Non me refiro a ti. I don't mean you. I don't mean you. Escolle aqueles amigos que te beneficien. Choose such friends as will benefit you. Choose those friends to enjoy you. O meu orgullo impediume pedirlle prestado diñeiro. My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him. My pride prevents me borrowing money. O novo coñece as regras, mais o vello coñece as excepcións. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. The new one knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. Teño unha dor de cabeza moi forte. I have a bad headache. I have a very strong headache. Chamamos o noso can Pochi. We call our dog Pochi. We called our Pochi dog. Ela non distingue entre o correcto e o incorrecto. She can't tell right from wrong. She doesn't distinguish between the right and the wrong one. Crese que as baleas teñen a súa propia linguaxe. It is believed that whales have their own language. You think whales have their own language. Enviou ao seu fillo a por un médico. She sent her son for a doctor. He sent his son to a doctor. Os meus pais queren que estude medicina. My parents want me to study medicine. My parents want me to get sick of medicine. ¿Estás ocupado hoxe? Are you busy today? Are you busy today? Teño as chaves do coche. I've got the car keys. I've got the car keys. O grupo de xente progresou connosco. The group of people came along with us. The group of people progressed with us. O can persigue ao raposo. The dog is after the fox. The dog chases the dogs. Todas estas frases precisam dum ponto final. All of these sentences need a full stop. All these phrases you need are needed to have a final point. Vamos, tócaa. Come on, touch it. Come on, play it. Non deberías deixar que os nenos xoguen co coitelo da cociña. You shouldn't let children play with the kitchen knife. You shouldn't let the children play with the kitchen knife. Imos. Come on, let's go. Let's go. Non che podo dicir o que me dixo Tom. I can't tell you what Tom told me. I can't tell you what Tom told me. Tom di que non pode dar un paso máis. Tom says he can't walk another step. Tom says she can't take one more step. Eles xa están aquí. They're already here. They're here now. Moita xente na nosa veciñanza posúe pistolas. A lot of people in our neighborhood own guns. A lot of people in our neighborhood own pistols. Fai moito frío. It's very cold. It's really cold. Tom non soubo entender o chiste de Mary. Tom couldn't understand Mary's joke. Tom didn't know Mary's joke. Ninguén parecía ter un motivo para o asesinato. Nobody seemed to have a motive for the murder. No one seemed to have a reason for the bear. Abre os ollos. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Gustaríame que detallases os custos. I'd like you to itemize the charges. I'd like you to get the cost. A ocasión fai ao ladrón. Opportunity makes a thief. The occasion does the thief. Foi atraído polo seu sorriso. He was attracted by her smile. It was designed by her smile. Teño irmáns. I have brothers. I've got brothers. Vou deter isto. I'm going to put a stop to this. I'm gonna stop this. Existen 340 especies de colibrís. There are 340 species of hummingbirds. There are 340 species of colibs. Perder saúde é máis serio que perder diñeiro. Loss of health is more serious than loss of money. Losing health is more serious than losing money. ¿Queres ir? You want to go? You wanna go? Chegará aí sobre as cinco. He will arrive there about five o'clock. He'll be there about five o'clock. ¿Estás listo para comer? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? ¿Crías que me refería a asuntos nacionais? Do you think I meant country matters? Would you like me to talk about national matters? Tom intentou reducir os seus gastos. Tom tried to cut down on his expenses. Tom tried to reduce his expense. Gozou desas visitas. He enjoyed those visits. He's enjoyed those visitors. Chamou un taxi para min. He called a taxi for me. He called a taxi to me. ¿Fuches capaz de facer todo o que querías? Were you able to do everything you wanted to get done? Did you manage to do anything you wanted? Isto permíteme ver e afrontar os meus problemas actuais. This enables me to see and face my present trouble. This allows me to see and face my current problems. El non é estúpido. He's not stupid. He's not stupid. Adoitaba facer moitos esforzos para obter todo sobresaíntes. He used to try very hard to get straight As. I used to do a lot of efforts to get all the hards. Tom non quere ir para casa agora. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Tom doesn't want to go home now. Por favor, móvanse cara á parte de atrás do bus. Please move to the rear of the bus. Please, they're moving to the back of the bus. A familia é demasiado pobre para pagar as débedas. The family is too poor to pay back the debts. The family is too poor to pay debts. ¡Cálmate! Cool off! Tell yourself! Teño sede. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. A xente fala ben do noso profesor. Our teacher is well spoken of. People talk well about our teacher. Só che traio té só. I only bring you tea alone. I just bring you tea alone. Non son médico. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Levou os manteis ao lavadoiro. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. He took his hand to the washman. A vida no campo é moi tranquila en comparación coa vida na cidade. Country life is very peaceful in comparison with city life. Life in the field is very peaceful compared to life in the city. Se fas trampa, corres o risco de ser arrestado. If you cheat, you run the chance of getting arrested. If you make a trap, you run the risk of being arrested. ¿Sabes a resposta? You know the answer? Do you know the answer? ¿Estabas sobrio naquel intre? Were you sober at that time? Were you sober at that time? O coche en fronte de min é de Karam. The car that's in front of me is Karam's. The car in front of me is from Karam. Mirei pola fiestra. I looked out the window. I looked at the window. Non tiña nada que dicir, así que se foi. He had nothing to say, so he left. I had nothing to say, so it was gone. Esta é a rapaza cuxo pai é doutor. That is the girl whose father is a doctor. This is the girl whose father is a doctor. Gustaríame nadar neste rio. I'd like to swim in this river. I'd like to swim in this shelter. Deixao. Just leave it. Leave him alone. O meu irmán leva doente dende onte. My brother has been sick since yesterday. My brother's been ill since yesterday. ¡Non collades prisioneiros! Take no prisoners! Don't take prisoners! O profesor Smith é recoñecido por ser un dos máis grandes eruditos da filoloxía inglesa. Professor Smith is recognized to be one of the greatest scholars in English philology. Professor Smith is recognized because he's one of the greatest erudiites in the English correoology. Por que morren as abellas despois de picar? Why do bees die after stinging? Why do the bees die after they fall? Ninguén pode escapar da morte. Nobody can escape death. No one can escape death. Por que che gusta tanto Boston? Why do you like Boston so much? Why do you like Boston so much? Tivemos unha charla seria o un co outro. We had a heart-to-heart talk with each other. We had a serious talk on each other. Nunca te deixarei. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave you. Este ano tivemos máis neve que o ano pasado. This year we had more snow than last year. This year we had more snow than last year. Ademais de ser doutor, é escritor. In addition to being a doctor, he is a writer. Besides being a doctor, he's a writer. O paxaro mergullou a cabeza na auga. The bird dipped its head into the water. The bird threw his head into the water. Planeo ir en bicicleta por Shikoku o ano que ven. I plan to cycle around Shikoku next year. I plan to go on bikes by Shikoku next year. Estivo preto de ser atropelado por un coche. He was nearly run over by a car. He was close to being hit by a car. Sírvete ti mesmo. Help yourself. You remember yourself. Tom non recorda como fixo para ter o seu ollo morado. Tom has no recollection of how he got his black eye. Tom doesn't remember how he did it to have her eye. O característico pelo rizo da señora Tanaka estaba de punta tras a súa orella. Mrs Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear. Mrs. Soaka's natural hair was standing after her ear. Eric comezou a cantar. Eric has begun to sing. Eric started singing. Mary recebeu moitos agasallos para o seu aniversario. Mary received many gifts for her birthday. Mary had a great gift for her birthday. Unha tarde calurosa de verán John e Dan estaban a cortar a herba larga. One hot summer afternoon, John and Dan were cutting the long grass. One afternoon in summer John and Dan were cutting the grass out. Ela virouse e comezou a chorar. She turned away and began to cry. She turned round and began to cry. Debes ir ao traballo. You should go to work. You must go to work. É difícil contestar a túa pregunta. Your question is hard to answer. It's hard to answer your question. Cantos precisas? How many do you need? How many do you need? Son os zapatos máis caros que vin na miña vida. Those are the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. They're the most expensive shoes I've ever seen. Non significa nada. It doesn't have any meaning. It doesn't mean anything. O meu pai lévase ben cos seus amigos. My father gets along with his friends. My father gets along well with his friends. O avogado saíu coa súa secretaria. The lawyer went out with the secretary. The lawyer went out with his secretary. Solicitou a admisión no club de equitación. He applied for admission to the riding club. He asked the porteration at the club. Agora case nunca vou o cine. Now I seldom go to the movies. Now I'm almost never going to go to cinema. Son todo ouvidos. I am all ears. They're listening. O Tom perdeu o seu traballo fai tres meses. Tom lost his job three months ago. Tom lost his job three months ago. O exame comeza o próximo luns. The examination begins next Monday. The test starts on next Monday. ¿Cal é o teu xogo de código aberto favorito? What's your favorite open source game? What's your favorite source game? Está a uns 133 quilómetros de Londres. It's about 133 kilometers from London. He's about 133 miles from London. Deberías dar un bo exemplo aos teus nenos. You should set a good example to your children. You should give an example to your children. Ten o costume de deixar a porta aberta. He has a habit of keeping the door open. He's got the habit of leaving the door open. Tom e Mary fanaron e foron ao zoo. Tom and Mary cut classes and went to the zoo. Tom and Mary ran and went to the zoo. Non somos amigos. We aren't friends. We're not friends. Xa é tarde. It's already late. It's late. Este é o primeiro avión a desembarcar no novo aeroporto. This is the first airplane to land at the new airport. This is the first plane to land at the new airport. Creo que si. I think so. I think so. Sinto que nos deixes. I'm sorry you're leaving us. I'm sorry you leave us. O seu problema é que non é puntual. The trouble with him is that he is not punctual. His problem is it's not on time. Tom non está tan san como adoitaba estar. Tom isn't as healthy as he used to be. Tom's not as healthy as she used to be. Tom e Mary faltaron á clase e foron ao zoo. Tom and Mary cut classes and went to the zoo. Tom and Mary missed the class and went to the zoo. A calor do sol endurece a arxila. The heat of the sun hardens clay. It's the heat of the sun that's warmens in the sun. Hai moitas pinturas na parede. There are many paintings on the wall. There are lots of paintings on the wall. Ansiaba unha entrada para o concerto. He was itching for a ticket to the concert. I had an entry for the concert. Isto é un DVD. This is a DVD. This is a DVD. Un gato saíu de abaixo do escritorio. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came down from the desk. Por suposto que aprobou o exame. Of course she passed the test. Of course the test passed. Quero descubrir a orixe deste rumor irresponsable. I want to find out the source of this irresponsible rumor. I want to discover the origin of this loyal rumor. Espremeu a pasta de dentes do tubo dentífrico. He squeezed the toothpaste out of a tube. He made my teeth money from the gas tube. Res. Nothing. Yes. Tom creu que era probable que Mary obtivese o traballo. Tom thought that Mary was likely to get the job. Tom believed it was likely Mary got the job. Cúbrote eu. I've got your back. I'll see you. Vestiuse coma unha muller. He dressed up as a woman. She was seen as a woman. Helena é de Ecuador. É ecuatoriana. Elena is from Ecuador. She is Ecuadorian. Helena is from Ecuador, it's ecuatorian. Puxo moito énfase neste punto. He put great emphasis on this point. He's put it on a lot of lighting at this point. Pra facer cartos, un primeiro ten que desexa-los cartos. To make money one must want money. If you make money, first you have to want money. Os electrodomésticos fixeron máis fáciles as tarefas do fogar. Electrical appliances have made housework easier. The quarks have made easier to work at home. Parecía como que tivese estado enferma. She looked as if she had been ill. She seemed like she had sick condition. Deixou aos seus estudantes estas famosas palabras. He left his students these famous words. He left his students these famous words. Atopamos un cravo espetado no pneumático. We found a nail stuck in the tire. We found a nail tied up in the wagon. Tom leva un diario. Tom keeps a diary. Tom wears a diary. Era a calma antes de tormenta. It was the calm before the storm. It was calm before storm. Ela mesturou o leite co café. She stirred the milk into her coffee. She ate the milk with the coffee. Ela era só unha sombra da antiga eu despois da enfermidade. She was only a shadow of her former self after her illness. She was just a shadow of the old self after the disease. Tom adestrou o seu can a ladrar aos descoñecidos. Tom conditioned his dog to bark at strangers. Tom has given his dog to threw the strangers out. Fai moito frío. It's really cold. It's really cold. A felicidade é unha flor delicada. Happiness is a feeble flower. happiness is a delicate flower. Benvido ao noso fogar. Welcome to our home. Welcome to our home. Foi testemuña do accidente de camiño á escola. He witnessed the accident on his way to school. He's been witnessed from the accident to school. Declará-la guerra despóis dun ataque sorpresa é de supoñer, pero matar a máis de dez mil non combatentes cunha bomba e algo nunca visto. Declaring war after a surprise attack is to be expected, but killing over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb is something unheard of. He'll spoil the war of a surprise attack is to suppose, but kill more than ten thousand do not attack with a bomb and never seen. Fun capaz de contestar a tódalas preguntas. I was able to answer all the questions. I was able to answer all questions. Cóntame como solucionaches o problema. Tell me how you solved the problem. Tell me how you've done the problem. A súa casa está preto do metro. His house is near the subway. His house is close to the subway. Temos un avión que coller. We have a plane to catch. We have a plane to catch. Adoita vir tarde. He often comes late. You usually come late. Tom é a única persoa que ten algunha posibilidade de persuadir a Mary. Tom is the only person that has any chance to persuade Mary. Tom is the only person who has some chance to persuade Mary. Colles ou largas. Take it or leave it You take or get out. Hai un mando a distancia debaixo do sofá. There is a TV remote control under the couch. There's a command on the distance beneath the sofa. Vin a alguén roubar a mercadoría. I saw somebody steal the merchandise. I saw someone steal the commodity. O recargado escritorio renxeu de novo. The loaded desk groaned again. The Reloadd desktop has moved out again. O meu amigo George vai vir ao Xapón esta primavera. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. My friend George is coming to Japan this spring. Vai comezar mañá. He is going to start tomorrow. It'll start tomorrow. Hei mercar un Ford. I'll buy a Ford. I'll buy a Ford. O profesor deu a benvida aos novos alumnos. The teacher welcomed the new students. The teacher welcomed the new students. Son xusto as cinco en punto. It is just five o'clock. It's exactly five o'clock. El toca moi ben a guitarra. He plays the guitar very well. He plays very well on the guitar. Son un heroe. I'm a hero. I'm a hero. Ela pediulle unha cita. She asked him out on a date. She asked him a date. Se puidese renacer, querería ser fillo dunha familia rica, entón estaría listo para a vida. If I could be reborn, I would want to be the child of a rich family, then I'd be set for life. If I could anything, I would like to be a rich family's son, then I'd be ready for life. Saíu un tema novo na conversa. A new topic came up in conversation. He came out a new subject in conversation. Non ten tipo. She has no figure. He doesn't have a guy. Non leves máis diñerio do que necesites. Don't carry more money than you need. Don't take any more attention than you need. Decembro é o último mes do ano. December is the last month of the year. December is last month in the year. Se non fose pola súa axuda, o teu éxito non sería posible. But for his help, your success would be impossible. If it wasn't for his help, your success wouldn't be possible. Cóntame que fixeches en Hawai. Tell me what you did in Hawaii. Tell me you did it in Hawaii. O espertador espertou a Mayuko. The alarm woke up Mayuko. The clock woke up Mayuko. Ren. Nothing. Nothing. Afeccionados pelexaron uns cos outros despois do partido de fútbol. Supporters fought with each other after the football match. Some were fought with each other after the football game. Kamakura é un célebre lugar en conexión coa familia Genji. Kamakura is a place noted in connection with the Genji family. Kamakura is a small place in connection to the Genji family. Terei que dicirlle a verdade mañá. I will have to tell him the truth tomorrow. I'll have to tell you the truth tomorrow. Ogallá estiveses preto de min. I wish you were close to me. I hope you were close to me. Teño unha boa idea. I've got a good idea. I have a good idea. Afeitou o bigote. He shaved his mustache off. He'd shaved his visitor. O semáforo estaba en vermello. The signal was red. The light was in red. Recibiu un trato moi duro. He received rough treatment. He received a tough deal. Os meus labios están selados. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Cans vagabundos pasaron polo meu xardín. Stray dogs tramped about my garden. Canos hores passed through my garden. Estabamos a cociñar tempura naquel momento. We were cooking tempura at that time. We were cooking temura at that time. Viaxar ao estranxeiro é unha das miñas cousas favoritas. Traveling abroad is one of my favorite things. Traveling to the stranger is one of my favorite things. A ferida supurou. The wound discharged pus. The wound has broken. Suecia ten a súa propia lingua. Sweden has its own language. Sweden has its own language. Sei que vas dicir non. I know you're going to say no. I know you're going to say no. Gustaríame un vaso de auga. I'd like a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. Había fume saíndo da cheminea. Smoke was rising from the chimney. There was smoke coming out of the chimney. Case estás no certo. You're almost right. You're almost right. Tráeme algo de auga fría. Bring me some cold water. Bring me some cold water. Ser ou non ser, esa é a cuestión. To be or not to be, that is the question. To be or not, that's the question. A temporada de chuvias empeza hacia finais de xuño. The rainy season sets in about the end of June. The season of rain begins late in June. ¿Onde podo obter os boletos? Where can I get tickets? Where can I get the tickets? Eu tiña can cando era cativo. I had a puppy when I was a boy. I had dog when I was a boy. Esas fotos son dela. Those photos are hers. Those pictures are her. Mirei pola ventá. I looked out the window. I looked at the window. Ela come unicamentre carne branca. She eats but white meat. She eats a white flesh. Un máis dous é igual a tres. One plus two equals three. One more two is equal to three. Sempre escribo as boas experiencias no meu diario. I always put down good experiences in my diary. I always write the good experiences in my diary. ¿Podo comprarche unha bebida? Can I buy you a drink? Can I buy you a drink? O uranio ten que ser enriquecido antes de que poida ser utilizado en armas nucleares. Uranium has to be enriched before it can be used in nuclear weapons. It must be rich before it can be used in nuclear weapons. Poñede os cinturóns de seguridade cando conduzades un coche. Fasten your seat belts when you drive a car. Put the securitypits on when you drive a car. A aguia é a raíña das aves. The eagle is king of birds. Eagle is the queen of birds. Bill vive preto do mar. Bill lives near the sea. Bill lives near the sea. Cobiza formar parte da comunidade dos ricos. He longs for the fellowship of the rich. It's up to us to form part of the rich community. El acudiu á barbaría. He went to the barber shop. He marched to the beard. Non podo máis que dar ao meu irmán por perdido. I cannot but give up my brother for lost. I can't give my brother anymore for lost. Cristobal Colón pediu que se lle adicara unha "Semana de Colón" enteira para celebrar a súa gloria, pero ao final só obtivo un día e só en América. Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire "Columbus Week" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in America. Christbal Domus has asked him to do an entire "supenation" to celebrate his glory, but at the end he only got one day and only in America. O semáforo mudou a vermello. The traffic light changed to red. The light has changed the red. Os traballadores pediron unha suba de soldo. The workers asked for an increase in pay. The workers asked for a raise of pay. Somos inimigos. We're enemies. We are enemies. Parece que el sabe a verdade. It seems that he knows the truth. It seems he knows the truth. En lugares en construción débese levar casco en todo momento. On building sites, hard hats must be worn at all times. In a construction places, you must wear helmet at all the time. Ela insistiu na súa inocencia. She insisted on her innocence. She insisted on her innocence. A miña nai puxo trece candeas na miña torta de aniversario. My mother put thirteen candles on my birthday cake. My mother put 13 candles on my birthday cake. Metícheste en algo malo, ¿non si? You got involved in something bad, huh? You went into something wrong, didn't you? O meu amigo adoita axudar ó meu fillo cos seus estudios. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend usually helps my son with his studios. Papá estaba na súa oficina, debaixo do noso piso. Daddy was in his office, under our flat. Dad was in his office under our apartment. Quería saber algo máis sobre as árbores, tamén. He wanted to know more about the trees, too. I wanted to know something about the trees, too. Arrédate de min. Keep away from me. You're sorry about me. Fixamos as nosas tarifas para os próximos tres anos. We have fixed our fees for the next three years. We had our fares for the next three years. ¡Que ollos máis bonitos ten! What lovely eyes she has! What a pretty eyes she has! John gaña sempre que xogamos a ese xogo. John wins every time we play the game. John wins whenever he plays that game. Fixemos un contrato coa empresa. We made a contract with the firm. We made a contract with the company. Non deberías visitar ao meu avó hoxe. You shouldn't visit my grandfather today. You shouldn't visit my grandfather today. Deixa que che demos un consello. Let us give you a piece of advice. Let me give you a advice. Debes vivir de acordo aos teus ingresos. You must live according to your income. You must live according to your income. Os turistas foron estafados na discoteca. The tourists were ripped off at the nightclub. 00 , 01:23:55:00 , tourists were stuck in the disco. Cometín un erro por facelo con présa. I made a mistake through doing it in a hurry. I made a mistake to do this in a hurry. Pobre como era, non pediu diñeiro a ninguén. Poor as he was, he did not borrow money from others. Poor thing he was, he hasn't asked anyone for money. Segue ó coche. Follow the car. Keep the car. Os rapaces a menudo nadan no lago. Children often swim in the lake. The boys to menu for nothing in the lake. A biblioteca ten oitenta anos. The library is eighty years old. The library is 80 years old. En 11 horas, chegaremos a San Francisco sobre as 7.30. In 11 hours, we will arrive in San Francisco around 7:30. At 11 o'clock, we'll reach San Francisco about 7.30. El será o meu suplente mentres estou fóra. He will be my deputy while I am away. He'll be my wedding while I'm out. ¿Importaríache se quedase por aquí algún tempo? Would you mind my staying here for some time? Do you mind if you stay here for some time? Teño o hábito de camiñar cada día. I am in the habit of taking a walk every day. I have the habit of walking every day. Cales son as alternativas? What are the alternatives? What are the alternatives? Tom puxo a súa sotana. Tom put on his robe. Tom put his jackna on. ¿Imos ver o partido? How about going to see the game? Shall we see the party? Ela se agachou ao lado do portão. She crouched down by the gate. She hid on the side of the port. Precisamos coller ese bus. We need to take that bus. We need to catch that bus. Os soldados resistiron o ataque do inimigo. The soldiers resisted the enemy attack. The soldiers resisted the enemy's attack. Quen escribiu a carta? Who wrote the letter? Who wrote the letter? A súa conducta decepcionou a moitos dos seus amigos. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. His driver has accepted many of his friends. Din que non poden competir cos baixos prezos dos produtos estranxeiros. They say they cannot compete with low-priced foreign products. They say they can't fight with the low price of foreign products. Ninguén me dixo cando tiña que vir. Nobody told me what time I should come. Nobody told me when I had to come. Ningunha muller mercaría iso. No women would buy that. No woman would buy that. Se chove mañá, o partido de béisbol será suspendido. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be put off. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be suspended. Sempre me chamaches dende a súa casa. You always called me from her house. He always called me from his house. ¿Podes describir a relación supervisor - subordinado ideal? Can you describe the ideal supervisor-subordinate relationship? Can you describe the supervisor relationship - ideal? Tivemos un exame oral. We had an oral exam. We had an oral test. O meu pai quitoume o meu xoguete das mans. My dad took my toy out of my hands. My father took my toy out of my hands. El ten un can. He has a dog. He's got a dog. Resolvín ser médica. I made up my mind to be a doctor. I decided to be a doctor. Espero que te poñas ben pronto. Hope you'll get better soon. I hope you'll be all right soon. Un, dous, tres, catro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Demostrouse que as pulgas que viven nos cans saltan máis que as que viven nos gatos. It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats. It was said that the wanders that live in dogs are broken more than the ones that live in cats. Ven durmir aos meus brazos. Come fall asleep in my arms. Come to sleep in my arms. É linda. She's beautiful. It's beautiful. En rematando co libro, volve pólo onde o atopaches. When you're done with the book, put it back where you found it. In ending with the book, he'll put it back where you found him. ¿Quen lle tirou unha pedra ao meu can? Who threw a stone at my dog? Who threw a rock to my dog? Cresme? Do you believe me? You believe me? Sen o Sol, non poderiamos vivir na Terra. Without the Sun, we could not live on the Earth. Without the sun, we couldn't live on Earth. As localidades impuxeron prohibicións ó desenvolvemento. Localities imposed bans on development. Locations refused to development. Como a estrada está húmida esta mañá, debeu chover esta noite. Since the road is wet this morning, it must have rained last night. As the road is wet this morning, it must have rained tonight. Que é isto? What is this? What's this? Ela tenlle medo aos cans. She is afraid of dogs. She's scared of the dogs. ¡Está fervendo! It's hot as hell! It's shining! A coma de Oxford é estraña, innecesaria, e non pode levarse a outros idiomas distintos do inglés. The Oxford comma is awkward, unnecessary, and cannot be carried over to languages other than English. It's strange, unnecessary, and it can't take other languages from the English. Miña nai púxose a coser. Mother busied herself with sewing. My mother turned on the sewing. ¿Canto costa unha noite? How much for the night? How far does it go for one night? Consolámonos o un ao outro. We consoled each other. Let's face each other. ¿Queres vir pescar comigo? Do you want to go fishing with me? You wanna go fishing with me? Ken asemella ser unha persoa amigable. Ken seems to be a friendly person. Ken seems to be a friendly person. Son xusto as cinco. It is just five o'clock. It's exactly five o'clock. Non teño tempo para ler. I have no leisure for reading. I don't have time to read. Tom cre que Mary ten máis de corenta. Tom thinks Mary is over forty. Tom thinks Mary has more than forty. Casa, meu fillo, cando quixeres - miña filla, casa cando puideres. Son, marry whenever you want - daughter, marry when you can. My son, when you want--my daughter, home when you can. Vamos, admíteo. Come on, admit it. Come on, put it on. A cazadora seguiuno adentro do bosque. The huntress followed it into the woods. The hunter followed him from the woods. Non podes aparcar aquí. Non obstante, hay un aparcadoiro xusto virando a esquina. You can't park here. However, there is a parking lot just around the corner. You can't park here, yet, there's a parking park right around the corner. Axudareite despois do traballo se non estou demasiado canso. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. Sempre estamos expostos a algún tipo de perigo. We are always exposed to some kind of danger. We're always exposed to some kind of danger. ¿Que idioma falan en Corea? What language do they speak in Korea? What language do you speak in Korea? Tivo a sorte de casar cunha rapaza linda. He had the good fortune to marry a pretty girl. She was lucky to marry a pretty girl. É o mesmo para todos. It's the same for everyone. It's the same for all of us. É a cousa máis estúpida que dixen nunca. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. It's the stupidest thing I ever said. Adoitaba escoitar a radio moi tarde pola noite. I used to listen to the radio very late at night. I used to listen to the radio very late at night. O primeira base é o talón de Aquiles do noso equipo. The first baseman is the Achilles heel of our team. The first base is our team's armkeepers. Penso que iso é incorrecto. I think that's wrong. I think that's wrong. Sabes nadar, non si? You can swim, can't you? You can swim, can't you? Agarda por min! Wait for me! Wait for me! Penso, polo tanto existo. I think, therefore I am. I think so much so. O domingo que vén iremos visita-la nosa tía. We are going to visit our aunt next Sunday. On Sunday we'll visit our aunt. Fun membro do club de fútbol cando estaba no instituto. I was a member of the soccer club when I was in junior high. I was a member of the football club when I was in high school. Anne estaba a piques de saír de casa cando o teléfono comezou a soar. Anne was just about to leave the house when the phone began ringing. Anne was about to leave home when the phone started ringing. Deberíamos ter sido máis coidadosos. We should have been more careful. We should have been more careful. Achegouse e axeonllouse. He approached and fell on his knees. He went down and kneeled. Merquei a mesma cámara que tes ti. I bought the same camera as you have. I bought the same camera you got. ¿Remataches xa o traballo? Have you finished the work yet? Have you finished the job yet? Vira á esquerda. Turn left. Turn left. Tom quere mudarse a Boston. Tom wants to move to Boston. Tom wants to change to Boston. Fixo progresos sorprendentes en inglés. He made remarkable progress in English. He made amazing progress in English. ¿Sabes a resposta? Do you know the answer? Do you know the answer? No Xapón o ano novo escolar comeza en abril. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. In Japan, the new school starts in April. Non hai por que ter medo. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no need to be afraid. Mary pediulle a Tom que o lese. Mary asked Tom to read it for her. Mary asked Tom to read it. Podo tocar doadamente os meus dedos dos pés. I can easily touch my toes. I can easily touch my feet fingers. El é un bo atleta. He is a good athlete. He's a good boy. Tom guindou una pedra á árbore. Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone in the tree. ¡Estás louco! You're crazy! You're crazy! Mete un pau no cu. Shove a stick up your ass. Put a stick in your ass. Espero que te recuperes pronto. Hope you'll get better soon. I hope you'll be back soon. O home do tempo di que teremos chuvia pola tarde. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. The weather man says we'll have rain in the afternoon. ¿Viches a película "A caixa" ? Have you ever seen the movie "The Box"? Did you see the movie "The Box"? Meu nome é Ricardo. My name is Ricardo. My name is RICARDO. Nadar écheme divertido. I find swimming fun. Nothing's funny for me. Tom finalmente comeu algo. Tom finally ate something. Tom finally ate something. Tom chamou a Mary para pedirlle axuda para a venda de pasteliños. Tom called Mary to ask her to help at the bake sale. Tom called Mary to ask him some help for the sale of cake. Déulle a súa aprobación para o encontro. She gave her assent to the match. He gave him his approval for the meeting. Gracias! Thanks! Thanks! ¿Está ocupado hoxe? Are you busy today? Are you busy today? Era un traveso cando era neno. He was naughty when he was a boy. It was a transveo when I was a boy. Estou camiñando por un parque. I'm taking a walk in a park. I'm walking through a park. Estes libros son moi vellos. These books are very old. These books are very old. ¿Cando empezaches a aprender alemán? When did you begin learning German? When did you start to learn German? Unhas vacacións demasiado longas fan que un sexa remiso a voltar ao traballo. Too long a holiday makes one reluctant to start work again. A few vacations too long make one turn back to work. Deu volta na cama. He rolled over in his sleep. He turned back in bed. Eu durmo na miña habitación. I sleep in my room. I sleep in my room. Deixamos África para sempre. We left Africa forever. We leave Africa forever. ¡Estás tolo! You're nuts! You're crazy! Aínda que chova, xogará ao golf. Even though it is raining, he will play golf. Even if I hit you, he'll play golf. O policía pitou ó coche para que parase. The policeman whistled for the car to stop. The police took the car to stop. Acerbaixán chámase "Azərbaycan" en azarí. Azerbaijan is called "Azərbaycan" in Azeri. They're called "Azzycan" in chance. Ver o cempés na parede abondou para me poñer a pel de galiña. The sight of the centipede on the wall was enough to make my skin crawl. Look at the renty on the wall enough to put my dog's skin on me. Pensa que é un fracaso por iso se dá á bebida. He thinks he is a failure so he drinks. He thinks it's a failure that's why he's given the drink. As follas son para as plantas o que os pulmóns para os animais. Leaves are to plants what lungs are to animals. The leaves are for plants than the lungs for animals. Non estaba seguro da miña capacidade para facelo. I was uncertain of my ability to do it. I wasn't sure of my ability to do it. Non fixo nada malo. He did nothing wrong. He didn't do anything wrong. Estou de garda agora. I am on duty now. I'm saving now. El aínda é moi novo para este traballo. He is still too young for the job. He's still very young for this job. Darei esta mazá a quen a queira. I'll give this apple to whoever wants it. I'll have this apple you love. O meu noivo traballa nunha escola de idiomas e adórao. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My boyfriend works in a language school and I love him. Case todos na clase votaron a favor de termos una festa de agradecemento aos profesores. Almost everyone in the class voted in favor of having a thank-you party for the teachers. Almost everyone in the class voted for a party of thanks to teachers. O neno ten fe en que a súa nai coide del. The infant has faith in his mother taking care of him. The boy has faith in that her mother takes care of him. Fareite feliz. I'll make you happy. I'll make you happy. Pedínlle ó meu pai que mercara este xoguete. I asked my father to buy this toy. I asked my father to buy this toy. Feliz Día Internacional da Muller! Happy International Women's Day! Happy old woman's International Day! Non sei onde reside. I don't know where he lives. I don't know where it lies. Canto custa esta gravata? How much is this tie? How much is this tie? O concerto terá lugar o próximo verán. The concert will take place next summer. The concert will take place next summer. Chámoa todos os días. I call her up every day. I call her every day. El ten dúas fillas. He has two daughters. He has two daughters. Necesitamos unha axencia caza talentos para encontrar ao home adecuado para este posto executivo. We'll need a head hunting agency to find the right man for this executive position. We need a talent agency to find the right man for this executive post. Tom non podía identificar o problema. Tom couldn't identify what was wrong. Tom couldn't identify the problem. Boas noites. Good night! Good night. Eles renovaron a casa da súa avoa e trouxeron mobles modernos. They renovated their grandmother's house and brought in modern furniture. They renewd her grandmother's house and brought modern furniture. Unha pasarela vella e ruinosa é a única forma de chegar ao outro lado do desfiladeiro. An old, rickety footbridge is the only way to get to the other side of the gorge. An old and rude gateway is the only way to get to the other side of the pass. Prefiro a natación ao esquí. I prefer swimming to skiing. I prefer the motion here. Ela adórao. She worships him. She loves you. Iso é xusto o que eu pensaba. It's just what I was thinking about. That's exactly what I thought. O interrogatorio comeza o próximo luns. The examination begins next Monday. The interrogation starts on next Monday. O meu pai é piloto de voos nacionais. My father is a pilot on the domestic line. My father is a pilot of national flights. ¡Estás chalado! You're nuts! You're fired! O meu pai pillou unha pneumonía o mes pasado. My father contracted pneumonia last month. My father caught a pneumum last month. Necesítoo para mañá. I need it by tomorrow. I need it for tomorrow. El é o home no cal ti podes confiar. He is the man you can rely on. He's the man you can trust. Non podo aceptar este agasallo. I can't accept this gift. I can't accept this gift. Se non fora polo meu consello fracasarías. But for my advice you would have failed. If it hadn't been for my advice, you would fail. Os xaponeses sacan os zapatos cando entran nunha casa. The Japanese take off their shoes when entering a house. The Japanese take off their shoes when they enter a house. Anhela formar parte da comunidade dos ricos. He longs for the fellowship of the rich. It will form part of the rich community. Busco certa muller anciá. I'm looking for a certain old woman. I'm looking for some old woman. Criou a ese rapaz a un precio moi alto. She raised that child at a great cost. He raised that boy to a very high price. Debo estar aí ás 9 en punto. I must get there by 9 o'clock. I must be there at 9 o'clock. Encontreime coa túa nai na biblioteca. I ran across your mother in the library. I found your mother in the library. Hai un gran número de incendios forestais en América. There are a great many forest fires in America. There's a great number of firemen in America. Puxo a orella pegada na parede. He pressed his ear against the wall. Put his ear on the wall. Un verdadeiro amigo teríache advertido. A true friend would advise you. A true friend would have warned you. Estou seguro de que se acharán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure they'll be able to express it. ¿Que tal se me promoves de só amigo a noivo? How about giving me a promotion from just-a-friend to boyfriend? How do you care about only a friend of a boyfriend? Os seus zapatos son marróns. His shoes are brown. His shoes are brown. A rapaza ten moita fame. The girl is really hungry. The girl is very hungry. O concerto foi exitoso. The concert was successful. The concert was successful. ¿Cal é a túa oración favorita? What is your favorite sentence? What is your favorite prayer? Ese é o feito que quero saber. It is the fact that I want to know. That's the fact I want to know. Déronse un apertón de mans. They shook hands with each other. They've gone to pieces of hands. Perdeu o seu pai á idade de 3 anos. She lost her father at the age of 3. He lost his father at age three. Os nenos están a salvo. The children are safe. The children are safe. Gústame ver películas. I like watching movies. I like watching films. Como te chamas? What is your name? What's your name? Todas as maceiras foron pinchadas. All the apple trees were cut down. All the butts were caught. Nada. Nothing. Nothing. A maioría dos estudantes aquí son aplicados. Most of the students here are diligent. Most students here are applied. Desexaba unha entrada para o concerto. He was itching for a ticket to the concert. He wanted an entry for the concert. América, aí vou eu! America, here I come! America, here I am! Fun capaz de triunfar grazas ao teu consello. I was able to succeed because of your advice. I was able to succeed thank your advice. O experto en aviación analizou as estatísticas polo miúdo. The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail. The expert in an air took statistics too often. Acordaron elixilo como presidente. They agreed to elect him as president. They've decided it as a president. Comprei a mesma cámara que tes ti. I bought the same camera as you have. I bought the same camera you got. Deulle a súa aprobación para o partido. She gave her assent to the match. He gave him his approval for the party. Teño dous irmáns e tres irmás. I have two brothers and three sisters. I have two brothers and three sisters. ¿Que fixéches con ese libro? What did you do with that book? What did you do with that book? ¿Por que vas andando se tes coche? Why do you walk when you have a car? Why are you going to walk if you have a car? Aqueles son os nosos libros. Those are our books. Those are our books. A ela gústanlle os xeados. She likes ice cream. She likes ice creams. ¿Fará calor mañá? Will it be hot tomorrow? Is it hot tomorrow? ¿Mudácheste xa á túa nova casa? Have you got settled into your new house yet? Have you already gone to your new house? O goberno impuxo un novo imposto aos granxeiros. The government imposed a new tax on farmers. The government has built a new tax to the farmers. As lembranzas que tiña dela comezaban esvaecerse. She had begun to recede in my memory. The memories she had were beginning to disappear. Non me insultes diante doutros. Don't insult me in company. Don't insult me in front of others. Os famentos paxaros estaban a comer do alimentador para páxaros. The hungry birds were eating from the bird feeder. The birds were eating from the fooder to nurses. Jack está ocupado cociñando para nós. Jack is busy cooking for us. Jack's busy cooking for us. Non podo aceptar esta teoría. I can't accept this theory. I can't accept this theory. Os Estado Unidos convertéronse nunha nación en 1776. The United States became a nation in 1776. The United States became a nation in 1776. Visteu-se coma umha mulher. He dressed up as a woman. He was dressed like umha mulher. Ollo por ollo, dente por dente. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I'm looking forward to it. A verdade é que es alto, ¿eh? You really are tall, aren't you? The truth is you're high, huh? Agora teño 30 anos. I am 30 years old now. Now I'm 30 years old. Nicolás e María ámanse. Nicholas and Maria love each other. You'll drive and Maria's listening. Gustaríame mercar algunhas postais. I would like to buy some postcards. I'd like to buy some postcards. O Servizo Secreto tiña que responder pola seguridade do presidente The Secret Service has to answer for the safety of the president. The funeral service had to answer for the president's safety Tom foi condenado e sentenciado a morte. Tom was convicted and sentenced to death. Tom has been condemned and sentenceed to death. Non estou seguro diso. Depende. I'm not sure about that. It depends. I'm not sure about that. Falas comigo? Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? O libro é de gran valor. The book is of great value. The book is of great courage. Lanza a túa pistola cara aquí. Toss your gun over here. Run your gun over here. Estou seguro de que se encontrarán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure they'll be able to express it. Tom coñecía a un home cuxo pai fora piloto de helicóptero durante a Guerra de Vietnam. Tom knew a man whose father was a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. Tom knew a man who had been a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. Concentrábase na aprendizaxe de preposicións. He concentrated on his study of prepositions. It was done in preposition learning. Vamos, apura. Come on, hurry up. Come on, hurry up. Non paga a pena reparar o coche. The car isn't worth repairing. It's not worth fixing the car. O relator golpeou a mesa co seu puño. The speaker banged the table with his fist. The report hit the table with his fist. Ela é atractiva cando se viste de blanco. She is attractive when she is dressed in white. She's attractive when she's dressed from blanco. A operadora telefónica pediu ao que chamaba que esperase a que se establecera unha conexión. The telephone operator asked the caller to hold on until a connection was made. The phone operator requested the call that was expected for a connection to be established. París é unha das cidades que visitei o ano pasado. Paris is one of the cities I visited last year. Paris is one of the cities I visited last year. O meu pai chamoume Kazunari. Father named me Kazunari. My father called me Vinari. O meu amigo adoita axudar ao meu fillo cos seus estudos. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. O luns falaremos con el. We'll talk with him on Monday. On Monday we'll talk to him. Esa casa é grande. That house is big. That house is big. Cando non estás, síntome perdido. When you are away, I feel lost. When you're not, I'm lost. Hai poucos, se algún, homes así. There are few, if any, such men. There are few, if any, men like that. Non creo que a TV vaia nunca a tomar o lugar dos libros. I don't think TV will ever take the place of books. I don't think TV's going to ever take the place of books. Es normal. You're normal. You're normal. ¡Estás louco! You're nuts. You're crazy! Unha semana ten sete días. A week has seven days. One week he's got seven days. A pantasma de Cock Lane é un conto de pantasmas inglés do século 18. The Ghost of Cock Lane is an English ghost story from the 18th century. The ghost of Cock Lane is a tale of English ghosts in the 18th century. Non poderei quedar contigo mañá porque me xurdiu algo inesperado. I won't be able to meet you tomorrow because something unexpected has come up. I can't stay with you tomorrow because there was something unexpected. Él aínda anda solto. He is still on the loose. He's still loose. Non puiden máis que compadecer a rapaza que perdera os seus pais no accidente. I couldn't but sympathize with the girl who had lost her parents in the accident. I couldn't imagine the girl who lost her parents at the accident. Dez, vinte, trinta, corenta, cincuenta, sesenta, setenta, oitenta, noventa, cen. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred. Ten, 20, thirty, 40, 50, 60, 20, 80, nine, 100. Isto non é unha frase. This is not a sentence. This isn't a sentence. As tartarugas son réptiles. Turtles are reptiles. The turtles are crowded. A árbore que viches era un carballo. The tree you saw was an oak tree. The tree you saw was a cane. Collo vacacións dende o 20 de xullo ata o 8 de agosto. I'm taking a vacation from July 20 through August 8. I take vacation from July 20 to August 8th. De ter traballado máis duro, podería ser rico agora. If he had worked harder, he might be a rich man now. If I had worked harder, it could be rich now. Dixeron que a condición do señor Wilson non cambiara. They said Mr. Wilson's condition had not changed. They said that Mr. Wilson's condition had not changed. Tom bebeu direto da lata. Tom drank straight from the can. Tom drank a can. Ela gústame sobre todo pola súa amabilidade. I like her all the more for her kindness. She likes it all for his kindness. Tom comprou cordóns novos para os seus zapatos. Tom bought new laces for his shoes. Tom bought new shoes for his shoes. Servídevos vós mesmos. Help yourself. Help yourselves. Acabo de estar no aeroporto para despedirme del. I have just been to the airport to see him off. I've just been at the airport to say goodbye from him. Podo preguntarlle o seu nome? May I ask your name? Can I ask you your name? Tom e Mary apuntáronse a marina. Tom and Mary joined the navy. Tom and Mary threw out the marina. O mundo rendeu o debido recoñecemento ao seu talento. The world has paid due recognition to her ability. The world has given up due to its talent. Os empregados ameazaron cunha folga para protexer os beneficios dos traballadores. Employees threatened a strike to protect worker benefits. The employees threatened with a strike to protect the benefits of the workers. Axudareite despois do traballo se non estou demasiado baldado. I'll help you after work if I'm not too tired. I'll help you after work if I'm not too rude. Cometín un erro por facelo a correr. I made a mistake through doing it in a hurry. I made a mistake to run. Non teño ningún bolígrafo. I don't have any pens. I don't have a pen. ¡Estás louco! You're nuts! You're crazy! Tom non pensa que a pronunciación do francés de Mary é moi boa. Tom doesn't think Mary's French pronunciation is very good. Tom doesn't think Mary's speech is very good. Volverei chamar ás 4. I'll call back at four o'clock. I'll call you at 4. Terían que ter metido a alguén como Tom nun psiquiátrico o século pasado. Last century they would have just thrown someone like Tom into a lunatic asylum. They should have put somebody into it as Tom in a last century. O noso uniforme de educación física eran só pantalons cortos pero dende hoxe son mallas. Our P.E. kit was just shorts but now it's spats from today. Our physical education uniform were just colored but since today they're worse. O exceso de bebida é unha das causas de impotencia. Excessive drinking is one of the causes of impotence. Too many drinks is one of the causes of helplessness. Non esperara demasiado antes de que aparecese. I had not waited long before he appeared. I hadn't waited too long before it appeared. Cando Mary era unha nena, a súa familia era moi pobre. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. When Mary was a child, her family was very poor. Ela é fermosa. She's beautiful. She's beautiful. Quito, Ecuador, está un pouco ao sur do ecuador. Quito, Ecuador, is a little south of the equator. Quit, Ecuador, it's a little south of the equator. Grazas, irmáns. Thank you, brothers. Thank you, brothers. Cada prezo ten a súa razón de ser. Each price has its reason. Every price is its reason to be. Sabamos que por qué vivniste aquí. We know why you came here. Let's see why they saw you here. O can comeu os meus deberes. The dog ate my homework. The dog ate my duties. Eu son Antonio. I am Antonio. I'm Antonio. Por favor poña moita nata líquida no meu café. Please put a lot of cream in my coffee. Please put a lot of liquid in my coffee. Esta caixa é dunha cor distinta ao daquela. This box is a different colour to that one. This box is a different color from then. Falas comigo? Are you speaking to me? Are you talking to me? O té está tan quente que non podo bebelo. The tea is so hot that I cannot drink it. The tea is so hot I can't drink it. Xulia dálle un bico á súa filla. Julia gives a kiss to her daughter. I'd love to kiss her daughter. Tom estaba tan asustado como o estaba Mary. Tom was just as scared as Mary was. Tom was so scared as Mary was. Ela divertiuse moito na festa de onte. She had a lot of fun at the party yesterday. She's had a lot of fun at yesterday's party. Enviou ao seu fillo a por un doutor. She sent her son for a doctor. He sent his son to a doctor. Adoito pensar no lugar onde te coñecín. I often think about the place where I met you. I want to think about where I met you. Non vos preocupedes. Don't worry. Don't worry. A guerra durou dous anos. The war lasted two years. War lasted two years. Non obstante é un fastío ordenar o cuarto. However, it's a pain putting the room in order. But it's not a mistake to order the room. O meu irmán leva enfermo dende onte. My brother has been sick since yesterday. My brother's been sick since yesterday. Ese é un vestido precioso. That's a beautiful dress. That's a beautiful dress. Aproximouse á estación. He approached the station. He went to the station. Ela levantou a man. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Nada máis chegar á vila, foi dereito a vela. On arriving in the town, he went straight to see her. Nothing more come to town, it was right to see her. Non sabía que él falaba inglés. I didn't know that he could speak English. I didn't know he spoke English. Ideas verdes descoloridas durmen furiosamente. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Green ideas of sleeping asleep furiously. O seu discurso foi demasiado curto. His speech was too short. His speech was too short. Decidimos comezar o próximo domingo. We've fixed on starting next Sunday. We decided to begin next Sunday. Quen pintou ese cadro? Who painted this painting? Who painted that painting? Só auga, por favor. Just water, please. Just water, please. Tom non se fía de Mary co seu coche. Tom doesn't trust Mary with his car. Tom didn't trust Mary with his car. ¿Estiveches no teatro o sábado pasado? Were you at the theater last Saturday? Have you been on the theatre last Saturday? ¿Estades listos para comer? Are you ready to eat? Are you ready to eat? Benvido ao noso lar. Welcome to our home. Welcome home. Non me telefones despois das dez. Don't call me up after ten o'clock. Don't worry about me after ten. Hai moitos cadros na parede. There are many paintings on the wall. There are lots of paintings on the wall. Non me chames despois das dez. Don't call me up after ten o'clock. Don't call me after ten. O "suxeito" é a persoa ou obxecto que leva a cabo a acción da oración. Pasado ao Xaponés sería a parte que remata en "wa" ou "ga." The "subject" is the person or object to carry out the action in the sentence. Transformed to Japanese it would be the part that end in "wa" or "ga." The "sudy" is the person or object leading through the prayer action. Passed to Japanese would be the part that ends in "wa" or "ga." ¿Irá calor mañá? Will it be hot tomorrow? Is it hot tomorrow? O café dáche enerxía! Coffee gives you energy! Coffee gives you energy! ¿Que sería a vida sen esperanza? What would life be without hope? What would be life without hope? Unha mina é onde encontras pedras preciosas. A mine is where you find precious minerals. A mine is where you find lovely stones. Esquecín pagar o alugueiro este mes. I forgot to pay my rent this month. I forgot to pay this month. Fumou durante todo o tempo. He kept on smoking all the time. He ran away all the time. Estou avergonzado porque actuei coma un idiota. I'm ashamed because I acted foolishly. I'm bored because I've acted like an idiot. ¿Que estás a facer na escola esta tarde? What are you doing at school this afternoon? What are you doing at school this afternoon? Pedínlle ao meu pai que mercara este xoguete. I asked my father to buy this toy. I asked my father to buy this toy. Meu nome é Ricardo. My name's Ricardo. My name is RICARDO. Os seus alumnos o adoraban. His students adored him. His students loved him. Atopeime coa túa nai na biblioteca. I ran across your mother in the library. I found your mother in the library. Tom lanzou una pedra á árbore Tom threw a rock at the tree. Tom threw a stone to the tree O xílgaro é un paxaro moi interesante. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. It's a very interesting bird. O meu compañeiro sentimental traballa nunha escola de idiomas e adórao. My significant other works at a language school and loves it very much. My little sentimental fellow works in a language school and believes him. Onde está a licencia? Where is the license? Where's the file? Pregunteime se a súa historia era certa. I wondered if her story was true. I asked myself if his story was true. Je tricote. I knit. Jecrote. Fareiche unha visita á túa casa mañá. I'll pay you a visit at your house tomorrow. I'll pay you a visit to your house tomorrow. O caldeiro estaba cheo de auga. The bucket was full of water. The bucket was full of water. A foto que amosou engadiu color á súa historia. The photo he showed added color to his story. The picture which showed you added color to your story. Estiveches algunha vez en París? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Grazas. Thank you! Thank you. Máis sorte a próxima vez. Better luck next time. I'm more lucky next time. Tom cometeu algúns erros no exame. Tom made some mistakes in the test. Tom made some mistakes at the test. Ata mañá. See you tomorrow! See you tomorrow. As lembranzas que teño dela comezaron a esvaecerse. My memory of her has begun to recede. The memories I have of her started to disappear. Non teño nada en particular que facer mañá. I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow. I have nothing in particular to do tomorrow. Levou os manteis á lavandaría. She took the tablecloths to the laundry. He took his hand to the laundry. Tom foi de viaxe en coche cos seus amigos. Tom went on a road trip with his friends. Tom was a car trip with his friends. O balde estaba cheo de auga. The bucket was full of water. The free thing was full of water. Tom escribe un diario. Tom keeps a diary. Tom writes a journal. Mercamos unha mesa redonda. We bought a round table. We bought a round table. Pediume que che comunicara os seus desexos. He asked me to communicate his wishes to you. He asked me to communicate with his wishes. Iso di moito de ti. That's very big of you. That says a lot about you. Pedín varios libros a Inglaterra. I ordered several books from England. I asked several books to England. Fun alí por curiosidade. I went there out of curiosity. I went there for curiosity. O teu plan parece mellor que o meu. Your plan seems better than mine. Your plan seems better than mine. Mostroume a súa foto en privado. He showed me her picture in private. He showed me his picture in private. Colles ou largas. Take it, or leave it. You take or get out. Gracias! Thank you! Thanks! Non me gusta correr riscos. I don't like to run a risk. I don't like taking risks. Adeus! Goodbye! Bye! Non podes aparcar aquí. Non obstante, hai un aparcamento xusto virando a esquina. You can't park here. However, there is a parking lot just around the corner. You can't park here, but there's a parking park right around the corner. ¿Crías que me refería a problemas nacionais? Do you think I meant country matters? You think I was talking about national problems? Por que estás a chorar? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? O emperador rezou polas almas dos falecidos. The Emperor prayed for the souls of the deceased. The Emperor pray for the souls of the deceased. Síntoo, traballo a media xornada dende mañá pola mañá. Sorry, I've got part-time work from the morning tomorrow. I'm sorry, I work half a day from tomorrow morning. Vexo a televisión. I watch television. I see the television. ¿Establecícheste xa na túa nova casa? Have you got settled into your new house yet? Have you ever been to your new house? Non exceda-lo límite de velocidade. Don't go beyond the speed limit. Do not increase speed limit. O meu móbil non funciona. My cell phone doesn't work. My cell doesn't work. Ela está no corredor da morte. She is on death row. She's in the death hall. Estou de acordo contigo. I agree with you. I agree with you. Non puiden ir aí, porque a miña nai estaba enferma. Because my mother was ill, I could not go there. I couldn't go there, because my mother was sick. El sempre di a verdade. He always tells the truth. He always says the truth. A iakuza estivo a atormentar a Hiroshi. The yakuza were tormenting Hiroshi. An iakuz has been disturbing the Hirsh. Ten coñecementos de inglés. He has a knowledge of English. He has English knowledge. O meu pai parecía decepcionado de que eu non tivese aprobado o exame. My father seemed to be disappointed I hadn't passed the examination. My father seemed disappointed that I didn't approve of the test. Que rapaza máis maravillosa é. What a beautiful girl she is. What a pretty little girl she is. Puxo unha venda no meu dedo mancado. She applied a bandage to my hurt finger. I put a sale in my finger. As caixas de cartón son fráxiles. The cardboard boxes are fragile. Card boxes are delicate. Vexo o rapaz. I see the boy. I see the boy. Esta é unha árbore na primavera. This is a tree in the spring. This is a tree in spring. Os dormitorios están enriba. The bedrooms are upstairs. The bedrooms are upstairs. Escóitame, ¿queres? Listen to me, will you? Listen, what do you want? Ela sempre traballa moito. She always works hard. She always works a lot. Tatoeba é cultura. Tatoeba is culture. Tatoeba is culture. Antes de nada, aprende a fórmula de memoria. First of all, learn the formula by heart. Before nothing, he learns the formula of memory. Tódolos seres humanos nacen libres e iguais en dignidade e dereitos e, dotados como están de razón e conciencia, deben de se comportar fraternalmente os uns cos outros. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and as they are of reason and conscience, they must always behave with each other. Esta novela é tan fácil que mesmo un cativo pode lela. This novel is so easy that even a child can read it. This novel is so easy that even a child can read it. Um idioma nunca é abondo. One language is never enough. Um language is never enough. Prefiro traballar duro a sentarme sen facer nada. I prefer working hard to just sitting idle. I'd rather work hard just sit down and do nothing. A árbore é verde. The tree is green. Tree is green. Non quero volver a verte xamáis. I never want to see you again. I don't want to see you again. Tom é tan alto coma calquera neno da nosa aula. Tom is as tall as any boy in our class. Tom is as tall as any child in our classroom. Ao deixar a escola, foi para África. On leaving school, he went to Africa. As soon as he left school, he went to Africa. Se non les o xornal, estás desinformado. Se les o xornal, estás mal informado If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed. If you don't read the paper, you're out of it. If you read the paper, you're wrong informed. Está morto dende hai cinco anos. He passed away five years ago. He's been dead for five years. ¿Onde podo conseguir as entradas? Where can I get tickets? Where can I get the tickets? Siga ó coche. Follow the car. Go on to the car. Os meus pais disuadíronme de viaxar. My parents discouraged me from traveling. My parents told me to travel. A gravadora estaba posta sobre a mesa. The tape recorder was lying on the table. The tape recorder was on the table. As gaivotas están a voar baixo. The sea gulls are flying low. The popts are flying down. Se vén, dille que agarde por min. If he comes, tell him to wait for me. If he comes, tell him to wait for me. ¿Quen lle lanzou unha pedra ao meu can? Who threw a stone at my dog? Who threw a stone to my dog? Estou seguro de que se atoparán exploits. I am sure exploits will be found. I'm sure you'll be able to express it. Dous xeados de vainilla por favor. Two vanilla ice creams please. Two ice creams please. ¿Xa te recuperaches do teu arrefriado? Have you got over your cold yet? Have you recovered from your cold yet? Todos os seus libros están escritos en italiano. All of her books are written in Italian. All his books are written in Italian. Unha persoa que é sapiosexual séntese atraída pola intelixencia doutra persoa máis que pola súa apariencia. A person who is sapiosexual feels attracted by the intelligence of another person more than by outward appearance. A person who's sapiosxal feel bored by the intelligence of someone else's intelligence more than by his appearance. Estou convencido de que estoy no certo. I am convinced that I am right. I'm convinced I'm sure I'm right. A Tom non lle gusta falar francés. Tom doesn't like speaking French. Tom doesn't like to speak French. O duque ten moitas terras. The duke holds a lot of land. The Duke has lots of lands. ¿Tom ten unha tatuaxe? Does Tom have a tattoo? DoesTom have a tattoo? ¿Non che din 10.000 iens hai unha semana? Didn't I give you 10,000 yen a week ago? Didn't they tell you 10,000 dollars a week ago? Vamos, rápido. Come on, hurry up. Come on, quick. Arranxareino con el. I'll fix it up with him. I'll deal with him. El deume 10.000 iens. He gave me 10,000 yen. He gave me 10,000 dollars. ¿Onde podemos facer unha chamada? Where can we make a phone call? Where can we make a call? El chegou por fin. He did come at last. He came at last. Ás veces, as preguntas provennos con máis información que as respostas. Sometimes, questions provide us with more information than answers. Sometimes the questions offer us more information than the answers. "O noso xefe insistiu nese prezo," explicou o dependente. "Pero bueno, non tes porque pagarme 0.99 en kopeks. Podes pagar máis se queres." "Our boss insisted on that price," the shopkeeper explained. "But you know, you don't have to pay me 0.99 in kopeks. You can pay more if you like." "Our boss insisted on that price," explained the depend. "But well, you don't have to pay for me 0.099 in kopeks. You can pay more if you want." A súa mentira pesou na súa conciencia. His lie weighed on his conscience. His lie weighed in his conscience. Todo o que podo facer é dar o mellor de min. All I can do is to do my best. All I can do is give me the best. O meu amigo adoita axudar ao meu fillo cos seus estudios. My friend usually helps my son with his studies. My friend usually helps my son with his studios. ¿Que estades a mirar? What are you guys looking at? What are you looking at? ¿Cantas veces teño que dicir que o sinto? How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? Tom non sabe nada de Boston. Tom knows nothing about Boston. Tom doesn't know anything about Boston. Por favor, saca a túa bicicleta de aquí. Please move your bicycle out of here. Please get your bike out of here. Como moito, Henry ten seis dólares. At most, Henry has six dollars. Like much, Henry has six dollars. Estaba moi emocionada. She was very excited. I was very excited. Ten 35 anos e está no mellor momento da vida. She is 35 years old and in the prime of life. He's 35 years old and he's in the best time of life. Vamos, imos aló. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Saíu un tema novo na conversación. A new topic came up in conversation. He came out a new subject in conversation. Non é suficientemente intelixente para facer contas de cabeza. He's not smart enough to work it out in his head. It's not smart enough to make head accounts. Vexo o neno. I see the boy. I see the baby. Ela le o xornal cada mañá. She reads the newspaper every morning. She reads every morning. É mellor estar aproximadamente no certo que estar completamente equivocado. It's better to be approximately right than completely wrong. It's better to be about the truth that being quite wrong. Dende a barra de menú "Responder" selecciona" crear mensaxe de seguemento." A mensaxe á que contestas está citada. From the menu-bar's "Reply" select "create follow-up message." The message you reply to is quoted. From the "Resenation" menu bar selects" to create tracking messages. The message you reply to is quoted. Non participei no diálogo. I did not participate in the dialog. I didn't agree in the dialog. Es moito más alto do que adoitabas ser. You are much taller than you used to be. You're much taller than you used to be. Dúas semanas de chuvascos causaron inundacións. Two weeks of heavy rain resulted in flooding. Two weeks of showers were out of line. Estaba a tratar de matar o tempo. I was trying to kill time. I was trying to kill time. O barco está a afundirse. The ship is sinking. The boat is sinking. O vento levou o meu sombreiro. I had my hat blown off by the wind. The wind took my hat. Os rapaces son ruidosos e groseiros coas rapazas. Boys are noisy and rude to girls. Kids are noisy and rude with girls. É este un garañón ou unha egua? Is this a stallion or a mare? Is this a garan or a water? ¿Canta fame tes? How hungry are you? Are you hungry? Esta mañá erguínme demasiado tarde para tomar o almorzo. This morning I got up too late to have breakfast. This morning I got up too late to have breakfast. Esta mazá sabe amarga. This apple tastes sour. This apple knows bitter. Es benvido. You are kind to come. You're welcome. Abride os ollos. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Un gato saíu de embaixo do escritorio. A cat came out from under the desk. A cat came from below the desk. Ten unha boa fin de semana. Have a nice weekend. She's got a good weekend. Síntome marabillosamente refrescado. I am feeling wonderfully refreshed. Oh, I feel wonderfully surprised. Quen é o home que falaba contigo? Who is the man who was talking with you? Who's the man who talked to you? ¿Cres nos fantasmas? Do you believe in ghosts? Think of ghosts? Ese tipo está a andar de puntillas. That guy is walking pigeon-toed. That guy's walking around. ¿Podes demostralo? Can you prove it? Can you prove it? É difícil para os nosos ingresos manterse coa inflacción. It's difficult for our income to keep up with inflation. It's hard for our income to stay with infaction. Eles detiveron o seu xogo e ollaron en fite para min. They stopped their game and stared at me. They stopped their game and looked at me. A perda de saúde é máis seria que a perda de diñeiro. Loss of health is more serious than loss of money. Health loss is more serious than the loss of money. Iso é o que dixéches o ano pasado. That's what you said last year. That's what you said last year. A ninguén lle gusta a guerra. No one likes war. Nobody likes war. Perdeu os estribos e comezou a chamarme de todo. He lost his temper and began calling me names. You lost your stepers and started calling me everything. Puxo a foto de volta na súa man. She put the picture back in his hand. He put the picture back in his hand. Ela fala ruso. She speaks Russian. She speaks Russian. Estabamos cociñando tempura naquel momento. We were cooking tempura at that time. We were cooking tempura at that time. Ela non distingue entre o ben e o mal. She can't tell right from wrong. She doesn't distinguish between good and evil. Ela divertiuse moito na festa de onte. She enjoyed herself very much at the party yesterday. She's had a lot of fun at yesterday's party. O té está quente. The tea is hot. The tea's hot. Intenta investigar en profundidade os valores culturáis que evidencia o teu texto. Try to investigate in depth the cultural values your text brings into evidence. Try to investigate the values which proves your text. Debiches acepta-lo seu consello. You should have accepted his advice. You should have accepted your advice. Puxo unha gorra na cabeza. He put a cap on his head. He put a hat on his head. Estamos comezando a cuestionarnos o que criamos que sabiamos. We're starting to question what we thought we knew. We're starting to question what we thought we knew. Onde vives? Where do you live? Where do you live? ¿Teño que facturar esta equipaxe, ou é equipaxe de man? Do I have to check this luggage, or can it be carry-on? Do I have to pay this luggage, or is he a hand luggage? Os meus beizos están selados. My lips are sealed. My lips are sealed. Foi agradable conversar con ela. It was nice to converse with her. It was nice talking to her. Criou a ese neno a un prezo moi alto. She raised that child at a great cost. He raised that boy to a very high price. Tom poderá optar a liberdade condicional en cinco anos. Tom will be eligible for parole in five years. Tom can choose conditional freedom in five years. A primeira muller núa que vin foi nunha revista de National Geographic. The first naked woman I saw was in a National Geographic magazine. The first woman I met was in a National Geographic magazine. A cidade está a cincuenta millas ao norte de Londres. The city is fifty miles above London. The city is 50 miles north of London. ¿Tes talles máis pequenos? Do you have smaller sizes? Do you have smaller ones? Fíxoo pola súa irmá. She made it for her sister. He made it for his sister. Debatemos este problema ata ben entrada a noite. We discussed the problem far into the night. We put this problem down to the night. Axiña que ela chegue, habemos comezar. As soon as she comes, we will begin. Soon as she comes, we'll start. Gracias! Thanks. Thanks! ¿Por que non pasas? Why don't you come in? Why don't you come in? Non notei nada fora do común. I didn't notice anything unusual. I didn't hear anything outside the common. ¿Estás seguro do prezo dese coche? Are you sure about the cost of that car? Are you sure about that car price? ¿Xa te recuperaches da túa catarreira? Have you got over your cold yet? Have you recovered from your cat? Veu dunha das familias máis ricas de América. He came from one of the richest families in America. He came from one of the richest families in America. Que feliz estou hoxe! How happy I am today! How happy I am today! Tom toca nun club de jazz tres noites a semana. Tom performs in a jazz club three nights a week. Tom plays at a jazz club three nights a week. Escribín a canción para ela. I wrote the song for her. I wrote the song for her. Ela está relacionada con el mediante matrimonio. She is related to him by marriage. She's related to him through marriage. Se non comes, morres. If you don't eat, you die. If you don't eat, you die. Teño una bicicleta vella. I have an old bicycle. I have an old bike. Quita do medio. Get out of the way. Get out of the way. A ferida soltou pus. The wound discharged pus. The wound ended up pus. Recibámolo cun gran sorriso. Let's receive him with a happy smile. We got him in a big smile. Penso, logo existo. I think, therefore I am. Yes, I think so. Non dou topado a miña chave. I can't find my key. I can't find my key. Cristobal Colón pediu que se lle adicara unha "Semana de Colón" enteira para celebrar a súa gloria, pero ao final só obtivo un día e só nos Estados Unidos. Christopher Columbus demanded that an entire "Columbus Week" be set aside to celebrate his glory, but in the end only got a day, and only in America. Christbal Domus has asked him to do an entire "supenation" to celebrate his glory, but at the end he only got one day and only in America. El fala ben o inglés. He speaks English well. He speaks well English. Deu un paseo antes do almorzo. He took a walk before breakfast. He took a walk before breakfast. Ela presentouno á súa irmá. She introduced her sister to him. She introduced him to her sister. Mary marchou xa á súa excursión. Mary has already left on her trip. Mary's gone to his course already. A beleza non é unha calidade das cousas por si mesmas: unicamente existe na mente que as contempla; e cada mente percibe unha beleza diferente. Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. beauty is not a quality of things by itself: it exists only in mind that you look at them; and each mind is a different beauty. Todo depende da súa resposta. Everything depends on her answer. Everything depends on his answer. Iso é o que significa compartir o mundo no século 21. Esa é a responsabilidade que temos uns cos outros como seres humanos. That is what it means to share this world in the 21st century. That is the responsibility we have to one another as human beings. That's what it means to share the world in the 21th century. That's the responsibility that we have one with each other as human beings. Escribe o teu nome e enderezo neste sobre. Write your name and address on this envelope. Write your name and address on this envelope. Canto diñeiro tes aforrado? How much money do you have saved up? How much money do you have saved? Estivo a fumar todo o tempo. He kept on smoking all the time. He's been smoking all the time. Tusín sangue. I coughed up blood. I've made blood. Dende aquela non podía nin mirar a súa nai. Since then she couldn't look up to her mother. Since then I couldn't look at her mother. Non ten figura. She has no figure. It has no figure. Non lle deu resposta a súa pregunta. He didn't give an answer to the question. He didn't give his question answer. Son Ricardo. I'm Ricardo. I'm RICARDO. Terrible accidente de helicóptero nun cemiterio belga, os rescatadores xa acharon máis de 500 cadáveres. Horrible helicopter accident in a Belgian cemetery, the rescuers have already salvaged more than 500 corpses. They've already found more than 500 corpses in a Belgil cemetery. Adoitabamos quedar nunha cafetería en Shinjuku despois do traballo. We used to meet at a coffee shop in Shinjuku after work. We used to stay in a cafe in Shinjuku after work. Está a túa escola nesta cidade? Is your school in this town? Is your school in this city? Nada máis chegar á aldea, foi dereito a vela. On arriving in the town, he went straight to see her. Nothing more to reach the village, it was right to see her. Tom soubo o da festa sorpresa en todo momento. Tom knew about the surprise party all along. Tom knew the play of the surprise at the moment. Tom aínda non sabe nadar. Tom can't swim yet. Tom can't swim yet. O presidente e a secretaria falaron tomando unha taza de café. The president and the secretary talked over a cup of coffee. The president and his secretary talked to a cup of coffee. Por suposto que pasou a proba. Of course she passed the test. Of course the test has happened. O grupo de xente veu tamén connosco. The group of people came along with us. The group of people came with us as well. Tom riuse do chiste de Mary. Tom laughed at Mary's joke. Tom laughed at Mary's joke. Báixome do tren na próxima estación. I'm getting off the train at the next station. He's been on the train at the next station. É da nobreza. He is a man of noble birth. It's from the convent. El comezou unha nova vida. He started a new life. He started a new life. Debes ir o médico. You must go to the doctor. You must go to the doctor. Tom éche un bo rapaz. Tom is a good boy. Tom's a good boy. Milleiros de candeas alumaban a igrexa durante a cerimonia. Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony. Thousands of candles stopped the church during the ceremony. Mary marchou xa á súa viaxe. Mary has already left on her trip. Mary's gone on his trip already. Estou agardando o tren. I'm waiting for the train. I'm waiting for the train. Aquiles foi un heroe da antiga Grecia. Achilles was an ancient Greek hero. A hero from the old Greece was a hero. Tom quería pasar o resto da súa vida en America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Tom wanted to spend the rest of his life in America. Segundo a predición meteorolóxica, a tempada de choiva comeza a vindeira semana. According to the weather report, the rainy season will start next week. According to the weather station, the rain season starts next week. A nosa escalada será difícil. Our climb will be steep. Our rise will be hard. Nadar éme divertido. I find swimming fun. Nothing's funny with me. Grazas. Thanks! Thank you. A xente fixo os seus preparativos para a viaxe. The people have made their preparations for the trip. People made their preparations for the trip. A chave estaba tan ferruxenta que non a podían usar máis. The key was so rusty that they couldn't use it anymore. The key was so fierce that they couldn't use it any more. Avó fala moi lentamente. Grandfather speaks very slowly. Grandpa talks very slowly. Eu estaba demasiado canso para continuar traballando. I was too tired to go on working. I was too tired to keep on working. O seu comportamento defraudou a moitos dos seus amigos. His behavior disappointed many of his friends. His behaviour upset many of his friends. Tom di que non sabe con quén planea Mary ir o baile. Tom says he doesn't know who Mary is planning on going to the prom with. Tom says she doesn't know what Mary plans to go to the dance. Colle o catálogo, ábreo e di en alto a décima palabra á dereita. Take the catalogue, open it, and call out the tenth word on the right side. Take the catalog, open it and say the tenth word to the right. Chamounos. She called us. He called us. Non é Nadal. It's not Christmas. It's not Christmas. O bourbon está feito de millo. Bourbon is made from corn. The bourbon is made of corn. Tom axuda a Mary a mover o moble. Tom helps Mary move the furniture. Tom help Mary move the moble. O home do tempo di que teremos choiva pola tarde. The weatherman says we'll have rain in the afternoon. The weather man says we'll have rain in the afternoon. Nos non fumamos, pero séntese e fume sen preocuparse. We don't smoke, but be willing to sit and smoke. We didn't smoke, but it feels and smoke without any concern. Tom preguntoulle a María polo seu novo traballo en Boston. Tom asked Mary about her new job in Boston. Tom asked Maria for his new job in Boston. O Xapón aínda non é suficientemente comprendido por outros países, e os xaponeses, así mesmo, encontran os estranxeiros difíciles de comprender. Yet Japan is still not sufficiently understood by other countries, and the Japanese, likewise, find foreigners difficult to understand. Japan is still not enough to understand by other countries, and the Japanese, so, they find the hard foreigners to understand. Estades a armar un rebumbio enorme. You are making a big fuss. You're arming a huge one. Iso escribiuno Taro Akagawa. That was written by Taro Akagawa. That's why Taro Akagawa. Dime se encontraches mozo. Tell me if you find a new boyfriend. Tell me if you met young man. Testificou contra el. She testified against him. You testified him. Sírvase vostede. Help yourself. You'll remember yourself. Semellaba como que tivese estado enferma. She looked as if she had been ill. She seemed like she had sick condition. Testemuñou contra el. She testified against him. Testemu against him. Perdeou os estribos e comezou a chamarme cousas. He lost his temper and began calling me names. He lost the goribs and started calling me things. Sabía que el aceptaría. I knew he would accept. I knew he'd accept. Limpou a habitación, e fixo recados. She cleaned the room, and ran errands. She cleared the room, and made messages.