar í kvöld. Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight. Cathy's coming to see our baby tonight. Það var auðvelt að finna skrifstofuna hans. Finding his office was easy. It was easy to find his office. Sjúklingnum var leyft á fætur. The patient was allowed up. The patient was allowed to rise. Hann var átakanlega mjór. He was painfully skinny. It was patheticly narrow. Er John endanlega farinn aftur til Ameríku? Has John returned to America for good? Is John finally back to America? Ekki skamma hana. Hún er of ung til að skilja það. Don't scold her; she's too young to understand. She's too young to understand that. Framherjinn skoraði mark. The forward kicked a goal. The front man scored a goal. Ég leyni þig engu. I keep nothing from you. I'm not hiding anything from you. Við hittumst á leiðinni. We met along the way. We met on the way. Þú ert frekar góður. You're pretty good. You're pretty good. Hverjum gafstu það? Whom did you give it to? Who'd you give it to? En af hverju? But why? But why? Hvalur er engu meiri fiskur en hestur. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. A whale is no more fish than a horse. Þú kannt að hafa rétt fyrir þér. You may be right. You may be right. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. No one is so old but he can learn. It's never too late to learn. Google er lygari. Google is a liar. Google's a liar. Það er mér munaður að taka leigubíl. Taking a taxi is a luxury for me. I'm close to taking a cab. Það var óvenjulegt að Chris hegðaði sér svo gróflega. It was out of the ordinary for Chris to behave so roughly. It was unusual for Chris to behave in such a gross manner. Ég á lítið af pening. I have little money. I don't have much money. Hann er Frakki. He is French. He's a Frenchman. Hvers vegna sagði Tom þér það? Why did Tom tell you? Why did Tom tell you that? Gætirðu sagt mér hvernig ég kemst á hafnaboltavöllinn? Could you tell me how to get to the ballpark? Could you tell me how to get to the baseball field? Ég meinti það ekki. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean that. Viljiði eins eða tveggja manna herbergi? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want a room of one or two? Það var erfitt. It was tough. It was hard. Það skiptir ekki máli hvort svarið þitt sé rétt eða rangt. It doesn't matter whether your answer is right or wrong. It does not matter whether your answer is right or wrong. Hana langaði til að skilja. She wanted to understand. She wanted to understand. Hún keypti leikfang fyrir barnið sitt. She bought a toy for her child. She bought a toy for her baby. Hver sem uppruninn er hefur Valentínusardagurinn átt sér langa og rómantíska sögu. Whatever the origin is, Valentine's Day has had a long and romantic history. Whatever the source, Valentine's Day has had a long, romantic story. Ekki vera svona reiður. Don't be so angry. Don't be so angry. Gull er verðmætara en nokkur annar málmur. Gold is more precious than any other metal. Gold is more valuable than any other metal. Ég var þá bara sjö ára stelpa. I was only a seven-year-old girl at that time. I was just a seven-year-old girl then. Mér til mikillar undrunar höfðaði lagið mitt til margra ungra. Much to my surprise, my song appealed to many young people. To my surprise, my song appealed to many young people. "Ertu kennari?" "Já, það er ég" "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, it's me." Ég verð að fara í inntökuprófið í dag. I have to take the entrance examination today. I have to take my audition today. Hugbúnaðurinn hefur verið uppfærður. The software has been updated. The software has been updated. Krakkarnir eru að gera mig vitlausa. The kids are driving me crazy. The kids are driving me crazy. Ég finn vissulega fyrir kuldanum. I do feel the cold. I certainly feel the cold. Atvinnumannahafnaboltinn er áhugaverður þessa dagana. Pro baseball is interesting these days. Professional baseball is interesting these days. Lengi lifi Sovétríkin! Long live the Soviet Union! Long live the Soviet Union! Hún ráðlagði honum að hætta að reykja. She advised him to stop smoking. She advised him to stop smoking. Það er að verða dimmt. Vertu svo væn að kveikja ljósið fyrir mig. It's getting dark. Please turn the light on for me. It's getting dark, so please turn on the light for me. Ég sé hvað þú meinar. I see what you mean. I see what you mean. Þú ferð ekki eins snemma á fætur og systir þín. You don't get up as early as your sister. You're not getting up as early as your sister. Vinsamlegast haltu þessum upplýsingum fyrir sjálfan þig. Please keep this information to yourself. Please keep this information to yourself. Ég klæðist jakkafötum en án bindis. I wear a suit but wear no tie. I wear a suit, but I don't wear a tie. Hljómsveitin mín heitir Red Hot. My band name's Red Hot. My band's name is Red Hot. Hún er systir mín. She's my sister. She's my sister. Hann hefur skrítnar hugmyndir. He has strange ideas. He's got funny ideas. Hvað heitirðu? What's your name? What's your name? Þetta er draumastarfið mitt. This is my dream job. This is my dream job. Hafðu hljóð í smá stund. Be quiet for a moment. Be quiet for a second. Hvenær keyptirðu það? When did you buy it? When did you buy it? Til hvers er það? What is it for? What's the point? Afsakaðu truflunina. Sorry for the interruption. I'm sorry to interrupt. Af hverju eyðirðu svona miklum tíma í að horfa á sjónvarpið? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Why do you spend so much time watching TV? Hefði ég ekki sofið yfir mig hefði ég verið á réttum tíma í skólann. If I had not overslept, I would have been in time for school. Had I not slept over, I would have been on time for school. Annað hvort ykkar þarf að fara þangað. Either one of you has to go there. Either one of you need to go there. Hún á tvö þúsund bækur. She owns two thousand books. She's got two thousand books. Upp hafði komist um kossinn þeirra af Charlotte. Their kiss had been discovered by Charlotte. Their kiss from Charlotte had come up. Sópranósöngkonan hlaut dynjandi lófatak fyrir flutning sinn. The soprano received thunderous applause for her performance. The soprano singer was filled with applause for her move. Frostlagður vegurinn glitraði í sólskininu. The icy road sparkled in the sunlight. The frozen road sparkled in the sunshine. Ég var of hamingjusöm til að sofa. I was too happy to sleep. I was too happy to sleep. Ég keypti snjallsíma handa konunni minni. I bought a smartphone for my wife. I got my wife a smartphone. Hann hannaði bílinn. He designed the car. He designed the car. Tom er prestur. Tom is a pastor. Tom's a priest. Vinsamlegast opnaðu dyrnar. Open the door, please. Please open the door. Hún talar alltaf hátt við hann af því að hann hefur slæma heyrn. She always speaks to him in a loud voice because he's hard of hearing. She always talks to him loudly because he has poor hearing. Það er löngu tímabært að þú hæfir nýjan rekstur. It is high time you started a new business. It's a long time for you to start a new business. Við byrjuðum öll samtímis. We started all at once. We all started at the same time. Hún og vinir hennar elska tónlist. She and her friends love music. She and her friends love music. Mundirðu vinsamlegast hella mér kaffibolla. Would you please pour me a cup of coffee? Please pour me a cup of coffee. Bara John fór þangað. John alone went there. Just John went there. Það er ekki þarna. It's not there. It's not there. Hann þarf að laga klukkuna. He has to fix the clock. He needs to fix the clock. Ég var heima í gærkveldi. I stayed at home last night. I was home last night. Mér líkar engin þessara mynda. I don't like any of these pictures. I don't like any of those photos. Það lá eitthvað á jörðinni. There was something lying on the ground. Something was lying on the ground. Þú væntir of mikils af henni. You are expecting too much of her. You expect too much of her. Hún hellti mér bolla af tei. She poured me a cup of tea. She spilled me a cup of tea. Þú þarft ekki að flýta þér. You don't have to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Hengdu jakkann þinn á krókinn við dyrnar. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Hang your jacket on the hook at the door. Hann er myndarlegur maður. He is a handsome man. He's a good-looking man. Það er sjö fimmtíu að morgni. It's 7:50 in the morning. It's seven fifty in the morning. Hljóð kossins er ekki eins hátt og fallbyssunnar, en bergmálið endist þó nokkru lengur. The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a deal longer. The sound of a kiss is not as the height of a cannon, but the echo lasts a little longer. Við vorum fátæk, en við vorum hamingjusöm. We were poor, but we were happy. We were poor, but we were happy. Fyrirgefðu, ég er ekki að fylgja þér. I'm sorry, I don't follow. I'm sorry, I'm not following you. Jafnvel þótt hann sé í vanda er Mac alltaf bjartsýnn. Even if he is in trouble, Mac is always optimistic. Even if he's in trouble, Mac's always optimistic. Ég á smá pening. I have a little money. I got some money. Hefurðu skilað skýrslunni þinni? Have you sent in your report? Have you returned your report? Tökum lyftuna. Let's take the elevator. Let's take the elevator. Fór hann heim í gær? Did he go home yesterday? He went home last night? Við vorum allir þreyttir. We were all tired. We were all tired. Ætli við getum lent í vandamálum gagnvart fyrirtækinu? I wonder if we could run into any problems with the company. I wonder if we can have problems with the company. Hann hefur þekkingu á hagfræði. He has a knowledge of economics. He knows economics. Enginn talaði við mig. Nobody spoke with me. Nobody talked to me. Ég verð kominn aftur klukkan sex. I'll be back at six. I'll be back at 6:00. Grænmetisætur borða grænmeti. Vegetarians eat vegetables. Vegetarians eat vegetables. Ertu að skilja mig? Do you follow me? Are you understanding me? Viltu skilja svona við þetta? You want to leave it like that? Is that how you want to get away with it? Það er algerlega satt. That's the absolute truth. That's absolutely true. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sjálfur. Please help yourself. Please have your own. Mig langar að bóka eins manns herbergi. I'd like to reserve a single room. I'd like to book a room for one man. Það er ekkert betra en að fara í góðan göngutúr. There's nothing better than taking a nice walk. There's nothing better than going for a good walk. Sérðu nokkuð að verkefninu? Do you see any problems with the project? Do you see anything wrong with the project? Hún ráðlagði honum að æfa sig á hverjum degi. She advised him to get exercise every day. She advised him to practice each day. Ég hef ekkert að segja. I have nothing to say. I have nothing to say. Við áttum ánægjulega máltíð. We had a lovely meal. We had a nice meal. Margir Asíubúar hafa ensku að sameiginlegu tungumáli. The common language of many Asians is English. Many Asians have a common language. Tom reyndi að ganga úr skugga um að allir starfsmenn voru komnir fram við af virðingu. Tom tried to make sure that every employee was treated with respect. Tom tried to make sure that all employees were treated with respect. Gamlir jálkar kunna að halda því fram að internetið hafi verið frjálsast á dögum Usenetsins. Old-timers might argue the Internet was freest during the Usenet days. Old people may argue that the Internet was the most free Internet in Usenet's time. Hvað væri lífið án geislunar ástarinnar? What is life without the radiance of love? What would life be without the radiation of love? Ertu brjálaður? Are you insane? Are you crazy? Ekki koma aftur. Don't come again. Don't come back. Þetta er húsið hennar. That is her house. This is her house. Ef þú ert upptekin mun ég hjálpa þér. If you're busy, I'll help you. If you're busy, I will help you. Þú getur fengið það í bókabúð. You can get it at a bookstore. You can get it in a bookstore. Þrátt fyrir allan sinn ríkidóm er hún ekki hamingjusöm. For all her wealth, she is not happy. Despite all her kingship, she is not happy. Hraðbankinn gleypti debetkortið mitt. The ATM has swallowed my debit card. The ATM swallowed my debet card. Ég er að leita að ákveðinni gamalli konu. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for a certain old woman. Gjörðu svo vel að fá þér sæti. Please take a seat. Please, sit down. Þú verður að deila vinnunni þinni með öðrum. You must share your work with others. You have to share your work with others. Einhleypt fólk nýtur meira frelsis til að gera það sem það vill og nýtur þess að lifa óheftara félagslífi. Single people enjoy more freedom to do what they want and enjoy living a less restricted social life. Single people enjoy more freedom to do what they want and enjoy a less aggressive social life. Þessi börn eiga engan að. Those children have no one to care for them. These children don't have anyone. Vinsamlegast feldu bláberjasultuna þar sem Takako getur ekki séð hana. Please hide the blueberry jam where Takako can't see it. Please hide the blueberry jam because Takko cannot see her. Áttu mínútu? Do you have a minute? You got a minute? Herra Brown er ekki eins gamall og hann lítur út fyrir að vera. Mr Brown is not as old as he looks. Mr. Brown is not as old as he looks. Hann hefur dimma rödd. He has a deep voice. He has a dark voice. Vinsamlegast baðaðu barnið. Please give the baby a bath. Please beg your child. Ég þekki hann mjög vel. I know him very well. I know him very well. Við gerðum herra Grey að formanni nefndarinnar. We made Mr Grey chairman of the committee. We made Mr Grey the Chairman of the Committee. Það varð dimmt, og það sem verra var, það byrjaði að rigna. It got dark, and what was worse, it began to rain. It got dark, and worse it started to rain. Hér kemur strætóinn. Here comes the bus. Here comes the bus. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að þrífa diskinn. All you have to do is wash the dish. All you have to do is clean the CD. Hvert ætlarðu að fara í frí næsta sumar? Where do you plan to go on vacation next summer? Where are you going for the next summer's vacation? Hvernig get ég hætt í þessari vinnu? How can I quit this job? How can I quit this job? Þú verður að hafa hemil á sjálfum þér. You must control yourself. You need to control yourself. Við erum bókuð allan mánuðinn á Broadway. We're booked for the whole month on Broadway. We're booked all month on Broadway. Tölvan mín er frosin. My computer has frozen. My computer's frozen. Mig dreymdi undarlegan draum í nótt. I had a strange dream last night. I had a strange dream last night. Seinkunin þeirra var af völdum regnsins. Their late arrival was owing to the rain. Their delay was due to the rain. Þetta er í fyrsta skiptið í lífi mínu sem mér hefur fundist ég svo tengdur nokkrum. It's the first time in my life I've felt so connected with someone. It's the first time in my life that I've felt so connected to a few people. Hann er hrifinn af Motoharu Kikkawa. He likes Motoharu Kikkawa. He likes Motoharu Kikwa. Við munum búa á Englandi. We will be living in England. We'll live in England. Ég sá vini mína í gær. I saw my friends yesterday. I saw my friends last night. Hreinsaðu út úr skúrnum og hentu því sem þú þarft ekki. Clean out the shed and throw away things you don't need. Clean the shed and throw away what you don't need. Um morguninn gengum við frá dýnunum okkar. In the morning, we put away our futons. In the morning, we walked away from our mattresses. Ég hef ekki fengið vörurnar sem áttu að koma hingað þann fimmtánda febrúar. I have not received the goods scheduled for arrival here on February 15. I haven't had the products to come here on February 15th. Hvers konar fugl er þetta? What kind of bird is this? What kind of bird is that? Ég er svolítið upptekinn akkúrat núna. I'm kind of busy right now. I'm a little busy right now. Sveimur geitunga réðst á börnin. A swarm of hornets attacked the children. The children were attacked by a hornet's band. Klukkan er hálf níu. It's eight-thirty. It's 11:30. "Kemur hann?" "Nei, það held ég ekki." "Will he come?" "No, I don't think so." "Will he?" "No, I don't think so." Lisa Lillien er gift Dan Schneider. Lisa Lillien is married to Dan Schneider. Lisa Lilien is married to Dan Schneider. Hún ráðlagði honum að segja kærustunni sinni að hann elskaði hana. She advised him to tell his girlfriend that he loved her. She advised him to tell his girlfriend that he loved her. Ég er einmanna án þín. I'm lonely without you. I'm lonely without you. Ég ákvað að koma til Japans í fyrra. I decided to come to Japan last year. I decided to come to Japan last year. Bill var ógætinn við að handleika byssuna sína. Bill was careless in handling his pistol. Bill was not afraid to handle his gun. Leigubíllinn bíður fyrir utan. The taxi is waiting outside. The taxi's waiting outside. Brátt mun himininn birta. Soon the sky will become bright. Soon, the sky will shine. Hann getur ekki hafa sagt þér vitlaust númer. He cannot have told you a wrong number. He couldn't have told you the wrong number. Hún spurði hann hvar hann byggi. She asked him where he lived. She asked him where he lived. Hún ráðlagði honum ekki að gera það. She didn't advise him to do it. She did not advise him to do so. Fortíðin verður einungis þekkt, en henni ekki breytt. Framtíðinni verður einungis breytt, en hún ekki þekkt. The past can only be known, not changed. The future can only be changed, not known. The past will only be known, but not changed. The future will only be changed, but it will not be known. Talarðu ensku? Can you speak English? Do you speak English? Hundar geta synt. Dogs can swim. Dogs can swim. Margir fiskar dóu. Many fish died. Many fish died. Velkomin á Tatoeba. Welcome to Tatoeba! Welcome to Tatoeba. Til hamingju með afmælið! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Það sem þér var kennt er rangt. What you were taught is wrong. What you were taught is wrong. Þú ert ekki minna falleg en hún. You are not less pretty than her. You're no less beautiful than she is. Ákvörðun hans um að hætta í gömlu vinnunni og hefja eigin rekstur borgaði sig svo sannarlega. His decision to quit his old job and start his own business really paid off. His decision to quit his old job and to start his own business truly paid off. Sökum veikinda varð hann að hætta að reykja. Due to illness, he had to give up smoking. As a result of his illness, he had to quit smoking. Tréð varpaði skugga yfir veginn. The tree cast a shadow across the road. The tree cast a shadow over the road. Hávaxinn maður opnaði dyrnar. The door was opened by a tall man. A tall man opened the door. Ég hef það á tilfinningunni að þú verðir mjög góður lögmaður. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. I have a feeling you'll be a very good lawyer. Fólk ætti að vera heiðarlegt hvort við annað. People should be honest with one another. People should be honest with each other. Þau tóku upp nýja aðferð til að kenna ensku í þessum skóla. They adopted a new method of teaching English in that school. They began a new way of teaching English at this school. Það er mjög kalt í dag. It is very cold today. It's very cold today. Ekki brjóta spegil. Don't break a mirror. Don't break a mirror. Það kemur svo til að í dag á ég afmæli. It so happens that today is my birthday. It's my birthday. Hversu lengi hefurðu þekkt hana? How long have you known her for? How long have you known her? Þú hefðir ekki þurft að vekja mig. You need not have woken me up. You wouldn't have had to wake me up. Farið og athugið hver þetta er. Go and see who it is. Go out there and find out who it is. Það er drengur nærri dyrunum. There is a boy near the door. There's a boy near the door. Setningin er án málfræðivilla. The sentence is free from grammatical mistakes. I don't think it's a grammar error. Það er ekki til nein fullkomin setning. Alveg eins og það er ekki til nein fullkomin örvænting. There's no such thing as a perfect sentence. Just as there's no such thing as perfect despair. There is no perfect sentence, just as there is no perfect despair. Fylla hann. Fill it up. Fill it up. Þetta er ástæða þess að ég kom aftur. This is why I came back. This is why I came back. Hún á tíu börn. She has ten children. She's got ten kids. Gerðu svo vel að fá þér smákökur. Please have some cookies. Here, have some cookies. Ég sagðist aldrei vera veikburða. I never said I was fragile. I never said I was weak. Hann var mjög hamingjusamur. He was very happy. He was very happy. Viltu leyfa mér að heyra í þér af og til. Let me hear from you now and again, will you? Please let me hear you from time to time. Ég gat ekki sofið mikið í nótt. I could not sleep much last night. I couldn't sleep much last night. Það er aldrei of seint að læra. No one is too old to learn. It's never too late to learn. Hún er með lífræna efnafræði sem aðalfag. She majors in organic chemistry. She's got organic chemistry as a major subject. Mér líka rauðar rósir. I like red roses. I like red roses. Ég reif upp umslagið. I ripped the envelope open. I tore up the envelope. Allir menn er dauðlegir. Sókrates er maður. Þar með er Sókrates dauðlegur. All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. All men are mortal, Socrates is a man, which means that Socrates is mortal. Hann er sannur múslimi. He is a true Muslim. He's a real Muslim. Ég skal senda það til baka. I'll send it back. I'll send it back. Það eru kostir og gallar við skoðanir hvors tveggja ykkar svo ég ætla ekki að ákveða strax hvort ég mun styðja. There are merits and demerits to both your opinions so I'm not going to decide right away which to support. There are advantages and problems with both of you, so I'm not gonna decide immediately whether or not I'll support you. Af hverju reif Bill bréfið í tætlur? Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? Why did Bill tear the letter to pieces? Hann keypti hund handa henni. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. Gjörðu svo vel að koma með blað handa mér. Bring me a sheet of paper, please. Bring me a magazine, please. Hvernig er það að þú getur talað þetta tungumál? How is it that you can speak this language? How is it that you can speak this language? Hringdu í mig á skrifstofuna. Call me at the office. Call me at the office. Beth hlakkaði til að hitta hann en hann lét ekki sjá sig. Beth was looking forward to meeting him, but he never showed up. Beth looked forward to meeting him, but he didn't show up. Förum í ferð. Let's take a trip. Let's go for a ride. Finnið rétta svarið! Find the correct answer! Find the right answer! Svo þau hefðu átt að vera komin. So they ought to have arrived here by now. So they should have been here by now. Fyrirlesarinn ræskti sig. The speaker cleared his throat. The lecturer's out of his mind. Gæti ég fengið að tala við Bill? May I speak to Bill? Could I talk to Bill? Það er köttur í eldhúsinu. There is a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Hver er yfirmaðurinn? Who's the manager? Who's the boss? Sérðu hversu miklu frjálsari þér líður við lyklaborðið eftir að hafa æft tónskalana eins og hinir krakkarnir? See how much freer you feel at the keyboard after practicing your scales like the other kids? Do you see how much more free you feel about your keyboard after practicing your music notes like the other kids? Það var að dimma. It was getting dark. It was getting dark. Hvað kom svona nokkurri hugmynd í kollinn á þér? What put such an idea into your head? What did you think of something like that? Hún sótti um launahækkun. She put in for a raise. She applied for a raise. Deildarstjórinn setur alltaf upp einhvern svip þegar ég bið hann um eitthvað. Our section chief always makes a face at me when I ask him for something. The head of the department always makes some kind of expression when I ask him for something. Ekki ganga svona hratt. Ég næ ekki að halda í við þig. Don't walk so quickly. I can't keep up. I can't keep up. Gangið ekki á grasinu. Keep off the grass. Don't walk on the grass. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara þangað einn. She advised him to go there alone. She advised him to go there alone. Hvað kostar mikið í strætó? What's the bus fare? How much is a bus? Litli bróðir minn er að horfa á sjónvarpið. My little brother is watching TV. My little brother's watching TV. Mér finnast bæði góð. I like both. I like both of you. Nýja kvikmyndin naut mjög góðs gengis. The new movie was a great success. The new film was very successful. Litla systir mín er svolítið löt. My little sister is kind of lazy. My little sister's a little lazy. Bill syngur oft í baðherberginu. Bill will often sing in the toilet. Bill often sings in the bathroom. Hann er góður íþróttamaður. He is a good athlete. He's a good athlete. Þolirðu það hvernig hann hagar sér? Can you put up with the way he behaves? Can you stand the way he behaves? Þú vanrækir þá sem eru í kringum þig of mikið. You are too negligent of those around you. You neglect those around you too much. Hillan þín er full af bókum. Your shelf is full of books. Your shelf is full of books. Sagðirðu þrír? Did you say three? Did you say three? John skrifar til foreldra sinna einu sinni í mánuði. John writes to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. Kærar þakkir fyrir hjálpina. A big thanks for your help. Thank you so much for your help. Hann kenndi mér um mistökin. He blamed me for the mistake. He blamed me for the mistake. Mér líkar vel við hann. I like him. I like him. Hvernig var stærðfræðikeppnin? How was the math test? How was the math match? Getur þú ekki hjálpað mér? Can't you help me? Can't you help me? Þetta er allt sem er vitað hingað til. This is all that is known so far. That's all we know so far. Konungssonurinn hefur lagt af stað í langa för. The prince has set out on a long journey. The king's son has set out on a long journey. Ég á ánægður að við hittumst. I'm glad we met. I'm glad we met. Þú verður að fylgja reglunum. You must conform to the rules. You have to follow the rules. Ég er læknir. Hvað með þig? I'm a doctor. How about you? I'm a doctor. Kirsuberjatrén eru við það að blómstra. The cherry trees are about to blossom. The cherry trees are about to bloom. John starði á myndina. John stared at the picture. John stared at the movie. Borðaðu súpuna meðan hún er heit. Eat your soup while it is hot. Eat the soup while it is hot. Ég týndi lyklinum mínum. I lost my key. I lost my key. Hvað ætli hafi fengið hann til að skipta um skoðun? I wonder what has made him change his mind. What might have caused him to change his mind? Var Tom heima? Was Tom at home? Tom was home? Ég tala ekki tungumálið þitt. I don't speak your language. I don't speak your language. Vinsamlegast komið inn eitt af öðru. Please come in one by one. Please enter one by one. Hvenær kemurðu? When will you come? When are you coming? Úrinu mínu var stolið í gær. I had my watch stolen yesterday. My watch was stolen yesterday. Það lítur út fyrir að ég hafi dottað. It appears I've dozed off. It looks like I just did it. Það var ekki eins kalt í dag eins og í gær. It is less cold today than it was yesterday. It wasn't as cold today as it was yesterday. Ég er þreitt. I am tired. I'm covered. Fljúgum flugdreka. Let's fly a kite. Let's fly a kite. James var logandi hræddur við að gera mistök í tíma og fá áminningu. James had a great fear of making mistakes in class and being reprimanded. James was afraid to make mistakes in time and to be reproved. Afsakið truflunina. Sorry for the interruption. Sorry to interrupt. Orð þín jafnast á við ofbeldi. Your words are as good as violence. Your words are like violence. Ég er næstum búinn. I'm almost done. I'm almost done. Ég er veikur í þýsku. I am weak in German. I'm a little sick in German. Hann er sorglega óheppinn. He's unlucky to a pitiful extent. He's a sad fuck. Þegar ég spyr fólk hverju þau sjá mest eftir úr framhaldsskóla segja nær allir það sama: að þau hafi sólundað of miklum tíma. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, everyone says almost the same thing: They've wasted too much time. Hvernig bjugguð þið það til? How did you make it? How did you make it? Hann skrifaði bréf. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. Kína er mun stærra en Japan. China is much larger than Japan. China is a lot bigger than Japan. Hún hringdi í vitlaust númer. She dialed the wrong number. She called the wrong number. Afsakið, þú ert með vitlaust númer. Sorry, you have the wrong number. Excuse me, you have the wrong number. Rúmmetri samsvarar eitt þúsund lítrum. A cubic meter corresponds to 1000 liters. A meter equals 1,000 litres. Þú hefðir ekki átt að eyða svona miklum pening á tómstundagamanið þitt. You ought not to have spent so much money on your hobby. You shouldn't have spent that much money on your hobby. Klukkan er næstum tólf. It is almost 12 o'clock. It's almost twelve o'clock. Ljósið ferðast umhverfis jörðina sjö og hálfu sinnum á sekúndu. Light travels around the earth seven and a half times a second. Light travels around the earth seven and a half times a second. John er þegar kominn á stöðina. John has already come to the station. John's already at the station. Allt í lagi. Ég þýði fimmtán setningar í viðbót á þýsku og fer svo. All right. I'll translate another fifteen sentences in German, and then leave. All right, I mean 15 more sentences in German and then I leave. Við erum að ná saman, þú og ég. We're converging, you and I. We're getting together, you and me. Við urðum uppiskroppa með mat. We ran out of food. We ran out of food. Lækkaðu í útvarpinu. Turn the radio down. Turn down the radio. Það varð loksins nógu hlýtt til að fara út án jakka. It finally got warm enough to go outside without a jacket. It finally got warm enough to go out without a jacket. Ég skal sjá um reikninginn. I'll foot the bill. I'll take care of the check. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara hjólandi. She advised him to go by bicycle. She advised him to go by bicycle. Ég velti því fyrir mér hvort við gætum lent í vandamálum með fyrirtækið. I wonder if we could run into any problems with the company. I wondered if we could get into trouble with the company. Ég mun lána þér hvaða bók sem þú þarft. I will lend you whatever book you need. I'll lend you any book you need. Æskýlos er ekki bundinn reglum North og Hillard. Aeschylus is not beholden to the rules of North and Hillard. There's no polysphere tied to the rules of North Hillard. Þú verður að æfa þig meira. You need to exercise more. You've got to practice more. Jörðin er hnöttótt. The earth is round. The earth is round. Leikurinn fer fram jafnvel þótt það rigni. The game will be held even if it rains. The game is going on even if it rains. Þrátt fyrir að hann hefði tekið út sína refsingu í fangelsi fyrirgaf almenningur morðingjanum aldrei fyllilega. Even though he had served his time in prison, the murderer was never quite condoned by the public for his crime. Despite taking out his punishment in prison, the public would never fully forgive the murderer. Óreglulegar sagnir eru hluti af enskri tungu. Irregular verbs are a part of the English language. The irregular verbs are part of the English language. Án súrefnis hefðu öll dýrin horfið fyrir löngu. Without oxygen, all animals would have disappeared long ago. Without oxygen, all the animals would have disappeared a long time ago. Tom lítur út fyrir að vera einmanna. Tom looks lonely. Tom looks lonely. Gætirðu vinsamlegast sagt mér farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you tell me your mobile number please? Could you tell me your cell phone number, please? Það breytir engu hvort hann komi eða ekki. It makes no difference whether he comes or not. It doesn't matter whether he's coming or not. Hann skrifar bækur. He writes books. He writes books. Kærastan mín er góður dansari. My girlfriend is a good dancer. My girlfriend's a good dancer. Hún hefur fengið góða menntun. She has received a good education. She has been well educated. Bindið hans losnaði. His tie came undone. His tie got loose. Ég er ánægður með það. I'm glad of that. I'm happy about that. Afsakið en geturðu hjálpað mér? Excuse me, but can you help me? Excuse me, but can you help me? Má bjóða ykkur kaffi? Would you like some coffee? Would you like some coffee? Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki einsamall. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Þessi tónlist svæfir mann. This music puts one to sleep. That music puts you to sleep. Veiki maðurinn þarfnaðist stöðugrar umönnunar. The sick man required constant attention. The sick man needed constant care. Ég vildi óska þess að hún hefði komið í gærkveldi. I wish she had come last night. I wish she'd come in last night. Er hann dáinn? Is he dead? Is he dead? Ég skildi regnhlífina mína eftir í leigubílnum. I left my umbrella in the cab. I left my umbrella in the taxi. Allir sýndu fanganum samúð. Everybody showed sympathy toward the prisoner. Everyone showed compassion to the prisoner. Enginn virðist hafa nokkra hugmynd hvar John er. No one seems to have any idea where John is. No one seems to have any idea where John is. Við sem byggjum Ísland viljum skapa réttlátt samfélag þar sem allir sitja við sama borð. We, the people who inhabit Iceland, wish to create a just society where every person has equal opportunity. We who live in Iceland want to create a just society where everyone sits at the same table. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að bíða til myrkurs. All you have to do is wait until dark. All you have to do is wait until dark. Strákarnir koma með bækurnar sínar á hverjum degi. The boys bring their books every day. The boys bring their books every day. Það byrjaði með kossi. It started with a kiss. It started with a kiss. Kannski verður hann góður kennari. Maybe he will be a good teacher. Maybe he'll be a good teacher. Værirðu svo vænn að opna hurðina fyrir mig? Would you be so kind as to open the door for me? Would you please open the door for me? Af hverju viltu ekki hlýða rödd skynseminnar? Why will you not listen to reason? Why don't you want to listen to the voice of reason? Þú þarft ekki að taka af þér skóna. You need not take off your shoes. You don't have to take your shoes off. Hún bað hann um að vera eftir en hann vildi það ekki. She asked him to stay, but he didn't want to. She asked him to stay, but he didn't want to. Gætirðu lánað mér pennann þinn? Would you lend me your pen? Can I borrow your pen? Þegar ég var kominn út varpaði ég öndinni léttar. Once outside, I gave a deep sigh of relief. When I got out, I threw out my duck with ease. Hann grenjaði og orgaði um nokkuð sem reyndist vera auðleyst vandamál. He bawled and screamed about what turned out to be an easily fixable problem. He cried and cried about something that turned out to be an easy problem. Það er heitt í dag. It's a hot day. It's hot today. Það er mikilvægt að ná samstöðu eins margra verkamanna og mögulegt er. It's important to unite as many workers as possible. It is important to work together as many workers as possible. Gagnrýni hans var í hávegum höfð. His criticisms were highly esteemed. His criticism was highly regarded. Ég mundi gera allt nema það. I would do anything but that. I'd do anything but that. Hún gaf honum það. She gave it to him. She gave it to him. Hérna er ég með kortið. Here I have the map. Here I have the map. Tom lagaði te fyrir mig. Tom made tea for me. Tom made me some tea. Hvor ykkar kom hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Hvað mun það taka langan tíma? How long will it take? How long will it take? Vinsamlegast snúðu þessu á ensku. Please put this into English. Please turn this on in English. Tom dró sig í hlé. Tom retired. Tom withdrew. Höldum í háttinn. Let's hit the hay. Let's go to bed. Þú ættir ekki að reykja svona mikið. You shouldn't smoke so much. You shouldn't smoke so much. Ég er ekki syfjaður. I'm not sleepy. I'm not sleepy. Við verðum að ná markmiði okkar sama hvað það kostar. We must achieve our aim at any price. Whatever the cost, we must reach our goal. Hún var að flýta sér að hitta föður sinn. She was in a hurry to see her father. She was in a hurry to meet her father. Til hamingju með nýju vinnuna. Congratulations on your new job. Congratulations on your new job. Þeir vita ekki af hverju þeir eru að missa. They don't know what they are missing. They don't know why they're missing. John er sjaldan farinn að sofa fyrir miðnætti. John has hardly ever gone to bed before midnight. John has rarely gone to bed before midnight. Virkilega? Really? Really? Ertu geðveik? Are you insane? Are you insane? Það gagnast þér ekkert að ræða málið frekar. Discussing the matter further will get you nowhere. You will find no further benefit in discussing the matter. Sonur minn er hærri en ég. My son is taller than I am. My son is taller than me. Ég skrifaði símanúmerið niður. I made a note of the telephone number. I wrote the phone number down. Það er svo satt. That's so true. It's so true. Hvenær varstu búinn að skrifa bréfið? When did you finish writing the letter? When did you write this letter? Það var ekki hægt að skilja spurningarnar hans. It was impossible to understand his questions. His questions could not be understood. Hlutir sem þú sérð með augunum eru ekki endilega sannir. Things that you see with your eyes are not necessarily true. Things you see with your eyes aren't necessarily true. Pabbi minn er ekki við. Á ég að biðja hann um að hringja í þig? My father is out. Shall I tell him to call you back? Do you want me to ask him to call you? Enginn maður á lífi mundi trúa því. No man alive would believe it. No man alive would believe that. Ég var við það að fara þegar dyrabjallan hringdi. I was about to leave when the doorbell rang. I was about to leave when the doorbell rang. Hún var mállaus af hræðslu. She was so scared that she couldn't speak. She was mute for fear. Akídsjí er hermaður sem gerðist kennari. Akiji is a soldier turned teacher. Akidsjyi is a soldier who became a teacher. Ég var í viku hjá frænda mínum. I spent a week at my uncle's. I spent a week with my uncle. Hvað eruði að fara gera í kvöld? What are you going to do tonight? What are you doing tonight? Hún gat ekki viðurkennt að hafa brotið úr föður síns. She couldn't make the admission that she had broken her father's watch. She could not admit to having broken from her father. Sem prakkarastrik slepptu nokkrir nemendur þremur geitum lausum í skólanum þeirra eftir að hafa málað tölurnar 1, 2 og 4 á hliðar geitanna. Kennararnir eyddu stærstum hluta dagsins í að leita að geit númer 3. As a prank, some students let three goats loose inside their school after painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the sides of the goats. The teachers spent most of the day looking for goat number 3. As a prank, several students released three goats at their school after painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the side of the goats, and the teachers spent most of the day looking for the number 3 goat. Ég var veikur í gær. I was ill yesterday. I was sick last night. Kanntu að synda? Do you know how to swim? Can you swim? Ég viðurkenni mistökin mín. I admit my mistake. I admit my mistake. Þú tekur aðra götuna. You will take one of the streets. You're taking another street. Veldu einn. Choose one. Pick one. Merkilegt nokk syndir hann jafnvel á köldum dögum. Surprisingly, he swims even on cold days. An amazing thing about him even in cold days. Ég skil ekki tónlist. I don't understand music. I don't understand music. Þú munt bráðlega venjast því að tala frammi fyrir almenningi. You will soon get used to speaking in public. You will soon become accustomed to speaking before the common people. Gerðu heimavinnuna þína strax. Do your homework right away. Do your homework right away. Hann er á ykkar aldri. He is about your age. He's your age. Við eigum langa leið að baki. We have come a long way. We have a long way behind us. Við verðum að styrkja samtökin okkar. We must beef up our organization. We must strengthen our organization. Það er meiri vindur í dag en í gær. It's windier today than it was yesterday. There's more wind today than yesterday. Við erum öll húðflúruð í vöggum okkar með trúarbrögðum okkar þjóðflokks; skráningin kann að vera yfirborðskennd, en hún verður ekki máð í burtu. We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. We are all tattooed in our cradles with our ethnic religions; the register may be superficial, but it will not be allowed away. Af hverju reyndirðu að strjúka? Why did you try to run away? Why did you try to escape? Fuglar gera hreiður. Birds build nests. Birds make nests. Ég svaf yfir mig. I overslept. I overslept. Æfingin skapar meistarann. Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect. Ég hef aldrei skrifað undir neinn samfélagssáttmála. I have never signed a social contract. I've never signed any community contracts. Hann elskar hana. He loves her. He loves her. Af hverju laugstu? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? Allir voru glaðir. Everyone was happy. Everyone was happy. Hafið þið heyrt um ísöldina? Did you ever hear of the Ice Age? Have you heard of the Ice Age? Þau búast við einhverri samvinnu af þér. They expect some cooperation of you. They expect some cooperation with you. Þú ert ógeðsleg! You're disgusting! You're disgusting! Kannski gætum við hist einhverntíma og fengið okkur hádegismat. Maybe we could get together sometime and have lunch. Maybe we could get together sometime and have some lunch. Ég lét þrífa skóna mína. I had my shoes cleaned. I had my shoes cleaned. Hundurinn leit niður í vatnið. The dog looked into the water. The dog looked into the water. Hann er fyrir framan hurðina. He is in front of the door. He's right in front of the door. Hann hegðaði sér kjánalega. He acted foolishly. He acted foolishly. Ungi maður, leyndarmál velgengi minnar er að á unga aldri uppgötvaði ég að ég væri ekki Guð. Young man, the secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered that I was not God. A young man, the secret to my success is that at an early age, I discovered that I was not God. Hann braust inn. He broke into a house. He broke in. Ég hlakka til að hitta þig. I am looking forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you. Hún kvaddi. She said goodbye. She said goodbye. Enginn hljóp fram úr honum. No one ran ahead of him. Nobody ran past him. "Viltu eitthvað að drekka?" "Nei, en takk fyrir boðið." "Would you like something to drink?" "No, but thanks for offering." "Do you want something to drink?" "No, but thank you for the invitation." Sammála? Do you agree? Agreed? Mörg pör í Ameríku vinna bæði úti til að láta enda ná saman. Many couples in America both work to make ends meet. Many couples in America work both hard to make ends meet. Ég beygði til hægri. I turned right. I turned right. Ég fer á fætur klukkan hálf sjö. I get up at 6:30. I'm getting up at 6:30. Pappír brennur auðveldlega. Paper burns easily. Paper burns easily. Þú ættir að huga betur að því sem þú segir. You should pay more attention to what you say. You should take a closer look at what you say. Þegar þú getur ekki gert það sem þú vilt, gerirðu það sem þú getur. When you can't do what you want, you do what you can. When you can't do what you want, do what you can. Afsakið en ég þarf að flýta mér. Ég hef engan tíma til að útskýra þetta í þaula. Sorry, but I have to hurry. I have no time to explain this in detail. I'm sorry, I have to hurry, but I have no time to explain. Ég bankaði á dyrnar en enginn svaraði. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. Við töluðum hvert við annað sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. "Hvernig gengur?" "Ekki sem verst" "How's it going?" "Not too bad." "How's it going?" "Not bad." Áhrif hans í nefndinni minnkuðu og minnkuðu. His influence in the committee became weaker and weaker. His influence on the committee decreased and decreased. Ég var svo fúll. I was so unhappy. I was so pissed. Haltu bátnum stöðugum svo við komumst örugglega um borð. Steady the boat so we can get on safely. Keep the boat steady, so I'm sure we can get on it. Þar til hvenær verðurðu í Japan? Until when will you be in Japan? Until when will you be in Japan? Enginn hvatti hana. No one encouraged her. No one encouraged her. Hvað þýðir þetta? What does this mean? What does that mean? Jón brýtur alltaf ísinn í tímum. John always breaks the ice in class. John always breaks the ice in class. Ég skal sjá hvað ég get gert. I'll see what I can do. I'll see what I can do. Það er ókurteisi að tala með fullan munninn. It's not polite to speak with your mouth full. Speaking with your full mouth is rude. Það geta ekki allir verið skáld. Not everybody can be a poet. Not everyone can be a poet. Ekki hafa þetta eftir mér. Don't quote me on this. Don't repeat this. Mér þótti hann skarpur strákur. I found him a bright boy. I thought he was a smart kid. Vinur minn er indverskur. My friend is Indian. My friend is Indian. Þú getur sagt Tom það sjálfur. You can tell Tom yourself. You can tell Tom yourself. Það er penni á skrifborðinu. There is a pen on the desk. There is a pen on the desk. Ég þoli ekki svokölluð "30 daga" tungumálanámskeið. I hate so-called "30 days" language courses. I hate a so-called "30 days" language course. Hefur honum mistekist aftur? Has he failed again? Has he failed again? Einungis fjórir hestar tóku þátt í keppninni. Only four horses competed in the race. Only four horses participated in the race. Þú verður að senda eftir lækni. You must send for the doctor. You must send for a doctor. Hún er vön að elda. She is used to cooking. She's used to cooking. Ég lofa þér. I give you my word. I promise you. Geturðu lánað mér heftara? Can you lend me a stapler? Can you lend me a Stapler? Við skildum dyrnar eftir opnar. We left the door open. We left the door open. Hann lofaði mér að koma hingað klukkan fimm. He gave me a promise to come here at five. He promised me he'd be here at 5:00. Ganga er frábær æfing. Walking is an excellent exercise. A walk is a great exercise. Hún reyndi að leyna sorg sinni í teitinni. She tried to conceal her grief at the party. She tried to hide her grief at the party. Vorið er komið. Spring has come. It's springtime. Hann býr einn. He lives alone. He lives alone. Eymdin var of mikil fyrir lesendurna að halda aftur af tárunum. The misery was too much for the readers to keep back their tears. The island was too much for its readers to hold back their tears. Einhvern daginn kaupi ég kandíflossvél. Someday I will buy a cotton candy machine. Someday I'll buy a cotton candy machine. Við lifum, ekki eins og okkur langar til, heldur eins og við getum. We live, not as we wish to, but as we can. We live, not as we wish, but as we can. Kanínur hafa stór eyru. Rabbits have big ears. Rabbits have big ears. Gleymdu ekki að loka dyrunum áður en þú ferð. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. Don't forget to close the door before you go. Allir menn hafa einhvern náttúrulegan hæfileika, en spurningin er sú hvort þeir geti notað hann eða ekki. All men have some natural talent, but the question is whether they can use it or not. All humans have some natural ability, but the question is whether they can use it or not. Hann hljóp. He ran. He ran. Útlendingurinn vandi sig fljótt á japanskan mat. The foreigner soon got used to Japanese food. The stranger quickly got used to Japanese food. Er Tom enn þá veikur? Is Tom still sick? Tom's still sick? Það er líklegt að hún komi. It is probable that she will come. She's probably coming. Einvaldurinn neyddi þjóðflokkinn til að samþykkja uppgjafarskilmálana. The dictator forced the tribe to agree on the terms of surrender. The monarch forced the tribe to accept the surrender conditions. Þú mátt ekki draga ótímabærar ályktanir. You must not jump to conclusions. You must not draw premature conclusions. Við verðum að rannsaka málið undir eins. We must look into the matter at once. We need to investigate immediately. Við ættum að hugsa um foreldra okkar. We should look after our parents. We should take care of our parents. John var í svo miklum flýti að hann hafði engan tíma til að spjalla. John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking. John was in such a hurry that he had no time to talk. Dómurinn hefur verið kveðinn upp. The verdict is in. The sentence has been passed. Hann ætlar ekki að mæta í afmælisveisluna, vegna þess að hann er veikur. He is not coming to the birthday party, because he is ill. He's not going to the birthday party because he's sick. Ég er hrygg. I'm sad. I'm sad. Húsið hans er gegnt mínu. His house is across from mine. His house is over against me. Tom gat ekki munað lykilorðið sitt. Tom couldn't remember his password. Tom could not remember his password. Nýju húsin eru jafnhá. The new houses are of a uniform height. The new houses are as tall. Hann er í göngutúr. He is taking a walk. He's taking a walk. Ég hef aldrei í lífinu heyrt þvílíka sögu. I've never heard such a story all my life. I've never heard such a story in my life. Tvo vanillu ísa, takk. Two vanilla ice creams, please. Two vanilla ice creams, please. Maður sér ekki skóginn fyrir trjánum. You can't see the forest for the trees. You can't see the forest for the trees. Flýtið ykkur! Tónleikarnir eru að hefjast. Hurry up! The concert is starting. The concert is about to begin. Það er ekki nóg. It isn't enough. That's not enough. Skórnir hans eru brúnir. His shoes are brown. His shoes are brown. Hann gerði vinum sínum ljóst að hann hygðist ekki bjóða sig fram til kosninganna. He made it known to his friends that he was unwilling to run for the election. He made it clear to his friends that he did not volunteer to the election. Ég er þreyttur á vinnunni minni. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my job. Jón virðist mjög heiðarlegur að eðlisfari. John seems very honest by nature. John seems very honest by nature. Góða nótt. Dreymi þig vel. Good night. Sweet dreams. Sweet dreams. Stjórnmálaferli hans er lokið. His political career has ended. His political process is over. Barnið grét. The baby cried. The baby was crying. Þér er velkomið að nota snekkjuna mína. You are welcome to the use of my yacht. You're welcome to use my yacht. Hann er ríkur. Hann þarf ekki á peningum að halda! He's rich. He doesn't need money! He doesn't need money! Hypjaðu þig út! Get out! Get out of here! Ég var að komast að því að konan mín hélt framhjá mér. I just found out that my wife cheated on me. I just found out that my wife cheated on me. John hefur verið að mála hurðina. John has been painting the door. John's been painting the door. Peter hefur ákveðið að fara á morgun. Peter has decided to leave tomorrow. Peter's decided to leave tomorrow. Þar sem þetta er mikilvægt, vil ég að þú sjáir til þess persónulega. Since this is important, I'd like you to attend to it yourself. Because this is important, I want you to take care of it personally. Mundirðu vinsamlegast senda mér pöntunarlista í pósti? Would you please send me a catalogue by mail? Would you please mail me an order list? Ég fékk góða hugmynd. I had a good idea. I got a good idea. Hvenær fæ ég borgað? When do I get paid? When do I get paid? Stattu upp! Stand up! Get up! Ég varð mjög önugur út af ummælum hennar. I got very annoyed at her remarks. Her comments made me very upset. Ég hætti að reykja. I stopped smoking. I quit smoking. Ekki vanmeta mig. Don't underestimate me. Don't underestimate me. Við höfum fundið það. We've found it. We've found it. Við völdum John til að vera fyrirliðann okkar. We chose John to be our captain. We chose John to be our captain. Þetta var löng og ströng ferð en við erum loksins komin á leiðarenda. It was a long and hard journey but we're finally at our destination. It was a long, hard trip, but we have finally reached our destination. Þú þarft að borga aukalega fyrir rafhlöðurnar. You need to pay extra for the batteries. I need you to pay extra for those batteries. Þú gætir sýnt börnunum þínum gott fordæmi. You should set a good example to your children. You could set a good example for your children. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að fylgja honum til dyra. You needn't have seen him to the door. You wouldn't have had to walk him to the door. Ég get ekki talað þýsku. I cannot speak German. I can't speak German. Þótt ég skilji hvað þú ert að segja get ég ekki samþykkt tilboðið þitt. While I see what you say, I can't accept your offer. Although I understand what you're saying, I can't accept your offer. Ég er þreytt á vinnunni minni. I am tired of my work. I'm tired of my job. Ég átti erfitt með að sannfæra hana um hættur reykinga. I had difficulty convincing her of the dangers of smoking. I found it hard to convince her of the dangers of smoking. Rétt eins og þú hagar þér gagnvart mér, svo mun ég haga mér gagnvart þér. Just as you treat me, so I will treat you. As thou wilt do unto me, so will I deal with thee. Það skiptir mig engu hvort þú komir eða ekki. It does not matter to me whether you come or not. It doesn't matter whether you're here or not. Hversu oft á dag skoðar þú sjálfan þig í speglinum? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? Það er ekkert vatn í sundlauginni. There's no water in the pool. There's no water in the pool. Fólk segir það ekki lengur. People don't say that anymore. People don't say that anymore. Veistu ekki að hann lést fyrir tveimur árum? Don't you know that he passed away two years ago? Don't you know he died two years ago? Ekki ganga ein eftir myrkur. Don't walk alone after dark. Don't walk alone after dark. Ég hitti Yoko á leiðinni í leikhúsið. I met Yoko on my way to the theater. I met Yoko on the way to the theater. Af hverju ferðu ekki í megrun? Why don't you go on a diet? Why don't you go on a diet? Þú ert mjög hávaxinn. You're very tall. You're very tall. Ég hugsa að það sé kominn tími til að ég þvoi þessa skyrtu. I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. I think it's time for me to wash this shirt. Það er forvitnilegt. That's curious. That's interesting. Af hverju ekki? Why not? Why not? Það er virkilega sorglegt. That's really sad. It's really sad. Konunni minni finnst eplabökur ákaflega góðar. My wife likes apple pie a lot. My wife likes apple pies. Ég er ekki tilbúinn enn. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Burstaðu tennurnar. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. Mér til undrunar hafnaði hann boðinu mínu. To my surprise, he refused my offer. To my surprise, he rejected my offer. Ég skil ekki nokkuð í þýsku. I don't understand German at all. I don't understand anything in German. Þú verður að taka tillit til aldurs hans. You must take his age into account. You have to consider his age. Þú verður að skýra frá niðurstöðunum. You have to account for the result. You have to report the results. Hún spurði hann hvernig ætti að kveikja á vélinni. She asked him how to turn on the machine. She asked him how to turn the engine on. Aldrei í lífinu hef ég séð jafn hrikalegt slys. Never in my life have I seen such a terrible accident. Never in my life have I seen such a terrible accident. Þú átt að fylgja lögunum. You are supposed to obey the law. You're supposed to follow the law. Ég er mjög svöng. I'm very hungry. I'm very hungry. Fyrir hvern vinnurðu? Who is it that you're working for? Who do you work for? Hann las fljótlega í gegnum útdrættina til að finna greinina sem hann var að leita að. He quickly read through the abstracts to find the paper he was looking for. He soon read through the map to find the article he was looking for. Ég er tilbúinn til að láta mér það lynda um senn. I am prepared to put up with it for the time being. I'm ready to get along at once. Tatsuya á vini sem búa í New York. Tatsuya has some friends who live in New York. Tatsuya has friends in New York City. Drekar eru hugarburður. A dragon is a creature of fancy. Dragons are fantasy. Vaknaðu! Wake up! Wake up! Ég er að læra listasögu. I study art history. I'm learning an art story. Heldurðu dagbók? Do you keep a diary? You keep a journal? Ef þú lofar einhverju, stattu þá við það. If you promise something, keep your word. If you promise anything, stand by. Tom væri ekki hérna ef hann þyrfti þess ekki. Tom wouldn't be here if he didn't have to be. Tom wouldn't be here if he didn't have to. Þessi íþrótt er að verða stöðugt vinsælli. This sport is becoming more and more popular. This sport is becoming increasingly popular. Þú þarft bara að fylgja fyrirmælunum. You only have to follow the instructions. All you have to do is follow the instructions. Við höfum komið á fót vinsamlegum samskiptum við nýju ríkisstjórn þessa ríkis. We have established friendly relations with the new government of that country. We have established friendly relations with the new government of this Kingdom. Okkur þótti það rangt að þú skyldir refsa honum. We thought it wrong that you should punish him. We thought it was wrong for you to punish him. Það veit ég ekki. I don't know that. I don't know. Hvernig berðu "pronounce" fram? How do you pronounce "pronounce"? How do you "pronounce "? Eruði hér til að hjálpa mér? Are you here to help me? Are you here to help me? Það vildi til að það varð lestarslys snemma þann morguninn. There happened to be a train accident early that morning. As it turned out, there was a train accident early in the morning. Hengdu jakkann á snagann við dyrnar. Hang your jacket on the hook by the door. Hang your jacket by the door. Eins og við var að búast náði hann fyrsta sætinu. As was to be expected, he took the first place. As expected, he reached his first seat. Skaðinn af völdum flóðsins nemur tíu milljónum dollara. Damages from the flood amount to ten million dollars. The damage caused by the Flood is ten million dollars. Tunglmyrkvar geta verið almyrkvar eða deildarmyrkvar. Lunar eclipses can be total or partial. Moon eclipses may be total eclipses or partial eclipses. Það kann að hljóma fjarstæðukennt en þetta er raunverulegt vandamál. It might sound far-fetched, but this is a real problem. It may sound absurd, but it's a real problem. Það sést þegar þú unnir því sem þú gerir. When you love what you do, it shows. You can see it when you love what you do. Misræmið milli frásagna aðilanna tveggja að slysinu var svo mikill að yfirvöldin áttu í erfiðleikum með að ákveða hvor væri að segja satt. The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth. Indiscriminate between the two parties, the accident was so great that the authorities were having trouble deciding who was telling the truth. Bill, farðu til dyra. Bill, answer the door. Bill, get the door. Það er löngu tímabært að þú stofnaðir nýtt fyrirtæki. It is high time you started a new business. It's long time you started a new business. Hann kann að liggja veikur fyrir. He may be sick in bed. He may be ill. Ég kann vel að hafa rangt fyrir mér. I may indeed be wrong. I know how to be wrong. Það er gott að hafa hugsjónir ... finnst þér ekki? It is good to have ideals... don't you think? It's good to have ideals ... don't you think? Mér finnst gaman að elda. I like to cook. I like to cook. Hvers óskarðu? What do you wish? What do you want? Hún fann einhvern snerta á sér bakið. She felt someone touch her back. She felt someone touching her back. Hvílík synd það væri ef Tatoeba tengdi ekkert nema setningar. What a waste it would be if Tatoeba were to link nothing but sentences. What a shame it would be if Tatoeba connected only with sentences! Þessar þrjár fallegu stúlkur eru allar frænkur mínar. These three beautiful girls are my cousins. These three beautiful girls are all my nieces. Hver er þessi stúlka? Who's that girl? Who is this girl? Ég hata þessar köngulór. Þær eru alltaf þarna til að hræða úr mér líftóruna mig þegar ég er að þrífa. I hate those spiders. They're always there to freak me out when I'm cleaning. I hate these spiders, they're always there to scare the shit out of me when I'm cleaning up. Vinsamlegast komið inn einn af öðrum. Please come in one by one. Please enter one by one. Þú ert of hnýsin í annara manna mál. You are too inquisitive about other people's affairs. You're too nosy about other people's business. Það eru nær engin blóm í garðinum okkar. There are scarcely any flowers in our garden. There are almost no flowers in our garden. Hittumst á sunnudaginn. Let's meet on Sunday. I'll see you Sunday. Komið honum í bílinn! Get him in the car! Get him in the car! Ég veit ekki hvað þetta er. I don't know what that is. I don't know what it is. Sá sem leitar, finnur. Who searches, finds. Whoever's looking, finds. Hvað meinarðu? What do you mean? What do you mean? Hún vill ekki tala um það. She doesn't want to talk about it. She won't talk about it. Það var næstum því keyrt á hana af hjóli. She was nearly hit by a bicycle. She almost got hit by a bicycle. Þar sem ég gekk eftir götunni rakst ég á gamlan vin. Walking along the street, I met an old friend. Since I was walking down the street, I ran across an old friend. Hann langaði alltaf til að fara til Los Angeles. He always wanted to go to L.A. He always wanted to go to Los Angeles. Þetta hús er ekki mjög stórt. This house is not very large. This house is not very big. Fjölskyldan þín ætti að hafa forgang yfir framann þinn. Your family should come before your career. Your family should be the priority over your face. Þið eruð falleg. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Ertu enn að safna frímerkjum? Are you still collecting stamps? Are you still collecting stamps? Ég hef gaman af djassi. I like jazz. I like jazz. Ég ætla að skrifa bréf til Judy. I intend to write a letter to Judy. I'm gonna write a letter to Judy. Barnið er að drekka mjólk. The child is drinking some milk. The baby is drinking milk. Flugvélin hvarf fljótt úr augsýn. The airplane soon went out of sight. The plane was soon out of sight. Sagan hans hljómar sönn. His story rings true. His story sounds true. Við erum öll til. We're all ready. We all exist. Viltu smá kaffi? Would you like a small coffee? You want some coffee? Það á öllum eftir að vera sama. Nobody will care. Nobody's gonna care. Þú kynnir að verða undrandi á útkomunni. You might be surprised at the outcome. You might be surprised at the outcome. Ég er með snert af flensu. I've got a touch of the flu. I've got a touch of the flu. Seinni hluti bókarinnar gerist á Englandi. The second part of the book is set in England. The second part of the book occurs in England. Ég sver, John. Frá deginum í dag er ég hættur að reykja. I swear, John. As of today, I quit smoking. I swear, John, from today on, I don't smoke anymore. Ég er nemandi við Háskólann í Hjógó. I am a student at Hyogo University. I'm a student at the University of Bogo. Ég vona að þú sért ekki að tala um mig. I hope you're not talking about me. I hope you're not talking about me. Hún sagði mér söguna í trúnaði. She told me the story in confidence. She confided in me. Hvað er að gerast? What's happening? What's happening? Önnur hvor okkar verður valin. You or I will be chosen. One of us will be chosen. Hann leggur hart að sér í vinnunni. He works very hard. He works hard at work. Það er ókey. It's OK. It's free. Það gleður mig að sjá þig. I'm glad to see you. I'm glad to see you. Breytingar á lögum ógna sölu á vefnum í rafrænni verslunarstarfsemi. Legal changes threaten online sales in digital commerce. Changes in law threaten sales on the website in electronic commerce. Hvað gerðirðu í gærkveldi? What did you do last night? What did you do last night? Hún söng vel sem barn. She could sing well when she was a child. She sang well as a child. Hann fór til Bandaríkjanna til að læra bandarískar bókmenntir. He went to America to study American literature. He went to the United States to study American literature. Það er betra að taka sér tíma en að flýta sér og gera mistök. It's better to take one's time than to hurry and make mistakes. It is better to take time than to hurry up and make mistakes. Já, ég held að þú eigir að fara. Yes, I think you should go. Yeah, I think you should go. Hún ráðlagði honum að nota ekki of mikið salt. She advised him not to use too much salt. She advised him not to use too much salt. Ég er liðsforingi. I'm an officer. I'm an officer. Hvað sem þú kannt að segja mun ég ekki skipta um skoðun. Whatever you may say, I will not change my opinion. Whatever you may say, I won't change my mind. Þú verður ekki sein, er það nokkuð? You won't be late, will you? You're not gonna be late, are you? Ég hugsa að það sé kominn tími á að ég labbi í burtu frá þessu skaðræðismáli. I think it's time for me to walk away from this mess. I think it's time for me to walk away from this destructive case. Láttu þér þetta að kenningu verða. Let this be an example to you. Let this become your teaching. Þú mátt telja mig meðal vina þinna. You can count me among your friends. You may count me among your friends. Gleður mig að sjá þig, Tom. I'm glad to see you, Tom. Glad to see you, Tom. Það er mjög leiðinlegt að vera veik. Being sick is very boring. It's very boring to be sick. Í dag áttu sér stað kröfugöngur gegn ofbeldi í nokkrum borgum í Þýskalandi, þar á meðal einni nærri Hamborg þar sem þrír Tyrkir voru drepnir í brennuárás síðastliðinn mánudag. In Germany today, anti-violence rallies took place in several cities, including one near Hamburg where three Turks were killed in an arson attack on Monday. Today, there were demands against violence in several cities in Germany, including one near Hamburg, where three Turks were killed in the burning attack last Monday. Sama hvað þú segir mun ég aldrei trúa þér. No matter what you say, I will never believe you. No matter what you say, I'll never believe you. Ég fór í almenningsgarðinn í gær. I went to the park yesterday. I went to the park yesterday. Brátt féll kalt regnið. Soon the cold rain came down. Soon, the cold rain fell. Þetta er bíllinn minn. This is my car. That's my car. Hún á enga vini. She doesn't have any friends. She doesn't have any friends. Þeir voru á móti þróunarkenningu Darwins. They opposed Darwin's theory of evolution. They opposed Darwin's theory of evolution. Þú ættir að passa að borða ekki of mikið. You had better not eat too much. You should be careful not to eat too much. Hann talar eins og hann sé sérfræðingur. He speaks as if he were an expert. He's talking like he's an expert. John Lennon fæddist árið 1940. John Lennon was born in 1940. John Lennon was born in 1940. Þú hefðir átt að vera varkárari. You ought to have been more careful. You should have been more careful. Í flýti minni rakst ég utan í einhvern. In my hurry I bumped into someone. In my haste, I bumped into someone. Þetta er aspassúpa. This is asparagus soup. That's asparagus soup. Farðu og vektu Mary. Go and wake Mary up. Go wake Mary up. Flugvélin tók á loft klukkan tvö þrjátíu. The plane took off at 2:30. The plane took off at two thirty. Ég virðist vera með vitlaust númer. I seem to have the wrong number. I seem to have the wrong number. Ef tveir menn hafa ætíð sömu skoðun, er annar þeirra óþarfur. If two men always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. If two men always have the same opinion, one of them is unnecessary. Það var dimmt og ég gat ekki greint hver það var sem kom eftir veginum. It was dark, and I could not make out who was coming along the road. It was dark, and I couldn't tell who it was that came along the road. Vannstu vinnuna þína? Did you do your work? Did you do your job? Sýndu mér hvernig það virkar. Show me how it works. Show me how it works. Hún er söngkona. She is a singer. She's a singer. Þú keyptir matinn svo ef ég kaupi vínið jafnast það út. You bought the food, so if I buy the wine that will even things up. You bought the food, so if I buy the wine, it'll get even. Má ég fara á salernið? May I use the toilet? Can I use the bathroom? Hún dáði hann. She admired him. She loved him. Ég hafði samúð með aumingja hundinum. I felt for the poor dog. I felt sorry for that poor dog. Föðurlandsvinirnir vörðu réttindi þjóðar sinnar. The patriots stood up for the rights of their nation. Patriot friends protected the rights of their nation. Hvað með að leika skák í kvöld? How about playing chess tonight? What about playing chess tonight? Af hverju segir maður "góðan daginn" þegar dagurinn er ekki góður? Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good? Why do you say "good morning" when it's not a good day? Er herra Johnson við? Is Mr Johnson in? Is Mr. Johnson in? Ávextir eru hollir. Fruit is healthy. Fruits are healthy. Hún sakaði mig um að vera lygari. She accused me of being a liar. She accused me of being a liar. Jón vonast til að vera óháður foreldrum sínum. John hopes to be independent of his parents. John hopes to be independent of his parents. Hann kemur fyrr eða síðar. He will come sooner or later. He'll be here sooner or later. Ég sef standandi. I sleep standing up. I'll sleep standing. Sýndu mér það á kortinu. Show it to me on the map. Show me on the map. Góðan daginn! Good morning! Good morning! Hvað er að? Is that wrong? What's wrong? Ég get ekki hætt að hnerra. I can't stop sneezing. I can't stop sneezing. Ég skil ekki af hverju hún kom ekki. I can't figure out why she didn't come. I don't understand why she didn't come. Verð ég að opna allt? Must I open everything? Do I have to open everything? Bankinn hefur útibú um allt land. The bank has branches in all parts of the country. The bank has branches all over the country. Hann á bíl. He has a car. He's got a car. Hún fór til dyra til að bjóða vini sína velkomna. She went to the door to welcome her friends. She answered to welcome her friends. Brennt barn forðast eldinn. A fox is not caught twice in the same snare. A burnt child avoids the fire. Þú hefðir átt að sjá sýninguna. You ought to have seen the exhibition. You should have seen the show. Hvað heitir mamma þín? What is your mother's name? What's your mom's name? Þrátt fyrir mikilvægi svefns er tilgangur hans ráðgáta. Despite the importance of sleep, its purpose is a mystery. Despite the importance of sleep, his purpose is a mystery. Hættu þessu! Við höfum sagt þér hundrað sinnum að það áorkar engu. Það er eins og að tala við vegg. Stop doing that! We've told you a hundred times that it'll accomplish nothing! It's like talking to a wall! We've told you a hundred times that it doesn't accomplish anything, it's like talking to a wall. Áttu vini á Antigua? Do you have friends in Antigua? Do you have friends at Antigua? Ég týndi lyklinum svo ég kemst ekki inn í húsið. I lost the door key, so I can't enter the house. I lost the key so I can't get into the house. Þetta er ljósmynd yngri systur minnar. That's my younger sister's photograph. This is my younger sister's photograph. Góða nótt. Good night! Good night. Kozue fannst fyrirlestur kennarans vera daufur, leiðinlegur og endalaus. Kozue thought the teacher's lecture was dull, boring and endless. Kozae felt that the teacher's lecture was dull, boring, and endless. Tom fór ekki á markaðinn. Tom didn't go to the market. Tom didn't go to market. Hann trúlofaðist frænku minni. He got engaged to my cousin. He got engaged to my aunt. Þú ert forvitin, er það ekki? You are curious, aren't you? You're curious, aren't you? Bættu meira salti í súpuna. Add more salt to the soup. Put more salt in that soup. Jón varpar sökinni á aðra. John casts the blame on others. John throws the blame on others. Mér leiðist. I am bored. I'm bored. Af hverju hljópst hann á brott? Why did he run away? Why did he run away? Ég var í Tókýó í gær. I was in Tokyo yesterday. I was in Tokyo yesterday. Ég líka. Me, too. Me, too. John getur ekki spilað gítar. John can't play the guitar. John can't play guitar. Við fundum leyniinngang að byggingunni. We found a secret passage into the building. We found a secret access to the building. Verðlaunaféð gerði mér kleift að fara í heimssiglingu. The prize money enabled me to go on a world cruise. The prize money enabled me to walk the world. Hann hóf fyrirlestur sinn á Meiji endurreisninni. He began his lecture with the Meiji Restoration. He began his lecture at the Meiji Renaissance. Kennarinn vildi vita af hverju við hefðum ekki gert æfingarnar. The teacher wanted to know why we hadn't done the exercises. The teacher wanted to know why we hadn't done our exercises. Hann hlýtur að vera mjög reiður að segja svona lagað. He must be very angry to say such a thing. He must be very angry to say things like that. Sonur minn er með tannpínu. My son has a toothache. My son has toothache. Meirihluti nefndarinnar kaus gegn frumvarpinu. The majority of the committee voted against the bill. The majority of the Committee voted against the bill. Leiðtogi flokksins okkar hitti hina leiðtogana og ræddi vandamálið. The leader of our party met with the other leaders and talked about the problem. Our leader met with the other leaders and discussed the problem. Það er synd hvernig náttúruauðlindunum er sóað. It's a shame the way natural resources are wasted. It's a shame how the natural resources are wasted. Jæja, komum okkur. Well, let's go. All right, let's go. Þú verður að efna þau loforð sem þú gefur. You must keep the promises you make. You have to keep your promises. Vandamálið leyst! Problem solved! Problem solved! Ég segi það í allri einlægni. I say in all sincerity. I'll tell you in all sincerity. Þær kunna að veiða. They can fish. They can hunt. Hvað gerum við ef það rignir? What will we do if it rains? What do we do if it rains? Hví krefst það afsökunarbeiðni? Why does that require an apology? Why does that require an apology? Vinsamlegast ekki hika við að spurja mig spurninga. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. Please don't hesitate to ask me questions. Reykingar valda miklum skaða en engu góðu. Smoking does much harm but no good. Smoking is bad, but it's not good. Við verðum líklega öll dáin innan 50 ára. We will probably all be dead within 50 years. I guess we'll all be dead within 50 years. Hver ykkar komu hingað fyrst? Which of you came here first? Which one of you came here first? Hann hefur hjálpað fátækum allt sitt líf. He has helped the poor throughout his life. He has helped the poor all their life. Þú ættir að taka þér frídag. You should take a day off. You should take a day off. Han á þrjú börn. He has three children. Han has three children. John fór án þess svo mikið sem að segja bless. John went away without so much as saying good-by. John left without so much to say goodbye. Bill er tveimur árum eldri en ég. Bill is two years older than I am. Bill's two years older than me. Frumvarpið var samþykkt með yfirgnæfandi meirihluta. The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority. The bill was approved by the vast majority. Það er nauðsynlegt að gera einhverjar æfingar á hverjum degi. It is necessary to do some exercise every day. You have to do some exercises every day. Er það enn langt í burtu? Is it still far from here? Is it still a long way off? Seinna áttaði ég mig á því að Beijingbúar ganga hægt. I later realized that Beijing people walk slowly. Later, I realized that the Beijings are slow. Það er dónalegt af þér að segja það. It is rude of you to say so. That's rude of you to say that. Ég er þokkalegur. I'm quite well. I'm okay. Vonda lyktin gerði mér óglatt. The bad smell sickened me. The bad smell made me sick. Mig langar að láta í ljós þakklæti mitt. I'd like to express my gratitude. I'd like to express my gratitude. Eyðið peningum og njótið lífsins! Spend money and enjoy life! Destroy money and enjoy life! Það er enginn að bíða á strætóstoppustöðinni. Við kunnum að hafa misst af strætisvagninum. No one is waiting at the bus stop. We may have missed the bus. Nobody's waiting at the bus stop, we may have missed the bus. Hann er ungur enn. He is still young. He's still young. Þetta fiskabúrslíf er allt sem ég þarf. This fishbowl life is all I need. This fish tank life is all I need. Hver er að spila á píanóið. Who is playing the piano? Who's playing the piano? Naganó sigraði Tókíó með tveimur gegn þremur. Nagano beat Tokyo 2 to 3. Nagano beat Tokyo with two against three. Ertu yngri en hann? Are you younger than him? Are you younger than him? Latína er dautt tungumál. Latin is a dead language. Latin is a dead language. Þennan stól þarf að laga. This chair needs to be fixed. This chair has to be fixed. Íbúafjöldi Þýskalands er minni en helmingur íbúafjölda Bandaríkjanna. The population of Germany is less than half that of the United States. The population of Germany is less than half the population in the United States. Af hverju hringdirðu í mig á þessum óguðlega tíma? Why did you call me at this unearthly hour? Why did you call me at this ungodly time? Ég spilaði tennis. I played tennis. I played tennis. Hún ráðlagði honum hvaða bækur hann ætti að lesa. She advised him on what books to read. She advised him what books he should read. Peter er alls ekkert líkur föður sínum. Peter isn't anything like his father. Peter is nothing like his father at all. Hvað er þetta? Þetta er steinn. What is this? This is a stone. What is this? Ég týndi húslyklinum svo ég kemst ekki inn í húsið. I lost the door key, so I can't enter the house. I lost the door key so I can't get into the house. Þið munið spara tíma ef þið takið upp þessa nýju aðferð. You will save time if you adopt this new procedure. You will save time if you adopt this new method. Flýttu þér til baka. Hurry back. Hurry back. Þessi verksmiðja framleiðir leikföng. That factory makes toys. This factory produces toys. Út úr bílnum. Get out of the car. Get out of the car. Nú hringi ég á lögmanninn minn! Now I'll call my lawyer! Now I'm calling my lawyer! Strákurinn er með risastóra kúlu á höfðinu. Engin furða að hann hafi grátið svona mikið! The boy has a huge bump on his head. No wonder he cried so much! The kid's got a huge bullet on his head, and no wonder he cried so much! Allir í hverfinu urðu undrandi á fréttunum. The whole neighborhood was surprised at the news. Everyone in the neighborhood was surprised at the news. Tom er ráðgáta. Tom is a mystery. Tom's a mystery. Þetta er flugvélin mín. This is my airplane. That's my plane. Ég held að það sé kominn tími á að ég haldi smá boð. I think it's time for me to throw a little party. I think it's time I had a little party. Þessi stóll er of lágur fyrir mig. This chair is too low for me. This chair is too low for me. Hún á þennan bíl. That car is hers. She owns this car. Horfðu á fjallið þarna. Look at that mountain. Look at that mountain. Ég kem ekki í dag. I am not coming today. I'm not coming today. Vélin hans fer til Hong Kong klukkan 2:00 e.h. His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m. His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m. Ég er með gífurlegt magn af fötum í skápnum mínum. I have a huge amount of clothes in my closet. I have an enormous amount of clothes in my closet. Hún spurði hann hvar Jessie væri. She asked him where Jessie was. She asked him where Jessie was. Allir rithöfundar þjást af og til af ritstíflu. Every author suffers from writer's block from time to time. All writers suffer from at times a cessation of literature. Ekki klifra á þessu! Don't climb on this! Don't climb on that! Ég fór í bankann til að taka út peninga. I went to the bank to take out money. I went to the bank to take out money. Þú ættir að fara í regnfrakka. You'd better put on a raincoat. You should go to a raincoat. Ég skal lána þér þann litla pening sem ég er með á mér. I'll lend you what little money I have on me. I'll lend you the small money I have on me. Ég mun byrja að vinna fyrsta júlí. I will start working on July first. I'll start working on July 1st. Hún er klædd í sitt fínasta púss. She is dressed in her best. She's dressed in her finest bag. Þeir fönguðu refinn. They trapped the fox. They captured the fox. Frábærar fréttir! What wonderful news! Great news! Tom verður ekki ekki upptekinn. Tom won't be busy. Tom won't be busy. Ég er karlmaður. I am a man. I'm a man. Þú þarft ekkert að flýta þér. You have no need to hurry. You don't have to hurry. Ræðum það. Let's discuss it. Let's talk about it. Hún ráðlagði honum að lesa þessar bækur. She advised him to read those books. She advised him to read these books. Hann er kennari. He is a teacher. He's a teacher. Ég fraus! Ég hefði átt að finna upp á almennilegri áætlun fyrst. I choked! I should have come up with a proper plan first. I should have invented a good plan first. Þú ættir að byrja undir eins. You'd better start at once. You should start right away. Ég þurfti að vinna yfirvinnu í gær. I had to work overtime yesterday. I had to work overtime last night. Ég vil búa í Brasilíu. I'd like to live in Brazil. I want to live in Brazil. Allt virðist ganga vel. Everything appears to be going well. Everything seems to be going well. Þessi kona er með tvo poka. That woman has two bags. This woman has two bags. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara til lögfræðings og því gerði hann það. She advised him to see a lawyer, so he did. She advised him to go to a lawyer, so he did. Síminn virkar ekki í augnablikinu. The telephone is now out of order. The phone doesn't work right now. Þið eruð ungir piltar. You are young boys. You're young boys. Mér til undrunar átu þau kjötið hrátt. To my surprise, they ate the meat raw. To my surprise, they ate the meat raw. Hann er vinsæll meðal almennings. He is popular with the people at large. He's popular with the public. Tom mun ekki vilja það. Tom won't want it. Tom won't want it. Jill er búin að vera að tala í símann við vini sína í meira en tvo tíma! Jill has been on the phone with friends for more than two hours! Jill has been on the phone with her friends for more than two hours! Hristið flöskuna fyrir notkun. Shake the bottle before using. Shake the bottle before use. Hann varð ástfanginn af yngri konu. He fell in love with a younger woman. He fell in love with a younger woman. Smith hefur eytt mörgum árum í að rannsaka áhrif svefns og svefntaps á minni og lærdóm. Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning. Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep loss and sleep loss on memory and learning. Ef þú lendir í gryfju, verðurðu bara að grafa sjálfan þig út. When you find yourself in a hole, you just have to dig yourself out. If you're in a pit, you're just gonna have to dig yourself out. Ég vil vita ástæðuna. I want to know why. I want to know why. Engan sakaði. Nobody was injured. No harm. Hún er lömuð á báðum leggjum. She is paralyzed in both legs. She's paralyzed on both sides. Það var ekki fyrr en ég las bókina að ég vissi um það. It was not until I read the book that I knew about it. It wasn't until I read the book that I knew about it. Hann var hræddur þegar apinn hoppaði að honum. He was scared when the monkey jumped at him. He was scared when the monkey jumped at him. Hurðir eru ekki eins slæmar og þú heldur. Doors ain't as bad as you think. Doors are not as bad as you think they are. Einn fyrir alla og allir fyrir einn. Það er liðsheildin. All for one, and one for all. That's team play. One for all and all for one, that's for the team. Hún reitti arfa í garðinum. She weeded the garden. She pissed off inheritances in the park. Stígurinn milli húsanna tveggja var tepptur af snjó. The path between the two houses was blocked by snow. The path between the two houses was blocked by snow. Klukkan er hálf níu. It's half past eight. It's 11:30. Það var sniðugt hjá honum að taka ekki þátt í því. He was wise not to participate in it. It was a good idea for him not to participate. Þú ert svo fölur. You look so pale. You look so pale. Hún lék í leikritinu. She acted in the play. She was in the play. Sæktu það og settu það á eldinn. Fetch it and put it on the fire. Get it and put it on the fire. Það er engin þörf á að tala svo hátt. There's no need to speak so loud. There's no need to talk so loud. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki einn. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Þú ættir að vera varkárari. You should be more careful. You should be more careful. Ekki gleyma að stimpla þig út áður en þú ferð úr vinnunni. Don't forget to clock out before you leave work. Do not forget to log out before leaving work. Salernið er uppi. The toilet is upstairs. The toilet's upstairs. Hún hélt á barninu sínu í örmum sér. She held her baby in her arms. She held her baby in her arms. Þessi miði gildir í eina viku í viðbót. This ticket is good for one more week. This note goes on for another week. Ég er tvöfalt eldri en þið. I'm twice your age. I'm twice your age. Ertu búinn að lesa þessa skáldsögu? Have you finished reading that novel? Have you read this novel? Það eina sem ég fann voru ein skæri. All I found is a pair of scissors. All I could find was one pair of scissors. Áttu morgunmat heima? Do you have breakfast at home? Do you have any breakfast at home? Þjónninn var niðri. The server was down. The server was down. Hann er búinn að kaupa nýjan bíl. He has bought a new car. He's bought a new car. Ég kann við bæði. I like both. I like both. Ég fann jörðina skjálfa. I felt the earth shake. I felt the ground shaking. Þú veist að ég mundi gera allt fyrir fallegu augun þín. You know I'd do anything for your beautiful eyes. You know I would do anything for your pretty eyes. Barnið þarfnast móður sinnar. The baby needs its mother. The baby needs its mother. Í hvert skipti sem sígarettur hækka í verði reyna margir að hætta að reykja. Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking. Every time cigarettes go up, many people try to quit smoking. Ég mun gera það með öllum tiltækum ráðum. I will do it by all means. I'll do it by any means necessary. Ekki tala svona. Don't talk like that. Don't talk like that. Þessi gaur er eitthvað geggjaður! That guy is off his rocker! This guy's crazy! Allir hlógu að honum. Everyone laughed at him. Everybody laughed at him. Ég flýtti mér á brautarstöðina til þess eins að komast að því að lestin var þegar farin. I hurried to the station only to find that the train had already left. I hurried to the station just to find out that the train had already gone. Hún er undir stólnum. She is under the chair. She's under the chair. Hann losaði sig við bílinn í húsasundi og tók hlaupandi á rás. He ditched the car in an alley and took off running. He got rid of the car in an alley and ran to the channel. Hún kemur ekki í tíma á morgun. She won't come to class tomorrow. She's not coming to class tomorrow. Er þér ekki kalt? Don't you feel cold? Aren't you cold? Farðu og athugaðu hver þetta er. Go and see who it is. Go find out who it is. Ef við dæmum framtíð hafrannsókna af fortíðinni, getum við sannarlega hlakkað til margra spennandi uppgötvana. If we are to judge the future of ocean study by its past, we can surely look forward to many exciting discoveries. If we judge the future of ocean research from the past, we can certainly look forward to many exciting discoveries. Hávaxni maðurinn kom út úr húsinu. The tall man came out of the house. The tall man came out of the house. Vinsamlegast standið til hliðar. Please step aside. Please stand aside. Læstu hurðinni. Lock the door. Lock the door. Enginn gat gefið rétta svarið. Nobody could give the correct answer. No one could give the right answer. Já eða nei? Yes or no? Yes or no? Skemmtu þér vel. Have a nice time. Have fun. Ég er að vera þolinmóð. I'm being patient. I'm being patient. Andskotinn! Damn it! Shit! Allavegana, þú hefur rangt fyrir þér. Anyway, you're wrong. Anyway, you're wrong. Þér tókst loksins að finna vinnu. You finally succeeded in getting a job. You finally found a job. Hún ráðlagði honum að fara á strangan matarkúr. She advised him to go on a strict diet. She advised him to take a heavy diet. Hvað langar þig til að gera? What would you like to do? What would you like to do? Ég næ ekki að sofa almennilega. I can't sleep well. I can't get to sleep properly. Ef engin er lausnin, er vandamálið ekkert. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. If there's no solution, there's no problem. Hún kom til Tókíó þegar hún var átján ára gömul. She came to Tokyo when she was eighteen years old. She came to Tokyo when she was 18. John sýndi af sér hugdirfsku. John did a brave thing. John showed courage. Ég er að læra tónlist. I'm learning music. I'm learning music. Sundurlaust mal þessa manns er það fjarstæðukenndasta sem ég hef nokkurtíma heyrt. This man's ramblings are the furthest from the truth I've ever heard! This man's constant dissension is the most extraordinary thing I've ever heard. Strákar hafa gaman af prakkarastrikum. Boys are fond of mischief. Guys like pranks. Hérna er bókin þín. Here is your book. Here's your book. Hvenær komstu til baka frá Þýskalandi? When did you come back from Germany? When did you get back from Germany? Góðan dag. Good morning. Good morning. Hvenær á bróðir minn afmæli? When is my brother's birthday? When's my brother's birthday? Ég er svolítið þreytt. I'm feeling sort of tired. I'm a little tired. Ég bankaði á hurðina en enginn kom til dyra. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. I knocked on the door, but no one answered. Hún var feimin í byrjun. He was shy at the beginning. She was shy at first. Hann ákvað að búa í Tókíó frekar en Ósaka. He chose to live in Tokyo instead of Osaka. He decided to live in Tokyo rather than Osaka. Þúsund dollarar er há upphæð. A thousand dollars is a large sum. A thousand dollars is a large amount. Hann er sex árum eldri en ég. He is six years older than I. He's six years older than me. Viltu starfa í Þýskalandi? Do you want to work in Germany? You want to work in Germany? Það halda allir að ég sé skrítinn. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Everyone thinks I'm weird. Jill segist vera hamingjusamlega gift, en stundum mundi maður varla halda það. Jill says that she's happily married, but at times you'd never know it. Jill claims to be happily married, but at times you would hardly think so. Ég vinn aldrei um helgar. I never work on weekends. I never work weekends. Ertu með djúpan disk fyrir súpu? Do you have a bowl for soup? Do you have a deep plate for soup? Þú ert há en hann er enn hærri. You are tall, but he is still taller. You're tall, but he's still taller. Íhaldsflokkurinn vann kosningarnar árið 1992. The Conservative Party won the election in 1992. The Reservation Party won the election in 1992. Þessi börn eru hugsanlegir viðskiptavinir. Those children are potential customers. These children are potential customers. Hringdu í mig seinna, allt í lagi? Give me a call later, OK? Call me later, okay? Ég sá myndina fyrir löngu. I saw the movie long ago. I saw that movie a long time ago. Ég heimsæki þig á morgun. I'll visit you tomorrow. I'll visit you tomorrow. Þú mátt ekki reiða þig um of á útlit. You must not rely too much on appearance. Do not lean on your looks too much. Gefðu mér bara smá. Give me just a little. Just give me a little. Við erum systkinabörn. We're cousins. We're brothers and sisters. Peter þarf ekki að mæta á fundinn. Peter doesn't need to attend the meeting. Peter doesn't have to be at the meeting. Ég mun kenna þér að spila skák. I will teach you to play chess. I'll teach you how to play chess. Billy er mjög hávaxinn miðað við aldur. Billy is very tall for his age. Billy's very tall for his age. Hún er með stutt hár. She has short hair. She's got short hair. Hver ætli hafi fundið þetta upp? I wonder who invented it. I wonder who invented this. Kötturinn er ekki mennskur. The cat is not human. The cat's not human. Gerðu svo vel að róa þig. Please relax. Please, just calm down. Ég hafði ekki hugmynd að þú værir að koma. I had no idea that you were coming. I had no idea you were coming. Hún hélt áfram að vinna. She kept working. She kept working. Hún grét áfram. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Ársdvöl þeirra í Þýskalandi bar ríkan ávöxt. Their year-long stay in Germany was very fruitful. Their years in Germany produced rich fruitage. Tsúbasa lestin er mjög hraðskreið. The Tsubasa is a very fast train. This is a very fast - moving train. Klukkan sjö þrjátíu lokuðum við dyrunum á eftir okkur. At seven-thirty, we too closed the door behind us. At 7:30, we closed the door behind us. Hversu oft á viku ferðu í bað? How often a week do you take a bath? How often a week do you take a bath? Hversu hávaxin ertu? How tall are you? How tall are you? Ég elska hann meira en nokkuð annað. I love him more than anything. I love him more than anything. Hann mun ekki berja mig. He won't beat me. He won't hit me. Var Tom pirraður? Was Tom annoyed? Tom was frustrated? Við erum að stórum hluta ábyrg fyrir árangri nemendanna í inntökuprófinu. We are, in large measure, responsible for students' success in the entrance exam. We are largely responsible for the success of the students in the oral test. Brúðurin hló skyndilega. The bride suddenly laughed. The bride laughed suddenly. Mig langar virkilega ekki að fara. I really do not want to go. I really don't want to go. Það er eitthvað mjög heillandi við þig. There is something very charming about you. There's something very fascinating about you. Þetta er Brian Rock This is Brian Rock. This is Brian Rock. Hún greiðir sér um hárið á morgnanna. She brushes her hair in the morning. She does her hair in the morning. Þér var gefið súkíjakí í kvöldmat, svo gistirðu og fékkst morgunmat. Finnst þér þú ekki hafa verið að ónáða? You were served sukiyaki for dinner, then spent the night and had breakfast. Don't you think you were imposing? You were given chocolate for dinner, then you stayed and had breakfast, don't you think you were having trouble? Ég var of glöð til að sofa. I was too happy to sleep. I was too happy to sleep. Ég er stolt af þér. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. Ertu þreyttur núna? Are you tired now? Are you tired now? John vill ekki svara spurningunni. John will not answer the question. John won't answer the question. Ég er of gömul fyrir það. I am too old for it. I'm too old for that. Enginn verður óbarinn biskup. No cross, no crown. Nobody's going to be a straight bishop. Góðan daginn, Mike. Good morning, Mike. Morning, Mike. Þú ættir síður að keyra bíl. You had better not drive a car. You shouldn't be driving a car. Sumir kennarar skræla kartöflur meðan þeir kenna. Some teachers peel potatoes while teaching. Some teachers decorate potatoes while teaching. Skórnir þínir passa ekki við jakkafötin. Your shoes do not go with the suit. Your shoes don't match your suit. Þögn er sama og samþykki. Silence gives consent. Silence is acceptable. Hversu hávaxinn ertu? How tall are you? How tall are you? Mörg hér um bil sjö þúsund tungumála heimsins eru einungis töluð af örfáum manneskjum og eru í útrýmingarhættu. Many of the world's seven thousand or so languages are spoken only by handfuls of living people and are in danger of extinction. Many of the world's approximately 7,000 languages are spoken by only a few people and are in danger of extinction. Viltu eins eða tveggja manna herbergi? Would you like a single or a double? Do you want a room of one or two? John leggur hart að sér. John works hard. John is working hard. Færið ykkur vinsamlegast inn í vagninn! Move into the bus, please! Please move into the bus! Þýskaland ól af sér marga vísindamenn. Germany produced many scientists. Germany produced many scientists. Hann mun þurfa að fara á stöðina. He will have to go to the station. He'll have to go to the station. Ég hata frönsku. I hate French. I hate French. Hverjum gafstu hana? Who did you give it to? Who did you give it to? Ég veðja fimm dollurum að hann komi ekki. I bet five dollars that he will not come. I'll bet you five bucks he's not coming. Aldrei hef ég séð eins sætan hvolp og þennan. Never have I seen such a cute puppy as this. I've never seen a puppy like that before. Ég mun aldrei sjá hann aftur. I will never see him again. I'll never see him again. Hvort líkar þér betur við Giants eða Dragons? Which do you like better, the Giants or the Dragons? Which do you like better for Giants or Dragons? Mig langar að borða kimbap. I want to eat kimbap. I want to eat kimbap. John lá í rúminu allan daginn í stað þess að fara í vinnuna. John stayed in bed all day instead of going to work. John lay in bed all day instead of going to work. Hún kom hingað alla leið frá Hokkaídó She came here all the way from Hokkaido. She came here all the way from Hokkaido Hverjum finnst þér skemmtilegast að hanga með? Who's your favorite person to hang out with? Who do you like to hang out with? Nýja starfið hans gaf honum góð laun. His new job brought him a handsome income. His new job gave him a fine reward. Lokaðu dyrunum. Shut the door. Close the door. Hver er uppáhaldsleikarinn þinn? Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actor? Ég er með fréttir I've got good news. I have news Þær eru leikkonur. They are actors. They're actresses. Haltu dyrunum opnum. Keep the door open. Hold the door. Þér er frjálst að nota þetta herbergi hvernig sem þér sýnist. You are at liberty to make use of this room in any way you please. You're free to use this room any way you like. Þú verður að fylgja lögunum. You have to abide by the laws. You have to follow the law. Ég þurfti ekki að læra í gær. I didn't have to study yesterday. I didn't have to study last night. Ég gerði það samt. I did it anyway. I did, though. Hr. Johnson stendur fast á kenningu sinni. Mr Johnson insists on his theory. Mr. Johnson is a man of his theory. Þú ert minn gestur. You're my guest. You're my guest. Sonur minn vill verða atvinnumaður í golfi. My son wants to become a professional golf player. My son wants to be a pro in golf. Þetta kom á óvart. It was a surprise. That was surprising. Allt í þessari búð er með tíu prósenta afslætti af venjulegu verði. Everything at that store is 10 percent off the regular price. Everything in this store has a 10 - percent discount of standard price. Það tók John um tvær vikur að ná sér af veikindum sínum. It took John about two weeks to get over his illness. It took John about two weeks to recover from his illness. Hún er með sólgleraugu. She's wearing sunglasses. She's wearing sunglasses. Hann fór til Boston í bíl. He went to Boston by car. He went to Boston in the car. Þú mátt borða hvað sem þú vilt. You can eat whatever you want. You can eat anything you want. Húsið er reimt. The house is haunted. The house is haunted. Með nýju vinnunni hefur hann tekið á sig meiri ábyrgð. With his new job, he's taken on more responsibility. With his new job, he has taken on more responsibility. Þetta næstum því virkar. This almost works. Almost works. Sittu kyrr. Please remain seated. Sit tight. Bítur hundurinn þinn? Does your dog bite? Your dog bites? Áfram flýtur allt, ekkert stendur kyrrt. Everything flows, nothing stands still. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Amma Jóns lést eftir langvinn veikindi. John's grandmother passed away after a long illness. My grandmother Jon died of chronic illness. Afsakið, ertu með eld? Excuse me, have you got a light? Excuse me, do you have a light? Útlendir fjárfestar héldu sig til hlés sökum stjórnmálalegs óstöðugleika á svæðinu. Foreign investors backed off because of regional political unrest. Foreign investors stayed out because of the political instability of the region. Þú munt ekki ná í skólann á réttum tíma. You won't be in time for school. You're not gonna make it to school on time. Þú verður að vera kominn aftur á sunnudaginn hið síðasta. You must be back on Sunday at the latest. You have to be back by Sunday. Þú ert mín týpa. You're my type. You're my type. Ekki gleyma að tala við hann á morgun. Don't forget to talk with him tomorrow. Don't forget to talk to him tomorrow. Facebook er leiðinlegt. Facebook is boring. Facebook is boring. Mig langar að ferðast um heiminn. I want to travel around the world. I want to travel around the world. Gerðu það eins og hann segir þér. Do it the way he tells you to. Do as he tells you. Ég er uppgefin. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Hefurðu verið í sambandi við einhvern gömlu skólafélaganna þinna nýlega? Have you been in contact with one of your old school friends recently? Have you been in touch with one of your old schoolmates recently? Hann kastaði steini í tjörnina. He threw a rock into the pond. He threw a stone into the pond. Þú ert þreytt, ekki satt? You are tired, aren't you? You're tired, aren't you? Peter líkist alls ekkert föður sínum. Peter isn't anything like his father. Peter does not look anything like his father at all. Ég mun bæta upp fyrir tapaðan tíma með því að leggja eins hart að mér og ég get. I will make up for the lost time by working as hard as I can. I will make up for lost time by working as hard as I can. Hann er Svisslendingur. He's Swiss. He's a Swiss landing. Mætti ég skilja eftir skilaboð? Can I leave a message? May I leave a message? Nýgift. Just married. Newlyweds. Forsætisráðherrann skrifaði undir viðskiptasáttmála milli ríkjanna tveggja. The Prime Minister signed a trade agreement between the two countries. The Prime Minister signed a business contract between the two states. Lestu í gegnum greinina. Read through the article. Read through the article. Hann þarf að fá súrefni. This guy needs oxygen. He needs oxygen. Ég er illa kvefaður. I have a bad cold. I got a bad cold. Hvers vinur er hann? Whose friend is he? What friend is he? Ég hélt uppi höndinni til að stöðva leigubíl. I held up my hand to stop a taxi. I held up my hand to stop a cab. Ég fór í lystigarðinn í gær. I went to the park yesterday. I went to the park yesterday. Við verðum öll að gæta þess að varðveita þjóðararfleifðina. We must all take care to preserve our national heritage. All of us must be on guard against the heritage of the people. Horfðu á mig þegar ég tala við þig. Look at me when I talk to you! Look at me when I'm talking to you. Þú hefur frelsið til að ferðast hvert sem þú vilt. You have the freedom to travel wherever you like. You have the freedom to travel wherever you want. Hún er ákveðin í að ná sér niðri á vinkonu sinni fyrir að hafa stungið sig í bakið. She's determined to get back at her friend for stabbing her in the back. She is determined to get over her friend because she stabbed herself in the back. Það dimmir smám saman úti. It's getting dark little by little outside. It slowly gets dark outside. Við tengjum Darwin við þróunarkenninguna. We associate Darwin with the theory of evolution. We associate Darwin with the theory of evolution. Guus Hiddink er Hollendingur. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Guus Hiddink is Dutch. Það voru tvær konur um borð. There were two women on board. There were two women on board. Chíleið brenndi mig á tungunni. The chili burnt my tongue. Cheway burned me on my tongue. Það er ástæðan fyrir því að ég var ekki í skólanum í gær. That's why I was absent from school yesterday. That's why I wasn't at school yesterday. Ég skiptist á að vera jákvæður og neikvæður. I am by turns an optimist and a pessimist. I took turns being positive and negative. Líkar þér við Moskvu? Did you like Moscow? You like Moscow? Hann svarar bréfinu þínu braðlega. He'll answer your letter soon. He quickly answers your letter. Ég ferðast oft. I travel often. I travel a lot. Ég hef gert það. I've done so. I have. Svikarar verða sendir úr landi. Traitors will be deported. Traitors will be sent ashore. Þú getur treyst Jóni. Hann mun aldrei bregðast þér. You can trust John. He will never let you down. You can trust John, he'll never let you down. Karfan mín er full af bókum. My basket is full of books. My couch is full of books. Tónlistin sem við hlustuðum á í gær var yndisleg. The music we listened to last night was wonderful. The music we listened to yesterday was wonderful. Þekkirðu ástæðuna? Do you know the reason? Do you know why? Hafðu ekki áhyggjur. Don't worry. Don't worry. Í heiminum mínum eru allir smáhestar og þeir éta allir regnboga og kúka fiðrildum. In my world everyone's a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies. In my world, all the ponies are ponies, and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies. Þú munt lifa lengur ef þú reykir ekki. You will live longer if you don't smoke. You'll live longer if you don't smoke. Sendu eftir farangrinum undir eins. Send for the baggage immediately. Send for the luggage immediately. Aldrei hefi ég séð slíkt og annað eins. Never have I seen such a thing. I have never seen such things and things like them. Þýskaland var einu sinni í bandalagi með Ítalíu. Germany was once allied with Italy. Germany was once in an alliance with Italy. Mætti ég kynna þig fyrir Dr. Johnson? May I introduce you to Dr. Johnson? May I introduce you to Dr. Johnson? Vilt þú að við förum í skólann? Do you want us to go to school? Do you want us to go to school? Húsið þitt þarfnast lagfæringar. Your house needs repairing. Your house needs repairs. Engin stúlknanna er nemandi. None of the girls is a student. None of the girls are students. Hann kemur á morgun til Parísar. He will arrive in Paris tomorrow. He'll be here tomorrow in Paris. Hún ráðlagði honum að hann ætti að halda sig heima. She advised him that he should stay at home. She advised him that he should stay at home. Þú þarft ekki að hafa áhyggjur af slíkum smámunum. You need not fret over such trifles. You don't have to worry about such little things. Hún hefur gaman af ljósmyndun. She likes taking pictures. She likes photography. Við fylgdum reglunum. We obeyed the rules. We followed the rules. Hann trúir Tom. He believes Tom. He believes Tom. Stjórnarflokkurinn er spilltur en stjórnarandstaðan er litlu betri. The party in power is corrupt, but the opposition is little better. The government party is corrupt, but the government's not much better. Hver planaði þetta? Whose plan is it? Who planned this? Þjónninn var niðri. The waiter was downstairs. The server was down. Lífið er ekki nema leiftur, fegurðin endist einn enstakan dag! Hugsaðu um hauskúpur hinna dauðu sem allar eru eins. Life is but a flash of lightning, beauty lasts for a single day! Think about the skulls of the dead that are all alike. Life is but lightning, beauty lasts a day but a day. Think of the skulls of the dead, all alike. Þú hefðir ekki þurft að flýta þér. You need not have hurried. You wouldn't have had to hurry. Við ætlum að klifra þetta fjall. We are going to climb that mountain. We're gonna climb this mountain. Við töluðum hver við annan sí og æ. We were talking to each other all the time. We talked to each other all the time. John er góður vinur minn. John is a good friend of mine. John's a good friend of mine. Það er engin þörf á að flýta sér. There's no need to hurry. There is no need to hurry. Ég get ekki munað hvernig maður segir "takk" á þýsku. I can't remember how to say "Thank you" in German. I can't remember how you say "thank" to German. Hann kann að lesa og skrifa. He can read and write. He can read and write. Og þannig féll hann á prófinu. And thus he failed the exam. And so he failed the test. Hr. Ford á þetta land. Mr Ford owns this land. Mr. Ford owns this country. Vetraríþróttir eru mjög vinsælar í okkar landi. Winter sports are very popular in our country. Winter sports are very popular in our country. Ég þekki strákinn sem situr næst dyrunum. I know the boy who is sitting closest to the door. I know the kid next door. Hefurðu aldrei heyrt um Rio de Janeiro? Haven't you ever heard of Rio de Janeiro? You've never heard of Rio de Janeiro? Þessi rithöfundur er rússneskur. This writer is Russian. This writer is Russian. Hr. Johnson breytti skyndilega um skoðun og skrifaði undir samninginn. Mr Johnson suddenly changed his mind and signed the contract. Mr. Johnson suddenly changed his mind and signed the contract. Ég fótbrotnaði á skíðum. I broke my leg skiing. I broke my feet on skiing. Hún sleppti fjórðu spurningunni á prófinu. She left out the fourth question on the examination. She dropped the fourth question on the test. Það var árið 1980 sem John var skotinn á þessum stað. It was in 1980 that John was shot at this spot. It was 1980 that John was shot in that place. Við vorum öll frekar uppgefin. We were all rather exhausted. We were all pretty exhausted. Það er skýjað. It's cloudy. It's cloudy. Fyrirtækin eru að keppast um að fylla í skarðið. Corporations are competing to fill the vacuum. The companies are competing to fill the gap. Það er maður við dyrnar. There is a man at the door. There's a man at the door. Mig langar í nudd. Ég þarf að slappa af. I want a massage. I need to relax. I need to relax. Við vonumst til að komast upp á toppinn fyrir myrkur. We hope to reach the summit before it gets dark. We hope to get to the top before dark. Núverandi ójafnvægi milli framboðs og eftirspurnar er talið benda til formbreytinga á sviði eftirspurnar frekar en að það sé lotubundið fyrirbæri. The current imbalance between supply and demand is considered to reflect structural changes on the demand side, rather than being a cyclical phenomenon. The current variability between supply and demand is thought to indicate that this is more than a cyclic phenomenon. Skiptumst á að róa bátnum. Let's take turns rowing the boat. Let's switch to rowing the boat. Við erum fátæk, en við erum hamingjusöm. We are poor, but we are happy. We're poor, but we're happy. Við eigum samstarfsfélaga á Spáni. We have a colleague in Spain. We have a partner in Spain. Það ringdi í heila viku. It kept on raining for a week. It would ring for a week. Hvernig varð þessi misskilningur eiginlega til? How did this misunderstanding ever arise? Just how did this misunderstanding come about? Ég hjálpaði föður mínum í gær. I helped my father yesterday. I helped my father last night. Ég er ákaflega hræddur við slöngur. I am terribly afraid of snakes. I'm really scared of snakes. Þú ert góðhjartað barn. You are a good hearted child. You're a good-hearted child. Ástand sjúklingsins batnaði. The condition of the patient turned for the better. The patient's condition improved. Hvað ætlarðu að fá þér í hádegismat í dag? What will you have for lunch today? What are you going to have for lunch today? Ég er ekki ennþá búinn að ákveða mig. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Laufin á trénu gulnuðu. The leaves of the tree turned yellow. The leaves on the tree yellowed. Hann hvarf sporlaust. He disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace. Stúlkan æpti af ótta - sem við deildum öll með henni. The girl screamed with fear, which we all shared. The girl was screaming out of fear -- which we all shared with her. Við grunum hann um lygi. We suspect him of telling a lie. We suspect him of a lie. Hún brosti til barnsins síns. She smiled at her baby. She smiled at her baby. Þetta bragðast vel. This tastes good. That tastes good. Ekki hafa áhyggjur af svo kjánalegum hlut. Don't worry about such a silly thing. Don't worry about that silly thing. Dagskráin mín er virkilega full akkúrat núna. My schedule's really full right now. My schedule is really full right now. Þau leituðu hátt og lágt að týnda piltinum en án árangurs. They searched high and low for the missing boy but to no avail. They searched for the lost boy, but to no avail. Við leigðum bíl í viku þegar við vorum á Ítalíu. We hired a car for a week when we were in Italy. We rented a car for a week when we were in Italy. Það lítur út fyrir að Bill muni fara í læknisfræði eftir allt saman. It looks like Bill will go to medical school after all. It seems that Bill will go to medicine after all. Hún er barn eftir allt saman. She is a child after all. She's a child after all. Hann er tvöfalt eldri en hún. He is twice as old as she is. He's twice her age. Þessir fuglar fljúga ekki vel en þeir eru frábærir hlauparar. These birds don't fly well but they are excellent runners. These birds don't fly well, but they're great runners. Mér líður vel í dag. I feel fine today. I'm fine today. Ég er upptekin. I'm busy. I'm busy. Þú átt að skila inn verkefnunum þínum fyrir mánudaginn. You are to hand in your assignments by Monday. You are to submit your tasks by Monday. Snúðu aftur í sætið þitt. Go back to your seat. Turn back to your seat. Það vill svo til að ég hef skilið bókina eftir heima. As it happens, I have left the book at home. It just so happens that I've left the book at home. Gæti ég fengið annan bjór? Could I have another glass of beer? Could I have another beer? Þessi klukka er biluð. This clock is broken. This clock is broken. Ég var of hamingjusamur til að sofa. I was too happy to sleep. I was too happy to sleep. Ég vildi að þú lokaðir hurðinni þegar þú ferð út. I wish you would shut the door when you go out. I wanted you to close the door when you went out. Karlmenn eru eins og birnir: því ljótari sem þeir eru, því myndarlegri. Men are like bears: the uglier they are, the more handsome. Men are like bears: the more ugly they are, the more handsome. Þú ert með mjög kynþokkafulla leggi. You have very sexy legs. You have very sexy legs. Ég heyrði hann fara út úr herberginu. I heard him go out of the room. I heard him leaving the room. Þau gerðu ekkert. They did nothing. They didn't do anything. Það eina sem þú þarft að gera er að bíða eftir svari frá honum. All that you have to do is to wait for his reply. All you have to do is wait for his answer. Flest fólk vill bara heyra sinn eigin sannleika. Most people only want to hear their own truth. Most people just want to hear their own truth. Þú missir af lestinni ef þú flýtir þér ekki. You will miss the train if you don't hurry. You'll miss the train if you don't hurry. Enska er erfið, er það ekki? English is difficult, innit? English is hard, isn't it? Innihald veskisins var horfið. The contents of the wallet were missing. The contents of the wallet had disappeared. Ég sagði þeim að senda mér annan miða. I told them to send me another ticket. I told them to send me another ticket. Við verðum að kaupa þær að utan. We have to buy them from abroad. We have to buy them from outside. Ég vildi óska að ég væri ungur aftur. I wish I was young again. I wish I was young again. Fyrirgefðu. Ég get það ekki. I'm sorry, I can't. I'm sorry, I can't. Köttur birtist undan skrifborðinu. A cat appeared from under the desk. A cat appeared from under the desk. Ræðan hans hreyfði við okkur. His speech moved us. His speech moved us. Hann var í fastasvefni. He was fast asleep. He was asleep. Hversu marga bíla áttu? How many cars do you have? How many cars do you have? Pabbi minn svaf í gegnum alla myndina. My father slept through the movie. My dad slept through the whole movie. Við neyddum hann til að fara þangað. We made him go there. We forced him to go there. Hann lítur út fyrir að vera ungur. He looks young. He looks young. Förum niður á strönd. Það er frábær dagur úti. Let's go to the beach; it's a great day out. Let's go to the beach, it's a great day out. Ég get ekki þýtt þessa setningu. I'm not able to translate this sentence. I can't translate this sentence. Ég er ekki ennþá tilbúinn. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready yet. Mamma keypti fallegan kjól á mig á sunnudaginn var. Mother bought me a beautiful dress last Sunday. My mom bought me a nice dress Sunday afternoon. Frú Smith þrífur þetta herbergi þarna. Mrs. Smith cleans that room. Mrs. Smith is cleaning this room over there. Litla dýrið gaf frá sér vonda lykt. The small animal gave off a bad smell. The little beast gave off a bad smell. Gætirðu vinsamlegast látið mig fá farsímanúmerið þitt? Could you please give me your cellphone number? Could you give me your cell phone number, please? Gætirðu vinsamlegast hringt aftur seinna? Could you call again later, please? Can you call me back later, please? Ég get þýtt tiltölulega vel úr þýsku í ensku, en öfugt er það erfiðara. I can translate from German to English pretty well, but the other way around is more difficult. I can translate relatively well from German to English, but in contrast, it's harder. Hversu lengi er opið hjá ykkur? How late are you open? How long do you have open? Hann eyddi annari andvökunótt horfandi á sjónvarpið. He spent another sleepless night watching television. He spent another sleepless night watching TV. Maður giftist ekki einhverjum sem maður getur lifað með - maður giftist manneskjunni sem maður getur ekki lifað án. You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person whom you cannot live without. You can't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person you can't live without. Hún spurði mig spurningar. She asked me a question. She asked me a question. Ég á vin sem elskar mig. I have a friend who loves me. I have a friend who loves me. Ef þú lærir af alvöru máttu búast við því að ná prófinu. If you study earnestly, you can expect to pass the exam. If you learn from real life, you can expect to pass the test. Maður á fullt í fangi með börn Horatios. Horatio's kids are such handfuls. A man's got a lot in his arms with Horatio's children. Ég elska þig meira en hana. I love you more than her. I love you more than she does. Allir eru til. Everyone is ready. Everybody's ready. Það setur þig í hættu. That will put you in danger. That puts you in danger. Að hverju ertu að ýja? What are you hinting at? What are you pointing at? Úrið er búið til í Sviss. The watch is manufactured in Switzerland. The watch is made in Switzerland. Strætógjöld hafa staðið í stað í tvö ár. Bus rates have stayed the same for two years. Convictions have taken place for two years. Hún sagði við sjálfa sig: "Hvert ætti ég að fara næst?" She said to herself, "Where shall I go next?" She said to herself, "Where should I go next? " Hann borgaði tuttugu dollara fyrir varalitinn. He paid $20 for the lipstick. He paid twenty dollars for his lipstick. Þú hlýtur að hafa verið hissa að hitta kennarann þinn á svona stað. You must have been surprised to meet your teacher in such a place. You must have been surprised to meet your teacher in a place like this. Tom var í ástarsorg. Tom was brokenhearted. Tom was heartbroken. Það er líklegt að við náum þangað fyrir myrkur. We are likely to get there before dark. It's likely we'll reach them before dark. Ég fékk útbrot af brenninetlu. I got a rash from poison ivy. I got a mousse of sulfur. Hvor er þyngri? Which is the heavier of the two? Who weighs more? Ekki baktala fólk. Don't talk about people behind their backs. Don't back-talk people. Drengirnir ruku samtímis í átt að dyrunum. The boys rushed for the door at the same time. At the same time, the boys ran toward the door. Þú ert ungur. Ég er aftur á móti mjög gamall. You are young. I, on the contrary, am very old. You're young, on the other hand, I'm very old. Velkominn á heimasíðu Tatoeba verkefnisins. Welcome to the Tatoeba Project website. Welcome to the Tatoeba project website. Það er virkilega heimskulegt. That's really stupid. That's really stupid. Mig langar að læra arabísku. I would like to study Arabic. I want to learn Arabic. Vinsamlegast sendu mér mynd af sjálfum þér. Please send me a picture of yourself. Please send me a picture of yourself. Ég hef það á tilfinningunni að það skorti eitthvað í líf mitt. I have a feeling that something is lacking in my life. I have a feeling there's something missing in my life. Æj vá, segðu mér. Come on, tell me. Oh, boy, tell me. Páll var að hringja. Paul telephoned just now. Paul just called. Fáum okkur snöggvast eitthvað að drekka. Let's get something quick to drink. Let's get you something to drink. Má ég setja það hérna? May I put it here? Can I put it here? Senn líður að jólum. Christmas will soon come around. It's Christmas time. Reikningurinn verður að greiðast í dag. The bill must be paid today. The bill has to pay today. Hún setti olnbogana á hnén. She put her elbows on her knees. She put her elbows on her knees. Hvers óskarðu? What do you wish for? What do you want? Maður sér ekki oft skífusíma lengur. You don't see many dial phones around anymore. You don't see a phone often anymore. Hr. Brown talar japönsku afar vel. Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well. Mr. Brown speaks Japanese very well. Hún sættist við vin sinn. She reconciled with her friend. She made up with her friend. Útlendingurinn talaði japönsku eins og það væri hennar móðurmál. The foreigner spoke Japanese as if it were her mother tongue. The stranger spoke Japanese as if it were her native language. Boðið verður upp á kvöldmat um borð í flugvélinni. Dinner will be served on board the plane. We'll have dinner on board the plane. Andlit hans var fölt og föt hans fábrotin. His face was pale and his clothing humble. His face was pale, and his clothes were simple. Það er þess vegna sem ég sagði þér að fara ekki einsömul. That's why I told you not to go by yourself. That's why I told you not to go alone. Það er bara afsökun. That's just an excuse. That's just an excuse. Vinsamlegast skilaðu kveðju til hans. Please say hello to him for me. Please say hello to him. Í dag fór ég til læknisins. Today, I went to the doctor's. Today I went to see the doctor.