Ma mère lit un magazine. My mother is reading a magazine. My mother reads a magazine. Donnez-moi le micro ! Give me the microphone. Give me the microphone! Tom et Mary étaient assis à une table dans le coin. Tom and Mary were sitting at a table in the corner. Tom and Mary were sitting at a table around. Le poids de ces pommes est de deux kilos. The weight of these apples is two kilos. The weight of these apples is two kilos. Vous me devez une excuse. You owe me an apology. You owe me an excuse. Je ne veux pas vous faire former de faux espoirs, un point c'est tout. I just don't want to get your hopes up. I don't want you to get false hopes, that's all. Tom s'est noyé dans l'océan. Tom drowned in the ocean. Tom drowned in the ocean. Ils se moquèrent de mes habits. They made fun of my clothes. They laughed at my clothes. Biscuit est mon chien. Cookie is my dog. Biscuit is my dog. Regarde, il y a un lapin ! Look, there's a rabbit! Look, there's a rabbit! Par qui cette fenêtre a-t-elle été cassée ? By whom was this window broken? By whom was this window broken? Sami avait vécu avec Farid et Layla. Sami had lived with Farid and Layla. Sami had lived with Farid and Layla. Tu es mignonne, dans ton genre. You're kind of cute. You're kind of cute. C'est ce qui me rend nerveuse. That's what makes me nervous. That's what makes me nervous. Le musicien est aussi célèbre à l'étranger qu'au Japon. The musician is famous abroad as well as in Japan. The musician is as famous abroad as in Japan. Tu m'as appelé hier soir ? Did you call me last night? Did you call me last night? Personne ne t'a-t-il questionné ? Didn't anyone question you? Didn't anyone question you? Tom n'a pas assisté à la réunion d'aujourd'hui. Tom didn't attend today's meeting. Tom didn't attend today's meeting. Qu'est-ce que vous faites ce soir ? What are you doing this evening? What are you doing tonight? Si tu ne peux pas venir, je mangerai seul. If you cannot come, I'll eat alone. If you can't come, I'll eat alone. C'est en morceaux. It's in pieces. It's in pieces. Je la considère comme ma meilleure amie. I look on her as my best friend. I consider her my best friend. Avez-vous jamais été au Caire ? Have you been to Cairo? Have you ever been to Cairo? Six personnes ont posé leurs candidatures pour le job, mais aucune d'entre elles n'a été employée. Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed. Six people applied for the job, but none of them were employed. Tous les hommes sont mortels, or les Grecs sont des hommes, donc les Grecs sont mortels. All men are mortal, all Greeks are men, therefore all Greeks are mortal. All men are mortal, but the Greeks are men, so the Greeks are mortal. Combien de temps regardez-vous la télévision ? How much TV do you watch? How long do you watch TV? Elles étaient bénies. They were blessed. They were blessed. Je pensais que tu avais tout calculé. I thought you had it all figured out. I thought you calculated everything. Cela vous convient-il ? Does that suit you? Is that all right with you? Nous devrions élever nos enfants comme des « citoyens du monde ». We should raise our children as 'global citizens'. We should raise our children as "citizens of the world." Il pleut des cordes! It's raining cats and dogs! It's raining ropes! Mon équipe est composée de dix personnes. My team consists of ten people. My team is made up of ten people. Elle démissionna pour raison de santé. She resigned on the grounds of ill health. She resigned for health reasons. Je pensais que vous seriez fier de moi. I thought you'd be proud of me. I thought you'd be proud of me. Nous prenons trois repas par jour. We have three meals a day. We have three meals a day. Savez-vous lancer ? Can you pitch? Do you know how to launch? Il fit comme je lui avais dit. He did as I told him. He did as I told him. Dans notre équipe de football, c'est Tom le plus grand. Tom is the tallest boy on our football team. In our football team, it's Tom the biggest. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à intervenir. If you have questions, don't hesitate to jump in. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to intervene. Je ne le connais que de nom. I only know him by name. I only know him by name. Ça prendrait au moins trois heures de peindre cette pièce. It would take at least three hours to paint this room. It would take at least three hours to paint this room. Peux-tu imaginer ce à quoi le 21e siècle aura l'air ? Can you imagine what the 21st century will be like? Can you imagine what the 21st century will look like? Combien d'œufs as-tu ramassé ? How many eggs did you gather? How many eggs did you pick up? C'est la troisième fois que je mange de la nourriture japonaise, j'adore ça ! It's the third time I've eaten Japanese food, I love it! This is the third time I've eaten Japanese food, I love it! Nous n'aimons pas le fromage. We don't like cheese. We don't like cheese. Nous avons davantage de dettes sur notre maison qu'elle n'en vaut. We owe more on our house than it's worth. We have more debts on our house than it is worth. Il me faut ça. I need that. I need this. Je veux rester chez moi et lire un livre. I want to stay home and read a book. I want to stay home and read a book. La chaleur du soleil chauffe ma maison. The sun's warmth heats my home. The heat of the sun warms my house. Cette arme a une portée de 300 mètres. This gun has a range of 300 meters. This weapon has a range of 300 meters. J'avais l'impression d'avoir vu un lapin sur la route. I thought that I saw a rabbit on the road. I felt like I saw a rabbit on the road. Vous êtes-vous amusée, ce soir ? Did you have fun tonight? Did you have fun tonight? Nous savons que vous êtes intéressées. We know you're interested. We know you're interested. Faites-vous quoi que ce soit de spécial, ce soir ? Are you doing anything special this evening? Are you doing anything special tonight? Vous devez absolument aller voir ce film. Il est magnifique. You absolutely have to go and see this film. It's wonderful. You have to go see this movie, it's beautiful. Il travaille dans l'industrie automobile. He works in the car industry. He works in the automotive industry. Elle l'a vu aussi. She saw it, too. She saw him, too. Il est mort jeune. He died young. He died young. Peux-tu me donner plus d'exemples de ça s'il te plaît. Could you please give me some more examples of that? Can you give me more examples of this, please? Où allaient-ils ? Est-ce que l'on sait où l'on va ? Where were they going? Do we know where we are going? Do we know where we're going? N'oublie pas que nous devons faire nos devoirs. Don't forget we have to do our homework. Don't forget that we have to do our homework. Ils m'ont pris un échantillon de sang à l'hôpital. They took a sample of my blood at the hospital. They took a blood sample from me in the hospital. Nous ne sommes pas fous. We're not mad. We're not crazy. Elle essaya de le réconforter mais il continua à pleurer. She tried to comfort him, but he kept crying. She tried to comfort him, but he continued to cry. C'est un peu gênant. This is kind of embarrassing. It's a little awkward. Quoi qu'il advienne, j'y suis préparé. Come what may, I am prepared for it. Whatever happens, I'm prepared for it. Je ne sais même pas quoi dire, là. I do not even know what to say to that. I don't even know what to say right now. J'ai adoré ça. I loved that. I loved it. Elle promit de ne pas sortir seule. She promised not to go out alone. She promised not to go out alone. Ils craignent les dieux. They are afraid of the gods. They fear the gods. Tom sera ici tous les jours. Tom will be here every day. Tom will be here every day. Ne t'attends pas à ce que cela me fasse plaisir. Don't expect me to be happy about this. Don't expect that to please me. Aller à Boston était pour Tom le rêve de toute une vie. Going to Boston was Tom's lifelong dream. Going to Boston was for Tom the dream of a lifetime. Ne va pas trop loin devant nous. Don't go too far ahead of us. Don't go too far ahead of us. J'aimerais modifier ma réservation de trois nuits en cinq. I'd like to change my reservation for three to five nights. I'd like to change my reservation for three nights in five. Je bois de la bière. I drink beer. I'm drinking beer. Je suis paresseux. I am lazy. I'm lazy. Vous pouvez voir les anciennes ruines au loin. You can see the ancient ruins in the distance. You can see the ancient ruins in the distance. Où as-tu été toute l'après-midi ? Where have you been all afternoon? Where have you been all afternoon? Ne sois pas long. Come back soon. Don't be long. C'est la porte de devant. That's the main gate. It's the front door. Que vous y croyiez ou non, j'y crois. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it. La police a commencé à examiner l'affaire de meurtre. The police began to go into the murder case. The police started examining the murder case. La guerre civile est le règne du crime. Civil war is the reign of crime. Civil war is the reign of crime. Faisons une pause café. Let's take a break for coffee. Let's take a coffee break. Je n'aime pas le poisson frit. I don't like fried fish. I don't like fried fish. Je veux ton sang. I want your blood. I want your blood. Toute ma famille va bien. My family are all well. My whole family's fine. Je dois lui dire que le téléphone a sonné pendant qu'elle était sortie. I have to tell her that the phone rang while she was gone. I have to tell her the phone rang while she was out. Comment va votre compagne ? How's your old lady doing? How's your girlfriend? Je ne peux pas mémoriser autant de ces lettres. I can't memorize so many of these letters. I can't memorize so many of these letters. Elle lui conseilla de ne pas manger entre les repas. She advised him not to eat between meals. She advised him not to eat between meals. Je ne suis pas idiot. I'm not an idiot. I'm not an idiot. Si vous lisez ce message, écrivez-moi. If you read this message, write to me. If you read this message, write to me. Ça a été un plaisir de parler avec toi. It's been a pleasure chatting with you. It's been a pleasure talking to you. Je crois que c'est dangereux pour les enfants de nager dans ce lac. I think it's dangerous for children to swim in this lake. I think it's dangerous for kids to swim in this lake. Tom avait un rendez-vous galant avec Marie vendredi dernier. Tom had a date with Mary last Friday. Tom had a date with Marie last Friday. Portez-vous un micro ? Are you wearing a wire? Are you wearing a microphone? Il est venu à l'école bien qu'il soit malade. He came to school even though he was unwell. He came to school even though he was sick. Tom voulait que Mary sache qu'il ne la détestait pas. Tom wanted Mary to know that he didn't hate her. Tom wanted Mary to know he didn't hate her. Tout est factice. It's all fake. It's all fake. Quand êtes-vous arrivées ? Êtes-vous arrivées aujourd'hui ? When did you arrive? Did you arrive today? When did you arrive? Did you arrive today? Son père la désapprouva. His father disapproved of her. Her father disapproved of her. À qui est ce chien ? Whose dog is this? Whose dog is that? Bon, je suis prête. Okay, I'm ready. All right, I'm ready. Il dut partager une chambre avec son frère. He had to share his bedroom with his brother. He had to share a room with his brother. Je pense que je vois quelque chose. I think I see something. I think I see something. J'en veux plein. I want a lot. I want plenty. C'est vrai que c'est un homme instruit, mais il manque de bon sens. It is true he is a learned man, but he lacks common sense. It is true that he is an educated man, but he lacks common sense. Les livres de ce genre sont trop difficiles pour lui. Books such as these are too difficult for him. Books like this are too hard for him. Je t'appellerai vers huit heures ce soir. I'll call you up around eight this evening. I'll call you around 8:00 tonight. Il est sur le point de s'en aller. He's about to go. He's about to leave. Papa a dit qu'il était promu chef de section l'an prochain. Dad said he'd be promoted to section manager next year. Dad said he was promoted to section chief next year. C'est la seule cravate que j'ai. This is the only tie I have. It's the only tie I've got. Ne bouge pas à moins que je ne te le dise ! Don't move unless I tell you. Don't move unless I tell you! L'Afrique était autrefois appelée le continent noir. Africa was once called the Dark Continent. Africa was once called the Black Continent. Il m'a donné du pain et du lait. He gave me bread and milk. He gave me bread and milk. Oui, mon nom est Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Yes, my name is Karen Smith. Il y avait beaucoup de meubles dans cette pièce. There was a lot of furniture in the room. There was a lot of furniture in this room. Comment puis-je parvenir à la gare routière ? How do I get to the bus station? How can I get to the bus station? Je veux que vous soyez tous très prudents. I want you all to be very careful. I want you all to be very careful. C'en est un gros. That's a big one. It's a big one. Pourquoi ne m'as-tu pas appelé hier soir ? Why didn't you call me last night? Why didn't you call me last night? Je suis fâché avec les nombres. I am awkward with numbers. I'm angry with the numbers. Comment s'appelle cet oiseau ? What do you call this bird? What's that bird's name? Tout le monde a paniqué. Everybody panicked. Everybody panicked. Je ne veux tout simplement pas mourir. I just don't want to die. I just don't want to die. Je ne me rappelle pas que quoi que ce soit ait eu lieu. I don't remember anything happening. I don't remember anything happening. Je ne veux pas l'oublier. I don't want to forget it. I don't want to forget it. Les électeurs votent pour l'élection du maire tous les quatre ans. Voters cast their ballots for mayor every four years. Voters vote for the mayor's election every four years. Les ouvriers exigèrent de parler avec le propriétaire. The workers demanded that they talk with the owner. The workers demanded to speak with the owner. Il va sans dire que rien n'est plus important que la santé. It goes without saying that nothing is more important than health. It goes without saying that nothing is more important than health. Je crevais de faim. I was starving. I was starving. Il pleut depuis la nuit dernière. It's been raining since last night. It's been raining since last night. J'ai participé principalement au groupe de travail « Protection de l'environnement et agriculture durable ». I mainly participated in the working group "environmental protection and sustainable agriculture". I participated primarily in the Working Group on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Agriculture. Tom est dérangé. Tom's crazy. Tom is disturbed. Elle prend un bain chaque matin. She has a bath every morning. She takes a bath every morning. Mes remarques ne vous étaient pas destinées. My remarks were not aimed at you. My remarks were not meant for you. En quoi pensez-vous que ceci soit fait ? What do you think this is made of? How do you think this is done? Mon Dieu ! Tu es la dernière personne que je m'attendais à voir dans une telle situation. Oh my gosh! You're the last person I expected to meet in a situation like this. Oh, my God, you're the last person I expected to see in such a situation. J'ai pris deux cachets d'aspirine pour mon mal de tête. I took two aspirins for my headache. I took two aspirin pills for my headache. Tom pensait que Mary se serait souvenue de lui. Tom thought Mary would remember him. Tom thought Mary would have remembered him. Il a répondu à sa proposition par des rires. He responded to her offer with a laugh. He responded to his proposal with laughter. Tu ne devrais pas être en colère. You shouldn't be angry. You shouldn't be angry. Qui essayez-vous d'impressionner ? Who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to impress? Ne vous appuyez pas sur mon bureau. Don't lean on my desk. Don't lean on my desk. Cet homme devrait être condamné à mort. That man should be sentenced to death. This man should be sentenced to death. Est-ce si mal ? Is that so bad? Is it so bad? Je ne suis pas sûre de pouvoir me fier à vous. I'm not sure I can trust you. I'm not sure I can trust you. Tu es nouveau ? Are you new? Are you new? As-tu pu acheter tout ce dont vous aviez besoin ? Could you buy everything you needed? Did you get everything you needed? Comme couleur, j'aime le rouge vif. I like scarlet red as a colour. As a color, I like bright red. Viens tôt, de sorte que nous puissions discuter des projets. Come early so we can discuss the plans. Come early, so we can discuss the projects. Ce n'est pas aussi simple. It isn't that simple. It's not that simple. Tom a fait quelque chose de mal. Tom has done something wrong. Tom did something wrong. Comment as-tu eu notre adresse? How did you get our address? How did you get our address? J'ai fait mes devoirs. I did my homework. I did my homework. Qu'est-ce que ça a à voir avec moi ? What does that have to do with me? What does that have to do with me? Il prit une mauvaise décision. He made a bad decision. He made a bad decision. C'est un renard. She is a fox. It's a fox. Désolé de vous avoir surpris ! Sorry I startled you! I'm sorry I caught you! Mary est la plus belle fille que je connaisse. Mary is the most beautiful girl I know. Mary is the most beautiful girl I know. Nous commencerons cet après-midi. We'll start this afternoon. We'll start this afternoon. Tom peut jouer au foot. Tom is able to play soccer. Tom can play football. Seriez-vous assez aimable pour fermer cette fenêtre ? Would you be so kind as to shut that window? Would you be kind enough to close this window? Nous sommes venues ensemble. We came together. We came together. Alors êtes-vous tombés du ciel ? So did you fall from the sky? So did you fall from the sky? Le théâtre s'ouvrait habituellement à cette heure-là. The theatre usually opened at this time. The theatre usually opened at that time. Je ne peux pas te dire où Tom vit. I can't tell you where Tom lives. I can't tell you where Tom lives. Nous attendons les vacances avec impatience. We are looking forward to the holidays. We look forward to the holidays. Il est important de souligner que les conséquences ne sont pas les mêmes. It is important to emphasize that the consequences are not the same. It is important to stress that the consequences are not the same. Ça m'a rendu très triste. This made me very sad. It made me very sad. Ça m'a coûté trois cents dollars pour réparer ma voiture. It cost me three hundred dollars to have my car repaired. It cost me three hundred dollars to fix my car. Qui est cet homme ? Who is that man? Who is this man? Je suis fracassé ! I'm smashed! I'm broken! Je suis responsable de la sécurité. I'm in charge of security. I'm responsible for security. Le poisson qu'il a pris hier, est toujours vivant. The fish he caught yesterday is still alive. The fish he caught yesterday is still alive. Je suis désolée que tu doives partir. I hate that you have to leave. I'm sorry you have to leave. À chaque anniversaire, nous avons un an de plus. With every birthday, we grow older by one year. Every birthday, we have another year. Celui-ci est tout à toi. That one's all yours. This one's all yours. Que prévois-tu de faire ce soir ? What do you plan on doing tonight? What are you planning to do tonight? Je m'en suis rendu compte pas plus tard qu'hier. It was not until yesterday that I noticed it. I realized it no later than yesterday. Je voulais donner une bonne première impression. I wanted to make a good first impression. I wanted to give a good first impression. Veuillez lire ce livre. Please read that book. Please read this book. Quelle est la capitale de la Finlande ? What's the capital city of Finland? What is the capital of Finland? Rendez-vous en enfer. See you in hell. See you in hell. Je pense que la vie est ce que tu en fais. I think life is what you make it. I think life is what you do with it. Veuillez prendre place sur cette chaise-ci et attendre. Please sit on this chair and wait. Please take a seat on this chair and wait. Je suppose que vous avez un plan. I suppose you have a plan. I guess you have a plan. Tom est tombé. Tom fell. Tom fell. Tom n'est pas vraiment amoureux de Mary. Tom isn't really in love with Mary. Tom isn't really in love with Mary. Je suis très fier de vous tous. I'm very proud of all of you. I'm very proud of all of you. Couper les ailes d'un oiseau semble une chose cruelle. It seems a cruel thing to clip a bird's wings. Cutting the wings of a bird seems a cruel thing. Je sais combien vous le voulez. I know how badly you want it. I know how much you want. La famille regarde un film. The family is watching a movie together. The family is watching a movie. Vous n'êtes pas autorisés dans cette pièce. You're not allowed in this room. You're not allowed in this room. Ne me laissez pas en arrière ! Don't leave me behind! Don't leave me behind! Qui veut ça ? Who wants that? Who wants this? Tu es vieux. You're old. You're old. Dites-moi la raison pour laquelle vous étiez absent de l'école hier. Tell me the reason you were absent from school yesterday. Tell me why you were away from school yesterday. Merci pour aujourd'hui. Thank you for today. Thanks for today. Comment sais-tu que Tom n'est pas un locuteur natif ? How do you know that Tom isn't a native speaker? How do you know Tom isn't a native speaker? Comment êtes-vous entrés en possession de ce tableau ? How did you come by this painting? How did you get into possession of this painting? Cette pieuvre coûte cinq livres. This squid is five quids. This octopus costs five pounds. Romulus fut le premier roi des Romains. Romulus was the first Roman king. Romulus was the first king of the Romans. Je ne peux plus être à ta charge. I can't depend on you anymore. I can't be at your expense anymore. Un chien en vie vaut mieux qu'un lion mort. A living dog is better than a dead lion. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Tom retourna dans sa chambre. Tom went back to his bedroom. Tom returned to his room. Maria joue encore avec des poupées. Mary still plays with dolls. Maria still plays with dolls. Je commence à avoir sommeil. I'm getting sleepy. I'm getting sleepy. Je peux gérer ça tout seul. I can manage that on my own. I can handle this on my own. Je devrais parler à Tom. I should talk to Tom. I should talk to Tom. Elle haussa des épaules. She gave a shrug of the shoulders. She shook shoulders. Des erreurs ont été commises. Mistakes were made. Mistakes have been made. Mon chat a tué un écureuil. My cat killed a squirrel. My cat killed a squirrel. C'est un bon gars. He's a good bloke. He's a good guy. J'aime être en votre compagnie. I like being with you. I like being with you. Emmanuel Macron est un farouche défenseur de l'Union Européenne. Emmanuel Macron is a staunch defender of the European Union. Emmanuel Macron is a fierce defender of the European Union. Je m'ennuyais donc je suis partie. I was bored, so I left. I was bored so I left. C'est mon projet préféré. This is my favourite project. It's my favorite project. Les flics recherchent la planque de la bande. The cops are looking for the gang's hideout. Cops are looking for the gang's safe house. Cela dépend de ce que tu veux dire par "croire" en Dieu. It depends what you mean by "believe" in God. It depends on what you mean by "believe" in God. Notre réfrigérateur ne fonctionne plus. Our fridge doesn't work anymore. Our refrigerator doesn't work anymore. Je ne pense pas que quiconque pense que vous soyez fou. I don't think anyone thinks you're crazy. I don't think anyone thinks you're crazy. En fait, moi-même je viens juste d'arriver. As a matter of fact, I've only just arrived myself. Actually, I just got here myself. Laissez-moi vous aider avec ça. Let me help you with that. Let me help you with that. C'est vrai que tu es mignonne ! You sure are pretty. It's true you're cute! Enfin, elle se rendit en Amérique. Lastly, she went to America. Finally, she went to America. Elle m'a prêté sa bicyclette. She lent me her bicycle. She lent me her bike. Ça devrait être prêt mardi. That should be ready on Tuesday. It should be ready on Tuesday. Mon nom est Francesca. My name is Francesca. My name is Francesca. À partir de demain, j'arrête de fumer. Starting tomorrow, I am going to stop smoking. Starting tomorrow, I quit smoking. Nous n'avons pas cours aujourd'hui. We have no school today. We don't have class today. Marie voulait un tatouage qui signifiât « Amour et fidélité » mais il signifie en vérité « Imbécile d'étranger » en chinois. Mary wanted a tattoo that meant "Love and Fidelity", but it really means "Stupid Foreigner" in Chinese. Mary wanted a tattoo that meant "Love and fidelity" but it actually means "Imbecile of stranger" in Chinese. J'ai aimé te parler. I've enjoyed talking to you. I liked talking to you. J'adore votre appartement. I love your apartment. I love your apartment. Les professeurs doivent être fatigués de rectifier encore et encore les mêmes erreurs dans les copies de leurs élèves. Teachers must be tired of correcting the same mistakes over and over again in their students' papers. Teachers must be tired of correcting again and again the same errors in the copies of their students. J'ai vu un étranger pénétrer dans cette maison. I saw a stranger enter that house. I saw a stranger enter this house. Elle ne l'a jamais plus vue. She never saw her again. She never saw her again. Il y a un paquet pour vous sur la table. There's a package for you on the table. There's a package for you on the table. Maintenant, voyons ce qu'il se passe. Now let's see what happens. Now let's see what's going on. Il ne compte jamais sur mon aide. He never counts on my help. He's never counting on my help. Pourquoi tu n'appelles pas Sami pour lui dire ce qui se passe? Why don't you call Sami and tell him what's going on? Why don't you call Sami and tell him what's going on? Est-ce vrai que tu vas à Paris ? Is it true that you are going to Paris? Is it true you're going to Paris? Regarde ce dessin. Look at that drawing. Look at this drawing. On utilise des planches pour fabriquer les planchers. Boards are used to make floors. Boards are used to make floors. Je pense qu'ils mentent. I think they're lying. I think they're lying. Il est difficile de faire changer les gens. It's hard to get people to change. It's hard to change people. Il y a beaucoup de canots et de gens dans le golfe. The bay is full of boats and people. There are a lot of canoes and people in the Gulf. Pourquoi n'es-tu pas allé au bureau ? Why did you not go to the office? Why didn't you go to the office? Je ne vais pas le faire, à moins que vous m'aidiez. I'm not going to do that unless you help me. I'm not gonna do it unless you help me. Tom est à ce jour dans une nouvelle école. Tom is now in a new school. Tom is to this day in a new school. Les roses de mon jardin sont belles. The roses in my garden are beautiful. The roses in my garden are beautiful. Je bois toujours un verre de lait avant d'aller dormir. I always drink a glass of milk before going to sleep. I always drink a glass of milk before I go to sleep. Il a des trous dans ses vêtements. He has holes in his clothes. He's got holes in his clothes. Elle a insisté sur le fait qu'elle l'avait fait toute seule. She stressed that she did it by herself. She insisted that she did it on her own. C'est mon entraîneur. This is my coach. He's my coach. C'est ce que nous voulons toutes. That's what we all want. That's what we all want. Ses vains efforts pour la séduire montrèrent qu'il sonnait à la mauvaise adresse ; elle était la mère de deux bambins. His vain efforts to seduce her showed he was barking up the wrong tree; she was a mother of two tots. Her vain efforts to seduce her showed that he sounded at the wrong address; she was the mother of two children. Il dispose de suffisamment d'argent. He has enough money. He has enough money. N'es-tu pas sorti ? Didn't you go out? Aren't you out? Nous louions un appartement lorsque nous vivions à New York. We rented an apartment when we lived in New York. We rented an apartment when we lived in New York. C'était il y a un mois. That was a month ago. That was a month ago. À cause de toi, j'ai des problèmes de tension. Thanks to you, I have problems with my blood pressure. Because of you, I'm having tension problems. Et tes parents ? Ils arrivent quand ? And your parents? When do they arrive? When are your parents coming? Vous voulez sortir d'ici, non ? You want to get out of here, don't you? You want to get out of here, don't you? Je m'assis et ouvris mon carnet. I sat down and opened my notebook. I sit down and open my notebook. Je suis un peu rouillé. I'm a little rusty. I'm a little rusty. C'est à toi de décider. It's for you to decide. It's up to you. La morsure d'un chien est plus grave que la piqûre d'un moustique. A dog bite is more serious than a mosquito bite. The bite of a dog is more serious than the bite of a mosquito. L'ennemi a poursuivi son offensive toute la journée. The enemy kept up their attack all day. The enemy continued its offensive all day. Je n'ai pas pris de douche. I didn't shower. I didn't take a shower. Ils sont géniaux. They're awesome. They're great. Toutes les cours de récréation ont leur tyran. Every playground has its bully. All recreation classes have their tyrant. Vous voulez une tasse de thé ? Can I get you a cup of tea? Would you like a cup of tea? Il lui a enroulé les bras autour de la taille. He wrapped his arms around her waist. He wrapped his arms around his waist. Quelle est ta nourriture préférée ? What's your favorite food? What's your favorite food? Je n'arrive pas à atteindre cette boîte de tomates. I can't reach that can of tomatoes. I can't get to that can of tomatoes. Le thé est trop froid être bu. The tea is too cold to drink. Tea is too cold to be drunk. Il vient de partir. He left just now. He just left. Nous étions d'accord pour tenter le coup. We agreed we'd give it a shot. We agreed to try it. Je crois qu'il est improbable que la prochaine version de Windows sorte avant la fin de ce mois-ci. I think it's unlikely that the next version of Windows will come out before the end of this month. I think it is unlikely that the next version of Windows will be released before the end of this month. Il va pleuvoir cet après-midi. It is going to rain this afternoon. It's going to rain this afternoon. Vous coopérez. You're cooperating. You're cooperating. Tom n'est pas sûr de l'heure à laquelle commence la fête. Tom isn't sure what time the party starts. Tom's not sure when the party starts. Il y a un parc près de chez moi. There is a park near my house. There's a park near my house. J'espère que vous avez appris votre leçon. I hope you learned your lesson. I hope you learned your lesson. Après que nous aurons fini de creuser la tranchée, planter les fleurs sera facile. After we finish digging the trench, planting the flowers will be easy. After we've finished digging the trench, planting the flowers will be easy. Comme ceci est important, j'aimerais que vous vous en occupiez vous-même. Since this is important, I'd like you to attend to it yourself. As this is important, I'd like you to take care of it yourself. Mets le chapeau. Put on the hat. Put on the hat. Le chauffeur criait parce que la voiture devant lui ne bougeait pas. The driver was shouting because the car in front of him wasn't moving. The driver shouted because the car in front of him didn't move. Ça va prendre encore longtemps ? Will it be much longer? How long will it take? Aimez-vous qu'on vous fasse faire le pied-de-grue ? Do you like to be kept waiting? Do you like that we're getting you to ride the crane? Je n'ai pas de temps pour ça. I don't have time for this. I don't have time for this. C'était sur la liste. It was on the list. It was on the list. C'est certainement comme ça que ça semble. It certainly looks that way. That's probably how it sounds. Je ne vais pas appeler Tom. I'm not going to call Tom. I'm not gonna call Tom. Je ne savais pas quoi dire. I didn't know what I should say. I didn't know what to say. Tom veut être aimé par quelqu'un. Tom wants someone to love him. Tom wants to be loved by someone. Mets un peu d'eau dans le vase. Put some water into the vase. Put some water in the vase. Qui d'autre vient avec nous ? Who else is going with us? Who else is coming with us? Je n'aime pas la salade. I don't like salad. I don't like salad. Tu ne peux rien acheter d'intéressant dans ce magasin. You can't buy anything interesting in this store. You can't buy anything interesting in this store. Où sont-ils passés ? Where did they go? Where'd they go? Est-ce que vous pensez que je suis stupide ? Do you think I'm that stupid? Do you think I'm stupid? Je veux faire quelque chose d'utile. I want to do something useful. I want to do something useful. Je vous ai cherchée partout. I've been looking all over for you. I've been looking all over for you. Je suis dans l'équipe de foot de notre lycée. I'm on our high school soccer team. I'm on our high school football team. J'aimerais être debout. I'd like to stand. I'd like to be up. J'irai si tu vas. I will go if you go. I'll go if you go. Sa bicyclette est rouge. His bicycle is red. His bicycle is red. Il y a des sandwiches ici. There are some sandwiches here. There are sandwiches here. Il m'a demandé de lui tenir compagnie pendant les week-ends. He asked me to keep him company on the weekends. He asked me to keep him company during the weekends. Ils sont russes. They are Russian. They're Russian. Dis-moi, s'il te plait, ce que tu penses de cet article. Please tell me what you think about this article. Please tell me what you think of this article. Tu dois tenir compte du fait qu´il est trop jeune. You must take into account the fact that he is too young. You have to take into account the fact that he's too young. L'année dernière, la neige est tombée fréquemment. Last year, there was frequent snowfall. Last year, the snow fell frequently. Elle a élevé deux enfants. She brought up two children. She raised two children. Je suppose que tout le monde pense que je suis fou. I suppose everyone thinks I'm crazy. I guess everyone thinks I'm crazy. Veux-tu qu'on te laisse en dehors de ça ? Do you want to be left out? Do you want us to leave you out of this? Je veux devenir diplomate. I want to become a diplomat. I want to be a diplomat. Qu'est tout ce bruit ? What's all this noise? What's all that noise? Parlez plus lentement s'il vous plaît ! Speak more slowly, please. Talk slower, please! Continue d'aller tout droit. Keep going straight. Keep going straight. Tom a été très coopératif. Tom has been very cooperative. Tom was very cooperative. À quelle heure dois-je venir te chercher ? What time shall I pick you up? What time do I have to pick you up? J'aime voyager sur des mers interdites et accoster sur des rivages barbares. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts. I like to travel on forbidden seas and dock on barbaric shores. Je ne cueille pas leurs fruits pour eux. I am not picking their fruit for them. I'm not picking their fruit for them. Évidemment, vous pouvez rester. Of course you can stay. Of course, you can stay. Nous abandonnons. We quit. We're giving up. Nos voisins ont été obligés de vendre leur maison. Our neighbors were forced to sell their house. Our neighbors were forced to sell their house. Tom s'est calmé que bien plus tard. Tom didn't calm down until much later. Tom calmed down much later. Tu ne comprends donc pas cette phrase ? So you don't understand this sentence? So you don't understand that sentence? Je ne pense pas que Tom sache pourquoi Mary est allée à l'hôpital. I don't think Tom knows why Mary went to the hospital. I don't think Tom knows why Mary went to the hospital. Cette voiture est-elle neuve ? Is this car new? Is this car new? Tom est évidemment courageux. Tom is obviously very brave. Tom is obviously brave. Les goûts et les couleurs... It's a matter of taste. Tastes and colors... Tom sortit quelques pièces de sa poche. Tom took some coins out of his pocket. Tom pulled a few pieces out of his pocket. Tom ne peut plus nous aider. Tom can't help us anymore. Tom can't help us anymore. Tom correspond certainement à la description que la police nous a donné. Tom certainly fits the description that the police gave us. Tom certainly fits the description that the police gave us. Un chien me sauta soudain dessus. A dog suddenly jumped at me. A dog suddenly jumped on me. Avez-vous déjà joué au golf ? Have you ever played golf? Have you ever played golf? Je le fais pour lui. I'm doing this for him. I'm doing it for him. Elle lui a posé quelques questions. She asked him some questions. She asked him a few questions. Nous voulons avoir une grande famille. We want to have a large family. We want to have a big family. Elle se disputait toujours avec ses parents. She was always quarreling with her parents. She was always arguing with her parents. Est-ce que tu sais conduire ? Can you drive a car? Do you know how to drive? Entrez ! Come in. Come in! Il fait tellement chaud qu'on pourrait faire cuire des œufs sur le capot des voitures. It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. It's so hot, we could cook eggs on the hood of cars. Je ne sais pas de quoi vous vous plaignez. I don't know what you're complaining about. I don't know what you're complaining about. Sortons d'ici avant que les flics n'arrivent. Let's get out of here before the police come. Let's get out of here before the cops get here. J'ai oublié de t'envoyer un courriel. I forgot to send you an e-mail. I forgot to send you an email. Je suis fatigué. Ça a été une longue journée. I'm tired. It's been a long day. I'm tired, it's been a long day. Il était disposé à travailler pour les autres. He was willing to work for others. He was willing to work for others. Greenwich Village est un endroit qui attire surtout les jeunes. Greenwich Village is a place which especially attracts the young. Greenwich Village is a place that attracts especially young people. Ils se sont approchés. They grew closer. They approached. Je ne le réessayerais pas. I wouldn't try that again. I wouldn't try it again. Vous êtes très chouette. You're very nice. You're very nice. Arrête ! Tu la blesses ! Stop! You're hurting her! Stop it, you're hurting her! Elle déclara qu'elle le suivrait, peu importe où il aille. She said that she would follow him no matter where he went. She said she would follow him, no matter where he went. Tu ne devrais pas dire de telles choses en public. You ought not to say such things in public. You shouldn't say such things in public. Tous mes devoirs sont faits. All my homework is done. All my homework is done. Ne remettez pas ces affaires à plus tard ! Don't put off those matters. Don't put those things back on! J'aimerais un siège côté fenêtre. I'd like a window seat. I'd like a window seat. Ils seront en sécurité avec elle. They will be safe with her. They'll be safe with her. J'utilise Internet comme ressource pour mes recherches. I use the Internet as a resource for my research. I use the Internet as a resource for my research. Qu'aimerais-tu faire demain ? What would you like to do tomorrow? What would you like to do tomorrow? Tu le connais ? Do you know him? You know him? Il est sur le point de partir. He's about to go. He's about to leave. Vous devez mémoriser cette sentence. You have to memorize this sentence. You need to memorize that sentence. Qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus : la musique ou l'anglais ? Which do you like better: music class or English class? What do you like most: music or English? Aujourd'hui, le ciel est clair. The sky's clear today. Today, the sky is clear. Laissez-moi prendre votre manteau. Let me take your coat. Let me take your coat. Deux mois se sont déjà écoulés, depuis qu'il est parti pour la France. Two months have passed since he left for France. Two months have passed since he left for France. Il y a certaines plaies que le temps ne referme jamais. Some wounds time never heals. There are some wounds that time never closes. Gulliver a voyagé en quête d'aventure. Gulliver traveled in quest of adventure. Gulliver traveled in search of adventure. Je m'ennuie rapidement dans tout ce que je fais. I get bored quickly in everything I do. I get bored quickly in everything I do. Tu devras discuter de cela avec Tom. You'll have to discuss that with Tom. You'll have to discuss this with Tom. Comme je ne pouvais pas payer le loyer, je lui ai demandé de l'aide. Since I couldn't pay the rent, I asked him for help. Because I couldn't pay the rent, I asked him for help. L'avenir de l'homme, c'est la femme. The future of man is woman. The future of man is the woman. Les élèves assistants facilitèrent le travail de l'enseignant, mais établirent une cruelle hiérarchie entre les étudiants. Peer helpers made the teacher's job a lot easier, but established a cruel hierarchy among the students. The student assistants facilitated the teacher's work, but established a cruel hierarchy among the students. Il a vaincu son ennemi. He defeated his enemy. He defeated his enemy. Il mesura la pâte à gaufres avec une grande cuillère à soupe. He doled out the waffle batter with a large soup spoon. He measured the waffle dough with a large tablespoon. Tom et moi sommes potes. Tom and I are buddies. Tom and I are friends. Je ne suis pas assurée. I'm uninsured. I'm not sure. Je ne peux pas voyager en avion. I cannot travel by plane. I can't fly. Elle est chanteuse. She is a singer. She's a singer. Quand cela commence-t-il ? When does it begin? When does this start? Il est sorti. He has gone out. He's out. J'avais raison depuis le début. I was right all along. I was right from the beginning. Ce vampire travaille pour une banque du sang. This vampire works for a blood bank. This vampire works for a blood bank. Je prends du café le matin. I drink coffee in the morning. I'll have coffee in the morning. À quelle heure vous êtes-vous couchée, hier ? What time did you go to bed yesterday? What time did you go to bed yesterday? Il est pauvre, mais il a une bonne âme. He's poor, but he has a good soul. He's poor, but he has a good soul. Vous aviez fumé, n'est-ce pas ? You had been smoking, hadn't you? You smoked, didn't you? Dan doit apprendre à penser par lui-même. Dan has to learn to think for himself. Dan has to learn to think for himself. Je n'ai pas besoin de partenaire. I don't need a partner. I don't need a partner. Pourquoi n'as-tu pas essayé la robe avant de l'acheter ? Why didn't you try the dress on before you bought it? Why didn't you try the dress before you bought it? Je t'en prie, veille à ne pas casser ce vase. Please be careful not to break this vase. Please, make sure you don't break that vase. Qui va s'occuper de ton chat dans ce cas-là ? Who'll take care of your cat then? Who's gonna take care of your cat then? J'ai été très seule ces deux dernières semaines. I've been really lonely these past two weeks. I've been very alone for the last two weeks. Vous êtes fort raffinés. You're very sophisticated. You're very refined. Ayant gagné à la loterie, elle fut prise d'une fringale d'achats. Having won the lottery, she went on a shopping spree. Having won the lottery, she was taken from a fringle of purchases. Êtes-vous en train de la draguer ? Are you flirting with her? Are you dragging her? Ce jeune homme avait des cheveux blonds mêlés. The boy has a shock of blond hair. This young man had mixed blond hair. Si on peut les digérer, les légumes crus font du bien à la santé. If you can digest them, raw vegetables are good for your health. If you can digest them, raw vegetables do good for your health. Nous serons tous là. We'll all be there. We'll all be here. Il passa la bague au doigt de Marie. He put the ring on Mary's finger. He passed the ring to Mary's finger. Puis-je la mettre à nouveau en marche ? May I put it on again? Can I turn it on again? Le médecin ordonna un examen complet du patient. The doctor ordered a full physical examination for the patient. The doctor ordered a full examination of the patient. Viens et parle-moi. Come talk to me. Come and talk to me. Signe le registre des invités ! Sign the guest book. Sign the guest register! J'essaye de faire une bonne première impression. I'm trying to make a good first impression. I'm trying to make a good first impression. J'ai jeté une pierre en direction de l'oiseau. I threw a stone at the bird. I threw a stone in the direction of the bird. Voudriez-vous toutes vous détendre ? Would you all relax? Would you all like to relax? Je ne connais aucune des deux sœurs. I don't know either of the two sisters. I don't know either of the sisters. Je suis comme toi. I am like you. I'm just like you. Quand ton livre sera-t-il publié ? When will your book be published? When will your book be published? Je suis plutôt d'accord avec cela. I would tend to agree with that. Rather, I agree with that. Je suis trop fatigué pour me disputer. I'm too tired to argue. I'm too tired to fight. Il vit quelque part par ici. He lives somewhere around here. He lives somewhere around here. J'ai toujours pensé que c'était bizarre. I always thought it was weird. I always thought it was weird. Le manuscrit avait été écrit à la main. The manuscript had been written out by hand. The manuscript had been handwritten. Le taux de chômage est monté à 5%. The unemployment rate went up to 5%. The unemployment rate rose to 5%. Je pense que tu devrais parler à quelqu'un. I think you should talk to someone. I think you should talk to someone. Le beau temps ajouta à notre plaisir. Nice weather added to our pleasure. The good weather added to our pleasure. Arrête de l'embêter. Stop bothering her. Stop bothering him. Elle le tua avec un couteau. She killed him with a knife. She killed him with a knife. Nous sommes les meilleurs dans ce que nous faisons. We're the best at what we do. We are the best in what we do. Pourquoi les chiens sont-ils plus faciles à dresser que les chats ? Why are dogs easier to train than cats? Why are dogs easier to train than cats? Malheureusement, elle n'est pas venue. Unfortunately, she didn't come. Unfortunately, she didn't come. C'était amusant. It was amusing. It was fun. Tom s'est retiré depuis. Tom has since retired. Tom has since retired. Cela te rendrait-il heureuse ? Would that make you happy? Would that make you happy? Quelles chaussures allez-vous mettre ? Which shoes are you going to put on? What shoes are you gonna wear? Je ne veux pas être riche. I don't want to be rich. I don't want to be rich. N'es-tu pas en retard ? Aren't you late? Aren't you late? Le nom de mon père est Fritz. My dad's name is Fritz. My father's name is Fritz. Je suis venu voir Tom. I've come to see Tom. I came to see Tom. Pendant qu'elle faisait le marché, j'ai étudié. While she was doing the marketing, I studied. While she was doing the market, I studied. Ce qu'elle avait dit était en fait faux. What she said turned out to be false. What she said was actually wrong. Un vent froid soufflait. A cold wind was blowing. A cold wind was blowing. Il a écrit ce poème la nuit dernière. This poem was written by him last night. He wrote that poem last night. Je sais à peine nager. I can hardly swim. I can barely swim. Vous ne pouvez pas échouer cette fois-ci. You cannot fail this time. You can't fail this time. « Que vous est il-donc arrivé, Mary ? », demanda Tom en portant doucement la pauvre folle à l'arrière. "What happened to you, Mary?" asked Tom while carrying the poor crazy woman to the back. "What happened to you, Mary?" asked Tom, gently carrying the crazy poor girl in the back. La personne que nous essayons d'attraper est très dangereuse. The person we're trying to catch is very dangerous. The person we're trying to catch is very dangerous. Tu es très sympa. You are very nice. You're very nice. Parles-tu hébreu ? Do you speak Hebrew? Do you speak Hebrew? Il étudie dur pour passer les examens. He is studying hard so that he can pass the examinations. He's studying hard to pass the exams. Je n'ai jamais voulu faire de mal à quiconque. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I never meant to hurt anyone. Pour lui, une réponse rapide est plus importante qu'une réponse juste. For him, a quick answer is more important than a correct one. For him, a quick answer is more important than a fair answer. Le bus s'est arrêté subitement au milieu de la rue. The bus stopped suddenly in the middle of the street. The bus suddenly stopped in the middle of the street. Je fais un petit somme presque tous les jours. I take a nap almost every day. I do a little nap almost every day. Lever les mains est devenu un symbole de protestation. Raised hands have become a symbol of protest. Lifting hands has become a symbol of protest. Je vais le dire à tout le monde. I'm going to tell everybody. I'll tell everyone. La culture se transmet de génération en génération. Culture is handed down from generation to generation. Culture is passed on from generation to generation. Vous ne pouvez pas le garder secret. You can't keep this a secret. You can't keep it secret. Je ne savais pas que tu étais si fatigué. I didn't know you were so tired. I didn't know you were so tired. Il n'est pas le genre de personne à se décourager à la moindre déconvenue. He is not man to lose heart at a single failure. He is not the type of person to be discouraged at any disappointment. Étais-tu au concert ? Were you at the concert? Were you at the concert? Je suis droitier. I am right-handed. I'm right-handed. J'essaie d'aider. I'm trying to help. I'm trying to help. Ça gèle ! It's freezing! It's freezing! Il n'a rien fait. He hasn't done anything. He didn't do anything. Je séjournai dans un hôtel bon marché. I stayed at a cheap hotel. I stayed in a cheap hotel. Le chien semble malade. The dog seems sick. The dog seems sick. Des milliers de gens étaient là. Thousands of people were there. Thousands of people were there. Il a trois grandes sœurs. He has three elder sisters. He has three big sisters. Vous me rappelez quelqu'un. You remind me of somebody. You remind me of someone. Tom fit tout ce qu'il put pour aider. Tom did all he could do to help. Tom did everything he could to help. Qu'êtes-vous en train de faire avec ma voiture ? What're you doing with my car? What are you doing with my car? Hier, on m'a volé mon vélo pendant que je faisais les courses. Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping. Yesterday, my bike was stolen while I was shopping. Je suis indifférent à l'opinion des autres. I am indifferent to others' opinions. I am indifferent to the opinions of others. Les Français croient que rien n'est impossible. The French believe that nothing is impossible. The French believe that nothing is impossible. J'ai égaré mon parapluie. I lost my umbrella. I lost my umbrella. Cochez la bonne réponse ! Select the correct answer! Check the right answer! Ils ont perdu la guerre sur le front oriental. They lost the war on the eastern front. They lost the war on the eastern front. Il y en a : dans le cœur du peuple chinois. There is: it is in the heart of the Chinese people. There are: in the heart of the Chinese people. C'est très gentil à vous. That's very sweet of you. That's very kind of you. Il participa au concours de dressage hippique. He participated in the horse dressage competition. He took part in the horse training contest. Donnez l'argent à mon fils. Give the money to my son. Give the money to my son. Tom a vendu sa voiture à Marie. Tom sold his car to Mary. Tom sold her car to Marie. Ils substituèrent du pétrole au charbon. They replaced coal with oil. They substituted oil for coal. Vous devez quitter le pays aujourd'hui. You have to leave the country today. You have to leave the country today. Les nouvelles ne peuvent pas être vraies. The news can't be true. The news can't be true. Attendez-vous qui que ce soit ? Are you expecting anyone? Are you expecting anyone? Il s'agit d'une farce. This is a farce. This is a farce. Au début, je pensais qu'il plaisantait. At first, I thought he was joking. At first, I thought he was joking. Avant de me rendre à Paris pour travailler, je dois rafraîchir mon français. Before going to work in Paris I must freshen up on my French. Before I go to Paris to work, I have to refresh my French. Philippe et Thomas sont apparentés. Philip and Tom are related to each other. Philippe and Thomas are related. Nous sommes tous en train de dîner. We're all having lunch. We're all having dinner. Je ne me souviens pas de ton mot de passe. I don't remember your password. I don't remember your password. Ne me dis pas quel est mon boulot ! Don't you tell me my job. Don't tell me what my job is! Cela importe-t-il vraiment ? Does it really matter? Does that really matter? Je fais les choses à ma façon. I do things in my own way. I do things my way. Nous travaillons tous. We all work. We're all working. Je suis sûre que Tom va bien. I'm sure Tom is OK. I'm sure Tom's fine. Quand est-ce que tu t'es levé ? When did you get up? When did you get up? Je ne peux pas m'occuper de ce problème maintenant. I can't concentrate on that problem right now. I can't deal with this problem right now. Les hommes parlent trop peu. Guys talk too little. Men talk too little. C'est un très gentil garçon. He's a very nice boy. He's a very nice boy. Elles défendent leurs erreurs comme si elles défendaient leur héritage. They defend their errors as if they were defending their inheritance. They defend their mistakes as if they were defending their legacy. Pourquoi y construis-tu un mur ? Why are you building a wall here? Why are you building a wall there? Comment devrait-on faire de la publicité sur Internet ? How should you advertise on the Internet? How should we advertise on the Internet? Il a réussi à attraper le gros rat dans la cuisine. He's successfully caught the big rat in the kitchen. He managed to catch the big rat in the kitchen. Je vais voir ce que je peux trouver d'autre à manger. I'll see what else I can find to eat. I'll see what else I can find to eat. Je pense que tu connaîtras tout le monde à la fête. I think you'll know everybody at the party. I think you'll know everyone at the party. J'aimerais te donner un conseil. I'd like to give you a piece of advice. I'd like to give you some advice. Voudrais-tu un peu de thé ? Would you like to have some tea? Would you like some tea? Connais-tu les règles du football ? Are you familiar with the rules of soccer? Do you know the rules of football? Dites-lui que je n'y suis pas ! Tell him I'm not in. Tell him I'm not there! Peut-être devrais-je t'accompagner. Maybe I should go with you. Maybe I should come with you. Dès qu'il reviendra, je vous le dirai. As soon as he returns, I will tell you. As soon as he gets back, I'll tell you. Je ne suis pas occupé non plus. I'm not busy either. I'm not busy either. N'est-ce pas merveilleux ? Isn't this wonderful? Isn't that wonderful? Elles ne peuvent vous virer. They can't fire you. They can't fire you. Prends ce que tu aimes. Take whichever you like. Take what you like. Ce n'est pas tâche facile. This isn't an easy task. It's not an easy task. Cet emploi était peu valorisant pour lui. That job gave him little gratification. This job was of little value to him. Il mit ses outils de côté après qu'il eût fini. He put his tools away after he had finished. He put his tools aside after he was finished. Nous vivons en appartement. We live in an apartment. We live in an apartment. Ce fut une année difficile pour nous. It was a difficult year for us. It was a difficult year for us. Je veux que tu me dises tout ce que tu sais à ce propos. I want you to tell me everything you know about that. I want you to tell me everything you know about it. Me montreras-tu le tableau ? Will you show me the picture? Will you show me the painting? Il faut que nous brûlions tout ça avant que la police n'arrive. We need to burn all this stuff before the police get here. We need to burn all this before the police get here. Je suspecte que boracasli utilise un second compte. I have a hunch boracasli is using a second account. I suspect boracasli's using a second account. Ça va se rafraîchir ce soir. It will cool down tonight. It's gonna freshen up tonight. Tom a mis les vis dans un petit sac en plastique. Tom put the screws in a small plastic bag. Tom put the screws in a small plastic bag. Relayons-nous pour ramer. Let's take turns rowing the boat. Let's get back to rowing. Elles sont en train de te chercher. They're looking for you. They're looking for you. C'est une communauté internationale. This is an international community. It is an international community. Le chaton voulait entrer. The kitten wanted in. The kitten wanted to come in. C'est facile de voir pourquoi. It's easy to see why. It's easy to see why. "Il est temps de vous dire au revoir", dit-il subitement. "Now I must say good-bye," he said suddenly. "It's time to say goodbye," he suddenly said. Ne déclanchez pas l'alarme. Don't set off the alarm. Don't start the alarm. C'est précisément ce qu'il lui fallait. That's just what he needed. That's exactly what he needed. C'est mon préféré. This is my favorite. That's my favorite. Il y a un sérieux problème. There's a serious problem. There's a serious problem. La recherche de la vérité est la plus noble des occupations, et sa publication, un devoir. The search for the truth is the most noble of occupations, and its publication, a duty. The search for truth is the noblest of occupations, and its publication is a duty. Tom n'aime pas quand Mary lui fait des reproches en public. Tom doesn't like it when Mary criticizes him in public. Tom doesn't like it when Mary blames him in public. Elle a semblé indifférente. She seemed uninterested. She seemed indifferent. J'étais sceptique, au début. I was skeptical at first. I was skeptical at first. C'est elle, l'assistante de direction. She's the assistant manager. She's the executive assistant. Je deviens facilement hystérique. I get hysterical easily. I'm easily hysterical. Nous nous rendons au cinéma. We're going to the movies. We're going to the movies. Je ne crois pas à l'avortement. I don't believe in abortion. I don't believe in abortion. Nous n'y sommes pas habitués. We're not used to it. We're not used to it. Garde l'argent en lieu sûr. Keep the money in a safe place. Keep the money safe. Descendez ici ! Come down here. Get down here! J'ai entendu sonner la cloche de la porte de l'entrée. I heard the front doorbell ring. I heard the bell ringing from the front door. Une infinité d'étoiles scintillaient dans le ciel nocturne. Countless stars twinkled in the night sky. An infinity of stars shone in the night sky. Nous jouons à ce jeu sur glace. We have this game on ice. We play this game on ice. C'est facile pour moi de nager. Swimming is easy for me. It's easy for me to swim. Il atteignit finalement son objectif. Finally, he achieved his goal. He finally achieved his goal. Claude, voyant un homme puissant devant lui, vit que les choses semblaient sérieuses et comprit qu'il n'avait pas ici tout à fait la même pré-éminence qu'à Rome, où personne n'était son égal. Claudius, seeing a mighty man before him, saw things looked serious and understood that here he had not quite the same pre-eminence as at Rome, where no one was his equal. Claude, seeing a powerful man before him, saw that things seemed serious and understood that he did not have the same pre-eminence here as in Rome, where no one was his equal. Ne m'as-tu pas dit hier que toi et ton petit ami aviez rompu ? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you and your boyfriend had broken up? Didn't you tell me yesterday that you and your boyfriend broke up? Es-tu sûr de savoir ce qu'il faut faire ? Are you sure you know what to do? Are you sure you know what to do? Je suis divorcée. I'm divorced. I'm divorced. J'ai vu la bagarre. I saw the fight. I saw the fight. Il travaille plutôt avec la tête qu'avec ses mains. He likes to work with his head rather than with his hands. He works with his head rather than his hands. Je prévois de rendre visite à Mary après-demain. I am planning to call on Mary the day after tomorrow. I plan to visit Mary the day after tomorrow. Je suis confronté à une montagne de problèmes. I am faced with a mountain of problems. I'm facing a mountain of problems. Combien ça va coûter ? How much is it going to cost? How much is it gonna cost? Bonjour. Puis-je parler à M. Johnson, s'il vous plaît ? Hello. May I speak to Mr Johnson, please? May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please? Pleut-il à l'heure actuelle ? Is it raining right now? Is it raining right now? Le vieil homme me parla en français. The old man spoke with me in French. The old man spoke to me in French. Passes-tu beaucoup de temps avec tes amis ? Do you spend a lot of time with your friends? Do you spend a lot of time with your friends? Ils veulent me tuer. They want to kill me. They want to kill me. Tu restes ici. You stay here. You stay here. Aujourd'hui, tu peux manger autant que tu veux. Today you can eat as much as you want. Today, you can eat as much as you want. De quoi as-tu si peur ? What are you so scared of? What are you so afraid of? Vous êtes presque morts. You almost died. You're almost dead. Souliers, pantoufles et sandales sont des chaussures. Shoes, slippers, and sandals are footwear. Shoes, slippers and sandals are shoes. J'ai compris. I've figured it out. I get it. Les choses ne sont pas ce qu'elles semblent être. Things are not what they seem. Things are not what they seem to be. Je vais à la banque. I'm going to the bank. I'm going to the bank. Je suis toujours prêt à mourir. I'm always ready for death. I'm always ready to die. C'est comme un coup de pied dans les parties. That's like a kick in the nuts. It's like kicking in the parts. Le langage est le moyen par lequel les gens communiquent avec les autres. Language is the means by which people communicate with others. Language is the means by which people communicate with others. Je vous dois des excuses pour mon retard. I must offer you an apology for coming late. I owe you an apology for my delay. Un sol riche produit de bonnes récoltes. Rich soil yields good crops. Rich soil produces good crops. À quelle heure commence le film? What time does the movie start? What time does the movie start? C'est un fait réel. That is an actual fact. It's a real fact. C'étaient elles qui étaient membres de la classe moyenne. They were members of the middle class. They were members of the middle class. Je pense que nous aurions toutes dû être plus prudentes. I think we all should have been more careful. I think we should all have been more careful. Ce n'est pas exactement ce que je voulais dire. That's not exactly what I meant to say. That's not exactly what I meant. Penses-tu que tu aimerais travailler avec nous ? Do you think you'd like to work for us? Do you think you'd like to work with us? La femme à l'allure étrange était considérée comme étant une sorcière. The strange-looking woman was thought to be a witch. The strange-looking woman was considered to be a witch. Ils ont demandé ses expériences précédentes. They inquired about his past experience. They asked for his previous experiences. Vous serez toujours bienvenus. You will always be welcome. You'll always be welcome. Serais-tu davantage contente si je restais ? Would you be happier if I stayed? Would you be happier if I stayed? Tu penses à quelque chose en particulier? Are you thinking about something in particular? You're thinking of something in particular? Voudrais-tu me prêter un peu d'argent ? Would you lend me some money? Would you like to lend me some money? Aucun lac au Japon n'est aussi grand que le lac Biwa. No other lake in Japan is as large as Lake Biwa. No lake in Japan is as large as Lake Biwa. Comment c'est de vivre en Allemagne ? What is it like living in Germany? How is it to live in Germany? Ne faites pas de bruit. J'étudie. Don't make any noise, I'm studying. Don't make any noise, I'm studying. Personne ne connaît Tom comme moi. Nobody knows Tom like I know Tom. Nobody knows Tom like me. Ç'est presque le même chose. That's almost the same thing. It's almost the same thing. Tu dois étudier pendant toute ta vie. You must study your whole life. You have to study for the rest of your life. Je préfère marcher plutôt que de conduire dans une grande ville comme Tokyo. I prefer walking to driving in a big city like Tokyo. I'd rather walk than drive to a big city like Tokyo. Je suis contente que tu aies posé cette question. I'm glad you asked that question. I'm glad you asked that question. Sans eau, nous ne pouvons exister. Without water, we cannot exist. Without water, we cannot exist. À quelle heure allons-nous arriver à Akita si nous prenons le train de 9 h 30 ? What time will we reach Akita if we take the 9:30 train? What time are we going to get to Akita if we take the 9:30 train? Je ne parviens pas à exactement m'en souvenir. I can't remember exactly. I can't remember exactly. Certains journaux ont déformé la vérité. Some newspapers distorted the news. Some newspapers have distorted the truth. Ils veulent vous parler, un moment. They want to talk to you a moment. They want to talk to you for a while. Vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter de quoi que ce soit. You don't have to worry about anything. You don't have to worry about anything. Puis-je avoir un moment avec vous ? Can I have a moment with you? May I have a moment with you? À cause des cachets que j'ai pris, la douleur est partie. Because of the pills I took, the pain went away. Because of the pills I took, the pain is gone. J'ai fait l'acquisition d'un cahier rouge pour tenir mon journal. I bought a red diary. I bought a red notebook to keep my diary. Est-ce que tu peux lui prêter de l'argent ? Can you loan her some money? Can you lend him some money? Il y a quelqu'un derrière toi. There's someone behind you. There's someone behind you. Pardonne-moi s'il te plait. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Il est neuf heures et quart. It's a quarter past nine. It's nine and a quarter. L'éléphant a été tué par le chasseur. The elephant was killed by the hunter. The elephant was killed by the hunter. Il marchait à un rythme rapide. He walked at a quick pace. He was walking at a fast pace. Elle le pressa de quitter son emploi. She pressured him to quit his job. She urged him to leave his job. Je ne partirai pas sans toi. I'm not leaving without you. I'm not leaving without you. J'adore votre veste. I love your jacket. I love your jacket. Marie a soif. Mary is thirsty. Mary is thirsty. Ça n'en finira jamais. This is never going to end. It's never gonna end. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de présenter vos excuses. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Aujourd'hui, on est lundi. Today is Monday. Today is Monday. Je sais à qui vous souhaitez parler. I know who you want to talk to. I know who you want to talk to. Quel fut le résultat ? How did it come out? What was the result? Il y a beaucoup de cadeaux sous le sapin. There are lots of presents underneath the Christmas tree. There's a lot of gifts under the tree. Je n'ai encore rien mangé aujourd'hui. I haven't yet eaten anything today. I haven't eaten anything yet today. Les cloches sont en train de sonner. The bells are ringing. The bells are ringing. Notre cercle nautique compte dix membres. Our yacht club has ten members. Our nautical circle has ten members. Dites-moi où vous avez trouvé ceci. Tell me where you got this. Tell me where you found this. Je resterai chez moi demain. I'll stay home tomorrow. I'll stay home tomorrow. Je suis chrétien. I am a Christian. I'm a Christian. Je renvoie Tom à la maison. I sent Tom home. I'm sending Tom home. Ce rêve s'est réalisé. The dream has become a reality. That dream came true. C'est la raison pour laquelle elle est en retard. That's the reason she's late. That's why she's late. C'est le printemps. It's spring. It's spring. Je suis reconnaissante pour votre soutien. I appreciate the support. I'm grateful for your support. Nous sommes sans emploi. We're unemployed. We're unemployed. Du reste, pensez-vous que quand vous êtes mort, c'en est fini ? By the way, do you think that when you die that's it? Besides, do you think that when you died, it's over? Vous ne pouvez pas juste venir ici et commencer à donner des ordres aux gens à la ronde. You can't just come in here and start ordering people around. You can't just come here and start giving orders to people around. Hier j'ai mis un bonnet car il faisait très froid. I wore a hat yesterday because it was very cold. Yesterday I put on a hat because it was very cold. Tom a des projets. Tom has plans. Tom has plans. Qu'est-ce que tu achèterais si tu gagnais au loto ? What would you buy if you won the lottery? What would you buy if you won the lottery? Il a enduré plus de sacrifices pour l'Amérique que la plupart d'entre nous peuvent à peine imaginer. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. He endured more sacrifices for America than most of us can hardly imagine. Est-ce que tu as vidé le lave-vaisselle ? Did you empty the dishwasher? Did you empty the dishwasher? Où allons-nous déjeuner ? Where are we going to lunch? Where are we going for lunch? Je connais déjà la réponse. I know the answer already. I already know the answer. C'est la seule façon. It's the only way. It's the only way. Tom ne parle pas français. Tom doesn't speak French. Tom doesn't speak French. Vous avez l'air plus jeune. You look younger. You look younger. Ce n'est pas encore l'heure du dessert. It's not dessert time yet. It's not dessert time yet. Je travaille chez un fleuriste. I work in a flower shop. I work with a florist. On s'est bien amusé à la fête. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. We had a good time at the party. C'est l'un des plus gros festivals de musique en été. It is one of the biggest summer music festivals. It's one of the biggest music festivals in the summer. Elle avait l'air très fatiguée. She looked very tired. She seemed very tired. Elle voulait être célèbre. She wanted to be famous. She wanted to be famous. "Je ne suis pas un monstre !", dit Tom. "I'm not a monster!", said Tom. "I'm not a monster!" said Tom. Ce n'est pas possible, n'est-ce pas ? It's not possible, is it? It's not possible, is it? Je ne suis pas sûre s'il s'agit d'un compliment ou bien d'une insulte. I'm not sure if it's a compliment or an insult. I'm not sure if it's a compliment or an insult. J'ai été impressionné par le travail de Tom. I've been impressed with Tom's work. I was impressed with Tom's work. Le café peut avoir des effets néfastes pour l'estomac. Coffee may have a bad effect on the stomach. Coffee can have harmful effects on the stomach. On l'a averti à plusieurs reprises. He has been warned on several occasions. He's been warned several times. J'étais aimée. I was loved. I was loved. N'y a-t-il pas d'autre manière ? Is there no other way? Isn't there another way? Les adolescents baisent-ils toujours à l'arrière des bagnoles ? Do teenagers still make out in the back seats of cars? Do teenagers always fuck in the back of cars? La fille n'aime pas jouer au football. The girl doesn't like to play soccer. The girl doesn't like playing football. Il a l'air très fatigué. He looks very tired. He looks very tired. Je t'apprécie vraiment. I do like you. I really like you. Nous travaillerons. We'll be working. We'll work. L'auteur est brésilien. The author is Brazilian. The author is Brazilian. Je pense que je vais m'allonger un peu. I think I'll lie down for a while. I think I'm gonna lie down a little bit. Je pense que Tom est perdu. I think Tom is confused. I think Tom is lost. Tom a adopté les trois enfants de Mary. Tom adopted Mary's three children. Tom adopted Mary's three children. Il était au septième ciel. He was in the seventh heaven. He was in the seventh heaven. Tom n'a pas pu dormir la nuit dernière. Tom couldn't sleep last night. Tom couldn't sleep last night. Qui sont ces deux garçons ? Who are these two boys? Who are these two boys? Hier, sur le chemin de l'école, j'ai été prise sous une averse. On my way home from school yesterday, I was caught in a shower. Yesterday, on the way to school, I was caught under a shower. La noble comtesse d'Ahlefeld rougit et pâlit. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld blushed and grew pale. The noble Countess of Ahlefeld blushes and pales. Je peux prendre le temps de m'entretenir avec vous. I can make the time to talk to you. I can take the time to talk to you. Tous deux ne devaient jamais plus se rencontrer. The two of them were never to meet again. They never had to meet again. Lorsqu'ils seront de retour, je m'en irai. I will go when they come back here. When they're back, I'll leave. Nous avons un nouveau voisin. We have a new neighbour. We have a new neighbor. Il est plus vieux que moi de deux ans, mais moins grand que moi. He is older than I by two years, but less tall than I. He's two years older than me, but he's not as tall as me. Pourquoi n'ôtes-tu pas ton manteau ? Why don't you take off your coat? Why don't you take off your coat? C'est un avocat compétent. He is a capable lawyer. He's a competent lawyer. Je l'ai rencontrée dans la rue. I met her in the street. I met her on the street. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de meubles dans ma chambre. There isn't much furniture in my room. There's not much furniture in my room. Sortez de ma vue ! Get out of my sight. Get out of my sight! Ils ont une liquidation. They're having a going-out-of-business sale. They're in liquidation. Je suis tombé dessus. I happened upon it. I fell on it. Tom ne l'avait dit à personne sauf à Mary. Tom had never told anyone but Mary. Tom didn't tell anyone except Mary. Nous avons choisi le nombre au hasard. We picked the number at random. We chose the number at random. Je vais te donner une recette. I will give you a recipe. I'll give you a recipe. Je ne savais pas que Tom pouvait jouer du trombone aussi bien. I didn't know Tom could play the trombone so well. I didn't know Tom could play the trombone as well. Vous n'avez pas l'air aussi bien que ça. You don't look that good. You don't look as good as that. Tu peux bien sûr le prendre si tu le veux. Of course you can take it if you want. Of course you can take it if you want. Elle n'était pas très heureuse. She wasn't very happy. She wasn't very happy. La paix n'est pas l'absence de violence mais la présence de justice. Peace is not the absence of violence but the presence of justice. Peace is not the absence of violence but the presence of justice. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être poli avec ce genre de personne. There's no need to be polite with this kind of person. It is not necessary to be polite to this kind of person. Tu devrais omettre ce mot de la phrase. You should omit this word from the sentence. You should omit that word from the sentence. S'il te plaît, allume la radio. Please turn on the radio. Please turn on the radio. L'homme est, par nature, un animal social. Man is a social animal by nature. Man is, by nature, a social animal. Es-tu sûr que tu n'es pas fatigué ? Are you sure you're not tired? Are you sure you're not tired? Pouvez-vous ouvrir la fenêtre ? Can you open the window? Can you open the window? Celui qui donne un coup de pied à la colonne, qui se trouve sur le pont, qui passe sur la rivière, qui coule dans le village, dans lequel demeure l'homme, qui possède le collier, qui détient des pouvoirs magiques qui réalisent des miracles, va mourir. He, who kicks the pillar that stands on the bridge that leads over the river that flows through the village, in which lives the man, who owns the collar that bestows magical powers that perform miracles, dies. He who kicks the column, who is on the bridge, who passes over the river, who flows into the village, in which remains the man, who owns the necklace, who holds magical powers that perform miracles, will die. Elle avait l'air embarrassée. She looked embarrassed. She seemed embarrassed. Tout ce qui existe en ce monde n'est qu'un rêve. Everything that is in this world is but a dream. All that exists in this world is a dream. On perd des langues au rythme d'une tous les quinze jours. We are losing languages at a rate of one every fortnight. We lose languages at the rate of one every fortnight. Tu as écrit ce livre ? You wrote this book? Did you write that book? La partie fut remise au dimanche suivant. The game was postponed until next Sunday. The game was handed over to the following Sunday. La route était assez boueuse et, ce qui est pire, il commença à pleuvoir. The road was quite muddy, and, what is worse, it began to rain. The road was quite muddy and, which is worse, it began to rain. Présente mes amitiés à ton père, s'il te plaît. Please give my regards to your father. Present my friendships to your father, please. Inutile de se quereller avec le destin. It is no use quarreling with fate. There's no need to quarrel with fate. Ma connexion Internet n'est pas assez rapide. My Internet connection isn't fast enough. My Internet connection isn't fast enough. J'apprécie deux garçons. I like two guys. I like two boys. Tom a trois ans de plus que moi. Tom is three years older than me. Tom is three years older than I am. Vous êtes pleines de ressources. You're very resourceful. You're full of resources. J'ai vraiment passé du bon temps avec ta famille. I had a really great time with your family. I really had a good time with your family. Nous n'avons pas peur. We are not afraid. We're not afraid. Il donne des explications précises, facilement compréhensibles. He gives plain, simple explanations. It gives precise explanations, easily understandable. Je n'avais pas pu dormir la nuit précédente, et je somnolai durant toute la réunion. I had gotten no sleep the night before, so I kept dropping off during the meeting. I couldn't sleep the night before, and I drowsy throughout the whole meeting. Puis-je en finir ? Can I finish? Can I finish it? Mon père n'est pas vraiment favorable à notre mariage, parce que John n'a toujours pas d'emploi. My father is not really in favor of our marriage, because John still has no job. My father's not really in favour of our marriage, because John still doesn't have a job. J'aimerais prendre ça avec moi. I'd like to take this with me. I'd like to take this with me. Il m'a poussé avec douceur. He pushed me gently. He pushed me softly. Je la trouvais très jolie. I thought she was extremely pretty. I thought she was very pretty. C'est très aimable de ta part de le dire. That's very nice of you to say. It's very kind of you to say it. Tu veux voir ? You want to see? You want to see? J'ai reçu une invitation. I received an invitation. I got an invitation. Les feuilles de l'arbre sont devenues rouges. The leaves on the tree have turned red. The leaves of the tree have become red. Je vous connaissais bien des défauts, mais je ne vous savais pas celui de mentir. I knew many of your faults, but lying is a new one to me. I knew you a lot of flaws, but I didn't know you were the one to lie. As-tu décidé ce que tu allais faire ? Have you decided what you're going to do? Did you decide what you were going to do? Combien en avez-vous tué ? How many have you killed? How many did you kill? Avez-vous été blessés ? Were you hurt? Did you get hurt? Tout le monde se tient debout. Everyone is standing. Everybody's standing up. Elle veut sauver la planète. She wants to save the planet. She wants to save the planet. Elle a été impressionnée. She was impressed. She was impressed. Je n'en ai pas encore parlé à Tom. I haven't yet told Tom about that. I haven't told Tom yet. Si vous voulez. If you want. If you like. Vous ne pouvez pas forcer un crabe à marcher droit. You cannot make a crab walk straight. You can't force a crab to walk straight. Une affaire urgente m'a empêché d'arriver plus tôt. Urgent business kept me from coming sooner. An urgent case prevented me from arriving earlier. Ces gens sont des alliés politiques et s'entraideront. Those people are political allies and will help each other. These people are political allies and will help each other. La nourriture bio est plus saine. Organic food is healthier. Organic food is healthier. Il déplaça une chaise à côté d'elle. He drew a chair near her. He moved a chair next to her. Comme il court vite ! How fast he runs! How fast he runs! Les voilà. Here they come. There they are. Elle le conseilla dans cette affaire. She advised him on that matter. She advised him in this case. Pourquoi ai-je lu ceci ? Why did I read this? Why did I read this? Je suis certaine que tu ne veux pas faire ça. I'm sure you don't want to do that. I'm sure you don't want to do this. La porte restant verrouillée de l'intérieur, il ne pouvait rentrer dans la maison. The door remaining locked up from inside, he could not enter the house. The door was locked from the inside, so he couldn't get into the house. J'aime les fleurs des champs. I like wild flowers. I like the flowers in the fields. Je n'aime pas conduire sur de longues distances. I don't like long drives. I don't like driving long distances. Je n'arrive jamais à te cerner. I can never make you out. I can't figure you out. En êtes-vous sûr ? Are you sure about this? Are you sure? Je pense que nous en avons fini ici. I think we're finished here. I think we're done here. J'aimerais y aller avec vous. I'd like to go with you. I'd like to go with you. J'abrégeais mes discours. I shortened my speeches. I was abbreviating my speeches. Veuillez lui téléphoner. Please telephone him. Please call her. Si leur structure est défaillante, elles sont parfaites en termes de fonction. If defective in structure, they are perfect in function. If their structure fails, they are perfect in terms of function. Comment allons-nous régler ce problème ? How shall we deal with this problem? How are we going to solve this problem? Si j'étais le proprietaire du restaurant, je dirais aux employés qu'ils servissent les clients en souriant. If I were the restaurant owner, I would tell the staff to serve the customers with a smile. If I were the owner of the restaurant, I would tell the employees that they were serving the guests with a smile. J'espère qu'il en est ainsi ! I hope it is so! I hope so! Vous prendrez bien une tasse de thé ? Have a cup of tea, won't you? Would you like a cup of tea? Elle gagne plus qu'elle ne dépense. She earns more than she spends. She earns more than she spends. J'apprécie cette réponse. I like that answer. I appreciate that answer. Comment le faites-vous ? How do you do this? How do you do it? Tu disais que tu voulais la vérité. You said you wanted the truth. You said you wanted the truth. Fumer au lit est dangereux. Smoking in bed is dangerous. Smoking in bed is dangerous. J'ai aimé parler avec elle. I enjoyed talking with her. I enjoyed talking to her. Il y avait un épais brouillard. There was a thick fog. There was a thick fog. Vous êtes chanceux d'avoir un travail. You're lucky to have a job. You're lucky to have a job. Il est avec ses parents. He's with his parents. He's with his parents. Aviez-vous besoin de moi ? Did you need me? Did you need me? Étais-tu réveillé à 2 h 30 la nuit dernière ? Were you awake at 2:30 last night? Were you awake at 2:30 last night? Je ne sais pas quoi faire là. I don't know what to do right now. I don't know what to do here. Les bancs cassés par les vandales étaient déjà remplacés. The benches broken by the vandals were already replaced. The benches broken by the vandals were already replaced. Le vent et la pluie ont ruiné notre voyage. What with the wind and the rain, our trip was spoiled. The wind and the rain ruined our journey. Puis-je vous demander sur quoi vous travaillez maintenant ? May I ask what you are working on now? May I ask what you're working on now? J'ai bien peur que vous n'ayez un mauvais numéro. I'm afraid you have got the wrong number. I'm afraid you have a wrong number. Il a la barbe, et donc il n'a pas besoin de se raser. He has a beard, and therefore he doesn't need to shave. He's got the beard, so he doesn't have to shave. Hier soir il pleuvait. It rained yesterday evening. Last night it was raining. Elle est complètement jalouse de ta jeunesse. She is totally jealous of your youth. She's totally jealous of your youth. Dépêche-toi de m'amener quelque chose à boire ! Hurry up and bring me something to drink. Hurry and get me something to drink! La bibliothécaire nous a dit de rester silencieux. The librarian said we needed to be quiet. The librarian told us to stay silent. Le jeune ingénieur manquait d'expérience. The young engineer was deficient in experience. The young engineer lacked experience. Est-ce votre portefeuille ? Is this your wallet? Is that your wallet? Voyez-vous mon livre ? Do you see my book? Do you see my book? Tu es doté d'une assez bonne mémoire. You have a pretty good memory. You have a pretty good memory. Je pense qu'il se pourrait que tu aies un problème d'alcool. I think you might have a drinking problem. I think you might have a drinking problem. Je ne le mérite pas. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve it. Le temps passe et il fait tourner la roue de la vie comme l'eau celle des moulins. Time passes, and it turns the wheel of life as water does that of a mill. Time passes and it turns the wheel of life like water that of the mills. Tom sait ce qui ne va pas. Tom knows what's wrong. Tom knows what's wrong. Il est devenu un citoyen des États-Unis. He became a citizen of the United States. He became a citizen of the United States. Ça a fait l'affaire. It did the trick. It's done the job. Mes enfants sont adultes maintenant. My children are adults now. My kids are grown up now. N'était-ce pour les examens, nous serions contents. If it were not for exams, we would be happy. Wasn't it for the exams, we'd be happy. Je sais que Tom est effrayé. I know Tom is frightened. I know Tom's scared. Ce n'était pas aussi cher que ce à quoi je m'attendais. It wasn't as expensive as I expected. It wasn't as expensive as I expected. Elle laisse toujours ses enfants faire ce qu'ils veulent. She always lets her children do what they want to. She always lets her kids do what they want. S'il vous plaît, donnez-moi ce livre. Please give me that book. Please give me this book. Je pensais que tu voudrais le récupérer. I thought you'd want it back. I thought you'd want it back. Sa famille lui manque. She yearns for her family. He misses his family. Te joindras-tu à nous pour une baignade ? Will you join us for a swim? Will you join us for a swim? Ma sœur joue du piano tous les jours. My sister plays piano every day. My sister plays piano every day. Je pense que vous avez l'air excitantes. I think you look hot. I think you look exciting. Personne ne soutint ce que je dis. Nobody backed up what I said. Nobody supports what I say. Je ne puis me faire comprendre en allemand. I can't make myself understood in German. I can't make myself understood in German. Les Vikings ont parcouru la majeure partie de l'Atlantique Nord avant d'entrer en mer Méditerranée. The Vikings sailed most of the North Atlantic before entering the Mediterranean sea. The Vikings travelled most of the North Atlantic before entering the Mediterranean Sea. Tu souffres, n'est-ce pas ? You're in pain, aren't you? You're in pain, aren't you? Disons simplement que je suis là pour rester. Let's just say I'm here to stay. Let's just say I'm here to stay. Elle essaie juste de faire son intéressante. She's just trying to get attention. She's just trying to make her interesting. J'étais à la rue. I was clueless. I was on the street. Pour parler franchement, j'ai eu du mal à comprendre ce qu'il disait. Frankly speaking, it was difficult for me to make out what he was saying. To speak frankly, I had a hard time understanding what he was saying. Il prit la fuite, pour ne pas être pris. He ran away so he wouldn't be caught. He ran away, so he wouldn't be caught. Tom était presque sur toutes les photos de l'album de Marie. Tom was in almost every picture in Mary's album. Tom was almost on all the pictures of Marie's album. Je vous montrerai la bourgade. I'll show you around the town. I'll show you the town. T'as besoin d'un chauffeur ? Do you need a lift? Do you need a driver? N'oublie pas ! Don't forget! Don't forget! Tu perds ton temps à essayer de convaincre Tom. You're wasting your time trying to convince Tom. You're wasting your time trying to convince Tom. Comment cela te semble-t-il ? How does that sound to you? How does that sound to you? Je suis venu pour te parler de Tom. I came to talk to you about Tom. I came to talk to you about Tom. Ça ne te fera aucun mal de te trouver ridicule. Résigne-toi à être l'idiot que tu es. It will do you no harm to find yourself ridiculous. Resign yourself to be the fool you are. It won't hurt you to think you're ridiculous. Tu crois vraiment que Tom et Marie peuvent se débrouiller seuls ? Do you really think Tom and Mary can take care of themselves? Do you really think Tom and Mary can handle it alone? C'est merdé. This is fucked up. It's fucked up. Je sais que tu n'es pas sérieux. I know you're not serious. I know you're not serious. Que le match commence. Now let's begin the game. Let's get the game started. Quel est le pays le plus pauvre de l'Union Européenne ? What is the poorest country in the European Union? What is the poorest country in the European Union? Il y a une page manquante. There is a page missing. There's a missing page. Je la connais depuis plus de vingt ans. I've known her for more than twenty years. I've known her for over 20 years. Je n'ai pas pensé que quiconque était chez lui. I didn't think anyone was home. I didn't think anyone was at his house. Vous êtes déçus, n'est-ce pas ? You're disappointed, aren't you? You're disappointed, aren't you? Me présenteras-tu à elle ? Will you introduce me to her? Will you introduce me to her? Baissez les mains ! Put your hands down! Put your hands down! Un arc-en-ciel est un phénomène naturel. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. Vos yeux brillants sont comme le soleil. Your brilliant eyes are like the sun. Your bright eyes are like the sun. Le chien du voisin a aboyé toute la nuit. The neighbor's dog was barking all night. The neighbor's dog barked all night. Il est dans sa première année d'université. He is in his first year at college. He's in his first year of college. Elle n'est pas jeune, n'est-ce pas ? She's not young, is she? She's not young, is she? Voudrais-tu dormir avec moi ? Would you sleep with me? Would you like to sleep with me? Laissez-moi vérifier votre ticket. Let me check your ticket. Let me check your ticket. Nous pourrons bientôt t'envoyer en prison. We'll soon be able to send you to jail. We'll be able to send you to jail soon. Je n'aurais pas dû faire ça. C'était mal. I should not have done that. It was wrong. I shouldn't have done that. Vous rappelez-vous quoi que ce soit ? Do you remember anything? Do you remember anything? Pouvez-vous croire que ce soit vraiment en train de se produire ? Can you believe this is really happening? Can you believe it's really happening? Il l'a conviée au bal des étudiants. He asked her to the prom. He invited her to the student ball. J'ai vendu mes livres à bas prix. I sold my books cheaply. I sold my books cheaply. Est-ce que ça te plaît ? Does that float your boat? Do you like it? Tom m'a donné cette montre. Tom gave me this watch. Tom gave me this watch. Où se trouve le port ? Where is the harbour? Where is the port? Tout ça, c'était du chinois pour moi. That was all Chinese to me. All this was Chinese for me. Les chats étaient des animaux sacrés dans l'Égypte antique. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt. Toutes les charges contre toi ont été retirées. You've been cleared of all charges. All charges against you have been withdrawn. Les croiriez-vous ? Would you trust them? Would you believe them? Il peut à peine parler. He can hardly speak. He can barely talk. Voudrais-tu prendre le thé avec nous cet après-midi ? Would you like to have tea with us this afternoon? Would you like to have tea with us this afternoon? Je veux ce chat. I want that cat. I want that cat. Nous savons désormais que le témoignage qu'il donna était contraint. We now know that the testimony he gave was coerced. We now know that the testimony he gave was forced. Je ne pense pas en avoir un. I don't think I have one of those. I don't think I have one. Je préfère rester assise. I prefer to remain seated. I'd rather sit down. Ma voiture a été dérobée la nuit dernière. My car was stolen last night. My car was stolen last night. J'aime écrire au stylo-plume. I like writing with a fountain pen. I like to write in the pen. Je veux partir en vacances avec toi. I want to go on a trip with you. I want to go on vacation with you. Juste un petit peu. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. Tom ouvrit le coffre de la voiture. Tom opened the trunk of the car. Tom opened the trunk of the car. Y a-t-il quelque chose que tu voudrais que je dise à Tom ? Isn't there something you want to say to Tom? Is there anything you want me to tell Tom? Il se comporta comme s'il possédait l'endroit. He acted like he owned the place. He behaved like he owned the place. Nous avons beaucoup de requêtes. We get a lot of requests. We have a lot of requests. J'aimerais que tu prennes ceci. I'd like you to take this. I'd like you to take this. Il est interdit de se garer là-bas. It is illegal to park a car there. It is forbidden to park there. Puis-je jeter un coup d'œil au menu ? May I look at the menu? Can I take a look at the menu? Le pays doit être très beau. The country must be very beautiful. The country must be very beautiful. Ne me mets pas en colère. Tu ne m'aimerais pas, si j'étais en colère. Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me if I was angry. La rencontre sportive s'est déroulée comme prévue. The athletic meeting went on as scheduled. The sporting meeting took place as planned. Nous étions fous l'un de l'autre. We were crazy about each other. We were crazy about each other. Combien de temps es-tu parti ? How long were you gone? How long have you been gone? As-tu éteint la chaudière ? Did you turn off the heater? Did you turn off the boiler? Je suis certain que tu réussiras. I'm sure that you'll succeed. I'm sure you'll make it. Cela m'a presque fait rire. That almost made me laugh. It almost made me laugh. Quels sont quelques uns de vos mets préférés ? What are some of your favourite foods? What are some of your favorite dishes? Il a failli s'en tirer comme ça. He almost got away with it. He almost got away with it. Elle m'a montré sa chambre. She has shown her room to me. She showed me her room. L'activité industrielle est soutenue. Industrial activity is brisk. Industrial activity is sustained. Les nuages arrivent du sud. The clouds are coming from the south. The clouds are coming from the south. Je pense que vous vous en êtes très bien sorti. I think you did very well. I think you did very well. C'est difficile à dire. It's hard to tell. It's hard to say. Jusqu'à présent, il n'a pas réussi. As yet he has not succeeded. So far, he hasn't succeeded. Que dois-je faire de sa lettre ? What shall I do with her letter? What should I do with his letter? Tu essayes juste de nous faire peur. You're just trying to scare us. You're just trying to scare us. Elles étaient toutes enseignantes. They were all teachers. They were all teachers. Ils se sont détendus sur la plage. They relaxed on the beach. They relaxed on the beach. Comment avez-vous appris à si bien parler le français ? How did you learn to speak French so well? How did you learn to speak French so well? Il a besoin d'argent. He needs money. He needs money. Dès le jeune âge, les enfants apprennent à ostraciser ceux qui ne sont pas comme eux. From a young age children learn to ostracise those who aren't like them. From an early age, children learn to ostracize those who are not like them. Veux-tu boire du vin ? Do you want to drink wine? Would you like to drink wine? Y êtes-vous prêt ? Are you up for it? Are you ready? Une année bissextile a trois cent soixante-six jours. A leap year has three hundred and sixty-six days. A leap year has three hundred and sixty-six days. Elle m'a soûlé, la nuit dernière. She got me drunk last night. She drunk me last night. Il y a quelque chose qui cloche avec ma voiture. There is something wrong with my car. There's something wrong with my car. Puisque c'est une cascade à plusieurs couches, il ne devrait pas être surprenant que ce soit lent. As this is a cascade with multiple layers, it shouldn't be surprising that it's slow. Since it is a multilayered cascade, it should not be surprising that it is slow. Je serai chez moi en matinée. I'll be at home in the morning. I'll be home in the morning. Tu peux voir toute la ville depuis cette colline. You can see the whole city from this hill. You can see the whole city from this hill. Parle plus fort, l'ouïe de ton grand-père n'est pas très bonne. Speak louder. Your grandfather's hearing isn't so good. Speak up, your grandfather's hearing isn't very good. Nous voulons le faire, mais nous ne pouvons pas. We want to do that, but we can't. We want to do it, but we can't. Chaque fois que je tente de l'approcher, elle me repousse. Whenever I try to get near her, she pushes me away. Every time I try to approach her, she pushes me away. Que fait cette chaise ici ? What's this chair doing here? What's this chair doing here? Il est assez irritant de penser depuis combien de temps cette romance durait avant que je ne la découvre. It's pretty galling to think about how long the affair was going on before I found out about it. It is quite irritating to think how long this romance lasted before I discovered it. Priez pour eux. Pray for them. Pray for them. Il s'est endormi durant le cours. He fell asleep during class. He fell asleep during class. C'est certain qu'elle est morte. That she is dead is certain. I'm sure she's dead. Maintenant que tu es grand, tu ne dois pas te comporter comme un enfant. Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child. Now that you're tall, you don't have to behave like a child. Il ressemble beaucoup à son père. He closely resembles his father. He looks a lot like his father. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes d'autre ? What else do you like? What else do you like? Ils ont un rêve. They have a dream. They have a dream. Ne lisez-vous pas les journaux à scandale ? Don't you read the tabloids? Don't you read the scandal papers? Vous feriez mieux d'aller chez vous le plus tôt possible. You'd better go home as soon as possible. You better go home as soon as possible. Elle s'est plainte de mon bas salaire. She complained about my low salary. She complained about my low salary. Tom a versé des céréales dans un bol. Tom poured some cereal into a bowl. Tom poured grain into a bowl. Je n'ai pas l'habitude de son caractère. I am not familiar with his character. I'm not used to his character. L'alcool est dangereux. Alcohol is dangerous. Alcohol is dangerous. Ce n'est pas un bon choix. That's not a good choice. It's not a good choice. J'aimerais pouvoir trouver comment faire pour que plus de gens visite mon site web. I wish I could figure out how to get more people to visit my website. I wish I could find out how to get more people to visit my website. Ma sœur travaille à l'ambassade des États-Unis à Londres. My sister works at the United States Embassy in London. My sister works at the United States Embassy in London. Les arts martiaux ont des limites. Il n'y a qu'à voir Bruce Lee qui était le plus fort et qui n'a pas pu s'empêcher de mourir. Martial arts have their limits. You just have to look at Bruce Lee. He was the strongest but he couldn't help dying. Martial arts have limits, but Bruce Lee was the strongest and couldn't help but die. C'est ce que je crois: que nous tous pouvons être des collègues de Dieu. Et nos dirigeants, nos gouvernements, ainsi que ces Nations Unies devraient refléter cette irréductible vérité. This is what I believe: that all of us can be co-workers with God. And our leadership, and our governments, and this United Nations should reflect this irreducible truth. That is what I believe: that all of us can be colleagues of God. And our leaders, our governments, as well as these United Nations should reflect this irreducible truth. Épargnez vos explications alambiquées pour quelqu'un d'autre ! Save your long-winded explanations for someone else. Save your convoluted explanations for someone else! Nous ne disposons d'aucun argent. We don't have any money. We don't have any money. As-tu une voiture ? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Je comprends complètement. I totally understand. I totally understand. S'il y a quoi que ce soit que vous vouliez faire, vous devriez le faire. If there's anything you want to do, you should do it. If there's anything you want to do, you should do it. Ce mot a deux sens. This word has two meanings. This word has two meanings. Je n'ai pas pensé que tu serais tellement en retard. I didn't think you'd be so late. I didn't think you'd be so late. Ce sont de graves problèmes. These are serious difficulties. These are serious problems. Je ne te souhaite rien d'autre que le meilleur. I wish nothing but the best for you. I wish you nothing but the best. Tom n'est pas très ambitieux. Tom isn't very ambitious. Tom is not very ambitious. Chaque fois était différente. Each time was different. Every time was different. Est-ce votre anniversaire aujourd'hui ? Is today your birthday? Is it your birthday today? Il l'attira dans ses bras. He pulled her into his arms. He drew him into his arms. Où est la sortie de secours ? Where is the emergency exit? Where's the emergency exit? Pouvez-vous m'aider juste une minute, s'il vous plaît ? Can you please help me for just a minute? Can you help me just a minute, please? Tu dois me laisser gérer ça. You must let me handle this. You have to let me handle this. Il m'est supérieur en mathématiques. He is superior to me in mathematics. He's superior to me in mathematics. Ce n'était qu'un rêve. It was only a dream. It was just a dream. Je ne veux tout simplement pas vous voir être déçue. I just don't want to see you get disappointed. I just don't want you to be disappointed. Il faut que je me dépêche ! I have to hurry! I have to hurry! J'ai découvert que vous parlez dans mon dos. I found out you talk behind my back. I found out you're talking behind my back. Tom est un garçon convenable. Tom is a decent sort of guy. Tom is a decent boy. Nous nous inquiétons pour toi. We are worried about you. We're worried about you. Elles avaient l'air toutes satisfaites. They all looked happy. They all seemed satisfied. Tom avait des ecchymoses sur tout le corps après le combat. Tom had bruises all over his body after the fight. Tom had bruises all over his body after the fight. Ce n'est pas un secret. That's no secret. It's no secret. Vous êtes grossier. You're rude. You're rude. Quel âge avais-tu quand tu as arrêté de croire au Père Noël ? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? J'ai quelques bonnes nouvelles pour toi. I have some good news for you. I have some good news for you. Les femmes changent le monde. Women change the world. Women change the world. Nous appelâmes pour le lui rappeler, de peur qu'il ne vienne en retard. We called to remind him lest he come late. We called to remind him, lest he come late. Qu'arrive-t-il si j'appuie sur ce bouton ? What happens if I press this button? What happens if I press this button? Personne ne meurt sans héritiers. Nobody dies without heirs. No one dies without heirs. Ce ne sont que des étudiants. They're just students. They're just students. Donnez-moi la bouteille. Ce "brandy" a bon goût; d'où vient-il ? Give me that bottle. This "brandy" tastes good; where does it come from? Give me the bottle. This brandy tastes good; where does it come from? Cela vous ennuierait-il de venir avec moi ? Would you mind coming with me? Would it bother you to come with me? Je ne suis jamais allé à Boston, toutefois, je suis allé à Chicago. I've never been to Boston. However, I have been in Chicago. I never went to Boston, however, I went to Chicago. Mary a été infirmière pendant presque trente ans. Mary was a nurse for nearly thirty years. Mary was a nurse for almost thirty years. Les catholiques sont contre le contrôle des naissances. Catholics are against birth control. Catholics are against birth control. Ils ont abandonné le navire en train de couler. They abandoned the sinking ship. They left the ship sinking. En général, les enfants aiment les glaces. In general, kids like ice cream. In general, kids like ice cream. Le chat n'accepte pas de maître. A cat doesn't accept a master. The cat doesn't accept a master. Quel est l'objet de ton voyage ? What's the purpose of your trip? What's the purpose of your trip? Je ne suis pas petit. I'm not short. I'm not a kid. Tom acheta une nouvelle machine à coudre à Mary et elle lui apprit à coudre. Tom bought Mary a new sewing machine and she taught him how to sew. Tom bought a new sewing machine from Mary and she taught her to sew. Ils sont courageux. They're brave. They're brave. Je ne l'ai pas prise. Vous pouvez vérifier mes poches. I didn't take it. You can check my pockets. I didn't take it, you can check my pockets. Vous avez un très bon emploi. You have a great job. You have a very good job. Je pars dimanche. I'm leaving on Sunday. I'm leaving on Sunday. Elle n'est pas une enfant. She's not a child. She's not a child. Les mathématiques sont ma matière favorite. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Elle est jeune. She is young. She's young. Lorsqu'on chauffe de la glace, elle fond. If you heat ice, it melts. When you heat ice, it melts. Je suis venu pour vous poser une question. I've come to ask you a question. I came to ask you a question. Je veux faire une déclaration. I want to make a statement. I want to make a statement. Toute personne accusée d'un acte délictueux est présumée innocente jusqu'à ce que sa culpabilité ait été légalement établie au cours d'un procès public où toutes les garanties nécessaires à sa défense lui auront été assurées. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Any person accused of a criminal act shall be presumed innocent until proven guilty by law in a public trial in which he has been guaranteed all the guarantees necessary for his defence. Les fleurs dans le vase sont des roses. The flowers in the vase are roses. The flowers in the vase are roses. S'il n'y avait pas de téléphones, ça ne serait pas pratique. Without telephones, it would be inconvenient. If there were no phones, it wouldn't be convenient. Nous pouvons discuter de ceci à la maison. We can talk about this at home. We can discuss this at home. Je ne peux en faire davantage. I can't do any more. I can't do more. Personne ne parvient à faire ça. No one can do that. No one can do that. Vous devez faire exactement comme je vous dis. You must do exactly as I tell you. You have to do exactly as I tell you. Avez-vous déjà petit-déjeuné ? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Have you ever had breakfast? Vous commencez à m'ennuyer. You're starting to annoy me. You're starting to bore me. J'étais surpris par la nouvelle. I was surprised at the news. I was surprised by the news. Le roi gouvernait le pays. The king governed the country. The king ruled the country. Tes paupières sont fermées, mais je sais que tu es réveillée. Your eyelids are closed, but I know you're awake. Your eyelids are closed, but I know you're awake. Une exolune est une lune qui orbite autour d'une exoplanète. An exomoon is a moon that orbits around an exoplanet. An exolune is a moon orbiting an exoplanet. Il n'a pas de véritables amis. He has no real friends. He doesn't have any real friends. Je l'ai rendu. I have given it back. I gave it back. Il perdit son travail. He lost his job. He lost his job. Un murmure se propagea dans la foule. A whisper ran through the crowd. A murmuring spread in the crowd. Elle était prête à affronter son destin. She was ready to face her fate. She was ready to face her fate. J'ai toujours aimé les films d'horreur. I've always liked horror movies. I've always liked horror movies. Vous avez ma sympathie. You have my sympathies. You have my sympathy. Êtes-vous célèbre ? Are you famous? Are you famous? Nous avons eu moins de neige cet hiver que nous l'attendions. We had less snow this winter than we had expected. We had less snow this winter than we expected. Le cycle des saisons est très visible au Canada. The passing of the seasons is very visible in Canada. The season cycle is very visible in Canada. J'en ai vraiment marre de cette chaleur. I'm really fed up with this heat. I'm really tired of that heat. Qui était l'homme qui attendait dehors ? Who was that man waiting outside? Who was the man waiting outside? Je te promets que tu ne seras pas déçue. I promise that you won't be disappointed. I promise you you won't be disappointed. Si vous n'êtes pas avec nous, alors vous êtes contre nous. If you're not with us then you're against us. If you're not with us, then you're against us. De quoi te souviens-tu ? What do you remember? What do you remember? Retourne dans le van. Get back in the van. Go back to the van. Tu est de deux ans plus jeune que moi. You are two years younger than me. You're two years younger than me. Qu'est-ce qui vous fait croire que je voudrais voir ça ? What makes you think I'd want to see that? What makes you think I'd like to see that? J'aimerais que tu dînes avec moi. I'd like you to have dinner with me. I'd like you to have dinner with me. Je pourrais certainement employer cet argent. I could sure use that money. I could certainly use that money. J'aurais dû m'attendre à ce que cela arrive. I should've expected that to happen. I should have expected that to happen. J'arrive à voir la lumière. I can see the light. I can see the light. La rumeur se révéla fondée. The rumor turned out true. The rumor turned out to be well-founded. Changez d'avis, si vous voulez. Change your mind, if you want to. Change your mind, if you like. Ne réveille pas un lion qui dort. Wake not a sleeping lion. Don't wake up a sleeping lion. Elle est arrivée alors que nous étions sur le point de partir. She arrived when we were about to leave. She arrived as we were about to leave. J'ai ajouté de nouveaux exemples. I added new examples. I have added new examples. Il fait plutôt froid pour un mois d'avril. It's rather cold for April. It's pretty cold for a month of April. Cette phrase comporte un prédicat mais pas de sujet. This sentence has a predicate but no subject. This sentence has a predicate but no subject. Vous n'auriez pas dû venir ici pour commencer. You shouldn't have come here to begin with. You shouldn't have come here to start. C'est inacceptable. This is unacceptable. This is unacceptable. Personne ne peut dire ce qu'il se passera dans le futur. No one can tell what'll happen in the future. No one can say what will happen in the future. Le type de sport que nous pratiquons dépend du temps et de la saison. What kind of sports we play depends on the weather and the season. The type of sport we practice depends on time and season. Comment es-tu entrée en possession de ce tableau ? How did you come by this painting? How did you get into possession of this painting? Elle est fière de son fils. She prides herself on her son. She's proud of her son. Merci pour votre invitation. Thank you for your invitation. Thank you for your invitation. Comment ouvrons-nous cette porte ? How do we open this door? How do we open this door? Nous ne pouvons pas simplement rester assis là sans rien faire. We can't just sit here without doing anything. We can't just sit there and do nothing. Je n'ai rien écrit. I didn't write anything. I didn't write anything. Nous avons volontairement passé son tour. We skipped his turn on purpose. We have voluntarily passed his turn. Elle a fait fuir son assaillant en criant très fort. She managed to scare off her attacker by screaming loudly. She ran away from her assailant by shouting very loudly. Tous ses projets soigneusement conçus commencèrent à s'effondrer un à un. All her carefully made plans began to unravel one by one. All his carefully designed projects began to collapse one by one. J'ai décidé d'aller avec vous. I've decided to go with you. I've decided to go with you. La randonnée pédestre est un bon exercice. Hiking is a good exercise. Hiking is a good exercise. La finale a fait stade comble. A sell-out crowd was there to watch the final. The final was a full stage. Il avait l'air vert de rage. He looked black with anger. He looked like he was rabid. De quoi veux-tu me parler ? What do you want to talk to me about? What do you want to talk to me about? Je ne veux pas de tes conseils. I don't want your advice. I don't want your advice. Nous le respectons en tant que notre dirigeant. We look up to him as our leader. We respect him as our leader. Est-ce difficile à faire ? Is that difficult to do? Is it hard to do? Nous voulons avoir un enfant. We want to have a baby. We want to have a child. Tu aurais dû venir hier. You should have come yesterday. You should've come yesterday. Je n'oublierai jamais la fois où je suis allé à Hawaï avec elle. I'll never forget going to Hawaii with her. I'll never forget the time I went to Hawaii with her. Nous devrions partir. We should go. We should go. Voudriez-vous du café ? Would you like some coffee? Would you like some coffee? Elle est chaude. She's hot. She's hot. Dites-moi où est Tom. Tell me where Tom is. Tell me where Tom is. Tom était très gentil avec n'importe qui. Tom was very kind to everyone. Tom was very nice to anyone. Aussi étrange qu'elle soit, cette histoire est vraie. Strange as it is, the story is true. Strange as it is, this story is true. Cette lettre porte un timbre étranger. This letter bears a foreign stamp. This letter bears a foreign stamp. C'est l'Edison du Japon. He is the Edison of Japan. It's the Edison of Japan. Tom a perdu ses lunettes quelque part au jardin. Tom lost his glasses somewhere in the garden. Tom lost his glasses somewhere in the garden. Lorsque je serai grand, je veux être roi. When I grow up, I want to be a king. When I grow up, I want to be king. Il a évité son regard. He averted his gaze. He avoided his eyes. Pouvez-vous me trouver une maison avec un petit jardin. Could you find me a house that has a small garden? Can you find me a house with a small garden? Voici l'hôpital. Here is the hospital. This is the hospital. Ferme la porte, s'il te plait. Shut the door, please. Close the door, please. Vous ne m'avez pas encore dit quand vous terminez votre travail. You still haven't told me when you get off work. You haven't told me yet when you're finishing your job. Est-ce que j'ai appelé à un mauvais moment ? Did I call at a bad time? Did I call at a bad time? Vous connaissez tout le monde ici ? Have you met everyone here? Do you know everyone here? Nous avons gagné. We won. We won. Ne prenez pas ça de travers ! Don't take this the wrong way. Don't take that from me! Il est génial. He is awesome. He's great. Un homme ivre est tombé des escaliers. A drunk man fell down the stairs. A drunken man fell off the stairs. De quel livre avez-vous besoin ? Which book do you need? What book do you need? Tom et Marie travaillent tous les deux à temps plein. Tom and Mary both work full time. Tom and Marie both work full time. Si vous voulez rester ici, vous êtes bienvenue. If you want to stay here, you are welcome to. If you want to stay here, you're welcome. J'ai eu du mal à saisir ce qu'il disait. I found it difficult to understand what he was saying. I couldn't figure out what he was saying. Il n'est pas plus riche que moi. He is not rich any more than I am. He's not richer than I am. Si vous racontez trop de mensonges, les gens ne vous croiront jamais. If you tell too many lies, people won't ever believe you. If you tell too many lies, people will never believe you. Tom a traité Mary comme une reine. Tom treated Mary like a queen. Tom treated Mary as a queen. Je n'ai pas l'intention de le laisser au hasard. I don't intend to leave it to chance. I don't intend to leave him at random. La machine à laver fut l'une des plus grandes inventions de tous les temps. The washing machine was one of the greatest inventions of all time. The washing machine was one of the greatest inventions of all time. J'ai quelques amis ici. I have a few friends here. I have some friends here. Comme Tom avait une panne d'essence, il est arrivé trop tard à la réunion. As Tom was out of gas, he arrived too late for the meeting. Since Tom was out of gas, he arrived too late at the meeting. Il nous faut peu de mots pour exprimer l'essentiel. We need few words to express the essential. We need few words to express the essentials. Ne le faites pas ! C'est stupide et dangereux. Don't do it! It's stupid and dangerous. Don't do it, it's stupid and dangerous. Tout le monde était silencieux. Everybody was silent. Everyone was quiet. Je ne sais pas quand Bob est arrivé au Japon. I don't know when Bob came to Japan. I don't know when Bob came to Japan. Nous voulons tous la même chose. We all want the same thing. We all want the same thing. Le moteur ne fonctionne pas correctement. The motor does not function properly. The engine is not working properly. L'art est mort. Art is dead. Art is dead. Pourquoi personne ne m'écoute-t-il ? Why doesn't anyone listen to me? Why isn't anyone listening to me? C'est un monde cruel. It's a cruel world. It's a cruel world. J'ai tenté de l'avertir à son sujet mais il refuse de m'écouter. I tried to warn him about her, but he won't listen to me. I tried to warn him about him, but he refuses to listen to me. Tom a peur des escaliers mécaniques. Tom is afraid of escalators. Tom's afraid of escalators. Je me suis changé. I've changed clothes. I've changed. Je n'en suis pas certaine. I'm not certain. I'm not sure. J'en ai assez de cet endroit. I'm tired of this place. I'm tired of this place. Je suis vraiment désolé pour ce que j'ai dit. I am very sorry for what I said. I'm really sorry about what I said. J'aurais dû y aller avec toi. I should've gone there with you. I should've gone with you. Je n'arrive pas à croire combien tu es belle. I can't believe how beautiful you are. I can't believe how beautiful you are. Je me sens tellement en vie, en ce moment. I feel so alive right now. I feel so alive right now. Je veux faire ça ce soir. I want to do that this evening. I want to do this tonight. Je ne pleure pas. I'm not crying. I'm not crying. J'ai pensé que tout le monde avait faim. I figured everyone was hungry. I thought everyone was hungry. Il fut prouvé qu'il était un voleur. It was proved that he was a thief. He was proved to be a thief. Les Étatsuniens admirent Lincoln pour son honnêteté. Americans admire Lincoln for his honesty. The United States admires Lincoln for his honesty. Nous avons annulé le mariage. We called off the wedding. We canceled the wedding. Combien d'enfants ont Sami et Layla ? How many kids do Sami and Layla have? How many children have Sami and Layla? Les États-Unis sont un pays qui aime à croire qu'il n'a pas de classes sociales. America likes to claim that it is a "classless" society. The United States is a country that likes to believe that it has no social classes. Le Titanic coula lors de son voyage inaugural. The Titanic sunk on its maiden voyage. The Titanic sank during his inaugural trip. C'est Noël avant l'heure ! It's almost Christmas! It's Christmas before the hour! Ignorez-les. Ignore them. Ignore them. Je pensais avoir entendu votre voix. I thought I heard your voice. I thought I heard your voice. Il a les yeux verts. He has green eyes. He's got green eyes. Rita est la bru de Dan. Rita is Dan's daughter-in-law. Rita's Dan's bloke. Elles doivent l'avoir su tout le temps. They must have known it all along. They must have known all the time. Puis-je te ramener quelque chose ? Can I get you something? Can I get you something? Je démissionne. I quit. I quit. C'est un homme chaleureux. He is a man of warm heart. He's a warm man. Vous êtes toutes prêtes ? You're all set? Are you all ready? On aimerait beaucoup connaître votre opinion. We'd be very interested in what you think. We'd like to hear your opinion. Combien pour une livre ? How much for half a kilo? How much for a book? Je n'ai pas appuyé sur la gâchette. I didn't pull the trigger. I didn't pull the trigger. Les personnes âgées ont besoin de vivre pour quelqu'un. Old people need something to live for. Older people need to live for someone. Avez-vous quelque chose à ajouter ? Do you have anything to add? Do you have anything to add? T'es devenu complètement sourde ou quoi? Are you deaf or something? Did you get completely deaf or something? Sois juste ! Be fair. Just be fair! Elle voulait qu'il lui chante une chanson. She wanted him to sing her a song. She wanted him to sing a song. Il a perdu l'habitude de fumer. He got out of the habit of smoking. He's lost his habit of smoking. Nous parvînmes au sommet de la montagne. We reached the top of the mountain. We reached the top of the mountain. Arrête ! Tu le fais pleurer ! Stop! You're making him cry. Stop it, you make him cry! Quel jour es-tu libre habituellement ? What day are you usually free? What day are you usually free? Elle n'est pas gentille avec lui. She isn't kind to him. She's not nice to him. Elle a dit qu'elle le suivrait où qu'il aille. She said that she would follow him no matter where he went. She said she'd follow him wherever he goes. Donne-moi quelque chose sur quoi écrire. Give me something to write on. Give me something to write about. Au temps pour moi ! My bad! In time for me! Elle a cinq ans de moins que moi. She is five years junior to me. She's five years younger than me. Je me demande s'il y a un moyen d'attirer plus de personnes qui parlent japonais sur Tatoeba. I wonder if there's some way of attracting more Japanese speakers to Tatoeba? I wonder if there's a way to attract more people who speak Japanese to Tatoeba. Comparez votre phrase avec celle sur le tableau. Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard. Compare your sentence with the one on the table. Est-ce qu'Okayama est une grande ville ? Is Okayama a big city? Is Okayama a big city? Quoi qu'il arrive, je vais devoir y aller demain. In any case, I'll have to go there tomorrow. Whatever happens, I'm gonna have to go tomorrow. Bonjour. Good morning. Hello. Les gens sont amicaux ici. The people are friendly here. People are friendly here. Qui va conduire? Who's going to drive? Who's gonna drive? Le garçon a peut-être dit un mensonge pour faire plaisir à ses parents. The boy may have told a lie to please his parents. Maybe the boy said a lie to please his parents. Voulez-vous vous asseoir près de la fenêtre ? Do you want to sit next to the window? Would you like to sit by the window? Je suis né en 1980. I was born in 1980. I was born in 1980. Il s'est mis à sommeiller sans s'en apercevoir. He fell into a slumber inadvertently. He started to sleep without realizing it. Je doute que notre nouvelle patronne soit pire que l'ancienne. I doubt that our new boss will be any worse than the old one. I doubt our new boss is worse than the old one. Tu pars bientôt ? Are you leaving soon? Are you leaving soon? Ça change tout. This changes everything. It changes everything. Nous fîmes du garçon notre guide. We made the boy our guide. We made the boy our guide. La main-d'œuvre n'était pas un problème. Manpower was no problem. The labour force was not a problem. Elles reçurent toutes trois un présent. They each received a present. They all received a present. Je vais faire une sieste après le déjeuner. I'll take a nap after lunch. I'm gonna take a nap after lunch. Nous avons renoncé à sortir à cause de la pluie. The rain discouraged us from going out. We gave up going out because of the rain. Je suis passé chez toi l'autre jour. I stopped by your place the other day. I came by your house the other day. Ne grimpez pas à cette échelle, elle n'est pas sûre. Don't climb that ladder - it's not secure. Don't climb to this scale, she's not sure. Vous ai-je laissé assez de temps ? Did I give you enough time? Have I given you enough time? Vous avez un enfant, n'est-ce pas ? You have a kid, don't you? You have a child, don't you? Je veux rester ici aussi longtemps que possible. I want to stay here as long as I can. I want to stay here as long as I can. Le spectacle n'est pas un ensemble d'images, mais un rapport social entre des personnes, médiatisé par des images. The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation between people that is mediated by images. The show is not a set of images, but a social relationship between people, mediated by images. J'ai bien peur que ces données ne soient pas fiables. I'm afraid this data is not reliable. I'm afraid this data is unreliable. Je ne soupçonnais rien. I didn't suspect anything. I didn't suspect anything. Il possède de nombreux livres d'Histoire. He has many history books. He has many books of history. Tom était habillé tout en noir. Tom was dressed all in black. Tom was dressed all in black. Je pense qu'il est l'heure d'y aller. I think it's about time to go. I think it's time to go. La réponse à ta question est non. The answer to your question is no. The answer to your question is no. Elle est fâchée, là. She's upset right now. She's upset right now. Vous êtes mon seul véritable ami. You're my only real friend. You're my only real friend. Toutes les nuits, elle reste éveillée jusqu'à ce que son mari rentre à la maison. Every night, she stays up until her husband returns home. Every night, she stays awake until her husband comes home. Je pense que j'ai besoin d'une aide auditive. I think I need a hearing aid. I think I need hearing aid. Elle dansa avec lui au bal des étudiants. She danced with him at the high school prom. She danced with him at the student ball. Tu es quelqu'un de très logique. You have a very logical way of thinking. You're a very logical person. Je ne savais pas que Tom ne savait pas le faire. I didn't know that Tom didn't know how to do that. I didn't know Tom couldn't do it. Je sais que je peux aller plus vite. I know that I can go faster. I know I can go faster. Le bulgare est très similaire au russe. Bulgarian is like Russian. Bulgarian is very similar to Russian. Je lui ai demandé s'il revenait bientôt. I asked him if he would return soon. I asked him if he was coming back soon. Je vais le mettre en route en un clin d'œil. I'll have it up and running in no time. I'm going to set him up in the blink of an eye. Tom m'a dit que Mary jouait bien du piano, mais je ne l'ai pas vraiment cru jusqu'à ce que je l'entende jouer. Tom told me that Mary was good at playing the piano, but I didn't really believe him until I heard her play. Tom told me Mary played the piano well, but I didn't really believe her until I heard her play. À ma vue, ils s'arrêtèrent soudainement de parler. Seeing me, they suddenly stopped talking. When I saw them, they suddenly stopped talking. De la nourriture ! Food! Food! Je suis fascinée. I'm fascinated. I'm fascinated. Tom n'a pas le même âge que Marie. Tom isn't the same age as Mary. Tom is not the same age as Mary. Elle cacha soigneusement la lettre de manière à ce que personne ne la voie. She hid the letter carefully so no one would see it. She carefully hid the letter so that no one could see it. L'Amérique abolit l'esclavage en 1863. America did away with slavery in 1863. America abolished slavery in 1863. Pour certaines personnes, chez soi, c'est une boîte en carton à Tokyo. For some people, home is a cardboard carton in Tokyo. For some people, at home, it's a cardboard box in Tokyo. Dépêche-toi ou tu vas être en retard. Hurry up, or you will be late. Hurry up or you'll be late. Je ne suis pas votre bonne. I'm not your maid. I'm not your maid. Ça t'oblige à rester vigilant. It keeps you on your toes. You have to be vigilant. Je ne sais avec certitude quand il arrivera. I don't know for certain when he will arrive. I don't know for sure when he'll be here. Tu disais la vérité, n'est-ce pas ? You were telling the truth, weren't you? You were telling the truth, weren't you? Je suis ici pour présenter mes excuses. I'm here to apologize. I'm here to apologize. Faisons une nuit blanche ! Let's pull an all-nighter. Let's make a white night! Je ne pense pas que Tom soit daltonien. I don't think Tom is colorblind. I don't think Tom is Daltonian. Vous ne pouvez pas apprendre ici ! C'est une école ! You can't learn here! This is a school! You can't learn here! It's a school! Je viens d'avoir mon bac. I just graduated from high school. I just graduated. Il avait à peine fini son petit déjeuner quand le téléphone sonna. Hardly had he finished breakfast when the telephone rang. He had barely finished his breakfast when the phone rang. Je ne crains pas de mourir. I'm not scared of dying. I'm not afraid to die. Je ne veux pas la voir nue. I don't want to see her naked. I don't want to see her naked. J'espère bien que tu reviendras. I do hope you'll come again. I hope you'll come back. Soyez prudente quant à ce que vous mangez. Be careful about what you eat. Be careful about what you eat. Tom ne savait pas trop quoi en penser. Tom wasn't too sure what to think. Tom didn't know what to think. C'est une possibilité effrayante. That's a frightening possibility. It's a scary possibility. Vous avez tout à fait raison. You're absolutely right! You're absolutely right. Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous soyez là. I can't believe you're here. I can't believe you're here. Suis-je le seul d'accord avec toi ? Am I the only one that agrees with you? Am I the only one who agrees with you? Ce n'est pas sain pour vous. It's not healthy for you. It's not healthy for you. Voici un restaurant, dans lequel je mange souvent. Here's a restaurant I often eat at. This is a restaurant, in which I often eat. Alors nous ferions mieux de nous dépêcher. We'd better hurry then. Then we'd better hurry. Ils lisent journaux et livres. They read newspapers and books. They read newspapers and books. Une bonne santé conduit à la joie. Good health is conducive to happiness. Good health leads to joy. Je suis étudiant. I am a student. I'm a student. Je te reverrai cet après-midi. I'll see you again this afternoon. I'll see you again this afternoon. Lequel de ces garçons est Masao ? Which boy is Masao? Which one of these boys is Masao? Pourriez-vous vérifier la pression des pneus ? Could you check the tire pressure? Could you check the tire pressure? Elle est dotée d'un talent spécial. She is endowed with a special talent. She has a special talent. Ne mets rien sur la boîte. Don't put anything on the box. Don't put anything on the box. Tom mérite-t-il vraiment d'être puni ? Does Tom really deserve to be punished? Does Tom really deserve to be punished? Je ne peux pas le supporter plus longtemps. I can't put up with him any longer. I can't stand it any longer. Nous allons avoir des ennuis pour ça. We're going to get in trouble for that. We're gonna be in trouble for this. La traduction est une trahison. To translate is to betray. Translation is a betrayal. Tu peux partir si tu veux. You can go if you want to. You can leave if you want. Pour le crime de meurtre au premier degré, cette cour vous condamne à la prison à perpétuité, sans possibilité de remise de peine. For the crime of first degree murder, this court hereby sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole. For the crime of first degree murder, this court sentences you to life imprisonment, without the possibility of remission of sentence. Il était si près que je n'ai pas pu l'éviter. He was so near that I couldn't avoid him. He was so close that I couldn't avoid him. Montrons maintenant comment ce lemme peut être utilisé pour démontrer notre théorème principal. Now, we show how this lemma can be used to prove our main theorem. Let's now show how this lemma can be used to demonstrate our main theorem. Nous voulons savoir. We want to know. We want to know. Cette image me rappelle mon enfance. This picture reminds me of my childhood. This image reminds me of my childhood. Savez-vous quelle est la différence ? Do you know what the difference is? Do you know what the difference is? Regardez de près ! Watch closely. Take a close look! L'aviez-vous vu sortir? Did you see him go outside? Did you see him come out? C'est mon boulot de te convaincre. It's my job to convince you. It's my job to convince you. Tom s'est marié en octobre. Tom got married in October. Tom married in October. Nous ne sommes pas de la même famille. We're not family. We don't belong to the same family. Ils ont déménagé ici il y a deux ans. They moved here two years ago. They moved here two years ago. Tout cela va changer. That's all going to change. All this will change. Ne soyez pas si négligentes ! Don't be so careless! Don't be so careless! Êtes-vous encore contrarié à propos de ce qui s'est passé ? Are you still upset about what happened? Are you still upset about what happened? Les percussions donnent une chouette touche à la mélodie. Percussion gives a nice touch to the melody. The percussions give a nice touch to the melody. Il fait très froid aujourd'hui. It's very cold today. It's very cold today. Arrêtons-nous pour réfléchir à combien nous dépendons de l'énergie atomique. Let us stop to think how much we depend upon atomic energy. Let's stop and think about how much we depend on atomic energy. Tom, regarde ! L'écureuil est de retour ! Tom, look! The squirrel is back! Tom, look, the squirrel's back! Le connaissez-vous le moins du monde ? Do you know him at all? Do you know the least about him? Tom est devenu ingénieur. Tom became an engineer. Tom became an engineer. Si vous n'êtes pas sûrs de la signification du mot, cherchez-le dans votre dictionnaire. If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, look it up in your dictionary. If you are not sure what the word means, look for it in your dictionary. Je suis allé au magasin d'à côté. I went to the store near by. I went to the store next door. Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit d'autre, tu n'as qu'à me le faire savoir. If there's anything else you need, just let me know. If you need anything else, just let me know. Le projet JMdict/EDICT a pour but de produire un dictionnaire japonais-anglais gratuit dans un format lisible par les ordinateurs. The JMdict/EDICT project has as its goal the production of a freely available Japanese-English Dictionary in machine-readable form. The JMdict/EDICT project aims to produce a free Japanese-English dictionary in a computer-readable format. Lisa, je vous présente M. Murata. C'est mon chef. Lisa, this is Mr Murata. He's my boss. Lisa, this is Mr. Murata. Le pétrole abonde en Arabie. Arabia abounds in oil. Oil abounds in Arabia. N'aie pas l'air si choquée ! Don't look so shocked. Don't look so shocked! Pourquoi est-il soudainement si silencieux? Why is it so quiet suddenly? Why is he suddenly so quiet? L'investissement du gouvernement créera de nombreux emplois. The government's investment will create many jobs. The government's investment will create many jobs. Vous êtes des jeunes garçons. You are young boys. You're young boys. J'espère que vous serez d'accord. I hope you'll agree. I hope you agree. Je lui ai brisé le cœur. I broke his heart. I broke his heart. Tout le monde connaît tout le monde. Everyone knows everyone. Everybody knows everybody. Entrée gratuite. Free Admission. Free entrance. Vous n'avez pas d'alibi pour le jour du meurtre. You've got no alibi for the day of the murder. You don't have an alibi for the day of the murder. L'ourdou est ma langue maternelle. Urdu is my mother tongue. Urdu is my mother tongue. Ne sois pas si timide ! Don't be so shy. Don't be so shy! J'ai simplement fait ce qu'ils m'ont dit de faire. I just did what they told me to do. I just did what they told me to do. Cette pièce est pour les personnalités. This room is for VIPs. This piece is for personalities. J'ai une amie végétarienne. I have a friend who's a vegetarian. I have a vegetarian friend. Voilà ce que je pense. Here's what I think. That's what I think. Où est sa famille ? Where is his family? Where's his family? Il est possible qu'elle vienne. She might come. It's possible she's coming. Votre ennemi n'est certainement pas aussi le mien. Your enemy is certainly not mine. Your enemy is certainly not mine as well. J'ai été bon. I was good. I've been good. Grâce à toi j'ai perdu mon appétit. Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. Thanks to you, I lost my appetite. Je suis impatient de te voir danser. I'm looking forward to seeing you dance. I can't wait to see you dancing. Ce n'est pas rare du tout de vivre plus de 90 ans. It is not rare at all to live over ninety years. It's not uncommon at all to live more than 90 years. Je pensais que vous aviez changé. I thought you'd changed. I thought you'd changed. Soyez gentils ! Be nice. Be nice! Penses-tu que je pourrais parler à Tom ? Do you think I could speak with Tom? Do you think I could talk to Tom? Elle est venue vivre avec sa tante. She came to live with her aunt. She came to live with her aunt. Je suis consciente des faits. I'm aware of the facts. I'm aware of the facts. Existez-vous ? Do you exist? Do you exist? Elle a commandé le livre à Londres. She ordered the book from London. She ordered the book from London. Cela ne semble pas trop difficile. That doesn't seem too difficult. It doesn't seem too difficult. Une compagnie d'oiseaux tourbillonnaient dans le ciel bleu. A flock of birds whirled across the sky. A company of birds swirled into the blue sky. Nous mourrons tous tôt ou tard. We'll all die sooner or later. We'll all die sooner or later. Ils n'ont pas entendu les enfants. They didn't hear the children. They didn't hear the kids. Je te raconterai une histoire. I'll tell you a story. I'll tell you a story. Qu'est-ce qui l'a révélé ? What gave it away? What revealed it? Faites simplement le travail. Just do the job. Just do the job. Je n'en étais pas informé. I wasn't informed of this. I wasn't aware of that. J'aimerais que vous jetiez un œil à ceci. I'd like you to take a look at this. I'd like you to take a look at this. Edgar de Wahl est le créateur de Interlingue. Edgar de Wahl is the creator of Interlingue. Edgar de Wahl is the creator of Interlingual. Beaucoup de gens attendent de voir ce qui va arriver. A lot of people are waiting to see what is going to happen. A lot of people are waiting to see what happens. J'aurais aimé que tu me l'aies dit auparavant. I wish you'd told me before. I wish you'd told me before. Un vaisseau sanguin a éclaté à l'intérieur de son cerveau. A blood vessel burst inside his brain. A blood vessel broke out inside his brain. Qu'est-ce qu'ils deviennent ? What's become of them? What's going on with them? C'est une comédie. It's a comedy movie. It's a comedy. Nous devons la sauver. We have to save her. We have to save her. Quelle maison préférez-vous ? What house do you like more? Which house do you prefer? Je voudrais vérifier les cours des actions d'hier... I would like to check yesterday's stock prices... I'd like to check the stock prices of yesterday... Voulez-vous prendre le petit-déjeuner, chéri ? Do you want some breakfast, darling? Would you like to have breakfast, honey? Ma gorge me fait mal quand j'avale. My throat hurts when I swallow. My throat hurts when I swallow. Je pense qu'il pourrait s'agir d'une correction après vérification de sa date de naissance dans le livret de famille. I believe this may be a correction after investigation of his date of birth in the family register. I think this could be a correction after checking his date of birth in the family record. Je sais que vous ne m'appréciez guère. I know you don't like me very much. I know you don't like me very much. Tom vous a aidé, n'est-ce pas ? Tom helped you, didn't he? Tom helped you, didn't he? La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien à ajouter, mais quand il ne reste rien à enlever. Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove. Nous sommes vendredi, et c'est pourquoi nous devons faire nos prières. It's Friday, and so we have to perform our prayers. It's Friday, and that's why we have to pray. Lorsque vous rencontrez une personne pour la première fois, soyez attentifs à la distance à laquelle vous vous en tenez. When you meet someone for the first time, be careful about how close you stand to that person. When you first meet a person, pay attention to the distance you stand by. J'ai l'impression que j'aurais pu faire mieux. I feel I could've done better. I feel like I could've done better. Rien n'est accompli sans effort. Nothing is achieved without effort. Nothing is accomplished without effort. Je doute, parce que je crois que l'avenir saura mieux. I doubt, because I think that the future will know better. I doubt it, because I think the future will know better. La ville a subi le bombardement d'avions ennemis. The city was bombed by enemy planes. The city was bombed by enemy planes. Le restaurant où nous avons dîné hier était mauvais, mais celui-ci est encore pire. The restaurant where we ate yesterday was bad, but this restaurant is even worse. The restaurant where we had dinner yesterday was bad, but this one is even worse. Époux et épouse doivent s'entraider au long de leur vie. Husbands and wives should stand by each other throughout their lives. Husband and wife must help each other throughout their lives. J'ignore s'il est médecin. I don't know if he is a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Nous devrions mettre le l'argent de côté. We should save money for a rainy day. We should put the money aside. Je prends des leçons de danse. I take dance lessons. I'm taking dance lessons. Elle arriva en courant, les yeux brillants. She came running with her eyes shining. She came running, bright eyes. Il se mit à œuvrer afin que le Congrès réduisît les impôts. He began to work to get Congress to reduce taxes. He began to work for the Congress to reduce taxes. Pas vraiment. Je préfère les randonnées à la pêche. Not really. I like hiking better than fishing. Not really. I prefer hiking to fishing. Votre anglais s'améliore. Your English is improving. Your English is getting better. Que croyez-vous donc être en train de faire ? What on earth do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? La chambre des enfants est mal rangée. The children's room is in bad order. The children's room is not well-fitted. Il est si honnête que tout le monde lui fait confiance. He is so honest that everybody trusts him. He's so honest that everyone trusts him. Si vous avez une piscine intérieure, vous êtes probablement très riche. If you have an indoor swimming pool, you're probably pretty rich. If you have an indoor pool, you're probably very rich. Que penses-tu du nouvel enseignant ? What do you think of the new teacher? What do you think of the new teacher? J'ai pris un repas léger. I ate a light lunch. I had a light meal. Je crois que Juan a un faible pour Marie. I think that Juan likes María. I think Juan has a weakness for Mary. Tu peux sentir l'océan d'ici. You can smell the ocean from here. You can smell the ocean from here. Il faut que je te parle de quelque chose. There's something I need to talk with you about. I need to talk to you about something. M'accompagnerais-tu pour une balade ? Would you join me for a walk? Would you come with me for a ride? Ce garçon ne montra aucune crainte. That boy displayed no fear. This boy showed no fear. Tom a un beau jardin. Tom has a beautiful garden. Tom has a beautiful garden. Tom a fait comme Marie l'avait recommandé. Tom did as Mary suggested. Tom did as Mary had recommended. Je dus tout faire par moi-même. I had to do everything on my own. I had to do everything for myself. Sa voix ne porte pas. Her voice doesn't carry. His voice doesn't wear. Cette confiture est faite maison. This jam is homemade. This jam is homemade. Qu'est-ce que vous voudriez ? What would you like? What would you like? Les garçons sont tous les mêmes. All boys are the same. The boys are all the same. Rien n'est aussi terrible qu'un tremblement de terre. Nothing is as terrible as an earthquake. Nothing is as terrible as an earthquake. Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas lu le magazine ? Why didn't you read the magazine? Why didn't you read the magazine? La chirurgie y pourvoira-t-elle ? Will surgery help it? Will surgery help? Je suis allée à ton école. I went to your school. I went to your school. Emplissez le seau d'eau ! Fill the bucket with water. Fill the bucket with water! Quand avez-vous commencé à sortir ensemble ? When did you start dating? When did you start dating? Tom est sans scrupules. Tom's unscrupulous. Tom is unscrupulous. Je veux simplement des vacances. I just want a vacation. I just want a vacation. Ça a permis de créer 4,000 emplois. That has allowed the creation of 4.000 new jobs. It created 4,000 jobs. Je ne peux toujours pas me permettre de faire ça. I still can't afford to do that. I still can't afford to do that. On trouve toujours ce qu'on ne cherche pas. You always find something you're not looking for. We always find what we're not looking for. Elle aspire à la tranquillité. She hopes for tranquillity. She aspires to tranquillity. Je sais ce que c'est d'être le nouveau. I know what it's like to be the new guy. I know what it's like to be the new guy. Sami interrompit la réunion. Sami interrupted the meeting. Sami interrupted the meeting. Je me suis fait couper les cheveux hier. I got my hair cut yesterday. I got my hair cut yesterday. Sami est allé passer ses étés en Ontario. Sami went to spend his summers in Ontario. Sami spent his summers in Ontario. Arrête ton cinéma, Tom. Cut it out, Tom. Stop the movie, Tom. Ne le comprenez-vous pas ? Don't you get it? Don't you understand? Donnez-le à quiconque le veut ! Give it to whoever wants it. Give it to anyone! J'ai réévalué ta proposition. I reconsidered your offer. I re-evaluated your proposal. Ce n'est pas un aussi gros problème que vous le croyez. It's not as big a problem as you think. It's not as big a problem as you think it is. Il faut aider ses amis. You should help your friends. We have to help his friends. Je n'ai plus besoin de béquilles. I don't need crutches anymore. I don't need crutches anymore. Seahenge est un monument de l'âge de Bronze situé près de Holme-next-the-Sea dans le Norfolk. Seahenge is a Bronze Age monument located near Holme-next-the-Sea in Norfolk. Seahenge is a monument of Bronze Age located near Holme-next-the-Sea in Norfolk. Tom m'a demandé d'être ici. Tom asked me to be here. Tom asked me to be here. Je ne suis pas entièrement d'accord avec toi. I don't wholly agree with you. I don't entirely agree with you. Vous ne semblez pas aussi organisés que Tom. You don't seem to be as organized as Tom seems to be. You don't seem as organized as Tom. Le nuage radioactif s'est arrêté à la frontière. The radioactive cloud stopped at the border. The radioactive cloud stopped at the border. Tu ne devrais pas répondre à tes parents ainsi. You shouldn't talk back to your parents like that. You shouldn't answer your parents like that. Je pensais que tu voudrais m'aider. I thought you'd want to help me. I thought you'd want to help me. Est-ce que la bigamie est un crime en Australie? Is bigamy a crime in Australia? Is bigamy a crime in Australia? La souffrance est la destinée des hommes. It is man's destiny to suffer. Suffering is the destiny of men. Il est mieux de donner que de recevoir. It is better to give than to receive. It's better to give than to receive. J'espère que personne ne m'a vu danser. I hope no one saw me dancing. I hope no one saw me dancing. J'ai pour principe d'étudier les mathématiques chaque jour. I make it a rule to study math every day. It is my principle to study mathematics every day. Il va sans dire qu'il fut extrêmement difficile d'exécuter cette mission. It goes without saying that it was supremely difficult to carry out this mission. Needless to say, it was extremely difficult to carry out this mission. Je ne veux pas qu'on me tire dessus. I don't want to be shot. I don't want to be shot. Le voleur était pieds et poings liés. The thief was bound hand and foot. The thief was tied to his feet and fists. J'espère que vous n'avez pas l'intention de faire cela aujourd'hui. I hope you're not planning to do that today. I hope you do not intend to do this today. Rester à la maison est barbant. Staying at home is boring. Staying home is boring. Tu vas dans la mauvaise direction. You're going the wrong direction. You're going in the wrong direction. Je veux que vous parliez franchement. I want you to speak frankly. I want you to speak frankly. Ce fut un grand choc pour moi lorsqu'elle mourut. Her death was a great shock to me. It was a great shock to me when she died. Le RAID matériel n'est pas géré directement par le système d'exploitation mais par une carte dédiée, appelée contrôleur RAID. Hardware RAID is not managed directly by the operating system but by a dedicated card, called a RAID controller. The hardware RAID is not managed directly by the operating system but by a dedicated card called RAID controller. Ma sœur a joué le rôle principal. My sister played the leading character. My sister played the lead role. Il a quitté la pièce en colère. He left the room in a rage. He left the angry room. Ça serait chouette de nous marier. It would be nice to get married. It'd be nice to get married. Cela m'a fait changer d'avis. That made me change my mind. It changed my mind. J'en suis parfaitement convaincu. I'm utterly convinced of it. I am absolutely convinced of that. Cassez deux œufs dans un bol puis battez-les avec un peu de lait. Crack two eggs into a bowl, then whisk them together with some milk. Break two eggs in a bowl and beat them with a little milk. Que pensez-vous du petit déjeuner chez McDonald's ? What do you think about breakfast at McDonald's? What do you think of McDonald's breakfast? Je vais acheter une douzaine de mouchoirs blancs en coton. I am going to buy a dozen white cotton handkerchiefs. I'm gonna buy a dozen white cotton handkerchiefs. Il doit y avoir un meilleur moyen de faire ceci. There's got to be a better way of doing this. There must be a better way to do this. Personne n'aime la guerre. Nobody likes war. No one likes war. L'appartement se compose de trois petites chambres et d'une salle de bain. The apartment consists of three small rooms and a bath. The apartment consists of three small bedrooms and a bathroom. Tu n'en auras pas besoin. You won't need those. You won't need it. Faisons ça correctement. Let's do this properly. Let's do this right. J'ai laissé le chat hors de la maison. I let the cat out of the house. I left the cat out of the house. Un plomb a sauté. A fuse has blown. A lead jumped. La voiture de Tom a des vitres teintées en orange. Tom's car has orange-tinted windows. Tom's car has orange tinted windows. Je pense qu'elle vous apprécie. I think she likes you. I think she likes you. Que Dieu te bénisse ! God bless you! God bless you! J'acquiesce à votre proposition. I agree to your proposal. I agree with your proposal. Ils sont rentrés de Chine. They're back from China. They're back from China. Que feras-tu si je ne te donne pas mon autorisation ? What'll you do if I don't give you my permission? What will you do if I don't give you my permission? Il s'est trop surmené et s'est détruit la santé. He worked too hard and destroyed his health. He overworked himself and destroyed his health. Ne nous cherche pas ! Don't look for us. Don't look for us! Tom va nous manquer. We're going to miss Tom. We're gonna miss Tom. Je vais arrêter d'essayer d'être amical à ton égard. I'm going to stop trying to be friendly with you. I'm gonna stop trying to be friendly with you. Elle était crédule. She was naive. She was gullible. J'ai acheté deux douzaines de crayons. I bought two dozen pencils. I bought two dozen pencils. Je vois le problème. I see the problem. I see the problem. Nous croyons que c'est possible. We believe it's possible. We believe that is possible. Je suis sûr que tout s'arrangera à la fin. I am sure everything will turn out all right in the end. I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Je n'ai jamais dit cela à personne auparavant. I've never told anyone that before. I've never told anyone that before. Je fermai la porte en silence, pour ne pas éveiller le bébé. I shut the door quietly so as not to wake the baby. I closed the door in silence, so as not to awaken the baby. Il s'est endormi sur les rails et s'est fait écraser par un train. He fell asleep on the rails and was run over by a train. He fell asleep on the rails and got crushed by a train. Elle commit erreur sur erreur. She made mistake after mistake. She's making a mistake. Ce livre est divisé en quatre parties. This book is divided into four parts. This book is divided into four parts. Si je n'avais pas fait la grasse matinée, j'aurais été à l'heure pour l'école. If I had not overslept, I would have been in time for school. If I hadn't done the fat morning, I'd have been on time for school. Excusez-moi, vous êtes assis à ma place. Excuse me, you are sitting in my place. Excuse me, you're sitting in my seat. Lorsque j'étais petit, j'allais nager dans l'étang. As a boy, I used to swim in the pond. When I was a kid, I was going to swim in the pond. Je jouerai avec toi. I'll play with you. I'll play with you. Je ferai un avion en modèle réduit pour toi. I'll make a model plane for you. I'll make a model plane for you. L'aéroport est assez loin du centre-ville. The airport is quite far from the city centre. The airport is quite far from the city centre. Je dus écouter une autre de ses interminables histoires. I had to listen to another one of his long-winding stories. I had to listen to another of his endless stories. Tom m'a demandé de venir ici. Tom asked me to come here. Tom asked me to come here. Je serais prudent avec ça, si j'étais toi. I'd be careful with that if I were you. I'd be careful with that, if I were you. Que ferez-vous si vous ne trouvez pas assez de nourriture pour nourrir votre famille ? What'll you do if you can't find enough food to feed your family? What will you do if you don't find enough food to feed your family? C'est la pire chose que vous puissiez faire ! That is the worst thing you can do! It's the worst thing you can do! Bon travail ! Good work! Good job! Le divorce a finalement été prononcé ce matin au bureau du juge. The divorce was finalized this morning at the attorney's office. The divorce was finally pronounced this morning at the judge's office. Tom n'aime pas qu'on lui dise quoi faire. Tom doesn't like being told what to do. Tom doesn't like being told what to do. "Tom aime Mary." "Ouais, je sais." "Tom likes Mary." "Yeah, I know." "Tom loves Mary." "Yeah, I know." Nous avons vraiment beaucoup à faire. We really have a lot to do. We really have a lot to do. Il décida de jeter l'éponge malgré nos encouragements. In spite of our encouragement, he decided to throw in the towel. He decided to throw the sponge in spite of our encouragement. Êtes-vous heureuses ici ? Are you happy here? Are you happy here? Elle porte un jean taille-basse. She's wearing low-rise jeans. She's wearing a low-cut jeans. Ça me fit rire. It made me laugh. It made me laugh. Je n'aime pas vos goûts en matière de couleurs. I don't like your taste in colors. I don't like your tastes in terms of colours. Tom est trop déprimé pour travailler. Tom is too depressed to work. Tom is too depressed to work. On ne peut pas se fier à lui. He cannot be trusted. We can't trust him. Je ne pourrais certainement pas manger une bouchée de plus. I couldn't possibly eat another bite. I certainly couldn't eat one more bite. Êtes-vous énervés ? Are you excited? Are you upset? Tom est chez Marie. Tom is at Mary's home. Tom is at Marie's. Celui qui a rendu un service doit se taire ; c'est à celui qui l'a reçu de parler. The one who has rendered a service should hold his tongue; it is up to the one who has received it to speak. He who has done a service must be silent; it is to him who has received him to speak. La messe était dite autrefois en latin. The mass used to be said in Latin. Mass was once said in Latin. Des voies sans précédent devraient être explorées. Unprecedented ways should be tried. Unprecedented paths should be explored. Il inventa cette histoire. He made up that story. He invented this story. Aujourd'hui est une journée ennuyeuse. Today is a boring day. Today is a boring day. Elle a les yeux verts et les cheveux châtain clair. She has green eyes and light brown hair. She has green eyes and light brown hair. Tom se mit à pleurer. Tom started crying. Tom began to cry. Mon oncle est en voyage d'affaire à Aomori demain. My uncle's on a business trip to Aomori tomorrow. My uncle's on a business trip to Aomori tomorrow. Il a amélioré ses résultats. He improved his results. He's improved his performance. Tom connaît certainement beaucoup de choses françaises. Tom certainly knows a lot of French. Tom certainly knows a lot of French things. Il ne lit pas beaucoup de livres. He doesn't read many books. He doesn't read many books. Qu'ai-je oublié de dire ? What did I forget to say? What did I forget to say? Ça a pris toute la soirée. It took all evening. It took the whole night. Tom était impatient et agité. Tom was impatient and restless. Tom was impatient and restless. J'en ai assez de me disputer. I'm tired of arguing. I'm tired of arguing. Vous êtes le professeur de mon enfant. You're my kid's teacher. You're my child's teacher. Je peux voir la plus petite tache. I can see the tiniest spot. I can see the smallest spot. Sa vieille voiture est à bout de souffle. His old car is on its last legs. His old car's out of breath. J'ai agi conformément à son conseil. I acted on his advice. I acted in accordance with his advice. Je n'ai jamais été en Allemagne. I have never been to Germany. I've never been to Germany. Merci d'avoir appelé. Thank you for calling. Thanks for calling. Tom mange régulièrement des sushis avec sa mère. Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. Tom regularly eats sushi with his mother. Les deux filles portaient la même robe au bal. The two girls wore the same dress to the dance. The two girls were wearing the same dress at the prom. Peu importe ce qu'il se passe, tu dois être ici avant neuf heures. No matter what happens, you must be here by nine. Whatever's going on, you have to be here before nine. Nous travaillons de jour et nous reposons la nuit. We work by day, and rest by night. We work day and rest at night. Je n'ai pas besoin d'une chaise roulante. I don't need a wheelchair. I don't need a wheelchair. Nous avons de la place pour une trentaine de personnes. We have room for thirty people. We have room for about 30 people. C'est ma famille. This is my family. It's my family. Je n'ai pas de problèmes du tout. I don't have any problems at all. I don't have any problems at all. Je ne peux le dire. I can't say. I can't say. Hé, Tom, je peux te demander un truc ? Hey, Tom, can I ask you something? Hey, Tom, can I ask you something? Il manque une vis. A screw's missing. There's a screw missing. Demandez à Tom de l'expliquer. Ask Tom to explain it. Ask Tom to explain it. Elle l'a prié de ne pas quitter son emploi. She asked him to not quit his job. She asked him not to leave his job. Elle va à l'école. She goes to school. She's going to school. Elle est bonne à tomber. She's drop-dead gorgeous. It's good to fall. Pensez-vous que vous pourriez grimper jusqu'en haut de cet arbre ? Do you think you could climb to the top of this tree? Do you think you could climb to the top of this tree? Il devra se rendre à la gare. He will have to go to the station. He'll have to go to the station. Il a perdu espoir et s'est tué avec du poison. He lost hope and killed himself with poison. He lost hope and killed himself with poison. De quoi voulais-tu me parler ? What did you want to talk with me about? What did you want to talk to me about? C'est mon ami intime. He is my close friend. He's my close friend. Je l'ai résolu par moi-même. I figured it out by myself. I've solved it myself. Elle pansa la plaie. She applied a bandage to the wound. She shook the wound. J'aurais pu vous aider. I could've helped you out. I could have helped you. Sa gentillesse m'a ému. Her kindness touched me. His kindness moved me. Tu as peut-être raison à ce sujet. You may be right about that. Maybe you're right about that. Êtes-vous sûr ? Are you sure? Are you sure? Nous vîmes beaucoup de poissons dans l'étang. We saw a lot of live fish in the pond. We saw a lot of fish in the pond. Où vous êtes-vous rendue pour les congés de printemps ? Where did you go for spring break? Where did you go for the spring holidays? Ils semblaient tous occupés. They all looked busy. They all seemed busy. C'est une magnifique théorie. This is a great theory. It's a beautiful theory. Je voudrais construire une nouvelle maison. I'd like to build a new house. I'd like to build a new house. Il a échoué, après tout. He didn't pass after all. He failed, after all. Elle est beaucoup plus grande que moi. She is much taller than me. She's a lot bigger than me. « Tu es amoureuse de ce garçon ! » « Non, ce n'est pas vrai ! » "You've got a crush on this boy." "No, I don't!" "You're in love with this boy!" "No, that's not true!" Je ne suis pas sûr de la date exacte. I'm not sure of the exact date. I'm not sure the exact date. Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça là-bas ? What is that over there? What the hell is this over there? Je vous dois quelque chose. I owe you something. I owe you something. Je ne suis pas là pour te mettre la pression. I'm not here to put pressure on you. I'm not here to put pressure on you. Je vais étudier. I'm going to study. I'm going to study. Je vais te cuisiner un bon repas. I'm going to cook you a nice dinner. I'll cook you a nice meal. Elle m'a invité à son mariage. She invited me to her wedding. She invited me to her wedding. Nous sommes prêtes à mettre le bateau à l'eau. We're ready to put the boat in the water. We're ready to launch the boat. Le garçon a de bons réflexes. The boy has good reflexes. The boy has good reflexes. Quand tu changes de file, regarde par-dessus ton épaule et vérifie ton angle mort. When changing lanes look over your shoulder and check your blind spot. When you change lines, look over your shoulder and check your blind spot. Nous l'avons élu président. We elected him president. We elected him president. Est-ce que vous pensez que Tom est heureux ? Do you think that Tom is happy? Do you think Tom is happy? Les lignes rouges sur la carte représentent les chemins de fer. The red lines on the map represent railways. The red lines on the map represent the railways. Il gigota les orteils. He wiggled his toes. He slapped his toes. Vous ne serez pas intéressés. You won't be interested. You won't be interested. Il m'a fait attendre plus d'une heure. He kept me waiting for more than an hour. He made me wait more than an hour. J'ai pensé que tu pourrais vouloir un petit-déjeuner. I thought you might want some breakfast. I thought you might want breakfast. Ce fut assez agréable. It was quite pleasant. It was pretty nice. Je ne sais pas à qui donner ça. I don't know who to give this to. I don't know who to give this to. Elle avait le choix entre partir ou rester. She had a choice of going or remaining. She had a choice between leaving or staying. Ils ont besoin de nouvelles chaussures. They need new shoes. They need new shoes. Disposez-vous d'une pince-monseigneur dans votre caisse à outils ? Do you have a crowbar in your toolbox? Do you have a pliers-monsignor in your toolbox? Ils dormirent dans la même pièce. They slept in the same room. They slept in the same room. Arrêtez de vous plaindre ! Stop carping! Stop complaining! J'ai une allergie sévère aux cacahuètes. I'm severely allergic to peanuts. I have a severe allergy to peanuts. Tu aimes la musique classique, n'est-ce pas ? You like classical music, don't you? You like classical music, don't you? Pourquoi es-tu fâché avec lui ? Why are you angry with him? Why are you mad at him? C'est votre stylo ? Is this your pen? Is that your pen? Trouve quelqu'un d'autre. Find somebody else. Find someone else. Quel est le nom de ton amie ? What's your friend's name? What's your friend's name? Cela ne présage rien de bon. That does not bode well. That doesn't bode well. C'est le tien. It's yours. It's yours. Soyez calme. Si vous n'êtes pas calme, on vous jettera dehors. Be quiet. If you aren't quiet, you'll be thrown out. If you're not calm, we'll throw you out. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je te le dise. I can't believe I'm telling you this. I can't believe I'm telling you. De tous mes amis, il est le plus proche. Of all my friends, he is the closest. Of all my friends, he's the closest. Je suis incapable de faire ceci. I'm unable to do this. I'm unable to do this. Je le préfère de cette manière. I prefer it this way. I prefer it that way. Que font toutes ces factures ici ? What are all these invoices doing here? What are all these bills doing here? Le chien de ma voisine aboie. My neighbor's dog barks. My neighbor's dog barks. Éteins ton moteur, s'il te plait. Please turn off your engine. Turn off your engine, please. Elle promit de ne le dire à personne. She promised not to tell anyone. She promised not to tell anyone. Les chiens levèrent le renard de sa cachette. The hounds flushed the fox out of its hiding place. The dogs lifted the fox from his hiding place. Je peux voir que vous avez peur. I can see you're frightened. I can see you're scared. Je suis désolé, ça ne se reproduira pas. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Écrire des lettres d'amour ne m'est pas aisé. Writing love letters isn't easy for me. Writing love letters is not easy for me. Suis simplement mon exemple. Just follow my lead. Just follow my example. Ce ne sera pas long avant que mon mari revienne. It won't be long before my husband comes back. It won't be long before my husband comes back. Restez juste là où vous êtes. Stay right where you are. Just stay where you are. J'étais très bien ce matin jusqu'à ce que je remarque ce qu'ils m'avaient fait. Je me sens tellement chagriné. I was fine this morning until I noticed what they did to me. I'm feeling so aggrieved. I was fine this morning until I noticed what they had done to me. I feel so sorry. De nombreux leaders ont appuyé le compromis. Many leaders supported the compromise. Many leaders supported the compromise. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de donner des explications. You don't have to explain. You don't have to explain. Quand je me suis réveillé, il neigeait. I awoke to find it snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. Ne penses-tu pas que ce chapeau me sied ? Don't you think this hat looks good on me? Don't you think that hat suits me? J'ai demandé à Ken de m'aider. I asked Ken to help me. I asked Ken to help me. De tous les plaisirs, le plaisir le plus doux, c'est de se voir loué de ceux que chacun loue. Of all pleasures, the sweetest is to see oneself praised by those that everybody is praising. Of all the pleasures, the sweetest pleasure is to be praised by those whom everyone praises. C'est un garçon intelligent. He is an intelligent boy. He's a smart boy. Soyez plus flexibles. Be more flexible. Be more flexible. Faites un cercle et tenez-vous la main. Make a circle and hold hands. Make a circle and hold your hand. Regarde la fille aux cheveux longs. Look at the girl with the long hair. Look at the long-haired girl. Elle commence déjà à lire et à écrire. She is already beginning to read and write. She's already beginning to read and write. Le fer à repasser utilise beaucoup d'électricité. The iron uses a lot of electricity. The iron uses a lot of electricity. Il y a quelque chose en lui qui me déplait. There is something about him I don't like. There's something in him I don't like. Tom est allé au parc avec Marie. Tom went to the park with Mary. Tom went to the park with Marie. Cela prendra plus de dix minutes. It'll take longer than ten minutes. It will take more than ten minutes. Seul le temps le dira. Only time will tell. Only time will tell. Je suppose que je ferais mieux de partir. I suppose I'd better leave. I guess I'd better go. Nous partons d'ici. We're getting out of here. We're leaving here. Vous pouvez venir quand vous voulez. You may come whenever you like. You can come whenever you want. Ils l'ont aidée. They helped her. They helped her. Je pensais que tu ne voulais pas y aller. I thought you didn't want to go. I thought you didn't want to go. Il parle assez bien l'anglais. He speaks English fairly well. He speaks English well enough. La future mariée réalisa, le matin de son mariage, que sa robe de mariée ne lui allait plus. The bride realised on the morning of her wedding that her wedding dress didn't fit anymore. The future bride realized, on the morning of her marriage, that her wedding dress no longer fit her. Il brilque,les tôves lubricilleux se gyrent en vrillant dans de guave, gougebosqueux, et le mômerade horsgrave. 'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, and the mome raths outgrabe. He blazes, the lubricious tôves gyrilla while he glaring in guave, gougebosqueux, and the out-of-gravity kidrade. Je pense que tu es intéressant. I think you're interesting. I think you're interesting. Tom et Mary font une croisière. Tom and Mary are on a cruise. Tom and Mary are on a cruise. Tom n'est pas dans son assiette. Tom isn't feeling well. Tom's not on his plate. Je veux savoir de quoi il s'agit. I want to know what it is. I want to know what this is about. M. Young aimerait que son fils travaille davantage. Mr. Young wishes his son would study harder. Mr. Young would like his son to work more. J'attrape des petits boutons sur le visage. Je me demande si je dors suffisamment ces temps-ci. I'm getting little pimples on my face. I wonder if I've been getting enough sleep lately. I get little buttons on my face, and I wonder if I've been sleeping enough lately. Ceci est une voiture et cela est un bus. This is a car and that is a bus. This is a car and this is a bus. Il n'a pas d'idée distincte de comment procéder. He has no distinct idea of how to proceed. He has no separate idea of how to proceed. Son histoire a été confortée par un journaliste, qui découvrit que le policier avait menti. Her story was vindicated by a reporter, who found that the police officer had been lying. His story was reinforced by a journalist, who discovered that the policeman had lied. Vous devez cesser de boire. You must quit drinking. You have to stop drinking. Je pense à toi. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking about you. Je suis l'Alpha et l'Oméga, le premier et le dernier, le commencement et la fin. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. As-tu une quelconque idée à l'heure actuelle ? Have you got any ideas yet? Do you have any idea at this time? Ça ne sert à rien de me dire « Salut, comment ça va ? » si tu n'as rien d'autre à dire. There's no point saying "Hi, how are you?" to me if you have nothing else to say. There's no point in telling me "Hi, how's it going?" if you don't have anything else to say. Je veux de toi la vérité. I want the truth from you. I want the truth from you. Je veux être impliquée. I want to be involved. I want to be involved. J'ai rencontré des amis tandis que j'attendais un bus. I met some friends while I was waiting for a bus. I met some friends while I was waiting for a bus. Marie et ses amies ont pris un selfie de groupe. Mary and her friends took a group selfie. Marie and her friends took a group selfie. À Nara il y a beaucoup de cerfs ! There are a lot of deer in Nara. In Nara there are many deer! Tu peux avoir les deux. You can have both. You can have both. Ta montre a dix minutes de retard. Your watch is ten minutes slow. Your watch is ten minutes late. Je crois qu'il connaîtra le succès. My belief is that he will succeed. I think he'll be successful. Elle lui conseilla d'être ponctuel. She advised him to be punctual. She advised him to be punctual. Les allemands mangent-ils beaucoup de porc ? Do Germans eat a lot of pork meat? Do Germans eat a lot of pork? C'est le dernier homme à faire une chose pareille. He is the last man to do such a thing. He's the last man to do something like that. Ta mère a dû être belle lorsqu'elle était jeune. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young. Il n'est pas médecin. He's not a doctor. He's not a doctor. Tom m'a demandé de te transmettre un message. Tom asked me to give you a message. Tom asked me to send you a message. Permets-moi de te présenter Mayuko. Allow me to introduce Mayuko to you. Allow me to introduce you to Mayuko. Vas-tu laisser ce papier et m'écouter ? Will you put down that paper and listen to me? Will you leave this paper and listen to me? C'est 50 yen. It's 50 yen. That's 50 yen. Trop boire est mauvais pour la santé. Drinking too much is bad for the health. Too much drinking is bad for your health. Je suis impatient de lire ton nouveau roman. I look forward to reading your new novel. I can't wait to read your new novel. En ouvrant la porte, je l'ai découverte, nue, allongée sur le divan. When I opened the door, I found her naked, stretched on the sofa. When I opened the door, I discovered it, naked, lying on the couch. Ils ne prennent pas conscience qu'ils sont utilisés comme des pions pour atteindre un objectif politique plus large. They don't realize that they're being used as pawns to obtain a wider political objective. They are not aware that they are being used as pawns to achieve a broader political objective. Nous avions besoin d'argent. We needed money. We needed money. Tom n'a pas fait beaucoup de progrès. Tom hasn't made much progress. Tom hasn't made much progress. Pour ma part, je n'ai rien à dire à ce sujet. For my part, I have nothing to say about it. For my part, I have nothing to say about it. Il ne répondit pas à ma lettre. He didn't reply to my letter. He did not reply to my letter. Ces données sont pour ma thèse. This data is for my thesis. These data are for my thesis. Tom a été choisi parmi 300 candidats. Tom was chosen among 300 applicants. Tom was selected from 300 candidates. La punition devrait être proportionnelle au crime. The punishment should be in proportion to the crime. The punishment should be proportional to the crime. Je lis par exemple des romans célèbres, réécrits en français simplifié. I'm reading things like famous novels which have been rewritten in simplified French. For example, I read famous novels, rewritten in simplified French. Vous parlez un peu trop vite pour moi. Voudriez-vous parler un peu plus lentement ? You're speaking a little too fast for me. Would you speak a little more slowly? You're talking a little too fast for me, would you like to talk a little bit slower? Je ne voudrais pas que quiconque nous voie. I wouldn't want anyone to see us. I wouldn't want anyone to see us. Mais je n'ai pas le moindre argent. But I don't have any money. But I don't have any money. Il brandit bien haut le trophée. He held the trophy up high. He wields the trophy high. Voulez-vous que nous échangions nos deux moutons ? Do you want to trade our two sheep, one for another? Do you want us to trade our two sheep? Il fait froid au dehors. It's cold out there. It's cold outside. Ma femme est en train de faire la cuisine. My wife is cooking right now. My wife's cooking. J'étais satisfait. I was satisfied. I was satisfied. Je suis si mauvais aux échecs qu'une fois, je me suis fait mater après seulement deux coups ! I'm so terrible at chess, I once got checkmated after only two moves! I'm so bad at chess that once I got watched after only two shots! Que boire? What to drink? What to drink? Quiconque vous a-t-il vu sur la plage ? Did anyone see you on the beach? Did anyone see you on the beach? J'aimerais que vous soyez là avec moi en ce moment. I wish you were here with me now. I'd like you to be here with me right now. Nous n'avons pas le temps de faire ça maintenant. We don't have time to do that now. We don't have time to do this right now. Le thaïlandais est la langue officielle de la Thaïlande. Thai is the official language of Thailand. Thai is the official language of Thailand. N'agis pas de la sorte. Don't act like that. Don't act like that. Il discuta du problème avec son fils. He discussed the problem with his son. He discussed the problem with his son. Tom parle français aussi bien que Mary. Tom speaks French as well as Mary does. Tom speaks French as well as Mary. L'article sur le bouddhisme a relancé mon intérêt pour les religions orientales. The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Oriental religions. The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Eastern religions. Je connais de nombreuses chansons. I know lots of songs. I know many songs. J'ai payé les boissons. I paid for the drinks. I paid for the drinks. Quelque chose lui tape sur les nerfs. Something is grating on her nerves. He's got something on his nerves. Ma grande sœur est une ninja. My older sister is a female ninja. My big sister is a ninja. Elle m'a débité tout cela sans s'arrêter. She poured out all that stuff without stopping. She pulled all this out of me without stopping. Je les ai invitées à la fête. I invited them to the party. I invited them to the party. Tom ne voulait pas laisser son chien avec moi. Tom didn't want to leave his dog with me. Tom didn't want to leave his dog with me. Je ne suis pas désorganisée. I'm not disorganized. I'm not disorganized. Le doublage est atroce. The voice acting is horrible. The dubbing is terrible. Ce n'est pas notre faute. It's not our fault. It's not our fault. Tu devrais aller discuter avec elle. You should go talk to her. You should go talk to her. Le garçon a attrapé un gros poisson. The boy caught a large fish. The boy caught a big fish. Nous avons parlé du plan avec lui. We talked over the plan with him. We talked to him about the plan. Je ne veux pas démissionner. I don't want to quit. I don't want to quit. J'espère que vous êtes heureuses toutes les deux. I hope you two are happy. I hope you're both happy. Mes doigts sont tellement engourdis par le froid que je n'arrive pas à jouer du piano. My fingers are so numb with cold that I can't play the piano. My fingers are so numb by the cold that I can't play the piano. Étais-tu avec mon père, aujourd'hui ? Were you with my father today? Were you with my dad today? L'or est un métal plus dense que le fer. Gold's heavier than iron. Gold is a metal denser than iron. Ne te repose pas sur lui. Don't rely on him. Don't rely on him. Vous étiez très occupée, n'est-ce pas ? You were very busy, weren't you? You were very busy, weren't you? Sue s'est enregistrée au Royal Hotel. Sue checked in at the Royal Hotel. Sue checked in at the Royal Hotel. Il semble que j'ai de la fièvre. I seem to have a fever. I seem to have a fever. Ce qui est considéré comme impoli dans une langue peut ne pas l'être dans une autre. What is considered impolite in one language may not be considered impolite in another language. What is considered rude in one language may not be rude in another. Elle lui déconseilla d'acheter une voiture d'occasion. She advised him not to buy a used car. She advised him not to buy a used car. Je vais te demander de faire ton devoir. I'm going to ask you to do your duty. I'll ask you to do your duty. De quoi veulent-ils parler ? What do they want to talk about? What do they want to talk about? C'était très bon. That was very good. It was very good. Je me fiche de l'âge que tu as. I don't care how old you are. I don't care how old you are. Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose d'intéressant ? Did you find anything of interest? Did you find anything interesting? C'est dans ce palais qu'habitent le roi et la reine. In the palace live the king and the queen. It is in this palace that the king and the queen live. Marie vient d'une bonne famille. Mary comes from a good family. Mary comes from a good family. Tom est un copain à moi. Tom is a friend of mine. Tom's a friend of mine. Comme j'étais fatigué, j'ai fait une sieste. Since I was tired, I took a nap. I was tired, so I took a nap. Il est toujours en train de se plaindre. He is constantly complaining. He's still complaining. Je pourrais répondre à toutes les questions. I could answer all the questions. I could answer all the questions. Regarder la télévision est amusant. Watching TV is fun. Watching TV is fun. Amuse-toi bien ! Have a good time. Have fun! J'aimerais avoir une petite conversation avec toi. I'd like to have a little talk with you. I'd like to have a little conversation with you. Cette voiture est la meilleure affaire pour votre budget. That car is the best deal for your money. This car is the best deal for your budget. Elle est bienveillante. She is good-natured. She's benevolent. Tom est confus. Tom is confused. Tom is confused. Il étudie plus qu'avant. He studies much harder than before. He's studying more than ever. Il est trop fatigué pour étudier. He is too tired to study. He's too tired to study. Il conduisait la voiture. He drove the car. He was driving the car. C'est le bonhomme de neige le plus moche que j'aie jamais vu. That's the ugliest snowman I've ever seen. He's the uglyest snowman I've ever seen. Pourriez-vous me dire le code postal de New York ? Can you tell me what the zip code is for New York? Could you tell me New York's postal code? Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais là ? But, what do you do there? What are you doing here? Combien est-ce que cela va me coûter ? How much is that going to cost me? How much will it cost me? Je ne sais pas par où commencer. I don't know where to start. I don't know where to start. Cela vous rend-il vraiment heureux ? Does this actually make you happy? Does that really make you happy? C'était très difficile. That was really difficult. It was very difficult. L'avion vole actuellement tranquillement vers sa destination. This plane is currently cruising smoothly towards our destination. The aircraft is currently flying quietly to its destination. Ne soyez pas si pessimiste ! Don't be so pessimistic. Don't be so pessimistic! Nous nous approchâmes chaque jour. We grew closer every day. We approached each day. J'ai surpris mon fils en train de faire des farces téléphoniques à des numéros au hasard. I caught my son making prank calls to random phone numbers. I caught my son making phone pranks at random numbers. Tom n'a jamais pu oublier l'horreur de la guerre. Tom could never forget the horror of the war. Tom could never forget the horror of war. Aujourd'hui était une dure journée. Today was a tough day. Today was a tough day. Comment va la vie d'homme marié ? How's married life going? How's the married man's life? Comment avez-vous tué le cafard ? How did you kill the cockroach? How did you kill the cockroach? Je préférerais plutôt mourir que de l'épouser. I would rather die than marry him. I'd rather die than marry her. Nous perdons toutes du temps. We're all wasting time. We're all wasting time. Tom retira sa ceinture. Tom took off his belt. Tom took off his belt. Quand es-tu revenu de ton voyage ? When did you get back from your trip? When did you get back from your trip? Toutes les communautés n'ont pas été affectées. Not every community was affected. Not all communities were affected. D'un point de vue pratique, son plan n'est pas facile à mettre en œuvre. From the practical point of view, his plan is not easy to carry out. From a practical point of view, its plan is not easy to implement. Je veux que vous sachiez combien je suis désolée. I want you to know how sorry I am. I want you to know how sorry I am. Si j'étais vous, je ne ferais pas une telle chose. If I was you, I wouldn't do such a thing. If I were you, I wouldn't do such a thing. J'aurais pu faire mieux, je pense. I could've done better, I think. I think I could've done better. C'est une excellent choix. That's an excellent choice. It's a great choice. Il est maintenant temps de nous réjouir. Now, it's time to celebrate. Now is the time to rejoice. Si vous le voulez, nous irons. If you want to, we'll go. If you want it, we'll go. J'ai vraiment besoin qu'on m'étreigne. I really need a hug. I really need someone to hug me. Tu es la seule amie que j'aie. You're the only friend I have. You're the only friend I have. Tom n'a pas vraiment apprécié d'étudier le français. Tom didn't really enjoy studying French. Tom didn't really like studying French. Pourquoi êtes-vous occupée aujourd'hui ? Why are you busy today? Why are you busy today? Ne t'en fais pas ! Tu y arriveras. Don't worry. You'll make it. Don't worry, you'll make it. Qui t'a choisi pour cette mission ? Who picked you for this mission? Who chose you for this mission? Je vous vis avec elle. I saw you with her. I live with her. Ça dépend de la situation. It depends on the situation. Depends on the situation. Ils vous diront la vérité. They'll tell you the truth. They'll tell you the truth. Pourquoi me questionnez-vous ? Why are you questioning me? Why are you asking me? Je ne sais pas où nous serons l'an prochain. I don't know where we'll live next year. I don't know where we'll be next year. J'en ai assez qu'il me fasse toujours la morale. I'm fed up with him always preaching to me. I'm tired of him always moralizing me. Je ne devrais pas avoir à dire quoi que ce soit. I shouldn't have to say anything. I shouldn't have to say anything. Son anniversaire est en mars ou avril. Her birthday is in either March or April. His birthday is in March or April. Il n'est pas aussi riche qu'avant. He is not as well off as he used to be. He's not as rich as he used to be. Je veux qu'on me rende mon argent et je veux qu'on me le rende maintenant. I want my money back and I want it back now. I want my money back and I want it back now. Merci de répondre au téléphone. Please answer the phone. Thank you for answering the phone. Il ne faut jamais remettre à demain ce qu'on peut remettre au surlendemain. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. We must never put back to tomorrow what we can put back to the next day. Tu vas devoir arrêter de faire ça. You're going to have to stop doing that. You're gonna have to stop doing this. Il est dans la merde. He's in big trouble. He's in trouble. Lâchez l'arme ! Drop the gun. Drop the gun! Je suis désolé si je vous ai effrayées. I'm sorry if I frightened you. I'm sorry if I scared you. Cette voiture est à mon père, mais ce sera bientôt la mienne. This car is my father's, but it'll soon be mine. This car is my father's, but it will soon be mine. Je veux être à même de nous nourrir, ma famille et moi, un point c'est tout. I just want to be able to support my family and myself. I want to be able to feed myself and my family, that's all. J'ai un rapport avec cette affaire. I have a concern in the business. I have something to do with this case. Je me suis figurée que vous ne veniez pas. I figured that you weren't coming. I figured you weren't coming. Nous avons conclu un marché. We made a deal. We made a deal. Je suis en train de crier sur mes enfants. I am shouting at my kids. I'm yelling at my kids. Il se tint à l'écart de la vie publique. He stayed out of public life. He kept himself away from public life. Vous devez vraiment vous arrêter de fumer. You really must stop smoking. You really have to stop smoking. Soyez clémente ! Be merciful. Be merciful! Ce n'est pas nécessairement le cas. It is not necessarily so. This is not necessarily the case. Il faut que tout le monde travaille de concert. Everyone needs to work together. Everyone has to work together. Il est célibataire. He is unmarried. He's single. Nous avons chargé nos bagages dans la voiture. We loaded our baggage into the car. We loaded our luggage in the car. Comment allons-nous entrer ? How are we going to get inside? How are we gonna get in here? On ne peut pas se fier à cette machine. You can't rely on this machine. We can't trust this machine. On ne vend ici que des chaussures pour dames. Only girls' shoes are sold here. We only sell ladies' shoes here. Elle devint pâle lorsqu'elle entendit ces nouvelles. She turned pale when she heard that news. She became pale when she heard the news. Les étudiants se sont assis en cercle. The students sat in a circle. The students sat in a circle. L'activité et l'affairement de la vie citadine me manquent. I miss the hustle and bustle of city life. I miss the activity and business of urban life. J'ai une chose à faire. I've got something to do. I have one thing to do. Il s'est approché d'elle. He moved close to her. He approached her. Je suis familier de sa musique. I am familiar with his music. I'm familiar with his music. La conduite d'eau a gelé et a éclaté. The water main froze and burst. The water pipe froze and burst. La langue de l'amitié n'est pas faite de mots mais de significations. The language of friendship is not words but meanings. The language of friendship is not made of words but of meanings. Avez-vous parlé à vos nouveaux camarades de classe hier ? Did you talk to your new classmates yesterday? Did you talk to your new classmates yesterday? Tom m'a demandé où il devait se garer. Tom asked me where he should park. Tom asked me where he had to park. Je suis vraiment désolé pour ce que les Etats-Unis ont fait en Iraq. Cette guerre a été une tragédie pour tout le monde. I'm very sorry about what the U.S. has done in Iraq. This war has been a tragedy for everyone. I am very sorry for what the United States has done in Iraq. This war has been a tragedy for everyone. Nous recevons des applications de partout. We get applications from everywhere. We receive applications from all over the world. Elle a bien sa classe sous contrôle. She has good control over her class. She's got her class under control. Quelqu'un a débranché l'alarme. Someone turned the alarm off. Someone unplugged the alarm. Tous les garçons ont parlé, chacun à son tour. All the boys spoke each in turn. All the boys spoke, each in turn. Je trouverai la personne qui a fait ça. I'll find the person who did this. I'll find the person who did this. Le livre est pour moi; les fleurs sont pour nous. The book is for me; the flowers are for us. The book is for me; the flowers are for us. Ma mère a placé un grand vase sur l'étagère. My mother put a large vase on the shelf. My mother put a large vase on the shelf. Montre-m'en une autre, je te prie. Please show me another. Show me another one, please. J'apprécie votre compagnie. I enjoy your company. I appreciate your company. Il se retira dans sa chambre après dîner. He retired to his own room after supper. He retired to his room after dinner. À présent, je sais tout. I know everything now. Now I know everything. Je me suis cassé la jambe droite. I broke my right leg. I broke my right leg. Elle et ses amis adorent la musique. She as well as her friends is fond of music. She and her friends love music. Ils vont dans cette direction. They're headed this way. They're going in that direction. Et par-dessus tout, tu dois travailler maintenant. Above all, you must work now. And above all, you have to work now. Mon amie a été arrêtée pour excès de vitesse. My friend was arrested for speeding. My friend was arrested for speeding. Il s'est déguisé en femme. He dressed up as a woman. He disguised himself as a woman. Cette caisse contient des pommes. This box contains apples. This box contains apples. Tom voulait parler à Mary face à face. Tom wanted to talk to Mary face to face. Tom wanted to talk to Mary face to face. Apporte-moi mon chapeau. Bring me my hat. Bring me my hat. Quelqu'un a appelé le 17. Someone called 911. Someone called on the 17th. C'était un brave soldat. He was a brave soldier. He was a good soldier. Plus de quarante-cinq millions d'américains vivent dans la pauvreté. More than 45 million Americans live in poverty. More than 45 million Americans live in poverty. Le chat s'est tiré. The cat ran off. The cat's gone. Peux-tu oublier ta langue natale ? Can you forget your native language? Can you forget your native language? J'ai acheté la même caméra que la tienne. I bought the same camera as you have. I bought the same camera as yours. Je n'en serais pas si sûre. I wouldn't be so sure about that. I wouldn't be so sure. Tu dois faire la différence entre le bien et le mal. You should distinguish between right and wrong. You have to tell the difference between good and evil. Plusieurs croient que l'acuponcture peut guérir les maladies. Many people believe acupuncture can cure diseases. Many believe that acupuncture can cure diseases. Il a passé dix ans derrière les barreaux pour meurtre. He has spent ten years in jail for murder. He spent ten years behind bars for murder. Au vu du fait d'un grand nombre de volcans, le Japon se trouve être le théâtre de nombreux tremblements de terre. Because there are a lot of volcanoes, it is easy for Japan to be hit by earthquakes. In view of the large number of volcanoes, Japan is the scene of many earthquakes. Ce thé est très chaud. This tea is very hot. This tea is very hot. Ils ne risqueront pas de faire cela. They won't risk doing that. They won't risk doing that. J'ignore la vérité. I don't know the truth. I don't know the truth. L'endroit est presque désert. The place is almost deserted. The place is almost deserted. T'as de beaux seins. You have lovely breasts. You've got beautiful tits. Gardez un bon dictionnaire sous la main. Keep a good dictionary at hand. Keep a good dictionary in hand. Pourquoi n'êtes-vous pas simplement parties ? Why didn't you just leave? Why didn't you just leave? Vous vous faites désirer. You are playing hard-to-get. You're making yourself miserable. Il est si tôt. It is so early. It's so early. Tu me tues à petit feu. You are killing me slowly. You're killing me a little bit. Pourquoi ne vous êtes-vous pas enfui ? Why didn't you run away? Why didn't you run away? Avez-vous fini de lire le journal? Have you finished reading the newspaper? Are you done reading the paper? Des cordes entourent le lieu. Ropes surround the place. Strings surround the place. Je ne veux tout simplement pas qu'il y ait une effusion de sang. I just don't want there to be any bloodshed. I just don't want there to be bloodshed. Je ne peux rien y faire. There's nothing I can do about it. There's nothing I can do about it. Je vais prendre le contrôle. I'll take over. I'll take control. Quelques-uns de mes camarades de classe aiment le volley-ball tandis que d'autres apprécient le tennis. Some of my classmates like volleyball and the others enjoy tennis. Some of my classmates like volleyball while others like tennis. Nous devons essayer ça. We have to try this. We have to try this. Je veux que tu me rendes mon marteau. I want my hammer back. I want you to give me back my hammer. Mon mari part habituellement pour son travail à 8 heures. My husband usually leaves for work at 8 o'clock. My husband usually leaves for work at 8:00. Il nous a commandé de travailler fort. He commanded us to work hard. He ordered us to work hard. Votre téléphone sonne à nouveau. Your phone is ringing again. Your phone's ringing again. As-tu repassé toutes les chemises ? Did you iron all the shirts? Did you iron all the shirts? Les voisins sont bruyants. The neighbors are noisy. Neighbors are noisy. Ce fut une semaine atroce. It was an awful week. It was a terrible week. Quel âge me donnez-vous ? How old do you think I am? How old do you give me? Je n'aimais pas le vin autrefois, mais maintenant je suis accro. I did not like wine in the past, but now I am addicted to it. I didn't like wine once, but now I'm addicted. Pourquoi est-ce que je ne parviens pas à les aimer tous les deux ? Why can't I love them both? Why can't I love them both? Ne m'arnaquez pas ! Don't screw me over! Don't trick me! Nous sommes opposées à la guerre. We are opposed to war. We are opposed to war. Fais tes devoirs immédiatement. Do your homework right now. Do your homework immediately. Je ne possède pas cette phrase. I don't own this sentence. I don't have that sentence. Comme il est tard, éteins la télé ! As it is late, turn off the TV. How late it is, turn off the TV! Ils le qualifièrent de meurtre de masse. They called it mass murder. They called him a mass murder. Allons déjeuner ! Let's have lunch! Let's go to lunch! Il est agaçant. He is irritating. He's annoying. Tu n'as même pas essayé. You haven't even tried. You didn't even try. J'aimerais bien y croire. I'd like to believe that. I wish I could believe it. Ne dites pas à votre mère ce que vous avez vu ici. Don't tell your mother what you've seen here. Don't tell your mother what you saw here. Je veux simplement que tout le monde vive. I just want everybody to live. I just want everyone to live. Les circonstances nous sont entièrement favorables. Circumstances are entirely favorable to us. The circumstances are entirely favourable to us. Je ne suis pas sûre que quoi que ce soit ait eu lieu. I'm not sure anything happened. I'm not sure anything happened. Je sais que tu n'es pas comme ça. I know you're not like that. I know you're not like that. Êtes-vous certain de n'avoir rien fait ? Are you sure you didn't do anything? Are you sure you didn't do anything? Mary te cherchait à ce moment-là. Mary was looking for you at that time. Mary was looking for you at the time. N'agis pas en Madame Je-sais-tout ! Don't act like a know-it-all. Don't act like Mrs. I-know-it-all! Hier, c'était lundi. Yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Monday. Tom est déjà parti à l'école. Tom has already gone to school. Tom's already gone to school. Personne n'était autorisé à quitter la pièce. Nobody was allowed to go out of the room. No one was allowed to leave the room. Vous êtes un drôle de type. You're a funny man. You're a funny guy. Il y avait plus de cinquante filles à la fête. There were more than fifty girls at the party. There were more than fifty girls at the party. Il dirigea ses pas vers le village. He bent his steps toward the village. He directed his steps towards the village. C'est deux fois plus grand que ça. This is twice as large as that. It's twice as big as that. Quel navigateur utilisez-vous ? Which browser do you use? Which browser do you use? Qu'entendez-vous par : « J'ai dormi avec elle. » ? What do you mean, you slept with her? What do you mean, "I slept with her." Ça lui a pris un an, mais je pense qu'il s'est finalement fait à l'idée du décès de son épouse. It's taken him a year, but I think he's finally come to grips with the death of his wife. It took him a year, but I think he finally came to the idea of his wife's death. En un sens, la vie n'est qu'un rêve. In a sense, life is but a dream. In a sense, life is just a dream. Beaucoup de gens manquent encore à l'appel. Many people are still missing. A lot of people are still missing from the call. Allonge-toi sur le banc pour quelques instants avec les yeux fermés. Lie on the bench for a while with your eyes closed. Lie down on the bench for a few moments with your eyes closed. Peux-tu encore te souvenir où nous nous sommes rencontrés pour la première fois ? Can you still remember where we first met? Can you still remember where we first met? Veux-tu voir un tour de magie ? Do you want to see some magic? Do you want to see a magic trick? J'ai n'ai qu'une autre chose à te demander : perds-toi. I have just one more thing to ask of you - get lost. I only have one other thing to ask you: lose yourself. Nous allons partir demain. We are going to leave tomorrow. We're leaving tomorrow. On a dû changer notre mode de vie quand nous avons eu notre premier enfant. We had to change our lifestyle once our first child came along. We had to change our way of life when we had our first child. Tom devient âgé. Tom is getting old. Tom's getting old. Il n'y avait pas d'autres survivants. There were no other survivors. There were no other survivors. Je ne suis pas votre ami. I'm no friend of yours. I'm not your friend. Je n'ai pas voulu parler français. I didn't want to speak French. I didn't want to speak French. Retournez dans votre chambre ! Go back to your room. Go back to your room! Je veux prendre mon petit déjeuner. I want to have my breakfast. I want to have my breakfast. Je me considère comme quelqu'un de très stupide. I consider myself very stupid. I think I'm a very stupid person. La semaine dernière ma mère a attrapé la grippe. Last week my mother came down with the flu. Last week my mom caught the flu. J'appelle de l'aide. I'm calling for help. I'm calling for help. Vos lèvres sont comme des roses. Your lips are like roses. Your lips are like roses. Je ne peux rien y faire si les filles veulent flirter avec moi. I can't help it if girls want to flirt with me. I can't help it if the girls want to flirt with me. J'aime les chevaux. I like horses. I like horses. Je suis venu parler de Tom. I came to talk about Tom. I came to talk about Tom. Ce genre de personne est insipide. That type of person is dull. This kind of person is insipid. Ne m'obligez pas à rester. Don't make me stay. Don't make me stay. Il n'y a pratiquement jamais de fusillade au Japon. There are almost no gunfights in Japan. There is almost never a shooting in Japan. C'est finalement terminé. It is finally all over. It's finally over. Ma montre a été volée la nuit dernière. My watch was stolen last night. My watch was stolen last night. Et ta sœur ? And your sister? What about your sister? Vous dites avoir vu un OVNI ? Allons donc ! You say you've seen a UFO? Come on! You say you saw a UFO? Vous n'êtes pas une espionne, si ? You aren't a spy, are you? You're not a spy, are you? Aimes-tu les chats ? Do you like cats? Do you like cats? Vous êtes-vous enfin accoutumée à consommer de la nourriture japonaise ? Have you gotten used to eating Japanese food yet? Did you finally get used to eating Japanese food? Bonjour, mon cher. Hello, my dear. Hello, my dear. J'apprécie vraiment de me trouver en votre compagnie. I really like being with you. I really appreciate being with you. Tom n'a pas changé d'un poil depuis le collège. Tom hasn't changed a bit since college. Tom hasn't changed a bit since college. Nous avons prié. We prayed. We prayed. Donne-moi un couteau pour couper ce fil. Give me a knife to cut this string with. Give me a knife to cut that wire. Il ne s'occupe pas de ses enfants. He does not take care of his children. He doesn't take care of his children. Le garçon rassembla une poignée de cacahuètes et les mit dans une petite boite. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box. Puis-je avoir cette danse ? Can I have this dance? May I have this dance? Tom a emprunté ma voiture. Tom borrowed my car. Tom borrowed my car. Faites attention à ce que font les autres autour de vous ! Pay attention to what others around you are doing. Pay attention to what others are doing around you! Il a des bras très costauds. He has very strong arms. He has very strong arms. Les mecs asiatiques, c'est pas mon truc. I'm not into Asian guys. Asian guys, that's not my thing. Il est pété. He's smashed. He's farted. Nous sommes en train d'essayer de fermer la boîte. We are trying to close the box. We're trying to close the box. Elle aurait aimé disposer de davantage de temps. She wished she had more time. She would have liked more time. Son anglais était étonnamment bon. Her English was surprisingly good. His English was surprisingly good. J'avais déjà entendu une fois cette musique. I had already heard that song once. I'd heard that music once before. Pourquoi êtes-vous si gentil avec moi ? Why are you being so kind to me? Why are you so nice to me? Personne ne comprend ce qui se passe. Nobody understands what's going on. Nobody understands what's going on. Veuillez lui téléphoner, je vous prie. Please give him a call. Please call her. Je ne vous ai pas vu. I didn't see you. I didn't see you. L'ail est bon pour la santé. Garlic is good for one's health. Garlic is good for health. Je n'arrive pas à plier mon bras droit. I can't bend my right arm. I can't fold my right arm. Dieu est une sphère intelligible dont le centre se trouve en tout lieu et dont la circonférence ne se trouve nulle part. God is an intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. God is an intelligible sphere whose centre is in every place and whose circumference is not found anywhere. Tout le monde parle toujours de Tom en bien. Everyone always speaks well of Tom. Everybody always talks about Tom in good. Il a une chance d'égaler l'ancien record. He has a chance of equaling the old record. He has a chance to match the old record. On trouve du sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose dans à peu près tout ce qu'on mange, de nos jours. High fructose corn syrup is found in about everything you eat these days. We find high fructose corn syrup in about everything we eat these days. Je suis arrivé à l'heure ? Did I arrive on time? Did I arrive on time? L'anglais est enseigné dans la plupart des pays. English is studied in most countries. English is taught in most countries. Nous nous sommes regardées. We looked at each other. We looked at each other. Je suis resté enfermé toute la journée. I remained locked in all day. I've been locked up all day. Vous allez être enseignantes. You'll become teachers. You're gonna be a teacher. Les blondes gagnent sept pour cent de plus que les femmes ayant n'importe quelle autre couleur de cheveux. Blondes earn 7% more than women with any other hair color. Blondes earn seven percent more than women with any other hair color. Tom a trouvé des preuves. Tom found evidence. Tom found evidence. Pourquoi étiez-vous en train de discuter avec lui ? Why were you talking to him? Why were you talking to him? Je suis sortie de l'eau. I got out of the water. I got out of the water. Pourquoi est-il si difficile de maîtriser le français ? Why is it so difficult to master French? Why is it so difficult to master French? Quel est le nom de ta compagnie d'assurance ? What's the name of your insurance company? What's your insurance company's name? Je veux savoir où elles se trouvent. I want to know where they are. I want to know where they are. C'est un truc de filles. It's a girl thing. It's a girl thing. Pourrons-nous aller sur la lune dans un futur proche ? Can we get to the moon in the near future? Can we go to the moon in the near future? Personne n'aura besoin d'une explication. Nobody will need an explanation. No one will need an explanation. Quand tu portes un short camo, quelle couleur de t-shirt tu prends avec ? When you wear camo shorts, what colour t-shirt goes with that? When you wear a short camo, what color do you take with it? Désolée, quelque chose est allé de travers. Sorry, something went wrong. I'm sorry, something went wrong. J'espère que tu sais tout à ce propos. I expect you know all about it. I hope you know everything about that. Comment s'appelle cet oiseau ? What is the name of that bird? What's that bird's name? Il a besoin de changer sa façon de vivre. He needs to change his lifestyle. He needs to change his way of life. Éloignez-vous avant qu'ils ne vous voient ici. Go away before they see you here. Get away from me before they see you here. Je suis désolé que vous ayez été entraîné là-dedans. I'm sorry you got dragged into this. I'm sorry you were trained in this. Les étudiants semblent s'ennuyer. The students seem bored. Students seem bored. Ma nouvelle chemise est déjà sale. My new shirt is already dirty. My new shirt is already dirty. Mon nom est Alex, mais je préfèrerais que vous m'appeliez Augusto. My name is Alex, but I prefer that you all call me Augusto. My name is Alex, but I'd rather you call me Augusto. Tom nous a certainement tous trompés. Tom certainly fooled us all. Tom certainly cheated on us all. Je vais maintenant te dire la vérité. I'll tell you the truth now. I'll tell you the truth now. C'est la dame. It's the queen. It's the lady. Il faut suivre les règles. One must follow the rules. We have to follow the rules. Qu'est-ce ? What is it? What is it? Êtes-vous heureuses en ce moment ? Are you happy right now? Are you happy right now? Une fois seule, elle s'est sentie complètement épuisée. Left alone, she felt very tired. Once alone, she felt completely exhausted. Tu ne veux pas aller danser ? Do you not want to go dancing? Don't you want to go dancing? Je craignais que cela puisse se produire. I was afraid that might happen. I was afraid that would happen. Vous devez avoir confiance en vous. You must trust in yourselves. You must trust yourself. Je l'aime beaucoup. I like her very much. I love him very much. Je soupçonne que vous avez tort. I suspect you're wrong. I suspect you're wrong. Les feuilles brunissent à l'automne. The leaves go brown in fall. The leaves brown in the fall. Nous avons passé des heures à essayer de résoudre le problème. We spent hours trying to solve the problem. We spent hours trying to solve the problem. J'ai appris à conduire à mon épouse. I taught my wife how to drive. I learned how to drive to my wife. Je veux que ce me soit livré pour demain midi. I want it delivered to me by noon tomorrow. I want it delivered by noon tomorrow. Disposez-vous d'un quelconque argent ? Do you have any money? Do you have any money? C'est un coureur rapide. He is a fast runner. He's a fast runner. Je vous ai sauvées. I saved you. I saved you. Je vais t'embrasser. I'm going to kiss you. I'll kiss you. Tu t'inquiètes trop. You worry too much. You're too worried. Elle atteignit son objectif. She achieved her goal. She was achieving her goal. N'oubliez pas votre ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Pas de problème ! No problem at all! No problem! Je commence à me sentir désespérée. I'm starting to feel desperate. I'm starting to feel desperate. Tom a dit à Mary qu'elle n'avait pas le choix. Tom told Mary she had no choice. Tom told Mary she had no choice. C'est sympa de passer. Nice of you to drop by. It's nice to come by. L'envoi mentionné ci-dessus a été dûment remis. The above-mentioned mail item has been duly delivered. The above-mentioned consignment has been duly delivered. J'espère que les choses tourneront bien pour vous. I hope things will turn out well for you. I hope things go well for you. Tu n'as pas l'air très bien. You don't look so hot. You don't look very well. Disposez-vous d'un service de blanchisserie ? Do you have laundry service? Do you have a laundry service? Je n'ai pas peur des terroristes. I'm not afraid of terrorists. I'm not afraid of terrorists. Ça ne m'a jamais gêné. That never used to bother me. It never bothered me. Seul un tiers des membres s'est pointé au rendez-vous. Only one third of the members turned up at the meeting. Only a third of the members showed up. Il y avait plusieurs personnes dans les rues quand la parade est passée. There were lots of people on the street when the parade came by. There were several people on the streets when the parade passed. Je ne suis pas entré dans les détails. I didn't go into details. I didn't get into the details. J'ai été étonné. I was astonished. I was surprised. Ce chapeau te va bien. That hat looks good on you. That hat looks good on you. Faites comme cela, s'il vous plait. Please do it this way. Just do it like that, please. J'ai adoré vous regarder danser. I loved watching you dance. I loved watching you dance. Les chats n'aiment pas les chiens. Cats don't like dogs. Cats don't like dogs. Il semble y avoir des myriades d'étoiles. There seem to be lots and lots of stars. There seem to be myriads of stars. Je suis parti dès que j'ai pu. I left as soon as I could. I left as soon as I could. Ce travail paye plutôt bien. This job pays pretty well. This job pays pretty well. Il tient un journal en anglais. He keeps a diary in English. He's running a paper in English. Son nom sera rapidement oublié. His name will soon be forgotten. His name will soon be forgotten. Je peux vous aider. I can help you. I can help you. Vous êtes l'une d'elles, n'est-ce pas ? You're one of them, aren't you? You're one of them, aren't you? Je ne me rappelle de rien. I don't remember anything. I don't remember anything. Tom ne savait pas à qui Marie voulait donner la bouteille de vin. Tom didn't know who Mary wanted to give the bottle of wine to. Tom didn't know who Mary wanted to give the bottle of wine to. Fais un croquis de ta maison. Make a sketch of your house. Make a sketch of your house. Les rideaux étaient grands ouverts. The curtains were all open. The curtains were wide open. C'est la première fois que j'ai vu une horloge solaire. This is the first time I've seen a sun clock. This is the first time I've seen a solar clock. Combien y a-t-il d'habitants ? How many inhabitants are there? How many people are there? Je pense qu'il est dangereux de se promener seul la nuit. I think that it's dangerous to go walking alone at night. I think it's dangerous to walk alone at night. Il est berger comme son père. He is a shepherd, like his father. He's a shepherd like his father. Tom nage dans la rivière. Tom is swimming in the river. Tom swims in the river. Avec un sourire, tout est possible. With a smile, anything is possible. With a smile, anything is possible. C'est une pointure dans son domaine. He's a leading authority in his field. It's a size in his field. Je ne sais pas où ils sont. I don't know where they are. I don't know where they are. Je ne peux imaginer une telle vie. I can't imagine such a life. I can't imagine such a life. Le Président Alexander Lukashenko a félicité Alexei Dudarev pour son anniversaire. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated Alexei Dudarev upon his birthday. President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated Alexei Dudarev on his birthday. Es-tu enseignante ? Do you teach? Are you a teacher? Vous ne pouvez vous promener nu dans cet hôtel. You can't go naked in this hotel. You can't walk naked in this hotel. Si j'étais à ta place, je l'achèterais. If I were in your place, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. Les faillites ont diminué de 10 % cette année. Business failures are down 10% this year. Bankruptcy decreased by 10% this year. Peux-tu venir discuter ? Can you come over and talk? Can you come and talk? Tom peut-il obtenir un chien ? Can Tom get a dog? Can Tom get a dog? Tom a dit qu'il aimerait une autre tasse de café. Tom said he'd like to have another cup of coffee. Tom said he'd like another cup of coffee. Mon rêve est de parler couramment le chinois. My dream is to speak Chinese fluently. My dream is to speak Chinese fluently. Pourquoi êtes-vous méchantes avec moi ? Why are you being mean to me? Why are you being mean to me? La xénophobie est une attitude répandue dans les ghettos. Xenophobia is a widespread attitude in ghettos. Xenophobia is a widespread attitude in ghettos. Tu n'es pas obligé de me croire. You don't have to believe me. You don't have to believe me. Tatoeba vous regarde. Tatoeba is watching you. Tatoeba is looking at you. Ne le lui dis pas ! Don't tell him that! Don't tell her! Il faudrait que je me remette à l'écriture de mon rapport. I should get back to writing my report. I'd have to go back to writing my report. Je lui ai dit qu'elle avait raison. I told her that she was right. I told her she was right. Je n'en savais rien jusqu'il y a peu. I didn't know about that until quite recently. I didn't know until recently. Vous devez avoir des amis en mesure de vous aider. You must have such friends as will help you. You must have friends who can help you. Vous êtes beaux. You're beautiful. You're beautiful. «Quel est votre poison ?» «Oh, mettez-moi un gin-tonic.» "What's your poison?" "Oh, give me a gin and tonic." "What's your poison?" "Oh, put a gin-tonic on me." À sa vue, il devint rouge. Upon seeing her, he turned red. When he saw him, he became red. J'ai passé un très bon moment. I had a very nice time. I had a really good time. Veuillez rester assis jusqu'à ce que l'appareil atteigne la porte. Please remain seated until the aircraft arrives at the gate. Please remain seated until the aircraft reaches the door. Je ne suis pas très heureux non plus. I'm not very happy, either. I'm not very happy either. J'ai pensé qu'il serait amusant de chanter ensemble quelques chansons. I thought it'd be fun to sing a few songs together. I thought it would be fun to sing some songs together. Et ce soir, je pense à tout ce qu'elle a vu tout au long de son siècle aux États-Unis d'Amérique. La douleur et l'espoir, la lutte et le progrès. Les fois où l'on nous a dit que nous ne pouvions pas, et les gens qui ont persisté avec ce crédo étasunien : Oui, nous pouvons. And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America. The heartache and the hope, the struggle and the progress. The times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes, we can. And tonight, I'm thinking of everything she's seen throughout her century in the United States of America. Pain and hope, struggle and progress. The times we've been told we can't, and the people who have persisted with this U.S. Creed: Yes, we can. Je veux juste te faire savoir que je ne te laisserai pas tomber. I just want to let you know that I won't let you down. I just want to let you know I won't let you down. Aucune autre rivière n'est plus longue que la Shinano. No other river is longer than the Shinano. No other river is longer than Shinano. Nous en entendrons encore parler. We haven't heard the last of this. We'll hear about it again. Il y a plus de voitures sur la route en été qu'en hiver. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter. There are more cars on the road in summer than in winter. Je crois être dans le vrai. I think I'm right. I think I'm in the real world. Je suis jaloux parce que tu as un bon patron. I'm jealous because you have a good boss. I'm jealous because you have a good boss. Elle craignait de réveiller le bébé. She was afraid of waking the baby. She was afraid of waking up the baby. Pourquoi est-ce que tu n'amènes pas le chat avec toi ? Why don't you take the cat out with you? Why don't you bring the cat with you? Elle était une Wakahata avant de se marier. She was a Wakahata before she married. She was a Wakahata before she got married. Dieu est le créateur. Le ciel et la terre et les hommes, tout a été créé par Dieu sauf Dieu lui-même. God is the creator. Heaven and Earth and people and everything apart from God are created. God is the Creator. Heaven and earth and men, everything was created by God except God himself. Le spectacle est lundi. The show is on Monday. The show is Monday. Lorsque cela est arrivé, je n'avais pas d'argent sur moi. As it happened, I had no money with me. When that happened, I didn't have any money on me. Son père est grand. Her father is tall. His father's tall. Après avoir marché un moment, nous sommes parvenus au lac. After we walked for a while, we got to the lake. After walking for a while, we got to the lake. Pourquoi est-ce que personne n'a nettoyé ça ? Why hasn't anybody cleaned this up? Why didn't anyone clean this up? Nous nous entretînmes. We talked. We got together. Sami et Layla voulaient une escapade romantique en Egypte. Sami and Layla wanted to have a romantic getaway in Egypt. Sami and Layla wanted a romantic getaway in Egypt. Tom vend des cartes postales aux touristes. Tom sells postcards to tourists. Tom sells postcards to tourists. Deux semaines ont passé et je ne vous ai pas vues. Two weeks have passed and I haven't seen you. Two weeks have passed and I haven't seen you. Il a péroré pendant plus d'une heure sur les fléaux de l'énergie nucléaire. He held forth for more than an hour on the evils of nuclear power. He went through more than an hour on the scourges of nuclear energy. Nous sommes dans le même pétrin. We have a similar predicament. We're in the same mess. Vous n'approfondissiez pas les trous. You did not make the holes deeper. You didn't deepen the holes. Il travaille pour oublier. He works in order to forget. He works to forget. La vérité ressemble à la Lune, tu ne peux en voir qu'un côté. Truth is like the moon: you can only see one side of it. The truth is like the moon, you can only see one side. C'est le plus grand de tous les garçons. He is the tallest of all boys. He's the greatest of all boys. Ils n'ont pu trouver le problème. They couldn't find the problem. They couldn't find the problem. Bill est aussi grand que Jack. Bill is as tall as Jack. Bill's as tall as Jack. Y a-t-il quelqu'un en particulier que tu veuilles voir ? Is there something in particular that you want to see? Is there anyone in particular you want to see? Ne me répondez pas comme cela. Don't talk back to me like that. Don't answer me like that. J'aimerais aller à la fac. I'd like to go to college. I'd like to go to college. Je ne vais pas discuter. I'm not going to talk. I'm not gonna argue. Ma sœur m'a montré une nouvelle montre. My sister showed a new watch to me. My sister showed me a new watch. C'est mon kimono préféré. This is my favorite kimono. It's my favorite kimono. Au début, j'ai détesté la gymnastique à la radio, mais maintenant je ne la déteste pas autant. In the beginning, I hated gymnastics with radio, but now I don't hate it so much. At first, I hated the gymnastics on the radio, but now I don't hate her so much. Elles sont allées faire du surf. They went surfing. They went surfing. J'ai hâte de passer plus de temps avec vous. I'm looking forward to spending more time with you. I can't wait to spend more time with you. Appelez-moi à mon bureau. Call me at my office. Call me at my office. Il a dû pleuvoir fort au cours de la nuit. It must've rained hard during the night. It must have rained hard during the night. Nous sommes assis autour de la table. We are sitting around the table. We're sitting around the table. J'ai été invité à leur mariage. I was invited to their wedding. I was invited to their wedding. Il n'y aura pas de fraternisation avec l'ennemi. There is to be no fraternizing with the enemy. There will be no fraternization with the enemy. Ned est originaire de l'Utah. Ned comes from the state of Utah. Ned is native to Utah. Tout le monde pense que son sac est le plus lourd. Everyone thinks his sack the heaviest. Everyone thinks his bag is the heaviest. Qui est le garçon qui nage dans la rivière ? Who is the boy swimming in the river? Who's the boy swimming in the river? Invite-le à venir voir un film. Invite him over to watch a movie. Invite him to come and see a movie. Essaie et fais mieux la prochaine fois. Try and do better next time. Try and do better next time. Comment est-ce que je peux faire ça ? How can I do this? How can I do that? Le concert d'une heure au Kennedy Center a été retransmis en direct à la télévision hier soir. The hour-long concert at the Kennedy Center was broadcast live on TV last night. The one-hour concert at the Kennedy Center was broadcast live on television last night. Elle est rentrée déçue à la maison. She came home disappointed. She went home disappointed. La vérité sort de la bouche des enfants. From the mouths of babes. The truth comes out of the children's mouths. Comme les scientifiques ne cessent de le dire, il n'y a ni bon ni mauvais dans aucune découverte scientifique. As scientists keep insisting, there is neither good nor bad in any scientific discovery. As scientists keep saying, there is neither good nor bad in any scientific discovery. Je veux savoir tout ce que tu sais. I want to know everything you know. I want to know everything you know. Cette information a été délibérément tronquée. This information was deliberately truncated. This information was deliberately truncated. Nous avons beaucoup à apprendre sur les pays étrangers. We must learn a lot about foreign countries. We have a lot to learn about foreign countries. Je voudrais une camomille. I want a chamomile tea. I'd like a chamomile. Fais-le toi-même ! Do it yourself! Do it yourself! Parfois je regarde une forêt, j'entre en transe et je ne le remarque pas avant plusieurs minutes. Sometimes, if I look at a forest of trees, I get in a trance and don't even realize until minutes later. Sometimes I look at a forest, I enter a trance and I don't notice it for several minutes. Cette allumette humide ne s'allumera pas. This damp match won't light. This wet match won't light up. La justice prévaudra, que ce soit ici ou dans l'au-delà. Justice will be served, whether here or in the hereafter. Justice will prevail, whether here or in the Hereafter. Elle l'a regardé travailler. She watched him work. She watched him work. Tu ne peux pas le faire par tes propres moyens. You can't do it by yourself. You can't do it on your own. Tom est toujours très malheureux. Tom is still very unhappy. Tom is still very unhappy. Penses-tu vraiment que ça vaille trente dollars ? Do you really think this is worth thirty dollars? Do you really think it's worth thirty dollars? Vous ne voudrez jamais ce qu'elles veulent. You'll never want what they want. You'll never want what they want. Je ne voulais pas vous surprendre. I didn't want to surprise you. I didn't mean to surprise you. C'est la goutte d'eau. This is the final straw. It's the drop of water. Tout le monde ici sauf toi l'a fait. Everyone here except you has done that. Everyone here but you did. Tu as dû penser que j'étais un idiot. You must've thought I was an idiot. You must have thought I was an idiot. Êtes-vous sûrs que c'est ce que vous voulez ? Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure that's what you want? J'aimerais que vous fassiez le détail des frais. I'd like you to itemize the charges. I'd like you to do the details of the fees. Aucun de nous n'est contre son idée. None of us are against her idea. None of us are against his idea. Quel est l'objet de votre voyage ? What's the purpose of your trip? What is the purpose of your trip? Je vais admettre que je ne respectais pas toujours cette règle générale. I will admit that I didn't always stick to this rule of thumb. I will admit that I did not always respect this general rule. Laisse-moi te réchauffer quelques restes. Let me heat it up some leftovers for you. Let me warm you up a few leftovers. Je vais apprendre le français. I'm going to learn French. I'm going to learn French. Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, envoie-moi un courriel ou appelle-moi. If you need anything, send me an e-mail or call me. If you need anything, send me an email or call me. Le sept est parfois considéré comme un chiffre porte-bonheur. Seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. The seven is sometimes considered a lucky number. Je pensais que j'étais mort et que j'étais allé au Paradis. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. I thought I was dead and I went to Paradise. Ceci est mon ancien vélo. This is my old bicycle. This is my old bike. Tom habite à Paris depuis des années. Tom has lived in Paris for years. Tom has been living in Paris for years. C'est parti pour être l'été le plus chaud depuis trente-six ans. This is going to be the hottest summer in thirty-six years. It's gone to be the hottest summer in 36 years. Parle lentement, je te prie. Speak slowly, please. Speak slowly, please. Regardez qui est là. Look who's here. Look who's here. Êtes-vous sûrs que vous n'êtes pas fatigués ? Are you sure you're not tired? Are you sure you're not tired? J'avais la sensation persistante de l'avoir vu quelque part auparavant. I had a nagging sensation that I'd seen him somewhere before. I had the persistent feeling that I had seen him somewhere before. Marie a éternué. Marie sneezed. Mary sneezed. Nous n'avons pas d'eau. We have no water. We don't have water. La classe est pleine d'adolescents. Certains d'entre-eux sont endormis. The classroom is full of teenagers. A couple of them are asleep. The class is full of teenagers, some of them are asleep. Est-ce que tu connais l'un des enfants dans la salle ? Do you know any of the children in the room? Do you know any of the kids in the room? Pardonne-moi, s'il te plaît. Je pensais bien faire. Forgive me, please. I meant well. Please forgive me, I thought I'd do the right thing. La ville a beaucoup changé depuis lors. The town has changed a great deal since then. The city has changed a lot since then. Vous aviez dû rester à la maison. You had to stay at home. You must have stayed home. Le roi était en fait nu. The king turned out to be naked. The king was actually naked. Je sais que tu veux l'aider. I know you want to help him. I know you want to help him. À quelle heure est le match demain soir ? What time is the game tomorrow night? What time is the game tomorrow night? Je ne voulais pas que vous soyez mêlé à ça. I didn't want you involved in this. I didn't want you to get involved in this. Elle a à peine pu contenir son excitation. She could barely contain her excitement. She could barely contain her excitement. À qui aimerais-tu parler ? Who would you like to speak to? Who would you like to talk to? On peut dire, qu'en règle générale, le climat du Japon est doux. It may be said, as a rule, that the climate of Japan is mild. It can be said that, as a general rule, Japan's climate is mild. Merci d'être venu. Thank you for coming. Thanks for coming. J'ignorais que vous attendiez qui que ce fut. I didn't know you were expecting anyone. I didn't know you were waiting for anyone. Un groupe d'enfants jouent en bas. A group of children is playing downstairs. A group of kids are playing downstairs. J'ai besoin d'un nouveau cable USB. I need a new USB cable. I need a new USB cable. Bonjour, mesdames. Hello, ladies. Good morning, ladies. Comment nous sommes-nous fourrés dans cette situation ? How did we get into this situation? How did we get into this situation? Excusez-moi, tout le monde. Je peux avoir votre attention, s'il vous plaît ? Can I have everyone's attention please? Excuse me, everybody, can I have your attention, please? J'ai cassé ton cendrier. I broke your ashtray. I broke your ashtray. Je pensais que vous étiez endormie. I thought you were asleep. I thought you were asleep. Il n'est pas nécessaire que tu attendes. You don't need to wait. You don't have to wait. Tom remarqua plusieurs différences. Tom noticed several differences. Tom noticed several differences. Pourrais-je changer ces livres contre des dollars, s'il vous plaît ? Could I change these pounds for dollars, please? Could I change those books for dollars, please? Nous sommes mariés. We're married to each other. We're married. Je ne présente pas mes excuses. I'm not apologizing. I'm not apologizing. J'ai besoin de savoir ce que j'ai manqué. I need to know what I've missed. I need to know what I missed. Tom a dit qu'à m'entendre, je n'étais pas convaincu. Tom said I didn't sound convinced. Tom said that when I heard me, I wasn't convinced. Vous allez tourner bien des têtes avec cette robe. You're going to turn a lot of heads with that dress. You're gonna turn a lot of heads with this dress. Nous apprécions les fruits de mer. We like seafood. We appreciate seafood. Les effets secondaires possibles incluent des troubles de la vision et un souffle court. Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. Possible side effects include vision disorders and short breath. Tu as l'air de n'être aucunement concerné. You look as if it were none of your business. You seem to be in no way concerned. Ça a l'air bien. This looks good. Sounds good. J'ai mal à la tête ce matin. I have a headache this morning. I have a headache this morning. Ses pantalons sont tout froissés. His slacks are all wrinkled. His pants are all cracked. Nous voulons tous des réponses. We all want answers. We all want answers. Je n'ai jamais vu ce film auparavant. I haven't seen this movie before. I've never seen this movie before. Cette salle peut accueillir deux mille personnes. This hall holds two thousand people. This room can accommodate two thousand people. Je vais te demander quelque chose. I'm going to ask you something. I'll ask you something. Quand tout cela est-il survenu ? When did all this happen? When did all this happen? Avez-vous fait cela auparavant ? Have you done this before? Have you done this before? Je n'aurai pas besoin de chance. I won't need luck. I won't need any luck. Qui l'a développé ? Who developed it? Who developed it? Le ciel était clair lorsque j'ai quitté mon domicile. The sky was clear when I left home. The sky was clear when I left my home. Est-ce que je t'ennuie ? Am I boring you? Am I bothering you? Nous ne sommes pas apparentées. We're not related. We're not related. Tous les commencements sont difficiles. All beginnings are difficult. All the beginnings are difficult. Soyons raisonnables. Let's be reasonable. Let's be reasonable. Tenez ceci pendant que je noue mes lacets ! Hold this while I tie my shoes. Hold this while I tie my shoelaces! Je ne veux pas dévier du plan. I don't want to deviate from the plan. I don't want to deviate from the plan. Pouvons-nous commencer la réunion maintenant? Shall we start the meeting now? Can we start the meeting now? Dites-moi tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur votre plan, s'il vous plaît. Tell me all about your plan. Tell me everything you need to know about your plan, please. Nous reconsidérons notre voyage à Hawaï pour notre lune de miel. We're having second thoughts about going to Hawaii for our honeymoon. We are reconsidering our trip to Hawaii for our honeymoon. Je ne peux pas vous le trahir ; c'est un secret. I can't give it away to you; it's a secret. I can't betray him; it's a secret. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes chez lui ? What do you like about him? What do you like about him? Je ne peux pas aller manger avec toi aujourd'hui. I can't eat out with you today. I can't go eat with you today. S'est-on occupé de vous ? Have you been waited on? Did we take care of you? Viens par ici. C'est plus court. Come this way. It's shorter. Come over here, it's shorter. Nous avons réussi à allumer un feu. We managed to light a fire. We managed to light a fire. Habille-toi ! Put some clothes on. Get dressed! Ce compliment l'a flattée. She felt herself flattered by this compliment. That compliment flattered her. Il a trouvé la boîte sous la table. He found the box under the table. He found the box under the table. Notre vaisseau est arrivé à Marseille. Our ship touched at Marseilles. Our ship arrived in Marseilles. Le pouvoir absolu corrompt absolument. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Absolute power absolutely corrupts. Je ne vous voulais aucun mal. I meant you no harm. I didn't mean any harm to you. Il n'y a que l'amour pour briser le cœur. Only love can break your heart. There's only love to break the heart. N'est-ce pas l'inverse ? Isn't it the other way around? Isn't that the other way around? Nous étudions le français et la conception graphique Web. We're studying French and web design. We study French and Web Graphic Design. Pouvons-nous avoir une table sur la terrasse ? Could we have a table on the terrace? Can we have a table on the terrace? Elle n'aime personne et personne ne l'aime. She likes nobody and nobody likes her. She doesn't love anyone and nobody loves her. Cette porte ne sera pas fermée à clé. This door won't lock. This door won't be locked. Au départ je croyais qu'elle rigolait. At first, I thought she was joking. At first I thought she was laughing. Heureux qui plus rien ne désire ! Happy the one who desires no more! Happy who doesn't want anything anymore! J'ai entendu dire qu'ils avaient trouvé un objet extraterrestre sur la lune. I heard they found an alien artifact on the moon. I heard they found an extraterrestrial object on the moon. Je te prie de ne pas hésiter à poser des questions. Please feel free to ask questions. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. C'était la première fois que l'homme marchait sur la Lune. That was the first time that a man walked on the moon. It was the first time the man walked on the moon. Ne pas désirer équivaut à posséder. Not wanting is the same as having. Not wanting is tantamount to owning. Je n'arrive pas à y croire non plus. I can't believe it either. I can't believe it either. Quelle est la prochaine station ? What's the next station? What's the next station? Je savais depuis le début qu'il disait un mensonge. I knew all along that he was telling a lie. I knew from the beginning that he was telling a lie. Tom a commandé un jus de pomme. Tom ordered an apple juice. Tom ordered an apple juice. Nous avons deux filles et un garçon. We have two girls and one boy. We have two daughters and a boy. Un mauvais travailleur blâme toujours ses outils. A bad carpenter quarrels with his tools. A bad worker always blames his tools. Le soleil disparut lentement sous l'horizon. The sun sank slowly below the horizon. The sun slowly disappeared below the horizon. Ne t'en mêle pas ! Stay out of it. Don't get involved! La nourriture est horrible. The food is horrible. The food is horrible. Tom a dit que tu avais faim. Tom said you were hungry. Tom said you were hungry. C'est une voiture. This is a car. It's a car. Je n'ai jamais cessé de t'aimer. I have never stopped loving you. I've never stopped loving you. Nous sommes satisfaits. We're contented. We are satisfied. Nous avons tous aidé à la récolte. We all helped with the harvest. We all helped with the harvest. Tout ça est de votre faute. This is all your fault. This is all your fault. Avoir honte de ne pas parler une langue est une incompréhension de ce qu'est une langue. Being ashamed of not speaking a language is a misunderstanding of what a language is. To be ashamed of not speaking a language is a misunderstanding of what a language is. Je suis contente de voir que vous êtes heureuses. I'm glad to see that you're happy. I'm glad to see you're happy. Quelqu'un devrait lui parler et lui dire ce qu'il en est. Someone should talk to him and tell him what's what. Someone should talk to her and tell her what's going on. Il est venu après que vous êtes parti. He came after you left. He came after you left. Les filles ont parlé de la mode. The girls talked about fashion. The girls talked about fashion. Le renard est un animal sauvage. A fox is a wild animal. The fox is a wild animal. Elle a le coup d'œil pour les objets anciens. She has an eye for antiques. She's got a look at old things. Nous sommes parfois d'accord. We agree from time to time. We sometimes agree. Je suis désolée, je ne vous ai pas entendue. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Je t'ai dit de rester dans la maison. I told you to stay in the house. I told you to stay in the house. Vous ne pouvez pas faire cela. You cannot do this. You can't do that. Lorsqu'une femme reste trop longtemps esseulée, tôt ou tard elle commence à penser; et nul homme ne sait ce qu'elle pourrait découvrir. For when a woman is left too much alone, sooner or later she begins to think;- And no man knows what then she may discover. When a woman stays too long alone, sooner or later she begins to think; and no man knows what she might find out. J'étais assez nerveux. I was quite nervous. I was pretty nervous. Buvons aux amis absents. Let's drink to absent friends. Let's drink to the missing friends. Emily a dit la vérité. Emily told the truth. Emily told the truth. Je vais garder ce gâteau pour moi. I'll keep this cake for myself. I'll keep this cake for myself. Le bulletin météo a annoncé qu'il pleuvrait cette après-midi, mais je ne le pense pas. The weather report said that it'll rain this afternoon, but I don't think it will. The weather report announced it was raining this afternoon, but I don't think so. À dix-huit ans, je savais parler huit langues. When I was eighteen, I could speak eight languages. When I was eighteen, I knew how to speak eight languages. Je veux cet appareil photo. I want this camera. I want that camera. Je n'arrive pas à croire que ta mère t'aie laissé t'en aller. I can't believe your mom let you go. I can't believe your mother let you go. Les herbiers sont des outils indispensables pour les botanistes. Herbalists are indispensable to botanists. Herbal trees are essential tools for botanists. J'ai toujours aimé écouter de la musique classique quand j'ai un peu de temps libre. I always enjoy listening to classical music when I have some free time. I've always liked to listen to classical music when I have a little free time. Nous n'aimerions pas désobéir au professeur, n'est-ce pas ? We wouldn't want to disobey the teacher, would we? We wouldn't want to disobey the professor, would we? La charité commence par sa propre maison. Charity begins at home. Charity begins with its own home. Pense à ton avenir. Think about your future. Think about your future. Je commandais deux hamburgers. I ordered two hamburgers. I ordered two burgers. Mange tous tes épinards. Eat all your spinach! Eat all your spinach. Touche la base de la lampe une fois pour l'allumer et deux fois pour l'éteindre. Touch the base of the lamp once to turn it on and twice to turn it off. Touch the base of the lamp once to turn it on and twice to turn it off. Elle vécut une longue vie. She lived a long life. She lived a long life. Ce puzzle compte cinq-cents pièces. This puzzle has 500 pieces. This puzzle has five hundred pieces. Nous devons apprendre à nous faire confiance. We have to learn to trust each other. We need to learn to trust each other. Ça arrivera. It'll happen. It'll happen. Ce fut une nouvelle expérience pour moi. That was a new experience for me. It was a new experience for me. Ne le laisse pas dormir. Don't let him sleep. Don't let him sleep. Elle regrette ne jamais y avoir été. She regrets having never been there. She's sorry she's never been there. Il n'y a rien de nouveau à signaler. There's nothing new to report. There's nothing new to report. Ils sont riches. They're rich. They're rich. Répondez en français, s'il vous plaît. Please answer in French. Answer in English, please. Comment a-t-elle été tuée ? How was she killed? How was she killed? Il m'a fallu passer par dessus la barrière. I had to climb over the fence. I had to get over the fence. Après quoi en ont-elles, selon toi ? What do you think they're after? After what do you think they have? Tom est en route pour l'Australie. Tom is on his way to Australia. Tom is on his way to Australia. Trois semaines sont passées. Three weeks went by. Three weeks have passed. Le propriétaire du restaurant l'autorisa à emmener les restes du repas chez elle pour nourrir tous ses chiens. The restaurant owner allowed her to take table scraps home to feed all of her dogs. The owner of the restaurant allowed her to take the rest of the meal home to feed all her dogs. Est-ce qu'il vient ici chaque semaine? Does he come here every week? Does he come here every week? Elle trembla de peur. She trembled with fear. She trembled with fear. Je fais encore ça de temps en temps. I still do that from time to time. I'm still doing this from time to time. Comprenez-vous ce qui est en train d'arriver ? Do you understand what's going on? Do you understand what's happening? Mais tu ne peux pas comprendre. Comment pourrais-tu comprendre ce que c'est que de se sentir vieille ? But you cannot understand. How could you understand what it is to feel old? But you can't understand, how could you understand what it's like to feel old? J'admire votre bravoure. I am filled with admiration for your bravery. I admire your bravery. Ce car s'arrête devant chez moi. That bus stops in front of my house. That bus stops in front of my house. Je veux simplement être son amie. I just want to be her friend. I just want to be her friend. Ils dansèrent jusqu'à six heures du matin. They danced until six in the morning. They danced until six o'clock in the morning. Comment avez-vous fait connaissance ? How did you come to know one another? How did you get to know each other? Ce n'est pas une héroïne. She's no heroine. She's not a heroine. Tu ne te lèves pas aussi tôt que ta sœur, n'est-ce pas ? You don't get up as early as your sister, do you? You're not getting up as early as your sister, are you? Je suis arrivé ici à 5 heures environ. I arrived here about five o'clock. I arrived here at about 5 o'clock. Nous n'oublions jamais. We never forget. We never forget. Un camion roulait à toute vitesse sur la route. A truck was careering along the road. A truck was driving fast on the road. Ce fauteuil est confortable. This armchair is comfortable. This chair is comfortable. Ça vaut le coup d'essayer. It's worth a try. It's worth a try. Vous ne devriez pas recourir à la boisson. You should not resort to drinking. You shouldn't be using drink. Je suis peut-être trop vieux. I may be too old. Maybe I'm too old. Je vais bien. I'm fine. I'm fine. Ne te frottes jamais les yeux quand tes mains sont sales. Never rub the eyes when the hands are dirty. Never rub your eyes when your hands are dirty. Quelle sorte de musique écoutais-tu lorsque tu étais adolescente ? What kind of music did you listen to when you were a teenager? What kind of music did you listen to when you were a teenager? J'en ai un pour vous. I've got one for you. I have one for you. Est-ce que quelqu'un ici parle français ? Can anyone here speak French? Does anyone here speak French? Elle parlait encore et encore de ses problèmes familiaux. She talked on and on about her family problems. She talked over and over about her family problems. De quoi avez-vous besoin ? What do you need? What do you need? Puis-je avoir quelque chose à manger ? Can I have something to eat? Can I have something to eat? Je pense que nous en avons assez vu. I think we've seen enough. I think we've seen enough. Avez-vous une relation d'affaire avec Randolph Ltd ? Do you have a business acquaintance in Randolph., Ltd? Do you have a business relationship with Randolph Ltd? Sa réponse était favorable. His answer was favorable. His answer was in favour. Je suis allé pêcher lundi dernier. I went fishing last Monday. I went fishing last Monday. Il eut un accident du travail. He had an accident at work. He had an accident at work. J'espère que tu as assez de jugeotte pour voir la différence. I hope you have brains enough to see the difference. I hope you have enough judge to see the difference. Tout ce que nous entendons n'est qu'un avis, et non la réalité. Tout ce que nous voyons n'est qu'une perspective, et non la vérité. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. All we hear is an opinion, not reality. All we see is a perspective, not truth. Vouloir c'est pouvoir. Where there's a will, there's a way. To want is to be able. Après le repas, je vais au lit. After eating, I go to bed. After dinner, I'm going to bed. Il sait aussi parler russe. He can also speak Russian. He also knows how to speak Russian. Je veux maintenant sortir de votre emprise. I want to let go of your hands now. Now I want to get out of your grip. Je suis marié et j'ai deux fils. I am married and I have two sons. I'm married and I have two sons. Ma mère s'est mise en colère quand je lui ai donné le sel à la place du sucre. I got my mother's goat when I gave her the salt instead of the sugar. My mother got angry when I gave her the salt instead of sugar. «Est-elle jeune ?» «Oui.» "Is she young?" "Yes." "Is she young?" "Yes." Elle a payé pour assister au concert. She paid to attend the concert. She paid to attend the concert. Nous sommes en train de manger des pommes. We're eating apples. We're eating apples. Il n'y a pas de quoi fouetter un chat. It's nothing to make a fuss about. There's nothing to whip a cat. En va-t-il différemment cette fois ? Is this time different? Is it going differently this time? Que faites-vous dans un endroit si froid ? What are you doing in such a cold place? What are you doing in such a cold place? «Es-tu sûre de vouloir que je te le dise ?» «Je suis toute ouïe !» "Are you sure you want me to tell you?" "Please, I'm all ears!" "Are you sure you want me to tell you?" "I'm all ears!" J'ai presque compris cet homme. I quite cottoned on to that man. I almost understood that man. Dans quelle direction est-il allé ? Which direction did he go? In what direction did he go? Tom vient d'apercevoir Mary. Tom has just spotted Mary. Tom just saw Mary. Il peut lire. He can read. He can read. Notre société vient de lancer un nouveau produit sur le marché. Our company has just launched a new product on the market. Our company has just launched a new product on the market. Éteignez la lumière avant de vous rendre au lit. Turn off the light before you go to bed. Turn off the light before you go to bed. Sa maison n'est pas aussi vaste que la mienne. His house is not as large as my house. His house isn't as large as mine. Italien est ma langue maternelle. Italian is my mother tongue. Italian is my mother tongue. Je ne peux pas me permettre de prendre des vacances. I cannot afford a holiday. I can't afford to take a vacation. Fumer affectera votre santé. Smoking is harmful to health. Smoking will affect your health. L'Arabie saoudite ne délivre pas de visa touristique. Saudi Arabia does not issue tourist visas. Saudi Arabia does not issue a tourist visa. Nous voulons être internationaux. We want to be international. We want to be international. Pourquoi ne me laisseriez-vous pas aller à la soirée de Tom ? Why wouldn't you let me go to Tom's party? Why don't you let me go to Tom's party? Voudriez-vous être amie avec moi ? Would you be friends with me? Would you like to be friends with me? J'aimerais trouver un médecin qui parle français. I'd like to find a French-speaking doctor. I'd like to find a doctor who speaks French. La tour penchée de Pise est plus haute que l'église. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is taller than the church. The leaning tower of Pisa is higher than the church. Quel est ton métier ? What's your job? What's your job? Si vous étiez eux, que feriez-vous ? S'ils étaient vous, que feraient-ils ? If you were them, what would you do? If they were you, what would they do? If you were them, what would you do if they were you, what would they do? Je n'entends rien à ce que tu dis. I can't make heads or tails of what you say. I can't hear anything you're saying. Je le démontrerai. I'll demonstrate. I'll prove it. Ce n'est pas si mal. It isn't that bad. It's not that bad. Si vous mettez plus de feuilles de thé dans la bouilloire, le thé aura meilleur goût. If you put more tea leaves into the pot, the tea will taste better. If you put more tea leaves in the kettle, the tea will taste better. Elle lui a conseillé de diminuer le tabac. She advised him to cut down on smoking. She advised him to reduce the tobacco. La manière de voir par la Foi est de fermer l'Œil de la Raison : la lumière du matin apparaît plus clairement quand on éteint sa bougie. The Way to see by Faith, is to shut the Eye of Reason: The Morning Daylight appears plainer when you put out your Candle. The way to see through the Faith is to close the Eye of Reason: the morning light appears more clearly when you turn off your candle. Je pourrais t'enseigner. I could tutor you. I could teach you. Ils sont fatigués. They're tired. They're tired. Il lui recommanda de ne pas emprunter de l'argent à ses amis. She was advised by him not to borrow money from his friends. He advised him not to borrow money from his friends. Je me suis endormi et j'ai commencé à ronfler. I fell asleep and I started snoring. I fell asleep and started snoring. Quand je me suis levé le matin, il n'y avait personne dans la maison. J'ai été abandonné pour toute la journée. When I woke up in the morning, there was no one in the house. I was abandoned for the whole day. When I got up in the morning, there was no one in the house. I was abandoned for the whole day. Vous vous moquez de moi ! You cannot be serious! You're making fun of me! « Je t'aime », chuchota-t-elle. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you," she whispered. Vous devez vous reposer un peu. You have to rest a little. You need to get some rest. Attends jusqu'à ce que la bouilloire commence à siffler. Wait till the kettle begins to sing. Wait until the kettle starts to whistle. C'est une très bonne question. That's a very good question. That's a very good question. Il l'embrassa sur la joue. He kissed her on the cheek. He kissed her on the cheek. Je savais que ça ne durerait pas. I knew it wouldn't last. I knew it wouldn't last. Trouvons un meilleur moyen de faire ceci. Let's figure out a better way to do this. Let's find a better way to do this. Si tu veux savoir, il suffit de demander. If you want to know, just ask. If you want to know, just ask. J'aimerais que nous soyons amies. I'd like to be friends. I wish we were friends. Je pense que je peux arranger ça. I think I can arrange that. I think I can fix this. Les Américains sont devenus les grands défenseurs des droits de l'Homme au moment même où ils en ont terminé avec ceux de leurs Indiens. The Americans turned into the great defenders of human rights just at the time when they were done with the rights of their Indians. The Americans became the great defenders of human rights at the same time as they finished with those of their Indians. Il a plu la nuit dernière. It was raining last night. It rained last night. Aimes-tu le goût de la bière ? Do you like the taste of beer? Do you like the taste of beer? Le travail fini, il est allé au lit. Having finished the work, he went to bed. The job finished, he went to bed. Je suppose que tu as entendu dire ce qui est arrivé ce matin. I guess you heard about what happened this morning. I guess you heard what happened this morning. Quelque chose me dit que boracasli utilise un second compte. I have a hunch boracasli is using a second account. Something tells me boracasli uses a second account. Au moment où tu y es arrivé, le soleil s'était couché. By the time you got there, the sun had set. By the time you got there, the sun had gone down. Ils travaillent aux champs. They work in the fields. They work in the fields. Quelqu'un m'a dit que je ne devrais pas me fier à toi. Somebody told me that I shouldn't trust you. Someone told me I shouldn't trust you. Sous peu, ce sera l'hiver. It will be winter before long. In the near future, it will be winter. Ajoute seulement plus de sucre si tu veux une confiture plus sucrée. Just add more sugar if you want a sweeter jam. Add only more sugar if you want a sweeter jam. Oubliez Tom. Forget Tom. Forget Tom. Je voulais que tu sois fière de moi. I wanted you to be proud of me. I wanted you to be proud of me. Pourquoi ces photos sont-elles si importantes ? Why are these photos so important? Why are these pictures so important? Je ne crois pas à l'existence des fantômes. I don't believe that ghosts exist. I don't believe in the existence of ghosts. Mon père m'a donné beaucoup d'argent. My father gave me a lot of money. My father gave me a lot of money. Émilie et Mélanie sont anglaises. Emily and Melanie are English. Emilia and Melanie are English. Plus il y a d'invités, plus il est difficile de garder secrète une fête surprise. The more guests there are, the more difficult it is to keep a surprise party secret. The more guests, the more difficult it is to keep a surprise party secret. Quoi qu'il entreprenne, il s'en lasse vite. Whatever he takes up, he gets soon tired of it. Whatever he does, he gets tired of it. Ils appelèrent à mettre fin au combat. They called for an end to the fighting. They called for an end to the fight. Tout est lié au travail. It's all work-related. It's all work-related. J'ai passé toute l'après-midi à faire les magasins. I spent all afternoon shopping. I spent the whole afternoon shopping. Voudriez-vous un peu de thé ? Would you like to have some tea? Would you like some tea? Vous n'êtes pas très bonnes. You're not very good. You're not very good. J'avais besoin de les revoir. I needed to see them again. I needed to see them again. Tom est un homme très discret. Tom is a very private man. Tom is a very discreet man. Est-ce trop demander ? Is that too much to ask? Is that too much to ask? Tu es mon sable. Je suis ta vague. La sueur est notre mer. You're my sand. I'm your wave. The sweat is our sea. You're my sand, I'm your wave, sweat is our sea. Matthew me comprend et c'est si bien d'être compris. Matthew understands me, and it's so nice to be understood. Matthew understands me and it's so good to be understood. Le propriétaire désire louer la maison. The owner wishes to rent the house. The owner wishes to rent the house. Je crains que la rumeur soit avérée. I'm afraid the rumor is true. I'm afraid the rumor is proven. Ai-je dit que j'en avais fini ? Did I say I was finished? Did I say I was done? Je suis perfectionniste. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a perfectionist. N'essaye pas de me confondre. Don't you try to confuse me. Don't try to confuse me. Nous vivons des temps difficiles. These are bad times. We are living in difficult times. Elle est approximativement de la même taille que toi. She's about the same height as you. She's about the same size as you. Où vous trouviez-vous lorsque le feu s'est déclenché ? Where were you when the fire occurred? Where were you when the fire started? Garde cette information par devers toi. Keep this information under your hat. Keep this information to yourself. La dernière fois que je suis allé en Chine, j'ai visité Shanghai. The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai. The last time I went to China, I visited Shanghai. Notre association ne dura pas longtemps. My association with him did not last long. Our association did not last long. Pourquoi Tom a-t-il été tué ? Why was Tom killed? Why was Tom killed? Vous ne pouvez pas avoir les deux. You can't have both. You can't have both. J'ai déjà essayé de faire cela trois fois. I've already tried doing that three times. I've already tried to do this three times. Je n'ai pas d'épouse. I have no wife. I don't have a wife. Je ne savais pas que tu étais malheureuse. I didn't know you were unhappy. I didn't know you were unhappy. C'est bon. This is good. It's okay. Je pense que Tom te dira la vérité. I think Tom will tell you the truth. I think Tom will tell you the truth. Cela vaut-il le coup ou non ? Is it worth it or not? Is it worth it or not? Elle a été anéantie. She was devastated. She was wiped out. Il veut sa vengeance. He wants vengeance. He wants revenge. Il est tout naturel qu'elle soit en colère. It is completely natural for her to be mad. It's natural for her to be angry. Tout est amusant, du moment que ça arrive aux autres. Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else. Everything's fun, as long as it happens to others. Je ne pense pas que vous allez mourir aujourd'hui. I don't think you'll die today. I don't think you're gonna die today. Ils sont pilotes. They are pilots. They're pilots. Tu sais que c'est impossible. You know that's impossible. You know it's impossible. Pleuvra-t-il aujourd'hui ? Is it going to rain today? Will it rain today? Le meilleur ami de Tom est une souris appelée Jerry. Tom's best friend is a mouse named Jerry. Tom's best friend is a mouse called Jerry. Les fruits tendent à rapidement se décomposer. Fruits tend to decay soon. Fruits tend to decompose rapidly. Vous êtes merveilleuse. You're wonderful. You're wonderful. Mets ton pyjama et va au lit. Put your pajamas on and go to bed. Put your pajamas on and go to bed. Le garçon a fait du cheval pour la première fois. The boy rode a horse for the first time. The boy did horse riding for the first time. À Pékin, beaucoup de gens circulent à vélo. Lots of people get around by bike in Peking. In Beijing, a lot of people ride by bike. Je ne crois pas que Tom sache où Mary a garé sa voiture. I don't think Tom knows where Mary parked her car. I don't think Tom knows where Mary parked her car. Partager, c'est prendre soin. Sharing is caring. Sharing is taking care. Dis-moi où tu as trouvé ça. Tell me where you got this. Tell me where you found this. Des millions de gens du monde entier pleurent la disparition de Nelson Mandela. Millions of people across the world are mourning the death of Nelson Mandela. Millions of people around the world mourn the disappearance of Nelson Mandela. Tom a vendu le livre pour 10 euros. Tom sold the book for 10 euros. Tom sold the book for 10 euros. Il est accro. He's addicted. He's addicted. Vous devez attendre un moment. You must wait a while. You have to wait a while. Comment va ton père ? How is your dad? How's your dad? Vous ou moi devons y aller à sa place. Either you or I must go in his place. You or I have to go in his place. La petite fille était plongée dans la lecture d'un conte de fées. The little girl was absorbed in reading a fairy tale. The little girl was immersed in reading a fairy tale. Vous avez besoin de plus étudier. You need to study more. You need to study more. Le temps est écoulé. Time's up. Time's up. Les jeux-vidéos sont mauvais pour toi. Video games are bad for you. Video games are bad for you. Elle est la plus belle fille. She's the most beautiful girl. She's the most beautiful girl. Il est faux que l'égalité soit une loi de la nature. La nature n'a rien fait d'égal, sa loi souveraine est la subordination et la dépendance. It is false that equality is a law of nature. Nature makes nothing equal, her sovereign law is subordination and dependence. It is false that equality is a law of nature. Nature has done nothing equal, its sovereign law is subordination and dependence. Ses nombreux chiots courent dans le jardin tous les jours. Her many little dogs run about in the garden every day. His numerous puppies run in the garden every day. Marie a investi dans ces actions parce que le conseiller financier l'a bernée. Mary invested in the stock because the financial advisor fooled her. Marie invested in these shares because the financial advisor fooled her. Avez-vous un stylo ou un crayon ? Do you have a pen or pencil? Do you have a pen or pencil? Je ne savais pas que tu avais autant de chats. I didn't know you had so many cats. I didn't know you had so many cats. Il a été placé en isolement. He was put in a cell. He was placed in solitary confinement. Vous ne devez le dire à personne. You must tell no one. You don't have to tell anyone. Je ne lui dois rien. I don't owe him anything. I don't owe him anything. C'est ce que vous souhaitiez, n'est-ce pas ? That's what you wanted, isn't it? That's what you wanted, isn't it? Les carottes sont bonnes pour la vue. Carrots are good for the eyesight. The carrots are good for the view. Ça ne s'arrête pas de saigner. It won't stop bleeding. It keeps bleeding. Je me sens désormais beaucoup plus en sécurité. I feel a lot safer now. I feel much safer now. Ça me rappelle Tom. This reminds me of Tom. It reminds me of Tom. Mon ami a acheté une voiture jaune. My friend bought a yellow car. My friend bought a yellow car. Il a rassemblé ses affaires et s'en est allé. He gathered up his things and left. He gathered his things and left. La fête est finie. The party's over. The party's over. L'architecte se vantait d'avoir reçu une récompense prestigieuse. The architect boasted that he had received a prestigious award. The architect boasted of having received a prestigious award. Curiosity s'est posé sur Mars. Curiosity has landed on Mars. Curiosity landed on Mars. Ils ont décidé de mettre fin à la discussion. They decided to put an end to the discussion. They decided to end the discussion. Toi, reste tranquille ! You, be quiet! You stay calm! C'est notre dernier jour ici. This is our last day here. It's our last day here. S'agit-il d'une invitation ? Is this an invitation? Is this an invitation? Vous pouvez prendre la grande boîte ou la petite. You may take either the big box or the small one. You can take the big box or the little one. Il a dépensé beaucoup d'argent cette fin de semaine. He spent a lot of money this weekend. He spent a lot of money this weekend. Ce CD coûte 10 dollars. That CD costs 10 dollars. This CD costs $10. Venez-vous d'Autriche ou d'Australie ? Do you come from Austria or Australia? Are you from Austria or Australia? Je viens tous les jours. I come every day. I come every day. Comme l'école était terminée, nous sommes allés nager à la piscine. School being over, we went swimming in the pool. As the school was over, we went swimming at the pool. Allez, les enfants, c'est l'heure d'aller au lit. Come on, children, it's time for bed. Come on, kids, it's time to go to bed. Il ne fait pas si froid. It's not that cold. It's not that cold. La gare est un peu éloignée. The station is a little way off. The station is a little far away. L'un est neuf, l'autre est ancien. One's new. The other's old. One is new, the other is old. Je me suis figuré que vous changeriez peut-être d'avis. I figured you might change your mind. I figured maybe you'd change your mind. Mes yeux remplis de larmes. My eyes are brimming with tears. My eyes filled with tears. Tom pense que je suis stupide. Tom thinks I'm stupid. Tom thinks I'm stupid. Elle a donné du lait à un chat. She gave a cat some milk. She gave milk to a cat. Je suis un citoyen romain. I am a Roman citizen. I'm a Roman citizen. Tu as du rouge-à-lèvres sur les dents. You have lipstick on your teeth. You have lipstick on your teeth. C'est un raisonnement dépassé. This is beyond reasoning. That's an outdated line of reasoning. Quoi de mieux que l'amitié ? What is better than friendship? What's better than friendship? Est-ce que quelqu'un ici parle japonais ? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Fais-le immédiatement ! Do it at once. Do it right now! Devrait-on en parler autour d'un café ? Shall we talk about it over a cup of coffee? Should we talk about it around coffee? Tu sembles heureux. You seem happy. You seem happy. C'est parfaitement normal. It's completely normal. That's perfectly normal. Je t'aime pour ce que tu es. I love you for who you are. I love you for who you are. Je n'arrive pas à croire que tu aies eu les foies. I can't believe you chickened out. I can't believe you had the livers. Donne-moi ce livre s'il te plaît. Please give me this book. Give me that book, please. On a acheté une nouvelle machine à laver. We bought a new washer. We bought a new washing machine. T'es un mec marrant. You're a funny man. You're a funny guy. Tom a cessé d'utiliser Facebook. Tom has quit using Facebook. Tom stopped using Facebook. J'ignore qui a confectionné le gâteau. I don't know who made the cake. I don't know who made the cake. Je suis italien. I am Italian. I'm Italian. L'intelligence se trouve dans la capacité à reconnaître les similitudes parmi différentes choses, et les différences entre des choses similaires. Intelligence is found in the capacity to recognize similarities among different things and differences between similar things. Intelligence is found in the ability to recognize similarities among different things, and differences between similar things. Il a confessé sa culpabilité. He admitted his guilt. He confessed his guilt. Attends un peu jusqu'à ce que je sois prêt. Hang on a bit until I'm ready. Wait until I'm ready. Nous jouions aux échecs tous les matins. We played chess every morning. We played chess every morning. Que Dieu soit avec nous. May God be with us. May God be with us. Je n'en suis pas sûr non plus. I'm not sure of it either. I'm not sure either. Je t'aime, mon ange. I love you, my angel. I love you, angel. Non, vous devez faire un vol de correspondance à Chicago. No, you have to make a connecting flight in Chicago. No, you have to make a connecting flight to Chicago. Elle s'est occupée du bébé. She looked after her baby. She took care of the baby. Pourquoi es-tu en train d'attendre ? Why are you waiting? Why are you waiting? C'est une photo de ma sœur. This is a picture of my sister. It's a picture of my sister. Il ne savait que l'allemand. He only knew German. He only knew German. C'est mon héros. He's my hero. He's my hero. Il est allé faire des emplettes. He went shopping. He went shopping. Ces chaussures ne sont pas assorties au costume. Those shoes do not go with the suit. These shoes are not matched to the suit. Il nous faut porter un toast. We must toast. We need to make a toast. Je lui ai indiqué le chemin. I showed him the way. I told him the way. Le feu a réduit en cendres dix maisons. The fire burnt ten houses down. Ten houses have been burned to ashes by fire. Je ne crois pas que les choses changent. I don't think anything changes. I don't think things change. Il va souvent au cinéma avec elle. He often goes to the cinema with her. He often goes to the movies with her. Ces enfants font trop de bruit. Those children are making too much noise. These kids make too much noise. C'était le film le plus intéressant que nous ayons jamais vu. That was the most interesting film that we had ever seen. It was the most interesting film we've ever seen. N'éveillez donc pas ainsi mes espoirs. Don't raise my hopes like that. So do not awaken my hopes. Dix, vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante, septante, quatre-vingts, nonante, cent. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventeen, eighty, none, hundred. Vous ne pouvez pas le faire, si ? You can't do it, can you? You can't do it, can you? Où est mon téléphone portable ? Where is my mobile? Where's my cell phone? Ne t'énerve pas, oncle. Viens dîner avec nous demain. Don't be angry, uncle. Come! Dine with us tomorrow. Don't get mad, Uncle, come have dinner with us tomorrow. Pourquoi est-ce que je tire sur ces types, dis-moi, qu'ont-ils fait ? Why am I shooting these guys, tell me, what have they done? Why am I shooting at these guys, tell me, what did they do? Je monte sur le toit quand je veux voir le ciel bleu. I go up to the rooftop when I want to see the blue sky. I get on the roof when I want to see the blue sky. M'embrouille pas ! Don't fuck with me! Don't mess with me! N'essaie pas ça à la maison. Don't try this at home. Don't try that at home. Les téléphones intelligents auraient paru être la science-fiction, il y a dix ans de ça. Smartphones would have seemed like science fiction ten years ago. Smart phones would have seemed like science fiction ten years ago. J'ai une liste toujours croissante de tâches à faire. I have an ever growing list of to-do items. I have a growing list of tasks to do. Pouvez-vous l'échanger contre une autre ? Could you change it for a different one? Can you trade it for someone else? Qui était cette femme avec qui je t'ai vu ? Who was that woman I saw you with? Who was that woman I saw you with? Nous avions besoin de ce temps. We needed this weather. We needed that time. Occupé à pleurer et à rire tous les jours, je n'ai pas le temps d'étudier. I'm so busy laughing and crying every day I don't have time to study. Busy crying and laughing every day, I don't have time to study. Puis-je te requérir aujourd'hui ? May I call on you today? May I ask you today? Il est si égoïste ! He's so selfish! He's so selfish! Ça dépend de ce que tu veux dire. It depends on what you mean. Depends on what you mean. Tom veut un plus gros pourcentage du profit. Tom wants a better percentage of the profits. Tom wants a bigger percentage of the profit. Tes efforts porteront très certainement leurs fruits. Your effort will surely bear fruit. Your efforts will certainly bear fruit. Je vais m'en occuper. Tu peux te détendre et compter sur moi. I'm taking care of it. You can relax. You can rely on me. I'll take care of it, you can relax and rely on me. Jim n'est pas encore venu. Jim hasn't come yet. Jim hasn't come yet. Cachons-nous derrière le rideau. Let's hide behind the curtain. Let's hide behind the curtain. Comment oses-tu me dire une telle chose ? How dare you say such a thing to me? How dare you tell me such a thing? Tom et Marie sont des randonneurs. Tom and Mary are backpackers. Tom and Mary are hikers. Je n'y ai jamais songé auparavant. I've never thought about that before. I've never thought about it before. Est-ce le cas ? Is that so? Is that so? Mets des chaussettes ou tu vas abîmer tes chaussures. Wear socks or you'll ruin your shoes. Put on socks or you'll ruin your shoes. Qu'était-elle en train d'y faire ? What was she doing there? What was she doing there? Il faut que tu arrêtes. You need to stop. You have to stop. Je lui donne mes chaussures à réparer. I will have him mend my shoes. I'm giving him my shoes to fix. Je veux la mienne. I want mine. I want mine. Je n'ai pas vu de docteur l'année dernière. I didn't see a doctor last year. I didn't see a doctor last year. Mes chaussettes sont-elles déjà sèches ? Are my socks dry already? Are my socks already dry? Elle fut la dernière à partir. She was the last to leave. She was the last one to leave. Tout semble confus. Everything seems confusing. Everything seems confused. Une goutte de moutarde est tombée et a taché ma cravate pendant le déjeuner. A drop of mustard fell and stained my tie during lunch. A drop of mustard fell and stained my tie during lunch. Cherchez la femme ! Look for the woman! Look for the woman! Mon père a un restaurant. My father has a restaurant. My dad's got a restaurant. J'achète les billets. I'll buy the tickets. I'll buy the tickets. Je pense qu'il est temps que je passe un peu de temps avec mes enfants. I think it's time for me to spend a little time with my children. I think it's time for me to spend some time with my kids. Soyez patient ! Be patient! Be patient! C'est délicieux. It's delicious. It's delicious. Es-tu sûr de savoir ce qu'il faut faire ? Are you sure that you know what to do? Are you sure you know what to do? On ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. We can't have butter and butter money. Sais-tu comment te servir de cette machine ? Do you know how to use this machine? Do you know how to use this machine? Cette collection est riche en tableaux des maîtres hollandais. This art collection is rich in paintings by Dutch masters. This collection is rich in paintings by Dutch masters. Nous n'entendions parler pendant ce temps que de voleurs, que de meurtres, que de personnes mortes de faim. During that time, we only heard about thieves, about murders, about men who had died of hunger. We only heard about thieves, about murders, about people who died of hunger. Je ne peux pas l'enlever de mon esprit. I can't get her out of my mind. I can't take it out of my mind. Hier on a passé une soirée super avec mes frères et mes amis, et le barbeuc était trop bon aussi. We had a great evening yesterday with my brothers and my friends, and the barbecue was very good, too. Yesterday we had a great night with my brothers and friends, and the barbeque was too good, too. Tu es trop polie. You're too polite. You're too polite. La pointe de la lame du couteau est aiguisée. The tip of the knife blade is sharp. The blade tip of the knife is sharpened. J'ai un caillou dans la chaussure. I have a stone in my shoe. I got a rock in the shoe. Ces chemises se vendent comme des petits pains. These shirts are selling like hotcakes. These shirts sell like buns. L'Allemagne est au milieu de l'Europe. Germany is in the middle of Europe. Germany is in the middle of Europe. C'est tellement facile. This is so easy. It's so easy. La fin approche. The end is nigh. The end is coming. Lâchez-moi ! Get away from me. Let go of me! La décision a quelque chose à voir avec ce que tu as dit. The decision has something to do with what you said. The decision has something to do with what you said. Est-ce le seul moyen de sortir ? Is that the only way out? Is this the only way out? Les séismes sont courants au Japon. Earthquakes are common in Japan. Earthquakes are common in Japan. Filez dans votre voiture ! Get into your car. Get in your car! Quelques arbres dans notre coin ont été abattus par la tempête. Some of the trees in our neighborhood were knocked down by the storm. A few trees in our area were shot down by the storm. Entrez votre nom d'utilisateur suivi de votre mot de passe. Enter your username, followed by your password. Enter your username followed by your password. Le courrier ne peut pas être distribué. The mail can't be delivered. Mail cannot be distributed. Nous sommes de retour tôt. We're back early. We're back early. Combien de paires de chaussures avez-vous ? How many pairs of shoes do you own? How many pairs of shoes do you have? Elle reste plutôt dans son coin. She pretty much keeps to herself. She's staying in her corner. Je ne suis pas habitué à faire ça. I'm not used to doing this. I'm not used to doing that. Je suis tombée sur un de mes vieux amis à la fête de l'autre jour. I ran into an old friend of mine at the party the other day. I ran into one of my old friends at the party the other day. Retourne là où tu as commencé. Get back to where you started. Go back to where you started. Quel temps fait-il ? What's the weather like? What's the weather like? Il est déjà onze heures. It's already eleven. It's already eleven o'clock. Je n'ai pas le cœur à danser. I don't feel like dancing. I don't have a heart to dance. On ne sait pas où sont cachés les trésors. It isn't known where the treasures were hidden. We don't know where the treasures are hidden. Je ne te laisserai pas tomber. I won't let you down. I won't let you down. Elle n'est pas aussi grande que lui. She's not as tall as him. She's not as tall as him. J'ai essayé d'accomplir mon devoir. I tried to fulfill my duty. I tried to do my duty. Ce roman a été écrit par Émile Zola. This novel was written by Emile Zola. This novel was written by Émile Zola. Si vous êtes occupés, je vous aiderai. If you're busy, I'll help you. If you're busy, I'll help you. Pourriez-vous me prêter de l'argent jusqu'au week-end prochain ? Could you lend me some money until this weekend? Could you lend me some money until next weekend? J'aimerais venir avec toi. I'd like to come with you. I'd like to come with you. Cela pourrait prendre des jours. That could take days. It could take days. Quelle est ton excuse ? What's your excuse? What's your excuse? Les méthodes pour surmonter le stress sont différentes suivant le sexe : boire de l'alcool est la technique la plus utilisée chez les hommes, tandis que les femmes préfèrent bavarder. The methods used to overcome stress are different for men and women: drinking is the major method used by men, while women deal with stress by chatting. Methods to overcome stress are different according to sex: drinking alcohol is the most commonly used technique in men, while women prefer to chat. Ne sachant que faire, j'ai appelé la police. Not knowing what to do, I telephoned the police. Not knowing what to do, I called the police. Ce n'est pas le chemin exact. This isn't the right way. This is not the exact path. Je suis désolé à propos d'hier. I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about yesterday. Tom baissa la musique. Tom turned down the music. Tom lowered the music. Est-ce qu'il y a de l'eau ? Is there water? Is there water? Tu devrais te couper les cheveux. You should get your hair cut. You should cut your hair. Le détective Dan Anderson a emmené avec lui Linda à la station pour un nouvel interrogatoire. Detective Dan Anderson took Linda to the station for further questioning. Detective Dan Anderson took Linda with him to the station for another interrogation. Veux-tu des enfants ? Do you want kids? Do you want kids? On ne peut pas l'empêcher de boire. You cannot prevent him from drinking. We can't stop him from drinking. J'ai attrapé un rhume, je ne suis pas dans mon état normal. I am not myself, my usual self having caught a cold. I caught a cold, I'm not in my normal condition. Qu'est-ce qu'il y avait dans l'enveloppe ? What was in the envelope? What was in the envelope? C'est une merveilleuse opportunité. It's a wonderful opportunity. It's a wonderful opportunity. Je l'ai apprécié. I appreciated it. I liked it. Je serais anéanti. I'd be devastated. I'd be annihilated. Nous allons rester jusqu'à la fin. We're going to stay until the end. We'll stay until the end. Londres fut bombardé plusieurs fois. London was bombed several times. London was bombed several times. J'ai toujours apprécié ces gens. I've always liked those people. I've always enjoyed these people. Tant chauffe-t-on le fer qu'il rougit. So much iron is heated that it reddens. So much iron is heated that it blushes. N'abandonne pas et continue à écrire. Do not give up and keep writing. Don't give up and keep writing. Célébrons. Let's party. Let's celebrate. Elle était fiable. She was reliable. She was reliable. Donnez-moi l'épée. Give me the sword. Give me the sword. Parfois il est difficile de dire comment une dispute a éclaté. Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel comes about. Sometimes it's hard to tell how a dispute broke out. Comment l'avez-vous connue ? How did you get to know her? How did you know her? L'homme est décédé il y a quelques heures. The man died a few hours ago. The man died a few hours ago. Crétin ! You blockhead! Idiot! Qui est ton ami ? Who's your friend? Who's your friend? En quoi une vie vaut-elle d'être vécue ? What is a life worth living? How is a life worth living? Quelle partie n'a pas été traduite ? Which part hasn't been translated? Which part has not been translated? Je ressens la même chose que vous à ce propos. I feel the same way about it as you do. I feel the same way you do about it. Le restaurant est toujours plein. The restaurant is always packed. The restaurant is always full. Réveille-moi à six heures, s'il te plaît. Please wake me at six. Wake me up at six, please. Les Australiennes sont très belles. Australian women are very beautiful. Australian women are very beautiful. Tom ne me comprend pas. Tom doesn't understand me. Tom doesn't understand me. Je veux vous poser une question. I have been wanting to ask you a question. I want to ask you a question. Vous serez tout à fait remis dans quelques jours. You'll be all right again in a couple of days. You'll be back in a few days. Elle est à son hôtel, à l'heure qu'il est. She is in her hotel now. She's at her hotel right now. Il y a autant de musées que d'églises. There are as many museums as there are churches. There are as many museums as there are churches. Je n'ai rien bougé. I didn't move a thing. I didn't move anything. Je sais que tu es fâché. I know you're upset. I know you're upset. Y a-t-il quelque chose que vous vouliez demander ? Is there something you want to ask? Is there anything you wanted to ask? Il tente de s'immiscer sur mon territoire et d'obtenir une part du gâteau. He's trying to muscle in on my territory and get a piece of the action. He's trying to interfere with my territory and get a piece of the cake. J'ai laissé ma veste dans la classe. I left my jacket in the classroom. I left my jacket in the classroom. Combien de temps regardes-tu la télévision ? How much TV do you watch? How long are you watching TV? Ils semblent tous deux méfiants. Both of them seem suspicious. They both seem suspicious. Je voudrais un morceau de fromage. I would like a piece of cheese. I'd like a piece of cheese. J'ai oublié de t'indiquer quand venir. I forgot to tell you when to come. I forgot to tell you when to come. Je pense que ton anglais s'est beaucoup amélioré. I think your English has improved a lot. I think your English has improved a lot. Nous n'avons probablement pas assez d'argent pour acheter cela. We probably don't have enough money to buy that. We probably don't have enough money to buy this. Les mots ont rarement un seul sens. Words rarely have only one meaning. Words rarely have one meaning. Je veux juste te rendre la pareille. I just want to make it up to you. I just want to give you back the favor. Si vous aviez garé votre voiture ici, on vous aurait mis une amende. If you had parked your car here, you would have been fined. If you'd parked your car here, you'd be fined. C'est mon ange gardien. She's my guardian angel. She's my guardian angel. Il veut un livre à lire. He wants a book to read. He wants a book to read. Vous êtes-vous amourachée de mon frère ? Do you have a crush on my brother? Did you love my brother? J'ai oublié que je te dois de l'argent. I forgot I owed you money. I forgot I owe you money. Ce qui doit arriver arrivera. Whatever shall be will be. What must happen will happen. Tom a dit ça. Tom said that. Tom said that. S'il vous plaît envoyez-moi une photo de vous. Please send me a picture of yourself. Please send me a picture of you. Je me réveille tôt. I wake up early. I wake up early. Prends ma part de gâteau si tu veux. Have my piece of cake if you like. Take my piece of cake if you want. On se demande pourquoi. We wonder why. We wonder why. C'est le premier d'une longue série ! It's the first in a long series! It's the first in a long series! Tom peut nager aussi vite que toi. Tom can swim as fast as you. Tom can swim as fast as you can. Il est toujours en train de lire. He is always reading. He's still reading. Où voudriez-vous vivre ? Where would you want to live? Where would you like to live? Y a-t-il un endroit en Europe que tu veuilles visiter ? Is there somewhere in Europe you'd like to visit? Is there a place in Europe you want to visit? Pourquoi tu as appelé ? Why did you call? Why did you call? Fais-lui ressentir qu'il est encore quelqu'un d'important. Make him feel that he is still someone important. Make him feel like he's still an important person. Je paye quelqu'un pour nettoyer chez moi. I pay someone to clean my house. I'm paying someone to clean up my house. J'aime ton apparence. I like the way you look. I like your appearance. Il est fraîchement diplômé de l'université. He has just graduated from college. He's a fresh graduate of the university. Notre amie a perdu sa maman. Our friend lost her mum. Our friend lost her mommy. La science commence quand on demande pourquoi et comment. Science begins when you ask why and how. Science begins when you ask why and how. Je me suis couché un peu plus tard que d'habitude. I went to bed a little later than usual. I went to bed a little later than usual. J'oubliai de fermer les volets avant que la tempête ne frappe. I forgot to shutter the windows before the storm hit. I forgot to close the shutters before the storm struck. Au revoir. Je vous verrai à l'heure que nous avons convenue. Goodbye, I'll see you at the time we agreed on. I'll see you at the time we agreed. Vous souhaiterez ne l'avoir jamais vu. You will wish you had never seen it. You wish you'd never seen him. Le congrès médical s'est tenu a Kyoto. The medical congress was held in Kyoto. The medical convention was held in Kyoto. Veux-tu vraiment aller à la fête avec Tom ? Do you really want to go to the party with Tom? Do you really want to go to the party with Tom? Êtes-vous sûr de savoir ce qu'il faut faire ? Are you sure that you know what to do? Are you sure you know what to do? Je n'aime pas ton ton arrogant ! I do not like your arrogant tone! I don't like your arrogant tone! Marie ne vous a pas vu hier. Mary did not see you yesterday. Marie didn't see you yesterday. N'essaie pas de faire deux choses à la fois. Don't attempt two projects at a time. Don't try to do two things at once. Je travaille ici depuis dix ans. I have been working here for ten years. I've been working here for ten years. L'effet fut immédiat. The effect was immediate. The effect was immediate. Il vient ici une fois par mois. He comes here once a month. He comes here once a month. Je ne suis pas en position de te donner des conseils. I'm not in a position to give you advice. I'm not in a position to give you advice. Les loups vivent sur des territoires où le gibier est abondant. Wolves live in areas where game is plentiful. Wolves live in areas where game is abundant. La Chine a des traits caractéristiques chinois. China has Chinese characteristics. China has characteristic Chinese features. S'il te plait, prends ton temps avant de décider quoi faire. Please take your time before deciding what to do. Please, take your time before you decide what to do. Puis-je ouvrir une boîte ? Can I open a can? Can I open a box? Cette route mène à Hong Kong. This road leads to Hong Kong. This road leads to Hong Kong. Il se rendit à Paris pour la première fois. He went to Paris for the first time. He went to Paris for the first time. Je me suis réveillé au lever du soleil. I woke up at sunrise. I woke up at sunrise. Je n'ai pas tout à fait compris le nom de ce créateur. I didn't quite catch the name of that designer. I didn't quite understand the name of that creator. Je voulais m'entretenir avec vous au sujet de quelque chose. I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to talk to you about something. Des élèves trouvent difficile de suivre les règles. Some pupils find it difficult to follow the rules. Students find it difficult to follow the rules. Où est la station essence la plus proche ? Where's the nearest gas station? Where's the nearest gas station? Si tu ne peux pas venir, envoie quelqu'un à ta place. If you can't come, send someone in your stead. If you can't come, send someone in your place. Ses yeux s'emplirent de larmes. Her eyes filled with tears. Her eyes were filled with tears. Dépêchez-vous, je vous prie ! Hurry up, please. Hurry up, please! On peut offrir la vie en donnant son sang. You can give the gift of life by donating blood. You can offer life by giving blood. Il était si pauvre qu'il ne pouvait pas acheter de pain. He was so poor that he could not buy the bread. He was so poor he couldn't buy bread. Il a fait courir ses doigts dans ses cheveux. He ran his fingers through her hair. He ran his fingers through his hair. C'est toujours un plaisir de vous voir. It's always a pleasure to see you. It's always a pleasure to see you. Si vous ne partez pas immédiatement, je vais devoir appeler la sécurité. If you don't leave immediately, I'll have to call security. If you don't leave immediately, I'm gonna have to call security. Je ne suis pas naïf. I'm not naive. I'm not naive. Voici une photo d'elle. Here's a photo of her. Here's a picture of her. Les choses sont différentes ici. Things are different here. Things are different here. Donnez-lui cette lettre lorsqu'elle arrivera. Give her this letter when she comes. Give her that letter when she arrives. Où avez-vous séjourné ? Where did you stay? Where did you stay? Ce téléphone est hors service. This telephone is out of order. This phone is out of service. Vous devez me laisser gérer ceci. You must let me handle this. You have to let me handle this. Elle vit actuellement à l'étranger. She is living abroad. She currently lives abroad. Nous ne devrions pas nous décourager. We should not lose courage. We should not be discouraged. Arrête de hurler. Stop yelling. Stop yelling. Les défenseurs ont arrêté l'assaut des attaquants. The defenders checked the onslaught by the attackers. The defenders stopped the attack on the attackers. Ce n'est pas exactement ce que j'ai dit. That isn't exactly what I said. That's not exactly what I said. Et les voilà repartis. There they go again. And here they go. Son nom est connu de tous dans notre ville. His name is known to everyone in our town. His name is known to all in our city. Ce n'est pas un virus. It isn't a virus. It's not a virus. Il était plus surpris que ce à quoi je m'attendais. He was more surprised than I had expected. He was more surprised than I expected. Sami était terrifié. Sami was terrified. Sami was terrified. Depuis combien de temps avez-vous planifié ce marriage ? How long have you been planning this wedding? How long have you been planning this wedding? Je sais que vous l'avez fait. I know you did that. I know you did. Nous avons un problème d'obésité dans ce pays. We have an obesity problem in this country. We have an obesity problem in this country. Une lettre a été trouvée près du cadavre. A letter was found next to the dead body. A letter was found near the corpse. Elle a deux fils, je crois. She has two sons, I believe. She has two sons, I think. S'il te plait, explique-moi pourquoi tu ne peux pas venir. Please explain why you can't come. Please explain why you can't come. Parfois, Paris me fatigue, mais souvent... Bruxelles m'ennuie. Alors je vis entre les deux. Sometimes Paris tires me, but often... Brussels bores me. So I live between the two. Sometimes I'm tired of Paris, but often I'm bored with Brussels, so I live in between. La réunion a été annulée à cause du typhon. The meeting was canceled because of the typhoon. The meeting was cancelled because of the typhoon. Veux-tu que je recommence ? Do you want me to start again? Do you want me to do it again? Je ne dispose d'aucune preuve. I don't have any evidence. I have no evidence. J'étais un Allemand en Russie, et je suis désormais un Russe en Allemagne. I was a German guy in Russia and now I'm a Russian in Germany. I was a German in Russia, and now I'm a Russian in Germany. Il porta une redingote. He wore a morning coat. He wore a reedote. Je travaille même le dimanche. I even work on Sundays. I even work on Sundays. Vous pouvez louer un bateau à l'heure. You can hire a boat by the hour. You can rent a boat on time. Voyez-vous un inconvénient à ce que nous nous asseyions ? Do you mind if we sit down? Do you mind if we sit down? Elle est venue à la maison en pleurant. She came home crying. She came home crying. Il a travaillé plus dur que jamais. He worked harder than ever. He's been working harder than ever. Ne laissez pas les erreurs vous démoraliser. Inscrivez-les à votre expérience et apprenez d'elles. Don't let mistakes demoralise you. Put them down to experience and learn from them. Do not let errors demoralize you. Register them to your experience and learn from them. Le visage de la jeune femme devint encore plus rouge. The young woman's face became even redder. The young woman's face became even more red. C'est assez bonnard, en vérité. That's actually pretty cool. It's pretty bad, actually. Lui avez-vous téléphoné hier ? Did you ring him yesterday? Did you call her yesterday? Les vaches passent des heures à ruminer. Cows spend hours just chewing their cud. Cows spend hours ruminating. Il est meilleur que ce qu'il était. He is better off than he used to be. He's better than he was. Sami a cassé le bras de son fils. Sami broke his son's arm. Sami broke his son's arm. Ces choses sont de pures abstractions. These things are mere abstractions. These things are pure abstractions. Marie chante souvent dans sa voiture. Mary often sings in her car. Marie often sings in her car. Telle est la vie des hommes. Quelques joies, très vite effacées par d'inoubliables chagrins. Il n'est pas nécessaire de le dire aux enfants. Such is the life of men: a few joys, quickly wiped away by unforgettable sorrows. It's not necessary to tell the children. This is the life of men. Some joys, quickly erased by unforgettable sorrows. It is not necessary to tell the children. Ma maison est loin d'ici. My house is a long way from here. My house is far from here. Ma femme quitte la ville pour quelques jours. My wife is going out of town for a few days. My wife's leaving town for a few days. Tom acheta un dictionnaire japonais-chinois. Tom bought a Japanese-Chinese dictionary. Tom bought a Japanese-Chinese dictionary. Pourquoi n'ôtez-vous pas votre manteau ? Why don't you take your coat off? Why don't you take off your coat? S'il se trouve en situation intermédiaire, il choisira ses vêtements principalement pour leur confort. If he is in middle circumstances his clothes will be chosen chiefly for comfort. If he is in an intermediate situation, he will choose his clothes mainly for their comfort. Ils y sont arrivés avant l'aube. They arrived there before dawn. They got there before dawn. Ce manteau est imperméable. This coat is rainproof. This coat is waterproof. Ceux-ci sont mes livres, ceux-là sont les siens. These are my books, those are his. These are my books, these are his books. Regarde cette grande montagne. Look at that high mountain. Look at this big mountain. Ken était-il à la maison hier ? Was Ken at home yesterday? Was Ken home yesterday? N'êtes-vous pas agacé par cela ? Aren't you annoyed by that? Aren't you annoyed by that? Vous pouvez utiliser mon dictionnaire. You may use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. Il ne le voulait pas. He didn't mean it. He didn't want to. J'acceptai d'écrire cette lettre. I agreed to write that letter. I agreed to write this letter. Je ne regrette rien. I have no regrets. I don't regret anything. Je ne veux pas te faire avoir de faux espoirs, un point c'est tout. I just don't want to get your hopes up. I don't want you to have any false hopes, that's all. Mélange la soupe. Stir the soup. Mix the soup. Jouons aux jeux vidéo ou à d'autres choses. Lets play video games or something. Let's play video games or other things. Les parents planifient aussi des mariages arrangés, ce qui est une façon polie de dire qu'ils vendent ou échangent leurs enfants. Parents also arrange marriages, which is a polite way of saying that they sell or trade their children. Parents also plan arranged marriages, which is a polite way of saying that they sell or exchange their children. Les vêtements mouillés collent au corps. Wet clothes cling to the body. Wet clothes stick to the body. Combien de mots devriez-vous écrire ? How many words should you write? How many words should you write? Vous n'avez pas le droit d'assister à la réunion. You are not entitled to attend the meeting. You have no right to attend the meeting. Ce livre t'aidera à écrire de manière efficace. This book will help you write effectively. This book will help you write effectively. En C, les noms de variables sont sensibles à la casse. Variable names in C are case sensitive. In C, variable names are case sensitive. Le ciel était sombre. The sky was dark. The sky was dark. Je ne suis pas du tout aussi intéressé par les Questions Fréquemment Posées que par les Réponses Fréquemment Données. I'm nowhere as much interested in the Frequently Asked Questions as I am in the Frequently Given Answers. I am not at all as interested in Frequently Asked Questions as I am in Frequently Asked Questions. Ton amitié signifie beaucoup pour moi. Your friendship means much to me. Your friendship means a lot to me. Je ne vous le permettrai pas. I will not permit it. I won't let you. Quoiqu'il arrive, je veux que tu saches que je t'aime. Whatever happens, I want you to know I love you. Whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you. Mes parents étaient opposés à notre mariage. My parents were opposed to our marriage. My parents were opposed to our marriage. Ils vont prendre soin de Tom. They'll take care of Tom. They're gonna take care of Tom. Je m'y suis rendu pour le rencontrer. I went there to meet him. I went there to meet him. Ce livre contient beaucoup de belles images. This book has lots of pretty picures. This book contains many beautiful images. Salut, comment ça va ? Hi, how are you? Hey, how are you? Je ne vois pas cela comme un problème. I don't see that as a problem. I don't see that as a problem. Tu veux sortir d'ici, non ? You want to get out of here, don't you? You want to get out of here, don't you? J'attends avec impatience d'entendre ton opinion à ce sujet. I eagerly await hearing your opinion on this subject. I look forward to hearing your views on this. Mademoiselle Baker savait que le jeune homme devrait partir très bientôt, elle décida alors de lui demander de bouger un peu sa voiture, afin qu'elle puisse garer la sienne à une bonne place pour la nuit avant d'aller se coucher. Miss Baker knew that the young man would have to leave very soon, so she decided to ask him to move his car a bit, so that she could park hers in the proper place for the night before going to bed. Miss Baker knew that the young man should leave very soon, so she decided to ask her to move her car a little, so that she could park hers in a good place for the night before going to bed. Elle m'a invité à sa fête d'anniversaire. She invited me to her birthday party. She invited me to her birthday party. Où partez-vous ? Devrions-nous venir avec vous ? Where are you off to? Should we come with? Should we come with you? Jane ne viendra plus me voir. Jane won't come to meet me any more. Jane's not coming to see me anymore. Je fumais beaucoup avant, mais j'ai arrêté. I used to smoke a lot, but I have given up smoking now. I used to smoke a lot, but I quit. Je pensais que vous me détestiez. I thought you hated me. I thought you hated me. Elle ne sait pas de quoi parler avec lui. She doesn't know what to talk with him about. She doesn't know what to talk to him about. J'en ai profité pour visiter Rome. I took the opportunity to visit Rome. I took the opportunity to visit Rome. Pendant le tremblement de terre de 2011 du Tohoku, les vagues du tsunami ont atteint une hauteur de 37,9 mètres. During the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, the height of the tsunami waves reached up to 37.9 meters. During the 2011 earthquake in Tohoku, tsunami waves reached a height of 37.9 metres. Le blanc est une couleur de voiture populaire. White is a popular car color. White is a popular car color. Rien de cela n'est important. None of that matters. None of this is important. Je n'ai besoin d'aucune aide. I don't need any help. I don't need any help. Je suppose que tu veux utiliser mon bureau. I suppose you want to use my office. I guess you want to use my office. Il parle comme s'il savait tout. He talks as if he knows everything. He talks like he knows everything. Puis-je dire un mot à Tom en privé? Can I have a word with Tom in private? Can I say a word to Tom in private? Tu ferais mieux de changer tes habitues alimentaires. You'd better change your eating habits. You better change your usual food. Il a tenté en vain de résoudre le problème. He tried in vain to solve the problem. He tried in vain to solve the problem. Ceux-ci sont mes livres et ceux-là sont ses livres. These are my books, and those are his books. These are my books and these are his books. Où étiez-vous, il y a trois ans ? Where were you three years ago? Where were you three years ago? Conduisez prudemment. Drive safely. Drive carefully. Sais-tu où ton père est allé ? Do you know where your father went? Do you know where your father went? Je vous remercie, Capitaine Évidence. Thank you, Captain Obvious. Thank you, Captain Evidence. Je ne peux pas rattraper Tom. I can't catch up with Tom. I can't catch Tom. Je vais regarder ça dans Google. I will look it up on Google. I'll take a look at this in Google. Je ne sais pas d'où il est venu. I don't know where it came from. I don't know where he came from. Il est temps de dire les choses. It's time to say things. It's time to say things. As-tu ce nouveau livre ? Do you have this new book? Do you have this new book? Pour maîtriser une langue, il faut énormément de pratique. It takes a great deal of practice to master a foreign language. To master a language, it takes a lot of practice. Parce que Tom avait manqué le car, il prit un taxi. Because Tom had missed the bus, he took a taxi. Because Tom missed the bus, he took a cab. Je suis nerveux et excité. I'm nervous and excited. I'm nervous and excited. Qu'est-ce qui vous a effrayée ? What scared you? What scared you? Je veux faire ça à la maison. I want to do this at home. I want to do this at home. Merci pour votre lettre. Thank you for your letter. Thank you for your letter. Peut-être que ce que tu dis est vrai. Maybe what you said is true. Maybe what you're saying is true. Elle lui a transmis des signaux contradictoires. She gave him mixed signals. She gave him contradictory signals. Ciel, je suis perdu ! Heavens, I'm lost! Oh, my God, I'm lost! Les prévisions météo ne sont pas nécessairement fiables. The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable. Weather forecasts are not necessarily reliable. L'anglais est dur, n'est-ce pas ? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? J'aime bien chez vous. I like your place. I like your place. Dire la vérité est bien plus facile que de mentir. Telling the truth is much easier than lying. To tell the truth is much easier than to lie. Tom est un truand. Tom is a gangster. Tom's a hooker. Nous avons marché plus vite que d'habitude. We walked more quickly than usual. We walked faster than usual. C'est trop salé. This is too salty. It's too salty. Je ne pouvais dormir. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. Tom ne se sent vraiment pas bien. Tom isn't feeling at all well. Tom really doesn't feel well. N'es-tu pas intéressé par l'apprentissage du français ? Aren't you interested in learning French? Aren't you interested in learning French? J'ai pris conscience que je ne pouvais l'emporter. I realized I couldn't win. I realized I couldn't take it. Je ne peux le faire seul. J'ai besoin de ton aide. I can't do it alone. I need your help. I can't do it alone, I need your help. Tom nous a demandé de baisser la musique. Tom asked us to turn down the music. Tom asked us to turn the music down. Aujourd'hui c'est mercredi, n'est-ce pas ? Today is Wednesday, yes? Today's Wednesday, isn't it? Quand avez-vous passé l'examen ? When did you take the exam? When did you pass the exam? Je n'ai personne qui m'écoutera. I don't have anybody who'll listen to me. I don't have anyone who will listen to me. Je ne suis pas heureuse. I'm not happy. I'm not happy. Crois-tu vraiment ceci ? Do you really believe this? Do you really believe this? Ce n'est pas la peine de se faire du souci. There's no need to worry. You don't have to worry about it. Je pouvais à peine l'entendre. I could hardly hear him. I could hardly hear it. Je veux effectuer quelques changements. I want to make some changes. I want to make some changes. Vous êtes tellement prévisibles ! You're so predictable. You're so predictable! Tout le monde était éberlué qu'elle fut capable d'être enceinte à quarante-huit ans. Everyone was just flabbergasted that she was able to get pregnant at 48. Everyone was baffled that she was able to be pregnant at 48 years of age. Vous sentez-vous chanceux ? Do you feel lucky? Are you feeling lucky? Ma montre perd dix minutes par jour. My watch loses ten minutes a day. My watch loses ten minutes a day. T'en penses quoi du Japon ? What do you think of Japan? What do you think of Japan? Je n'aime pas vivre dans un endroit si bruyant. I dislike living in such a noisy place. I don't like living in such a noisy place. Où se trouve le reste de la classe ? Where's the rest of our class? Where's the rest of the class? Je te dois une bière. I owe you a beer. I owe you a beer. Le même jour, Apollo 11 se posait avec succès sur la surface de la Lune. On the same day, Apollo 11 succeeded in landing on the moon's surface. On the same day, Apollo 11 landed successfully on the surface of the Moon. Écrivez votre nom, s'il vous plaît. Please write down your name. Please write your name. Peux-tu nous en parler ? Can you tell us about it? Can you tell us about it? Il se mit à pleurer. He started to cry. He began to cry. Je pense être un gars qu'on apprécie... I think I'm a likeable guy... I think I'm a guy we like... Le soldat retourna chez lui en permission. The soldier returned home on a furlough. The soldier returned home on leave. Je vous ai amené un cadeau. I brought a present for you. I brought you a present. Va dans ta chambre et attends là jusqu'à ce que je t'appelle. Go to your room and wait there until I call you. Go to your room and wait there until I call you. Les Chinois de Hong-Kong, qui ne connaissent que l'anglais comme langue étrangère, n'apprennent jamais l'usage efficace de l'alphabet latin. Hong Kong Chinese who know only English as a foreign language never learn the efficient use of the Roman alphabet. The Chinese of Hong Kong, who know only English as a foreign language, never learn the effective use of the Latin alphabet. Elle ouvrit la porte. She opened the door. She opened the door. Ce n'est pas votre bureau. This isn't your office. This isn't your office. Dites-moi ce qui s'est réellement passé ! Tell me what really happened. Tell me what really happened! Peut-être que Tom aurait dû faire ça. Perhaps Tom should've done that. Maybe Tom should have done that. Je veux payer par chèque. I want to pay with a check. I want to pay by check. Vous ne semblez pas aussi organisées que Tom. You don't seem to be as organized as Tom seems to be. You don't seem as organized as Tom. Dis tous les jours à ta femme que tu l'aimes. Tell your wife every day that you love her. Tell your wife every day that you love her. Je suis bilingue. I'm bilingual. I'm bilingual. Peut-être devrions-nous continuer à regarder. Maybe we should keep looking. Maybe we should keep looking. J'ai failli tomber dans les pommes. I almost passed out. I almost fell in the apples. Vous pensez que j'ignore ce qui se passe ? You think I don't know what's going on? You think I don't know what's going on? Il y a des points communs entre le coréen et le japonais. Japanese has something in common with Korean. There are commonalities between Korean and Japanese. Pourquoi devez-vous toujours être impliqués ? Why do you always have to get involved? Why do you always have to be involved? Ma sœur aime danser. My sister likes to dance. My sister likes to dance. Ce n'est pas un de mes amis. He is no friend of mine. He's not a friend of mine. Je n'en rêverais jamais. I'd never dream of it. I'd never dream of it. Avez-vous entendu dire que ce voyant nain s'est échappé de prison ? Il y a un petit médium en liberté ! Have you heard that a psychic dwarf just escaped from prison? There's a small medium at large! Have you heard that this dwarf clairvoyant escaped from prison? N'arrête pas de jouer. Don't stop playing. Don't stop playing. Je lui raconterai la nouvelle dès que je le verrai. I will tell him the news as soon as I see him. I'll tell him the news as soon as I see him. Il a retiré tout ce qu'il a dit. He took back everything he said. He took away everything he said. Il est si grand ! It's so big! He's so big! Sais-tu ce que Tom portait ? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Do you know what Tom was wearing? Pourquoi tu me cries dessus ? What are you yelling at me for? Why are you yelling at me? « Qui est-ce ? » « C'est ta mère. » "Who is it?" "It's your mother." "Who is it?" "It's your mother." Jason, qui était en charge du projet, a été renvoyé pour cause de corruption. Jason, who was in charge of the project, was dismissed for corruption. Jason, who was in charge of the project, was dismissed because of corruption. Parce qu'il est temps que tu grandisses. Because it's time you grew up. Because it's time for you to grow up. Le problème, c'est que tu n'es pas assez patiente. The problem is you're not patient enough. The problem is, you're not patient enough. Il a tenté, sans succès, d'escalader la clôture. He attempted to climb the fence to no avail. He tried, without success, to climb the fence. Un enseignant ne devrait jamais se moquer d'un élève qui fait une faute. A teacher should never make fun of a pupil who makes a mistake. A teacher should never make fun of a student who makes a mistake. Tom ne prend pas son travail au sérieux. Tom doesn't take his job very seriously. Tom doesn't take his job seriously. Quel est ce bâtiment ? What's that building? What's this building? Comme écrivain, elle ne peut pas être classée dans les catégories habituelles. As a writer, she does not fit into any of the traditional categories. As a writer, it cannot be classified in the usual categories. Il semblait légèrement jaloux. He sounded slightly jealous. He seemed slightly jealous. Voulez-vous manger quelque chose ? Would you like something to eat? Would you like something to eat? Elle me toucha l'épaule. She touched my shoulder. She touched my shoulder. Il parle comme s'il avait vraiment étudié à l'étranger. He speaks as if he had really studied abroad. He talks like he's really studying abroad. Est-ce que je viens de faire ça ? Did I just do that? Did I just do that? À chacun son truc ! Each to their own! Everyone's got their own thing! Elle n'est pas assez riche pour gaspiller de l'argent. She is not rich enough to waste money. She's not rich enough to waste money. Toutes moururent. All of them died. They all died. Elle est allée en Amérique dans le but d'étudier la médecine. She went to America with a view to studying medicine. She went to America to study medicine. De quelle taille est ta maison ? How big is your house? How big is your house? Quoi de neuf ? Comment se passe ton nouvel emploi ? What's new with you? How is your new job working out? What's up, how's your new job going? Passons en revue les éléments de preuve. Let's review the evidence. Let's look at the evidence. N'oublie pas ton passeport. Don't forget your passport. Don't forget your passport. Je n'avais pas compris un mot de ce que John venait de dire. I didn't hear a word of what Tom just said. I didn't understand a word John just said. Je ne vais pas bien. I am not good. I'm not well. Elle n'est plus mon amie. She is no longer my friend. She's not my friend anymore. Je vais m'occuper de ce client. I'm going to take care of that customer. I'll take care of this client. Pourquoi veux-tu acheter ce livre ? Why do you want to buy this book? Why do you want to buy this book? Puis-je emprunter ton kohl ? Could I borrow your eyeliner? Can I borrow your kohl? M. Serrurier boit du café. Mr Smith is drinking coffee. Mr. Serrurier drinks coffee. J'achèterai une voiture. I will buy a car. I'll buy a car. Personne ne se soucie de moi. No one cares about me. Nobody cares about me. Le feu a été déclenché par des enfants qui jouaient avec des allumettes. The fire was brought about by children's playing with matches. The fire was triggered by children playing with matches. Apporte-moi de l'eau ! Bring me some water. Bring me some water! Elle est débutante. She is a beginner. She's a beginner. Ce n'était pas aussi facile que je le pensais. It wasn't as easy as I thought. It wasn't as easy as I thought it was. Vous auriez dû le faire avec nous. You should have done it with us. You should have done it with us. Je me suis garée sur la rue en face de ta maison. I parked on the street in front of your house. I parked on the street in front of your house. Et depuis notre fondation, les Musulmans Américains ont enrichi les États-Unis. Ils ont combattu dans nos guerres, servi dans le gouvernement, défendu les droits civiques, entrepris des affaires, enseigné dans nos universités, excellé dans nos arènes sportives, emporté des prix Nobel, construit nos plus hauts bâtiments, et allumé la flamme olympique. And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States. They have fought in our wars, served in government, stood for civil rights, started businesses, taught at our Universities, excelled in our sports arenas, won Nobel Prizes, built our tallest building, and lit the Olympic Torch. And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States. They have fought in our wars, served in government, defended civil rights, undertaken business, taught at our universities, excelled in our sports arenas, won Nobel Prizes, built our tallest buildings, and lit the Olympic flame. Je veux aller faire des courses. I'm going to do some shopping. I want to go shopping. Si j'avais voulu ton opinion, je te l'aurais demandée. If I had wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it. If I had wanted your opinion, I would have asked you. Tom est couché sur le ventre. Tom is lying on his stomach. Tom is lying on his stomach. Vous avez remporté un prix au concours d'orthographe, non? You won a prize in the spelling competition, didn't you? You won a prize in the spelling contest, didn't you? Tom a dit que Mary faisait tout le temps cela. Tom said that Mary always does that. Tom said Mary was doing this all the time. Elle n'avait pas l'intention de se disputer avec lui. She didn't intend to argue with him. She had no intention of arguing with him. Que pensez-vous de ceux-ci ? What do you think of these? What do you think of these? C'est complètement insensé. That's absolute nonsense. This is completely insane. Elle fut la première de sa classe. She was the valedictorian of her class. She was the first in her class. Es-tu capable de voir dans l'obscurité de la nuit ? Can you see in the darkness of the night? Are you able to see in the darkness of the night? La télé est restée allumée toute la nuit. The TV was on all night. The TV's been on all night. Appuyer sur ce bouton pour démarrer la machine. Press this button to start the machine. Press this button to start the machine. Son autobiographie est sortie aujourd'hui et était en rupture de stock dans la matinée. His autobiography was released today and was sold out by noon. His autobiography came out today and was out of stock in the morning. J'ai attrapé une grosse araignée à la cave et elle est maintenant dans un bocal dans ma chambre. I caught a big spider in the cellar and she's now in a jar in my room. I caught a big spider in the basement and she's now in a jar in my room. Je ne veux plus entendre de plaintes vous concernant. I don't want to hear another complaint about you. I don't want to hear any more complaints about you. J'étudie les mathématiques plus sérieusement que l'anglais. I study math harder than English. I study mathematics more seriously than English. Tout ce qui les intéressait était de vendre des livres. They were only interested in selling books. All they cared about was selling books. Veuillez le faire faire par quelqu'un d'autre. Please have someone else do it. Please have someone else do it. Cette théorie est vraie pour le Japon. This theory is true of Japan. This theory is true for Japan. Elle détourna son visage afin qu'il ne voie pas ses larmes. She turned her face away so he wouldn't see her tears. She turned away her face so that he wouldn't see her tears. Il me traite en enfant. He treats me like a child. He treats me as a child. Je suis très fier de Tom. I'm very proud of Tom. I'm very proud of Tom. Sa voiture était immobilisée dans une neige profonde. His car was stuck in knee-deep snow. His car was immobilized in deep snow. Parlez-vous français ? Can you speak French? Do you speak French? Son seul désir était de revoir son fils une fois de plus. His only wish was to see his son again one more time. His only desire was to see his son again. Que dis-tu d'une tasse de café bien chaud ? How about a cup of hot coffee? How about a hot cup of coffee? Il ne fut pas impressionné. He was not impressed. He wasn't impressed. Depuis le début de l'humanité, rien n'a changé, et rien ne changera. Since the beginning of humanity, nothing has changed and nothing will change. Since the beginning of humanity, nothing has changed, and nothing will change. Essaie encore. Try again. Try again. Le langage a été inventé pour véhiculer du sens. C'est sans doute la forme de communication humaine la plus directe. Language was invented to convey meaning. It's arguably the most direct form of human communication. Language was invented to convey meaning. It is probably the most direct form of human communication. Elle s'est enquise de toi. She asked about you. She asked about you. Il y a eu une forte participation aux élections. There was a high turnout to the election. There was strong turnout in the elections. Êtes-vous sûr que c'est le bon train ? Are you sure this is the right train? Are you sure this is the right train? Qu'est-ce qui t'a mis si en colère ? What made you so angry? What made you so angry? Je sais que Tom est gêné. I know Tom is self-conscious. I know Tom's embarrassed. Thomas obtenait une fois et demie son salaire lorsqu'il travaillait au-delà de son heure de départ habituelle. Tom got time and a half when he worked beyond his usual quitting time. Thomas obtained one and a half times his salary when he worked beyond his usual time of departure. Est-ce que nous vous dérangeons ? Are we disturbing you? Do we bother you? Demain a lieu son anniversaire. Tomorrow is her birthday. Tomorrow's his birthday. Nous ne pourrons pas arriver au port à temps. Prenons un raccourci. We won't be able to arrive at the harbor in time. Let's take a shortcut. We can't get to the port in time. Let's take a shortcut. L'homme le plus riche du monde ne peut acheter son amour. The richest man in the world cannot buy her love. The richest man in the world cannot buy his love. Je n'ai pas eu de tes nouvelles. Je me demandais si peut-être mon courrier électronique ne t'était jamais parvenu. I have not heard from you. I was wondering if maybe my mail never got to you. I didn't hear from you. I was wondering if maybe my e-mail had ever reached you. Je refuse de vous obéir plus longtemps. I refuse to obey you any longer. I refuse to obey you any longer. Si tu pouvais faire ça pour moi, je l'apprécierais. If you could do that for me, I'd appreciate it. If you could do this for me, I'd appreciate it. Qu'est-il advenu de ta fierté ? Whatever happened to your pride? What happened to your pride? Je prête de l'argent. I lend money. I'm lending money. Les relations intermittentes peuvent être émotionnellement épuisantes. On-again, off-again relationships can be emotionally draining. Intermittent relationships can be emotionally exhausting. Mme Blanche ordonna à Tom de rester après l'école. Ms. White ordered that Tom should stay after school. Mrs. Blanche ordered Tom to stay after school. Nous ferions mieux de nous grouiller. We better hurry. We'd better hurry up. Allons dans la cage d'escalier pour parler. Let's go in the staircase so we can talk. Let's go to the stairwell to talk. Il n'est pas encore venu. Il a certainement manqué le bus. He hasn't come yet. He will certainly have missed the bus. He hasn't come yet. He certainly missed the bus. Je ne peux pas vous dire la vérité. I can't tell you the truth. I can't tell you the truth. Elle m'a demandé si j'allais bien. She asked me if I was all right. She asked me if I was okay. C'est la fille de mes rêves. She is my dream girl. She's the daughter of my dreams. Qu'est-ce qui te mord? What's biting you? What's biting you? Tom est le capitaine de l'équipe de foot et il fait aussi partie de l'équipe de base-ball. Tom is captain of the football team and is on the baseball team as well. Tom is the captain of the football team and he is also part of the baseball team. Vivaldi a écrit beaucoup de musique pour basson. Vivaldi wrote a lot of music for the bassoon. Vivaldi wrote a lot of music for bassoon. Pourquoi ne nous parles-tu pas, maintenant ? Why don't you talk to us now? Why don't you talk to us now? Je vais laisser Tom répondre. I'm going to let Tom respond. I'll let Tom answer. Je suis là, veux-tu clavarder ? I'm here. Do you want to chat? I'm here. Do you want to chat? Elle connaît bien les dernières modes. She knows a lot about the latest fashions. She's familiar with the latest fashions. C'est une citation du livre. It's a quote from the book. It's a quote from the book. Je lui rendrai visite demain. I'll visit him tomorrow. I'll pay him a visit tomorrow. La pieuvre ne sort de sa tanière que pour chercher de la nourriture ou à des fins de reproduction. The octopus only exits its lair to look for food or for reproductive purposes. The octopus comes out of its den only to seek food or for reproductive purposes. Nous n'avons pas les mêmes valeurs. We don't share the same values. We don't have the same values. Mon pays se situe en Afrique du Nord, au sud de la mer méditerranéenne. My country is situated in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. My country is located in North Africa, south of the Mediterranean Sea. Tom est le deuxième prénom de votre mari, n'est-ce pas ? Tom is your husband's middle name, isn't it? Tom is your husband's middle name, isn't he? Les congés d'été sont passés. The summer vacation is over. Summer leave is over. Je fis ce que je pensais devoir faire. I did what I thought I should do. I did what I thought I had to do. Tout est sous contrôle. Everything is under control. Everything's under control. Cet homme est kenyan. That man is Kenyan. This man is Kenyan. Pauvre chatte. Poor cat. Poor pussy. Ils étaient très perplexes. They were very confused. They were very perplexed. Tom n'a pas pu parler à la réunion. Tom wasn't able to talk at the meeting. Tom couldn't talk at the meeting. Ce garçon me fait perdre la tête avec tous ses petits jeux. This boy's got my head tied in knots with all his games. That boy makes me lose my mind with all his little games. Quelque chose se passe, ici. Something is going on here. Something's going on here. Elle donna naissance à un garçon. She gave birth to a baby boy. She gave birth to a boy. La maison semblait vide. The house seemed empty. The house seemed empty. Êtes-vous célibataires ? Are you bachelors? Are you single? Je n'ai fait que ce que je pensais que tu voudrais que je fisse. I just did what I thought you'd want me to do. I only did what I thought you would want me to do. Il arrivait, que je sois là, quand elle téléphonait. It happened that I was present when she called. I used to be there when she called. Il n'est pas naturel pour une mère de survivre à son enfant. It's not natural for a mother to outlive her child. It is not natural for a mother to survive her child. Le roi a enlevé ses vêtements. The king got undressed. The king took off his clothes. Vous ne voulez pas voir ça, si ? You don't want to see this, do you? You don't want to see that, do you? Fumer est mauvais pour votre santé. Smoking is harmful to your health. Smoking is bad for your health. À qui est ce téléphone ? Whose phone is this? Whose phone is that? Qui d'autre connaît ton secret ? Who else knows about your secret? Who else knows your secret? Gardez un œil sur les bagages. Keep an eye on the bags. Keep an eye on the luggage. Le vieil homme fut affamé jusqu'à la mort. The old man was starved to death. The old man was hungry until death. J'aime cuisiner. I love to cook. I like to cook. Êtes-vous drogués ? Are you on dope? Are you drugged? Tom déteste qu'on lui dise de se dépêcher. Tom hates being told to hurry. Tom hates telling him to hurry. Je peux dire que tu es fâché. I can tell you're upset. I can say you're upset. Paul sautait en tous sens, réjoui d'avoir gagné. Paul jumped everywhere, delighted to have won. Paul was jumping in every direction, glad to have won. J'ai oublié de fermer la porte à clé. I forgot to lock the door. I forgot to lock the door. J'ai passé l'aspirateur dans les chambres pendant toute la matinée. I've been vacuuming the rooms all morning. I've been vacuuming in the rooms all morning. Il est vrai que je veux la connaître. It's true that I want to know it. It's true that I want to know her. Comment en es-tu venu à penser cela ? How did you come to think of that? How did you come to think that? Elle a hérité le tempérament de son grand-père. She derives her temper from her grandfather. She inherited her grandfather's temperament. J'ai pris conscience que je ne pouvais pas l'emporter. I realized I couldn't win. I realized I couldn't take it. Je ne comprends rien à ce que vous dites. I don't understand a thing you're saying. I don't understand what you're saying. Vous êtes déloyale. You're disloyal. You're unfair. Je ne veux pas vous déranger, les mecs, pendant que vous travaillez. I don't want to bother you guys while you're working. I don't want to bother you guys while you're working. Le football ne plaît pas à mon père. My father doesn't like football. My dad doesn't like football. Nous avons mangé ensemble. We ate together. We ate together. Pour la première fois de sa vie, Yuka a terminé la lecture d'un livre en langue anglaise. For the first time in his life, Yuka finished reading an entire book in English. For the first time in his life, Yuka finished reading an English-language book. Es-tu prêt à entendre la mauvaise nouvelle ? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Are you ready to hear the bad news? Il m'a appelé le jour même. He called me the same day. He called me the same day. Le soleil brille, aujourd'hui. It is sunny today. The sun shines today. Je vais faire une radiographie de votre dentition. I'll take some X-rays of your teeth. I'll do an X-ray of your teeth. C'est ce que j'adore chez elle. That's what I love about her. That's what I love about her. Comment passiez-vous vos vacances ? How did you spend your vacation? How did you spend your vacation? Le téléphone est sur la table. The phone is on the table. The phone's on the table. Nous non plus n'avons plus d'œufs. We don't have any eggs left either. Neither do we have eggs. Ça m'a l'air d'être un bon plan. It sounds like a good plan. Sounds like a good plan to me. Je répondrai à cette question. I'll answer that question. I will answer that question. Je sens une connexion intense avec lui. I feel a deep connection to him. I feel an intense connection with him. Où sont toutes les autres ? Where's everyone else? Where are all the others? Je suis un idiot ! Tuez-moi, quelqu'un ! I am an idiot! Kill me somebody! I'm an idiot! Tom enseigne le français aux enfants. Tom teaches French to children. Tom teaches French to children. J'emploie un nouvel ordinateur. I'm using a new computer. I'm using a new computer. Es-tu prête à partir ? Are you ready to go? Are you ready to go? Je connais ton père. I know your father. I know your father. Quoi que tu fasses, je t'aimerai toujours. No matter what you do, I'll still love you. Whatever you do, I'll always love you. J'ai vraiment apprécié cela. I really liked that. I really enjoyed that. Je m'étais à peine inscrit dans le registre de l'hôtel qu'il m'a appelé au téléphone. I had hardly checked in at the hotel when he called me. I had barely registered in the hotel register that he called me on the phone. Cette semaine, les élèves n'ont pas le droit d'entrer dans la salle des professeurs. The students must not enter the teachers' room this week. This week, students are not allowed to enter the teachers' room. Il n'y a aucun livre sous le bureau. There are not any books under the desk. There are no books under the desk. C'est un véritable colosse. He is a true colossus. He's a real colossus. Je vais assez bien. I'm doing pretty well. I'm pretty good. Mary est arrivée trop tard à la gare, alors elle a raté le train. Mary got to the station too late, so she missed the train. Mary arrived too late at the station, so she missed the train. Comment sait-elle cela ? How does she know that? How does she know that? D'une part je suis occupé, d'autre part, je ne suis pas intéressé. For one thing, I'm busy; for another, I'm not interested. On the one hand, I'm busy, on the other, I'm not interested. Dis-moi que tu n'es pas sérieuse ! Tell me you're not serious! Tell me you're not serious! Je suis heureux de ne pas être né avant la découverte du thé. I am glad I was not born before tea. I'm glad I wasn't born before the tea was discovered. Est-ce que ça va, si je m'assois ici ? Is it OK if I sit here? Are you okay if I sit here? Fais-le entrer. Bring him in. Let him in. Il manque d'esprit de décision. He is lacking in decisiveness. He lacks a sense of decision. Il était curieux du goût que ça aurait, alors il en mordit un petit morceau. He was curious about how it would taste, so he took a small bite. He was curious about the taste it would have, so he bit a little bit of it. La phrase numéro 888,888 apportera des années de chance à son propriétaire. Sentence Number 888,888 will bring its owner years upon years of luck. The phrase number 888.888 will bring years of luck to its owner. En avons-nous terminé, ici ? Are we done here? Are we done here? Le médecin m'a dit de me coucher. The doctor told me to go to bed. The doctor told me to go to bed. Nous avons maintenant un peu de temps. We have a bit of time now. We now have some time. Quel est le poids de ta valise ? What's the weight of your suitcase? What's the weight of your suitcase? Passer du temps avec ta bien-aimée devrait être en tête de la liste de tes priorités. Spending time with your significant other should be high on your priority list. Spending time with your beloved should be at the top of your list of priorities. Le coût est un facteur décisif dans la décision que nous avons prise. Cost is a definite factor in making our decision. Cost is a decisive factor in the decision we have made. S'il vous plaît, ne me laissez pas tout seul ici. Please don't leave me here by myself. Please don't leave me here alone. Qu'est-ce que la tolérance ? C'est l'apanage de l'humanité. Nous sommes tous pétris de faiblesses et d'erreurs ; pardonnons-nous réciproquement nos sottises, c'est la première loi de la nature. What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly — that is the first law of nature. What is tolerance? It is the prerogative of humanity. We are all filled with weaknesses and errors; let us forgive each other our foolishness, it is the first law of nature. Le malheur ne vient jamais seul. Misfortunes never come singly. Unhappiness never comes alone. Je n'ai pas le temps de t'aider maintenant. I don't have time to help you now. I don't have time to help you now. Il travaille dur dans le but d'étudier à l'étranger. He works hard so that he can study abroad. He works hard to study abroad. Elle est à peu près de la même taille que moi. She is about as tall as me. She's about the same size as me. Que ferais-tu si tu perdais ton emploi ? What would you do, if you lost your job? What would you do if you lost your job? Pourquoi ne veux-tu pas me dire ce qui se passe? Why you don't want to tell me what's going on? Why don't you tell me what's going on? Je vous ai dit de ne pas faire ça. I told you not to do that. I told you not to do that. Je suis gavé. I've had enough. I'm messed up. Malheureusement, il pleut aujourd'hui. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Unfortunately, it's raining today. Ils ont oublié que je vais leur rendre visite aujourd'hui ? Did they forget I'm going to visit them today? Did they forget that I'm going to visit them today? Plutôt mort que rouge. Better dead than red. More dead than red. N'importe quoi auquel tu es bon contribue au bonheur. Anything you're good at contributes to happiness. Anything you're good at contributes to happiness. C'est trop piquant pour moi. It's too spicy for me. It's too hot for me. Luc, je suis ton fils. Luke, I am your son. Luc, I'm your son. De quelle taille est l'équipe ? How big is the team? How big is the team? Elle ne parle pas ma langue. She doesn't speak my language. She doesn't speak my language. Le noyau Linux est monolithique. The Linux kernel is monolithic. The Linux kernel is monolithic. Je suis votre serviteur. I'm your waiter. I'm your servant. Je veux un ordinateur individuel. I want a personal computer. I want an individual computer. Je vous suis reconnaissant de votre préoccupation. I appreciate your concern. I am grateful for your concern. Tom a demandé à Mary de surveiller les enfants. Tom asked Mary to watch the children. Tom asked Mary to watch the kids. Le bonheur ne s'achète pas. You cannot buy happiness. Happiness is not bought. Je suis allé camper en famille. I went camping with my family. I went camping with my family. Je me demande si le dîner est prêt. I wonder if dinner is ready. I wonder if dinner's ready. J'essaye juste de ne pas y penser. I just try not to think about it. I'm just trying not to think about it. Je me fais du souci au sujet de ta santé. I worry about your health. I'm worried about your health. Je ne le crois pas vraiment. I don't really think so. I don't really believe it. Comment puis-je réussir à obtenir un rendez-vous avec Nancy ? How can I succeed in getting a date with Nancy? How can I get an appointment with Nancy? Celui est gratuit. This one is free. This one's free. À toi de couper ! Your turn to split! It's up to you! Vous devez vous conformer aux règles de circulation. You must obey the traffic rules. You must comply with the traffic rules. Va tout droit. Go straight on. Go straight. Nous devrions probablement le dire à Tom. We should probably tell Tom. We should probably tell Tom. Elle s'abstient de boire. She abstains from drinking. She doesn't drink. Tom ne veut pas vraiment que je l'aide. Tom doesn't really want me to help him. Tom doesn't really want me to help him. L'administration a approuvé le budget. The administration approved the budget. The administration approved the budget. Lucie décida de révéler son amour. Lucy decided to reveal her love. Lucie decided to reveal her love. Merci pour le compliment ! Thanks for the compliment. Thank you for the compliment! Écoutez, je suis un peu occupée. Look, I'm a little busy. Look, I'm a little busy. Il y a une banque en face de la gare. There is a bank in front of the station. There's a bank in front of the station. Mais quoi qu'il arrive, elle ne mourra pas de cette maladie. No matter how bad it gets, she won't die from that disease. But whatever happens, she won't die of this disease. Je te donnerai cette caméra. I'll give you this camera. I'll give you that camera. Mon téléphone a une fonction d'identification de l'appelant qui me permet de filtrer mes appels. My phone has a caller ID that lets me screen my calls. My phone has a caller identification function that allows me to filter my calls. Il sera chez lui demain. He will be at home tomorrow. He'll be home tomorrow. Elle ne voulait pas qu'il aille à l'étranger. She didn't want him to go overseas. She didn't want him to go abroad. Tu dois remettre les rapports lundi. You have to turn in the reports on Monday. You have to file the reports on Monday. Nous avons assez de données. We have enough data. We have enough data. Montrez-moi votre langue. Stick out your tongue. Show me your tongue. J'ai l'impression que ça va mal se terminer. I feel like this is going to end badly. I feel like it's going to end badly. Pourquoi n'y a-t-il aucun argent dans mon portefeuille ? Why isn't there any money in my wallet? Why isn't there any money in my wallet? J'ai le sentiment de te connaître. I feel like I know you. I feel like I know you. Allez, action ! Come on, let's do it. Come on, action! Ils sont professeurs. They are professors. They're teachers. Elle rentra de l'hôpital. She returned from the hospital. She went home from the hospital. Il a dû réduire le prix de ses marchandises. He had to reduce the price of his wares. He had to cut the price of his goods. Ils sont très fiers d'être étudiants de ce collège. They are very proud of being students of that college. They are very proud to be students of this college. Ce magasin est-il ouvert le dimanche ? Is this store open on Sundays? Is this store open on Sundays? Sami et Layla étaient très attirés l'un par l'autre. Sami and Layla's attraction to each other was enormously intense. Sami and Layla were very attracted to each other. Chaque joueur fit de son mieux. Every player did his best. Each player did his best. C'est un homme qui a beaucoup d'expérience. He is a man of wide experience. He's a man with a lot of experience. Pourquoi n'arrêtes-tu pas de fumer ? Why don't you give up smoking? Why don't you stop smoking? Vous êtes nouvelle ici, n'est-ce pas ? You're new here, aren't you? You're new here, aren't you? J'ai toujours pensé que c'était la bonne chose à faire. I always thought this would be the right thing to do. I always thought it was the right thing to do. Elle croit son fils encore vivant. She believes her son is still alive. She believes her son still alive. Ses cheveux étaient si longs qu'ils touchaient le sol. Her hair was so long as to reach the floor. His hair was so long that they touched the ground. J'ai pensé que c'était le parfait moment pour partir. I thought it was the perfect time to leave. I thought this was the perfect time to leave. Je suis une petite enfant. I'm a little child. I'm a little child. J'ai beau essayer, je n'arrive pas à me rappeler comment le faire. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember how to do it. I'm trying, but I can't remember how to do it. Juifs, chrétiens et musulmans, nous sommes tous fils de Dieu. Jews, Christians and Moslems, we all are children of God. Jews, Christians and Muslims, we are all sons of God. Ils font partie de nous. They're part of us. They're part of us. Qui aurait fait cela ? Who would've done that? Who would have done that? Johannes aime jouer aux échecs. Johannes likes to play chess. Johannes likes playing chess. N'adores-tu simplement pas l'endroit ? Don't you just love it here? Don't you just love the place? Je voudrais téléphoner aux parents. I'd like to phone the parents. I'd like to call the parents. Je pense qu'il est hautement improbable que nous obtenions jamais la moindre aide du gouvernement national. I think it's highly unlikely that we'll ever get any help from the national government. I think it is highly unlikely that we will ever get any help from the national government. Mon nom est Roberto. My name is Roberto. My name is Roberto. Je viens de le découvrir. I just found out about it. I just found out. Il l'a giflée. He slapped her. He slapped her. Il me semble avoir oublié mon parapluie dans le train. I seem to have left my umbrella behind in the train. He seems to have forgotten my umbrella on the train. Tu es enseignante. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. J'essayai de lui remonter le moral. I tried to cheer her up. I tried to cheer him up. Où est-elle allée l'été dernier? Where did she go last summer? Where did she go last summer? Mon père vit et, donc, travaille à Tokyo. My father lives and works in Tokyo. My father lives and, therefore, works in Tokyo. Ni l'or ni la grandeur ne nous rendent heureux. Neither gold nor greatness make us happy. Neither gold nor greatness make us happy. Elle se sécha les yeux. She dried her eyes. She dried her eyes. Je veux faire partie de la solution, pas du problème. I want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. I want to be part of the solution, not the problem. Il a aplati mon chapeau. He squashed my hat flat. He flattened my hat. Les colons furent arrachés à leur terre. Settlers were forced off their land. The settlers were torn from their land. Ne compte pas sur lui pour te prêter de l'argent. Don't reckon that he'd lend you some money. Don't count on him to lend you money. Fais ce qu'il dit ! Do what he says. Do what he says! Il entreprit de faire quelque chose qui n'avait jamais été fait auparavant. He set out to do something that had never been done before. He undertook to do something that had never been done before. Je me réjouis de te revoir. I'm glad to see you again. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Nous avons un gros chien. We have a big dog. We have a big dog. Ceci est un peigne en bois. This is a wooden comb. This is a wooden comb. Je n'ai pas encore pris de petit déjeuner. I have not eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Il a été proclamé roi par le peuple. The people acclaimed him King. He was proclaimed king by the people. Je ne pense pas être dénué d'imagination. I don't think I'm unimaginative. I don't think I have any imagination. Ça vous coûtera au moins 2000 yens pour le taxi. It will cost at least 2000 yen to take a taxi. It'll cost you at least 2,000 yen for the taxi. Tom est un lève-tôt. Tom is an early bird. Tom is an early riser. Vous avez l'air très bien. You look very good. You look great. Tom ne s'est pas réveillé tôt ce matin. Tom didn't wake up early this morning. Tom didn't wake up early this morning. Il marmonna quelque chose à mi-voix. He muttered something under his breath. He cursed something mid-voiced. Ce n'était que la partie émergée de l'iceberg. That was just the tip of the iceberg. It was only the tip of the iceberg. Je me sens un peu frustré. I feel kind of frustrated. I feel a little frustrated. Il vous faut le voir pour le croire. You must see it to believe it. You need to see him to believe it. Je ne vous laisserai plus jamais seule. I'll never leave you alone again. I'll never leave you alone again. Pressons pour être à l'heure à la réunion. Let's hurry to be in time for the meeting. Let's hurry to be on time at the meeting. La clé d'un problème se situe souvent dans la porte du voisin. The key to a situation often is in the neighbor's door. The key to a problem is often in the neighbour's door. Noël approche. Christmas is soon. Christmas is coming. Je l'ai entendue parler l'anglais couramment. I heard him speak fluent English. I heard her speak English fluently. Je ne pensais pas que vous me croiriez. I didn't think you'd believe me. I didn't think you'd believe me. Que prévois-tu de faire ? What do you plan to do? What are you planning to do? Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous tous les deux ensemble ? How long you two been together? How long have you two been together? Le maire m'a fourni une carte d'identité. The mayor provided me with an identity card. The mayor gave me an ID. Qu'avez-vous fait de l'appareil photo ? What did you do with the camera? What did you do with the camera? Ils le déclarèrent coupable. They adjudged him guilty. They found him guilty. Je pense qu'il se pourrait que vous l'aimiez. I think you might like it. I think you might like him. Ils ont analysé les résultats. They analyzed the results. They analyzed the results. Tom m'a dit qu'il était médecin. Tom told me he was a doctor. Tom told me he was a doctor. Ils m'ont dit qu'il y avait un problème avec la facture. They told me there was a problem with the invoice. They told me there was a problem with the bill. Tu aurais pu dire quelque chose ! You could have said something. You could have said something! Pour commencer, elle est trop jeune. To begin with, she is too young. To start with, she's too young. Avez-vous un compte bancaire ? Do you have a bank account? Do you have a bank account? Je veux qu'on me rende ma vie. I want my life back. I want my life back. N'importe quelle montre fera l'affaire pourvu qu'elle ne soit pas chère. Any watch will do, so long as it's cheap. Any watch will do the job as long as it's not expensive. Essayez-en ! Try some. Try it! Il n'y a pas un iota, pas une trace, pas même une ombre de véritable preuve quelconque. There is not an iota, not a scintilla, not a hint of any real evidence. There is not an iota, not a trace, not even a shadow of real evidence. En êtes-vous tout à fait certain ? Are you quite certain about it? Are you quite certain of that? Tom les regarda se dépêcher à travers les portes avec une expression de dégoût. Tom watched them hurry through the doors, a disagreeable expression on his face. Tom watched them hurry through the doors with an expression of disgust. Pour desserrer une vis, tourne-la vers la gauche. To loosen a screw, turn it to the left. To loosen a screw, turn it to the left. Il ne peut pas connaître la vérité. He can't know the truth. He can't know the truth. Se faire des amis est facile quand on est jeune. Making friends is easy when you're young. Making friends is easy when you're young. Vous êtes la seule en qui j'ai confiance. You're the only one I trust. You're the only one I trust. Ce n'est pas supposé se produire. This isn't supposed to be happening. It's not supposed to happen. Je pense que c'est mal de mentir. I think it's wrong to lie. I think it's wrong to lie. Je pensais que vous seriez impressionnée. I figured you'd be impressed. I thought you'd be impressed. Elle travaille très dur. She works very hard. She works very hard. Je ne suis plus aussi jeune qu'auparavant. I'm not as young as I used to be. I'm not as young as I used to be. Mon frère m'a acheté un petit jouet. My brother bought me a small toy. My brother bought me a little toy. Notre Deudeuche est tombée en panne. Our 2CV broke down. Our Deudeuche broke down. Elle n'a pas de frères et sœurs. She doesn't have any brothers or sisters. She has no brothers and sisters. Cesse de te conduire comme une enfant ! Quit acting like a child. Stop acting like a child! C'est tellement dingue. This is so crazy. This is so crazy. Tom est un homme pieux. Tom is a religious man. Tom is a pious man. Ce n'est pas idéal, mais on fera avec. It is not ideal, but we will make do. It's not ideal, but we'll do with it. Je suis très fatigué, mais je n'arrive pas à dormir. I'm very tired, but I can't get to sleep. I'm very tired, but I can't sleep. Je pense que vous avez un problème, Tom. I think you have a problem, Tom. I think you have a problem, Tom. Vous ne voulez pas prendre une chaise ? Won't you take a chair? Don't you want to take a chair? C'est une charmante jeune fille. She's a lovely young girl. She's a lovely girl. Ne savez-vous pas comme vous êtes belle ? Don't you know how beautiful you are? Don't you know how beautiful you are? Elle serait venue volontiers mais elle était en vacances. She would willingly come but she was on vacation. She would have been happy to come, but she was on vacation. Que font-ils de tout leur temps libre ? What do they do with all their leisure time? What do they do with all their free time? Je viens juste d'arriver ici. I have just come here. I just got here. La nature peut être féroce. Mother nature can be fierce. Nature can be fierce. Je vais le faire. I'll do it. I'll do it. Je viens d'être titularisé. I just got tenure. I've just been titularized. Est-ce la première fois que tu as ce genre de problème ? Is this the first time you've had this kind of problem? Is this the first time you've had this kind of problem? Combien de temps va-t-il rester au Japon ? How long is he going to stay in Japan? How long will he stay in Japan? Je sais que Tom n'est pas un homme avisé. I know Tom isn't a wise man. I know Tom is not a wise man. Avec le développement des réseaux, une quantité énorme et sans précédent de messages vole autour de la planète. With the development of networks a huge and unprecedented volume of messages flies around the world. With the development of networks, a huge and unprecedented amount of messages flies around the planet. Le taureau est plus fort que le toréador, mais il perd quasiment à chaque fois. The bull is stronger than the bullfighter, but he almost always loses. The bull is stronger than the toreador, but it loses almost every time. Je ne parviens pas à me souvenir de tous leurs noms. I can't remember all their names. I can't remember all their names. C'est un conte moral. It's a cautionary tale. It's a moral tale. Tenez, sentez ça. Here, smell this. Here, smell that. Vous êtes parfaite pour moi. You're perfect for me. You're perfect for me. Nous allons mettre la maison en gage de manière à pouvoir emprunter un peu d'argent. We'll use the house as collateral so we can borrow some money. We're going to pawn the house so we can borrow some money. Qui essaies-tu d'impressionner ? Who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to impress? Il pensait que c'était idiot. He thought it was stupid. He thought it was stupid. À quelle heure t'es-tu réveillée ? At what time did you wake up? What time did you wake up? J'ai été bien éduqué. I was raised right. I've been well educated. Je pouvais à peine endurer la douleur. I could hardly endure the pain. I could barely endure the pain. Dois-tu travailler, ce soir ? Do you have to work tonight? Do you have to work tonight? Les pêcheurs prirent des photos de leur prise. The fishermen took photos of their catch. The fishermen took pictures of their catch. Il a une dentition parfaite. He has perfect teeth. He has a perfect teething. Si tu ne manges pas rapidement, tu seras en retard à l'école! If you don't eat fast, you'll be late for school. If you don't eat fast, you'll be late for school! C'est assez spectaculaire. It's quite spectacular. It's pretty spectacular. Vous avez dormi dans le train. You slept on the train. You slept on the train. Ils lui pardonnèrent ses crimes. They forgave him for his crimes. They forgave him for his crimes. D'où penses-tu que nous sommes venues ? Where do you think we came from? Where do you think we came from? J'habite près de l'école, je rentre chez moi pour manger. Living near the school, I come home for lunch. I live near school, I go home to eat. Il a admis que c'était vrai. He admitted that it was true. He admitted it was true. Nous avons commis beaucoup d'erreurs. We have made many mistakes. We made a lot of mistakes. Je ne dispose pas de temps pour ça. I don't have time for that. I don't have time for this. Il serait prêt à donner un bras et une jambe pour l'avoir. He would give an arm and a leg for that. He'd be willing to give an arm and a leg to get it. Aujourd'hui c'est samedi. Today is Saturday. Today's Saturday. C'était une sacrée expérience. It was quite an experience. It was a hell of an experience. J'ai décidé de ne pas le faire. I decided not to do it. I decided not to. De plus en plus de gens décident de cesser de consommer de la viande. More and more people are deciding to stop eating meat. More and more people decide to stop eating meat. Ce journaliste a du flair pour les nouvelles. That reporter has a nose for news. This reporter has a flair for news. Je suis allé tôt au théâtre pour que je puisse avoir une bonne place. I went to the theater early so I could get a good seat. I went to the theater early so I could get a good place. Qui crois-tu que ce type soit ? Who do you think that guy is? Who do you think this guy is? J'ai été payé bien moins que ce à quoi je m'attendais. I got paid much less than I expected. I was paid a lot less than I expected. Je n'ai jamais pris conscience de combien vivre seul pouvait être épouvantable. I never realized how awful living all alone could be. I never realized how terrible it was to live alone. Vous avez tout foutu en l'air. You ruined everything. You screwed it up. Les serveurs se sont téléscopés et ont fait tomber leurs plateaux. The waiters bumped into each other and dropped their trays. The waiters telecoped and dropped their trays. Tu veux connaître la vérité, non ? You want to know the truth, don't you? You want to know the truth, don't you? Pourquoi m'aides-tu ? Why are you helping me? Why are you helping me? Le lendemain il est surtout resté à l'hôtel et a parlé à des amis et sympathisants. He stayed in his hotel most of the next day, talking to friends and supporters. The next day he stayed mostly at the hotel and spoke to friends and sympathizers. Je déteste ce jeu. I hate this game. I hate this game. Je ne vous l'avais pas dit exprès. I didn't not tell you on purpose. I didn't tell you on purpose. C'était obligatoire. It was mandatory. It was mandatory. Tu es à la fois mignon et gentil. You are both pretty and kind. You're both cute and nice. Nous sommes ici à cause de vous. We're here because of you. We're here because of you. Je pensais que j'étais sur le point d'être capturée, alors j'ai couru aussi vite que je pouvais. I thought I was about to be captured so I ran as fast as I could. I thought I was about to be captured, so I ran as fast as I could. C'est le lieu inoubliable où nous nous sommes rencontrés pour la première fois. This is the unforgettable place where we met each other for the first time. This is the unforgettable place where we met for the first time. Cette maison et ce terrain sont les miens. This house and this land are mine. This house and this land are mine. Je n'ai pas copié. I didn't cheat. I didn't copy. Je regarde toujours le bulletin météo avant de sortir le matin. I always watch the weather report before going out in the morning. I always look at the weather report before I get out in the morning. Ton anniversaire arrive bientôt. Your birthday is coming soon. Your birthday's coming soon. Il traça une ligne droite de son crayon. He drew a straight line with his pencil. He drew a straight line of his pencil. Historiquement, le golfe Persique appartient à l'Iran. Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran. Historically, the Persian Gulf belongs to Iran. Je pense que nous avons un problème. I think we've got a problem. I think we have a problem. Il avait tout faux. He was all wrong. He had it all wrong. Je n'ai jamais autant désiré quelque chose dans ma vie. I've never wanted anything so much in my life. I've never wanted anything so much in my life. Elles ont l'air désorientées. They look confused. They look disoriented. Le prix de l'essence ne cesse de monter. The cost of petrol keeps on going up. The price of gasoline continues to rise. Ce médicament fera des miracles en cas de nez bouché. This medicine will do wonders for a stuffed nose. This medicine will work miracles in the event of a clogged nose. Fais-moi confiance, tu ne veux pas savoir. Trust me, you don't want to know. Trust me, you don't want to know. Aucune étoile ne pouvait être vue dans le ciel. No stars could be seen in the sky. No stars could be seen in the sky. Le prix du pétrole est la plupart du temps le résultat de décisions politico-stratégiques. The price of petrol is, most of the time, a result of strategic political decisions. The price of oil is mostly the result of political-strategic decisions. Les voleurs ont ouvert la porte avec un passe-partout. The thieves opened the door with a pass key. The thieves opened the door with an all-out pass. Apporte-moi quelque chose à manger. Bring me something to eat. Bring me something to eat. Est-ce que nous sommes des écureuils fous ? Are we mad squirrels? Are we crazy squirrels? J'ai le dictionnaire. I have the dictionary. I have the dictionary. J'ai eu la chance de trouver un bon boulot. I had the luck to find a good job. I had the chance to get a good job. Elle est médecin. She is a doctor. She's a doctor. Le curé les a mariés dimanche dernier. The priest married them last Sunday. The priest married them last Sunday. Aucun de ces livres n'est utile. None of those books are useful. None of these books are useful. Je suis satisfaite de leur prestation. I'm pleased with their performance. I am satisfied with their performance. Qu'est ce mot ? What word is this? What's that word? Nous ferons de notre mieux. We will do our best. We'll do our best. J'ai vu un oiseau magnifique. I saw a beautiful bird. I saw a beautiful bird. Il est fan de golf. He is keen on golf. He's a golf fan. Mon Dieu, c'est si embarrassant ! Gosh, this is so embarrassing. Oh, my God, it's so embarrassing! Nous devons être prudentes. We have to be cautious. We need to be careful. La subtilité n'a jamais été votre fort. Subtlety never was your strong suit. Subtlety has never been your fort. Je veux que vous aidiez. I want you to help. I want you to help. Sa maladie est sans remède. Her illness is without a cure. His illness has no cure. Je suis pour toujours ton débiteur. I am forever in your debt. I'm your debtor forever. Il ne sait pas bien chanter. He can't sing well. He can't sing well. Tom discuta du problème avec Mary. Tom discussed the problem with Mary. Tom discussed the problem with Mary. La ville était pleine de soldats affamés. The city was full of hungry soldiers. The city was full of hungry soldiers. Je veux que vous arrêtiez, toutes les deux, de vous disputer. I want the two of you to quit arguing. I want you two to stop fighting. À quelle heure ferme-t-il ? What time does it close? What time does it close? Vous marchez vite ! You walk quickly! You're walking fast! Tom en a acheté une pour lui. Tom bought one for himself. Tom bought one for him. Nous abandonnons. We're quitting. We're giving up. Je veux que vous le fassiez immédiatement. I want you to do it at once. I want you to do it right away. Comment se fait-il que vous soyez toujours aussi énergique ? How is it that you're always so full of energy? How come you're always so energetic? Sami a semé la honte sur sa famille. Sami brought shame on his family. Sami sow shame on his family. Ne me laissez pas vous influencer ! Don't let me influence you. Don't let me influence you! L'appétit vient en mangeant, la soif s'en va en buvant. Appetite comes with eating, the thirst goes away with drinking. The appetite comes when you eat, the thirst goes away when you drink. Quel traitement suivez-vous en ce moment ? What treatment are you following right now? What treatment are you taking right now? Rien de spécial. Nothing special. Nothing special. Son petit frère est un joueur de football célèbre. His little brother is a famous soccer player. Her little brother is a famous football player. La voiture ne vaut pas la peine d'être réparée. The car isn't worth repairing. The car is not worth repairing. Je me demande qui ils sont. I wonder who they are. I wonder who they are. Je suis parti depuis trop longtemps, déjà. I've been away too long already. I've been gone too long already. Vous avez apprécié cela, n'est-ce pas ? You enjoyed that, didn't you? You enjoyed it, didn't you? Il n'est pas aussi bête qu'il en a l'air. He isn't as stupid as he looks. He's not as stupid as he looks. Il vient voir mon fils de temps en temps. He comes to see my son now and then. He comes to see my son from time to time. Que pensez-vous maintenant ? What do you think now? What do you think now? Je ne suis pas capable de faire la différence entre une grenouille et un crapaud. I cannot distinguish a frog from a toad. I can't tell the difference between a frog and a toad. Veuillez noter que le prix est sujet à des changements. Please note that the price is subject to change. Please note that the price is subject to change. Je veux vraiment te voir. I really want to see you. I really want to see you. Qu'est-il arrivé après ça ? And what happened after that? What happened after that? Tu ne veux pas me dire pourquoi, si ? You don't want to tell me why, do you? You don't want to tell me why, do you? J'en ai instamment besoin. Dépêche-toi, je te prie ! I need it right away. Please hurry! I really need it. Dans cette pièce, il y a trop de meubles. There is too much furniture in this room. There's too much furniture in this room. Il a amassé une grosse fortune avant de mourir. He amassed a large fortune before he died. He amassed a big fortune before he died. Veuillez copier cette page. Please copy this page. Please copy this page. Où es-tu allé pêcher ? Where did you go fishing? Where did you go fishing? Des centaines de personnes travaillent dans cette usine. Hundreds of people work in this factory. Hundreds of people work in this factory. C'est une brillante idée. That's a brilliant idea. That's a brilliant idea. La pièce était emplie de monde. The room was filled with people. The room was full of people. Certaines personnes sont daltoniennes : elles ne peuvent pas différencier certaines couleurs. Some people are color blind; they cannot tell one color from another. Some people are Daltonian: they cannot differentiate certain colors. Je pensais que vous deux vouliez travailler ensemble. I thought you two wanted to work together. I thought you two wanted to work together. Elle le gifla. She slapped him. She slapped him. Tu ne peux pas apprendre ici ! C'est une école ! You can't learn here! This is a school! You can't learn here! J'ai toujours tenu mes promesses. I have always kept my promises. I've always kept my promises. À qui sont ces livres ? Whose books are those? Whose books are these? Qu'écrivez-vous ? What're you writing? What are you writing? Je suis l'élu. I am the chosen one. I'm the chosen one. Dépêchons ! Nous allons être en retard. Hurry up! We'll be late. We're gonna be late. Vous semblez distraite aujourd'hui. You seem distracted today. You seem distracted today. Nous sommes seules ici. We're alone here. We're alone here. Je le dirai à quelqu'un. I'll tell someone. I'll tell someone. À ce moment-là, nous préparions du tempura. We were cooking tempura at that time. At that time, we were preparing tempura. Ouais ! J'ai gagné deux fois de suite ! Yes! I won twice in a row! I won twice in a row! C'est un compartiment non-fumeur. This is a non-smoking compartment. It's a non-smoking compartment. Ils n'ont pas la direction de chez moi. They don't have the directions to my house. They don't have the direction of my place. Prenez-moi la main. Je veux vous montrer quelque chose. Take my hand. I want to show you something. Take my hand, I want to show you something. Il n'a rien compris. He didn't understand anything. He didn't understand anything. Quelle sorte de gâteau est-ce ? What kind of cake is this? What kind of cake is that? Arrête de me harceler. Stop badgering me. Stop harassing me. L'expédition a repoussé son départ pour l'Antarctique. The expedition has postponed its departure to the Antarctic. The expedition delayed his departure for Antarctica. C'est l'étape logique suivante. It's the next logical step. This is the next logical step. D'habitude, mes enfants ne me mentent pas. My kids don't usually lie to me. My kids don't usually lie to me. Rendons-nous-y en voiture. Let's go by car. Let's get back in the car. Arrêtez de frimer ! Stop showing off! Stop showing off! Comment se fait-il que tu en saches autant sur l'histoire du Japon ? How come you know so much about Japanese history? How come you know so much about Japan's history? Les grosses voitures consomment beaucoup d'essence. Large cars use lots of gas. Big cars consume a lot of gasoline. Pourquoi est-il ici ? Why is he here? Why is he here? Nous nous sommes tous deux endormis. We both fell asleep. We both fell asleep. J'aimerais manger maintenant. I would like to eat now. I'd like to eat now. Elle est un peu snob. She's a bit of a snob. She's a little snob. Ne sois pas une telle poule mouillée ! Don't be such a wimp! Don't be such a chicken! Vous ne m'avez pas donné ce que j'avais demandé. You haven't given me what I asked for. You didn't give me what I asked for. Nous avons visité toutes les villes importantes. We toured all the major cities. We visited all the important cities. Ils se sont rencontrés au lycée. They met in high school. They met in high school. Es-tu prêt à l'y mettre ? Are you ready to put it in? Are you ready to put it in? J'essayais seulement d'être amical. I was just trying to be friendly. I was just trying to be friendly. Beaucoup d'élèves ont acheté ce livre. Many students bought the book. A lot of students bought this book. Je ne peux pas vous laisser entrer sans laissez-passer. I can't let you enter without a pass. I can't let you in without a pass. Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ? Why make it simple when you can make it complicated? Why make it simple when you can make it complicated? L'Italie est bordée, au nord, par la Suisse. Italy is bounded on the north by Switzerland. Italy is bordered to the north by Switzerland. Quand Tom a parlé, elles sont tous restées silencieuses. When Tom spoke, they all remained silent. When Tom spoke, they all remained silent. J'ai fait mes devoirs. I've done my homework. I did my homework. Avez-vous rendu votre rapport ? Have you turned in your report? Did you give your report? Où les avez-vous perdus ? Where did you lose them? Where did you lose them? Jamais je n'ai dit du mal de toi. Never did I say bad things about you. I never said bad about you. Dans ma chambre il y a une grande armoire. My room has a large closet. In my room there is a large wardrobe. Ils exigèrent que le maire démissionnât. They demanded that the mayor should resign. They demanded that the mayor resign. Qui t'a dit tout cela ? Who told you all that? Who told you all this? Nous ne sommes pas intéressées. We're not interested. We're not interested. En êtes-vous contentes ? Are you happy with that? Are you happy with that? Touche ça ! C'est vraiment doux. Feel this. It's really soft. Touch it, it's really sweet. Quel est le chemin le plus rapide pour se rendre à l'aéroport ? What's the fastest way to get to the airport? What is the fastest way to get to the airport? Il courut afin d'y parvenir à temps. He ran so he would get there on time. He ran in order to get there in time. La clef de la chambre, s'il vous plaît. My room key, please. The key to the room, please. Encore une fois s'il vous plaît. Once more, please. Again, please. J'ai obtenu ce que tu voulais. I got what you wanted. I got what you wanted. Veuillez m'écrire une lettre dès que vous arrivez. Please send me a letter as soon as you arrive. Please write me a letter as soon as you arrive. Ce chien sauta. That dog jumped. That dog jumped. Tout ne peut être expliqué. Not everything can be explained. Everything cannot be explained. Tom portait un gilet pare-balles donc la balle ne l'a pas tué. Tom was wearing a bulletproof vest, so the bullet didn't kill him. Tom was wearing a bulletproof vest so the bullet didn't kill him. Tom est le fiancé de Marie. Tom is Mary's fiancé. Tom is Mary's fiancé. Je t'ai dit de ne pas venir ici. I told you not to come here. I told you not to come here. J'ai trouvé une solution, mais je l'ai trouvée tellement vite que ça peut pas être la bonne. I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it couldn't be the right one. Il ne pouvait conserver son sang-froid plus longtemps. He couldn't hold his temper any longer. He couldn't keep his cool any longer. Si, de la fierté ou de l'amour, l'on choisit la fierté, cela peut-il alors avoir été de l'amour ? If, between pride and love, one chooses pride, can it then have been love? If, of pride or love, one chooses pride, then can it have been love? Si tu ne peux pas faire la paix avec toi-même, comment vas-tu la faire avec quiconque d'autre ? If you can't make peace with yourself, how are you going to make peace with anyone else? If you can't make peace with yourself, how are you going to make it with anyone else? Êtes-vous heureux de faire cela ? Are you happy doing that? Are you happy to do that? C'est un sauvage au pieux. He's wild in bed. He's a pious savage. Quelles sucreries aimais-je enfant ? Je ne puis m'en souvenir. What kind of sweets did I like as a child? Even if I try to remember, I can't. What sweets did I love as a child? Quel âge avais-tu quand tu t'es marié ? How old were you when you got married? How old were you when you got married? Parfois, je manque d'argent. Sometimes I run out of money. Sometimes I don't have enough money. Ils m'ont honoré à l'occasion de mon anniversaire. They honored me on my birthday. They honored me on my birthday. J'ai les mots sur le bout de la langue, mais je ne sais pas vraiment comment le formuler. The words are on the tip of my tongue, but I don't quite know how to put what I want to say. I have the words on the tip of the tongue, but I don't really know how to formulate it. Parfois, je lis tellement que j'en oublie de manger et de dormir. Sometimes I read so much that I forget about food and sleep. Sometimes I read so much that I forget to eat and sleep. Ce livre est trop grand pour que je le mette dans ma poche. This book is too large to go in my pocket. This book is too big for me to put it in my pocket. Nous plantâmes notre tente dans un champ. We pitched our tent in a field. We planted our tent in a field. Les boissons sont offertes. The drinks are complimentary. Drinks are available. Les radiographies ont mis en évidence que deux doigts étaient fracturés. The x-ray showed two broken fingers. X-rays showed that two fingers were fractured. Rien ne peut plus les sauver. Nothing can save them now. Nothing can save them anymore. Il se peut qu'elles partent demain. They may leave tomorrow. Maybe they're leaving tomorrow. Elle est en train de préparer le petit-déjeuner. She is getting breakfast ready. She's making breakfast. Plus une phrase est longue, plus elle a de chances d'être unique. The longer the sentence, the more likely it is to be unique. The longer a sentence is, the more likely it is to be unique. Voulez-vous plus de lait dans votre café ? Do you want more milk in your coffee? Do you want more milk in your coffee? Heureux l'homme satisfait. Happy is a man who is contented. Happy is the satisfied man. Je ne reconnais aucune des personnes sur la photo. I don't recognize any of the people in the picture. I don't recognize any of the people in the picture. La table est cassée, il faut la réparer. The table is broken, it must be repaired. The table is broken, we have to fix it. Tu as acheté plus de timbres-poste que nécessaire. You have bought more postage stamps than are necessary. You bought more postage stamps than you needed. Le cheval valait aussi quelque chose. The horse was also valuable. The horse was worth something, too. La fille qui joue du piano est ma sœur. The girl playing the piano is my sister. The girl playing the piano is my sister. En 1940, la vie était difficile. In 1940, life was difficult. In 1940, life was difficult. Je ne serais pas très surprise si cette chanson devenait un succès. I wouldn't be too surprised if this song became a hit. I wouldn't be very surprised if this song became a success. Elles se lancèrent des coups d'œil furtifs. They cast furtive glances at one another. They took a stealthy look at each other. Reste ici ! Stay here. Stay here! C'est quoi, ça ? What's this? What's this? Des phrases courtes sont plus faciles à lire que des phrases longues. Short sentences are easier to read than long sentences. Short sentences are easier to read than long sentences. L'ameublement de ce bureau est vraiment moderne. The furniture in this office is really modern. The furnishings of this office are really modern. N'oublie pas de répondre à sa lettre ! Don't forget to answer his letter. Don't forget to answer his letter! Toutes les voiles furent affalées. All the sails were taken down. All the sails were bowed down. Ne dis pas des conneries. Don't say shit. Don't say shit. À ma connaissance, elle n'est pas encore mariée. To my knowledge, she hasn't married yet. To my knowledge, she's not married yet. Tu as de nombreux livres. You have a lot of books. You've got a lot of books. Elles apprécièrent de disposer de davantage d'espace pour que leurs enfants jouent. They liked having more space for their children to play. They enjoyed having more space for their children to play. Un poney est un petit cheval. A pony is a small horse. A pony is a small horse. Je n'ai jamais fait ça. I never did that. I've never done this before. Arrête-toi où tu es. Stop where you are. Stop where you are. Sur ce dont on ne peut parler, il faut garder le silence. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. On what we can't talk about, we have to keep quiet. Je sais que vous vous cachez quelque part dans cette pièce. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. I know you're hiding somewhere in this room. Veuillez vous asseoir ! Please sit down! Please sit down! Délivre-nous du mal. Deliver us from evil. Deliver us from evil. Il m'a poussé gentiment. He pushed me gently. He pushed me nicely. On doit mettre un casque pour se protéger la tête. One has to put on a helmet to protect the head. We need to wear a helmet to protect our head. Elle est pacifiste. She's a pacifist. She's a pacifist. Tom veut l'essayer. Tom wants to try it. Tom wants to try it. Le bébé a été silencieux toute la nuit. The baby was quiet all night. The baby's been quiet all night. J'ai fait la moitié du travail et maintenant je peux faire une halte. I've done half the work, and now I can take a break. I've done half the work and now I can make a stop. Tom porte les chaussures de John. Tom is wearing John's shoes. Tom wears John's shoes. Tu savais probablement déjà ça. You probably already knew that. You probably already knew that. Pourquoi as-tu acheté ce dictionnaire qui coûte cher ? Why did you buy this expensive dictionary? Why did you buy that expensive dictionary? Bien entendu, je dois leur dire. Of course, I have to tell them. Of course, I have to tell them. Le garçon fourra l'argent dans sa poche. The boy stuck money in his pocket. The boy put the money in his pocket. Tout le monde sait ce qui se passe. Everyone knows what's going on. Everyone knows what's going on. Je suis sûre que Tom et Mary seront fatigués lorsqu'ils rentreront chez eux. I'm sure Tom and Mary will be tired when they get home. I'm sure Tom and Mary will be tired when they get home. Je suis déjà allé à Londres. I have been to London. I've been to London before. Nous sommes allés chasser dans la forêt hier et avons attrapé deux cerfs. We went hunting in the forest and caught two deer yesterday. We went hunting in the forest yesterday and caught two deer. Vos fils sont très beaux. Your sons are quite handsome. Your sons are very beautiful. Dieu, je suis un pécheur. God, I am a sinner. God, I'm a sinner. Elle est son propre pire ennemi. She is her own worst enemy. She's her own worst enemy. Tu es si beau ! You're so beautiful! You're so beautiful! Un travers d'agneau constitue un repas de choix. A rack of lamb makes a great meal. A lamb's cross is a meal of choice. Je ne sais pas comment faire ça. I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to do that. Je pense qu'il est improbable que le prochain modèle soit meilleur que celui-là. I think it's unlikely that the next model will be any better than this one. I think it is unlikely that the next model will be better than this one. Dernière tournée ! Last call! Last round! Je suis arrivé au sommet à 5 heures précises. I reached the hilltop exactly at five. I got to the top at 5:00 a.m. sharp. Vous avez dit que vous vouliez me demander quelque chose. You said you wanted to ask me something. You said you wanted to ask me something. Je veux juste que tu m'écoutes. I just want you to listen to me. I just want you to listen to me. Vous avez l'air malade. You look sick. You look sick. Vous n'êtes pas en position de négocier. You're in no position to bargain. You're not in a position to negotiate. Je me suis senti sale de l'avoir aidé. I felt dirty after helping him. I felt dirty when I helped him. Nous ne sommes pas les seuls à avoir fait des erreurs. We're not the only ones who've made mistakes. We're not the only ones who made mistakes. Où avez-vous appris cela ? Where did you learn that? Where did you learn that? Oh, voilà Christian ! Oh, here comes Chris. Oh, there's Christian! Beaucoup d'enfants restent après l'école pour des activités culturelles et sportives. Many children stay after school for club activities. Many children stay after school for cultural and sporting activities. Je suis si désolée de t'avoir menti. I'm so sorry that I lied to you. I'm so sorry I lied to you. N'avez-vous pas de travail, aujourd'hui ? Don't you have work today? Don't you have a job today? Je suis citadin. I'm a city dweller. I'm a city dweller. On dit que cet endroit est le meilleur restaurant de Londres. This place is arguably the best restaurant in London. They say this place is the best restaurant in London. Il s'est enquis de vous. He asked about you. He asked about you. L'une des pommes tomba au sol. One of the apples fell to the ground. One of the apples fell to the ground. Je veux être certaine que tu es celui que tu déclares être. I want to be certain you are who you say you are. I want to make sure you're the one you claim to be. Il y a cinq ans, je m'en souviens encore. It has been five years, I still remember it. Five years ago, I still remember. Je suis en train d'apprendre le français. I'm learning French. I'm learning French. Je ne peux pas t'empêcher de révéler mes secrets. Cependant, je te demande de ne pas les faire. I can't stop you from revealing my secrets. However, I beg you not to. I can't stop you from revealing my secrets, but I'm asking you not to do them. Vous étiez blessés, n'est-ce pas ? You were hurt, weren't you? You were hurt, weren't you? Peindre est une autre chose que je peux faire assez bien. Painting is another thing I can do fairly well. Painting is another thing I can do pretty well. Véhiculer votre message est bien plus important que d'essayer de le dire exactement comme un locuteur natif le dirait. Getting your message across is much more important than trying to say it exactly like a native speaker would say it. Moving your message is much more important than trying to say it exactly as a native speaker would say. Est-ce que Tom sait pourquoi il vient ici? Does Tom know why he's coming here? Does Tom know why he's coming here? De quoi est-ce constitué ? What is it made of? What is it made up of? Tom et Marie ne savent pas que John est marié. Tom and Mary don't know that John is married. Tom and Mary don't know John's married. Voulez-vous que je vous masse les épaules ? Do you want me to rub your shoulders? Do you want me to massage your shoulders? Beaucoup de routes sont inondées. Il en découle de nombreux retards. Many roads are flooded. As a result there are long delays. Many roads are flooded, resulting in many delays. C'est un oiseau volant. It's a flying bird. It's a flying bird. Quelle quantité de nourriture donnez-vous à manger à votre chien ? How much do you feed your dog? How much food do you feed your dog? Le chien a cessé d'aboyer. The dog stopped barking. The dog stopped barking. Je suis allée chez moi pour changer de vêtements. I went home to change my clothes. I went home to change clothes. Bon appétit ! Vous avez déjà commencé ? Enjoy your meal! Did you already start? Have you ever started? Il peut dissimuler ses sentiments si les circonstances le demandent. He can mask his feeling if the occasion calls for it. He may conceal his feelings if circumstances so require. C'est pas juste! It's not fair! That's not fair! Il a failli les tuer tous les deux ! He nearly killed both of them! He almost killed them both! J'ai quelques courses à effectuer. I have some errands to run. I've got a few errands to run. Il était reconnaissant dans ses derniers jours parce que je l'ai aidé. He was grateful in his last days because I helped him. He was grateful in his last days because I helped him. Il veut aller aux États-Unis. He wants to go to the United States. He wants to go to the United States. Le chien de ma voisine aboie. My neighbour's dog barks. My neighbor's dog barks. De qui êtes-vous les plus proches dans votre famille ? Who are you closest to in your family? Who are you closest to in your family? Il pleut depuis jeudi dernier. It has been raining since last Thursday. It's been raining since last Thursday. La victoire n'est pas assurée. Victory is not assured. Victory is not guaranteed. Les militaires ont engagé le combat avec l'ennemi, cinq kilomètres au sud de la capitale. The military engaged the enemy five kilometers south of the capital. The soldiers fought with the enemy, five kilometres south of the capital. Non, pas moi, mais vous ! No, not me, but you! No, not me, but you! Comment cela vous semble-t-il ? How does that sound to you? How does that sound to you? Donc vous êtes vraiment en train de me proposer une montre Roflex pour 5 dollars ? So you are really offering me a Roflex watch for 5 dollars? So you're really offering me a Roflex watch for $5? Tu as commencé à apprendre l'espéranto. You began to learn Esperanto. You started learning Esperanto. Les essuie-glace ne sont d'aucune utilité contre la glace. Windscreen wipers haven't any utility against ice. The windscreen wipers are of no use against the ice. Tom m'a fait sortir du lit. Tom made me get out of bed. Tom got me out of bed. Ce que je dis a-t-il le moindre sens ? Am I making any sense? Does what I'm saying make any sense? J'aimerais avoir une raison de ne pas y aller. I wish I had a reason not to go. I wish I had a reason not to go. Êtes-vous sûr que ce soit une bonne idée ? Are you sure this is a good idea? Are you sure this is a good idea? Je sais que Tom est mineur de charbon. I know Tom is a coal miner. I know Tom's a coal miner. Je suis prêt à vous aider dans votre travail. I'm willing to help you with your work. I'm ready to help you with your work. Comment vous nomme-t-on ? What are you called? What's your name? Si vous voulez perdre du poids, la meilleure chose à faire est de manger proprement et faire beaucoup d'exercice. If you want to lose weight, the best thing to do is to eat properly and get a lot of exercise. If you want to lose weight, the best thing to do is eat properly and do a lot of exercise. J'ai décidé de rester un jour de plus. I decided to stay one more day. I decided to stay one more day. Nous voulons tous vivre aussi longtemps que possible. All of us want to live as long as possible. We all want to live as long as possible. Êtes-vous habillé ? Are you dressed? Are you dressed? Tu veux mon aide ou pas ? Do you want my help or not? Do you want my help or not? Le restaurant est fermé. The restaurant is closed. The restaurant is closed. iTunes s'est révélé être une véritable vache à lait pour Apple. iTunes has turned out to be a real cash cow for Apple. iTunes turned out to be a real milk cow for Apple. Je suis désolée si je t'ai dérangé. I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I'm sorry if I bothered you. Mon opinion diffère de la sienne. My opinion differs from his. My opinion is different from his. Tom a l'air extrêmement heureux. Tom looks extremely happy. Tom seems extremely happy. Votre ordinateur va redémarrer plusieurs fois au cours de l'installation. Your computer will restart several times during installation. Your computer will restart several times during installation. Les amis de Tom ont essayé de lui remonter le moral. Tom's friends tried to cheer him up. Tom's friends tried to cheer him up. Où se trouvent les enregistrements des historiques de nos clavardages MSN ? Where are the history records of our MSN chats? Where are the records of the history of our MSN chats? Une enquête plus approfondie est nécessaire. Further investigation is required. Further investigation is needed. Le festin devait durer toute la nuit. The feast was to last all night. The feast was to last all night. N'oubliez pas de prendre votre pilule ! Don't forget to take your pills. Don't forget to take your pill! Il n'y a pas de chien plus gros que celui-ci. There is no dog which is bigger than this one. There's no bigger dog than this one. Chaque personne a payé sept mille dollars. Each person paid $7,000. Each person paid seven thousand dollars. Marie a terminé son devoir de japonais. Mary has finished her Japanese assignment. Marie finished her Japanese duty. J'étais trop faible pour travailler. I was too weak to work. I was too weak to work. Je veux être seul un moment. I want to be alone for a while. I want to be alone for a while. Il y a une mangeoire à oiseaux au fond de notre arrière-cour. There is a bird feeder in our backyard. There's a bird feeder at the bottom of our backyard. On doit lire entre les lignes. You must read between the lines. We need to read between the lines. Kyoto et Boston sont des villes jumelées. Kyoto and Boston are sister cities. Kyoto and Boston are twin cities. Celui qui ne fait pas d'erreurs est souvent celui qui ne fait rien. The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. The one who does not make mistakes is often the one who does nothing. Je t'ai apporté une autre couverture. I brought you another blanket. I brought you another blanket. Un subtil équilibre doit être trouvé. A delicate balance must be reached. A subtle balance must be found. Voici une lettre pour vous. Here is a letter for you. Here's a letter for you. Je serai peut-être quelques minutes en retard. I might be a few minutes late. Maybe I'll be a few minutes late. Sa culture n'était pas tant concernée par l'existence physique. His culture was not concerned so much about physicality. His culture was not so concerned with physical existence. Nous espérons visiter Boston cet été. We're hoping to visit Boston this summer. We hope to visit Boston this summer. Donne-moi une couverture de rechange, je te prie. Please give me a spare blanket. Give me a spare cover, please. Pouvez-vous distinguer les jumeaux ? Can you tell the twins apart? Can you distinguish twins? Refroidissez-le sur un lit de glace ! Chill it on ice. Cool it on an ice bed! J'ai encore plutôt faim. I'm still kind of hungry. I'm still pretty hungry. Que diable en sait-elle ? What the hell does she know about that? What the hell does she know? Je suppose que tout le monde pense que je suis un peu trop difficile. I suppose everyone thinks I'm being a little too picky. I guess everyone thinks I'm a little too difficult. Tom ne sait pas ce qu'il fera. Tom doesn't know what he'll do. Tom doesn't know what he's gonna do. Aujourd'hui nous sommes lundi. Today, it's Monday. Today is Monday. C'est fabriqué au Kazakhstan. This is made in Kazakhstan. It's made in Kazakhstan. Le problème, c'est que vous n'êtes pas assez patientes. Your problem is you're not patient enough. The problem is, you're not patient enough. Cela ne t'intéresse-t-il pas un peu ? Doesn't it interest you a little? Doesn't that interest you a little? Notre alarme incendie se déclenche parfois lorsque ma mère prépare quelque chose dans la cuisine. Our fire alarm sometimes goes off when my mother is cooking something in the kitchen. Our fire alarm goes off sometimes when my mother prepares something in the kitchen. Je n'aime pas voyager seule. I don't like traveling alone. I don't like travelling alone. Chacun souhaite le bonheur. Everybody wishes for happiness. Everyone wishes happiness. Je raccourcis mon voyage. I'm cutting my trip short. I'm shortening my trip. J'en veux un, mais pas celui-ci. I want one, but not this one. I want one, but not this one. Je n'étais pas seul. I wasn't alone. I wasn't alone. Combien de fois m'as-tu menti ? How many times have you lied to me? How many times have you lied to me? Elle a considéré qu'elle devait son succès à la chance. She attributed her success to luck. She considered that she owes her success to luck. Que ce pont est long ! How long that bridge is! How long this bridge is! L'hélicoptère est si utile qu'un jour il pourrait remplacer les voitures et les trains. The helicopter is so useful that someday it may take the place of cars and trains. The helicopter is so useful that one day it could replace cars and trains. Cette maison a été la première chose que mes parents ont achetée ensemble. This house was the first thing my parents ever bought together. This house was the first thing my parents bought together. Je veux aller en Australie avec ma famille. I've always wanted to go to Australia with my family. I want to go to Australia with my family. Est-il le propriétaire de cette voiture ? Is he the owner of that car? Is he the owner of this car? J'entends dire que Tom parle vraiment bien le français. I hear that Tom really speaks French well. I hear Tom speaks French really well. Il fait assez froid. It is pretty cold. It's pretty cold. Ma vieille robe est bleue. My old dress is blue. My old dress is blue. Je suis au courant. I am aware of the fact. I know. Donnez-moi une tasse de café. Give me a cup of coffee. Give me a cup of coffee. Il lui a ouvert son cœur. He opened up his heart to her. He opened his heart to her. Suis-je sélectionné dans l'équipe ? Did I make the team? Am I selected on the team? Le Dr. Faust connaissait très bien l'alchimie. Dr. Faust was well versed in alchemy. Dr. Faust knew alchemy very well. Silence ! Je ne tolérerai pas ton insolence ! Silence! I will not tolerate your insolence! I won't tolerate your insolence! Vous êtes bienvenue ici. You are welcome here. You're welcome here. Vous ne semblez pas aussi organisé que Tom. You don't seem to be as organized as Tom seems to be. You don't seem as organized as Tom. Un soldat qui ne rêve pas de devenir général est un mauvais soldat. A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is a bad one. A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is a bad soldier. Je sais que Tom est misérable. I know Tom is miserable. I know Tom is miserable. Tant mieux ! So much better! Good! Je vous serais très reconnaissant si vous pouviez le faire pour moi. I would be very pleased if you did this for me. I'd be very grateful if you could do it for me. Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ? What's the meaning of this? What does that mean? Elle parlait couramment allemand après seulement deux ans. After two years, she already spoke fluent German. She spoke fluently German after only two years. On résiste à l'invasion des armées; on ne résiste pas à l'invasion des idées. One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas. We resist the invasion of armies; we do not resist the invasion of ideas. Nous pouvons parler dehors. We can talk outside. We can talk outside. Ils ont partagé l'argent. They shared the money. They shared the money. S'exciter n'est pas tout à fait la même chose que s'affamer. Getting excited is not at all the same as getting angry. To get excited isn't exactly the same thing as to starve. N'ayez pas peur de faire des erreurs. Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. N'attrape pas mal à l'estomac en mangeant trop. Don't get a stomachache by eating too much. Don't catch a bad stomach eating too much. Il me doit beaucoup d'argent. He owes me a lot of money. He owes me a lot of money. Il reviendra demain. He will be back tomorrow. He'll be back tomorrow. Je ne peux pas vous aider à faire ça. I can't help you do that. I can't help you do that. Je voulais étudier le français. I wanted to study French. I wanted to study French. As-tu un dictionnaire d'espéranto ? Do you have any Esperanto dictionary? Do you have a Esperanto dictionary? Venez déjeuner avec nous. Come to lunch with us. Come and have lunch with us. Vous êtes dépourvue de manières. You have no manners. You have no manners. Est-il possible d'inférer le diamètre à partir de la circonférence ? Is it possible to determine the diameter from the circumference? Is it possible to infer the diameter from the circumference? Je serai occupé toute la semaine prochaine. I'll be busy all next week. I'll be busy next week. Allez-vous aller nager aujourd'hui ? Will you go swimming today? Are you going to swim today? Le chien m'a mordu la main. The dog bit my hand. The dog bit my hand. Pourquoi est-ce qu'il dirait non ? Why would he say no? Why would he say no? Elle s'est presque évanouie. She almost fainted. She almost fainted. Advienne que pourra, je ne changerai pas d'avis. Come what may; I won't change my mind. I won't change my mind. I won't change my mind. Tom ne serait pas content. Tom wouldn't be pleased. Tom wouldn't be happy. L'université où nous allons débute habituellement ses cours le premier avril. The university that we attend usually begins its classes on the first of April. The university where we usually start its courses on April 1. Ses manières étaient très séduisantes. His manners were far from pleasant. His manners were very attractive. Mon sac fut dérobé. My bag was stolen. My bag was stolen. Regarderas-tu les Jeux Olympiques ? Will you watch the Olympics? Will you watch the Olympic Games? Je ne veux pas aller à l'école. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. Élargissez votre horizon afin qu'en devenant de plus en plus capable de prendre soin de vous, vous agissiez intelligemment. Broaden your horizon so that as you become more and more able to take care of yourself you will move intelligently. Expand your horizon so that by becoming more and more able to take care of yourself, you act intelligently. La vie c'est ce qui se passe pendant que tu es occupée à faire d'autres plans. Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. Je vous offre ma gratitude. I offer you my gratitude. I offer you my gratitude. Vous n'êtes pas obligées de fournir des explications. You don't have to explain. You don't have to explain. Il est tombé dans une embuscade. He was caught in an ambush. He fell into an ambush. Cette table est réservée. This table is reserved. This table is reserved. À l'heure actuelle, nous avons des myrtilles, des mûres, des cerises, des fraises, des pêches et des nectarines. Right now, we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. At present, we have blueberries, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, peaches and nectarines. L'Histoire se répète à nouveau. History is repeating itself again. History repeats itself again. Vous êtes chanceuse d'avoir un emploi. You're lucky to have a job. You're lucky to have a job. Ma montre coûte moins que la tienne. My watch costs less than yours. My watch costs less than yours. Je veux seulement vous aider. I only want to help you. I just want to help you. Nous sommes en ville. We're in town. We're in town. J'ai passé un coup de fil à Tom. I called Tom up. I made a phone call to Tom. Que viens-tu d'écrire sur ton calepin ? What did you just write in your notebook? What did you just write on your notebook? Elles étaient tellement heureuses ensemble. They were so happy together. They were so happy together. Je me réjouis certainement que vous n'ayez pas été blessés. I sure am glad you weren't hurt. I'm certainly glad you weren't hurt. Où est la station de métro la plus proche ? Where is the nearest subway station? Where's the nearest subway station? Alors que je déjeunais, le téléphone sonna. As I was having lunch, the phone rang. As I was having lunch, the phone rang. Veuillez lier cette phrase à sa version espagnole. Please link this sentence to Spanish. Please link this sentence to its Spanish version. Tu sais où se trouve le problème. You know where the problem lies. You know where the problem is. Tu n'aurais pas dû jouir si tôt. You didn't have to cum so early. You shouldn't have come out this early. Elle tient son caractère de sa mère. She is her mother's match in character. She's got her mother's character. Thomas a perdu les pédales. Tom is out of his mind. Thomas lost his pedals. Je ne vois aucune raison pour laquelle je devrais m'excuser. I don't see any reason why I have to apologize. I don't see any reason why I should apologize. Ne viens pas ici ! Don't come here. Don't come here! Peut-être que ce n'est pas une si bonne idée. Maybe that's not such a good idea. Maybe it's not such a good idea. Nous attentons de la pluie pour aujourd'hui. We expect rain today. We're trying to rain for today. Remettez les armes ! Hand over your weapons. Put the guns back on! Je ne parle pas français. I don't speak French. I don't speak French. J'ai remarqué qu'elle était assise au premier rang. I noticed that she sat in the front row. I noticed she was sitting in the front row. Personne ne se soucie de moi. Nobody cares for me. Nobody cares about me. Pourquoi êtes-vous venu ici ? Why did you come over here? Why did you come here? Il était sept heures trente. It was seven thirty. It was seven and thirty. D'un côté nous avons essuyé une lourde perte, mais d'un autre côté nous avons beaucoup appris de cette expérience. On the one hand we suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand we learned a great deal from the experience. On the one hand we suffered a heavy loss, but on the other hand we learned a lot from this experience. Les problèmes de sommeil sont appelés l'insomnie. Sleep problems are called insomnia. Sleep problems are called insomnia. Tom sait que je lui ai menti. Tom knows that I lied to him. Tom knows I lied to him. Je suis rentré chez moi en train. I returned home by train. I went home by train. Prends ce remède après les repas. Take this medicine after meals. Take this medicine after meals. Je ne désire plus être ton mari. I no longer wish to be your husband. I don't want to be your husband anymore. Chaque fois qu'il venait, il le grondait. Whenever he comes, he scolds us. Every time he came, he scolded him. Voici la facture. Here is the bill. Here's the bill. S'il vous plaît conduisez prudemment. Please drive safely. Please drive carefully. Penses-tu que ce soit une coïncidence ? Do you think that's a coincidence? Do you think it's a coincidence? Avec son air mi-figue mi-raisin, on ne sait jamais si René parle sérieusement ou non. With his half-in-jest half-in-earnest air, we never know if René is speaking seriously or not. With its mid-fig mid-raisin air, you never know whether René talks seriously or not. Il te faut être raisonnable à ce sujet. You've got to be reasonable about this. You need to be reasonable about that. J'essaye de trouver un nouveau travail. I'm trying to find a new job. I'm trying to find a new job. J'aurais dû deviner que vous seriez occupé. I should've guessed you'd be busy. I should have guessed you'd be busy. Elle déteste la musique country. She hates country music. She hates country music. Tom a dit que les moustiques ne l'ont pas dérangé. Tom said the mosquitoes didn't bother him. Tom said the mosquitoes didn't bother him. J'imagine que j'aurais dû savoir que Tom ne nous aiderait pas. I guess I should've known Tom wasn't going to help. I guess I should have known Tom wouldn't help us. Vous allez vous remettre. You're going to be OK. You're gonna get better. La soupe que j'avais était tellement chaude que je ne pouvais pas la manger. The soup I had was so hot I couldn't drink it. The soup I had was so hot that I couldn't eat it. La Terre tourne. The earth rotates. Earth's turning. Je m'entraîne. I'm exercising. I'm practicing. J'aimerais vous poser des questions à propos de certaines des personnes qui travaillent pour vous. I'd like to ask you some questions about some of the people you have working for you. I'd like to ask you some questions about some of the people who work for you. Marie mit le panier sur la table. Mary set the basket on the table. Mary put the basket on the table. Il fait froid, là-bas, même en été ! It is cold there, even in summer. It's cold out there, even in the summer! Ajoutez la viande. Add meat. Add the meat. J'étais prête aujourd'hui. I was ready today. I was ready today. Tom parle vraiment beaucoup. Tom really does talk a lot. Tom really talks a lot. Sami and Layla avaient besoin de regagner leur confiance. Sami and Layla needed to rebuild the trust. Sami and Layla needed to regain their trust. Elle n'arrive pas à tenir ses enfants. She can't control her children. She can't hold her children. J'ai besoin de recommencer à neuf. I need a fresh start. I need to start over again. Est-ce pour cela que tu es fâché ? Is that why you're upset? Is that why you're angry? Je me suis fait une entorse. I pulled a muscle. I got sprained. Ce n'est pas un patient, il est médecin dans cet hôpital. He is not a patient but a doctor in this hospital. He's not a patient, he's a doctor in this hospital. Tom me chanta une chanson. Tom sang me a song. Tom sang me a song. Que sommes-nous censées faire ? What are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to do? Ne perdez plus de temps à répondre à ce client. Don't waste any more time responding to that customer. Don't waste any more time responding to this client. Je suis Canadien. I'm Canadian. I'm Canadian. Qu'est-ce que tu as dans les mains? What do you have in your hands? What's in your hands? Tu es la meilleure chose qui me soit jamais arrivée. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Vous êtes tellement idiots ! You are so stupid. You're so stupid! Tom approuverait. Tom would say yes. Tom would approve. Il a eu pitié de moi et m'a aidé à m'en sortir. He took pity on me and helped me out. He felt sorry for me and helped me get through it. Il marchait un bâton à la main. He was walking with a stick in his hand. He was walking a stick in his hand. Jimmy est deux ans plus jeune que moi. Jimmy is junior to me by two years. Jimmy's two years younger than me. Elle avait tellement changé, que je ne pouvais pas la reconnaitre. She had changed so much that I couldn't recognize her. She had changed so much, I couldn't recognize her. Vous ne serez jamais seul avec la schizophrénie. You will never be alone with schizophrenia. You'll never be alone with schizophrenia. Affute les lames de ces couteaux. Sharpen the blades of these knives. Squeeze the blades of those knives. Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Open Sesame! Sesame, open up! Vous n'y êtes pas autorisées. You're not allowed in there. You're not allowed to do that. La phrase n'a aucun sens. The sentence makes no sense. The sentence doesn't make any sense. J'ai inventé un moyen de générer davantage d'argent. I figured out a way to make more money. I invented a way to generate more money. Garde ça pour toi. Keep this to yourself. Save it for you. J'en ai assez entendu. I've had enough of this. I've heard enough. La conférence est déjà terminée, monsieur. The conference is already over, sir. The conference is already over, sir. Ton chapeau va très bien avec ta robe. Your hat matches your dress marvellously. Your hat goes very well with your dress. Tom a dit que ça n'est juste pas vrai. Tom said that's just not true. Tom said it's just not true. La nuit dernière j'ai entendu des aboiements au loin. Last night, I heard dogs howling. Last night I heard barking in the distance. Ils sont professeurs. They are teachers. They're teachers. Viens, que je te montre quelque chose. Come on, I want to show you something. Come on, let me show you something. Tom est en train de travailler. Tom is working. Tom's working. Je ne peux pas suivre ton rythme. I can't keep pace with you. I can't keep up with your rhythm. Exposez brièvement votre cas. State your case briefly. Briefly explain your case. Tu dois faire exactement comme je te dis. You must do exactly as I tell you. You have to do exactly as I tell you. On ne peut plus l'acheter. You can't buy it anymore. We can't buy it anymore. Vous êtes incroyables. You're amazing. You're amazing. Peux-tu le voir ? Can you see it? Can you see him? Ce pays n'a jamais été aussi prospère. This country has never been so prosperous. This country has never been so prosperous. Inscrivez votre nom sur la liste et passez-la au suivant. Put down your name on the list and pass it on to the next person. Enter your name on the list and pass it to the next one. Ils obtiennent toujours ce qu'ils veulent. They always get what they want. They always get what they want. Sais-tu comment parvenir chez nous ? Do you know how to get to our place? Do you know how to get home? Tu peux dormir maintenant. You can sleep now. You can sleep now. Qu'est-ce que ça fout dehors ? What's it doing out here? What the hell's going on out there? Le Japon est un pays extrêmement bruyant. Japan is an extremely noisy country. Japan is an extremely noisy country. Ce n'est pas entièrement mauvais. It's not all bad. It's not entirely bad. Pourquoi ne pas vous joindre à nous pour le déjeuner ? Why not join us for lunch? Why don't you join us for lunch? Vous pouvez y aller. You may go there. You can go. Qu'importe combien de défauts il y a, nos réalisations sont la chose principale. No matter how many faults there are, our achievements are the main thing. No matter how many defects there are, our achievements are the main thing. Nous marchâmes jusqu'à six kilomètres. We walked as far as 6 kilometers. We walked up to six kilometers. Je veux trois paires de chaussettes. I want three pairs of socks. I want three pairs of socks. Je n'ai pas prétendu être ton ami. I didn't pretend to be your friend. I didn't pretend to be your friend. "Je ne sais pas", dit Tony. "I don't know", said Tony. "I don't know," Tony said. Ne pensez-vous pas que ça pourrait être un peu lourd ? Don't you think it might be a bit heavy? Don't you think it could be a little heavy? Je voudrais que tu me fasses du thé. I'd like you to make me some tea. I want you to make me some tea. Écrivez chaque mot ! Write down each word. Write every word! Dis toujours la vérité. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Avec qui viendrez-vous ? Who will you be coming with? Who will you come with? Il craint la mort. He is afraid of death. He fears death. Et comme beaucoup de petites villes en Angleterre, elle a une assez longue histoire. And like many small towns in England, it has quite a long history. And like many small towns in England, it has a fairly long history. Le jeu était vraiment captivant. The game was very exciting. The game was really captivating. Toi seule peux le faire, mais tu ne peux le faire seule. You alone can do it, but you can't do it alone. Only you can do it, but you can't do it alone. Content de pouvoir t'aider. Glad to be able to assist you. Good to be able to help you. Cet article n'a pas fait l'objet d'une révision par des pairs. This article is not peer-reviewed. This article has not been peer reviewed. Nous pouvons aller nous promener au bord du fleuve. We can go take a walk on the riverside. We can go for a walk by the river. Nous sommes tous citoyens du monde. We're all citizens of the world. We are all citizens of the world. Les États-Unis d'Amérique ont officiellement mis un terme aux sanctions économiques à l'encontre de la Birmanie. The United States has officially ended economic sanctions against Burma. The United States of America has officially put an end to economic sanctions against Burma. J'abattrais ces arbres si j'étais vous. I'd cut down those trees if I were you. I'd shoot those trees if I were you. Ça a l'air sérieux. It seems to be serious. Sounds serious. Si seulement je pouvais bien chanter. If only I could sing well. If only I could sing well. Comment avez-vous fait ? How did you make it? How did you do it? Je me demande ce qu'est l'ingrédient secret. I wonder what the secret ingredient is. I wonder what the secret ingredient is. Regarde là-haut. Look up there. Look up there. L'une des réponses est correcte. One of the answers is correct. One of the answers is correct. Ce n'était pas dans mes intentions. It was not my intention. It wasn't my intention. Les bonnes gens se trouvent partout. Good people can be found anywhere. Good people are everywhere. Pourquoi a-t-elle les clés de Yidir ? Why does she have Yidir's keys? Why does she have Yidir's keys? Depuis que Marie est partie, Tom boit comme un trou. Since Mary left, Tom drinks like a fish. Since Mary left, Tom has been drinking like a hole. Nous ne vous avons pas entendues entrer. We didn't hear you come in. We didn't hear you come in. Elle doit avoir proféré un mensonge. She must have told a lie. She must have made a lie. Ton pantalon est sale. Your trousers are dirty. Your pants are dirty. On doit prendre soin des personnes âgées. We must take care of the elderly. We need to take care of the elderly. Il y a des jours où j'ai l'impression que mon cerveau veut m'abandonner. There are days where I feel like my brain wants to abandon me. There are days when I feel like my brain wants to abandon me. Avez-vous tenté de redémarrer l'ordinateur ? Did you try restarting the computer? Did you try to restart the computer? Quelle est la différence entre un piano et un poisson ? What is the difference between a piano and a fish? What's the difference between a piano and a fish? J'ai estimé qu'il était préférable de ne pas s'y rendre sans vous. I figured it was better not to go without you. I thought it was best not to go there without you. Elle a continué à pleurer toute la nuit. She kept crying all night. She kept crying all night. C'était un vase que mon fils a cassé la nuit dernière. It was a vase that my son broke last night. It was a vase that my son broke last night. Je suis assez embrouillée comme ça. I'm confused enough as it is. I'm kind of confused like that. Personne ne vous a demandé votre avis. No one asked your opinion. No one asked you for your opinion. Pourrais-je être plus heureux ailleurs? Could I be happier elsewhere? Could I be happier somewhere else? Tous les jours, je parle à Tom au téléphone. I talk to Tom on the phone every day. Every day, I talk to Tom on the phone. Je sors dans une heure. I'm going out in an hour. I'll be out in an hour. La vue est à couper le souffle. The view is breathtaking. The view is breathtaking. Ça fait drôle. This feels weird. It's funny. Où êtes-vous allé à l'école ? Where did you go to school? Where did you go to school? J'en ai pris soin pour vous. I took care of it for you. I took care of it for you. Je ne porte pas de chaussettes. I'm not wearing socks. I'm not wearing socks. Je veux acheter un cadeau pour Tom. I want to buy a gift for Tom. I want to buy a present for Tom. Elle est sa fille. She's her daughter. She's her daughter. Je veux que tu sois à mon côté. I want you to be by my side. I want you to be next to me. Que te voulaient ces deux hommes ? What did those two men want from you? What did these two men want from you? Je voulais seulement que nous soyons ensemble. I just wanted us to be together. I just wanted us to be together. À Rome, fais comme les Romains. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. In Rome, do as the Romans do. Le sucre se dissout dans le café chaud. Sugar dissolves in warm coffee. Sugar dissolves in hot coffee. Il nous faut faire les courses. We have to do the shopping. We have to go shopping. Mon père a arrêté de fumer. My father stopped smoking. My dad quit smoking. Comme j'ai un budget à respecter, je vais au restaurant pas plus de trois fois par semaine. I'm on a budget, so I don't eat out more than three times a week. As I have a budget to respect, I go to the restaurant no more than three times a week. Mes chaussures sont plus grandes que les tiennes. My shoes are bigger than yours. My shoes are bigger than yours. Pourquoi vouliez-vous nous parler ? Why did you want to speak with us? Why did you want to talk to us? C'est comme d'être un enfant dans une confiserie. It's like being a kid in a candy store. It's like being a child in a confectionery. Il a cessé de boire de l'alcool. He stopped drinking alcohol. He stopped drinking alcohol. C'est une drôle de question. That's a strange question. That's a funny question. Il m'a trouvé une bonne place. He found me a good seat. He found a good place for me. Je veux manger de la nourriture coréenne qui ne soit pas épicée. I want to eat some Korean food that isn't hot and spicy. I want to eat Korean food that's not spicy. Sami a mis la clé dans sa poche. Sami put the key into his pocket. Sami put the key in his pocket. Nous ne pouvons pas les aider. We can't help them. We can't help them. Elle a pris une douche. She took a shower. She took a shower. Tout le monde toussait, dans la salle de classe. Everyone in the classroom was coughing. Everyone was coughing in the classroom. Il est dans la nature humaine d'être ennuyé par de telles choses. It is human nature to be bugged by such things. It is in human nature to be bored by such things. Les dirigeants de l'armée se préparent pour une mobilisation majeure. The army's leaders are preparing for a major mobilization. Army leaders are preparing for a major mobilization. Ne reste pas plantée là. Dis quelque chose ! Don't just stand there, say something. Don't stand there, say something! Docteur, j'ai des problèmes de mémoire. Doctor, I have memory problems. Doctor, I have memory problems. Rien de cet argent n'est à moi. None of the money is mine. None of this money is mine. Ce n'est pas un jeu. This isn't a game. It's not a game. Quel est le plan ? What's the plan? What's the plan? Est-ce que tu conduis une boîte manuelle ou automatique ? Do you drive a manual or automatic? Are you driving a manual or automatic transmission? Ne retirez pas encore la prise ! Don't pull the plug yet. Don't take it off yet! Vous ne souriez pas. You aren't smiling. You're not smiling. On peut entendre le murmure de l'océan. You can hear the sound of the ocean. You can hear the murmur of the ocean. Je prends soin d'un chat et d'un chien. I take care of a cat and a dog. I take care of a cat and a dog. L'hôtel est en feu. The hotel is on fire. The hotel's on fire. Est-ce chaud ? Is it hot? Is it hot? Pendant un moment, j'ai cru qu'il était devenu fou. For a moment there, I thought he had gone mad. For a while, I thought he went crazy. L'un d'entre nous pourrait l'aider. One of us could help her. One of us could help him. Voudriez-vous, je vous prie, m'indiquer l'heure ? Would you tell me the time, please? Would you please tell me the time? J'ai si faim que je pourrais manger un éléphant. I'm so hungry I could eat an elephant. I'm so hungry I could eat an elephant. La nouvelle était incroyablement horrible. The news was unbelievably terrible. The news was incredibly horrible. Il fait de l'urticaire lorsqu'il consomme des œufs. He gets hives when he eats eggs. He makes hives when he eats eggs. Je pense vraiment que nous devrions faire ça. I really think we should do this. I really think we should do that. Je ne suis pas ton amie. I'm not your friend. I'm not your friend. J'étais comme toi quand j'étais jeune. You remind me of myself at a young age. I was like you when I was young. Elle déteste les insectes. She has a strong dislike of insects. She hates insects. Cette chanson me donne envie de pleurer. This song makes me want to cry. This song makes me want to cry. Pour commencer, laissez-moi dire quelque chose à mon sujet. First of all, let me speak about myself. For starters, let me say something about me. Je ne connais pas l'espagnol mais, avec l'aide d'un dictionnaire espagnol-allemand, je comprends néanmoins à peu près votre lettre. I don't know Spanish, but with the help of a Spanish-German dictionary, I nevertheless understood your letter to some extent. I do not know Spanish, but with the help of a Spanish-German dictionary, I understand your letter. Il semblait qu'il connaissait tout de moi. He seemed to know everything about me. He seemed to know everything about me. Les racines de cet arbre s'enfoncent profondément. The roots of this tree go down deep. The roots of this tree sink deep. Elle aura besoin d'une voiture la semaine prochaine. She will need a car next week. She'll need a car next week. Je ne veux pas être vu en train de te parler. I don't want to be seen talking to you. I don't want to be seen talking to you. Tu ressembles à un babouin. You look like a baboon. You look like a baboon. On pouvait le voir à l'œil nu. It could be seen by the naked eye. We could see him with the naked eye. Pourquoi est-ce que je ferais ça ? Why would I do that? Why would I do that? Tom n'est pas si crédule que ça. Tom isn't so gullible. Tom isn't that gullible. La récolte de pêches de l'année dernière était abondante. There was a large harvest of peaches last year. Last year's fishery was abundant. Ce n'est qu'après avoir visité l'Australie que j'ai réalisé à quel point le Japon était minuscule. It was not until I visited Australia that I realized how small Japan was. It was only after I visited Australia that I realized how tiny Japan was. Il ne sut pas quoi faire avec la nourriture excédentaire. He didn't know what to do with the extra food. He didn't know what to do with excess food. Tom est vraiment bon en maths. Tom is really good at math. Tom is really good at math. Notre grand-père a appris cinq langues étant enfant. Our grandfather learned five languages when he was growing up. Our grandfather learned five languages as a child. Il n'a pas peur. He has no fear. He's not afraid. Fais attention, ce couteau est bien affûté. Be careful. This knife is really sharp. Be careful, this knife is sharp. Il achète un vieux chapeau. He's buying an old hat. He's buying an old hat. Je commence à vieillir ! I'm starting to get old! I'm getting older! Nous nous dirigeons vers une impasse. We're heading down a dead end. We're heading for a dead end. Le plus tôt nous commençons, le plus tôt nous finirons. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll finish. The sooner we start, the sooner we end. Avez-vous une chambre qui soit un peu moins cher ? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Do you have a room that's a little cheaper? Tom est retenu prisonnier quelque part. Tom is being held prisoner somewhere. Tom is being held prisoner somewhere. J'ignore votre nom. I don't know your name. I don't know your name. C'est grossier de ta part de dire ça. It is rude of you to say so. It's rude of you to say that. Elle est tombée en amour avec un immigrant russe. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. Je me suis endormi sur son épaule. I fell asleep on his shoulder. I fell asleep on his shoulder. Le temps peut venir où nous n'aurons plus de guerre. The time may come when we will have no war. The time may come when we will no longer have a war. Se plaindre ne changera rien. Complaining won't change anything. complaining won't change anything. Tu dois ôter tes chaussures avant de pouvoir entrer. You have to take off your shoes before you can come in. You have to take off your shoes before you can get in. Tout était calme, sauf quand parfois des bus passaient. All was quiet except that buses sometimes ran. Everything was quiet, except when sometimes buses passed. Tu devrais aller chez un médecin. You should show yourself to the doctor. You should go to a doctor. Regarde comme il court vite ! Look how fast he runs! Look how fast he's running! Il est de ta responsabilité de terminer ce travail. It's your responsibility to finish the job. It is your responsibility to finish this work. Oh, s'il te plaît, épargne-moi ce mélodrame. Oh please, spare me the sob story. Oh, please, spare me that melodrama. Pourquoi ne l'écrivez-vous pas en berbère ? Why don't you write it in Berber? Why don't you write it in Berber? Tom se rapproche. Tom approaches. Tom's getting closer. Êtes-vous sûres de ne pas être fatiguées ? Are you sure you're not tired? Are you sure you're not tired? Je soufflai la bougie. I blew the candle out. I blew the candle. Comment êtes-vous toutes parvenues ici ? How did you all get here? How did you all get here? Ses sœurs sont toutes deux très belles. His sisters are both beautiful. Her sisters are both very beautiful. Je ne joue pas. I don't play games. I'm not playing. Le bon Dieu eut donc pitié d'elle, et lui donna une petite fille. And so God took mercy on her, and gave her a girl. So God had mercy on her, and gave her a little girl. Nous serons ensemble pour toujours. We will be together forever. We'll be together forever. Notre dette est supérieure à ce que nous pouvons payer. Our debt is more than we can pay. Our debt is higher than we can pay. Je ne sais pas du tout ce que je pourrais faire ensuite. I have no idea what to do next. I don't know what I could do next. Je lui disais bonne nuit. I wished her a good night. I said good night to him. Il a subi une opération chirurgicale au cerveau. He underwent brain surgery. He underwent surgery in the brain. Je me sens un peu fatiguée. I feel a little tired. I feel a little tired. Nous ne savions pas quel bus prendre. We didn't know which bus we would take. We didn't know which bus to take. Ayez de la compassion à mon égard ! Have some pity on me. Have compassion for me! Dites-moi ce que vous voyez ! Tell me what you see. Tell me what you see! C'est la bonne décision. It's the right decision. That's the right decision. Débarrasse-toi du canon ! Get rid of the gun. Get rid of the cannon! Vous avez l'air d'un flic. You look like a cop. You look like a cop. Je ne suis pas assez vieille. I'm not old enough. I'm not old enough. Il est à sec. He is out of pocket. It's dry. Cela n'est pas de l'art. C'est un vagin avec des dents. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. It's not art. It's a vagina with teeth. Je l'ai découragé d'aller nager parce qu'on aurait dit qu'il allait pleuvoir. I discouraged him from going swimming because it looked like it was going to rain. I discouraged her from going swimming because it looked like it was going to rain. Au cours du week-end, je suis sorti dîner avec ce couple marié, que j'ai rencontré par l'intermédiaire d'un ami commun, et nous avons tous fini par rentrer chez nous ensemble. Over the weekend I went out to dinner with this married couple that I met through a mutual friend and we all wound up going home together. During the weekend, I went out to dinner with this married couple, whom I met through a common friend, and we all ended up going home together. Non ! Tu pourras regarder la télévision après avoir fait tes devoirs. No! After you do your homework, you can watch television. No, you can watch TV after you've done your homework. Je trouve beaucoup de plaisir à pêcher. I find much enjoyment in fishing. I find a lot of fun fishing. Quand es-tu allée au travail ? When did you go to work? When did you go to work? Je suis sérieux ! I'm being serious! I'm serious! Ça va te coûter beaucoup d'argent. That's going to cost you a lot of money. It's gonna cost you a lot of money. Cela pourrait être la dernière fois que nous nous voyons. This might be the last time we ever see each other. This could be the last time we see each other. Tous les touristes prirent les mêmes photos. All the tourists took the same pictures. All tourists took the same photos. Vous pouvez le croire. You can believe it. You can believe it. Je voudrais me débarrasser de toutes ces choses. I'd like to get rid of all these things. I'd like to get rid of all these things. Tom a consulté le médecin. Tom saw a doctor. Tom consulted the doctor. Il n'est pas encore de retour. Peut-être a-t-il eu un accident. He isn't back yet. He may have had an accident. He's not back yet, maybe he's had an accident. Je me sens toujours bien après avoir fait ma bonne action pour la journée. I always feel good after I do my good deed for the day. I always feel good after doing my good job for the day. Cela semble-t-il avisé ? Does that seem wise? Does that sound wise? Comment es-tu parvenue à une conclusion si intéressante ? How did you reach such an interesting conclusion? How did you come to such an interesting conclusion? Comment nomme-t-on cet oiseau ? What's the name of that bird? What is this bird called? Ton petit ami a l'air mignon. Your boyfriend looks cute. Your boyfriend looks cute. Certains pensent que la pub est une forme de lavage de cerveaux. Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing. Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing. C'est une énorme réussite. That's a huge achievement. It's a huge success. J'ai manqué le train de deux minutes. I missed the train by two minutes. I missed the two-minute train. Tu ne sembles pas très satisfait. You don't seem very satisfied. You don't seem very satisfied. Il a rendu son projet en retard. He gave in his project late. He made his project late. Tom n'a pas fait ses devoirs. Tom didn't do his homework. Tom didn't do his homework. Nous n'avons pas besoin d'elle. We don't need her. We don't need her. L'espagnol est sa langue maternelle. Spanish is her mother tongue. Spanish is his mother tongue. La victoire nous a excitées. The victory excited us. Victory got us excited. Elle me chuchota qu'elle avait faim. She whispered to me that she was hungry. She whispered to me that she was hungry. Vous devez être très fiers de votre fils. You must be very proud of your son. You must be very proud of your son. S'il vous plait dites-le-moi. Je veux vraiment l'entendre. Please tell me. I really want to hear it. Please tell me, I really want to hear it. Ça pourrait ne pas être possible. That might not be possible. It might not be possible. Sami va aider Layla à résoudre l'énigme. Sami will help Layla solve the mystery. Sami will help Layla solve the puzzle. Comment se fait-il que vous ne dormiez pas ? How are you not sleeping? How come you didn't sleep? Ce cheval est peut-être un bon ticket. That horse may be a good bet. Maybe that horse's a good ticket. Tu es aussi grand que ma sœur. You are as tall as my sister. You're as tall as my sister. Ce papier est-il blanc ? Is this paper white? Is this paper white? Vous êtes dotés d'une grande imagination. You have a great imagination. You have a great imagination. Je préfère rester chez moi qu'aller pêcher. I prefer staying home to going fishing. I'd rather stay home than go fishing. Je me sens en sécurité, avec vous. I feel safe with you. I feel safe with you. Je n'ai jamais été interpellé par un étranger. I have never been spoken to by a foreigner before. I've never been arrested by a stranger. Je suis désolée de m'en être pris à vous. I'm sorry if I snapped at you. I'm sorry I went after you. Je ne suis pas sûr de te croire. I'm not sure I believe you. I'm not sure I believe you. Je n'aime absolument pas le fromage de chèvre. I absolutely do not like goat cheese. I absolutely don't like goat cheese. J'ai eu exactement la même sensation. I had the exact same feeling. I had exactly the same feeling. L'entreprise n'a pas de grandes chances de survie. The company does not have a good chance of survival. The company does not have a great chance of survival. J'ai détenu deux exemplaires du livre. I had two copies of the book. I held two copies of the book. Ils mentent tous. They're all lying. They're all lying. De quoi Tom a-t-il peur ? What's Tom afraid of? What is Tom afraid of? Ne fais rien de stupide. Don't do anything stupid. Don't do anything stupid. La chèvre était la vache des pauvres. The goat was the poor man's cow. The goat was the cow of the poor. Vous n'êtes pas sérieux ! You cannot be serious! You're not serious! Il a appris à être patient. He has learned to be patient. He learned to be patient. Le conservateur du musée voulait que la peinture égyptienne soit prise en sandwich entre deux épaisses plaques de plexiglas. The museum curator wanted the Egyptian painting to be sandwiched between two pieces of thick acrylic glass. The curator of the museum wanted the Egyptian painting to be sandwiched between two thick plates of plexiglas. Avons-nous des devoirs de français qui doivent être rendus demain ? Do we have any French homework that needs to be turned in tomorrow? Do we have French duties that must be returned tomorrow? Nous avons gagné la bataille. We won the battle. We won the battle. Je n'arrive toujours pas à croire que je vais être dans ton équipe. I still can't believe I'm going to be on your team. I still can't believe I'm gonna be on your team. Je suis heureux que tu aies mentionné cela. I'm glad you brought this up. I'm glad you mentioned that. Es-tu envieuse ? Are you envious? Are you envious? L'addition, s'il vous plait. Check, please. The check, please. Il n'était pas conscient de sa propre erreur. He was not conscious of his own mistake. He was not aware of his own mistake. Tom est plus célèbre que je ne le suis. Tom is more famous than I am. Tom is more famous than I am. Je me suis réveillé et je me suis dit:"Est-ce vraiment arrivé?" I woke up and I thought: "Did that really happen?" I woke up and I thought, "Did this really happen?" Peux-tu me faire le plaisir d'allumer la télé ? Will you turn on the television? Can you please me to turn on the TV? Essayez de ne pas inhaler les vapeurs. Try not to inhale the fumes. Try not to inhale the fumes. Je suis nostalgique de ses cours. I miss his lessons so much. I'm nostalgic about his classes. Nous nous rendons au marché. We are going to the market. We're going to the market. Pouvez-vous me dire où il est ? Can you tell me where it is? Can you tell me where he is? En voulez-vous une ? Want one? Do you want one? Si j'avais su, je te l'aurais dit. If I had known it, I would have told it to you. If I'd known, I would have told you. Un des fils de Tom est devenu médecin. One of Tom's sons became a doctor. One of Tom's sons became a doctor. Ça va ? How are you doing? You okay? Le prix comprend la TVA. The price includes tax. The price includes VAT. Après l'école, elle écrira une lettre. After school, she will write a letter. After school, she'll write a letter. Je ne suis pas plus occupé aujourd'hui que d'habitude. I'm not any busier today than usual. I'm not more busy today than usual. Tu ne sais ce que c'est que d'être pauvre. You don't know what it is to be poor. You don't know what it's like to be poor. Je ne voulais pas être impoli. I didn't mean to pry. I didn't mean to be rude. Avez-vous un journal japonais ? Do you have a Japanese journal? Do you have a Japanese newspaper? Prenez tout ! Take it all. Take everything! Est-ce que vos parents sont avec vous ? Are your parents with you? Are your parents with you? Ils se moquent toujours des autres. They always mock others. They always make fun of others. Je resterai ici jusqu'à dix heures. I'll stay here until ten. I'll stay here till ten o'clock. Je ne sais pas où tu es maintenant. I don't know where you are now. I don't know where you are now. La petite fille habitait au Brésil. The little girl lived in Brazil. The little girl lived in Brazil. Sa maison est là à droite. His house is there on the right. His house is on the right. Si j'étais à ta place, je l'achèterais. If I were you, I would buy it. If I were you, I'd buy it. La mère était réticente à l'idée de laisser ses enfants seuls. The mother was reluctant to leave her children alone. The mother was reluctant to leave her children alone. J'étudie le mandarin, à Pékin. I study Chinese in Beijing. I'm studying Mandarin in Beijing. Susan tient beaucoup de sa mère. Susan really takes after her mother. Susan's got a lot of her mother. Je n'ai pas de livres à lire. I don't have books to read. I don't have any books to read. Elle nous aime tous. She likes all of us. She loves us all. Un voyage en Amérique, cet été, est hors de question. A trip to America this summer is out of the question. A trip to America this summer is out of the question. Qu'avez-vous besoin de savoir ? What do you need to know? What do you need to know? Elle prend part à beaucoup d'activités scolaires. She participates in many school activities. She takes part in many school activities. Je l'ai rencontré par hasard hier à l'aéroport. I met him by accident at the airport yesterday. I met him by chance yesterday at the airport. L'exemple souvent n'est qu'un miroir trompeur. The example often is only a misleading mirror. The example often is only a misleading mirror. Est-ce que vous allez à Noboribetsu demain ? Are you going to Noboribetsu tomorrow? Are you going to Noboribetsu tomorrow? Nous ne pouvons pas laisser Tom ici. Il ne survivra pas tout seul. We can't leave Tom here. He won't survive on his own. We can't leave Tom here, he won't survive on his own. C'est mort. It's dead. It's dead. Nancy est plus timide que réservée. Nancy is more shy than reserved. Nancy is shyer than reserved. Cette offre vaut pour cinq jours. This offer is available for five days. This offer is for five days. Il s'agit du bouton d'éjection. N'y touchez pas ! That's the eject button. Don't touch it. It's the ejection button, don't touch it! Les Incas étaient un peuple religieux. The Inca were a religious people. The Incas were a religious people. J'appelerai chez lui demain. I'm going to call at his house tomorrow. I'll call his house tomorrow. Je voudrais vous remercier tous les deux. I'd like to thank you both. I'd like to thank you both. Elle pensait que j'étais toubib. She thought that I was a doctor. She thought I was a doctor. Je veux que tu me chantes une chanson. I want you to sing me a song. I want you to sing me a song. Il est où ton billet de vingt ? J'te l'échange contre un de cinq. Where is your twenty? I'll give you five bucks for it. Where's your twenty bill? Nous avons fini de dîner. We have finished lunch. We're done with dinner. Les gens craignent la guerre. The people fear war. People fear war. Je pensais qu'il se pourrait que tu veuilles savoir. I thought you might want to know. I thought you might want to know. M. Jackson est un très bon professeur. Mr. Jackson is a very good teacher. Mr. Jackson is a very good teacher. M'entendez-vous ? Do you hear me? Can you hear me? Elle a été enterrée vivante. She was buried alive. She was buried alive. Nous avons discuté longuement du problème. We discussed the problem at length. We discussed the problem at length. Je pensais vous avoir dit de rester en arrière. I thought that I told you to stay behind. I thought I told you to stay back. Les ramens sont des nouilles de blé d'origine chinoise. Ramen is a wheat noodle of Chinese origin. Ramens are Chinese wheat noodles. Le médecin m'a fait une injection. The doctor gave me a shot. The doctor gave me an injection. Je suis venu pour que vous puissiez m'informer. I have come so that you can inform me. I came here to let you know. Je ne me sens pas désirée. I feel like I'm not wanted. I don't feel wanted. Ça ressemble à un piège. This looks like a trap. It looks like a trap. C'est la pomme de John. It is John's apple. It's John's apple. Ça n'a pas été très amusant. It wasn't very fun. It wasn't much fun. Des miracles se sont produits. Miracles have happened. Miracles have occurred. L'année dernière, j'ai vu au moins cinquante films. Last year, I saw at least fifty films. Last year, I saw at least fifty films. Écarte-toi ! Step aside. Get out of the way! Ils ont décidé de la date et du lieu de leur mariage. They decided on the date and location of their wedding. They decided on the date and place of their marriage. Cela faisait longtemps que je voulais dire cela : tes blagues cyniques sont insupportables. I've wanted to tell you this for a long time: Your cynical jokes are unbearable. It's been a long time since I wanted to say this: your cynical jokes are unbearable. Lavez vos pieds. Wash your feet. Wash your feet. Nous avons parlé sans l'aide d'un interprète. We talked without the aid of an interpreter. We spoke without the help of an interpreter. Demain, je vais promener ma mère dans la nouvelle voiture. Tomorrow, I'm going to take my mother out in the new car. Tomorrow, I'm going to walk my mom in the new car. Tu aurais dû me dire ça hier ! You should have told me that yesterday! You should have told me that yesterday! Nous vivons en banlieue. We live in the suburbs. We live in the suburbs. Je veux faire ça maintenant. I want to do that now. I want to do this now. Le jour viendra sûrement où tes rêves se réaliseront. The day will surely come when your dreams will come true. The day will surely come when your dreams will come true. L'écriture de Tom n'est pas très bonne, mais elle est facile à lire. Tom's handwriting isn't very good, but it's easy to read. Tom's writing isn't very good, but it's easy to read. Un étranger entra dans l'immeuble. A stranger came into the building. A stranger entered the building. Je pense que Tom aimerait ça. I think Tom would like that. I think Tom would like that. C'est le même tous les ans. It's the same every year. It's the same every year. Sois équitable ! Be fair. Be fair! Il est né pour devenir ingénieur. He grew up to be an engineer. He was born to become an engineer. Je sais que j'avais tort. I know that I was wrong. I know I was wrong. J'ai été complètement abasourdi. I was absolutely stunned. I've been totally stunned. Ma mère était en larmes. My mother was in tears. My mother was in tears. Je pensais que je pourrais être d'une quelconque utilité. I thought I might be of some use. I thought I might be of some use. Tu devrais la croire sur parole parce que je ne l'ai jamais vue mentir. You should take her at her word because I've never known her to lie. You should believe her on word because I've never seen her lie. Je l'ai mis sur votre bureau. I put it on your desk. I put it on your desk. Son acte impudent de défiance a failli lui coûter la vie. His brazen act of defiance almost cost him his life. His impudent act of distrust almost cost him his life. Le riz est cultivé dans les régions pluvieuses. Rice is grown in rainy regions. Rice is grown in rainy areas. L'enveloppe ne lui avait pas été remise. The envelope hadn't been delivered to him. The envelope had not been given to him. Vos chaussures ont besoin d'être réparées. Your shoes want mending. Your shoes need to be fixed. Elle n'écouta pas. She did not listen. She didn't listen. Un bon livre peut totalement absorber votre attention, au point d'oublier votre environnement et même votre existence. A good book can completely absorb your attention, to the extent that you forget your surroundings and even your existence. A good book can totally absorb your attention, to the point of forgetting your environment and even your existence. Je voudrais vous parler à ce sujet. I wanted to speak with you about this. I'd like to talk to you about that. Un voleur s'est introduit par effraction dans la maison pour voler de l'argent. A thief broke into the house to steal the money. A thief broke into the house to steal money. Où est le beurre ? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Ils ont des familles. They have families. They have families. Ta montre me semble valoir très cher. Your watch seems to be very valuable. Your watch seems very expensive to me. J'aimerais vous poser quelques questions à propos de ce que vous avez fait le week-end dernier. I'd like to ask you a few questions about what you did last weekend. I'd like to ask you a few questions about what you did last weekend. Nous jouâmes sur la plage. We played on the beach. We played on the beach. La politique gouvernementale a été critiquée par le parti d'opposition. The policy of the government was criticized by the opposition party. Government policy has been criticized by the opposition party. Nous sommes allés à la fête et avons passé un bon moment. We went to the party and had a pleasant time. We went to the party and had a good time. Pourquoi les physiciens sont-ils convergents ? Parce qu'ils sont monotones et bornés. Why do physicists converge? Because they're monotonous and narrow. Why are physicists converging? Because they are monotonous and bounded. Tom mange au moins trois bols de riz tous les jours. Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day. Tom eats at least three bowls of rice every day. Elle est trop sincère; parfois ça me blesse. She is too sincere; sometimes it hurts me. She's too sincere; sometimes it hurts me. Quelqu'un t'a vue. Somebody saw you. Someone saw you. C'était un bon voyage. That was a good trip. It was a good trip. Ton comportement crée des problèmes. Your behavior is creating a lot of problems. Your behavior creates problems. Le signe pour "frères et sœurs" dans la langue des signes japonaise pourrait bien être mal interprété par de nombreux Étasuniens, avec des conséquences désastreuses. The sign for siblings in Japanese sign language could well be misunderstood by many Americans with disastrous consequences. The sign for "brothers and sisters" in Japanese sign language could well be misinterpreted by many Americans, with disastrous consequences. Qu'a chanté Tom à votre mariage ? What did Tom sing at your wedding? What did Tom sing at your wedding? Où avez-vous trouvé ceci ? Where did you find this? Where did you find this? Je te prie de ne pas me questionner à son sujet. Please don't ask me about her. Please don't ask me about him. Es-tu heureux ? Are you happy? Are you happy? J'aime parler du bon vieux temps. I like to talk about the good old days. I like to talk about the good old days. Ce n'était pas un des choix. That wasn't one of the choices. It wasn't one of the choices. Elle sera toujours dans mon cœur. She will always be in my heart. It'll always be in my heart. Vous devez faire comme je dis. You must do as I say. You have to do as I say. Comment vous êtes-vous procurées une photo de moi à poil ? How did you get a naked picture of me? How did you get a picture of me naked? Je ne le connais pas du tout. I don't know him at all. I don't know him at all. Videz l'eau hors du seau. Empty the water out of the bucket. Empty the water out of the bucket. J'attendrai à l'extérieur. I'll wait outside. I'll wait outside. Il veut en avoir le plus possible pour son argent. He wants the most bang for his buck. He wants as much as he can for his money. Inutile de préciser qu'il a raison. Needless to say, he is right. Needless to say, he's right. Elle a un cœur d'or. She has a heart of gold. She's got a heart of gold. Les gens achetaient leurs pipes chez un buraliste. Désormais, ils les achètent à un commerce de proximité. People used to buy their smokes at a tobacconist. Now they buy them at a convenience store. People bought their pipes from a buralist, and now they buy them from a local business. Tom était vraiment fou. Tom was really crazy. Tom was really crazy. Aime-moi un petit peu, aime-moi durablement. Love me little, love me long. Love me for a little while, love me for a long time. Mon chat est vraiment malin. My cat is really smart. My cat is really smart. Nous devons seulement être patients. We just have to be patient. We only need to be patient. Je ne sais pas si c'est sage ou non. I don't know if that's wise or not. I don't know if it's wise or not. Tu as été surfer ce matin, n'est-ce pas ? You went surfing this morning, didn't you? You've been surfing this morning, haven't you? C'est la toile qu'il a peinte. It is the painting he painted. It's the canvas he painted. J'ai tout l'argent dont j'ai besoin. I have all the money I need. I have all the money I need. Puis-je manger une autre part de gâteau ? May I eat another piece of cake? Can I eat another piece of cake? Viens chez moi à huit heures. Come to my house at eight. Come to my house at eight o'clock. C'était le livre le plus vendu la semaine dernière. This was the best-selling book last week. It was the best-selling book last week. Elles semblaient savoir ce qu'ils faisaient. They seemed to know what they were doing. They seemed to know what they were doing. Vous avez été retirées de la liste. You were removed from the list. You've been removed from the list. Il se cache dans la penderie. He's hiding in the closet. He's hiding in the closet. Il m'a utilisé comme cobaye. He used me as a guinea pig. He used me as a guinea pig. J'ai mémorisé la poésie. I memorized the poem. I memorized poetry. Je n'aime pas les œufs. I dislike eggs. I don't like eggs. En parlant de loisir, j'aime beaucoup le baseball. Speaking of hobbies, I'm fond of baseball. Speaking of leisure, I really like baseball. Vous devriez commencer aussi tôt que possible. You should start as early as possible. You should start as soon as possible. J'ai dû faire un discours en toute urgence. I had to make a speech on short notice. I had to give a speech as a matter of urgency. Ça ne me dérange pas de t'aider à nettoyer après la fête. I don't mind helping you clean up after the party. I don't mind helping you clean up after the party. Regarde des deux côtés avant de traverser la rue. Look to right and left in crossing the street. Look on both sides before you cross the street. Je crois que j'ai bien compris vos mots. I believe I understood your words well. I think I understood your words well. Tu aurais pu me le dire. You might have told me. You could have told me. Vous y êtes ! There you are! You're in! Vous ne pouvez pas analyser les données efficacement avant d'avoir tracé un graphique. You cannot analyse the data efficiently unless you draw a plot. You cannot analyze the data effectively before you have plotted a graph. Je pensais qu'il se pourrait que tu veuilles une boisson. I thought you might want a drink. I thought you might want a drink. Je voudrais rester plus longtemps. I'd like to stay longer. I'd like to stay longer. La chance n'est pas de mon côté. Luck is against me. Luck isn't on my side. Dites toujours la vérité. Always tell the truth. Always tell the truth. Nous sommes entrés par la porte de derrière, de peur que quelqu'un ne nous voie. We came in through the back door lest someone should see us. We entered through the back door, lest anyone see us. Je n'en ai pas tout à fait terminé ici. I'm not quite done here. I'm not quite done here. Il se comporte comme s'il était quelqu'un. He behaves as if he were somebody. He's acting like he's someone. Vous avez trois heures de retard. You're three hours late. You're three hours late. Je veux racheter ma voiture. I want to buy my car back. I want to buy my car. Ma sœur faisait partie du club de basketball l'année dernière. My sister belonged to the basketball club last year. My sister was in the basketball club last year. Je suis impressionné que tu aies si bien réussi. I'm impressed you've done so well. I'm impressed you did so well. En avez-vous terminé avec le journal ? Are you through with the newspaper? Are you done with the paper? Si tu as mal à la poitrine, consulte tout de suite ton médecin. If you have pain in your chest, consult your doctor right away. If you have chest pain, consult your doctor right away. Si vous n'êtes pas sur Facebook, vous n'existez pas ! If you're not on Facebook, you don't exist! If you're not on Facebook, you don't exist! Je suis certain d'avoir déjà vu ce type quelque part. I'm sure I've seen that guy somewhere before. I'm sure I've seen this guy before somewhere. Sami voulait faire l'amour. Sami wanted to have sex. Sami wanted to have sex. Vous ne serez pas déçu. You won't be disappointed. You won't be disappointed. Tom a déménagé. Tom moved. Tom moved. Toutes les choses que tu as vues n'étaient que des hallucinations. All the things you saw were hallucinations. All the things you saw were hallucinations. Ce médicament n'a pas d'effets secondaires. This medicine does not have side effects. This medicine has no side effects. La chambre de Tom n'était pas propre. Tom's room wasn't clean. Tom's room wasn't clean. Le matin les a trouvés sur le pont. Morning found them on deck. The morning found them on the bridge. Il m'en parla en privé. He told me about it in private. He told me about it privately. Ce type est célèbre. This guy is great. This guy's famous. On peut dire par son intention qu'elle a vécu dans un pays hispanophone quand elle était jeune. You can tell by her intonation that she lived in a Spanish speaking country when she was young. It can be said by her intention that she lived in a Spanish-speaking country when she was young. Est-ce que tu as une voiture ? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? La tornade a frappé à deux kilomètres de mon école. The tornado touched down two kilometers from my school. The tornado hit two kilometers from my school. Ils jouent beaucoup ensemble. They play a lot together. They play a lot together. C'est un nègre. He's a nigger. He's a nigger. Les taux d'intérêt vont progressivement augmenter. Gradually the interest rate will increase. Interest rates will gradually rise. Pouvez-vous m'accorder une faveur ? Could you do me a favor? Can you give me a favor? Ils ont marché le long d'un chemin étroit. They walked along a narrow path. They walked along a narrow path. Les castors sauvages sont de retour en Angleterre après 500 ans d'absence. Wild beavers are returning to England after a five hundred year absence. Wild beavers are back in England after 500 years of absence. Tom n'oublie jamais un nom ni un visage. Tom never forgets a name or a face. Tom never forgets a name or a face. Qu'avez-vous confectionné ? What did you make? What did you make? Vous m'avez menti, n'est-ce pas ? You lied to me, didn't you? You lied to me, didn't you? D'abord, apprenez la formule par cœur. First of all, learn the formula by heart. First, learn the formula by heart. J'ai laissé tomber ma boucle d'oreille. I dropped my earring. I dropped my earring. Tu m'as presque convaincu. You almost convinced me. You almost convinced me. N'oublie pas d'envoyer cette lettre. Don't forget to send that letter. Don't forget to send this letter. Ne sais-tu pas combien il est dangereux d'aller nager seul ? Don't you know how dangerous it is to go swimming by yourself? Don't you know how dangerous it is to go swimming alone? Nous chiions dans nos frocs. We were all scared shitless. We were shitting in our pants. Elle avait peur de faire un discours. She was afraid to make a speech. She was afraid to make a speech. Je vous serais très reconnaissant de les envoyer par avion. I should be very grateful if you would send them by air. I'd be very grateful if you could send them by plane. Je commets rarement des erreurs. I seldom make mistakes. I rarely make mistakes. L'anthropologue rassemble les tessons de poterie qu'elle a déterrés sur le site de fouilles. The anthropologist is piecing together pottery shards she unearthed at the excavation site. The anthropologist gathers the pottery teasses she dug up at the excavation site. Que voulez-vous vraiment dire ? What do you really mean? What do you really mean? Je n'arrive pas à croire qu'il s'agisse vraiment de vous. I can't believe it's really you. I can't believe it's really about you. Elle a une fuite. It has a leak. She's leaking. Le rouge est la couleur de l'amour, de la passion, de la fertilité et du pouvoir. Red is the color of love, passion, fertility and power. Red is the color of love, passion, fertility and power. Je vais mieux. I'm better. I'm better. Le garçon cherchait la clé qu'il avait perdue. The boy was searching for the key that he had lost. The boy was looking for the key he lost. Je veux simplement vous dire merci à tous. I just want to say thanks to you all. I just want to say thank you to all of you. Tom était de bonne humeur. Tom was cheerful. Tom was in a good mood. L'Australie est le plus gros pays de l'Océanie. Australia is the largest country in Oceania. Australia is the largest country in Oceania. S'il ne veut vraiment pas y aller, il ne devrait pas y être obligé. If he really doesn't want to go, he shouldn't have to. If he really doesn't want to go, he shouldn't have to. Regarde où tu vas. Look where you are going. Look where you're going. Quel est ton cours préféré, cette année ? What's your favorite class this year? What's your favorite class this year? Je pense que Tom a besoin de ton aide. I think Tom needs your help. I think Tom needs your help. Je suis très gros. I'm very fat. I'm really fat. Je suis désolé de ce que j'ai fait. I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry about what I did. Plus vous l'expliquez, moins je le comprends. The more you explain it, the less I understand it. The more you explain it, the less I understand it. L'avidité humaine est-elle sans fin ? When will human greed end? Is human greed endless? Mieux vaut un vieux diamant d'occasion que pas de diamant du tout. It is better to have old second-hand diamonds than none at all. Better an old used diamond than no diamond at all. Dépêche-toi et tu seras à l'heure. Hurry up, and you will be on time. Hurry up and you'll be on time. Pouvez-vous parler plus fort je ne vous entends pas. Can you talk louder? I didn't hear you. Can you speak louder I can't hear you. Je n'ai pas besoin d'argent pour le moment. I don't need money at present. I don't need any money right now. Il lui a donné un nouveau nom. He gave it a new name. He gave her a new name. Le bol en verre s'est brisé en petits morceaux. The glass bowl broke into tiny fragments. The glass bowl broke into small pieces. Nous ferions mieux de faire cela. We'd better do that. We'd better do that. Nous ne te rejoindrons pas avant demain. We won't get to you until tomorrow. We won't join you until tomorrow. Êtes-vous fatigué de vivre ? Are you tired of living? Are you tired of living? Il me faut vous voir. I must see you. I need to see you. As-tu été en mesure de t'ouvrir et de parler ? Were you able to open up and talk? Have you been able to open up and talk? Ce fut construit il y a environs 500 ans. This was built some 500 years ago. It was built about 500 years ago. On travaillera sur ça cette semaine. We'll be working on that this week. We'll be working on this this week. Connaissez-vous tous ces gens ? Do you know all these people? Do you know all these people? Jamais il ne me pardonnera. He will never forgive me. He'll never forgive me. Je sais ce que j'aime. I know what I like. I know what I like. Y a-t-il la moindre chance que nous soyons approuvés ? Any chance of us getting approved? Is there any chance that we will be approved? Cette maison est mienne. This house is mine. This house is mine. Nous avons peu de temps. Dépêchons-nous. We don't have much time. Let's hurry. We don't have much time. La vie est douce. Life is sweet. Life is sweet. J'écris une lettre. I am writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Je pense que je suis exténué. I think that I'm just exhausted. I think I'm exhausted. Je n'ai pas assez mangé. I didn't eat enough. I haven't eaten enough. Tu étais jaloux de moi. You were jealous of me. You were jealous of me. Mettez quelques bougies sur le gâteau d'anniversaire, s'il vous plait. Please put some candles on the birthday cake. Put some candles on the birthday cake, please. Répondez immédiatement lorsqu'on s'adresse à vous. Answer at once when spoken to. Respond immediately when speaking to you. Choisis le plat que tu veux dans le menu. Choose whatever dish you want from the menu. Pick the dish you want from the menu. Ils furent incapables de découvrir le moindre secret. They weren't able to discover any secrets. They were unable to discover any secret. Tout le monde parle du temps, mais personne ne fait rien pour ça. Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. Everyone's talking about time, but no one's doing anything about it. Ils ont fait le tour du monde ! They did a tour of the world! They've been around the world! Je ne reviendrai pas. I won't come back again. I'm not coming back. Je devrais vraiment y aller. I really should be going. I really should go. C'est une hypothèse intéressante. That's an interesting hypothesis. That's an interesting hypothesis. Vous n'êtes pas aussi petites que moi. You aren't as short as I am. You're not as small as me. Il n'y en a aucune à moi. None of these are mine. There's none of my own. Je suis incroyablement fatigué. I'm incredibly tired. I'm incredibly tired. Est-ce approprié ? Is this appropriate? Is that appropriate? Il y a une superbe vue depuis le toit de cet immeuble. Tu veux aller voir ? There's a great view from the rooftop of that building. Want to go see? There's a beautiful view from the roof of this building. Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que ce soit aussi grand. I did not expect it to be that big. I didn't expect it to be that big. Il vous faut le faire rapidement. You must do it quickly. You have to do it quickly. Elles ont prétendu que mon nom avait été éliminé du registre des votants par inadvertance. They claimed that my name had been inadvertently eliminated from the voter registration list. They claimed that my name had been inadvertently removed from the voters' register. Thomas sortit à reculons de la chambre. Tom backed out of the room. Thomas went backwards from the room. Êtes-vous nés là-bas ? Were you born there? Were you born there? Je l'ai vu en train d'embrasser une autre fille. I saw him kissing another girl. I saw him kissing another girl. Comme cela avait été prédit, il a neigé. It snowed as was forecast. As predicted, it snowed. Il se pourrait que cela ne soit pas si facile. It might not be that easy. It might not be that easy. Ma télévision tomba dans en panne, donc je dus l'emmener réparer. My television was broken down, so I had to get it repaired. My TV broke down, so I had to take her to fix it. Vous avez bu, n'est-ce pas ? You've been drinking, haven't you? You drank, didn't you? Elle veut attendre jusqu'au mariage. She wants to wait until she's married. She wants to wait until the wedding. Tom n'est pas loin derrière. Tom isn't far behind us. Tom's not far behind. C'est aujourd'hui que Ken se marie. It is today that Ken gets married. Ken's getting married today. Je ne pense pas qu'on ne me percevra jamais comme un locuteur natif. I don't think I'll ever sound like a native speaker. I don't think I'll ever be perceived as a native speaker. Laissez-moi vous raconter une histoire. Let me tell you a story. Let me tell you a story. Le bateau est fixé à l'élément d'ancrage par une chaîne. The boat is attached to the anchor by a chain. The vessel is attached to the anchoring element by a chain. Enlevez vos manteaux et videz vos poches ! Remove your coat and empty your pockets. Take off your coats and empty your pockets! Pourquoi mentirait-il ? Why would he lie? Why would he lie? Celui qui a des abeilles a aussi du miel. He who has bees also has honey. Whoever has bees also has honey. J'aimerais être seule, si vous n'y voyez pas d'inconvénient. I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. I'd like to be alone, if you don't mind. La raison numéro un de pourquoi les amis balancent leurs amis sur Facebook est qu'il y a trop de publications inutiles. The number one reason why friends dump their friends on Facebook is too many useless posts. The number one reason friends throw their friends on Facebook is that there are too many useless publications. Je travaille à différentes heures chaque jour. I work different hours every day. I work at different times every day. Je suis allé voir un spectacle aujourd'hui. I went to see a show today. I went to see a show today. Rien ne doit se produire avant que tu ne sois prête. Nothing has to happen until you're ready. Nothing's gotta happen until you're ready. Elle a les cheveux mouillés. She has wet hair. She's got wet hair. Elle m'a salué de la main. She waved her hand to me. She greeted me with her hand. Tu es dégoûtante. You're disgusting. You're disgusting. Le problème est de savoir si tu peux suivre son anglais. The problem is whether you can follow her English. The problem is if you can follow his English. Il fait assez doux pour cette période de l'année. It's fairly mild for this time of year. It's pretty sweet for this time of year. Est-ce une bonne idée ? Is that a good idea? Is that a good idea? Je l'ai vue jouer du piano. I have seen her playing the piano. I saw her play the piano. Je suis une personne assez heureuse. I'm a pretty happy person. I'm a pretty happy person. L'avez-vous déjà vendue ? Have you sold it yet? Have you ever sold it? Il n'est pas mon genre. He's not my type. He's not my type. Je te dis la vérité. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. Je ne pense pas pouvoir vous aider. I don't think I can help you. I don't think I can help you. Il y avait un hôtel dans les environs. There used to be a hotel about here. There was a hotel nearby. Marie fait plus jeune que son âge. Mary looks younger than she really is. Mary is younger than her age. Cette bicyclette m'appartient. This bicycle is mine. This bike belongs to me. Pas mal pour une débutante. Not bad for a beginner. Not bad for a beginner. Quelle vue merveilleuse. How wonderful this sight is. What a wonderful view. Je n'ai pas de téléphone mobile. I don't have a cellphone. I don't have a mobile phone. Voilà, ta phrase est désormais confiée à la postérité ! Here, your sentence is now consigned to posterity! Your sentence is now entrusted to posterity! Ses sentiments n'étaient pas réciproques. Her feelings were not reciprocated. His feelings were not mutual. Un imbécile comme Dan n'a pas de place dans cette équipe. An idiot like Dan has no place on this team. A fool like Dan doesn't have a place on this team. Bonjour, madame. Hello, ma'am. Hello, ma'am. Je crois qu'il est impliqué dans ce scandale. I think he has something to do with that scandal. I think he's involved in this scandal. Cette viande est du poulet. That meat is chicken. This meat is chicken. Il y a une part de vérité là-dedans. There's some truth to this. There's some truth in there. Ne me traitez pas comme un idiot ! Don't treat me like I'm stupid. Don't treat me like an idiot! Tout ce que je veux, c'est toi. All I want is you. All I want is you. Il a été condamné à une peine de travail d'intérêt général. He was sentenced to community service. He was sentenced to community service. Quand penses-tu rentrer à la maison ce soir ? When do you intend to come home this evening? When do you think you're going home tonight? Je veux savoir qui a commencé ceci. I want to know who started this. I want to know who started this. Qu'as-tu entendu ? What have you heard? What did you hear? Ne lui confie pas autant d'argent ! Don't trust him with such a large sum of money. Don't give him that much money! Je vais rejoindre l'orchestre de l'école. I'm going to join the school orchestra. I'm going to join the school orchestra. J'aurais aimé que tu m'aies dit quoi faire. I wish you had told me what to do. I wish you'd told me what to do. Notre prof dit : "Bien sûr que vous pouvez." Our teacher says: "Of course you can." Our teacher says, "Of course you can." Je ne dois pas étudier ce soir. Je pense que je regarderai la télévision un moment. I don't have to study tonight. I think I'll watch television for a while. I don't have to study tonight, I think I'll watch TV for a while. J'ai enfin trouvé du travail. Finally, I found a job. I finally found work. Ne vous faites pas une idée erronée. Don't get the wrong idea. Don't get a wrong idea. C'est un peu léger. It's a bit flimsy. It's a little light. J'aurais dû écouter ce que ma mère avait dit. I should've listened to what my mother said. I should have listened to what my mother said. Pouvez-vous marcher ? Can you walk? Can you walk? C'est commencé. It's started. It's started. Il est ici ! Here he is! He's here! Pouvez-vous me fournir tout ce dont j'ai besoin ? Can you supply me with all I need? Can you give me everything I need? Ce mec est bizarre par moment. Sometimes he can be a strange guy. This guy's weird at times. Les chiens aboient. Dogs are barking. Dogs bark. Ce qu'on en ressent est incroyable ! That feels amazing. What you're feeling is amazing! J'essaye d'imaginer ça. I'm trying to imagine that. I'm trying to imagine that. Quels sont vos projets pour Noël ? What are your plans for Christmas? What are your plans for Christmas? Quand j'ai visité Ken il était en train d'étudier. When I visited Ken he was studying. When I visited Ken he was studying. Ce livre a été écrit par Tom. This book was written by Tom. This book was written by Tom. C'est une situation critique. It's a critical situation. This is a critical situation. J'étudierai votre rapport. I'll study your report. I'll study your report. C'est tout ce qu'il faut. That's all it takes. That's all it takes. J'étais outré, moi aussi. I was outraged, too. I was outraged, too. J'ai couru tout le long du chemin jusqu'à chez moi. I ran all the way home. I ran all the way home. Tom a votre âge. Tom is your age. Tom is your age. As-tu pris une douche aujourd'hui ? Did you take a shower today? Did you take a shower today? Cette année, j'ai une meilleure moyenne que toi ! This year, my Grade-Point Average is better than yours! This year, I have a better average than you! Puis-je terminer ? Can I finish? May I finish? Espérons de bons résultats. Let's hope for good results. Let's hope for good results. Sami vient de le faire tomber. Sami just knocked it off. Sami just dropped it. J'aime ce magasin. I like this store. I like this store. Tom ne boit pas d'alcool, et encore moins du whisky. Tom doesn't drink alcohol—especially not whiskey. Tom doesn't drink alcohol, let alone whiskey. Qu'y a-t-il dans ces boîtes ? What's in those boxes? What's in those boxes? Manger bio, est-ce vraiment intéressant ? Is eating organic food worth the money? Organic eating, is that really interesting? Je suis désolé de vous avoir dérangée ! I'm sorry to have bothered you. I'm sorry I bothered you! Une foule importante s'est rassemblée sur le lieu de l'incendie. A big crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. A large crowd gathered at the fire site. Le théâtre ouvrait habituellement tous les dimanches. The theater used to open on Sundays. The theatre usually opened every Sunday. Elle tambourina des doigts sur la table. She drummed her fingers on the table. She drummed fingers on the table. J'espère que je me trompe, mais j'en doute. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. Penses-tu que nous devrions abandonner le navire ? Do you think we should abandon ship? Do you think we should abandon the ship? Elle est plus intelligent que moi. She's smarter than me. She's smarter than me. J'ai appris le français depuis longtemps. I've been studying French for a very long time. I've learned French for a long time. Tu ferais mieux d'arrêter de fumer. You should quit smoking. You better quit smoking. L'éclair est normalement suivi par le tonnerre. Lightning is usually followed by thunder. The lightning is normally followed by thunder. Il ne put trouver ce que j'avais caché. He could not find what I had hidden. He couldn't find what I had hidden. Tu décides de rester une heure de plus. You decide to stay an extra hour. You decide to stay an hour longer. Ne vous ai-je pas déjà rencontré ? Haven't I seen you before? Haven't I met you before? Personne ne savait qui j'étais. No one knew who I was. Nobody knew who I was. Dan ne méritait pas de mourir. Dan didn't deserve to die. Dan didn't deserve to die. Tom a un jet privé. Tom has a private jet. Tom has a private jet. Le garçon se perdit dans la forêt. The boy got lost in the forest. The boy got lost in the forest. Je me fiche que tu y ailles ou pas. J'y vais de toutes façons. I don't care if you go or not. I'm going anyway. I don't care if you're going or not. Tom était surpris de me voir. Tom was surprised to see me. Tom was surprised to see me. Je n'arrive pas à trouver le temps de lire le livre. I cannot find time to read the book. I can't find time to read the book. Elle est sortie. She has gone out. She's out. La morale publique n'est plus respectée dans cette ville. Public morals are not respected anymore in this town. Public morality is no longer respected in this city. Je veux que tu le laisses tomber. I want you to drop it. I want you to drop him. Je savais que nous oubliions quelque chose. I knew we forgot something. I knew we were forgetting something. Je suis beaucoup plus jeune que vous. I'm much younger than you. I'm much younger than you. Tom a été retrouvé mort dans son lit. Tom was found dead in his bed. Tom was found dead in his bed. J'ai écrit une chanson pour toi. I wrote a song for you. I wrote a song for you. Voulez-vous appeler Tom ou bien voulez-vous que ce soit moi qui le fasse ? Do you want to call Tom or do you want me to? Would you like to call Tom or would you like me to do it? Je ne suis pas sûr que cela arrive. I'm not sure that'll happen. I'm not sure this is happening. C'est mon amie Rachel, nous sommes allées au lycée ensemble. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. She's my friend Rachel, we went to high school together. Êtes-vous prêts pour l'an deux mille ? Are you ready for Y2K? Are you ready for the year two thousand? Je ne veux pas savoir si tu n'aimes pas ta tante Marie. Tu n'as qu'à juste te forcer à sourire et supporter tant qu'elle est ici. I don't care if you don't like your Aunt Mary. You'll just have to grin and bear it while she's here. I don't want to know if you don't like your aunt Marie. Il s'est tourné vers son ami pour qu'il l'aide. He turned to his friend for help. He turned to his friend for help. Les gens aiment vous parler. People like to talk to you. People like to talk to you. N'oublie pas de répondre à la lettre. Don't forget to answer the letter. Don't forget to answer the letter. Elles ont à peine mis le nez dehors depuis que le bébé est né. They have scarcely gone out since the baby was born. They barely put their noses out since the baby was born. Ne sois pas aussi dure avec elle. Elle voulait bien faire. Don't be so hard on her. She meant well. Don't be so hard on her. Il le nota pour ne pas oublier. He wrote it down so he wouldn't forget. He wrote it down so he wouldn't forget. Je suis sûre que ça va te plaire. I'm sure you're going to enjoy it. I'm sure you'll like it. Je ne peux pas vous aider maintenant. I can't help you now. I can't help you right now. Je préférerais être chez moi. I'd rather be at home. I'd rather be home. Nous t'avons déjà pardonné. We have already forgiven you. We've already forgiven you. Je crois que nous avons parlé au téléphone. I think we spoke on the phone. I think we talked on the phone. Tom m'a dit qu'il partirait bientôt. Tom told me that he would leave soon. Tom told me he'd be leaving soon. Ça m'a été remis par la Reine en personne. It was given to me by the Queen herself. It was handed over to me by the Queen in person. Le beau temps va se maintenir. The good weather will hold. The good weather is going to keep going. Il préfère le football américain au baseball. He prefers football to baseball. He prefers American football to baseball. Il est venu tard à l'entraînement. He showed up late to practice. He came late to practice. C'est à mon frère. This is my brother's. It's my brother's. Rien ne me rendrait plus heureux que de vous voir heureuses. Nothing would make me happier than to see you happy. Nothing would make me happier than to see you happy. Es-tu prêt pour Halloween ? Are you ready for Halloween? Are you ready for Halloween? Nous avons un droit à la vie privée. We have a right to privacy. We have a right to privacy. Elle a continué à sangloter, sans lever les yeux. She continued sobbing without looking up. She continued to sobb, without raising her eyes. Je ne peux pas respirer par le nez. I can't breathe through my nose. I can't breathe through the nose. Vous acceptez des cartes de crédit ? Do you accept credit cards? Do you accept credit cards? L'homme est très bien bâti. That man has a very good build. The man is very well built. Ça semble aisé. It sounds easy. Sounds easy. Il se sécha avec une serviette. He dried himself with a towel. He dried himself with a towel. Tom m'a dit qu'il pensait que Marie serait à la maison le 20 octobre. Tom told me he thought that Mary would be home on October 20th. Tom told me he thought Mary would be home on October 20. Elle émergea de la cuisine. She emerged from the kitchen. She emerged from the kitchen. L'accusé a été condamné à mort. The accused was sentenced to death. The accused was sentenced to death. Une femme lit un livre à la bibliothèque. A woman is reading a book in the library. A woman reads a book in the library. Mes parents m'ont envoyée en camp pour gros quand j'avais treize ans. My parents sent me to fat camp when I was thirteen. My parents sent me to camp for the bulk of my life when I was thirteen. C'est vraiment une fille adorable. She is, indeed, a lovely girl. She's a really adorable girl. Je crois que tu l'aimerais ! I believe that you will love it! I think you'd like it! Je dois attraper le premier train. I must catch the first train. I have to catch the first train. Tom et moi sommes dans la même classe. Tom and I are in the same class. Tom and I are in the same class. Beaucoup de jolies fleurs éclosent au printemps. Many pretty flowers bloom in the spring. Many beautiful flowers hatch in the spring. Je lui téléphonai immédiatement. I telephoned her at once. I called him immediately. Pourquoi ne réponds-tu pas à mon message ? Why don't you answer my message? Why don't you answer my message? Ils l'ont invitée à venir à la fête. They invited her to go to the party. They invited her to the party. Il nous a conté une histoire d'aventure très passionnante. He told us a very exciting adventure story. He told us a very exciting adventure story. Une traduction française de ce livre a été publiée en 2013. A French translation of this book was published in 2013. A French translation of this book was published in 2013. Elle lui remit tout l'argent dont elle disposait. She gave him all the money that she had. She gave him all the money she had. Aimez-vous les montagnes russes ? Do you like roller coasters? Do you like roller coasters? Donc finalement avec Tatoeba, on ne fait que bâtir les fondations... pour faire du Web une meilleure plateforme pour l'apprentissage linguistique. So ultimately, with Tatoeba we are only building the foundations... to make the Web a better place for language learning. So finally with Tatoeba, we're just building the foundations... to make the Web a better platform for language learning. Il libéra le peuple de ses chaînes. He liberated the people from bondage. He freed the people from his chains. Notre chien mord rarement. Our dog seldom bites. Our dog rarely bites. On ne meurt pas d'amour. Love can't kill you. We don't die of love. Est-ce qu'au moins tu te souviens d'elle ? Do you even remember her? Do you even remember her? Personne n'est ici. Nobody is here. No one's here. Elles en ont également une. They have one too. They also have one. Et si elle dit non ? What if she says no? What if she says no? Ils se font du souci pour rien. They are worrying about nothing. They're worried about nothing. «Tu as vu mon portable ?» «Il est sur la table.» "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." "Did you see my cell phone?" "He's on the table." Il fouilla dans ses poches à la recherche de la clé. He searched his pockets for the key. He searched his pockets in search of the key. Ça sonne comme du français. This sounds like French. It sounds like French. Vous avez vu les photos, n'est-ce pas ? You saw the pictures, didn't you? You saw the pictures, didn't you? Mes voisines sont mes amies. My neighbors are my friends. My neighbors are my friends. Tom jouait le rôle d'un marin. Tom acted the part of a sailor. Tom played the role of a sailor. Keiko a acheté une nouvelle étagère, où elle met ses poupées. Keiko bought a new shelf, on which she put her dolls. Keiko bought a new shelf, where she put her dolls. Il est fiancé à ma sœur. He is engaged to my sister. He's engaged to my sister. Je ne disposais pas d'autre moyen de te contacter alors je suis venu ici en personne. I had no other way of contacting you, so I came here in person. I didn't have any other way to contact you, so I came here in person. Tu ressembles beaucoup à quelqu'un que je connaissais. You look a lot like someone I used to know. You look a lot like someone I knew. Je vous donnerai un traitement provisoire. I'll give you a temporary treatment. I'll give you temporary treatment. Ne le fais pas ! Don't do it! Don't do it! Je n'ai jamais vu de maison sans porte. I've never seen a house without a door. I've never seen a house without a door. Ils ne seront pas en mesure de le dire. They won't be able to tell. They won't be able to say that. Ils trouvèrent la pièce vide. They found the room empty. They found the room empty. Lorsque nous sommes ensemble, je ne me soucie pas du futur. When we're together, I don't worry about the future. When we're together, I don't care about the future. Qu'est-ce que vos amis veulent faire? What do your friends want to do? What do your friends want to do? On construit un nouveau musée dans le centre-ville. A new museum is being built at the center of the city. A new museum is being built in the city centre. Elle est ici pour nous espionner. She's here to spy on us. She's here to spy on us. Tout le monde peut se tromper. Everyone makes a mistake at times. Everyone can be wrong. L'argent n'est pas tout, mais si tu n'as pas d'argent, tu ne peux rien faire. Money isn't everything, but if you have no money, you can't do anything. Money isn't everything, but if you don't have money, you can't do anything. Vous craignez, les mecs. You guys suck. You guys are afraid. Ce n'est pas acceptable. This is not acceptable. That's not acceptable. Je suis presque prête. I'm about ready. I'm almost ready. Il n'est plus dans les affaires. He is no longer in business. He's not in business anymore. Aussitôt gagné, aussitôt dépensé. Easy come, easy go. Immediately won, immediately spent. Je ne suis d'aucune utilité à qui que ce soit. I'm no use to anyone. I'm of no use to anyone. Je sais que vous n'êtes pas assez stupide pour croire cela. I know you aren't stupid enough to believe that. I know you're not stupid enough to believe that. Tatoeba est un dictionnaire. Tatoeba is a language dictionary. Tatoeba is a dictionary. Les affaires occupent tout son temps. Business absorbs all his time. Business takes all its time. L'Italie n'a pas réussi à se qualifier pour la Coupe du monde. Italy failed to qualify for the World Cup. Italy failed to qualify for the World Cup. Les médecins sont les pires patients. Doctors are the worst patients. Doctors are the worst patients. Nous lui avons offert un beau poste. We offered him a nice job. We offered him a nice job. Tom aime jouer au baseball. Tom likes to play baseball. Tom likes to play baseball. 100 pour cent des êtres humains meurent et ce pourcentage ne peut être augmenté. 100 per cent of us die, and the percentage cannot be increased. 100 per cent of human beings die and this percentage cannot be increased. La maison de Tom a presque été entièrement détruite. Tom's house was almost completely destroyed. Tom's house was almost completely destroyed. Quelle fut sa réponse à votre proposition ? What was her answer to your proposal? What was his answer to your proposal? Est-ce que je peux garer ma voiture ici ? Can I park my car here? Can I park my car here? Aucun des vieux arbres ne survécut à l'incendie. None of the old trees survived the fire. None of the old trees survived the fire. Pourquoi aimes-tu Boston ? Why do you like Boston? Why do you like Boston? « Cesse de me supplier pour avoir un biscuit, Tim », dit sa mère. « Rappelle-toi, les enfants qui demandent avec trop d'insistance sont exclus de la distribution de biscuits ». "Stop begging for a cookie, Tim," his mum said, "Remember, 'Children who ask get skipped.'" "Stop begging me for a cookie, Tim," said his mother. "Remember, children who ask with too much insistence are excluded from the distribution of cookies." L'oxygène et l'hydrogène forment l'eau. Oxygen and hydrogen make water. Oxygen and hydrogen form the water. Comment sais-tu que je ne suis pas celui qui l'a fait ? How do you know I'm not the one who did it? How do you know I'm not the one who did it? Nous avons oublié de nous inscrire ! We have forgotten to sign up! We forgot to register! J'ai parlé à des amis. I talked to friends. I talked to some friends. Ça a l'air très intéressant. This sounds very interesting. That sounds very interesting. Je ne puis accepter ton cadeau. I cannot accept your gift. I can't accept your gift. Le président est habituellement accompagné de sa femme quand il va à l'étranger. The President is usually accompanied by his wife when he goes abroad. The president is usually accompanied by his wife when he goes abroad. Je savais que quelqu'un serait venu. I knew somebody would come. I knew someone would have come. Je veux que vous veniez sur-le-champ. I want you to come right over. I want you to come right now. Je le regrette, mais il n'a pas téléphoné. I am sorry, but he didn't call. I'm sorry, but he didn't call. Nous sortons manger vendredi. We're going out for a meal on Friday. We're going out to eat on Friday. Ton frère m'a dit que tu étais allé à Paris. Your brother said you'd gone to Paris. Your brother told me you went to Paris. Pourquoi tripotes-tu ma nana ? Why are you touching my girlfriend? Why are you tripping my girl? « Pourquoi des phrases ? », pourriez-vous demander. Eh bien, c'est parce que les phrases sont plus intéressantes. Why sentences? may ask. Well, because sentences are more interesting. "Why phrases?" could you ask. Well, that's because the sentences are more interesting. Vous blessez les sentiments de Tom. You hurt Tom's feelings. You hurt Tom's feelings. Les vents turbulents par-dessus nos têtes, le jet de nos épé sont qu'étoiles filantes dans le ciel nocturne. The turbulent sands above our heads, the flinging of our swords... they're naught but falling stars in the night sky. The turbulent winds over our heads, the jet of our swords... are only shooting stars in the night sky. Je suis venu ici pour vous rencontrer. I came here to meet you. I came here to meet you. Casse-toi avant qu'ils ne te voient ici. Go away before they see you here. Get out of here before they see you here. Nous sommes allés à la montagne pour faire du ski. We went to the mountains to ski. We went to the mountain to ski. Tom a un tatouage sur son bras gauche. Tom has a tattoo on his left arm. Tom has a tattoo on his left arm. Est-ce que quelqu'un de votre équipe parle français ? Does anyone on your team speak French? Does anyone on your team speak French? Nous ne sommes pas du coin. We're not from around here. We're not from around here. Il parle portugais. He speaks Portuguese. He speaks Portuguese. C'est le magazine dont je vous ai parlé. This is the magazine I spoke to you about. This is the magazine I told you about. "Mon père ne boit pas." "Le mien non plus." "My father doesn't drink." "Neither does my father." "My father doesn't drink." "My father doesn't drink." Pensez-vous que ce sera la bonne taille ? Do you think it will fit? Do you think it'll be the right size? Sont-ils Américains ? Are they American? Are they Americans? Cette photo est belle. This picture is beautiful. This picture is beautiful. J'espère que vous n'êtes pas offensées. I hope you're not offended. I hope you're not offended. C'est ce dont nous parlions hier. This is what we were talking about yesterday. That's what we were talking about yesterday. C'est impressionnant. Mais tu n'es pas encore un Jedi. That's impressive. But you're not a Jedi yet. That's impressive, but you're not a Jedi yet. Je pensais disposer d'un mois pour finir ceci. I thought I had a month to finish this. I thought I'd have a month to finish this. Laisse-moi te dresser un tableau ! Let me paint you a picture. Let me get you a picture! Vous n'avez pas le droit d'aller là. You have no right to go there. You're not allowed to go there. J'ai besoin de ça. I need this. I need this. Je sais que je vous ai déjà dit ceci auparavant. I know I've told you this before. I know I've told you this before. La plupart des gens, sinon tous, apprécient de manger. Most, if not all, people enjoy eating. Most, if not all, people enjoy eating. Nous ne pouvons être les deux seules personnes qui aient oublié de payer leurs factures à temps. We can't be the only two people who forgot to pay our bills on time. We cannot be the only two people who forgot to pay their bills on time. Je ne vais dire ceci qu'une seule fois, alors écoute avec attention ! I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. I'm only gonna say this once, so listen carefully! Le futur pilote s'entraîne dans un faux cockpit. The future pilot is trained in a mock cockpit. The future pilot is training in a fake cockpit. Il parle peu, tout son temps est pris par son travail de cultivateur. He speaks a little bit, all of his time is taken up by his farm work. He speaks little, all his time is taken by his work as a farmer. Cette chenille donnera un beau papillon. This catterpillar will turn into a beautiful butterfly. This caterpillar will give a beautiful butterfly. Dis-moi ce qui a vraiment eu lieu ! Tell me what really happened. Tell me what really happened! Le chien n'arrête jamais d'aboyer. The dog never stops barking. The dog never stops barking. Où avez-vous été jusqu'à présent ? Where have you been up to now? Where have you been so far? J'ai pensé que tu demanderais ça. I thought you'd ask that. I thought you'd ask for that. Michael Jackson me manque. I miss Michael Jackson. I miss Michael Jackson. Il devrait être de retour à tout moment maintenant. He should be back any minute now. He should be back at any time now. Vous le voulez vraiment ? Do you really want that? Do you really want to? On est jamais trop prudent. You can never be too careful. You're never too careful. Tu es très occupé. You're very busy. You're very busy. Elles parlent dans la cuisine. They are talking in the kitchen. They talk in the kitchen. Ils ont été endommagés. They've been damaged. They were damaged. Tom savait qui était le petit ami de Mary. Tom knew who Mary's boyfriend was. Tom knew who Mary's boyfriend was. Je n'ai pas compris ce que l'écrivain essayait d'exprimer. I didn't understand what the writer was trying to say. I didn't understand what the writer was trying to say. Bob est le seul étudiant de notre classe qui puisse parler espagnol. Bob is the only student that can speak Spanish in our class. Bob is the only student in our class who can speak Spanish. J'ai mis la main sur son épaule. I put my hand on her shoulder. I put my hand on his shoulder. Les livres doivent se conformer à la science et non la science aux livres. Books must follow sciences, and not sciences books. Books must conform to science, not science to books. Moi aussi. Me, too. Me too. Ne vous souvenez-vous pas de mon nom ? Don't you remember my name? Don't you remember my name? Soyez calme et écoutez-moi. Be quiet and listen to me. Be calm and listen to me. Nous continuerons la rencontre après le thé. We'll resume the meeting after tea. We will continue the meeting after tea. Elle est six ans plus âgée que moi. She's six years older than me. She's six years older than me. De nombreuses écoles sont fermées aujourd'hui en raison de la tempête. Many schools are closed today because of the storm. Many schools are closed today because of the storm. Elle me fixait avec un regard méchant. She gave me the evil eye. She stared at me with a bad look. Je suis surprise que personne d'autre n'ait entendu les coups de feu. I'm surprised no one else heard the gunshots. I'm surprised no one else heard the shots. Ils étaient occupés. They were busy. They were busy. Je me suis remariée. I got remarried. I remarried. Comment ça va avec ton nouveau travail ? How are you getting along in your new job? How's it going with your new job? Il y a cinq poissons dans mon aquarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. There are five fish in my aquarium. Elles nous ont salués et nous les avons saluées en retour. They waved at us and then we waved back. They greeted us and we greeted them in return. Comme il était habillé en noir, il ressemblait à un prêtre. Since he was dressed in black, he looked like a priest. As he was dressed in black, he looked like a priest. Maintenant, je sais pourquoi. Now I know why. Now I know why. Je ne suis pas forte. I'm not strong. I'm not strong. La physique ne m'intéresse pas le moins du monde. Physics doesn't interest me at all. I'm not interested in physics at all. Il regarda le navire avec le télescope. He looked at the ship through his telescope. He looked at the ship with the telescope. Les fans cherchaient à serrer la main de l'actrice. The fans sought to shake the actress's hand. Fans were trying to shake the actress's hand. J'ai été forcé d'accepter sa proposition. I was forced to accept her proposal. I was forced to accept his proposal. Si seulement j'étais plus spontané. I wish I could be more spontaneous. If only I was more spontaneous. Je suis sûr d'avoir vu quelque chose bouger. I'm sure I saw something moving. I'm sure I saw something move. Merci, mon chéri. Thanks, honey. Thank you, darling. Un dénommé Henri veut vous voir. Somebody called Hanry wants to see you. A man named Henri wants to see you. Je veux que vous fassiez un travail propre. I want you to do a clean job. I want you to do a clean job. Vous êtes un très bon footballeur. You're a very good football player. You're a very good footballer. J'ai eu mon portefeuille volé sur le chemin du bureau. I had my wallet stolen on my way to the office. I got my wallet stolen on the way to the office. Elle dit qu'elle n'a rien fait de mal. She says that she did nothing wrong. She says she didn't do anything wrong. N'achète pas ça. Don't buy that. Don't buy that. Je sais que vous ne vouliez pas vraiment vous joindre à ce voyage. I know you didn't really want to come on this trip. I know you didn't really want to join this trip. Elle l'a délibérément exposé au danger. She deliberately exposed him to danger. She deliberately exposed him to danger. Je suis coincé dans mon boulot. I'm stuck in my job. I'm stuck in my job. J'ai froid. I feel cold. I'm cold. J'essayai de lui être secourable. I tried to help her. I tried to help him. Le poisson et le vin rouge ne vont pas bien ensemble. Fish and red wine don't go together. Fish and red wine don't go well together. Je ferai de mon mieux. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. Ils lisent un livre. They're reading a book. They're reading a book. Elle ne savait pas quoi lui dire. She didn't know what to say to him. She didn't know what to tell her. C'est un jour pluvieux alors nous ne pouvons pas jouer dehors. It's a rainy day, so we can't play outside. It's a rainy day so we can't play outside. Je ne vais pas m'arrêter. I'm not going to stop. I'm not gonna stop. Ne me laisse pas seul ici. Don't leave me alone here. Don't leave me here alone. Nous avons une théorie. We have a theory. We have a theory. Sors les mains de tes poches ! Take your hands out of your pockets. Get your hands out of your pockets! Le livre que j'ai acheté est sur la table. The book I bought is on the table. The book I bought is on the table. La plupart des gens refuseront d'admettre avoir fait une erreur. Most people will refuse to admit they've made a mistake. Most people will refuse to admit that they made a mistake. Nous voulons nous en aller. We want to go. We want to go. Tom a ouvert une fenêtre. Tom opened a window. Tom opened a window. Il nous faut appeler quelqu'un. We need to call someone. We need to call someone. Je lui ai demandé de partir immédiatement. I asked him to leave at once. I asked him to leave immediately. Nos visiteurs sont assis dans le salon. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. Our visitors are sitting in the living room. On dit que cette vieille maison est hantée. They say this old house is haunted. They say this old house is haunted. Je préfère les matières simples. I prefer plain materials. I prefer simple subjects. J'aime tes boucles d'oreilles. I like your earrings. I like your earrings. Si ça vous va... Whatever floats your boat. If it's all right with you... Il se pourrait que ça ne soit pas possible. That might not be possible. It might not be possible. L'entreprise a officieusement décidé de m'employer. The company has unofficially decided to employ me. The company informally decided to employ me. Je n'arrive pas à me rappeler son prénom. I can't recall her first name. I can't remember his name. Je n'aurais jamais pensé trouver un hôtel aussi sympa dans un lieu comme celui-ci. I never expected to find such a nice hotel in a place like this. I never thought I'd find such a nice hotel in a place like this. Sa pièce de théâtre a été un succès. His play was a hit. His play was a success. Sortez ou entrez. Get out or come in. Get out or come in. Voyez-vous ce qui arrive lorsqu'on dit la vérité ? See what happens when you tell the truth? Do you see what happens when you tell the truth? Je suis heureuse d'accepter votre invitation. I am glad to accept your invitation. I'm happy to accept your invitation. C'est essentiel. That is essential. It's essential. Passe de bonnes vacances ! Have a nice holiday. Have a good holiday! Personne ne comprend cela. No one understands that. No one understands that. Elle s'enfuit, les yeux pleins de larmes. She ran away with tear-filled eyes. She's running away, eyes full of tears. C'est toi qui as loupé une tache. You missed a spot. You're the one who missed a spot. Tom entra dans la cuisine pour prendre du café. Tom went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Tom entered the kitchen for coffee. Vous vous leurrez. You're fooling yourself. You're deceiving yourself. Vous devez apprendre à vous adapter. You must learn to adapt. You need to learn how to adapt. Vous êtes sympas. You're nice. You're nice. Comment vous êtes-vous impliqués dans ce projet ? How did you become involved in this project? How did you get involved in this project? La vie devient dure, ces temps-ci. Life is getting hard these days. Life's getting tough lately. Donnez-moi tous les détails. Give me all the details. Give me all the details. Y a-t-il quelque chose de spécial que vous vouliez faire ce week-end ? Is there anything special you want to do this weekend? Is there anything special you wanted to do this weekend? C'est tout blanc. It's all white. It's all white. Je rencontrai l'un de mes amis. I came upon a friend of mine. I met one of my friends. Je veux étendre mes jambes. I want to stretch my legs. I want to stretch my legs. Les Chinois comptent de un à dix à l'aide d'une seule main. Chinese people count from one to ten with one hand. The Chinese count from one to ten using one hand. Il est trois ans plus vieux que moi. He's three years older than me. He's three years older than me. Il faut que je raccroche. Quelqu'un attend pour utiliser le téléphone. I've got to hang up now. Someone is waiting to use the phone. Someone's waiting to use the phone. Ça pourrait être mortel. It could be deadly. It could be deadly. Mon frère est en Australie en ce moment. My brother is in Australia now. My brother's in Australia right now. Qui a peint ce tableau ? Who was this picture painted by? Who painted this painting? L'air est aux hommes ce que l'eau est aux poissons. Air is to men what water is to fish. The air is to men what the water is to fish. Il se pourrait que je rentre tard chez moi. Dans ce cas, je vous téléphonerai. I might have to come home late. In that case, I'll phone you. I might go home late, and then I'll call you. C'est ta responsabilité. That's your responsibility. It's your responsibility. Il y a un tapis à poils longs dans le salon. There's a shag carpet in the living room. There's a long-haired carpet in the living room. Les vagues engloutirent le bateau. The waves swallowed up the boat. The waves swallowed the boat. J'adore le métro marseillais. I love the Marseille metro. I love the Marseille subway. Si tu vis pour chercher vengeance, il est préférable de creuser une tombe pour deux. If you live to seek revenge, best dig a grave for two. If you live to seek revenge, it's best to dig a grave for two. Ça a l'air assez calme. It seems quiet enough. It looks pretty quiet. Si ça te convient... Whatever floats your boat. If that's okay with you... L'espéranto est une langue planifiée. Esperanto is a planned language. Esperanto is a planned language. J'ai promis que je ne dirais rien. I promised I wouldn't say anything. I promised I wouldn't say anything. Tu ne t'échapperas jamais de cette manière. You'll never escape that way. You'll never escape that way. Je ne suis pas là pour me battre. I'm not here to fight. I'm not here to fight. Il est si distant. He's such a cold fish. He's so distant. Tom essaya de crier, mais Marie couvrit sa bouche avec sa main. Tom tried to scream, but Mary covered his mouth with her hand. Tom tried to scream, but Mary covered her mouth with her hand. Je me souviens avoir posté ta lettre hier. I remember posting your letter yesterday. I remember posting your letter yesterday. Tom veut une nouvelle voiture. Tom wants a new car. Tom wants a new car. Où se trouve le consulat allemand? Where is the German consulate? Where is the German consulate located? Dans l'impossibilité de régler le loyer, je le priai de m'aider. Unable to pay the rent, I asked him for assistance. In the impossibility of paying the rent, I begged him to help me. Je sais combien vous avez été occupées. I know how busy you've been. I know how busy you were. Les deux camionnettes se sont télescopées. The two vans telescoped together. The two vans telescoped. Le garde est mort. The guard is dead. The guard is dead. Ce gars a pété un boulon ! That guy has a screw loose! This guy broke a bolt! Ne soyez pas si négatif ! Don't be so negative. Don't be so negative! Votre famille était-elle avec vous, le mois dernier ? Was your family with you last month? Was your family with you last month? J'espère effectuer un changement positif dans le monde. I hope to effect positive change in the world. I hope to make a positive change in the world. À qui est cette voiture ? Whose car is that? Whose car is this? Le sel fait fondre la glace plus rapidement. Salt makes ice melt faster. The salt melts the ice faster. Beaucoup de gens pensent que l'or est l'investissement le plus sûr. Many people feel that gold is the most secure investment. Many people think gold is the safest investment. Vous devez être très prudent autour de lui. You have to be extra careful around him. You must be very careful around him. Ils ont chanté juste. They sang in tune. They just sang. Calme-toi, mon gars. Would you relax, man? Calm down, man. Tom a trois voitures. Tom has three cars. Tom has three cars. Je téléphone souvent, mais j'écris rarement de lettres. I often call, but seldom write a letter. I often call, but I rarely write letters. Je sais que c'est toi qui l'as fait. I know it was you who did it. I know you did it. Quelle direction prenez-vous ? Where are you heading? What direction do you take? Comme cette fleur est belle ! How pretty is this flower! How beautiful this flower is! Il vous faut trouver du travail. You must find work. You need to find a job. Thomas a été licencié. Tom was fired. Thomas was fired. J'ai pris note de son numéro de téléphone. I have written down his phone number. I took note of his phone number. Disposez-vous d'une clé supplémentaire ? Do you have an extra key? Do you have an additional key? Tous ses espoirs ont disparu. All her hopes have vanished. All her hopes are gone. Tous les étudiants en anglais doivent avoir un bon dictionnaire d'anglais. All students of English should have a good English-English dictionary at hand. All English students must have a good English dictionary. Elle a divorcé après de longues années de tristesse. She divorced him after many years of unhappiness. She divorced after many years of sadness. Contrairement à sa sœur, il a préservé la foi religieuse dans laquelle ses parents l'avaient éduqué. Unlike his sister, he has retained the religious faith his parents brought him up in. Unlike his sister, he preserved the religious faith in which his parents had educated him. Vous dramatisez. You're overreacting. You're flirting. Je l'aurai. I will have it. I'll get it. Est-ce là la totalité d'entre elles ? Is that all of them? Is that all of them? Le garçon reconnut avoir brisé le vase. The boy admitted having broken the vase. The boy acknowledged that he had broken the vase. Vous aimez faire cela, n'est-ce pas ? You like doing that, don't you? You like to do that, don't you? Elle vient tout juste de sortir. She went out just now. She just got out. J'ai vérifié dans Google mais je n'ai rien trouvé. I checked Google, but I didn't find anything. I checked Google, but I couldn't find anything. Découvrez votre chef lorsque vous pénétrez dans un lieu de culte. Take your hat off when you enter a house of worship. Discover your leader when you enter a place of worship. L'hôtel n'a lésiné sur aucune dépense dans la conception de sa suite présidentielle. The hotel spared no expense in the design of its presidential suite. The hotel did not care about any expense in the design of its presidential suite. Nous sommes tes amis. We're your friends. We're your friends. J'ai été promu. I've been promoted. I got promoted. Elle a une allergie aux chats. She's allergic to cats. She has an allergy to cats. Je me suis entraîné à parler français avec Tom. I practiced speaking French with Tom. I trained myself to speak French with Tom. L'amélioration de la technologie médicale a été une des conséquences du programme spatial. Improved medical technology has been one of the spin-offs of the space program. The improvement of medical technology has been one of the consequences of the space programme. Vous êtes très astucieuses. You're very astute. You're very clever. Avez-vous déjà appelé la patronne ? Have you called the boss already? Have you ever called the boss? Personne ne se soucie de toi. Nobody cares about you. Nobody cares about you. Les phoques sont, sur terre, maladroits et lourdauds, mais très gracieux dans l'eau. Seals are clumsy and ponderous on land, but very graceful in the water. Seals are, on earth, clumsy and heavy, but very graceful in water. Vous feriez mieux de partir immédiatement. You'd better leave at once. You'd better leave right now. Es-tu sûr de vouloir y aller ? Are you sure that you want to go there? Are you sure you want to go? Cette actrice renommée est allée en cure de désintoxication pour la seconde fois afin de traiter sa dépendance. This famous actress checked into rehab for the second time to treat her addiction. This renowned actress went to detox for the second time to treat her addiction. Reste dans cette pièce. Stay in this room. Stay in this room. Je suis fatigué d'avoir beaucoup marché. I'm tired because I walked too much. I'm tired of walking a lot. En marchant dans la rue, j'ai rencontré un vieil ami. Walking along the street, I met an old friend. When I walked down the street, I met an old friend. Vous n'êtes pas contusionnés. You're not bruised. You're not bruised. Les chaises sont faites de bois. The chairs are made of wood. The chairs are made of wood. Je sais que Tom est un spécialiste. I know that Tom is a specialist. I know Tom is a specialist. Je n'arrive pas à croire que vous ayez eu les chocottes. I can't believe you chickened out. I can't believe you guys got the bumps. Elles semblent toutes deux suspectes. Both of them seem suspicious. They both seem suspicious. Elle n'avait plus rien à perdre. She had nothing else to lose. She had nothing left to lose. Merci pour le conseil. J'essaierai d'en profiter. Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice, I'll try to take advantage of it. Que veut-elle ? What does she want? What does she want? Ce doit être un homme honnête. He must be an honest man. He must be an honest man. Vous êtes presque mortes. You almost died. You're almost dead. Promets-moi que tu ne vendras ta guitare à personne d'autre que moi. Promise me that you won't sell your guitar to anyone but me. Promise me you won't sell your guitar to anyone but me. Change d'avis, si tu veux. Change your mind, if you want to. Change your mind, if you want. Je dois dire que je suis un peu déçu. I must say I'm a bit disappointed. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed. Je ne peux pas changer ça. I can't change that. I can't change that. Le temps demeura mauvais. The weather stayed bad. The weather remained bad. J'aimerais démarrer immédiatement. I'd like to get started right away. I'd like to start immediately. Oh, mon pantalon blanc ! Il était neuf. Oh, my white pants! And they were new. Oh, my white pants, it was new. Excusez-moi. Puis-je passer ? Excuse me. May I get by? Excuse me, may I come by? J'eus la chance de voyager à l'étranger. I had a chance to travel abroad. I was lucky enough to travel abroad. Amiens est au nord de Paris. Amiens is north of Paris. Amiens is north of Paris. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas gagner. He knew he could not win. He knew he couldn't win. Tu ne peux rien prouver. You can't prove a thing. You can't prove anything. Encore vous ? You again? You again? Venez le jour qui vous convient. Come on any day you like. Come the day that suits you. Je mange toujours sainement. I always eat healthy. I always eat healthy. Au marché actions de Tokyo, les titres de près de quatre-cent-cinquante sociétés sont négociés de gré à gré. In the Tokyo stock market, stocks of about 450 companies are traded over the counter. At the Tokyo stock market, the securities of nearly four hundred and fifty companies are traded over the counter. Deux ans se sont écoulés avant que j'aie pu trouver un bon travail. Two years went by before I could find a good job. Two years passed before I could find a good job. Tom pouvait nager quand il avait trois ans. Tom could swim when he was three years old. Tom could swim when he was three. Les pourboires ne sont pas acceptés. Tips are not accepted. Tips are not accepted. Nous devons commencer immédiatement. We have to start at once. We must begin immediately. Je mets mes vêtements dans le sèche-linge. I put my clothes in the dryer. I'm putting my clothes in the dryer. Tout ça était une erreur. This has all been a mistake. It was all a mistake. Lequel préférez-vous, le vin blanc ou le vin rouge ? Which do you prefer, white wine or red wine? Which one do you prefer, white wine or red wine? Les deux routes se rejoignent ici. The two roads join here. The two roads meet here. Le champ a désespérément besoin d'eau. The field is crying out for rain. The field desperately needs water. J'ai salué mes voisins. I greeted my neighbors. I greeted my neighbors. Il y a deux filles dans la cour de récréation. There are two girls in the playground. There are two girls in the playground. Il faut traverser le lac en bateau. We must go across the lake by boat. You have to cross the lake by boat. La recherche de «fleuve» renvoie un avertissement que cette recherche est illégale sur l'Internet chinois, ces jours-ci. The search for "river" returns a warning that the search is illegal on Chinese Internet these days. The search for "river" sends a warning that this search is illegal on the Chinese Internet these days. L'entreprise annonça des centaines de licenciements. The company announced hundreds of layoffs. The company announced hundreds of redundancies. Elle s'est lissé les cheveux. She ironed her hair. She's smoothed her hair. Tu aurais dû me dire la vérité. You should've told me the truth. You should have told me the truth. Il vous a peut-être compris de travers. He may have misunderstood you. Maybe he understood you wrong. Peux-tu leur donner ça ? Could you give this to them? Can you give them that? Est-ce que les autres m'aiment ? Do other people like me? Do the others like me? Cela vaudrait mieux que ce ne soit pas Tom. That better not be Tom. It'd be better if it wasn't Tom. Je sais qu'il est hautement improbable que quiconque me connaisse. I know that it is highly unlikely that anyone knows me. I know it's highly unlikely anyone who knows me. Je vous dois un dîner. I owe you a dinner. I owe you a dinner. Bougeons-nous ! Let's move! Let's move! Il a pu réussir l'examen. He was able to pass the exam. He was able to pass the exam. Notre pays abonde en produits finis. Our country abounds in products. Our country is full of finished products. La mère sépara les enfants en train de se battre. The mother separated the fighting children. The mother separates the children fighting. Je veux que Tom soit licencié. I want Tom fired. I want Tom fired. Je veux qu'il chante une chanson. I want him to sing a song. I want him to sing a song. Vous installez-vous à demeure ? Are you settling in? Are you staying here? Il ne mange pas de poisson cru. He doesn't eat raw fish. He doesn't eat raw fish. Cependant, je te demande de ne pas faire les mêmes erreurs que moi. However, I ask you not to make the same mistakes that I did. However, I ask you not to make the same mistakes as I did. Je joue de la basse dans un groupe de jazz. I play bass in a jazz band. I play bass in a jazz band. Je suis peut-être enceinte. I might be pregnant. Maybe I'm pregnant. Il y a ici peu de possibilités de stationnement. There are few parking opportunities here. There are few parking opportunities here. Le centimètre est une unité de longueur. A centimeter is a unit of length. The centimeter is a unit of length. Je dois me hâter vers la gare pour encore attraper le dernier train. I have to hurry to the station to take the last train. I have to hurry to the station to catch the last train again. Où sont-ils allés ? Where did they go? Where did they go? Il se froisse au moindre truc, il se formalise d'à peu près tout ce qu'on lui dit. He's offended at the slightest thing, he takes exception to nearly everything we say to him. He frowns at the least thing, he formalizes about everything he's told. Je promets d'étudier votre cas, M. Bakir. I promise to study your case, Mr. Bakir. I promise to study your case, Mr. Bakir. Ma mère m'autorisa à aller à l'étranger. My mother allowed me to go abroad. My mother allowed me to go abroad. Les minijupes sont passées de mode. Miniskirts have gone out of fashion. The miniskirts are out of fashion. Nous te souhaitons la bienvenue à notre cercle. We welcome you to our club. We welcome you to our circle. Je ne pense pas que je pourrais vivre sans toi. I don't think I could live without you. I don't think I could live without you. Elle est en train de manger des fruits. She's eating fruit. She's eating fruit. Tom est mort à soixante-cinq ans. Tom died at 65. Tom died at sixty-five. Ils sont tous en sécurité. They're all safe. They're all safe. Êtes-vous sûr de ne rien vouloir manger ? Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? Are you sure you don't want to eat anything? As-tu reçu les fleurs ? Did you get the flowers? Did you get the flowers? C'est une femme. She is a woman. She's a woman. Je ne pense pas pouvoir attendre plus longtemps. I don't think I can wait any longer. I don't think I can wait any longer. C'est plus long que n'importe quel autre pont au monde. This is longer than any other bridge in the world. It's longer than any other bridge in the world. Il travaille dur afin de réussir l'examen d'entrée. He's studying hard so he can pass the entrance exam. He works hard to pass the entrance exam. À qui donneras-tu le livre ? Who will you give the book to? Who will you give the book to? Je veux être enseignante. I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'y aller avec Tom. You don't have to go with Tom. You don't need to go with Tom. Où vas-tu dormir ? Where are you going to sleep? Where are you going to sleep? Nous prendrons deux semaines de vacances. We'll take a two-week holiday. We'll take two weeks of vacation. Je ne pense pas que cela soit légal. I don't think that's legal. I don't think that's legal. Peux-tu me télécharger un fichier ? Could you download a file for me? Can you download me a file? Aucun écolier ne se plaint jamais d'avoir "mal au lobe frontal de l'hémisphère gauche" ! No student has ever complained of pains in the front lobe of the left side of the brain. No schoolgirl ever complains of having "mal to the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere"! J'ai trois fois plus de livres que lui. I have three times as many books as he. I have three times as many books as he does. Il se sentait nerveux au sujet du résultat. He felt nervous about the result. He felt nervous about the result. Au début, j'ai eu du mal à me faire à mon nouvel environnement. Initially I found it difficult to deal with my new environment. At first, I struggled with my new environment. L'eau s'écoule sous le pont. The water flows under the bridge. The water flows under the bridge. Tu n'écoutes pas, hein ? You're not listening, are you? You're not listening, are you? Je me souviendrai toujours de toi. I'll always remember you. I'll always remember you. Le fer est un métal utile. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Les gays et les lesbiennes devraient avoir leurs droits, pas vrai ? Gay and lesbian people should have their rights, shouldn't they? Gays and lesbians should have their rights, right? C'est le comble du luxe. It's the height of luxury. It's the height of luxury. Je suis vraiment en colère, là. I'm really angry right now. I'm really angry right now. Le pont a été construit par les Romains. The bridge was built by the Romans. The bridge was built by the Romans. Que pensez-vous de mon nouveau costume ? How do you like my new suit? What do you think of my new suit? Elle a commis à nouveau la même erreur. She made the same mistake again. She made the same mistake again. Tom a augmenté la puissance de sa moto. Tom has increased the power of his bike. Tom increased the power of his bike. Elle l'a rencontré pour la première fois lorsqu'ils étaient étudiants. She first met him when they were students. She first met him when they were students. Je ne l'ai jamais vue aider son père. I have never seen her help her father. I've never seen her help her father. Il vient de devenir proviseur. He has just become headmaster. He just became headmaster. Tom a fait réparer sa voiture. Tom got his car fixed. Tom had his car repaired. J'ai utilisé Twitter, mais j'ai ensuite trouvé ça ennuyeux alors j'ai arrêté de l'utiliser. I used to use Twitter, but then found it a bit boring, so I stopped using it. I used Twitter, but then I found it boring so I stopped using it. Ce n'est pas ce qu'il dit qui me dérange mais la manière dont il le dit. It isn't what he says that annoys me but the way he says it. That's not what he says that bothers me, but the way he says it. La pizza était bonne. The pizza tasted good. The pizza was good. Nous faisons une promenade à travers le parc chaque soir. We take a walk across the park every evening. We take a walk through the park every night. Il n'y a rien d'autre que nous puissions faire pour Tom. There's nothing more we can do for Tom. There's nothing else we can do for Tom. Les beaux esprits se rencontrent. Beautiful minds meet. The good spirits meet. Ne comprenez-vous pas ce qui se passe, ici ? Don't you understand what's going on here? Don't you understand what's going on here? J'étais étonnée. I was astonished. I was surprised. Elle accepta la proposition dans une certaine mesure. She accepted the proposal to a certain degree. It accepted the proposal to some extent. Il est difficile de s'adapter à des changements soudains de température. It is difficult to adapt oneself to sudden changes of temperature. It is difficult to adapt to sudden changes in temperature. C'est lourd, mais je peux m'en sortir. It's heavy, but I can manage it. It's heavy, but I can make it. Je me mets très en colère lorsque tu ne réponds pas à mes questions. I get very angry when you don't answer my questions. I get very angry when you don't answer my questions. Il me faut être ici toute la journée. I need to be here all day. I have to be here all day. Vous allez être enseignants. You'll be teachers. You're gonna be teachers. Quelle est ton adresse personnelle ? What's your home address? What's your personal address? Ils étaient tous de bons nageurs. They were all good swimmers. They were all good swimmers. N'agissez pas ainsi. Don't act like that. Don't do that. Je ne rêve pas. I don't dream. I'm not dreaming. Ici il est interdit de stationner. It is forbidden to park here. Here it is forbidden to park. Quelle robe délicieuse ! What a lovely dress! What a delicious dress! Sa grand-mère a l'air en bonne santé. His grandmother looks healthy. His grandmother looks healthy. J'avais oublié que j'étais en Australie. I forgot I was in Australia. I forgot I was in Australia. Je n'aurais pas dû essayer de faire cela toute seule. I shouldn't have tried doing that by myself. I shouldn't have tried to do this on my own. La route était bloquée par des éboulements de roches. The road was blocked by fallen rocks. The road was blocked by rock slides. Combien d'utilisateurs supportent des sites web comme Tatoeba ? How many users support websites like Tatoeba? How many users support websites like Tatoeba? Oh, n'en ai-je pas fait mention ? Oh, didn't I mention it? Oh, didn't I mention it? Je pense simplement que vous devriez être prudents, c'est tout. I just think you should be careful, that's all. I just think you should be careful, that's all. Elles ont passé du temps ensemble à Paris. They spent time together in Paris. They spent time together in Paris. Je suis allé en France il y a deux ans. I went to France two years ago. I went to France two years ago. J'aime ma maman. I love my mom. I love my mom. Vous me dégoutez. You disgust me. You disgust me. Tom est géophysicien. Tom is a geophysicist. Tom is a geophysicist. Elle a refusé de l'admettre. She refused to admit it. She refused to admit it. Les prisonniers ont essayé de s'enfuir. The prisoners tried to escape. The prisoners tried to escape. Elle a très peur des chiens. She is very much afraid of dogs. She's very scared of dogs. Plusieurs personnes gisaient blessées. Several people lay wounded. Several people were injured. Peu importe ce qui arrive, garde le sourire. No matter what happens, just keep smiling. Whatever happens, keep smiling. Tom ne parlera pas de ça. Tom won't talk about that. Tom won't talk about that. Y a-t-il quelque chose de particulier que tu veuilles ? Is there something in particular that you want? Is there anything special you want? Que dites-vous d'y aller ? What do you say we go there? What do you say you go? Il a honte de la pauvreté de son père. He is ashamed of his father being poor. He's ashamed of his father's poverty. Tom n'a pas pu aller à l'école pendant trois semaines. Tom hasn't been able to go to school for three weeks. Tom couldn't go to school for three weeks. Ils sont entrés dans une discussion animée. They entered into a heated discussion. They entered into a lively discussion. Tom sera surpris de vous voir. Tom will be surprised to see you. Tom will be surprised to see you. Qu'avez-vous pensé du mariage ? What did you think of the wedding? What did you think of the wedding? Je n'ai pas idée de la raison pour laquelle elle s'est autant énervée. I have no idea why she got so angry. I have no idea why she got so upset. Je ne voulais juste pas que vous vous y rendiez seul. I just didn't want you to go there by yourself. I just didn't want you to go there alone. Je suis sûr que nous pouvons résoudre cela. I'm sure we can work this out. I'm sure we can solve that. Il est temps que tu ailles chez le barbier. It's time you went to the barber's. It's time you went to the barber. Parle-moi de ta vie quotidienne. Tell me about your daily life. Tell me about your daily life. La porte est verrouillée. The door's locked. The door's locked. Il n'y a pas de différence significative. There is no significant difference. There is no significant difference. Tom, est-ce que je peux avoir un peu d'argent ? Tom, may I have some money? Tom, can I have some money? J'ai entendu qu'il cherchait du travail. I hear he is looking for work. I heard he was looking for work. Le vieil homme était toujours nostalgique de la vieille époque. The old man was always looking back on the good old days. The old man was always nostalgic of old times. Merci pour la correction. Thanks for the correction. Thanks for the correction. Étiez-vous malheureux? Were you unhappy? Were you unhappy? Puis-je avoir votre signature ici, je vous prie ? May I have your signature here, please? May I have your signature here, please? Je veux que tu détruises tout ceci. I want you to destroy all this. I want you to destroy all this. Tu as quelque chose de prévu, demain ? Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Do you have anything planned tomorrow? Ceux qui se tenaient debout étaient tous des hommes. Those standing were all men. Those who stood were all men. Dan ne voulait pas laisser ses affaires sans surveillance. Dan didn't want to leave his business unattended. Dan didn't want to leave his stuff unattended. Est-ce que tout cet argent est à toi ? Is all this money yours? Is all this money yours? Elle était allongée sur un sofa, les yeux clos. She lay on a sofa with her eyes closed. She was lying on a sofa with her eyes closed. Nous avons fouillé la maison de fond en comble. We searched the house from top to bottom. We searched the house from bottom to bottom. Ne me demande pas pourquoi. Don't ask me why. Don't ask me why. J'ai trouvé ce restaurant par hasard. I found that restaurant by accident. I found this restaurant by chance. Comment va la famille ? How's the family? How's the family? Il m'est d'avis qu'il est temps, pour nous, de partir. I reckon it's time for us to leave. He thinks it's time for us to leave. Ne faisons rien qui pourrait nous causer des ennuis. Let's not do anything that might get us in trouble. Don't do anything that could cause us trouble. Elle a besoin d'aide. She needs help. She needs help. Les localités ont imposé un interdit sur le développement. Localities imposed bans on development. The localities have imposed a ban on development. Je vous présente mes excuses pour cela. I apologize for that. I apologize for that. Mon université a un dortoir. My college has a dorm. My university has a dormitory. Tom a perdu les pédales. Tom has gone crazy. Tom lost his pedals. C'est une sorte de peintre. He is a sort of painter. He's kind of a painter. C'est la manière dont le monde prend fin : pas dans un éclat mais dans un gémissement. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper. This is the way the world ends: not in a radiance but in a moaning. L'équipe était assez nerveuse avant la partie. The team was quite nervous before the game. The team was pretty nervous before the game. Pouvez-vous m'indiquer la bonne direction ? Can you point me in the right direction? Can you tell me the right direction? Cette cravate va bien avec ta chemise. This tie goes with your shirt. That tie's fine with your shirt. Son mari est en prison pour trois ans. Her husband has been in prison for three years. Her husband is in prison for three years. Ce fut une nuit animée. It was a busy night. It was a lively night. Éloigne-toi avant qu'ils ne te voient ici. Go away before they see you here. Get away before they see you here. Je pense que je pourrais le faire pendant mon temps libre. I think I can do it in my spare time. I think I could do it in my spare time. La Comédie Française est le théâtre où l'on présente les pièces de Molière. The Comédie Française is the theater that shows Molière's plays. La Comédie Française is the theatre where Molière's plays are presented. Dan a parlé à Linda au téléphone à maintes reprises. Dan talked to Linda on the phone repeatedly. Dan spoke to Linda on the phone many times. Est-ce qu'on peut formuler ça d'une autre manière ? Can it be phrased in another way? Can we formulate this in another way? Il a fait une découverte scientifique importante. He made an important scientific discovery. He made an important scientific discovery. Je sais que j'ai fait ce qu'il fallait faire. I know I did the right thing. I know I did the right thing. Pourquoi est-ce que ça a un intérêt ? Why is that of interest? Why does it matter? Préfères-tu les chats ou les chiens ? Do you prefer cats or dogs? Do you prefer cats or dogs? Vous êtes fort occupé. You're very busy. You're very busy. Elle a été super. She was great. She was great. Nous leur donnâmes de la nourriture. We gave them food. We gave them food. Il doit neiger demain. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. It must be snowing tomorrow. D'habitude il se levait tôt. He used to get up early. Usually he got up early. Quel est votre sport préféré ? What's your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? Tom n'a pas pu répondre à mes questions. Tom couldn't answer my questions. Tom couldn't answer my questions. Je sais ce que vous voulez toutes les trois. I know what the three of you want. I know what you three want. Il croit être le seul à savoir poser des pièges. He thinks that he's the only one who knows how to set traps. He thinks he's the only one who knows how to set traps. Il attend un appel téléphonique. He is waiting for a telephone call. He's waiting for a phone call. Elle nous a aidées. She helped us. She helped us. Vous avez dit que je pourrais leur parler. You said I could talk to them. You said I could talk to them. Comment s'est passé votre anniversaire ? How was your birthday? How was your birthday? C'est un travail difficile. This is a hard job. It's a difficult job. Il n'y avait pas de motif. There was no motive. There was no motive. Nous devons mieux faire. We have to do better. We need to do better. Tu as une plume dans tes cheveux. You have a feather on your hair. You have a feather in your hair. L'immeuble est en feu. The apartment building is on fire. The building's on fire. Permettez-moi d'insister, il faut que je lui parle. I'm sorry, but I must insist. I have to talk to him. Let me insist, I need to talk to him. J'avais deux copies de ce livre. I had two copies of the book. I had two copies of that book. Je sais que Tom et vous êtes amis. I know that you and Tom are friends. I know you and Tom are friends. Ne pensez-vous pas que la plupart des étudiants japonais travaillent dur ? Don't you think most Japanese students work hard? Don't you think most Japanese students work hard? Je sais que nous sommes une assez bonne équipe. I know we're a pretty good team. I know we're a pretty good team. Rien ne fonctionne. Nothing's working. Nothing works. Après avoir rompu avec sa copine, il traîna en broyant du noir autour de la maison pendant tout un mois. After breaking up with his girlfriend he moped around the house for a whole month. After breaking up with his girlfriend, he hung out grinding black around the house for a whole month. Je suis ravie de vous voir. I'm delighted to see you. I'm so glad to see you. Je dois passer l'examen d'entrée aujourd'hui. I have to take the entrance examination today. I have to take the entrance exam today. Je n'ai jamais pardonné à Tom. I've never forgiven Tom. I never forgave Tom. Il est à la maison aujourd'hui. He is at home today. He's home today. Qu'a-t-il fait pendant les vacances ? What did he do during the holidays? What did he do on vacation? Je cherche l'emplacement idéal pour accrocher cette photo. I'm looking for the perfect spot to hang this picture. I'm looking for the perfect location to hang this photo. Jadis, si je me souviens bien, ma vie était un festin où s'ouvraient tous les cœurs, où tous les vins coulaient. Once, if I remember well, my life was a feast where all hearts opened and all wines flowed. Once, if I remember correctly, my life was a feast where all hearts were opened, where all the wines flowed. Je regrette ne pas avoir été honnête avec toi. I regret not having been honest with you. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you. Elle cultive des tomates dans son jardin. She grows tomatoes in her garden. She grows tomatoes in her garden. Il était une fois un roi qui avait trois filles. There was once a king who had three daughters. Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters. Qui veut y aller en premier ? Who wants to go first? Who wants to go first? J'étais trop étonnée pour parler. I was too surprised to speak. I was too surprised to talk. Tom n'a pas de carte de crédit. Tom doesn't have a credit card. Tom doesn't have a credit card. Entre, la porte est ouverte. Come in, the door's open. Come in, the door is open. Tom a hésité. Tom hesitated. Tom hesitated. Je n'aurai pas le choix. I'll have no choice. I won't have a choice. Tom a empilé les caisses grillagées les unes sur les autres. Tom stacked the wire containers on each other. Tom piled the wired boxes together. Au nom de Dieu, le bienveillant, le miséricordieux. In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. In the name of God, the benevolent, the merciful. N'entre pas ! Je suis nue. Don't come in! I'm naked. Don't come in, I'm naked. Peu d'étrangers goûtent la nourriture japonaise. Not a few foreigners like Japanese food. Few strangers taste Japanese food. Ramène Sami à l'arrêt de bus. Give Sami a ride to the bus stop. Take Sami back to the bus stop. Je crois que tu aimes ton métier. I believe you like your job. I think you like your job. Il prit un livre de l'étagère. He took a book from the bookshelf. He took a book from the shelf. J'éclatai de rire malgré moi. I burst out laughing in spite of myself. I burst laughing in spite of myself. Je ne pouvais rien faire sauf l'attendre. There was nothing that I could do but wait for him. I couldn't do anything but wait for him. Sami n'est pas un génie. Sami is not a genius. Sami is not a genius. Je m'en fiche ! I don't give a damn about it! I don't care! Êtes-vous allergique à certains médicaments ? Are you allergic to any medications? Are you allergic to certain medicines? Vous souvenez-vous de ce qu'elle a dit ? Do you remember what she said? Do you remember what she said? Elle était déprimée. She was depressed. She was depressed. Même si c'est facultatif, tu devrais quand même faire les devoirs. Even though it's optional, you should still do the homework. Even if it's optional, you should still do homework. Tom ne pouvait plus se contrôler. Tom could no longer control himself. Tom couldn't control himself anymore. Quelle idiote je fais! Je n'arrête pas d'oublier ça. How silly of me! I keep forgetting that. I can't stop forgetting that. Pourquoi me demandes-tu cela ? Why are you asking me this? Why are you asking me that? Il appuya sur le bouton de l'alarme. He pushed the emergency button. He pressed the alarm button. Il est dangereux de se baigner dans ce fleuve. That river is dangerous to swim in. It is dangerous to bathe in this river. Il a rédigé immédiatement sa lettre de démission. He composed a resignation immediately. He immediately wrote his letter of resignation. Avez-vous parlé de votre passe-temps ? Did you talk about your hobby? Did you talk about your hobby? J'ai un jumeau. I am a twin. I have a twin. Regarde la maison au toit rouge. Look at the house with the red roof. Look at the red-roofed house. Vous avez vraiment une belle voix. You really do have a beautiful voice. You really have a nice voice. Tout le monde fait ce genre de connerie au lycée. Everybody does stupid stuff like that in high school. Everybody's doing this kind of shit in high school. Ils sont plutôt marrants. They're kind of fun. They're pretty funny. Tous les autres attendirent. Everyone else waited. All the others waited. On doit étudier sa vie durant. You must study your whole life. We have to study his life for a while. Employez de la peinture acrylique. Use acrylic paint. Use acrylic paint. Vous êtes une enfant. You're a child. You're a child. Nous sommes tous sur le même bateau. We're all in the same boat. We're all on the same boat. À qui parle-t-il ? Who is he talking to? Who's he talking to? Nous avons eu beaucoup de précipitations l'année dernière. We had a lot of rain last year. We had a lot of precipitation last year. Je suis pris de vertiges. I feel giddy. I'm getting dizzy. Je n'avais pas réalisé l'amplitude du problème. I hadn't realized the magnitude of the problems. I didn't realize the magnitude of the problem. Une aile delta s'est élancée de la falaise. A hang glider launched off the cliff. A delta wing elongated from the cliff. Tout le monde commet des erreurs. Everybody makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Je veux que tu t'y mettes immédiatement. I want you to get started right away. I want you to start right now. J'habite dans cette maison depuis le mois dernier. I've been living in this house since last month. I've been living in this house since last month. Tu ressembles parfaitement à ton père. You look just like your father. You look exactly like your father. Il est de notre devoir d'aider. It's our duty to help. It is our duty to help. Je ne savais pas que nous étions censés faire ça. I didn't know we were supposed to do that. I didn't know we were supposed to do that. Je suis à la maison. I am at home. I'm home. Je suis amoureux de toi. I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you. Cette petite étoile est la plus lumineuse. That small star is the brightest. This little star is the brightest. Pourquoi êtes-vous bizarre ? Why are you being weird? Why are you weird? Ça me donne une idée. This gives me an idea. It gives me an idea. Nous devrions nous occuper de nos parents. We should look after our parents. We should take care of our parents. Oui, j'adore ça. Yes, I love it. Yeah, I love it. Elles savent qui c'est. They know who he is. They know who it is. Tout ce que je demande est que tu te présentes à l'heure. All I ask is that you show up on time. All I'm asking is for you to meet on time. Dois-je changer mon régime ? Do I have to change my diet? Do I have to change my diet? Reste ici et attends-le. Stay here and wait for him. Stay here and wait for him. Généralement, les hommes sont plus forts que les femmes. Generally speaking, men are stronger than women. Generally, men are stronger than women. J'utilise en général des cœurs de palmier dans mes recettes. I usually use hearts of palm in my recipes. I usually use palm hearts in my recipes. C'est si triste. That's so sad. It's so sad. Je sais que Tom est imprudent. I know Tom is careless. I know Tom is unwise. Tom remarqua que Mary ne portait pas la bague qu'il lui avait donnée. Tom noticed Mary wasn't wearing the ring he'd given her. Tom noticed that Mary was not wearing the ring he had given her. Qui sont ces gens ? Who are these people? Who are these people? Toutes ces pommes sont très douces. All of these apples are very sweet. All these apples are very sweet. Si tu veux arrêter un homme sur place, colle-lui un coup de pied dans les testicules. If you want to stop a man dead in his tracks, kick him in the balls. If you want to stop a man on the spot, kick him in the testicles. Certains croient que Nessie vit dans ce lac. Some believe Nessie lives in this lake. Some believe that Nessie lives in this lake. Nous avons un hiver doux cette année. We are having a mild winter. We have a mild winter this year. Les oiseaux chantaient. The birds sang. The birds were singing. Toute vérité n'est pas bonne à dire. Not every truth is fit to be told. All truth is not good to say. Vous devez faire montre de respect à vos invités. You must show respect to your guests. You must show respect to your guests. Il voudrait savoir si vous jouez aux échecs. He would like to know whether you play chess. He wants to know if you're playing chess. Cette voiture appartient à Tom. That car belongs to Tom. This car belongs to Tom. Aimerais-tu que je vous fasse quelque chose à manger ? Would you like for me to make you something to eat? Would you like me to do something for you? Qu'est-ce que tu regrettes le plus ? What do you regret most? What do you regret most? Comment les astronomes détectent-ils les exoplanètes? How do astronomers detect exoplanets? How do astronomers detect exoplanets? M'accusez-vous d'être un menteur ? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Are you accusing me of being a liar? Elle l'idolâtre, lui et le sol sur lequel il marche. She worships him and the ground he walks on. She idolizes him and the ground on which he walks. Parce qu'une affaire urgente s'est présentée, il n'a pas été en mesure de se rendre au concert. Because some urgent business came up, he wasn't able to go to the concert. Because an urgent matter arose, he was unable to attend the concert. Salut, je voulais juste te faire savoir que le problème est réglé. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the problem is fixed. Hi, I just wanted to let you know the problem is solved. Je ne veux pas de traitement spécial. I don't want to be treated special. I don't want special treatment. Ne croyez-vous pas que nous méritons le respect de Tom ? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Don't you think we deserve Tom's respect? Je me suis rappelé que vous étiez mon frère. I remembered that you were my brother. I remembered you were my brother. Vous devriez être écrivain. You should be a writer. You should be a writer. Il se trouve à mon côté. He is next to me. He's on my side. Marie a une peur panique des méduses. Mary is terrified of jellyfish. Mary has a fear of jellyfish panic. Celui-ci est toujours vivant. This one's still alive. This one's still alive. Bas les pattes de mes affaires ! Take your hands off my things! Get your hands off my stuff! Les moines faisaient retraite. The monks were on retreat. The monks were retreating. Trois jours passèrent. Le vent souffla une fois, il plut deux fois. Three days passed, four days passed. The wind blew once, it rained twice. Three days passed. The wind blew once, it rained twice. Mon père a une barbe rousse. My father has a red beard. My dad's got a red beard. Malheureusement, la garantie d'Apple ne couvre pas les dommages accidentels. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide a warranty for accidental damages. Unfortunately, Apple's warranty does not cover accidental damage. Ils font du droit à Yale. They're studying law at Yale university. They're doing Yale's law. Tom est un peu bizarre. Tom is a bit strange. Tom is a little weird. Protège-moi de tous ceux qui veulent me faire du mal. Keep me safe from all those who want to harm me. Protect me from anyone who wants to hurt me. Je ne regarde jamais cette photo sans penser à ces jours heureux. I never look at this picture without thinking of those happy days. I never look at this picture without thinking about those happy days. Tant qu'il y a des nations souveraines détentrices d'un grand pouvoir, la guerre est inévitable. As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable. As long as there are sovereign nations with great power, war is inevitable. Voulez-vous que cette pièce soit également peinte ? Do you want this room painted, too? Do you want this room to be painted as well? Vous êtes libre demain soir ? Are you free tomorrow evening? Are you free tomorrow night? Les ordinateurs sont utilisés pour envoyer des messages par courrier électronique. Computers are used to send messages by e-mail. Computers are used to send messages by e-mail. Je souhaite lui laisser cette tâche difficile. I want to leave this difficult job to her. I wish to leave this difficult task to him. Veuillez réfléchir à la question. Please think about the problem. Please think about it. Il avait l'habitude de manger au restaurant tous les jours, mais maintenant il ne peut plus se le permettre. He used to eat out every day, but now he can't afford it. He used to eat at the restaurant every day, but now he can't afford it anymore. Sa mauvaise formation scolaire ne l'a pas empêché d'avancer. His poor educational background was not a bar to his advancement. His poor education did not prevent him from moving forward. Ai-je été assez poli ? Was I polite enough? Have I been polite enough? Je suis censé partir. I'm supposed to go. I'm supposed to go. Mon oncle qui vit à Boston nous a rendu visite la semaine dernière. My uncle who lives in Boston visited us last week. My uncle who lives in Boston visited us last week. Nous ne sommes pas restées à Boston. We didn't stay in Boston. We didn't stay in Boston. Voulez-vous ceci ? You want this? Do you want this? Tom est devenu anorexique lorsqu'il était étudiant au lycée. Tom became anorexic when he was a high school student. Tom became anorexic when he was a high school student. J'apprécie sa compagnie. I enjoy her company. I appreciate his company. As-tu jamais poêlé des champignons ? Have you ever fried mushrooms? Have you ever cooked mushrooms? J'ai perdu mes lunettes. I've lost my glasses. I lost my glasses. Les filles étaient assises côte à côte. The girls were sitting side by side. The girls were sitting side by side. C'est précisément ce dont elle a besoin. That's just what she needs. That's exactly what she needs. Peu importe que vous fassiez cela ou non. It doesn't matter if you do that or not. It doesn't matter whether you do that or not. Il y a beaucoup d'animaux différents dans cet enclos. There are many kinds of animals inside this enclosure. There's a lot of different animals in this pen. Il me fallait vous voir. I had to see you. I had to see you. Kyoto est internationalement connue pour sa beauté pittoresque. Kyoto is internationally famous for its scenic beauty. Kyoto is internationally known for its picturesque beauty. Aimes-tu ces chansons ? Do you like these songs? Do you like these songs? Laisse ça là. Leave this here. Leave it here. Cette pomme a un goût aigre. This apple tastes sour. This apple tastes sour. Dans la vie, rien n'est à craindre, tout est à comprendre. In life, nothing is to be feared, everything is to be understood. In life, nothing is to be feared, everything is to be understood. Tu as dit que tu avais compris pourquoi. You said you figured out why. You said you understood why. Vos services ne sont plus requis. Your services are no longer required. Your services are no longer required. Il a fermé la porte. He closed the door. He closed the door. Prends une bouffée. Take a whiff. Take a breath. Je suis très occupé. I am very busy. I'm very busy. Dan menaçait de révéler l'identité de Linda. Dan threatened Linda with exposure. Dan threatened to reveal Linda's identity. Comment nous a-t-il trouvées ? How did he find us? How did he find us? Ogai est son auteur préféré. Ogai is his favorite author. Ogai is his favorite author. Avez-vous encore mal à la jambe gauche ? Is your left leg still hurting? Do you still have pain in your left leg? Quel temps fait-il là-bas ? How's the weather there? What's the weather like there? Suis-je capable d'utiliser ceci ? Am I capable of using this? Am I able to use this? La dame ne se laissa pas tenter. The lady did not give in to temptation. The lady did not let herself be tempted. J'ai arrêté de fumer. I quit smoking. I quit smoking. Le bateau était bloqué dans la glace. The ship was locked in ice. The boat was stuck in the ice. Elle est dans la merde. She's in big trouble. She's in trouble. Son fils a été tué dans un accident de la route. Her son was killed in a traffic accident. His son was killed in a road accident. Te laves-tu les mains avant les repas ? Do you wash your hands before meals? Do you wash your hands before meals? Tatoeba : Où l'attention au détail est sacrée et la sanction prompte. Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred, and punishment is swift. Tatoeba: Where attention to detail is sacred and prompt sanction. J'étais assez détendue. I was pretty relaxed. I was relaxed enough. J'ai beaucoup pleuré ces derniers temps. I've been crying a lot lately. I've been crying a lot lately. Ils me l'ont dit. They told me about it. They told me. J'ai déjà fait tout ce que vous m'avez demandé de faire. I've already done everything you've asked me to do. I've already done everything you've asked me to do. Où est l'entrée du musée ? Where is the entrance to the museum? Where's the entrance to the museum? Vous n'avez pas l'air trop sûre. You don't seem too sure. You don't look too sure. Il découpa l'annonce du journal. He cut the advertisement out of the newspaper. He cut off the newspaper announcement. Nous n'avons vu personne. We haven't seen anyone. We haven't seen anyone. Je n'arrive pas à croire que je sois là. I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm here. Il s'est endormi immédiatement. He fell asleep right away. He fell asleep immediately. J'en doute fortement. I highly doubt that. I doubt it very much. On pouvait entendre les mouches voler. You could hear a pin drop. You could hear flies flying. C'est juste une suggestion. It's just a suggestion. It's just a suggestion. Soyez heureux ! Be happy! Be happy! Je pourrais t'apprendre une chose ou deux. I could teach you a thing or two. I could teach you a thing or two. Einstein adorait jouer du violon. Einstein loved playing the violin. Einstein loved playing the violin. Camille est frustrée pour l'attitude distraite d'Alain. Camille is frustrated with Alan's distracted attitude. Camille is frustrated for Alain's distracted attitude. Cette cuisine est très moderne et jolie. This kitchen is very modern and pretty. This kitchen is very modern and pretty. Trouvant difficile de joindre les deux bouts avec son revenu, elle commença à travailler. Finding it hard to make ends meet on his income, she started to work. Finding it difficult to make ends meet with her income, she began to work. Je ne peux en aimer d'autre que toi. I can't love anyone but you. I can only love you. Est-ce que je conduis au retour? Shall I drive on the way back? Am I driving back? En février, j'étais à Sao Paulo. In February, I was in Sao Paulo. In February, I was in Sao Paulo. Appréciez-vous les huîtres ? Do you like oysters? Do you like oysters? Savez-vous qui a écrit ce roman ? Do you know who wrote this novel? Do you know who wrote this novel? Des restes humains furent trouvés au cours de l'excavation. Human remains were found during the excavation. Human remains were found during excavation. Je suis allé chez elle, mais elle n'était pas là. I went to her house, but she was not at home. I went to her house, but she wasn't there. Je veux simplement que les choses soient normales. I just want things to be normal. I just want things to be normal. Cette maison est inhabitable. This house is uninhabitable. This house is uninhabitable. Ne soyez pas si impatient ! Don't be so impatient. Don't be so impatient! Ce parc n'est pas ouvert au public. This park isn't open to the public. This park is not open to the public. Je sais que vous avez essayé de m'aider. I know you've been trying to help. I know you tried to help me. Sami devrait aller en prison. Sami should be sent to jail. Sami should go to jail. J'ai de sérieux doutes. I have serious doubts. I have serious doubts. Je souhaiterais réserver une couchette. I'd like to reserve a sleeping berth. I'd like to reserve a bunk. Comment se fait-il que tu en saches autant sur l'histoire du Japon ? How is it that you know so much about Japanese history? How come you know so much about Japan's history? Les proverbes sont le fruit de l'expérience de tous les peuples, et comme le bon sens de tous les siècles réduit en formules. Proverbs are the fruit of experience of all peoples and the common sense of all ages, arranged in formulas. The proverbs are the fruit of the experience of all peoples, and as the common sense of all centuries reduced into formulas. Le problème, c'est que vous n'êtes pas canadiens. The problem is you're not Canadian. The problem is, you're not Canadian. Il est vraiment beau, aussi. He's really handsome, too. He's really beautiful, too. Nous n'avions pas si faim que ça. We weren't all that hungry. We weren't that hungry. Tentez votre chance. Just give it a shot. Try your luck. Nous sommes impatients de vous voir, toi et ta famille. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family. We look forward to seeing you and your family. La plupart d'entre nous ne devrait pas faire ça. Most of us shouldn't do that. Most of us shouldn't do that. J'aimerais enregistrer une réclamation. I'd like to file a complaint. I'd like to register a complaint. Je l'ai dans ma poche. I have her in my pocket. I got it in my pocket. Je n'avais rien à boire. I didn't have anything to drink. I had nothing to drink. Nous voulons la justice. We want justice. We want justice. Ils sont en sécurité. They're safe. They're safe.