Egy ökörsütéshez is megfelelő tüzet gyújtottak. They had lit a fire fit to roast an ox. They even started the right fire to make an ox. Ez egy bomba. This is a bomb. It's a bomb. Nézted a táncomat? Have you seen me dance? Did you watch my dance? A legjobbakat! I wish you the best! Best of luck to you. Nem ezt akartam neked mutatni. That's not what I wanted to show you. That's not what I wanted to show you. Úgy vélem, elment Tomi. I think Tom left. I think Tom is gone. Tomi sakkozni tanított. Tom taught me how to play chess. Tom taught me how to play chess. Nem voltam dühös. I wasn't angry. I wasn't angry. Tom elment? Has Tom gone? Did Tom leave? Kötve hiszem, hogy Tom korán jön. I doubt if Tom will be early. I don't think Tom is coming early. Tom műszakja éjfélkor kezdődik. Tom's shift starts at midnight. Tom's shift starts at midnight. Tom alig értette, amit Mari mondott. Tom could hardly understand what Mary said. Tom barely understood what Mary said. Hé drágám, táncoljunk! Let's dance, my darling. Hey, honey, let's dance. Ismersz egy jó fogorvost? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Menned kellene. You should go. You should go. Kolóniákat hoztak létre Afrikában. They established settlements in Africa. Colonies were created in Africa. Ezt kellett volna tennem, de nem tettem. I should've done that, but I didn't. That's what I should have done, but I didn't. Ilyet mondott nekem az édesanyám. That's what my mother told me. That's what my mother told me. Tom volt? Was he Tom? Was it Tom? Ma este szeretnék elmenni szórakozni. I would like to go out tonight. I want to go out tonight. Kérem, mondja meg, hol van a szálloda? Could you please tell me where the hotel is? Please tell me where the hotel is. Írógépeket állítanak össze. They assemble typewriters. They're putting together typewriters. Te magad feleltél. You answered by yourself. You answered yourself. Tom még soha nem látta Marit meztelenül. Tom has never seen Mary naked. Tom has never seen Mary naked. Ez az ing túl nagy nekem. That shirt is too large for me. This shirt is too big for me. Ez egy nagyon régi könyv. It's a very old book. It's a very old book. Nagyon jól úszol. You swim very well. You're a very good swimmer. Nem aludhatok a földön. I can't sleep on the floor. I can't sleep on the floor. Indulás! Start! Let's go. Ilyen rossz a verseny? Is the competition that bad? Is the race that bad? Húsz tanulóból csupán egy olvasta el a könyvet. Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Only one in 20 students read the book. Tom nem tudott kiszabadulni. Tom couldn't escape. Tom couldn't get out. Féltem Tomtól. I was afraid of Tom. I was afraid of Tom. Csak barátok vagyunk? Are we only friends? We're just friends? Rossz kedvem van. I'm feeling low. I'm in a bad mood. Ez hiba. This is an error. This is a mistake. Tom és én gyakran játszottunk együtt gyerekkorunkban. Tom and I used to play together when we were children. Tom and I used to play together when we were kids. Tomi tudta mi Mari titka. Tom knew what Mary's secret was. Tom knew Mary's secret. Már látott jobb napokat is. She has seen better days. You've seen better days. Jó úton vagyok? Is this the right road? Am I on the right road? Együtt kerékpározunk. We bike together. We ride bikes together. Utálom az esős napokat. I hate rainy days. I hate rainy days. Tomnak kék a szeme? Does Tom have blue eyes? Tom has blue eyes? Az én barátnőm nagyon szép. My girlfriend is very beautiful. My girlfriend is very beautiful. Hoppá! Az én hibám. Ez nem háromezer euró, hanem háromezer jen. Oops, my fault. It's 3000 yen, not 3000 euros. It's not 3,000 euros, it's 3,000 yen. Azt gondoltam, Tom még otthon van. I thought Tom was still at home. I thought Tom was still at home. Tom szemébe néztem. I looked in Tom's eyes. I looked Tom in the eye. A diákok nagyon el vannak foglalva az iskolai fesztivál előkészítésével. The students are very busy in preparation for the school festival. Students are very busy preparing for the school festival. Nagyon gyorsan futsz. You run very fast. You run really fast. Egyre többen igyekeznek kihasználni a médium interaktív természetét. More and more people are rushing to make use of the interactive nature of the medium. More and more people are trying to take advantage of the interactive nature of the medium. Régen ott éltem. I used to live there. I used to live there. A négy négyzetgyöke kettő. The square root of four is two. The square root of four is two. Annyira hiányzott nekünk Tom! We missed Tom so much. We missed Tom so much. Ez az élelmiszerbolt csak bioélelmiszert árul. This grocery store only sells organic food. This grocery store only sells organic food. Tom nagyon lusta. Tom's very lazy. Tom is very lazy. Megettem egy narancsot. I ate an orange. I ate an orange. Elmehetnek úszni vagy horgászni. You may go swimming or fishing. You can go swimming or fishing. Páni félelem kerített hatalmába. I almost went crazy with fear. Panic fear took hold of me. Tom hétfőn fog visszajönni. Tom will be coming back Monday. Tom will be back on Monday. Nem tudok részt venni a mai ülésen. I can't attend today's meeting. I can't attend today's session. Kifogytak már a cukorból. They're out of sugar now. They're out of sugar. A fordítása hű az eredetihez. His translation is faithful to the original. His translation is loyal to the original. Tom nem koncentrál. Tom isn't concentrating. Tom doesn't concentrate. Ha lesz időm, megcsinálom. If I have time, I'll do it. When I have time, I'll do it. Könyvtárban voltam. I was at the library. I was in a library. Tom megdörzsölte az állát. Tom rubbed his chin. Tom rubbed his chin. Ezt megtiltom. I forbid that. I forbid it. Megmutattam nekik, hogyan kell ezt csinálni. I showed them how to do it. I showed them how to do this. Az idén nem küldtem karácsonyi képeslapokat. I didn't send any Christmas cards this year. I didn't send you any Christmas cards this year. a kisgyerek zsírkrétával rajzolt egy képet. The young child uses crayons to draw a picture. The little kid drew a picture with crayons. Kb. két mérföldnyire az út jobbra kanyarodik. About two miles farther on, the road bent to the right. About two miles from here, the road turns right. Mondd el a terved! Tell me your plan. Tell me your plan. Ő élni fog örökké a szívünkben. He will live forever in our hearts. He will live forever in our hearts. Úgy tűnik, hogy Tom csak gyümölcsöt és zöldséget eszik. It seems that Tom only eats fruits and vegetables. Tom seems to only eat fruit and vegetables. Az embereknek emlékezniük kell arra. People need to remember that. People need to remember that. Nagyon nehéz megszabadulni a rossz szokásoktól. It's very hard to get rid of bad habits. It's very hard to get rid of bad habits. Köszönöm, hogy kisegítettél. Thanks for helping out. Thank you for helping me out. Ez nem só. There's no salt. It's not salt. Van számítógéped? Do you have a computer? Do you have a computer? Van kedved átjönni hozzám? Would you like to come over to my house? Do you want to come over to my place? Hogy ment, Tom? How did it go, Tom? How'd it go, Tom? Tom rám sem hajlandó nézni. Tom won't even look at me. Tom won't even look at me. Ami a filmeket illeti, mindent szeretek, ami nem horror. When it comes to movies I like anything, as long as it's not horror. As far as movies go, I like everything that's not horror. A gyár bezárása egy keserű pirula volt a városlakók számára, amit le kellett nyelniük. The closure of the factory was a tough pill to swallow to the town's residents. The closure of the factory was a bitter pill for city dwellers to swallow. Kuloulrofóbiám van. I have a fear of clowns. I have kuloulophobia. Hány órakor kel fel naponta? What time do you get up every day? What time do you get up every day? Az egész napot a szoba takarításával töltöttem. I spent the whole day cleaning up the room. I spent the whole day cleaning the room. Amikor Tom otthon van, nem akar munkáról beszélni. When Tom is at home, he doesn't want to talk about work. When Tom is home, he doesn't want to talk about work. Tudni akarom, hogy mi van ebben a dobozban. I want to know what's in this box. I want to know what's in this box. A judaizmus jobban hasonlít a kereszténységhez, mint a buddhizmushoz. Judaism has more resemblance to Christianity than to Buddhism. Judaism is more like Christianity than Buddhism. Még mindig nem tudom; azóta sem. I still don't know, even now. I still don't know; I haven't. Elbújtam az asztal alá. I hid under the table. I hid under the table. Tom szeret kötni. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to knit. Igazából elvagyok vele. I always get along well with him. Actually, I'm good with it. Hegyezd a füleidet! Listen to me carefully. Stretch your ears. - Jól ismerem őt. - Ó, igazán? "I know him well." "Oh, do you?" - I know him well. Meg tudná mondani valamelyiktek, miért nem tudok belépni a klubotokba? Would one of you please tell me why I can't join your club? Can either of you tell me why I can't join your club? Egy órája várom már a buszt! I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. I've been waiting for the bus for an hour. Európában élek. I live in Europe. I live in Europe. Ne feledd el magaddal hozni a fényképezőgépet. Don't forget to bring the camera with you. Don't forget to bring the camera with you. Az emberek évezredek óta kíváncsiak rá, hogy vajon tényleg egyedül vagyunk-e. People have wondered for millennia whether we are truly alone. For thousands of years, people have wondered if we were really alone. Tom drámaíró és festő. Tom is a playwright and a painter. Tom is a playwright and a painter. Tudtad, hogy Tom elment otthonról? Did you know that Tom had left home? Did you know that Tom left home? Ez vicces! Funny! That's funny. Nem érdekel, hogy mennyit kell várnom. I don't care how long I have to wait. I don't care how long I have to wait. Mary nem mindig ilyen. Csak rossz napját fogtad ki. Mary's not always like that. You just caught her on a bad day. Mary's not always like this, you're just having a bad day. Tomival boldogabb lennél? Would you be happier with Tom? Would you be happier with Tom? 500.000 jent fektetett részvényekbe. He invested 500,000 yen in stocks. He invested 500,000 yen in shares. Délre. To the south. South. Gondolod, hogy meg kellene mondanom Tomnak? Do you think I should tell Tom? Do you think I should tell Tom? Tom nem volt hülye. She wasn't stupid. Tom wasn't stupid. A rendőr védelmezte a tanút. The policeman protected the witness. The officer was protecting the witness. Nézd végig Tomit! Just look at Tom. Look at Tom. Nem én vagyok a tulajdonos. I'm not the owner. I'm not the owner. Az emberek azt hitték, bolondok vagyunk. People thought we were crazy. People thought we were crazy. A vonat egy heves hóvihar miatt késett. The train was delayed by a heavy snowfall. The train was late because of a blizzard. Ez a ház tele van pókhálóval. This house is full of spider webs. This house is full of cobwebs. Induljunk! Let's go! Let's go. A fa alatt lévő bicikli az enyém. The bicycle under the tree is mine. The bike under the tree is mine. Tom életében soha nem félt ennyire. Tom had never been so afraid in his life. Tom has never been so scared in his life. Nagyon tetszik a szakállad. I love your beard. I really like your beard. Tom ásított. Tom yawned. Tom yawned. A Thaiföldet évente meglátogató európaiak száma nagyon magas. The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large. The number of Europeans visiting Thailand every year is very high. Kemény hét volt. It's been a rough week. It's been a rough week. Tökéletes! Perfect! Perfect! Nem ígértem neked én semmit! Én csak annyit mondtam, talán. I didn't promise you anything; I just said: maybe. I didn't promise you anything. Mary fehér ruhát viselt. Mary wore a white dress. Mary was wearing a white dress. Tom megtalálta egy ősi sírnak a bejáratát. Tom found the entrance to an ancient tomb. Tom found the entrance to an ancient tomb. A konferencia időben megkezdődik. The conference will commence in due course. The conference will begin on time. Hűvös idő lesz. Figyelj oda, hogy ne fázz meg! It's getting chilly. Take care that you don't catch a cold. It's gonna be cold, so make sure you don't catch a cold. Tom teljesen kimerült volt. Tom was completely exhausted. Tom was exhausted. Tomi bolhanyakörvet rakott a kutyájára. Tom put a flea collar on his dog. Tom put a flea collar on his dog. Száz nemzet ratifikálta a megállapodást. One hundred nations ratified the treaty. A hundred nations have ratified the agreement. Egy kicsit éhes vagyok. I'm a bit hungry. I'm a little hungry. Meglepett, hogy megnyerted azt a díjat. I'm surprised that you have won that prize. I'm surprised you won that award. Ha álmos vagy, le kéne feküdnöd. If you're sleepy, you should go to bed. If you're sleepy, you should go to bed. Mi jó szándékúak voltunk. We had good intentions. We were well-meaning. Mikor, ha most nem? If not now, then when? When, if not now? Nem hívtál fel. You didn't call me. You didn't call me. Akarsz velem táncolni? Do you want to dance with me? Do you want to dance with me? Megesküdött, hogy felhagy az ivással. She gave her oath that she would not drink. He swore he'd stop drinking. A torta nagyon finom. The cake is delicious. The cake is delicious. Kit ismer Bostonban? Who do you know in Boston? Who do you know in Boston? Ő az új barátom. He's my new friend. He's my new friend. Tom átfutotta a jelentést. Tom skimmed the report. Tom went over the report. Egy újabb birodalmat fognak elpusztítani. Another empire is going to be destroyed. They're going to destroy another empire. Mit kérdezett Tomi tőled? What did Tom ask you? What did Tom ask you? Tomnak komoly problémái vannak. Tom has serious problems. Tom has serious problems. Sima sor! It's OK. It's a straight line! Biztos vagyok benne, hogy tetszik az új munkád. I'm sure you like your new job. I'm sure you like your new job. Szintúgy. As well. Nice to meet you. Egy hívásra várok. I'm waiting for a call. I'm waiting for a call. Tom nem talált senkit, aki megfelelt volna a követelményeknek. Tom didn't find anyone who met the requirements. Tom couldn't find anyone to meet the requirements. Nem vett fel kabátot. He had no coat on. He didn't put on a jacket. Tíz éves vagy? Are you ten years old? Are you ten years old? Nem játszottunk valami jól. We didn't play that well. We didn't play very well. Betehetem mosógépbe ezt a pulóvert? Is this jumper machine washable? Can I put this sweater in a washing machine? Én tudom, hogy most miért vannak bajban. I know why they're in trouble. I know why they're in trouble now. Mindennap reggelizik? Do you eat breakfast every day? Do you eat breakfast every day? Tomnak tetszett volna ez a film. Tom would've loved this movie. Tom would have liked this movie. Ennek az árunak a csomagolása sérült. The packaging of this product is damaged. The packaging of this item is damaged. Ez törvényes? Is that legal? Is that legal? Ez jól működik. It works well. This works well. Sok leckét tanultam. I have learned many lessons. I've learned a lot of lessons. Tomot a nagyapja nevelte fel. Tom was raised by his grandfather. Tom was raised by his grandfather. Hentes. He's a butcher. Butcher. Szeretek történelmet tanulni. I like studying history. I like to study history. Egy fiú megkaparintotta a pénztárcámat, amikor elszáguldott mellettem a kerékpárján. A boy snatched my purse as he rode by on his bicycle. A boy grabbed my wallet when he ran past me on his bike. Tomi kitörhette volna a nyakát is. Tom could've broken his neck. Tom could have broken his neck. Vegye kezdetét a harc. Let the fight begin. Let the fight begin. Nevetségesnek találjátok? Do you find it risible? Do you find it ridiculous? Nem szabad visszavonulnunk. We must not retreat. We mustn't retreat. Hol alszol? Where do you sleep? Where do you sleep? Erről van szó. That's the point. That's what I'm talking about. El kell mennem megkeresni Tomit. I must go and find Tom. I have to go find Tom. Tamás találkozni akart Máriával. Tom wanted to meet Mary. Tom wanted to meet Mary. Ez a kerékpár az enyém. This bicycle belongs to me. This bike is mine. Segítettünk egymásnak. We helped each other. We helped each other. Látod? See? See? Nagyon szeretek könyvet olvasni. I love reading books. I really like reading books. Azt mondják, a Coca-cola oldja a fogakat. They say Coca-Cola dissolves teeth. They say the Coca-Cola loosens the teeth. Akkor holnap találkozunk a könyvtárban! See you tomorrow at the library! I'll see you tomorrow at the library. Megérkeztek a vendégeink. Our guests have arrived. Our guests have arrived. Nagyon sok elhagyott ház van a szomszédságban. There are a lot of abandoned houses in the neighborhood. There's a lot of abandoned houses in the neighborhood. Híresebb, mint Ön. She is more famous than you. He's more famous than you. Az Egyesült Államok első elnöke az 1790-es évek utolsó évének utolsó hónapjának utolsó hetének utolsó napjának utolsó órájában halt meg. The first president of the USA died on the last hour, of the last day, of the last week, of the last month, of the last year of the seventeen nineties. The first President of the United States died in the last hour of the last month of the last year of the 1790s. Kimbapot szeretnék enni. I want to eat kimbap. I want to eat Kimbap. Tamásnak nem kell válaszolnia. Tom doesn't have to answer. Tom doesn't have to answer. Nagyon kicsinek látod a Napot. You see the sun very little. You see the sun very small. Tudtam, hogy senki nem fog nekem hinni. I knew nobody would believe me. I knew no one would believe me. Tomi megsiratott téged, nemde? Tom made you cry, didn't he? Tom made you cry, didn't he? Gimnáziumban tanítok matekot. I'm a high school math teacher. I teach math in high school. A szüleim most mindketten otthon vannak. Both my parents are at home now. My parents are both at home now. Adjon hozzá sok jeget. Add lots of ice. Add a lot of ice. Úgy gondolom, becsületes vagy. I believe you are honest. I think you're honest. Tom nyugtalan. Tom's uneasy. Tom is restless. Ez működni fog. That'll work. This is gonna work. Számára szabály tizenegykor lefeküdni. He makes it a rule to go to bed at eleven o'clock. It's a rule for him to go to bed at 11:00. Tomi okosan döntött. Tom chose wisely. Tom made the smart choice. Kész! It's done! Ready! Meg kellene próbálnod nem vakarni a rovarcsípéseidet. You should try not to scratch your insect bites. You should try not to scratch your insect bites. Soha nem utaztam még repülővel. I've never flown in an airplane. I've never been on a plane before. Nem tudtam megcsinálni. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Találkoztunk Marival. We met Mary. We met Mary. Nem tudom, hogy hogy kell kiejteni a nevét. I don't know how to pronounce his name. I don't know how to pronounce his name. Az ötletei őrülten hangzanak. His ideas sound crazy. His ideas sound crazy. Válassz valamit. Choose something. Pick something. Rám férne egy kis pihenés. I could do with some rest. I could use a break. Sziasztok! Hi. Hey, guys. Hol van a ceruzám? Where is my pencil? Where's my pencil? Te ezt rosszul csináltad. You're doing it wrong! You did it wrong. Tomi, valamit tudnod kell rólam. Tom, there's something you should know about me. Tom, there's something you need to know about me. Pénzügyi segítségre volt szüksége. She needed financial aid. He needed financial help. A cégnél barátkoztunk össze. We were associated in the enterprise. We were friends at the company. Ki mondta ezt? Who said it? Who said that? Ne etesd a trollt. Do not feed the troll. Don't feed the troll. Tom próbálta lenyűgözni a csajokat. Tom tried to impress the girls. Tom was trying to impress the girls. Keresek egy idős férfit. I'm looking for an old man. I'm looking for an old man. Van kedved meghívni egy italra? How about you buy me a drink? Would you like to buy me a drink? Ezek nem akármilyen 3D szemüvegek. They aren't just any 3-D glasses. These aren't just any 3D glasses. Tudtál egy kicsit pihenni? Did you get some rest? Did you get some rest? Európában Elbrusz a legmagasabb hegy. Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. Elbrus is the highest mountain in Europe. Túloz? Are you exaggerating? Do you exaggerate? Nem is gondolkoztam. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't thinking. Mary Tom barátnője. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Jó illata van. That smells nice. Smells good. Csalódott voltam, amikor meghallottam a dolgozat eredményeit. I was disappointed to hear the test results. I was disappointed when I heard the results of the test. Ez fehér. It's white. It's white. Talán találnak majd valamit. Maybe they'll find something. Maybe they'll find something. Ön vegetáriánus? Are you vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Isten, ki vagy a mennyekben... Our Father, who art in Heaven. God, who art in heaven... Elfelejtettem telefonálni Ford úrnak. I forgot to call up Mr Ford. I forgot to call Mr. Ford. Ezt bárki meg tudja csinálni. Anyone can do that. Anyone can do that. Adj még egy sört! Give me another beer. Give me another beer. Ez probléma lehet. That could be a problem. That could be a problem. Soha nem fogjuk elkapni Tomit. We'll never catch Tom. We're never gonna get Tom. Kinyithatom az ablakot? Can I open the window? Can I open the window? Kemény vagy. You're tough. You're tough. Könnyedén el tudom mondani, ha valaki jó, illetve ha nem az. Ha kedvelek valakit, ő jó; ha valaki antipatikus, ő rossz. I can easily tell if someone is a good person or not. If I like him, he's good; if I don't like him, he's bad. If I like someone, he's good; if someone's antipathic, he's bad. Segített az idősebb embernek átkelni az úton. She helped the elderly man cross the road. He helped the older man cross the road. Mennyi pénzt költöttetek a legutóbbi nyaralásotokon? How much money did you spend on your last holiday? How much money did you spend on your last vacation? Ő kedves. She is kind. She's nice. Segíts nekem kötegelni az újságokat. Help me bind the papers into bundles. Help me stack up the papers. Mind egyforma? Are they all the same? Are they all the same? Láttam, hogy utál, és fél tőlem, és amikor ezt a gondolatot alkoholba próbáltam fojtani, akkor még meg is vetett. I could see that she hated me and feared me, and when the thought of it drove me to drink, then she despised me as well. I saw him hate me, and he was afraid of me, and when I tried to drown that thought in alcohol, he even despised me. Egy font a súly egysége. A pound is a unit of weight. One pound is the unit of weight. Van saját háza. He has a house of his own. He's got his own house. Európa veszélyesebb, mint gondoltam. Europe is more dangerous than I thought. Europe is more dangerous than I thought. Ilyen az élet. That's life. That's life. Veszélyben vagyunk. We're in danger. We're in danger. Hívnod kellett volna a zsarukat. You should have called the cops. You should have called the cops. Olyan nagy, mint az apja. He is as tall as his father. He's as big as his father. De mit is mondtok? But what else did you say? But what are you saying? Több mint 100.000 orángután pusztult el Borneóban 1999 és 2015 között az erdőirtás miatt. More than 100,000 orangutans in Borneo died between 1999 and 2015 due to deforestation. More than 100,000 orangutans died in Borneo between 1999 and 2015 due to deforestation. Egyre melegebb van. It's getting warmer and warmer. It's getting hotter. Zsaruk vagytok? Are you cops? Are you cops? Erre nyilvánvaló a válasz. The answer to that's obvious. The answer to that is obvious. Fáradt vagy? Are you tired? Are you tired? Az egész út során körülötted forogtak a gondolataim. During the entire trip my thoughts were of you. I've been thinking about you this whole trip. Szemüveget viselt. She wore glasses. He was wearing glasses. Egyszer majd tiszteletünket tesszük nálatok. We will visit you sometime. We'll pay our respects to you someday. Tomi egy lúzer. Tom is a born loser. Tom is a loser. A férfi kegyelmet kért, de bűntettéért húsz év szabadságvesztésre ítélték. The man pleaded for mercy, but he was sentenced to twenty years in prison for his crime. The man asked for mercy, but he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his crime. Húsz percenként jön egy busz. There is a bus every 20 minutes. There's a bus coming every 20 minutes. A nagyanyám beteg. My grandmother is sick. My grandmother's sick. Ne mondd meg, mit tegyek! Don't tell me what to do! Don't tell me what to do. Franciául tanulok, mert szükségem van rá a munkámhoz. I'm studying French because I need it for my job. I'm learning French because I need it for my job. Örülök, hogy találkoztunk. I'm pleased to meet you. Nice to meet you. Utálom azt a színt. I hate that color. I hate that color. Tudja az egész város. The whole town knows about it. The whole town knows. engem ismernek és szeretnek. I'm popular. They know me and they love me. Az arckifejezése alapján nem lehet valami jó hangulatban. From the look on his face, he is in a bad mood now. From the look on his face, he can't be in a good mood. Te tudod, hogy Tomi mit akar csinálni, ugye? You know what Tom is going to do, don't you? You know what Tom wants to do, don't you? Ebből a toronyból kilátás nyílik az egész városra. This tower commands a full view of the city. This tower has a view of the entire city. Mennyire rossz? How bad is it? How bad is it? Mária beismerte, hogy egy boszorkány. Mary confessed to being a witch. Mary admitted to being a witch. A tanítás a következő héten kezdődik. Classes begin next week. Teaching starts next week. Nem hibáztatlak. I don't blame you. I don't blame you. Csodálatos az idő. The weather is beautiful. It's a wonderful day. Ki kellene használnod ezt a lehetőséget. You should take advantage of this opportunity. You should take advantage of this opportunity. Menjünk be oda! Let's go in there. Let's go in there. Pont úgy néz ki, mint egy lány, akit én ismerek. She looks just like a girl I know. She looks just like a girl I know. Hagyhatnék neki egy üzenetet? May I take a message for him? Can I leave him a message? Tedd az asztalra! Put it onto the table. Put it on the table. Bízhatok Tomban? Can I trust Tom? Can I trust Tom? Képtelen vagyok többet tenni. I am unable to do more. I can't do more. Anyám felvágta a tortát. My mother cut the cake. My mom cut the cake. Ő mindig angolul beszél. She always speaks in English. He always speaks English. Igazán kedves, hogy segít nekem. It's very kind of you to help me. It's really nice of you to help me. Van társaságuk. They have company. They have company. Egy autóbalesetben sérült meg. She was injured in a car accident. He was injured in a car accident. Biztos helyen van. It's in a safe place. He's in a safe place. Éppen esett az eső. It was raining. It was raining. Nem tudtam, hogy Tom alszik. I wasn't aware that Tom was sleeping. I didn't know Tom was asleep. Jelenleg két gyanúsított van. There are two suspects at this time. Right now, we have two suspects. Vele töltöttem a hétvégét. I spent the weekend with her. I spent the weekend with him. Ez engem nem zavart. That didn't bother me. That didn't bother me. Ismered azt a lányt? Do you know that girl? You know that girl? Egyidősek vagyunk. We're the same age. We're the same age. A vacsora mindjárt kész. The dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. Tedd meg azt, kérlek. Please do that. Do that, please. Annak a tortának a tetején, amit megevett, nem volt cseresznye. The cake she ate didn't have cherries on top. On top of that cake you ate, there was no cherry. Beszéltem az eladóinkkal. I talked with our sales people. I spoke to our sellers. Tom küzdött. Tom struggled. Tom fought. Senki sem lehet sikeres, ha nem dolgozik keményen. One cannot be successful if one does not work hard. No one can succeed if he doesn't work hard. Sajnálom, elkéstem. Sorry, I am late. I'm sorry I'm late. Melyik fog fáj? Which tooth hurts? Which one's gonna hurt? Örülök, hogy egészben látlak. I'm glad to see you in one piece. It's good to see you whole. Eltévedtünk. We lost our way. We're lost. Szerinted Tomi sztorija igaz? Do you think Tom's story is true? You think Tom's story is true? Ki hiányzik? Who is missing? Who's missing? Ki az első? Who's first? Who's first? Örülök hogy megtettük. I'm glad we did that. I'm glad we did. Küldök neked egy könyvet. I'm sending you a book. I'll send you a book. A pénz minden rossz gyökere. Money is the root of all evil. Money is the root of all evil. Nem láttam már Tomit egy jó ideje. I haven't seen Tom for a good while. I haven't seen Tom in a while. A csecsemő már tud állni, de még nem tud járni. The baby can stand but can't walk. The baby can stand, but he can't walk yet. A ruházata alapján nem állapíthatod meg, hogy valaki rendes ember vagy sem. You can't really figure out whether someone's a decent person or not based on their clothing. Based on his clothing, you can't tell if someone's a decent person or not. Egyedül volt csak a szobában. He was the only one in the room. He was alone in the room. Tamás kerékpárral jár be dolgozni. Tom goes to work by bicycle. Tom goes to work by bicycle. Hamarosan írok neked. I will write to you soon. I'll text you soon. Bostonban sok szép park van. There are many beautiful parks in Boston. There's a lot of nice parks in Boston. Tom meg akar tanulni gót játszani. Tom wants to learn how to play go. Tom wants to learn how to play Goth. Magamnak kellett volna kiképeznem Tomot. I should have trained Tom myself. I should have trained Tom myself. Megvolt mindenük, amire szükségük volt. They got everything they needed. They had everything they needed. A szabadidőmben verseket írok. I write poems in my free time. In my spare time, I write poems. Tudok még neked valami mást is mutatni. I have something else to show you. I can show you something else. Nem olyasmi, amit ne tudnék megoldani. It's nothing I can't handle. It's not something I can't solve. A legjobb, ha most elmész. You had better go now. It's best if you leave now. Itt mindenki felnőtt. We're all adults here. Everyone here is a grown-up. Maradt még valamennyi pénzed? Do you still have any money left? Do you have any money left? Tomnak nyernie kell. Tom should win. Tom has to win. Nem vagy felelős. You're not responsible. You're not responsible. Égve hagytad a reflektorokat. You left your headlights on. You left the lights on. Az ételünkre várunk. We're waiting for our food. We're waiting for our food. Néhányszor majdnem elkaptak bennünket. We almost got caught a few times. We almost got caught a few times. Minden vevőjét ismeri névről. He knows the names of all his customers. He knows all his customers by name. Ez a pénz tényleg segíteni fog. This money will really help. This money is really gonna help. Helyes az, ha azt mondom búcsúzáskor, Aloha? Is it proper to say "Aloha" when saying goodbye? Is it right to say goodbye, Aloha? Zárlatos a konnektor. This connector is short-circuited. The outlet's closed. Hogy tudsz ilyen passzív lenni? Miért nem ütsz vissza? How can you be so passive? Why don't you retaliate? How can you be so passive? Élj a pillanatnak; élj az örökkévalóságnak! Live in the moment, live in eternity! Live to the moment; live to eternity! Erre nézz! Turn your face this way. Look this way. Kérlek, ne hagyj el. Nagyon aggódok. Please don't leave me. I'm so afraid. Please don't leave me. Tamás nem kedveli a macskákat. Tom doesn't like cats. Tom doesn't like cats. A szülei meghívtak vacsorára. Her parents invited me to dinner. Her parents invited me to dinner. Minden vasárnap golfozik. He plays golf every Sunday. He plays golf every Sunday. Adott nekünk egy könyvet. She gave us a book. He gave us a book. Nem tudja megérteni szülei fájdalmát? Can't you understand the pain of your parents? Can't you understand your parents' pain? Betti mindenkit eltett láb alól. Betty killed everyone. Betty put us all out of business. Tom a barátaival van. Tom is with friends. Tom is with his friends. Apám nagyon kedves ember. My father is very nice. My father is a very nice man. Az idegen nem talált szavakat arra, amit elmondandónak tartott. The stranger was at a loss for words to express what he felt necessary to say. The stranger couldn't find words for what he thought he had to say. Halkítsd le. Turn it down. Turn it down. Ez egy jó ötlet. That's a good idea. That's a good idea. Nem érted, hogy mi folyik itt, igaz? You don't understand what's going on, do you? You don't understand what's going on, do you? Énekes akar lenni. He wants to become a singer. He wants to be a singer. Tomnak újabb rohama volt. Tom had another seizure. Tom had another seizure. Tomi félt a kutyától. Tom was afraid of the dog. Tom was afraid of the dog. Logikus volt az érvelése. His argument was logical. His argument was logical. Mindig a zsebemben tartom. I always carry it in my pocket. I always keep it in my pocket. Tommal mész majd? Will you go with Tom? Will you go with Tom? Te vezetsz. You drive. You're driving. Kérem, bocsássa meg, hogy olyan régóta nem írtam. Please forgive me for not having written for a long time. Please forgive me for not writing in such a long time. Japánban a szomszédok közötti kapcsolatok távolságtartóbbnak látszanak, mint az Egyesült Államokban. In Japan, relations between neighbors are apt to be cooler than in USA. In Japan, relations between neighbors appear to be more distant than in the United States. Köszönöm, hogy táncolsz velem. Thank you for dancing with me. Thank you for dancing with me. Szeretem a baseballt. I like baseball. I like baseball. Mi tesz egy embert intelligensebbé a másiknál? What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes a person more intelligent than another? Egy felhő haladt el a nap előtt. A cloud passed the sun. A cloud passed before the sun. Egyáltalán nem vagyok ideges. I'm not nervous at all. I'm not nervous at all. Elolvastam a Paradicsom leírását, amely minden józan embert visszatartana attól, hogy oda akarjon jutni. I have read descriptions of Paradise that would make any sensible person stop wanting to go there. I have read the description of Paradise, which would keep all reasonable people from trying to get there. Azt hittem, hogy ez tetszik majd nektek. I thought you would like it. I thought you'd like this. Mary nagyon cuki. Mary is very cute. Mary is so cute. Tudom, hogy elég késő van, de nem bánná, ha most átmennék? Van valami, amit meg kell beszélnünk. I know it's kind of late, but would you mind if I came over now? I have something I need to discuss with you. I know it's late, but do you mind if I come over now? Minden sikeres írónak van egy fiókra való elutasítólevele. Every successful writer has a drawer full of rejection letters. Every successful writer has a letter of rejection for a drawer. Mi vezetett a balesethez? What caused the accident? What led to the accident? A jegyeket, amiket vettem, nem veszik vissza. The tickets I bought are non-refundable. The tickets I bought won't be returned. Ez a barlang tele van denevérekkel. This cave is full of bats. This cave is full of bats. Ostobaság lenne nemet mondani. It would be stupid to say no. It would be foolish to say no. Azt hiszem, hogy igazam van. I think I'm right. I think I'm right. Hiszek a férjemben. I believe in my husband. I believe in my husband. A mi iskolánkhoz tartozik úszoda. Our school has a swimming pool. It's our school's swimming pool. Ez megnevettet. That's funny. It makes me laugh. Senki sem hívott téged! No one called for you! No one called you! Mária az idősebb lányom. Mary is my older daughter. Mary is my older daughter. Rezet olvaszt. He is melting copper. He's melting shrouds. A picsa picsa marad. A cunt remains a cunt! The bitch stays a bitch. Dani megütötte Lindát egy ásóval, aztán hagyta, hogy elvérezzen. Dan hit Linda with a spade and left her to bleed to death. Dani hit Linda with a shovel, then let her bleed to death. Lassíts le egy kicsit. Slow down a bit. Slow down a bit. Tartozol valakinek? Do you have any doubts? Do you owe anyone? Egy új kerékpárt kell vennie a fiának. He must buy a new bicycle for his son. You need to buy your son a new bike. Én bárhol tudok aludni. I can sleep anywhere. I can sleep anywhere. Több mint tíz év után először láttam őt. I saw him for the first time in more than 10 years. I saw him for the first time in over ten years. Sami egy gyökér. Sami is an asshole. Sami's a jerk. Hogyan kell leírni? How is that spelled? How do you describe it? Hány fajta zöldséget termelsz a kertedben? How many kinds of vegetables do you grow in your garden? How many kinds of vegetables do you produce in your garden? Tom elrejtette az arcát. Tom hid his face. Tom hid his face. Miért én? Why me? Why me? Hárman megsebesültek. Three were wounded. Three of them are wounded. Én nem iszom vizet. I don't drink water. I don't drink water. Tom és én legjobb barátok voltunk. Tom and I were best friends. Tom and I were best friends. Tom mindenkit ismer. Tom knows everybody. Tom knows everyone. Úsztunk mi a tóban. We swam in the lake. We swam in the lake. Soha nem gondoltam, hogy ilyen dolog megtörténhet. I never thought something like that could happen. I never thought something like this would happen. Este mindig otthon vagy? Are you always at home in the evening? Are you always home tonight? Hangsúlyoznod kell a tényt. You should emphasize that fact. You have to emphasize the fact. Mi ez az egész? What's this all about? What's going on? Ha sietsz, megelőzöd. If you hurry, you will overtake him. If you hurry, you'll beat it. Később megmagyarázom. I'll explain afterwards. I'll explain later. Ez Carrie Underwood legújabb albuma. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. This is Carrie Underwood's latest album. Ez a tény eddig nem volt ismert. This fact was not known until now. This fact was not yet known. Ez az év jó rizsaratást ígér. This year promises a good harvest of rice. This year's gonna be a good time. Köszönöm, hogy a minap annyit segített. Thank you for all your help the other day. Thank you for helping me so much the other day. Még munkát keresek. I'm still looking for a job. I'm still looking for work. Tudni akarom, mi olyan vicces. I want to know what's funny. I want to know what's so funny. Otthon franciául beszélünk. We speak French at home. We speak French at home. Több tapasztalatra van szükséged ehhez a munkához. You need more experience for this job. You need more experience with this job. Szeretem, ahogy Tom mosolyog. I like the way Tom smiles. I love the way Tom smiles. Hogy tetszik neked ez a város? How do you like this town? How do you like this town? A kutyájának megtanított néhány ügyes trükköt. He taught his dog some clever tricks. He taught his dog some clever tricks. A kockának hat oldala van. A cube has six sides. There are six sides to the dice. Nem, nem vagyunk ikrek, de még csak testvérek sem. No, we aren't twins, not even sister and brother. No, we're not twins, but we're not even brothers. Menyasszony. She's a bride. Bride. Örömmel tettem. The pleasure was mine. It was my pleasure. Meghoztam a döntésemet. I made my decision. I've made my decision. Tudjuk, hol van. We know where it is. We know where he is. A tanár könyvet olvas. The teacher reads the book. The teacher's reading a book. Ne feledd! Don't forget! Don't forget. A kolbászok sisteregtek a serpenyőben és csodás illatot árasztottak. The sausages sizzled in the frying pan and smelt delicious. The sausages were sizzling in the pan, and they smelled wonderful. Ez egy régi trükk. That's an old trick. It's an old trick. Tomi vette a sótartót és megsózta a tojását. Tom picked up the saltshaker and salted his eggs. Tom bought the salt holder and salted his egg. Tom úgy döntött, hogy elhalasztja az indulását. Tom decided to postpone his departure. Tom decided to postpone his departure. Jó vitorlázni. Sailing is fun. It's good to sail. Egyedül van? Are you alone? Are you alone? A lábujjam vérezni kezdett. My toe started bleeding. My toe started bleeding. Semmit sem tehettem. I could do nothing. There was nothing I could do. Látom a házat. I see the house. I see the house. Van nálad készpénz? Do you have any cash? Do you have any cash? Semmit sem láttunk. We saw nothing. We didn't see anything. Kérlek, ne menj haza! Please don't go home. Please don't go home. Az emberek egész éjjel piákat vettek nekem. People have been buying me drinks all night. People bought me booze all night. Nem vagyok otthon. I'm not home. I'm not home. Erről nem tudtam. I didn't know about this. I didn't know that. Ez sokat jelent számomra. That means a lot to me. That means a lot to me. John túlságosan meg volt lepve ahhoz, hogy bármit is mondjon. John was too surprised to say anything. John was too surprised to say anything. Mit kíván, teát vagy kávét? Which do you want, tea or coffee? What do you want, tea or coffee? Ez sok kívánnivalót hagy maga után. It leaves a lot to be desired. That leaves a lot to be desired. A bizalom minden. Trust is everything. Trust is everything. Itthon voltunk. We're home. We were home. Imádjuk a kutyánkat. We love our dog. We love our dog. Kérlek, mondd meg Tominak, hogy el kell mennie. Please tell Tom he has to leave. Please tell Tom that he has to leave. A farkasok általában nem támadják meg az embert. Wolves don't usually attack people. Wolves don't usually attack people. Tetszik nekik az ötlet. They like the idea. They like the idea. Én már becsekkoltam. I've already checked in. I already checked in. Te még soha nem láttál valódi gyémántot. You've never seen a genuine diamond. You've never seen a real diamond before. Nem találom a könyvet, pedig mindenhol kerestem már. I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my book. I can't find the book, and I've been looking all over for it. Nincs hová futni. There's nowhere to run. There's nowhere to run. Az óráknak vége. Classes are over. The classes are over. Tom muszlim. Tom is a Muslim. Tom is Muslim. Nagyon jól ismertem Tomot. I knew Tom very well. I knew Tom very well. A farmerek rizst ültetnek. The farmers are planting rice. Farmers plant rice. Vagdosom magam. I cutting myself. I'm cutting myself. Ez most lényegtelen. That doesn't matter now. That's irrelevant. Nem valószínű, hogy Tom úgy késne el, hogy ne telefonáljon. It's not like Tom to be late without calling. It's unlikely that Tom would be late not to call. Shane-t piszkálják. Shane gets insulted. They're picking on Shane. Tom hónapokig csalta a barátnőjét. Tom cheated on his girlfriend for months. Tom cheated on his girlfriend for months. Nyissa ki a szemét! Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Van néhány táska a szobában. There are some bags in the room. There's some bags in the room. Én fogok dönteni. I'll decide. I'll decide. Tomnak Maryvel kell mennie. Tom has to go with Mary. Tom has to go with Mary. Tom sportos. Tom is athletic. Tom is athletic. Meglepődtem, amikor megtudtam, hogy Tominak vannak gyerekei. I was surprised to find out that Tom had children. I was surprised when I found out Tom had kids. Ijesztő vagy. You're scary. You're scary. Ezek nem varjak; ezek hollók. These are not ravens; these are crows. They're not crows; they're ravens. Tom tudni akarja, hogy Mary miért nem ment ma iskolába. Tom wants to know why Mary didn't go to school today. Tom wants to know why Mary didn't go to school today. Ez mikor kerül vissza hozzám? When will this be returned to me? When will this be returned to me? Nem lehet hosszabban csinálni. It's no longer possible to do that. You can't do it any longer. Tomi nem lakik nagyon messze. Tom doesn't live very far away. Tom doesn't live very far. Hol ettél? Where did you eat? Where did you eat? A problémát éppen most tárgyalják. The problem is being discussed now. The problem is being discussed right now. Idősebb vagyok nálad. I am older than you. I'm older than you. Tom és Mari próbálják eladni a házukat. Tom and Mary are trying to sell their house. Tom and Mary are trying to sell their house. Sok várost semmisítettek meg bombák. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Muszáj ott lennem. I have to be here. I have to be there. A kérésedet elutasították. Your request is denied. Your request has been denied. Néha a kutyám ugat az éjszaka közepén. Sometimes my dog barks in the middle of the night. Sometimes my dog barks in the middle of the night. Tom elképesztő. Tom's amazing. Tom is amazing. Vissza kell fizetned az adósságaidat. You must repay your debts. You have to pay back your debts. Tudom, hogy Mary gyönyörűbb nálam. I know that Mary is more beautiful than me. I know Mary is more beautiful than I am. Az egyetlen, amit ma reggel látok, a sűrű köd, ami körbeveszi a házunkat. The only thing I can see this morning is the thick fog surrounding our house. The only thing I see this morning is the thick fog surrounding our house. Tom behúzta az ajtót. Tom slid the door shut. Tom closed the door. Ismer egy jó fogorvost? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Baráti versengés volt. It was a friendly contest. It was a friendly competition. A vonat késett a hó miatt. The train was delayed because of snow. The train was late because of the snow. A tanító roppant jelentőséget tulajdonított ennek a fejezetnek. The teacher ascribed tremendous importance to this chapter. The teacher attached great importance to this chapter. Személyes meglátásom szerint igaza van. From my personal point of view, his opinion is right. In my personal opinion, you're right. Bárcsak lenne akaraterőm ahhoz, hogy többet ne egyek szemétkaját! I wish I had the will power to stop eating junk food. I wish I had the willpower to stop eating junk food. Épphogy belépett, már el is ment. He has just entered, but is already leaving. He just walked in, he's gone. Foglalkozz vele! You deal with it. Deal with it. Remélem, nem éhezel. I hope you don't starve. I hope you're not starving. A köztük lévő barátság fokozatosan szerelemmé vált. By degrees the friendship between him and her grew into love. The friendship between them gradually became love. Tom aggódni fog. Tom is going to be worried. Tom will be worried. Kezdhetjük? Can we start? Shall we begin? Mit főzzünk? What should we cook? What should we cook? Az ágyon ült. He was sitting on the bed. He was sitting on the bed. Tom Maryvel jött? Did Tom come with Mary? Did Tom come with Mary? Elvesztette a munkáját. He lost his job. He lost his job. Nem félte a halált. He didn't fear death. He wasn't afraid to die. Nem kérek kávét. I don't want any coffee. I don't want coffee. A csend után a kifejezhetetlennek a kifejezéséhez a zene áll a legközelebb. After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. After the silence, music is the closest thing to expressing the inexpressible. Egyik virág sem készült műanyagból. None of the flowers are plastic. None of these flowers were made of plastic. Tudná ezt valaki ellenőrizni? Can someone check this? Can someone check this out? A rókák vadállatok. Foxes are wild animals. Foxes are wild animals. Ezt meg lehet enni, nem árt? Is it safe to eat this? You can eat this, can't you? Tom nagyon szerencsétlen. Tom is very unlucky. Tom is very unfortunate. Ő fogja felszolgálni a teát. She shall serve tea. She'll serve the tea. Jó tipp volt. That was a good guess. Good guess. Hányan? How many people? How many? Ne nyomd meg ezt a gombot! Don't push this button. Don't push that button. Mindenki elment 30 perccel ezelőtt. Everybody left thirty minutes ago. Everyone left 30 minutes ago. Egy csoport mozgalmat indított az esőerdők megóvásáért. A group started a campaign to preserve rain forests. A group launched a movement to protect the rainforests. Röhög a vakbelem. This is ridiculous! My appendix's laughing. Ragadd meg ezt! Grab this. Grab this. Ezt észben fogom tartani. I'll keep that in mind. I'll keep that in mind. Te vagy a megfelelő ember a munkára. You're the right person for the job. You're the right man for the job. Közeleg a születésnapom. My birthday is coming soon. My birthday's coming up. A letartóztatása idején Tom Bostonban élt. At the time of his arrest, Tom was living in Boston. Tom lived in Boston at the time of his arrest. A szüleid büszkék lennének rád. Your parents would be proud. Your parents would be proud of you. Rohamom volt. I had a seizure. I had a seizure. Az apám mindig higgadt. My father is always cool. My father's always calm. Itt az idő. It's time. It's time. Tervezel valamit vacsorára? Do you have plans for dinner? Do you have plans for dinner? Cigiztél már valaha? Have you ever smoked? Have you ever smoked? Teniszezem. I play tennis. I play tennis. Ne lőj, amíg nem utasítalak! Don't shoot until I tell you to. Don't shoot until I tell you to! Kérlek, betűzd a neved! Please spell your name. Please spell your name. Van okunk félni. We've reason to be afraid. We have reason to be afraid. Hadd magyarázzam el ezt neked! Let me explain it to you. Let me explain this to you. Hogyan jut el Tomi az iskolába? How does Tom come to school? How does Tom get to school? Tamás és Mária szarvasvadászatra mentek. Tom and Mary went deer hunting. Tom and Mary went on a deer hunt. Jogos. This is justified. Fair enough. Lenne már péntek! I wish today were Friday. It's Friday! Egyre melegebb lesz. It will get warmer and warmer. It's getting hotter. A megfelelő szavakat kerestem. I was looking for the right words. I was looking for the right words. Még egy sanszot kapott Tomi. Tom got another chance. Tom got another chance. Ugyanaz a véleményem. I have the same opinion. I have the same opinion. Minden el van végezve. Everything's done. It's all done. Régóta ismerem őket. I've known them a long time. I've known them a long time. Ugyanazt a hibát követted el. You made the same mistake. You made the same mistake. Nagyon szkeptikus voltam. I was very skeptical. I was very skeptical. Valaki felsikoltott. Someone screamed. Someone screamed. Támogatnia kell az anyját és a nővérét. He has to support his mother and his sister. You have to support your mother and sister. Nem lehet ő olyan szörnyű. He cannot be such a monster. He can't be that bad. Még nem szokott hozzá a városi élethez. He is still not accustomed to city life. He's not used to living in the city yet. Drága. It's expensive. Expensive. Tomnak egy gyermeke volt. Tom had one child. Tom had a child. Nézd azt a nagy kutyát! Look at that big dog. Look at that big dog. Világos, hogy tudja a választ. It is clear that he knows the answer. Clearly, you know the answer. Rosszul vagy? Are you sick? Are you sick? Gondoltál már arra, hogy elvegyél? Would you think about marrying me? Have you ever thought about marrying me? Nem vagyunk éhesek. We're not hungry. We're not hungry. Ismerem a problémádat. I'm aware of your problem. I know your problem. Mondd el pontosan, hogy mit szeretnél, hogy megcsináljunk neked! Tell us exactly what you'd like us to do for you. Tell us exactly what you want us to do for you. Elnézést a késés miatt! Elaludtam. Sorry I'm late. I overslept. Sorry I'm late. Miért kérsz elnézést? What are you apologizing for? Why are you apologizing? Épp a strandra megyünk. Szeretnél velünk jönni? We're heading for the beach. Would you like to come with us? We're going to the beach. Az étkezést is tartalmazza? Are meals included? Does it include food? Miért tűnsz ilyen szomorúnak? Why are you looking so sad? Why do you look so sad? Négy gyermekem van. I have four children. I have four children. Azt hiszed, hogy Tom tud nekünk segíteni? Do you think Tom will be able to help us? You think Tom can help us? Minden elsötétült. Everything went black. It's all blacked out. Minden elválás egy kóstoló a halálból. Every separation is a taste of death. Each separation is a taster from the dead. Addig is. See you. Until then. Ez nem fog jó véget érni, érzem! This isn't going to end well, I feel it! This isn't gonna end well, I can feel it. Nem tudsz boldogságot venni. You can't buy happiness. You can't buy happiness. A szerencse fia vagyok. I was born lucky. I'm a lucky boy. Azt hittem, utálod a vörösbort. I thought you hated red wine. I thought you hated red wine. Azt mondta, tanuljon. She told him to study. He told her to study. Nem sikítottam. I didn't scream. I didn't scream. Olyan világosan fejezd ki magad, ahogy csak tudod. Express yourself as clearly as you can. Make yourself as clear as you can. Ez a szoba levegőtlen. There's no air in this room. This room is airtight. Szabad vagy. You're free. You're free. Tom miért akarja? Why does Tom want this? Why does Tom want it? Tom gyalog fog menni. Tom will walk. Tom will walk. A cipőkre sok pénzt költ. She spends a lot of money on shoes. He spends a lot of money on shoes. Tanultunk angolul. We learned English. We studied English. Távozz innen, mielőtt kidoblak! Get out of here before I throw you out! Get out of here before I throw you out. Nem érti ezt a mondatot, ugye? You can't understand this sentence, can you? You don't understand that sentence, do you? Egyikük sem bízik benne. None of them trusts him. None of them trust him. Épphogy felszálltam, amikor a vonat elindult. I had barely got aboard when the train began to move. I barely took off when the train left. Megyek a postára. I am going to the post office. I'm going to the post office. Ez kinek a tolla? Whose pen is that? Whose pen is that? Tom nincs a barátnőjével. Tom isn't with his girlfriend. Tom isn't with his girlfriend. Egy lőtt seb van a hulla mellkasán. The corpse has a gunshot wound in the chest. There's a gunshot wound to the body's chest. Holnap este érkezek Bostonba. I'll arrive in Boston tomorrow evening. I'll be arriving in Boston tomorrow night. Ez egy hosszú nap volt. It's been a long day. It's been a long day. Ez frissítő. This is refreshing. It's refreshing. Tom nagyon udvariatlan, ugye? Tom is quite rude, isn't he? Tom is very rude, isn't he? Az alma a legjobb gyümölcs. Apples are the best fruit. Apples are the best fruit. Nincs türelmem. I have no patience. I have no patience. Visszafogtam magam. I restrained myself. I was holding back. Megvitattam Tommal. I discussed that with Tom. I discussed it with Tom. Érzem, hogy ki akarnak törni a könnyek. Gyötör a múlt és félek a jövőtől. I feel the flow of tears that I want to retain; the past torments me, and I fear the future. I can feel the tears coming out, the past, and I'm afraid of the future. Tom csomagolópapírral csomagolta be a csomagot. Tom wrapped the package with brown paper. Tom wrapped the package with wrapping paper. Ki festette ezt a festményt? Who painted this painting? Who painted this painting? Ma jobban vagyok már, mint tegnap. I feel better today than yesterday. I feel better today than I did yesterday. Mindenki imádta az egyszerű tudóst. Everybody loved the simple scholar. Everyone loved a simple scientist. Ez egy jellegzetes gótikus templom. It is a typical Gothic church. This is a typical Gothic church. Sietett Tom, hogy elcsípje a vonatot. Tom hurried to catch the train. Tom was in a hurry to catch the train. Minél több dolgod van, annál többet akarsz. The more one owns, the more one wants. The more things you have to do, the more you want. Ki fogok választani egyet közülük. I will choose one of them. I'm gonna pick one of them. Megkérdezhetem, hogy éppen min dolgozol? May I ask what you're working on? May I ask what you're working on? Elfogadható ez az ár? Is this price acceptable? Is this price acceptable? - Whiskyt? - Igen. "Whisky?" "Sure." - Whiskey? Tom izgatott volt a bostoni útja miatt. Tom was excited about the trip to Boston. Tom was excited about his trip to Boston. Tom meg akar tanulni rejtjelezni. Tom wants to learn how to code. Tom wants to learn how to cipher. Menj és vigyél enni Tomnak. Go and take food to Tom. Go and take some food to Tom. Olyan hülye vagy! You are such an idiot! You're so stupid. Szerinted Tom öregnek néz ki? Do you think Tom looks like an old man? Do you think Tom looks old? Az oktatás a fejlődés mozgatórugója. Education is the agent of progress. Education is a driving force for development. Valami mást fogok tenni. I'll do something else. I'll do something else. Éppen munkába tartok. I'm on my way to work. I'm on my way to work. Ez a mondat igaz. This sentence is true. That sentence is true. Ettél ma valamit? Have you eaten something today? Did you eat anything today? Én nem félek. I'm not afraid. I'm not scared. Tudod, hogy mi ez? Do you know what this is? Do you know what this is? A zivatarok félelmetesek. Thunderstorms are scary. The thunderstorms are terrifying. Kokó a fát választotta. Koko chose the tree. Coke picked the tree. Döntenünk kell. We must decide. We have to make a decision. Nem iszik kávét. He doesn't drink coffee. He doesn't drink coffee. Ez a könyv az eredeti kivonatos változata. This book is abridged from the original. This book is the original extract version. Meg tudjuk állítani. We can stop this. We can stop him. A fiam szívesen olvas dinoszauruszos könyveket. My son loves to read books about dinosaurs. My son likes to read dinosaur books. Jobbra fordultam. I turned right. I turned right. Maradnál egy kicsit? Will you stay here for a while? Can you stay for a while? Jó vagy a főzésben? Are you good at cooking? Are you good at cooking? Egyszer voltam Kiotóban. I have been to Kyoto once. I went to Kyoto once. És most szépen mondj el mindent! Tell me everything right away. Now, tell me everything. Arra számíts, hogy kellemes meglepetésben lesz részed. Expect to be pleasantly surprised. Expect a pleasant surprise. Viszont ismerősen cseng nekem a neve. But his name is slightly familiar to me. But his name rings a bell. Tom kérésére vagyok itt. I'm here at Tom's request. I'm here at Tom's request. Ezt már próbáltam. I tried it before. I've tried this before. Mit csináltál múlt vasárnap? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? Ez a vonatjegy nem váltható vissza. This train ticket is non-refundable. This train ticket cannot be refunded. Egy X jelöli a helyet. X marks the spot. An X marks the place. Nincs miről beszélnünk. We had nothing to talk about. There's nothing to talk about. A nők éppen úgy bánnak velünk, mint ahogy az emberiség bánik az isteneivel. Imádnak bennünket és mindig nyaggatnak, hogy tegyünk valamit értük. Women treat us just as humanity treats its gods. They worship us, and are always bothering us to do something for them. Women treat us just as humanity treats its gods, they adore us and always tease us to do something for them. Megengedhetjük ezt magunknak? Can we afford this? Can we afford that? Nekem személy szerint az a meggyőződésem, hogy neked van igazad. I personally believe that you're right. Personally, I'm convinced that you're right. A tesztek a jövő héten kezdődnek el. Tests start next week. The tests start next week. Számít, amit csinálsz. What you do matters. What you do matters. Nem ismerem a polgármestert, de szeretnék vele találkozni. I don't know the mayor but I'd like to meet him. I don't know the mayor, but I'd like to meet him. Ugorj a vízbe és ússzál utánuk! Jump into the water and swim after them! Jump in the water and swim after them. Ez igazságosnak hangzik. That sounds fair. That sounds fair. Legalább jól éreztük magunkat. At least we had fun. At least we had a good time. Ebben a lakásban egy gonosz lélek lakik. In this flat lives an evil spirit. There's an evil soul in this apartment. Próbáld újra most! Now try again. Try again now. Siettem és sikerült elérnem a buszt. I hurried and managed to catch the bus. I was in a hurry to catch the bus. Tomnak minden csontja eltört. Tom broke every bone in his body. Tom broke every bone in his body. Tom lenyugodott? Has Tom calmed down? Has Tom calmed down? Jó lenne, ha rendelkezésünkre állna a híres emberek utolsó szavainak gyűjteménye. One would like to have a collection of last words of famous people. It would be nice to have a collection of the last words of famous people at our disposal. Azt mondták nekem, hogy ennek a gyógyszernek a bevétele után majd jobban érzem magam. I was told I would feel better after this medicine. I was told that after taking this medicine, I would feel better. Nem érzem. I can't feel it. I can't feel it. Csak gondolkodom. I'm just thinking. I'm just thinking. Én szerettelek téged. I loved you. I loved you. Jézus szeret téged. Jesus loves you. Jesus loves you. Szeretem az életem. I love my life. I love my life. Ez a legjobb érzés. It's the best feeling. It's the best feeling. Eső esetén a meccset nem tartják meg. In the event of rain, the game will not be held. In case of rain, the game won't be held. Azért teszem, mert nekem így tetszik. I do it because I like to do it. I'm doing it because I like it that way. Mi van a garázsban? What's in the garage? What's in the garage? Ez a növény Kanadában őshonos. This plant is indigenous to Canada. This plant is native to Canada. Ez a te poharad, vagy a nővéredé? Is this your glass or your sister's? Is this your glass or your sister's? Kinek vetted ezt a kocsit? Who did you buy this car for? Who did you buy this car for? A fék szerepe, hogy megállítsa az autót. The function of the brake is to stop the car. The role of the brake is to stop the car. Talán nem ez a megfelelő hely erre. Maybe this isn't the right place to do this. Maybe this isn't the place for this. Tom egész végig hazudott neked. Tom was lying to you the whole time. Tom has been lying to you the whole time. Azt a titkot meg kellett volna tartanunk. We should have kept that a secret. We should have kept that secret. Nem lehet szavakkal leírni azt a borzalmat, amit átéltem. Words cannot describe the horror I experienced. There's no words to describe the horror I've been through. Erőltetettnek tűnik, mégis valódi probléma. It might sound far-fetched, but this is a real problem. It seems forced, but it's a real problem. Meg tudtam volna csinálni egyedül, gondolom. I could've done it by myself, I think. I could've done it on my own, I guess. Tom a tükör előtt állt. Tom stood in front of the mirror. Tom was standing in front of the mirror. Tom nem fogja megúszni. Tom won't get away with it. Tom won't get away with it. Utoljára találkoztunk. We met for the last time. It's the last time we saw each other. Angolt tanul. She studies English. He's studying English. Csak hívd Tomit! Just call Tom. Just call Tom. Én vettem el az utolsó sütit. I took the last cookie. I took the last cookie. Köhögsz? Do you have any coughing? Are you coughing? Véleményem szerint a tettek fontosabbak a szavaknál. I think actions are more important than words. In my opinion, actions are more important than words. Tom elbúcsúzott a családjától. Tom said goodbye to his family. Tom said goodbye to his family. Ő egy dendi. He's a dandy. He's a dendi. Nem érzem ma jól magam. I'm not feeling well today. I'm not feeling well today. Nem tudtam, hogy Tomi fiatalabb nálad. I didn't know Tom was younger than you. I didn't know Tom was younger than you. A lánynak tetszik ez a zene. The girl likes the music. The girl likes this music. Mi a különbség egy falu és egy város között? What's the difference between a village and a city? What's the difference between a village and a city? Üdvözöljük a vendégeinket! Let's greet our guests. Welcome to our guests. Szeretek úszni. I like to swim. I like swimming. Miki nevet. Mike laughs. Miki's laughing. Tom fogad minket. Tom will see us. Tom will see us. Egy mindenkiért, mindenki egyért. One for all, all for one. One for all, one for all. Sajnálom, hogy kételkedtem Tomban. I'm sorry to have doubted Tom. I'm sorry I doubted Tom. Ez az össz aprója? Is that all your small change? Is that all your change? Nem érzem úgy, hogy bűnös lennék. I do not feel guilty. I don't feel guilty. Milyen rendes fickó! What a nice guy! What a nice guy. Neked ez rendben van? Are you OK with this? Is that okay with you? Az elmélete teljesen távol áll a valóságtól. His theory was absolutely unrealistic. Your theory is completely far from real. Tom valaha sovány volt. Tom used to be thin. Tom used to be skinny. Megosztjuk. We'll share. We'll share. Úgy viselkedik, mintha ő mindent tudna. He acts like he knows everything. He acts like he knows everything. Alig várom, hogy elmondjam neked. I can't wait to tell you. I can't wait to tell you. A vihar nem mutatta jelét, hogy mérséklődik. The storm showed no signs of abating. The storm didn't show any signs of a decline. Hova mész? Where are you going? Where are you going? Igazán siettem. I really hurried. I was in a real hurry. Naponta hányszor nézel tükörbe? How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? How many times a day do you look in the mirror? Meg tudnád kérni Tomit, hogy maradjon csöndbe? Could you please tell Tom to be quiet? Can you ask Tom to be quiet? A halál nem választ ki senkit sem. Mindenkihez eljön. Death doesn't choose anyone. It comes to everyone. Death doesn't choose anyone. Valóban tudni akarod az igazat? Do you really want to know the truth? Do you really want to know the truth? Hosszú haja van. Her hair is long. He's got long hair. Apám rendszerint busszal megy munkába. My father used to go to work by bus. My dad usually takes the bus to work. Tom a kondiban van. Tom is in the gym. Tom is in the gym. Betegnek tettette magát. She pretended that she was sick. Pretending to be sick. Azonnal meg fogom tenni. I'll do so immediately. I'll do it right away. Mindjárt bekövetkezik. It'll happen soon. It's about to happen. Intelligens. He is intelligent. Intelligent. Főzni tanítottam Tomot. I taught Tom how to cook. I taught Tom how to cook. Nem emlékszem a jelszavamra. I can't remember my password. I don't remember my password. El tud vinni bennünket a Brit Múzeumba? Can you take us to the British Museum? Can you take us to the British Museum? Sokakból hiányzik az alázat. Many people lack humility. Many lack humility. Furcsán hangozhat, de látta apjának a szellemét. Strange to say, he saw the ghost of his father. It may sound strange, but he saw his father's spirit. Nem öltöztünk fel. We didn't get dressed. We're not dressed. Tom eltakarta az arcát a kezével. Tom covered his face with his hands. Tom covered his face with his hands. Ha keményebben dolgoztam volna fiatalkoromban, most sikeresebb lennék. If I had worked hard in my youth, I would be successful now. If I had worked harder when I was young, I'd be more successful now. Tom kapott egy falatot a gyümölcstortából. Tom got a little bit of pie. Tom got a bite of the fruitcake. Mivel eteted a kutyádat? What did you feed your dog? What do you feed your dog? Örülök, hogy senki nincs most itt. I'm glad that no one's around. I'm glad nobody's here. A számítógépem néha hirtelen lekapcsolódik. My computer sometimes shuts down suddenly. Sometimes my computer suddenly shuts down. Zongorázni tanul. She is learning the piano. He's learning to play the piano. Ismerlek, mint a rossz pénzt. I can read you like a book. I know you like bad money. Szükséges, hogy mindenki betartsa ezt a szabályt. It is necessary that everybody observe these rules. It is necessary for everyone to comply with this rule. Adj egy narancsot. Give me an orange. Give me an orange. Kérem, megbocsátana? Would you excuse me, please? Please, would you excuse me? Tom okos fickó. Tom's a smart guy. Tom is a smart guy. Jó nehéz ez a könyv. This book is heavy. This book is heavy. Nevettek ők ketten. They both laugh. The two of them laughed. Most nincs több étel. There's no food right now. No more food now. Unatkozol? Are you bored? Are you bored? Ez Tom. That's Tom. It's Tom. Tudtok hegedülni? Can you play the violin? Can you play the violin? Továbbra sem vagyok lenyűgözve. I'm still not impressed. I'm still not impressed. A bátorságával hencegett. He boasted of his courage. He bragged about his courage. Az ajtó be van csukva. The door is closed. The door's closed. Megpróbáltam elképzelni az életet a holdon. I tried to imagine life on the moon. I tried to imagine life on the moon. Nem úszhatja meg Tamás, hogy hazugságokat terjeszt rólad. You can't let Tom get away with telling lies about you. Tom can't get away with spreading lies about you. A születésed a véletlen műve. Your birth was an accident. Your birth is a coincidence. Azt akarom, hogy most azonnal Oszakába menjen. I want you to go to Osaka right away. I want you to go to Osaka right now. A munkámmal jár. It's part of my job. It comes with my job. Minden könyvtári könyvet vissza kell vinni év végéig. You should return all the library books before the end of the year. All library books have to be returned by the end of the year. Ez úgy nagyjából megfelel? Does that about do it? Is that about all right with you? Mary sajnálja, hogy nem tud eljönni. Mary is sorry she cannot attend. Mary's sorry she can't make it. Az első számviteli alapelv a vállalkozás folytatásának elve. The first principle of accounting is the principle of going concern. The first principle of accounting is the principle of continuation of the undertaking. Hosszú és fájdalmas lesz a halálod. Your death will be slow and painful. Your death will be long and painful. Hoppá! Kifogyott a tinta a tollamból. Oops, my pen has run out of ink. Oops, I'm out of ink. Nem engedhettük meg magunknak. We couldn't afford it. We couldn't afford it. A japánok szeretnek forró vízben mártózni lefekvés előtt. Japanese like to soak in hot water before going to sleep. The Japanese like to dip in hot water before bed. Tamás abbahagyta a sírást. Tom stopped crying. Tom stopped crying. Késő éjszakáig dolgoztatott bennünket. He made us work till late at night. He had us working late at night. Elkezdtük az újságpapírjainkat újrahasznosítani. We have started to recycle our newspapers. We're starting to recycle our newspaper. Tom jövő héten hazajön. Tom will be coming home next week. Tom will be home next week. Régóta itt vagyok. I've been around a long time. I've been here a long time. Nem a pénzről szólt. It wasn't about money. It wasn't about the money. Fiútestvéreim vannak. I have brothers. I have brothers and sisters. Valami nincs rendben ezzel az órával. Something seems to be wrong with this watch. There's something wrong with this watch. Párizsba repült. He flew to Paris. He flew to Paris. Ízlett önöknek? Did you like it? Did you like it? Tom egy középiskolai franciatanár. Tom is a high school French teacher. Tom is a high school French teacher. Mi a beceneved? What's your nickname? What's your nickname? Meg fognak nőni. They'll grow. They're gonna grow. A meg kezd kicsírázni. The seed is beginning to germinate. And it's starting to germinate. Tom még mindig áll. Tom is still standing. Tom is still standing. Bár csak tudnám! If only I knew! I wish I knew. Ez a számítógép a legdrágább. This computer is the most expensive. This computer is the most expensive. Az oktatás nyelveként betiltották a franciát az iskolákban. They banned French as a language of instruction at schools. As a language of education, French was banned in schools. Ez kockázatos lenne. That would be risky. That would be risky. Bízzunk benne, hogy felhívnak, ha valami rosszul sül el. Let's hope they call you if something goes wrong. Let's hope they call us if something goes wrong. Miért beszélsz franciául? Why are you speaking in French? Why do you speak French? Az eső megakadályozta a fiúkat abban, hogy baseballt játsszanak a játszótéren. The rain prevented the boys from playing baseball on the playground. The rain prevented boys from playing baseball on the playground. Mindenki áll. Everyone's standing. Everybody's standing. Az én munkám nem olyan könnyű, mint a tied. My work is not as easy as yours. My job isn't as easy as yours. Hacsak segíteni tudnánk! I wish we could help. If only we could help. Ki tudod találni, hány éves vagyok? Can you guess how old I am? Can you guess how old I am? Nem akarok harcolni veled. I don't want to fight with you. I don't want to fight you. Fiúk, beszélhetnék veletek egy percet? Friends, can I talk with you for a minute? Guys, can I talk to you for a second? Menj, ugorj be a tóba. Go jump in the lake. Go jump in the lake. Mit szólnál egy palack pezsgőhöz? How about a bottle of champagne? How about a bottle of champagne? Tom vett egy üveg olívaolajat. Tom bought a bottle of olive oil. Tom bought a bottle of olive oil. Tomit akarják. They want Tom. They want Tom. Mi lenne a világgal nők nélkül? What would the world be without women? What about the world without women? Még mindig Bostonban élsz? Do you still live in Boston? You still live in Boston? Kutyát nem tartunk. We don't have a dog. We don't have a dog. Kíváncsi, hogy félsz-e a kígyóktól. He wonders if you are afraid of snakes. He wants to know if you're afraid of snakes. Örülök, hogy működik. I'm glad it worked. I'm glad it works. Feljelentettek minket csendháborításért. We were cited for breach of peace. We've been reported for disturbance. Tom ma délután átjött hozzám. Tom came over to my place this afternoon. Tom came to my house this afternoon. Kérlek, tedd el innen azokat a székeket. Please put those chairs away. Please, get those chairs out of here. A város sokat változott azóta. The town has changed a lot since then. The city has changed a lot since then. Ne tégy gyereket zsákba! Do not put child into bag! Don't put a baby in a bag. Tudod, hogy igazam van. You know I'm right. You know I'm right. Mi a családi állapota? What is your marital status? What's your family status? A nap kiszárította a földet. The sun baked the ground dry. The sun dried the earth. Minnesota államban kedves emberek élnek. People in Minnesota are nice. There are nice people in Minnesota. Építettem egy új házat a fiamnak. I built my son a new house. I built a new house for my son. Ez az, ahol Tom élni szeretne. This is where Tom wants to live. This is where Tom wants to live. Tominak egy fillérje sem volt. Tom was broke. Tom didn't have a penny. Tedd a szalvétát az öledbe. Lay the napkin across your lap. Put the napkin on your lap. Siess! Nem érek rá egész nap. Hurry up! I don't have all day. I don't have all day. Van két kérdésem. I have two questions. I have two questions. Tom habozott. Tom hesitated. Tom hesitated. Tom alszik egész nap. Tom has been sleeping all day. Tom sleeps all day. Vettem egy új kalapot az áruházban. I bought a new hat at the department store. I bought a new hat at the store. Ez ahhoz kapcsolódik, hogy ... It is related to the fact that ... It's connected to... Most aztán mit csináljak? What should I do now? What am I supposed to do now? Sokkal csinosabb vagy, mint Marika. Higgy nekem! You are much more beautiful than Marika. Believe me! You're much prettier than Marika. Egy pohár bort szeretnék. I'd like a glass of wine. I'd like a glass of wine. Tom gondoskodik róla. Tom is going to take care of it. Tom will take care of it. Megrendített engem John halála. I was shocked about John's death. I was shocked by John's death. Vicces volt? Was it funny? Was it funny? A kertjének egy kis ápolásra van szüksége. Your garden needs some attention. Your garden needs a little care. Mentsd el később! Save it till later. Save it later. Tartsa meg a visszajárót! Keep the change, driver. Keep the change. Türelmes voltam egészen eddig, de ami sok, az sok! So far, I've been patient, but enough is enough. I've been patient all this time, but enough is enough! Tom a csapat egyik legjobb birkózója. Tom is one of the best wrestlers on the team. Tom is one of the best wrestlers on the team. A szociopatát az empátia hiányáról lehet felismerni. The hallmark of a sociopath is a lack of empathy. Sociopaths can be recognized for lack of empathy. Azok mókusok. Those are squirrels. Those are squirrels. Tom miért hezitált? Why did Tom hesitate? Why did Tom hesitate? A szigetre látogatók, úgymint néhány helybéli is, folyton a szegénységre gondolnak. The visitors to the island, as well as some locals, always think of poverty. Visitors to the island, such as some locals, keep thinking about poverty. Kapsz egyet. You'll get one. I'll give you one. Tartsunk sajtókonferenciát. Let's call a press conference. Let's have a press conference. Csődbe jutottunk. We're bankrupt. We're bankrupt. Ez nem magán part. This isn't a private beach. This isn't a private beach. Össze fog omlani. It's going to collapse. It's going to collapse. Kretén! Idiot! Son of a bitch! Kölcsönadom neked a biciklimet. I'll lend my bicycle to you. I'll lend you my bike. Csak adj neki egy kis időt! Just give it a little time. Just give him some time. Soha többet ne csináljuk ezt újra! Let's not ever do this again. Let's never do this again. Tűz van a belvárosban. There's a fire downtown. There's a fire downtown. Nagyon remélem, hogy nem felejted el kipucolni a cipőket, mielőtt elmész! How I hope you don't forget to clean the shoes before leaving! I really hope you don't forget to clean your shoes before you go. Ez műszakilag lehetséges. It is technically possible. That's technically possible. Tom aludt a buszon. Tom slept on the bus. Tom slept on the bus. Iparkodnom kell. I have to hurry! I gotta get moving. Milyen könyvet olvasol? Which book are you reading? What book are you reading? Miért mondod, hogy ez egy ige? Why do you say it's a verb? Why do you say it's a verb? Légy boldog. May you have happiness. Be happy. Nagyon szomorú vagyok, hogy ezt kell hallanom. I'm very sorry to hear that. I'm very sad to hear that. Tartsd az ajtót! Hold the door. Hold the door! Ez a hely nagyon szép. This place is beautiful. This place is really nice. Ez egyáltalán nem meglepő. This isn't at all surprising. That's not surprising at all. Tom igent mondott. Tom answered yes. Tom said yes. Depressziós volt. She was depressed. He was depressed. Egy szótár van az íróasztalon. There's a dictionary on the desk. There's a dictionary on the desk. Játsszunk? Shall we play? Shall we play? Heves ellenállásra számítottunk. We expect heavy resistance. We were expecting intense resistance. 9 óra van. It's nine o'clock. It's 9:00. Láttam Tomot gördeszkázni. I saw Tom skateboarding. I saw Tom skateboarding. Sikoltottak. They screamed. They were screaming. Ez meg mi az istennyila!? What in the world is this? What the hell is this? Már ellenőriztem. I already checked. I already checked. Föl kell kelned. You have to get up. You gotta get up. Bánom, hogy nem mondtam el Tomnak az igazat. I regret that I didn't tell Tom the truth. I regret not telling Tom the truth. Én is fiatal vagyok. I am young, too. I'm young, too. Tegnap elolvastam a leveled. I read your letter yesterday. I read your letter yesterday. Első látásra beleesett. He fell in love with her at first sight. He fell for it at first sight. Még mindig nem értem. I still don't understand. I still don't get it. Tényleg szomorú volt. It was really sad. He was really sad. Tom kivett egy szabadnapot. Tom took a day off. Tom took a day off. Inkább meghalnék, mint hogy ezt megtegyem. I would rather die than do it. I'd rather die than do that. Olyan sima, mint a baba popsija. It's as smooth as a baby's bottom. It's as smooth as the baby's butt. Az egész meglehetősen normális. It's all quite normal. It's all quite normal. Elhittem, hogy nem fogom tudni a válaszokat. I didn't believe that I would know the answers. I believed I wouldn't know the answers. Vannak alkoholmentes italaid? Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks? Do you have any non-alcoholic drinks? Diszkreditáltak. I was discredited. They're discredited. Ez elég lesz? Will this be enough? Is that enough? Feltöltöttem egy új zene videót a YouTube-ra. I have uploaded a new music video on YouTube. I uploaded a new music video to YouTube. Kérem, vigye el innen a kerékpárját! Please move your bicycle out of here. Please get your bike out of here. Dobd el őket! Throw them away. Drop them! Mit kellene sajnálnom? What am I supposed to regret? What am I supposed to be sorry for? Ennek a cikknek az írója egy híres kritikus. The author of this article is a famous critic. The author of this article is a famous critic. Nem vágyom haza. I'm not homesick. I don't want to go home. Láttam már rosszabbat. I've seen worse. I've seen worse. Maradjon ülve, legyen szíves! Please remain seated. Stay seated, please. Ritkán látom. I see it rarely. I don't see him very often. Mi a benyomásod Tomiról? What's your impression of Tom? What's your impression of Tom? A szíve csordultig tele boldogsággal. His heart is full of happiness. His heart is full of happiness. Akarok venni egy könyvet. I want to buy a book. I want to buy a book. Szerencsére jó volt az idő. Fortunately, the weather was good. Fortunately, the weather was good. Az a kedvenc kék ingem. That's my favorite blue shirt. That's my favorite blue shirt. Mit loptak el? What's been stolen? What did they steal? Tom átadott Máriának valamit. Tom handed Mary something. Tom gave Mary something. Nem tudván, hogy mit tegyek, némán álltam ott. Not knowing what to do, I stood there silently. Not knowing what to do, I stood there silently. Lassan menj. Go slow. Go slowly. Valaki meglepődött? Is anyone surprised? Is someone surprised? Mondd meg Tominak, hogy nem leszek ott. Tell Tom I won't be there. Tell Tom I won't be there. Mi a neve a lovadnak? What's your horse's name? What's your horse's name? Eltűnt a lányom! My daughter has disappeared! My daughter's missing! Gondolnod kéne a jövőre. I think you should think about the future. You should think about the future. Utálom az olyan zsarukat, mint ő. I hate cops like him. I hate cops like him. Megkérdezett engem, hogy ki festette a képet. He asked me who had painted the picture. He asked me who painted the painting. Ők mind ártatlan gyerekek. They are all innocent children. They're all innocent children. Nagy bajban vagyunk. We're in big trouble. We're in big trouble. Gondolkodom csak. I'm just thinking. I'm thinking. Elkezdett futni. He began to run. He started running. Nevettek, ahányan csak voltak. They all laughed. They laughed as many as they could. Mit tennél, ha tíz évvel fiatalabb volnál? What would you do if you were ten years younger? What would you do if you were ten years younger? A te országodban milyen az éghajlat? What's the climate like in your country? How's the climate in your country? Jó ideje nem láttalak már! I haven't seen you in donkey's years! I haven't seen you in a while. Kivel fogsz karácsonyozni, Tomi? Tom, who are you going to spend Christmas with? Who are you going to have Christmas with, Tom? El kell mondanom valamit neked. I have something to tell you. I need to tell you something. Ez áll a címben. It says in the title. That's what the title says. Bármikor kölcsönveheted a kocsimat. You can borrow my car anytime. You can borrow my car anytime you want. Szeretem a teát. I like tea. I like tea. Akár be is jöhetsz. You might as well come in. You might as well come in. Bármely, neked tetsző könyvet választhatod. You may choose any book you like. You can choose any book you like. Vehetek belőle egy darabot? May I have a piece of it? Can I buy a piece of it? Miért rúgták ki Tomot? Why did they fire Tom? Why did they fire Tom? Szeret horgászni. She loves to fish. He likes fishing. Sok fát kidöntött a vihar. Many trees were blown down by the storm. A lot of trees were hit by the storm. A főnök reggeltől estig dolgoztatott bennünket. The boss ordered us to work from morning till night. The boss made us work from morning to night. Miért vagy még mindig a suliban? Why are you still at school? Why are you still at school? Leesett Tom a ló hátáról. Tom fell down from the horse's back. Tom fell off the horse's back. A szegények nem mindig boldogtalanok. The poor are not always unhappy. Poor people aren't always unhappy. A fiam mindig félbeszakít beszéd közben. My son always interrupts me when I'm talking. My son always interrupts me when I talk. Pontosan hogy történt? How exactly did it happen? How exactly did it happen? Tom és Mary minden évben megtakarítja jövedelmének a felét. Tom and Mary save over half of their income each year. Tom and Mary save half their income every year. Még azon voltam, hogy kimegyek külföldre. I had intended to go abroad. I was about to go abroad. Tom miért nem akar velünk jönni? Why doesn't Tom want to go with us? Why doesn't Tom want to come with us? 2003-ban lettem tizenhárom éves. I turned thirteen in 2003. In 2003, I became 13 years old. Éjszakára Hakone-ban maradtunk. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We stayed in Hakone last night. Széles mosollyal üdvözölt. She greeted me with a big smile. He greeted me with a big smile. - Nem találkoztunk már valamikor? - kérdezte a hallgató. "Have we met somewhere before?" asked the student. 'Haven't we met before?' asked the listener. Holnap legyen az asztalomon. Have it on my desk by tomorrow. I want it on my desk tomorrow. Tominak éppen elég barátja van. Tom has no shortage of friends. Tom has enough friends. Tulajdonképpen nem vagyok biztos ebben. I'm not sure actually. Actually, I'm not sure. Tehát? Therefore? So? Nem mész Tomi bulijára? Aren't you going to Tom's party? Aren't you going to Tom's party? Mindenki elkésett, csak én nem. Everybody was late but me. Everyone's late but me. Mary leszbikus. Mary is a lesbian. Mary's a lesbian. Tamás kávéscsészéket gyűjt. Tom collected coffee cups. Tom collects coffee cups. Megpróbálom megkeresni Tomit. I'll try to find Tom. I'll try to find Tom. Nem hallanak. They don't listen. They can't hear you. Fölvettek? Am I hired? You've been hired? Rajta voltam a listán. I was on the list. I was on the list. Elkezdtem olvasni a könyvet. I started reading the book. I started reading the book. Ez a szó nincs benne a szótáramban. The word is not in my dictionary. That word isn't in my dictionary. Nem csinálhatsz segget a szádból. You cannot take back what you have said. You can't make an ass out of your mouth. A kerékpáromat meg kell javítani. My bicycle needs fixing. My bike needs fixing. Kérsz egy banánt? Would you like a banana? You want a banana? Pontosan tudtam, mit kell csinálnom. I knew exactly what I had to do. I knew exactly what I had to do. Egy nap maradt. There's a day left. There's only one day left. Milyen volt az első nap az iskolában? How was your first day at school? How was your first day of school? Kapd magadra a ruháidat! Get your clothes on. Put your clothes on. Megveszem, ami kell. I'll buy what we need. I'll buy what I need. Nem hagyom, hogy pocsékba menjen. I won't let it go to waste. I won't let it go to waste. Fel tudnál ma venni a suli után? Will you pick me up after school today? Can you pick me up after school today? Horgásztam a Temzében. I fished in the Thames River. I've been fishing in the Thames. Úgy harminc perc múlva ott vagyok. I'll be there in about 30 minutes. I'll be there in about 30 minutes. Mindenért fizetni kell. Everything costs money. You have to pay for everything. A vaj tehéntejből készül. The butter is made from cows' milk. Butter is made from cow's milk. Nem tudom, hogy fog-e holnap esni, vagy nem. I don't know if it will rain tomorrow or not. I don't know if it's gonna rain tomorrow or not. Dörömböltem az ajtón, de senki sem válaszolt. I banged on the door, but nobody answered. I banged on the door, but no one answered. Mi a lányod neve? What's your daughter's name? What's your daughter's name? Mi az? What is that? What? Segítség! Help me! Help! Valami még? Anything else? Anything else? Erre nincs ráhatásom. That's beyond my control. I have no control over this. El sem tudod képzelni, hogy ez mit jelent nekem. You have no idea what this means to me. You have no idea what that means to me. Jó focijátékos vagy. You're a good football player. You're a good football player. Muszáj franciául tanulnom. I have to study French. I have to learn French. Amerikában az autók az út jobb oldalán haladnak. In America cars drive on the right side of the road. In America, cars are on the right side of the road. Nemrég láttam őt. I saw him recently. I just saw him. Bárcsak gazdag lennék! I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich. Tomi megint növeszti a szakállát. Tom is growing a beard again. Tom is growing his beard again. Hogyan kaptad ezt a becenevet? How did you get that nickname? How did you get that nickname? Látott valamit a sok régi doboz mögött. He saw something behind a lot of old boxes. He saw something behind all those old boxes. Nem akartam Tomtól segítséget kérni. I didn't want to ask Tom for help. I didn't want to ask Tom for help. Megvetted ezt ma vagy tegnap? Did you buy it today or yesterday? Did you buy this today or yesterday? Harc tört ki a focimeccsen. A fight broke out at the football match. There was a fight at the soccer game. Takarítsd ki a szobádat. Clean your room. Clean your room. Két kávét, legyen szíves! Two coffees, please. Two coffees, please. Te vagy a főnök. You're the boss. You're the boss. Tomi úgy döntött, hogy Mariéknál marad. Tom decided to stay at Mary's. Tom decided to stay at Marie's. Rakd le a csomagot. Put the bag down. Put the package down. Tanúskodni fogok. I will testify. I'll testify. Tomnak most azonnal látnia kell engem. Tom needs to see me right away. Tom needs to see me right now. Az izgalmas hír. That's exciting news. The exciting news. Soha nem beszéltél még nekem erről. But you've never told me about this! You've never told me about this. Ez volt életem legjobb napja. That was the best day of my life. It was the best day of my life. Kétlem, hogy Tomi elég bátor, hogy kiálljon azért, amiben hisz. I doubt that Tom has the courage to stand up for what he believes in. I doubt Tom is brave enough to stand up for what he believes in. Tom alacsonyabb, mint én, ugye? Tom is shorter than me, isn't he? Tom is shorter than me, isn't he? Egyáltalán nem beszél angolul. He doesn't know English at all. He doesn't speak English at all. Tom segít neki. Tom is helping her. Tom is helping her. Tom azt mondta mindenkinek, hogy ki volt merülve. Tom told everybody he was exhausted. Tom told everyone he was exhausted. Nincs valami jó kedvem. I'm not in a very good mood. I'm not in a good mood. Mondtam Tomnak, hogy azt maga csinálja meg. I told Tom to do that by himself. I told Tom to do that himself. Ők miért nem voltak ott? Why weren't they there? Why weren't they there? Ez elég jól működik. This works pretty well. This works pretty well. Ne nézd ezt! Don't look at it. Don't look at this. Nem volt képes megtenni, amit akart. He was not able to do what he wanted. He couldn't do what he wanted. Próbáltad már? Have you ever tried it? Have you tried it? Kétségbeesetten próbál keresni egy fórumot, ahol megoszthatja a nézeteit. He's desperately trying to find a platform on which to promote his views. She desperately tries to find a forum where she can share her views. Tudom, hogy te vagy Tom. I know you're Tom. I know you're Tom. Szinte minden nap lemosom az autómat. I wash my car almost every day. I wash my car almost every day. Ez egyre nevetségesebb. It's getting ridiculous. This is getting ridiculous. Minden utast beszállás előtt kétszer is átvizsgálnak. Every passenger is searched twice before boarding. All passengers are inspected twice before boarding. Nem tudom megmondani, miért. I'm not able to say why. I can't tell you why. Mary bájos. Mary is graceful. Mary's lovely. Ezt én kapom? Is that for me? Is this for me? Boldog Kanada-napot! Happy Canada Day! Happy Canada Day. Ezt nehezen tudom elhinni róla. I can hardly imagine her doing that. I find that hard to believe. Nem fontos semmi más. Nothing else is important. Nothing else matters. Egy kicsit melegebb az idő. The weather is somewhat warmer. The weather's a little warmer. Már nem is emlékszem, mikor láttam Tomit utoljára mosolyogni. I can't remember the last time I saw Tom smile. I can't remember the last time I saw Tom smile. A nap lenyugszik. The sun sets. The sun's setting. Várj rám kint! Wait for me outside. Wait for me outside. Tom őt vádolta, hogy ellopta a biciklit. Tom accused her of having stolen the bike. Tom accused him of stealing the bicycle. Tamás eltűnt. Tom disappeared. Tom is missing. Tom és én közel kerültünk egymáshoz. Tom and I've become close. Tom and I got close. Nem én vagyok a legöregebb közülünk. I am not the oldest one among us. I'm not the oldest of us. Tetszik nekem az a hely. I like that place. I like that place. Miért voltak olyan boldogok múlt héten? Why were they so happy last week? Why were they so happy last week? Hozzáadhatom ezt a mondatot a Tatoebához? Can I add this sentence to Tatoeba? May I add this sentence to Tatoeba? Amire szükséged van az origamihoz, az egy darab papír. All you need for origami is a sheet of paper. What you need for an origami is a piece of paper. Örömömet lelem a hímzésben. I enjoy embroidering. I'm delighted with the embroidery. Azt tanácsolta neki, hogy használjon kerékpárt. She advised him to use a bicycle. He advised her to use a bicycle. Ezt most hogyan kellene megtennem? How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to do that now? Az emlői még nem adnak sok tejet. Her breasts don't give much milk yet. Her breasts don't give much milk yet. Egy ládát hozott, amiben nagyon értékes áruk voltak. He brought a chest, in which there were very valuable goods. He brought a crate with very valuable goods in it. Mit mondtál Tamásnak? What did you tell Tom? What did you say to Tom? Csak két dollárunk van. We have only two dollars. We only have two dollars. Sokan bankautomatát használnak pénzfelvételre. Many people use cash machines to withdraw money. Many people use ATMs to withdraw money. Ki lakik ebben a házban? Who lives in this house? Who lives in this house? Amennyire lehetséges, a példáinkat az angolból vesszük. Insofar as possible, our examples will be drawn from English. As far as possible, we take our examples from English. Tom tegnap hiányzott a suliból. Tom was absent from school yesterday. Tom missed school yesterday. Jogom van ezt tenni. I have the right to do this. I have a right to do this. Egy asztalt csinál a műhelyében. He's making a table in his workshop. He's making a table in his workshop. Meditálni próbálok. I'm trying to meditate. I'm trying to meditate. Tom unja magát. Tom's bored. Tom is bored. Tom ette a legtöbbet. Tom ate the most. Tom ate the most. Számomra ez meglepetés. It's a surprise to me. This is a surprise to me. Nincs biciklije. He hasn't got a bicycle. He doesn't have a bike. Egy holdfogyatkozás ritka jelenség. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. A lunar eclipse is a rare phenomenon. Minden jól végződött. Everything came out okay in the end. It all ended well. A neved felmerült néhány alkalommal. Your name has come up a few times. Your name came up a few times. Ez gyönyörű. That's beautiful. It's beautiful. Gondatlanság miatt hibáztatott. He reproached me for carelessness. He blamed me for carelessness. Tom közvetlenül mögöttem van. Tom is right behind me. Tom is right behind me. Van egy esernyőd? Do you have an umbrella? Do you have an umbrella? Veszik az esernyőket. Umbrellas sell well. They're buying umbrellas. Van hitelkártyája? Do you have a credit card? Do you have a credit card? Nekem ez fontos. To me, it is important. It's important to me. Van neki egy fekete színű kiskutyája. She has a black puppy. He's got a black puppy. Tudtad a nevét? Did you know his name? Did you know his name? Ami nagyon tetszett nekem, az a kék ég volt. What impressed me was the blue sky. What I really liked was the blue sky. Az iskolaév júniusban fejeződik be. The school year ends in June. The school year ends in June. Senki sem tökéletes. Nobody is perfect. Nobody's perfect. Veszek virágot. I buy flowers. I'll buy flowers. Itt vagyok a konyhában. I'm right here in the kitchen. I'm in the kitchen. Segíts neki! Help her! Help him! A narancs gazdag C-vitaminban. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Sajnos az álma nem vált valóra. Sadly, his dream didn't come true. Unfortunately, your dream didn't come true. Éhes? Hungry? Hungry? Tom, ne hallgass rájuk! Tom, don't listen to them! Tom, don't listen to them. Hogy felnőtt lettem, úgy vettem észre, hogy kezdtem elfogadni a szüleim tanácsát. I realized that I had grown up when I started heeding my parents' advice. Growing up made me realize that I began to accept my parents ' advice. Korcsolyázni megyek. I'm going skating. I'm going skating. Mi az ördög történt az előbb? What the hell just happened? What the hell just happened? Nincs egy tollad? Don't you have a pen? Don't you have a pen? Élvezem a sakkot. I enjoy chess. I enjoy chess. Sírt, amikor a levelet olvasta. She cried reading the letter. She cried when she read the letter. Nem tudom letekerni a befőttesüveg tetejét. I can't get the lid off this jar. I can't unwrap the top of the jar. Nagyon szép a ruhád. Your dress is very nice. That's a really nice dress. Nincs remény a sikerre. There is no hope of success. There's no hope for success. Mária kellett Tominak. Tom needed Mary. Tom needed Mary. Vitassuk meg! Let's discuss it. Let's discuss it. A bicikli, amit a férfi ellopott, visszakerült a tulajdonosához. The bicycle the man stole was returned to its owner. The bike the man stole was returned to his owner. Tom hátrált. Tom backed away. Tom backed down. Az ő tanácsa befolyásolt engem abban, hogy külföldre menjek. Her advice influenced me to go abroad. His advice influenced me to go abroad. Akarok a barátod lenni. I want to be your friend. I want to be your friend. Az ajtók a bal oldalon nyílnak. Please exit on the left side of the train. Doors open on the left. Ugye tudod, hogy nincs választásom? You know I have no choice, don't you? You know I don't have a choice, right? Nem esett messze az alma a fájától. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. Emlékszem arra, hogy mit mondott. I remember what he said. I remember what he said. Kétezertizenháromban találkoztam Tomival, abban az évben, amikor ő és Mária összeházasodtak. I met Tom in 2013, the year he and Mary got married. I met Tom in two thousand and thirteen, the year he and Mary got married. Azt ajánlotta neki, hogy ne vegyen használt autót, de ő nem fogadta meg a tanácsát. She advised him not to buy a used car, but he didn't follow her advice. He told her not to buy a used car, but she didn't take his advice. Fogadd meg a tanácsomat, és menj Ubatubába. Take my advice and go to Ubatuba. Take my advice and go to Ubatuba. Meg szabad öntől kérdeznem valamit? May I ask you something? May I ask you something? Vedd meg nekem azt a könyvet. Get that book for me. Buy me that book. Ettünk néhány almát. We ate some apples. We ate some apples. Sokak nem bírnak megbirkózni a világgal. Some people cannot cope with the world. A lot of people can't cope with the world. Tom azt mondta, nem tudja, hogyan oldja meg a problémát. Tom said he doesn't know how to solve the problem. Tom said he didn't know how to solve the problem. Ő csak vizet iszik. She drinks only water. He only drinks water. Egy csésze teával frissítette fel magát. He refreshed himself with a cup of tea. He refreshed himself with a cup of tea. Érzed a különbséget? Can you feel the difference? Can you feel the difference? Adott neki egy pofont. He slapped her. He gave her a slap. Csak az érdekli őt, hogy eladja a könyveket. She's only interested in selling books. All he cares about is selling the books. Meddig maradsz? How long will you stay? How long are you staying? Van még valami, amit tudni szeretnél? Is there anything else that you want to know? Is there anything else you'd like to know? Sajnálom, nincs üres szobánk. I'm sorry, we have no vacancies. I'm sorry, we don't have an empty room. Tom le van égve. Tom is broke. Tom is broke. A szobájában sírt. She was crying in her room. She was crying in her room. Dan elterelte az eladó figyelmét, míg Linda lopott. Dan distracted the shop assistant while Linda was shoplifting. Dan distracted the salesman while Linda was stealing. Több mint száz ember még mindig hiányzik. More than a hundred people are still missing. More than a hundred people are still missing. Minden amerikai városnak van könyvtára. Every town in America has a library. Every American city has a library. Tanú voltam. I was a witness. I was a witness. Az élet kockázatos. Living is dangerous. Life is risky. Hasonlóan, a legnagyobb okok a vásárlásra általában a rövid távú előnyök (például, egészségesebbnek vagy vonzóbbnak érezzük magunkat). Similarly, the strongest reasons for stopping are usually the short-term benefits (for example, feeling healthier and more attractive). Similarly, the main reasons for buying are usually short-term benefits (for example, we feel healthier or more attractive). Az asztalon lévő számológép az enyém. The calculator on the table is mine. The calculator on the table is mine. Tom három évvel fiatalabb, mint Mary. Tom is three years younger than Mary. Tom is three years younger than Mary. Lassan siess! Hurry slowly. Slow down. Fejezd be a sikoltozást! Stop screaming. Stop screaming! Közületek hányan ismerik Tomit? How many of you know Tom? How many of you know Tom? A feketepiacon vetted ezt? Did you buy it on the black market? Did you buy this on the black market? Hajlandó vagyok mindent kifizetni, ami csak szükséges. I'm willing to pay whatever's necessary. I'm willing to pay for whatever's necessary. Megpróbáltam táncolni. I tried to dance. I tried to dance. A vonatban felejtettem az ernyőmet. I left my umbrella on the train. I left my umbrella on the train. Mi a problémájuk? What is your problem? What's your problem? Ez miért olyan drága? Why is this so expensive? Why is that so expensive? Ronda vagy. You're ugly. You're ugly. Mutass egy másik órát. Show me another watch. Show me another watch. Miért nem fordítja le senki a mondataimat? Why doesn't anybody translate my sentences? Why doesn't anyone translate my sentences? A hölgy nem kedveli a futballt. The lady does not like football. She doesn't like football. Néhány gazella a hegyekben él. Some gazelles live in the mountains. Some gazelles live in the mountains. Ez egy érdekes javaslat. That's an interesting suggestion. That's an interesting suggestion. Félelme kiolvasható volt a szemeiből. His eyes betrayed his fear. His fear could be read from his eyes. Milyen szín ez, számokkal kifejezve? What color, in numbers? What color is this, expressed in numbers? Mi a segélyhívó száma? What's the emergency code? What's your emergency number? Megbirkózik a gondokkal. He can cope with the problems. He can handle problems. Ez az autó meglehetősen biztonságos. This car is quite safe. This car is quite safe. Tomi az autók megszállotja; mindent szeret, ami az autókkal kapcsolatos. Tom's a petrol head and loves anything to do with cars. Tom is obsessed with cars; he loves everything about cars. A segítségünkre szorul. She needs our help. He needs our help. Három levelet írt Tomi. Tom wrote three letters. Tom wrote three letters. Az emberek szeretni szoktak. People tend to like me. People love me. Nem nagyon valószínű, hogy Tom elfoglalt. Tom isn't very likely to be busy. Tom is unlikely to be busy. Nem vagyok büszke a lányomra. I'm not proud of my daughter. I'm not proud of my daughter. Kérem szépen, maradjanak ülve! Please remain seated. Please, stay seated. Tessék, a söröd. Here's your beer. Here's your beer. Ez a hely mindenki számára nyitva áll. That place is open to everybody. This place is open to everyone. Tom valami hülyeséget csinál. Tom is doing something foolish. Tom is doing something stupid. Holnap Kumamotoba megyek, hogy lássam Aoi urat. I will go to Kumamoto to see Mr Aoi tomorrow. I'm going to Kumamoto tomorrow to see Mr. Aoi. Nem foglak megölni. I won't kill you. I'm not gonna kill you. Tom eszik? Is Tom eating? Is Tom eating? Erősen kétlem. I truly doubt it. I highly doubt it. Ez túl sok. That's too much! It's too much. Fogok írni egy levelet Tomnak. I'm going to write Tom a letter. I'll write a letter to Tom. Nincs alternatíva. There is no alternative. There's no alternative. Édesanyám folyóiratot olvas. My mother is reading a magazine. My mother is reading a magazine. Ők egy másik házban laknak. They are living in another house. They live in another house. Majd hozzátette: Elmondom neked az igazat... He then added, "I tell you the truth..." Then he added, "I'll tell you the truth..." Szeretem a kutyát. I like the dog. I love the dog. És monda József az ő testvéreinek: Én meghalok, de Isten bizonnyal meglátogat titeket és felvisz titeket e földről arra a földre, melyet esküvel ígért meg Ábrahámnak, Izsáknak és Jákóbnak. After which he told his brethren: God will visit you after my death, and will make you go up out of this land, to the land which he swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And Joseph said unto his brethren, I will die: but God will surely visit you, and bring you up from the land into the land which he promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by oath. Negyvenen voltak jelen. Forty people attended. Forty people were present. Tamásnak van egy étterme a Park Street-en. Tom owns a restaurant on Park Street. Tom has a restaurant on Park Street. Kivételes csellista. He plays cello exceptionally well. He's an exceptional cellist. Tom tudott a rablásról. Tom knew about the robbery. Tom knew about the robbery. Háromra itt leszek! They'll be here at three. I'll be here on three. Jól tegyetek azokkal, a kik titeket gyűlölnek. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Legyen a ma este? How about tonight? How about tonight? Tom kimerültnek hangzott. Tom sounded exhausted. Tom sounded exhausted. Nagyon sajnálom a hibát. I'm very sorry about the mistake. I'm so sorry for the mistake. Fáradt vagyok. Menjünk haza! I'm tired. Let's go home. I'm tired, let's go home. Az a rabló beismerte a bűnt. The thief admitted his crime. That robber confessed to the crime. Szeretne egy italt vacsora előtt? Would you like to have a drink before dinner? Would you like a drink before dinner? A pénz az emberi faj istene. Money is the god of the human race. Money is the god of the human race. Kiderült, hogy az apja. He turned out to be her father. Turns out he's her father. Tom érdeklődést színlelt. Tom pretended to be interested. Tom pretended to be interested. Mélyen érzek irántad. I feel for you deeply. I feel deeply for you. Egy orvosnak nem szabad hagynia meghalni a beteget. A doctor should never let a patient die. A doctor shouldn't let a patient die. Karamellás banánt ettem, ehető rizspapírba csomagolva. I ate a banana wrapped in edible rice paper and caramel. I ate caramel banana wrapped in edible rice paper. Jól ismered őt? Do you know her well? Do you know him well? Emlékszel az útleveled számára? Do you remember your passport number? Do you remember your passport? Meglepődtem, hogy megbukott a vizsgán. To my surprise, he failed in the exam. I'm surprised you failed the exam. Minden vagyok, csak nem hazug. I am anything but a liar. I'm everything but a liar. Elfelejtettem a saját születésnapom. I forgot my own birthday! I forgot my own birthday. Megmondod nekem, hogyan lehet eljutni Sinjukuba? Will you tell me how to get to Shinjuku? Will you tell me how to get to Sinjuku? Messze van innen. It's far from here. It's a long way from here. Nem kell megenned. You don't have to eat it. You don't have to eat it. Elhagyott. She's left me. He left me. Nem tud számolni. He can't count. He can't count. Nem látom előre a következményeit. I don't know what the consequences will be. I don't see the consequences. Szeret az apád. Your father loves you. Your father loves you. A jövő hét sűrű lesz. Next week will be busy. Next week's gonna be a busy week. Tamás piros-zöld színtévesztő. Tom is red-green colour blind. Tom is a red-green-colored maze. A papucs, amit meg akartam venni, már nem kapható. The slippers I wanted to buy are now unavailable. The slippers I wanted to buy are no longer available. Képzett vagyok? Am I qualified? Am I qualified? Szó mi szó, irigyellek. I have to say I envy you. Speaking of which, I envy you. Tom már megint szerencsejátékokat játszik. Tom is gambling again. Tom is gambling again. Tamás magányos és nincs kivel játszania. Tom is lonely and has no one to play with. Tom is lonely and has no one to play with. Viszont drága. It's expensive though. But it's expensive. Elnézést, hogyan? I'm sorry? I'm sorry, what? Ez egy régi vicc. That's an old joke. It's an old joke. Máris indulok. I'll be on my way. I'm on my way. Minden, ami történt közöttünk, hazugság volt? Was everything that happened between us a lie? Everything that happened between us was a lie? A tollam a kezemben van. My pen is in my hand. My pen is in my hand. Egy kicsit magunkra hagynátok minket? Would you two give us a minute, please? Can you give us a moment alone? Megtörölte a kezét egy zsebkendőbe. He wiped his hands on a handkerchief. He wiped his hand in a handkerchief. Nem kell sietned. You have no need to hurry. Take your time. Mi a legkísértetiesebb dolog, ami történt veled? What's the spookiest thing that ever happened to you? What's the most haunting thing that's happened to you? Nagyon kényelmes. It's very convenient. It's very comfortable. Nem szereti a tojást. She doesn't like eggs. He doesn't like eggs. Ez folyik most. That's what's going on. That's what's going on. A pincében bújtam el. I hid in the basement. I hid in the basement. Marinak hat gyereke van: három fiú és három lány. Mary has six children: three boys and three girls. Mary has six children, three boys and three girls. Elszakadt a bevásárló szatyrom. My shopping bag broke. I broke my shopping bag. Képzeld magad az én helyzetembe. Put yourself in my place. Put yourself in my position. Tomi zsinórt erősített a sárkányhoz. Tom attached a string to the kite. Tom attached a string to the dragon. A vonat beérkezett Londonba. The train arrived in London. The train has arrived in London. Tom vert meg? Was Tom the one who beat you up? Did Tom beat you? Voltál valaha az újságban? Have you ever been in the newspaper? Have you ever been in the paper? Úgy tettem, mint, aki nem érti. I pretended that I didn't understand. I pretended I didn't understand. Én is mentem. I also went. I went, too. Nagyon szeretek síelni. I like skiing very much. I really like skiing. Tom, az anyádról van szó. Tom, it's your mother. Tom, it's your mother. - Hol van a szemüvegem? - A konyhaasztalon hagytad. "Where are my glasses?" "You've left them on the kitchen table." - Where are my glasses? Se nem reggeliztem, se nem ebédeltem. I took neither breakfast nor lunch. I didn't eat breakfast, I didn't eat lunch. Ez egy régi sztereotípia. It's an old stereotype. It's an old stereotype. Úgy vélem, nem engedhetem meg ezt magamnak. I don't think I can afford this. I guess I can't afford that. Szerintem Tom nincs harminc éves. I think Tom is under thirty. I don't think Tom is 30 years old. A papámnak egy csörgődobot adtam ajándékba. I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift. I gave my daddy a rattle drum as a gift. Tomi holnap betölti a harmincat. Tom will be thirty years old tomorrow. Tom will turn 30 tomorrow. Tom elásott kincsekre akadt. Tom found a buried treasure. Tom found buried treasures. Gondolom, annál többet érdemelsz. I think you deserve more than this. I suppose you deserve more than that. Csinálom. I got it. I'm on it. Mondd el nekik az igazat. Tell them the truth. Tell them the truth. Örökké szeretni fogja. She'll love him forever. He'll love her forever. Tomi megpróbált futni. Tom tried to run. Tom tried to run. Szívem mélyéről szeretem őt. I love her from the bottom of my heart. I love her from the bottom of my heart. A rossz idő visszatartotta őket a vitorlázástól. Bad weather prevented them from sailing. Bad weather kept them from sailing. Az ilyen ház nem teszik nekem. I don't like this type of house. I don't like this kind of house. Nem gondoltam, hogy eljössz. I didn't think you were coming. I didn't think you'd come. A tervem elfogadták. My plan was adopted by them. My plan was accepted. Vágasd le a hajad! Get a haircut. Get your hair cut. Nem praktikus. It's not practical. It's not practical. Tomi egyedül tölti a karácsonyt. Tom spent Christmas on his own. Tom is spending Christmas alone. Mindenki szereti az udvarias embereket. Everybody likes polite people. Everyone loves polite people. Ez soha nem történt meg. It never happened. This never happened. Szerintem te pontosan tudod, hogy miről beszélek. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. Korán hívsz. You are early. You're calling early. Tom azt mondta, nincs hová mennie. Tom said he had nowhere to go. Tom said he had nowhere else to go. Mit csinál most a húgod? What's your sister doing now? What's your sister doing now? Emiatt nem kell aggódnod. You shouldn't worry about that. You don't have to worry about that. Tom korrekt volt. Tom was square. Tom was fair. Tom valójában itt volt múlt hétfőn. Tom was actually here last Monday. Tom was actually here last Monday. A pénz pénzt fial. Money gives birth to money. Money makes money. Folyékonyan tudok beszélni olaszul. I can speak Italian fluently. I can speak fluent Italian. Berberül beszélek a tanáromhoz. I speak Berber to my teacher. I speak Berber to my teacher. Ez a játék fából készült. That toy is made of wood. This game is made of wood. Nem tudjuk, ki nyert. We don't know who won. We don't know who won. Gyanítottam, hogy Tomnak voltak előítéletei. I suspected that Tom was prejudiced. I suspected Tom had prejudices. El kellene menned egy orvoshoz azzal. You should go see a doctor for that. You should see a doctor with that. Hány éves is vagy? How old are you anyway? How old are you? Minden rendben. All is well. It's okay. Bárcsak ne mondták volna meg a szüleim, hogy én véletlen baleset voltam. I wish that my parents hadn't told me that I was an accident. I wish my parents hadn't told you that I was an accident. Mivel foglalkozik? What does she do? What do you do? Elvesztek. They lost. They're lost. Tamás már három éve buszsofőr. Tom has been a bus driver for three years. Tom has been a bus driver for three years. A gyerekek mindent megértenek. The children understand everything. Kids understand everything. Iszik? Do you drink? Do you drink? Szólok neki, hogy várjon. Tell him to wait. I'll tell him to wait. Elfogadta az elképzelésemet. He accepted my idea. He accepted my vision. Tom azt akarta, hogy Mary szeresse őt. Tom wanted Mary to love him. Tom wanted Mary to love him. Dani beismerte Lindának, hogy egy ideje már viszonya van valakivel. Dan admitted to Linda that he had been having an affair. Dani admitted to Linda that she's been having an affair for a while. Teljesen egyetértek. I absolutely agree. I couldn't agree more. Próbálkozások és hibák által tanulunk. We learn by trial and error. We learn by trying and making mistakes. A suli kilenckor kezdődik. School begins at nine. School starts at 9:00. Miért nem tudtál jönni szombaton? Why couldn't you come on Saturday? Why couldn't you come on Saturday? Örökké azt csináltam. I've been doing that forever. I've been doing it forever. Április bolondjai! April fools! April fools! Hogyan ütött ki a tűz? How did the fire start? How did the fire go out? A kutyánk megharapja az idegeneket. Our dog will bite strangers. Our dog bites strangers. Ma nagyon csinos vagy. You are very pretty today. You look very pretty today. Nem tudlak követni. I cannot follow you. I don't follow. Én intéztem el. I'm the one who took care of that. I took care of it. Tom szereti a gyerekeket. Tom loves children. Tom loves children. Miért nem azt teszed, amire Tom megkért? Why don't you do what Tom asked you? Why don't you do what Tom asked you to do? Nézz erre! Look over here. Look this way. Kérem, engedjen be! Please let me in. Please let me in. Az előző hét elején történt ez. It happened early last week. This happened at the beginning of the previous week. Tom halálos sebet kapott. Tom was fatally wounded. Tom was wounded to death. Nyáron egész nap a tengerparton szoktak játszani. In summer, they used to play on the beach all day long. They play on the beach all day in the summer. Tom szeret moziba járni. Tom loves going to movies. Tom likes to go to the movies. Ki a kicsit nem becsüli, a nagyobbat nem érdemli. Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. Who doesn't appreciate the little one, doesn't deserve the bigger one. Csak egy szánk van. We have one mouth only. We only have one mouth. Nem kellett volna kifizetnie a pénzt. She need not have paid the money. He shouldn't have paid the money. Ne felejtsd el a táskádat. Don't forget your bag. Don't forget your bag. A nyolcadik szinten vagyok. I'm on the eighth floor. I'm on level eight. Tamás nem tudott eljönni. Tom couldn't come. Tom couldn't make it. A kísérlet kudarccal végződött. That experiment was a failure. The experiment ended in failure. Az összes apró betűs részt elolvastad? Did you read all the fine print? Have you read all the fine prints? Tom téves címre küldte a levelet. Tom sent the letter to the wrong address. Tom sent the letter to the wrong address. Eljött az én időm. It's now my turn. It's my time. Nem tudom őt megszokni. I can't get used to him. I can't get used to him. Köszönöm a segítőkészségedet. I thank you for your helpfulness. Thank you for your help. A zenét a fülünkkel halljuk. We hear music with our ears. We hear music with our ears. - Ma este eljössz velem? - Amikor és ahová neked tetszik. "You'll come with me tonight?" "When you like and where you like." - Will you come with me tonight? Sokáig beszélgettünk. We talked for a long time. We talked a long time. Pontosan ott vagyok, ahol lenni akarok. I'm exactly where I want to be. I'm exactly where I want to be. Részt vettem a partin. I attended the party. I was at the party. Sakkozol? Do you play chess? You play chess? Minden nagyon jól megy. Everything is going very well. Everything's going very well. Folyamatos tájékoztatást szeretnék. Please keep me updated. I'd like to keep you informed. Londonban él. She lives in London. He lives in London. Nem akarok válni. I don't want to get divorced. I don't want a divorce. Hagyd Tomit! Leave Tom. Leave Tom alone. Most vissza kell mennem a bolygómra. I must go back to my planet now. Now I have to get back to my planet. Reggel dolgozik. He works in the morning. He's working in the morning. Becslések szerint több mint félmillió szó található az angolban. It is estimated that there are over half a million words in English. It is estimated that there are over half a million words in English. Szeretnék róla beszélni. I'd like to talk about him. I'd like to talk about it. Mi a különbség egy csillag és egy bolygó között? What's the difference between a star and a planet? What's the difference between a star and a planet? Elmondanád, kérlek, mi történik? Can you please tell me what's happening? Can you please tell me what's going on? Olyan hangosra keverték a zenét annál az albumnál, hogy még a nem audiofilek is panaszkodtak miatta. The music has been mastered so loud for that album, that even non-audiophiles have complained about it. They got the music so loud on that album, even the non-audiophilos complained about it. Szeretek magamban lenni. I like being on my own. I like being on my own. Tom még mindig nem szokott hozzá a városi élethez. Tom is still not accustomed to city life. Tom is still not used to living in the city. A gyerekeim tudnak egy kicsit franciául beszélni. My children can speak French a little. My kids can speak a little French. Ma már szinte nincsenek munkanélküliek. Almost nobody is unemployed now. There are almost no unemployed people today. Megalázta őt. He humiliated her. He humiliated her. Nagyra becsüli a professzort. He esteems the professor highly. He appreciates the professor. Tom fent van. Tom is up. Tom is upstairs. Mindenki tudja, hogy gazdag vagy. Everyone knows you're rich. Everyone knows you're rich. Szeretsz tanulni? Do you like to study? Do you like to study? Ez mit bizonyít? What does this prove? What does that prove? Őt vádolta, hogy ellopta a biciklit. He accused her of having stolen the bike. He accused her of stealing the bike. Még egy évünk van. We have one more year. We've got another year. Tervezés alatt áll egy új szótár. A new dictionary has been projected. A new dictionary is being designed. Ezt most miért csinálod? Why are you doing it? Why are you doing this? Óhajt még valami egyebet? Is there anything else you'd like? Anything else you want? Megtaláltam a boldogsàgot. I have found happiness. I found happiness. Csalódtam az új termékben. I was disappointed with the new product. I'm disappointed in the new product. Te és Tom még együtt vagytok? Are you and Tom still together? Are you and Tom still together? Az emberek követték őt. The men followed him. People followed him. Ő elég jó. He's rather good. He's pretty good. A pók halott. The spider is dead. The spider is dead. Még három oldal van hátra. I have three more pages to go. There's three more pages left. Tom Bostonban nőtt fel? Did Tom grow up in Boston? Tom grew up in Boston? Japán vagyok. I am Japanese. I'm Japanese. A múlt éjjel ellopták a karórámat. I had my watch stolen last night. Last night, my watch was stolen. Tom velünk fog enni? Will Tom eat with us? Is Tom going to eat with us? Szeresd Jánost. Love John. Love John. Mennyire van távol? How far? How far away is he? Szeret főzni a családjának. She likes to cook for her family. He likes to cook for his family. Fontos döntések előtt Tomi mindig az asztrológusához megy. Before making important decisions, Tom always consults his astrologer first. Before making important decisions, Tom always goes to his astrologer. Tom csukott szemekkel ült ott. Tom sat there with his eyes closed. Tom sat there with his eyes closed. A víz kék volt. The water was blue. The water was blue. Tudtam, nehéz lesz meggyőzni Tomit, hogy segítsen nekünk. I knew it was going to be tough to persuade Tom to help us. I knew it would be hard to convince Tom to help us. Le kell vágatnom a frufrumat. I need to get my bangs trimmed. I have to get my bangs cut. Milyen gyakran jársz külföldre? How often do you go abroad? How often do you go abroad? Tom hosszú időre csendben maradt. Tom remained silent for a long time. Tom remained silent for a long time. Menj busszal! Take the bus. Take the bus. Sydney messze van innen. Sydney is far from here. Sydney's a long way from here. Tom magamra emlékeztet. Tom reminds me of myself. Tom reminds me of me. Általában kevesebbet eszem, mint a barátnőm. I usually eat less than my girlfriend. I usually eat less than my girlfriend. Ők most hol vannak? Where are they now? Where are they now? Tom kudarcot vallott. Tom failed. Tom failed. Nem találtak DNS-t bizonyítékként. No DNA evidence was found. They didn't find any DNA as evidence. Miért van mindenki úgy meglepve? Why is everyone so surprised? Why is everyone so surprised? Az ellenség éjjel megtámadott bennünket. The enemy attacked us at night. The enemy attacked us last night. Hogy mondjam el? How should I say? How can I tell you? Az új film főszereplője egy gyermek angyal. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The star of the new movie is a child angel. A motorosoknak legalább egy méter távolságot kell hagyni, ha egy kerékpárost kerül ki. Motorists must leave at least a metre-wide buffer when passing cyclists. Motorcyclists shall be allowed a distance of at least one metre when they are exposed to a cyclist. Tamást nem érdekli, hogy mit csinálsz. Tom doesn't care what you do. Tom doesn't care what you do. Mutass egyet azok közül! Show me one of those. Show me one of those. Te vagy az egyetlen ember, aki valamikor eljön meglátogatni engem. You're the only person who ever comes to visit me. You're the only person who's ever come to visit me. Nehéz megtanulni franciául? Is French hard to learn? Is it hard to learn French? Készítettem egy listát azokról a dolgokról, amiket meg szeretnék venni. I've made a list of things I'd like to buy. I've made a list of things I'd like to buy. Sajnálom, elfelejtettem. Sorry, I forgot. I'm sorry, I forgot. Tudom, hogy mit akarsz. I know what you want. I know what you want. Jó kutya! Good dog! Good boy. Szerinted időpocsékolás eszperantót tanulni? Do you think it's a waste of time to learn Esperanto? You think it's a waste of time studying Esperanto? Nem vagy házas? Aren't you married? You're not married? Már megtörtént. It's already been done. It's already done. Kezdenünk kellene. We should get started. We should get started. Ma rossz kedvem van. I'm in a bad mood today. I'm in a bad mood today. Átmenetileg ez maradjon közöttünk. Let's keep this between us for now. It's between us for now. Abban az időben a kerékpárok kezdtek népszerűvé válni, és hébe-hóba sok ügyetlen kezdő volt, akik belerohantak az emberekbe és áttörték a sövényeiket. At that time, bicycles were just starting to get popular and, here and there, there were many unskilled beginners who ran into people and broke through their hedges. At that time, bicycles began to become popular, and every now and then there were a lot of clumsy beginners who ran into people and broke through their hedges. Lehetett volna rosszabb is. It could've been worse. Could've been worse. Tom jól érezte magát a partin. Tom enjoyed himself at the party. Tom had fun at the party. Mary agórafóbiás. Mary is agoraphobic. Mary is agoraphobic. Egy kutya fut egy macska után, a macska meg egy egér után. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog chases a cat, a cat chases a mouse. Tudom, ki vagy. I know who you are. I know who you are. Tominak adtad? Did you give it to Tom? You gave it to Tom? Ez a teáscsésze majdnem áttetsző. This teacup is almost translucent. This teacup is almost translucent. Tegnap délelőtt szakadt az eső. It rained hard yesterday morning. It rained yesterday morning. Ő már többé nem dolgozik itt. He no longer works here. He doesn't work here anymore. Az egészre szükségem van. I need all of it. I need all of it. Nincs probléma. There is no problem. No problem. Ezt egyedül kell megoldanom. I have to deal with this alone. I'm gonna have to do this on my own. Kell a kabátom. I need my coat. I need my coat. Annak a legkisebb a valószínűsége, hogy a bulidra Tomi eljön. Tom is the one least likely to come to your party. Tom's coming to your party is the least likely. Idén sokáig várat magára a nyár. Summer is slow in coming this year. Summer's gonna be waiting for you this year. Kik fognak küzdeni? Who'll fight? Who's gonna fight? Ez érthető. That's understandable. That's understandable. A férfiak olyan hasznavehetetlenek. Men are so useless. Men are so useless. Tom elment. Tom's gone. Tom is gone. Tamás kutyája elég jól úszik. Tom's dog swims quite well. Tom's dog is a pretty good swimmer. Torkig vagyok Tommal. I'm fed up with Tom. I'm sick of Tom. Tom nagyon gyorsan úszik. Tom swims very fast. Tom swims very fast. Senkiben se bízz! Trust no one. Don't trust anyone. Te a testvérem vagy, és én szeretlek. You're my brother and I love you. You're my brother, and I love you. Tamás semmit sem evett. Tom didn't eat anything. Tom didn't eat anything. Ez egyáltalán nem korrekt. It's not fair at all. That's not fair at all. Amikor valaki tüsszent, az USA-ban azt szokták mondani, hogy "Isten áldjon!." In the U.S., we say "bless you" to someone when they sneeze. When someone sneezes, in the U.S., they say, "God bless you." Nagyra becsüljük a tehetségét. We appreciate his talent. We appreciate your talent. Jiro nincs itt. Jiro is not here. Jiro's not here. Te is ebben a szállodában szállsz meg? Are you staying at this hotel, too? Are you staying in this hotel, too? A szabályok, melyeket a vezetőknek meg kell tartaniuk, a következők. The rules drivers should keep are as follows. The rules that the leaders must observe are as follows. Tamás be akart szállni a politikába. Tom wanted to go into politics. Tom wanted to get into politics. Annyira megrázott minket a hirtelen halála. We were so shocked at his sudden death. We were so shocked by his sudden death. Mire számítsunk? What should we expect? What should we expect? Muzulmán vagyok. I'm Muslim. I'm Muslim. Lehet, hogy holnap esni fog. It'll probably rain tomorrow. It might rain tomorrow. Nagyon akarod látni a hölgyet? Do you want to see her very much? Do you really want to see the lady? Tamásnak rossz napja van. Tom is having a bad day. Tom is having a bad day. Miért akar csatlakozni a hadsereghez Tamás? Why does Tom want to join the army? Why does Tom want to join the army? Minden perc egy nap volt. Minutes passed like days. Every minute was a day. Megehetem ezt a tortát? Can I eat this cake? Can I have this cake? Nincs helyes válasz. There's no right answer. There's no right answer. Legkorábban holnap délután. Not before tomorrow afternoon. First thing tomorrow afternoon. Nagyon hiányzik neki a családja. He misses his family very much. She really misses her family. Az a fehér épület egy kórház. That white building is a hospital. That white building is a hospital. Maradnak. They're staying. They're staying. Nincsen kapcsolat. There is no connection. There's no connection. Várom, hogy segítsen. I expect that he will help us. I'm waiting for your help. Miatyánk, ki vagy a mennyekben; szenteltessék meg a Te neved; jöjjön el a Te országod; legyen meg a Te akaratod, miképen mennyben, azonképen itt a földön is. Mindennapi kenyerünket add meg nekünk ma; és bocsásd meg a mi vétkeinket; miképen mi is megbocsátunk az ellenünk vétetteknek; és ne vigy minket kisértésbe; de szabadíts meg a gonosztól. Amen. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; let thy kingdom come; let thy will be done, as in heaven, so also upon earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses; as we also forgive the trespasses against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen. Mondd el Tomnak, hogy Mari mire kért meg téged. Tell Tom what Mary asked you to do. Tell Tom what Mary asked you to do. Mikor van a reggeli? What time is breakfast? When's breakfast? A lányom szereti a tojássárgáját. My daughter likes egg yolks. My daughter loves her egg yolk. Bár beteg voltam, minden tőlem telhetőt megtettem. Although I was sick, I did my best. Even though I was sick, I did my best. Mássz tovább! Keep climbing. Keep climbing. Tamás nem szeret utazni. Tom doesn't like to travel. Tom doesn't like to travel. Mi történt veled? What've you got? What happened to you? Mindig énekelsz. You always sing. You always sing. A város Londontól nyugatra található. The city is found west of London. The city is located west of London. Te nagyon bika vagy! You really are strong. You're a bull! Ennek nincs értelme. It's pointless. It doesn't make sense. Együtt kell majd élned azzal, amit tettél. You're going to have to live with what you've done. You're gonna have to live with what you did. Tud rá mondani egy jó okot, hogy miért vegyem fel? Can you give me a good reason why I should hire you? Can you give me one good reason why I should hire you? Ott nem parkolhatsz. You aren't allowed to park there. You can't park there. Keresned kellene egy állást. You should find a job. You should be looking for a job. Tényleg ezt mondta Tomi? Did Tom really say that? Did Tom really say that? Egy hétig maradok. I'll stay for a week. I'm staying for a week. El akarlak venni. I want you to be my wife. I want to marry you. Ha ez lehetséges volna, akkor valaki mostanra már megtette volna. If it were possible, someone would've done it by now. If that were possible, someone would have done it by now. Szóval, miről is beszéltünk? So what were we talking about? So, what were we talking about? Ha mérges vagy, számolj négyig. Ha nagyon mérges vagy, káromkodj. When angry, count to four. When very angry, swear. If you're angry, count to four. Ezen hamarosan változtatni fogunk. We'll soon change that. We're going to change that soon. Tényleg tudnom kellene a választ. I really should know the answer. I really should know the answer. Hol van? Where is he? Where is he? Nem tartom Tomot valami nagy számnak. I don't consider Tom a great man. I don't think Tom's a big deal. Nincs jogod, hogy ezek az emberek felett ítélkezzél. You have no right to pass judgement on these people. You have no right to judge these people. Tom megadta Marinak a számát. Tom gave Mary his number. Tom gave Mary her number. Eldobhatóak. They're disposable. They're disposable. Szerintem elég. I think that'll be enough. I think it's enough. Tom feltétel nélkül elfogadta az ajánlatot. Tom accepted the proposal without reservation. Tom accepted the offer unconditionally. Ezt a játékot úgy veszik, mint a cukrot. That toy is selling like hot cakes. They're buying this game like candy. Tom egy igazán nagyszerű fickó. Tom is really a great guy. Tom is a really great guy. Próbálj meg gyakorolni legalább egyszer egy héten. Try to exercise at least once a week. Try practicing at least once a week. A nevüket kihúzták a listáról. Their names were crossed off the list. Their names are off the list. Szerkezeti kár nem volt. There was no structural damage. There was no structural damage. Tom feljelent titeket. Tom is suing you. Tom will report you. Ezek fontos információk. This is useful information. That's important information. Tom azt mondta, nem ellenzi, hogy korán elmenjünk. Tom said he had no objection to our leaving early. Tom said he didn't object to us leaving early. Ez az esős évszak. It's the rainy season. It's the rainy season. Sört ivott. He drank beer. He drank beer. Eredetileg a "löyly" szó azt jelentette, hogy lélek. Originally, the word "löyly" meant soul. Originally, the word "fly" meant "soul." Franciaországból jövök. I'm from France. I'm from France. Próbálj meg mozdulatlannak maradni. Try to stay still. Try to stay still. Ez nem szerelem. This isn't love. It's not love. Olyan rosszindulatú vagy. You're so mean. You're so mean. A vér az ereken keresztül folyik. Blood runs in the veins. Blood flows through the veins. Az angol nem könnyű, de érdekes. English is not easy, but it is interesting. English isn't easy, but interesting. Már megtettük. We did that already. We already did. Részemről a szerencse. The pleasure is all mine. Nice to meet you. Elájultál. You fainted. You fainted. Letartóztattak egy Lee Harvey Oswald nevű férfit. They arrested a man named Lee Harvey Oswald. They arrested a man named Lee Harvey Oswald. A boltban voltam. I was in the shop. I was at the store. Tom, mi a terved? What's your plan, Tom? Tom, what's your plan? Csörög a telefon. Felveszem, ha akarja. The phone's ringing. I'll get it if you want. The phone's ringing, I'll answer it if you want. Az Uránusz egy hatalmas, homogén kékeszöld bolygó, amelyik a Földről is látható puszta szemmel a zavartalan éjszakai égbolton. Uranus is a large, plain, blue-green planet which can only be seen from the Earth with the unaided eye on a clear, dark night. Uranus is a vast, homogeneous blue-green planet that can be seen from Earth with its bare eyes in the undisturbed night sky. Mindannyian tanárok voltak. They were all teachers. They were all teachers. Mi ennek a szónak a jelentése? What's the meaning of this word? What is the meaning of that word? Milyen messze van innen Ueno? How far is it from here to Ueno? How far is Ueno from here? Úgy gondoltam, rendben van. I thought it was fine. I thought it was okay. Ne vágj közbe, ha mi beszélünk. Don't cut in while we're talking. Don't interrupt when we talk. Bűncselekményt követett el. She committed a crime. He committed a crime. Tom nem tudja, hogy kanadai vagyok. Tom doesn't know that I'm Canadian. Tom doesn't know I'm Canadian. Nem kellett volna ilyen korán jönnöd. You shouldn't have come so soon. You shouldn't have come so early. Azt elfelejtheted. You can forget about that. You can forget about that. Hova tűnik a nap éjszaka? Where does the sun go at night? Where does the sun go at night? Köszönöm a szép képeslapot. Thank you for your beautiful postcard. Thanks for the nice postcard. A társadalom változik. Society is changing. Society is changing. Biztos ebben Tom? Is Tom sure? Are you sure about this, Tom? Tom tudta, mi a teendő. Tom knew what had to be done. Tom knew what to do. Amikor fiatal voltam, a folyóban úsztunk. When I was young, we used to swim in the river. When I was young, we used to swim in the river. Tominak szokásává vált, hogy éjszaka sokáig fent marad. Tom is in the habit of staying up late at night. Tom has become a habit of staying up late at night. Tom megijed. Tom is getting scared. Tom is scared. Miért folysz bele olyan dologba, ami egyáltalán nem tartozik rád? Why did you interfere in an affair that did not concern you at all? Why are you getting involved in something that doesn't concern you at all? Mari tudta, hogy nem fogja tudni elérni a felső polcot. Mary knew that she couldn't reach the top shelf. Mary knew she wouldn't be able to reach the top shelf. Dolgozni fogok. I am going to work. I'm gonna work. Milyen fura az élet! How strange life is! How weird is life? Remélem, hogy idén találok egy csendes strandot; már unom a zsúfolt strandokat. I hope to find a quiet beach this year; I'm already tired of crowded beaches. I hope to find a quiet beach this year; I am tired of crowded beaches. Önuralmat kell gyakorolnia. He needs discipline. You need to exercise self-control. Ez nem lesz jó. This isn't going to be good. That's not gonna work. Hol szeretnél ma este enni? Where do you want to eat tonight? Where would you like to eat tonight? A hazám értem kiált. My country needs me. My country is crying out for me. Én óva intettem őt, hogy ne jöjjön ide. I warned him not to come here. I warned him not to come here. Nős a főnököm. My boss is married. My boss is married. Kilenc perces bécsi keringőt hallgattam. I listened to a nine-minute Viennese waltz. I was listening to a nine-minute Viennese waltz. Majdnem egy éve nem láttam. I have not seen her for almost a year. I haven't seen him in almost a year. John nagyon büszke az új házára. John is very proud of his new house. John is very proud of his new house. Visszanézett a válla felett. He looked back over his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder. Már el is felejtetted. You've already forgotten. You've already forgotten. Tom nem az a fajta ember. Tom isn't that kind of person. Tom is not that kind of person. Tom siket. Tom's deaf. Tom is deaf. Tamás mindig is félénk volt. Tom has always been shy. Tom has always been shy. Nem válaszoltam a leveledre, mert elfoglalt voltam. I didn't answer your letter, because I was busy. I didn't answer your letter because I was busy. Abba kellene hagynod az ivást. You should stop drinking. You should stop drinking. Ez az enyém. This is mine. It's mine. Ez egy titok, amit nem mondhatok el neked. That's a secret I can't tell you. It's a secret I can't tell you. Nem tudtam mit mondani, ezért hallgattam. Not knowing what to say, I remained silent. I didn't know what to say, so I listened. Ha egyenesen hazamentél, ahogy mondtad, akkor hogy lehet, hogy láttam az autódat a kocsma előtt parkolni? If you went straight home like you said you did, how come I saw your car parked outside the pub? If you went straight home, like you said, how come I saw your car parked outside the pub? A szüleim nem élnek már. My fathers are dead. My parents aren't alive anymore. Ki tudja ezt nekem elmagyarázni? Who's able to explain this to me? Who can explain this to me? Te új vagy itt? Are you new here? Are you new here? Ez holt biztos. It is as sure as death. That's for sure. A fiamat korán érdekelte a politika. My son took an early interest in politics. My son had an early interest in politics. Megpróbáltam azt egy pár alkalommal. I tried that a couple of times. I tried that a few times. Apa megvette nekem a könyvet. Father bought me the book. Dad bought me the book. Rendkívül elfoglaltak vagyunk. We're extremely busy. We're very busy. Mindjárt itt a karácsony. It'll soon be Christmas. Christmas is almost here. Engem akarnak. They need me. They want me. Az ellenség hátulról támadott. The enemy attacked from behind. The enemy attacked from behind. Ne hagyd nekik, hogy eltérítsenek a céljaidtól! Don't let them divert you from your purposes. Don't let them distract you from your goals. Tom egy fa árnyékában pihen. Tom is resting in the shade of a tree. Tom is resting in the shadow of a tree. Jövő áprilisban lesz tíz éve, hogy elkezdtél angolul tanulni. By next April you will have studied English for ten years. Next April will be ten years since you started learning English. Azt mondja, hogy igen, ha akar valamit, és azt mondja, nem, ha nem akarja. He says "want" when he wants something, and "no" when he does not. He says yes if he wants something, and he says not if he doesn't want it. Harmincan voltak jelen a gyűlésen. There were thirty people present at the meeting. Thirty people were present at the meeting. Tom végignézett a folyosón. Tom looked down the corridor. Tom looked down the hall. Neked csak két választási lehetőséged van. You only have two options to select. You only have two choices. Mary azt gondolta, hogy sohasem fogja újra látni a fiát. Mary thought that she would never see her son again. Mary thought she'd never see her son again. Ezt akartam. That was the intent. That's what I wanted. Milyen zabálnivaló! How cute! How gorgeous! Meggyőzték, hogy formálja át a véleményét. He was persuaded to change his mind. They convinced him to change his mind. Tom sosem vall kudarcot. Tom never fails. Tom never fails. Most már minden rendben van. Ne aggódj! Száz százalékban számíthatsz rám. It's OK now. Don't worry. You can depend on me one hundred percent. Don't worry, you can count on me 100%. Nemsokára ott leszünk. We'll get there soon. We'll be there soon. Ez bejön mindig. That works every time. I like it all the time. Hagytunk neki egy kevés tortát. We left him some cake. We left him some cake. Ők ijesztőek. They're dreadful. They're scary. Csináljunk egy terhességi tesztet. Let's do a pregnancy test. Let's do a pregnancy test. Tisztel engem. He respects me. He respects me. Kérlek, hagyd, hogy megcsináljam. Please let me do it. Please let me do it. Nem igaz, amit Tomi mondott neked. What Tom told you isn't true. It's not true what Tom told you. Tom kultusza virágzik a Tatoeba-n. The cult of Tom is flourishing on Tatoeba. Tom's cult blooms on Tatoeba. Egy jó fordító nem a szavakat fordítja le, hanem a mondatokat. A good translator translates not words, but sentences. A good translator doesn't translate words, it translates sentences. Jövő hétre tanuljátok meg a verset. Memorize the poem by next week. Learn the poem by next week. Semmi sincs, amit tehetnél érte. There is nothing you can do for her. There's nothing you can do for him. Láttam a kutyát. I saw the dog. I saw the dog. Fejezd be az írást és add be a dolgozatodat. Stop writing and hand your paper in. Finish your writing and pass your test. Belehalok, ha nem láthatom újra a hölgyet. I am dying to see her again. It'll kill me if I don't see the lady again. Régebben videójátékokkal játszottam, de most sokkal hasznosabb dolgokkal töltöm az időmet. Internetes kommenteket olvasok. I used to play video games, but now I prefer to do more useful things with my time. Like reading internet comments. I used to play video games, but now I'm spending my time with more useful things. Mari nyitott konyhát akar. Mary wants an open-plan kitchen. Mary wants an open kitchen. Szép beceneved van. Your nickname is quite lovely. That's a nice nickname. El kell mennem egy temetésre. I have a funeral to attend. I have to go to a funeral. Tom kérte Marit, hogy tartsa szemmel Jánost. Tom asked Mary to keep an eye on John. Tom asked Mary to keep an eye on John. Nyugodt a tenger. The sea is calm. The sea is calm. Tom majdnem jogilag vak. Tom is almost legally blind. Tom is almost legally blind. Amit tettél, az szabályellenes. What you did is against the rules. What you did was against the rules. Miért várakoztok. Why are you waiting? Why are you waiting? A halálos szúrást egy elfajult vita váltotta ki. The fatal stabbing was sparked by an argument that got out of control. The fatal stab was triggered by a depraved argument. A bátyám tévét néz. My brother watches television. My brother's watching TV. Nem hittem el. I couldn't believe it. I didn't believe it. Ő jó ember? Is he a good person? Is he a good man? Sok embernek az a szokása, hogy hárít, amikor megdicsérik, mert nem tudja, mit kezdjen a dicsérettel. A lot of people deflect praise that comes their way, because they don't know how to handle it. Many people have a habit of holding back when they commend them because they do not know what to do with praise. Ez a fivéremé. It's my brother's. It's my brother's. Vasárnaponként nem vagyok otthon. I'm not home on Sundays. I'm not home on Sundays. Tom visszajön? Is Tom coming back? Is Tom coming back? Nem igazán vagyok emiatt boldog. I'm not exactly happy about it. I'm not really happy about that. Táncórákat veszek. I take dance lessons. I'm taking dance lessons. Soha nem kellett volna idejönnöd. You should have never come here. You should never have come here. Ennek már a fele sem tréfa! It's getting serious. This isn't half a joke anymore. Egyikőjük sem ismerne be a bűnösségét. None of them would admit their guilt. None of you would admit your guilt. Beszélsz arab nyelven? Do you speak Arabic? Do you speak Arabic? Most már el kell kezdenünk. We must start now. We have to start now. Elvesztettem a jegyemet. I've lost my ticket. I lost my ticket. Itt gyakran megtörténik. It frequently happens here. It happens here all the time. Vettem egy régi autót. I bought an old car. I bought an old car. Ő volt a spanyoltanárom. She was my Spanish professor. He was my Spanish teacher. Tud franciául. She can speak French. He speaks French. Fontos, hogy igazat mondjunk. It's important to tell the truth. It's important that we tell the truth. Mari úgy néz ki, mint akit szórakoztat az, ami éppen történik. Mary looks like she's amused by what's going on. Mary looks like she's amused by what's happening. Keményebben kellett volna gyakorolnod. You should have practiced harder. You should have practiced harder. Tamás hazarepült Bostonba. Tom flew home to Boston. Tom flew home to Boston. A szoba nem volt bebútorozva. The room was devoid of furniture. The room wasn't furnished. A gyerekek szívesen hallgatják meg ugyanazt a történetet újra és újra. Children want to hear the same story over and over again. Kids like to hear the same story over and over again. Ő lesz a helyettesem, amíg távol vagyok. He will be my deputy while I am away. He'll be my deputy while I'm gone. Természetesen, értem. Of course, I understand. Of course, I understand. Meg kellene kérnünk Tomot, hogy jöjjön, dolgozzon nekünk. We should ask Tom to come and work for us. We should ask Tom to come work for us. Tom adott nekem egy ajándékot. Tom gave me a present. Tom gave me a gift. Fantasztikus! Fantastic! Fantastic! Igyál még egy italt! Have another drink. Have another drink. Kösz, hogy felvilágosítottál e téren. Thanks for bringing me up to date on this matter. Thanks for letting me know about this. Ő hol született? Where was she born? Where was he born? Kérem, tegye hangosabbra. Turn up the volume. Please make it louder. Maradtam. I stayed. I stayed. Szabad mennem? May I go? May I go? Már alig várjuk, hogy elkezdjük. We're looking forward to getting started. We can't wait to get started. Nem tudom, miért tették ezt. I don't know why they did that. I don't know why they did this. Diplomata az amerikai nagykövetségen. He is a diplomat at the American Embassy. He's a diplomat at the U.S. embassy. Az összes pénzét ruhákra pazarolja. She wastes all of her money on clothes. He's wasting all his money on clothes. A hegyekben voltam. I was in the mountains. I was in the mountains. Én állom a cehhet. I'll pay. It's on me. A barátom és én Dél-Koreában akarunk dolgozni. My friends and I want to work in South Korea. My friend and I want to work in South Korea. Elmondta a fiú, miért sír. The boy told me why he was crying. The boy told me why he was crying. Szeretnélek megkérni, hogy segíts. I'd like to ask you to help me. I'd like to ask you to help me. Luis Leal egy mexikói-amerikai író volt. Luis Leal was a Mexican-American writer. Luis Leal was a Mexican-American writer. Érzed már a különbséget? Do you feel the difference now? Can you feel the difference yet? Mi az ön ára? What's your price? What's your price? A környezetszennyezés károsítja a gazdaságot. Pollution causes damage to the economy. Pollution damages the economy. A szó, amit mondtál, durva volt. The word you said was gross. The word you said was rude. Majdnem semmi közös nincsen Tomiban és Mariban. Tom and Mary have almost nothing in common. Tom and Mary have almost nothing in common. Még mindig egyedülálló vagy, ugye? You're still single, aren't you? You're still single, aren't you? Ne is figyelj rá, mit mond. You should ignore what he says. Don't listen to what he's saying. Megnyugodtunk. We calmed down. We're calm. Csukd be azt a kibaszott ajtót! Close the fucking door! Close the fucking door! Nem álmodom. I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. Tom az élete hátralévő részét egy börtönben fogja leélni. Tom will spend the rest of his life in prison. Tom will spend the rest of his life in a prison. Túl büszke volt ahhoz, hogy másoktól segítséget kérjen. His pride prevented him from asking others for help. He was too proud to ask others for help. Azt hiszem, megvan. I think we got it. I think I got it. Miért pártoltad ki Tomot helyettem? Why did you side with Tom instead of me? Why did you side with Tom for me? Mindjárt jobban leszel; elsősegélynyújtó vagyok. You're going to be okay; I'm a first-aider. You're about to get better; I'm a first aid. Ne hagyd, hogy meglássanak. Don't let anyone see you. Don't let them see you. A buszon felejthettem az ernyőm. I may have left my umbrella in the bus. I must have left my umbrella on the bus. Ez túl szűk. It's too narrow. It's too tight. Hol vannak a kulcsaim? Where are my keys? Where are my keys? Tom régen ivott. Tom used to drink. Tom used to drink. Tom nem emlékezett, hová tette az esernyőjét. Tom couldn't remember where he'd left his umbrella. Tom didn't remember where he put his umbrella. Isten két fület és egy szájat adott az embernek, hogy többet hallgasson és kevesebbet beszéljen. God gave the man two ears and a mouth so that he would listen more and talk less. God gave man two ears and one mouth to listen more and speak less. Tom tudja? Does Tom know? Does Tom know? Az egyik kutya még él. One of the dogs is alive. One of the dogs is still alive. Nagyon kevés hely maradt csak érintetlen az ember által. Very few places on our earth remain undisturbed by civilization. Very little space left but untouched by man. Szeretnék fogat mosni. I'd like to brush my teeth. I'd like to brush my teeth. Éljen a népek közötti testvériség! Long live the brotherhood of all peoples. Long live the brotherhood of the people! Lehet, hogy Tominak szüksége lesz rá. Tom might need it. Tom may need it. Tom a városon kívül van. Tom is out of town. Tom is out of town. Csodálatos este volt. It was a wonderful evening. It was a wonderful evening. Kinek nincs teendője? Who doesn't have anything to do? Who has nothing to do? Az a szoba nem túl nagy. That room is not very large. That room isn't too big. Akadályozod az igazságszolgáltatást. You're obstructing justice. You're obstructing justice. Tomi hősként tekint Marira. Tom considers Mary to be a heroine. Tom sees Mary as a hero. Nem fogjuk csökkenteni az elvárásainkat. We won't lower our expectations. We're not gonna lower our expectations. Nem tudok segíteni. I cannot help you. I can't help you. Nem jött válasz. There was no response. I didn't get an answer. Sajnálom, hogy nagyon megsérültél. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. I'm sorry you're so hurt. Tom siket. Tom is deaf. Tom is deaf. Tom halláskárosult és nehezen hallja a beszédet, ha háttérzaj van. Tom has some hearing loss and finds it difficult to hear speech when there's background noise. Tom's hearing impaired and he's having trouble hearing the speech when there's background noise. Tomin nincs kalap. Tom doesn't have a hat on. Tomin doesn't have a hat. Ne félj hibázni. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Tom utálta Maryt. Tom hated Mary. Tom hated Mary. Dühösnek látszol. You seem angry. You look angry. Úgy tűnt, Tom jól van. Tom looked OK. Tom seemed fine. Soha nem volt szándékomban Tomit megbántani. I never meant to hurt Tom. I never meant to hurt Tom. A legtöbb külföldihez hasonlóan, John nem kedveli a nattót. As is often the case with foreigners, John dislikes nattou. Like most foreigners, John doesn't like natto. Senki nem tökkéletes. Nobody is ferpect. Nobody's perfect. Nem, nem én, hanem te! No, not me, but you! No, not me, you! Élve temették el. He was buried alive. He was buried alive. Két palack bort ittak meg. They have drunk two bottles of wine. They drank two bottles of wine. Elmondok neked egy titkot. I will tell you a secret. I'll tell you a secret. Legyen ennyi elég mára, rendben? Let's just call it a day, shall we? That's enough for today, okay? Semmim nem maradt. I've got nothing left. I've got nothing left. Semmi többet nem kívánhatnék ennél. There's nothing I wish for more than this. I couldn't wish for anything more than that. Tom nem tudta kinyitni az ajtót. Tom couldn't open the door. Tom couldn't open the door. Naponta telefonál neki és legalább egy órát beszélgetntek. She calls him every night and talks for at least an hour. She calls him every day and she talks to him for at least an hour. Láttalak Tomival. I saw you with Tom. I saw you with Tom. Nagyon cuki gyerekek vagytok. You are very cute children. You guys are really cute. Kezdj el írni! Start writing. Start writing. "Ostoba emberek," mondta a mókus. "Stupid humans," said the squirrel. "Stupid people," said the squirrel. Minden bizonnyal mi vagyunk a legjobbak. We are certainly the best. We're definitely the best. - Hapci! - Egészségedre! - Kösz! "Achoo!" "Bless you!" "Thanks." Cheers. Hány órád van egy nap? How many classes do you have a day? How many hours do you have in a day? Meghívhatlak ebédre? Can I buy you lunch? Can I buy you lunch? Tomi mindig elhagyja az esernyőjét. Tom always loses his umbrellas. Tom always leaves his umbrella. Minden évben átesem az influenzán. I catch the flu every year. I go through the flu every year. Nem vagy felöltözve. You're not dressed. You're not dressed. Nem vagyok mérnök. I'm not an engineer. I'm not an engineer. Más terveim voltak. I had other plans. I had other plans. Aron megölte Elizabethet. Aron killed Elizabeth. Aron killed Elizabeth. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy megnyerem a teniszmeccset. I'm confident that I'll win the tennis match. I'm sure I'll win the tennis match. Munkát kell találnod magadnak. You must find work. You need to find yourself a job. Tom elhagyta a kedvenc játékát. Tom lost his favorite toy. Tom lost his favorite toy. Társalapítója vagyok a helyi hermelinkedvelő egyesületnek. I am a co-founder of the local stoat lover society. I'm a co-founder of the local hermelinist association. El kell menekülnünk. We must escape. We have to run. Senki nem volt hibás a balesetért. Nobody was to blame for the accident. No one was to blame for the accident. Minden barátom szereti a futballt. All of my friends like soccer. All my friends love football. Kérlek, nyisd ki az ajtót. Please open the door. Please open the door. Hol van Tamás és Mária? Where are Tom and Mary? Where are Tom and Mary? Mikor száll fel a gépe? When does your plane take off? When does your plane take off? Sohasem láttam még ezelőtt Floridában hóesést. I've never seen snowfall in Florida before. I've never seen snowfalls in Florida before. Ez a tény bizonyítja ártatlanságát. This fact proves her innocence. That fact proves his innocence. Tom tökéletesen beszél franciául. Tom speaks perfect French. Tom speaks French perfectly. Jó barátok vagyunk. We're good friends. We're good friends. Úgy döntött, hogy pilóta lesz. He made up his mind to be a pilot. He decided to become a pilot. Sok európaival az a probléma, hogy nem meditálnak. Az elméjük rendetlen. The problem with many Europeans is that they do not meditate. Their minds are messy. The problem with many Europeans is that they don't meditate, their minds are messy. Ez szuper jó a családoknak. It's great for families. It's super good for families. Kérlek, javítsd ezt ki! Please correct it. Please fix this. Folytassuk a beszélgetést angolul, légy szíves. Let's continue talking in English, please. Let's continue our conversation in English, please. Finom illata van a vacsorának. Dinner smells delicious. Dinner smells good. Nem olvasok könyveket. I do not read books. I don't read books. A hó egy láb mély. The snow's a foot deep. The snow is one foot deep. Mit csinálnak? What're they doing? What are they doing? Folytatni fogom. I will continue. I'll keep going. Meglepődött valaki? Was anyone surprised? Is anyone surprised? Tom előbb vagy utóbb ezt fogja tenni, de inkább utóbb. Tom will eventually do that, but probably not anytime soon. Tom will do this sooner or later, but sooner or later. Éppen ki akartam menni, mikor Tom hívott. I was about to go outside when Tom called. I was just about to go outside when Tom called. Nem az a fontos, hogy melyik egyetemen végeztél, hanem az, hogy mit tanultál, amíg ott voltál. What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there. It's not about what college you graduated from, it's about what you learned while you were there. Ő tanár akart lenni. She wanted to be a teacher. He wanted to be a teacher. Imádjuk ezt a helyet. We love this place. We love this place. Most már mennünk kell. We must go now. We have to go now. Nekik nem kell tudniuk erről. They don't need to know that. They don't need to know about this. Ez jó búvóhely. This is a good hiding place. It's a good place to hide. Röpdösni tudnék örömömben. I'm over the moon. I could splinter with joy. Kövesse azt az autót! Follow that car! Follow that car. Remélem, Tom nem túl makacs. I hope Tom isn't too stubborn. I hope Tom isn't too stubborn. Ez badarság. This makes no sense. That's bullshit. Az óra, melyet Tom tartott, unalmas volt. The class taught by Tom was boring. Tom's watch was boring. A legtöbb medúza csípése nem halálos, mindazonáltal sok meglehetősen fájdalmas. Most jellyfish stings aren't deadly, but many are pretty painful nonetheless. Most jellyfish bites are not fatal, but many are quite painful. Tamásnak van hajója? Does Tom have a boat? Does Tom have a boat? Megérdemlik, amit kapnak. They deserve what they get. They deserve what they get. Zongorázik? Does she play piano? Do you play the piano? A jel nagyon gyenge. The signal's very weak. The signal is very weak. Mary pedikűrt akart csináltatni. Mary wanted a pedicure. Mary wanted a pedicure. Tudni akarom, ki vagy te. I need to know who you are. I want to know who you are. Ülj, ahova akarsz. Sit wherever you want. Sit wherever you want. Most úszik. He's swimming now. He's swimming now. Hacsak gazdag lehetnék! I wish I were rich. If only I could be rich! Ön szerint ki ismeri ki magát ezen az ügyön? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? Who do you think knows your way around this case? Ha ismerném a címét, írnék neki. If I knew his address, I would write to him. If I knew his address, I'd write to him. Rendesebben kell tanulnod. You must study harder. You have to learn better. Verd be a szeget! Hammer the nail in. Hit the nail. Elvált a férjétől. She got divorced from her husband. Divorced from her husband. Szavazzunk! Let's vote. Let's vote. Te nem vagy én. You're not me. You're not me. Tomit kirúgta a felesége. Tom's wife kicked him out. Tom was fired by his wife. Ő egy nagyon érdekes ember. She's a very interesting person. He's a very interesting man. Itt van 10 dollár. Here's $10.00. Here's $10. Tom nem fog kockáztatni. Tom isn't going to risk it. Tom won't take any chances. Nem lesz otthon ebédidőre. He won't be home at lunch time. He won't be home for lunch. Ez valószínűtlen. It's improbable. That's unlikely. Lassíts le! Slow down. Slow down. Csodák csodája, egy utasnak sem esett bántódása. Miracle of miracles, none of the passengers were hurt. Miracles of miracles, no passengers were harmed. Olyan volt számomra, mint egy apa. He has been like a father to me. He was like a father to me. Inkább nem énekelném el azt a dalt. I'd rather not sing that song. I'd rather not sing that song. Soha nem hordok öltönyt. I never wear suits. I never wear a suit. Az a hely tetszik nekem. I like that place. I like that place. A szarvas avarágyon aludt. The deer slept on a bed of leaves. The deer slept on an avalanche. Nem voltam egy szeretnivaló gyerek. I was not a lovable child. I wasn't a loving child. Szóltál Tominak, hogy itt vagyok? Have you told Tom that I'm here? Did you tell Tom I was here? Miért érkezel mindig későn? Why do you always arrive late? Why are you always late? Melyik a második legtöbbet látogatott város a Földön? What's the second most visited city in the world? What is the second most visited city on Earth? Tom megrettent. Tom is horrified. Tom was terrified. Egy angol mondat első szavát nagybetűvel kell kezdeni. The first word of an English sentence should be capitalized. The first word of an English sentence shall begin in capital letters. Ha megtalálom az útleveled, hívlak. If I find your passport, I'll call you. When I find your passport, I'll call you. Nem hiszel nekünk? Don't you believe us? You don't believe us? Mary kicsavarta a rúzsát. Mary unscrewed her lipstick. Mary twisted her lipstick. Ez különös. That's odd. That's weird. Tom tisztára törölte az asztalt. Tom wiped the table clean. Tom wiped the table clean. Senki nem vette észre Tomit. Nobody noticed Tom. No one noticed Tom. Mehetek Tommal? May I go with Tom? Can I go with Tom? Ne aggódj miattam; a pokol ott van, ahová minden érdekes ember megy. Don't worry about me; hell is where all the interesting people go. Don't worry about me; hell is where all interesting people go. Tamás elhagyta a lakáskulcsát. Tom lost his house keys. Tom lost his house key. Munkát keres. He's looking for a job. He's looking for a job. Tomi hamar fölfogta, hogy valami nem stimmel. Tom quickly realized that something was wrong. Tom soon realized that something was wrong. Kint várok. I'm waiting outside. I'll wait outside. De hiszen ezt még soha sem mondtad! But you never told me that. But you've never said that before. Tetszett nekem a beszéde. His speech made a good impression on me. I liked your speech. Jól megleszek egyedül. I'll be fine on my own. I'll be fine on my own. Mit dolgozol? What's your job? What do you do for a living? Nem emlékszem, hogy Tom siketekkel vagy vakokkal dolgozik. I can't remember if Tom works with the deaf or the blind. I don't remember Tom working with deaf people or blind people. Tom elájult a hőség miatt. Tom collapsed because of the heat. Tom fainted because of the heat. Büszke leszel rám. You're going to be proud of me. You'll be proud of me. Sok napot töltött azzal, hogy egy pulóvert kössön neki. She spent many days knitting a sweater for him. He spent a lot of days knitting a sweater for her. Nem érzek dühöt. I don't feel angry. I don't feel angry. Egyet megengedhetek magamnak, de mindkettőt nem. I can afford one, but not both. I can afford one, but I can't afford both. Mirjam Tamáshoz akart menni fleleségül. Miriam wanted to marry Thomas. She wanted to go to Tom Mirjam. A valódi bátorságnak kevés köze van a hősködéshez. True bravery is quite another thing from bravado. Real courage has little to do with being a hero. Tetszik nekem. I like that. I like him. Nem voltam meglepve. I wasn't surprised. I wasn't surprised. Maradhatsz itt éjszakára; nem gond. You can stay the night here; there is no problem. You can stay the night; it's okay. Tom nagyon alacsony. Tom is really short. Tom is very short. Tominak van autója. Tom has a car. Tom has a car. Csak várok. I'll just wait. I'm just waiting. Évekig élt ott. She lived there for years. He lived there for years. Az igazi barátság megfizethetetlen. True friendship is invaluable. Real friendship is priceless. Tom mindig eszik valamit, mielőtt munkába megy. Tom always eats something before going to work. Tom always eats something before he goes to work. Az ártatlanság szép dolog. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Innocence is a beautiful thing. Mennyi a teljes ár adóval együtt? What is the total price with all taxes included? What's the total price plus tax? Szereti az állatokat, ugye? She likes animals, you know? You like animals, don't you? Nem találtuk meg. We didn't find it. We didn't find him. Remeg a kezed. Your hands are shaking. Your hands are shaking. Régen minden hétvégén korcsolyázni mentünk. We used to go skating every weekend. We used to go skating every weekend. Hát lehet így bánni egy hölggyel? Is this any way to treat a lady? Is that any way to treat a lady? A lovak legelnek. Horses eat grass. Horses graze. Hazamentem átöltözni. I went home to change my clothes. I went home to change. Az örökké valóságig tartana, hogy elmagyarázzak mindent. It would take forever for me to explain everything. It would take forever for me to explain everything. Én másként hallottam. I heard otherwise. That's not what I heard. Csak saját magára gondol. He thinks of nothing but himself. He's only thinking about himself. Szükségünk van egy biztonsági hálóra. We need a safety net. We need a safety net. A férjem mindig az ágyban olvas. My husband always reads in bed. My husband always reads in bed. Szándékosan rossz címet adott nekem. She gave me a wrong address on purpose. He deliberately gave me the wrong address. Tom át fog menni. Tom will pass. Tom will pass. Tomi be tudott jutni a házba az ablakon keresztül. Tom was able to get into the house through a window. Tom could get into the house through the window. Sajnálom, de nem értettem teljesen, amit mondtál. Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said. I'm sorry, but I didn't quite understand what you said. Van most egy pár kérdésem. I just have a couple of questions. I have a few questions right now. Az oroszlán egy állat. The lion is an animal. The lion is an animal. Segítséget kért. He requested help. He asked for help. Kell, hogy legyen egy mintázat. There must be a pattern. There's gotta be a pattern. Azt hiszem, szívrohama van. I think he's having a heart attack. I think he's having a heart attack. Sok időt töltöttem zenehallgatással. I spent a lot of time listening to music. I spent a lot of time listening to music. Tamás meg fogja tudni. Tom'll find out. Tom will know. A gyerekek fel-alá rohangáltak a parkban. Children were running to and fro in the park. The kids were running up and down the park. Észtországnak saját nemzeti himnusza van. Estonia has its own hymn. Estonia has its own national anthem. Elmentem az apám sírjához. I've visited my father's grave. I went to my father's grave. Egy pillanatra megláttam a Fudzsijamát a vonat ablakából. I caught a glimpse of Mt. Fuji from the window of the train. I saw the Fujiyama from the train window for a moment. Be kell pótolnunk az elveszett időt. We must make up for lost time. We have to make up for lost time. Fiatalnak látszol. You seem young. You look young. Nem tudok olyan jól viccet mesélni, mint te. I can't tell jokes as well as you can. I can't tell a joke as good as you. Egyet a fiókba tettem. I put one in the drawer. I put one in the drawer. Tom is sír. Tom is crying, too. Tom is crying. Jacksonék vannak itt. The Jacksons are here. The Jacksons are here. Nem varrom meg a ruháikat. I don't sew their clothes. I'm not sewing their clothes. Józsika nincs a házban. Joseph is not in the house. There's no Jozhika in the house. Légy van a kávéban. There is a fly in the coffee. There's flies in the coffee. Mindent nem tudunk megcsinálni. We can't do everything. We can't do everything. A hang anyámra emlékeztetett. The voice reminded me of my mother. The sound reminded me of my mother. Hogy fogom felismerni? How will I recognize it? How will I recognize him? Meg akarom ezt figyelni. I want to watch this. I want to watch this. Tanulj mások hibáiból! Nem tudsz elég hosszú ideig élni ahhoz, hogy mind magad kövesd el őket. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. Learn from other people's mistakes, you can't live long enough to commit them all by yourself. Enned kellene valamit. You should eat something. You should eat something. Milyen nagy bolond ez a kis töpszli! What a stupid little twerp. What a fool this little puppy is! Nem fogom elfelejteni. I won't forget it. I won't forget. Ez nem Joan. Tévedsz. It's not Joan. You are wrong. It's not Joan, you're wrong. Mary még nem kezdte el. Mary has not started yet. Mary hasn't started yet. Ezt most miért csinálod? Why are you doing this now? Why are you doing this? Meg tudod oldani ezt a problémát? Can you solve this problem? Can you solve this problem? Ez a dal nagyon megható. This song is very touching. This song is very touching. Visszajövök. I'm coming back. I'll be back. Hogy csinálod ezt? How do you do that? How do you do that? Tom nem sietett. Tom took his time. Tom wasn't in a hurry. Légy türelmes! Be patient. Be patient. Idegen nyelvek tudása mindenki számára hasznos. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful for everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is useful to everyone. Komolyabban kell vennem a tanulást. I must learn seriously. I need to take studying more seriously. Jobb, ha megkérdem őt. I'd better ask him. I'd better ask him. A férfiak egy része olyan naiv, mint egy kisgyerek. Some men are as naïve as infants. Some men are as naive as a child. Kiraboltak minket. We got robbed. We've been robbed. Hogy ne vennék tudomást az ilyen erős fájdalomról!? How can I ignore pain this intense? How could they ignore such intense pain? - Meg tudnád ezt csinálni helyettem? - Sajnos nagyon elfoglalt vagyok. "Could you do this instead of me?" "Sorry, I'm too busy." - Can you do that for me? Nincs szándékomban, hogy önző legyek. I don't intend to be selfish. I have no intention of being selfish. Vágod? Got it? You know what I'm saying? Soha nem akartam gyerekeket. I never wanted to have children. I never wanted kids. Szerinted ki írta ezt a megjegyzést? Who do you think wrote this note? Who do you think wrote that comment? Nem várhatod el tőlem, hogy mindig mindenre gondoljak! You can't expect me to always think of everything! You can't expect me to think about everything all the time. Mi a problémád? What's your problem? What's your problem? Teljesen az én hibám. It's entirely my fault. It's all my fault. Érted mehetek fél hatra? Can I come to get you at 5:30? Can I pick you up at 5:30? Azt hiszem, értem. I think I understand. I think I get it. Tom koncertje tulajdonképpen elég unalmas volt. Tom's concert was actually pretty boring. Tom's concert was actually pretty boring. Szilárd alibije volt. He had a strong alibi. He had a solid alibi. Hamarosan meg fogod szokni, hogy egyedül élsz. Soon you'll get used to living by yourself. You'll soon get used to living alone. Mari nem házasodott meg. Mary doesn't have a husband. Mary didn't get married. Éjszaka az eget szoktam szemlélni. I'm used to contemplating the sky at night. I watch the sky at night. A járókelőknek a zebrán kell átkelniük az úttesten. A pedestrian needs to cross the street at a crosswalk. The passersby has to cross the crossroads. A bankba mentem. I went to the bank. I went to the bank. Elkísérlek majd az állomásra. I'll accompany you to the station. I'll walk you to the station. Miért foglalkozzunk azzal, hogy mi történik a halálunk után? Why should we care what happens after we are dead? Why should we deal with what happens after we die? Tom nem viselt mentőmellényt. Tom wasn't wearing a lifejacket. Tom wasn't wearing a life jacket. Tom soha nem volt Bostonban. Tom wasn't ever in Boston. Tom was never in Boston. Ez a te táskád vagy az övé? Is this bag yours or his? Is this your bag or hers? Ez nem tűnik rossz ötletnek. That's probably not a bad idea. That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Mondhatok neked valamit? Can I tell you something? Can I tell you something? Nem szeretek sorban állni. I don't like waiting in line. I don't like waiting in line. Ez egy régi kép. That's an old picture. It's an old picture. Bútorokat az IKEA-ból vásárolok. I buy furniture from IKEA. I buy furniture from IKEA. Apám mindent elfelejt. My father forgets everything. My father forgets everything. Túlságosan ragaszkodó. He's too clingy. He's too clingy. A vírus könnyen megfertőzhet egy egészséges embert. The virus can easily infect a healthy person. The virus can easily infect a healthy person. Nem végeztem el az egyetemet. I didn't graduate. I didn't graduate college. Ken szeret kempingezni. Ken likes camping. Ken likes camping. Tomi azt mondta, hogy szerinte Mari a földszinten van. Tom said he thought Mary was downstairs. Tom said he thought Mary was downstairs. Túljárt az eszén. I outwitted him. He outsmarted her. Fegyverekkel vártak rájuk a férfiak. Men with guns were waiting for them. The men were waiting for them with guns. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy elfogadja-e a megkésett születésnapi ajándékot. I wonder if she'll accept a belated birthday present. I wonder if you'll accept the late birthday present. Tamás a csoportvezető. Tom is the group leader. Tom is the team leader. Úgy vélem, a becsületesség a legjobb iránymutató. I think that honesty is the best policy. I think honesty is the best guide. Tom élni fog. Tom'll live. Tom will live. Defektes lett a biciklim. My bicycle has a flat. I got a flat tire on my bike. Vacsora után általában alszik. After dinner, he usually sleeps. He usually sleeps after dinner. Tom még mindig ül. Tom is still serving time. Tom is still sitting. Tom tényleg tanár? Is Tom really a teacher? Is Tom really a teacher? Megragadtam Tomit a könyökénél. I grabbed Tom by the elbow. I grabbed Tom by his elbow. Szeretnék még egy kis vizet. I'd like some more water. I'd like some more water. Messze, a fenyvesen túl, van egy kicsi kert. Ott a fű magasra nő és mély, ott vannak a bürök virágjának nagy fehér csillagai, ott a fülemüle egész éjjel énekel. Egész éjjel énekel, s lenéz a hűvös, kristálytiszta Hold és a tiszafa hatalmas karjait az alvók fölé teríti. Far away beyond the pine-woods, there is a little garden. There the grass grows long and deep, there are the great white stars of the hemlock flower, there the nightingale sings all night long. All night long he sings, and the cold crystal moon looks down, and the yew-tree spreads out its giant arms over the sleepers. Far beyond the pine tree, there is a small garden where the grass grows high and deep, there are the great white stars of the hemlock's flower, the nightingale sings all night long, and looks down at the cool, crystal clear moon and the mighty arms of the yea tree above the sleepers. Tom előhúzta a telóját. Tom pulled out his phone. Tom pulled out his phone. Hős akarok lenni. I want to be a hero. I want to be a hero. Tom kempingezni ment egy barátjával. Tom went on a camping trip with a friend. Tom went camping with a friend. Gyerünk, álomszuszék! Felkelni! Come on, sleepyhead. Wake up! Come on, sleepyhead, get up! Úgy vélem, mindkettőjüknek igaza van. I think both of them are right. I think you're both right. Muszáj odamennem. I must go there. I have to go there. Menj egyenesen előre, míg oda nem érsz a templomhoz! Go straight ahead until you reach the church. Go straight ahead until you get to the church. Már nem olyan aktív, mint régen. He's not as active as he used to be. He's not as active as he used to be. Hogy aludtál? How have you been sleeping? How'd you sleep? Van a holdon egy, Albert Einseteinről elnevezett kráter. There is a crater on the Moon named after Albert Einstein. There's a crater on the moon named after Albert Einsetein. Kopogtak az ajtón. There was a knock on the door. There was a knock on the door. Nekem tetszik az én olasz tájszólásom. I love my Italian dialect. I like my Italian dialect. Vacsora után sétálok egyet a vízparton. After dinner, I take a walk on the beach. I'll take a walk on the beach after dinner. A kert a ház mögött van. The garden is behind the house. The garden is behind the house. Úgy vélem, a legtöbb ember egyetértene. I think most people would agree. I think most people would agree. Én franciául tanulok otthon. I study French at home. I study French at home. Tom feladta. Tom quit. Tom gave up. Tamás ezt honnan tudja? How does Tom know that? How does Tom know that? Kölcsönvette az ötletét. She borrowed his idea. He borrowed his idea. Mit csináltál a fényképezővel? What did you do with the camera? What did you do with the camera? Tom dühös. Tom's mad. Tom is angry. Utálom a vasárnapokat. I hate Sundays. I hate Sundays. Senki sem érdemli ezt meg. Nobody deserves that. No one deserves this. Pihennem kell. I need to rest. I need to rest. Esetleg nincs tudatában a veszélynek. She may not be aware of the danger. Maybe he's not aware of the danger. Alig várom, hogy megtudjam, hogy teljesítettem a teszten. I can't wait to find out how I did on the test. I can't wait to find out that I passed the test. Rosszul beszél franciául. His knowledge of French is poor. You don't speak French very well. Hibátlan a fogsora. He has perfect teeth. His teeth are flawless. Valaki hív. Someone's calling. Someone's calling. Úgy gondolom, Tomival beszéltél. I guess you talked to Tom. I think you were talking to Tom. Te nagyon jó vagy. You're very good. You're very good. Nekem ez kellett. I needed that. I needed this. Reszkettem a félelemtől. I was trembling with fear. I was terrified. Tomot kihallgatta az FBI. Tom was questioned by the FBI. Tom was interrogated by the FBI. Véleményem szerint félreértés volt. I think it was a misunderstanding. In my opinion, it was a misunderstanding. Lenyűgöz Tom eszessége. I'm astonished by Tom's cleverness. I'm impressed by Tom's intelligence. Layla haza akar menni. Layla wants to go home. Layla wants to go home. A valóság számomra nem más mint fikció. The real is for me, but fiction. Reality is fiction to me. Ez minden. That'll be all. That's all. Ez tetszett neki. He likes this. He liked that. Japánból jött. She is from Japan. He's from Japan. Meséld el nekem a történetedet! Csupa fül vagyok. Tell me your story. I am all ears. Tell me your story, I'm all ears. Tom látta, hogy Mary sír. Tom could see that Mary was crying. Tom saw Mary crying. Egyesek szerint rossz ötlet. Some think it is a bad idea. Some people think it's a bad idea. Talán Tomnak azt kellett volna tennie. Perhaps Tom should have done that. Maybe Tom should have. Ne legyél már olyan makacs! Stop being so stubborn. Don't be so stubborn. Egész eddig ittam. I've been drinking. I've been drinking all this time. Tom még nem találta meg. Tom hasn't found it yet. Tom hasn't found it yet. Megsérült az órám. My watch is broken. My watch is damaged. Déli szél fúj. There's a south wind blowing. South wind blows. A káromkodás gonosz dolog. It's evil to curse. Profanity is evil. Elfelejtettem, hogy Tom beszél franciául. I forgot Tom spoke French. I forgot Tom speaks French. Könyveit több nyelvre lefordították. His books have been translated into several languages. His books were translated into several languages. Tom kalapot hord mindig. Tom always wears a hat. Tom always wears a hat. Egy kicsit félek. I'm a bit scared. I'm a little scared. Ez egy istenverte sír. This tomb is cursed. It's a goddamn grave. Nem értettünk egyet. We didn't agree. We didn't agree. Nem szabad újrahasználni. Do not reuse. Do not re-use it. Rohantam ahogy csak tudtam, mégsem értem el a vonatot. I ran as fast as I could, but I missed the train. I ran as fast as I could, but I couldn't catch the train. Tom hazudott. Tom did lie. Tom lied. Összehozok egy megbeszélést. I'll arrange a meeting. I'll set up a meeting. Tomi el akart velünk jönni. Tom wanted to come along with us. Tom wanted to come with us. Én szerettelek. I loved you. I loved you. Meg kellett bizonyosodnom róla, hogy bízhatok benned. I had to be sure I could trust you. I had to make sure I could trust you. A prédikátorunk minden karácsonykor ugyanazt a prédikációt mondja el. Our preacher preaches the same sermon every Christmas. Our preacher says the same sermon every Christmas. Apja helyeselte a tervét. His father approved of his plan. His father approved of his plan. Mi van abban a szekrényben? What's in that cupboard? What's in that closet? Tom vesztett a kaszinóban. Tom lost money at the casino. Tom lost at the casino. Megbocsátott neki. She forgave him. He forgave her. Vigyáznál a macskámra? Would you look after my cat? Can you watch my cat? Kezdjük! Let's get started. Let's begin. Küldök egy levelet az édesanyámnak. I send a letter to my mother. I'm sending a letter to my mother. Szerencsés vagyok, hogy a barátomnak mondhatlak. I'm lucky to have you as a friend. I'm lucky to call you my friend. Figyelmeztetnem kell őket. I must warn them. I have to warn them. Itt laktam egész életemben. I've lived here all my life. I've lived here all my life. Tom az épület előcsarnokában találkozott Marival. Tom met Mary in the lobby of the building. Tom met Mary in the lobby of the building. Sem Tom, sem Mary nem mentek még el. Neither Tom nor Mary has left yet. Neither Tom nor Mary have left yet. Én tanítottam be Tomit erre a munkára. I trained Tom for the job. I trained Tom to do this job. Ennek a mondatnak két értelmezése van, melyből az első szöges ellentéte a másiknak. The sentence is capable of two interpretations, of which the first is the exact opposite of the other. This sentence has two interpretations, from which the first is the opposite of the other. Mindannyian készen vagyunk? Are we all ready? Are we all ready? A fiatalság elmúlik és soha többé nem tér vissza. Youth goes away and never comes back. Youth wears off and never comes back. A szavát adta, hogy vigyáz rájuk. You gave me your word that you would look after them. You gave me your word that you'd take care of them. Komolyan mondod? Seriously? Are you serious? Ismered a jelnyelvet? Do you know sign language? Do you know sign language? Nem vallja be tévedését. She's not admitting her mistake. He won't admit his mistake. Nem vagyok nagyon meggyőzve. I'm not too convinced. I'm not very convinced. Tom naponta két-három órát zongorázik gyakorlásként. Tom has been practicing the piano two or three hours a day. Tom plays piano for two or three hours a day. Nem vagyok benne biztos, hogyan történt. I'm not sure how it happened. I'm not sure how it happened. Egy japán mondás szerint: A kiálló szöget beverik. There is a Japanese saying that goes: <> A Japanese saying: The protruding nail is banged. Azt gondoltam, felismered Tomot. I thought you would recognize Tom. I thought you'd recognize Tom. Hadseregünk rajtaütött az ellenségen az éj leple alatt. Our army attacked the enemy during the night. Our army raided the enemy under cover of night. Melyik számig van meg neked a Naruto képregényben? Up to what volume of Naruto comics do you own? Which number do you have in the Naruto comic book? Tom hallgatózik. Tom's eavesdropping. Tom is listening. Mi következik? What's next? What's next? Bizonyítsd kísérlettel! Prove it by experiment. Prove it by experiment. Nem kell válaszolnod. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Az egyik legfájdalmasabb hely, ahová egy szálka befúródhat, a köröm alatt van. One of the most painful places to get a splinter is under the fingernail. One of the most painful places a splinter can drill into is under the fingernails. Ez nem kutya. It's not a dog. It's not a dog. Ez egy lányra emlékeztet, akik valaha ismertem. This reminds me of a girl I once knew. It reminds me of a girl I used to know. Ráveszem Tomit arra, hogy maradjon veled. I'll get Tom to stay with you. I'm gonna get Tom to stay with you. Csak egy művész tudja értelmezni az élet értelmét. Only an artist can interpret the meaning of life. Only an artist can understand the meaning of life. Hozd ide hozzám. Bring it to me. Bring him to me. Ne használj fekete mágiát. Avoid doing black magic. Don't use black magic. A játéknak vége. The play is over. Game over. Ismered a fivérét? Do you know her brother? Do you know his brother? A vitorlás Mumbai felé vette az irányt. The ship set sail for Bombay. The sailboat headed for Mumbai. Tomi szobája nem volt tiszta. Tom's room wasn't clean. Tom's room wasn't clean. Drágább volt, mint vártam. It was more expensive than I expected it to be. It was more expensive than I expected. Ne káromkodj! Don't swear. Don't swear. Van egy házam. I have a house. I have a house. Csak megpróbáltam magam hasznossá tenni. I was just trying to be helpful. I was just trying to make myself useful. Mari zongoratanár. Mary is a piano teacher. Mari is a piano teacher. Tom fehér ember. Tom is Caucasian. Tom is a white man. Csak a tényeket ismertetem. I'm just stating facts. I'm just explaining the facts. Ha van valami mondandód, ki vele! If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, say it. Egy forintot nem költöttem. I didn't spend a penny. I didn't spend a forint. Szerencsére senki sem fulladt meg. Luckily nobody drowned. Luckily, no one drowned. Ne keress kifogásokat! Don't make excuses. Don't make excuses. Sétálnunk kellene egyet. We should take a walk. We should take a walk. Az egészség nem csupán a betegség vagy kór hiányát jelenti. Health is not just the absence of illness or disease. Health is not just a lack of disease or disease. Tom miért nem ér rá? Why is Tom busy? Why isn't Tom available? Mielőtt itt dolgozott, Tom rendőrtiszt volt harminc éven át. Before working here, Tom was a police officer for thirteen years. Before he worked here, Tom was a police officer for 30 years. Jön a busz! Here comes the bus! The bus is coming! A sebesség nem minden. Speed isn't everything. Speed isn't everything. Tom mégis megtette. Tom did it anyways. Tom did it anyway. Szorgalmasan tanult. He studied very hard. He studied hard. Rossz dolgok fognak történni. Bad things will happen. Bad things are gonna happen. Csak keményebben kell dolgoznod. All you have to do is to work harder. You just have to work harder. A kisebbségi érzés sokkal gyakoribb, mint ahogy azt az emberek gondolják. Inferiority complexes are more common than we think. Minority feelings are much more common than people think. Annyira nem fontos nekem, hogy Tomi mit gondol. What Tom thinks doesn't matter all that much to me. It's not that important to me what Tom thinks. Én sem akarom tudni. I don't want to know either. I don't want to know either. Értek törökül. I understand Turkish. I understand Turkish. Azt sem tudom, hogy mi az. I don't even know what that is. I don't even know what that is. Szeretnélek meglátogatni. I would like to visit you. I'd like to see you. Tom próbált segítséget hívni. Tom tried to call for help. Tom tried to call for help. Mennyibe kerül az naponta? How much does that cost per day? How much is that a day? Ők küldtek megölni téged. They sent me to kill you. They sent me to kill you. Ő házsártos. He is cranky. He's cranky. A kezei elkékültek, mert annyira hideg volt. His hands turned blue because it was so cold. His hands turned blue because it was so cold. Valódi, igaz? It's real, isn't it? It's real, isn't it? Gyakran marad távol a találkozókról. He often absents himself from meetings. He often stays away from meetings. Ezt a szótárt ajánlotta nekem. He recommended this dictionary to me. That's the dictionary he recommended to me. Gyere gyorsan! Come quickly! Come quickly! Ez a ruha úgy áll rajtad, mintha rád öntötték volna. This dress fits you like a glove. This dress looks like it was spilled on you. Erről gondoskodni fogunk. We'll see to that. We'll take care of that. Szoktad olvasni Tom blogját? Do you read Tom's blog? Do you ever read Tom's blog? Mit hallasz? What do you hear? What do you hear? Az étel, amit főztél, nagyon jó ízű volt. The dish you cooked tasted very good. The food you cooked tasted really good. Most nagyon mérges vagyok. Right now, I'm furious. I'm really angry right now. Filmet készítenek. They're making a movie. They're making a movie. A lehető leghamarabb készülj el vele. Get it done as soon as possible. Get it ready as soon as possible. Nem látom okát, hogy ne tegyük. I see no reason not to do that. I don't see why we shouldn't. Nagyon nem érdekel, mi történik. I really don't care what happens. I really don't care what happens. A holdfényben úsztunk. We swam in the moonlight. We were swimming in the moonlight. Mik az aggályaid? What are your concerns? What are your concerns? Miért éri be egy Kiával, amikor egyértelműen megengedhet magának egy Audit? Why settle for a Kia when you can clearly afford an Audi? Why settle for a Kia when you can clearly afford an Audi? Tudom, hogy mire képes. I know what she's capable of. I know what he's capable of. Tudom, hogy helytelen. I know it's wrong. I know it's wrong. Küzdeni fogok. I will fight. I'll fight. Siess vissza! Hurry back. Hurry back! Elmentünk Sami örökbefogadási szertartására. We went to Sami's adoption ceremony. We went to Sami's adoption ceremony. Ráncoltam a homlokomat. I frowned. I wrinkled my forehead. Tudom, hogy Tom türelmes. I know Tom is patient. I know Tom is patient. Keményen fogunk dolgozni. We'll work hard. We'll work hard. Ez fehér, mint a hó. It is white as snow. It's white as snow. Tom megfontolta az öngyilkosságot. Tom considered suicide. Tom considered suicide. Lyukas a tető. There is a leak in the roof. There's a hole in the roof. Miért szereti annyira Bostont? Why do you like Boston so much? Why do you love Boston so much? Idehozom Tomit. I'll get Tom. I'll get Tom. Tomit tényleg elrabolták a földönkívüliek? Was Tom really abducted by aliens? Did Tom really get kidnapped by aliens? A majmok egy csomó fogást el tudnak tanulni. Monkeys can learn a lot of tricks. Monkeys can learn a lot of tricks. Megszámoltam a pénzt. I counted the money. I counted the money. Hogy sikerült a vizsgád? How was your exam? How was your exam? Tomnak orosz barátai vannak. Tom has Russian friends. Tom has Russian friends. Hová az ördögbe ment Tom? Where on earth did Tom go? Where the hell did Tom go? El kellene mondanom Tominak. I should tell Tom. I should tell Tom. Haladtam valamennyit. I've made some progress. I've made some progress. Elvétetted. You missed. You missed. Csak kérned kell. You only need to ask. All you have to do is ask. A következőt magyarázza meg nekem. Explain the following. Here's what you're gonna explain to me. Ajánlanál egy olcsó éttermet? Could you recommend an inexpensive restaurant? Would you recommend a cheap restaurant? Csak annyit szeretnék, hogy rám figyelj. I just want you to listen to me. I just want you to listen to me. Hé, nyugalom! Hey, relax. Hey, take it easy. Honnan tudták? How did they know? How did they know? Rég volt már, hogy ezt bárki is kérdezte volna tőlem. It's been a long time since anybody asked me that. It's been a long time since anyone asked me that. Hányan haltak meg? How many died? How many people died? Hogy mondják ezt a te nyelveden? How do you say that in your language? How do they say that in your language? Szerintem ez egy elég unalmas mondat. I think it's a rather boring sentence. I think that's a pretty boring sentence. Ő áll a figyelem középpontjában. He is the center of attention. He's the center of attention. Maga részeg. You're drunk. You're drunk. Ma reggel felhős idő van. This morning the weather is cloudy. It's cloudy this morning. Mivel a könyv állatokról szólt, bosszantott, hogy az állatok úgy viselkedtek, mint az emberek. Since the book is about animals, I was irritated that the animals behaved like people. Because the book was about animals, it irritated me that the animals behaved like humans. Tamás itt maradt. Tom stayed here. Tom stayed here. Segít neki. He helps her. He's helping her. Kíváncsi vagyok, mi folyik Tom fejében. I wonder what goes on inside Tom's head. I wonder what's going on in Tom's head. Szédülök. I feel dizzy. I'm dizzy. A banán sárga. Bananas are yellow. The banana is yellow. Elégedett az eredménnyel. He is satisfied with the result. Satisfied with the results. Ismerted Tomot? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Egy utazási irodában dolgozom. I work for a travel agency. I work at a travel agency. Mellém ült. He sat next to me. He sat next to me. Bárcsak csendben maradnál végre! I wish you would be quiet. I wish you'd just be quiet. Ma nincs olyan forróság. It isn't so hot today. It's not that hot today. Papírra van szükségem. I want some paper. I need paper. A Földön élünk. We live on the earth. We live on Earth. Emlékszel, miről beszéltünk? Do you remember what we talked about? Remember what we talked about? Megállj! Stop. Stop! Tom új cipőt visel, nem igaz? Tom is wearing new shoes, isn't he? Tom is wearing new shoes, isn't he? Mit fogsz ezzel csinálni? What are you going to do with it? What are you gonna do with this? Szeretném előbbi nyilatkozatomat visszavonni. I would like to retract my previous statement. I would like to withdraw my earlier statement. Kinyitottam az ajtót és bementem. I opened the door and went in. I opened the door and went in. Ennek a fiúnak fekete haja van. That boy has black hair. This boy has black hair. Úszok a folyóban. I am swimming in the river. I'm swimming in the river. Ne majmolj! Don't be a copycat. Don't be a monkey. Mostantól könnyebb lesz. Things will get easier from now on. It'll be easier from now on. Nem akarok Bostonban lakni. I don't want to live in Boston. I don't want to live in Boston. Ne tétovázz! Mondd már! Don't hesitate. Speak out. Don't hesitate. A titkárom a legédesebb az egész irodában. My secretary is the sweetest person in the whole office. My secretary is the sweetest in the whole office. Ami engem illet, nincs kifogásom. For my part, I have no objection. As far as I'm concerned, I have no objection. Mondtam neked, hogy ne tedd bele a kis zöld kockát abba a nagy piros dobozba. I told you not to put the little green cube into that big red box. I told you not to put the little green cube in that big red box. Ne dobd ki ezt az újságot. Don't throw away this magazine. Don't throw away this paper. Tényleg azt hiszed? Do you really think so? You really think so? Örömet okoz neked, hogy olyan érzést keltesz bennem, mintha már halott lennék? Do you enjoy making me feeling like the dead? Does it please you to make me feel like I'm already dead? Olyan, mint egy nősténytigris. She's like a tigress. She's like a female tiger. Jövőre néhányan új órát fognak viselni. Some will be wearing new watches next year. Next year, some people will be wearing a new watch. - Mondd meg nekem, hogy miért vagy ilyen szomorú. - Ez csak rám tartozik. "Tell me why you are so sad." "It's personal." - Tell me why you're so sad. Tom biztosított róla, hogy nem lesz semmi probléma. Tom assured me there would be no problems. Tom assured me that there would be no problem. Tomnak három kutyája van. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. Orvos leszek. I am going to be a doctor. I'm gonna be a doctor. Egy könyvet írok több nyelven és egyidőben megjelentetem azt a Tatoebán keresztül világszerte. I am writing a book in several languages, and I simultaneously publish it on Tatoeba's screens all over the world. I write a book in several languages, and at the same time I publish it through Tatoeba all over the world. Milyen féleszű vagy! What an idiot you are! You're such an idiot. Tom faksznis volt. Tom was fussy. Tom was cocky. Ez egy gyönyörű kard. It's a beautiful sword. It's a beautiful sword. Tizenegy éves. She's eleven years old. Eleven years old. Telefonáljunk! Let's make a phone call. Let's make a phone call. Véres volt a padló. There was blood on the floor. There was blood on the floor. Mit akarsz csinálni a jövőben? What do you want to do in the future? What do you want to do in the future? Uramisten! Te vagy az utolsó, akiről azt gondoltam, hogy egy ilyen helyzetben fogok vele összefutni. Oh my gosh! You're the last person I expected to meet in a situation like this. Oh, my God, you're the last person I thought I'd run into in a situation like this. A nap erősen sütött. The sun was shining brightly. The sun was shining hard. Soha nem láttam még Tomot eddig ittasan. I've never seen Tom drunk before. I've never seen Tom drunk before. Vesztésre állsz. You're losing. You're losing. Elmehetsz. You can go. You can go. Mosolyogtak. They smiled. They were smiling. Üdv az Államokban! Welcome to the US. Welcome to the States. A térkép a falon van. The map is on the wall. The map's on the wall. Minden srácnak van biciklije. Each boy has a bike. Every guy has a bike. Nincsenek ellenségeim. I don't have any enemies. I have no enemies. Nem biztos, hogy ez lehetséges. This may not be possible. I'm not sure that's possible. Te kérted. You asked for it. You asked for it. Ha olyan folyékonyan akarsz angolul beszélni, mint én, akkor olyan sokat kell tanulnod, mint nekem kellett. If you want to speak English as fluently as me, you must learn as much as I did. If you want to speak English as fluently as I do, you have to learn as much as I had to. Mindig ez történik a zsarnokokkal! Thus always to tyrants! That's what always happens to tyrants! Haza kell mennem. I must go home. I have to go home. Azt hiszem, hogy meg kellene venned. I think you should buy it. I think you should buy it. Anyám meghalt, amikor kicsi voltam. My mother died when I was a kid. My mother died when I was little. A vegánoknak jobb a szaguk. Vegans smell better. Vegans smell better. Tom gépe éppen most szállt fel. Tom's flight has just taken off. Tom's plane just took off. A vevőnek mindig igaza van? Is the customer always right? Is the buyer always right? Mindenki látja? Can everyone see? Does everyone see it? Köszönöm szépen, hogy eljöttek. Thank you very much for attending. Thank you so much for coming. Sokat késtem. I'm too late. I'm a lot late. Szerintetek melyik a tiétek? How do you know which one is yours? Which one do you think is yours? Egy felhő mögött eltűnt a nap. The sun disappeared behind a cloud. Behind a cloud, the sun vanished. Visszatértem. I'm back. I'm back. Sajnálom, hogy gondot okozok neked. I'm sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to cause you any trouble. Kinek adjuk? Who should we give it to? Who are we giving it to? Néha még magányos vagyok. I still get lonely sometimes. Sometimes I'm still lonely. Bob azért sietett haza, hogy megnézze a tv műsort. Bob hurried home in order to watch the TV program. Bob was in a hurry to watch the TV show. A sziget Japántól délre van. The island is to the south of Japan. The island is south of Japan. Az egészsége fokozatosan javul. Her health is becoming steadily better. His health is gradually improving. De furcsa! How strange! That's weird. Nagypapa és nagymama most a mennyországban vannak. Grandpa and Grandma are now in heaven. Grandpa and Grandma are in heaven now. Hogy nevezik az első csakrát? What is the first chakra called? What's the name of the first chakra? Több sót kellett volna hozzáadnom. I should have added more salt. I should have added more salt. Kiotó Japán előző fővárosa volt. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Kyoto was the former capital of Japan. Én a rendszeres testmozgásban hiszek. I believe in exercising regularly. I believe in regular exercise. Ki akarom próbálni, mielőtt meghalok. I want to experience this before I die. I want to try it before I die. Átúszta a folyót. He swam across the river. He swam across the river. Igen, egy kicsit. Yes, a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. Ön hisz a szellemekben? Do you believe in the existence of ghosts? Do you believe in ghosts? Nem mész? Won't you go? Aren't you going? Tom utolsóként jött. Tom came last. Tom came last. - Hangokat hallasz a fejedben? - Igen, démoni hangokat. "You hear voices in your head?" "Yes, demonic voices." - Do you hear voices in your head? Fontossági sorrendet kell felállítanom. I have to prioritize. I have to set priorities. Tom elfelejtette visszaadni nekem a szótáramat. Tom forgot to give me back my dictionary. Tom forgot to give me back my dictionary. Szereted a sci-fi filmeket? Do you like sci-fi movies? Do you like sci-fi movies? Semmi baj! No problem! It's okay. Senki sem mozog. Nobody's moving. Nobody's moving. Csak feleannyi könyvem van, mint neki. I have only half as many books as he. I only have half as many books as he does. Elmehetek a WC-re? May I go to the toilet? Can I go to the bathroom? Tom tudni fogja. Tom'll know. Tom will know. A város síkságon fekszik. The city is on a plain. The city lies on the plains. Volt egy kutyám tizenhárom évig. I had a dog for thirteen years. I had a dog for 13 years. Csinálj meg minden szükségeset. Do all that is necessary. Do everything you need to do. Mikor ért véget? When was it finished? When did it end? Tudod-e, hogy hová ment az apád? Do you know where your father went? Do you know where your father went? Van egy kavics a cipőmben. There is a stone in my shoe. There's a pebble in my shoe. Átöltöztem. I changed clothes. I changed. Nem tudom felfogni. I don't understand. I don't get it. Túl jó vagy nekem. You're too good to me. You're too good for me. Ez háborús bűn. It's a war crime. It's a war crime. Ez a busz elviszi önt az állomásra. This bus will take you to the station. This bus will take you to the station. Nyomd meg a gombot! Push the button. Press the button. Szomjan halok. I'm dying of thirst. I'm dying of thirst. Tom csurig töltötte Mary borospoharát. Tom filled Mary's wine glass to the rim. Tom filled Mary's wine glass full of wine. Tomi lájkolta Mari képét a Facebookon. Tom liked Mary's picture on Facebook. Tom liked Mary's picture on Facebook. Édes, jó Istenem! Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Éppen hívni akartam Tomit. I was just about to call Tom. I was just about to call Tom. Menjünk ezen a nyáron Bostonba. Let's go to Boston this summer. Let's go to Boston this summer. A ház elhagyatott volt. The house was deserted. The house was abandoned. A vitorlás megkerülte a fokot. The ship sailed around the cape. The sailboat has circled the Cape. Fogott három halat. He caught three fish. He caught three fish. Tom mennyi pénzt fog kapni? How much is Tom going to get paid? How much money will Tom get? Az osztozkodás gondoskodás. Sharing is caring. Sharing is caring. Itt egy kis dezodor. Here's some deodorant. Here's some deodorant. Tamás az egyik osztálytársam. Tom is one of my classmates. Tom is one of my classmates. Kemény? Is it hard? Tough? Az összes pénz odavan. All the money is gone. All the money's gone. Tom és Mari a lagúnában úsztak. Tom and Mary swam in the lagoon. Tom and Mary were swimming in the lagoon. Tom részeg. Tom's wasted. Tom is drunk. Nem vagyunk vérrokonok. We aren't related by blood. We're not blood relatives. Van egy öngyújtód? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Tamás keményen dolgozott tegnap. Tom worked hard yesterday. Tom worked hard yesterday. Tom kifogástalanul beszél franciául. Tom speaks French perfectly. Tom speaks French impeccably. Elhoztál mindent, amit kértünk? Did you bring everything we asked you to? Did you bring everything we asked for? Sokkal többet akarok. I want much more. I want a lot more. Úgy gondoltam, hogy azt várod tőlem, hogy fizessek. I assumed you'd want me to pay. I thought you wanted me to pay you. Hét éves korában már saját íjat és nyílvesszőket készített. By the age of seven, he had already made his own bow and arrows. When he was seven, he made his own bow and arrows. Biztos vagy benne, hogy túl vagyunk rajta? Are you sure it's all over? Are you sure we're over this? Gyorsan mozog. He moves quickly. He's moving fast. Tom zöldre festette a falat. Tom painted the wall green. Tom painted the wall green. Remélem, hogy Tom most Marival van. I'm hoping that Tom is with Mary now. I hope Tom is with Mary now. Szerzek neked valami ennivalót. I can get you something to eat. I'll get you something to eat. Szerelmes belé. She is in love with him. She's in love with him. Nincs egyedül ezzel a véleményével. He is not alone in this opinion. You're not the only one with that opinion. Segítenétek elmosogatni a tányérokat? Could you help me wash the dishes? Can you help me wash the dishes? Tom követte Maryt. Tom followed Mary. Tom followed Mary. Tomi valószínűleg a tanácsod szerint cselekszik majd. Tom will likely follow your advice. Tom will probably act on your advice. Szellemileg és fizikailag elfáradtam. I was mentally and physically tired. I'm mentally and physically tired. Valami hátborzongató dolog volt az esemény körül. There was something weird about the incident. There was something creepy about the event. Mindig tudtam, hogy eljön ez a nap. I always knew this day would come. I always knew this day would come. Karácsonyra vásároltam magamnak egy szupergyors kukoricapattogtatót. I bought myself this superfast popcorn machine as a Christmas present. I bought myself a super-fast corn popper for Christmas. Biztosan elájultam. I must've passed out. I must have passed out. Mi miatt nem tudtál aludni? What's been keeping you awake? Why couldn't you sleep? Elegem van az élet mindennapi rutinjából. I am tired of the day-to-day routine of life. I'm sick of everyday routine of life. Híres színész lett. He became a famous actor. He's become a famous actor. Jobban szeretem a forró teát, mint a hideget. I like hot tea better than cold. I prefer hot tea to cold tea. Tudnom kell, hová temette Tom az aranyat. I need to know where Tom buried the gold. I need to know where Tom buried the gold. Örültök? Are you happy? Are you happy? Apa belemerült a levélírásba. Father is busy writing letters. Dad's in the middle of writing letters. Tom felvette a hócsizmáját. Tom put on his snow boots. Tom put on his snow boots. Pontosan mit akarsz, hogy megvegyek? What exactly do you want me to buy? What exactly do you want me to buy? Ingyen ebéd nem létezik. No pain, no gain. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Az elnöki szexbotrányok mindig jó hatással vannak a példányszámra. Presidential sex scandals always make good copy. Presidential sex scandals always have a good effect on circulation. Ahelyett, hogy mondasz nekem még egy hazug történetet, most az egyszer légy őszinte. Instead of giving me another mendacious story, just be honest for once. Instead of telling me another lie story, for once, be honest. Tom semmi mást nem csinált, csak panaszkodott. Tom did nothing but complain. Tom did nothing but complain. A pisztáciás baklavát leginkább Iránban találjuk meg. Baklava made with pistachios is more likely to be found in Iran. The pistachio baklava is mostly found in Iran. Valaki meglát minket. Somebody will see us. Someone's gonna see us. Vegetáriánus vagy? Are you vegetarian? Are you a vegetarian? Tom miért akarna minket itt tartani? Why would Tom want to keep us here? Why would Tom want to keep us here? Ez bölcs dolog lenne. That would be wise. That would be wise. Ha nem tudod, mit jelent, nézd meg a szótárban. If you don't know what it means, look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know what it means, look in the dictionary. Mondhatni az ő térfelén vagy. You kind of are on her turf. You're kind of on his side. Tetszik a színe? Do you like the colours? Do you like the color? Az idő pénz. Time is money. Time is money. Ebben az esetben előnyösebb készpénzzel vásárolni. In this case, it is more advantageous to buy in cash. In this case, it is preferable to buy with cash. Miért vagy ingerült? Why are you irritated? Why are you upset? Az a személy meghalt. That person died. That person is dead. A békák mennyi ideig élnek? How long do frogs live? How long do frogs live? Utálja a répát. He hates carrots. He hates carrots. Mit mondhattam volna? What could I say? What could I say? Kérdésekkel zaklatta őt. He pestered her with questions. He was stalking her with questions. Most börtönben vagyok. I'm now in jail. I'm in jail now. Szükséges, hogy elmondjak Tomnak valamit. I need to tell Tom something. I need to tell Tom something. Hány gyereke lehet egy nőnek? How many children can a woman bear? How many children can a woman have? Könyveket kellene venned. You want to buy books. You should buy books. A kutyáim fehérek. My dogs are white. My dogs are white. Légy a vendégünk! Be our guest. Be our guest. Számítanak az első benyomások. First impressions matter. First impressions matter. Fogd már be! Eltereled a figyelmemet. Shut up, you're distracting me. Shut up, you're distracting me. El fogok késni. I'm going to be late. I'm gonna be late. Tom besétált. Tom walked in. Tom walked in. Ki kellett volna maradnom belőle. I should have stayed out of it. I should have stayed out of it. A kisgyermeket kínozta a mostohaanyja. The little child was subjected to violence from his stepmother. The baby was tortured by her stepmother. Biztosan csak képzelődöm. I must be hallucinating. I must be imagining things. Te nem viccelsz, ugye? You aren't joking, are you? You're not kidding, are you? Mondanivalóm van a számodra. I have something to tell you. I have something to say to you. Az ember nem a majomtól származik, néhányat kivéve. Humans are not descended from apes, except for some people. Man doesn't come from the monkey, except for a few. Ki fogjuk őket menteni. We will rescue them. We're gonna save them. Tomi a konyhaasztalnál ül és burgonyát hámoz. Tom sat at the kitchen table, peeling potatoes. Tom is sitting at the kitchen table peeling potatoes. Derültünk a viccein. His jokes made us laugh. We found out about his jokes. Ez szakszerűtlen volt. That was unprofessional. That was unprofessional. A kocsim beleragadt a sárba. Segítene nekem kitolni? My car is stuck in the mud. Could you help me push it out? My car's stuck in the mud. Változtak valamit azóta a dolgok? Have things changed since then? Has things changed since then? Vannak olyan vallásos emberek, akik erősen hajlamosak az ítélkezésre. Some religious people can be very judgmental. Some religious people have a strong tendency to judge. Tudok számolni. I can do the math. I can count. Tom visítani fog. Tom will scream. Tom will scream. A felesége szeretett vendégeket hívni. His wife liked inviting guests. His wife liked to invite guests. Lövésem sincs. I have no clue. I don't know. Később felhívlak. I'll call you later. I'll call you later. Akarok egy gitárt. I want a guitar. I want a guitar. Mit kellene tennem? What should I do? What am I supposed to do? Ezt nem adom fel. I'm not giving this up. I'm not giving up on this. Látnom kell. I must see it. I need to see him. Táncolj. Dance. Dance. A műtrágya tartalmaz foszfort? Do fertilizers contain phosphorus? Does the fertilizer contain phosphorus? Nem lenne valami jó ötlet Tommal járni. Dating Tom wouldn't be such a good idea. It wouldn't be a good idea to go out with Tom. Vett egy csirkét. She bought a chicken. He bought a chicken. Nem fogadta el a bocsánatkérésemet. He did not accept my apologies. He didn't accept my apology. Ők a te barátaid, nem az enyémek. They're your friends, not mine. They're your friends, not mine. Képzettség a siker kulcsa. It is education that is key to the success. Education is the key to success. - Miért a hátukon úsznak a mókusok? - Hogy a mogyoróikat szárazon tartsák. "Why do squirrels swim on their back?" "To keep their nuts dry." Why do squirrels swim on their backs? - Szereted a fűszeres ételeket? - Imádom. "Do you like spicy food?" "I love it." - Do you like spicy food? Megmostam a kezem. I washed my hands. I washed my hands. Tomnak szívrohama volt. Tom had a heart attack. Tom had a heart attack. Itt éjjel nyugalom van. It is quiet here at night. It's quiet here at night. Tomnak 2:30-ra vissza kellett volna jönnie. Tom should have been back by 2:30. Tom was supposed to be back at 2:30. A múlt évben csináltam ezt. I did that last year. I did this last year. Üljünk le arra a padra. Let's sit down on that bench. Let's sit on that bench. Tom gyors volt. Tom was quick. Tom was fast. Tom mézet tesz a teájába cukor helyett. Tom puts honey in his tea instead of sugar. Tom puts honey in his tea instead of sugar. Ne támaszkodj a falnak! Don't lean against the wall. Don't lean against the wall. Láttam a fényt. I saw the light. I saw the light. Állást keresek. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. A hordárral vitettem föl a szobámba a csomagjaimat. I had the porter carry my luggage to my room. I had the porter take my bags up to my room. Tom egy féreg. Tom is a worm. Tom is a worm. Ne érj hozzá! Don't touch her! Don't touch it! Hozz nekem egy tiszta tányért és vidd el a piszkosat. Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away. Get me a clean plate and take the dirty one. Dolgoznom kellett. I had to work. I had to work. A kutya neve Ken. The dog's name is Ken. The dog's name is Ken. Tom és Mary kéthetes nászútra mentek Hawaiira. Tom and Mary went on a two week honeymoon to Hawaii. Tom and Mary went on a two-week honeymoon to Hawaii. Tom beszéde valóban érdekes volt. Tom's speech was really interesting. Tom's speech was indeed interesting. Vonattal megyünk. We're going by train. We'll take the train. Ő Angliában él. He lives in England. He lives in England. Tamás és Mária elmentek szarvasra vadászni. Tom and Mary went deer hunting. Tom and Mary went hunting deer. Tom gyorsan akart egy csomó pénzt keresni. Tom wanted to make a lot of money quickly. Tom wanted to make a lot of money quickly. Hamarosan összeköltöztünk. We soon moved in together. We moved in together soon. Tom vérzett. Tom was bleeding. Tom was bleeding. Lószart. Crap. Bullshit. Nem akarok olyan sok tejet. I don't want that much milk. I don't want that much milk. Mária saját maga varrta az esküvői ruháját. Mary sewed her own wedding dress. Mary sewn her wedding dress herself. Tom, fel kell kelned. Tom, you've got to get up. Tom, you have to get up. A kutya betegnek tűnik. The dog seems sick. The dog looks sick. Kiment friss levegőt szívni. He went outside for a breath of fresh air. He went out to get some fresh air. Van egy javaslatom. I have a suggestion. I have a suggestion. Irigyellek. I envy you. I envy you. Itt én vagyok a törvény! Here, I am the law. I'm the law here! Örökbe fogadtunk egy gyereket. We adopted a child. We adopted a child. Él még az a hal? Is this fish still alive? Is that fish still alive? Ez egy hasznos felvilágosítás! That's useful information! It's a useful information! Aludjunk egy kicsit. Let's get some sleep. Let's get some sleep. Tomi utál Marival bevásárolni. Tom hates shopping with Mary. Tom hates shopping with Mary. Még nem vonulhatok vissza. I can't afford to retire. I can't retire yet. Amit be kellett bizonyítani. Which was to be proven. Which had to be proved. Ő kinek a barátja? Whose friend is he? Whose friend is he? Jobbat érdemelnek. They deserve better. They deserve better. Tessék! There you are. Here. Tavaly az import felülmúlta az exportot. Imports exceeded exports last year. Last year, imports exceeded exports. Tomi felesége, Mária, még mindig hisz a húsvéti nyusziban. Tom's wife Maria still believes in the Easter bunny. Tom's wife, Mary, still believes in the Easter Bunny. Engedd el az üveget! Let go of the bottle. Let go of the bottle! Válts inget. Change your shirt. Change your shirt. Tom fuldoklik. Tom is drowning. Tom is drowning. Hiányzik ma valaki? Is anyone absent today? Anybody missing today? Tom nem tűnt zavarban lévőnek. Tom didn't seem to be embarrassed. Tom didn't seem embarrassed. Úgy sírtam, mint egy kisgyerek, amikor a fiú és a kutyája újra találkozott a film végén. I cried like a baby when the boy and his dog were reunited at the end of the movie. I cried like a baby when the boy and his dog met again at the end of the movie. Ikerlányaik vannak. They have twin daughters. They have twin girls. Apám már volt valamikor Görögországban. My father had once been in Greece. My father's been to Greece before. Épp most értem haza az iskolából. I just got home from school. I just got home from school. Azt mindenki tudja. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. Szeretném az engedélyét kérni, hogy randizhassak a lányával. I'd like to ask your permission to date your daughter. I'd like your permission to date your daughter. Gyakran látod? Do you see her often? Do you see him often? Bostonban dolgozom. I work in Boston. I work in Boston. Itt ebédelünk. We're having lunch here. We're having lunch here. Egész reggel ömlött az eső. It was pouring rain all morning long. It's been raining all morning. Melyik autó a miénk? Which car is ours? Which car is ours? Ami ezt a szót illeti, minden egyes szakértő más állásponton van. Concerning this word, each expert has a different point of view. As far as this word is concerned, each expert has a different view. Hogyan? How? How? Ide tudod adni nekem a receptet? Can you give me the recipe? Can you give me the recipe? Kik használják a Tatoebát? Who uses Tatoeba? Who uses Tatoeba? Mihez? For what? For what? Gondoskodnunk kell róla, hogy ami Wacóban történt, ne történjen meg itt is. We need to make sure that what happened in Waco won't happen here, too. We need to make sure that what happened in Waco doesn't happen here. Barátok közt vagy. You're with friends. You're among friends. Tom tényleg nagyon sokat nyom. Tom really weighs a lot. Tom really does weigh a lot. Nem rossz ez a játék. This game is not bad. It's not a bad game. Meglátta a hölgyet és elpirult. He saw her and blushed. She saw the lady and blushed. Át tudnál jönni ma délután segíteni nekem? Could you come over and help me this afternoon? Can you come over and help me out this afternoon? A férfi neve Francisco Pizzaro volt. The man's name was Francisco Pizzaro. His name was Francisco Pizzaro. Mindig más bolygókra való utazásról ír. He is always writing about journey to other planets. He's always writing about traveling to other planets. A röntgenfelvétel szerint minden rendben van. According to the X-ray, everything is all right. X-rays show everything's fine. Tom haja őszül. Tom's hair is turning gray. Tom's hair is graying. - Elővigyázatlan voltam, és berittyentettem az óriáskeréken. - Öregember vagy te már. "I carelessly soiled myself on the Ferris wheel." "You're already an old man." - I was careless, and I got it on the Ferris wheel. Eddig jó. So far, so good. So far, so good. Az irodája a város központjában helyezkedik el. His office is located in the center of the town. The office is located in the center of the city. Ne próbáld utánozni őt! Do not try to imitate her. Don't try to imitate him. A medve tud fára mászni. A bear can climb a tree. A bear can climb trees. A semminél jobb. Better than nothing. Better than nothing. Semmit sem látott. He saw nothing. He didn't see anything. Egyelőre. For the time being. For now. Mit gondolsz, képes vagy rá? Do you think you can do it? Do you think you can do that? Tomi megkérdezte tőlem, hogy segítsen-e Marinak vagy sem. Tom asked me whether he should help Mary or not. Tom asked me if he could help Mary or not. Nincs kedvem felkelni. I don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like getting up. Mondjuk ki az igazságot! Let's speak out the truth. Let's just say the truth. Tom azt mondta, hogy nincs biztosítása. Tom says he didn't have insurance. Tom said he didn't have insurance. Úgy tűnt, hogy a verseny soha nem ér véget. The race seemed to never end. It seemed that the race would never end. Miért mondtál ilyesmit? Why did you say such a thing? Why would you say something like that? Le volt engedve minden vitorla. All the sails were taken down. All the sails were down. A nyolcvanas években Japán a világ egyik leggyorsabban növekvő gazdasága volt. Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s. In the eighties, Japan was one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Kívánlak. I'm languishing for you. I want you. Tamás fáradtnak tűnik. Tom seems to be tired. Tom looks tired. Azt gondoltam, Tom megváltozott. I thought Tom had changed. I thought Tom had changed. Tényleg sáros. It's really muddy. It's really dirty. Ez már valami! It's better. That's something. Hallottam már róla, de nem tudom igazából, hogy mi az. I've heard about it, but I don't really know what it is. I've heard of it, but I don't really know what it is. Tom imádja a művészetet. Tom loves art. Tom loves art. Tudom, hogy vannak mások is. I know there are others. I know there are others. Lemaradt a vonatról. She missed the train. He missed the train. Átöltöztem. I've changed clothes. I changed. Beszélt az elnökkel. He talked to the chairperson. You spoke to the president. Voltál már házas? Have you ever been married? Have you ever been married? Ez a búváróra valami piszok drága. This diver's watch is a little too expensive. This diving watch is really expensive. Miért akarsz belépni a haditengerészethez? Why do you want to join the navy? Why do you want to join the Navy? A lányomat Nairunak neveztem el és hosszú életet kívántam neki. I named my daughter Nairu wishing her long life. I named my daughter Nairu and wished her a long life. Tanár leszel. You'll become a teacher. You'll be a teacher. Kissé megrázkódni éreztük a házat. We felt the house shake a little. We felt a little shaken up in the house. Nem bírom ezt a zajt. I can't stand this noise. I can't stand that noise. Hé, ki akar pizzát? Hey, who wants pizza? Hey, who wants pizza? Szeretek enni. I like eating. I like to eat. A debütáló albuma valószínűleg kapós lesz. It is probable that her first album will sell well. His debut album's probably gonna come in handy. Elbocsájtották az utolsó állásából? Did you get fired from your last job? You were dismissed from your last job? Ezt nem én írtam. I didn't write that. I didn't write this. Lehet, hogy egyetért velünk, lehet, hogy nem. She may or may not agree with us. Maybe he agrees with us, maybe he doesn't. Tom titokban nagyon izgatott volt. Tom was secretly very excited. Tom was secretly very excited. Tom eléggé jól baseballozik, de nem elég jól ahhoz, hogy bevegyük a csapatunkba. Tom is pretty good at baseball, but he's not good enough to play on our team. Tom plays baseball well enough, but he's not good enough to be on our team. Lehet, hogy ebben igaza van. You may be right about that. Maybe you're right about that. Nem értem, mi történt. I don't understand what happened. I don't understand what happened. Tom sosem megy az iskolába busszal. Tom never goes to school by bus. Tom never takes the bus to school. Tomnak meg kell ismételnie a vizsgát. Tom has to take the test again. Tom has to repeat the exam. Megérintette a kezemet. He touched my hand. He touched my hand. Valaki hazudik. Someone is lying. Someone's lying. Senki sem tudja. Nobody knows. No one knows. Tamás válaszolt? Did Tom respond? Did Tom answer? Ő ajándékozta nekem ezeket a régi érméket. She gave me these old coins. He gave me these old coins. Ostorozzátok addig, amíg beismeri! Whip him until he confesses. Whip him till he admits it. Ide nézz! Look over here. Look at this. Tudom, hogy rossz. I know it's wrong. I know it's bad. Két torta volt. There were two cakes. There were two cakes. Ezek a mi könyveink. Those are our books. These are our books. Mindenféle könyve van. He has all kinds of books. He's got all kinds of books. Nem mondtál semmit. You didn't say anything. You didn't say anything. Az a fogyás legjobb módja, ha sportolni kezdünk. In order to lose weight, it is best to take up some sport. The best way to lose weight is to start playing sports. Retúr vagy csak oda lesz? Round trip or one-way? Is it a retour or is it just gonna go away? Ez a nagyapám. This is my grandfather. That's my grandfather. Ez lehet, hogy meglep téged. This might surprise you. That might surprise you. Ez tényleg a te kocsid? Is this really your car? Is this really your car? Tom ráterítette a kabátját Mari vállára. Tom draped his coat over Mary's shoulders. Tom put his coat on Mary's shoulder. Bob több mint egy éve Mary vőlegénye. Bob has been engaged to Mary for over a year. Bob's been Mary's fiancé for over a year. Haldoklasz? Are you dying? Are you dying? Ne hallgass rá! Don't listen to her. Don't listen to him. Szeretnék látni mindent! I want to see everything! I'd like to see everything. Magam hozom a döntéseimet. My choices are my own. I make my own decisions. Megyek, és elmondom mindenkinek. I'm going to go tell everybody. I'm gonna go tell everyone. Szerinted beszél Tom franciául? Can you find out if Tom speaks French? Do you think Tom speaks French? Most akarja Tomi. Tom wants it now. Tom wants it now. Ez az, amit akarok. This is what I want. That's what I want. Több időre van szükségem. Meg egy kis készpénzre. I need more time. I also need some cash. I need more time and some cash. Az anyukája az Egyesült Államokba ment angolt tanulni. Her mother went to the United States to learn English. Her mother went to the United States to study English. Ő japán? Is he from Japan? Is he Japanese? Melyik a legjobb módszer, hogy megtanuljunk egy idegen nyelvet? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? What is the best way to learn a foreign language? Másodéves az egyetemen. She is in her second year at university. She's a sophomore in college. Kérlek, beszélj lassabban. Please speak more slowly. Please speak slowly. Tudtam, hogy Bostonban kellett volna maradnunk. I knew we should've stayed in Boston. I knew we should have stayed in Boston. Rómában élünk. We live in Rome. We live in Rome. Szeretem a kék színt. I like the color blue. I like the color blue. Végül, de nem utolsósorban .... Last but not least .... Last but not least... Fiatal voltam és ostoba. I was young and stupid. I was young and stupid. Tomi nem fél se Istentől, se Ördögtől. Tom fears neither God nor the devil. Tom is not afraid of God or the Devil. Bekapcsolnád a rádiót? Could you turn on the radio? Can you turn on the radio? Az almafának szép virágja van. The apple tree has a beautiful blossom. The apple tree has a beautiful flower. A bogarak mindenhol ott vannak. The bugs are everywhere. Bugs are everywhere. Idén nem is fogom csinálni. I'm not even going to do that this year. I'm not gonna do it this year. Nem mindig könnyű megkülönböztetni a helyeset a tévestől. It's not always so easy to tell right from wrong. It's not always easy to distinguish right from wrong. Utál engem. És én is utálom őt! He hates me. And I hate him! He hates me, and I hate him. Mi ösztönöz téged? What motivates you? What motivates you? Kíméletlen vagy. You're cruel. You're unsatisfying. Biztos vagy benne, hogy nem akarsz otthon élni a szüleiddel? Are you sure you don't want to live at home with your parents? Are you sure you don't want to live at home with your parents? Milyen ételeket szoktál enni? What kind of food do you usually eat? What kind of food do you eat? Valami furcsa. Something's strange. Something weird. Milyen jó ötlet! What a good idea! What a good idea. Az efféle házat nem szeretem. I don't like this type of house. I don't like this kind of house. Feltűrt ingujjakkal ücsörgött este Harrison úr a verandáján, melyet szőlő takart, átadva magát a pipa élvezetének. Mr. Harrison was sitting on his vineshaded veranda, in his shirt sleeves, enjoying his evening pipe. In the evening, Mr. Harrison sat on his porch, covered by grapes, with his sleeves rolled up, giving himself to the pleasure of the pipe. Tom rossz. Tom is bad. Tom is bad. Milyen vény nélküli gyógyszereket szedsz? What non-prescription medications are you taking? What non-prescription medications do you take? Tom minden nap jár szörfözni. Tom goes surfing every day. Tom goes surfing every day. Ez jó kérdés. That is a good question. That's a good question. A számítógépet gyakran hasonlítják az emberi agyhoz. The computer is often compared to the human brain. Computers are often compared to human brains. Elég sok foglalásunk van. We're pretty booked up. We have a lot of reservations. Biztos vagy benne, hogy egyedül akarsz lenni? Are you sure you want to be alone? Are you sure you want to be alone? Tom és Mary azt mondja, ők nem szeretnék azt csinálni. Tom and Mary say that they don't want to do that. Tom and Mary say they don't want to do that. Van tesód? Do you have any siblings? Do you have a brother? Tominak sok bútora van. Tom has lots of furniture. Tom has a lot of furniture. Megválaszoltad a saját kérdésed. You've answered your own question. You answered your own question. Vastagabb kabátot kellett volna viselnem. I should have worn a heavier coat. I should have worn a thicker coat. Tom sem akarta volna másként. Tom wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Tom wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Mondtam neki, hogy a lehető legjobban fogok cselekedni. I told him that I would do my best. I told him I'd do the best I could. Tom bement az erdőbe. Tom went into the woods. Tom went into the woods. Őszintén szólva, nem nagyon érdekel. Frankly speaking, I don't care for her very much. Honestly, I don't really care. A mostani utunk során eléggé megismertük egymást. We got to know each other rather well on our recent trip. We got to know each other pretty well on our trip. Senki sem fog tudomást szerezni róla. Nobody'll know. No one's gonna find out. A jen javult a dollárhoz képest. The yen rose to the dollar. The yen has improved compared to the dollar. Most olcsó a benzin. Gas is cheap now. Gas's cheap now. Mi van akkor, ha meleg vagyok? Már az is bűn? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? What if I'm gay? Hallgattam, de nem hallottam semmit. I listened, but I heard nothing. I listened, but I didn't hear anything. Jó a humorérzéked. You've got a great sense of humor. You have a good sense of humor. Jó ötlet volt létrehozni a Tatoebát! It was a good idea to create Tatoeba. It was a good idea to create Tatoeba! Fájdalmas? Does it hurt? Painful? Tamás szeret úszni? Does Tom like swimming? Does Tom like to swim? Mari átöltözött a fürdőszobában. Mary changed in the bathroom. Mary changed her clothes in the bathroom. Lehet, hogy a szóbeszéd igaz? Can the rumor be true? Could the rumors be true? Azt hittem, valaki meghalt. I thought somebody died. I thought someone was dead. Olyan boldogtalan voltam. I was so unhappy. I was so unhappy. Kérlek, küldd el a képedet. Please send me your picture. Please send me your picture. Kérsz forró csokoládét? Do you want some hot chocolate? Do you want hot chocolate? Ne várjatok meg, ha nem leszek ott időben. Don't wait for me if I won't be there in time. Don't wait for me if I'm not there on time. Tamás elég jól tud énekelni. Tom can sing quite well. Tom is a pretty good singer. Tudsz autót vezetni? Do you know how to drive a car? Can you drive a car? Melyiket választanád: egy vad szex egy idegennel vagy egy olyannal, aki megőrül érted? You have to choose. Wild sex with a stranger, or wild sex with someone who's crazy about you. Which would you choose, wild sex with a stranger or someone who's crazy about you? Tomi azt tette, amit Mari akart tőle. Tom did what Mary wanted him to do. Tom did what Mary wanted him to do. Milyen formátumot használjak? What format should I use? What format should I use? Kamionos vagyok. I'm a truck driver. I'm a trucker. Útját kell állnod. You must stop him. You have to get in the way. Megengedjük. We allow it! We'll allow it. El akarsz valamit mondani, Tom? Is there anything you want to tell me, Tom? Is there something you want to tell me, Tom? A világítócápa az egyetlen parazita cápa. The cookiecutter shark is the only type of parasitic shark. The light shark is the only parasite shark. Mit gondoltam én erről? What was I thinking? What did I think of that? Akkor vissza kellett mennünk. Then we should go back. Then we had to go back. Van egy kérdésem Tomihoz. I have a question for Tom. I have a question for Tom. Szerinted mennyi ideig fog tartani? How long do you think it'll take? How long do you think it's gonna take? - Köszönöm. - Szívesen. "Thank you." "You're welcome." - Thank you. Nem tudtam, hogy Tom ezt meg tudja csinálni. I didn't know Tom could do this. I didn't know Tom could do this. Ez tényleg szép. This one's really nice. That's really nice. Tom soha nem mondta nekem, hogy hol dolgozott. Tom never told me where he worked. Tom never told me where he worked. Ezek régi fényképek. These are old photos. These are old photos. Még nem végeztünk. We aren't done yet. We're not done yet. Rendszeresen töredezettségmentesíteni kell a meghajtót. You need to defragment the drive on a regular basis. The drive shall be regularly defractured. Mindennel elégedett vagyok. I'm satisfied with everything. I'm happy with everything. Most éppen levelet ír a szüleinek. He is writing a letter to his parents now. He's writing a letter to his parents right now. Gyárakban robotoltak. They labored in the factories. They were slaving in factories. Csak mondj igent, vagy nemet. Just say yes or no. Just say yes or no. Tudják, hogy itt vagyunk. They know we're here. They know we're here. Tom nem engedi meg, hogy bármit is tegyek. Tom doesn't let me do anything. Tom won't let me do anything. Otthon maradtam egy hétig. I stayed home for a week. I stayed home for a week. Túl gyorsan történt. It happened too fast. It happened too fast. Lapátra tettek. I was fired. I've been dumped. Nem kellett neki kétszer mondani. He didn't require to be told twice. You didn't have to tell him twice. A kábel elszakadt. The cable snapped. The cable's broken. A csúfságnak van egy előnye a szépséggel szemben: nem múlandó. Ugliness has one advantage over beauty: it lasts. Uglyness has one advantage over beauty: it is not fleeting. Tom nem tud olvasni. Tom can't read. Tom can't read. Remélem, hogy John eljön. I hope that John comes. I hope John comes. Úgy tűnik, mindent tud Tomi. It seems that Tom knows everything. Tom seems to know everything. A láza lecsillapodott. His fever subsided. His fever's calmed down. Ezt miért is csinálod? So why are you doing this? Why are you doing this? Az igazság az, hogy nem mondott igazat. The fact is that she lied. The truth is, he wasn't telling the truth. Nem hallottam, hogy jöttél. I didn't hear you coming. I didn't hear you come. Tudja Tomi és Mari, hogy itt vagyok? Do Tom and Mary know that I'm here? Does Tom and Mary know I'm here? Eltévedtünk. We are lost. We're lost. Tamás tud zongorán játszani. Tom can play the piano. Tom can play the piano. Ne változz meg! Don't change! Don't change. Tomi jól utánozza Marit. Tom is good at imitating Mary. Tom imitates Mary well. Nagyon köszönöm a leveledet. Thank you very much for your letter. Thank you so much for your letter. Tudják, hogy zsaruk vagyunk. They know we're cops. They know we're cops. Örülök, hogy itt vagytok mindnyájan. I'm glad you are all here. I'm glad you're all here. Jól beszél spanyolul. He speaks Spanish well. You speak Spanish well. Elsétált. He walked away. He walked away. Minden férfi egyforma. All guys are the same. All men are the same. Sherlock Holmes-nak rendkívüli problémamegoldó képességei voltak. Sherlock Holmes had exceptional problem-solving skills. Sherlock Holmes had extraordinary problem-solving skills. Vicc volt. It was only a joke. It was a joke. Én nem énekelek. I do not sing. I don't sing. Jövő vasárnap nem leszek otthon. I'll not be at home next Sunday. I won't be home next Sunday. Osztom Tomi véleményét. I agree with Tom. I share Tom's opinion. Megőrülök ettől. It's driving me crazy. It's driving me crazy. A meteorológus olyasvalaki, akivel az időjárás nem mindig ért egyet. A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree. Meteorologist is someone the weather doesn't always agree with. Tisztelem az időseket. I respect the elderly. I respect the elderly. - Látnom kell őt. - Minek? "I have to see him." "What for?" - I need to see him. Nagyon mérges lettem. I got very angry. I got really angry. Orcája lángba borult. Her cheeks flamed up. His cheeks were on fire. Nem lehet egyszerre két helyen lenni. You can't be two places at once. You can't be in two places at once. Nem várod meg Tomot? Won't you wait for Tom? Aren't you going to wait for Tom? Még nem kaptam választ. I haven't got any reply so far. I haven't got an answer yet. Feltételezem, már tudod, hogyan oldjuk meg a problémát, csak nem akarod nekünk elárulni. I suppose you already know how we solve the problem but you just don't want to tell us. I assume you already know how to solve the problem, but you don't want to tell us. Mi a kedvenc tévé-programja? What is your favorite TV program? What's your favorite TV program? Van végzésed? Do you have a warrant? Do you have a warrant? Az ügyfelem hajlandó alkut kötni. My client is willing to make a deal. My client's willing to make a deal. Ne erőszakoskodj velem. Don't push me around. Don't bullshit me. Mindent tagadott. She denied everything. He denied everything. Tom alig mozdul. Tom is hardly moving. Tom barely moves. Tom és én elmegyünk kempingezni a hétvégén. Tom and I'll go camping this weekend. Tom and I are going camping this weekend. Mikor láttad Tomot utoljára? When was the last time you saw Tom? When was the last time you saw Tom? Ez köztudott. That's common knowledge. It's common knowledge. Mennyibe kerül ez a cipő? How much are these shoes? How much are these shoes? Úgy tűnik, hogy Tom nem hall minket. Tom doesn't appear to hear us. Tom doesn't seem to be hearing us. Bűnösnek vallotta magát. He pleaded guilty. He pleaded guilty. Tom megnyitott egy üveg bort. Tom opened a bottle of wine. Tom opened a bottle of wine. Nem bízom Tomiban. I don't trust Tom. I don't trust Tom. Mit csinálsz jövő nyáron? What are you doing next summer? What are you doing next summer? A költségektől eltekintve, a híd építése rengeteg időt fog igénybe venni. Apart from the cost, it will take long to build the bridge. Apart from the costs, construction of the bridge will take a lot of time. A koporsó üres volt. The coffin was empty. The coffin was empty. Hamarosan apa lesz. He is going to be a father soon. He'll be a father soon. Szeretek ásítani. I like to yawn. I like yawning. Ő lehet az áruló. She may be the traitor. He could be the traitor. Azok a nők hidegvérű gyilkosok. Those women are cold-blooded killers. Those women are cold-blooded killers. Tom csalt. Tom cheated. Tom cheated. Bulimiában szenvedett. She suffered from bulimia. He suffered from bulimia. Nem sérültél meg. You're not bruised. You're not hurt. Fogd a cuccodat. Grab your stuff. Grab your stuff. Mari a középiskolában Tomiba volt szerelmes. Tom was Mary's high school crush. Mary was in love with Tom in high school. Ki Mary? Who is Mary? Who's Mary? Segítünk. We're going to help. We'll help you. Egy nagy problémám van. I have a big problem. I have a big problem. Esős idő volt Londonban? Was it rainy in London? Was it rainy in London? A focicsapatunk évek óta veretlen, mivel nem is létezik. Our football team has gone undefeated for years because it doesn't exist. Our football team has been undefeated for years because it doesn't exist. Mikor jó önnek? When is good for you? When's good for you? Teljes munkaidős állásom van. I have a full-time job. I have a full-time job. Szerintem veszélyes. I think it's dangerous. I think it's dangerous. Semmit sem értek. I don't understand anything. I don't understand anything. Idegesnek tűnsz. You look nervous. You look nervous. Deréktól felfelé nagyon jól néz ki. It looks really good from the waist up. He looks really good from the waist up. Tom mozog. Tom is moving. Tom is moving. Hogyan működnek a számítógépek? How do computers work? How do computers work? Ne menj túl közel! Don't get too near. Don't get too close. Tom és Mari olyan kabátot viselnek, ami túl nagy nekik. Tom and Mary are wearing coats that are way too large for them. Tom and Mary wear coats that are too big for them. Tomnak autót adott születésnapjára az édesapja. Tom's father gave him a car for his birthday. Tom's father gave him a car for his birthday. Felvitted már a dobozokat a padlásra? Have you already carried the boxes up to the attic? Did you take the boxes up to the attic yet? Nem tudom, hogy azt kinek kell megcsinálni. I don't know who has to do that. I don't know who's supposed to do that. Lövöldözünk. We're shooting. We're shooting. Sami bevándorlókat csempészett a Földközi-tengeren keresztül. Sami smuggled immigrants through the Mediterranean. Sami smuggled immigrants across the Mediterranean. Tom évek óta nem énekelt. Tom hasn't sung in years. Tom hasn't sung in years. Állandóan énekelsz. You're always singing. You sing all the time. Mindannyian angolul beszélünk. All of us speak English. We all speak English. Ez elbűvölő. That's fascinating. That's charming. Annyi pénze van, mint a pelyva. He's got money to burn. He's got as much money as a flake. Összetört a szívem. I'm broken-hearted. My heart is broken. Az előző vasárnap óta beteg. He has been sick since last Sunday. He's been sick since last Sunday. Légi szerencsétlenségben vesztette életét. He was killed in an airplane accident. He died in an air crash. Van valami tervetek ma estére? Do you have any plans for tonight? Do you have any plans for tonight? Szereti a havat. He likes snow. He likes snow. Meg kell semmisítenünk a bizonyítékokat. We must destroy the evidence. We need to destroy the evidence. Semmiképp. No way! No way. Várj a kocsiban! Wait in the car. Wait in the car. Rossz napom volt. I was having a bad day. I had a bad day. Tom majdnemhogy vak. Tom is nearly blind. Tom is almost blind. Lingvo estas ŝlosilo al la koro de milionoj. A language is a key to the heart of millions. Lingvo estas -losilo al la koro de milionoj. Hosszú napod volt. You had a long day. You've had a long day. Biztos vagyok abban, hogy szerelmes vagyok belé. I am sure I am in love with her. I'm sure I'm in love with her. Milyen fura kutya! What a strange dog! What a weird dog! Kifogytam az ötletekből. I'm running out of ideas. I'm out of ideas. Az unokatestvérem meghívott az esküvőjére. My cousin invited me to her wedding. My cousin invited me to his wedding. Ez kell Tominak. Tom needs it. That's what Tom needs. Meg fogsz halni. You will die. You're gonna die. Tom tudja, hogy ki tette ezt. Tom knows who did this. Tom knows who did this. Gazdag vagy. You're wealthy. You're rich. Minden út Rómába vezet. Many ways lead to Rome. All roads lead to Rome. A feleségem ausztáliai. My wife is from Australia. My wife's from Australia. A japán zöld encián-tea nagyon keserű. Japanese green gentian tea is very bitter. Japanese green encyan tea is very bitter. Sokat eszik ez az autó. This car consumes a lot of fuel. This car eats a lot. Szerintem ez nem egyedül az én gondom. I think it's not only my problem. I don't think that's my problem alone. A hajó tegnap áthaladt az egyenlítőn. That ship crossed the equator yesterday. The ship passed through the equator yesterday. Folytasd nélkülem. You go on without me. Go on without me. Napról-napra hidegebb lesz. It is getting colder and colder day by day. It gets colder every day. Mi a helyzet, öreg? What's up, dude? What's up, man? Itt várok. I'll wait here. I'll wait here. Jól küzdött Tom. Tom fought well. Tom fought well. Szereted annyira a hermelineket, mint én? Do you love stoats as much as I love them? Do you like hermelins as much as I do? Mikor hallottad a híreket? When did you hear the news? When did you hear the news? Tom becsületes ember. Tom is an honest person. Tom is an honest man. Tomi miért nem mond le? Why isn't Tom resigning? Why doesn't Tom resign? Ennyire egyszerű volt. It was that simple. It was that simple. Bigott vagy. You're a bigot. You're a bigot. Ejnye! A számítógépem megint lefagyott. Argh! My computer froze up again. My computer's frozen again. Ne szólj hozzám! Don't talk to me! Don't talk to me. Elölről kell kezdenünk. We must start at the beginning. We need to start over. Máriát nagyon sokkolták a történtek, hogy bármit is mondjon. Mary was too shocked to say anything. Mary was very shocked by what had happened to say anything. Rá kell gyújtanom. I need a smoke. I need a smoke. Az iskolatáskám nagyon nehéz. My book bag is very heavy. My school bag is very heavy. Hétfő óta barátok vagyunk. We're friends since Monday. We've been friends since Monday. Mi van nálad számomra? What do you have for me? What have you got for me? Az iskolában találkoztam Tomival. I met Tom at the school. I met Tom at school. Most megfáztam. I have a cold now. I've got a cold. Mindig kérhetnek tőlem segítséget. They can always ask me for help. They can always ask me for help. Betegség miatt hiányzott. He was absent because of illness. I missed him because of illness. Genovából jön. He comes from Genoa. It's coming from Genoa. Üvölts! Scream! Scream! Minden nap tanulunk angolul. We study English every day. We learn English every day. Ennek a cégnek van vásárlói hűségprogramja. This company has a customer loyalty program. This company has a customer loyalty program. Nem emlékszem rá, hogy mi a neve. I can't remember what his name is. I don't remember what his name is. Tudnád csökkenteni a hangerőt? Could you turn the volume down? Can you lower the volume? Honnan jön ez a hang? Where's that sound coming from? Where's that sound coming from? Nem baj, ha félrehúzom a függönyt? Is it OK if I open the curtain? Do you mind if I pull the curtains over? Tomnak szavahihetőnek kellett volna lennie. Tom should have been truthful. Tom should have been credible. Szent Teremtőm! Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Holnap vissza kell mennem Bostonba. I've got to go back to Boston tomorrow. I have to go back to Boston tomorrow. Tamás semmivel sem törődik. Tom doesn't care about anything. Tom doesn't care about anything. Emelkedik a tengerszint. The sea level is rising. Sea level's rising. Mi van az iskolával? How's school? What about school? Sokat büfögök. I burp a lot. I burp a lot. Úgy gondoljuk. We think so. We think so. Nem kedveled Tom kutyáját, ugye? You don't like Tom's dog, do you? You don't like Tom's dog, do you? Esős idő van? Is it rainy? Is it rainy? Szokott közönség előtt beszélni. He is used to speaking in public. He talks in front of an audience. Most ne hívd Tomit. Don't call Tom now. Don't call Tom now. Csillapodj le! Calm down. Calm down. Azt akarja Tomi, hogy bocsánatot kérjek. Tom wants me to apologize. Tom wants me to apologize. Naivak voltak. They were naive. They were naive. Megmutatom az új autómat. I'll show you my new car. I'll show you my new car. Töröltem a nevedet a listáról. I took your name off the list. I deleted your name from the list. Bármelyik. Whatever! Any of them. Rengeteg időd volt. You had plenty of time. You've had plenty of time. Tom nem egyedül dolgozott. Tom didn't work alone. Tom didn't work alone. Abban az időben Tom csak egy kiskölyök volt. Tom was just a kid at that time. At the time, Tom was just a kid. Az élet néha olyan igazságtalan. Life is so unjust sometimes. Life can be so unfair sometimes. A hajókon mentőcsónakok vannak, hogy a legénység el tudjon menekülni. Ships carry lifeboats so that the crew can escape. The ships have lifeboats so the crew can escape. Szereti a kalandot. He likes adventure. He likes adventure. Tom gyakran olvas az ágyban. Tom often reads in bed. Tom often reads in bed. Két üveg tejet vettem. I bought two bottles of milk. I bought two bottles of milk. Valószínűleg helyes. It's probably right. He's probably right. Tom el fogja ezt intézni. Tom will take care of this. Tom will take care of this. Tízig elszámolok. I count to ten. I'll count to ten. Szükséged van valamire? Do you need anything? Do you need anything? Maryt akarom. I want Mary. I want Mary. Tud a feleséged franciául beszélni? Can your wife speak French? Can your wife speak French? Elmegyünk, sétálunk egyet a parkban. We're going for a walk in the park. We'll go for a walk in the park. A tűz roppant veszélyes. Fire is very dangerous. Fire is very dangerous. Láttam egy kutyát. I have seen a dog. I saw a dog. Tom gyenge. Tom's weak. Tom is weak. Kérem, maradjon ülve. Remain seated, please. Please stay seated. Mit adtál Tamásnak? What did you give Tom? What did you give Tom? Tom törökülésben ül a padlón. Tom is sitting cross-legged on the floor. Tom is sitting on the floor in a Turkish seat. Ha magasabb lennék! I wish I were taller. If I were taller! És ahogy beszélt, ledobta magáról hosszú köpenyét, és mindenki látta, hogy ő a királynő. And as she spoke she threw off her long cloak and everyone saw it was the queen. And as she spoke, she threw off her long robe, and everyone saw that she was the queen. Jól van, ebédeljünk. Well, let's have lunch. All right, let's have lunch. Meg akartam halni. I wanted to die. I wanted to die. Megebédeltünk. We had lunch. We had lunch. Miért akarnánk, hogy elmenj? Why would we want you to leave? Why would we want you to leave? Egyedül volt a világban; ha jönne érte a Halál, ki érezne iránta sajnálatot? Kinek jutna eszébe ő? He was alone in the world; if he were to die, who would feel sorry for him? Who would think of him? He was alone in the world; if Death came for him, who would feel sorry for him? Ne fáradj azzal, hogy letagadod. Don't bother denying it. Don't bother denying it. Micsoda élmény! What an experience! What an experience! Hát még mit nem! No way! Hell, no. Gondolja, hogy Tamás meg fog nekem bocsátani? Do you think Tom will forgive me? Do you think Tom will forgive me? Tom jól tud dobolni. Tom can play the drums well. Tom is a good drummer. Beengedtem a cicát a szobámba. I let the cat into my room. I let the cat into my room. Ez nekem mind újdonság. This is all new to me. This is all news to me. Rhea Silvia azt állította, hogy Mars a gyerekek apja. Rhea Silvia claimed that the god Mars was the father of the children. Rhea Silvia claimed Mars was the father of the children. Most lazítanunk kellene. We're supposed to relax. We need to relax. Tom és az apja ugyanabban a boltban dolgoznak. Tom and his son work at the same store. Tom and his father work in the same store. Egy hét múlva érkeznek meg. They will arrive a week from today. They'll be here in a week. Tomnak hívnak. My name is Tom. My name is Tom. Nagyon nehéz meghúzni a határt szeretet és barátság között. It is very difficult to draw the boundary between love and friendship. It's very difficult to draw the line between love and friendship. Ebben a folyóban a víz nagyon tiszta. The water in this river is very clean. The water in this river is very clean. Nem kellene már indulnunk? Isn't it about time we left? Shouldn't we be on our way? A kutyánk a kennelben van. Our dog is in the kennel. Our dog is in the kennel. Legyen szíves angolul mondani. Please speak English. Say it in English, please. A vadász váratlanul friss vércseppekre bukkant a hóban. The hunter unexpectedly found fresh blood droplets in the snow. The hunter suddenly found fresh drops of blood in the snow. Kitalálom, hogy mi kell a világnak. És akkor nekiállok feltalálni. I find out what the world needs. Then, I go ahead and invent it. I'm gonna figure out what the world needs, and then I'm gonna start figuring it out. Tom rózsákat vett nekem. Tom bought me roses. Tom bought me roses. Tom megfoghatatlan volt. Tom was vague. Tom was elusive. Nem valószínű, hogy maga írta meg a házi feladatát. It's unlikely that he did his homework himself. It's unlikely you've done your homework. Lengyelek. They're Polish. Poles. Tom mindannyiunkat bolonddá tett. Tom made a fool of us all. Tom fooled us all. A propagandájuk olyan amatőr. Your propaganda is so amateur. Their propaganda is so amateur. A vonat kilenckor indul. The train leaves at nine. The train leaves at 9:00. János megteríti az asztalt. John sets the table. John sets the table. Még nem ettünk. We haven't eaten yet. We haven't eaten yet. Ismételten rád van szükségünk. We need you again. We need you again. Pirosba öltözött. She was dressed in red. He's dressed in red. Milyen bor illene a brie sajthoz? What wine goes well with Brie? What kind of wine would match brie cheese? Honnan ismeritek egymást? How do you know each other? How do you two know each other? Majdnem fél órája várok már. I have been waiting for almost half an hour. I've been waiting almost half an hour. Korábban gyalog ment be a vállalathoz. Before, he would go to the firm on foot. He used to walk into the company. Vért adott, hogy megmentse a testvérét. She gave blood in order to save her sibling. He gave blood to save his brother. Túl messzire mentünk. We went too far. We've gone too far. Mikor és hol kaptad ezt az ajándékot? When and where did you receive the gift? When and where did you get this gift? Eddig semmit sem értett meg. Till now, she has understood nothing. He doesn't understand anything so far. Mi a legjobb mód a francia tanulásra? What's the best way to learn French? What is the best way to learn French? Miért nem eszünk ma egy étteremben? Why don't we eat at a restaurant tonight? Why don't we eat at a restaurant today? A múlt héten öt tanuló hiányzott az osztályból. Last week five students were absent from class. Last week, five students were missing from class. Nem tölt el boldogsággal a viselkedésed. I'm not happy with your behavior. I'm not happy about your behavior. Beteg voltam. I was ill. I was sick. Én fogok csomagolni. I'll pack. I'll be packing. Nézem tovább. I'll keep looking. I'll keep looking. Néha hasznosabb csöndben maradni. Sometimes it is better to keep quiet. Sometimes it's more useful to be quiet. Hajlandó vagyok megvenni neked. I'm willing to buy that for you. I'm willing to buy it for you. Új tervem van. I have a new plan. I have a new plan. Mellőzd őket! Ignore them. Ignore them. Ez a nő kínai. Kínaiul beszél. This woman is from China. She speaks Chinese. She speaks Chinese. Nem szükséges, hogy Tom jöjjön, ha nem akar. Tom doesn't need to come if he doesn't want to. Tom doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to. Hát, ez tényleg vicces. Now that's funny. Well, that's funny. Mozart olyan játszi könnyedséggel komponált összetett, briliáns zeneműveket, ahogy te vagy én levelet írunk. Mozart wrote brilliant, complex musical compositions as easily as you or I would write a letter. Mozart plays complex, brilliant compositions with ease like you and I write letters. Mary még mindig babázik. Mary still plays with dolls. Mary's still babysitting. A húgommal osztozkodom a szobán. I share the room with my sister. I'm sharing the room with my sister. Tom egyike Mary kedvenc hallgatóinak. Tom is one of Mary's favorite students. Tom is one of Mary's favorite students. Javítsák ki az aláhúzott szavakat. Correct the underlined words. Correct the underlined words. Tök mindegy volt minden. Everything was pretty equal. It didn't matter. Nincs egyszerű válasz. There's no simple answer. There is no simple answer. Le kell venned a cipődet, mielőtt belépsz egy tradicionális japán otthonba. You have to take off your shoes before entering a traditional Japanese house. You need to take off your shoes before you enter a traditional Japanese home. Nyugton kell lennem. I must be calm. I need to be calm. Hosszú napja volt. You had a long day. You've had a long day. Isztok bort? Do you drink wine? Do you drink wine? Beszédem van veled. I want to have a word with you. I want to talk to you. Ezen a délelőttön a nap előbújt néhány órára, talán biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy még mindig ott van. This morning the sun appeared for a few hours, perhaps to assure us that it is still there. This morning, the sun came out for a few hours, maybe we can be sure it's still there. A király megsemmisítette ellenségeit. The king crushed his enemies. The king destroyed his enemies. Szoktál te pihenni? Do you ever rest? Do you ever take a nap? Tíz könyv az összes tulajdonom. I don't have anything except for ten books. Ten books are all my property. Mi történt volna, ha Peter Parkert nem egy pók csípi meg, hanem megharapja egy hermelin. What would have happened if Peter Parker hadn't been bitten by a spider but a stoat? What would have happened if Peter Parker wasn't bitten by a spider, but bitten by a hermeline. Hozd ide! Bring it here. Bring it here. Hívok nektek egy taxit. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call you a cab. Ez milyen megálló? What stop is this? What stop is this? Ellopták a pénzét. Someone stole her money. They stole his money. Még mindig sok a tennivaló. There's still much to do. There's still a lot to do. Mindjárt ott leszünk. We'll be there shortly. We'll be right there. Mindenki sír. Everyone's crying. Everyone's crying. Szükségünk van a segítségedre. We require your help. We need your help. Túl sok alkoholt iszik. He drinks too much alcohol. He drinks too much alcohol. Tom munka közben általában nyakkendőben van. Tom usually wears a tie at work. Tom usually wears a tie at work. Talán Tom fog győzni. Maybe Tom will win. Maybe Tom will win. Már este tíz óra van. It's already ten o'clock at night. It's 10:00 in the evening. Gyakran síelek. I often ski. I often ski. Szeretnék egy házi tigrist. I want a pet tiger. I'd like a homemade tiger. Sem Tom, sem Mary nem volt beszédes kedvében. Neither Tom nor Mary was in a talkative mood. Neither Tom nor Mary were in a chatty mood. Nincs igazuk. They're wrong. They're wrong. Kitervelte Tom, hogy ellopja Mary széfjét. Tom formulated a plan to steal Mary's safe. Tom planned to steal Mary's safe. Abbahagynád? Knock it off, will you? Will you stop it? Nem maradt más tennivaló. There's nothing else left to be done. There's nothing left to do. Meg fogod bánni. You'll regret it. You'll regret it. Halra van szükségem. I need fish. I need fish. Elfutottam. I ran away. I ran away. Van néhány dolgom, amit meg akarok csinálni. I have some things I want to do. I have some things I want to do. Mit csinálsz a szabadidődben? What do you do in your free time? What are you doing in your spare time? Szegény cica! Nem tudja elkapni a fürge egeret. Poor cat! She can't catch the nimble mouse. Poor kitty, he can't catch the quick mouse. Tom egy rendőr fia. Tom is the son of a policeman. Tom is a cop's son. Ön kire vár? Who are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Sajnálom, de nincsen apróm. I'm sorry, I don't have change. I'm sorry, I don't have any change. Kivasalta az ingeit. She ironed his shirts. He ironed his shirts. Mindennap egy alma az orvost távol tartja. One apple a day keeps the doctor away! Every day an apple keeps the doctor away. Kérdezd csak meg Tomot! Go ahead and ask Tom. Ask Tom. Az előbb megérintettem egy kígyót. I just touched a snake. I just touched a snake. Állítsd le azt a nőt. Stop that woman. Stop that woman. Jártál már Brazíliában? Have you ever been in Brazil? Have you ever been to Brazil? Mit akart tőletek az a két férfi? What did those two men want from you? What did those two men want with you? Tom megígérte, hogy nem fogja elmondani Marinak. Tom promised he wouldn't tell Mary. Tom promised not to tell Mary. Csalódottak voltak. They were disappointed. They were disappointed. Milyen az élet? How is life? How's life? Megtaláltad azt, amire szükséged volt? Did you find what you needed? Did you find what you needed? Folyamatosan tájékoztatni foglak. I'll keep you informed. I'll keep you posted. Már nem tudom, hogy mit tegyek. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. Fordítsd le ezeket a mondatokat franciára! Translate these sentences into French. Translate these sentences into French. A füvet le kell irtani. The grass has to be blasted. Grass needs to be wiped down. Ez hasznos volt. It was useful. That was useful. Okosabb, mint ő. She's smarter than him. She's smarter than him. Vegyél egy kis süteményt! Have some cake. Have some cake. A könyv már kapható. The book is now available. The book is already available. A fivérem egészséges. My brother is healthy. My brother's healthy. Linda arról oktatta Ritát, hogy a férfiak mit szeretnek a nőkben. Linda lectured Rita about what men like in women. Linda taught Rita what men like about women. Vettem egy teleszkópot és egy csillagászati témájú könyvet. I purchased a telescope and a book on astronomy. I bought a telescope and an astronomical book. Ők katonák voltak. They were soldiers. They were soldiers. Azt hitték, hogy a Föld egy lapos korong. It was thought the Earth is a flat disc. They thought the Earth was a flat puck. Szeretem a zenét. I like music. I like music. Telefonáltál Tamásnak? Did you phone Tom? Did you call Tom? Tom elismerte azt. Tom admitted that. Tom admitted it. Korábban már csináltuk. We've done it before. We've done this before. Szerencséjére időben elérte a vonatot. He had the luck to catch the train. Lucky for you, he got to the train in time. Amit én észrevettem, az az, hogy Sami mindig ugyanazokat a dolgokat csinálja, mint Tomi. What I realized is that Sami always did the same things as Tom did. What I've noticed is that Sami always does the same things as Tom. Kérlek, azonosítsd magad! Please identify yourself. Please identify yourself. Tom azt mondta, hogy azt gondolja, Mari nem fog nyerni. Tom says he thinks Mary isn't going to win. Tom said he thought Mary wasn't gonna win. Neked halvány elképzelésed sincsen, hogy nekem mire van szükségem! You don't have the slightest idea what I need. You have no idea what I need. Szeret külföldre utazni. He likes to travel abroad. He likes to travel abroad. Nem olyan szegények, mint voltak. They're not as poor as they used to be. They're not as poor as they used to be. Neked mi kellünk. You need us. You need us. Mari átölelte a babáját. Mary hugged her doll. Mary hugged her baby. Letöltötte a képet, meglátta az arcát és azt mondta, hogy hűha! She downloaded the picture, saw his face and said "Wow!" He downloaded the photo, he saw his face, and he said, wow! Nem vagyok meggyőződve róla. I'm not convinced. I'm not convinced. Üdvözölte őt, de nem kelt fel a kőről, amelyen ült. She saluted him, but did not arise from the stone on which she was seated. He greeted him, but he did not rise from the stone on which he sat. Azt akarom, hogy maradj itt, amíg vissza nem jövök. I want you to stay here until I get back. I want you to stay here until I get back. Felhőkbe burkolózott a hegy. That mountain is in the clouds. The mountain was covered in clouds. A recepciónál voltam. I was at the reception. I was at the front desk. Kutya vagy. You're a dog. You're a dog. Mit tennék, ha te meghalnál? What would I do if you died?! What would I do if you died? Micsoda mázlista! How lucky! Lucky you. Átéltem egy repülőgép-balesetet. I was in a plane crash. I've been in a plane crash. Te vagy az eddigi legrosszabb edzője a kosárcsapatnak. You're the worst basketball coach this team has ever had. You're the worst coach on the basketball team ever. Tom nekidőlt egy fának és elkezdett vele beszélgetni a házasságáról. Tom leaned against a tree and started to talk to it about his marriage. Tom fell into a tree and started talking to him about his marriage. Miért mész gyalog, ha van gépkocsid? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why walk when you have a car? Tomi érkezett először. Tom got here first. Tom arrived first. Ő itt játszik. He is playing here. He's playing here. Tom felállt, de utána újra leült. Tom stood up, but then sat down again. Tom got up, but then he sat down again. Érdekes volt az előadás. The show was interesting. That was an interesting performance. Tamás ebben az étteremben nem akar enni. Tom doesn't want to eat at that restaurant. Tom doesn't want to eat in this restaurant. Szinte egy foga sem volt már. He had few teeth. He didn't even have a tooth anymore. Szereted a baseballt? Do you like baseball? Do you like baseball? Meg kell találnom Tomit. I must find Tom. I have to find Tom. A tenger felől érkező légáramlatok nedvességet hordoznak magukkal. Winds from the sea are moist. Air currents coming from the sea carry moisture. Tom egy rajongó. Tom is a fan. Tom is a fan. Én fizetem a számlát. I'll pay the bill. I'll pay the bill. Tom lágy hangon beszélt. Tom spoke with a soft voice. Tom spoke softly. Tudod Tom valódi nevét? Do you know Tom's real name? Do you know Tom's real name? Ez nem lesz elég jó. That won't be good enough. That's not gonna be good enough. Jön valami. Something's coming. Something's coming. Ezen a héten egy súlyos meghűlés akadályozott engem a tanulásban. A bad cold has kept me from studying this week. This week, a severe cold prevented me from studying. Tom jól tud franciául? Is Tom any good at French? Does Tom speak French well? Még mindig nem értem. I still don't get it. I still don't get it. Kudarcot vallott a terv. The plan has failed. The plan failed. Tétovázik. He's sitting on the fence. He hesitates. Montenegróban lakom. I live in Montenegro. I live in Montenegro. Korán felkeltünk, hogy lássuk a napfelkeltét. We got up early in order to see the sunrise. We got up early to see the sunrise. Meghívtam Tomot vacsorára. I've invited Tom to dinner. I invited Tom to dinner. Átgondoljuk. We'll think about it. We'll think about it. Van egy részidős munkám, mint télapó az áruházban. I have a part-time job working as a Santa at the mall. I have a part-time job like Santa at the store. Vitathatatlanul ez a legjobb módszer. It's undeniably the best method. This is indisputably the best way. Soha nem iszom. I never drink. I never drink. Ennyi! Well done. Cut! A hírekben láttam. I saw that on the news. I saw it on the news. Imádom a labdarúgást. I love football. I love football. Tom ragaszkodott ahhoz, hogy ő semmi rosszat nem tett. Tom insisted that he'd done nothing wrong. Tom insisted that he didn't do anything wrong. Tagadja, hogy ő tette volna. He denies that he did that. He denies that he did it. Tom tévedésből ütött meg. Tom hit me by mistake. Tom hit me by mistake. Ide ne gyere! Do not come here. Don't come here. Ne mondj semmit a barátnőmnek! Don't say anything to my girlfriend! Don't say anything to my girlfriend. Abszolút semmi baja nem volt annak a repülőgépnek. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that aircraft. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that plane. Tom látott ott valami pirosat. Tom saw something red there. Tom saw something red there. Mit csinál Tom azzal? What's Tom doing with that? What's Tom doing with that? Nem vagyunk messze Tomtól. We're not far from Tom's. We're not far from Tom. Ez nem valami vicces. That's not very funny. That's not funny. A terv kész leégés volt. The project was a complete failure. The plan was sunburned. Ez megváltoztatta az életem. It changed my life. It changed my life. Az emberek azt hiszik, hogy kissé begolyóztam. People think I'm a little nuts. People think I'm a little crazy. Igazad volt. You were right. You were right. Förtelmes ez a kávé. This coffee is horrible. This coffee is hideous. Megengedi, hogy még egyszer megpróbáljam? Will you let me try once more? Do you mind if I try again? A férje az Oda család tagja. Her husband is a member of the Oda family. Your husband is a member of the Oda family. Mit tettek veled? What have they done to you? What did they do to you? Csak két gyerekem van. I only have two children. I only have two kids. Habár elfoglalt volt, de szakított rá időt, hogy megmutassa nekem a várost. He was busy, but he took the time to show me around the city. Although he was busy, he took the time to show me the city. Gazdagabb, mint bárki más ebben a városban. He is richer than anyone else in this town is. He's richer than anyone else in this town. Fiatalabb, mint mondta. She's younger than she said she was. He's younger than he said. Szombatig vissza kell adnom a könyvet. I have to give back the book before Saturday. I have to return the book by Saturday. Ruha teszi az embert. Clothes make the man. Dress makes a man. Ez a veszély. That's the danger. That's the danger. Milyen csodálatos a kilátás! What a wonderful view! What a wonderful view! Mindannyian biztonságban vagyunk. We're all safe. We're all safe. Szomszédok voltunk. We're neighbors. We were neighbors. Mit szeretnél, hogy megmondjak neked. What do you want me to tell you? What do you want me to tell you? Mennyi volt? How much did they cost? How much was it? Hol az ördögben találkoztál vele? Where on earth did you meet him? Where the hell did you meet him? Megkérdezte tőlem, hogy ráérek-e. He asked me if I was busy. He asked me if I was free. Nincs más hobbim a focin kívül. I don't have any other hobbies besides football. I don't have any hobbies other than football. Nyilvánvaló, hogy Tom aggódik. Tom is clearly worried. Obviously, Tom is worried. Meg tudod különböztetni a farkasokat a kutyáktól? Can you tell wolves from dogs? Can you distinguish wolves from dogs? Ezért mosolygok. That's why I'm smiling. That's why I'm smiling. Dan megkísérelte a rablást. Dan wanted to attempt the robbery. Dan attempted the robbery. Tényleg győzni akarunk. We really want to win. We really want to win. Nem adok és soha nem is fogok nyers halat adni a kutyámnak. I don't and never will feed my dog raw fish. I'm not giving and I'm never giving my dog raw fish. Ez a ruha egy jó vétel. This dress is a good bargain. This dress is a good buy. Hogy merészelted!? How did you dare! How dare you! Találni fogsz egy gereblyét a fészerben. You'll find a rake in the shed. You'll find a rake in the shed. Hadd mondjam el, hogy miért. Let me tell you why. Let me tell you why. Sokkal óvatosabb leszek. I am going to be much more careful. I'll be more careful. Michigan állam fővárosa Lansing. Lansing is the state capital of Michigan. The capital of the state of Michigan is Lansing. Tomi hamarosan készen áll. Tom is going to be prepared. Tom will be ready soon. Tom rendkívül szűklátókörű. Tom is extremely narrow-minded. Tom is extremely narrow-minded. Holnap hánykor szeretne találkozni? What time tomorrow do you want to meet? What time do you want to meet tomorrow? Hány órára ér be ez a vonat Jokohamába? What time does this train reach Yokohama? What time does this train get to Yokohama? Kivettem egy hetet. I took a week off. I took a week off. Tom egész nap vizet keresett. Tom spent all day trying to find water. Tom has been looking for water all day. Ő egy jó énekes. He is a good singer. He's a good singer. Mi az a petúnia? What's a petunia? What's petunia? Tom általában téved. Tom is usually wrong. Tom is usually wrong. Van egy nyolcéves húgom. I have an eight-year-old daughter. I have an eight-year-old sister. Tom borzasztóan dühös. Tom's mad. Tom is terribly angry. Ezt én tettem. I'm the one who did it. I did this. A bulin való viselkedése olyan humoros volt, hogy nem bírtam nem nevetni. His behavior at the party was so humorous that I could not help laughing. His behavior at the party was so humorous, I couldn't stop laughing. Keljen fel! Get out of bed! Get up! Tom perfekt beszél franciául. Tom speaks French perfectly. Tom speaks French. Az erős havazás ellenére eljött. He came in spite of the heavy snow. Despite the heavy snowfall, he came. Az elképzelésed mindenre kiterjed. Your idea addresses everything. Your vision covers everything. Kérem, adja meg a telefonszámát. Can I have your number? Please give me your phone number. Ülj mozdulatlanul! Sit still. Sit still. Nem hibáztatom őt. I don't blame her. I don't blame him. Szeretem nézegetni a régi naplómat. I enjoy looking at my old diary. I like looking at my old diary. Milyen ételeket ettél gyerekkorodban? What kind of food did you eat when you were a child? What kind of food did you eat when you were a kid? Amerikában az autók az út jobb oldalán haladnak. In America, cars drive on the right side of the road. In America, cars are on the right side of the road. Hétkor kelt reggel. She got up at seven in the morning. She got up at 7:00 in the morning. Nem aggódom. I'm not worried. I'm not worried. Azért vagyok itt, hogy Tomit hazavigyem. I'm here to take Tom home. I'm here to take Tom home. Ne keverd össze az üstökösöket és az aszteroidákat. Don't mix up comets and asteroids. Don't confuse comets and asteroids. Mindenkinek joga van minden általa alkotott tudományos, irodalmi és művészeti termékkel kapcsolatos erkölcsi és anyagi érdekeinek védelméhez. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author. Everyone has the right to protect the moral and material interests of every scientific, literary and artistic product he creates. Egy ruhám sem jó rám. None of my clothes fit. I don't fit any of my clothes. Ez nem először történik velem. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. Mi a fájl kiterjesztése? What is the file extension? What is the extension of the file? Gyalog megyek iskolába. I'm walking to school. I'm walking to school. Be is jöhetnél. You might as well come in. You should come in. Becsukná az ablakot, kérem? Can you close the windows, please? Could you close the window, please? Nem volt jég a vízben, amit ittál. The water you drank had no ice. There was no ice in the water you drank. A találkozó pontban kilenckor kezdődött. The meeting began at nine o'clock sharp. The meeting started at nine o'clock sharp. Ezt hívják igaz szerelemnek. This is called true love. It's called true love. Mióta Isztambulba érkeztem, pontosan tízszer költöztem el. Since I came to Istanbul I have moved exactly ten times. Ever since I arrived in Istanbul, I've moved exactly ten times. Tom dolgozott. Tom was working. Tom was working. Úgy tűnik, teljesen össze van zavarodva Tomi. Tom looked very puzzled. Tom seems completely confused. Kérem, jelezze a helyes választ. Please mark the correct answer. Please indicate the correct answer. Nem bíztam benne, hogy Tomi ott lesz. I wasn't expecting Tom to be there. I didn't trust Tom to be there. Pontosan tudom, mit csináljunk. I know exactly what to do. I know exactly what to do. Mit várok az élettől? What do I expect from life? What do I expect from life? Nem jönnél velem bevásárolni? Won't you go shopping with me? Why don't you come shopping with me? Hot dogot is lehet kapni. Hot dogs are also available. You can get hot dogs. Nem tudom, mit hallották Tom-ról. I don't know what you heard about Tom. I don't know what you heard about Tom. Beszélned kell vele. You have to talk to him. You need to talk to him. Meg akarok verekedni! I want to fight! I want to fight! Hazavitte. He brought her home. He took her home. Ez csak egy hobbi. It's just a hobby. It's just a hobby. Válaszokat akarok. I want answers. I want answers. Az iroda ajtaja sárga. The door of the office is yellow. The office door is yellow. Van néhány tanácsom a számodra, melyeken elgondolkodhatnál. I have some advice for you to think about. I have some advice for you to think about. Olyan órát akar, mint amilyen neked van. He wants a watch like yours. He wants the watch you have. A múlt hétvégén láttam egy nagyon jó filmet. I saw a very good movie last weekend. I saw a really good movie last weekend. Tom tanított meg olvasni. Tom taught me how to read. Tom taught me how to read. Ez legális? Is it legal? Is that legal? Mi lesz ebbe a földbe ültetve? What will be planted in this field? What will be planted in this ground? Eszes. She has brains. He's smart. Ő magándetektív. He's a private detective. He's a private detective. Akarsz aludni? Do you want to sleep? Do you want to sleep? Tom semmit sem tud a tollaslabdáról. Tom doesn't know anything about badminton. Tom doesn't know anything about badminton. Valószínűleg Tom volt az, aki bántotta Maryt. Tom was probably the one who hurt Mary. It was probably Tom who hurt Mary. Tom és Maria három óra hosszat a liftben ragadtak. Tom and Mary were trapped in the elevator for three hours. Tom and Maria were stuck in the elevator for three hours. Tom otthon hagyta a gyerekeit Marival. Tom left his children at home with Mary. Tom left his children at home with Mary. Átkelt a folyón. He got across the river. He crossed the river. Biztos vagy benn, hogy ezt mondta Tomi? Are you sure that's what Tom said? Are you sure that's what Tom said? Fel sem fogod, hogy mit csinál Tom? Don't you realize what Tom is doing? Don't you realize what Tom's doing? Isten minden embert egyenlőnek teremtett, de az emberek ezt máshogy gondolják. God created all men equal but men think it differently. God made all men equal, but people think otherwise. Próbálj meg elfelejteni mindent, amit mondtam neked. Try to forget everything I've told you. Try to forget everything I told you. Londonba ment angolt tanulni. He went to London to study English. He went to London to study English. Ne legyél tiszteletlen! Don't be disrespectful. Don't be disrespectful. Új bolygókat kell meghódítanunk. We need to colonize other planets. We must conquer new planets. Miért kérném meg Tomot, hogy azt csinálja meg? Why would I ask Tom to do that? Why would I ask Tom to do that? Ki volt az, aki evett? Who ate? Who was the one who ate? Tom hihetetlenül jól korcsolyázik. Tom is an incredibly good skater. Tom skates incredibly well. Felírtalak a listára. I added your name to the list. I put you on the list. Az nagyon szomorú. That's really sad. That's very sad. Ki a fényképész? Who's the photographer? Who's the photographer? "Tényleg szükségem van néhány új ruhára," gondolta Dima. "I really need some new clothes," thought Dima. "I really need some new clothes," thought Dima. Adok majd önöknek öt dollárt. I'll give you five dollars. I'll give you five dollars. Itt biztonságban vagy. You are safe here. You're safe here. Ismersz. You know me. You know me. Miért van még itt Tamás? Why's Tom still here? Why is Tom still here? Jó okom van a késésre. I have a good reason for being late. I have good reason to be late. Kezdődjön a harc! Let the fight begin. Let the fight begin! Tomi letérdelt. Tom kneeled. Tom kneeled down. Semmi rosszat nem követhetsz el azzal, hogy nyelvet tanulsz. You can't do anything wrong with learning a language. You can't do anything wrong by learning a language. Nem csinálom mindig úgy. I don't always do it that way. I don't always do that. Tom házas? Is Tom married? Is Tom married? Tom feltehetően vonatbalesetben hunyt el. Tom presumably died in a train accident. Tom probably died in a train accident. Te természetes szőke vagy? Are you a natural blonde? Are you a natural blonde? Egy csomó kérdésem van. I have a lot of questions. I have a lot of questions. Éppen most vitatják meg a problémát. The problem is being discussed now. They're discussing the problem right now. Londonban sok a park. There are many parks in London. There's a lot of parks in London. Ma a tengerparton akarok futni. Today, I want to run on the beach. I want to run on the beach today. Sokat javult az angolod. Your English has improved a lot. Your English has improved a lot. Azonnal jövök. I'll come at once. I'll be right back. Megoldottad a problémát? Did you solve the problem? Did you solve the problem? Tom megmasszírozta a vállam. Tom massaged my shoulders. Tom massaged my shoulder. Merev a vállam. I have stiff shoulders. My shoulder's stiff. Reggel van. It's morning. It's morning. Mindkettőnknek ugyanaz a problémánk. We both have the same problem. We both have the same problem. Teljesen biztos vagy benne? Are you absolutely sure? Are you absolutely sure? Ez mind három hónapja történt. It all happened three months ago. This all happened three months ago. A rendőrség szervezett egy rajtaütést a rabló elfogására. The police arranged an ambush to catch the mugger. The police set up an ambush to catch the robber. Nekem végem. Elvesztettem a munkám. It's all over for me. I lost my job. I'm done, I lost my job. Meghívtuk őket vacsorára. We invited them to dinner. We invited them to dinner. El tudjuk érni, hogy működjön. We can make it work. We can make it work. Nem képes megbirkózni a stresszel. She is unable to cope with stress. He can't cope with stress. Te engem nem utasítgathatsz. You can't give me orders. You can't order me around. Értem. I understand. I see. Van itt egy szálloda. There's a hotel here. There's a hotel here. Kedvemet lelem a kihívásokban. I enjoy a challenge. I like the challenge. Látunk téged. We can see you. We can see you. Ő nem figyel a tanárra. He pays no attention to the teacher. He doesn't listen to the teacher. Rómában laktam. I lived in Rome. I lived in Rome. Ő egy intelligens, fiatal nő. She's an intelligent young woman. She's an intelligent young woman. Nem vagyok abban a helyzetben, hogy tanácsot adjak neked. I'm not in a position to give you advice. I'm not in a position to give you advice. Attól tartok, gyomorrontásom van. I'm afraid I have an upset stomach. I'm afraid I have indigestion. Ő tudós és költő. She is a scholar and poet. He's a scientist and a poet. Nincs késem. I don't have a knife. I don't have a knife. Tomi visszautasította, hogy bármit is tud a rablásról. Tom denied knowing anything about the robbery. Tom refused to know anything about the robbery. Segíteni fogsz nekem? Will you help me? Will you help me? Lahangoltnak tűnik Brian. Brian looks blue. You look depressed, Brian. Gyere, egyél velünk. Come eat with us. Come eat with us. Lehet itt franciául beszélni? Is it OK to speak French here? Can you speak French here? Tanuljatok szorgalmasan! Study hard. Learn industriously. Igazából nem nagyon szeretnéd, hogy megcsókoljalak, igaz? You don't really want me to kiss you, do you? You don't really want me to kiss you, do you? Még nem vagyok ott. I'm not there yet. I'm not there yet. Kínai vagy? Are you Chinese? Are you Chinese? Nem fogom most rögtön felhívni Tomot. I'm not going to call Tom right now. I'm not gonna call Tom right now. Hány katonát láttál? How many soldiers did you see? How many soldiers have you seen? Itt semmi nem az enyém. Nothing here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Levágott két métert a kötélből. He cut off two meters of the rope. He cut off two meters of the rope. Megengeded, hogy használjam ezt a szótárt? Would you mind my using this dictionary? Do you mind if I use this dictionary? A fa zöld. The tree is green. The tree is green. Mariónak nem sikerült megmentenie a hercegnőt. Mario failed to save the princess. Mario failed to save the princess. Jó barátságban vannak. They are close friends. They're good friends. Depressziósok vagyunk. We're depressed. We're depressed. Nem értek veletek egyet. I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. Ne beszéljen olyan gyorsan, kérem. Don't speak so fast, please. Don't talk so fast, please. Tudnom kell, hogy Tomi biztonságban lesz. I need to know that Tom will be safe. I need to know that Tom will be safe. Nincs kérdésem. I got nothing to ask. No questions. Az gyalázatos lenne. That would be a shame. That would be embarrassing. Az anyja halálakori viselkedése alapján a rendőrség csupán őt gyanúsíthatta, mint elkövetőt. Based on his behaviour at the time of his mother's death, the police could only suspect him as the culprit. Based on his behavior at the time of his mother's death, the police could only suspect him as the perpetrator. Nincs kapcsolat. There is no connection. There's no connection. Veheted úgy, hogy szavamat adom erre. You can take my word for it. You can take my word for it. Mindenkit nem tudott meggyőzni Tom. Tom couldn't convince everyone. Tom couldn't convince everyone. Betöltöttem a harmincat. I am thirty. I turned 30. Beszél portugálul. She speaks Portuguese. You speak Portuguese. Miért gondoltad meg magad? Why have you changed your mind? Why did you change your mind? Tom szerencsejátékos. Tom is a gambler. Tom is a gambler. Nem jövök rá, hogy kell kirakni a puzzle-t. I can't figure out how to solve the puzzle. I can't figure out how to put the puzzle out. Közeledünk a célunkhoz. We are nearing our goal. We're getting close to our goal. Tom elmondta, hogy mikor legutóbb látta Maryt, nem ismerte meg. Tom told me he didn't recognize Mary the last time he saw her. Tom told me that the last time he saw Mary, he didn't recognize her. Nem kellett volna jönnünk. We shouldn't have come. We shouldn't have come. Semmit sem láttam. I saw nothing. I didn't see anything. Nem akart foglalkozni azzal Tomi, ami történt. Tom didn't want to deal with what happened. Tom didn't want to deal with what happened. Az apám szobája nagyon nagy. My father's room is very big. My father's room is very large. Most merült le az elemem. My battery just died. I just lost my battery. Itt nem lehet lélegezni. It's not possible to breathe here. You can't breathe in here. Krisztus urunkra, fejezd be! For Christ's sake, stop it! Lord of Christ, stop it! Azt hittem, hogy örökre együtt maradunk. I thought that we'd be together forever. I thought we were gonna stay together forever. Szinte biztos vagyok abban, hogy Tomi sikerrel fog járni. I'm quite sure of Tom's success. I'm pretty sure Tom will succeed. Az apám tényleg meghalt? Did my father really die? Is my father really dead? Abban az országban az asszonyok a szabadságukért harcolnak. Women in that country are fighting for their freedom. In that country, women fight for their freedom. Mi ez? What is this? What's this? Elértük a célunkat. We reached our goal. We've reached our goal. Bárcsak segíteni tudnék! I wish I could help. I wish I could help you. El kellett volna menned Bostonba. You should've gone to Boston. You should have gone to Boston. Valószínűleg eljön. He's likely to come. He'll probably come. Nincs olyan, hogy igaz barátság. True friendships don't exist. There's no such thing as true friendship. Boldogan mennék veled. I'd be happy to go with you. I'd be happy to come with you. Hinni akarok. I want to believe. I want to believe. Tamás látta, hogy Marinak gyakran vannak fájdalmai. Tom could see that Mary was in a lot of pain. Tom saw that Mary was often in pain. Tom ezt halála előtt adta nekem. Tom gave it to me before he died. Tom gave this to me before he died. Tom egy új játékot játszik. Tom is playing a new game. Tom is playing a new game. Nem viccelsz? No kidding? You're not kidding? Hadd mutatkozzam be. May I introduce myself? Let me introduce myself. Mindenki készen áll az utazásra? Is everybody ready for the trip? Is everyone ready to travel? Véletlenül találkoztunk velük a busz-pályaudvaron. We met them by accident by the bus terminal. We met them by accident at the bus station. Nem mondod! You don't say. You don't say. Mari rokonszenves lány volt. Mary was a likable girl. Mary was a sympathetic girl. Midőn Tamás Máriával találkozott, tudta, hogy élete szerelmébe botlott. When Tom met Mary he knew he'd met the love of his life. When Tom met Mary, he knew that he had stumbled upon the love of his life. A könyve vörös. His book is red. Your book is red. Ezek az autók nagyok. These cars are big. These cars are big. Az étteremben ki van téve a dohányzást tiltó tábla. There's a no-smoking sign inside the restaurant. The restaurant has a non-smoking sign. Tom követte. Tom followed. Tom followed him. Két röpke év alatt egy apró gyerekből egy magas fiatalemberré lett. Within two short years, he went from being a puny child to a tall young man. In two brief years, a small child became a tall young man. Nevezd meg az árát! You name a price! Name the price. Kételkedem a szavaiban. I doubt her words. I doubt his words. Egyáltalán nem láttam semmit sem. I saw nothing at all. I didn't see anything at all. Leültem és elolvastam egy könyvet. I sat down and read a book. I sat down and read a book. Igazság szerint, semmi problémám veled. The truth is, I don't have any problem with it. Actually, I don't have a problem with you. Kérem, vigyen minket oda! Please take us there. Please take us there. Boldogan éltek, még ha szegények is voltak. Even though they were poor, they were happy. They lived happily ever after, even if they were poor. Ő nem a barátom. He's not my friend. He's not my friend. Elmagyarázta, hogy miért késett. She explained the reason why she was late. He explained why he was late. A középosztály tagjai voltak. They were members of the middle class. They were middle class. Nem hagyhatod el ezt a szobát az engedélyem nélkül. You are not to leave this room without my permission. You can't leave this room without my permission. Majuko egy szoknyát tervezett magának. Mayuko designed a dress for herself. Mayuko designed a skirt for himself. Ezt mindannyian tudjuk. We all know this. We all know that. Nem kell, hogy tudjanak róla. They don't need to know that. They don't need to know. Szétesett. It came apart. It fell apart. Úgy érzem, ideje nekiállni tanulni. I think it's time for me to study. I feel like it's time to start studying. Mostanra elfogyott a cukruk. They're out of sugar now. We're out of candy by now. Tom a párhuzamos parkolást gyakorolta. Tom practiced his parallel parking. Tom practiced parallel parking. Mire visszaérsz, én már el fogok menni. By the time you get back, I'll be gone. By the time you get back, I'll be gone. Ha így folytatod, mindkettőnket meg fognak ölni. You're going to get us both killed. If you keep this up, they're gonna kill us both. Folyton csak mentegetőzök. I just keep finding excuses. I'm always apologizing. A kórház az iskola mellett van. The hospital is next to the school. The hospital is next to the school. Becsületes. He is honest. He's honest. Maradi vagy. You're conservative. You're staying. Csak adj neki egy esélyt. Just give it a chance. Just give him a chance. Anti minden nap fut. Tony runs every day. Anti runs every day. Ez szívás. This sucks. This sucks. Fogj velem kezet! Shake my hand. Shake my hand. Adja vissza a pénztárcámat! Give me back my bag. Give me back my wallet. Segíthetek? May I help you? Can I help you? Biztosan szomjas vagy. You must be thirsty. You must be thirsty. Sok cápa van errefelé? Are there lots of sharks around here? There's a lot of sharks around here? Hazájában, Franciaországban, Tatoeba társadalmi és kulturális jelenséggé vált. In its home country, France, Tatoeba became a social and cultural phenomenon. In his country, France, Tatoeba became a social and cultural phenomenon. Semmire nem mész üvöltözéssel. You won't get anything by shouting. You're not gonna get anywhere by screaming. Elfogyott a WC-papír, vennem kell. We're out of tissue paper, so I need to go buy some. I'm out of toilet paper, I gotta get it. A vegetáriánusok nem esznek húst. Vegetarians don't eat meat. Vegetarians don't eat meat. Úgy döntöttem, hogy egy kicsit tovább megyek. I've decided to go a little further. I've decided to go a little further. Hívd Tomit most. Call Tom now. Call Tom now. Azt hittük, beteg vagy. We thought you were sick. We thought you were sick. Ők nem beszéltek. They didn't speak. They didn't talk. Irányításra van szükségük. They need instructions. They need guidance. Kivitted a szemetet? Have you taken out the garbage? Did you take out the trash? Problémáid vannak. You have problems. You're having problems. Jack elrejtette az eltört tányért, de a kishúga beárulta. Jack hid the dish he had broken, but his little sister told on him. Jack hid the broken plate, but his little sister ratted it out. Tamás a garázsban van. Tom is in the garage. Tom is in the garage. Mire alapozod ezt a feltevést? What do you base this assumption on? What are you basing this assumption on? Vigyázz, a férfinél fegyver van! Watch out, the man has a gun. Look out, the man's got a gun! Egyszerre eszem és olvasok. I eat and read at the same time. I eat and read at the same time. Jövök, amint tudok. I'll come as soon as possible. I'll be back as soon as I can. A méret nem számít. Size does not matter. Size doesn't matter. Tétovázott egy pillanatig. She hesitated for a second. He hesitated for a moment. Ebben a hónapban két gyilkosság történt. There were two murders this month. There's been two murders this month. Szükségem van segítségre. I need help. I need help. A hazafutása izgalomba hozta a szurkolótábort. His home run excited the crowd. His home run got the cheer camp excited. Furcsa dolgok történnek az erdőben. There are strange things happening in the woods. Strange things happen in the woods. Találgass egy merészet! Take a wild guess. Guess a daring one. Nem fogunk veszíteni. We won't lose. We're not gonna lose. Nem valószínű, hogy Tomi olyan elfoglalt, ahogyan gondolod. It's unlikely Tom is as busy as you think. Tom is unlikely to be as busy as you think he is. Számára szabály tizenegy órakor lefeküdni. He makes it a rule to go to bed at eleven o'clock. It's a rule for her to go to bed at eleven o'clock. Tom két összetolt széken aludt. Tom slept on two chairs that had been pushed together. Tom slept on two tangled chairs. Tom rábeszélt, hogy csatlakozzak a klubjához. Tom talked me into joining his club. Tom talked me into joining his club. Egy kortyra megittam. I drank it in a gulp. I drank it for a sip. Szembe lakik. He lives in front of my house. He lives across the street. Tom nem ért élve haza. Tom didn't make it home alive. Tom didn't make it home alive. Megköszörülte a torkát. He cleared his throat. He cleaned his throat. Folytatta az állat-történetek írását. She kept on writing stories about animals. He continued to write animal stories. Mari tudta, hogy nem valószínű, hogy letartóztatják. Mary knew that she wasn't likely to be arrested. Mary knew she wasn't likely to be arrested. Segítened kell neki, minél előbb! You must help her, and soon! You have to help him as soon as possible. És csak elkezdtem sírni. I just started crying. And I just started crying. Az, hogy a lovaknak patájuk van, azt jelenti, hogy nincsenek ujjaik? Does the fact that horses have hooves mean that they have no fingers? The fact that horses have hooves means they don't have fingers? Apám mindig elfoglalt. My father is always busy. My dad's always busy. A bátyám nemrég megkedvelte a hermelineket. My brother has recently taken a fancy for stoats. My brother has recently grown fond of hermelins. Megérdemlik. They deserve it. They deserve it. Busszal jár dolgozni? He gets to work by bus? You take the bus to work? Az 50-es évek végén édesanyám akart vásárolni egy üveg rumot Ontarióban, és az eladó a boltban, ahol az alkoholt árulták, megkérdezte tőle, hogy van-e írásos engedélye a férjétől. In the late 1950's, my mother wanted to buy a bottle of rum, and the clerk at the Ontario liquor store asked her, whether she had a note from her husband. In the late '50s, my mother wanted to buy a bottle of rum in Ontario, and the seller at the store where the alcohol was sold asked her if she had written permission from her husband. Tudom, hol lakik. I know where he lives. I know where he lives. Öregebb az autóm, mint én magam. My car is older than me. My car is older than I am. Utamban vagy. You are in my way. You're in my way. Tamásnak honvágya van. Tom is homesick. Tom is homesick. A poharam tele van. My glass is full. My glass is full. Kinek dolgoznak? Who are you working for? Who do you work for? Görbe orra van, mint egy sasnak a csőre. They have a bent nose, like the beak of a crow. He's got a crooked nose, like an eagle on a beak. Ez nem volt véletlen. That was no accident. That wasn't an accident. Nyelvtanilag helyes volt a mondat, amit írtál. The sentence you wrote was grammatically correct. The sentence you wrote was grammatically correct. Eljön Tomi is. Tom is coming, too. Tom will come. Mindjárt kész a vacsora. Dinner is almost ready. Dinner's almost ready. Azt mondták, hogy itt várjunk. They told us to wait here. They told us to wait here. Hogyan fejed a kecsét? How do you milk a goat? How do you milk your grace? Ki akar elmenni bevásárolni? Who wants to go shopping? Who wants to go shopping? Tom néhány napig Bostonban lesz. Tom will be staying in Boston for a few days. Tom will be in Boston for a few days. Ki mondta ezt? Ez tökre nem így van! Who said that? It's totally wrong! Who said that? Mindig mosolyog rám. She always smiles at me. She always smiles at me. Menj fedezékbe! Take cover! Take cover! Csak ideges vagy. You're just nervous. You're just nervous. 2:30-ra visszaérünk. We'll be back by 2:30. We'll be back by 2:30. Tippelgess! Guess what! Guess. Lefokoztak. I've been demoted. I got demoted. Végeztél? Are you done? Are you done? Tomi kényszeresen írja a mondatokat minden nap. Tom compulsively writes sentences every day. Tom compulsively writes sentences every day. Oké, nem fogom újra megtenni. OK, I won't do it again. Okay, I'm not gonna do it again. Valami történik. Something is happening. Something's happening. Micsoda álszent! What a hypocrite! What a hypocrite! Tom nem visel cipőt. Tom isn't wearing shoes. Tom doesn't wear shoes. Sok kávéfajta létezik. There are many kinds of coffee. There are many kinds of coffee. Tom imád enni. Tom loves to eat. Tom loves to eat. Nem valószínű, hogy Tomi ezt meg fogja tenni. Tom is likely not to do that. Tom is unlikely to do that. Mennyibe került Bostonba repülnöd? How much did it cost you fly to Boston? How much did it cost you to fly to Boston? Nem tudok pótalkatrészeket venni ehhez az autóhoz. I can not buy spare parts for this car. I can't buy spare parts for this car. Kérem a szappant! Soap, please. Give me the soap. Talán van egy másik út is. There may be another way. Maybe there's another way. Tomnak már mindent elmondtam, amit tudok. I already told Tom everything I know. I've already told Tom everything I know. Tom késznek látszik. Tom looks ready. Tom looks ready. Minden férfi kalapot viselt. The men all wore hats. All men wore hats. Futok, ahogy csak tudok, hogy utolérjem őt. I'm running as fast as I can to run him down. I'll run as fast as I can to catch him. Innék egy... I feel like a drink. I'd like a... A háborúban sok embert megöltek. Many people were killed in the war. In the war, many people were killed. Úgy tettem, mint aki elhiszi, amit Tomi mond. I pretended to believe what Tom told me. I pretended to believe what Tom said. Apukád hogy van? How's your father? How's your dad? Bangkok Thaiföld fővárosa. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Tom szerencsés, hogy nem rúgták ki. Tom is lucky he didn't get fired. Tom is lucky he wasn't fired. Éppen tévét néztek. They were watching television. They were watching TV. Igyál valamit velem! Have a drink with me. Have a drink with me. Tom óvatos. Tom is careful. Tom is careful. Ennyi elég lesz egy napra. Enough for one day. That's enough for one day. Tom nem ünnepel. Tom isn't celebrating. Tom is not celebrating. Mit tanít Tomi? What does Tom teach? What does Tom teach? Ez a legjobb ház a városban. It's the best house in town. This is the best house in town. Történelmet akarok tanulni. I want to study history. I want to learn history. Az nem Tom saját döntése volt. That wasn't Tom's choice. That wasn't Tom's choice. Mondd meg neki, hogy írjon nekem! Tell him to write me. Tell him to write to me. Tom nagyon jó gyerek volt. Tom was a really good kid. Tom was a very good kid. A labdarúgás sokkal népszerűbb, mint a tenisz. Soccer is more popular than tennis. Football is more popular than tennis. Általában eléggé figyelmes vagyok. I'm usually quite observant. I'm usually quite thoughtful. Menni fogok. I will go. I'll go. Csak gyere ide, kérlek! Please just get here. Just come here, please. A tanárostól is kérhetsz tanácsot. You may as well ask for your teacher's advice. You can ask the teacher for advice. Tudja valaki, hogy itt vagyunk? Does anyone know we're here? Does anyone know we're here? Holnap fogod megkapni a válaszomat. You shall have my answer tomorrow. You'll get my answer tomorrow. Tomnak és Marinak ajándékokat küldtem. I've sent Tom and Mary presents. I sent gifts to Tom and Mary. Nekem teljesen mindegy. It's all the same to me. It doesn't matter to me. Nem hinném, hogy esni fog, de mindenesetre viszek esernyőt. I don't think it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella in case it does. I don't think it's gonna rain, but I'm gonna bring an umbrella anyway. Ez a film megríkatott. The movie made me cry. This movie made me cry. Azt mondod nekem, hogy az én hibám? Are you telling me it's my fault? Are you telling me it's my fault? A fiú mindenkinek hencegett új kerékpárjával. The boy showed off his new bicycle to everyone. The boy bragged about his new bike to everyone. Ez nem lesz könnyű. This isn't going to be easy. This isn't gonna be easy. A fiatalember, akit láttál, az öcsém. The young man that you saw is my brother. That young man you saw, he's my brother. Gyere ide! Come here! Come here. Nagyon jól aludtam. I slept very well. I slept very well. Havazik még. It's still snowing. It's still snowing. Mindig azon kapom magam, hogy az embereket azokkal a szavakkal vigasztalom, amit én akarok hallani. I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear. I always find myself comforting people with the words I want to hear. Elmondta neked Tom, hogy miért nem jött el a buliba? Did Tom tell you why he didn't come to the party? Did Tom tell you why he didn't come to the party? Nem kényszeríthetsz, hogy tanúskodjak Tom ellen. You can't force me to testify against Tom. You can't force me to testify against Tom. Mesés volt. That was fabulous. It was fabulous. Rebekának legalább két lánya van. Rebecca has at least two daughters. Rebekah has at least two daughters. Végül a jók diadalmaskodnak a gonoszok felett. In the end, good will triumph over evil. Finally, the good triumph over the wicked. Ugye tudod, mit kell tenned? You know what you have to do, don't you? You know what you have to do, don't you? Nem tudom kinyitni a bőröndömet. I can't get my suitcase open. I can't open my suitcase. Hol van a pénz, amit adtam nektek? Where's the money I gave you? Where's the money I gave you? Tom meggyógyult. Tom recovered. Tom is cured. Mindenki tudja, hogy ő az utolsó, aki ígéretét megszegné. Everybody knows that he is the last man to break his promise. Everyone knows he's the last person to break his promise. De jó lenne, ha tudnál spanyolul! I wish you spoke Spanish. I wish you could speak Spanish. Csak néhányan értettek meg engem. Only a few people understood me. Only a few understood me. Tom szeret úszni. Tom likes swimming. Tom likes to swim. OK vagy. You're OK. You're OK. Halálra váltam, annyira zavarban voltam. I almost died of embarrassment. I turned to death. I was so embarrassed. Ma odakint kell aludnunk. Today, we have to sleep outdoors. We have to sleep outside tonight. Szállj fel a buszra! Get on the bus. Get on the bus. Hagyd abba a nyafogást! Stop whining. Stop whining! Tom halála megrázta a közösséget. Tom's death shocked the community. Tom's death shook the community. Ha valóban szeretnél, megkérnéd a kezem. If you really loved me, you'd marry me. If you really loved me, you'd ask me to marry you. Beleléptem a sárba. I stepped in the mud. I stepped in the mud. Körülbelül harminc percen belül megérkezem. I'll be there in about 30 minutes. I'll be here in about 30 minutes. Elvesztettük az esernyőinket. We've lost our umbrellas. We lost our umbrellas. Rávettem, hogy hagyja abba a dohányzást. I got him to stop smoking. I got him to stop smoking. Dan egy járókelőt lökött egy elhaladó autó elé. Dan pushed a passerby in front of a passing car. Dan pushed a passerby in front of a passing car. Tom elvonult egy sarokba és bőgött. Tom went into a corner and cried. Tom went into a corner and cried. Kihagytál egy szót a tankönyv másolásakor. You've left out a word in copying the textbook. You missed a word when you copied the textbook. Ki a kedvenc szuperhősöd? Who's your favorite super hero? Who's your favorite superhero? Tom korábban soha nem ütött meg engem. Tom has never hit me before. Tom never hit me before. A legjobb felhívni őt telefonon. The best thing is to telephone her. It's best to call him on the phone. Kopj le rólam! I want you to get off my back. Get off me! Ki kell találnunk egy jobb becenevet Tominak. Tom really needs a better nickname. We need to come up with a better nickname for Tom. Én megtenném érte, nem úgy, mint te. I can do that for her, unlike you. I'd do it for her, unlike you. Készen van? Are you ready? Are you ready? Citromízű. It's lemon flavoured. It tastes like lemon. Tisztában vagyok vele, hogy meddig terjed a tudásom. I'm aware of the limits of my knowledge. I'm aware of the extent of my knowledge. Soha nem mondta nekem Tomi, hogy vannak gyerekei. Tom never told me that he had children. Tom never told me he had kids. Régóta szeretlek. I've loved you for a long time. I've loved you a long time. Holnap lépj velem kapcsolatba! Contact me tomorrow. Contact me tomorrow. Rizst eszek. I eat rice. I eat rice. Az a probléma, hogy túl messze van. The problem is that it's too far away. The problem is it's too far away. Kiveszek egy kis időt. I'm going to take some time off. I'll take some time. Elkezdett ordítani. He began to shout. He started screaming. Meg kell bizonyosodnom róla, hogy Tomi jól van. I need to make sure Tom is OK. I need to make sure Tom is okay. Ebben az országban egy nemzetként, egy emberként győzedelmeskedünk vagy bukunk el. Álljunk ellen annak a kísértésnek, hogy visszatérünk ugyanahhoz a pártoskodáshoz, kicsinyességhez és értetlenséghez, amely régóta fertőzi politikai életünket. In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people. Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. In this country, we triumph or fall as one nation, as one man, resist the temptation to return to the same partying, pettyness, and incompetence that has long been infecting our political lives. Tom mókusa vak, fél a magasságtól és allergiás a diófélékre. Nem hiszem, hogy Tom nélkül életben maradna. Tom's squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don't think that he would survive without Tom. Tom's squirrel is blind, afraid of heights and allergic to nuts. I don't think he'll survive without Tom. Holnap elutazom. I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm leaving tomorrow. A tavasz a legjobb évszak ellátogatni Kyotóba. Spring is the best season to visit Kyoto. Spring is the best season to visit Kyoto. Mennyibe kerül ez a gyűrű? How much is this ring? How much is this ring? Ez a hajó már elment. We've missed the boat. This ship has sailed. Még mindig van, amit meg kell csinálnunk. There are still things we need to do. There's still something we need to do. Szükséged volt rám. You needed me. You needed me. Nálad erősebb vagyok. I'm stronger than you. I'm stronger than you. Ha nem eszel, meg fogsz halni. If you don't eat, you'll die. If you don't eat, you're gonna die. Én nagyon türelmes vagyok. I'm being patient. I'm very patient. Mária egészen jó sakkban, igaz? Mary is quite good at chess, isn't she? Mary is quite good at chess, isn't she? Egész éjjel szeretkeztek. They made love all night long. They've been making love all night. Gyümölcséről ismerszik meg a fa. A tree is known by its fruit. The tree recognizes you by its fruit. Mit csinálsz ma délután? What will you do this afternoon? What are you doing this afternoon? Távol kellett volna maradnom Tomtól. I should have stayed away from Tom. I should have stayed away from Tom. A férfi, aki egy órával ezelőtt fölhívott, Frank volt. The man who telephoned an hour ago was Frank. The man who called me an hour ago was Frank. Tomnak monoklija volt. Tom had a black eye. Tom had a black eye. Bármit megtennék érte. I'd do anything for her. I'd do anything for her. El akarlak vinni ma este vacsorázni. I want to take you out to dinner tonight. I want to take you out to dinner tonight. Ismételten azt hajtogatta, hogy ártatlan. She repeatedly said that she was innocent. Again, he kept saying he was innocent. Kér valaki egy kis bort? Would anyone like some wine? Anybody want some wine? A szüleimnél vagyok. I'm at my parents' place. I'm at my parents'. Hogy van az ön édesanyja? How's your mother? How's your mother? Nancy boldogan mosolygott. Nancy smiled happily. Nancy smiled happily. Ugyanaz a problémám. I have the same problem. I have the same problem. - Mennyi az idő? - Három óra húsz perc. "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." - What time is it? Elhúzhatom a függönyt? Am I allowed to open the curtain? Can I open the curtains? Megvitattuk Jack tervét egy légkondicionáló beépítéséről, de nem jutottunk dűlőre. We talked over Jack's plan to put in air conditioning, but could not come to a decision. We discussed Jack's plan to install an air conditioner, but we couldn't figure it out. Nincs mitől félni. It's nothing to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. Tom felmosta a konyhát. Tom mopped the kitchen. Tom cleaned the kitchen. Hagyd abba a hülye vicceidet! Don't make stupid jokes. Stop your stupid jokes! Meg tudod nekem mondani, mi New York postai irányítószáma? Can you tell me what the zip code is for New York? Can you tell me what New York postal code is? Nem hallottam, hogy mit mondtál. I missed what you said. I didn't hear what you said. Képtelen voltam neked hazudni. I couldn't lie to you. I couldn't lie to you. Találtam kiutat. I found a way out. I found a way out. Vett neki egy kutyát. He bought her a dog. He bought her a dog. A szerzőnek jó stílusa van. The author has a good style. The author has a good style. Azt akarom, hogy Mary hagyja Tomit, hadd fejezze be! I want Mary to let Tom finish. I want Mary to let Tom finish. Mindenki elégedett lesz. Everyone will be satisfied. Everyone will be pleased. Milyen színe van a hajadnak? What colour is your hair? What color is your hair? Napi három étkezés. Three meals a day. Three meals a day. Írtózom a pókoktól. I abhor spiders. I'm afraid of spiders. Tom éppen most ment el. Tom just left. Tom just left. Nem aludtam jól múlt éjjel. I did not sleep well last night. I didn't sleep well last night. Csak azt kívánnám, hogy otthon lehessek. I just wish I could be at home. I just wish I could be home. Én nem vagyok barbár. I'm not a barbarian. I'm not a barbarian. Tom ellágyult. Tom has gone soft. Tom is soft. Ingatlanügynök. He is an estate agent. He's a real estate agent. Hol vehetek ilyet? Where can I buy one? Where can I get one of these? A baktériumok mikroszkopikus lények. Bacteria are microscopic organisms. Bacteria are microscopic creatures. Ott voltál. You were there. You were there. Tom egyszer dolgozott velem. Tom once worked with me. Tom worked with me once. Tom sokkal idősebbnek néz ki, mint amennyi valójában. Tom looks a lot older than he really is. Tom looks much older than he really is. Sétálok majd. I will walk. I'll walk. Nekem kell az a teló. I need that phone. I need that phone. Semmi nem történt itt. Nothing happened here. Nothing happened here. Jó estét! Hogy vagy? Good evening. How are you? Good evening, how are you? Ellenzed? Do you object? Do you object? Fel kell szabadítanunk őket. We must free them. We need to free them. Olvastam erről. I read about that. I've read about this. Bárcsak tudtam volna. I wish I had known. I wish I'd known. Rejtőzködök. I'm hiding. I'm hiding. Ez a nehéz rész. This is the hard part. That's the hard part. Nem látom, hogy ez kicsoda. I can't see who it is. I don't see who that is. Tom hazudik. Tom lies. Tom is lying. Tokiónak az a híre, hogy nagyon biztonságos város. Tokyo is supposed to be a very safe city. Tokyo's reputation is that it's a very safe city. Hozzak neked egy párnát? Can I get you a pillow? Can I get you a pillow? Tom kitalált egy kifogást. Tom thought up an excuse. Tom made up an excuse. Tom idegesítő volt. Tom was annoying. Tom was annoying. Nem mondhatjuk el Tomnak? Can't we tell Tom? Can't we tell Tom? Rájöttünk, hogy igazuk volt, sehol nem tudtunk játszani, de még gyakorolni sem. We realised they were right, we had nowhere to play or even practise. We realized they were right, we couldn't play anywhere, but we couldn't even practice. Tom meghalt. Tom died. Tom is dead. A poszméhek nagyobbak a méheknél. Bumblebees are bigger than bees. Bumblebees are bigger than bees. Mari kuncogott. Mary giggled. Mary giggled. Mutasd meg a tiedet! Show me yours! Show me yours. Nincs a vödörben semmi. There's nothing in the bucket. There's nothing in the bucket. Tom szülei csak a gyerekek kedvéért maradtak együtt. Tom's parents only stayed together for the sake of the children. Tom's parents only stayed together for the sake of the children. Eszedbe ne jusson! No way! Don't even think about it. Ez most valami tréfa? Is this some kind of joke? Is this some kind of joke? Tamásnak nagyon jó állása van. Tom has a very good job. Tom has a very good job. Sztálin halálát követően Koroljov elnyerte az új főtitkár, Nyikita Hruscsov támogatását. After the demise of Stalin, Korolev gained the support of the new leader, Nikita Khrushchev. Following Stalin's death, Koroljov received the support of the new Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev. Tom türelmes. Tom is patient. Tom is patient. Mindenkinek el kell menni. They all need to go. Everyone has to leave. Kapd el azt a kacsát és hozd ide! Catch that duck and bring it here. Grab that duck and bring it here. Tom kissé meg van lepve. Tom is a little surprised. Tom is a little surprised. Hagyd abba a panaszkodást! Quit complaining. Stop complaining. Ön Tamás, nemde? You're Tom, aren't you? You're Tom, aren't you? Ezt hogy csináltad? How did you do this? How did you do that? Nincs más kiút. There's no other way out. There's no other way out. Mindenféle nyelven elkezdett engem sértegetni. He began to insult me in all languages. He started insulting me in all kinds of languages. Tomnak ki kéne használnia ezt a lehetőséget. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Tom should take advantage of this opportunity. Teljesen megérte. It was all worth it. It was totally worth it. Segíteni akarok neked. I want to help you. I want to help you. Jill a filmet Kennel látta. Jill saw the movie with Ken. Jill saw the movie with Ken. Vajon Donald Trump lesz az Egyesült Államok következő elnöke? Will Donald Trump be the next president of the United States? Will Donald Trump be the next president of the United States? A szívük nagyon gyorsan vert. Their hearts were beating very fast. Their hearts were beating very fast. Rendben. Ok. All right. Hogyan kezeli ön a stresszt? How do you handle stress? How do you deal with stress? Ön nem tartozik ide. You don't belong here. You don't belong here. Egyszerűnek hangzik. It sounds simple. Sounds simple. Majd kiderül, hogy ki nyer. It remains to be seen who wins. We'll see who wins. Tom és Mary ugyanabban az irodában dolgoznak. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Tom and Mary work in the same office. Egy ágyban feküdtünk. We slept in the same bed. We were in bed together. Tom sosem marad tovább egy hétnél. Tom never stays more than a week. Tom will never last more than a week. Az idős férfi éhen halt. The old man died from hunger. The old man died of hunger. Tom kíváncsi volt, hogy Mary korábban min gondolkodott. Tom wondered what Mary had been thinking about. Tom wondered what Mary was thinking earlier. Kérlek, menj! Please go. Please go. Ígérd meg, hogy nem fogod elmondani senkinek. Promise me you won't tell anyone. Promise me you won't tell anyone. Nem tűnsz túl boldognak, hogy látsz. You don't seem too happy to see me. You don't seem too happy to see me. Megőrülök érted. I'm crazy about you. I'm crazy about you. Tom elvörösödik. Tom is turning red. Tom blushes. Hívok önöknek egy taxit. I'll call you a taxi. I'll call you a cab. Tedd meg, vagy halj meg! Do it or die! Do it or die! Nem is tudtam, hogy tetszettem neki. I didn't know that he liked me. I didn't know she liked me. Tudod, hogyan kell homárt főzni? Do you know how to cook a lobster? Do you know how to cook lobster? Sértegetett azzal, hogy szamárnak csúfolt. He insulted me by calling me a donkey. He insulted me by calling me a donkey. Tom irreális. Tom is unreal. Tom is unrealistic. Tegnap este esett az eső. It rained yesterday evening. It rained last night. Ha tudtam volna, hogy itt leszel, nem jöttem volna el. Had I known you'd be here, I wouldn't have come. If I'd known you'd be here, I wouldn't have come. Elkélne neked a segítség. You need some help. You could use some help. Otthon megvan nekem. I have it at home. I've got it at home. Nem a te problémád, hanem az enyém. This is not your problem, it is mine. It's not your problem. It's mine. Ő nem ismer engem. He doesn't know me. He doesn't know me. Ez a film felnőtteknek való, nem gyerekeknek. This movie is for adults, not for children. This movie is for adults, not children. Tom tiszteletet akar. Tom wants respect. Tom wants respect. Látnom kell! I have to see it! I need to see him. Megölelnél? Could I have a hug? Will you give me a hug? Estére a fa árnyéka elérte a falat. By evening the shadow of the tree reached the wall. By evening, the shadow of the tree had reached the wall. Mary nagymamájának egy foga sincs már. Mary's grandmother doesn't have any teeth. Mary's grandmother doesn't have a tooth anymore. Szívesebben tartanék macskát, mint kutyát. I would rather have a cat than a dog. I'd rather have a cat than a dog. Hány fővárosa van Dél-Afrikának? How many capital cities does South Africa have? How many capitals does South Africa have? A félhold és egy csillag az iszlám jelképe. The crescent moon and star is a symbol of Islam. The crescent moon and a star are symbols of Islam. Jobban csináltam volna, mint ő. I could have done better than he. I would've done better than him. Fizettél a könyvért? Did you pay for the book? Did you pay for the book? Hadd magyarázzam el. Let me explain that. Let me explain. Hallasz engem, Tom? Can you hear me, Tom? Can you hear me, Tom? A szépség belülről fakad. Beauty lies within. Beauty comes from the inside. Ki van szolgálatban? Who is on duty? Who's on duty? Tom izmos és sportos testalkatú. Tom is muscular and athletic. Tom is muscular and athletic. Örülök. I'm glad. I'm glad. Mégsem jött el. She didn't come after all. He didn't show up. Mary csalódott volt. Mary was disappointed. Mary was disappointed. Ami könnyen megszerezhető, könnyedén el is veszíthető. That which is easily acquired is easily lost. It's easy to get, it's easy to lose. Szeretnék pár szót veled váltani. I would like to have a word with you. I'd like to have a word with you. Tudunk segíteni. We can help. We can help you. Négy meg tizenhat az húsz. Four plus sixteen equals twenty. Four plus sixteen is twenty. Tomi nem sírt annyit. Tom didn't cry that much. Tom didn't cry that much. Tűz ütött ki a bányában. A fire broke out in the mine. There was a fire in the mine. A nyúlnak hosszú füle van. A rabbit has long ears. Rabbit has long ears. A félreeső ablak olyan koszos volt, hogy a fény homályosan és bizonytalanul színezett fakó szürkére mindent, melyet tovább fokozott a vastag porréteg, amely az egész lakást beborította. The solitary window was so dirty that the light was hazy and uncertain, giving a dull grey tinge to everything, which was intensified by the thick layer of dust which coated the whole apartment. The secluded window was so dirty that the light was dim and vaguely coloured to pale gray everything further increased by a thick layer of dust that covered the entire apartment. Felejtsd el. Nem számít. Forget it. It's not worth it. Forget it, it doesn't matter. Senki nem nélkülözhetetlen. Nobody's indispensable. No one is indispensable. Mária kinyitotta az ajtót. Mary opened the door. Mary opened the door. Tegnap volt az ősz első napja. Yesterday was the first day of autumn. It was the first day of autumn yesterday. Jött valami üzenet a részemre? Are there any messages for me? Any messages for me? Előszöris, ezt elolvasom. First of all, I will read this. First of all, I'm gonna read this. A folytatáshoz nyomja le bármelyik billentyűt. Press any key to continue. To continue, press any key. Szerencsére sikerült kifognom egy jó állást. I was fortunate to find a good job. Luckily, I got a good job. Ez segít, hogy elaludjak. That helps me fall asleep. It'll help me fall asleep. Tudom a nevedet. I know your name. I know your name. Ebből elegem van. I can't take it any more. I've had enough of this. Nem tudom elképzelni az életet zene nélkül. I can't imagine life without music. I can't imagine living without music. Az anyád vagyok. Az a dolgod, hogy engedelmeskedj, nem az, hogy megkérdőjelezd, amit mondok. I am your mother. I am to be obeyed - not questioned. Your job is to obey me, not question what I say. Kuss, te hülye! Shut up, you idiot! Shut up, you idiot! Még a majmok is leesnek a fáról. Even monkeys fall from trees. Even monkeys fall off a tree. Tanulj szorgalmasan, amennyit csak tudsz. Study hard and learn all you can. Learn as hard as you can. Tanyánk van. We have a farm. We have a farm. Vetted? Do you copy? Do you copy? Mari az iskolában halloween kosztümöt viselt. Mary wore her Halloween costume to school. Mary at school wore a Halloween costume. Tomi sokat csökkent a szememben. I no longer appreciate Tom. Tom dropped a lot in my eyes. Ez egy jó könyv gyerekeknek. This is a good book for children to read. It's a good book for kids. El kellett volna mondanod Tomnak az igazat. You should have told Tom the truth. You should have told Tom the truth. Azoknak az embereknek most nincs munkájuk. Those people now had no jobs. Those people don't have jobs right now. Nem lehetett Tomit elérni. Tom couldn't be reached. Tom couldn't be reached. Megfordult. He turned around. He's turned around. Már senki nem segíthet rajtunk. No one can help us now. No one can help us now. Hagyjatok minket dolgozni! Let us work! Let us do our job. Azt hittem, már soha nem érsz ide. I thought you'd never get here. I thought you'd never get here. Gyere, Tomi! Megyünk. Come on, Tom. We're leaving. Come on, Tom, we're going. Nem tudom, mit fogunk vele kezdeni. I don't know what we're going to do with that. I don't know what we're gonna do with it. A hölgy nem engedett a kísértésnek. The lady did not give in to temptation. She wouldn't give in to temptation. Tom valahol errefelé lakik. Tom lives somewhere around here. Tom lives around here somewhere. Nem tett semmi rosszat Tomi. Tom hasn't done anything wrong. Tom didn't do anything wrong. Tamás egész nap dolgozott. Tom worked all day. Tom worked all day. Korán foglalja le repülőjegyét, mert a járatok Karácsony körül gyorsan megtelnek. Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas. You book your flight early because the flights around Christmas quickly fill up. Ezt a detektívregényt most csak a közepéig olvastam. I am halfway through this detective story. I've only read this detective novel until the middle. Van cukor? Do you have any sugar? Is there sugar? Tom öregnek látszik. Tom looks old. Tom looks old. Tomot sem érdekli. Tom isn't interested either. Tom doesn't care either. Remélem, Tom biztonságban van. I hope Tom is safe. I hope Tom is safe. Csak egy esély maradt. There is but one chance left. There's only one chance left. Ő feltétlenül hisz benned, ha még mindig ad lehetőséget. He definitely believes in you if he still gives you an opportunity. He definitely believes in you if he still gives you a chance. A mosdóba kell mennem. I need to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. Tom készítette. Tom made it. Tom made it. Éppen verték, amikor odaértem. He was being beaten when I arrived. They were beating him when I got there. Tom senkivel nem akart beszélni. Tom didn't want to talk to anyone. Tom didn't want to talk to anyone. Azt hiszem, segítenem kellett volna neked. I think I should have helped you. I think I should have helped you. Itt kell várnom, amíg Tom ideér. I have to wait here until Tom gets here. I have to wait here until Tom gets here. Van dolgod vasárnap délután? Are you busy on Sunday afternoon? Are you busy Sunday afternoon? Ezt tavaly vettem. I bought that last year. I bought this last year. A magas életszínvonalunkat magától értetődőnek vesszük. We take our high standard of living for granted. We take our high standard of living for granted. Felezzük el a számlát. Let's split the bill fifty-fifty. Let's split the bill. Ő beszél angolul. He speaks English. He speaks English. Mi menni szeretnénk. We want to leave. We'd like to go. Tamás nem rajong a macskákért. Tom is not a cat person. Tom doesn't like cats. Sokkal alaposabbnak kellett volna lennem. I should have been more thorough. I should have been more thorough. Melyik szín tetszik szerinted jobban Tominak? Which color do you think Tom will like better? Which color do you think Tom prefers? Szeretnék némi bizonyítékot látni. I'd like to see some proof. I'd like to see some evidence. Tudsz arról? Do you know about that? You know about that? Öntudatlan. She's unconscious. He's unconscious. Éppen angolt tanulok a szobámban. I am studying English in my room. I'm studying English in my room. Több segítséget kellett volna adnom Tomnak. I should have given Tom more help. I should have given Tom more help. Nem volt kedve ebédelni. She was not in the mood for lunch. He didn't want to have lunch. Nem tud megbirkózni a lelkiismeret-furdalással. He can't cope with the remorse. He can't cope with remorse. A hajóra további utasok szálltak. The ship took on additional passengers. Additional passengers boarded the ship. Nem félek a haláltól. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm not afraid to die. El fogok ezen gondolkodni. I'm going to think about it. I'll think about it. Elnézést a zavarásért! I'm sorry to bother you. Sorry to bother you. Melyik fél győzött? Which side won? Which side won? Ki javasolta Tomit ebbe a beosztásba? Who recommended Tom for the position? Who suggested Tom on this assignment? Beszélgessünk a szeretetről. Let's talk about love. Let's talk about love. Szeretem a szüleimet. I love my parents. I love my parents. Adj egy csókot! Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss. Ő nem orvos. He's no doctor. He's not a doctor. Tom várni fog. Tom will wait. Tom will be waiting. Ez olyasmi, amit sosem fogok elfelejteni. That's something I'll never forget. It's something I'll never forget. Ételt és pénzt is adott nekem. He gave me food and money as well. He gave me food and money. Cookie csóválta a farkát és ugatott. Cookie wagged his tail and barked. Cookie was wagging his dick and barking. Kérem, tartsa. Please hold on. Please hold. Három repülőgépünk volt. We had three airplanes. We had three planes. Nagyszerű nap egy piknikhez. It's a great day for a picnic. Great day for a picnic. Lehangolt. He's depressed. It's depressing. Itt a tavasz. Spring has come. Spring is here. Valami meleget akarok inni. I want something hot to drink. I want something warm to drink. Tom és Mari megkértek, hogy segítsek nekik a házi feladatukban. Tom and Mary asked me if I could help them with their homework. Tom and Mary asked me to help them with their homework. Helló, hogy vagy? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Az összes munkás ebben a gyárban nő. All the workers at this factory are female. All the workers grow in this factory. Fordulj hozzá tanáxsért. Ask her for advice. Go to him for advice. Tűz esetén törje be ezt az üveget! Break this glass in case of fire. In case of fire, break this bottle. Nevetett a többi tanuló. The other students laughed. The other students laughed. Valószínűleg szellemlakta. It's probably haunted. It's probably haunted. Vállalom a kockázatot. I accept the risk. I'll take my chances. A világon semmi gondom. I don't have a care in the world. I don't have a problem at all. Hírből sem ismeri a tisztességet. She is far from honest. He doesn't know honor by reputation. Azt akarja, hogy várj itt. He wants you to stay here. He wants you to wait here. Elhívtam vacsorázni. I invited her to dinner. I asked her to dinner. Tom rosszul érezte magát. Tom felt bad. Tom felt bad. Tomi el is mehet. Tom might as well go. Tom can go. Mindenképpen! Absolutely! Definitely! Vásárolni fog valamit. He'll buy something. He's gonna buy something. A férfiak megvásárolták. The men bought it. The men bought it. Nem teszed meg, remélem. You're not going to do that, I hope. You won't do it, I hope. Csak kihasználnak. They're just using you. They're just using you. Könnyen jön, könnyen megy. Easy come, easy go. It's easy, it's easy. Haladok. I'm making progress. I'm on my way. Beismeri, hogy tud a titokról. She admits knowing the secret. He admits to knowing about the secret. Ő Finnország miniszterelnöke. She is the prime minister of Finland. He's the Prime Minister of Finland. Szerintem Tom már tudja. I think Tom already knows. I think Tom already knows. Még mindig vannak barátaim a CIA-nál. I still have friends in the CIA. I still have friends at the CIA. Tomi segít. Tom's helping. Tom will help you. Látom, mit csinálsz. I see what you're doing. I see what you're doing. Valami baj van? Is something wrong? Is something wrong? Van más választásom? What other options do I have? Do I have a choice? Ismerem a férfit, akivel jöttél. I know the man you came with. I know the man you came with. Ez a bicikli hozzám tartozik. This bicycle belongs to me. This bike belongs to me. Jól esne egy kis pihenő. I could do with some rest. I could use a break. Az irodámba megyek. I'm going to my office. I'm going to my office. Időnként előre félek attól, hogy valami nehézség adódik. I sometimes apprehend that there will be some difficulty. Sometimes I'm afraid that there's going to be some kind of difficulty. Nem működik. It doesn't work. It's not working. Fel fogom adni. I'm going to give up. I'm gonna give up. Tom elsárgult az irigységtől. Tom turned green with envy. Tom turned yellow with envy. Diák vagy? Are you a student? Are you a student? Mi mindnyájan beszélünk franciául. We all speak French. We all speak French. Ausztráliában születtem. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Mekkora gyerek ez a Tomi! What a big boy Tom is! Tom is such a kid. Bízd rá magad a hitedre! Take a leap of faith. Trust in your faith. Ez az a hely, ahol a hívők bemerítkeznek. This is where the believers perform their ablutions. This is where believers get baptized. Csináltam neked egy szendvicset. I made you a sandwich. I made you a sandwich. A sikere részben a szerencsének köszönhető. His success was due in part to good luck. Your success is partly due to luck. Küldj nekünk levelet. Send us a letter. Send us a letter. Gyere, érintsd meg. Come on, touch it. Come on, touch it. A japán nyelvnek három különféle ábécéje van: a hiragana, a katakana és a kandzsi. The Japanese language has three different alphabets: hiragana, katakana and kanji. Japanese has three different alphabets: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Tamás tanul. Tom is learning. Tom is studying. A szél megenyhült. The wind calmed down. The wind has softened. Nem kell holnap visszajönnünk. It won't be necessary for us to come back here tomorrow. We don't have to come back tomorrow. Normális vagyok. I'm normal. I'm normal. Az influenza, kanyaró, himlő és bárányhimlő fertőző és ragályos betegségek. Influenza, measles, pox and chicken-pox are infectious and contagious diseases. Influenza, measles, smallpox and chickenpox are infectious and contagious diseases. Várj itt! Wait here. Wait here. Ez egy komplex probléma. It's a complex problem. It's a complex problem. Ennek nem örült. She was not happy about it. He wasn't happy about that. Soha életemben nem hallottam ilyen történetet. I've never heard such a story all my life. I've never heard a story like that in my life. Tom hányt. Tom vomited. Tom vomited. Tom átlagos. Tom is average. Tom is average. Meg tudják oldani ezt a problémát? Can you solve this problem? Can you solve this problem? Mi győzhetünk. We can win. We can win. Megkértem Tomot, hogy vigyázzon a gyerekeimre, amíg Bostonban vagyok. I've asked Tom to take care of my children while I'm in Boston. I asked Tom to take care of my kids while I was in Boston. Sok rejtély van az életben. There are many mysteries in life. There are many mysteries in life. Tudod, hogy hol dolgozom. You know where I work. You know where I work. Veled szeretném csinálni. I'd like to do it with you. I want to do it with you. Szerintem klassz. I think it's cool. I think it's cool. Miért nem folytatod? Why don't you go ahead? Why don't you keep going? Félsz tőlem? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Sok lisztet és olajat vett. He bought a lot of flour and oil. He bought a lot of flour and oil. Néhány héten belül találkozunk. I'll see you in a few weeks. I'll see you in a few weeks. Miért mondod ezeket testvérem? Why do you say these things, brother? Why do you say that, brother? Barátságos vagyok. I'm friendly. I'm friendly. A válaszom továbbra is igenlő. My answer is still yes. My answer remains yes. Nagy volt a forróság nyáron. In the summer, it is very hot here. It was hot in the summer. Jól beszél japánul. He speaks Japanese well. You speak Japanese well. Elégedett a sikerével. She is pleased at her success. He's satisfied with his success. Tegnap Tom átjött hozzám vacsorázni. Tom came over to my house for dinner yesterday. Tom came over for dinner yesterday. Kerekedj felül a gyengeségeken. Overcome weakness. Get over the weaknesses. Nyikorogtak a lépcsőfokok. The stairs creaked. Stairs were squeaking. Tomi pacmanezik. Tom plays Pacman. Tom is pacmaning. Haza vigyelek? Shall I drive you home? You want a ride home? Találkozni akarok emberekkel a világ összes országából. I want to meet people from all over the world. I want to meet people from all over the world. Tom kudarcot fog vallani. Tom will fail. Tom will fail. Tom klassz fickó. Tom is a cool guy. Tom is a great guy. A halaknak van hangszáluk? Do fish have vocal chords? Do fish have vocal cords? Választottatok nevet a babának? Have you picked a name for the baby? Did you pick a name for the baby? Körbenézett a szobában. She looked around the room. He looked around the room. Gyanítom, hogy Tom már csinálta ezelőtt is. I suspect that Tom has done that before. I suspect Tom has done it before. Sámuel túl gyorsan beszél. Sami is talking too fast. Samuel speaks too fast. Azt javaslom, hogy beszélj Tomival. I suggest you talk to Tom. I suggest you talk to Tom. Hitt az igazságban. He believed in the truth. He believed in the truth. Nem hallottam semmit. I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear anything. Levelet írt. He wrote a letter. He wrote me a letter. Próbálkoznak. They're trying. They're trying. Ha holnap esne, akkor nem mennek. If it should rain tomorrow, they will not go. If it rains tomorrow, they won't go. Mondta, hogy dolga van. He said he was busy. He said he was busy. Nagyszerű lenne, ha vacsorára csatlakoznál hozzánk. It would be great if you could join us for dinner. It would be great if you'd join us for dinner. Hogy lehetséges, hogy ilyen lassú vagy? How come you are so slow? How can you be so slow? Én nem tanultam annyit! I haven't studied that much! I didn't learn that much! Olyan anyag ez, mintha bársony lenne. This cloth feels like velvet. It's like velvet. Köszönöm szépen! Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Érezd jól magad a buliban! Enjoy yourself at the party. Have fun at the party. Tom jól érezte magát. Tom felt fine. Tom had a good time. A gép tíz perce szállt fel. The airplane took off ten minutes ago. The plane took off ten minutes ago. Tom megpróbálta megtenni. Tom tried to do it. Tom tried to do it. Ez az az óra, amit egy héttel ezelőtt elveszítettem. This is the watch that I lost a week ago. This is the watch I lost a week ago. Egy közös van Tomiban és Mariban, hogy szeretik a zenét. One thing Tom and Mary have in common is their love of music. Tom and Mary have one thing in common that they love music. A kislány nem tudott volna egy ilyen dolgot készíteni. The girl can't have done such a thing. The little girl couldn't have done something like that. Tom éppen tanul. Tom is studying. Tom is studying. Semmit nem akart tudni a magánéletéről. She didn't want to know anything about his personal life. He didn't want to know anything about his personal life. A 25. házassági évfordulójukon megújították a fogadalmukat. They renewed their vows on their 25th wedding anniversary. On their 25th wedding anniversary, they renewed their vows. A klíma változik. The climate is changing. The climate is changing. Tom betegnek tűnik. Tom looks sick. Tom looks sick. Szerinte nem jön. According to her, he isn't coming. He doesn't think he's coming. Az új körülményekhez illesztettem a tervemet. I accommodated my plan to those new circumstances. I've adapted my plan to new circumstances. Neked elment az eszed. You're all crazy. You're out of your mind. Nem ők azok. It isn't them. It's not them. Egy könyvet akarok összeállítani a gondolataimból. I'll try to shape my ideas into a book. I want to make a book out of my mind. Tomra gondoltam. I thought about Tom. I was thinking about Tom. Tom vett Marynek egy kamerát. Tom bought Mary a camera. Tom bought Mary a camera. Van haladás. Progress is being made. There's progress. Ideadod nekem Tom címét? Would you give me Tom's address? Can you give me Tom's address? Benne van a bizottságban? Are you on the committee? Are you on the committee? Tetszett nekünk ott. We enjoyed being there. We liked it there. Örülök, hogy tudtunk segíteni. I'm glad we were able to help. I'm glad we could help. Sosem volt közlekedési balesetem. I've never had a traffic accident. I've never had a traffic accident. Én is tudni akartam. I wanted to know as well. I wanted to know, too. Ilyen időjárás mellett a legjobb, ha itthon maradunk és nem megyünk sehová. In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside. With the weather like this, it's best to stay home and not go anywhere. Nyertem. I have won. I won. Ennek az országnak a népe kiábrándult a politikai vezetésből. The people of this country have become disillusioned with the political establishment. The people of this country are disillusioned with political leadership. Hát, ezek az oroszok! Ah, those Russians! Well, these Russians! Milyen nagy kutya! What a big dog! What a big dog! Vesta a családi tűzhely és az otthon istennője volt. Vesta was the goddess of the hearth and home. Vesta was the goddess of the family stove and home. Tom túl zajos. Tom is too nosy. Tom is too noisy. Ez a falfestmény bepillantást enged az ókori emberek életmódjába. We can get a glimpse of the lifestyle of ancient people from this wall painting. This mural gives us insight into the way ancient people live. Ez nem a legjobb munkád. This is not your best work. It's not your best job. Fizettem Tomnak. I paid Tom. I paid Tom. Tomi elkezdett furcsán viselkedni. Tom started to behave strangely. Tom started acting weird. Azt akarom, hogy vegyél komolyan. I want you to take me seriously. I want you to take me seriously. A japánok sok tekintetben különböznek az amerikaiaktól. Japanese differ from American in many respects. Japanese are in many ways different from Americans. Tom nem egy nagyon jó táncos. Tom is not a very good dancer. Tom is not a very good dancer. Ez szörnyű volt. That was horrible. That was awful. Tom kiszolgálja a vásárlókat. Tom is helping customers. Tom serves the customers. Egész éven át hó borítja a hegyet. The mountain is covered with snow all the year round. The mountain is covered with snow all year round. Szeretnék Tomnak segíteni, ha tudok. I'd like to help Tom if I can. I'd like to help Tom if I can. Kérlek, húzd le a rolót! Please pull down the blinds. Please close the blinds. Egyáltalán nem kétséges, hogy mi okozta a tüzet. There is not much doubt about the cause of the fire. There's no doubt at all what caused the fire. Ezt el lehet intézni. That can be arranged. That can be arranged. Tom lassan olvas. Tom reads slowly. Tom reads slowly. Maria a tükörbe nézett, mialatt a haját fésülte. Mary looked into the mirror while she was brushing her hair. Maria looked in the mirror while she was combing her hair. Zsíros a hajam. My hair is greasy. My hair is greasy. Semmit nem iszom, ami erősebb a sörnél. I don't drink anything stronger than beer. I don't drink anything stronger than beer. Tom jól érezte magát. Tom felt good. Tom had a good time. Öld meg Tomot! Kill Tom. Kill Tom! A szüleim veszekednek. My parents quarrel. My parents are fighting. Újra gyere el Chilébe. Come to Chile again! Come to Chile again. Ez furcsa. This is odd. That's weird. Olyan okos vagy! You are so smart! You're so smart. Tud itt valaki franciául beszélni? Can anybody here speak French? Can anyone speak French here? Kérlek, ne verj meg! Please, don't beat me! Please don't beat me. Mikor mégy munkába? What time do you go to work? When are you going to work? Én a nővéred vagyok. I'm your elder sister. I'm your sister. A múlt éjszaka ki kellett hívnunk a rendőrséget. Last night, we had to call the police. We had to call the police last night. Imádja a macskákat. She adores cats. He loves cats. Terjeszkedni akarunk. We want to expand. We want to expand. Egyáltalán nem boldogok. They are far from happy. They're not happy at all. Rosszat tettem. I did a bad thing. I did something wrong. A mozgólépcső gyorsan megállt. The escalator quickly stopped. The escalator stopped fast. Könnyen meg lehetne csinálni. It could easily be done. It could easily be done. Aggódom Tom biztonságáért. I'm anxious about Tom's safety. I'm worried about Tom's safety. Az a piros ruha jól áll rajta. That red dress looks good on her. That red dress looks good on her. Add ide a jegyzettömböt! Give me the notebook. Give me the pad. Kiabálni kezdett. He began to shout. He started yelling. Mi mind észrevettük. We all noticed it. We've all noticed. Ez elegendő. It's sufficient. That's enough. Júniustól szeptemberig nagy a hajtás nálunk. From June to September, we work harder. From June to September, there's a lot going on here. Kérlek, vezess lassan! Please drive slowly. Please drive slowly. Ez hazugság! That's a lie! That's a lie! Már nem fúj annyira. The wind has dropped. It doesn't blow that much anymore. A kutyák szaglóképessége sokkal élesebb, mint az emberé. A dog's sense of smell is much keener than a human's. Dogs have a much sharper sense of smell than humans. Tudjuk, mi történt múlt hétvégén. We know what happened last weekend. We know what happened last weekend. Dan odaadta a pénzt Lindának, ami kellett neki az adósságai kifizetéséhez. Dan gave Linda the money she needed to pay off her debts. Dan gave Linda the money she needed to pay her debts. Könnyű lesz. It's going to be easy. It'll be easy. A parkolás ingyenes. The parking lot is free of charge. Parking is free. Feltétlenül ott kell lenned az ülésen. It is necessary that you attend the meeting. You definitely have to be in the seat. Tom festőként dolgozik. Tom works as a painter. Tom works as a painter. Szeretnék nyugdíjba menni. I want to retire. I'd like to retire. Megmutathatom neked, hogyan kell, ha szeretnéd. I can show you how to do that if you want me to. I can show you how to do it if you want. Megemelte a kalapját, amikor meglátott. He doffed his hat when he saw me. He lifted his hat when he saw me. Fel tudná ismerni azt az embert e fénykép alapján? Can you identify the man using this picture? Can you recognize that man from this photograph? Nem valószínű, hogy tomi bele akar keveredni. Tom is unlikely to want to get involved. It's unlikely Tom would want to get involved. A kutyák gyakran eltemetik a csontokat. Dogs often bury bones. Dogs often bury bones. Már sokkal jobb az angoltudása. His English has gotten a lot better. His English is much better now. Kölcsön tudnád adni nekem a kerékpárodat néhány napra? Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days? Can you lend me your bike for a few days? Szerinted ki ismeri ki magát ezen az ügyön? Who do you think is familiar with this matter? Who do you think knows who's on this case? Az anyja elkezdett kiabálni. Her mother started shouting. His mother started yelling. Az üzlet újságokat és folyóiratokat árul. That store sells newspapers and magazines. The store sells newspapers and magazines. Háromnegyedük egyetértett. Three quarters of them agreed. Three-quarters agreed. Tamás majd kideríti. Tom'll find out. Tom will find out. Meglepődtünk a hírek hallatán. We were surprised to hear the news. We were surprised to hear the news. Szerelembe estünk. We fell in love. We fell in love. Ez a ceruza nem szürke. This pencil isn't gray. This pencil isn't gray. Ez egy gyűrű? Is that a ring? Is that a ring? Megcsókolhatlak? Can I give you a kiss? Can I kiss you? Próbálom elkerülni őket. I'm trying to avoid them. I'm trying to avoid them. Ragaszkodott hozzá, hogy velünk jöjjön. She insisted on us going. He insisted on coming with us. Eltört az üveg. The bottle was broken. The glass's broken. Felfogadtam Tomit, hogy gyomlálja ki a kertünket. I hired Tom to weed our garden. I hired Tom to weed out our garden. Szerbia fővárosa Belgrád. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Serbia's capital is Belgrade. Mikor fogsz hazajönni? When are you going to come home? When are you coming home? Most együk meg a jégkrémet! Ki fog olvadni. Let's eat the ice cream now. It's going to melt. Now let's eat the ice cream. Kolumbiában a római katolikus szokások az uralkodók. In Colombia, Catholic customs prevail. In Colombia, Roman Catholic customs are the rulers. Tudod, te tényleg különös vagy. You really are strange, you know. You know, you really are weird. Tom kierőszakolt egy mosolyt. Tom forced a smile. Tom forced a smile. Láttad a napfogyatkozást tegnap? Did you see the solar eclipse yesterday? Did you see the eclipse yesterday? Mennyire szereted Tamást? How much do you like Tom? How much do you love Tom? Most aludhatsz. You can sleep now. You can sleep now. Gyakran viszi el gyermekeit az állatkertbe. He often takes his children to the zoo. He often takes his children to the zoo. Tom szeretett engem. Tom loved me. Tom loved me. Ez Mari férje? Is that Mary's husband? Is that Mary's husband? Koronát helyezett a király fejére. He put a crown on the king's head. He put a crown on the king's head. A jó kislányok a mennybe mennek, a rosszak meg eljutnak mindenhova. Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere. Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere. Börtönben vagyok. I'm in prison. I'm in jail. Sehogy sem tudok holnapra ott lenni. I have no means to get there tomorrow. There's no way I can be there tomorrow. Ott kellett volna lennem a találkozón. I should have been at the meeting. I should have been at the meeting. Svédország lakossága növekszik. Sweden's population is growing. Sweden's population is growing. Hová vitték? Where have they taken her? Where did they take him? Nem fulladt a medencébe. He did not drown in the pool. He didn't drown in the pool. Nyerhetek, ha szerencsém van. I may win if I have luck. I can win if I'm lucky. A találkozó elhúzódott. The meeting dragged on. The meeting took a while. Miért nem beszélt nekem erről soha senki? Why was I never told about this? Why didn't anyone ever tell me about this? Le kellene már vágatni a hajam. It's time to get a haircut. I should get my hair cut. Tom klassz srác. Tom rocks. Tom is a cool guy. Vlagyimir Nabokov egy orosz-amerikai író volt. Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-American writer. Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-American writer. Valójában csak egy pletyka volt. Actually it was only a rumor. Actually, it was just a rumor. Itt van egy példa. Here is an example. Here's an example. Remélhetőleg jó idő lesz. Hopefully, the weather will be good. Hopefully, it'll be a good time. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Tom izgatott lesz. I'm sure Tom will be excited. I'm sure Tom will be excited. Tom semmit nem tud arról, hogy mi zajlik itt körülötte. Tom knows nothing about what's been happening here. Tom doesn't know anything about what's going on around him. Eléggé elcsesztem. I kind of messed up. I kind of screwed up. Nincs elöl ajtó. There's no front door. There's no front door. Igaz lehet. It may be true. It could be true. Félek a földrengésektől. I'm afraid of earthquakes. I'm afraid of earthquakes. Nem hiába adtam tanácsot neki. My advice was not lost upon her. I didn't give him advice for nothing. Tudnom kellett volna, hogy hazudtál. I should have known you were lying. I should have known you were lying. Kevés olaj van Japánban. There is little oil in Japan. There's not enough oil in Japan. Tom azt gondolja, hogy minden lehetséges. Tom thinks anything's possible. Tom thinks anything is possible. Azt hiszem, otthon kellett volna maradnom. I guess I should have stayed home. I guess I should have stayed home. Tudsz róla, hogy Lucy beszél-e japánul? Do you know if Lucy can speak Japanese? Do you know if Lucy speaks Japanese? Mennyi az idő most? What time is it right now? What time is it now? Oké. Ok. Okay. Ne írd alá a papírt, míg el nem olvasod. Don't sign the document until you've read it. Don't sign the paper until you read it. Feltételezem, hogy ez az amit tenni akartál. I assumed that's what you'd want to do. I assume that's what you wanted to do. Miért van itt? Why is she here? Why are you here? Azt gondoltam, hogy ott majd megtalálom a boldogságomat. I thought I would find happiness there. I thought I'd find my happiness there. Hogy szeretnéd, hogy szólítsanak? What would you like to be called? What do you want them to call you? Szeretek moziba járni. I love going to the movies. I like to go to the movies. Szeret könyvet olvasni. He likes to read books. He likes to read books. Ezeket ki kellene dobnod. You should throw these out. You should throw these away. Jó úton vagy. You're on the right track. You're on your way. Ez a világ illúzió, tesó. This world is an illusion, brother. This world is an illusion, bro. Tudom, hogy ez egy hatalmas probléma, de nem tudunk vele kezdeni semmit. I know it's a major problem, but there's nothing we can do about it. I know this is a huge problem, but we can't do anything about it. A fájdalom nem akart múlni. The pain wouldn't go away. The pain didn't go away. Az ablak nyitva van. The window is open. The window's open. Sokan vásárolnak itt. Many people shop here. A lot of people shop here. Hé, korai vagy! Hey, you're early! Hey, you're early. Egy, két, há', rajt! One, two, three, go! One, two, three, go! Tüdőgyulladást állapítottak meg nálam. I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I was diagnosed with pneumonia. Miért nem szeretnek engem a macskák? Why do cats not like me? Why don't cats like me? Tom a bárnál állt egy sörrel. Tom was standing at the bar, having a beer. Tom was at the bar with a beer. A szülői szerep nehezebb, mint amire számítottam. Parenthood is harder than I expected. Parenting is harder than I expected. Nézd meg ezt a képet! Look at this picture. Look at this picture. Okos fiú Tomi. Tom is a clever boy. Smart boy, Tom. Nagy meglepetés volt. It was a big surprise. It was a big surprise. Egész reggel ezen a problémán gondolkodott. Tartson szünetet, menjen ebédelni. You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch. You've been thinking about this problem all morning, take a break, go to lunch. Azóta nem láttam őt. I haven't seen him since that time. I haven't seen him since. Láttam őt baseballt játszani. I saw him play baseball. I saw him play baseball. Sokat isznak. They drink a lot. They drink a lot. Megígérted nekem, hogy törődsz velük. You gave me your word that you would look after them. You promised me you'd take care of them. Mindenki meghal. Everyone dies. Everyone dies. Miért kell nekem mindig ilyen problémákkal megküzdenem. Why do I always need to struggle with such problems? Why do I always have to deal with problems like this? Ha akárki így beszélne hozzám, hívnám a rendőrséget. If anyone were to talk to me like that, I would call a police. If anyone talked to me like that, I'd call the police. Nincs értelme már ezen aggódni. There's no point in worrying about it now. There's no point in worrying about that anymore. Elolvastad az e-mailt, amit pár nappal ezelőtt küldtem? Did you read the email I sent you a couple days ago? Did you read the e-mail I sent you a few days ago? Nem egyedül csinálom. I'm not doing it alone. I'm not doing this alone. Haza kell térnem. I must go home. I have to go home. Nagyon udvarias voltam. I was very polite. I've been very polite. Túl sokat költöttünk erre. We spent too much for this. We spent too much on this. Mária kirakta a melleit. Mary showed her breasts. Mary put her boobs out. Miért nem mész el, Tom? Why don't you leave, Tom? Why don't you go, Tom? El kell ismernem, hogy az én hibám volt. I must admit that it was my fault. I have to admit, it was my fault. Mecsetbe kell mennem. I have to go to the mosque. I have to go to a mosque. Tamás a múlt évben Bostonban volt. Tom was in Boston last year. Tom was in Boston last year. Nagyon sajnáltam a késést. I felt very sorry about the delay. I was so sorry I was late. Számít egyáltalán? Does it even matter? Does it even matter? Ez túl szép, hogy igaz legyen! That's too good to be true. It's too good to be true! Tom vett Marynek egy kék sálat. Tom bought Mary a blue scarf. Tom bought Mary a blue scarf. Mintegy száz azonosítatlan holttestet kell eltemetni. There are about a hundred unidentified bodies to be buried. About a hundred unidentified bodies must be buried. A látogatók nem etethetik az állatokat. Visitors may not feed the animals. Visitors can't feed animals. Újra és újra; még mindig ugyanaz vagy. Again and again; you still haven't changed at all. Over and over again, you're still the same. Síeltek. They were skiing. They skied. Kórházba kell menned. You have to go to the hospital. You need to go to the hospital. Tartsanak ki, emberek! Hang in there, folks. Hang in there, people. Ha menned kell, akkor menj. If you have to go, then go. If you have to go, then go. Amikor benyitottam, aludt. When I opened the door, I saw that she was sleeping. When I walked in, he was asleep. A kommunikáció nyolcvan százaléka nem verbális úton zajlik. Eighty percent of communication is non-verbal. Eighty percent of communication doesn't take place verbally. Nem szeretném, hogy abbahagyd a zongorázást. I don't want you to quit playing the piano. I don't want you to stop playing the piano. Hazafelé menet megálltam egy hamburgerre. I stopped for a hamburger on the way home. I stopped for a burger on the way home. Van a közelben egy jachtkikötő? Is there a marina nearby? Is there a yacht port nearby? Te csaltál! You were cheating. You cheated! Mária nem a valaha élt legtökéletesebb nő, de Tamásnak ő a legjobb. Mary is not the most perfect woman ever lived but she's the best for Tom. Mary is not the most perfect woman alive, but she is the best for Tom. Megőrültél, vagy mi van? You're crazy or what? Are you crazy or something? Tom tudta, hogy Mary tette. Tom knew what Mary had done. Tom knew Mary did it. Vigyen, amennyit csak szeretne. Take as much as you like. Take as much as you want. Gondoskodnod kell a kutyáról. You must take care of the dog. You have to take care of the dog. Jó estét mindenkinek! Good evening, everyone. Good evening, everyone. Kérlek, viselkedj úgy, mint egy gentleman. Please behave like an English gentleman. Please act like a gentleman. Tom nem enné meg, ugye? Tom wouldn't eat that, would he? Tom wouldn't eat it, would he? Nem tudom, mit kellett volna tennem. I don't know what I should've done. I don't know what I should have done. Jó néhány kitűnő védelem van kísértések ellen, de a legbiztosabb a gyávaság. There are several good protections against temptation, but the surest is cowardice. There are many excellent defenses against temptations, but the surest is cowardice. Tomit holtan találták az étterem mögötti sikátorban. Tom was found dead in the alley behind the restaurant. Tom was found dead in the alley behind the restaurant. Mikor érünk Bostonba? When will we get to Boston? When do we get to Boston? Sok önkormányzat csökkentette a klórozást, és most ultraibolya fényt is használ fertőtlenítésre a lakossági ivóvíz ellátásnál. Many municipalities have reduced chlorination and now also use ultraviolet light to sanitize the public supply of drinking water. Many municipalities have reduced chlorine and now use ultraviolet light to sterilize residential drinking water. Meghalok a nevetéstől. I'm dying of laughter. I'm dying of laughter. Ez nem sértés, hanem megfigyelés. It's not an insult. It's an observation. It's not an insult. It's an observation. Tom az autóban maradt. Tom stayed in the car. Tom stayed in the car. El akarok utazni néhány országba, ha idősebb leszek, és Amerika feltétlenül a listán van. I want to travel to some countries when I'm older and America is definitely on the list. I want to go to some countries when I get older, and America is definitely on the list. Elvesztettem a szemüvegemet. I lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Eszébe jut Tomnak, milyen boldog volt Mary. Tom recalls how happy Mary was. It reminds Tom how happy Mary was. Sokat olvasok. I read a lot. I read a lot. Mennyit fizettél az autód javításáért? How much did you pay to have your car repaired? How much did you pay to fix your car? Azt hittem, csalódni fogsz bennem. I thought you'd be disappointed in me. I thought you'd be disappointed in me. Ő nem érti önt. He doesn't understand you. He doesn't understand you. Ahogy hazaértem, azonnal kitört a vihar. I had barely got home when the storm broke. As soon as I got home, there was a storm. Bármit is csinálunk, óvatosnak kell lennünk. Whatever we do, we must be careful. Whatever we do, we have to be careful. Táncolni mentünk múlt pénteken. We went to a dance last Friday. We went dancing last Friday. Ez még régebben történt. It happened before. This happened a long time ago. Soha nem haragudtam rád. I was never mad at you. I've never been mad at you. Bántott Tomi? Did Tom hurt you? Did Tom hurt you? Nem én vagyok az, akivel Tomnak problémája van. It isn't me Tom has a problem with. I'm not the one Tom has a problem with. Nagyon jószívű vagy. You're very compassionate. You have a very good heart. A toll, amit az asztalon láttál, az enyém. The pen you saw on the table is mine. The pen you saw on the table is mine. Csak egy lánytestvérem van. I have only one sister. I only have one sister. Szoktál táncolni? Do you dance? Do you dance? Ez a mondat befejezett jelenben vagy egyszerű múltban áll? Is this sentence in the present perfect or simple past? Is this sentence in a completed present or in a simple past? Hollandia fővárosa Amszterdam. The capital city of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. Miután a Föld felszíne a víz forráspontja alá hűlt, elkezdett esni az eső és ez évszázadokig folytatódott. Ahogy a víz lefolyt a Föld felszínén lévő hatalmas mélyedésekbe, létrejött az ősi óceán. After the Earth's surface had cooled to a temperature below the boiling point of water, rain began to fall - and continued to fall for centuries. As the water drained into the great hollows in the Earth's surface, the primeval ocean came into existence. After the earth's surface cooled below the boiling point of the water, the rain began to rain and it continued for centuries. As the water flowed down into the vast depths on the surface of the Earth, the ancient ocean was formed. Nem szeretem a havat. I don't like snow. I don't like snow. Nem tudom a hátamat magamnak megmasszírozni. I cannot massage my back by myself. I can't massage my back to myself. Elfogyott a tűzifa. There's no more firewood. We're out of firewood. Ne hallgass rá! Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. Egy politikai forradalomra van szükségünk. We need a political revolution. We need a political revolution. Hadd maradjon Tom. Let Tom stay. Let Tom stay. Tudatában vagy annak, hogy mennyire aggódtam? Do you realize how worried I was? Are you aware of how worried I was? Az atomenergia használható békés célokra. Atomic energy can be utilized for peaceful purposes. Nuclear power can be used for peaceful purposes. Korábban még nem láttam semmi ilyesmit. I had never seen anything like that before. I've never seen anything like it before. Az arca megkeményedett. His face hardened. His face is hardened. Ők egykorúak. They're the same age. They're the same age. Éppen együtt dolgoztunk. We were working together. We were working together. A kutyám nem szereti az idegeneket. My dog doesn't like strangers. My dog doesn't like strangers. Egy pillanatra figyelmet kérek. Excuse me one second. Can I have your attention, please? Én megpróbáltam. I tried. I tried. Ön látott már ufót? Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever seen a UFO? Ne add itt a hülyét! Don't play dumb! Don't give me that shit. Remélem, egyetértesz. I hope you agree. I hope you agree. Gondolkodási időt kérek. Give me time to think. I'm gonna need some time to think. Végső soron helyes döntést hoztak. At the end of the day, the right decision was made. In the end, they made the right decision. Ne próbáld megjátszani az ártatlant. Don't try to play innocent. Don't try to pretend to be innocent. Meditálunk. We're meditating. We're meditating. Annak ellenére, hogy bocsánatot kért, én még mindig dühös vagyok. Even though he apologized, I'm still furious. Even though he apologized, I'm still angry. Melyik házban laksz? Which house do you live in? What house do you live in? Visszajöttem. I've returned. I'm back. Mary bolti lopásért volt letartóztatva. Mary was arrested for shoplifting. Mary was arrested for shoplifting. London elővárosában él. He lives in the suburbs of London. He lives in the outskirts of London. Még nincs itthon. He's not home yet. She's not home yet. Nem hallod? Don't you hear it? Can't you hear me? Mindent neked köszönhetek. I owe everything to you. I owe it all to you. Tavaly augusztusban jött vissza. He came back last August. He came back last August. Remélem, hogy hamarosan meggyógyulsz. I hope you'll recover quickly. I hope you get better soon. Közeleg a születésnapom. It'll be my birthday soon. My birthday's coming up. Tom lassan vette a levegőt. Tom exhaled slowly. Tom breathed slowly. Még mindig képes vagy rá, nem? You're still able to do that, aren't you? You can still do it, can't you? Ott kellett volna lennem Tom számára. I should have been there for Tom. I should have been there for Tom. Mindjárt elengedlek. I'm going to release you. I'm gonna let you go. Vonakodva egyetértettem. I reluctantly agreed. I was reluctant to agree. Sajnálom, hogy nem tudunk találkozni ma este. I'm sorry that I can't meet you tonight. I'm sorry I can't see you tonight. Húsz éves volt, amikor ezt a könyvet írta. He wrote this book at the age of twenty. He was 20 when he wrote this book. Tom az apjára ütött. Tom is a lot like his father. Tom took after his father. Hány barátodnak van szakálla? How many of your friends have beards? How many of your friends have beards? A vásárlóim sohasem panaszkodnak. My customers never complain. My customers never complain. Induljunk már el! Let's be on our way. Let's go! Gyerünk haza! Let's go home! Let's go home. Amikor én kisgyerek voltam, bárhol tudtam aludni. When I was a child, I could sleep anywhere. When I was a little kid, I could sleep anywhere. Nincs táplálékom. I have no food. I don't have any food. Algériába jött. He came to Algeria. He's in Algeria. Egy világ üldöz, de nem kapnak el soha. The world chased, but never caught me. I'm being chased by a world, but I'll never get caught. Láss munkához! Get to work! Get to work. Vannak olyanok, akik a sci-fit a japánokkal társítják. Some people associate sci-fi with the Japanese. There are those who associate science fiction with the Japanese. Iskolába kell menniük. They have to go to school. They have to go to school. A cím félrevezető. The title is misleading. The title is misleading. Tominak kiváló a kéz-szem koordinációs képessége, így ügyesebb a labdasportokban. Tom has excellent hand-eye coordination and excels at ball sports. Tom has excellent hand-eye coordination skills, so he's better at ball sports. Mennyit tudtál már ebből korábban? How much of this did you know beforehand? How much of this have you known before? Tamás nem eszik sushit. Tom doesn't eat raw fish. Tom doesn't eat sushi. A társaság megvonta támogatását a kormánytól. The group withdrew their support for the Government. The company has withdrawn its support from the government. Tomot hátba szúrták. Tom was stabbed in the back. Tom was stabbed in the back. Megkérdezhetem miért? May I ask why? May I ask why? Ez egy közös döntés volt. It was a mutual decision. It was a mutual decision. Az igény óriási. The demand is huge. The demand is enormous. Úgy döntött, abbahagyja a dohányzást. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit smoking. Az ember bármit meg tud szokni. One can get used to anything. You can get used to anything. Nem értem rá egész nap. I was busy the whole day. I haven't had all day. Nem engedik, hogy találkozzak Tomival. They won't let me see Tom. They won't let me see Tom. Nem hozzád beszélek. I'm not talking to you. I'm not talking to you. Nekem ez értelmes gondolatnak tűnik. That makes sense to me. Sounds like a sensible thought to me. Szeretném azt. I'd like that. I'd like that. Sétálj erre. Walk this way. Walk this way. Köszönöm, hogy vagy! Thanks for existing. Thank you for being here. A barátod akarok lenni. I want to be your friend. I want to be your friend. Vannak terveim. I have plans. I have plans. Szerintem a rozmárok aranyosabbak a manátuszoknál. I think that walruses are cuter than manatees. I think walruses are cuter than manates. Ez elviselhetetlen. This is unbearable. This is unbearable. Tom allergiás a méhekre, a lódarazsakra és a darazsakra. Tom is allergic to bees, hornets and wasps. Tom is allergic to bees, hornets and wasps. Minden lehetséges módon támogatni fogom Tomit. I'll support Tom any way I can. I will support Tom in every possible way. Melyiket választottad? Which did you choose? Which one did you choose? Maradt egy kevés hús. There was some meat left over. There's some meat left. Férfiruhába öltözött. She was disguised in men's clothes. He's dressed like a man. Nem tudom a hálámat szavakkal kifejezni. I cannot express my gratitude with words. I can't express my gratitude in words. Érvényesítsd ezt a csekket. Endorse this check. I want you to validate this check. Ő mindig megkérdezi a véleményeteket. He always asks for your opinion. He always asks your opinion. Megtanulom majd. I will learn. I'll learn. Elkészült a levélírással. She finished writing a letter. He's done writing letters. Ez nem a legjobb megoldás. This is not the best solution. That's not the best way. Feljelentetted? Did you sue him? Did you report him? Tom népszerű volt. Tom was popular. Tom was popular. Itt vannak. They're here. They're here. Steaket akarok enni. I want to eat steak. I want to eat steak. Van a közelben bank? Is there a bank near here? Is there a bank nearby? Én vagyok a főnök, nem igaz? I'm the boss, aren't I? I'm the boss, aren't I? Sejttettem, hogy Tomi a fiúkat kedveli. I suspected Tom liked boys. I thought Tom liked boys. Az október rosszabb volt. October was worse. October was worse. Segítünk. We'll help. We'll help you. Először megiszom a teámat, aztán elmegyek biciklizni. I'm going to finish my tea first and then go bike riding. First, I'm gonna drink my tea, then I'm gonna go on a bike ride. Hallottam a harangot zúgni. I heard the bell ring. I heard the bell ringing. Tomnak hiányzik Mary. Tom misses Mary. Tom misses Mary. Hogy találsz ennivalót a világűrben? How do you find food in outer space? How do you find food in outer space? Hogy éreznéd magad, ha elhagyna a feleséged? How would you feel if your wife left you? How would you feel if your wife left you? Szerencsére nem halt meg a balesetben. Fortunately he didn't die in the accident. Luckily, he didn't die in the accident. A férfi a konyhában van. The man is in the kitchen. The man's in the kitchen. Az arcán lévő sebhely alig látszik már. The scar on his cheek hardly shows now. The scar on his face is barely visible. Öt vagy tíz évre van szükség ahhoz, hogy a technológia elkészüljön. It will be five or ten years before the technology is ready. It takes five or ten years to complete the technology. Kennek két macskája van. Ken keeps two cats. Ken has two cats. El akarod vinni? Do you want to take it? You want to take it? A tenger mellett lakunk. We live by the sea. We live by the sea. Alkoholista. He's an alcoholic. He's an alcoholic. Tom fukar. Tom is tight with money. Tom is stingy. Tom elhalálozott. Tom has died. Tom died. Milyen gyorsan vezetett Tom? How fast was Tom driving? How fast was Tom driving? Ezt szörnyen szégyellem. I'm terribly ashamed of this. I'm terribly ashamed of that. Tudod te, mi a félelem? Do you know what fear is? Do you know what fear is? Az ember az egyetlen beszélni tudó állat. Man is the only animal that talks. Man is the only animal who can talk. Tényleg! Really! Really! Tom beszél álmában. Tom talks in his sleep. Tom speaks in his sleep. Gyorsan cselekedenünk kell. We must act quickly. We have to act quickly. Tamás keze tele van. Tom's hands are full. Tom's hands are full. Tomit már nem lehet fiúnak nevezni. Tom isn't a boy anymore. Tom can't be called a boy anymore. Megfogant a panda. The panda is pregnant. The panda is conceived. A sáros út tönkretette az új cipőmet. The muddy road has ruined my new shoes. The muddy road ruined my new shoes. Ők Tamást keresik. They're looking for Tom. They're looking for Tom. Attól a pillanattól meg akartalak csókolni, amióta megláttalak. I have been wanting to kiss you since the moment I saw you. I wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you. Ilyet én soha nem mondanék. I would never say such a thing. I would never say that. A dombon álló ház nagyon régi. The house which stands on the hill is very old. The house on the hill is very old. Nem beszélt Tom. Tom didn't speak. Tom didn't talk. A Tejút egy halovány fényfolyó, mely átnyúlik az égen. The Milky Way is a faint river of light that stretches across the sky. The Milky Way is a pale stream of light that stretches through the sky. Senki sem jött rá a rejtély megoldására. No one could solve the puzzle. No one's figured out how to solve the mystery. Tom hány narancsot evett? How many oranges did Tom eat? How many oranges did Tom eat? Kinek képzelsz te engem? Who do you think I am? Who do you think I am? Tom éhezni fog. Tom will starve. Tom will starve. Lépéseket hallok kintről. I hear footsteps outside. I hear footsteps outside. Dicsekszik, hogy hat nyelven tud beszélni. He boasts that he can speak six languages. He boasts that he can speak six languages. Kate okosabb, mint bármely másik diák az osztályunkban. Kate is smarter than any other student in our class. Kate's smarter than any other student in our class. Találkozót kértem. I asked for a meeting. I asked for a meeting. A munkád befejeződött. Your work is done. Your work is done. Layla szerény volt. Layla was modest. Layla was modest. A falak fehérre voltak festve. The walls were painted white. The walls were painted white. Tomnak le kellett nyelni a békát. Tom had to swallow the frog. Tom had to swallow the frog. Most menj el, és soha többé ne gyere vissza! Leave now and don't ever come back. Now go away and don't ever come back. Láttál valakit ott? Did you see anybody there? Did you see anyone there? Akarok venni néhány napszemüveget. I want to buy a few pairs of sunglasses. I want to buy some sunglasses. Csak nézelődünk. We're just looking around. We're just looking. Szeretek új dolgokat kipróbálni. I like to try new things. I like to try new things. Olyan régen történt ez. It happened so long ago. It's been so long. A szex fontos nekem. Sex is important to me. Sex is important to me. Tom, az apjához hasonlóan, ács akart lenni. Tom wanted to become a carpenter like his father. Tom, like his father, wanted to be a carpenter. Lassan beszélj! Speak slowly. Speak slowly. Egy olasz pizzériába mentem. I went into an Italian pizzeria. I went to an Italian pizza place. Teljesen elfelejtettem. I totally forgot. I totally forgot. Nem volt igazi kávéjuk, így pótkávét ittak. They didn't have real coffee, so they drank ersatz. They didn't have real coffee, so they drank coffee. Férjezett vagyok. I'm a married woman. I'm married. Meglátod. You'll see it. You'll see. Már nem arról beszélünk. We're not talking about that any more. We're not talking about that anymore. Én nem így fogalmaznék. I wouldn't put it that way. I wouldn't put it that way. Gondolkodj erősen! Think hard. Think hard. Érted? Understand? Do you understand? Nem régen költöztek be. They moved in just the other day. They just moved in. Nem lehet így bánni egy baráttal. That's not a way to treat a friend. You can't treat a friend like that. Fáj, hogy ezt kell mondanom, de ez az igazság. It hurts to have to say this, but it's the truth. It hurts me to say this, but it's the truth. A banánnak élénkítő hatása van. Bananas are energizing. The banana has a stimulating effect. Merre találom? Where do I find that? Where can I find him? Szeretnék még egy csésze teát, mielőtt megyek. I'd like another cup of tea before I go. I'd like another cup of tea before I go. Néhány kígyó veszélyes. Some snakes are dangerous. Some snakes are dangerous. Hozz egy mai újságot, légy szíves. Bring me today's paper, please. Bring me a newspaper today, please. Édi volt Tomi. Tom was sweet. Tom was cute. Én nagyon gyakran hívom őt. I call her very often. I call her very often. Emberek, akik azt hiszik magukról, hogy mindenhez értenek, általában semmire sem használhatóak. People who think they can do anything are generally good for nothing. People who think they're good at everything, they're usually useless. Hol van a zuhanyozó? Where are the showers? Where's the shower? Mekkora orbitális bukás! What a complete failure! What an orbital failure! Szeretnél átjönni hozzánk vacsorára? Would you like to come over to our house for dinner? Would you like to come over for dinner? Tom evett. Tom ate. Tom ate. Mi az öregség? Először a neveket felejted el, majd az arcokat, utána elfelejted felhúzni a cipzáradat, aztán elfelejted lehúzni. What is old age? First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, then you forget to pull it down. First you forget the names, then the faces, then you forget to zip up your zipper, then you forget to unzip it. Senki nem visz engem sehova. Nobody takes me anywhere. Nobody's taking me anywhere. A sajt nehezen emészthető. Cheese isn't easy to digest. The cheese is hard to digest. A szamár szürke. A donkey is gray. The donkey is gray. A műszakod 2.30-kor ér véget. Your shift ends at 2:30. Your shift ends at 2:30. Nem akarom ezt egyedül csinálni. I don't want to do this alone. I don't want to do this alone. A lényeget mondd el. Give me the gist. Tell me the point. Köszönöm az ajándékot. Thank you for your present. Thank you for the gift. Tom tudta, hogy igaza van. Tom knew he was right. Tom knew he was right. Kellemes hétvégét kívánok! Wish you a nice weekend! Have a nice weekend. Figyelj rám, könyörgöm neked! Listen to me, I beg of you. Listen to me, I'm begging you. Gyakran megesik, hogy Tom elsőként érkezik a buliba, és utolsóként távozik. Tom is often the first one to arrive at a party and the last one to leave. Tom often comes to the party first and leaves last. Tamás motorkerékpárral jár be dolgozni. Tom goes to work by motorcycle. Tom goes to work with a motorcycle. Éppen megreggeliztem. I've just eaten breakfast. I was having breakfast. Szeretnék inni valamit. I would like something to drink. I'd like a drink. Nem vagyok jó táncos. I'm no good at dancing. I'm not a good dancer. Tomnak több ételt kellett volna vennie. Tom should have brought more food. Tom should have bought more food. Meg fogom próbálni. I'll try. I'll try. Úgy gondolom, Tom nincs otthon. I guess Tom isn't at home. I don't think Tom is home. Minden a lehető legjobbra fordult. Everything turned out for the best. Everything's turned out to be the best. Nem tudom a pontos szülőhelyemet. I don't know the exact place I was born. I don't know my exact birthplace. Beszámolt az utazásáról. He gave an account of his trip. He told me about your trip. Tom hátrafelé megy. Tom is walking backwards. Tom goes backwards. Ismered a buszsofőrt? Do you know the bus driver? You know the bus driver? Akarsz velem jönni? Do you want to come? Do you want to come with me? Tomnak figyelmeztetést kellett volna kapnia. Tom should have gotten a warning. Tom should have been warned. Károkat okozott a fagy a virágzó almafákon. The apple-blossom was touched by the frost. The frost caused damage to the blooming apple trees. Tom egy volt közülünk. Tom was one of us. Tom was one of us. Tom megette a maradékot. Tom ate the leftovers. Tom ate the leftovers. Nem haldokolsz. You aren't dying. You're not dying. Nagyon el voltam veszve. I was really lost. I was so lost. Válaszút elé érkeztem. I have to choose. I'm at a crossroads. Nem hallottam őt. I couldn't hear him. I didn't hear him. Nem lehetünk többé barátok. We can't be friends anymore. We can't be friends anymore. A fiúja úgy néz ki, mint egy majom. Her boyfriend looks like a monkey. Your boyfriend looks like a monkey. Hol vannak a bratyóid? Where are your brothers? Where are your brothers? Mondj nemet a drogokra! Say no to drugs. Say no to drugs. Görögországnak sok szigete van. Greece has many islands. Greece has many islands. Mi mind élveztük a filmet. We all enjoyed the movie. We all enjoyed the movie. A zenéje az egész országon végigsöpört. His music is sweeping the whole country. His music swept all over the country. Van elég pénze? Do you have enough money? Do you have enough money? Féltékeny voltam. I was jealous. I was jealous. Nem nevettem Tom viccein. I didn't laugh at Tom's jokes. I didn't laugh at Tom's jokes. Nem vagyok igazán beteg. I'm not really sick. I'm not really sick. Hány szó van az angolban? How many words are there in the English language? How many words in English? Kik a barátaid? Who are your friends? Who are your friends? Tom tényleg szeret beszélni. Tom really likes talking. Tom really likes to talk. Nem tudom a váladékot felköhögni, mert túl mélyen van a hörgőimben. I can't cough up the phlegm because it's too deep in my bronchi. I can't cough up the mucus because it's too deep in my bronchos. Az egész városban elterjedtek a hírek. The news spread all over the town. News has spread all over the city. A drámaíró gyöngéden őrzi gyermekkorának élénk emlékeit. The playwright cherishes the vivid memories of his childhood. The playwright cherishes the vivid memories of his childhood. Étteremben dolgoztam. I worked in a restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. Milyen gyakran szoktál fingani? How frequently do you fart? How often do you fart? Evés közben könyvet olvasok. I read a book while eating. I read a book while I'm eating. Elfelejtettem párnát venni. I forgot to buy one pillow. I forgot to buy a pillow. Ne próbálj átvágni. Don't try to trick me. Don't try to fool me. Az életúton nincs visszatérés. There is no returning on the road of life. There's no return on the way back. Légy szíves nyújtsd ki a nyelved! Please stick out your tongue. Please extend your tongue. Az új alagút össze fogja kötni Franciaországot és Angliát. The new tunnel will link Britain and France. The new tunnel will link France and England. Megkaptam leveledet. I received your letter. I got your letter. Micsoda gyönyörű naplemente! What a beautiful sunset! What a beautiful sunset! Kicsit összehúzta magát, hogy egy ülést szabadon hagyjon. He squashed up a bit to the side to leave a seat free. He pulled himself together a little to leave a seat free. Mary az életem értelme. Mary is my reason for living. Mary is the meaning of my life. Esélytelen! No chance. Not a chance! Brigitta lányom varrónő. My daughter Brigitta is a seamstress. Brigitta's my daughter is a seamstress. Tamás zenetanár. Tom is a music teacher. Tom is a music teacher. A tehén tejet ad nekünk. The cow gives us milk. The cow gives us milk. Tomit lelőtték. Tom got shot down. Tom was shot. Nézd, Tom, elállt az eső! Look Tom, it's stopped raining. Look, Tom, it stopped raining. Mennyi tyúkot hallottál már egyszerre kotkodálni? What's the most hens you've heard clucking at the same time? How many chickens have you heard clucking at the same time? Jobb vagyok. I'm better. I'm better. A segéd elvette a pénzt. The assistant took the money. The assistant took the money. Összeházasodtál vele? Were you married to him? You married him? Túl sokat aggódik Tamás. Tom worries too much. Tom worries too much. Vásárolni ment. He went shopping. He went shopping. Hoover elnököt hibáztatták a helyzetükért. They blamed President Hoover for their situation. President Hoover was blamed for their situation. Te kezdesz. You start. You go first. Sokkal jobban tudja csinálni, mint én. He can do it far better than I can. You can do a lot better than I can. Nőtt azok száma, akik külföldre mennek. The number of people who go abroad has been increasing. The number of people going abroad has increased. Soha nem kellett volna azt megennem. I never should have eaten that. I should never have eaten that. Kellemes illatod van. You smell nice. You smell nice. Nem jövök Bostonba ezen a hétvégén. I'm not coming to Boston this weekend. I'm not coming to Boston this weekend. Miért hazudtál? Why did you lie? Why did you lie? Tom azt mondja nekem, hogy Bostonban jártál. Tom tells me you've been to Boston. Tom tells me you've been to Boston. Tulajdonképpen érdekel valakit az, hogy mennyi az idő? Does anyone really care what time it is? In fact, does anyone care what time it is? Tom mindezt tudja. Tom knows all that. Tom knows all this. Napok óta itt dolgozom. I have been working here for days. I've been working here for days. A földön dolgoznak. They work in the fields. They work on the ground. Tom nem tenné ezt. Tom wouldn't do this. Tom wouldn't do that. Ezek a tieid? Are these yours? Are these yours? Bárcsak itt lennél. I wish you could be here. I wish you were here. Fogd meg a kezem, Tom. Take my hand, Tom. Take my hand, Tom. Mi öten vagyunk, ők nyolcan. There are five of us and eight of them. There's five of us, there's eight of them. Nézz körül! Take a look around you! Look around. Tom még mindig rejtőzködik. Tom is still hiding. Tom is still hiding. Tomi élénk nevetésbe kezdett. Tom burst out laughing. Tom began to laugh vividly. Nagy veszélyben vagy. You're in grave danger. You're in great danger. Mari haja ragyogott. Mary's hair was shiny. Mary's hair was glowing. A múlt héten kórházban voltam. I was in the hospital last week. I was in the hospital last week. Rosszra számítottam. I anticipated trouble. I was expecting the wrong thing. Holnap nem kell itt lennem. I don't need to be here tomorrow. I don't have to be here tomorrow. Cukor nélkül iszom a teát. I drink tea without sugar. I drink tea without sugar. Azonnal hagyd abba! Stop right now. Stop it right now! Mit kellett volna tennünk? What should we have done? What were we supposed to do? Tamásnak vasárnap is dolgoznia kell. Tom has to work on Sundays. Tom has to work on Sundays. Miért akarod a segítségemet? Why do you want my help? Why do you want my help? Jobbulást! Get well soon. Feel better. Elégedett vagyok a teljesítményével. I'm pleased with his performance. I'm pleased with your performance. Tom lakása túl nagy csupán egyetlen ember számára. Tom's apartment is way too big for just one person. Tom's apartment is too big for just one person. Az öngyilkosság határán volt. She was on the verge of killing herself. He was on the verge of suicide. Köszönöm a csodálatos virágokat! Thank you for the beautiful flowers. Thank you for the wonderful flowers. Mi a dolgod? What's your job? What's your job? Elfelejtettem őket. I forgot them. I forgot them. Menj a vágyaid után! Follow your desire. Go after your desires. Ez fájni fog! This is going to hurt. This is gonna hurt! Nem vagyok itt, hogy segítsek neked. I'm not here to help you. I'm not here to help you. Tom egyedül volt. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Mostanában mindig esik. It's been raining all the time lately. It's always raining lately. Koncentráljunk! Let's concentrate. Let's focus. Amenyiben esik, úgy nem megyek. In case it rains, I won't go. When it rains, I don't go. Üdvözlet, a nevem Ken Saitou. Hi, my name is Ken Saitou. Greetings, my name is Ken Saitou. Éppen sütiket készít. He is making cookies. He's making cookies. Először használok számítógépet. It's the first time I use a computer. First time I use a computer. Tom szeret mindent maga csinálni. Tom likes to do everything himself. Tom likes to do everything himself. Nagyon ritkán nézek tévét. I watch very little television. I rarely watch TV. Furcsának találom. I find that strange. I find it strange. Ők a barátaink. They're our friends. They're our friends. Oszd el hármótok közt a süteményt. Divide the cake among the three of you. Divide the cake among the three of you. Átgondoltam a jövőmet. I thought over my future. I've been thinking about my future. Ez kék? Is it blue? Is that blue? Nem tudtam, miért? I didn't know why. I didn't know why. Ne legyünk büszkék olyan dolgokra, amelyeket szégyellnünk kellene. Let us not be proud of the things that we should be ashamed of. Let us not be proud of things we should be ashamed of. Ezt jelentenem kell Tominak. I must report this to Tom. I have to report this to Tom. Tom több bizalmat adott Marinak, mint amennyit megérdemelt. Tom gave Mary more credit than she deserved. Tom gave Mary more confidence than she deserved. Udvariasnak kell lennünk. We've got to be polite. We have to be polite. Nem értettétek. You didn't understand. You didn't understand. Tényleg nem hiszem. I really don't think so. I really don't think so. Bocsásson meg, de az az én ütőm. Pardon me, but that is my racket. Excuse me, but that's my bat. Nem akarjuk elijeszteni a gyerekeket. We don't want to scare the children away. We don't want to scare the kids away. Tartaná ezt, kérem? Could you hold that, please? Can you hold this, please? Szeretek minden bogyós gyümölcsöt, az epret leszámítva. I love all berries, especially strawberries. I like every berry fruit except strawberries. A bor önmagában nem ártalmas. Wine is not harmful in itself. Wine alone is not harmful. Nem próbállak elbűvölni. I'm not trying to impress you. I'm not trying to charm you. Meg fogok fürdeni. I'm going to take a bath. I'm gonna take a bath. Ez jó neked? Is this OK with you? Is that good for you? Tom befejezte a gyógyszer szedését. Tom stopped taking his medicine. Tom stopped taking the medicine. Egyre nehezebb megfelelő végzettséggel rendelkező alkalmazottakat találni. It's getting harder to find qualified employees. It's getting harder and harder to find employees with adequate qualifications. Tamás nem mérges Máriára. Tom isn't mad at Mary. Tom is not angry with Mary. Ezt a dalt én kívülről fújom. I can sing this song without the text. I sing this song from the outside. Meg van véve és ki van fizetve. It's been bought and paid for. It's been bought and paid. A múzeum ma nyitva van? Is the museum open today? Is the museum open today? Tomnak régen jó volt a humorérzéke. Tom used to have a good sense of humor. Tom used to have a good sense of humor. Kérlek, mondd meg Tominak, hogy Mari hívta! Please tell Tom Mary called. Please tell Tom that Mary called. Nagyon sajnálom, hogy elkéstem. I'm very sorry for being late. I'm so sorry I'm late. A férfivécé az első emeleten van. The men's room is on the second floor. The men's room is on the first floor. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy tudtad. I'm sure you knew that. I'm sure you knew. Már alig várom a nyári vakációt. I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. I look forward to summer vacation. Mondtam neki. I told him. I told him. Mit szólnál egy sétához? How about a walk? How about a walk? Nem ismer engem? Doesn't he know me? You don't know me? Van orvos a fedélzeten? Is there a doctor on board? Is there a doctor on board? Nem értem, hogy az mit jelent. I don't understand what that means. I don't understand what that means. Milyen színű ez a macska? What colour is this cat? What color is this cat? Hogy érthetnénk el ezt a célt? How can we achieve that goal? How can we achieve this goal? A birkák füvet legelnek. Sheep eat grass. Sheep feed weed. Ne húzd fel magad! Don't get upset! Don't get upset. Beszélek spanyolul. I can speak Spanish. I speak Spanish. Csak kövesd a szívedet. Just follow your heart. Just follow your heart. Tom sohasem szegi meg az ígéretét. Tom never breaks promises. Tom never breaks his promise. Az árak hirtelen estek. Prices dropped suddenly. Prices have fallen suddenly. Szeretem a fagylaltot. I like ice cream. I like ice cream. A földrengés mindent elpusztított. The earthquake destroyed everything. The earthquake destroyed everything. Miből él? What does he do for a living? What do you do for a living? Nem akarom, hogy változzanak a dolgok. I don't want things to change. I don't want things to change. Kell tudnod beszélni vagy angolul vagy spanyolul ennél a cégnél. You must be able to speak either English or Spanish in this company. You need to be able to speak English or Spanish at this company. Nem érdekel, hogy mit mond Tomi. Én nem megyek. I don't care what Tom says. I'm not going. I don't care what Tom says. Sok modern írót olvastam. I read a lot of modern authors. I've read a lot of modern writers. Anyu, éhes vagyok! Mom, I'm hungry. Mom, I'm hungry! Ez az otthonom. This is my home. This is my home. Add vissza azonnal! Return immediately. Give it back to me now! Nem kell, hogy tudd. You don't want to know. You don't need to know. Nagy zajt csaptunk. We made a lot of noise. We made a lot of noise. Mi így csináltuk. That's how we did it. That's how we did it. Ne mondd el anyának! Don't tell my mom. Don't tell Mom. Együtt távoztunk. We left together. We left together. Szeressétek ellenségeiteket, nemesen cselekedjetek azokkal, akik gyűlölnek titeket. Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Love your enemies, do noble things to those who hate you. Régen kövér voltam. I used to be fat. I used to be fat. Isztok? Do you drink? Drink? Jó volt beszélgetni Tomival. It was good talking to Tom. It was nice talking to Tom. Nem megyek iskolába szombaton. I don't go to school on Saturdays. I'm not going to school on Saturday. Tom nem akart odamenni sötétedés után. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Tom didn't want to go there after dark. Sem írni, sem olvasni nem tud. She cannot write or read. He can't read or write. Egy kicsit ki kell engednem a gőzt. I need to blow off some steam. I'm gonna have to blow off some steam. Játsszunk egy új partit! Let's play a new game. Let's play a new party. Arabul tanulok. I am learning Arabic. I'm learning Arabic. Ez egy hosszú háború. It's been a long war. It's a long war. Tom a szokásosnál kicsit korábban jött ma. Tom came a little earlier today than he usually does. Tom came a little early than usual today. Tom csak az anyja halála után jött rá, hogy az anyja eljátszotta az örökségét. Tom only found out after his mother's death that she had gambled away his inheritance. Tom didn't realize until after his mother died that his mother faked his inheritance. Meg van mentve a nap. The day is saved. The sun is saved. Holnapután van Marina születésnapja. The day after tomorrow is Marina's birthday. It's Marina's birthday the day after tomorrow. Leírtad a rendszámtábla számát? Did you write down the license plate number? Did you write down the license plate number? Sok zsaru barátom van. I'm friends with a lot of cops. I have a lot of cop friends. Tom letette az italát. Tom put down his drink. Tom put down his drink. Van egy ötletem. I'm getting an idea. I have an idea. Minek kellene ezt hívni? What should I name it? What's that supposed to be called? A régi könyv penészes volt. The old book was moldy. The old book was moldy. Ez jó emlék lesz az Egyesült Államokban tett utazásomról. This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. This will be a good memory of my trip to the United States. Fogd erősen. Hold tight. Hold him tight. Tomi segített nekem elköltözni. Tom helped me to move. Tom helped me move out. Tom ellenfele Mary volt. Tom's opponent was Mary. Tom's opponent was Mary. Szabad ez az ülés? Is that seat available? Is this seat free? Nincs időnk. We have no time. We don't have time. Hatvan év fölött kell lennie. He must be over sixty. It's got to be over 60 years old. Tom nem tudja Mary cipőméretét. Tom doesn't know what Mary's shoe size is. Tom doesn't know Mary's shoe size. Tom kinyitotta a bal oldali fiókot. Tom opened the left-hand drawer. Tom opened the drawer on the left. Minden reményét elvesztette. He has lost all hope. He's lost all hope. Esik még az eső? Is it still raining? Is it still raining? Na, kérdezz! Well, ask! Come on, ask me. Mindennap készítek ebédet. I make lunch every day. I make lunch every day. Nem tudta megállni, hogy ne sírjon. She couldn't help but cry. She couldn't stop crying. Tom hazudik. Tom's lying. Tom is lying. Tomit 2013-ban ölték meg. Tom was killed in 2013. Tom was killed in 2013. Nem kell, hogy segíts. You don't have to help. I don't need your help. Ez egy nagyon faragatlan kérdés volt. That's a very rude question. That was a very rude question. Meg kell próbálnod. You have to try! You have to try. Le vagyok nyűgözve. I'm flattered. I'm impressed. Nemzetként büszkélkedhetünk azzal, hogy lágyszívűek vagyunk, de azt nem engedhetjük, hogy az agyunk is meglágyuljon. As a nation, we may take pride in the fact that we are soft-hearted; but we cannot afford to be soft-headed. As a nation, we can boast of being softhearted, but we cannot allow our brains to soften. Tom az első udvaron játszik. Tom is playing in the front yard. Tom plays in the front yard. Fáj itt? Does it hurt here? Does it hurt here? Ütemezzük ezt át másik alkalomra! Let's schedule it for some other time. Let's reschedule this for another time. Miért akarna Tom, hogy segítsek neki? Why would Tom want me to help him? Why would Tom want me to help him? Naná, hogy kiborított. It definitely freaked me out. Of course it freaked me out. Ennek már nincs jelentősége. This no longer matters. It doesn't matter anymore. Ez egy régi zongora. It's an old piano. It's an old piano. Az édesanya szomorúan eltemette a fiát. The mother sorrowfully buried her son. The mother buried her son sadly. Tamás harminc éves volt. Tom was thirty. Tom was 30 years old. A rang előjogokkal jár. Rank has its privileges. Rank is a prerogative. Ez a könyv fiatalemberként mély benyomást gyakorolt rám. This book made quite an impression on me as a young man. As a young man, this book impressed me. Hülye! Fool! Stupid! Most már indulni kell. It's time to go now. We have to go now. Ebben a dologban nem tudok veled egyetérteni. I can't agree with you on this matter. I can't agree with you on this. Ma reggel hétkor keltem. I got up at seven this morning. I got up at 7:00 this morning. Kétnaponként fürdöm. I take a bath every other day. I bathe every two days. Ezt nem kellett volna megvenned. You shouldn't have bought that. You shouldn't have bought this. Emlékszel a városra, ahol született? Do you remember the town in which he was born? Do you remember the town you were born in? Valaki meg fog halni. Somebody's going to die. Someone's gonna die. A vita verekedéssel végződött. The argument ended in a fight. The debate ended in a fight. Harcolni akartam. I wanted to fight. I wanted to fight. Várj egy cseppet! Wait a bit. Hold on a second. Hol van a főnök? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Ez tipikus. That's typical. That's typical. Tamás valahol itt van. Tom is here somewhere. Tom is around here somewhere. Nagyon hideg van ebben a szobában, igaz? It's very cold in this room, isn't it? It's very cold in this room, isn't it? Ez egy cuki ruha. That's a cute costume. That's a cute dress. Szükségem van még egy pár napra. I need a few more days. I need a few more days. Egyik sem igaz. Neither is true. None of them are true. A katonák tavaszig semmit sem tudtak tenni. The soldiers could do nothing until spring. The soldiers couldn't do anything until spring. Tom szobatársa vagyok. I'm Tom's roommate. I'm Tom's roommate. Elment az eszed? Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind? Kiütöttek. I was knocked out. I got knocked out. Csodák csodája, hogy egy utas sem sérült meg. Miracle of miracles, none of the passengers were hurt. It's a miracle no passenger was injured. Írj Tominak! Write Tom. Write to Tom. Olyan hamar jövök, ahogy csak tudok. I'll come as soon as ever I can. I'll be back as soon as I can. Tom után kell mennünk. We must follow Tom. We have to go after Tom. Magam is úgy vélem. I think so, too. I think so, too. Ők a kocsiban vannak. They are in the car. They're in the car. Mit jelent ez a mondat? What is the meaning of this phrase? What does that sentence mean? Tomnak azt már meg kellett volna csinálnia. Tom should have already done that. Tom should have done that by now. Nehéz mindenkinek a kedvébe járni. It is difficult to satisfy everyone. It's hard to please everyone. Ez dollárban mennyi? How much is it in dollars? How much is that in dollars? - Csak oda vagy retúr? - Csak oda. "One way or round trip?" "One way, please." - Just go there or go back? Tomi levette a zoknit a lábáról. Tom removed his socks. Tom took the socks off his feet. Mond ez neked valamit? Does that tell you something? Does that mean anything to you? Figyelj oda, mit csinálsz! Majdnem megölted Tom-ot. Watch what you're doing. You almost killed Tom. Watch what you're doing, you almost killed Tom. Folytasd az ásást! Continue digging. Keep digging. Mi az ajánlatod? What's your recommendation? What's your offer? Megpróbáljuk újra. We'll try again. We'll try again. Kipróbáltad már valaha ezt a desszertet? Have you ever tried this dessert? Have you ever tried this dessert? Úgy vélem, Tom az. I think it's Tom. I think it's Tom. Itthon várok rád. I'm waiting for you at home. I'll wait for you at home. Tom azt mondja, még dolgozni sem tud ebben a hőségben. Tom says he can't even work in this heat. Tom says he can't even work in this heat. Tom zuhanyozik. Tom is taking a shower. Tom is in the shower. Sírt, amikor a levelet olvasta. She cried as she read the letter. She cried when she read the letter. Ők is jönnek? Are they coming, too? Are they coming? Muszáj valamit tennünk. We must do something. We have to do something. Annyi dolgom van. I've got so much to do. I have so much to do. Nem bírok felállni. I can't stand up. I can't stand up. Vásárolnom kell, mert közel a karácsony. I need to do some shopping since Christmas is coming soon. I have to go shopping because Christmas is near. Én a te oldaladon állok. I'm by your side. I'm on your side. Nem ismered őket? Don't you know them? Don't you know them? Tom nyilvánvalóan rémült volt. Tom was obviously frightened. Tom was obviously scared. Örülök, hogy legyűrted a náthát. I'm glad you've gotten over your cold. I'm glad you beat the cold. Tominak én kellek. Tom needs me. Tom wants me. Az ő szemükben nem tud ő rosszat tenni. In their eyes, he can do no wrong. He can't do anything wrong in their eyes. Vége a mutatványnak. The show is over. The stunt's over. Nagy családja van. She has a big family. He's got a big family. Örvendek. Én hangyász vagyok. Pleased to meet you. I am an anteater. Nice to meet you. Te sem vagy egy matyóhímzés! You're very ugly. You're not a sissy either! Ebédeljünk meg. Let's eat lunch. Let's have lunch. Ő tényleg egy jó munkás. He is a really good worker. He really is a good worker. Tom csak nézett. Tom just glared. Tom just looked. Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy Tomi miért adta ezt nekem. I wonder why Tom gave me this. I wonder why Tom gave this to me. A parkba mentünk fotózni. We've gone to the park to take photos. We went to the park to take pictures. Majdnem lekéstük a vonatot. We nearly missed the train. We almost missed the train. Szeretnél tanácsot kapni? Do you want some advice? Would you like some advice? Tomi rábeszélte Marit, hogy duettben adjanak elő egy dalt. Tom persuaded Mary to sing a duet with him. Tom talked Mary into performing a song in a duet. Mari becsukta a szemét és elkezdte számolni a mókusokat. Mary closed her eyes and began to count squirrels. Mary closed her eyes and started counting squirrels. Nézd meg gondosan! Watch closely. Look carefully. Tom beszélni akar. Tom wants to speak. Tom wants to talk. Senki nem lepődött meg. No one was surprised. No one was surprised. Sok a munkája. He has a lot of work to do. He's got a lot of work to do. Engedjen elmennem! Let me go! Let me go! Ki ér rá? Who has time? Who's available? Nem szeretném megmondani Tomnak az igazat. I don't want to tell Tom the truth. I don't want to tell Tom the truth. Tom hazudott a bíróság előtt tett tanúvallomásában. Tom lied on the witness stand. Tom lied in his testimony in court. Néha hossz van, néha pedig bessz. Sometimes the stock market goes up, and sometimes it goes down. Sometimes it's long, sometimes it's snitch. Ebben a könyvben sok kép van. This book has many pictures. There's a lot of pictures in this book. Az katasztrofális balesetet okozna a munkaterületen. That would cause a catastrophic accident at the worksite. That would cause a catastrophic accident in the work area. Nagyon szokatlan vagy. You're very unusual. You're very unusual. Szükségünk van a segítségedre, Tom. We need your help, Tom. We need your help, Tom. Mindenki engem bámult. Everyone stared at me. Everyone was staring at me. Felejtsd el! Forget it! Forget it. Hogyan betűzik ezt? How is it spelled? How do you spell that? Próbáltam rávenni Tomit, hogy tanuljon franciául. I urged Tom to learn French. I tried to get Tom to learn French. Nem csak Tomi segített nekem. Tom wasn't the only one who helped me. Tom wasn't the only one who helped me. De hát ez természetes! Of course. It's only natural. Melyik ház a tiéd? Which house is yours? Which house is yours? Elfelejtettem. I forgot it. I forgot. A kiszolgálás ebben az étteremben nem éppen a leggyorsabb. The service in this restaurant is none too fast. Service in this restaurant isn't exactly the fastest. Milliom darabra tört a váza. The vase has broken into a thousand pieces. The vase is broken to a million pieces. Eléggé biztos vagyok benne. I am pretty sure. I'm pretty sure. Használd a fejed. Use your head. Use your head. Olyan vagy, mint a nővéred. You're like your sister. You're like your sister. Ő nem az ellenfelem. She is not my enemy. He's not my opponent. Ez az, amit akar? Is that what he wants? Is that what you want? Kié ez a könyv? Whose book is this? Whose book is this? Ez egy új korszak kezdete. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the beginning of a new era. Senki nem nyújt a holmijához. Her belongings were undisturbed. No one's giving me their things. Tudsz főzni? Can you cook? Can you cook? Vedd meg, amire szükséged van. Buy what you need. Buy what you need. Milyen színű a hajad? What colour is your hair? What color is your hair? Vártalak. I've been waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. Tom elbújt a zöld autó mögé. Tom hid behind the green car. Tom hid behind the green car. Hol vannak a villák? Where are the forks? Where are the forks? Hoztam neked valamit. I brought something for you. I brought you something. Szerintem, van még mit mondanod. I don't think you need to say anything more. I think you have more to say. Ezek mennyibe kerültek? How much did they cost? How much did these cost? Ki élte túl? Who survived? Who survived? Számtalanszor volt már figyelmeztetve. He has been warned on several occasions. He's been warned many times. Teljesen egyedül csinálta ezt. She did it all by herself. He did this all by himself. Ki a te ügyvéded? Who's your lawyer? Who's your lawyer? A nap a hegyek mögött ment le. The sun descended behind the mountains. The sun went down behind the mountains. Nem keresek kifogásokat. I'm not making excuses. I'm not making excuses. Tom goromba. Tom is unkind. Tom is rude. Mit mondtál, hol aludtál tegnap éjszaka? Where did you say you slept last night? Where did you say you slept last night? Ez így teljesen rendben van. That's absolutely correct. It's totally okay. Nem ők tehetnek róla. That isn't their fault. It's not their fault. Kérlek, maradj itt! Please stay here. Please stay here. A cseléd holtra fáradt a mindennapi házimunkában. The maid was dead tired of her household chores. The maid is tired of everyday chores. Gyere ide pontosan hat órakor. Come here at precisely six o'clock. Come here at six o'clock sharp. Melyik a második legnagyobb ország a világon? What is the second largest country in the world? What is the second largest country in the world? Döntöttem. I have made my decision. I've made my decision. A könyv fekete. The book is black. The book is black. Ő a papám. This is my grandfather. That's my dad. Hol lakik? Where's his home? Where do you live? Szomjasok vagytok? Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty? Mary kelkáposzta és quinoa salátát készített. Mary made a kale and quinoa salad. Mary made kale and quinoa salad. Szeretnétek még egy csésze teát? Would you all like another cup of tea? Would you like another cup of tea? Üres dobozok voltak szétszórva mindenütt. There were empty cans scattered all over the place. Empty boxes were scattered everywhere. Mennyi kedvezményt tud adni? How much of a discount can you give? How much discount can you give me? Ma estére minden jegyünk elkelt. We're sold out tonight. We're all sold out tonight. Bolond lennék, ha ezt tenném. I'd be crazy to do that. I'd be a fool to do this. Sosem láttam valódi tehenet. I've never seen a real cow. I've never seen a real cow. Nem tehetünk meg bármit. We can't do everything. We can't do anything. Hogy telt a napod? How was your day? How was your day? Már egyszer mondtam neked, hogy először kérdezd meg anyádat. I told you before that you should ask your mother first. I told you once to ask your mother first. Kezdődjék a harc! Let the fight begin. Let the fight begin! A lehető leggyorsabban futottam. I ran as fast as possible. I ran as fast as I could. Imádom látni az emberek reakcióját, amikor elmondom nekik, hogy ki vagyok. I love to see people's reactions when I tell them who I am. I love to see people react when I tell them who I am. Pár perc múlva kész vagyok. I'll be ready in a few minutes. I'll be ready in a few minutes. Nem tartom magam jó golfjátékosnak. I don't consider myself to be a good golfer. I don't think I'm a good golfer. Úgy tűnt nekem, hogy hallottam valakit kopogni az ajtón. I thought I heard someone knocking on the door. It seemed to me that I heard someone knocking on the door. Belopakodom a házba. I steal into the house. I'm sneaking into the house. Nagy családom van. I have a big family. I have a big family. Felmentem annak az épületnek a nyolcadik emeletére. I went up to the eighth floor of that building. I went up to the eighth floor of that building. Tom megesküdött rá, hogy sosem tette. Tom swore that he'd never done that. Tom swore he never did. A szigetnek kíméletlen sarkvidéki klímája van. The island has a harsh arctic climate. The island has a harsh Arctic climate. Megvan a levél. The letter was finished. I got the letter. Másztál fára gyerekkorodban? Did you climb trees when you were a child? Did you climb trees when you were a kid? Ne rángass bele ebbe! Don't drag me into this. Don't drag me into this. Beszélnünk kell. You and I need to talk. We need to talk. Tom még mindig szopja az ujját. Tom still sucks his thumb. Tom is still sucking his finger. Sokat dolgozik. She works a lot. He works a lot. Egyedülálló anyaként nevelem négy gyermekemet. I am a single mother of four children. I'm raising four of my children as a single mother. Tomnak tegnap meg kellett volna érkeznie. Tom should have arrived yesterday. Tom was supposed to arrive yesterday. Véget értek a forró nyári napok és felváltották őket a hűvös téli napok. Hot summer days ended and cool autumn days followed. The hot summer days came to an end and they were replaced by cool winter days. Honnan van a pénzed? Where did you get your money? Where'd you get your money? Sok értékes festménye van. He has quite a few valuable paintings. He's got a lot of valuable paintings. A tanár megengedte, hogy korán hazamenjek. The teacher granted me permission to go home early. The teacher let me go home early. Biztos vagy ebben? Are you certain about that? Are you sure about this? Az úszás erősíti a lábakat. Swimming makes your legs stronger. Swimming strengthens the legs. Te csak ne emlékeztess engem a feladataimra; pontosan is hogy tudom őket! Don't remind me of my tasks; I know them very well. Don't remind me of my duties, exactly how I know them. Senki sem látott téged, remélem. No one saw you, I hope. No one saw you, I hope. Ő a munka megszállottja. He is an eager beaver. He's obsessed with work. Hogyan ejted ki a nevedet? How do you pronounce your name? How do you pronounce your name? Csak találgatsz. You're just guessing. You're guessing. Megsérti mások magánéletét. He invades the privacy of others. It violates other people's privacy. Oda akarok menni. I want to go there. I want to go there. Tom azt tervezi, hogy a jövő héten Bostonba utazik. Tom is scheduled to come to Boston next week. Tom plans to go to Boston next week. Hol leszel ma este? Where will you be tonight? Where will you be tonight? Tom fiatal. Tom is young. Tom is young. Sohasem mondtam ezt! I've never said that! I never said that! Megduplázom az áraimat. I'm doubling my prices. I'll double my prices. Amerikai vagy? Are you American? Are you American? Tom csak unatkozott. Tom was just bored. Tom was just bored. Megtörölte az arcát egy zsebkendővel. She wiped her face with a handkerchief. He wiped his face with a handkerchief. Azt tervezem, hogy győzni fogok. I plan on winning. I plan to win. Huszonnégy éves vagyok. I'm 24. I'm 24. Tominak nem volt ideje elolvasni a jelentést. Tom didn't have time to read the report. Tom didn't have time to read the report. A fiad vak? Is your son blind? Is your son blind? Nem kellene megengednünk Tomnak. We shouldn't let Tom do that. We shouldn't allow Tom. Senki nem ismer fel engem. Nobody recognizes me. No one recognizes me. Készen állok, hogy megtegyem. I'm ready to do that. I'm ready to do it. A tej a hűtőszekrényben van. The milk is in the fridge. The milk is in the fridge. Nem volt más választásunk, mint kutyagolni. We had no choice but to go on foot. We had no choice but to hound. Nagyon sajnálom, hogy megvárakoztattalak. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. Nem sietek. I'm in no hurry. I'm in no hurry. Vigyázat! Magasfeszültség. Danger! High voltage. Attention, high voltage. Tom a kávét jobban szereti, mint a teát. Tom likes coffee better than tea. Tom prefers coffee to tea. Nem megyek dolgozni. I'm not going to work. I'm not going to work. Nem hagyom el őket. I'm not leaving them. I'm not leaving them. Csak egy módja van, hogy megbizonyosodjunk erről. There's only one way to be sure. There's only one way to make sure. El fogom mondani a többieknek. I'll tell the others. I'll tell the others. Az öreg Pinocchiónak nevezte el a fabábut. The old man named the wooden doll Pinocchio. Old Pinocchio named the wooden puppet. Csókoltál már nőt? Have you ever kissed a woman? Have you ever kissed a woman? Tiszta a víz. The water is clean. The water's clear. Az egy bűntett. That's a felony. That's a crime. Rosszabb a helyzet, mint hittük. The situation is worse than we believed. It's worse than we thought. Valaha nagyon hosszú hajam volt. I used to have very long hair. I used to have very long hair. Valaki csak tudja. Somebody knows that. Somebody's got to know. Ha valaki éles pengét tart a kezében, akármilyen hosszú is a penge és akármilyen kiképzést is kapott, mindig fenyegetést jelent. If someone has sharpened blades in their hand, no matter the length, or their training, they always are a threat. If you have a sharp blade in your hand, no matter how long the blade is, and whatever training you've received, it's always a threat. Ez meg milyen levél? What is this letter? What kind of letter is this? Ugyanabban az évben születtünk. We were born in the same year. We were born the same year. Kölcsön tudsz adni egy tízcentest? Can you lend me a dime? Can I borrow a dime? Átvertem Tomot. I tricked Tom. I tricked Tom. Tommal min nevettetek? What were you and Tom laughing about? What were you and Tom laughing at? Tom nem nős. Tom isn't married. Tom isn't married. - Unom már a tévét. Csináljunk valami mást! - Mint például? "I'm tired of watching TV. Let's do something else." "Like what?" I'm tired of watching TV, so let's do something else. Azt akartam hogy odamenjen. I wanted him to go there. I wanted him there. Hogy tudnak gyerekek segíteni? How can kids help? How can children help? Vesd össze a tényeket! Compare the facts. Cross-reference the facts. A hölgynek kevés könyve van. She owns few books. The lady has few books. Hol van a jég? Where's the ice? Where's the ice? A hipnotizőr képes volt kezelés alatt álló betegét révületbe hozni. The hypnotist was able to put his subject into a trance. The hypnotist was able to exorcise a patient who was being treated. Tudom, hogy csinálták. I know how they did it. I know how they did it. Tovább kell lépnem. I need to move on. I need to move on. Tomnak nagy farka van. Tom has a large dick. Tom has a big dick. Mindenki fáradt volt. Everybody was tired. Everyone was tired. Sok amerikainak a kétpártrendszerű politika tűnik természetesnek. To many Americans, a two-party political system seems natural. To many Americans, two-party politics seem natural. Én csináltam ezt a tortát. I made this cake. I made this cake. Szeretlek. I love you! I love you. A feleséged még Amerikában van? Is your wife still in America? Is your wife still in America? Ez szék. This is a chair. It's a chair. A szüleim házában vagyok. I'm at my parents' house. I'm at my parents' house. Ne félj! Don't fear. Don't be afraid. Nem énekelek. I don't sing. I don't sing. Tegnap Tokióban voltam. I was in Tokyo yesterday. I was in Tokyo yesterday. Nem erről fog beszélni. That's not what she is going to talk about. That's not what he's gonna talk about. Elnöknek választottuk. We elected him president. We chose him to be president. A bátyámmal osztozom egy lakáson. I share an apartment with my brother. I'm sharing an apartment with my brother. Átlagosan hat órát alszom egy nap. I sleep six hours a day on average. I sleep six hours a day on average. Még soha nem szörföztem. I've never been surfing. I've never surfed before. Tom vörösbort iszik. Tom is drinking red wine. Tom drinks red wine. Ez a könyv fekete. This book is black. This book is black. Meg fogjuk oldani. We'll manage. We're gonna figure this out. Emlékszem, hogy visszavittem a könyvet a könyvtárba. I remember returning the book to the library. I remember taking the book back to the library. Hazafuvarozom önt. I'll drive you home. I'll give you a ride home. Megyek és megkeresem Tamást. I'll go find Tom. I'm gonna go find Tom. Szerintem ismered őt. You know her, I think. I think you know him. Lehet, hogy eljön. She may come. Maybe he'll come. A nagybátyja gondoskodik róla. He is taken care of by his uncle. His uncle's taking care of him. Ez egy magyarázat. That's one explanation. That's an explanation. Megbüntettek orvhorgászatért. I was fined for fishing without a license. I've been punished for poaching. Itt a rendőrség. The police are there. This is the police. Még sose féltem így. I've never been so scared. I've never been so scared. Kimerült vagy. You're exhausted. You're exhausted. Tom gyakran tesz a teájába mézet cukor helyett. Tom often puts honey in his tea instead of sugar. Tom often puts honey in his tea instead of sugar. Átvert engem. He cheated me. He tricked me. Komolyan mondom. I'm being serious. I'm serious. Nagyon keményen dolgoznak. They work very hard. They're working really hard. Nyomorék? Are you handicapped? Freaks? Tom munkabolond. Tom is a workaholic. Tom is a work nut. Gyertek már, srácok! Hurry up, guys. Come on, guys. Nem jó az íze. It has an unpleasant taste. It doesn't taste good. Tom cigizik. Tom is smoking. Tom smokes. Hogyan mondjam meg a szüleimnek, hogy terhes vagyok? How do I tell my parents that I'm pregnant? How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant? Miért olyan hideg a kezed? Why are your hands so cold? Why are your hands so cold? Tomot soha nem kellett volna megválasztani. Tom never should have been elected. Tom should never have been elected. Sok ilyen ember van a világon. Normális esetben bátortalanok. Részegen válnak bátrakká. There are many people like this in the world. Normally, they're not brave. After getting drunk, they turn brave. There's a lot of people like that in the world, they're usually shy, they're drunk, they're brave. Ezek a régészek ősi romokat tanulmányoznak. These archeologists study ancient ruins. These archaeologists are studying ancient ruins. Nincs pénze? Don't you have any money? You don't have any money? A kutatók egy meglepő felfedezést tettek. The researchers made a surprising discovery. The researchers made a surprising discovery. Nem én rontottam el. I didn't break it. I didn't ruin it. Mit csinálsz Bostonban? What are you doing in Boston? What are you doing in Boston? Vigyázat! A parketta nedves. Be careful! The floor is wet. Look out, the floorboard's wet. Nem tudtam, hogy olyan szomorú vagy. I didn't know you felt so bad. I didn't know you were so sad. A hegy számtalan hegymászót vonz. The mountain attracts many climbers. The mountain attracts countless climbers. Negyven éves korában tizenhat nyelven tudott beszélni. When he was forty years old, he could speak sixteen languages. At the age of 40, he could speak 16 languages. Népszerű vagyok. I'm popular. I'm popular. Tom nem az unokatestvérem. Tom isn't my cousin. Tom is not my cousin. Harminc túlélő volt. There were 30 survivors. Thirty survivors. Valami csodára lesz szükséged. You need a miracle. You're gonna need a miracle. Te máshogy értelmezed az időt, mint én. Mire jó sietni, ha nincs célod illetve célpontod? A gondolataid még a szexuális viselkedésedre is kihatnak. You've a different sense of time from me. What's the point of hurrying if you don't have an objective or destination? Your thinking even affects your sexual behaviour. You understand time differently than I do. What good is it to hurry if you have no purpose or target? Your thoughts affect even your sexual behavior. Németországban nőtt fel. He grew up in Germany. He grew up in Germany. Elfoglaltak. They're busy. They're busy. El akarok menni az állatkertbe. I want to go to the zoo. I want to go to the zoo. Alice azt mondja majd neked, hogy Csodaországban össze-vissza van minden. Alice will tell you that in Wonderland everything is topsy-turvy. Alice will tell you that in Wonderland, it's all messed up. Vennék egy autót, de szegény vagyok. I would buy the car, but I am poor. I'd buy a car, but I'm poor. Meglepetés! Surprise! Surprise! Tom megmentett engem. Tom saved me. Tom saved me. Tom megígérte nekem, hogy soha többé nem jön ide vissza. Tom promised me he'd never come back here again. Tom promised me he would never come back here again. - Istenem! Milyen nevetés volt ez? - Á, semmi komoly. Csak Mari gyakorol az előadásra, hogyan nevessen boszorkányként. "Oh my God! What kind of laugh was that?" - "Oh, nothing serious! Mary is practicing how to laugh like a witch for a play." Oh, my God, what kind of laughter was that? Aludtak. They were sleeping. They were asleep. Van itt a közelben bankautomata? Are there any ATMs around here? Is there a vending machine nearby? Kölcsönadtam Tomnak egy kis pénzt. I lent Tom some money. I lent Tom some money. Megjavítjuk. We'll get it fixed. We'll fix it. További képzésre van szükségem. I still need more training. I need more training. Hol van a teám? Where's my tea? Where's my tea? Köszönöm, már tele vagyok. I'm already full, thank you. Thank you, I'm full. Tomi focizik. Tom plays football. Tom plays football. Gyönyörű a hüvelyem! My vagina is beautiful! I have a beautiful vagina. Ez az ételtartó mikrózható? Is this container microwavable? Is this food rack microwaveable? Kezdek belefáradni a panaszáradatodba. I'm getting tired of your complaints. I'm getting tired of your complaints. Tomi nagyszerű srác volt, akit mindenki szeretett és kedvelt. Tom was a wonderful boy, who had gained the affection and esteem of all. Tom was a great guy that everyone loved and liked. Az átlagos lakótér Amerikában kétszer akkora, mint Japánban. The average American living space is twice as large as the living space in Japan. The average living space in America is twice the size of Japan. Csak ezt az útikalauzt javasolták nekem, ami jól bevált. This is the only guidebook that was recommended to me that is really useful. It's the only guide I've been offered, which has worked. Tom átjött vacsorára tegnap este. Tom came over for dinner yesterday evening. Tom came over for dinner last night. Ez Tomé? Is that Tom's? Is that Tom? Veszélybe kerülhet az életetek. Your lives may be in danger. Your lives could be in danger. Befejezte a levelet. She finished writing a letter. He finished the letter. Mit mondott neked? What did he tell you? What did he say to you? Éjszaka dolgoznak. They work at night. They work nights. Nem ülök itt. I'm not sitting here. I'm not sitting here. Nagyon szeretem a baseballt. I like baseball very much. I really like baseball. Régóta szereti már Tomi Marit. Tom has loved Mary for a long time. Tom has loved Mary for a long time. Tom fuldoklik. Tom's drowning. Tom is drowning. Ismersz itt valakit? Do you know anybody here? Do you know anyone here? Miért vagy dühös? Why are you angry? Why are you angry? Ő nem hülye. He's not stupid. He's not stupid. Hiányzol már. I miss you already. I miss you. Biztosan csaló. She must be a swindler. He must be a fraud. A Holdon nincs levegő. There is no air on the moon. There's no air on the moon. Miért nem etted a csokoládéd? Why didn't you eat your chocolate? Why didn't you eat your chocolate? Kudarcot fognak vallani. They'll fail. They're going to fail. Ezt az interneten találtad? Did you find that on the internet? Did you find this on the Internet? Tom tudja, hogyan kell házakat eladni. Tom knows how to sell houses. Tom knows how to sell houses. Tomi a teáskancsóba forrásban lévõ vizet öntött. Tom poured boiling water into the teapot. Tom poured water in the spring into the teapot. Ősszel a fecskék elrepülnek délre. In the autumn, swallows will fly south. In the fall, swallows fly south. Beletett egy csecsemőt a gyerekülésbe. She put the infant in the child seat. He put a baby in the car seat. El sem fogod hinni, hogy mit találtam ma. You won't believe what I found today. You won't believe what I found today. Korábban kellett volna ide jönnöd. You should have come here earlier. You should have come here earlier. Mire kell neked a pénz? What do you need the money for? What do you need the money for? Tom megölte Maryt. Tom killed Mary. Tom killed Mary. Tom megkérdezte tőlem, hogy láttam-e valamit. Tom asked me if I saw anything. Tom asked me if I saw anything. A fiam még nem tud számolni. My son can't count yet. My son can't count yet. Tom szegény volt. Tom was poor. Tom was poor. Gyere el velem sétálni, Tomi. Walk with me, Tom. Come for a walk with me, Tom. Ön mégis téved. You are wrong, however. But you're wrong. Felöltözött. She got dressed. She's dressed. Bárcsak minden problémám elmúlna. I wish all my problems would go away. I wish all my problems would go away. Az én saram. My mistake. It's my fault. Nincs hová mennünk. We have no place to go. We have nowhere to go. Tom vonakodott, de beleegyezett. Tom was reluctant, but he agreed. Tom was reluctant, but he agreed. Tomnak jó szeme van. Tom has good eyes. Tom has a good eye. Ez lesz a mi titkunk. This'll be our secret. It'll be our secret. Végre értem a differenciál- és integrálszámítás alapelveit. I finally understand the basic principles of calculus. I finally understand the principles of differentiation and integration. Nem várhat holnapig? Can't this wait until tomorrow? Can't it wait till tomorrow? Tomra mindig emlékezni fognak. Tom will always be remembered. Tom will always be remembered. Vörös a szeme. His eyes are red. His eyes are red. Tamás még azelőtt meghalt, hogy a fia megszületett. Tom died before his son was born. Tom died before his son was born. A hölgynek vannak hibái, de én kedvelem. She has her faults, but I like her. The lady has flaws, but I like her. Jobban szeretem a zöld biciklit, mint a rózsaszínűt. I like the green bicycle more than the pink. I prefer a green bike to a pink bike. Ők mindannyian tolvajok és hazugok. They are all thieves and liars. They're all thieves and liars. A kulcsomat keresem. I'm looking for my key. I'm looking for my key. Tom egy fontos személyiség a Szilikon-völgyben. Tom is a big shot in Silicon Valley. Tom is an important figure in Silicon Valley. Tom nem hazudott. Tom wasn't lying. Tom didn't lie. A barátaim egy párizsi villámlátogatásra vittek bennünket. My friends gave us a whirlwind tour of Paris. My friends took us to a lightning visit to Paris. Ma kell meghoznunk a döntést. We should decide today. We have to make a decision today. Kérlek, légy óvatos és ne törd össze ezt a vázát! Please be careful not to break this vase. Please be careful and don't break this vase. Nagyon óvatosan kell megválasztanom a szavaimat. I have to choose my words very carefully. I have to choose my words very carefully. Tomi soha nem utazott még repülővel. Tom has never flown in a plane. Tom has never traveled by plane before. Ezek a hölgyek a nagynénéim. These ladies are my aunts. These ladies are my aunts. Viselkedjél! Behave yourself. Behave yourself. Valaki ellopta az útlevelemet. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. Tominak nem volt elég bátorsága, hogy meglépje, amit akart. Tom didn't have the courage to do what he wanted to do. Tom didn't have the courage to get away with what he wanted. A medencét lezárták a törött csempék cseréje miatt. The pool is closed because they are changing the broken tiles. The pool was sealed for the replacement of broken tiles. Ha valaki, akkor Tom rászolgál a bizalomra. It's Tom who deserves credit. If anyone deserves to be trusted, Tom deserves to be trusted. Nekünk keményen meg kell dolgoznunk a pénzért. We must work hard for money. We have to work hard for the money. Valakinek meg kellett tennie. Somebody had to do it. Someone had to do it. Többet kell dolgoznod. You must work more. You're gonna have to work more. Ön japán állampolgár? Are you a Japanese citizen? Are you a Japanese citizen? A szülők felelősek a gyerekeik biztonságáért. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children. Parents are responsible for the safety of their children. Ők egy tökéletes család. They're the perfect family. They're a perfect family. Ne küldd el azt a levelet. Don't send that letter. Don't send that letter. Valamit tennem kell. I have to do something. I have to do something. Van pénzük? Do they have money? Do you have any money? Nem engedhetjük be Tamást. We can't let Tom in. We can't let Tom in. Nekem ez kínaiul van. It's all Greek to me. It's Chinese for me. Most sokkal kényelmesebben érzem magam. I feel way more comfortable now. I'm feeling a lot more comfortable right now. Soha nem akartam ártani neked. I never meant you harm. I never meant to hurt you. Ezt mindenkinek tudnia kell. Everybody needs to know this. Everyone needs to know that. Tom azt mondta, Mary minden hétfőn otthon volt. Tom said Mary was home every Monday. Tom said Mary was home every Monday. Olaszországban maradok. I'm staying in Italy. I'm staying in Italy. Fekete macska szerencsétlenséget hoz. Black cats are bad luck. Black cat brings misfortune. Szerinted mit jelent ez a mondat? What do you think this sentence means? What do you think that sentence means? Mary Tom édesanyja? Is Mary Tom's mother? Mary Tom's mother? Vérzett Mária orra. Mary's nose was bleeding. Mary's nose was bleeding. Várj egy pillanatot. Hey, wait a second. Wait a minute. Úgy legyen! Let it be. So be it. Nem szeretek sorban állni. I don't like queuing. I don't like waiting in line. Békét akarunk. We want peace. We want peace. Őket szeretem a legjobban. I like them the best. They're the ones I love the most. Mikor zárnak be az éttermek errefelé? What time do restaurants close around here? When do restaurants close around here? Tomi elég erős, hogy felemelje. Tom is strong enough to lift that. Tom is strong enough to lift it. Bob lelkipásztor lett. Bob became a pastor. Bob's a pastor. Ez túl sok. That's too much. It's too much. Ez törvénytelen. It's illegal. It's illegal. Boldog születésnapot, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel! Happy birthday, Muiriel. Megtaláltam az épületet. I found the building. I found the building. Vett egy gyűszűvirágot. He bought a thimble. He bought a thimble. Tessék a tagsági kártyám. Here is my membership card. Here's my membership card. Tom kapcsolatba fog lépni veled. Tom will contact you. Tom will contact you. Egyszerűen kénytelen leszel megbízni bennem. You're just going to have to trust me. You're just gonna have to trust me. Nincs alternatíva. There's no alternative. There's no alternative. John kivételével mindenki megérkezett. Except for John, they all arrived. Everyone except John has arrived. Hová tetted el a jegyzeteimet? Where have you put my notes? Where did you put my notes? Senki sem jött, hogy segítsen neki. Nobody came to help him. No one came to help him. Nem képes ezt megcsinálni. He is unable to do it. He can't do this. A ház kigyulladt. The house was on fire. The house is on fire. Szaladt. He ran. He was running. Nagy, ugye? Large, isn't it? It's big, isn't it? Bánja, hogy hibázott. He regrets his mistake. He regrets his mistake. Nem jutott sokszor eszembe. I've never thought much about it. I didn't think about it much. Majdnem minden nap síeltem januárban. I skied almost every day last January. I skied almost every day in January. Túl sokat aggódsz. You worry too much. You worry too much. Mikor született Lucia? When was Lucia born? When was Lucia born? Rendben, emberek, akkor gyerünk! All right, people, let's go. All right, people, let's go. Nem kellene azt megtenned. You're not supposed to do that. You shouldn't do that. Azzal beszélhet, akivel akar. He may talk to whoever he wants. You can talk to whoever you want. De miért olyan nehéz a francia? But why is French so difficult? But why is French so hard? A sárkány tüzes lehelete felperzselte teljesen Mariót. The dragon's fire breath burned Mario completely. The dragon's fiery breath completely scorched Mario. Én tanítottam meg Tomit főzni. I taught Tom how to cook. I taught Tom how to cook. És ráadásul kirúgtak. And on top of it all, I was fired. And I got fired. Azt akarom, hogy meghaljon Tom. I want Tom killed. I want Tom to die. A vonatom hatkor indult, és tízkor érkezett meg. My train left at six and arrived at ten. My train left at 6:00 and arrived at 10:00. Ezek tényleg jók. These are really good. These are really good. Közeli felvételt készítettem az arcáról. I took a close shot of her face. I took a close-up of his face. Meg tudná mondani, hogy merre van a legközelebbi szálloda? Could you please tell me where the closest hotel is? Can you tell me where the nearest hotel is? Ez nem a megfelelő személy. This man is incompetent. That's not the right person. Szeretnél híres lenni? Would you like to be famous? Do you want to be famous? A tavalyi nyár rémes volt. Last summer was awful. Last summer was awful. Mindig van valami bökkenő. There's always a catch. There's always a problem. Megvenném azt. I'd buy that. I'd buy that. A paradicsom gyümölcs vagy zöldség? Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Is tomatoes fruit or vegetables? Ez igazán nagyszerű! That's really great! That's really great. Nevettünk a viccein. His jokes made us laugh. We laughed at his jokes. Nem akarok ismét egyedül maradni. I don't want to be alone again. I don't want to be alone again. Várjon kérem fél órát. Please wait half an hour. Wait a half hour, please. Ha hiszed, ha nem. Believe it or not. Believe it or not. Én csináltam mindent. I did everything. I did everything. Udvarias vagy. You're polite. You're polite. Nincs hozzád hasonló. There's no one like you. There's no one like you. Tomot holtan találták. Tom was found dead. Tom was found dead. Pontosan ez kellett nekem. I needed just that. That's exactly what I needed. Az ügyfeleinek többsége szegény ember. Majority of his clientele are poor people. Most of your clients are poor people. Anna szinte mindig tarot kártyát használ, hogy meghozza a mindennapi döntéseit. Anne almost always uses tarot cards to make everyday decisions. Anna almost always uses tarot cards to make her everyday decisions. Kart karba öltve, sétálva jöttek. They came walking arm in arm. They came in arms, walking. Azt hiszem, apád remélte, hogy főiskolára fogsz járni. I think your father hoped you would go to college. I think your father hoped you'd go to college. Egyáltalán semmit nem tudott erről. He didn't know a thing about it. He didn't know anything about it. Ne játssz az érzéseivel! Don't play with his feelings! Don't play with her feelings. Közel a világ vége. The end of the world is close. The end of the world is near. Tom úgy véli, hogy Mary ártatlan. Tom believes that Mary is innocent. Tom thinks Mary is innocent. Van papírod? Do you have paper? Do you have paper? Tom egy remek barát. Tom is a great friend. Tom is a great friend. Tom vállalkozása nagyon jól megy. Tom's business is doing very well. Tom's business is going very well. Szokás szerint reggel korán kelt fel és kocogott. As usual, he got up early in the morning and jogged. As usual, he got up early in the morning and jogged. Ez soha többé nem történhet meg. This must never happen again. This will never happen again. Tomnak nincsenek barátai. Tom has no friends. Tom doesn't have any friends. Giants szurkoló vagyok. I'm a Giants fan. I'm a Giants fan. Ez egy hasznos információ. It is useful information. It's useful information. Minden tárgy egy történetet mesél el. Every object tells a story. Each subject tells a story. Olvastál-e már kínai verset? Have you ever read any Chinese poems? Have you ever read a Chinese poem? Nem vagyunk benne biztosak. We're not sure. We're not sure. Hozd a kalapomat. Bring my hat. Get my hat. Utáljuk a horrorfilmeket. We loathe horror films. We hate horror movies. Mikor szándékozol visszaadni nekem a pénzt, amit adtam neked? When are you going to pay me back the money I lent you? When are you going to give me back the money I gave you? Fáj a lábam. My foot hurts. My leg hurts. Ez a jegy két személyre szól. This ticket allows two people to enter. This ticket is for two. Ezt nem hallgathatom tovább. I can't listen to this anymore. I can't listen to this anymore. Olvad a jég. The ice is melting. The ice is melting. Ők nagyon szegények. They're very poor. They're very poor. Csalódtak a fiukban. They are disappointed in their son. They were disappointed in their son. Estefelé esni kezdett. It came to rain toward evening. It started raining in the evening. Általában vasárnap otthon vagyok. I usually stay indoors on Sunday. I'm usually home on Sundays. Mit mondott tegnap? What did you say yesterday? What did you say yesterday? Tervezed, hogy ezt újra használod? Do you plan to use it again? Are you planning on using this again? Ezt nem kéne újra megcsinálnom. I shouldn't have to do that again. I shouldn't be doing this again. Mindannyian megrémültek. They were all scared. They're all scared. Az olasz konyhát az egész világon kedvelik. Italian cuisine is popular around the world. Italian cuisine is popular all over the world. Az igazat megvallva nem akarok vele dolgozni. To tell the truth, I don't want to work with him. To tell you the truth, I don't want to work with him. Inkább úszni mennék. I would rather go swimming. I'd rather go swimming. Valaki kinyitotta az ajtót. Someone opened the door. Someone opened the door. Soha nincs túl késő. It is never too late. It's never too late. Elképesztően tisztességtelen vagy. You are unbelievably dishonest. You're incredibly unfair. - Harmadik kívánság!? - csodálkozott az ember. - Hogyan lehet harmadik kívánság, ha még nem volt első és második kívánságom se? "Third wish?" The man was baffled. "How can it be a third wish if I haven't had a first and second wish?" "A third wish!" said the man. "How can a third wish be, if I have not yet had a first and a second wish?" Nincs értelme izgulni. There's no point in being nervous. There's no point in getting excited. Tamás jó a szakmájában. Tom is good at his profession. Tom is good at his job. Tom beavatkozott. Tom intervened. Tom intervened. A házamat úgy tervezték, hogy a földrengéseknek is ellenálljon. My house is designed to withstand an earthquake. My house was designed to withstand earthquakes. Egyszerű, mint a karikacsapás. It's as easy as ABC. It's as simple as a charm. Meg kell javíttatnom az oboámat. I need to get my oboe repaired. I have to get my oboe fixed. Nem lesznek ettől elragadtatva. They won't be happy about that. They won't be thrilled. A páciens állandó gondozásra szorul. The patient requires constant care. The patient needs constant care. Szólj hozzánk, Tomi. Talk to us, Tom. Talk to us, Tom. Megígérte nekem, hogy idejön. He promised me to come here. You promised me you'd come here. Az elefánt a ma élő legnagyobb szárazföldi állat. Elephants are the largest land animals alive today. The elephant is the largest land animal alive today. Nem mintha meg sem próbáltam volna. It's not like I haven't tried. It's not like I didn't even try. A szavai ésszerűnek tűnnek. His words sound reasonable. His words seem reasonable. A film még nem kezdődött el. The movie hasn't started yet. The movie hasn't started yet. Végre találtam munkát. I finally found a job. I finally found a job. Tomi szaladni próbált. Tom tried to run. Tom tried to run. Tom azt mondja, holnapután Bostonba kell mennie. Tom says that he has to go to Boston the day after tomorrow. Tom says he has to go to Boston the day after tomorrow. Kérlek, engedj haza! Please let me go home. Please let me go home. Semmi nem nyűgözött le abból, amit eddig láttam. I'm not impressed with anything I've seen so far. I wasn't impressed by anything I've ever seen. Viszont önnek is meg kell tennie valamit nekem. But you gotta do something for me. But I need you to do something for me. Ebben az iskolában a tanítóknak csak 16 százaléka nő. Only 16 percent of the teachers of this school are female. Only 16 percent of teachers in this school are women. Tomnak és Marinak a gyerekek kedvéért együtt kell maradniuk. Tom and Mary have to stay married for the sake of the children. Tom and Mary must stay together for the sake of the children. Magunk vagyunk csak. We're alone. We're on our own. Itt valószínűleg biztonságban leszünk. We should be safe here. We'll probably be safe here. Nem csinál gondot semmiből sem. She is easygoing. It doesn't make any trouble. A szüleim orvosok. My parents are both doctors. My parents are doctors. A liba gágog. The goose honks. The goose is buzzing. Soha nem drogoztam. I've never done drugs. I've never done drugs. Tom elmondott egy viccet Marinak, de ő nem gondolta, hogy mulatságos volt. Tom told Mary a joke, but she didn't think it was funny. Tom told Mary a joke, but she didn't think it was funny. Indul a görög aludni. The greek goes to sleep. The Greek is going to sleep. Írd le a címét! Write down his address. Write down his address. Isten őrizz! Heaven forbid! God forbid. Melyiket vennéd meg? Which would you buy? Which one would you buy? Pihentem. I relaxed. I was resting. Kell neki egy tolmács. She needs an interpreter. He needs a translator. Tom élvezte. Tom enjoyed it. Tom enjoyed it. Tom ismer egy asszonyt, aki nem szereti a csokoládét. Tom knows a woman who doesn't like to eat chocolate. Tom knows a woman who doesn't like chocolate. Mindenki kedveli őt. Everybody likes him. Everyone likes him. Egyke vagyok. I'm an only child. I'm an only child. Zsenik vagytok. You're geniuses. You're geniuses. Ott volt Tamás és Mária. Tom and Mary were there. There was Tom and Mary. Szinte soha nem iszom instant kávét. I hardly ever drink instant coffee. I almost never drink instant coffee. Ez sokkal rosszabb. This is much worse. This is so much worse. Mit szeretsz legjobban főzni? What do you like to cook the most? What do you like to cook the most? Tom egy drága karácsonyi ajándékot vásárolt magának. Tom bought an expensive Christmas present for himself. Tom bought himself an expensive Christmas present. Engedje meg, hogy bemutassam Brown úrnak. Let me introduce you to Mr. Brown. Allow me to introduce you to Mr Brown. Miért nem táncolt vele? Why didn't you dance with him? Why didn't you dance with him? Én ezt nem fogom megtenni! I'm not going to do that! I'm not gonna do that! Ez a fontos. That's what's important. That's what's important. Tom nem ment ki. Tom didn't go outside. Tom didn't go out. Otthon vagy? Are you home? Are you home? Szeretjük a kávét. We like coffee. We like coffee. Bárcsak Tom békén hagyna! I wish Tom would leave me alone. I wish Tom would leave me alone. Ki kellene menned játszani. You should go play outside. You should go out and play. Azt a részt még nem gondoltam ki. I haven't figured that part out yet. I haven't figured that part out yet. Tom kimászott a szakadékból. Tom climbed out of the ravine. Tom climbed out of the ravine. Nem akartam ezt elmondani neked. I didn't want to tell you this. I didn't want to tell you that. Mikor hallom a híreket, libabőrös leszek. Hogy lehet ott olyan veszélyes dolog? When I hear the news, I get goose bumps. How could there be such a dangerous thing? When I hear the news, I get goose bumps. Tom végezte el a munkát. Tom got the job done. Tom did the job. Tom azt mondta, hogy Mari megcsókolta. Tom said that Mary kissed him. Tom said Mary kissed him. Vannak dolgok, amiket meg kell vitatnunk. They are matters which we need to discuss. There are things we need to discuss. Nagyon gyorsan szokott beszélni. She speaks very rapidly. He talks really fast. Engem soha senki nem látogat meg. No one ever visits me. No one ever visits me. Ez lehetetlenség. It's an impossibility. That's impossible. Nehéz alkalmazkodni a gyors hőmérsékletváltozáshoz. It is difficult to adapt oneself to sudden changes of temperature. It's hard to adapt to a rapid temperature change. Nem mondta meg nekem a nevét. She hadn't given me her name. He didn't tell me his name. Önökért jöttem. I came for you. I've come for you. Ne felejtsük, hogy Tamás nem ért franciául. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. Let's not forget that Tom doesn't understand French. Készpénz kell. I need cash. I need cash. Dani nem igazán tudta, hogy mit kezdjen az életével. Dan was not sure what he wanted to do with his life. Dani didn't really know what to do with her life. Televíziót néz négytől hatig. She watches television from four to six. He's watching television from four to six. Egyik barátja sem látogatta meg, a sok lépcsőzés miatt. None of his friends came to visit him there, for there were too many stairs to climb. None of his friends visited him because of all the stairs. Bántja a szemem ez az erős fény. Strong light hurts my eyes. This bright light hurts my eyes. Tom kilépett a padjából. Tom stepped out from behind his desk. Tom stepped out of his bench. A mumpsz fertőző betegség. Mumps is an infectious disease. Mumps is an infectious disease. Mitől vagy olyan boldogtalan? What are you unhappy about? Why are you so unhappy? Tomi ugrálókötelezik. Tom is jumping rope. Tom is jumping obligation. Tom még nem találkozott Maryvel. Tom hasn't met Mary yet. Tom hasn't met Mary yet. Régebben szerettem a népzenét. I used to like folk music. I used to love folk music. Tom házas ember. Tom is a married man. Tom is a married man. Minden ember egyenlőnek lett teremtve. All men are created equal. All men are created equal. Tom a dobosunk. Tom is our drummer. Tom is our drummer. Legyünk barátok. Let's be friends. Let's be friends. Kanyarodj balra. Turn to the left. Turn left. Anyám nem tud jönni. My mother can't come. My mother can't come. Hallottál a tegnapi tűzesetről? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Did you hear about the fire yesterday? Tom otthon hagyta a telefonját. Tom left his phone at home. Tom left his phone at home. Senki más nem maradt. There's no one else left. There's no one else left. Eljönnél velem a folyóhoz? Won't you go with me to the river? Will you come with me to the river? Galileo Galilei egy valós név? Is Galileo Galilei a real name? Galileo Galilei is a real name? Milyen módszert használtál a dohányzás abbahagyásához? What method did you use to give up smoking? What method did you use to stop smoking? Medellínben születtem, nőttem fel és élek, Kolumbiában. I was born, raised and live in Medellín, Columbia. I was born and raised in Medellín, and I live in Colombia. Hánykor fekszel le? What time do you go to bed? What time are you going to bed? Nem vagy túlöltözve. You're certainly not overdressed. You're not overdressed. Tomi nagyon dühös rád. Tom is very angry with you. Tom is very angry with you. Napjainkban széles körben használnak vezető nélküli autókat. Driverless cars are now widely in use. Today, drivers are widely used. Menjünk hát! Well, let's go. Let's go, then. Ösztönösen cselekedtem. I acted on instinct. I did it instinctively. Tamás ásványvizet rendelt. Tom ordered mineral water. Tom ordered mineral water. Köszönöm, nem. Fáradt vagyok. No, thanks. I am tired. No, thank you, I'm tired. Meg kell csinálnunk. We must do this. We have to do this. El kell szöknünk. We must escape. We have to run away. Tomi tudtára kell adnom. I need to let Tom know. I have to let Tom know. Tamás látni akar téged. Tom wants to see you. Tom wants to see you. A húgom mindennap zongorázik. My younger sister plays piano every day. My sister plays the piano every day. Tudnál javasolni egy jó könyvet? Could you recommend a good book? Can you recommend a good book? Sajnállak. I'm sorry for you. I feel sorry for you. Csodálkozom. I wonder. I'm surprised. Tom beszédes. Tom is talkative. Tom is talkative. Tamás a helyi étteremben étkezett. Tom ate at a local restaurant. Tom ate at the local restaurant. Abba kell hagynod az ivást. You must quit drinking. You have to stop drinking. Sosem tennénk ilyesmit. We'd never do something like that. We would never do that. Európa nyelve a fordítás. Translation is the language of Europe. Translation is the language of Europe. Irigylem őket. I envy them. I envy them. Ezek mályvacukor darabok. These are marshmallows. These are marshmallows. Mindened megvan. You've got everything. You have everything. A békák rovarokat esznek. Frogs eat insects. Frogs eat insects. Nem volt elég? Wasn't it enough? Wasn't that enough? Tom semmilyen ruhát nem visel. Tom has nothing on. Tom isn't wearing any clothes. A tél küszöbén állunk. Winter is approaching. We're on the verge of winter. Állandóan veszélyben vagyok. I'm in constant danger. I'm in danger all the time. Hallottunk téged. We heard you. We heard you. Annyira nincs kedvem ehhez a fajta munkához. I am so not in a mood for this kind of work. I'm so not in the mood for this kind of work. Azt hiszem, képben vagyok. I think I get the picture. I think I'm in the picture. Azt hittem, hogy felismered Tomot. I thought that you'd recognize Tom. I thought you recognized Tom. Ez a bor Argentínából van? Is this wine from Argentina? Is this wine from Argentina? Kérem, számolja meg még egyszer a visszajárót. Please count your change again. Please count the change again. Tom oxigénhiány miatt halt meg. Tom died from lack of oxygen. Tom died of lack of oxygen. Ez az asztal használt faanyagból készült. This table is made from reclaimed wood. This table is made of used wood. Az idő korlátozott. Time is limited. Time is limited. Most rám fogsz kiabálni? Am I going to get yelled at? Are you gonna yell at me? Beteg volt, ezért nem tudott eljönni. He was sick, so he couldn't come. He was sick, so he couldn't make it. Ez egy egypéldányos irat. There's only one copy of this document. It's a single file. Tom meg akar tanulni rajzolni. Tom wants to learn how to draw. Tom wants to learn how to draw. Miért nem volt itt senki? Why was there nobody here? Why wasn't anyone here? Ma fáradt voltam. I was tired today. I was tired today. Ki beszél franciául? Who speaks French? Who speaks French? Egy Föld nevű bolygón élünk, mely része a naprendszerünknek. De hol van a mi naprendszerünk? A Tejút galaxisnak egy apró része. We live on a planet called Earth that is part of our solar system. But where is our solar system? It's a small part of the Milky Way Galaxy. We live on a planet called Earth, part of our solar system, but where is our solar system? Tessék, a visszajáró. Here's the change. Here's your change. Egész éjjel nem aludtam. I couldn't sleep all night. I haven't slept all night. Felment a házak ára. House prices are up. The price of the houses went up. Fogynom kell, ezért fogyókúrázni fogok. I have to lose weight, so I'm going on a diet. I need to lose weight, so I'm going on a diet. Új nadrágra van szükségem. I need new trousers. I need new pants. Nagyon örülök, hogy mind itt vagytok. I'm glad you're all here. I'm really glad you're all here. Tamás számítógép-programozó. Tom is a computer programmer. Tom is a computer programmer. Gyenge az angoltudásom. My English is bad. My English is weak. Oda-vissza vagy csak oda? Round trip or one-way? Back and forth or just back and forth? Senki sem aludt. Nobody slept. No one was sleeping. Jó éjszakát, Timmy. Goodnight, Timmy. Good night, Timmy. Valaki hív téged. Someone is calling you. Someone's calling you. Több mint fél órán keresztül várakoztattak engem. They had me waiting for over half an hour. They kept me waiting for over half an hour. Elesett az ütközetben. He was slain in battle. He fell in the battle. Tomi elvesztette reményét. Tom lost hope. Tom lost hope. Tom rendes ember. Tom is a nice man. Tom is a good man. Tamás egy hippi kommunában él. Tom lives in a commune with hippies. Tom lives in a hippie commune. Valahová elhánytam. I must've misplaced it. I threw up somewhere. Együttműködőek voltunk. We've been cooperative. We were cooperative. És miért nem? And why not? And why not? Mindenki Tomit leste kíváncsian. Everyone was looking at Tom curiously. Everyone was curious about Tom. Elég idejük van? Do you have enough time? Do you have enough time? Megpofozta Marit. He struck Mary in the face. He slapped Mary. Csukva fogom tartani a szememet. I'll keep my eyes closed. I'll keep my eyes closed. Tom valamiképpen tudta. Somehow, Tom knew. Tom somehow knew. Mary holnap segíteni fog nekünk. Mary is going to help us tomorrow. Mary will help us tomorrow. Végezz testgyakorlatokat minden nap az egészség érdekében! Exercise every day for good health. Do body exercises every day for the sake of health! Úgy nézünk ki, mint a gyerekek. We look like children. We look like kids. Nem számít, mit mondasz, nem fogom meggondolni magam. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. A hazugság még több hazugságot szül. Lies beget more lies. Lies give birth to more lies. A teszt könnyebb volt, mint amire számítottam. The test was easier than I thought it would be. The test was easier than I expected. Remélem, hogy jobb lesz a dolgozatod, mint az enyém. I hope you got a higher score on the test than I did. I hope you have a better paper than mine. A víz, amit ittál, szobahőmérsékletű volt. The water you drank was at room temperature. The water you drank was room temperature. Fázol? Are you cold? Are you cold? Sok nem keresztény is ünnepli a karácsonyt. Many non-Christians celebrate Christmas, too. Many non-Christians also celebrate Christmas. Tom még csak enni sem akart. Tom didn't even want to eat anything. Tom didn't even want to eat. Menjetek vissza a helyetekre! Go back to your seats. Go back to your seats. Szerencsére a cápaharapás nem ért fő ütőeret. Fortunately, the shark bite didn't hit any major arteries. Luckily, the shark bite didn't hit the main artery. Rendben van, ha Tomnak hívlak? Is it all right if I call you Tom? Is it okay if I call you Tom? Mari, ölelj át kérlek. Mary, please hug me. Mari, give me a hug, please.